'1^ THE HISTORY OF THE County of Cumberland, AND SOME PLACES ADJACENT, FROM THE EARLIEST ACCOUNTS TO THE PRESENT TIME: COMPREHENDING The Local Hijlory of the County / ITS ANTIQUITIES, THE ORIGIN, GENEALOGY, AND PRESENT STATE OF THE PRINCIPAL FAMILIES, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES,- ITS MINES, MINERALS, AND PLANTS, WITH OTHER CURIOSITIES, EITHER OF NATURE OR OF ART. Particular Attention is paid to, and a juft Account given of every Improvement in Agriculture, Manufaftures, and the other Arts. BY WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, F. A. S. AUTHOR OF THE HISTORY OF DURHAM, &c. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. CARLISLE, J>XINT£D BY F. JOLLIE; AND SOLD B7 B. lAW AMD SON, W. CLARKE, AND T. TAYLOR, LONDON. 1794- ■/. \ TO Sir JOH NSINCLAIR, Bart. m. p. president of the board of agriculture, AND TO The Noblemen and Gentlemen, MEMBERS OF THAT HONOURABLE INSTITUTION. IT IS WITH GREAT DEFERENCE THAT WE EMBRACE THE PERMISSION WITH WHICH YOU HAVE HONOURED US, TO DEDICATE THIS WORK TO YOU, WHOSE ATTENTION TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF YOUR COUNTRY DEMANDS THE GRATEFUL TRIBUTE, TOGETHER WITH THE MOST RESPECTFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OF YOUR HONOURED, AND MOST OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANTS, W. HUTCHINSON. F. JOLLIE, Proprietor and Editor, CATALOGUE OF Cumberland Animals. thsJoUoiving Catalogue of CumlerJand Animals, with the floor t Obfervalions annexed, were comniHuicated by JOHN HEYSHAM, M. D. of Carlisle- CLA*^S I. \ diate relief. This county fupplies London witli large fi quantities of butter, which is failed, and preferved in QUADRUPEDS. g fi,kins or fmall caflcs. 'Dw. I.— Hoofed. X Genus III— Wff/-. Sec. 1 tVhr.li Hoofed. 5 Definition of the Genus — Horns twilled fpirally. Genus I Horfe. X and pointing outwards. — Eight cutting teeth in the Definition of the Genus. — //i?^ conCfting of one X lower jaw, none in the upper. Piece — Six cutting Teeth in each Jaw. ^ 5. Sheep. Ov'u aries, Lin. Syll. i. p. 97. no. i; f . Horse.] Equus Caballus, Lin. Syft. i. p. loo. X Pen. Zool. 4. — Several varieties of this ufeful animai to. I. Pen. Zool. I. — In Cumberland we have almoft q are novsr to be found in this county, every variety of this animal. jj Genus IV. — Goat. 2. Ass. Equus jljjinus, Lin. Syft. f./. ioo.no. 2. X Definition of the Genus. — Horns bending back* Pen. Zool. 2. ^ wards, and almoft clofc at their bafc. — Eight cutting 3. Mule. Equus Mains. Lin. Syft. I. p. loi. »o. 2. J teeth in the lower jaw, none in the upper Male, gc» Pen. Zool The mule is the offspring of the horfe and i ncrally bearded. afs, or afs and mare ; ihofe produced by the twolaft are S 6. Goat. Caprct Hircus, Lin Syft. i. p. 94. no. I» efteemed the beft. The mule fcldom propagates j none )( Pen Zool. 5. — The goat is fcarce in Cumberland, the •f the fpccies of this i^entts ever vomits. I cultivation of it being much neglefted. Sec. II. Cloven Hcofid. \ Genus N.—Deer. Genus II. 0.\-. X Definition of the Genus. — Horns upright, folid. Definition of the Genus. — Horns bending out late- X branched, annually deciduous. — Eight cutting teeth in rally Eight cutting teeth in the lower jaw, none in J the lower javi', none in the upper. the upper. — Sitiii along the lower fide of the ueck X 7. Stag or Red Deer. Cervus Claphus, Lin. Syft. pendulous. ¥>•/'• 93- '">■ 3- P*"- Zool. 6 — The ftag may be yet faid 4. Bull, Cow, and Ox. Bos Taurus, Lin. Syft t. '^ to range, almoft in a ilatc of nature, in the fortfts and p. 98. no. I. Pen. Zool. 3. -We have almoft every variety X hills of Martindalc, in the neighbourhood of Ullfwater. of this fpecies in the cftiiniy of Cumberland. — They are a 8. Fallow Deer. Csrtiw Zl.jw:?, Lin. Syll. \. p. poifoned by eating ycvr hemlock, & aconite; 5t often die y 93. no. j. Pen. Zool. 7. — Fallow deer are now no where in confcquenre of eating grofs, fucculcnt clover, which v found in England, in a ftate of nature, but are kept in fills anddiftends them to an amar.lsg degree with wind, a gcntlemens' parks, and are partly domefticated. All If this diftention be obfcrved in time, they are eafrly ^ the fpecies al (K\% genus want the gall bladder. cured, by making a perforation with a Iharp knife thro' i Genus VI — Hog. the flank into the cavity of the belly ; upon which the \ Definition of the Genus,— No horns, divided hoofs, air lufliee out with great violence, and procures imme- \ cutting teeth in both jaws. A Hoff r © ] f. Hog or S\.'WE. Suifinfcj, L!n. Syft. i. p. 102. X on tlie lakes, and even there, they are far frcra being m. I. Pen. Zool. 9 We have now feveral varieties of J nuraerou'. thisanimil; all, however, in a lUte of domeftication- — i y^. Domestic Cat. Felij CatiU, Lin. Syft. i. ^ Immenfe quantities of bacou are annually fent from this X 62 ns. 6. county to London. — The prefent price of pork is from Gknus IX. — Badger. 61, 6d. to 63. 8d. per (lone, 141b to the Hone. X Definition of the Genus. — Six cutting teeth, two- X canine in each jaw Five toes before, five behind. — DIV. II. --SEC. I. y Very long ftrait claws on the fore feet. — .\ tranfverfs „,„„>— ^^ ^,» ,^ r,,rr.^r>r. jf, OF ificc bct wccn the tail and unus. DIGITATED QUADRUPEDS ^ | ,^. Commom Badger. Urf., „^!es, Lin. Syft. ,. With large canine teeth, feparated from the cutting S />. 70. no 2. Pen Zool. ■ 3. — The badj;er is an indolent teeth. — Six cutting tetth in each jaw. — Rapacious, j animal ; burrows under ground, where it deeps the whole carnivorous. -Xday; fetds only at night. It lives upon roots, fruite, Genl'3 VII. — Dog. j gyafs, and infc/i a/leriuj. Its fcent is moft exquifite when its ;, fmell is rather agreeable than otherwife. ** nofe is moift : it treads lightly on its toes : fcarce ever V 1 7. Ferret. Muflclafari, Lin. Syft. l. p. 68. no, *' fweats, but wlien hot loll.=; out its tongue. It gene- X 8 — The ferret is not a native of England, or perhaps *' rally walks Irtquently round the place it intends to of Europe, but has long been domefticatcd in thi; county " lie down on : its fenfc of hearing is very quick, even j for the purpofe of taking rabbits. ]t is faid to be a *' when adeep : it dreams : it goes with young fixty- X mortal enemy to that animal. When a dead rabbit is, ** three days, and commonly bri.igs from four to eight C for the firft time, prefented to a young ferret, he flies •* or nine at a time ; the male puppies refemble the X wpon it and bites it with fury ; but if it be alive, he " dog, the female the bitch. It is the moft faithful of X feizes it by the throat or nofe, and fucks its blood. •' all animals : is very docile ; hates ftrange dogs : will jf When let into the burrows of rabbits, he is muzzled, that «' fnap at a ftone when tbiown at it : will howl at ccr- ;' he may not kill them in their holes, but oblige them *• tain mufical nctcs : all (except the South Aracricau J to come out, to be taken in the nets. The ferret wilt *• kind will baik at ftrangers> dogs are rcjefted by v produce witii the foulmart, but whether the produce are *' the Mahonr,cta:is.") — The penis of a dog is furnished X fertile or not is uncertain. with a bone. i iS. Ermine or Stcvt. il/w/rc'/a ^wwV.'J, Lin. Syft. 11. Fo.x. Cams v.ihes, Lin. Syft. i- p. 59. tw. j.. i .'. p. 68. no. lo. Pen. Zool. 18. — It is faid not to be Pen. Zool. 1 1 — The penis of the fox, like the dog, is t unfrequent in the neighbourhood of Kefwick. furnifiied with a bone. Compared with former times, ') 19. Common Weasel. Mttflda nivalis, Lin. Syft. the fox is now become a rare animal in Cumberland:,;; i. p 69. «o. 1 1. Pen. Zool; 17. — This, which is mora it is called in this county, a todd. — Hence the names of \ numerous than any of the other fpecies ; though the Todd and Todd-huntc. fmalleil, is very deftruflive to game-, poultry, eggs, 3cc< 1£ Among its numerous bad qualities, however, it is of Genus VIII. — Cat. f, ufe, being a great enemy to lats, which it frequently Definition of tlie Genus. — Six cutting teeth, and- two \ expels from the farnceis barn. They arc capable of be- canine in each jaw. — Five tots before, four behind.— X ing tamed, though few try the experiment. Old ones Sharp hooked claws, lodgul in a flicath t!.aL may be 5 become white, except the tip of the tail which is brown, exerted at pleafurc—Rouud head, Ihort vifage, rough v Genus XI. — Otter. tongue. X Definition of the G<-«a/.— Six cuttirg teeth, two 12. Wild Cat. Felis Catus, Lin. Syft. i. /. 62. no. -J canine, in each jaw. — Five toes on each foot, each tee 6. Pen. Zool. 12. — Veiy few wild cats aic now to be \ palmated. Hist w:lh ill any of our woods, except thole bordering k io. Oxter, muftda Intra, Lin. Syft. I./. OG. no. z, Pen<. [ 3 J I'ea. Zoul. 19;— The otter, thmi^'h not numerous, is X 28. Field Mjuse. Mm fylvaikus, Lin. Syfi. I./, ail inhabitant of alinoft all our rivtrs ami lakes, and is ( 84. no. 17. Pen. Zool. 28. frequently hunted by hounds trained fur the purpofc. X 29. Common or House Mouse, Mas imtfculuti X Lin Sytt. \. p. 83. no. 13. Pen. Zool. 30. SEC II ? 3°' '^'^'O'^''" TAILED Mouse. Mm Urrcjh'u, Lin. ' ' H. Syil. \. p. 82. 710. 10. Pen. Zool 31. With only trx.'o cutting Teeth in each Jaiu. X Genus XVI. Skreiu. ■.,„r».r...„^«^,,^ -r^T^^T--, .,.^r.^Trr, V Defuiition of thc Geuii!. — Two cuttin^ teeth in HERBIVOROUS, FRUGIVOROUS. | „,i, j,^^ p,;,,^,,,^ fo,„,,,j._Long flend« nofc— Genus XII H.ire. Ears fmall. — Five toes on each foot. Definition of 1 he G™»/. — Two cutting teeth in each 31. Fetid Shrew. Sores aranctis, Lin Syft. I. /■. jaw ; long e• v me, by WiUiarn Dacre, of Kirklinton, Efq. The neil 83. no. 14. Pen. Zool. 24. — The durmoufe is a delicate X of the mole is of a curious coiiftru(ition ; 1 have exam- little animal, about the fize of a common moufe. It is ■*: incd feveial, and found them anfwer the defcriptio.i not very common in this county. It inhabits woods, v given by Buffon, I (hall therefore tr.infciibe what that and makes itsncft in hollow trees; collcfls nuts, &c. and X author i'avs upon the fiihjecEt. during froft it becomes torpid. Moil plentiful m the Q " The habitation where they depofit their young, voods near Ullfwatcr. v " merits a particular dtfcription, becaufe, it 's conftruc- Genus XV. — Rj/. ;. " fed with finguiar intelligence. They begin with rai- Definltion of thc Genus Two cutting teeth in each \. " fing thc earth, and forming a pretty high arch.— jaw. — Toes, four before, fivebehiniL — Tail very (lender, v " They have paititions, or a kind of pillats, at certain naked, or very flightly haired. g " diftances, beat and prds the earth, inter xveave it with 25. Black Rat. Ratten- Cumb 3'Tm Rattus, Lin. ? " the roots of plant.';, and render it fo hard and folid, Syft. I. p. 83. no. 12. Pen. Zool. 25. — This rat is now X " that thc water cannot pcnetmle the vault, on account become very rare, having been expelled from this coun- 'i •' of its convexity and firmnefs. They then elevate ty, in a great racafure, by the brown rat. It is fome- «< a little hillock below, upon which they hy herbs times perfcdtly white ; a fpecimen of which I have in X *' and leaves for a bed for their young. In this my colkction. t " fituation they are above the lev^l of thc ground, and 26. BROVvfN Rat. — Pen. Zool. 26. SmcL Tran. of X " confequently out of the reach of ord!n.\ry Inunda- Buffon, pi. 1^6 ^This is a moft fruitful animal. It t " tions, and are, at thii fame time, defended from ths breeds twice or thrice a year; and produces, each time, " rains, by thc large vault which covers the internal fiom twelve to fifteen young. It is thc peft of farmers, X " one, upon the convexity of which, they reft along and does very great damage to corn ricks. X " with their young. This internal hillock, or vault, is 27. Water Rat. Mus nniphihius, Lin. Syft> I. p. ^ " pierced on all fides with (loping holes, whicli defcend 82. w. I. Pen. Zool. 27. — Thisfpecicsisharmlefs,it in- X " ftill lower, and ferve as fubterraneous paffagcs for habits the banks of flrearas, and both fwims and dives )( '< the mother, to go in queft of food for herfelf and well. ^ « her [ 4 J " her offspring. Thefe, by-patis, are firm and beaten, X CLASS II. — BIRDS, »* extend about 12 or 15 paces; and ifllie, from the *« manllon like rays from a centre." y I^^^- I— -^aW Birds. ' V ORDER I. Genus XIX — Urdin. _ | GENUS II — F^^/con. Definition of the Genus. — Five toes on each foot. 5 _ . . . r 1 ,-1 •t,, ,•,,.%, , Body covered with ftrong fhort fpines. ? Definition of the Gcms.—Tht bih is hooked, and 35. Hedge Hog. Erinaceus europau<, Lin. Syft. X f"''";'''^'' ^'th a u-axy fl /-.T,- ^T^ nr^r.r^T^>> X src fwlmmin.", near the furface, by darting itfelf down PENNA7ED QUADRUPEDS | „p^,^ ^j^^.^y' ^his bird has often been liflaken for With fin like feet— Fore legs buried deep in the X tbe golden eagle. flfin: hind legs pointing quite backwards. X j. Cinereous, or white tailed Eagle. Vulfur Genus XX — Seal. i alhiulla, Lin. Syft. i./>. 123: «5. 8. Lath Synop. 8, Definition of the Gcnut — Cutting teeth, and two X Pen. Zool. 45. — This fpecies breeds among the rocks, canine in each jaw — Five palmated toes on each foot. ^ {„ the neighbourhood of Kefwick, almoft every year, —Body thick at the flioulders, tapering towards the -^ and f^eds, chiefly, upon land animals, but fometimes on tail. I f,(h. When taken young, and tamed, the tail doe* 36. Great Seal, or Sea Calf. Pen Zool. 36. — J not become white till it is feveial years old. Dr. Law, This animal is fometimes, tho rarely, drove upon our J the prefent blfhop of E'phin, when he refided at Car- fea coafts. ^ X \i([c, received a yuung one from Borrowdale, upwards 37. Common Seal. Phoca -AtuUna, Lin. Syft. I. of twenty years ago. The tail did not become white /. ^e. no. 3. Pen. Zool. 37.— This fpecies is, alio, not x till it was fix years old. When his lordfhip left Car- very frequently met with^ upon our coafts. The feal i i;(]e, he prefented it to Dr. Graham, of Clargill. It is full as ufcful to the Gicen!anders, as (lieep are to Q died in the year, 1 793, aged nineteen years. the inhabitants of the more temperate countiies of v _ _ t 1 r. t, J. ' y 3" Peregrine tALCON. Lath, bynop. 52. Fen. '• ' ^ i Zool. 4S. — The peiegrine falcon breeds, conftantly, L^l^ • 1 ' • A every year either in a rock near the cafcade at Gilfland, WINGED ^^ADRUPEDS. >; or, in another high rock, aboi:t fix miles from that X place ; neat a publichoufe, called twice brewed ale, on Genus XXI — Bat. X ;[,„ ,.oad from Carliile to Ncwcaitle. On the 15th of Definition of the Cwo— Long extended toes to ^ ^.j^^^ 1 78 1, I (hot a female which had a neft on the the forefeet, connected by thm broad membranes, ex- v ,j,jj„ ^g,,]^ . ^.^jg^t (ilomach empty) 36^- oz. length tendmg to the Innd legs , . '? '9 Inches. Breadth ^ Ir.ches. the midilc toe, in 38. Long eared Bat. Vsfpcrtiho aurtias, Lm. 5 pauicular, is very long': in the fpecimcns which 1 hare Syft. I. ^ 47- "^- 5- P<^"- 2ool. 40— llus fpesiesxfgg^jljj-j^j^jredarcy.infomethevarcfaidtobelu- inhabits Scaleby. Cattle, from whence I liave received it. f ^^^^^_ j^i^^^.^ j^ „^ ^-.^^ ;„ ^y^-^ ^^^'^jy ^,,,^g deftruc 39. Common Bat. V^fictu:^ munnus, Lin. byil. r. 5 jj^.^ ^^ ^,^^ ^^.in the peregrine falcon. When one h p. 47. no. 6. Pen Zool. 41 — i he common bat is to be / ,,^3^ jj^ ^^..^^ ^„gj ^^j.,, ^^^ ,^ [3 extremely clamor- feen, in the d.ifl: ot a fummer evening. a!• i-<5. w. i i. Lath. Syiiop. 75. Pen. Zool. 59. KE. ; .•/ T'_ c ft . J. .,/; .. ' The male of this fpecits, when arrived at mature a?e, iTE. pako mtlvus, L,in. hylt. I. />. 120. ?.'5. u ,.„ , . / ' r ■ . r 1 ,2.' Lath. Sj-nop. 43. Pen. Zooh 53— The kite H'^^^" ^^ '^"'^^/"/'''^- P"]""^ °f ''^ P'^^^S'^V^'^'T '^^^ breeds, m the woods, near Armathwaite ; and alfo, in X female, as the black cock from the grey hen. The head, thofe near Ullfvvater. It bnilJs its neft in trees, and "°'=^'- ^^^k' ^"^ ^'T'^'^l "^ the wnigs being of a bluifh , ^ .1 ^^ u:,u r,,„i,:.;i, -.^u,,.. A Sfrey; and the breait, belly, and thighs, white. Whereas lavs two or three tcfffs, when aie or a Avhitim coiour, \ » •' ' , , r 1 r 1 / i_ i r .. J -.u M '' T'l,^ i:. • , ,1,;,. „„ ;, ^-,>i V t he g;eneral colour oi the tcmale (the lunip excepted, fpotted with yellow. Ihe kite 111 this coiiiitv, is call- a & . , \ ■ , n , \ \i r^j I ' h which is white, and htrice its name} is oulky brown and C ruft colour. The young birds refemble the female in 5. Common Buzzard. Faico vuho, L!n. Syd. i. colour, and the fexes tlien can only be determined by the p. 127. no. 15. Lath. Synop. 28. Pen. Zool. 54 — j [-^e^ ji,^ female, as is ilated in the dciinition being much The common buzzard builds its neft foinetniies in trees, X j^j^gg^ ^^^^ jj^g xwAt?.. atwliat age the henharrier ac- and fometimes in rocks, and lays two or thiee eggs ; of \ ^^f^g. i,;g niafculine drefs, I cannot exa&ly afcettain j a dirty white colour, fpotted with dark brown. x but, I think the change takes place before he is able to 6. HoNEV Buzzard. Falco apivorm, Lin. Syft. " procreate : as I never h;\ve feen two tingtails attend the I. p. I 30. no. 28. Lath. Synop. 33. Pen. Zool. 56 — t fame neft, and I have made accurate obfervations, on up- This bird is very rate in Cumberland. I have only j wards of twenty nells when filled with young; and, in va- been able to meet with one fpecimen, which was a fe- v riably foundeach neft frequented by the henharrier and male, which weighed 32 oz. I am informed it makes i lingtail. Mr. Pennant, however, has, upon difieftion,, its neft in high trees, and breeds in the woods at Low- j been able to difcover the telle- , before any alteration in thcr. \ the colour of the plumage took place For,he fays in his 7. Moor Buzzard. Falco ceruginojut, Lin. Syft. ^ britifll zoology. '■ This has generally been fiippofcd to 1. p. 130. no. 29. Lath. Synop. 34. Pen. Zool. 57. 5 " be the female of the former;" viz. the henharrier, " but —This bird is very frequent upon our moors. It lays v " from fome late obfervations, by the infallible rule of 4 or 5 eggs, of a dirty white colour, upon the ground, i. " diffeftion, males have been found of this fpccies." — among heath or ruflics. Young moor buzzards, are al- a The great difference in the colour, and this circum- ways of arufty, chocolate, brown colour ; but old ones v ftance have induced, not only that gentleman, but Lin- have, generally, one or more large fpots of white, or X nzus, and Mr. Latiiam|| to defcribe them as diftindt yellow. The crown of the ! ead is, for moft part, lu- ^ fpccies. On the contrary, Briffon, Ray, and Willugh- teous, in fome fpecimens the chin is of the fame colour, X by, cor.fider them as male and female. in others there is a white mark upon the breaft, and in When fuch great names, in natural hiftory, entertain fome the fboulders are either white or yellow: the legs | different fentimcnts, upon a fad, if we can afcertain are longer and flenderer, than in any other fpecies of X which of them are light, it will be of fome importance Hawk ; except the following : — C to the fcience. Let us, therefore, in the firft place, 8. Henharrier Male. Falco eyaneus, Lin. Syft. v compare the two birds together. I. p. 126. no. 10. Lath. Synop. 74. Pen. Zool. 58. X 1. The irides in both are yellow. V 2. T he wreath of killed, by the others, in a few days. A fecond males ; and thirteen ringtails wh'ch were females. t died, or was killed by his corripanions, on the 20th 12. The young when taken from the neft, are all of X of March, 1784: on difledtion I found it to be d the fame colour, and refemble the ringtail, but are of ■^. male, the teftes were very diftlnft, and were beginning different fizes. y to fwtll : his weight I could not afcertain, as his com- 13. The irides of young birds are not yellow. X panions had eat a confiderable part of his breaft : there In the year 17^3, I had at the fame timcj and with- was no alteration in his plumage ; but the iiides had In 500 yards of each other, three nefts of the ringtail V undergone a confiderable change, being at his death a and henharrier, upon Newtown-common, about a mile X yellowidi white, September 14th, I7,. „ ,,„/ ■ .1. j n • "-"'^'^ .'""'■ , 9 r J 1 ■ 1 11 L , > • ^" f the yc.ir, the year, 1796, is to be iinderilood ; except in th« had fix eggs, and which were all hatched, were always : obfervations rcfpe«ing the hcniiarrier and ringtail. lery Ihy, and never came within fhot. Of the four jr ani ■ t 7 ] •m uncertain, but I l.ave icen it in the teginnlng of X 6114. Short earsd Owt. Laih. S^nop. 9; Pets November. J Zoo!. 66. — 1 his fpecies is a bird of paflage, vifits Cum- 11. Sparrow Hawk. Fako nifiis, Lin. Syil. \. p. ): berland in Oftobcr, and rctiies in the Ipring. The 1:50. no. 31. Lath. Synop. S5. Pen. Zool. 62. — ^, horns, as they arc called, confid of one feather on each The female is double the weight of the male. In the ", Tide of the head, which it can raife or deprcfs at pi- a- month of Oftober, I weighed an old male, which was X fnre ; and in a dead fubjeft are not eafily difcovered ; l\ oz, and in the month of Jinie, a iemalc, at which I which fometimes leads the examiner into difSculties — . time it may be fiippofed to have loll weight, from incu- J Whether the horns are obfervablc or not, it may be rea- bation, which was 12 oz. She had, however, a lark i dily dilb'nguifhed from all other owls, by the following half digefted ir. her ftoin?ch. The fparrow hawk is a X marks. The inSde of the quill feathers is of that co- very bold bird, and will attack partridges and pigeons, y lour which fdk mercers call a roje 'white, except about 12. Merlin. Lath, Synop. 93. Pen. Zool. 63. — X three inches from the tip which is black brown ; each Mr. Pennant fays the merlin is a bird of paffage, and * feather, however, having a large fpot of the fame rofe does not breed in Engl.nnd, which is a miftake ; it C white. The fpot on the fccor.d and third feathers, is breeds in Cumberland, and remains with us the whole 5 as large as a flidling. year: 1 have feen thiee nells, which were upon the J 15. Common, barn or white Owl. Strix fiammea, ground among heath. June 22d, 1783, I killed a fe- y Lin. Syft. I. p. 133. r.o. 8. Lath. Synop. 26. Pefi. male merlin, on her neft, on RockliflF-mofs : flie weigh- X Zool. 67. ed 81 oz, but had a fmall bird in her ilomach. The % 16. Brown, or wood Owl. Strh uluh, Lin. SyiV. colour was almoft all either brown or ferruginous, fox '• /■• '33- ""• lO- Lath. Synop. 28. Pen. Zool. 69. — - that, I imagine, the female birds do not acquiie the X This fpecies is pretty frequent in our woods; where it blue afli coloured feathers, on the back &c. till they y breeds, generally in a hollow tree, or in the old neft of are fcvera! years old ; as 1 have qnly met with one fpe- X a crow, or magpie. With refpeft to \.\\ejlnxj}ridii!a, cimen fo marked. After catching the female, which j of Linnajus and other authors, I am uncertain whcthec tt-as in the evening, I left a trap at the neft, and went ^ it is to be met with in this county or not. the next morning and found the male taken : he was X Genus IV. — Pics. 5^ oz. ftanding weight. The head, back, wings, co- 1 Definition of the Ccnui — ^The bill ftraitat the bafe,' verts of the tail, were of a bluifli afh colour. The •■; with the end more or lefs bent or hooked, and a notch tail had numerous bars of black, but the lad bar was X near the tip of the upper mandible — The bafe not fur- the moft diftin£t, and above an inch broad. There I nifhed with cere. — The tongue jagged at the end. — was no ferruginous colour in the tail, but the tip was x The outer toe connected to the middle one as far as the dirty white. The merlin lays four eggs, which are X joint. covered with brownifli fpots, fome of which ate very ^ 17. Great Shrike, or butcher Bird. Laniut fmall, and others pretty large, which are darker than V excubitor, Lin. Syft. i. p. 135. no. 11. Lath. Synop. the fmall fpots. 'I'he merlin, though a bird of great 4. Pen. Zool. 7 1. — I his is a beautiful and fcarce bird, fpirit, will not approach near you, as the ringtail and v I have only met with three or four fpeciineiis. It feeds fome other hawks, when you ate at the neft. He alfo X on infefts and fmall birds ; the latter of which it feizes flies diff'erenthy from almoft all other hawks, the lips of h by the throjt, and after ftrangling, fixes them on a his wings when he fails being pointed downwards. — y fliarp thorn, and pulls them to pieces with its bill. In I have feen a merlin ftrfke a blackbird : and three years X fpring and fumnier it iniitates the notes of other birds, ago, in the month of Fcbiuary, I got a fine cock par- i by wny of decoying them within reach that it may def- £ridj;e, which thli bird had killed the moment bcfoie. v troy them, X fi8. Red-eackEd butcher Bird. ZawVy ftj/Zaw, Genus III. — Oivt. v I-in. Syft, i.p. 136. .w. 12. Lath. Synop. 15. Pen. Definition of the Genus. — The bill is crooked, but ? Zool. 72. — This fpecies is more rare than the former, it ticit fnrniilied w th a cere. — Noftrils covered with brift- y is a bird of paffage, and leaves us in the winter. Its man- ly feathers — Head large. — Eyes and cars large, and v ners and habits are fimilar to the former. furrounJed with a circular wreath of ftiff feathers.-^ X Gfnus Xil. — Crew. Tongue bifid. — Outmoft toe capable of being turned p Definition of the Genus. — The bill is ftrong, the up" Jsackwards. v frcr msndible a little convex, the edges are cultrated.— 13. Long farfd Ov/l. Strix otits, Lin. Syft. I. \ Noftrils covered with briftles. En' backward : the middle one joined to the outer as far as and lays four or five eggs in an old magpie's, or crow's, }, the firft joint. neft. It receives its name from a tutt, of fix feathers, *> 19. Ravbn. Corvus omx, Lin. Syft t. p. 15^. on each fide of the head, which are about an inch in V no. 2. I^ath. Synop. 1. Pen. Zool. 74. — In Cumber- length ; and which it can eretl or deprcfs at pleafure. j land, the raven, foi the nioft part, breeds in rocks; and None of the Cumbeiland owls arc, except the fliort y begins to build its neft in February : tliough it has eared owl able to fee diftinftly, either in open day light X generally five young, never more than a pair are feen in or in a dark night. They therefore feck their food, X the fame neighbourhood. Its chief food is carrion ; but de.fing twilight or moonlight nights. ^ wheH [83- orelTed wltTi hunt'ev, wPil kill lam'os, v.-«.k and ddor- X eggs ; xvlilcli are of a curious ollw colbnr, maikeJ wiflf and may be tatigtit to imitate uic numau vuic; ,j ma., ^..v,.^ «. .> ^...^. . j-^ ■• - -j Where ever there is at prefent a raven's neft, there has noifjr bird. XVhen tamed may be taught to ta.k. always been one in the fame place, or in the ncij^hbom-- ;< The food of this bn-d, I beaeve, conhfts altogether of hood, for time Immemorial. It is therefo-re evident, the ft ve-ctable {\ibftances. Many b. ds live entirely upon young ones miift either migrate, to diiiant parts of the v animal food; but I think no brilifh bird except the jay» ifland, or leave the kingdom altogether. If one of the X feeds entirely upon vegetables. old birds, whether male or female be killed, during the ^S- Jackdaw. Corvui monedu.'a, Lin. Syft. i. ^ breedino- feafon ; the furvivor foon procures a new J; 156. «». 6. Lath. Synop. 9. Pen. Zool. 8;.— The mate, a°id if both ate killed, a freili pair facceeds next K jackdaw builds its neil, in rocks caftlcs and fteeples ; year to the old habitation. and is never found far removed from the habitations of 30. CarriosCrow, Corvus c7rone, Lin. Syft. x.p.t man. It feeds upon grain, fruits, and infecls ; but irl ~i{c. no. 3. Lath. Synop. 3. Pen. Zool. 75'_They X the breeding feafon will deltroy young ducks and cbick- are more numerous in the north of England, than, per- J ens. Moll of the fpecies of this genus, will pei-mit a haps, in any country in the world. When they have % man without a gun, or even with an unloaded gun, to young, they are more deftruaive to young ducks and J approach within a few yards of them ; but if he has a chickens than any fpecies of hawk.J \ loaded gun, it is difficult to get within fhot, hence tne 21. Rook. Corvu\ fruglh^us , Lin. Syit. \. p. 156. | common obfervation, •« That crows fmdl powder." Ti. 4. I.ath. Synop. 4. Pel). Zool. 76.— Themale feeds | Genus XIX Cucho. the female during the whole fealon of incubation. — jj Definition of the Genui The blU weak and arched. The rook feeds upon grain and infefts. ^ X Noftrils bounded by a fraall rim — Tongue fhort and ^22. HooDtD, or ROYSTON CROW. Cofv'.ts com'n, V pointed Tail cuneated and confifting of ten feathers. Un. Syft. 1. p. 156. no. 5. Lath. .'^ynop. y. Pen. i( _TQgs^ t^vo forward two, backuard. Zool. 77 — The hooded crow is a bird of paflfage, viiits ^, €126. Cuckoo. Ciictdus carwrui, Lin. Sy.l. l. p. Cumberland only occafionally, and never in great num- I ,5g_ ^^^ ,_ Lath. Synop. i Pen. Zool. 82. — Au- fcers. It is about the fizc of the rook. The breaft, X thors fay that the neck of the female is, both before belly, back, and upper part of the neck, are of a pale < ^^d behind, of a brownifh red: I have, however, dif- a(h colour. It breeds in the orknies and highlands of x fecled three females, wich could not, from theii exier- Scotland. nal appearance, have been diftinguiflied from males ; 23. Magpie. Corvui pica, Lin. Syft. I. p. 157. | ^ij^fg being not the leaft appearance of brownilh red, W. 13. Lath. Synop. 29. Pen. Zool. 78.— The magpie ;x eitherupon the neck or bteaft. It is therefore probable, when taken young is cafily tamed, andlite the raven, I {jj^^ ^-^^ brown feathers on the neck and breaft, only Biay be taught to imitate the human voice. The m=ig- J ^^^^ ;„ young hens, as all the your.g birds are blown, pie during the breeding feafon is very deftruftive to X mixed with ferruginous. young poultry. g In one of thefc I found two yelks of eggs in the 24. Jay. Corv.is ghndcrrhti, Lin. Syft. K p. \^6. I ovaiy, fo large that t thiak they would have been layed W. 7. Lath. Synop. 19. Pen. Zool. 79 — This beau- X ;„ [j^^. fp^^-g ^f ^ fe^v days, if (he had not been killed, tiful bird builds its neft in woods, and lays five or fi.^: i,, another which had been killed, very early in the X morning, by Mr. George Blamire, 1 found an egg with \ •• With regard to fov.l not Bfed to be eate«, together with J j,^^ ^^,„ j-,,„ f„rn,ed, and a large yolk which would rtrtain othcrnoxioUB animals, tlicre were prov.uons maae by an A 1 1 1 i_ u 1 -.u n. 11 • j . certain ou.t ' ■ ,■,, ^ ^ j^/-„, .a/a„ X probably have been covered With a ft'.ell in a day or two. ancient (latute, VIZ. 8. Eliz. c. 15, mtitlcd, W« ^wyor «f/r«-_'; f ; • , r y ■l ftrvatim of grains, which, it were to be wiflied might be revi- 5 Altho the cuckoo weighs five ounces or better, yet the ved, -with a proper confideration of the difference of the value egg was not larger than the egg of a hedge fparrow ; it «f money betwixt that time and the prefent ; by vihich it v.^as ■( weighed exactly forty four grains, was of a greyilh required that the churchwardens (hould levy by an affefTment, I ^j^jj^ £.0]^,^ marked with cull brown, snd violet and Dav, for the he^As of every three old crowes, choughs, or .' . , ,, , ^ j"/r a- •. • .. -j . ana pay, lui i"^ % r ,!,„ , 1,= „.. r„„t= L„ ^ brown fov ts. I rom thefe diffeCiions It IS pretty evident rooks, one penny ; of fixe young crowes, choughs, or rooks, one * 1^ r ; penny ; and for every fix* eggs of them, one penny ; for every j that the cuckoo lays at leaft two eggs. The fingular twelve flares heails, one penny; for every head of merlen hawks, phsnomenon of the cuckoo not hatching her own eggs, furefckytte, moldkytte, bufardes, fchagge, cormeraunt, or ring- 'j but laying them in the neft of fume other biid, is now tayle, two-pence ; and for two eggs of tl.cm one penny; for v afcgftained by fo many faCls and obfervations as to place every iron or ofpray s heade f.ur-pence! for the head of ev.ry v ^^ circumftanc^beyond the reach of doubt or coDtro- woodvvall,pye, jay, raven, kyite, or kings filher, one penny; /» . 111. j r • bulfynce, gr other bird that dcvouretU the bloth of fruit, a vcrfy. 1. he cuckoo lays her egg and fometiraes eggs , &c.'" V (for two have been found in one neft) in the nells of " And by another ancijnt ftatute, 24th H. 8. r. 10. Every "5 feveral fmall birds, viz, water-wagtail, hedge-fparrow, Townfhip was re<,uired to keep a crow net, to deftroy, crmvs, 7 ^it-lark, &c. in this neighbourhood, moll fiequently in rook", and choughs. Bur.n s Jullice, vol. 2. p. 291. lour- V .» n r -u .• 1 1 i r ir u c j Tooi. , auu iiiougi.j. J , r yj .J, jj^g ^^^ qJ- jj^g tu-';irk : I myfelf have found a young "•" SoL/!"ri4« in WcJlmtflani.attbU timt, pay fir thcbcacU oft cuckoo ill the lall meutioiicd ucft, and feen the tit-lark ioufefparrowt, and offomt tticr iirdt menlitncd alove, 6 feed r ') T fcedlt. As the cuctoofecJs upon Infefts, indiiiiil gene- y 29. Greater spotted Woodpecker.. Ficiit ma« jally, if not univeifally, leads her to dcpofit licr eggs in 'ijor, Lin. Sytt. I. />. 176. no. 17. Lath. Synop. 12» the ncrts of birds which m.ike life of a fimilar food. j( Pen. Zoo'. 85. The cuckoo is & bird of paflagt , and in the neigh- •) 30. Middle spotted WoOdtecker. Picus mediuSf bourhcod of Carlifle is fomctimes h.furd in the lail week v Lin. Syd. \. p. 1 76. n'>. 18. Lath. Synop. 13. Pen/ of April, and fomctimes not till the fiiTc week in May. X Zool. S6 — Anthors have feme doubts whether thefe The old birds in general dlfappear in the latter end of ft -re dillinft fpecies, or only varietieii. Thefe doubts I Juljr. or the beginning of Auguft : the young ones are v am unable to afcertain. In all the fpecimens which I fcen later. The flcfh of the cuckoo is very delicate X have feen (viz. four) in this county, the vi'hole top o£ food. The cuckoo has a note in the fpring very unhke the head was crimlon. that, from which it derives its name; but as 1 have V Genus XX[1I. — Kiagfi/Iier. always neglefted to mark it down when I heard it, I Definition of the Genus — The bill long, ftrong', cannot at prelent defciibe It. The colour of the young Cftrait, fliarp pointed Tongue fliort, broad, (harp birds. In autumn, when they dlfappear, is fo extremely v pointed Legs fliort. — Three toes forward, and one different from the old ones, or any thut appear in the 5 backward ; three lowed joints of the outmoll toe fpring, that thofe who contend that the cuckoo docs ? connei^ed to the middle toe. not migrate mull be compelled to acknowledge that j 31. Common Kingfisher. yllceJo ifpidn, Lin. the young birds moult and change every feather during C Syft. r. p. 179. no. 3. Lath. Synop. 16. Fen. Zool. their Hate of torpidity. — See Swift, no. 90. As the 2 *^8. — The plumage of the kinglifher is more beautiful young birds arc feen a month or fiit weeks after the old j than that of any of the biililh birds. It frequents the ones difapptar, I a(l<, if they all becime torpid, what y banks of rivers and feeds on fifli, it balances itlelf in enables the former to retain all the active powers of life X the air like the keflrel, for a confiderable time, at a ib long after the latter have been totally deprived of all ■{, certain diflance over the w.atcr, and when it fees a fi(h, fenfation and motion ? The cuckoo was heard, in the i it daits below the furface, and brings the filh up with ncighbonrhood of Carlifle, on the 29th of April, and on X its feet. It frequents the Caldew and the Peteri!, the firft of May. In this county they are generally more than the Eden. Concerning the neft of this, attended by the tit-lark. ')( bird, the molt fabulous and abfurd relations havs Genus XX. — Wryneck. ,' been recorded, by antient writers, on natural hiftory. Definition of the Genu: The bill is roundifh, v On the 7th of May, a boy from Upperby brought (lightly incurvated, and of a wea.k texture. — Nolbils ; me a kingtiilier alive, which he had taken when fitting bare of feathers, and fomewhat concave. — The tongue \ upon her eggs the night before. From him I received long, flender worm fnaped, and armed at the point — C the following ♦nformation " Having often this fpring Ten flexible feathers in the tail. Toes, two back- > obfcrved thefe birds frequent a bank upon the river ward<, two forwards. j Peteril, he watched them carefully, and law them go ^27. Wryneck. Tunx torquila, Lin. Syft. I. p. v into a fmall hole in the bank. The hole was too fmall 172. no. I. Lath. Synop. T. Pen Zool. 83 This •'! to admit his hand, but as it was made in foft mould beautiful fpecies is a bird of pnffage, and appears at J he eafily enlaiged it. It was upwards of half a yard leall ten days or a fortnight, before the cuckoo. In '< long, at the end of it the eggs which were fix in the year 17S7, I had a male fent me the firft week t number, were placd upon the bare mould, there being in April. It lays its eggs, to the number of eight or J not the fmalleft appearance of a nejt. ' The eggs, nine, moft frequently, in the holes which have been J one of which he brought me, are confiderably larger made in decayed trees by tit-mice. It fometinies makes J than the eggs of the yellow hammer, and arc of a so neft, but depofits its eggs upon the bare rotten V' tranfparent white' colour. wood. I have taken a female upon the neft. Its note X Genus XXIV. — Nuthatch. is loud and harfh. Oftober firll, although I have con- Definition of the Genus. — Bill ftrait, triangular.— ftantly vifited the fields where, in other years, the wry- .' Noftrils, fiiiall, covered with bridles. — Tongue ftiort, seek was accuftomed to frequent, yet 1 have neither t horny at the end and jagged. — ^Toes, placed three for- heard or feen one this fummer, 5 wai'd and one backward : the middle toe joined clofely Genus XXI. — Woodpecker. J; at the bafe to both the outmoft : back toe as large as Definition of the Genus. — The bill is ftrait, flrong, \ the middle one. angular, and cuncated at the end. — Noftrils covered \ 32. European Nuthatch. Sitta europ.rci, Lin, with briftles. — Tongue very long, {lender, woim (haped, X Syll. i. />. lyj. no. 1. Lath. Synop i. Fen. ZooL bony, and jagged at the end; mifiilc. Toes, two c 89. — On the jithcf May, 1782, I received a male backward, two forward. — Tail confifting of ten, hard, ^ nuthatch fron. Atmathvvaite, where a pair of them had ftiff, (harp pointed feathers. a been obferved about ten days. In all probability they 2*8. Green Woodpecker. P/i-«r virJdir, I. In. Syft. '^ intended to have made their neft that year, In the neigh- X. p 175. «5. 12. Lath. Synop. 25. Pen Zool. 84. ' bourlng woods. They frequently perched upon the — This bird is (eldom feen in Cumberland, only occa- X top of the caftle, and made a very loud fqucaking chat- fionally vifiting this county, but is pretty common in i tering noife. The hypochondria of this bird were of Yorkfhire. y a deep and bright tawny colour, the under coverts of C tlis [ 10 ] the tall were edged wllli the fame. They bree-l and X three weeks the male found [mother mate, and they conftantly inhabit the woods near Lowther-hall. The y built a neft cxaaiy in the fame part of the tree \^'herc nuthatch colkfts hoards of nuts in the lio'lows of trees, ^ tlie other had flood. from which they fetch one at a time, and place it in a ?; In fevere winter the tniffel thrufh tither leaves Cum- chink of a tree, and then (land above it wiih the head berland, or retires into the thickeft woods. It begin* downwards, flrike it with all their force, break the (hell, i to fing early in the fpring. The miffel thrufli may be hud catch the kernel. They alfo eat infcds, and make | diftinguiihtd from the throflle by its lupenor fize; by their nelU in hollow trees. v the fpots upon its bread which are larger and blacker Genus XXVIl [fcopcg. X than thofe on the bieafl of the throftle; and by the Definition of the Genus The bill long {lender and .J inner coveits of the wings, which are white. incurvated. — Tongue fhort and fagittal. — Toes, placed x «!J37. Fieldfare. Turdu! pilaris, Lin. Syft. i. p. three before and one behind ; the middle one conneded I 291. no. 2. Lath. Synop. 1 i. Pen. Zocl 106. — The at the bafe to the outmoll. 4 fieldfare is a bird of pafiage, appears in Cumberland in f 33. Common Hoopoe. Upupaepcps, Lin. Syft- i- i the beginning of Oaober, and retires in the month of p. 183. no. I. Lath. Synop. I. Pen. Zool. 90. This j March or April. beautiful bird is not a regular inhabitant of Engbnd, \ 38 Throstle. Tardus muficus, Lin. Syft. I. /-. it only vifits Cumberland cccafionally and fcldom. X 292. no. 4. Lath. .^ynop. 2. Pen. Zool- 107. — The Genus XXVIII. — Creeper. \ throfUe, like the miffel thrufh, either leaves this county Definition of the Genus. — The bill is flender, incur- \ entirely, in fevere winters, or retires into the moll vated, and fliarp pointed. — Tongue, (harp pointed- — \ thick and folitary woods. The weather was fo mild Toes, placed three before and one behind : back toe t and open, in January, 1796, that the throftle was heard large : claws hooked and long. — Tail confifting of \ to fing on the 2cth, and I myfelf heard it on the 25th twelve feathers. ^ cf that month. In general the throftle does not begin 34. Common Creeper. Certhia farniltaris, Lin v to fing till February, and fometimes not till March. Syft. I./". 184. m. I. Lath. Synop. l. Pen. Zool. K •I39. Redwing. 7 urdus iliacus, Lin. Syft. I. p. 91. — This is one of the fmalleft of the britifti birds, be- \ 292. no. 3. Lath. Synop. 7. Pen. Zool. 108. — The ing very little larger than the golden crefted wren. It y redwing comes and returns about the fame time ai tKe runs up and down the bi-anches of trees with the uttnolt a fieldfare. facility. '1 he creeper breeds in the woods at Corby. 40. Bl-ICkbird. Ttodus merula, Lin. Syft. I. p. V 295. no. 22. Lath. Synop. 46. Pen. Zool. 109. — ORDER III Piijferine. X This bird is fnbjeift to varieties in colour, being often Genus XXX Stare. y pied and fometimes wholly white. The male affifts the Definition of the Cen'4!. — Eiil fttaic depreffed.— V female in incubation : May 23d, I examined a neft at Noftrils guarded above by a prominent rim. — Tongue ; Netherby, and found the male upon the neft, I had hard and cloven. — The middle toe united to the out- v fome difficulty in difturbing him; fufpeiting the female inoft, as far as the firft joint. X had met with fome accident: in a little time I went 35. Common Stare or Starling. Sturnus vul- 5 again to the neft, and fovnd the female in it, this cir- garis, Lin. Syft. 1. p. 290. no. l. Lath. Synop. i. v cumftance Imentioned to Sir. James Graham's, gardi- Pen. Zool. 104.— The ftarling may be taught to '< ner, who affured me he had often feen the cock fitting fpeak. In the autumn they are found in confiderable i upon the eggs. flocks on the fea coafts, not far from the fliore.— '^ fl4'' Ring Ouzel. Tardus torquatus, Lin. Syft. They bleed in old ruined buildings, ar;d 1 am told, ) i. p. 2y6 no. 23. Lath.' Synop. 49. Pen. Zool. fometimes in rabbit warrens. V iio. — -This fpecics is very mre in Cumberland, it breeds Genus XXXI. — Thrnjh. X upon the mountains, but I believe it leaves us in the Definition of the Genus Bill ftraitifti, bending to- J beginning of winter. wards the point, and fiightly notched near the end of \ 42. Water Ouiel. Sturnus cinclns, Lin. Syft. I. the upper mandible. — Noftrils oval. — Tongue fiightly t p. 290. no. 5. Lath. Synop. 50. Pen. Zool. i 1 1. — jagged at the end, — The corners of the mouth furnilh- h This is a folitary fpecies, frequents fmall rivers and ed with a few flender hairs. — The middle toeconnedlcd ;< brooks, and lives upon infsdls and fmall fifh. It dives to the outer, as far as the firft joint. X under water and tuns after the fi(h at the bottom, in 36. MisstL Thrush. Turdtts vifcivorus , Lin. Syft. the fame manner as on land. The water ouzel makes I. p. 291. no. I. Lath. Synop. i. Pen. Zool. 105. X its neft in the banks of rivulets, which it frequents, and —In .April, 1782, a neft ol this bird was found in 5 lays four oi five eggs: the neft iscompofed of the fame Mr. Dacre's garden at Kiiklinton, between two branch- -^ materials, and is of the fame form, as the neft of the cs ot an elm tree. The female was (hot, and I took X common wren, the hole only being confiderably larger, the neft, which contained four eggs, which were rather ^ On the 19th of May, being upon a fil'hing party on larger than the eggs of the common thrufh; In colour • the Roe, I had an opportunity for the firft time, of & marks they greatly refcmble the eggs of the chaffinch. A feeing the neft from which we faw the bird efcape. — The outfide of the neft was made of mofs, and differ- '; Thete were two eggs in the neft : the eggs are of the cnt kinds of lichen. The infidc was compofed of fine } fame Colour as the eggs of the kiugfiihcr, but are rather dead grafs ; it contained ne clay or muj. In lefs than \ longer, [ " ] longer, and I think fcmewhal larger ; one of thsra X wings. The peifon by whom it was Cent, negle. 297. ko. I. Lath. Synop. V Definition of the Genus Tiie bill is firong, convex I. Pen. Zool. 112. — This beautiful bird only vifits ^ above and below, and very thick at the bafe. — Noftrils Cumberland occaficnally, and then only in the winter v fmall and round, and placed at the bafe of the bill. — feafon. In the beginning of the year 1787, gieat X Tongue as if cut off at the end. mimbers were kllkd in tlie north of England. What | ^ Common Cross Bill. I.osia curviroflra, diibngmfhes this from all oilier birds, are lK)rny appen- v li^. jj ft. ,. ^. „,_ ,^ L^t{,_ g ,_ p^„, dagcs from the c,ps of the fecondary feathers, of the t 2„„,_ , ,^._TI,i,, bird is known by the fingularity 01 colour of the very fineft red fi;Rhng wax, 1 he temalcs j -^^ i,;,,^ tcth mandibles of which, curve cppofite ways, are fa.d to be d.(l:nguinied from the males, by the want , .^„^ confc.iuently crofs each other. They only vifit of the appenuages and yellow marks >n the wing fea- ^ Cumberland feldom, and in the winter feafon. I have thers; which, however, is not the cafe, as v^mII appear J ouly (ten one Ipecimen, which was killed near Crofton, from the foUovi'ing account. One of thefe birds was j ^-^^ f^^^ „f gir. John Brifco, Bait, found dead, in Feb. i 7S4 near Burgh on the fands : it '. had fix crimfon appendages at the end of the fecond 5 45- Bulf.nch. Lo^ia pyrrhtda, Lin. Syfl. I. /, quills: the tips of the ouili feathers rather a ditty white; 3°°- "=• 4- Lath. Synop. 51. Pen. ZooL 116.— In then yellow. I could not diftinguiih, upon dilTeaion, \ Germany the bulhnch is taught to aiticulate feveral whether it was male or female. On the 8th of February, ^^rds. 1787, Mr. .Story lent me a fpecimen, which was killed X ^ 1f4<5- Green Grosbeak or Finch. Lo:. 308. ;.'!). 3. Lath. Synop. 8. Pen. Zool. fcven appendages, much larger than in the former. — X t ' 8. — Remains with us the whole year, and has a very- Five of the qudl feathers, ind one of the fccondaries in | har(h difgrecable note. It makes its ncft on the each wing (as was the cafe of the female fent by Mr. v ground, and the eggs refemble thofe of the yellow Story) were tipped with yellow : the appendages were X hammer, but are fomcwhat larger. much larger than in the four preceding fpeclmens, and j 49. Yellow Hammer or Bunting. Emberiz^t the four neareft tlie body were the largell : this bird X cilrinella, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 309. no. 5. I..alh. Synop. was a male. On the 2 2d of March, in the fame year, X 7. Pen. Zool. 1 19. — This is one of our mofl common I received another, which was killed at Ravenfworth, C birds. and fent to me by Sir. Henry Liddell, Bart, on the'/ ^50. Rfed Bunting or Sp.^rrow. .£wim:i^yl/5jr- right wing there were eiglit, on the left fevcu appenda- \ nicului, Lin. Syft. 1 . />. 311. no 17. Lath. Synop. 9. gci, which were large. The two extreme ones, viz. 4 Pen. Zool. 120. — In marfliy countiics it bnilds among the neareft and fatthell from the body, were ihe fmall- X reeds, and fallens its nell to four, not at equal diftanees, eft. The fecond, third, fourth, and fifth from the ?■ but two, and two on each fide, pretty near each other, body were the largeft : fix of tlie wing feathers were v the reR of the neft hanging free. In Cumberland it tipped with yellow. In this bird all the tall feathers X fiequents hedges' and road fides. Moll, if not the whok had alfo red horny appendages at the ends of the fliafts, 'i^ of them migrate in the autumn, which, however were much fmaller than thofe on the 1 51. Tawny r x2 ] -err I. Tawny Buntixg Lain. Synop. 2. Pen. ;< eggs of the redbreafl. They difappear in the latter end Zool. 121 This fpccies, like the fnow bunting, is g of Auguil, or beginning of September. never fccn except in winter ; but in very feverc weiither V ^6r. Pied Flycaicher. Mufcicapa atrkapUlay it defceiids to the plains : 1 have feeu flocks of them X Lin. Sy{l. i. p. 236. no. 9. Lath. Synop 2. Fon; between the bridges at Carliile, C Zool. 135. — The pied flycatcher appears about the ? fame time as the fpotted, but is not fo common : they Genus XXXVIl Finch. !\ breed at Lowlhirr. On the 12th of May, 1783, I Definition of the Genus. — Bill conic, flender to- v fliot there tv/o pair. They make their ntlls in the VPards the end and fliarp pointed. >; holes of trees. 52. Gold FitiCH. Frirtgil/j carJuelh, Lin. Syfl:. I. J Genus XXXIX I.aii. *. 318. nf 7: Lath. Synop. 51. Pen. Zool. 124., — Definition of the Genur. — Tlie bill i* ftrait, fiendcr, Tliis beautiful bird is univerfally known in this country, v bending a little towards the end, (harp pointed. — Nolt- and may be taught to draw up its water in a bucket, and { rils covered with feathers and briftles. — Tongue bifid, feiform fcveral other curious tricks and motions. v — Claw of the back toe very long. 53. Chaffinch. Frir.giUa cxkb!, Lin. Syft. l^ p. X 62. Skt Lark. Alauda arvnifis, I^in. Syft. 1. p% 318. «5. 3. Lath. Synop. 10. Pen., Zool. 125. — \ 287. no. i. Lath. Synop. i. Pen. Zool. 136. The chaffinch, both roa!e and female, remain with us y 63. Wood 1.av.k. Aijnda arborea, Lin. Syft. l.^. the whole year, and make a beauiitul nell in hedges 'i 287. no. 3. Lath Synop. 3. Pen. Zool. 137. and difTer-nt kinds of fruit trees. In Sweden the fe- 64. Tit Lark. Alaitda pratcnjh, Lin. Syft. 1./. males leave the males, and migrate in the month of;/ 287. no. 2. Lath. Synop. 5. Pen. Zool. 13S. September, and return in the fpii.ig. * G^. Field Lark. Lath. Synop. 6 Pen. Zool. 5f54. Brambling or Mountain Finch. Frhigillah 139. — ^This is not fo frequent a» the other Ipecies of viontifr'wgilla. Lin. Syft. l. p. 318. r.o. 4. Lath. K larks. Synop. 13. Pen. Zool. 126. — This fpecies only vifits .a Genus XL — Wagtail. this county in the winter, and even then is only fecn in J Definition of the Genus — Bill weak and flender; the phiins, when the froft is fevere. \ flightly notched near the tip of the upper mandible. — r 55. House Sparrow. Fringilla do7neJi!ca, Lin. X Tongue lacerated at the end — ^Tail long. Syft. I. p. ^2^. no. 36. Lath, bynop. i. Pen Zool- J II66. White Wagtail. Motacilla alba, Lin. 127. — Wherever there is plenty of grain, there are a- ? Syft. i. p. 331. no. 11. Liath. Synop 1, Pen. Zool. bundance cf fparrows ; but in fome of the vales about X 142. — Appears very early in the fpring, and does not Kefwick where there is little or no grain produced, and 5 leave us till late in the autumn. few inhabitants, it is an extreme I'carce bird. — Hov/ X %^1- Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava, Lin. many broods the houfe fparrovv rears, each feafon, I .\ Syft. \. p. 331. no. 12. I^ath Synop. 6. Pen. Zool. cannot afceitsin, bat I am inclined to think they breed 5 143. — This fpecies does not appear fo early as the white oftencr than any other Englifli bird. I have, myfelf, V wagt?.il, and is not fo common. taken a neft which contained five ycung birds and five •[68 Grey Wagtail. Lath Synop. 4 Pen. eggs. V Zool. 144. — Appears in Cumberland in the fpring, and 56. Common or Grey Linnet. Lath. Syncp. 73. X leaves it in Oftober, or November, and in very mild Pen. Zool. 1 30. (■ winters, a few, I believe, remain with us the whole 57. RF.HHEADtD l^iSKET. Fringillij cannal>ijia,l^\n v year. 1 law two on the fifth of January, this year» Syft. I. p. 322. no. 28. Lath. Synop. 74. Pen. -^ betv.'een the bridges. Zool. I 3 I . — Not fo plentiful as the former. I 58. Less Redheaded Linnet. Fringilla linaria, X Genus XLL — Warbler. Lin. Syft. I. p. 322. no. 29. Lath. Synop 75. Pen. > Definition of the Genus. — Bill flender and weak.— Zool. 132. — This fpecies is fcarce, and not quite half' Noftrils fmall and funk. — The exterior toe joined at the fize of the common linnet. It frequents alder-trees, X the under part, to the bafe of the middle one. Bear brooks, in which tree it makes it.^ neft. >s %'")• Red Start or Red Tail MAacilla phsni- 59. Canary Bird. Fringilla cunaria, Lin. .Syft. i. v curus, Liii. Syft. i. p. 335. no. 34. Lath. Synop. p. 321. w. 23. Lath. Synop. 62. Pen. Zool./. 347. X 11. Pen. Zool. 146. — The redtail appears in April, . — Breeds only in houfes and cages. f and makes its neft in the holes of walK : its eggs are V blue. The male is a beautiful bird. V»'hen a fchool Genus XXXVIII. — Flycatcher. ) boy, I have known the redtail make its neft in the fame . Definition of the Genus. — Bill flatted at the bafe; j p'ace Jor many years fuceeflivcly. — April 27th, the almoft triangular : notched at the end of the upper v redtail appeared. mandible, and bcfet with biiftles. t 70. Kohiti Ked l!>KthiT. Motacilla rubecula, Lin. ^60. Spotted Flycatcher. Mufcicapa grifola, !} Syd. i. p. 337. no. 45. Lath. Synop. 38. Pen. Lin. Syft. I. p. 328. no. 20 Lath. Synop. l. Pen. j^ Zool. 147 During the winter the redbreaft becomes Zool. I 34. — The fiycataher appears in the beginning /, familiar with man, and is alinoft the only bird which of May. It makes its neft on the fiJcs of trees, and '^ cheats us with his long, during that dreary feafi.n. — in holes of walls. The eggs very much rcfemble the v Childreo [ ^3 ] Children from their infancy are taught to refpcft him. X 82. Great Titmouse. Parus t/tajor, Liii. Syff. When a boy, the robin wns never taken in my fpringes, y i. p. 341. no. 3. Lath. Synop. 1. Pen. Zool. 162. without exciting in my mind, difagrecablc and painful >; — All this genus arc remarkably fruitful, fome of the fenfationa. t. fpecies lay from twelve to fixteen eggs. — The great 517 1. Blackcap. MoiacUla atricapiUa, Lin. Syft. titracnfe is not I'o ntimcrouu as fomc of the ether fpeci- j. p. 332. m. 8. Lath Synop. 5. Pen. Zool. 148. X es. It builds its ntll in holes of walls and trees. — The blackcap appeals in May, and frequents the 83. Clue Titmouse. Parus csruleus, Lin. Syft. woods at Netherby and Cotby, where it bleeds. It v I. />. 341. no. 5. Lath. Synop. 10. Pen. Zool. 163. difappears in the latter end of Auguft, or the begin- X — This bird frequents gardens and does great injury to ning of September. fruit trees, by bruifmg the bloffoms. It makes its neft ^72. Petty-Chaps. Molacilla hippclaii, Lin. Syft. ^l In decayed trees and in walls. 1.^.330. «5. 7. Lath, .lynop. 3. Pen. Zool. 149.: — Ap- 5 84. Cole Titmouse. Parus ater, Lin. Syft. I. p. pears in May, but rot m great numbers. The iufidc of Q 341- no. 7. Lath Synop. 10. Pen. Zool. 164. the mouth is red inciinnig to orange. The fong of tire ,< 85. Marsh TiT.Moust. Parus paluftris, Lin. Syft. petty-chaps is very melodious., * \. p. 341. ko. 7. Lath. Synop. 8. Pea. Zool. 165. 73. Hedge Sp»rro«". M.tncilla moiularh, Lin. y 86. Long tailed Titmouse. Parus caudatusy' Syft. \.p. 329. 710. 3. Lath. Synop. 9. Ptn. Zool. a Lin. Syll. r./>. 342. no. 11. Lath. .'^ynop. 18. Pen, 150. — The hedge fpariow begins !o fing in the begin- \ Zool. 166. — >o bird in this country, makes fo curious ning of Februaiy. y and elegant a nell as the long tailed titmoufe Itisofan ^74. Yellow or Willow '.Vren. Motacilla tro- x oval Ihapc, with a fmall holt on the fide, near the top.— . chilus, Lin.. Sy '. I. p. 338. no. 49. Lath. Synop. ; The outer materials are mofs, liverwort and wool cu- 147. Icn. Zool. 151. — Appeals about the middle of j rioufly interwoven, and lined within with the foftefl; April, and rs very common. In this county it is called .^ feathers. Jt ia often placed In the floe-thorn, and fre- the miller's thumb. April 17th, 1 heard icveral yellow j quently conta ns fifteen or fixteen eggs. The young ■wrens, and on the 18th they were finging in almoft i follow the old birds till the fpring. every hedge Aiigull 2ad, I hcardone fortlielaft time, a Genus XLIV. — Sava/iow. .75. GoLDhN CK.ESTED U'ren. MotacUla regulus,\ Definition of the Genus. — Bill ftiort, weak, and Lin. Syft. I. p. 33«. no 48. Lath. Synop. 145. s; broad at the bafe, and fraall at the point. — Mouth Pen. Zool. 153. — This is the fmalleft of the Cumber- Ij wide. — Short weak legs. land birds. v fS?- Chimney Swallow. HirunJo ruflica, Lin. 76. Common Wren. Motacilla troglo.iytes, Lin. X Syft. 1. p. 343. 710. i. Lath. Synop. r. Pen. ZooL Syft. I. p. 337. no. 46. Lath. Synop. 143. Pen. 5 168. — This fpecies makes its appearance about the Zool. 154. — The common wren begins to Cng about \ middle of .-^pril, and departs towards the latter end of the middle of Fcbrnary, if the weather is temperate. .■ September, or beginning of Oclober. It is the molt 5(77. Sedge BrRO. Motacilla fdicatia, Lin. Syft. !. numerous of the fwallow tilbe. April 21ft, the fvval- l.p. 330. no 8. Lath. Synop. 21. Pen. Zool. Ijj. V low appeared. I have rcafon to think they breed twice — This is a very rare bird, I have only feen one fpeci- \ every fummer. September 19th moft of them difap- men, which I ftiot on the banks of the Eden, near J peered. Carlifle. It is a bird of paftage and comes in May. X f88. Martin. Hirundo urbica, Lin. Syft. I. p. f78. Wheat Ear MUacilla miantke, Lin Syft. \ 344. no 3. Lath. Synop 3. Pen. Zool 169 The I. p. 332. no. 15. Lath. Synop. 75 Pen. Zool. C martin is not, I think, quite fo numerous as the chim- 157. — The wheat ear appears in the middle of March, X ney fwallow. 1 hey build their nefls under the eaves of ti»e females come a week or ten days before the males. (; lioufes, and appear the latter end of .' prilor bc^nning 5179. Whin Chat. Cumb. Utick. Motasilla rube-) of May, and depart about the |third week in Septem- tra, i,in. Syft. 1./. 332. ««. 16. Lath. Synop. 54, .^ ber. Nir. Hodgfo.7, furgeoii, at; Burigh upon the fands, — Pen. Zool. 158. t a village about live miles from' ' arlide, has obfeived <(|8o. .'TONE Chat. Motacilla ruHcola, l.in Syft. v that the martins which annually build their ncfts under I. p. 332 no. 17. Lath -ynop. 46. Pen. Zooi. ;, the eaves of his lioufc, always difappear either on the 159.->— Thii bird appears early in the fpiing, and con- t 19th or 20th of September. -.ptil 25th 1 faw two tinues, I think, longer than any of tlie buds of pafTage. X martins, and one of them entered an old ntft ^81. White Throat. Motacilla fyhia, Lin. Syft. ;) 'J he martin lays five white eggs, and begins to lay 1. p. 330. no. 9. Lath. Synop 19 Ptn. Zool 160. i about the 27th of May In a neft which I examined, — The white throat comes in the latter end of April, j the firft of June, there were five eggs, and on this day or beginning of May, and leaves us in btptember. — I the female began to fit. On 'the 12th of July, the April 26th, I heard the white throat. Y young biids for the firft time, began to leave the neft. Genus XLllI. — Titinoufi. I they therefore muft have remained in it about twenty- Defii.ition of the Gf';«/. — Bill ftrait, a little compief- , eigiit days after they were hatched. July 13th, the fed, ftrong, hard, and ftiarp pointed Noilrils, round, X foundation of a new ntft, about fix inches from the old and covered with brilUes. — Tongue terminated with c one, was formed, on the 21ft the mud work or ftiell of briftles.. y the neft was fiailhed, on the 5th of Auguft the neft JJ contained r ^4 ] •contained three eggs, one of which I examined, and X found it was not in the lead incubated. In getting tlie y egg out I broke the ncft : the next morning I iavr a v martin in the old neft. Angiill 27th, 1 einamined both .; nefts, the broken one contained the two Cjjgs I left in 'J it : the old ned contained one young bird ; which, X from its fize, had probably been hatched about a week, i On the i/t'i of Augull, I examined feveral martins' y jiefts, under the eaves of a houfe in the countrj', all of i which contained eggs. September t2th, the young J bird left the neft. It is therefore evident that y; martins have annually, during their refiJence in this i country, two broods. September 19th I apprehend 6 tUey all difappeared except a very few, whole feoond 'i brood had Jiot left tiicir r.efts; for, from that day till 5 the 28th, I never oWerved more than three pair : this circumftance exciting my curiofity, I examined all the v houfes where they ufnally breed, and I found three ■; nefts which contained young birds, and faw the old y ones frequently feed them. On the 29th their numbeis ? jncreafed, the young having taken wing from two of J the nefts. Odlober ift the young of the third neft y took wmg. Oftober 5th I faw about twenty. Oft- > tober 7th I faw nearly the fame number, but after that day I never obferved one. X V 'I State of the Thermometer V " Stats of the TherniometerAfrom tlje \Jl to the lotli of\ from September \%th, to SepU)aober, C796, incluf.ve. i t ember 24/ h 1796, hid lift lie. on. 1 Morn. 8 1= Noon. Night. 12 8 .^^ J i^ 2 Morn. 8 Sc/>. i8 Morft. 8 57 Noon. 12 Noon. 12 64 Night. 8 Night. 8 53 3 Morn. 8 .*'9 Mom. 8 55 Noon. t2 Noon. I 2 62 Night. 8 Night. S 53 4 Morn. 8 20 Morn. 8 57 Noon. 12 Noon. 12 64 Night. 8 Night. 8 54 5 M«rn. 8 21 Morn. 8 >7 Noon. 12 Noon. I 2 6c Night. 8 Night. 8 55 6 Morn. 8 22 Morn. 8 48 Noon. 12 Noon. ; 2 54 Night. 8 Night. 8 48 7 Morn. 8 23 Morn. 8 48 Noon. 13 Noon. 12 54 Night. 8 Night. 8 49 $8 Mom. 8 24 Morn. 8 48 Noon. la Noon. 12 58 Night. 8 Night. 8 5. 9 Moin. 8 • Mod of the martins in the Noon. 12 jjeighbourhood of Curlifle dif Nigiit. 8 appeared this day. 10 Morn. 8 Noon. 12 Night. 8 49 V 52 " 55 : 53 s 56 X 60 >; 54 X 57 4 52 X CO : ^^\ 4«y 485 540 46 X 46 ;< X 52 !) 48 X 48 f 5' \ 45 X 48, 43 % Martins totally difappcared this day, \ If all the martins v.!iich frequent Carlifle, excepft three pair, became torpid on the 19th ot September, when the h'gheft degree of the thermometer was 62, and the medium heat of the whole day was 564. — How can we account for thefe three pair (emaciated and debilitated as they muft in fome degiee have been, by the duties of incubation and fupporting their young) lemainiiig alive and adtive on the 23d, when the high- eft degiec of the thermometer was only 54, and the medium heat of the whole day was only 50 ? Yet thefe tliree pair remained heie till the 7th or 8tli of Oftober. But if, on the other haird, martins migrate, nothing is more rational than to fuppofe that thefe three pair were prevented from accompanying their companions on the 19th, by an inftinft, fuperior to the inftinft which impells them to migrate, viz. natural afleftion to their oflspring. The greatcft part of the fpe- cies havmg or. the 19th no duties of this kind to fulfil, obeyed the impulfeof nature, and purfued their courfe to diftant but more genial climes, and as foon as the few remaining had accompliihed the fame objeft, they alfo followed, for none were feen for more than fix or fcvcn days after the lateil brood had taken wing. 5189. Sand M.artis. H^ruiido ri/Kzria, Lin. Syft. 1. p. 344. ?/». 4. Lath. Synop. to. Pen. Zool. 170. — This, altho the fnialleft fpccies of the genus, which inhabits £ngland, appears the firft. It comes the lat- ter end of March, or the beginning of April. It digs horizontal holes three or four feet long, in the banks of rivers and fandbanks, at the end of which it places its neft. A few years ago, Mr. Graham, of Edmund-Caftle, when making fome pieces of water near his houfe, for- med two fand banks. In thefe banks the fand martin foon began to breed, and as the fand is very loofe and dry, the banks fhoot down almoft every winter, which leaves none of the holes more than a foot long. I e.t- amined every one of the holes in both banks, the laft and prefent fpring. A t the end of moft of them I found old nefts, in fome none, and no torpid birds in any of them. On the 17th of April, which was very warm, I fpent the day at Edmund-Caftle, and was con- ftantly on the look out for fand martins, but faw none. — On the 19th, however, they made their appearance there in confiderable numbers, and Lveral were feen on the fa-ne day, at other places where they fre- quent. ^90. Swift or Black Martin. Hiruvda apvj, Lin Syft. I. /. 344. no. 6. Lath Synop. 34. Pen. Zool. 171. — The fwift fometimes comes the laft week in April ; but, in general not till the firft week in May, and, I believe, the lame number of pau"S come annually to the fame place. They build, for the moft part, in caf- tlcs and fteeples, where thefe are wanting under the flates of houfes. They depart the firft week in Auguft. Some of the (wallow tribe are faid to be now and then found in a toipid ftate, duiing the winter, in caverns and the hollows of rocks, .xc. Such examples, ho%v- ever, I conceive to be very rare, and if they ever do occur, arc moft probably difeafcd birds, or late broods. There [ ^S ] There Is not the lead dontf, but that they, m general, > migrate to warmer climates. Tlie fwift, we fee, J comes in the latter end of April, or beginning of May, j^ and departs the firfl week in Augiift. And, as the a weather is, for the mod part, much hotter in Auguft, v than it is i:i the beginning of May, nothing can be v more abfurd thsn to fuppofe tliat f-.vifts fliould become -j torpid, during one of the warmed months in the year, y and more efpecially, as they fometimes appear when X our mountains are covered with fnow, and when we J liave extreme cold frofty nights, which often occur, y bjth in the latter end of April, and beginning of May. X The fpting of the year 1789, was remarkably cold ) and late ; yet, in that year, I obferved two fwifts flying x very vigourouf;y, early in the morning of the 3Cth of .» April. The froft had been fo fevere in the night that there was ice of confiderable thicknefs, and all our X mountains were coveied with a thick fnow. If there- A fore thefe birds become torpid in this country, it ap- y pears, I think, pretty ccitain that their Rates of torpor '< and adtivity, mufl depend upon fome other principle 5 than the te:nperature of the atmofphere ; unlefs, indeed , it be alleged that they grow torpid from lieat, and owe ■! their reftoration to life, vigour, and aflivity, to cold I A And it is likewife evident that they mull remain in that ,. (late veiy near nine months of the year, and only enjoy .^ life little more than three ! f V I have examined fwifts every month, while they re- • main with us, and could never obferve any fymptoms / of moulting. If therefore they do not migrate, they X either do not moult, or they moult in their torpid ftate, and it certainly is not eafy to be conceived, that y fo important a procefs in the ceconomy of the feather- ' ed tribe, fliould be carried on, during an almoft total i ceflation of every vital funftion. In fhort, from the X obfervations I have made, on the appeaiance and dif- -^ appearance of blidtof paffagc, I am ftrongly Inclined to believe that ceteris paribui as many woodcocks re- X main, during the fummer, in Kngland, as fvvallcrws in winter. Such inftances when they occur, can only be v confidered as exceptions to a general law of nature, X and, in all probability are occafioned cither by difeafe ; or debility of the individuals, whlcli renders them un- y able to obey that inftinft, by which the reft of the fpe- K cies are fo regularly and uniformly direifted. X V " Yea, the dork in the heaven knoweth her appoin- ^ *' ted times ; and the turtle, and the crane and the X " fvi'allow. obferve the time of their coming : but my ".people know not the judgment of the Lord." Jeremiah, c. S. v. 7. ft V May 9th, after an abfence of upwards of nine 6 months, the fwift this day made Its appearance at Car- ;( lide. Between fix and feven o'eluck in the evening, 1 j faw a folitary one flying about the cathedial, where \ they fiequent and breed annually. I am fatisflcd it had X come fometim.- during the day ; for I had not only ft looked attentively myfelf, for them, every niorni.ig- X and evening, fince the firft of May : but had alfo em- ployed a perfon of obfervation, who lives near the cathedral to do the fame. Since the commencement of the prefent month, viz. May, the weather has been remarkably cold ; the wind al- moft invariably in the eaft ; the nights fiofiy ; and for the three lall day,":, the neareft hills, and even a part of the plains have been covered with fnow. Whereas, almoft all of the month of April was tempera'e and warm, and from the I 7lh to the 281I1 the weather was even hot and fultty. May the icth, in the morning, I faw three fwifts, and in the evening, four at the fame time. May the llth, in the morning, I f\w eight. May .Jjth, fome of them I think began to build their nefts, as I faw them enter holes in the cathedal. July 15th, I obferved fevcral frequently enter theii' nells, and have feen no young birds. July i8th, I, for the firft ti.nie, faw fevcral young fwifts. Augufl the 3d they began to difappcar ; on the 4tlt I only faw a very few: on the I5tli, I faw two pair, on the I 6tli only one pair, which were the laft 1 ob- ferved. though I looked very attentivelv for them, eve- ry morning and evening, till the beginning of Septem- ber. Although perfedtly fatisfied by my own obferva- tions ; that, every day of the month of April wag warmer than the full ten days in May, when fwifts firft appeared ; and that the firft fixteen days of Au- guft, when they diiappeared, were confiderably hotter than the fame period in May : ytt in order to eluci- date the fubje£l as much as poflible, I deemed it ne- ctfTary to afcertain the exa6t temperature of the air, at the times when they appealed and difappeared. t therefore applied to J. Mackenzie, Efq. who refides at Brampton, nine miles from ( arlifle, a gentleman of fci- encc & fiiigular accuracy ; & indeed, the only gentleman who keeps a meteorological diaiy of the weather in the neighbourhood of Carlifle. He was obliging enough to fend me the following extrafts, from his regider : and alfo thofe which I have infcrteJ in the obfervatio.ns on the Martin. State of the Thcn'iometer frcvi the iji fo the 30M of April, 1 796, ir.dufne. Jpril I b? ^ ,^ April 3 Morn. 8 55 Morn. Noon. 5" 8 12 0.i 4- 57 4 Noon. Night. vIorn. Noon. 12 8 8 12 19 5' 49 58 N^ght. Morn. 8 8 52 5 Night. Morn. 8 51 48 Noon. 1 2 5" Noon. \2 49 Night. 8 JJ Nigh t s 48 State [ ^6 ] Slate of the Tkermonuier for April, continued. ^fril 6 lO II 12 '3 H i6 17 Morn. 8 4S N'oon. 12 ; 5 Night. ' 8 4 Morn. 8 4 Noon. 1 2 54 Night. 8 4-: Morn. 8 45 Noon. 12 49 Night. 8 42 Morn. 8 45 Noon. 12 S- Night. 8 4' Morn. 8 44 Noon. 12 4 Night. 8 43 Morn. 8 44 Noon. 12 52 Night. 8 4C Morn. 8 45 Noon. 12 48 Night. 8 4' Mom. 8 44 Noon. 12 5f> Night. 8 47 Morn, 8 45 Noon. 12 56 Night. 8 5c Morn. 8 5' Noon. 12 58 Night. 8 5- Morn. 8 49 Noon. 12 5^ Night. 8 4- Morn. 8 5' Noon. 1 2 6. Night. 8 52 ///-,-. 18 19 t21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 ] Firft bat obrerved. :} Martin firft appeared. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. Morn. Noon. Night. I2 8 8 12 Morn. 8 44 May 1 1 Morn. 8 Noon. I 2 5- Noon. 1 2 Nigh-. s 43 Night. 8 Morn. 8 39 12 Morn. 8 Noon. f2 46 Noon. 1 2 Ni^^rht. 8 4- Night. s Morn. 8 44 Noon. 12 50 Night. 8 50 52 55 45 X State of the Thermometer for May, continued. ^^^May 8 Morn. 8 ^^ May 11 Morn. 8 50 652 Noon. 12 5c, Noon. 12 60 52 X 57 504 58 66 I 55 59 1 68 X SBJ 57 X 65 X 5/-7/C 5/* the Thermometer from the \Jl to the I tth of 54 Augiiji, 1796, i/icltifvs. 51 t 55 ^^ Aug. rirft fwift fecn this day. 49 X 54 X 62 48 X 560 635 49 A 50 5 65 X ^■^^ 52 V 52 t 47 482 480 47 X 50 X 48^ f Swallow firft appeared. -5 ^ 1 Aug. 9 Morn. Noon. 8 12 ^% T ? Night. 8 I Morn. 8 55 JO Morn, 8 Noon 12 ^i NiJon. 12 Night. 8 "1 Night. 8 2 Mom, 8 60 11 Morn. 8 Noon. 1 2 69 Noon. 12 Night. 8 57 Night. 8 3 Morn. 8 57 12 Morn. 8 Noon. 1 2 64 56 Noon. 12 Night. 8 Night. 8 4 Morn. 8 55 13 Morn. 8 Noon. 12 64 Noon. 12 Night. 8 57 Night. 8 5 Morn. 8 54 14 Morn. 8 Noon. 12 58 Noon. I 2 Night. 8 58 Night, 8 6 Morn. 8 57 15 Morn. s Noon. 1 2 60 Noon 1 2 Night, 8 55 Night. 8 7 Morn. 8 5i' f.6 Morn. 8 Noon. 12 111 1 Noon. I 2 Night. 8 55 Night. 8 8 Morn. Noon. Night. 8 12 8 58 C- 5^ 55 63 58 60 59 5+ 61 68 53 56 63 57 60 68 57 62 7' 59 59 68 55 62 71 58 5/a/* »^ the Thermometer from the ift te the of May, 1796, iiiclufive. May 1 IzM § Mofl of the fwifts difappearcd this day. \ Swifts finally departed tliis day. bg- Motn. b 4V May 4 i 5 Morn. Noon Night. Morn. 8 12 8 8 Noon. ' 2 5' Noon. 12 Night. ._^ N.ght. 8 Morn. 8 45 6 Morn. 8 Noon. 1 2 Noon. 12 Night. Morn. 8 8 ■T . 4. J 7 Night. Morn. b 8 Noon. 1 2 Norn. 12 Night. 8 4.; Night. 8 50 X From the above extracts fron:i Mr. Mackeneies re- 42 9 giftcr ; it app-^ars, that on the 21ft of April, the 45 X therir.omettr fto iJ as high as 68 ; and on the 9th of 57 t May, tlie day the firi\ fwift was feen, it flood only at 40 46 : tl)e air was ihercfore no !cis than 22 Jeg'ees old- 49 j; er than it was on the 2 ift of April. ';n the 3d of 56 {: Auguft when fwifts began to n-tirc it Itood at 64; and 42 V on the 1 6th, when the lail were fecn, 't was at 7 1 : the 50 .■, air was therefore 25- decrees liolter when they finally 58 ; departed, than it was whea thty firft. appeared, 46 X 1 fliaU [ '7 ] 1 Hiall here obferve, that of the Cumhcrland birJs s Definition of the Genus. — Bill convex and ftronf. which migrate ; thirty tight appear in the fpring, and i — Noftrils large. — Head fmall, crcfted — Spurs on the depart either in the autumn or beginning of winter; ■ legs. — Feathers above the tail very long, brand, e.\pan- and forty three appear duiing the winter, and depart .^, fible, confiiling of ranges of feathers ; adorned at their hi the fpring. v ends with rich ocellatcd fpots Genus XLV. — Goatfucker. X 95- Peacock. I\no ciijiatui, Lin. Syft. i.p. 267. Definition of the Genus. — Bill fliort, bent at the I no. I. Lath. Syncp. i. end, gape very wide ; on the edges of the upper man- v Genus XLV 1 1 1. — Turkey. dlble feveral llifF briftles Tongue fmall; entire at the X Definition of the Genus — Bill convex, (hort and end. — The tail confifts of ten feathers; not forked ftrong. — Nollrils open, pointed at one end, lodged in Legs fhort. — Toes united by a membrane as far as the C' a membrane. — Head and neck covered with naked firft joint. X carunculated flefli — Tall, broad, extenfible. f QF. Goatsucker. Caprimulgus europxin, Lin. •) 96. Turkey. Mdeagris galhpavo, Lin. Syll. I. Syft. I. p. 346. no. I. Lath. Synop. 5. Pen. Zool. \p. 208. no. t. Lath. Synop. 1. — Of this bird we 172. — ^The goatfucker vifits Cumberland about the A have feveral varieties, middle of May, and difappears about the middle of Au- f Genus XtJX. — Phitado. guft. Towards the latter end of June, or the begin- 'I Definition of the Genus. — Bill convex, ftrong, and uing of July, th.ey lay two eggs, upon the bare ground, 'f-_ ftiort : at the bafe a carunculated cere ; in which the which, in colour, very much refemble the plumage \ noftrils f.re lodged. — Head and neck nak^d, flightly of the bird. Their food confills entirely of infefts, X befet with briftles. — Wattles hanging from the cheeks, which they prey upon only during twilight. In the A — Tail fliort, pointing downwards, male theie is an oval white fpot on the inner webs* 97. Guinea Hen. Numida melcagris, Lin. Syft. of the three firft quill feathers, and another at the ends X !•/'• 273. no. r. Lath Synop. i — The male caa of the two outermoft feathers of the tail. None of v only be diftinguiftied from the female by the wattle;. tne young birds have thefe white marks on the wings V In the male they are larger and of a bluifli purphth or tail. All the males have them when they appear a colour. In the female they arc red. with us in the fpring and fummer : it is hence evident they moult during the time of their difappearance x Genus LI. — Pheafant. See no. 26. Cuckoo, and ny, 9c. Swift. A Definition of the Genus, — Bill convex, fhort and e ftrong. — Head more or lefs covered with carunculated ORDER IV. — Cohiuihinc. i bare fledi on the fides ; which, in fome, is continued Genus XLVl. — Pigeon. ^upwards, to the crown, and beneath, fo as to hang Defin tion of the Genus — Bill weak, flender ; ftrait '' pendent under each jaw. — Legs (for the moft part) at the bafe, with a foft protuberance in which the nof- .< furniflied with fpurs behind. trils are lodged. — Tongue entire. — Leg.?, flioit. — Toes, J 98. l}nMESTic CaCK. Fia/ianus gal/us, Lin. Syft'. divided to their origin. "l./. 270. no. I. Lath. Synop. I. — Of this fpecies 92. Stock Dove. Cola?nba cnas, Lin. Syft. I. p. a we have innumerable varieties, from the large Indian, 179. no. I. Lath. Synop. 1. Pen. Zool. 101. — I X to the fmall bantam cock. am doubtful whether this bird at prefent exifts in >■ 99. CoM^70N Pheasant. Phaficinut cholclitcu:, Cumberland in its native wild ftate, as I have never had X Lin. Syll. i. p. 271. tio. 3. Lath. Synop. 4 The an opportunity of feeing it. But our common tame % pheafaiu is a rare bird in Cumberland : but Sir James pigeon, and nioft of its beautiful varieties derive their Graham and fome other gentlemen, are attempting to origin from it. X introduce them into the county. 93. Ring Dovn. CoJumha paUnnbu!, Lin. Syft. i. X p. 282. no. 19. Lath Synop. 29. Pen. Zool. 102. — Genus L!II Grout. In fome parts of England they migrate, but remain in X Definition of the Genus. — Bill convex, ftrong and Cumbeiland the v.'hole year. Whtn grain, which is X fliort. — A naked (kailctflcin above each eye. — Noftrils their common food, becomes fcarce, they feed upon ^ fmall, lild iri the feathers. — Legs ftrong, feathered td turnips. X the toes, and fometimes to the claws. ^94. Turtle Dove. Cclumha turtur, Lhi. Syft. ^ 100. Bl.^ck Cock or Black. GroI's. Tetrao te- I. p. 2H4. no. 32. Lath. Synop. 40. Pen. Zool. j( /?;>, Lin. Syft. I . />. 274. '.'5. 2. Lath. Synop. 3.— l©3. — In the fouth of England, where thefe biris arc X Pen. Zool. 93 The black cock is, at prefent, but a plentiful, they appear late in the fpring, and depart in ft rare biid in Cumberland : it is moft plentiful upon Sir autumn. It is fcldom fcen in its wild ftate in Cumber- v James Graham's eftate at N'etherby In general there land. One, however, a young bird, was taken in a X is an annual brood upon Newtown common, within a trap, in th.e year 1786, not far from Corby, but this C mile of Carlifle. perhaps might have been bred in a cage and made its x 101. Moor Game or Red Grous Lath. Synop. ■elcape. t 13. Pen. Zool. 94. — Plentiful on moft of our heaths ORDER V. — Gallinacious. ' and mountains. — Linnajus I think has not dclcribed Genus XLVII Peacock. X tl"s bird. •£ 102 [ ^8 ] "IC2* Ptarmigan. Titrao lagopus-, Lin. Syft. it The next feafon the fame contefts took place, which f. 274. /«. 4. Lath. Synop. 10. Pen. Zool. '95. — j terminated like the former, by the viftory of the The ptarmigan is become a very fcarce bird in Cum- X herons : — Since that time, peace feems to have been berland ; and I believe is no where to be found in this agreed upon between them : the rooks have relinquifh- county, except on the lofty mountains about Kefwick. ej pulfeflion of that part of the grove which the In winter they are nearly white. i herons ocuipy : the heions confine themfelves to tho'e f; trees they fivil feized upon : and the two fpecies live Genus LIV. PartriJ^e. X together in as much harmony as ihey did before their -Definition of the Gf>;iii. — Bill convex, fhort and X quarrel. ftrong. Nodrils covered above with a callous promi- J This bird, which is now feldom or ever feen upon a uent rim Le^-s naked. — Tail fhort. t table, was, in former times, efteemed very delicate 103. Common Partridge. Tefrao perdix. I.in. | food. " In the 27th year of the reign of Edward Svft. J. /. 276. no. 13. Lath. Synop. S. Pen. J " the firft, an order was made concerning the price of Zool. 06. ' X " vitluals : a fat cock to he fold at three halfpence, ^104. Quail. Tttrao cottirnh, Lin. Syft. r. p. J " a fat capon for twopence halfpenny, two pullets for 278. »?». 20. i.ath. Synop 24. Pen. Zool. 97. — ' " threehalf-pence, a goofcfor fourpcnce, a mallard for The quail is not plentiful in Cumberland. They breed X " three-half-pence, a partrid^re for three -half-pence, a here ; but the whole, or mofl of them, difappear to- \ " pheafant for fourpence, a heron for fixpence, a plo- \vards the latter end of Ottober. v " ver for a penny, a fwan for three Ihillingr, a crane X " for twelvepence, two woodcocks for three-half-pence, , ^, , i " a fat lamb, from chriflmas to fhrove-tide, for fixteen- XXXXXXXXXXX >i ,, J 11 ,1. r r r >, ¥ '• pence, and all the year alter tor tourpence. DIV. U.— WATER BIRDS. I ^ckar^^HiJ}. of England, Ed^vard J I p. 323. V ICO. Bittern, yirdea Jlellarts, Lm. oytt. I. p. ORDER VI [.—With Cloven Feet. C| 239. „5. 21. Lath. Synop. 17. Pen. Zool. 174.— Genus LXV. Heron- h The bittern is not fo numerous as the heron, and is al- Dcfinition of the Ger.iis — Bill long, flrong, and J ways folitary. It breeds in bogs, and makes its neft fharp pointed. — Nollrils linear. — Tongue pointed. — >; upon the ground. In the fpring it makes a loud bel- Toes, connefted by a membrane as far as the firft X lowing kind of noife. From which it is called in joint. Cumberland Mhe-Drum. 105. Common Heron. Ardea Major, male: Ardra Q eifierea, female, Lin. Syft. i. />.' 236. no. 11. and 12. X Genus LXVII. — Curk'w. Lath. Synop. 50. Fen. Zool. 17^. — The male is dif- J Definition of the Genu. — Bill, long, rncurvated. — tir.guifhcd from the female by the length of its creft. x Noflrils linear, longitudinal, and placed near the bafe. The Heron, in winter is a folitary bird, and frequents 5 — Tongue fhort, ibarp pointed ^Toes conneiE^ed, as marlhv places, and the banks of rivers and flreams. — i far as the firfl joint, by a membrane. In the fpring, it is gregarious : like rooks, great num- y 107. Curlew. Scolopa-x arquata, Lin. Syft. i. p. bers of them breed together, and build their nefts in X 242. no. 3. Lath. Synop. 1. Pen. Zool. 176. — The the highefl trees. Food, fifh and reptiles. curlew breeds upon our mountains and moors, and A remarkable circumftance, with rcfpeft to thefe i makes its neft upon the ground. After the breeding birds, occurred not long ago, at Dallam Tower, in j feafon is over they remove, for "he winter, to the fea Weftmorland ; the feat of Daniel Wilfon, Efq. v coafls. There were two groves adjoir.ing to the park: one ;( Ic8. Whimbrel. Sc'jh^a-x phxopu!, Lin. Syft. I. of which, for mar.y years, had been refoited to by a >:, p. 243. no. 4. Lath. vSynop. 6. Fen. Zool. 177 number of herons ; who there built and bred. The v The whimbrel refembles the curlew in colour and form, other was one of the largeft rookeries in the country. X but is only about half the fize. It is not frequent in The two tribes lived together for a long time without ^ Cumberland. any dlfputes : at length the tri.cs occupied by the v heions, confining of fome very line old oaks, were cut t Genus. — LXVIII. — Snipe. down in the fpring of 1775, and the young brood per- C Definition of the Genus. — Bill, long, flender, iftred by the fall of ifie timber — the parent birds imme- X weak and ftrait. — N'oRrils linear, lodged in a furrow. diately fet about preparing new habitations, in order X — Tongue, pointed, flender. — Toes divided, or flightly to breed again : but, as the trees in the neighbourhood connefted ; back toe very fmall. of their oU nefts were only of a late gtov.'th, and not ij 5f "9- Woodcock. Scohpax rufticola, Lin. Syft. fufficier.tly high to fccure them from the depredations * x. p. 243. no. 6. Lath. Synop. 1. Pen. Zool. 17R. of boys, they determined to effcdl a fettleme: t in the ■{ — The woodcock is fometimes feen in Cumberland the rookery : the rooks made an obftinate refiftance ; but, X laft week in September : but they are feldom plentiful after a very violent contefl, in the courfe of which, j till the middh, or latter end of October. They begin many of the roiAs, and fome of their antagonifts, loft ^ to take their departure in March : but a few are feen, their lives, the herons at lad fucceeded in their attempt \ almoll every year, in April. Inftanccs, though very .—built their nefts— and brought out their young. * rare t 19 J rare, occur of their breeJi'ng in England. Like other X be a very ftiipid bird : for when I fired at them and birds, they are fubjedt to variety in colour. On the ^ did not kill, they only flew a few yards and fettled 8th of October, 1786, I met with a fpecimen ; the >; again. I have never met with any in the winter. general colour of which was a fine pale a(h colour, j ^''8. Purre. Trir.ga cinclus, Lin. Syft. I. p. with frequent bars of very delicate rufuus. The tail? 251. «5. 18. Lath. Synop. 30. Pen Zool. 20C.— . was brown, tipped with white : the bill and legs were ), The putre appears upon ourfeacoafts in the beginning flelh colour, in Lancalhire great numbers of wood- J of winter, and difappears in the beginning of Ipring. cocks are taken in traps, in moon light nights : long v rows of ftones or fticks, about four Or five inches \ Genus LXX. — Plover. high, are made on the commons where the woodcocks 5 Definition of tiie Genus. — Bill obtufe. — Noftnls frequent. Inthefe rows feveral intervals or gateways V linear. — No hack toe. are Itit, in which the traps are placed. When the X 1 19. Golden Plover. Charadrius pluvialis, Lin. woodcock, running about in fearch of food, comes to 5 Syft. \.p. 254. no. 7. Lath. Synop. i. Pen. Zool. one of thefe rows he will not crofs it, but runs along < 208. — The golden plover is plentiful, breeds upon our the fide of it till he comes to a gateway, which he q moors and remains with us the whole year. enters and is taken. y If '20. DoTTtREL. Charadrius tnorinelluSyUia. Syft. ^) ro. Green Shank. S^'Aopax glottis, Lin. Syft. i \. p. 254. no. 5. Lath Synop. 14. Pen. Zool. 210. 1. />. 249. no. 10. Lath Synop 18. Pen. Zool. J — The dotterel conies in May, is a fcarce bird in this 183 — This fpccies is only feen in the winter; and J- county, but is more plentiful in Weftmoreland. In even not frequently at that feafon. X June, I 784, ten or twelve were fliot upon Skiddaw, «](ni. Red Shank. Scolopax caledris, .Lin. Syft. C where they breed: on the i8th of May, 1786, I I. p. 145. no. t I, Lath. Synop. to. Pen. Zool. 184. X had two females fent from the neighbourhood of Ap- — The red-ftiank is a very fcarce bird in Cumberland ; J, plcby. On dificftion I found the eggs very fmall, fo and \i only feen in winter. C that it is probable they do not lay till June. They 112. Common hNjpE. Scolopax gallinago, Lin. X leave this county the latter end of September, or be- Syft. I. p 144. 710. 7. Lath Synop. 6. Pen. Zool. ginning of Oftober. 1 have feen one, which was fhot 187. — The Inipe breeds and continues in this county y on the top of Skiddaw on the 16th of Scptemlser. the whole year. X Genus LXXI. — Oijter-catcher. 113. Jack Snipe. Scolopax gallinula, Lin. Syft. i. y Definition of the Genus — Bill long, compreffcJ, /. 244. nc. 8. Lath. Synop. 8. Pen. Zool. 189. v cuneattd at the end. — Noftrils linear. — Tongue, fcarce X a third of the length of the bill. — No backtoe. Genus LXIX — Sandpiper. 6 '21. Pied Oistercatcher or Sea Pie. Hxma- Definition of the Genus. — Bill, ftrait, ([e^nieiyt iopui o/lruUgus, Lin. Syft. I. p. 257. >!o. 1. Lath, about an inch and a half long. — Nollrils fmall. — f Synop. i. Pen. Zool. 2 13. — The fea pie breeds upon Tongue (lender. — Plind toe weak. our ftiores, and lays its eggs upon the bareground, above 5(1 14. Lapwing or Pewit. Tringa vanellus, Lin. X high water inark. Syft. \.p. 248. no. 2. Lath. Synop. 2. Pen. Zool. 5 Genus LXXLI. — Rail. J 90 — The lapwing appears the latter end of February, v Definition of the Genus — Bill (lender, a little com- et beginning of March, and departs in Odober It X preftcd, and flightly incurvated. — Noftrils fmall makes its neft upon the ground ; and lays four or five C Tongue rough at the end. — Tail very fhort. — Body eggs, of a diity olive fpotttd with black. ;' much comprtfled. 115. Grey Plover. Tringa fquaiarola, Lin. X ^122. "^ .'^T'e.i.'^KW.. Rallus aquaticus, Lin. Syft. Syft. I. p. 253. no. 23. Lath. tSynop. IJ. Pen. 'i I. p 262. no. 2. Lath. Synop. 1. Pen. Zool. 214. Zool. 191 They are not fo nnmerons as the pewit X — The water rail vifits this county in the beginning of or golden plover; and I am not certain whether they j winter, and leaves it pretty early in th'' Ipring. breed upon our moors or not. Genus LXXV. — Gt'lliiiuL: ^116. Common Sandpiper. Trijiga hypoleucos,''i Definition of the Gaius. — Bill thick at the bafe, Lin. Syft. I. p. 250. no. 14. Lath. Synop 23. — { Hoping to the ])oint : the bafe of the upper mandible Pen. Zool. 204. — They appear in the fpring, and 'j reaches far upon the forehead, where it becomes mem- breed upon the ground, upon the banks of our rivers, i branaceous Body conipreflcd. — Wings ftiort and Their eggs, confidering the fize of the bird, are ex- ^ concave. — Tail ftiort. ticmely large and of a dirty yellowifti white, marked x 11'23. Land Rail or Corn Crake. Rallus crex. with numerous dun. 261. no. i. Lath. Synop. i. Pen. fii7. buNLiN. Tringa alpina, Lin. Syft. i. /. jj Zool. 2 1 6. — The land rail appears in the beginning of 249. w. II. Lath. Synop. 33. Pen. Zool. 205 — X May, and is generally heaid in the fiift. or beginning The dunlin appears the firll or fecoud week in May, 1 of the fecond week of that month. They make their and breeds on our moors. On the i9ih of June, C nefts upon the giound, and lay from ten to fifteen eggs. 17S3, I ftiot feveral old ones upon Rocklift'mofs — X In the year 1794 ' ^Y fervants, when mowing a field I faw feveral young birds which had left the neft, tho' J of grafs, found a Deft containing twelve young birds they were not feathered. At this feafon they feem 10 £ which ( 20 ) wWch appeared to have been hatched the day before. X 128. Little GftEnE or Dobchick. Cotymlm They were covered with a darkifh brown coloured ''^ atintus, Lin. Syft. 1. />. 222. 710. 8. Lath. Synop. down. They were taken out of the reft and put into ? 10. Pen. Zool. 226. — This bird which is not iincora- s hat till 1 went to the field, I replaced them in the j mon in Cuniberbud, makes its neft very thick and reft, but they immediately wandered from it. The v places it in the water, fo that it is conftantly wet. old birds did not appear while the men continued X mowing in the neighbourhood of the nefl;. Two days J afterwards they were all found in good health, in an \ adjoining field, by the fame men. Their ufaal note is 5 ORDER IX. — Wei footed Birds, nuith Jhort legs. fomething like the word creek, creek, often repeated. — Genus LXXXIV. — /luk. They difappear in Odlober. May 4th, the land vail x Definition of the G^««;.— Bill ftrong, thick and was heard this day. The egg is lefs than the egg of X convex — Noftrils linear, placed parallel to the edge a crow, and larger than that of the magpye ; it is of 5 of the bill.-^-Tongue almoft as long as the bill. — No a dirty flefh colour marked with brown and dull purple > back toe. fpots. I ^'291 Razor Bill. Akatorda, Lin. Syft. \. p. ^124. Spotted Rail. RaUus poriana,Wn.^'^^. s z\o. ni. x. Lath. Synop. 5. Pen. Zool. 23c. — ^Thcy \. p. 262. m. 3. Lath. Synop. 18. Pen. Zool. 2iy. X do not breed here, being only feen in winter. — The fpotted rail is a very icarce bird, I have only ^130- Puffin. Aka arctica, Lin Syft. I. p^ had an opportunity of feeing one fpeclmen, which was : 211. no. 4. Lath. Synop. 3. Pen. Zool. 232. — a male : it was killed upon the banks of the Eden in s Puffins are only feen in Cumberland in winter, and the beginning of June. even then but feldom. 125. Water Hen. Fulica chloropus, Lin Syft. i. X flij'- Little Apk. Aka aUe-, Lin. Syft. I. p\ /i. 258. /.'c. 4. Lath. Synop. 12. Pen. Zool. 2 1 7. — \z\}.ni].'^. Lath. Synop. n. Pen. Zool. 233. — One This fpecies remains with us the whole year, is very *■ of thefe birds, ihe only fpecimen which I have feen, common, and frequents the borders of fmall brooks and X was (hot on the river iiden, near Armathwalte-Caftle, ponds. They build their nell in fome low bu(h by ft in the latter end of January, 1794: it weighed 4 ^oz. the water fide; and lay from feven to ten eggs, which V — The cheeks and occiput were white, and formed a are of a dirty yellow, marked v/iih reddifii brown X white ring round the neck. fpots. C Genus LXXXV Guilkmot. X Definiton of the Genus Bill flender, pointed : Genus LXXVIIL — Coot. a the upper mandible fiightly bending towards the end ; Definition of the Genm. — Bill thick, floping to bafe covered with {hoit feathers. — Noftrils lodged in the point : the bafe of the upper mandible extending v a hollow near the bafe Tongue flender, almoft the far up into the forehead. — Body comprefled. — Wings }• length of the bilL — No back toe. fhort. —Tail flioit. — Toes long, furnilhed with broad y ^'32. Foolish Guillemot. Colymhus troile, Lin. fcalloped membranes. i Syft. i . />. 220. no. 2. I^ath. Synop. i. Pen. Zool. C 234 — This bird vifits Cumberland only in the winter. 126. Common Coot. Fulica afra, Lin. Syft. i. v ^133. Black Guillemot. Colymhus grylk, Lin. p. 257. 710. 2. Lath. Synop. I. Fen. Zooh 220. \ Syft. i. p. 220. m. i. Lath. Synop. 3. Pen. Zool. 236.^ — rhefe, like the former, are only feen in Genus LXXIX. — Grebe. V winter. Definition of the Gwkj.— The bill is ftrong, den- ^ Genus LXXXVI.— Z)wr. der and (harp pointed. — Space between the bill and ' Definition of the Gentu Bill, ftrong, ftrait, point- eye bare of feathers. — Body depiefied. — Feathers very X ed : upper mandible the iongeft ; edges of each bend- fmooth and glofly. — Wings ftort No tall. — [.egs v ing inwards.- — Noftrils linear : the upper part divided placed far behind, comprefled and ferrated behind. — J by a fmall cutaneous appendage. — Tongue long, and Toes furnifhed on each fide, with a broad plain mem- t pointed ; ferrated on each fids, near the bafe. — Legs brane. C thin and flat. — Toes, four in number, the exterior the SJI27. Tippet Grebt. Coiymhus urinator, Lin. i Iongeft, the back one fmall, joined to the interior by a Gyft. I. p. 223. >:;. 9. Lath. Synop. 2. Pen. Zool. a fmall membrane ^Tail fhort, and confifts of twenty 222. — This bird is very rarely to be met with either v feathers. in this county or in any part of the ifland. I received ^ 1I'.?4- NorthSr.s Diver Colyiitbus glacialis, a male which was fliot in the beginning of December, Lin. Syft. l. p. 221. no. 5. Lath, rfyncp. |. Pen. 1782, in a fmall brook, called Wampool, not far from ? Zool. 237. — This is a large bird, weighing fixteen "Wigton. It was alone, at leaft the perfon who killed ,-, puunds. It vifits this idand but feldom, and for the it faw no more. Its flomach, which was mufcular, ^! moft part in the winter feafon. One however, of them, contained half digefted vegetables and a number of ) was caught alive, near Kefwick, in July, 1781. It feathers. I'lie breaft and belly is of a fine, glofi"y, X was as is fuppofed making for the lake, but grew tired filvery, white, and is ufcd for making ladies' muffs and .'. before it had power to reach it. tipprts. lience its name. ^ ^Mi [ 21 ] fi35- Imber. Colymlus tmmer, Lin. Syft. I. p. j and legs \ver€ rtd ; edges of die eye-lids fcarlet ' 222. no. 6. Lath. Svnop. 2. Pen. Zoo). 2^8 This headmoufe colour, fpotted with white ; neck, throat, bird, which appeared to be a female, was (hot on the \ and belly, white ; back and icapnlars aih culuured ; Eden near Carlille, on the 2ift of Januar)', 1789 ■ coverts of the wings dulky edged with a dirty white; It weighed ylb. 10 oz. \ the exterior fidts. and part of the interior fides of the f/- c „ T> ,.„ „, T «^., T „.», c„.,„„ ^' four firll quill feather?, black : tail confilled of twelve I j6. Speckled Diver or JLoo>f. i^ath. oynop. , . , ^ . , ,, , . , • , , 1 1 r? •-> \ T^i • .- • • „ c J \ ■'• feather?, ten n-.K d e white tipped with black, near aa ?. Pen. Zool. 250. — This Ipccies is more frequent y , , , l- l r j ui 1 1 .1 . f, ,, , J' 1. . • r 1 -A— r \ ■ "inch broad, which formed a black bar, tlie two out- than the two precedincr, but is felnbm leen excpt in a n 1 n ■ >■ t ■ 1 r ..1 • j 1 • . f. ° . .1 r • X moft almolt quite white. It is clear, troin tins de- the winter : there was one however taken alive, in . . . , i. . , ■ 1, .u i .u ., r r <-■ r T? II J f; fcription, that It neither agrees with the tarrock or the the fummer, a few years arro, near Crois- fell; and was X " ,. ,, , ° ,• , ■ 1 -n j • J . . , v",-. J „ „ n,.„ V pev.it, and It coud not be a young bird as It was killed earned about as long as it lived, as a ihew. C r . ' , . • , '^ t? .1, 1 n. ° X la June, and the ovary contained eggs, rrom the latt /-■ I VW17TTT =7- ' circumftance, it is probable it would have bred :n Oenus 1, AAA V 111 J err. a t •. l 1 .1 n . DC ■.• f .k n vfu n„'. n.-ja. „„ 1 ; this county 11 it had nol been Ihot. eni.ition 01 the Lmnus. — Dili Itra t, llender, and ; ' pointed. — Noftrils linear — Tongue llender and (harp, v — Wings very long. — Back toe very fraall Tail i Genus XCI. — Mergar.fer. forked. (• Definition of the Cei.us. — Bill flender, a liitle de- «[I37. Great or Common Tern. Sterna hirundo, '\ prelTed, furnilhed at the end with a crooked nail : ed- Liii. Sy(t. \.p. 227. no. 2. Lath. Synop; 14. Pen. ? ges of the mandibles very Iharply ferrated. — Noftrils, Zool. 254. — This bird appears in the fpring, in this k near the middle of the mandible, fmall and fuhovated. county, breeds here, and depaits in the autumn. 5 — Toes, the outer toe longer than the middle one. ^138. Lesse?. Tern or Sea Swallow. Sterna '^ viinuta, Lin. Syft. I. p. 228. 710. 4. Lath Synop. X %HS- Goosander. Mergus merganfer, Lin. Syft'. 18. Pen. Zool. 255 This bird comes and departs G l. p. 208. no. 2. Lath Synop. i. Pen. Zool. 260. at the i'ame time as the former. Both are very cla- x — l-'he goofander, which is fuppofed to be th.e male of morous. X the bird, we (hall next take notice of, is a large beau- } titul bird, and weighs about 41b. It is found upon Genus LXXXIX. — Gull. X our rivers only during the winter, and even then not Definition of the Genus. — Bill fliong, bending \ very frequently. down at the point : on the under part of the lower mandible, an angular prominence— Noftrils oblong X 1^,4(5. Dun-Diter. Lath. Svnop. 2. Pen. Zool. and nanow, placed in the middle of the bill Tongue j ,go -phis bird has generally been conlidered as the a httle cloven.— Wings long.— Legs fmall, naked C fg^^^ig ^f ,},£ goofander. The following circumftan- abovc the knees.— Back toe fmall. J j.^^ ^^\^^^^ have come under my obfetvatlon, however, 139. Herring Gull. Larui fufcus, Lin, Syft. v render this opinion fomewhat doubtful. I./>. 225. no. 7. Lath. Synop. 3. Pen. /Jool. 246. A 1. I he dun-divers are far more numerous than the 140. Wagel. /.ar«/«^wa., Lin. Syft. i./>. 225. Xg°°''='"^"'-, ^. „,r , l ca no. 5. Lath. Synop. 6. Pen. Zool. 247. I , ^- The di.n-divcrs arc all kfs than the goofanders .^ (the largell I have fccn being little more than ^Ib.) 141. Winter Guil. Lath. Synop. 13. Pen. • ^^^,t ^f ^3,ious fizes, fome being under two pounds. Zool. 248. '^3. The creft of the dun-divei ii confiderably longer 142. Common Gull. Lar,u camts, Un. Syft. I. y t^an the cieft (if it can be fo ca.led) of the goof- f. 224. fio. 3. Lath. Synop. 8. Pen. Zool, 249. — >. ^ndcr Thcfe four fpeclcs, I believe, all breed and remain in | 4. Dun divers have upon difTtalon, been found to Cumberland the whole year, and they have nearly the X l males fame habits and manners. | j_ The neck of the largcft dun dlv-r, and which ^143. Blacic Headed or Pewit Gull. Zara/ '' has proved to be a male, is nothing like fo thick as the ridihundns, Lin. Syft. 1. p. 225, ?io. o. Lath. Synop. neck of the goofander. 9. Pen. Zool. 252. — ^This is a biid of palTage, ap- ^ On the 26th of December, 1783, I diftcfted a pears upon our rivers, the latter end of April or be- X dun-diver, which was rather more than three pounds ginning of May. In the year 1785, I faw one fo in weight. Its length was 27 inches, and its breadth early as the 13th of April. It breeds upon the banks '■; 35 inches, ^t proved to be a male, the teftcs though of rivers, and departs early in autumn. X flaccid, were very diftinft, and about half an inch in ^144. Brown-Headed or Red-Lfgged Gull. , lengtii. Lath. Synop 11. Arct. Zool. 533. E. — Sir James i( In the middle of January, 1786, I received two Graham, Bart, fent me a bird of this fpeclcs, which l dun-divers, both of wjiich 1 dlffeded. The firft was was (hot upon his eftate on the banks of the Eflc, y a fmall one, about two pounds in weight, it proved to June I ft, 1783: it was a female, weight 7 oz. ; X be a female ; the eggs being very diftinft. the fe- leiagth 14 inches ; breadth 2 feet 1 1 inches ; the bill '^ cond was much larger and weighed three pounds ; its F crcft C " ] ereft was longer, and ics belly \vas of a fine yellowifti K ^153- Bban Goose. Latli. Syiiop. 23. Pe«. rofe colour : it was a male, and the teftes weie begin- C Zool. 267. — This bird is very frequent in Cumbeilaod ning to gi-oiv turgid. X in fcvere winters. 1 have only differed one goofander, and that proved J 1Ii?4- White-Fronted Goose. Anai erythropus, to be a male. Therefore, until a goofander be found, v Lin. Syft. i. p. igy. tio. 11. Lath. Synop. 22. upon dilTedion, to prove a female ; or two goofanders X Pen. Zool. 268. — This fpecies is pretty common in to attend the fame ncll, the doabt refpedling thefe i the winter. birds cannot be clearly afcerlained. J; 1I>55' Bernacle. An.i! erythropus vtiJs, Lin. ^[147. Smew. Mcrgut albellus, Lin. Syft. r. />. X Sylt. i.'/>. 197. vo. 11. Lath. Synop. 27. Pen. 209. no. 5. Lath Synop. 5. Pen. Zool. 262. — The i Zool. 269. — Linnaeus confiders this bird as the male of fmew is a beautiful and elegant bird, only to met with \ the white-fronted goofe, which is certainly an error, as in this county during the winter, and then but fel- \ there is now no doubt but they are dlfierent fpecies.— dora, j They are veiy frequent upon our coafts in the win- X ter. Genus XCIT. — Duel. \ ^[156. Brent Goose. Anas bernicla, Lin. Syft. Definition of the Gerun. — Bill ftrong, broad, fi;it ¥ I. p. 19S. no. 13. Lath. Synop. 27. Pen. Z.ol. or depreficd ; and for the mod part furnidied at the X 270. — This fpecies is not often feen, and only in tli€ end with a nail : edge,s of the mandibles marked with ft winter. fharp lamcllx or teeth. — Noftrils fmaU and oval y 157. Muscoyy Duck. y/«. 194. no. t. Lath. Synop. I. X "IisS. Scoter Duck. Anas ni^ia, Lin. Syft. I. Pen. Zool. 264. — The wild fvvan maybe diftinguiflied 5 p. 196. no. 7. Lath- Synop. 36. Pen. Zool. 273 — from the tame fwan by the following external marks. X Thefe birds, I think, never frequent our rivers, but The bill of the wild fwan is, from the bafe to the 5 confine themfelves during the winter, to the fea coafts. middle, of a yellowift^ white, and from thence to the? 1I'S9' Scaup Duck. Anas narila, Lin Syft. end black. t i.p. 196. »«. 8. Lath. Synop. 49. Pen. Zool. 275. The bill of the tame fwan is red, with the tip and c — I'his is a beautiful duck, but very rare. I have fides black. y °^^y feen one fpecimen j which was fliot ii} a very In the wild fwan the fpace between the bafe of the " fevere winter, bill and the eyes, is covered with a naked yellow (liin, J <[[i6o. Golden-Eved Duck. Anas dangula, Lin. and the eyelids are alfo bare and yellow. /Syft. I. p. 201. m. 23. Lath. Synop. 76. Pen. In the tame fwan the naked (kin between the bafe \ Zool. 276. — This bird, fo called from its yellow iris, of the bill and the eyes, is black : and over the bafe ? is pretty frequent in the winter ; and remains longer of the upper mandible, there is alfo a black and callous i with us, I think, than any of the migrating web footed knob. ^ birds. I have feen one fo late as the 8th day of But upon difteftion, the wild fwan is not only found ■ April. to effentially differ from the tame fwan, but from all X 161. Shieldrake. Anat tadorna, Lin. Syft. \. p. other birds. In the wild fwan there is a large cavity •] 195. no. 4. Lath. Synop. 5r. Pen. Zool. 278. — in the breaft bone ; into this cavity the windpipe en- x This is a beautiful bird, remains with us the whole ters, and makes a turn before it enters into the caviLy ; year, and breeds upon the fea coaft, in rabbit warrens, of the thorax. It may be eafily tamed if taken when young. A flock or two of wild fwaus generally vifit Cnm- X ^162. Mallard. Anas bofchai, Lin. Syft. i. p, berland every fevere winter. Laft v.-inter a flock fre- I, 205. no. 4c. Lath. Synop. 43. Pen. Zool. 279. — quented the Eik, near Netheiby, three of which were i This bird is the origin of our common duck. They Ihot. i appear in great numbers in the winter, many of thefe 149. Mute or Tame Swan. Amts cygnus inanfu- -J are ftiot, many migrate in the fpring, and a few bretd etus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 194 no. 1. Lath. Synop. 2. S in this county. Wild ducks, and indeed all the mi- Pen. Zool. 265. A grating fpecies of this genus, appear in the greatefl; ^150. Grev Goose. Anas anfsr, Lin. Syft. i. 'J numbers during the fevereft winters. During the pre- p, ig'j.uo.cf. Lath. Synop. 21. Pen. Zool. 266. 1; fent winter, viz. 1 79J and 1796, which has been —The grey goofe is only feen here in the winter, but X remarkably mild, only few have been feen. Laft breeds in many of the fens in England. It is the ■) winter. Sir James Graham and his gamekeeper, (hot, origin of our domeftic goofe. X upon his own cftate, near one hundred brace of wild X ducks, a great number of wild geefo,. and three wild 151. Tame Goose, An.if anfsr domeflicus, Lin. C fwans. This winter not more than a brace or two of Syft. I./. 197. no. 9. Latb. Synop. 21. var. A. X ducks were killed, at Netherby, and neither wild geefe A or fwans were feen upon his eftate. 152. Chinese Goose. Anas cygnoides aujlralis, l 163. Tame Duck. Anai bofchas domejllca, Lin. Lin. Syft. \. p. 194. no. 1. Lath. Synop. 12. — This X Syft. \. p. 20J. no, 40. Lath. Synop. 43. eool'e is now tendered domeftic. '^ 164. r 23 ] 5fi64. Pochard. Anas fenna. Lin. Syft. \. p.l Under ;w. loj', Common Heron, I have dated, upon 203. no. 31. Lath. Synop. Gi. Pen. Zool. 284 C the authority of Echard, the value of different birds. This is a fcarce bird. I have only feeii one fpecimen \ in the veign of Ed. 1 I fliall hcie mention the prc- vhich was a male, and weighed 'lb. J40Z. I recciv- I fent prices they are fold at in Carlifle. cd it on the I ft of January,. 178S. V A cock, from is. od. to is. 6d. ^165. Common Wigeon. Anas penchpc, Lin. X' A chicken, ... - os. 6d os. lod. S)-!!. \. p. 202. no. 27. Lath. Synop. 63. Pen. "j A gvei n goofe, - - - is. cd. — is. 4d. Zool. 286. — The wigeon frequents our rivers and v A ilubble ditto, - - - 26. od. — 2S. 6d. ponds, in confiderable numbers, in the winter. 1^ A fat goofe at Chrlftmas, 3s, 6d, — 5s. od. f 166. Teal. Anas crecca, Lin. Syft. ). p. 204. J A mallard, ... - is. od is. 2d. tio. 33. Lath. Synop. 88. Pen. Zool. 290. — Like ;{ A black cock, 4s od — ■ the wild duck. I imagine many of the teals migrate in / A moor cock or red grous, from is. 8d. — 2S. od. the fpring ; but a few certainly bleed in our mofles A turkey, .... 33. od, — 4s. od. €Very year. X A partridge, os. 8d. — ■ Q A woodcock, • - - - -13. 8d. — II I Genos XCIV Pe!ica?i, v x\ plover, ... - from qs. 6d. — os. 8d. Definition of the Genus. — Bill long, firong. ftrait, X and either hooked or (loping at the erd.—NoIhih ^ n- b, It h prohMc a f.n.j,aur b-.rds ■u.bkh only fcldom or - ,, » 1 1 • 1 ^ \ 1 1 ^ occafionalh ifiht thii count\\7^a\ be omitted in the above catalogus ; as fmall, and placed in the furrow that runs along the « i jf^^, Jy ^^,i,j j,.^/ j-„,,\, i h^^, c:.a.:hed or f»n, and ^ojl fides of the upper mandible, and in moll of the fpecics .a „j- ^a^/, ^re, at prcfent, in my coIUSiim. And v.-iatJoUiitus,l mi not to be difcovered. — Face for the moft part ddlitute % afraid is JliU mart imferfelt. of feathers, being covei-ed only witli a naked fein. — / XXXX Gullet naked, and capable of great diUenlicn — Toes X CLASS III. REPTILES. four, all webbed together. ^ GENtJS 1 —Frog. f 167. CoRvoKANT. Pc'/<.'ctf««rftfr*o, Lin. Syft. I. X Definition of the Genus Body naked.— Four />. 216. nt. 3. Lath. Synop. 13. Pen. Zool. 291.— j legs._Feet divided into toes.— No tail. The corvorant apppears m confiderable numbers on ';^ ,_ Common Frog. Rafia temporaria, Lin. Syft, our coafts in the autumn. It has a very rank and .■ ,, ^. ^j^. „,, ,^. p^.,,. ZqoI. 2.— The frog not only difagreeable fmell ; and is, upon the wliole, a very ^ ,j^^,j^ .^^^ j^^p^ ^^.j^j^ agility, a confiderable time after ugly bird. About thirty years ago. one of thcfe ^ f^e heart is feparated from its body. peiched upon the caftle at Carhtle, and foon after re- .. 2_ Edible Frog. Rana cfiulmta, Lin. Syft. p. r. moved to the cathedral, where it was (hot at, upwards ^ ,^7. r,o. i c. Pen. Zool. v of twenty times, without effea : at length a perfon I j' ^-'oad". Ran'a btifo', Lin. Syft. r. p. 354. no. 3. got upon the cithedral, fired at, and killed it. In X ^^n. Zool. 4 It is now proved, beyond doubt, that another inftance, a flock of fifteen or twenty perched jj ^^^^3 g^g j,ot poifonous. The whole genus is tor- at the dude of the evening, in a tree, on the banks of X pjj Jutine the v/inter. the river Efic. near Netherby ; a perfon who faw them A ^_ Natter jIck.' Rana ruhta, Lin. Syft. I. /. fettle, fired at random at them in the dark, fix or feven v ,... ^o. 4. Pen. Zool. 5.— I believe this fpecies is times, without either kiihng any, or frightening them X fou„j^ ti,^ fapj grounds, in the neighbourhood away ; furprizcd at this, he went again at day light ? ^f Allonbv» and killed one of them, and the reft took wing. \ Genus II / ':~ardi f 168. Shag. Pckcanus graculus, Lin. Syft. i. p. k definition "of the" c/z/ar.— Slender naked body ai7. w. 4. Lath. Synop. 14. Pen. Zooh 292.— j^ p^^,^ , divided toes on each.— Tail, long. The fhag is much lefs han the corvorant, and in Cum- x ._ g^.^^^ Lizard. Laccrta -agitis, Lin. Syft. i, Xtferlandisa fcarce bud. X . ^6^_ ,,, , j_ pg^, i.o'A. 7. fi69. C.ANMETor SoLAH Gooss. PJ/V-^«aji. loS. no 3. Pen. Zool. 26. — The grampus is very •; **VVith blunt teeth, rarely met with on the Cumberland coalls. One was A u. Thof.nback. Rasa clazata, Lin. .Syft. i. />. thrown upon the (hore, in the parifh of Abbey- Holme, y 397. no. 8. Pen. Zool. 37. — Both (kate and thornback about twenty years ago. X are plentiful upon our coafts ; but only of late years DIV. l\.—CartUaglno-us .;5)Z».— Breathing through \ 1«^^ been ufed, in this^ county, as food, certain apertures, generally placed on each fide of the '< ^^^".*. ~r l'"''^ -i , , , neck : but in fome inftances beneath, in fome above ; C. Definition of the Genus Slender body, growing and from one to feven in number on each part, except V lefs towards the tail —Two fins on the back Rough in the pipe filh, which has only one —The ruifcles are X ^l^'" f">ve apertures on the (ides of the neck.— fupported by cartilages, inil,;ad of bones. ^^""''^ generally placed far beneath the end of the V nofc The Genus IV.- — Lamti-ey. v lower. Definition of the G^««/.— Slender, eel-fliapedbody. X *Withoutthe anal fin, —Seven apertures on each fide : one on the top of the y 12. Angel Fish. Squalus fquatina, Lin. Syft. I. head.— No perioral or ventral fins. % no. 398. to. 4. Pen. Zool. 39 Two very curious 5. Lam?p.ey Eel. Petromyzon marinus, Lin. Syft. 5 fifli> a male and a female, which 1 apprehend were 1, p. 394. no. I. Pen Zool. 27 — Lampreys appear of this fpecies, were taken i^ear .St. Bees, in the latter in the Eden and E(l<, in ^prll and May, are chiefly X end of the year 1793, and when dried and preferved, caught in June when. the waters are low. They fpawn i were carried through the county as a (hew. In this in both thefe rivers, and afterwards return to the fea. \ fituation a drawing was taken of the male, from which — I eat a pact jif a very fine one, this year, the X the annexed plate was engraved. fides of the neath the upper part of the tail longer than the jjth of April} which was taken in Eden the begin- ^ [ 25 ] The flcln of the back was rough and of a grey co- X Gevus XI. — P'ipi: fiJJi. 'lour; along the fpine was a furrow; the belly was Definiiion of the Genus. — Nofe, long and tubular, fmooth, and of a flefh colour, and had fome refem- v — No orifice to the gills. — The breathing aperture, oft blance to the human breaft and belly. The bead and \ the hind part cf the head. — No ventral iins.— The tail not unlike a codfifh. Length 4 feet i inch : cir- v body covered with a ftrong cruiL cumference of the mouth, when extended (as repre- X 18. Longer Pipe Tish. Syngar.thm lailarui^ fented in the plate at A.) 14 inches, furni'fhed with Lin. Syft. \.p. 217. no, 6. Pen. Zool. Co. near one hundred teeth, in five rows: it meafurcd, x 19. Shorter Pipe Vish. Synganlhui aaa, Lin. from the collar bone to the vent, 15 inches, circumfer- X Syft. \. p. 216. no. 2, Pen. Zool. 61. ence of the body, 18 inches. A little above the vent 5 20. Little Pipe Fish. Syiigantbus ophiiioft, Lin. there was a (Icinny membrane, very much lefembling a X Syft. 1. /. 417. no. j. Pen. Zool. 62. penis, 8 inches long and 5 inches round Within J each ventral fin there was an apendix, very like the \ DIV. IIL — Bony fJJy. — The mufcles in this d!« thigh, leg, and foot of a new born child, J2 inches in -' vifion, as in quadrupeds, &c. aie fupported by bones. length. At the r.oftrils were whilliers. The eyes :; — They breathe aUo through gills which are covered weie placed at the upper part of the head, and there ';; by thin bony plates, open on the fide and dilatable, by were two foramina about an inch from the eyes. X bouts which are called the radii braiichiofiigi, or gill- 'ihere were five fpiracula, ten gills on each fide of the i covering rays. head underneath. The peftoral fins were large, ex- V SECT. 1. — Apodal. -^-^\\c moft imperfe Zool. 74. — The hadock is very G fcldoiq [ ^6 ] feldom met with on the Cumberland coaft. Wltat we X are placed on the left fide. Thi's fpecles inhabits, not fee are generally fent from Newcattle. Such numbers, ? only the fca, but fredi water rivers, however, were taken this prefent autumn, near St.;; 39- Dab or Sand Dab. PUuronenes limand.i,TL,\n. Bees, that t'.iey were fold at Whitehaven, for a penny 5 Syll. i. p. 457. no. 8. Pen. Zool. 105. — We, no«' or three-halt'-pLiice per pound. v and then, fee a fe* of this fpecies in our market a- **Three dorfal tins: chin beardlefs. X mong flounders. They are fma!!, but cielicate food. 26. Coal Fish. GaJus carbonariut, Lin. Syft. I. \ 40. Sole. Pleurcieaet foUa, Lin. Syft. i . />. 457. f. 438. no. 9. Pen. Zool. 78. — This 13 but feldom ? no. 9. Pen. Zool. 107. taken. X ** With the eyes on the left fide. 27. Pollack. Gudut pollachlus, Lin. Syft. 1. p. (; 41. Turhot. Pleuronenes /nsxi/nui, Lin. Syft. I.. 439. no. 10. Pen. Zool. 79. 'i p. 459- no. 14. Pen. Zool. 109. — This fpecies is rare 28. WiiiTiN'G. Gadiis merlangus, Lin. Syft. I. /. X in Cumberland, and not often found of a large fize. 438. m. 8. Pen. Zool. 8c. \ ***With only two dorfal fins. % Genus XXVII.— P<>r<:/;. 29. Hake. Gad'ts mcrlucius, Lin. Syft. i.^. 439. X Definition of the Geiiui. — The edges of the gill- no. II. Pen. Zool. 81. covers ferrated. — Seven branchioftegous rays. — Body 30. Ling. Gadtis viclva, Lin, Syft. i. p. 439. no. X covered with rough fcales. — Firft dorfal fin fpiny ; the ]2. Pen. Zool. 85. S fecond foft. 31. Three Bearded Cod or Sea Locke. Gad:is 1 42. Common Perch. Perca fuviatilii, Lin. Syft. miijlda, L;n. Syft. l. /. 440. no. 15. Pen. Zool, X \. p. 481. no. 1. Pen. Zool. 124. 87. 43. Basse. Perca labrax, l.\n. Syft. I. p. 482.. Genus XXT Goby. X «*• S- l^^f Zool. 125. — The baffe inhabits moft. o£ Definition of the Genus. — Eyes placed near each X our lakes and ponds. ' other. — Four hvanchloftegous rays. — Ventral fins uni- Q ted. ' x: Genus XXVIII.— 5///V;(AW/f. 32. Black CoBY or Sea Gudgeon. Gobhu n'lger, h Definition of the Genu;. — Three branchioftegous Lin. Syft. I. p. 449. no. 1. Pen. Zool. 95. u rays. — The belly covered with bony plates One X dorfal fin, with feveral iharp fpincs between it and the- SECT. HI. — Th-,racic. — The ventral fins, placed head. beneath the pectoral fins. v 44- Three Spined Strickle or Prickleback^ Genus XXII. — Bullhead. \ Gajierofleui aciikatus, Lin. Syft. I. p. 489. no. I. — Definition of the Genus Large flat head, armed ) Pen. Zool. 129. — Thefe fmall fifti frequent our brooks with ftiarp fpines. — Six branchioftegous rays. V and fmall rivers, and are often feen in company with 33. River Bullhsad. Cottus gobio, Lin. Syft. 1. j the minow. p. 452. no. 6. Pen. Zool. 97. y 45. Ten Spined Strickleback. Gaflerojleus 34. Father Lasher. Cottus fcorpius, Lin. Syft. i pungititis, Lin. Syft. I. p. 491. no. 8, Pen. ZooU I. p 452. no. 5. Pen. Zool. 99. — They fpawn in the J 130. — This fpecies is not fo generally to be met witlt winter. I opened one on the 25th of December, v as the former. It fs faid to inhabit the rivulets neat which was full of roe. X Ullfwater. Genus XXUl.—Dorce. | Definition of the Genus. — Body very deep, and V Genus XXIX. — Mackrel. compiefted fideways. — Very long filaments ifluing from i Definition of the Genus. — Seven brnnchioftigous the lirft dorfal fin. — Seven branchioftegous rays. y rays. — Several fmall fins between the doifal fin and the 35. John Dorce. Zeus fiber, Lin. Syft. i. />. v tail. 454. «9. 3. Pen. Zool. 100. — It is fometimes, though 1 46. Common Mackrel. Sceniber fomher, Lin. rarely, taken near the Ifle of Mann. v Syft. 1. p. 492. no. i. Pen. Zool. 132 The mack- Genus XXIV Flounder. t. rel is rarely met with near our coaft?. One was takcu. Definition of the Genui. — Body flat and thin. — ; in the river Jiden, near Rockliff, by Dr. Blaraire. Eyes, both on the fame fide of the head.— Branchiof- y tegous rays, from four to feven. x Genus XXXI. — Gurnard. •With the eyes on the right fide. ■) Definition of the Genus. — Nofe floping Head 36. HoLiEUT. PleuroneSles hippoghffus, Lin. Syft. \ covered with ftrong bony plates. — .Seven branchiofte- l. p. 456. no, 4. Pen. Zool. 102. — This is a rare fifh % gous rays. — Three flender appendages at the bafe of on our coafts. V the peftoral fins. 37. Plaise. Pleuronedes platijfa, Lin. Syft. r. />. X 47- Grey Gurnard. Trigla gurnardus, Lin. 456. no. 6. Pen. Zool 103. — Theplaife is very plen- 5 Syft. i. p. 497. no. 3. Pen. Zool. 137. tiful. _ $ 48. Red Gurnard. Trigla cuculus, Lin. Syft. r. 38. Flounder. Pkuronedes fiefus, Lin. Syft. i. />. \ p. 497. »o. 4. Pen. Zool, 138. — Both thefe fpecies 457. no. 7. Pen. Zool. 104. — It fometimes happens, J are rare, as I myfelf have fecn, that the eyes aad lateral line jj ' /^ [ 27 J ' AC). Piper. Trigla hra, Lin. Syrt. i. p. 496. vo. X certain, of the othev wc can ciiTy form conjeftiires:.— ; t; Pen. Zool. 139 The head of this fpccies is very- When they are full of fpawn, they are not conteiitf • large in proportion to to the fize of the body. The v merely to enter the frefh water, but' continue afccndinp; piper is a good fifh, but is not frequently feen in our >i the river till they are obftrufted, either by a cataratl maiket. V or the Ihallownefs of the itrcam. It is therefore evi-' ■ K dent, that the depoliting their fpawn, and propagating SECT. IV Abotyiinal. — The ventral fins placed \ their fpecie;, is one caufe of their migrating from the behind the pcfloral fins. y fea. At whatever fenfon of the year falmon firll enter Genus XXXII. — Lochc. X the frefh water, their fide? and bellies invariably fwarin Detinition of the Germs. — Eyes in the upper part ■; with infc6ts, which the hfnermen call fea-lice, vi/,.' the of the head. — Aperture to the gills clofed below. — '■{ krn^.v falvionstx of Linncfus : but after they have re- ' Several beards on the end of the upper jaw. — Body, j maineii a ihort time in the trefh water, thefe infefts ' of almoil ail fqual thicknefs. — One dorfal fin. j difappear : hence, it is probable, they feek the fielli ' 5c. Be.irded Lochh. ColH.'j irriatulu, Lin. Syft. V water in order to g-et rid of them. Altliough the Eilc I. />. 499- «•>. 2. Pen Zool. 142. — This fpecies is c and the Eden pour out their waters into the fame fyund in the Earoont and fmall flreams near tJllfwater, sftuary, and are only feparatcd at the mouths by a y, fharp point of land, yet there is fcarcely an inllance of Genus XXXIII — Salmon. C a neif weather be favourable, the ivy, m a great mcafuro, in length; and which, in all probability, has a confiderable ef- X g" to the fea in April and May ; a very few only being found fed in urging them to th« fait water, where thefe infeds are X in 'he rivers in June, and ftiU fewer in July, foon deftioyed. * WheQ, r 28 ] Wlien the young falmon, which have never fpawned, X ed with numerous blacki(h fpots — Along the lateral firft begin -o ran up the Edtn in the months of l)e- C hne, and both a little above and beneath it, leveral dull cember and January ; they vary in weight, from 6 to V obfcure red fpots — Doilal tin has twelve rays, marked 14 pounds: as the feafn advances, they grad-jally in- 5 with feveral blackid^ fpots — Pedloial fin has twelve creafe, to 16 or even 20 lbs. ; and in the months of? rays, of a dufliy olive colour — Ventral fin has eight Augiift and September, when the old fifl} begin to * rays, of a filvery white — Anal fin has ten rays, of the run, they are cauglit, from 25 to 60 or 70 lbs. weight, j, fame colour. When the fcales were carefully takea I therefore conclude, thit, the /rji which left the risers C off with a knife, the obfcure red fpots became of a in May, return the full, they continue in the fea till % fine vermilion ; and were nineteen in number, and ten they become infelled with the fea lice ; which urge c obfcure oval bars, of a duficy blulth colour appeared, them to return to the frcfh water, where they remain, v which croffed the lateral line. unlefs taken or deftroyed, till they have fpawned : — X n. b. In a young//>' which has not acquired fcales, ■whereas the old fidi which have already fpawned, and fl thcfe bars are very diftindl. which do not get back to the fea till January, Feb- X !„ the year 1796, the whole of the winter was ex- ruary, or March, being ftronger and better able to bear tremely mild and open, it was therefore to be expeaed the effcds of the lu:e, do not begin to run up the rivers ' t^^ty- „,„^,y „,i Qn the loth of Febru. till the .pawning fea[on again appi caches. Several I j received, fbr the fi.ft time, five/T, but (everal cxper.mcms have been made, which prove the rapid ^ „f ^,,^ fiaiermen had taken them upwards of a week growth of falmon ; and render it very probable that ^- before The largeft of the five was— 6 -I inches tlxey return fVoni the fea nrto thoie very rivers in a j„ length_, inches in circumference, the meal\ire which they uv-re fpawned. Threads of coloured filk, C ^^j^^^ ^^ j,,^ beginning of the dorfal fin— weight, and piecfs of f.lver wire, have been inferted into the dor- x „ j^s. c; grs. troy. Weighed and meafured after the fal fins of yo^ when they were pafhng down the Eden, A ^^ ,^^j ^^^^ twenty-four hours out of the water, in ttie months of Apiil and May. I hefe iiih have y _ been tetaken, with the filk and wire in their fins, af- V ^ February 23d I examined five, a few hours after cending the fame river, in the months of December I '^^^ '"'^f^ '^^'^^n °"^ "^ 't^^ '""'^'■- ^he largcll was and January following, which weighed from 8 to to v ~^ -^ *"=''" '° l«"gtl>— 3 '"ches in circumftr- or 12 pounds. ence — icdrs 17 grs in weight. The fmalleil was I have frequently remarked, that the falmon, when >' 7-3 -F '"^'''^ in length— i | inches in clrciira- cut up in the market, during the winter feafon, were \ f"«n"— i drachm 45 grs. in weight.— The othsr always, or generally, females. This circumftanc.- ap- \ ''"■'"^ "'^'''^ fomewhat larger than the fmallelL pcared to nie fufficiently fingular to require furcher v February 26th I examined a very fmall one, which inveftigation. I therefure applied to Mr. Foiler, an \ was 3 \ inches in length 1 i inch in cir- iatelligent filhnionger, who affured me that the miu f.JI^ \ cumference — 1 diachm 19 grs. in weight ; the fcalc« which run up the Eden, from December to March, y were fcarce perceptible. ate all females : that, even during that month very few X February 28th, the largeft of a confiderable nura- niales are taken : as a proof of which, he informed her taken this day, was — 7 4 inches in length.— me that he cut up above one hundred falmon the third f It was not weighed ; fcales dillinft. week of lad March, five of which only weie males. t March 12th, the largeft of a dozen taken this day, Moft of the falmon taken before che month of May, \ was — 6 inches, not quite ^ in length — 3 -| inches in are fent to London by the ftage coaches ; and if the X circumference — 10 drs, 2gra. in weight ; fcales numer- markct is there overllocked, they are then fent to X ous and dillinft. Manchefter, Liverpool, and other large towns. In J March 26th one was taken — 8 4- inches in the fpring it is fold, in tiie market of Carlide, from X length; pcrfcftly covered with fcales. nine pence to one fliilling and fixpence per pound, and in ^- April 6th there was a little fredi in the rivers, and the fummer and autumn, it varies from three pence to raoft of the early fpawned/?/ got to the fea. fixpence. Formerly it was fo extremely cheap and X April nth one was caught — 8 4- inches in plentiful that fcrvants, when they hired themfilves, t length — 3 X inches in circumference — 2 oz. I ftipulated widi their mafters that they were not to be '} drachm, in weight. obliged to eat fahnon oftentr than two or tl'rce days in X .\pril 14th the largeft of two doren was — 8 inches the week. The alteration in the price has now ren- in length — 3 |^ inclies in circumference — 14 ' drs. dered fuch agreements unneceCTary. X and 35 grs. in weight. The fmalleft was 3 i- inches r. in length — 1 4 inch in circumference. AJljort dtfcription c/ a fry, taker: the tqth t)f Ajjri'i, j; April I Sth I examined one, which was — 8 4- inches I794> — 7? inches in length — 1\ inc. in circumference. \ in length — ^ inches in circumference — 2 \ oz. and 53 — Head dark gieen — Gill covers fine filverj'^ white f grains in weight. On the fame day I examined an - marked witii a dark coloured fpot — Belly and v other which was — 9 inches in length — 4 4 inches in cir- iides, up to tiie lateral line, of the fame colour — X cumference — z oz. 6 drs. and 47 grs. in weight. Back and fides, down to the lateral line, duile been -^ of an inch, or neaily, ,< fecond, imprifonment for a quarter of a year; for the more in circumference — and ntaily 3 oz. in weight. i- third a whole year ; and as the trefpafs incicaftth, fo April 19th I meafured one, almoil immediately af- J fliall the punifliment." Burn"! Juf.ke, vol. 2. f, ter it was taken out of the water, but being from home s 302. fouitecnth Edit. it was not weighed. It was 8 i^ inches in length j " And by the 33, G. 2. c. 27. Ko perfon fhall — 4 inches and rather more than -J- in circumfeiencc. J; take, or knowingly have in his poffcflion, either in the Mr. Joieph Bird, of Atmathwaite, informed me X water or on fhnrc, or fell, or e.xpofe to fale, any fpawn, that he took ten fry,- on th.e 15th of April, which 5 fryi or brood of till), or any unfizeable fifli, or fiPn out weighed 2lb. 2 oz. the average weiglit of each, was i of feafon, or any fmelt, not five inches long : and any therefore 3 oz. 3 drs. and 12 grs. and, as they were A perfon may fcize the fame, together with the ba&ets not all of the fame fiZ'S the largeft muft confequently package, &c &c." Burn, vol. 2, p. 303. exceed that weight. On the 19th he took one, with i Both thcfe ftatutes rcquiie amendment, for neither a falmon fly, which was not weighed ; but he is pufitive, ;* of them iuflSciently p'Otedl the brood of falmon.— — from its fuj>erior fizt to any of the ten which were weigh- j The firll Rates that nofiy fhall be taken " from mid ed, that it muft have been upwards of 4 oz. He further < " April to midlummcr." The fecond, that no Jry informed me, that although he had frequently fiflicd c liall be taken " not five inches long. Therefore, in above the bay at Armaihwaite, this fpring, he had only y mild open weather a perfon may take, with impunity, taken th-ree/^j". Several intelligent anglers have aflured t fry, from the middle of February to the middle of me, that, they have frequently taken fry in the monih April, provided he i-cturns all under five inches int» of May, which have been above 5 oz. in weight, but x the v.ater ; for we fee that many, even in February, they are unable to fpeak accurately with refpeCl to ;; are above fix inches long, their leng h. v 52. Gilse. Sulmo err/ix, Lin. Syfl. \. p. 509. «»• During the firft week of May, the weather being 1 2. Pen. Zool. 144. — This fpecies frequents our rivers, ■very favourable for angling, upwards of three hundred \ but is neither fo numtious, nor ever altaii:s the fize of ■dozen oi fry were taken with the fly, in the Eili, be- J the falmon. The gilfe begin to apptar in June or tween Longtown and the mouth of that river. 1 did i July, and continue in the frefh water till they have flot, however, hear that any of them were above 9 C fpavvned. They feldom exceed I2lb. in weight; and inches in length ; but it is a common obfervation, made y are inferior to the f:iImon in delicacy of flavour. — by the fiflienntn who frequent both rivei-s, ihzl fry are t Auguft 6lh the roe of a fmall gilfe, which weighed never fo large in the Eflc as they are in the Eden, C 44- pounds, was 4 drs. in weight, which is owing, in all probability, to falmon fpawning ^ ^l- Sea Trout. Salim trutta, Lin. Syfl. I. p. confidcrably earlier in the latter liver than they do in ^ 509. no. 3, Pen. Zool 145. — The fca trout is very the former. y plentiful both in the Efli and the Eden, and appears \r\ fry of a large or even moderate fize, the mem- X about the latter end of March or beginning of April, branes which contain the milt and roe are very dillinft, ' They vary in fize, from i to 3 or .[. ^ lbs. in weight.— but the ova are too minute to be diltinguifhed by the v When they have fpawned they return to the fca naked eye. X April 13th there were three in the market. April Hitherto, in fpeaking of fry, I have confidered them r, 27th I examined one, which weighed i^ lb. It was as the young of the falmon only, but there is no doubt, y a female. The roc weighed 35 grs. the eggs were but that many of them are the produce of the gilfe, X fmall, but very diltinft. May 14th I examined a fe- fea trout, and whiting, all which fifii fpawn in our mnle — Length 2 i-g- inches — CirciuTrfcrence re-'- inches rivers. That fome of them are the young of the whi- X — Weiglit 3^ lbs. The roe weighed 2 drs. and 35 grs. ting has been clearly afcertained by experiment, Se- .j The eggs were double the fize of the former. May veraly>;, into the fins of which filvcr wire had been 5 2jth I examined the largcll which has yet appeared ire inferted, have been taken in the month of July, full X the market, it was a female, and weighed 44 lbs.— - Jfized whitings. On the 13th of May all our rivers }, The roe weighed 5 drs. and a few of the eggs were were a little fwellcd, which carried almoft all the /ry y nearly as large as a fmall white pea, but 1 apprehend uitothe fca, very few being taken after that day. X thefe were in a difeafctl ftate. ;3ee «ff. 58. Samlit or Branlifi. » June Z2d lire roe of one, vhich weighed 2-I lbs. was 1' 2 drj. and 5J g'S. in vveight. The Legiflature have paffed fevcral afts for the pre- X June 2jlh I examined one which weighed 4 -[-lbs. fervation of the breed of falmon. it proved to be a male, and the lirft which I have either " No falmon lliall be taken, in the Humbcr, Ouze, % feen or hcaid of this feafon. The milt weighed only- Trent, Done, Air, Darwent, Wharfe, Ned, Yore, 'i 54 grs. Hence it appears thiit the females of this vSwale, Tefe, Tine, Eden, or any other water whereiir \ fpecie.':, as well as of tlie falmon, ruir up the rivers long falmon arc taken, between September 8, and Novcm- > before the males. ber 1 1. Nor flrall any young falmon be taken at Mill- j September 3d the milt of one, which weighed 4lbs, Pools (nor in other places, 13, R. 2. St. i. c. 19.) y was 3 oz. in weight. [ JO ] 54. Bull Trout. — This fpecies Ins, I believe, ne- X and fo confiderable, as fuddenly to exceed the bulk of ver been defcribedby authors, having been confidered by '} the largeft famlet : for example, the fry itiat have quit- them as a variety of the fea tiout. AH the fifliermen in x ted the frefh water in the fpring, not larger than gud- this county however confider it as a dillincl fpecies,and 5 geons, return into it again a foot or morf in length, can diftinguifh it from the former at the firft glance. — ? Thirdlv, the fulmon attain a confiderable bulk before The head is thicker than the head of the fea trout, and x they begin to breed : the famlets, on the contrary, are It is alfo deeper at the fhoulders. The fcales upon the J found male and female*, (diftinguifhed by the milt back are fmaller and not fo numerous. The tail fin is 5 and roe) of their common fize. fhorttr, and can fcarcely be faid to be forked. The X Fourthly, They are found in the frefli waters in all dead or ballard fin is placed nearer the tail, and further j times of the year,f and even at feafons when the falmon from the dorfal fin than in the fea trout. They vary V fry have gained a confiderable fize. It is well known, in weight from 2 to 10, and even 2olbs ; but, in ge- X that near Skre-vojbury (where they are cnlled Samfons) iiera!, leldom exceed 7 or Slbs. ?■ they are found in fuch quantities in the month of S::p- The flefli, when cut, is much whiter than the other ;< tember, that a Hcilful angler, in a coracle, will Jake with fpecies, and is very infipid. t a fly from twelve to fixteen dozen in a day. ^^. Trout. SjAiuo faric, Lin. Syft. \. p. J09. no. C They fpawn in Nove;!iifr and DifCfi/iier, at which 4. Pen. Zool. 146 This trout inhabits all our rivers i time thofe of the Severn pufh up towards the head of ■whether great or fmall ; thofe taken in Carn, a fmall 5 that fair river, quitting the leffer brooks, and rtturn brook which runs into the Eden, at Warwick, are i into them again when they have done, efteemed the beil. Trouts are taken of various fizes, X They have a general refemblance to the trout, there- from 1 oz. or under, to 3 or 4 lbs. in weight. 5 fore muft be defcribed comparatively. ^6. Ullswater Trout or Grey Trout. Salmo jj Firft, The head is proportionably narrower, and the lacujiiii, Lin. Syft. 1. p. 510. no. 6 This fpecies is, X mouth lefs than that of the trout. 1 believe found no where in Cumberland, except in the Secondly, Their body is deeper. lake from whence it takes its name. Some fpecimens V Thirdly, They feldom exceed fix or feven inches in of this trout are faid to weigh between 50 and 60 lbs. X length : at moft, eight and a half For a more particular account, fee vol. I. i\rt. Ullf- Fourthly, The peftoial fins have generally but one water. X large black fpot, though fometimes a fingle fmall one 57. Whiting. Pen. Zool. 147 — ^This fpecies is '; attends it ; whereas the peflotal fins of the trout are very plentiful both in the Eden and the Eflc, but is 5 more numeroufly marked. fcarcc both in the Caldew and the Peteril. They be- i lifthly, The fpurious or fat fin on the back is never gin to afcend the rivers in June or July, where they jf, tipped with red ; nor is the edge of the anal fin white, continue till they have fpawned. July Qth, I, for the y Sixthly, The fpots on the body are fewer, and not firfl; time, faw whitings in the maiket. July i6th 1 X fo brighr. examined one, this day, which weighed 13 oz. It was p It is alfo marked from the back to the fides with a female, the eggs were very diftinft, and the roe v fix or feven large blnith bars ; but this is not a certain was 37 grs. in weight. Augufl 24th I examined one, t charafter, as the fame is fometimes found in young which was a female, it was — in length 14 inches — '; trouts. circumference 7 4 inches — weight i lb. averdupois «' Seventhly, The tail of the famlet is much more The roe weighed i drachm 10 grains. The head is s forked than that of the trout. green, gill covers filvery white. Back from the head 'Ji Thefe fi(h are very frequent in the rivers oi Scotland, to the beginning of the dorfal fin a(h colour, the rell k where they are called Pan. They are alfo common of the fifh is covered with fine white filvery fcales. — ; in the IVye, where they are known by the name of They vary in fize, from 6 oz. to upwards of lib. ? Skirli):^s, or Lafprings." 58. Br.^nlin or S.-iMLST. Pen. Zool. 148. — As \ To the above I (hail add, that a'moft all the anglers this fifh is, in general, confidered by the filhermen in ^, in the neighbourhood of Carli.le alledge : this county to be the fry of the falmon, I think it if I. That all the branlins they kill (and immenfe will not be altogether improper to tianfcribe the whole X numbers are killed every year) from the month of of what Mr. Pennant fays upon the fubjeft. 4 Mjy to Augiid, though they differ in fize, are fn.a'l. " The famlet is the lead of the trout kind, is fre- i 2. That all they kill during September and Odo- quent in the Wye, in the upper part of the Sezerri, and ; ber are large, or have acquired their full fize. the rivers that run into it, in the north of Eir^laiid, j What becomes of the old branlin-t, tiicy afl<, during and in Wales. It is by feveral imagined to be the fry X the fpring and a confiderable part of the fumraer ? of the falmon ; but our reafons for dilfenting from J .. . h has been vulgarly imagined, that there were no other that opinion are thefe : v than males of this fpecies." Firft, It is well known that the falmon fry never X + Mr. Pennant here labours under an error, for, if the wea- contin'j ou5 as all ran fweeps them into the fea, and leaves fcarce one bi hind. ^ rivers Uuring the months of March and April' Sec. ndly, The growth of the falmun fry is fo cpick,^ Admitting [ 3^ ] Admitting thtTe to be fafts, I account for them la i The eleftion for the city of Carlifle foon after co. the following manner. The old branlins begin to de- ming on; people's minds were fo much engaged in the pofit their fpawn in December, and continue fpawning X conteft that angling was not thought of, I therefore the whole of that month, and perhaps fome part of X had no opportunity of feeing any branlins till June January. i- 24th, on that day by accident I met with a perfon As this fcafon of the year is not favourable for ang- X who had jult begun to filTi, and had taken a fingle one ling, confequently few or no obfervations arc made j which was alive. — Lergth <; -^ inches. — Circumference during theft months. v 2 inches ^ ^nd |-. — Weight 6 drs. 4 grs. As loon as they have fpawned they retire, like the X July 2d I exi:mined twelve Branlins. The lar- falmon, to the fea, where tliey renvaia till the autumn geft of which was. — In length 6 ^ inches. — Circum- whcn they again return to the rivers. y ference 3 -} inches. — Weight 9 drs. 32 grs. The The fpawn depolited by the old branlins in the fand, J fmalleft of which was. — In length 5 ^ inches. — Cir- begin to exclude the young or y^v, according to the y cumference 3 -^- inches. — Weight 6 drs. 2 gts. — Eight temperature of the feafon, either in April, or May. — X ot thefe were ma'es, four were females. Theyoung branlins remain in the rivers where they were ^ July 4th I examined twenty-four, none of which. fpawned during the whole of the fpiing, f-mimer,and au- 5 were above 6 inches in length. The fmalleft was. tumn, and do not acquire their full fiy.e till the autumn, ); — In length 4 ^ inches. — Circumference 24- inches, about wiiich time the old ones return from the fea. — ^ — Weight 4 drs. and 37 grs. — Nine of thefe were Hence it is evident, that although there are branlins of 5 males, fourteen were females. various fizes in the fpring and fore part of the fummer, X July 6th I examined twelve, the largeft of whlcli, there will be no very large ones till the autumn, when and 1 was affiired it was the largeft of 12 doz. taken the young ones have nearly acquired their full fize, 2 by one man this day, was. — In length 6 ^ inches.^ and the old ones have returned to aflbciate with their X Circumference 3 4a"d4 inches. — Weight 12 drs. and offspring. j 52 grs Four of thefe were males, and eight were 3. That in the month of Oftober, although they X females. kill fevtral males full of milt, they kill no females full n July 9th, The largeft of nine dozen taken yefter- of roe. V day wa.s. — In length 7 ^ inches. — Circumference 4 4- This alfertion I do not admit to be true to its full ? inches — Weight 2 oz. i drachm and 35 grains — extent. 1 have examined fevcral branlins in the latter Of thefe nine dozen I examined thirteen ; four of end of the fummer and found they contained roe, and y thefe were males, and nine were females. in the month f Oitober I have feen fume which con- i July 26th I examined a branlin,the only one I have tained roe fo large and turgid, that I am perfuaded it 5 feen fince the 9th, the rivers being fo much fwelled would, if weighed, have proved heavier than fome ^ few or none have been taken, — It was 6 -|- inches young branlins which are taken in the latter end of ;■ in length, and was a male, the milt was large and May. I mult, however, acknowledge, that in the y weighed 40 grs. months of vScptember and Oftober infinitely more )( Auguit 3d I examined twelve, none of which were males full of milt are taken than females full of roe. — I 7 inches long. The fmalleft was. — In length 5 ^ This is undoubtedly a curious faft, and I can only ac- y inches. — Circumference 2 -l- inches. — Weight 6 dis. count for it, by fuppofing that the milt of the male ^ and 12 grs Four were males, eight were females.— becomes full and turgid 3 confiderable lime before the j The largeft roe weighed 4 grs. — The largeft milt roe of the female. { weighcj 40 grs. — The fmalleft milt weighed 5 grs. A Jhort Difcriplirm of a eranlin. Head green V Augull4th, The fmalleft of fevcral dozen taken this and afh colour. Gill-covers tingeil with a pale variable ^ day was. — In length 3^ inches. — Weight I drachm green and purple, and marked with a round dark co- y and 2 fciuples. loured fpot, in fome fpecimens there are two of thefe « Augull I7lh I examined ten, the whole which a fpots on each gill-cover. Back and fides down to the fifherman had taken. The largcll was. — In length lateral line, duflty and marked with numerous dark X 7 t inches. — Circu.'ntcrence 4 \ inches. — Weight 2 4- coloured fpots. Belly white. Along the lateral line \ oz. and 13 grs. The fmalleft was — In length 3 \ there are from fixteen to thirty bright vermilion co- j inches. — Weight i drachm and 38 grs — The milt of loured fpots. \ the largeft weighed 2 drs. and 5 grs. — Six of thefe The fides are marked with nine or ten oval bars, of j were malts and four were females. a dull. X vifited us irregularly, and only in fmall quantities, fo 512. na. 17. Pen. Zool. 150. — The grayling is now C that thefe buildings have been converted to other pur- and then taken, but not very frequently, I believe, X pofcs. It is pretty evident they leave the northern both in the Eden and Elk. i regions for the purpofe of fpawning only, and not in 6t. SrviELT or Sparling. Salmo epeflanus, Lin. y queft of food, as they are univerfally obferved to be Syft. I. p. 511. no. 13. Pen. Zooh i;i — The fmelt " fat and full of roe and milt upon their firft approach, is a beautiful fi(h and frequents our ftiorcs, but I am \. and lean and empty upon their return. Uneeitain whether it fpawns in bur rivers or not. \ 6a. [ 33 ] 6^. Pilchard, Pen. Zoal. i6i. — The pilchard X i. Pea Crab, Cancer pifum, I,in. Syft, j. pars greatly relembles the hening, in its form, iize and man- ii. p. 1639. '«5. 6, Pen. Zool. i. — Inhabits the ners, but is feldoin met with on our coalls. v muffel. 70. Shad. Cltipea ahfa, l.in. Syil. I. p. 523. no.\ 2. Minute Crab. Cc!::cer jninulus, Lio. oyft. I. 5. Pen. Zool. 164. — This is by much the largeft y /'''v ii. /. 1040. «. lojl./w. 63, Pen. Zool. 27. — In this fpecies * With bearded mouths. v ftony concretions called crabs eyes, ate frequently 71. Carp. Ciprinus carplo, Lin. Syft. i. p. 52 J. \ found. They are about the fize of the common white 710. 2. Pen. Zool, 165. — I'he carp is not a native of' pea, but are nearly flat on one fide. this illand, and indeed can only be confidcred at prefent X 9- Prawn. Cancer ferratus. Pen. Zool. 28. asapondfilh. They can exitt a confiderable time out J 10. Shrimp. Cancer grangon, lAn. Syft. \. pars of water. Tarn Wadalyne, a piece of water belong- C ii. ^. 1052. no, 67, Pen. Zool. 30. ing to William Milbourne, Efq. contains the largeft y II- Flea Lobster. Cancer pulex, Lin. Syft. i. cai-p of any in this county. i pars \\, p. 10^^. no 81. Pen. Zool. 33. 72. Tench. Cyprinus trinca, Lin. Syft. t. p. ^26, 12. I.ocust Lobster. Cancer locufla, Lin. Syft, no. 4, Pen. Zool. 167. X 1. pars ii. p. 1055, »£>. 82, Pen. Zool. 3^. 73. Roach. Cyprinut rittilus, Lia. Syft. I./. 529. J 710. \ 6. Pen. Zool. 172. ^ xxxxxx ** Without beards. 74. Chub or Skelly. Ciprinus cephalus, Lin. X CLASS VI WORMS. Syft. ►. />. 527. «<7. 6. Pen. Zoo). 175 — The fltfxxxxx I 16. Vermicular AscARiDis. /?/frtr//ffr?«/Wa/-//, X Mn, Syft. 1. pars ii. p. 1076. no. i. Pen, Zool. 4 , CLASS V CRUSTACEOUS ANIMALS. X Inhabits the inteftines of men and hoifes. ){ 17. Common Ascaridis. Jfcaris lunihricoidcs. Genus I Crah. X Lin. Syft. i. /.ar/ ii. />. 1076 «a. 2. Pen. Zool, 5 Definition of the Genus. — With eight or ten feet ; | Inhabits the human inteftines. rarely fix. — Two of th- feet clawed — Two eyes, re- v. mote ; for the moft part fixed on a ftalk, moveable. — \ Genus 111 Earth-Wortn. Tail fohated, and Ihort, lodged in a groove in the Definition of the Gc«///.— Slender annulatcd bod)?, fco'^y- \ furniftied with a lateral poie. [ 34 ] iS. Common EaRTH-WoRM. Za»!l/-;Vw //rr^r;>, X 29. Great Snail. Limax tnaxinai, Uin. ^jh. I, Li'n. Syft. I. pars ii. /. 1076. no. i. Pen. Zool. 6. — '^ pars ii- ^. 1081. ;:5. 4. Pen. Zoo!. J 8. Inhabits the common foil, and alfo the bi.rian inteftines. V 30- Garden or VV^hite Snail. Liviax a^rejfii, 19. Sea-Worm. Lumbricu; viarimu, Lin. Sjft, i. y Lin. Syft. 1. pars ii. />. 1082. w«. 6. Pen. Zool. 19. pars ii. p. 1077. «o. 2. Fen. Zool. 7, X 31. Ysllow Snail. Limax f.ivur, Lin. Syft. 1, ^ pars ii./". 10S2. ;<«. 