LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class > Jesus Christ Our Lord AN ENGLISH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHRISTOLOGY COMPRISING OVER FIVE THOUSAND TITLES ANNOTATED AND CLASSIFIED BY Samuel Gardiner ayres, B.D. Librarian of Drew Theological Seminary "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saitb the Lord." — Rev. 1:8 ^ ^ OF THE A. C. ARMSTRONG & SON 3 AND 5 WEST 18TH STREET 1906 /^7 • COPYRIGHT IQOra, BY SAMUEL GARDINER AYRES PRINTED AND BOUND BY RUMFORD PRINTING COMPANY CONCORD, N. H. DEDICATED TO ALL WHO LOVE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ' 160113 PREFACE The study of a life and a character is a sublime employ- ment. The study of the Divine Man in His various relations and work is ennobling. The many recent works relating to Christ bear witness to the fact that He is yet, all efforts to the contrary notwithstanding, a real factor in the world's thought. It is even safe to say, that if all the Bibles and Testaments were destroyed tomorrow, they could almost be reconstructed from the literature that has grown up around the life of Christ. This work Avas first undertaken in 1888. In 1891 and 1892, when the Crooks and Hurst jNIethodology was being prepared for a new revision the author was asked to furnish the list in Christology. For that book and at that time the outline there presented seemed quite perfect. New titles suggested new divisions hence the more extended classifica- tion which now appears. As far as is known this is the most complete collection of classified titles on the subject. An annotated bibliography is of the most value providing that annotations are neither prolix nor vague. Some at- tempt at annotation has been made and to this are added the statements and recommendations contained in the brief text preceding the list under each subject heading. In some instances the classification is an annotation. Classification is somewhat difficult, especially in a work of so extensive a character as the present. It is of course impossible to see every book. If this could be done this part of the* work would be simplified. Another difficulty is that one cannot always tell whether the objective or sub- jective phase of the theme is referred to. For instance the title "The Knowledge of Christ." one cannot be certain 6 PREFACE that it should be assigned to the mental character of Christ or to the imitation of Him by His followers, or again to His teaching. This is only one instance of many. The work has been done in the hope that someone at some future time will do the same kind' of work in other lan- guages and combine them all in one grand tribute to the claims of Christ. The collection of references to periodical literature has not been given. The student is referred to "Poole" and the supplemental volumes. These preclude any more extensive attempt and are sufficient for all prac- tical purposes. The titles are included as far as possible to April 1, 1906. A star indicates all volumes examined. The author acknowledges indebtedness to friends who have helped by advice and encouragement during the growth of this work. CONTENTS Preface. Outline of Classification. Sources. I. The Pre-existence of Christ. II. Christ in the Old Testament. a. In type. b. In prophecy. III. Christ prophesied outside the Bible. IV. Christ Incarnate, His Birth. The Virgin Birth. V. Christ as the fulfillment of prophecy. ,VI. Christ's Life on Earth. — General. a. In the words of the Gospels. b. For children. c. Poetical. d. Apocryphal. e. Replies to Strauss and Renan. f. Fiction. VII, The personal appearance of Christ. VIII, Chronology and genealogy of the Life of Christ. IX, The life of Christ in detail. a. The Coming of the Wisemen. b. The Holy Childhood. c. The Baptism. d. The Temptation. e. The Transfiguration. f. The Passion of Christ. 1. The Garden. 2. The Betrayal. 3. The Trials. 4. The Crucifixion. 