I'fliaaKontuxi'K^cfXiii.ti f i.«o;(':m i,i!i i m> t\i yC-NRLF lif'i.lliM. iniTiitnvKiiri?) B 3 flTfl 130 iilirftriillfnDJll.fMflliriiDJinuini fi'i iTiTi 111 rn n'l ifiTi!"! I a 111 VI II ; i 1 1 M ■''■T''''ii'irni'ninniiinf'i! '•'" • 'undn'OHiinin;' '}\>X mimiiiiiHi Ml 11(11 1 iFMU.i 1*11111.1 II I iiMiwnm.iJto.mM.iXi.ifiiij.i.i 111 1111 an I ra rri 1 11 1 1 1 1 III ,U,".Mlii,ii iiiiriiiisiiiiiiiiiKiii .jinfirijOn!,u'iii';ii iiininiiKiiii .IINDIIlllillV, TminmiiAiiuiHi DIRECTORY University of California. F.ROM THE LIBRARY OF Dr. JOSEPH LeCONTE. GIFT OF MRS. LECONTE. No. Cr ^^« CK^ ^^ C^^-T^T-^ " ^0(r\X^ (l(yyv O-y^yn^JrUy^O^ . 1638 AMERICAN m r^ N n p J m CONTAINING THE ADDRESS OF ALL KNOWN BOYHTONS, BOYIPONS AP BYIHGTONS IN THE UNITED STATES AND BRITISH DOMINIONS. COMPILED BY JOHN FARNHAM BOYNTON, Syracuse, N. Y. \ SMITH Sc BRUCE, Engravers, PrintErs and Bank Binders, SYRACUSE, N. Y", 1884. PREFACE. To all Boyiitons of A ine?-ica : It is now nineteen months since I commenced my last researches to collect the genealog}' and history of the de- scendants of William and John Boynton, from Yorkshire, England, who settled in the town of Rowley, County of Essex, State of Massachusetts, in the year 1638. I was born in the east parish of the town of Bradford, a few miles from the " Boynton farms," and the original locations of our first settlers on this continent. I am the seventh generation of William ; the five generations between us, of my immediate ancestors, were born and lived within a radius of eight miles from my old home ; and my father related to me many unwritten traditions and historical facts, which have been verified and confirmed by the examination of County Court documents, deeds, pro- bate, town, church and family records. My first purpose was to obtain my own complete pedigree, which was with much effort accomplished in a few weeks to my full satis- faction, and I found that my branch of lineal descent from William, formed a base line from which a correct survey of our two great families could be accurately mapped. I discovered that some traditions were without foundation ; inscriptions erroneous; genealogies incorrectly applied; fam- ily names confusedly mixed; the very origin of our name subverted ; authentic dates falsified or deranged ; English and American history disconcerted; the escutcheon of our 4 BoYNTON, American Directory. family pirated; our shield crested with the Harp of Erin, surmounted with rampant lion, and Thistled with the national emblem of Scotland ; our motto misused, and much of our true history lost sight of through error and misstatements, which only equal the stray thoughts that wander in the brains of Nonagenarians. These discoveries aroused in me an ambition that long had slumbered, and I resolved, at the age of three score and eleven, to round up the remainder of life by gathering all records and genealogy of the ten generations of our Ameri- can ancestors. On the first day of January, 1883, I commenced my inves- tigations, and m)^ many letters received a cordial response. The more I learned the more I felt the necessity of assist- ance and counsel. On the following fourth of July I issued my first circular, calling a convention; thinking I might assemble a few score of our relations, and was joyfully surprised to meet nearly three hundred, whose feelings were in full unison with my own. At that meeting I saw the necessity of a Famih' Directory, that I might reach our whole fraternity, corres- pond with them, and they with another. With a sincere heart I offer you this, my first volume, and my best wishes to the 3,000 kindred named in it. JOHN FARNHAM BOYNTON. Highland Place, Syracuse, N. Y., August ist, 1884. QM777U a& oSoy/iI/Tn/ The above " Coat of Arms '' was borne by Sir Matthew Boynton, in 1637. There is much history connecting him with the early Colonial Settlement. Syracuse, N. Y., Highland Place, July 4th, 1883. /, JoJin Farnhavi Boynton, send Greeting, to all tJic Boyntons^ or Byiugtons, on the Continent of North America. Thirt}' years ago, I commenced collecting Facts, Dates, History and Genealogy of the Boyntons; but death in my family, and the late war, caused me to suspend my investi- gations. Sixteen years later, I commenced my researches anew, my daughter acting as recorder; but in less than one year she died, which caused me to dela}' any further researches, until the close of 1882. Since then, I have devoted my whole time and attention looking up Records, being assisted by three of the most able Genealogists, Family Historians and Record Searchers the country produces. We have visited many of 6 American, Boynton Directory. the largest libraries of New England, New York, Librar}^ of Congress, Pension Bureau and War Records of the Union, in search of National, Colonial and Local History, and have found 241 Boyntons named on the Pension Roll. There has already been collected over 400 Abstracts of Deeds, Bonds, Probate Court and many other valuable i-e- cords, never before published or made public, of the first five generations of William and John Boynton, the first of this name who located in this country. Public Records of Massachusetts give 404 Marriages in 37 years; and after extensive migrations of many large families, there were 461 births during the same period of years. Records of other States have shown an equal amount of increase. The quantity of material already collected is so volumin- ous and showing complete pedigrees of so large a number of extensive families — through nine and ten generations — that I feel like making furthur researches, taking council and advice before issuing the History and Genealogy of the Boyntons of the Western Continent. Over two Hundred Boyntons have offered the use of their names in a circular to call a Re-Union; but before a complete Re-Union should be held, more Historical researches ought to be made. Daily requests come in saying, " Call an Assembly," " Have a Convention," "Organize a Society." We have leased the City Hall, of Newburyport, Mass., and issued this circular for a convention, to be held on the 14th of August, 1883 ; hop- ing that all Boyntons and descendants of Boyntons in the United States may receive notice, and be represented in per- son or by letter at this convention. It is hoped that all Bonytons will bring or send some his- tory or record of their families. Newburyport is near by Rail and Steamboat to many of the finest Watering Places on the Coast ; and the Ceme. tary, which contains the remains of our Ancestors, is in close proximity. Trains arrive at, and leave Boston, Portland and interven- ing towns, at convenient hours for attending the Convention. /- ' or T"'- A Call for Convention. 7 Several steamers are ready to make excursions on the Merrimack, along the coast or to neighboring islands of the sea, should parties desire the same. The CONVENTION is attended with no expenses; ITS BILLS ARE ALL PAID. In other matters, all parties will act on their own account. Conveniences, and accommodations, in the city, and to neighboring towns, by rail, are unsurpassed. On assembling; should it be deemed advisable to extend the Convention another day, we can do so; and have more time for social enjoyment, or excursions of pleasure. It is our desire that every Boynton should receive this cir- ular, and hope all persons, bearing the name, will assist in giving it an extensive distribution. Should more be wanted, please address, until August loth, John Farnham Boynton, Highland Place, Syracuse N. Y. Between August loth and i8th, my address will be Post Office, Newburyport, Mass. SECOND CIRCULAR. Syracuse, N. Y., Highland Place, January i, 1884. An Epistle of John FarnJiam Boynton, to all the Boyntons, Boyingtons, and Byingtons of the Western Hemisphere : Greeting. Happy Nezv Year. It is now one year since I commenced the third time to collect records, and write the History and Genealogy of the Boyntons, and there has not been a day spent in recreation during the last three hundred and sixty-five, but my whole time and attention has been devoted to gathering valuable information connected with our most "ancient and honor- able " English and American families. I am in correspondence with more than eleven hundred descendants of William and John Boynton, from Yorkshire, England, who located in Rowley, Mass., in 1638. 8 7\merican, Boynton Directory. Besides my letters of correspondence, I have issued twenty-two hundred circulars, and distributed seventeen hundred newspapers. We have had our Convention ; it was a "satisfactory success." Three or four hundred Boyn- tons, and relations, were assembled, and were as happy as though all born of one mother. They formed an Associa- tion, and are to meet at the same place, on the 14th of next August. I have traveled over six thousand miles, (Mrs. Boynton accompanying me more than two-thirds the distance, as ** assistant secretary,") examining Libraries, local histories. Registry of Deeds, Probate and County Records, Archives of States and National Departments, and have made such extensive addition to my previous collections, that I feel they should be published, and distributed to those who have manifested strong desires in their letters to become more acquainted with their ancestors, and the many families of their descendants, who are now located in distant portions of this country: All the expenses above named have been borne by myself. The bills are all paid. A donation of ten dollars was received by me, which I passed over to the Treasurer of the " American, Boynton Association," considering that money not an individual matter. I have an 'extensive history of the Boynton family of England, besides charts, tables, or family trees, of the de- scendants of Bartholomew de Boynton, "of Boynton," who was " Lord of the Manor " in 1067,* as shown by the record of the " English Baronets, with Genealogical tables collected from approved historians, public records, authentic manu- scripts, well attested pedigrees, and personal information," which I have lately obtained after expensive and untiring search. If a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained at three dollars and fifty cents a copy, I will issue an American edition in exact type and form, accompanied with notes by * I have seen a note stating that the Boynton family resided in York, England, before the arrival of William, the Conqueror, as early as 1014. Call for Convention. 9 myself. It will occupy about thirty folio pages of the size of this communication. Should I publish more history and records, they will be in the same form, that they may here- after be conveniently bound in volumes. I have the histor}^ letters, and a copy of the handwriting- of Sir Matthew Boynton, member in Parliment, from Hey- den, Yorkshire, who did more than any other person in sup- plying New England with cattle, horses, sheep, goats and agricultural implements, between the years 1625 and 1650. There are several " Seals" and " Coats of Arms," of our families,with modifications, such as would be effected by deeds of valor, and marriages with honorable families. Have you any knowledge of a "Coat of Arms," or other relics, in connection with your American or English ancestors? I received last week, from the Archives of Massachusetts, the Muster Rolls of Revolutionary Soldiers, in which I hnd seventy-one Boyntons were in service and received honor- able discharges. If all was published that I have collected from British Chronicles, Local Histories, and American Colonial Records, it would form a volume so expensive that many would feel unable to purchase, yet they are as desirous as myself that these records should be put in print ; and the question now is, how shall this be accomplished ? A Quarterly or Monthly " Boynton Record and J onr^tar' has been suggested by many. This would be a grand medium of communication for collect- ing records and genealogy. It would save much waste of time in correspondence, and assist me in communicating the near relationship of families, and the branch from which they descended, so that they, by a little correspondence among themselves, could render much assistance in proving their pedigrees. It was only a few weeks ago, that one of our name in the South penning an almost accidental sentence gave the maiden name of his grandfather's brother's wife, and as I was in possession of a portion of a Genealogical tree, it enabled me at once to con- nect a large branch of our family in Georgia and other Southern States with an honorable limb on the Family treft of the original John of Rowley. Such incidents are hap- lo American, Bcynton Directory. pening frequently, and had we a journal of communication, I might ask a question of a hundred families, and the person we least suspect, might give the appropriate answer. { cannot afford to publish them without assistance. I have no desire to make a speculation out of this, but would be willing to give my assistance, if the Boyntons would pay the expense ; but before publishing the records, or a genealogy, 1 think it would be useful and necessary to compile a directory, containing the names of every Boyn- ton, male and female, in this country, from fifteen years of age upwards, with their residences, trade or profession, that I may have the opportunity of addressing them, and they correspond with each other; for I am fully confident if they were acquainted with one another, as well as I am with the whole fraternity, they would have reason to feel proud of the relationship, and after receiving a directory, they would be more fully prepared to judge of the propriety of publishing the records, before the genealogy of the family should be issued, as the records would furnish evi- dence of the correctness of pedigrees. Should I publish a genealogy, as others have, you would be receiving my asser- tion without any further proof, unless the records from which I drew my conclusions, were at your disposal, or inspection. 1 now ask this favor of the entire Boynton family: Please forward at your earliest convenience, the full name, Post Ofifice address, business, trade or profession of any Boyn- ton, male or female, who is over fifteen years of age, of whom you have any knowledge. 1 likewise ask the same question of all families whose mothers were Boyntons. I will enclose with this epistle a blank, in which you can fill out the names and address of persons for the directory, as above named. With this is added another blank, in which you can register, as subscribers, for the directory, and the number of copies desired, and then return the same to me. Should a sufficient number of subscribers be obtained, I shall issue it, as soon as I receive returns from this commu- nication. * A large number of persons corresponding with me, have asked for my photograph, and quite a number have sent me Call for Convention. ii theirs, requesting- an exchange. I should be most happy to comply with their request, but it would involve me in too great expense, as I would have to match m}- solitar}- face with little less than five thousand of my better looking kins- men. As a remedy I propose this: I will publish the directory for two dollars and fifty cents, containing one of Bierstadt's best photo prints of myself, taken for the occa- sion. If a sufficiently large subscription could be obtained, the directory could be afforded at a less price ; but should the receipts more than cover the expense of publication, the profits will be used in publishing other papers that will interest our familv. Should anv business parties desire displayed advertise- ments on the fly leaves of the directory, a quarter of a page will be furnished for five dollars, and will receive a notice in some newspaper which has a circulation of sixty thousand and a copy of the paper forwarded to them. It is my desire every Boynton should recieve this com- munication. Additional copies will be furnished on appli- cation. A list of the subscribers' names will be published, and the number of copies taken bv each. Hoping to meet you all at the " i\merican, Boynton Association," in Newburyport, Mass., on the 14th of August next, where we may remam THREE DAYS IN BUSINESS, Cultivating family relations, and striving to make the others happ3^ " I rest." I am with much respect, your humble servant, and obedi- ent kinsman. Seventh generation of William, Sincerelv, John Farnham Boynton. 