THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The Author. A GENEALOGY OF THE DAVIS FAMILY By HENRY WILLIAM CLARK Montgomery, Ala., PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR 1905 Press of the HARR1SBURG PUBLISHING CO Harrisburg, Pa. PREFACE. This volume contains an account of the family or families named in the title page and of their descendants. The full work, in five parts, contains all that is known to the compiler concerning the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean families and their descend- ants, his ancestors and kindred ; and of the Davis and Goss fam- ilies and their descendants, the ancestors and kindred of his be- loved wife, now deceased. The separate parts are: No. I. The Clark Family; No. II. The Parks Family ; No. III. The Brockman and Dean Families ; No. IV. The Davis Family, and No. V. The Goss Family. He engaged in the work with no intention of publishing it, but instead he intended simply to leave a manuscript copy to his chil- dren. After many inquiries as to his purpose, and with expres- sions of desire from many persons to possess a copy, he deter- mined to publish it in book form. He so announced, enlarged the scope, invoked the aid of his friends, and has devoted much time and patient labor collecting information for use in its preparation. The work has assumed proportions greatly beyond his expecta- tion. The chronology of persons and families has had special atten- tion. This, however, is not the highest function of genealogy, valuable though it be in tracing and proving a line of descent and relationship, but it is the preserving and presenting to our contemplation the lives and real character of our ancestors and kindred. This has been kept prominent and becomes therefore an interesting feature of the work. Each of the several parts of the work comprises a distinct line, and the persons are named in the order of birth, so far as the facts were obtainable. In some of the parts eight generations are accounted for. There is a system of reference by numbers, thus enabling one with facility to trace the lineage and ascertain the exact relation- ship of any person named in the book with any other person. There are some remarkable genealogical tracings, degrees of re- iv Preface. lationship, the result of inter-marriage in related families, and some of these it will be found impracticable to define. There are a number of pages arranged for continuing the fam- ily record in direct line of descent. Thus may be added many generations and so the work will become an heirloom of value in the coming centuries. The work has been to the compiler a labor of love rather than profit. If he has succeeded in rescuing from oblivion the names and deeds of some of his ancestors and numerous kindred, he will in some measure be compensated for his arduous labor, and though his success has not been commensurate with his wishes and efforts, he trusts his labors have not been in vain. It is a matter of regret that not only the names of some but the deeds of many equally worthy have not been obtained for use in its preparation. He is greatly indebted, however, to his friends for the prompt manner in which many of them have responded to his request for information, and for words of cheer and encour- agement, and to these is largely due whatever of success he has achieved. He wishes especially to acknowledge his obligation to his esteemed friend and kinswoman, Mrs. Alfred W. Parks, of Clifton, S. C, for information relating to the Parks family; to his friend, his wife's kinsman, Dr. J. D. Garrard, late of Birmingham, Ala., for information relating to the Davis and Goss families; to Dr. Thomas M. Owen, Director of the Department of Archives and History of Alabama, for courteous and generous aid in the preparation of the work ; and finally to his very dear mother, but for whose intelligence and great strength of memory he should never have known so much of his ancestry and collateral kindred. To his mother he dedicates the work in loving and tender mem- ory and affection. Henry W. Clark. Montgomery, Ala., January I, 1905. CONTENTS Preface, iii — iv Genealogy, pages i — 103 Index, pages 105 — 121 Form, &c, for additional records, Illustrations. The Author, Frontispiece Davis, Mary Morton, facing page 44 THE DAVIS FAMILY FIRST GENERATION. JONATHAN 1 DAVIS, who was the founder of the Davis family in the United States of which the following account treats, was born in England about 1730, and came to America when quite young. We have more than one account of his early history. Dr. John D. Garrard, late of Birmingham, Ala., who was a great-grandson and who had devoted much time collecting information relating to his ancestry said : "Jonathan Davis was born in England about 1730, and died in Wilkes Co., Ga., in Feb. or Mar., 1818, His father died when he was quite small and left him and a younger brother and perhaps one or two sisters, as well as his mother, who married again. The step-father treated the boys badly and Jonathan ran away when about twelve years old, and made his way to America." Another story of his early life is that "he was captured off the coast of Wales when but a lad and brought to New York on a piratic tramp trading vessel and disposed of upon some terms to a New York merchant, who afterwards assisted him in making a start in life." The earliest reliable account we have of Jonathan Davis was about the time of his marriage to Lucy Gibbs, a daughter of a prominent Va. family. They were married about 1756. Miss Gibbs was born about 1738 and died in Wilkes Co., Ga., about 1818. Mr. Davis bought lands and settled in Orange Co., Va., where his children all grew up and were married before he left Va., and settled in Wilkes Co., about 1803. He gave his farm to his son William, who moved into the house with his parents some time before their death. (See copy of his will page 2.) Jonathan Davis and his wife were the parents of nine or more children. We find in his will that eight are named as legatees; we have 2 Genealogy of no record of any others, but tradition has it that there were two other sons, Jonathan and Reuben. It is said Jonathan died of fever when about eighteen years old. Reuben must also have died young or in early manhood, as we have no account of de- scendants, and a perusal of the will discloses the fact that Jona- than Davis was scrupulously exact in distributing his property equally among his children. (See the will.) It is quite evident if he had other children than those named in his will they had died without living issue. We find in Cathart's Baptist Encyclopedia a sketch of the life of his son, Rev. William Davis. He speaks of '"the con- version of his parents, two other brothers, his youngest brother and several of his sisters." This seems pretty clearly to indicate there was at least one other son than those named in the will. Sons and daughters in the order named were: i. James 2 . ii. Mary, b. about 1757; m. David Phillips, iii. John, b. about 1759; m. Mary Easton. iv. William, b. Jan. 7, 1765; m. Nancy Easton. v. Llcy, b. ; m. Goodall. vi. Mildred, b. ; m. Thomas Phillips. vii. Susannah, b. Oct., 1769; m. Benjamin Goss. viii. Elizabeth, b. about 1780; m. James Hitchcock. COPY OF THE WILL OF JONATHAN DAVIS. In the name of God, Amen. I Jonathan Davis of Wilks County and State of Georgia being of sound sense and memory but calling to mind the shortness of life and certainty of death do hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following: Item j st. My son James Davis has received sundries to the amount 01 1522 dollars to him and his heirs forever. Item 2nd. My Daughter Mary Phillips has received to the amount of $840.25 cents including one negro boy named Ben, also one young Man named Reuben at $600 which said young man Reuben with all my remaining rotate which would have been hers at my death to be the property of my son William Davis because of a just purchase made by him from David Phillips my son-in-law and Mary my daughter in my life time the part that she received before the said purchase was made by William to be hers and her heirs forever has t" be and his heirs forever. Item 3. My son John Davis has received sundries including one negro man named Lige to the amount of $i566.37y 3 to him and his heirs forever. Item 4. My son William Davis has received sundries including 400 acres of land in Wilks County with all the appertinances thereto belonging to the amount of $1523.37'/;. cents to him and his heirs forever. Item 5th. My Daughter Lucy Goodall has received sundries including three Named Gabriel, Buck and Nelson to the amount of $040 nts to her and her heirs forever. The Davis Family. 3 Item 6. My Daughter Mildred Phillips has received sundries including one Boy named Joseph to the amount $912.50 cents on a second division one Negro man named Perry at $600. Making $1512.50 cents to her and her heirs forever. Item 7th. My Daughter Susanah Goss has received sundries including two Negroes John and Nancy to the amount $796.91% cents in a second division and I have lent to Susanah Goss two Negroes Dudley and Lot to be hers during her life. Then they and their increase to be equally divided among her children rated at 550 dollars. Item 8. My Daughter Elizabeth Hitchcock has received sundries including three Negroes named Ben Joseph and Tilday to the amount of 1339 dollars 43% cents to be hers and her heirs forever. Item 9th. My will further is that my remaining estate shall be equally di- vided between my children and grandchildren hereinafter named (viz:) James, William for himself and Mary, Lucy, Mildred's chil- dren, Susanah and Elizabeth. Being first made up to John's amount which is 1566 dollars 37V2 cents. When that shall be done if there shall be a remaining Moiety my son John shall receive with those above named. And I do hereby constitute my son William Davis and my Nabour George Winn my Executors to this my last Will and Testatment hereby re- voking all former wills heretofore made by me as witness my hand this day (I am indebted to Rev. J. B. S. Davis of Newman, Ga., for the foregoing as a copy of the will of Jonathan Davis. If admitted to record I have not been able to discover where it was done. — The Author.) SECOND GENERATION. JAMES 2 DAVIS (1) being the first named in the will of his father, is supposed to have been first born. We have not been able to procure a copy of the family record of Jonathan Davis nor any account of the family and descendants of James Davis. 3. MARY 2 DAVIS (1) was born in Va. and married David Phillips in her native State. They moved to the State of Ga., about 1803, and settled in Wilkes Co. Mrs. Miles J. Green, of Clanton, Chilton Co., Ala., writes Jan. 27, 1902: "I have often heard my mother say, that my grandparents, David and Mary Phillips, had sixteen children." We have an account of eleven. Order of birth conjectural : i. James 3 . ii. William. iii. Jonathan. 4 Genealogy of 10. iv. Matthew, b. 1706; m. . 11. v. Reuben, b. Dec. 25, 1800; m. Mary B. Smart. 12. vi. Nathan, b. ; m. had children. yii. Fannie, b. ; m. Henderson. ix Nancy } ^ ne °* tnese m - Shackelford. 13. x. Mary, b. ; m. Jesse Wooten. 14. xi. Elizabeth, b. ; m. Thomas Baber. 4. REV. JOHN 2 DAVIS (1) was born in Orange Co., Va., and married Mary Easton in Va. He was born about 1759 and died Oct. 9, 1 83 1. He came to the State of Ga., in early manhood and was ordained to the ministry. He moved from Ga., to Franklin Co., Tenn., thence in 1816, to Franklin Co., Ala., settling at Rus- selville. He was the agent in God's hands in building up the churches that formed the Muscle Shoals Baptist Association. Reuben E. Davis, his son, in his book Recollections of Missis- sippi and Mississippians, says: "My father was one of the earliest settlers in this county (Russell Valley, Ala.). He was a man of limited means and though of strong and vigorous intellect, had only the imperfect education of the pioneers of that day. His chief study was the Bible and a few volumes of history which formed his only library. Although a Baptist Minister of high standing, he occupied himself during the week, with ordinary farm labor, and could never be induced to accept any compensation for his services in the church ; this would have been according to his belief, 'serving the Lord for hire.' Both of my parents were born in Va. and remained there until ten children were added to their family. Then they moved to Tenn. and settled near Winchester, where I was the twelfth and last child born. When I was about five years old my father moved from Tenn. to North Ala.* "My father did not allow his children to read the Bible, holding that it could only be studied with profit by those whose minds were fully matured and informed by experience. I was, however, taught that the world was exactly six thousand years old, and I believed it to a day; I was told that Adam was created out of the dust of the ground ; and Eve out of a rib of Adam's side; I believed this too. I was informed that placed in a delightful garden they ate of the forbidden tree and thus came death and all our woe ! All this I devoutly believed upon my father's testimony. My mother died when I was about twelve years old and the grief which this loss occasioned, shadowed my existence for years. She was a woman of great tenderness and sweetness of character and I was passionately devoted to her. Through my whole life 1 have carried the most affectionate memory of her in my heart." Children : * Mr. Davis moved from Va., to Ga., and thence to Tenn., and finally to Ala. The Davis Family. 5 15. i. James 3 , m. Eliza Hill. ii. Charles (Methodist), d. in Caldwell, Burleson Co., Tex. iii. Philip, was thrown from a horse and killed in Mo. iv. Zachariah, was a Primitive Baptist Preacher, d. young. v. George Eves, d. very young, vi. Jonathan, m. in Miss. 16. vii. William, b. Sept. 24, 1804; m. A. M. F. Henderson. 17. viii. Elizabeth, m. Leroy May. ix. Judea, m. McMichen. x g f x. Lucy, first wife of Dr. George Higgason. \ xi. Mary, second wife of Dr. George Higgason. 19. xii. Reuben E., twice m. 5. REV. WILLIAM 2 DAVIS (1) was born in Va., Jan. 7, 1765, and married Nancy Easton, in Va., Miss Easton was born and reared in Philadelphia, Pa., and was a Quakeress, but later in life joined the Baptist Church. About 1793 Mr. Davis with his fam- ily, which was of considerable size, moved to the State of Ga., and settled in Wilkes Co. He was an excellent Baptist minister as well as four of his sons and many of his grandsons. We find in Campbell's Georgia Baptist, the following elaborate sketch of the life and ministerial work of Mr. Davis: "Rev. William Davis was a native of Orange Co., Va., where he was born Jan. 7, 1765. His parents were poor but honest and respectable, and were members of the Episcopal Church. He became concerned about his soul at the early age of nine years. Two sermons which he heard about this time, one by an Episcopalian, the other by a Presbyterian, made a deep impression on his mind. The Baptist, then called 'newlights' com- menced preaching in his native county about the same time. Much was said against them, as those who were 'turning the world up side down' which raised much anxiety in the mind of young Davis to hear them. The first opportunity of the kind he enjoyed was to hear an exhortation and prayer from one John Bledsoe. This served to deepen his religious im- pressions, and frequently at that tender age he was known to go forward voluntarily and ask the minister to pray for him. He continued serious by turns, until in his fourteenth (14) year, a conversation he had with a pious negro in his father's employment (a Baptist) fully awakened him to a sense of his lost condition as a sinner. For some six months, his mind was in great distress. During those days of darkness he went far and near, by day and by night, as far as lay in his power, to hear the gospel from the Baptist preachers, who were itinerating through the country. One night he went some four miles from his father's residence to attend a meeting held by Elijah Craig. During the service his feelings became such as to unnerve him, he swooned away, and remained in a helpless state for some time. In this condition the Lord brought him deliverance to his soul. He rose rejoicing, and began at once to exhort his fellow mortals to flee from the wrath to come. At this time his parents resided in Cul- peper County, and were opposers and persecutors of the Baptists. William left the parental roof, rather unceremoniously perhaps, walked some four- teen or fifteen miles to a Baptist church in Orange Co., called Blue Run, where he was immersed in his fifteenth year. 6 Genealogy of '"As soon as he had discharged this solemn duty, he returned home and submitted himself to his parents. Soon thereafter, being encouraged by his brethern, he was in the habit of exercising publicly in exhortation and prayer. These exercises were sanctified to the conversion of his parents, his two older brothers, his youngest brother and several of his sisters. All of these became Baptists and continued in the comfort of the Holy Ghost until their death. At sixteen years of age though much against the will of his friends, Air. Davis, volunteered as a soldier of the Revolution, and was for some time under the command of General Lafayette. He was wounded in the head, suffered greatly from fatigue and hunger. While the Army of Lafayette was on a forced march to join Washington in the capture of Cornwallis, young Davis was without a morsel of food two whole days. This having come to the ears of the General, he was sent to his tent, and with his own hands he furnished the youthful soldier with food. This kindness, on the part of Lafayette, was remembered with gratitude all his life. He was heard to mention it during his last sick- ness. He was present at the surrender of Cornwallis, and after the war returned to his family, in Va., where he enjoyed the friendship and con- fidence of the Madisons, Barbours and other distinguished men of the State. '"In 1788, he was licensed to preach the gospel, while yet in his native State, and was ordained in Georgia by Dozier, Thornton and Thomas Maxwell in 1793. His education was quite limited, yet he was a man of strong mind, excellent memory, and a fine imagination. His manner was easy yet forcible. He was an original thinker, and his style of oratory was peculiar to himself — bold and energetic. His character was without spot or blemish, and his piety was of a high order. One fact proves that he lived the religion that he preached ; eleven out of twelve children which he had, became worthy members of the church during their par- ent's life time ; three of them preachers — Jonathan, James and Jesse and two others, Jeptha and William Deacons. As a pastor, he stood high with the church which enjoyed his watchful care. The church in the fork of Broad river (Elbert County), he served twenty years; that at Beaver dam twelve years; Clark's Station nine years, etc. He possessed the faculty of drawing out his brethren, who were called of God to the ministry ; among those who raised up under him, were the following: E. Shakelford, Isaac Shuttle, Elijah Mosely, Isham Goss, James Holis and Sylvanus Gibson "In the middle of life Mr. Davis was a person of fine appearance, weigh- ing upwards of two hundred pounds. He suffered much in after life from dropsy in the chest, and was so debilitated as to make it necessary that lie should resign all pastorial charges, yet was in the habit of visiting the churches whenever he was able to ride, and when unable to stand, he would preach in a sitting posture. While thus standing on the borders of the tomb his ministry was greatly blessed. His farewell discourse to the people of Elbert Co. was delivered while he sat on a table in the open air, and such was the powerful effect produced, that it was regarded as the commencement of one of the most glorious revivals ever experienced in that county, lie was decidedly favorable to ministerial education, and was one of the Board of Mount Enon Academy. He was opposed to the loca- tion, however, and always believed that that was the cause of its failure. The temperance cause never had a warmer friend. On this subject he addressed letters to the Sarepta and Georgia Associations, when too infirm to attend their sessions. "For several months previous to his death he had a presentiment that bis end was near — often spoke of it, and arranged all his worldly business with reference to it. All his children were invited to make him a last visit, and on doing so, he requested each of his sons to lay their hand on the scar on his head (the result of a wound he received in his youth while a soldier of the Revolution) and solemnly charged them severally to be faithful to their country's interest and glory. He was in attendance on a Methodist The Davis Family. 7 camp meeting some ten days before his death, when he was taken suddenly ill. His wife, who was absent on a visit, was sent for as also his children. When they arrived he told them the day and the hour he expected to depart hence and be with Christ. When that day arrived he spent a part of it in writing and to his friends present gave a circumstantial account of his early life. Some two or three hours previous to his exit he was in great pain and frequently called upon God for help. Of his son, Jonathan and James, who had not yet arrived, he spoke in a most affectionate man- ner. To his son, Isaac (the only one of his children not in the church), he made a most touching appeal to meet his aged father in heaven. "After bidding his wife and children a last farewell, he desired to be raised up in the bed — then, raising his hands toward heaven, he shouted aloud 'Victory! Victory! Victory!' laid down calmly and instantly expired. This glorious triumph of faith took place on Oct. 31, 1831, in his 67th year." His widow survived him eleven years. It is rather remarkable that she did not become a professor of religion until after her husband's death. She was finally baptized by her son Jonathan, and died full of years in strong hope of eternal happiness. Chil- dren : i. Reuben E. 3 . b. Sept. 8, 1790, and was frozen to death when 2\ years old. ii. Lucy, b. Jan. 2, 1792; d. in childhood, iii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 16, 1793 ; m. Orr. 20. iv. Lucy Gibbs b. May 7, 1795; m. Rev. W T illiam Henderson. 21. v. William, b. Dec. 8, 1796; m. Joice Johnson. 22. vi. Jonathan, b. Nov. 17, 1798; twice m. vii. Nancy E., b. June 10, 1800. 22,. viii. Jeptha Vining, b. Dec. 10, 1801 ; twice m. 24. ix. Isaac Newton, b. June 1, 1803; m. Miss Meddis. 25. x. James, b. Jan. 22, 1805 ; m. Louisa Hudson. 26. xi. Jessie Mercer, b. Jan. 25, 1807 ; thrice m. xii. Tabitha, b. June 10, 1809. 6. LUCY 2 DAVIS (1) was born in Va. and married Goodall. (See will of her father.) Dr. Garrard and others, descendants of the Davis family, have said Lucy married Richardson, but Mr. Davis in his will calls her "my daughter Lucy Goodall." She may have been twice married. Her husband died and left her with two children. When the children were grown they and their mother moved west and are lost trace of. 7. MILDRED 2 DAVIS (1) was born in Va. and married Thomas Phillips. They moved to the State of Ga. and settled in Morgan County. Children (order conjectural) : 8 Genealogy of i. Lucy*. v. Mary. ii. Frances. vi. Thomas. iii. Elizabeth. vii. Jesse. iv. Nancy. viii. Sarah. 8. SUSANNAH 2 DAVIS (i) was born in Va., Oct., 1769, and died in 1831. About 1786 she married Benjamin Goss in her native Co., Va. (See No. 4, Part V, The Gross Family.) 9. ELIZABETH 2 DAVIS (1) youngest child of Jonathan Da- vis, was born in Orange Co., Va., about 1780, and married James Hitchcock in her native Co., Va., July 3, 1799. Mr. Hitchcock was born in Va. in 1774. They remained in Va. several years and then moved to and settled in Morgan Co., Ga., and in 1838 moved to Burleson Co., Tex. Mr. Hitchcock and his brother built many of the Court Houses in the State of Georgia. Tradition has it that when seven years old James Hitchcock carried a horse to his father at Yorktown, after the surrender of the British to ride home, and that he rode home behind his father. Mr. Hitchcock was at one time an officer in Columbus, Ga., au- thorized to administer oaths to persons applying for pensions for services in the War of the Revolution. (A notary public or other judicial officer.) Children: i. William Atkinson 3 , b. June 19, 1800; d. in young man- hood, ii. Jonathan Davis, b. Oct. 28, 1801. 27. iifc Polly Easton, b. July 15, 1803; m. Washington Baber. 28. iv. John Gibes, b. May 3, 1805; m. Abi Eiland. 29. v. Lucy Davis, b. Sept. 18, 18 — ; m. John C. Smith. 30. vi. Elizabeth Favors, b. Sept. 15, 18 — ; m. Warren J. Phillips, vii. James Madison, b. Oct. 2, 18—; d. in young manhood. 31. viii. Jesse Phillips, b. May 30, 1812. 32. ix. Andrew Jackson, b. Feb. 21, 1813; twice m. 33. x. Mathew Monroe, b. July 30, 18 — ; twice m. 34. xi. Isaac Newton, b. July 27, 1818; m. Dora C. Bonner. 35. xii. Sarah Ann, b. July 8, 1821 ; twice m. xiii. Nathan, b. July 15, 1823; d. prior 1838. 36. xiv. Emily, b. Dec. 13, 1824; m. Lewis L. Chiles. The Davis Family. n THIRD GENERATION. 10. MATHEW 3 PHILLIPS (3) was born in Amherst Co., Va., in 1796. He was a lawyer by profession. He married and reared a family of four daughters and one son. We do not know whom he married. The sons and daughters were as follows, and the place of their birth indicates the several places of residence of Col. Phillips: 37. i. Mary Bacon 4 , b. May 21, 1830; m. Dr. Scarbrough. ii. Eliza, was born in Monticello, Jasper Co., Ga., Aug. 21, 1832. iii. Helen Louisa, was born in Lagrange, Troup Co., Ga., May 4, 1837. 38. iv. Mathew, Jr., m. ; father of six children. v. Sallie E., born in Lafayette, Chambers Co., Ala., Feb. 20, 1843. 11. DR. REUBEN 3 PHILLIPS (3) was born in Wilkes Co., Ga., Dec. 25, 1800, was educated for a physician and was a successful practitioner at the time of his death. He married Mary Baldwin Smart, of Notasulga, Macon Co., Ala., at Hillsboro, Ga., May 26, 1825, Rev. Mr. Hand officiating. Miss Smart was born in Char- lotte, N. C, Sept. 20, 1907. Dr. Phillips died May 12, 185 1, at Cooper's Well, Miss., where he had gone in search of health. Mrs. Mary B. Phillips died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. M. J. Green, at Talladega, Ala., May 24. 1882. Dr. and Mrs. Phil- lips were members of the Baptist Church, were consecrated, con- scientious and devoted to their church. Dr Phillips was highly esteemed as a physician and was devoted to his profession. Mrs. Phillips was a pure and gentle woman, never happier than when she made others happy. Children : 39. i. Julius Caesar 4 , b. Apr. 1, 1826; m. Anna E. Leftwich. 40. ii. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 25, 1828; m. Dr. Myles J. Green. 41. iii. Berrien Troup, b. Aug. ic, 1830; killed in the Civil War. 42. iv. Frances Angelina, b. Nov. 23, 1832; m. Capt. John H. Hannon. 43. v. Amanda Cornelia, b. June 26, 1835; m. Benj. F. Dupree. 44. vi. Randolph M., b. Nov. 7, 1837; ni. Martha E. Stroud. 45. vii. Reuben Davis, b. Dec. 1, 1839; m. A. Beasley. 46. viii. Thomas Smart, b. Nov. 3, 1842; m. Glenora Lamar. 47. ix. Ella Clay, b. Dec. 13, 1844; m. William W. Pearce. 48. x. Emma Virginia, b. Feb. 26, 1848; m. John W. Stroud. 49. xi. William Henry, b. Aug. 1, 185 1 ; m. Eleanora Jackson. io Genealogy of 12. NATHAN 3 PHILLIPS (3) resided at Forsyth. Monroe Co.. Ga. We do not know whom he married. We have the names of three children : i. Reuben 4 . ii. Mary. iii. Frances. 13. MARY 3 PHILLIPS (3) (called Mollie) married Jesse Wooten, of Carroll Co., Ga. She died leaving one child. A son: James D. 4 , m. Mary Ann Baber, his cousin (See No. 49V2). 14. ELIZABETH- PHILLIPS (3) married Thomas Baber, Oct. 8, 1809, in Wilkes Co., Ga. She died June 26, 1825. Mr. Baber lived to very old age, eighty-one years, eight months. They had four sons and three daughters. All died unmarried except one daughter. The family is extinct, being no living descendant. Children : i. Frederick Augustus 4 , b. Oct. 3, 1810; d. at McDonough, Henry Co., Ga., of consumption, June 21, 1832. ii. William Pinkney, b. June 22, 1812; d. July 3, 1813. iii. Christopher Columbus, b. Nov. 29, 1814; d. Feb. 1826. iv. James Jefferson, b. June 22, 1816; d. of consumption in Columbia Co., Fla., Aug. 1, 1841. v. Eliza Catherine, b. Sept. 3, 1818; d. in McDuffie Co., Ga., in 1881, unm. vi. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 3, 1820; d. Dec. 20, 1820. 49%. vii. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 3, 1823; m. Jas. D. Wooten. 15. JAMES 3 DAVIS (4) eldest son of Rev. John Davis, went with his parents from the State of Ga. to Tenn., and it is said, built the first house at what is now Winchester, Tenn. He married Eliza Hill. The Davises were pioneer settlers in Tenn., and when Ala. was open to settlement, all except the eldest daughter, who had married Leroy May, left Tenn. and settled in Russell Valley, at what is now Russellville. James Davis later on moved to Tex. He became eminent as a lawyer and was wealthy. He died at Cold Springs San Jacinto Co., Tex. The Davis Family. II 16. WILLIAM 3 DAVIS (4) was born Sept. 24, 1804, in the State of Ga., and married in Tenn., A. Malvina F., daughter of Col. David Henderson, of Snmmerville, Tenn. Miss Henderson was born Oct. 3, 181 1, and was educated at Snmmerville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the Baptist Church. Reuben E. Davis says of his brother William, in his book : "He was a man of unusal mental force and had such a strong common sense and knowledge of business that his judgment was almost unerring. He was prudent in the management of his affairs, but always just and generous in the highest degree. He was a lawyer of ability and highstand- ing as such in Tenn., and made both money and reputation. He moved to Texas, where he was widely known and honored, accumulated a handsome fortune." Mr. Davis and his wife died in El Paso, Tex. Mrs. Davis died May 18, 1890. Children: i. John 4 , b. July 18, 1830; m. Miss Coulter. B. H., b. Feb. 5, 1832; m. Miss Wilson. William, b. Dec. 7, 1834; m. . George E., b. July 8, 1837; d. in 1837. Napoleon, b. June 5. 1839; m. Mary Wilson. Arthur, b. July 25, 1841 ; killed in the Civil War. Alice M., b. June 5, 1846. Charles, b. Sept. 18, 1847; m. Alice Wilson, ix. Calhoun, b. Dec. 5, 1849 ; on a ranch in Tex., unm. 17. ELIZABETH 3 DAVIS (4) married Leroy May in Tenn. Of this marriage we have an account of two daughters : Mrs. Musidora May Duncan, of Whitney Hill Co., Tex. Mrs. Greathouse, of Austin, Tex. 18. LUCY 3 DAVIS (4) married Dr. George Higgason, had four children and died, and Dr. Higgason married her sister Mary (4). Reuben E. Davis says in his book of Dr. Higgason : "He was an excellent physician, an elegant and accomplished gentleman. He was a man of extensive reading, and his information was accurate. So great was his popularity he was repeatedly elected to the Legislature.'' Dr. Higgason died . Mrs. Higgason died in 1874. Children of Dr. and Lucy Higgason : 50. 