7. Pen. Zocl. 20. Genus IV Fluke-Worm. X Dshnition of the Genus- — Flattifh body ; a pore at ■< Genus XI — Aphrodite or Sea Moufe. the extremity, and on the belly. v Dtiinition of the Genus Body oval ; numbers of 20. Liver Fluke-Worm. Fafciola hpatica, Lin. t fafcictili, ferving the ufesof feet, on each fide. — Mouth Syft. I. pars u. p. J 077. no. I. Pen. Zool. 8. — In- ft cylindtic, retraftile, placed at the extremity. — Two habits the livers of Hieep and hares. In rotten {heep, y fetaceouo feelers. the liver fwarms with them. X 32. Aculeated Sea-Mouse. /Iphrodita aculeata, 21. Intestinal Fiuke-Worm. Fafciola ;>/?,'?/- § Lin. Syft. \. pars i\. p. 108.1. «5. I. Pen. Zool. 25. 7ialis, Lin. Syft. I. /^i^/-^ ii. />. 1078. /w. 2. Pen. Zool. X 33. Annulated Sea-Mouse. Pen. Zocl. 28. 9. — Inhabits the inteftines of frefti water fifh. .5 Genus XII — Nereis. Genus V. — Tiile Worm. i Definition of the Gerius. — Oblong flender body Definition of the Genus — A flender lengthened 5 Feet formed like a pencil of rays, and numerous on body. — Mouth at the ver)- end ; attenuated cyiindric. J each fide. — Mouth at the extremity unguiculated.— — Aperture on the fide of the body. i Feathered feelers above the mouth. 22. Naked Tube-Worm. Siput:culus nudus, Lin. ■>, 34. Nereis Noctilucous. Nereis noctiluca, Lin, Syft. I. pars ii /. 1078. no. I. Pen. Zool. 10. Syft i. pars ii. /. 1085. no. i Pen. Zool 30. — t Thefe animals which in the day time are too fmall to Genus VI. — Leech. <■} be feen by the naked eye, illuminate the fea in the Definition of the Genus. — Body oblong ; moves by x night. dilating the head and tail, and raifing the body into an j arched form. v Genus XVI Salmon Loufe. 23. Medicinal I>e£ch. Hirudo medicinalis, Lin. X Definition of the Genus. — Body oblong, roundilli; Syft. I. pars ii /. 1079. no. 2. Pen. Zool. 11 — In- ; afSxes itfelf toother animals by its tentacula. — Thorax habits ftanding waters, and is diftinguidied from the v heart fiiapcd. — Two, fometimes three feelers in the horfe leech by fix yellow lines. .* form of arms. 24. Horse Leech. Hirudo fanguifuga, Lin. Syft. :) 35. Salmon Louse. Lermca fnlmonea, Lin. Syft'. J. pars ii. p. 1079. no. 3. Pen. Zool. 12. 'i i. pan ii. p. IC93. "*• 3' f^"* ^"ol- 4*. — Infefts 25. Geometrical Leech. Hirudo geometra, Lin. *. the bodirs of falmon while they remain in the fea, but Syft. I. pars ii. p. 1080. no. 8. Pen. Zool. 13. — .^11 5 are foon deftroyed by the frefli water. thefe leeches inhabit ponds and lakes. X \ Gi^^sXWU.— Cuttle. Genus Vll--//^. $ Definition of the G^««j.— Eight arms placed round Definition of the Gr^«/.— Slender body, carinated V tj^e mouth, with fmall concave difcs on their infides.— beneath.— Mouth at the extremity, ccrrated.— The i( Qften two long tentacula— Mouth formed like a horny two jaws pinnated.— An adipofb or raylel^ fin "ound beak.— Eyes placed beneath the tentacula.— Body the tail, and under the bcUy. ^ „ >! fleftiv, a ftieath for the breaft.— A tube at the bafe of 26. Glutinous Hag. Myxine ghtinoja, Lin. Syft. X ,jjg j'^u ■i parsVup. 1080. «.. 1. Pen Zool. 15.— Inhabits^ 6_ Great Cuttle. Sepia loli^o, Lin. Syft. 1. the fea, and enters the mouths of fifh winch are taken x p^^s ii. p. 1096. no. 4. Pen. Zool' 43. by hooks and lines, and devours the whole except Ikin .^ ^„_ £,^„.^ ^^^^^ Cuttle. Sepia octopodia, Lin. ^•"^ ''°"^- >; Syft. 1. pars ii. p. 1095. '•'• '• Pen. Zool. 44. T-n-ir TT TiTii r rn a • 1 f r if v 38. Officinal Cuttle. Sepia officinalis, Lin. DIV. n.-M.//«/a,/y?.— Animals of afimplc form, ^ gylt, i. pars ii. *. 1095. no. 2. Pen. Zool. 47.— The without a fiiell, furniflicd with members, naked. v ^^^^^ fp^^,^^ ^^^^ ^ui{n^A or alarmed, emit a black Genus VIII. — Slug or Snail. v liquor refembling ink. Definition of the Genus. — Oblong body ; attenu.ited x towards the tall. — Above is a flefhy buckler, formed X Genus KVIII. — Sea Gellies. ccnvexly, flat beneath A lateral hole on the right J Dcrinition of the Genus. — Body gelatinous, otb'« fide for its genitals, and difcliarge of excrements. — X cular, convex above ; flat or concave beneath — Mouth Four horns or feelers above the mouth. r beneath in the middle. — Tentacula placed below. 27. Black Snail. Z,/V/.'a.x a/cr, Lin. Syft. i. /^/-j v 39. Brown Sea Gelly. Medufa fufca. Pen. ii. p. 1081. ns. I. Pen. Zool. 16. X Zool. 48. 28. Brown Snail. Limax rufus. Lin. Syft. I. £ 40. Purple Sea Gelly. Medufa purpura, Pen. fttrs V\. p. 1081. no. 3. Pen. Zool. 17. j Zool. 49. 41. ■ r 35 3 4.1. ToBERcrtATED Si A. GfLLY. IfLdi'fa iuher-t 5^. Painters Gaper. Mya fifloritin, Lin. Syft. cuiata. Pen. Zool. 50. \ I- /".'J ii- /■• 1 1 12- «»• 28. Pen. Zoo'. 17, 42. Waved Sea Gellv. Mi.iufa unduhta. Pen. l r^. Peam Gaper. Mya inargaritiftra, Lin. Syft. "Zool. 51. 5 I. /'»'■.' ii- A 1 112. no. 29. Ptn. Zool. 18 This 4^. Luxated Sea Gelly. Mcdufa lunulata. Pen. 5 Tpecies is faid to inh.ibit the river Irt. It is alfo found Zool. 52. i' fometiines in the Irtliing. Pearls aie frequently found 44. Armless Sea Gellv. Mcduf.if.mf'hx, Pen. X in it. Zool. 5 5. — Thefe animals inhabit our fcas, and fome of j ^, „ them ifiiandled.affca the fidnfomewhat like nettles, & i S^^'^'-'} ^ '—^\'"^''''' others when n.bbed upon wood, emit a bright light, t ^ D^fi"'""" »/ the G«;w.-Tts ammal an afcid.a.— X A bivalve ; oblong open at both ends. — At tne hinge, Genus XIX.— .?^^ Star. \ ! f"'>"lated toojh turned back, often double ; not in- Definition of the G^«:w.— Depreffed body, covered X f^'^'d '" tl'e cppolite fhell. , . ^ „ with a coriaceous coat, furnilhed « ith five or more rays, ? .. ^G- ^-^^"^ ^'od- SoUnJihqua, Lm. Syft. I. /^rr and numerous rctraftile tentacula.— Mouth in the cen- t "• t>- • " 3- '•'• 34- P'^"- f ""'• 2^'-. . X 57. KaZOR tjHEATH. iolstl VagiKil, LlH. bytt, I, • ' »FIve-rayed. ' pars ii. p. 1 H^. no. ■^^. Pen. Zool. 21. 45. Common Sea Star. AJ^crla, ^laclalU, Lin. 5 58;. Scvmeter Razor. 5./.«.«/r, Lm. Syft. i. Sya. x.pars ii. ^ IC99. «• S- P«- Z°°l- 54- '.^'"'' "' ^- '"'^- "^^ 35- P^"^ Z""!- "• _ „ , 45. Cancellated Sea Star, yffena, dathrata, ? 59- Pei-lucid Razor. Sd^n pdluadm, Pen. Zool. Pen. Zcol. 5 J. X 2S' **With more th.an five rays. j| GenUs VI — Tellina. 47. Tev-ravuD Sea Star. Jfjierlat decasneniDSt'i Definition of the Genus. — Its animal a tcthys.— . Pen. Zool. 71. ^ A bivalve, generally floping down on one fide — Three V teeth at the hinge. Genus XX. — Echinus. X 60. Depressed Tellina. Te'.lina deprtjfa. Pen. Definition of the Genus. — Body covered with a fu- y Zool. 27. tured crult, often furniflied with moveable fpines. — f 61. Plain Tellina. Tellina planata, Lin. Syft. Month quinquevalve, placed beneath. X i. pars \i. p. 11 17. nc/. 52. Pen, Zool. 29. 48. Eatable Echinijs. Echinus efcukntut, Lin. 62. Rayed Tellina. Tellina radiata, Lin. Syft. Syft. I. pars ii. p. 1 102. no. I. Pen. Zool. 74. "i I. pars ii. p. 1117. vo. 54. Pen. Zool. 30. 49. CoRDATtD Echinus. Echinus fpatagus, Lin. i^' 63. Flesh coloured Tellina. Tellina carnaria, Syft. I. pars ii. p. 1104. no. 12. Pen. Zool. 75. ^ Lin. Syft. i.pars ii. p. in 9. no. 66. Pen. Zool. 32. j( 64. HornyTellina. Tellina ornca, Lin. Syft. DIV. Ill Shells. — Worms of the foft kind, and ft I. pars ii. p. 1 1 20. no. 72. Pen. Zool. 36 — Inhabit! fimple nuke, commonly covered with a calcareous habi- v ponds and frefti waters, tation. X t- Genus VII.' — Cockle. DIV. I. — Mullivalve Shells. X Definition of the Genus. — Tts animal a tethys.— . Genus II. — B.ir!iacle. c. Bivalve, nearly equilateral, equivalve. — Two teeth near Definition (,f the Gi?;;,v/. — Tts animal the triton.' — C the beak, a larger (placed remote) on each fide; The ftieil multivalve, unequal, fixed by a ftem, orfeflil. ^ each locking into the oppoGte. 50. Common Barnacle. Lepas balanus,Uia.Sy&. g 65. Edible Cockle. Cardium eduk, Lin. Syft. i, t. pars ii. p. WO"], fio. to- Pen. Zool. 4. j pars ii. p. 1^2^. no. go. Pen. Zool. 41. — Cumberland 51. Bell Barnacle. Lepas tintir.iiahulum, Lin. a cockles are fmall, and of an inferior quality to thofc Syft. I. pars ii. />. i io8. no. 12. Pen. Zool. 8. \ found on the Lancafhire ftiores. 52. Anatiferous Barnacle. Lepas anatijera,^ Lin. Syft. \. pars \\. p. II09. no. 18. Pen. Zool. 9. X Genus VIIT — Mafira. — Thcte animals adheie to rocks, different kinds of J Definition of the Genus. — Its animal A tethys.—. fhell filh. pieces of wood, fhips bottoms, &c. and were X Bivalve, uncqnal fided, equivalve — Middle tooth com- once abfuidly imagined to produce that fpccies of duck X plicated, with a little concavity on each fide, and the called barnacle. 5 lateral teeth remote, mutually received into each other. X 66. SiMPitf, Mactra. j'17(7i?/-<77?«//»r!<»';, Lin. Syft. DIV. fl Bivalve Shells. X i. pars ii. p. 1 126. no. 99. Pen. Zool. 42. GhNus IV Gaper. y 67. Strong Mactra. Alafha filida, Lin. Syft. Definition of the Genus. — Its animal an afcidia. — y i. pars ii. p. 1 1 26. no. 100. Pen. Zoo), 43. A bivalve fliell gaping at one end. — The hinge, for i the moft part, furnifiicd with a thick, ftrong, and broad v Genus X. — Venus. tooth, not inferted into the oppofite valve. X Definition of the Genus. — Its animal 3 tethys.— 53. Abrupt Gaper. Mya truncata, Lin. Syft. I. Hinge with three teeth near to each other, one placed />arj ii. /I. 1 1 ) 2. «e. 26. Pen. Zool. 14. ;( longitudinally, and bent outwards. 68f [ 36 ] "68. Wrinkled Venus. Venur mgoft, Pen. Zool. X HIV . 11^ .—Uiiivahe JIkUj . — With a regular fpJrt, •>"', „. ,, jr T 1 T> "7-,,! ., 5 Genus XVII. — GoivrL'. 6q. Waved Venus, f eirus undata, Fen. Zool. ci. X ,-,£•• c ■ r- i. -in ot n ^ ' »" X Dehmlion of the C«;; -7 i o, .\- , , ' , .L A Syll. I. /■arr 11. />. ii8o. «5. 36J.. Pen. Zool. 82. ous, inferted between each other. t 70. iJiLVERY Arca. Area nucleui, I-in. Syft. I. X , ' .. . o D 'T- 1 i Genus Xa. — l-l'helk. fan u. *. 114'J. «J. 184. Pen. Aool. 59. v „ ^ . . <■ 1 /-■ i» • i p a ' ■'^ ^-^ ^ -'^ A Definition ol the G?';«j-. — Its animal a fiug Aper- ,, .J,,, n If ^ V ture oval, ending in a fhort canal. Genus XII. — hcallop. n a \\ fir r> • / x-;/ » • on. !::,.. r .1 /-. i4 • I » .1 „ A 82. Massy Whelk. Buccmum Idt: bi\., Lm. Syft. Definition of the Len-.u. — Its animal a tethys. — Q .. e- -c, •-/ ^ i r,, „ , • , 1 111- » .1 1 r u ■ ,01. /lar/ 11. *. 1202. no. 467. Pen. Zool. So. Shell bivalve, unequal — ' hs lunge toothleis, having a ^ ^ ^ t^ ' . f _ , - „ , , ,1 ' o ^, g._ Wavfd Whelk. Buccinwi untlatum, Lin. imall ovated hollow. C n i ^ ■• jl . ,, . -- i>^„ '7„ 1 „^ „ o /^,3 • I ■ c a A Sy t. . /iij?.; n. p. 1204. ;?«. A7C. ren. Zool. 00. 71. Great Scallop. O/Z^-c^r tnaxi"2j, Lin. bylt. v '„ / ^ ,„ ^ A'-" . ^ . , ^ d._ ' .. o T> '7 1 <. V 84. bxRiATEO Whelk. Buccinutn Jtriatum, ren» II. pars 11. *. 1 144. «'■ iS?- Pen- Zoul. 61. ■' rr , j ' »T ' o /->/i T • K Zool. 01. 72. Variegated Scallop. UJirea varia, Lin. 1 „ r> -iir » • .• / . Syl. I. /v7r/ 11. i. 1146. «. 199. Pen. Zool. 64. V » • c n . •■ . -„ -/: d '71 ■' ,(, c n,i J. /: 1 ;„ c„n v Lin. Sytt. i.turj 11. *. 1204. ««. 476. Pen. Zool. 73. Writhed Scallop. OJfrc'a pu/.'o, Lin. bylt. X ]•■ r r t ti 1. pars ii. p. 1146. 1:0. 200. Pen. Zool. 65. ^ ^if o 1*7 d ■ • , t> "^ -.-.r c a r^ urit D„„ v 1 /c^ ". 86. Small Whelk. Biicciiium mtnututn, rcn. 74. Worn bCALLOP. Pi-a.''acfi/o/;/«i, Pen, Zool. Co. y _ , ' '^ ■' V Zool. 93. Genus XIII. — Oyfer. \ Genus yiXl.—Strovihui. Definition of the Gcmu Its animal a tethys X Definition of the Genus. — Its animal a fiug — Shell Shell bivalve, rougV.y plated on the outfide. ; univalve fplral : the opening much dilated, and the lip 75. Edible Oyster. Oftrea edulh, Lin. Syft. I. expanding, produced into a groove. fars\\.p. 1148. Jio. 211. Pen. Zool. 69 Oyfters x' 87. Corvorant's Foot Strombus. Stro}>ilut pes of a very large fize are found upon the coaft not far ? pekcan't, Lin. Syft. i. par) ii./. 1207. la. 490. Pen. from Whiti.L-.Tcn : they are however coarfe and far fro.-n Zool. 94. delicate. 5 Q Genus XX'I— 7If;<;«. Gexus XIV. Animia. X Definition of the Genus. — 'ts animal a flug The D;rfinition of the Genius ^-Bivalve, inequivalve. — t aperture oval, the beak narrows into a canal or gutter^ One valve peiforated near the hinge, affixed by that v a little a'cending. perforation to fome other body. t ^8. Urchin Murex. Murcx criuacctts, Lin. Syft. 76. Large Anomia. Anoniia ephipiiim, Lin. Syft. a i. pars ii. p. 1216. r.o. 526. Pen. Zool. 95. 1. pars ii. />. 1 1 JO no. 218. Pen. Zouh 70. — It fie- 89. Despised Murex. Muiex dcfpeftus, Lin. Syft. quently adheres to cyfter (hells. \ l. pars ii. p. 1222. 710. 559, Pen. Zool. 98. 77. Small Anomia. Anomia fquammula, Lin. I, 90. Horney Murex. Murex corncus^ Lin. Syft. Syft. l./tfrj ii. />. 1151. ?/«. 221. Pen. Zool. 71 r. />' Genus XXIII. — Top, Bivalve, often affixed to forae fubftance by a beard t Definition of tiie Genus. — Its animal. a Aug. — Shel Hinge without a tooth, marked by a longitudinal hoi- ? conic. — .Aperture lubtiiangular. low line. X 93- Livid Top. Trochus ziziphinus, Lin. Syft. I. 7S. Edible Mussel. Mytilus edulis, Lin. Syft. i. ^pari \\. p. 1231. m 599. Ptu. Zool. 103, fars ii. p 1 157. no. 253. Pen. Zool. 73 The 94- Conulf. Top. Trochus conuius, Lin. Syft. I. Lancalhire muffels far exceed thefe we have upon our '{pars ii. />. 1230. no. 598. Pen Zool. 104. j-oafts. S 95- Umbilical Top. Trochus umhilieatitf Lin. 79. Swan Mussel. Mytilus cy^neus, Lin. Syft. i. t Syft. i.pursW.p. 1229. no. 592. Pen, Zool. 106. /ar.f ii. />. 1158 ?«. 257. Pen. Zool, 78 Inhabits X 96. Land Top. Trochus terrejirii. Pen. Zool. both livers and ftagnant waters. Is found in the H 108. — This fmall ftiell is found on our mountains, Irthing. X 80. Duck Mussel. Mytilus anatmns, Lin. Syft. X Genus XXIV. — Wreath. I. pars W. p. 1158. 7;o. 258. Pen. Zool 79 Tills | Definition of the Cc'/.'wj — Its animal a flug — Apcr-. fpegics is alfo found ia rivers and ponds. i ture round. * Veotiicofe,_ C 21 ] 'Ventricofc. 97. PiRRiWiNKLE V/reath, Tuih litloreus, Lin. Syft. I. pars 'i\. p. 1232. «j. 607. Pen. Zool. 109. * "Taper. 98. Beardfd Pbrruvinkle. Turio clattrus, L,m. Syft. I. /arj ii. /. 1237. no, 631. Pen. Zool. in. 99. Auger Perriwinkle. Turbo terebra, Lin. Syft. I. pan u. p. 1239. »«. 645. Pen. Zool. 113. 100. White Perriwinkli;. Turbo ^Ibus, Pen. Zool. 114. Genus XXV.— 5W/. Definition of the Genus. — Its animal a {i;;^.— Shell fpiral, fub-pellucid. — Semi-lunar aperture. ♦Deprcflld. ICT. Rock Skail. He!i\- iapktda, Lin. Syft. 1. pars \\. p. \li.\. m. 656. Pen. Zool. 121. 102. Grey Snail. Hd'u alhella, Lin. Syft. i. pan ii. p. 1242. «». 658. Pen. Zool. 122. 103. Flat Sn.ml. HcHx plar.orhis, Lin. Syft. \\ pars \\. p. 1243. n'j. 662. Ptn. Zool. 123. 104. Whirl Snail. Hi'Ux vortex, Lin. Syft. I. parsxup, 1243. no. 667. Pen. Zool. 124. J05. DwAR? Snail. Helix nana. Pen. Zool. 125. 106. HoRNEY Snail. Hdix cornea, Lin. Syft. 1. pars \v. p. 1243. no. 671. Pen. Zool. 126. **Ventricofe. 107. 127. ro8. pars ii. 109. I Mottled Snail. Helix rufcfient, Pen. Zool. , Garden Snail. Helix hicorum, Lin. Syft. 1. ,/. 1247. no. 692. Pen. Zool. 129. , Shrub Snail. Helix aihuftorum, Lin. Syft. .pan ii. p. 1245. »■?. .680. Pen. Zool. 130. 1 10. VariegaTcD Snail. Helix tiemoralis, Lin. Syft. I. pars ii. p. 1247. >;». 691. Pen. Zool. 131. 111. Viviparous Snail. Helix vivipara, Lin. Syft. \.pari \\. p. 1247. r,i. 690. Pen. Zool. 132. 112. Zoned Snail. Helix zonaria, Lin. Syft. i. farsu. p. 1245- no. 681. Pen. Zool. 133. ** *0t a taper form. Eight Spired Snail. Helix oHona, Lin. .pan ii. p. 1248. no. 698. Pen. Zool. 135. **»*Ovated, imperforated. Lake Snail. Helix Stajynalij, Lin. Syft. 1. pars ii. p. 1249. no, 703. i"cn. Zool. 136. 115. Mud Snail. Helix piifris, Lin. Syft. i. ii. /. 1249. rio..jo^. Pen. Zool. 137. 116. Smoothed Snail. Helix Lvjigatn, Lin. II! Svft.' 114. 1. pars ii. p. 1250. no. 709. Pen. Zool. 139. 117. Olive Snail. Helix tentaculata, Lin. I. pars ii. p. 1249. na, 707. Pen. Zool. 140. /'ars o; It. Syft. Genus XXVI — AWile. Definition of the Genus. — Its animal a flug'. — Shell .gibbous, flattifti at bottom — -Aperture fcmi- orbicular. 118. River Nerite. Nerita fluviatilis, Lin. Syft. J. pars Ii. p. 1253. w. 723. Pen. Zool. 142. 119. Strand Nekite. Nerila liityralis, hin, Sy^, t. pars ii. p. 1253. ;/«. 724. Pen. Zuyl. 14_3. X DIV. IV.— Univalve 5M/.— Without a l-egulal 6 Genus XXVI 1 1.— £,/;///,?/. V Definition of the Genus. — Its animal a Aug.— Coftic X ftiell, without fpircs. j 120. Common Limpet. /"i?/!?//!? i'a.J^/7/i7, Lin. Syft. j( 1. pars ii. p. 1258. no. 758. Pen. Zool. 145. Q 121. Flat Limpet. Patella deprejfa. Pen. Zool. X M6- y 122. I>ijr/ II. />. 1265. «o. 79 J. Pen. Zool. i j6. X 130. Complicated Serpuv,a. Serpula intricata, Lin. Syft. i. pars ii.p. 1265. no. 796. Pen. Zool. 1 '57' 131. Twined Serpula. Serpula contortuplicata, ¥ Lin. Syft. i. pars ii. />. 1266. no. 799. Pen. Zool. X 158. 132. Worm Si^vvla. Serpula veim'.cularir, Lin. Syft. I. pars ii./. 1267. ;??. 805. Pen. Zool. 159. Genus XXXl.— -Piercer. Definition of the Genus. — Its animll a terebella.— Shell, flender, bending. A 133. Ship Piercer. Tei-edo n.ivalit, Lin. Syft. r. ^ pars ii. p. 1 267. no. 807. Pen. Zool. 160.— This X fniall animal is extrefhely dL-ftrudllve to (lilps. — Againft % their depredations no cffedlnal preventive remedy, has, y I believe, yet been difcovercd, except covering thcboti X toms of ftilps with ftieets of copper. \ Genus XXXW.—Sahella. A Definition of the Genus. — Its animal a nfrcls. ■ . V A tubular covering, fabricated wltli fand and broken V (hells, coherent by a glutinous cement. ^ 134. lioKEY-COMB Sabilla. Sahelhi aheolatat ? Lin. Syft. 1. pars ii. /. 12 68. no. 812. Pen. Zool, X 162. \ 135. Ivi^Siiiivtt.. Sahellatubiformis,Vtn.7.oo\, K I 35 3 5<>*«bs'X><><>0<>«-^'*<>0<.X^ Sedge Bird.— -See tie. 77, p. 13.— My fervan?, this year, found, in n hedge of my own paRure field. ADDITIONS —BIRDS. Swift. — See «». 90.^. 14. — Since X two nefts of this biid, which were the firft I had the (heet which « ^""^^ ^*^'^"' ^^"^^ °^ ^^^"^ contained fix eggs. The ex- Dfed of a pr a few ftrcnc; and thick contains the obfervations- on this fpecies was printed, X '/^"a' P^'^^, °f ^|}^ "'.^ '^' compofed of a pretty thick — - - . ' . . »,, . y (trattvm of mols mixed with weighed 23 grs. the fecond 22 grs. the third 24 grs. The fize, fhape, and colour of the eggs are reprefented in the plate, Figure Ili • y'/v :.' William Milbounie, Efq. of ArniathwaitecalUe, in formed me after the his houfe, difappi contained their neds to be fi!leJ up and well pointed ,, _ with moitar, with an intention of preventing them X and the fourth 20 grs from breeding there in future. Sometime in the be ' ' "* ginning of May, j 796, the ufua! number made their X appearance, at Armathwalte, aod foon after attempted 40 peck o'Jt tiie lime /rom tbi holn nuhkh contdhied the *ld nejls. Thefe attempts though frequently repeated, X were incffeftual, thty then became unufually noify, 5 and towards the latter end of the fame month, departed X and were not feen again. This circumftance, I think, S^^ Tenders the followingconclufions highly probable, — Firft, 5 that thefe biids do not conceal theinfelves, during the X winter, in the holes where they breed. — Second, That X the fame individuals annually return to thofe places v where they have bfen accuftomed to frequent. — A fwift, X iilled in July lait, had in its mouth forty-eight flies X ( c'lnops calc'itram ) v/hich came to life, with others which did not revive. May, 6th, 1797, at feven o'clock in the morning, § 7, for the firfl time this year, faw a fingle fwift — 7tli, in 9 the morning, I only law one — 8th, I looked for fwifts X feveral times this day, but faw no more than one — 9th, % J, this day, faw fix pair at the fame time, during all 5 thefe days wind at eafl, cold, and nights veiy frody, on X the 'aft day the mountains were covered with fnow. J Sand Martin. — Seewo. 8g. /. J4. — I ha-e dated 2 that foon alter fome fand banks were formed at Ed- X jnunj-caftic, they were annually frequented by fand 5 martins. But, as part of thefe banks fall down every X winter, the martins were in the fpring under the necef- X Sapphip.ike Gurnard or TuSfish. 7'rjg/a hirun-' lity of digging new holes. Finding this to be invari- y '''» I-"'". Syil. i. p. 497. no. 6. Penl Zoo!. 140.— ably the cafe, they have this year totally defertcd thefe 5 On the 13th of May, 1797, I, for the firft time, faw banks, which flrorgly confirms the fecond conclufion X two of thefe fifh in our maiket — the laigell. was fix made under the article fwift, viz. that the fame indivi- v pounds weight, and two feet in length. It was a fe- dua's, annually frequent the fame places. X "^^le and full of roc. The flefh was firmer t^an the. Chimney Swallow.— See ;;n fpots. The fizc, fhape, and colour of the eggs are rcprcl'entcd ia the plate, Figure I, !late of it, he thinks the fi!h would have.fpawacd, had it not been taken, early in June. He recoUeft? to have opened one, and only one, nearly in the fame ftate, in the month of March Captain Ponfonby, of the navy, , has taken falmon 1 71b'-. weight in tiie river Decwent, ' which he had himfeif marked whenyr;-. ! Charr. — See ;/<5. 59./. 32 — Very fine charr are ; taken, in Coaiflone lake, in Lanca.'hirc, and in Butter- I laere lake Cuaiberland, BOTANY r 35 ] BOTANY. WE arefurther hidehted to the Rev. WILLIAM RICHARDoON./jr preparing th foUo'wing catalos^ue of Cumberland Planis. He alfo favoured us with the defcription and natural liiftory of Ullfwatcr, his native place, and many valuable articles and obfervations in every department of tlie work. The Editors. We (hall omit fuch plants as are frequently met with in other parts of the kingdom. To the rate ones we (hull add the habitats, in older that the travelling botanill may more readily find them. MONANDRIA MONOGYNIA. X Alra ra5»/<7»a.— Crofs-fell, and Mr. Salkeld's ground, Hippuris vulgaris — In old Eden, in the paridi of Al- —— flexuofa. — Ciilgaith ir.oor, Kirkland-fell pafture, dingbam ; and at Low Geltbridge, in the parifh of X and lower parts of fells ; as Soulby-fell, and Bracken , n rigg, in parifh of Dacre. — — prxcox. — Blencarn near the mill j road leading X from Brampton to Intack ; and Mirehoufe — Storey's X ^'^^ V Melica tmiflora. — In moid woods, as Bank-hall, Na* A worth-callle, Dalemain, &c. cxrulea. — Kiikhoufe, Failam. Bank-rigg, Stoop-band, on Crofs- BramptoQ. Paddock-pipe in Cumberland. DTGYNIA. Callitr'iche autwnnaUs. — Ditches by river Gelt. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Veronica fpicata Mr. Salkeld'scow pa{lure,Kirk!and. ■ officinali;. — Brii"Ige, at Lancrcoft. -fiutellata.—^\r. Carlyle's Culgaith-moor, ^ Sejkria atrulca. >; fell, and Mr. Salkeld's fell paflure, Kirkland ; and Tarn-houfe, Brampton. Kirkland i montana. — Bank Wood, Ki'tkland. Pinguicola vulgaris. Rot- grass, Cumb. fuppofed '-'^ X Boa comprcjfa. — Houfes in Brampton, Mr. Hethering- "'• * ton's garden wall. highly injurious to n-.cep, on moifi: grounds, frequeiu. ^ ton's ear Utricularia vulgaris 1 ^^^^ Kefwick.* \ <^/7?^«.i.— Road from Blencarn to Milbufn. ~ r: ""'"'r'~j? „r .. rv ^ iir i. ^. ^'■fl"'" '"'"" vivipara.—Summh of C.ofs-fell, Helvel- Cirea Caucalif nodofa. — Croglin, in a corn field, on the road, Galium pocumhni. — Kefwick. C to iNewbiggin. ■ uligtncfuni. — Do. \ Dancus carota. — Culgaith pie, and Hayton. -fpurium. — Edenhall. J Athamanta iiianatir —Keiv/ick. ■ I'criale. — Ullfwatcr, and Kefwick. Crithinum maritimam — South of Whitehaven, rock?_ Epmediutn alpinum. — Found by Mr. Hutton, on Sad- X by the fea fide. dleback, near Threlkeld. K Sium latifuli-jtn — Kefwick. ylfpenila cdorata. — Moift woods, frequent. anguflifoUum Banks of Waver. Alchenilla alpina — Swarth-beck-giU, Ul'.f'.vater} and i twdijiarum. — Ke(wick, and Blencarn, by the mill. Rofthwaite by the road to Butteritiere lake. \ Sifen inundatum. — Blencarn. TETRAGYNI.^. X Oenantne cr'j^ota. — Blencarn, Blencogo, and river Crum. Pitomogeton combreffum.—0\d Eden.' 6 "o'^'^ — Denton-Holme, and ditches which run in- . ^/w/««f««.— Kefwick. X to Caldew, near Carhfle, fitaceum—Fcat mofs by Talkin-tarn. I Phillandrium ^ly.va/y^tt;;;.— Kefwick. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNlA. X ''t d Irtht^To? ' banks of Irth.ng, at Waltoa L,thospen,:um #r,«^/.._SkLtwitU-hail. ^ „ 'x JEtkufa ;//.«;«.— Kefwick. . pnrpurco cxvule-Mi.—\\^o^ at '»»?/#"« #--''W.- —Kirkofwald, and Maryport. X ^^\^^^^.}^^^- , Echiam i;H/^a/-f.— Kefwick. P^rnaffla palujins. — On moiil grounds frequent. Primula elatior. — Barren wood, near Armathwaite, ? PENTAGYNIA. and Dalemain woods, Cow Sinkin, Cumb. . •' Statice arnicria. — On fea coaft abundant, and on a hill far it •fa. — Kirkland, wettilh ground, frequent, v near Buttermere lake. Bonny Burd Eye, Cumb. X Drofera rctundifjlij. — Frequent. Lyftmachia f ai^,/>^.,„^,«„;._Kefwick. .' ■\,r Ti I ,. , ^ , . . ? "Tmatu/ f.f?;//'/, Se AVE, Cumb. — -Dipped in sjreaie, and —— nigruK, — Mr Troutbeck's woods, Cul?aith. v r j ji , j j j 11 1 ..• r-i , ^ .,. o ,, ^ ,,, „', t.""-"" A uled as candles; rendered very durable, by an addu. i^hu-x mariUma — Salt coats, Abbey-Holm. X.- r t , r . ■ i. • l 1 rr- ■ t- /• ■ 1 ' '■•'"""• J tion of bees wax; one two feet eight inches long • Vinca muior. — Kefwick. '• u .. ..v, ' j ° ^ X burnt three nouis and 27 minutes. DIGYNIA. ^. fyhaticus. — Nawoith-caftlc, and Dunmailet. '■ Salfola Kali. — Loofe fand, Abbey-holm. \ " DlGYNI.-\. Vlnius moritana.—Trcc^ucxM. ' f^ Pumx hydrclffpathm River Crujnmock. Cr,-fic:-7 /r-v.-7r-(7t.— Kefwick, A P-"^nr'. [ 41 } liuinex digyiius .'—'By bhck lead mine, Bo'.TOwdalc. X /Irenaria pepbidas.—hWonhj, Abbey-Holm, and Ma- ^Trhlochin maritimum. — Abbi-y-H'jlm. ' yyport. Pickled as Sampliiie. .. — pahjire. — Mr. tJalktld's Baron's-hill, zvA % latkif-Aia. — Hallen-hag, Swatth-fell, and Talkin-tarn. X PlacefeU, Ulll'water. POLYGYNIA. .. PENTAGYNIA. ^lifma ranunciiloidcs. — PatterdniC, and Waverton. X Cotxledon tJmlelicus. — Kefwick. HKPTANDRI \ MOVOGYMIA. ; i'i-^w/rfAyiWaw.— Stark end in corn, and at Kefwick. Trientalis eurcpjea. — Kefwick, Bcwciftle. ' ^ reHexumi — Garden uallNaworth, and Kefwick. OCTANDRIA MONOGYN'A. l dafyphUum.—Y.:irrapancllari,.-C,oh-k\\, Patterdale, Swarth-fcll, t -^^'^"^V'^'.'— Sandwike, UJUwatcr. Place fell, Kirkftonc, and Kclwick. ^ Papavfr cantbrm.m^—Y.ds'.nck «,t.«///.— Gowbarrow-park, and Kefwick. I Nywphxa /«/^^.— Bromfidd, Abbey-holm, old Eden, a,aumm,lis -Patterdale, Gilfland near Spa « Drawdykes, and Kefw.ck. well, and Kefwick. I ■—— f^—'^nh the preceding j'ranulata.—Bridgfi at Lanereoft, and Kef- C'Jlu, ^/7j//r«/.— Siybrow, and B owike, Ullfwater. „„^,, /:e/ianlk->fiutu — Woods at Blencarn, and Hallca* . /r^i^^yto.— Stankend, foot of Ullfwater, J J^^p l^l'fvvater. and Na worth. caftle. " J" ^7-'%''' t'v/^'^m.— Banks of Edeo, Culgaltli. ,^;/.^9/./c/.— Swarth-beck, and Gowbarrow, i a/pma.—Keh^-xk. Ullfwater; and Kefwick. \ POLYGYNIA. ■cxfpitofa — Kirkftone, and Kefwick. J ThaliiRrum minus. — Kefwick, and Ullfwater. ScpoMaria officinalis Ufemire, and How town, Ullf- ^ majus — L^ndoubtedly grows with the pre. water, and Ake-beck-bridgc, by Pooley. i ceding. Dianthus glaucus Kefwick. t Ranunculus lingua.— Emont, by Carleton-hall. Cucubalus if^e-//.— Kirkland, Allonby, and Kefwick. }, auricomus Bank wood, and Culgaith. TRIGYNIA. 2 TroUius europicus. — Kirkland, abundant in r'loift woods, Stellaria nemorum. — Cooms wt>od, and Dunmallet. X meadows, &c. JLj JJelkhruf [ 42 ] HelUhrus fjetldus . — Kefwick. BIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. Nepeta cataria. — Kefwick. Leormrus cardiaca. — Langiigg, Bromficld. Scutellaria galerkulata, — Patterdale, and Kefwick. minor. — Culgaith moor, and Kefwick. ANGlOSPEPuMlA. X Jjlragalus glycyphyllos. — Culgaith pie, and Kefwick. G ■ are?iarius. — Kefwick. X Trifoliam fubterraneum — Kefwick. X —— fl:xuoJu7n. — Do. I POLYANDRIA. g Hypericum humifufum. — Ponds, Edmund-caftle, Hay- Melawpyrum pratcnfe. — in woods and hedges, Kirk- • land, Brampton, and Dacie. X Lathrdea fqitamaria. — In a field of Mr. Reeds, Hole- J houfe, Baggray. X Antirrhinum niajus. — Edenhall-hall, garden wall. j Sibthorpia eiiropiea.—G\enQo\n, and Gowbarrow-park, by Aircy-force ; and Kefwick. v TETRADINAMIA SILICULOSA. X Tklafpi can/pcftr;. — Bvamptonrigg. ? . montar.unu — Mr. Salkeld's fell pafture. ' alpcjire. — Do. and Baak-iigg, Kirkland. Cochkaria officinalis. — Amongft rocks, Crofs-ftU. SILIQUOSA. Cardamins iwpatic?u. — Kefwick. -amara Gelt river, Irthiiig, and Maryport ton; and Kefwick. hirfutum. — Gilfland Spa. mor.taniim. — Hallen-liasj UUfwater ani Kefwick. - pulchrum.- wick. -Kirkland, Patterdale, and Kef- SYMGENESIA FOLYGAMIA ^QUALIS. Tragopogon pratcnfe. — Kiikland, and Brampton. porrifolitaii. — S..id lo grow near Rofe-caftle, Sifymbrium fyhefirs. — Kefwick. Arabitjlricla Kirkland fell-paflure. Brajfica muralir. — Cailifle-caftle, and Drawdykes. monenfis Maryport, and Workington. C where we have fought for it in vain. ;< Leontodon autuvmalc. — Poo'ey, and Brampton. {; Hieraciuin alpinuin. — Kefwick. y dubium. — Do. and Patterdale. X auricula. — Do. Do. j wurorum. — Gilfland fpn, and Kefwick. piiludc,fu7n Kirkland, Uilfwattr, and Kef- A Wick. Hypocharis maculata. — Kefwick. X Serratuta alpina. — Caftle, and near church, Bewcaftle. A Cardiius criophorus. — BewcaiUe. /ifA7«'5;Ji?j.-=-Kirkland. X acaulii. — Road to Aircy force, Gowbarrow, Bunias Cakih AUonby, and Maryport. MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA Geranium niofchalum. — On a hedge bank, at Mr. Yates' g and Sandwike ; UUfwater, and Kefwick Skirwith, Kirkland. y Eupatorium canabimim. — Ruleholra, Brampton. _ pkaum. — Kirkland, and Kefwick. X SUPERFLITA. /^;r«v^m^^ou, UUfwater, Palet-hrll v ;^„.y^^;^ /^^j„,/,;,,.__BIencarn. Dacre, and Kefwick. - — DIADELPHIA HEXANDRIA. Fumaria claviculata — Patterdale, Dalemain, old gar- den wall. intermedia. — At John Johnfon's Efq. Wal- MONOGAMIA. Lobelia dartmanna, — UUfwater, Kefwick, and Talkia- tarn. Impatiens noli tangere. — Kefwick, and on road from Ambltfide to Rydal-haU. GYNANDRIA DYANDRIA. Orchis lifolia. — Bankwood. 7no>io. — Woods at Kirkland. — — — latifolia. — ^Do. maculata. — Do. ton-hoiifc, by farm yard ; Mr. Gough has found it ; near Kendal. Folygala vulgaris. — Crofs fell near the fummit, and in ■ rich pallures by ihe liver Eden, &c. DECANDRIA. Cenijia a?iglica. Cat Whin, Cunib. Kirkland, Bramp- ton, and Maryport. Anthyllis vuhtcraria. — Blcncarn, and Brampton. Orobus tubercfiis. — Kirkland, &c. Satyriujn hircinum. — Kefwick. I -.fyhjticui. — Under Crcfs-fVU, from Kiiklaod to y albidum. — Do. Gamblefby. X repens. — Dp. Lathyrus latifiliui. — Whitehaven. ^J Ophryt niduf-avis. — Do. Vicia fyhatica. — Culgaith woods, by Eden, and Kef- x cordata. — Kirkland. wick. % Scrapias latifolia Diinrr:allet, and Dalemain. ■ lutea. — Kefwick. v ___-» longifolia. — Banks of Waver. 0/;7;//D/«(/f/-/'y/7/«/.— Bkncarn, and Biampton. X MONOECIA — pyramidalis. — Blencarn, and Kefwick. — conopfea. — Do. X - ujiulata. — Do. [ 43 ] MONOECIA MONANDRI A. X ylaoJlichumfeptentrknale.—'PMcxMt, and Kefv.nck. Zannichellia pal-jj}ris. — Culgaith moor, and Stankend, 5 Acrojihhum fpicatit. — Frequent in woods and under Ullfwater. ;; hedges. Chat a vulgaiii. — Peat bogs, Patterdale, and Kirkland. t Ptsris crifpa Frequent in Martindale, &c. TRIANDRIA. \i——~aquilii:a. — Frequent, Brackens, Cumb. Caiex, as named by Dr. Goodenough, in \S\\v\(:iXi t ■^fpismumcetcrach. — Yew-crag, and Airey-beck, GoW" tranfaftions, vol. ii. d-cica, Brampton. .^ barrow^park, Lovvther rivei, Sandwike ; Ullfwater ; puli.aris. — Bra'.iipton, and Gilfland fpa. 5 and Kefwick. - curta — Kcfvvick. X viride Place-fell, and Swarth-feil, UUf- - liiHofa — Brampton. }, water; Crofs-fell edge, and Kefwick. ■ paniculata. — Kirkland. v adiantum nigrum. — With pieceding. flava. — Do. X viarintim. — Whitehaven, and Maryport. — — — vutp'uia. — Do. 5 Pclypodium lonchitis. — Kefwick. cefpitofa. — Do. X fontanum. — Kefwick, and Saddleback. ■^lurta, — Kefwick, and Brampton. X phegopUrii. — Airey-bcck, Glencoin ; Lo- — vcficaria. Kirkland, and Brampton. ^ core, Kefwick. — — ampuUacea. — Tindak-larn ; Eel Hank, by Poo- X ciijiatum. Woods at Caftle-Carrock, ley. - Q Cooms wood, and Kefwick. Sparganium eredum. — Abbey-holm, and Kefwick. v oreopteris. — Ullfwater, Crofs-fell, and Kef- ' fiat am. — Old Eden. X wick. TETRANDRIA. J flix tuax, Meckins, Cumb. frequent. Littorella lacujiris. — Ullfwater ; Culgaith moor, fchool, v Jilix Jlemina. — Frequent. and Mr. Carlyle's land. X thehpteris. — Glencoin, and Blowike, UUf- DIOECIA DIANDRIA. water and Kefwick. Salh kcrmaphroditka. — We have reafon to believe, does \ ■ .. acculeatum. — Swanh beck gill, and Kcfvv. not grow at Alfton moor, as mentioned by Ray ; g rhaticum. — Martindale, & Patterdale, Mat- we have frequently fought for it in vain, and have not j terdale, and Kefivick. met with any fpecies, which is rare in other places, X fragile. — With the preceding. except the two following. • X ^__ dryopUris. — Crofs-fell, Ullfwater, and Kefw. — — reticulata 7 At Tyne-head, and in many places V Trichomancs tunhrigenfe. — Gowbarrow, and Kefwick. —— pentandiia^ zk>Q\xt Alfton, Grayftock, Abbey- X .^rf« lacujlris. — Ullfwater, lower end; Gowbarrow- Holm, &c. 5 wike, and Kefwick, drawn oii ihore by fifh nets, &c. —— herbacea. — Summit of tSkiddaw, and Saddleback. ^ MUSCf. aurilc. — Pooley, and Culgaith. t. Lycopodium clavaltim, Fox Tails, Cumb. on all the TRIANDRIA. \ l^'^'^- £}npetrum nigrum Crofs-fell, Kirkhoufc, and Bramp- filagimidss, Fox F£et, Cumb. frequent ton. V «>" ^""s- TETRANDRIA. I fi'^S" — Frequent. Myricagale.— \J\\iv/i,\.tv, at Galeclofe, Pooley; bogs J fl//;«a»A— Place-fell, and Swarth-fell. Naworth ; Kefwick, and other lakes. Gawan, Cum. x ^o"*'"'"''' atitipyretica. —Becks on Crols-fell, and by OCT.ANDRIA. X Ullfwater. Rbodiola w/fl.— Kefwick. \ fquamo/a.—^wirih. beck. MONODELPHF A. X 77—7 /'««-'^— Barton-park, Ulllwater. es- .^ TT„r r.1 r 11 11 1 I Pclytnckum ccnimuve. Besom Moss, Cumb. two feet >;itrV"" c'""'"'T u ' P'='"-f'^"'='"*^ ^'=^'^'' X high, on our higheft hills. ■ • Gillland. Savin, Cumb. t FUNGI v-gelt-bridge POLYGAMIA MONOECIA. ^bridge, &c. Parietaria officinalis. — Naworth-caftlc, and Langrigg. \ 1'his county abounds with plants of the cryptcga- CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. X mia clafs, and though we have to regret, that we hav-e Equifelum fiuviatile. — Old Eden, banks of Emont, and j hitherto paid but little attention to tliis numerous clafs', Kefwick. ^ and are therefore unable to determine, whether there hyeniale. — Low-gelt-bridge. X be many rare fpecies or not; yet, relying upon the ac- OphiogloJJuJii vulgatum ^\ ahon wood, and Kefwick. \ curacy of an intelligent friend, we can affure the pa- Ojmunda lunaria.—Kdwkk, in a field on right hand ^ tient and indnftrious botaiiill, that he may be gratifieti of road to Penrith, How-hill, Caflle-Sowcrby, and X by the (hfcovery of feveral mu/ci, alga-, and Aingi, in the Naworth park, rare. { neighbourbood'of Ul/fivaicr, which have not )ct been ■ . regalis — Low gelt-bridge, and Kefwick. x noticed by Hudfon, Withering, or Dickfoa. ' C 44 ] FOSSILS. T N treating of the minerology of Cumberland, a county fo rich in fubrerraneous producTuons, it will not, we X prcfutne, be expeftcd, that we fl)ould go into the fubjeift much at lengtli. To colktt, and arrange, in a clear, methodical, and fcientific manner, all the rarious fafts, and accuoiulated inforMation -which the prefent advanced ftate of rainerological knowledge might afford, would be an undertaking of no fiight labour or difficulty ; and would of itfelf form a work of confiderable magnitude and importance. Anxious, however, at al! times, to lay before our readers all the information which the nature and limits of eur hiftory will allow, and as the learned profefibr, Walker of Edinburgh, has obligingly favoured us with the analyfis of fome FoCils, fyecimens cf whic^ are in tlie muftums of Mr. Crollhwaite and Mr. Hutton, of Kefwick, we fnall give his obfeivations with the ligriatate Dr. Wr. together with inch remarks as We have ourfclves been enabled ts make. C/1LCAB.EGUS GENUS. thrown and g:e;n, with lead ore, Skrets. Purple and Limestone, Lapis calcareous. — Of various-colours, C blue, covered with crufts of white femipelkcid, Kefh. texture and hardntfj, abounding io many parts of the ;< burn, CroCs-gill. Flaming red, Nenthead. White, county, as noticed in our account of different parilhes. ? fome parts beautiful green and b:ight blue, others faint Shells of oftrea and cochlea genus found in limeftone purple, Nenthead. Yellow and brown, Longnor iron quarrii;5 at Overend ; imprdtfions of many diftVrent ) .-nines. Erown ferruginous, mines near Kefwick and kinds of (hells, with ammonita?. entrorfii, afteria:, &c. c Aldllon, foliated. Hixagonal truncated. Cryftallized &c. Bothei, Melmerby fear, Croli-fell, Kowlees, Tor- ^ in hexagonal prifras, terminated at one end by a pyra- penhow, Hartiide, river Jrthing near Lanercoft, Red- X mid. hills near Peniilh, Farlam, Kitkhoufe, near Plum- 5 Stalaiftitical (Drop Stone) Aldfton. In fmall lands. — ^//aVf, for^/s/W,y; niollly ilraiglit '^ BAK^ST.tE'siTZ,Biiry/(^r comliir.eJ'wilAfu/phur/c ac/J. and par;dlel, colour Ihining white ftieakcd with bright ^ In great abundance at Aldftoii-moor, where it is called red, toft. Fibres coarfe, undulated, p'.irple and claret 'v -C^ujif; *8*lfo in the ncig-hbouihocd of Kefwick. Der- colotiv, with fparry white laminas intervennig. Third, ; went lake Dr. Wr. It occurs in fuch various forms that. Foliated, com ie ffr:iined,of afcaly texture, fcales ftraight, i as Mr. Kirwan obferves, even the patient Werner def- glaffy, colour brownifli red. Finer grained, dark grey v paiis of cnnunierating them. In Cumberland it is found, mixed with diificy white. Fourth, Crtfiul/ized. Pure '^ ¥hi{ Ccmpadf. Second Fo/iaUd. Third Slrhh-d. Both colouvlefs dnilcji cryftals, arrowheaded, irregularly dif- 6 amorphous and cryllallizcd. IVanfparent feinitranf- pofcd, farming the refemblance of a cock's comb, fonic V parent and opaque. Colours various, fiequently white, of the arrow lieads double and triple, cryilals in fome .; bluifh white, yellowifh wliite, yi'low, fawn colour, parts rhomboidai. Gypfuni is here raifed in larger !", pnle red, brownifli red, flefli colour, blniili, bhiifh gicy. quantities, we bdieve, than at any other quany in the '■ Cryftals of many different (liapes, quadrangular prifms, eounty. The yeaily vend, befoic the commencement o hexangular prifms ofcen very flat and ending in a four of the prefent war, was from 2co to -joo tons ; fince v fided pyiamid, Aluminiforni, rhomboidal lamellar, lab- that time however, it has not exceeded 40 or 50 tons. >; ular bevilled at the edges, very frequently refembh'ng a The principal market v.as Dublin. It lies imbed- t number of fmall fenl'es fet clofe logetlier on a giound ded in red argillaceous marl, betv.-ecn two large ftraia V n/armor vietallicu?)! druf.cum cryfiatum of CroniTadt — of fand ftone, the upper folid, hard, fine grained ; the X ThiJ}ria:ed, .ind indeed molt of the varieties of this under loofe, friable, coarfe grained, the ftratum varies v mineral, appear to be of a radiated l!ni6ture, its parts fo much in thickneis, thai it fonitlimes appears to be v diverging f.s from a common centre. It is now gene- in huge irregular maiTes, fcarccly connected together. \, rally underflood that Barclite /Icratcd Barytes is no It is found on the north fide of a dyke or trouble, by j- where to be met with in Aldlton-rr.oor ; at leall it is which it has been forced up almoft to the fuiface. — >: certain that Dr. Whithering obtained his from Angle- It has a confiderable dip to the north. In fonie places c fare near Chorley in Lancartiirc ; there i?, however, a immediately below il, there is a thin bed of a foft ■; fpecimen of this fubftance, in Mr. LoHi's coUeftion, blackifli umbcrlike fubftance, which, on examination, X lent him amongft fevcial other miHt-ials, by Mr. we found to be decayed wood, fonie parts of whfch had C Hodgfon, of Aldfton, as the produce of a mine in that evidently been oak. C neighbourhood. There is a variety of foliated sfypfum, placlef iiMri^, * . ^ _ which in lome places is ibund Verlcftfy tranlparent { MURUTJC, Or lUGNESIAN GENUS, and of an extraordinary fizc. At Florence there are, v Talc, Mica, Gli!iimer.\ It is laid, columns of it fifteen feet high, in a church \ . Shisto?i; Talc, found fometimes, though rareljr, window, inllead of panes of glafs. M. Maquart and -' '" ^""^ ^'^"''^^ °f ^^"^ ''^^^' Bo"owdale, and near M. Guettard, aflure us that it is alfo ufcd for window X P"f«'atcr. Mica of mar.y different colours is found panes in fome parts of Ruffia ; this however M. Kar- X intcrfpcrfed and rricorpoiattd with feveral kinds of itn pofitivel'- denies. V "°"fs, particularly in mod of our fand Hone rocks.— We behev'e gvpfum has not, in. any inftance, been X ^^hite, in ftone of a harfh gut, of rediih giey colour, fiiccefifully employed as a m inure in this county .' perforated with Pholades, on the fhore between Work- May not the ground to which it has been applied, ^ '"Rt"" ^"^ Wh.tehaven. Grey Mica, in ftone fpolted have already been faturated, as it weie, with this fub- X ^^'^n l^'^ck, Skrets, and at Kefwick. Stone fpotted hance formed bv the union of lime with falphuric acid j ^'"'^'^ ^""^ "■'"'^'- '^'^h grey m:ca, Edcnhall. Brown extricated in the decompofition of pyrites, ,vhich )( g''"y ^""e- ^^'■^' ''p^"g'" °f fi''"?" '=^<^' ^'■^"'Vl^row. abound in many of our foils, efpecially in coarfe mar- X '" layers of ftone, inte.mixed with coal, Whitehaven, ^^j] (.)ayg, f Broad fealtd finning filvtry m'ca, with very tliin 1am- (■ inx of coal intervening, Warnel-ftll. Talcy ftone, Fluor.— A great variety of fltr.r., compaa, and '■ ^fembling emery, Skiddaw. White, ftringy, fibrouj, filiated, amorphous and cryjiallized found in the differ- v CulgEith, Kirkland. Spangles of filvery mica, m a cnt lead mines of Aldfton-moor. Cryftals cubical with ?' '■^^' ^^-^1^ f""^!^'* '^'^"^ > ■"'^^ ^ ='''^«"'' riumpton> q"ar- thc edges fometimes bevilled, oaohsdral, polygonal, I l"'" °" '^^^ ?■•'«"'' ^'''^ "'^"'y °'''«'' P"""'^'' Sometimes irregular. Colours verv nnmer.us, red, green, blue, \ '" "=*'<-* quanifs in the intcrlhces between tne pofts yellow, purple, violet, colouiltfs and of all gradations, X ^" 8''^""'^ '" '"""V P^"^ "^ '"^ '^='"''*>' — ^"'='' "i'"> from very pale to almoft black. Often of a drofv X Derwent, Cockermouth. furface, compofed of different minute cryftals, and not Steatiles, soaprock.— .9f;/.7 indurated. White, unfreqnently frofted over with marcafiles. Veiy com- I ftreakcJ with pale green, HiU top, St. John's, Dr. inoniy found mixed with lead ore, blend, fpar, &c. X Brownngg's cabinet. fometimes, though rarely, ftuddcd with brilliant quartz f ^ i, would pcrl.aps have been more corrcfi to have fepcr- Cijftab, and with cryftallizcd Galena. t ated Mkasnd lak. [ 46 ] ^j/i-f/w/SAvyjM/.'/i?/, of Cronfledt, Coome two miles, 5 Carnelian. — Of various colours, tut chiefly of and Hindfide five miles from Rofsthwaite, Borrowdale, C different fhades of red. Not unfrequeut on the ftore, Longnor iron mine, Dr. Wr. >; ar.d near the furface of tlie earth in many places. Serpentine. — In ftr.all rounded malTes on the fea 5 Flint — In loofe detached nodnks, generally with fhoie in many places, and in ploughed grounds, but v a greyifh craft or rind. On the fea (here, in beds of rare. X jivers, in gravfl pits, and at the furface in many part* AsHESTUS. — Lead mine at Nenthead, and in fome of the county, of our mountain rocks, where it prefcnts much variety ? Chirt, Petrosiles, Horn-stone. — FrcqueDt» of appearance, as it fecms to graduate iiito different i Crofs-fell, thin layers in -limeRone, near Caldbeck. fubflances. J Jasper. — Of different colouis, often veined, cloud- SILJCEOUS GENUS. ;< cd, and fpotted, met with generally in beds of rivers, ^iartz and Rock Cyfidl I ^"'' °" "^ """^ "^^^ '^""^" "^ ^''^ ground, in detached ■ ... . . ,,.. ri Jumps br fragment* Black with veins of quartz, Of feveral varieties found 1.1 our mines at Aldfton, 5 u,^^,^ Armathwaite, near Kefwick-Dr. Brownrigg. Kcfwick, Caldbeck, &c. m clefts and veins of rocks, v p^^OT Spi& Contained in granite and other ag- in the beds of rivers and brooks, and foinctimes in \ „^^„^^^ fton,;^ ^pj fometimes found adhering in con- ploughed fields. In the two hft fituations it generally J (idgrable quantity to quartz, in veins of (hiftous rocks, occurs in dubnft maffes of different fizes, rounded ap- f Agate. -In nodules, by the fide of Ulifwater, io parently by attrition. k^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ Bewcafde church, and river Irlhing, . Mountain Crystal. Nitrum cryjtallut mcntana, \ Gililand -Uxi. partzum cryjlailizatum, CronUatit, Skiddaw, % Perhaps this ought to have been clall^d with the .Dr. \\x Lchinated cryflalline ball, Skiddavv, Dr. X ^ ^^^^^^ j^^^^^_ j^^,.,.^;.^^ as Werner obferve?, it doc. Wr. Ftora,-,.i prifruitica. Fibrous ^artz,^^^^iX, ^^ f^^^ ^ ^-.^-^^^ f -^^^ but coniifts of quartz, piifmatic hbresDr. Wr. W..low.crag near Keiwick. V cryilal, hornftone, flint, calccdony, amethyft, jafper, Qiiartz of fibrous (hufture on the fur^ce, KeRvick, 5 carnelian, heliotropium, and jade, in binary, ternary, Dr Wr Glafly, fat quartz, generally of different y ^^ ^^^e numerous combinations. See Kirwan,/.. 33a. Jliadcs ot wfiite, Irequent. Iriable and of fcaly tex- if ture, rrandclhow-mine, Kelvvick. Pure gLiOy py- f ARGILLACEOUS GENUS. Xammal cryttals do. Fine white quartoze land, fome ^ Porcelain Clav. Tirra torceUanca, Kaolin of of It mixed with minute grains of ores of lead and a t^^ chintfe.— White, and cream colour, moilly friable zinc do. \\ hite, opaque cryftals, Aldfton-moor _ \ 3,,^ dully ; but fome of it, efpeciallv that which is the quartz is often met with both amorphous and crytbl- X hardeft, rather compaft, feels meag're. Falls to pow- lized, in our mmes, intermixed with mica, plumbago, j j.^ in water. Contains minute particles of fcuiiuix the du:erent ores of lead, copper, iron, zinc, Sec— ^^^ „,;,^_ gurns to a white brick in appearance. The mines at Aldfton prodiice beautiful tran^arent t ref^.-^bling porcelain ware— tarrock, nearNebffeps. ciyftals of various forms and colours, the yel W ,n J Pottos Clay, and Pipe CLAV.-Borroudale, particular are fome of them, little inferior in brilliancy v near Broughtcn, Wythburn, Potter-pitts, Wreay cora- to the Brazilian lopaz. _ _ ]<" common, between Cockermoutha.i'l Whitehaven, Lit- GARNFT.-Not unfrequent m micnceons nones.— tie Barrock and in many other places. Mr. Hutton of Kefwick, has leveral beatitiful ones, y I^„uj,^t,„ CLAV.-Of v^ious colours, Little t^^gh ftnall, fVom ftonea Ibund ,n that ne.ght.our- | b,,.,^,^, in a coarG; grit fond-lloue quarry, and iti °p ■ T r T • • r n o . 5^' many parts of the county. SHORL._In (everal mies of ffones. Sometime, x Shistose Cl.v, Shale Sniv^.-Giinand. KeC {thotigh rare) incluaed in cvyaals of quartz. In \ „.;^k, &c. in thick ft.ata and in moft coal m.i.es. It pieces of ftones u-luch have been Roman ouerns, or \ ,-3 ^f,,,, „f ^ tabulated llrudure, refembling the leaves hand mills, leveral of which have been found by J, X gf ^ book John(bn Elq. at Caftle-ftcads, and are now at Walton- %, ic .■' j- , t 11 i- .^ j t\ T-rr ci -j r c 11,^ r> ni • 1 • 1 • <• T^ V i -Xc^r-is radiala, I.amcU:e radiated. Dr. \ j. ' x? j 1 c ■ c r .1 . , r n V L ' " '"'^>"' "^ "-'^^ 'daw. Nodules of various fi/.es are frequently met wick, Gueins or cvlteolithus levis, or fponsre (tone, ;■ -.i ■ a . f ..1 ■ r 1 n i,- 1 u l i . . , .^ r n 1 • • . '^ "' ')f^"h'- ""'"^j ' xvith in Itrata ot this iubilance which, when broken, witn bits or (norl intermixed. ^. , •■ •• • n- e \ . i- ■ i j 1 r, o • • r' ,f • ■ • , " exhioit imprellions ot plants. It is reckoned an al- Z.EOLITE. — oometimes in Imall cavities m tran and y _ n. . ■ • j- .• " t- 1 c 1 , ■ n »■ o . vo .11^0 wntaining a good deal of irOn, and without any calca- * -^th of its weight of water; the flate had imbibed only a leous earth, or containing it in very fmall quantity. — ft 200th part of its weight.— —Chcm. Eflay?, Vol. 4. Bricks made of this fort of clay, when pioperly burnt, v STRA TA C 48 ] STRATA OF STONE, ?Jc. FROM THE St}M^atT OF CROSS-FELL, TO THE COAL MINES AT WHlTEHAVE>f. The following fcftion of Strata, cannot from the nature of it be [Kfrfeftly corrcft, but it may convey fome idea of the variety in one part of the cojuty, while other parts near the lakes tonfill of very different boditi : from the fummit of Dun-jW, near Crofa-fell, mines have in different places, and in Aldtton-moor, been worlici! to the depth of upwards of 450 yards, meafuring the different ftrata, of different mines, each of which is to be met with, from the funamit of Crofs-fell, downwards, though of various thicknefs in different work'ngs. — " Tf'-e Striata of earth and mountains are generally RagPi>:e, then Slate, Maihlt:, fiiled with petrifadlioiis, Fourth, "Slate, and the lowefti^^ivyi'sw.— Ama;nit» Acid. Vol. II." No. I 8 9 10 1 1 12 ^3 14 35 16 17 18 '9 20 21 32 23 =4 ^ - z6 37 28 29 50 3' 32 33 34 35 36 Hazell, S'axiwi cos, whiiifli free- ilone, lamellar ; nothing above but Mofs, idc. . . . Plate, Schijlus viger, . Hazell, or Grindllor.e, Sill, Plate, a coal in the middle, m fome places three feet thick, in others fliata of plate between the cual, Hazell, . . . . . Plate, Limeftone four feet, highefl in AlRon-inoor, .... ria/cll, Plate Hazell, . . ^ . . • Plate, Wheldone Sill, Saxuvi cos, Plate, .... . . High Slate Sill, Saxum cos, Plate, Low Slate Sill, Plate in fome places on Hazell eight feet, Iron ftcne, Fsrrum, Plate (a ccal in H oni foot ) Great freeilcne or Fire ftone, Plate, Pattinfon's Sill (Freefone) Plate, Little limellone, . . . White Hazell Plate (a coal in 12 inches high ccalfeam) High coal fill Plate, and low coal, . . Low coal fill Plate upon great limeflone. Great limeRcne, fis yards of the top is in detached pieces, called tumble) 3, Tuft (in the middle fometiraes coal two feet) . . . . Plate, scar the bottom feveral entrochi and marine fubftances, Quarry Hazel!, . Plate and girdle bed, . , Four fathom lime, 8 4 12 16 1 4 o I 3 '4 3 4 4 6 3 3 S 26 3 12 12 22 3 3 3 o o o o o o o o I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C' o o X No. V 37 i. 38 6 39 X 43 X 41 \ 4^ V 43 h 44 5 45 I 46 6 47 \ 48 t 49 5 50 X 5' X 52 \ 53 I 54 i 55 I 57 58 59 to 61 62 63 64 65 C^ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Coal, Hazell Plate, Limeftone, Plate, coal near the bottom, Hazell, Plate, Limeftone, ..... Hazell, Plate Sear lime, Plate Hazell Plate, coal in it, . , . Hazell, Plate Hazell, Plate, Hazell, Plate, Cockle fhell limeftone, entrochi, anomia, oftrea, and other marine fubftances in it, . . . Hazell, Plate, Hr.zeil, Plate . Limeftone, Garragill-bridge, Plate, Grey ftone, .... Grey plate on which Garragiil gate bridge ftands, 1 ine bottom lime, Whetftone Sill, . . . Great whin fill, Schijlsu, . Plate Hazell Plate, Limeftone, lower part full of entrochi, Sec Hazell and plate, . . . Limeftone, .... Hazell, Plate Limeftone, Hazeil, Limeftone, . t . . . o 2 30 4 3 10 I 4 6 3 10 I I 2 3 J 1 2 I I o \ o i 2 I I 20 6 o Co I 12 4 Ft. h: 1 I 6 o o o o o o o o 80 Plate, t 49 I 8i 82 ^3 8+ 85 86 »7 89 90 9' 92 93 9+ 9S 96 97 98 99 J 00 lOI IC2 103 104 io6 107 ■108 109 iP-iatt, : : : ■ : : HazeU, Plate : Limeftone, Hazcll Gicy beds, ..... RuikIIc, or Mdmerby fcKr lime, Plate, Frecllone, Plate, and a fmall coal, . Freeftone, Plate Freeftone, Plate, Freeftone, Plate, ..... . Freeftone, Pkte Limeftone, . % . . . Hard freeftone, Plate, coal in it feven inclies, Freeftone, . . . - . Girdle bed, .... Limeftone, Freeftone, Plate, upper part blaclc, the lower reddifti, .... Great fill red, near the bottom is alabafter, gypfum ah.hafiriim, freeftone, the rivers Eden and Pcteril run in many places, Plate, m fome phccs coal in it, Limeftone, the thickeft and deepcft in the north of England, Coal, feveral ftrata intermixed with ftone, &c. . . 1 I 2 3 I I 6 I I 40 2 2 2 40 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 60 10 3 6 60 JO I 80 12 The whole of this will give the height of CrofiS-fell •confiderably Icfs than it has been generally eftimated ; •but we have rcafon to believe that our ftatement in vol. I. p. 265, is near the truth. The following heights were determined by the barometei, Kefwick, — Eaglesfield, — ^ Carlifle, — Scotby, — Dalfton, — Caldbeck, — Cairock Weft Pike, Eaft Pike, Bowfcale Tarn, — . — — Penrith Beacon, — — Penrith, — — — Emont bridge, — — Winder barton, Weftmoreland. — Mr. Lehman obfcrves the loweft ftratum, in recent fountains, compoRd of (Irata, is always pit coal ; and Above the fea ih yards. — 81 151 — '5 — 35 — 4? — 1S3 — 741 7'3 540 340 '34 J26 33<5 ''!: tills rcfts on a coarfe fcruginous gravetfir farid. Ato'-'/; i^' t!ie pit coal we find ftrata of ilate, ftiiftus, &c. and > the upper part of the ftrata is conftantly occupied by j' limeftone and fait fprings. It is eafy to perceive the V utility of thefe cbieivations, when it is intended to X \Vork for minerals. > The more we are elevated above the furface of the V earth the colder it becomes. At the height of about * 4600 yards above the level of the Tea, no plant what- V ever is found to grow : and it appears, from the obfer- X vatichs cf M. M. Condamine, &c. the Academicians .; fcnt to Ou'ito in 1735, that at the height of 4868 I yards the !nov/ is perpetual, and never melts at any X time of the year, even under the Equator. Herbace- ^ ous r.'illow, falix herlacca, the leaft of britifh trees, V grows on the fummit of Skiddaw ; and is the tree that X grows highcft in this county. Mountain A(h, Sorbtts Aucuparia, is the next, viz. about 850 yards above ;' the fea, on Crofs-fell, 600 on Skiddaw, and Hawthorn, K Crafcgtis Moncgyia, about jo yards lower than the y laft mentioned. 1 INFLAMMABLE. SUBSTANCES. y Inflammable Air, Hydrogenous Gas. — Found ; in many mines, particularly in thofe of coal at White- C haven, where its deftruftive effefts have been too fre- i quently experienced. To prevent its explofion, the } mines are fometimes lighted by fparks from flint and fteel produced by a fmall wheel turned by a boy. X Mephetic Inflammable Air. — Carbonated hy^ \ drogenous gas ; frequent in marfliy, boggy groundsi V and ftagnani pools. X Hepatic Air, Sulpkuratid Hydrogenous Gar.—'' 1 Found in many fprings of water (generally) ifl"ulng V from peat moftts. : in the medicinal water at Gilfland. X Plumbago, Carbure of Iron, Blacklead. — Mine V in Borrowdale, near Kefwick : fometimes in fmall v pieces at the bottom of Dcrwent lake ; thefe how- l ever, have probably been originally brought from Bor- rowdalc, ard bsii'g depofited in fome pait of the lake X for concealment, have been difperfed, and carried to \ the different ftiorts, by the motion of the waters.^ w This fubftance is found in many diffcicnt parts of the t. world, but always greatly infeiior to that of the Bor- O rowdale mine, which, however, produces it of very |; different qualities. Its chief ufe is for pencils, fome X of which we have feen, made by Mr. l.adyman, of Kciwick, of lead of fo very fine a texture as to bear to J: be cut to a point almoft as (liarp as that of a needle. AKzr.i, SiiccinuJ!: eUnnwi. — In fmall pieces, rare, ]^' on the fea ftiore. X jEt, Gagas, Succlntim nigrum. — In thin layers t (raie) In rocks on the Irthing, in fniali detached piece* % in the bed of that liver, on tlie fea ftiore, and in other X places near the furface of the earth. Wallerius and V other eminent chymifts believe jet to be afphaltum X coiid^nfed and haidened by length of time. It takes \ a fine poliih, and -'s ufed for toys, being worked into X bracelets, boxes, buttons, &c. §i Lithanthra;*;( Pyrites, Martial Pyrites, Sul/jhur of Iron Pale Yellow Pyrites. — Contains a nota- C 50 ] LrTHASTHR«, F03II Ccah Pit C^^A-Found in X be made into peat for burning. A conrtJerable pro- •various pans, and of different qualities, as noticed in portion of our moors conluls of this kmd of flow, the refneaive parilbes. The moft valuable mines are, x which is often found extending for fevcral miles ; and the Earl of I onfdale's, at Whitehaven; J. C. Lurwen's, t it is remarkable, that .t rnoa Irequentiy occurs on the Efq. at Workington, and the Earl of CarliHe's, at J moft elevated ground Tindale-fel!, near Brampton. Crow Coal, near Aid- S flon, and at Crofs-fell, contains a lar^'e proportion of ^ . ui v • pyrites, burns very flowly, intenfely hot, but with very ? ble proportion ot fu.phar, is very mflanrimab e; it 15 little flame, and emits a llrong fmell of fulphur. C found. Fnft ot compaft texture, becond fteelgra.ned, Cannei. Coal or Kennel CoAL.—Found near X Third coarfe grained, Fourth, in nooulcs radiated, Bolton, but of very inferior quality to that of Lanca- { ftrix diverging as from a common centre, Fifth llnx ftire In many of the coal mines areillaceona ITiiftus x m concentric nogs, Mxth cryftalhzed in almoft innu- js often found fo much impregnated with bitumen as I merabie forms— found m moll of our mines of coal, to burn like coal. After burning it prefervesits fiiape ^ lead, and copper. Very beautiful mundic and mar- and fometimes its hardnefs. X cafite of different colours and mixed «ith the fpars Geanthrax, Peat— Abundant in. many parts of j and ores in Nent head and other mines at Aldlton- the cou uy * Peat mofs is very common on the fum- S moor : grey Goldfcap, yellow, do. Red and purple, wits of the higheft hills, O. Vol. I. p. 446. we find it X mixed with yellow Caldbeck, rocks by Buttermere of two different forts. Firft black, or peatmofs which ' lake, flate qiiarue. Patterdale. Moa of the combina- ftems to be comT^ofed chiefly of the roots and other 2 ''o"s p* lulphur will fa 1 to be mentioned araongft the ' metalic fubftances. parts of heath and other vegetables, in a decayed (late ; confiderably folid and tenacious, and is that which is ■ufed for fuel. Second white or flow mofs, in Ireland called red inof;. Tliis is capable of retaining fo great a proportion of water that it appears to be almoft fluid ; when dry it feems compofed of a whitifh light fpongy fubftance not unlike tow,t which is not fit to i les mines) il n'y point de plomb nu monde, celui _( Vilhch que ne contienne de I'argent. The fuperi METALLIC SUBSTANCES. Silver, Arg nt:im. — Is found mi erallized with the ores of lead in every mine in the county ; and i.i- i' deed if we may believe the affertion of Lehman (fur ■ ■ de The public are ir.debted to the Earl of Dunrlonalii and to Dr. Andcrfon 'or much ufuful information en the fubjecSl of . purity of this lead is, however, molt probably owing tc tha method of firelting it; the grtatell part of it be- I 2 to 18 oz. per quintal (ililb.) the poorell about 60 grs. When ores contain about 1 oz. per quintal. conntie; , and on other accounts well to dcferve the attention of men of fcience. Attempts to reclcim peat mofs, have indeed frequently .been made, and, as might be expsfted, from our very itrperfeijl X thetilver is reckoned to only jnft repay the expence of knowledge of its i«ture and jropcrties, with various fuccei^.— g^^t^^^^in jj. The Bifhop of Llandaff mentions a Of the many different praelical improvements of this kmd, y . . -S .. , , , • v • ,, . . j /c„ which have come to our knowledg^ thole made upon that i"'"e m Patterdale, which yields between 50 and 60 oz. and Crafford moffes, in the neighbourhood of Liverpool, ;^ by Meffr«, Wakefield and Rofcoe, appear to be the moft extcnfive and compleie. An account of which may be feen in Alkie's Manchctler. We underlland that Mr. Wilkin- fon, of StafTorafhirc, has alfo been very fuccefsful in draining and cultivatin-' a brge tracl of mofs in Lancafhire : none of the various methods which have y ;t been adopted, feem, how- ever, to be fo generally applicable to the improvement of peat earth as that now comraonl/ prailiieJ in Ayrfiiire, and for which we are obliged to the ingenuity of iVIr. Smith, of Swind- rig-moor, near Beith, in that county. The reader may find a detailed and circumftantial dcfcription of this mode of reclaim- .. ing peat mofs in a printed report on the fubjecl, from which it t been obtamed. appears that the profit on an acre will be, ■ "^ — "*" For the firft year, - - - - 0117 Second year, .-- . - 430 Third year, JljS Fourth year, .,. . . 10 10 Fifth year, ----- 348 Gain in five years, per acre, — ij 13 9 When it will let for palture, at ll. 5s. per acre. (.^ -^ Sphag;nutn.pa!ullre, partly decayed. of tilver from a ton of the lead ; the ore of this mine " is reckoned to be poor in lead ; he adds, that it- is y very commonly obferved, that the pooreft lead ores X yield the moft liiver. A Copper, Cupum. — Confiderable mines near Cald- >/ beck, and He.'ket-New-market, in Borrowdale, and in X Newlands. in the neighbouihood of Kefwick where X the famous mine of Goldfcalp is fituated, from whence, V by the old vvorkinj;S and other documtnls, it appears, X that immenfe quantities of this mineral have formerly Sinall fpecimens of different ores of copper fometimes alfo occur in the lead mines of n Aldftonmooi; copper ore has likewife been found, although not in confiderable qjantitics, in many other X places, as in Mr. l.athes's liberties, near Wythburn, X in Mr. Gaff's, in the manor of Uldale, and in the 4 mountains called Hardknot and Wrynols. X The ores moft common are thofo which are mlner- X alliztd with fulphur, and generally containing alfo iron V or arfenicj or both of different colour, accordin;; to 1 tSjc [ 5« ] tlie difftrent proportions of theft fubllances with which X in coarfe fand, Barrow. Fibrous, lead ore mixed with they happen to be united. 5 copper, Barrow. Red Coppi r Ore. — Mineracupri calciforniis, pura ;< Lead ores are found in the mines of Aldflon-moor, et indurata, colore nibro Cronftedt, Dr. Wr. CalJ'oeck. X lying in cracks or fiifurcs of the ftrata. Small filTuits Glass i'oppfr Ore, Miiu-ia Cupri Pyritacca, and I'uch as have not altered the level of the corref- •♦ Hypeflionus viridefcens, greenifli copper pyrites, V ponding {Irata on each fide, are called by the miners " pyrites mineralizatiis amoiphus non fcientellans, Kin. f; there, Jlriiifis : thofe which are fo large as materially " Dr. Wr. Borrowdale. Hypellionus fulvus, yellow \ to afled the coincidence of the ftrata, raifing one fide " copper pyrites. Pyiites cupri fuUus, Lin. Dr. Wr. X or deprefling the other, are denominated veins. Thefe " Goldfcalp, Devil's batli bone, lynehead." Copper t fifluves though commonly nearly perpendicular, are ne- In fpar, Nenthcad. Oehva veneris friabilis inipura ^ ver perfedly fo ; and in whatever direftion they are Cronftedt. A kind of viride montanum, a loofe friable t found, they always incline downwards from that fide green tuft of copper with an unmetallic earth which t where the ilrata are higher, towards the other: thus in we have not yet examined, Goldfcalp. Cccruleum v a vein from north to fouth, if the ftrata (hould be montanum, not common. Vitriolum coerulcum, blue X found to be raifcd higher on the fouth fide of the fif- vitriol. Small globular malachite, rare. "^ cobble y fure than on the north fide, its inclination will theu be near Snittlegaith containing a fmall portion of cop- >; from the fouth downwards to the north, per. X LEAD, PLUMBUM, SATURNUS. { IRON, FERRUM, M^RS. Nati vt Lead, It is faid has be.-n found in Aldfton X Native Iron — Said to have been found at Skreesj moor, but we have great reafon to qucftinn its exlftence y a piece faid alfo to have been found in a coal mine at either there or in any oiher part of the county ; ore, y Tindale-fell, of which the agent Mr Gray had a knife however, is found in Nenthead mine, of fo pure a kind X made. as to be In feme degree malleable. Calciform Iron, Friahle, powdery Iran ochre, CAiCiFORM LvAD. — Thefe are all carbonats or v yellow and red, Skrees, Langron ; yellow in the coal minerallized with fixed air. Spatofmn, Lead .?/>«>•, S mines at Whitehaven and elfewhere; Brown, Ormath- White, cryftallized in a prifmatlc figure, Cronftedt, '} waite. 185, Dr. Wr. Newlands. Of various colours and '< Bog ore. — Concreted ore of iron, Cronftedt, Dr. mixtures of colours in the different mines of .'-\ldfton- \ Wr. Langron ; rich, little rufted, Drayton, near Af- moor, and in the neighbourhood of KefA-ick. » patria : poor, Ormathwaite, Drayton, and in many White Friable Lead Ochre, Cerujpi nativa. — "places in fwampy grounds. Ochreous iron ores, re- Thornthwaite, ytllow and brownilh, tinged with iron, S fembling thofe called by Mr. Kirvvan, highland argil- do. i laceous ores, are very commonly met with on or near . Fihroui, White, yellow, green, brown, bhiilh black, ; the fuiface in moll parts of the county, efpecially in and of many {hades of thefe colours in feveral mines at moory foils and where the undtr llratum is a coaiTe Aldfton-moor, and at Brandlehow, Barrow, Thorn- V martial clay. They appear to have been depofited by thwaite and other places near Kefwick ; thefe are ge- i water, as they are generally found concreting with nerally coloured by iron, with whieh they are not fmall ftones, roots, and other fubftances. They oc- unfiequently found mixed ; feldom by copper. V cur in lumps or cakts of an indeterminate figure, and Minerallized Lead, Pl'imhnm ///■jwra/Z/zj/fiw. .X are generally fuppolcd to be inimical to vegetation ; at Minerallized laith fulphur (always containing filver, -j leaft they are very rarely found but In fterlje grounds. and often arfcnic, iron, or antimony) Galena or b'ey- % The iron produced from bog ores is of a brittle na- glanlz of the Gtrmans, is found in all its varieties iri ^, ture, particularly when cold, and is called ccUJJjort. — the mines in tha neighb.iurhood of Allfton, Kefwick, v Fourcroy fays, it derives this [properly from a portion and Caldbeck, as ftctl grained, fcaly, with large X of phofphoiic acid with which the o:cj being a triple compound of quartz, mica, lefembling galena, black or grcenifh black like pitth, \ and fliorl, quartz feldt fpar ftcatite, feldt fpar, mica, Pecheblende, of a glaffy (V.ining furface, often cryftal- t hornblende, &c. &c. Alfo Graiiitsll a binary aggre- lized in irregular pyramids and other irregular figures, A gate of quartz, mica fliorl, feldt fpar, &c. and Grauelite, fometimcs containing filver, arfenic, &c. Redifli, \ which contains more than three conftituent parts, Kir. >v»wnifli, ycllowifh, thefc varieties arc met with in X «» : V mafies, having had their angles rounded off, apparently s X by attrition, as Dr Watfon believes, in antediluvian [ 53 J 311 detached pieces on the fea (l\ore,jn f.loughed grounds, a They are found garduating into aimed cv£ry imagtna' on moors, &c. Stellftein or Gfjicljlcb:, compofed of ' ble variety. Indeed we believe we may fafely aflert quartz and mica, Tindalefell, very rcfriiftoiy, and X that in no part of this ifland will the mineralogift meet therefore ufed for building furnaces and fixing grates, \ witli a greater variety of compound ftcncs than m e:c. Mica and hornblende, of dark green colour, y Cumberland : efpecially of that fort to which Mr. Grunftein. X Kirwan affixes the appellation of derivatives ; but to PoRPHYRV. — Argillaceous, filicloiis, trap, granite 5 have attempted an adequate defcrlptlon of all or rr.olt aiid of many other vaiietics ; found in loofe (loncs in v of thcfe, would have required much more time, and a many parts. t much clcfcr application to the fubjeft, than v.e have it Bp.cccia and Pudding-Stose — Water foot fear, $ in our power at prefcnt to aHbrd it. The cobbits we Ullfwaterj near Ravenglafs, a thin bed in a ftratum of v have been fpeaking of are found of different degrees of fand ftone, near Low-houfe, and in detached pieces * fize. I'hey are generally enveloped in a thin whitifh common ; VarkUtcs, rare. J or browniih grey criift, occauoned by the gradual de- Sasd Stone. — Argillaceous, filicious, calcareous, x compofition and oxygenation of their parts, beginning ferruginous, red (which colour is moft common) white J at the fiirface ; and evidently have been fragments of ycUov.ifn, grty ; of coarfe and of fine grit,. Thcfe * ~ ■ - - _ form conliderable flrata (fee ftrata) and afford quarries of very durable and fonie of them very beautiful flone 5 waters. To account for this, however, in afatisfaftory for building in almofl every part of the county j manner, and alfo for the different firuaticns in which. Scythe Stone, Penrith fell, Chriftcnbury-crags, &c. X we fir.d them, arc difficult'es, which have never yet molt of our iar.d ftones contain minute particles of C been, and probably never will be completely foKed.^ micji ; lumps of clay and argillaceous marl are not un- v To afcertain with precifion, by a feiies of well direfted frequently foun.l imbedded in them, and fome of thefe X experiments, the compofition and properties of thefe occur in the form of a fort of net work refembling '• and other aggregated ftones vi'ou'd, we prefurae, afford fepta of ludus hclmontii. The ftratum cf fand ftone X an interelling and valuable addition to the prefent ftock .which in many places forms the channels of the rivers g of mineralogical knowledge; and fliould our hiftory, Eden and Peteril has been (we believe erroneoufly) J through the favourable :eception of the public, ever fuppofed to be the Rcthe todt ligcndes or Red deadliiT X arrive at a fccond edition, we truft we fhall be enabled under which no more coal, it is believed, is to be to prefent our readers with much additional inforraa- found. 'i tion of this kind, drawn from the analyfes and obfer- RuBiiLE Stone. — Containing concretions of fanidi- X vations of a gentlem.an who is at prefent cccupled in um or feldt fpar, Dr. Wr. near Kefvrrck. Stomoma inveftigating this fubjeft. We think we cannot better ghweratum, a Ipecies of compound rock cemented with X conclude than in the words of the learned biiliop of iron ochre. " I found it once ne^r an old mine, by }■ Llandaff, wliofe opinion of the ufefulne.^s and impoit- " the fide of Kef.vick lake. It had then been only ance of enquiries cf this nature, we have the fatisfac-- " the rubblfh and gravel thrown out of the mine, which X tion to find perfectly coinciding with our own.- — ^Vol. " in the courfe of 200 years has been conglutilated \ 4. p. 35'3. Experimental invettigations of this fort " into a compound rock, by means of iron ochre," v made with ability and camion, in different parts of the Dr. Wr. Thornthwaite, Kefvvick. This property of t world, are the only Aire foundations on which we can femi-oxydes of iron is well known. {; ever hope to build any probable fyftem concerning the Trap. — Mixed with and graduating iuto various ;/ formation of mountains, the antiouitv of the piefent fubftances, as granite, hornblende,. Kragg, fiiillus, &c. X form of the globe, and the caufes of the vicillitudes ^tartz penetrated by iron, Zca(hirc, Weftmoreland, and all tlie lakes in Cumberland, neatly engraved, on one large ftiect, with an alphabetical lift- of all the towns, villages, churches, gentkmen'e fcats^ tables of the roRds, &c. LIST OF SHERIFFS. Lijl of Sheriffs »/ Cumleyhnd. Henry id. 2 I 3> HiUlrcJ de Carliflc. Richard de Lucy. RoSeil Fitz Tioytc, for \G rears. ^dam fon of the faid Robert, for 2 ycnrr-. Robert do valilbus (V'.iux) for ic years. X 37 Chviftopiier de Morefby, for 4 years, j 4t William de Windtfor, for 2 years. >; 4^ /^dam de Parving, for 3 years. I 46 John dc Denton. V 47 Robert de Moubiay. X 48 John de Derwent.vater. {, 49 Jolin de Denton. 50 John de Dtrwentwater. A 51 John Ic Bruvn. \ ' Ricbaid II. John de Dervventwater. William dc Stapletoii of EdciiL:!!', Gilbert Ciirvvcn. John de Derwcntwatcr. Aniand Monceaux. Kobert Parvinp-. Amand Monceaux. 8 John Thiilewall. ¥ 9 Amand Monceaux. X 10 John Thirlewall. I 1 Peter Tylliol. y 1 2 John Ireby of Ireby. s 13 Richard Redman of Redman. S 14 Chriftopher Morefby. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 H'jgh de Morewick, for .). years, Richard i. 1 William fon of Adeline, for g years. 10 Robert de Taterihall of Tatfhall, I_incon(hire. John. I William dc Stiiteville, for 4!- years. Robert Id. Courtney, Bt. of Cockermo;uh, for the remaining half year, and one year further. 7 Roger de Lacy, conllable of Chefter, 5 years. 1 1 Robei t dc Vcteripont, lord of Wtftmorland. 12 Hugh lord de Nevi!, for 4 years. 16 Robert lord de Rods of Hamlake, Bart. 1 7 Robett de Vallibus of Gilfland. Hen. i\. I Robert de Veteripont, f«r 5 years. 6 Walter Mauclerk, bp. of Caili.Oe, for ro yrs. 17 Thomas de Mtilton of Egremont, for 4 yeaj^. ^ a I William dc Dacre, for 12 yearr". |. t 'J Jo^m Irtby. 33 John de Balyol, baron of By well, for 7 yis: I "^ T!"""^*^ .Mufgrave. 40 William de lovlibus, El. of Albemarle, 5 yrs, 45 Robeit de Muncafter, of Mupealtcr. 46 Eiidachiiis de Balvol, for 4 years. 50 Roger dc Leybarne, ior 2 years. 52 Wilham de Dacre." 53 Ranulph de Dacre, for 3 year?. Edward I. I Robert de Channccy, bp. of Carlifle, 2 yrs. 3 Robert de Hampton, for three jears. y 6 John dc Swynburn. X 7 Gilbert dc CuK.en, for 4 years. r, 1 1 Robert de Brut, fur 3 years. y 14 Michael dc Haicla, for 12 years. y 26 William de Mulcaftre, for j years. \, 3 1 John de Lucy, for 2 years. * 33 William de Mulcaftre, for 2 years. 'i. Edward n. \ I Andrew de H^rcla, fou i^ years. V 16 Anthony lord f ucy. X 17 Henry de Moulton, for 2 years. 19 Robett le Bruyn of Drumbugh cadle. Edward in. 1 Peter de Tylliol, for 3 years. 4 Ranulph de Dacre, for 6 years. )o Richard de Denton. I f Anthony de Lucy, for 7 years. 1 7 Hugh de Morefby, for 2 years. 19 Thomas de Lucy, for 5 years. 24 Richard de Denton, for 2 years. 26 Hugh de I.outhrc, for 3 years. 30 William de Thirlkeld. 3 1 Robert dc Tylliol, for 2 yearj. 33 William dc I.ancaftcr, for 2 years. 35 Rob«it de Tylliol, for 2 ycais, \ i 17 Richard Redman. ? 18 Peter Tylliol. J 19 John Ireby. 20 Richard Redman. 21 AVilliam Cnrwcn. 22 Richard Redman. Henry IV. J William Lcgh of Ifell. 2 William Lowther. 3 Richaid Redman. 4 'William Ofmunderky of Langrig. 5 Pttcr Tylliol, for 2 years. 7 Richard Skeltun of Branthwaltc. 8 William Lowther. 9 Robert Lowther, for 2 years. 1 I John de la More. 12 Robert Rotington of Rotington. Henry V. 1 Richard Redman. 2 Ifaac Harrington. 3 William Stapltton. 4 Chriftopher Cnrwtn. 5 John I.ancafter of Rydall. 6 William Ofmunderlty. 7 iwibert Lowther. 8 John Lamplugh of Lamplugh. . 9 William Stapleton. JO Nicholas Radcliff of Dcrwentwater, Henry VI. : William I egh. 2 Chriftopher Cuhven. 3 Chriftopher Morefby. 4 Nicholas Radcliffe. 5 John Pennington of Muncafter. ii tIST OF SHERIFFS. 6 Chriftopher Culwen. X 1 1 Chrlilopher Morefty. 7 Chriftopher Morefby. ^12 Thomas Beauchamp. 8 Thomas de U More. v 13 Chrillopher Dacie, for 7 years, 9 John Pennington. X 20 Hugh Hutton of Hutton Joho, 10 John Skelton. 21 Chriftopher Dacre. 1 1 John Laniplugh. 22 John Hodlefton. J 2 Chriftopher Culwen, X 23 John Radclyffe, of Derwentwater. 13 John Pennington. 5 Henry VIll. 14 John Broiighton of Broughton Tower. X l Thomas Curwen. 15 Henry Fenwick of Fenwick Tower. g 2 John Pennington. 16 Chriftopher Curwen. v 3 John Skelton. J 7 Chriftopher Morefby. X 4 John Crackenthorp. 18 Hugh Lowther. j 5 Edward Mufgrave of Edenhall. 19 John Skelton. _ 8 6 John Radchft"e. 20 Wilham Stapleton. ' X 7 John Lowther. 2 1 Thomas Beauchamp. { 8 Thomas Curwen. 22 Thomas de la More. >; 9 Gawen Eglesfield, of Alwardby, 23 Chriftopher Curwen. X 10 John Radcliff"e, 24 John Skelton. ft 1 1 Edward Mufgrave. 25 John Broughton. X '2 • 26 Thomas de la More. X 13 Chriftopher Dacre. 27 Thomas Crackenthorp of Cockermouth. ra. 28 Thomas Curwen. X 15 John Radclyffe. 29 John Skelton. X ,6 Chriftopher Curwen, 30 Robert Vaux. S 17 Chriftopher Dacre. 3 1 Thomas de la More. X 1 8 John Radclyffe. 3* S 19 Edward Mufgrave. 33 John Hodlefton of Milium. x 20 William Pennington. 34 Hugh Lowther. X 2 i Thomas Wharton of Wharton. 35 Thomas Curwen. 622 Richard Irton of Irton. 36 Richard Salkeld of Corby. J 23 Chriftopher Dacre. 37 Henry Fenwick. X 24 William Mufgrave. Edward IV. | 25 Chriftopher Curweo. 1 Richard Salkeld. X 26 Cuthbert Hutton. 2 Robert Vaux, for 2 yeara. ^ 27 Thomas Wharton. 4 John Hodlefton. 28 Thomas Curwen. 5 Thomas Lamplugh. ^ 29 John Lamplugh. 6 Richard Salkeld. X 30 John Thwaytes of Thwaytes in Milium, 7 Robert Vaux. y 31 Thomas Wharton. 8 John Hodlefton, for 2 years. X 32 Thomas Dalfton of Dalfton. 10 William Legh. X 33 William Mufgrave. 11 Chriftopher Moreftjy. J 34 John Lowther. 12 William Parr of Kendal Caftle, X 35 Thomas Salkeld, 13 John Hodlefton. l 36 Edward Aglionby of Aglianby. 14 William Legh, for 2 years. J 37 Thomas Sandford of Howgill Caftle. l6 Richard duke of Gloucefter, of Penrith Caftle, X Edward VL for J years. I I Thomas Wharton, Richard IH. | 2 John Legh. 1 Richard Salkeld. X 3 John Lamplugh. 2 John Crackenthorp. 4 John Lowther. Henry VII. ^ 5 Richard Eglesfield. I Chriftopher Moreftiy, X 6 William Pennington. 2 Philip and M»ry. 3 Chriftopher Morefljy. X I Thomas Legh. 4 Thomas Beauchamp. , X 3 Richard Mufgrave. 5 ' ' ;^ 3 Thomas Sandford, 6 X 4 Robert Lamplugh. 7 John Mufgrave of Fairbank. A j John Legh, 8 • Elizabeth. 9 Edward Redman. 2 i William Pennington. 10 Richard Salkeld, X % Thomas Dacre. LIST OF SHERIFFS, t!V'' 4 5 6 Thomas Lamplugh. Hugh Ayl'coiigh, and Henry Curwen. William Mufgrave. Anthony Hodlefton, 7 Chrillopher Dacre. 8 William Pennington. 9 Richard Lowther. lo John Dalilon. i I Cuthbert Mufgrave. 1 2 Simon Mufgrave. '3 Henry Curwen. 14 George Lamplugh. 1 5 John Lamplugh. 16 William Mufgrave. 1 7 Anthony Hodlefton. 18 Richard Salkeld. 1 9 Henry Tolfon, of Woodhall. 20 John Dalfton. 3 1 George Salkeld. 32 Francis Lamplugh. 83 John Lamplugh. 34 Henry Curwen. 35 Chriftopher Dacre. 36 Wilfrid Lawfon, of Ifell. 37 John Dalilon. 38 John Midleton 39 George Salkeld. 30 John Dalfton. 31 Richard Lovrther. 32 Henry Curwen. 33 Chriftopher Pickering of Threlkeld. 34 John Southaik. 35 William Mufgrave, 36 Gerard Lowlher. 37 John Dalfton. 38 Lancelot Salkeld. 39 Chriftopher Dalfton of Acorn Bank. 40 Wilfrid LawfoD. 41 Thomas Salkeld, 42 Jofeph Pennington. 43 Nicholas Curwen. William Orfeur of High Clofe. James L Edmund Dudley of Yanwath. William Hutton of Penrith, John Dalfton of Dalfton. Chriftopher Pickering. Wilfrid Lawfon. Chriftopher Pickering. Henry Blencowe of Blencowe. William Hutton. Joftph Pennington. Chriftopher Pickering. Wilfrid Lawfon. Thomas T amplugh. 13 Edward ivlufgr;..c of Hayton Cattle, Bart. 14 RicharJ l-'letcher of Hutton. 15 William Ml .^ravc of Faiibank. 16 William Houufton* 17 Gvorge Dalfton. 1 8 Henry Curwen. 4+ I 3 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 13 John Lamphigli. Henry Featherftonehaugh of Kirkofwald. • • • Dudley. Richard Sandfoid. Charles I. Richard Fletcher. Henry Blencowe. Peter Senhoufe of Netherhall. Chiiftopher Dalfton of Acorn Bank. William Layton of Dalemain. William Mufgrave. Chriftopher Richmond of High-head Caftle. Leonard Dykes of Wardhole. John Skelton of Armathwaite. William Orfeur. Richard Barwife of Hildkirk. Wilfrid Lawfon. Patricrus Curwen, Baronet. Thomas Dacre of Lanercoft. Timothy Fetherftonehaugh, Chriftopher Lowther of Whitehaven, Bart, Henry Fletcher, Bart. Thomas Lamplugh, and Wilfrid Lawfon, William Brifco of Crotton. William Brifco, and Henry Tolfon, John Barwys of Waverton. Ufurpation. John Barwys. Charles Howard of Naworth. William Brifco. John Barwys. William Halton of Grayftock, and Wilfrid Lawfon, Wilfrid Lawfon, for 4 years. George Fletcher of Hutton, Bart, William Pennington. Charles IL William Pennington. Daniel Fleming of Rydal. John Lowther of Lowther, Bart, Francis Salkeld of Whitehall, John Lamplugh. Thomas Davyfon of Durham. William Dalfton of Dalfton, Bart, Richard Tolfon. William Layton. Miles Pennington. Thomas Curwen of Camerton. Anthony Bouche of Cockermouth. . Richard Patrickfon of Calder Abbey. Bernard Kirkbride of Howe, for 2 years. William Orfeur, for 2 years. I William Blennerhaffet of Flimby, for 3 years. Wilfrid Lawfon of Brayton. Gfor;;;' Fletcher, Bart. Leonard^Dykc, for 2 yeara. Edi ..rd Hailel of Dnlemain, i anclicvv Hodlvi.-n '•» iluiton John. >^l • t?ST OF SHERIFF.^. 3 4 ? '6 7 S 9 JO 1 1 13 '3 .1 4 5 6 7 9 )o ! I T 2 3% lO 3 : 1 2 ■J3- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO I I 12 Jaines II, Richavd Mufgfave, Batt. Wniiani Pcnniagtoi, Bart. John Datilon, Ban. Henry Cuiwen of Workington. William III. Edwartl Stanley rf Dakf;artli. Wilfiid Lawfon of Ifell, Bait. Richard LampUigh of R.ibton. Chriilopher Richmond of Caterlane. Jofcph Hodlelton of Miiiom. Henry Broiiglitou of Scales. John Ballendyne of Crookdake. John Ponfonby of Hale. John Latiis of Beck, in Millom, Tiuiothv Featherf^onehan^h. Thnma"! Da'vcs of Bnitoii. Robcit Cjrle'.on of Carleton hal!. Th'.nr.as Lamplogl!. Anne. Richard Crsckenthorp. John Dalllon;' ■ John Seuhoufe of Seafca'e. ,J.)hn Briico. Chriilopher Curwen. 'Robert Penninjjton. Richard La:np!u^:;l!. Richard Hiittoii^. William Br.llentine, died 7 July. Robert niacklock; Robert Blacklock. John Fifher of U'.lf.Wter. ■ Cnarles Dal.lon. Thomas Palti.nfon ..if Mtlmerby -*'• ■ ••'• ' Georc;e I. H'JTiphrey Senhouf; of Nether hall. Tnomiis Broaghton. Heniv Blencowe. !\o'ut t Lamplugh of Dovenby. John f onfonby." Tb-.inas Fletcher. John Stanley. Jofi-iUi Laithes of Dalehead. l-ctc- Brougham of Serif. Jofej-h Dacre Apphby of Kirklinton. John Fletcher of Colohay. Thomas Lutwich, merchant in Whitehaven. John Ballentine of Crookdake. George II. Edward HaiTcl of Dalemain^ Guftavuo Thonipfon. ■ Eklred Ciirvven. Richard M'-ifgrave of Haytcn-cafllc, Bart. ,Ed\v.ird Stantley of Ponfonby. Henry Aglionby of Nuntrery. John Benn of Henfrnghsm. Fletcher Partys of Tallentyre. John Dalfton of Acorn Bank. William Hicks, merchant in Whitthaven. John Galkaith of Hill-top. Julepli Dacre ApplAy of Kirklinton. y 13 V r. '4 K '5 ;". i6 y •7 iS C 19 I 20 X 21 X V 22 A X X y 33 ,- 24 X 25 A 26 V r 27 Y 28 V 29 V 30 31 32 33 V I V 2 X 3 •-- A V' 4 V 5 c 6 X 7 .^: 8 r- X 9 v 10 .\ 1 1 V 1 ** A 13 h % •4 X '5 V 16 V. I 'T X iS V f\ •9 I 20 V /\ 2 1 X V 22 A u A V 23 24 t ^5 t 26 I 27 A V 28 A 29 X 30 3' '^" 32 /■ 33 X 34 ;< 3S A 36 t\ 37 Richard Cock of Camerton-hall. Montague Farrer of Carlifle. Henry Fletcher of Hutton-hail. Humph'ey Senhouf.- cf Nether-hail. Jeroinc Tullie of Carlifle. Jolhna Lucock of Cockermouth. Chriilopher Pattinfon of Catleton-hai!. Thomas Whi. field of Claregill. Walter Lutwich, rn.;rchant in W hitfchavcn . Henry Richmond Brougham. John Poiiibnby. Kichatd Hylton of Hayton caiV.e. George Irton of Irton. Georjje Dalfton of Dnlfton. h'enry Curwen of \Vorkington. William Fleming of Rydai, Bart. Timothy Fetherftonhaugh of Kirkofwald. Wilfrid Lawfon of Brayton, Bart. John Stephenfon cf Kefwick. John Senboufe of Calder-.'^bbcy. James Sprdding of Ormathvvaite, John Gale of Cleator. William Dalfton of Millrlg. George 11*. John Langton of Cockermouth. John" Richardfon of Peniiih. Henry Aglionby of Nunnery. Henry EUifon of Whitehaven. Samuel Irton of Iitos. • John Chriftian of Unetigg, Thomas Lutwich of Whitehaven. Gilfrid Lawfon of Brayton. John Robinfon of Watermillock. Michael le Fleming of Rydal, Bart. John Spedding of Ormathwaite. WiUir.m Hicks of Papcaftle. John Dixon, merchant in Whitehaven, George Edward Stanley of Ponfonby. Anthony Bcnn of Hcnfingham. Roger Wilhamfon of Snitlegarth. Robert Waters of Whitehaven. Jijin Brifco of Crofton hall'. William Hafcll of Dalemain. Chriftopher Aglionby of Nunnery. Thomas Stoiy of Mirihoufe. William Dacre of Kirklinton. Jchn Oifeur Yates of Skirwith-abbey. John Chiillian of Unerigg. fcdward Knubley of Wigton. William Wilfon cf Braconburgh. Thomas Whelpdalc of Sinfgill. Fiedcrick Fletcher Vane of Hutton-halJ, Bart. Thomas Denton of Warnel). William Browne of Tallentire-hall. Edward I rmplugh Irton of [rton-baU. Edward Hafell of Dalemain. Thomas Pattinfon cf Melmerby. . ' Will. Hem-y Milbourneof Arma'Lhwaite-caftle, James Graham of Neiherby. Bart. James Graham of Barock- lodge. Hugh Parkin of Skirfgill. A GLOSSARY OF Antiquated Words occurring in the Work. ACOLITE, acollthus ; an inferior church fervant, who, next under tlie fubdeacon,y5//flii'fi/and waited upon the prieft and deacons in feveral parts of the divine offices. Agister, in tlie king's foreft ; an officer to take an account of the cattle <5r^(/7fi therein, and to collcft the money due for the fame. Assart, is cultivating ground in the foreft by grubbing up the wood, vi'hereby the covert for deer )» deftroyed : and freedom from afTart, is an exemption from a fine or penalty for fo doing. AssiSA, a rent or affcjjmcnt in general. AusTURCUs, a gofs or foar hawk, AvERia, beads, cattle. AvERPEN-NV, money paid towards the king's carnages by land, inftead of fervlce by the beads (avfria) in kind. Barnekin, the outermofl ward of a caftle, within which were the larns, ftabks and cowhoufes. Baslaerd, a poignard or dagger. Bercaria, a iheepfold, or other inclofure for keeping (heep. Bloodwite, an amercement for bloodfhed. Bordeshalfpenny, money paid for fetting up hoards, or a ftall in a fair or market, BoRTHEVENLiG, feems to have been an exemption from attendance at the borough or leet court. Boscage, is that food which trees and wood yield to cattle : alfo, it fignifies a duty paid for wind-fall, wood in the forert. Boscus, wood. BovATE {oxgang) of land : as much as one yoke of oxen can reafonably cultivate In a year. Bredbrich, bridcberth ; jurifdidtion of punifhing the breach of the aflize of bread. BuCKSTALL, a fervice in the foreft in attending a caiainjiation to watch deer in hunting. Calcetum, a caufeway. Cariage, carreitii , a fervice of the tenant's carrying the lord's goods in carts or waggons. Caruca, a plough. Carucage, a tax paid for every carucate of land. Carucate, of land, from caruca, a plough, fjgnifies as much land as can reafonably be tilled in a year by one plough. Chiminage, a toll, due by cuftom, for having a way through a foreft. CiviTAS : an immunity de civitatibus was a privilege from attendance at the city courts. Cleugh, dough ; a gill or valley. Danegeld, a tax on land for keeping out the Danes, and afterwards impofed to prevent other invafions, or on any other extraordinary occafion. Dapifer, a purveyor for the houfehold. Don UM, a benevolence ; fometimes called an aid. Escape, efcnpium, wat. the punifliment, or fine, of thofe whofe beafts were found trefpaffing in the foreft. EsKEP, a mcafure of corn ; differing in different places. ExcLusAGiuM, ajluice for carrying water to the lord's mill. & EsPEDiTATiNG mafliffs in a foreft, is cutting off the three claws of tR forefoot clean off by the fliln, Fengeld, a tax Impofed for the repelling of enemies. Ferdwite {Jxom fcrd an army) a penal' y for not going out on a military expedition. Flemensfrith, receiving or lelieving a fugitive or outlaw. FtiTWiTif A GLOSSARY. TL\TW\Ti.,fied'wite,Jiight'wite ; an amercement where a perfon having been a fugitive, returns of his own accord, or without Hcence. FooTGELD, an amercement for not expeditating dogs within the foreft. FoOTWiTE, the fame ?i.% footgeU. Forestall : an immunity irom foreflall, was an exemption from amercements for foreftalling. FoRRAY, an inroad or invalion by plundering parties. Foster xe.\\\., fojler corn ; the word feeras to be a contra£lion oi forejlcr, being the fame z%foreftage, a duty paid to the forcftcrs. FRiDSTALL,y'7vfti'?(?//, ( from yr/i/ pcacc, im.\ Jlall ■a. ftation) a feat or place of peace, whereunto a criroU nal flying would be in faftty ; faniluary. Trisca forcia, frefh force; a jurifdiftion of force newly committed within a cityoi other franchi£e» FuRCA, the gallows; a jurifdidion of tryiug and punifliing felons. Gavel, ^ with theic chidren, goods and chatties. Tenmentale, themmentak : an exemption from tenvtentak is a privilege of not attending the court of the decennary or tithing. Thelonium, toll. Thenage, fervice to the thain or lord of a manor. Thendingpeny, thethiiigpeny, tritkingpeny, an aid or fubfidy paid to the fherlfFor other cflEcer of tb'c tithing, for the fiipport of his office and dignity. Toll, thol, in a grant to the lord of a fair or market, fignifies a power to take toll. Trewes : days o( /rewes were, when the commiffioners of both kingdoms met for the redrefs of griev- ances, during which time there was a truce or ceflation of hoflilities. Alfo the articles agreed upon were ftyled the laws of trewes. Tridinga, trittinga , an immunity de tridingis was a privilege of non-attendance at the trithing courts. Trist, an intcrcommoning, alliance, or fricndfliip. Tristris, an obligation to attend the lord of a foreft in hunting, as to hold a dog, to follow the chace, or Hand at any place appointed. Utfangthief, the fame as Outfangthief. Vaccary, an houfe or place to keep cows in, a cow pafture. Vaumure, an outwork ot bulwark for defence againfl an enemy. Verderer, an officer to take care of the vert in the foreft. Vert, any thing that bears a green leaf in the foreft. Villenage, a fervile kind of tenure by bondmen or villeins, of whom there were two forts, one termed a villem in grofi, who was immediately bound to the pcrl'on of the lord ; the other a villein regardant to a manor, being bound to his lord as a member belonging to and annexed to his manor. Virgate of land; 2, yard oi land confifting (as fome fay) of 24 acres, whereof four virgates make an hide, and five hides make a knight's fee. VisNETUM, 'oifne, vicinetum, a neighbouring place ; vaflttm et •uicinetum, far and near. VivARY ; a place where living creatures are kept, as in a park, warren, fifh-pond, or the like. Wapentac, an obligation to attend the wapentake or hundred courts. Warda, a duty of attendance in the keeping of a town or caftle. Wardpeny, money paid for watch and ward. Wharfage, money paid for (hipping or landing goods at a ivharf. WoODGELD, a payment in lieu of fervice to be performed in cutting or carrying wood in the king's forefls. THE SAXON ALPHABET. A B CDEF GHIJKLMNOPQRSTVUWXYZ KBCDeFDpIJKLCONOP RSTV UJXYZ abcdcfghij k Imnop q r ftv u w x y z abc'oep^hijklmnopcqjvj'rvu pxyz Th D, '6, That ■?. THE OLD ENGLISH ALPHABET. ABCDEFGH I KLMNOPQ^RSTVUWXYZ alicdefghiklmnopqrftvuwxyz s6cDefjj5 i (t I mnop qr'istiiutDrjf SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. XXXXXXXXX'XXXXXXXXxXX Thomas Adams, Elq. Alnwick. Rev. Ci. -\ildifon, A. M. Workington. Mr. W. H. / ddifon, Workington. R. Addifon, Temple Bar, London. The Hon. the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. Mifs Julia Aglionby, Crofsfield. Mr. Henry Airy, Nevvcaftle. James Allgood, Elq. Nunvyick, Nor- thumbcrland. Georcre Allan, Efq. Grange, Durham. Alcxaadcr Allan, tfq. Edinburgh. William nllanby, Efq. Flimby, Cum- berland. George Anderfoo, Efq. Captain In the ^4th Regiment, Newcaftle, Mr. Thomas Anderfon, Carlifle. Alexander Annefley, Efq. Cloak-Iane, London. John Mackenzie Applecrcfs, Efq. Scotland, Mr. Jamss Appleton, Smedley, Lanca- (hire. The College of Arms, London. Charles Armllrong, Efq. Brampton. Rtv. J. Afhhridge, Keath, Derbyfhire. Mr. James AHiburner, Kendal. Henry A/l— -- Henry Dixon, do. .^— John Dixon, Durham. Mrs. Dixon, Denton- holme, Carlifle. Jlr. Jofeph Dnbinfon, Parfonby, Cum- berland. Jofeph Dodgfon, Efq. Carlifle. Rev. Thomas Donald, Anthorn, Cum- -5 ■ ':■: berland. Mr. David Donald, Carlifle. Kicholfon Doiiblcday, M. D. Durhaoi. John Doiigall, Efq Kirkaldy. Rev. William Dowfon, D. 1). Princi- pal of St. Edmond's-hall, Oxford. Di'-ir.frics PnWic Library Society. Mifs Dykes, Dovenby-Hall, Cumb. Mr. Tbomas Dykes, ShadvveU, Mr. J. Eafton, Gatefliead, Durham. William F.ckford, Workington. Sir Frederick Eden, Bart. London. Richard H. Edmonfon, Efqi Acron- bar.k. Mr. John Edmonfon, Surgeon, KeX- wick. Francis Edmunds,Efq.Wor/br&' York- fiiire. The Right Hon. the E. of EgrcmOnt. Mr. John Elliot Flat, Langholm. The Right Rev. Dr. Law, Lord Ep. of Elphin. Mrs- Eliifon, Egremont. Alexander Eiphinfton,Efq. Edinburgh. Mr. Jacob Elwood, Carlifle. Samuel Ewer, Efq. Hackney. Rev. John Falcon, Gatefliead, Newcaft. Mr. Michael Falcon, Workington. Thomas Falcon, Efli-meals, Cum- berland. John Fallow field, Southernby, Cumberland. Mrs. Fane, London. Mr. Jchn F^ulder, Cowley- Street, Weflminftcr. Timothy Featherilonhaugh, Efq. Kir- kofwald. Rev. J. Fearon,Chrift's-Church, Hants. Mifs Frances Feddon, Carlifle. Mr. John Fergufon, Carlifle. Thomas Fifliburn, Jan. Efq. Whitby. Robert Fifher, Efq. Staioing-lane, Lcndoji. Thomas Fiflier, Efq. Carlifle. Mr. Riciiard Fiflier, NcwcaiUe. Jofeph Fiflier, Eafthoufe.Embleton. Mrs. Fiflier, Pat ton, Cumberland. The Honourable, Thomas Fitzwilliam, Bath. Sir. H. Fletcher, Bart. M. P Clea-hall. Sir. Frcdeiick Fletcher Vane, Bart. M. P. Hutton-hall. Rev. Janie? Fletcher, A. M. vicar of Penrith Walter Fletcher, A. M. Dalfton. Mr. Richard Fletcher, Whitehaven. John Forfter, Printfield, Carlifle. John Fotfter, Caftle-Street, do. Rev Jahn Fofter, Northon, Chefhire. Tliomas Fotherglll.D. D. Provoft of Queen's College, Oxford. Mr. ChaiJes Fonrdiinier, LombardSt. London. G John Gaff, Efq. Whitefield. Mr. Thomas GaiUJceH; London, T. Garth, Efq. Steeton-hall, Bradford, Yorkfliire. Mr. Ifaac Galkin, Jun. Penrith. George Gafa, Carlifle. Philip Gcll, Efq. Hopton, near Derby* Mr. John Gibbons, Carlifle. Charles Gibfon, Efq. Lancafter. Francis Gibfon, Efq. Whitby. Mr. John Gibfon, Kirklinton. John Gibfon. Newcaftle. Thj^mas Gibfon, Newcaftle. Rev. J. Gilbanks, Cockermouth. Mrs. Giles, Carlifle. Major Gilpin, Broiighton-tower. Mr. William Glaifter, Red-flat, Cum- berland. R. Goldrng. Architeft;. London. George Golding, Mufick-feller, do. WilL Goldfmith, Efq. Warwick-courti London, Mr. William Gordon, London. R. Gough, Efq. F. A. S. Direaor. Sir James Graham, Bart. Nethcrby. James Graham Efq. Barrock- Lodge, John Graham, Efq. Low-houfc, Cum. Rev. Fergus Graham, L. L. B. Ar- tiiuret, do. Thomas Graham, Efq.. Edmund-caflle. James Graham, Efq. Lincoln's Inn, London. Mr. David Graham, Attorney at Law, Carlifle. Thomas Graham, Hayton, Cumb. Robert Graham, Cark ton-hill, do. E. Greenalegh, tfq. Myerfcugli, Lan- cafhire. Francis Gregg, Efq. M. P. London. Mr. John Grey, Shicld-Fjeld, Newcafife Rev. Brown Grifdalc, D. D. Caihfle. Mr. Jofeph Gunfcn, Surgeon, White- haven. H ■Rev. William Hall, A. M. Haydon, bridge. Meffrs. Hall and Elliot, Newcaftle. Mr. James Halton, Carlifle. Rev. Mr. Hanftope, Buckinghamlliire. C. F. Harford, Efq. Briftol. Jeremiah Harman, Efq. London. Jofeph Harriman Efq. Whitehaven. John Harris, Efq. Eaglesfield. Rev. Jonathan Harris, Matteidale. Jafper Harrifan, Efq. Wickham, Dur:- ham. Thomas Hartley, Efq. Whitehaven. Thomas Hartley, Efq. Jun. do. J. Adair Hawkins, Efq. London. . Mr. Samuel Hazard, Bath, 2 copies. Thomas Head, Jun. Newcaftle. Mr,. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Mr. William Head, Suhowj, Mon- moiithrtiire. Sir Ifaac Heard, Garter principal King of Arms. Robert Htnderfon, Efq. Cleugh-heads. Mr. Lancelot Heion, Attorney at Law, Morpeth. Rev. John Hewer, Baflentliwaite, Cum- berland. Mr. George Hcwit, Attorney, Carlillc. Mr. Richard Htwit, London. John HcyHiam, M. D. Carlifle. R. Hill, Efq. Plymouth Furnace, near Cardiff. Sir Richard Hoare, Bart. London. Sir Richard Hodgfon, Knt. CarliHe. Rev. Hugh Hodgfon, Eglingham, Nor- ihumberlsnd. Mr. John Hodgfon,Charch-lanc,White- chapcl, London. — John Hodgfjn, South-fhore, Dur- ham. — — John Hodgfon, Jan. Carlifle. John Hodgfon, Jun. Beaumont, Camberland. Jofcph Hodgfon, Attorney,Carlifle. Mrs. Ai.n Hodgfon, Carlifle. James Hogarth, Efq. Whitehaven. Mr. Lancelot Hoggart, Wigton. James Holder, Efq. Afl<-park, Hants. William Holme, Efq. Clapham. Rev. J. Holme, fhap, Wcllmorland. Mr. Done Holme, Carlifle. —— William Holmes, Callees, near Carlifle. J. Houf:nan,Land-fiirveyor, Corby. Rev. Peter How, Whitehaven. Henry Kowaul, Efq. Corby- caftle. Cap. Jofeph Huddatt, F. R. S. Lon- don. Mr. James Hudfon, Caldbeck, Cumb. -— Thomas Hudfon, Penrith. Rev. H. Hunter, D. D. Wentworth, Yarkdiirc. William Hutchinfon, Efq. Eglefton, Durham. Robert Hutchinfon, Efq. Newby, Rear Carlifle. Rev. J. Hutton, Houghton-le-fpring, Durham. Benjamin Incledon, Efq. Pittonhoufc, Devon(hire. The Hon. William Heuiy Irby, Lon- don. E- L. Iiton, Efq. Irton-hall, Ciunb. Mr. George Irving, Newcaille. -— . Walter Irwin, Longtown. M. Ifmay, Sutt«nvalcriK-, Kent. J MeflVs. Jackfon and Barclay, London. Mr. T. R. Jackfon, Bread-Street, Lon- don. J. B. Jackfon, do. London. Ricliaid Jackfon, London. J. Jackfon, No. 3. Green-lettuce- lane, London. Thomas James, Efq. Carlifle. Mr. Robert James, do. John Janus, Jun. do. Thomas Jamcfon, Efq. Worfley-hall, near Manchefler. Rev. J. Jefferfon, A. M. St. Anne's Wcftminfter. Jofeph JeflFerfon, BaffingHock. John Johnfon. Efq. Walton-houfe. Mr. Edward JohnRon, Mercht. White- haven. Jolin Johnfton, Merchant, do. James Johnilone, M. D. Worcefter. E Mr. John Kay, Workington. John Keay, Attorney at Law, Carlifle. Montague Kelfick, AVhitehaven. Jofeph Kenible, Efq. London. Charles Kerr, Efq. Abbot-rule. Thomas King, Efq. London, 2 copies. Mr. Ch.arles King, Carlifle. Rev. J. Kirkby, Oelhorn, StafFordfhire. Mr. William Kitchen, Excife export furvcyor, Manchefler. Edward Knubley, Efq. Wigton. Samuel Lacy, Efq. Salkeld-lodgc. Chas. Lambert, Efq. F. A. S. London. Mr. John Lancake, Workington. Rev. George Law, A. M. Prebendary of Carlifle. Meffrs. B. Law and Son, Loud an. Mr. John Lav/rcnce, Fleet-St. London. Sir Wilfrid l.awfon,Bart. Brayton-hall. Sir John Lawfon, Bart. Brough. The Right Hon. the Earl of Leictfter. Rev. S. l.ewthwa^te, Reclor of Hut- ton. Mr. Jofeph Lewthwaite, Carlifle. Sir T. H. Liddcll, Bart. Ravcnfworth- can.le. Mr. John Liddcll, Hatfield, near Don- cafter. John Liddcll, Bouftead-hill, Cum- berland. Jofeph LlddtU, Baldwinholme. R. Lid-krdale, Efq. Francis Lind, Efq. London. William Linikill>Efq. North-lhiclds. Mr. John Lifter, St. Chriftopher'Si Wefl Indies. Thomas Liitlefare, Ncwcaftie. . - 1 Liverpool Public Library Society. ftM Mr. Ralltcn Longrigg-, Burntbwaite.' John LonMale, Carlifle. Mark Lonfdak', Iflington.- John Lofli, Efq. Wooaflde. James Lofli,- Efq. do. George Lofli, Efq. Nevvcaftle^ Mr. Thomas Lo(h, Carlifle. John Lowes, Efq. Ridley- hall. Mrs. Lowes, Wigton. Rev. Tliomas Lowry, A. M. Croflyy. John Lowry, Efq. Newtown, near Car- lifle. Richard Lo\w)-, Efq. Dutnhill, Cum- berland. Mr. R. Lowthian, Attorney, Carlifle, Mrs. Lowthian,Stafford,near Dumfries. Jolhua Lucock, Efq. Cockermouth. Mr. George Ludlow, Newcaflle. , Henry Lulwidge, £{q. Whitehaven. M Henry Maire, Efq. Lartington,. York- fhire. Mr. John Mann, Carlifle. Rev. Francis Marrs, Mungrifdale, CunK iv!r. John Marfliall, Workington. Jofeph Marfhall, do. Jofeph Marfl^.ail, Newcaftle. J. Maitindale, Attorney, Wigton. Thomas Marton, Cheapfide, Lon- don. Francis M;ifcill, Cockermouth. _ William Mafon, Carlifle. Jofeph Matthews, Newcaftle. Thomas Maude, Efq. Bohon-hall, Yoi-kfliirc. T. R. Maunftll, Efq. Sedbury, Here^ fordfliire. Rev. John Mayfon, Thurftiy, Cumbd. Mr. Richard I- dward Mcrcier, Dublin. John Mefiengtr, Efq. Newcaftle. Rev. R. Meficnger. Bewcaftle. Francis Metcalfe, A. M. Kirbride» Cumberland. Ralph Mllbank, Efq. M. P. Seaham» Durham. Patrick Miller, Efq. Dalfwinton. Abraham Mills, Efq. Fincehoufe, near Macclesfield. James Mihi, Efq. Wakefield. John .Mitchinfou, Efq. Carlifle. Rev. H. Moifcs, Jun. Newca.11e..v-)H Mr. Molteno, St. James's- Street, Lon« don. '■ Rev. T. Monkhoufe, Bulby, Chefhii*^ Me.. ¥ SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Rc7. William Monk'houfe, Raughton- hsad, Cumberland. Mr. William Monkhoufe, Penrith. Daniel Moor, Efq. Aun's-hill. James Moore, Efq. F. A. S. Stamfcrd- Street, Chriil-church, Surry. Rev. J. Moflop, A. M. Biighton. J. Moiinrcy, Efq. Pattci dale-hall. Mr. William MuUindtr, Carllfle. The Rt. Hon. Lord MimcaRcr, M P. Muncaflcr-houfe. John Murray, Efq. Murraythwaite. Mr. John Murray, London, 2 copies. Sir John C. Mufgravc, Bart. Eden-hall. Jofeph Mufgrave, Efq. London. Rev. Thomas Myers, L. L. B. Barton. » John Myers, Edenham. N Mr. John Nelfon, Carlifle. Edward Nevinfon, Efq. do. Neiy Church Public Library Society, near Penrith. Mr. William Nixt>n, Cumdivock. William Noble, Efq. Pall-mall, London. Mr. Will, Noble Caileton, Egremont. O Lancelot Oliphant, Efq. Ilay-clofe. T-Ir. John Orr, NewcalUe. ■ Thomas On-en, Carlifie. — — Richard Cyes, Whitehaven. James Allen Park, Efq. Lincoln's Inn, Loudon. Timothy Parker, Efq. Hornby-hall, Lancafliire. Kenion Parker. Efq. ShefHelJ. Mr. Jofeph Parkins, Jun. Seaton, Cum- berland. Robert Padcy, Efq. Moimt-Annan. Rev. Jofeph Pattifon, Carlifle, — — Thomas Pattlnfon, Kirklir.ton. Mr. John P.^ttrickfon, Carlifle. f— J. Peacock, Darlington, Durham. rr John Pcarelh, London. Wilfon Pearfon, Efq. Bridekirk. Jubo Ptarfon, Efq. Csrlifle, Mr. Anthony Peat, Seaton, Cuniberld. ►— ^ Robert Peat, Seavllle, do. — Jonathan Peil, Cockri mouth. Thomas Pennar:t, Efq. 2 copies. Mr. Penny, Mile-end. William Pin. Cailifie. Jofeph Pocklington, Efq. Potklington's lilanti. . ; : Mr. Robert Pollard, Eilgravir, London. ivr-T William Pollock, Dacif . Jofeph Porter, Efq. Hatton-gardcn. Rev. William Porter, vVorfbro' York- fhire. Samuel Potter, Efq. Whitehaven. Mr. Jame? Potts, N'cwcattle. Matthew Pringle, Efq. do. Mr. Thomas Pringle, do. George Pi ingle, Seven Dials, London. Qiieen's College Library, Oxford. Queen's College Library, Cambridge. R Rev. William Raiiton, Cumberworih, Yorklhire. W. Raiiton, Efq. Cheapfide, London Rev. Matthevi' Kaine, HartfoTth, York- fliire. Thomas Ramfliay, Efq. N^worth- caftle. Mr. R. Ramfhay, Dumfries. W. R. F. Ricardfon Randal, Efq. Hunter-hall, Cumb. Rev. Jeremiah Reed, RocklifF, do. John Relph, M. D. London. Mifs. Relph, Woodford, EfTex. William Kichardfon, Efq. Rickeiby. Rev William Richardfon, Cheadle. Mr. William Richardfon, NewcalUe. J. Richardfon, Penrith. John Richardfon, Printer, Workington. Sir James Kiddell, Bart. John Ridddl, Efq. Bath. Sir Matthew White Ridley, M. P. Heaton-hall, Northumberland. John Henry Rigg, Efq. Qjieen's Col- lege, Cambridge Rev. John Robiufon, Balfaver, Derby- fiiire. Thomas Robinfon, Cro^'in. John Robi.ifon, Efq. Pardfiiav. Mr. George Robir.fon, Carlifle. William Roui;ifon, Liverpool. George Robinfon, London. John Robinfon, Wigton. Anthony Kobinfon, London. Mrs. Rnbir.rori, Cargo, near Carhfie. Mifs. Mary Robinfon. Ncwcaftle. James Robfon, Efq. New-Bor.d-Strcet, L(vu;cn. Mr. Jofeph Robfon, Coventry. Street, Do. Jofeph Robfan, do. John Rubion, Dalfvrn. John Roddam, Gateihead, Durham Edwa:d Rogers, Efq. Liverpool. H. Rooke, kfq. F. A. S. Wood-houfe. The Right Hon. the Esrl of Rofebery, Bambougle-callle. Mr. William Rothery, Windfor-Lodge, Wiiitchaven. — — Edward Rowland, Carlifle. William Rudd, tfq. Durham. James Rudman, Efq. Newcaftlc. Mr. John Uiimney, Workington. Robert Rumney, Warden, near Hexham. John Rutter, M. D. Liverpool. The Right Rev. Dr. Douglas, Lord Bhhop of Sahfoury. Richard Sanderfon, Efq. Ircby. Rev. Jofeph Sanderfon, Tunbridge, Kent. Mr. T. Sanderfon, Chelfea. Thomas Sanderfon, Beaumont. J. C. Satterthwhaite, Efq- M. P. Pap- caflle. Mr. Savage, Printer and Bookfellerj Howden, Yorklhire. Walter Scott, Efq. Advocate, Edin" burgh. James Scott, Efq. Forge, near Lang- holm. Humphrey Senhoufe, Efq. Nether- haU. Sir Jofeph Senhoufe, Kt. Arkleby-hall. Mr. Samfon Senhoufe, London. Robert Sewel, Caftle-Sowerby, Cumberland. Rev. J. Sharp, Macclesfield, Chefhite. William Sheeplhanks, Prebeadarj" of Carhfie. Francis Sheldon, Efq. WyclifF, York- fhire. C. Shepherd, Efq. John's Strest, The- obald Road, London. Rev. Th-omas fchepherd,, ,ICIrkbamp- ton. M.-. Brack Shorter, Picktree, Durham, .^ Simco, London. John Simms, Carlifle. \Villiam Simpfon, Efq. Bombay. Henry Simpfon, Efq. O.'tford. Mr. John Simpfon, Redmain, Cumb. Richard .Simpfon, Caldbeck, do. Jofeph Simpian, Little-bulh lane, Thamci Street, London. Jeremiah Skelton, Holm-Cultramj Cumberland. Ifaac Slack, Ai-malhwaite, Cumb. John Slee, Stainton. C. Smalwood, Efq. Surry- Street, Lon- don. Rev. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Rev. Mr. ffmeddic, Forcet, YorkHiire Sir John Smith, Bart. Sydliiig, Dui. fctlKiie Francis imilh, Eiq." ,',l^ewbuildings, Yoikfliirc. ' , " ■ , Leonard Smitli, Efq. Cailifle. Mr, John Sm-th, Surgeon, f arliilc. K. Srailhfoii, Qucen-St. London. Geo. Sumner, Efq. M. P. HolmhilL Mr. Anthony Soulby, Penrith. John Sourbcy, Efq. London. Majur James Sott-tiby, Royal Artillery. Iv. Spe.Trman, Ffq. Eachwick, Nor- thumberland. Mr. Robt. Spence, GateiTiead, Durham. The llight Hon. Larl Spencer. Mr. Fiancis Spilfbury, London. • Daniel Stalkei, do. Thomas Stanger, do. Hugh Stanger, London. G. E. Stanley, Efq. Ponfonby-hall. Edward Stanley, Efq Flimby, Cumb. Mr. Foxier Stanley, near Cheilerfield, Derbylhiie. Rev. S. Stanwix, Worfbro' Yorkfliire. M. W. Staples, I- fq. Cornhiil, London. Rev. J. Stordy, Orton, Cumberland. Mr. John Stoidy, Thurftonfieid, do. T. Story, Efq. Mire-houfe, Kefwick. Mr. J. Story Ye'ando, Lancadiire. Jolin Stor)', Bl.nckwell, Cumb. •*** Strong.Efq. F. A. S. Red-Craf^ Street, London. Mr. Timothy Strong, Sowerby, Cum .— Richmond R. Stubbs,He(l(et-Ncw- Maiket, Cumb. Rev.WilliamStuddart, Bradford, Wilts. Mr. Jofeph Studholm, St. Nicholas, near Carlifle. John Sutton Cailifle. J Swainfon, Efq. Frith-Street, Soho, London. Sir. C. Sykes, Bt. Sledmere, Yorklhire. Michael '\ngclo Taylor, Efq. M. P. \Vh!tehal!, 1 ondon. W. Taylor, Efq. Maze-hill, Greenwich. Sir Henry Temped. Bart. Hope-end, Sedbury, Herefo^dfliire. John Tempell, Efq J. Tennilwood, Efq Lincoln's Inn, ^Lc)ndon. Rev. George Thomfon, Carlifle. Mi. G. Thompfon, Newbiggin, near Penrith. T. Throfby, Efq. Leicefter. Richard Tolfon, Efq. Gravefend. John Tomlinfon, Efq. Carlifle. Mifs. Thomlinfon, Pelton, Northamp- tonHiite. J. Turner, Efq. Great-Portland-Street, London. Tynehead Public Library Society, near Aldfton-moor. Rev. Ifaac Tyfon, Harwood, Yorkfliire. Mr. Richard Tyfon, Carlifle. Timothy Williamfon, Efq. Great- RiilFel-Street, London. Mrs. Williamfon, Snittlegarth, Cumb. Mr. William Wilkin, Newcaflle. Rev. KobertWilkinfon, B. D. Halifax, Joffph Wilkinfon. Carlifle. Robert Wilkinfon, Efq. Stang-cnds. Thomas Wilkinfon, Efq. Gray's Inn, Lond.>n. Thomas Wilkinfon, Efq. Paper build- ing;;, London. Mr. John 'ilmote, EfFcx-St. Stiand, London. John Wilfu;)., Efq. Liverpool. I'aniel Wilfon, Efq. Dallam-towcr. Mi. Daniel Wilfon, Maryport. —— Alexander Wilfon, Carlifle. — — Ifaac Wilfon, Cockermouth. James Wilfon, do. — — Benjamlii Wilfon, Allerby, do. George Wilfon, Biimingbam, John Wilfon, Stainton, Cuni. John Wilfon, Burj;h, dg. John Wilfon, Low-teams, Durhainr John Wilfon, High-teams, do. Rev. Jofeph V\ ife, Bromfitld, Effex. Mr John Wife, Seavi'le, Cumberland, William, Woatton, Efq. London. John Wood, Lfq Biidge-StrettjBlaclftr Fliers, London. Mr. George Wood, Durham. George '-Vood, Kefwick. Mifs. A. Wood, Carlifle. William Woodville, M D. London. Richard Wordfwoith,Efq. Whitehaverf, Mr. John Martiiidale Wright, Carlifle, L. Yates, D. D. Mailer of Catharine- hall, Cambridge. Mrs. Yates, SkirwitlvAbbey. The Right Hon. Lord Yelverton,' Alexander Young, Efq. Edinburgh. Mr. John Young, Carlifle. Mr. Peter How Younger, Attorney at Law, Whitehaven. Yowart, do. Z Rev. T. Zorich, Wycliff, Yorkfliire. AJJUli iial SuhfcriLers. Thos. Donald, Efq. Lovvfwater, Cum.. Rev. J. Graves, Yarm, Yorkfliire. Mr. John Halliburton, Aflierton, do. Rev. John Humphrey, A. B. an(S F. A. S. Mr. John Richardfon, rec.iver of the aflefled Taxes, Cumb. The poll commenced on Wednefday the 30th dr;y of ) March, and ended on Wednefday the 20th of Apiil, con' tinuing nineteen poll days, Alkidale v\ aid above Dcrwent. 1 C. 649 F. 492 Additions to the Table of Population, ^c. Page 684, Vol. II WE have been favoured with a table of the poll books / at the general eleftion, at Cockei mouth, for two , inemberB to be fetuined to parliament ; in the year 1768, ' the candidates were, Sir James Lowther. Bart, of Lowlher- hall, Henry Curwen, Efq. of Workington-hnll, Humphry , Senhoufe, lifq. of Nether. ball, and Henry Flttclicr, Efq. ,i of Clca-hall ; the htterS C. F. L. S, aie the initiitls of the candidates names. y AUenlale Ward below Dcrwent { 37S Leath Ward. — 4S2 Efledale Ward 241 Cumb^ rid. Ward. — 44c Since the above period there has been a great incrcafe to \ the freehold lift, but we could not find any means to alcer- ^1 tain the exa£l number. Suppofed to exceed 6000. J' Total foreachatthel clof: of the poll. \ 2190 L 967 369 300 311 487 24.5 43^^ 234 74 418 1993 S. 861 Total of Total of votes. 29159 voterr. 1485 '358 679 78 4'5 1904 1442 721 636 3>3 1709 8114 855 4058 ^ US3i LIST OF PLATES., A LIST AND DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGRAVINGS. Volume I. Emblematical vignette title page, repre- senting the eaft window of fit. Mary's Cathedral, a caf- tle in ruins, a druidical tem- ple, runic pillar at Bewcaf- *le, tomb iloncs, RonMn fculptures, bridges, lake , jnountains, &c.* A weft view of Lanncr- coft Priory, to front the ti- tle page of Vol. I. or page ;^ Map of the County, 34 Infide view of Lannercoft Prioiy, — —54 Roman wall and plans of ftations, — — 63 Burdofwald Altars, 67 Dewcaftle Monument, So Caftle-lleads Altars, &c. No. I. — — 103 Do. No. 2. — 118 A view of Walton-houfe, an elegant building, with a Kiew of the adjoining well improved eftates of J. John- fon, Eiq. — 118 NaworthCaftle, 133 Gelt rocx, with the Ro- jnaii infcription, — 139 A view of the houfe of ^. Waiwick, Efo^. (an ele- gant building, erefted fince the firft vol. was printed J TVaiwick bridge In the front and the church on the high ground.* — 153 A view of Wetheral fafe- guard, and MiiTes Waugh's fummer houfe, which was erefted iince the fir.1 v.l, was printed: the ladles with great tafte and judgment, iave added much to the beauty of this mod romantic j>lace, in whofe family We- t)>eral priory has been for feveral generations. ' 161 Druids' monument at Great Salkeld, and ether antiquities, — 225 View of the Giants cave near Edenliall, — 291 View of Brougham -hall, i Caftle, &c. — 305 Mifcellaneous antiquities at Mayborough, I'enrith, &c. 508 Maps of roads and Ullf- watcr, — — 312 Vlewof Penrith-caft. 317 GiayHock Antiquities, &c. — — 34S View of Blencowe, 414 Map of the mountains where a remarkable Ignis Fatuus was feen, 417 View of Dacre-caftle, 466 Antiquities, at Old Pen- rith, Sec. — 481 View of Millum-callle, Furnef» feal and aims, and Bootlefont, — 523 Plan of Furnefs-Ab. 538 VOL II. A view of Carlifle from the N. E. Frontis piece. Vignette title page, view cf thecathedral,dtanry, fratci-y, &.C. fiom Denton-holme.* of 4' A large ftieet plan Whitthaven, — View of the Harbour, 4 St. Nicholas church, 43 Trinity church, 44 St. James's chutcli, 45 Catlle, — 48 Plan of Wojkington, with two vignettes of Work- ington-hall, — 137 Lakes in Cumberland, 153 Pocklington's liland, 165 Druids' monumciU at Kef- wick, — — - J92- View of Grange. 208 BowJerftone, — 210 BaiTenthwaite lake, 238 Cockermouth caftle, and Biidcklrk font, — 254 Roman and other anti- quities in the polTefGon of Humphrey Senhoufe, Efq. of Netherhall, moftiy found at EUenborough, ; 1 6 difTer- ent articles engraved upon fis large plates, — > 284 Antiquities found at Af patria, Arcleby-hall, 288 View of Ilolm-Cultram Abbey, taken in 1739 by Mr. Buck, — 346. ,View of Arcleby-hall, 351 Ireby, — 368 Birds eye view of Carrock fell and ground plan, 381 Birds eye view of Yever- ing Bell, and ground plan, Northumberland, — 384 Howk at Caldbeck, 388 Antiquities found at Old Carlifle, Wlgton, &c. 410 Antiquities at Stockle- wath, map of Roman en- campments near Carliile, route of the rebels, their iiations and the duke of Cumberland's, defcvibed, />. 656, — _ —. 430 Infide view and ground plan of the Keep of Rofe- caftle, — — 435 View cf Rofe-caflle, 438 ■ ' .■ Chalk quarries, fhewing the Roman infcrip- tion there, — 439 Fac fimile of the Roman infcription on Chalk rocks, and a fac fimile of a curious puzzle infcription on Dal- ilon-Hall, -— 443 King Edward I. monu- r>i'-nt on Buigh marfh, 504 View of Netherby, 533 A great number of Ro- man antiquities at Netherby on three large plates, 535 Aithuret church, 545 Map of Solway-mofs and vicinity, — 548 Kirkandrews church up- on Elk, — 549 Antiqs. found at 3tanwix» Carli.le, &c. — . • 557 Map of Cailifle, 585 Two views of Carlifle, one from the road at Harraby, the other from a field behind the village, — 585 N. B. The latter was given as a fubftitute forfomc of the former being wore faint in printmg. View of CatliCe-caftle, • from Battle-holm, 593 View of the Cathedral, from the N. VV. with the arms of Jain.es Hay earl of Catllfle, fio. I, Henry Clif- ford earl of Cumberland, na 2. Henry Fitz David earl of Carlifle, no. 3. The city arms ?«. 4. Marcatus earl of Carliile, no. 5. Ranu'ph Mefchines carl of Carlifle nc, 6. Andrew Harcin eail of- Carlifle, ^19. 7. Prince Ru- pert duke of Cumberland ?;i>. 8. A vlewof the dean- ery, fratery, and two views of Carlifie-cadle, 597 Ground plan of the Ca- thedral,- and a curious in- fcription, — 598 View of tlie legends of St. Anthony and fct. Auf- tln, — — . 600 Bifliop Bell's monument coloured, — 6oz View of Wood fide from the road, — 641 A view of" Carliile-caftle from Catcoat bank where the duke of Cumberland j erefied his batteries in j 74J, J this view includes a great part of the city, 657 A curious fifh defcribcd in the natural hlilory, 24 Two rare birds eggs, do. 38- ^♦^ As the fccond Volume much extended beyond the Ceo pages each was intended to contain ; thofe who wifh tbcm of a uniformity may bind the natural hlilory, lift of IherifFs, gloifary, and fubfcribers nanses, before the introduftion in the firft volume. N. B. The two engraved title pages, and the plates marked thus* in the above direftigns, were addititional ornaments, aad charged feparate fiora the firft fubfcription price. INTRODUCTION. THE General Hiflory of this county necciTarily ought to engage the reader's attention, before he enters upon a dcjcriplivc viezv of each place, and the particular hiftorical incidents relative thereto. From the Roman hiftorians, very little light is thrown upon the ancient (late of this part oi Britain. It was not, till the time of Agricola, that the Northumbrians fubmittcd to the Roman arms, in the eightieth year of the Chriflian cera. The Briganlesy according to Roman writers, poirefTed a very large trad of country on the weflern coaft of Britian ; but as our attention in this work is confined to a narrow boundary, it is enough for us to obfcrve, they inhabited the diftrid now- called Cumberland: they are defcribed to be a fierce and warlike people ; refllefs in their dilpofuion, and mconftant in obligations to ftrangers ; inured to hard- Ihips, indefatigable in their adventures, valiant in arms, of a nice honour to- wards their own nation, and faithful to each other, even under all the wretchednefs of defpair. It is conceived they had the name of Brigantes from the mountainous country they inhabited, and the Tartar-like bands in which they maruuded. Straba fpeaks of the Brigantes of the Alps, and calls them grajfa tores, robbers, and plunder^ ers : if we admit of this definition, the appellation, mofi: probably, was derived from the Romans, as a mark of their hatred and contempt ; and we fliall yet remain uninformed of the true Britifh name of the inhabitants. The accounts given by the Romans, are, of themfelves, confufed and contra- divftory ; and we have no pofitive proof of their having travcrfed the mountains, the Britifh Appenincs, and having pafled to this weflern region, at the time that the fubmilfion of the NorthumMans is recorded. The extenfive territory of the Brii^antes., occafions the hiflory of that people, as received from the Roman writers, to be fo full of inconfillcncics, that it is not pofTible for us, with any degree of certainty, to place the events, recorded by them, in this particular diflrid:. The infamous flory of Cartijmandua does not claim its locality with us; her treachery to CaracJaclis, the fovercign of many Hates, of which Brigantia was one that fhc ruled over as a tributary, is efleemed fabulous; though it is delivered us by lacitiis. It is not pertinent to our prefcnt work to enter into difquifitions and criticifms on this dark part of hiflory; attention to that circumftance, indeed, is fo far confident, as, infome degree, it difcovers to us the manners of the age, and the difpofitions of the natives of the northern parts of Britain. In thofe days, ic was no difgrace, to the braveft people, to be governed by a "jooman ; difguflfut efieminacies had not then contaminated the fex; the fripperies and infignificancic^ of the female accomplifliment were refervcd to a very diflant age: even men inured to indefatigable labours and toils, conllantly in arms, fubfifling chiefly by warfare or the chace, and bred up to feats of valour and the fimple rules of native honour, were not afliamcd to be led to battle by a woman; and to receive the maxims of VOL. I. B their INTRODUCTION. their interior police, from the dicflates of female judgment : fior is the hif- rory of Carlijmandna blotted, till, by the intercourfe of the Romans, the native virtue of the Brigantes was corrupted. In Stewart's difcourle prefixed to the fecond edition of Sullivan's LeSIures, ir is faid " The Britons were debauched into ♦' a refcmblance with a moft corrupted people. They renounced the fatigues of war " for the blandifhments of peace. They forfook their huts for palaces ; affedled *' a coftlinefs of living, and gave way to a feducing voluptuoufnefs." Thofe foreigners introduced enjoyments of life, of M-hich the Britons had not hereto- fore formed an idea; their wealth taught corruption, and their luxuries vice. The diffipation derived from two fuch dreadful channels, foon overthrew the empire of this queen; flie liflened to the infiduous whifpers of an infamous lufl; {he ex- pelled her hufband, and took to her bed his armour-bearer. To the Roman manners wc muft attribute this moft flagrant breach of conjugal duty: it was no new thing with the invaders ; but among Britons, before the Roman acceffion, we do not hear of one inftance. The Roman writers* prefumcd to impute to the natives the groffeft ftatc of incontinence; a view of the Britifh habitations might pro- mote, in the minds of Grangers, an erroneous conception of the manners of the people; that the women held a common intercourfe with a whole family: one fmall hut was their general dormitory; whilll their occupations were in the fields in the day time; befides, fuch a criminal ftate of life as is imputed to them, was not confiftent with the general tenor of the polity of the Druid adminiftration, the tenets of which were deduced from moral obligation : and whnt utterly controverts the poficion is, that if incontinence, inccft, and infidelity in the marriage contrad:, were the habitual vices of Britifli life, the error of Lartifmandua would never have involved a whole nation in civil war, and engaged the Roman arms, when there was nothing but a familiar faift to provoke, which cuflom would have rendered inoffenfive. The Brigantes were divided: one party attached themfelves to Venulius, the injured hultand, the other to the queen, to whom they owed an old affecflion for the virtues of mind which flae had difplayed before fhe was infeded "with Roman manners. The divided country was wafted with inteftine broils, and though it did not inftantly fall under the Roman fword, it funk into luch imbe- cility, as afterwards rendered it eafy of conqueft. There were ftill remaining of this people, many who would not fubmit to the Roman yoke ; and we are told they were driven northward ; Hadrian afiumcd the imperial purple in the year 117 ; in his time, to fecure the Roman province from being incclTantly haraftcd by a banditti, who defcended the northern mountains like wolves, and marked their paflage with deftrudion, the Romans, about the year 121, drew from fea to fea the Pratentura of earth, with its ditches, in the progrefs of this work particularly traced and defcribed. From this a^ra we may date the complete fubmifTion of the territory of the Brigantes, which lay fouth of Solway Frith: for it would be inconfiftcnt to conceive, that within this line, any peoplcwereincludcd, who had not fubmitted themfelves to the Roman government, and given due teftimonies of their fidelity and attachment to the new rulers. * Caefar and Tacitus. The rNTRODUCTION. The Brigantes fettled north of the Pratentiira oi Hadrian, aflumed the name of M/d. Confident, from obfervations made on thxi natural face of the country, that here the chief incuriions were pradifed againft the Romans. Scotland If retches out to the wert and northweft from Soizvay Frith i the lands adjacent t-o the Pnvlev.tura, on account of their mountains and moraflcs, and from the many forefts that then covered the face of the country, were mofc capable of concealing and maintaining the tribes of rovers, who conftantly were attempting to make dcfcents upon the Roman province, and commit depredations on the allies. Nortburnherland, from the toot of Cheviots, is more level and open, lefs adapted to fuch purpofes, and lefs fubjeil to furprifc. ^ be foreft of Jedburgh long continued a refort for the tumultuous inhabitants of the northern regions, who alFembled to make war upon their fouthern neighbours. The pa{- fage from 'Jiviotdale into the heights of Nanhumberland was dangerous and difficult, and fo barren and thinly (locked, that an army could not fubfift; which reafons lead us to conclude, that the chiet incurfions were made within tlie diftriiii: of CumbeHand. Before we advance to a more extended period of the Roman polTelHon in this part of the ifland, it may not be unprofitable to take a ilight view of the religious injliliitions and the police of the natives^ fo far as the obfcurity in which they are involved, will permit. We do not find that the Britons, from the firfl: accounts of them, in this part of the ifland, were enveloped in that dreadful darknefs of mind, in which mofl: other nations, on their lirli difcovery by Europeans, have been defcribed to us: on the contrary, they were not igiiorant of the Deity, and had not corrupted their theology \\ith idolatry. 1 hey feem rather to have been wonderfully enlightened; and probably they derived this blefling from an intercourfe with the Phoenicians, improved by maxims brought with the firfl: fettlers from Germany^ having their Druids and Bards. In times of unlettered ignorance, it is no wonder the priefts had great influence over the multitude, efpecially the Druid, who was at once preceptor, lawgiver, divine, phyfician, and judge. This order of men poireifed all the learning of the age ; it is believed they knew the Greek alphabet, and ufed that charader in their numerations, as well touching ftate aflairs, as obfervations in aftronomy and natural philofophy: but their fludy of divinity vvas arduous, no charader or writing being permitted therein: nor was writing admitted, even in xht ethic fchool.. It: INTRODUCTION. It is an argument, yet unfolved by the learned, whether that kind of religious influence was not a bleffing, rather than a prejudice to the people. In this polite age, we have diflblved thofe prevalences, and have fhaken offail holy vene- ration for the priefthood and their dodtrincs, under the dctertable appellations of cnthuliafm, bigotry, and fuperrtition ; we have refined our religion into levity, we have brought the fcrvants of God into contennpt ; the houfc of prayer is defcrtcd ; and the Deity almoft forgotten. It reminds us of Nero^ who grew fo familiar with the divinity he worihipped, that at length, it is faid by the hiflorian, he defiled it, in a manner too indelicate to be defcribed here. Modern levity, touch- ing things divine, has almoll: reduced them to the like contempt. The vulgar, when not kept in awe, are infolcnt ; and when at liberty, are licentious. When we look back upon the volume of human life, and reflcrt that the knowledge of mankind was progrefTivc, and that innumerable ages had elapfed to bring them to the eftate of civilization in which they now are, we mult conceive a moll melancholy idea of the firft race of men. From the hiftory of ancient ftates, we are led to determine, that innovations in religion and contempt of facred things marked the advancing difTolution of each empire; difobcdience to government fuccceded ; the bonds of public faith were thenceforth loofened; the compadl between citizen and citizen was fo far difiblved, that corruption prevailed againft private virtue ; and vice, like the fecret progrefs of poifon, ftole into the vital parts of the ftate, and gradually brought on defhudion : when luxury had difFufcd its corruption to the root of manners ; w'hen crimes from familiarity were deprived of the fling which confcience prepared; when religion, the trier of truth and rec- titude, was no longer the arbiter of the foul, each fatal event rapidly enfued. Men who had few natural virtues were deterred from open vices, by the cenfures of the church, more than the penal law ; and thofe who were blelTed with good talents, were exhilerated by the profpecl of great temporal rewards, as well as the lj)iritual confolations of an enlivened faith. But to return to the Druid: — he taught the adoration of the divine elTence, and deduced his arguments from examples difplaycd in the book of nature. He chofe the loftieli groves and molt fblcmn fcencs, for the convocation of his people; he pcrform.ed the facred rites with the greateft magnificence and awful pomp; and all the exercife of his religion, was with that iolemnity of ceremony, that deeply afteded the fpedator ; nay, in fo powerful a degree did they maintain this, that, it is faid, even the deterting Romans " Jiood afionijhedy and trembled." They inftituted religious feftivals, and fandificd the vidims by facrificc. In all public ailen-.blics for adminiftring juflicc, or confulting on national or provincial matters, the duty of the day was preceded by an av.ful lacnlice ; the viclivu for which V. ere fometimcs crnninals condemned for atrocious crimes; who then fuR'ercd public execution : What could make a ftronger imprcflion on the fpeO:tator, or be dcviftd to flrike the human mind with greater terror, againft committing the like- offences ! It warnot fimilar to our modern executions ; merely the lopping off of life ; but a tremendous mode of remitting to an offended Deity a reprobate and incorrigible fpirit, to fuller the judgment of heaven. This county, it is appre- hcndedj . INTRODUCTION. hended, was pofTefled by fome of the chief Druids ; many of their monuments ftill remaining, and one the moft noble and extenfive of any in the ifland ; as will appear, when compared with Rollrkh and others. Stonebcnge, we conceive, is not of the like nature, the work of the fame people, or for the lame appropriation ; the ftones there being wrought with a tool ; — a defilement prohibited by the an- cient Hebrews, and never inftanced in the druidical remains. The land was divided into feveral fmall ftates, governed by their refpecflive potentates, whofe authority was little more, than that of being leaders in war : for in the deeper maxims of llate, the Druids were fuprenie ; and even in the bufincfs of the field, the people had that power over their prince, that he murt necellarily yield to their councils : this leems clearly derived from the Gaulijb polity. The people, from every evidence which the obfcure age has furniihed, appear to have been entirely free, throughout all ranks of men ; and no original traces of villeinage are to be difcovered in thofe remote times. It has been matter of difpute with the learned, from whence this abjedt ftate of men was derived. Whilft Germany had not yet fent out her colonies, from whence, we prefume, the coafts of Britain were occafionally fettled, it is pretty certain no fuch order of men exified there ; the Scrvi fpoken of by Ca/ar and Tacitus, hc'mg forcage men, though not in that perfeift privilege \\\i\z\\. Joe cage tenants afterwards gained. It is moft confiftent, to prefume they were captives in war; the Roman Haves being fuch. Lord Coke, who fupports his opinion on BraSIon Fleta and the Mirror, fays, *« The condition of villeins, who palled from freedom into bondage, in aticient time, '« grew by the conftitution of nations, and not by law of nature; in which time ail *• things were common to all ; and by multiplication of people, and making proper *' and private, thofe things that were common, arofe battles. And then it was *' ordained by conftitution of nations (he means by the tacit confent of civilized «' nations) that none fhould kill another, but that he that was taken in battle <« fliould remain bond to his taker for ever, and he to do with him, and all that «' fhould come of him, his will and plcafure, as with his beaft, or any other cattle, " to give or to fell, or to kill : and after, it was ordained, for the cruelty of fome " lords, that none fliould kill them, and that the life and members of them, as " well as of ficemen, were in the hands and protedion of kings ; and that he that " killed his villein fliould have the fame judgment as if he had killed a freeman." This ftridly correfponds with the account the Roman civil law gives of the rife of vaflalage. Our lawmen have not agreed what people firft introduced villeinage among the Britons ; it is moft probable it was the confcquence of the Roman conqueft, and was afterwards maintained by the Saxons and Danes: but as it is evident villicnage had not gained an eftablilhment in this country, at the period we have fixed on for our digreilion, we will leave the fubjedl for the prefent. Whether the Britifh fovereigns had any public revenue, we have not difcovered ; or whether they had any fubfiftence granted from the flocks and herds of their fubjeiffs, to fupport their dignity. It is probable each potentate was maintained by the produce of his own cftate ; and that he had no other reward for his public duties, than the joy of ferving his people, and the acquifition of popular love e INTRODUCTION. love and public fame. The exigences of ftate were fupplied by a public tax on the fubjects in genera!, the Druids only being exempt. It was a powerful device of the Druids, in order to keep the legiflative power in. their hands, to declare to the people, that laws xvere the ordivmtres of heaven, and that, with other religious matters, the'y folely appertained to the minijlers of the Deity. The Mofaic ordonances feem to have dictated this fyftem. It is probable the Britiili priells ha I L. Secundinus Mode ( J ratus Fratres V. S. L. M. J Dese Nehalenniae ob merces refte confer vatas M. Secund.Silva nus Negotor Cretarius Biitannicianus. V. S. L. M. 3 I. O. M. Textouifius faai. V. S. L. M. 1 I On the J> pedeftal I is a ftatue J of Jupiter. Diis Dcabufq Praefidibus Provinciarum ^ Concotdiae I Fortunae I Conciliorura J Negotor in the 4th Infcription is Negociator Cretarius, to a trade then drove on in chalk or clay, or what we call fuller s earth. — N. B. It is probable gypfum was an article of commerce. — Britannicianus is not a common word, S.c. J. CLERK. To Sir John Clerk, in ^vpwer to the above from R. Gale. Dear Sir, Sernton, lylh April. I am veiy much obliged to you for the Zealand infcription, but your correfpondent was a little mlftaken, when he informed you that they have lain ninety years in an old church, without any curious eye to take notice of them, fo that the difcovery of them is as ucw as ever : ptrlwps no infcriptlons that time INTRODUCTION. n marcafilcs are difcovered. Pif^jrA- are found in the river Iret, which difcharges itfelf into the ocean a few miles north of Ravcnglafs. It is a very clear ftream, flowing on a pi.bbly channel ; the mufclcs producing them are of the large hurfe mufcle kind, found in many other rivers in the north of England. /.,-w/f ai-)ounds in this county, and that fpecies commonly known by the name of gypfum, or alpli'jler, f which might be known to the Romans, and ufed in their elegant edifices. BafKcts, no doubt, were manutacTured here, one fpecies of the Druid execution of criminals, was inclofing them in a gigantic figure of Hercules, (the emblem of human virtue) made of wicker work, and burning them alive, in fa- crifice to the divine attribute oVJuftice. '1 he boots ufed by the Britons are chiefly defcribed to us, as being made of wicker ware, covered with hides of oxen,* or of timbers framed and covered with time has left us have been oftener reprinted and commented on. Nine of them were difcovered in tlie year J 647, and weie foon after publifhtd by Olivarius Vrcdicus, in his Antiquitatis Fiandria:, and Boxhoinius in Diitcli : next by Reineflus in his Syntagma, and then by Spon in his Mifcclla. Crud. Antiquitatis, who made them up ten. After that you have an account of them in Altingius's Notitia Batavise Antique, but none of the infcriptions inferted, becaufe it may be fuppofed, they had fo often been already pubhfhed. That of Kcgotor Cretarius, or rather NEGOXTOR CRLTARIVS, (for fo it is upon the ftone) was taken notice of in my father's commciitary on Antoninus's Itinerary, A. D. 1709, p. 43. Then comes Ml . Keifler, who has been very copious, and given feveral draughts of them, but not having the book by me, I cannot be particular. Laft of all comes a Benedl£line of the congregation of St. Maur, and in his Religion du GauloilUree de plus rares fources de 1' Antiquite, printed at Paris, 1727, p. 78, he gives you a defcription of no lefs than feventeen of thefe monuments; without any infcription, except upon three, whofe figures he has engraved ; one of which, is that of the goddefs in her (liort cloak, dog at her right i)0t, at her left Den upon the prow of a fliip, and underneath her, the letters Massom Saevs Q. B. — that which I received from you has Salus. He tells you he will not fubjedl himfelf to explain any of the infcriptions, fince they give no light to the matter. All thefe authors concur in making Nehalcnnia the new moon, and have attempted feveral derivations of the name, particularly the Benediftinc, who has twilled and turned it feveral ways, to make it fpeak his mind : but the fimplell and moft probable, in my opinion, is that of Altingius, as being formed from the old German language NIli-HEL Novum Lumen Nw Sf>.)in) very near the fame both in found and fignification. The Negociator Cretarius Biitannicianus was, as you obferve, a dealer in chalk, or fuller's earth, or marie ; but Britannicianus does not denote the country where he was born, for then he would have been called Britto, or Britanus, but the place to which he traded : he was a Britilh trader, as we fay at this day, a Holland's trader, for any of our iflanders that trade to Holland. You have, however, the Brittan- niciani, as well as the Britanes mentioned in the Notit: Imperii ; a word, perhaps, crept into the lan- guage of the Lower Empire, and fonned from Britanstic, the country word, being a near rtfcmblance to it. 1 mufl; confefs the ftatue erefled to Nehalcnnia, by M. Tarinus Prinius, is not taken notice of by any of thefe authors, no more than that of Januarius Ambafthius ; fo thefe are likely to be new, as well as that I. O. M. Textouifuis, &c. that of Diis Deabufq. is in Spon, with a line betwixt the 4th and cth of yours, but fo much defaced, that only the letters — NA — can be read in it, yet the fenfe in yours feems complete. The Hercules found with them is Hercules Magusanus, and commented upon by Keider and the Benediftine. The latter of thefe has fhewn, in a fecond work of his, that the fhort cloak of Nehalcnnia was the wlial wear of the Gauhfli women, and not the Gaulilh fagum, in oppofition to one Deflaudes, who fayg it was, in which he is certainly r ght ; the fagum being a long garment: yet he will not allow Dcflaudes's image that wears it, to be a woman or a girl, fo blind is the fpirit of contradiftion. Your's, &c. R. G. f The lygdintim niarmor of the ancients. * Lucan lib. \. Pliny, Nat. Hill. lib. IV. chap. xvi. C 2 leather, 12 INTRODUCTION. leather,* and with thcfe they navigated the fes between Britain and Ireland. B)f the following difcovcry, it appears that their boats were of a much fuperior con- flrudlion to thofe mentioned by hiftorians. In a letter from Sir John Clerk to Roger Gale, Efq. dated Edinburgh, nth- June, 1727, among the manufcripts of that learned antiquarian, are the following particulars. " I fliall acquaint you with a very ancient curiofity, found about " eighteen miles from this place. The wafh of the river Caron difcovered a " boat, thirteen or fourteen feet under ground ; it is thirty-fix feet in length, and " four and a half in breadth, all of one piece of oak ; there were feveral flrata " about it, fuch as loam, clay, (hells, mofs, fand, and gravel ; thele ftrata demonftrate " it to have been an antediluvian boat. |) The tree of which it was made, was, no " doubt, very big, but rtill no bigger than one which is yet alive not far from that *' place ; it is about twelve or thirteen feet in diameter, and we have a pretty good " document from an old author, who wrote the life of Sir William Wallace, a Scotch- " captain in the time of King Edward I. that it was an old decayed tree at that time. " Some fancy this boat is Roman, becaufe it was found not far from Arthur's. " Oven, or Templum Termini; but there feeras to be no great probability ia " this. If Sir Hans Sloan, Dr. Mead, or Dr. Woodward, want an account of this " boat, let me give you the trouble of remembering me to them." In thefe manufcripts, there follows this from a newfpaper. " Edinburgh, May 25th. " We have an account from Airth, eighteen miles weft nf this city, near *' to the influx of the river Caron, of a very rare piece of antiquity, found in the *' fouth bank of the Forth, viz. a canoe of thirty-fix feet long, four feet broad in the ** middle, four feet four inches deep, four inches thick in the fides, all of one piece " of folid oak, Iharp at the ftem, and fquare at the flern. The river's wafhing away " the banks difcovered a part of her ; flie was ordered to be dug up by Mr. Graham, "judge-admiral, and proprietorof the place. Whatwasdifcoveredof her, was found *• to be above fifteen feet under ground. It is remarkable that flie is finely polifhed, •' being perfedlly fmooth on the outfide and infide, and the wood of an extraordi- " nary hardnefs, and not one knot in the whole." To this follows a note by «' Mr. Gale, figned with his initials, R. G. When hlarton Mere, in Lancafhire,. " was drained by Mr. Fleetwood, no lefs than eight canoes, Uke thofe in America,, "were found in it, which, it is likely, were funk in that lake by the Britons, &c. '• Fid. Britan. Antiq. et Aov. in Lanea^jite, p. 1284." At what period the Britons improved their art of navigation, and enlarged their ve{rels,is uncertain ; in the fea engagement on the coafi; oiAnnoi ica, hy the united for--, ces of the Britons and Gauls, againll the navy of C^r, it is imagined that the Britifh. vefTels were of equal force with thofe of the Feneti; though there is no evidence to- maintain this pofition, and the Britons might only afTift to man the Gaulifh fleet; for M hen Cafor invaded Britain, he was not oppofed by any naval force. The fhips of the Veneti are dcfcribed by Cafar\ to be built with keels flatter than the Roman vefTels, that they rnight lie more conveniently in the fhallows ; their prows were * Solinus, lib. III. |[ Sir John's love of antiquity was extravagant. f Cxf..£el. GaL lib. III. chap. xiii. very INTRODUCTION. very ered:, and their flerns raifed to refiO a florm : they were conRrucfted of oafr, the feats of their rowers were beams a foot broad, and faifened with iron pins an inch thick: the anchors had chains of iron inftead of cables, and the fails were made of hides, or tanned leather. They v\erc fubliantial veflcls to bear the fhock of the iron beaks of the Roman gallies; but miferable things for navigation. The Romans introduced many improvements in maritime affairs; Ciaudius gave great encouragement to fhip-buildmg,:^ his veflels were of fuch dimenfinns as would carry three hundred and twelve quarters of corn •. but how they were rigged is not mentioned. About the year 359, no lefs than 800 fliips were employed by the Britons in exporting corn to Gaul. The Romans alfo had a great na\al force to protect the trade, commanded by a chief officer, whofe diftindion was Lord High Admiral of the Brili/h Seas. || And in the time of CaraHJins, about the year 286, and AleBiis, 293, the naval force was rtnowned: fa rapidly did thofe improve- ments advance after the coming of the Romans. Various defcriplions have been given of the apparel of the Britons, v.hich was not uniform through the iOand, but adopted, perhaps, from the different nations with which they had intercourfe. Some wore long black garments, bound round the vvaifl; with a girdle; others a fhort mantle, plaited on one flioulder and faflcned with a pin, a fibula, or clafp: and again, the more barbarous were covered with flcins of deer, wolves, and other beads of chace. Their manufadlory of za-oollen was rude, being wool unfpun, beat, and driven together with much labour. The Gaulic manufacflory fpoken of by Dwdorus, lib. v. and in Pliny's Natural Hijlory, lib. via. chap. 48, was woven cbequer-wife, in various colours; of which our Scots plaids are perfedt remains ; they were not received till our greater mercantile intercourfe with that country enabled us to import their articles of luxury. Alfo the linen manufaStory was not prolecuted here, till long after the aera at which wc paufed from the hiftcry of Roman affairs to make this review. The mofl: elegant Bntifli drefs we read of, was that oi Boadicia :§ " She was a large well-made woman, *' of a fevere countenance; her voice was loud and flirill, her hair was of a deep «' yellow colour, and hung down to the bottom of her wailt ; on her neck fhe wore " a mafTy chain of gold : flie was habited in a tunic of various colours, over which " was a robe of coarfer woollen, bound round her with a girdle, faftened with " buckles." The chief ornaments of the northern Britons, were chains for their necks, malfy bracelets for the arms, and rings for the fingers; and where gold was not to be obtained, they ufed them of brafs and iron. Among Mr. Gale's manufcripts is a letter from Air. Maurice JoLvtfou, which contains the following particulars, •• In the mufeum at Oxford, I was fhewn fome " forts of civil and military inftruments of flints, made and ufed by the ancient *• Brifons, before they knew how to flux metals. I have a large brafs ring, fuch " as they are faid to have hung round their waifts in leathern thongs, for ornaments, " which is formed of two concave pieces fixed together, either before they knew " foldering, or becaufe it might not be thought on to fix them otherw ife. With X Sueton. in Claud, chap, xviii aod xix. || Archigubernus Clafli« Britan. § Xiphil. ex Dion, in- Mcrone.. *• this 14 INTRODUCTION. " this a ring, very thick, and much too little for any woman's finger was dug up, as " Captain Pownel aflured me, (trom whom I had them) made of flint vitrified, " and ftaincd yellow with the juice of fome berry, as it feems, being of a pale " lemon colour. Thefc rings, they fay, were in like manner the ornaments of the " Britifh ladies, before the Romans taught them to drefs." There is the following note by Mr. Gale. " Thefe inflruments of flint have been found all over Europe, " as well as in the Eafl: and VVefl: Indies; fo that the ufe of them feems to have •' been univerfal mold times: by their fliill in arts, fciencesand arms, our Britifh , " anceftry, and their ladies, feem to have been, at the Roman invalion, arrived to " much the fame degree of learning, knowledge, and politenefs, as the lavages in «' the Weft Indies, when difcovered by Columbus." Their diet was fimple ; fifli, hares, hens, and geefe, they had an averfion to; they drclTed their viands by boiling or roafting, and drank of liquor made of honey and barley. They burnt the bodies of the dead ; the allies of fome were depofited under hillocks of earth, others in ftone chefts, compofed of five flat ftoncs, and covered with a pile of earth, Thefe are the general lines of our northern Britons near the period before related to. The Romans, with innumerable artifices, endeavoured to infinuate their maxims intothe lives and m.annersofthenatives: they fludiedtopromote the adoption of their habits, c'ujloms, luxuries, ajid pleafines. It was fome time before the people could be brought to tafte the enjoyment of thofe fafcinating exotics, and partake of the infinu- atingvicesof the conquerors: their enormities towards the fair fex feem to have been the moft otfenfive and difguflful ; for when the Romans treated the daughters of Bo- adicia with (liamcful indignities, the people were irritated to a formidable infurrec- tion ; which coft the aggrefTors much time and bloodllied to fupprefs and appeafe. At length we find the Britons incorporated with the Romans : by their abode in this ifland four hundred years, they became fo much reconciled and united, as to intermarry; the diflinc"lion of nations was loft, they became one people, and of one religion ; like the Romans, they built temples to the gods, ereded palaces, were frequent at \.\\e. baths, and places of public divcrfion, and at length adopted every art and fcience the Romans had brought with them. Converfion in religion is not fo remarkable, if we confidcr the Druid tribe was extirpated; and the minds of the people were conciliated, by the Romans adopting the worfhip of the Deity the Britons had been taught to adore, under the names or diftinctions of Bel, Bal, Magon, &c. of which many inftances arc found in infcriptions to topical divinities; and this in particular, in thofe parts where the Druids formerly held their grand conventions; as ftiall be particularly obferved in the courfc of this work; fo that it appears the ceremonies of worfhip, and not the ohjeil, underwent the change. They became at length fo much one people, that, to fupport the Roman ambition, the Britilh youth having been incorporated -with the legions, went forth with Maximus, a Spaniard by birth, and fubducd Gaul and Spain ; but extending his views too far, he loft all he had acquired, and facrificed his troops in a vain attempt to reduce Italy. The fatal projcdt of Conjlantine was a fucceeding blow, which Britain could never recover: her inteftinc ftrength thus lapped, opened the channel for thofe depredations, which the northern nations afterwards carried, even into the INTRODUCTION: t; the fouthcrn provinces. When the declining empire, rendered it neceflary to cal from Britain the Roman legions, our youth fired by amhition and the dcfirc of military glory, were received among their troops; and all thofe, nearly connccfted with the departing people, joined in the emigration. The difl-radled pcalants, deferted by thofe in whom they had long trulted for fafety, when oppreflcd by the influx of an enemy from the northern mountains, were twice relieved by the coming of a Roman legion: the firfl: repaired the wall ox pratcn'.urr. o'i A;ilouinus ; the fecond, the work ol Sevems. Even in the Roman empire, the arts had then declined very greatly ; and when the lad legion made its final departure from Britain, and gave melancholy alTurances they Ihould never return, artificers could not be found to maintain the barrier with mafon work; but the breaches were fupplied with turf. Then it was, as hiflorians tell us, the diftracted inhabitants looked abroad on their deferted country, and faw nothing was left them but poverty and difmay: either the Romans had kept thofe left behind them in profound ignorance as to the manufactory of arms and tools of hulbandrv, or the work- men had deferted them with the Romans ; for fo it was, that none remaining had either military fkill or arms to defend themfclves from the ravages of the enemy. 