12 American, Boynton Directory, ADDENDA. As many new families are being discovered, I fear some have not received the following, in previous letters or circu- lars ; therefore I append it to this epistle. On the 4th of July last, I issued circulars calling a Conven- tion at Newburyport, on the 14th of August. An organ- ization was effected. President, Vice-President, Secretaries and Treasurer elected. Imperfect proceedings were pub- lished in the Newburvport Herald, and other papers, and many hundred copies distributed. Numerous correspond- ents have requested me to furnish papers and documents of that date, which 1 would willingly do if the supply had not long since been exhausted. Those who Jiave not, will please furnish me, if possible, the names of their Father, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather,. and the Towns and States where they lived, and held deeds of land. Also the names of their wives before they were married. I desire the names of all the members of your family, and Boynton connections, with dates of Birth, Marriage or Death. Spell all names in full, middle iiai/ies especially, and discover a new Boynton if you can. J. F. B. Three thousand copies of the above Epistle have been cir- culated, and several thousand Boyntons have responded. Much genealogy has been obtained, and I here present you with the address of every living Boynton over fifteen years of age, whose name I have been able to discover. It is probable more names will be forwarded after this Directory goes to press ; if so, they will be published in an addenda at the close of the volume. I sincerely hope all Boyntons will re-read these letters, and continue their efforts to collect names and forward the same to me, as I am desirous each one of our numerous family should be represented at our Re-Unions, and their history be recorded with ours. AMERICAN, B r\ \j ^ J.. KJ RY. AlalDaina. Boynton, Henr}^ Feurt, Woodland Mills, Morgan Co. Boynton, Rebecca, Opelika, widow of Marion Boynton. Boynton Women zuko have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Padget, Elizabeth, xA-uburn. Youngblood, Joanna, Auburn. Arizona. Boynton, N. C, Tombstone, miner. Boynton, Robert Richmond, Tombstone, Engineer, died Sept. 12, 1883. Boyiiton Women ivJio have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Blinn, Celia W., {Little), Tombstone, wife of Lewis Blinn. 14 American, Boynton Directory. California. Boj^nton, A. B. Mrs., San Francisco, 832 Folsom St. Boynton, Anna B., {Williams), San Francisco, wife of E. V, Boynton, of Stuart, Iowa. Boynton, Byron, San Jose. Boynton, Byron R., San Francisco, 1309 Webster St. Boynton, Byron Rush, Newhall, LosAngelos Co. Boynton, Charles. Boynton, Charles E., San Francisco, 1724 Eddy St. Boynton, Charlotte Augusta, Calistoga. Boynton, Charlotte, {Freemaji), Calistoga, widow of Rev. John Boynton, formerly of Wiscasset, Me., 84 yi"S. Boynton, E. N., Napa City, Napa Co., Druggist. Boynton, Edward, Calistoga. Boynton, Edward A., Live Oak, Farmer. Boynton, Frances, {Kittredge), Calistoga, wife of George. F. Boynton, Boynton, Frank, San Francisco, City Hotel. Boynton, Fred Wesley, Newhall, Los Angelos Co. Boynton, George Freeman, Calistoga, Napa Co. Boynton, George T., Sonora. Boynton, George W., Oakland, 803 Castro St. Boynton, H. H., San Francisco, clerk in Frank's billiard parlor. Boynton, Harlow H., Sacremento, 328 M. St. Boynton, Humboldt T., Live Oak, lumbering. Byington, H. W., Santa Rosa. Byington, Ira Weeks, Fresno, printer; now Viticulturist. Boynton, J. S., San Jose, 7 Washington St. Boynton, Jeannette, (Leitch), San Francisco, wife of L. A. Boynton. Boynton, John M., San Francisco, 807 Geary St. Boynton, Kate Mrs., Oroville, Butte Co. Boynton, Lamour Arthur, San Francisco, No. 20 Hill St., chief clerk in U. S. Sub-Treasury. Byington, L., Downieville, Sierra Co. Boynton, Nancy F., {Chaiiibcrlain), Brownsville, Yuba Co., widow of Benjamin Boynton. California. 15 Boynton, Rosamond, {Piiruiort), New hall, wife of Byron Rush Boynton. Boynton, S. Mrs., Sacremento, 328 M St. Boynton, Samuel S., Oakland, 4093^ 12th St. * Boynton, Sarah Elizabeth, Calistoga. Boynton, Seth Sprague, Oroville, Butte Co., Editor " Oro- ville Register" and Merchant. Boynton, Underhill, San Francisco, 149 9th St. Boynton, William B., Sacremento. 1028 E St. Boynton Women ivJio have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Bennett, William Mrs., Vallejo. Burroughs, A. R. Mrs., San Francisco, 711 Polk St. Carr, E. E., Vallejo. Care Lyman Mitchell. Daw, Joseph G., Healdsburg. Hawley, Myra Cordelia, [Boynton], Brownsville, Yuba Co., wife of Truman Hawley. Hockton, Mar}' F., {Boynton), Brownsville, wnfe of Alonzo Hockton, R. R. official. James, Augusta C, {Boynton), Wright, Santa Clara Co., wife of Chester N. James. Jamison, Frank R., Vallejo. Jamison, Henr}^ S., Vallejo. Jamison, Maud E., Vallejo. Jamison, May N., Vallejo. Jamison, Nancy C, {Boynton), Vallejo, cor. Ohio and Sonoma Sts., wife of Samuel N. Jamison, carpenter and joiner. Martin, Ellen E., {Boynton), Vallejo, wife of C. W. Martin. Mitchell, Jane M., {Boynton), Vallejo, wife of Lyman Mitchell. Moore, George A., Dr., San Francisco, 418 California St., president Pacific Montreal Life Insurance Co. Murch, Mary Alice, Collins ville. Murch, Sarah, Collinsville. Proctor, Chas. Boynton, Healdsburg, contractor and builder. Remick, EfBe L., Taylorville. Saunders, Florence A., {Boynton), Vallejo. Smith, Harriet E., {Boynton), Taylorville. Smith, L. Oscar, San Buenaventura. Care T. Edwin Mills, Box 53. i6 American, Boynton Directory. Colorado. Boynton, Amasa Wells, Denver City. Boynton, Charles William, Longmont Village, Manager Ledger Publishing Company. Boynton, Edward. Boynton, Elizabeth, {Daniels), Longmont, wife of Theodore N. Boynton. Boynton, Flora, {Whittcinore), Denver City, wife of Amasa W. Boynton. Boynton, Flora, Denver City. Boynton, Hattie, Denver City. Boynton, Herbert, Denver City. Boynton, Mary Eliza, Longmont Village. Bo3^nton, Nelson M., Greeley, Hotel keeper. Boynton, Royal Stow, Leadville. Boynton, Theodore Noyes, Longmont Village, farmer. Boynton, Wilder, Denver. Byington, Milo Murry, Colorado Mines. Boynton Women zvJio have Married in other Faviilies, and Boynton Relations. Church, Carrie A., {Boynton), South Pueblo, wife of Eli Church. Higgins, AnnWilson,(^^j//;/t?;/), Ouray, wife of R. H. Higgins. Houghten, R. W. Capt., Nevada or California. Moore, William Ladd, Rev. Murch, George Henry, Denver. Tibbetts, Louisa, [Boynton) Argo, near Denver, wife of Wm. Tibbetts. Turner, Lewis H., Trinidad, undertaking goods. or THE ' > CoNNEcrrcuT. Connecticut. Boynton, A. P., Hartford, 35 Main St., Inspector at Colt's Manufactory. Boynton, Ada Fanny, Hartford, 38 William St. Boynton, Alden Livingfstone, Madison, Grocer Clerk. Bovnton, Almanzor Winslow, Bridgeport, 1067 Main St. Bo3mton, Almira Smith, Hartford, 38 William St. Boynton, Austin, South Conventry. B3angton, Aaron, Norwalk. Byington, Aaron Homer, Norwalk, Editor, " Norwalk Ga- zette." Byington, Alonzo, Georgetown. Boynton, Caroline, {Rejiioids), East Hartford, widow of John Watson Boynton. Boynton, C. M., Stamford. Bo3'nton, C. P., Willimantic, P. O. Box ^j. Boynton, Chauncy S., New Britian, Merchant. Boynton, Clarence D wight, Norwich. Bo3dngton, Clarence N., East Granb3\ Boynton, Dr., Salisbur\^ Boynton, Edward Briggs, Hartford, 38 Williams St., Hard- ware. Boynton, Edward Stanley, Bridgeport, Inventor, Boynton, Elder, Hartford, 14 Eilery St., Carpenter. Bo3'nton, Ella Lorena, Hartford, 38 William St. Boynton, Ellen ^.,{Batc/ie/der), Norwich, wife of Rev. Geo. D wight Bo3'nton. Boynton, F. O., Hartford, 54 Ann St. Bo3mton, Fanny Amelia, Hartford, 38 William St. Boynton, Fletcher Everett, Norwich, Mechanic. Byington, Fred, Norwalk.* Bo3'nton, George D wight Rev., Norwich. Boynton, George Henr3', Hartford, 38 William St. Hard- ware. Byington, George Henry, Norwalk. Byington, George Richmond, Norwalk, " Norwalk Ga- zette." i8 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Henry Mathew, Hartford, 38 William St., Car- penter and Car Inspector. Byington, Harriet S., {Richmond), Norwalk, wife of Aaron H. Byington. Byington, Harry Sumpter, Norwalk, "Norwalk Gazette." Boynton, J. H. Mrs., North Manchester. Boynton, Joseph, New Haven. Boynton, Mary, Coventry. Boynton, Norman, South Coventry. Boynton, Olin Fisk, Salem.. Boss Weaver. Boynton, Oscar, Norwalk. Boynton, Philander P., North Manchester. Boynton, Rosa Annie, Norwich. Boynton, S. E., Hartford, 251 Main St. Boynton, Sarah White, {Robinson,) widow of Joseph Boyn- ton, Byington, Stewart Waterbury, Norwalk. Boynton, Walter Norman, Branford, P. O. Box 154. Boynton, Walter Robinson, Ansonia, P, O. Box 1053, Wire drawer. Boynton, William, Lyme. Byington, William Homer, Norwalk, "Norwalk Gazette." Boynton Women zvho have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Arley, Hilpah, {Boynton), South Windsor. Belknap, Sarah, {Boynton), Hartford. Belknap, Leverett, Hartford, with Brown & Groves, Book Store. Bennett, Angenette Mrs., Georgetown. Bradley, Finett, {Byington), New Haven. Britton, Geoi"gianna, {Briindage), Norwalk, wife of C. H. Britten. Brotherton, Mary E., {Byington), Norwalk, wife of Theo- dore Brotherton. Brundage, James L., Norwalk. Carpenter, Ella Louisa, {Boynton), South Coventry, wife of George B. Carpenter. Colman, Joseph, Coventry. Connecticut. 19 Crist, Eliza Jane Mrs., Georgetown. Dodge, Abner Mrs., New Haven. Ford Arthur Storrs, New Haven, Clerk. Ford, Sarah Augusta, {Boyntoii), South Coventry. Foster, Ellen Maria, {Bojijigton), East Granby. Harris, Harriett Cordelia, {Boyingtoii), Windsor, wife of Ephraim Harris. Harris, Ephie, Windsor. Harris, Nellie. Haskins, Emily Jane, {Boyingtoii), East Granb)^ Parker, E. H. Mrs., Hartford. Payne, Mary, {Boynfon), New Haven, wife of Brigham Payne. Pease, Lavinia, {Boynton), Enfield. Scranton, Sarah, Josephine, {Boynton), Madison, wife of J. Samuel Scranton. Smith, Sarah Jane, {Byington), Norwalk, wife of Henry M. Smith. 20 American, Boynton Directory. Dakota. Boynton, A., Lennox, Lincoln Co. Boynton, Jamestown. Boynton, White Lake, Agricultural Implements. Boynton, Charles Norman, Groton, Brown Co., (English.) Boynton, Charlotte Ann Greely, Madison. Boynton, Claude Watson, Groton, Brown Co., (English.) Boynton, Frank C, Aberdeen. Boynt(^n, Henry Kirk, Plankinton, Farmer and Real Estate Agent. Boynton, Ira Lorenzo, Cortland, Edmonds Co., Farmer. Boynton, John, Parker. Boynton, John Henry, Lodi, Clay Co., Merchant. Boynton, Maggie, Groton, Bi'own Co., (English.) Bo3mton, Mamie J., Groton, Brow^n Co., (English.) Boynton, Sarah Jane, Groton, Brown Co., wife of William Boynton. Boynton, S. T., Plankinton. Bovnton, Wesley Edson, Yankton. Printer. Boynton, William, Groton, Brown Co., Barber and Farmer, (English.) Boynton & Colburn, Grafton, Walsh Co. Boynton & Simmons, Yorktown, Aurora Co. Boyington, Eben, Madison, Lake Co., Farmer. Boyington, Levi Bradford, Madison. Boyington, Nary McAllsbee, Madison, wifeof Seth Perkins Boyington. Boyington, Mancy A., {Chapman), Madison, wife of Eben Boyington. Boymgton, Theodore, Frankfort, Spink Co. Boyington, Seth Perkins, Madison. Byington, E. S., Frankfort, Spink Co. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Conant, Emma, {Richardson), De Smet. Da^^, Frederick C, Hunter, Cass Co. Dakota — District of Columbia. 21 Jenkins, Sarah M., {Boyington), Madison, wife of Willian:i W. Jenkins. Richardson, Alonzo, DesSmet, Farmer. Richardson, Emily, {Boynton), De Smet. Richardson, Rufus, De Smet, Farmer. Smith, Clara, Parker. Smith, Frank, Parker. Smith, Sophronia, {Boynton). Parker, wife of Alfred Smith. District of Columbia. Boynton, Charles Albion, Washington, in Land Office. Boynton, Emma, Washington, wife of Charles Albion Boynton. Boynton Women zvho have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Prentiss, Nancy, {Boyntoii), Washington. 22 American, Boynton Directory. Florida. Boynton, Franklin, Ocala, Marion Co. Boynton, Jane, Ocala, Marion Co. Boynton, Martin, Ocala, Marion Co. Boynton, William, Saint Augustine. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Lawes, Eddie, Apopka, Clay Springs, Orange Grove. Lawes, Jessie, Apopka, Clay Springs, Orange Grove. Lawes, Rebecca, Apopka, Clay Springs, Orange Grove. Lawes, Sallie, Apopka, Clay Springs, Orange Grove. Lawes, Willie, Apopka, Clay Springs, Orange Grove. Georgia. 23 Georgia. Boynton, Annie Belle Sewell, Newnan, Coweta Co. Boynton, Annie E., {Marshal/), Atlanta, loi Forest Ave., wife of Elnathan Boynton. Boynton, Benjamin, Lumpkin. Boynton, Benjamin Joseph, Arlington, Farmer and Cotton Planter. Boynton, C. A,, Bainbridge. Boynton, Carrie Ruth, Newnan. Boynton, Ceaser A., Talbotton, Farmer. Boynton, Charles Edward, Atlanta, Merchant. Boynton, Charley McBoyd, Newnan. Boynton, Clarence Jerome, Arlington, Farmer and Cotton Planter. Boynton, Columbus Augustus, Talbotton, Farmer. Boynton, Elnathan, Atlanta. Boynton, Ernest, Arlington, Salesman Dry Goods. Boynton, Eula, Arlington. Boynton, Fannie McCaskill, Arlington, wife of Benjamin Joseph Boynton. Boynton, Gaines, Lodi, Farmer. Boynton, Gaines Augustus, Newnan, Farming and Gin- ning Cotton. Boynton, George, Atlanta, Merchant. Boynton, George H., Atlanta, Merchant. Boynton, George W., Talbotton, Farmer. Boynton, Gertrude, {Davis), Arlington, wife of Jefferson Lamar Boynton. Boynton, HoUis Augustus, Atlanta. Boynton, J. J., Talbotton. Boynton, James S., Griffin, (Ex-Governor). Boynton, Jefferson Lamar, Arlington, Attorney at Law. Boynton, John, Newnan. Boynton, John Chapman, x^tlanta, Clerk. Boynton, John Leonard, Whigham, Decatur Co., Farmer. Boynton, John Leonard, Capt., Bainbridge. Boynton, Joseph J., Talbotton, Farmer. Boynton, Leander, Butler. 24 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Lee, Lodi. Boynton, Mary Lee, Macon. Boynton, Mary T., {Steeley), Macon, wife of Sidney Mollis Boynton. Boynton, Missouri F., Talbotton, wife of C. A. Boynton. Boynton, Nancy L., {Helms), Newnan, widow of Thomas J. Boynton. Boynton, Nellie Bryan, Macon. Boynton, Roba Mrs., Lumpkin, Haunhatcher Place, Cot- ton Plantation. Boynton, Robert Lee, Newnan. Boynton, Rosa, Macon. Boynton, Sidney Hollis, Macon. Boynton, Sidney Hollis, Jr., Macon. Boynton, Stella Mixon, {Strong), Arlington. Boynton, Stephen DeC, Paxton, Thomas Co., Manufac- turer of Yellow Pine Lumber. Boynton, W., Meigs, Thomas Co., P. M. and Merchant. Boynton, William, Buena Vista. Boynton, William, Thomasville, Thomas Co., Manufac- turer of Yellow Pine Lumber. Boynton, William, Columbus, Farmer. Boynton, W. H., Pelham, Mitchell Co. Boynton, Willard Howell, Arlington, Cotton Planter. Boynton, William McCall, Newnan. Boynton, William Washington, Marion, Coweta Co. Boynton, Willie McBryde, Lodi. Boynton, Winston. Address wanted. Boynton & Chamberlain, Atlanta. Byington, E. T., Fort Valley, Houston Co. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boyjiton Relations. Ball, Augustus, Hard Cash. Ball, William, Hard Cash. Barnum, Floretta Sophronia, {Boyntoii), Lumpkin, wife of Dr. James K, Barnum, Cotton Farm. Barnum, Floretta Elizabeth, {"Flossie''), Cuthbert College. Barnum, Robert E. Lee, Lumpkin, Practicing Physician. Georgia. 25 Boswell, Sarah E., Talbotton. Childs, Sarah E., Talbotton. Cook, Anna E., Cusseta. Cook, Augustus, Geneva, Merchant. Cook, Charley, Melville. Cook, James, Columbus, Farmer. Cook, John, Cusseta. Cook, Robert, Melville. Cook, Thomas, Melville, Farmer. Cook, Walter F., Cusseta, Farmer. Cook, William, Melville, Farmer. Cruger, Mary R. Mrs., Talbotton. Cunningham, Sarah C, Talbotton. Drake, Dr., Atlanta. Everitt, lola Adela, {Boy^iton), Lumpkin, wife of Henry Bascom Everitt. Goss, Floretta Adella, Decatur, wife of Dr. John H. Goss. Johnson, Sallie, {McBryde), Geneva. Knowles, Henry Clay, Talbotton. Knowles, Julia, Talbotton. McBride, Georgia Boynton, Geneva. McBride, Lena, Geneva. McCall, Charles H. Judge, Buena Vista. McMurrain, Pauline, {Cook), Cusseta. Park, Ida Hinton, Atlanta. Park, Delia Mary, Atlanta. Park, Mary Arethusa, {Boynton), Atlanta, wife of Dr. Wil- liam Park. Park, Minnie Lee, Atlanta. Park, Willie Thomson, Atlanta. Sewell, Annie, {Boynton), Lodi. Sherrill, Rosa, {Boynton), Macon, wife of W.^L. Sherrill. Tharpe, Tabitha T. Mrs., Buena Vista. Wimberly, Elizabeth Tabitha, Talbotton. Wimberly, Lizzie Kate, Talbotton. 26 American, Boynton Directory. Idaho. Hale, Solomon H., Gentile Valley, Oneida Co. Illinois. Boynton, Albert Jackson, Moline, Carpenter. Boynton, Alonzo King, Chicago, 623 West Van Buren St. Boynton, Andrew Parker, Chicago, 282^ State St., Jeweler and Watchmaker. * Boynton, Arethusa, Graymont. Bovington, Alice Fanning, Highland Park. Boyington, Anna Gertrude, Highland Paj'k. Boyington, Arthur Marble, Highland Park. Byington, Arthur M., Chicago, 155 Lasalle St. Boynton, B. F., Rock Falls. Boynton, Barbara, {Baughman), EUisville, wife of Egbert Boynton. Boynton, Benjamin, Decatur, Clerk. Boynton, Bennie Reese, ? Bushnell. Boynton, Bessie Belle, Chicago, 184 Dearborn St. Boynton, Borna B., Chicago, Tea Merchant. Boynton & Co., Chicago, 84 Lake St. Boynton, Calvin E., Chicago. Boynton, Calvin Samuel, Chicago, 398 Hermitage Ave. Boynton, Caroline Ella, Rockford, Teacher. Boynton, Carrie A., Chicago, 95 37th St. Bo3niton, Charles Albert, Highland Park. Illinois. 