1. Si. ii. 52. iii. iv. 53. v. vi. 54- vii. 55- viii. 12 Genealogy of &j 56. i. Mary Ann 4 , m. Thomas Buckingham. 57. ii. John Davis, b. June 13, 1819; m. Lucy Walker. 58. iii. George, m. a widow. Children of Dr. and Mary Higgason: i. James Wightman, unm., resides in Ark. 59. ii. Elizabeth Easton, m. James McGowen. iii. Margaret, m. and d. in Ark. iv. Fanny, d. when about grown. 60. v. Reuben A., b. Mar. 7, 1840; m. Virginia Chiles. 61. vi. Edmond Ironside, b. Mar. 7, 1840; m. Eugenia McAlister. vii. Gabriel, d. in 1872; unm. 19. REUBEN E. 3 DAVIS (4). The following account of the life and career of Reuben E. Davis is gleaned from his book, Recol- lections of Mississippi and Mississippians. He was the 12th and youngest child of Rev. John Davis, was born in Winchester, Tenn., and when about five years old, the family emigrated to Ala., and settled in Russell Valley, where he was reared on a farm, assisting in farm work and receiving only a common school education. He says in his book: "While still a lad I left home to begin a new chapter in my preparation for life. My father decided, after much hesitation and many misgivings, that I should be allowed to study medicine. All my desires pointed even then to the law, but my father held stubbornly to his peculiar theories on this subject. It was very clear to him, he said, that lawyers were wholly given up to the devil even in this world, and that it was impossible for any one of them ever to enter the kingdom of heaven. This being the case, he could not, in conscience, allow a son of his to enter the ranks of a pro- fession foredoomed to everlasting burnings. He also entertained strong doubts as to the final welfare of medical men in general, but admitted that some few might be saved, provided they used their best endeavors not to kill their patients and resisted the temptation to prolong illness with a view to pecuniary profit." "After solemn admonition on these points, I left home with my father's consent and blessing, to read medicine with my brother-in-law, Dr. Hig- gason, in Hamilton, Monroe County, Mississippi." After about two years' study and preparation Dr. Davis com- menced the practice of medicine in Russellville, Ala. He did not practice but a few years, however, until he determined to take up the study of law, and about 1832 was admitted to the bar and moved to Monroe Co., Miss., to engage in law practice. In the meantime he had married Mary Halbert. They discussed the mat- ter of leaving her with her friends until he went to Miss, and The Davis Family. 13 prepared a home for her. She was cheerful and resolute and pos- itively refused to be left behind. She said they had married with the full knowledge that they had their own way to make and must make it together, and she expressed the most perfect confidence that a bright future awaited them, if they should have courage enough to be happy in the midst of the privations and hardships of youth. "In short she encouraged and cheered me as only a devoted wife could do, and though we had some hard experience, 1 do not remember a single moment of despondence on her part." Mr. Davis began the practice of law at Athens, Monroe Co., Miss., and soon became eminent as a lawyer, especially so as a criminal lawyer. He was widely known and recognized for his success in acquiting persons indicted for criminal offenses. He says he defended many persons and never had a client hung. Mr. Davis commanded a regiment in the Mexican War and in 1857 was elected to the United States Congress. He died sud- denly at Huntsville, Ala., while on a tour selling his book. There was no issue by his marriage to Miss Halbert. This wife died and he married again. His widow resides at Aberdeen, Miss. Children : i. Elizabeth Baldwin 4 , m. W. P. Taylor and they had one child, Reuben Davis . ii. Reuben S., not m. iii. Edward S., d. young. 20. LUCY GIBBS 3 DAVIS (5) was born May 7, 1795, and mar- ried Rev. William Henderson, of Jasper Co., Ga. Children (or- der conjectural) : 62. i. Elizabeth 4 , b. 1818; m. Edwin J. Ingram. ii. John. vii. William, Jr., iii. Josiah. viii. RosENA. iv. Claudius.. v. Antoinette. 63. vi. Lucy A., b. Feb. 22, 1828; m. Harvey M. Rawls. 21. REV. WILLIAM 3 DAVIS, JR., (5) was born Dec. 8, 1796, in Elbert Co., Ga., was educated at Elberton and married Joice John- son in 1815. Miss Johnson was born in Wilkes Co., Ga., Nov. 12, 1797, and was educated at Elberton, Ga. Mr. Davis' life busi- 14 Genealogy of ness was farming and preaching the gospel. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church and of which he was a min- ister. They resided in Heard Co., Ga. For the Franklin News. Obituary. Elder William Davis. — Being the last and only surviving member of the family of eleven children of Elder William Davis, who died in Wilkes county, Ga., in the year 1832. I take this method to give notice to the rela- tives and friends of my last brother, Elder William Davis, of Heard county, of his death, which occurred at his home in said county on the 17th day of July, 1873. He was in the 77th year of his life. He joined the Baptist Church at Clark's Station, in Wilkes Co., Ga., in the year 1828; was made a deacon years after; and in the latter part of his life was ordained to the great work of the gospel ministry. He was one of the faithful and devout men of God. Those who best knew him loved him most. He died as above stated at his home in a remarkable way. The day before his death he visited one of his Baptist brethren about two and a-half miles off, came home in the evening, rested well and quietly all night, rose early next morning and said to his wife and children that he would die that day, and was unusually cheerful. He spent most of the morning reading religious works. About half after eleven o'clock, lying on his bed, he made slight complaint. His son William, who was eating his dinner at the time soon finished his meal and went to look after him, but found he had gotten up and walked out in the piazza and seated himself in a chair. His son no- ticed that he looked a little pale in the face, and, laying his hand on his head, asked him if he would not again lie down. He arose, walked into his room and to his bed, law down and was dead in a minute. Died without a groan or a struggle. Died! did I say? Went to sleep in Jesus, his Saviour. "Asleep in Jesus — blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep ; A calm und undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes." "He is gone where the pendulum vibrates ever always ! ever always ! and the clock strikes no more!" Jeptha V. Davis, Sr. Mrs. Davis was a good wife and mother and a consistent mem- ber of her church, and loved by all who knew her. She died Nov. 12, 1897. Children: 64. i. Reuben E. 4 , b. May 5, 1819; m. Elizabeth Whitaker. 65. ii. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 15, 1820; m. Allen Boon; d. iii. Louisa F., b. Apr. 29, 1824; m. John Goss. He d. and was buried at sea. iv. Stephen J., b. July 15, 1826. v. James T., b. Mar. 15, 1829; d. . vi. Nancy E., b. Aug. 183 1 ; d. . 66. vii. Lucy B., b. Feb. 21, 1834; rn. William M. Lowe. viii. Robert M., b. Oct. 11, 1836. 67. ix. William J., b. Mar. 18, 1839; m. Catherine Pace. The Davis Family. 15 22. Rev. JONATHAN" DAVIS (5) was born in Wilkes Co., Ga., Nov. 17, 1798, and was twice married. His first wife was Elizabeth Johnson, who bore ten children and died in 1841. Mr. Davis' second wife was Mary Bledsoe, born Mar. 31, 1823, and educated at Griffin, Ga. They were married July 30, 1844. There were born of this marriage seven children. Mr. Davis died Aug. 20, 1869. Mrs. Mary Bledsoe Davis died Sept. 11, 1878. We take the following sketch of the life and ministerial work of Rev. Jonathan Davis from Campbell's Georgia Baptist: "Rev. Jonathan Davis * * * * At what age he was converted we are not informed, though it is believed to have been when he was yet young. He was baptized by his father and soon after commenced preach- ing. Soon after his ordination he took charge of a small church in Elbert County, which had barely a nominal existence, and which had been on the eve of dissolution for years. A gracious revival was soon experienced, and the membership was increased to upwards of a hundred. About the year 1829, he became pastor of the church at Crawfordville, where he resided for years, and where the greatest success crowned his labors. The church enjoyed a succession of revivals, during which hundreds were converted and baptized. The blessed influence extended to the neighboring churches, which also experienced great prosperity. It is related of him that he bap- tized sixty on a certain Sabbath morning at Bethesda church, Green county, Ga." "During a portion of the time of his residence at Crawfordsville he also served the Antioch and Sugar Creek Churches in Morgan county, in both of which his ministry was eminently successful — said to have baptized at the latter church upwards of seventy candidates on one occasion. At another time said to have baptized more than eighty. There was no duty in which he delighted more than administering baptism. Long before his ministry ceased it was said he had baptized upwards of three thousand persons. The temperance cause, which for a series of years, occupied much public attention, and excited much interest, found in Mr. Davis an ardent friend and an eloquent advocate. In fact there was no cause involving the inter- est of his fellow-men, to the support of which he did not bring all the ardor of his nature, all the gifts of oratory, with which he was so highly endowed. He threw his whole soul into the support of the objects of the Baptist State convention, especially the improvement of rising ministry. His own education having been quite limited, he left nothing undone that would contribute to the advantage of the young ministers rising up around him. He accordingly made provision for the board and tuition of several young brethren at Crawfordville, where he resided. "He was of an exceedingly kind and Christian spirit. He was not a man of strife, but a man of peace; he delighted in being a peacemaker. He was a man of strong faith — 'Have faith in God.' In the year 1835, while yet in the zenith of his popularity and usefulness, he moved from Crawfordville with several other prominent families from the same region and settled in the village of Palmyra, on Kinchafoonce Creek, in Lee countv. Here he spent many years in active ministerial labors, which were crowned with abundant success in founding and building up churches and in giving the Baptist a prestige in that section which they have never lost. He received 1 6 Genealogy of active sympathy and liberal support from the intelligent and pious men who emigrated with him to that region— the James Mercur and others of the same class — and from those who were brought into the kingdom through his instrumentality. Here also he raised a large family, many of whom or their children reside in Southwestern Ga., and all of whom occupy responsi- ble positions in society and are faithful adherants of the faith so ably ad- vocated by their worthy sire. He died Aug. 20, 1869, and Mrs. Mary Bled- soe Davis died Sept. 11, 1878. The following sketch of the life and character of Rev. Jona- than Davis is furnished by a friend : Johnathan Davis was a unique character, self-made, independent. When eighteen he married Elizabeth Johnson in her sixteenth year. He always overlooked his father's farm and attended to all business of a secular nature. Rev. William Davis in making his will said : To my son Jonathan I bequeath my blessing, my wife and five dollars. To my wife the portion of two children. Jonathan baptized his mother after the death of his father. She had retained her Quaker faith through a long useful life. After her death he would have none of the "double portion," always affirmed that the blessing was sufficient, all he wished. He was successful as farmer, minister, and in raising a large family, upon whom the blessing must have descended. He was among the first settlers in South West Georgia. Bought up quantities of government land and with the inducement of cheap homes soon had the country around Albany and Palmyra full of inhabitants. He was a king among the "princes of Southern hospitality." One of the "knightliest knights of Southern chivalry." He had touched the scar on the forehead of his father, received in defence of his country during the Revolution and with all the sons promised to be true to "States Rights." He was so opposed to secession he had every light put out in his home the night Albany was illuminated when Georgia seceded. Yet when "the die was cast" Sherman found him in Atlanta defending "States Rights." He had corresponded with Senator Jefferson Davis before the war and was so interested in his career as President of the Confederate States, wrote several advisory letters, finally made one or two visits, hoping to prevent one or two mistakes he was fearful would be made. One of his daughters remonstrated when the letters were sent. He replied : "It may look like conceit, but I cannot consider that when so much is at stake. Your uncle James was a great admirer of Queen Victoria and at one crisis in her reign when outside help seemed to be needed, wrote her a letter full of good counsel. The course advised was certainly adopted." Kit Warren, in his reminiscences of old Palmyra, says that more people were baptized and more churches established by Jonathan Davis than any other minister in the State. His special mission seemed to be making strong the weak and building up waste places. He was a friend to any needing friendship. Many in Georgia can remember kindly aid given in education. W. N. Chandoin in the cemetery at Albany dedicated to his memory the sweet old hymn : "Servant of God, well done, Rest from thy loved employ ; Thee hath fought, the victory won, Enter thy Masters joy." Children of first marriage: The Davis Family. 17 68. i. Martha 4 , b. Dec. 1, 1818; m. Dr. John C. Gilbert ii. Mary Mercer, b. May, 1820; d. about 1836. 69. iii. Nancy Easton, b. Oct. 26, 1821 ; m. George W. Collier, iv. William, b. 1823 ; d. in early life. 6gy 2 . v. Amanda, b. 1830; twice m. 70. vi. John A., b. June 15, 1832; m. Laura C. Hampton. 71. vii. Elizabeth Johnson, b. June 6, 1836; m. Lewis S. Mc- Gwire. 72. viii. Leonidas, b. July 21, 1837; m. Sallie A. E. Lowman. 73- ix. Anna Hasseltine, b. July 21, 1838; m. Geo. D. Hodges. 74- x. Cordelia, b. Mar. 31, 1840; m. Dr. Gideon Macon. Children of second marriage: 75- i- Mary Morton, b. July 22, 1845 ; not m. 76. ii. Sarah Louise, b. Dec. 26, 1846; m. Jesse M. Marlin. 77- iii. William Sanders, b. Nov. 18, 1849; m. Camilla A. Rawls. 78. iv. Macon Crawford, b. May 6, 1853; m. Sallie Gertrude Bozeman. v. Caroline Corinne, b. May 15, 1856. vi. Benjamin Hill, b. Jan. 15, 1858. vii. Josephine Lumpkin, b. Nov. 18, i860; d. 1864. 23. JEPTHA V. 3 DAVIS (5) was born in Wilkes Co., Ga., on Dec. 10, 1 801. He was brought up to work on the farm and had but little opportunity to go to school. The whole of his scholastic opportunity afforded him a chance to spell and read a little with a sort of begining in aritmetic. After arriving at manhood he became an overseer on other men's farms and in this way accumulated some property by econ- omy and frugality. His father died in 1832 and left him some property, perhaps a negro boy and negro girl. He was careful with whatever he bought or owned. The Civil War found him with a very large family of sons and daughters, on most of whom he had bestowed much in the way of education, and he was still worth about $25,000. He was a strong advocate of education, a great admirer of com- mon sense, of which he had more than falls to the lot of men generally. At or about the age of 27 he married Temperance Daniel, said to have been a charmingly beautiful young woman. Mr. Davis when a young man was very much inclined to infi- delity, although his father was a Baptist minister, and two of his 2 1 8 Genealogy of brothers had become Baptist ministers, he rather cultivated his infidel thoughts until he was more than well grown, but grad- ually the truth dawned upon him that he was a sinner and about that time he had a dream which greatly impressed him. He sought God in prayer and sought the prayers of Christians and finally had very strong manifestation of the love of Jesus, joined the Baptist Church in Wilkes Co., and was baptized by his brother, Rev. James Davis. He was exceptionally a devout Christian. He moved to Heard Co. in the latter part of 1836. He and his wife placed their mem- bership in Bethel Church in said county. He was elected a dea- con of the same a few years after, became a most zealous member, leading many times in prayer meeting and became famous in the churches for many miles around in Heard and other counties as an exhorter. Many souls were led by him to Christ. As a citizen he stood high, serving his county as a grand juror and otherwise. In politics he was a Whig, but would not con- sent, though urged to do so, to seek or have any office or be sent to the Legislature. The first of Jan. 1847 he moved to Coweta Co., and settled near the town of Newnan, where he continued his same methods of life and spent much of his time during the summer months with the churches, and was greatly successful in his efforts in his church and Christian work. A great many young people were brought to Christ through his influence and many a preacher was assisted by him in protracted meetings, and many times he was sent for and asked to "come and help us." For all this work, which continued up to the end of the war, he would not accept any financial remuneration. He was made treasurer of the Western Association of Ga. in 1846 against his wishes and held the place for several years be- cause his brethren so requested. He was very fond of his children and took great delight in the companionship of his wife and children. Never husband loved or honored wife more than he. His wife died on July 3, 1853, leaving 14 children, the youngest about one year old. It was a crushing blow and for a time he often wept and lamented her The Davis Family. 19 departure. But he was never heard in this severe or any other affliction to utter a murmuring word at the providence of God. He was a man of the strongest faith and never once seemed to doubt that God was good and did all things well with him. God was ruler and he bowed in submission to His will. This sad event but increased his religious zeal and love for Christ and immortal souls. His home was ever a home for preachers, and many of them knew it — the door was open to them and they came just when it suited them. Hon. A. H. Stephens was his life long personal friend, and like Mr. Stephens, he thought the separate secession of the States not a wise policy, but preferred that all the Southern States should act in concert if they seceded. But the State of Georgia having once seceded he accepted the situation and six of his sons made true and brave soldiers in the Confederate army and fought in many a battle. He prayed that God would spare them — four of them were wounded but only one was killed, his oldest. When hospitals were established at Newnan he gave the wounded and sick soldiers almost his entire time, saying words of encouragement, administering to their wants and persuading them to have Jesus as their friend and Saviour. He accepted the results of the Civil War without a murmur, although the larger part of the property for which he had labored was swept away and that his first born son had fallen in battle, it was a maxim of his life : "Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven." Some time after the death of his first wife he married a second wife, who was Sarah A. Daniel, a maiden niece of his first wife, and by this union was born to them five children. Thus it was by the two wives he became the father of (19) nineteen children, every one of whom loved and honored him in the superlative degree, and every one of whom he saw baptized and received into the Baptist Church on a full profession of faith in Christ except two, one of them died when about twelve years old, the other, the youngest by his second wife was only ten or eleven years old when the father died. Mr. Davis died on Sept. 19, 1883, lacking less than three months of being 82 years old. He died as he had lived, with an unyielding 20 Genealogy ol faith in the Saviour to whom he had committed his all, and is quoted as having said a few days before his death: "O death where is thy sting; O grave where is thy victory?" and uttered among his very last intelligent expressions : "I am not afraid to die." He is buried in the family burying ground, one and one- half miles east of Newnan. A volume could be written of this good man, his life was pure — he loved truth for truth's sake and no influence of wealth, position or power could change or abate his devotion for truth or principle — he was of iron nerve when defending the right. Mrs. Temperance (Daniel) Davis, the first wife of Jeptha V. Davis, was born in Green Co., Ga., on December 4, 1808. She united with the Baptist Church at old Bethesda in said county when about 18 or 19 years of age, and was baptized by Rev. Jonathan Davis, who after her marriage became her brother-in- law. She was heard to speak often of the great anguish of soul she felt while under conviction for sin — at times almost despaired of ever finding relief. It was while a blind preacher, whose name is now unknown, was delivering a sermon somewhere in the neighborhood of where her mother (a widow) lived when she believed and trusted in Jesus as her Saviour. She expressed much happiness over this result. It was a favorite song with her during all her life which begins thus : "What wondrous love is this? O my soul ! O my soul ! What wondrous love is this? That caused the Lord of Bliss To bear the dreadful curse For my souh for my soul." She was married to Jeptha V. Davis in 1828 or 9 and after- wards moved with her husband to Crawfordville, Taliaferro Co., and thence to Heard Co., 1836, and thence to Corveta, 1846, where she died with a congestive chill on July 3, 1853. She was blessed with 14 children, 11 boys and 3 girls, all of whom sur- vived her, the youngest being about one year old when the mother died. She loved her church ; she loved her home ; she loved her husband ; she loved her children ; she loved her neighbors ; she The Davis Family. 21 loved her servants. The large family demanded her presence at home and she verily believed her duty was to make the home happy, and often said her mission in life was to take care of her children and the household. She was especially watch- ful over the moral and religious training of her children. Ten- derly and lovingly did she minister to their wants, but as all mothers ought to do, she demanded their obedience. She seemed at all times influenced by a sense of love, duty and fidelity. She was a woman of much prayer and delighted in reading the New Testament. It was largely through her influence that her husband was first brought forward as a public exhorter, and she manifested a special anxiety that he should first take up and then regularly keep up family prayer. She greatly enjoyed the visits of friends to her home and always made them happy with table comforts and pleasant rooms. The preachers understood there was a "preacher's room" for them and many, aye very many of them availed themselves of her bountiful supplies in their behalf. "Aunt Tempy," as she was called, was often quoted as an ex- ample for other mothers and wives. At her funeral, which oc- curred at the family grave, she being the first buried there, one mile and a half east of Newnan, hundreds of friends and relatives attested their love and devotion by their attendance ; and per- haps a hundred voices sang before the final close of the grave : "Sister, thou was mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze, Pleasant as the air of evening When it floats among the trees. "Dearest sister, thou hast left us; Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God who hath bereft us; He can all our sorrows heal. "Yet again we hope to meet thee; When the* day of life is fled, Then in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear is shed." Sarah A. Daniel, the second wife of Jeptha V. Davis, was born in Green Co., Ga., in 1825 or 1826. She was the daughter of pious parents and united with the church at Bethesda when about eighteen or twenty years of age; was baptized as is now believed by Rev. S. G. Hillver. D. D. 22 Genealogy of She was a good woman, pious and prayerful. Her husband, her senior in years, was greatly honored and loved by her; she manifested towards him in the nearly thirty years of their mar- ried life the tenderest devotion and nursed him in his last years of life with a fondness which was indeed, it seems, tireless. Her own health for eight or ten years previous to his death was poor, but she appeared to forget herself and count her own affliction but small when she could administer to wants of husband and children. She was greatly loved by husband and children in return. Her step-children, especially the large number of them who came under her motherly care, honored her and enjoyed her presence and company. She was remarkably kind and tender towards them. She had a heavy task in life but she performed it in a God-given spirit. After the death of her husband her affliction increased and the struggle in life grew harder, but all this she bore with heroic courage. One of her daughters died just as she arrived at womanhood but the mother murmured not and complained not at God's deal- ing with her. During her last years she was a great sufferer, but exhibited a truly resigned and Christian spirit in it all. This good woman died at the home of her eldest daughter in the city of Atlanta in June, 1896, and was buried in the family graveyard by the side of her husband, one and a half miles east of Newnan. Children : Of first marriage: 79- i- m Aseury 4 , b. Jan. n, 1830; m. Emily C. Askew. 80. ii. Susan Ann, b. Nov. 1, 1831 ; m. Col. Frank D. Bowen. 81. iii. Jonathan Bii.ungton Sanders, b. Jan. 25, 1833; 1T >. Sallie Burns. 82. iv. Isaac Newton, b. Sept., 1834; m. Hattie Smith. 83. v. Fredonia Zippora, b. Jan. 17, 1836; m. James Jackson. 84. vi. Minor Mury Stevens, b. Dec. 7, 1837; m. Hester Fair- cloth. 85. vii. Jeptha Vining, Jr., b. Oct. 24, 1839; m. Lucy Brown, viii. John Dawson, b. Feb. 4, 1834; d. Feb. 24, 1855. 86 ix. Temperance Elizabeth, b. May 25, 1841 ; m. William Irvin Reese. 87 .".. Humphrey Porey, b. Aug. 9, 1844; m. Annie Smith. 88. xi. Jesse Mercer, b. Dec. 17, 1845; m. Elizabeth Pullain. 89. xii. Zachary Taylor, b. Sept. 16, 1847; m. Maggie Brown, xiii. Charles Malory, b. Apr. 24, 1849; unm. The Davis Family. 2 \ 90. xiv. Q. West, b. Apr. 14, 1852; twice m. Of second marriage: 91. xv. Sallie Monk, b. Apr. 13, 1855; m. Philip Williams. 92. xvi. Eliza Norfelt, b. June 23, 1857; m. W. T. Randal xvn. Amanda C, b. July 9, 1865 ; d. single Jan. 8, 1887 93- xvni. Alexandria May, b. May 7, 1868; m Ed Lyle xix. Joseph Clay, b. Apr. 1, 1872; not m. ; is a musical and , mechanical genius. 24. ISAAC NEWTON 3 DAVIS (5) was born Jan. 1, 1803, and married Miss Meddis. He was a noted lawyer in Miss. He set- tled in Panola Co., but died in Oktibbeha Co. Children (order conjectural) : i. Amanda. ii. Adna. iv. Isaac N. iii. Elizabeth. v. Webb. 25. REV. JAMES 3 DAVIS (5) was born Jan. 22, 1805, in Elbert Co., Ga., and married Louisa Edith Hudson, July 31, 1823. Miss Hudson was born Jan. 17, 1803, in Elbert Co., Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the Baptist Church and he was a minister of that denomination. We find the following- sketch of Rev. James Davis in Cathart's Baptist Encyclopaedia : "Rev. James Davis, one of the most useful ministers that ever lived in the western part of Georgia, including Coweta, Troup, Heard, Meriwether, and the adjoining counties, was born in Wilkes Co., Jan. 22, 1805. He married and joined the church when quite a young man, and never after- wards could relate his Christian experience without manifesting deep emotion. He moved from Elbert to Jasper Co. in 1826, where he was both licensed and ordained. Returning to Elbert Co. in 1828 he preached there for several years with increasing power and success. About 1830 he moved to the western part of the state where he spent the remaining portion of his life, acting as a pioneer Baptist and preaching those Baptist principles which to-day flourish so extensively in that section. Strong in native intellect, robust in constitution, untiring in energy, and inspired by the sole desire to 'preach Christ crucified,' Mr. Davis left his impression on the entire section of country in which he lived. He assisted in the constitution of the Baptist Church at Lagrange and indeed most of the Baptist Churches in the counties where he labored. A friend of education, strongly missionary in spirit, earnest, devout, gifted and eloquent preacher, struggled nobly to disseminate the great truths of Christianity as main- tained by his denomination ; and he did much to give moral tone to the community in which he lived as any man. Good and useful here he died as he lived in the faith of Jesus. He passed away in Sept., 1859, at his 24 Genealogy of home in Heard Co. To his only absent son, Rev. Willliam H. Davis, then residing at Hepzibah, Ga., he sent this simple message: 'Strive, my son, to be a good minister of the gospel and meet me in glory.' We know that one injunction has been fulfilled and we have every reason to believe both have been." Children : 94- i- Mary Cobb, b. Nov. 18, 1824; m. Frank D. Bowen. 95. ii. William Hudson, b. Aug. 18, 1826; m. Sarah A. Kilpat- rick. iii. Martha W., b. Nov. 23, 1827 ; d. in infancy. 96. iv. Isaac Newton, b. July, 1830; m. Betty H. Newell. 97. v. James J., b. Aug. 17, 1832; m. Virginia I. Jones. 98. vi. Anna Tilman, b. Apr. 24, 1834; m. Wm. B. Chapman. 99. vii. David Madison, b. Apr. 14, 1836; m. Matilla G. Hood, viii. Talitha Cumi S., b. Apr. 12, 1838. ix. Louisa E., b. June 15, 1840; d. in young womanhood, x. Jesse M-, b. June 3, 1842; killed near Staunton, Va., dur- ing the Civil War. xi. Elizabeth, b. May 4, 1844. 