5. The seven last words, 6. The Darkness, 7. The Descent into Hell. 8 CONTENTS X. The resurrection of Christ. XI. The forty days and the ascension of Christ. XII. The kingship of Christ. — His gTeatness and glory. XIII. The second advent. XIV. The person of Christ. a. Sonship. b. Divinity. c. Hnmanity. XV. The character of Christ. a. Spiritual. — Moral. b. Mental. — Intellectual. XVI. The work of Christ. a. Christ's mission. b. The Atonement of Christ. e. Christ the mediator. d. The priesthood of Christ. e. The miracles of Christ. f. Christ as an example. g. Christ as a positive influence in the world. XVII. Mystical union of Christ and believers. XVIII. The teaching of Christ. ^ a. The Parables. 1-18. Individual Parables. b. The Sermon on the Mount. c. The Lord's Prayer. d. The Lord's Intercessory Prayer. e. Christ the Prophet. XIX. Christ as an evidence for Christianity. a. The witness of the Apostles to Christ. XX. Christ in comparison with others, a. Christ and Antichrist. XXI. Christ's titles. XXII. Galilee and Judaism in the time of Christ, a. The language of Christ. XXIII. Devotional miscellany. Index of Authors. il UNIVERSITY :j OF SOURCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SUBJECT Alliboue's Dictionary of Authors with Supplement by Dr. Kirke. 5 vols. It was necessary to read the work through in collecting titles from this source. They are not always complete. Darling, Cyclopedia of Bibliography. 3 vols. The sub- ject volume has a partial classification of the subject. Low, English Catalog. 10 vols. British IMuseum Catalog. Section Jesus Christ. This consists principally of anonymous titles unclassified. The American Catalog. Kelly and Roorbach. 6 vols. Leypold and Supplements. 5 vols. The subject volume of 1876 partially classified this subject, as also do the sup- plemental volumes. Sonnenschein, Fifty Thousand Best Books. Is good as far as it goes. The titles are mostly abridged. Lowndes, Bibliographers ^lanual. -i vols. Unclassified. iMorgan. Bibliotheca Canadensis. This contains but lit- tle Theological literature. No attempt at classification is made. Abbot. Bibliography of the Future Life in Algers Doctrine of the Future Life, for the Resurrection of Christ and the Descent into Hell. Ilase. Life of Jesus. The titles are principally in Ger- man. The lists have been increased in the number of Eng- lish titles by Dr. James Freeman Clarke, the translator. They are classified. The "Publishers Weekly" from 1898 and the "Book- seller" of London from its commencement in 1868. 10 SOURCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Andrews, S. J. Life of Our Lord, in both editions gives quite a list of works referred to. Crooks and Hurst, Methodology. The revised edition. The classified list in Christology was prepared by the au- thor of this volume. Many other works have been con- sulted. However, a large majority of the books have been examined personally. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD I. THE PKE-EXISTENCE OF CHRIST. Jesns Christ was ^ from the beginning and before His birth. This doctrine is an essential part of the divinity of Christ, and wonld properh^ be included in the discussion of that subject, but is placed here in its chronological oi-der. History : The History of tlie Doctrine is the history of the doc- trine of the Person of Christ, — which see. Recommended: None. Alderson, Joseph. — The Pre-existence of Our Saviour. 0. London, n. cl. [Ashdown, W.] — A Key to the Scripture Character of Jesus Christ, or the doctrine of the ancient existence of His glorious soul in union with His Deity, clearly proved from revelation. To which is added an Appendix, containing some remarks on the scheme of doctrine lately published by the Eev. Mr. R. E(lliott), wherein he endeavors to prove that the Deity attributed to Jesus Christ in Scripture is not His own Deity. By a free Enquirer after Truth. 