1 he warlike and ferocious bands, who poffeiTed the northern regions, from their implacable avcrfion to the Romans, remaining uncontaminated with their vices, and not become imbecilitated by their luxuries, rufhed forth like a troop of liens on the affrighted country, and fpread defolationand ruin on every hand ; carryin"" back with them the herds and flocks of the afloniflied Britons, many of whom, with their wives and infants, were made flaves; whilft others fled fouthward, to fave a miferable exiftence. Such is the aftlidting pidure given of this country. But \n the heightening of this grievous delineation, writers omit the proofs neceflary to reconcile this deplorable defcription of the eflate of Britain, fo immediately after the departure of the Romans; for it could only be derived from the emigration of thofe who had become intimately connefted with the Romans, had participated in the luxuries and pleafures of their manners, and had alfo acquired a knowledge of arms, arts, and manufactories; fromfuch the art of war could not be withheld, as it was to be obtained by example. At this period, it feems mofi: probable, that vajfalage was growing into a cuflom ; and that the captives made by contending powers, were in retaliation carried into ilavcry. It is mentioned that one of the original articles of traffic with Greece was jlaves: but there is no evidence, who thofe miferable objcdls were; whether cap- tives or criminals. It is the cuflom of moft barbarous nations, in their warfare, to enflave the unhappy captive. In the introducftion to the View nf Norlhiimbcrland, we took notice of the deplo- rable efl^ate of the Britons, before the arrival of the Saxons; regarding this as a work connecled with our former publication, we forbear the repetition. It doth not appear that this diflricT: experienced any of thofe calamities which marked tiie eaflcrn coaft, and Northumberland in particular, on the firft approach of the Saxons : neither did they poflefs the lands on the weftern fide of the Bririfh Appcnines, (which divide the counties, according to their prefent limits) when they firrt dcvifcd the plan, and concerted meafurcs to fcize the empire, and fnatch from |6 INTRODUCTION. from the hand of impotence and imbecility, the government of a country fo blefl: U'ifh the bounteous gifts of providence, and fo perfectly adapted to the happy exiflence of mankind. The fettlement of the Saxons in Northuml/erland was effefted in or about the year 454; but it was not till the year 547, that Ida came over with his reinforcements, and eftabliOied his kingdom. This country was inhabited at that time by a people who affumed the name of Kumhrt or Khnbriy from whence the etymology ot kumbri Laud is very eafily and naturally deduced. f There is no degree of evidence to fhew, that Ida carried his arms acrofs the mountains; but it feems he was content to fettle on the eaftern coiift: and by making Bebbanboroug!) his royal fortrefs, the pofition feems evidently proved. Such proofs as we have, tend to confii m the idea, and that this province, now the ohjedl of our particular attention, was not fubjeft to his controul ; for the Kiiidri had become conciliated to the Maat£, the Fiiis and Scols, who dwelt upon, or lived adjacent £0, what we now call the Borders : and they appear to have joined in feveral incur- lions on the Saxon fettlements, ravaging their frontiers by flying parties ; and, after TTiarking their hafty paffage with blood and rapine, retreating again with equal rapidity to their impenetrable faftnelfes in the mountains and forefts, where no other people could fubftft. The twelve years of Ida's reign were full of warfare; and all that he reaped from his military achievements againft the Britons, was barely to retain his firrt fettle- ment in Northumberland. Adda, his fon and fucceffor, reigned for the fhort period of feven years; one of his chieftains Ella is faid to have added to this fovereignty the province of Deira, from whence he expelled the Britons ; but in this acquiiition, it is prefumed, we cannot include the territories of the Kimbri ; but that thole conquefts were ex- tended fouthward; and that Ella did not crofs our Appenines in tins war. It is not till the reign oi Ethelfrith, which commenced in the year 593, that we hear any thing of the conflicts of the ^<7.vowj with the PiRs ; and under this general appellation of their enemy, we are inclined to include the Kimbri. That prince extended his conquefl much further than any of his predeceflbrs ; and many tribes of the Britons fubmittcd, his arms being deemed irrefiitible, and his mode of government excellent and full of demency. It is in this a?ra we are induced to place the firft footing of Saxon power within this diftric^t; for hiftorians fay, that, by the extent of empire gained by Ethelfrith, the Scots began to look f Ex Lib. 2. Galfridi. SuccccfBt Cadwallardus, qtKm Beda vocat Ceduuallam Juvenem. Quam vcro fainem peftifera mortis lues confecuta ell quae in brevi tantam populi multi'udinem flravit, quantam non poterant vivi humare. Unde miferae reliquix patriam, fadlis agminibus, dlffugientes tiauf- marinas petebant regione^, &c. Britannia eigo cundlis civibus, exceptis paucis qiilbus in Gualliaium partibiis mors pq>ercerat, defolata per novem annos Dntonibus horrenda fuit. Quod cnm iplis indicatura fuiflct, nefaiidus populus ille coUedla innumeiabili multitudine virorum, ct mulicriim applicuit in panibus Northumbriae ct defolatat piovlncias ab AUauia ufque cornubiam i'lhabilavit. Lel. Col. t. 2. upon INTRODUCTION. y^ tipon his growing fame with a jealous eye, and upon his government as advancing to too eminent a degree of power, for the I'ecurity and peace of the adjoiningffates:' under fuch apprehcnlions, the Scots taking up arms, a dccifive vidory was detained by the Saxons at Deegltane, or d'Egleftane, a? fome authors have it,* where the {laughter was fo great, that the natives were not able to advance ag-ain into the field againfl: the invaders for feveral years. The M ^e a/ ^ Sind Pi ff^s have, by all hiftori- ans, been accounted a more fnuthern people, than the Sco/s ; and it feems probable, that the accelFion of Cumbria excited their jealoufy: and what ftrcngthens this fuppolition, that Cumbria was added to Ethelfrith's dominions, is, his prolecuting a war againd the fouthcrn and wedern tribes of Britons, over whom a decifive vidlory was obtained near Caer Leon, in Wales. Jn the reign of Edwin, the Mercians overran the kingdom of Northumberland, and laid it walte; in that general devaftation it is to be doubted, the Kimbri were fufferers. In 684, E^frU had pofTefRon of the wedern coad, as he invaded Irelc^nd: and afterwards, contrary to the advice of St. Culhbert, then Bifliop of Lindisfarn, he' turned his arms againd the Pitls, and was flain. At this period of time, the city: of Cariijle was given to St. Liithberty and his fee ; and he was brought thither to preach to the inhabitants. The kimbri then were reconciled and fully united to the Saxon government. Though we have alleged, that Cumbria was joined to the Saxon kingdom of 'Northumberland ; yet it appears only to have been a tributary province, under the referved government ot its own potentates. It continued to hold the privilege to about the year 946, at which time, as Camden's words are, " King Edmund.J *' withtheaffidanceof Le -line, King of Wales, fpoiled Cumberland of all its riches; *' and having put out the eyes of Dunmaile, king of that country, granted that *♦ kingdom to Malcolm, King of Scots, to hold of him to proteft the northern *' part of England, by fca and land, againlf the incurfions of eneniies. Upon which, " the elded fons of the Kings of Scotland, as well under the Saxons as Danes, were " diled governors of Cumberland. But when England had yielded tothe Normans, " this county fubmitted with the red, and fell tothe diareof Ranulphde Mefchines, " whofe elded fon was lord of Cumberland, and at the fame time, in right of " his mother, and by favour of his prince, Earl of Cheder." [Such is the tranda- tion, 1695; but in the Latin edition, 1594, to which, in the courfe of this work', we refer in the notes, the words are " C«;;; autem Normannis Anglia Je dedidiffet, " tjac etiam pars in illortim manus concejfit, Ranulpboq de Me/chines obtigit, cujus *' Jili/is natii maximus materno jure Comes fuit Ccjiria, minor vcro Gulielmus Dominus " Copulandia."] " However King Stephen, to ingratiate himfelf with the Scots, " redored it to them, fo hold of !iim and his f ucccdbrs. Kings of England. But his *' immediate fucced<)r, King Henry II. confidering what prejudice this profufe *' liberality of Stephen's was like to prove, both to him and his kingdom, demanded •* back from the Scots Northumberland, Cumberland, and Wedmorland ; and * Prefumed from the TvirauUis. and other monuments, to be Eglefton, on the river Tees, in tlic county of Durham. :j: Flori^ellus Wcilinonaft. VOL I. D " the 18 INTRODUCTION. " the Scotifh king, as Neivhrigencies has it, wifely confidered, that fince the King " of England both had a belter title, and was much ftronger in thofe parts (though *• he could have alleged the oath, which he was faid to have made to his grand- *' father David) did very fairly and honeflly reftore the aforefaid bounds, at the " king's demand, and in lieu of them had Huntingdonlhire rcftored, which be- •' longed to him of ancient right." Such are the general circumftances related by Camden; but we mull revert to an earlier date than 946, to colleift fome very material incidents antecedent to that aera. In the year 873, the Danes made their landing at Tynetnouth, and wintered in that neighbourhood ; in the enfuing fpring, they fpread their ravages from the eaftern to the weftern ocean, over thofe parts of the Northumbrian kingdom, which, in their former incurfions, they had not traverfed. They pillaged and afterwards burnt the city of Carlifle. It doth not appear that they met with much refinance in thisdiftricft, or made any confiderable ftay, for there are no remains of their military- works, either entrenchments or forts, except at Brampton: and in our opinion this greatly denotes the poverty of the land, its being thinly peopled, and the unreco- vered flate it lay in, from the defertion of the Romans, the ravages of the northern nations^ and the warfare of the Saxons. In the year 894, Alfred reduced the whole kingdom of Northumberland. Fordutt relates that the northern provinces of England willingly fubmitted to Gregory, King of Scots : Donald fucceeded, and retained the acquifitions of his father; and after him Conftantine. This author is not always to be confided in, efpecially when he has a means of aggrandizing the Scotch name. Alfred divided his realm into /hires and their fubdivilions of wards or hundreds,- of which there are five in Cumberland, \iz. Allerdale ward above Derivent, Allerdale ward bi low Derwent, Cumberland ward, Lcelh ward, and Ejidale ward. In the year 941, Edmund fucceeded to the Englifli throne, and two years after Malcolm was King of Scotland. The Englifh monarch, provoked by the perfidy of the northern provinces, wafted Cumberland, and granted it to Malcolm, on terms that Induf, the heir apparent to the Scotch crown, and his fuccelfors, likewife heirs, Should hold it as their principality, and a province of that realm, by fealty and homage. As a tcftimony of this grant, the Scotch hiftorians fay, the Reay-crofs or Roy-crfs was placed on Stainmore, on the boundary of //^y?;/wr/rt«i and Torkjhire, the arms of England being fculpturcd on the fouthiide, and the arms of Scotland on the north, as a memorial of that convention, andthedivifion of the two kingdoms. We have taken a fliort view of the melancholy events which marked this dillrid: under the ravages of a foreign enemy, and barbarities of the ferocious inhabitants of the north, then uncivilized and unenlightened with the Chriftian revelation: fuch incidents of the likecaft, as follow in our narrative, were derived from natives, who it might be conceived would haveacfled with greater clemency and humanity towards their neighbours ; born in the fame land, and brcthern in the pale of the fame church. About the year 1031, Uchtred, Earl of Northumberland, began to commit depre- dations on Cumberland, fupported by the Danes. Malcohn led forth his army, and engaged them near Burgb on Sands, where, after a doubtful battle, maintained with equal INTRODUCTION. ly equal valour for a long time, the bioorly honours of the day were gained by the Serfs. Daman, the heir-apparent of the crown, held the principality, agreeable to Edmuna's compad: ; but Malcolm, regarding Canute as an ufurper, would not permit his fon to do homage. C<2««/f made a pilgrimage to Rome, and on his return, having levied a great army, he advanced into Cumberland to take revenge for the indignities re- ceived from the crown of Scotland: authors difagreeexceedingly in the event of this expedition; if we give credit to the Saxon chronicle, Canute fubdued Malcolm, with two other potentates, Mielbeatb diXiA Jobmarc ; but who thofe perfonages were, wc are in the dark, nothing being left us but their names. T. his account is adopted by Malmjbiiry ; but Symeon of Dinbam, and Florence, of ll'orcejlcr, are totally filent thereon. Fordun correfponds with the chronicle, z.Vi^Matlhe'ia of li'fjlminjhr fpeaks in the following exprefl'ions : " Contra Scotos rebellantes hcjUleiu expcditionem duxtt^ " et Malcohnuni. rcgein, cum duohus aliis regibus, Icvi negotio, fuperavil."^ But we are inclined to adopt the account of more modern writers, who tell us that, by the interpofition of the great men of both ftates, and a circumftantial invclligation of the right of the Scottifh crown, Cumberland was confirmed to Duncan, and the homage required was paid. Thefecond year afterthe ufurpation of thccrown of England by William the Nor^ man, the northern malccontents were in arms, and the aid of Mrf/fo/w, of Scotland, was promifed ; but he not being able to bring up his troops in time to aid the allies, the two ftates were indebted to the good offices oiEgelwin, Bijhop of Durham, for ef- • fe(fling a reconciliation and ceiTation of hoftilities ; and the Scotch king did homage accordingly forthisprincipality; but this was notapermanent peace, for, in the fuc- ceeding year, IVillidm having fcnt Robert Cummin into Northumberland, with a chofen body of troops, in order to keep the malccontents in awe, they eluded the leader's vigilance, in the night forced the gates of Durham, where Cummin then lay, and put his men to the fword. This, with the (ubfequent rebellion at Tork, and theinva- fion of the Scots, whofe forces were ftrengthened with an army of Danes and Northumbrians, headed hy Earl Gofpatric, incenfed IVilliam to march with a power-. ful army, and to lay wafle the whole country northward from lork* Malcolm entered Cumberland, and there exhibited a fcene of exploits as infernal as the Normans. He carried his devaftation into Teefdale and the county of Durham. In 1072, IVtlliam came again into the north, and entering Scotland, was met by Malcolm at Abernethy, where the Scotch monarch, confenting to perform the accuftomed homage, a peace was concluded. But it doth not appear that Lumber- J Page 209 * A. D. 1070. Infinita Scottoium multitudo ducente Malcolmo Rege, per Cumberland tradu£la eft, Terfus orientem, divertens univerfam Tefedale, ct ejus finltima loca ultra citraqiie feroci vaftavit, depopu« latione. Ubi autem ventum eft ad locum, qui dicIturAnglicasHundredeflcelle (Hunderthwaite) latineautem centum fontes, trucidatis ibidem quibufdam gentis Anglics nobilibus, rex parte exercitus retenta, partem per viam quam venerat cum infinita praeda domum remilit, &c. Cofpatritiuscomes ftrenuus Cumberland invadit. Erat enimeotemporeCumberland fub Regis Malcolmi dominio, non jure pofTefla, fed violenter fiibjugata. Malcolmus, offenfus prsedatione Cofpatricii, juffit Scottis, ut null! gentis anglicae parcerent; unde in« credibili imroanitate multi a Scottis interfedi. Lel. Col. toI. 2. 355 D 3 lancl^ «b INTRODUCTION. ■land, from this period, W'as any longer deemed a province of Scotland; but being re- aflumed by fViHimn, was granted to Ranulpb de Mefchines.X \ The events attending the contentions oi the two crowns were dreadful to this country: the inhabitants were continually harafled with warfare, the herds and flocks were fwept away, women and children carried into bondage, multi- tudes of men put to the fword, towns, monafteries, and churches facked, pil- laged and laid in alhes: fo that this diftrid:, which bore marks of the rcfentmeni: and violence of both parties, mufl: have worn the countenance of dcfolation and diflrcfs for many centuries. The confliAs were as favage and ferocious, and at- tended with as great barbarity, as appear in the annals of any country; they did not ufe thefcalping knife ^nA tomaba-dok, but they flained the foil with every degree of cruelty the age had devifed. As far as poffible to remedy this public evil, Ihe BORDER SERFICEcommcnccA; dilfinc't in its nature, and totally unconncded with other military fervice. Its rife was cotemporary with the divifion of C>/;;/- berland under Ranulpb de Me/chines. At the fixingoi beacons,^ or the alarm given by the born, the owner of every landed eftate, according to his rank, was obliged to arm and array: but as this inftitution, in its infant ftate, did not effcd the pur- pofes for which it was devifed, and until the reign of King Edzvard 1. was not brought into a regular conftitution, we will, in the intermediate time, take a view of the feveral incidents in which this county was concerned. In theyear 1091, Malcolm, of Scotland, diffatisfied with the acceflion of William RufustothecrownofEngland, in dcprivationof his brother Robert, tookadvantageof the timewhenadifcontent prevailed, entered the borders with his army, and ravaged the country, returning with great fpoil. Rufus foon after coming from Normandy, prepared with a vaft armament by fea and land, to make a formidable attack upon Scotland; but the feafon was too far advanced, the equinoctial winds prevailed, his fleet was great part of it wrecked, and his army fufl^ered aimoft an equal diftrefs by the inclemency of the weather: a peace was cffedled, and Malcolm did homage, to hold the poflcflions from the crown of England, which were granted to him in the time of William the father; viz. twelve towns in England, and an annual penfion of tzrelzT marks 0/ gold. Though the war produced no beneficial event in favour of this county, yet the prcfencc of the fovereign did; for King William Rufus was delighted with the fituation of Carli/le,- he faw it was placed under a clement iky, and happy climate, furrounded with a fertile country, and capable of receiving all the bounties of Providence, by the hands of Induftry. He ordered the city to be J " Rex Willms cognomine Baftardus Dux Normanivic conqucftor Anglie DedJt totam terram de " Com. Cumbrie Ranulpho de Mefchincs, et Galfrido fiatii ejufdcm Ran John Com. Ceftrie. Et Willma •" fratri eodem totam terram inter Duddcn et Derwent. *• Rar.ulphus de Mefchines Feoffavit Hubcrtam de Vaux. de Baroiiia de Gilfland, &c. Es Chronicis Cumbri in Rcgiftro de VVederhall irrotulat. fo. i6i. W. Milbourn's Coll. added to Denton's M. S. ■\ Malcolm had a compenfation, by a grant of twelve towns in Enghind, and a yearly penfion of twelve anark* of gold. § In Cumberland, the places appointed for beacons were, Blackcorab, Mulcafter Fell, St Bees Head^ Workington Hill, Moothay, Skijdaw, Sandale Top, Carlille Callle, Lingy Clofe Head, £eaconhiU, ?€iuilb, Dale Raughton, Brampton Mote, and Sgade-Adam Tog. rebuilt^ INTRODUCTION. 21 rebuilt, which had lain in afhes from the time of the DaniJJj incurfion, in 874;! he forcined the whole, and built a fortrefs for its fecurity; and therein placed a ftrong garrifon. In a fhort time afterwards, he removed the former garrifon, and fent troops thither, drawn from the fouthern counties, flvilful in agriculture; who intro- duced tillage : for, from the time that the Romans departed, the ploughfhare had not divided the foil ; and the inhabitants are defcribed to have become as totally ignorant of the cultivation of their lands, as if corn had never grown in the diflri(fl. Before this time, the fcanty provifion of bread for the people was brought by land ; for they had no navigation but by canoes and open boats, with which they feldom ventured to Inland or the Ijle of Man; and Scotland was an hoflile land. Their chief furtenancc, was the produce of their flocks and herds. J In the year 1135, David, King of Scotland, incenfed at Stephen's ufurpation, entered fuch parts of England as were ncareft to his place of rcfidence; and, at the head of a powerful army, compelled the inhabitants to fwear allegiance and fidelity to his neice, the Emprefs Maud ; and to give hollages. He took poilefllon of the chief places of flrength; and, among others, reduced therZ/y of Carlijle, and placed a Scotch garrifon there. In the year 1138, as David advanced fouthward, previ* ous to the battle of Allerlon, beft known by the name of the battle of the Jlandardf he was joined by the men ot Cumberland and Carlijle. In 1 154, King Henry II. demanded oi Malcolm IV. then King o^ Scotland, that he (hould make full rcflitution of the northern provinces, which King Stephen had imprudently given up : the young monarch not only acquiefced with the requefl, but bemg prefent with the King of England at Chejler, in the year 1 157, when he was making war againft i\\c Welch, received confirmation oi Huntingdonjhire, and did homage for the fame. Prince Henry having conceived a projedt to depofe his father. King Henry II. by promifing to rcfl:ore to the crown of Scotland the counties oi Northumberland Tund Cumberland, engaged William the Lion, King of Scotland, to aid him ; among other fruitlefs attempts, he befieged Carlijle, and was obliged to withdraw his troops with difgrace; but coming again before it, the city capitulated. In the year 1 194, King William ofScotland,onthe accefTion of King Richard L- claimed I'dlitution of the ancient honours of his crown, part of which was the province of Cumberland ; the death of the EngliOi monarch happening foon after, the matter remained undetermined: but the Scotch king, unwilling to relinquifh his claim, renewed it with King John, who evaded bringing the bufinefs to a con- clufion. The Scorch king, dying in the year 1214, left Alexander II. his fon and fucceflbr, a youth fifteen years of age. To him the northern Englilh barons had re- courfe for protciftion againfl: the tyranny of King John; and did homage at Fel- lon: the wrathful tyrant made an expedition to the north, with an army of merce- naries, among whom, it is faid, he retained many Jews to exercife tortures. He \ A. D. 1092, His aftis, rex in North umbriam proftflus, civitatem, quae Britannice Caileil, Latiiie Lugiibalia vocatur, reftauravit, fet in ea Caftellum ncdificavit. Htcc enim civitas, lit illis in part ibus alias nonnuliee, a Danis Paganis ante due. ntos annus diruta fuit, et ad id Tcmjjus manfit dcfcrta. Lel. Col. vol. 2. p. 356. <. . % Grants to Lanercoft, &c. fhew they milited Ihcep and goats. marked'. 5 3 INTRODUCTION. marked his progrefs from Tork northward, by burning and laying wafte the whole country, and fuch adls of inhumanity and bloodfhed, as never defiled the hands of a Carabbee or American chieftain. The Scots were irritated to follow the fanne favage example; they penetrated into England as far as Richmond in Yorkfliire : and returning home by ll^eftmorland and Cunibei land, deftroyed thofc mifcrable counties ; fo that, by the arms of thofc fpoilcrs, the ruinous marks of the mod favage warfare were extended between fea and fea, through the whole tradt of country from Toik to Haddingloii. The exafperatcd barons called upon L.onis of France to receive the crown of England ; but the timely death of King John put a flop to an accelTion, which the hands of defpair and rage were upon the eve of eftablifliing, to the utter ruin of Britifli liberties and rights. King Alexander, in this interval, took care to obtain a recognition of his right, from the barons of Louis's party; and that prince's confirmation o{ the province of Cumberland. In the year 1235, Alexander, the Scottifli King, made a peremptory demand of reftitution oi the county of Cumberland, See. from King Henry HI. and threatened hoflilitics, which, in the fituation of the young monarch, were to be avoided by all pollible means ; a conference was appointed to be held at Tork, at which Otho, the pope's legate, prefided ; when, in full fatisfacftion of all the claims of the King of Scots, King Henry agreed to adign lands of the yearly value of 200I. within the counties of /Northumberland and Cufnberland, if lands of that value could be found therein, without the limits of thofe towns where cajllesv,'erc erefted. Atex~ ander feems to have been induced to accept this compromife, in confideration of the pope's great influence ; who even claimed the kingdom of England from the interdicft ot John : the King of England's alliances, by marriage, were very power- ful; and the didident barons, in \\\\ovn Alexander \\^<\ placed fome confidence, grew cool on his fide; all which unpropitious circumflances influenced the King of Scotland's refolutions. It was not till the year 1:242, that Nicholas de Farneham, Biffjop of Durham, was appointed, by royal commifllon, to afTign the lands ; when Penrith and Sowerby were allotted : from whence it appears that the cajile of Penrith ^ now in ruins, is of a later date than that tranfaftion ; and that Maylrough, in that neighbourhood, was never confidered as an ancient fortrefs. The firft regular order in the fervice of the Borders, and the laws inflituted for that purpofe, appear to be fubfequent to Alexander's refignation ; and in the reign of King Edward I. Robert de Clifford was the fir ft who bore the title of Lord IFar- dcn of the Marches, to which he was called in the twenty-third year of his age, A. D. 1296, The authority of the Lord IVarden was of a mixt nature, military and civil*. In • A BRiEr declaration of the fpsc'tal heads, orders, and forms of the ItttxH of Marches of ancient time ufei upon the Borders, by the lords •wardens of England and Scotland at their tyieetings and days oftreiues ; conipofed by Richard Bell , clerk of the Wejl Marches o/"England. As In the time of wars denounced by the princes of both realms, the lords wardens are to ufe both by policy, fire, and fword, or martial forces of their o£Rce, for to make invafion, and take hoftile revenge upon and againft the inhabitants of either of the other's Marche, reciprocally, as time and occafion may beft afibrdi for the exploits of fervice, tending to the honour of their realms, and harm of their enemies : So INTRODUCTION. 2^ In his military capacity, he was a generalifTimo to prefide and give command ; to place and appoint watchmen ; to fire beacons, and give alarm on the approach of an enemy : and for the fafcty and defence of the city and cajlle of CarliJJe, fo often So In time of peace, by fending over their clerks, interchanging of bills containing the offences feverallr attempted, appointing and keeping of days of trcves, fouling of bills, and making of delivery, with all other good offices, for to entertain the peacable amity betwixt the realms to the defence and comfort of all true fubjefts, the daunting of the infolent and difobedient under their rules, agreeable to the good con- cordance of the princes treaties of peace, and to the ufe and cullom of the borders, bills of faults are in- terchanged, days of trewcs agreed on, bills fouled and delivered of principal offenders made, without refpeii of perfon or furname. Days of Marche fo appointed, proclamation is to be made, and ftraite letters of commandments diredled in the queen's majelly's name, for all lords, knights, efquircs, gentlemen, and feveral officers, with con- venient numbers of their charge and tenants (as time and fcrvice require) for to repair the night before, and give their attendance upon the lord warden unto the faid day of Marche, defencibly arrayed, witU their bcft horfes and nags, the morrow next following. Which done. The lord warden, attended with the gentlemen, officers, fervants, and their powers, is to ride from the place where he inhabiteth, unto the Marche bank, all flaying there without riding any further, or going over the ftream, if there be water, or bounds if it be dry land : Until The lord waiden of England fii-fl of all (the oppofite warden known to be come to the place appoint- ed) doth fend either his deputy, or fome other fpecial gentleman of good worth whom it pleafeth him for to make choice of, with a convenient number of the befl horfed and mofl fufBcient gentlemen of his com- pany, unto the warden of Scotland, fignifying his repair thither, and craving affurance during their meet- ing until the funrifing (if the next day following. Which affurance being required by England and granted by Scotland ; the Scotch warden holding up his hand, engages for pei forming thereof in all refpedls. Then the deputy and other gentlemen of England, returning back to the lord warden of England, arc to make relation of the affurance granted, and confent for the prcfervation of the amity. Foithwith after. The lord warden of Scotland fendeth his deputy, or fome other fpecial gentleman, accompanied with others of t)ie befl fort of horfemen, unto the lord warden of England, Ihewing that the lord waiden of Scotland yieldcth to allow and confirm the affurance demanded for England, craving the like for Scotland: which the warden of England, holding up his hand, grantetb. This done. The deputy of Scotland and his company return back to the warden of Scotland, declaring the grant* ing of the affurance by England. The lord warden of England, before he or any of his company enter Into Scotland, caufeth proclama- tion to be made for obfervation of the peace, for old feuds and new, word, deed, and countenance, from the time of the proclaiming thereof, until the next day at the funriling, upon pain of death. And The like proclamation, after their return furtli of England, by the Scotch warden made before meeting.- The lord warden of England with his company cijttrcth into Scotland, riding to the place where the lord warden of Scotland is, and lighting off horfeback flands llill, until the Scotch warden comes to him then and there, in all friendly and orderly manner, mutually embracing the one the other". After meeting and conference had between the lords wardens, they draw themfelves remote to fome quiet place, interchangeably calling the rolls and bills of both fides, in the prtfence of the gentlemen of the befl forts of both the countries. Whereof If any doubt arife touching the fouling of the faid bills, then the fame is to be tried either by the lord warden's honour-, or a jury of fix gentlemen of England and fix of Scotland, or by a vovver publiquc.-l- f A perfon agreed upon by both parties, who was to be of the tountry of the party accufed, TIiO ^ INTRODUCTION. cf^ten as any danger of allege appeared, to.mufter all fenfible men, between- the ages of fixteen and fixty, within the marches ; and all men at arms, billmen and archers, according to their degree, who were to rcfort to him properly armed ; to be maifli l!ed in thoufands, hundreds, and twenties ; and fo arrayed to defend and keep the fame. He had authority to agree to ccfTations of arms, and conclude treaties of peace ; to appoint deputies and warden ferjeants and other otTicers. In his civil capacity, he was to take cognizance of all breaches of the border laws, imprifonmcnts, robberies, and fpoils ; to hold warden's courts and feffions, therein to hear all matters between the people of both kingdoms ; and by the laws ella- bliflied, to redrefs all grievances; to arreft and imprifon all perfons difcovei"ed to be in league with the enemies of the crown of England. The border laws obliged the lord warden yearly to produce his commiflion, and take the oath of office, at the Midfummer Affembly of the people of both nations,. •^A council was to attend the lord warden, chofen of difcrete borderers. The offences chiefly to be enquired of, were murder, wounding, and maiming, burning of houfes, corn, &c. rapme and theft, deadly feud, a threatening of life in revenge; cutting and taking away timber trees ; fowing corn, and depafturing cattle beyond the effablifhed limits, hunting out of proper boundaries, &:c. A thief might be purfued into the oppofite realm within fix days, and the chace carried on, as the term is, in hot /rod, with hound, and horn, with hue-and-cry : in which putfuits, receivers and refcuers of the fugitive were equally punifhable with the principal: Loiterers not having vifible occupations, were not permuted. Letters of fife con- dudf were granted to perfons, whofe neceflary buiimfs required them to travel into the oppofite realm. Days of public juftice were ftipulated for redrefs of griev- ances, and to put in execution the laws of the borders ; in which perjury had a penalty. If any one attempted to make retaliation, he loff his remedy at law. A perfon thrice found guilty of an offence, was to fuffer death.* Notwithftanding The oath for the jurors is, Toujl:) all dean no hills luorthy to he foiiL-d, you Jh all foul no hills •worthy to he cleaned, hut Jhall do that mihich afpeareth •with truth, for the maintenance of the Peace, and fupprefing of attempts : So help you- God, The ancient oath for excufing bills : Youfhall fnuear hy heaven above you, h^ll beneath you, hy your part of Paradife, by all that God made in J!i days and feven nights, and by God hitnfdf, you are 'whart out facklefs of art, part, nvay, 'witting, ridJ, kenning, having, or reciting ef any of the goods and cattels named in thii bill : So help you God. The oath of fwearing of bills fouled : Tou fhall lieL' price make, and truth fay, luhat your goods nuere 'u.'orth at the trine of their taking to have been bought and fold in a market taken ali at one time, and that you kmiu no other recovery but this : So help you God. The names of the noblemen and gentlemen of Scotland, prifoners, to he fent unto the king's majc/ly from Sir Thomas Wharton, knight, 'with the names of their takers, as follo'weth : The Earl of Caflill. Batill Routlcdge his taker : John Mufgrave claimeth. a part for the loan of his horfe to the faid Routledge. In plea The Earl of Glencame, otherwife called the WiUye Grame called Wat ;> Willye, Willyc amongft Lord of GilmawTea. Gtame of the Balic, Sir Thomas Whaxton^. ttera, and Thonws Dacre. Id INTRODUCTION. 25 Notwithftanding thofe regulations, the devaftations made by the Scots, were the moft dreadful in the time of King Henry II. In the year 1312, Robert Brus entered Cumberland by Solway Fj-ilb, ravaging Giljland in his route to Norihumber~ land, where he raifed contributions to the amount of 2000I. and on his making a fecond In plea T The lord Fleming, one of the king of Scots George Pott and Stephen James clairaeth t© between J- privy council. be the taker. them. 3 In pica T The lord Maxwell, admiral of Scotland, Edward Aglionby, or George Fofter hit between > warden of the Weft Marches of the fame, taker. them. J and one of the king of Scots privy council. The lord Somcrville. Richard Brifco his taker. In plea ) The lord^ Ohvant. Thomas Denton, or James Alenfon, his between C his taker, them. 3 The lord Graye. Thomas Whyte, Willie Storye, and George Storye his taker. Oliver Synkeler, one of the king of Scots Willie Bell his taker, privy council. A L'tjl of ths GsntUvun of the County, called out hy 5;> Thomas Wharton, upon Servki of the Bvrdcrt, ('543-) Sir William Mufgrave, 60 horfe and 40 foot (befides Bcwcaftle.) Sir Thomas Ctirnxen, horfe at his pleafure. Sir yohn Loiuther, ico horfe and 40 foot. William Peitnington, all his tried horfemen. John Laniplough, for his father, I o horfe. John Leigh, (befides Burgh horfe and foot) 10 horfe. John Thiuaitei, houfehold fervants. John Skeltori, of Branthwaite, 4 horfe, Thomas Dykes, 4 horfe. Richard Egteifield, 6 horfe. /lle-xander de; jlppleby, 2 horfe. Mr. Lattis, for the lord of Milium, 60 horfe. William Porter, 2 horfe. Thomas Salkeld, of the Whitehall, 4 horfe. Anthony Barivis, 2 horfe. John Senhoiife, 4 horfe. William Afmothcrly, 2 horfe. John S'viinhurne, houfehold fervants. Anthony Highmore, 2 horfe. Robert Ellis, 2 horfe. Robert Lamplough, houfehold fervants. William Sands and Ed-'^ard Berdtfey, for the lord of St. Bees, I o horfe. Robert Brifco, horfe and foot. Ciithbert Mutton, 6 horfe and 10 foot. Ednuard Aglionby, horfe and foot. Thomas Dacre, of Grayftock, horfe and foot. William Skelton, 6 horfe. Themas Dal/ion, (befides Caillflej 10 hoife and 20 foot. VOL. I. E 7lionta.t. 26 INTRODUCTION. -c= fecond inroad, about the month of Augiift, he levied the fame fum on Cumberland ; coming to Laiiercoft, he pillaged that religious houfe, and ruined the tenants of the monaftic poll'eflions, by his cxadions and rapine. In the year 1315, after the difgraceful defeat of the Englilh army at Bannock-bum, a band of Scotch marauders led Thomas Blenerhajet for Gilfland, horfc and foot. Chrijiopher Thrdkdd, 4 horfe and 6 foot.. ^ohn Miifgravc, for Bevvcaflle, horfe and foot. 'iVill. Picherhig, for Barton, Martindalc, Paterdale, and his own tenants, 20 horfe and zoioot, WiUiuin J'aux, 4 horfe and 6 ioot. Richard BUncoiu, 6 horfe. Richard Hutton, 4 horfe. Richard IFarivick, horfe and foot. Lancelot Lorxither, for Derwcnt water, all Iioifemen. Tenants of the Biftiop and College, all horfemcn. The lordfhip of Holme, all tried horfe. N. and B. Hist. CuMSi In Haines's State Papers, p. 5i> &c. we have the following account of the glorious achicvments- performed under thefe armaments. — •543- Towns, towers, ftedes, barnekins, } parilh churches, baftel houfes || burned or caft down tg'S Scots flain — — — — — — — — — — 403 Prifoners taken — — — — — ■— — — — — 816 Nolt {/. e. horned cattle) — — — — — — — — lo.^Sff Sheep, — — — — — — — — — — — 12,492 Nags and geldings — — — — — — — — — 1 296 Goats — — — — — — — — — — — 200 Bolls of corn — — — — — — — — — — 890 Infight (/. e. houfehold furniture) not reckoned. In 1545, under the Earl of Hertford. Monallerles or friar houfes, burnt or deftroycd — — __ _ _ __ tj Caftles, towers, or piles — — — — — — — — — 16 Market towns — — — — — — — — — — 5 Villages — — — — — — — — — — — 243 Milns — — — — — — — — — — — 15 Hofpitals — — — — — — — — — — — 3 Extras from the Report of Sir Thomas Carlton, of Carlton-Hall, 1547. i " We mad<" a road into Tlviotdale, and got a great booty of goods, and that night we lay in the old I walls of Wawcop tower, and builded to-falls ; went to Dumfries and lay there, who hilimitted themfelves [ to become the king's fubjefts. But the town of Kirkobree rcfufcd, infomuch, that the lord Wharton '• moved nic, if it were poffibie, with fafety, to give the fame town a praiffe to burn it. And fo we rode I thither one night, and coming a little after funrifing, they who faw us coming barred their gates, and kept their dikes ; for the town is diked on both fides, with a gate to the water-ward, and a gate in the over-end to the lell-ward. There we lighted on foot, and gave the town a (harp onfet and affault, and flew one honell man in the town with an airow ; infomuch, lliat one wife came to the ditch, and called for one, that would take het hulband and Give his life. Anthon' Arnillrong being ready, fald, fetch him to me, and I'll warrant his life. The woman ran into the town, and fetched her hufband, and brought him through the dike to the faid Anthon', who brouglit him into England, and ranfomed him. We gave Bombey the oiifct, and io we returned, feized about ?ooo fliccp, 200 kye and oxen, and 40 or 50 horfes, and brought the fame towards Dumfiies. The country beyond the water of Dee gathered, and came to a 5 The outwarj warJ of a caftlc, within which, were the barn?, ftables, and CJW-houfcs, 11 MoJ'-'fl'r'" or hofjiitals. pracs INTRODUCTION. led by Ydzvard Briis and Si7- Javies Douglas, having entered England by Rcedefdale^ returned through Giljlaiid, where they made the inhabitants take the oath of" alle- giance to Robert Brus ,- and exa(!l:ing contributions, the county of Cumberland paid 600 marks. It is faid by fome authors, that the Scotch leaders took up their refidencc place called the Forehead Ford. So we left all our flieep, and put our word horfcmen before the nowte and nags, and fent 30 of the befl horfed to preeke at the Scots, if the)' would come over the water, and I to abide with the ftandard in their relief: which the Scots perceiving, came not over. So that wc paffed quietly that night to Dumfries, leaving the goods in fafety with men and good watch. In the morning we repaired to the goods, a mile beyond Dumfries, of intent to have divided and dealt the booty ; and fome claimed this cow, and fome that nag, to be under affurance, and ran through the goods. Above all, one man of the laird of Empsfield came amongll the goods, and would needs take a cow, faying, he would be ftopped by no man, infomnch, that one Thomas Taylor, called Tom with tlie bow, being one of the garrifon, and being charged with keeping the goods, ftruck the faid Scotfnan on the head with his bow, fo that the blood ran down over his flioiJders. Going to his mafter there, and crying out, hio maftei- went with him to the ma'ier Maxwell. The mafter Maxwell came, with a great rout after Iiim, and brought the man with the bloody head to me, " Is this, think ye, wele ; both to tak our goods, and thus 10 (bed our blood :" I confiderirg the mafter at that prefent two for one, thought beft to ufc him aui the reft of the Scots with good words, and gentle and fair fpeeches, for they were determined, even there, to have given us an onfet, and to have taken the goods from us, and to have made that their quarrel. I thought it good to pratlife fome way we migiit get Fome hold or caftle, where we might lie near the enemy, and to lie within our own ftrengtii in the night, where we might lie down together, and rife together. Thus practifing, one Sander Armftrong, fon of ill Will Atmftrong, came to me, and told me, he had a man called John Lynton, who was born at the head of Annerdale. near to the Loughwood, being the laird of Johnfon's chief houfe, nnd the faid laird and liis brother (being the abbot ot Salfide) were taken prifoners not long before, and were remaining in England. It v,^as a fair large tower, able to lodge our company fafely, w ith a barnckin, hall, kitchen, and ftables, all within the barnekin, and was but kept with two or thiee fellows, and as many wenches. He thought it might be flolen in the morn- ing at the opening of the tower door, which I required the faid Sandee to praftife. At lail it was agreed tliat we fliould go with the whole garrifon. We came there about an hour before day ; and the greater part of us lay clofe without the barnekin : but about a dozen of the men got over the barnekin wall, and Itolc -clofe into the houfe within the barnekin, and took the wenches and kept them fecure till day light. And at funrifing, two men and a woman bemg in the tower, one of the men rifing in his ftiirt, and going to the tower head, and feting nothing ftir about, he called on the wench that lay in the tower, and bade her rife and open the tower door, and call up them that lay beneath. She fo doing, and opening the iron door, and a wood door without it, our men within the barnekin brake a little too foon to the door; for the vvcnch perceiving them, leaped bnck into the tower, and had gotten almoft the wooden door to ; but one got hold of it, fo that (lie could not get it c'ofe to ; fo the fldrmifh rofe, and we over the barnekin, and broke open the wood door, and ftie being troubled with the wood door, left the iron door open, and fo we entered and wan the Loughwood ; where we foimd, truely, the houfe well purveyed for btef falted, malt, big, havermeal, butter, and cheefe." This extradl fhcws the manner of thofe marauding parties, which conftantly diftreffed the borders. An iuftance or two from Sir Robert Carj-'s memoirs, will ftiew the deadly ffuds, and favage manners of the people. " I wrote to Sir Robert Ker, my oppofite warden ; after he had filled my man with drink, and put him to bed, he and fome half a fcore with him got to horfe, and came into England, to a little village ; there he broke up a houfe, and took out a poor fellow, who (he pretended) had done him fome wrong, and before the door cruelly murdered him, and fo came quietly home and went to bed. The next morn- jng he deliverd my man a letter in anfwer to mine, and returned him to me. It plcafed me well at the reading of this kind letter, but when I heard what a bravo he had put upon me, I quickly refolved never to have to do with him, till I was righted for the great wrong he liad done me. There was a favourite of Si( Robert's, a great thief, called Geordic Bourne. This gallant, with fome of his aflociates, would in bravery, come and take goods in the Plaft Marche. I had that night fome of E 2 the 28 INTRODUCTION. refidence at Rofe Cajlle, from whence the troops were fent out in parties to levy the funi demanded, and on refufal to burn and dcftroy. Although the plague raged dreadfully, both in England and Scotland, tvi'o years vere fcarce elapfed from the lalt incurlion, before the Scots made another inroad, under the command of Lord Dong/as, and penetrated as far as Richmond, in York- Ihire, and Furnefs in Lancafliire, marking their palTage with defolation and ruin : and in the 13th year of the fame reign, they made another incurlion and wafted the whole country, from Giljland to Burgh under Stainmoie. In the year 1322, Andrew de Harcla, governor of Carlijicy was invefted with military command over the northern counties, to fupprefs the infurredlions : but it was foon difcovered, that this confidence was improperly placed in one who was confederate with the Scots : of which being convicled, he was degraded, and decollated the garr!foa abroad. They met with this Geordie and his fellows driving the cattle before them The ganilon fct upon them, and with a (hot killed Geordie Bourn's uncle; and he himfclf bravely leiifting, till he was fore hurt in the head, was taken. After he was taken, his pride was fuch, as he a/lted, who it was that duril avow that night's work I but when he lieard it was the garrifon, he was then more quiet. I called a jury the next morning, and he was found guilty of marche-treafon. When all things were quiet, and the watch fct at night, after fupper, about ten o'clock, I took one of my men s liveiies, and put it. about me, and took two other of my fervants with me in their liveiies, and we three, as the warden's men, came to the provoft Marfhal's, where Bourne was, and were let into his chamber. We fat down by him, end told him, that we were defirous to fee him, bccaufe we heard he was (lout and valiant, and true to his friend ; and that we were lorry our mailer could not be moved to fave liis lite. He voluntarily of himfelt faid, that he had lived long enough to do fo much as he had done, and withal told us. that he had lain witli above forty men's wives, what in England, what in Scotland ■ and that he had killed feven Engliflr- men with his own hands : that he had fpent his whole time in wlioring, drinking, dealing, Fnd taking deep' revenge for flight offences. After I heard his own confcflion, I was rclolved no conditions fhould fave his life ; and fo took order, that at the gates opening the next morning, he Jhould be carried to execution, which accordingly wss performed. Among other malefaftors, there were two gentlemen thieves, that robbed and took purfcs from travel-, lers in the liighways (a theft that was never heard of in thofe parts before) I got them betrayed, took ihem, and fent them to Newcaftle goal, and there they were hanged. There had been an ancient cuftom of the borders, when they were at quiet, for the oppofite border to fend the warden of the Middle Marche, to defirc leave that they might come into the borders of England, and hunt with their greyhounds for deer, towards the end of fnmmer, which was denied them. Towards the end of Sir John Foifter's government, they would, without afting leave come into England and hunt at their plc;ifure, and ilay their own time. 1 wrote to Farnehui ft, the warden over againll me, that I was no way willing to hinder them of their accuftomed fports ; and that if, according to the ancient euftoni, they would fend to me for leave, they Urould have all the contei;tment I could give them ; if other- wife, they would continue t'neir wcnted courfe, I would do my bell to hinder them. V/ithin a month after, they came and hunted as they ufed to do, without leave, and cut down wood, and carried it away. . Towards the end of fummcr, they came again to their wonted fports. I fent my two deputies with all the fpeed they could make, and they took along with them fuch gentlemen as were in their way, with my forty horfe, and about one o'clock they came up to them, and fet upon them. Some hurt was done, but I gave efpecial order, they !hould do as little hurt, and (hed as httie blood as poffible they could. They took a dozen of the principal gentlemen that wcic there, and brought them to me to Wilherington, where 1 then by, I made them welcome, and gave them the bcft entertainment I could ; they lay in the caftle two or three days, and fo 1 fent them immw, they alFuring me that they would never himt again wth« out leave. The Scots king complained to Queen Elizabeth very grievoully of this faft." «' Mr. Addifon, in liis celebrated criticifm en that ancient balLid of Chevy Chace, Speft. No. 20. mif- " takes the ground of the ijuarrel. It was not any particular animofity or deadly feud between the " two INTRODUCTIOK.. «!' decollated at Co.rlijle. Robert Briis had taken advantage of the delay in the intended armament, and heading a choice band himfclf, entered England near Cnrlijlcy de- ftroyed the abl/ey of Holm Cullram, and proceeded into Lanca/hire, M'here, being joined by a body of forces under the Eorl of Murray, who had advanced through the interior parts of the country, they returned with an immenfe booty. Yet not content •* two principal aftors, but was a contcft of privilege and jurifdi£lioii between them, refpefting their ofiicesj "as lords wardens of tlie marclies aliigned." They are fet out in N. and B. Hill. Cumb. p. 84, Sec. ■ We will, in the next place, fet out a muller in 1584. Cumberland-. Able men muftered : Ught horfemen nmongfl: the gentlemen and their houfchold fervants, furninicdl according to the ufe of the Borders — — — . — . — j Light horfmen furnldied ; Burgh Barony — — ^ -j^, _. — 100 Gilfland — — — — . — " .i.' sll'"" '«. 60 Holm Cultram — — — __ __ .^ .^ >o Leven, Kirklinton, Solport — — — — — — 30 - Saike debateable ground — — — — — — 18 E(ke — — — — — __„ __ __ioo Queen's Hames — — — — — — — 40 Foreft of Englcwood — — — — — — __ jO The office of Bewcaftle — — — — — — cq Archers furnifhed — — .^ — _ _ _ iioo Billmen furnifhed — — — —,-__-_ 1200 Ablemen unfurnilhed — — — ■ __ _ «_ _ 1340 4208 Another mufter : AUerdale above and beneath Derwtnt — -«.___ 5405') Leeth Ward — — — — — — — 1590 [-9153 Total. Cumberland Ward — — — — — — 2Ij8j This appears to be a general mufter of all between the ages of fixteen and fixty. The trewcs was the iufticiar)' meeting before the lords wardens, to hear all complaints, and adminiitef juftice. The following proceedings were had at a meeting of this kind, in the year 1587. Weft Marches again/} Liddefdale. ■ June 1581. Sir Simon Mufgrave, knight, with f Robin EUint of the Park, Sim. T 60 kle and oxen, a horfe, and the Thorn of the ToddhiU and his < Elliot, Clemie Crofer, Gawen's > taking of Thome Rootledgc, pri- neighbours, complain upon l.J'^'^^> 3"^^ ^^z\x accomphces, for J foner. July 1581. rWlU. Elliot of the Redheugh,"! James Foftcr of Symwhaite com- J Adam of the Shawcs, Archie of (50 kine and oxen, and all his in« plains upon "j the Hill, and John Elliot of flight.* (,Hcugh-houfc ; for J * Viz. houfcltglJ goods^ Juna 30 INTRODUCTION. content with the devaftations they had made, they lay encamped near Carlijle five days, whilft parties went out into the adjacent country, burnt Rofe Cajtle, and deftroycd ail the ttanding corn within their circuit. In 1323, a truce was concluded, and Ralph de Dacre, John de Havering, and Adam de Skelton, were appointed confcrvators on the Cumberland fide. One of the articles ftipulatcd was, that no fortrelFes were thereafter to be ereded, or others repaired, except thofe already Handing, or fuch as were ereding. In June 1582. f 1 140 kie and oxen, 100 fiieep, 20 Matthew Taylor, and the poor j Old laird of Whithaugh, young gaite, and all their infight, 200I. widow of Martin Taylor, com- \ laird ol Whithaugh, Sim's Thorn, ^ flerling : and the flaughtcr of plain upon j and Jock of Copefhawe ; for j Martin Taylor, John Dodfhon, L J John Skelloe & Mat. Blackburiie. 15 Oftober 1582. Thomas Mufgrave, deputy of ("Walter Scott, laird of Buckluth,") 200 kine and oxen, 300 gaite and Bewcaftle, and the tenants agalnft (^ and his complices; for J (heep. fThe laird of Mangerton, laird's T burning of his bams, wheat, rye, Sir Simon Mufgrave, knight, ) Jq^-Jj^ gim's Thorn, and their J- oats, bigg, and peas; worth complains upon (.complices ; for J loo&l. fterhng. St. Andremas 1582. r Robin Elliot, Will, his brother.! g^ kie and oxen, 100 (heep, aU Andrew Taylor complains upon -j George Simpfon, and tlicir com- J- j^jg inflgjit^ and money 60L (.plices ; for J July 1586. war- ("The laird's Jock, Dick of Dry-] 400 kine and oxen, taken in open upon |upp, and their complices ; for \ f°""|'« f"^"™ ^^^ ^'^^'^^ '" ^^^^'- July 1586. Thomas Mufgrave, deputy den of Bewcailk, complains September 1587. Andrew Rootledge of the Nuke, ("Laird's Jock, Dick of Dryupp.T 50 kine and oxen, burning his complains upon -i Lancie of WhifgiU and their J- houle, corn, and infight, lool. (.complices ; for J fterling. November 1587. Clemic Taylor complains upon | Archie Elliot, Gibbie Elliot and j 50 kine and oxen, all his infight, (their complices; for J 100 merks llcrling. Martinmas 1587. The poor widow and inhabitants f" Laird of Mangerton, laird of T the murder of John Tweddel, of the town of Temmon, com- < Whithaugh, and their complices ; > Willie Tweddel, and Davie Bell ; pkin upon (.for J the taking and carrying away of John ThirKvay, Philip Thirlway, Edward Thirlway, John Bell of Clowfegill, David Bell, Philip Tweddel, Rowley Con-ock, Thomas Allifon, George Lyvock, and Archie Armftrong, ranfoming them as prifoners ; and the taking of 100 kine and oxen, fpoil of houfes, ^yritings, money, and infight, 4C0I. fterling. John Forfter John Sclbie Richard Lowther CommilTioners. Carmigell Alexander Hume of Hutton Hall Mr. George Yonge. The INTRODUCTION. jr In the firft year of the reign of King Edward III. the Scots under the command of the earl of Murray and lord Douglas entered England near Carlijle : the tioops confifled of twenty four thoufand horfe; they penetrated through Cumberland into the mountainous parts of Northumberland and Durham ; and though king Edward had advanced with an army of 100,000 men, they avoided coming to battle, and made a fafe retreat, returning with confiderable booty. In the year 133 J, lord ylrcbtdald Douglas with 3000 chofcn men entered CUjlandy and laid warte the eflateof /or^ Dacre, for thirty miles in extent: a retaliation was made by Sir Anlbony Lucy, in which it appears, that the Englilh were not inferior to their neighbours in barbarity and rapine. In the lyth year of King Edward III. the Scots made an incurfion by Carltjh^ which place they laid in alhes; then advancing to Penrith, they facked and burnt that town; and returning through Gi'jland, carried olf much cattle. In the fuc- cccding year King David Brus headed the deftrudive bands, wafted Cumberland as far as DerzveHt fells ; and on his return made his route by Aldjlone Moore. En- couraged by this fucccfs, the Scotch monarch the next year, advanced to the city &f Durham, where at the battle of Nevil's Oofs, he was made prifoner, and his powerful army totally routed. In "J he Brevhte of Liddefdale agaiitjl the Weji Marches, is of the fame "Tenor, arid confifs of the Crimes of the like Nature, as nxiere alfo the counter Complaints of the Marches at large. The follo'wing general Eft'- mate ixiillfiiffice here. Eftimate of the Bills fouled; Weft of England againft Liddefdale — — — SZio/O Liddefdale againft j-477o/. in furplus- Weftmarchcs of England — __ __ 8000/. J Wcftmarchcs of England againft Weftmarches of 8cotland — — — • — ^470/. " Wcftmarches of Scotland '> , . . , againft f 2713c/ in furplus. Wcftmarches of England — — — — 33600/. J Sum total for England gjocl. for Scotland 41600/. Sum total to the furpl us whatT To Liddefdale — — __ _ 477c/. "J England hath to anfwer to Scot- > > 31,900 land, viz- J To Weftmarches — — — — 27130/. J A. D. 1606. The king's proclamation touching the tranfportatlon of certain criminals, fets forth, " That the offenders are all in our mercy, and do all confefe thcmfclves to be no meet perfons to live in •' ihofc coiuurics, and therefore have hiunbly bcfoiight us, that tliey might be removed to fome other " parts, where, with our gracious tavour, they hope to live, to become new men, and to defcrve our " mercy: a thing more agreeable to our nature, than the taking of fo much human blood, as v\'ould be " filed if we fliould leave them to the juft ccnfure of the law," &.c. In 1606, a tax was aftefrcd on Cumberland and Weftmorland for thia tranlportatloa, amounting tc* 408/. I gs. gd. They were (liipped at Workington lor Ireland. In yr INTRODUCTION. In the 6th year of the reign of King Richard II. the Scots paired through the forefl: o\' Englewood, and entered Penrith at the time of the fair, where they caiifed much bloodfhed and pillaged the town. With the merchandife, it is fuppofed they carried the peftilence into their own country, by which one third of the people died. The Englifh to retaliate, made their paffage over Solway Frith, and took great booty, but in return, fell into a defile, where 400 were (lain, and many in their precipitate flight were drowned. In the I ith year of King Richard II. the Scots pafled over the Frith, furprifed Cockermoutb : and with their plunder, returned through the heart of the country. In the reign of King Henry VI. inroads were frequent, and attended with in- crcafed barbarity, and want of mercy ; the produce of the land, the flocks and herds were fwept away; the women and children were made captives, and carried into the fevercft and mori: abjedt flavery : fo much did the calamaties of war prevail, that this country was then almoft totally dcfolated and deftroycd. Hiftory doth not record bafer adls of hottility committed by the Scotch, than thofe of which the Englifii were guilty ; it was our purpofe, in this review, only to relate the fuccef- five diftrefTes, to which the diftrid: where our attention is placed, was fuhjeft : the Scotch borders often fmoakcd in ruins ; their towns were facked, their lands were overrun, the inhabitants brought into bondage, and the hoflilefword drenched the Vallies in blood : fuch were the reciprocal miferies of the border zvar. The detail is dreadful; but in the hiftorian it is a necelfary though painful talk, to enumerate the circumftances ; as they lead the mind of the reader at once to determine, how miferablemufthavebeentheeftateof this land under the contentions of two ferocious nations, wafting their ftrength in inteftine broils ; whofe nature and fpirit, from the climate, are adapted to warfare and military achievements ; and in the next place, he is led tothehigheft exultation, in the retrofpccftionof thofe bleflings which have flowed from the union, and that glory which the Britilh arms have every where ac- quired, fuperior to any ftate in Europe, fmce the kingdoms were united. It is not vain boafting, to fay, the Britifti navy and troops, are not to be equalled in the circuit of the globe. It isconfcfTed, the tribulation of the borders did not ccafe, with the reign of King Henry VI. yet the incurfions were Icfs frequent within this diftridt ; the dreadful •delineation is fufliciently protrac'ted, from which we would now wilh to withdraw the reader's thoughts. We have not been able tocolIeA any certain evidence, at what period navigation was advanced in Cumberland;;}^ it is, prefumed, that the ports were little frequented, \ A luivcy was taken by commlfiion from the crown, in the year 1566, of the trade and ftiippi'ng of •this county, ( inter aU.i ) /f7>/.V(f(7yf« was then fo far fiora promifingit would ever arriveat its prefent wealthy and flouriihing ftate, that it oonfiftcJ only ofy/v collages fcattcred on the bench, and hidden in the creek frotn the eye of an enemy; and to thisdeje&ed pore one fmall bark, only belonged, of nine or ten tnns burthen. Nay, it is not more incredible than true, that there was, at that time, only one veffel apper- taining to the whole county that was of ten tuns burthen. The mariners were fifhermen, whofe hazard- ous employ got them a hard fubfiftence. The whole exports of this extenfive county were nothing but a fmall quantity oi l^frrbigs an.{ codfijl}, and the inhabitants knew, even at that sera, fo httle of the luxuries and enjoyments of life, that the whole of this great coaft received no other imparts than a little fait. acccilion INTRODUCTION. 33 till after the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and remained almofl: infignificanc till the acccHion of King James I.* t^P'orkijiglon was the chief haven, and the place of the exportation of certain criminals fentenced to banilhmcnt in ito-j, but in that fer- vice very few velTcls were employed. The rife of H^'bitehaven v.as within a century, under the aufpices of ibe Loivther Jamily, w here, at prefent, upwards of an hundred veflels of confiderabie burthen are conrtantly employed, belonging to that port only : — but as fuch matters will be efpccially treated of, as we proceed in the hif- tory of each place, this fupcrficial notice nnirt fufHce here. The local wealth of this county confifts principally in its mines, of which the chief are of coal: copper, lead, black-lead, and flates, are alfo won here, and Camden fays, veins of gold and filvcr were difcovercd in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; but fince that time they have not been fearched for. The falmon trade hath, of late years, become coniiderable, and much is fenr frefli to the London market; but little or none pickled or cured, A coniiderable number of black cattle and llieep f are bred within this diftrid:, but not of fo large a fize as thofe in Northumberland : large quantities of bacon and butter have, of late years, been fent to the London market; and within thefe thirty years, large calico printfields and check manufatftories have been eflabliflied in Carlifle and its vicinity ; fuch articles of trade as we have enumerated have arofe to a degree of fignificance within a century : in fhort, one may fafely date the progrefs of that flourifhing ftate in which this county now appears, to be of no greater antiquity than from the union. Population increafes rapidly, cultivation is advancing on every hand : and the moft flattering appearances, that this county will become of the greatefl: confequence to the ftate, and of import to the mercantile world, within the courfe of another cen- tury, may be deduced from the growing manufaJeutegeld.) Tellibus R. Archiepo R, Ep o Lincoln. H. Dunelm. Epo H. Comite Norf. Comite Albrieio, Comite Gatfr. Rico de 1 ucie Manifer Bifs. Dapifero. rl. de EfTex Conllabular Hugone dc Morevill, Rob'to de Dun. llanville, Wmo filio Joh'is, Simone filio Petri, Rigell' de Broch. W'mo Mallet, Rogero filio Richardi. Rob'to de Stutevill, Turg. de Rufedal. Apud Novum Cailrum fupper Tynam. E* M, S. Antij. Pen. F. W. Arm, In Milhurne's CulkQkn of Record), anntKed to Denton's M. S,- " After. BARONY OF GILSLAND. " Afrer he was peaceably pofTefTed of the barony, he gave divers portions there- " of by the name of manors, and other lands ; fome to the ancient inhabitants, and ♦* others to his friends and kinfmen, and fiich as he fo preferred, to be bound by " alliance and marriage to his houfe, and by all other fuch good offices as he " could devife. " He gave Denlon, in Gildand, to one Wefcop, by deed of feofment, thus " addrefled, " Omnibus CiimbrenJibHs, Francigenis, Aliejtigenis, Pants, et Normannis, *' Hiihertus de Vallibus Sal. i^c." which ferves to prove his antiquity, and what peo- " pie did then, or late before, inhabit that country. " Hubert de Vallibus had two brothers, Robert de Dalflon and Reginald de " Soureby; to this Reginald he gave Carlatton, in GUHand, and Heverby, near to " Carlifle ; which gift Randolph Mefchines confirmed. " He gave alfo Far Ian to one VVeftfarlan, and Chorkby to one Odard, and divers ** other manors and lands in Gilfland, partly to his followers, and partly to the an- •' cient inhabitants, to bind them more firmly to his intereft; yet they continued *• but a fliort time his friends, for in King Stephen's time, when the Scots, under *• their King David, and Earl Henry Fitz David, pofleflcd the county of Cumber- " land, they flood with the ancient heir, one Gilles Bueth, againit Hubert's title to " Gilfland. " I read of one Bueth, a Cumberland man, about the time of the conqueft: he " built Biiecajile, and was lord of Buecaftle dale: his fon GiUes Bueth. had or *' pretended a right to all, or part of the barony of Gilfland, at leaft to that part " thereof, which adjoineth to Buecaftle. He was kinfman to the ancient lord's of *« Burgh barony, which were before the conqueft, either by confanguinity or affinity. ^« This Gilles Bueth, and Bueth his father, it is faid, flood with Hubert de Val- ** libus, and before him, with William Mefchines, when he lay there in garrifon, " by command of his brother. Earl Randolph in the conqueror's time: the father " Bueth being then a follower of Gofpatric the great.* — But attemptivgjomeihing " ajternoards for the recovery of his ancient right, of zvhich it fcems he zvas difpofftfjedy " or upon/ome other dijcontent, he ivas banijhed.\ And though the regifter book of " Abbey Lanercoft reports, his fon Gilles Bueth, who is there called Gil-fil Bueth, •' to be lord of Gilfland, yet he never poflefled a foot therein, for he was an infant " at the time of his father's baniffiment, and was afterwards feated in Scotland, •« where he dwelt, till he Mas flain ; as afterwards is noted. His children and *• poflerity in Scotland were called of his name Gilles Bueth, or lairds of Gillef- " bueth, corruptly Gillefbies, or lairds of Gillcfby, of the place where he dwelt, " which was fo called, becaufe he ftrft built there. " Being thus difinherited and malecontent, he wafted the country ;§ and in King '• Stephen's time, xvben the Scots ivere let into Cumberland, he took that opportunity to *' incite as many as he could, to ajjifi him to recover his ejlate in Gi-Jland fr m Hubert ** de Vallibus: and it feems, notwithjlanding the alliances and other obligations which *' Hubert had laid upon the inhabitants, to bind them to him, they took fart with Gilles *' Bueth as the right heir.\ ♦ Dentoi.'s M. S. t Gilpin's Additions. J Denton's M. S. Gilpin's Additions. Afterwards BARONY OF GILSLAND. 49 " Afterwards, when Henry Fitz Emprefs obtained the crown of England, and " took Cumberland again from the Scots, he regranted the barony of Giifland to " Hubert de Vallibus.f Afterwards, about the tenth year of King Henry II. *• Hubert died ; fo that the king rather confirmed Giifland to Hubert de Vallibus, *' than made a primary grant of it ; for, if Hubert then lived, he was of extreme " old age; yet the copy of an inquifition, returned by the fherifF of Cumberland *' into the Exchequer, faith, " Robertas de Fallihiis tenet tcvramjuani de d'no rege p. " lervic. diior. milit. quam Rex Hciiric. pater d'ni regis dedit Hugnnt de Vallibus ante~ " ee fori /no p. fervic. p'diB." — This inquifition was taken in King John's time. " By virtue of the grant by King Henry II. unto Hubert de Vallibus, Robert ** de Vallibus, his fon, a valorous gentleman, and well learned in the law of this " land, entered into the barony of Giifland, and enjoyed the fame ; |j " hut yet not "Jo, but that Gilles Biietb Jlill continued to give him diflnrbance," * whereupon a *' meeting for agreement was appointed between them, under trufl: and mutual " alFuranceof fatety to each other, (which meeting they called Tryjle) at this meet- '• ing Robert de Vallibus § flew the faid Gill, which fliameful offence made him •' leave arms, and betake himfelf tohis Itudiesattheinns of court, where he became " fo great a proficient, that he was made jufticc itinerant into Cumberland, in the " twenty-third year of King Henry II. with Ranulph Glanvill and Robert Pick- " nell, his aflbciates: which Ranulph Glanvill fucceeded Richard Lucy in the " office of Lord Chief Juftice of England, in the twenty-fixth year of that reign ; " when Richard became a monk in the abbey of Lenos, or WelHood ; refigning " that office for age and debility. Robert de Vallibus was of fo much account with " King Henry II. that he did little in Cumberland, without Robert's advice and ♦' counfel : yet could not his confcience be at quiet, until he made atonement for •' the murder of GiUes Bueth, by endowing holy church, with part of that patri- *' mony, which occafioned the murder y and therefore he founded the priory of " Lanercofl: in Giifland. •' The king remitfcd I'i pence cornage rent, due out of thofe bnds, yet he was " fined for fullering money to be current in his liberties, which the king had for-. " bidden by proclamation; and for the efcape of fome prifoners. Robert died " without iffue male, and Hugh his kinfman and next heir fucceeded him ; to whom *' King Henry li. for the better ftrengthening of his title, confirmed the barony of «' Giifland, as appears by the inquifition, taken in King John's time; to whom " fucceeded Ranulph de Vallibus in the feigniory of Giifland, in King Richard I's " time ; and after Ranulph his fon and heir, Robert de V^allibus, otherwife called " Robert fil. Radi.;}; This was the fame Robert de Vaux that was found to be tenant " of the lands, by the before-mentioned inquifition yet remaining on record. He f Ml". Denton places the grant before fet forth, to tills period of time. || Denton's MS. * Gilpin s Ad'itions. § Robertus de Vallibus, Cuftos Carleoli. Lei. Col. vol. I. p. 287. He fuftaincd a fiege by King William of Scotland, in which the gan ifon was reduced to great dillrefs for want of provifion. In the 23d year of Henry II. he was witnefs to the memorable award made by that fovcreign, betwcea Aldtphonfus King of Caftile, and Sanftiis, King of Navarre. I Richard I. confirmed the barony to him. VOL. I. H " confirmed so BARONY OF GILSLAND. ♦* confirmed to the priory of IVederhall, certain lands in Korby, Denton, Nevcby, " and Burdofivald, as lord" paramount. " After this Robert Vaux, Hubert was baron of Gilfland, whole daughter and " heir, Matilda, or Maud, lady of Gilfland, was married to Thomas, fon of Thomas " de Multon and Ada Morvill, daughter of Hugh Morvill, by whom Ihe had iffue " the third Thomas Multon, called Thomas de Multon de Gilfland, who died in " the 23d year of King Edward I. By this Maud, the Vaux's lands in Cumberland " were transferred to the Mukons, who enjoyed the fame four defcents,t from fa- " ther to fon, named all fucceflively Thomas, with fome additions. " The firfl Thomas Multon married Ada Morvill, late wife to Richard Lucy, " by whom he had iflue Thomas the fecond, called Thomas fil. Thomas ; and by " a former wife he had iffue Lambert Multon and Allan Multon, whom he married *' to the two daughters and coheireffes of Richard Lucy, named Annabel and Alice; " Lambert, by his firft wife Annabel, became Lord oi Egremont : and Allan, by " his wife, was lord of the moiety oi Allerdale, and the 20th part oi Egremoiit. " The fecond Thomas Multon, named Fitz Thomas, married Matilda Vaux, as " before-mentioned, and by her had iffue Thomas Multon de Gilfland, his heir of " Burgh and Gilfland, and two younger fons, Edward and Hubert, to whom he " gave Jpall, which Hubert bore for his arms, the fame coat with the Lighs of " Ifliall, his heirs by blood now give; viz. five pieces bar-wife, azure and " argent.:}; The following table of defcents will give a clear idea of the fucceffion of the lords of Gilfland. Robertas 1 2. Dom. J Hubertus dc Vallibus prim. Dom.* ob. temp. Hen. I. Gracia uxor ejus. { Ada Engayne rclitft. Sim. de Morvill. Robertas || i Robert us' 4. Dom. liF oanna. Ranulphusl C 3d. Dom. J I X Ranulphus Dom. de Triermaine^ t The lady Maud furvived her hufband and fon Thomas ; for in an old record, " aJ ajp.zm caff, apul Penrith in Com, ■" Cumb. An. R. Ed. I." I find her " Dna dc CUjhnd it mantrU dc Cumjuinlon, infra Baroncam Ulam.'' Gilpin's Additions. ; Denton's M. S. * A Norman. j6th of his reign. § 1 7th King John, was Governor of Cumberland and of the caftle of Carlifle : took part with the baront, and forfeited lands m Cumberland NorfQik, Suffolk, Somerfstlhire, and Porfetlhire ; was reftored 6th King Henry HI. and went a pilgrimage to Jetuiilcm: Hubertus King John extorted from him two fines; 750 marks, 12th of his reign ; and 666L 13s. 4d1 BARONY OF GILSLAND. 5« Hubertusl f 5. Dom. S I I Robertut. § Thomas Multonl C Matilda mar. ejus 6. Dom. ^ I l ob. 23. Ed I. ob. 25. Hen. III. I p. ejus deceff. fuit Dna de Gilfland* Thomas Multon 1 f Alicia 7. Dom. ob. J {_ Ux. de Bruce. 33. £dw. I. 1 C Ranulphus Dacre • 1 f Margaret I I9. Dom._ ]■ J "[ob. 35. Edw. III. Thomas 8. Dom. ob. 7. Edw. II. ob. 29. Edw. Ill, Ranulphus Dacre 1 f Margaret. Hugo "1 f 10. Dom. ob. 49. £dw. III. J \ 11. Dom. ob. 7. R. II. J I \ Wilhelmusl t 12. Dom. J I > ob. 23 R II. r Thomas 1 r 13. Dom. ob. 37. Hen. VI. J j \ Ranulphus 14. Dom. ob. I Edw. IV. Humphidu!r7 f 15. Dom. 3 I I I Hen. VII. Thomas i6.Dom.ob. 17. Hen. VIII. j" 1 .}|{ Wilhelmus 17. Dom. ob. 6. Elizabeth. J I 111 Thomas "I f 18. Dom. ob. 8. Elizabeth. J I I § There appears an error here, the firft Thomas Multon, and who married Maud, was fon of Thomai by his fecooi fvife Ada, daughter and coheir of Hugh de Morville, and is faid to have died 21ft King Edward I. * Dacre of Dacre caftk. From him, it is faid by fume authors, it palTed to eleven of bis dcfcendants before it came t« Ceorgc. H 2 Georgmi 52 BARONY OF GILSLAND. A •}• Georgius Anna 19. Dom. ob. Niipfit. fil. Com. Arundel. II. Eliz. f. prole, pr. gen. Thos. Due. Notf. Philip ob. tern. pat. } Sir William, a Kt. 21. Dom. Gilf. } r Mary fil. Will. |_Dom. Eure. § John. Will. Howard ter. fil. Due. Norf. 20. Dom. Gilf. r Mary fil. (^ Sir John Carrel. .} r zabeth. i Philip m Eliza Tromond. Althea m. Th. Vifc. FairfaK. Wm. d.y. I II Char 22 Dom Gilf. hil JA m.j |d * Edwardusl E. Carlifle j I ^1 I I I I I J i.nne fil. Edw. Phil. Tho. John Marj' Eliz. Cath. Frances, Margaret. )om Howard m. Sir m. Sir m. Sir m. Sir ra. AJexander de Efkrick. John Thos. John George Leflie, Atkins. Gower. Lawfon. Downing. E of Lev. 23 Dom. r Eliza fil. Sir Will. \ Ufedale, Kt. and vid. SirW. Beikley. •j-f Fred. Chriftian. Mar^- m. Sir John Ann m. Sir Catharine Fenwick of Wal- Rich. Graham d. unm» lingtoD, Northum. of Netherby, bt. it Charles "1 E. of Carlifle J 24 Dom. TLady Eliz. Capel fil. 1^ Arthur Earl of EfTex. WiU. unmarried. Mary d. unmarried. Lady Fra. Spencer, only d. of the Earl of Sund. I ft wife. 1 r Henry, T J. .J E. of Carl. j. J I (.25 Dom. J Charles Robert Lord d. unm. m Morpeth d. unmar. Arabella Jo Cope, Efq. Diana fifabella, Charles, Kt. Eliza, ifl m. Anne ift Mary ■i fifter of of the Bath, Nich. Lord m. Ld. Vifc. d. unmar. C Lord gov. of Carl. Lechmere ; Irwin ; 2d Byron, & M. P. for 2d Sir Tho. Ja. Douglas. 2d wife, that city. Robinfon. |— - ;■ I ^ I I T~^ Frederick, theT J" Caroline Anne. Frances Ehz. Juliana. m. Jolin m. Thos. prefent E. of ( J fil, M. of ow- f J Stafford. Duncombe, Carl. Vifc. How Efq. ard of Morpeth, J {_ Baron Dacre of Gilf. and Kt. of the thiftle. Ratcliff, tfq. ■f Lord of Gilfland, Grayftock, and Wcmm. ^ In the partition, the barony of Gilfland fell to the lliare of this lady.' 5 Fell at the battle of Rowton hc.i:h, in tlie fervice of King Charles I. Hlj Fell there alfo. 11 In the year 1660, was chofen member for Morpeth, and having been of Gngular fervice to King Charles 11. was, by letters patent, 20th of April, 1661, created Baron Dacre of Gilfland, Vifcount Morpeth, and Earl of Cailifle. A. D. 1663, he was AmbalTjdor to the Czar of Mufcovy, and in the following year to the Kings of Denmark and Sweden. Was made Governor of Jamaica, where he died in 1686, and was interred at York. * Died .It V.'ic'.iham, 1692, and was interred there. +f Born at Copenhagen, and Ilain at the battle of Lutzenburg. ^\ Was Lord Lieutenant and Ciiftos Rotuloruni of the counties of Weftmorland and Cumberland, one of the gentlemen •fhis majefty's bedchamber, Deputy Earl Marlhall of England, firft commiflioncr of the treafury. Governor of the Town and Ciftle of Carlifle, Vice-Admiral of the Scacoaft adjacent, and one ef the privy council : afterwards Governor ol WindfoT Caftle, and JLwd Warden of the f oreft of Windfor. THE << ^ i wi i iiiii i l i i,«i 'ii iiii ii ''" i ;" ' "'""" " T^ ^ ^ s ^ ^ & ^ THE PARISH OF LANERCOST. THIS parifh is of large extent, being bounded by Haltwhiftle on the eaft, the two Dentons on the foutheafi:, Walton on the weft, Stapleton on the north- vert', Brampton on the fouth, and fouthwcfl:, and Bewcartle on the north. The parifli is divided into four quarters, viz. Burtholme, Waterhead, King's Water, and Aflcerton ; and each quarter maintains its own poor. It compreliends five conrt;ablewicks, viz. Banks, Burtholme, Afkerton, Waterhead, and King's Water. There are four manors within this parifli, Lanercoft, Walton-Wood, Trodder- maine or Tryermaine, and Aflcerton: the manor of Lanercort: has in it, about thirteen freeholders, and fixty cufl:omary tenants. The manors of Walton-Wood, Troddermaine, and Afkerton, are within the cuflom of the barony of Gillland; and pay an arbitrary fine of two year's value on the death of the tenant, or on an alienation, and a twenty-penny fine certain on the death of the lord. They do fuit at the lord's court; and the lord claims all the wood, except the hedge-rows. The villages in the parifli are Burtholme, Wefl:hall Moorguards, Sogdlin, and Kirkcambeck, (formerly a parifh of itfelf, but now incorporated with the parifli of Lanercoft) lying within that quarter of the parifli called Afkerton, We approached the venerable remains of LANERCOST PRIORY. The vale in which the abbey and remains of the monafl^ery are fituated, takes its name from the dedication of the church, and is called St. Mary's Holme. The land is fertile, and the vale is Ihut in on every fide by lofty hills, fome cloathed with wood, and others divided into fine inclofures: the river Irthing flowing through, the valley in meanders: the whole fccne is beautiful, folemn and majeftic. Ihe approach to the remains, is by a flone bridge of two elliptic arches. Some parts of the monaflic buildings are converted into a farm houfe, fo that it is not pofliblc, at this time, to diftinguifli the particular ofiices of the religious houfe. The chief part of the monart:ery was repaired in the fixteenth century, for the manfion of one of the Dacres, and yet retains the old ftatcly projcding centre window of the convent. Part of the cemetery grounds have been converted into gardens, which approach dole to the walls ot the abbey, on the fouth; and fcveral flone coflins and infcribed monuments lie among the trees. We entered the church, which is in the form of a crols, at the wefl: door: the gateway conflfls of a circular arch of many members, richly ornamented and fup- ported on pilaflers, the capitals and bafcs of which are without any other embel- liflimcnts than plain rolls. Jn a nich, above the entrance, is a flatue of Mary- Magdalen, of excellent workmanfliip, in flone. The figure is foniewhat mutilated, but the drapery is elegantly difpofcd. On the right hand is a diminutive figure of 54 ABBEY OF LANERCOST. [Eskdale Ward, of a kneeling monk. The canopy of the nich is circular, fupportcd on pilafters, ornamented with the heads of cherubs. This part of the edifice, has, of late years been put in repair; it is fitted up in a plain and decent manner for divine ler- vice, being the parochial church of the parifli of Lanercoft, and capable of con- taining a great number of people. On the right of the communion table, is a tablet fixed in the viall, with this infcription: — "Robertus de Vallibus filius Hubert. Dns de Gilfland, fundator Priorat. dc " Lanercoft A", dni. 1 1 16. ^dargan Uxor ejus fine Prole."t In the great window, above the communion table, is the following infcription, faid to be removed from the window of the hall, now ufed as a barn: — " Mille et quingentos ad quinquaginta novemq. " Adjice, et hoc anno, condidit iflud opus; " Thomas Darer, Eques, fedem qui prim, in iftam, " vencrat, extind:a religione loci. " H^ec Edvardus ei dederar, devoverat ante •' Hcnricus longe praemia militias. " Anno Dni 1559."* The walls of the other parts of the church, and the centre tower, are {landing, but unroofed. The crofs aile is thirty-two paces in length, and the quire twenty-fix. The tower has formed a Ipacious cupola, each corner fupported by a cluttered pillar, light, and well proportioned. An open gallery or colonade runs round the upper part of the whole edifice, fupported on fingle pillars, without any dead fpace or interval, — a circumftance uncommon in fuch buildings, and which gives a light and beautiful appearance to this. The arches of the gallery are pointed, but the principal ones of the building are circular: though moft of the windows are lancet under pointed arches. The tower is low and heavy, without ornament, except an embrazured battlement. The ceiling of the cupola is of wood work, but retams no efcutchions of arms, or other decorations. The quire is lighted to the eaft, by three long lancet windows below, and an equal number above, and two •windows on each lide. The whole ftrucflure is plain, of excellent mafonry, and conftru(flcd of a durable ftonc. At each end of the crofs aile, are feveral tombs richly fculptured with the arms of the Howards and Dacrcs ; from their expofure, the infcriptions are obliterated, the ornaments defaced, and the whole grown green with mofs. The veneration for anceftors, in former ages, was an incitement to f Which n^ay be read thus — Robertus dc Vallibus, fon of the Lord of Gilfland, founder of the priory of Lanercofl:, in the year of our Lord 1116, Edargyne his wife having no ifliie. e By this date, the monaftery was founded fifty-three years before the dedication of the church: this i« not much to be wondrcd at when we confider the ftate of the borders in the reign of King Stephen. • Which may be read thus — To one thoufand five hundred r.dd fifty and nine, and in that year Thomas Dacre, Knight, erefted this work. He was the firfl. who came to this feat, after the difTohition of the priory. It was given to him by Edward, tliough before proraifed by Henry, as a reward for his long njihtary fervices. pradical EsKDALE Ward,} ABBEY OF LANERCOST. $^ pradlical virtues: we lament to fee any thing which fhould tend to promote good works, finking into ncgleift. Thefc monuments are fliamefully forgotten, now- overgrown with weeds ; and not fo much veneration is paid to the remains they cover, as to preferve them from rapacious hands, or their refting place from reptiles, vermin, and loathfome iilthinels.* We were told by an old pcrfon who lived near the abbey, that fomc years ago, one of the fcpulchral vaults fell in, which excited his curiofity to view the remams depoiitcd there, where he found feveral bodies entire ; one in particular with a white beard down to his waift: but the air in a few days reduced them to dufi:. In the manufcript before us, this place is noted — " Lancrccfly a.i cojleram vallis, " was firft a lawn or plain in that glen or valley, where the Pids wall ftandeth : and " Walton wasfo named, as the firft habitation which was built on part of that wall. " At chetimcof theconqueft, it was a great foreftand walte ground; in Henry II's " time, this tradt of land was given by Robert fon of Robert Vaux to the prior *' and convene there, by him firft founded to the name of Mary Magdalen. The " deed made to the prior &:c. is pro anima regis Hen. II. et Hui'crti -patris met et " Gracice Malris, &e."-f This was a monaftery of the order of St. Auguftine, according to the tablet in the church, founded in the year 1 1 16, but it doth not appear in public records until about the 16th year of King Henry II, A, D, 11 69. It was endowed with all the lands laying between the Fu7s W/j/Zand Irtbing, fcilicet inter murum antiquum et Ier~ tbino.m ; alio between Burgh, Poltro/s, et inter Bitreh et Poltres, and feveral other valuable pofTefllons.:}; The church was dedicated by Bernard, bifliop of Carlifle, to Mary * Puhlijloed in the Nenx;cajlle Ncwfpaperj, " Whereas fome evil-difpofcd perfon did, fome time this fpring, enter into the rurnous part of Laner- " coft cliurch or prior)', &c. and did ftlonioudy take away, from out of a vault in the fald church, a lead- " coffin, which contained the remains of Loid William Dacre, Knight of the Garter, &c. Sec. a reward •' of ten guineas on the conviction of the offender." Na'worth Caflle, nw7i fuam, with mills and filhings in Irthing, King, Herting- burn, or elfewhere. Regist. Lanercost. Befide the above, the founder alfo granted to this priory, the two Alkertons, the tithes of all the veni- fon, as well in flcfh as (Icins, of ihe (Icins of foxes, wherever through his lands in Cumberland they (hould be hunted, of his lakes and fifhings, and the tithes in his wafte lands, of fowls, calves, lambs, pigs, wool, chccfe, and butter; and when cultivated, tithes of the produce of the lands. Other benefatlois Ada daughter of W. Engain and Euftacia his wife, 30 acres of land in Burgh marfli, two fait pans, and pafture for i« ABBEY OF LANERCOST- [EsKDALE Ward. Mary Magdalen. King Richard I. by his charter, confirmed to the priory the feveral grants made thereto as well by the founder as others, and King Henry III. and Edward I. did the like. The priory having been burnt, and the lands and tene- ments belonging to it wafted and fpoiled by the Scotch, King Edward I. granted to the prior and convent, the advowfons of two churches in his patronage, Mitjord in Northumberland, and Carlatton in Cumberland, when they fliould fall void, with power to appropriate them for ever to them and their fuccelTors : and he wrote an epiftle to the pope, requiring his confirmation. This fovereign, in the 24th year of his reign, was detained at this place by fickncfs, whillt he was on a Scotch ex- pedition. J Many other liberal donations were made to this monaftery, fome of which are very remarkable, as the tithes of vcnifonand the fl\^ins of deer and foxes; tithe of the muldure of a mill, pafture for milking of ilieep, the bark of trees, a well or fpring, and fundry villains, their iflue and goods. This for 200 fheep, a free net in Eden, three marks of filver in the church of Burgh, Lefingby, and Grenefdale churches, and little Harfcon. A carrucate of land in Blenecreye, and pafture there ; for daily remem- brance at the altar of St. Katharine, for the foul of Simon de Morvill, her hu(band. — By David fon of Terric, and Robert fon of AIlnrn, chofen by the convent, and confirmed by the bifhop of the diocefe. IVilliam de Southayke was next, and died in 1337, when John de Bowetbby was in like manner chofen. The next fucceilbr was John de Bothecajlre : but he,on account of old age and inilrmities, rcfigned, and had afligned him a cell in the convent for life. Thomas de He>:toldeJhmii\ was elecled in his place, who, befides the oath ot canonical obedience, was obliged by the bifhop to make a folemn promifc, " Ao/ to frequent public huntings, or to keep Jo Imge a peck of hounds '• as he had formerly done." On his demife, diffentions arofe touching the elecflion of a prior; one party being in favour of Richard de Rydal, a canon of Cuilifle, and the other for John de Menyngton, a cannon of tiie houfe : on an appeal heard at the biflnop's caflle of Rofe, Rydal was confirmed. \\ In the year 1360, the prior abfenting himfelf, the bifliop conflituted Martin de Brampton, one of the canons, guardian of the houfe. It is remarkable that in all the repofitories we have had accefs to, we have not found an account of the fuc- cefllon of priors from the above period. tionem. Quate volo quod obennte D. priore, vel quolibet fucceflbre ejus, ille fit prior, quem Jam difti canonic!, vcl major pars eorum ct fanftor. fecundum Deum eligerint. et ut &:c. His teftibus, Roberto Archidiacone Karliolenfi, Waltero Priore, Rob. Aukitell, Rob. Ckrico de Leventon, Hen. de Radulpho Prefbyteris, Alex, de Windefover, Will fil. Oderdi, Bernardo de Leverfdale et mullis aliis. Ex Regist. Lanercost. Rymer, torn II. p. 1047. Letter to the Pope. f In Dei nomine Amen. Ego frater Thomas de Hextoldertiam prior prioratus de Lanercoft, ordinis S. Auguflini, Karliolenfis Dioceleos ero fidelis et obediens vobis veneiabili in Chrifto patri ac Domino meo Domino Gilberto Dei gratia Karlioli epifcopo, ct etiam fuccefToribui vedriscanonice intrantibusofficialibus ct miniftris in canonicis et licitis mandatis : ficut Deus me adjuvit et hac fandla Dei evangelia. Et hoc, propria manu mea, fubfcribo. II Lanercoft, an abbey of black canons, viij miles from CaerluU, upon the north fide of the river Ytthing. Lel. Itin. vol. VII. p. 71. A. D. 1306, Rex apud Lanercofl commorans mifit Juftlclarios ad Bervvicum. Lel. Col, vol. I. p. 398. Stowe fays, they tried hundreds and thoufands of breakers of the peace and confpirators, many of whom were hanged. VOL, I. I The 58. ABBEY OF LANERCOST. [EsKDALE Ward,, The arms of this mo- naftery, as fet out in Tan- ner's ]Slotitia,werea77i7/^«i' Or, and Gules. At the time otthefupprefiion.therewas a prior, and fevcn canons here; the revenue 77I. 7s, I id. as reported by Dug- dale, and 79I. 19s. accord- ing to Speed. * The fitc of the religious houfe, together with feveral of the adjacent lands, were granted to Thomas Dacre, Armig. in the 34th year of ^ Kino- Henry VIII. at that time deemed the patron, as being a lineal defcendant of; the founder, and heir to Robert de Vallibus, /o hold the fame of the king in capitc, to him * Tanner's Notitia. Vide in Mon. Angl. torn. II. p. 130, 131, 132, Caitam fundationis et pa'genem fundatoris, necnon; eonfirmationem donationum, p. Rich. I. ex car t. 9. Ed. II. n. 58 per Inlpex, In Prynn's Papal Ufurpations, vol. Ill p. 1159, 1192. Rol. Rom. 34, 35, Ed. I. EtPat. 35. Ed. I. TO. 25, In Rymeri feod. etc. torn. II. p. 1 147. Rol. Rom. 35. Ed. I. m. 3. Chronlcon Lanercoft. M. S. in Bibl. Cotton. Cartularium de Lanercoft, olim penes Will. dom. Howard de Naworth. Fin. 16. Joan. m. d. de terris m Cleburn. Pat. 31. Ed. I. m. 24. pro advoc. ecclefiarum de Carlton, Gumb. and Mitford, Nortliumb. Pat. 2. Ed. II, m. 8. pat. x. Ed. II. p. 1. m. 24. de Ten. in Prefton, Ibid. p. 2. m- 22. pro. Meft. in Civlt. Carliol. Ibid. 7he Editor o'wes his inojl gratefid acknonvledgements to John Bacon, Efq. of the Firjl Fruits Office, for a. perfefi Copy of the Survey of Ecclejiajiical Rights, in the County of Cumberland, taken in purfuance of the Ah of Parliament of the 26th of King Henry VIII. — ivhich valuable record is parcelled out under the head of each ref(ie8ive paiifh,for the eajier application of each local reader. PRIORATUS DTE MARIE MAGDALENE DE LANERCOST INFRA DECANAT'. KAR'lJ. Sp'ual p'tinet.1 Joh'es Robyfon prior ejufdem P.'ioratus h'et Rcfloria p'ochie Marie £. /. d. didt. Priorat. J Magdalene de Lanercoft que val' co'ib's Annis in Lan. Agn, Vitul. Lafticis Oblacoi'b's cum Libr. tempore Pafchalis, — — — — 11116 Idem P'ior habct Garbas Dec'al. de Walton cu. p'tinentijs que valet co'ibus ann. 3 3 4 Idem P ior habet Garbas Deci'al de King et Irdinge cu' p'tinentijs que valet coi b's annis. — — — — — — — — — 500 Idem P ior habet decim. Garb, de Brampton cu' pertinentiis que valent co'ib's annis, 500 Idem P'ior habet decim Garbar. de Irdington cu' p'tinen. q, valent co'ib's annis. — 400 Idem P'ior habet decim. Garbar. de Laifingby que val. p' annu'. — — 6 13 4 Idem P'ior habct Garbas Deci'a! de Grynfdale que. val. p. annu'. — — 400 Idem P'ior habet Garbas Deci'al de Farl'm que val. p. annu. — — — o 40 o Idem Prior habet decim'. Garbar. de Metfarthe in Com. Northu'brie que val. p.annu. 10 00 Sm. Sp'ual 51I. 8s 2d. Ex. X«niporal P'tincnt.l Idem Prior habet cert. Terr. & Redd' in Villa de Walton que va- dift. Priorat. J lent p. annu. o Idem EsKDALi: Ward.] ABBEY OF LANERCOST. S9 him and the heirs male of his body, lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, for ever, by the fervice of the twentieth part of one knight's fee, and nine fhillings fieri, rent. In this grant there was a refervation of the parifli church of Lanercofl:, the church-yard, a houfe called the Uttergate, with the ftable, granary, and garden, for the dwelling place of a curate or vicar.* King Edward VI. by his letters patent, in the 6th year of his reign, granted to the fame Thomas Dacrc, then a knight, the patronage and advowfons of the churches of Lanercofl, Grenldale, Farleham, Lafingby, Brampton, and Irthington, and the chapel of Walton, with the lands and revenues late belonging to the priory of Lanercofl:. To hold of the king in capite, by the fervice of the 40th part of a knight's fee, and 55/. i-js: -jd. £. s. d. Idem Prior habet Terr. & Ten. in Villa de Thornemoor que valent p. annu. — 0230 Idem Prior habet Terr. & Ten. in Villa ds Gwhitehilie que vale't p annu. — O 22 11 Idem Prior habet Terr. & Ten. in Villa de Burthome et VValle q. valent p. annu. 410 o Idem Prior habet cert. Terr, et Ten. in Villa de Bank et St. Marye Holme cu. p'tin q. valent p. annu. — — — — — — — — 4io In Soluco'es faft D'no Ep"o Karlii, p. lenaeio annuatim folvtnd. 080 rdmarijs. J r j' r & « In Soluco'es faft. eidem D'no Ep'o Karlij, p. Vifitaco't de tricnnis in tricnnium 2 is. 4d. nu'c in trib. equis porc'o'ibs dividat. que val. an'im. — — — O 7 r In Soluc. faft. Vicar, de Layffingbye pro 2 Eflcepps Ferr avtnacie annuatim. — 012 o Refolut. Rcddit.") In feod. folut. Johni Hetherington & Mattheo Stevynfon Ballivis dift. & Feod. folut. J P'orat, Antim. — — — — — — — 0200 Sma. oim' deduft. P'd. . . 47s. id. Et Rem. 77I. iis. iid. xmainde"'7l. 15s. 2 i-2d. * Henricus 8""' &c. Sal. Sciatis quod nos in confideratione boni vcri & fidelis fervlc. &c. Dedimus & conceffimus &c. eidem Thomse Dacre Totuiii domum & fcitum nuper monafler. five priorat. dc Laner- eoft, &c. ac om'ia Mefl". Domos, Orta, Stabula, &c. Necnon totum illud Moleiidin. gran, aquat. Ac to- tum illud claufura Terre pafture & bofci, &c. vocat. Le Parke 5 acr. VViudhill banks 4 acr. claus prati, &c. Ktldeholme, claus Terre & pafture voc. Pifhc. Flat. 8 acr. — Burtheflat 9 acr. Barkehoufe I'lnt 10 acr. — Lc Tannhoufe ac omnia Ortos. Pomaria, . rent. The fird grant limited the eftates in tail-male ; the grant of King Edward VI. was in fee-fimple. This Thomas Dacre was called the Ballard Dacre, and wasefteemed an illegiti- mate fon of Thomas Lord Dacre of the north; and the Lanercofi: family bore in their arms the bar of difference. He repaired the conventual manfion for his refidence, as before mentioned. DACRE OF LANERCOST. Sir Thomas. \ . -J A d. of Denton. ChriftopherT r Alice of Knevet. I John ob. f. p.. Henry 111 A d. of Salktld, Corby. £ir Tho, } V oro. Braithvvaite. Humph, had ' lumph."! Richard T ] lad 2 f. ( cr. a banneret in ( ra. & I d. (" the field, 6 K. f Fe J Ch. I. ob. f. p. J of Patrick ob. f. p. iftMaryl Sibfon. 3 f Henry. \ fzd Margaret! Tho. |_ Charlton . j ob. f. p. I Mary "J Anne Tho. (mar. Mufgravc, Featheritonehaugh f of Crookdale. Kirkofwald. J Dorothy 7 Catharine m. J. Child. 3 d. unmar. ■) Mary T V m. Bafd [■ J Fielding. J Thomas! Dorothy ob. f. p. 3 m. Jofeph Appleby. William m. a d. of Sir John Swinburn, of Capheaton, in Northumb. Jofeph I who took the name of Dacre, Margaret and was grandfather of Jofeph d. unmar. Dacre, Efq. of Kirklinton. The male line failing in Sir Thomas Dacre's family, the fiteof the priory rever- ted to the crown, under the grant of King Henry VIII. and is now in the tenure of the prcfent Earl of Carlifle, who holds a court baron and cuftomary court. The cultomary lands pay a certain fine on admittance of a tenant, or change of lord, without any heriots or other fcrvices. The widow's right is one full third part for life, or during her viduity, of the tenements of which her hufband died feized. This cullomary tenure is of a mixed nature, and partakes of freehold, the lands pafTing in alienation by deed, which is confirmed by the lord's admitting to the roll of tenants in court : the lands will alio pafs by furrender in court and admit- tance. There is an ancient referved rent payable annually out of each tenement to the lord, on which each fine is computed, viz. every penny of the ancient or re- ferved rent is multiplied by twenty, which gives the accepted term of a twenty- penny finej payable by the cuftomary tenants of this manor. Lanercofi EsKDALE Ward.] ABBEY OF LANERCOST. 6't Lanercoft is, at prefent, no more than a perpetual curacy, was certified to the governors of Queen Anne's bounty at 14I 5 s. and hath received one allotment of 200I. The Earl of Carlifle is patron.* The public were indebted to George Smith, Efq. a corrcfpondcnt of the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine, for the publication of the two following curious in- Icriptions difcovered at Lanercoft, and firft publilhed in the 14th vol. of that valuable repofitory, p. 369. f " The following Roman infcription, being the head (tone of the upper paflage, *' betwixt the pillars and out-wall of the old abbey of Lanercoft, has efcaped the • Aspect.] The general afpeft Is towards the fouth; Soil and Produce.] The foil is various: iu the vale of St. Mary's Holme, the foil is chiefly loam, with a mixture of fand, and is very fruitful. The bank-lands, lying upon a linieftone, produce every kind of grain; but the cultivation, by veafon of the llecp declivities, is laborious. Further up the river Iithing the foil is colder and moic barren. Some timber trees and much brulhwood cloath the bord-is of the river. Kingfwater quarter lies to the northcail: the valley is fliut in on each fide by ileep hlUs of com- mon or wafte lands, and is of a ftrong fruitful foil producing, good com. The awrage rent of inclofed ground is about fifteen (hillings, fome lands let for thirty jhilliDgs per acre. The cxtenlive common- , light is certainly of confiderable value. Common Lands and Cattle.] The waftes and common lands are very extenfive and afford pallurage for a great number of cattle; Lord Caihfle's farms have a valuable priviledge, in the maintenance of large llocks, as well thofe bred there, as thofc brought from Scotland : the breed is of the Scotch kind, both ia black cattle and horfes, aSd are generally fold off at two or tlirce years old. Near one thoufand liead of black cattle are bought yearly, and brought on to the common lands in Oftober or November, and are fold again to the graziers from Leicefterdiire, Lincolnfhire, &c. at Brough-hill fair the lad day ot September and firll of Odlober, iu the fucceeding year with an advantage of about twenty (hillings a head, upon an average. Sheep.] The (Keep ftocks are fmall, on account of the wetnefs of the wafte grounds: wool, in the laft year fold from eight (hillings to twelre (hillings a Hone of i61b. — The fleecfs of (heep that departure oa the heights are not fo valuable. Market.] The chief market for the ordinary necelTaries of life is at Brampton, diftant two miles. Fuel.] In the northern parts peat and turf, iu other parts coal from Tindalefell, diltant about A.-i miles. Game.] There is mucli game, particularly groufe. Juniper.] It grows here, in fpots of barren foils, compofed of clay and cankering gravel, which hardly admits of any otiier vegetation: and we do not know that it grows any where elfe in the county Housman's Notes. Population.] The number of families within this pari(h (including Kirkcambeck) amount to about 300, 26 are Prelbyterians, 2 Quakers: — the inhabitants are nearly 1400II We acknowledge ouifelves greatly indebted to the Rev. George Gilb.inks, for much information touching this parllh: and alfo to the Rev. Jonathan Boucher, for his biographical note*, and other valuable contributions to this work. f George Smith, £fq. was a native of Scotland; a man of genius and learning; but of an a(ruming^ air, irritable temper, and fufpicious principles as to religion. After being fome time an a(rillant in fome feminiu-y of learning, in or near London, he lived with and adifted Dr. Dcfagulier in his philofophical ex- periments. Marr)'ing foon after, he engaged in an academy at Wakefield, afterwards lived near Brampton j and finally fettled at Wigton, where he lived on a fmall annuity, but from what fource it was derived, was never known. He inllrufted feveral perfons in that neighbourhood in Mathematics and philofophy, and was a great contributor to the Gentleman's Magazine. Both he and his wife died at Wigton. He had the merit of exciting, in that neighbouihood, a very general attention to literature; and the demerit of promoting a fpirit of fufpicion and infidelity. He had a daughter, Mrs. Sarah Smith, who, for fome time, was a preacher among the Qu^akers. Biographia Cumb. The publications were dated from Carllfie, June 8th, 1 744. — Ir is remarkable that the learned and laborious Mr. Gough (hould have omitted thefe infcriptions in his Additions to Camden, in the fpl«ndi(t edition he publilhtd. H Two Auabaptiiis and two Fapifis, reported by N. and B. " obfervation 61 ABBEY OF LANERCOST. [Eskdale Ward. " obfervation of all antiquaries, by its obfcure fituation: it was difcovered by two ** mafons at work there, who informing me of it, 1 went this day to examine it, " and by the help of a ladder, noted down thefe charaders: — " Jovi Optimo maximo. Cohors primae /ILliae Dacorum, cui prseeft Mf/^\ " Julius Saturninus Tribunus. The reft has been obliterated by the "^ '^y " workmen, at biiildmg the abbey. To underftand it, we arc to con- ] ^. Q Af/', *' fider, that, befides the legionary troops employed in the Roman , J. .. ,\ " fervice, there were ten auxiliary cohorts, which made a legion of C rlUl /l.\ c< foreign troops, andalTumed the name of the conquered province DAC'^CVJ-TI " ^° which they belonged, and fometimes added another title, in A " honour of fome of their emperors, under whom they were probably ^5 Tf VLUj" inlifted. This cohort was then called j^h'a Dacica* ^lia in ho- iP^VilKYj/" nour of Hadrian, who was ftiled Titus lEXms Hadrianus, and TRtT^VK'/ " ^^^'^^ from their country. Dacia comprehended all that tracft of I ' '^^^^^1 " ground north of the Danube to the Carpathian mountains, betwixt \//m/.'/////////// " ^^ rivers Tibifbifcus and Pruth, comprehending now part of Hun- " gary, Tranfylvania, Moldavia, and Wallachia. We have many " other ftones which mention this cohort, parcicularlyat Burdofwald, *' the Roman Amboglana; here the Notitia, that was written under *' Theodofius, junior, places this legion, which feems to have fucceeded the legio "fexta viHriXy and very likely garrifoned this place, to the final departure of the " Romans from Britain, The name of the tribune is diiferent from that on any " other of the ftones afcribed to this cohort. *' WhilftI wascopyingthis ftonc, thefarmer's fon who refides atthe abbey, told me '• there were fome kind of letters, over a ftaircafe in an old tower, belonging to their '•' houfe which excited my curiofity. I found it a piece of as valuable inscription «' as any yet difcovered in Britian, whether we attend to the odd irregularity of the " letters, the fhape or variety of them; for there are Roman, Runic and Saxon, «' fometimes in the compafs of a ftngle word; and it is hard to fay, which of the " alphabets of thofe three nations, has the greateft Ihare in the compofition. It is " great pity that it is not complete, the workmen having cut it, to adjuft it to the " place, fo that part of it is covered by the adjoining ftones, which cannot well be «' removed. The form of the letters is exactly reprefented. j . / ~" ^ S^ " In my opinion we read it, " i?f^?« 1 f I tT fS'\/ f T I TT V " ncjlri primo maift tertio anno Do7n, [•^"'-^ jN>--' Xlil ^-^ " Mlllrjtvio triiciilejivw feplimo." — ■-^^^ ^ " Edward IJ. began to reign that % " very year, 1307, July 7th, fo that " the third month after would ftill " happen in that year fpecified, and " fcems to note a grant for building " the out conveniences of the faid abbey. The lingularity of the e NsV I in \CQoy 'J^t/' t • The reader will pkafe to refer this reading to the opinions of Mr. Horfley, and other learned antiqua- ^e« whofc conftnidion o£ and comments upon ancient infcriptions, aie given in the notes to this work- ' ♦' method EsKDALE Ward."] ROMAN WORKS'. 63? " method of writing in that obfcure century, renders it very remarkable ; for in' " the fingle word triccntcjir.io it is difficult to fay to which alphabet the letter T " belongs ; but it moftly refembles the Cello-Scytbic. R is Roman, E is Runic, " M the old Gothic ; and in other words, fome are Saxon. " The Roman wall, which palTcs jult above it, has furnifhed the principal ma- " terials for this edifice." ]n this paridi is that famous medicinal fpring, befl: known to the public by the name of Wardrew Spa, near to Shaws, on the banks of the river Irthincr. Ic breaks forth at the foot of a rock pretty fluently ; and from the virtues of the water, anciently obtained the name of Holywell, having had the bcncdidion of fome re- ligious perfon of note for his fandity. The editors of Camden fay, the waters are impregnated with Rilphur, nitre, and vitriol, and are good for the fplcen, the ftone, and all cutaneous diftempcrs ; but the authority for that analylis, is not given. Dr. Todd fays, the vvatcr is deeply impregnated with fulphureous and faline parti- cles, and on that account has a cathartic and emetic virtue : Dr. Short clalTes it among the fulphureous waters, and fays it contains a very confiderable portion of fulphur, a fmall quantity of fea fait, and very little earth : the place is greatly re- forted to in the fummer (eafon ; but it feems to us not at all calculated for a place of recreation and amufement, fituated in a deep retirement, furrounded by uncul- tivated eminences, covered with heath ; the vale narrow, and fhut up from thofc pidurefque fcenes, which are difpofed at fome little diftance, near to Lanercoft and Naworth : the air is often found heavy, by the vapours and gloom which too frequently obfcure the fky, and impend on the brows of the mountains. The place is well luited to the reception of thofc, who really feek the benefit of the waters ; being a ftill and folemn retreat. Good accommodations render ic a de— firable feat of feclufion for the invalid. ROMAN WORKS. The ftation of Carr-P'oran, f the magna of the Romans, featcd on the extreme boundary of Northumberland, was defcribed in our former publication. * From^ thence we now take our progrefs along the works of Hadrian and Severus. The Roman military road, called the Maiden Way, which we obferved entered Northumberland near Whitley caftlc, pafTes through Carr-Voran, and extends along the northern part of this county, over the heights, to the eaft of Bewcaflle, ;f in a direction almofl: duly north, and enters Scotland near Lamyford, where it croffes the river Kirkfop. The Roman road which leads from Walwick Cheflers in Northumberland, has lain in a direction a little to the fouth of Carr-Voran, but- leems to terminate in the fuburbs, the traces of it not being difcovered beyond the fort. At the time Mr. Warburton and Mr. Horfley vilited this country, they- fpeak of it, as being '« very vifible upon the moor loutheaft, and not far from Carr- Voran:" but the great turnpike road, lately made by the diredlion of government,. •f We adopt the name of Carr-Voran, from the example of Mr. Hordey, rather than the vulgar name Caer.~-\n Leland's Itin. it it called Maiden Caftle, perhaps from its ftanding on the Maiden Way. f Vi«w of Northumberland. % About fu Eoilcs diftant from Carr-Voran. 64 ROMAN WORKS., [Eskdale Ward. has fallen upon it in feveral places, and in many parts has greatly defaced the remains. The pfgetenturas of Severus and I-Iadrian, with their ditches, are \'eryconfpicii- ous from Carr-Voran down to the river Tippai, which flows at the foot of the eminence : notwithflanding the country people are inceflantly robbing Severus's vail for materials to build, and other purpofes ; yet under the force of fo many ages, and fuch endeavours to deftroy the work, through the hardnefs cf the cement, grcai remains (till appear : fome tiers of the outfide caiings are in many places ftanding, and where thofe are removed, the infidc filling ftones fliew thenifelves laid in an inclining pofition, as clofe as their natural furfaces will admit,and run full of mortar. This mode of building is excellent, as a v. all of that conltrudion is nearly as Iblid in the centre, as any other part ; and by the pofition of the ftones, is admirably linked and bound together. Both Severus's wall and Hadrian's vallum leave the caftle of Thirlwall to the north. According to the before-mentioned authors, § it was " here, as a tradition fays, that the Scots and Picts broke through the wall : *' but the caftle might be fo called, from the pafTage of the river through the wall." As we continued to travel, with the works of thofe two learned authors before, us, (having done the fame in Northumberland) we carefully obferved the feveral fix- ations of the ancient works they noted, to gain from thence, if pofiible, the argu- ments which led them to their determinations, and which they have been pleafed to omit in their publications. Here it was evident to us, that the ftation of Carr- Voran, of fuch peculiar ftrength, placed on an eminence immediately commanding that part of the wall, where it is fuppofed a breach was made, by the northern nations, ■within the reach of their mifiile weapons and engines, muft have been evacuated, before fuch breach could be eff'cifted ; and confequently we are inclined to think, the name of Thirlwall, or through the wall, was not derived from any fuch event, but was occafioned by the fluice or bridge where the river paffed through the works. Ihii-l is a name of common acceptation in the north, for an opening left in moor iences, for fhccp to pafs to and from the commons adjacent to inclofed grounds. A little further weft, are the vifiblc remains of a caftellum, within which an edifice now ftands, called the chapel ; but how it gained that appellation we could not learn. At this point all the works are particularly diftind and plain ; the •walls are diftant from each other about five chains ; at a little place called Fowlton, the military way is not to be traced, but Severus's wall is diftinguifhable, and, in fome parts, the ditch; yet where the works lie through a trad which has long been cultivated, they are more and more defaced, and rendered difficult to be traced. The wall and earth fence afterwards run out to a greater diftance from each other, nearly to the length of fix chains. : We obferved here, the work which the learned authors point out, being a vafl ^gger on the north brink of Severus's ditch. Mr. Warburton fays, " Whether it •• is natural or artificial I know not." To us it had all the appearance of art, as being calculated to enable aflailants to ufe their engines and miflile weapons with advantage, againft thofe who defended the wall. We are told that the difpirited f Warburton and Horfley, Britons, EsKDALE Ward.] BURDOSWALD. 6^ Britons, forfaken of their allies, vTere dragged by hooks, from the fortifications they attempted, in vain, to defend, and were put to a miferabic death. We now paded over the little brook of Poltrofs, and entered THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. On the weft fide of the rivulet, are the remains of a caficHum : the walls of Severus and Hadrian, for fome diflance gradually incline to each other, and about a quarter of a mile further, they run within the length of a chain of each other, and continue much in the fame pofition, all the way to the brink of the river Irthing. Near to the lafi: mentioned caftellum, Severus's wall having fiiot out to a more northern direcflion, makes a quick turn to the fouthweft. Mr. Warburton fays, " At Willoford, on the eaft fide of the river, the military " way feemcd to be fouth of both walls ; and at the head of the bank, on the weft *' fide, near Burdofwald, there feemcd to be a military way on the north of them ♦' both, which was pretty vifible. If the appearance be not mifiaken, this is the " only inftancc of Severus's military way running out between the two walls, in ♦' the whole track." This defcription is quoted, becaufe, though the northern road is very difcernable, it is confefled we could not difcover the fouthern road ; and as our author, neither in his map or text, points out where he difcovered that it left the vallum of Hadrian, or where it joined it again, our rcfearchcs were dark as well as laborious. It is obftrved in the Northumberland tour, that where the maiden way came to the brink of a river, and was diflinAIy to be traced on both fides, no remains of bridges were found. The great military road attending the wall, where it ap- proached the rivers Ii thing and Poltrofs, fliews no marks of having had a bridge at either place; the fliores were circumfpcdly examined, and no appearance o£ mafon work difcovered : if any bridges were ufed there, probably they were con- Itrufted of wood, or were moveable platforms ; the banks of the Irthing are ficcp, and the ftream frequently rapid; the military way fetches a compafs, and goes with a flope down one fide, and rifes on the other, much in the fame form : but this might be, as well to gain an eafier palTage for carriages, as to approach a more fit part of the river for crolfing it. Near Thirlwall cafile, are the breafi-works fpoken of by Mr. Wallis, called the Black Dykes; where he fays, *' Bullets have frequently been found." This is the ground, on v\hich Lord Hunfdcn with the garrifon of Berwick, defeated Leonard Dacre, with 3000 of his retainers, when he took up arms againfl: the crown, after he had ufurpcd the pofilfiions of the Dacrcs, on the deccafe of the laft: of the male line, who died in infancy by the falling of his vaulting horfe. The diflance from Carr-Voran to Burdofwald, by the line of the wall, is two miles and three quarters : in this fpace three cafitlla arc vifible, at equal difianccs, each interval containing jufi fix furlongs and a half. We approached BURDOSWALD. It was " in King John's time, and before, the freehold of Walter Bavin, Willianri " Bavin, and Radulf Bavin; who fucccfiively held it; — part thereof was given to >0L. I, K •' the 66 BURDOSWALD. [Eskdale Ward. " the houfe of Wedderhall, and lands in Combquintin, to the houfe of Lanercoft. " In King Edward I's time, one John Gilict held lands there: but the Lords of " GilQand From Ml. Horsuey's Britannia Romana. There is no ftation upon the wall, to which fo great a number of infcriptions belong, as to this at Burdofwald ; for to this place mufl be referred the twenty-five that follow. BURDOSWALD. 1. JOVI OPTIMO MAXIMO COHORS TRIMA ^LIA DACORUM GUI PR^EEST. At Willoford, on the cart fide of the river Irthing, and not half a mile from Burdofwald, are this and the two foUowint^, which, no doubt, have been brought from Burdofwald, or the neighbourhood of it ; for there is not the leaft reafon to imagine that there ever has been a ftation there. This was in an out-houfe built up in a chimney, and near che top^ which covered part of the infcription. What we could fee was all very legible, though we could not come near it. The M in this infcription is of a very remarkable figure, as is alfo the C in the third line, the whole favouring of the low empire. The name of the commander is covered in the chimney. The word Dacorum is at length in the third line, which (hews the reading to be, not Cohors jElia Dacica, but Dacorum. So it is alfo in the Notitia, according to which, the Cohors .£lia Dacorum kept garrifon at Amboglana. And the multitude of infcriptions which we meet with here, make mention of this cohort under feveral different commanders, and fome of them plainly of the low empire, is a very ftrong argument to prove this Ration at Burdofwald to be Amboglana. I cannot find that either this infcription, or that which follows, have been pubhfhed before. 2. JOVI OPTIMO MAXIMO COHORS PRIMA ^LIA DACORUM CUI PRIEST MAXIMUS TRIBUNUS. This was built up in the court wall, at the fame place, but by removing the rubbilh that lay in the way, with fome difRculty we faw under it ; and the face of the altar being' downward, fo much of the infcription was feen, as I have given, the letters of which were very clear and apparent. But the left fide of the altar was fart in the wall, and fo part of the letters on that hand could not be difcovered. However-, enough was certainly feen to fliew that this altar had been eredled by the fame Cohors SX\3. Dacorum, when Maximns (as I read the name) had the command of it. 3. This large altar is built up in the corner of the houfe, but there are no letters upon it now, that are legible. I take it for granted, that fome one of thofe infcriptions, which Camden took at this place, has been on this altar ; though by being fo fully expofed to the weather, the letters are now entirely de- faced. And as it is a large altar, and broad, though low, I fancy the following infcription,* whofe original I can find no where elfe, may have been it, becaufe the length and number of lines feen to fuit it belt. I. O. M. "1 Jovi Optbno Maximo OH. I. A EL. DA ( cohors prima Adia Da- C ... C ... A. GETA { corum cui praeft Aurelius Get a. IRELSAVRNES J This altar has been alfo erefted by the fame cohort as the former. I fuppoCe the fecond C in the third line has been for cui, and the P iox prxejl, is effaced. The laft line is fo confufed as not to be reftified. Befidcs thtfe there are fome other houfes, which, I believe, have had infcriptions upon them. In the jamb of the door of the dwelling houfe, is a flone with the centurial mark, and fome obfcure letters upon it, b'.;t only an I that is legible ; and another of the fame fort, with the fame mark, and letter vifible, in another door of the fame houfe. On another large ftone, built up in a corner of the fame houfe, is a large E very vifible, but nothing more. Perhaps it has been H. S. E. for hie Jitiu eft. There is alfo another large ftone built up in the court- wall, upon which there may pofllbly be an infcription ; but the fide on which it muft be, if at all is entirely covered. 4. SIGNIFER TORAS. TOUTO ^ELIA DACORUM. At Underhaugh, a houfe at the foot cf the hill between Burdofwald and the river Irthing, was this altar, in the jamb of the door of a dwelling houfe. Only part of the infcription is now to be read, part of it being covered, and the reft effaced, though the letters which remain are \ery plain, and well cut. The laft three look like A . . . DA . . . and perhaps have been .£lia Dacorum. For I think it probable, that NI in the firft line, may be part of the word Signifer ; then perhaps follow his two names TORASIVS TOVTO, both which are ia ♦ Cough's Camden, vol. HI. p. 177. GruterJ linrfn'sn (f In f AA (■()i\ni\ DM nk\'\\ DF()( OCIDI roiiiALL \ /.s 11 .V \)lVLITfR TV\ IIIVI ( L 1 i \\/C. ) V (U V s I A N A \ DNMyM/r nr OAtDlE >CL WM [)M CORD ^^^r( Khi - 2.i if >'"^' (:oli '1 LFX; VI ;!Vir. PF //<■ Kirk,/ . I \ /I 'in- /If II' III //ir ( '''//,-i/i,'ii "/' ,'''ir./,iiii,:y ( in'/x'iii /iii-'ii> .\'''//ii-ih EsKDALE Ward.] BURDOSWALD. ^7 ** Gilfland in fuccceding ages being poffefled of this territory, have at length de- ** mifed the farms to tenants."* Burdofwald Gruter,f and fo the infcriptlon, as to the form of it, agrees with what remains of number 6, which is yet at Burdofwald. 5. JOVI OPTIMO MAXIMO COHORTIS PRIMiE iELI^ DACORUM ANIO. With- in the ftation of Burdofwald this and the two following infcriptlons are yet remaining, which all belong to the fame cohort with the preceding. This is an imperfcS: piece of an altar, the under part of which is broken off and loft. It has been publifhed before by Mr Gordon, { but the two laft letters in the fecond and third lines are omitted by him. Anio muft be the name, 01 part of the name, of fome perfon, who belonged to this cohort. The name Anioniui is in Gruter.J but I will not fay that this has been the name here- 6. SIGNIFER ETHE EAAM DACORUM. Mr. Gordon has publiihed this likewife. || who fuppofes the laft letters to have been AED, though to me they feem evidently A EL, for Mlia, This ftone is now in the wall of a yard or garden near the fouth fide of the ilation. 7. JOVI OPTIMO MAXIMO COHORS PRIMiE JS.IAJE DACORUM TETRICIANA ROMANA (VEL TETRICIANORUM) CUI PRiEEST PUBLIUS OLULICTIUS DE- SIGNATUS TRIBUNUS. The fubftance of this infcription has been publifhed by Camden.ft but he neither defcribes the fhape of the altar, nor expreffes either the irregular order of the lines, or awkward, ihape of the letters. Part of the commander's name I could not well difcern. Camden makes it Lutritiui or Lttticius ; but to me it rather appeared to be P. OluUBius. The altar is built up in the fore wall of a houfe, that ftands within the fort. It has been erefted by the fame cohort, but under a different commander. I know not well, whether to read the third line Tetriciana Romana, or Tetricianoriwi. I fuppofe it to have taken this name from one of the Tetrici, who are among the thirty tyrants, and had a confiderabJe power in Britain, and whofe coins arc alfo found here. This fame cohort is called Gordiana in the very next number. Such fort of Appellations are not unufual, and are deiigned as compliments 1 o thofc perfons from whofe names they are derived. There is no doubc, therefore, but the cohort, by affuming this title, in- tended to exprefg thf ii adherence to Tetricus. So Pompeianus, Casfarianus, Galbianus, &c. is ufrd to fignify one who had efpoufed the intereft and party of Pompey, Caefar, Galba, ft^c. This brings ug down to the reign of the Emperor Gallienus, (after the middle of the third century) and fo may help us to fix the time and date of this fo odd an infcription, and which I fufpeft, has been cut by two or three different hands. Mr. Ward chufes to read the third and fourth lines, " Telricianonwi cut p!\eeft Polulius " RomiViur, and fuppofes the remaining letters of the word Rornanus, or part of them, to have been on " the fifth line, though now effaced. Romanus is a name that very frequently occurs in Gruter, and we " have it before in this colleftion.|JJ But the grcateft difficulty feems to lie in the following word " DE.'>IGNATVS, if taken in the ufual fenfe. Eor a perfon was faid to be defignatas to any office be- " tween the time of his being eleftcd, and his entering upon the execution of it; which don't fo well " agree with the words cut prcceji, that go before, and feem to intimate, that he had aftually the com- " mand of the cohort at that time. Defignatui, therefore, may probably be a third name of this «• officer. And it appears from Gruter, who has this infcription, ${ that Sir Robert Cotton was appre- " henfive of this difficulty; for referring to the word DESIGNATVS, he fubftitutes DESIDERA- *' TVS, (a name which we find in another of his ir.fcriptions|| 1| ) as if the workman might poffibly have •' made a miftakc; and he cites for it Cotton Shcdx." However we have here plainly another tribune, and it is remarkable how each infcription appears to have been erefted at a different time and by a different commander. 8. JOVI OPTIMO MAXIMO COHORS PRIMA JLLIA DACORUM GORDIANA CUI PR^jEEST. This, with feveral others mentioning the fame cohort, are now in the garden at Naworth, and were all brought from Burdofwald, moft of them being the fame with thofe which Camden copied, and afterwards publiflied.f ff The name of the prefedl is effaced in this, but by the title of Gordiana it • Denton's M. 8. f P. 179, No. III. p. 807, No, U. } Itin. Septcn: p, 80, pi. xlvii. fig. J, inferted at p. 81; J ?• 5*°) No- IV, II Itin. Septen. pi. xlvii. fig. 4. ff Cough's Camden, p. 177. |( Tacit. Hift. Lib. I. chap. li. \\\ Northunjb, NcUiXVIII. 5S f- 10631 No. X. nil P. 707, No. V. jtt G''"S*''»Camden,p. I7;j K a appear* ^8 BURDOSWALD. [Eskdale Ward. Burdofwald is the firft Roman ftation on the way, which lay in our route. In Camden, we find it thus mentioned, — " On the wall is Burdofwald. Below this, " where appears to have been done in or after the time of the Emperor Gordian. In Gruter,* it is GOR- DIANAE, by miilake for GORDIANA. The capital and bafe of this altar aie {Iriick off, fo that only the plane, with the infcription upon it, remain. — Thii infcrhtion it now dcpofited in the miifium of J. B. S. Morrit, Efq. at Rokehy, in Torkjhire, of the colk{lion left there by the late Sir Thomas Rohinfin, ivho brought it, ivith feveral others, from Naivorth Cnfle: as the copy -we took differs from that before vietitioncd in Mr. Horfey' s ivorks, ive give it a place here. No. 8. 9. JOVl OPTIMO MAXIMO COHORS PRIMA uELIA DACORUM CUI PRiEEST AURELIUS TABIUS TRIBUNUS PERPETUO CONSULE. This was likewife publifhedby Camden; but as all the reft, without any draught of the ftone, or particular notice of the letters.f There is nothing very remarkable in this, only a new name of the prcfeft, and date of the infcription. For if PETVO be a part of the Perpetuo, then this brings us to the year 237, according to the Falti Confulares, though t he cut of the letters feems rather too good for that age The draiving ivas taken from the original in Mr. Morrit' I nmfe-.im, and ive have given it, rather than a copy from Mr. HorjWs. 10. JOVI OPTJMO MAXIMO COHORS PRIMA -lELIA DACORUM CUI PR-EEST STATIUS LONGINUS TRIBUNUS. This is another of the fame kind, having nothing new but Statiut Longinus, the name of the tribune. This infcription is finely cut, aud the letters are yet fair and dlllind. Both thefe names, Statiui and Longinus, occur in other Britifh infcriptions.J — This llone is now at Roktbv. 11. jdvi OPTIMO MAXIMO COHORS PRIMA ^LIA DACORUM CUI p-yEEST IG . . . This is alfo of the fame nature with the preceding. There are onl;- the two letters IG remain- ing vilible in the name of the prefect, but thefe are fufficient to fhew it is different from all the others. This infcription is upon a very beautiful altar, that was Handing in the walk, with a fundial upon it. — The letters having been fo long expofed to the weather, are now become very obfcure, though yet difcernable Thefe are the infcriptions that were pubhfhed long ago by Camden. The few miftakcs that are in his co- pies will eafily appear, by comparing them with what I have here publilhedfrom the originals. The principal defedt was in their being expreffed only in Roman capitals, and no defcription of the ftones. But thofe few which were publifhed in the additions to Camden, and are continued in the edition, 1722, (two of ■which at leaft are the fame with what Camden had pubhihed before) are very much mifrepiefented. Several of the curious infcriptions that are in this garden, have been very fortunately preferved in a great roeafure from the injuries of the v.cather by a laurel hedge, which grows againfl a wall where they are placed. But many of them have been long expofed to the weath.-r, and fuffered greatly by that means. This has rendered them obfcure and difficult to read, which has been the true reafon, I believe, why feve- lal of them have not been publilhed before. And among thefe which have not yet been made public, I reckon the fix following. 12 VOTUM SOLVIT TRIBUNUS COHORTIS LIBENS MERITO. Thisfecras to belong to the fame cohort, (jEha Dacorum) and to have been brought with the reft from Burdofwald. But the firft and third lines are fo obfcure, that I can't offer at the reading. Spon has given \is two infcriptions, in which V. S. for F'otitm folvit ftand in the fecond line; though indeed L. M. for lihens merito, immediately follow them in the fame line, and are not thrown to the end, as in the infcrip- tion before us. The two infcriptions in Spon are thefe following.} MATRABVS V. S. L. M. EVNEOS SEX. AFRANI L. MATRIBVS V. S. L. M. Q^ ABVDIVS FRONTONISL. THEODOTVS. This infcription MATRABVS confirms me much in a conjefture, that MAIRABVS in Montfaucon,|l has really been MATRABVS, and this for MATRIBVS. • P- 1063, Ko. II. t Cough's Camden, p. 177. \ See Chefhirc, No. XI. Northumberland, No. XX. § Mifcelian. Irudit. Antiq. p- 105. || Tom. XI. pi. cxcii. fig. 3. 13. DEO EsKDALE Ward.] BURDOSWALD. 69 " where the Pifts wall rrolTcs the river Irthing on arches, was the ftation of the " Cobors prima jElia Dacomm, at a place now called Willoford, as appears from " the 13.DEOMARTI EMERITUS CCH0RTI3 PRIM.E^LIjE DACORUM CUI PRIEST , TRIBUNUS. Dranuii from the original in Mr. Morrii'j mujeu7ii. The letters of this infcrip- tion arc rude anJ ill cut, and now become vciy obfeuie. But the ill fpelling,or corrupt way of writing, adds moll to the difficulty in reading it. I believe it has been an altar ereftedto Mars, by an emeritus of the fame Cohrj JElia Dacoruvi, and by the remaining dark veftiges of the tribune's name, who commanded it, he ftems to have been a dilfercnt pcrfon from all that are mentioned in the other inlcriptions. The emeriti were old experienced foldicrs, who, having ferved out their legal time, were, on any particular occafion invited into the army, and treated with marks of elleem. On which account they were alio exempted from labour and the common duties ol foldiers, fuch as the watch, guard, cScc. They are fup- polcd to be much the lame with thofe who are ftiled evocati and bcneficiarii. 14. AMMIANUS VICTORINUS TRIBUNUS. Here is no more left than the name of the tri- bunc, Ammianus Victorinus, wliich is a different name from all the preceding ; yet I can't but think lie was a commander of the fame Ccliors /EUa Dacorum. 15. SOi-1 INVTCTO Here are but few letters vifiblc, and even thofe which feeni to appear, are not very plain and certain. — There feems to be three prEefericula upon the top of the capital, which is very fmgular. As for the infcription, it is hard to form a probable conjeftuie from fuch imperfect remains. However 1 ihall propofe the following, tdl a better offer itfelf. I imagine then, that the altar may have been erefted SOEI INVICTO, or DEO SOLI INVICTO, by the fame cohors prima iElia Dacorum, under the command of fome tribune, whofe name is effaced. I take the VS, in the third viiible line, to be part of the name of the tribune, and the lafl line to conlill of the lafl ftroke of an N and VS, making the lafl fyllablc in Iribunus. There appears fome affuiity between this and the infcription on an altar at Scaleby ; where we meet with Soli inviiHo Sexttis Sevcrius Salvator.* Mofl of the altars eredled by this cohort are to Jupiter optimus maximus ; but befides this exception, we had another jull before DEO MARTI, and there is one altar infcribed to the local god Cocis, which is yet remain- ing at Scaleby. f — T/v al/ar is in Mr. Morrifs mufiimi. There v\as, btlides all thefe, an half altar fet uj) tor a gate-pofl ; it was cut through the middle, from top to bottom, but not a letter to be feen upon it, though the face was entire. 16. PRO SALUTE DOMINI NOSTRI MAXIMI AC FORTISSIMl IMPERATORIS CiESARIS MARCI AURELII MAXIMIANI ^DIFICAVIT. There is yet ano^ther infcription among thofe which Camden hiinfelf copied at Willoford, or tlfe at Burdofwald, and is thus, as he has defcribed it.J PRO SALVTE Before I had difcovered the original, DN MAXIMIANO 1 found it not eafy to underlland the I'OR .... CAE meaning of this infcription. But the VA altar at Corby callle, which, I hear, has been there, time immemorial, is, OAED. doubtlefs, that on which this infcription was cut ; for all, and more, than Camden has given us, may yet be dileeriied upon it. It has been ])ubli(hcd lately by Mr. Gordon, but as a new onc.|| lie thinks the reading may be, Pro fiilutt doiiiini nojiri Mpxiini Augujli imperatoris Ccejarii. But neither the letters of the original, nor of his own copy, will admit of this reading: Mr. Camden s copy I have given be- foi'e ; Ml". Gordon's is thus : PliO SALVTE DN MXMAC OR CAtS . XXVIII. t No. XVII. I Cough's Camden, p. 177. Itin. Septcn. pi. uliv. p, 96. I took 70 BURDOSWALD. Eskdale Ward. ** the notitia.and from feveral altars dedicated to Jupiter optimus tnaximusthy the faid " cohort, of which I ihali fubjoin the following, though almoft defaced by time."t This I took the copy very carefully, and afterwards re-examined it with the ftrifteft attention, and by comparing allthefe together, Camden's infctiption will evidently appear to be the fame with the other, only he ha* taken the C at the end of the feconJ line for an O, and obferving feme contractions in the forgomg letters, has read them at length Maxhniano. But the two laft letters are plainly AC, and will admit of no other reading; but in this Mr. Gordon concurs. The I has been included in the fecond M, though now not very difcernablc; which is not uncommon in other infcriptions: fo that the word has been MAXIM for Maximi, and Camden's reading vey much favours this. And thus the fenfe runs vei-y eafily and natu- rally for three or four of the firft lines; Pro falute domini noflri Maximi ac foitijfimi imperatoris Cafarit Alarci Aureli Maximiatii, Sec. The titles and eipthets in this infcription, are fuch as are ufually afcribed to Maximian; and the combinations of the letters very well fuit that age. Camden's V, in the fourth line, is plainly the middle part of the M with which it begins; and the other four letters, OAED, which he gives us at the end of the infcription, do alfo agree with our copy ; only he feems to have reprefented them as the laft, which they are not ; for IF follow, and arc very vlfible, and being clofe both to the edge of the ftone and bottom of the plane, muft have been the laft letters in the infcription. This looks like ^edifcavit, as the laft words in the preceding hne do like exujlmn; fo that poftibly it may have been templum exiiflum a folo icdeficavit. Mr. Ward thinks, " HOC may have preceded, and fuppofes that " appears like the firft V, in the fixth line, to be the middle part of a M, like Camden's V in the line •• above. There is room enough for PL. EX after it in the fame line. And perhaps the perfon's name, " who built the temple, might be infcribed on the bafe." I have annexed, under the fame number, a view of the head of the altar, the focus of which has a very peculiar figure, yet Is not in full proportion, becaufe there was not room in the plate. 17. DEO COCIDI COHORS PRIMA ^LIA DACORUM PR^FECTUS VOTVM SOLVIT. There is one Infcription more, though now at Scaleby Caftle, upon which the cohort JElia Dacorum is plainly mentioned. It has been piibllfhed in Camden, J but as we are there told, it is uncertain where it was found, though I am of opinion it be- longed to this ftation. It is an altar erccfled to the local deity Cocis; but as I know nothing more of this deity, I have only to add, with refpeft to the infcription, that the letters are well cut, that the A in the laft line has been probably a part of PRAEF for priefedus, and that the laft VS may be the ufual votuM fohii. It Is curious to obftrve the vaft number of Infcriptions which have been found at this ftation, mention- ing the Cohcrs pri'ua JElia Dacorum^ and tkcdiffeient commanders, with the different dates and forms, which, upon 1 1 c whole, render the evidence of this being the ftation Amboglana excecdmg clear and convincing. For there arc no lefs than thirteen infcriptions, which make exprefs mention of this cohort, and nine different commandcts, befides four others in which the fame coliort has, moft probably, been mentioned, though now the name be doubtful, or effaced. To which I ftiall only add this obfervation further, that the date perbetuo confute, which was in the year 236, and the name Gordiana, which muft have been affiuncd by the cohort about that time, or not long after it, (hew that they were at this place about the middL- of the third century; and the name Tetticianorum, with the mention of Maxim^anus, ftiew that thev continued here till the beginning of the fourth. 18, CENTURIA CASSII PRISI COHORTIS SEXTiE POSUIT. The other infcriptions which belong to the fct at Buidof« aid, are moftly of the centurlal fort, having been erefted either by the legions or cohorts, or elfc by the centuries cr their centurions. This and the next have not been taken no- tice of before. This is on the fide of the door of the principal dwclhng houfe in a fmall village, called Mur- ray, which Is about a quarter of a mile eaft from Burdofwald. It has beenerefted by one Cajfius Prifcut, a centurion of the fixth cohort, or by the century under his command, and no doubt,has been brought from \ In the Latin editon, 1594, this paffage is not noticed. Camden declares, that from fear of the mofs troopers, he did not vifit forae of the ftations. § Gongh^s CamdcD, p. 177- the EsKDALE Ward.] BURDOSVVALD. jf This ftation, according to Mr. Warburton's fcale and furvey, is marked number XII. It has been determined by moil of our learned antiquaries, and particularly by our prefent guides, that this flation was the AMBOGLANA Of the Notitia, where the Cohors prima JEUn Dacorum Fay in garrifon. There is the ftrongell confirmation of this, in the many infcriptions difcovered here. Mr. Horfley fays, " feveral of thefe (tones have been brought crofs the water to the face of the wall, fomewhere near tliis place. I find other centurions of the name Prifcui, but with a different praenomen, as in one of thofe in Naworth garden, and another at Coufin's Houfe. || 19 CKNTURIO DADA. Here is nothing vifible but the letters DADA, which have, I fuppofe, been a centurion's name. The name Menius Dada is upon a portable altar found at Carr-Voran, which I have in my poffeflion, and has been already defcribcdf The letters are but ill cut. It is, at piefent, in the fore wall of a houfe within the fort at Burdofwald. 20. COHORTIS OCTAVE CENTURIA JULII TERTULLIANI POSUIT. This ftonc is without the garden at Naworth, in a wall near the back door of it. It is remarkable for being erefted by the fame century of Julius Tertulliaiius, who fct up that now at Oldwall. § And as this century is there faid to belong to the legio fecunda Augufta, fo this (hews that the cohort here mentioned mull have been of that legion. 21. LEGIONIS SECUND^ AUGUSTS CENTURIA VOLUSIANA POSUIT. This, with tlie three following, are in the garden at Naworth, or near it, and have, I fuppofe, been brought from the face of the wall, and, mod probably, from feme part of it near Burdofwald, or between that and Cambeck. Thofe which mention the legion, have, it is moll likely, come from the ftation itfelf. This is over the back door in the garden, and has been erefted by the centuria Voluftana of the fecond legion, cal- led Augujla. The letters are difUndl, and it much refe-nbles fome other of thefe infcriptions. I believe one of the infcriptions,iM the additions to Camden, is intended for this, though the reading is very different ; for it is thus reprefented in Camden. IVL. AVG. DVO. MSILV . . VM, inftead of L. iT AVG qVOLVSIANA. 22. CENTURIA CLAUDII PRISCI POSUIT. This has been erecled by the century Claudtis Prifctts. 1 cannot find that either this or the following has been publidied before 23. LEGIONIS SECUND^ AUGUSTS COHORS PRIMA POSUIT. Perhaps the in- fcription with only LEG. II. AVG. in Camden, f is the fame with this, the lower line being omitted 24. LEGIO SEXTAVICTRIX PIA EIDELIS FECIT. Thh ( m-w in Mr. Morrht's mufeumj is a very fine and beautiful infcription, the letters being yet as diftinft as they were at firft. I find Camden has publiflied it among the infcriptions at Wllloford or Burdofwald ;* which makes it the more probable, that the others of this kind, which are now in this garden, have either come from this llation, or the wall hereabouts. The fimphcity of the infcription, and beauty of the charaffer, inclined me to think this, and fome others like it, as ancient as Hadrian's time ; but of this there can be no certainty. I muft now leave this inviting garden, and advance along the wall ; though I fhall be obhged once more, in a little time, to pay it a flioi t vifit. 35. CENTURIO COHORTIS PRIMiE POSUIT. I was told there were fome Hones with letters on them at a place called Lameiton, above a mile weft from Burdofwald, and clufe by the liver Irthing. I went thither in quell of them, but found them to be only centurial. There are two, one of which is in a wall under a pair of flairs, near the door of the houfe, with an imperfeft infcription. It has been erefted by a centurion, or century, of the firft cohort ; but the name is effaced. The other was in the fouth fide of the fame houfe, but nothing vifible upon it, except the centui ial mark, and that faint and obfcure. It was of the fame fliapc and fize with the other, fo that I have given no draught of it. I was told that thefe ftones had been lately brought from the face of the wall near this place. g No. XXII. and Northumb. No. IV. \ Northumb. No. LXVll. § No. XXXVI. f Coughs Camden, p. X77. • Gough'j CamdcD, p. 177. " Willoford, 73 BURDOSVVALD. [Eskdale Ward. *• Willoford, which led Camden to fuppofe the ftation was there: but it is ftrange " that any one who has been upon the fpot, and viewed the two places, fhould " fall into fuch a miftake ; for there are no appearances of a ftation at Willoford ; " whereas the ancient remains of the ramparts and buildings at Burdofwald are " beyond all exception." The fituation of this ftation is excellent, on a large plain, which terminates with a very fteep defcent towards the river ; the eminence gives it command of profpecft over the adjacent country ; and the afcent of the plain on every hand, at fome little diflance from the fort, gives it great natural flrcngth. Severus's wall formed the north rampart of this flation : and it fcems as if Hadrian's vallum had been cut through to open it on the other hand, for the work difappears without any other apparent caufe ; and, in the diredion in which it runs on each fiue, if it had remain- ed, it would have clofed in with the fouthern rampart. The appearances which lUU remain, are the diftindl lines of the vallum and foflc of the intire ftation ; many out-buildmgs or fuburbs to the fouth-eaft ; the entrances on the north and fouth. fides are immediately oppofite to each other, in the centre of the vallum ; and fomc faint marks of leffer ones on the eaft and weft fides; but thofe arc not exadly in the centre, nor, as we think, to be inlifted on as original. . At the fouth entrance, the foundations of turrets, or members of gateway towers are to be difcovered : in many other Rations we have remarked the like, though not conftandy on one certain fide of the ftation, but as fuited the grand approach ; and from thence we conjetftured that many of the larger ftations were ftrcngthened with towers. In the interior part of the ftation, the foundations of houles are fcattered, but the regular ftreets, as at Walwick Cheftcrs in Northumberland, are not to be traced. In the northern part of the ftation, there appear the ruins of a build- ing larger than the reft, which led Mr. Horfley to conceive, they were the remains of a temple. The fite ot the pra^torium is very diltinct, though filled wiih a mo- dern eredion. We have given in the notes, the feveral infcriptions found at this ftation, with Mr. Horfley's readings and remarks, carefully extracted from his learned work ; prefuming the curious in fubjeds of Roman antiquity, will pardon the prolixity of a complete repetition of what that author deemed worthy of his obfervation, rather than be lliut up, by a mere abridgement. Several infcriptions have been difcovered fincc Mr. Horfley's time : the follow- ing were publifaed by Mr. Smith in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1746, p. 537. The firft, Mr. Smith informs us, is in the fouth-eaft wall of Naworth garden. He read it — Peditinn centum qninquaginUi Brilanitoruvi, and thus proceeds. '• We " never knew, before this, that the Romans indulged any " national troops the favour of garrifoning their own "territories; but here are 150 Britifti foot ailigncd to " that ufe : whether that was at Burdofwald, or elfe- " where, appears not, becaufe we arc not pofitively fure whence fome of thofe " ftones at Naworrh camc; many of them are certainly from Burdofwald ; but to " aflirm EsKDALE Ward.] BURDOSWALD. n *' affirm all are fo, would be taking too much upon me, till future difcovcrics ex- " plam the matter." ) O I^ ?05Tv:w)Cf CP-' MA%C GMi/cvs COV) ) Ml. A^ya c? PKOB ^r qtMPys i r . " yovi Optimo inaximo cohors prima Mlia Dacormn Pojlumiana^ cui preeejl Marcus " Gallictis TribiinHs. — Pojiumiana is remarkable, and feems to be an appellation an- " ncxed to, or afTumcd by this cohort, tor fome diftingiiiflied officer of that name ; " as Telriciana is in one publifhed by Mr. Horflcy, belonging to this garrifon. •' The ligature, line fecond, has not yet been obferved by any antiquarian : thofe I E " of the fame affinity difcovered, arc E or -E for le or el, to which this L mufl: now " be added."* 2. " Jovi optima maxima cohors prima Mlia Dacorum Pojiumiana cui pVcceft Probus •' Augendus Iribunus. — Thefe two altars were lately dug up at Burdofwald, about " loo yards without the principal camp, calhvard, in a kind of old ruin, which was " fo deftroyed, as to leave no conjcfture what it might have been, and within " about feventy yards of the precipice, where the Roman wall crofled the river " Irthing. Ihey feem both of the lower empire, by the bad execution of the " fculpture : • In the gentleman's Magazine For 1752, p. 106, three altars or iiifcriptions, faid to be found at this place, were communicated by Francis Swinhow, of the college of Edinburgh. The firft fecms to be the fame with tliat communicated by Mr. Smith. tot. I. L lOM 74 PRii:TENTUR.