26. REV. JESSE MERCER 3 DAVIS (5) was born in Wilkes Co., Ga., Jan. 25, 1807. He moved to Southwest, Ga., with his brother Jonathan about 1836. He was thrice married. His first wife was Sophia Burton. His second was a widow, Mrs. Gilbert, and his third also a widow, was Mrs. McGoldrick. We find in History of the Baptist Denomination of Georgia — (Index Co.) the following sketch: * * * Rev. Jesse M. Davis was born in Wilkes Co., Ga., Jan. 25, 1807, and during boyhood labored with his brothers on his father's farm. He possessed a very superior mind ; was ambitious and studious, and so availed himself of eighteen months' only of schooling that he laid the solid foundation of an education that was very respectable, and which, by application, continued to improve throughout his life. He was an earnest and beautiful speaker with a mind both logical and philosophical, and in conversation was brilliant and interesting. His voice was musical and fas- cinating, his manners were genial and captivating, while his personal ap- pearance was handsome and imposing. He commenced the practice of law at Ellerton, Ga., in his eighteenth year, but in his twenty-first year he was converted and baptized, and soon after abandoned his profession to preach the Gospel, for like Paul he felt 'Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel.' The same year in which he joined the church he married Miss Sophia Burton, a lady of rare attainments, whose Christian virtues and brilliant mind added much to her husband's advancement. He was ordained about 1830, and in 1835 moved from Elbert to Lee county, then a frontier of the State, and infested by Indians. At one time he was compelled to abandon his home and send his family to Twiggs County for safety, but he himself remained and joined the company organized to pursue and combat the Indians. As soon as peace and quiet were restored his family returned and he then built, upon his own land and at his own expense, a Baptist house of worship, which he named Hebron. He then The Davis Family. 25 built up a church for which he preached twenty-three years without re- muneration. For the same number of years he dwelt in Lee County, and by planting accumulated a large property. The doors of his home, known as 'Pleasant Level,' being ever thrown open for rich and poor alike, and its numerous visitors cordially welcomed with a true Christian hospitality. "He always had the care of three or four different churches, but never, until the war, in its results swept away his ample fortune, did he accept any compensation for his pastoral labor. In 1858 he removed to Decatur Co. where he resided during the war. Although opposed to secession he quietly acquiesced in the action of his State and at his own expense armed and equipped a comoany for military service. While the war lasted he was a true friend of the families of our soldiers who were in the service, sparing neither time nor money to supply their necessities ; and yet so unostentatious was his generosity that none outside of his own family were aware of its extent. "After the close of the war he was called to the care of the church in Blakely, Ga., where, after four months of grievous suffering in the bed of languishing, which he bore with the utmost Christian fortitude, he died on August 14, 1868. His remains lie buried in Blakely. During all the weary months of confinement he was never known by word or act to mani- fest the least impatience or want of submission. His death bed witnessed scenes of exalted Christian resignation and triumnh which proved the reality of his religion. 'I would not change the peace of mind which I now have to be at ease and dwell in all the splendors of earth' was his pious exclamation after obtaining relief from one of his fearful paroxysms of suffering. The day preceding his death, he repeated over and over again these lines : 'Farewell vain world, I'm going home, My Saviour calls and bids me come.' "The following day death fell on him suddenly and he passed away almost instantly without a spasm or contortion according to his own frequent prayer to which God thus graciously answered. "In character Mr. Davis was one of the most amiable and benevolent of men, delighting in doing good and making others happy, and stinting neither time, money nor measures to accomplish his object. Large-souled as well as large bodied, he was above everything that approached to little- ness or meanness, and for scores of years preached with that fascinating persuasiveness that attracted so many to the fount of everlasting life. His oratory was in the highest sense winning, and his delivery was most varied, pleasing and fascinating. While he denounced sin he loved the sinner, and drew him with melting tenderness to embrace the terms of the Gospel. A beautiful speaker, with a well trained mind and fine imaginative powers, he was, withal, imbued with an impressive earnestness which gave solemnity and power to his preaching. No disturbance in church or out of it ever marred the even tenor of charitable Christian life, for he invar- iably retained the goodwill and friendly regard of all, so guiding his life as to avoid all personal as well as sectarian controversies. While a strong Baptist and sound in the faith he was beloved by Christians of every name and highly respected by all classes of the community." Children of first marriage, order of birth conjectural : Three died in childhood, i. Hortense 4 d unm. at about 24 years old. 26 Genealogy of ioo. ii. Permelia Jane, b. Jan. 4, 1834; m. Stephen R. Weston. 101. iii. MenlAj twice m. Children of second marriage: 102. Robert Wvche, b. Mar. 15, 1849; twice m. 27. POLLY EASTON 3 HITCHCOCK (9) born July 15, 1803; m. Washington Baber. Two children : i. John Thomas 4 , m. and had three children : 1. Mary Jane 6 , m. B. H. Adams; two children: Thomas" and Emmet Adams. 2. Sarah Emma, m. John A. Hill, two children : John A., Jr., and Hill, attorney-at-law. 3. Ida Elisabeth, m. Robert A. Hill, ii. James Washington, m. Nancy McClendon, two children: John Thomas and Washington. 28. JOHN GIBBS 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born May 3, 1805, in the State of Ga., and married Abi Eiland, Nov. 3, 1830, in Harris Co., Ga. Miss Eiland was born Dec. 17, 1803, in the State of Ga. Mr. Hitchcock was a farmer and he and his wife were members of the Primitive Baptist Church. They reside at Enon, Macon Co., Ala. Mr. Hitchcock died Aug. 1, 1842, and his widow married Henry King, Dec. 1, 1847. Children of first marriage : 103. i. Mary Allen 4 , b. Oct. 28, 1831 ; m. Robert Henry King, ii. Andrew Jackson, b. Oct. 30, 1834; d. Sept. 22, 1853. 104. iii. Elizabeth Davis, b. Sept. 22, 1836; m. John Lewis. 105. iv. Antoinette Fannin, b. Mar. 4, 1838; m. Bryant Thigpen. 106. v. James Gibbs, b. Apr. 4, 1840; m. Sarah Evelyn Hall, vi. John G., b. Sept. 15, 1842; d. Sept. 17, 1842. 29. LUCY DAVIS 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born Sept. 18, 18— and married John Claiborne Smith in 1825. Mr. Smith was born in Oglethorpe Co., Ga., May 22, 1804. He was the son of Thomas Smith who married Mary Born, formerly pronounced Burns. Thomas Smith was of English descent, born in 1763, and died in Jasper Co., Ga., in 1833. Mary Born was of Ger- man descent. She died in Oglethorpe Co., Ga., Oct. 18, 1825. Children : The Davis Family. 27 i. Thomas C. 4 , d. in infancy. ii. Jane Randolph. 30. ELIZABETH FAVORS 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born Sept. 18, 18 — , and married Warren Phillips, of Meriwether Co., Ga. She died prior to 1838. Mr. Phillips moved to North Miss. They had several children. 31. JESSE PHILLIPS 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born May 30, 1812; was a lawyer and resided in Columbus, Ga. He went to Texas and practiced law for a time but his health failed and he returned to Ga., and died at some health resort. 32. ANDREW JACKSON 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born Feb. 21, 1 81 3, near Columbus, Ga. He was twice married and was the father of eight children, all of whom died in infancy. He lost his life in a fire, burning of the James House in Denton, Tex, Aug. 25, 1887. Andrew Jackson Hitchcock had a most eventful life and checkered career. He went to Tex. in 1835 ^ n Captain Jack Shackelford's Company, Georgia Battalion of Fannin's Command. He was with Fannin and surrendered with him after the battle of Colita on Mar. 17, 1836. He was taken to Goliad and con- fined in the Old Mission with the rest of the prisoners. On the morning of Mar. 27, Sunday, he and the rest of the privates, about 319, were marched out upon the pretence of being ex- changed. About one half mile from the fort near a brush cattle pen they were halted and fired upon by the Mexican Army. Finding himself not wounded, hatless and shoeless he scaled the brush fence with four or five others, swam the river and made his escape. After they had wandered about the country a few days they were recaptured, but Hitchcock and one other finally made their escape and reached Galveston to learn the war was over. Hitchcock returned to Ga, but soon went back to Tex, and saw much service in the conflicts with the Indians. In 1839 he went to Shreveport, La., and accumulated some property which he invested in negroes and began farming on Red River. 28 Genealogy of In 1849 he engaged in a merchandise venture which was of short duration, but closed out with some profit. He then bought a livery stable in Shreveport, which he ran for several years, buy- ing and selling horses and trading generally. In the yellow fever scourge of 1853 he remained in Shreveport, waited upon the stricken, was liberal with his money and prodigal with him- self. When the Civil War broke out he owned a plantation of about twenty-five hundred acres of rich land, well stocked with horses, mules, cattle, hogs and sheep and about sixty slaves. His horses and mules were pressed into service. He sold his land for Confederate money and took his negroes and his family to San Antonio. The negroes were freed by the war and he took them back to Louisiana where they were raised and turned them loose. In 1866 he went to Brazil with a view of colonizing there, but was not successful in this venture. He went to Brazil a second •time, but finally concluded the United States was the best place for American citizens. He spent his last years in Denton, Tex., where he met his tragic death. 33. MATHEW MONROE 3 HITCHCOCK (9) born July 30, 18 — , was twice married. His first wife was Hester Foster. They were married in 1855, and she died in 1865, leaving four children. His second wife was Sarah Lincoln. They were married in 1866, and by this marriage there were three children born. Mathew Hitchcock was at one time a member of the Methodist Church, but embraced the Campbellite doctrine. He died in 1875, and his widow married again. She is a member of the Campbellite Church. Children of the first marriage: 107. i. Mathew Monroe 4 , Jr., m. Hester Perkins. 108. ii. Elizabeth Davis, b. Oct. 5, 1857 ; m. Robert Hudson. 109. iii. James Alexander, m. Corrie Smith, iv. Lewis L-, d. in infancy. Of the second marriage: i. Mary Emily. ii. Andrew. iii. Edgar. The Davis Family. 29 34. ISAAC NEWTON 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born July 27, 1818, in Columbus, Ga. ; was educated at Columbus and married Dora Coraline Bonner in Ala. in 1847. Miss Bonner was born in 1822 in the Creek Nation, Ala., and was educated at Tus- kegee, Ala. Mr. Hitchcock emigrated to La. and after a few years moved to Texas, about 185 1. Mr, and Mrs. Hitchcock were members of the Baptist Church. They resided in Burleson Co., Tex. Mr. Hitchcock was killed by being thrown from a horse in 1865. Mrs. Hitchcock died in 1870. Children: i. Mathevv Americus 4 , b. 1849; d. Aug. 20, 1868. no. ii. Howard Gilmer, b. in 1851 ; m. Buena Vista Wright, iii. Lavinia, d. in infancy, iv. Julius Otis, b. in 1854; killed in 1871 by being thrown from a horse. v. Dorian Caroline, m. Eli Mullinaux; no children. 35. SARAH ANN 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born Aug. 8, 1821, married Arthur Eldridge in 1840. He died in 1846 and she mar- ried Jesse G. Thomas. She died about 1871. One child of first marriage : in. Thomas Eldridge 4 , m. Mary Cassady. 36. EMILY 3 HITCHCOCK (9) was born Dec. 13, 1824, and married Lewis L. Chiles June 6, 1842. Mr. Chiles was a man of great energy, coupled with fine judgment. He was a native of Va., left an orphan at an early age and leaving his relatives when he was about eighteen he became permanently separated from them and never knew much of them. He abandoned his native state in 1828 and started west for the purpose of making his own way in the world. He stopped in Tenn. about a year after which he went to Tex. He found irregular employment with various surveying parties and in this way helped at differ- ent times to locate a large number of claims for settlers. He served as a "Minute Man" as often as his presence was needed to assist in keeping off the hostile Indians; and finally when the climax of trouble with Mexico was reached, moved by patriotic ardor and zeal for the cause of liberty, he shouldered 30 Genealogy of his musket with that devoted band of patriots under Gen. Hous- ton to repel the invasion of the Mexican army. He was at the battle of San Jacinto and thus helped to win Texas independence and render glorious for all time the name of Texas and Texan valor. Mr. Chiles led an active life, especially in his earlier years. In 1856 he was converted and united with the Baptist Church at Caldwell, Tex., of which he was soon elected deacon, held this position until he died May 29, 1864. Emily Hitchcock Chiles, his wife, was one of the pioneer women of Burleson Co. Under the preaching of that eminent pioneer minister of Tex., Rev. William Tryon, she was converted and baptized in girlhood. This same Rev. William Tryon performed the marriage cere- mony when she and Lewis Chiles were married. She lived a consistent Christian life until her death June 9, 1877. She had been reared under the old regime in Tex. and learned to keep open house in the style of early days. Children : i. Virginia 4 , b. Mar. 21, 1843; m. Reuben A. Higgason. (See No. 60.) 112. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24, 1844; m. Isaac Winston. 113. iii. James Lewis, b. July 3, 1846. iv. Barbara, b. Aug. 2, 1848; d. Apr. 25, 1864, while attending college. 114. v. Mary Lucy, b. Sept. 14, 1850; m. T. Womble. 115. vi. William Tryon, b. Dec. 12, 1854; m. M. E. Haslep. 116. vii. Dabney, b. Mar. 19, 1856. Not m. 117. viii. Thoma. Davis Waldridge, b. Apr. 13, 1858; m. Lula J. Fielder. 118. ix. Baylor, b. Feb. 11, i860. 119. x. Emily, b. Feb. 13, 1862; m. C. S. Williams. FOURTH GENERATION. 37. MARY BACON 4 PHILLIPS (10) was born in Monticello, Jasper Co., Ga., May 21, 1830, and married Dr. Scarbrough, a dentist. They reside at Lafayette, Chambers Co., Ala. Chil- dren (order of birth conjectural) : i. Charles Phillips 5 . ii. Edward Warren. iii. Joseph Thomas. iv. Arcadia Estelle. v. James Turner. The Davis Family. 31 They have also grandchildren : hula', Mary, Kate, Frank, Sadie, Bessie, Annie May, Lillie Hudson, Myrtis, Arca- dia, Charles and Sadie Sue Scarborough. 38. MATHEW 4 PHILLIPS, JR., (10) was born in Chambers Co., Ala. ; married and is the father of six children (order of birth conjectural) : i. Annie Gilmer'. iv. Kate. ii. Sid Warren. t. Joel. iii. Kenyon. vi. Mary Rea. 39. JULIUS CAESAR 4 PHILLIPS (11) was born in Talbot Co., Ga., Apr. 1, 1826; was educated in the schools of his na- tive place and married Anna Eudocia Leftwich Oct. 23, 1855. Miss Leftwich was born Nov. 12, 1834, in Newnan, Ga., and was educated at Masonic College, Dadeville, Ala. Mr. Phillips com- menced his business life as clerk when about fifteen years old and in a few years had a business of his own. He was a fine mathematician and a successful business man ; was a member of the Baptist Church. He died in Opelika, Ala., Nov. 10, 1895. Children : 120. i. Charles Leftwich 5 , b. July 8, 1856 ; m. Hattie V. Ray. iii' Ulua N n. } Twins ' b - July l8 ' l8s8 - Lillian d - y ° ung - iv. Infant daughter, d. at birth. 121. v. Berrien Troup, b. Jan. 30, 1864; m. Susan M. Wilson. 122. vi. Annie Lela, b. Feb. 5, 1872; m. Rev. R. W. Green. 40. MARY ANN 4 PHILLIPS (11) was born in Covington, Ga., Feb. 25, 1828; was educated at Tuskegee, Ala., and married Dr. Myles Jefferson Green at Loachapoka, Macon Co., Ala., Apr. 10, 1853. They moved to Talladega, Ala., where Dr. Green was engaged in the practice of medicine for many years. Dr. Green was born in Baldwin Co.. Ga.. Oct. 30, 1827, and was educated at Auburn, Ala. He was graduated in medicine at the medical college, Charleston, S. C, and practiced medicine regularly for 35 years. He was a Methodist and was a zealous worker in his church and Sunday-school ; a conscientious and consecrated Christian. He was also a devoted Mason, prominent in the 32 Genealogy of order and at the time of his death, which occurred at Montgom- ery, Ala., June 2J, 1892, he was Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ala. Dr. and Mrs. Green were not blessed with children but adopted, reared and educated a niece, Emma Elizabeth Phillips, daughter of Reuben David Phillips. She married Dr. Edward Bates near Talladega, Ala., Feb. 24, 1891, Rev. D. B. Culberson officiating at the marriage. Mrs. Green resides at Clanton, Chilton Co., Ala. ; is a cultured and refined woman ; member of the Methodist Church ; loved and esteemed by a wide circle of friends. 41. BERRIEN TROUP 4 PHILLIPS (n) was born Aug. 13, 1830; was educated at Auburn, Ala.; was a merchant; went to the war 1861-5, and served his country faithfully. He was killed at the battle of Seven Pines in 1862; was unmarried; never an aspirant for office. 42. FRANCES ANGELINA 4 PHILLIPS (11) was born Nov. 23, 1832, at Talbotton, Talbot Co., Ga. ; was educated at Talbot- ton and married Capt. John Henry Hannon at Nostalgia, Ala., May 14, 1850. Capt. Hannon was born at Milledgeville, Bald- win Co., Ga., July 20, 1830, and moved to Ala. at the age of fifteen years. In 1861 Capt, Hannon raised a company of vol- unteers and joined the 5th Ala. cavalry commanded by Col. Joe Wheeler. In 1864 he was promoted to Colonel of the 53rd Regi- ment. In 1865 Capt. Hannon, with his family, moved to Mont- gomery Co., where he taught school six years and was also no- tary public. In 1871 he moved to Clanton, Chilton Co., Ala., where he was engaged in merchandising. He died Sept. 2, 1883. Mrs. Hannon resides at Clanton, Chilton Co., Ala. ; is a cultured and refined woman and devout Christian, loved and esteemed most by those who best know her. Children : i. Mary Beatrice , b. Apr. 15, 1851. 123. ii. Fannie, b. Dec. 23, 1853; m. Sidney A. Blasingame. 124. iii. Charles Reuben, b. Dec. 10, 1858; m. Laura Grissom. The Davis Family. 33 43. AMANDA CAROLINE 4 PHILLIPS (11) was born June 26, I 835; was educated at Notasulga, Ala., and married Benjamin F. Dupree Nov. 30, 1852. Mr. Dupree was in the Confederate Army. Mrs. Dupree died July 14, 1854. One child died in in- fancy. 44. RANDOLPH M. 4 PHILLIPS (11) was born Nov. 7, 1837, in Troup Co., Ga., was educated at Loachapoka, Macon Co., Ala., and married Martha E. Stroud Dec. 9, 1858. Miss Stroud was born in Upson Co., Ga., Sept 22, 1839, and was educated at Barnersville, Ga. Mr. Phillips is a merchant. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Sylacauga, Ala. Children : i. Caroline Eugenia 5 , b. Dec. 21, 1859. ii. Lula Bernice, b. Jan. 25, 1863. iii. Leon Stroud, b. Feb. 3, 1867. iv. Cora Lee, b. Dec. 26, 1872. v. Sallie Ella, b. Dec. 27, 1879. vi. Reuben Myles, b. Mar. 23, 1882. 45. REUBEN DAVIS 4 PHILLIPS (n) was born Dec. 1, 1839; was educated at Loachapoka, Macon Co., Ala. ; and married A. Beasley in the fall of 1866. He died in Tex. Feb. 26, 1893, where he had settled in 1874, several years after his marriage. Mrs. Phillips died about 1877. Children: i. Willie Alice 5 , m. James Smith, of Tex. ii. Henry. iii. Berrien, m. Miss Cormelia. iv. Emma Evalyn, m. Dr. Wren, of Talledega, Ala. 46. THOMAS SMART 4 PHILLIPS (ir) was born Nov. 3, 1842; was educated at Loachapoka, Ala., and married Glenora Lamar, of Auburn, Ala., Aug. 12, 1869. Mr. Phillips is a merchant at Clanton, Ala. Miss Glenora Lamar was born Mar. 15, 1850 and was reared and educated at Auburn, Ala. She received the rudi- ments of her education from Miss Mary R. Anderson, of New Jersey, who was very thorough in teaching. She was taught later by Prof. John W. Glenn, Prof. J. F. Dunklin and Col. 3 34 Genealogy of James F. Doudell, all of whom were connected with the Male College at Auburn. She joined the Methodist Churck in early life and is devoted to its interest and to sabbath school work. Her father, Dr. W. H. Lamar, was a practicing physician of Auburn for more than forty years. He was a cousin of Justice L. Q. Lamar, and his third son, W. H. Lamar, of Washington, married Jane Longstreet Lamar, a daughter of the renowned kinsman. Her mother was Miss Ann Glenn, daughter of Rev. John B. Glenn, of Auburn, President of the Board of Trustees of the Male College. Her uncle, E. T. Glenn, was treasurer of the college through all the vicissitudes of its existence. Mr. Phil- lips is also a member of the Methodist Church. Children : 125. i. Mary Lamar 5 , b. July 10, 1870; m. Edwin Walton Duke. 126. ii. GlEnnie, b. June 23, 1872; m. John Eugene Evans. 127. iii. Annie Lake, b. Nov. 19, 1876; m. Wm. Wesley Dunklin. 128. iv. Willie Irene, b. June 21, 1879; m - Ernest Clay Jones. 47. ELLA CLAY 4 PHILLIPS (n) was born Dec. 13, 1844, in Macon Co., Ala., was educated at Louchapoka, Ala., and mar- ried at that place, William W. Pearce Dec. 7, 1865. Mr. Pearce was born in Upson Co., Ga., Nov. 17, 1838. Mr. Pearce with his family moved to Santa Rosa Co., Fla., and engaged in the lum- ber business near Milton on Blackwater Bay. He subsequently moved to Cuero, Dewitt Co., Tex., in Dec, 1877, and in 1890 he moved to Beeville Bee Co., Tex. The family resides at Beeville, Tex. Children : i. Mary Ellen , b. Jan. 6, 1867. ii. William Edward, b. Jan. 30, 1870. 129. iii. Emma Virginia, b. Oct. 7, 1871 ; m. Robert B. Brown, iv. Anderson Allan, b. Dec. 2, 1873. v. Reuben Phillips, b. Oct. 11, 1875. All b. in Fla. vi. Ella May b May 27, 187& I born at c Tex vn. Berrien Lee, b. Nov. 24, 1883. j 48. EMMA VIRGINIA 4 PHILLIPS (11) was born Feb. 26, 1848, was educated at Loachapoka, Ala., and married John Wil- liam Stroud Oct. 31, 1866, at Loachapoka. Mr. Stroud was in the Confederate army in the war of 1861-5. He was born in Up- son Co., Ga., Nov. 3, 1845, ar, d moved to Loachapoka, Ala., when The Davis Family. 35 about ten years old, where he was educated. His occupation is farming. Mr. and Mrs. Stroud are members of the Baptist Church. They reside, this 1902, at Gadsden, Ala. Children : i. Charles L. 5 , b. Aug. 13, 1867; d. Oct. 7, 1886. ii. Emmet Clare, b. July 27, 1871 ; d. Sept. 13, 1873. 130. iii. Mary L., b. May 21, 1876.; m. Eugene Cannon. iv. Annie C, b. Mar. 2, 1879, in Tallapoosa Co., Ala. v. Frank, b. Oct. 2, 1883, in Tallapoosa Co., Ala. vi. Emma Louise, b. Dec. 28, 1886, in Tallapoosa Co., Ala. 49. WILLIAM HENRY 4 PHILLIPS (11) was born Aug. 1, 1 85 1, was educated at Loachapoka, Ala., and died in Clanton, Chilton Co., Ala., Aug. 20, 1894. He married Eleanora Hickman Jackson Jan. 27, 1887, at Florence, Lauderdale Co., Ala. He was a member of the Baptist Church and was a druggist. Mrs. Eleanora Jackson Phillips was born Dec. 27, 1858, at Flor- ence, Ala., and was educated at the Synodical College at Florence. She is a daughter of James and Elizabeth Jackson and a sister of Hon. Kirk Jackson and Charles Jackson of Montgomery, Ala. Her mother was a descendant of the Cobbs, Olings and Merediths of Va. She was Elizabeth Perkins, all of which can be found in "Cobbs and their Kin." Her grandfather, James Jackson, came to America from Ireland in 1801 ; he married Sarah, daughter of Gov. Moore of North Carolina, in Nashville, Tenn. They moved to Ala., where her father, James Jackson, was born. He went into the Confederate army as a volunteer private and came out a general. He was wounded fourteen (14) times — three times severely. The Jacksons are Episcopalians. Since her mar- riage Mrs. Phillips has dropped the name Hickman and now has it Eleanora Jackson Phillips. Her address is Bessemer, Ala. No children. MARY ANN 4 BABER (14) was born Oct. 3, 1823, and died in Miss., Oct. 14, 1865. She was the youngest and only one of the Children of Thomas and Elizabeth Baber that ever married. She married her maternal cousin, James D. Wooten. of Carroll Co., Ga., and died in Tishomingo Co., Miss. She left two chil- dren, one of whom married and died without living issue ; the 36 Genealogy of other never married and died in 1890. The eldest daughter, Eliza- beth Catherine, survived all the others and died at the age of 63 unmarried. There are no living descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Baber. 50. JOHN 4 DAVIS (16) was born July 18, 1830, and married Miss Coulter. He was a farmer and he and his wife were mem- bers of the Baptist Church. They are dead. Their descendants reside near Hope, S. C. Children (order of birth conjectural) : i. Charles 5 . ii. John. iii. Malvina. 51. B. H 4 . DAVIS (16) was born Feb. 5, 1832, in Miss., received a collegiate education and married a daughter of Col. T. D. Wil- son. Mr. Davis, it is said, was a great and good man ; was an eminent lawyer and stood at the head of the profession in the State of Tex. Children : i. W. W. 5 , m. and has two children ; resides at El Paso, Tex. ii. Lucile, m. T. L. Ely. They reside in Los Angleles, Cal. 52. Dr. WILLIAM 4 DAVIS, JR., (16) was born Dec. 7, 1834, in Miss., was educated at Danville, Ky., and graduated in medi- cine. Address, Bryan, Tex. He is married and has five children (order conjectural) : i. Lula 5 , m. Coles. iv. John K. ii. Annie, m. O. L. Tabor. v. Thomas. Lillie. 53. NAPOLEON 4 DAVIS (16) was born in 1839 in Miss., and married Mary, daughter of Col. T. D. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the Baptist Church. They resided in Bra- zos Co., Tex. Children : i. Thomas 5 . 1 R id in Chicago, 111. 11. Wilson. J The Davis Family. 37 54. ALICE M. 4 DAVIS (16) was born June 5, 1846, was a bright, brilliant girl and died at the age of 20 years, which broke her father's heart. 55. CHARLES 4 DAVIS (16) was born Sept. 18, 1847, was edu- cated at Eldorado, Ark., and at Washington-Lee University. He married Alice Wilson of Brazos, Tex. Miss Wilson was educated at Miss Reid's school, New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Baptist Church. Thev reside at El Paso, Tex. Mr. Davis is a prominent lawyer of El Paso. Children : i. Charles, Jr. 5 , b. July 20, 1877. ii. James Lamar, b. July 17, 1879. iii. Alice M., b. Dec, 1881. 56. MARY ANN 4 HIGGASON (18) married Thomas Bucking- ham at Holly Springs, Miss. Mr. Buckingham died in 1861. Mrs. Buckingham died in 1901. Children: i. Eugene Barrister 5 , m. C. Knox, twelve children. Address Okolona, Miss. 131. ii. Lucy, m. W. T. Moore. iii. W. W., m. Emma Amos. Address, Glens Falls, Warren Co., N. Y. No children except one adopted. 132. iv. George H., m. Victor Rutherford. 133. v. Addie, m. Dr. J. M. White ; two children, Emma and Paul. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. 134. vi. Mary, m. A. B. Vogel. 135. vii. Kittie, m. Edwin Turner. 57. JOHN DAVIS 4 HIGGASON (18) born June 13, 1819, and married Lucy Walker Nov= 26, 1846. Children : 136. i. Laura Virginia 5 , b. Sept. 14, 1847; m. Jas. S. Seale. ii. James Fleming, b. Dec. 14, 1849; m. Fulvia Dodd Cole- man Feb. 16, 1896. Address, Vicksburg, Miss, iii. Mary Laura, b. June 22, 1852. Address, Caldwell, Tex. 137. iv. Rosalie Ada, b. Feb. 15, 1855; twice m. v. Paul BascomE, b. July 5, 1857. Address, Caldwell, Tex. vi. Warren Walker, b. May 15, i860. Address, Caldwell, Tex. 138. vii. George Reuben, b. May 6, 1864; m. Annie Ubanosky. viii. Jonnie Maud, b. Oct. 2, 1866; d. Mar. 26, 1886. 38 Genealogy of 58. DR. GEORGE 4 HIGGASON, JR., (18) left his native State and settled in La., where he acquired a fortune in the practice of his chosen profession. He married a widow with one child, a daughter. His wife died in a few years and he died not long after his wife, leaving no children. 59. ELIZABETH EASTON 4 HIGGASON (18) married James McGowen. Both are dead. Four children (order of birth con- jectural) : i. Mary 5 , m. Hale. ii. Ella, m. McMurry. iii. James, Jr. iv. . 60. REUBEN ANDREW 4 HIGGASON (18) was born Mar. 7, 1840, in Miss., was educated at the University of Miss., Oxford, Miss. He enlisted in the 5th Tex. Infantry, C. S. Army, it being one of the regiments that composed the noted Hood's Brigade that did such gallant service for the "lost cause" participating in the following battles: Manassas^ Fisher's Bridge, the Seven Days' Battles around Richmond, and others that Hood's Brigade was engaged in up to Sept., 1863. He was promoted and trans- ferred to the Trans-Miss. Department. He with Maj. Clemson. a grandson of John C. Calhoun, was detailed and sent to San Antonio, Tex., with a large amount of Confederate money, as distributing officers of the Trans-Miss. Department. They with the money were captured near the Mississippi river, carried to Johnson's Island and there suffered the tortures of starvation for twenty-two months before being released. Reuben Higgason married Virginia Chiles, Sept. 27, i860. Virginia Chiles is a member of another branch of the Davis fam- ily (see Virginia Chiles, No. 36), was born Mar. 21, 1843, and was educated at Baylor College, Independence, Tex., and united with the Baptist Church in i860. Mr. Higgason died June 11, 1881. He was a lawyer by profession. Children: 139. i. Mary 6 , b. Aug. 3, 1861 ; m. A. J. Harris. 140. ii. Virginia, b. Oct. 28, 1866; m. Albert Snyder. 141. iii. Maggie, b. May 16, 1868; m. John McCowen. The Davis Family. 39 iv. Reuben, b. Mar. 7, 1870; d. Oct. 20, 1873. 142. v. Vara, b. Mar. 21, 1873; m. Morgan Modrall. 143. vi. May, b. Oct. 27, 1878; m. Bryant P. Dickens, vii. Velma, b. Dec. 31, 1878; d. in infancy. viii. Lee, b. Mar. 10, 1881 ; d. in infancy. 61. EDMOND IRONSIDE HIGGASON (18) married Eugenia McAlister. He died about 1878. Children: ii: mcaSU, } Reside in Aberdeen - Miss - 62. ELIZABETH 4 HENDERSON (20) was born in 1818 in Har- ris Co., Ga., and married Edwin J. Ingram, a farmer, in 1839. Mr. Ingram was born Apr. 12, 1812, in Anson Co., N. C. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. The Ingrams were law-abiding; none of them have been in- volved in law suits or in personal difficulties. Mrs. Elizabeth Ingram was a sympathetic woman and devoted Christian. Her great desire seemed to be to wait upon the sick, comfort those in distress in any way in her power. She was kind and attentive to her duties to her husband and children. Their children were : 144. i. William Henry 5 , b. Nov. 24, 1841 ; m. Sarah J. Smith. 145. ii. Claudius Romuldus, b. Oct. 12, 1843; m. Nancy Jane Williams, iii. Alonzo, b. Mar. 18, 1845; d. Aug. 13, 1859. iv. Rudolph, b. Feb. 12, 1846. 146. v. Thomas Leonidas, b. July 26, 1848; m. Laura Rogers. 147. vi. Adolphus Alphonso, b. Aug. 22, 1850; m. blla batter- white, vii. Lucy Pascale Oneal, b. May 26, 1852. 148. viii. Margaret Elizabeth, b. Oct. 20, 1859; m. Robert Walton. 149. ix. Hattie Tilman, b. June 10, 1861 ; m. Jas. W. I orbert. 63. LUCY A 4 . HENDERSON (20) was born Feb. 22, 1828, in Wilkes Co., Ga., and married Harvey M. Rawls, a farmer. Mr. Rawls was born in 1822 in Putnam Co., Ga. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Children : i. Sarah 5 , b. in 1846. ii. Lucy, b. in 1848. ,,,-,,• c ,i„-o iii. Camilla Ann, b. Apr. 17, 1850; m. William Sanders Davis. (See No. 77-) iv. Susie, b. June, 1852. v. Lizzie, b. in 1853. vi. Harvey, b. in Sept., 1854. 40 Genealogy of 64. REUBEN 4 E. DAVIS (21) was born May 5, 1819, in Coweta Co., Ga., and married Elizabeth Whitaker. Miss Whitaker was born Jan. 18, 1818, in Heard Co., Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the Baptist Church. They are both dead. Chil- dren: i. Thomas 5 . ii. Joicie. iii. Lee. iv. Tautha. 150. v. Lou, b. Dec. 8, 1848; m. Elijah Kirk Heard. .. vi. Henry, b. Mar. 31, 1853. 151. vii. John G., b. June 6, 1856; m. Evie Combs, viii. Lucy. ix. Jefferson. x. Died not named. 65. ELIZABETH 4 DAVIS (21) was born Dec. 15, 1820, and married Allen Boon, a farmer, about 1836. Mr. Boon was born Feb. 1, 1812, in N. C. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. They are both dead. Children : i. William Council 5 , b. 1837- ii. Robert Augustus, b. 1838. 152. iii. John Thomas, b. Dec. 28, 1840; m. Celeta L. Shipp. iv. Susan Frances, b. in 1842. v. Mary Emma, b. 1844. vi. Henry Allen, b. 1846. vii. James Kinchen, b. 1848. viii. Amanda E. t b. 1851. 66. LUCY B 4 . DAVIS (21) was born Feb. 21, 1834, in Wilkes Co., Ga., was educated at Franklin, Heard Co., Ga., and married William Mosley Lowe, a farmer, May 23, 1850. Mr. Lowe was born Mar. 5, 1835, in Butts Co., Ga., and was educated in Troup Co. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and he is a deacon of the same. They reside at Albertville, Marshall Co., Ala. Children: 153. i. Littleton Talley, b. May 30, 1853; m. Charlotte Cosper. 154. ii. Louisa Cade, b. Dec. 14, 1854; m. Jas. Prescot. 155. iii. Ellen Ida, b. Sept. 28, 1857; m. Alfred Denham. 156. iv. William Isaac, b. May 19, 1861 ; m. Mary Rosco. 157. v. Stephen Johnson, b. Mar. 3, 1863; twice m. Mary Morton Davis (Xo. 75). The Davis Family. 41 67. WILLIAM J*. DAVIS (21) was born Mar. 18, 1839, in Heard Co., Ga., was educated at Florona, Heard Co., and married Cath- erine Pace in 1858. Miss Pace was born Dec. 7, 1833, in Heard Co., Ga. Mr. Davis is a farmer. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Florona, Ga. Children : i. Robert A. 5 , b. 7, 1859. 158. ii. Idella V., b. Jan. 3, 1862; m. W. J. Bryan 159- 111. Charles W., b. Aug. 9, 1866; m. Martha E. Hill. 160. iv. William E., b. June 2, 1869; m. Alice Alsabrook. v. Stephen J., b. Oct. 15, 1871. Address, Georgetown, Wil- liams Co., Tex. 161. vi. James A., b. Feb. 10, 1874; m. R. C. Carr. 68. MARTHA 4 DAVIS (22) was born Dec. 1, 1818, and married Dr. John C. Gilbert Apr. 7, 1835. Dr. Gilbert was born Jan. 26, 1814, and died Jan. 29, 1864. We find in the Albany Herald the following tribute to the memory of Mrs. Gilbert : "Mrs. Martha D. Gilbert died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Tift, of Albany, Ga. ; where she had lived for many years, Jan. 29, 1903. Death was due to a general breaking down from the infirmities of age. Mrs. Gilbert was in her 85th year, having turned the 84th milestone of life's journey only a few weeks ago. Up to a comparatively recent period she continued to enjoy much of the vigor which had characterized her whole life, and though long past the allotted threescore years and ten, she retained her mental faculties unimpaired, and was not confined to her room or even the house. When the final decline set in, however, Mrs. Gilbert was forced to take her bed, and through the weary weeks which followed she grew gradually but steadily weaker. Fully realizing her condition and knowing that for her the journey of life was nearing the end, she turned a smiling face to the world, and looked through the eyes of a perfect faith into the future. Death had no terrors for her. In life she had walked with God; and no woman ever gave those about her a more beautiful ex- ample of the perfect Christian. She had seen what would seem to be more than a generous share of sorrow during the years she lived. Loved ones were taken from her, and other afflictions came, but above it all she rose triumphant with a supreme faith in the Master's wisdom and perfect plan. The motto of her life might have been : 'Thy will, not mine, oh, Lord, be done.' 'Twas so she lived. She passed away as one falling asleep and was conscious to the last, recognizing those about her. The group around the deathbed included all her surviving children and a number of other relatives. The funeral ser- vices were conducted by the Rev. William L. Richards, of the Baptist Church of which she had been a consistent and devoted member for many years. The remains were deposited in their last resting place in Oakview cemetery, Albany, Ga. 42 Genealogy of Children : i. Mary' 1 , b. June 14, 1836; d. Aug. 28, 1843. ii. Elizabeth Emma, b. Aug. 30, 1838; d. Sept. 3, 1841. iii. John Milton, b. Aug. 24, 1840; d. Oct. 2, 1843. 162. iv. William Henry, b. Nov. 24, 1842; twice m. v. Rudolph, b. June 8, 1845; d. of wound received in battle, Confederate Army. 163. vi. Jonathan Davis, b. July 27, 1847 ; m. Lula M. Davis, vii. Ann Eliza, b. Feb. 6, 1850; d. Aug. 15, 1852. 164. viii. Fannie Mims, b. Mar. 4, 1852; m. William E. Hilsman. 165. ix. Julius Butler, b. Aug. 26, 1854; m. Alice B. Trippe. 166. x. Nancy Collier, b. Aug. 7, 1856; m. Linton S. Alfriend. 167. xi. Julia, b. Jan. 21, 1862; m. Jas. Mercer Tift. 69. NANCY EASTON 4 DAVIS (22) was born Oct. 26, 1821, and married George Winfield, son of Thomas and Sarah Collier, Dec. 12, 1812. Mr. Collier died Sept. 26, 1857, and Mrs. Collier died May 17, 1869. She was a woman of fine executive ability, intelligent and wealthy. She was a model housekeeper and reared like herself daughters who were cultured and refined, and were industrious housewives. During the Civil War Mrs. Collier was president of the Ladies' Relief Association. She was an inval- uable church worker, always leading the noble band of church workers in Albany. Though at rest her influence lives in many beautiful homes. Children : 168. i. Sarah Elizabeth 5 , b. Apr. 26, 1840; m. Wm. Oliver. 169. ii. Mary Emma, b. Jan. 17, 1843; m. M. F. H. Degraffinreid. 170. iii. Viola, b. Mar. 3, 1845; m. John W. Flint. 171. iv. Eliza Pace, b. Jan. 22, 1855; m. W. P. Burks. v. Henry Hora, b. Nov. 10, 1855. 172. vi. Martha Gilbert, b. Sept. 3, 1857; m. J. R. Forrester. AMANDA DAVIS (22) was born in 1830 and was twice mar- ried. Her first husband was George Greenwood and her second Dr. Bushrod Bledsoe. Children of the first marriage : i. John. ii. George, Jr. f all dead. iii. Abner. [all Children of second marriage : i. William. ji. Charles; resides at Albany, Ga. The Davis Family. 43 70. HON. JOHN A 4 . DAVIS (22) was born June 15, 1832, in Telfair Co., Ga., was educated at Mercer University, Penfield, Ga., and on June 10, 1852, married Laura C., daughter of the late Andrew T. Hampton. Miss Hampton was born Nov. 11, 1833, and was educated at the Southern Female College, Lagrange, Ga. She died June 17, 1899. She has a consistent and devoted member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Davis is a lawyer and banker ; wealthy and prominent in business and social circles in Albany, Ga., and is a member of the Baptist Church. Children: 173. i. Joseph Shelton 5 , b. Apr. 9, 1853; m. Eugenia Gunn. 174. ii. Adella Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1854; m. Wm. T. Jones. 175. iii. Sallie Collier, b. May 21, 1857; m. F. C. Jones. iv. Theodosia Cates, b. Sept. 21, 1859; m. Lot Warren. They reside in Atlanta, Ga. 176. v. Laura Eliza, b. June 20, 1862; m. D. W. Shaffer. 177. vi. Emma, b. Dec. 4, 1864; m - W. B. Willingham. 178. vii. Nannie Adaline, b. Feb. 2, 1867; m. R. L. Jones. viii. Minnie Lee, b. Aug., 1869; m. Frank Sheffield. They re- side at Americus, Ga. 71. ELIZABETH JOHNSON 4 DAVIS (22) was born June 6, 1836, and married Lewis Shelton McGwire. Mr. McGwire died Nov. 15, 1869. Mrs. McGwire died Feb. 2^, 1898. Children: i. Elizabeth Johnson 5 , b. in 18 — 5, resides at Albany, Ga. ii. Ella Corrinne, b. Oct. 20, 18 — 7 ; d. . 72. DR. LEONIDAS 4 DAVIS (22) was born July 21, 1837, m Lee Co., Ga., was educated at Mercer University, Penfield, Ga., and was graduated in medicine at the University of Nashville, Tenn. He married Sallie A. E. Lowman, Dec. 23, 1858, in Bar- bour Co., Ala. Miss Lowman was born Aug. 5, 1837, in Fort Valley, Ga., and was educated at Cuthbert, Ga. Dr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Methodist Church. They reside at Brunswick, Ga. Children : 179. i. Lee Benington', b. July 17. i860; m. Alaska Roberts. 180. ii. John Adrian, b. Oct. 31, 1864; m. Daisy Keene. iii. Willie Pauline, b. Jan. 3, 1867; d. 1892. 44 Genealogy of iv. Rudolph Greenwood, b. Nov. 23, 1868; d. July 22, 1870. v. James Benjamin, b. Feb. 10, 1870; d. Oct. 4, 1876. 181. vi. Sallie Luckie, b. Mar. 8, 1873; rn. H. D. Butler. vii. Annie Nelson, b. May 10, 1873 ; d. Apr. 29, 1874. 181 V 2 . viii. Gustavus Adolphus, b. Jan. 29, 1876. 182. ix. Nell, b. July 20, 1878; m. Truman King. x. Alfred Colquitt, b. May 4, 1880; d. June 13, 1881. 73. ANNA HASSELTINE 4 DAVIS (22) was born July 21, 1838, and married George Douglas Hodges, a farmer, in Barbour Co., Ala. Mr. Hodges took up the study of medicine, had gone to Nash- ville, Tenn., and was taking a course of lectures in medicine and surgery, but died before completing the course. One child : 183. George D. 5 , m. Fannie Burge. 74. CORDELIA 4 DAVIS (22) was born Mar. 31, 1840, was edu- cated at Cuthbert, Ga., and married Dr. Gideon Macon in Albany, Ga., in fall of 1862. Dr. Macon was graduated in medicine at Nashville, Tenn. They reside at Albany, Ga. Children : i. Mattie L. b ) r, f , j- j ii. Lewis Shelton. f Both died 75. MARY MORTON 4 DAVIS (22) was born Jan. 22, 1845, near Indian Springs, Butts Co., Ga. (The following sketch of the life and character of Mary M. Davis is the merited tribute of a friend, Rev. A. F. Dix.) *" Much has been lost that might have proved a great incentive to noble deeds, had records been made of the earnest endeavor and faithful service of those who had no disposition or were too modest to make such record for themselves. This consideration has induced the present writer to give permanent form to certain deeds and characteristics of the subject of this sketch. "First of all we must go back of character and deeds to that twofold na- ture in which her character is stamped, and from which her deeds have sprung, for if she had not been twice born, she had not been a Christian, and for one who knew her to think of Mary Davis apart from her Chris- tian life were impossiblle. Her first birth was of Christian parents, her father a devoted, energetic Baptist minister, and her mother a patient, lov- ing, helpful wife and devoted servant of family and church. The natural life of the daughter received thus an altruistic current which needed only the imparting of the divine nature, to cause a perpetual flow of Christian activity, a 'springing up into everlasting life.' Her second birth, therefore. The Davis Family. 45 as child of the Spirit, from such humanity, came like the words of the Sa- vior to the shroud-bound Lazarus : 'Loose him and let him go.' She was loosed and let go for a life of imitation of the Master, 'going about doing good.' Her education, acquired at Albany, Ga., was such as enabled her to help others in overcoming ignorance, and laying in intellectual capital for usefulness and enjoyment, as well as to fit her own mind for the discern- ment, appreciation and dispensing of truth. "Sweetly declining repeated offers of marriage, from men who have proven their worth by their success in life, she has chosen, not the life of a recluse, but rather that freedom for personal obligation to a single home of her own, which permitted her to enter many homes of kindred and friends, where her helpfulness forbade the thought of dependence, and en- titled her to apply the words of the Master, 'I am among you as he that serveth." While serving as teacher in a more public way, she has received salary that she might both be independent, and more helpful where kind words and watching and sympathy needed to be supplemented by that which was purchasable. Many an educational wall of solidity and fair pro- portions, has had her bricks in its foundation, and now after forty-two years of alternate teaching and resting, nursing and comforting, she is handling a school of forty pupils. "A monument not to her exclusively, and yet of her, exists in The Wo- man's Home, of Montgomery, Ala, an institution benevolent in purpose and beneficent in operation, of which she was a charter member, and in the founding and success of which she took an active part. Perhaps no single service will be remembered more approvingly by the Master, or more admiringly by the people of Albany than the vindication of the doctrine of the resurrection, from the aspersions of a lecturer in a public assembly. The incident is historical." 76. SARAH LOUISE 4 DAVIS (22) was born Dec. 26, 1846, in Eufaula, Ala., was educated at Perry, Ga., and married Jesse Mercer Marlin Nov. 15, 1865, at Albany, Ga. Mr. Marlin was born May 6, 1842, and was educated at Palmyra, Lee Co., Ga., Mr. Marlin's life business has been merchandising. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. (Mr. Marlin died Apr. 1, 1904,) Children: 184. i. Richard Roscoe 5 , b. Apr. 12, 1867; m. Everlyn Peddy. 185. ii. Louis Shelton, b. Aug. 13, 1870; m. Laura Marlin. 186. iii. Jesse Mercer, b. Jan. 20, 1874; m. Julia Walker. 187. iv. Henry. 188. v. Jonathan Davis. 77. WILLIAM SANDERS 4 DAVIS (22) was born at Enon, Bul- lock Co., Ala., in Jan., 1849, was educated principally at Jones- boro, Tenn., and was engaged in teaching for a number of years during which time he held positions in some of the best schools and colleges. At the time of his death which occurred in Lead- ville, Colo., Nov. 21, 1880, he was a U. S. Mineral Surveyor. 46 Genealogy of Mr. Davis was a man of high ideals and noble ideas, and a Chris- tian gentleman in the truest sense of the term. He married, Oct. 14, 1879, Camilla Ann, daughter of H. M. and Lucy A. Rawls (see No. 63). Miss Rawls was born in Barbour Co., Ala., April 17, 1850. and was educated at Chickasauhatchie, Ga. When her husband died Mrs. Davis was left practically without any means and with three children to rear and educate. She adopted the trade of milliner and by a life of hard work and self-denial raised and ed- ucated them. She is a devout Christian. She resides in Tex. Children : 189. i. Jonathan E. 5 , b. Mar. 18, 1875 ; m. Jessie Love. 190. ii. Jeff A., b. Apr. 30, 1877. 191. iii. Willie Sidney, b. June 25, 1881 ; m. Charles Gross. They reside at Dallas, Tex. 78. MACON CRAWFORD 4 DAVIS (22) was born May 6, 1833. was educated at the University of Ga., Athens, Ga., graduating with honor, and married Sallie Gertrude Bozeman Aug. 14, 1876. Miss Bozeman was born Mar. 4, 1855, and was educated at Mary Sharp's College, Winchester, Tenn. Mr. Davis was a prominent lawyer. He died July 2, 1881. He was, and his widow who survives him is, a consecrated Christian and member of the Baptist Church. She resides at 313 Say re street, Montgomery, Ala. Children : i. Mayolene 5 , b. Nov. 24, 1877 ; d. Dec, 1877. ii. Carrie Macon, b. Jan. 5, 1879 ; d. in 1880. 79. WILLIAM ASBURY 4 DAVIS (23) was born Jan. 11, 1830, in Coweta Co., Ga., and married Emily C. Askew Dec. 15, 1859. Miss Askew was born Dec. 5, 1842, in Pike Co., Ga., and was ed- ucated at Longstreet Academy, Coweta Co., Ga. Mr. Davis professed faith in Christ when quite young and lived a faithful Christian until his death. He was a strong Missionary Baptist and a farmer of the highest type. He enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1862, served until wounded at Monocacy Creek, Md., July 14, 1864, was taken prisoner and carried to Frederick City, Md., where he died of his wounds Aug. 14, 1864, far from home and friends. The Davis Family. 47 Mrs. Davis took care of her only child, aided by his grand- father; lived in Ga. until 1867 and then moved to Mo. She mar- ried a second time, but is again left a widow and her son is living with and taking care of her. He is a dear, good son and his mother thinks she could not well get along without him. One child : Minor P. 80. SUSAN ANN 4 DAVIS (23) was born Nov. 1, 1831, and mar- ried Col. Frank D. Bowen. Two children born to them, both are dead. Mrs. Bowen died near Newnan, Ga., in Aug., 1883. Col. Bowen is also dead. He was wealthy. 81. REV. JONATHAN BILLINGTON SANDERS 4 DAVIS (23) was born Jan. 25, 1833, was graduated at the State Univer- sity of Ga., Athens, Ga., class of 1856. He married Sallie Burns Nov. 11, 1856; served one year as Prof Belles-Lettres in Male College ; taught in several high schools and was offered profes- sorship in several colleges. He was admitted to the bar of Ga. Mar., 1858 ; and served as a member of the Constitutional Con- vention of Ga., in 1865. He was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1863 and has been dubbed "Newnan's Lawyer Preacher." His wife is still living (1902), an example of love, purity and fidelity. We find in the History of The Baptist Denomination in Georgia (Index Company), the following: "J. B. S. Davis. — The name of Davis stands very prominently on the list of Baptist ministers in Georgia. It has been borne by men of good ability and much zeal, who have all gone to their reward, leaving J. B. S. Davis their sole representative in the sacred office, though there are many worthy gifted men of the name in other professions. * * * The influences of religion were around him from his cradle, and seem to have had their wanted power, since we find that in 1845, at the early age of twelve years, professing conversion, he was baptized into Bethel Church, Heard Co., by Rev. Robert Fleming. In Sept., 1852, he entered Mercer University and remained there two years, when lie repaired to the State University, Athens, Ga., and graduating from that institution in 1856. In November of that year he married the youngest daughter of Gen. D. M. Burns, of Jackson Co. He appears up to this time and perhaps after, to have had no inclination to preach, but was engaged in literary pursuits together with the study of law. In 1857 we find him occupying the chair of Belles-Letters in Cherokee Baptist College, at Cassville, Ga. In 1858, he studied law with Hon. Hugh Buchanan, of Newnan, Ga., and was admitted to the bar the same year. He seems, however, at that neriod. to have continued the practice of law for but two years, as he became principal of Martin Insti- 48 Genealogy of tute, Jackson Co., in 1860-61, and was elected principal of the Newnan Male Seminary, 1862-63. Teaching was his favorite work and was renounced only on account of failing health. He has been practicing law for a num- ber of years with great success, and has been employed in some important criminal cases, winning causes not a few. His success as a teacher made it very difficult for him to leave the profession, and he had flattering pro- posals from many colleges and high schools in his own and other Southern States. But the Spirit of God was at work in his heart, and his ears were open unto Macedonian cry, 'Come over and help us.' In Sept., 1863, he was ordained by the Baptist Church at Newnan, to the full work of the ministry, Dr. Jesse M. Wood, pastor. The ordination sermon was preached by Rev. E. B. Teague, and was filled with good advice. One special warn- ing was 'keep out of debt.' As a minister, he is very popular, drawing full houses and always securing the attention of his hearers." Children : 192. i. Theo. Burns 5 , b. Sept. 10, 1857; m. Bessie C. Orr. 193. ii. Robert Philes, b. Feb. 1, i860; m. Louise V. Carmichael. 194. iii. William Alonzo, b. Apr. 29, 1865 ; m. Lucinda Bates. 195. iv. Jonathan Vining, b. May 27, 1873 ; m. Lillian Yarbrough. 196. v. Wiley Howard, b. Nov. 2, 1876. 197. vi. Evaline Elizabeth, b. May 15, 1883. 82. ISAAC NEWTON 4 DAVIS (23) was born Sept., 1834, was graduated from Mercer University, class 1858, and married Hat- tie Smith. Mr. Davis is an attorney-at-law and also a school teacher. He resides in Lowndes Co., Ga. His wife is dead. He has two sons 5 living. 83. FREDONIA ZIPPORA 4 DAVIS (23) was born Jan. 17, 1836, in Crawfordville, Telfair Co., Ga., was educated at New- nan, Coweta Co., Ga., and married Lieutenant James M. Jackson, a Confederate soldier, Jan. 11, 1866. Lieutenant Jackson was born Nov. 16, 1836, in Elbert Co., Ga., and died July 22, 1886. His business was farming. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church and he was a deacon of his church for sixteen years. Mrs. Jackson writes: "I was married in the same house, one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Reese, and all three of my daughters. "Fredonia Z. Davis Jackson was born in the little town of Crawford- ville, afterward becoming famous in history as being the home of (Liberty Hall) Hon. A. H. Stephens, the great statesman. She never saw Mr. Jackson (only in her dreams) until 1864. Mr. Jackson enlisted in the service of the Confederate States in 1861 for one year. He went with the Newnan Guards April 1, 1861. After one year he joined a company then being made up of Carroll and Haralson Counties, Captain Tumlin cavalry service. He was in several battles. Near Russellville, Tenn., in Dec, The Davis Family. 49 1863, he was severely wounded in the left hip, the ball knocking off part of the hip joint, pieces of fractured bones working out until about two years before he died." Children : 198. i. Lavaisikr 5 . b. June 10, 1867; m. Myrtle Lou Fincher. 199. ii. Thomas Davis, b. Dec. 11, 1868; m. Dora Bonner. 200. iii. Susan Temperance, b. Mar. 28, 1870, m. T. N. Smith. 201. iv. Danie Zippora, b. Sept. 28, 1871 ; m. John T. Kidd. 202. v. James, b. Feb. 20, 1874. 203. yi. Wiluam Price, b. Oct. 8, 1875. 204. vii. Lizzie Alma, b. May 8, 1879; rn. John B. Carnes. 84. DR. MINOR MURRAY STEVENS 4 DAVIS (23) was born Dec. 7, 1837, and was graduated in medicine at the Medical Col- lege of Nashville, Tenn. He married Hester Faircloth. Two children living: Temperance 6 , of Albany, Ga., and a daughter. 85. JEPTHA VINING 4 DAVIS, JR., (23) was born Oct. 24, 1839, and was graduated from Mercer University. He married Lucy Brown. Mr. Davis died July 2^, 1876. Four children. Address of the widow and children 5 , Newnan, Ga., R. F. D. No. 1. 86. TEMPERANCE ELIZABETH 4 DAVIS (23) was born May 25, 1 841, in Heard Co., Ga., and married William Irvin Reese in 1866. Mr. and Mrs. Reese are members of the Baptist Church. They reside near Sargent P. O., R. F. D. Coweta Co., Ga. Chil- dren : i. William Vining 5 (son), b. July 24, 1867. ii. Susie Danie (dau.), b. Sept. 22, 1868. iii. Zenia West (dau.), b. Jan. 21, 1870. iv. Temperance Adara (dau.), b. Oct. 28, 1871. v. PosiE Irvin (son), b. Mar. 16, 1873; d. Aug. 25, 1898. vi. Laurence Sylvester (son), b. Nov. 23, 1874. vii. Charlie Suprelnah (dau.), b. June 16, 1876. viii. Jeptha Jonathan (son), b. Apr. 22, 1878; d. July 20, 1879. ix. Francis BoudEN (son), b. July 19, 1879. x. Davis Stephens (son), b. Feb. 23. 1881. xi. Jesse Jimmie (son), b. Apr. 15, 1883. 87. HUMPHREY POSEY 4 DAVIS (27,) was born Aug. 9, 1844, 4 50 Genealogy of in Heard Co., Ga., and was educated at Newnan, Ga. He mar- ried Annie Smith Dec. 12, 1888, at the residence of her parents near Newnan, Ga. Miss Smith was born May 16, 1861, in Jack- sonville, Ala. Mr. Davis is a member of the Baptist Church and his wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. They reside four miles west of Anniston, Ala., Rural Free Delivery Route No. 2, box no. Children: i. Lizzie Pearl 6 , b. Oct. 29, 1889. ii. Annie Neva, b. Oct. 13, 1891. iii. Archie Jeptha, b. Feb. 2, 1893. iv. Charlie Irvin, b. Mar. 25, 1895. v. John Tillman, b. July 25, 1897. vi. Posie Newton, b. Jan. 10, 1899. JESSE MERCER 4 DAVIS (23) was born Dec. 17, 1845, and married Elizabeth Pulliam. Mr. Davis died in Cleburne Co., Ala., in 1883. The widow and four children reside in North Ala. P. O. address, Sand Mountain, Ala. 89. ZACHARY TAYLOR 4 DAVIS (23) was born Sept. 16, 1847, was educated at Newnan, Ga., and married, first, Maggie Brown, in Dec, 1867; who bore him eight children and died in July, 1886. Mr. Davis subsequently married Kate Meriwether. Miss Meriwether was born Jan. 13, 1858, and educated at Emory Acad- emy. Mr. Davis' business is farming. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Baptist Church. They reside in Coweta Co., Ga. Chil- dren of the first marriage : i. Thomas Malory 5 , b. Sept. 11, 1869; d. Nov. 29, 1888. ii. Bessie Vining, b. July 10, 1870. iii. Burmah Grace, b. Oct. 7, 1873. iv. Jonathan Goss, b. Feb. 22, 1876. v. Joseph Taylor, b. Jan. 2, 1878. vi. Martha Temperance, b. Mar. 21, 1880. vii. Robert Lee, b. Sept. 25, 1881. Children of the second marriage: i. Jeptha Pearce, b. Nov. 26, 1887; d. Jan. 26, 1891. ii. Hugh Brelman, b. Nov. 23, 1888; d. May 23, 1889. 90. Q. WEST 4 DAVIS (23) was born Apr. 14, 1852, in Coweta Co., Ga., was educated at Newnan, Ga., and was twice married. The Davis Family. 51 His first wife was Ruth A. Gibson. They were married Aug. 20, 1872, Rev. J. B. S. Davis, his brother, officiating-. Miss Gibson was born Apr. 24, 1853, in Coweta Co., Ga., and was educated at Eliam High School. There was born of this marriage one child and Mrs. Davis died Sept. 13, 1891. Mr. Davis' second wife was Mary Emma Stevens. She was born July 19, 1870, in Coweta Co., Ga., and was educated at Eliam High School. They were married Sept. 4, 1892, by Rev. V. A. Ham. They reside in Heard Co., Ga., Newnan, R. F. D. No. 1. Mr. Davis' business is farming. He and his wife are members of the Elam Baptist Church. Mrs. Ruth A. Davis united with the Baptist Church at Elam. She lived an exemplary Christian life and was ever faithful to wait on her afflicted husband. At the time of her death her mem- bership was with the Baptist Church at Newnan, and her remains were interred by the side of her mother in Elam churchyard. Children of first marriage: 205. i. Ruth Temperance 5 , b. July 28, 1877 ; m. James C. Kidd. Of second marriage: i. Cliff Q. Mercer, b. July 22, 1893. ii. Lucy Morn, b. May 22, 1895. iii. Sanders Stephens, b. Aug. 17, 1899. iv. Charles Joseph, b. Jan. 19, 1901. 91. SALLIE MONK 4 DAVIS (23) was born Feb. 13, 1855, in Coweta Co., Ga., was educated at Newnan, Ga., under Prof. M. P. Kellogg, and married Philip Williams Dec. 29, 1895, a widower with two children, Fred. C, born July 16, 1872, and William A. Williams, born Aug. 20, 1874. Mr. Williams was born Feb. 16, 1837, in Spartanburg district, S. C, and was educated in Bartow Co., Ga. They reside at Car- rollton, Ga. Mr. Williams is a machinist. He is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church and his wife is a member of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. 92. ELIZA NORFLET 4 DAVIS (23) was born June 21, 1857, and married W. T. Randal. They reside in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. 52 Genealogy of Randal has been on the police force of that city for many years. Thev have two children. 93. ALEXANDRIA MAY 4 DAVIS (23) was born in Coweta Co., Ga., May 7, 1868, was educated at College Temple, New- nan, Ga., and married Mr. Ed. Lyle, Jan. 26, 1890. Mr. Lyle was born Mar. 21, 1865, m Carroll Co., Ga., and was educated at Carrollton, Ga. They reside at Carrollton. They have no chil- dren. 94. MARY COBB 4 DAVIS (25) was born Nov. 18, 1824, and married Frank D. Bowen June 26, 1842. Mr. Bowen was a planter and lawyer. Children : i. Anna Davis 6 , Mrs. Linley. 206. ii. Mary Cobb, m. Rev. J. M. Hood. iii. Molue, Mrs. T. W. Baskin. 95. REV. WILLIAM HUDSON 4 DAVIS (25) was born Aug. 18, 1826, in Jasper Co., Ga.. was educated at Mercer University, Ga., and married Sarah A. Kilpatrick in Apr., 1854. Miss Kil- patrick was born in May, 1831, and was educated at home, being carefully taught by governess. .Mr. and Mrs. Davis were members of the Baptist Church and he was a minister of the same. They resided at Hephzibah, Rich- mond Co., Ga. Mrs. Davis died in Washington City, D. C, Nov. 25, 1895. R ev. W. H. Davis died at his residence, Hephzibah, Ga., Sept. 18, 1879, and the next day the following notice of his death appeared in a local paper: DEATH OF REV. W. H. DAVIS. A Good Man and Prominent Minister Suddenly Dies Last Night With Apoplexy. The sad intelligence of the death of the Rev. William H. Davis, of Hephzibah, reached the city this morning. He died very suddenly at his home, about n o'clock last night, of apoplexy. This very sad occurrence casts a gloom over a happy household and quiet community, and calls f'.r the fullest -ympathy of a hosts of friends throughout the surrounding country. Mr. Davis was one of the best known and respected citizens of Richmond county, and as an honored and prominent minister of the Baptist church his influence and popularity were not restricted to the boundary lines of any one section of the State or class of people. He concluded a series of The Davis Family. 