27 Boynton, C. O., Sycamore, De Kalb Co., Minister. Boynton, Charles Oaks, Sycamore, De Kalb Co., Banker, Boynton, Charles S., Berlin. Boynton, Charles Sherwin, Pleasant Plains, Sangamon Co. Boynton, Charles W., Chicago, 420 Central Ave. Boynton, Charles W., Chicago, 140 North Morgan St. Boynton, Charles Zerah, Rock Falls. Boynton, Clara, Freeport. Boynton, Clark Ira, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Boynton, Cora, {Young), Chicago, wife of Calvin Samuel Boynton. Boynton, Cynthia M., {Graves), Winnetka, wife of Edwin Boynton. Boyington, Charles Theodore, Chicago, 184 Dearborn St. B3-ington, Charlotte Louisa. /Address wanted. Boynton, Clarence, Wilton Centre, Will Co. Boynton, Daniel Marsh, Chicago, 55 Clark St., General Agent Wisconsin Central R. R. Boynton, David J., Chicago. Boynton, E. Mrs., Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Boynton, Edgar, Wayne. Boynton, Edgar, Elk Horn Grove. Boynton, Edgar Smyth, Chicago, 34 West Washington St., firm Boynton & Skinner, Manufacturers Soap, Cal- ifornia Soap Plant, &c. Bovnton, Edward, Sycamore, DeKalb Co., Banker. Boynton, Edwin, Winnetka, Cook Co. Boynton, Edwin Warren, Rockford, died Jan. 16, 1883, aged 21. Boynton, Egbert, EUisville. Boynton, Ella, Pleasant Plains. Boynton, Eli Elbridge, Waukegan. Boynton, Eliza H., Salem, wife of John B. Boynton. Boynton, Emory Warren, Rock Island. Boynton, Enos, Chicago. Boynton, Enos A., Prairie City, McDonough Co. Boynton, Ervin D., Pleasant Plains. Bo3mton, Eveh'n, {Graves), Pleasant Plains, wife of Ervin Boynton. 28 American, Boynton Directory. Boyington, Eli, Chicago. Byington, Edward Lawson, Lanark, Carroll Co., Farmer. Byington, Ervin Nelson, Elgin. Boynton, Florence Bertha, {Myers), Chicago, wife of Henry F. Boynton. Boynton, Frank, Chicago. Boyington, Fannie Aurelia, Highland Park. Boynton, G. E., Turner Junction, Conductor C. & M. W. R. R. Boynton, George Henry, Waukegan, Commercial Traveler. Boynton, George K., Chicago, no Randolph St. Boynton, George W., Wilton Centre, Will Co. Boynton, George W., Chicago, 147 West Kinzie St. Boynton, Gilman, Pleasant Plains. Boynton, Grace, Sterling. Boyington, George Bingham, Highland Park. Boyington, George L. , Marengo. Boynton, Harlow, Bloomington. Boynton, Henry F., Chicago, 81 Seelev Ave., "Inter- Ocean." Boynton, Horace, Waverly, Miller. Boyington, Homer Hatch, Chicago, 159 Lasalle St. Byington, Harriet, Freeport. Byington, Harriet, {Bar7ies), Freeport, wife of Ira Sperry B3'ington. B3^ington, Heman Rufus, Lanark, Carroll Co., Carpenter. Boynton, Ivory H., Chicago, 639 13th Place. B^nngton, Ira, Lanark. Byington, Ira Sperry, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Boynton, Jane Elizabeth, Avon. Boynton, Jane, (F^z/«^), Wilton Centre, Will Co., wife of William George Boynton. Boynton, Jennie, Chicago. Boynton, Jennie, Avon, Fulton Co. Boynton, Jennie Phebe, Bushnell, wife of J. W. Ziba Boynton. Boynton, John, McConnell's Grove, 70 years old. Boynton, John B., Salem, Madison Co. Boynton, John Edson, Jersey ville, Jersey Co., Jeweler and Watchmaker. • Illinois. 29 Boynton John W. Ziba, Bushnell, Proprietor Hendee House. Boynton, Jonah Charles, Rockford, Carpenter. Boynton, Joseph, Chicago, 171 Sedgwick St., Meat Market. Boynton, Joseph Alexander, Lieut., Monmouth, Warren Co., Traveling Salesman. Boynton, Joseph H., Chicago, cor. 36th and S. Washtenare. Boj'nton, Joseph H., Sterling, Store and Hotel. Boynton, Justin, Chicago, State St. Boyington, John, Highland Park, Lake Co. Byington, J. Mrs., Beverly, iVdams Co. Byington, Le Grand, Iowa City. Boynton, Levi C, Chicago, 1465 and 1467 State St,, Auto- matic Folding Bed. Boynton, Levi G., Berlin. Bovton, Levi Rensalere, His^hland Park. Boynton, Lidia Lauretto, Rockford. Boynton, Lillian Leoti, Monmouth. Boynton, Lucien C, Springfield. Boyington, Levi Carter, Chicago. Boynton, Maria Miss, Albany. Bovnton, Maria, Pleasant Plains, wife of Gilman Boynton. Boynton, Maria L. {Beatj), Jersey ville, wife of John Edson Boynton, Boynton, Martha Amelia, Rockford, Dressmaker. Boynton, Mar}^ Jane, Highland Park. Boynton, Matthew, Chicago, 418 Centre Ave., (English). Boyington, Mary Elizabeth, Elgin. Byington, Mary Mrs., Lanark, Carroll Co. Boyntan, Minnie, Wilton Centre, Will Co. Boynton, Noah, Jerseyville; died Jan. 30, 1884; buried in Manchester, Iowa; over 80 years of age. Boynton, Perthia Ada, Lanark, Carroll Co., School Teacher. Boynton, Rosalie, Winnetka. Boynton, Richard, Chicago, 114 Forgver? St. Boynton, Sadie, {Crniscn), Ellisville, wife of Vincent C. Boynton. Boynton, Sarah, {Petre), Rock Falls, wife of B. F. Boynton. Boynton, Thomas M., Chicago, 234^^ Illinois St. 30 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Vincent Clarence, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Boynton, Wallace W., Chicago, 194 Michigan Ave. Boynton, Warren, Rockford, Soldier Poet. Boynton, W. W., Chicago, 22 Chamber Commerce. Boynton, Wilbur Mason, Winnetka. Boynton, William George, Wilton Centre, Will Co. Boynton, William Edmundstone, Chicago, 243 Monroe St. Boynton, W. Irving, Rockford, Clerk. Boynton, Willis Sumner, Dixon, Lee Co. Boyington, William M., Chicago, resides Highland Park. Boyington, William Warren, Chicago, 159 Lasalle St., Ar- chitect. Boynton Women zvJio have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Ames, R. W., Sheffield, Minister. Baldwin, Mary Jane, {Boynton), Chicago, 89 Warren Ave.,, wife of E. B. Baldwin. Barnes, Adelbert, Yellow Creek, Stephenson Co. • Barnes, Louisa Maria, {Byington), Yellow Creek, Stephen- son Co., wife of Henry M. Barnes. Barnes, Whiting Selah, Yellow Creek, Stephenson Co.,. Farmer. Barrett, Florence, {Boynton), Chicago, Irving Park. Bowen, Anna Caroline, Elgin, Kane Co. Bowen, George Erwin, Elgin, Kane Co. Bowen, Julia Emma, {Byington), Elgin, Kane Co., wife of Hon. George S. Bowen. Bradshaw, John H., Chicago, Syrup Manufacturer. Burroughs, Charles D., Mrs., Chicago, 42 Centre Ave., National Bank Chicago. Clark, Annette P., Springfield. Clark, Ervin, Springfield. Clark, Horace, Springfield. Clark, Mary, Berlin. Clark, Pamelia S., {Boynton), Springfield, wife of Ervin Clark. Dewey, Edith, Chicago. Dewey, Ella, Chicago. Illinois. 31 Dewey, Emma, Chicago. Dewey, Julia, {Boynton), Chicago, wife of Warren Dewey. Dewey, Warren, Chicago. Eaton, Joshua, Chicago. Erwin, Orlando Richard, Chicago, 221 Fremont St., City Salesman. Googins, David S., Chicago. Gossick, Jennie Estelle, Chicago, 39 North Western Ave. Gray, George Mrs., Graymont. Harbert, Elizabeth, {Boynton), Evanston, Doctor of Phil- osophy. Hart, John P., Chicago, R. R. Agent. Hayes, Harriet Jane, {Byingtoii), Freeport, School Teacher. Heilman, George A. Mrs., Chicago, 56 Union Park Place. Ploward, Andrew, Paw Paw. Judkins, Joseph Rowell, Chicago, Expressman. King, Charles T., Kings, Ogle Co. King, George W., Kyte River, Ogle Co. King, James H., White Rock, King, John M., Rochelle. King, Richard, Kings, Ogle Co. Kings, William H., Kings, Ogle Co. Mayhew, Lydia S., {Boynton), Monmouth, Warren Co. Mc Phail, Lauretta, {Boyjiton), Rockford. Mc Phail, Maud, Rockford. Mc Phail, Roy, Rockford. Miles, Charles N., Chicago, 49 South Ann St. Miles, Mark B., Bloomingdale, Du Page Co. Moore, Martha Abagail, Chicago, 209 Fremont St., wife of Rev. A. P. Moore. Morton, Rhoda, {Boyntou), Momence, Kankakee Co., widow of Luther Morton. Page, Selene, {Boynton), Chicago, wife of D. W. Page. Paige, Fred, Byron, Ogle Co. Paige, Hannah, {Boynton), Byron, Ogle Co. Peck, Clarissa Elvira, {Byington), Freeport. Pratt, Charles A., Chicago, 172 Randolph St., Shoe Mer- chant. Pratt, Elizabeth Mrs., Woodstock. 32 American, Boynton Direct.ory, Pratt, Hattie Emily, Chicago. $6 Union Park Place. Pratt, Henry Tanner, Chicago, io8 Lake St., Barb Wire. Scott, Harriet L., {Boynton), Yellow Creek. Shackford, Samuel, Chicago, 248 Lasalle Ave. Shuff, Emma Boynton, Pleasant Plains. Stoddard, Eugene, Chicago, Clerk. Stoddard, George, Chicago. Stoddard, Laura, {Boynton), Chicago. Stone, Edward, Chicago, 3 141 Michigan Ave. Tarleton, Mary Ann, {Boynton), Canton, widow of Thomas Tarleton. Thompson, Julia Mariah, {Boynton), VVinnetka. Vittum, Sarah Ellen, {Tarleton), Canton, wife of Daniel W. Vittum. Weaver, Adam Mrs., Chicago, 109 Seeley Ave. Wescott, Cassius Douglass, Chicago, 57 South Elizabeth St. Wescott, Catherine Ermina, {Byington,) Chicago, 57 South Elizabeth St., wife of Austin B. Wescott. Wescott, Franklin Greeley, Chicago, 57 South Elizabeth St. Indiana. 33 Indiana. Boynton, Charles S., Indianapolis, Surgeon 2420! Vol. Boynton, Charles S., Hope. Boynton, Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, Bartholomew Co., widow of Alonzo G. Bovnton. Boynton, Lillie, Hope. Boynton, Mary Mrs., LaFayette. Boynton, Melissa, South Bend. Boynton Women zvJio have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Baird, hizzie Rochester Mrs., LaFayette. Cones, Rebekah, {Boynton), Goodland, wife of Smith B. Cones. DuTeil, Claude, Army Officer; died 1883. DuTeil, Frank, LaFayette, Book-keeper. DuTeil, Jane A., {Boynton), LaFayette. DuTeil, Lizzie, LaFayette. Gilbert, Ann, {Holmes), Mishawaka, St. Joseph Co. Hawley, Irene, {Boynton), Elizabethtown. Holmes, Melissa, {Byington), Mishawaka, widow of Jonathan Holmes. Rochester, Ada Miss, LaFayette. Rochester, Madeline DuTeil Mrs., LaFayette. Rodgers, George, LaFayette. Rogers, Mary, {Boynton), LaFayette. Underhill, Harriet, {Boynton), Fort Wayne. Williams, George, LaFayette. Williams, Lucy, {Boynton), LaFayette, died Dec. 3, 1883^ aged 86 years. 34 American, Boynton Directory. Indian Territory. Boynton, Alice, widow, Muskogee, Creek Nation, Milliner. Iov\ra. Boynton, A. J., Mrs., Webster City. Boynton, A. R., Clinton. Boynton, Abbie F., {Broivn), Osage, wife of Wilbur Fisk Boynton. Boynton, Abiel E., Lyons, Farmer. Boynton, Addie Julia, Plymouth. Boynton, Albert Webster, Plymouth, Farmer. Boynton, Alice Phoebe, Plymouth. Boynton, Ann Eliza, {Morcy), Plymouth, wife of Augustus Boynton. Boynton, Ann Eliza, Plymouth. Boynton, Asenath Lewis, {Webb), Weldon, wife of William S. Boynton. Boynton, Augustus, Plymouth, Cerro Gordo Co. Boynton, Baron Earl, Homer, Hamilton Co. Boynton, Charles Leland, Homer. Boynton, Charles O., Strawberry Point, Clayton Co. Boynton, Dayid Locke, Denison, Attorney at Law and Jus- tice of the Peace. Boynton, Dayid J., Iowa City. Boynton, Eben Vinton, Stuart, Guthrie Co., Jeweler and Watchmaker. Iowa. 35 Boynton, Eddy Seaburn, Osage, Clerk. Boynton, Edmund Plumb, Lyons. Boynton, Edward, Earlville. Boynton, Edward, Jr., Earlville. Boynton, Elmer Wesley, Homer, Hamilton Co., Farmer. Boynton, Flint, Toledo, Boynton, Fred Lee, Carroll, Lawyer. Boynton, George, Northwood, Worth Co., Meat Market. Boynton, George, Spencer, Clay Co. Boynton, Gertie Belle, West Side. Boynton, Harriet, {Cor^nvall), Denison, wife of David Locke Boynton. Boynton, Hattie Alice, Homer, Hamilton Co. Boynton, Henry, Nevada, Story Co. Boynton, Henry Warren, Toledo, Physician. Boynton, L H., Nevada. Boynton, Inez, Lyons. Boynton, J. A., Nevada. Boynton, James Shackleford, Waverly. Boynton, Jennie B., East Des Moines. Boynton, John, Earlville. Boynton, John S., Lyons. Boynton, J. Orlando, Almont, Clinton Co., R. R. Employee. Boynton, Joseph, Fort Dodge. Boynton, Joseph Edmund, Cedar Rapids, Salesman. Boynton, Joseph Edmund, Lyons. Boynton, Lee, Iowa City. Boynton, Lee O., Lyons. Boynton, M. L., Cedar Rapids. Boynton, Mary Farnam Mrs., Tipton. Boynton, Mary L., {Plumb), Lyons, wife of J. E. Boynton. Boynton, Mary M., LaPorte City, Black Hawk Co. Boynton, Nellie Amelia, Plymouth. Boynton, Nelson Smith, Plymouth, Farmer. Boynton, Orlando Joseph, Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co. Boynton, Oscar, McGregor, Clayton Co. Boynton, Polly F., (Temple,) West Side, wife of Samuel T. Boynton. Boynton, Raymond A., Clinton, Merchant. 36 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Samuel Flint, LaPorte City, Black Hawk Co.^ Druggist. Boynton, Samuel T., West Side. Boynton, Sarah A., {Polk}!), Mount Ayr, wife of Orlando Joseph Boynton. Boynton, Sidney Samuel, Clinton, Veterinary Surgeon. Boynton, Wilbur Fisk, Osage, Mitchell Co., Farmer. Boynton, William, Osage, Farmer. Boynton, William Franklin, Weldon, Decatur Co. Boynton, William Nelson, Manchester, Jeweler and Watch- maker. Boynton, William Spalding, Welden, Decatur Co., Farmer and Hotel Keeper. Boyington, Albert J., Webster City. Boyington, John, Griswold, Cass Co. Byington, Charles E., Burlington, Book-keeper and Clerk. Byington, Heman, Nevada, Story Co. Byington, Iowa, Iowa City. Byington, LeGrand, Iowa City, Lawyer and Farmer. Byington, Ottoe A., Iowa City, Law and Real Estate. Byington, Robert W., Iowa City, Loan and Real Estate. Byington, Romaine K., Davenport. Bvington, Seymour Lee, Iowa City, Farmer. Boynton Women zvJio have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Ashey. Flora Patience, {Byington), Elliott, Montgomery Co. Barnes, Adelbert, Red Oak, Liveryman. Bond, Ella May, Colfax, Jasper Co. Bond, Melissa Nancy, {Boynton), Colfax, Jasper. Bowman, Charlotte L., {Boynton). Address wanted. Boyd, Clara C, Lyons. Boyd, Clarence J., Lyons. Boyd, Lucy S., Lyons, wife of John R. Boyd. Boyd, Lucy Starkweather, {Boyntoti), Boone. Boyd, Nettie L., Lyons. Boyd, William I., Lyons, Farmer. Bull, Harriet Ann, {Boynton), Cedar Rapids. Cannot, Emeline, {Hart), Ottumwa, 715 West Macanice. Iowa. 37 Cannot, Henry William, Ottumwa. Cannot, Leander Nelson, Ottumwa. Chaefaut, Esther, [Hart), Iowa City. Chase, Elizabeth, {/oh)iston), Osage, wife of Jacob L. Chase. Cobb, Eliza V., {Boyntoii), Tipton. Condon, Mary Ellen Mrs., Ottumwa. Davids, Sarah A., {Rogers), Sanborn, O'Brien Co. Dodson, Pamelia, {Boyutoji), Manchester, wife of Thomas Dodson. Drake, Mary E. {Boytiton), Mount Pleasant, wife of Joseph Drake. Duncan, Caroline, {Boynton), West Mitchell, wife of Henry Duncan. Dunham, Saphronia, {Boyntoji,) Manchester, wife of Abner Dunham. Evans, Eva M., {Boyntoii), Lyons, Teacher, wife of Charles E. Evans. Hart, Eugene, Iowa City, Clerk. Hart, Henry, Le Mars, Plymouth Co., Merchant. Howell, Eliza Jane, West Liberty. James, Luette, {Boynton), Des Moines, 391 1 Oregon St., Teacher and Artist, wife of A. D. James. James, Sophronia A.,(^(?j/;z/c';/), . Tipton, wife of Jesse James. Johnston, William Sweet), Osage, Mitchell Co. Mygatt, Arys, {Byingtori), Iowa City, widow of Nelson H. Myggatt. Newell, Mary, {Boyntoi). Forest Mills. Rathbun, Almira, {Boynton), North Branch, Guthrie Co., 72 years of age, wife of Nathaniel Rathbun. Reed, Charles Willie, Arcadia. Reed, Clara Maria, {Boynton), Arcadia, wife of Everett H. Reed. Rodgers, Elizabeth, {Boyntori), Boone Rogers, Lucy C, Lyons. Rogers, Sarah Maria, {Boynton), Lyons, wife of L. F. Rogers. Rowel, Jessie M., {Rogers), Ruthveif, Palo Alto Co., wife of E. C. Rowel, Esq. Sherwin, Cullen L., Missouri Valley. 38 American, Boynton Directory. Smith, M. Mrs., L3'ons, Clinton Co, Stickney, Martha Ann, {Boynton), Vinton, wife of Sherman Stickney. Trier, Mary L., Manchester. Turner, Mary, {Boynton), Cedar Rapids. Welis, Edward Mrs., Des Moines. Whetstone, Mahoska, {Byington), Iowa City. Williams, Mary, {Boynton), Earlville. Wood, Mahala Mrs., Des Moines, cor. Walnut and Second Sts. Kansas. 39 Kansas. Boynton, Alice D., Palmer, wife of Thomas H. Boynton. Boynton, Alpheus W., Palmer, Washington Co., Farmer. Boynton, Augusta C, Eudora. Boynton, Belle Taylor, Lawrence, Book-keeper. Boynton, Daniel Tucker, Oak Hill, Clay Co., Unitarian Minister. Boynton, Frank F., Topeka. Boynton, Hattie L., Eudora. Boynton, Henry, Ouickville, Thomas Co. Boynton, John Hasey, Gardner, Johnson Co., Farmer. Boynton, Joseph Stockbridge, Strong City, Book-keeper. Boynton, Mary, Palmer, Washington Co., wife of A. W. Boynton. Boynton, Nathan Augustus, Nickerson, Merchant. Boynton, Phebe Maria, (Taj'/or), Strong City, wife of Joseph S. Boynton. Boynton, Thomas H., Palmer, Washington Co., Carpenter. Byington, D wight, Leavenworth, General Ticket Agent Missouri Pacific Railroad. Byington, LeGrand, Topeka, Journalist. Boynton Women who have Mari-icd in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Barnes, Melzer Peck, Wichita, Druggist. Bovey, Jennie, {Hopson,) Phillipsburgh, wife of William Bovey. Hite, Hattie L,., {Boynton), El Dorado, wife of William Hite. Hopson, Active N. Mrs., Phillipsburgh. Hopson, Daniel Cornelius, Phillipsburgh, Farmer. Hopson, Seymour Ashton, Phillipsburgh, Farmer. Lincoln, Charles Sumner, Lawrence, Douglass Co. Lutton, Cemira, (Boynton), Floyd, Mitchell Co. Pratt, Daniel Preble, Humboldt, Lumber Business. 40 American, Boynton Directory. Kentucky. Boynton, David, Address wanted. Boynton, Sarah, Address wanted. Boynton, Warren, Louisville, M. D. Byington, Augustus Smith, Lebanon. Byington, Frank x^ugustus, Lebahon. Louisana. Boynton Women who have Married in other1_Fainilies, and Boynton Relations. Jewett, Edwin, New Orleans. Knowles, A. Burr, Ashwood. Knowles, Bennie, Ashwood. Knowles, Sarah E., Ashwood. Maine. 