^. [Eskdale Ward, " fculpture : they are the more remarkable, as they make it paft doubt that Burd- " ofvvald was the Roman Amboglana." THE ROMAN WORKS. The diftance from this ftation to the next adlinlam valli, called Cambeckfort, or Caft-flceds, is near fix miles and a quarter. In this fpace the remains of (e\e.t\ caflclla are to be obfervcd at equal dilbnccs, each interval being exadly feven fur- longs. From Burdofwald, Severus's wall is open and diftind: for above a mile ; in fome places the facing ftones for two, three, and four ranges, or courfcs, are to be obferved: Hadrian's vallum is rather hidden and confufcd for fome little diftance, but afterwards, both it and the ditch are to be traced, and as we advanced weftward ftill increafed upon us, till at length all the works were plain and diftincfl. Near to Wallbours, the wall is a great height, and the military way perfed. After we had paffed the brook called Bankhiilburn, we obferved the ridge of the ruins of Severus's wall very high, but no facing ftones are remaining in that part. It was at this place, we prefume, Mr. Warburton fays, " Is the highcft part of the wall, " that is any where now to be met with ; we meafured three yards and a half from " the ground, and no doubt, half a yard more is covered at the bottom by the *' rubbifh; fo that probably it ftands here at its full original height." The wall having been defaced at this place, renders the height of the ruin or innerfilling very remarkable; in many places in Northumberland, and particularly above the river Tippal, and to the heights of the cliffs there, where, by the frelhnefs of the fcattered lime, it appeared that the facing ftones had been removed of very late years, no fuch remains of the interior parts of the wall were to be obferved : and no certain reafon can be alfigned for the remarkable quantity of materials found here: we were led to conjedlure, indeed, fome repairs have been made in this part, of worfe workman- fliip and quality, and not worth defacing and robbing, as the more perfed parts of .the wall ; but thofe are fuppofitions, acceptable or not, as the reader's fancy inclines. Near Birch-fliaw, the diftance between the works meafured fix chains. Severus's wall takes a fwecp, and runs over the top of the hill, whilft Hadrian's vallum avoids it. Near High-wall-town, all the works are obfcure, and feem to have been defaced, in the progrefs of cultivation, and for the building of the village. Mr. Warburton fays, " At this place there feems to have been fome fortification " or encampment ; one fide of the fquare is yet vifible, and the ramparts pretty lOM cohiaEdac POSTVMII CP M.ARC CALLEVS RS . . . lOM COHIAEL T)ACOR POSTVMI Mr. Swinliovv reads it. — jfo-ji ojitimo maximo cohors prima JEUa Dacorum Pojlu- miana cui pi Acft Marcus Ccllius fuperjles tritunus. " This cohort had this appclla- " tion from its taking part witli Postumius, one of the thirty tyrants. In other " infcriplions, we find this cohort called Gordiana, from the Emperor Gordian, and " Tetfkiana from Tetricus, a fucceflbr of Poftumius. The appellation Poflumia, " afccrtains the time of thefe infcriplions ; for Gallienus began to reign alone about " the year 259, which appears from Trihelliui, Pollio was before Pojiumius was made " emperor in Gaul. We may therefore reafonably fuppofe the time of thefe infcrip. " tions to have been the years 260, 267, or 268. I chofe ttibunus to complete the " firft infcription, becaufe in other infcriptions this cohort appeared to have been " conamanded, not by a prafcB^ but by a tribune. " large EsKDALE Ward.] PR^TENTUR.^. 7S " large, about eight yards long. Somewhat alfo like a fitnilar rampart may be '• feen in the middle of the ditch, and fomcthing like a covered way beyond it, " refembling the double or triple ditch and rampart, with which fome forts are *' encompafled, but lefs than ufual. There feems to have been nothing of flone " about it, nor any ruins of ftone buildings within; it is pretty high ground and " dry : perhaps it has been a fummer encampment, or exploratory fort, for the gar- " rifon of Cambeck, if it be a Roman work, of which I cannot be certain. The " wall after this paflcs by a few houfes called Sandy Sykes, and fo on to Cambeck- '* fort." — We confefs, we were not able to trace the lines fpoken of, or to make out the leaf! charatfler of a fortification : The want of an accurate direcftion, and the changes which take place in a fhort time, in a country where cultivation is advan- cing, as in this part, will, it is hoped, fufficiently excufe us to thofe, who have lately pafled the fame trad:. La THB THE PARISH OF BEWCASTLE, AN EASY CORRUPTION OF THE NAME OF BUETH's CASTLE. THIS is a very mountainous and barren diftridl : the vales arc narrow, and afford fome pidurefque fcenes, but in general they exhibit poor and fcanty inclofures, mean cottages, an indigent race of inhabitants, fmall cattle, and a very ordinary kind of flieep. In this article, the people feem particularly to fliew the ■want of fpirit for making improvements. This animal, like many other of the producTiions, both of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, is well known to dege- nerate, by breeding from one conftant race, without mixing and crofTing the kind : and the flieep here have had no change for centuries : hence they are become fmall- limbed, goatifh, and hairy fleeced. The mutton, with the fummer feeding, is de- licious, but it is fo very fmall, that a quarter feldom exceeds eight pounds weight, and the wool is only fit for the coarfell manufadlory, fuch as happings, horfe-fheets, rugs, and very ordmary blankets. It is obvious, that a better breed would profper well, from the experiments made in Northumberland and fome parts of Scotland within the laft feven years. The hills afford a fine verdure, wild thyme and other aromatic plants, and are excellent fheep-walks : it is a late obfervation, by a very judicious writer on national improvements, that wool of ncgledted flicep, in thefe mountains and northern climes, will be of three diflincl: growths and degrees of finenefs, according to the changes of feafon, which renders it unfit for the better manufacliories ; as the temperature of the air alters, the wool varies, fo that in the mildcrt, or middle feafon, between the greatefi heat of fummer, and the extremity of cold in winter, the middle part of each thread becomes finer than the bottom, and the outward points are as coarfe as goat's hair. The mode of improvement has been pointed out, and pradifcd with fuccefs, and in thefe mountains might be cafily cffcded, by the flicphcrd's change of ftation, and driving his flocks to the fouthern afpeds m the depth of winter, and to the northern ones in the height of fummer. •• • Bothc^flre, alias Bewcajlle. " Northw.^rds, above Levington, towards the waftes between Nicholforeft, (part of Liddale) and the barony ot Gilfland, lies Be-wcafile Dale, which took that name firlt of the caftle there built by one Bneih, which was called Bothcafire, afterwards Bewcaflle; and thereupon the dale where it ftands was called Bewcaflle Dale." " Anciently it was the feat of the faid Buelb, then Lord of Gilfland, or a great •' part thereof; but he being banilhed for taking part with the Scots, in King " Stephen's time, feated himfelf in Scotland, as did his fon Gilles Bueth after him, " and EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF BEVVCASTLE. 77 " and this Dale, together with all the reft of his lands, was given by Henry II. to •' Hubert de Valiibus ; but whether or no he enjoyed it, does not appear.." f •' But (hortly after it was poflcfTcd by one Addock, who married with the Lord of Denton, which Denton, the faid Hubert de Valiibus had then lately given to one Wefcop, his follower or kinfman. But whether the faid Addock was kinfman, friend, or enemy to Bueth's poftcrity, I find not." " It would fecm that Gilles •' Buelh being difpofTefled himfclf, and he and his poilerity forced to fettle in •' Scothind, he made the place too hot for any of Hubert Vaux's pofterity, wafting •' all that part of the country in revenge, by frequent inroads upon the fame ;"§ " for, being greatly infeftcd by the Scots, as it is to this day, none durft inhabit there, till the barons of Burgh barony took upon them to fummcr their cattle there, and made them ftiields and cabbins for their people, dwelling themfelves in tents and booths for defence; at which time it was a wafte foreft ground, and fit for the depaUuring of the cattle of the lords of Burgh and their tenants, they hav- ing no other pafture for them, becaufe the barony itfelf was very populous and well inhabited, fitting better for corn and meadow than for pafture. And there- upon it was always found in ancient inquifitions as parcel of that barony, and to be holden of the fame. But it is not within the faid barony, for the (cignories of Liddale and Levington lie between Burgh and it. It became inhabited long before Henry Ill.'s time, upon the building of that caftle, which is now there Ifanding. And in Henry III.'s days, Richard, Baron of Levington, by his right in Burgh, held there demefne lands and other lands, rents and ferviccs, as parcel of Burgh." " In Edward 11. 's time Adam de Swinburne held the fame of the Lord of Burgh, Ranulph Dacre, and Margaret his wife, and after him, Adam Swinburne his fon." " In Edward lll.'s time. Sir John Striveling, Knight, in the right of his wife Jacoba, Swinburne's daughter." [Hiatus in M. S.*j The parifti of Bewcaflle is very extenfive, bounding on the parifii of Symond- burn in Northumberland on the N. and N. E. on Gilfland on the E. and S. E. by the foreft of Liddale, and part of Levington barony on the W. and S. W. () We find this place mentioned in the following manner by Camden : J " Leven " arifing in the very limits of the two kingdoms, runs by nothing memorable " befides Bewcafllc, a caftle of the king's, which, in thofe iolilary parts, was de- " fended by a fmall garrifon. In the public records it is written Bucth Caftle ; *• fo that the name icems to be derived from that Bucth, who, about Henry I.'s " time, had almoft got the entire government of thofe parts." It fecnis to be in- difputable, that the name of the place was derived from the family of Bucth, v\ hofe t Gilpin's Aflds. to Dcnlon's MS. § Gilpin's Adds, to Denton's MS. * Denton's MS. Ij It contains four towndiips, Biwcaftle qiiaiter, Nixon's quaitcr, Bdlbank quarter, and Bailey quarter, and is calculated to contain 32,960 acres: it is defcrlbed to be nearly circular, and ten miles in diameter : liie inhabitants live chiefly in fingle houfes, difperfcd over the whole paridi, containing 2^4 families, con- filling of 1,029 inhabitants; all of whom are of the church of ILnglaud, except 21 families, who are Piclbyierians, and one Quaker. A Piefbytetian meeting-houfe w'as erefted about ^ years ago. — We acknowledge our obligations for this and other valuable information relative to Bewcadle, to the Rev. T. Mcffenger, curate. f Et magis ad boream inter prxrupta faxa Beawcaftle, caftrum regium militum manus tuetur. Camd. L.^t. Edit. 1594. polfelTion jS PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. [Eskdale Waro. poflefTion it was before the Norman conqueft. The fortrefs appears to have been erected, like many others, in the north, upon a Roman ftation ; the limits of which are yet diftindly to be traced. f Bueth's pofTefTions having come to the crown. King Henry II. granted them to Hubert de Vallibus, the laft of that name in GilHand, whofe daughter and heirefs, Matilda, married Thomas de Multon. It is oblerved that Thomas de Multon, being alfo lord of Burgh upon Sands, permitted his tenants and vaffals, of that lordlhip, to drive their herds and flocks for fumnicr pafturage into the waltcs and mountains of Bewcaftle, the lands of Burgh being chiefly in tillage ; and this practice occalioned a confuiion in the records of thofe territories, as from that period, Bcwcaftlc came to be ftilcd parcel of the barony of Burgh. Bewcaflle, after the Multons came to the pofl^cflionof theSwinburnes for fevcral generations. In the ftvcrith year of King Edward I, John Swinburne obtained a fair and market to be held here. In the time of King Edward II. \\c find it was held by Adam de Swinburne, as a member of the feigniory of Burgh; and in the reign of King Edward III. it came to Sir John Striveling, by marriage of Jacoba, the heirefs of the Swinburncs, as mentioned by Denton. It was in the crown in the reign of King Edward IV. and that prince granted it to Richard, Duke of Gloucerter. In the reign of King Henry VIll. one Jack Mufgrave§ was governor, but in whofe right he held it, is not mentioned. King James I. demifed it to Francis, Earl of Cumberland, for 40 years term ; and King Charles I. granted the feetoRkhard Graham, knight andbarrifter, to hold ot the crown in capite, by one entire knight's fee, and 7I. los. rent. In 1641, the caftie was deflroyed by the parliament's forces, by whofe fury many of the ancient fortrelFes were laid in ruins. Bewcaflle fccms to have anciently been an extenfive town, by the fites and ruins of houfcs, which yet remain : it is about eleven miles from Brampton, the nearefl: market town. 1 he remains of the caftie, the fouih fide of which is pretty entire and about fouitccn yards in height, fliew that it was a dark and gloomy fortrefs, built in the molt barbarous order, and merely calculated for defence againfl: thofe ferocious bands of marauders, who conftantly annoyed this country, before the ac- celTion of King James I.* The tower forms a fquare of equal fides ; each front 29 yards long. From its vicinity to Scotland, it was continually fubjed: to the fpoils of war. In 1298, this territory fuflcred greatly ; the Scots, after burning Hexham and Lamcfly, in Northumberland, returned through Gillland and the forefl of Nico- lai into theiV own country, carrying with them vaft quantities of flieep and cattle. In the expeditions of Robert Brus and Edward Brus, Gilfland was the particular mark of their fury. In 1333, Lord Douglas made great ravages here ; and in the 19th year of King Edward III. the country was pillaged and deftroyed. + Both the church and caftie are furrounded by a dyke and fofs. Cough's Additions to Camden; { It is probable it was then in the pofleflion of Sir William Mufgrave, fee the array, note to the introduction. • There was a place called Bueth, with a caftie on the Welch borders, which may occafion raiftakeS with thofe who read Lei. Col. vol. I. p. 245, and other paits of that valuable collcdion. This EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. 79 This is a manor of Sir James Graham's, Bart, the cuftom of which wasj efta- bliflicd under a decree in Chancery, grounded upon a deed of agreement dated a7th May, 6th King Charles I. entered into between Sir Richard Graham, then lord, and feveral of his tenants. The church, dedicated to St. Mary.f is recflorial, andjs fituated on a rifing ground, at fome little diftance from the caftle; and contains fomc remains of Doric architecture; it is covered with flate, is twenty-five yards in length, and eight yards and a half in breadth ; without any lide ailes. It had no bell till w ithin about five years ago.§ The date of the foundation, and the founder's name are not known; the advowfon about the year 1200, was given to the prior and ;f A fine of four years ancient rent, on change of lord by death, or of tenant, by death or alienation — with fuit of court and at the lord's mill — cull.omary works and carriage, and other boons, duties and fervices — and that for a heriot, the lord (hall have the belt bcaft of which every tenant fliall die poflefFed, the riding hcrfe kept for the lord's fervice excepted. If the tenant has no bead, he pays ios. in lieu of the heriot. No tenant to let or mortgage his tenement for more than three years, without licence of the lord : the lord took a bounty of eight years ancient rent, on giving his aflent to the cuPtum. Number of tenants, io6. jf. s. d. Yearly cnftomar)- rent ----......,..--.16124 Quit rent for improvements .-.----...---- 2178 Carriage money ..-.....--....---. 214 T. Messenger. ■j- B. and N. fay it is dedicated to St. Cuthbert. J BEWCASTLE RECTORY. King's books 2I. — Prcfcript for tithes, 60I. — Synodals psid 4s. — Prior and conv. Carllfle prop. — Dean pnd Chapter of CarUfle Patron. Incumbents. — 1 306, Robert de Southake pr. and conv. pr. — Henry de Wlilteberge by ref. Southake — 1360, John de Bromfield. — 1361, Adam Armftrong, p. ref. Bronifield — Robert — 13S0, John de Stapletou — Thomas Aghonby, alias Nickfon — 15^0, William Lawfon, p. mort. Aglionby, pr. Bifhop of Carl, by lapfe — 1623, Chas. Forebench, p. King James I. deanry, &c. vacant — 1643, Hen. Sibfon, D. D. — 1663, Robeit Lowther, LL. D. chancellpr of llie diocefe — 1671, Ambrofc Miers, A. M. p. moit. Lowther — 1673, Geo. Ufher, B. D — Jam. Lamb, A. M. — 1699, Je(Fei-y Weybridge, LL. B. p. ref. Ufher — Edward Tonge, A. M. — 1713, Matthew Soulby, A.M. p. ref. Tongc — 173S, Edward Birkct, A. M. p. mort. Soulby — 1758, James Farifh, CI. LL, B. p. ref. Birket. — The prefent incum. bent — John Bird, CI. p. ref. Farifh. Three feveral valors of the diocefe of Carlifle were made in the following order : — ^the firft A. D. 1 291, by order of Pope Nicholas : vide Cotton's MS. in the Britifli Mufeum. Tiberius C. X. — The fecond was made in the time of King Edward II. on account of the high valuations of the former, which the clergy ivcre unable to pay. It was made in purfuanceof a royal mandate, A. D. 1318. — The third was made in the reign of King Henry VIII. A D. 1546, commonly called the king's books, by which rule the firft fruits and tenths aie paid to this day. DECANATUS KARLIOL. p j^ T King Edward IL f King Henry VIIL -,,-,{, ■ n , > Eccl. de Butliccallre non tax. quia < Bewcaftell recSloria valet per annu'. Ecclefia de Botecaltre lol. I ^^ n- v n • I . _i . -i -i ■' J non iuil. pro. Itipendio capellam. (.tcnip- P^c. 2l. temp, guerre nihil. RECTOR DE BEWCASTELLE. Thomas Aglionby canonic, rcgularis monallerij B'te Marie Karlij reftor ejud'm que val. 1 r eo'ibs anni» tempore pacis — — — — — — — j*j" t S'a in tempore pac. 4s. x'maindc 4s. Tempore vera Guerre nil. Ecclesiastical Survey. convent 8o PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. [Eskdale Ward. convent of Carlifle, as Dr. Todd fays, by Robert de Biiethcajlre; but this muft have been Robert de Vallibiis, who never appears in any record we have feen, by the name of Buethcaftre || We do not find when the appropriation was made. The dean and chapter of Carlifle are the prefent patrons The living ftands valued in the king's books at 2I— The glebe confifls only of fome fmall gardens. — Thepar- fonage houfe is but a mean ftrudlure. — The whole revenue of the church confifts of a prcfcript payment of 60I. for all tithes and other dues.* In the churchyard isanobelifk, which has for many years engaged the attention of the curious. Drawings of it appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine, in the year 1742, in wood-cuts, communicated by G. Smith, Efq. and Mr. Armfi:rong,t the furveyor of land, engraved it a few years ago, out of regard to his native place. In BifhopGibfon's edition of Camden, there is a longaccount of this monument, by bifliop Nicholfon ; all thofe we have examined with the original, and fliall be bold enough to give our remarks in the fequcl, as an attempt to illuilrate the annexed drawing. In the abovementioned edition of Camden, it is thus dcfcribed : '* In the church- " yard is a crofs of one entire fquare Ifone, about twenty feet high,§ and curioufly " wrought ; there is an infcription too, but theft letters are fo dim, that they are not II This Robert gave lands in Bcwcaftle to the priorefs and nuns of Morrick, in Yorkfliire. * The comment on this prefci iption by N. and B. p. 478, fliews the humour which prevails with church- men when tliey appear in the charafter of hiftorians. ■\ Captjin Annjlrong, whom wc obferved had publifhed a plate of the Bewcaftle monument, and was a native of that parirti, inlilled into a marching regiment of foot, as a private foldier, when he was about twenty years of age: he had received a common fchool education, at or near Low Grains, his na- tive place; and though he chofe the ai-my, was of an Induftrious difpofition, and of a Heady and perfe- vering mind. His good conduti gained him the attention of his officers, and he was advanced firft to a corporal, and then to be a ferjeant, in the courfe of a fliort fervice. In the latter capacity he became niore and more ufeful in the corps, and his friends were multiplied ; fo that at length he was prefentcd to William Duke of Cumberland, with fuch warmth of encomium, and his conduft was fo proper, that his royal highnefs rnifed him progreffively to the rank of captain of a company. About the year I 764, he retired on lialfpay, and took up his abode at an inn near Naworth callle. Mr. JcfTtrys, known to the world by t' e denomination of the Geographer, and fevcral others, were about that time very defrrous of promoting county furveys; Mr. Armftrong, ever aftive and induftrious, was willing to engage as au affiftant in an undertaking, for the due execution of which he was then alto- gether unprepared; not having ftudied in that branch of the Mathematics, or gained the leaft knovy- ledge of the neccffary inftruments, He had been fortunate enouglr to gain the acquaintance of the prefent Thomas Ramflray, Eiq.| a yoirth then about frxtecn years 01 age, and a good furveyor. They engaged to attempt a furvey of the county of Durham, and that work met with much approbation; from ftrength of genius and a Iteady attention, M. Armlhong, in a rTiort time, became an expert furveyor, and Mr. Ramfhay accompanied him till the greateft part of Northumberland was done. He then became fo pub. lie a characfler, as to require from us, in this place few other anecdotes, than to add, that he was indefa- tigable, a cheerful companion, temperate, aflable, and friendly. J By N. and B. it is faid to be " A crofs of one entire ilone, about five feet and a half high, two feet " broad at the bottom, and one foot and a half at the top, in which top a crofs heretofore was fined." Under Mi'. Armflrongs drawing, it is faid to be one entire ilone, fifteen feet high, befides a crofs, jjow broken off. -j-f A miftake, vide Infr-a. } Now Lord CarliQe's chief agent in Uic Nurth. " legible Si. I K f EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. 8r, *' legible, but feeing the crofs || is chequered like the arms of the family of Vaux, *' we may fuppofc that it has been eredled by fome of them. The letters of this " infcription appear ftill legible upon a later view, a few of them were copied, but *' unfkilfully, A. D. 1618, as 5ir Henry Spelman witnefTcs A. D. 1615, others *' are explained in a letter to Mr. Walker, fent him by the fame learned, and now " right reverend perfon ; (Bifhop Nicholfon) who communicated his thoughts of " that at Bridekirk, to Sir William Dugdale, as follows: Sir, Carliflc, ^tb Nnv. 1685. " It is now high time to make good my promifc of giving you a more perfecfl " account of the two Runic infcriptions at Bewcaftle and Bridekirk. The former " is fallen into fuch an untoward part of the country, and fo far out of the common " road, that I could not much fooner have either an opportunity, or the courage to *' look after it. I was afliired by the curate of the place, (a perfon of good fenfe '• and learning in greater matters) that the charad:ers were fo miferably worn out, " fince the Lord William Howard's time, by whom they were communicated to " Sir H. Spelman, and mentioned by Wormius Mon. Dan. p. ibi, that they were " now wholly defaced, and nothing to be met with worth my while. The former " part of this relation I found to be true, for though it appears, that the forcmen- " tioned infcription has been much larger than Wormius has given it, yet it is at " prefent fo far loft, that in fix or feven Imcs, none of the characters are difccrnable, *' fave only Xi/'1'M!R • ^"^ thefe too are incoherent, and at great diftance from *' each other. However this epiftylium cruris (as Sir H. Spelman, in his letter to " Wormius, has called it) is to this day a noble monument, and highly merits the " view of a curious antiquary. The beft account I am able to give you of it, be *' pleafcd to take as follows : " It is one entire freeftone, of about five yards in height, waflied over, as the *' font of Bridekirk, with white oily cement, to preferve it the better from the •' injuries of time and weather. The figure of it inclines to a fquare pyramid ; each *' fide whereof is near two feet broad at the bottom, but upwards more tapering. •' On the wefl: fide of the ftone, we have three fair draughts, which evidently enough " manifeft the monument to be Chrifiian, The lowefl: of thcfe, reprefents the " portraiture of a layman with a hawk or eagle perched on his arm. Over his head *' are the forementioned ruins of Lord Howard's infcription ; next to thefe, the " pidure of fome apofile, faint, or other holy man, in a facerdotal habit, with a •' glory round his head. On the top Hands the effigies of the B. V. with the " babe in her arms, and both their heads encircled with glories, as before. On the " north, we have a great deal of chequer work, fiibicribed with the following " charaiflcrs, >i!gjriXXBnRrt -X-U, Upon the firfi: fight of thefe letters, I " greedily ventured to read them Rynburn; and I was wonderfully plcafed to fancy " that this word, thus fingly written, mufl: nccclTarily betoken the final extirpation " and burial of the magical runze in thefe parts, reafonably hoped for upon the con- " vcrfion of the Danes to the Chriftian faith ; for that the Danes were anciently, II Ita iiiter{lin£la is Chequy Hoi, vox.. I. M "as 82 PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. fEsKOArE Ward. " as well as fome of the Laplanders at prcfcnt, grofs idolaters and forccrers, is be- " yond controverfy; and I could not but remember, that all our hiflorians tell us, " that they brought Faganifm along with them into this kingdom. And therefore " it was not very didKult to imagine, that they might for fome time pradife their " hocus tricks here in the north, where they were moft numerous and leaft dif- " turbed. 1 his conceit was the more heightened, by rcflccfting upon the natural fu- " perltition of our borderers at this day, w ho are much better acquainted with, and " do more firmly believe their old legendary llories of fairies and witches, than the '■ articles of their creed : and to convince me yet further, that they are not utter " Grangers to the black arts of their forefathers, I accidently met with a gentleman " in the neighbourhood, who fliewcd me a book of fpells and magical receipts, taken " (two or three days before) in the pocket of one of our mofs troopers ; wherein, " among other conjuring feats, was prcfcribed a certain remedy for an ague, by " applying a few barbarous charaders to the body of the party diftempered. Thefc, " methought were very near a-kin to Wormius's HAT^IRVMER, which ho " fays, differed wholly in fnape from the conmion Run.x, for he tells us thtfe " Ramruncr were fo called, Eo quod nvAeJlias dolores, morbofqiie hi fee injhgere, mimitis " folilijint -magi. Yet his friend Arug. Jonas, more to our purpofe fays, that His *' etiani nft fiint ad hcnefaciendum Juvandum, medtcandum lam anhni quani corporis " morbis ; alque ad ipfos Cacodamones pellendos et f Uganda s. I fliall not trouble you " with a draught of this fpell, becaufe I have not yet had an opportunity of learn- " ing, whether it may not be an ordinary one, and to be met with among others " of the fame nature, in Paracelfus or Cornelius Agrippa. If this conjedure be •• not allowable, I have. Sir, one more which, it may be, you will think more " plaufible than the former: for, it inftead of making the third and fourth letters to " be two IvIvNI/'T^ "'^ fliould fuppofe them to be VXE.E/ the word will be " Rye Burn, which I take to fignify, in the old Daniili language, Cemeterium, or " Cadaverum Sepulchrum : for though the true old Runic word for Cadaver be " ufually written ^fi^flpcy ^f^c:e : 1^'^ ^^^ ^ "^^7' without any violence to the " orthography of that tongue, be omitted at pleafure ; and then the difference of " fpelling the word here at Beaucaftle, and on fome of the ragged mountains in " Denmark, v\ ill not be great. And for the countenancing of this latter reading, I " think the above-mentioned chequer work may be very available, fincein that we " have a notable emblem of the tumuli, or burying places of the ancients, (not to " mention the early cuftom ot eredling croffes and crucifixes in church-yards, which " perhaps being well weighed, might prove another encouragement to this fccond " reading.) I know tne chequer to be the arms of the Vauxs or de Vailibus, the " old proprietors of this part of the north ; but that, I piefume, w ili make nothing " for our turn : becaufe this and the other carved work on the crofs, muff of ne- " cefTity be allow ed to bear a more ancient date, than any of the remains of that " name and family ; which cannot be run up higher than the conqueff. On the " cafl: we have nothing but a few flourilhes, draughts of birds, grapes, and other '« fruits : all which, I take to be no more than the ftatuary's fancy. ♦« On the fouth, flouriflies and conceits as before, and towards the bottom, the "following decayed infcription, JiV/vni^^XP-MTsU:' • The defeds in this " ftiort EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. «3 " fhort piece are fufficient to difcourage me from attempting to expound it ; but " pofUbly it may be read thus, /. e. Latrones Ubbo vicit. I " confefs, this has no aflinity, at Icaft being thus interpreted, with the foregoing " infcription ; but may well enough fuit with the manners of both the ancient and " modern inhabitants of this town and country. " Thus far of that ancient monument, befides which, there is a large infcrip- " tion on the weft ; and on the fouth lide of the ftone, thefc letters are fairly *' difcernable." JVVRKHIh M bn D- In Gough's additions to Camden, we have a remark to this purport. " When •' Biflwp Nicholfon was here again on the vifitation in 1703, he tried to recover " the Runic infcription on the weft fide of the crofs; but though it looked promifing *' at a diftance, he could not afluredly make out, even fo much as that fingle line, " which Sir H. Spelman long fince communicated to Olaus VVormius."* Having given the learned prelate's fentiments, we will turn to Mr. Smith's, publifhed in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1742, p. 132. The editor of that col- ledlion, previous to the infcrtion of Mr. Smith's papers, fays, " We infert the following infcription, not doubting that it iR^Tf/ [(l'(0\;i " ^^''" f^'^ 'n^° ^^^ hands of fome gentleman who underftands ■■ " the language, and will pleafc to give us the explication. And " fpeaking of the Magna Britannia,fays, "This book gives us a " very imperfecfl account of the infcriptions,and offers no other " reprefentation, than that here annexed." f" That part of " Cumberland w hich lies beyond the banks of the river Eden, " northwards, having been often expofed to the wafte of war, " and the people ruined by almoft continual depredations ; " the barrennefs of it (cems rather to proceed from the negleifl " of culture, than the natural poverty of the foil. Within the " embraces ofthe frontier mountains of this tradl, lies Beaucaftle " church, on a rivulet called Kirkbeck, near an old ruined " cadlc of the proprietors of that part of the country before the conqueft ? and both church and caftle are built on the remains of a large Roman fort. Oppofite to the church porch, at a {avi yards diftance, ftands the obelifk of one entire (lone, fifteen feet and a half high, fpringing through an octagonal pedeftal, whofe fides were alfernaccly equal ; it is nearly the frufium of a fquare pyramid, each fide being equal two feet broad at bottom, and one foot and a half at top, wherein a crofs was fixed, which has _— — . -- been demolifiicd long ago by popular frenzy and enthufiafm; i/jM\>yB ti l\r> j " and probably its fituation in thefc unfrequented deferts haspre- « ferved XTRW I m mi\m\ m¥Mm * Mr Gough adds, " I take fhem to be thofe given on the bead of the crofs, 161 5,* pait of it now " a.graveftone, though bifliop Nicholfon confiders them as part of the ruins cf the infcription over the « head of the figure on the weft fide, plainly confounding the ttaiifvirfe [■lece o{ the crofs, with tlie up- t Gentleman's Magazine, July 1742, p. 368, Mr. Smith's aKTcitiition. • CqI. JLib. Doni. jviij. 7. M 2 " right ftj PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. [Eskdale Ward. " ferved the remainder from their fury. In the bottom and top divifions of the " north fide are cut vine trees, with clufters of grapes in demi-rclievo, probably " the Danifli fymbol of fertility, as amalthea's horn was among the Greeks. " In a fillet above the under vine are the charaders fairly legible, which the " learned Billiop Nicholfon expounds Rynburn, and thinks that it intimates the " expulfion of the magical Runic, and their acccfTion to Chriftianity. But if I " may be allowed to diffent from fo great a name, I had rather think it to be a " fepulchral monument of one of the Danifii kings, flain in battle, and the reading " I think will lupport my conjecfture ; for there is no infiance of any nation ufing " the firft character for an R, nor do I remember to have feen it fo explained in any " of the Runic alphabets of Olaus Wormius, but the Danes about the Sinus Coda- ♦• nies made ufe of it for K : befides the R is Roman, wherever it occurs in this and " other infcriptions on this monument. The fecond is the Mafaycftic U, a people «' about the Tanais. The next two letters are wrong copied by the bifhop; the *' firft is a Q^ or Scythian N, and the other an I, the following are Buru plain, " and the laft is K final, for the initial and final K differing in this form, was com- " mon in thofc nations, as the initial and final M to the Hebrews. Upon the " whole I read it Kuniburuk, which, in the old Danifh language imports Sepnlchrum " Regis. And the chequer work included betwixt the two magical knots, (the " Scythian method of embcllifliing funeral monuments) very much corroborates " my opinion. However, I fo far agree with the billiop, that it may alio kem to " have been defigned for a fianding monument of converfion to Chriflianity, which " might have happened on the lofs of their king: and each mutually celebrated " by it. For Buchanan tells us, that in the reign of Donaldus, the fixth of that " name, the Danes having wafted Northumberland, were met and engaged by the " united troops of England and Scotland, with fuch uncertainty of victory, that " both fides were equally glad of peace, by which the Danes obliged themfelves " to embrace Chriftianity. This, therefore, was a very proper monument for fo " great a change, and the figure on the welt fide greatly contributes to favour this ■' conje(5lure, as I fhall fhew in my next dillertation on the other three fides. This " tranfacflion happened about 850 years ago, and none believe the obelifk to be " older than 900. " That the monument is Danifli, appears inconteftible from the charadiers ; " Scottifli and Pidifli monuments having nothing but hieroglyphics, and the ■" right of the crofs itfelf. Thefe make the third line.f being copied from a flip of paper, inferted in " Mr. Camden's copy of his Britannia, ed. 1607, in the Bodleian library, accompanied with the follow- «' ing note. " The imiiation of the Pi6iiJheJlone, taken out by imprejfion or printing the paper, •within the very lettiry.: " of the Jioane. I receaved this fitcirning a Jlo?! fro7n ?iiy Lord of Arutidel, fent him from my Lord William. " It luas the head of a crofs at Be--wcajile; all the letters legable ar there on on line ; and I have fet to them "fuch as I can gather out cf?>!y Alphabet ts ; that like an A. I can find in non. But 'whether this may be " only letters or •words,! foKiennhat doubt. § ♦' An infcription from this crofs had been fent by Spelman, for Lord William Howard, to Wormius, " who publilhedit in his Mon. Dan. p. 162, i68,|| which he reads thus, q. d. Riiiofatu Runafiiuod ! i, e. Rino lapides hot Runicos fecit, but he fays thefe were in epiftylio crucis." f See Mr. Cough's plate 14, £g. 4. f- SCO. § The Uiird liae cf the above iofcrlptloo, plate 14. £g. 4, p- 200. fl Tbe (ame liae. « Danifh EsKDALE Ward.J PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. ' -gj. «' Danifh both ; and except Bridekirk font, it appears to be the only monument " of that nation left in Britain."* As fucceeding villters, we have to lament, that Mr. Smith never favoured the public with his promifed dilTcrtation on the other fides of this monument: his afleftion was hally of the Scottifh and PicHfh monuments, as will be Ihewn by the comparifon we are led to make between this monument and thofe vifitcd by Mr. Pennant, and other antiquaries. A friend, at our inrtance, before wc had feen this monument, took fomc pains ta gain the infcription on the north lide, in a manner we have often pradifed with fuccefs, by oiling the ftone and preffing in wax, and then with printer's ink, taking upon paper thecharad:er: it was very confufed and imperfet:!:, but appeared much in this form, Sli1v;'/»4^J>"BhR-U>|t of which we confcfs, we arc not able to give a probable reading. The ornaments of knots, flowers, and grapes, evidently appear to be the effecft of the fcuiptor's fancy; and wc think it would be extending a defire of givmg extraordinary import to works of antiquity, to fuppofe they were intended to carry any emblematical meaning: they are limilar to the ornaments of the capitals and fillets in Gothic Itrudures of the eleventh cen- tury, or near that time, and no one yet prefumed to alTert they were to be conftrued as hieroglyphics. Should we not attempt to objeft to the readings of the infcription on the north fillet, and admit it might imply that the ground was famous for royal fepulture; inourapprehenfion it doth not advance the antiquity of the monument the leaft. The infcription itfelf is uncertain; for the prelate and Mr Smith took it varioully, and the wax imprefllon varied from both, and fuch, we conceive, would be moft accurate; the copies taken by the eye being fubjedt to the effedis of light and ihade. Let us examine the work, and perhaps we may draw from thence a more con- vincing argument.! Thcfouth front is decorated in the upper compartment with a knot, , * " Vertue (hewed four drawings" (of this monument) " to the fociety of antiquaries, 1746, which . " I have not been able to recover." Gough's Edit. Camd. f Leland's AJfsrtio Arturil. Colleii, vol. v. p. 45 — Pyramides San£ii demeterii. In fepulchrcto, quod Avalonije facrofanftum eft, ftant dus Pyramides antiquiffimx ftruftura;. Imagines et literas pra: fe ferentes, fed venti, procellK, tcmpus edax rerum, poftremo invidiola vetuftas ita operum eximias olim figuras, ct infcriptiones devenuftaverunt, ut vix ullo labore deprehendi vel a lynceo poflint. Has freqiiens fcriptorum pagina commemorat et pr^cipue Gulielmi Meildunenfis antiquarii cura magni, quern ct filvefter Giraldus, amator, et ipfe rerum veterum fubfequitur. Uterque equidem dofte; ille quod labore exquifito imagines, et titulos ante quadrajrintos annos tantum non obliterates, luci in pulcherrimo, juxta ac eltgantinimo libello dc antiquitate GlefToburgenli reftituerit; hie quod, jultis fietus argumentis et veterum relatione fepulchrum Arturii vel inter Pyramides aut loco ab eisnonlongc diffito, aliquando pofi- tum fuifle probet. Plura de Giraldo in fepulchro Arturii invento dicemus. Interea defcriptionem Pyra- midum, ab ipfis Gulielmi peniciUis graphice dcpiftam, velut in luculenta Tabula, fpeftatoium ocuh'a fubjiciam " lllud quod clam plane omnibus eil, libenter prxdicarem, fi veritatem cxfculpere poifem, quid " illae Pyramides fibi velint, qus aliquantis pedibus ab ecclelia vetufta politse cseraeterium monachorum »' prartexunt? Procerior fanae et propinquior ecclcfia- habet quinque tabulatus et altitudincm vio-inti fex " pedum. Hkc prae nimia vetuftate etfi ruinam minetur, habet tamcn antiquitatis nonnuUa fpeftacula •' qu2E plane poflint legi, licet non poflint plane intelligi. In fupeiiori cnim tabulatu eft imago pontifical], " fchemat* - S6 PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. [Eskdale Ward. knot, the next divifion has fomething like the figure of a pomegranet, from whence iffue branches of fruit and foliage, the third has a knot, the fourth branches of fruit and flowers, beneath which is a fillet with an inlcription, copied thus by Mr. Smith, but now appearing irrecoverable by any device : /\\^?.r^,A|^F5l Beneath this, in the loweft compartment, is a knot. The eaft front is one entire running branch of foliage flowers and fruit, ornamented with birds and uncouth animals in the old Gothic ftile. The crown of the pillar is mortaifed to receive the foot of thecrofs. The north fide has, in the upper compartment, foliage and fruit, in the next a knot, in a large fpace next fucceeds the chequy, then a knot, beneath •which is the fillet with the infcription, treated of by the Prelate and Mr. Smith. The wefl: front is the moil; ornamented, having the following fculpturcs; m rhc loucft compartment well relieved, is the efligies of a perfon of fome dignity, in a long robe to the feet, but without any drefs or ornament on the head ; it is greatly fimilar to thechief figure on the north front of Bridekirk font, as tothcfalluonof the garment; on a pedeftal, againft: which this figure leans, is a bird, which we conceive, is the raffen, or raven, the enfignia of the Danifii fliandard. This figure leems deiigned to reprefent the perfonage for whom the monument was eredlcd ; and though ac- companied with the raffen, bears no other marks of royal dignity. Above this figure is a long infcription, which has confiflied of nine lines; Mr. Smith delineates the firft three letters thus; I H N.f The S, in many old infcriptions, is formed like an inverted Z, and fometimcs chat letter, in its proper form, is fubflituted. Late vifiters, as well as we, have great doubt whether any fuch charaders were ever legible. Great care was taken to copy the infcription, as it now appears ; which may perhaps affbrd a new conftruiflion. Immediately above this infcription is the figure of a religious perfon, the garments defcending to the feet, the head encircled with a nymbus, not now appearing radiated, but merely a circular rife of the fl^one; the right hand is elevated in a teaching pofture, and the other hand holds a roll; a fold ot the garment was miftaken by Mr. Armfl^rong, (who drew the monument, and had it engraved, through regard to the parifli where he was born,) for a firing of beads. We conceive this figure to reprefent St. Cuthbert, to whom the church, as Nicholfon and Burn fet forth, is dedicated. The upper figures Mr. Armllrong reprefented like a mitred ecclefiaflic; but in that he was manifeflly mifiaken, the €ffiy;ics being that of the holy virgin with the babe. There is no doubt that this was a place of fepulture, for on opening the ground on the eafl: and weft fides, above the depth of fix feet, human bones were found of a large lize, but much broken " fchemate faiSa. In fccundo imago rfp;iam prxtendens pompam et literse, Her fexi, et Blifwettli, In *' tertio, niliilom'nuo nomiiia, Wcmcrcfte, Bantomp, Winewcgii, In quai'to. Hate Wulfrede, et •' Eanfledc. In qin'nto qui et inferior eft, Imago, et hxc fcriptura, Logwer, Wefficlas, et Bregdcnc, " Svvelu es, Hwingendeftjcrne. Altera vcro pyramis habet oftodecim pedes et quatuor tabulatus, in qui- " bus liTC Icguntur: Hedde Epifcopus et BiegoneJ et Beorwalde. Quid hxc fignificent non temere " dclinio, fcx ex fufpicione colllgo, eorum interius in cavitis lapidibus contineri ofra, quorum exterius " Icguutur iiomina Ccitc Logwtr is pro certo afferitur elTe, de cujus nomine quondam Logwerefbeorth " dieebat\ir, qui nunc Mons aciitus dlcitur, Beorvvaldc nihilomimus abbas poll Hemgifelum." Hxc Meildunenfis cui dofti illuftratas Pyramides omnino acceptas ferre debent. •j- This lias been objeftcd to by many, who infill that they could not make out ihofe charafters; we jjegieavt to refer to Mr. Smith's cuts in the Gent. Mag. where thofe charadcrs are dilllndly fet out. and EsKDAi E Ward.] PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. tT^ and difturbed, together w ith fcveral pieces of nifly iron. The ground had been broken up before, by perfons who either fcarched for treafure, or like us, laboured with curiofuy. Whether the chequers were defigned or not for the arms of the family of Vaux, or de Vallibus, muft be a matter of mere conjedure ; we are inclined to think that armorial bearings were not in life at the fame time with the Runic characflers. We muft obferve, that on the old fculpture, found at Norhani, in Northumberland, where the effigies of St. Cuthbert, St. Peter, and the royal faint Ceolwulf are cur, on a tlone which, perhaps, formed a part of fuch a monument as this, in the fillets are the remains of an infcription, beginning with the charac^ters I. H. Z. and con- taining fevcral Runic charaifters, '1 hat Hone was found at fome little diftance from the church of Norham, to- wards the eafl, where the prefent vicar, the reverend Mr. Lambe, in order to level the ground of the church-yard, cleared away the foundations cf what appeared to him to be the ruins of a cell appertaining to Lindsfarn. Mr. La«ibe, in his notes to the poem of Flodden Fight, of which he was editor, fays, — " Out of the " foundations of this cell, which belonged to the church of Holy Ifland, I dug a " flone on which were cut the effigies of the three patrons of Norham church." The fad is that Norham was wholly a cell to Lindisfarn, and was built about the middle of the ninth century : had any confidciable ftrudure flood where the ground was levelled by Mr. Lambe, (prcfuming the eaft limb of the church extended no funher than the prefent edifice) it would have obflruded and blocked up the great light of the altar: but we are apt to think, the chancel of the old church was totally dellroyed, and the fculpture buried in its ruins. The reafon given in billiop Nicholfon's letter, is applicable to our conjedures on this monument, "That the Danes weremofl numerous here,and leaftdiflurbed," which reconciles the mixture of Runic charader in an infcription of the eleventh century, as in fuch defert and little frequented tracks, that the charader might remain familiar both to the founder and thefculptor : where the Danes continued longefl and leaf! difturbed, their imputations would alfo continue unaffcdcd by other modes, which were gaining acceptation and progrefs, in more frequented and better peopled lituations. Monuments of a fimiliar nature to this, obferved by travellers, arc, A crofs in the high road in Vdenor parifln, in lirccknockfliire, mentioned by Camden, p. 703. On this the infcription is cut from top to bouom, and the charac- ters are various. A monument in Flintfliire, called Macn-y-Chwyvan, of which a cut is given by Camden, Ed. 1695, and there a kind of rude infcription is rcprefented. It has been vilitcd by the ingenious traveller Mr. Pennant, and he has given an elegant engravingof it, in which the part fuppofed to be an infcription by the former- author, is rcprefented as a kind of chain work, furrounding a naked human figure. Mr. Pennant's dcfcription is, "In the higher part of this tounlhip (TreMollynj flands " the curious crofs called Main Achwynfau, or the ftone of lamentation; becaufe " penances were often finiflTed before fuch facred pillars, and concluded with wcep- *' ing, and the ufual marks of contrition: for an example, near Stafford flood one " called 88 PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. TEskdale Ward. " called the Weeping Crofs, a name analagous to ours. This is of an elegant form " and fculpture : it is twelve foot high, two feet four inches broad at the bottom, " and ten inches thick. The bafe is let into another ftone. The top is round, and *' includes, in raifed work, the form of a Greek crofs: beneath, about the middle, *' is another in the form of St. Andrew's, and under that, a naked figure with a " fpear m its hand, clofe to that, on the lide of the column, is reprefented fome " animal; the reft is covered with beautiful fret-work, like v/hat may be feen on " other pillars of ancient date in feveral parts of Great Britain. 1 do not prc- *' fume, after the commentator on Camden has given up the point, to attempt •• a guefs at the age, only obferve, that it muft have been previous to the reign of *' grofs fuperftition among the Wellh, otherwife the fculptor would have employed •' his chiflel in ftriking out legendary ftories, inftead of the elegant knots and in- *' terJaced work that cover the ftone. Thofe who fuppofe it to have been erected " in memory of the dead flain in battle, draw their argument from the number *' of adjacent tumuli, containing human bones and fculls, often marked with mortal *' wounds; but thefe earthly fepulchres are of more ancient times than the elegant •♦ fculpture of this pillar will admit. Inthefirft vol.ofthe Archteologia, a plate is given ofa monument in Landevailag church-yardj two miles north of Brecknock. The fculpture appears, from this reprefentation, very rude; the dcfcription given by John Strange, Efq. to the An- tiquarian Society, is to the following purport, p. 304. " It is a flat monumental ** Itone, feven feet ten inches long, and about fifteen inches wide in the middle. " The ftone was, I prefume, originally fepulchral, upon the upper part is carved, " in very low relief, a rude, unpoliihed figure, reprefenting, perhaps, fome king, " or military chief, arrayed with a fort of tunic, and holding a fceptre, fvvord, or *' other inftrument, in each hand. Over his head is a crofs, and under his feet an "" infcription; the characters of which are remarkably plain, exclufivc of their be- •* ing a little disfigured by a fradlure in the ftone. What is really the meaning, or *' even the language of this infcription, is not eafy to determine, as the laft let- f ter appears reverfed, and fome of the others are different from any I can find in *' the Britifh charadlers. They continue very legible, as may be obfervcd from " the exadl copy of them in the engraving given of this ftone, which 1 am induced " to efteem a remain of Danifti antiquity, from its perfed:!: refemblance to many " others allowed to be fo. It was probably the workmanfliip of the filth or fixth " century." In Mr, Pennant's fccond volume of his Tour in Scotland, p. 166, he fays,— " On dcfcending, find ourfelves at Aberlimni. In the church-yard, and on the »' road fide, are to be feen fome of the curious carved ftoncs, fuppofed to have <« been ereded in memory of vidories over Danes, and other great events that *' happened in thofe parts. Thefe, like the round towers, are local monuments; •' but ftill more confined, being, as far as I can learn, unknown in Ireland ; and *' indeed limited to the eaftern fide of North Britain, for I hear of none beyond " the frith of Murray, or that of Forth. The greatft is that near Forres, taken "notice of in the Tour, 1769, (and mentioned in the fequel) and is alio the ■<« fartheft north of any. Mr. Gordon dcfcribei another in the county of Mar, " near EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. «9 " near the hill Benachic: the next are thefe under confidcration. The firfl; dcfcri- *' bed by that ingenious writer,* is that figure which ftands in the church-yard. " On one fide is the form of a crofs, as is common to moft ; Mr. Gordon juflly ima- *' gines that this was eroded in memory of the vidory of Loucarty ; for in the upper *' part are horfcmen, fccmingly flying from an enemy ; and beneath is another, " (topped by three men on foot, armed with rude weapons, probably the pcafant " Hay and his two fons, putting a flop to the panic of the Scotch army, and ani- " mating his countrymen to renew the fight. The next which I faw is on the road, " with both fides full of fculpturc. On one, a neat crofs included in a circle; and *' beneath, two exceedingly rude figures of angels, which fomc have miftakcn for " charadcrs. On the other fides are the figures of certain inftruments, to me quite ♦'unintelligible; beneath two men founding a trumpet, four horfemen, a foor- •' man, and fcveral animals, feemingly wild horfes purfued by dogs; under them is " a centaur, and behind him a man holding fomc unkown animal. This is the «' ftone mentioned by Boethius, to have been put up in memory of a defeat of a '• party of Danes belonging to the army of Camus on this fpot. Quo loco ingens " lapis eff eredus. Huic animantium effigies, nonnuUis cum charaderibus artifi- •' ciofe, uttam fiebat. qua; rem geffam pofieritati annunciarent, funt infculptas.f *' On a tumulus, on the road fide, is a third, with various fculptures pafl: my com- *' prehenfion. In the ornaments about the crolFcs, and the running patterns along *' the fides of fome, is a fancy and elegance that does credit to the artifts of thofc " early days. Boethius is willing that thefe engraven pillaj-s fliould be fuppofed " to have been copied from the Egyptians, and that the figures were hieroglyphic- " 1 muft take notice of a new dii'covered flone of this clafs, found in the ruins " of a chapel in the Den of Auldbar, near Careflon, by Mr. Skene, who was fo " obliging as favour me with a drawing of it. On one fide was a crofs ; in the " upper compartment of the other fide, were two figures of men, in a fort ofcloak, " fitting on a chair, perhaps religious pcrfons; beneath them is another, tearing " afunder the jaws of a certain beafi ; near him a fpcar and a harp; below is a " perfon on horfeback; a beafl: like that of mufimon, which is fuppofed once to " have inhabited Scotland ; and lafl ly, a pair of animals like bullocks, or the horn- " lefs cattle of the country, going fide by fide. This flone was about feven feet " long, and had been fixed in a pedeftal found with it. " In the church-yard of Glames, is a flone fimilar to thofe at Aberlimni. *' This is fuppofed to have been ereded in memory of the afTaffination of King " Malcolm, and is called the graveftone. On one front is a crofs ; on the upper *' part is fome wild beafi:, and oppofite to it a centaur ; beneath in one compartment, " is the head of a wolf; thefe animals denoting the barbarity of the confpirators : " in another compartment are two perfons fhaking hands; in the other hand is a " battle-axe : perhaps thefe are reprefented in the ad of confederacy. On the " oppofite front of the ftone are reprefented an eel and another fifli. This alludes " to the fate of the murderers, who, as foon as they had committed the horrid ad, " fled, and were drowned in the lake of Forfar, by the ice giving way under them, «< as they palTed." • Itin. Sept. 151. t Boc-th. 1. ix. p; 243. vot, r. N In QO PARISH OF BEVVCASTLE. [EskdaIe Wari». In Mcigle church-yard, a column, " in the upper part of one front are dogs and " horfenien, below are reprefented four wild beail:s, refcmbling lions devouring a •' huoian figure. The country people call thcfe Queen Vanora's gravertones; and " relate that fhe was the wife ot King Arthur. The next is very curious, on it is " engraved a chariot, with the driver and two perfons in it; behind is a monftcr, " refembling a hippopotamus, devouring a prottrated human figure. On another " itone is the rcprefentation of an elephant, or at Icaft an animal with a long " probofcis. " Mugdrum Crofs, an upright pillar, with fculptures on each fide, much de- '• faced ; but ftill may be traced figures of horfemcn, and beneath them certain " animals. Near this place flood the crofs of the famous Macduff, Thane of Fife, •" of which nothing but the pedeflal has been left for above a century pafl. On " it were infcribed certain macaroni verfcs. Mr. Cunningham, who wrote an " elfay on the crofs, tranOated the lines into a grant of Malcolm Canmore to the «' F^rl of Fife, of feveral emoluments and privileges; among others, he allows it " to be a fanduary to any of Macdufi's kindred, within the nnith degree, who " fhall be acquitted of any manllaughtcr, on flying to this crofs, and paying nine " cows and a heifer. " The pillar of Doftan is at prcfent much defaced by time, but ftill are to be " difcerned two rude figures of men on horfeback, and on the other fides may be " traced a running pattern of ornament. The ftone is between fix and fcven t'ccc " hiiih. and mortifed at the bottom into another. This is fliid to have been erec'ted " in memory of a victory near the Leven, over the Danes, m 874, under their •' leaders Hunger and Hubba, by the Scots, commanded by their prince Con- " ftantine II." The column of Forres mentioned in page 88, is thus defcribcd by the ingenious traveller, " Near Forres on the road fide, is a vaff column, three feet ten inches " broad, and one foot three inches thick; the height above ground is twenty three " feet. On one fide are numbers of rude animals and armed men, with colours " flying: fome of the men feemed bound like captives. On theoppcfite fide was "' a crofs, included in a circle, and railed a little above the furface of the flone. " At the foot of the crofs are two gigantic figures, and on one of the fides is fome " eletrant fretwork. Ihis is called King Sueno's ftone; and fcems to be, as Mr. " Gordon conjectures, ereded by the Scots, in memory of the final retreat of the •' Danes; it is evidently not Danifh, as fome have afferted; the crofs difproves the " opinion; for that nation had not then received the light of Chriflianity." in Mr, Pennant's voyage to the Hebrides, he gives a plate of a fine crofs in Oranfay Itle, and another m Hay; both richly fculptured, and having infcriptions, but he gives no reading or conjee'ture on their import. Another monument is mentioned in Mr. Pennant's Welch tour, p. 373, called the pillar of Flifeg, and conceiving it to be pertinent, in comparilbn to our fub- \e6t, we here infert, " I met with the remainder of a round column, jx^rhaps one " of the moll ancient of any Britiili infcribed pillar, now exifting. It was entire till " the civil warsof thelaff century, when it was thrown down and broken by fome " ignorant fanatics. The field it lies in is called Llwyn-y-Grves, or the Grove of *•' the Crofs, from the wood that furrounded it. It never had bc^n a crofs. It was " a memorial EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. ^t " a memorial of the dead : an improvement on the rude columns of the Druidical " times, and cut into form and furrounded with infcription. It flood on a great " tumulus ; perhaps always environed with wood, as the mount is at prefcni, ac- •' cording to the cuftom of the moft ancient times, when (landing pillars were *♦ placed under every green tree.* It is faid, that the llonc, when complete, was ** twelve feet high, it is now reduced to fix feet eight inches. It flood infixed in " a fquare pcdcllal, fliil lying in the mount. The beginning of the infcriptioji, " gives us nearly the time of its eredion : Conceun jilnts Cattcli, CaltcU jiluis Urocb- " mail, Brochmail filiiis Eli/eg, Elifegfilius Cnoillaiiie, Conceun Itaqne pronepos Elifc^ " edificavit bunc Lapideni pro avo Jiio Elifeg. This Conccnn was the grandfon ot" •• Brochmail-ys-cithroe, who was defeated in 607, at the battle of Chcficr. The «' letters on the ftone were copied by Mr. Edward Llwyd ; the infcription is now ♦' illegible; but from the copy taken by that great antiquary, the alphabet nearly " refemblcs one of thofe in u(e in the fixth century." The laft monument of this kind which we fliall trouble the reader with in this place, is delineated in Mr. Gordon's lliu. Scptentrionale, p. 160. He remarks that, ♦' it was a nice obfervation of that learned and judicious prelate, ('Bifliop Gibfon) *' that the monuments whereon no letters are engraved, are Scottiili and Pidifli, ♦' and the others, with Runic charaders, are true Danifli infcriptions." After reprcfcnting and defcribing many monuments in Scotland, where proccf- fions and the marching of troops are fculpturcd, and others with hieroglyphics, he gives two plates of a monument, which he thus defcribcs : " One I faw which " differs much from all monuments hitherto dcfcribed; it lies flat on the ground " within the church of Ruthvel, in the flcwartry of Annandalc. This obelifk, feme " think, was originally of one entire flone, but is now broken into three parts. It " conlifts of four regular fides, of equal height, and is in form, like the Egvptian " obelifksat Rome; the bafisthercofisconfiderably broad, but diminifliesgraduallv, •' till it terminates in a point at the top. On the lowcft of its three divifions, is a *• rcprefentation of our Saviour upon the crofs, with two figures, one on each fide ** much defaced. On the tniddle part, on two oppofite fides, are beautiful orna- •' mcnts of waved flowerings, with grapes, and fundry kinds of curious animals, *' in very high relievo; round both v\ hich are infcriptions in Runic charadcrs. On •' one of the other oppofite fides, is the figure of our Saviour, uhofe right hand is *' crcifed f in an adion of benedidion ; in his left he holds a fcroll ; his head is " encircled with a glory, and beneath his feet is the rcfemblance of two animals, •• with their fore feet elevated. In the compartment below this, are tw^o rude figures *' of men bare-headed, and above them SanBiis Paidiis, in Saxon charadcrs." On •■ the oppofite fide is alfo the figure of our Saviour, with his right hand erected in *' a praying poflurc ; in his left he holds a book, on which is the form of a fmall •• crofs : Mary Magdalen is here reprcfcnted, wiping his feet with her hair. On •' the lower compartment are two rude figures, one of whofc heads is alfo encircled *' with a glory : thcfc fcem to reprcfent Jofeph and the Virgin Mary. The Runic " infcriptions, round the two firfi fides, I have faithfully copied, and exhibited, plate -*' LVII, but not being fufiicicntly acquainted with their charadcrs, 1 fiiall not, • 1 Kings xlv. 23. -j- Over Ills bofom; with two forefingers ereft. A glory round the liead, tvlth rays in the form of a crofs I H Z, the charafters above the head of tlie figure. N 2 "at 92 PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. [Eskdale Ward. " at prefent, pretend to explain them. The Saxon infcriptions, round the other " lidcs, feem to exprefs the general defign ot the figures engraven upon them, and " flievv them to have been Chriftian : they are wrote in Latin, and allude to feveral " paflages in the New Teftamcnt, Sec. &c. " The middle part of the Hone is eighteen inches broad at the bottom, fourteen •' at the top, and four feet eight inches in length. This obelilk is not more re- " markable for any thing, than the two different forts of charaders infcribed there- *« on, namely Saxon and Runic." This monument has been engraved by the London Antiquarian Society, with notes upon it, and therein the fcripture texts are made out, but no reading or con- jedure'on the Runic infcriptions. It is noted, that fince that account was read before the Society, the drawing has been fliewn to Mr. Profeffor Thorkelin, who has been inveftigating all fuch monuments of his countrymen in this kingdom ; — but that he has not returned any opinion upon it. From thefe feveral quotations, the reader will make his own conjedures ; every vifitant has done no more. The ruins of a large Roman ftation are ftill obfervable here, the ditch yet re- maining of a confidcrable depth, and the vallum lofty The caftle Oands in the well corner ot the area, Telfelated pavements, coins, and altars, have been dif- covered in this ftation. — The antiquities preferved by Mr. Horfley, and noticed in his work, are as follows : " Many Roman coins have been found here, one of which I now have in my " poffellion, which I take to be Philip, though the head is obfcure. Camden tells " us that he faw a ftone in the church-yard, made ufe of for a gravcflone, with this •* infcription— LEG. II. AVG. FECIT. " — Andjuft fuch a fort of ilone, with the very fame infcription upon it, did I find " in Naworth garden, not unlike half a graveftone, which I conclude to be the *' fame, and fuppofe it to have been removed from BcwcalUe to Naworth, by the " gentleman who made the colledion. Camden intimates that it had been brought " from fome other place to Bew caftle, but for what rcalbn he fliould fuppofe this, " I cannot imagine, lince it is certain this has been a ftation, and that it is not the " only infcription which has been found here: — ,, Imperntori defu'^iTtajaHO Hadriaiio Aiigujlo Legiones _^...,,„..,.,_____ ,^, " Secundd AiiguJJa et Fieejiwa valens viHrix fiti CA Ev5 \mMm^^ " Licimo Prifco Legato Aiigujl all Fropr^ lore:' This ^/|2«^^^»f> \ 'fy^ remained on the fpot when Mr. Horftey vifited the 1 l/WQ tO'>:x'V I ftation, and was then in the church-yard, at the f G iSr 0«;^i B^i:# k^ ^^^^ o^ ^ grave, fet upright on the edge. "It has i®V^/«>P1\PR If " L-'een a very curious infcription, though it is now ^ i^^^.i5ssls=sij I " imperfed. It was found at firft at the bottona ■it t, f-^ i A'^-^--^-r' , ™- a J « of a grave, and has not been publifticd before. — J " The laft letters P. R. P. R. are plainly for Pro- " prjetore, and confequently there can be no doubt, but what went before has been *' Leg, Aug. for Legato Auguftali, though V only is now vifible, the preceding EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. " ^j " letters being broken off from the ftone, and the G quite effaced. The line above " muft therefore have contained the name of the lieutenant. I take it to have been " an honorary monument, ereifted to Hadrian by the Legio Secunda Augufta and " the Legio Vicefima. I cannot find any name of a Propraetor, that fully fuits the " letters in the infcription; but we have Prifcus Licinius mentioned in the infcrip- " tion in Hadrian's time, which feems to approach the nearcft. The two names " Licinius and Pnfcus might be inverted in an infcription, as we find names are " fornctimes in authors, perhaps the whole infcription was originally in this form: IMP. CAES. TKAIAN HADRIANO AVG LEG 11. AVG, ET XXVV. SVB LICINIO PRISCO LEG AVG P. R. P. R. " Mr. Ward thinks the two lafl: lines may have been thus : — OB, VIC. ^o. PR. Lie. IN. L. AVG, P. R. P, R. " This is Ob Vidoriam Nobilem, Prifco Licinio Legato Auguflali Proprietore, " Curtius applies the epithet Nobilis in the fame manner, fpcaking of Alexander " the Great, " I was told of another ftonc found at this place, with TEMPLVM diftindly " upon it, but it was then broken and deftroyed, *' As the Legio Secunda Augufta was at this place in the reign of Hadrian, fo " it is moft likely that they were quartered here at the time when his vallum was " built, to cover the workmen, and to bear a ihare in the work. I am inclined to " believe, that the ancient name of this place was APIATORIUM, mentioned* " in a former infcription ; if that ftone was not brought diredly from Bewca^'.-. " which, indeed, he fays he does not remember; it might how ever come origin, •• from thence." To thefe may be added a ftone we difcovered over the channel at the gate the public-houfe-yard : — .^ s o n f COM i DAC.X/^j v\TLcarc£,Nivrv * Northuinb, 77, 94 PARISH OF BEWCASTLE. [Eskdale Ward, SMC-TO^COl f £ Liu IS SI; M BXEVQCAToi ;^ —— ^ The altar reprefcnted in the cut was found latel}', ^"~— --^ /Mn '^"'^ '^ ^" ^^'^ pofl'effion of the Rev. J. D Cailjle. ' Before we turn our fteps and leave this moun- tainous and defert trad, no curiolity inducing u-j to proceed cowards the north, we muft remark that the inhabitants of this diftricl long retained their ferocity, and licentious kind of liberty, after the accelTion of King James, which, in a great mcafurc, put a Uop to the depredations made by the banditti on the borders. It had forages been the reforc and receptacle of defperadoes, who were out-lawed by both nations, with whom the com- ; /V'' S^J1*/V\ * ^^^ mon bufinefs of life was robbery and pillage. This ^•^ *" " I '""' '^\i^ parilli was terrible, even in modern times, to of- iicers of juftice, and it is but within this century, the fherilf's officers dared to go thither to execute the procefs of law. The name of Bevvcaftle men, carried with it a degree of terror, only lately fliaken off.* In the year 1593. articles for rcpreffing enormities committed on the borders, were propofed and agreed on at Newcaftle, by the Earl of Huntingdon, lord lieutenant of the north, with the confent of Thomas, Lord Scroop, of Bolton, lord warden of the wed marches, and Sir Robert Gray. Knr. deputy'vvarden of the weft marches, and others, in which it is ftated, " Whereas " within Bewcaftlc, and other places, the head officer challengeth to have the *' efcheacs of all offenders under him, by which means the flieriff perceiving " that the goods and chatties do go to the officer, and that himfelf fliall have only ♦' his labour for his travel ; therefore the flicriff forbeareth to make an arreft-, and " to apprehend any offenders^ when he feech that he may not, with the pirty, " make • Rude as tlie wilds around his fylvan home, In favnge jrrandeur fee the Briton roam ; Bart vcrehis limbs, and Urung with toil and cold, By untam'd r.alure call in giant mould, O'er his broad brawny flioulders loofely flung, Shaggy and long his yellow ringlets hung. His waift an iron belted falehion bore, MafTy, and purpled deep with human gore ; His icar'd and rudely painted limbs around Fantallic horror (Iriking figures frown'd, Which m.onller-like, e'en to the confines ran Of nature's work, and left him hardly man. His knitted brows, and rolling eyes impart A direful image of his rulhlefs heart ; Where war and human llaughter brooding lie, Like thunders loweting in a gloomy llW! Annjlrong; but, as Is com- mon among vagabonds and thieves, he went by the nick-name of &o:h Tojn. We know not whether fuch lawlefs men remained longer in thcfe obfcure parts, than In fome others; but, fome of the feats of this man, who avowedly followed thieving as a trade, are hardly exceeded by the companions of Gil Bias, or by Robin Hood and Little John. Two or three of them we will here fet down. Riding to a fair at Newcaftle, he faw an hoife tethered in a field adjoining to the road: it was much Jjetter than his own ; and fo he difmounted, and put his faddle on It, leaving his own In Its place. This iioife he fold at the fair to a gentleman, whom, with an appearance of great candour, he thus addreffed,— Sir this horfe it ticklijh and trouhlefome to drffj : if you ivill give mc leave, I ivill Jhe-M y'Atr fervatit koixi to viannoc him. The gentleman accepted his offer; and Tom having thus made liimfelf acquainted with the liable', that night again Hole the fame horfe, which he aftually left in the tether where he had firfl; found him. The fellow had much perfonal courage'; as fuch outlaws often have. On the commiffion of fome daring crime or other, the condablcs, aided by a party of foldlers from Carlifle, had befet his houfe; In which there was but one room ferving him for parlour and kitchen and hall. Here, to the foot of his bed-poft, Ms horfe ftood tied: and when the danger became imminent, he mounted this horfe, rulhed out of the door and forced his way, in full gallop, through the furrounding crowd, though fired at by ftveral, and his horfe wounded by one of them In the thigh. At another time, having ftolen a fat hog, he was purfiied by a fearch warrast. The bailiff and his poffe found him rocking a cradle; and he received them with the utmoll compofure and courtefy. On being Informed of their errand, he coolly obferved, — ^y, you are much in the right to fearch: pray fearch well, and examine every coiner: let me requeft you only not to make a nolfe, as the child with which my VvLfe has left me in charge, is crofs and peevlfli : I beg you not to awaken It. The pig was In the cradle. Many more fuch feats might be related; which prove only his miferable mifappllcation of veiy good parts: the confequence of which was, a wretched fife, and an ignominious death. BlOGRAPHIA CUMB. We EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF KIRK-CAMBOCK. 97 We quitted the banks of Black Leven, a name not ill fuited to the river, both from its colour, and the gloomy dells and mountains from whence it fprings. THE PARISH OF KIRK-CAMBOCK. " T^ IR^^-CAMBOCK, Ecc!e/;n ad Couva/la;! paludis. The place where Cambogh " 1^ ftands, was named Camb-bogh-glan, by the firft inhabitants, whereupon " the Romans formed this name, Camboglana, and now Cambeck and Cammoc " corruptly. The nature of the foil and form of the place caufed the firft name, for " there is a great bog, or fenny mire in a bottom or low ground, in the glen or dale " near unto the town. " The firrt pofTcffor I read of, was one Alfred Cammock in King Henry IPs time,- " afterwards in King Henry Ill's time, and King Edward I. it belonged to the " Terries; one Richard Terry held it of Thomas Multon then lord of GilHand, by " the eighth part of a knight's fee; and after him, one Thomas de Leverfdale, and *' Thomas his fon. In the 36th King Edward III. William Stapleton and " Robert de Leverfdale: and 22d Richard II. Stapleton's part defcendcd to the " Mufgraves, with other the Stapleton's lands, by a daughter."* The manor is now holden of the Earl of Carliile, as a member of Gilfland. This is a fmall parifli, bounded by the pariflies of Stapleton, Lanercoft, and BewcafHe. The church when {landing, was redlorial, and the impropriation was claimed by the prior and convent ot Carlifle, But when, or by whom it was given to that religious houfe, does not appear. In Pope Nicholas's valor, it was rated high, but in the future valuations of livings, was not charged, being then wholly appropriated to the priory, and the parifli almofl depopulated and dellroyed by the Scots : it is prefumed the church has lain in ruins from the time of king Edward II. when fuch dreadful devaftations were made in this country; nothing but fcat- tered fragments of the outward walls are now remaining. J By the bifliop's regifter it appears, indeed, that an incumbent \i as collated in 1386; but whether the church was deftroyed in the reigns of Richard II, or Henry IV. or in the preceding reign, ♦ Denton's M. S. X KIRK CAMBOCK. Incumbents. — In 1259, Randolph dc Tylliol R. — Symon de Tyrer. — On Tyrer's death, a difpute »rofe between the conv. of Carlifle and Richard de Tyrer, touching the right of prefentation, and on an inquilition de jure patronatus, it appeared that Henry the father of Richard, prefented the lad turn, and by deed under feal had concluded with the convent, an alternate right of prefentation, whereupon Alex, de Crokedake was inftituted — next year Symon de Tyrer. — 1386, John de Southwell, Bp, Appleby Col. by Lapfe. DECANATUS KARLIOL. Eccl. de Cambock'8/. Os. od. t ^"l" ^' Cambock, ut fup. penf.o prions / K. Hen. VIII, OUmdearua. i Karl, in Ecch de Kambock.-Nul lujs f J diebus prop, dcllructiones. J VOL. I O we ^8 ASKERTON CASTLE. [Eskdaie Wari>. we have nothing buc conjecflure. The route of the Scots, in their incurfions in the two lad: mentioned reigns not being defcribed by hiftorians through this trad:. The following defcription, of tiie fmgular lot of the inhabitants of this country, is cu- rious, " No curate is appointed to take care of the parochial duties, for the rites of " fcpulturc and baptifm, the people commonly repair to the church of Lanercofl:;. " and for their inftruil'lion in religion, they go thither, or to Stapleton, or Bcwcaftlc, " or whither they think fit. " "And yet the dean and chapter poffej's the re£loyial rights." " Why thischurchhath not beencerrified to thcgovernors of Queen Anne's bounty, " andthereby put into a way of augmentation, we have had no reafonaffigned." But the utterneglect of the care of thisparifh,and the religious offices there, will appear ftill more remarkable under the following obfervations: " The rectory is granted " by the dean and chapter of Carlifle, by leafe for twenty one years, by the de- " fcription ot all that church or chapel of Kirkcambock, with all houfes, glebe " lands, oblations, obventions, &c. The leflee covenants to repair the church " and houfes ; and alio to find and provide an able and fufficient curate, and to " allow fuch fiipend as the ordinary fliall appoint;" and yet not one tittle of thofe provilions are obferved.* ASKERTON CASTLE Stands on the banks of the river Cambock, a fmall out-pofl-, faid by Camden, to be built by the barons Dacre, where the governor of Gilfland, commonly called Land Serjeant, kept a few men at arms for the protecftion of the barony, and chiefly to prevent the inroads of the mofs-troopers into that territory.! It appears that * A cuftomary manor. — Cullomary rcat i/. 2j. 6i/. — On death of lord a twenty-penny fine.— Change of tenant arbitrary fine. \ An inquifition was taken of the manors, caftlcs, lands, tenements, &c. the podeflions of Leonard Dacre, Efq. attainted of high treafon, at the city of Carlifle, in the months of Auguft and September, 31ft of Queen Elizabeth, before Alexander Kingc, Efq. auditor of the queen's exchequer, John Braddell, Richard Lowther, and Wilfrid Lawfon, Efquires, by the verdicl of twenty feven perfons. The editors confefs their obligation to Mr J. Graham, attorney at law, of Carlifle, for thq ufe of thi9 curious and valuable record. /raw ;^^ Inqijisitiom, 3i/?«/"QyEEN £lizab£th. MANERIUM DE ASKERTON. The lords rents amounted to 26/. 8/. The bailiffs fee 26/. %d. " MEMORiiND.^There is fituate within the faid manner one caftle, called Aflcerton cattle, which is at " this prefent in verie great decaie. If the fame were in good repair it were a howfe of verie good re- '< ceite, and of convenient ftrength againlt any commoo or fuddaine aflailinage by the Scotts, and is about » ij miles diHant from the calUe of Bewcaftle. " Item there is belonging to the faidcaAle, a park called Afkerton Park, and certain demefae lands," — (they are not fct forth.) «• Item, there is within the faid manner, a great waft of heath and moor grounds, called the North «< Moore, containing by eftimation two thoufand acres or more, part thereof adjoineth to the walls of " Scotland, and another part thereof adjoineth to the wafts of Tyndcll, in which the teanants of this « ipanner and the tennants of divers other manners ia Gillefland have ufed to fcheale, or common their « cattle EsKDALE Ward.] TRYERMAIN OR TREVERMAN. $$ that the fevereft blow ftruck againft that banditti was in 1529, by King James V. of Scotland, who, perceiving the enormities daily committed by thofe tribes, and the unwillingnefs of the Earl of Northumberland, on the part of England, to afilil in their fupprefllon, he firfl: of all, caiifed William Cockburn, of Henderland, and Adam Scot, of Tufliilaw, known by the name of King of Thieves, being then his prifoners, to be beheaded, and their heads placed upon the walls of the public pri- fon in Edinburgh : then he made an expedition to the borders, with 8,000 chofen troops, by forced marches coming into Eufdalc, before the banditti were apprized of their danger, he feized many of their chiefs in their faftnelTes. I'orty-cight of whom he caufed inftantly to be hanged on the trees by the fide of the common roads : among thefe was John Armftrong, who had made himfelf fo formidable, that the inhabitants of the neighbouring marches of England, to the diflance of feveral miles, are faid to have paid him tribute. " Afkerton and Whithill were firfl: given by *****, lord of Gilfland, to Sir Roger *' Vaux, his ****«**, to whom fucceeded his fon William, fon of Roger, but after " his death, it was thenceforth always demefne lands, and not freehold. But the ' ** lord had certain bondmen and villains, which laboured to the lord's ufe, in *' Edward I.'s time, and before. But now there is a little ftone peel, where the " land-ferjeant of Gilfland doth refide, that commands and leads the inhabitants of " the barony in the lord's fervice for the queen againfl: Scotland, and hath the de- *• mefne lands there. The refidue is demifed to cuftomary tenants, as in the Lx)rds ** Dacres time."f TRYERMAIN, OR TREVERMAN, Was formerly a chapelry of Walton, but now a part of Lanercofl^, and nothing of a chapel is now feen there. " Triermaine was, at the conquefl:, a fee of Gilfland, one Gilandos was lord " thereof; he ftood againft the conqueror, and his fon and heir, Gilamor got his " own peace with Ranulph Mcfchincs, Earl of Cumberland, and his brother William ♦' Mefchines, and quietly enjoyed it in Henry I.'s time, and builded the firll chapel " there of wood, by licence of Athelwald, firfl: bifliop of Carlifle ; and by confent ♦' cattle in the fummer time, viz. from St. Ellenmas unto Lamrrtas, and to pay for the fame the ycarh'e " rent of Ixxs. iiijil. which rent was paid by the tennants of the lordfhips following, viz. Afl K. Hen. VTII, •} Soil, produce and agriculturf.] The beil land is near Caftle-Stcads, the property of John Johnfon, Efq. lord of the manor. The manor-houfe rebuilt, in a moft elegant manner, commanding an open and extennve view, to the E. W, and S. The vale of Irthing, in front, level, fertile, and beautiful. Other lands more fandy, gravel, and unlevel. Barley, oats, and peafe, the chief produce ; as turnips are not much grown, the barley and potatoe lands confume the manure. The common lands have been cultivated and inclofed for fome years ; part* very barren. Tenure and TITHES.] The inclofed commons freehold, and pay no tithes ; the old inclofures cut tonary, and pay tithes In kind. Farms J Small, fome not above 20I. a-ycar, and few exceed 60I. — are compadl The average rent per acre, is about ] 7s. or 1 83. Families.] Are not increafed In the courfe of fome years. Aspect.] To the fouth. Wood.] None but hedge rows. Rivers.] Irthing bounds on the fouth, Cambeck on the weft, and King on the eaft. Situation.] The north part high and cold. Sheep.J Very few. Housman'8 Notes. We ro2 CASTLE-STEADS. [Eskdale Ward. We now approached CASTLE-STEADS, Which is numbered the thirteenth ftation of the Romans on the wall, in Mr. Warburton's furvey, and by him and Mr. Horfley thought to be the Petriana of that people.§ It is, by fome, at this day, called Camheck fort. Here Denton alTerts, flood the capital manfion-houfe of the Lords of Gilfland ; but from what authority, he hath not noticed. His words are, — " Naworth caflle is now the " principal feat of the barony of Gililand, and hath fo been from Edward II. 's " time. — In the 36th of Edward III. Margaret, daughter and heir of Thomas " Multon, (laft of that name lord thereof) died feized thereof. The ancient capi- " tal manfion-houfe of Gilfland was at a place in Walton parifh, called the Cajlle~ " Steed, where is, as yet, to be feen the ruins of the caflle, where Gill fil. Bueth *' dwelt, and which Hubert Vaux had of the gift of Henry II. and it was called " the manor of Irth-oon-Town, contradly, Irthington villa ad rivum Irthing. — •" The river gave name to the town, manor and caflle. The lords thereof fuffered *' it to decay, as a thing of rude edification, and of the ruins thereof built Naworth, *' which, in fuccefs of time, was bettered by the owners; and by the like time. *' through negligence, more than age, begins now to decline, and lofe that beauty " and ftrength which it lately had, as all luch worldly things do, which are fubjed "to time."* This rtation is now furrounded with fine cultivated lands ; and, in the progrefs of improvement, mod probably would have been totally dcftroyed and defaced, had not fome former proprietor of the eflate in which it lies, before the Ipirit of culti- vation and enlarged hufbandryhad taken place in this country. and the depredations committed by the borderers had ceafed, either planted, or, at Icall, fuffered the whole flation, with its out-works, to be overrun with a forefl: of oaks. By the bottoms or fioves of fome of the trees, which, when we firft vilited the place, A. D. 1778, appeared to be then lately cut down, they could not have attained the ftrength thc-y Ihewed in lefs than a century. This, has, in a degree, preferved the diftincl figure of the ftation, and prevented the workman's tools from turn- ing up many Roman remains, lately difcovered, and preferved by the prefent intelligent proprietor. It lies about four hundred yards fouth f of the Praeten- turae of Hadrian and Severus, but muft be admitted one of the ftations ad lineam valli, as it occurs at a very proper diftance to anfwer to the ftation, called Petriana in the Notitia, where the Ala Petriana was fettled. The two now com- monly accepted names of Cambeck fort and Caflle-Steads, are thus to be accounted for; the former from the fituation near the brook of Cambeck, the latter the com- mon appellation given to the caflella and Roman ftations of Caftcrs or Chefters. The fituation of this camp is excellent, on the ridge of a hill, having a fvvift de- fcent to the north and fouth, and commanding an extenfive profpecl northward, along the wall, having in view the ftation of Watchcrofs weftward, and Burdof- § Gordon fays, " much about tlie fani€ dimenfions ae Carr-Voran fort. * Denton's MS. ^ Mo Gough fays a mile— perhaps an error of the prefs, edit. Camd. 201. wald ( rfSf/'W/<^>/(K\' M /. iCQH IVlii! /CIVITATECJ ORv,/\aToiS cDIO IlC vi-v^ icOH nn Ga;',ORv,v> CPVOiCA ivSHOSPEIS i PR ff c^ !J I IDY5 'G £ NT /V/v| |7'£MPL VMc jO///vr\'£TV^- P/TAN-- Vfft' '•aft A'RTISfMVS'TlN If' MVMi CRORCOREd ^ C^ PRA fF^fNSTANiL ,fi. KIARTN PR(i^iC^X^R/\L■ ._ tLP-' -VL^C_o_.s - fi- ^ - <=■;, — r-1 Ij IVBLAS-fos- [■!^4b- - P :/.,j.',.. •iirr/ci/ ^l./l.ivf'.tn- ^/ii- f'i'/i'rc/ii'li 11/' t^li.Jimiiw (i"ii/tirn nnr! rff .\'r//n'>i;\ EsKDALE Ward.] CASTLE-STEADS.. ,03 wald to the eaft : and it was alfo capable of being alarmed by any beacon from Carr-Voran. Camden, from an infcription, and the likenefs of names, was induced to fix the name of Petriana on old Perith, featcd on the river Petril.f Mr. Gordon thinks the notitia is in confufion here, and that Camden had gained ftrong arguments to fupport his opinion, J but, from Anroninc's Itinerary, it fecms incontrovertible, that the Itation of Old Perith was called Veroda ;§ and Mr* Warburton juflly ob- fevves- In Mr. Horjley'i 'work, ive have the fillomMng infcriftions : T. Cohcrs Ncna Pofuit. This is of that fort which is ufiiaily found on the fucc of the wnl!, and has been erefted by the ninth colioi t of one of the legions. The letters are well cut, and the ihoke which is drawn through the middle, may poffibly have been dejigned for a numeral mark, lliough it be continued from one fide to the olhcr. It was lound in the wall near a cottage, called Kaudylaniis, more than half way from Burdofwald towards Cambeck, and not long bcfoie I came there. It has not been publifhed before. 2. E ck'itatd Catuvellaunoruni Titus Oifedio Pofuit.^ This is in the fore wall of a houfe at Howgill, a place about half a mile farther weft than Randylands ; and is of the fame fort with thofe that are found upon the face of the wall. It was firft publifhed by Dr. Jurin in the Phllofophical Tranfaftions, and fiiice by Mr. Gordon, who fays it may be read civitate OtaJenorum ; but this does not appear to me, even from bis own copy, though it be pretty much different from the original. The learned Dr. Jirin's copy comes much nearer, though it is not altogether exafl ; for it is in the original diflin£lly and plainly civitate catvvellavnorvm, only the a in the iirfl line ftands awkwardly below the other letters, perhaps by having been omitted at firft. The remark is certainly jufl in the Tranfaftions, " That we cannot doubt this to have been the true name of that people, which. " Dion Caffius, lib. tx. calls KxriXXxim ; and Ptolemy in his Geography, lib. ii. chap. 3. more " falfcly }Lcirviv)(,'Ay.ttii ; the firft A by producing the tranfvcrfe ftroke having been miftaken iox )^. This " nation appears by Dion to have been more potent than their neighbours the Dobuni (whom he calls " the Boduni) and had, according to Ptolemy, Verolamium for their capital ; which, it is moft probable^ " was the Caflivellaunioppidum of Csefar. Sothat it fhould fecm CafGvellaunus, kingof thefe Catuvellauni, «= when Csefar, invaded Britain, either gave his name to this people, or took theirs." The diftant fituation of thefe people is no difficulty at all in this cafe, any more than to find a cohort of diftant people at a flation in Britain, or a Grsecian arch-prieftefs erefting an altar here. For no doubt the pcrfon who ereft« ed this monument was in the army, and perhaps a centurion. Nor does his being a Briton create any difficulty, for no doubt feveral of the natives of this ifland were in the Roman army. Galgacus, the fa- mous Caledonian king, is introduced by Tacitus, as affirming that in his time many of the Britons were in the Roman army, and " lent their blood to the fervice of a foreign power." Theie is a fmall piece broken oEF the corner of the flone, which probably contained the letter e. It feems by its fliape and fize, and by being found upon the face of the wall, to have been of the centurial kind ; and I take it to con- tain nothing in it, but the name of the perfon who erefted the monument, and of the ilate or people to which he belonged ; his name feems to have been Titus Oifedio, or fomething very near it. It is plainly a c in the firil line after the e, though a break in the fuiface of the ftone might lead Mr. Gordon into the opinion of its being an o. But there is fcarce any obfcure or doubtful letter in the whole in- fcription, excepting the firft in the laft line, 'this Titus Oifedio, || though originally of the CatUTellaunfj might however be a Roman citizen, as the legionary foldiers and officers were, and as Titus, his prxno* men, fecms to intimate. •f- P. 1020 X Sep. p. 81. } Gale's Antiq. p. 39. § Gordon copies it CIVITATE OTA VVFLLAVM RVMOISE ........ DID, the Crft part fccms plainly to read Cmilale OlnJirwrum ; what the reft is I cannot explain. Corp. ScfT. Itir. d Oifedio was a Briton, with a Rotuan pra^oomcn. . Goucw's £i>it« Cams. p. aoii ■ Soli I04 CASTLE-STEADS. [EsKDALE Ward. ferves, little regard is to be had to a feeming refemblancc of names, when the hypothefis is fupported by no other evidence. When Mr. Warburton vilited this ftation, he fays it was all grown over with wood, though the boundaries were eafily traced out, that it feemed to have been about R.]V5SA 1 i VATOl^ r^E^^SET" Soli Invito Sexfu! Severius Salvatar PrirfiSlus votuiit Soher.s ithens Merito. The four next are at prefent, at Scaleby catlle f but are generally laid to have come from this fort. That before us was firll publifhed in the edition lfi.# /i§ ^^ 0'f-^^^^S "'^ Camden's Britannia, 1695, and is continued in the kll l~ 5* t '"^ W n. *j^^^^^ edition; fince which it has alfo been publifhed by Mr. Gor- don, who omits the alf in the fixth line, which are ve)cy vifible, and have plainly been a part of the word prxfeftus. One would think alfo that the ufual vs mull have preceded the LM at leaft. •' The infcription soli invicto is found • ' upon the medals of many of the Roman emperors. And " Julian informs us, that very magnificent fports were cele- •' bratcd at the conclulion of the year oXiw «»(K))7-m to the in- " vincible Sun. So that no judgment can be formed of the " age of this infcription, or under what emperor it was " erc<£led, from thefe woids, though Bandurius feems to ♦' intimate, as if it appears firll upon the coins of Gallienus." DEO SOLI MITRiE. This is another infcription of " the fame nature with the preceding, deo soli mitrae. " I cannot find that this has been publilhed before, whu h " 1 much wonder at, becaufe the title is curious, and I bc- { . . _3^__. ^. " lieve we have not another inilance of it in Britain, though W^^8 they are not uncommon elfewhere, as appears from Gruter ' ^^^^^^^and Reinefius. It is well known in how great veneration "~~~~~~-~ — " — ■" — the fun and fire were held by the anci<:nt Perfians. It is alfo certain that the Perfians gave the name Mithras both to the fun and fire. From hence wasthe name introduced among tlie Romans ; and the Roman inferiptions we meet with, and this in particular, plainly prove Mithras and the fun to be the fame, deo soli mitrae, that is, to the deity of the fun, whom the Perfians called Mithras. The Trojans and Graecians are thought to have received the worlhip of fire from the caftern people, efpecially the Perfians. It is generally fuppofed that Herodotus is millaken, when he affirrHS the Perfian Mithras to be the fame with Urania or Venus cslellis. It has alfo been obftrved, that ths woribip of Mithras was not a little in vogue in the Roman empire, efpecially in the fecond or third century, which favours the conjefture about the time of creeling tliefe altars. I fhall only farther obferve concerning this infcription, that vis occurs in number w. of this county, as if it was a name, or part of a name, and fo we find it in Gruter ; and cor may poGibly have been gor for Gordiana, as the cohcrs ffi'iii' JElia D.tcorutn was called. 3. Jg-A Optimo MjxitHO, cjhors cjuarla Gallorum cut prxffl Vokafius ffoffes praefeSitis Equitim. Mr. Gordon fays, he found this at fome place in Cumberland, not far from the wall. It is at Scaleby callle, arid has been there a long time, having a fun-dial upon it; and, as Mr. Gilpin told me. was found at Cambeck fort. The altar has been eretted to Jupiter optimus via-s.imus. though the o and m are at pre- fent effaced. There is an i in Hofpcs, which feems to be redundant. The t and i in Volcatius do not now appear ; but I think this mull be the name, becaule it is not only Roman, but among the confular ones. The A and e are alfo loll in prafeTnu, and perhaps one o^for eqitititm. But it is more material to obfeive tkat by the title of the commander, praefeStits equitum, this feems to liave been the fame cohort of horfe that before was at Rifingham ;J for this appears plainly by the cut of the letters to be the later i:ifcrlp- ^ The tiicn feat of Mr. Gilpin, and were plkfted by the gentkman of that name, who was RecorJer of Carlide. » Northumbirland, No.LXXXVIII. t)on EsKDALE Ward.] CASTLE-STEADS. 105 about fix chains fquare. We were more fortunate on our fird vifit, for the fall of timber had opened it out, favc the buflics and brurtiwood that were fcattered over the ground. The tion tlic L and r bolli inclining to the Gothic form. Vvlicn the Romans abandoned -Al beyond the waM,. this cohort might pofTibly retire hither; and from their continuance at thii lUtion at Cambeck fort acquiic the name q{ Pctrijna, and be the nla Petriana, or a part of it, wliich, arcording to the Nolitia, kept garrifon here. And then the cokors qtiarta Giillorum, that were in ganllon at Viiido'ana, or Little Chclleis, may be of foot; which feems confirmed by the cxprenion in the Notitia, nainely, />7i«««j (not praefeeius) cohortis, (sfc. the former being ufually the title of a commander of foot tlte latter of iiorfe. Z)« SiinSlo Bi:iatucadro Aului Domitlus Pauliiivts voium fdxiit.—> This is the lalt of the four, wliich, as I obfi.rvcd before, are at Scaleby i^ callle, and is faid in Camdcji to have been found in the river Irthing, not Z^ far from this callle. Mr. Gilpiu rcfei s it to Cambeck fort, as %vcll as the V6 ^"^■> other; which is favoured by the river Irthing running fo nigh to this fort. The letters in this iiifcriplion are rude and meanly cut, and two or three of them entirely effaced. But it is plain enough, that it has been erefted by one Auhis Domitius or Domitianus Paullinus to the local god Belatucader. It is generally known, that ^VO -^''''^ '" the Hebiew or Phaenician language fignifies a lord, and exprefles a deity. But I cannot recolkiA a Hebrew word that has any affinity with the latter part of the name, and that is of a firitable fignification, unlefs it be 1)T>^> which fometimes fignifies acles ; and that this was a god of war feems very evident, from his being joined to Mats in the Infcrip- tj^j tion found at Netherby, dec marti belitucadro. The learned Dr Ls'^ Gale, who once thought that the name might be derived from the- ■" ^""^ — - — — -~ ., i^ '^v^ Britidi word hdaiv, which fignifies a fountain, feems rather to think. afterwards, that the latter part of it comes from fome one of the Biitidi words cad pruelkoi:, cader caflrum or ciidr firtis. And this derivation appears to me the moil probable; though for tiii:; reafou too, I think, the nominative has been BelutucaJer, and not BclatucaJrus, as the dortor has made it I (hall add the following conjefture of Mr. Ward. " Selden and Voffius agree in fuppofing Rclat ucadrus ■" to be the fame as Beleitus, or BeAk, as he is called by Herodian. And tliis deitv both Herodian and " Capitolinus fay was Apollo; and that he was worlhipped by the Druids, we learn from Aufoniiis. " Whether s in the firfl line of this infcription was defigned for Soli ox faiiilo may be doubtful, becaulc it is " ufcd for either of thofe woids. If we read it .SV//, it will agree with N xxix, Mithras being the " name by which he was worfliippcd in the eall; and tliis, as I would fuppofc, in thefe wellern parts. " But if we read ll fan8o, it will equally agree to Apollo, this being an epithet givai to him not only in ** infcriptions, btit likewife by the poets. So Pindar: T-f,\x^ xMi uyytv 'ATTdXXatfx. *' And there is another infciiption of this county, which begins with deo sancto BELATt/CADRO, — I " cannot therefore but incline to think this deity was the fame as Apollo, rather than Mars, both from " the afDnity of this name, with other names of Apollo, and becaufe 1 do not find the epithet farLJui ever " given to Mars. Indeed there is one infcription of this coimty, which if perfedl, would decide this " difficulty in favour of the other opinion; for it begins deo marti belatvcadro. But the original " of this is loft, and it is plain it muft have been obfcure, or very ill taken, when it was firft cojicd; for " there is nothing clfe intelligible in it but thefe three words. And therefore I cannot but think it was " originally dec marti et belatvcadro; fince it is no more inconfillent to make thefe two deitica " rufc€iwf40(, than Minerva and Hercules." 4. I'i^^oria /liigujli. This and the two next numbers have been but lately difcoveied, and fo never piibliflied before. 'I'lic late Jofeph Dacre Appleby, Efq. in whofe grotmd this fort ftands, had, for fome time, employed people in digging there, for which commendable gcnerofity he mull merit the thanks of all curious antiquai ies. The two ftones under this number were the fini difcovery, in v\ hlch every thing is very plain, and nothing mean or rude. The figures are in relieio. On the one llojic is a fea-goat above, and VOL. I. . P a Pegafut io6 CASTLE-STEADS, [Eskdale Ward. The approaches from the caft, north and fouth, appeared very dinind, the ditch of a confidcrable depth, but not ecpally wide with thofe we obferved at ochcr ftations. The ruins of the prastorium formed a confiderable mount. The vallum was ftruck into by the roots of large oaks, and fhewed very confiderable remains. Amoncr a Pet^afus below; on the other a Viftory winged, and in the ufual drapery, treading vipon a globe with a palm branch in her left hand, a mural erown in her right, and under it the infcription vie. viG for n^oria Aw^uJ}'!. The infcription is very clear and diftinft, and the letters well cut, though the A has no Iranfvetfe. If Caracalla had done much, or been victorious here, during his fingle reign, 1 lh'ouR.1 think that the cut of the letters and other circumftances of the infcription, together with the iingle G in AVG. implying that a fingle emperor leigned at this time, might have agreed to his reign, after the death t)f Scverus. But I rather imagine it has been Commodus, for there are inftances of the A wanting a tranfverfe as early as this. Sevcrus and Caracalla were fuccefsful in their expedition agaiuft tlie Calsdo- nians, but yet I meet with no infcriptions that feem to refer to their vitlories; add Caracalla, as I have ihewn elfewhere, left the ifland immediately after the death of his father. This inclines me to the opinion that feveral other infcriptions of the fame nature belong to the emperor Commodus. Yet there is an in- fcription or two to Caracalla after he had left this itlaiid, though I think of a different nature. But this I leave to the judgment of others. Thcfe two Hones, though exaftly of the fame (hape and fize, yut feem to have been always dillinft; for they are no way like to broken pieces of the fame ftoxie. plow. ever I believe they have been fet clofe together in the fame wall and both refer to the fame thing. The leer of Vidorj' Handing upon the globe is naked, fomewhat higher than ufual. ThePegafus and fea-goat 1 tir.d in other fculptnres, efpecially the fea-goat. The OKie I fuppofe may denote the fvvlftnefs of the- Viftory, and the other the maritime fituation of Britian. Thsfe two Hones I faw at the Chff, near Kirklintcn, the feat of the late Mr. Appkby. 7. Legh Scxla Vicitlx fecit. This is alfo at the Cliff, having been removed thither. It was found in the eaft part of the ftation near the gate. The letters are rather more rude than ordinary. I am of opinion that thefe legionary infciiptions which we meet with in the ftations, were mofl of them ere6led, when Severus's wall was building, at the llations where the body of the legion quartered; and that the infcriptions of the particular cohoi-is, tliat were working upon the feveral parts of the wall, were infertcd in the face of the wall in thefe feveral places. But this infcription is fo rude, as to give me a fufpicion it mi'rht be ereiled much later, when the fort, or fomewhat about it, h.as bees repaired. g Omnium Gentium t:»iplutn olim vetiijiaie conlabfum, Gajus Julius Pitanus provincis praefes RcRituit. We have here a very curious infcription lately found at this fcrt, and lince removed to the Chff. It was dug up near the eaft entry of the ftation, and feemed to be in the fouth jamb of the gate with the face downwaids, where feveral pieces of broken pots or urns, with other rehques cf antiquity, were alfo fnind. The ftop that follows (he name Julius Pitanus is very remarkable. It has been taken for D or BE, but r beg leave to diifer from ibis opinion, and cannnot but think that both the ihape and magnitude of it was purely deligned to fill up the fpace, as we find the other Hops, or flourifhes, fuited to the feveral places where they ftand. The following p p ir, in the opinion of fome excellent antiquaries, to be read either />,••£/■/ w /'c'tv.v.v'.j, ax puhlica pecnnia; but I humbly conceive thefe letters rather contain fome farther defcription of Julius Pitanus from the ofHce he bore. If they do not, we have no more than barely his name, which is not ufual in fuch an infcription, efpecially if the work was done at his own coft. p p is mani- feftly put for protii aetar in another infcription In this county, which I Ihall foon have occafion to mention. And yet as this infcription feems to have been late in the empire, ths office oi propi actor might then poffibly Lave ceafed in this Ifland, if It did not continue after Conftantlne's time; and then we miift not read It propraetor, but praefefius proviru-iae, ox prcjinciae prjefes, cr pmeficlus pmetoria. The infcription Is curious and valuable, both as it furnlfties us with an argument to prove that the Romans were late pofleffed of this ftation; and alfo as, 1 think, it aftoid^ us the name of a new govtrnor not mentioned in any other infcription, nor In Roman hlftorlans; who, I fuppofe, muft have been under fome of the later emperors. Tulius Pitanus might be xhcprnefeftus praetorio und.r Caraufius, If fo at all. And perhaps his rebuilding or repairing fome forts, or other public edifices upon the wall, may have given rife to an opinion, that he built the wall itfclf, though it is certain he did not. When there was an emperor here In perfon, (and iuch, It is plain, Carauliuswas owned to be) there was no occafion for a /ro/riimo Maximo cohors prima Tungrorum JUc ......... cl Chi praejl Aurdiits Optivitu- fraefcliiis f The other thus' — hn An C. Upal. Icgata Augiijiali pi opraetorc cokors ptiina Tungrorwit poj'.iit. The three laft lines in the fiill infcription might piobably contain fome farther defcription of the prefctl, or the names of the confuls j but they are (to me at ha!l) unintelligible. The thiid line looks like tlie name of a place, but what this fhould be I annot imagine. I find a place called Ilkiik, in Cumberland, and Olerica, in Ravennas. The cut of the L is remarkable in Camden. It is the fame with the fifth inthe table of letters,and it isa pity for tliat reafon we cannot fix the date of this infcription. However it appears from hence, that this fliape was intioduced before cohors prima Tiingrorum fettled /v CVPAL TVNC."T05|lT at Borcovicus or Houfe-StcaJs. I believe the i v in the beginning of the latter infcription has rather been im, and that imperatori Casfari lias been the firft line, though this is uncertain. I have nothing more to obiervc with relation to thefe infcriptions, excepting that the cohors prima Twigrorum, fo clearly mentioned in both, feems after this to have removed from hence, and fettled at Houfe-Steads, in Northumberland, the ancient BorcovicuB, where the Notitia found them. \ Camden fays (as his editor Gibfon has it) " That below Brampton, and at Caftle-StcaJs, as alfo at Trederman, hard " by, were found thefe infcriptions, wliich the right honourable Lord William Howard, of Naworth, (1607) third fon of " his grace Thomas Duke of Norfolk, copied out for me with his own hands; — a pcrfoa admirably well verftd in the '• ftudy of antitjuitics, and a pcculkr favourer of that ftudy." bus EsKDALE Ward.] CASTLE-STEADS. ro^ but very faint ; and Hadrian's vallum is fcarce to be afcertaincd ; what is like its appearance, is about three chains diitant from Severus's works, Mr. Warburton, when he viewed them, found them in what he calls the fecond degree, but they are much reduced fince that time. At Old Wall, the feveral wcnks may be difcovered, the diftance between thofe of Hadrian and Sevcrus, being about ten chain ; buc there can be little certainty in all this trad:, for where the ground is not in culti- vation, it is, in feveral parts, overgrown with brufhwood. Mr. Warburton fays, between Old Wall and Blcatarn, is a place called the Houfc-Steads, where, about feven years before his furvey was made, an altar was difcovered then at Scaleby, without any viiible infcription. The chief caufe of robbing and defacing the ftation, feems to have been the building of Mr. Dacre's houfe and offices, at Caflle-Steads, within a quarter of a mile of it : in the walls of which arc many Roman remains prefervcd, particularly the pillars of the floor of an hipocanft, which are built up in many parts of the barn, with cornices and mouldings fcattered here and there. In the wall of the ftable is the fculpture, marked No. 5 in the plate annexed: the whole ftone is about twenty-feven inches long, and twenty-two wide, and the figure, though rude, is well relieved. It hath not been publiflied. Over the door of the office in the garden, is the fculpture and infcription, mark- ed No. 6 in the plate, not noticed by Mr. Horfley, or Mr. Warburton. The firft. No. 5, is one of thofe Gaulifh figures, of which we have many inftan- ces, in this county, noticed in the courfe of this work. The fecond is a fepulchrat monument, of which an ill-drawn fketch was publiflied in the Gentleman's Ma- gazine for February 1747, and an explanation of the infcription defired. In the fucceeding month, the following addrefs appeared in that repofitory,. under the well-known fignature of the Learned Antiquary, the Rev.. Mr. Peggc " Relolving the legatures, I would give the letters thus: — DM GEMELLI. C. A. FL. HILLARIO. S. H. P. G. " All the difficulty in reading it lies in the word Hillario, where the fecond letter, *• or note, is a mixture of I and LL ; and the laft but one is alike jumble of R. L. — " You will pleafe to obferve, that the ffone-cutter, by miflakc, has fpelt this word " with LL, inftead of L. As to the interpretation, you have the name Gemellus " in Caffiodorus, and the correfponding feminine Gemella in the Marmor Oxon, " No. 62. But for all that I do not take Gemelli to be a proper name here, buc " the nominative cafe plural of the adjedlive Gemellus. Again you have both *' Hillario and Hillarius, Roman names, fee Fabric. Bibl. Lat. torn. iii. p. 418, " 539 ; but I believe Hillario on the ftone to be the dative cafe of the latter. — " The infcription I would therefore fill up in this manner. — Dis manif>us Gemelli " Cains Aulusy Flario Hillario Jepidchrum hoc fieri curaverunt. The fenfe whereof " will be, — The tivin brothers. Cuius Hillarius, Aldus Hillarius, have caufed this ino- " nutnent to he erected for hlavius Hillarius. It is prefumed thefe were three bro- •' thers of the name and family of Hillarius, in this legion, whereof two that were *' hvjns, furvived the other brother, and put this marble over him." Another no CASTLE-STEADS. [Eskdale Ward. ■ Another writer, in the fame rcpofitory, under the fignature of G. Shivy, Oxon, 17th March, 1746, lays, — "I take it to have been defigned to perpetuate the memory ** of fome military man, and is to be read as follows : — Diis manibas, Gemelli Cains *' AureHns, Flavio Helaro , fcpulchrum hoc faciundum curavcre. I am induced to think *' thus, as well from fcveral parallel inftances in Grutcr, particularly a remarkable " one, p. 526, No. I. to which I refer the curious, as from feveral others of the like •* kind now in my hands, belonging formerly to that learned antiquary, Mr Thomas *« H -n, my much honoured friend, and fellow-labourer in thefc ftudies.'** After thefe difcuffions, it would be impertinent to add any thing on the fubjecft ; only to hint that it is very rare, on fuch monuments, to fee regular crofTes, or a double crofs, as it were radiated, or like a blazing ftar. The infcription is tak^n accurately, and the plate will corretft the former copies, and obviate the difficulties that arofe to Mr. Pcgge. We were informed by one of Mr. Dacre's fervants, of a ftonethen lately brought from the fort, with an infcription on it; but unfortunately it was broken, and a part of it built in the banking of a forced road, lately made to one of the mclofurcs; the fervant would not let us depart till he had fearched for it, affluing us his mader would be much difpleafed if any traveller went from thence unfatisfied in any mat- ter of antiquity which was enquired after in his eftatc. The fragment Mas reco- vered, and when the pieces were made clean, the infcription appeared greatly defaced ; and, in fome part of the drawing we took, the letters are uncertain. See No. 10 in the plate. f We are not able to give a probable reading of this fragment. In the garden, with its face lain to the foil, we faw the altar of which the an- nexed drawing is accurate. It has already exerciled the pens of learned antiqua- ries, though it was not difcovered in Mr. Horfley's time : and from the principles with which we fet out in this work, and the view of Northumberland, we fhall give a full extrad: of what has been faid on the fubjed:. No. 14 in the plate. From the Manuscripts of Roger Gale, Efq. Extraf? of a Letter from Mr. Roulb to Mr. Gale, ij^lh 0/ Nov. 1741. *' This altar was dug up at Caftle-Steads, nigh Brampton, about (ixty years ago, *' and foon after its being difcovercd, was buried again in a wear, with two or three " more flones with infcriptions on them, as fome old men related, belonging to *' the Earl of Curliflc, where it continued till very lately, when the wear being re- " paired, it was fought for, and carried, by Mrs. Appleby's order, who now lives *• there, up to Caftle-Steads, and now placed in the court-yard : it is four feet " in height, the capital being fourteen inches, body twenty-two, and bafe feven. " The irident, or fulmcn, about twenty-two inches long, and the letters fomewhat ♦' exceeding two inches," Objervalions on the preceding Infcripticn, ly Roger Gale, Efq. " I fufpeded that the cohort, in the fecond or third line, fliould have been " COH. 1. not 11. but getting Mr. Routh to examine it, he alfured me that the • Brown Willis communicated this i 747, to the fociety of antiquaries, D. M. Gc?iidli Cams Atircliui FJaiiius Hilar io fpulchruvt hoc fieri ctiravit. So read by Mr. Ward. Gemdiius occurs at Binchefter Durh. H'llario in Grutcr. — The head fuppofcd Piute Libert being before Hilario in Gruter, this may be Flavii JLihcrtus. Mr. Gougn's Auds. to Camd. ■\ Corn. Blalio. Con, 270 — C. Semp. Blaefus Con, 253, " nurperals EsKDALE Ward,] CASTLE-STEADS', 'in " numerals II were particularly fliir; the reafon of my fufpicion arofe from many " inlcriptions found in thcfe parts, particularly at Houfe-Steacis, and this Caftlc- " Steads, with COH. I TVNGRORViVI upon them, and not one before this with *' II. neither does the Notitia Imperii ever mention the coh. II. Tung, in this " ifland, perhaps it had been recalled before that work was compofed. The coh. " I. Tungro, in thcfc infcriptions, is never (liled miliiaria cquitata, fo that the II. " though inferior in number, feems to have had the preference in dignity, being alfo " honoured with the emperor's name, and from him called Gordiana. It muft alfo •' have been the firfl: auxiliary cohort of the legion it belonged to ; for Vigetius tells " us, that the firft cohort of the legion was called miliiaria that it confilled of 1 105 " foot foldiers, and 132 horfe; and as the feveral cohorts of alcgion and their auxi- " liarics bore the lame proportion to each other, fo the firft auxiliary cohort mull " have contained as many in number as the firft legionary cohort : and though ours " might have been the fecond of the Tungrii, as perhaps levied later than the firft, ♦' yet it might be firft of the wing to which it appertained, and dignified with *' their honourable titlesj for fomc peculiar merit, now to us unknown ; neither is " it improbable, that it might belong to the Ala Augnjla Gordiana ol? viriutem ap^ " pellala quartered in this county.* In the fourth line the C. L. muft be numeral,, " for though the true number of horfe in a cohort is faid to be no more than 132, " yet as that was not always certain, cfpecially in the lower empire, this cohort •' of the Tungrii might chance to have a few more in it than ufual, and that might " be a very good reafon to exprefs it upon this ftone, it being of fomc confidera- " tion to be more numerous than the others, to confift of 150 horfe, inftead of " 132; fo that the whole relating here to this cohort, may be read, cohors fecunda *■• T uiigroruni (Jordiana miliiaria Equilum Ceiiiiini quinquaginta. In the fifth line the " remains C L feem to fignify Claudius Clandiamis ; what is left being the tops " of C L, and the fpace defaced in the fixth line, being of a very fit dimenfion to " receive the letters ANVS; and we have an infcription in Grutcr, p, 391, 2,. of " a Claudius Claudianus, befides the name of the eminent poet, to juftify this con- " jedure. In the fixth line you have ijlante for curante, a word uncommon, neither " does it occur to me in any other infcription, except the very imperfert remains " in one given by Mr. Horiley, Scotland, No. 7. xxix INS. may denote that word. " Virgil, ^ncid I. 508. '• — Inftans operi regnifque futuris. " So Pliny, in Pancgyr, c. 18. ' Inftans opcribus, &c.' " In the ninth PRINC. for Principe, the proper name of a man, K,\\\i% ** Martinus Princcps, not of a dignity. This name Princeps is often met with ia •" Gruter. There is no crofs ftroke in the N of Martino, therefore I read it Martino «' not Martiano X. Kal. is decimo Kal. Januarii, Junii, or Julii. As for IMP. " DNG. AVG III in the penultimate line, I believe it muft read Impcratore " Domino Noftro Gordiano Augufto Tertio, and what follows Pompciano Con- *' fulibus: and that it is no miftakc of the emperor's being the third time conful «• inOead of the fecond: for, in the infcriptionsof Grutcr, he is mentioned as conful *• the fecond time with Pompeianus, and as it was in the fourth year of his reign' * V. Cam: Brit. & Horllui Brit. Rom. in Cumb. LVI. &c. " whew 112" CASTLE-STEADS. [Eskdael Ward. •' when he was conful with him, thefe numerals cannot refer to a third confulate, " which he never took, but mufl: relate to his being the third emperor of that name. " If it is objeifled that it was not ufual for the Roman emperors to ftile themfelves " P. 11°. IIP. I anfwcr there were never three of them of the fame name, thus *• nearly fuccecding one another, as the three Gordians, if at any time. However, «* the infcription in Gruter, p. 1085, muft include a mirtake, where it reprefents " this Gordian as RM. TRIB. POT COS III. PP. the III immediately following " Cos, and fo cannot be applied to any other word, but it is a palpable miftake of " the ftone-cutter. The entire reading of this infcription, therefore will come out as follows : Jovi Optimo maximo Et Numini et Numinibus Augufli Noftri Cohors fecunda Tungrorum Gordiani Milliaria Equitum centum et quinquaginta, cui Prasell Claudius Claudianus, Prae- fedus inftantc iElio Martino Principe X Kal. I. imperatore Domino Noftro Gor- diano Augufla tertio Pompeiano Confulibus. (R. G. aSth Dec. 1741) In 1742, G. Smith, Efq. communicated this altar and infcription to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine, p. 30, for 1742. Jovi optimo maximo et Numinibus noftrae Cohortis Secundas Tungrorum Gordianorum Mille Equitum* cataphraclariorum Legionis cui praeefl: Sicilius Claudianus,;|: Prcefedus inilante Aelio Martirino Principe decimo Kal. I. impcratoris Dom. noftri Gordiani III. po- mpeiano Confulibus. References.] " Probably thefc laft all in the ablative. " * Cohorts of horfe were moft necelTary to guard the frontiers, but whether the •' Cataphraclarii were ever formed into regular cohorts, Mr. Ward knows better " than I. X " The C. I. is C. L. for the bottom of the letters is deftroyed and I read it *' Sicinus or Sicilius, or Sicilianus Claudianus. I obfcrved fomcthing like an ON " before Praee ; but as they were very fmall to the reft, I ftiall not read them Pan- " nonia. In the N of Mart, there feemed to be a connection of an RI and O which *' induces me to read it Martirino, but I think the name hardly Roman, and fub- ** mit to Mr, Ward's reading."* Which follows, Jovi optimo maximo et numini domini noftri, cohors fecunda Tun- grorum Gordiana millenaria equitum centum quinquaginta, cui prae- eft Silius Clau- * Mr. Ward was proftffor of rhetoric ia Grelbaia college, London.- dianusi EsKDiAE Ward.] CASTLE-STEADS. xrj dianus prse- fecftus, inftante Aelio Martiano Principe, decimo kal, T. imperatore domino noftro Gordiano [Augiifto tertium Po- mpeiano confulibus. In the fame repofitory, for 1742, p. 135, are feveral remarks, by an anony- mous author, communicated by Mr. Smith, which, upon comparifon, will appear to be no other than Ihort extradls from the preceding letter of Mr. Gale. Mr. Smith alfo communicated to the fame repofitory the following articles, dif- covered at this ftation. TWO FRAGMENTS OF INSCRIPTIONS, Two pieces of a glafs bowl, prcfcrvcd by Mrs. Appleby, [one of which has the name of Adteon in Greek capitals, cut, as Ifuppofed, with an adamant, and the other, which is a piece of J the fame bowl, has a dog's head fair on it; fo that the fable of that prince has been engraved on this vefTel. " The glafs bowl is very curious, but the fragments not being at the edge any " where, it is impoffible to judge of its capacity. One of the pieces is about one *' inch and eight-tenths length-ways, and one-tenth crofs, or, to fpeak mathemati- " cally, the chord is about one inch and eight-tenths long, and the fagitta.or vcrfed " line, one-tenth, whereof the diameter ought to be eight inches and one- tenth at *' that place ; but thefc arc extremely difficult in fuchfmall arches to beaccurately *' determined. No doubt but the fable of Adleon was the hiftory on the bowl, and <* it is great pity it had not been entire." " In the wood, where the fort has been, that lady found, fome time ago, buried " in the rubbifli, a regular clay-floor, with feveral pedcftais upon it, and betwixt " every two of them a hollow parallelopipedon of burnt clay, of fixteen inches long, ■" and fix wide, with a hole through the oppofite fides. The ufe of thefe pedeftals is " hard to be conjcdurcd, unlcfs to carry off the damp from the floor, which *' was laid over it; but as pipes went through thefe holes, it would rather fcem ♦' like a contrivance to warm a hot-bath. The lady tells me there is not one- " fourth of them left that v/cre there when flie firlt difcovcrcd it. " The dimenfions of the hypocauflum are five yards by nine within the walls; " the ground-floor was of clay, in which the ftonc pedcftais were fixed about four " or five inches deep, more or lefs, fo as to bring them to a perfeft level at top, " their height, including the depth in the clay, is generally about two feet; fup- " ported by thefe pedeftals, was a fccond floor of white ftonc, about one inch thick, VOL. I. Q^ , " and 114 CASTLE-STEADS. [Eskdale Warw " and curioufly cemented for the bath. The parallelopipedons of burnt clay were " placed quincunx form, betwixt every other row of thefe pedeftals, and were " five or lix inches iliort of their height, in order to give pafiage for the fmoke to " warin the bath ; but, in order to the better underftanding of them, I fhall give " you an ichnographical plan of a few of them : — A " Here the fquares rcprefent the ichnography of the g gi ^ Q < pedeftals, and the n's that of the clay parallelopipedons^. n n " which were omitted in every other row, as A B. S Ei H S" There were about one hundred pcdcflals in all, two n n " pedeflals, and the vacuity took up about twenty-eight gym ^" inches, as near as can be judged from the prefent Itate n n " of their fituation on the floor. S E H H " ^rs. Appleby, who deferves to be gratefully re- n n " membered by all lovers of antiquity, took great pains ^ H B g|" to preferve what flic could of thofe valuable remains of B " the ancients, fhe found there the ruins of the bottom *• and fides of an iron grate,- which that lady ftill has at Caftle-Steads, and fome " pieces of charcoal w ere lying up and down on the floor. ♦' Adjoining to the fouth wall, where the grate ftood, were two curious rooms, " fupported in the fame manner with pedeftals, and conduits betwixt them, ftitl " running frefn when that lady found them ; but on admiffion of the air, all have *' gone to ruin. The floors of thefe rooms that refted on the pedeftals, were paved *' in the fame manner as the bath, with this addition, that a curious cemented com^ ** polition of lime, brick-duft, and pebbles, at leall four inches thick, was fpread *' over the ftone of a wonderful hardnefs. Such care have that warlike people " taken to render the climate of thele northern regions agreeable to. their con^ " ftitutions. " There were many other curious floors found amongft the ruins, and fome " coal-afties: but 1 am apt to believe, that the old caftle of the de Vallibus, pro- " prietors of Gilfland after the conqueft, hath been built on the ruins of this fort, " becaufe feveral curiofities, that intimate a more modern date, have been found *' here. It ftands, as moft other Roman forts have done, on a lingula. as near as " the defence of the wall would admit, betwixt the rivulets of Irthing and *• Cambeck. " There was alfo a coLd-bath found near the place, and not far from it fome- " thing like a ciftrcn, about five yards by one and a half, compofed of thick flate " ftones very large and fet edge-ways, curioufly cemented fo as to refufe paflage to " any liquid, on fuppofition that it might be intended for fuch a defign."t From the Manuscripts of Roger Gale, Efq. E.xtra5l of a Letter from Mr. Rotith,jun. 2%th December, 1741. *• Mrs. Appleby, a while ago, difcovered a fmall room nigh the fort at Caftle- •» Heads, whofe floor, which was furprifingly dry, was fupported by feveral pedef- t Gentleman's Magazine, 174-2. •' tali EsKOAtE Ward.;] CASTLE-STEADS. tt^ " tals exaAly fiiaped like fniall altars, between every two rows of which a row " of hollow bricks, about eighteen inches high, open at top and bottom, with aa " oppofitc aperture on both fides, was found ftanding perpendicular," as in the figure No. 12 in the plate, *' as Mrs. Appleby told me, though by the appearance *' of them, and as the pedefials are the fupporters of the floor, one would be apt *• rather to think, that they may have laid horizontally, by which means, the heat *' or air would be tranfmitted every way. Six or feven of thefe pedeftals arcbuik " up in the end of a barn, and fome others, with feveral bricks were left in the " pofition as found, for the fatisfaftion of the curious, but are fince entirely broke " by fome accident or other. Mrs. Appleby has not been fo happy, as to meet " with any fatisfadory conjefture of the ufe of their defign, from any Ihe has fhcwa •• them to, and imagines it has been a contrivance for conveying the air, but it is " more probable it has been fomething in the nature of a bagnio. " Among many forts, which guard the pailge of the wall crofs the river Irthing, " there is an exploratory one on the north fide of the river, of a particular form, " to correfpond to its fituation, which commands a valT: extent of country," the plan of it is in the fliape, figure 13 in the plate, " the ditch has been prodigioufiy " deep, but both it and the agger are almoft defaced by the plough, along the " whole curve." Letter from Mr. Richard Goodman. Carlijle, ^th Nov. 1727. " The inclofed figures," 4 and 4 in the plate, " are thofe I mentioned to you irt " my former. The figure has been found fince, and was, I prefume, removed after " it was broke, for no part of it could be found for fome difiance on the ground " round where it lay, which was cleared on purpofe. The fort is an oblong fquare, '♦ from the foutheaft front, the ground is declining towards the river Irthing, on " which ground there are ftill vifiblc, the foundations of walls and ftreets, buc " removed for the fake of buildings and tillage ; on the other fide is a fteep bank, " under which the Cambeck runs, coming from the wall. The whole fortrefs •' fecms to have been a very fumptuous and fine building ; mofl; of the fiones that " are dug up, are black, as if the whole place had been burnt ; and what confirms " me more in this opinion is, that in feveral places, as yet dug into, there are great " numbers of iron nails, pieces of iron and brafs, that arc run into lumps, though " now in a mouldering condition. There arc alfo fquare tiles found, of aboutan inch " thick, with a Icdgeon an edge, by which they hung on the roofs of houfes. They arc " about ten inches by nine, and of a yellow clofe metal ; they find there alfo, many " earthen vcffcls of different figures and colours, fome of which were whole, till *' broken by carelefs digging : I think the longeft: fides of the fort are about four " Gunter's chains, and the Ihortefl: about two and a half. I fliall take a particular " draught of it, if you plcafe to have it : I am very apt to believe Mr. Gordon did <• not fee it, as being at fo great a difiance from the wall. There arc feveral foun- " dations of the houfes yei flandingdiftindly in the fort, pretty high, but hard to be "romeat for the brufhvvood growing in them. 1 gave you the imprcffionofafmall 0^2 " cornelian ii6 CASTLE-STEADS. [Eskdalb Ward, •* cornelian feal found there fome years fince : fome coins have alfo been found, by •* the men employed by Mrs. Appleby to dig for ftoncs, but 1 have not yet fcen " them."* Another Letter from Mr. Richard Goodman. Ciirlijle, 2d January, 1727-8. " Be pleafed to pardon my long filence to your laft, and believe me it has not ** been through negligence of your commands, but being told that one Mr. Horflcy " had fent for the infcription, and that he had promifed to fend Mrs. Appleby his " thoughts thereupon, I had a defirc that you ihould fee them. I have been «' leveral times, fince your laft, at the Caftle-Steads, and found, by your diredlions, ■*' that the three laft letters of the broken line \vere BVS, the upper part of the B " being broke, and the S very faint. But Mr. Horfley has no regard to the flops " like hearts that I mentioned to you, nor the figure O, ending the lafl line but " one; the two OO, which begin the word conlapfum, are very fair circles, and ♦• have no refemblance of the letter C, notvvithftanding the word could not be fenfe " othervvife. Mr. Horfley fancies alfo the propr^tor's name to have been Caius «« Julius Pitanus, and has no regard to the flop, which feems to me very arbitrary, " or the fculptor much more fo, who made the flop between the letters CO and «f IVL, which he calls Julius, fuppofing it to be an L, becaufc it is fomcwhat " wider at the bottom than the top. The other he calls S ; if fo, if. is turned the *' dirc. ( ffs//('.s/('/r(/y y \."<2) EsKDALE Ward.] CASTLE-STEADS. rr^. On the ground where the bath was formerly difcovereci, nothing was found but' the pedeftal of a column. At fomc little diftance from the fort, the foundations of a building were found, and about it a quantity of allies and fome wheat, the grain entire, but turned black : here the largert altar was recovered ; it is cracked,, perhaps, by the effcft of fire. The fouth-eaft and weft fides have been moated, the north fide is fecurcd by a.' fear, or precipice, at the foot of which runs the river Cambeck. Several Roman coins were found, of one of the Conftantines, of Maxentius, and of the lower empire ; and one Englifii coin of one of the Henrys. It has frequently been obfcrved.that the little buildings, found within the Roman ftations, were fcattercd in an irregular manner, and muft have been the work of thofe who fucceeded the Roman pofi"efi~ors ; for the form and occonomy of the Roman ftation is fo well reported to us, that no apprehenfion has taken place with the antiquarian, that the remains we now difcover were the work of that people. The clearing out of this ftation has fhewn us what the firft covering of the area was ; — a matter, not before, well afcertained. The platform had certainly led to the great fouth entrance. Afhes and burnt wheat have frequently been found; and it has been doubted whether thefe were the remains of facrifice, or the ruins- occafioned by fome conflagration. In the burning of magazines of corn, by a fuc- celsful enemy, one would prefume the quantities of afhes, &c. would be fo confi- dcrable, as to leave no doubts in the minds of thofe, who, even in this diftant age, difcover the remains : parched corn will lay in the earth a long time, where it is excluded from the air ; we know that the facrifice of the Romans was a mere con- fccration of the animals, by burning the fat and intrails as an incenfe to the Deity, and that the carcafl~es were given to the people for a folemn feftival : where thefe remains of afhes, corn, &c. have been found, an altar has attended them ; inftances of which we fliall have occafion to fpeak of in the fequel: it is alfo obfervable, that the buildings, where fuch remains have been found, were too fmall for magazines ; and, without wc conceive that the corn was burnt in the ftra\v% we are at a lofs to conjedure how a large magazine could be deftroyed where thofe remains are : all' which circumftances lead us to an apprehenfion that thefe are the remains of facrifice. THE PARISH OF IRTHINGTON. WE now entered Irthington, by fome authors called the chief manor of the barony of Gilfiand.f The parifh is divided into four quarters, or conftablewicks, viz. Irthington, Leverfdale,* Newby, and Newton, encompaffed by- ^ In the inquifition before us, not defcribed as a manor, although Naworth is particularly mentioned. - * From t/>e lnQiiistTioti, ^ijl 0/ QvtEn Elizabeth. MANERIUM Dt LEVERSDELL, The amount of the lord's rents, \g\. 2od. bailiff's fee —>«■>. Land ferjeant's fee, 4s. •• MlMORAND^-- 120 PARISH OF IRTHINGTON. [Eskdaie Ward. by the parifhcs of Brampton, Walton, Hayton, Kirklinton, Scaleby and Crofby. — The church being vicarial, was given by Robert de Vallibus to the prior and con- vent of Lanercoft, and was foon after appropriated thereto. After the diflblution it was part of the pofleiTions granted to Sir Thomas Dacre by King Edward VI. Bifliop Walter Malclerk, A, D. 1224, taxed the vicarage as follows — the vicar to have the whole altarage, with the corn tithe of the vill of Irthington, and all the land belonging to the church, the tithe of hay and mills, throughout the whole parilb, with all fmall tithes belonging to the altarage: faving to the prior and ^convent, yearly, three efkeps of oatmeal, and two efkeps of malt, J Before •* Memorand, Cumrinting Wood contains 300 acres and has icoo oke faplings growing therein." " The moor where the tennants commoned their cattle is Irthington moor." " Item, the Bounder of this manner beginneth at Leverfdale, and from Leverfdale to Brumell, from " thence to the wall of Cunirenton, called the White-flat, from the White-flat to Blcttern, and from " thence to the Highfield moor, and from thence to Leverfdale, where it beginneth." ^ Irthington parifh, by accounts, had, near twenty years ago, confided of about an hundred and forty- fix families, — now population is greatly increafed. Pope N.'s Valor. T K. Edward II. C K. Hen. VIII. EccL de Irthington ^13 15 o > Eccl. de Irth. vie. ejufd, non tax- 4 Irthington Vicar, 61, is. jd. Vicaria ejufdem - 10 o o J antur quia totaliter funt deftrud. t. IRTHINGTON VICARAGE. King's books 61. is. 4d. — Certified val. 30I. — Real val. 40I. as fuppofed. VICARIA DE IRTHYNTON, RIchardus Walton canonic, regularis vicarius ejufdem habet Manf. et Glebam dee vicarie cuj, T /. ei. refloria appropriat. unita et annexa ell prioratui dive Magdale de Lanercoft et valet com- > 20 o munibus annis. — — — — — — — — — j Idem Ricardus habet Grana decimalia p'venlent. de villa de Irthjiigton ib'm q. val. p. ann. 1 coibs ann. — — - — — — — — — — J Idem Ricardus habet decim. feni lini et canobi infr. didl p'ochia q. valent coibs annis, -r- 200 Idem Ricardus habet decim, vitulor. que valent coibs annis — — — — 100 Idem Ricardus habet oblacon. niinut. alterag. et albe decim. cu. p'ficjis libr. pafchalis que val. 7 p. annu- coibus annis. — — — — — — — — J Sm. tot Valoris 61. 5s- od. D. quibus. f UCA ^' C ^" Solucoe's p. Senagio refolut Epo Karlij annuatim. — — 3 o Et Refolut. procuracon. vifitacion. Epi de tricnnio in trienniu. xxjd. et ficl annuatim. — i^ — — — — — — j Et rem. 61. lyd. xraa. inde 12s. id. three far. Eccl. Surv. 26th K, Hen, VIII, Incumrents.— .-1224, William de Molcburn pr. pr. and con. Lanerc. — 133") Lawrence de Caldre pi*, pr. and con. Lnnerc. — After the diflblution, John Fairbairne — 1567, Robert Hutton cl. p. mort. Falrbaiine — 15S5, Robert Dobfon, cl. pr. bp. Carlide by lapfe p. m'rt. Hutton — 15^9 Leo. Scott p, reC Dobfon, pr. Cb, Dacre, Efq. — 1597> Jof. Lowden, A. M. p. mort. Scott, by lapfe bp. Carl,— 1612, Rich. Lowden pr. Hen. Dacre — Antho. Salkeld — 1642, Rich. Sibfon, A. B. p. cef. Salkeld pr, SivTho. Dacre — l66l, John Theakllon, A. B. pr. Sir Tho. Dacre — 1666. Phil. Fielding, A. M. pr. Sir Tho. Dacre— 1692, John Gofling pr. Hen. Dacre — 1731, Math, Wilkinfon, p. mort. Gofling, pr. Sufanna Maiia Dacre Appleby — 1745, Ja'H'^s Farlfli p. mort. Wilkinfon pr. Jofeph Dacre, Efq.— J 763, John Stamper cl. p. cefs, Fariih pr. Jofeph Dacre, Efq. Soil and Produce J The north and northwcft paits of this parifh having lately been improved from common lands, are open and level. The foil of the ancient inclofures is light and fandy : on the top of fome of the lulls, clay is found ; between the town and the river, a mixture of mofs and loam. The lands axe I EsKDAtE Warb.] parish of IRTHINGTON. 12t Before we quit this parifli, \vc muft take notice of the Roman ftation, now called Walchcrnfs, which, as obferved before, is diftant from Caftle-Stcads about three miles.* It is fituated on the crown of an eminence, of an eafy afccnt^very way, and commands a very extenfive profped. In Mr. Warburton"s furvey it is num- bered the 14th llation on the wall, according to the Notitia, was called Abali.aba, and held a detachment only, (tiled nuvicrus manforum^ which gives an apprehenlion that it was not ronllantiy, but only occafionally garnfoncd, and ferved as a flation of obfervation in times of more immediate danger.— It is furrounded with a black and dreary vvafte, of a foil thatleems incapable of cultivation — there are many irre- gular 3re le»el, laid down in meadows, and arc beautiful in that traS. The new improved lands will, ur.der proper culturt, produce moil iorts of grain and roots, the foil being various. Due fallowing, clean plow- ing, a pretty large quantity of lime and fon:ie manure, never fail to bring a good crop. The land favpur* rye, turnips, and potatoes. Rents. 3 The rent of farms, from 8s. to 30s. an acre — i^s. the average. Husbandry.] Improved hufbandry advances — lime from Caftle-Carrock is ufed with great advantage. Grafs-feeds are now in ufe, and lands are laid down clean and in good condition. A better race of horfes ace introduced, and carts, ploughs, &c. of a good conftruftion. The old implements have given way to example. The Poor.] They are fupported by a rate of 6d. in the pound. Roads.] The military road leads through the centre of thispaiifh: the occupation roads are new tnodelled, and in good repair. Wood.] Little wood, except in fmall ornamental plantations. Game.] Game of all forts is abundant— Great flocks of wild gecfe winter here. Hou s€s.] The houfes in general are mean and ill conftrufted, moftly made of clay, and ground floors. Cattle, ShEe?, and Corn.] The cattle are of Cumberland breed — There are no fheep kept — Corn is depended on by the farmer, to make up his rent. The harveft is pretty early. Fuel.] The fuel is coal and peats. Schools.] No endovi?ed fchool, many fmall ones. The generous mind muft lament, that learning and confcious reftitude cannot fecure an author from p(ib,lic iiegk-ft, of which this parifli furniflies an indance ; but how much more muft we grieve when wc imd difappointment hurrying fuch a man into difTipation, and that greateft wreck of the human mind— ebriety : we muft hold a fhade over the name of this unhappy fcholar. Housman's Notes. Mr. John Smith, landfcape painter, is a native of this parifli. When a youth, he was taught drawing by Capt. Gilpin, who was a great lover of the fine arts, after which, he taught drawing in \\niitchaven and St. Bees, and foon after became the pupil of Mr. S. Gilpin, the celebrated horfe painter, fon of the nbove gentleman. The progrefs he made under this mafter was confiderably improved by the frequent excuriions he made for the purpofe of ftudying Nature in her different afpefts ; he made many obferva- tions among the beautiful lakes and mountains of the north, and fpent much time in their vicinity ; Win- dermere, Kefwick, and UUfwater, have feverally employed his pleaCng pencil with the noblefl fubjefts. About two y^ars ago he painted a fct of highly finiflied views of the lakes for J. C. Curwen of Workington-Hall, Efq. from which engravings have been made, and publiflied under the patronage of many of the firft charaders of this ijngdom; and will, no doubt, eflablifli his name as an artift. LEGIW^ >MIT£ RTVI IIA roL. 1. * Mr. Horjfley's work contains the following Infcriptlons tdonglngto Watch- crofs : — I.cgiojiis Secuyiia Jluguflx Centttria Jujll Tertullianl pcfuit. At Old Wall, whicli is about two miles wefl from Cambeck fort, are two infcriptlons of the centurial fort ; this is built up in the eiid of a houfe. As it is the more djf- tin£t of the two, fo it is the more curious, becaufe it exprefsly mentions the legion. & Centurta 12-2 WATCHCROSS. [Eskdale Ward. gular lines and breaft-works throM-n up on the fouthern fide of the hill, at no great diftance from the Nation ; they are confufed, and form no certain figure, to afford an idea of the occafion on which they were made. The military way remains very diftin^fl. This appears to have been the fmalleft ftation on the wall, being four chains and a half fquare: it was the opinion both of Mr. Horfley and Mr. Warburton, that this was in the courfe of the flations of the Notitia per lineam \alli, as was obfcrved of Little Cheiters, in Northumberland. It is placed a little to the {oulh of the prctenturae of Severiis and Hadrian : the vallum and ditches are very diftincfl; for, as no purpofe, but merely to rob the wall of its materials, could have taken place to deface this camp, it remains very perfeft ; and the place of the prjEtorium is fliU confpicuous: the whole ground plot is covered with a low growth of heath. Mr. Warburton fays, he was allured by the country people, and had it afterwards confirmed, that they often plow up paved ftones here, and thinks part of the high way to Brampton, to be the military way pafling near it. This muft be fpoken of ground at a confiderable diftance, for the plough fliare has left no appearance of its having paffed any way near it. It is diflant from Bleatarn, about half a mile. — The military way going by this fort, has extended from Cam- beck, or Carr-Voran, to Stanwix, as a liring to a bow, leaving the wall to run cue northward, which the road has not attended in this trad, on account of the marflies and bogs through which the wall runs. — Thence the fituation of Little Chefters, in Northumberland, and this ftation are deemed fimilar. Near Bleatarn* the wall paffes through a morafs, for a very confiderable way ; and Mr. Warburtoa fays, the foundation here has been made with piles of wood: but there are no re- mains to evince this. Hadrian's vallum takes a fweep to avoid this morafs ; and, at its greateft diftance, is feparate from the wall ten chains, IVatch Crojs and S/tinzv/x, are feparate from each other fomewhat above five miles ; the works lie through a fine cultivated country, for the greateft part ot this diftance, and confetiuently arc almoft entirely defaced. Two caftella only are to be traced in the whole fpace, which do not immediately fucceed each other, but appear to be the firft and laft ; the intermediate ground allowing fpace for three more, now totally deft roved, which would perfedly agree with the order and dif- tance of the other caftella, in the courfe of the wall. A/CINI Centuria cohortis Solii /tuchiii pofuit. This other is an old wall belonging to Mr. Thomas Graham, and only contains the name of the centurion, and that a little obfcured. I think this may be read, Sit. Aucin'ii. There is L. AuciUus in Gruter, and the firll letter in the fixond name is pretty much different from the N which follows. In a field called the Houfe-Steads, near Watchcrofs, one of thefe altars which are at Scaleby caftle, was thiown up by the plough, but it had no infcription upon it. Another of the altars at Scaleby caftle, Mr.. Gilpin told me, had been neglefted in the neighbourhood time immemorial, till it was ordered into his gardens, and taken care of there. This has probably belonged to the fame ftation, CAPVDPI I CIVITAT [■ * We have had this infcription communicated to us, faid to have been difcovcred at the? BRICIC. J village of Bleatarn, but cannot be anfwerable for it» corrednefs. THE. [ 123 ] THE PARISH OF BRAMPTON. WE now approached the town of Brampton, in order to proceed in our tour through the caftern fide of the county. Brampton is fituated in a deep and narrow vale, around which the hills rife fwiftiy on every fide. It has the appearance of being, in former years, a place of much greater confequence than at prefent. — " Brampton in Gilfland, was, for the " mofl: part, demefne lands, and the town was of long time a market town, firffc " granted fo to be by King to , Lord of Gillland, and lb con- " tinueth to this day. At Brampton the lords do yearly keep the court leet and " view of frank pledge for the whole barony of Gildand now ; howbeit the head " and chief feat was at Irthington in the Vaux's time and Multon's. The town " is now all cuftomary tenancies, or demefnes; for the Dacrcs have wrung out all " the freeholders of Irthington and Brampton, fave Corby, and fome few fmall " tenancies of meaner fort of people."f* Camden,. t Denton's MS. * From the Inquisition, 3 f ^ Brigantum ^, ,^ ^,^,^^^, Sytcod voverat pro IMP. M. AVRELII SEVERl .5^^, PtauiilU conjugts inviB^e ANTONII PII PEL. CAES. Dovtini ncjlri imnai AVG. TOTIVSQVE DO. Imperatons Marci Aureli Severi MVS Dl VIN A E EJVS '^''''f ^'f f"/ ^"^'f' "" Amuti tolm que do M. COCCEIVS NtGRINVS i/, dk:in2 ^jus Q^AVG. N. DEVOTVS M. Cocceius- Nigrinus LI B ENS S VSCE PT D M S- %^afior Angujli Numini devotus 1 AT7TnTT Ubais J'uJ'c€ptum folvit «* l«m, therff are within this' manner of cuftomary tennants, fii-mers and , i, k,) are all of brafs, and the fr/e of the drawings. That mark- " ed ( f) feems to liave been part of a lamp, the top and focket of vvhieh is wanting. Figure ( p), '• infcribcd ( "Jovis ), has a hltlc rivet at each end, which piobably fixed it to the pedeftal of the little " pcnate ( h ), which was found with it ; ( i ) is a face of one of the Lares, ( k ) appears to be a part of " a fibula, Thefe were found a Brampton, about 10 niiles from Caillfl«, where Roman antiquities arc " frequently picked up. They are now in the polTtirion of the Rev. Mr. Carlyle, to whom I am much " indebted for his politenefs on this and other occafions." X The filloiulng ixtrafls frovi the Inqmfition of ■^Aji H^teen Elizjheth, ii.':ll Jlxiv rh chief tenor of tin ancient cuJ}oii:s : " The cuflomary tennants, &c. do claim to hould their tenements as cullomary tennants, for doing " their fervicc on the borders, and paying their lines and gred'omes at the change by death, or otherv^ife, " either of the lord or tennant ; and their fald fines and grefibmes have bLcn fometlmes two and fome- " times three years rent, according to the rate of the rent they pay for their faid tenements. As for " fuch tennants as come to the polTenion of their tenements by alienation, or marriage of daughter and «' heir, they have been accuftomed to greater fines and grefTomes, fuch as the lord and they could reafon- •' ably agree upon. And alfo concerning the certainty of their fald cudoms, to v.hom the tenement ought " to defcend after the death of any tennant, whether to the heir male or to the heir general. Is not known; " for that, in this cafe, the fame liath beea fome time allowed the one way, and fomc time the other way, "•and never any certainty therein,. *• Freeholder^ . 126 PARISH OF BRAMPTON. [Eskdale Ward. tioned by Camden, which was diflblved, or has fome years been unfupported and difufed. The houfe was originally divided into twelve apartments, and each poor perfon had 61. a-year, a gown and fuel. A falary of 12I. was given to a chaplain, who alfo officiated as fchoolmaller. — There are but eight rooms now remaining, •one of which is ufed as a fchool-room ; the mafter of this fchool has no fixed ftipend, but Lord Carlifle, of his bounty, makes a free gift of 5I. a-year, and the mafi:er reads prayers at the chapel on Wednefdays and Fridays.