5:$ meetings at the Baptist church in Hephzibah last week, with the baptism of four persons He also conducted services last Saturday and Sunday at Reed's Creek, about twenty miles below, in Burke county, with the addition of many more converts to the church, and preached Tuesday and Wednes- day at Bushy Creek church, in this county, when he returned home yester- day morning. Retiring last night about 9 o'clock, he waked up later and complained of a pain in his head. His good wife then made a light, when he remarked that he could not see well, and died shortly after. Thus it will be seen that after laboring zealously all his life in the Master's vine- yard, proving his acceptability to his God and people, and fresh from the work of saving souls, he passed peacefully into the heavenly rest. Mr. Davis was fifty-three years old at the time of his death, and leaves a wife, three daughters and a son. He was dearly loved by his church and the people generally, and his place will indeed be difficult to fill. He was regarded as one of the most prominent divines of his denomination in the State, and was for a number of years one of the principals of the Hephzi- bah high school, with the Rev. W. L. Kilpatrick. His funeral will take place to-morrow morning at nine o'clock, at the Hephzibah cemetery. With the sermons and prayers of the day still warm in his heart and on his lips, this minister of God died. Friends had often urged him not to undertake so much, but it was his wish to "die in the harness," and it was not denied him. Mr. Davis was a graduate of Mercer University, and for many years he has been an honored and most useful member of the Board of Trustees. He had spent a large portion of his life in teaching, and was instrumental in building up the Hephzibah high school to a standard not excelled by any in the State. But it was in his ministerial life that Mr. Davis shone most brightly, and many of the counties southwest of our city look upon him as their Baptist bishop. As pastor, friend, executor and counsellor he will be sadly missed, and his place can scarcely be filled. Into that darkened home which his pres- ence had always filled with gladness and joy, we pray God to send the Comforter, and that He will be a husband and father to the widow and orphans. Mr. Davis, in business, was always a prudent man. and it is some con- solation to know that he has left his family a sufficient competence. Of the life and character of Mr. Davis we have the following from Cathcart's Baptist Encyclopedia : "Rev. William H. Davis was born in Jasper Co., Ga., Aug. 18, 1826, and died Sept. 18, 1879, at his residence in Hephzibah. A graduate of Mercer University in 1853, he settled in Burke county in 1858, and in course of time became one of the most prominent and useful ministers of the Rehobath Association. He was often its moderator, and pastor of a number of its churches, including Bark Creek, Hopewell, Bottsford and Rocky Creek. He was a trustee of Hephzibah high school from its commencement, except when a teacher and co-principal of it from 1868 to 1875 inclusive From 1878 until his death he was a trustee of Mercer University. He was licensed in 1847, and ordained in 1853. Wm. H. Davis was a man ot classical education, a citizen of untarnished reputation, a teacher ot rare ability, a Christian of most exemplary deportment, a pastor faithful to his obligations, a minister of the gospel surpassed in pulpit power by tew, it any, in the State. He was clear in the presentation of Scriptural truth, logical in his reasoning, and pathetic in his appeal. . "Mr Davis was of a commanding appearance, about medium height, weighing over two hundred pounds. Of dark complexion, pleasant expres- sion of countenance, kind and genial in spirit, and of polished manners. 54 Genealogy of Children : i. James Kilpatrick 5 , d. in childhood, ii. Harriet Louisa, not m. 207. iii. Mary Ida, m. Toseph A. Hall. 208. iv. Sarah Jessie, b. Jan., 1861 ; m. Rev. C. A. Stakely. v. William Hudson, Jr., b. Feb., 1865; m. Marie Wilkins, Waynesboro, Ga. 96. ISAAC NEWTON 4 DAVIS (25) was born in Elbert Co., Ga., July, 1830; says he was educated by a pineknot fire. He married Betty H. Newell Nov. 5, 1851. Miss Newell was born Aug. 28, 1835, m Choctaw Co., Miss., and was educated at high schools of Miss. Mr. Davis resides at Centre, Cherokee Co., Ala. He is a lawyer, editor and farmer. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Children : 209. i. Arabella E. 5 , b. Dec, 1853; m. Joe. E. Daniel, ii. Walter H., b. Mar., 1855. iii. Ada Newell, b. Mar., 1887. 210. iv. John A., b. May, 1859; m. Jennie H. Newberry. v. J. M., b. Mar., 1862. vi. Betty H., b. May, 1864. 211. vii. Albert G., b. Mar., 1866; m. Geneva Morrow, viii. Menla, b. in 1872. Two d. in infancy. 97. REV. JAMES J 4 . DAVIS (25) was born Aug. 17, 1832, in Elbert Co., Ga., and married Virginia Innman Jones, June 10, 1874. Miss Jones was born Nov. 5, 1838, in Burke Co., Ga., and was educated at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga., and the Fe- male College, Madison, Ga. Mr. Davis was a minister of the Baptist Church and also a teacher and planter. He died in Sept., 1889. Mrs. Davis, a con- sistent member of the Baptist Church, resides at Hephzibah, Richmond Co., Ga. One child : James Innman 6 , b. June 21, 1875. 98. ANNA TILLMAN 4 DAVIS (25) was born in Elbert Co., Ga., Apr. 24, 1834, and was educated in the Miss. College for Women. She married William Benjamin Chapman in 1859. Mr. Chap- The Davis Family. c r man was born in Clayton Co., Ga., in 1833 and was educated at Bowden College. His life business is planter and merchant. He is, and his wife was, a member of Franklin Baptist Church. She died in 1872. Mr. Chapman resides at Elberton, Ga. Children : i. Mollis Bowen 5 , b. Oct., 1859. ii. James Davis, b. Apr. 3, 1861. iii. Jessie Almena, b. in 1865. iv. John Courtney, b. in 1867. v. William Augustus, b. in 1869. 99. DAVID MADISON* DAVIS (25) was born Apr. 14, 1836, in Heard Co., Ga., was educated in Newnan, Ga., and married Matilla Geneva Hood, who was born in 1835 m Meriwether Co., Ga., and educated in Meriwether Co. Both are members of the Baptist Church. Children: 212. i. Jefferson Hood 5 , b. in 1861 ; Heard Co., Ga. 213. ii. Wade Hampton, b. in 1865 ; Heard Co., Ga. 214. iii. William Walter, b. in 1867; Coweta Co., Ga. 100. PERMELIA JANE 4 DAVIS (26) was born in Wilkes Co., Ga., Jan. 4, 1834, was educated at Southern Female College, La- grange, Ga., and married Stephen Rosser Weston June 17, 1852. Mr. Weston was born Oct. 10, 183 1, in Quitman Co., Ga., and was educated at private schools. Mr. Weston's business was merchandising and manufacturing cotton goods. He was a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South ; his wife was a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Jane Weston died June 23, 1889, and Mr. Weston died Feb. 2, 1898. Children: i. Hortense Elizabeth 5 , b. May 1, 1852; d. Jan. 1, 1853. ii. Not named, b. Jan. 2, 1852 ; d. Jan., 1852. 2« iii. Joseph William, b. Feb. 4 i855; m. Lillian Adains. 216 iv. JESSE Davis, b. Aug. 28, 1857; m Paul Harriet Tarver. v. Stephen Rosser, Jr., b. June 12, 1859; d. Apr. 9, i»74- vi. Menla Douglas, b. June 5, 1861 ; d. Nov. 4, i«p3. 217. vii. Burton Lee, b. Sept. 13, 1864; m. Florence J. Weston. 218. viii. Janie May, b. May 5, 1867; m. James D. Chapman. ix. Myron, b. Aug. 5, 1869. x. Carl, b. Nov. 30, 1872. 56 Genealogy of 101. MENLA 4 DAVIS (26) was twice married. Her first husband was Col. Marcellus Douglas. Col. Douglas was killed in the Civil War and Mrs. Douglas married George Buckner Swann. Chil- dren of first marriage: i. Eugene 5 . ii. Nellie. iii. Marcellus, Jr. iv. Jesse Davis, a good business man; chief clerk and man- ager of the McFadden & Co.'s business, Waco, Tex. Children of second marriage: 219. i. AIenla Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1897; m. C. R. Clark. (See No. 74, Part I, Clark family.) ii. George Neville. iii. Florence Vane, b. ; not m. iv. Rose Bud, d. 220. v. Percival Reginald, m. Jessie Mayne. 102. HON. ROBERT WYCHE 4 DAVIS (26) was born in Lee Co., Ga., Mar. 15, 1849; was educated in the common schools of his native State ; entered the Confederate army at 14 years of age, and surrendered with the army of Gen. Joseph E. Johns- ton at Greensboro, N. C, at the close of the war; worked on a farm in Ga. after the war for several years ; read law, and was admitted to the bar at 20 years of age ; removed to Florida in 1879; was elected to the Legislature from Clay Co., of the latter State in 1884; was elected Speaker of the House of Representa- tives at the session of 1885 ; was balloted for for Governor of Florida in the State Convention held in St. Augustine in 1888, and, though he had a large following, failed to receive the nomi • nation. He was made general attorney for the Florida Southern Railroad Company in 1885, which position he resigned when elected to Congress; was elected to the Fifty-fifth and Fifty- sixth Congresses, and re-elected to the Fifty-seventh Congress. receiving 13,011 votes to 3,249 for John M. Cheney, Republican. Mr. Davis married Maria T. Mercer in 1869. Mrs. Maria Davis died Jan. 26, 1892. In Mar., 1903, Mr. Davis married Helena L. Keating. Children of first marriage: The Davis Family. c-j 221. i. Walter Mercer', b. Mar. 12, 1871 ; m. Annie Ackerman. 222. ii. Jessie Lee, b. Mar. 13, 1873 ; m. Augustus L. Willard. 223. iii. Rosa S., b. Feb. 7, 1876; m. G. B. Garwood. 224. iv. Ellen Douglas, b. Dec. 7, 1884; m. H. Ralph Burton. 103. MARY ALLEN 4 HITCHCOCK (28) was born in Muscogee Co., Ga., Oct. 28, 1831 ; received her early education at Colum- bus, Ga., where she was principally reared and finished at Tus- kegee, Ala., under the tutorship of Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz. She married Robert Henry, son of Henry and Nancy King. Mr. King was born in Troup Co., Ga., Dec. 9, 1823. He re- ceived his education in the common schools, was a fine mathema- tician and good scribe. They resided near Midway, Ala., until Jan., 1872, when they moved to Tex. and settled near Leesburg in Camp Co. The religion of the family is Methodist. Mr. King died Oct. 31, 1898. Mrs. Mary A. King, writing from Lees- burg Sept. 11, 1903, says: "Well do I remember my parents running from the Indians when they were on the warpath, and crossing the Chattahoochee, at Columbus, Ga., on a flat (ferry boat), there being no bridge there then, and looking back and seeing the smoke ascending from the buildings to which the Indians had applied the torch." * * * * "Neither of my sons have ever been arrested nor connected with in any way the marauding element of the county, nor was ever sued on a debt which they have contracted. * * * My children all own their own homes, worked for them themselves. My daughters all own organs, know how to make wax, paper, zephyr and feather flowers, painting and drawing, also enlarging pictures; take their charts, cut and make any garment that man, woman or child wears, and if you don't believe that they can laundry their table linen and prepare a nice meal, well just come to see us. I don't see how I could have raised my young children without the help of my daughters, Ida and Annie. They have nursed more sick folks, helped to raise more babies, made more baby clothes, as well as other garments, than any other two women I ever knew. I have four daughters and six sons living; four daughters and two sons dead; forty grandchildren living, twelve dead, eleven great-grandchildren living and one dead. "You can't imagine how proud I am of my children,^ have never had cause to be otherwise, they have proved to be a blessing." Children : 22q. i. Henry Gibbs 5 , b. July 1. 1849; m. Margaret C. Sayles. 226. ii. Ida Abi, b. Mar. 21, 1851 ; m. Jas. R. Maddux 227. iii. Annie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12, 1853; m. B. G Watts. 228. iv. Robert Pascal, b. Nov. 24, 1854; m. E. J. Ezelle. 229. v. Otho George, b. Aug. 22, 1856; rri. Nannie Morns. 230. vi. Ada Antoinette, b. Sept. 21, 1858; m. W. P. Holt. 231. vii. Lenora Mary, b. Sept. 1, i860; m. Wm O. Gibson. 232. viii. Lela May, b. Apr. 28, 1862 ; m. Wm. L. Morris. 58 Genealogy of ix. James Madison, b. Nov. 27, 1863; d. Dec. 15, 1866. 233. x. Eugene Clii'Ton, b. Nov. 30, 1865; m. Leone Hardaway. 234. xi. Oscar Forrest, b. May 26, 1868; m. Susie Rebecca Crump- ler. 235. xii. Earnest Lynn, b. July 7, 1870; m. Mattie Malone. 236. xiii. Rena Lucy Davis, b. Apr. 4, 1872; m. William Smith Parks, xiv. A son prematurely born Feb. 4, 1873. 237. xv. Clara Estelle, b. May 1, 1875; m. Joseph A. Howell. 238. xvi. Jonnie Eunice, b. Oct. 14, 1877; m. R- C. Bryerly. 104. ELIZABETH DAVIS 4 HITCHCOCK (28) was born Sept. 22, 1836, in Harris Co., Ga., was educated at Clayton, Barbour Co., Ala., and married John Lewis, a farmer. Mr. Lewis was born Dec. 18, 1825, in Hertford Co., N. C, and was educated at Midway, Barbour Co., Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are members of the M. E. Church. They reside at Leton, Webster Parish, La. Children: 239. i. Elsy S. b , b. July 1, 1852; m. Dollie Shivers. 240. ii. Mary C, b. Jan. 16, 1855; m. G. W. Elmore. 241. iii. Anna, b. Mar. 28, 1859; m. D. B. Garland, iv. Nettie, b. May 3, 1857; d. Aug. 18, 1868. v. Bettie, b. Mar. 24, 1864; d. Mar. 28, 1864. 242. vi. James L., b. June 3. 1866; m. Dora V. Alford. 243. vii. Kate, b. Feb. 5, 1868; m. W. H. H. Slack. 105. ANTOINETTE FANNIN 4 HITCHCOCK (28) was born Mar. 4, 1838, in Morgan Co., Ga., was educated at Clayton, Bar- bour Co., Ala., and married Bryant Thigpen, a farmer, Mar. 4, 1852. Mr. Thigpen was born Feb. 13, 183 1, in Green Co., Ala., and died at Homer, La., Apr. 27, 1900. Mrs. Thigpen resides at Homer, La. The family is Primitive Baptist in religious faith. Children : 244. i. Clara Abi 6 , b. Aug. 12, 1853; m. Isaac M. Dyer, ii. Joanna Atrak, b. Mar. 5, 1856; d. May 22, 1863. 245. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 23, 1858; m. Jesse M. Brooke, iv. Nancy Ella, b. June 15, 1861 ; d. Sept. 14, 1861. 246. v. James Brythal, b. Aug. 11, 1862; m. Lula Bird. 247. vi. Susan Antoinette, b. Feb. 18, 1866; m. William M. Knighten. vii. Joseph Howell, b. Dec. 22, 1868. 248. viii. Juliet Gibbs, b. Aug. 17, 1871 ; m. Eddie N. Evans. 249. ix. Andrew Jackson, b. Apr. 28, 1874; m- Gladys May Bryan. x. Cornelius Otto, b. Feb. 19, 1877; d. Jan. 15, 1878. 250. xi. Pernina Christana, b. Jan. 19, 1879; m. Tap. Taylor, xii. Arthur Ford, b. Apr. 5, 1881. The Davis Family. 59 106. JAMES GIBBS 4 HITCHCOCK (28) was born Apr. 4, 1840, in Harris Co., Ga., was educated at Midway, Ala., and married Sarah Evelyn Hall Dec. 21, 1865. Miss Hall was born Dec. 3, 1845, in Barbour Co., Ala., and was educated at Midway, Ala. Mr. Hitchcock's life business is farming and merchandising. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. They reside in Bullock Co., P. O. address, James, Ala., Children: 251. i. Alpha Eula 5 , b. Oct. 1, 1868; m. Wm. Gachet. 252. ii. Jackson Gibbs, b. Sept. 29, 1871 ; m. Helen Roy. 253. iii. Mathew Hall, b. Sept. 22, 1873; m. Mattie Crymer. 254. iv. Antoinette Palestine, b. Jan. 12, 1876; m. Lucius Penick. 255- v. James Franklin, b. Feb. 26, 1878; m. Sallie Louise Davis. vi. Berta Abi, b. Dec. 23, 1880. vii. BennER 5 . viii. Andrew, b. Apr. 15, 1883 ; d. in infancy. 107. REV. MATHEW MONROE 4 HITCHCOCK, JR., (33), was educated at Baylor University, after which he took a course in the Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky., and on his return from that institution he married Hester Perkins, at Baylor Col- lege, Belton, Tex. They reside at Comanche, Tex., and Mr. Hitchcock is pastor of the Baptist Church at that place. One child : Benner 5 . 108. ELIZABETH DAVIS 4 HITCHCOCK (33) was born Oct. 5, 1857, m L ee Co., Tex., was educated in public schools of the county, and married Robert Hudson, a farmer, Feb. 18, 1857. Mr. Hudson was born in Lee Co., Tex., and was educated in the public schools. Mr. Hudson and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Hudson died in 1885. Mr. Hudson died in 1887. Children: i. Ernest 5 , b. Mar. 4, 1876; m. in 1901, and resides at Temple, Bell Co., Tex. ii. Lillian Virginia, b. Aug. 5, 1878, in Lee Co., Tex., grad- uated from Baylor Female College, Belton, Tex., 1900. iii. Andrew J., b. June 19, 1880; d. in 1887. iv. Annie Jessie, b. Mar. 7, 1882, in Lee Co., Tex., graduated from high school at Lexington, Tex., 1901. v. James A., b. in 1884. 60 Genealogy of 109. TAMES ALEXANDER 4 HITCHCOCK (33) married Corrie Smith (see Corrie Smith, No. 306, Part II. Parks family), Jan. 4, 1894. Miss Smith was born Sept. 2, 1874, was baptized at the age of thirteen and received into the fellowship of the Baptist Church. She was educated at Baylor Female College, Belton, Tex. Mr. Hitchcock is a progressive farmer and stock raiser. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Lexington, Tex. Children: i. Jeff 6 , b. Sept. 29, 1894; d. Nov. 1894. ii. Evelyn, b. Aug. 19, 1895. iii. Corrie, b. Jan. 5, 1898. iv. James Alexander. Jr.. b. Oct. 16, 1900. v. Herbert, b. Dec. 8, 1902. 110. HOWARD GILMER 4 HITCHCOCK (34) was born in 1851 in Collinsburg, La. He married Buena Vista Wright Feb. 6, 1879, in Burleson Co., Tex. Miss Wright was born in Rusk Co., Tex., Oct. 13, 1857. They reside at Caldwell, Tex. Mr. Hitchcock is a successful farmer. Mrs. Hitchcock and several of their children are members of the Baptist Church. Children : 256. i. Claud Alvin 5 , b. Oct. 12, 1879; m. Bird Bobo. ii. Andrew Jackson, b. Jan. 12, 1883, in Burleson Co., Tex. iii. Jesse Audry, b. June 18, 1887, in San Antonio, Tex. iv. Howard Gilmer, Jr., b. Feb. 2, 1890, in Burleson Co., Tex. v. Mathew Americus, b. Aug. 10, 1893, in Burleson Co., Tex. vi. Harmon Hugh, b. Mar. 28, 1897 ; d. Nov. 26, 1899. 111. THOMAS 4 ELDRIDGE (35) married Mary Cassady. He enlisted in the Confederate States Army in 1861, joining Spright's Regiment. He was one of the unfortunates missing from the roll call. He had been sick in camp some time, was granted leave of absence for three weeks, to try and recuperate ; he wrote his wife a few days before his leave of absence expired (the last ever heard of him) that he was not at all well, but would start to his com- mand the next day. His fate is unknown. Children (order of birth conjectural) : The Davis Family. 61 i. Sarah 5 , d. in infancy, ii. Martha. iii. Thomas. 112. SARAH ELIZABETH 4 CHILES (36) was born Dec. 24, 1844, and married Isaac Winston, May 3, i860. Mrs. Winston died Nov. 14, 1866. Mr. Winston died in Apr., 1880. Four chil- dren, all died in infancy except one: James 5 , b. Sept. 14, 1864, resides at Caldwell, Tex. 113. JAMES LEWIS 4 CHILES (36) was born July 3, 1846. He enlisted in the 2d Regiment, Texas Infantry, fought gallantly in the battles of Shiloh, Iuka, Corrinth and Hatchie and died in hospital at Vicksburg, Miss. 114. MARY LUCY 4 CHILES (36) was born Sept. 14, 1850, was educated at Baylor College, Independence, Tex., and joined the Baptist Church while young. She married T. Womble Jan. 29, 1874. Mrs. Womble died Nov. 26, 1893. Children: i. William Charles 5 , b. Dec. 10, 1874; photographer at Beaumont, Tex. ii. Dabney Judson, b. May 29, 1876; at New Albany, Tex. iii. Thomas D., b. Sept. 20, 1878; in Chicago, 111. iv. Louis, b. Oct. 2, 1879; in Houston, Tex. v. Charles, d. in infancy. vi. Lucy, b. Feb. 20, 1883. wt-*.u *u • ««*. vii. Ethel, b. Aug. ii, 1885. L Witt 1 their parents viii. Louisa, b. Sept. 19, 1887. ! in ^ldwell, r ^- ix. Stanley Gray, b. July 14, 1889. x. Clyde Carrol, b. Feb. 27, 1898. J 115. WILLIAM TRYON 4 CHILES (36) was born Dec. 12, 1854, was educated at college in Salado, Tex., and married M. E. Hos- lep. Mrs. Chiles died Jan. 24, 1890. Mr. Chiles was elected to the office of clerk of the District Court and died during his official term. Children : i. Bennie 5 , b. Nov. 25, 1883. ii. MadalinE, b. Aug. 26, 1887. r , , With the grandparents, W. N. and A. E. Haslep, Cald- well, Tex. 62 Genealogy of 116. DABNEY 4 CHILES (36) was born Mar. 19, 1856, and was educated at Bingham School, Ashville, N. C. He joined the 1st Texas Volunteers in the Spanish-American War and remained in the service until the regiment was mustered out in April, 1899. He resides at Port Arthur, Tex., and is unmarried. 117. THOMAS DAVIS WALDRIDGE 4 CHILES (36) was born Apr. 13, 1858, and married Lula J. Fielder Jan. 3, 1878. Mr. Chiles died Oct. 4, 1880. On July 3, 1902, Mrs. Chiles married W. M. Bell. They reside at Caldwell, Tex. One child by first marriage : Lena Emily 5 , b. Sept. 1, 1879. 118. BAYLOR 4 CHILES (36) was born Feb. 11, i860, in Caldwell, Tex. He left his native place in 1881 to seek a new home; he kept up an irregular correspondence with his family until 1889. since which time he has never been heard of by his friends. His residence at that time was Los Angeles, Cal. 119. EMILY 4 CHILES (36) was born Feb. 13, 1862, and married C. S. Williams Sept. 10, 1879. Mrs. Williams died in 1886. Mr. Williams has been twice married since the death of his wife Emily and resides at Caldwell, Tex. Children of first marriage : i. Mollie 5 , b. Aug. 22, 1882. ii. Mary Dabney, b. July 26, 1885. With their father at Caldwell, Tex. FIFTH GENERATION. 120. CHARLES LEFTWICH 5 PHILLIPS (39) was born July 8, 1856, at Loachapoka, Lee Co., Ala., was educated at Auburn, Ala., and married Hattie Virginia Ray, of Montgomery Co., Ala., The Davis Family. 63 in 1887. Miss Ray was born June 6, 1859, at Mount Meigs, Montgomery Co., Ala., and was educated at Montgomery, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are members of the Episcopal Church. They reside in Geneva Co., Ala., P. O. Coffee Springs. Children : i. Annie Rubles 8 , b. Oct. 14, 1887. ii. Mary Charles, b. July 18, 1889. iii. Willie Elenora, b. Nov. 26, 1891. iv. Julius Caesar, b. Sept. 18, 1804, ^ ■ v. Lela, b. Sept. 18, 1894, lwins - vi. Henry Mathews, b. Apr. 20, 1897. 121. BERRIEN TROUP 5 PHILIPS (39) was born Jan. 30, 1864, in Macon Co., Ala. (now Lee Co.), was educated at Opelika and Auburn, Ala., and married Susan Mizell Wilson, Oct. 17, 1895. Miss Wilson was born Mar. 23, 1871, in Lee Co., Ala., and was educated at Opelika Female Seminary. Mr. Phillips' life busi- ness is law practice. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, South ; reside at Opelika, Ala. Children : i. Frances Elizabeth 8 , b. Jan. 17, 1897. ii. William Leftwich, b. May 20, 1899; d. Feb. 16, 1901. iii. Anne, b. Sept. 17, 1901. 122. ANNIE LELA 5 PHILLIPS (39) was born Feb. 5, 1872, was educated at Opelika High School, Opelika, Ala., and married Rev. R. W. Green, of Opelika, May 10, 1899. Rev. Raleigh W. Green was born Dec. 20, 1872, in Lee Co., Ala., and was educated at Opelika and at Auburn, H. P. S. and Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Children : i. Julia Phillips", b. Aug. 7, 1900; d. Oct. 22, 1901. ii. Annie, b. July 21, 1903. 123. FANNIE 5 HANNON (42) was born Dec. 23, 1853, was edu- cated in the local schools and married Sydney A. Blasingame at the home of her parents, Clanton, Ala., Sept. 19, 1872. Mr. Blasingame is a machinist and fine mechanic and practical business man, and he with his sons are in the lumber business. The religion of the family is Methodist. Children : 64 Genealogy of i. Sydney V.* ii. Benjamin H., m. Ada Pearson, and they have one child, Sydney Raymond 7 . 124. CHARLES REUBEN 5 HANNON (42) was born Dec. 10, 1858. He went to Tex., in 1893, where he married Laura Gris- som. Mr. Hannon resides at Cleburne, Tex. Children : i. Charlie Frank 8 , d. when two years old. ii. Aubrey. iii. John Aldin. 125. MARY LAMAR 5 PHILLIPS (46) was born near Auburn, Ala., July 10, 1870. She was educated at Auburn while her un- cle, Prof. T. J. Lamar, was Pres. of the Auburn Female College. She was married to Edwin Walton Duke, at Clanton, Chilton Co., Ala., Nov. 18, 1895. She is a member of the Methodist Church and spends much time reading God's word. E. W. Duke is a son of the late O. H. Duke, who was a lumberman of prominence and a devoted Mason, having taken some rank in that order in the State. E. W. Duke is also a lumberman and has charge of the plant owned by W. W. Dunklin, located at Gibbons, Ala. He, too, was educated at Auburn. They have one son : Lamar Campbell', age 4 years (1902). 126. GLENNIE 5 PHILLIPS (46) was born at Loachapoka, Ala., June 23, 1872. She was educated at Loachapoka and Clanton. Was married at Clanton, Dec. 26, 1889, to John Eugene Evans. Mr. Evans is a merchant of Clanton. They are both members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Evans was born July 23, 1861. Chil- dren: i. John Lamar", b. June 13, 1000; d. Aug. 15, 1892. His pure and sweet life was a benediction, ii. Glennie Eugene, b. Apr. 1, 1895. iii. Clarence Knight, b. Apr. 2, 1898. 127. ANNIE LAKE 5 PHILLIPS (46) was born at Loachapoka, Ala., Nov. 19, 1876; was educated at Clanton, Ala., and mar- ried William Wesley Dunklin, then R. R. agent at Clanton, The Davis Family. 65 Oct. 16, 1894. They are members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Dunklin is R. R. agent for the L. & N. R. R. at Prattville, Ala., owns a lumber mill at Gibbons, Ala., and other lumber in- terests in Autauga Co. He is a native of Kv. Children : i. Jesse Lamar 8 , b. Dec. 2, 1896; d. Dec. 12, 1896. ii. Ruth, b. Feb. 20, 1897. iii. William Wesley, Jr., b. Oct. 5, 1898. iv. Julian Phillips, b. Jan. 27, 1900; d. Jan. 30, 1901. v. Charles Allen, b. Jan. 16, 1902. 128. WILLIE IRENE 5 PHILLIPS (46) was born at Loachapoka, Ala, June 21, 1879. She was educated at Clanton, Ala., and mar- ried Ernest Clay Jones, Sept. 6, 1899. They are members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Jones is clerking for E. M. Pinckard & Co., of Clanton, Ala. Mr. Jones was born near Clanton, Aug. I, 1870. One child : Leo Wallace', b. Sept. 24, 1901. 129. EMMA VIRGINIA 5 PEARCE (47) was born Oct. 7, 1871, in the State of Florida, and married Robert B. Brown of Bee- ville, Tex., in 1894. Children: i. Harry', b. June 30, 1895. ii. Ruth Evelyn, b. Dec. 7, 1896. iii. Leonard Benjamin, b. June 2, 1901. 130. MARY L. 5 STROUD (48) was born in Fla., May 21, 1876, and married Eugene Cannon, of Gadsden, Ala., Jan. 26, 1878. They are all members of the Baptist Church, reside at Gadsden, and Mr. Cannon conducts a general livery and sale stable. 131. LUCY 5 BUCKINGHAM (56) married W. T. Moore. They reside at Lagrange, Ark. Four children : John T.', m. Rosie Hudson, and has three children. Ad- dress, Pico Heights, Los Angeles, Cal. 66 Genealogy of 132. GEORGE H. 6 BUCKINGHAM (56) m. Victor Rutherford. She died many years ago. Children (order of birth conjectural) : i. E. E. 8 , resides in Arizona ; not m. ii. Estella, m. Albert Farmer. Address, 395 Ind. Ave., River- side, Cal. iii. Minnie, m. Roy Hess; reside at 619 15th St., Sacramento, Cal. iv. Victoria, m. John Goin. Address, Santa Maria, Cal. 133. ADDIE 5 BUCKINGHAM (56) married Dr. J. M. White. Ad- dress, Los Angeles, Cal. Children : ii' Paui* 8 ' \ Not m - Los An S eles > Cal - 134. MARY 5 BUCKINGHAM (56) married A. B. Vogel. Chil- dren: i. T. A. 6 , m. . Address, 2602 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. ii. Daisy, m. Ben Culer. Address Reno, Nev. 135. KITTIE 5 BUCKINGHAM (56) married Edwin Turner and died many years ago. Children : i. Lucile*. ii. Edwin, Jr. iii. Garland, adopted by his uncle, W. W. Buckingham. 136. LAURA VIRGINIA 5 HIGGASON (57) was born Sept. 14, 1847, and married James Shepherd Seale, Nov. 15, 1865. Chil- dren: 257. i. Lucy Cornelia 8 , b. Sept. 9, 1866; m. Lee Andrews, ii. Laura Capitola, b. Sept. 10, 1868; d. Sept. 1, 1884. 258. iii. Lily Clifford, b. Sept. 8, 1871 ; twice m. 259. iv. Lewis Claudia, b. Feb. 11, 1874; rn. Henry Smith. v. Lloyd Cleburne, b. Apr. 15, 1876; d. Dec. 26, 1902. vi. Lemon Clyde, b. July 24, 1879 ; with his mother, resides at Somerville, Tex. The Davis Family. 67 137. ROSALIE ADA 5 HIGGASON (57) born Sept. 15, 1855, married John F. Williams, Mar. 8, 1876. Mr. Williams died Feb. 28, 1 891. In July, 1897, Mrs. Williams married William Crayton Ray- born. Address Caldwell, Tex. Children of first marriage : 260. i. Kate Maud 9 , b. Dec. 22, 1876; m. Mitchell Bird. ii. Roy Rogers, b. Mar. 16, 1879. iii. Durwood, b. Aug., 1883. iv. Chester Gray, b. July 9, 1885. v. Zula LEE. b. Feb. 6, 1887 ; d. Oct. 26, 1899. vi. Lillian, b. Jan. 3, 1891. 138. GEORGE REUBEN 5 HIGGASON (57) was born May 6, 1864, and married Annie Ubanosky, Dec. 11, 1889. Address, Caldwell, Tex. One child : Annie 6 , b. Sept. 3, 1890. 139. MARY 5 HIGGASON (60) was born Aug. 3, 1861, and mar- ried A. J. Harris, Mar. 2, 1881. Mr. Harris was born July 4, 1850, in Green Co., Ga., and was educated at Baylor University, Independence, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Caldwell, Burleson Co., Tex. Mr. Harris is engaged in stock- raising. 140. VIRGINIA C. 5 HIGGASON (60) was born Oct. 28, 1866, in Caldwell, Burleson Co., Tex., was educated at Caldwell High School and married Albert Snyder, Oct. 11, 1888. Mr. Snyder was born Mar. 11, 1866, in Akron, O., and was educated at Baylor University, Tex., and in Ky. His life busi- ness is architecture. Mrs. Snyder is a member of the Baptist Church. They reside at San Angelo, County of Tom Green, Tex. 141. MAGGIE 5 HIGGASON (60) was born May 16, 1868. and married John McCowen, June 2, 1891. Mr. McCowen is Clerk of 68 Genealogy of the County Court of Burleson Co., Tex. He is a member of the Methodist Church and his wife is a member of the Baptist Church. They reside at Caldwell, Tex. Children : i. John Marye", b. May II, 1892. ii. Cora, b. Nov. 30, 1893. iii. Grace, b. Sept. 16, 1895. iv. Redin Andrew, b. May 28, 1897. v. Jennie, b. Apr. 8, 1899. vi. Hattie Ida, b. Nov. 26, 1901. 142. VARA 5 HIGGASON (60) was born Mar. 21, 1873, in Burle- son Co., Tex., was educated at Caldwell, Tex., and married Mor- gan Modrall, Dec. 3, 1895. Mr. Modrall was born Feb. 14, 1862, in Navarro Co., Tex., and was educated in Hill Co., Tex. His business is stock raising and farming. Mrs. Modrall is a mem- ber of the Baptist Church. Their P. O. address is Robert Lee, Coke Co., Tex. One child : Judson Morgan", b. Sept. 27, 1900. 143. MAY 5 HIGGASON (60) was born Oct. 27, 1875, and was educated in the public schools of Caldwell ; went one term at the Sam Houston Normal Institute, at Huntsville, Tex., and re- ceived the Peabody medal for scholarship. She taught success- fully in the public schools of Caldwell and San Angelo, Tex. She is a member of the Baptist Church. She married Bryant P. Dick- ens, June 14, 1900. They reside at Austin, Tex. One child: Ruby", b. Mar. n, 1901. 144. WILLIAM HENRY 5 INGRAM (62) was born Nov. 24, 1 841, in Russell Co., Ala., was educated at Uchee, Ala., and mar- ried Sarah Jane Smith, Dec. 16, 1869. Miss Smith was born Dec. 7, 1849, m Tallapoosa Co., Ala., and educated at Dadeville, Ala. Mr. Ingram died Feb. 20, 1891. His life business was merchan- dising. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Ingram resides at Uchee, Ala., and is a member of the Baptist Church. Children : The Davis Family. 6o i. Henry Frederick*, b. Oct. n, 1870. ii. Archie Thomas, b. Oct. 29, 1871. iii. Kate Lelia, b. Apr. 5, 1874; d. Nov. 7, 1883. iv. Minnie Amanda, b. July 15, 1877. v. Walter Leonidas, b. Mar. 8, 1879. vi. Lucy Jane, b. Oct. 12, 1881. vii. Charlie Davis, b. Aug. 30, 1883. viii. William Claudius, b. Oct. 2, 1885 ; d. July 6, 1886. ix. Hattie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 18, 1887; d. Apr. 22, 1887. x. Albert Hugh, b. Oct. 8, 1890. 