41 Maine. Boynton, A. E., North Shapleigh, Minister. Boynton, A. M. Mrs., Glenburn. Boynton, A. VV., Caribou. Boynton, Abbie, {Diirgin), Brownfield, wife of Isaac Boyn- ton. Boynton, Abial B., Jefferson, Farmer. Boynton, Abial, North Whiteiield, 75 years of age. Boynton, Abial Briggs, North Whitelield, Farmer. Boynton, Abigail, {Barrows), Stark, widow of Peltiah J. Boynton. Boynton, Adaline S., (G^^r Hardin, Evan Shelby, Cambridge, Farming and Stock Raising. Hardin, George Nelson, Cambridge, Bridge Builder. Hardin, Harriet Emily, Cambridge. Hardin, Julia Boynton, Cambridge, Teacher. Hardin, Laura Lentha, Bassain, British Burmah, Asia, Mis- sionary. Hardin, Lentha Ames, {Boynton), Cambridge, Furnas Co., wife of Evan T. Hardin. 8o American, Boynton Directory. Nevada. Boynton, John Wesley, Reno, Sheep Ranch and Wool Grower. Boynton, Susan, {Kinsman), Elko, 75 years of age, wife of J. S. Bo3Miton. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Payne, Lucy, [Boynton), Elko. Toll, lantha E., {Boynton), Reno. New Hampshire. Boy n ton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boyington, A. H., Manchester. Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Ne'w Hampshire. A. E. Rev., Strafford. Abbie Annette, Wilton. Alice M., Lisbon. Amanda F. Mrs., Manchester, 1297 Elm St. Andrew, Mason. Annie Webster, Concord. Ardelle L., Manchester, 291 Hanover St. Bertha Ella, Portsmouth. Blanche, Portsmouth. Brothers, Cornish Flat. & Willard, Concord. Calvin Mrs., Manchester, 246 Hanover St. Carrie Myrtilda, Wilton. Charles, Warren. Charles Edwin, Portsmouth, Soda Water Manuf. Charles Everett, Concord. Charles H., Libson, Physician. Charles H., Temple. Charles Henry, Gilford P. O., Lake Village, Farmer. Boynton, Charles Marcus, Concord, Dry Goods. Boynton, Clara Frances, Nashua. • Boynton, Cyrus Clark Prof., Lebanon, Teacher, High School. Boyington, Charles S.. Manchester, 11 15 Elm St., House 163 Hanover St., Boots and Shoes. Boynton, D., Thornton. Bovnton, David, Lake Village. Boynton, David, Plymouth. Boynton, David Henshaw, Merrimack, Farmer. Boynton, David M., Warren, Farmer and Blacksmith. Boynton, £dward C, East Jaffrey. Boynton, Effie Lizzie, Nashua. Boynton, Eliza J., iBurtoii), Wilton, wife of Geo.W. Boynton. Boynton, Eliza Frances, {Cruviniet), Nashua, wife of James H. Boynton, Box loii. 82 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Elvira A., {Edson), Portsmouth, wife of Charles Edwin Boynton. Boynton, Emily Adelia, Rye, wife of Rev. Francis H, Boynton. Boynton, Emily A., {Russell), Woodstock, wife of Nathan- iel Bovnton. Boynton, Francis Hayden, Rye, Minister. Boynton, Frank E., Nashua. Boynton, Frank J., East Jaffrey. Boynton, Frank J., Milford. Boynton, Fred, Canterbury. Boynton, Fred Whiting, Portsmouth. Boynton, George, Derry. Bo3'nton, George, North Hampton. Boynton, George Warren, Farmer, Boynton, George Henry, Cornish Flat. Boynton, George W., Manchester, 291 Hanover St. Boynton, George Whiting, Wilton, Teamster. Boynton, Hannah D. Mrs., Manchester, 446 Hanover St. Boynton, Harriet R., {l^apley), Milford, wife of James F. Boynton. Boynton, Harry Edwin, Portsmouth, 28 Manchester St., Clerk. Boynton, Herbert Clinton, Tilton, Trader. Boyington, yenry A. Mrs., Manchester, House 22 Clough's Block, Manchester St., Eating Saloon, 28 Manchester St. Boynton, Irene, {Clark), Temple, wife of Charles H. Boyn- ton. Boyington, Ida Mrs., Manchester, boards 35 Market St., D Corporation, Amoskeag Mills. Boynton, J., Thornton. Boynton, J. C, Glen House, Coos Co., Post Master. Boynton, J. K., Alton. Boynton, James F., Milford. Boynton, James Hildreth, Nashua, Carpenter and Tin Worker, Box loi i. Boynton, Jessie, Warren, Teacher. Boynton, John, Hill. Boynton, John A., Amherst, Carpenter. New Hampshire. 83 Boynton, John Clinton, Cornish Flat, Post Master. Boynton, Jonas, Fi^ankHn. Boynton, Joseph, Manchester, 804 Elm St., Painter. Boynton, Joseph, Warren. Boynton, L., Temple. Boynton, L. D., Nashua. Boynton, Mary A., (Grover), East Jaffrey, wife of William E. Boynton. Boynton, Mary E. Mrs., Tilton. Boynton, Mary Elizabeth, Concord, wife of Charles M. Boynton. Boynton, Mary O., [Carr), Gilford, P. O. Lake Village, wife of Charles Henry Boynton. Boynton, Mary, {Tilton), Merrimack, wife of David Hen- shaw Boynton. Boynton, Michael, Manchester. Boynton, Morgie A., Seabrook. Boynton, N. Mrs., Woodstock. Boynton, Nathaniel, Woodstock. Boynton, Nathaniel, Meredith Village, P. O., resides just over the line in New Hampton. Boynton, Nellie A., Manchester, 291 Hanover St. Boynton, Noah, Plymouth. Boynton, Oliver, Great Falls, Physician, Boynton, Orrin, Lisbon, Physician. Boynton, Owen H., Lisbon, Physician. Boynton, Rufus, Canterbury. Boynton, S. W. Mrs. Gilford. Boynton, Samuel, Meredith Village, over 70. Bvington, Swift Rev., Exeter. Boynton, T., Boscawen. Boynton, Thomas, Warren. Boynton, Wallace, Franklin. Boynton, Will G., Cornish Flat. Boynton, William, Boscawen. Boynton, William, New Ipswich. Boynton, William Mrs., Seabrook. Boynton, William E., East Jaffrey. Boynton, William F., Salisbury. 84 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Willie Frank, Wilton. Boynton, Worcester, Laconia. Boynton Women zvho have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Batchelder, Hattie E., {Daw), Concord. Bird, S. Louisa Mrs., Newport. Bixby, Sarah M. Mrs., Warren. Blanchard, Chloe Jane, {Boynton), East Wilton, wife of Sumner Blanchard. Bradbury, Emeline Page, {Boynton), Address wanted. Brown, Emma V., Manchester. Brown, Lydia Mrs., Mason. Brown, Lydia, {Boynton), East Wilton. Brown, Mar}^ {Boyntoji), Manchester, wife of Groves Brown» Bryant, Henry Mrs., Woodstock. Buxton, Lucy T., {Lezvis), Reading. Buzell, Manila, {Boynton), Laconia, wife of William BuzelL Calef, Jemima Jane, Salisbury, wife of F. B. Calef. Carleton, Henry, Enfield. Carter, Albert, Esq., Concord, 49 Walnut St. Chandler, Mary Ann, {Boynton), Nashua, wife of L. B. Chandler. Chandler, Olive Jane, {Boynton), Bartlett. Clifford, George, Warren. Clifford, John, Manchester. Coburn, Naomi, {Boynton), Holiis, wife of John Coburn, 79 years of age. Conner, Louisa J., {Boynton), Warren, wife of S. H. Conner. Cragin, Daniel, Wilton, Furniture and Wooden Ware Manufacturer ; Represented Wilton in last Legislature. Davis, C. W. Mrs., Concord, 10 Monroe St. Davis, Caroline, {Farrar), Hebron, wife of Noah P. Davis. Davis, E. B., Concord, Physician. Davis, Helen Mar, {Boynton), Concord. Davis, Mary Louise, {Boynton), Indian Head House, wife of Jerome Davis. Dickerman, Eunice D., {Boyrtton), Manchester, 71 years of age. New Hampshire. 85 Dickey, Annie M., Manchester, care H. C. Dicke3\ Dickey, Martha Boynton, Manchester, care H. C. Dickey. Dodge, Helen Gertrude, {^Kimball), Manchester, wife of J. F. Dodge. Dodge, NeUie Kimball, Manchester. Dole, Sarah Rebecca, {Boyntoii), Concord, wife of Seth R. Dole. Eastman, Benjamin, Warren. Eastman, Damon V., Warren. Eastman, George Edward, North Haverhill, Wheelwright. Eastman, Jesse Mrs., Manchester, (i6 Concord St. Eastman, Sylvester, North Benton, Grafton Co. Eastman, William Whitcher, Benton. Evans, Mary, {Boynton), Keene, wife of Joseph Evans. Farrar, George W,, Peterborough, Blacksmith, Represen- tative N. H. Legislature. Farrar, Simon B., Temple, Farmer. Fisher, Henry, Manchester, Superintendent of Repairs^ Armory Mills. Fisher, Mary C, {Boynton), New Ipswich, wife of J.W. Fisher Fox, Elizabeth, Canaan. French, Amelia, Warren, wife of D. A. French. Gilman, Jonathan Mrs., West Thornton. Goodwin, Charles Boynton, Mason. Greene, Lebertie Mrs., Seabrook. Hamblitt, Susan J., {Boynton), Milford. Hanson, George Frank, Amherst, Blacksmith. Hanson, Hannah E., {Boynton), Amherst. Harrigan, Mary Elizabeth, {Boynton), Nashua, wife of Michael Harrigan. Hobbs, Mary Elizabeth, {Erzvin), Madison, wife of Josiah H. Hobbs, Counsellor at Law, Authoress and Poetess. Hoit, Lewis B. Mrs., Concord. Houghton, Edward, Warren, works in Boston, Mass., Printer. Jackman, Sarah Roccenia, {^Boynton), Boscawen, wife of John Jackman, Johnson, Frank, {Boyntojt), Concord, wife of Charles L Johnson, 7 86 American, Boynton Directory. Jones, E. A. Mrs., Marlow. Kendrick, Lewis Mrs., Woodstock. Kimball, Edgar Ruel, Manchester. Lewis, Henry G., Hudson. Lewis, Lucy T., {Boyntoii), Hudson, wife of William Lewis. Lewis, William T., Sherburne. Marston, Eliza Mrs., Bridgewater. Mead, Abby, {Boynton), Meredith. Mead, Mary, {Boyntojt), Meredith. Mead, Mary Boynton, Meredith. Mead, Minnie, Meredith. Mead, Nellie M., Meredith. Mead, Willis J., Meredith. Mitchell, Harriet Mrs., Mason. Mitchell, Levi Mrs., East Walton. Moore, Mattie E., {Brown), Goff's Falls, care Byron Moore. Moses, Hiram, Loudon Centre. Moses, Nathaniel, Campton Village. Paige, Betsey Mrs., Thornton, died June, 1883, aged 75 years. Paige, Martin, Thornton. Patterson, George J., Springfield. Patterson, Hannah P., {Boynton), Springfield, wife of Samuel G. Patterson. Patterson, Hattie A., Springfield. Pettengill, Elizabeth, {Boynton), Londonderry, wife of Hugh Pettengill. Poole, John L. Mrs., Hollis. Prescott, Ella M., {Boynton), East Jaffrey. Preston, Mary Jane, {Boynton), Henniker. Quaid, John H., Brookline. Quaid, Lorenzo, East Wilton. Ouaid, Sarah, Hollis. Rassell, Emily, {Boynton), New Ipswich, wife of S. A. Rassell. Richardson, i\daline, {Boynton), East Canaan, died Septem- ber 13, 1883. Richardson, John W. Mrs., East Canaan. Richardson, Worrcn B., East Canaan, Farmer. , New Hx\mpshire. 87 Rollins, Marv Adaline Mrs., South Walpole. Runnells, Mary Jane, {Boyiiton), Hopkinton, wife of Edward Runnells. Sawyer, Marv Ellen, (Boynton), North Weare. Seward, Nancv, Wakefield. Smith, Elnora, ( WliitcJier), Belmont. Smith, Isabell, {Boyntoii), New Ipswich, wife of N. M- Smith. Smith, Malvina Mrs., Seabrook. Smith, Roxie N. Mrs., Seabrook. Smith, Susan, \WliitcJicr), Warren. Stearns, Mary Mrs., East Jaffrey. Thayer, Sarah, (Boynton), New Ipswich, wife of A, G. Thayer. Titus, Asher, Whitefield. Titus, Jason, Lisbon. Titus, Jeremy, North Haverhill. Vose, Alice Mrs., Peterborough. Veasey, Ruth J. Mrs., Benton. Ward, William, Plainfield. Whitcher, Jerome, Warren, Farmer, Whitcher, John, Warren, Farmer. Whitcher, Leander, Warren, Farmer. Whitcher, Rinaldo, Warren, Farmer. 88 American, Boynton Directory. Ne'w Jersey. Boynton, Anthony, Passaic, Office 86 Park Place, New York. Boynton, Benjamin S., Vineland. Boynton, Cassimer Wliitman, Woodbridge, tloUow Build- ing Brick. Boynton, E. A,, {Narriman), Woodbridge, wife of C. Whitman Boynton. Boynton, Emma S., Newfield, Teacher. Boynton, Georgia Smith, Woodbridge. Boynton, Gorham Lincoln, Woodbridge. Boynton, Hannah, Woodbridge. Boynton, Helen Grace, Woodbridge. Boynton, Idella E., Newfield. Boynton, John, Passaic. Boynton, Lelia D., Newfield. Boynton, Mary E., Sea Isle City. Boynton, Mary Louisa, Woodbridge. Boynton, Nettie A., Newfield. Boynton, Silena L., [Guilford), Newfield. Byington, Belvidere. Byington, Trenton. Byington, Roderick, Newark, 8io Broad St. Byington, Theodore, D. D., Turkey, Constantinople Bible House. Boynton Women ivho have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Adams, George Emery, South Orange, Box ']6, Dental Surgeon. Adams, Laura R., Orange, care E. H. Adam.s. Bradshaw, Antoinette. Ellis, Stephen T. Mrs., Vineland. Kendal, Cora L. Mrs., Vineland. Sawyer, Annie L., Camden. Temple, Charles E., Vineland. Temple, Fred B., Vineland. New York. 89 New York. Boynton, Addie E., Syracuse, boards Fritcher House, Warren St., Book-keeper, 108 South Clinton. Boynton, Adelbert W., Keeseville, Lawj^er. Boynton, A. Lincoln, AuSable Forks. Boynton, Albert, Apalachin. Boynton, Albert, Copenhagen. Boynton, Albert, Brooklyn, 95 Myrtle St. Boynton, Alice, Brooklyn, 590 Halsey St. Boynton, Alonzo B., Auburn, 7 John St., Machinist. Boynton, Ann, {Piatt), Pittsburgh, wife of Stephen De Catur Boynton. Boynton, Anthony, New York, 86 Park Place, resides Passaic, N. J. Boynton, Ari Turner Rev., McLean, Tompkins Co. Boynton, Arthur, New York, 157 E. 38th St. or 80th St. Boynton, Arthur, New York, 385 Broadway, Merchant. Boynton, Arthur Warren, New York, 192 Broadwaj^, Room 22, Advertising Agent. Boynton, Austin, Rodman. Boynton, Beulah, Au Sable Forks. Byington & Howland, Newark Valley. Boynton, Calista, (Loring), McLean, wife of Ari Turner Boynton. Boynton, Caroline F., {Harrhnaii), Syi-acuse, wife of John Farnham Boynton. Boynton, Cassius, Transient Photographer, Boynton, Charles, Hornellsville. Boynton, Charles, Fayetteville. Boynton, Charles, New York, 234 Water St. Boynton, Charles, New York, 195 Broadway, and Wash- ington D. C, Associated Press. Boynton, Charles Amos, New York, 411 W. 57th St. Bo)mton, Charles B., Crown Point. Boynton, Charles B., New York, 94 Beekman St., house Brookl}^, Furnaces, Ranges and Heaters. Boynton, Charles B. Mrs., Walworth. 90 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Charles Francis, New York, 411 W. 57th St. Boynton, Charles Freeman Rev., Freeport, Queens Co. Boynton, Charles H., Hoosick Falls, Physician. Boynton, Charles Henry, Hornellsville. Boynton, Charles Homer, Lake Side. Student, Rochester University, boards 78 William St. Boynton, Charles Sumner, Hudson, Columbia Co. Boynton, Charles W., New York, 80 Beekman St., house 172 Rutledge St., Brooklyn, Saw Manuf. Boynton, Cordelia, (5cz/!/i'), S3'^racuse, wife of Fred Boynton. Boynton, Daniel H., Syracuse, 71 Montg-omery St., Book- keeper. Boynton, Daniel Newell, Au Sable Forks. Boynton, David, Chazy. Boynton, David, Rodman. Boynton, DeWitt Clinton, Plattsburgh. Boynton, E. E., Rochester. Boynton, E. D., Rodman. Boynton, Edward Carlisle, Newburgh, Major, U. S. A., Professor at West Point, and First President of the American Boynton Association. Boynton, Edward Carlisle, Jr., Newburgh. ^ Boynton, Edward Everett, Hornellsville. Boynton, Edward Hubbard, Lockport. Boynton, Edward Loring, Jay, Farmer. Boynton, Edward Rice, Jay, Farmer. Boynton, Edgar Anderson, Hornellsville, Box 529, N. Y., Lake Erie Freight Clerk. Boynton, Eliza Ann, Hornellsville, widow of Joshua Boyn- ton. Boynton, Eliza, {Gibbs), New York, 45 West 39th St., wife of S. C. Boynton. Boynton, Ellen h., {Loring), Freeport, wife of Rev. Charles F. Boynton. Boynton, Emily Tabitha, {Cook), South Byron, wife of James T. Boynton. Boynton, Emma L., {Hauiinond), Batavia, wife of Henry- Putnam Boynton. Boynton, Ephraim, Jay. New York. 91 Boynton, Eunice Stanly, Brooklyn, 500 Halsey St. Boynton, Florence Cabot, Newburgh. Boynton, Fitz, Cortland, President Second National Bank. Boynton, Frances, Walworth. Boynton, Frances, {Broderick), Waterloo, wife of Silas W- Boynton. Bovnton, Frances Nichols, Lockport. Bo3'nton, Frank. Saratoga. Boynton, Frank H., New York, 151 Lexington Ave., or 20 West 38th St., Physician. Boynton, Frank M., Ontario. Bo3'nton, Fred, Syracuse, 106 Almond St., Machinist. Boynton, Fred L., Fayetteville. Boynton, Frederick, Walworth, Farmer. Boynton, Frederick C, New York, 23 Beaver St,, resides Yonkers, Lumber Dealer. Boynton, George A., New York, 70 Wall St., house 261 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, Iron. Boynton, George Edward, Lakeside, Teacher. Boynton, George Harvey, Hornellsville. Boynton, George, Hornellsville. Boynton, George Melville, Keeseville, Graduated Law School, 1884. Boynton, George R., New York, 51 West loth St., Artist. Boynton, Grace, Hudson, Columbia Co. Boynton, Grace Stanley, New York. Boynton, Harriet, Copenhagen, wife of Harrison Boynton. Boynton, Harriet, {Northriip), Lake Side, wife of Lorenzo Robinson Boynton. Bovnton, Harrison, Copenhagen. Bo3'nton, Hattie Maud, New York. Boynton, Helen, McLean. Boynton, Helen Townsend, Newburgh. Boynton, Heman, Jay, Farmer. Boynton, Heman Stores, Delhi, Delaware Co. Boynton, Henry, McLean, Tompkins Co., Farmer, 78 years of age. Boynton, Henry, McLean. Boynton, Henry, Clinton, Oneida Co. 92 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Henry C, New York, 68 Gold St. Boynton, Henry C, New York, 700 Eighth Ave. and 55 Third Ave., house 73 Wilson, Brooklyn, Furniture. Boynton, Henry DeLano, New York, 160 Broadway, Lawyer. Boynton, Henry Putney, Batavia, Box 2053. Boynton, Ira Manly, Brasher Falls. Boynton, Ira Martin, Jay. Boynton, James Henry, New York, 557 Broadway, house 17 South Portland Ave., Brooklyn, Clothing. Boynton, James Henry, New York, 358 Broadwav. Boynton, James Russell, Albany, Jay St,, State Librarian. Boynton, James Trice, South Byron, Dealer in Grain. Boynton, Jean Electa, South Byron. Boynton, Job Vernon, Brasher Falls, St, Lawrence Co. Boynton, John, New York, 134 Hester. Boynton, John, Plattsburgh. Boynton, John, Au Sable Forks. Boynton, John F., Lyman Stevens & Co., Syracuse, High- land Place. Boynton, John Farnham, M. D., Syracuse, Highland Place, cor. Oak and Hickory Sts., Genealogist and Historian of the Boynton Family, Secretary of American, Boynton Association. Boynton, John H., New York, 23 Beaver St., house Yon- kers. Lumber Merchant. Boynton, John Leonard, Fayetteville, Cemetery Monu- ments, and Justice of the Peace. Boynton, John Stratton, Au Sable Forks.' Boynton, Judson, Wolcott, Wayne Co. Boynton, Julia, New York, 700 Eighth Ave., and 550 Third Ave., house 