* What is remarkable, is, that all the furrounding buildings front from the area. The dvvelling-houfcs, in general, are mean and irregular; and a traveller, on his firfl: entrance into Brampton, is immediately ftruck with refledions on the various viciflltudes of human affairs. — In King Edward II. 's time, the parilh fulfered the calamities of war, and was defolated and laid wafie. Brampton, from its fituation, lying at the diflance of nine miles from Carlifle, and upon the great military road, furrounded with common lands, carrying a mul- " Freeholders in Gildand liave been accullomed to pay for tlieir reliefs, after the death of their ancef- " tors, the rent of one year, if in focage tenure, but if they hold by knight's fervice, and be of full age " at the death of their anceilors, fliall pay for their relief after the rate of cj- for a knight's fee ;" (with ward, marriage, and efcheat, in cafe of felony or failure of iffiic, as in general.) " Item, the freeholders of this baronie, and if they do not inhabit, then their tennants have been ac- '• cuftomed, time out of mind, to fervc upon the borders, under the direftion, commandment, and ap- '• pointment of the officer of the laid baronie, for the time being, at their own proper cods and charges. " Item, all other the tennants inhabiting in the feveral manners and townfhips, within this baronie, *' being about the number of 600, ought, in rcfpeft of their farms, tenements, and cottages, to ferve her *' majefty on the bordcis, at all times when need (hall require, at their own proper coils and charges, fome " with horfes, fome wiih nags, and fome on foote, with fuch furniture as in time pad have been " accuftomed. " Item, the lord of this baronie hath always been accuftomed, time out of mind, to have and keep, " at Brampton, a court ever)' three weeks in the year, faving in the time of harvsft, viz. from Lammas *' to Michaelmas, and two courts leets, the one within a month after Michaelmas, and the other within «• a month after Eafter. And it hath likewife been accuftomed that there fhould be kept one or two " courts barons every year, at every of the manners of Aikerton Caftle, Caftle-Carrock, and Cumrewc, " within the faid baionie, and the lord hath alwaj'S been anfwered of all efcheats, fines, amerciaments, " cafualties, and profits prefented for any offtnce, at any of the faid courts, &c. &c. Land feijeant's fee paid by other lands, than thofe beforementioned. Newby \zd. — Croglinc and Newb:;.fgine Sr. 6d. — Ormelby i8 J36 NA WORTH CASTLE. [Eskdaie Ward. Under a fprawling figure of an old man, with a branch rifing from him (on the ceiling) is written Magifter Lucas Egliment Picftor MDXIL On the great win- dow are reprefented a knight and a lady kneeling ; on their mantles painted thefc arms, three efcallops and chequers.* We were flievvn the apartments of Lord William Howard, whofe portrait we fliall have occafion to mention in our dcfcription of Corby. He was the terror of 19 Henricus Howard Dominus Maltravers, 1623. (In a circle, Jacobus Dns Maltravers obiit 1623.) Philippus Howard Miles obiit ao. 1616, uxor ejus Maria filia Johannis Carill Miliu's. (In circles, Thomas Howard 1596, Robertus Howard 1597, Georgius Howard IJ98, Johannis Howard "599' Johannis Howard 1600.) Willmus Howard miles 1623 uxor ejus Maria filia Wilmi Dni Evre Baronis de Witon. Wilmus Howard filius Wilhiil Dns de Gilfland obiit infra aetatem 1644. Carolus Howard frater et haeres Willmi Dns de Gilfland uxor ejus Anna filia Dni Edvardi Howard de Eflcrick. At the eaft end, Carolus Howard filius Willelmi Howard milit. Dns de Gilfland uxor ejus Anna filia Dni Edvardi Howard Baronis de Efkrick. : The lower line I Hubertus de Vallibus co NorfF. cui Rex Henricus 2 dedit Baroniam de Gilfland Corkbie etCaterlen; Gretia uxor ejus. 3 Robertus de Vallibus filius Hubert! Dns de Gilfland fundator prioratus de Lanercoft ao. dni in6 Ada Engaine uxor ejus fine prole. 3 Ranulphus de Vallibus frater et heres RobertI Dns de Gilfland Johanna uxor ejus. 4 Robertus de Vallibus filius Ranulphi Dnsde Gilfland uxor ejus *•»•*** 5 Hubertus de Vallibus filius Robert! Dns de Gilfland uxor ejue ****•»* 6 Thomas de Multon jure uxoris Dns dc Gilfland Matilda; fola filia et hteres Hubert!. 7 Thomas de Multon filius Thomae Dns dc Gilfland, uxor ejus Ifabella. 8 Thomas dc Multon filius Thomae Dns de Gilfland, uxor ejus »»***♦ 9 Ranulphus de Dacre jure uxotis D41S de Gilfland Margareta fola filia et hastes Thomae. 10 Ranulphus deDacre Prefljyter Dns. dc Gilfland, fine prole. I < Hugo de Dacre frater et hreres Ranulphi Dns de Gilfland, uxor ejus EUzabetha filia Dni Maxwell, in Scotia. 12 Williclmus dc Dacre Dnsde Gilfland, uxor ejus Johanna filia Dni Douglas, in Scotia. 13 Thomas de Dacre Dns de Gilfland, uxor ejus Philippa filia Dni Neville de R. "VM\ 4;i X i>u. c.a«-;.s \- V ^^'ki'I'tk.v Kocic on (^k j.t. EsKDALE Ward.] WRITTEN ROCKS ON GELT. ,35 the infcription is cut, is of an angular form ; and being inacccfllble, it is only to be read by the affiftance of a ladder, or glafs, and that not very correcflly, as the rays of the fun fall fo, that whilft they afTifl: you on one fide, they render the other more obfcure, by the glare of light on one part, and the increafcd fliade on the other. The point of the rock being moft expofed to the weather, in that part the infcription has fuffered much. In the annexed drawing, wc have made the cha- racters more diftind. than they are found on the ftone. . In Camden this monument is thus defcribed, " Near Brampton runs the little " river Gelc; on the bank, of which, in a rock called Hellbeck, is this graven in- *' fcription, fet up by an enfign of the fecond legion, called Augufta, (poflibly " Opcio) under Agricola the propraetor; with fome others, of which time has " deprived us." The infcription is thus fet out in a plate. VEXL. LEG. II. AVG. ONAPR SVB AGRICOLA OB YIORE LEGI. MA. MERCALI NVMERGATI. 3. FIRMI. " In the fame rock alfo we read, in a more modern charadter" OFICIVOD ROMANO RVCO Mr. Horfley's drawing of the rock is as rude and contrary to the face of the natural ftone, as is poffible, and not much fuperior to that in Bifhop Gibfon's edition of Camden : he places the infcription in the following order: — IX X VEB. LIEG. II. AVG. OB. APP. SVB AGRICOLA. OPTIO; APRO. E. MAXIMO CONSVLIBVS OFICINA MERCATI \ MER CATIVS FERMI No. 44, '■ Fexillatio Legionis fecunda: Augufta:, ob virtutem appcllata, fuh Agricola " Oplionc Apro et Maximo Conjulibus ex officina DAercati Mcrcatiusfilius Fermii. Next *' to the infcriptions, which are diredly upon the wall, I think it proper to (ubjoin '• the following. Mr. Camden publifhed it long ago, but not with his ufual ex- " actnefs. It has been lately printed again, in the appendix to Mr, Gordon's " Itinerarium Septentrionale, in a letter that plainly befpeaks its ingenious author. " That copy differed in nothing material from mine, which I took from the origi- *' nal, except in the name of one of the confuls; which error in the copy has, I " think, led this learned gentleman into another miftake, with refpcc'l: to the date " of the infcription, which I Hiall endeavour to fet right, with all the regard that " is due to his charafter. The rock is on the fide of the river next Brampton, and " about half a mile above the Gelt bridge. The firft words of the infcription arc " manifeftly intended for vcxillatio Legionis fccundas Auguda;, though in Lieg, T 2 " for I40 WRITTEN ROCKS ON GELT. [Eskdale Ward." " for Legionis, the I is fuperfluous, of which we have other like inftances.* The 1 is " omitted in both the other copies ; no doubt, becaufe the gentleman who took the " copies thought it a manifeft error; but I have rather chofen to reprefent every " thing as. I found it. For A. P. P. which follow at the end of the fame line, both " Camden and the other gentleman have A. P. R. and fo at the firfl view I took it •' myfelf, but the fecond time I read it as in the copy ; and prefently thought of ob " virtutem appellata, and remembered the confufion of the fame words in another " infcription, if that other be genuine. f But there indeed it was the Ala, and not '• the Legio, which was fo careful to inform us, that they were called Augufta, upon •' account of their valor: yet 1 cannot but fufpect, that OB. VIRT. APP. for ob " virtutem appellara, was here intended, however, virt, or perhaps the v, only came " to be omitted. Though it is as eafy to fuppofe an unfkilful hand might here *' omit one letter, as infert another juft before, that is fuperfluous. The next words " fub Agricola, are very vifible and diftinrt ; but what Agricola this was, may be " a difficult queftion. The ingenious author of the letter above-mentioned, takes *' it for Calpurnius Agricola, who was lieutenant under Marcus Aurelius ; but I " cannot come into this fentiment. Theomiffion of the titles Leg. Aug. Propast. *' makes mc very doubtful that Calpurnius Agricola cannot be the perfon intended; " becaufe the omifllon of thefe titles, that are almofl conllantly added, would have " been a greater negled: of the Legate, than the inferting his bare name in iuch an " infcription could have been a compliment to him. Befides, if I am not miflaken, " the cut of the letter L in this infcription, was not fo ancient as the time of this " Legate ; for though there is a good deal of variety in the letters, upon the in-- " Icriptions of even Antoninus Pius's reign, yet I think this fliape of an Ldoes no " where appear fo high, as in thofe of his fucceffor, Marcus Aurelius; but that it " was in ufe in the later times, is plain from other infcriptions. 1 am therefore " much inclined to think, that Agricola was the name of the Optio, who had the " command of thefe foldiers, who were ordered to work the ftones at this quarry. " An Optio was a fort of deputy to a Centurion or other officer, who aded for him *• in his abfence, Reinefius reckons up feveral forts, and difterent degrees of them. " Camden, in his copy, has R. E. at the end of this word, which made me take it for " granted it had been Optione upon the (lone; but 1 could not difcern any vellige " of thefe letters, when I iirft viewed the original, though, upon a fecond infpec- " tion, I obferved a ftaw, or imprellion in the ilone, where I fuppofe thefe letters " may have been. This account very well agrees with the obfervation of my fellow " traveller, who took r.otice of the refeniblance there feemed to be, both as to the " nature and colour, between the flone of this quarry, and that which the Roman " wall, in a great part of Cumberland, appears to have been built, from whence " he concluded the ftones muft have been fetched from this place; which remark " I have fince taken notice of in Camden, though at that time I did not remember " it; and this looks the more probable from the fcarcity of ftones and quarries " thereabout, lo that the people often exprefled their wonder, from whence the « Remans got the ftonqs with which they built the wall in that part; to this may * See No. 58. f See Itin. the obfervations under No. 39. " be EsKDALE Ward.] WRITTEN ROCKS ON GELT. 14,. " be further added, that the inhabitants near the place, continue to call this the " old quarry ; and it is hard to conceive, what elfe fliould have brought a vexilla- " tion of a Roman Legion hither, or occafioned the cutting of an infcription upon " a rock in fuch a place. <' The numerals IX and X, which are cut upon the rock higher up, as in the " figure, and which are very diftind: and vifible, though they have not been taken " notice of before, are fo like thofe infcribed upon feveral ftones in the face of the " wall, that I cannot but think they exprefs here, as well as in other places, the " ninth and tenth cohorts of the Legio lecunda Augufl^a, who were employed in " this quarry, and about the wall in thefe parts ; and thefe two cohorts might, " perhaps, be employed by themfelves before or after the whole vexillation was " engaged in the work. As to the remaining part of the infcription, I make no " doubt but we may read, Apro ct Maximo cojifulibiis, which brings us to the reign *' of Severus, and the year 207. It is probable that the uppermofl horizontal «' flroke in the E, was at firft drawn back beyond the perpendicular ftroke, for a " contracflion of ET, and we find it in fome other infcriptions, there being a fmall " break of the flone at the top of the letter.* " As for the word officina, which follows. Dr. Mufgrave has fo largely treated *' of thefe officinas or fabricje of the Romans, that I (hall take leave to refer the " reader to his comments upon the infcription of Julius Fitalis. I take Mercatius^ " or Nuniercatius, as others read it (though I could not difcern the two firfl: letters, " nor do I believe they ever have been there) to be the name of the P rcefefl us fabric waj T/je Ear! of CarlSp Pat. P.N.Val.;^7 o 1 K. Edw. IJ. To.- J u T J T Auarmcnt. /fzoo bvT rr . , . I XT . .. • . . ( iitipend bvLord ( , ? ^ -^ , •' / Total income, o > Non. taxat. quia tot. > A ■, r r tady (jower, and 2 > v < r /. 5 ea deftrua. 5 ^^'^- ^+ ' ^ o j ,„^^ ^f ^^^_ ^^^^^^ j «.tb fees, ^22 Incumbfnts. — Sir Simon de Walton, — 1316, William de Richardby, p. m. Walton, pr. pri. & con- Lanercoft. — Thomas de Derby. — 1361, Thomas Roke, p. m. Derby, pr. ibid. — 1373, Robert de Hay- ton, p. rcf. Roke, pr. iliid. time. EsKDALE Ward.J PARISH OF FARLAM. 143 time, brother to Alexander de Windfore, being fo called becaufe he dwelt at Windfor; but they were both brethren to one William de Kerfmier, the of Willifred, fon of Haldan, fometimc Lord of Caterleing, which King Henry II. gave to Hubert Vaax, after he had fcized it, (becaufe Willifred took part with King Stephen) as forfeited. And therefore in King John's time, the faid William de Kerfmier brought a writ of mort d'anceftor againft William Vaux, fon of Hubert, and Robert, fon of the faid William, then Lords of Caterleing, but could not recover the land. The faid Walter de Windfore had ilFue another Walter ; and his fon, called Adam de Farleham, held the land in 23d Edward I. and in Edward Ill's time, John de Farleham held it, who gave it unto Ranulph Dacre, and Margaret Multon his wife, then Lords of Gilfland, and to thcir heirs, after John de Farleham's death, and one Andrew Latton. Thenceforth it hath con- tinued demefne to the Lords of Gilfland. The faid Walter windfore gave for arms, a faltier iable in a field d 'argent. There are fome of this firname left at this day, which arc defccnded from one John de Windfore, brother to the fecond Walter Windfore (to whom he gave Farleham parva.) John had iflue, Rayner and Solomon, and Riiyner had Bernard, the father of Richard, which Solomon and Richard endowed the houfes of Wederhall and Lanercoll^ with lands in little Farleham." j| II Denton's MS. Frotn the Inq.uisition, ^iji "f Queen Elizabeth. MANERIUM DE FARLAM. The amount of the lord's rents, 81. 14s. lod. Bailiff's fee, 13s. 4d Land fearjeant, Eaft Farlam, 2S. — Weft Farlam, 2od. " Memorand. — The demefne lands, belonging to the fcite, or capital mefluage of the manner aforefatd, " containeth feveral parcels of land, &c." as therein mentioned. " Item, there is, w ithin the faid manner, one colemyne, for which Stephen Hodgfon was wont to " pay the yearly rent of x''. but now the fame is decaied, &c." " Item, there is, within the faid manner, one common heath, or moor ground, commonly called Farlam, " Fell, wheiin the tennants have common of pafture, and the fame containeth, by eftimation, about cc " acies." Soil and Produce. J About Miltori the foil is light and gravelly, producing flight crops of barley, oats, and peas — where loamy, about Kirkhoufe, Farlam Hall, &c. fome wheat — The upper lands cold and unproductive ; corn very late in ripening. — The meadows and pafturcs there art meagre. — The com- mons were lately divided, fo no fheep are kept. — Turnips do not fuccced. Situation.] High, the furface hilly. — The afped bare and unpleafant to the eye. Wood.] Of wood it is almoft deftitiite — fome late plantations of firs, in Lord Carlifle's eftate are an ornament. Fuel.] Coal from Tindell Fell, about three miles didant. Tenements.] Small, except in Lord Carlifle's property — average, 13s. per acre. Schools.] None ellabliflicd. Poor.] A houfe of reception at Milton.—^Poor rate about is. per pound rent. Agriculture.] Not attended to with any affiduity, but by fome of Lord Carlifle's farmers. Lime.] Burnt here in large quantities by the Earl of Carlifle, which fupplies the chief part of the barony of Gilfland, and even to Csrlifle, Housman's Notes. THE [ H4 1 THE PARISH OF DENTON. LIES in the utmoft north-eaft limits of Giiiland, and is now divided into Nether Denton and Over Denton. In firidncfs they- arc two pariflies. Nether Denton is fituatcd in the depth of the vale, and over Denton on the rifing grounds. Hubert de Vallibus, Lord of Gilfland, granted Denton to one Wefkop, who alienated the fame to Gilles Bueth, whofe fon Robert left ifTue two daughters, one married to Addock, Lord of Bewcaftle, and the other to Euftachius de Vallibus, Lord of Hayton. In partition, one took Over Denton, the other Nether Denton. In the reign of King Edward I. Over Denton was in the poffefTion of one Stonland, who granted the fame to one of the Witherington family, in whofe defcendants it continued feveral ages; after them it became the eftate of one Tweedale, and pafled to the Earl of Carlifle.f Over Denton appears to have been anciently a member of the diocefe of Durham ; for when Robert de Vallibus, and Robert, fon of All^etcl, gave this church to the priory of Lanercoft, its appropriation was the acfl of Hugh Pudfey, J3ifliop of Durham, j The Earl of Carliile is impropriator, and receives all kinds of tithe.5, allowing the curate 20s. yearly; which, with lands purchafed by Queen Anne's bounty, and other dues, brings about 72!. a-year. Nether Denton was the pofleffion of De Vallibus, Lord of Hayton. It was afterwards the eflate of the Dentons, and John Denton exchanged thofe poirefTions with Lord Dacre for Warnell. Since this exchange, it has attended the other poffefTions of the Dacres in this barony. In Denton's MS. we have the following t OVER DENTON. Lord Carlijle patron. — Curate's falary 20s. ytarly. There are now only about 15 families in this parifh, it hath been fo totally ruinated. It is a cuftomary manor. A twenty-penny fine on the change of Lord. — An arbitraiy fine on the change of tenant. — An lieiiot on the tenant's death, or 40s. if the tenant had no live cattle. — In lieu of fcrvlces is. DECANATUS CARLIOL. P. N. Val. tcclclia f ■ ' 4 > j:,cci. Qe Jjenton non taxatur< ijenton rectoria valet per}-/ 4. c c non excedit 6 mar. nee reftor ( ;„ ,^t;n„^ I ,nn f JA. "f J J habet aliud beneficium. t Hugo Dei gratia Dunelmenfis Fpifcopus, omnibus Clericis totius Epifcopatus fiii, falutem. Sciati* nos dedifie concelTine ct confirmafTe priori et Canonicis de Lanercoft, ad pi:efcntaliontm Robeiti de Val- libus et Koberti filii AflEcel. de Denton non taxatur< Denton reCtoria valet per > £^ \ in antiquo. / ann J EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF DENTON. 145 particulars: — " "Dtnton villa in pro/undo. The place in Gilfland where Denton Hands is a great deep valley, the Irifli call deep, in their language, Dren. Upon that Irifli word, the place was called, by the Saxons, Daein ; and, upon the firft habitation, their Dasin town. There are two Dentons there. Over Denton, which is in Northumberland, now the Withringtons lands, and Hands beyond the great bottom; and Nether Denton, in Cumberland, late the Dacres lands. Both of them arc parcel of the barony of Gilfland. — The ftrft pofTelFor I read of, was one Wefcop, to whom Hubert dc Vallibus, Lord of Gillland, gave Denton, in or about King Henry II. 's time, Wefcop gave it to one Gilles Bucth, or Bcweth's bairn,-\ (otherwifc that GiUes Bucth and Bewcth's bairn was but one perfon.) He had ilTue Robert, fon of Bucth, who died without ilfue. His lifters were married to Addock, Lord of Bothcaflre, and to Euftace Vaux, Lord of Hayton, in Gilfland ; the one had Over Denton, and the other had Nether Demon, which was the two moieties then by partition. Haytons part was given to John, fon of Robert, fon of Aukelin, or Alketill de Denton. And Robert, brother to the faid John, mar- ried the heir to the other part. The faid Robert fil. Bucth was their mother's brother. He gave the church to the houfe of Wcderhall; and, after his death, David, fon of Jerry, and Robert, fon of Aflcetili, gave it to the houfe of Lanercofl ; whereupon grew great fuit, till the controverfy was ended by the mediation of the pope's legate, who divided the profits between them, and gave the prefcntation of the vicarage to the bifliop.* " Over Denton, 7th of King Edward I. was given, by Richard Stowland, and Helena his wife, to John Withrington, with whofe iflue male it remains at this day. And Nether Denton defcended from the faid John, fon of Robert, fon of Aukelin, to John and to Richard Denton, Knight, his fon's fon, whofe daughter Margaret, wife to Adam Copley, of Bately, in Craven, had it in marriage, 17th of King Edward II. John, fon of Adam, had iffue Richard Copley, whofe daugh- ter Ifabel, wife to Adam Denton, fon to Thomas del Hall, had Denton from her father, in marriage in King Henry IV. 's time. Thomas Denton, Efq. now of Warnellj the fon of Thomas, fon of John, holds Warnell in exchange for Denton, which exchange w^s made in the 23d of King Henry VII. by the faid John and Thomas with the Lord Dacre, Mhich John Denton was fon to Richard^ fon of Thomas, fon of Adam, fon of Thomas dell Hall aforefaid." The church of Nether Denton is rcdtorial, and dedicated to St. Cuthbert.J We f Bairn fignifies cliild. • Each two mcrks and a h.ilf. In 1266, Wctlicral rdeafed a moiety to the bifliop and his fucceflbrs. % NETHER DENTON RECTORY. Bed. St. Cuthbert. — Priory of IVethtral Prop — BiJInp of Carl. Patron. Priory of Wetheral Prop. — Bp. Carl. Patron. K. Books! Ctrtif. val. 1 Augmented, 1761, 400I. 7 pi 1 ) Real val. 60I. os. cd. 81. 5s. 5d. j 1 61. IS. 6d. J Counters D. Gowcr, 200I. J ^"^'^^' ^° ^'^"'"j As ftated by N. and B. RECTORIA DE DENTON. ^. /. ,/. Willmus Robinfon Clericus Reftor ejiifdem Rcftor habet Mans, ct Glcbam, q. val. A't'ira o 6 S Idem, Will'mus h'et Grana Dec, cjufdem Reflor. p'tin. que valent coibs annis — — . 320 VOL. I. U Idem 446 PARISH OF DENtON. [Eskdale WAUt?, We now purfuc our route from Brampton up the river Eden, to its junftion "W'ith the Eamont. No part of Britain can furnifh a greater variety of picfturefque fcenes, . . ... ^£- '■ d. Idem Willmus het in dec. vltul. cu. Lafticin. Oblacoibs minut. cu. p'ficuis libri pafchalj , q. coib s annis in tempore pac. — — — — — — — _J ^ Sm total valoiis 4I. 8s. id. de quib'i Keiolut enag. I j^ foluc. p. fenagio refolut. Epo Karlij annuatim — — — 020 Et folut. p'curaclone vifitacon. Epi de tribus in tres annos 2s. et fic annuatim — o o & Sm deduft. 2s. 8d. Et Rem. 4I, 5s. jd. x'raa inde 8s. 6d. halfpenny. EccL. Survey, 26th K. Henrv VIII. Incumbents. — 1304, Rob. Oriel. Col. Bp. Halton. Saving to^he Bp. 33s. 4d. and the like to Laner- coft. — 1306, Adam de Kale, like refervation. — 1309, John de Ciilgath. — 13171 John de Aberington.^ 1385, Sir Richard de Brockton.— Edw. Bell.— 1567, Ch. Lowther, CI. p. m. Bell. Col. Bp. Beft.— 1576, Miles Matmagh, p. ref. Lowthcr, Col. Bp. Barnes. — 15S6, Wil^am Thompfon, Clk. — 1597> Roland Baxter. — Ra. Snowden. — 1633, Nich. Dean, A. B. p. m. Snowden. — 1692, W. Culeheath. —Richard Culeheath, p. ref. Culeheath. — 1703> Thomas Pearfon, A. B. p. ref. Culeheath, Col. Bp. Nicolfon. — 1718, Nich. Reay, p. m. Pearfon, Col. Bp. Bradford. — 1736, William Hefket, p. m. Reay, Col. Bp. Fleming. — 1786, ^Iich. Holme, Clk. p. m. Hcflcet, Col. Bp. Law. — 1789, Jof. Harrifon, Ok. p. m. Holme, Col. Bp. Douglas.— 1792, Geo. Gilbanks, Clk. p. m. Harrifon, Col. Bp. Vernolu. From the Inquisitior, taken 31/? ^Queen Elizabeth. MANERIUM DE DENTON.. The amount of the lord's rents, 13I. 19s. jd. Baihff's fee, 13 s. 4d. Land feijeant's fees. Over Denton, 2s. 6d.— Nether Denton, js. ThirU'waye in Cam. North'land p'cell Maner, de Denton predid. " Memorand. — There are belonging to this manner, divers parcels of heath, moor and waft groirads, <' called Denton Pafture, to the number of c acres, wherein the tennants of this manner have common " for their cattle." Item, there are good Ilore of yonge oke timber trees within this manner, fit for building, which arc •' difperfed abroad in feveral places within this manner. •• Item, there is, and fo time out of mind hath been ufed, a cuilom vn'thin this manner, that after the ♦' death of every tennant, there ihall be paid his beft quick beaft or cattle, in the name of a heriot. " Item, there is within this faid manner, a parfonage and a glebe land, and tythes thereunto belong- " ing; and the fame is in the gift of the dean and chapter of CarUde. Item, the Bounder of this manner beginneth at the caftle of Naworth, and turneth eaftwards up the *• Park Wall to the Home Houfe-burn ; and it runneth in Irdinge, and then up to Capple-burn, and fo " eaftward to Tomlinge Clughe-head, from thence to the Weft Clughe-head, from thence up a burne, " called the Tennant's Burnt, to a place called the Eadeley Stone, and then it turneth fouthward to the " Lowhill, and down to the Stole Layers, to the Lawe-burne, and then it turneth weftward up the fame *' burne to the Green-way-fyke, and fo to the Green Tarne, and from thence to the Craihill Mofs, and fo «' to Carmitley-dyke-head, and to a gray ftane which ftood at one Battle Hodges door, and fo ftill weft- *• ward downe Danes-in-ferle-dykc to the Rotten well, and fo to the Rotten fyke down to Denton-burny *' and then to the faide caftle, where the fame beganne." UPPER DENTON. Soil and Produce.]] Near Irthing a mixture of fand and clay, tolerably fertile, the reft cold, mooriHi, and barren ; com backward, the farmer's chief obJcA Is grafs land — Average 15s. an acre. Common, Sheep.] A vaft tract, but few ftiecp ; fubjeft to the rot from the cUmate and wetnefs of foil RoAOSj [EsKDAtE Ward.] PARISH OF DENTON. T47 fcenes, within the fame limits; they are not extenfive or aftonifhing, like the ftu- pendous fcenes on Derwent or Ulfwater, but they abound in thofe milder beauties which Roads, Waterings, Game.] The military road pafles through it.— Well watered bythe river Irthing, and feveral brooks. — Game abundant. Population.] Decreafcd — only eleven tenements, fome very fmall. Fuel. J Coal and turf. LiMF.] Is burnt here in large quantities. Vicarage.] The walls ftanding in the church-yard. — The lower floor, a keep for cattle, the upper ftory for the inhabitant. — The walls five feet th.ick — fuch as are feea on the borders of Northumberland. Situation and Air.] Highlands, and not healthy from its vicinity to moralTcs. NETHER DENTON. Soil and Produce.] Soil near the river Irthing mollly a black clay, fertile in the produftion of wheat and other grain. — The fouth parts cold, wet, and barren. — Average lents about 15s. per acre. Commons.] Vaft tra&s, to the S. E. wet, craggy, and barren. — The other parts, though rugged and wet, afford good pafturage for the fmall breed of horfes and black cattle. Sheep are few and feldom healthy. Fuel.] Coal and turf. Fish, &c,] The river Irthing, bounding this parifli to the north, abounds in ftreara fifii.— Game abundant. Roads ] The mihtary road leads through it. Woods and Surface.] A few timber trees and fome brufliwood on the banks of Irthing. — The face of the country uneven, and inchning greatly to the north ; is expofed to cold blafts, from the mountainous and wide waftes. Housman's Notes. Nether Denton is aUb a cuftomary manor of like fervices as Over Denton.* — We cannot forbear re- peating our fenfe of the injury done to the country, by keeping up the fervile tenures of thofe cuftomary manors, injurious to both lord and tenants. The Editors. The prefcnt Earl of Carlide has repeatedly offered to infranchife (on liberal terms) all the tenants in his refpedlivc manors, in the barony of Gilfland ; where there are common lauds, to inclofe them, and take a certain equitable fhare ; where there are no commons, on the confent of the tenants in general. Several individuals have lately infranchifed, and others will (we truft) alfo foon perceive the advantage ariling from it.— W. R. Population, &c.] Nether Denton confifls of the following fmall villages, viz. Chapel-Burn Dixon Clugh-head, Birkhuril, Baggra, and Denton Mill, the reft fmgle houfes. — There are 55 houfes ; and, at 5 to a houfe, make 275 Inhabitants. — There are 3 freeholders, and about 30 cuftomai7 tenants. — The legiftcr begins 1703 : during the firft 20 years there were 160 baptized, 129 biuied, 48 mair. During the laft 20 years there were 155 baptized, 126 buried, 42 married. Poor's Rate.] They coft the parifh about 51I. per annum ; joined with the parifh of Farlam in > poor-houfe. Schools.] No endowed fchool, theparilh has built a fchool-houfe ; the mafter has 2s. per quarter for teaching Englifh, 38. 6d. for writing and accompts, and 4s. for Latin; he commonly has about 40 fcholars, and gets his victuals a certain time in each fchoiar's lioufe, gratis, which Is called a whittle-gate. Petrifactions, &c.] Near the Mains, In Over Denton, on the fouth fide of the Irthing, is a fpring which petrifies raofs. Along the banks of the Irthing, in Nether Denton, vail quantities of petrified marine fliells are found, In a band of limeftone, under frecRone. Juniper.] A juniper tiee grows in a garden at Highnook, four yards high, and fcventeen inches in circumference in the bole.-^We mentioned before that there were none growing in the county, except in Laiiercoft parifh, which ad'ioins this parifli. Denton-Hall.] This hall was formerly the feat of the Dentons, mentioned in this work, which they exchanged for WarnnU-Hall. The old tower is reinajnijig, and converted into a farm-houfe, the walls of which arc eight feet thick. We (Acknowledge our obligations to the Rev. John Sibfon, for much information touching this parifh. * Ovir and Ifetber, Saxon terms ; Over Saxony ftill being the appellation ufed In that country. U 2 In 14^ PARISH OF DENTON. [Esdale Ward. which conflitute the ferene, the placid, and paftofal: here and there they break out into the rocky and fylvan, but chiefly conlift of the tamer nature. In this parifli was born the Rev. JVUl'uim Reiiy, A. M. the fecond fon of the Rev. Nicholas Reay» who was reclorof it from 1718, to 1736; then not worth more than 20I, per annum, hut now worth 60I. The father educated him as long as he lived ; but, on his demife, he was fcnt to the free fchool at Carliflci from thence he was removed to Queen's College, Oxford ; where, in 1751, he took his matter's degree. At this place he was fupported by a fingularly benevolent and liberal-minded man, his father's brother, Mr. John Reay, who had been the confidential feivant of Dr. Gibfon, Bifliop of London. This John Reay letired in old age to Carliile, where he lived in comfort and credit ; and at laft died whilft on a vifit to the Rev. Mr. Waite, then curate of Bromfield ; from which parilli, it is believed, the Reays originally migrated. In 1 755, WiUiam Reay publillied a volume of fermons, under the patronage of Dr. Church, to whom he had been curate at Batterfea, till 1 745 ; when he was invited to the curacy and leiflurefliip of Wandfworth, under Mr. Altifon ; in which fituation he continued till his death, which took place in 1 756. Dr. church wrote a preface to Mr. Reay's Sermons; in which he recites the occafion of their being publifhed ; which was indeed a melancholy one. Mr. Reay, he fays, had frequently laboured under fevere dlfovders ; but had lately been afflicted by one more alarming than all tliat had preceded it, — a violent ciTufion of blood from a rupture of the vciTels in the lungs. This rendered liira incapable of appearing either in the dcik or pulpit ; and fuggelled the proprIe'yt>f an application to the opulent, the pious, and ihe liberal, through this channel. He wanted but little, nor that little long ; for he died in the follow- ing year. The fubfcriptions, Iioisevei, are faid to have beeikliberal ; and' conferred in the moll haudfome manner. d -ir.-AA 'i^.-i-iiyn ■ . At any rate, and however foftened, there is fomething' humiKating in being prefented to tile public, ia forjna pauperis. Dr. Church, whofe happier lot it was to be, in general, at eafe-ln his poffeijlonsy fpeaks indeed of his quondam curate's heavy calamity with great propriety; but he fpeaks as one, who had not hiffdelf been tutored in that bell of all fchools for foftening the human heart, Advetfity ; he fpeaks not as one who had himfelf known and felt what it was K:v:r iy ka-jc kad any boicficCy nor any fortune ; and in fuch circumflances to be bowed down by an Irremediable difeafe, and rendered unable to earn his own bread. There is alfo fomcthing fo cold and cautious In Dr. Church's manner of recommending the fer- mons, as, we own, chills us. The author, he fays, defires they may be confidered as plain, fenous, well- intended, edifying fermons : and the editor is. well contented to difmlfs them with that charafter. The fenr.ons, howe\-er, have long been regarded, as among the bell in our language; of which the high price they have borne, and do llill bear, is fome proof. If we were to give a critique on them, we would bor^ row that, which his countryman and cotemporary, Seed, gave of Dr. Waterland's fermons : " They " were compofed (as fermons ought to be ) with plainnefs and Cmpliclty ; adapted to the level of common " capacliits, yet inftrudlive to the higheil. Free from that obfcurc diligence, which fometimes embaraffes •' the writings of great fcholars. He llates each point of duty judiciouily and atcurately, explains it " happily, and always goes to the bottom of his fubjedl." Perfons yet living, who remember Mr. Reay, fpeak of him as an excellent man, and a fJeafing and even admired preacher ; though, in point of delivery, inferior to many. We have taken the liberty to mention this lail otherwife uninteielling paiticular, becaufe we have fome notion, it is a trait in the charafter of at leaft a majority of the cleigy of the north. Whether it be owing to the provincialllm of our dialect^ of which we never can wholly g'et the better ; to the total negledl of this kind of learning in our caily. education ; or to fome conflitutional dtfefts, we pretend not to fay ; but the faft is not to be difputed, tliat our merit, if we have any, appears, as Dr. Byrom fays, not from the pulpit, but the prefs. In point of fermons, 'tis confefs'd, We preach the worft, but make the beft. All foreigners allow, that the fermons of the clergy of the church of England far excel thofe of the divines of all other parts of the vvorld. We go ftill farther, and are bold to aOeit, that the printed fer- mons of Enghfli divines contain fuch a body of theology, found criticifm, ufeful morality, and even fine ^vritlng, as is not to be equalled by any other clafs of writers. He who wifhes his mind to be ilrongly imbued, at once with good principles, and a good tafte foi compofition, let him give his nights and days to the reading of Englilh fermons. Among the foremoll of thefe we place thofe of Benfon, Fothergill, Seed, and Reay ; all of whom, however, it ja but fair to own, are faid to liave been wretched preachers. B10GRAPH14 CUMB. THE C 149 J THE PARISH OF HAYTON. CONSISTS of the two manors of Hayton and Talkin, ancient dependents on the barony of Gilfland, the property of the Earl of Carlille,t and Little Corby, a manor held under Henry Howard, Efq. of Corby Caftle. The church was given by Robert de Vallibus to the prior and convent of Carlifle, and was foon afterwards appropriated. The dean and chapter are patrons, and leafe out the redorial tithes of Hayton, Fenton, and Faugh quarters, to Edward Hafell, Efq. of f Hayton manot confifts of about 96 tenants, whofe eftatcs in general are compofed of both freehold and ciiftomary lands. — The cuftomary rent, 18I. 12s. 3d. — In lieu of fervices from each tenement, il. — Free-rent for common divided, A. D. 1 704, 23I. — Fines on death and alienation according to the cuftoni of Gilfland. Talkin is a cuftomary manor, confifting of between twenty and thirty tenements. — Cuftomary rent 61, 9s. — For greenhue, being liberty of cutting green wood or bnifliwood, in the foreft, for fences, hurdles, or flakes, 2s. each. — Rent in lieu of fervices, is. — Fines as in Hayton. Little Corby confifts of twelre cuftomary tenants.— See Corby cuftoms. //jw /Zy' Inquisition, 31/? a/" Queen Elizabeth. MANERIUM DE HAYTON. The •■-■'lount of the lord's rents, 19I. 9s. 6d. Baili'gn fee, 13s. 4d. I.andifcrjeant's fee, 5s. ^d. with Fenton. " Tenentcs de Warwicke bridges infra Maneriu. de Corby redunt ann. d'no Manerij de Hayton pr« " quadam via ducen. ad fepol fs Paftur. fup. terr. hujus Manerij p. ann. 22d. " Tenentcs Manerij pred. reddunt ann. pro eor. op'ib's voc. Bounde dayes work viz pro Lxxiij dieb'i " ad iijd. ob pquolib. die, S:c. 2is. 3d. farthing. • ' McMORAND. — There is, v/ithin the faid manner of Hayton, a great common of heath and moorey " ground, called Hayton Moore, containing^ by eftimation, M acres, wherein the tennants have commoa " for their cattle." " Item, the Bounder of the faid manor of Hayton, with its member8^ beginneth at the foot of Gelt, " fo up Gelt to Grenewell, and fo up Grenewell to Stephenftones, and then to the Colerike Donne to " Dabdaines to a ftanding ftone over to Leyfon caftle, and downe Kerne to AUenwood, from thence " to Drute beck, over the moor to Kirfke gill, until Irdcn, fo downe Irden to Arnehomo fike, fo up " Arnehome fike to Irden, from thence to Cavbricks forde, fo up Carbricks forde to Nifhbufe, then up " Irden to Soote gill, where this bounder beganne.'' FENTON. Amount of the lord's rents, 65s. 3d. Land ferjeant's fee, I2d. Fio7n the fame iNfiyisiTiON, MANERIUM DE TALKIN. Amount of lord's rents, i il. os. 8d. Bailiff's fee, 13s. 4d. «« Memorand. — There is within the faid manner, a great common of heath and pafture ground, callcdT " Talkcn Fell, containing, by eftimation, icoo acres, or more, in which the tennants of the faid manner, " have common for their cattle." " Item, there is within the faid manner a great tarne, or fifh-pond, called Talken Tame,* wherein are " good ftore of pike, barcee, trowtes, and eyles." J About one mile in circumference; {' Itero^ i^o PARISH OF HAYTON. [Eskdale Ward. of Dalemain, for which the proprietors pay proportionably annually to the leifec a modus, viz. feventcen cfkeps of fweet haver, or oatmeal; and the leffee gives to the tenants, or inhabitants, twenty-four quarts of ale, which is drunk in th? church-yard on Eafler Sunday afternoon annually: this is conlidered as a receipt for the vicarial dues, or white book, paid to the lefTees. Talkin " Item, the Bounder of the faid manner of Talklu, beginneth at the Seggeholme, where the for?ft *' walle and the Gelt meet, fo down Gelt unto a place where Gelt and Hellbecke meet, fo up Hellbeckc *' unto a place called Roughthwaite giibeck, fo up the head of the fame Roughthwaite gilbeck, from " thence to a place callee Fcllmyre, from Fellmyre to a place called Wide-open dykes of Kow-honney- •' fell, from thence to the burn Kledcet, fo down ICle&ec unto Klefl/■u^i CuMB. Ward.] WETHERAL CELLS. iGi " folitary caves, more clofely from converfation and the world, than he could do " in his apartments in the convent. " The bifliop is extremely right in obferving that they are in a rock of difficult " acccfs; for the only way to come at them, is by a Iteep dcfcent of fevcral yards, *' along a narrow and difficult path, without any appearance of the road having " ever been better: but then he has been mifmformcd, where they are faid to be " two rooms one within the other, (which is underflood to be where one room " makes a paffage into another) but three rooms, as I mny fay, abreafl, with a *• gallery in front, which makes a communication to each room, fuch as the im- " perfect Ikctch may ferve to explain. I 2 iRCeU REFERENCES. F. I. 22 12 8 21 9 8 20 9 / 8 5 lO o 7 long broad high long broad high long bioad high 4, Doot into gallery. 5, Gallery, long 26 o broad 7 o high 8 3 6, 6, 6, Windows. 7, Chimney. •« Thefe cells are dug out of a rock, at the height of about forty feet from the fummer level of the river Eden, which waflies the bottom of it, and are of the fcveral dimenfions as fct down in the table of references. A ledge of the rock, about eight feet below the floor of the cells, ferves as a foundation for the wall which is built before the cells, and which makes the gallery: which wall is of good ailiier work, and reaches in height a little way above the top of the cells, to which it was formerly joined by a roof covered with lead or (late: when this roof was in repair, the cells mufl: have been a warm, dry, and comfortable dwelling. The door in the gallery is at one end, and about fcven feet above the path leading to the cells; there are no remains of any fteps up to it, fo that the entrance muft have been made by means of a ladder, which the inhabitant of the cells might draw up, for his greater fecurity. In the middle of the wall is a chimney, and there are three windows in it, one oppofite to every cell, to give light to them. " There are no infcriptions to be found in the cells, or on the walls ; but upon the fame rock, out of which the cells are hewn, a little higher up the river, and about ten or twelve feet above the fummer level of the water, you meet with this infcription: — VOL. I. Y MAXIMVS i62 WETHERAL CELLS. {Cunib. Ward. MAXIMVS SCRIPSIT LE. XX. V. V. COND. CAS 3SIVS. " What may be the meaning of this infcriptlon, you will be the befl: judge; as for " myfelf, 1 pretend to very little knowledge in this kind of decyphcring. The " LE. XX. V. V. COND. might perhaps be read Legio Vicejhna Valens Vi£lrix " Condidit, and may be fuppofed Roman; but what the latter part of the infcrip- " lion, and the aukward figure of the buck or flag, may mean, I am at a lofs to *' find out. Whatever may be the Maximus Script, feems to be modern; and it " muft be obferved, that it is a yard diftant from the other part of theinfcription." The infcription has for feme time been hid by mofs and roots of trees, but may now be feen : it is on the lower rock, to the left of the cells. " I am not of opinion " that Maximus ScripjU is modern ; it has, 1 know, been deemed fo, becaufe it is not •' a cladical infcription. But an infcription made by a Roman foldier, or fifherman, " may poffibly not Hand the tefl of claffical criticifm, better than ihofe fo indulfri- " oufly carved by our modern loungers." — H. H. The remarks which Mr. Pennant makes are, — That there are marks of bolts, " bars, and other fecurities, in the windows and door; and veftiges which fhcw " that there had been doors to the cells." The rocks in which the cells are hewn arife perpendicularly from the river: and from a precipice upwards of an hundred feet high, over which the hill ftill afcends to a great height, covered with wood: — — — in convexo nemorum, fub riipe cavata, Arboribus tlaufum circum, atque horreiitibus umbrls. ViRG. &n. Li*b. I. I. J14. We arc far from contefting the opinions of our predeccfTors, that thefe remarkable cells were originally intended as places of fecurity and retirement. They might ferve as fafeguards to the neighbouring monks againft the Scots: and they might alfo fervc as hermitages to fuch of them as either voluntarily chofe to live like an- chorites, or were fentenced by their order to do fo, as a penance for the violation of fomc of their rules. But we beg leave to add, from that paragon of antiquarian learning, as well as of lliocking depravity, Eugene Aram, that they might alfo lerve in ibme particular cafes, as places of fepulture. Hermitages were not only places of religious retirement, but of burial. " Here fat folitary fanclity ; and here the " hermit, or the anchorite, hoped that repofe for their bones, when dead, which " thcmfelves had here enjoyed, when living."t The legendary hidory of them is, that a younger fon of a King of Scotland, of the name of Conftantine, made thofe excavations, and died there a hermit. That he was afterwards canonized, and the hermitage has preferved his name. It is probable that, fince thefe cells were made, part of the rock has fallen, •Vkhere it is conftantly waflied by the river j that the whole was originally concealed ■\ Our curious readers are referred to the maftirly defence, which /Irani made on his trial j which, in point of compof.tion, is not inferior to any thing of the kind in our language, by CuMB. Ward.] CORBY. 163 by trees, much wood yet growing in every chink of the precipice,- and that it was lately opened out, in order to be viewed from the walks of Corby. THE MANOR OF CORBY.* Its moft obvious etymology is, as Bullet has exprefsly flared in his valuable Celtic Dictionary, from CWR, which is pronounced COWR, or COR, a brink, edge, or bank, and BA\', which, when compounded, is fpelled BEY, a river, or Ihcam. So that the etymology of Corby is a literal and exart defer! [,tion of it ; viz. a place by the fide of a river, or a precipice over a river. The lituation of little Corby is the fame, and confirms this derivation. It was one of the dependent manors of the barony of Gilfland. It became the poireffion of Hubert dc Vail ibus, by the grant of King Henry II. "The manor of Chorkby,;}! in Gillland hath been, from the conqueft of England, a gentleman's feat. It was given by Hubert, firll: baron of Gilfland, to one Odard, to whom alio the Earl Randolph gave the manor of Warwick, on the weft fide of the river Eden. Odard had ilfue Olbert and William. Olbert fucceeded in the inheritance, and granted to the houfe of Wederhall the chamber of St. Conftantine, and divers liberties in Chorkby, and lands in Warthvvick. Olbert died without iflue, there- fore the manor fell to his brother William, who had ilFuc John and Robert, by his wife Ofuina. John was eldcft; yet he fcated himfelf at Warwick, and let his brother Robert poiTefs Chorkby. William, fon of Odard, had ilTue another fon, named Allan, who was Lord of Langthwaite. His brother Robert gave him lands in Warthwick, and another fon called Ranulf. " After Robert, Son of William, fon of Odard, I find one Adam de Chorkby, a Knight, and William fon of Roger, and Ofuina his wife, lords thereof. In the 23d year of Edward I. one Walter de Routbury was lord thercof,t and, in Edward Il's rime, Andrew de Harcla, Earl of Carliell, forfeited the fame; and in Edward . Ill's time, Richard Salkeld was lord thereof. "§ On the earl's attainder, Corby having come to the crown. King Edward II. in the 9th year oi his reign, granted it to Richard de Salkeld, Kt. whofe defcendants * Corby is a mixed manor, partly cuftomr.ry tenure, partly freehold; and a court leet, court baron, and ciiflomary court, arc regularly held. The cullomary fines are arbitrary, the rule for aireffing them being after the rate of two years improved value. The cuftomary tenant cannut alien or demife without licence of the lord; and, on difobedience to the cullom, by dcmifing without licence, the occupier is com- pellable to expend the whole produce of the tenement within the fame. — There ate fevcral boon fervices by cuftom, viz. one day's reaping, one day's ploughing, and one cart load of coals carried to the manor-houfe, or two carts loaded with peat or turf. — The tenants pay a heriot, and grind their corn at the lord's mill, and render a hen at Martinmas. Tlie tenants are fubjeft to pains ftipulated in tlie fcheduleof cuftoms, or by-laws, for taking in inmates and underfcttlers — for keeping goats — for keeping a brood fow in Corby — for Iwine going unbowed in the time of harveft — for cutting brackens, or fern, in any part of the demefne, or cutt ng wood. And no by law made by the tenants, without being confirmed by the lord of the manor, or his fteward, fhall be deemed obligatory. \ We do not find it written C/orkby in any deed. H. H. \ In the 16th of King Edward II. Roland de Riehraimd, not Routhhury, conveyed tlu's manor to Sir Andrew de Harcla. See the abftraft of the deed. J Denton's M. S. Y 2 continued l64 CORBY. [CuMB. Ward. continued here for many generations. Sir Richard's fon Hugh married the heirefs of Rofgyll, in Weftmorland and refided there; which county he reprefented in parliament during the Reign of King Richard II. and part of the reign of King Henry IV. John, the brother of Hugh, poflelTed Corby, and had iflue Richard Sallceld,* who died in the 17th year of King Henry VII. He left iffue five daughters his cohcireffes, the two eldeft Catharine and Margaret had Corby in partition, Catharine married Thomas Salkeid, Efq. of Whitehall, a younger branch of the family, and Margaret married Thomas Bienkinfop, of Hclbeck, Efq. Each of thefe families enjoyed their feveral moieties for five generations. Henry Bienkinfop, in the year 1606, fold his moiety to Lord William Howard, and in 1624, his lordlhip purchafed the other moiety of Thomas Salkeld. The Salkeid 's arms were Vert a Frette Argent. Corby is now the pofleffion of Henry Howard, Efquire, by gift of Philip Howard, Efq. his father, a lineal defcendant of Lord William Howard, by Sir Francis his fecond fon.f * In the church of Wetheral, between the north aile and the channel, are the effigies of a man and woman in alplafter, which, we apprehend, reprefent this Richerd and his wife, with this legend in oli diarafters, almcll obliterated: — J5cre lies %it JEltcta);!! ©alielB, tSat tatjj^t, SLtio in lie lanU iuajs inicltle of migit ; CSe captain ana ieepejr of Carlisle toaa it,., ans alfo tSe Horn of €Bxitb^t, , Sim noto le lite tmticr tjjs ftane, j J^e anB Jts laBj Bamt Slatte,. tEJe cis^tcenrS Baj; of jTrijrucre, ■C^ig gentle Snigljt toass burieB Sere. . 31 pra^ Eou an tiat tHe Bo fee JPraj for tjcir foul? for tjaiitie, JTor as tjeg are noto — fo muft toe aH 6e. -j- Mr. Sandford, who left a manufcript account of Cumberland, fays, — " The laft Thomas Salkeld ' «' fold Corby to the Lord William Howard, third fon of Thomas the great Duke of Norfolk, great " grandfather to the now Earl of Carlifle, and grandfather of the now brave Monlieur Francis Howard, " a great hoiifekeeper and horfe-courfcr, and in all jovial gallantries expert, and beloved of all men, and " Lord of Cotby Caftle his manfion houfe, and has many towns adjacent, and eflate of j^200o per annum, «' and his mother fifter to the late Lord Widdrington, and his wife daughter to one of the famous fa- " milies of Gerard, in Lancaftiire," — In the north aile of Wetheral church: " Here lies Francis Howard, Efq. eldeft fon of Sir Francis Howard, who was the fecond fon of the ♦« Lord William Howard of Nawortli. On his right hand lies his father; on his left hand lies his fifter " Anne; at his feet, his four children, viz. a fon by Anne Gerard his firft wife, and a fon and two *' daughters by Mary-Annc-Dorothy Townley his fecond wife, who furvived him. He died Dec, lythj •' 1702, much lamented by all that knew him, but moft of all by his widow and reliit. M. A. D. HOWARD. Eternal reft give unto them, Lord! Amen! Amcn!'^ Lord CuMB. Ward.] CORBY. 165 Lord William Howard, buried at Grayftoke, mar. Elizabeth, one of the fillers and coheirefles of George Lord Dacre. Mar. to his firft wife, Anne, d. of John Prefton, of the manor of Furneffe. Mar. to his 2d wife, Mary d. of Sir Henry Widrington, of Widrington, Northumberland. -A^- .^ , -., ^ ^ ^ ^ ^. ^^ ^ Thos. a col. of borfe T Elizabeth m. T Francis ill m."! Henry. 1 Thos. 1 Wm. Margaret, T Alathe. for K. Charles, flain 5- Edward i- Anne, d. of > 1 643 , at y^//f r/c/z-z/^aar J Standifh,Efq. J SirW. Gerard J I I ra. Sir T. \ Cathar. Haggerfton. j Anne^ ine married .angdale, r \^ Y A fon d. 1 Mary mar. J. 1 Frances d. 7 Anne an infant. J Warwick, Efq. J unmar. 3 — i- To his fecond wife he married Mary-Anne-Dorothy Townley, Lancaihire - had by her iffue a fon and two daughters. All died fans iffiie. He dcvifed his eftate to lu's third brother, William, and died 1702, and was buried at Wetheral. He married Jane, d. of John Dalfton, Efq. of Acornbank, died 1 708, and was buried at Wetheral, ->v-^- Francis d. 1 Thomas d. 1 740, 1 Wm. 1 John. 1 Dorothy. T Eliz. m. Wm unmar. J bur. at Wetheral. J J J d. unmar. >■ Sandeifon, of I J Armathwaite. -.-A^. 1 Lucy, "■V— Mary, all nuns. Bridget* ifl mar. Barbara d. of John Vifcount Lonfdale. } V ; — 2d mar. Barbara, fifter to Sir Charles Mufgrave, Bart, of Eden-hall 1 3d mar. Mary, d. of Francis earthing, of Wofton, Efq. had no iflue. r" 7, fons, all d. infants. j Mary d.7 J an inf. j Ehz. unmar. Jane m. Fran. T Charles d Warwick, of > years old, Warwick-hall. J at Wetheral ■x.\ sral. J Phil. Anne, Anne d. » Catharine Wytham, of J both nuns Cliffe, Efq. and by her hath iffue. d. of Henry an. inf. }- & Mary, Henry b. 1757, m. Nov. 26th, 1788, Maria, the 3d d. and one of the coheircflts of Andrew, Lord Archer, of Amberdadc, Warwickfhire, who with her infant d. died Nov. gth, 1 789, and was buried at Wetheral. — V Philip b. I 766, d. at Porto, in Piedmont, 1786, unmar. Catharine b. 1755, m. to John Gartfide, of Crunipfall, in the co. of Lancailer. Maria b. 1762, m. to Geo. 2d fon of Robert Edward Lord Petrc, has iflue 3 fons, & I d. Arms, — Gules. — In the middle of a bend between fix crofs crofslets, argent, a ftiield, or, therein a demy lion rampant, pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double trcflurc counterfloi-y. Sides. The i66 WETHERAL. [Cumb. Ward. The church of Wetheral is in the patronage of the dean and chapter of Carlifle, unto which, jointly with VV'arwick, they prefcnt a perpetual curate, w ith a falary, of 52I. a year, together with a houfe and frnall piece of ground. f The parifh is bounded by Hayton and Cumwhitton to the eaft, by St. Cuthbert's, Carhfle, on the weft, on the north by Warwick, and on the fouth by Hefket in the Foreft. It is divided into four quarters, Wetheral, Corby, Scotby, Cumwhinton, and Coathill, and contains nine villages. The lands in Wetheral quarter are either Icafehold, or cuftomary, under the dean and chapter of Carlifle ; the remainder cuftomary, with arbitrary fines on death of landlord or tenant, or alienation, with heriois, boon days, &c. — Corby quarter is moftly freehold, Henry Howard, Efq. lord of the manor, — Scotby quarter is copyhold, under the Duke of Devonfnire, — Cumwhinton or Coathill quarter is divided, fome part is leafehold under the Duke of Devonfliire, other parts are cuftomary under Mifs Julia Aghonby, of Crosfield, William Milbourne, Efq. of Armathwaite caftle, and the dean and chapter of Carlifle: there is one freehold, called Wragmirebank, the property of Mr. Rooke. The church is a handfome edifice, built of excellent ftone, in the Gothic ftile; it confifts of three ailes, fupported on three maflive pillars on each fide, and a fine Gothic arch divides the nave from the chancel. The fouth fide of the chancel appears to be of greater age than the reft of the edifice; two infcriptions, in the Gothic letter, remain there, one over the door, the other over the window, viz. iSPiate p aninta GicTjaicDi iffilrtilicc^an Ojatc p a'i'a caillfmt ^Tjojnton atibatjB In 1774, the roof was covered with blue flate ; in 1789, and 1790, the whole was flagged, ftalled, plaiftered, and ceiled, and the tower was built, finilhed with four + In Wetheral quarter there are 6; families, ?i 2 Inhabitants. "^^ , t' •!• _ • i u-. . ' c I. . yTotal, — Famihcs^oi, — inhabitants bcotby quarter ------- ri 242 f n rL , • r> Coathill quarter 83 30^ C '■^' ^'~? Pre(bytcuans,-_.4 Ro- ^ , ^ ^ -> l \ man Catholics, — 1 1 Quakers. Cotby quarter ---- . I03 496 1 ^ P. N. Valor. 7 K. Ed. 11. 1 K. Hen. VIII. Ecclefia de Wedeihal!,32l. OS. od. j Eccl. de Wederhall, il. os. od. J Portio PriorlfTe de Marring, in eadeni, ) Portio Priorifie de Marring in eadem 3!. OS. 6d. J non taxatur quia totaliter deilruAur. WETHERAL. Dedic. the holy Trinity — --Ibbey St. Maiy's, York, pro. — D. and C. Carlifle, patr Perpet. curacy. Salaiy 52I. pd. by the D. and C. In the divifion of Cumwhinton and Coathill, in this parifti, is a cuftomary manor belonging to William Milboiune, Efq. of Armathwaite, viz. In Coathill is feven cnftomary tenants, — cuftomary rent, iSs. 6d. — Eight boon-daj's (hearing, and feven heriots, but no other fer vices. In Cumwhinton is eleven cuftomary tenants, — cuftomar)' rent rl. t rs. 4d. — Twelve boon-days and one third of a day, and fifteen heriots; fome of the half-land tenants, as they are called, pay forefter oats to Mils Aglionby. In Coathill, a manor belonging to Mifs Juha Aglionby, of Crosfield, — about 34 cuftoSaiy tenements, — cuftomary rent, 7I. 3s. gd". — Arbitrary fines and heriots. The tenants make boon-day ftrvice in fliearing and leading coals, and pay foreftcr oats. Thefe manors are within the foreft of Inglevvood, and thcfc oats were a duty paid to the fortfter. four CuMB. Ward.] WETHERAL. 167 four fpircs, and a new bell hung therein ; in 1791, the chapel, over the burying vault belonging to Corby caflle, was rebuilt by Henry Howard, Efq. to the me- mory of his ancertors and of his lady. — Warwick hath always been united with Wetheral. " The manner of Combquinton was, at the conqucfl:, the lands of Hildred, a Knight, to whom the Earl Randolph gave the fame, and William Rufus and Henry Beauclerk, a great ieignory, and alfo large pofTefTions on the eaft fide of the river Eden. Hedwelt at Carlifle, and was afterwards called Hildredus dc Carliel!; he left that firname to the ancient family of Carliells, who were Knights fuccef- fively until Edward I's time, when their chief feared himfelf in Scotland, at King- mount, when King Edward I. invaded Scotland ; at which time he fold mofl: of his lands here in England. His name was William Carlicll ; of him the barons Carliell, in Scotland, are lineally defcended, whofe heir male of the eldefl ifluc- ended of late in my time, and his living is fallen to a daughter; but there are yet- great numbers of that firnamc both in England and Scotland. " Hildred had ilTue a fon named Odard, who died in his father's life time; there- fore Combquinton defcended to his nephews and grandchildren, Richard Carliell andRobert, between whom their grandfather divided his lands. And this manor, to make the divifion equal, was divided into tv,o moieties, which, till this prefent time, is not yet united, for the Skeltons enjoy one part, the Aglionbys another part, and the dean and chapter of Carlifle a piece, with the cell of Wcderhall, purchafcd in Edward Ill's time, of Robert Parving, who bought it of Edmund Cumbquinton."! Mr. t Denton's MS. Incumbents, &c. — Rev. T. Nichols, fucceeded by Rev. J. Bird — Rev. E. Tbng— Rev. G. Gilbanks — Rev E. Stangcr the prefent incumbent. The regilicr begins 1 674 — for the firft 20 years, chriftenin^s 21, buried iS, married five — for twenty years lad part — chriftenings 36, buried 18, married 10. Tlie vicarage lioufe and near three aeres of ground were pnrch:ifcd by the Rev. J. Bird — The dwelhng houfc was built by Rev. Edward Tong in the year 1714, to which the dean and chapter contributed 2 cl. only. — The annual rental of lands and houfes in the whole parifh is about 5000I. Poor, &c.] The poor rates are coUcfted by the pound rent, amounting yearly 10 about 140I. There is not much common land in the parifh fave in the divifion of Wetheral, whicli is remarkably good. The owners of Corby have been fo indulgent to the country people, as to permit them yearly on Eafter Sunday to viiit the walks there, which has occalioned the rame of Corby fair.|| Aspect.]] The appearance of the country is beautiful, rather flat, with clumps of wood interfperfed here and there. The tenements are fmall, which occafions a greater population, the inclufures are alfo fmall. Implements of Husbandry.] Are greatly improved; almoft every faimer is poflefled of the moft modern implements. Fuel.] Chiefly coal, It about 3s. to 4s. a cart load — peat and turf in the divifion of Coathill. Wages.] Labourers from is. 2d. to is. 4d. — Mechanics 2s. to 2s. 6d.per day without maintenance. Meetinghouses.] One at Scotby for the Quakers, and one Roman Catholic chapel at Warwick- bridge, in Corby quarter. Rivers, Fish, and Roads.] The river Eden abounds in falmon, trout and eels, — feveral fraall brooks have trouts. — No turnpike road. Schools.] One at Great Corby, endoweed with lands of 61. or 7I. a year rent — thcfcholars pay 2S. per. quarter. — One at Scotby, endowed with land of 7I. or 81. per year. — One at Wetheral unendowed. Buildings.] Are good in general, — ^jjlenty of freeilone. )| Two young men were drowned upon Eafter Sunday 1792, in pafTing the river Eden to Corby, by the boat having been overfct, vvhicb, it is hoped, will put an end for the future to fuch inipious recreations. i6S CORBY CASTLE. [CuNrB. Ward. Mr. Townlcy, of Townley, in the county of Lancafter, holds the tithes by leafc, under the dean and chapter of Cariifle, of the value of 400I. par annum or there- about, exclufive of lands dcmifcd hy them. Corby demefne pays a modus of eight ihillint^s in lieu of all tithes, and fevcral other tenements are tithcfrec.* _ .^ »i» r? -S . =^ 0^^ -s^W^Mi View of Wetheral Priory and the back of Corby, from the Wejl. CORBY CASTLE, The fituation of which agrees with the etymology of its name. It is fituatcd on the brink of a ftupendous cliff, impending over the river Eden : from the back •windows you look over the wood, which hangs upon the declivities and rocks be- neath, and Immediately view the river. The hills on every hand arc lofty, and defcend precipitately, clothed with flatcly trees. Eden is here adorned with a thoufand beauties ; every turn and avenue aflbrds a rich fylvan fccnc, where, amidft the hanging fhades and groves of oak, bold rocks are feen, pufliing forth their rugged fronts, and lifting up their eminent brows with inconceivable dignity. A fine lawn opens to the front of the houfe, with ornamental buildings placed GvPSUM J There is a quarry of g^-pfum, or alplafler, about nine feet from the futface, in Coathill quarter, vvheie it mio-ht be won in great abundance; but this fource of riches to the farmer is yet unex- plored. Housman's Notes. * We acknowledge great obligation to the Rev. A. Lawfon, for much information touching Wetheral and Warwick. The Editors. Soil and Produce.] Along the call fide of Eden for near a mile in breadth, inclining to the weft, fand and loam, not deep, level, well divided with quickfets ; lets from 20s. to 30s. per acre ; produces good crops of every kind of giain. — Turnips, potatoes, clover, &c. very early. — To the cailward, llronger in clay, and grows good wheat; lets from about 15s. to 20s. per acre. — In the extremity of the pariHi, about a mile in breadth, land improved from the common — part of it grows good wheat, barley, &c. leti from about es. to I OS. per acre. Part of it cold, wet, black foil; lets at about 2s. 6d. to 5s. per acre. Improve- ment much better than it was fome years ago, though Ihort of what it might be. Too many white crops cif corn, after fallowing are taken, which impoverilh the land too much; and iflaid down without fowing grafs feeds, it affords neither hay nor pallure. The very worft land in the parilh might be made to grow good CuMB. Ward.] CORBY CASTLE. 169 placed and difpofed with good tafte. But even the richcft and beft works of art appear infignificant, in a fcene where Narure has extended her powers; and mingled, in fo noble and romantic a manner, woods, ftrcams, hills, and rocks. The walk on the brink of the river is well devifed, and retains as much of its origimlity, as could be preferved in (uch a work. The whole plcafure grounds are formed upon the line of nature, and all the primitive beauties are preferved: — " For paradifc's feat no more " Let trav'Uers Icarch on Perlia's iliove : " Its groves (till ffourilhing appear, " Upon the eafl of Eden licre." Relpii's Poems. In a defcription of Corby, it would be doing a piece of injuftice to it, as well as to an ingenious manof tafte, who, like Shenftone, fcattered around it fundry apt poetical quotations and infcriptions, not to notice them. To the northweft of the houfc, a terrace is Wretched along the fummit of the clifF. good crops of hay — In Cor.thiU quarter, a good flrong loamy foil, fit fur any kind of grain. A'lout Cumwhinton the land is more fandy, and h'es ivarmer — the foil produces wheat, bailey, oats, peas, pota- toes, and foine turnips. — Kcre is a traft of wild common which carries a few fliccp. — In Wcthcral asd Scotby is a mixture of loam and fand, and fit for any kind of grain. — Turnips are much cultivated In this parifh. The drill hufbandrj- Is praclifed — horfe and hand howing are ufed — they fell from 2I. to 3I. 103. per acre the highcft price; eat off by fheep. Good crops of barley fuccced turnips. — The fame foil produces wheat and rye after clover, then follow turnips. One thoufand (heep are frequently fed in thia parifh, on turnips only. The inhabitants in general are laborious, and fpare no induftry in the culture of their turnips, which they find a great improvement In agriculture, and a great reward for their labour. Improvements OF Huseandrv.] In Wetheral pari ih the llrong loll, if properly managed, would produce after fallow, barley, clover, wheat, peas, bailey, then fallow; wheat, peas, barley, hay, oats, then fallow; barley, grafs feeds, and white clover for paflme. The light foil, turnips barley, hay, oats, fal- low; wheat, peas, barley, hay, oats, then fallow; turnips, barley, grafs feeds, with white clover for paf- turc ; or turnips, barley, clover, wheat, peas ; barley, fallow, wheat, peas ; barley, hay, oats, fallovv ; turnips, b;irley, grafs feeds, with white clover for paftuie — After fallow, crops fhould always be reverfed. The chief property of this method Is, that two white corn crops are never found together, which in good hufbandry fliould always be tlie cafe; by a due mixture of crops, the foil is piefervcd in good heart, and always produces good crops : neither hay nor pafture get time to degenerate. Every farmer, who pofTtfTcs 150 acres and upwards, fliould always breed his own (lock of (heep and cattle, and feed upon the lame farm what he fo breeds: fuch method of bvecding- and feeding never fails of bringing in the greated profit. Sheep.] The wool fliouIJ be clufe at top, and equally broad as at bottom; of an equal furface, that doth not fliadc nor hang downward, even when wet with rain. The body fliould be round, the back broad, the fhoulders full, and the fore quarters as heavy as the hind, the thighs plump, and the legs fhort. Cattle."] A cow to breed from fhould have a fmall liead, at the muz/.le particularly, fine clear fniall horns; the neck deep before, round body, and broad rib; wide over the knuckle bone, and wide behind ; fiiort legs, and wide between t!ie fore-legs. Sheep and cattle bred from thofc of fuch defcriptions, never fail of being good feeders. Manufactory.] At Great Corby, for weaving corduroy; 42 pair of looms, employ 61 hands; men, women, and children, upon an average, work about yjo yards a week of corduroy fluff — 48,360 yards a year. The weavers employed are molUy apprentices; earn about 5s. 7d. per week. JourneymtUi good hands, will earn from 163 to a guinea jier week. A cotton mill, built on Mr. Howard's ellate, at Langthwalte, contains 443 fpindles, fpins about Soolb.of cotton every week, 4i,6oolb. a year, and employs 100 hands, men women, and children. Increafc of Inhabitants In Great Corby quarter, fince theft manufadtories begun, about 120. Corby manor confifts of 10 cuflomary tenants, — il. 4s. 4d. rent, — 13 and three-four: lis boon days, — . 5 load of coals, 20 cart load of peats, and 10 hens. 55 fuehold tLiiant-i, 9I. ys. ii^d. liaifp. rent — 8 leafe- voL. I. Z hold lyo CORBY CASTLE. [CuMB. Ward. ciit^, overlooking the thick groves, which clathe the declivities and the brink of the river, and commanding a fine profpcdt of the courfc of the ftream. On the oppolite eminence is feen the gateway of the ancient priory of Wetheral, " with its Tine eliptic arch," which iVIr. Pennant dcfcribes as fo tempting, " that he could " not hold tenants, 2I. rent — I freehold houfe in Carlifle, ys. rent,f — 2 freehold tenements In Botcherby, 2s. 6<1. rcnt,f — r freehold tenement in the manor of Ncwby, is. rent,f — 2 frtchold tenements in the manor of Wethcnil, 2s. 46. rent,f — I freehold tenement in the manor of Warwick, 6d. rentf — 5 freehold tene- ments in the manor of Hayton, 15s. 6d. rent,-f- now in one — 3 cuilomary tenements in the manor of Hayton, 8s. 6d. rent, 3 boon days, 3 hens, fines — 8 cuilomary tenements in the manor of Camwhinton, jl. 14s. rcntif 10 boon days, fines — 1 freehold tenement in the m.anor of Aglionby, 8s. rent.f Manor of Little Corby, in the parllh of Hayton, Henry Howard, Efq. lord of the manor. — 5 freehold tenants, i8s. 4d. rent, — 9 cuHomary tenants, il. 2s. 6d. rent, 9 and a half boon days, 4 load of coals, fines. 3 cuftoniary tenants in the manor of Great Corby, hold of the lords of the manor of Wetheia], rent, and pay a fourpenny fine certain (four times the lord's rent) on the change of tenant only 2 cuftomary tenants, hold of the Earl of Carlifle, rent, and pay arbitrary fines on the change of loi d or tenant. — 3 cuilomary tenants, hold of the lord of the manor of Warwick, rent, and pay a tenpenny fine certain on the change of lord or tenant. — i freehold tenant held of ditto, •— — rent. In the raanoi of Great Corby, — Ancient inclofures i n S acres, 3 roods, and 3 1 perches — Commoft jnclofed about the year 17CO, 1173 ^cres, z roods, and 30 perches — Common in plantations 67 acres, T rood and 8 perches. — Ancient woods and pleafure grounds, 1 15 acres, i rood, and 19 perches — Leafe- liold lands, I02 acres, i rood, and 24 perches — Fifii ponds 20 acres, 3 roods, and 1 6 perches — Total in Great Corby, 2598 acres, 2 roods, and 8 perches — In the manor of Little Corby, parilh of Hayton, 231 acres, and 28 peiches — Total 2829 acres, 2 roods, and 36 perches, Wc acknowledge great obligatiou to Mr. Luke Blacklock, for the above valuable infotmation. The Editors. THE LORDS OF THE MANOR OF CORBY, From ths Coiiqufft to the time cf\a0^x> William Howard, of Natvorth, from a MS. in tJie hand rx'riting _■' of Lord H^illianiy communicated hy Henry Howard, Efq.* Nomina Dominorum Caftri et Maneri] de Corkby in Gilfland in Com. Cumbrix a Conqueftu Anglise la hunc ufque diem 19" Decembris Ao. Dni 1625. 1. Raniilphusde Mefchines dns de Corkby temp. W'lni Conqnclloris ex dono ejufdcm Regis. Rex Wil'mns cogno-ninc baftardus Dux Norman. Conqueftor Anglise dedit totain terram de Comitatu CumbrisE Ranulpho de Mefchiues &c. EsChronlcis Cumbriae In Reg'io prioratus de Wederall irrotulat. fo. 161. Ego Ranulphus Mefchines concelTi monachls de Wederall exclufagium et Stagnum de Pifcaria et Mo- 'endino de Wederall quod fa^lum et firmatum eft in teira de Corkby et prohibeo ut nee Dns de Corkby sec aliquis alius violet feu difturbct ipfum ftagnum firmarl in terra de Corkby &c. Tefte Wefcubricht (inter alios) Kx Regiftro de Wederall. fo. 27. 2. Wefcubricht fifius W'mi StifTan. Rex Heniicus conceflit Kubcrto de Valhbus totam terram quam Gilb't filius Boet tenuit et de incre- iiiento Corkby cum Pifcaria quam Wefcubricht filius W'mi Stiffan tenuit &c. Ex chaita extmplificata lub magno figiHo Anglix. — N. B. This record is at Naworth. 3. Hubertus de Vallibus ex dono Regis Hen. II. 4. Robertus Val'2 filius Huberti. j Ego Robertus de Vals conceffi Alexandro de Winlefores Fentun quam Pater meus ifll dedit et de ihcreraento Korkby cum molendino et Pifcaria tenendum de heredibua meis pro fervitium quartse parti» uHius mllitis &c. Ex ipfacharla fub figillo diifli Roberti. 5. Alexander de Winlefores ex dono difti Roberti temp. Rich. I'mi. Thofe marked thus f are held of the lord of the manor of Corby, and perform fuit and £:rvice at court, • 'Ite origiaal deeds referred to, marked thus §, are prcferved at Corby. 6. Will'ra\» CuMB. Ward.] CORBY CASTLE. 171 " not refift eroding the river, to pay a vifit to thofe curious remains." — On a well- chofen part of the terrace, a feat is placed, infcribed with the following lines, defcriptive of the varied beauties of the landfcape. " Here thine eye may catch new pleafurcs, •' Whilfl- the landfcape round it meafurcs ; " RufTet lawns and fallows grey, " Where the nibling flocks do ftray ; " Mountains, on whofe barren bread " Labouring clouds do often reft ; " Meadows trim with dafies pied, " Shallow brooks and rivers wide; " Towers and battlements it fees, " Bofom'd high in tufted trees." L'allecro of Milton. We defcended to the banks of the river, and approached the grotto; the woods to the left towering from clift' to cliff, furmounted the vafl; fteep. Eden, after rufhing over 6. Willm'us fiiius Odardi |r! Ofanna uxor ejus filia et Hares. Alex'ri de Winlcfores. § Forte ifta Ofnnna filia et hsres erat Alexandvi de Wink-fores in cujus jure idem Will'm's tenuit manerium dc Corkby, quia afTcnfu Ofanna uxoris ejus idem W'm's dedit monachis de Wederall 2 Bovat. Terr* in Corkby ut in charta didti W'm'i patet. Johan. I. fillus W'm'i. Ego Will'm's fiiius Odardi concilio et afTenfu uxoris mei Ofannce conceffi monachis de Wederall 2. Bovat. tcrrae ibm Tefte Rogero Archlepifcopo Ebor. Ex Reg'ro de Wederhall fo. 27. Clemens abbas libor. conccffit W'm'o filio Odardi quod bis in hebdomada miffa celebratur in Capella quod conftruxit infra Callrum fuum de Corkby &c. Ex Reg'ro de Wedrall fol. 31. 7. Robcrtus fiiius W'm'i. • Ego Robertus fiiius W'm'i filij Odardi de Corkby &c, compofitione quam pater meus fecit cum Abbate Ebor. et monachis de Wederall fup. cantaria Capella de Corkby &c. Ex reg'ro de WederaU fo. 32. n. 54. 8. Ifabella filia et hasres Roberti fillj W'm'i Ano 37. Hen. III. et i 2'mo Ed. I. et 19, Edw. I. Compofitio inter Roaldum fil. Alani et Ifabella nxore ejus ex una parte et Priorem et Conventum de Lanercoft ex altera parte pro Cert. Terr, in Torrofock. et Cumquint. Ex Regr'o de Lanercolt fo. 105. cap. 22 — Nota Rob'tus fiiius W'm'i predecelTor erat dicla: Ifabellce Ao. 37. Hen. III. § Ego Ifabella reliifla Alani de Lafcelles Dna de Corkby conceflii Johanni fil. Roberti confanguineo meo totam terram cum pertinentiis quam habui in dominio in villa Wathare et Eilover in bofco meo de Corkby &c. Ex ipfa charta Ano rz'mo Ed. I. Thomas de Richmund fiiius Roaldi ct Ifabella Ao I3. Ed. I. 9. Thomas de Richmund miles auratus 29. Ed. I. — 6. Ed'vard II. — 9. Ed. II. Roaldnsde Richmund fihus et hseres dno' Tho. Affifa inter Walterum de Roxbury et Ifabellara uxorem ejus in cujus jure dom. de Corn's Corkby quair. Et Matilda de Miilton dna de Gilfland et als Def. Tangem. improvament. fad. in Corn's Corkby prae- dift quer. et devaftat prcdift. defend. &c. Ao. 19. Ed. I. prout per exemplificationem recordi fub figillo fcaccarij in Cuftodia Cameri. dni regis ibidem reman. § Ego Thomas de Richmund rclaxavi Job! dc Waithwick confanguineo meo totnm jus quod habeo in illis Tcrris et teuemcntis quas et qux prediftus Johannes habet ex dono Domins Ifabells; quondam domina: de Corkby avix mcc2 in villa de Warthvvick. Ex ipfa charta Ao. 29. Ed. I. a Ego Thomas de Richmund miles Dns de Corkljy conceffi decern lil)ratas Tevrx in Corkby Thome I.alon pro tcrmino vits fux. Ex ipfa charta \o. Uni 1315- Ao. 9 Ed. II. Thomas fiiius Roaldi de Richmund. Vide Inquif. vocat. Kirkby quell, c.iptam dc f^odis militum in Com. Ebor. Ao. 13. Ed. I. in fcaccario dni Regis reman. Z 2 # Ego CORBY 'CASTLE. JComb. Ward; over a fucceffion of cafcades, at length forms a long canal, fevered by a woody jiland of conlidcrahlc length, and terminated by a ftupendous amphitheatre of rocks, cro\\ncd and fcattercd over with wood. To the right, the ealy rifing flopes are covered with meads, ftretching up to Wethrual Priory, The entrance into the grotto is femicircular, on the edge of a cliff which hangs over the river, above which a precipice, not Icfs than one hundred feet in height, lifts up its venerable and rugged brow, crowned with oaks of great ftaturc. You enter into a fquare apartment, eighteen feet long, fifteen wide, and of a proportionable height, hol- lowed out of the folid rock, lighted by an aperture which commands a view of the beautiful canal and amphitheatre before dcfcribed ; from thence you pafs into an inner chamber, alfo formed in the rock, eighteen feet in length, and twelve in width ; the top of which is beautifuUly corniced by red and yellow veins which run in the ilone. This apartment is lighted by another aperture, commanding a view of VVetheral, with the adjacent meadows. On the right hand of the entrance into the grotto this tablet is placed: — " There Eden's lofty banks, " Now nearer crown with their inclofures green, " As with a rural mound, the champain head " Of a Iteep wildernefs; whofe hoary tides •' With thickets overgrown, grotefque, and wild, " Accefs deny; and overhead up grow " Infupcrable § Ego Richaulus Je Richmund relaxavi duo TIiom?e de Richmund militi totiim jus quod habeo irt aiaiicrio de Coikby in Gilfland in Comit Cumb. &c. E:l ipla chaita Ao. 6. E6. II. § Ego Roaldus de Richmund tilius et liaercs dni Thomse de Richmund Relaxavi Dno Andrea dc Harcla totutvjus meum quod habeo in inaner. de Corkby. Ex ipfa charta Ao. 15. Ed. II. Ego Richardus de Richnunul relaxavi dno Andrea de Harcla comiti Carlioli totum jus meum quod habti) in manciio de Corkby. Ex ipfa charta Ao. 1322. 16 Ed. 11. 10. Andieus de Harcla Scotus Comes Carliol. Ao. 15, Edvi^. II. cui Thorn, de Richmund mil. alic- rjavit iiianerium de Corkby. 1 I. Dominus Rex Edvvardus II. rationc attinftuta Andre de Harcla predifta de alta prodicione, Sic% IZ. Dominus Edwavdus III. RcxAnglix. 13. Richardus Salkeld ex dono dni Regis Edwardi III. ao. 9. regni fui. § Petentcs 14° Odob. ao. 9, Ed. III. ■ Rex omnibus nd quos, &c. Sciatis quod cum dns Edwardus nuper. Rex Anglix paternofter pro bona lervitio quod Richardi'S de Salkeld eidem patri mei impenderat concefiit ei maner. de Corkby in Comit. Cnmbr. quod fuit Andva; de Harcla et per cjufdem fonsfaflura ad manus dni patris mci tanquam ifcatta fua devenit Habend. eidcm Richardo et hasred. fuis quofque idem pater noiter providerct eidem Richardo et hacred. fuis viginti libiates tcrrx in aliquo compctenti loco, S;c. Nos volcntes gratiam liberiorem facere eidem Richardo concedimus eiethared. fiiisdidum manerium de Coibycum peitinentiis pro viginti librates tcrrae in ; crpttuum. Tefte Rcge apud Ecrwickum ftip. Tvvedam. Ab ifto Richardo Salkeld :.d Richardum filium fuum. et fic a fillo ad filium predict, maner. cuidam. Richardo Salkeld militi jam hercdilaris difcendebat, qui fine heredo mafculo de corpore fuo excunte ob. a'o. 16; Hen. VII. relinquens fex filias ct heredcs. Inter quas partitltio fafta fuit p. indent, dat. apud Penrith 12 martij ao. 20 Hen. VII. do tola ha:reditate difti Rich. Salkeld militis, per quas diftum maner. de Corkby alFignatum fuit ad Dnam Katherinam Duckett priniogenitam fiham adtunc uxoreni Thomae Salkeld de Rofgill, et ad Margaretam fccundogenitam fdiam fuam relift. Thomx Blenkinfop dc Hellbeck armig. habend. tibi et haredibus fuis pro totis purpaitibus fuis totius hxreditatis patris fui predifti. Ex CuMB. Ward.] CORBY CASTLE. t^2 " Infuperable height of lottiefl: fhade, " Cedar, and pine, and fir, and branching oak; " Shade above fliadc, a woody theatre " Of ftatelic-n: view," . Paradise Lost, b. IV. 1. 132. On the left hand, the following; — " Another fide, umbrageous grots and caves '■ Of cool recefs; vvhillt murmuring waters fall, " Down the flopc hills, difperfed, or in a lake, " That to the fringed bank, with flowerets crowned, " Her chryflal mirror holds, unite the ftreams." ibid, 1. 257. The effevfl of mufic in this grotto is admirable, the apartments afford a fine echo, which is repeated from the oppofite rocks and woods. At a little difiance from this place, there is an open area, with a bafon in the centre. Behind the bafon, other cells are excavated in the rock: the ftranger, whofe curiofity leads him to enter them, is aftonilhed to find his return impeded by a torrent of water, which falls immediately before the pafTage. A large refervoir is difcharged occafionally, and the ftream {^o condudled as to form a very fine cafcade, falling from the brow of a precipice, and rulhing through the arch of a bridge, it pours headlong down the rock, before the entrance into the caves. From this fccne, a walk ftretches, by the margin of the river, nearfcven hundred yards in length, and of a proportionable width, terminated by a pleafure houfe. In this walk a tablet is fixed, infcribed as follows : — " The birds their choirs apply ; airs, vernal airs, " Breathing the fmell of field and grove, attune " The trembling leaves: whilft univerfal Pan, " Knit with the graces and the hours in dance, " Leads on the joyous fpring." Againfl a tree the following appofitc lines : — " ^uo pinus i)igens, alhaqiie populus " Lmbram bofpitaUm confociare cinmiU " Rcimis, et cbliquo laborat, " Lympba fugax Irepidare rivoJ" HoR. Lib. II. Ode III. I. 9. Ex ifta Margareta Blenkinfop cxivi't Tliomns, Jc quo Thomas 2. de quo Thomas 3- di' quo Henricus I'lt-nkinfop armig. qui 22 Novembr. A. D. iGoj.totam mcdittatcm fuum didi mancr. do Coiby alienavit i>no Will'ino Howard, ut per cartam luam de date Inpiadift. parct. Et de praedidta Katheiina exivit Tho. Salktld dc quo Ricli. de quo Barbara fola fih'a et hxres ejus fitipta Georgia Salktld filio Rich. Salkcld dc Tlirimby fratris predifti Thomas avi picdiftK Barbara; de quibus Thomas Salkcld armiger qui 10 Februarlj Ao. Dni 1624, totam medietatem fuam predifti manerij dc Corkby alienavit eidem Dno Will'mo Howard q\ii modo tenet intcgrc totuin luaBaium dc Corkby prcdift. rationc fcperalium perquifitionum fupiamcutionat Ao. Dni 1O25. Beneath S74 CORBY CASTLE. [CuMB. Ward, Beneath a rock, which puflies its front from out the trees, on the long walk, and forms a cool and folemn recefs, is placed the Roman altar,t defcribcd in the notes to page 69, at the top of which, on a tablet, is infcribed the folemn mementos of Shakefpear : — " The cloud capt towers," &c. The frontof Corby houfe is of confiderable length, and conliftsof a fuite of genteel apartments; and although it is probable, that this caftle has been the refidence of the owners of the manor, ever fince the conqueft ; it bears, at prefent, no appearance of antiquity, excepting what is feenfrom an inward court. Large windows have been made in the tower, part of the old building raifed, and confiderable additions made to the principal front, which give it the ftile of a houfe built in the begin- ning of this century. — It is now a commodious nmnfion, comfortably furnifned. In the drawing-room, there is a pidure of Charles V. and his Emprefs, by Titian: he is reprefented, informing his lady of his intention to retire to a monaftery, which communication does not appear to meet with her approbration. There arc alfo feveral other pictures of confiderable merit, viz. an original full length portrait of Lord William Howard, in armour; a philofopher reading by the light of a torch; a mufician, the work of a Spanifli painter, &c. The woods adjoining this beautiful place are graced with oaks of a great fizc. The country is rich and well cultivated, the modern modes of hufbandry having been introduced, with great advantage, •f The altar, infcriptions, &c. have been much damaged by mifchievous people, fince the above waj written. THE [ ^75 ] THE PARISH OF CUMWHITTON. ADruidical temple lies on an eminence, in the middle of a dark and dreary wafte, commonly called King Harry : why it has that denomination, we are not informed, otberwife than by a tradition, that one of the Henries encamped here; but on what occafion, or which ot our fovereigns of that name was here, there arc no relative traces in the tradition or in hiftory to refolve us. This monu- ment goes by the name of the Grey Yauds,§ from the colour of the ftones, which are placed in a circle, and are to be diflinguifhed at a great dillance, from the black mofs earth and heath that furround them. The number of ftones which form this monument, is eighty-eight ; they are but (mall, compared with thofe druidical remains we fliall, in the fequel, have occafion to defcnbe: the largefl: here does not exceed four feet in height, from the ground; they are granites of the na- tural form, as found on the furface of the earth; the circle is about fifty-twa yards in diameter, and to the north welt point, the largefl flone is placed about five yards from the circle. We mufl lufpend many of our obfervations on monu- ments ot this kind, till we come in courfe to that at Little Salkeld, the mod fpacious one in this part of Britain. What is moft obfervablc here, this being oner of the places for druidical convention, is the barrennefs of the ground: even con- ceiving that it was once furrounded by a forefl, it feems ill placed for convening the (fates w hich were amenable to this jurilHidtion. The ground is every where rent with torrents, and the deep worn channels are filled with (tones, whild the intermingled plots, where any vegetation appears, are juft covered with a fcantjr growth of heath; we fcarce know a more defolate fpot. Camden's dcfcription of this part of the country is, — " To the eaft, a lean, hungry, and defolate country." In getting peats on this waflc, fome years ago, an iron bullet was found, about a pound weight; mort probably brought hither by accident. The lands irom hence rife gradually, and form ftupendous mountains, which till the ealkrn boundary of this county: from King Harry, feveral narrow meagre vales are in view; the eaftern fide of ihefe hills we defcribed in the View of Northumberland, as wc pafTed above Fcatherftone Callle. The pariih of Cumwhitton|| is bounded by the river Eden on the weft, by Corby fields, in the parith of Wethcral, to Headfnook, on the north, by the rivulet called Carn, and by Carlatton and Cumrcw on the eali, and by Croglin water on the fouth. This was a dependent manor of the barony of Gilfland. J The church of § Horfes in this cotintty are frequently called yauds. Tbis monument flands on the weft of the moor. II The parifh of Cumwhitton contains 80 families, of which 2 are Papiih, 2 Preft)yterians, and 2 Quakers. J It is a cuflomary manor, confifting of about eighty tenants. — Cuftomary rent 13I. 9s. ^d. — A twenty- penny fine at change of lord. — An arbitrary fine on change of tenant. — In lieu of fervices is Relief from one half of the multure duty to the lord's mill il. ds. id. half-penny The lord claims all the vvood. Two parcels, within this manor, pay il. 14s. yearly cuftomary rent to the lord of Corby, and an arbitrary fine. — Seven parcels pay about 3I. a year cuttomary rent to John Aikinfon of Catlifle, Efq. with a twenty- penny fine. from 176 PARISH OF CUiMWHITTON. [Eskdale Ward. of Cumwhitton was re6lorial, and given to the priory and convent of Carlifle, but by ■whom is not known ; foon afterwards it became an appropriate.! The dean and chaptcrnominate an officiating minifter, who is licenced by the bifliop accord- ingly : he has a hoiife and a garden, with a falary often pounds a year, paid by the leflee of the church rights. There is a fpecial ufage in this pariih, of paying certain quantities of havermeal (oatmeal) in lieu of tithe of grain in kind. The curacy was augmented by lot, and the money laid out in purchafe of lands in Nichol Forefi', which now yield about 9I. rent per annum: by the bounty of the Countefs Dowa- ger Gower, who gave 200I. an additional augmentation was had, by which lands "were bought in the parifli of Addingham, yielding now near I5l.ayear; thewhole making a comfortable ftipend.* The dean and chapter demife all the redlory of Cumwhitton, From l/:e iKQyisirwfi, 31/? 5/"Qjjeen Elizabeth. MANERIUM DE CUMWHITTON. The lord's rent amounted to 1 7I. 8s. 9d. The bailiff's fee 13s. 4d. The foreller's fee of the foreft of Geltfdale 6s. gd. and viijbr. haver. (S meauirea of haver.) For bound days work for 27 days at 4d. a day. For tlie cuftom called multure corn, filver 33s. 4d. Land feijeant's fee 5s. 4d. '• Memorand — There is within this manner of Cumwhitton one wood called Skeabancke, which is •' of verie good okes, and is worth, to be prefentlie fould, xx''. " Item, there are within the faid manner divers great and large commons of waft, heath, and nioie •♦ ground, known by divers names, viz. King Heniy, Cum Whitton More, Norllceughe, Ormfby More, " and otlicrs ; containing, by eftimation, 2000 acres, wherein the tennants do common their beads *' and cattle." " Item, in the time of the late Lord W. Dacres, there was ufed to be kept by one Cuthbcrt Gvaye, •' of King Henry fell end, a flock of weathers, and their pallure was of a fcveral place of the wa'U, of " more, called King Henry, and the bounds of the fame more where the flock (hoiild go and dtpalUire, *' albeit the fame lay open, and not enclofcd, was verie well knowen, and none of tlie tennants, who had " common for their cattle in the faid more, might put their cattle to common within the fame, and now " it remaineth unitorcd." " Item, the Bounder of this manner beginneth at the foote of Millbeck, where it runneth into Euen, " and fo afccndijig up the Millbeck to the foot of the Horfmanbeck, fo up Horfmanbeck to the three " gray Hones lying in a fporre rigge, from thence to the head of Hudefyke, to the thiee red rakes of '• Raife, from thence to the head ot Karne, and fo to the Croglinge to the font of the manner Syke, fo " up manner Slke to the head of Nortligyll, fo down Northgj'll to the head of Northflvewyke Beck, from ♦' thence down unto Eden at Patwatli, and fo down Eden unto the place where bounder begunne." •)- A *** yeres ago, not far fro' the chapel of the moore, the which is in Com Whitton paroch, and ftondeth a vi myks eil from Carh'.el, was fownd a grave and theryn bonys inufttatx magnlttidinis. Lel. Iten. vol. vii. p. 48. * The increafe of the mortmain by thcfe augmentations is really alarming, and gentlemen of fortune ihould endeavour to proicribe their taking place in mercantile counties. P. N. Valor. T C K. Edw. II. Ecclefia de Coquidington (Kirkby) Cum- >• ^8 14 o < Ecdefia dc Cuniquintington. Non tax. quia quitington j (^ npn fuff. pro. incumb. Situation and Soil.] The lands lie high, mod part of it common ; irregular, but not mountainous —foil light and fandy. Produce.] Rye, barley, and oats, tolerably good — where there 15 black mould and clay, wheat comes lo pretty good peifeClion. Husbandry. EsKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF CUMWHITTON. 177 Cumwhitton, except the curate's houfe and garden; viz. all the glebe lands and meadows called Kirkcrofts, tithes, oblations, obventions, &c. under the yearly rent of fifteen elkcps of haver-nneal,and 10s. in money, bcfides the curate's ftipend often pounds. HosEANDRY.] Is Improving, fo that the valire of land !s greatly incieafed — average 1 8s. per acre. Air.] Remarkably falubrioiis, and the inhabitants are healthy and live long. Bousd/lRY asd Population.] Carn rivulet on the eaft, river Eden weft — 9 milts S. E. of Carlifle , 6 S. W. of Brampton — contains feven fmall villages, and about eighteen (Ingle houfes, I Cumwhitton, Jl Cambridge, 3 Morewaite, 4 Scarrowhill, 5 Hornfby, 6 High Noithfceugli, 7 Low Northfceugh — 85 inhabited houfes, 340 inhabitants. Tenements, Farms.] Not better than hovels, and covered with ftraw — farms vei-y fmall, not exceed- ing 50I. or 60I. and fome as low as 5I. a-year — the generality not more than 20I. laid out compadl, and with out-gates to the common Cumwhitton is of a triangular form with a beautiful town green. Inhabitants.] Few fanners ; moft of the people occupy their own eftates; all of curtomary tenure, of the barony of Gilfland, except one fmall parcel — Thefe eftates have palTed, for fome centuries, in a re- gular line of defcent in the fame families, whence there is great fimilarity of charaftcr and famenefs of dif- pofition in the people. — No manufadlor)* — nor any public road, but for colliers — Tlie market town affords them, now and then, inteicourfe with the reft of mankind. — Politics and foreign occurrences never difturb their thoughts; and not till this year, 1792, has a newfpaper entered the parifh, and now one folitary Cumberland Pacquet has been introduced. — No tafte for fcience or polite literature ; books arc regarded as puerile amufements. — They are ftriftly honeft, credulous and fuperftitious ; delight in athletic exercifes, and are tenacious of old cuftoms. Tea, though a luxuiy ftealing in upon them, is held in fuch deteftation with fome, that they would rather cherifh a ferpent, than admit a tea-kettle. The people, in general, exhibit a ftriking refemblance of the moft ancient inhabitants, in their blunt honelly, fierce ho- nour, and rufticity of manners. Poor.] There is no workhoufe, and few poor fupported at the parifli charge. Charity does much with a private hand : — the patrician virtues will not let the old and infirm neighbour want a friend. — The annual fum for maintenance of the public poor feldom exceeds 24I. Fuel.] Peat and turf. — The mofles are full of wood, oak, afh, and hazel ; nuts are fi-equcntly dug up. — From one of the moffes iffues a ftrong chalybeate water : — this is not fingular ; the ftrongeft water of Harrowgate, Yorklhire, iffues from a morafs. The wood buried in the mofslies a confiderable deptlu Springs.] There are in many parts fine fprings of water. ANTiciyiTiES.] No caftle or ftrong building, but feveral fquare intrenchments on the commons, from 20 to 100 yards, on the fquare. On the green, two artificial mounts, formerly ufed as butts for exercifing archers ; they are called High Willy Waftel, and Low Willy Waftel, probably from the great archer, recorded in the old fong. Wages.] Labourers 8d. per day — carpenters is. — mafons is. 2d. and maintenance. Customs.] They hold the wake, on the eve of St. John, with lighting fires, dancing, Sec. the old bel-teing. The family of the name of Drj'den are faid to have been fettled here for feveral generations ; they are people of property, and have always been greatly efteemed for their induftry, honefly, and fimplicity of manners. From an old writing remaining in the family, made in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, it ap- pears that Erafmus Diyden, of Canons-Afhby, in Northamptonfliire, Efq. who was an anceftor of the poet Dryden, had then fome eftates in Cumwhitton parifh, and the prefent pofTeffors are of the fame family. Housman's Notes. VOL. 1. A a THE C ^7S } View of JVetheral Church, from Corby Walks. See page i66. THE PARISH OF CASTLE-CARROCK DERIVES its name, probably, from Caftle Crag: fome have conceived it to have been the caflle of one Cradock, or Carrock. This parilh comprehends the northern point of that ridge of mountains which extends north from Crofs- Fell, of which we fliall fpeak at large, under the title of the parifh of Kirkland. Near the village of Caftle-Carrock are the apparent remains of two ancient tbrtifications. One in a wet meadow field, thirty or forty yards from the eaft end of the church, furrounded by a mote which has been of conliderable depth, (but is now grown over with a black moffy foil) of an oblong form ; it is about one hundred yards in length, and forty-eight in breadth. In the mote, on the eaft end, is a little pool of water of the lame quality as Gilfland Spa, the weeds, &:c. at the bottom are perfedly encruftcd, as it were with fulphurcous particles. The foil ■within the mote is fon:iething higher than the marfh around it, is of a black graveliy nature, and has been in tillage beyond the memory of man. The tradition about this place is, " That it was formerly an old caftle, from the ruins of which «' the church was built ;" and what makes it probable is. there are feveral broken pieces of carved ftojies in the walls of the church. The other lies about a furlong towards the fouth, in a wet meadow ; is about three times as large as the former,, of a circular form, and rifes above the level of the furrounding meadow, nearly fcven or eight yards almoft perpendicular on all fides, except on the eaft, where the ground is higheft. The top is quite level, and the foil of a ftrong clayey nature, much unlike whatfurrounds it. It has alfo been long in tillage; and, at different times, fome fcabbled or rough ftoncs have been uncovered by the plough, but no iloncs appear on the furfacc of either of them, A fmall rivulet runs clofe by the weft EiSKDALE Ward.] PARISH OF CASTLE-CARROCK. 179 weft fide of each, and might eafily be made to fill the mote of the former quite round; but the ground the latter ftands upon has a little defccnt to ihe ■weft. This was a dependent manor of the barony of Gilfland.* — " The firft freeholder that I read of, of Caftle-Carrock, was one Euftace de Vallibus, to whom Hubert dc * 12 cuftomary tenants — Cuflomary rent, 2I. 12s. 6d. to Arraatluvaite Caftle. — Arbitraiy fines. — The parifh of Caille-Carrock contains about 42 families, of whom 4 are Prefoytciians, and the number of in- habitants 232. CASTLE-CARROCK RECTORY. Priory and Convent, Carl. Propr. Demi and Chapter Carl. Patron. t:> 'whom it pays a yearly penfion of ttuo JliiUings. King's books 5I. 123, lod. — Cert. val. 42I. — Real val, Sol. Incumbents. — 1312, Robert de Helpefton, pr. pr. and con. Carl. — 1346, John de Beghokirk, ibid. —1356, Adam — he was cited to (hew caufe why he flioiild not have a coadjutor afligned him, he btinar iffli&ed with the leprofy, and his parifhioncrs dared not attend divine fervice. — 1380, Thomas de Carleton. —John Colt. — John Richardfon, fen.— 157 1, John Richardfon, p. m. Richardfon, pr. vale nomine D. and C. Carl. — 1586, John Stoddart, p. D. andC. Carl 1589, Leo. Milburne, — 1635, d^- Gibfon. 1672, Henry Skarrow. — 1679, Charles Rickerby.— ^1722, Jofeph Pattinfon. — 1739. Jqlin Pearfon, Clk. p. m. Pattinfon, pr. D. and C. Carl. — 1777» Richard Dickenfon, A. M. p. m. Pearlon. DECANATUS KARLIOL. K. Edw. II. K. Hen. VIIL P. N. val. f, s. d. 2 non tax. quia nonl r. a /-■ t n. ■ 1 . Ecclefia de Caftlekayrok 6.0 o \ (uK. pro incumb. \ ^^^' ^^^'"'^^ ''^^""^ 5^- 12S. lod. RECTORIA DE CASTLECARROCK. £. j. d. Ricardus Slee Clericus Reftor eiufdem habet Manfion. cu. Gleba di£t. Redtorlas p'tin q. val. 7 coibus annis — — — — — — — — — J Idem Ricardus habet decim. Garbeor. tocius p'rochie que val. coibus annis — — 068 Idem Ricardus habet in fen. dec. que val. coibus annis — — — — 080 Idem Ricardus habet dec. Agnor et Lane, infra diiS. p'ochia q. val. coibs a'is — o 20 O Idem Ricardus habet in aliis decis et oblacoibus minut — — — — oi6s Sm To'Iis valoris, 5I. 17s. lod. de quibs c if ^" folucoes p. Senagio Epo Karlij annuatim — — — 020 Et in foluc. procuracoibs vifltacon ejufdem Epo in quolibs triennio folvend 3s. — et fie p. ann. o 012 £t foluc. in penfion. priori Karlij. p. compoficoes a'im .^ __ — — O 2 O Sm deduft 5s. Et rem. 5I. I2S. lod. xma inde lis. 3d. halfpenny. EccL. Survey, 26th K. Henry VIII. iv-57» Z/;? Inq,uisition 3i/?o/"Queen Elizabeth. MANERIUM DE CASTLE-CARROCK. The amount of lord's rents, 9I. 5s. 7d. farthing. Jieddit. refolut. vie. Com. Curabr. voc. Tumcfilver p. ann. 2S. 2J. fartlu'ng. Bailiff's fee, 13s. 4d. " Mbmorand.— There are belonging to the faid manner, two great commons of heath anj macre " ground, containing, by eftimation, about MM acres, the one called the Lawmire, and the other called " Caftle-Carrock fell, in which the tennants of this manner have common for their cattle." " Item, There is a parfonage at Caftle-Canock, with a manfion houfe and glebe lande ; and there it " belonging to the fame the tithe corne in kind, and other dewes ; and one John Stoddert is now incum- "i)ent there ; it is in the gif} of the dean and chapter of CarliQe. " Item, the Bounder of the faid manner beginneth at the Cole Lyngs, from thence to the Bentie " Riggi from thence to the Sunderigghcad, from Sunderigghcad right over the fell to the Marbell-well, A a 2 frpm tSo PARISH OF CASTLE-CARROCK. [Eskdale Ward. lie Vallibus, firfl: Lord of Gilfland, gave it in Henry II. 's time, together vnth Havton alfo. This Euil^ace gave a carucate of land in Hayton, and another in Caftle-Carrock, to the houfeof Lanercort; it is called Caftle-Carrockquaficaftrum de rupe; and was alfo, in Henry II. 's time, the inheritance of one Robert de Caftle- Carrock; after him it defcended fuccedively to Robert his fon, and to Richard his grandchild, whofc fon Robert was the lalt of that name inheritor thereof. He died in Edward I.'s time, and left three daughters and heirs, which he begot on the body of Chriftian Crookdake, aunt, and one of the two coheirs of John, fon of John, fon of Adam Crookdake, viz. Johan, wife of Thomas Newbiggin, " from tbence down the ridge dyke of Brackenthwaite to the Ocke-well, and fo to the Weatholme, right " up the Weatholme to Brackenthwaite peat mofs, and fo down the ridge dyke of Caftle-Carrock to an '* old dyke, and fo from that old dyke to a double dyke next to Carlatton, from thence to a place called ** the Great Pitts, from the Gieat Pitts to the midett of Huckelle mofle, from thence to the Gray-flone « of Langerigge, from thence to the Seatehowe, from the Seatehowe to the Great-well, from the Great- " well to Gelte, qnd fo up Gtlle to the Cole Lynges aforefaid, where the fa d bounder firft began." Soil 4Nr>- Appearance.] The arable land is light, and fo full of blue ftones, that when harrowed, it appears to be nothing but a bed of Hones ; yet, by their attraftion of moilture, the bell crops are produced — The high fell or common is rugged and barren ; but the lower moor being dry, and covered with a fine herbage, affords good pafturage. The (heep are computed at 2000, of black cattle 300 head, and about 1-40 horfes. — Much of the cultivated land lies in town fields, doled out in ridges ; a great impediment to agriculture. Produce."] Befides the grafs grounds, chiefly barley, rye, and oats; fome wheat near the bafe of the mountain, where the foil inclines to clay. .—Here are fome patches- of wood, and hedges. Lime.] Burnt here in great quantities. Game.] Groufe on the moors, and ort the tarns wild-ducks. Inhabitants.] From their intercourfe with colliers, lime-bmTiers, and carters, have ftiaken off that fimplieity of manners v hidi marks the Kufbandmen, and they have contrafted a familiar_ roughnefs and auftcrity, together with a low fubtlety, which too often borders on fraud and deceit ; elleeraed arv accomplilhment. School.] Not able to maintain the teacher — he has a fmaU property of his own,. Rents.] On an average 1 8s. per acre — increafed beyond its intrinfic value, by the number of workmen. Tenures.] There are two freeholds, the reft cuftomary tenements. Tithes.] Paid in kind. The tithe wool laft feafon fold for 8s. 6d. per ftone of l61b. — I took the height (vf the mountain, and find, by the falling of the barometer, that it will be about 300 yards per.- iiendicular above the level of the village of Caille-Carrock. Cattle and Sheep.] Sheep are bred on the commons, to a confiderable number yearly, and fome are 'ed there to a good ftate of fatnefs. The cattle are of the Cumberland breed. — Horfes are fmall, of the Scotch kind. Antiquities.] Two calms, one of great magnitude, called Hefpeck-raife, on the fummitof the fell; About the year I775» ^ farmer removing a large cairn of ftones, near Gelt bridgCj in this parilh, founda human ikeleton in a fort of coflin made of ftones; — and, from fome myfterious expi>eflion of the farmer, and a fudden and vifible alteration for the better in his appearance and circumftances, it is generally be- lieved that he found there fomething of confiderable value. Infcription on the bell, " Praife thou the " Lord, O Caftle-Carrock !" Prospects.] Admirable from the fumrait of Caftle-Carrock fell, commanding all the moft fertile part »f Cumberland, bounded by remote hills in Scotland to the north, the Irifti fea to the northweft, the mountains of Skiddow, Saddleback, &c. to the weft, Gcltfdale fell to the fouth, and the Northumberland" Kountains towards the north.eaft — Solway Frith fpreads out a (hining lake, indented by many promoa^ idries, and the city of CarUfk lifts up its auguft head to crown the vale.— ^ Housman's Notes. Chriltiaij. CuMB. Ward.] PARISH OF CUMREW. t9t Chrillian, wife of Michael Apulby, and Margery, wife of William Eaglesfield, Newbiggia's part defcendcd to three daughters and heirs, viz. Helen, wife of Richard Hall, Margaret, wife of Thomas Hall, and Alice, wife of John Hall, all of Kirkby-Thore. Alice's part came to the Lowthers of Crookdake, and from them to the Mufgraves of Crookdake, now owners thereof. Margaret's part, by a daughter, named Alice, wife of CoUinfon, fell to two daughters, Johan, wife of Gilbert Carlton, and Margaret, wife of John Bethom, of Thrimby; and, in the fourth defcent, Elizabeth Bethom, their heir, wife of Robert Salkeld, had ilTue Roger, who fold it to Loughc. I find no iflue of the eldeft fiftcr Helen, but one William Kitchen, who ibid the ninth part of Cartle-Carrock to Ranulph Dacre, that married Mukon's heir. " The purparty of Cafile-Carrock fell, by her daughter, named Chriflian, to William Ritfon, and by their daughter Mariot to Thomas Alanby, and by their daughter to John de Weft Levington, and by his daughter Elizabeth to Alexander Higtimore, whofc heir, in the third or fourth defcent, fold it to Dacre.. The third coheir's part, Margery^ wife of Eaglcsfield.";}: THE PARISH OF CUMREW IS bounded by the pariflies of Croglin, Cumwhitton, Carlatton, Caftle-Carrockj and Gcltftone forcft. f The manor belongs to the Earl of Carlifle.* The church ? being appropriated to the dean and chapter of Carlifle, they appoint a curate, who has a leafe, pro tempore X Denton's MS. •f- Tliis pari(h contains 34 families, and 146 iiiliabifants, one of whom is a Prefbyterlan. • This is a mixed manor. Coiififts of 26 tenants — Free-rents il, 6s. 8d. — Indenture rents 2I. 3s. I id. — Cuftomar)' rent 61. los. 7d. halfpenny — Service money is — A twenty-penny fine on death Qjf* lord — Arbitrary fine on change of tenant. $ CUMREW CHAPELRY. Dean and Chapter of Carlifle Patrons. 119 buflielsof meal in lieu") Piefcript for hayl Certified value! Augmentation landfr .... £•] o of tithe of corn. j" il. js, 2d. J 13I. 12s. lod. J In Ainftabte 8 10 a. Prefent value about 40I. _— _^_ DECANATUS KARLIOL. P. NJch.Val. I K. Edw. II. 1 K. Hen. VIII. Ecclefia de Cumrue 4I. 108. j Eccl.idon, pr. Beck, Bidiop of Durham. — 1320, Henry de Newton, pr. pr. and conv. Lanercoft. — 1344, William dc Stockdale, ihitt. — 1380, Richard Hogge, ibid, — Here the biihop's regifler ends. DECANATUS KARLIOL. p „. , „ , T K. Edw. II. K, Hen. VIIT. ^ ,-,_,, * "^/'i- ^T/i /•! J >Eccl. de Carlatton non taxatur quia non fiifficit pro fti- Ecckfiade Carlatton (ohm deftr. 61. 139. 4d.j pendio capellani. Soil and Aspect.] The foil is light, and verj- full of ftones. — The face of the country uneven and open, the old iiiclofures fenced with ftone walls, late ones with quickfcta. Produce.] Barley, rye, and oats — light crops ; in fome late hufbandr)-, tolerable crops of wheat reared, — The grafs land is meagre, from being exhauftcd in tillage, badly laid down, and the fowing of grafs feeds ncgledled. — It is wonderful that common obfervation doth not bring convidion of the injury- derived from thofe errors, as well to the public as to the individual. Farm s.] This parirti is divided into feven large farms, of which the average rent is about 8s. per acre. Sheep.] No flicep have been bftd upon the fell for many years, but a few are generally bought in and fatted yearly. Climate, j84 GELTSTONE forest. [Cumb. Ward. propriated to that houfe, in confideration that the Scots had moftly deftroyed the monaftery, and that the king's army had been fubfifted by the tenants, through \vhich they were much impoveriflied. King Edward I. having reaffumed this church, granted the advowfon to the priory. Since the diflToIution, the tithes have continued in the crown, or the leffee of the king. GELTSTONE OR GELTSDALE FOREST IS a confiJerable trad: of mountainous heathy paflurc, and is bounded on the S. by the parifh of Croglin, on the W. by Cumrew and Caflle-Carrock, on the N. by Hayton, and on the E. by Knarfdale, in the county of Northum- "berland. The Earl of Carlifle holds it by leafe under the crown. — There is no dwclling- fioufe upon it, but the farmer relides on an adjoing farm, in the parilh of Caftlc- Carrock, and pays taxes there. Here is a larger breed of flieep than on the adjoining commons, and the wool is finer, which was laft year fold for 9s. 6d. per ftone of 16 lb. The river Gelt takes its rife here, and continues its courfe through the midft of birch and Alder woods, which are in confiderable quantities in the lower parts of the forefV. This and the adjoining foreft of Breirthwaite f were given to the priory of Hexham ; and, at the diflblution of that houfe, were granted to the barons of Gilfland. This may be the reafon of their being confidered as extraparochial — Breirthwaite Forefl, olherwife Tarnhoufe Forefl, is now confidered as part of the parifh of Brampton ; it is alfo called Tindale Fell, or Tindale Forcft, probably from Adam de Tindale, who granted much property to the priory of Hexham. • Climate.] Dry, cold, and healthful. Road.] The road between Penrith and Brampton lies through it. River and Fish.] In Cam rivulet, on the weflern border of this parifh, are trouts of the mofl delicious flavour. School and Poor.] None: Anti(;uiti£s.] The ruins of the church to be difcovered. — A cairn on Saugh-tree-gate farm. About ten years ago, in ploughing a field in Lord Carlifle's eftate, at Low-Hall, a number of coins ivere turned up, fuppoied to be Roman ; but not falling into the hands of any perfons fliilful in their value, they were thrown afide, and loft by the children. This eilate was commonly called Hall's eftate, and was in the family of the Halls for feveral generations, but was purchafed by the Earl of Carlifle, about twenty years ago. Their deeds (but from whom we cannot karn) were for every third foot of Carlatton, with grafs for twenty ewes and their followers. But Lord Carlifle letting Carlatton In feparate farms to plough, the farmers began to difturb and diive away Hall's cattle, upon which Hall made com- plaint to Lord Carlifle, then at N'avvorth Caftle, who ordered Mr. Knowles, his fteward, to hedge off as much land as would fatisfy Hall for his right on Cailatton, which the family enjoyed till the earl pur- chafed it. Plantations.] Within the laft twenty years feveral plantations of fiis have been made, which thrive Tcry well ; and are both an ornament to the place, and afford ftielter to the cattle, &c. from the helm- winds, which frequently blow here with great violence.— —»!—Hovsman's ^oTiS. t See the Inquilitioh, p. i co. THE [ 185 ] THE PARISH OF AINSTABLE. HERETOFORE fpelled ylynjlapelith, Eynjlable, (fo pronounced by the prefcnt inhabitants) or Ainftable, is we apprehend, of modern, or at moft of Saxon derivation, implying either a place of fale or fair, as Staple ; or a place for horfes, as Stable, /Una, Ains, or Eynrn is one ; itnicus, qiiidam. This parifli is bounded by the pariflies of Cumwhitton, Hefket, and Kirkofwald. Denton fays, " Ainftaplighe is a manor and towndiip on the fouth fide of Gilfland, divided from that barony by Northfkcugh Beck, and reached from the river Eden, on the weit, up caflward into the mountains, and bordereth upon Stalfol lordfliip toward the fouth. It containeth Ainlfaplighe, Rucroft, and the Nunnery, which Nunnery was founded by William Rufus. This fcignory and other lands in Cumberland, King Henry I. gave to Adam, fon of Swene aforefaid, from whence it defcended in King Henry II. 's time to William de Nevill, whofc lands in Cum- berland, in the reign of King John, were in the holding of Roger Montbegon, Simon, fon of Walter, and Alexander de Nevill. In King Henry lll.'s time, Ain- ftaplighe lordfliip became the inheritance of John MulFey, Henry Terrily, Michael de Vaux, fon of David, and others. About the year of our Lord God, 1239, and in the latter end of that king's time, William Boyvill, of Thurllay, Knight, was lord thereof, and held the fame of Richard Nevill. When he died, it fell to his Ion, John Boyvill, whole brother Edmund fold Ainftaplighc fo Andrew de Harcla, who forfeited it to the king, who gave it to others ; and from them to John Den- ton, of Cardew, fon to Sir Richard Denton, whofe pofterity, William, William, and John Denton, enjoyed it as lords thereof fucccffively from father to fon, until Thomas Lord Dacre extorted it from the faid lart John Denton, in the time of Henry VI. for that the faid John Denton was towards the party of King Edward IV. — which tyranny of the Dacrcs God fecmed to revenge : for lliortly after the faid Lord Dacre, and Randal his fon, were both flain at Towron Field, or drowned in the river at Ferrybriggs, in Yorkfhire, where King Edward got the vidtory againft Henry VI. and thereby the crown of F,ngland. Afterwards the Lord Humphrey Dacre, by marrying with dame Mabel Parr, daughter of the king's favourite, re- covered the Dacres lands, and ftill kept Ainflaplighe by his father's pretended right, and fo did his porterity, until all their lands fell to the crown by attainder." Within this parifli are two coniiderable manors — the manor of /Mnftable is the property of the Earl of Carlifle: it defcended to the family of Howard, fiom Lord William-Howard, who obtained it by his marriage with one of the coheireffes of the Lord Dacre of Gilfland. There are many eftates held under it, that are fub- jed to the payment of yearly cuftomary rents and fines certain; and others by the payment of yearly free or quit rents. — There is a fifliery on the river Eden, both with the rod and boat, of which Lord Carlifle polfeffes two thirds, and the owner of Nunnery the remainder. The manor of Ermathwaitc, in the parifli of Ainflable, is held under the houfe of Nunnery : is a manor paramount; has rents, fervices, ward, and fines, both certain and arbitrary, with this further privilege, that not only the demcfne itfclf, VOL. I. B b but 1 86 NUNNERY. [Leath Ward, but all the cuftomary eflates held of it, are toll-free all over England. Free or quitrcnts are alfo paid for other eftatcs in the parilh, to different proprietors. VIEWS ON THE KIVER EDEN. In paffing up the river, near Armathwaitc bridge, is a fmall country feat be- longing to the family of Richardfon, of Bilhop's-Yard in Penrith, where, by a little afliflance to Nature, a beautiful terrace is formed on the fummit of the cliffs overhanging the river, near half a mile in length : on the one hand a plantation of larches and flowering flirubs, on the other a fine hanging grove, fufpcnded from yaft rocks. The views from this terrace, though not extenfive, arc pidurefque : a curve of the river, over which is an elegant ftone bridge of four cliptic arches, is a pleafing fcene : the diftant back ground is fpread out in brown and heathy mountains, giving an excellent contrail to the colouring of the nearer landfcape. You look down upon the fweet retirement of Armathwaitc Caftle, covered with hanging woods, the eminences planted with firs. Of this place we fliall have oc- cafion to give a fuller defcription in the courfe of the work. To the fouth you command the courfe of the Eden up to the bay, where the whole river falls over a ■wear, or dam, near twenty feet in height, and two hundred yards in length, in a cafcade of fpouting flreams, in various directions. This wear is^ chiefly natural, and formed of perpendicular rocks ; but, in order to make it a complete lock for taking falmon, it is framed from fhore to fliore w ith timber, by which the w hole flream of the river is diftracfted and broken in a mofl: beautiful manner, from thence the river rufhes, in troubled volumes, along the rocky channel. Above tha; ivear is a placid and fl:ill bafon of water to the very brink of the frame-work. On the eafl: fide in the Cooms are lofty hanging woods, the property of Lord Carlifle, which abruptly (hut in the profpedt ; to the well: irregular grounds, flretching up a gradual afcent, interfperfed with coppices, and the back ground is filled with the fored of Baron wood. We paffed up the river to NUNNERY.* The feat of Mifs Aglionby — the houfe fronted with a beautiful red ftone, in a plaia neat llile, is erecfted on the remains of the old houfe of Benedicline nuns, founded, as Denton mentions, in the reign of King William Rufus. The fituation is rather confined, and though the vale fpreads out in a beautiful manner from this point, the * A Ro7nan Altar in the Gardens of Mifi Aglionby. — See the Engraving. •' Deo Napono, et Numinibuj Augnjii, Durio et Rarnio, et Trupo ct Lurio Germani, ■voium folverunt lulentes merito. Lazenbyensis. We do net know that this altar, which was carefully copied from the original in 1778, has ever been publicly noticed, excepting by a rnodtlt and ingenious writer in the Gentleman's Magazine for September '7J5' P" 39^> under the fignature of Lazeiibyenfis : and fomc remarks on Lazenbyeiijis by P. Cevifege in the Magazine for Oftober, in the fame year, p. 438. Both thefe accounts we tranfcribe, and fubmit to the judgmentof our readers. •• It is prelumed that the word Moponus is the name of fome Britifh divinity ; and whereas many have been difcovered fince the time of EUus Senedius, I could wifh fome perfon, well verfed in the Old Enghfti langija^e and anti(juities, would give us a collc^ou imd an cxpkaatiou of thein. The materials for fuch LeathWard,] nunnery. ii?7 the houfe commands but a contradled profpedt. The grounds to the fouth-wcfl: lie on a defcent along the little river Croglin, to its confluence with the Eden. — ■ The late proprietor, Chnftopher Aglionby, Efq. attending to the natural beauties of the fnuation, formed walks on the banks of the rivers, and through the woods, V here an enterprize, it is tine, are but few, and one cannot expeft, for that rcafon, any enlarged account. But ftill an author endowed with the acumen and learning of the late Mr. H'illia7ii Baxter, author of the Gloffa^ ritoit Brit, ^ritiq. would be able, methinks, to dcteft fomcthing of the rank, office, and dcpaitments of the fevcral deities, which I fliould hope might be in fonie meaiure difcovcred by the etymology of the names, and the terms and circumftances of the refpeftive infcriptions. " The little holes like points which appear upon this ftone, among the letters, and break the order of the words, are not any natural fauhs in the block, nor were they put there by any later hand, in order to facilitate the reading of the infcription, which tiiey rather incommode than further, but are intended in reality, awkward as they are, for ornament ; and the like appearances occur in the infcription, publiHied in your Magazine of 1753, p. 225, and it is certain that the like dots are very frequent upon the old coins, and for the fame niillaken reafon. See Sir Andreii} Fountain^ Tables of the Anglo-Saxon Coins tab. vi. Eadrrd, No. vii. and tab. viii. Earic, No. ii. iii. The names Durio, Ramio, Tritpo, and Lurio, which are nominative cafes, are, I conceive, Britifh, with a 'Roman termination. Tliat they are Britifli, I infer from the name of the god Maponus, to whom their vow was partly performed. They were four brothers (for that I take to be tlic meaning of the word germani) and ferved in the Roman army againfl their common enemy the PilQs and Scots. And when one obferves the Britifh god Mapoma joined in this infcription along with the Nuniina or Nun!C}t Augujii, one cannot but admire with what facility the ancient idolaters adopted one another's deities. The Greeks admitted deities from Afia and Egypt, and even wikno'wn gods. The Romans aflbciated the gods and goddcffcs of Gieece and Egypt with their own ; and the Britons you fee here liad no objedlion to ranking the deities of ^ow? with theirs. As to the pcrfon htre ililed Atigujlus, " It was probably A.toninus Pius, as T judge from the form of the letters, on which occafion however I (hall not repeat what I formerly remarked in your Mag. of 1 7 1;^, p. 515, but thither refer you." (Signed) P. Gemsege. That it is much eafier to pull down than it is to build up ; and eaficr alfo to find fault with the labours of others, than to produce any thing of our own more fautlefs, are no new obfervatioiis The conjefturcs of thefc gentlemen, we own, are ingenious ; but whilft they are offered only as conjeftures, we hope it ia no prcfumption in us to fay, that they do not fatisfy us ; and to offer, in our turn, fuch as feem to us to be at leaft more plaufible. The ftone is neatly cut, and the infcription entire. Yet the form of the letters is fuch, that they may, or may not, be as our predeceffors have read them. We think, the firfl word is not to be read Mapona^ becnufe, neither in the Celtic (Britifh) or Roman languages, can we, after all our rcfearches, find a word or fyllable that bears the moil dillant reftmblanee to Mapo. We do not take upon us to affirm that there never was fuch a Britilh deity as Map or Mapo : it Is barely pofTible there might. Such deities were eafily made and named. But the form and ftruclure of the letteu will admit of being read AM, as naturally and as well as MA, and may Ix^ two v.'ords alfo ; or, as we rather think, one compound word, formed of two of very different fignificat'ons. AM, Baxter, who, on tliefe fubjecls, is always gTcat and at home, fays. It is the fame radical Gaulifh or Celtic word as AV, from whence Avon, a liver, comes, and as frequently and generally ufed to denote, not a river, but a mere or lake. In all infant and Imper- feft languages, nothing is more common than the convcrtlbihty of letleis, or an appaiently arbitrary fub- ftitution of one for another. We could produce fundry Inftances, in which PON is the fame as MON, fignifying a mountain. Hence Deo Awpc-no, is, literally to the god of lakes and mountains : a god fo pe- culiarly local and appropriated, that if the heathen mythology were not now happily reprobated, we coiJd not well hit on a more appofite attribute for a god ot Cumberland. The Rom.ans, we know, were particularly addidlcd to the Latinizing of words In other languages. But whenever they did fo, their termination was, as it ought to be, us, and not 0. Hence we infer, that Durio, Ramio, Trupo, and Lurio, are not, as Mr. Gemfcge thought, nominatives, but datives; and put in oppo- frtion, as it is called, with Nuniinihus. — It is hardly neceffary to remark, that Nuwen, which Tcftus in. tcrpvets to be quafi Nulus Dei, has an inferior impoit to Deus ; meaning rather the attribute or exertioa Bb 2 «£ NUNNERY. [Leath Ward. where he might enjoy the romantic fcenes. You traverfe through two or three meadows before you enter the wood that fringes the border of the rivers. After pafTing groves of noble forefl; trees on one hand, and infant plantations on the other, a fine theatre preients itfclf, clofed on every fide by fl:upendous rocks, cloathd vith woods, whillt the river Eden, in broken ftrcams, winds through the .ale. On the banks of Croglin warer, the road is gained by cutting away the rocky points in fome places; in others, by excavatmg the projedting clifl^s. Here the forefl: rifes beautifully fliade above fhade; not crowded with biufliwood, but the lono- flems of flraight and lofty trees form a fylvan colonade. As you proceed up Croglin water, the vale ftraitens, the cliffs increafe in eminence, and hang over your head in a tremendous manner, their fides and fummits fupporting noble oaks : here the water falls down a fine declivity, not foas to give lurprife, but placidly flowing over each flielving rock; and, little agitated, glides away> till it murmurs through the pebbly channel. As you advance, the noife of a cafcade ftrikes the ear a few moments only before it burfts upon the fight. The fccne is noble and folemn ; branches of trees arc ftrerched and mingled from precipice to precipice. The water guflics in one entire fpout through the parted rock. Every ftep you proceed from this point has new and excellent beauties. You pafs on enchanted. The found of water-falls flrikes the ear on every hand ; on the path (made by a vaft flight of fleps) unexpededly turning round a point of the rock, you inflantly ftand on the brink or a deep abyfs, m here the ■water is precipitated thirty-five perpendicular feet, into a bafon of eighteen feet in depth. Language defcribcs fuch fubjccts v.cakly, and communicates but a of power in fomc deity, than deity itfclf; fomething of a fubordinate god, or a divinity, as we miglit now exprefs ourfelv. s. As applied to Augultus, mwiinibiis "neans his tutelar deities, his lares or penates ; confidering him as a Roman; but coniidciing him as connected with Britain, the colony in conneilioa with their brethren the Romans, thought fit to join alfo his Britilh tutelar)' deities ; a fort of allegorical, imaginary perfonages, created perhaps fer this el'pecial purpofe. 7ru is fynonymous with dru or drud , and implies a valiant, firm, powerful friendfliip: one fenfe of dixir or dur is JleeU whence the Latin durm ; lu, whence lurius, is a band or troop, with the additiouat idea of impetuofity or fiercenefs ; ram is fimply elevation, grandeur, or magnitlcence, either of perfons or things : and hence the Indian idol ram ; and in Hebrew, ram implies loftinefs or fupcriority. I'hefe radical Btitilli woids, put into the Roman mint, by Romanifed Britons, could not but be materially dif- torted from their ciic-inal form ; ftill a manifeft refemblance is to be traced. Inllead of Geniiani, and the far-fetched fiftion o[ four brothers, we would :ead the following letters thus, Colonia et Romani, &e. The whole infcription will run thus : Deo Ampono: et Numinibus Augufll, Durio et Rar'iio et Trupo, et Lurio, Cohnia ct Romani Votum fokerunt lubentes merito. It is probable, the Augullus here mentioned was, as Mi. Gemfege fuppofes, Antoninus /"/'hj .• in whofe reign, we know, there was a formidable revolt of the Brigantej : which he fupprefTed with but little lofs of blood ; moft probably, through the interference of fome of their own partizans ; by fome of whom, on occafion of this pacification, it is not unnatural to fuppofe this altar jnight be erefted. And by this public and dexterous incorporation of Roman and Britlfli divinities, their attachment and fidelity to the Romans was raanifefted ; at the fame time, that due court was paid to the natives, by a proper refpeft being fliewn to their divinities. We fuppofe fome coifpanies or bandt of the Brivantes themfelves to have taken part with the Romans againll theii revolting countrymen ; and, on their fuccefs, to have been ftationed here ; and here, on that occa.cn, to have erefted this altar. This fuppofition, we flatter ourfelves, gives a Cgnificance and illuflraLion to the uncouth words Dur Jus and Ram'tui and Truhus and Lurius, >vliether we read them exaclly right or not, which is not to be found in any other interpretation. But though we have certainly taken fome pains to come at the true fenfe «f this piece of antiquity, we aie far from being confident, that we have fucceedcd. faint Leath Ward.] NUNNERY. igj faint idea of fcenes like rhefe, where the painter finds innumerable IclTons of wild nature, a thoufand elegant views of water-falls, rocks, and woods, mingled. Though confined, the views are wild and picfturefque; — romantic and unrivalled beauties altracl the attention of all ftrangers, and the admiration of every one who has tafte to admire nature in thofe forms, where the grand, the fublime, the ro- mantic, and the beautiful arc all united. We cannot clofe our account of thefe walks better, than with the obi'crvation of one of the firft landlcape painters of the age:| " Here are (ome of the fineft clqfe Jcenes in England." King William Rufus, by letters patent, dated 6th Jan. in the fecond year of his reign, founded this houfe or monaftery of black nuns,* of the order of St. Bcnedidl. He appropriated the following poifeflions and privileges, viz, 2 acres of land whereon the houfe was built — 3 carucates of land, and two acres of mea- dow adjoining to the monaltcry — 216 acres of land in the foreft of Inglcwood, on the north fide of Tarnwadelyn ; with common of pafture for thern and their tenants through the whole foreit — 40s. rent of tenements in Carlifle, to be paid by the hands of the governor of the town — That they and their tenants fliould be toll-free through England — Pafiurc on Ainftapylith common, and fne-warrcn in all their lands. Some authors call this religious houfe Armathwaite, and the confirmatory charter t oi King Edward IV. gives it that name. Its right name is the Nunnery of f Mr. Faringtoii. * When tlie old nunnei-y was pulled down, in 1715, there was a fmall einioiis picture, painted upon copper, of a Benedidliiie nun, found in the wall : it is now at Kunncry : as is alfo a ftone with the following infcription : — Though veilvd Bejiedinlnes are remov'd hence. Think of their poverty, chajlity, faith, and obedience. It was inferted into the noith-weft end of the picfent manfion. \ Rex omnibus ad ijuos, &c. falutem. Sciatis, quod nos ex lamentabili Infinuatione piiorlflae ct mo- nialium doinus live prioratus dc Armythwhayte in comitatu Cumbrix-, prope marchias Scotiae fituati et adiiicati, accepimus, quahtcr domus five prioratus prajdittus, qui de fundatione inclytorum progenitorum noilrounn quondam rcguni Anglic et noilra patronatu exiftit, per inimicos et adverfarios noftros Scotia: in domibus, claufuris, et aliis aedificiis totaliter defl;ru£lus et devaftatus, ac de rebus, rcliquiis, oinamentis ccclefiafticis, libris tt aliis jocalibus fpoliatusextitit, etquod deterius eft, omnia cartse, fcripta, donationcs, liters patentes, aliaquc evidentia; ct munimtnta, didtum prioratum et poflcfiiones ejufdem per diftos pro- genitorcs cidcm prioratui antiquitus dataset collatas concernentia, per ciiftos adverfarios nollros combulia, afpprtata, ct alias ilongata fuerunt; ficque magna pars poffefllonum prsdiftarum ab eadcm domo live prioratu fubftiafta, alienata, ct detcnta exiftit ; eoque practextu, flatus et proventus ejufdem domus five prioratus adi.o diminuuntui quod nunc priorifla et moniales in domo five prioratu pradifto exillentes non habent unde vivere ac divina ofhcia ct obfcquia ac hofpitalitatem aliaque pietalis opcta ab olim ibidem laudabiliter inllituta fundata et ftabilita fullincre facereque valcant aut lupportare, quininio oportebit eafdcm prioriffam et moniales domum five prioratum prxdiftuni, egeftate caufnntt, infra breve rclinquerc, ac divina ofTicia ct alia opera prsedicta ibidem pcnitus celfare, ac vota dic\orum progenitorum noRrorum fundatorum fuorum totaliter etfeftu dcftltui et defraudari, nifi per nos caritativc fnbveniatnr eifdt ni ; unde eadem prioriffa et moniales nobis humillime fupplicarunt, ut noltrum munilictntiam regiani eis in hac parte gratiofe exhiberi voluerimus : Nos, pramidoruni coiilideiationc, earumque inopiam et cgcftatem pio com- palientes effeftu, in augmentationem divini cu'tus, ct ut eidem priorifla et moniulcs pro bono llatu nortro, tt Elizabeths confortis noftros, L-dwardique percarifiimi filii noftri primogcniti, ac pro animabus noftris cum ab hac luce migraverimus, et pro animabus diCtorum progenitorum noftroruni apud altiffimum fpe- cialius deprecentur et exorent, ac etiam ut vota et intentiones ipforum progenitorum noftroium dcbitum fortiantur eifectum, dci gratia noftia fpeciali volcntes fccuritati ct (iuieti didtauim prioriflse tt monlalium et fucccnbruiD I90 NUNNERY. [Leatii Ward. of Ermathwaite. % Tanner, in his Notitia, alfo calls it Armathwaite : — " A fmall Benedidine nunnery, built and endowed by King William Rufus, anno Reg. 2. dedicated to Chrift Jefus, and his mother St. Mary." About the time of the diflblution here were only a priorefs and three nuns, who had lands for their maintenance valued at i8l. 18s. 8d. per annum. This priory was granted 6lh of King Edward VI. to William Greme, alias Carliel.* In the laft-mentioncd grar.:: it is called the priory of Armythwaytc. Nothing can more clearly exprels the deplorable fuccenbruni fuarum gi-atiofe providere, titulum, ftatum, pofTefiionem, quos cadem nunc prioiifla ct moniales habent in donio five prioiatu pixdiftis, ac in terris, tencmentis, rcdditibus, et pufiefGonibiis, et c;ttcn* fuis pertinentiis quibufcunque, qiije habent ex donatione, conceffione, tt fundatione five latificatlone ali- quoium progenitorum nollroi-um feu aliorum quorumcunque, et fpecialiter, cujufdem antiqui claufi vocati le NoNNECLOSE, pro Hobis et harcdibus noftris quantum in nobis eft acceptamus, approbamus, ratificamus, et confirmamus ; et ulteiius, piioratum prasdiftum et caetcra prxmifia cum pertinentiis, eildem prioriiTx et monialibus et fuccelForibus fuis quantum in nobis eft damus et concedlnnis : Habendum fibi et fuccefTori- bus fuis prxdiflis in peipetuum, cum fuis juribus et pertinentiis quibufcunque, juxta pvimaviam funda- tione earundem. Nolentes quod exdem prioriffa ct moniales vel fucceflbres fua; prxdiftx fuper pofltflione fua: domus five prioratus prtedifti et coeterorum prsemifibrum cum pertinentiis, per nos vel hsredes noftras, jufticiarios, efcaetores, vicecomites, feu alios ballivos et miniftros nofttos quolcunque fu- turis temporibus occafionentur, impctantur, inquietentur, vexentur, pertuibentur, molettantur in aliqiio feu graventur ; aliquo ftatuto, aftu, five ordinatione in contrarium fafto, nonobftante : Abfque fine feu feodo nobis, pro literis noftris prxdiftis, aut aliqua alia caufa prfemifia quovis niodo concernentc aliquali- ter capiendis, faciendis, five folvendis. In cujus, &c. T. R. apud Weftmonafterium, ix Aprilis.— — I Dugd. Mon. 324. J In a charter of Edward the third. It is fpclled Ermitwait. Dugd. Mon. p. 324. * Vide in Mon. Angl. torn. I. 324, 325. Cartam fundationis ex pat. 20. ed. 4. p. I. Mon. 4. per Infpex. pat. 5. ed. 3. m. 5. pat. 13. ed. 4. p. i. m. 13. pat. 1 1.. ed. 2. p. i. m. 25. pro paftura in fo- rcfta de Inglewood. Rec. in Scacc. 20. ed. 4. Trin. vol. 9. Tanner's Notitia. This nunneiy is in or near the forcft of Inglewood, and probably the fame which with Gervafe of Cant, or Sulgiave & Stephens I. 38. calls prioratus de Inglewood S. Marix moniales Nigrx. Tanner's Notitia. p. 75. William Greme. Fergus, a younger brother of Graham's, of Rofetrees. William, m. Elizabeth Summers, of Kent. George, born 1593, m. Cath. d. of John Mufgrave, Efq. Henr)'. I of Plumpton-head. William died about i66c, \ Richard. Geo. Fergus. Catha. m. G. T Eli/., m. R. ") Bridget T Frances. ift m.Mary, d.of J. Vaux, > of CaterleeD. J Fergus. Catha. m. G. T Eli/., m. R. ") Bridget T ] Denton, of > Thomlinfon. J m. W. >■ Cardcw-Hall. J Chollerton.J Catharine m. R. 1 Magdalene m. 7 Mary m. Thos. 1 Mabel. Featherfton. j J. Routledge. 5 Lowthian. J 2d m. Mary, d. of Richard Kirkbride, of Howes. Richard. Bridget. Dugdale's Visit. 1665. Aims the fame as of Grahams, of Netherby. Willelmus Dei gratia, rex Anglorum et dux Normaiinorum, ex mero motu noftro, et intuitu charitatia, fundavimuf, conftruximus, et in perpetuum ordinavimus, in puram el pei-petuam clecmofynam, unam do- cium et inonallcrium nigrariitn monialium ordinis Sanfti benedifti, in honorem Jefu Chrifti ct beats Tirgini* LeathWard.] nunnery. j^r deplorable ftate of this country, from the depredations committed in war, than the account given of the pofTefTions of this nunnery; which, at the time of the dilfo- lution, confifted of the houfe and fite of the late priory of Armythwayte, with one garden, three orchards, two acres of inclofed land called the Lying Clofe, four acres of arable land called Peterbank, four acres of arable land called Studhal's Clofe, ten acres of meadow, and four acres of wafle, wheat clofes, containing twenty acres, one acre called Holme Cammock, one acre called Kirkholme, five acres called Highfield, nine acres called Broadmeadow Clofe, two hundred and fixceen acres in Nun's Clofe, in eighteen tenements ; five tenements in Dale, fix in Row- croft, twelve in Anrtaplithe, two in the parifli of Kirkofwald, two in Cumv.hitton, one in Blenkarn, one in the parifh of Kirkland, one in Glaflonby, one in Cratcon, and the redory and church of Anflaplithe, all in the county of Cumberland:" the whole rental of which produced no more than the above-lkted revenue. We cannot record the deftrudion of thefe once venerable remains, without a wifh, at leafl, to indulge fome moralizing reflections on the flu(fi:uation of human opinions, even in matters of great moment. In the rage of modern refinement, the world is, perhaps, too ready to fet down to the fcore of fuperftition alone, many of thofe inftitutions, which our anceHors confidered, as their greatcft exertions of wi'dom and benevolence. Monafteries and convents are now every where decried, virgiiiis Matix, pro animabus progenitonim noflrorum et omnium Chriftianorum, pioiit fituatur juxta aquam vocatam Croglyn, in comitatu Cumbriae. Etiam deiiimus, et conceffimus monialibus ibidem duas acras terrxfupcr qiias praediifta domus et -.lonafteritim iituantur. Et etiam dedimus et coiiceflimus eifdem monialibus tres carucates teiroe et decern acras prati, cum omnimodis communiis, bofcis, et vallis eifdem tribus carucatis terrs quovis modo pertinentibus, jactntibus juxta monattcrium praediftum. Etiam dedimus et conceffimus eifdem monialibus et fucceflbribus fuis in perpetuum, ducentas et fexdecim acras terrx exillcntcs infra foreftam noftram dc Inglewood, jaceutes ex parte borcali cujuldani aqua: vocatse Tarnwadelyn, cum omnibus bofcis, proficuis, et coramoditatibus fuper eafdem exiftentibus, five unquam polbnoduiri crefcentibus. Etiam conceffimus eifdem monialibus communiam pafturse cum omnibus animalibus fuis, pro fe et fuis ibidem tenentibus, per totam foreftam noltram de Inglewood, capiendis ibidem fufficientem maeremium pro omnibus fuis scdificiis, quandocunque et quoticfcunque neceffe tuerit, per deliberationem foreftariorum noftrorum five eorum unius ibidem exiftentium. Et etiam conceffimus et confirmavimus eifdem moniali- bus et fuccefToribus fuis quendam annum reditum xl. folidorum anmiatim pvccipiendorum in perpetuum de tencmentis noftris in villa noftra de Karlile, folvendorum eifdem monialibus et fucceflforibus fuis, per nianus cuftodis noftri vills de Carlile prsedidls ad fefla Pentecoftts et Sandli Martini in yeme et asquales portioues. Et ctiam concedimus pro nobis et hxredibus nollris, quod pra;dic\;e moniales, tenentes, et fui iervientes, liberi fint de tolneto paiando per tolum regnum no'lrum Anglix, pro aliquibus belliis five rebus qviibufcunquc, per eas five earum aliquem tencntem feu fervientum emendis. Et etiam concedimus et conlirmamus, quod monafterium et domus prjedi£ta, cum praediclis tnbus caiucalis, duabus acris terrae, cum decem acris prati, in omnibus libera fint et liabeant onines liberates fuas, fimlli modo ficut conceditur noftro monafterio de Weftminfter, abfque vexatione, molellatione, five aliqua inquietationc feu lafione aliquorum vicecomltum, efcactorum, ballivorum, five aliquorum miniftrorum fc ligeorum noftrorum quorumcunque. Et etiam concedimus eifdem monialibus communam pafturx cum animalibus fuis infra villam et communiam de Aynftaplyth, cum libeiis introitu et exitu. Necnon concedimus, quod prse- di-Sse moniales liberie fint per totam terram fuam, pro quibufcunque tenentibus, et liberam habeant vvar- renam, tarn pro feftis curiarum noftrarum, quam in aquls, bofcis, terris planis, feu metis fuis, eidem mo- n :fterio fpettantibus, feu quovis modo pertinentibus : Habenda, tenenda, et occupanda omnia et fingula pradlfta recitata, prxfatis monialibus et fucceflbribus fuis in perpetuum, de nobis et hxredibus noftris, in puram et perpctuam eleemofynam, fpontanea ita voluntatc et conceffione as hert may it thynk or YGH MAY IT sE. In cujus rci teftimonium, has litcras noftras fieri fecimus patentes. Teftc meipfo apud Wellmiafler, fexto ie menfis Jauuaiii, anuo regui noftri fecundo. — i Dugd. Mon. 324. 192 NUNNERY. as the receptacles only of ignorance and floth ; yet all monks were not drones, nor ail nuns incontinent. We owe to the former, that, in a dark and barbarous age, all literature was not wholly loft ; and to the other the prefervation of tliat purity, elegance, and delicacy of manners, fo peculiar to the fex ; which is of more mo- ment in forming national manners, than fuperficial obfervers may perhaps imagine. It fliould not be forgotten, moreover, that when it was the fafliion of the age to build and endow monafteries and nunneries, as it has fmce been to build liofpitals in a ftile of magnificence, and with rich endowments, hardlv inferior to the proudeft and richeft of our ancient monafteries, one vifible and ftriking good eftecii: very generally flowed from them: the kingdom was not then over-run with beggars and malefadors ; nor opprefled v. ich an heavy national debt, and an in- creafing poor rate, which is without a parallel in the hiftory of the world. In Mr. Gough's edition of Camden, on the authority, we prefume, of N. and B. we are told that, "upon a bed's head at Nunnery, called the Nun's Bed, was this " infcription :" — (See the ei'graving,) — Our hiftorians have not informed us w hen or where this bed w-as to be fcen at Nunnery. We made inquiry on the fpot for this rare piece of antiquity ; but were aflured by the lady of the family, as well as by Mr. Aglioiiby, that there was no fuch thing about the houfc; nor had ever been, as far as they knew. At a diftance, on the rifing ground, to the north eaft of the houfe, in a field called Crofs Clole, is an upright pillar, which, w ith laudable care, has been repair- ed: on one fide is a large oval ftone, with a crofs in its centre, and the following date and letters around it, as reprefentcd in the cut. Ihcfigurcj are clearly modern : and, indeed, we were in- formed, were added about the beginning of this century, merely to record the foundation of the nunnery. We com- mend the zeal of the perfon who inferted this date ; as it proceeded, no doubt, from his great refpeifl for this once venerable place. We ftill more commend his integrity, in his caution not to miilead by counterfeiting ancient cha- radlers : Ifill wc cannot but deem it bold and hazardous, in any way, to tamper with really ancient monuments ; be- caufe it is hardly pofTible to do it without exciting fome degree of fufpicion. A wooden cut of this monument was > publiflicd, under the fignature of La-zenbyevjis, in the Gentleman's Magazine, for 1755 : on which Mr. Pegge, under his ufual fignature, made fundry learned and pertinent remarks in the fame rcpofitory, which we tranfcribc and fubjoin — " The infcription has a relation to the ancient fancluaries, as the word Jan&uarium upont it clearly exprclfcs, and 1 ftiall here endeavour to illuftrate it accordingly. The fandtuarics were places of refuge, in the times of popery, where, if a malefactor arrived, before he was apprehended, he remained there fafe and fecure againft all the attempts of his purfuers. My notion farther is, that thefe fanctuaries were different in different countries, thofe in Spain for example, varying in fome certain refpecls fjom thofe in France, and the afylums in France, diiagreeing in like manner from ours here in England. To confine ourfelves Leath Ward.] NUNNERY, %^ " ourfelves therefore to England, ours were chiefly reftrained to churches; and in the church of Beverley, in the county of York, which was once one of the mofl: eminent of thefe privileged places, there was a ftone chair, wherein the malcfador was to feat himfelf, and thereby he became entitled to the protedion of the place. See Spclman's GlolT. vv. Senffaan'um i^ FrulJioU. But how came pillars, you will a(k, to be concerned in this affair, lince, though we read of thefe chairs, we meet with nothing about pillars being I'o privileged ? Now, it is true, the pillars thcm- felves were not dignified with this high prerogative; but neverthelcfs ihcy had relation to the privilege in another rcfpeft. For it muft be obfcrved, that the privileges ofthefechurches depended upon charter, by which means feme churches and monaftcries (for monalccries are likev.ifc interefted in the affair) had more extcnfivc rights than others. At Beverley it was the FrldJJoU, or ftone chair, that enjoyed the privilege, and in other places it was the church in general, (and indeed I fuppofe there was a time when all churches were endowed with the power of protecting criminals.!) and in others the privilege extended to a certain diftancc from the religious houfe. New pillars being anciently ufed for the purpofe of marking out boundaries, and more pmicularly in this kingdom, where the ftone croffeshad fo great a refemb'ance of pillai's you will eafily conceive fuch privileged diftrids would be very properly bounded and denoted by the eredion of a few fuch pillars, yVnd to thi.- effecl: I will here cite you a remarkable pafiage from Mr. Stavciy'o Hiftory of Churches, p. 173, v/here, fpeaking of tht: m.onaftery of Hagulftad.l: that is Kexham, in Northumberland, he fays, " there were four crolles fe: up at a certain diftance from the church, in the four ways leading there- unto: nov/ if iny rnalelac^or, Hying for rcfug-^ to that cliurch, was taken or appre- hended within the croffes, the party that took or laid hold of him there, did forfeit two hundredth.* If he took him v;ithin ihe town, then he forfeited four hundredth; if within the walls of the church-yard, then lix hundredth; if within the church, then twelve hundredth; if wichin the doors of the quire, then eighteen hundredth, befides penance as in calc of facriiege ; but if he prefumcd to take him out of the ftone chair, near the altar called FridftoU, or from amongft the holy relicks behind the altar, the offence wasnotredeemaolc with any fum, but was then become Sine fiucndatione , Botolos,^ and nothing but the utmoft feverity of the offended church was to be expected by a dreadful exco,nmunication,[| befidc^. what the fecular power would impofc for the prcfumptuous mifdemcanor." *' There were croffes, it feems, at Hexham ; and fo you obferve, that this pillar in queftion has a crofs upon it, in fo much that it may be termed either a crofs or a pillar at plcafure. Of thefe croffes there were four, becaufe there were four ways or roads to that monaftcry, from whence one may infer that the number of the pillars or croffes to be erected would depend, in all cafes, on that of the ways leading to the place; and probably there was formerly more than one here at Nunnery, though only this which is now under confideration has cfcaped the ravages of time. Upon the whole I think, it is evident enough that this pillar or X Stavely, p. 175. f He cites Ric. prior HaguldeaJ. de Stat. Eccl. 30S. * In hundredth »iii. libne coniinenuur- ^ /. e. Booties, vide Gloff. W. Somneri, )] Lynw. Provioc. vert. 366. ■VOL. I. C c crofs 19+ NUNNERY. [Leath Ward, crofs was the boundary of the fanAuary at Nunnery, that way, or towards that point of the compafs in which it ftands."'