145. CLAUDIUS ROMULUS 5 INGRAM (62) was born Oct. 12, 1843, in Russell Co., Ala., was educated at Uchee, Ala., and mar- ried Nancy Jane Williams, Nov. 15, 1876. Miss Williams was born Oct. 17, 1858, in Russell Co., Ala., and was educated at Crawford, Ala. Mr. Ingram's business is farming. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Juliette, Ga. One child : O. B. e Ingram, b. Mar. 20, 1878. 146. THOMAS LEONIDAS 5 INGRAM (62) was born July 26, 1848, in Russell Co., Ala., was educated at Uchee, Ala., and mar- ried Laura Rogers, Nov. 15, 1875. Miss Rogers was born May 5, 1859, in Macon Co., Ala., and was educated at Society Hill, Ala. Mr. Ingram was a farmer ; he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. One child : Thomas L. e , b. Nov. 28, 1877. 147. ADOLPHUS ALPHONSO 5 INGRAM (62) was born Aug. 22, 1850 in Russell Co., Ala., was educated at Uchee, Russell Co., Ala., and married Ella Satterwhite, Oct. 27, 1877. Miss Satter- white was born July 21, 1859, in Russell Co., Ala., and was edu- cated at Crawford, Russell Co., Ala. Mr. Ingram is a farmer. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They re- side at Uchee, Russell Co., Ala. Children: i. Alva Alphonso", b. Nov. 12, 1878. ii. Ira Lorenza, b. Mar. 15, 1880. iii. Lena Harris, b. Mar. 27, 1882; d. in 1885. iv. Lucia D., b. Oct. 4, 1884. 70 Genealogy of v. Lassie, b. June 13, 1886; d. Sept. 18, 1886. vi. Lelea, b. Oct. 2, 1877. vii. Cleo, b. Dec. 18, 1891. viii. Jessie Belle, b. June 13, 1895. 148. MARGARET ELIZABETH 5 INGRAM (62) was born Oct. 20, 1859, in Russell Co., Ala., was educated at Uchee, Russell Co., Ala., and married Robert Walton, Nov. 14, 1881. Mr. Walton was born July 5, 1859, in Russell Co., Ala., and was educated at Opelika, Ala. Mr. Walton's business is merchandising. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Jacksonville, Fla. Children: i. Ethel Elizabeth 8 , b. Mar. 4, 1882; d. Jan. 18, 1886. ii. Eula Scott, b. May 12, 1884. iii. Lilly Dora, b. Mar. 4, 1886. iv. Maggie Lou, b. July 17, 1887. v. Tommie Edwin, b. Jan. 15, 1889; d. June 30, 1895. vi. Robert Bennie, b. Apr. 12, 1891 ; d. Aug. 25, 1892. vii. Alvin Romaldus, b. Feb. 2, 1894; d. Aug. 5, 1895. viii. Bernice Leona, b. Feb. 11, 1896; d. Oct. 9, 1898. 149. HATTIE TILLMAN 5 INGRAM (62) was born June 10, 1861, in Russell Co., Ala., was educated at Uchee, Ala., and mar- ried James Wilkins Torbert, a farmer, Oct. 25, 1879. Mr. Tor- bert was born Dec. 22, 1853, in Russell Co., Ala., and was edu- cated at Uchee. The religion of the family is Baptist. Mrs. Tor- bert died July 27, 1887. Children: i. Edie Lou 6 , b. June 9, 1881. ii. Verner, b. June 25, 1883. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 24, 1885. 150. LOU 5 DAVIS (64) was born Dec. 8, 1848, in Coweta Co., Ga., was educated in Heard Co., Ga., and married Elijah Kirk Heard, a farmer, Oct. 15, 1868. Mr. Heard was born Aug. 28, 1850, in Randolph Co., Ala., and was educated in Heard Co., Ga. He died May 6, 1883. Mrs. ] T eard is a member of the Baptist Church. She resides near Heflin P. O., Heard Co., Ga. Children : The Davis Family. 7I i. Lou Ella 8 , b. Feb. 22, 187 1. ii. Willie Morgan, b. Nov. 4, 1872. 111. Mary Elizabeth, b. Mar. 14, 1875 iv. Robert Jackson, b. Feb. 23, 1877 v. Hugh Howard, b. Oct. 23, 1879. vi. Henry Troup, b. Apr. 21, 1882. 151. JOHN G. 5 DAVIS (64) was born June 6, 1856, in Heard Co., Ga., was educated in the common schools and married Evie Combs in 1879. Miss Combs was born Nov. 14, 1861, in Heard Co., Ga., and was educated in the local schools. Mr. Davis is a farmer. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. Their P. O. address is Heflin, Heard Co., Ga. Children : i. Rufus", b. Dec. 3, 1880. viii. Maggie, b. July 10, 1891. ii. Bert, b. Mar. 5, 1882. ix. Clara, b. Oct. 14, 1892. iii. Claud, b. May 13, 1884. x. Bolon, b. Apr. 6, 1894. iv. Lucy, b. Sept. 23, 1885. xi. Minnie, b. Jan. 17, 1896. v. Lovic, b. Mar. 28, 1887. xii. Florence, b. Feb. 27, 1898. vi. James, b. Sept. 9, 1888. viii. Alvin, b. Mar. 15, 1900. vii. Jeff, b. May 21, 1890. xiv. Hattie, b. Aug. 26, 1903. 152. JOHN THOMAS 5 BOON (65) was born Dec. 28, 1840, in Heard Co., Ga., was educated at Franklin and married Celeta L. Shipp in 1864. Miss Shipp was born Nov. 30, 1847, in Chambers Co., Ala., and was educated at Lafayette, Ala. Mr. Boone is a lawyer. His wife was and he is a member of the Baptist Church. She died May 1, 1899. Mr. Boone resides at Mt. Lebanon, Bien- ville Parish, La. He has been honored with judicial positions and has represented constituencies in a constitutional convention and also in the State Senate of La. He has been a teacher in Sab- bath school and is a deacon of the Baptist Church. His life and works have been directed in the interest of good morals and a religious life. Children : i. Bessie C. 6 b. in 1864. v. Mattie Lou, b. in 1874. ii. William Allen, b. in 1867. vi. George Roy, b. in 1877. iii. Emma F., b. in 1869. vii. Infant, b. and d. in 1885. iv. John H., b. in 1871. 'iii. Augustus C, b. in 1886. 153. LITTLETON TALLEY 5 LOWE (66) was born in Heard Co., Ga., May 30, 1853, was educated in Randolph Co., Ala., and mar- 72 Genealogy of ried Charlotte Cosper, June 22, 1871. Miss Cosper was born in 1853 in Randolph Co., Ala. Mr. Lowe is a farmer. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. P. O. address. Gra- ham, Ala. Ten children, we have the names of eight only. (Or- der of birth conjectural) : i. Molly 8 . v. Emma. ii. Lucy. vi. Lilla. iii. Ruby. vii. Lizzie. iv. Willie. viii. Lunice. 154. LOUISA CADE 5 LOWE (66) was born Dec. 14, 1854, and married James Prescot. They are members of the Baptist Church. P. O. address, Graham, Randolph Co., Ala. Children (order of birth conjectural) : i. Sarah Evergreen 9 . v. Emma Wesley. ii. Benjamin Littleton. vi. Charles. iii. Lucy Frances. vii. Gertrude. iv. Mary Ida. viii. James. 155. ELLEN IDA 5 LOWE (66) was born Sept. 28, 1857, in Troup Co., Ga., and married Alfred Denham, a farmer, Nov. 23, 1876. Mr. Denham was born Feb. 12, 1854, in Rondolph Co., Ala. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. P. O. Address, Albertville, Randolph Co., Ala. Children: 261. i. Anna Cade 9 , b. Sept. 15, 1877; m. Ben Butts. 262. ii. James William, b. Oct. 25, 1879; m. Leola Amerson. iii. Charlotte Idella, b. Jan. 14, 1882. iv. John Garret, b. Aug. 24, 1884. v. Henry Shelly, b. Mar. 10, 1887. vi. Sarah Lizzie, b. July 18, 1889. vii. Pellie Olevia, b. 1892. viii. PeruE May, b. May 3, 1895. ix. Addie Elzada, b. Nov. 1, 1897. 156. W1LIAM ISAAC 5 LOWE (66) was born May 19, 1861, in Heard Co., Ga., was educated at Mount Moriah, Clay Co., Ala., and married Mary Rosco. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church and he is a deacon. Their P. O. address is Ash- land, Clay Co., Ala. Children (order of birth conjectural) : i. Addie Argent. iii. Brillie Samitti. ii. Pearl Eugenia. iv. Erby. The Davis Family. 73 157. STEPHEN JOHNSON'' LOWE (66) was born Mar. 3, 1863, in Heard Co., Ga., and was educated at Mount Moriah, Clay Co., Ala. He has been twice married. His first wife, Anna Frances Butts. They were married Feb. 16, 1882. Miss Butts was born in Heard Co., Ga., Sept. 22, 1863. She died July 21, 1899, and Mr. Lowe married Hester Dorsett, Mar. 29, 1902. Miss Dorsett was born Sept. 13, 1879. Mr. Lowe is a Baptist minister, and also a farmer. P. O. Albertville, Marshall Co., Ala. Children, first marriage: i. Lula Frances 8 , b. Feb. 2, 1883; d. Mar. 20, 1883. ii. Mollie Smith, b. Mar. 14, 1884. iii. William Walter, b. Mar. 29, 1886; d. Apr. 22, 1886. iv. Henry Stephen Jackson, b. June 10, 1887. v. Lumis Tally, b. Sept. 8, 1889; d. Aug. 10, . vi. Artie Cammilla Frances Brooks, Mar. 26, 1802. vii. Otis Preston, b. Aug. 8, 1894; d. Aug. 4, 1895. viii. Winnie LEE, b. Feb. 16, 1807. ix. Roman Leonard, b. Apr. 30, 1899; d. July 25, 1899. Of second marriage: i. Sister, b. Jan. 13, 1903. 158. IDELLA V. 5 DAVIS (67) was born July 3, 1862, in Heard Co., Ga., was educated at Florona, Ga., and married W. J. Bryan, a farmer, Oct. 30, 1879. Mr. Bryan was born Oct. 30, 1858, in Heard Co., Ga., and was educated in Coweta Co., Ga. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Their P. O. address is Florona, Heard Co., Ga. Children : i. Mary Catherine 8 , b. Nov. 21, 1880. ii. Theodosia, b. Nov. 11, 1883; d. Sept. 9, 1887. iii. Idella Viola, b. July 25, 1886. iv. Anna Werlula, b. Jan. 10, 1889. v. James William, b. May 31, 1891. vi. Joicie Inez, b. Mar. 24, 1894. vii. Talbert Coy, b. Dec. 30, 1896. viii. Charles Edward, b. June 8, 1899. ix. Still born, Sept. 24, 1902. 159. CHARLES W. 5 DAVIS (67) was born Aug. 9, 1866. in Heard Co., Ga., was educated at Florona, Ga., and married Martha E. Hill, Dec. 30, 1886. Miss Hill was born May 5, 1869, in Heard 74 Genealogy of Co., Ga., and was educated at Florona, Ga. Mr. Davis is a far- mer. He and his wife are members of the Primative Baptist Church. Their P. O. address is Florona, Heard Co., Ga. Chil- dren: i. Hyram Shaw 8 , b. at Florona, Ga., May 27, 1888. ii. William Thomas, b. at Andrews, Ga., July 5, 1891. iii. Joicie Olevia, b. at Florona, Ga., Oct. 30, 1893. iv. Dora Armentia, b. at Albertville, Ala., Apr., 22, 1896. v. Enoch Coy, b. at Bartlett, Ala., June 1, 1000; d. Aug. 13, 1901, at Albertville. Ala. 160. WILLIAM E. 5 DAVIS (67) was born June 2, 1869, in Troup Co., Ga., was educated at Florona, Ga., and married Alice Alsa- brook, Dec. 31, 1891. Miss Alsabrook was born Nov. 23, 1876, in Heard Co., Ga., and was educated at Florona. Mr. Davis is farming and merchandising. P. O. address, Florona, Ga. Children: i. Esta 8 , b. Feb. 16, 1896. ii. Dewey, b. June 16, 1898. 161. JAMES A. 5 DAVIS (67) was born Feb. 10, 1874, in Heard Co., Ga., was educated at Walnut Hill, Heard Co., and married Rebecca Lucinda Carr, in 1894. Miss Carr was born Mar. 14, 1877, in Coweta Co., Ga., and was educated at Tallapoosa, Ga. Mr. Davis is a farmer. He and his wife are members of the Mis- sionary Baptist Church. Their P. O. address is Florona, Heard Co,. Ga. Children : i. Annie Adella 8 , b. July 26, 1896. ii. Alver Cassa, b. April 27, 1898. iii. William Thomas, b. Nov. 3, 1900. iv. Nora Flossie, b. Dec. 3, 1002. 162. WILLIAM HENRY 5 GILBERT (68) was born Nov. 24, 1842, and was twice married. His first wife was Frances C. Va- son. They were married in 1867. Mrs. Gilbert died in 1872. Mr. Gilbert married second time, Clotilda Hutchings. They reside at Albany, Ga. Children of first marriage: The Davis Family. 7- i. Josephus True*, b. Mar. 18, 1868. ii. William Francis, b. Jan. 21, 1872; d. June 16, 1872. Children of second marriage: i. Fonder. ii. Maud. iii. Rudolph. iv. Cloe Emily. v. Cathlene. 163. JONATHAN DAVIS 5 GILBERT (68) was born July 27, 1847, in Albany, Ga., was educated at Albany and married Lula M. Davis, Feb. 14, 1871. Miss Davis was born Feb. 26, 1849, in Atlanta Ga., and was educated at Dawson, Ga. Mr. Gilbert was a bookkeeper. He died in 1895. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. They resided at Albany, Ga. Children : i. Luella Styles 6 , b. June 3, 1873. ii. Bessie Hester, b. Jan. 21, 1875. iii. Mattie Elizabeth, b. Sept. 23, 1877. iv. Mildred Antoinette, b. Nov. 22, 1881. v. Dorotha Irvin, b. June 26, 1884. vi. Emma Louise, b. Aug. 4, 1886. 164. FANNIE MIMS 5 GILBERT (68) was born Mar. 4, 1852, and married William Edward Hilsman, Nov. 22, 1870, in Al- bany, Ga. Mr. Hilsman was born July 22, 1845, in Lee Co., Ga., and died June 24, 1899, at Albany, Ga. Children : i. Mattie Paleana", b. Aug. 10, 1871 ; d. July II, 1889. ii. Jerry Gilbert, b. Oct. 6, 1873 ; is a bookkeeper. 263. iii. May Luella, b. May 4, 1875; m. Hugo S. Dodenhoff. 264. iv. Myra Welch, b. Nov. 21, 1877; m. Jno. K. Hacketl. v. William Taylor, b. Mar. 21, 1880. In cotton business, vi. James Tift, b. Feb. 22, 1883; d. Jan. 25, 1899. 165. JULIUS BUTLER 5 GILBERT (67) was born Aug. 26, 1854, and married Alice Bryce Trippe, Dec. 16, 1879. They reside at Albany, Ga. Children: i. Annie Magdalene 8 , b. Sept. 5. 1884- ii. Forrest Trippe, b. June 5, 1887. j6 Genealogy of 166. NANCY COLLIER 5 GILBERT (68) was born Nov. n, 1857, and married Linton Stephens Alfriend Nov. 2, 1876. Children : i. Evelyn Gilbert, b. Aug. 25, 1878. ii. Linton Stephens, Jr., b. Mar. 2, 1881. iii. Edward Dudley, b. Sept. 3, 1887. iv. Gilbert Hilsman, b. Oct. 13, 1888. v. Martha Gilbert, b. Aug. 29, 1894. 167. JULIA 5 GILBERT (68) was born Jan. 21, 1862, was edu- cated at Albany, Ga., and married James Mercer Tift, in Albany, Dec. 5, 1882. Mr. Tift was born in Albany, Ga., Sept. 15, 1861, and was educated at the University of Va. He is an enterprising farmer, having large orchards of peaches, pecans and vineyards. He is also merchandising. Children : i. Lottie Gilbert 8 , b. Nov. 18, 1886. ii. Martha Mercedes, b. Sept. 12, 1894; she was called "Little Sunshine." She d. Aug. 21, 1902. 168. SARAH ELIZABETH 5 COLLIER (69) was born Apr. 26, 1840, in Baker Co., Ga., was educated at Salem, N. C, and mar- ried William Oliver, a lawyer, in 1862. Mr. Oliver was born in Georgetown, Ga., and was educated at Atlanta, Ga. He is dead. Mrs. Oliver resides at Albany Ga. Children : i. Millie 8 , (a daughter), b. in 1863. ii. Jessie (a daughter), b. in 1864. iii. Irene (a daughter), b. in 1866. iv. Harry (a son), b. in 1868. v. George (a son), b. in 1870. 169. MARY EMMA 5 COLLIER (69) was born June 17, 1843, and married M. F. Hopkins DeGraffinreed in 1861. Mr. DeGraffinreed was a lieutenant in the Confederate States Army and was killed in battle near Richmond Va. Mrs. DeGraf- finreed married W. C. Snead. She died Nov. 25, 1887. Children of first marriage: Annie, b. in 1862. Of second marriage (order of birth conjectural) : The Davis Family. 77 i. Emmet", d. when two years old. ii. Edgar. iii. Hale. iv. Allentine. v. William. 170. VIOLA 5 COLLIER (69) was born in Albany, Ga., Mar. 3, 1845, was educated at Salem, N. C, and married John Wm. Flint, Sept. 10, 1862. Mr. Flint was born in Macon, Ga., Sept. 2, 1841, and was educated at Macon. His business was book- keeping. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Flint was a member of the Baptist Church. He died Apr. 20, 1875. Mrs. Flint died Nov. 20, 1876. Mrs. Viola Flint was one of the loveliest characters. Modest and retiring, she, like her mother, was industrious, systematic, self-sacrificing, and has left to her posterity a fine pattern of a nobly spent life, made sweet and fragrant by many virtues amid adversity. She "fought the good fight, kept the faith" and has received the "crown that was laid up" for her. Children : i. Nancy Matilda 6 , b. Sept. 2, 1863. 265. ii. Mary Lou, b. May 30, 1866; m. Andrew Y. Hampton, iii. George Thomas, d. in infancy. iv. John Davis, d. in infancy, v. William David, b. Oct. 18, 1870. 266. vi. Viola Collier, b. July 16, 1872; m. C. R. Davis, vii. Thomas Jasper, b. July 22, 1874. viii. Cassandra Little, b. May 15, 1876. 171. ELIZA PACE 5 COLLIER (69) was born Jan. 22, 1855, and married W. P. Burks, Feb. 25, 1877, in Albany, Ga. Mr. Burks is a farmer ; he is also Clerk of the County Court of Daugherty Co. Children: i. Viola 8 , b. in 1878. Teacher in S. F. College Legrange, Ga. ii. W. P., Jr., b. in 1880, 1 D merchants, iii. Henry Dawson, 0. in 1502, ) 172. MARTHA GILBERT 5 COLLIER (69) was born Sept. 3, 1857, in Albany, Ga., was educated at Salem, N. C, and married J. R. Forrester, Dec. 18, 1867. Mr. Forrester was educated at Palmyra, Lee Co., Ga. His business is bookkeeping. They re- side at Albany, Ga. Children : y% Genealogy of 267. i. G. W.«, b. Sept. 21, 1868; m. Lelia Richmond. 268. ii. Joel Robert, b. Oct. 31, 1870; m. Merrell Calloway, iii. John Ely, b. Oct. 3, 1872; d. Dec. 7, 1872. iv. Henry Collier, b. Jan. 28, 1875. v. Edward C, b. Aug. 12, 1887 ; d. Dec. 7, 1888. vi. Pearl, b. Dec. 7, 1888; m. Hyde. 173. JOSEPH SHELTON 5 DAVIS (70) was born Apr. 9, 1853, in Albany Ga., was educated at the University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., and married Eugenia Gunn, Jan. 11, 1876. Miss Gunn was born June 1, 1857, in Cuthbert, Ga., and was educated at Augusta Female Seminary, Staunton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Da- vis are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Davis is cashier of the First National Bank of Albany, Ga. He is a deacon in the Baptist Church, for many years Sabbath school superintendent, prominent in Chautauqua and all good work. He is superin- tendent of Instruction, Ga. Chautauqua and Mayor of Albany, 1903. Children: i. John Adrian 6 , b. July 27, 1878. ii. Donald Green, b. Mar. 22, 1882. iii. Helen Clare, b. Jan. 9. 1887. iv. William Duncan, b. Nov. 15, 1890. v. Joseph Shelton, Jr., b. May 28, 1896. 174. ADELLA ELIZABETH 5 DAVIS (70) was born in Albany, Ga., July 19, 1854, was educated at Macon, Ga., and married Wil- liam Thomas Jones, Nov. 18, 1875. Mr. Jones was born in Co- lumbus Co., Fla., Feb. 12, 1851, and was educated at Penfield, Ga. Mr. Jones is a lawyer and Judge of the County Court for Dougherty Co., Ga. He and his wife are members of the Bap- tist Church. They reside at Albany, Ga. Children : i. Pattie Anna 8 , b. Nov. 11, 1876. ii. Paul Heartwell, b. Jan. 24, 1879. iii. Clayton, b. Jan 15, 1882. iv. Agnes P., b. Aug. 7, 1884. v. Eula, b. Mar. 17, 1887. 175. SALLIE COLLIER 5 DAVIS (70) was born May 21, 1857, and married F. Chandler Jones. Mr. Jones is a drug merchant. The Davis Family. 70 They reside at Albany, Ga., and have born to them five children. Children : 269. i. Orrie 8 , b. Aug. 7, 1876; d. Apr. g, 1893; m. Bryant H. Hodges, ii. Emmie, b. Nov. 15, 1877; d. Dec. 1, 1877. iii. Reamus Waiter, b. Nov. 19, 1878. iv. Franklin Chandler, Jr., b. Oct. 9, 1880. 270. v. Josie Beal, b. Dec. 20, 1882 ; m. James T. Fleming. 176. LAURA ELIZA 5 DAVIS (70) was born June 20, 1862, was educated at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga., and married David Williams Shaffer, Dec. 15, 1895. Mr. Shaffer was born in Savannah, Ga., May 16, 1858, and was educated at the Uni- versity of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. He is a bank official at Albany, Ga., where they reside. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer are mem- bers of the Baptist Church. Children: i. Edie 6 , b. July 10, 1887. ii. Randolph, b. Aug. 19, 1888. 177. EMMA 5 DAVIS (70) was born Dec. 4, 1864, in Dougherty Co., Ga., was educated at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga., and married W. B. Willingham, in 1883. Mr. Willingham was born Oct. 22, 1858, in Allendale, S. C, and was educated at Mer- cer University, Macon, Ga. Mr. Willingham is a lawyer. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at College Park, Ga. Children: i. W. B., Jr. 6 , b. Oct. 13, 1885. ii. John Davis, b. Dec. 14, 1887. iii. Theodosia, b. July 23, 1889. 178. NANNIE ADALINE 5 DAVIS (70) was born Feb. 2, 1867; was educated at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga., and mar- ried Robert Lee Jones, Dec. 19, 1888, in Albany, Ga., Dr. M. B. Whorton officiating. Mr. Jones was born Feb. 21, 1866, in Pough- keepsie, N. Y. He is a merchant at Albany, Ga., where they re- side. Children : i. Agnes Davis 6 , b. June 21, 1893. ii. Merrian Lee, b. July 3, 1897. 8o Genealogy of 179. LEE BENINGTON 5 DAVIS (72) was born July 17, i860, in Newton, Baker Co., Ga., was educated at Brunswick, Ga., and married Alaska Roberts, of Columbia Co., Fla., Mar. 7, 1889. Miss Roberts was born Feb. 17, 1872, in Columbia Co., Fla., and was educated in her native county. She is a daughter of Col. Arthur Roberts, who was born in Camden Co., Ga., Oct. 24, 181 2. In 1829, Col. Roberts, with his parents, moved to Fla., and were pioneer settlers in what is now Columbia Co. He saw much ser- vice in the war with the Seminole Indians, 1836-41, and was four times commissioned Captain in that service. On Oct. 12, 1861, as Captain of Company "C," 1st Fla., regiment, he was mustered into the service of the C. S. Army. He was a brave, cool and gallant officer. He was twice elected to the State Legislature from Colum- bia Co. ; was twice married, and Mrs. Davis is the youngest child of the second marriage. He died Oct. 18, 1897. His ^ as ^ w ^ e died Jan. 20, 1900. Mr. Davis is a machinist. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. They reside at Brunswick, Ga. Children : i. Arthur Lee 8 , b. Feb. 25, 1892. ii. Ernest Carlisle. / rp . . XT „ „„ T ~, iii. Eunice Lillian. { Tvv,ns ' b - Nov - 2 *> l8 94" iv. Katie L., b. Sept. 13, 1896. v. Raymond Augustus, b. July 13, 1899. 180. JOHN ADRIAN 5 DAVIS (72) was born Oct. 31, 1864, in Hurtsville, Russell Co., Ala., was educated at Brunswick, Ga., and married Daisy Keene. Miss Keene was born July 10, 1871, in Bangor, Maine, and was educated at Brunswick, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the M. E. Church. Mr. Davis is a mechanic. They reside at Albany, Ga. Children : i. Ethel May 8 , b. Nov. 5, 1889. ii. Roy Carlton, b. Mar. 25, 1892 ; d. Feb. 10, 1897. iii. Annie Laurie, b. Oct. 26, 1894. iv. Daisie Clare, b. Aug. 27, 1898. v. John Mercer, b. May 19, 1901. 181. SALLIE LUCKEY 5 DAVIS (72) was born Mar. 8, 1873, in Brunswick, Ga., was educated at Brunswick and married Hay- The Davis Family. 8 X wood Dickson Butler, Oct. 18, 1893. Mr. Butler was born Oct. 18, 1871, in Clinton, N. C, and was educated at his native place. Mr. and Mrs. Butler are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at 367 Walnut St., Macon, Ga. Children. i. Marion Dixon 8 , b. Oct. 14, 1894. ii. Tinney, b. Seot. 29, 1897. iii. Lois, b. Apr. 6, 1900. iv. Davis, b. July 29, 1902. 181*. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS DAVIS (72) was born Jan. 29, 1876; was graduated from Emery College, Oxford, Ga. He is a Methodist minister, stationed (1904) at Columbus, Ga. 182. NELL 5 DAVIS (72) was born July 20, 1878, in Brunswick, Ga., was educated at Brunswick and married Truman King, of Brunswick, Ga., Feb. 16, 1899. ^ ir - King was born Oct. 10, 1877, in Barnesville, Ga., and was educated at his native place. Mr. and Mrs. King are members of the Methodist Church. His busi- ness is electrical engineering. They reside at Brunswick, Ga. Have no children. 183. GEORGE D. 5 HODGES (73) married Fannie Burge in Brunswick, Ga. They reside at Dothan, Ala. Children (order of birth conjectural) : i. Fannie 8 . iv. Durwood. ii. George. v. Annie. iii. Jewel. vi. Louise. 184. RICHARD ROSCOE 5 MARLIN (76) was born Apr. 12, 1867, and was educated at the University of Va. He married Everlyn Peddy, of Dawson, Ga., Aug. 6, 1895. Miss Peddy was born June 2, 1877, and was educated at Dawson, Ga. Mr. Mar- lin is an attorney-at-law. He is a member of the Baptist Church and his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. They reside at Dawson, Ga. Children : i. Lizzie Louise 8 , b. June 24, 1897. ii. Clementine, b. Oct. 23, 1899. 6 82 Genealogy of ' • - 185. LOUIS SHELTON 5 MARLIN (76) was born in Albany, Ga., Aug. 13, 1870, and was educated at Winchester, Tenn. He married Laura Marlin, of Midway, Ga., Apr. 18, 1894. Miss Marlin was born Oct. 16, 1874, and was educated at Midway, Ga. Mr. Marlin's business is merchandising. They reside at Midway, Ga. Children: i. Marie Louise 8 , b. Feb. 8, 1895. ii. Adaline, b. Dec. 25, 1806. iii. Annie Lou, b. Mar. 31, 1898. iv. Jessie Douglas, b. Jan. 3, 1901. 186. JESSE MACON 5 MARLIN (76) was born Jan. 20, 1874, at Three Notch, Ala., was educated at Dawson, Ga., and married Julia Walker. Jan. 31, 1894. Miss Walker was born Nov. 25, 1876, and was educated at Quitman, Ga. Mr. Marlin's business is merchandising. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Dawson, Ga. Children: i. Louis Roscoe 8 , b. Dec. 21, 1894. ii. Crawford Fleming, b. Dec. 19, 1896. iii. Wade Hampton, b. Feb. 6, 1903. 187. HENRY 5 MARLIN (76) was born Sept. 12, 1878, was edu- cated at the University of Ga., is a lawyer and editor of a news- paper at Frankston, Tex. 188. JONATHAN DAVIS 5 MARLIN (76) was born Feb. 14, 1880 and was educated at Dawson, Ga. 189. JONATHAN E. 5 DAVIS (77) was born at Chickasauhatchie, Ga., Mar. 18, 1875, was educated at Como High School, Como, Tenn., and at Clinton College, Clinton, Ky. He is editor and publisher of The Texas Mesqaiter, at Mesquite, Dallas Co., Tex., and is joint owner of The Frankston Ledger, at Frankston, Anderson Co., Tex. He made the race for State Representa- tive from Dallas Co., Tex., in spring of 1902, and although de- feated received a very complimentary vote, over 3,000. He sub- The Davis Family. 83 sequently held an important clerkship in the Legislature during 1903 session of the body. Mr. Davis was married, May 5, 1901, to Jessie, daughter of Paul Love, a respectable farmer, at Mus- quite, Tex. One child : Marlin Mills 8 , b. Mar. 26, 1902. 190. JEFF A. 5 DAVIS (77) was born in Montgomery, Ala., Apr. 3°> ^77^ was educated in the common schools of Como, Tex., and the State Normal at Athens, Ala. He is a mining engineer, unmarried and lives at Silverton, Col. 191. WILLIE SIDNEY 5 DAVIS (77) only daughter of William Sanders and Cammilla Davis, was born at Como, Tenn., June 25, 1 88 1, was educated at High School of Como, Tenn., and Mes- quite, Tex. She taught school a few years and married, Oct. 16, 1901, Charles E. Gross, who came of a highly respected family. His father, J. M. Gross, was the pioneer merchant of Mesquite. Mr. Gross is deputy County Clerk of Dallas Co., and resides at Dallas, Tex. 192. DR. THEO. BURNS 5 DAVIS (81) was born Sept. 10, 1857. in Jackson Co., Ga., was educated at Newnan Male Seminary. Newnan, Ga., and graduated at Baltimore College, Ph. and S., 1881. He married Bessie Christopher Orr, Nov. 22, 1882. Mi>s Orr was born Dec. 2, 1862, in Coweta Co., Ga., and was educated at College Temple, Newnan, Ga. Dr. Davis is a physician and surgeon. He and his wife are members of the First Baptist Church. They reside at Newnan, Coweta Co., Ga. Children: i. Annie Lou*, b. Aug. 23, 1883; d. . ii. Robert Ford, b. Oct. 15, 1884; d. . iii. Willis Jonathan, b. June 10, 1887. iv. Bradley Burns, b. Oct. 2, 1889. v. Theo. Wilkes, b. Mar. 2, 1892. vi. Grace, b. Apr. 11, 1894. vii. Sarah, b. May 6, 1899. 84 Genealogy of 193. ROBERT PHILES 5 DAVIS (81) was born Feb. n, i860, in Jackson Co., Ga., was educated at Newnan Male Seminary, and married Louise V. Carmichael, Jan. 11, 1887. Miss Carmichael was born Jan. 11, 1867, in Coweta Co., Ga., and was educated at Senora High School. Robert P. Davis' life business is farming. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist, she of the Methodist Church. They re- side at Newnan, Coweta Co., Ga. Children : i. Wm. Oliver 8 , b. Nov. 15, 1887. ii. Ella May (deceased), b. Oct. 26, 1889. iii. Sallie Eveline, b. Mar. 3, 1892. iv. Robert Patrick (deceased), b. Oct. 28, 1898. v. Theo. Burns, b. Apr. 11, 1900. 194. REV. WILLIAM ALONZO 5 DAVIS (81) was born Apr. 29, 1865, in Jackson Co., Ga., was educated at State University, Athens, Ga., class 1888, and married Lucinda Bates, June 24, 1890. Miss Bates was born July 6, 1872, in Gwinnett Co., Ga., and was educated at Lawrenceville Seminary, Ga. Mr. Davis is a minister of the gospel. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. They reside at Senoia, Coweta Co., Ga. Children: i. Bessie L. 8 , b. May 22, 1891. ii. Wellborn, b. July 6, 1893. iii. Jonathan B. S., b. Sept. 30, 1895. iv. Margaret Theresa, b. Sept. 16, 1897. v. Anne L., b. Apr. 23, 1902. 195. DR. JONATHAN VINING 5 DAVIS (81) was born May 27, 1873, in Coweta Co., Ga., was educated at city public schools, Newnan, Ga., graduated at Atlanta M. C. P. and S., 1899, and married Lillian Yarbrough, Jan. 28, 1903. Miss Yarbrough was educated at College Park, Ga. Dr. J. V. Davis is a physician and surgeon. He and his wife are members, he of the Baptist, and she the Methodist Church. They reside at Musella, Crawford Co., Ga. The Davis Family. g- 196. WILEY HOWARD* DAVIS (81) was born Nov. 2, 1876. was educated in the city public schools, Newnan, Ga. He is a public printer in Government Department Washington City, and he is a member of the Baptist City Church. 197. EVELINE ELIZABETH 5 DAVIS (81) was born May 15, 1883, was educated at Southern Female College, Lagrange, Ga., 1900. Not married. Miss Davis is teaching at present in public school of Newnan. She is a member of the First Baptist Church, Newnan, Ga. 198. LAVAISIER 5 JACKSON (83) was born in Coweta Co., Ga., June 10, 1867, and was baptized into the fellowship of the Bap- tist Church at Elam in 1884 or 5. He was educated at Bowdon, Carroll Co., Ga., and married Myrtle Lou Fincher, Jan. 28, 1894. Miss Fincher was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Apr. 17, 1877. They are members of the Providence Baptist Church and reside at Centralhatchee, Heard Co., Ga. Mr. Jackson held the position of postmaster at Handy, Coweta Co., Ga., for three years. He is a mechanic by trade. Children : i. James Pierce 6 , b. May 1, 1895. ii. Naomi, b. Mar. 27, 1897. iii. Jeptha Davis, b. Feb. 8, 1899. iv. Baby, b. June 22, 1901 ; d. June 23, 1901. v. Martha, b. July 25, 1902. 199. THOMAS DAVIS 5 JACKSON (83) was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Dec. 11, 1868, had a common school education, united with the Baptist Church of Christ at Elam in 1884 or 5, and was mar- ried to Dorah Bonner, of Carroll Co., June 3, 1899. Mr. Jackson is a mechanic. He resides at No. 12 Franklin St., Atlanta, Ga. One child: Cecil Eugene 8 , b. Sept. 25, 1002. 86 Genealogy of 200. SUSAN TEMPERANCE 5 JACKSON (83) was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Mar. 28, 1870. She joined the Baptist Church at Eliam in 1886, and received a common school education. She tried for several years to instruct and teach little ones. She was married to T. N. Smith, a farmer, Mar. 2, 1898. Mr. Smith was born in Heard Co., Ga., Dec. 20, 1873, and re- ceived a common school education. They reside in Heard Co., Ga. Children : i. Buren Jackson", b. May 27, 1899. ii. William Thomas, b. Nov. 21, 1901. 201. DANIE ZIPPORA 5 JACKSON (83) was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Sept. 28, 1871, was educated at Newnan, Ga., and married John T. Kidd, a farmer, Jan. 24, 1889. Mr. Kidd was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Dec. 5, 1868, and re- ceived a common school education. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Baptist Church. Children: i. Jewel*, b. May 1, 1895. ii. Mary, b. July 12, 1896. iii. John Paul, b. Aug. 24, 1898. iv. ZiPPORA, b. July 13, 1900. v. Emma, b. Sept. 6, 1902. All born in Heard Co., Ga. 202. JAMES 5 JACKSON (83) was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Feb. 20, 1874, and joined the Baptist Church in 1892. He is a farmer; was educated at Franklin, Ga. 203. WILLIAM PRICE 5 JACKSON (83) was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Oct. 8, 1875, and joined the Baptist Church in 1896. He received a common school education ; is a farmer and resides in Coweta Co., Ga. Address, Newnan, Ga., R. F. D. No. 1. 