116, 4th Brooklyn, Furniture. Boynton, Julia Phebe, South Byron. Boynton, Kittie Inex, Brasher Falls. Boynton, Lawyer, Newark Valley. Boynton, L. H., Auburn, 11 Lincoln St. Boynton, Len J., Oswego, Boynton, Leonora L., {Wheeler), Ontario, wife of Lorenzo S. Boynton. New York. 93 Boynton, Lester, Watertown. Boynton, Lettie, Au Sable Forks. Bovnton, Letitia, Lewis, Essex Co. Boynton, Lizzie Webb, Newburgh. Boynton, Lizzie Harwood, Lockport. BoNnton, Lorenzo Robinson, Lake Side, Wayne Co., Far- mer. Boynton, L. R., Jr., Lake Side. Bovnton, Lorenzo Smith, Ontario, Wayne Co., Farmer. Boynton, Lucinda H. Mrs., Auburn, 19 Clark St. Boynton, Lucia, Fayetteville. Boynton, M., x^msterdam, Montgomery Co. Boynton, M. Rev., Durham. Boynton, Maggie, (Franks), Ontario, wife of Frank Boyn- ton. Boynton, Margaret, {Carroll), Syracuse, Shonnard St., wife of William Boynton. Boynton, Margaret F., Lockport. Boynton, Martha Mrs., Auburn. Boynton, Martha R., {Nezvell), Au Sable Forks, wife of John S. Boynton. Boynton. Martha, {Hill), Ontario, wife of Jonathan Boyn- ton. Boynton, Martin, Plattsburgh. Boynton, Mary, Walworth. Boynton, Mar}-, Au Sable Forks. Boynton, Mary Arabella, McLean. Boynton, Melville C, New York, 231 Sixth Ave., house 104 W. 1 6th St., Cloaks. Bovnton, Miss, Whitney's Point, Broome Co., Preceptress Union School. Boynton, Morten, McGrawville, Cortland Co., Farmer. Boynton, Nathaniel A., New York, 94 Beekman St., Boyn- ton's Furnaces. Boynton, Nathaniel A., New York, 9 Wall St., house East ' 62d St. Boynton, Nathaniel Culver Hon., Keeseville, Essex Co. Boynton & Richardson, New York, 94 Beekman St., Fur- naces, &c. 94 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Paul B., Willsborough, Essex Co., aged 76 years. Boynton, Philo, Rose, Wayne Co. Boynton, Rosamond P., [Aiken), Willsborough, wife of Paul Boynton. Boynton, Sandolana, Crown Point. Boynton, JSanford, Rochester, Hart Block, suite C, 278 East Main St., Hard Rubber Eye Glasses. Boynton, Sarah, Elmira, 400 William St. Boynton, Silas Webster, Waterloo, Carpenter. Boynton, Stephen DeCatur, Plattsburgh, Farmer. Boynton, Susie May, Mexico, Oswego. Boynton, Susan, {McHenry), Hornellsville, wife of George L, Boynton. Boynton, Susan, (Sage), Copenhagen, wife of Albert Bovn- ton. Boynton, Sylvanus Cobb, New York, 160 Broadway, house 45 West 3Qth St., Lawyer. Boynton, Theodore A., Hudson, Columbia Co. Boynton, Theodore V., New York, 23 Beaver St., house Yonkers. Boynton, Thomas Cabot, Lockport. Boynton, W. F., Utica, Hats, Caps, &c. Bo3'nton, Wesson Macomber, Keeseville, Farmer. Boynton, Wellington, Smyrna, Chenango Co. Boynton, William, New York, N. Y., N. H. & Hartford Railroad Co., Harlem River Station. Boynton, William, Auburn. Boynton, William, Buffalo. Boynton, William, Norwich. Boynton, William, New York, 533 West 42d St. Boynton, William H., Syracuse, 146 Shonnard Street, Machinist. Boynton, William Lucius, New York, 271 Broad way ^ Insurance. Boyington, Esther, (Smith), Mexico, wife of George Otis Boyington. Boyington, George Otis, Mexico. Boyington, Isaac, Norwich, Chenango Co. Boyington, William Milton, Mexico. New York. 95 Byington, Aaron. Brooklyn, 898 Myrtle Ave. Byington, Alphonso, Newark Valley. Byington, Ambrose, Camden, Farmer. Byington, Arthur Milton, Mexico, Prattham P. O., Farmer. Byington, Charles, Brooklyn, 165 Ainslie. B^ ington, Clavtt)n, Newark Valle3^ Byington, E. B., Buffalo, General Passenger Agent Lehigh Valley Railroad, corner Main and Seneca Sts. Byington, Elizabeth, Mexico, Oswego Co. Byington, Elizabeth, {Dodman), Mexico, wife of Isaac Nathan Byington. Byington, George, Albion. Byington, Georoe L., Salisbury Centre, Herkimer Co. Byington, Hanna. Camden. Byington, Harriet B., {\Vordeii), Fayetteville, widow of Dr. Francis Milton Byington. Byington, Harry Bennett, Albion, Box 125. Byington, Isaac Nathan, Mexico, Farmer. Byington, Joseph H., Brooklyn, 109 Fulton St. Byington, Lillian, Fayetteville. Byington, Lovicy J. A., {Bliss), Salisbury Centre, wife of George L. Byington. Byington, Margetta, Mexico, Teacher. Byington, Mary, Hannibal. Byington, Mary Charlotte, Salisbury Centre. Byington, Nora Jane, Mexico, wife of Arthur M. Byington. Byington, Rufus Spencer, Cairo, Greene Co. Byington, Sally, [Porter), Camden, wife of Ambrose By- ington. Byington, Sarah Lillian, Fayetteville, Onondaga Co. Byington, Seymour P., Utica, Joiner. Bj'ington, Sherman Woodford, Newark Valley. Byington, \V. W.. Albany, 31 North Pearl St., Agent Life Insurance, Benefit. Byington, William, Auburn. 96 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Adams, Eugene Edgar, New York, 55 Broadway, Manuf. Stationery. Adams, Frank Lester, New York, 176 Broadway, Jeweler. Adams, Harriet, {Boynto?i\, Watertown, Jefferson Co. Angell, Edward Boynton, Rochester, 46 Park Ave. Angell, James Eugene, Waverly, Tioga Co. Angell, Lizzie Keyser, Waverly. Angell, Mar}' Louisa, Waverly. Arnold, Mattie G., Peru, Clinton Co. Atkins, Augusta, [Boynton), Crown Point. Averv, Flora, (Byington), Oneida Castle, Oneida, wife of Daniel i\.very. Baker, Eliza, {Boyntoii), Mexico, wife of Hiram Baker. Baker, Homer Byington, Port Byron. Baker, Sarah, {Boynton), Homer, wife of Jerome B. Baker, Baker, Sarah, {Byingtoti), Clyde, wife of Henr}^ Baker. Balch & Price, New York, Fulton St., Hat and Fur Ti'ade. Ball, H. M. Mrs., Cortland, Cortland Co. Barney, Charles T. Esq., Hoosick Falls. Barron, Mary L, New York, St. Cloud Hotel. Baumgrass, Mar^-, (Boynton), Syracuse, Cedar St. Blinn, Julia, North Elba, 72 years of age. Blinn, Robert Scott, North Elba. Booth, A. A. Mrs., Eaton, Madison Co. Boothe, Lovicy T., {Boynton), West Bainbridge. Bowman, Helen C, {Moore), Brooklyn, wife of Frank Bow- man. Brewster, Thomas Townsend, Syracuse, Clerk in Salt Springs Bank, Grandson of John Farnham Boynton. Brooks, Mary Jane, {Boynton), Elton, wife of Rev. Samuel N. Brooks, New York. Brown, Mrs., New York. Brown, \.?iwv?i{ Boynton), Port Byron, wife of Samuel Brown, over 70 years of age. Bruce, Rachel Emma, {Boynton), Jay. Burbank, Ella, Benson. New Yory. 97 Burrows Francis, Wayland, Ticket Agent, N. Y. Central Railroad. Burrows, George H., Buffalo, Supt. Central R. R. Bush, Phebe, {Boynton), South Byron. Butler, Annie P., {Wy7nan), Brooklyn, 197 Congress St., wife of George Butler. Butler, Frank T., Brooklyn, 197 Congress St., or 15 Broad St., New York, Mills Building. Catlin, Helen A., {Bjingtoii), Berkshire. Chapman, Rosamond A., {Boyiiton), Whitehall, wife of John Chapman, Undertaker. Clark, VV. E. Mrs., Syracuse, Belden cor. N. Franklin. Collins, Helen Augusta, Berkshire, Tioga Co. Collins, Sarah, {^Byhigtoii), Norwich, wife of Charles A, Collins. Cook, Fanny, {.Boynton), Whitehall. Cralev, Betsey S., Cohoes, wife of Jacob Craley. Crist, S. B., New York, 536 Sixth Ave., Agent North British and Mer. Insurance Co. Darrow, Noyes E. Boynton Mrs., Buffalo, Delaware Co. Defender, Eliza, {Boynton), Utica. Dodge, Mar}^ {Boynton), Albany, 53 Spencer St. Eastwood, Mary Ann, {Barker), Cicero, P. O. Bridgewater, wife of Benjamin Eastwood. Eaton, Joshua, Sackett's Harbor. Ellis, Elizabeth, (Boynton), Fayetteville, wife of Joel H. Ellis. Ellis, Ellen, Fayetteville. Emmens, Dr. George V. Mrs., Fulton, Oswego Co. Fisher, George B. Mrs., Brooklyn, 281 St. James Place. French, Louisa Maria, {Boynton), Summerhill, wife of William R. French. Frisbie, Gerritt Smith, Phelps, Ontario Co., Farmer and Merchant. Fuller, Abbott, Lake George. Fuller, Putnam, Lake George. Gaines, L. Maria, Mexico, Oswego. Goodale, Mary Ann, {Boynton), Pottsdam, wife of Lucius Goodale. 98 American, Boynton Directory. Goodale, Myra A., Potsdam. Hill, Albertis, Walworth, Wayne Co. Hill Mary Jane, Fairport, Monroe Co. Holman, Fannie, Boyntoii), Whitehall. Holt, Elizabeth, {Lyon), Willsborough, wife of Alva S. Holt. James, Sarah Boynton, {Moore), Woodhaven, wife of Rev. William James. Johnston, George Horace, New York, Printer. Johnston, y\.2iX^^,{Boyntoii), Brooklyn, 66i Green Ave., wife of George W. Johnston. Karr, Anna Mariah, {Boynton), Almond, wife of Henrv Karr. Kellicut, K\yi.%-^\\, {Boynton), Huron, died Feb. 1883. Kellicut, Charles, Huron, Wayne Co. Kimball, Ellen, Charlotte Centre. Lake, Clarissa H., {Boynton), Cassadaga P. C, Burnham's, Chautauqua Co. Lake, Edwin, Charlotte Centre, Farmer. Lansing, Hannah Straight, Plattsburgh, wife of Abram W- Lansing. Lewis, Cecelia, {Boynton), Geneva P. O., Box 132. Lewis, Frank Miss, Geaeva, late Teacher in Chili, South America. Lewis, Kate, Rochester, Book-keeper, Lewis, Lillie Cecelia, Geneva.' Lewis, William Ovette, Geneva. Lyon, Martin or Mortimer, North Elba, Essex Co. Martin, Mary, {Boynton), Whitehall, wife of Eiisha Martin. Martin, Nathan, Cayuga Lake. Martin, Solomon, Cayuga Lake. Mix, Hannah Melissa, McLean. Mooers, Marion, {Boynton), Plattsburgh, wife of William P. Mooers. Moore, Julius H., Brooklyn, 1060 DeKalb Ave. Moore, Margaret, {Boynton), South Brooklyn, 345 9th St. Moore, Rosa Mrs., Plattsburgh. Moses, Charles H., Brooklyn, 281 St. James Place. Moses, David B., Brooklyn, 281 St. James Place. Moses, Susan A. R., Brooklyn, 541 Washington Ave., wife of William Moses. New York. 99 Moses, William, Brooklyn, 541 Washington Ave. Norton, Byron, New York. Palmer, Addie, Lake Side. Palmer, Byron, Lake Side. Palmer, Grace S., [Boynton), Trov, 51 7th St., wife of Caleb W. Palmer. Palmer, John, Lake Side. Palmer, Mary, {Boyntoii), Lakeside. Pattison, Sophia Edith, {Wyinaii), Syracuse, Grace Church Rectory, wife of Rev. Thomas E. Pattison. Pa3'son, D. F., Oneida. Peacock, Adaline, {Hi/h, Fairport, Monroe Co. Peer, Augusta, {Boyntoi), Ontario. Petitt, Elizabett, iFrisbie), Shortsville. Phelps, George N. Mrs., Brooklyn, 128 ist Place. Plumb, Elizabeth, {Byington), New Yoi"k, 228 78th St. Pound, Mary, {Boynton), Williamson, Wayne Co. Powers, Arabella, {Boy7iton), Geddes, 18 Brook St. Powers, Moses, Geddes, 18 Brook St, Powers, Belle, Geddes, 18 Brook St., Organist. Raymond, William B. Mrs., Oswego. Richardson, Mary Grace, [Stcvetis], New York. Richardson, Oscar, Adams, Ovvego Co. Roderiquez, Addie F., {Cnnninghavi), New^York. Roundy, R. B., Saratoga Springs, Box 791. Rowley, Daniel Mrs., McLean. Sage, Ann Eliza, {Boynto)i), Buffalo, 83 Wadsvvorth St. Sage, Theodore B., Buffalo. Sampson, Frank Sewell, ^L D., Scottsville, Monroe Co. Seeley, Irwin Romain, North Rose, Wayne Co. Seeley, Minerva, {Boynton), North Rose. Seeley, P. Bert, North Rose. Smith, Clara Aiken, {Boyntofi), Willsborough, wife of Elbert O. Smith. Smith, Oakley, Willsborough. Smith, Walter Boynton, Willsborough. Smyth, Joseph P. Mrs., Brooklyn, 411 8th St., or jG Beaver St., New York. Spear, Angelia H. Mrs., Syracuse, 183^ Seymour St. loo American, Boynton Directory. Stamford, Lydia, Ontario. Stetson, Eva, {Adaius), New York. Stevens, Catharine {Boyntoti), New York. Stevens, Catharine Augusta, New York. Stevens, C. Aniory, New York, 228 and 230 Greenwich, and 60 Broad Sts., P. O. Box 1944. Stocking-, Polly, {Boynton), Eagle Harbor, wife of Joseph W. Stocking. Stone, Harriet K.,{B}'ington), Franklinville, wife of De Witt Stone. Storms, Noyes W. Mrs., Rochester, cor. Andrew St. and Franklin Square. Tuckerman, Jerome Bailev, North Elba. Tuckerman, Ruth, {Boynton), Eaton, Madison Co. Turner, Jonathan Boynton, Ontario, Merchant. Van Kleck, Frances Josephine, {Byington), Oswego, wife of John J. Van Kleck. Vieie, Celinda, {Boynton), Rouse's Point. Viele, Eugene Capt., Rouse's Point, Custom House, Treasurer, &c. Weeks, Caleb S., New York, 107 East 26th St., Poet and Author. Wells, Carrie E., {Boynton), Brasher Falls, wife of Wallace H. Wells. Wells, Lucy, {Baker), Cicero and Oran. Wheelock, Joseph, New York, Madison Square Theatre. White, Mrs. Dr. R. G., Buffalo. White, Wallace W., Saranac, Watchmaker. Whiting, Matilda, Cicero. Wilson, Cynthia, {Boynton), North Rose, Wayne Co. Wood, Eliphalet, Irvington-on-Hudson. Wood, Walter A., New York, 191 Fulton St. North Carolina ioi North Carolina. Boynton, Charles, Highlands, Macon Co. Boynton, Charles A., Highlands, Macon Co. Boynton, Frank G., Highlands, Macon Co. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Hill, Roba Boynton, {Park), Asheville, wife of Thaddeus Thomas Hill. Kendall, Ida F., {Boynton), Highlands, Macon Co. I02 American, Boynton Directory. OMo. Boynton, Alpha Annah, Orange, Teacher. Boynton, Alpheus W., Pulaski, Williams Co. Boynton, Annie Russell, Haverhill. Boynton, Asa, near Haverhill. Boynton, Azula K., Elyria, widow of Lewis De Lano Bo3'nton. Boynton, Betsey Terrell, Cleveland, wife of W. W. Boyn- ton. Boynton, Catharine C, Pulaski, wife of Charles J. C. Boyn- ton. Boynton, Catharine, {Skinner-), Elyria, widow of Joshua Boynton. Boynton, Charles Rev. Dr., Mount Auburn. Boynton, Charles Clarke, Haverhill, Farmer. Boynton, Charles Frederick, Cleveland, Holmden Ave. Boynton, Charles Fremont, Wauseon. Boynton, Charles Heman, Pulaski, Williams Co. Boynton, Charles J. C, Pulaski, Farmer. Boynton, Clara A., Elyria. Boynton, Clara Ellen, Elyria. Boynton, Clarinda Ward, Elyria, wife of Elbridge G. Boynton. Boynton, Coren L., Portsmouth. Boynton, Delmont Locke, Salem, Marion Co. Boynton, E. D., Cleveland. Boynton, Edwin Augustus, Cleveland, 185 Holmden Ave. South side, Salesman. Boynton, Edwin Thomas, Elyria. Boynton, Elbridge Gerry, Elyria. Boynton, Ella May, Franklin. Bovnton, Elizabeth, Cleveland. Boynton, Eliza Jane, {Allen), Elyria, wife of Joshua Boyn- ton. Boynton, Elmer, Ellsworth, Salem. Boynton, Fitzalan, Dayton, Inmate of National Military Home part of the time, 70 years of age. Boynton, Frank Arthur, Salem, Marion Co. Ohio. 103 Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton ton. Boynton Boynton Boynton ' Win Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Henry, Barry. Henry Ballon, North Solon, Cuyahog-a Co. Henry Bertrand, Portsmouth, Book-keeper. Huldah, [Heath), Elyria, wife of John H. Boyn- Ida Bessie, Salem, Marion Co. James Shackleford, VVayerly. Jennie B., {Qiiiinby), Bryan, \yidow of Alpheus g- Boynton, John Ellis, Salem. John F., Elyna. John Hancock, Elyria, Insurance. John Langdon, Haverhill, Joseph, near Hayerhill. Joseph, Pulaski, Williams Co. Joshua Elbridge. El3n-ia, Stock dealer. L. A., {Jewett), Cleyeland. 1024 Woodland Ave., widow of William Boynton. Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton Boynton B 03m ton Boynton L. A. Mrs., Cleyeland, 430 Clark Aye. Lewis DeLano, Elyria, Lorain Co., Lawyer. Loren Kent, Salem, Marion Co. Lucy L., Salem, Marion Co, M. S., Elyria, Postal Clerk. Mamie E., Cleveland, 430 Clark Ave. Mary, Franklin. Mary, Cleveland, 555 Clark Ave. South. Mary Eldred, Elyria, wife of Milton S. Bo;? nton. Mary, {Rockzuood), Elyria, wife of Lewis De Lano Boynton. Mary, {TownsJiend), Elyria, wife of Patrick Henry Milton Shakespeare, Elyria, Postal Clerk. Noah, Mount Vernon. Orrin, near Haverhill. Parker, Newton Falls, 85 years of age. Patrick Henry, Elyria, Lawyer. Peter Feurt, Hayerhill. Silas Albert, Cleveland, 143 Euclid Ave. Sophronia Theodosia, Franklin, wife of William A. Boynton. I04 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Thomas, Pulaski. Boynton, W. W., Elyria, Lorain Co. Boynton, Washington Wallace, Cleveland, 644 East Madi- son Ave., Supreme Judge. Boynton, William, Haverhill. Boynton, William A., Franklin, Cashier, First National Bank. Boynton, William Ezra, Ashtabula, R. R. Fireman. Boyington, Hellen, Geneva. Boyington, Moses Marsh, Geneva. Bvington, Frederick, North Ridgeville, Lorain Co., Far- mer. Byington, Harriet, Cincinnati. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Andres, Medora Gaurelia, {Boynton), Elyria, wife of Henry M. Andres. Bailey, Christopher, Address wanted. Bailey, Ezra, Address wanted. Bailev, James, Address w^anted. Barber, Roxanna, Boynton), Newton Falls. Blauvelt, Diana, {Boynton), Amherst. Brown, Charles, Elyria, Farmer. Butterfield, Lucy R., {Boynton), Haverhill, wife of John Butterfield. Carpenter, Austia Jane, Geneva. Carpenter, Austin Boyington, Geneva. Carpenter, Hattie Eliza, Geneva. Carpenter, Mary Ann, {Boyington), Geneva, wife of C. S. Carpenter. Carpenter, Wilbur Marsh, Geneva, Carpenter. Clapp, Lizzie Alpha, Hiram College, Teacher Vocal and In- strumental Music. Clapp, Phebe, {Boyntoii), Hiram, Portage Co. Clark, Harriet Mrs., Bedford, Cuyahoga Co. Dake, Harriet Huldah, {Boynton), Elyria, wife of James A. Dake. Dane, George Mrs., Belpre. Ohio. 105 Davis, Ellen Louisa, Kingsville, Ashtabula Co. Davis, Mary Elizabeth, [Boynton,) Kingsville, wife of Mar- • tin L. Davis. Davis, Virginia Austana, Kingsville. DuBois, Irene, {Skelton), Cincinnati, wife of Samuel DuBois. Farnham, Carrie, {Boyjtton), Portsmouth. Hall, Mary E., {Boynton), Portsmouth. Hard, William Mrs., Cincinnati, Beresford Ave. Hayward, Frances, {Boynton), Elyria, wife of Lyman Hay ward. Hitchcock, Lucy J., Upper Sandusky. Hurlbut, Corinne U., Garrettsville. Hurlbut, Jennie, {Boynton), Garrettsville. Jarvis, Clarissa, {Boynton), Kingsville. Jaynes, Cynthia, {Boynton), Cincinnati. Kaiser, Beza Nancy, {Boynton), Cleveland, wife of Peter H. Kaiser. Lane, Mercia Maria, (Boynton), Braceville. Lersch. Carl Theodore, Elyria. Lersch, Pamela Ann, {Boyntoii), Elyria, wife of John Lersch. Lewis, Ebenezer Elisha, Cleveland, Traveling Agent for Sherwin, Williams & Co. Lockwood, Felicitie, {Boynton), Cincinnati, wife of H. H. Lockwood. Lyman, Luther F. Mrs., Cleveland, 1601 Euclid Ave. Munson, Emeline, {Boynton), Grigg's Corners, Ashtabula Co., wife of Homer Munson. Munson Nettie Emeline, Grigg's Corners. Mussey, Nancy F., {Boynton), Cincinnati, wife of Dr. F. B. Mussey. Nunn, Mary Ann, {Boynton), Bryan, wife of Frederic Nunn. Phelps, Florence Eloise, Elyria. Phelps, Mary Beza, {Boy)iton,) Cleveland, wife of Herbert b. Phelps. Rathbun, Clara, {Boynton,) Solon, Cuyahoga Co., Teacher. Shepard, William Mrs., Kingsville. Skelton, Frank Muzzey, Trenton. Skelton, William Boynton, Trenton. io6 American, Boynton Directory. Spencer, Arabella, {Boynton), Elyria, wife of Chas. Spencer.