0. London, 17.84. Baker, William M.— The Ten Theophanies; or the Ap- pearance of Our Lord to man before his birth in Bethle- hem. D.. pp. viii+247. New York, 1883. * Barclay, S. M.— The Self-Revealing Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Christ of the New Testament. 0. Lon- don, 1885. 11 13 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD (Barnard, S. ?). — An Essay on the Pre-existence and Divinity of Christ. D. Boston, 1790. Celestial Filiation ; being a vindication of the pre-exist- ence of the Lord Jesus Christ, in which the erroneous asser- tioji and false imputations of Mr. Silver in his late pam- phlet are exposed and refuted. By a Lover of His Creed. 0., pp. 67. London, 1833. * A Dissertation on the Scripture Expression, — the Angel of the Lord and the Angel of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1752. Emlicht, Winrock. — Theophania; or Scriptural View of the Manifestation of the Logos or Pre-existent Messiah, as Contradistinguished from Angelic Personation of the Deity. 0. London, 1857. Grant, P. W. — The Great Memorial Name; or the Self- revelation of Jehovah as the God of Eedemption. 0., pp. 438. London, 1883. Grinfield, E. W. — The Christian Cosmos: or the Son of God, the Creator of ]Man. 0. London, 1856. Hints for Thoughtful Christians on the Pre-existent Mes- siah. 0. London, 1875. Kidd, George B. — The Doctrine of the Manifestations of the Son of God under the Economy of the Old Testament. 0. London, 1852. Lewis, W. S. — Christ and Creation ; a Two-Sided Quest. 0. London, 1887. McMillan, D. C. — Christ Keflected in Creation. E., pp. 77. New York, 1897. Minton, Samuel. — The Glory of Christ in the Creation and Reconciliation of all Things, with Special Reference to the Doctrine of Eternal Evil. A course of sermons. Cr. 0., London, 1868 : third ed., 1871. Philo-Christos (Pse«d.).— The Pre-existence of Jesus Christ Unscriptural. 0, pp. 72. London, 1772. * Townsend, George Tyler. — Jehovah-Jesus, the Divine Appearances mider the Patriarchal, Levitical and Christian Dispensations. Cr. 0., pp. 296. London, 1890. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 13 (Tyrwhit). — Two Discourses on the Creation of All Things by Jesns Christ, and on the Resurrection of the Dead through the INIan Christ Jesus. Fourth ed., D. Lon- don, 1808. The Unity of Faith; or Jesus as the [Manifestation of God in all Ages. 0. London. 1857. Walsh, W. P. — The Angel of the Lord, or Manifesta- tions of Christ in the Old Testament. D.. pp. 76. London, 1876. * II. CHRIST IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. A. In Type. Definition: Jesus is prefigured in the Old Testament by Ceremonies, by Circumstances and by Personages. Instances. The cer- emonies of the Tabernacle and Temple. The raising of the brazen serpent. Joseph, Melchisedec. History: The study of the types has some Scriptural ground and it has always been the custom of the church to so interpret parts of the Old Testament, thus leading to the formation of the "Allegorical Method" of interpretation as opposed to the "Literal." That Christ is so typified has been de- nied, especially by the Jews. It has also been denied by those extreme literalists who assert that the Old Testament history is nothing more than the history of the nation. It is a later tendency to discredit typology. Recommended: Fairbairn. Abbott, Lyman. — Old Testament Shadows of New Testa- ment Truths. 0., pp. viii+213. New York, 1869. * Aitken, R. — The Teaching of the Types. Tracts for the Clergy. 0. London, 1856. Arbuthnot, George. — The Passion of Christ Foretold in Type and Prophecy. Fourteen Short Addresses Delivered in the Collegiate Church of Stratford-on-Avon. 0., pp. 79. London, 1902. Atherton, C. J. — Ancient Types. ^Modern Applications. Light in the Christian Life from the Teaching of the Taber- nacle. D., pp. 92. London, 1886. 