204. LIZZIE ALMA 5 JACKSON (83) was born May 8, 1879, in Coweta Co., Ga., and received a common school education. She The Davis Family. 87 joined the Baptist Church of Christ at Elam, Aug., 1895, and mar- ried John B. Carnes, a farmer, Aug. 7, 1900. Mr. Carnes was born February 8, 1878, in Coweta Co., Ga., and joined the Baptist Church of Christ at Elam in Sept., 1900. Their P. O. address is Newnan, Ga., R. F. D. No. 1. One child: Sarah Temperance 8 , b. June 6, 1901, in Coweta Co., Ga. 205. RUTH TEMPERANCE 5 DAVIS (90) was born July 28, 1877, an d united with the Baptist Church at Elam in 1890. She was united in marriage to James Charles Kidd, Dec. 25, 1892, at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, the Rev. John Stalings officiating. Mr. Kidd was born in Coweta Co., Ga., Aug. 13, 1871, and joined the Baptist Church at Elam in 1873. One child : Nettie Sue 4 , b. in Coweta Co., Ga., Feb. 5, 1896. 206. MARY COBB 5 BOWEN (94) was b. ; married Rev. J. M. Hood, Nov. 6, 1866. Mr. Hood was born Mar. 30, 1838. They were members of the Baptist Church. Children : i. Ella E. 9 , b. Sept. 23, 1867. ii. Claude Whitfield, b. Feb. 17, 1869. iii. F. B., b. May 15, 1871. iv. W. E., b. May 30, 1873- v. W. L., b. Feb. 17, 1875- vi. J. E., b. Mar. 5, 1876. vii. M. B., b. June 7, 1878. viii. E. L., b. Jan. 18, 1880. 207. MARY IDA 5 DAVIS (95) married Joseph A. Hall, of At- lanta, Ga. Children: i. Joseph A., Jr.* ii. Sarah Jessie. iii. William Davis. 208. SARAH JESSIE DAVIS (95) was born J an < l86l< in Burke Co. Ga., was educated at Southern Female College, Lagrange, Ga.', removed to College Park, Ga.. and married Dr. Charles Av- erette Stakely, a Baptist minister, Feb. 15, 1882. 88 Genealogy of Mr. Stakely was born Mar. 3, 1859, in Madisonville, Monroe Co., Tenn. He received the degree of A. M. from Mercer Uni- versity, Macon, Ga., that of D. D. from Richmond College, Richmond, Ya., and that of LL. D. from Furman University, S. C. He has held pastorates at Elberton, Hartwell and Augusta, Ga. ; the Citadel Square Church, Charleston, S. C. ; the First Baptist Church, Washington, D. C, and is now pastor of the First Baptist Church, Montgomery, Ala. He is an earnest, able and eloquent preacher, and is held in high esteem by the Bap- tist denomination. Mrs. Stakely has been a real helpmeet to her husband in every place where their lot has been cast. Aside from her social posi- tion, she has been a leader in religious, benevolent and patriotic work. Mrs. Stakely was for several years the President of the Woman's Missionary Union, auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention, and Chaplain General of the Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution, besides being on the National Board of the lat- ter. Her work in local charity is well known wherever she has lived. Children : i. Davis Fonville, b. Jan. 27, 1883. ii. Anne Kilpatrick, b. Sept. 10, 1885. iii. Frances Sloan, b. Mar. 18, 1887. iv. Flora McIver, b. June 26, 1889. v. Charles Averette, Jr., b. Apr. 30, 1903. 209. ARABELLA E. DAVIS (96) was born Dec. 1853, and mar- ried Joe E. Daniel, Aug. 20, 1887. Children: i. Clyde, b. Aug. 14, 1890. ii. Clare, b. Aug. 12, 1894. iii. Joseph Lafayette, b. Aug. 13, 1897. 210. JOHN A DAVIS (96) was born May, 1859, and married Jennie H. Newberry, Aug. 1892. Children: i. Winnie, b. Aug. 10, 1893. ii. Lake Newell, b. Aug., 1897. iii. Minnie, b. Sept., 1900. 211. ALBERT G. DAVIS (96) was born Mar. 1866, and married Geneva Morrow, Nov., 1896. Children: The Davis Family. go i. Earroll Dewey, Mar., 1898. ii. John A., Oct., 1901. 212. JEFFERSON HOOD 5 DAVIS (99) was born, 1861, in Heard Co., Ga., and married Martha Kimbrough, Jan. 8, 1890. P. O. address, Dawson, Ga. Children: i. Wesley Kinebrough 8 , b. July 8, 1891. ii. Annie Laurie, b. Jan. 1, 1898. iii. Alice Price, b. Jan. 1, 1900. 213. WADE HAMPTON 5 DAVIS (99) was born in 1865 in Heard Co., Ga., and married Annie Louise Crouch, Dec. 30, 1890. P, O. address, Dawson, Ga. Children : i. Infant 8 , died at birth. ii. Wade H., Jr., b. Oct. 5, 1895 ; d. Apr. 23, 1896. iii. William Carroll, b. June 18, 1900. 214. WILLIAM WALTER 5 DAVIS (99) was born, 1867, in Heard Co., Ga., and married Eva Keeth in Mar., 1901. They reside at San Antonio, Tex. One child : Winnie Belle 8 , b. Nov. 11, 1902. 215. REV. JOSEPH WILLAM 3 WESTON (100) was born in Lee Co., Ga., Feb. 4, 1855, was educated at private schools, was converted and joined the M. E. Church in August, 1870; was licensed to preach and entered the itinerary in 1873. Is now (1903) Presiding Elder of the Waycross district in South Ga. Annual Conference. Mr. Weston was united in marriage to Lillian, eldest daughter of A. A. Adams, of Americus, Ga., Dec. 5, 1876. Miss Adams was born in Eatonton, Ga., and was educated at Furlow Masonic Female College, Americus, Ga. They reside at Way- cross, Ga. Children: i. Mary Burton 9 , b. Nov. 27, 1877. ii. Stephen Rosser, b. Nov. 15, 1879; d. in 1885. iii. Corra Wynona, b. Dec. 14, 1881. iv. Asbury Adams, b. Aug. 4, 1883; d. Nov., 1884. 90 Genealogy of v. William McPhaul, b. Oct. 18, 1885. vi. Pearl, b. Mar. 1, 1888. vii. Lillian, b. Mar., 1893; d. Sept., 1895. 216. JESSE DAVIS 5 WESTON (100) was born Aug. 28, 1857, and married Paul Harriet Tarver, Jan. 28, 1886. Children : i. Jesse Davis, Jr. 8 , b. at Albany, Ga., June 24, 1887. ii. Hartwell Tarver, b. at Albany, Ga., Feb. 9, 1893; d. June 2, 1893. 217. BURTON LEE 5 WESTON (100) was born Sept. 13, 1864, and married Florence Jones Weston, of Thomasville, Ga., Oct. 4, 1892. Miss Weston was born Nov. 22, 1867, and was educated at Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Weston received a business education at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children : i. Burton Lee, Jr 8 , b. Oct. 28, 1893. ii. Ella Capers, b. Mar. 5, 1896. iii. Fannie Jones, b. Sept. 30, 1898; d. Oct. 12, 1898. 218. JANIE MAY 5 WESTON (100) was born May 5, 1867, and married James Davis Chapman, Nov. 2, 1887. 219. MENLA JANE 5 SWANN (101) was born Dec. 27, 1867, and married Charles R. Clark. (See No. 74, Part I. Clark family.) 220. PERCIVAL REGINAL 5 SWANN (101) married Jessie Mayne, at the residence of her parents, Waco, Tex., Dec. 26, 1902. Mr. Swann is superintendent of the large cotton compress of McFadden & Co., at Luling, Caldwell Co., Tex., where they reside. 221. WALTER MERCER 8 DAVIS (102) was born March 12, 1871, in Decatur Co., Ga. % was educated at East Florida Sem- inary, Gainesville, Fla., and married Annie Ackerman, Feb. 12, The Davis Family. g l 1894. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Presbyterian Church. They reside at Jacksonville, Fla. Children : i. Walter A. 6 b. Feb. 7, 1895. ii. Mercer G., b. Feb. 9, 1898. iii. Dorothy A., b. Feb., 1900. 222. JESSIE LEE 5 DAVIS (102) was born Mar. 13. 1873, in Blakely, Early Co., Ga., was educated at Stetson University, De- land, Fla., and married Augustus S. Willard, June 25, 1895. Mr. and Mrs. Willard are members of the Episcopal Church. They reside at Palatka, Fla. One child: Margaret Mercer 6 , b. Dec. 11, 1897. 223. ROSA S. 5 DAVIS (102) was born Feb. 7, 1876, in Blakely, Early Co., Ga., was educated at Stetson University, Deland, Fla., and married G. B. Garwood, June 24, 1896. She was a member of the Episcopal Church. She died, August 7, 1902. Children : i. Robert Davis*, b. June 22, 1897. ii. John Wesley, b. Aug. 13, 1898. Both died Oct. 10, 1900, within three hours of each other. 224. ELLEN DOUGLASS 5 DAVIS (102) was born Dec. 7. 1884, in Green Cove Springs, Clay Co., Fla., was educated at Wash- ington, D. C, and married H. Ralph Burton, May 19, 1903. They reside at Washington, D. C. 225. HENRY GIBBS 5 KING (103) was born July 1, 1849. and married Margaret Corrilla Sayles Feb. 20, 1873, Rev. Buckner Abernathy, of M. E. Church, officiating. P. O. address, Pittsburg, Tex. Children: i. Henry Thaddeus C.*, b. Apr. 5, 1874; d. Oct. 28, 1877- 271. ii. John Felder, b. Nov., 1876; m. Eula Townsend. iii. Robert Sayles, educated at Jeff Davis College, Pittsburg, Tex. ; telegraph operator. Waco, Tex. 272. iv. Mary Ida, m. Luther Patterson. v. Gibbs, educated at Jeff Davis College, Pittsburg, Tex.; graduated M. D. at Waco, Tex. 92 Genealogy of vi. O. Roger, student at Jeff Davis College, vii. Palue Corrilla, student at Jeff Davis College, viii. Nugent. ix. Dewey. 226. IDA ABP KING (103) was born near Midway, Ala., Mar. 2, 185 1, and married (in house in which she was born) James Rob- ert Maddux, Sept. 7, 1869, R ev. Mr. Thomaston, of M. E Church, officiating. Mr. Maddox died July 20, 1895. No. chi> dren. 227. ANNIE ELIZABETH 5 KING (103) was born near Midway, Bullock Co., Ala., Jan. 12, 1853, and married Benjamin Greene Watts, Dec. 18, 1870, in the house in which she was born, Hay- good Pipkin, Esq., officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Watts are mem- bers of the M. E. Church. No children. P. O. address, Lees- burg, Camp Co., Tex. 228. ROBERT PASCAL 5 KING (103) was born Nov. 24, 1854, and married Emma Josephine Ezelle, Dec. 23, 1880, Rev. D. P. Haggard officiating. Mrs. King died Jan. 22, 1891. Dec. 22, 1891, Mr. King married Laura Elsie Smart, Rev. John Floyd, a Missionary Baptist minister officiating, she being of that faith, while Mr. King is a methodist. Address, Leesburg, Tex. Chil- dren of first marriage : 273. i. Eula May 8 , b. Sept. 17, 1881 ; m. Oscar H. Pynes. 274. ii. Ella Lee, b. Mar. 13, 1883 ; m. B. K. Holmes, iii. Joseph Robert, (Joe, Bob), b. Dec. 27, 1884. iv. Maggie Annie, b. Dec. 25, 1886. v. Myrtie Judson, b. Nov. 14, 1888; d. Oct. 17, 1889. vi. Willie Emma, b. May 6, 1890. Of second marriage: i. Mary Abi, b. Jan. 19, 1893. ii. Benjamin Claud, b. Jan. 20, 1895. 229. OTHO GEORGE 5 KING (103) was born Aug. 22, 1856, and married Nannie Morris, near Simpsonville, Upsher Co., Tex., Dec. 28, 1883, Rev. S. W. Jones officiating. Miss Morris was born near Marietta, Ga. Mr. King is a farmer. P. O. address, Leesburg, Tex. Children: The Davis Family. 93 i. Robert Fletcher , b. Mar. 10, 1885. ii. Henry Otho, b. Oct. 7, 1887. iii. Ada May, b. Aug. 31, 1889. iv. Annie Velma, b. Oct. 25, 1891. v. Addie Lucy, b. Jan. 11, 1894; d. Dec. 27, 1898 vi. Rachel, b. Oct. 18, 1896. vii. Ruth, b. Dec. 15, 1900. 230. ADA ANTOINETTE 5 KING (103) was born Sept. 21, 1858, and married W. P. Holt in July, 1877, R ev. Weir, Presbyterian minister, officiating. Mrs. Holt d. Feb. 11, 1882. Children: i. Noel Pascal 6 , b. May 12, 1878. 275. ii. Mary Ollie, b. Aug. 14 1879; rn. James P. Bailey. 231. LENORA 5 MARY KING (103) was born Sept. 1, i860, and married William Obediah Gibson, Jan. 18, 1877. Mr. Gibson died Jan. 1882, and Mrs. Gibson married W. R. Musick. Mrs. Musick died Feb. 22, 1888. Mr. Musick died Feb. 2, 1889. Children of first marriage: i. Ernest Bertram 6 , ) ii. Annie Amanda, > All died under three years old. iii. Lucy EstellE. ) Of second marriage : Infant, b. Jan. 9, 1888; d. Nov. 28, 1888. 232. LELA MAY 5 KING (103) was born Apr. 28, 1862. and mar- ried William Luther Morris, Dec. 1, 1889. Mr. Morris was born near Marietta, Ga., Sept. 22, 1862. Mrs. Morris died July 31, 1897. Children: i. Hardy Clinton 6 , b. Oct. 4, 1890. ii. Henry Fletcher, b. Nov. 15, 1891. iii. Willie Otho, b. Dec. 1, 1893; d. Aug. 13, 1895. iv. Ernest Roy, b. Mar. 22, 1895. v. Bascomb Lamar, b. Apr. 15, 1897; d. Apr. 26, 1697. 233. EUGENE CLIFTON 5 KING (103) was born Nov. 30. 1865, and married Leone Hardaway, Jan. 8, 1892. Miss Hardaway was 94 Genealogy of born Nov. 22, 1867. They were married near Leesburg, Tex., Jan. 8, 1892, Rev. W. S. Jones, of M. E. Church, officiating. They reside at Leesburg, Tex. Children : i. Leonard Leslie 8 , b. Nov. 27, 1893. ii. Lewis Eugene, b. Oct. 10. 1895. iii. Herman Darrell, b. May 20, 1899. iv. Mildred, b. Feb. 28, 1903; d. same day. 234. OSCAR FORREST 5 KING (103) was born near Midway, Bullock Co., Ala.. May 26. 1868, and married Susie Rebecca Crumpler. Dec. 18, 1892. Miss Grumpier was born in Wood Co., Tex., Sept. 11, 1870. They reside at Leesburg, Tex. Children: i. Mary Vera 8 , b. Oct. 9, 1893. ii. John Eugene, b. Jan. 9, 1895. iii. Irma, b. Sept. 8, 1896. iv. Oscar Shelton, b. Jan. 1, 1902. 235. ERNEST LYNN 5 KING (103) was born July 7, 1870, and married Mattie Malone, Jan. 1, 1899, Rev. A. C. Flemister, Baptist minister officiating. Miss Malone was born near Leesburg, Tex., Feb. 4, 1877. Children : i. Clyde Ernest 8 , b. July 30, 1001. ii. Nora Estelle, b. May 7, 1903. 236. RENA LUCY DAVIS 5 KING (103) was born Apr. 4, 1872, and married William Smith Parks. Apr. 21, 1901. Mr. Parks was born Aug. 24, 1873. Mr. Parks is engaged in farming, and both he and his wife are school teachers. P. O. address, Longview, Tex. One child : Agnes Lucile 8 , b. Jan. 23, 1902. 237. CLARA ESTELLE 5 KING (103) was born May 1, 1875, and married Joseph Alexander Howell, a farmer, June 20, 1896, in the M. E. Church at Leesburg, Rev. Dr. F. M. Rosser officiating. The Davis Family. ne Mr. Howell was born July 15, 1873. Mrs. Howell has tauglu school since she was seventeen years old, and is now (1903) teaching near their home, Longview, Gregg Co., Tex. Children : i. Lucy Eunice 9 , b. Feb. 3, 1897. ii. Eddie Lynn, b. Nov. 16, 1808. 238. JONNIE EUNICE 5 KING (103) was born Oct. 1, 1877, near Leesburg, Tex., and married Reuben Colwin Bryarly, Mar. 30, 1902. She died Dec. 18, 1902. A son 8 prematurely b. preceded her five days. 239. ELSY S. 5 LEWIS (104) was born July 1, 1852, in Barbour Co., Ala., was educated at Midway, Ala., and married Dollie Shivers in 1871. Miss Shivers was born in 1857 in the State of Ga., and was educated at Dykesville, La. Mr. Lewis' life business is farming. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Primative Baptist Church. They reside at Leesburg, Camp Co., Tex. Children (order of birth conjectural) : i. Willy Reede 8 , b. Dec. 1, 1879. ii. Effie Onie, m. John Wright, has two children, son and daughter, iii. Lilly. iv. John Licurgus. v. Emmie. vi. Sallie. 240. MARY C. 5 LEWIS (104) was born Jan. 16, 1855, in Bar- bour Co., Ala., was educated at Midway, Ala., and married G. W. Elmore, Nov. 30, 1879. Mr. Elmore was born Mar. 19. 1855, in Macon Co., Ala., and was educated at Crystal Springs. Mr. Elmore's business is farming. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Primative Baptist Church. They reside at Dykesville. Claiborne Parish, La. Children: 276. i. Rufus 8 , b. Sept. 3, 1880; m. Jerushia Bond. ii. Bettie b. Mar. 14, 1883. iii. Gracie, b. Feb. 13, 1885. iv. J. B., b. Apr. 23, 1887. v. Anna, b. Apr. 23, 1891. vi. George, b. Jan. 15, 1893. vii. Carrie, b. Aug. 26, 1895. viii. O. Lena, b. July 28, 1887. g6 Genealogy of 241. ANNA 5 LEWIS (104) was born Mar. 28, 1859, in Barbour Co., Ala., was educated at Dykesville, La., and married D. B. Garland, a farmer, Nov. 30, 1879. Mr. Garland was born Jan. 30, 1857, in Sumpter Co., S. C, and was educated at Dykesville, La. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. They reside at Leton, Webster Parish, La. Children : 277. i. Ella Pearl 6 , b. Sept. 22, 1880; m. Wm. Miller, ii. Edna Earl, b. Feb. 3, 1882. iii. Bettie Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1883. iv. John Wesley, b. Mar. 25, 1885. v. Lillian Mai, b. Apr. 1, 1888. 242. JAMES L. 5 LEWIS (104) was born June 3, 1866, in Bullock Co., Ala., was educated at Dykesville, La., and married Dora V. Alford in 1891. Miss Alford was born Feb. 25, 1872, in Clai- borne Parish, La., and was educated at Summerfield, La. Mr. Lewis' business is farming. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. They reside at Leton, Webster Parish, La. Children : i. Lester R. 8 , b. Jan. 9, 1893. ii. Johnny Guy, b. Nov. 7, 1895. iii. Eula Inez, b. Mar. 27, 1898. iv. Blanche Lucile, b. Nov. 14, 1900. v. Joseph Howell, b. July 18, 1902. 243. KATE 5 LEWIS (104) was born Feb. 5, 1868, in Bullock Co., Ala., was educated at Dykesville, La., and married W. H. H. Slack, a farmer, in 1898. Mr. Slack was born in 1848, in Bosier Parish, La., and was educated in Webster Parish, La. He and his wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. They reside at Shongaloo, Webster Parish, La. Children. i. Naomi Elizabeth 6 , b. Mar. 21, 1899. ii. Henry Grady, b. July 22, 1901. iii. Edna Jewel, b. Apr. 12, 1903. 244. CLARA ABP THIGPEN (105) was born Aug. 12, 1853, and married Isaac M. Dyer, a farmer, Mar. 2, 1869. The Davis Family. 07 Mr. Dyer was born Nov. 20, 1845. The religion of the family is Presbyterian. Mrs. Dyer died June 30, 1901. Mr. Dyer's P. O. address is Homer, La. Children : i. John Little 8 . i v . James Henry. II. Dora Tabitha. v . Nora Love III. Sarah Fannin. vi. Isaac M., Jr. 245. MARY ELIZABETH 5 THIGPEN (105) was born Dec. 23, 1858, in Claiborne Parish, La., was educated at Homer, La., and married Jesse Mitchel Brooke, a farmer, in 1874. Mr. Brooke was born Dec. 8, 1847, and was educated at San Augustine, Tex. Mrs. Brooke is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. They reside at Homer, Claiborne Parish, La. Children : i. Walter Brythal 6 , b. May 13, 1877; d. Nov. 23, 1878. ii. Mattie Lee, b. Nov. 17, 1879; d. Aug. 23, 1884. iii. Nancy Antoinette, b. Feb. 16, 1882. iv. Jesse Otho, b. Feb. 16, 1884. y. Clara Abi, b. Apr. 5, 1886. vi. Lonnie Day, b. Aug. 29, 1888. vii. Clyde Andrew, b. Mar. 30, 1890. viii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1892. ix. Joseph Clarence, b. Dec. 15, 1894. x. Irma May, b. July 22, 1897. 246. JAMES BRYTHAL 5 THIGPEN (105) was born Aug. 11, 1862. He was educated at Shiloh, La., and married Lula Bird, Nov. 12, 1888. They now reside at Alexandria, La., where Mr. Thigpen is engaged in mercantile business. 247. SUSAN ANTOINETTE 5 THIGPEN (105) was born Feb. 18, 1866, in Claiborne Parish, La., was educated at and near Homer, La., and married William Marion Knighten, a farmer, in 1882. Mr. Knighten was born Aug. 28, 1852, in Claiborne Parish, La., and was educated at and near Homer, La. Mrs. Knighten is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. They reside near Homer, Claiborne Parish, La. Children : i. Sue Willie 8 , b. Mar. 14, 1883. ii. Brythal, b. Sept. 1, 1884. iii. Laura Geneva, b. Aug. 29, 1888. 7 98 Genealogy of iv. Abi Velma, b. Oct. 17, 1893. v. Ida Norine, b. May 16, 1893. vi. Elsie Lurline, b. Aug. 12, 1901. 248. JULIET GIBBS 5 THIGPEN (105) was born Aug. 17, 1871, in Claiborne Parish, La., was educated at Homer, La., and married Eddie Norman Evans, a farmer, in 1885. Mr. Evans was born June 28, 1864, in Claiborne Parish, La., and was edu- cated at Homer. He and his wife are members of the Primitive Baptist Church. Their P. O. address is Homer, La. Children: i. Lillian 6 Estel, b. Aug. 1, 1887. ii. Sylmer Davis, b. Mar. 4, 1889. iii. Whitus Brythal, b. Oct. 29, 1891. iv. Ferman Norman, b. Nov. 9, 1893. v. Andrew Gibbs, b. Feb. 24, 1886. vi. James Otho, b. Sept. 19, 1901 ; d. Sept. 2, 1903. 249. ANDREW JACKSON 5 THIGPEN (105) was born Apr. 28, 1874. He was educataed at Homer, La., and Waco, Tex., and married Gladys May Bryan, on May 14, 1900. They now reside in Homer, La., Claiborne Parish (where they were both born). Mr. Thigpen is a traveling salesman. Children : i. Floy 8 b. Oct. 4, 1901. ii. James Bryan, b. May 14, 1903. 250. PERNINA CHRISTANA 5 THIGPEN (105) was born Jan. 19, 1879, was educated at Homer, La., and married Tap. Taylor, Jan. 1, 1902. They reside in Homer, La., and Mr. Taylor is in mercantile business. 251. ALPHA EULA 5 HITCHCOCK (106) was born Oct. 1, 1868, and married William Gachet, Aug. 2, 1900. Mr. Gachet is a merchant at Mt. Andrew, Barbour Co., Ala. They have one child. 252. JACKSON GIBBS 5 HITCHCOCK (106) was born Sept. 29, 1871, and married Helen Roy, of Midway, Ala., Dec. 19, 1899. He is merchandising at Midway. They have one child. The Davis Family. 99 253. MARTHA HALL 5 HITCHCOCK (106) was born Sept. 22, 1873, and married Mattie Crymer, of Midway, Ala. He is fann- ing near Midway. They have one child. 254. ANTOINETTE PALESTINE 5 HITCHCOCK, was born Jan. 12, 1876, and married Lucius Penick, of Three Notch, Ala., Dec. 6, 1894. Mr. Penick is a merchant. No. children. 255. JAMES FRANKLIN 5 HITCHCOCK (106) was born Feb. 26, 1878, and married Sallie Louise Davis, of Midway, Ala., Dec. 21, 1898. Mr. Hitchcock is a farmer near Pinegrove, Ala. They have three children. 256. CLAUD ALVIN HITCHCOCK (no) was born Oct. 12, 1879, in Burlison Co., Tex., and married Bird Bobo, June 19, 1901. Miss Bobo was born Nov. 5, 1873. One child: Buena Vista May 8 , b. Aug. 3, 1902. SIXTH GENERATION. 257. LUCY CORNELIA 6 SEALE (136) was born Sept. 9, 1866, and married Lee Andrews, Nov. 15, 1887. They reside at Harts- ville, Tenn. Children: i. Sam. Frederic 7 , b. May 8, 1894. ii. Virginia Lee, b. Nov. 7, 1896. iii. Lily Lewis, b. Sept. 28, 1898. iv. Paul, b. Aug., 1900. 258. LILY CLIFFORD 6 SEALE (136) was born Sept. 8, 1871, and married Samuel Lawndale, July 26, 1887. Mr. Lowndale died Mar. 10, 1! ioo Genealogy of Mrs. Lawndale married Frederic Snyder Mar. 4, 1889. They reside at Summerville, Burleson Co., Tex. 259. LEWIS CLAUDIA 6 SEALE (136) was born Feb. 11, 1874, and married Henry Smith, Sept. 1891 or 92. P. O., Temple, Tex. Children: i. Henry Rogers', b. Aug. 17, 1893. ii. Clyde Burton, b. Feb. 21, 1899. iii. Charles Cleburn, b. June 4, 1902. 260. KATE MAUD 6 WILLIAMS (137) was born Dec. 22, 1876, and married Mitchell Bird, Feb. 23, 1893. Their address is Cald- well, Tex. Children: i. Rosie LEE 7 , b. Aug. 5, 1894. ii. Mary Maud, b. Nov. 15, 1899. iii. Gus Raymond, b. 1901. 261. ANNA CADE 6 DENHAM (155) was born Sept. 15, 1877, in Randolph Co., Ala., was educated in Clay Co., Ala., and mar- ried Ben. Butts, a farmer, Oct. 15, 1897. Mr. Butts was born Aug. 5, 1865, in Coweta Co., Ga., and was educated in Clay Co., Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Butts are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Albertville, Marshall Co., Ala. One child, died in in- fancy. 262. JAMES WILLIAM 6 DENHAM (155) was born Oct. 25, 1879, in Clay Co., Ala., and married Leola Amerson, Dec. 28, 1899. Miss Amerson was born July 4, 1883, in Clay Co., Ala. Mr. Denham is a farmer. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside in Denton Co., Tex. One child : Allen Alfred 7 , b. Mar. 17, 1901. 263. MARY LUELLA 6 HILSMAN (164) was born May 4, 1875, The Davis Family. 10I and married Hugo S. Dodenhoff, Sept. 5, 1897, at Albany, Ga. Mr. Dodenhoff is in the railroad business. One child: Bilue Dorr 7 , b. Jan. 9, 1899. 264. MYRA WELCH HILSMAN (164) was born Nov. 21, 1877, and married John K. Hackett, Aug. 23, 1902, at Albany, Ga. Mr. Hackett is a lumberman. 265. MARY LOU 6 FLINT (170) was born in Albany, Ga., May 30, 1866, was educated in Albany and Macon, Ga. She was married to Mr. Andrew Young Hampton, Nov. 27, 1884. Mr. Hampton was born in Greenville, Fla., July 11, 1857. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. They reside at Lake City, Columbia Co., Fla. Children. i. Viola Collier 7 , b. Dec. 7, 1885. ii. Naomi Clem, b. Oct. 2, 1887. iii. Andrew Young, Jr., b. Nov. 13, 1889. iv. John Ward, b. Sept. 11, 189 1. 266. VIOLA COLLIER 6 FLINT (170) was born July 16, 1872, and married Chorine Richardson Davis, Oct. 25, 1899. Mr. Da- vis was born in Houston Co., Ga., July 25, 1868, and was edu- cated at Albany, Ga. His business is merchandising. He is a member of the Episcopal Church and his wife of the Baptist Church. One child: Chorinne Richardson, Jr. 7 , b. Dec. 24, 1902. 267. G. W. 6 FORRESTER (172) was born Sept. 21, 1868, at Al- bany, Ga., was educated at Atlanta, Ga., married Lelia Richmond, Sept. 9, 1871, at the First M. E. Church in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Forrester is general superintendent of a cotton mill. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. They reside at Albany, Ga. One child : Robert Richmond 7 , b. Nov. 22, 1892. 102 Genealogy of 268. JOEL ROBERT FORRESTER (172) was born Oct. 31, 1870, in Albany, Ga., and married Merwell Calloway, in 1891. Miss Calloway was born in 1868, in Lee Co., Ga. Mr. Forrester is manager of an oil mill. He and his wife are Baptists. They reside at Tifton, Ga. Children : i. George Malone 7 , b. Oct. 11, 1897. ii. Mattie, b. Feb., 1903. 269. ORRIE JONES (175) was born Aug. 7, 1876, and married Bryant Hardie Hodges at Albany, Ga., Oct. 10, 1893. Mr. Hodges was born at White Sulphur Springs, Fla., Feb. 14, 1871. Mrs. Hodges died in Albany, Ga., Feb. 9, 1903. One child : Kenneth Bryant, b. Oct. 13, 1896. 270. JOSIE BEAL JONES (175) was born Dec. 20, 1882, and mar- ried James Thomas Fleming Jan. 21, 1902. Mr. Fleming was born at Hawkinsville, Ga., Sept. 18, 1877. They reside in Atlanta, Ga. 271. JOHN FEEDER 6 KING (225) was born in 1876, and married Eula Townsend near Leesburg, Tex., Dec, 1898. Children: i. Mary 7 , b. Sept. 1, 1899. ii. Henry Hayes, b. 1901. 272. MARY IDA 6 KING (225) married Luther Patterson Apr. 1, 1899, Rev. William Harris, officiating. Children: i. A son, b. about 1900. ii. A daughter, b. Dec, 1901. 273. EULA MAY 6 KING (228) was born Sept. 17, 1881, and mar- ried Oscar Horton Pynes, Nov. 25, 1897. P. O. address Lees- burg, Tex. Children : The Davis Family. im i. Tandy Pascal 7 , b. Sept., 1898. ii. Welman Wilde, b. Dec, 1899; d. Oct. 28, 1900. iii. Oscar Atkinson, b. July, 1901. iv. Minnie, b. Oct. i # 1903. 274. ELLA LEE 6 KING (228) was born Mar. 13, 1883, and mar- ried B. K. Holmes, Dec. 22, 1902, Rev. William Harris officiating. P. O. address, Leesburg, Tex. 275. MARY OLIVE HOLT (230) was born Aug. 14, 1879, and married James Porter Bailey, Dec. 2, 1897. Children: i. John Leslie, b. Dec. 25, 1898. ii. James Oliver, b. Nov. 6, 1900. iii. Ben Will, b. Dec. 8, 1902. 276. RUFUS 6 ELMORE (240) was born Sept. 3, 1880, and mar- ried Jerushia Bond, in 1901. One child : Lewis Green 6 , b. Jan. 8, 1903. 277. ELLA PEARL 6 GARLAND (241) was born Sept. 22, 1880, and married William Miller, Jan. 31, 1900. Children: i. Nora 7 , b. Sept. 10, 1900. ii. Columbus P., b. Feb. 3, I903- INDEX. The Index is divided into two Parts.: No. I., which contains the names of persons of the surname Davis, and No. II., which contains the names of persons of surnames other than Davis. All names have both reference and page numbers. Numbers in parentheses refer to parents and the name may be found in the family statement of children on page indicated. Married names in parentheses. NO. I. DAVIS. No. Page. DA VIS- Ada Newell, (96) 54 Adella E. (Jones), ... 174 78 Adna, (24) 23 Albert G., 211 88 Alexandria May (Lyle), 93 52 Alfred Colquit, (72) 44 Alfred C, (72) 43 Alice M., 54 37 Alice Price, (212) 89 Alice M., (55) 37 Alver Cassa, (161) 74 Alvin, (15O 7i Amanda C, (23) 23 Amanda, (24) 23 Amanda (twice m.), .. 69V2 4 s Andrew, (33) 28 Anna, (24) 23 Anna H. (Hodges), ... 73 43 Anna T. (Chapman),. 98 54 Annie (Tabor), (52) 36 Annie Neva, (87) 50 Annie Nelson, (72) 44 Annie Adella, (161) 74 Annie Laurie, (212) 89 Annie Laurie, (180) 80 Annie Lou, (192) 83 Annie L., 094) 84 Arabella E. (Daniel), 209 88 Archie J (87) 5° Arthur, (16) n Arthur L., 079) 80 B. H., 5i 36 Benjamin Hill, (22) 17 Bessie V., (89) 50 Bessie L., 094) 84 Bert, OsO 7i Betty H., (96) 54 No. Page. Burmah Grace (89) 50 Bolon, (151) 71 Bradley B., (192) 83 Calhoun, (16) 11 Caroline C, (22) 17 Carrie Macon, (78) 46 Charles, (4) 5 Charles, 55 37 Charles M., (23) 22 Charles, (50) 36 Charles, Jr., (55) 37 Charles J. (90) 51 Charles I., (87) 50 Charles W., 159 73 Chorine Richardson, . 266 101 Chorine R., Jr., (266) 100 Claud, (15O "i Clara, (151 ) 71 Cliff Q. M (90) 51 Cordelia (Macon) 74 44 David Madison, 99 Dasie Clare (180) Dewey, (160) Donald G 073) Dora A (159) Dorothy, (221 > Edward S., (19) Elizabeth (Orr) (5) Elizabeth (May) 17 Elizabeth (Hitch- cock), 9 Elizabeth (Boon), .... 65 Elizabeth B. (Taylor). (19) Elizabeth J. (Mc- Gwire, 7i Elizabeth, (-4^ Elizabeth (25) 55 80 74 78 74 91 13 7 11 S 40 13 43 j -'4 io6 Davis Family. No. Page. Eliza N. (Randal), .. 92 51 Ella May, (193) 84 Ellen D. (Burton),... 224 91 Emma (Willingham), 177 79 Emma L., 079) 80 Enoch Coy, ( 159) 74 Ernest C, ( 179) 80 Erroll D., (211) 89 Esta, (160) 74 Ethel May, (180) 80 Eunice Lillian, (179) 80 Evelin E, 197 85 Florence, (151 ) 71 Fredonia Z. (Jackson), 83 48 George E., (16) 11 George Eves, (4) 5 Grace, (192) 83 Gustavus A., 181V2 81 Harriet L., (95) 54 Hattie, (151) 7i Helen Clare (173) 78 Henry, (64) 40 Hortense, (26) 25 Hugh B., (89) 50 Humphrey P., 87 49 Hyram S., (159) 74 Idella V. (Bryan), ... 158 73 Isaac Newton, 24 23 Isaac Newton, Jr., .... (24) 23 Isaac Newton, 82 48 Isaac Newton, 96 54 James, 15 10 Rev. James, 25 23 James, 2 3 James A., 161 74 James B., (72) 43 James Inman, (97) 54 James K., (95) 54 James Lamar, (55) 37 Rev. James J., 97 54 James T. (21) 14 James, (151) 71 Jefe, (151) 71 Jeff A., 190 83 Jefferson, (64) 40 Jefferson Hood, 212 89 Jeptha Vining, 23 17 Jeptha Vining, Jr., ... 85 49 Jeptha Pearce, (89) 50 Rev. Jesse Mercer, .... 26 24 Jesse Mercer, 88 50 Jesse M., (25) 24 No. Page. Jessie L. (Willard), .. 222 91 Rev. John, 4 4 John, 50 36 John A., 70 43 John A., (211) 89 John Adrian, (173) 78 John Adrian, 180 80 John Mercer, (180) 80 John Dawson, (23) 22 John A., 210 88 John G., 151 71 John, (50) 36 John K., (52) 36 John T., (87) 50 JOICIE, (64) 40 Joice Olf:via, 159 74 Jonathan, 1 1 Jonathan, (4) 5 Rev. Jonathan, 22 15 Jonathan G., (89) 50 Rev. Jonathan B. S., . . 81 47 Jonathan E., 189 82 Dr. Jonathan V., 195 84 Jonathan B., ( 194) 84 Josephine L. (22) 17 Joseph Clay, (23) 23 Joseph S., 173 78 Joseph S., Jr (173) 78 Joseph T., (89) 50 Judea (McMichen),. . . (4) 5 J. M., (96) 54 Katie L. ( 179) 80 Lake Newell, (210) 88 Laura E. (Shaffer),.. 176 79 Lee, (64) 40 Lee B., 179 80 Dr. Leonidas, 72 43 Lillie, (52) 36 Lizzie Pearl, (87) 50 Louisa F. (Goss), (21) 14 Louisa E., (25) 24 Lou (Heard), 150 70 Lovic, (151) 71 Lucile (Ely), (51) 36 Lucy (Goodall), 6 7 Lucy Morn, (90) 51 Lucy, (64) 40 Lucy (Higgason), 18 11 Lucy, (5) 7 Lucy G. (Henderson), 20 13 Lucy, (151) 71 I. rev R. (Lowe), 66 40 Lula M. (Gilbert), ... 163 75 Lula (Coles), (52) 36 Index. 107 No. Page. Macon Crawford, 78 46 Maggie, (151) 71 Malvina, (50) 36 Margaret T., ( 194) 84 Margaret M., (222) 91 Marlin Mills, (189) 83 Mary (Phillips), 3 3 Mary (Higgason), ... 18 11 Mary Mercer, (22) 17 Mary Morton, 75 44 Mary C. (Bowen), 94 52 Mary I. (Hall) 207 87 Martha (Gilbert), .... 68 41 Martha W, (25) 24 Martha T., (89) 50 Mayoline, (78) 46 Menla (twice m.), 101 56 Menla, (96) 54 Mercer G (221 ) 91 Mildred (Phillips), ... 7 7 Minnie L. (Sheffield), (70) 43 Minnie, (151) 7* Minnie, (210) 88 Dr. Minor M. S., 84 49 Minor P., (79) 46 Napoleon, 53 36 Nancy E., (5) 7 Nancy E., (21) 14 Nancy E. (Collier),.. 