- Tolland, Arvilla, {Bailey^ Address Wanted. Tucker, Clara Louisa, {Boynton,) El3'ria, wife of Frank H. Tucker. Tyrrell, Kate, Geneva. Tyrrell, Joshua Boynton, Elyria, Druggist. Tyrrell, Martha Yi-&X.Q\\\Boy7iton^ Elyria, wife of Dr. George H. Tyrrell. Vanderwort, Laura, Haverhill. Whiteman, Harriet S., {Boynton), Lorain, wife of Frank M. Whiteman. Whiting Harriet, {Boynton), Solon, Cuyahoga Co. Whitney, Hattie, {Boynton), Mayfield, Cuyahoga Co. Oregon. 107 Oregon. Boynton, Amos Abiel, Alba, Umatilla Co. Boynton, Charles O., Needy. Boynton, Edgar, Oregon Citv. Boynton, Jenny, [AfcKean), Alba, wife of Amos A. Boyn- ton. Boynton, John E., Portland, Mercantile, Ladd & Tilton's ' Bank. Boynton, Underhill, Baker City. Boynton Women ivho have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Bond, Samuel W., Portland. Koozer, Hattie Mrs., Portland. Shattuck, Sarah, Portland, wife of Hon. E. D. Shattuck. Shattuck, Sarah Mrs., Astoria. io8 American, Boynton Directory. Pennsylvania. Boynton, Erie. Boynton, Charles, Susquehanna. Boynton, Charles M., Reading, Boot Fitter. Boynton, D. H., Pittsburgh, Howe Sewing Machine Co. Boynton, David, Brookville. Boynton, Eben P., Lundy's Lane. Boynton, Edwin M., Reading, Machinist. Boynton, Dr. H., Pittsburgh. Boynton, J. H., Reading, Machinist. Boynton, James D., Reading, Shoemaker. Boynton, Lucius Darwin Rev., Lundy's Lane. Boynton, Lyman, Brookville. Boynton, Manila, [Marks), Lundy's Lane, wife of Lucius Darwin Boynton. Boynton, Perry VV., Lundy's Lane. Boynton, Professor, Meadville. Boynton, Royal J., Lundy's Lane. Boynton, Sarah L., Reading, Berks Co. Boynton, Solomon, Reading, Berks Co. Boynton, Susan Low, Reading, Berks Co. Boynton, William L., Reading, Berks Co. Boynton, William, Bradford, McKean Co. Byington, Edwin Byron, Mauch Chunk, General Ticket Agent, Lehigh Valley R. R. Boyntoti Wome^i who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Bird, Helen, {Barron), [Bostivick), Philadelphia, 6oi North nth St., Authoress and Poetess. Ellis, Ellen N. {Boynton), Philadelphia, Box 1686, wife of H. J. Ellis. Ellis, Fannie May, Philadelphia, Box 1686, Concerting. Ellis, Frank H., Philadelphia, Box 1686, Concerting. Ellis, Fred A., Philadelphia, Box 1686, Concerting. Ellis, Romie M., Philadelphia, Box 1686. Engard, Annie, {Boynton), West Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. 109 Gray, Jennie R. Mrs., TitusviUe. Hunt & Boynton, Reidsburgh. Lamraers, John Mrs., TitusviUe. Melhuish, Elizabeth, (Weeks), Montrose. Melhuish, Mary R., {Weeks), Montrose. Sweetser, F. H. Mrs., TitusviUe. Weeks, Roxanna, {Byingtou), Montrose, 80 years of age. no American, Boynton Directory. Rhode Island. Bo3'nton, Caroline, Providence. Boynton, Edwin C, Providence, 227 Westminster St. Boynton, Georg-e E., Providence, 43 Eddy St., Paper Manuf'r. Boynton, George F., Providence, 49 Exchange Place. Boynton, George Wesley, East Providence. Boynton, Henry C, Providence, Clerk. Boynton, Ira Manly, I^rovidence, General Agent, Mass. Benefit Association, 83 Washington St., or 30 Eddy St. Boynton, James C, Providence, 371 Pine St. Boynton, Jesse, Newport, Box 1045. Boynton, Jesse, Providence, 371 Pine St., Contractor. Boynton, Julia, Providence. Boynton, Lyman, Providence. Boynton, Mary Ann, Providence. Boynton, O. A., Newport. Boynton, Sarah E., Providence, Matron "Sophia Little House." Boynton, Wilder, Providence. Boynton, William, Providence, 227 Westminster St. Boynton, William, Warren, Fish Dealer. Boynton, William Dextei', Providence, Blacksmith. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Locke, George Lyman, Bristol, Minister. South Carolina — Tennessee. hi South Carolina. Boynton, C. Franklin, White Hall, Merchant. Boynton, Thomas Evington, White Hall, Farmer. Tennessee. Boynton, Alonzo Bertel, Farmingdale, Bledsoe County Student. Boynton, Daniel Tucker, Knoxville, Pension Agent and Surgeon U. S. A. Boynton, Frank Alden, Farmingdale. Boynton, Ilia, Knoxville. Boynton, L. Grantville, Montgomery Co. Boynton, Lewis, Farmingdale, Farmer and Dealer in Cattle, Horses and Sheep. Boynton, Lucille, Knoxville. Boynton, Mattie Maria, Farmmgdale. Boynton, Orissa M., {Boothby), Farmingdale, wife of Lewis Boynton. Bo)mton Susan, [Brownloiv,) Knoxville, wife of Daniel Tucker Boynton. 112 American, Boynton Directory. Texas. Boynton, Alpheus Smith, Hamilton, Hamilton Co., Wool Grower and Breeder of Pure Merino Sheep, Canadian Ranche. Boynton, Amos, Carthage, Panola Co. Boynton, Amos, Henderson. Boynton, Andrew, Henderson. Boynton, Andrew, Pine Hill, Rusk Co. Boynton, Andrew, Shrievesport. Boynton, Augustus Wert, Henderson. Boynton, C. M. Hamilton. Boynton, Carrie, Hamilton. Boynton, Charles Albert, Hamilton, Student. Boynton, Eddie, Hamilton. Boynton, G. M., Buffalo Gap, Taylor Co., Physician. Boynton, H. R., Hamilton. Boynton, Harriet, Hamilton. Boynton, Herbert Allen, Hamilton, Student. Boynton, Irvin, Hamilton. Boynton, James Edward, Hamilton, Student. Boynton, John, Hamilton. Boynton, Lee, Henderson. Boynton, Lizzie, Hamilton. Boynton, Lottie, Hamilton. Boynton, Mary, Hamilton. Boynton, Minnie, Hamilton. Bo^aiton, Moses, Henderson, 75 years of age. Boynton, Moses Gaines, M. D., Pine Hill, Rusk Co. Boynton, Rollin, Baxter Springs. / Boynton, Rutledge, Pine Hill or Henderson. Boynton, Samuel, Dexter, Cook Co. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynto)i Relations. Axtell, Ellen Cecilia, Address wanted. Axtell, Ruth Jane, Address Wanted. Texas. 113 Axtell, Sophronia, {Boynton), Address wanted, wife of Almon Axtell. Buchanan, Cora Bell, {Boynton), Houston. Hoffor, Fannie Pitt, [Boynton), Mobeetie. Roquemore, Retinsa, Henderson. 114 American, Bovnton Directory. Utah. Boynton, Annie Augusta, Bountiful, Davis Co, Boynton, Charles, Bountiful. Boynton, Joseph Hyram, Bountiful. Boynton, Maria, iBurbank), Bountiful, widow of Abraham Boynton. Boynton Women ivho have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Birmingham, Marietta, {Boynton), Bountiful. Crosby, Charlotte A., {Boynton), Bountiful. Davis, Carrie M., {Boyntofi), Bountiful. Hale, Alma H., Grantsville. Hale, Aroet, Grantsville. Harriman, Clarissa, (Boynton), Washington Co., yy years of age, wife of Henry Harriman. Vermont. Vermont. 115 Boynton, A. J., Morrisville. Boynton, Addie J., {Tivitchell), Chester, wife of James Alden Boynton. Boynton, Ai Noah, North VVolcott. Boynton, Allen Mallery, Bellows Falls Village, Clerk. Boynton, Amos, Manchester. Boynton, Amos, Saint Albans, works for VV. C. R. R. Boynton, Anstin F., Brattleborough Village, Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Bovnton, Betsey, Essex. Boynton, Bingham, Morrisville, Proprietor of Hotel. Boynton, Brothers, Ascutneyville. Boynton & Manchester, Brandon. Boynton & Mosely, Northheld. Boynton, Caroline M., {Tiillar), Saint Albans, wife of Sam- uel H. Boynton. Boynton, C. H., North Bennington. Boynton, Charles, Manchester. Boynton, Charles, North Wolcott. Boynton, Charles Frank, Derby Line. Boynton, Charles M., Charlotte. Boynton, Charles N., East Jamaica, Farmer. Boynton, Charles P., Hinesbui'gh. Boynton, Charles S. Prof., Brandon. Bo3'nton, Charles Salmon, Coventry, Farmer. Boynton, Clark, Morrisville. Boynton, Clara Carilla, Derby Line, wife of Charles Frank Boynton. Boynton, Clifton, North Wolcott. Boynton, Clinton, Ripton. Boynton, Cyrus, Manchester. Boynton, David, Rutland, Printer. Boynton, David Farmer, Westfield, Farmer. Boynton, David S., Saint Johnsbury. Boynton, Durant Joshua, North Springfield. ii6 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Mrs. Durant Joshua, North Springfield. Boynton, E. Esq., Westford. Boynton, Edwin, Westfield, Farmer. Boynton, EUza Weed, Ludlow. Boynton, Emma Mrs., Derby, Orleans Co. Boynton, Emma, Hinesburgh. Bo3^nton, Emma, Williston. Boynton, Esaias, Coventry. Boynton, Everett E., Burlington. Boynton, Ezra M., Ludlow. Boynton, F. B., Burlington. Boynton, Francis Wayland, Gassett's Station. Boynton, Frank, Derby Line. Boynton, Frank Carney, Saint Albans, Freight House ; Truckman Central R. R. Boynton, Fred, North Wolcott. Boynton, Gardner C, Holland. Boynton, Gates TuUar, Address wanted. Boynton, George, Wardsborough, Mechanic. Boynton, George E., Saxton's River, Farmer. Boynton, Guy D., Hinesburgh, Boynton, H. H., Ferrisburgh. Boynton, Henry Mrs., New Haven. Boynton, Dr. Henry, Woodstock. Boynton, Horace, Pomfret. Boynton, Ida Adaline, Ripton. Boynton, Ida, {Bancroft), Saint Johnsbury, wife of William Seward Boynton. Boynton, Ira, Coventry, Farmer, 73 years of age. Boynton, Dea. J. M., Springfield. Boynton, James A., Springfield. Boynton, James Alden, Chester, Windsor Co., Painter. Boynton, James Taylor, Bradford, died March 9, 1884, aged 58 years. Boynton, Jarvis, West Townshend, Windham Co. Boynton, Jennie, Holland. Bovnton, Jennie H., Ascutneyville, Teacher. Boynton, Jennie A., {McGowan), Rutland, wife of David Boynton. Vermont. 117 Bojnton, John, Holland. Boynton, John, Rockingham. Boynton, John Henry, Woodstock. Boynton, Joseph J., Stowe, Physician. Boynton, Joshua W., Orwell, over 70 years of age. Hotel Proprietor. Boynton, Katie Maud, {Holincs), Saint Albans, Franklin Co., wife of Frank Carney Boynton. Bovnton, L., Jamaica. Boynton, L. B., Morrisville, Hotel Proprietor. Boynton, Laura Ann, {Mead), Northfield, wife of William - Henry Boynton. Boynton, Leonard, Bennington. Boynton, Levi J., West Townshend, Teacher. Boynton, Lewis, Springfield, resides in Weathersfield. Boynton, Lindon, North Wolcott. Boynton, Luther, Perkinsville, Farmer. Boynton, Luther Graves, Weathersfield. Boynton, Mary Roxanna, Ripton, Nurse and Physician's Assistant. Boynton, Mary Thompson, Rutland. Boynton, Moody M., Peacham. Boynton, Myron Luther, Jamaica, Station, B. & W. R. R. Agent Dealer in Feed, Grain, &c. Boynton, Nellie C, Ascutneyville, Teacher. Boynton, Noah, North Wolcott. Boynton, Noble L., Bristol. Boynton, Noble L., Starkborough. Boynton, New Haven. Boynton, Olive, {Davis), Chester, wife of William Winslow Boynton, Boynton, Orland, Barnard. Bovnton, Orvis. Manchester. Boynton, Ozias, Coventry. Boynton, Page, Weston, Farmer. Boynton, Paul, Address wanted. Boynton, Peter J., Hinesburgh. Boynton, Relief, Wardsborough, widow of William Boyn- ton. 9 ii8 American, Boynton Directory. Boynton, Romanzo O., West Townshend. Boynton, S. B., Morristown. Boynton, Samuel, Stowe. Boynton, Samuel Henry, Saint Albans. Boynton, Sarah Mrs., New Haven. Boynton, Sarah, {Cushing), Woodstock, wife of Henry Boynton. Boynton, Sarah Hoyt, Jericho. Boynton, Sylvanus, Manchester. Boynton, T. J., Westfield. Boynton, Thomas Jefferson, Johnson, Lawyer. Boynton, Timothy Wheeler, Jamaica, Mechanic and Far- mer, 74 years of age. Boynton, Washington Irving, Jericho, Deacon. Boynton, Wa3dand, Gassett's Station, Station Agent. Boynton, Wayland, Chester. Boynton, William, Barnard. Boynton, William, Northfield, Clei-k in Clothing Store. Boynton, William, Ascutneyville, Farmer. Boynton, William A., South Pomfret. Boynton, William C, South Pomfret. Boynton, William H., Ascutneyville. Boynton, William Henry, Weathersfield. Bo3'nton, William Henry, Northfield, Butcher and Cattle Dealer. Boynton, William Seward, Saint Johnsbui'y, Treasurer Passumpsic Savings Bank. Boynton, William Winslow, Chester, Miller and Mechanic. Boyington, Ervin, Jericho. Boyington, Underhill, Address wanted. Byington, Alfred A., Charlotte. Byington, Alonzo, Monkton. Byington, Anna, [Tracy), Castleton, wife of Rev. George P. Byington. Byington, George P., Castleton, Minister. Bviwgton, George P., Westford, Minister. Byington, Martha Day, Castleton. Byington, Stephen Tracy, Castleton. Byington, William Carter, Castleton. Vermont. 119 Boynton Women zvJio have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Alderman, Rowena K., {Boynton), East Poultney. Andrews, Mary, {Viele), Hinesburgh, wife of Leonard i\.ndrews. Postmaster and Merchant. Armstrong, Reuben, Fletcher. Barney, Ehzabeth E., Jericho, Underbill P. O. Barney, Ellen E., [Byirigton), Jericho, Underbill P.O., wife of Truman Barney. Belknap, Fenelon, Barton. Blanchard, Alice, Charlotte. Blanchard, Bewilder, Charlotte. Blanchard, Sally, Charlotte. Booth, Lamira Zenette Mrs., Fairfax. Bronson, Mrs., Hinesburgh. Brown, Clara Lake, Westfield, wife of Arad Brown. BuUard, Elizabeth, Stockbridge. Carlton, Samuel, White River Junction. Chapman, Delia L., Fletcher, Chapman, Don H., Fletcher, Farmer. Chapman, Indiana A., Fletcher. Chapman, Louisa Anna, [Boyjitoji^, Fletcher, wife of Horace Chapman. Chase, i\mbrose Mrs., Waterville. Chase, Morrill E., Jay, Farmer. Chase, Orin B., Fairfax, Nurseryman, Clapp, Lucy, {Boynton), Woodstock, wife of Levi Clapp. Conkey, Thankful E., {Boynton), Orwell, over 70 years of age. Cox. Edna J. Mrs., Lowell. Cox, Susan Harriet, {Boynton), Fairfax. Damon, Ann Eliza, {Boynton), Springfield, wife of Hastings Damon. Damon, Richard Martin, Randolph, Farmer. Estey, Lucy Pamelia, {Byington), Brattlebqrough, wife of Bartlette Estey. Farnam, Lydia Mrs., Westfield. Ferrin, Sophronia, {Boynton), Holland. I20 American, Boynton Directory. Field, Fred J.. North Springfield. Flanders, Ruth T., {Boyntori), Chester. Frary, Sophia Bathsheba, {Boynton), BradfoiTl, Orange Co.^ wife of N. Edson Frary. Gray, Hattie, {Whitp), East Fletcher. Gould, Ozias, i^Boynton), Coventry, Physician. Guard, Rachel, {Boynton), Rutland. Halbert, Louisa A. Mrs., Essex. Harrison, Elizabeth, {Boynton), Rutland. Harrison, David, Rutland. Harrison, Minnie, Rutland. Boynton, William, Rutland. Hawley, Don C, Burlington, Medical Student. Hawley, Louisa Boynton, Fairfax. Kenny, Charles Hiram, Rockingham, Carpenter. Kenny, Francis. Springfield. Kenn}', Joel Richmond, Springfield. Keys, Eunice, {Boynton), Coventry-. Leland, Charles A., Springfield. Livingstone, Elmina, {Boynton), Coventry. Locke, Ann Maria, {Parker), Chester, wife of Chester O.- Locke. Lunt, Aaron, Holland and West Charleston. Lunt, Charles, Holland and West Charleston, Lunt, Elias, Holland and Charleston. Lunt, Gardner, Holland and West Charleston. Lunt, Henry, Holland and West Charleston. Lunt, Moses, Holland and West Charleston. Lunt, Sally, {Boynton), West Charleston. Magoon, Naomi, {Boynton), West Derby. Miles, Fidelia, {Boynton), Hinesburgh, wife of Fay Miles. Miles, Mary A., Hinesburgh. Miller, Elma Mrs., Coventry. Montague, Miriam Augusta, Newport, wife of N. D. Montague. Moon, Elisha, Holland. Moon, Hiram, Holland. Moore, Clarinda Mrs., Burlington. Mosely, Clara Ann, {Boynton), Northfield, wife of John Luther Mosely. Vermont. 121 Mosely, Henr_v Chester, Northfield. Mosely, John Pool, Northfield. Mussey, Clarissa, {Boynton), Coventry. Norris, Jerusha, {Boynton), West Derby, wife of Amos Norris. Nutting-, Mary Ann, {Boyntoii) Randolph. Parker, Cyrus Foster, Randolph, Farmer. Pecor, Nellie, {Stratton), Rutland. Pinney, Corilla, Holland. Pinney, Eugene, Holland. Pinney, Philena, {Boyiiton), Holland, wife of Henry Pinney- Pinney, Sanford, Holland. Pinney, Sarah H., Holland. Pollard, Amos, Ludlow\ Pollard, Isaac, Ludlow. Pollard, Moses, Ludlow. Porter, A\z\n2i, {Wetherbee), Fletcher. Ray, Helen J. {Miles), Hinesburgh, wife of L. C. Ray. Robinson, Emily, {Boyntoii), Warren and Waitsfield, wife of Nathan F. Robinson. Robinson, Ida, Waitsfield. Robinson, Jenette, Waitsfield. Robinson, Norman N., Waitsfield. Roundy, Mary, {Boyntoii), Perkinsville, Windsor Co., 82 years of age, wife of Napoleon B. Roundy. Roundy, Royal Benton, Perkinsville, Windsor Co. Ruggles, Gertrude Louisa, {Boyntoii), Fairfax. Watson, Lucy, {Boyntcvi), Derby Centre. Wells, Henry, Greensborough Bend. Wetherbee, Abiel B., Fletcher, Farmer. Wetherbee, Christopher, Fairfax, retired Farmer. Wilder, Eliza M., {Boynton), Charlotte, wife of Rev. J. C. Wilder. Wilkins, Aggie, [Chapvian), Fairfax. 