}' " Fiut had Nunnery then this large and extend ve privilege? I think it had: the privilege, I remarked above, depended upon royal charter; and at Armathwaitc, a Benedidine nunnery was founded by William Rufus, in the 2d year of his reign, which falls in with the year now to be feen upon this pillar, to wit, 1088. Ami this nunnery at Armathwaite, I prefume, was no other than this feat of JVIr. Aglionby, which {till retains the name. It is remarkable, that the letters of the word San^uarium being partly Saxon, accord very well with this date. And unlcfs the date fhould have been more recently added, which yet, I fuppofc, there are no grounds to imagine (however you would do well. Sir, to inquire into that) it is a mighty confirmation of the opinion of thofe, who hold the introduction of the Arabian figures into England to have been about this time: for v/hich reafon, though I am fenfible your draught is fufficiently accurate for every other purpofe, I could willi we had -Afac fimile of this date, that one might judge of it with the greater certainty, for feme thing, as I apprehend, may poffibly be determined from the form of the feveral digits. In the mean time, if you have any inclination to wade into this controverfy, you may fee a fiiort view of it in the Magazine for 1754, p. 157, Seq." (Signed) " Paul Gemsege."* To Mr. Pegge's opinion on fubjedls of this fort, we have long been in the habit of paying the utmoft deference; but, in the prefent inftance, we hefitate, and have our doubts. It was by no means a general thing for priories to have the orivileg-^ of fandtuary: no fuch grant is made to this in quefiion, by the charter of its loun- daiion: nor is there any record to prove that it ever had fuch a privilege. The extenlivencfs of its boundaries is another infuperable objection : unlcfs it could be imagined, that it was fet up at fuch a diflance, to inform fugitives, that at the priory there was a fanAuary, Unwilling, however as we are, to fufpedt the genuinenefs of this piece of antiquity, we are tree to own, we fee no other reafon, than the difficulties juft alledged, to lead us to think it fpurious, Pofllbly, though ancient, it may yet be much Icfs fo, than the convent; and fet up, perhaps not long before the dilTolution of the monafterics, when the term fanctuary had come to be uled in a fomewhat vague fenfe, as denoting on\y funtla terra, or land appropriated to religion: and therefore would then be underftood as denoting, only, that tl^ieie was land belonging to that religious houfe. — After all, as the chuich then belonged, in fome meafure, to the Nunnery, the boundaries of its fanctuary, and thoie of the inonaflery, might be the fiime. Within thefe limits there is a fpring ftill called Cbiy.pel-JVell. Some ftones, ly- ing near it, which appear to have been ftones ufed in building, lead us to conjec- ture, that fome edifice — probably a little oratory, latterly called a r/ji7/>r/, rtood there* Few churches, or facrej buildings, wereereded, without a well near them: and t There is an eftate about a mile N. E. from Nunnery, which though each field has its particular name, bears the general one of Crofsficld: it is here noticed, (although no tradition or papers we have been able to meet with authorlfes the fiippolkion) yet its name and relative fituation, making a kind of long tri- angle (if the exprrffion may be ufed) between Nunnery and the crofs, gives fome additional weight to P. Gemfege's opinion of there having been more erodes, or fanCluariujns, formerly hereabouts, than the one now remaining: — but it ought alfo to !je mentioned, that the Crofsficld eftate, although joining upon that of Nunnery, never appears to have been held of, or poffeffed by, that houfe j aud that it lies in the weftcrn extremity of the parilh of Kirkofwald. * Page 451, dedicated Leath Ward.] NUNNERY. t^^ dedicated to fome faint. Hence, they were rendered fitter for luftrations, purifi- cations, and other religious rites. The Family of De Aguilon (now corruptly wrote Aglionby) trace their defccnt from Walter de Aguilon, who came into England with William the Conqueror, anno 1066, and into Cumberland with Randolph de Mefchines ; he gave name to the place of his dwelling, and called his feat, or capital meffuage, Aguilon, or Aglionby's building. His alliance to the abbot of York, and priory of Wetheral, preferred him to that place, which his and their defendants havefucceffivcly holdcn lincethe conqucft, without any great difference, or variations in their eftates, by riilngor falling, lincc their firlt fettlement. In proccfs of time, they withdrew thcnifelves into Carlille, and let off the manor of Aglionby into tenements, which is now be- come a townfliip, and one divifion of the parilh of Warwick, which is divided into two quarters, Aglionby quarter and Warwick quarter. There are no remains left of the ancient marfion; for after it was parcelled into tenements, the fa- mily continued no more there, but fixed their rclidcnce in Carlifle, and occafionally at Drawdykes Cafllc, in the parifli of Stanwix, till the year 1696, when John Aglionby, Efq. many years recorder of Carlifle, exchanged Drumbugh Caffle and manor with Sir John Lowther, Baronet, of Lov/ther, for the eflate of Nunnery and manor of Ermathv/aitc, in the parifn of Ainltablc, which he had purchafed, 1690, of George Graham, Efq. of Nunnery, for 1436I. whofc anceffors had enjoyed it fince the diffolution of the monaftery; fince that time. Nunnery has been the principal rcfidence of the family, and continued fo till after the demifeof Chriftopher Aglionby, Efq. 1 785, when the family eftates were divided by a decree of the court of Chancery between his four furviving lifters, f fince which it has been the fole property of Elizabeth, cldeft fifter of Chriftophcr Aglionby, the laft male defcen- dant of that ancient family- PEDIGREE OF THE AGLIONBY FAMILY. WALTER DE AGUILON Had three fons, — Edwardus, filiu^ V/nlter — Laurence, frstcr Edwardus — Werricus, frater I^aiircnce — EIliu5,fil. Wciri- rus — Allan, fil. EIUu5 — William, fil. Allan — Adam, fil. WiUlnm, temp. K. Edward I. m. Julian Whitclield — John, fil, Adam — Adam, fil. John — Thornai, fil. Adam — William, fil. Thomas, m. Ijgi, Alarin, d. of Alan BlennerhufTet, of Carl. whofc brother, John BlenncrlialTet, lat in pari, for Carl, the 8lh of K. Rich. II. as did Itvcral of the Blcnncrhafict family afterwards — Thomas, fil. William, m. Katharine, d. of Skelton, of Armathwaite Gallic, Efq. — John, fil. Thomas, m, J^ John, A. M of Queen's College, Ox- ford, died theie.^ V" — Sarah Grace born April 1713,*: died young. -■ V Sarah m. Rich. Lowthian, of Dumfries, Efq. March 1737. ^ Elizab. bora May 1721, buried in St. Cuthbert's, Carlifle, Dec 1738- Henry died, and was b. in St. Cutli- i»crt's church, Carlifle, Oa. l}66. young. V Chriftopher Aglionby, of Nunnerj', Efq. fuccecded his father when a minor; was CierifTfor the county of Cumb. 1 7C0, died a batchclor in the flower of his age, much re- gretted, and was b. in Aicftable church. Oft. 1785 : the laft of the aiale line of rhis ancient family. V — Elizabeth, Julia. V Anne ni. the Rev. Samuel Bateman, reiftor of Farthing ftone, Northaaip- tonfliire. Mary m. John Orfeur Yates of Skirwith Abbey in the county o£ Cumb. Efq. The This family appears to have pofTefled confiderablc property and' influence in the city of Carlillej whicfc ias been reprefented in pailia.ticiu by them at different periods, viz. 42d year of Edward 1 II. Adam Aglionby reprefented Caillfle. 9th- ift- 6th- ift- 27th - 21ft. ift- la- Sth- Richard 11. Willliam Aglionby ditto. ■ Edward VI. Edward Aglionby ditto. ■ Edward VI. Edward Aglionby . ditto. . Mar)-, John Aglionby ditto. • Elizabeth, Edward Aglionby ditto. . Elizabeth, Edward Aglionby ditto. .James I. Edward Aglionby ditto. • Charles I. Edwaid Aglionby ditto. . George I. Henry Aglionby ditto. . George I. Henry Aglionby ditto. Leath Ward. AINSTABLE. 197 The church of Ainftablef was reflorial, as long as it remained appropriated to the Nunnery: it is now \icarial; the whole revenue not amounting to above 40/. per annum. It appears to have been ferved by the chaplain of the houfe, as in the bilhop's regifters there are no inltruments of prefentation or inftitution, of earlier d?.tc In 1386, Adam de Aglionby was inflallej to tlie chaiintery of the altar of St. Mary, in the collegiate church of Grayllock, being prefcnted bt the noble Lord Ralph Baron of Grayftock: in I42O1 Adam dc Aglionby appears to be the then mailer of the college of Grayftock, being fucd in that year by William Rebanks aad his wife for lands in Raiighton. In J41 2, Adam dc Aglionby, rtftor of Skclton, furrendered certain lands to Ralph Lord of Gray'":ock. Sir Thcmas Aglionby, Vicar of Kirkland, died 15 81. John Aglionby, fon of Ed\Vard Aglionby and Elizabeth Mufgrave, of Crookdayke, " became a fl'ident " of Queen's College in 15^3, wlierr, rfter he had gone through the fervile duties fcveral ye-vs, he be- " came afi.Ilow; whereupon, entering i.ito holy orders, lie became a moft polite and learned preixhs-. •' Afterwards travelling, he was introduced to the acquaintance of cardinal Bellarmine, v.ho Ihjwing to «• him the picture of the profound WJlIam Whitaker, of Cambridge, wh.ich hung Uy in I'lj liLr?,iy, told " him, pointing to the pifture that ke 'was the tnoj} learned Heretic that ever ht read, or to that effeft, " After his return, he ,.as made chaplain in ordinary to Queen Elizabeth; took the degree of D. D. ia •< 1600; was made principal of St. Edmund's Hall the year after, being about that time, re6wr of Iflip " near to, ^nd in the county of Oxon, and foon after chaplain in ordinary to K. James I. He was a " perfon well accomplillied in all liiod of learning; profoundly read in the fathers, and in School divinity; " an exaft linguift; and of an aquiline .icumeu, as one wliu is profufe in his praife tells you. y. IVake^ " in lib. cui Titulus, Re\ Platonicus, in aft: fecundo Diei.) What he had publllhcd, I find not; however " the reafon w)iy I fet him down here, is, that he had a mofl confiderable hand in the tranflation of the «' New Teftamcnt, appointed by King James in 1604: which is all that I know material of him,faving only " that he dying at Ifiip, to the very great reluftancy of all learned and good men, on the 6th Feb. 1609, " aged 43, was buried in the chancel of the church there. Son after was fet up an infcription to his " memory on the eaft wall of the faid chancel (by his widow, I think) wherein being nothing of him but " what I have mentioned already, I (hall pafs it by for brevity's fake." Wood's ATHEHiE. The following rebus on a lady of this family, was made foMe years ago.— T!ie king of birds, ?nd beafls, and flies, Name a maid I dearly pn'ze, viz. eagle, lion, and bee. We are too faf^idlous ill nrglefting fuch antiquated wt, under the notion of it» being quaint. r<>'. the fame rtafon allatmorial bearings fiiould be fcouted: nine out of ten of them are founded on fuch quaint devices. Hiftory records .liany fncli, only perhaps not fo good. \ This parlfli contains ninety-eight families, of whom five are Prefbjtcrianf. VICARIA DE AYNSTABLE. Ricus Chydren clcricas vicarlus ejufdem Ecclic de Aynftable habet manfionem et Glebara") £■ ■<• In Refoluc Epo Karlij p. fcnagio anuuatim. — — 02c ipl AINSTABLE.. [Lbath War». date than the difiblution. The reftorial rights and advowfon were granted by King Edward VI. in the third year of his reign, to Sir Thomas Peryent, Knight, and Thomas Rewe, gentleman, to hold of the manor of Eaft Greenwich, in free foccage. Et in conf. refolu. dIA. dno Epo. fire pencon. villtacon. ejufdem de txibs in tres annoi 2s, 6d. 1 £. s. d. ct fie annuatim. — — — . — — — — — » — jooiv Sm deduft. 2.. lod. Et Rem. 81. Ss. 2d. xma inde 1 6s. gd. EccL. Survey, 26tli, K. Hek. VIII. Ijomr.s conventual monlal. de Armeth'waitc. Agnes Darwentwater prioiifl'e domus cov'entualis. Monialiu. d? Armetliwaite infra com. Cumbr. Patrona Ecclie p'orhial de Aynftable habetl r Reftori?' de Aynlb.ble que vait in decim Gran, ejufd. p'rocliie. — — J Idem Agues habet manfioncm five Gleba de Armethwaite pr. dift. in manib. fuis p'p'is quel £ o valent p. annu. coib. annis. — — — — — J^ Idem Agues habet uiiu. tci;. diet. Glebe in tenuro Rici Tiiomfonque vakt p. annu coibus annis o 6 8 Idem Agnes liabe'; di-erfas. Terr, et Ten, jacent in diverfis villis et Hamlet, propriis infra com. 1 q Curabr. que valent p. annu. coiiju:; asnis. — — — — j Sm total, valor. 19I. 2S. 2d. de qulbus. Iq refoluc. redd!; pr!oii dc Weddeialle esiflent ceUa Abbatnie bte Marie Virginis de Yorkel ,• '■ " > o 12 o an tmi — — — — — — — J Et in refoluc p'cucon Vifitacon Epi Kanij de t! 'cnnio In trieniu. 7s. 6d. Et fie annuatim allocand. 026 Sm deduft 3s. 6d. Et Rem 1 81. 1 6s- Sd. Unde p. ftipend uni. Capcll. celebrant quotidic coram monal infra pr'orat. ic6s. 8d. Et rem. 13s xma inde 26s. Ibid. Extent, &c. J About a fquare of eigiit miles, v.-hereof the largeft part is common and produces good pafturage for fheep and black cattle. Surface.] It is irregular, about Rucroft the land is high, and expofed on every quarter, about Ainftable and Nunnery lov.':r snd Warmer, hut yet bleak ar.d expofed. Farms.] Smsll, inclofures very little and not compact; moilly occupied 'o-f their owr.ers: little tene- ments &c. feem to have arifen from the moil fertile parts of the common. On the fouthern point lies the Nunnery eftate, -.veil wooded. Soil and Produc?.] About Nunnery a ftrong loam, and produces fine wheat. — About Rucroft, (which may have been fo called from the grantee, Mr. Rewe) the land ftrong. — Other parts light and •Tandy, producing turnips, potatoes, barley, r)-c, oats and peas; and in fome trafts, wheat and clover. Rents.] Average »bout 1 8s It is to be obferved, where there is an extenfive and valuable common- right, the arable land lets above its intrlnfic -north, in proportion to the value of commonage. Sheep, Cattls, S:c.] sheep, ot the coinmou moor breed, about 1200. — Catlle of the country breed, bred on the commons and fold at three and four years, old. — The hoifes and hulbandry gear, are in an ampioved ftate. Agriculturf.] Kere an obierration m.iy be :;pplied, that extends to many pr.riihcs in this county: That hi lar^c fai7ns, agricuiture is mtich belter attmdedto and of courj'e the land produces moreper cere, tkan in fmall tenements, in luhich I find little fallo'.v, fe-v turnips, poor crops, and the land bewildered ard rvild: fhe reafon of -jjhich, I prefume is, the poornefs of the occupiers of fmall farm s, the •wcaknefs of their horfei, ^c. fo that providing for the prefent moment, appears to be all that fitch tenants can attain, or even aim at* Roads.] From Penrith to Brampton the chief. * This remark is trorthy the public attention — It militates againfl; the popular prejudice touching dlfpcrfing lahoriout fimilits and depopulating a country. The public intereft is concerned, and humanity prompts the idea, that a man had better labour for certain daily wages, than be in daily hazard of ruin by adveriity of feafon, when he and his family are ymdging in a little unproduclive farm. W. H, Rl VERS. Leath Ward.] AINSTABLE. 195 foccage. The rcprefentacive of the late Richard Lovvthian, Efq. of Duhifrcs, in Scotland, is the impropriator.* There is a tombfione in the church, fculptured with arms, two barrs and three mullets in chief, with an infcription, — " Hu jucet Johannes de Denioiin dominus de " Aunjlaple Rivers.] Eden on the wefl,CroglInwaterfouth, and Holm-wraughbeck north, withfeveralfraallbrouk* Qarries.] Plenty of red frceftone. Antiquties.] In a field in Lord Carlidc's ellate, at Low-Hall, in this parifti a few years ago fome copper coins were ploughed up. From tlie account we have of them, we fuppofe they were Kornan; but the farn.cr took no care of them, and they were foon loft. School.] One endowed. f^oosMAn''; Notss. We acknowledge great obligation to Mrs. Yates, of Skirwith abbey, for much information touching thisparlfh. Ti;s £pitors. * AINSTABLE VICARAGE. Ded. St. Michael — Armathwaite Nunnery propr. — Late R. Lov.thian pH;. K. Books! Cert. val. I Real val. 81. 8s. 6d. J 35I. OS. od. J 40I. cs. od. Incumbents. — Thomas Ruinney. — 1565, John Pieeilrnan p. m. Runncy pr. Robert Dalfton. . I 597, Robert Watfon p. m. Preeftman pr. Henry Barrow and Hugh Lowlher. — 166(, George Dacres cl. pr. Leo. Barrow gent. — 1680, George Hodgfon cl. p. m. Dacres pr. Barbara Kuggat wid — iVSy, John Verty p m. Hodgfon pr. Bridget Lowthian. — 1749, Charles omallwood pr. I'.ichard Lowthian gent — lyyi, Thomas Railton p. m. Smallwood pr. ibid. — 1782, W. Armilrong cUi. p. m. Railton. DECANATUS CIJMBR. Pope Mich. Tal. I K. Ed. 11. \ K. Hen. VIII. Ecclefia de Aynrtapylith lol. 9s. 5d J Eccl. de Aynihipylith il j Aynftably vicaria 81. 8s. zd.. ,.. . . r. 1 .. 1 ) Vicaria ejufd. non fuTueit pro! \ icana ci'.ifd. cl. 4s. bJ. J- •■ • .• ■■ r ^ , > i ■> ' J oneribiis ordmarus lupponund. I Tliis parilh gave birth to Dr. John Leake, the fon of a clergyman who was curate of the fame pan'flii and came from Glafgow, in Scotland. He was firft fent to fchool at Croglin; and from ihence removed to the g1a1r.n-.3r fchool at Bilhop Auckland, where he was diftinguiilieuby Lis rapid advances to the firft; clafTes of that ancient feminary. When his education >v;;3 finift'cd, he w^nt lo London, with adefin'n to engage in the proffjillon of arms: but not being endowed with fuch an ample portion of patience, (a« was then, and which, unhappily for merit, is now more than ever rcquifite, if unfuppoited by parliamen- tary influence) as to wait the acomplifliment of thofe expeftations, into which he had been flattered by the empty proniifes of fuperficial greatnefs, he devoted his attention to medicine. After attending the hofpitals in London, and being admitted a member of the corporation of furgcons, an opportunity pre- fenting ilfelf of extending his knowledge, by vifiting foreign countries, he cmbaiked for Lifbon; whence after gratifying his thirft for information by every thing worthy of remark in that metropolis, he vifitcd feveral parts ol Italy, and on his return to London, commenced bulinefs, as a furgcon and manmidwife in the neighbourhood of Piccadilly. He foon after publilhed " A Differtation on the Properties and " Efficacy of the Lilbon Diet Drink;" which he adininiftred with fucccfs in many very defpemte cafes of lues, fcrophula, and the fcurvy. Stimulated by an ardent defire to enlarge the fphere of liis ufefulnefs and encouraged by his flcilfid countryman, the late Dr. Hugh Sanders, who was alfo bred to the chirur- gical profefiion, he prefented himfelf to the ptcfident and cenfors of the London College, and pafled the ufual examinations with uncommon eclat. About this time he removed to a fpacious houfe in Craven- ftreet, in the Strand, where he commenced Icfturer in the obftetric art, by delivering to the faculty, who ■were indifcriminately invited to attend his " Leftuie introduftory to the Theory and Practice of Mid- " wifery," which parted through four editions in 410. In 1765 he purchafed a piece of ground, on a building kafe, and afterwards prefented to the public the original plan for the inllitution of the Weftmin- ftcr 4?-;tH AINSTABLE. [Leath Ward. " Aunjlaple." The fame arms appear on a Hone above the fouth window in the quire. The fter Lying- In Hofpital. Soon as tlie building was ralfet!, he vc'iuntaiily and without any cWifideration, ruTi •T.ed over to the goverriors all liis right of the above prtruiics, in favour of th? hcfpital; and piiblilhed, in 1773, a volu<,iJ of " Praftical Cbfervations on the Chiid-bed Fever; and in 1774, " a Lefture in- " trouvftoiy lo the Thtoi-y fnd Prr.£lice of Midwifery , i.icludin|Tthe HiUcrj', Natrre, and Tendency of " t!, It Science, Sec. p ,l; to the internal coiitroul of inordinate " paflions; frvile to dl tie jJcjfj infiu-^ices, and ite operations infenhbly perverted by the prevalence of *' cullom, fo as to render it more .ariable than the weather glafs, and in a perpetual ftat: of change from " tl"! cradle tr ike pravc, «« Human life, tlius fuiTou.ided t;nd alfailed by t train af unavoidable c^ila, may indeed be compared «' to a fleetino- I'ladow, I'lhich r.tver co,-4tln"cth i>i 07; f ft ay. Like the unballailed bark in a troubled ocean, " It becomes the fport of wind^ ;.iid tides; and without the aid of religion, philofophy, and reafon, Is ia " continual danger of being fwallowedup and loft. " If fuch are the various atfeftions of tlie body and mind ; and if our manner of living changes our man- <' ner of thinking, and influences our moral conduft; thrice happy they, who have been accuftomed to early " temperance, and the due regulation of their pafTions, as powerful motives to virtue, and the fureit means " of preferving health, prolonging life, and tailing its pleafures with the dignity and refinement of ra- ■ " tfonal creatures." v Leatii Ward.] AINSTABLE. 2or In this panfh there is a fmall parochial library, but of whofe gift is not known. There is a ftock of 50I. for the poor, and an endowment of 2.1. los, out of lands for a fchool. 0» th DECEASE of JOHN LEAKE, M. D. By Dr. Ck^anz. ylh ! te meaji partem aninne rapit Maturior lis guiJ moror altera ? HoR Lamented Leake ! receive thefc humble lays, The tribute of the mufe's artlcfs praife, Of praife unhought, to fcience only due, And jiiftly giv'n to thofe difcerning few Whofe (liill, like thine, bed claims her high regard (A grateful, though iuadequate reward) JLamcnted Leake ! thy dcep-inftruAive page Extends thy fame to every future age ; Thy knowledge, by no fordid aims conceal'd. Important truths to all mankind reveal'd. Unknown before — or threw new dights on thofe Which ferve the views of nature to difclofe. From ihec I learn'd (nor curb that honeft pride) More than from all the lights I gain'd befide. Wells, Augujl I ztk. What to thy labours doth not fcience owe : And what reward can my weak mufc bellow ? With lips fo faintly touch'd with hallow'd fire. To give thy worth its due (he fhnll afpire ? Alas ! too well ihe feels her feeble aid, Yet will not thy juil honours be unpaid ; Thoufands unborn, in after-time, (hall raife More lading tiophies, facred to thy praife. In thanks for lives thy works (hall help to fave, And, under God, dill refcue from the grave. From rae, who wait, till death has iix'd the feal On worth departed, and fupprefs my zeal. Like pious offering, at thy (brine now paid, If I furviv'd, at Lettfom's would be made. J.C. The doftor was a veiy perfonable man, and an accomplilhed gentleman, owing to the great advantage of having travelled, and alfo to his having always found an eafy admiflion into the mod falhionablc circles ; he was allowed to be one of the bell bred and polited phyficians of the age. In no part of the world are fuch qualities without their value ; but in London they are peculiarly proper, and eveij necelTary. Among Dr. Leake's few fingularities of charafter, may be mentioned his extraordlnarj', and even troublefome folicitude about frcfh air. All his windows were made fo as to admit it at top, as well as at bottom ; and neither in his profelTional vifits, nor thofe of friend(hip, could he be induced to remain in any room, in which frefh air was not mdantly and copioufly admitted. This country is fuppofed to be greatly indebted to the late celebrated poets, Dr. Brown and Mr. Gray for having firft drawn the attention of our didant fellow-fubjefts to our mountains and lakes. Dr. Leake alfo was one of the many men of tade, who was charmed with our northern fcenery. He made the tour of the lakes in three fucceffive fummers ; and always with frefh and increafing admiration. His obferva- tioBS during thefe tours, were the frequent topics of his conveifation; and as he had not only a large and genteel acquaintance, but was alfo a man of a cultivated and corretl tade ; few men contributed more than he did, to render a tour to the noilh fafhionabk. We know not how far fuch a flight circumdance, as the doctor's preferring the vale of Lorton, which he has often been heard to declare, far exceeded that of Anio, between Pifa and Florence, to the magnificent Skiddowand Helvcllyn, will judify us in an in- ference, that it befpoke his charaftcr and temper, which were foft and mild in the extreme. BioCRAPHiA CuMS» (Carta regis Edivardi tertii, as referred to page 1 90. J Rex omnibus a(J quos, &c. felutem. Volcntes dilcdlis nobis in Chrifto, priorifle, et monialibiis de Erviit-wait, in comitatu Cumbrix, quartum terra:, tenemeuta, et redditus, per querram Scotis multipliefter diftrudas exidunt, et vadatse, gratium factrc fpccialcni, pardonavimus cifdem prioreffa;, et monialibus illas decern libras, quas nobis reddere tenentur, pro viclualibus tempore domini Edwardi, nuper regis Anglia; patris nodri, per ipfas ad Karliolum emptis, ct ipfas de eifdem dccim libras, tcnore prxfentium quietamus. In cujus reitcftimonium (&c.) Tcdc rege apud Wcftmonaftarium ftxtodecimo die Oflobiis. Dugd. p.'32+. VOL. I. D d THE [ 202 J THE PARISH OF CROGLIN IS diftant from Carlifle about fourteen miles, from Penrith twelve, and Bramp- ton ten ; is bounded on the eaft by the pariflies of Kirkhaugh and Knarefdale^ in the county of Northumberland, on the north by the parities of Callle-Carrock and Cumrew, on the weft by the parifli of Cumwhitton, and on the fouth by Kirkofwald. One Hastings, for his fervices to King Richard I. in the crufade, at the fiege of Jerufalem, obtained a grant of this manor ; and fome authors have aflerted, that the king put his feal thereto under the walls, of that city. '■ Croglin, lams ad riipein, is the name of rhe river that divides Kirkofwald leignory from the barony of Gildand, at the head thereof, and after it comes to- wards Ainftable, it turns to Staffol, and divides them till it be received of Eden, It is called of two Britifh words Careg, a rock, and Lyu, a water. Of thefe woids is corruptly framed the prcfent name Crog-lin, which gives name to the town and church. It was anciently the freehold of one Philip Haftings, in whofe iffue male it defcended till King Edward I.'s time, and then Croglin, and his other lands in Weftmorland, fell to his daughters, married to Wharton, anceftor to the now Lord Wharton and to Warcop ; but now the Lord Wharton holds it all to himfelf. It is part of Gilfland, and holden of the lords thereof. One of thofe Haftings was with the king at the fiege of Jerufalem, and received a grant of the king there, of lands which the king gave him in England. The Lords Wharton's coat is the arms of thofe Haftings, but he hath added to them a border of Or, charged with lion's paws in Jaltier about the Haftings' coat, which is a manche aigent in a field fable. "% The late Duke of Wharton'sf truftees fold the manor of Croglin to the Duke of Somcrfct, from whom it defcended to the Earl of Egremont, the prefent owner.* There is a fmall manor called Newby, belonging to the Earl of Carlifle. The church is redorial, dedicated to St. John Baptift, and always was in the patronage of the lord of the manor of Croglin, till the late Duke of Wharton fold the fame in grofs to Matthew Smales, Efq. from whom it came to the late Rev. Henry Chaytor, LL, D.§ There appears to be an error in Dugdalc's Monafticon, \ol. I. p. 'i'^9, relative to this church, where it is fet forth that Uchtred, fon of Lyolf, gave it to the abbey of St. Mary's in York, as is fpecified in the particu- lars of the confirmatory charter by King Henry II. But that abbey,. or Wecheral, a cell :j: Denton's MS. -I- The Whartons did not, as is iifual on the marriage of heirefles impale, or quarter the arms of Haft- ings, but affumed the Haftings' arms i'lngly, which are the paternal arms of Whartons to this day, namely, falle a manche argent. • A cuftomary manor, confifting of about 24 tenants — Cuftomary rent 5I. 15s. — Free-rent 2I. — A ttnpenny fine. § CROOLIN RECTORY. Captain Henry Chaytor, of the firft regiment of Foot Guards, patron. King's books 81.— Certif. val. 47I, — Real val. iid, DECANATUa Leath Ward.] . PARISH OF CROGLIN. 203 a cell thereto, never had poffeflions within this parifli ; Uchtred's lands lay in Little Croglin, in the pariih of Kirkofwald. Among many other inftances in this tradl of country, wc mufl: remark, that occalional ftrong holds were necefTary to the inhabitants, who were, in ancient times, DECANATUS CUMB. K. Edw II. K. Hen. VIII. Cropjlin reftoiia 8!. os. Po Ni h Val 7 7 -, , ^ ,P ' ,.' 1 ' J > Ecclefia de Croglin non fuflicit. pro oneiibus > Ecckfia de Croglin qI. I cs. Ad. I ,.^ ■■ r .. j V ° ^ -' ^ J ordinarus lupportand. J RECTORIA ECCLIE DE CROGLYNG. £. t. J. Anthoni. 'WTiarton, clericus reftor ejufdem habet maBfionem et gleba, iiSi. rcdlor que valent 1 per annu. coibs. annis — — — — — — — — J ^ Idem Anthoni. habet decim. Garbar. toci. dift p'rochie que valent coib annis — — 400 Idem Anthoni. habet decim. Agn. Lan. que vale't coibs annis — — — — — 0468 Idem Anthoni. habet decim. ftni lini et canobi dift p'ochie que vale't coib. annia. — — 080 Idem Anthoni. habet Oblac. Alb. decim. et minut. ac p'ficicis libr. pafchalis que vale't coib an. 0204 Sm. total valoris 81. 4s. od. de quibs. f y.VA i ^" refoluc Epo Carlioli fenagio annuatim. — — — — — — 020 Et in conf. pencon. viHtacon. dift Epi de Triennio in tnenniu. 6s. et fie annuatim. — 020 Sm. deduft. 4s. Et rem. 81.— — xma inde 163 EccL. SuRVEv, 26th K. Hen. VIII. iNCUMBrMTS — 1293, Adam — 1309, Symon de Layton — 1517, Patrick de Edenhall, pr. Henry de 'Quarton — 1335, John de V\''etevvang, pr. ibid. — 1362, Patrick de Edenham, pr. Hugh de Quarton^ William de Willerdby — 13771 John Mafon, p. m. Willerdby, pr. ibid. — 1380, William de Hoton, p. ref. Mafon, pr. pr. William Beauchamp — 1452, Henry Stayneforth — 1527, William Wharton — Percival Warthcop — 1564, Philip Mafchel, p. m. Watthcop, p. Barn. Machel, and another p. liac. vice, per don. Thomas Lord Wharton — 1568, John Hudfon, p. m. Machel, pr. R. Lcwther, and another, per hac vice, p. don. ibid. — 1574, Thomas Barne, elk. p. ref. Hudfon, pr. Gerard Lowther — 1578, Marmaduke Chomley, p. m. Barne, pr. Philip Lord Wharton — 1582, Roger Hadehead, p. ref. Chomley, pr. ibid.— 161 1, John Allan, p.m. Haflehead, pr. ibid. — 1639> Richard Sharpies, p. m. Allan, pr- ibid — 1 660, John Rogers, A. M. — 1663, Geo. Yates, col. by lapfe, p. depriv. Rogers — 1671, Geo. Sanderfon, p. m. Yates, pr. Philip Lord Wharton — 1691, Thomas Hnnter, p.m. Sanderfon, pr. ibid. — 1724, Henry Noble, p. rn. Hunter, pr. Matthew Smales, gent. — Noble was born at Cockermouth, and died Odt. 14, 1783, act. 83, having pofTcffed this living 56 years — was fucceeded by the Rev. Thomas Myers B. D. a native of Milton, in this county, was inftituted by Bifliop Law, on theprefent. of Dr. Chaytor, 1780. STATE OF POPULATION. 41 dwelling houfes — 163 inhabitants — 84 males — 79 females. — From 1672 to 1691, baptifms to6; burials 14c. — From 1772 to l 791, baptif ns 133; burials 104. Wc acknowledge our obligations to the Rev. Thomas Robiiifon, for inucli information touching tills parifh and neighbourhood. The Editors. Extent.] FromE. to W. 6 mil.s, N. to S. 2 miles, — about 7000 fquare acres. Soil and Produce.] There is not much arable land : a great extent of mountainous common to the eaft — a lower moor or common to the weft. Only two villages, and fome fcatteied cottages. — The arable land a heavy cold red fand, lies in narrow crooked ridges or dales, which caufes the owners of grafs laud to herd or band their cattle. Oats the chief giaii), a little barley, but fcanty crops. Estates and Rents.] Tenements from 3I. to 45I. a-year, the whole rental 672I. — the moft people occupy their own lands, great part in open town-fields, the general average 9s. 6d. per acre— of inclo- fures the average rent 15s. or 1 6s. per acre ; the farmers chief objed is their Iheep Hock ; and the com- mon keeps up the rental. r> d 2 SHEEr. 204 PARISH OF KIRKOSWALD. [Leath Ward. times, frequently harrafTed by fniall parties defcending from the mountains; in the neighbourhood of Croglin, is a place for refort in times of peril, called Scayroman~ wick, like Harfjaiigh, in the vicinity of Renwick, and Diimvallought, near Cumrevv. THE PARISH OF KIRKOSWALD DERIVES its name from St. Ofwald, the celebrated king and martyr of Northumberland, to whom, in the Romifli calendar, the 5th of Auguft, is confecrared, and to whom alfo this church was dedicated. It lies in a vale which is beautiful : — as it extends fbuthward, it widens confiderably, and confirts of rich lands. The inclofures ftretch up the hills, both to the eafl: and weft. The village is irregularly fcattered on the declivities of the eminence, and in the depth of the vale ftands the manfion-houfe of Timothy Featherftonhaugh, Efq. detached from the village; a genteel houfc, but not placed in an eligible lituation. The brook runs very near it, and a mill projecting into the town ftrcet, forms no very agreeable Gbjedl. — The ground towards the eaft, in front, is broken and very fteep, but to- wards the welt, the lands open, and form a beautiful level on the banks of the Eden. This manfion was probably built by fome of the Dacre family, is erecftcd on the fite of the collegiate houfe, the proprietor having the glebe Tands, and pare of the tithes, which he derives from the grantee of the crown. The caftle ftands at the diftance of five or fix hundred yards to the eaft of the town, on an elevated fituation, furrounded with fine lands, the declivities cloathed with wood. It has Sheep.] About 4000, of different kinds, mod of them the fhort Scotch breed, fome commsn meoc flieep. The wool naturally grows coarfe upon thefe mountains, and fells about 28. per ftone lower than, thofe depaftured on the lower moors, but has the advantage of being heavier ; about 6 fleeces and a half go to a ftone of 141b. the mountain Iheep are hardier and heavier than thofe bred and depaftured on the Ipvi-er moors. Fuel.] Coals chiefly from Tindall fell, fome got In this parifh. Lime and Coal.] Got on tlie fide of the fell — a great quantity of lime Is burnt, and the coal of the: fell fen-es that pui-pole -y though of a quality much inferior to Tindall fell. Quarries.] Of red freeftone, and of baliard marble, or a fpecies of porphyr)', fome veiy black, other blocks veined with white. River.] Croglin water, abounding with trout — where the river leaves the fell, it forms a fioe cafcade «f 18 perpendicular feet. — It is remarkable, that the fifli above the falls of Nunnery rauft be aboriginals,^ 35 at no fcafon they could pafs up thofe falls from the river Eden. Poor.] N(jne. School.] Endowed with 3I. a-year. Tithes. Paid in kind, eftimated at 120I. a-year. Game.] Groufe, hares, and partridges — fome rabbits. Wood.] About two acres on Croglin banks. — Much wood buried in the mofles, four and five fectt. below the furface. Aspect.] To the weft, a rugged and uneven furface — The fmall village of Croglin lies In a deep vale or dell ; the river runs through it from end to end — The inclofures fenced with ftone walls. Commons.] Many traftsof land bear the marks of ancient ploughing. BwiiDiKCs.] Moftly of ftone, and in general comfortable habitation* Housmam.'s Notes. noS. Leath Ward.] PARISH OF KIRKOSWALD. jc^ not been a very extenfive work, and flands within a fquare area defended by a ditch on three fides. The brook which fupplied the fofle with v/atcr, forming the eafwrn fide of the area. There is littk more remaining than one fquare tower, the other ragged remnants confill chiefly of dark and dreary vaults. The demefne lands arc faid to let for upwards of 600I. per annum. f Authors difagree much as to the ancient owners of this manor. " Kirkofwald ecclcfia San5lo Ofi-jaldo Jacra, is the name of the town and parifh there, and of very ancient time it hath been ib termed. The caftle was built by the Engaines, 1 ords of Burgh, Ifhall, Herreby, and Kirkofwald. It was firft founded by Radulph Engaine; but far lliort of that beauty and ftatc which it had afterwards by his fucceflbrs. Sir Hugh Morvill, in King John's time, inclofed the park, in the fe- cond year of that reign, by the king's licence ; and Radulphus de Lcvingion, that married Ada, daughter of Jotrice Morvill, daughter and coheir of Hugh Morvill, added thereunto a part of GamcHby and Glafibnby. Thomas, fon of Thomas de Multon, and John de Callre, that married the widow of Thomas Multon, of Gilfland, in King Edward II. 's time, made additions to the caifle: but the Lord Thomas Dacre, that married the heir of Grayftock, did finifli it and mote it about with great charge, which notwithltanding, in the third defcent after him, is now ia a manner become altogether ruinous. It was firfl: parcel of the fcignory of Adam, fon of Swene, fon of Ailrich, and granted forth with a daughter to Trivers Lord of Burgh, chief forefter of the fee of Englewood Forefl:, by whofe daughter Ibria wife to Radulph Engaine, it came to him. This lordflaip did contain Kirkofwald, Newltaftbl, Ravcnwick, Harfkeugh, Huddkfl<.eugh, Little Croglin, and Kabeigh, alias Lanbcrgh, and all the land and wafte towards the eaft mountains, from the river Eden on the weft, and between Croglin water on the north, and the little Riildale Raghon beck on the fouth, that divides it from Glaflbnby and Gamelfby. The heirs of Adam, fon of Swene, were Yorkfhiremen, therefore not regarded here, as tlic owners of Kirkofwald. And after the making of magna charta, and the rebellion of Roger Montbegon, meanlord, they held it of the king immedi- ately."* " Part of the dcmcfnes of Kirkofwald are now (1749) the inheritance of the Featherrtons, who are a branch of the Featherftons of Feathcrflonhaugh, in the county of Northumberland, and generally write their names F'eatherftonhaugh, or halgh, the Hrd of them I meet with was Henry, who married a daughter of the VVyberghs of Clifton, Timothy, afterwards knighted, their fon, who was a grcu royalifl: during the civil wars; and being taken prifoner at Chefter fight, was ex- ecuted for fighting againlt the parliament. He married a daughter of the Patrickfons, of Calder- Abbey, and had ilTuc Thomas, who married a daughter of the Dacres, of Lanercoll, and had iffue Timothy, who married a daughter of the Billinghams, of Lcving, and had iffue Heneage, who married one Lidflon, a De- vonfiure lady, and had iflue Timothy, now in polTefilon. The arms of this family are gules, three oflrich feathers, argent, or gul&s a chevron ermine between three oftrich feathers argent."X + Tin's is a cuftomary manoT—Cuftomary rent, 9I. — A god's penny only for a fine, * Deatoa's MS. \ MUbourne's Additions. ic 206 PARISH OF KIRKOSWALD. [Leath Warwv It is well afcertained, that Trivers married a daughter of Ralph de Mcfchinest according to Dugdaie, Kirkofwald came to Sir Hugh Morvill, by marriage qf Heloife de Stutteville; from Sir Hugh it dcfcended to the Multons, and Irom them to the Dacres. Thomas Lord Dacre's daughter and heirefs, Joan, married Sir Richard Fines, and by the marriage of their daughter, it pafTed to Sampfon ■Lennard, and fo to Thomas Lennard, who married Anne Fitz Roy, one of the daughters of King Charles II. by the Diichefs of Cleveland, and was created Earl of Suflcx, whofe daughters and coheirelTcs fold this manor to Sir Chriftopher Muf- grave, Bart, father of Sir Philip Mufgravc, of Edenhall, Bart, the prefent owner. The caftle, by the following dcfcription of it, faid to be given by Mr. Sand- ford, muftonce have been a noble edifice. " On the river Eden ftandeth the ca- *' pital grand caflle of Kirkofwald, and a very fine church there, and quondam «' college; now the noble manlion-houfc of the late Sir Timothy Feathcrilunhaugh, " colonel of the king's fide, taken at Wigan, where the late lord Witherington was *' flain. Sir Timothy was taken prifoner, and executed by beheading at Chefter, •• by the command of the unworthy Colonel Mitton, after the faid knight had ♦' quarter given him. This great caftle of Kirkofwald, was once the faireft fabric " that ever eyes looked upon. The hall, I have feen, one hundred yards long, " and the great portraiture of King Brute, lying in the end of the roof of this hall, *• and of all his fucceflors, kings of England, portraited to the Mail!:, their vifage, «* hats, feathers, garbs, and habits, in the roof of this hall ; now tranflated to " Naward Caftle, where they are placed in the roof of the hall, and at the head f thereof. This caftle was the ancient place of the Lord Multon marrying the Lord " Vaux's heir, Lord of Naward and Gilfland ; and afterwards of the late Lords " Dacre ; and now come by lineal defcent to the noble Earl of Suflex; with the <' lands adjoining, and many brave parks and villages belonging thereto." Sir Hugh Morvill made it the chief place of his refidence, and inclofed the park : Camden fays, " who was that Hugh Morvill, who, with his accomplices, murder- «' ed the Archbifhop of Canterbury, in memory of which fadl the fuord he then ♦' ufed, was prefervcd here for a long time."§ This fadl was committed in the feventeenth year of the reign of King Henry IL from a fervile and bafe principle of gratifying the vvifties of a prince, who could not brook the feverity of religious remonftrance. After the crime was perpetrated, the aflaffins entered into the archbiftiop's ftablcs, and fcizing his horfes, pofted to Knarftjorough, in Yorkfliire, where Sir Hugh had a flrong caftle; they are faid to have refided at that place, committing iuch excefi^es and fliewing fuch diflblute manners, that the country detcfted them, and even the vaftiils fliewed figns of revolt ; and that the enormities of thefe alTociates were infupportablc, Mr, Denton aflerts, that the fword, which Sir Hugh ftained with this deteftable murder, was in his father's time; at Ifell; which place belonged to the Morvills, as heirs of Engayne; and af- ter that, it remained in the houfe of Arundell. In the fecond year of King John's reign. Sir Hugh obtained licence to inclofe his woods here, to fortify his manor houfe, and to have a weekly market at his town of Kirkofwald on the Thurfday, J «■ Kiik Ofwald S. Ofwaldo Sacra, poflelTione olim Hiigonis illiiu M. qui cum fociis Thoma ** archepilcopu Cantaurienfem occidit, et mea mcmoria diu enlis, quo tunc ufus erat liic aflervabatur." ^ Cams. Lond. and Leath Ward.] PARISH OF KlRKOSWALD. 207 and an annual fair. Thomas, the fon of Thomas de Multon, and John de Cadre, who efpoufed his widow, made great improvements to this caftle, enlarged the apartments, and fortified the whole with an outward wall. Aficr thern Thomas de Dacre added a ftrong folTc to the out-works ; and, at a vafl expence, beautified the cafHe within. 'J'he family of Feathcrflionhaughs, now fettled here, were defcended from the- family of Featherflon Caflle, in Northumberland, of which houfe a fmall ovaf engraving is given in the firft volume of the View of Northumberland. The fol- lowing ftrange tale is related from Machcl, that •' their houfe (in Northumberland) " was formerly upon a hill, where there are two ftones called Featherftoncs, and- " was moated about for a defence againft the Scots ; but, upon the ruin of this, the " houfe was afterwards built in the holme or valley under the hill, which they " there call Haugh, and thence it was called Fcatherftonhaugh."! The family held Fcatherflon CafHe as member of the barony of Tynedalc, in the reign of King* Edward I. and they continued to poflefs it till the time of Queen Elizabeth. HENRY TEATHERSTONHAUGH, 2d Can of Albany, cf Featherfton Caftle, in Northumberland, iirll fettled at Klrkofwald : lie married Dorothy, d. cf Thomas Weybergh, Efq. 0• m. > id m. , the b.itt.r wives. ^Wm.Oraf of Leo. ^ ilTue. J iffue. J f 2d ni.HafcIi f field. J Bell. 3Wyvill,(^ nf Wor ^ I J ha.ni,Efq.J Wharton.^ JofDalimain^ 4dm. J fon. I Addifon, 7 d. an inf. ill m. Catherine, d. of Thomas Mufgrave, and had iflue Mary — 2d Mary, d. of H. Dacre of Lanercoft. Timothy m Bridget, d. of 1 Henry d.l Thomas d.l Bridget m. James") Jane m. John James Billlngham, Efq. J f. ifTue. j f. ilTue. 5 Nicholfon. J Bowerbank. Heneage m. Lidftone. Timothy, the prefent proprietor, m. Dorothy, relict of Rich. Joyce m. Charles Smallwood,. Lacy, Efq, 3d d. of Jofeph Dacre, Efq of Kirklinton. vicar of Kirkofwald. •j- Courts of manors were anciently, and many of them to this day, are held in the open air ; the place diftinguidicd by a large ftone, which the fteward ufcs as a table, at whicli the homage take the oath. — It feems probable, that the ftones mentioned in Mr. Machel's account, were uled for fuch purpofe in for- mer ages, and were called tlie Feudcr-Jloncs, wl.ere the feudal tenants of the manor were affembled. * Sir Timothy Featherftonhaugh took a very aftive part in fupport of King Charles I. by liberal con- tributions of money, by raifmg troops at his own expence, and by perfonal ferviee in the war. Thefe exertions terminated fatally for him, and for his two fons, Henry and Robert, who were flain at the bat- tie of Worcefter, (Henry was knighted in the field there) and alfo brought many diftreffes upon his numerous family. A petition in the hand-writing of Lady F. the relidl of Sir T. dated 1^)41, now in the poflefTion of the ptefent Mr. F. fets forth her loffes fuftained by the depredations of the foldiery, by forcible entries and feizures of leafes, fecurlties, plate, linen, &c. to the amount io,oool. and upwards The family, however, never received any compenfation for thefe lofles ; but, like many other adherents of that unfortunate monarch, were left to lament tiiat their feivices and fufferings were not only urire- warded, but unnoticed and forgotten. ft John and William were of the life-guard of King Charles II, which was all the rei^ompenee thi» family received from the crown for their fcrviccs. In. 5o8 PARISH OF KIRKOSWALD. , [LtAra Ward; In the divifions of the parifh of Kiikofwald arc Staffold, probably from y7a// and fold ; the // being omitted in pronunciation, Eupbonue Gratia, and fignifics a fet of Halls or flablcs. inclofed, as is ufual in the north, within a fold, for the fake of fecurity, an inferior manor, dependent on Kirkofwald. It gave name to a family vhofe male line was extinifl in the reign of King Henry V. The inheritance fell to daughters, who did transfer it by their marriages to the Chambers. Mulcafters, and Blenerhaffets, of Carlicll. It is now the property of Sir Frederick Vane, Bart, of Hutton-Hall, and Sir Philip Mufgrave, Bart, is Lord Paramount. § Harefceugh, or Harefcow, fo called perhaps from Hare, and the Anglo-Saxon word /kohs, a fhoe, a name fometimcs given by country people to a fpccies of trefoil, that grows wild : or it may ha/c gotten its name from Jktugh, which Nicolfon and Burn, in their Gloflary, fay (though we know not in what language, befides our own pro- vincial one) denotes ajhazv, another inferior manor. It was part of the poflefiions of the priory of Lanercoft, given thereto by Ada de Engaine, and conlirmed by Sir Hugh Morvill. After the dilfolution, the Dacres fold it to Dr. Peter Barwick, Phyfician in Ordinary to King Charles 11. who gave it to the chapel and poor of Wilherllack, in Wcftmorland. Little Croglin, another inferior manor. f " Croglin parva ftands in the fame parifli and townfliip, and is a fee of Kirkofwald. It was anciently the Beauchamp's until King Henry VII. 's time, and then the Dacres, Lords Paramount, purchafed it to their feignory. Anciently, toward the time of King Henry I. one Ughtred held a part thereof, and dame ObriaJe Tnvers another; and afterwards one Elias de Crogline, William his fon, and William, fon of William, his nephew, who gave fome part of the fame to the houfe of VVederhall, which Roger Bcauchamp con- firmed, that is, the fifth part of the town, now (as I think) called Cringle Dyke."* As a part of the poiTeflions of that religious houfe, after the dilfolution it came to the dean and chapter of Carlifle, who leafe it out. The manor was purchafed in the reign of King Henry Vil. by Dacre, then Lord of the feignory of Kirkofwald. (| The church of Kirkofwald is dedicated to St. Ofvvald : about the year 1523, it ■was made collegiate for twelve fecular priefts.;j; The building is irregular and difproportioned. Whilft the Dacres were lords, they either rebuilt this fabric, or made feveral additions to beautify it, as appears by the arms of Dacres and Cliffords in the windows. The quire, moft probably was enlarged, on the foundation of the college. Bifliop Nicholfon fuppofes, that the fpring which ifTues from under the weft end ot the church, was a great motive for the founders chufing that fitu- atinn, from the veneration which was paid to wells by the Saxons. And it is certain, 6 A god's penny fine — Some tenements arbitrary finf s, and feveral freeholds ; all fmall eftates. f A cuftomary manor, conlilling of 1 1 tenements — Cuftomaiy rent 29s. — .'^ twenty-penny fine. * Denton's MS. II 1665, Dugdale's Vifitation. George Towiy, of Croglin-Hall, a younger branch of the Towries, of Towry Hagg, in tlie county of York, married Anne, daughter and heir of William James, of Carlifle. % DECANATUS CUxMB. K, Henry VIII. £. t. d. Reftona ac CoUeg. de Kirkofwald et Dacre. — — — — - — 2717a Capellani in d'co collegio funt fex, ct quilt cor. habet pro pencone annua de magiftro d'ci 1 r coUegii. — — — — — — — _ — _j-^'3 4 that Leath Ward. PARISH OF KIRKOSWALD. 209 that old churches were generally built on places remarkably folitary and retired, for the fake of piety and contemplation : having, primarily, been oftentimes the place of dwelling or houfe of the prcfiding faint, or prieft: and alfo, near fprings or wells, for the fake of ablutions, and other religious ceremonies. — And there arc fevcral inftances in this county where fluent fprings proceed from the fite of churches : and fcveral alfo in the county of Durham, near churches which have the fame dedication as this at Kirkofwald; as for inltance, the church in the fuburhs of Durham, &c. The belfrey (which is peculiar and remarkable) is at a diftance, a tower being built for that purpofc on an adjacent hill towards the eaft of the town. The parilh is not very extenfive.f It has a Ichool endowed with 124/. capital money. Here is an eftablifhed diffcnting meeting houfe, w hich has had confider- able bencfadlions. In t KIRKOSWALD VICARAGE. Ded. St. Ofwald. — The king is patron. Paid by the crown! Augmented, 1725,7 2d Augmentation, Lady Gower,! Annual val. In tlie whole, 81. J 400I. 3 200I. bounty 200I. j 40I. DECANATUS CUMBR. Pope Nich. val. 1 K. Ed. U. 1 K. Hen. VIII. Ecclcfia de Kirkofwald 4SI. is. jd. JEccl. de K. 5I. J Vicaria de Kirkofwald 81. RECTO RL^ AC COLLEG. DE KYRKOSWALD ET DACRE. Jokes Hering Legu. Doftor ac Magifler fivi p'pofit. Ecclie Collegiat. Divi Ofwaldi De Kyrk-l ofwald et Dacre, q. habet manfionem et Gleba. p'tin. dift. CoUeg. que valent coibs an. j ^^ Idem Johes habet cu. focijs p'dift. Colleg. unu. Ten. q. valet p. annu. coibv annis. — O 6 O Idem Johes et foe. fui dift. Collegij habc't gran, decial. tocius p'rochie de Kyrkofwald quel ^- valet coib aniiis — — — — — — \ ^ Idem Johes < t foe. prcdift, habent decim. Lan. et Agn. que valent coib annis. — 4118 Idem Johes et foe. p'dift collegij habe't decim feni toci. didl. pochie de Kirkofwald cuml dec'is Wil'mi Dacre Dominus de Dacre que valent coi'bus annis. — — J *t Idem Johes habet xas alb. Oblacon. minut. cu. p'ficuis libr. pafchalis que valent coib annis. 4 ' 5 8 Idem Johes habet Reftoria de Dacie p'tin dift. Collesj. cu. manfione et Gleba vicarie eiufdem 1 que valent coib. annis — — — — — — I •' Idem Johes habet div's terr. et Ten. p'tin dift. Reftor. ac Vic. q. val. p'. ann. — o 24 6 Idem Johes habet Decim. Granor didt. p'rocKie de Caere que vale't coib ais. — 35 15 O Idem Johes et Socii p'dicl. Colleg. habc't decim feni, lini et agnor. q. vale't coib. ais. 9 '9 4 Idem Johes habet decim, alb. Oblacon. minut. Decim. cum 'oibs alijs p'ficuis et emolement 1 f, o. (tarn p'ficuis libr pafchalis qm al. ) ejufd. Ecclie de Dacre p'tin que valent coibus annis, J ^ Sm total valoris 78I. 163. 6d. de quibs ' . > In redditu refohit. Dno Willmo Dacre p. Senos et Guvpc annuaiim f jl'.t. o ^ 10 pens et al. 5 r . 1 o In pens, refolut. Dno Epo Karlij annual, ut patet in ordinacoe ejufd. Colleg. — In pen?, refolut. Thome Moyes vicari p'petuus Ecclie de Kyikofwald an'tim folut. In pens, refolut. Thor.ie Langrlge vicaii. p'petuus de Dacre annuatim. — — In pens, refolut. Johi Scalis capellano p'petuo Colleg. p'ditl annuatim. — — In pens, refolut. Roland. Dawfon cap'o p'petuo didl. CoUeg, annuatim. — — In pens, refolut. Johi Blcnkarne Cap'o p'petuo. didt Colleg. annuatim. — — In pens, annual, refolut. Petro Levyiis Cap'o p'pet. diA Collegij. — — In pens, annuali refolut. Willmo Lowthyan Capcll p'pet. ditt. Collegij. — — In (tipend duob. Cleric, infia. cjufdem Ecclie refolut annuatim. car.r. q. no. Et in fenagio annuat refolut. Epo Karlij. — ■^— — Et in cons, p'cueon vifitacoii. didt. Epi de Tricnnio in tiicnniu. 33s. et fie p. ami. — Sm oI.Ti dedudt. 50I. 19s. 6d. Et rem 27I 17s. xma inde 55s. 8d. halfpenny. VOL. I. E c 10 8 8 6 '3 4 6 •5 4 6 M 4 6 '3 4 6 '3 4 debt Oxon. 8 II VICARIA mri CoUeg. p'dift pro predift. vicaria in pens, annuale — — — j 8 o Sra valoris 81. xma inde i6s. Q no PARISH OF KIRKOSWALD. [Leath Ward. In the year 1246, whilft one Martin was redor, it was adjudged he had right to houfcboot and hayboot in the woods, and common of pafture in the common of the parilh. In VICARIA DE KIRKOSWALD. Thomas Moyes Clcricus vicari. p'petuus Ecclie de KyrkolwalJ habet ct p'cipit p. man.! ^. s, d. VICARIA BE DACRE. Thomas Langrig Cleric, vicari. ejufd'm habet et p'cipit de p'dic'o Johi Hcring Magift.l „ Colleg. p'didl. p. annuale pencoe dift. vicarle. — — — j Sm valoris 81. xma inde 1 6s. CAPELLANOS COLLEG. DE KYRKOSWALD. Johes Seaylis Capellanus p'petuus ejufdem CoUeglj habet et p'cipt p. annual pens, p.l 6134 man. rr:ri did. Collegij. — — — — — — — J xmn inde 13 4 Roland Dawfon cap'nus p'petuus ejufdem Colleg. habet et p'cipit p. man. mii CoUeg. 7 6 13 4 p. pcnlione fua annuatim. — — — — — — — f xma inde 13 4 Petrus Levyns capellan. p. petuus diiSt. Colleg. habet et p'cipit p. pe'cioe fua an'tim. I -a Johes Blcnkayrne cappellan. p'petuus di(S. Colleg. deGrayftockhetet p'cipit p. p'ecoel 6 13 4 fua an'tim. — — — — — -- — — Jxmair.de 13 4 Willmus Lowthyan capellan. p'pet dift. Colleg. habet et p'cipit annuatim p. pencoe 1 6134 fua. -r- — — — — — — — — J xma inde 1 3 4 EccL. Survey, 26th K. Hen. VIII. Incumbents, Rectors — 1246, Martin. — 1293, Walter de Langton. — 1293, Nicholas Lovetoft, pr. Thomas de Multon — 1323, Richard de Mounie, pr. Sir John de Callre — 1372, John de Appleby, pr. Ralph de Dacre Lord of Gilfland — 1374, William Beauchamp, p. ref. Appleby pr. Ibd. — 1436, William Marftial — •525, John Heryng, provoll of the collegiate church — 1561, John Scales — 1561, James Shepherd, cl. p. m. Scales, pr. Q^Eliz. — 1668, George Yates, curate — George Sanderfon, curate — John Rumney curate — ^James Wannop, curate, 17 14, was inftituted vicar — 1719, William Milner, curate — 172^, John Rumney, curate — 1739> John Mandeville, vicar, p. m, Rumney — 1761, Charles Smalwood, A. B. vicar, p. m. Mandeville — I77i» John James, A. M. p. ra. Smalwood, pr. under the great feal — 1774, John F idler, p. ref. James. Extent.] From E. to W. fix miles and a half — N. to S. four miles — almoft fuiTounds Renwick. Soil and Produce.] The holme land, loamy, and fome parts clay, very fertile in wheat, barley, and oats — fome of the lowlands fubjeft to water. The north parts of the parilh, in general, a ftronger foil, and more fuitable to the growth of wheat, and the fouth parts lighter and litter for turnips, barley, rye» &c. The eafl: cold and mountainous — A good fheep common. AcRicuLruE2, Rests, Sec] Tenements from 30!. to 150I. p. ann. — in general farms of lool. p. an.. Sir Plii'ip Mufgiave of Edenhail, chief proprietor. The farmers very attentive to the management of^ iheir lands, fallowing, liming and manuring duly, with turnip crops; fo that they are very productive — clover and gi als feeds are well p.ttended ;o, — Some lands 453. p. acre, average of the whole parilh 14s. or 15s. p. acre. Sheep and Cattle.] About 6000 {heep, chiefly fiiort Scots; the long Scots, thought too fine and tender ; yet for the fake of finer wool, many crofs the breed. The average weight of fleeces, feven, to the ftone. It is a general obfervation, that the higheft grounds, and coarfeil herbage, produce die heavieft Jheep and wool;- the wool confiderably coarfer than upon the low grounds, and the front of the mountains, —Several farmers keep about twenty milk cows, partly of the long-homed fort, fuch as are bred in X.ancafliire and Weftmorland — they do not breed many for fale. Fuel.] Coals from Renwick and Tinedale fells. Game.] Groufe, hares, partridges, S:c. Manufactory.] A paper mill in Kirkofwald, belonging to Mr. Crampton, employs about 15 hands. Rivers. LeathWard.] parish of KIRKOSWALD. 211 In the year 1305, Bifhop Halton held a great ordination here, viz. 7 acolites, 25 fubdeans, 26 deacons, and 2[ priefls; of whom feveral were monks of the abbeys of Holme, Furncfs, and other great houfes. In the year iti68, it was clleemed not worth the expencc of a prefentation under the great feal, and a curare was licenfcd thereto. The tithes of Staftbld and Blunderfield, being all thofe arifing within the parifh, except what are the property of Mr. Fcatherrtonhaugh, belong to Mcfirs, Thomas Gibfon and Thomas Bowman, as impropriators. On the fide of a hill, on the left hand of the road leading to Penrith, about a mile from Kirkofwald, are two cairns of a middle fize. THE PARISH OF RENWICK, WHICH may have been fo called, as Mr. Denton fuppofes, from the violence and rapidity of the ftream; whence alfo our modern words rtive and ravenous, and ravin: or, it may have been a Daniili fettlement, diftinguifhed by the flandard of the raven: or, finally, it may, in fomc very difl:ant period, have been the place of refort of ravens, which are generally found only in wildernefles, and where there are few or no inhabitants; or, poflibly, the firft fettlers there, or fome leading fa- RivERS.] Eden bounds W. Croglin water N. and Raven S. — over each a ftone bridge — falmon in Eden, trout and eels in that and the lefler rivers. A brook runs through Kirkofw-ald which turns a corn and paper mill. Quarries.] Several of freeftone, on Harefceugh fell, a porphry or marble of a blue colour; fome fpotted with white. School.] One at Kirkofwald of good repute — the late Mr. Lowthian endowed it with a yearly in- come of 81. or 81. ics. Poor."] The rate coUeftcd by the ancient purvey, about 140I. a-year — there is a poor ftock of 50I. j-early, divided at Chrillmas, and Mr. Lowthian left a fund for dillributing twelve pennyworth of bread at the churcli every Sunday. Tithes. J Sir Philip Mufgrave's cHates, tithe-free — other eftates pay in kind. Church.] Tlie arnisof Dacre in feveral places — an elegant monumentof SirTimothyFeatherftonhaugh. Wood.] Plantations of c.?.k and firs, near the rivers — and ftrong hedge-rows. Proprietors.] Sir Philip Mufgrave — Timothy Featherftonhaugh, Efq. and Mifs Aglionby. State of Pojolation.] Kirkofwald divifion, 654 Inhabitants, of whom there are 8 taylors, 3 weavers, 16 common labourers, I cooper, 3 mafons, 5 fhoemakers, i officer of excife, 2 Joiners, i furgeon, 5 blackfmiths, 1 butcher, 2 innkeepers, 4 caipenters, 3 papermakers, i ropemakcr, i grocer, 3 millers, I dyer, i fuller, lo miners, i fchoolmafter, i gardener, and the families are all of the church of England except I Prelbyierian and i Quaker. Staffokl divifion, 283 inhabitants — total of the population 937 — of the inhabitants of this divifion are I millwright, 2 fhoemakers, 6 common labourers, i blackfmith, i gardener, i mafon, and one weaver, and the families are all of the church of England except 6 Prelbyterians This parilh is remarkable for the longevity of the inhabitants, fome being ninecy years of age. Since 1 68 J, there has been little variation in the number of inhabitants, till within ten years lall paft, in which period they have incrcafed confiderably. Here is no manufuftor)", but of paper, except forhoufehold ufe. Housman's Notes. We acknowledge our obligations to the Rev. J. Fifher, for much information touching this parilh. The Editors. E e 2 miiy 213 PARISH OF RENWICK. fLeATH Ward. mily, bore the name of Raven : lies to the eafi:; and Is a fmall town on the banks of Raven water, f " Ravcnwick, villa in Anglo curvato ad Flumen Raven, is now the lands of the provort and Icholars of Queen's College, in Oxford, whofe predecelTors had the fame of oneof their foundery, Robert Eaglcsfield, fometime chaplain to K.Edward Ill's wife, named Philippa, who endowing the college as chief founder, called the fame Qiieen's College. 1 he faid Robert had Ravcnwick in the firll year of King Edward III. and one Ihomas Staveley, and Margaret his wife, in the 20th of Edward I. The Staveleys (anceftors to the faid Thomas Staveley) held it from the conqueft. For K. Henry I. gave it to one Adam de Staveley and his heirs tenend. per cornagc f This is a mixed manor confifting of nine freeholds and twenty-three cuftomary tenants — Cullomary lent 61. I OS. gd. — A twenty-penny fine. — Repair the mill and dam, and fetch the ftoaes — Pay a z\i\.v fur miJture. — ^Timber for repair of the houfes only. RENWICK CURACY. Ded. All Saints.— Mr. Lowfon of Renwick, patron. Certified val. 4I. referved J Augmented, 1 74S, 2C0I. ) Lady Gov/er, 200L l Real val. by the giant of Q^Ehz. ^ zd Augmentation, 20cl. J 1792, 3d Augmentation 200I.J 36L DECANATUS CUMBR. Pope Nich. Tal. 7 K. Edw. II. K. Hen. VI IT. Ecclefia de Ravenfwyke 9I. i is. lod. J Eccl.de Ravenfwyke nonfuSEcit prooneribusordinariisfupportandi This parifh confitts of 44 families, and 188 inhabitants, all of the church of England. + Extent and Aspect.} Chiefly faces to the weft — from N. to S. 2 miles, E. to W. 4 miles. Soil ] A red light fand ; cold and unfruitful, from its vicinity to the mountains, and rifing off a foft frceftone ; produces oats, a fmall quantity of barley, and fome potatoes. There is no attempt to grow wheat, owing to the fheep being brought down in w inter. The tillage in dales, or ridges. Some at- tempts to exchange and inclofc. SHEtp AND Cattle.] About 2000 fheep. No attention paid to the breed, they are bred off the fame old ftock, and are lefs and lighter than thofe of Croglin. — The common affords good pafturage, but the flocks arc often overblown with fnow, with great lofs — about eight or nine fleeces to the llone. Some Scotch mares kept on the common for breeding, and fome few black cattle. Roads.] Fiom Brampton to Aldfton, Appleby, &c. Fuel.] Coal got in the parilh. of a mean quality, peats and turf. G.I MP.] Groufe, hares, partridges, &c. Rivers.] Raven divides this from Kirkofwald parifh. Has abunddnce of trouts. Mountains and IMinerals.] A fliare of the eaftern mountains ; Thackmoore fell, where coal-work* are ; lime burnt there, of the fineft and whiteft quality. Air and C'li.matf.] Subjeft to fogs, particularly in autumn. Very cold in winter. School.] An endowment of ics. but no fchool. Wood.] A ftrip of oak wood about two acres on the river's banks. Tithes.] All the proprietors pay a prefcription in lieu of tithes, except the owner of one eftate, * Tcho has a total exemption, derived from a circumftance which happened about 200 years ago, al.moft too rfdiculous to be rehearfed or credited. The ancient poffeiTor is faid to have flain a noxious cockatrice,, vhich the vulgar call a crack-a-chrij] at this day, as they rehearfe the fimple fable. There is fome record, f which the owner of the eftate holds to teftify his exemption, perhaps in a language or letter not to b» SUiderftood by the villagers ; and which he is too tenacious to fuffer to be read by curious vifitors. Housman's Notis. Johu Tallentire, of Scale Houfes. \ Said to be dated 7th of James I. de Leath Ward.2 parish OF ALDSTON. 213 de rege. That river is called Raven, of the violent fall and running thereof. Adam Staveley was alfo Lord of Dent and Scdbcrgh."* There is a colliery on the common, which produces a yearly rent of about thirty- three pounds five fhillings. The church of Renwick is dedicated to All Saints, was redlorial; but having been appropriated to the priory of Hexham, in Northum.berland, or, as fonic authors fay, to St. Mary's, in York, after the diffolution of religious houfes, in the 20th year of Queen Elizabeth, it was granted to the Earl of Lincoln, and one Charles Gowfte, to hold of the manor of Eaft Greenwich, at 13s. 4d. yearly rent, with an exception of the advowfon, bells, and lead of the church. From the grantees, the rectory and tithes were conveyed in parcels, and have at prefent vari- ous proprietors. The whole revenue of the curacy doth not at prefent exceed 36L per annum. The church, in 1733, was rebuilt by the parifhioners. THE PARISH OF ALDSTON, OR ALSTON. IS mentioned in the Hiftory of Northumberland; but as this county hiflory might feem imperfect without fomc account of fo remarkable a place, we make nc apology for tranfcribing fome part of what was there faid on that fubjeiil : — " It is a fmall market town, meanly built, fituated on the declivity of a " llcep-hill, inhabited by miners. The fatigue of pafllng bad roads, in a moun- " tainotis. barren, and inhofpitable country, was in no wile alleviated by the fcene, " which piefenred itfelf here. Pent in a narrow valley, over which mountains '• frowned v ith a melancholy flerility and nakednefs ; the wind tempcftuous, im- " pending clouds firetching forth a dark and difconfolate curtain over the face of " morning, rain beating vehemently againft the windows, which were not able to " rcfifl the ftorm ; a few trees ftanding near the inn, tofled by the heavy blafls " which howled down the valley; fuch were the objeds which prefented them- " fcives to us at Aldflon." There arc in this parifli the richeft lead mines in the north of England. f A great variety of fpars are found therein, particularly opaque w hite, purple,flame colour,and pale » Denton's MS. f The value of the- lead mines was taken from the Moor mafter'i books, for the three following years : — In the year 1766, 18,600 bings, worth, on an average, 2I. 15s. — — j^. 61,950 o >767. 24.500 ^°- — — — — — — 77,162 la 1768, 18,730 do. — — — — — — 62,213 'o £. 201,326 o There were at that time 103 lead-mines leafed under the hofpital in Aldflon Moor; 6 lealed under Mr. Emerfon, of Temple Sowcrby,* the late Mr. Railton and Mr. William Wilkinibn, in Priors Dale • * Now the property of Jofeph Ditkcofon, ef Dufton. and 214 PARISH OF ALDSTON. [Leath Ward. pale yellow, which are tranfparent. We might be bold to challenge Derbyftiire, or even Cornwall, to produce fo peculiarly wild a fpot as Aklfton Moor ; where all that the earth produces is from its bowels, and where the people alio are fo gene- rally fubterraneous. In no place is there a greater fcope for contemplating pecu- liarity and novelty of charaifter. The and 12 under the hofpital, Mr. Hopper, and Mr. Gill of Guernfey, at Tynehead.f Priors Dale be- longed to Hexham. That part of Tynehead, which belongs to Mr. Carleton, is freehold, and he hath all the royaltie*.^— The reft is held by leafe. Antiquities.] The Roman road, called Maiden-way, leads through thisparifh, its remains very dif- tinft in feveral places. A little below Tyne bridge, on an eminence called Hall hill, fome ancient fortrefs flood moated round ; the Tyne, in walhing away the banks, difcovers fome pieces of fUver, but none are preferved. Caverns.] A large cavern in Gildcrfdale fell, called Tutman-hole ; feveral perfons have ventured to explore this place for a mile in length. At a place called Dunfell (which is In the limits of Wertmoiland) fome miners were at work, not long fince, purfuing a vein of ore, when they opened into a fpacious ca- vern. Some people, who have viewed this place, have found it cxpedieut to adopt the contrivance of Dedalus in the labyrinth, and take a clue of thread with them, to guide them fafcly in their retuin, the chambers and pafTages are fo intricate. The Rev. William RIchardlon was feven houis in examining this curious place ; he defcribes the roof in fome parts to refemble Gothic arches, in others a flat furface,— ■ that the windings are intricate, — that he found in places ihcjlalatlities, and pieces of Rko?/d>oidal /par.— He travelled near two miles in a right line, and difcovered evident marks of fome of the chambers having been filled with water, by the coating of mud on the fides. The gieateft heiglit of the vault above 25 yards, and the breadth in fome places about 150 yards. In other paflages he could fcarcely crawl. Other vifitors have fpoken of the aftonifhing luftre of the fpar with which thefe vaults are encruiled, ftruck by the light of the candles and flambeaux which they carried. Fuel.] The coal burnt in Aldfton town, is the Craw coal, and has a flrong fulphureous exhalation, which Is thought unwholefome — the cottages burn peat. Game.] Groufe, but hardly any other. Poor.] Land of 40I. a-year belongs to the poor flock, but the maintenance of the poor cofts nearly jool. more. Tenure or Lands.] 22 freeholders, the reft of the lands leafchold. School.] One endowed with lol. a-year Ifluing out of lands — feveral inferior fchools without endow- ments. Rivers and Fish.] Rivers Tyne, Nent, and Blackburn — they all rife In the mountains — No other fifli than fmall trout. — Over Tyne a ftone bridge, of one arch, over Ntnt two bridges of ftoue, and one of wood. Buildings.] Moftly of ftone, covered with lime, and dated. Remarkable Water.] On Gilderfdale fell is a bog, or dead water, the top of which is covered fome inches thick with a fort of mud, which the neighbouring people ufe for painting yel!o\.- and red ; it pro- duces colours like yellow ochre and Spanifh brown : — no fcientific perfon has hitherto liad the cuiiofity or opportunity, duly to inveftigate and analyfe this uncommon produfllon. Roads,] To Durham, Hexham, and Haltwhiflle — rough and broken. Berries.] The newt beriy, a cluftercd bramble-like crane berry — noted in the fequel under the title Natural Hijlory ; being the rubuj cha7?iitmcrus. Tenements ] Compaft, in general not exceeding 30I. a-year. Rents-] Of inland il. los. — fome 3I. 10s. per acre. boiL AND Produce.] Soil a mixture of clay, mofs and fand — affords good pafturage for milk cow5> and produces good hay ; not above twelve acres of tillage in the whole p;iri(li. f This was fold about five years ago to Long Carleton, Efq. Lord of the in»nor of EleUcaro, who rebuilt moft of the houfes, and greatly improved hii cftates there. Extent. Leath Ward.] PARISH OF ALDSTON. 21 j The country is mountainous, barren and gloomy; the mines compcnfare to the proprietor for the want of outward beauty and a more produdivc foil ; whillt the common inhabitant futfers all the inconveniences of a dreary and defolate country and an inclement climate.* By an inquifition in the eight year of King Edward II. taken on the death of Nicholas de Vipont, it appears that he held tlie capital meifuage, 14 acres of arable land. Extent.] Eight miles and a half N. and S. — Six niiks E. and W. Gfneral Appearance.] The buildings are white, and fome of them have a few trees near them— the inclofurts fenced \vj:h walls — Where the lands lie to the rivers, they look pleafant, but the waSes ate dieaiy. The patiih is fiirroundcd with mountains of great height and extent, chiefly covered wiili heath and bent, affording a fcanty paftuiage. Shekp.] .About 10, 00 moilly fhcvt Scots ; the fliepherds very fagacioufly change the rams every fecond year. Aged wedders fell from los. to 14P. apiece — 6 fleeces to the Hone, at 7s. i\I<».NNF.Rs OF THE INHABITANTS.] Moft of the men are miners, and by long continuance In tlie works they (hew a ftniplicity of manners, rarely found among other labouring people ; they are ftronjr of limb, and when in liqu;.r, a vice too frequent, they are quarrelfome, refolute and ferocious ; but when from home, are remark.ibly traftable, and (Icadfaftly attached to their countrymen and fellow-labourers. Mining renders tlie pcopk-, later in manhood, unhealthy, and the flrongeft feldom exceed 60 years of age. Number of miners in Aldilon works — as computed — viz. Blagill mine 50 — Thornglll 40 Brownlv- liill 40 — Garragill 20 — Scaleburn 50 — Lampgill 9c — Handfome 50 — Middle Clough 60 Old Carr's Bridge Burn, &c. 30 — Dowgang 20 — White Syke 80 — Thortiilgill 20 — Greengill 20 — WabtrafTcs 80 — Tynebottom 40 — Windy Brea 40 — Calveit fold 30 — Rodcrup, Crofs fell, ]3irchbank, &c. 40 Several fmall tri.ils, at leall 40 — Nentforce 19 — with wafhers and others employed, amounting to near 1 100 men, &c. — The yearly produce to the owners clears about i6,oool. a-year. Housman's Notes. * The boundaries of this manor, as fet out in Nicolfon and Burn's hiftory of Cumberland, are as fol- li>wcth : — " Beginning at the foot of Aleburn, from thence to the head thereof; from thence to Willv- (liaw rigg end ; from thence to the top of Willyfhaw rigg ; from thence in a direft line to Longcleugh hill; from thence in a direft line to Longcrofs pool, eail of Longcrofs ; from thence to the foot of Mircfykc, fo to the head thereof; from thence in a direft line to Hardrigend ; from thence, as heaven water deals, to Bkkelawe's Crofs, from thence, as heaven water deals, to Highraife ; from thence to V/elIhopchc?.d ; from thence, as heaven water deals, to Dodd-end ; from thence, as heaven water deals to Guddam gill head ; from thence, as heaven water deals, to the foot of the ditch at Ramfi-ill, otlierwife Red- groves head ; from thence along the faid ditch to the end thereof; from thence, as heaven water deals to KiUiiope head ; from thence aloag Killhoue head, as heaven water deals, to a place fifty vards eaft of Killliope crofs, where the faid crofs formerly flood, it being fome time ago removed as a mark for tiic convenience i^f travellers ; froin thence, as heaven water deals, to a place two hundred vards eaft of Short's Crofs, where the faid crofs alfo formeily llood. it being alfo removed as a direction or guide for travellers - from ihtncL, as heaven water deals, to the Naghead ; from thence as the water divides to the road on Wel'hope edge ; from thence as the water divides to kedftones ; from thence as the water divides to Penny.mea-hiU ; from thence up Pcnnymea, leaving the turns a little on the right hand to Burnhopc feat otherwife Seraith head, from thence as the water divides to a part of Scraith head, whcie the Biflioo cf Durha.Ti's, the Kail of D-irlington's, and the Greenwich hoipital lordfhips join in a point. From thence in a direft h"nc to Ciookburn head ; from thence d')v.n Crookburn to the foot tlurcof, where it joins Tecs water; fiom thence up Tees to the head thereof; from thence to the fummit of Crofs fell ; from thence, as heaven water deals, to the nortii end of Crofs fell ; from thence ;-.s the water divides to Greyhound ftone ; from thence in a direft line to Calliburn head or well ; from tlicnce down CaPiiburn to the foot of Dirtpot burn, where the faid Cafhburn alters to the name of ShleM water I'Vom thence down the faid Shield water to the foot of Svvarthbeck burn, where there Hands a fold' called Swarthbrck fold. From thence down the faid Shield water to Snittergill burn, where the name alters to Greencaftl.; water ; from thence to Rowglll burn foot ; from thence up Rowgi'J burn to Merebum foot ; from thence up Mereburn to Dick Lee's cabin ; from thence up the faid burn to the place where the laid burn divides j from thence up the welkrmoft bum called Mereburn to the f'alf Dyke 2i6 PARISH OF ALDSTON. [Leatu Waro. land, lOO acres of meadow, 33 tenemencs at Gerard Gill, with 33 {hieldings,|) at 5I. 18s. yearly rent; 13 tenements at Amoteflialth, 3I. 8s. ^d. yearly rent; 22 te- nements at Nent and Corbrig-Gate, with 22 fhieldings, 5I. 2s. yearly rent ; a water corn mill, a fulling mill, and 30QO acres of parture in Aldflon Moor, held of the manor of Werk. John de Clilford held the manor of Aldfton, with Elryngton and Gerard Gill, loth of King Henry V. paying yearly into the king's exchequer, ac Carlifle, 61. 13s. 4d. rent. It was afterwards in the poflefnon of Thomas Whitlow, 21ft: King Hen. VI. who granted it to VV.Stapyltonand Mary his wife; they hadilTue two daughters, the firfV, Mary, married Sir William Hilton, of Hilton, and after- wards Richard Mufgrave, fecond fon of Sir Richard, of Hartley Caftle. The fecond, Joan, married Thomas, the cldeft fon and heir of Sir Richard Mufgrave ; and, in the 9th year of the reign of King Edward IV. upon partition of the eftates of the parceners, Aldflon was allotted to Mary and her heirs, and Edenhall to Joan and her heirs. Mary had iffue by Hilton, whofe defcendants poffenTed Aldllon till the reign of King James I. when it was fold to Francis Ratcliife, of Dilllon, in Northumberland; and continued in that family till the attainder of Lord Derwentwater ;;;1: afterwards it was granted towards the fupport of Green- wich hofpital.* The governors of the hofpital let out the mines on working leafcs, and it is faid the number of fubfifting contracT;s amounts to 103. The church is dedicated to St. Aultin, is in the deanery of Corbridge, and diocefc of Durham^ It was given to the priory of Hexham of an early date after Dyke ; from thence to Parkin ftones, on the fouth of and near unto Parkin ftones fold ; from thence t» Eentyhill Currock ; from thence as the wnter divides to Rovv;r|ll liead ; from thence to the hei^jht of Hartlide ; from thence to Colecleugh head ; from thence to Little Daffinfide Currock ; from thence to the Great Daffinfide Currock ; from thence to BlackftU Currock ; from thence to Thief-fyke head ; from thence as the water divides to the head of Candlefievc fyke ; from thence in a direft h'ne to Woogill tarn ; from thence as the water divides to Tom Smith's ftone, at which place the boundaries of the t'arl of Egrcmont, Qiieen's college, in Oxford, and Greenwich hofpital, in Cumberland, and of Knaiefdale and Kirkl-.augh, in I-'orthumberland, do all meet. From tlience to Calflcfs head ; from thence down Woogill burn to Gilderd;;!^- burn, and down that burn to the foot thereof; and from thence up Tyne to Aleburn, where it firft began." II The inhabitants formerly built huts on the commons, to which they reforted in the fummer feafon, with their herds and flocks, for the convenience of pafturage, where the commons were very extenfive, and lay at a dillance from their ufual habitations. The Scotch ftiU follow the prai^ice. — Thefe hut» they called (hitlds or (hitldings. J Francis, Earl ol' Derwentwater, Vifcount Rntcliflc and Langley, and Baron of Tyndale, by his in- denture, dated May 6th, 1689, demlfed to John Vazie, of Lowbyer, in Aldllou Moor, gent, all his leaJ- mi'nes and minerals, and all other mines and minerals, ores, earth, metals, and ftones, (coals excepted) at Battle Green, near Guttergyll. in Aldfton Moor, for 21 years, paying a fifth part of the ore, as duty ore. See z fjnji:'i:!e of the earl's writing fubfcribed to this leafe, taken fiom the original in the collec- tion of Ed'.vard V onllable, Efq. of Burton Conllable, York(hire. It is a tribute due to his moil gracious majcfty King George IIL and to his councils, that we mention in this place, that aft of beneficence vvh;ch veftored the furplus revenv\es of the Ratcliife eftatcs to the prefent reprcfentative of that houfe, and the immediate fueccflbr of the unfortunate earl — Let the diffatisfied and clamorous at this time re- colleft how many afts of munificence have maiked this reign, among which the difpofitions to the Ameiiean loyalifis are not the leaft. * The lands are let upon leafes for 99.9 years, which deinifes were granted between the year \Gi r, and 1616, by Henry Hilton ; the tenants pay a twenty. penny fine at the end of every 21 years. The re- ftived rent amounts to about 63I. per annum. { This parith is fuppof^id to contain about 4,500 inhabitants exclufivc of the miners, whofe number ii fludluating. that LeathWard.] parish of MELMERBY. 2,7 that foundation, and foon after was made an appropriate, and fo continued till the diiTolution, Nicolfon and Burn fay, that King Edward VI. in the third year of his reign, granted the whole rcdory to John Peryent, Knight, and Thomas Reve ; but in that they are in an error, for the advowfon and right of prefentation to the vicarial church were granted to Arthur Lee and Thomas Archer, and their heirs, and they admitting Thomas Hilton, Knight, as partner with them, allowed him the firft prefentation, who accordingly prefented to it in 1558. Being a difchargcd living, it pays no firft-fruits or tenths. It has a chapel of cale at Garagill. The governors ot Greenwich hofpital are the prefent impiopriators, the tithes amount- ing to about 90I. a-year. The vicarial dues am.ount to about Sol. a year, — The church has lately been rebuilt in a plain, but convenient torm ; a commiilion dated Odober 2d, 1769, was ilTued under the feal of ihc coniiitory couit of Durham, for ailigning pews therein. f THE PARISH OF MELMERBY. WHICH is fuppofed to be derived from a Danifli pofleflbr of the name of Melmor, who firft cultivated and improved th-:? country, about the ninth or tenth century.* It is bounded on the eaft by Crofs-fell, and part of the bifhoprick of Durham, and on the other (ides by the parifhes ot Oufby and ALDSTON ALIAS ALSTON-MOOR VICARAGE. Ded. St. Auftin. — Priory of Hexham propr. Witli GflRRAGiLD chapel, in the county of Cumbciland. Clear y. val. 1 Yearly T. 1 Pr. or Rtd. 1 Proc. Ep. Vic. 7 Proc. Arch. 1 Pen. Ep. Dun. 23I. J 15s. 3d. farth. ) I2S. J 3s. 8d. 3 '2s. J 6s. 8. Vicars. — John de Cokedon — William Lambert, i^az.p. ref. Cokedon. — Robert Hilton, 1423, p. m. Lambert — Robert Stehynfon cap — John Ellifon cap — 23. Ap. 1495, p. ref. Stehynfon, pr. pri. and conv. conventual, de Hextoldefliam. Thomas Grey cap. 20. Jul. 1499, p. ref. Ellifon, Dns Stephanefon cap. 1517 — John Hymnevs cap. 23. Sep. 1536, p. ni. Stephanefon, pr, Geo. Ogle and William Hymners hac vice — Henry Yaites pbr. 10. Sep. 1558, p. m. Hymners, pr. Thomas Hilton, Mil. h. v. prima. — Anthony Watfon cl. 18. Mar. 1577, p. m. Yaites pr. William Hilton Mil. — William Teifdale, A. B. 6 Nov. 1 J78, p. ref. Watfon, pr. Thomas Archer h. v. tertla — John Nelfon, 1618 — Ra. Young cl. 23 Jul. 1624. p. m. Nelfon, pr. William Archer and Nich. Wlillficld — Fvaucis Hill A. B. 25 Aug. 1625, p. m. Young, pr. William Archer of Aldfton Moor, Arm. — John I^ee cl. 1665 — John Fell — William Stebert 1683— Nich. Walton, 1696, pr. Mofts Henztll gent. — John Topping cl. 14 Feb. 1728, pr. Ra. Whitfield.^ Thomas Lancafter cl. 10 Aug. 1756 — Benjamin Jackfon cl. 1790, p m. Lancafter. View of Northumb. Randal's State of Ch. GARRAGILL CHAPEL. Not certified. Curates. — John Hodgfon, 15 Jul. 1578 — John Stephenfon, 1579 — ^John Letratus. 22 Sep. 1C61 Thomas Lancafter, 1754 Ibid. * One Halden, a Dane, had three fens ; Thorguell. who, according to Denton, fettled near Kefwick ; Melmcr, who fettled here, and Ulf at Ulfsby or Oufby. We learn from Thormodius Torfceus Hilloria Hroliii Krakii Dan. Regis, Latine reddita ct emendata, Haunia; imprelfa i 705, as quoted in the Gella et Vclligia Danorum, that this Halfdan was fon of Halfdan the 2d King of Denmark ; who, according to the general cullom, acquired a furname Irom the prevail- ing feature of his charailer, and was called Halfdanns Difertus. VOL. I. r' f Addingham, 218 PARISH OF MELMERBY. [Leath Ward. Addingham. 1 n this wide tracl, extending to the eaftern boundary of the counry» is thatfccne which Camden called " a lean, hungary, and defolate country." — The vales are cultivated, fenced with Itone walls without mortar, there are few trees, except thofe planted about the hall and the village ; the diflant fcene looks wafte and deplorable, whilft the eminences frown in the wildeft features of flerilitv; either naked and broken cliffs, towering ftage above ftage, or heath land, rent with defccnding torrents into ten thoufand chafms, black with peat-earth. " Melmorby, habitdtio ad planiliem vwgimm, is the name of the parifh, town, and capital mcffuage there, now the dwelling houfe and feat of Threlkeld, Efq. It lies between Gamelfby and Ulnefby, and was parcel of the barony of Adam, fon of Swene. In the reign of King Henry III. Odard, then Lord of Wigton, John» fon of Walter, and Margaret, fole daughter and heir of the faid John, and Dionilia Lovetta his wife, were fucceffively lords thereof. Margaret was married to two hufbands, John Denom, f Knt. and John Wofney, § Knt. by whom llie had no iifue. She gave Melmorby to Sir Robert Farving, Knt. the king's feargeant at law, and Blackball II alfo. After Sir Robert, his fifter's fon, Adam, fon of John Peacock, who named himfelf Adam F'arving. He died 4th of King Richard \l. and then Henry de Threlkeld entered to Melmorby, in which family of the Threlkelds it hath ever llnce continued in the ifTue male."* HUMPHREY THRELKELD held Melmerby yth King James I. m. Margaret, 9th d. of Lancelot Salkeld, of Whitehall, Efq. \ Lancelot m. Margaret ■ Anne m. William Tiirelkeld, Catharine m. Rich. Maty m. Thos. Dorothy m. Anth. Margery^ elk a collateral branch of Studholm, of Wig- Crackenthorp, Dale in the c, of the family; he purchafed the ton, Efq. of Newbiggin, Duiliam, Efq. fliares of the other fillers. Efq- Elizabeth m. Thomas Pattenfon, of Berks, in the ciunty of Wellmoiland, Efq. of a very refpettable family there. The arms of the Threlkelds are Argent, a manche Cuks. PEDIGREE OF THE PATTENSONS. Thomas Pattenfon m. Elizabeth Threlkeld. Lancelot m. Margaret, 5th d. of Charles Orfeur, of High-Clofe, Efq. Thomas, the prefent lord of the manor, and high ftieriff of the county, (1793 ""•'■* 1769, Barbara^ 4th d. of John Gra nger, of Bromfield, Efq. Thomas. John. Charles. William d. young. Barbara d. Auguft 1789 Margaret. Mary. f In N. and B. this name is fpelled Gernon. J In fome copies Weflon. H In fome copie*. Bkkell. * Denton's MS. In Leath Ward.] PARISH OF MELMERBY. 219 In the 35th of King Henry VIII. Chriftopher Threlkeld held Melmerby of the king in capite, by knight's fervicc, rendering for the fame 13s. 4d. coia.igc yearly. — In the 1 ith of (^ueen Elizabeth, we find Chriftopher Threlkeld patron of the church of Melmerby. — In the 15th of Queen Elizabeth, John Threlkeld vas patron. Melmerby remained the pofTcillGn of the Thrclktkls, for fome time after the death of the perfons mentioned above, till at length, through female reprefentation, it became the eftate of Mr. Pattenlbn, by marriage, in whofe family it ftill con- tinues. About the manfion-houfe, the country wears a very dilfcrent afpecl from its environs, and proves that quickfets, plantations, and wood will fucceed well, if duly attended to. The church is recftorial.t the advowfon and right of prefentation having con- fiantly attended the manor, are veiled in Mr. Pattcnfon, the benefice being worth about 115I. per annum. The f This parifli contains about 229 inhabitants, all of the church of England. One amarkable indancc »mong the refidents is an excommunicated harlot. MELMERBY RECTORY. Ded. St. John — Thomas Pattenfon, Efq. patron. King's B. 12I. IIS. jd. halfpenny. — Real value 115I. DECANATUS CUMBR. Pope Nich. V. 7 K. Edw. II. 1 K. Henry VIII. Eccl, de Melmorbye 13I. 138. 4d. j"- 2I. os od. J Melmorby reel. 12I. lis. 4d. RECTORIA DE MELMORBY. Rolandus ThryUceld p'dift reftor ejufdem ecclie de Mclmoiby habet Manf. et Gleba. did.! redlor. p tin. que valent coib. annis. — — — -— — — — — — J ■'O Idem Roland, habec decim. Garbar. tocius p'chie p'd!£l. que vale't p. annu. coib. a'is. — 800 Idem Uoland. habet decim. I, an. et. Agn. tocius dift. p'ochie que valent coibus annis. o j; o Idem Roland, habet decim. Feni Lini et Canobi ejufd. p'ochie que vale't coibus annis. — 080 Idem Roland, habet Oblacon. minut. cu. alb. decim. que vale't coib. annis. — — — o 22 o Idem Roland, habet decim. uni. Molend. que val- p. annu. — — — — — — . 034 Sm- total, valoris 12I. 15s. 4d. de qulbs. j-'l ,^. °' > In refoluc. Epo Karlij p. fcnagio annuatim folut. — — — — 020 Et in conf. p'cucon. vifitacon. did). Epi triennio in Iricnniu. 6s. et fic p. ann. — — 020 Sin. (lediiCl. 4s Et lein. 12I. lis. 4d. xma inde 25s. id. farthing. EccL. Survey, 26ih of K. Hen. VIII. Rectors. — 1332, Thomas de BcrncRon, pr. Dioiiilla, relift of Sir John de Wigton, knight, in right of her Dower in the manor of Wigton. Kirkbiido, Blackball, and Melmerby ; which Sir Jolm, was fon and heir of Sir Walter de Wigton — 1342, Thomas de Blyth — John dc Manferghe — 1342, Roger de Cromwell bylapfe — 1346, Robert de Bromfield, pr. Margaret de Wigton — 1354. Hemy de Wakefield, p. m. Bromtield, pr. Adam Parving — 1359, William de Pulhow, pr. ibid. — 1526, Roland Threlkeld 1565, Edward Stamper cl. p. ni. Threlkeld, pr. Ch. Threlkeld ; he was deprived for nonconformity- George 'i'hrelkeld, cl. p. depr. Threlkeld, pr. John Threlkeld, gent. — I 609, Geo. Warwick, A. M. pr. Hum. Threlkeld, gent — Richard Singleton — 1684, William Threlkeld, p. m. Singleton, pr. Jamefoii and Hutton, p. h. v 1701, William Lmfey, A. M. p. m. Threlkeld, pr. Thomas Pattenfon, Efq 1739, Lancelot Pattcnfon, A. M. p. ces. Linfcy, pr. Thomas Pattenfon — ^1760, John Jamefon, p. m. Pattenfon, pr. executors of Pattenfon — 1785. John Slee, cl. p. m. Jamefon, pr. Thomas Pattenfon, Efq. F f a Cultivation. 220 PARISH OF MELMERBY. [Leath Ward. The village of Melmerby confifls of 47 houfes, including the manfion-houfe of the lord of the mnnor ; is fuuated about half a mile from the bafe of the moun- tains. Cultivation and Soil.] The townfield contains near 300 acres, feme of which has lately been in- tlofed — where it is open, the land lies in does or ridges. — The owners chiefly cultivate their own lands — The foil ic of a dry, landy nature, lying on a red freeftone rock ; produces good oats, barley, and po- tatoes : — turnips and w!.eat do not fiiit : and i-ye is fubjeft to be broken down by the hdm-'mind. The farmers depend chiefly on the grals lauds — 14s. and 15s. per acre the avexage rent, except for townfield land, which is about los. per acre. Tenure.] There are 17 freeholders, the reft of the lands are cuftomai-y, under arbitraiy fines. — The chief part of the cuflomary land is held under Thomas Pattenfon, Efq Henrj' Holme, of Gale, has 6 or - cuftomary tenants who pay a twenty -penny fine certain. — Gale fornieily belonged to the Huttons, of Hutton-Hall, in Penrith ; the late Captain Lancelot Holme, of the Mary, purchafed it of Mrs. Mern'ot, the widow of the lafl of the Huttons of that family, and left it to his nephew Henry. Shlep ] About 2500, befidcs near half that number that have fcape and rake from Oufljy and Gamblcihy. — The farmers pay good attention to the breed, the rams of the Scotch iTiort kind. — The mountains afford excellent pattuiage, healthy and rood feeding. — On the heights they are heavieft, and fell for IS. or is. Cd. a head dearer than thofe on the lower flieep rakes ; 4 or 5 fleeces will make a ftone ; the lower fhcep 5 or 6, but their fleeces give is. per ilone more, on account of the degree of linenefs. — Wedders fell for about I is. a-piece. Cattle.] Neither numerous nor remarkable for their goodnefs. Mountains.] The front of the fell rifes gradually, Is chiefly of a fmooth furface, with limelnne rock appearing in fonie places. In one part, above a fpacious valley, rifes abruptly the bold front of a lime- ftone rock, called Melmerby fear, which report fays, was once fo intermixed with lead ore, that the rays of the fettingfun falling upon it, caufed it to be feen at a great difliance. The fheep and cattle grazing on the mountains have a beautiful paltoral appearance. The mines of lead and copper have not been wrought with fuccefs of late years Springs.] In one part of this parlfh is a ftrong chalybeate water, in another a fulphureous fpring. Game ] Gvuufe, partridges, hares, &c. Anticvlmties.] Tlic Maiden-way, from Klrkby-Thore to Caer-Voran runs through this parllh — it afcends out of Oufby dale, to the top of Mehncrby fell, and then flopss along the fide for 3 or 4 miles. The Rev. Mr. Slee, who gave us great infonnation touching this parlfh, meafured it in different places, and found it uniformly about 21 feet in width. '1 he road is laid with large Hones, fo as to be diiKcull for horfcs to pafs it. Fuel ] Chiefly coal — fome fmall quantities of peat and turf. Roads.] From Penrith to Aldflon, and Brampton to Appleby. AiR.l Cold but healthful. — The hehn-winds blow here with great violence — fee Crofs-fell for a par- ticvilar dcfcription. Poos.] No work-houfe — an.iual coliedllon made by the purvey 30I. — about 6d. in the pound rent. School.] None. TiTHfs ] Paid in kind, fafe as after noted. Th e Church.] To the north of the hall, built of red freeftone, covered wnth lead, in length 53 feet, and id feet in width, fupporied in the middle by a row of Gothic pillais, fo as to divide it into two ailes The whole well featcd witli oak — The glebe is 34 acres, part inelofed, other parts In tlie town- held } the corn tithe worth about 50I. a-year, a prefcrlpt of ll 13s. Qd for hay tithe; all fmall due* paid — The Rev Lancelot Pattenfon, father of the prefent owner, being both patron and lecfor, ex- changed Aikton, in this county, with Mr. Lindfey, for Melmerby. S< ate or Population.] The firfl 20 years of the rcglftcr beginning 1701, born 106 ; married 36 ; buried 120. — The laft 20 years, born 93 ; married 31 ; buried 64. — Decreafe, 13 births, 5 marriages, and 56 burials. Customs and Language.] A dedication feaft, on the day of St. John — Provincial words fwelting for expiring — Ateuthy, a difficult refpiraton, by the llghtnefs of the air — Gulls, a weed %vhich infefted the coiB land, totally rooted out, under pains iufliflcd by tbe homage of the court. / Leatii Ward.] PARISH OF MELMERBY. 221 tains, has a fpacious green, rhrough which a fnnall brook flows fronn E. to W. — The manfion-houfe is ornamented with (loping gardens, and feveral plantations of oaks. Wages.] Labourers in hufbandry lod. per day and vidluals — reapers is. id. — mowers is. 6d. — carpenters is. 2d. — mafons is. 4d with vitiuals. We acknowledge great obligations to the Rev. John Slee, for much valuable information. We have taken the liberty to digeft many of his remarks with Housman's Notes. Biography IVetheral. " fohn Scilkeld, fourth fon of Edward Salkeld, gent fccond brother to George Salkeld, fome time of " Corby Caftle, in Cumberland, Efq. lineally defcended from Sir Richaid Salkeld, Kt. Lord Warden of " Cailifle in the time of King Richard III was born at Corby Castle ; and when very young, journeyed " through O.Kon to beyond the fcas: but in what houfe he was entered, unlefs in Queen's College, I cannot " tell. His continuance there, as I have been informed, was fo (liort (occafioned by his religion) that we " can fcarce reckon him among th.e O.xoniaus. For, fo it was, that his father foon after conveyed him " into Spain ; entered him among the jefnits in the univerfity of Coimbra, where, as alfo at Corduba and " Compkitum, he continued among them in the condition of a jefuit many years, and was afliftant in the " iluilies of the famous jefuit Francis Suarius (who was his fellow-ftudent feveral yeats) and Michael " V'iiiqnez. Afterwards he was fent into Portugal, where he read philofophy about fix years ; then into " the Englith miffion ; but being taken and brought before King James L who had feveral times heard " of him and his eminency for learning, he entered into divers difputes with him at feveral times. At " length, being ovtreome by his fulid arguments, Salkeld turned Froteftant ; was recommended to Dr. '' King, Bidiop of London, for maintenance ; and in Nov. 1613, became, by the prefentation of hi» " majclly, Vicar of Willington, in Sonierfetfhire, (being then B. D.) where he ufed to boaft of his con« " verfion, and to ftile himfelf The Royal Convert. In 1635, he was made minifter of Church-Tauntoti, in " Devonfiure, worth to him about 200I. per annum, whereupon one Walter Travers was inftituted Vicar " of \Villington in his place, on the 16th of July, in the fame year. But aftei the civil wars broke •' fi) ih, he (ufTered for the royal caufe; being eftcemed, by the obftinate and credulous Prelbyterians, " a Papill in liis heart, or at leaft papilhly affefted. He was a perfon profoundly read in Theological " and otiier authors; and King James I. dolh (lile him, in his works, " The lear/ied Salkeld ." of which " charafter lie would often glory. His works are, 1. " A Treatife of Angels, &c. London, 1613, Svo. dedicated to King James I. 2. " A Treatife of Paradife and the principal contents thereof; dedicated to Sir Francis Bacon, " Keeper of the Great Seal. He gave way to fate at Ulfeulme, in Dcvonlhire, (having for fourteen years " Leforc been fcqueflered of Chureh-Taunton) in Feb. 1659, aged 84 ; and buried in the church there " by his fen Ji hn Salkeld, of Ulfeulme, gent. He left behind h.im feveral things of his compofition, fit " for the preis : among which were two ccnccrning coutroverfies between Rome and the church of " England ; and another of the end of the world ; which lalt, and one of the former, were conveyed to *' Loudon by his fon to his kinfmaw Sir lidw^rd Walker, Garter King of Arms, who, communicatino- " one of the faid former things to Dr. Samuel Parker, chaplain to Dr. Sheldon, Arehbilhop of Canter. " bury, to know of liir.i whether it was fit to be printed ; he found it a lolid piece, and the author of it •' learned,--but the dcfigu CaiTandticn." Wood's Oxon. Biography KirkofwaLf. In this parifh, in 1 676, Caleb Thrclkeld, tlie author of " A Treatife on the Native Plants of Ireland," ■was born. In 1698, he commenced A. M. in the univerfity of Glafgow ; and foon after fettled at Low Huddlefceugh, near the place of his birth, as a difienting minifter. During his refidence at Glafgow, lie liad acquired a tafte for botany and phyfic ; and continued to make a confiderable progrefs in thcfe lludies ; infomuch that, in 171 2, he took a dcftor's degree in phyfic at Edinburgh; and the next year, having but a fmall income and a large family, he removed to Dublin, and fettled there in the united charaftcrs of the Divine and the Phyfician, Finding himfelf likely to fucceed, in little moic than a year. 222 PARISH OF MELMERBY. f Leath Ward. oaks, afli, and firs. It is diftaiu from Carlifle about twenty miles, from Aldflon ten, from Penritii eight, and from Kirkofwald four. — The parifli is in length about two miles, and in width one mile. year, he fcnt for liis family, confiiling of a wife, three fons and three daughters. His praclicc as a phylician foon increafcd, fo far as to enable him to drop his other character entirely, and devote himfelf wholly to phyfic. Soon after his publifhing the Syyiopfts i^^irpiuiii Hibirnioarwn, he was taken with a violent fever, and died at his houfe in Mark's Alley, Frances-llreet. He was buried in the new burial ground belonging to St. Patrick's, near Cavan-ftreet ; to which place his obfequies were attended by a fet of children, educated by a fociety of gentlemen, to which inftitution he had aAed as phyfician. He was much i-egretted by the poor, to whom he had been, both as a man and a phyfician, a kind benefaftor. He meditated a general hiftory of plants ; but it does not appear, that he ever j ublilhed any thing, but the above-mentioned Synopfis, in Dublin, 1727, 8vo. pp. 262. After a dedication to the Archbilhop of Armagh, and preface, which, (though written in a quaint (lile proves him to have been a man of fome erudition In the fcience, he enumerates all the plants he had ohferved in the environs of Dublin, and all fuch as he had gained authentic intelligence of, from other parts of the kingdom. He gives firil the old Latin names, generally from Cafpcr Bauchine's Pinax ; then the Englifli name; and afterwards the Irifh : fubjoiuing fome account of the quality of the plant, and its ufe in medicin.', and ceconomy. Some curious obfervations moreover are interiperfed in his work: as for inilance, under the betula, or birch-tree, he fays, — " The Irifh Grammarians remark, that all the names of the " Irifli letters are names of trees." Under Iraijlca, he obferves, that the word is only the Celtic " praijfcagh put i; to a Latin termination ; the Latin itfelf being no other than the Celtic l.iiiguage cloath- " ed with the ^olic dialeCt, as Engllft is the Saxon, Teutonic, or Dutch language, cloalhed with Nor- " mandy French, as all antiquarians will allow." It is obfervable, that Threlkeld notices the good efFefts of the Lyfhrttm Salicarij, or Purplo-fpiked •wil- I0IU herb, or loofe-Jirife, in a dy fentery : a hmple of an aftringent quality, which cattle are fond of, though LIghtfoot fays, " it is rarely ufed in medicine." Yet, fince Threlkeld's time. Dr. Haven has ftrongly jccommended it in dyfentcries, and oblllnate dianhxas. (See Rafion/j Mcdendi, vol. L p. 226, 357.) He alfo fpcaks In high terms, and from his own experience, of the powers ufually attributed to the mcnyanthes trifoliuta, JKarch trcfj'tl, hog-hea7i, or (as It is generally pronounced in Cumberland, where the plant is common) hnck-hean. The very fenfible John V/ilfoK, of Kendal, (the I^inneus of the north, though of the old fchool) fpeaks of it as a great antifcorbutic ; very fcrvlceable for the gout, rheuma- tifm, and dropfy ; and much ufed in dict-drinks for thofe dlilempers. It is llkewile a good ilomachic, made ufe of in intermitting fevers ; and not unfrequently drank as tea, being, probably, as ploafant and as wholeiome as other Indigenous teas. LIghtfoot fays, the flowers of this plant are fo extremely beau- tiftd, that nothing but Its native foil could exclude it from a place in every garden. They grow in an elegant fpike ; are white, daflied with pink, and fringed internally with hairs. Threlkeld quotes from Dr. Vaughan, a cafe of the fatal effedl of the mackenbay, or Jiiackinghoy, or euphorbia Hybcnia. Dr. Molyneux has obferved, that t\\Q genijia fpinofa, or ulex foliis villofts acuiis, fphi'is fparfis, 'whins, furze, or goyfe, although common In other parts of Ireland, is not feen In the piovince of Connaught. If this ob- fervation be well-founded, it Is a very extraordinaiy faft. In the Appendix, printed from the papers of Dr. Molyneux, the reader will meet with many fuch obfervations, equally curious. Among others, an Inftance of the effefts of the roots of the hypifcyamus vulgaris, or common '-.en-bane, upon feveral ptrfons. who having eaten them Inllead of flclrrets, were affefted v.'Ith vertiginous fymptoms ; and in one cafe, a phrenzy enfued, which held the perfon two or three days. It is indeed well known, that the root, leaves, and feeds of this plant aie a mofl powerful narcotic ; they have been known to deprive men, for a while, of the ufe of their limbs, as well as reafon ; and yet, under the diredtlon of flcilful phyficlans, It Is a moil valuable medicine ; and, we believe, has lately come much into ufe. Moll of this article has been compiled from Pultney's Hlllor)- of Botany, a very ufeful and entertain- ing v."jrk BioGR.iPiUA CuiiB. THE [ 223 ] THE PARISH OF OUSBY. ULNESBY, alias Oulby, bur rightly Ulfsby, babitatio Ulfi fil. Olavi Dani. was the feat and manlion of one Olavel, whom the people commonly called UUf, a Dane or Norwegian, that after the fpoil of the country by the Danes (be- fore the conqueft of England by the Normans) featcd himfclf here, under the edo-e of thceaft mountains. He was one of the three fons of Haldan, the elder two were ThorgLiell and Melmor; Melmor and this Ulff were placed in this part of the country, and Thorguell at Thorguclby, near Kefwick. The pofterity of this UlfF were called Ulfneflies of this place, as the place itfelf took name of his firfl: build- ing • This parifh is computed to contain about 48 families. OUSBY RECTORY. Ded. St. Luke. — Bifliop of Carlifle patron. DECANATUS CUMBR. Kings B. 13I. 13s. 4d. Real value 100!. Pope Nich. V. ; K. Ed. II. 7 K. Hen. VIII. Eccl. de Ulnefby i il. 19s. od. \ 2I. os od. 3 Ulnefby als OufebyReAoria i RECTO RI A ECCLIE DIL ULLESBY. Cuthbertus Denton Reftoi ejufdem Ecclie de Ullefby habet munlion et Glebam dift Redloriel que valet coibs p.nnis. — — — — — — — f Idem Cutiibcrtus habet Gran, decim. toci dift. p'ochie que vaie't coibus annis. Idem Cutlibertus habet decim feni lini et canobi ditt. p'ochie que valet coib. annis. Idem Cuthbertus habet decim Agn. et Lan. que valenc communib. annis. — Idtm Cu'.hbertus habet Oblac. decim. minut. alb. decim. et aliis p'licuis libri pafchal. cu. 1 decim. uni molend. que valent. coib. annis. — — — — — r^?** Sm total, valoris 14I. 3s. od. dc quibs. Refoluc. Pens. 7 t 1 r 1 tt i- /-. 1 ir i- 1- ,, .. , }■ in pens, annual reioluc Ecclie Cath hs Ivarlii. — — — 6 8 benagn ac al. j ' J <-> o Et in refoluc I'po. Karlij p. Senagio an'tim folut. — — ^ — _ 3 Et in refoluc. dift. Epo. five p'cucon Vifitacon de trienuio in trienniu. 8s. et fie antim. 2 8 Sm deduct los. Et rem. 13I. 13s od. xma inde 27s. 3d halfpenny. EccL. Survey, 26, K. Hen. VIII. Rectors. — 1245. Roger Peytenin fubd. a baftard — 13O4, Gilb. de Haloughton, p. ref. Peytenin r>p. Haltoncol. — 13 I 2, Adam de Appleby — Robert dc Halghton, p. ref. Appleby — 1316, John Grayvil 15. D. p. ref. Caldbeck. — William de Denton — 1359, John de Welton, p. m. Denton — 1360, Robert dc Welton — 1361, Richard de Ulveniy, p. ref. Welton — 1361, Thomas de Kirkland, p. m. Ulvefby 1364 William dc Strickland, p. ref. Kirkland — 1364, John Watreward — 1376, Symon de Wharton Hugh Scwell — I 583, Hugh Rayfon, p. m Seaell — 161 I, Nicholas Deane, p. m. Rayfon — 1644, Leo Milburne — 1672, Thomas Roblnfon, A. B. p. m. Milburne — 1719, George Fleming, A. M. p. m. Robinfon 1735, Lane. Pattenfon A. M. on prom. Fleming to the fee; pr. mider the great feal — I 75(;, John Delap A. M. p. m. Pattenfon — 1766, William Raincock, A. M. p. ref. Delap — 1785, Chriftian elk. p. m. Raincock. 3l-i [33. cd. .£■ /. ^ijnS Oee /laqe 5i 7>. i D V>:p.:l^: ■Jfe/iaqf 11)9 llarke jlie end 7i;-^i7;«,tfignifying a habitation nigh the hanging ftones, op^. *• piduni adlapides antiquum penfdes." — As this is the largcft monument of the kind we have ever heard of, in order to flicvv its great antiquity, and if poffible to dilcover the original intention and rife of it, we will compare it with others in Britain, as treated of by learned antiquaries. It is formed on the fummit of an eminence, on an inclining plane, facing to the eaft. — The hills on that fide, at the dillance of two miles, overlook it. — It lies open to the fouth, and may be feen at the diftance of feveral miles, on the road from Temple-Sowerby to Penrith; and it is alfo open tov/ards the north, fo as to be difcovered at the diftance of feveral miles. On account of the inclination of the g;;ound on which it ftands, and the very fteep afcent, by which you rife from the r;vcr Eden to Little Salkeld, you cannot fee it on your approach, till you are juft upon it. Part of the ground within the area of the monument is ploughed, and heretofore the fences of the fields interfcded it, fo that from no quarter a proper view of the whole circle could be had, to take a drawing of it; but Mr. Lacy, to gratify the curious, is removing thofe obftacles. reafon to believe were then far more ftriftly and conftantly attended, than is now the fafhion) was aftually enjoined by " The Book of Sports ;" which, it is well known, the eftablifhed clergy long regarded, in oppofition to the puritanical ideas refpefting the obfervance of the fabbath, fo different from all the reft of Chriftendom, which were then but beginning to be countenanced. Mrs. Robinfon is not remcmbrcd witli equal refpcft. She is faid, in pure Cumberland pharfeology, to have been afviiple 7natterUfi hodi: by which is meant, not only that her underilanding was ordinary, but that the wanted management, and was hclplefs. Biograpiiia Cumb. ^ Denton's M. S. f According to Bullet, Aldenham funply and literally fignifies a pla» en the fummit of an hill. VOL. I. G g This 226 DRUID'S MONUMENT. [Leath Ward. This monument is called, by the country people, Long Meg and het Daughters : — it forms nearly an cxa6t circle ot three hundred and fifty paccsin circumference, ot mafly ftones, moft of which remain ftanding upright. Thefe are fixty-feven in num- ber, of various qualities and fpecies, not hewn nor touched with a tool; and their torm fhews they were gathered from the furface of the earth: fome are of blue and grey limeftone: fome flint, but moft: of them are granites — many ofthofe that are {landing meafure from twelve to fifteen feet in girt, and ten feet in height: — others much lefs in fize. — At the fouthern fide of this circle, about the diftance of 17 paces from its neareft part, is an upright column, naturally of a fquare form, of red freeftone, with which the country abounds, and of Avhich there is a fine quarry known to the Romans at Craivdiindale, not many miles diftant from this monu- ment.* This ftone is placed with one of its angles towards the circle; is near fifteen feet in girt, and eighteen feet high ; each angle of its fquare anfvvering to a cardinal point of the compafs. In that partof the circle, which is moft conti- guous to the column, four large flones form a fquare figure, as if they had fup- ported fome table ftone, or had inclofed a fpace more particularly kept holy than the reft. Towards the eaft, weft, and north, two ftones of great magnitude are placed in the circle, at a greater diftance from each other, than thofe in other parts, as if intended efpecially for entrances into this myftic round. What cre- ates great aftoniftiment to the fpedtator is, that the whole face of the adjacent country does not ftiew any ftones of the like magnitude or quality; and how fuch immenfe bodies could be moved, in an age when little of the mechanical powers (except the force of the lever) were known in this country, is not to be conceived. Whilft we ftood admiring this place, the following thoughts naturally occurred to our memory : — '* Time-hallow 'd pile, by fimple builders rear'd! " Myfterious round, through diftant times rever'd! " Ordain'd with earth's revolving orb to laftj " Thou bring'ft to fight the prefent and the paft." Dr. Ogihie's Fame of the Druids^ " Mark yon altar, " This wide circus, ' " Skirted with unhewn ftone; they awe my foul, ' " As if the very genius of the place ^1 *' Himfelf appear'd, and with terrific tread ^l " Stalk'd through this drear' domain," — ,, Know that thou ftand'ft on confecrated ground; " The mighty pile of magic-planted rock. Thus rang'd in myftic order, marks the place, | " Where, but at times of holieft feftival, J " The druid leads this train." Mason. j| In Nicolfon and Burn, this wonderful circle is defcribcd to be " about eighty " yards diameter," and that it confifts " of about fcventy two ftones, from above *' three yards high, to Icls than io many feet," — There is no need of a doubtful * Feeftone of a fimilar grit i« found upon Penrith fell. expreflion Leath Ward.] DRUID's MONUMENT. 227 exprefTion touching the number; the whole monument certainly confifts of fixty feven ftones. — " There is one ftone larger than the reft, which ftands about forty " yards from the circle towards thefouthwefl, being four yards in height, and near " two yards fquare at the bottom, and is hollow at the top, like a dijh, or Roman " altar." We examined the top of the column, and there is not now any hollow there, like the focus of the Roman altar, nor is it probable there ever was any. — (See the engraving.) — The fame authors thus proceed: " Doftor " To6d ftrtbrr olj/crvcs* that the northern people, as the Scythians, Scandians, " and others, who were moft tenacious of ancient cufloms, and from whom the " Britons are more imraediately defcended, did endeavour to perpetuate the me- " mory of all their great affairs, as the inauguration of their kings, the burials of " their generals and nobles, or victories over their enemies, by raifing and ordering " ftones and pyramids of prodigious magnitude. We are told that the eieilion of " a king of Denmark, in ancient times, was commonly had in this folemn manner. " As many of the nobles as were fenators, and had power to give their votes, agreed " upon fome convenient place in the fields; where, feating themfelves in a circle, " upon fo many great ftones, they gave their votes. This done, they placed their " new eleded monarch upon a ftone higher than the reft, either in the middle of " the circle, or at fome fmall diftance at one fide, and faluted him king. In " Iceland, to this day, there is fuch a company of ftones, which bear the name of " Kijtg-flolen, or the king's feat. Near St. Buriens, in Cornwalll, in a place which " the Cornifhmen called Bifcowe IFoune, are to be feen nineteen ftones fet in a circle, *' diflant every one about twelve feet from the other, and in the very centre, one " pitched far higher and bigger than the reft. So in Rollrich-Jlones, in Oxford fhire.the " largeft ftone is at fome little diftance from the circle. From all which, Dr. Todd " concludes, that fome Danifh or Saxon king was eletfted here for Cumberland. " All which may be very true, and yet thefe places not foley fet apart for the " inauguration of their kings, but for many other folemn rites and obfervanccs; " and generally, they feem to have been places dedicated to religions rites: It " is well known, that the Druids, in this kingdom, performed their adorations in " the open air, and within this kind of inclofure. And the hollow or bafon in the " top of the largely ftone here feemeth fomewhat to confirm this notion, as being " intended for a place of facrifice and oblation." We come now in the next place to confider what Camden and his editors fay of this monument. if " After Eden has received the Eimot, it haftens to the north by little inconfider- " able villages and forts, to the two Salkelds. At little Salkeld there is a circle of " Jlones, /evenly feven in number, each ten feet high; and before thefe, at the entrance, " afingle one, by itfelf fifteen feet high. This the common people call Long Meg, and the * From this expreflion, it la evident they copied the whole from Dr. Todd. \ In the middle of the circle, are two round plots of ground, of a different colour from the reil, and more ftony and barren. Towards Glatfonby is a fine fpring, and another furrounded by a large but (liallow fofle and vallum. — Southwell from this work, in the next inclofure, is a fmaller circle of 20 ilones, co feet diameter, and at fome diftance above it, another lingle ftone, regarding it as Meg does her circle. Gough'j Adds, to Camdem. G g 2 << refi 228 DRUID'S MONUMENT. [Leath Ward. *' rejl bfr daugb.'ers : and zvi thin ibis circle are two beaps of Ji ones, under which they "fay there are dead bodies buried ;" " and indeed it is pofTible enough thai this has " been a monument eredcd in memory of fome vidory. But as to thofe heaps in " the middle, they are no part of the monument, but have been gathered off the " ploughed lands adjoining, and, as in many other parts of the country, thrown up •' here in a wafte corner of the field. And as to the occafion of it, both this and " Roliricb Stones, in Oxfordlhire, are luppofed by many lo have been monuments " eredted at the folemn inveftiiure of fome Danifh kings, and of the fame kind as " the King-ftolen, in Denmark, and Morejieen, in Sweden, concerning which feveral " large difcourfes have been written," This monument is very fuperficially mentioned in the antiquarian Repertory, vol. I. p. 239, and the plate given of it is but a very faint reprefentation : fuch particulars in that defcription as are worth notice arc, — " That the column called *' Meg weighs about fixtcen tons and a half," — this is calculated on the fuperficial meafure of what appears above the earth's furface. — " The fame ridiculous ilory " is told of thefe ftones, as of thofe at Stonehenge i. e. that it is impofTible to count •' them, and that many perfons who have made the trial, could never find them «' amount twice to the fame number. It is added, that this was a holy place, and *« that Long Meg and her Daughters were a company of witches transformed into *' ftones, on the prayers of fome faint, for venturing to profane it:" fuch are the " trifles with which the public are amufcd. It is from a comparifon with other monuments in this ifland, of an apparently fimiliar kind, that we are moft likely to form a true judgment of that which is now under confideration: this will excufe us to the reader for fome degree of famenefs> and perhaps prolixity, which muft neccflarily attend fuch an inveftigation, — Roliricb has been named; we will therefore firft attend to what authors have faid on that monument. " Evenlode, a fmall rivulet, leaves in this utmofl borders of the county fto the " north-weft) a great monument of antiquity; a number of vaftly large ftones, «' placed in a circular figure, which the country people call Roll-rich Stones, and « have a fond tradition, that they were once men, and were turned into ftones. ** They are irregular, and of unequal height, and, by the decays of time, are grown " ragged and very much impaired. The higheft of them which lies out of the ** ring to the eaft, they call the king, becaufe they fancy he fliould have been " King of England, if he could have feen Long Compton, a village which is in " view at a very few fteps further; five large ftones, which, on one fide of the circle, »* are contiguous to one another, they pretend were knights or horfmen, and the «' others common foldiers. — [It is * a fingle circle of ftones, v.ith epiftyles or «' architraves, and of no very regular figure. Exceptf one or two, thercft of them are *' not above four feet and a half high. What the occafion of this monument might " be, is not hinted at by any infcription upon the ftones, nor by any other marks " about them: which feems to make it probable, at leaft, that it was not ereded « in memory of any perfons that were buried there. For, if fo, we might exped: • Plot. p. 339. f Aubur. M. S.. " (as Leath Ward.*! DRUID'S MONUiMENT. 229 " (as X in other places of this kingdom) to meet with a crofs, or fomething of that " kind, implying the defign, if Chriftian; or if Pagan, we might expert to find " barrows at fome fmall diftance. Befidesa curious antiquary (Ra. Sheldon, Efq.) " making a diligent fearch in the middle for fome remains, which might lead us " to the firlt defign, and particularly for bones, found himfelf difappointed. " Though, if we may take an ettimate of this, from another of the like nature, the " bones (if there are any) may more probably be met with, without § the circle, " as they were found fome years ago, at a little diflance from that at Kynet, in «• Wiltfliire; and have been formerly found at the famous Stonehcnge.] " One may then imagine this monument to have been raifed in memory of " fome vidiory obtained here, perhaps by Rolla the Dane, who afterwards pof- " feffed himleif of Normandy." Strut in his Chronicle, p. 247, concludes, " that the leflTer circles of f^ones, " which abound in this kingdom, may have been the places appointed for the " provincial courts ; fuch an one, without doubt, was the circle of fiones now " called Rollrich." Extra5l from the Manufcripts of Roger Gale, Efq. From Mr. GALE to Dr. STUKELY. " SIR, " Laft Saturday morning I had the fatisfacftion of feeing the flones " called Rollrichy which are but a molehill to a mountain, if compared with thofe " we faw at Sionehenge and Abury, as I doubt net you will agree, upon my giving *♦ you the bed defcription I can of them, as alfo that they have been entirely of *• another nature and defign. They are pitched upon the top of a hill, about half " a mile fouth-eaft of a village called Long Compton, jufi: within a hedge that " now parts a ploughed field from a heath. They compofe a ring not exatftly cir- " cular, the diameter of it from north to fouth, being thirty-five yards, and from ♦' eaft to weft but thirty-three. The ftones are of very unequal dimenfions, both " in height and thicknefs, few of them exceeding four feet in altitude, and fome " of them reaching fcarce two ; the breadth of them is fo various, that I muft have " meafured every one to have given it you ; neither can I tell you the original " number, fome being thrown down and broken, and others carried away: but " there are now twenty-two ftanding, and fome of them pitched fo clofe together, " edge by edge, that it is evident they were intended to form a clofe wall. The " thicknefs of them is not above fourteen or fixtcen inches at the moft. Where *' the entrance of it was, is hard to fay pofitively, there being at prefent many " fmooth gaps in the ring, but as there is a large one diredly north-ealf, in a " line with the King, as they call it, I am perfuadcd it was in that place. This King " is a great ftone, which the country people fancies to reprefent a man on horfe- •* back, ftanding eighty-four yards north-eaft from the circle, eight feet high, feven •' broad in the broadsftpart, and about twelve inches thick, and has, as appears by % See Cornwall. f Kynet in Wilts. Kynet ii famous for the many barrows which are near it, in which human bones have been difcovered. " the 220 DRUID'S MONUMENT. [Leath Wari>. " the grit of the ftone, been taken out of a quarry, as well as thofe attendants he " has in the circle, within an hundred yards of his majefty ; which obfervation of " mine much dilpleafed my landlord, who came from Chipping Norton to fhew " me the Petrified Court, as it is believed to be by the whole country, and he that " dares contradidc this creed of theirs, is looked upon as a moft audacious free- " thinker. I had like to have forgot, that juft in the north point of the circle, is " alfo Handing one ftone much larger than the reft, being feven feet high, and five " inches and half broad. I could obferve no trench running round it, which, if " there ever had been one, mud ftill have fhcwn itfelf upon the heath ; nor any " marks of an avenue leading to it, as at Stonehenge or Abury, nor any barrows " or tumuli within view of it, only a bank to the north of the King about ten " yards, in length about twenty yards, and in breadth feven, flat, but uneven at " the top, as if formed out of the rubbifh of the neighbouring quarry : in all pro- " bability it is as ancient as the King himfelf, 1 mean cafl: up at the fame time that " he was eredled there, the country tradition joining them both together in a rhyme, '* in every body's mouth: — "If Long Com p ton thou can ft fee, " Then King of England thou fhalt be." " You cannot fee Long Compton where this king ftands, but if you ftep but a " yard to the north of him, it difcovers itfelf over the top of this bank, which in- " terccpted your view of it. " I am, dear Sir, " Your moft humble fervant, U-'orceJler, Augujl 19, 17x9," " ROGER GALE. The next fubjedl of this fort to be confidered in this comparifon is Stone-henge, in Wiltftiire. Camden and his editor give the following account : " About fix miles north of Salifbury, on the plains, is to be feen infanafubftrunio «' (to ufe Cicero's words) that is a wild kind of ftrudure. For wuhin a trench, " are placed huge unhewn ftones, in three circles, one within another, in the figure " of a crown, fome whereof are twenty-eight feet in height, and feven in breadth, on " which others like architraves are borne up, fo that it fcems to be a hanging pile; " from whence we call it Stonehenge, as the ancient hiftorians, from its greatnefs, " call it Gigantwn Chorea, the giant's dance. [It is fituated on a rifing ground, <' environed with a deep trench, ftill appearing, and about thirty feet broad. «' From the plain it has had three entrances, the moft confiderable of them lying «' north-cart ; at each of which were raifed, on the outfide of the trench, two huge " ftones gateways ; parallel whereunto, on the infidc, were two others of lefs pro- " portion. After one has paifed this ditch, he afcends thirty-five yards, before he «• comes at the work itfelf, which confifts of four circles of ftones. The outward " circle is about one hundred feet diameter, the ftones whereof are very large; ■' four yards in height, two in breadth, and one in thicknefs. Two yards and a " half within this great circle, is a range of leflcr ftones. Three yards further is " the Leath Ward.] DRUlD's MONUMENT, 231 " the principal part of the work, called, by Mr. Inigo Jones, The Cell, of an irre- *' gular figure, made up of two rows of (tones ; the outer of which confifts of great *' upright ftones, in height twenty feet, in breadth two yards, and in thicknefs one " yard. Thefe are coupled at the top by large tranfome Hones, like architraves, " which are feven feet long, and about three and a half thick. Within this was " alfo another range of lelfcr pyramidal floncs, of about fix feet in height. In the " inmoft part of the Cell, Mr. Jones obferved a ftone (which is now gone) ap- " pearing not much above thefurface of the earth, and lying towards the eafl, four " feet broad, and fixtcen feet long.] " Our countrymen reckon this among the wonders of the nation. For it is un- " accountable, how fuch ftones fliould come there, (feeing all that country wants or- " dinary ftones tor building) and by what means they were raifed. Of thefe things " I fliall not attempt any exadt account, but only lament, that the founders of this •' noble monument cannot be traced out. Yet it is the opinion of fbme, that " thefe ftones are not natural, or fuch as are dug out of the quarries, but artificial " of fine fand, cemented together by a glewy fort of matter ; like thofe monu- " ments which I have feen in Yorkfliire." — " And this is no new thing; for do " we not read in Pliny, that the fand of Puteoli, if covered with water, is prefently " turned into ftone? And that theciftcrns at Rome, being made of fand and ftrong ♦' lime, are fo tempered, that they feem to be real ftone? And that fmall pieces ** of marble have been fo cemented, that ftatues made of it have been taken for " one entire piece of marble. [However others who have viewed them, and par- " ticularly Mr. Inigo Jones, who hath written an entire difcourfe concerning them, «' affirm that they are purely natural.] The tradition is, that Ambrofius Aurelia- " nus, or Uther his brother, erecfted it by the help of Merlin, the mathematician, " in memory of the Britons there ftain by treachery, in conference with the Saxons, •' From whence Alexander Necham, a poet of the middle age, in a poetical way, " but without any great fancy, made the following verles, grounding them on the " Bririfti Hiftory of Geoffrey: — " Nobilis efl lapidum ftru£Jura, Chorea Gigantutn " Ars expertafuum pojfe, peregit opus. " ^iod ne proderit in litcem/egnius, artem *' Se, virefque Juas conjuluiffc rear. " Hoc cpiis adjcribit Met lino garrula fama, " Filia figment i f alula vana refert " Ilia congerie Jertiir decoratafuijfe " Tellus, qua miltit tot Palamcdis aves. " Hinc lanlum munusfu/cepit Hibernia gaudens, " Nam virtus lapidi cui libet amplajatis. " Nam rejperjus aquis magnum transfundit in ilia " Vim quels curari f — as if k'e ii:ere the only real god, •whilft others lu.r." tither flxcping, or gone abroad, cr ivere no g'jds. " It is probable," faith a learned man, ( Mr. Arthur Young) " that the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico «* were built for this purpufe, as well as to be for burial-places for their kings. It is certain, in :v/cxico. " they were 10; — the plain tops to facrifice on, confirms this: and the crefting fuch ftuptndous places *< for worlhip made it go down better with the people. God therefore recommended that the Ifrat-lites' ** altars (hould have no if fembl nee to thofc idolatrous altars, but be made of fods, or unhewn ftones, and *' not with many Heps, as the word may be trar>(lated, like the pyramids or altars of the Egyptians." " It is remaikable, that Piato, in his i3ook of I^aws. xii. p, 955, orders that all tlsings belonging to. <■' the fervice of God Ihould be very nniple and plain, without any cod or ornament: and therefore for- " bids gold filver, or iv ry,bccaufe they were things too apt to raife envy; and brafs and iron he would « not have ufed, becaufe they were the inlhuments of war: but one fingle piece of wcod or ftone was to " ferve for an altar; and that too fuch r.n one as could be made in a day's time. The auther of I'xpli- « cation des Te.x'.es Difficiles, &c. p. 60, attempts to prove, that iron, as ufed in war, was always elleemed. •< i?/iparex" ea.ch Leath Ward.] DRUID's MONUMENT. 251 tes in its name. Nothing can be more puerile, than the notion that it was fo called, merely from a raijcd heap of flones ; and from fome imaginary King of Cumberland, whom Joffery of Monmouth, the firff fabricator, we believe, of this idle fable, calls Diuwunl. Of a noble race was Shenkin. We have already obfcrved, that a general meeting of the whole nation, or of all the inhabitants of a diftriLt, convened to deliberate on the public affairs, and to pafs laws, was called a mallumy mallum-motf. The town of Malmjburj/y and perhaps our own MeLmerby too, is literally an hili, in which one of thefe mallum-jnotes was held. Every (hire, every municipal lown in Britain, whenever a town or circular ftaccade came to have a political incorpoiation, had its mallum. In thefe mallnm- motes, or parley-motes, every arreft, or acff, that was pafTed was called dnn-xvallo, which literally imports the iviit done, ox enabled ; a phrafe exadly equivalent to our 3(51 of parliament.! Hence Duti-zvalloght , in the parifli of Cumrew ; hence Dun-mallard, an hill near Ullfwaler; and hence too Dim-mail -raije. In the parifli of Addingham are three fevera! manors; Gla[fonhy\ and Gameljhy% were anciently united, and bounded to the weft by the rivulet that falleth from the caflcrn mountains through the park of Kirkofv/ald ; and to the eafi: by an exten- five traft of mountainous land in Aldfton Moor. One Hildred held the above- mentioned manors by the grant of King Henry I. under two fhillings cornagc; his great grand-daughter, King John gave in marriage to William de Ireby ; he had two cohcireffes, one of whom poffcircd thefe manors, and married Lafcelles of Bolton, whofe daughter married Thomas Seaton, and their ifTue, Chriffopher, forfeited by being a partizan with Robert Bruce and the Scots, in the reign of King Edward I. ■ The like at Ne\vca{lle upon Tync, and fiinjiy other places. — The bifliop's copyliold court at Dur- ham is called the Hallmote court, &c. &c. Thr Editors. f Dun, in the old law records, is applied for a hill — fo that the dun-^nlto was the la-w of tit kill, or place of congrefs. The Editors. X, The Green Vittage — from the Celtic ^^A?/, green, blue, azure, &c. J The Winding, or Grooked Village. It is remarkable, that there (hould be another village of this name, in this county ; viz. in the parifh of Aikton, Thefe 254 ADDINGHAM. [Leath Ward. Thefc pofTefnans were given by the crown to William Latimer, who was great grandfather of Elizabeth, wife of John Neville, father of Ralph Neville, Earl of Weflmorland. He gave his eftates in Cumberland to his fecond fon, George Lord Latimer, v\ hofe daughter and heirefs married John Lord Neville, of Raby. In the reign of King Henry VI I L four coheirefles were feized of thefe manors, from whom they palled to the Dacres, fo to the Fines, then to Leonard, Earl of Suflex, whofe daughters and heirelFes fold them to Sir Chriflopher Mufgrave. The third is the manor of Little Snlkeld* given in 1292, to the prior and con- vent of Carlifle, after whofe dillolution, it was given to the dean and chapter. There was anciently a chapel at Little Salkeld, which in 1360. being polluted by blood{hed, the vicar was allowed to officiate in the vicarage houfe, on account of the great diftance of the mother church, till the defccration lliould be removed. f The church is vicarial, J and of about the yearly value of i4jl. It was an ap- pendage to the manor, till about the year 1245, when one Chriltian Lafcelles, who afterwards married Lord Robert Brus, gave it to the priory of Carlille : it was afterwards duly appropriated and confirmed to King Edward I. Here * A mixed manor — Cullomary rent 81. 14s. — A fburpenny fine on change of tenant — The tenants are entitled to all the wood. ■\ This parifli, in the year 1750, confided of ijphmifes; in 1781, of 1 1 8 ; which contained 534 inhabitants, of whom one in 66 three-fourths dies annually. t. ADDINGHAM VICARAGE. Dedication St. Michael — Pr. and Con. Carl. Propr. — Dean and Chapter of Carlifle Patrons. DECANATUS CUiVlB. Pope Nich. V. T K. Edw. II. T K. Hen. VIII. ^Ad"n\lm^llfoT^df' 3 ^"'■^''^'^^'"'''^ jAdynhamVic £c, 4 6 Real value j^ 1 40. Incumbents. — 1292, Robert de Scardeburg, pr. pri. and con. Carl. — William de Beverlay — 1316, GefF. de Generton, p. rcf. Beverlay, pr. ibid — Adam de Wigton — 1362, Walter de Kelton, p. m. WIgton — 1477, Thomas Lowther — John Auilen — 1574, Geo. Stubb, p. m. Aiiflen — 159'> Edward Mayplctt — 1636, Lewis We.1, A. J-l. was ejecled by Cromwell's command, and replaced at the rello- ratioii — \G(^^, Wdliam Sill, A. M. p. m. Weft. In his time a leafe of the tithes of Little Salkeld was granted by the dean and chapter, in augmentation of the vicarage. — Henry Aglionby — 1697, Thomas Nevinfon, p. m. Aglionby — 1698, WilHam Nicolfon, p. ref. Nevinfon, — 1702, John Chriftopherfon, A. M. pref. by the crown, on Nicolfon's promotion to the fee of Carl. — 1758, Edward Birket, A. M. p. m. Cbrirtopherfon, pr. d. and c. CarL — 1768, John Temple, cl. p. m. Birket. — 1 792, William Paley, A. M. archdeacon, and chan. of Carl. p. m. Temple. VICARIA DE ADINGH'M. Joh'es Darneton canonic, regular monafterij btx Marix virginis Karlij vicari. ejufdem habet T /". manfionem glebam, dift. vie. cujus reftoria ap'p'priat. et annexa eft p'oci eccUe Cathli. > o Carlij et co'ven. ejufdem, que vale't p' annu. — — — — — J Idem Johes liabet decim. feni, lini et canobi diftae parochae, que valent com'ib annis — o : Idem Joh'es habet decim. Ian. agn. et vitulor quas valent p' a'an co'ib anuis — — 5 Idem Joh'es habet oblacon. minut. altarag. et albe. decim cu. p'ficius libri pafchalis, que va-7 Ic't p' annu. co'ibs annis. — — — — — — — 3 Sm. totius valoris 9I. 9s. lod. de quibs. 'f Kfri (■ In refoluc epo Karlij p. fenagio annuatim foliit. — — — 040 et u .1 . J ^^ /. d. »3 20 4 3 4 53 2 i Lrath Ward/ ADDINGHAM. 255 Here is a poor Hoc k of 52I. and at Maughanby, a free fchool,§ founded in 1634, by Mr. Edward Mayplett, fome time prebendary of Carlifle, and vicar here ; ■who took the belt care he could 10 fettle the lands, purchafcd for that purpofe, in Frank-Almoign : but, about the beginning of the prefent century, the Lord of Melmerby recovered the feignory, as not devifeable by his ancefTor, v. ho pretend- ed ro fell It; lb that now they arc again fincable :;{: there is alfo another free fchool at Gawtree.* £. s. d. Et in conf. pcncon vifitacon. epi. p. diet, de tricxnio in trienniu. 5s. et fic a'litim — 0016 lit rem. ol. 4s. 6d. xma inde iSI. os. jd. fartliing Extent.] Eight miles E. and W. — two and a half miles N. and S. Soil and Produce.] Soil varies much • about Salkeld, and near the banks of Eden, fertile, pro- ducing good oats and barley, with a httle wheat, and fome turnips — The other parts oats and barley, with a few potatoes — Much hay ground in fmall inclofures and open doles. Agriculture,] Little attended to; — and breeding horfes and cattle is alfo neglefted. SufKP.] Dtpatlurtd on the mountains, of the native Cumberland kind, about 4000. Weddcrs, 4 years old, bring about ice. and ics. 6d. a-piece — 7 fleeces to the ftone, worth 7s. FuEL.l Chiefly peat, with fome few coals fiom Renwick and Hartflde. Roads.] From Kirkofwald to Appleby, and from Penri.h to Aldllon, in tolerable good repair. Rivsr, AND QuARRifs.] The rivcr Edcn is the chief; fome fmall brooks water parta of this parifh.— The quarries are of red freeftone. Buildings.] In general pretty good — Mr. Lacey has built a neat houfe in Little Salkeld, on the call banks of Eden. Poor Rate.] Collefted by purvey. In Hiinfanb}- quarter, there arc landswhich were given for the maintenance of the poor, worth 3CI a-year, which is a fuflicient fuppoit; in the fame quarter is a foun- dation for a Ichool, which produces 26I. a-year ; fo that neither fchool nor poor coft the inhabitants an£ thing. Maughanby Ichool is free for the parifh at large, the revenue <^6I. los. per annum. TiTHtf.] Chiefly paid in kind. Tenure of Lands.] Chiefly freehold. AsTKipiTiES.J The Roman rtrad called Maideti-'u'ayXezQs through this parifli; and in many part* is dill very confpicuous — Py the fide of the river Eden there are evident remains of houfes. Tradition fays, here was a village called Addingham, which has given name to the whole parifh. ( OMMON s.] A large traft of mountain land, and alfo much low common land — The high land, facing to the weft affords good pafliurage ; but the low common is very barren. Aspect, &c.] The front of the mountain is green, and wears an agreeable afpeft, or countenance, having no heath ; — the arable Innd, near to the fliirts of the hills, lies in doles, and v/ithout the flielter of wood. About GameKby and GlafTonby there is fome wood — near l.ong-Mcg the country is level and bare — towards Eden, on the banks, the fields are inclofed with quickfcts, and planted with trees— About 26 acres were planted with oaks and other fortft trees laft year. Air.] Cold and piercing. Housman's Notes. (J The revenue, as certified on Bifhop Nicolfon's primary vifitation, 1 704 — A large fchool-houfe, a manfion-houfe, a barn and cow houfe — Low Clofc 8 acres — School Field 12 acres — Baron Crott 4 acres —Crook-Tree 6 acres — Low Whins 10 acres — High Whins 20 acres — New Ruft 8 acres — A cuftom- aiy ellate, 8s. yearly flneable rent — 3s. 4d. free rent to the dean and chapter of CarUfle, and is. cornage. \ Birtiop Nicolfon's Manufcript Survey of the Dioccfe of Carlifle. • This was founded by one Jofeph Hutchliifon, and endowed with lands about the yearly value of 20I. THE [ 256 ] THE PARISH OF LANGWATHBY,* WHICH means an habitation or village near a long or wide ford, lies co- wards the fouth, having the river Eden to the well, Kirkland on the fouth and fouth-eaft, and Addingham on the north and north-eaft. It is a manor of the Duke of Devon (li ire's, and the tenants do their fuit and fervice at the court held at Penrith, though it is no diftricft of Inglewood. " Liuig- ivaihby villa five habitalio Waldeoji longi : it is called in the records at Weftminfler, Long-voaldeof-by ; where it isalfo recorded, that King Henry I. gave it to Henry, Ton of Swcne, together with Edenhall. HowbeiL this town did not long con- tinue with him nor his pofterity ; for the king fliortly after held it as regium dovii- iiiium. King John had poflTcflion of it. Henry III. gave it to Alexander, King of Scots, in part of 200I. land granted to the Scots, A. D. 1237, in the 27th of his reign, by compofition, for the releafe of Cumberland and Northumberland, and other things in demand. The King of Scots enjoyed it till John Baliol for- feited his lands J thenceforth they did continue till Richard II. 's time in the crown. He granted thofe in CumbcrLuid to Radulph Nevil, Earl of Weflmor- land, and Johan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, whofe grandchild, Richard, Earl of Warwick, did forfeit them to Edward IV, who granted them to the Duke * This panfli, in the year 1750, confided of 40 houfes ; in 1 781, of 32, which contained 193 inha- bitants, ot whom one in 50 dies annually. LANGWATHBY VICARAGE. Eight acres glebe — lol. paid out of cum tithes — Prcfc. hay ll. is. I id — Small tithes in kind — Tjt. 25I. ♦ Extent.] Two miles and a half S. and N. — One mile E. and W. Soil a-ho Produce.] A narrow.' and barren common towards the eaft. — The other lands may be di- vided into three aflbrtments — lil, The holm land, near Eden, level, well inclofed, loamy foil, produces barley, oats, and hay in good perftftion. — The farmers begin to till for wheat with fuccefs. — 2d. Lands eaft of the holme, r^nd r.oiUi of the town, good and ferule, well inclofed, inchne to the weft — fomewhat inferior in crops to the firft diviiion. — 3d, Lately inclofed from the common, fouth of the town, fenced with ftone walls ; in many parts very barren, and will require much culture to grow oats and birley well. Tenements and Rents ] Tcnenents from 40I. to locl. a year, moftly cultivated by the proprie- tors : houfes are well built ; the village is warmly fituated on Eden's banks. — The holme lands 30s. per acre — the common lands from 8s. to 10s. on an average. SiiEiiP-] About 1200, but their fummer pafturage is hired out on Tyne-head fell, and Mardale fell, in Weftmorlaiid, at 6s. per fcore. Cattlt.] Not remarkable for number or ^vlq. Game.] Hares and Partridges. Roads.] To Penrith and Appleby very bad in winter. River.] Eden, over which is a fine ftone bridge of three arches, that communicates with Edenhall.— Plenty of .trouts and eels. Schools.] None. Poor Rate.] Raifcd by the purvey, amounting to about 38I. a-year. Housman's Notes. We acknowledge our obligations to the Rev. Mr Lewthwaitc, Reftor of Hutton, for much infuirma- tion touching this and many other patllhes. The Editors. of Leath Ward.] PARISH OF KIRKLAND. 257 of Gloucefler, his brother, afterwards king, by the name of Richard III. And ever fince, this and the reft have continued regimn domiuicum."X Langwathby continued in the crown till the reign of King William III. when it was granted by that fovereign to the anceftor ot the prefcnt Duke of Portland, who lately fold it and all his Cumberland pofleflions to the Duke of Devonfliirc. The church was lately rebuilt at the charge of the parifhioners; it is filled vi- carial, though faid to be parcel of the parifli of Edcnhall, it doth not occur in Pope Nicholas's valor, or that made in the time of King Edward il. nor is it mentioned in the Ecclefiaftical Survey made in the 26th year of King Henry VIII. unlefs this was the chantry of St. Mary, in Edenhall. The vicar of Edenhall officiates here, and at Edenhall church, alternately. THE PARISH OF KIRKLAND IS the extreme parifli of this part of the county of Cumberland, towards the fouth and fouth-eaft, being feparated from Weftmorland by a rivulet, (Lownthwaite, Crowdundic, or Newbiggin beck) which rifes near the top of Crofs-fell, and is difcharged into the river Eden a little below Templc-Sowerby bridge. It is diftant from Carlifle about twenty-three miles, from Penrith ten, and from Appleby eight: is bounded by Aldfton, Oufby, Langwathby, Brougham, in Weftmorland, Cliburn, and Kirby-Thore, Newbiggin, and Miiburn; and is divided into three conftablewicks, Kirkland and Blencarn one, Skirwiih one, and Culgaiih the third. The name of Kirkland may have arifcn from this diftridt's appertaining to the church of Carlille. The townfliip and manor of Kirklandf are but fniall, but the parifli comprehends three other manors, Blencarn, Skirwith, and Culgaith. The \ Denton's MvS. •f This parifh confifts of four divlfions, Kirkland, Blencarn, Skirwith, and Ciilgaitli; Kirkland hath 59 inhabitants, Blencarn 172, Skirwith 172, and Culgaith 202; in all 612 of the cluuch of England. In 1750, this parifh contained 145 houies; in the year 1 78 1, of 134, which contained 673 inhabi- tants, of whom one in 67 dies annually. The manor of Kirkland confifts of 14 tenements held under Sir Michael le Fleming, all enfranchifed. KIRKLAND RECTORY. Dcdic. St. Lawrenc:. — Prior and conv. Carl, piopr. — Dean and chapter patron?. — Real val. I lol. P. Nicli. V. \ K. Edw, II. i K. Hen. VIII. Eccl. de Kirkland £^o o oj jTB o o | Kiikland rertoria ^R 100 Incumbents — 1294, Adam de Newcallle — 1306, Gilbert de Haloghton — 133'), William de Den- ton — 137^1 John de Langholmc — 1379. John de Pcnreth, p. m. Langholme — Thomas Aglionby — 1581, Anthony Gofling, by lapfe — John Kohinfon — 1632, Edward ^hcgg, p. tef Robinlon, pr. d. and c. Carhfle— 1681, John Ardrey, B. D.— 16S4 Hugh Todd, A. M.— 16R5, Daniel Mayer, A. M. p. ref. Todd — 1694, Matthew bpooner, A. M. p. m. Mayer — 1703, George Fleming, A. M. p. m. ^ipooner — I7I7» John Chtillopherfjn, B. D. p. ref. Fleming — 1730, Edward Birket, A. M. p. ref. Chnftophtrfon — 1 768, Henry Riehardfon, elk. p. m. Birket— 1785, Jofeph Gilbanks, elk. p. m. Richardfon. VICARIA ECCLIE P'OCHIAL DE KYRKLAND. Thorns Byrkhedc Canonic Karlij vicarius ejufdem Ecclie habet manfionem et glebam que 7 £• '• '^• vaient per. annu. coibus annis. — — — — — — —.30 40 5 VOL. I. LI Idem 2S8 PARISH OF KIRKLAND. [Leath Ward. The church was rectorial, and fome time in the patronage of the Bifhop of Carlifle. In the reign of King Henry VI, it was granted to the priory of Car- lifle, and with other poiTeffions of that religious houfe came to the dean and chapter at the time of the diffbiution. Blencarn* was part of the barony of Adam fon of Sweine, which was of fuch magnitude. £■ 3 o o J. S 35 Idem Thomas habet Decim. albe, que vale't coib. a 'is. — — — — Idem Thomas habet Decim. feni linl et canobi diet p'ochie, que vale't coibus a'is. Idem Thomas habet oblac. minut. decas cu. p ficius libii pafchalis que vale't coibus ais. Sm total valorls 81. 1 6s. od. De quibus. ^ffsiMd"''^'} ''° refolut. Epo Karlij p. Senag. annuatim folut. — — Et in cons, p'cucon vifitac. dicl Epi de triennio in trienniu. 6s. Et fie annuatini. - Sum deduct. 6s. Et Rem. 81. ics. od. xma inJe 17s. EccL. Si'RVEY, 26th of K. Hen. VIII. 36 4 2 d. o o o Poor.] No workhoufc — the poor rate is raifed by the purvey — the yearly rental of lands is abouP 3Jccl. River.] Every owner of lands on the banks of the river Eden claims the right of fifting to the mid- ftream, within his own bounds; but tlie fiiliery is of no great value. Fuel.] Chiefly coals, 6d. a Winchetter bulhel; turf and peat zs. a cartload, with one horfe. Soil.] In Culgaitli and Kirkland, deep and fertile — Skirwith, light and fandy — Blcncarn, llrong with clay. — There is alabafter at Culgaith, but its ufe in hufoandry not yet proved. Coal.] At Ardalehead, a uifputed rig'.t, but now wioiig'.it. by 6ir Michael le Fleming — Lead wrought by the Crackemhorps. Lime ] Much ufed in hufbancr)' of late vear?, jd the 'Wincbeftcr bufhel. Wood.] Oak, Ijcech, chefnut, tirs, and alh thrive remarkably well in Mr. Yates's plantations. Husn.iNDRV.] Grafs lands hold much tlie greatcil (hare. Cattle.] Kot lemarkable — Heifers, at three years old, bring 3I. los. and oxen 7I. a-piece. Cheep.] Of the Ciort Scots breed, about 4000 depalluredon the '.y.ountalns — Weddeis bring about 12s. a pipce — Ewes about c,s fome of an inferior fort no more than 7s. 6d. — Seldom any Iambs are fold — Sheep will endure great hardihips, when overblown and buried in fnow by a ftomi — in 1 7 85, fome fhecp funived after being covered 50 days 1 — They were remarked to caft their wool, and recover their eyefight, though taken out b:in J, and afterwards became as healthy as the reft of the flock, fed well, and were fold for as good prices as their fel'ows, who had fared better in the ftorm. Cattle overblown, have been known to fuivive twenty four davs, and Handing on theiv feet all the tune! KoRSE3.] The breed is improving very much, by the attention of the huftandman — They now bring to nia'ket carriage horfes and hunters of conilderable price; mares at 4 years old, woith from 15I. to 20I. and geldings from 20I. to 30I. and fome at 5 years old fell for 40I. Game.] Black game, the largeft weighed 41b. 307,. — groufe 28 oz. — woodcocks 1501. and a half— hare t lib. v ne meafured from fore-feet to hind-feet, 3 feet 5 inches and a half. Antiq.uitips.] The MaiJcr.