69 42 Nannie A. (Jones), .. 178 79 Nell (King), 182 81 Nora P lossie, ( 161 ) 74 Permella J. (Weston), 100 55 Philip, (4) 5 Posie Newton, (87) 50 Q. West, 90 5° Raymond A., (179) 80 Reuben E., 64 40 Reuben E., (s) 7 Reuben E., 19 I2 Reuben S., (19) *3 Robert A., (67) 41 Robert Ford, (192) 83 Robert Lee, (89) 5° Robert M., (21) 14 Robert P., (193) 84 Robert P., 193 »4 Robert Wyche 102 56 Rosa S. (Garwood), .. 223 gi Roy Carlton, (180) 80 Rudolph, 05 1 ) 7 1 Rudolph Greenwood, . (72) 44 No. Page. r ufus, ( I5I) 7 j Ruth T. (Kidd), 20; 87 Salue L. (Butler), ... 181 80 Sallie C. (Jones), ... 175 78 Sallie Eveline, (193) 84 Sallie U. (Williams), 91 51 Sallie L. (Hitchcock), 255 99 Sander Stephens, (90) 51 Sarah J. (Stakely),. . 208 87 Sarah, ( I92 ) 83 Sarah L. (Marlin). .. 76 4; Stephen J., (21 | f 4 Stephen J., (67) 41 Susan A. (Bowen), .. 80 47 Susannah (Gross), .. 8 8 Tabitha, (5) - Talitha Cumi S (25) 24 Talitha, (64) 40 Temperance E. (Reese), '. 86 49 Temperance, (84) 49 Talitha, (64) ,10 Theo Wilkes, (192) 83 Theo Burns (193) 84 Dr. Theo Burns, 192 83 Theodosia C. (War REn), (70) 43 Thomas M. (89 ) 50 Thomas (52) 36 Thomas, (64) 40 Thomas, (53) 36 Wade Hampton, 213 89 Wade Hampton. Jr., ..(213) 89 Walter A., (221 ) 01 Walter M., 221 90 Walter H, (96 ) 54 Webb, ( 24 1 23 Wesley K., (212) 89 Wellborn, ( 104 ) 84 Wiley Howard [96 85 Will of Jonathan William A Rev. William ? 5 William 16 11 Rev. William 21 13 William Dr. William 52 36 William A William C (213 William D (173) 7$ William E too 74 William Hudson 95 52 William I [udson, Jh . , William J 67 4^ io8 Davis Fatnilv. No. Page William O., (193) 84 William Sanders, 77 45 William T., (161) 74 William T., (159) 74 William W., 214 89 W. W., (51) 36 Willie S. (Goss), — 191 83 Willie P., (72) 43 No. Page. Willis Jonathan, (192) 83 Wilson, (53) 36 Winnie, (210) 88 Winnie Belle, (214) 89 Zachariah (4) 5 Zachary T., 89 50 NO. II. NAMES OTHER THAN DAVIS. ACKERMAN— Annie (Davis), No. Page. . . 221 90 ADAMS— B. H., 27 26 Emmet, (27) 26 Lillian (Weston), ... 215 89 Thomas, (27) 26 ALFORD— Dora V. (Hitchcock),. 242 96 ALFRIEND— Edward D., ( 166) 76 Evelyn G., (166) 76 Gilbert H., (166) 76 Linton S. t 166 76 Linton S., Jr., (166) 76 Martha G., (166) 76 ALSABROOK— Alice (Davis), 160 74 AMOS— Emma (Buckingham), (56) y] Leola (Durham), 262 100 ANDREWS— Lee, 257 99 Lily Lewis, (257) 99 Paul, (257) 99 Sam Frederick, (257) 9Q Virginia Lee, (257) 99 A SKEW- EMILY C. (Davis), 79 46 BABER— Christopher C., (14) 10 Eliza C., (14) 10 Elizabeth, (14) 10 Frederick A., (14) 10 Ida E. (Hill) (27) 26 James J., (14) 10 No. Page. James W (27) 26 John Thomas, (27) 26 John Thomas, (27) 26 Mary A. (Wooten), .. 49y 2 35 Mary J. (Adams), (27) 26 Thomas, 14 10 Sarah E. (Hill), (27) 26 Washington, (27) 26 William P., (14) 10 Washington, 27 26 bailey- ben Will, (275 ) 103 James Oliver, (275) 103 James Porter, 275 103 John Leslie, (275) 103 BASKIN— J. W., (94) 52 BATES— Lucinda (Davis), 194 84 BEASLEY— A. (Phillips), 45 33 BIRD— Gus Raymond, (260) 100 Lula (Thigpen), 246 97 Mary Maud, (260) 100 Mitchell, 260100 Rosie Lee, (260) 100 BLASINGAME— Benjamin H., (123) 64 Sidney A., 123 64 Sidney V., (123) 64 Sidney Raymond 123 64 BLEDSOE— Bushrod, 69V2 42 Charles (69V2) 42 William (69V2) 42 Mary (Davis), 22 15 Index. 109 No. Page. BOBO— Bird (Hitchcock), .... 256 99 Boon- Allen, 65 40 Amanda E., (65) 40 Augustus C., (152) 71 Bessie C, (152) 71 Emma F., (152) 71 George Roy, (152) 71 Henry Allen, (65) 40 James K., (65) 40 John Thomas, 152 71 John H., (152) 71 Mary Emma, (65) 40 Mattie Lou, (152) 71 Robert A., (65) 40 Susan Frances, (65) 40 William A., (152) 71 William Council, (65) 40 BOND— Jerushia (Elmore), . . 276 103 BONNER— Dora C. (Hitchcock),. 34 29 Dora (Jackson), 109 85 BOWEN— Anna Davis, (04) 52 Col. Frank D., 80 47 Frank D., 94 52 Mary Cobb (Hood), ... 206 87 Mollie (Baskin), (04) 52 BOZEMAN— Sallie G. (Davis), — 78 46 BROOKE- CLARA Abi, (245) 97 Clyde Andrew, (245) 97 Irma May, (245) 97 Jesse M., 245 97 Jesse Otho, (245) 97 Joseph C, (245) 97 Lonnie Day, (245) 97 Mattie Lee, (245) 97 Nancy A., (245) 97 Sarah E., (245) 97 Walter B., (245) 97 BROWN- HARRY, (129) 65 Leonard B., (129) 65 Lucy (Davis) 85 49 Maggie (Davis), 89 50 Robert B., 129 65 Ruth E., (129) 65 No. Page. BRYAN— Anna W (158) 73 Charles Edward, (158) 73 Idella Viola (158) 73 Gladys M. (Thigpin),. 249 98 James William, (158) 73 Jaicie Inez, (158) 7^ Mary C, (158) 73 Tolbert Coy, (158) j^ Theodosia, (158) 71, W. J., 158 73 BRYERLY— Reuben Colwin, 238 95 BUCKINGHAM— Addie (White), 133 66 Eugene B., (56) v E. E., (132) - Estella (Farmer), ...(132) 66 George H., 132 66 John, (13D 65 Kittie (Turner), 135 66 Lucy (Moore), 131 65 Mary (Vogel), 134 66 Minnie (Hess), (132) 66 Thomas, 56 " Victoria (Goin), (132) 66 W. W., (56) 37 BURGE— Fannie (Hodges), .... 183 81 BURKS- HENRY Dawson, (171 I 77 Viola, (17' ' 77 W. P., 171 77 W. P., Jr., (171) 77 BURNS— Sallie (Davis), 81 47 BURTON— H. Ralph 224 01 Sophia (Davis) 26 24 butler- Davis, (18' Haywood D [81 Lois (181) Bi Marion Dixon ( 181 ) Si Tinney, (181 butts- Anna F. (Lowe) Ben, 26' I0 ° I 10 Davis Family. No. Page. CALLOWAY— Merrell (Collier), ... 268 102 CARMICHAEL— Louise V. (Davis), .... 193 84 cannon- Eugene, 130 65 CARNES— John B., 204 86 Sarah Temperance, . . (204) 87 CARR— Rebecca L. (Davis), ... 161 74 CASSADY— Mary (Eldridge), in 60 chapman- James Davis, 218 90 James Davis, (98) 55 Jessie A., (98) 55 John C, (98) 55 Mollie B., (98) 55 Yv illiam A., (98) 55 Wm. Benjamin, 98 54 CHILES- BARBARA, (36) 30 Baylor, 118 62 Bennie, (115) 61 Dabney, 116 62 Emily (Williams), .. 119 62 James Lewis, 113 61 Lena Emily, (117) 62 Lewis L., 36 29 Madaline, (115) 61 Mary L. (Womble), .. 114 61 Sarah E. (Winston), 112 61 Thomas D. W., 117 62 Virginia (Higginson), (36) 30 Wm. Tryon, 115 61 COLEMAN— Fulvia D. (Higgason), 57 37 COLES, (52) 36 collier- Eliza Pace (Burks),.. 171 77 George Winfield 69 42 Henry Hora (69) 42 Mary E. (Degraffin- ried), 169 76 Martha G. (Forres- ter), 172 77 Sarah E. (Oliver), . . 168 76 Viola (Flint), 170 77 No. Page. COMBS— Evie (Davis), 151 71 CORNELIA- MRS. Berrien Phillips, (45) 33 COSPER— Charlotte (Lowe), ... 153 72 coulter- Mrs. John (Davis), .. 50 36 crouch- Annie l. (Davis) 213 89 CRUMPLER— Susie R. (King 1 * 234 94 CRYMER— Mattie (Hitchcock), . 253 99 Daniel- Clare (209) 88 Clyde (209) 88 Joseph L., (209) 88 Joe E., 209 88 Sarah A. (Doris), .... 23 21 Temperance (Doris), . 23 20 DEGRAFFINREED— Annie, (169) 76 M. F. Hopkins, 169 76 DENHAM— Addie Ezada, (155) 72 Alfred, 155 72 Allen, Alfred, 262 100 Anna C. (Butts), ... 261 100 Charlotte Ida (155) 72 Henry Shelly, (155) 72 Jas. Wilson, 262 100 Jane Grant, (1^5) 72 Pellie Olivia, (155) 72 Perlie May (i5.*0 72 Sarah Lizzie, ( 155) 72 dickens- Bryant P., 143 68 M. F. Hopkins 169 76 Ruby, (143) 68 DODENHOFF— Hugo S., 203 101 Billie Dorr, (263) 101 DORSET- HESTER (Lowe), 157 73 Index. ii i No. Page. DOUGLAS- EUGENE, ( 101 ) 56 Jesse Davis, ( 101 ) 56 Col. Marcellus, 101 56 Marcellus, Jr., ( 101 ) 56 Neelie (101) 56 DUKE- Edwin Walton, 125 64 Lamar C, ( 125 ) 64 DUNKLIN— Charles A., (127) 65 Jesse Lamar, (127) 65 Julian P., ( 127T 65 Ruth, (127) 65 William Wesley, 127 64 Wm. Wesley, Jr. (127) 65 DUPREE— Benjamin F., 43 33 DYER— ■ Dora Tabitha, (244) 97 Isaac M., 244 96 Isaac M., Jr., (244) 97 James Henry, (244) 97 John Little, (244) 97 Nora Love, (244) 97 Sarah F., (244) 97 EASTON— Mary (Davis), 4 4 Nancy (Davis), 5 5 EILAND— Abi (Hitchcock), 28 26 ELDRIDGE— Arthur, 35 2 9 Martha, (in) 61 Sarah (in) 61 Thomas, in 60 Thomas, (in) 61 ELMORE— Anna, (240) 95 Bettie, (240) 95 Carrie, (240) 95 G. W 240 95 George, (240) 95 Oracle, (240) 95 J. B., (240) 95 Lewis Green, (276) 103 O. Lena (240) 95 Rufus, 276 103 ELY- N ° T- L (5,) 3 6 Evans- Andrew G (248) 98 Clarence K (126) 64 Eddie Norman, 248 98 Glennie E., (126) 64 Ferman N. (248 ) <>x James Otho (248) 98 John Eugene, 126 64 John Lamar, (126) 64 Lillian E., (248) 98 Sylmer D., ( 248 » 98 Whitus B. (248) 98 EZELLE— Emma J. (King), 228 92 FAIRCLOTH— Hester (Davis), 84 49 farmer- Albert, (132) 66 FIELDER— Lula J. (Chiles), 117 62 FINCHER— Myrtle Lou (Jack- son) 198 85 FLEMING— James Thomas 270 102 Flint- Cassandra L., (170) 77 George Thos., (170) 77 John W., 170 77 John Davis (170) 77 Mary L. (Hampton), . 265 101 Nancy M., ( 170) 77 Thomas J., (170) 77 Viola C. (Davis) 266 101 Wm. David (170) 77 Forrester- Edward C, (172) 7"! G. W., 267 101 George M I268 Henry Collier < 1 7- ' 78 Joel Robert 268 102 J. R. '7 John Ely (172) 78 Mattie (268) "'- Pearl (Hyde) (172) 58 Robert R (267) i"i 112 Davis Family No. Page. FOSTER- HESTER (Hitchcock), . 33 28 GACHET— William, 251 98 GARLAND— Betie E., (241) 96 D. B., 241 96 Edna Earl, (241 ) 96 Ella P.( Miller), 277 103 John Wesley, (241) 06 Lillian Mai, (241 ) 96 GARWOOD— G. B., 223 91 John Wesley, (223) 91 Robert Davis, (22^) 91 GIBBS— Lucy (Davis), 1 1 GIBSON- ANNIE Amanda, (231) 93 Ernest Bertram, (231) 93 Lucy Estelle, (231 ) 93 Ruth A. (Davis), 90 51 William Obediah, .... 231 93 GILBERT- ANN Eliza, (68) 42 Annie M., (165) 75 Bessie H., (165) 75 Catherine, ( 162) 75 Cloe Emily, (162) 75 Mrs. Jesse M. (Davis), 26 24 Dorotha I., (163) 75 Elizabeth E., (68) 42 Emma Louise, (163) 75 Fannie M. (Hilsman), 164 75 Fonder, (162) 75 Forrest Trippe, (165) 75 Dr. John C., 68 41 John Milton, (68) 42 Jonathan D., 163 75 Josepkus T, (162) 75 Julius B., 165 75 Julia (Tift), 167 76 Luella S., (163) 75 Mary, (68) 42 Mattie E., (163) 75 Maud (162) 75 Mildred A., (163) 75 Nancy C. (Aleriend),. 166 76 Rudolph, (68) 42 Rudolph, (162) 75 William F ( 162) 75 William Henry, 162 74 No. Page GOIN— John, (132) 66 GOODALL— , 6 7 GOSS— Benjamin, 8 8 John, (21) 14 GREENWOOD— Abner, (69 1 /- ) 42 George, 69V2 42 George, Jr., (69V 2 ) 42 John, (69V2) GREEN- ANNIE, (122) 63 Julia P., (122) 63 Dr. Myles Jefferson, . 40 31 Rev. R. W., 122 63 GRISSOM— Laura (Hannon), .... 124 64 GROSS- CHARLES E., 191 83 GUNN— Eugenia (Davis), .... 173 78 HACKET— John K., 264 1 01 HALBERT— Mary (Davis), 19 12 HALE- , (59) 38 HALL- SARAH Evelyn (Hitch- cock), 106 59 Joseph A., 207 87 Joseph A., Jr., (207) 87 Sarah Jessie (207) 87 William Davis, 207 87 HAMPTON- ANDREW Young, 265 101 Andrew Young, Jr., ..(265) 101 John Ward (265) 101 Laura C. (Davis), .... 70 42 Naomi Clem, (265) 101 Viola Collier, (265) 101 Index. »3 No Pa op HANNON- * Aubery, ( I24) 64 Charles F., ( I24 ) 64 Charles Reuben, 124 64 John Henry, 42 32 John Aldin, (124) 64 Fannie (Blasingame), 123 63 Mary Beatrice, (42) 32 HARDAWAY— Leone (King), 233 93 HARRIS— A - J-> 130 67 HASLEP— M. E. (Chiles), 115 61 HEARD— Elijah Kirk, 150 70 Henry Troup, (150) 71 Hugh Howard, (150) 71 Lou Ella, (150) 71 Mary E., (150) 71 Robert J (150) 71 Willie M., ( 150) 71 HENDERSON , . . (3) 4 Antoinette, (20) 13 A. Mabrina F. (Davis) 16 11 Claudius, (20) 13 Col. David, Elizabeth (Ingram), . 62 39 John, (20) 13 Josiah, (20) 13 Lucy A. (Rawls), 63 39 Rosena, (20) 13 Rev. William, 20 13 William, Jr., (20) 13 HESS— Roy, (132) 66 HIGGASON— Annie, (138) 67 Edmond I., , . 61 39 Elizabeth E. (McGow- En), 59 38 Fanny, (18) 12 Gabriel, (18) 12 Dr. George, 18 11 George, 58 38 George, (61 ) 39 George Reuben, 138 67 James Fleming, (57) 37 James W., (18) 12 John Davts, 57 37 8 No. Pag< Jonnie Maud, ( 57 ) ^7 Laura V. (Seale), ... 136 66 ^' (60) McAlister, (61 ) JQ Maggie (McCowen), .. i 41 t, 7 Mary (Harris), iV) < >7 May (Dickens), [43 68 Mary Laura (57) < 7 Mary A. (Bucking- ham), -6 v Margaret, ( ,x, ,_, Paul Bascom, (57 ) ^7 Reuben A., 60 \g Reuben, (60) 39 Rosalie A. (twice m.), 137 (,7 Vara (Mordrall), 142 68 Velma, (60) >., Virginia (Snyder), ... 140 67 Warren W., (57) 37 HILL- Eliza (Davis), 15 10 John A., (27) 26 John A., Jr., (27) 26 , (27) 26 Martha E. (Davis), .. isq 73 Robert A., (27) 26 HILSMAN— James Tift, (164) 7; Jerry Gilbert, (164) 7; Mattie P (164) 75 Mary L. (Dodenhoff), 263 100 Myra W. (Hackett), . 264 i^i William Edward, 164 75 Wm. Taylor, ( 164 ) 75 HITCHCOCK— Alpha E. (Gachet), .. 251 98 Andrew J., (28) 26 Andrew Jackson, 32 Andrew, (33) 28 Andrew, ( 106) 50 Andrew J (1 10 ) Antoinette P. (Pe- nick) 254 ->) Antoinette F. (Tiug- pen), 105 58 Bertha Abi, (106) Benner, (i) sg Benner (107) 50 Buena Vista (256) Clai-de Alvin 256 'f> Corie, ( l Dorian C, (34) -'') Edgar, (33) ii 4 Davis Family. No. Page. Elizabeth F. (Phil- lips), 30 27 Elizabeth D. (Lewis), 104 58 Elizabeth D. (Hud- son ) , 108 59 Emily (Chiles), 36 29 Evelyn, ( 109) 60 Harmon H (no) 60 Herbert, ( 109) 60 Howard G., no 60 Howard G., Jr., (no) 60 Isaac Newton, 34 29 Jackson G., 252 98 James A., 109 60 James A., Jr., (109) 60 James, 9 8 James F., 255 99 James Gibbs, 106 59 James Madison (9) 8 Jeff, (109) 60 Jesse A., (no) 60 Jesse Phillips, 31 27 Jonathan D., (9) 8 John Gibbs 28 26 John G (28) 26 Julius Otis, (34) 29 Lavinia, (34) 29 Lewis L., (33) 28 Lucy D. (Smith), 29 26 Mathew A., (34) 29 Mathew H., 253 99 Mathew A (no) 60 Mathew Monroe, 33 28 Mathew M., Jr 107 59 Mary Emily, (33) 28 Mary A. (King), 103 57 Nathan (9) 8 Polly E. (Baber), ... 27 26 Sarah A. (twice m.),. . 35 29 Wm. Atkinson, (9) 8 HODGES— Annie, (183) 81 Bryant Hardie 269 102 Durwood, (183) 81 Fannie, (183; 81 George D 73 43 George D., 183 8*1 George ( 183) 81 Jewel (183) 81 Kenneth B., (269) 102 Louise, ( 183) 81 HOLMES- B. K. 274 103 No. Page. HOLT- MARY Olive, 275 103 Noel Pascal, (230) 93 W. P., 230 93 HOOD- CLAUDE W., (206) 87 Ella E., (206) 87 E. L., (206) 87 F. B., (206) 87 Rev. J. M., 206 87 J. E., (206) 87 Matilda G. (Davis),... 99 55 M. B., (206) 87 W. E., (206) 87 W. L., (206) 87 HOWELL— Eddie Lynn, (237) 95 Joseph Alexander, 237 94 Lucy Eunice, (237) 95 HUDSON- ANDREW J., ( 108) 59 Annie Jessie ( 108) 59 Ernest, ( 108) 59 James A., (108) 59 Lillian V., ( 108) 59 Louisa Edith (Davis), 25 23 Robert 108 59 Rosie (Buckingham), (131) 65 HUTCHINGS— Clotilda (Gilbert), .. 162 74 HYDE— , (172) 78 INGRAM— Adolphus A., 147 69 Albert H., ( 144) 69 Alonzo (62) 39 Alva Alphonzo, (147) 69 Archie Thos., (144) 69 Charlie D (144) 69 Claudius R., 145 69 Cleo (147) 70 Edwin J 62 39 Hattie E., (144) 69 Hattie T. (Torbert), . 149 70 Henry F., (144) 69 Ira Lorenzo, (146) 69 Je ssie Belle, (147) 70 Kate Lelia, ( 144) 69 Lassie, (147) 70 Lerea (147) 70 Lena H., O47) 69 Index. 115 No. Page. Lucia D., (147) Lucy Jane, *. ( 144) Lucy P. O., (62) Margaret E. (Walton) 148 Minnie A., (144) O. B., (i4s) Rudolph (62) Thos. L., 146 69 Thos. L., (146) 69 Walter L., (144) 69 William C, (144) 69 William H., 144 68 69 69 39 70 6g 69 39 JACKSON— Cecil Eugene, ( 199) 85 Eleanora (Phillips),. 49 33 Dannie Z. (Kidd), ... 201 86 James M., 83 48 James, 202 86 James Pierce, ( 198) 85 Jeptha Davis, (198) 85 Lavasier, 198 85 Lizzie A. (Carnes),... 204 86 Martha, (198) 85 Naomi, ( 198) 85 Susan T. (Smith), ... 200 86 Thomas Davis, 109 85 W t m. Price, 203 86 JOHNSON- ELIZABETH (Davis), ... 22 15 Joice (Davis), 21 13 JONES— Agnes P., ( Agnes Davis, ( Clayton, ( Emmie, ( Ernest Clay, Eula, ( Franklin C. ( F. Chandler, Josie B. (Fleming), .. Leo Wallace, ( Meriam Lee, ( Orrie (Hodges), Pattie Anna, ( Paul H., ( Reamus W., ( Robert Lee, Virginia I. (Davis),... William Thos., KEATING- HELENA L. (Davis), .. 174) 78 178) 70 174) 78 175) 79 128 6.S 174) 78 175) 79 175 78 270 102 128} 05 178) 79 269 102 174) 78 174) 78 175) 79 178 79 97 54 174 78 102 56 No. Page. KEENE— Daisy (Davis), 180 80 KEETH— Eva Davis, 214 89 KIDD— Emma, (201) 86 James Charles, 205 87 Jewel, (201) 86 John Paul, (201) 86 John T, 201 86 Mary, (201) 86 Nettie Sue, (205) 87 Zippora, (201) 86 KILPATR1CK— Sarah A. (Davis), ... 95 52 KIMBROUGH— Martha (Davis), .... 212 89 king- Ada May, (229) 93 Ada A. (Holt), 230 93 Addie Lucy, (229) 93 Annie Velma, (229) 93 Annie E. (Watts), ... 227 92 Benjamin C, (228) 92 Clara E. (Howell), .. 237 04 Clyde Ernest, ( 235 ) 04 Dewey, (225) 92 Ella L. (Holmes), ... 274 103 Ernest Lynn, 235 04 Eugene C, 233 93 Eula M. (Pynes), 273 102 Gibbs, (225) 91 Henry Gibbs, 225 91 Henry Otho, (229) 93 Henry H., (271) 102 Henry Thaddeus (225) 91 Herman D., (233) 94 Ida A. (Maddux), .... 226 92 Irma, (234) 94 James M., ( 103) 58 John Felder 271 102 John Eugene ( 234 I 94 Jonnie E. (Bryerly). . 238 95 Joseph Robert, (228) ga Lela M. (Morris) 232 93 Leonard L., < 233 ) 04 Leonora M. (Gibson).. 231 93 Lewis E (233) oj Maky t. (Patterson), , 272 102 Mary Vera (234) 94 Maky Abi (228) 9^ u6 Davis Family. No. Page Mary, (271 ) 102 Maggie Annie, (228) 92 Mildred, (233) 94 Myrtie Judson, (228) 92 Nora Estelle, (235) 94 Nugent, (235) 92 Oscar Forrest, 234 94 Oscar Shelton, (234) 94 Otho George, 229 92 O. Roger, (225) 92 Pallie Corrilla, (225) 92 Rachel, (229) 93 Rena L. (Parks), 236 94 Robert P., (228) 92 Robert F., (229) 93 Robert Henry, 103 57 Robert Sayles, (225) 91 Ruth, (229) 93 Willie Emma, (228) 92 Truman, 182 81 KNIGHTEN— Abi Velma, (24) 98 Brythal, (247) 97 Elsie L., (247) 98 Ida Norine, (247) 98 Laura G., (247) 97 Sue Willie, (247) 97 William M., 247 97 KNOX— C. (Buckingham), ...(56) 37 LAMAR— Glenora (Phillips), . . 46 33 LAWNDALE— Samuel, 258 99 LEFTNICH— Anna E. (Phillips),.. 39 31 lewis- Anna (Garland) 241 96 Bettie ( 104) 58 Blanche L., (242) 96 Efeie O. (Wright), ..(239) 95 Elsey S. (Shives), ... 239 95 Emmie (239) 95 Eula Inez, (242) 96 James L., 242 96 John, 104 58 John L, (239) 95 Johnny Guy, (242) 96 Joseph H., (242) 96 Kate (Slack), 243 96 No. Page. Lester R., (242) 96 Lilly, * (239) 95 Mary C. (Elmore), .. 240 95 Nettie, (104) 58 Sallie, (239) 95 Willy Reede, (239) 95 LINCOLN- SARAH (Hitchcock),. Love- Jessie (Davis), Paul, 33 28 189 83 189 83 LOWMAN— Sallie A. E. (Davis), 72 43 LOWE— Addie Argent, ( 156) 72 Artie C., (157) 73 Brillie S., (156) 72 Ellen I. (Durham), .. 155 72 Emma, (153) 72 Erby, ( 156) 72 Henry S. J., (157) 73 Lilla, (153) 72 Littleton T. 153 71 Lizzie, (153) 72 Louisa C. (Prescot), . 154 72 Lula F, (157) 73 Lumis T., (157) 73 Lunice, (153) 72 Lucy, (153) 72 Mollie Smith, (157) 73 Molly (153) 72 Otis Preston (157) 73 Pearl Eugenia, (156) 72 Roman L., 057) 73 Ruby, (153) 72 Sister (157) 73 Stephen J., 157 73 Willie, (153) 72 William W., (157) 73 William Isaac 156 72 William Mosley, 60 40 Winnie Lee, (157) 73 LYLE— Ed, .. 93 5- MACON— Dr. Gideon, 74 44 Lewis Shelton, (74) 44 Matte L. (74) 44 MADDUX- JAMES Robert, 226 92 Index. 117 No. Page. MALONE— Mattie (King), 235 94 MARLIN— Adaline, (185) 82 Annie Lou, (185) 82 Clementine, ( 184) 81 Crawford R, (186) 82 Henry, 187 82 Jessie Douglas, (185) 82 Jesse Macan, 186 82 Jesse Mercer, 76 45 Jonathan D., 188 82 Laura (Marlin), 185 82 Lizzie Louise, ( 184) 81 Louis Rosco, (186) 82 Louis Shelton, 185 82 Marie Louise, (185) 82 Richard Rosco, 184 81 Wade Hampton, (186) 82 MAYNE— Jessie (Swann), 220 90 may- Mrs. Greathouse, (17) 11 Leroy, 17 11 Mrs. Duncan (17) 11 McALISTER— Eugenia (Higgason), . 61 39 McCLENDON— Nancy (Baber), (27) 26 McCOWEN— Cora, (141) 68 Grace, (141) 68 Hattie, (141) 68 Jennie, (141) 68 John, 141 68 John Marye (14O 68 Redin A., (14O 68 McGOLDRICK— Mrs. Jesse M. Davis, . . 26 24 McGOWEN— Ella (McMurry), ....(59) 38 James, 59 38 James, Jr., (59) 38 Mary (Hale), (59) 38 McGwire- Elizabeth J., (71 ) 43 Ella Corinne, (71) 43 Lewis Shelton, 71 43 No. Page. McMICHEN— (4) 5 McMURRY— . (59) 38 MEDDIS— Mrs. Isaac N. Davis, 24 23 mercer- Maria T., (Davis), ... 102 56 MILLER- claudius, (277) 103 Nora, (277) 103 William, 277103 MODRALL— Judson Morgan, ( 142) 68 Morgan, 142 68 MOORE— John T., (131) 65 W. T., 131 65 MORRIS— Bascomb L., (232) 93 Ernest Roy (232) 93 Hurdy Clinton (232) 93 Henry F., (232) 93 Nannie (King) 229 92 Willie Otis, (232) 93 William Luther, 232 93 morrow- Geneva (Davis), 211 88 MULLINAUX— Eli, (34) 29 MUSIC— W. R., 231 83 NEWBERRY— Jennie H. (Davis) 210 88 NEWELL— Betty H. (Davis), — 96 54 OLIVER— George, (168) 76 Harry C16B] Irene (16K. Jessie, (i«) :• Miuje (168) ? William I« ni Davis Family. No. Page. (5) 7 ORR, , Bessie C. (Davis), — 192 83 Pace- Catherine (Davis), .. 67 41 parks- Agnes LUCILE, (236) 04 William Smith, 236 94 PATTERSON— Luther, 272 102 PAYNE— Oscar Horton, 273 103 PEARCE— Anderson A., (47) 34 Berrien Lee, (47) 34 Ella May, (47) 34 Emma V. (Brown), . . 129 65 May Ellen, (47) 34 Reuben P., (47) 34 Wm. Edward, (47) 34 Wm. W., 47 34 PEDDY— EVERLYN (MARLIN), .. 184 8l PENICK— Lucius, 254 99 PERKINS- HESTER (Hitchcock),.. 107 59 PHILLIPS- AMANDA C. (Dupree),. 43 33 Annie R., (120) 63 Anne, (121) 63 Annie Gilmer, (38) 31 Annie L (Green), .... 122 63 Annie L. Dunklin, . . 127 64 Berrien Troup, 41 32 Berrien Troup, 121 63 Berrien, (45) 33 Caroline E., (44) 33 Charles L., 120 52 Cora Lee, (44) 33 David, 3 3 Elizabeth (Barber), .. 14 10 Elizabeth, (7) 8 Eliza, (10) 9 Ella C. (Pearce), .... 47 34 Emma E. (Wren), (45) 33 Emma V. (Stroud), .. 48 34 Fannie (Henderson), . (3) 4 No. Page Frances, (12) 10 Frances A. (Hannon), 42 32 Frances, (7) 8 Frances E, (121) 63 Glennie (Evans), .... 126 64 Helen Louisa, (10) 9 Henry, (45) 33 Henry Mathews, (120) 63 James, (3) 3 Jesse, (7) 8 Jonathan, (3) 3 Joel, (38) 31 Julius Caesar, 39 31 Julius C, (120) 63 Juuan, (39) 31 Kate, (38) 31 Kenyon, (38) 31 Lela, ( 120) 63 Lena Emily, (117) 62 Leon Stroud, (44) 33 Lillian, (39) 31 Lucy, (7) 8 Lula Bernice (44) 33 Mathew, 10 9 Mathew, Jr., 38 31 Mary (Wooten), 13 10 Mary (7) 8 Mary C, (120) 63 Mary L. (Duke), .... 125 64 .Mary Rea, (38) 31 Mary B. (Scarbrough) 37 30 Mary A. (Green), .... 40 31 Mary, (12) 10 Millie, (3) 4 Nancy, (3) 4 Nancy, (7) 8 Nathan, 12 10 Randolph M., 41 33 Reuben, 11 9 Reuben Myles, (44) 33 Reuben (12) 10 Reuben Davis, 45 33 Sallie E., (10) 9 Sallie Ella, (44) 33 Sarah (7) 8 Sid Warren, (38) 31 Thomas 7 7 Thomas, (7) 8 Thomas S., 46 33 Warren, 30 27 Willie E, (120) 63 William L., (121) 63 William, (3) 3 Wm. Henry 49 35 Willie I. (Jones) 128 63 Willie A. (Smith), .. (45) 33 Index. 119 No. Page. PRESCOTT— Benjamin L., (154) 72 Charles, (134) 72 Emma W., (154) 72 Gertrude, (154) 72 James, 154 72 James, (154) 72 Lucy Frances, ( 154) 72 Mary Ida, (154) 72 Sarah E., (154) 72 PULLIAM— Elizabeth (Davis), . . 88 50 PYNES— Minnie, (273) 103 Oscar H., 273 102 Oscar A., (273) 103 Tandy P (273) 103 William W., (273) 103 RANDAL— W. T., 92 51 RAWLS— Camilla A., 77 46 Camilla A. (Davis), (63) 39 Harvey M., 63 39 Harvey, (63) 39 Lizzie, (63) 39 Lucy, (63) 39 Sarah, (63) 39 Susie, (63) 39 RAY— Hattie V. (Phillips),. 120 62 RAYBORN— William Grayton, 137 67 REESE— David Stephens, (86) 49 Francis B., (86) 49 Charlie S., (86) 49 Jeptha J., (86) 49 Jesse Jimmie, (86) 49 Lawrence S., (86) 49 Posie Irvin, (86) 49 Temperance A, (86) 49 Susie Danie, (86) 49 William Irvin, 86 40 Wm. Vining, (86) 49 Zenia West, (86) 49 RICHMOND— Lelia (Forrester), . 267 101 No. Page. ROBERTS- ALASKA (Davis) 179 80 ROGERS- LAURA (Ingram) 146 69 ROSCO— Mary (Lowe), 156 72 ROY— Helen (Hitchcock), . . 252 98 RUTHERFORD— Victor (Bucking- ham), 132 66 SATTERWHITE— Ella (Ingram), 147 G> SAYLES— Margaret C. (King), .. 225 91 SCARBROUGH— Dr. , 37 30 Annie May, (37) 31 Arcadia, (37) 30 Arcadia, (37) 31 Bessie (37) 31 Charles P., {37) 30 Charles, (37) 31 Edward W., (37) 30 Frank (37) 31 James T., (37) 30 Joseph Thomas, (37) 30 Kate (37) 31 Lillie H (37) 31 Lula, (37) 31 Mary (37) 31 Myrtis (37) 31 Sadie, (37) 31 Sadie Sue (37) 31 SEALE— Laura Capitola, (136) 66 James Shepard 136 <>'> Lemon Clyde ( 136) 66 Lewis C. (Smith) J59 100 Lilly C. (tivice »:.), ... 258 99 Lloyd C, ( 13c I Lucy C. (Andrews), . . 257 SHACKELFORD— , (4) 4 SHAFFER- DAVID W 176 7 . Edie I Randolph, (17'" 7 > 120 Davis Family, No. Page. Sheffield- Frank (70) 43 SHIPP— Celeta L. (Boon), . 152 71 SHIVERS— Dollie (Lewis), 239 95 SLACK- EDNA Jewel, (243) 96 Henry Grady, (243) 96 Naomi E., (243) 96 W. H. H., 243 96 smart- Mary B. (Phillips), .. 11 9 smith- Annie (Davis), 87 50 Buren Jackson, (200) 86 Charles Cleburn, (259) 100 Clyde Burton, (259) 100 Corrie (Hitchcock), .. 109 60 Hattie (Davis), 82 48 Henry, 259 100 Henry R. (259) 100 James (45) 33 Jane Randolph, (29) 27 John Claiborne, 29 26 Sarah J. (Ingham),.. 144 68 Thomas C, (29) 27 T. N., 200 86 William Thomas, (200) 86 William, 236 94 SNEAD— Allentine, (169) 77 Edgar, (169) 77 Emmett, (169) 77 Hale, (169) 77 William, (169) 77 W. C, 169 76 SNYDER— Albert, 140 67 Frederick 258100 STAKELY— Annie K (208) 88 Charles A., 208 87 Charles A., Jr (208) 88 Davis F, (208) 88 Flora McIver, (208) 88 Frances S., (208) 88 No. Page. STEVENS- Mary E. (Davis) 90 51 STROUD— Annie C, (48) 35 Charles L., (48) 35 Emmett C, (48) 35 Emma L., (48) 35 Frank (48) 35 John William, 48 34 Mary L. (Cannon), .. 130 55 Martha E. (Phillips), 44 33 SWANN— Florence V., (101) 56 George Buckner, 101 56 George N., (101) 56 Menla J. (Clark), ... 219 90 Percival R. 220 90 Rosebud, (101) 56 TABOR— 1. L., (52) 36 TARVER— Paul Harriet (Wes- ton), 216 90 TAYLOR— Reuben Davis, (19) 13 Tap, 250 98 W. P., 19 13 TIFT— James Mercer, 167 76 Lottie Gilbert, (167) 76 Martha M. (167) 76 THIGPEN— Andrew J., 249 98 Arthur F, ( 105 ) 58 Bryant, 105 58 Clara A. (Dyer), .... 244 96 Cornelius O., (105) 58 Floy (249) 98 James B., 246 97 James Bryan, (249) 98 Joanna A., (105) 58 Joseph H., (105) 58 Juliett G. (Evans), .. 248 98 May E. (Brooke), 245 97 Nancy Ella, (105) 58 Pernina C. (Taylor),. 250 98 Susan A. (Knighton), 247 97 THOMAS- JESSE G, 35 29 Index. 121 No. Page. TORBUT— Edie Lou, (149) 70 James W., 149 70 Mary E., (149) 70 Verner, ( 149) 70 TOWNSEND— Euea (King), 271 102 TRIPPE— Alice Brice (Gilbert), 165 75 turner- Edwin, 135 66 Edwin, Jr., (135) 66 Garland, (135) 66 Lucius, (135) 56 UBANOSKY— Annie (Higgason), .. 138 67 VASON— Frances C. (Gilbert),. 162 74 VOGEL— A. B., 134 66 Daisy (Culer), (134) 66 T. A., (134) 66 walker- Julia (Marlin), 186 82 Lucy (Davis), 57 37 WALTON— Alvin Romulus, (148) 70 Bernice Leona, (148) 70 Ethel Elizabeth, (148) 70 Eula Scott, ( 148) 70 Lilly Dora, ( 148) 70 Maggie Lou, (148) 70 Robert, 148 70 Robret Bennie, (148) 70 Thomas Edwin, (148) 70 WARREN— Lot, (70) 43 WATTS- BENJAMIN Green, 227 72 WESTON— Asbury Adams, (215) 89 Burton Lee, 217 90 Burton Lee, Jr., (217) 90 Carl, (100) 55 Cora Wynona, (215) 89 Ella Capers, (217) 90 No. Page. Fannie Jones, (217) 00 Florence J. (Weston), 217 00 Hartwell F, (216) 90 Hortense E., (100) 55 Janie M. (Chapman), 218 90 Jesse Davis, 216 90 Jesse Davis, Jr., (216) 90 Rev. Joseph William,. . 215 90 Lillian, (215) 00 Mary Burton, (215) 89 Menla D., (100) 55 Myron, (100) 55 Pearl, 1.215) 90 Stephen R., 100 55 Stephen R., Jr., (100; 55 Stephen Rosser, (215) 89 William McPhaul, . . (215) 90 WHITAKER— Elizabeth (Davis), ... 64 40 white- Emma, (133) 66 Dr. J. M., 133 66 Paul, (133) 66 WILKINS— Marie Davis (95) 54 WILLARD— Augustus S., 222 91 Margaret Mercer, — (122) 91 WILLINGHAM— John Davis, (117) 79 Theodosia, (177) 79 W. B., 177 79 W. B., Jr., (177) 79 WILLIAMS- CHESTER Gray, (137) ^7 C. S., 119 62 Durwood, (i37) 67 John F., 137 67 Kate M. (Bird), 260 100 Lillian (i37) 67 Mary Dabney, (119) 62 Mollis, (119) 62 Nancy J. (Ingram), .. 145 69 Philip, 91 M Roy Rogers, (137) 67 Zula Lee, (137) 67 WILSON— Alice (Davis), 55 37 Mary (Davis), 53 3'» 122 Davis Family. No. Page. Mrs. B. H. Davis, 51 36 Susan M. (Phillips), 121 63 WINSTON- ISAAC, 112 61 James, (112) 61 WOMBLE— Charles, (114) 61 Clyde Carrol, (114) 61 Dabney J., (114) 61 Ethel, (114) 61 Louis, (114) 61 Louisa, (114) 61 Lucy, (114) 61 Stanley Gray, (114) 61 T. 114 61 No. Page. Thomas D., (114) 61 William Charles, (114) 61 WOOTEN— James D., (13) 10 Jesse, 13 10 WREN— DR- , (45) 33 WRIGHT— Buena Vista (Hitch- cock), no 60 John, (239) 95 YARBROUGH— Lillian (Davis), 195 84 FOR/VIS FOR CONTINUING FAMILY RECORD The following forms are intended for use continuing the family record in direct line of descent of persons possessing a copy of the work. It would be impracticable to provide for continuing the record in all the lines, hence, it is contemplated that but one family of each generation will be recorded, that being the family of the person who by gift, inheritance or other- wise takes the book as it descends from generation to genera- tion. It may be remarked that there are many persons who have ancestors named in the work, but whose names do not appear, and others whose names do appear, but of whom little is re- corded, because the compiler was not in possession of the needed information. To all such it is suggested, if the required information is at hand, the record may be perfected, beginning with the last ancestor named, using the following forms and observing the system of reference by numbers. Use the pre- ceeding pages of writing paper for index to these forms. It is to be regretted that so little attention has been given to the preservation of information relating to our ancestors. Thousands of persons are to-day searching records, advertising and corresponding, seeking information of their ancestry and kindred. :|: May not the compiler hope that this little book will be appre- ciated and preserved for many years to come, and he be kindly remembered for his arduous labor in its preparation? *Let all your entries be made in a good handwriting with Arnold's writing fluid or other first-class ink that will not Cade. No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died % No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died • No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN • Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died ♦ No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN • < Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died • No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN • Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died * No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN ♦ Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died . No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN - • . * Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died No. . Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died • * No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN • * Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died u No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN - i Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died No. Generation Name ( ) Date of Birth Date of Marriage CHILDREN 1 Part Family To Whom Married Date of Birth He Died She Died - BIOGRAPHIES, Etc. The following pages are for use recording such information as may be deemed appropriate, in preserving the lives and real character of persons and families, added to the work under the preceding Form for continuing the family record, using appro- priate reference figures. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Upv ■) 4 198T NON-REN! APR 2 9 15199' DUE2WKSFR0MDA1ERFCFIVR< Univft r °ity Re Form L9 — 15m-10,'48(B1030; 111 THH LafeAKY UNmaaetrrr or California LOtf AXGiaUBS C371 Clark - D29C5 A genealr- of Liie Davis family. CS71 D29C5 ill linn mi mi ii mm mi hi mi 3 1158 01218 4791 AA 001 266 760 6