122 American, Boynton Directory. Virginia. Boynton, Clarinda Zenette, Norfolk. Boynton, Delta, Hanover Court House. Boynton, E. J., Seaysville. Boynton, Eli J. Boynton, Hanover Court House, Boynton, Elijah Smith, Norfolk, Carpenter. Boynton, Iraenus Prime K., Norfolk, Carpenter. Boynton, Jennie, Hanover Court House. Boynton, Luella, Hanover Court House. Boynton, Oscar, Hanover Court House. Boynton, Winifred, {Ryan), Hanover Court House. Boyenton, Carrie Elizabeth, Hampton, Elizabeth City Co, Boyenton, George Leonidas, Hampton, Elizabeth City Co. Boyenton, John Champlin, Hampton, Elizabeth City Co. Boyenton, John Wesley, Hampton, Elizabeth City Co. Boyenton, Walter Scott, Hampton, Elizabeth City Co. Boyenton, William Henry, Hampton, Elizabeth City Co. Washington Territory — West Virginia. 123 Washington Territory. Carey, Blanche Anna, {Boy?ito)i), Seattle, wife of James A. Carey. West Virginia. Boynton, Sumner, Georgetown. Boynton Women who have Alaj-ried in other Families, and Boynton Relatiojis. Axtell, Almon Decatur, i\ddress wanted. Civil Engineer. Sweetser, Moses, Parkersburgh. 124 American, Boynton Directory. Wisconsin. Boynton, Abel, New Lisbon, 92 years of age. Boynton, Alonzo Lorenzo, Milwaukee, Palace Stables and Livery, 449 Milwaukee Ave., resides 534 Jefferson St. Boynton, Amos R., Kingston. Boynton, Ann E., [Teviple), New Lisbon, wife of Frederick Earl Boynton. Boynton, Baxter Burrows, Evansville. Boynton, Betsey, Milwaukee, widow ot Alonzo. Boynton, Calvin, Eau Claire. Boynton, Calvin Enos, Knapp P. O., Dunn Co., Hotel and Mining. Boynton, Carrie Spaulding, Milwaukee, 534 Jefferson St- Boynton, Charles, Sun Prairie, Minister. Boynton, Charles W,, Milwaukee, 207 Grand Ave. Boynton, Charles Ward, Emerald Grove. Boynton, Rev., Watertown. Boynton, David, Fon Du Lac. Boynton, Davis, Appleton. Boynton, Elias, New Lisbon, Farmer, Town Clerk and Treasurer. Boynton, Ellis, Spring Valley. Boynton, Elmira, {Derby), Oshkosh, wife of Horace S. Boynton. Boynton, Elmore G., Kingston, Green Lake Co. Boynton, Ephraim, Appleton. Boynton, Ervin Graves, La Crosse. Boynton, Eugene R., Plattville. Boynton, Forest, Spring V^alley. Boynton, Fletcher, near Shiocton, Outagamie Co. Boynton, Frank, Green Bay. Boynton, Frank, Plymouth, Teacher. Boynton, Frank Alonzo, Spring Valley. Boynton, Frank Leslie, New Lisbon. Boynton, Frederick Earl, New Lisbon. Boynton, Frederick Harvey, Milwaukee, 184 Pleasant St., Printer. Wisconsin. 125 Bo3'nton, G. H. Sons, Winona. Boynton, George A., Valley Junction. Boynton, Gertrude Louise, Milwaukee, 534 Jefferson St. Bo3'nton, Hamilton P., Plymouth, Lumberman. Boynton, Helen ALay, Milwaukee, 534 Jefferson. Boynton, Henrietta Florence, Plymouth, Dressmaker. Boynton, Herbert Ira, Oshkosh. Boynton, Horace Saxton, Oshkosh, ']6 6th St., Engineer. Boynton, Ira Allison, Knapp, P. O. Dunn Co. Boynton, James, Spring Va]le3^ Boynton, James Gilson, Milwaukee. Boynton, Jay, Spring Valley. Boynton, John, Green Ba3^ Boynton, John Fletcher, Mineral Point. Boynton, Jonathan, Lake Mills. Boynton, Joseph, Eau Claire. Boynton, Joseph, Waukesha. Boynton, Julia A., {Spear), Plymouth, wife of Joseph H. Boynton. Boynton, Lois, Kingston, widow of Ziba Boynton. Boynton, Louise, Mrs., Madison. Boynton, Louesa (5/j'), Knapp, Dunn Co., wife of C. E. Bo\nton. Boynton, Lucius, Ella, Pepin Co. Boynton, Maggie, Knapp, Dunn Co. Boynton, Maggie, {Wishart), De Pere, wife of A^incent Bov'uton. Boynton, Margaret, {Tozunsejid), Vesper, Wood Co., wife of Samuel Boynton. Boynton, Mary Ann, {Wishart), Green Bay, wife of John Boynton, Boynton, Mary Harrison, Milwaukee, 534 Jefferson St. Boynton, Mary [Spaulding), Milwaukee, 534 Jefferson St., wife of Alonzo Lorenzo Boynton. Boynton, Mary Winifred, Knapp P. O., Dunn Co. Boynton, Minnie, Kingston. Boynton, Moses H., Elroy, Juneau Co. Boynton, Moses H., Plymouth. Boynton, Nellie Mabel, New Lisbon. 126 x^MERICAN, BOYNTON DIRECTORY. Boynton, Nettie Florence. Plymouth. Teacher. Boynton, Orlando Alanson, Platteville. Boynton, Phoebe, {Pierce), Spring Valley, wife of James Boynton. Boynton, Prescott, Little Rapids, Brown Co. Boynton, Ralph, five miles from Dexterville, Inventor. Boynton, Ralph Haskell, Dexterville, Wood Co., Lawyer. Boynton, Samuel, Vesper, Wood Co., i\round the World ; 20 3^ears on the sea. Boynton, Samuel Blodgett, Col., Milwaukee. 207 Grand Ave., Watchmaker and Jeweler. Boynton, Sands, New London. Boynton, Sarah, Appleton. Boynton, Sarah B., {Tyler), Madison, widow of Abel S. Boynton. Boynton, Vincent, De Pare. Boynton, W. D., Appleton. Boynton, Worth William, La Crosse, Printer. Boyington, Nathaniel, Steven's Point, Lumber Dealer. Byington, Burton, Summit. Byington, Cyrus, Summit. Byington, Edgar P., Summit. Byington, E. Jane, Wonewoc. Byington, Frances, Summit. Byington, Fred, Wonewoc. Byington, Hannah, Summit. Byington, Harley, Summit, 75 years of age. Byington, Hiram Gray, Sparta, Proprietor of Hotel " Warner House." Byington, Martha, Summit. Byington, Orin, Summit. Boynton Womeft who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Andrews, Ella, {Boynton), Darlington, La Fayette Co. Bigelow, L. A., Evansville. Bryant Louisa S., {Boynton), Madison, wife of General E. E. Bryant. Cook, Emogene, {Gillett), Hartland, wife of Alfred Cook. Q: WlSCON^ft^^ 127 Crandall, James, New Lisbon. Crandall, Svrena, {Boyntoii), New Lisbon, wife of John H. Crandall, Jeweler and Tuner of Musical Listruments. Crooker. Cassie L., {Boynton), Kingston. Davis, Albert, Appleton. Davis, Caroline Calista, iBoynton), Appleton, wife of Evan Davis. Davis, Carrie, Appleton. Davis, Frank, Appleton. Davis, Mar}', Appleton. Elden, Milton, Eau Claire. Erwin, James Bo3-nton, Milwaukee, 395 East Water St., Law3"er. Fletcher, Alice, [Horton), Waukesha, wife of E. D. Fletcher. Gale, Eva Cynthia, Kingston. Gillett, Esther, [Boynfon), Flartland, Waukesha Co. Gillett, Francilla, New Lisbon, Dressmaker Gillett, John, Necedah, Juneau Co., Grocer. Gillett, Joseph, Hartland, Farmer. Gillett, Lillian, New Lisbon. Gillett, Phebe, New Lisbon, Dressmaker. Greenleaf, Belle Mrs., Portage City. Harvev, Lydia, {Boyitton), Amherst Portage. Horton, Clarissa, (Boynton), Waukesha. Hunt, Caroline Lois, \Boy)iton), Kingston, Hunt, Freddie, Kingston. Hunt, Ina C, Kingston. Hunt, Wallie, Kingston. Hutchins, Frances. {Boyntoii), Waukesha. Mitchell, Caroline, \Boy71ton), Neenah, wife of Samuel Mit- chell. Murch, B. B., Green Bay. Murch, Clarence Albert, Green Bay. Phelps, Chastina Blinn, {Boynton), De Pere, wife of Nich- olas Phelps. ' Phelps, Ellen, De Pere. Phelps, John, De Pere. Pond. lone E., {Boynton), Evansville, wife of Phillip A. Pond. 128 American, Boynton Directory. Sawtelle, L. B., Mrs., Evansville. Slayton, Adelaide, {Boynton), Berlin, wife of Curtis Slater, Casket Manufacturer. Stanley, Celestia, Etna, La Fayette Co., wife of George Stanley. Stebbins, Morton, Mrs., Cookville, care of Mrs. Harrison Stebbins. Stoughton, George, Mrs., Stoughton. Stoughton, Guy, Stoughton. Williams, Anne, {Boynton), Kingston. Wood, Elizabeth Oliyia [Boynton), Fulton, wife of Daniel Wood. Wood, Emma, Fulton. Wood, Ida, Fulton. Wood, Mary, {Gillett), Cameron. British Dominions. 129 British Dominions. Boynton, Aaron, Address Wanted. Boynton, Adams W., Stanstead, P. O. Boynton, Alanson, Aurora, York Co., Agl. Implements. Boynton, David Melville, Aui^ora. Boynton, Edith Amelia, Aurora. Boynton, Edward, Ingersoll, Oxford Co. Boynton, Edward John, Aurora, Printer. Boynton, Emeline Annie, Aurora, Dressmaker. Boynton, George Albert, Aurora, Painter. Boynton, James L., Marlborough Township. Boynton, Joseph Herbert, Aurora, Turner and Wood Worker. Boynton, Melvina Marietta, Aurora. Boynton, Robert, Orilla. Boynton, Susan, Address wanted, widow of Jesse. Boynton, S3'lvester, Aurora. Boynton, William Warren, Aurora, Blacksmith. Boyington, Aurelia, Oldfield, Ontario. Boynton Women who have Married in other Families, and Boynton Relations. Baker, Archer, Brockville. Benedict, Jenny, {Viele), Montreal, wife of Henry Bene. diet. Blount, Moses, Stookley, P. Q. Blount, Orpheus, Stookley, P. Q. Dana, Albert, Brockville. Tisdale, Maria, {Boynton), River Du Loup, widow of Harry Tisdale. 130 American, Boynton Directory. Addenda. If you do not find your name in the preceding pages, look in this addenda ; if not found here, please forward your name and full address to John Farnham Boynton, Highland Place, Syracuse, N. Y. I have issued 8,000 letters and circulars. More than 150,000 newspapers with notices have been dis- tributed. 2,500 letters have been written, received and answered. From these letters I have selected the names found in this Directory ; they have been recorded as furnished : Boying- ton, Byington, &c. ; yet I have proof that the original name was Boyn-ton, as I have traced by authentic records, a large number of these families to our original American ancestors, William and John Boynton, of Rowley, Mass. Our name has several times been adopted where there was no blood relation. Four families of Boyntons are found who emigrated from England since 1840. My intention has been to record the names of all Boyn- tons who are fifteen years of age ; there may be a few excep- tions. I invite corrections and criticisms. Boynton, Addie J., {Peaslee). Groveland, Mass., wife of Charles Perley Boynton. Boynton, Annie A., {Rollins), Groveland, Mass., wife of Willard H. Boynton. Boynton, Alexander, East Palermo, Maine. Boynton, Alfred, Newington, Conn. Boyington, Andrew Clark, Adams, Mass. Boynton, Charles, Peabody, Mass. Boynton, Charles Lewis, Mason, N. H, Boynton, Daniel H., North Whitefield, Maine. Boynton, Dr., Unionville, Putnam Co., Maine. Boyington, Effie, Adams, Mass. Boynton, Frederick Martin, Maspn, N. H. Addenda. 131 Boynton, George, Whitnej-'s Point, N. Y. Boynton, George, Bradford, Mass. Boynton, Gratia M., {Piiigry), Lebanon, N. H., wife of Prof. C. C. Bovnton. Boynton, Joseph, East Palermo, Maine. Boynton, L. W., Hartford, Conn., 12 Buckingliam St., or 33 Sheldon St., Inyentor. Boyington, Mar}^ Matilda, (77//V//r/), Adams, Mass., wife of J. C. Boyington. Bo3niton, Oliver, Wilton Junction, Iowa. Boynton, East Longmeadow, Mass. Boynton, Willard Henry, Groveland, Mass. Boynton, William Pingry, Lebanon, N. H. Boyington, Will Alexander, North Adams, Mass. Atwood, Arthur Scott, Address asked for. Atwood, Henry W., x\ddress asked for. Atwood, Willard Eugene, Address asked for. Collins, Mary, {Boynton), Framingham, Mass., wife of Osgood B. Collins. Dickerson, Emma Adaline, {Knoulton), West Springfield, Mass., wifd of Charles E. Dickerson, Station Agent B. & A. R. R. Douglas, Frances Jerusha, {Boyington), North Adams, Mass. Francis, Ellen, {Boynton), Newington, Conn. Fisher, Mrs. Henry, Boston Highlands, Mass., 28 Regent St. Gunerson, Hattie E., {Boynton), Boston Highlands, Mass., No. 5 Schuyler St. Hewill, Ida Ann, {Boyington), Adams, Mass., Box 5. Jenkins, Emma Frances, (Aticood), Address asked for. Jenkins, Hattie Florence, Address asked for. King, Ella Augusta, {Knou/ton), West Brimfield, Mass., wife of Frank S. King, Station Agent B. & A. R. R. Knoulton, Alden Prescot, Station Agent B. & A. R. R., Mass. Morgan, Mary, {Boynton), Newington, Conn. Morgan, Melvina, {Boyington), Adams, Mass. Parson, Mary Eliza, {Atwood), Address asked for. Wing, Mary Emeline, {Boyington), Adams, Mass., Box 503. 132 American, Boynton Directory, Errata. 29th page, 1 2th line, is misplaced ; see Iowa. 31st page, 22d line, should read, King. 48th page, nth line, should read. North new Portland. 57th page, 28th line, and 70th page, 12th line, should read, Shawmut. 66th page, 13th line, should read, Hastings, E. Dora, Ad- dress wanted, wife of Thomas P. Hastings. 68th page, 6th line, should read, 234 Friend St. 97th page, I St line, should read. City Ticket Agent L. S. & M. S. R. R., Buffalo, N. Y., 21 Exchange St. 104th page, 38th line, should read, Dana. BOYNTON CONVENTION, 1883. Incompliance with my presumptuous circular of July^4th, 1883, I had the pleasure ot meeting- about three hundred Boyntons and their relations at City Hall, Newburyport, Mass., August 14th. In this effort I had been unassisted and unaided ; I expected to meet fifty or sixty persons of our name, and arrange for future action, but was rejoiced to find myself in the midst of a large assembly of generous and warm hearted relations, all anxious to know more of their predecessors, and have a reunion of our numerous and scattered families. After an hour or two spent in mutual congratulations, talking over family histories, registering their names, &c., I called the multitude to order, and stated the object of the gathering, saying it was a convention of Bovntons, and not of mine. That I had assumed to become historian of the Boynton Family, and was desirous of collecting all our records and genealogy, that they might be published, the family become acquainted wdth its ancient and honorable position, and its perfect lineal descent. Previously to this meeting I had corresponded with Major Edward C. Boynton, of Newburgh, N. Y., Professor at West Point, asking him to be present, and act as presiding officer of the day. He expressed a willingness to do anything in his power to further our cause. He was called to the chair by acclamation of our assembly, and made President. At this point of our proceedings there were a few minutes of leisure time, when Mrs. Mary E. Hobbs, of Madison, N. H., offered and read the following: — 10 134 American, Boynton Directory. We have heard the distant summons, We have i"isen at the call, And have gathered at your bidding To this spacious City hall. No light whim has brought us hither, On no idle quest we come Round the mountain, o'er the river. Through the city's busy hum ; But a name of sacred seeming Oft the heart and soul will sway. And our Boynton blood has quickened To respond to you to-day. We have heard the roll-call sounded Where our Eastern fleets unfold, And the echo has responded From the Western gates of gold. From our Northern towns and cities, From her mountains' cool arcades, From our Southern vales and villas, From her orange groves and glades. Comes the ward that makes us kindred- Children of a noble blood ; And we bless the tie that binds us To the Boynton brotherhood ! 'Tis a word I love to utter, 'Tis a name I love to hear, Though its syllables are softened Sometimes by a starting tear; 'Twas a word I learned to falter At a loving grandsire's knee, And a name I learned to honor From my earliest memory. 'Twas the name my saintly mother. In her golden girlhood bore. And her eldest son received it With the grace her spirit wore. I have left my loved ones sleeping In the Empire State afar ; But the past is in our keeping. And its portals oft ajar. Now ^ain I hear the story, As my memory goes back, How my grandsire strolled at evening By the limpid Merrimac ; And with grandmother beside him — When their lives and loves were young — How the golden moonbeams glistened, How the silver ripples sung. Hereabouts he built his cottage, Hereabouts his home began ; With the boy-heart in the bosom Of the sober-seeming man. But the western breezes beckoned. And our old ancestral tree Never sent a nobler scion To the waiting wilds than he. Thus to me he has the seeming. And your grand-sires seem the same ; For what finger finds a stigma Resting on the Boynton name ? How they battled for their country. How they struggled long ago. How they lived and died, the annals Of our worthy Dojtor show. He the cream of life is giving To this laudable pursuit, Threading backward through the ages For the old ancestral root ; Delving over dusty tablets. Toiling through historic tomes. Tracing line and link primeval. Even to our very homes. We've assembled here to aid him. To encourage and to cheer ; And to give a gladsome greeting To our kindred far and near. We have gathered hei-e to help him. That our old ancestral tree Shall reach down full-twigged and perfect To remote posterity. A vote of thanks was passed for the poem, and a copy requested for publicaticjn. After this appropriate offering, we again proceeded with business. BoYNTON Convention. 135 Herbert H. Boynton, of the Document Rooms State House, Boston, Mass., was chosen Vice-President. C. Whitman Boynton, of Woodbridge, N. J., Treasurer. John Farnham Boynton, of Syracuse, N. Y., Secretary. Mrs. Caroline H. Bovnton, of Syracuse, N. Y., Assistant Secretary. The above named officers were then chosen an Executive Committee. The constitution of the " American, Boynton Association," was presented by myself, accepted by acclamation, and its publication ordered. Time being limited, other officers, named in the constitution were not elected, and our conven- tion was adjourned " to meet again in this Hall on the 14th of August, 1884." As Secretary- of the " American, Bo3mton Association," I have issued over 4,000 circulars for the Boyntons to re- assemble on the 14th of this month. Hoping to grasp the hands of all my correspondents, and many with whom I have had no acquaintance, I am with much respect, Yours Sincerely, John Farnham Boynton, August I St, 1884. 