-ivay is very confpicuous in many places in this panfh, of the breadth of 8 yards. About 200 yards enll of this Roman road are the Hanging Wa'.h oj Mark A".thony, without any pofl'ible reafon to be affigned for the name. They confift of three terraces, the manifeiti work of art, immediately rifiug one above the other, and each elevated between 4 and 5 yards, they are 200 yards in length, and the plain at the tv:)p of each ten in breadth. On the top, called Baron'a Hill, the j.r .buik out of the donacions mentioned in the notes, and was :crated in the year 175S, by Bilhop Ofbaldilton, Lands were purchafed wiih The confecrated the augmentation money, &c. which yield, with other dues, an income to the incumbent of about 70I. a-vcar. THE " venis patronus t xittit, certas miff.is fingiilis ebdomadis ex cauiis legitimis celebrari, nee non iingu'is dicbus " dumiiiiois aquam et pancm bciiedici faceie teneatur, prout etiam rectores ejufdem ecclefiae, qui pro " tempore f.ierunt faceie confiievciuut; tamcn modcnius Ilcftor difta: ecclefiae id iacere haftenus recufavit «' et recufat, in animse fua periculuin, et detriments m habitatoriim difti loci, et diminutioiiem diviiii " cult Lis: Quare pro parte prs-fati doraicelli nobis fiiit humilitcr fupplicatum, ut fuper prx-mifiis oppoitunc '• providere pateina dilicccntia curaremus. Q^iocirca Frnternitati tuae per Apoftolica fcripta mandamus, " quatenus vocatis qni fuerirt vocandi, et auditis hinc inde prepofitis, quod juflum fuerit (appellatiout " rer.u.ta) dtcernas, faciens qucd dccreveris per ctnfuriim ccclefiafticam firmitcr obfervari. Teiles autcm " (lui futrunt nominati. fi fe gratia, odio, vtl amore fubilraxeiint, cenfura iimili (appellatione ceflaute) « comjiellas vtritati teftimonium prohibere. Datum RuniK apud fanftum Petrum, anno incarnationis «« domini millefimo quadringintefimo quinquagefimo fexto, quinto die Maii, pontificatus nolln anno " fecundo." The original is in the hands of the Rev. J. D. Carlyle of Carlifle. I'he revenue ceitified in 1739. j^. Ancient falary by the inhabitants — — — — 3 Additional ditto — — — — — — — 2 Chape! yard worth per ann. — — — — — o One graffing in the town paflure — — — — o 8 S o 6 £6 o 10 1759, A'.TTmenteJ — — — — — — 200 By will of lohn Dalfton, Efq. Acionbank. — — — 60 By will of Ch. Bowetbank — — — — - 160 His brother and executor added thereto — — — 40 By anonymous, through Dr. Bolton, D. ofCailifle — — 7© Second augmentation — — — — — 200 Third au-rinentatlon — — — — — — 200 J^ A'3o A difpute has lately fubfifted between the vicar of Kirkland and the inhabitants of Culgaith, touching the nomination to this chapel; but the inhabitants relinquilhing their claim, the vicar has nominated the Rev. Jol'.n Clarke Gilbanks. On the diviiion of the common, an allotment of 100 acres was appropriated to the fupport of a fchool; the cofts of the inclofure and of buildings on the allotment have incumbered the lands with 1 2I a-year. — •I 81. a-yenr remains to the mailer, who teaches about forty foundation fcholars. There are here the remains of ancient archery, mounds called the Butt-hiUs, diftant about 93 yards from each other, they were perfcft till after the inclofure of Culgaith moor. Ib cultivating Culgaith moor, feveral urns were found full of aflies, in the year 1 77 J. — .'^bout ten year* ago, a p.ifon in getting ilones for the inclofurcs, difcovcred two repolitories of the dead, one circular, the other of an oblong fquarc, covered over with fine turf, which rendered them verj- confpicuous, as all the adjoining land was covered with long heath, — the circle was about five yards in diameter within, each of them were inclofed with an earth nnund, in which were placed at equal diftances, four urns Handing upright, the mouths of each covered with a flat ftone, and the contents pieces of bones and afhts, the covenng of earth was not above fix or eight inches thick. — The fquare was not above ten yards diftant from the circle, but no urns were found therein, and the difcoverer did not fcarch to any depth fpr other remains. On the other fide of Crowdundlebeck, which divides this parilh from Newbiggin, iii'^eftmorland, was a largt [ ^^Z ] THE MOUNTAIN CROSS-FELL. The following Defcripiion of the Mountain of Crofs- Felly-was publiJJjed in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1747, p. 384. " A mountain that is generally ten months buried in fnow, and eleven in clouds, " cannot fail exciting the attention and ciiriolity of a traveller. •■ That immenfe ridge of mountains^ which are reputed the Britifli A!ps,tmakc *' their firft: appearance in Derbyfhire, and are thence continued in one chain of " dirterent elevations to the river Tweed : the Lancafhire and Copeland heights, " with thofe in Yorkfhirc and Durham, being only detached parts of this great " body; fuch as are remarkably eminent have particular names afllgned them, " whilfl: the general ridge bears one appellation for feveral miles together. " G-j/i-Tv//, though diftinguifhed in none of the country maps, is mofl Angularly " eminent, whether you regard its height, or the immenfe bafe it ftands upon, ♦' being above twenty miles in circumference: in feme parts the rife is very *• Icilurely and gradual, in others more rugged and perpendicular, emitting " flreams to both feas.* The infcnfible afcent removes its top to a very great dif- " tance from the inhabited plains; and being in a manner encompafTed with other " dcfolate and barren mountains, it retains the fnow much longer than any we can " fee in Britain; there being fome who affirm, that it has continued fome times " for feven m hole years together. " Aldfton is the ncarcfl town, wliereonc can get a fwk conductor, to crofs ** thefe almoft impervious waffes; — a country extremely ill reprelented in all our " maps, yet publifhed, not to mention their exhibiting the town on the wrong " fide of the river Nint. About two in the afternoon we ki forward, three in " company, and two who joined us afterwards, out of the fame curiofity. We " paifed the river Tyne near its confluence with Blackburn, beyond v\hich, thi^ •' immenfe wafle begins, and could plainly perceive the alteration of the air in " riding a few miles. On the ton of Roderick-heights is a pretty large lake, called " Gyccn-cajHe-locb,^ which receives no vifible feeder, but emits a fmall ftrcam a larjre encampment; and upon a rock in the quarrj", was an Infcrlption left there by the 20th legion, ftiled fatc'/is K/t7;/.v. — This infcriplion, by working of the quarry, has lately been cut away, and part of it is now over the door of a cowhoufe belonging to Thomas Atkinfon, of Milburn, in Wcttmorland, — What remains on the flone over the door, is 1 1 SSVS. LliG. XX.. ^^S ] t ■f Called the Apennines, by other writers. • The great rivers Wear, Tees, and Tyne, all ifliie fiom the bafe of this mountain: the ftreams which flow to the well are but fniall brooks. § A name derived from an ancient femicircular fortification of earth, near its margin. t For a full dcfcriptinn, we refer the readers to the editors of Camden, Horfley, Burton's Coirujcntaries, &c. t« which wc fliall more j-articularly refer in the pr> i;rtfs of this work. " northward 264 THE MOUNTAIN OF CROSS-FELL. [Leath Ward. " northward to the faid burn; nor is there any vcftige of a caftle, from which it " could be prefumed to borrow the name. The Sivallozvs,\\ thoie inconteftible " remains of Noah's deluge, begin here to be \ery frequent; fome of thefe are " thirty or forty yards in diameter, and near as much deep, perfectly circular, but " contain no water at any feafon, the ground having gradually fcdlen in at the " linking of the waters; but where they have happened amid rocks, the holes are " left open to incredible depths. This naturally accounts for thofe furprifing " phenomena in the Pyrenean and Narbonnc mountains; and our Elden-ViolQ, in *' Derbyfhirc, whofe depths have never been afcertained with the longefl lines. " On the defcent of Roderick-Fell there is plenty of herbage, but few plants, " fave the fcorpiodes, arvcnfis, and tormentil. " At the bottom of this height, Blackburn divides itfelf into two branches, ihe " eafliermofl; tumbling over a precipice oi forty* perpendicular yards, which makes " a mofl wild, furprifing cafcade, " From this rivulet we are to account the rife of Crofs-Fell. We are now fo *' much environed with large and extended morafles, rocks, and mountains, that " they exhibit a very frightful appearance; not the veftige of a houfe, except fome " oXdiJhiels, where, in former ages, the people had reforted, like the Afiatic Tar- " tars, to graze their cattle in fummer, — a pradice now quite difufed. There ♦' were a tew fheep, but no deerf that we could fee, though there are feveral on " the heights: and notwithftanding the extraordinary drought, the water followed " our horfes foot-fteps for miles together, except where the ground was rot- " ten. At the place called Bulman's Cleugh,§ there have been formerly lead " works, now left off. We had now afcendcd gradually about three miles, " through very broken morally waftes, when the mountain began to rife in *' three very formidable afccnts, very ftcep, in the manner of mount Lebanon, " piled one above another, with large and extenfive plains to cath of them, and " loofe fhivery ftones on brows, very troublcfome to the horfes, which we now " were obliged fometimes to quit. This continued for two miles more, when we " got on the edge of the highcft which forms a capacious plain of feveral hun- " dred acres, it you reckon from the eaft afcent ; but of fuch a barren foil, that " there was not fo much as a linglc leaf of grafs, herb or plant to be found in fo " laige a plain, exclufive of a few of thofe rings attributed to fairies, fome of which " are perfect circles of the gramcn glumis variis, in botany, afcribcd by Linnaeus, " in his Dcfcription of the Baltic Ifles, to a particular quality of its atfeding the " dirtieft foil, where no grafs can thrive. This immenle plain has no other verdure, " therefore, but a venerable afpedt from the mofs or down, and this can hardly " draw a fubfiRance to iupport itfelf; fo inconceivably barren is this diflinguifhed " eminence. The weft fide, towards the Cumberland plains, is more rocky and " fteep than the way we afcendcd. Great part of fix counties were to be feen, " and notwithftanding our height, there feemed to be four or five mountains that " difpured tl Or Swallow Holes, are cavaties or finklngs-in of the furface. * Only about ten yards. \ Th^re could be only ftray ones from Lord Carlifle's park, at Nawovth- Caftle, (now difparked) or from Whinfield Park, in Weftmorland, which is nearer. J Thefe mines are again worked, by leafe, under Chriilopher Crackeutliorp, Efq. I Leath Ward.] THE MOUNTAIN CROSS-FELL. aG; •' difputed pre-eminence, the reft looked all far below us : thefe were Skiddaw, in *' the weft of Cumberland, Creffell, in Scotland, Pennygcnt and Ingleborow, io " Yorkfliire, and the highcft Cheviot in Northumberland. ;{; I computed the •' diameter of our vifible horizon to exceed one hundred and twenty miles, fixty " each way from the centre. The mountains in Cleveland, by the Eaft Sea, were " very fair, and the Weft Sea fufficiently dilcoverable. As to the perpendicular '• height of the mountain, 1 could not fo well judge, having no barometer, and " the top futfers too much by retradiion to be afcertained by geometrical •' principles. *' Whether it takes its name of Crofs-fell from its tranfverfe fituation, to the " common run of that ridge, or from a crofs creded, as report fays, to dillodge " the aerial demons, which were thought to polTefs that defolate mountain, I do " not take upon me to determine. " P. S. Being the J4th of Auguft, and a long drought, and hot fcafon, we were " not able to find any the leaft relicks of fnow, m places moft likely for it ; which " is very extraordinary." To this well-written and plcafing defcription, we fubjoin what our correfpon- dents and our own obfcrvation aflbrd on the fubjcct. The Rev. William Richardfon (for whofe abundant and accurate information, through the whole of this parilh, we cannot fufficiently cxprcfs our obligations) obferves, that theafcent to Crofs-fell is not near fo difficult as is here reprefented, to thofe who know the fells. Snow has never laid a whole yedr upon it, within the laft I'cventy years, as I have been well affured by the fliephcrds, who frequently, and at all feafons, traverfe thefe high hills, The very fummit is covered with mq/s of various kinds, viz. hypnum, bryum, and innium. The airamontana, mountain hair grafs; nardus ftridus, heath niatgrafs; fcfluca ovina, flicep's fcfcue, and rumex digynus, mountain dock are intermixed with the mofs. Air.ongft the ftones, arc oxalis acetofella, cuckovz-brcad; and urtica dioica, common nettle. — The fummit is a large heap only of loofe whitifli freeftonc, and flightly covered with thefe and other vegetables. He fays, the fummit of Crofs-fell is in latitude 54''-42'-05" north ; its elevation from the middle part of Lazonby bridge near Kirkofwald, is 910 or 912 yards, and allowing fix yards more for the height of the bridge over the river Eden, it will be about 91 8 yards ; and if you allow 80 yards for the fall of the river Eden into Solway Frith, the hill ivill even then be fcarceiy 1000 above the level of the fea : its dillance from Kirkofwald is eleven miles, and 1040 yards. The temperature of the water of the Gcnfleman's pydl, which is only a few yards i HEIGHT OF MOUNTAINS. FrET. ] Feet. Bcniomond, — — •— 324O Bcnevifli, — — — 4350 Snowden, in Wales, by Waddington, — 345^ Whcrnfidc", — ditto — 4^5^^ Pendk-hiU, — ditto — 34'' Pcnnygent, — ditto — 393° higlcboiough, — ditto — 39^7 Helvellyn, by Donald, — — 33^4 Skiddaw, ditto — — 3270 Crofs-fell, ditto — — 339° Saddleback, ditto — — 3048 Ben.y-bourd, higher. T p^^^^^ L,a£rhin-y-ffair, y ' . , r •n ^ -T. V perpetual (now. iienwewun, J ' '^ lents of Mr. T of the fea at i- Skiddaw, by the experiments of Mr Walker, from the plane of the fea at S- 3530 Whitehaven, Crofs-fell, by Pennant, — — 3^39 VOL. I, Mm below 'I 266 THE MOUNTAIN CROSS-FELL. [Ljatii Ward. below the fiimmit of the hill, is nearly the fame in February and in July, viz. be- tween 35° and 36°. He adds, the moft delightful fight ; the mofl: noble fpedacle I ever faw, was the fun rifing, when I was on the fummit of Crofs-fcll on the i8th day of June; it is infinitely grander than a fetting fun. The heltn~u-ind, which has before been mentioned, and which frequently affefts this tracl of mountains, nearly forty miles in extent, is now to be confidered. Thefe heights are fuppoled to zStti the weather, in a manner fomew hat fimilar to what the inhabitants of the Malabar and Coromandel coafts experience; and what are called in this country fiedding-zvinds , generally blow on the contrary lides of Crofs- fell, from oppofite quarters to the belui-zutuds ; and the ftorms which rake the country on one lide of the mountain, feldom afledt the other. Upon the fummits of this lofty ridge of mountains there frequently hangs a vaft volume of clouds, in a fuUen and drowfy ftate, having little movement; this heavy collection of va- pours often extends feveral miles in length, and dips itlelf from the fummit, half way down to the bafe of thofe eminences; and frequently, at the fame time, the other mountains in view are clear of mi ft, and fliew no figns of rain. This hebn, or cloud, exhibits an awful and folemn appearance, tinged with white by the fun's rays that ftrike the upper parts, and fpreads a gloom below, over the inferior parts of the mountains, like the ihadows of night. When this collection of vapour firft begins to gather upon the hills, there is to be ohfcrved hanging about it, a black Itrip of cloud, continually flying off, and fed from the white part, which is the real bclm ,- this ftrip is called the bclm-bar, as, during its appear- ance, the winds are thought to be refifted by it; for, on its difperfion, they rage vehemently upon the vaJlies beneath. The direction of the bdm-tar is pniallel to that part of the main cloud or collcdlion of vapour, that is tinged with white by being ftruck with the fun's rays ; the l',ir appears in continual agitation, as boiling, or ftruggling with contrary blafis; whilft the helm all this time keeps a motionlefs ifation. When the har is difperfed, the winds that iffuc from the bcbii are fometimes extremely violent ; but that force feems to be in proportion to the real current of the winds which blow at a dillance from the mountains, and which are frequently in a contrary direction, and then the helm-wiiid does not extend above two or three miles; without thefe impediments it feldom fweeps over a larger track than twelve miles, perhaps from the mere refiflance of the lower at- niofphere. It is remarkable, that at the bafe of the mountain the blafts are much lefs violent than in the middle region ; and yet the hurricane is fometimes impe- tuous even tiiere, bearing every thing before it, when at the diflance of a few miles there is a dead calm, and a funny fky. The fpring is moft favourable to this phecnomenon, the be/m-zshid will fometimes blow for a fortnight, till the air in the lower regions, warmed before by the influence of the fun, is thereby rendered piercing cold. Mr. Ritfon, that extraordinary genius, of whom we have given fome account, in its proper place, who wrote the Introduiftion to Clarke's Survey of the Lakes, thus fpeaks of this helm-wind ; — " The helm-zuinJ is generated in that enormous " cloud, w hich, like a helmet, covers the fummit of Crofs-fell. It is there particu- " larly favoured by circumilanccs ; for on one fide there is a plain of about thirty " miles in breath, in fome places, and on the other no hills to rival that from ♦' whenc<; Leath Ward.] THE MOUNTAIN CROSS-FELL. 267 " whence ic comes. This wind is not much taken notice of in natural hiftory : " yet the Dutch, by the iron chains with which they are obliged to moor their " fhips at the Cape of Good-Hope, bear ample teftimony to the fury ol fuch a *• one. It hath been met with by the late voyaj^ers in the ibuth-feas ; it is laid to " have been felt in the Straits of Gibraltar; and I doubt not but mariners and " travellers have found it in many other places, though they may not have obfcr- •' ved it with care, or may have given it different names." Mr. Richardfon remarks, " That in the vicinity of thefc mountains the air is " generally very clear and healthy, owing perhaps to the violent helvi-zvinds in the " months of December, January, February, March, and April, but the inhabitants " of the countries immediately influenced by that wind are more fubjed: to rheu- " nnatic complaints, than thole at a greater dilbnce. The fummitof Crofs-fell, and " the regions a little lower, are fometimes clear, when the vale is covered with a " fog ; I have been upon the mountain when that has happened, and the fpcdacle " is-curious, as the clouds appear firm, though uneven, like a boiderous difturbed " ocean. All didant founds are at that rime heard diftindlly, and ftrike the car in " a very fingular manner, as they feem to ifiue from under your feet. As to the " hehn,i\\t cloud does not always reft on the tops of the hills, but is fometimes fcve- " ral degrees higher, and docs not always preferve a regular form ; neither is there " always a helm-bar, for that phjenomenon only appears, when the wind, at a little •' diftance, blows from the weit. I have fometimes obl'erved four or five of thefe •' helm-bars, within five miles of the hills, and then the wind blew irreo-ularly, *• fometimes from the eaft, and lometimes from the weft. It appears to me to be " the fame kind of phasnomenon as that at the Cape of Good-Hope, defcribed by " Sparman. When the fnow appears upon the hills, the winds then blow with " great violence. Swinburn, I think, mentions fomething fimilar in Sicily, and " Volney, at Alexandria. May it not be accounted for by the air being confidcr- " bly colder on the fummit of thcfe hills, than in the country whither it ruflics with " fo much violence.' 1 have found by a thermometer, that it is 14° colder on the " top of Crofs-fell than at the bottom, indeed I did not prove that once, but three " or four times 1 found it i 2°, and frequently 10°. " The name oi behn feems to be derived from the Saxon, and implies in our lan- " guage, a covtring. Its appearances, according to my remarks, have been that of *• a white cloud refting on the fummits of the hills, extending even from Brough " to Brampton ; it ucars a bold broad front, not unlike a vaft float of ice flanding " on edge: on its m^ appearance, there ifFues from it a prodigious noifc, which *• in grandeur and aw fulnefs exceeds the roaring of the ocean. Sometimes there is " a hehii-bar, which coniifts of a white cloud arranged oppofitc to the heivi, and " holds a ftation, various in its diflances, fometimes not more than half a mile '* from the mountain, at others three or four miles; fometimes it is in breadth a "quarter of a mile, at others a mile at Icalt : this cloud prevents the wind •' blow ing further wellward. The fl,y lafs. S. Thus were the knights both piick'd in love, Both in one moment thvallM, And both with one fair lady gay» Fair Ifabella call'd. With humble thanks they went au'ay Like wounded harts chas'd all the day. One would not to the other fay. They loved this b^.nny Lip. 9. Mean while fair liabella too As far in love was found, So long brave Armftrong (he did eye. Till love her heart did wound: Brave Armllrong is my joy, qiioth (he; W^ould Chriil he were alone with me, To talk an hour, or two, or three. With his fair bonny lafs. 10. But as thefe knights together rode. And homeward did repair, Their talk and eke their coimt'iiancc fhcw'd,. Theii hearts were clogg'd with care. Fair Ifabcl, the one did fay. Thou haft fubdu'd my heart this day; But file's my ]ey Mufgrave did fay, My bright and honny lafs. 1 1. With that thefe friends incontinent Become moft deadly foes. For love of beauteous Ifabel, Great ftrife betwixt them rofe. Quoth Armftrong, (he ftiali be my wife, Although for her I lofe my life: And thus began a deadly Itrife, All for one bowiy lafs. i \ 12. Thus two years long this grudge did grow- J Thefe gallant knights between j X While they a wooing both did go /; Unto this beauteous queen. V And (he who did their iuiies prove X To neither would bewray her love, 8 The deadly quarrel to remove \ About this bonny lafu X 13. But neither for her fair intreats^ Nor yet her (harp difpute, 'I Would they appeafe their raging ire, Nor yet give o'er their fuit. The gentlemen of the north country V At laft did make this good decree, All for a pcrfed unity 1 About this bonny lafs. h, l\. The love-fick knights (hould both be fee (• Within one hall fo wide, ¥ Each of them in a gallant fort, X Even at a fevcral tide: ■J And twist them both for ceitainty, X Fair Ifabel (hould placed be, \ Of them to take her choice full free, ¥ Moft like a honny lafs. '}_ 15. And as (he, like an angel bright % Betwixt them mildly ftood, ¥ She tuin'd unto each feveral knight X With pale and changed blood: Now am I at my liberty V To make and take n-,y choice, quoth (he f X — Y5a, quoth the knight?, v/e do agree; 6 Then, chufe thee thou honny lafs. X 16. O Mufgrave, thou art all too hot, f. To be a lady 'a love: 'i. Quoth (he, and Armftrong feems a fotj. X Where love (jindshimto prove. 5 Of courage great is Mufgrave ftill; V But (ith to chnfe I have my will, X Sweet Armftrong fliall my joys fultil; A I'll be his honny lafs. 17. Tlie nobhs and the gentles both X That were in prefent place, Rejoiced at this fweet decree; V But Mufgrave in difgrace X Out of the hall did take way: i And Armftiong marry'dwas next day )! With Ifabel his lady gay, X And now his own fweet honny lafs. y. 18 But Mufgrave, on the wedding-day, X Like to a Scotchman dight, ^: In feci et foi t allured out 6 The bridegroom for to fight. X And he that would not out-brav'd be, Q Unto his challenge did agree, V Where he was (lain, a woe is me, % for hii fair honnj lafs. 19. Tha Leath Ward.] MUSGRAVE FAMILY. 2Si 19. The news whereof was quickly brought Unto the new made bride ; And many of young Armttrong's kin, Did after Mufgrave ride. They hew 'd liini, when they had him got, As imall as fiili into a pot, Lo thus bcfel an heavy lot About this honny lafs. 20. T^.e lady young wliich did lament This ciucl cuiicd flrife, For giief dy'd on that very day, A maiden and a wife. An hundred men, that hap'cfs day. Did lol'e their lives in that lame fray. And twixt thofe names as many fa)'. There Hill abides this ftrifc. THE DRINKING MATCH OF EDENHALL. By Philip, Duke of Wharton. (See Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, vol. II. p. 130, edit. 1759.) 1. God profperlong from being broke The Luck oi Ed:nhall <* A doleful drinking bout I fing. There lately did befall. 2. To chafe the fplcen with cup and cann Duke Pl.ilip took his way ; B.-ibcs yet unborn (hall never fee The like of fuch a day. 3. The (lout and evcr-tliirfty duke A vow to God did make Hir, pleafure within Cumberland Three live long nights to take. A. Sir Mufgrave too, of Martindale, A true and worthy kuight, Eftfcon with him a bargain made Iii drinking to dehght. 5. The bumpers fwiftly pafs about, Kix in an hand went round ; And v.-ith their calling for more wine They made the hall reiound. 6. Now when thcfe merry tidings rcacli'd The Earl of Harold's ears. And am I (quoth he, with an oath) Thus (lighted by my peers ? 7. Saddle my ttecd, bring forth my boots, I'll be with them right quick : And, mailer fheriff,f come you too, — We'll knov/ this fcurvy trick. 8. Lo, yonder doth Earl Harold come. Did at one table fay : 'Tis well, rcply'd the mettled duke. How will he get away ? 9. When thus the esrl began. Great duke, I'll know 1k)W this did chance ; Without inviting me : — fure, this You did not learn in France. 10. One of us tv.-o, for this offence. Under the board fliall he : I know thee well, — a duke thou art. So fome years hence fliall I. 11. Eut truft me, Wharton, pity 'twere So much good wine to fpill. As thofe companions here may drink, 1- re they have had their fill. 12. Let thou and I, in bumpers full. This grand affair decide. Accuis'd he he, Duke Wharton faid. By whom it is dcny'd. 13. To Andrews, and to Hotham fair J Then many a pint went lound; And many a gallant gentleman Lay fick upon the ground. 14. When, at the laft, the Duke found out He had the earl fecure, He ply'd him with a full pint-glafs. Which laid him on the floor. 15 Who never fpake more words than thcfe. After he downwards funk, My worthy friends, revenge my fall, Duke ^Vhartt,n fees me drunk. 16 Then, with a groan, Duke Philip held The iick man by the joint ; And faid. Earl Harold, (lead of thee. Would I had drank this pint ! 1 7. Alack, my very heart doth bleed, And doth vvithin me link ; For, furely, a moie fober Earl Did never fwaliow drink. 18. With that the (heriff, in a ragCj To fee the earl fo fmit, Vow'd to revenge the dead drunk peer Upon renown *d Sir Kitt. • A drinking glafs belonging to the Murgra\'cs of JIdcnhalL — Sec p. ■f Machcll, of CraclLcnthor|i. § Celebrated toafts. VOL. I. O O 166. /9. Th( 282 PARISH OF SALKELD. [Leath WARb. 19. Thea ftepp'd a gallant fquire foitli, Of vifage thin and palo ; Lloyd was his name, and of Gang- Hall, Faft by the river Swale, 20. Who faid, he would not have it told. Where Eden river r:xi, That, unconcern'd, he (liould fit by. So, fherifF, I'm your man. 21. Now when thefe tidings rcach'dthe room, Where the Duke lay in bed, How that the fquire thi:s fuddcnly Upon the floor was laid ; 22. O heavy tidings ! (quoth the Duke,) Cumberland thou witiiefs be, I have not any captain more Of fuch account as he. 23. Like tidings to Earl Thanet came, Within as Ihort a fpace, How that the under-flieriff too Was fallen from his place. 24. Now God be with him (faid the earl} Sith 'twill no better be, I trull I have within my town As drunken knights as he. 25. Of all the number that were there, Sir B?.ins, he fcorn'd to yield ; But, with a bumper in hi:, hand, He flaggei'd o'er the field. 26. Thus did this dire c.mtention end, And each man of the flain Were quickly carried off to flecp, — — Their fences to regain. 27. God blcfs the King, the Duchefs fat. And keep the land in peace ; And grant that drunkennefs henceforth 'I-long ni;blemca may ceafe ! &c. THE PARISH OF SALKELD, FREQUENTLY called Great Salkeld or Salkeld Regi.s, from its being parcel of the lands ceded to the King of Scots, and afterwards rcafTiimed 0:1 the defciftion of John Baliul. It was granted by King William III. to the anceiior of the Duke of Portland. This parifli is bounded by Edenhall to the fouth, Lazonby to the vvefl: and north, and the river Eden to the caft. Here is a very pidurcfqHe view on the banks of the river, at a place called the Fgrce-mill: the word fonr, though probably, a-corruption oi\\y of the plural /o;v/>, is frequently ufed in this county to dcfcribe a waterfall or cafcade; it has the fame acceptation in other northern counties ; the great fall of the river Tees is called the //>;r(f. The weftern fide is formed by lof^y rocks, excav.ucd and cut in niches, confifting of feats in a femicircular order for ten or twelve perfons, like the flails in ancient cathedrals. The river falls over a broken wear, or dam, or force by innumerable fpouts, in various directions. — The oppolite banks arc rocky and over-grown with fhrubs and trees ; and in the flream is a fingular column of mafonry work, fifteen or fixteen feet in height, which appears like the pier of fome ancient bridge.f The whole channel of + Mr. J. Sympfon, of GraUncre to whom ws confefs our obligations in this article, informs us, " that " he remembers part of another pillar on the fame fide of the river. That not far from thcfe remains, is " a quarry of fine white alabafter (gypfum) in the grounds of Samuel Lacey, ' fq." witli which he con- jeftures the pillars were cemented ; and he fpeaks, as from experience, " that when that alabafter is pro- " perly calcined and made into mortar, it will cement hard like ftone under water.* That on tlic fame fide, «' about a mile below, there has formerly been a church, hut whidi is now nearly wathed away by the river; " the fituation is on a high bank, like that on which the church of Brampton, in Gilfland, Hands. That " when • The people fay that all the goods that were carried between Newcalllc and Penrith, pafled over thiibrldgc-with oack-horfcs, no carriages being then in ufc ; and the fteepucfs of the banks, on each fide, feems to confirm this idea. Tat toiTORj, i Leath Ward.] PARISH OF SALKELD. 283 of the river is rocky. In the year 1360. a bridge at Great Salkeld was taken away by floods, for the repairing or rc-cdifying of which, Bifhop Weiton publifhcd an indulgence of forty days. We have not been able to afcertain whether the bridge was rebuilt on the old iituation. The prefent bridge is placed at fome dill^ancc from ihc force, and is a fingular compofition of elliptic, fcmicircular, and pointed arches, one fuccceding the other, perhaps, being in part conftruded out of the remains of the old bridge. It was built about twenty years ago, chiefly of an open gritted red-ftone, which doth not promifc to be durable. There is fomething Angular in the form and conllrucftion of the church tower, which appears to have been crec'ted at a diflercnr period from the body of the church : it has certamly been calculated for a place of defence, and ufed as the flronghold and retreat of tlve redlor, his family, and parifliicners, in times of public danger. Such, perhaps, was one of the original defigns of all church towers ; and fcvcre cenfures have been pronounced againft the parifhioners, in other diocefes, particularly in Durham, ior ncgledting repairs. The door opens from the church, plaited and defended with iron ; the firfl: apartment is vaulted, wh'/rein a large tr.blc ftands, that holds an iron helmet and the remains of coats of mail. Several funnels are carried up in the walls, as chimneys to void the fmoke which has proceeded from fires made on the floor ; a circumilance that points out its antiquity. The great hall m the tower of Buiib rough in Northumberland, has funnels ot the like nature, and other ancient places of flrengih. Our guide told us dreadful florics of an unhappy fpirit, that vifics thofc rufly remains of armour, which, perhaps, ihengthened his mifdecds, and he trembled when the pofTeired head- piece was put on : Bifliop Nicolfon, fjppofed this tower was the work of Archdeacon Clofe, brother to the bifl^.op of that name, who was tranflnted from Carlifle to Litchfield in the latter end of Henry VI, 's reign ; but he affigns no rcafon for fuch conjeflure; Clofe lies interred in the quire. Dodor Thomas Mulgravc, whilfl he was archdeacon, made great improvements to the parfonagc houfc ; and Mr. Nicolfon made fome additions. The church is dedicated to St. Cuthbert, and is appropriated to the archdeaconry «' when he vlfiteJ the place laft, only a fnial! part of the church-ya.d remained ; tliat human bones appeared " ill the bank and otlitrs by the fide of the i iver. That all the information he could obtain of the place " was, that tlicy brought the dead out of A'Hon Moor, in tlio days of yore, to be iuteircd there;* — perhaps in the great moitality, in 1590. This ingenious coirefpundent further informs us, " that in that part of Gieat Salkeld called //}e Duke, " on t}\e right hand of th_- ro:n3 to Penrith, upon the fell, there is an encanipmenl thrown up, about 1 200 " feet in length, and iz feet liigh ; clofe to the encampment is a bafon of water, ci;cular, and about 50 '■ or 60 yards in diameter, and tour or five yards deep ; as all the ground near to the encampment is a " plain, probably materials Vtexe dug out of that bafon to form the vallum. — Tliat — " A little more than a quarter of a mile fuither, towards the north end of the pariHi, clofe to the road, " on the right hand, .ire confiderable remains of a fotlified ilation, inclofe 1 with a vallum of rough (lones »' and pebbles without moitar, now grown over with oak'trees and brufhwojd; it is called aka-buni, and the '' old people fay it was an ancient calUe.t In fome parts of it, are fmall fquare iiiclofures, fenced in the •' fame manner ; in one place the appearance of a fire place, or hearth, whei e fire had frequently bten, was •' difcoveied. That at a little dilljnce, in the fame parlfli, is a tumuhii of ilones, called a raifc, like to " Dw.maile raifc ; and at about a quarter of a mile fuither in Lazonby is unotksr laife, but not fo large." f It has the nam; of Aikton Caftle. O O 2 of 284 - PARISH OF SALKELt). [Leath Ward. of Carlifle. It is conjedured that it has been ariftexed thereto, from the fifft foundation of the fee.f A free- •f; This parifli, in the year 1750, confided of 71 houfes ; in 1781, of 61, wliich contained 274 inha- bitants. From a calculation made of the deaths, on an average of ten years, viz. from 1 771 to I'jSo, inclufive, it appears that \v turnips are grown. Sheep and Cattle.] Of the fame kind as thofe of Edcnhall ; about 900 fheep, levver in fummcf. Poor Rate.] Amounts to about 70!. a-year. Tithes.] Generally taken in kind. Aspect.] The lands incline to the eaft, the fields in general fenced wi»h ftonc walls and much of the land lies in doles, which greatly retards improvement. VeiT httle wood except about the dwelling houfes, which arc many of tliem (haded with trees. The arable land inclines regularly down to the river, is dry and capable of great improvement. There is a large tradl of barren common land. Rekts.] 17s. or 1 8s. per acre, on an average. Buildings.] In general are very good, feveral perfonsof good circntnltances refide 00 their own eftates. Hunter-Hall, the feat of Mr. Rieardfon, is a neat maflfion with pood land about it. Mineral Spring.] There is a fpring of chalybeate water on the common Housman's Notes. George Benfon, a learned and eminent nonconformift divine, and author of feveral valuable theological works, was born here, of a good family, in 1699. His great grandfather left London towards the lat- ter end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, and fettled at this place ; where he raifed a confiderable family. — From the eldeft of his thirteen fons, the late Lord Bingley dcfccnded ; and from the youngell, this George LeathWard.J parish OF SALKELD. 385 A free-fchool was founded here in the year 15 1 5, endowed M'ith fevcral fmatl rents and manerial fines, it has been dillreirod with a long liiigaticn louching its rights. George Benfon's grandfatfcer. At eleven y.ears.of 3ge, he 13 faid to have been able to rcaJ the Greek Teftament. And fuch was the ferioulViefs of his temper, and his attachment to books, that his parents determined to educate him for the minillr)^ With this view, after having pafied through a courfe of grammar learning, he was fent to an academy kept by Dr. Dixon at Whitehaven, where he continued about a year ; and from ther.ce was removed to the univeifity of Glafgow, where he completed liis aca- demical Iludics. The ptincip'cs in which be was Lrcd up, were Calvinii^ical, and he believed in his eailier years, in the doctrine of predeftination ; birt farther enquiry and exair.ination ltd him to exchange his opinions on thiij point ; the fettling of vvliich he tliouglit dientially neceffyry, before lie ciigaged in the miniilry. This rciukition, and this difcuffion, are highly creditable to his good ft:nl<; i:iid his candour. About the clofe of the year 1721, Mr. Benfon came to London, and liavjng been examined and ap- proved by federal of the mod: citiincrtt? Prefbytelian minifters, he began to preach firil at Chcitfey, and afterwards in London. The learned Dr. Galamy took liira into his family,- and treated him with great kindnefs and friendlliip. Ey the recommendation of that gentleman, he aitcrwards went to Abingdon, in BerkHiire, and was unanimoully chcfen paftor of the congregation of Protellant difTenters in that town. He was ordained in 1723, Dr. Calamy andTive other minifters officiating on tiic occafion. At Abiilgvlon he remained fevtn years ; and whilft there, appears to have had fome thoughts of ftudyin^ phyfic. But this defign he laid afidc, and devoted all his time to the ftndy of the facred writings, and in labouring to inftruft and edify the people under his care. During his ftay at this place, he preached and publifhed three ferious piadiic-d difcomfes,addreired to young perfons ; which were well received. But he afterwards fupprelT^d them, as not teaching what he thought, on' farther enquiry, the exad dodlrine, in relation to fome interefting pointj of Chrillianity. In 1726, he manied Mrs. Elizabeth Hills, a widow; with whom he lived very happily, for fourteen years. In 1728, he received an invitation, whicii lie accepted, to become minifter to a congregation in King John's Court, .South watk; among whom he laboured with great diligence and fu'elity for eleven years, and was greatly beloved by them The light which the celebrated Mr. Locke had thrown upon fome of the mod obfcure and difficult parts of tjt Paul's epiftlcs, by his clofe attention to the oiiginal defign with which they were wiitten, .ind by carefully pcruling the thread of the author's reafoning, induced and encouraged Mr. Benfon, as it had iK'fore Induced Mr. Price, to attempt the ilhiftration of the other epidles of St. Paul in a fimilar ;iic!;hod. Accordingly in 173', he pubhflied, in 410, " A P.naphrafe and Notes on St. Paul's Epiftle " to Philemon, attempted in Imitation of Mr. Locke's Manner," with an Appendix ; in which is fhewn, " that St. Paul could neither be an enthnfiad nor an impoftor ; and confequently that the " Chriilian religion mud be, (as he has reprefented it) heavenly and divine." It is well known, that the argument of this Appendix hath hnce been improved and illuflrated with great force and elegance by the lave Loid Lyttleton. Mr. Benfon's firft publication on the eptftles meeting with a very favourable reception, he proceeded, with great diligence and incrtafmg reputation, to publifli paraphiafcs and notes on the two EpilUcs to the Tlieflalonians, the lit and 2d Epiftle to Timothy, and the Epidle to Titus; adding diflTertations on feveial importait fubjecls ; and particularly on infplration. In 1 735, he publifhed, in three thin volumes 4to, « The Hidory of the Firit Planting of the ClirilUan religion, taken from the A fls of the Apoftles, " and their Epidles ; together with the remarkable Fa£ts of the Jewidi and Roman Hiftory, which " aflefted the Chrillians within that period." In 1 74c, he was chofcn pallor of the congregation of Proteftant difTenters in Crutched Friars, London, in the roo.m of Dr. William Harris ; and in this fitu ition he continued till his death. It appears that, about this lime, he alfo received an invitation to bcccme joint-pador of the Prefbytcrian congregation at Birmingham with Mr. Samuel Bourn ; but this he declined. In Crutched Friars, he had, fevcral years, as his afiidanJ, the very eminent and learned Or Lardner ; and they conftantly lived together in the greatefl; friendlhlp. Nor v/as this in the lead intcrrupt(d, when the increafing bodily iniirm.ities of Dr. Lardner obliged him to defift. from the public exerclfc of the minidry. In i 742, Mr. Benfon married Mrs. Maij Kettle, daughter of Mr. William Kettle, of Birmingham ; a lady of a very amiable charafter ; I'is former wife having been dead about two years. In 1743, ^'^ publldied in 8vo, " The Reafonablenefs of the Chridian Religion, as delivered in the Scriptures;" and in 1744; in confideration of his great learning and abilities, the univerfity of Aberdeen conferred on him the degree of D. D. Dr. 286 PARISH OF SALKELD. [Leath Ward. rights. There is a parifh (lock of 9I. 6s. od. and a poor ftock of 34I. 4s. ^d. Two thirds of the tithes anciently bcionged to Wetheral priory, and one third to the Dr. Bcnfon having fiuiftied thofc Epiftles of St. Paul, of which he intended to write paraphrnfes auJ notes, proceeded to explain, after the fame manner, the fcven epiftles, commonly called Jatholic Epiftles, viz. the Epiftle of St. James, the two Epiftles of St. Peter, the Epiftie of St. Jude, and the three 1 piftles of St. John. Cf the firft edition of this work, he fcnt a copy to his namefake, Dr. Benfon, Bifliop of Gloucefter. That amiable writer wrote him a letter of thanks on the occafion ; which we infett, becaiife, as Dr. Amory juttly obferves, it breathes fo truly a Chiiftian fpirit: SIR, Bet-ry.Jlreet, Wef,mifiJ}er, January ic, 1748-9. " I received, at my coming to town upon Saturday laft, what you arc pleafed to ftik a fmall, but " muft allow me to efteem, a very valuable prefent; your Paraphrafc and ores on the feven Catholic " Epiftles. I have not yet had time to perufe them ; but I could not, till I had, delay to return my " thanks for the great favour you have done me. And to which I wifti I could think niyfclf entitled, " upon any of the olher accounts you mention, btfides that only of wearing a name, to which you, by " your learning, have done honour. " I can only fay for myfclf, that I have a fincere defire to do all the good, which my abilities will " capacitate me for, in the ftation in which it has pleafed Providence to place me; and a fmcere delight " to fee virtue and religion defended in an age which fo much wants it, by able hands. A nd no one can " be more ready than myfelf to acknowledge how much upon this account we are indebted to the learned " labours and admirable writings of feveral of thofe, whom wc have the unhappinefs to have dift^iiing " from us in feme lefs important particulars. " I beg of God to blefs your and their labours for his fervice, and to unite us dl in love and charity " here, and gloiy hereafter. And youtfclf 1 beg with much regard to believe me to bf , «' Sir, your faithful and much obliged humble fervant, "M. GLOUCESTER." His labours in facred literature met with a very favourable recieptlon in foreign countries, as well as in Great Britain and Ireland, from many diiiinguidied men of learning ; and procured him the efttem and friendfliln of mr.ny eminent perfons of the cftabliihcd church, as well as among dilTer.ters Among his friends and conefpondents, were Sir Peter King, Lord Chancellor of 1' ngland, Lord Rarrington, Biiliop Hoadly, Bidiop Butler-, Bifliop Coneybeare, Dr. Duchal, and Dr. Le'and, of Iieland. Dr. Jonathan Mayhcvv, of New England, Profeflbr MIchaells, of Goettingen, Dr. WIfhart, of Edinburgli, Mr. Samuel Bourn, of Birmingham, Dr. John Taylor, of Norwich, and many othei learned and ingenious pcrl'ons — Dr. Law, the late learned biftiop of this diocefe, was alfo his particular friend j and as a pioof of his frier>dftiip, at Dr. Bcnfon's requeft, permitted his Difte-rtation on Mark ix. ver. 49, 50. to be inferted in the Appendix to the Life of Chiift, though n.t prepared by him for the piefs. Dr. Benfon appears likevvlfe to have been upon very friendly terms with Dr Watts, though their difTercncc of fentlrr.ent in fome points was confrderable. They occafionally correfponded togetlicr ; and fome of Dr. Benfon's earlier pieces were fubmitted to Dr Watts's perufal. In 1747, he pnbllftied a volume ol fermons on feveral fubjefts, a copy of which he fent to Dr. Thomas Henintr, Aichbiftiop of Canterbury, with congratulations on his elevation to that fee. The Hrchbifliop's acknowledgment of this letter is fo rnild, polite, and Chriftian, that v/c cannot refift the temptation of inferting it: REV. SIR, A:v'v%/o,v, rr^««y 2, 1747-8. " I cannot fatlsfy myfeif with having fent a cold and common anfwcr of thanks, for your volume " of moft excellent and ufeful iermons. I doit in this manner with great efteem and cordiality I thank " you at the fame time, as becomes me to do, for your very obliging good v/i(hes. The liibje£t on which " mv friends congratulate me, is in truth, matter of conftant anxiety to me. I hope I have an honed i' intecliun, and for the reft I muft rely on the good grace of God, and the counfel and afllilance of my " friends. . . , : ., . '* I think it h^ppy, that I am called up ^o this high ftation at a time when Tpitfr and rancour, .and " uarrownefs of fpirit arc out of countenance j- when we breatlie die benign and comfortable air of liberty ■ "and Leath Ward.] PARISH OF SALKELD. 287 the rcftor. At Bifliop Nicolfon's vifitation, the fchool rents were 3]. and the poor flock 20I. annually. " and toleration ; and the teachers of our common reh'gion make it their bufinefs to extend its eflTcntial " influence, and join in ever fnppoiting its true inteieil and honour. No times call more loudly upon " Pictellants for zeal, and unity, and charity. " I am, Rev. Sir, your affarcd friend, «'T. CANTUAR." Dr. Benfon's indcfiitigable application to his ftudies, and his conftant preaching, at length impaired . his coiiRitution ; and he found it necefTary to quit the pu lie exercife of the niinillry. But it was too late to reap all the benefit fo ardently prayed for by his fi lends, even from rell and retirement. He died in a very compofed and refigned manner, on the 6tii of April, 1762, in the fixty-third year of his age. He was a man of great piety and learning ; intenfely (ludi.jus; and unwearied in his refearchcs after theological truth. This waj the great bufinefs of his life. His temper was naturally fcrious ; but in the company of his fiiends, he was thearful ; and Icved the converfuion of men of letters, efpecially thofe whofe liud'.es were fimilar to his own. He was (hort-fighted ; which was fome inconvenience to him in the public delivery of his difcourfes ; but his appearance was grave and venerable; and the eainellncfs of his manner made ample amends for the inconvenience of his (liort-fightedntfs. He was of HO ordinary fervice to good learning and piety, by direfling and alTifting young divines in the critical ftudy of the fcriptures ; and for many yeais he had one or more living with him,, who applied to this iludy under his eye. Several of thcfe have done honour to their tutor ; two oi whom It cannot be improper particularly to mention, becaufe of their eminence in the republic of letters , Dr. Macknight, author of " the Harmony of the Gofpcls ;" and the Rev. Mr. John Alexander, a young divine among the diflenters, of the moft proniifiiig talents and character. He went to bed on the 28th of December, 1765, in perfei\ health, between eleven and twelve o'clock, juft after finlihinga fermon which lie intended to preach next day ; but at (jx next morning was found dead in his bed, with the fermon in his hand, in the 29th year of hirt age. Mr. Palmer, loon after his death, pablifhed " a paraphrafe upon the xvth " chapter of the ift epiille to the Corinthians ; with critical notes and obfci-vations, and a preliminary " dilTertation, a commentary, with critical remarks, upon the 6th, 7th, and part of the 8th chapter of " the epiftle to the Romans. Together with a fermon on Lcclefiailes ix. ic. compofed by the aulhor, " the Rev. John Alexander, the evening before his dealh." The fubjedl of this fermon, the merit of his ciitique, together with the ftriking co-incidence of extraordinary circumllances, all concur to render thi« an interefling publication. Dr. Benfon left behind liim in MS. " the Hiflory of the Life of Jefus Chrift, taken fiom the New «' Tcftamcnt, with nbfcivations and reflections proper to ilhiftrate the excellence of his charafter, and the " divinity of his miinon and religion " To this, ftveral critical dilTertations were added. In 1764, Dr. Amoiy puhlifiied the v. hole in one volume 410. prefixing a good metzotinto of the author ; together v-'ith fundiy memoirs of his life, writings, and charafter; from which we, as well as the authors of Biographia Britannica, have compiled the greateft part of this article. Dr. ^•ewcome, then bifhop of Offory, aftei- v.ards bifiiop of Watcrford, and now archbifliop of Armagh, hath inferted Dr. Benfon's manner of har- monizing the accounts of Chriil's refurreftion, from his Life of Chrift, in the appendix of his lordlhip's Harmony of the Gofpels, printed at Dublin in 1778. In the appendix to the firil volume of the Theological Repofitoiy, Jd edition, are inferted two curious letters from Dr. Shaw to Dr. Benfon, re- lative to the pjfiagc of the Ifraeh'tes through the Red Sea. Dr. Benfon was a remarkble ii.llance of the happy elfedts of a learned induilry It is well known, that he was not a man of great original genius ; that he had fmall powers of invention and fancy ; and that he had not applied to the cultivation of elegance and tafte in compofition. When at the univerfity, we are afiiired that he was thought to be but a dull hid by his fcllow-ftudents, and that they expcifted nothing tonfidctable from him. But, by the force of application, he out-(lripped his more lively companions, and produced works of real and lalling utility and merit. THE •S8 ] • THE PARISH OF LAZONBY. QUASI LeaJing-tDWM, or town of Leys, or Leas, is the next adjoining pariCa, bounded by theparifhes of Penrith and Hutton, on the welt and fouthwefl, Hclket on the northweft, and the river Eden on the caft and northeafl-. The manor of Lazonby % lies wiihin the foreft of Inglevvood : it was anciently the property of the Stotvills, and by marriage pafled to the Morvills, and from them ^ A mixed manor, held under the Duke df Devonfhuc — Free-rent 2I. 7s. id. halfpenny — Indenture rent 9I. ijs. yd. halfpenny — Arbitrary rent 33. 2d. —A rent called the potter rent ((uppcfcd for the right of working clay for pots, of which there is a fine white ftratum) il. 4s. — Improved rent 3s. iid. LAZONBY VICARAGE. Ded. St. Nicholas. — Pr. and -.'onv. Carl. prop. — Bp. Carl, patron. DECANATUS CUM BR. Pope Nich. val. 1 K. Edw. II. 1 K. Hen. VIII. Ecclef. de Lafyngby 613 4>---- ioo> Vicaria i 3 1 1 Vicaria ejufdem 7 6 oj ...--..-.- looj Small tithes. — Withei'ilack payment 403. Ikcumben'TS. — T3C0, William de Halog-hton — 1316, Adam de Ottelv, p. m. Haloghton — 1576, Wiiiiam de Threlkeld — Richard de Whitton, p. m. Threlkeld — John de Callii Barnardi — 1477, Edu-:;rd Rotham — 1484, John Boon — i588,Ed«ard Denton — '614, Anthony Haydock, p m. Denton — 1637, Jonathan Goodwin, p. m. Haydock — t66i, Robert Simpfon, p. ref. Goodwin — 166S, John Simpfon, A. B. p. m. Simpfun — Robert Hume — 1723. George Parker, A. M. p. ref Hume — 1737, Erafmus Head, A. M. p. m. Parker — 1 739, William Wilkinfon, A. AJ. p. ref. Head — 1 752, John Btown, .\. M. p. m. Wilkinfon — 1757. John Brown, p. ref. Brown — 1763, James Evans, A. M. p. m. Brown — 1771, Jofeph Blain, p. m. Erans — 1789, Thomas Myers, B. L. L. p. m. Elain. VICARIA DE LASYNGBY. Rolandus Threlkeld clciicus vicarius ejufdem Ecclie de Lafyngby cujs. Reftor. appropataT £. s. d. unitaet annesaellReligiofis vitisp'ori etco'vent deLanercoft, habet Manfionem ctGlcbam J- o 14 o e'lufdem que valent anniiatira coib. annis. — — — — — J Idem Roland, habet div's terr et ten ibm que valent coib annis. — — — 0166 Idem Rolandus habet liber, firm uniusten jam in tenura Wilhsi Scot. q. val- p. ann. o 10 o Idem Rolandus habet Kerbagiu. de Plumton, infra p'ochia prediclam que val't coibu^ a'is. o 20 o Idem Rolaudus habet dimidiu. decim. Garbar. novi cultur. infa diet, p'ocliia et val p. aan. 060 Idem Rolandus habet decim. Agn. et Lan. 61. et decim feni llni et Canobi 24s. q val. p. ann. 740 Idem Rolaudur. habet Oblac. minut. cum albe decim. etp'ficuis libr pafchalis que val coib. ais. o 42 o Idem Roland. habet 2 Edcepps Kaverri ferr. folut p.prioriin et co'vea dcLan'coll p'compiicoes 1 q. vaknt p. annu. coib. annis. — — — — — — — 3 Sm total valor. 1 3I. 6s. zd. de Quibs. Refoluc. Senag.7 ^^ _j.^,y^_ gp^ j^g^jjj p ggj^jjgj^^jj^^.gjj^^^lijj _ _ _ o 2 o Et in conf. p'cucon vifitacon diet. Epi de trisnnio in trienniu 6s. ct fie p. aaiu:. — 020 6m deduct 4s. Et Rem. 13I. OS. I4d. xma inde 264. id. halfpenny. Eccu. Survey, 26th K. Hen. VIII. Extent J Five miles fiom N. to S. an J three and a half from E. to W. Soil asd Produce.] Nearly four parts in five are common and heaih. The arable land lies on the ■banks of Eden to the call, and on the banks of Pettrell by the fide of the great road to Cailifle to the w-ft ; in Leath Ward.] PARISH OF LAZONBY. 289 them to the Multons, and fo to Dacrcs. It was fettled upon, the ifTuc male of a younger branch of the Dacres, with limitations over to the heirs general of that family, which carried the inheritance over to the lords Dacre of the fouth. Leonard Dacre, whilft he was feized, with his Brothers Edward and Francis, were attainted 12th Quten FJizabcth, lor their adherence to Mary Queen of Scots. It has been conjectured that their execution was rcfpited, to preferve thofe limited eHates to the crown and prevent their immediate nevcifion to the next in re- mainder. On the death of Leonard, 21 ft Queen Elizabeth, a commiflion iffued to inquire of his cliate and effects; and on the inquifition it was returned, that Philip Earl of Arundel in right of Anne his wife, and Lord William Howard in in which is comprehended great part of Plunipton. The land towards Eden is light with a mixture of grave', producing a few turnips, (which tor want of proper culture was not a third part of what the foil would bear) pretty good barley, rye., oats, and peas, and little wheat; with proper attention wheat would do well. Near Aiiiialhwaiie, the foil is llrong and bears good wheat — Artificial graffcs would be pro- ductive, but ate neglected. Towards Peterel the foil is ftrong and loamy, and in fummers when there are moderate rains, produces heavy crops of grain; butth^: chief part k held in pafturage and meadow, which aie more profitable ihan corn, from the number of droves of cattle that pafs, and want rcfreihiiient, for which a high price is paid. Commons.] Particularly the northern traifls, called the Low Plains, afford excellent dry pafturage for fiieep. Aspect, Wood Sec] On the banks of the Eden the lands Incline towards the eafi, on Peterel to- wards the weft. — At the northern extiemity is a large forefl of oaks, called baron wood, belonging to Sir Philip Mufgravc; very few trtes are (landing in the inclofures, which are chiefly fenced with walls. — There is a confiderable quantity of holme-land near Eden, by negligence a mere fwamp; if drained would be of great value. Buildings ] Chiefly of rtone and dated, freeftone being had at a fmall expence. Rents.] The average on Eden fide is about i6s. per acre, on Peterel about iSs. Fi3H.] Salmon, trout, eels. &c. in Eden, trout in Peterel. Roads.] Th- great road from London to Scotland, leads through the weftern fide of thisparifli, on the line of the old Roman road. Tithes.] Are drawn in kind. Sheep and Cattle.] About 2500 (liecp of a fmall fize; wedders fell for 95. or los. a piece, about 9 fleeces go to a ftone, which fells for 8s. 6d. About 200 flieep belonging to ihh parifli arc fummered on AlJllon Moor, cf a much larger fize. Several Scotch cattle arc bought for fummcring upon the commons, nftd fold ofi" the fame feafon. ..•Vnticjimties.] Befides theftation called Old Penrith, and the great Roman road extending from north to fo«th, there is another road leading to Salkcid bridge — urns were found about twenty years ago on the fell, by a perfon winning fl.ones, they contained bones and adies. Several cairns are on the commons, and at a place called Gallic Rlgg the ruins of a building appear, moated round. In Baron Wood is a very high rock, in which is a cave of confiderable fi/.c, apparently artificial; It is called the giants chainbsr;X a name common to thofe hiding places, where out-laws and men who lived by rapine, the terror of the country were fecreted, in thofe wretched times when little fecurlly was known to the inhabitant. Such beings had the fame horrible denomination in other ages and countries ; it was an appellation given to every monfter of tyranny and violence. Housman's Notes. Population.] From lyco to 1719, there were chriftned 250, buried 227. — From 1772 to 1792, there were chriilned 263, buried 16S. — Here is an Increafe of 13 chriftned and a dccreafe of 59 deaths, Amongft the dlngby ct Sidkild, et extendit fe a via regia ufque ad vallum domini regis. Teftibus, &c. Regijir. Holme. reign p»./. :?!>/ "•'■' i^„y^ ,/,,.!/<' Leath Ward.] CAVES CALLED ISIS PARLIS. 291 reign, granted (among other particulars) to Thomas Dalllon, Efq. and Elizabeth his wife. §f3" Plumpton Park, in /his pari/o, i?cifig a diJlinH chapelry, in ivbicb lies Old Penrith, the Pelriuna of Camden, and Brcmeienractim of Horjley, zvill be treated cf in the further progrefs of this vjcrk. CAVES CALLED ISIS PARLIS. As we are now to pafs the boundary of the county, in order to A'iew lirougha::: , Arthur'' s tonnd Table, and Maybrongb, on our way to Penrith,* we fliall hcregi^ve an account of the caves cut in the rocks impending over the river Eamont, oppofite to Saint Ninian's, vulgarly called Nine churches. Thefe caves have often been vifucd, but their pofTcfTors or \\(c have not yet bccfi afcertaincd. This is the only place we know, in the neighbourhood, likely to have been the retreat of a hermit, or perhaps htre was Sir Hugh's Pan'nnr, men- tioned in our account of Penrith. The caves arc formed about the middle of a perpendicular rock, which rifes immediately froni the brink of the river, and only to be approached by pading along narrow edges of the cliffs, and holding by the flirubs. One is but a narrow recefs, hewn in the cliffs for a day flielter or feat; the other is chicHy natural, and capacious enough to hold a great number of people, ll has had a door and window, formed in the Jaws of the cave, by mafon- work; a column, which has at once been the jamb of the door and window, remains Handing, with the marks of iron gratings, hinges, &c. The opening, or mouth of the cave has lately been greatly altered in form, by the tailing of fome of the upper ffoncs.. There appears no marks of a tool in this cave, except on the right hand fide cf the entrance, where a recefs or alcove is cut out; leaving a plain or bench about two feet above the level of the floor, capable of receiving a matrafs for the rcclufe to reft upon. The roof hangs in a fliaken and tremendous form, and the w hole is miferably dark and damp : there is no appearance of a fire place. 1 he engraving annexed, will give the beft idea of this cavern. The editor of Camden fpeaks of this phce in the following words : — Haifa " mile above the confluence of Eden and Eimot, on the very bank of the former, " is a grotto of two rooms dug out of the rocks, and called Ifis Parlis, (in Mr. " Couch's edition, Jfan Parlis) to which there is a difficult and perilous paffagc. " In former times it was certainly a place of ftrength and fccurity; for it had iron "■gates belonging to it, which were ftnnding not many years fince. To this we " ilibjoin what other authors have related, — That the vulgar tell ft range ftcries " of one Ifir, a giant, who lived here in former times, and, like Cacus of old, " fcized men and Cattle, and drew them into his den to devour them. But it is " highly probable, that thcfe fubterraneous chambers were made for a fecure retreat " in time of fudden danger; and the iron gates, which were taken away not long " ago, do not a little confirm that fuppofition." * See page 271; When the page refeircd to was printed, we intended to have proceeded to Penrith, before we viGted this place. P p 2 Some 292 CAVES CALLED ISIS PARLIS. [Leath Ward. Some writers have called this place the cave oiTarqnin, and applied thereto the old ballad of Sir Lancelot du Lake. We fhould be negligent in the eye of fome of our readers, if we omitted noticing this matter. " Hiftorie du S. Gaal, on Lancelot, tranfcribed foon after 1200." MS. Brit. Muf. 20. c. vi. i. Wharton's Eng. Poetry, vol. i. p. 134. " It was probably " Henry III. who commanded the Romance of Lancelot du Lake to be tranflated " into French, as the tranflator, Robert Borron, is placed foon after the " year 1200." When Arthur firft in court began, And was approved king. By force of armes great viclorj-s wanne. And conqucft. home did bring. Then into England ftraight he came, With fifty good and able Knights, that reftored unto him. And were of his Round Table; And he had j lifts and turnaments. Whereto were many preft, Wherein fome knights did them excell. And far fur mount the reft. But one Sir Lancelott du Lake, Who was approved well, He for his deeds and feates of armes All others did excell. When he had refted him a while, In play and game and fportt, He faid he would go prove himfelfe In fome adventrous fort. He armed vodc, in foreft wide. And met a damfcl faire. Who told him of adventures great, Whereto he gave good eare. Such wold I find, quoth Lancelott; For that caufe came I hither. Thou feemeft, quoth ftic, a knight full good. And I will bi ing thee thither, Wheteas a mighty knight doth dwell. That now is of great fame; Therefore tell me what wight thou art, And what may be thy name. " My name is Lancelott du Lake;" Quoth file, it likes me than- Here dwelles a knight who never was Yet maVcht with any man. Who has in prifon threefcore knights, And four that he did wound: Knights of King Arthur's court they be, And of his Table Round. She brought him to a river fide, A nd alfo to a tree, Whereon a copper baton hung. And many fluelds to iee. He ftruck fo hard the bafon broke, ind Tarquin foon he fpyed: Who drove a horfe before him faft. Whereon a knight lay Lyed, Sir knight, then fayd Sir Lancelott, Bring me that horfe load h:'..her. And lay him dow e, and let him reil; Weel try our force together: For as I underftand, thou haft. So far as thou art able, Done great defpighte and ftiame unto The Knights of the Round T:g loaded nvith their anus, nuere aft aid to fnuivi, but the Germans iwre accuJ}o7ned to it, and qualified for if, by the Ughtnefs of their arms, and tallnefs of their bodies." If the notion of vexillarii and ve-iillatior, which I have already endeavoured to tflablifh, be right, we may hence be furnifiied with ffood reafon why there fliould be vexillalions of Germans, rather than of any other auxiliaiy forces." N. B. We have added to this collection the infcriptions difcovered at Crawdundak, as being adjacent to this llaiion. They are differently reprefented by the editors of Camden and Mr. Horfle/, and therefore we (hall prefent them to the reader as they are charactered and defined by thofe learned antiquaries. •>■ Anthoninus's Srovonacx, which Gale places at Kendal, and mates the fame with Brocavum, is by Ward removed to Kirhy-Thor, cr Whelp Caftle. — Stukely mal;.-. it Gala'^-a. He fays the Roman city lies on the t«ft fide of the Louther, iuft b^' the caftlc, and is very cafily trncfd. He faw many fragments of altars and infcriptions at the hail; and in the wall, "by the Roman road beyond the caftle, and near the Countefs of Pembroke's Pillar, a pret.y builo, part of a funeral monument, and farther on another bas-relicvo, much defaced. He imagined the high ground, by this pillar, where nioft of the infcriptioDS were found, was the fite of the city, rather perhaps of the Fimxrium, or cemetry, iiir, Co::^lj'i Additions to Camden. BROUGHAM CASTLE. 297 Nicolfon and Burn fay Burg-ham, quad Cajlle Tozvn ,- but here it is not clear to which part of the word unccmpounded, caj'fle or lozvn is meant to apply ; for Burgh, in the Saxon, fignifies town; thus Brough, formerly written Bingh, under Stanemore, is the tozvn under the hill of that name; here is a pofitive Saxon word corrupted only from Butgb to Brough; but kam alfo, in the Saxon, fignifies indif- criminately " Crawdundalewaith there appear ditches, rarapicrs. and great mounts of earth cad up; among which was found lliis Roman ir.lcription. tranfcribed foi rae, by Regiiald Baiiibrig, fchoolniafter of Appleby. It was cut in a rou^h fort of lock; but the fore part of it was worn away with age. K(>. 3 " As I read it, " Fiirronius prc^fcP.us le^ionh vice Prima: %utluntis vidrkis....JEliiis I.ucanut pr.tfeUu! kgioiiis ficundii^ Atigtiflx capranietati fuvt," or fome fuch tliinjj. [Tlie two upper h'nes are cut very deep; but the two lower with a lighter hand, and in a much tiner and more polite character. For viiiich reufon one may conclude them to be difFeient uifcriptions; and the ludenefs of the character in the Crll, mult needs argue it to be of much gi cater antiquity. And what may the more induce us to betieve them two dift ncl Infciiptions, is the writing of the letter A, whicli, in /'7/T^«/«r, wants the crofs ftroke; whereas at! the three in the two lafl lines, are according to the common way of writing.] The Legio Vicelima videns VIdtrix garrifoned at Deva, or Weil Chcfter; as alfo the Lcgio Secunda Augufla, which was in garrifon at Ifca, or Caer-Leon, in Wales, bcmg both detached againft the enemy in thefe parts, fcem to have fixed and pitched their camps fwr foine time in this place; and it is probable that the officers, in memory thereof might engrave this in the rock. Or what if one fliould fay, that this was the place which aflordcd the Romans a fupply of flones for their buildings hereabouts; and that upon this account the infciiptions were left here? The truth of the faft appears, from the ftones duo- up out of the foundations of Kirkby Thore, moil of which did certainly come from hence; and that up- on thofe occafions they ufed to leave infcriptions behind them, ik confirmed bv the like inftanccs, both in Hellbeek fear, by the river Gelt; Von-lengebrag, near Naward Caille, in Gihland, from whence they had their Hone for the Picl's v.all. Doubtlefs there have been more letters here, though now defaced. Mr. Machel difcovered the following infcription, not obferved before: LEG II AVCO XXIV. " When this was done is hard to determine; though to fignify the time, tlicfe words were engraven in large cliara£krs, and are dill to be feen in a rock rear it: CN. OCT. COT. COSS. "• But I do not find in the Fafti, that any two of that name were confuls together. This obfervalion however 1 have made, that from the age of Severus, to that of Gordianus, and after, the letter A, in all the infcriptions found in this illand, wants the crofs ftroke, and is engraven thus ^, as it is in the firft of thofe infcriptions." According to Mr. Horfiey, "thefe infcriptions ftand thus: No. 4. " Caiui varror.iiu ... ejus Leaioms vkefw.t vakr.th vlflrich Jidius Lucav.us Fri! unus Lcgior.is fcctmd^ Angtifla crj}ravietnti flints " In Mr. Bainbiidge's copy at Applel)y is added in a line at the bottom what was taken to be the names of the confuls, but is almod effaced upon the rock. In Camden the words are CN. OCT. COT. COSS. And in Mr. Bainbridge's copy they arc the fame. But by Camden's account they feem to have been on another different rock near to this, i^owcver I fuppofe the names have been taken for Oiftavius and Cotta; but neither the time nor prxnomtn will aiii'wer; nor can I find any confuls of the like r.ames, that will come within due compafs of lime; fo that I cannot but fufpcfl there has been a mil'take in the traufciipt. The t"0 iii:'ciiptions arc both but rude, and the upper one efpecially, feems to have been v.orked with a common pick, or lome fuch tool. They are now upon two dillinfl pieces of the rock, that have fallen off from tlie grand one, and are laid one upon the other, as here reprefented. In Camden, the firit word of the fccond line is read pracfiftus, which dlHers from his copy. Indeed in the copy upon th Hone at Appleby, it is K. C. T. U. S. ; but tlris is taking much too great a liberty, when it is ES,->U) fo dill nftly in the original.* I lherefv)re rather take this to be a pait of another ' The C, in the firft line, is now fcarcc Icfrihlc; the word in the fecond is jil.ilnly Effur, perhaps Lejfui, a name in Grutcr i66l. 10. The fourth line begins wisli Tr fur Tribunw. Ccijlrimidatifi.nl, or Cajiranttaiut rjl, as Horflcy, arc not 'probable. TVfr. GougJ/j AddilioHs to Cumden, VOL. I. Q. q name 298 BROUGHAM CASTLE. criminately, a haufe, home, a borough or village, and Leland exprefsly in this inftance applies the nrii (yllable of that name to the word caftlc, and not to the word town; he fays, vol. VII. p. 63. — " There is an old cajlle on the fide of Eden " water, called Burgh, about a line from the caftle is a village called Bnrgham." — Ham, in this inflance, would therefore fignify town, in order to produce the word Caftle-Town, according to the above author; but it is evident that every town, lituated as this was, near a caftic, would alfo have received the fame name, whereas there is not another inllance of the name of Brugham, or Brougham, in the whole ifland. Neither of the above arrangements of two Saxon words is, in truth, juft ; this name is not a compound, but a colleAive corruption oi Brovoniacum, the Roman name, fo called long before the Saxons came over to Britain, which was not till the year 4+9. Had the Saxons been the lirlt comers, the caflle, conlider- ed as fuch, might indeed have continued its name from Saxon etymology to this day ; but Julius Coefar's firft expedition to Britain was 54 years before Chrift, the ifland had been reduced to an entire and civilized province of the Roman empire in the 4th year ot Domitian's reign, 138 years after Caefar's firft entrance, A. D. 85, but it was not till 449, that Vortigern, King of the Britons, fent for the Saxons, ■with the concurrence ot a grand council, which he airembled, to affift him agamlt his enemies, after the Rouians had retired. The Saxons too were no builders of caflles ; Malmibury tells us, p. 102, that '• the great dillindion between the " Anglo-Saxons, and the French and Normans, was, that the latter built magnifi- " cent and llatcly caflles, whereas the /oh/Vct confumed their fortunes in mean " houies." It is well known alfo, that the Roman ways and ftations continued to retain through the ifland their names, with feme changes only of the original word in general ; in fome inilanccs indeed the nam.e has been fupplicd by another, yet that lubfl:itute has been Roman. An inllance of near retention of the ancient name, is the Akallaha of the Romans, now called Appleby ; Mt. Horfley doubts indeed whether the Appleby oi IVeftmorland was the true Aballaba, thinking tha: to be the GaUacum rather of the Romans, and fays it is not peculiar to that place, as there is an Appleby in Derbyjhire, in Leicefterjhire, and alfo in Lincolnjhire ; Mr. Burn goesas high as Hebrew origin for thii name of Appleby^ fuppofing theRomans name of Varronius, perhaps LtfTus, which we have in Gruter. The C, which, In Camden's copy. Is prefixed to Vaironlus, Is now fcarce difcerniblc. It Joes not appear to me from the infcriptlon, what office this Van'ouius bore in tlie Legion, or whether any at all ; unlers the C that Hands before the name ihoidJ be read Centmio. The fnape of the E, at the beginninjj of the fecond line, is remarkable. Aeiiu:] l.ucanus is alfo made PrKfetlus Legicuis in the reading in Camden ; but in the original it is neither a P-, as in the copy at Appleby, nor an R only as in the copy in Camden, but T. R. which I think mull ftand for Tribunus. The C, at the end, is read in Camden, Callrametati funt. If that be the word, I fhould rather chnfe the fingular Caftrametatns eft, and fuppofe them not only two infcriptions, but alfo cut at different times. No. 5. '• Centiirio l.eghnh feciindiS Auguji.e et victftma vatetitls victr'ich." " This is upon the face of the grand rock. The C, and other imperfeft letters below, have perhaps been the names of the confuls taken notice r>f in Camden, and fo they muft have belonged to this, rather than the former infcrip- tlon. But I have already fpoken to this matter. " It is not improbable thefe infcriptions were cut, when the Romans were getting ftones here for fome of the buildings. And fome have imagined, from the neavnefs of the place, and the nature of the grit of the ftone, that the Roman fort at Kirby-Thore was built and repaired as there was occafion, with Aone brought from this place, which pe:haps might occafion the cutting of thcfe infcriptions upon the rock, like that on the rock near Gelt." found~ FAMILY OF BROUGHAM. 29f found ananiefomcthinglike it at their coming, and modified it,as was tiKircuflom, according to their own idiom ; whether however fundamentally Roman or not, and conjed"ural as this is as to the precife Abaliaba, or the GaL'acum of the Romans, it is certainly an appellation given by them, and from that changed to Appleby, as Brovuniacum is to Eiougham, and it is as certain that there is no family of the name of Brougham, but of tliis county ; in confirmiation of this true etymo- logy of the name, Camden, in his Brirtan. (art. Weilmorland) fays, — " Eden runs " along not far from Howgil!, a caflle of the Sancifords, but the Roman military " way runs dircdtly weft through Whinfield, a large park, thick fet wiith trees, to " Brovviiaciun, 20 IcaFinn miles, but ry Engliih, Irora Vericrro, as Antoninus has " fixed) it : he calls it ■iX^o- R^-oco-viim, as the Notitia Broconiacum, from which we " underfrand the company of the def en fores had their abode hcie. Though age has " confumed both its buildings and fplcndour, the name is preferved almoll entire •' in the prefent one of Brcngham ; the antiquity whereof have been further con- " firmed of late years by difcovery of feveral Roman coins, altars, and other tef- •* timonies ;" and indeed the name has not been anciently written without exception B'lrg-ham, according to the fuppofed Saxon origin ; for among the Harleian MSS. in the Britifh Mufeum, it appears Brv.ham, Brohavi, and alfo Brabant , and in Bifl^op Nicolfon's MSS. in Carlifle library, vol. vi. p. 40, the family arms of this name are delineated as of " BrcJi'ham de Browham, now de Scales," the reiidence of the family at that period ; which brings us to make mention of this FAMILY OF BROUGHAM, OR DE BURGHAM, As having been for a length of time confidered of Cumberland, though, in truth> no otherwife than temporarily fo. This family of Brougham, may belaid to ftand imufually eminent in point of antiquity ; it originally ailumed the name of the Roman llation. This Hation forms an area to the fouth of the caftle, the vallum and outward ditch are yet very difiinguifliable. The family annexed the particle Je to the baptifm.al name, the aifumption of name from locality being much in ufe in early times, as Roger de Clifford, before mentioned, among innumerable others ; he «as the firrt of that name who fettled in Weftmorland, and added that part of BroiJgh?m CafUc to the eaff, and took his nanie from Clifford Callle, in Here- fordiliiic. which caflle was fo named from being placed on a rock or cliff, near the ford, fays Bifnop Nicolfon's MS. This family was refidcnt at Brougham, fays Dr. Campbell,, the hillorian, before the conqueft. In the time of Edward the Confcffor, Waiter de Burgham was in poffcfiion of the eflate and manor, which was held, qf/er the conqurji, per drengugium, confequently muf^ have been held free from that tenure, the drcnges, or thofe holding by drengage, were Icr.erdes in capite, (as the old law authorities fhew) fuch as, at the coming of the conqueror, being put out of their cffates, were .i/.erivards reffored thereto, upon application made to the conqueror, and on fi^.c\Mng they were l>eJore otvuers thereof, and were nee in auxilio, nee in concilia, againfV him. In the 22d Henry II, Odard de Burgham was refidcnt here, was lord of the manor of Brougham, and was third in command of thofe officers who were fined for delivering up Appleby Caftle to the Scots. Q^q 2 Gilbert 30O FAMILY OF BROUGHAM. Gilbert de Brougham, fon of Odard, in the next reign, that of King John, was in poirelTion not only of the eflate, but of the village of Brougham, half of which village he gave up to Robert de Vetripont, of whom he held in drcngage, that the other half might be freed from that fervice. In 'j5th Edward III. John de Burgham poircffed and was SheriiFof Weftmor- knd, or Subvice Comes under Lord Robert Clifford. In 2d Richard II. John de Burgham poireffed the eftate. In 7th Richard II. John de Burgham was knight of ihe fhire, with John de Kirby, for the county of Cumberland. In iSth Richard II. Johnde Burgham was member for Cirlifle. In 'ioth Richard II. John de Burgham was re-elected member for Carlifle. In I cth Henry VI. John de Burgham and William Stapilton were members for Cumberland. In 3 1 ft Henry VI. John Burgham (the (zV being ihen dropped) pofTefled the- eftate. In 10th Henry VII. John Burgham died and was fucceeded by his fon John. In i8th H) he the faid James Bird grants an annuity or rent charge of 4I. .ITuablcout of certain lands at Yan- with, to be paid on March 25th, at the chaptl of Brougham, and diRributed by the minifter and churchwardens of the parifli ot Brougham, on the 2d day of April yearly, among the poor people of the faid paruh, at a certain pillar lately creeled in a place called Winter Clofe, by the laid countefs deceafcd. And it is to be noticed from this authentic document, that this property of the countefs, con- veyed by her fuccelTor to James Bird, was not burthened with payment of the 4!. to the poor, he covenanting to pay from bis eflate at Yanwith, which cftace is no part of this manor, but cuftomary under the houfe of Lowther, and it continues to this day a rent charge on that farm, which was afterwards purchafed of Bird's family by the anceftors of the prclent owner, John Nicolfon, who pays it annually, according to the covenant. By the above purchafe, therefore, of James Bird from |ohn Tufton, of this remaining third of the manor, two thirds of which he before enjoyed, the whole became r;;//r/?and undivided in himielf, and has, fince that time, beeny'o handed down to the prefent pofTefTor of the ellatc, by CommifTioner Brouo^ham, who repurchafed, (as has been faid) this ancient family property of the f'Vand children of James Bird, BROUGHAM CHAPEL, Ficm its vicinity to the hall, (as reprefented in the annexed plate) commonlv occalioning enquiries as to its ufe, it may be fatisfac^hiry to our readers to account for its making a part of the coup d'oeil ; the ground on which it ftands was part of the purchafe formerly of Anne, Countefs of Pembroke, who held theadvowfon of the living of Brougham, by inheritance from Robert de Vetripont, her anceflor, to whom Gilbert de Burgham fold it in the reign of King John, or the beginning of Henry IIL and the church being three miles dillant from the well end of the parifti, flie ercvflcd 1658 and i6(;9, for the convenience of the inhabitants on that fide, this chapel; but the village of Brougham being long (incc dcmolifhed, and the lands, accotding to Burn, " fwallowed up in the demefne, the owners of //are " now BROUGHAM-HALL. 305' ** now accommodated alone by the chapel," in which afternoon fervice is per- formed, when the family are refident, by the redlor, who does duty in the forenoon of Sundays only at the parijh church, and who having long fince received land nearer to the reft of his glebe, and more to his convenience, in exchange for this ground, from the family, it is now their property. The late Mr. Brougham provided a new fet of neceflaries for the chapel, viz. books fringed cloaths for the communion table, pulpit and reading dclk, furpliccs &c. — Burials were never per- formed there, though baptifms were, and the font is at this day as entire as when firit ercdted; but the chief of the family have been baptized and buried in the parifh church of Brougham, as appears by the regifter there, at leaft by fo much of it as remains entire, which is from the year 1558, and in which is the entry of an order figned Henry Carliol, (the then Bifliop of Carlifle) to the churchwardens of Bmvbavi, to appoint a convenient place in the parifli church for Mr. Thomas BroTvbam and his family, according to an order made by his majefty's court ccclefiaftical, dated 17th Auguif, 1607. This order concludes thus, as certifi- cation of entry,- " The above is certified by Humphry Clofe, clerk, to be a true " copy of the order which was decreed for endying of the conlroverfyc for place in " the chaunceil, betwixt Mr. Thomas Browham, and Mr. Braidlye, parfon." Wc next vifited the feat of the family, which has laft claimed our attention, BROUGHAM-HALL. This delightful manfion, from its confpicuous fituation on a ftccp declivity, arreft* the eye and occafions the enquiry of all travellers, as every one muft necellanly pafs in view, whether going by the great York road, or that of Lancafhire, to Penrith, which muft be a circumftance alfo of no fmall account to the family re- fiding there, as it affords a fcene of uninterrupted gaiety, too generally wanted in country refidences; as this well-known fituation muft be familiar to moft of our readers, pafling in a general view of it, we ftiall give a more par fie u/ar one of its various beauties, which can be critically judged of only by vifiting the place itfelf. It has not improperly been ftiled by painters, in their excurfions, The IViiidfor of the North, as well from its elevation, as its cxtcnfivcand varied profpcds from the terrace; the houfc has a long front to the weft, much of the ancient part is flill remaining, with mullioned windows, and an embrafured parapet. The late owner erected a new building to the fouth, the apartments of which are oda- gonal, and in good tafte. In the old part of the houfe the rooms have fquarcd ceilings, ornamented with coats of armour in ftucco work, carved mantle pieces, with foliage, fruit, and arms. The hall, which is lofty, has five Gothic win- dows, each completely fitted up with painted glafs, fomc of which is of the old ftain, and has anciently been there, Cparticularly the arms of the family over the door) fome is of the modern painters, and placed there by the late Mr. Brougham, the whole was completed and arranged, as it how is by the prefent gentleman; the fubjevfls are of various kinds, fcripturc pieces, Dutch figures, landfcapcs, fruit and flowers, and the lout enfemhle produces an admirable etfcd:. The terrace runs from north to fouth in front of the houfc, pafTing which, it becomes of confiderable breadth, making a return to the eaft of fome length ; from this ter- VOL. I. R r race 306 BROUGHAM-HALL. race you have the following views, for variety as well as extent, fcarcely any where to be equalled, and however fliort of the appearance of nature a defcription niuft fall, the fcenery will be recognized by all who- have at any time vifited the place. To the fouth are fecn the irregular banks of the river Lowther, which here and there are concealed by trees enriching the fcene; at the diftance of two miles, are- the extenlive woods of Lowther-Hall, which vie with any of fouth- crn growth, the manufac'tory houfe, where carpets are made* after the manner of Goblins, a large white building of fevcral fiories, riiing amidft the wood, makes at that diftancc a confpicuous objetft, from this end of the terrace; nearer to the eye^ you have the village of Clifton, the tower of Clifton-Hall, the refidence anciently ef the family of the Wyberghs, and the high r> ad from Penrith to Kendal. To the weft you look down on a level of rich meadows wafhed by the river Lowther, and have a complete view of the bridge, the road to which from Lon- don to Penrith by Yorkfliire pafles through the Grounds of Brougham; on the other fide of this river, at a little difVance, yen have in view the grove which encircles the druidical remains of Maybrough, or Mayburgh, the centre flone of •which, eleven feet in height, and twenty-two in circumference, is an ohjp(fl from h^nce. This relique will be more particularly treated of in cur progrefs to Penrith. In the more diflant view, you have the village of Yanwith, the Hall of Yanwith, an ancient tower, battlementcd, belonging to Lord Lonfdale, the hills of Ulfwater, about five miles diftanr, and a variety of different ohjecls-, to the extent of eighteen miles, where the whole is bounded by a chain of moft ffupendous mountains^ beautifully diminiflied by their diftancc, varying in Ihape and lifting their heads to the clouds, with that irregular grandeur noticed by thofe v. ho have poetically defcribed them in their vifus to the famous Lakes of Kelwick, from which thefe hills arife, the mountain called Saddleback being the lord of this group, which happily bounds the wel^ view on that great extent from the terrace. To the north, the nearefl: obje(fl is the village and river of Eamonr, with the bridge which feparates the counties of Weftmorland and Cumberland; the de- lightful grounds of Caileton-Hall form, as it may be faid, the right wing of this fcenery; in the centre divifion you have the town of Penrith, the church and its tower, whilft the horizon is ftiut in upon the left by the ruin of the ancient caftle; beyond the town of Penrith ariles the moor, acrofs which you diftingiiifh the high road to Carlifle, the race ground on one fide, and on the fummic of the hill the beacon houfe, a ftone building of two ftories, with a ftair from the lower to the upper one; this formerly was lighted up in times of danger, as a fignal ot the approach of the enemy, and at prefent, though ufelefs as to its original purpofe, is fecn around the country, and from hence in particular is a pleafing obelifk. This place has an uncommon advantage from thefe varied landfcapes at each point of view, viz. that the whole is taken in, (thelaft to the north only excepted) from every room in the houfe; and in addition to thefe profpecffs of nature, is the conftant pafTage ot travellers on the two great roads froni London, • The private property of Lord Lonfdale. The. BROUGHAM-HALL. 30"^ The pleafure grounds are extenfive, confining of flirubberies and woods; the former, the firft of the kind in this country, and at prefent of the grcateft extent and variety, was planned by the late pofrefTor, and executed under the eye of Mr. Edow, the chief gardener at Lowther-Hall ; this completely covers the high bank, of which the terrace forms the top, and extending a confiderablc way round, is on a much greater fcale than it appears to be at a diftancc; walks arc formed in every direction, and here and there, to obviate any inconvenience from the fteepnefs of the declivity, fteps are conltrudled of turf. In a recefs, well adapted to the purpofe, being near a fine ipring, inclofed with. Hone, over which is placed a bench with arms, you enter a hermit's cell, a circular thatched building, lined completely with mofs of various kinds, the feats round it matted, and the windows, which are fmall, of painted glafs, the fubjedt of each, a faint ; in a niche are the ufual charafterillics of a hermit in his retirement from the world, the hour glafs, crofs and beads, and the mcwc/2/0 inori, afkull, the whole fupported by a large tree in the centre, lopped for the purpofe, to the upper part of which the rafters are fixed for the thatching, the trunk in the infide of the cell being covered alfo with molTes, and lamps hung round it lor nightly contempla- tion j on the table is painted, from the Penferofo of Milton, " And may at lad my weary age, " Find out the peaceful hermitage, " The hairy gown and mofly cell, " Where I may fit and rightly fpell. " Of every liar that heaven doth fliew, " And every herb that lips the dew ; " Thefe pleafures melancholy give, «' And I with thee will chufe to live." And in another part of the hermitage is fixed a fcroll, with thcfe lines : — " Beneath thefe mofs-grown roots, this ruftic cell, " Truth, liberty, content, fequeftered dwell : " Say you who dare our hermitage difdain, " What drawing-room can boaft fo fair a train ?" The wood adjoining, which is of feveral acres, is a continuance of the beauty of this place, and is alfo in character with the other parts of the fituation, fo much ^o indeed, that in every reprcfentation of it the painter has tonfidered it as a necefl fary member of the whole on his canvafs. The form is the fegment of a circle, covering a bank which rifcs gently from the meadows below, to a level with the terrace, and this circular form or flope gives it, when in foliage, an air of much grandeur ; it has been rendered ulcful as well as ornamental by the prcient owner, who has formed feveral new walks through the whole, from the top to the bottom, covered the old ones with gravel, and placed ruftic feats, of various forms, in the different parts. When through this wood, we crofTed the high road to Kendal from the north, pafling through iron gates of a Gothic form, corre- fponding with the windows of the manfion-houfe, and entering a field railed off, and planted with fiuubs, were conducted by a winding walk to a thatched building upon the edge of the river Lowther, which confifts of two rooms, one an odagon, finiflied with prints bordered and fixed on the wall, which is of a lemon colour, and various (pecimcns of natural hiflory, &c. &c. are Rr 2 arranged 3o8 ARTHUR'S ROUND TABLE. arranged on flielves, the whole furniture of this place being in charaifler as a cottage ornee ; here is alfo a gallery or balcony, which is entered from the room, for the convenience of filhing, the river running underneath it. The other apart- ment is fmall, and occupied by a perfon who refides there for the purpofe of taking care of the poultry, &c. The whole is encircled by a railing, and in the centre of the inclofure a venerable fpreading oak, furrounded by a feat conipofed of bran':hes, gives the finifh of rufticity to this delightful retreat; from hence you have at one view the moll advantageous profpeift of the hall, the (lirubberries, and wood already defcribed. The various objects of tafte difpofed on different points of view in the grounds of this place, to great adva uage, as antiques, pedeltals fupporting vafcs, &c. &c. we do not enter into a particular detail of; but we have endeavoured to give our readt rs a more exadl idea of this lafl: mentioned-retreat, and ot the hermitage alfo, as they are quite out of the common ftile, (indeed the only things of the kmd in the county) and fe!dom iiitn by Itrangcrs. At the north end of this field, by the fide oi which flows the river Lowther, is Lowther bridge before-mentioned, as viewed from the terrace, of three arches, over which we paffed; and at the diftance of about two hundred yards from the bridge foot, a little off the road fide, came to the ground where we vievired the circular trench called ARTHUR'S ROUND TABLE.. Camden and his editor mention this and the adjacent monuments of antiquity, thus: " A little before Lodore joins the Kmot, it paiTes by a large round intrenchment, " with a plain piece of ground in the middle, and a paffage into it on the other lide: " it goes by the name of King Arthur's Round Table, and it is pofTible enough it ** might be a jufling place. However, that it never was defigned for a place of <• ftrength, appears from the trenches being on the infide. Near this is another *♦ great fort of fl:ones, heaped up in form of a horfe fhoe, and opening towards it ; " called, by fome, King Arthur's Caftle, and by others MaylivHgh, ox Mayhrough. " Emot may be called the Ticinus of the two counties of Wefimorland and " Cumberland, falling in a clear and rapid ftream out of the Ulfwatet, as the Tcflin '• does from the Lago Maggiore, and will yet be more remarkable, on account of " this and the neighbouiingremainsof antiquity upon its banks; if we believe them " to he, as 1 think we may, monuments of that treaty of peace and union which was «« finifhed by King Athelftan, in the year 926, with Conftantine, King of Scots, " Hacval, (Howcl) King of the weftern Britons, or Stratcluid-Welch, of which " Simeon Dunelmenfis (and from him R. Hoveden, in the fame words) gives us this ** account. All ihefejinding that they could not make head againjl him, and dejiring peace «« of him, met together on the fourth of the Ides of July, in the place zvhich is called «' Eamo ruM, a:id entered into a ler.gue, that zvas confirmed by an oath. The very name «' alfo of Maybiirg extremely f^ivours this opinion ; for in the old iflandifh vvnters, *' we have viogur and mogu^ in the plural, for fon and fons. But in the Iflandick *' Lexicon of G. Andreas, Magr is rendered Affinis, Gener, Socer • and Marge/ is «' AJfinitas. The fame thing Dr. Hicks obfervcs of the Saxon word ClOa^o OOaju, 6fc. «' and faith Junius, from this relation of blood, the word came by degrees to be *• transferred. MIS C E !. L .^XEO US ^ii . ,. T i Q UK TKK S ;jJS^i <,'*rt'«a,«-' r/y^' ?^^ OF J^-f.i m R OL'GB.. Plan ol A[a\Jyiouo Ii &:TiioAp(|un's Rouiic''!'al Brouoiuaciini . Aiiticj.' y : rirm.n ^pi. C V /\ R R o i\r / v/ S \i: L L V Cy\ M vs ^^ H ■ L, £, G M .A V G C V e S S V S KkC,xxvv \ , A E L L V C /A VV^ S .A^" /. '-#«fe c«r/-/- i;,:jf?/9. / .1 m'P (^191-9/^9 f A KT 1 NO !^! ARTHUR'S ROUND TABLE. 30? "transferred ro any intimate union or friendfhip among men or focieties; who " obfervcs, that in the old Cumbrian or Runic language Mag fignifies Socius, a " companion. So that Mayburg feems to have been (on occafion of the afore- " mentioned treaty) fo called, as if one fliould fay, the fort of union or aiiiancc." We have ihrown together thcfe feveral remarks as they ftand in our author; but wc muft attend to each fubjedt fingly ; and firll of Arthur's Round Table.:]; Mr. Pennant defcribes it " ConfilHng of a high dyke of earth, and a deep fofle within. " furrounding an area twenty-nine yards in diameter. There are two entrances " exadlly oppolite to each other; which interrupt the ditch, in thofe parts filled X Extrafl from the ^th vol. Archaologia, In an adjacent field, without Mr. Morgan's garden, is the hollow circular fpot, known at Caerleon by the name of Arthur's rtound Table, which is generally fuppofed to be a Roman work, and to have ferved by way of amphitheatre. In this cafe it raull be confidered as one of the Caftrenfian Hud, like that at Richborough caftle, not far frum Sandwich in Kent, and many others. 6tukely f mentions one at Silchcller, and another three miles from Redruth in Cornwall. Probably the round entrenchment be- tween Penrith and Shap in Wcftmorland, defcribed by Salmon, J and compared by him to a cock- pit, or wreftling ring, is of the fame kind. It alfo goes by the name of Arthur's Round Table, as does that on the cadle wall at Winchcfttr. >-uch temporal y amphitheatres were probably the only ones ufed by the Romans in the dillant provinces ; fincc their more pompous edifices of this kind feem to have been con- fined to Italy, Fiance, Spain, the coafts of the Adriatic, and the neighbouring provinces of Helvetia, &c. Lipfius has given us a lill of Jiii'h of thefe fupeib buildings, of which there are any remains, in his learned book De amphitheatris extra Romam. But it fecms rather extraordinary, that in the preceding treatifc De amphitheatio, where he particularly treats of the origin and nature of the Roman amphitheatres in genera!, he ftould entirely omit even to mention thofe of the Caftrenfian kind ; efpecially iince there is great rcafon to fuppofe that in their firft origin, other amphitheatres alfo refembled them. For it is well known that the Romans originally ftood at games,* till hixury introduced fitting ; and it is obfervable that the Caflrenilan amphitheatres in general preferve no figns of the fubfellia, or feats ; fo that the people muft have ftood on the giaffy declivity. I fav.- no figns of feats in that of Caeileon, nor in the mere perfetl one near Dorcheftcr, as Stukeiy ^ has alfo obferved ; nor do I recoUeft that any fuch have been difcovered in any other Caftrenfian amphitheatre, in our illand, where they feein to have been rather numerous. For, confidering the frequency and imf>ortance of the Roman ftations with us, and the nature of inch amphitheatres, which are eafily hidden 01 disfigured, it may reafonably be fuppofed, that there were many more of them in Britain than what are known to us at prefent, though the number of the latter is by no means inconfidcrable. The learned author, whom I have juft quoted, rightly obferves, Si aedi- ficium aut public! opetis uUum genus crebrum in Italia et provinciis luit, reperiei hoc fiiifle quod ad ludos fpeftat ; and further, aujeo aciumare, raram aliquam five coloniam five munieipium fuifle, in queis non ct ludi ifti et ludorurn fimul fedes. It is alfo n afonable to imagine, that the firit ufe of feats was in thefe campeftral or turfy amphitheatres. Ovid in his poetical rapfody. de Arte Amandi, exprefsly fays, In gradibus fedet populus de ct^fpite fadlis. It is alfo further probable, that the appellation cavea, which was often applied to ampiiitheatres in general,]] may have been originally derived from the fimple form of thefe primitive ones dug upon the turf. Though the otheisof a fuperior clafswere commonly fuperftruc- luies built with brick, hewn ftone, or marble ; yet Lipfius^ defciibes a very remarkable Roman amphi- theatre at Done, on the confines of the ptovinccs of Anjou and Poitou in France, which is entirely formed from tlie folid rock of a mountain excavated for that purpofe by an effort o!" hiunan labour, worthy of the Romans. It is very rL'tiiarkable that fo fingulai a monument of antiquity ftiould never have been taken notice of before Lipfius's time ; efpecially being filuated in fo civilized a country. But it is time to quit this fubjert : I (hall therefore only obfcrve further, that the amphitheatre at Caerleon is placed without the walls of the camp, according to the cuftom of the Rom. ns upon fuch occafions. t Iter. Curiofnm, 1. p. 156. ^ Survey, p. 6.17. Pennant's Tour, 1769, p 156. pi. 19. Stukeiy, I(. 43, pi. 84. Gibfon's Camrfen Brit. • Cic. de Amicitia, cap. 7. Tacit. Annal. 14. 20. Valcr. Max, 11, 4. § Jt. Cur, I. p. 169, Lipfiiu de Amphitheatris extra Romam, cap. l> \ De AtDpbiibcatiis, cap. ■),, "to 310 MAYBROUGH. " to a level with the middle. Some fuppofe this to have been defigned for tilting " matches, and that the champions entered at each opening." This place is rcprefented in the annexed plate : the trench by which it is formed, is near ten paces wide ; the foil which has been thrown up outwardly, forming an outward banking like a theatre; the approaches are ten paces wide, and the whole circle within the ditch is one hundred and fixty paces in circumference. It feems molt reafonable to determine this was a tilting ground, f its vicinity to Penrith makes it highly probable that fuch was its ufe; either allowing that Penrith, in its higheft antiquity, was a feat of royalty; or in m.ore modern times, the place of refidence of the Dukeof Gloucefter; whofe magnificentmanner of living allows us no doubt, fuch fpevflacles and exhibitions would be ufe J: for it was common in thofe days to celebrate grand feftivals with a tournament. At a little diftancc from the Round Table, and nearer to Lowther bridge, is another circular ditch, with a very low rampart, but of much larger dimenfions, being fcventy paces diameter, without any apertures or advances.* The next place to be noticed is Maybrough; it lies about half a mile to the weft of Arthur's Table, confifts of an eminence which rifes gradually from the plain, for about one hundred a.nd forty paces, forming the lower fedtion or bafe of a regular cone: the afcent is every where covered with wood, and the remains of timber trees of great (ize appear on every fide. The plate reprefents an interior view of part of the circle, and of the column which ftands near to the centre of the circus. The fummit of the hill is fenced round, fave only an opening or entrance, twelve paces in width, to the eaft ; the fence is fingular, being compofed of an immenfe quantity of loofe pebble ftones and flints, which perhaps were gathered from the adjoining rivers. No kind of mortar appears to have been ufed in this Avork, the ftones lie uncemented, piled up to a ridge, near twenty paces wide at the bafe, and in height about twelve feet from the interior plain. Here and there time has fcattered a few trees and flirubs over the pebbles, but in other places they are loofc and naked both on the infide and outfide face of the fence. The fpace within confifts of a fine plain of meadow ground, exadlly circular, one hundred paces diamerer: inclining a little to the weltward from the centre, a large column of unhewn ftonc is ftanding ercft, (placed with the fmaller end in the earth} anafli tree grows at the bottom of the ftone ; it is twenty-two feet and fome inches in circum- ference near its middle, and is eleven feet and upwards in height. The traditional account given of this place, is in no wife to be credited : " That it was a Roman theatre, where men were expofed to combat with wild beafls ; and that fuch ftones were placed for the refuge and refpite of the miferable fubjedt in his unhappy contlicl:." Mr. Pennant fays, " There had been three more (ftones) placed fo as to form, " with the other, a fquare. Four again flood on the fides of the entrance, viz. one f Admitting this conjecture, we mud be induced to believe, that the knights of Arthur's Round Table were not the companions of Arthur's banquet, but thofe who had proved their dexterity in tihing, and feats of chivalr)'. * This perhaps was ufed in pedeltrian exercifes The Editors. "on MAYBROUGH. ^u " on each exterior corner, and one on each interior: but excepting that at prefer^ " remaining, all the others have long fince been blafled to clear the ground. The " u(e of this accumulation feems to have been the fame with thdi called BrytiGwjn, *' at Irer-Dryw, in Angiefca,* a fuprcme coniiftory of druidical adminiflration, as " the Britifh names import. That in Anglefea is conftrudcd in the fame manner " with this ; but at prefent there are no remains of columns in the interior part."f If to the generous reader it doth not appear arrogant, after quotations from fuch learned authors, we would offer fome thoughts on this place ; which we prefume is as great a curiofny in its nature, as the Salkcld monument ; and is the only one of its kmd in the nonhern parts of Britain. We prcfumcd to declare our opinion of the Salkcld monument, that it was the place of druidical judicature ; that there the alTcmblcd delegates met in congrcfs, and that the criminals fulfercd execution there. We conceive that Ma'ybrough was appropriated foiely to reli- gious rites, and that here the pupils received their documents in the myflerics of that religion.;}; Its fimilitude with that in Anglefea confirms this opinion; and that Maybrough was the place (for the northern regions) of the fuprcme con- fiftory in religious matters: it was calculated for Itudy and contemplation: it was (hut m by a folemn grove, and perhaps in its original ftate, was fenced abouC wiih a lower and outward wall, to fet bounds to the vulgar. After the Romajis * Mod. Antiq. z. Ed. go. ■f " The large obelillcs of ftone, found fn many parts of the north, fuch as thofe at Rudftone (Archiologia v. 5.) and near Burrough-biidge, in Yorkfhire, belong to the religion before treated of; obcliflvs being, as P/iny obferves, facred to the Sun, whofe rays they reprefented boih by their form and name. (Hilt. nat. Lib 36. fee. 14.) From the ancient folar obeliiks, cr.me the fpircs and pinnacles with which our churches arc ftill decorated, fo many ages after their myftic meaning has been forgotten " Knight's Account oftkc Wirjhip at Ifernia, in the Kingdom of Naples, p. 11^. Further to illuftrate the difference inCfted upon between this monument and Long Meg, we beg leave to add the following notes to what has been already advanced on that fubjeft. " Paitfanias fpe^ks of a temple at Sicyon^ built by yldmjlus, (Lib. 2.) who lived an age before the Trojan war ; which confifted of columns only, without wall or roof, like the Celtic temples of our northern anceftors, or the Pyrastheia of the Perfians, which were circles of ftones, in the centre of which was kindled facred Gie ; (Strab. Lib. 15.) the fymbol of the Deity. Hom r frequently fpeaks of places of wor(hip confining of an area and altar only (tSiKsm; Zuftoi ti) which were probably inclofures like thefc of the Perlians, with an altar in the centre. Ibid. 109. The Orp'ic Temples were, without doubt, emblems of that fundamental principle of the myftic faith of the ancients, the folar fyllem; fire the efTcnce of the Deity, occupying the place of the fun, and the columns furrounding it, as the fubordinate parts of the univerfe. Ihid. 112. From a pafTage of Hecatjeus preferved by Diodorus Sieulus, ( I.,ib. 2 . ) we think it is evident that Stone- henge, and all the other monuments of the fame kind found in the nortii, ori;^inally belonged to that ge- neral religion, which appears at fome remote period, to have prevailed over the whole northern hemifphere. According to that ancient hlftorian, the Hyperboreans inhabited an ijland beyond Gaul, as large as Sicily, in nuhich jipolla nuas 'worjhipped in a circular temple, conjtder able for itsjizeand riches. Apollo, we know, in the Ian juage of the Greeks of that age, can mean no other than the fun, which, according to Cafar (de B. Gal. Lib. 6.) was worfhipped by the Germans, when they knew of no other deities, except fire and the moon. The ifland here alluded to, can, we think, be ho other than Brita n, which at that time ■was oiily known to the Greeks, by the vague reports of Phoenician mariners, fo uncertain and obfcure, that Herodotus the moft inquifitive and credulous of Hillorians, doubts of its exiftencc Ibid. 1 14. X Dr. .Stukely fuppofcd it a Britifh Curfus. Mr. Weft derives its name Myfiiion, a place of ftudy and contemplation. i >'>Mr. Gough's Additions to Camden. had 3»* MAYBROUGH. had totally reprefTed this tribe, and conciliated the minds of the inhabitants to their religious rices, by adopting local and topical divinities, no doubt the people ftill retained their old affedlion for the facred places, and they were ftill ufed for convocations and afiemblies on important occafions. Ihe Saxons would necef- farily encourage this cuftom, as bearing an intimate fimilarity to their own. All we can gather from the name of Maybrough, leads us not far in antiquity, but yec in fome meafure confirms our pofitions : for if we conceive this to be a corruption of Miiyberie, or Maleberge, we find authors of great note defining them thus : Lord Coke fays, " Berie is the name of a plain or vale, furrounded with groves and " forefts, and held facred by the ancient Britons," fo that probably the name came of Magi-bane^ or the facred plain of the magi^ or wife men. Du Cange tells us that " Makberge fignifies Mons placili : a hill where the people allemblcd at a " court like our allizes, which by the Scotch and Irifli are called Parley-hills." — To thefe we will add Spelman's conflirudlion : — " Collis vallo plerumq. munitus in " loco campt'Jlriy ne infidiis exponatiir, ubi convenire olim Jolibant centurite aut vicina " incolte ad lites inter Je traitandas ct terminandas. Scotis reorq. Grith-hail, ?nons " pacijicationis cui afyli privilegia c once deb ant ar." Oppofite to Maybrough, on the Cumberland fide of the Eamont, is a large tumulus, or cairn, called Ormflcd-hill, formed of pebbles, which appear where the turf is broken: it is fet round with large grit fi:ones, of different fizes, fome a yard fquare, the circle being about fixty feet diameter, A new fione bridge was built over the river Eamont ^\ about the year 1425. — Langley, then Bifliop of Durham, granted an indulgence of forty days, to all per- fons truly repenting of their fins and confefling, who fhould contribute any of their goods given them by God to the building a bridge over the river Amot, in the parifii of Penreth. Given at the manor of Auklandj April 5th, 1425. E. Reg. Langley, p. 126. f Emonte, an eafy derivation of the name of a river flowing from tlie mountains that furround Ulf- water. In this place nue beg leave to ackfwwUdge our obligations to feveral gentlemen, nuho tuHl not permit us t* publij}} their names, for their local defcriptions, and other communications, ixihich emlelitjh this •work To render our publication more entertaining to feveral of our readers, ive ix-'erc induced to paft the boundariet of the county of Cumberland, to defcribe the fcenes that ornament its environs. T he Editors. A''. B. The cosTiNUATiON proceeds 'with Penrith, . C 3U ] PENRITH. WE now re-enter Cumberland by Eamont Bridge, which is one mile from this place. Penrith is a fmall market town, lying on an eafy inclination of the ground : it chiefly confifts of one long ftrect, ftrctching north and fouth. — The market-place is fmall, and much encumbered by very ugly fhambles, cover- ed with flates. An open fpace or area, leading to the caftle, is beft calculated for the market; but, tenacious of cuftom, though inconvenient, it is held in the ancient place. 1 here are many modern, well-built houfes, in a good tafte here ; and the inhabitants are Mealthy, courteous, and well-bred.* Various opinions have been given, as to the etymology of the name of Penrith:^ Bifhop Gibfon's edition of Camden has it, " Penrith, in Britifh, a red bill or head; " for the ground thereabouts, and theftone of which it is built, are both reddifh : •' [this, according to Dr. Gale, is the Vcroda of Antoninus] it is a noted little " market town." And though this etymology differs from that given in the Latin edition, and quoted in the notes. Me are inclined to adopt it. The hill im- mediately above the town, which is a very confpicuous land-mark, to be feen at a great diftance, is adually, to this day, a red bill. Dr. Todd would derive it from the Pelriana of the Romans, a ftation diffant from the town about three miles, in Plumpron Park, where the ^la Pctriana lay in garrifon ; out of whofe ruins, he fays, the town was built. But it is not very probable, that they lliould bring materials from thence, even ftones ready fquarcd, \s hen they could eallly have them immediately at hand. Penrith lies within the foreft of Inglewood, on its fouthern extremity; and is bounded by Barton, Dacre, Newton, i-{cikcr, Lazonby, Salkeld, Kdenhall, and Brougham. It is an honour or paramount manor of the Duke of Devonlhire's, by purchafe from the Duke of Portland, once a royal franchife, and from thence endowed with cxtenlive and peculiar privileges. In confequcncc of the fcveral changes this part of the country underwent, during the long and various debates between the two crowns, Penrith has experienced a variety of fortunes. Long before the conquefV, it is noticed as a place of chief confequcncc in the county. In the introduction, we have fketched out, from that dark acra of hiffory which preceded the Norman accefTion, the pofTcirions of the Britons, and their long and bloody conflids. We muft now dcfcend to ages more immediately antecedent to our own, and confine our attention, for theprefent, folely to the town of Penrith. * It is fa!d the Duke of Devonthire propofed to remove the fhambles. f Hai;(l muko fiipctiiis, panim etiam ab Eimoti ripa abeil Penrith, id cfl, fi e Biittannica lingua in- . terpretaris Primatinm Vtidum, vulgo autem Perith dicitur. Quondam ad epifcopos Dantlmenfcs fpec- tavit, fed cum Antoniiuis Beccus Epifcop\is nimia opiim amueiitia infl.itus iiifoL-fttict, abflulit ei F.divardus Privim, (ut in Dunchncnfi hbro legimus) Wcrk in TividrJix, Perith, et ecchJSum dc Simor.Jf XT ..: 1 _ 1 i_ ._ (1 ^.A\^.. o, :.. r„t!„ *: :„*..,« :.. „..:.... ..(..... t> C/..;./.., y Tr_ t VOL. 3H PENRITH. [Leath Ward. At the time of the Norman conqueft, Penrith was in the pofleflion of the Scots, ■who claimed it, together with Weftmorland, Northumberland, and part of Rich- mondfhire, as fiefs of Scotland. — William difpoireflcd them of Cumberland, though they ftill perfifted to alledge the juftice of their claim. — King John con- fented to cede to William, King of Scotland, thofe fcveral territories, on receipt of 1 5,000 merks : and he alfo covenanted, that Henry, or Richard, his fons, fhould marry Margaret, or Ifabella, the Scots King's daughters : but neither marriage took effed. — The claim was alfo agitated between King Henry III. and Alexan- der, King of Scotland, and was compromifed by the pope's nuncio ; when Henry agreed to grant to Alexander two hundred librates of land in the counties of Northumberland and Cumberland, if the fame could be found in any of the town- fiiips where no caftle ftood : if not, the deficiency was to be made up in parts adjacent to the faid counties. The fame was to be held of the crown of England, on the yearly payment ofa foar haw k at Carlifle, to the conftable of the caftle there. This agreement was fo fingular, that the following extraAs from it, cannot, we trufl:, be deemed either impertinent in this place, or in itfelf incurious.* Nicholas Farnham, then Biihop of Durham, as nominee of King Henry, in the year 1244, afligned the manors of Penrith and Sowerby to the King of Scotland, in confequence.of the noted agreement. Alexander dying in the year 1251, was fuccceded by his fon, Alexander the Third, who efpoufed Margaret, King Henry's daughter, and received confir- mation of the above lands; which occalioncd them to be called the Queen's Haiuis, or demefnes. By an alTize taken in the fixth year of the reign of King Edward I. it is ftated, that the King of Scotland held Penrith, Longwaldeofby, Scotby, Salkcld-magna, and Carlcton : and by an inquificion pofl mortem, taken 21ft King Edward I. 1292, on the demife of Alexander, King of Scotland, it appears he was feizcd of the fame at his death, worth yearly 200I. and that John Baliol, then thirty years of age, was the next to inherit. On Baliol's fuing for livery of the Cumberland lands, as heir of Alexander, it was found, Penrith and Sowerby were granted to Alexander and his heirs, Kings of Scotland, and not generally to his heirs only : therefore not till after Baliol's acceflion to the crown, had he livery of this place, with its lands and ap- purtenances. On the defection of Baliol, King Edward feizcd thefe demefnes, and in the 26th * " Quod diftus Alexander, Rex Scotiae, remiiit, ct quietum clamavlt, pro fe et hajredibiis fuis, difto *' Henrico Regi AiiG;lirE et heredibus fuis in peipetuum, diAos comitatus Nor^humbrise, Cunibri*. et «' Wellmorlandix', &c. Pro hac autem remiffione et quieta clamantia, prediftus Henricus Rex Anp;lla- " dedit et conceffit difto Alexandre Regi Scotije ducentas libratas tenn; in prediftis comitatibiis Nor- " thumbriae et Cumbria?, fi predifta; ducentae librats terrx in ipfis coinitatibus extra villas ubi callra (ita '« flint pofliint inveniri ; et li quud inde dtfueiit, ei perficetur in locis competentibus et propinquioribus •' dittis comitatibus Northumbria; et Cumbrix: Habendum ct tenendum ct in doniinio retinendum eidem " Alexandre Regi Scotia; et lia-rcdibus fuis regib\is Scotiae, dc di.dibus fuis apud *' Karliolum per manum Conftabularii caftri Karlioli quicunque fucrit, in fefto afTuniptionis Bcitx Marix, " pro omnibus fervitiis, Sec." rear Lfath Ward.] PENRITH. jrj year of his reign, granted them to the infolent and avaricious Anthony Beck, Bifliop of Durham, as a gratuity for his fervices at the battle of Falkirk, where his troops chiefly contributed to the glory of the day. Camden fays, " but when " he was grown haughty and infolent, by reafon of his excefTive wealth. King " Edward took from him (as we read in the book of Durham) Penrith, &c," — ■ But this was effeded by a. parliamentary inquiry and interpofition, in the 33d year of that reign, when aflemblcd at Carlide, and the bilhop not appearing to lupport his title, Penrith was rcflored to the crown. In an incurfion of the Scots, to the number of 30,000, Penrith was pillaged and burnt in the 19th year of the reign of King Edward III. and many of the inhabi- tants were carried into captivity. This, it is faid, was an attack made on the Englifli teiritories, at the inftigation of the French king. Sir William Douglas had the chief com.mand upon this expedition; and, with unremitting feverity, walled the greaielt part of Cumberland. The EngliOi, commanded by the Bifliop of Carlille, Sir Thomas Lucy, and Sir Robert Ogle, not being in force to oppofc them, formed an army of obfervation, which ferved greatly to check their depre- dations. A detached party of the Scots, under the command of Sir Alexander Strachan, v. ho were out foraging, was cut oif; and Sir Alexander was run through the body. Sir Robert Ogle was alfo grievouOy wounded in the conflift. The bilhop fignalized himfelf, and had a narr£)w efcape ; he was difmounted, and in great danger of being made prifoner. In the thirtieth year of the fame reign, the inhabitants, in their petition to the crown, fet forth an^ account of their calamities, that the lands and tenements %^hich they held under a heavy rent from the ciown, were wafted by the Scots: and that their corn was often deflroyed by the beafls of the foreft : in confequence (if which remonllrance, the king granted to them and their heirs common of paftcre for all their cattle within the whole forefl:, in as ample a m?Jiner as the prior of Cailille and other tenants had by grant of the king f t The klters patent are in the following form, " Edwardus Dei gratia rex Anglige, Dominns Hibernia: " et Aquitaniae, omnibus ad quos prefentes liters pervenerint falutcm. Siipplicaverunt nobis homines et " 'IVnentCb manerionim de Penrcth Sakeld et Soureby, qua funt de antiquo dominico coronae noftrae " infra Forcllam noftram de Inglewoode habitantcs, per petitionem fiiam coram nobis et concilio noftro " in praefenti parliamento noftro, exhibitam. ut cum ipfi pro eo quod terrsE et tcncmenta fua pro quibus " inagnam fcriiiam nobis folvere tenentur, per inimicos noftros Scotiac, ac blada fua in tcrris fuis ibidem " crefcenlia per Feras noitras Forefta? prsdifts fsepius deftruiintur ct devallantiir, ut ferinam fuam prx- " diftam nobis folvere non poffunt, nifi alias fubvenlatur eifdem velimus eis in auxilium ferinse (ux prasdi^ts " concedere, quod ipfi eommunam pafturam ad omnia animalia in Forefta pradifla habere valeant fibi et •' hxredlbus fuis in perpctuum : nos coniideratione prieminbrum, et pro co quod coram nobis in eodem " parliamento teftincatum exiilit primifTa vcritatcm continere, volentem eifdem hominibus et tenentibus " gratiam facere Ipecialem, conccffunus eij pro nobis et Haeredlbus noftris, quod ipfi et hxredes fui habo " ant et teneant eommunam pailura; ad omnia animalia fi:a in Foreita prxditta in perpetuum, prout "prior Carlioli et Williclmus Englifh ac alii tencntes, infra Foreftam praedi&am eommunam pafturae " ibidem habent, ex concelTione ncftra et progenitonim noftrorum, fine occafione vel impedimento noftri " vcl Hxredum noftrorum, lufticiorum, Foreftariorum, veredariorum, Regardatorum, Aglftatorum " Ballivorum et miniftrorum noftrorum forcftx quorumcunque. In cujus rei Tcftimonium, has literas " noftras fieri fccimus patentes. Tcfte meipfo apud Wcftmonafterium vicefimo fexto die Oi^tobiis, anno " regni noftri tricefimo feptimo." S f 2 During, 3i6 PENRITH. [Leath Wari>. During the civil diflentions between King Richard II. and his parliament, the Scotch troops entered England in two divifions, the fmaller by the Eaft March, whofe retreat was rendered famous by the battle of Otterburn; the larger diviiion entered by the Wefl March, and made their progrefs as far as Penrith, which they pUmdered and facked, but fpared the inhabitants from captivity. :]: In con- fideration of which calamity, King Richard II. in the eleventh year of his reign, confirmed the grant made to the tenants of Penrith by his grandfather, Penrith, from the time of John Baliol's defeftion, continued a royal demefne, until the 19th year of the reign of King Richard II. when by a grant from the crown, this manor and Sowerby were given to John Duke of Brctaign and Earl of Richmond : but how long he pofTefTcd the fame, or for what caufe fuch grant was refcinded, we are not informed : but it was not long before letters patent were granted thereof, to Ra. de Nevill Earl of Weftmorland and Johanna his wife. Some authors have aiTerted, that Richard de Nevill Earl of Warwick, the heir of Ralph, being flain in the battle of Barnet, in the elventh year of the reign of King Edward IV. this eftate, by extindlion of male ifllie of the grantee, reverted to the crown. But, we are rather inclined to coincide with Mr. Pennant's opinion, that the fciginory of Penrith was part of the great eftate, which King Richard III. •whilft Duke of Gloucefter, had in marriage with his Dutchefs. For this opinion Mr. Pennant quotes Buck's life of Kmg Richard III. || Penrith continued to be a royal demefne, until granted by King William III. to William Bentinck, afterwards by him created Duke of Portland; in whofe noble defcendant it remained until the year 1783, Avhen he fold all his Cumberland poflefTions to the Duke of Devonfhire. Having taken a curfory view of the moft material parts of the ancient hiftory of Penrith, we will now give the beft account we can of its prefcnt ftate. In the view from the Beacon-hill, is comprehended the fine fertile vale, in which Penrith ftands, confifting of as rich meadows, as any in the north of England. But the cultivated trad being narrow, is chiefly occupied for the ufe of the inhabitants of this town. Advancing northward two miles down the valley, the lands are much inferior in quality. X In the 6tb year of King Richard II. the Scots pafled through the foreft of Inglewood and entered Penrith at the time of the fair; where they made much bloodfhed and pillaged the town. But with th« merchandize, it is fuppofed, they carried the peftilence into their country, by which one third of the people died. The Englifh, to retaliate, pafTed over Solway Frith, and took great booty, but in return fell into a dtfilc, where four hundred were flain; and many in their precipitate flight were drowned, RtDPATH's BORD. HiST. il In 1472, he maiTied Ann the daughter of Richard NeviU, Earl of Warwick and Salifbury, the widow of Edward, fon of King Henrj'- VI. CUMBERLAND. TERR IN PENRITH. 24?-^ SiJ». Necnojj tot. ill. meffuag. ac o'es illi viginti quatuor acr Terr, cum pertin. vocat one bondage land in Penrith in com n'r Cumbr. annual rtdd. live valor, xiijs. xd. _ Necnon tot ill le Toftfteed, &c. annual redd. &c. xiijs. xd. i Necnon tot. ill. Ten. cu. p'tin. vocat. Thewifhed als Thevylide in Gateftale v^'ard S:c jacen. et exiften. % infr. Foreft. de Inglewood &c. ac funt parcell. honor, de Penrith &c. annual redd, viijs. iiijd.. * Que oi'a prcmifT. in pd. com. Cumbr. &c. ante hac fuifle parcell pofleflion. Rici nup. Ducis Glouc. From the deed ofconvejaiice to the citizens of London, Tei/ip. Ja, I, in trujijlr frime Charles. The m Leath Ward.] PENRITH. 317 The Old Castle, of which fome noble remains are fliU ftanding, overlooks the town from the ucfl, and gives it a majeftic appearance. In Bidiop Giblbn's edition of Camden, the defcription is, " Fortified on the weft with a royal caftle, " which, in the reign of Kirig Henry VI. was repaired out of the ruins of Maylurgb, " a Ddiiijh temple hard by." By a marginal note, it is obferved, that as to the time of fuch repairs, " it is a miftake," and the place which furnifhed the ma- terials is called " a Roman fort." But this, we doubt not, will appear in the fequel, to be a complicated error; there are no marks of Roman workmanlMp to be difcovered on any of the ftones in the caftle, to fupport a conjefture, that the ftones for creeling this building were ftripped from Old Penrith, the fort Petriana of the Romans. The caftle ftands on a natural eminence, of no great elevation. It. is formed on a parallelogram, fortified w ith a rampicr and a very deep outward fofic, or ditch : the only approach was on the lide next to the town, where an opening through the works ftill appears; which, it is prefumcd, was kept by a draw bridge. There is a confiderable platform between the walls and the ditch. The ereiilion is of a red frecftcne, with which the country abounds; it has noihing antique in its members or ornaments ; the form of the windows and other parts doth not (iifcover any thing to carry our idea much beyond the time of King Edward V. But we confefs there is little left from whence we might determine the age of the building, with any degree of preciiion. It is evident, from the hifloiical circumllances, that in the reigns oi King John and King Henry Hi. there was no caftle here. When thefe demefnes were feizcd by King Edward III. and afterwards granted to Anthony Beck, no fuch fortrels is named; and had fuch fxifted at the time of the Scotch incurfions, before related, the depredations would have been checked, or the inhabitants would have had a place ot refuge. In the latter end of the fourteenth century, after the grant was made to the Duke of Britany, perhaps this fortrefs might arife; and this is the earlieft a;ra, in which we conceive, there is any probability of dating its foundation. From our own opi- nions, we are inclined to ftate its rife, after Penrith was granted to Nevill; and that it was firft erected by that family; But be that as it may, it is the general opi- nion, that Richard, Duke of Gloucefter, refided here, that he might be more at hand to oppofe the Scots, who were inceifantly turbulent : but the moft probable caufe of fuch refidence, was to keep the adjacent country in awe, the inhabitants being chiefly attached to the Lancaftrian party : Mr. Pennant fays, " By his refidence " here, and his magnificent modeol living, he gained great popularity in the north, " and he feemed to depend greatly on the troops from that part: for hecaufed five " thoufand to march from thence to London to fupport his coronation." To which we may reafonably add, the vaft influence of ihe Ncvills, in the northern counties. Whilft the duke was here, if he was not the original builder, he certainly added feveral works to the caftle, conftrudted fome new towers, and greatly ftrengthened the whole fortrefs. The report of the materials being taken from an old ruin at Maybrough, is without the leaft probability ; for the fouth and eaft fronts are ofaftiler work, well jointed, and of excellent mafonry; and there is not the leaft appearance of hewn-ftone, or a quarry of freeftone, in or near Maybroiigh. If the tradition of this caftle's being erected out of the ruins of any old building, has 31 8 PENRITH. [Leath Ward. has any foundation, it may have arifen from its being built of afhler-ftones of the rampier of a Roman fort, which, probably, flood on the very fpot: the ground on which the caftic fliands having the ftrongeft marks of an ancient camp, of fquare figure, an outward fofle and agger, with an inward walled rampier, of which the diftinft remains are now to be feen. Its contiguity to Petriana and Brovoniacum indeed argue powerfully againft the pofition, but it is not poflible othcrvv ife to recon- cile the tradition with the prefent circumflanccs. Penrith calHe, with the honour or paramount dominion, continued from the time of King Richard III. in the crown, till they were granted to the Duke of Portland's anceiior; and, like many other royal fortreffes, in the time of Kmg Charles I. this place was feized by the rapa- cious adherents of the commonwealth, difmantled, its chief ftrength thrown dow n, and the lead, tmiber, and other materials fold by the fpoilers. There are iomc large vaults laid open, which are faid' to be the ancient prifons ; and the chief fmgularities in the prefent remains, are the projecting corbies in the eart front, ■which have fupported open galleries: there are few ornaments about the v^hole building. * In Gibfon's edition of Camden, it is faid, " Penrith has a large market-place, " with a town^-houfe of wood, for the convenience of the market people; which ♦' is beautified with bears climbing up a ragged ftaff", the device of the Earls of " Warwick." This town-houfe, lome few years ago, was occupied by a fet of players, and, by fome accident, burnt to the ground ; which event has opened out and rendered more airy feveral very good houfes: it was a fortunate accident to the town in general, as it was thereby deprived of an ugly obibudion and a nuifance, as all Ihambles and town-halls ereded in this Scotch mode almoft always are. The botanical paintings executed by the late Mifs Calvin,! a native of Penrith, highly merit the attention of the curious : for delicacy of colouring and taife in the * The common opinion of the people about Perith is, that Da. Raby, Earl of Wcflmoiland, made much of the caftle that now flandeth at Perith. Lel. Itin. 6. 7. f Her brother painted fevera] fuhjefts of natural hiftory for Mr. Pennant, with tolerable good effect. The nieafurcs, by which different grains are fold at Penrith, vary greatly. One bufliel, by which barley and oats are fold, contains S<3 quarts : — another by which wheat, rj'e, peas, and potatoes are fold, contains 64 quarts : — three buflicls are called a load. Penrith is a great thoroughfare for thofe who feek for miferable m.air!ages at Gretna Green — Not one happy contraft in a thoufand has lj£^ derived from that forge of fhackles, made by the hands of Hymen's btjckfinilh. Penrith church is ornameritcd with gilt chandeliers, bearing the following infcription, — " Tiiefe «' chandeliers were purchaftd w th the 50 guineas given by the moll noble William, Duke of Portland, *' to his tenants of the honor of Penrith, who, under his grace's encouragement, affociated in the defence " of the government and tovni of Penrith, againfl the rebels in I 745." A perambulation cf Khiforejl cf higlc^ood was made in the 29th year of King Edward II. It is faid, the repairs and additions made to the caflle of Penrith, by Richard, when Duke of Gloucefter, conSfltd of a tower, a porter's lodge, and fome detached buildings. — That there is an arch- ed fubterraneous paffage from the caflle to a lioufe in Penrith called Dockwray-Hall ; dillance 300 yards and upwards, contrived for the purpofe of receiving fupplies, and effefting efcapes, when ever the fortrefs was in imminent danger. Under the terror of the incurfions made by the Scotcii, it fc-ms that the inhabitants of Penrith frequently concealed the little money they pofleffed ; for in pulling down old houfes^ Leath Ward.] PENRITH. 319 the difpofition of the foliage and flowers, together with the fcientific accuracy of the work, her finifhed pieces vied with any paintings of the kind in Europe.— After Mr. Pennant vifited this great artift, he could not forbear noting — " Full many a gem of pureft ray ferene " The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear; " Full many a rofe is born to blufh unfeen, " And wafte its fweetnefs in the defert air." *' For in this town lives Mifs Calvin, of exquifite fkill in painting plants and " flowers, with equal elegance and accuracy : a heaven-born genius, obfcure and " unknown." houfes, money is frequently found, "but in fuch poor pittances, as fufficlcntly defcribes the ftate of the owner. The water, which Bilhop Strickland brought to the town, is faid to have been purchafed by one of the family of Vaux, who potFefled Catterlin, to be dia«-n from the brook Pettrell, in no larger ftreara -than would flow through the eye of a millftone. Mr. Gilpin, in his preface to " Obfervations relative chiefly to Pifturefque Beauty," the third edition, .1792, to wliich we have made frequent application in fome notes, fpeaking of the drawings which illuilrate the work, fays, " the ideas are taken from the general face of the counti-y ; not from any particular Icene. «' And indeed this may perhaps be the moll ufeful way of conveying local ideas. For a portrait charac- " terifes only a fingle fpot. The idea muft be relinquiflied, as foon as the place is pafled. But fuch " imaginary views as give a general idea of a countr)', fpread themfelves more difBcultly, and arc carried «' in tile reader's imagination, through the whole defcription " " Before we arrived at Penrith, one of thefe fortrefles, which is known by the name of Penrith Caftle, " prefcnted us with a very noble ruin ; and under the moft' interefl:ing circumfi;ances. The fun, which, " through the length of a fummer day, had befriended us, with all his morning, noon, and evening " powers ; preparing now, with fareinell fiveet, to take his leave, gave us yet one more beautiful *' exhibition-" " A grand broken arch prefented itfelf firfl; in deep fliadow. Through the aperture appeared a part •" of the internal Ih ufture, thrown into perfpcdlive to great advantage ; and illuminated by the departing " ray. Other fragments of the (battered towers and battlements were juft touched with the fplendid " tint : but the body of light lafted on thofe parts, which were feen through the fliadowed arch. « In the off^flcip, beyond the caftle, arofe a hill, in fliadow likewife ; on the top of which ftood a lonely " beacon. The windows anfwering each other, we could juft difcern the gloomy horizon through them, <» a circumftance, which, however trivial, has a beautiful cffcft in landfcape. This beacon is a mo- " nument of thofe tumultuous times, wliich preceded the union ; and the only monument of the kind ■" now remaining in thefe parts ; though fuch beacons were formerly ftationed over the whole countr)', " and could fpread intelligence, in a few feconds, from one end of it to the other. " At this later day, thefe caftles and ports of alarm, adorning the country, they once defended, raife " plcafing refledlions on a comparifon of the prefent times with the pad — thofe turbulent tini^s, when no ■" man could flcep in fafety, unlefs fecured by a fortrefs. In war he feared the invafion of an open enemy : " and in peace a mifchief ftill more formidable, the ravages of banditti; with whom the country was "always at that time infefted. Thefe wretches were compofcd of the outlaws of both nations; and " inhabiting the failnefles of bogs and mountains, ulcd to fally out, and plunder in all direftlons." VoL II. page 84, &c _ The public approbation beftowed on this author, made it incumbent upon us to note his remarks on ^he fiihjcftf, which oocur, as we traverfc this county. He is a dcfcendant of the Scaleby Caftle family «.f Gilpins, of which fome account will be given. The Kditors. She 320 PENRITH. [Leath Ward. She was the daughter of Mr. William Calvin, who followed the bufinefs of a painter, in the humbler lines of that profeflion ; was at length patronized by Lady Lonfdale, and removed to London, where, foon afterwards (he departed this life, without reaping much public fame. The church revenue fomewhat exceeds lool. a-year. It was given by king Henry I. to the fee of Carlifle, on its original inftitution. The body of the church of Penrith was rebuilt in the year 1722. f The outward fronts are conftruded after a plain but neat plan, and conneded with the old tower; but the inlide of the edifice, for convenience and propriety, exceeds moft churches in the north of Eni^rland. •]■ The whole expence of this ereftion amounted to 2253I. i6s. lod. halfpenny. Received from the colleAion of 944L 6s. Qd 1 p by Brief _____ only J ^- 344 ' 5 From the Pari(h — — — — 1673 II 5 h. From voluntary contributions — — — 236 4 o £. 2253 16 10 h. PENRITH VICARAGE. Dedic. St. Andrew — Bifhop of Carlifle Patron Pope N. Val. K. Edw. II. K. Hen. VIII. Eccl. de Penryth £ifi no . . . £(i 13 4 Penrith Vic ;^l 1 9 i Vicaria ejufd. . . 968... 200 Comtaria fci. andrea in Eccl. de Pen. 600 Tlie clear yearly value lool. Incumbents — 1223, Walter de Cantilupe, pr. the King, — Thomas de Kirkofwald — 1318, Allan dc Horncallle p. m. Kirkofwald — 1323, Gilbert de Kirley, p. res. Horncalllc — I3J5) John — 1428, Jolin Hawckin — 1477, Thomas Beft— 1535, Henry Btneman — 1565, Thomas Lllerton — Robert Ptarl'on — 1574, Robert Robfon, p. res. Pearloa — 1575 ^Vllham Walleis, cl. p. res. Robfon — 1600, John Haftie, A. M. p. res. WalLis — Baldwin, an ufurper — on the reiloration of King Charles Hallie returned 1661, Simon Wcbfter, p. m. Haftie K163. Robert Filher, A. B. p. res. Webller 1665, Charle* Carter, p. m. Fiiher — 1667, Marias D' Afligny, S. T. B. a Frenchman, author of fevtral Tracts, p. ces. Carter 166S, Jniliua Bunting, A. B. p. res. D' AfTigny 1669, John Child, A. M. p. res. Bunting — 1694, Alexander Farrington, p. mbrt. Child — 1699, Hugh Todd, S. T. P. p. m. Farrington, 1728, John Morland, A. M. p. m. Todd — 174S, Guflavus Thompfon, A. M. p. ni. Morland— 1749, Battie Worfop, L. L. B. p. m. Thompfon — 1 750, John Cowper, A. M. p. res. \Vorfop~1790, James Fletcher, A. M. p. m. Cowper. VICARIA DE PENRITH. Henricus Beneman vicari ejufdem Ecclie de Penrethe cuj. Re£loria appropriate unita et T annexa eft Epo Karlij habet decim. Lactic, et Vitul. cu. anc. et ahis que valent coib > o 40 o annis. J Idem Henricus habet mans cu. uno Cottag. ibm que valent p ann\i. — — — O 12 o Idem Hemicus habet oblac. alterag. decis minut. cu. pTitiiis libri pafchrtlis que val. coibiisl „ , annis. j ^ Sm total. Valorls III. 83. 5d. de Qnibs. Refolut fenag. et fubfid. — In Refoluc Epo Karlij -p. fenagio annuatim refolut. — 040 •Et in refolut p'cucon viCtacon Epi de tiiennio in trienniu Ss. et fic anni:atim — — 044 Sm dedudl. 8s. 4d. Et rem. I il. OS. id. xma inde 22s. CANTARIA SCI ANDREE IN ECCLIA DE PENRITH. Richardus Graves Capellan. Cantarifta ejufd. habet diverfas teir. (.t ten. jae. in dev'ils loc infra Com. Cumbre que valent p. annu. coib" annis Sm valoris 61. xma inde i2s. Eccl. Survey, 26th K. Hen. VIII Extent. } o o LeathWard.J PENRITH. 32 r England. It is uniformly ftalled with oak, and divided by a centre aile, and two fide ailes, well lighted by fpacious windows. The body of the quire is left open to a lofty ceiling, but the fide ailcs are covered with galleries, which unite at the weft end, where is the general entrance to thofe galleries by a ftair-cafe leading to each wing. The galleries are fupported on rows of excellent Ionic columns, ten on each fide, each column formed of one intire ftone, brought from the quarries of Crawdundale, in the county of Wcftmorland, lying at the diftance of about feven ExTEKT.] Four mile? N. to S. — tliree miles and a half from E. to W. Soil and Produce.] In the inclofed lands, the foil, in general, is a light red mould; towards Carleton, Eamont Bridjje, and the eaftern part, the foil is deep, a httle loamy and very fertile ; the weft- cm part upon a limeftone, is the greateft part of it good land. Nearly half of the land in the parilh is common, lying towards the north, which is dry, clear of heath, and producing much fern makes a good and found pafture for flieep. Near the town, meadows and pafture lands ; about Carleton, tillage, and turnip land ; potatoes are there produced in great perfeftion. Towards Plumpton, oats and barley, in dropping feafons, bring heavy crops. Towards Dacre, the lands pay bed in pafturage. Farms and Rents.] Farms in general are fmall, few exceeding 40I. a-year. The value of lands is Tery various, fome bring 5I. an acre, whilft others du not reach above los. — The average price is about 30s. Sheep.] The ftock upon the common is about 3S00 ; the average weight of their wool, is feven fleeces to the Hone, v.'hich fells for 7 s. 6d. — Wedders are worth los. or lis. apiece. — There have been inftances of ftieep from the common weighing 1 8 lb. a-quatter , but the prefent ilock is of the fmall fort, they weigh only lolb. or 1 i lb. a-quarter. Horses and Black Ca itle.] Horfes in general ate near 16 hands high in this parifli, and about 50 are bred annually, which is a much greater numb«r than produced a few years ago ; the young hoifet are depaftured at a diftance, chiefly in Weftmorland. — Of cattle, the number bred yearly, is about 200, of which one fourth are kept from the (laughter. — Cows weigh, when fat, about nine (lone a-quarter, which arc of the larger fi7.e. Fuel.] Coals from WarncU and Talkinfell, brought about 20 mile*. Quarries.] Of fine red freeftone and dates. Game.] Some few groufe, partridge and hares in great abundance. Tithes.] In kind Tenure.] The Cuke of Devonfhire is Lord Paramount ; the lands, Sec. are chieily freehoh'. Poor Rate.] Amounts yearly to about 2s. in the pound, and makes up 4C0I. or thereabout. River.] Eamont terminates this pari/h towards the fouth. Manufactories.] One of checks, belonging to MefTrs. Jamefon and Co. in which about 200 men are employed. — Another caiTied on by Mefhs. Delap and Thompfon, faid to be more confiderable.^ One of fancy waiftcoats by MefFrs. Fifhers, in which 150 people are employed. Antiquities ] Half a mile north of Penrith is a fquare of 20 yards each way, call up on the com- mon, but no particular name given to it that we could hear ; there is alfo hmilar ones on various parts of the common. Market.] Abundant in corn, vegetable*, and other provifions, about i 100 head of cattle and 5000 flicep, befides a great number of calves and hogs are flaughtered in the year for this market. — There are two fairs for cattle, one in April, the other in September. Aspect, &c.] As the lands he in various fituations, the afpedl is different; fouth of the town, the land iuchncs to the fouth and eaft, and the eaftern parts incline towards the weft. — The lands being fertile, the general appearance is very plcafing ; the fields are fmall and fome of them inclofed with Quickwood. Wood is fcaicc except in the Carleton eftate. Culture.] Huft)andry is improved of late years — the arable lands lie (heltered, and the cultivation of tuiTiips is brought to great perfeftion ; but the prefent high rents, and the great demand for grafs lands, have caufedthe farmer to pay more attention thereto, than to plowing. Roads.] The great road from Carlifle to London, leads through Penrith, and the greateft part of the parifti. Housman's Notes. Vol. J. T t About 32a PENRITH.' [Leath Ward. feven miles : each column is ten foot four inches in height, and in the fwell four foot two inches in circumference. The ftone is dreft lo a good polilh, and being red and finely veined, has the appearance of mahogany The upper columns, from the galleries to the roof, are of wood ; and what hurts the eye greatly, they are 7he Remarks of Arthur Young, Efq ,■ oh the Culture 9/ Landt, isfe. here, from his fix Months Tour through the North of England In 1768. " About Penrith there are variations, which deferve noting. — The foil is of divers forts, clay, fand, gravel, loam, and black moory earth. The medium rent of that inclofed is 15 s. the uninclofed, 2S. 6d. and 3s. 6d. Farms rife from lol a-year, fo high as 700I. but in general, from Sol. to 150I. Their courfes are, 1. Turnips I 4. Wheat 2. Barley 5. Oats 3. Clover. Another, i Oats on the grafs broke up 4. Oats 2. Barley 5. Peafe 3. Oats 6. Bailey " This is capital indeed ! but very common; for much land, even within two or three miles of Penrith, hath been fown everj- year with either barley, oats, or peafe, for thefe feventy years. This information aftoniflied me : I inquired the produce of iuch land, and found it reckoned as good, upon the whole, as other foils managed upon more modern principles; five or fix for one of oats; and when wheat happens to be fown, ten or eleven for one. Fallowing is a new fefhion, and not perfcdlly reliflied by the farmers yet. " In a common way, they generally plough for wheat from three to fix times, fow two bufliels about Michaelmas, and gam, upou an average, about three quaiters. For barley, they plough from once to thrice, fow two bufhels and a half in April or May, and gain about 25. Sometimes barley is fown on new broke up land, and the produce 50 bufhels. They give but one ftin ing for oats, fow four bushels before barley fov.ing, and get 28 in return. For peafe, they give but one earth, fow two bufhels, and get in return about 16; generally ufe the giey rouncivals. They give from three to five plowings for rye, fow two bufliels, the crop about 24. " For turnips, they give three or four earths, never hoe, and reckon the average value, per acre, at 50s. ufe them for flieep and fatting of beafts. Clover, they fow w-ith either barley or oats, geneially mow it once, (three times have been known) and get two tons of hay per mowing. " They prepare for potatoes by ploughing twice or thrice, dung the land with long liorfe dung; lay the fets In every other furrow, ten Inches afunder, and hand-hoe between them ; if weedy, fon eumes ihey horfe-hoc them: If the land is defigned for wheat, they lime it about midfunimer, while the potatoes are growing. Tlie crops rile to 2co bufhels per acre, but the average about 120 ; price, about 2s. a- bufhel. Lime is their principal manure, though but of a few years Handing : They lay 90 bufhels per acre on their arable lands; cofts them from one penny halfpenny, to three-pence per bufhel, befidcs 'lead- ing; they lay it on ever)- fallow : They llkewife ufe it on their meadows, and find it to anfwer well. But dung they reckon much better for eveiy thing. They pare and burn a little, at the expence of 24s. an acre. No folding fhecp, nor chopping ftubbles. Stack their hay In buildings. " Good grafs lets from 15s. to 20s. an acre: they ufe it both for dali-ying and fatting beafts; reckon that an acre w ill fummer-fced a cow, or feed five (heep. Their breed of cattle, the long horned, which they think much the bell ; their oxen they fat to about forty ftone. " The product of a cow they calculate at 4I. i os. and generally have two fii kins of butter from each : the medium quantity per week, about ylb. but fonietlmes 141b. per cow. They keep but few fwlne in proportion to their dairies, not above two to ten cows. The \vintcr food Is ftraw and hay; of the latter about a ton a-head. They reckon a dairy-maid can manage ten cows, 25 s. or 30s the fummer joift. In winter they keep them all in the houfe. " They reckon 3I. the profit on fummer fatting a beaft of fifty ftone. Swine fat from 50s. to 4I. 4s. a-head. Their flocks of fheep vaiy greatly; from 40 to 3CCC: the profit they reckon 5 s each; that Is, lamb 4s. and wool i s. They feed them both winter and fpring on the common?. The averajfe of the fleeces 3 lb. They Leath Ward.