136 American, Boynton Directory. The following- letter fi-om one of our most aged Patri- archs, ninety-two years of age, was received too late to be read in convention. It is with much pleasure and gratifica- tion I insert it here. It speaks for itself : — A \VORD FROM OUR AGED PATRIARCH. t New Lisbon, Wis., August 12, 1883. J. F. Boynton^ Esq. : — Dear Sir — It would be a great pleasure for me to meet you in convention, with its members, to exchange salutations; and although my cane is now my constant companion, I could lean upon its head and greet you with a hearty laugh. I should discern in vour countenance, courage, patriotism, energy, enterprise, hospitality, and in short, a jolly good natured set of Ladies and Gentlemen. I should behold a tough, hardy race, with more common sense than style ; a race proud to help make its nation a nation of progress in Art, Science and Literature ; proud of its charitable and benevolent institutions; its institutions of Learning and Academy s of Science. A Religious race, with once and awhile a skeptic, but all believe the injunction, to " increase, multiply, and replenish the earth." As I have ascended the ladder of life, I have found many unable to stand trials and afflictions ; sit down in despair at a little adversity ; wearing a look of gloom and disappoint- ment : But their names were not Boynton. I am near the top round of life's ladder ; more than four score and ten ; I can see nearly across the river ; and I am going to stop with you as long as possible, but when I go, I shall go with a will. I would leave the convention my cane, but I know a con- vention of Boyntons will stand alone. Very Respectfully Yours, Abel Boynton. A Southern Voice. 137 A WORD FROM THE SOUTH. Macon, Ga., August 8, 1883. Mr. John F. Boynto)i and others assembled in convention of the Boynton Family at Neivbnryport, Mass : — Gentlemen — It is with much regret that I am compelled to meet you by letter, and not in person. The purposes of your convention are such as are well calculated to stir the emotions of our hearts to their lowest depths; to arouse all our dearest, noblest, holiest feelings; to inspire us, who remain the present representatives of our ancient house, with veneration for the past and hope for the future. When we recollect that our lineage, unbroken by the waves of the centuries that have rolled by — our house not submerged or overwhelmed bv the mists of more than a thousand years — that our lineage, and our house, has seen kingdoms rise and fall ; dynasties reign and disappear ; and even amid the gloom of the "dark ages," was illustrated by many worthy representatives, and to-da)', amid the unsur- passed but still progressive enlightenment of the nineteenth century, can assemble from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South, so many, who may well be called worthy sons of worthy sires, surely we may be pardoned if we repeat that we cling to the past with our deepest venei-ation, and look to the future with our brightest hopes. Could our ancestors, during the eventful periods through which so many of them were called to pass, when threatened by calamity, or almost betrayed by prosperity, which at times all but tarnished the escutcheon of their noble line, have foreseen the future prosperity of their descendants, yea even this convention, which so well marks an era in their history — the Era of Reunions — would it not have inspired them, if possible, with more hatred of wrong, more devo- tion to the right ? Let it so inspire us, who remain their present representatives. 138 American, Boynton Directory. Let the knowledge of our noble ancestry so opportunely increased by the self sacrificing and untiring efforts of our worthily honored kinsman, John Farnham Boynton, deter- mine each heart of this, and every succeeding generation, to transmit to our posterity the escutcheon and the name of Boynton, as untarnished and unsullied, as we received them from those gone before us, until they become the watch- words of the brave, the gentle, and the true. Gentlemen, wishing you success in the attainment of all your hopes, I remain as ever, Your kinsman, Sidney Hollis Boynton. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE AMERICAN, r\ YNTON "inn Ji \-j r^ N i X V.y -L ADOPTED AUGUST 14, 1883, CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I. OF THE NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION. Section i. The name of our Association shall be, "American, Boyn- ton Association ;" its object, the perpetuation of the Boynton lineage ; to collect and preserve all genealogy, records and history of the family, and promote social, and literary intercourse, among its members. ARTICLE IL OF MEMBERS. Section i. Any paternal descendant of Boynton lineage, of moral character, in good standing in society, shall be eligible as a member. § 2. Each member shall, immediately upon admission, sign the roll of membership (in person or by proxy) with full name and residence, which will entitle him or her to a voice in the proceedings of any meet- ing ; but members shall not be entitled to vote upon any question un- less they shall hold certificates of membership, in their own name, in the form prescribed. § 3. Certificate members shall not be held liable for any greater amount than the sum voluntarily pledged by them to the Association ; nor shall they be liable for any dues, assessments, or any indebtedness of the Association. § 4. In case any indebtedness is created, by reason of the non-pay- ment of pledged funds, a statement thereof shall immediateiy be pre- pared by the I'reasurer and sent to each certificate member, with the proportional amount necessary to be contributed by each to maintain the integrity of the Association. 142 American, Boynton Directory. ARTICLE III. OF THE OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. Section i. The Officers of the Association shall be a President, First, Second and Third Vice-President, Treasurer, Grand Marshal and Secretary, who shall be elected by the certificate members at the close of our assemblies, at which time they shall be installed and hold their offices until their successors are duly elected and qualified. § 2. The election shall be by ballot, in person or by proxy, and a plurality of votes shall constitute a choice. § 3. The officers named in Section i of this Article, shall constitute an Executive Committee, to be styled the " Board of Officers." § 4. The President shall, when he is present, preside at all meetings of the Association, preserve order, put the question, and declare the decision. He, in conjunction with the Vice-Presidents, may call special meetings of the Association when they shall judge proper, and he shall call them when required by the Board of Officers, or when requested in writing by any nine members holding certificates, specifying in such request the object for which such meeting is desired. He shall appoint the time and place of all meetings, and shall sign orders on the Treasury from the Board of Officers, of which Board he shall be President. § 5. The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in presiding at the meetings. The duties specified in the preceeding section shall, in case of the inability of the President to act, or by reason of his absence, devolve on the First Vice-President ; and, in the inability or absence of both, on the Second Vice-President, and so on, according to rank, only that, in regard to signing orders on the Treasurer, each shall have equal powers with the President, § 6. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the money and other property of the Association. He shall keep regular accounts of receipts and disbursements in suitable books provided for that purpose, which shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of the members. He shall enter on his books each sum paid by him in con- sequence of the recommendation or order of the Board of Officers, and preserve vouchers for all disbursements. He shall present a full report at each meeting, of the financial condition of the Association, and at such other times as the Board of Officers may direct. Constitution. 143 g 7. It shall be the duty of the Grand Marshal to introduce to the Assembly the newly elected officers, and install them. He shall super- vise and arrange for the meetings of the Association, and shall be an associate member of all committees. ? 8. The Secretary shall have general supervision over the corres- pondence of the Association ; give notice of all meetings, whether stated or special, publish the same in newspapers when so directed by the Board of Officers, and make memorandum of all the proceedings. He shall keep a roll of the members of the Association, and have custody of all the journals, records and papers of the Association, and make entry therein of all proceedings of the Association, and also act as Secretary of the Board of Officers. § 9. The Board of Officers shall meet whenever they deem it expe- dient and the interests of the Association require. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary, under the direction of the President, or of the Vice-President acting in his stead, or of any three members of the Board of Officers In addition to the general management and supervision of the affairs of the Association hereby delegated to them, the Board of Officers shall execute all such business as may from time to time be committed to them by any law or resolve of the Association, and they shall report their proceedings at every Assembly ; but they shall not create any indebtedness not provided for by the funds of the Association, or the funds pledged by certificate members. The pres- ence of at least five members shall be necessary for the transaction of business. ARTICLE IV. OF COMMITTEES. Section i. The Board of Officers shall constitute the Finance Com- mittee, and have charge of all the funds of the Association. All funds and money belonging to the Association shall stand in the name of the "American, Boynton Association." No money shall be disbursed except upon order of said Board to the Treasurer, signed by the Presi- dent, and countersigned by the Secretary. ? 2. All committees whose appointment is not otherwise directed by the Constitution, By-Laws, or a resolution of the Association, shall be nominated by the President, and confirmed by the Board of Officers. 144 American, Boynton Directory. ARTICLE V. s OF MEETINGS. Section i. As the natural object of this Association will be greatly promoted by social intercourse among its members, the Board of Officers may, whenever in their judgment it is deemed expedient, ap- point a time and place for the holding of an Assembly ; a two-thirds vote shall be necessary for such action ; but a general meeting of the " American, Boynton Association " shall be called once in five years, the first having been August 14th, 1883, at Newburyport, Mass. The Board shall have power to fix any other day in August for such Con- vention. § 2. Special meetings may be called as provided in Article 3, Sec- tion 4, of this Constitution. Special. meetings shall be competent for the transaction of any business which may come before them, except such business as by this Constitution or the By-Laws may be confined to Assemblies. § 3. All business meetings of the Association shall be held at such hour and place as the President, or person acting as President for the time being, shall appoint. § 4. A quorum for the dispatch of business, except in cases where a larger number may be required for any special act by any article of the Constitution, shall consist of such number of members as shall be pre- scribed by the By-Laws, but any number of members present at the time appointed for a stated meeting may, from time to time, adjourn such stated meeting. ARTICLE VI. OF THE FUNDS, ETC. Section i. The funds of the Association shall be under the control of the Board of Officers, who shall have power to determine the necessity of raising funds for the Association, and shall direct the manner of collecting the same ; and if a surplus of funds be created at any time, such surplus shall remain in the treasury of the Associa- tion, credited against future proportional subscriptions of the members who may have contributed to such surplus. Constitution. 145 ARTICLE VII. ON THE MODE OF ALTERING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION. Section i. No alteration, appeal or amendment of any part of this Constitution shall take place unless the proposition for such alteration, repeal or amendment shall have been made at a previous stated meet- ing ; and such proposition shall not take effect unless there are present at least seventy-five members, three-fourths of whom shall vote in the affirmative, and the votes on such questions shall be recorded by the Secretary, if required by five members present. § 2. The By-Laws of this Association may be altered, repealed or amended, either at a stated meeting or a special meeting, when called for the object of making such alteration, such object being expressed in the notice of said special meeting. The proposition for such altera- tion, repeal or amendment must have been made at previous meeting. BY-LAWS. Section i. The business meetings of the Association shall be held on the date of the Assembly, and immediately before the exercises commence, or they shall be held in November in each year upon such day as fixed by the Board of Officers. § 2. The Secretary shall give at least ten days notice, through the mails, to all members, of the time and place of all meetings, whether special or stated, and shall issue all invitations wherever Assemblies may be called by the Board of Officers. §3. At special meetings, the consent of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary to constitute a vote. §4. Fifteen members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum, except in cases where a larger number may be required by the Consti- tution or By-Laws for any special act. § 5. At each meeting of the Association, immediately after the pre- siding officer shall have taken the chair, the minutes of the previous meeting shall be read by the Secretary, and passed upon by the Associ- ation. The next business in order shall be reports of officers and committees ; then what word or advice from our Patriarchs and Aged Ones ; how many remain with us who have numbered the years of three score and ten. Have they advised us of their welfare ? Second, genealogical inquiries, births, deaths, &c., in the Boynton family. Third, new business. The same order may obtain at each meeting of the Board of Officers. § 6. Any member having observations to make or resolutions to pro- pose, shall rise in his place and address the Chair , and all resolutions shall be submitted in writing and handed to the Secretary, and shall be by him entered on the minutes. BY-LAWS. 147 § 7. Certificate of Membership, in form approved by the Board of Officers, shall be prepared by the Secretary, signed by the President and Treasurer, or any Vice-President, countersigned and sealed by the Secretary, and when issued shall not be transferable. § 8. Whenever any question arises touching the eligibility of an ap- plicant for membership, the same shall be submitted to, and decided by the Board of Officers. § 9. A seal bearing such device and legend as may be approved by the Board of Officers shall be provided for the Association, and until the same shall be prepared the imprint of our " Coat of Arms " may be sufficient. § 10. A fee of one dollar shall be collected for each certificate of membership issued, and paid into the General Fund of the Associa- tion. Upon proper application to the Secretary^ accompanied with the above fee of one dollar, he shall send to each descendant of Boynton lineage, a certificate of membership, and a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws. § 1 1. All bills for stationery, postage, &c., shall be paid by the Treas- urer, on proper order, and when in the judgement of the Board of Officers, the services of any officer of the Association deserves special compensation, the same shall be voted and paid. § 12. No topic connected with Party Politics of the day, or Religious Beliefs, shall ever be introduced or discussed at the meetings of the Association. § 13. Whenever Divine service is required in any of our Assemblies, it shall be the duty of the Presiding officer to call upon the oldest clergyman present to officiate. § 14. The Board of Officers shall appoint District Secretaries in such localities as are necessary to assist them. § 15. The Board of Officers shall appoint such non-resident Vice- Presidents as seem expedient.^ LOAN DEPT. TT> R9A--50m-2,'64 ^?349tl0)94l2A f^eneral Library . Berkeley U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD^bDS^a^^ li il ■III f 1 Hi 1 1 liCWM'.Ol.ti.i.iM.O il»Wi.Tj,i/i.(y.i(i,u rjfi;flf;i(irti;'" " lljiMfl))!!!' fl()l,(l(MI U"'l,l ,11.(1' , iin(ii,iiii 'lii'iir.iii, rjiMitiii- (OJllHli , 'l)t/n,ll,li: iijl.ljiflU i; (;,i,!iir iJiO.I. liiMi, , )i I'l.UI,!'!'