} PENRITH. »SS are painted white, and the capitals are garnifhed with gold. The pulpit and read- ing delk ftand in the middle aile, which is ornamented with two large gilt chandeliers, the gift of the Duke of Portland, in teftimony of his regard to the inhabitants, for their loyalty and proper condudl during the rebellion in the year 1745, which is fignified by infcriptions on thebafes trom whence the branches a femicircular recefs, well illuminated, and adorned depend. The altar is mclofed in " They reckon fix liorfes necelTary for the management of 1 00 acres of arable land ; ufe two or four iu a plough, as the foil is, and plow tliree acres in two days. They account the expenc£ of keeping a horfe, at 61. a year. The fummer joift, 2I. 2s. They do not begin to fallow till after the barley fowing. The price per acre of plowing, js. and 5s. 6d. and the common depth four inches. They know nothing of cutting ftraw for cliafF. The hire of a one horfe cart 2s. 6d. a day. " Three hundred pounds, they alTert, is a fum fiifficient for (locking a farm of a lool. a-year. Land fells, in general, at about thirty years purchafe. Tithes, in general, gathered. Poor rates at Penrith, IS. 3d in the pound. In the country parilhes, 6d. and upwards; but in fome, nothing at all The eni- ployment of the women and children, I'pinning, and fome knitting: all drink tea. Many eftates fron^ 4ol- to 200I. a-year. The corn is generally brought to Penrith, and fent to Kendal by carriers. " The following are particulars of feveral farms. 2000 Acres, all grafs, — 2000 Sheep 200I. Rent — I Man 5 Horfes — 1 Boy 20 Cows —2 Maids 40 Young Cattle — 4 Labourers Another, 100 Acres in all — 24 Yuung Cattle 40 Arable — 100 Sheep 60 Grals — I Man 70I Rent — I Maid 6 Horfes — I Boy 10 Cows — I Labourer 4 Fatting — Another, 240 Acres in all — 30 Young Cattle 120 Arable — 200 Sheep 120 Grafs — I Man lOol. Rent — I Boy 8 Horfes — 2 Maids iz Cows — 2 Labourers 8 Fatting beads Another, 80 Acres in all — 55 1. Rent 60 Grafs — 3 Horfes 20 Arable — 4 Cows 10 Young Cattle— 1 Maid I Boy" For a cornparifon of the prefent ftate, fee Housman's Notes, page 321. In harveft, is. 6d. and beer. In hay -time, is. 3d. and ditto. In winter, lod. and ditto. Reaping corn, 38. to 5 s. per acre. Mowing grafs. Is. to 2S. 6d. Ditching, 8 d. a-rood. Threfhing wheat, id. to 2d. halfpenny . I Barley, I d. h Ifpenny. « LABOUR. Headman's wages, 12I to 14I. Next ditto, 9I. Boy, of 10 or 12 years, 3I. Dairy maid, 61. Other maids, 3I. to 4I. Women per day, in harveft, rod. and bccr. In hay-time, Kd and ditto. In winter, 6d, and ditto." Oats, 2d. halfpenny. Labour nearly the fame at preient. No waggons A cart, 4I. A plough, il. IIS. A harrow, l6s. A roller, los. 6d, " IMPLEMENTS, &c. A fcythe, 2 s. 6d. to 4s. A fpade, 2 8. 6d. to 3 s. 6d. 6d. For ploughs the farmer finds his own iroD Shoeing, 2s." The prefent prices is nearly the fame. T t 2 PROVISIONS. 324 PENRITH. [Leath Ward. adorned with fuitable paintings, in a tolerable flile : the choral bands in the clouds, being encumbered with a large bafs-viol, is an abfuidity derived from the work of a great mafter, which the painter copied, but would have done better had he corrected it. In the walls of this edifice, are preferved, feveral of the infcriptions found in the old building : J From its antiquity, the church of Penrith, as we before ob- ferved, having been given to the Biihop of Carlifle by King Henry I. on the firft creation of that fee, one would conceive many more would have been obtained. There is nothing in Penrith, or hardly any where elfe, that has exercifed the cu- riofity or pens of antiquarians more, than an ancient monument in the church— yard, "PROVISIONS, &c. Bread, oats, and barley, and rye mixed ; coft a halfpenny, three farthings, and one penny per lb. Cheefe, 2d. Butter, 6d. 18 oz. Beef, 2d halfpenny. Mutton, 2d. halfpenny. Veal, 2d. Pork, 3d. Milk, I d. three pints (Ivimmed. Potatoes, 3d. a hoop. Candles, 7d. Soap, yd. Labourers houle- rent, 2cs. Labouiers firing, 30s." Present Prices.] Bread, nearly the fame as above Beft cheefe, jd. per lb Country clieefe, or fl{immed milk cheefe, 2d. halfpenny to 3d. — Butter, yd.lb. i8oz. — Beef, 3d. — Mutton, 3d. — Veal, 2d. halfpenny. — Pork, 3d. to 3d farthing. — Skimmed milk, 3 pints, id. — Potatoes, 2d. halfpenny per hoop, —Candles, yd. halfpenny per lb. — Soap, yd. — Labourers houfe rent, for one room, ll 10s. — Firing- for » labourer's family, zl. per ann. « BUILDING, &c. Bricks 1 1 s. per thoufand, Slate, IS. 6d. per hundred, at the quarry. Per rood - - • - - j^. 0120 Leading four miles - - - 0120 Laying on - - - - - 0120 Stone walls, 6d. a-yard, work ; and getting and leading is. 8d Oak, Qd. to 3s. A!h, 6J to 2s.. Elm, ditto. A MaCon, is. 8d. a-day. Carpenter, is. 8d. Thatcher, is 6d." A. YouNGi At prefent, walling 6d. halfpenny to yd. per yard. Mafons and Carpenters, 2S. per day. :|: In the fouth wall are the following infciiptions on a blue ballard marble, in a very fine old black letter charafter. Hie jacet Chriftophorus Morefby miles, qui obiit 26 die menfis Julii, A D. 1499 Jefu Maria. Orate pro aniraa Chjiftophori Morefby militis et Elizabethas uxoris ejus Quorum animabus propitietur Deus. Another, Orate pro anima Chriftophori Pykryng militis ; qui obiit y' die menfis Sept. Anno Dom. milles° D" XII°. Near to the former, cut in the charadler ufed in Law Courts, and perfectly preferved, is the following. Orate pro anima Ricardi Coldall nuper de Plumpton in Comitat. Cumbr. armigeri qui obiit apud Plumpton 27 die menfis Decemb. Anno Domini millefimo ccccLxii. cujus animae propitietur Deus Amen. This was formerly on the fouth fide of the eaft window, in the old church, and on the floor below was, Cum. Domini Coldall fccuerunt fila forores, Excipe tres dies atque December abit, Armiger ille fuit pr«cIaro fanguine natuSiu Terra tenet corpus, ivit at ille Deo. Dr. Todd Leath Ward.^ PENRITH. 3^S yard, on the north fvle of the prcfent church; though from its being fo fituated, fome conjecture that it mufl: have been removed from fome other place, when the church was rebuilt, but that notion is refuted by Biihop Gibfon, in his edition of Camden, publillicd at the clofe of the lafl: century ; m which he notices thefe (tones Dr. Todd fays, this Richard Coldall was a famous warrior In thofe times, beinj the fame that the country people ilill frighten children with, by the name of Dui o' the Cow. By the old fong ftill remem- bered, which celebrates his atchievements ; he was one of thofe border heroes, who was continually making depredations ; but it mentions his being a partizan with thegciod Lord Scroop of Grey (lock, and we do not find any of that family owners of that place ; but as it was anciently a confiderable ftrong hold, in- fome of the border wars, perhaps the fortrefs was under the government of one of that family : the fong rehearfes fome of the enormities of thofe days, the ravirtiing of women and driving of cattle. — See Hutton, On a Monument of white Marble. Hie propc Thomae filii cineres, jacet Jana filia e tribus lectifiima Johannis Wharton de Kirby Thore arm. Filia parente, parens fiha, quam digniffinia ! Fidelis confors et folamen vitx Thoma; Dalftoa Hofpitii Grayierifis armigeri. Cul per quinquennium marita, filius conjugii dedit pignora Johannem, Luciam, et Thomam. Summa pietate vel ilia quoad Dcum, fingulari iludio erga maritum, prifca iiinplicitate iiiter omncs, per dotes corporis et animi, dim hominum, nunc Dei, amata. O raaritar, cjc ilia deftribitc aiaritam. O poftcri, vcrum deflete damnum. Obiit Chriftiane et pie ) jEtaris xxvii 12 die Augufti anno j Salutis 1678 Amoris ergo pulait Triftidimus T. D. On a Brafs Plate. Infra reconduntur duo parviili Infantes, immatura morte abrcpti, breves parcntum delicti, Edvardus et Johannes, tilii unici Hugonis Todii, S. T. P et l.ucix confortis ejus. Dum in ipfo vitae limine age- bant, ingcnium illis fcitum, forma elegans, indoles blanda, futuras \irtutis et illatae grati* fpecimina mlra. Hos ad fe pra-proptie tranfire voluit, qui dixit, Ex talibiis coiiftare legnum Dei. lUi in portu perierunt: Tu Leftor, in alto navigas. Mors ubiq. in propinquo, Audc Sapere ; «t quum' momenta, qua; legentem fugiunt, in incerto fmt, oetcrnitatem fxlicem cogita. Edvardus natus efl 14 Sep. A. D. 1702. mortuus, Feb. 13. I 705. Johannes natus fcfto S. S. Inno^ ccntium A. D. 1703. limoccns denatus Ap 15. 1706. On a Tablet of white Marble. H. S. E. Thomas Bolton, S. T. P. Thorns, rcfloris dim de Grayftock Filius natu tertins. Collegii Reginoe Oxon. Socius digniffimus I Et noil ita pudem apud Algerenfes Sacellanus Regius. Vir erat fpeftabilis Procero corpore et venufto : Vultu ingenuo Honefti pcftoris indice , Mcribus infuper fuaviflimus. Sale conditis ac facetiis , Adeo ut ubirunque gentium Gratifllmum fe fcniper Exhibuit hofpitem Amicos vifendi ftudio Hue proficifcens Cognatorem inter amplexus Repentina morte Correptus tft Ob. 30 Sep. A. Dom. 1 763 JElat fuse 44. Ricliardus Frater, P. On a neat Tablet of Marble, placed near that to the memory of T. Bolton, S. T. P. " Sacred to the memory of James Wallace, Efqjof Carleton Hall near this place, who Died at Exeter on the nth of November, 1783. in the 53d Year of his age. And of his only Daughter Elizabeth Wallace, who departed this life at Brillol hot wells May the i ?th, 1792, aged 22. Both deeply and juflly lamented. The Wheljidale's family formerly of Bifhop Yards in this town, and the late J. Richardfon, Efq; of the fame place, are, with feveral of their family, inteired in the Chancel of the churdi, but not any zno- Jiument erefted, or infcription to the memory of either. In 326 PENRITH. [Leath Ward. ftones having then been exaclly in the fame fituation they now are. So much at- tention has always been paid to this monument, that we cannot but think it in- cumbent on us, to prefent to our readers, all that has been faid on the fubjeft, in order that their judgments may be left at liberty as much as poffible. In the above edition of Camden it is faid, " In the church-yard at Penrith, on the north " fide In the old Church, but now defaced and gone. Richard St. George, Norroy K. a arms 1615, in the pedigree of Hutton, fays. The tomb of Thomas de Hutton and Helen his wife, who lived in the reign of King Heniy V. was under the higher fouth- window of the quire ; their eihgies painted in the window, with this motto. Orate fro aniiuabus Thiitnei Hoton et Elena uxoris ejus. On a Brafs Plate on the Floor. Here lyeth Mary, daughter of Thomas Wilfon, Secretarv of State to Queen Elizabeth, who was firft Mianied to Robert Burdet, of Bramcourt, in the county of Warwick, Efq ; by whom (he had Sir Thomas Burdct, Bart, and feveral fons and daughters : and afterwards was married to Sir Chriftopher Lowther, of Lowther, in the county of Weilmoreland, Knight. Her daughter Elizabeth Burdet, married to Anthony Hutton of Penrith, in the county of Cumberland, Efq ; with whom flie lived, and died the lail day of May, A.D- 1622. On the north fide of the Chancel, a monument inclofed with iion rails, with effigies of a man and woman, in plaifter of Paris, in full proportion, were the following infcriptions. Here hes interred Anthony Hutton, Efq; who was a grave, faithful, and judicious counfellor at law, and one of the mafters of the high court of chancery; fon and heir of that renowned. Knight, Sir William Hutton of Penrith, and was matched into the noble family of Sir Thomas Burdet of Bramcourt, in the county of Warwick, Bart, by the marriage of his virtuous fifter, Elizabeth Burdet, whofe pious cure and leligioiis bounty hath erected this marble tomb, to perpetuate the memory of fuch a worthy common- wealth's man, and of fo dear a hufband, who died the icth of July 1637. Here lies the portraiture of Ehzabeth Hutton, the wife of the late deceafed Anthony Hutton; who» though living, defired thus to be placed, in token of her union with him here interred, and of her own expefted mortality. . > Multum dilefta conjux, vita et morte individua comes, non amififti qucm prxmififti. Uxor 1 Unica cura mea fie vivere, ut tc cum Chrifto fruar, et tuo lateri, inxternum fim conjunc.^ marito j tior. In the prefent Church, on a blue Marble. Depofitus Richardus Hutton armiger qui Obiit o£lavo die maii A nno Domini 1717. Anno ./Etatis fux 41. Et depofita Barbara fiha fua, nata 26. Die Oftobris Anno Domini 1 7 1 6 Qux obiit 15 Junii, Anno Domini 1717. ♦' On one of the walls, is this melancholy record of a peflilence that walled the country, in the latter " end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. A. D. M,D,XCVIII ex gravi pefte, qua regionibus hifce incubuit, oblerunt apud Penrith 2260. Kendal, 25CO. Richmond, 2200. Carlifle, 1 196. Pofteri Avoitite vos et vivite. " On confulting a very old reglfter, kept in this parifh, it appears that the plague raged here for fifteen " months; from the 2 2d Sept. 1597, to 5th Jan. 1598, and that only 680 perfons were buried in the " parilh during that time. It feems therefore probable, that Penrith mull have been the centre of fome '' particular diftrift, and that the numbers recorded on the wall, muft comprehend all that died within that •< fpace LeathWard.] PENRITH. 3aj " fide of the church, are eredled two large pillars, of about four yards in height ** each, and about five yards difi:ant one from the other : it is faid that they were *' fet in memory of one Ewain Csefarius, Knight ; in old time, a famous warrior " of great ftrength an'i ftature, who lived in thefe parts and killed wild boars in the " forefi^ of Inglewood, which much infefted the country ; he was buried here, they " fay, and was of fuch a prodigious fi^ature, as to reach from one pillar to the " other ; and they tell you, that the rude figures of boars, which are in ftone, and " ereded two on each fide of the grave, between the pillars, are in memory of his " great exploits upon thefe creatures." \\ Mr. Pennant thus fpeaks of them : " In the church-yard is a monument of *' great antiquity, confifting of two ftone pillars, eleven foot fix inches high, and *' five in circumference in the lower parr, which is rounded, the upper is fquarc " and tapers to a point ; in the fquare part is fome fret-work, and the relievo of *' a crofs ; and on the interior fide of one, is the faint reprefentation of fome " animal. Both thefe ftones arc mortized at their lower part into a round one : *' they are about fifteen foot afunder; the fpace between them is inclofed on each " fide with two very large, but thin femicircular ftones ; fo that there is left a *' walk between pillar and pillar of two foot in breadth. Two of thefe lefi^er *' ftones are plain, the other two have certain figures at prefent fcarce intelligible. •' fpace. Penrith now contafns about 2000 fouls. At a medium, 6^^ have died annually, the lafi; tea *• years, or 630 in the wliole. In the ten years preceding the ptflilcnce, there were only 686 funerals ; " ib that there was no great difference between the number of inhabitants at that and the prefent time. " Some centuries previous to this, Penrith had another vifitation of the fame nature. Wlien the Scots, " under the Earl of Douglas, in i 380, made an inroad into Cumberland, they futprifed this place at the " time of a fair, and returned with immenfe booty; but fuffercd feverely in confequence, for they intro- •' duced into their country the plague conirafted in this town, wliicli fwept away one third of the inhabi- ♦' tants of Scotland." f Pknnani's tour in Scotland. PRESENT STATE OF POPULATION. Number of inhabitants, nearly 4000. Burials, from 1756 to 1787, a feries of 30 years; on an average, 73 annually. ^ — — Ditt:e, counte- nances the idea, that a perlbn of great note of this name, whether a Czar or a baron, rcfided in the neighbourhood; and if he lived here, here too he might die, •j- See the extraft from Leland's coUedlania, note to page 85, under the title Bewcaflle. U u 2 and 332 PENRITH. [Lbath Ward-. and here be buried ; and the ftones in queftion be his tomb, as tradition fays they were. Perhaps too (to go on with our conjediuresj he might be a remarkably tall man; for tallncfs was confidered by the ancients asalmoft Zijine quanon in the formation of an hero: perhaps he might be even feven feet high; and the upright Ihaft rounded to that height, to denote the human body, and thereby record that circumrtance: perhaps too he had adually killed four real boars in the adjacent foreft, of the lize expreifed by the rude delineations of boars in the four iide Itones ; or, what is more probable, perhaps he had, in fome of his warlike contefts, flain four Caledonians, of redoubtable prowefs, who were even taller than hiinfelf ; and their nation, fize, and fate be thus defcribed by four proftrate boars, each of them upwards of feven feet in height. f As to the ftone called the Giant s Thumb, it is no more than the remains of an old rofe-crofs, rudely cut, and now broken ; perhaps ic was an ornament of the old church: we fee many of thofe rofe-crolFes on old abbeys; there is a very fine one remaining on the weft end of Lanercoft. Mr. Pennant had over looked, that the upper part of the ftone was broken, and not chilTeled: by examining it,, it will, we doubt not, appear to demonllration, that the head of the ftone was originally circular. — See our engraving, page 308. The dots exprefs what we think has been broken off. It is faid, " That Mr. Sandford, in his manufcript account of Cumberland, de- " Glares, he was told by Mr. Page, who was fchoolmafter at Penrith, from 1581 " to I 59 1, that a ftranger gentleman commg to an inn there, defired to have " fome of the coniiderable mhabitants to fup with him, whereupon this, Mr. " Page, and fome others attended him. The ftranger told them, he came to fee " the antiquities of the place; and drawing out a paper, faid, that Sir Hugh " Caefario had an hermitage fome where thereabouts, called. Sir Hugh's parlour: •' and Mr. Sandford adds, that when he was at Tchool at Penrith, this place was " opened by William Turner, who there found the great long fhank bones of a " man, and a broad fword." The ambiguity of theexpreflion " this pidcc\" leaves the reader in an uncertainty whether the tomb in the church-yard (the fubjeel \ " Gigant'ibus hunc morem afta fua Lapidibus infcribendi, adfcrjbere Ericum Upfaleafem (Lib. \.\ " milii videlur. Erant Giganies in Terra (Gutliurum, omniumque Septentrionalium Populorum, fcilicet) " Vhi potentcs, et famofi a Ssculo, qui, Corporis Elegantia, vel Virium Potentia, vel Utroqiie, Cxtcris ^ pte-enih!£bnnt : et Hi libi aliquid Dominli vendicabant. Erant item et alii Corifillis et Prudentia " vigentes, et aliis, in agendis fuis Conliliis, diligeiitiores, ut et Ipii fibi Nomen facerent, ficut Gigniites i *• qui Gefta fua Charaftere quodain Literarnm Lapidibus infcribebant; eoque Tempore magnilicis a6\ibui, " et prudentibus Refponfisac Confiliis ftudebatur." Bartholinus, de Caujis contsmpine Mortis a Danij. Lib. /, Cup. ;x. p. 143. Mr. Lamb, in his curious notes to the battk of Hodden, has favoured us with the following infcrip- tion oa a Roman altar ; whith, we truft, will not be deemed quite foreign to our prcleut enquiry. Sii'ja?!o hrjiLio facrum. C. Tetiitt Veturius Micijiut Pref: AU Sebafiana, ob Aprum Eximix eorm.€ captum, quam Multi Antecejfores ejus pradari non potuerunt. Votum Snher.s lubenter pcfuit. This altar, he fays, was found in a rivulet, in tiic bottom of a dean, in Weardale : and It proves thus much at leaft, that there were large boars in the north, fucli as it was great merit to kill ; and that it was not unufual to ereft monuments to the memory of fuch public benefaftors, as thofe who killed thefe tyrants of the forefts. immediately Leath Ward.] PENRITH. 33^ immediately preceeding) or Sir Hugh's parlour was opened, when Mr. Sandford was at fchool : but we arc led to conceive, it was the tomb. The hermitage, probably was the cave, which we have defcribed in page 291. An ambition to extend one's name beyond the grave, is neither unnatural nor unworthy : it has prevailed in all ages and all countries. But, time, the great humbler of all human vanity, obliterates infcriptions, and defaces fculptures ; and levels pyramids and maufoleums. We own, in our aiTiduous attempts todecypher, if we may fo exprefs ourfelves, the monuments at BewcalUe and this place, we felt ourfelves prompted by a fort of fympathy with the noble perfonages, whofe names they were undoubtedly intended to perpetuate : the hoary headed monarch feems to fmilc at the impotency of our attempts ; and our toils are fruitlefs. We have found this fentiment fo well exprefTed in another part of the Danifli poem before quoted, as we find it in Bartholinus, that we will tranfcribe the palPage, and with that clofe the fubjeA. " quid Tempus edax, quid non longiffima fccli " Abfumit Caries? lua funt quoqiie Funera faxo ; " Et rigidiE Cautes cumulanc fibi Clade Kuinas. " Perpetui aurarum Curfus, Pluviasque Procellteque " Et gravis Illuvies : tum fparfa Tonitrua CceIo, " Ac Tempei^ates, iterataque Jurgia Nimbis; *' Grando, Nives, et Equis Bobufque infixa frequenter " Ungula, et atroces jadtataque Fulgura Venti, " Ipfaque materies, per fcfeobnoxia multis " DeHuviis, Rcrumque vices, et plunmus Angor " Tcrrarum, ac filTae fua per vefligia Rupes: " Cautibus eradunt Artefque Noiafque, profundis " Sint licet infcriptae, perdudtaque Grammata fulcis " Ceu nunquam pcritura. " The ifTues of the vicarage of Penrith were appropriated *' ad men/am Epi/copi,'" fo that the bilhop had the tithes of wool and lamb, as appears by an inquifitiorj taken thereof, A. D. 1.326. Part of the revenue of the incumbent arofe, from a Icafc granted by the dean and chapter of Carliflc, of tithes of Slegill. Dr. Smith, bitliopofCarlifle, about the year 1702, gave 300I. by his will, for the augmentation of this living, with which fum, lands were purchafed at Clifton. About the year 1740, one Mary Bell, of Penrith, gave 240I. to be placed out at interefl', which fliould be paid to the vicar for reading morning prayers every day, and evening prayers during lent. In 1355, in pcnnance for certain trefpaffes committed in the church-yard, feveral parifliioners offered a wax candle of three pounds weight before the image of St Mary, in this church. William dc Strickland founded a chantry in this church, in honour of St. Andrew, with a yearly ftipcnd of 61. to a chantry prielt who fliould teach church mulic and grammar. There was a houfe of grey friars, of the order of faint Auguftine, founded in the time of King Edward II. or before. After the diflblution, in the 34th year 9i 33+ PENRITH. [Leath Ward of the reign of King Henry VIII, thefcitethereof was granted to Robert Tyrwhit, Efq. J In the 30th, King Edward III. they received a donation of ten (hillings, by the will of Agnes Denton. In the 33d year of that reign, the bilTiop granted an indulgence of forty days, to fuch as ilioiild be prefent when the monks lighted their candles on Chnftmas-day, and gave them charity, they being very poor. There was a very ancient fchool in this town. In 1340, it appears John Efkeheved, was licenced to teach the art of grammar therein. The Bifhop of Carlifle was anciently patron. In 1361, Robert de Burgham was licenced to teach the pfalter, /"ry/ir/^ww^ grammar, and finging; but it nowhere appears, what Itipend the mafter had, or from whence it iffued. After the diflblution of the chantry, founded by Strickland, Queen Elizabeth, by letters patent of the i 8th July, in the 1 6th year of her reign, refounded the fchool, by the title of The free grammar Jchool of ^leen Elizabeth in Penrith, and endowed it with the revenue of the dil- folved chantry: to have a mafter and ulher, and be governed by five of the chief inhabitants. The fchool appears, by much evidence, to have been deprived of many bounties, now irrecoverably loft. The following ftill fubfift. In 1661, William Robinfon, of London, grocer.t gave out of his lands lol. a-vear, to this fchool, and he alfo gave 20I. a-year, to be applied by the churchwardens for edu- cating and bringing up poor girls in a free fchool, to learn to read and do feamftry "work, or other learning, fuitable to the fex Mrs. Joan Lafcells, in 1671, gave by will lool. the intereft thereof, to be applied towards employing, the girls ia the fchool founded by Mr. Robinfon, in working ot worfted and knitting; which fum of money, by a judicious application, produces five pounds a-year, fecured out of lands for ever. One Roger Sleddale, in 1690, gave ten pounds, to be lent to the mafter or miftrefs of the fchool without intereft.* There is alfo a Sunday fchool, liberally fupported by voluntary contiibution. Biftiop X Tanner's Notitia. Vide Pat. 12. Ed. II. p. 2. m. 19. Efcheat Ciimb. 7. Ed. III. n. 36. pro il acris contiguls manfo prions et fratrum ord. S. Augull. de Penreth, ex dono Johaniiis dc Crumbwell: pat. 7. Ed. III. p. 2 m. Nutes Ibid. f This Robinfon alfo left 20I. yearly to the churchwardens, veftry men, and overfecrs, for twenty poor people, ten men and ten women, to be paid to them yearly, on the 25th December. AUb, 20s. for a fermon that day, 5s. to the fexton and clerk, and 1 5s. for a collation for the churchwardens, &c. The like fum for a fermon, and 5s. to the clerk and fexton, and ^53. for a collation on afcenfion day. * Among the memorials of departed genius in this county, there are few more worthy of commemora- tion than Ifaac Ritfon, the fon of Ifaac and Elizabeth Ritfon, of Eamont Bridge, born in i 761. His father dying when he was young, and this liis fon being decrepid and lame, his mother very naturally became defirous that he (hould be enabled to get his bread, and accoi-dingly exerted hcvfelf to give him fome education. Undei that excellent mailer, the Rev. Mr Blain, with whom he v\'a3 a particular favourite, his progrefs was fo rapid, that, at nine years of age, he had made no ordinary proficiency ia Greek ; and fhewed uncommon aptnefs in every branch of learning, in which he engaged ; his advances therein feeming more like the revival of what he had already known, than the acquilition of new- information. Anxious for the prefeivation and purity of his religious principles, his mother removed him at thir- teen, to the Quaker fchool at Kendal, much againft his inclination; for Mr. Blain and Ifaac Ritfon were fuited in genius. The mafter was a man of a fine tafte ; and moft paffionately fond of the clafllcs. A Jeffon und(r him was more in the manner of a conference or converfation, than in the ufual dry didadtic way of fchool.ij being almoft as impatient of the flow deductions of grammatical inference, as his eager pupif. Froip. LeatM Ward.] PENRITH. 335 Bifliop Strickland before mentioned, at a coniidcrable expence, brought water from the river Petteril through this town, of great benefit to the inhabitants. There From the moment Ritfon underftood Greek, the father of poetry was his conftant companion : he read his battles with infatiable avidity : nor was he afhamed to dcfccnd to the ftories of heroic achieve- ments told of his countrymen. Early in hfe, he became dexterous with the bow and arrow, fo as to be ab'e, with his arrow, to hit a fniall wire at the end of the fthool room. After his return from Ken- dal, he ftudied mathematics under Mr. John Slee, then refident at How-Hill, in Mungrifdale, in the parifh of Gre)^lock j a very intelligent Qiiaker, and an excellent mathematician. This hitherto unnoticed village fage, in mathematical learning, like his pupil, and many others in thefe tiegleiieJ ffott, like fome wild flower, blooms unfecri, and tuajlcs its fiveetnefs on the defert air. Ritfon's ideas were fo clear, that he underftood the propofitions in the firft fix books of Euchd almoft as foon as he read them : and had. he afterwards confined himfelf to mathematical ftudies, there can be no doubt but that he would have diftinguilhed himfelf greatly. At the age of fixteen, he began to inftnift others, with great credit to himfelf, and advantage to hij pupils at Cailifle ; after about two years of patient acquiefcence in a courfe of life, in v^'hich his profits were fhiall and his labours great, he fet off on an excurfion into Scotland. His intention was to walk all the way to the Highlands, and in particular, to vifit St. Kilda and the Ifle of Staffa ; but we do not know, that he proceeded farther than Mull or Col. This journey he muft needs have performed, literally, in the Itile and charafter of a bard. For, though be entered on it, but indifferently provided, and with about twenty fhillings in his pocket, in about twelve months, he returned well apparelled, with a poney. It is not in this way, that the hiftories of thofe who travel into Scotland generally terminate. In this tour, he picked up many beautiful heroic ballads and fongs, which he often furg with infinite glee ; a pleafing manner and paffionate exprefllon fupplying the defefts of voice and mufical tafte. On his return, he again fat down to the dull bufineis of breathing dry rules into heedlcfs ears. He taught fthool at Pentith about as long as he had before purfued the fame employment at Carlifle. But, though the powers of his mind, his lively fancy, and the vivacity of his temper, always fecured him an admittance into good company, ftill he fighed for a fituation of greater fcope, to enjoy opportunities of cbtaining more copious information. Accordingly, he a fecond time rtlinquifhed the ill-requited office of a fthoolmaller ; and not much richer than before, fet out on a journey into Scotland, with the intention of ftudying medicine at Edinburgh. Here he became particularly attached to the late Dr. Brown, who paid him much attention. There was indeed a great refemblance between their charaflers : they were both of them men of genius and learning ; but eccentric, and fometimes imprudent. During the two years, that Ritfon remained at this celebrated feat of medical learning, he fupported himfelf by writing thefis for fuch of his fellow-lludents, as were either too indolent, or too illiterate, to write for themfelves. Here too he wrote a poem, full of technical medical tei ms ; in which the terms of ait were moft happijy. applied. It is much to be regretted, that a very mafterly tranflation of Hefiod's Theogony, and other works, has hitherto eluded our moft carefid fearch ; and we fear, is irrecoverably loft. There is good evidence, that this work was begun, whilft Ritfon was under Mr. Blain, and before he was twelve years of age-, and he continued to corrcft it as long as he hved. We believe it was the only work, about which he ever took much pains. On his return from Edinburgh, he went to London ; proftffcdly with the view of completing his medical education, by an attendance on the hofpitals, and on leftures. In London alfo, having no other refource, he fupported himfelf, we believe, by his literary exertions. He puUidicd a tranflation of Ho- mer's Hymn to Venus ; which, though but indifferently executed, and far inferior to his Hefiod, was not ill received. In his other poetical effufions, there was an original wildnefs : his mind was ftrongly tinfturtd with the fombrous magnificence of his countiy ; fo that his poetry, like Gray's, was fometimeg overloaded with, what Dr. Johnfon calls, a cumbrous fplendour. This, however, is not fo vifible in his tranflations, which have all the eafe of modern compofitions. He wrote with uncommon facility ; and his profe was vigonius and animated. Of this tlie public is already in poffeffion of a fair fpecimen, in the Preface to Clarke's Survey of the Lakes ; which was written by Ritfon. It feems to be the happy privilege of genius to know every thing, even matters of faft, as it were intuitively. Like the milk- woman of Briflol, Rillon knew, underftood, and wrote well of, various matters, of which there is no evidence 336 PENRITH. [Leath Warb. There is a great weekly market held here on the Tuefday, and a fair on Tuefday in Whitlun-week, Whitfuntide and Martinmas are ftatute times for hiring fervants. The evidence that he had ever heard. All he could know of the antiquities of this county, he mud have picked up from mifcellaiieous reading ; and from converfation with thofe who probably were lefs informed than he himfelf was. He had written, and intended to have publiflied, a fet of Eflays on Moral and philofophical fubjeds : but thefe are alfo loft. It would feem that he partly maintained himfelf in London by taking private pupils : he alfo earned fomething by writing, for lome time, the medical articles in the Monthly Review: Dr. Johnfon fomewhcre fpeaks of the London bookfellers, as the beft patrons of men of learning. This may be the cafe with thofe, who have already made their way to fame. But, if we may judge from the cafes of Chatterton and Ritfon, bookfellers are not more forward than the reft of mankind, to patronize that genius, which the world has not previoufly patroniiced. Ritfon, though lame, with the aid of his ftafF, was attive and alert : and he loved to wander among mountains and lakes, and there concieve and compofe poetry. In fuch fituations, he touched every thing with the pencil of Salvator Rofa. His defcriptions were tiemendoufly fubhme. Ritfon wrote only when he felt, and was prompted by fome incident or occurrence immediately before him. Of this nature are the following verfes, addreffed to Mr. Head, an ingenious painter, of Carlifle, now in Italy : they are ftudioufly local and northern : — 1. The winds upon Blenkart/)ur'^[i) head. Are often loud and ftrong ; And many a tempeft o'er his cliffs Careering fweeps along. 2. Like him, Helvelly?i[2) fwells on high In fuUen, mifty pride ; And, low'ring o'er his fubjeft hills. Surveys the world fo wide. 3. A wilder v\-afte than this hoar hill No mortal ever trod ; With gulphs and gills his fummit's fcarr'd, Its fides with forefts nod. 4. Whilft trim Duii>?uillet'%[7,) but a fpeck. Though deck'd by art fo fine ; "^ith tufted top, and copfy fides, And alleys arch'd with pine. 5. Dark are the hills on every fide, From Dtiddi^^) to Stibrow(5) cragg ; From KirkJ}on[(>) Aown to Barton Fellj^"]) And diftant Hallen-Hag.{?,) 6. Here Higk-Jheet (c;) frowns, upon whofe head Eternal winter reigns ; And Kidfto'vj Pih',{ 10) by doggrel fong Renown'd through all the plains. (vale 7. Down Place-Fcll,[ i 1 ) and on Saiid'wick^iz) The Lonx-'tker 1 3 cat'raft pours ; And difmal y/:ie)'[\^) through his woods Makes dark the midday hours. 8. There's Crofs-fell[ 1 5 ) too, with cloud-capt head Bepatch'd with winter's fnow ; From whofe dark helm {^16) the hurricanes Defcend and houl below. 9. The eaftern view, the weftern view. Each dipt in ocean feems ; Northumbrian hills, and Cumberland With its fair glitt'ring ftrearas. 10. Skiddanxj^i"]) — but why old Skiddwui name Whom thoufand bards have fung ; Yet oft O let me climb thy fides. And range thy peaks among ! 1 1. Thy peaks are rear'd o'er Derisjent's lake. The ocean to furvey ; And Ca/deiu's ftream from thee defcends In narrow, headlong way. 12. Helvellyn too his rugged feet Doth bathe in filver floods : Vllpwatcr beats upon his rocks, And murmuts in his woods. 13. His bafon through BUnk-Arthur holds Within his bofom diear ; High, wondrous high, and wall'd with rocks, Whofe waters cold appear. 14. Hence Glender-neckin founds along 'Twixt Scale and Cova fteep. And thence round Souter-fell purfues His journey to the deep. In Stanza ift. — I The mafs of hills between Caldbeck and Kefwict. — 1 Between Wytiiburn »nd UUfwater. — 3 At the foot of UUfwater. — 4 Between UUfwater and Derwcnt. — 5 UUfwater, Pattcrdale 6 Between Patterdale and Amble- fide. — 7 The lower end of UUfwater. — 8, 9 Banks of UUfwater, and near Hawfwatcr. — 10 Ditto. ^ — II, 12, 13 The Weftmorland fide of UUfwater — 14 Cumberland ditto. — 15 Between Alfton-Moor and Eden.— 16 A remaikable wind. _I7 The King of Mountains. 15. Nor Leath Ward.J PENRITH. 337 The crofs has formerly had a hall appertaining to it, of fome confequence, which was called Archer's Hall ; as appears by a deed of Sir John Lowther's, in the year 1633, We have not learned from whence this name arofe, but conceive it 15. Nor mull I pafs by Carrick grim, All rude with rocks, and clad in fnow ; Or Dry-comhe brow, where bent alone And whortlc-bcri its grow. 1 6. Dricoom has got a inurkey tarn. That feeds a gloomy ft ream ; Where e'en in fummer fcarce two hours Prevails the folar beam. 17. And o'er their heads in funny noons Still lilence fits alone: O, in no crowded haunts of men Can fuch repofe be known. 18. Tliy iluggard life, thou Reyjioldite ! How canft thou doze away. Where Edeii creeps into the fea, And wears his banks of clay. 19. The hills are ours, and all their rocks, Wliere Magic's felf might dwell ; Thefe catarads, thefe funny lakes. And many a mofsclad dell. 20. Now all our forefts fpread their fhades, And woodland warblers fing ; And faires fport at even tide, In wild, fantaftic ring. 2 1. Old babbling Echo too is here, To fwains in love ftiU nigh ; Difpos'd to liften to thy plaints, And anfwer figh for figh. 22. And in our ipnngs fair Naiads dwell. All flulh'd with healtli and eafe ; Dryads and Hamadrj-ads too Frolick around our trees. 23. Sweet mountain nymphs, with coral lips. And cheeks juft dimpling into fmile ; O come, and with thefe mirthful maids All low-born cares beguile. 24. O come, and we'll be mountaineers, Or home-fpun village fwains ; Or with poetic ardour fir'd. Sing wild uncondite ftrains. Asa fpecimen of the rapidity with which Ritfon compofed, we infert the following fragment, or rhapfody, in blank vcrfe ; ftruck off in a moment ; merely from his having once accidentally written the three words Clotho, Lachefis, Atropos, to try his pen, after mending it : — I wonder much, as yet ye're fpinning fates. What thread's yet twifted out for me, Old jades ! Clad in your {hades Cimmerian, could I pierce The horrid depths of yew, that (hades yourcaverns, I'd make the race of men turn more than pale With terrors yet unknown. But, ftill fpin on, Carelefs if ye produce or weal or woe. Yes, 'weird Jiflsn, ye imconfcious pour The bitter or the honied draughts of life ; Recklefs of what we feel. Still turn your wheel. And ftill, like village maids, ye fpin and fing, Tho' ev'ry note beats like the knolling death-bell; And cmpiies rife or fall, as ye decree. Ah, Atnipos! perhaps for me thou fpinn'ft Negitct, contempt, and penury and woe : Be't fo : whilrt thaty2;////(W, the Spleen, And moping Melancholy fpare me, all the reft I'll bear, as ihould a man : 'twill do me good. And teach me what no better fortune could, Humility, and fympathy, with other's ills. Too oft, O fliame, we pine at paltry woes, Torgetful, that we merit greater : fmce full oft We tcizc and tormen: one another, far too oft Are cruel to the poor dumb race ; in being's fcale -VOL. I. X X Peihaps as good as we. Ah me ! wliy deeps The thunderbolt of heav'n, whilft God's all-feeing eye Perceives what tyrants men are ; and how much. Wretched themfelves, thy make creation groan. Yet man ftill murmurs ; ftill forgets to own, That fufF'ring is the nat'ral doom of guilt. Wh)', what, if on a bed of thorns we fleep : Fools that we are, this bed ourfelves have made, And (harpen'd all its goads. Ye dellinies, I love you much : ye flatter not my pride. Your mein, 'tis true, is wrinkled, hard and four ; Your words are harih and ftern : and fterncr Hill Your pui-pofes to me. Yet I forgive Whatever you have done, or mean to do. Beneath fome baleful planet born, I've found In all this world, no friend, with foft'ring hand, To lead mc on to fciencc, which I love Beyond all elfe the world could give : yet ftill Your rigoin- I forgive : ye are not yet my foes ; My own untutor'd will's my only curfe. We grafp Afphaltic apples ; blooming poifon ! We love what we (liould hate: how kind, ye fates! To thwart our wiflies : O you're kind to icourge! And flay us to the bone, to make us feel. — Ritfon 22% PENRITH. [Leath Ward. it was the arfenal of the town, where the archers depofited their bows and arrows; being a place convenient on any alarm, to arm for defence. Ritfon was too volatile, to be a good author. It was difficult to prevail on him to rcvife and correft any thing. The forgoing verfes are taken from his firll, and perhaps only, copy, written on the backs of old letters. He was an admirer of Sliakefpear ; and well acquainted with the dramatic writers of Greece and Rome : and often talked of producing a dramatic piece on the Grecian model ; in which, he faid, he would incorporate fome of the lines here preferved ; and of Cmilar fragments. But this, and many other projefts, which were for ever employing his bufy and fertile imagination, were all blafted by an untimely deatli. After a fliort, but irregular life in London, ht; died, in a few week's illnefs, at IHington, in 1789 ; and in the 27th year of his age. *' Alasl poor Ritfon ! fare thee well 1 " We could have better fpar'd a better man. *' Adieu, and take thy praile with thee to heav'n : " Thy faults and failings fleep with thee in thy grave, " But not remembered in thy Epitaph ! BiographiA Cum-b. The Rev. Thomas Holfon, it is prefumed was a native of Cumberland ; tliough we have not been fa fortunate in our enquiries, as to afcertain the exaft place of his birth : but, it is fuppofed, he was born either in or near Penrith ; and, probably, of low parentage. He was on the foundation at Queen's ; and became a fellow. In 1755, he was prefented to the reftory of HoUvell, in Sonierfet(hire : was in the commiffion of the peace for the counties of Someifet and Dorfet ; and died in 1777, His fon, a clergyman, is faid to be now living at Sheibonie, in Dorfetfhire. In 1745, ^^ publiflied a very valuable poem, entitled " Chrillianity the Light oi the Moral World ;" which is addrefTcd in a dedication, written in a ftile peculiarly handfome and dignified, to Nicholas Franklyn Miller, Efq of Hyde Hall, in Hertfordfhire ; to whom he appears to have been tutor : and from its being dated at Gieenwich, we arc led to conjefture, that, as was tlie cafe with at leaft one other northern vniter of great eminence in the literary world, he either kept the academy there, or was an affiftant in it. In the fecond volume of Seed's Pofthumous Works, the fourth Letter, addrefTed to the Rev. T. H. it is known was addreflTed to our author. He appears to have been on terms of great intimacy and frifndlhip with Seed ; and we have fancied, that, in the very little of profe that he has written, there is fome refemblance to Seed's peculiar iliJe; which is rich and flowing, almoil to cxcefs. Seed fpeaks, as one who felt for his friend's bad Jlal^ of health , and lame nts that the 'world does not encourage modefl 'worth. The defign of his poem was, as he himfclf ftates it, to reprefent the great difference there is between the difcoveries of reafon, and thofe that are made by revelation. It therefore dtfcribes the midnight darknefs and original confufion of the flrft rude chaos of nature, as a iignificant emblem of the deplorable ignorance of the Heathen world ; and the beautiful order and brightnefs of the univerfe arifing from the light of the fun, as an cxprefTive and lively piflure of the clear knowledge of tlie Chrillian. It has been well obferved, that poets have fcldom been fuccefsful on religious topics : yet we tliink the poem before us not only philofophlcal, but highly poetical. Our readers will, in fome degree, be enabled to judge for themfclves, how far our opinion on this point is well or ill founded, from the following paffage, felefted from the 21ft: page of the poem: — " Hail, purcfl offspring ! unpolluted flream ! " Fair ciBuence of him, who lives in light " Yet unconceiv'd by man ! Thy golden throne, •' For ever fix'd by geometric rule, " In heav'n's high concave, with unbroken laws " Of kind attraction, world with world unites " In friendly league : and, as a limpid fount " Perennial flowing, untxhaulled pours " A living luftre round the rolling orbs. " At thy approach the univcrfal choir " Of raptui'd angels tun'd their filver harps, " And fang for joy. The palpable obfcure " Of ancient Chaos and her filler Night " Confounded fled. All nature fmil'd ferene, " And, as the rofe frefh op'riing to the morn, " Unveil'd her bofom to thy genial beam" There is annexed to this poem a facred Eclogue, entitled The Magi ; the numbers of which are pe- •oJiarly fwtet. BioGRArmA Cumb. There Leath Ward.] HUTTONS OF HUTTON-HALL, 33^ There arc three inferior manors within the precincfts of Penrith. One belong- ing to the Billiop of Carlifle, called Billiop's Row, having about twelve tenements in Penrith, held by leafe. Another manor is that of the Huttons, of Hutton Hall, in Penrith, a family lately become extincT: : Mr. Gafgarth 7ww pofTelTes the manfion. What is re- marked to be extraordinary is, that Mr. Gafgarth holds by leafe for a term of twenty one years, under the Bifhop of Carlifle, certain lands there; which are held of him, though a leflee only, by cuftomary tenure. HUTTONS OF HUTTON HALL. Adam, temp. K. Edw. I. Alex ander, temp. K. Edw. III. Tho mas, and Helen his wife, temp. K. Hen. V.. John, temp. K. Hen, VI. m. Ifabel, d. of Hugh Salkeld, of Rofegill, Weftmorland. William, t^mp. K. Hen. VII. John, m. Eliz. d. and coheirefs of Thos. BeaucRamp,* of Croglin. Anthony, temp. K. Hen, VIII. ni. Eliz. d. of Thos. Mufgrave, of Coincach, by his wife Eliz. baftard d. of Thos. Lord Dacre, of GilflanJ ■ I ■ J Sir William, Knight. Richard ift m. Jane, d. of Rowland Vauk, of Caterlen. one of the judges of the court of Common Pleas j~ ~ j " m. Agnes, d. and coheirefs of Thos. Brigs, of Canmire Thomas WiUiam ) ^| j j ~j j j j f d. f. i. d. f. i. Chrift. Rich. Thos. Hen. Eliz. Jane Mary Cath. Julian 2d m. Dorothy, d. of Benfon \__ l__ I j j " r* m. Dawney m. Sir P. Mufgrave Anthony Bernard Sufan Anne m. Eliz. d. of Robt. m. Ann d. of m. S. Mufgrave m. Sir Ch. Burdet,of Bamcourt Hugh Stamper Dalilon Warwick(hire,-|-died of Snittlegarth 16^7, fans ilf. Cumberland. I I I I I I I I I I, . Wilham Richard John Bernard Thomas Dorothy Anne Grace Cathanne jn. Eliz. dr of Chr. Lancafter, of Sockbridge. Anthony * Beauchamp's arms. Argent on a Bend three plates. f K. Edw. IV. ann. rcg. 17. 1477. Kinp; Edward in his progrcffe, hunted in Thomas Burdct's parke, at Arrow, and Jltwe many of his dccrt, amonpft tlie which, one was a white bucke. Thomas Burdct, when he underftood thereof, wiflied the Buckts head in his belly, that moved the King to kill it. Burdet was apprehended, acculed of treafon, con- demned, dravni from the towei oi l.oiidon totibuiue, and there beheaded, Stowe, p. 173. 34© THE HOUSE OF CARLETON. [Leath Ward. Anthony. Bernard. John. I I I Henry. Dorothy. Anne. Richard Addifon d. about 50 y. age, f. p. The third is a manor formerly belonging to the Carletons, of Carleton Hall. This was the ancient manor houfc of the family ol Carletons, w ho appear to have been fettled here foon after the conqueft; and from that period, made their conftant relidence until the year 1707, when iffue male failed. THE HOUSE OF CARLETON. Baldwin Jefferey de Carleton Odard de Carleton Henry de Carleton William m. Helena, d. of Geoffrey Stainton j fi dam, d. 15, K. Ed. I. tn. Sarah, d. of Adam Newton j John, d. 31, K. Ed. I. m. Dorothy, d. of Brougham, of Brougham Thomas, d. ig, Ed. II. m. Joan, d. of Roger de Lancafter i John, d. 30, Ed. III. m. Slargaret, d. of John de Mofton Thomas, d. 22, K. Rich. II. m. Ahce, d. of George Dawbury, Yorklhire Thomas, d. 11, K. Hen. VIII. m. Ifabel, d. of Chriftopher Brougham, of Brougham Thomas, d. 22, K. Hen. VIII. m. Agnes, d. of Thos. Wybergh, of Clifton Thomas, d. 4, Phil, and Maiy m. A nne, d. of Thos. Layton, of Dalemain Thomas, d. 29, Q. Eliz. m. Mable, d. of Ca rhfle, ofCarlifle Thomas, d. 40, Q^Eliz. m. Barbara, d. of Hugh Lowtheri of Lowther Su- Leath Ward.] CARLETON-HALL. 3^1 Sir Thomas, d. 14, K. Cha. I. Gerard, m. Eliz. d. of John Shelly, of Woodborough, Nottingham, m. Nichola, d. of Elliot, of Rcdburgh widow of Marmadukc Conftable " T " ~ d- f- i- Sir William, Knight ift m. Dorothy, d. of Sir Cha. Dalfton had ilfue a daughter, Mary 2d m. Barbara, d. of Robert de la Vale, of Cowpaii Robert Alice d. f. i. CARLETON-HALL,* With its flemefnes, was purchafed near a century ago, by John Pattinfon, Efq, younger fon of 1 honias Pattinfon, Efq. of Breaks, in VVeftmorland. He Icfr one fon, Chriftopher, who dying unmarried, the eilate devolved on his three fifters ; and, on a partition, Carlcton-Hall was afligned to the eldeft, wife of Thomas * " George Carkton, fon of Guy, fecond fon of Tliomas Cnrlcton, of Carleton-Hall, in Cumberland, " was born at Norham, in Northumberland ; at the time his father was keeper of the caille there, was edu- " cated in grammar learning by the care of the Northern Apoftle, called Bernard Gilpin : who alfo (when " he was fitted for the univerfity) fcnt him to St. Edmund's Hall, in the beginning of the year 1576, «' being then feventeen years of age, and exhibited to his iludics, and took care that nothing fliould be " wanting to advance his pregnant parts. In the latter end of 1579, he took a- degree in arts, and " forthw ith completed it by determination ; his difputc? being then noted to exceed any of his fellows, " that did their exercife in the fame Lent. In 15S0, he was clefled probationer of Merton College, " wherein he fpent almoft five years before he proceeded in his faculty. While he remained in that " college, he was efteemcd a good orator and poet ; but, as years came on, a better difputant in divinity, " than he had before been in philofophy. He was alfo well verfed in the fathers and fchoolmen ; and " wanted nothing to make him a complete iheologift. I htive lovid Utti, faith Camden in In's Britannia, •' /'/; regard of kis fingular hiov'/edgs in divinity . Thomas Simpfon, Efq. younger fon of Hugh Simpfon, Efq. of Mufgrave-Hall, in this county ; he leaving one fon only, who died unmarried, the eftate came to his only daughter, wife of the late James Wallace, Efq. his Majefty's Attorney General. Since his death, fiie has made it her chief refidence, and having em- ployed on its improvement much attention, added to a correcft tafte, has fuccceded in rendering Carleton one of the molt beautiful fpots in this part of England. — Nature certainly had done much in the difpofition of the features, and no attempt has been made to force or change the charadter her hand impreffed upon the place. The great merit is, that ot having followed and affifted the outline which file drew. 1 he general fcene, inclofed on all fides by hills, prefents in its whole afpeci: retirement and tranquillity. — The houfe is plain and modern ; its fitua- tion rather low, (though upon a fmall knoll) commands, in front, an extenfive lawn, which is interfered by the river Emont, while the Lowther winds round its extremity. To the north, it is flicltered by a plantation of old trees, and a wooded hill. To the eafl: and weft the ground rifes from it by gentle acclivities, and, extending on each fide, forms a fort of rude femicircle, and fliuts in the lawn beneath. The banks are rapid and abrupt, and cloathed every where with hanging woods; through thefc the walks are carried, and at different points difcovering the country, open a fucccflion of views, varioufly charadierifed, but iiniverfally beautiful. From the terrace, on the weft, the principal objects are the venerable ftately ruins of Brougham Caftle, with the Park of Whinfield, once the refidence of the celebrated Countefs of Pembroke, now in the polfeffion of her defcendant, the Earl of Thaner. Beyond is a wide extent of country, clofed by that majeftic range of mountain, known by the name of Crofs-Fell. On the eaft, the points of view are numerous, but the objcds which diftiniTtly compofe them, are all united in that which is feen from a fmall temple, rifing in the midftof the wood, upon a bold projedion of the hill. On this profpcd: is comprehended every variety of i^l feature combined, without confufion, and arranged with the moft piifturefque '' ■ effect. Beneath is the lawn, with the reaches and windings of the Emont, fome- times fretted and rapid, at others gliding peacefully down its courfe. On the point of a hill, at a fmall diftance, ftands the little chapel of Brougham, with a few trees furrounding it. Beyond are fpread, in all their richnefs and grandeur, the woods of Lowther. — The eye then, purfuing the river towards its fource,. 13. Latin Letter to the learned Camden ; containing Notes on the Britannia. 14. Several Sermons. " He had alfo a hand in the Dutch Annotations, and in the new ti-anflation of the Bible, which were " ordered by the fynod of Dort to be undertaken, yet were not completed and publllhed, till 1637. At " length having lived to a good old age, he concluded his laft day in the month of May, 1628 ; and " was buried in the choir, near to the altar of his cathedral church at Chichefter. By his firft wife, " named Anne, daughter of Sir Heni-y Killegrew, Knight, and widow of Sir Henry Nevill, of Billeng- " here, in Berks, he had ifTue a fon named Henry Cailcton, living fometimcs in the pariih of Furle, in " Suffex, clefted burgefs for Arundel, to ferve in that parliament, which began at Weftminfter, I 3th of " Apiil, 1640, and from the unhappy parliament, which began on the 3d of November following, he " received a commiffion from the members thereof to be a captain ; in which office and command he " fhewed hunfelf to be an enemy to the bilhops," Wood's Athen. Oxon. travels Leath Ward.] PENRITH BEACON. 343 travels over a country of infinite irregularity, enriched with the highefl: culdva- tion, and clad with fertility and abundance, till it is arreted by the rnmaniic broken fummits of the mountains, in the bofom of which is concealed the bke of UUfwater, forming a fine contraft and termination to the vicw.-j" We amended the heights above Penrith, to THE BEACON, Which fo much arrefls the traveller's attention. — It is a fquare building of ftone, well placed for giving an alarm to the country in times of public danger. The north and eaft windows of the beacon-houfe afford a profpecit of Crofs-Fell, with The t PENRITH Boundary on the Side of Catfrlew. The ancient bounds of the cow pafture of Penritli, proved before the commHTioners Henry Lord Scroop, John, Bifhop of Carlide, John Vaughan fenior Efquire, John S^vift Auditor, Edward Dacr< Efquire, Richard Dudley Efquire, Simon Slingtby Efquire, and Ambrofe Lancafter, Gentleman : It beginneth at one great Grey Stone, othervfife called the Picked How, being the furtheft part of the franchifcs of Penrith ; and fo from the faid ftone unto one other great Grey Stone weft, lying on the Ring'dyke of the corn field ; and then from that Grey Stone, north alongft the faid dyke unto Petterel } and fo over Petterel to the Ring dyke again, riding weft along the faid dyke unto one old caften dyke which is caft o\Trthwart beyond Mcllinghow ; and then crofting north alongft the faid old caften dyke, being the principal and ancient bounder between the lordftiip of Penrith and Caterlen, wliich faid old dyke ftlnteth upon Plumpton Dyke ; and then from the faid Old Dyke end, alongft Plumpton Dyke, eail over Petterel unto Plumpton park nuke, otlierwife called Plumpton Nuke ; and fo alongft the faid wall as the fame reacheth north unto Salkeld Yate ; and fo croffing eaft from the faid Yate alongft Yardglll, othcrvvife called Deepgill, as the fyke runneth to the weft end of the long mofs ; and then alongit the faid mofs, on the north fide of the fame under the Browntidge, unto the fartheft end of the faid long mofs ; and fo from the faid eaft end of the faid mofs, until the fartheft end of the Wandfell ; and fo to the White Raife ; from thence to Rolley Bank ; and fo overthwait to Backey Greene to Stone Gill ; and fo to Amy Dobfon's ftone ; and then overthwart to the Skeugh Dyke j and fo alongft the fame to the eaft end of Carleton Louthwaite Leefe. About fix witnefTcs are examined, who all fwear to the trcfpafTcs by Vau>: and tenants only. But Thomas Bacon, Edward Steplienfon, and Thomas Rickeiby fwcar, that they have been of long time ftaffc birds, and driven the cattle of the faid town unto their limits and bounds of the faid town, which were ridden and renewed as aforefaid. Afterwards, the townftiips of Caterlen, New Skelton, and BIcneowe came before the faid commifllon- ers, and alledged, that they ought to have turves, bracken'!, and common of pafture upon Penrith Fell and the foreft of Inglewood ; for which Caterlen pays 52s, Newton 52s, Skelton 47s. lod, Blencowe 48s. And Symon Mufgiave ftiewed two letters patents under the feals of England ; the one declaring free intcrcommon for himfelf and his tenants of Edcnhall and Dawfonby, with certain ftieep pafture for himfelf within the whole foreft of Inglewood ; and the other giving him free licence to improve and keep iievcral as his metes and bounds doth reach, within certain places of the bounders of Penrith before ridden. PENRITH Boundary on the Side ef Edenhall. To all to whom this prefent award Indented (liall come, William Milbourne of Armathwaite caftle in the county of Cumberland, Efquire, and Jofeph Nicolfon of Hawkefdale in the faid county, Efquire, fend greeting. Whereas fome difputes have arifen between his Grace the duke of Portland as Lord of the foreft of Inglewood and manor of Penrith in the county of Cumberland, and Sir Philip Mufgrave baronet as Lord of the manor of Edenhall in the faid county, touching the bounds and limits of the faid manors of Penrith and Edenhall refpeftively, fo far as the fame adjoin and are contiguous to each other ; and alfo touching certain claims made by the faid Sir riilllp Mufgrave, on hchjli of himfelf as Lord of the faid manor of Edenhall and his tenants of the faid manor, of a right of common of pafture, and other rights and privileges within the faid foreft of Inglewood : Which faid difputes and claims have bce« 344 PENRITH BEACON. [Leatm Ward. the pike of Dufton, and a chain of mountains extending almoft thirty miles from fouth to north, the northern extremity terminating near to Brampton. The Scotch mountains, from the mofl: diftant horizon ; in the vale a faint appearance of St. Mary's church, in Carlifle, is to be difcovered. From the fouthern window is a view of the country towards Stainmore, terminated by the lofty promontory of Wildbore-Fell, and its neighbouring mountains, near Kirby Stephen and Brough. This window prefents a view of Brougham Caftle, with its rich plains ; the fpreading woods of Lowther, intermixed with a fine fcene of cultivated lands; from the more diftant rifing grounds, fome parts of the lake of Ullfwater are feen, been fubmittcJ by tTie faid Duke and the faid Sir Philip Mufgrave to the award, order, final end and determination of us the faid Williain Milbourne and Jofeph Nicolfon : We therefore the faid William Milbourne and Jofeph Nicolfon, having viewed the ground and heard the evidence produced by both the faid parties, and likewife confidered of the faid claims and difputcs, and of the boundaries claimed by each of the faid paities, in order that the bounds and limits of the faid manors of Penrith and Edenhall, as far as the fame adjoin and are contiguous to each other, may for ever hereafter be fixed and afcertained ; and for the finally fettling and determining all difputes relating thereunto between the faid parties for the future ; We the faid arbitrators find and do award, order, and determine, that the bounds and limits of the faid manors of Penrith and Edenhall, fo far as the iame adjoin and arc contiguous to each other, are as follows : that is to fay. Beginning at a ftone at the end of the dvke or h-dge which divides the fl Nicholfonthe curate, then being dead, Bilhop Meye, as impropriator, gave the perpetual curacy to Robert Troutbeck, clerk. The prefent curate is Richard Hare. This parifh is boundering on Penrith S. Skelton N. Hutton and Plumpton E. and Grayftock W.— Newton and Caterlen conftableries maintain their refpeftive poor feparately. — The foil in general is cold and barren, and requires much labour in the cultivation. — There are forty-four houfes, and about two hun- dred inhabitants. We acknowledge our obligations to the Rev. yo/.'/i Pearfcn, affiftant curate, for much information. The Editors. Extent.] Four miles and a half N. and S. — Two miles E. and W. Soil and Produce.] Clay predominates; heavy and wet, except near Caterlen-Hall fome gravel. — Excellent oats are produced and fome wheat, which, by proper culture, would fwccced v ell. Barley and potatoes, in a moderate degree. — Few turnips or grafTis. — A fir.all common, too wet for flieep, but good pafturage for horfes and cattle. — Coal is fuppofed to lie under the common. — Trials have hitherto proved ineffeftual. Sheep and Cattle.] About 1000 fhecp on Penrith-fell in fummer, as a member of Inglewood.— Koifes and cattle of a weight and fize fimilar to tliole of the adjacent paiifhcs. Estates [ 347 3 THE PARISH OF GRAYSTOCK. * IS feated on the river Petrill ; the country adjoining the road from Penrith is inclofcd, and capable of great improvement : but here the fpirit of huibandry and reformed cultivation, has not made a progrefs equal to fome other parts ot this county. Camden fays, " And now Eden ready to fall in the ^ftuary, receives two little " rivers at the fame place, Petcrill and Caude, which run parallel from the fouth. " Upon the Peterill, befide the Petrianae before fpoken of, is Greyftock, the caftle " of a family which has been long famous ; deriving its original from one Ralph " Fitz Walter, of whofe pofterity, William de Greyftock married, Mary, daugh- " ter and coheir of Roger de Merley, Lord of Morpeth. He had a fon, John, " who having no ifllie, obtained licence off King Edward I. to make over his eflate " to his coulin, Ralph de Granthorpe, fon of William, whofe pofterity, for a long " time, flouriihed here, in great honour ; but about the reign of King Henry VII. " that family expired, and the eftate came by marriage to the Barons of Dacre ; " the heirs general of the lafl of whom, were married to two fons of Thomas " Howard, Duke of Norfolk, f " On the eaft lide of Allerdale, at the mountains Carrock and Grifdale Fells, " and adjoining to the fouth ude of the foreli: of Inglewood, lies the barony of " Greyllock, which contains all that part of the county above the faid foreft, be- " tween the feignory of Penrith and the manor of Caftlerigg towards Kefwick. •''This barony, the Earl Ranulph Mefchines, gave to one Lyolf, or Lyulphe, and " King Henry I. coniirmed the fame to Pharne, the fon of the faid Lyolf, or " Lyulphe, whofe pofterity took the name of the place, and were called dc Grey- " ftock. Their iilue male continued barons till King Henry VHI's time, when, " by a daughter named Elizabeth, the Lord Thomas Dacre, to whom flie was. Estates and Rent.] Farnis are pretty large, and i8s. per acre is about the average^ School.] None. Quarry.] Of white freeftone in Petrill. Rivers and Roads.] Petrill river and fome brooks. — Chief roads fiom Penrith to Hutton, Skclton, &c. Tithes.] Corn paid in kind, but no hay tithe. Aspect and general Appearance.] The lands of this parirti are not hilly, but (lopes in different direftions, in gentle declivations : the north part higheft and cold, the fouth more fertile, and has a pleafing appearance. — A vigorous fpringing wood near Caterlen, of confiderablc extent ; great part of tlic lands are ornamented with hedgerow trees. Housman's Notes. * Sometimes written Gre^ifloke. f Jam I tuna fe in fuu seftuarium immerfurus duos fimul fluvios accipit. Peterillu ct Caudam, qui pari fpatio difcreti, ab auilro quafi gradus cofcnint. Ad Peterillu prxter Petrianas qiias diximus, Greiftocke eft ilhiftris jam pridem famile caftru, que a Ranulpho quodam filio Walteri originem traxit, cujus pro- nepos Guiliclmns de Greyftock duxit Marlam fdiam ct alternam hsercdem Rogeri de Morley Baronis de Morpath, illi GuiUelmus et Joannes filii fucceirerunt, quorum cum uterq. prole careret, Joannes hx- reditatem tranfcripfit in Ranulphum dc Granthorpe filium Gulielmi ex ejus amita nalum : cujus proge- nies diu fumrao in honore floruit, circa Henriti vero fcptimi tempora dcfiit, ct ad Howardos per baronies dc Dacre jam venit hsereditas. Lat. Edit. Camd. " married 34$ GRAYSTOCK. [Leath Ward. *• m-irried, became Baron in her right. It is holden of the King by knights fer- " vice in capite, by homage and cornage ; paying yearly four pounds at the fairs " of Carlifle, and fuit at the county court monthly, and to fervc the King in perfon " in his wars againft Scotland. A Lijl of the LORDS of the Cajlle and Barony of Greystoke, from the Conquefl to this Time, taken from ancient Deeds, and from Dugdale and other Heralds, FIRST LINE. 1. Lyolf, or Le Ulph, or Lyulphe, ift Baron. 2. Pharne, his fon, temp. Henry I. 3. Ivo, fon of Pharne. 4. Walter, fon of Ivo. 5. Ranulph de Greyftoke, his fon, temp. Rich. \. — and John. 6. William, fon of Ranulph, temp. John. 7. Thomas de Greylloke, his fon, temp. King Henry III. 8. Robert de Greyftoke, his fon, died 31 Hen. III. fucceeded by his brother 9. William de Greyftoke, who married the heirefs of Roger de Morley, Lord of Morpetit,, ob. 1 7 Edw. L 10. John de Greyftoke, his fon, had fummons to parliament the 23 of Edw. L and died with- out iflue the 34th of that reign, in him the male line became extinct, and the barony of Greyftoke pafled to a SECOND LINE. 1 1. Ralf, fon of William Fitz Ralf, Baton of Grymethorpe, in his own right, and of Grey- ftoke in the right of his mother, Joane de Greyftoke ; had fummons to parliament the 23 of Edw. L — Died the 9 of Edw. II. and was fucceeded by his fon 12. Robert de Grymethorpe, who died the 10 of Edw. II. and was fucceeded by his fon 13. Ralf de Grymethorpe, who took the name of Greyftoke, and was poifoned the i 7th Ed. IL 14. William de Greyftoke, his fon, called le bon Baron, died 32 lidw. 111. 15. Ralf de Greyftoke, his fon, died 5 of Hen. V. 16. John de Greyftoke; alfo Baron of Wemme, in right of his wife, died 11 Hen. VI. 1 7. Ralf de Greyftoke, his fon, B. of Greyftoke, Grymethorpe, and Wemme, died 2 H. VIL 18. Robert de Greyftoke, his fon, the laft of this line, died, leaving one only daughter, mar- ried to Thomas, Lord Dacre of Gilfland. THIRD LINE. 19. Thomas, Lord, Baron Dacre, of Gilfland, de Multon, de Vallibus, in his own right; and in right of his wife, Elizabeth de Greyftoke, Baron of Greyftoke, Grymethorpe, and We.iime, died 17 Henry YIII. and was fucceeded by his fon ' io. William, Lord Dacre, &c. died 6 Elizabeth, to whom fucceeded his fon 21. Thomas, Lord Dacre, &c. who died 8 Elizabeth, leaving only one fon 22. George, who in the 1 1 of Elizabeth, was killed by the fall of a vaulting horfe, and the inheritance divided between his fifters, Ann and Elizabeth, the laft mentioned marry- ing L. William Howard ; and Ann, the eldeft, marrying Lord William's elder brother, Philip, Earl of Arundel, had Greyftoke as part of her moiety of that great inheritance. FOURTH LINE. 23. Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, in right of his wife, Ann de Dacre, Lord of the Barony of Greyftoke, died 38 Elizabeth. 24. Thomas, Eail of Arundel and Surry, his fon, who died 1646. 25. Henry, Earl of Arundel and Surry, his fon, to whom fucceeded 26 The Flonourable Charles Howard, his third fon, who died in 1 71 3. 27. Henry Charles, his fon, who died 1720, and was fucceeded by his fon 28. Charles, Duke of Norfolk, who dying in 1786, was fucceeded by rip, Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk, the prefent owner of the caftle and barony of Grey- aQkc. The &raiistoke Ue. [oh 3' Sx/danattciv en- f/ie VarA. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE, No, I. Seal affixed to the deed of Randulf, the fon of Walter, fifth Lord of Grayftoke-^ date the firfl Eafter after he returned from Jerufalem. No. 2. Seal of William de Tanfield, Prior of Wetheral, affixed to a deed dated 1342. No. 3. Seal affixed to the grant of Robert de Vallibus, Lord of Gilfland, to Alexander de Winlifores, of the manor of Gilfland. No. 4. Seal of Thomas, the fon of William de Grayftoke, the feventh Lord of Grayftoke. No. 5. Seal of John, the fon of William, the laft Baron of Grayftoke of the firft line, affixed to a deed dated the 25th of Edward L anno 1297. — N. B. Tenth lord in the lift. No. 6 and 7. Fac Similes copied from an ancient pedigree of the Howard family, in the polTcffion of Henry Howard, Efq. of Corby Caftle. No. 8. This beautiful feal is defcribed in the feventh volume of the Archaealogia. It is conje£lured this was the duke's feal of office, during the fecond time he held his high appointment, between the years 1471 and 1475, which was the very sera in which he received the grants. The feal reprefents the admiral's fliip with the main-fail filled, bearing the arms of France and England quarterly, with a label of three points ermine, each charged with a canton gules ,-^2. diftindlion borne by Richard, as a younger branch of the Plantagenet family. On the fore-caftle, which is embattled and adorned with t\ve.Jleun-de-Hs, ftands a beacon, and under hangs an anchor : on the fquare ftern-caftle, which is adorned in the fame manner, ftands a dragon, fupporting the admiral's flag, with the fame coat armour. The infcription, «' S. Rid Due. Glouc. yidmiralli Jhgl. et Com. Dorf. et Somf." In defcribing the fine pictures at Grayftock, (page 350) we omitted to mention an elegant portrait of the Duchefs Mary, wife of Duke Ed-ward, both in their ducal robes. — And in page 4o5, inftead of two thoufand trees planted annually by the prefent noble owner, read two hundred thoufand, which he has planted annually for thefe feveral years paft upon his lands of Grayftock and Johnby. readings below : Paludamento Ho^vardo•r ornatus. ^ .,»,,».., In Fcncftra ovientnli in auRrali p.rtc Ecc x d. ^^^_ .^ ^.^^ Toh.-.s Ho-.vavd vicccome-. Norft. et Suft. a'. 12, n. et >, R- ^d- ^ N. B. In No. 3 above, inllead of .anor of Gdpnd, read manor ot Lorby-, Leath Ward.] GRAYSTOCK. 349 The farmholds ner.r the caftlc have fome ornamental buildings, and extcnfive plantations, made by his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, as objects from the road leading to the Castle, which is placed on an eminence, having a gradual afcenc from tlic north eaft, by which is the common approach ; but to the eafl: and fouth it ftands upon the brink of a rock above a fmall ftream which runs nito the river Petrill, now in part concealed and rendered lefs fteep by modern works. There are little remains of theold fortrefs, fome broken towers are feen towards the eafl:, and in the back part of the prefcnt manfion, fome other old edifice appears. Ic has a long extended front, with two wings for offices. The building was ereftcd about the mid- dle of the laft century, by the H. C. Howard, grandfithcr to the prefent noble owner, and great additions and improvements have been made to the houfe by the prefent Duke of Norfolk. A rivulet runs clofe by the caftle ; and as it naturally flows with great rapidity in this part, it is rendered dill morepleafing and beautiful, by being colietftcd into refervoirs, and difchargcd down artificial falls. The upper ihect of water is of confidcrable extent; lying in a fine curve, ornamented with fmall iflnnd.-:, and bounded by a hanging wood, which cloaths a lofty eminence, of a wild and romantic afpecl, A iluice delivers water from this canal to a bath, placed in a retired fuuation ; the adjoining ground being laid out in flower-knots, flirubberries, and grafs iTopes. From this canal, the water of the whole river falls about fixteen perpendicular feet over fteps, which break it into foam. The refcr- voir which receives this cafcade, is bordered w ith grafs walks : on the one fide, a bringing garden; on the other, a fhady grove. From thence there is a fecond fall, nearly of the Hunc height; and the fecond refervoir is bordered like that above. Fr-om thence the water rufhes over a natural channel, and pafles by an arch through the fence of the pleafure grounds. Wooden bridges are throun over the fl^ream at proper intervals. The infidc of the caflle is rendered as convenient and elegant, as is compatible with the nature ot the building. '] here is an excellent modern llair-cafe, and a good fuit of apartments on the firft floor. Several fine pi>.T:ures are diftributcd through the rooms ; and in niches on the ftair-cafe, are bufls of Thomas Earl of Arundel, and ihe Lady Alathca Talbot, his wife. The following Pidtures are the mofl remarkable: Two full length pidtures of the prefent Duke and his firlV Lady. — Earl of Arun- del, when a boy, by Vandyke, with a gold chain throv/n over the left Ihoulder. — Mary Queen of Scots, young, t •f- Another in the habit which fhe wore nt the time of her execution. " The faiil Sth of Fobrewary be- " Inge come, and the tyme and place appointed for the cxeculion as aforefaid ; tlie faid Qiiene of ticotts, " beinge of (latuie tall, of bodic corpulent, round fliouldered, her face fatt and brod, dublc chenned, and " hade eyed, hir borrowed heare — borne liir attyre on her head, was on this manner : Ihe had a dreffing " of lawne, edged with a bone lace, a pomaniier chaine, with an Agnus Dei about hir neck, acrucifixe •' in hirliand, a payer of beads at hir girdle, with a goulden ci-oflTe at th' end of it ; a vaile of lawne fattened " to hir cawle, with a bowed out wyre, and edged round about with a bone lace-, hir gowne of black " fatten pryiitcd, with a trayne, and long flcvestothe grownd, fet with a rangecf buttons of jctt, trimcd *' with pearlc,and fliort (Icvcs of black fatten, cut with a pair of fleves of purple velvet t, hole under them; hir " kirtle hole of figured fatten black, hir pttycote, uper bodie unlaced in the back of er\-mfon fatten, hir " petycote feriles of crynifon velvctt, hir Ihoocs of panyfli Icther, with the rcnvgh fide outwaid, a payer " of greene filke garters, hir nether ftockings wol\ed coloured, water ftt clocked with filver, and next hir " ^fgg ^ payer of Jetfey hofe, whit." — From a manufcript in the Crilifli Mufeum; publilhed in the late Cuke of Noifolk'a Hiftorical Anecdotes of the Howard family. One 350 GRAYSTOCK. [Leath Ward. One of the Countefs of Arundel in mourning, a good portrait : the drefs whimfical, an apron to the feet flowered with black, a necklace of white beads, with a drop ; flalli'd flceves. Edward, Duke of Norfolk, by Vanderbank — a good portrait. A large pidlure of St. Jerome, in a contemplative pofture, leaning on his right hand — his left arm fine. By the accompanying figure of a lion, if we had not been told that it was St. Jerome, we fliould rather have thought it intended for St. Luke. A portrait of Elizabeth Stuart, Countefs of Henry, Earl of Arundel date, 1649. A fine portrait on wood, of one of the Dukes of Norfolk. The Duke of Norfolk's fificr, a Benediiftine Nun, in the drefs of her order. In the bed chambers. A portrait of Philip Howard, brother to Edward, Duke of Norfolk. A fmall pidlure of Warham, Bifliop of Canterbury, by Hans Holben. A fine portrait, dated 1541, JE. 29. — no name — there is a gold chain on the neck. The Virgin Mary with the Infant — a copy. A very old portrait of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, Lord High Treafurer in the time of Henry VIIL with his Earl Marflial's fl:aff in his right hand, and white rod in the left; the robe is trimmed with a heavy fur facing. A pale portrait of John, Duke of Norfolk, who fell at the battle of Bofworth. Some fmall JVIedaliions, good fpecimcns. Henry, Earl of Arundel and his Countefs. Henry Charles Howard, a good portrait. Lady Dacre in Weeds, j^. 5 1 . A. D. 1 603, drelTed in a ruff, a cap much peak- ed belbre, and put on, on one fide, with a hood. A picflure of our Saviour, with this legend under it. — " This prefent figure is " the fimi'.itude of our Lord I. H. S, our Saviour, imprinted in Amaraid, by " the predeceflbrs of the Great Turk, and fcnt to the Pope Innocente, the VIII. " at thecoft of the Great Turk, for a token for this caufe to redeem his brother " that was taken prifoner. A fine portrait of Sir Thomas More, marked T. M. 1573. A fine portrait of Erafmus, thus infcribed : '• Haunce Holbenne me fecit " Johannie novic me dedit «' Edwardus Surry me poflidet" A Nun at the Grate, a very old piece. The cap clofe like a night cap, and the veil hanging over the left Ihoulder. Alfo, a fmall pidure in filk embroidery, reprefenting the crucifixion of our Saviour between the two thieves ,- the work of Mary Queen of Scots, given by her mother the Duchefs of Guife to a Countefs of Arundel, of which there is an account in the hand writing of Henry Charles Howard, on the back of the piclure. A large white hat which belonged to Thomas of Becket, Archbilliop of Canterbury. A good Leath Ward.] GRAYSTOCK. 351 A good old portrait of a man, yellow hair'd, a cap, the robe trimmed with fur, a ring on the left hand, juft paflcd over the firfl: joint of the ring finger. Ranulpli de Mefchines, to whom the conqueror gave, as was before obferved, the county of Cumberland, granted this Barony to one Lyolfe, or Lyulphe, and the fame was confirmed by King Henry I. to his fon Pharne, whofe poflerity affumed the name of Grayllock. Of this race we find mention made of Ivo, fon of Pharne; Walter, his fon; Ranulph, his fon, who died in the 12th year of the reign of King John ; William, his ion; Thomas, his fon, he obtained a charter for a weekly market, to be held on Saturday, at his town of Grayftock f arid a yearly fair, and to continue three days from the cvc of St. Edward's tranflation. He married a daughter of the firfl: Vetripont of Appleby cafHe : to him fucceeded Robert, his fon, who is the firfl: of the name that appears to bear the title of Lord Grayftock. He dying without iffue, Grayftock defcended to his brother William, Lord Grayflock. William, Lord Grayftock, who had livery of his lands in the 38th Henry IIL He married, Mary, the elder of the two daughters, and coheirs of Roger de Merlay, M ho held the barony of Morpeth, and other large polfcflions in Northumberland, a moiety whereof, by this marriage, came into the Grayftock family. By his faid wife he had iflue, John, William, and Margaret. He died in the 17th Edward L John de Grayftock, fon of William, was 25 years of age at the death of his fa- ther. He died without ilfue in the 34th Edward L and was fucceeded by Ralph, fon of his brother William. Ralph, Lord Grayftock, nephew of John, married Margery, widow of Nicholas Corbet, one of the daughters and coheirs of Hugh de Bolebeck ; by which marriage he obtained a moiety of the barony of Bolebeck. He died in the 9th Edward IL Robert, his fon fucceeded, and died in the year folIo^\ing, viz. loth Edward IL By an inquifition taken at CarliOe, on Monday next before the feaft of St. Barna- bas in that year, the jurors find, that Robert, fon of Ralph de Grayftock died, fcizedof the manor of Grayftock with the appurtenances, holden of the King, in capile, by homage and the fervice of 4I. per cm man for cornage : that the faid manor is worth by the year in all iffues at this time 62 1. 135. 9d. ob. q. and no more, becaufe it is deftroycd by the Scots: but before thcfe times, in time of peace, it was ufually worth in all ifllics 200 marks. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Nevil of Stainton in the county of Lincoln : and had iffue, Ralph, Lord Grayftock, who was 18 years of age at the death of his father, and had livery of his lands in the 14th Edward IL He married Alice, daughter of Hugh Lord Audley, and was poifoned in the 17th Edward IL by the accom- plices of Sir Gilbert dc Middlcton whom he had been the princijial inftrument of feizing in the caUle of Mitford for treafon. William, his fon, was very young at his father's death, for he had not livery of his lands till the i6th Edward 111, He obtained the King's licence to make a cafile of his manor houfe at Grayflock. He built alfo the caftle ot Morpeth. He married firft Lucy, daughter of the Lord Lucy, from whom he was divorced; and afterwards he married Joan.daughtcr of Henry Lord Fiizhiigh of Ravenfwath by 352 GRAYSTOCK. [Leath Ward. by whom he had ilTue, Ralph, William, Robert, and Alice married to Robert de Harrington. — He was one of the commiffioners to treat about the ranfom of David King of Scotland, who was taken prifoncr at the battle of Durham. He died at Brancepeth in the county of Durham, and was buried at Grayftock; for whom there was a moft pompous funeral, whereat the Bifliop of Carlifle faid mafs. There were prefent, Ralph Lord Nevil, Thomas de Lucy, Lord of Cockermouth ; Roger, Lord Clifford of Appleby caftle ; Henry le Scrope, and Thomas Mufgrave fenior, Knights ; the Prior of Carlifle, and the Abbots of Holm Cultram and Shap. This was in the 32d Edward IlL And in the chancel of Grayftock church is this monumental infcription : " Icy gift William Ic bone Baron de *' Grayftok plys vcill leant, noble et courteyous chvalier de fa paiis en fon temps; " Quy murult le x jour de JuUy I'an de grace Mill. CCCLIX. Alme de guy *' Dieu eyt pete mercy. Amen." Ralph, Lord Grayftock, fon of William, was but young when his father died, for he had not livery of his lands till the 48th Edward III. He married Catha- rine, daughter of Roger Lord Clifford. He had the diredion of the military ex- pedition againft the Scots in the 4th Richard 11. when he was taken prifoiier at Horfridge in Glendale, by George, Earl of Dunbar. His brother William went as an hoftage for him to Dunbar, where he died of a fever. His ranfom coft 3000 marks, which feems to have been raifed by way of afteftment on his tenants, for thereunto the burgelTes of Morpeth paid for their proportion, 7 1, rjs. lod. — He died in the 6th Henry V. John, Lord Greyftock, fon of Ralph, was of the age of 28 at the death of his father. He married Elizabeth, one of the daughters and coheirs of Robert Ferrers, and Elizabeth his wife, fole daughter and heir of William Boteler, Lord of Wemmc ; and died in the 14th Hei'.ry VL Ralph, Lord Grayftock, was of the age of 22 at his fuher's death. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Fitzhugh, Lord Ravcnfwath, and died in the 2d Henry VIL He had only one child, Robert Grayftock, Knight, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Gray, Duke of Kent, and died before his father, in the 3d Richard IIL leaving only an infant daughter, Elizabeth. In the reign of King Henry VIL the male line of the Grayftock family became extindt, and the pofteftlons of that race devolved on Elizabeth, the daughter of Ralph, the laft Lord Grayftock, then Barronefs of Grayftock and Wemmc. She married Thomas, Lord Dacre of Gililand, in the 22d year of the reigh of King Henry VII. and died in the 8th year of King Henry Vlll. They were fuc- ceeded by their fon William, Lord Dacre of Gililand, Grayftock, and Wem.me ; who married Elizabeth, daughter of Talbot, Earl of Shrcv, Ibury, and died in the 6th year of Queen Elizabeth's reign, leaving ifllie four fons, Thomas, Leonard, Edward and Francis. Thomas, the eldeft fon, fucceeded to the title and eftate. Of their lives we have had occafion to fpeak in this work, under the title of Gilftand, Naworth, and Dacre. The eftates of this laft mentioned family, were very extenfive in the 44th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, j" ^^^j- ''■'-'' Sir •)■ In Cumberland. The Lorclfnip of Eiirgli. Tl.e (^enitfnes and manors cf Burgii upon Sandss, Beamond, Kiikandiews, Weftlinton, Eov.es, Drumbugh, Witrigg, Whitrigleas, Langcroft, Ayne- tliorae. Leath Ward.] HOWARDS. 353 Sir WiUinm Dugdalc was miftakcn, Avhen he faid that three coheirefTcs of the Dacrc family, were, by their father-in-law, the Duke of Norfolk, married to his three fons : Anne, the eldeil, married Philip, Karl of Arundel, the Duke's eldeft Ton ; the fccond died unmarried : Klizabeth, the third, Mas married to Lord William Howard, his Grace's third fon ; and Lord Thomas Howard, the fecond fon, married a daughter of Sir Henry Knevet, from whom is defcended the prefent Earl of Sutiblk. The Earl of Arundel, in right of his Countefs, had the Barony of Grajftock in partition, J and William, Lord Howard, had Naworth. Ibc GENEALOGI cftheAioflNoNe Family of HOWARD, Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marjhaly and Hereditary Earl Marjhal of England, Earl of Arundel, Surry ^ Noyfolk, and J^onvich ; Baron Mozviray, Howard, Segrave, Brezvfe of Gozver, Fitz. Allan, IVarren, Clun, Ofzvaldejlre, Maltravers, Grayjlock, Furnival, Vo don, Lcvetot, Strange of Blactncrc, and Howard of Caftle Rifing ,• Prcr.iicr Duke, Earl and Baron of England, next the Blood Royal. Mofl of our Genealogists have traced the Defccnt of this Noble Family in the. following Manner. 1 Fulco I. Galfricius Allan Humphrey William of Wi^genhall, county of Norfolk. I I i John Howard 1 f Lucia, d. of AfkitiUus. Ulfricus. of Wiggenhall \ \ \ Gtfmond. trionie, CarJronock, Gla.Ton, Eafton, Fiiigland, Roughcliliffc, Etterby, Ayketon, and Tliurfby : Alfo, the Lordfhip of Gildand, with the demefnes and manor of Eyverfdale, Brampton, Denton, Walton, Farclam, Talkin, Caftlecarrock, Cumrcw, Hayton, Fcnton, Coiby, Tiadcrmayne, A/l ■] Chief Juftice of the C.[ \ Ed. Fitton, Kt. no ilTue. J C P- temp. K. Ed. I. J L P- Bed Ch. Sir John, Kt. 1 C Joan, fifter of William, ob. f. of Wiggenball, ob. 6. E. III. J I I Rich. Cornwall, Efq. Gent, of the ] I to K. Ed. I. 'LSfem;.7'ETlIL'} 1 {Mice, d. and h. of Sir Robert de B.y. Kt The following order of defcent is preferred by many judicious perfons, and ftriftly correfponds with ancient MSS. in the Britifh Mufeum ; it is alfo conformable to the opinion of the late Ralph Bigland, Efq ; Soinerfet Herald, whofe curious letter, fee in the ift vol. of Gutherie's Peerage, page 3. Auber, Earl of Paffey in Normandy > . < Adelina, d. of Hubert, Earl of Evereux. 1 \ ■ T William Breteville, Earl Euftace, whofe fon, Wm. came Valenne L. of Vernon, in Nor— of Paffey, ob. f. p. into England with the Conq. d raandy alfo came with the Conq. Roger Valerine, was alfo called Howard.? William Howard/7 fMaud, wid. of Rog. Bigod, E. of Norfolk, Sir John Howard, Kt. 1 f Ilcteaa.. I I Sir John, Kt. \ C Alice. Sir Robert, Kt. "I C Joan, d. Sir Th. St. Mere, Kt. John, Kt. 1 C Alice. Sir Robert, Kt. "I C Joan, ( I Maud.^ Sir John, Kt. 1 f Cath. d. and coh. Sir John de Brufs, Kt< Sir Henry, Kt. 1 f •* ♦* d. Sir Henry Tnifbut, Kt. Sir William, Kt.*") JMaTj ^ Lord Merley. iliam, Kt.* 1 r Mar)', d. y Made t. of Gloutefter, and Steward of England, was killed at Cardiff in Wales! — c From the eaftle of Howardtn. y Was alfo called dc Howard : was one of the council of K. Hen. I.^ j Married Sir John Fitz Urfe,,Kt.— — A Lord Chief Jiiftice of Common Fleas, temp. King Edward U Sir Leath Ward.] HOWARDS. 3Si Sir Robert, Kt. }|{ Anne, d. Thos. Everingham, Kt. Sir John, Kt, •}l{ Joan, d. Sir — Heviningham, Kl. ,Sir John, Kt./l |Marjr, d. Sir Robert de Boys, Kt. T '~ Sir Robert, Kt.^ 7 f Margaret, d. Robert, Lord Scales of Ncwcells, county of Hcrt. Margaret •'},{ Sir John, Kt. 1 fAlice, d. andh. of Si J j (_ of Stoke Newland, I I I irW. Tendring, Ed. Robt. Cath, CO. Suffolk. Sir John Kt ohn.l f Joan, d. of John Margt.« Sir Robt. Kt.l .m J I "[Walton, f.&h. f I firRich.Walton. Robt. Kt.l r Margt.ij Hen./ f fAlice, d. Sir Eliz. m. John Vere, E. of Oxf. I r ("Alice, d. Sir I I |H.Hufry,Kt. ( CO. Suflex. Elizabeth.^ Cath: line./ 1 rSIr John, Kt. G'7 f Margaret.^ Margarets Catharine, w 1 >■ hi I . I L. Catharine.fr L. Jane._;^ Elizabeth.^ Canied to Tlio. Ill I ^ I I I I Thomas, E. Surry.") ("Agnes. 2 L.Anne. L. Ifa. L.Jane. L. Margt. X 4 1 1 <"» i6 ce di Ld. William, « Admiral of the north feas, lo King Edward III.— / Ob. 3d July, 12 Richard II. — / D. and h. of Sir John Phiz of Tofte, CO. Norfolk — m Died in the lifetime of his father ii K. Henry IV- — n Married ift. Sir Conft. Clifton, Kt. of Bockciiham caOle, co. of Norfolk; and 2dly, Sir Gilbert '1 albot, Kl. — a Second d. and coh. of Thomas Mowbray, D. of Norfolk, by his wife Ehzabeth, d. of Rich. E. of Arundel, —p Ob. az K. Hen. IV. — y Married Henry Wcntworth, Efq. of Codham, co. of EITex.— r Was killed at Eofworth, and attainted I K. Hen. VII.— / D. of W. Lord Molinc9, hy his wife Eleanor, d. Henry Lord Beaumont. — t Margaret, d. Sir John Chedworth, Kt — i/ Married Sir W.Daniel, Bart, of Bothwlre, Ireland. — -ai Married Edward Neville, Lord Abergavenny. — x Created E. Surry, I K. Richard III. attainted I K. Henry Vll. Reftored and appointed Lord Treafurer, &c. E. Marfhal, 4 K. Hen. VII. Created Duke of Norfolk, 5 K.Hcn VIII- ob. ai May 16 K. Hen. VIII. — y D. and h. Sir Fred. Tilney and wid. Humphrey Bouchier, Lord Berners. — 7. D. Hugh Tilney, and filler to Sir Philip, of Rofton, co. of Line — aa Married Sir Edward Gorges, Kt: U Married Sir Robert Mortimer, co. of Effex. cc Married John Timperlcy, coimty of Suffolk. — dd Married Sir John VVyndham of Crowhurft, county of Norfolk, anceftor of E. Egrcmont, and who was beheaded i 7 King Henry VII. tc Married Sir John Boudiicr, Lord Berners — -ff Married Sir William Redmeld, ob. Ijco. Bur. Stoke Neyland.— Z z 2 356 HOWARDS, ]TLeath Ward. I I . I I . I I I I h.Wm.nn L. Tho.o5 Sir Geo. Rich. L,. An.pp Dorot.77 Eliz. rr Catharine.// I Anne, d, Ed, ine.T r Tho. T 1.4.5 Isurry.j Two fons ob. inf. r 2 Sir Edvv. I T f L. "1 2 Sir Jn. Hen. \ Eliz. K, G kh Joyce, f- I \ Edm. J-Dorot. Hen. Rd. I gg " J I y kk Ch. ob. f. p. Sir Jn. Hen. Ki.// MarieLwOT Hen. Sir Geo en. Sir Geo, "J .Catharine Mai Sir Charles, > Queen of 7 ob. f.p. J KTH. 8. Catharine Marg. Mar)'. Joyce. Ifabella. 10 Henrv E. Surry :;} f Frances, Eliz. ■J VV XX ■1 » Gertrude. 1 f Ld.Tho. i | -j Mabel. S. Margt. -j Mary. J. -J »> W Ol'W J 1 L 22 3 1 (.12 Frances. 1 1 Henry, ranees. Tho. K. G. Francis, Gyles, Grace £lizA> 1 TFra 2 J (^ 3 5 ob. f. p. ob. f. p. 6 Douglas.4 1. T •) Tho K. G.T rMargt.7 fli Mary, J J D. Norfolk, J- 1 j 15 f j : H Carried to 3-. I i I . I Lliz. Henry. Jane. Catharine Margaret- 16 17 18 19 20 PhiUp, Ld. William, £j D. Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, Thomi';, },A Duke of Norfolk, her hufband, was attainted jS IC. Heru VlII, reverfed I Mary, ob. 25 Augufl, 1554. hh Lord high admiral and ftandard hearer of England, killed in a fea fight, 25 April, j K. Hen. VIII. Married Alice, filler and heir to Henry Lovell, Lord Merley, and widow of Sir W . Parker, Kt. — ii D. of Sir Richjrd Culpeper of Hollingfburn, Kent. — li D. Tho. Troyes county of Hants, Efr); and wid. of Sir W, llvedale of Wifi.n.ini, Kt. — 11 Mar. Thomas Boloin E. of U'ilts and Ormond, and by him was mother to Queea Anne Bolein, — mm Mani' d rft, John Gray, Vifcount I^ifle, and 2d to Sir Thomas Knevet of Bockenham, co. of Norf. nil Was created Lord Howard of £ffingh.ini, 00 Lord 1 bomas died in the tower, -fp Married John Vere, Earl of Oiford. — yy Married Edward Stanley, Earl Derby. rr Married Henry RatcIilTe, Earl Suffex ff Mar. id Sir Refeap- Griffin, 2d Heniy D Aiibenv, Earl Bridgewater. // K. G. beheaded 19th and attainted 20 Jan. 38 K. Hen, VIII. vv D. John de Vere 15th Earl Oxford. nviv ReftoreJ in blood, and created Vifcount Binden, cou. Dorf. 13 Jan. I, Eliza .v.v I) and coh. John Lord Marney. — yy D. Sir Wil. Eyte of Gary, co Someifet, Kt. — -2 D. Nich. Burton of Carflialton, co. Surry, Efq. 1 D. Henry Manning of Greenwich, Efq; by whom he had a d. Anne — 2 Vifcount Bindcn. — 3 D. Sir Peter Mewtas, Kt. — 4 Mnrritd ,Sir Aithur Gorges Kt. ob. 1590. leaving a d. Ambrofia, ob i. p. i6co. — 5 Succeeded his brolhcr as Vifc. Bindcn, was K G. ob. f i. 1610, tit. extincl. — 6 Sir John Hcrfey of Clifton, co Dorfet, Kt. 7 Mar. Sir George Aiundcl, Kt. grandfather of ill Lord Arundel of Wardour. — 8 Mar. EJtn. TrafTord of Trafford, co. of Lane. Eftj ; — 9 Mar. John Stanney, co. Hants, Efq. — 10 Mar. **• Bavnton, Efq. 11 Mar. ift Kenry Pi and of Barkway, co. I- (Tex, Efq. 2d, Idward Seymour, earl of Hertford, and laflly, Lodowick Muart, Dtike of I.encx and Richmond — 1 2 Mar. Henry Fitzrcy, Duke of Kithmond and Somerfet, Nat. fi!. k. hen. VIII. — 13 Reftored in blocd, 1 Maiy, attainted 16 Jan. and behtad- Leath Ward.] HOWARDS. 3S7 Ld. William,! T Elizabeth. Lady Eli z. S \ I ob. inf. Philip, E. Arund. 21 I ■J r Anne. ill" Lady Marg. m. R. Sackvillc, 2d E. Dorfct, ob. 1591. This Pedigree is continued down to the prefent time, under the Title of Corby, p. 1 65. Tho.L. Maltra. 23 } fAlathea. I 24 Eliza, ob. 1 60a I Henry T Frederic > 25 J 1 Elizab. 26 Sir Wra. 27 Sir James. 28 i Thomas, Gilbert, Charles. 1 ob. f. I Tho. 29 H| Ann. 3 rHen. < 30 2- Jane. 31 Phil. Chas, 33 has. T r 34 ? I ^Mary, Talbot, Efme, Bern Edward, 37 38 Francis. 36 n I I. ».. Cath. Ann. Cath. Eliz. 39 40 41 41 Charles, ob. inf. Henry. 47 Chas. ■) r Mary, J I 1 48 I i Arabella, L. Jas. L, Fred.'^ d.&h.Sir ob.f.p. cb. f. p. ( Ed. Allen C 'Catha. m. Cath. Philippa, I Sir F.Blake- Ann, m. Ral. I Nuns Standilh Henry, "^ f Mary, Lord Thomas,"^ /"E'iz. Maria, 7 D. Nor. J id. ofE. 43 C \ d. & h. Sir ob. f. -p. Peterbor. C i Jas. Savillc. 1701 J c Carried to Tho. Ann Alathea, 44 Elizabeth, 45 Frances, 46 Heniy ed 2d Juno, 15 Q^Eliz. — 14 D: and li. Hen. Fitz Allan, earl of Arundel, and lord Maltiavcrs, Clun, and Ofwaldelhec. — 15; D. and h. of Thomas, loid Audlty of Walden, and widow of Henry Sutton, fon of John duke of Noithumbetland — 16 D. Sir James Leybourn of Cunwick, co. Wtftm. and will, of Thomas lord Dacre of Gilfland.— 17 K. G. created baron Howard of Marnliill, and eail North- ampton, 13th March, I king James I. died unmar. i^lh June, 1 61 4, title extinft. — 18 Mar Charles Neville, eail Wellmorl. — 19 Mar. Henry 7 loid Bcikclcy of Bcrkely caft — 20 Mar. Hen. lord Scrope of Bolton. 21 Died in prifon, I9tli Nov. 1595,.^. 39, 22 Eld. d. lliortias, and lift, and coh. Geo. lord Dacre of Gilfland. — 23 Created earl of Norfolk, and made earl mnrlh. of )■ ngland for life, ob. 4th 0£l. 1646. — 24 I), and coh. Gilbtit Talbot, 7 carl of .'■hrewlbury. — 25 Ob. 16 ^ pr. 16J2. 26 D. 1- fme S>tuart, duke of Lenox and Richmond. — 27 Beheaded, 29th Dec. 1680. — 28 Ob. Ghent in Flanders, f. ifs. — 29 Reftortd to title of duke cf Norf. 13 king Cha. IL •b. P.idua, 1678 — 30 Ob. nth Jan. 1^)83. — 31 D. Ldward Son'erfet, marq. Worcefler. — 32 D. llobt. Bickerton, £fq. Scot. — 33 A Cardinal fub. almoner to queen Cath. confort king Chas. II. ob. i6th June, 1694, JE. 6^. 34 Ob. 31. mar. 1713. — 35 tld. d. Geo. Tatterfal, Ffq. Finniamftead, cou. Berks — ^36 Died unni. '37 Mar. and left an only d. his h. — 3S and 39 M. 2d d. Geo. Tatteifal. — 40 Ob. inf — 41 Mar. John Digby of Gothurft. — 42 Mar. Col. Alex. M'Donnel, grandfon to Sir Jas. and brother ift rarl of Antrim. 43 Of Workfop manor, co. Netting, (hipwrecked 9th Dec. 1689. — 44 Ob. inf.— 45 Mar. Alexander duke of Gordon. — 46 Mar. marq. Valparcfa, a .Spanilh nobleman. 358 HOWARDS. [Leatm Ward. I II I '• Tbo. 8D.N0O f Mary, Hen. Edward T^ f Mary, Rich. Winifred 7 obf.p. J 1 49 JO ob. f. p.it. 51 sz Si S {T/i f Henrietta Miry, 1 55 56 I Thomas, J7 Winifred. J8 Aone. S9 Edward. 60 Henry ob. fp. Charles. t hte D. of Norfolk. i Catharine i Tho. Mary Cath. ' . ' died anmarried. Frances Marian Coppinger Ballamalow, Ireland, ob.f. p. 1768- T f Charles, prefent f C > < Duke of > < J C Norfolk. J C - 2. I Francej Mary 1771. b. 1742, and ob. unmnrrld. It is incumbent on us in this place, to notice feme few anecdotes of the noble family of Howards, in order to illuftrate the genealogical table: in the recital of which, we will endeavour to render the digrcllion as little tedious to the reader as poffible. There appears to be no fatisfadlory grounds for tracing this family back to Hereward, who was one of the chieftains, that fignalized himfelf in oppoling William the Conqueror;* which Hereward, was the fon of Leofric, and grandfon of i 1 47 Of Greyftock, ob. lotli June 1720. — 48 D. of John Aylward, Efq. f mar. 1739. ^ 2d d. John Brockholes of Clayton, co. Lane. * ift mar Marian Coppinger of co. Cork, Ireland, and to his 2d wife, Frances, d. and h. of lord Scudamore, Holmlacy, co. Hereford. — 49 D. and fole h. of t)ir Nich. Shire- borne of titonyhnrft, co, Lancaft. — 50 Ob. 22d Nov. 1720 — 51 2d d. and coh. Edward Blount of Blagdon, CO. Devon, Efq.' 52 Died unmarried. 54 Ob. 23d Jan. 1749. 53 D. Tho. Stones of Watlington Park, co. Oxford, ob. 1730. — 55 D. Edw'ard Blount, wid. of Peter Pioll of Antiverfe, Efq.— 56 Mar. Walter Ailon, baron, Forfar in Scotland, ob. 1723. — 57 Of Bockcnham, co. of Norf. «b. unmar. i ith Jan. 1763 58 Mar. William, lord Stourton. — 59 Mar. 19th April, 1762, Robert tdward Petrc, loidPctrc. — 60 Born 22d Jan. 1745, ob. * It may fatisfy the curiofity of fome to know the report of hiftorians, vrhofe credibility we have thus rejefted. " The father of Heward (Speed calls him Hereward, but Camden fays, Herwerdus) was *' Leofric, Lord of Bourne and the adjacent country in Lincolnlhire ; his mother was the Lady Edina, " defcended from the great Oftac, a Duke amongft the Eallerlings in King Edgar's time ; in whofe *' family I alfo find a noble kinfman of his called Haward. " He ferved in the wars of Northumberland, Cornwal, Ireland, and after, in the Lower Germany, ** where he made up much of his fame, and mamcd a fair lady, called Turfrida, the daughter of a " nobleman in Flanders, where he continued till the death of his father brought him home. About this " time, William Duke of Normandy made his conqueft of this kingdom, and had gratified Johannes " Jaillois, the French Count, now Earl of Holland, with Leofric's country of Holland, in the marfli- " land ; and the Count ver)' rudely had expulfed the lady, his mother, out of her poffcllions and dower. " Hewardus fet upon him with fuch forces as he could fpcedily raife, took and held him prifcner in de- " fpight of the Conqueror, until he redeemed himlelf, and accounted for what he had done, with a large " film of money. This drew tliofe of the nobility to the protection ot his fword, which the Conqueror " had chafed out of their coimtiy, who had fortified themleUes in the ifle of Ely, and made Hewardus " their general, where he built a cafUe that a long time after had his name. But the Normans took " advantage to infeft his country, and put him again to the recovery of it, which he fo fortunately fettled •' that the Conquei or was contented to make him his, and hold him iii good favour wliilll he lived. He " wa« Leath Ward.] HOWARDS. 35^ of a Saxon of great note in the reign of King Edgar: feme authors have advanced this diftant origin, but our bcft authorities;]: derive them from Auber, Earl of PafTy, in Normandy, who by Adelina, daugther of Hubert, Earl of Evereux, had three fons, the youngeft of whom was called Valcrine and Beaufon, and was Lord of Vernon, in Normandy. f He was an attendant of William the Conqueror : was fuccceded by Roger his fon, who fignalized himfelf againft the Welch, and poffcf- fing the Caftle oi Howard, in many of his expeditions made it the place of retreat, which occafioned it to be called in contempt his Den ; fo that it gained the name of Howarden. IP'illiam his fon, was born in the CafHe of Hoivard, and afTumed the local name. He was of the council of King Henry I. who gave to him in marriage, Maud the widow of Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, in whofe right he poflelTed many valuable eftates in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Sir John, his fon had ifTue, by Helen his wife, two fons, John who left a daugh- ter Maud, the wife of John Fitz Urje, and Sir Robert, a fecond fon, who married Joan, daughter of Sir Thomas St. Mere^t Knight, and had iffue Sir John Howard, who married Anne, reli(5l of Lord Bardolph, and had ifTue Sir John Howard, Knight, who married Catharine, daughter and coheirefs of Sir John Brus, Knight, and had iiTue Sir Henry Howard, he married a daughter of Sir Henry Trujbut, Knight, arni had iffue Sir William, who was bred to the bar, and was one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas in the time of King Edward 1. and in the 21ft year of that reign, A. D. 1293, ^^'^^ John de Butford, was appointed to go the northern circuit. He was funmioned to the parliaments of 23, 25, 28, and 32, King Edward I. and the ifl: of King Edward II. || He had large poffeflions in Norfolk. By his firft wife, Alice, daughter of Robert de Uflbrd, he had no iffue. To his fecond wife he married Alice, daughter of Sir Edward Fitton, by whom he had ifTue two fons, John and William.* Sir John, she cldefl- fon, was a man of great and public chara6ter, and had the confidence of his foyereign. King Edward I. whom he ferved in the 34th year of « was buried in Croyland Abbey. Concerning bis ifTue by the lady Tuifrlda there Is no mention, only " of a daughter named Turfrida, married to Hugo Enermua, Lord of Deeping; but circumftance* " will perfuade us he had other ifTue, as divers of his furname contiiuied in that country a long time after' " him, which makes it probable he had a natural fon (at leaft bearing his name of Heward) that next " to him was the original anccflor of the houfe of Howards." Buck. Hist. Rich. III. \ Glover, Philpot, Collins, &c. f Stuart Is ftill a common name in Normandy, and is there confidered as one of the mofl ancient. II His portrait painted in glafs, appears in the windows of Long Melford, in Suffislk, with two other judges: and this infcription in old characters. " Pray for the good ftate of William Howard, chef juftis of Yngland, and for Richard Pycot, John " Haugh, juflia of the lawe." There is an excellent wooden cut of this perfon, In Wever's funeral monuments. * There Is an evident and material difcordancy here, between the account we give of the family, and that of the genealogical table, which is copied from the M. S. of George Allan, Eiq. and we lament,, that we axe not able to acconnt for the difference. The Editors. his: 36o HOWARDS. [Leath Ward^. his reign, as gentleman of the bedchamber. He was no lefs a favourite of the royal fuccclFor, and was fummoned to attend King Edward U. at his coronation. In the 4th year of that reign, he greatly fignalized himfelf againfl: the Scots. In the 1 1 th year of the fame reign, he was made governor of the Caflle of Norwich^ and ferved the office of flieriff for Norfolk and Suffolk,, for five fuccelfivc years : a fpecial mark of truft at that biify period. In the 15th year of the fame reign, he was in fevcral commidions for raifing forces againft Scotland. In the 17th year, he was in the expedition againit Gafcoign, and in the 19th year, a commif- fioncr in purfiiance of the itatute of Winchefter, for arraying troops in Norfolk and Suffolk ; and in the ;oth, in Norfolk, was in commiflion to array five hundred men, to fcrve againlt France.§ He died in the 5th year of the reign of King Edward III.* married Joan, daughter of John de Cornwall, by whom he had iffue John, was a favourite of King Edward III. was admiral and captain of the royal navy in the north, (| with a falary of 153I. 7s. 6d. was at the feigc of Calais, having a banneret, fix knights, thirty lix mien at arms, and thirty five archers on horfe- back in his corps. He married Alice, daughter of Sir Robert de Boys, by whom he had ifiue Sir Robert : who feems not to have retained that favour ^\hich his anceftors poifeffed, for without any diftinguilhing offices or marks of duty, we fee his death announced 3d of July, 12th King Richard II. — Indeed, in the 2d year of thaf reign, he is noted among the prifoners in the tower, for an offence of detaining Margery de Narford from her grandmother Alice, LadyNevil, with whom flic had been appointed to remain, by an order of the king and council, till the court of Rome fhould give fentence, in a caufe of divorce then depending betv.een her and John Brewer. He married Margaret, daughter of Robert, Lord Scales, of Nucells, by whom he had three fons and two daughters. f His cldell: fon, Sir John, was retained to ferve King Richard II. for life; a duty not unfrequenl in thofe days. In the 6th year of the leign of King Henry IV. he was ordered to array all the men in Effex able to bear arms, and lead them to the coaff, to oppofc the French, who threatned an invalion. He made a journey to Jerufalem, but did not live to return, breathing his lad in the holy city, on the i-th day of Nov. Ann. Dom. 1400.^ He was twice married, firll to Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir John Plaiz, Lord Montfichet, by whom he had iffue a fon John, who died in his father's life tiriie, having married Joan, the daughterf of Sir Richard § Tlicy were foot foldieis and afchers, armed with hacktoons, bacinets, and gauntlets of iron. * He died fdzed of the manors cf Eaft Winch, Eaft VVaUon, Watton juxta, Kirkbroke — Wiggea. hr.U— Wirmegey Tjiinton — Wcttevalcot, South Wotton, North Wotton, Great Walfingham, and the- Honour of Clare. Fi/i, 2 Ed. II. m. 5. Norf, II From the mouth of the. Thames northward. ■f- They lie buried in a chapel, on the fouth fide of the chancel of Eaftwinch church, in the co. of Noifolk, where an archtd TOonwmcnt was ercaed to their memory, garnifhcd with divers efcutcheons of the arms of H^:ward, impaling the arms of iheir wives. In 1 63 1, nothing remained of the infcripticB tliereon, but Animabus Domini Roberti Howard militis et.Margerie uxoris fuas. .^.v Stemniate Fan. de Howard MS. p. 49 in Bibl Job. jlitjiii Arm. Cart. \ The genealogical table fays 1437. \ The genealogical table fays d. of John, who was fon of Sir Richard. Walton, i LeathWard.] HOWARDS. 361 Walton, Knight, and left ifTue by her, Elizabeth, who married Vere Earl of Ox- ford, and by whom the title of Lord Scales devolved on the Oxford family. To his fccond wife he married Alice, daughter and heir of Sir William Tcndring, and had ilTue two fons, Robert and'Heniy.(| Sir Robert does not appear to have been much engaged in public aflairs, but by marriage greatly aggrandized his family: heefpoufed Margaret, the eldeft daughter and one of the two cohcircfles of Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, by Eliza- beth his wife, daughter and coheirefs of Richard, Earl of Arundel ; by which inter- marriage, the inheritance of thofe great families devolved on the Howards and Berkeleys; Ifabel, the other coheirefs marrying one of that houfe.* 1 hey had ifTue a fon and two daughters, John, Margarct.f and Catharine. J Sir John was a man of diflinguilTied courage and valour: was with the Earl of Shrewlbury at the forcing of the French camp before Chafliillon ; and after the Earl was (lain, was fuppofed to be with the Englifli chieftains, in the retreat to Bourdeaux. Eleanor, Queen to King Henry II. as heiiefs of William, Duke of Aquitaine, annexed that duchy to the Britilh crown; and it remained the property of England for near three centuries; but v. as irrecoverably loll: foon after the un- fortunate batile of ChaftiUon. Some authors afTert, that Sir John was a prifoner •with the Lord Moiins, who with fixty more of high dill:ind:ion of the Englifh, did not furrendcr§ till they had flain more than an equal number of the enemy; for we do not find Sir John named in any public aflairs till the firft year of King Edward IV's reign; who after his coronation made feveral creations ofhonour; andamong others, Sir John, it is faid, was made Lord Howard. He polTefTed in a moft fingular manner the affections of his fovercign, whofe liberality towards him might bear the charader of profufion, if it was not fo greatly exceeded, by that of his royal fucceffor. In the firft year of King Edward IV. 's reign, we fee Lord II Henry had the manors of Teringhampton, Eaft Walton, Bokenham, Wigenhall, and Baible(ham, in the county of Norfolk. He married Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Huffcy, of the county of Suflex, knight, and had iffue one child, Elizabeth, who maivied Henry Weiitworth, of Cobham, in Eflcx. Alici, tiie wife of Sir John Howard, by will, drtcd 13th Oft. 1426, ordered her body to be buried in the church of Stoke Neyland, to which cliurch flie bequeathed 40s. and her white gown ftripcd with gold. She was buried with her hufband, under a grave ftone before the high altar, in that church — on which, were figures in brafs, of a kniglit with his fword by his fide, and his lady by iiim, with the arm* of Howard and Tendring at the cornets, with a fJltt round the ilone in black letters " Orate pro A ni- " mabus Johannis Howard Mihtis qui obiit aim 1 4.... et Allicii uxoris ejus, qu^ obiit in feftu fanfti Lucar Evangeliilse ann. 1426, quorum animabus propitietur Deus. Tliere are alfo in the eaft window, in the foutli limb of the church, the portraitures of thefe perfonages kneeling, with their hands elevated, an efcutcheon of the arms of Howard and Tendring. Over his head " Paffio XPI conforta nos" — over Ijcr head " Jefu milerere nobis" — and undernealii " Orate pro animabus Domini Johaiwiis Floward et Domini AUicix uxoris ejus. * Tliomas, Duke of Noifolk, was fon and heir to John, Lord Mowbray, by Eli/nbclh his wife, daughter and heir to John, Lord Seagrave, and of Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, and Earl Marfhall of England, the eldeft fon of King Edward L by his fecond wife Margaret, daugiiter to Philip the Haidy, King of France. f Margarer married Sir William Daniel, Baron of Ratlivvire, in IrelsuJ. j The fccond wife of Edward Neville, Lord Abergavcny, who had ilTuc by her, Margaret, who mar- ried John Brook, Lord Cobham. § Stow's annals p. 397. . Hall's chronical, p. 166. remained prifoner feven years and four months. VOL. I. 3 A Howard 362 HOWARDS. [Leath Ward. Howard conftituted conftable of the caftle of Norwich, and fheriff of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk: he was enriched by a grant in fpecial tail of five great manors, which had efcheated to the crown by the attainder of the Earl of Wiltfhire. In the fecond year of that reign, he was joined in commiflion with the Lords Falconbridge and Clinton, to keep thefeas, having a command of ten thou- fand troops, with which they greatly harraffed the French coafts, facked the town of Couquet and fubdued the Ifle of Rhec. In the 8th year, he was treafurer of the houfehold, and had a grant of the emoluments arifing from the mintage : in this year he efcorted the Lady Margaret, the King's filler, into Flanders, and attended the folemnization of her marriage with the Duke of Burgundy. In the fucceeding year, we find him in the lift of the great men who were prefent on the oath of allegiance, being taken by Henry Percy, heir of the Earl of Northumberland, in the palace of Weftminfter ; and alfo when the Biftiop of Bath and Wells refigned the great feal. In the tenth year of that reign, by the title of Lord Howard, he ■was made commander in chief of the King's forces at fea, with commiflion to oppofe the Lancaftrian fadlion, which was gathering for a new ftorm, under the defec- tion of the Duke of Clarence, Richard, Earl of Warwick, and their adherents.;]; In the eleventh year, he was made deputy governor of Calais and the marches : and in the fame year, was of the junto who took the oaths to the king.* Jn the 12th year, he was fummoned to parliament among the barons, and in the fucceeding years of that reign, conftantly was in fummons. He was one of the commiflioners named for fettling the pale of Picardy; and on the 22d of April, 1472, was made one of the knights of the garter. In the 13th year, we fee his name as a com- miflioner with Lord Haftings, to treat with the Duke of Burgundy, for fettling differences; where he has the title of Sir John Howard, Knight, Lord Howard. In the 14th year, he was returned by indenture, to fcrve the king in Normandy, for one year, with twenty men at arms, and two hundred archers. In the ijth year, he accompanied the king to Calais, in the war with France. f The king's munificence X The family of Howard as well as the Mnwbi-ays, whofe poflcffions and honours they inherited, had always been iteady partizans of the houfe of York againft the houfe of Lancaller; and the white orna- ment in the liveiy lace of the Howard family, is lield by tradition, to be the reprefentation of a white rofe. * The tenure of vHiich oath was, " Allegiance to King Edward, and a recognition of Edward his fon, " Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Eail of Chefter, as the very undoubted heir to the crowns and " realms of England, France, and lordfhip of Ireland : and they promifed and fwoie, that if they out- " lived their fald fovereign lord, they would accept the prince for their true and rightful King of Eng- " laud, &c. and behave towards him and his heirs as true and faithful fubjcSs." ■f In the hiftory of Philip de Commines, we find feveral anecdotes. At the time the Duke of Burgundy was taking leave of the Engllfh monarch, to return to his army, a fervant of tiie King of France's houfehold was brought in a prifoner, and after examination, was difcharged as being the firll captive of the war. At his departure, Lord Howard and Lord Stanley faid to him, " Do our commenda- " tions to the King your mailer, if you can come to his prefence." The French King conceiving the purport of the melTage, prefently ient an herald, who had orders to addrcfs himfelf to the Lords Howard and Stanley, who introduced him. A treaty enfued, and commifiioncrs were named to meet at Amiens; for the King of England, Lord Howaid, Sentlegcr, Dr. Morton, afterwards chancellor of England ; for France, the Baftard Bourbon, Admiral of France, Lotd St. Piere, and the Bifliop of Avereux. ♦• Leath Ward.] HOWARDS. 363 munificence was difplayed this year, towards this favourite, who had with great fidelity and care, concluded a beneficial truce with France ; for the king granted to Lord Howard, in fpecial tail, four manors in the county of Suffolk, and two in Cambridgediire, which had come to the crown on the attainder of the Earl of Oxford. In the 17th year of the fame reign, he was in commidlon to treat with the court of France for a longer truce; and in that year, had the office of conftable of the tower conferred on him for life. In the ujlh year, he commanded the navy agamft the Scots, and had with him three thoufand men at arms. The moft diftinguiihcd mark of hisfovereign's efteem, was the marriageof Thomas Howard, his fon, to the princefs Anne, the King's third daughter. In the reign of King Richard ill. we find this nobleman ftill a ftedfaft adherent to the houfe of York. It doth not appear, that he was cenfurcd for any evil counfels in that reign; or that he was bufy, or even aiding in any of the dreadful crimes imputed to the King. The virulence with which hiflorians have ceiifured the meafures of that fhort reign, would neceflarily have expofcd to public odium, the cbaradcr of Lord Howard, had he not been critically and moft diftindtly ex- culpated in the judgment of the world, from being a partizan in, or privy to, the horrid machinations of this prince; and this more efpecialiy, aa he had received from the crov. n the greatcft honours, John, Duke of Norfolk, held the office of marflial of England, with limitations to his iffue male ; in failure of which, it went over in reverfion to the crown. By the death of his grace, the office becom- ing vacant, it was claimed by his lordfliip, who was the next defcendant of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. Without any enquiry into the legality of the claim, King Richard conferred that office upon him, by the title and honour of Earl Marshal of England, limiting it to his ilfue male.* On the fame day he was created Uuke OF Norfolk, and Thomas his fon and heir. Earl of Surry. On the coronation of King Richard IIL he was, for that folemnity only, conflituted High Steward of England, and carried the crown; the Lord Surry carrying the fword of ftate. In the cnfuing month, he was made Lord Admiral of England, Ireland, and Aquitaine, for life.;t^ He fell at Bofworth field, commanding in the main army for the king, the 3 A 2 22d Avereux. A truce was concluded, and the articles ftipulated were, tbat the French King fliould pay to England, before the army left the country, 27,000 crowns; and that his fon, the Dauphin, fhould marry King Edward's eldeft daughter, (who was afterwards efpoufcd to King Heniy VII.) and that the Duchy of Guitnne, or 50,000 crowns yearly fhould be alTigned for her revenue for nine years: and that the two fovereigns fhould have an interview. i6,coo crowns were granted as a yearly penfion to the at- tendants of King Edward ; of which 2,000 were allotted to Lord Haftings, and the reft to L ord Howard and others: bcfides which, the French King gave prefents to Lord Howard, during his reiidtnce in France, to tlic amount of 24,000 crowns. * He had power to grant the office of marflial of the king's bench, marlhal of the exchequer, and office of marflial's crier before the fleward, and marflial of the king's houfehold. To bear a golden flaff, tipped at each end with black, the upper part thereof, to be adoincd with the royal arms, and the k)wcr end thereof, with thofe of his own family. J Upon that day, he obtained a grant of the manors and lordfliips of Lavenham, in Com. Suff. Canfield, Stanfttd-Montlitchet, Crepping, Langdon, Cruflwich, Ellon-Hall-Vance, Fynyreton, Dod- ynghurft, Bumllcad-Helion, Beamond, and Bently, in EfTex; Baddlefmere, in Kent; Kingefton, in Cambridgelhire ; RoRencythe, Hclfton, Devy, Predaniiock, Poledewe, Etherton, Dawneth, Rutheton, TrefaverttB, 364 HOWARDS. [Leath Warik 2 2d Auguft, 1485 ; and was buried at Thetford. In the parliament at Weftminftert 7th November, jft King Henry VII, he was attainted. He was twice married. — Hisfirft lady, Catharinc,|| was the daughter of Richard Lord Molines, and Eleanor his wife, daughter of Henry, Lord Beaumont; by whom he had ilPuc, Thomas his fon and heir, and four daughters.! His fecond lady Trefaveron, Heyvenis, Newland, Harnathy, Park, Trevigo, Wycoteiiam, Penhall, Nufergh, with the hundreds of Trelyghen and Shrobhcnder, in the county of Cornwall; Btetford, Wellelewe, Ruili- (hall, Chepenham, Feffount, Brcmilfhawe, Upton Skydmore, Wellon Park Wermyfter, and AVinter- borne- Stoke, in com. Wilts; Hungerford, in Berklliire ; and the caftle, lordfnip, and manor of Farlegh, in Somerfet and Wilts. And the year after, the manors and lordfhips ol Middlecon, Hillington, Tilney, Iftellington, Cleuchwarton, Raynhara, ShalUelkewe, Skales, Hekelyng, W^ilton, Hokkewood, Berton, Bendifh, Wigenhale, with the fiftiing there, and toll in Bi(hons-Lenne, with the hundred o£ Frcebridge, in com. Norf. The manors and lordfhips of Lavenham, and W^ards Hutton, in com. Suff.. Woodhiim, Ferrers, in com. EfTex. Berkeway, Rokcley, and New-Sellcs, in com. Herf. Hafclingfield,. in Camb. Langham and Ber-Lortie, in com. Dorf. Keros and Retire, in com. Cornub. Exton, South- brent, Chillington, Stratton, Yevelton, and fpekington, in Somerfet Ihire; Petersfield and Up-'..latford, in com. Southamp. Knoke, Bedwyn, and Orcheikin, In com. Wilts. " He was fo firmly featliered on King Richard's wing, that he choofs rather to abandon his life with " his dear friend, then in the falfifying of promife to fave the fame." Office of MarJJjal. Hijiorkal anecdotes of the Hoivard /amily. He was warned from going to the field, by the following dlillch put into his tent. " Jockey of Norfolk be not too bold, " For Dickon thy mailer is boght and fold." For his charafter and achievements, fee Sir John Be.iumont's poem of BofworthfTeld, from which we tranfcribe the following fine paflage; which every clalTical reader will foon lee, is in the Iplrit and mauneir, of Homer. " Here valiant Oxford and fierce Norfolk meete, •' And with their fpearcs each other rudely greete, " About the ayre the (hlver'd pieces play, " Then on their fwords their noble hands they lay. " And Norfolk firft a blow direftly guides " To Oxforde's head, which from his hehnet flides " Upon his amie, and biting through the fteelev " Inflifts a wound, which Vcre difdames to ficle: " He lifts his faulchlon with a threatening grace', •' And hcwes the bever off from Howard's f:ice. •• This being done, he with compadion charm'd, " Retires, aiham'd to iliike a man difann'd. " But ilraight a deadly (haft fent fi-om a bow " (whofe mailer, though farre off, the Duke could know J " Untimely brought this combat to an end, " And pierc'd the brainof Ricliard's conftant fi-icnd " When Oxford law him finke. his noble foule " W^as full of griefe, which made him thus condole ; " Farewell, true knight, to whom no coilly grave " Can give due honour. Would my fear might fave " Thofe ftreames of blood, deferving to be fpiit " In better fervice. Had not Ricliard's guilt " Such heavy weight upon his fortune laid, " Tliy glorious, vertucs had bis finnes outwaigh'd." II N. and B. fay her father's name was William. f Anne married to Sir Edward Gorges. — Ifabcl married to Sir Robert Mortimer. — Jane to Sir John Timpeiley. — I^argaret to Sir John Wyndham. Catharine, Duchefs of Norfolk, was burled in the church of Stoke, between the high altar and the quite, the monument had her effigie habited in a hood and gown. On one fide, the arms of Brotherton, Three Lhns Pnffjnt Gardant, Or ,- and the arms of Howard, Gules, a Bend betiveen Jix Crofs-crof.cts Argent, and a lAan ravtpant, Ducally crcmim-d. Alfo on the four corners, Efcutcheons of arms. On the right hand next her head, four coats within a garter, infctibid; 1. arms of Brothe t.n. 2. Howard '^. "Wzxreix Chcqucy Or and ylzure, 4. Mowbrays a Z/V« ranipaiit Ardent. On the finil?erfide fix coats, impaLngT».'<7t>' cfjt«. (the arms of Molines) i Brotherton. J. Howard 3. Warren 4. Breves of Gower Azure, a hion rarnpant feint of Crofj-crojlels, Or. 5. a IJon rr.rnpav.t Ducalh cro r prefence, and pro- ttfts, if the King of England continues to efpoufe his caufc, (he will withdraw all attachments. The eail alio, vvhilll in Scotland, v.nAe feveral letteis touching the momuitous affair in jvLich he was emplovcd. T.* Leath Ward.] HOWARDS. 371 was commidioned to levy men, if the Duke of Albany fliould invade England : in ihat year he entered Scotland, and laid wafte a wide tracft of country : among other places he reduced the town and caftle of Jedburgh. In the i6tb year of that reign, his fatlier being dead, he had livery of his lands, and was again made General of the army, then raifed to proceed to Scotland, in order to fet at liberty the young king, whom the Duke of Albany, as regent, kept at Stirling. In the 17th year, he received a grant of the manor of Folking- ham, with feveral other manors ; and in the fame year was in the commilTion for making peace with France. On the fall of the arrogant Cardinal, whofe pride and ambition were only equalled by his tyranny and infolence, and which had brought on hini the utter delegation of mankind; he fent him a mellage, to reforc to his charge as Archbifliop of York : and when he lingered and did not obey, he lent him word by Cromwell, " Tbat if ke got not away, he would tear hm z'jitb " bis teeth." On the ift December, 2jft King Henry VIII. he was one of the lords that fiinfcribed articles againfl: this once powerful minifler. The duke was one of thofe hippy in(iruments in the hand of Providence, v. ho, in that licentious and wicked reign, contributed to bring excellent fruits out of evil purpofes : for neither rectitude of morals, nor probity of heart, dictated to this inconfiftent prince, thofe projects ; which, in their confequences, have been fuch bleiUngs to England : nor had he fagacity to forfee the importance of what he was fo earnefl" to promote. The vilell and moft debafed purpofes prompted him to the work. Luxury, avarice, lifcivioufncfs, and pride. The divorce of Queen Catharine be- To Cardinal Wolfty. Tliat the Earl Agnus earaeftiy prefied for leave to go into Scotland, but that te detained him. To the King. That the Earl of Anj'.is claimed the roy;il promife of permlffion to go into Scotland, To the King of Scots. That the king liad fent him to the borders with men and money, only for his fafelv ; and that this coiirfe was talcen to draw Scotland and the Duke of Albany from France. To the Queen of Scots, from Berwick, — perfuading a teconciliation to her hufband — earnellly delii- ing her to fend an cmbalTy to England to obtain peace, and remonftrating that fhe did not deal witk fincirlty towards the IsJng of England. To the Queen of Scots. That the King of England had permitted tlie Earl of Angus to return t» Scotland, on afTiirarce that he (hould not intrude on her chamber, or meddle with her lands or perfon. To Cardinal Woifey, on meeting the Earl of Arran at Norham, on a treaty of peace — Gives a cha- rafler of the qviecn, that (be is froward and licentious, not content with her hufband, fhe entertains one Hcnr)" Stuart, the king's carver, brother to the Lord of Aviadale That Henry Stuart had in his cuftodjr the great fcal, the privy fcal, the quarter fcal, and the fignet of Scotland, and at that time exercifed the nf&ce of trcafurer : that he ruled as he would, at whicli the people lamented, as well as at the queen's dif- folute life. To the Cardinal. That the queen's didikc to her luifliand, was the fole caufe of the adherence of Scotland to France. He complains of the queen's fenfualliy. To the lame. Informing of fettling a truce, and the terms pmpounded for a pt'aoe. That the nation complained of the queen's evil government, and erroneous method of brin^'ing up t!ie young king: file following llie dictates of Henry Stuart, who ruled the whole realm. That (lie refufes admitting her hufl-and to enter into Scotland. Hi r connfellorp, the I:ght unwiOe Earl of Arran, Thomas Ham Lon, a light learned man in the law ; and Henry Stuart mofl eniircly in her favour. To the Cardinal. Advifuig that the P2arl of Angus be permitted to go into Scotland. The queen'i afFeftions for Henry Stuart the caufe of her rcfi:fal. That Thomas Hamilton being flaln by his horfc,. and laying dead before her, (lie faid, " There licth the wifdom, the truth, the good coimfel, and cxperi- •nce of the Haniiltons. CoutiNs'j Pesrage. j B 2 came 372 HOWARDS. [Leath WARt5. came neceflary toliis attaining other objedls : the pope's non-concurrence was to be evaded or prevailed againft : the confequence was, the denial of his Supremacy. The duke was one of thofe, who firft intimated to ^:he holy fee, the toitering eflate that his authority was in, and the denial which fliortly after took place. He alfo was one of the king's attendants to Boulogne, on his interview with the King of France ; and there, with the fovereign, received the order of St. Michael. In the 24th year of that reign, he went to commune with the pope, touching the king's divorce, at Nice, where his holinefs met with the F^mperor and the King of France. In the fame year he had a grant of fcvcral manors in the county of Salop ; and in the 25th year he was made Earl Marifial of England, on the furrender of that ofhce by Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and was alfo appointed Vice- roy of Ireland. In the 27th year he was fenc into France with the Bilhop of Ely, to treat for the revocation of the pope's cenfure againlt the king's divorce. In the 28th year, he marched with a large army into Yorkfliire, to aftifl: the Earl of Shrewfbury in fupprcfTing an infurrection, called The Pilgrimage of Grace, which had been occafioned by the diflblution of inferior monafteries. In the 3 1 ft year of that reign, he purchafed of the abbot and convent of Sibton, the file of that religious houfe, with all its poffeffions; and having entertained an apprehcn- lion that it was the king's defign to unite the remaining abbeys and lands to the crown, he obtained from the parliam.cnt, then fitting, an ad of indemnity. In the 32d year, he was appointed Lieutenant General of all the Kmg's forces north of Trent. — In the fame year he was Ambafiador to France. In the 34th year, he commanded a large army in the north, with which he ravaged ihe Scotch borders. In the 36th year, he was made Captain- General of the rear of the king's army in France, and GeneralifTimo in the king's abfcnce: in which capacity he conduced the fiege of Montruel. In the king's prefence, as they advanced to Boulogne, he led the van of the army. But now the king was advanced to a flare of mind, to admit of jealoufics and doubts even of his moft faithful lervants, v. hen breathed into his ear by the lips of his pandors and paiafites, who crowded his clofct, and bore with them the poifcn of envy and dctraccion, againft thcfe whole virtuous aufttritics, they dreaded. The king's corpulency and unvvcildmefs brought with it a debility of mind, and his judgment was clouded with vifionary fears and diftrufts, which the wretches who had his ear, cheriflied, for the advancement of their own private emoluments. This great nobleman, whofe atfiions had been fo illuftrious, w hofe fidelity had been tried in every confidential circumftance, and whofe fervices were on every crifis incftimable, now became the objeel of his fovereign's diftruft. He had fpoken freely of the king's new favourites, who rofe fuddenly into power and fplcndour, by flattering the king's vices and enormities; and in the fervour of his heart, with an honefty peculiar to himfelf, he condemned the meafures \\ hich they chelated. It was too late in the king's life, for the duke to hope for reftitu- tion of his confidence, and the enemies of his family now gained an afcendancy, which was not to be fliaken ; nay, it is even faid, the duchefs -was in the combi- nation, flic having withdrawn hcrfelf from him for feme conliderable time. The duke was imprifoned, and the charge laid againft him appears in the advice given te Leath Ward.] HOWARDS. 373 to the king's ambalTadors in foreign parts, 'ihat he and his Jon had confpired tn take on them the government during his life ; and after his death to get the prince into their Imnds. Henry, tarl of Surry,t the duke's edleft fon, was fent to the tower nearly f I have a fmall volume of elegant and tender fonnets compofed by him; ai\d with them J fome other* of that age, particularly Sir Thomas Wyat the elder, a very accompliflied gentleman, father of him who fell in a rebellion againll Queen Mary. Francis 1. had given a new air to literature, which he encour- aged by mixing gallantry with it, apd by producing tiie ladies at his court along with the learned. Henry, who had at leall as much taftc for women as for letters, and was fond of fplcndor and feats of arms, contributed to give a romantic turn to compofitioti ; and Petrarch the pnet of the fair, was natu- rally a pattern to a court of that complexion. In imitation of Laura, our Earl had his Geraldine. Who fhe was, we are not told direftly ; himfelf mentions feveral particulars relating to licr, but not her name. The author of the lall editon of his poems fays, in fome fliort notes on his life, that (he was the greateft beauty of her time, and maid of honour to Queen Catharine; to which of the three Queens of that name "he does not fpecify. 1 flatter myfclf, I have at length difcovered who this fair lady was: here is. the Earl's defcription. From Tufcan came my ladic's worthy race. Fair Florence was fome time her auncient feat; The weftern yle whofe pltafant (hore doth face Wdd Cambers clyfFs did give her lyvely heate: Foftered (he was with milke of Iridi brdt: Her fiie an Earl; her dame of Prince's blood From tender yeres in Britaine (he doth reft With King's chilJe, where (he tadeth coO.ly foode. Honfdon did firft prefent her to m.yn yleiir Bright is her hewe, and Geraldine Ihe hight, Hanpton me taught to wifbe her firil for mine, And Windfor alasl doth chafe me from her fight. Hci beauty of kinde, her vertue from above, Happy is he that can obtain her love. 1 am inclined to think, that her poetical appellation w:g the nvlio/r reign. He wns accufed, that he had entertained in his family, fome Italians who were fiirpeflecl to be fples; a fen^nt of his had paid a vidt to Cardinal Pole, In Italy, whence he was fulpefted of entertaining a corrcfpondence \vith that obnoxious prelate; he had quartered the arms of Edward the Confetfor on hie. fcutcheon, which made him be fufpeCltd of afpiring to the crown, though both he and his anceftors had openly, daring the courfe of many years, maintained that praftice, and the earls had even jullified it by their authority. Thefc were the crimes, for which a jury, notv.-ithftanding his eloquent and fplrlled defence, condemned this nobleman for hiL^h tveafon, and their fentence was foon after executed upon him. Hume's History, v. IV. p. 2S3. To thefe accounts the noble author adds, " Thefe are the accounts which thefe two ingenious gentle- men give us of the very worthy but unfortunate earlhlmfelf — unfortunate only in his fiiperlor worth, in as much as it has drawn on hira the refentment (ever Implacable) of that vciy Ntro of the Tt'.dor lacc, Henry VIH who, as Sir Walter Raleigh fays, never fpared woman in his lull, nor man in his wrath. After his execution, his body was can'ied to Tramlyngham in Suffolk, and the following epitiiph placed on his tomb. Henrico Howardo, Tbomas fecundi Duels Norfolcis filio prmogenito Thomae tertii Patri, Comiti Surrcias ct GeorglanI Ordlnis equltl aurato, immature anno falutis i546abrepto; et FrancIfcrF uxori ejui filiae Johannis Comltis Oxonise ; Henrlcus Howardus, comes Northamptionse filius fecundo genitus, hoc fupremum pictatis In pai-entes monumentum pofult, A. 1). 1614. Here noble Siurey felt th.e facred rage, Surrey the Granville of a former age: Matchlcfs his pen, victorious was his lance. Bold in the litis, and graceful in the dance ; In the fame Ihades the cujiils tun'd his lyre. To the fame notes of love and foft dellre. Fair Geraldine, bright objcdl of his vow. Then fill'd the groves, as heavenly Mira nowr. Pope's Windsor Forest. In the firft vol. of Lcl. Col. p. 6S1. is a hiftory of Framllngham Caftle, written by Dr. Samfon, of Tembroke Hall, Cambridge, A. D. 1663. Fram'ingham Caftle is a very ancient ftruflure, and fald to have been built In the time of the Saxons. It was one of the principal feats of St. Edmund the king and martyr. When he fled from Dunwich, be. jug purfucd by the Pagan Danes, he took refuge In this caille, but being hard befieged, and having na liope of refcue, he fled from thence, and being overtaken by his enemies, was beheaded at Hoxon, from whence, long after, his corps was removed and relnterred at Bury, called St. Edmimd's Bury. Mattliew Paris Informs tis, that William Rufus gave this caftle to his favourite Roger BIgod ; and learned Mr. Camden fays, that this caftle if not rebuilt, yet was repaired by his ion Hugh Bigod, who was created Earl of Noi folk, by King Stephen, becaufc he teftificd on oath before the Archbifhop of Canterbury and others, that King Henry willed on his death bed, that Stephen his nephew, and not Maud his daughter, (hould fucceed him In the kingdom of England. I'his Hugh was the fon and heir of the bcforcmtntloncd Roger, who was fewer to King Henry I. by Adeliza the daughter and heir to Sir Hugh Grantefmenill, High Steward of England. He married JiJiana the daughter of Almerick de Vere, the king's chamberlain, and had IfTue Roger BIgod, Earl of Norfolk, and William a fecond fon, who died In the 24th year of Heuiy the fecond, and w?s buried in the priory of St. Btnnet, In Thetford. Afterwards this caftle Was given by King Edward I. to his fecond fon, Thomas of Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, and Marfl.al of England, who repaired it, as appeareth by lus arms In divers places tl'.ertof. I'his Thomas, married Catharine the daughter of Sir Roger HaUs, of Harwich, knight, and had IlTuc Edward and Margaiet, Edward fuecteded his father, as Earl of Norfolk and Mailhal of England, but dyed the king's ward In the fame year with his father, leaving his fald fitter Margaret his heir. She was fiiil married to John, Lord Seagrave, who built the -obuxcli of St. Michael in Framllngham, and the church of our lady iu Woodbridge* Thii 37^ HOWARDS. [Leatu VVarb^ fubjeLT; to death : but fo corrupt in this sera of Henry's reign, was even the ad- minifiration of juftice, that he was found guihy of treafon, and beheaded on Tower Hill, on the 19th of the fame month. We will take the liberty to introduce in this place, the charavfter given of the earl in the " Hiftorical Anecdotes of fomc of the Howard family, by the honourable Charles Howard, Efq. 1759,"* after- wards Duke of Norfolk. " When I intended to have given fome account of this nobleman, I found it " already done, by one of the moft ingenious gentlemen of our times, Mr. Horace " Walpole; I therefore Oiall do little more than tranfcribe the charader he gives."' " We now emerge from the twilight of learning, to an almoft clalTic author, •' that ornament of a boifterous, yet not unpolifiied court, the Earl of Surry, " celebrated by Drayton, Dryden, Fenton, and Pope, illuftrated by his ownmufe, " and lamented for his unhappy and unmerited death : a man, as Sir Walter " Raleigh fays, no lefs valiant than learned, and of excellent hopes. " He feemcd to have the promife of fortune as illuftrious as his birth, bv being " the friend, and ar length the brother-in-law of the Duke of Richmond, Henry's " natural fon. — But the cement of that union proved the bane of her brother ! " He flione in all the accomplifhments of that martial age ; his name is re- " nouned in its tournaments, and in his father's battles: in an expedition of his " own, he was unfortunate, being defeated endeavouring to cut olf a convoy to " Boulogne; a difgrace he foon repaired, though he never recovered the king's " favour, m whofe eyes a moment could cancel an age of fervices. " The unvvcildy king growing dirtempered and froward, and apprehenfive for " the tranquillity of his boy fucceiTor, eafily conceived or admitted jcaloulies in- " fufed into him bv the Earl of Hertford and the protcrtant party, though one of " the laft aci;s of his fickle life was to found a convent. Rapin fays, he appre- " bended if the popifh party fhould prevail, that his marriage with Catharine of " A rragon vvould be declared good, and by confequence his fon Edward bailardized. " A moft inaccurate con:Iuiion! It would have afFcv^led the legitimacy of Elizabeth, " whofe mother was married during the hfc of Catharine, but the latter was dead " before the king married Jane Seymore. An odd circumftance is recorded, that " Anne Boleyn wore yellow for moruning for her predecelTor. " It fecms that the family of Howard were greatly at variance ; the duke and " his fon had been lately reconciled ; the duchefs Was frantic with jcaloufy, had " been parted four years from her hufband, and now turned his accufer ; as her " daughter the Dachefs of Richmond, who inclined to the Protcftants, and hated •' her brother, depofed againft him. The duke's miftrefs too, one Mrs. Holland, " took care to provide for her own fafety, by telling all fhe knew : that was little, " yet equal to the charge, and coincided with it. The chief accufation againft This caftle was very iiW and beautiful, fortified with a Jcublc ditch, high banks, and ranij)iws. The walls which are of great height and thickneOe, are (Ireiigthened by thirtcciie fowcr Iquare built, all which are yett to be fcene, as arc like wife the remains of twoe watch tov\.cr3 or barbiciins on the weft tdc. The barbicans are now corruptly called by the common people the burganyi. * We fhalj be more particular in the extradls from this work, as we believe.it was never ofTcied for fale. " the LsATH Ward.] HOWARDS. 377 " the earl was, his quartering the arms of Edward the ConfefTor: the duke had " foi borne them, but left a blank quarter. Mrs. Holland depofed, that the duke " difapproved of hisfon's bearing ihcm, and forbade her to work them on thefur- " niture for his houfe. The Duchefs of Richmond's tcllimony was fo trifling, that " {l->.e depofed her brother's giving a coronet,* which to her judgment feemcd a " clofe crown, and a cypher, which ilic took to be the king's; and that hediObaded *• her from going too far in reading the fcripturc.§ Some fwore ihat he loved to " converfe with foreigners; and as if ridiculous charges, when multiplied, would " amount to one real crime; Sir Richard Southwell afinmed, without fpecifying " what, that he knew certain things, which touched the carl's fidelity 10 the king. " The brave young lord vehemently aflirmed himfelf a true man, and oiFered to " fight hisaccufer in his fliirt; and with great fpiritand ready wit, defended liim- " felf againftail the w itneifes — to little purpofe ! When fuch accufations could be " alledged, they were fure of being thought to be proved. Lord Herbert inlinu- *' ates, that the earl would not have been condemned, if he had not been aconi- " moncr, and tried by ajury. On what could he ground this favourable opinion ♦• of the peers ? What twelve tradefmen could be found m.ore fervilc, than almolt " every court of peers during that reign? Was the Duke of Buckingham, was Anne " Bolcyn condemned by ajury, or by great lords? The duke, better acquainted " with the humour of his mafter, or fonder of life as it grew nearer the dregs, «' figned a moft abjcdt confelTion, in which, however, the greateft crime he avowed " was having concealed the manner in which his fon bore his coat armour: — an *' offence, by the way, to which the king himfelf and all the court muft long have " been privy. As this is intended as a treatife of curiofity, it may not be amifs " to mention, that the duke prcfcnted another petition to the lords, dcfiring to " have feme books fiom Lambeth, w ilhout which he had not been able to com- *' pofe himfelf to fleep for a dozen years. He defired leave to buy St. Audin, " Jofephus, and Sabellicus,| and he begged forfomeOiects to his bed. — So hardly " was treated a man, who had married a daughter of King Edward IV.(| who had " enjoyed fuch dignities, and what was ftill more, had gained fuch vidories for " his mafter ! The noble earl pcrilhed, the father cfcapcd by the death of the ♦' tyrant!" We muft now leave the noble author, and thofe he is pleafed to quote, and purfue the account of the duke from other authoiities. Sir Walter Raleigh, * This fliews thai at that time there was no tftablifhed rule for coronets. I cannot find when thofe of dukes, niarqnines, and earls, were fettled: Sir Robert Cecil, Earl of Sidifbury, when Vifeount Cranburn, was the fii ft of that degree that bore a coronet. Barons received theirs from Charles I T. § The pidtme of Henry, Earl of Suri-y, by Holbeii ; on which his filler, the Duchefs of Richmond founded this accufation, is now at VVorkfop manor, and was painted the year before his execution.— He is reprefentcd at full length, ftanding in a kind of portico, and the cypher H. H. is an ornament or the portico above his head: — on each fide of him, a fhield with his arms; on one fide of which, is the arms of England without difference. J The artful Duke, though a (Irong Papift, pretended to afli for SabcUicus as the moft violent -detcdlor of the ufuipations of the Biftiop of Rome. ' Lord Herbert, p. 626. II His firft wife was the Lady Anne, who left no iflue. His fecond was daughter of the Duke of Buckingham : who, alfo fuflercd death under the faine tyrant. VOL. I. 3 C fpeaking 37S HOWARDS. [Leath Ward. fpeaking of him, fays, " his defervings the king knew not how to value, having " never omitted any thing that concerned his own honour, or the king's fervice." He and Earl Surry were both attainted in parliament by fpecial bills which paiTcd on the 20th day of January, which preceded the king's death only eight days, he then laying in a languifliing (late. The death of the fovereign did not allay the vehemence of the duke's enemies, who remained powerful in the cabinet of King Edward VI. : they had fufficient influence to get him excepted from the general pardon proclaimed on the king's accefiion. A difcuffion of this matter took place in the firft year of Queen Mary, before the commons, when it appeared on the teftimony of Lord Paget, that the attainder was not regular, for want of the royal confirmation or afl'ent, the feal having been aflixed ex officio, as preparatory only for the fovcreign's fignature ; but, before the completion of which, death re- moved the tyrant, and fnatched his hand from this iniquity. Whereupon it was adjudged that the title remained unattainted, and that without the procefs of pardon or reftitution, he fhould be acknowledged in his ducal dignity : in con- fequence of which we find him foon after in the execution of his office of High Steward, prcliding at the trial of the Duke of Northumberland. In the acl: of repeal, it is recited, — " That there was no fpecial matter in the ad: of attainder, but only general words of treafon and confpiracy : and that out of their care for the prefervation of the king and the prince they palled it." Such was the jeopardy of a great man, under the corruption of fuch a Itate. On Wyat's infurreclion, his grace raifed 200 horfe and 600 foot, with which he defeated Knevit near Rocheller. Being eighty years of age, after the lupprciTionof the rebellion he retired to Kenning-Hall, in Norfolk, Mheie he died on the 25th of Auguft, 1554.* The duke was tv.'icc married; his firfl: wife was Anne, daughter of King Edward IV. by whom he had iflue two fons, who died in their infancy. To his fecond wife he married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buck- * By an iiiquifition pofi mortem, it appears he died poflefTed of the following manors and e(l;ites : — In ilie county of Norfolk, the manors of Hancworth Parva, Framingham, Syllond, Dykcfborough, Hop- ham, and tlie hundred of Laundilh. f he manors of Weftwalton, Walpole, Hitcham, Weft Rudham, CalUeacrc, Weft Barniam, Syfterne, Kempfton, Normanborough, Hcllgye, Bagthorp, Htringfale, Great Maflingham, Lodden, and tjie advowfon of the church of Welles- Themanois of Herlngham, Stafford, Barmingliam, Warhani, Bylton, Eaft Rudham, Weft Rudham, Barncet, Tatterford, Tatterfet, Jiteflale, Thorpraaikct, Rolle, Wroxham, and rcvftory. The rcftoucs of Hallvergate, Salown, and Kenynghall. The manors of Farfi