14 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 15 Bird, H. J. G. — Christ Foreshown. Short Chapters on the Golden Types of the ^Messiah. 0. London, 1899. Blagg, Michael W. — Christ the Second Adam: Three Sermons. 0. London, 1859. Bliss, Thomas.— Joseph, a Type of Christ. 0. Lon- don, 1769. Bonus, John. — Shadows of the Rood; or Types of the Suffering Redeemer Jesus Christ Occurring in the Book of Genesis. 0. London, 1856. Bourn, Henry H.— Christ in the Pentateuch; or Things Old and New Concerning Jesus. D., pp. viii+342. Lon- don, 1869. * Brameld, William Arthur.— In Type and Shadow; Old Testament Types of Christ. 0., pp. 600. London, 1880. D., pp. 82. 1885. * Brooke, Richard S.— Christ in Shadow. 0. Dublin, 1857. Brown, William. — The Tabernacle and Its Priests and Services Described and Considered in Relation to Christ and the Church. 0. Edinburgh, 1871. Second ed., 0., pp. 174. Fourth ed., pp. 269. 1877. Sixth ed., revised and enlarged. 0., pp. 316. London, 1899. * Browne, R. H. Nisbet. — Christ in the Law ; or the Gos- pel Foreshadowed by the Pentateuch. D. London, 1876. Browne, R. H. Nisbet. — Christ in Genesis: or Types and Shadows of the Cross. 0., pp. 43. London, 1870. Chevalier, Temple.— Historical Types in the Old Testa- ment; Twenty Discourses. Hulsean lecture for 1826. 0., pp. xvi4-486". Cambridge. 1826. * Cooke, William.— The Shekinah; or the Presence and :Manifestation of Jehovah under the Several Dispensations from the Creation to the Day of Judgment. D., pp. viii-f 426. London, 1857. * Crosley, David. — Samson a Type of Christ. D. Lon- don. 1744. D'Ombrain, Henry H. — The Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus in Type and Fulfillment. 0. London, 1858. 16 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Dorr, B. — Prophecies and Types Relating to Christ. D., pp. 72. New York, n. d. * Fairbairn, Patrick. — The Typology of Scripture Viewed in Connection with the Whole Series of Divine Dispensa- tions. Fourth ed., 2 vols., 0., pp. 499, 543. Edinburgh, 1864. * (Fry, Caroline). — The Gospel of the Old Testament; an Explanation of the Types and Figures by which Christ Was Exhibited Under the Legal Dispensation. Re-written from the original work of Samuel Mather. By the author of "The Listener." 2 vols, in one, D., pp. viii+351. Phil- adelphia, 1834. * Fysh, Frederic. — Jonah the Type and Christ the Anti- type. 0. London, 1853. Girningham, A. E. — The Types and Antitypes of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Illustrated. Q., pp. 66. London and New York, 1884. Golden Links; or Types and Figures of Christ. By E. H. O. London (?), 1872. Guild, William. (Of King Edward, Scotland).— Moses Unveiled ; or Those Figures which Served unto the Pattern and Shadow of Heavenly Things, Pointing out the Mes- siah, Christ Jesus, Briefly Explained. D. London, 1658. Harris, W. — Practical Discourses on the Principal Rep- resentations of the Messiah Throughout the Old Testament. O. London, 1724. Hawkins, E. — Sermons on Scriptural Types and Sacra- ments Preached Before the University of Oxford. 0. Lon- don, 1851. H[enry], E. A.— Things Touching the King. E., pp. 96. London, 1873. * Herbert, Lady M. — Types and Antitypes of Holy Scrip- ture, Collected and Arranged. D., pp. 64. London, 1881. Hill, Micaiah (Birmingham). — Typical Testimony to the Messiah; or the Analogy of the Scriptures in Relation to Typical Persons. 0. London, 1862. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 17 Hoare, J. Gurney. — Clirist Revealed in Title, Type and Prophecy, with Side Li^ht on the Persons by Kobert R. Resker. ().. pp. vii + 142. London, 1891. * Jeffreys, Henry A. — A Summary of the Principal Types and Prophecies Relating to the Kingdom and Pei-son of the INTessiah. E.. i))). vi+44. London, 1871. * Jukes, Andrew. — The Types of Genesis Considered. 0. London. lS6o. Jukes, Andrew. — The Law of the Offerings in Leviticus I-VII ; Considered as the Appointed Figure of the Various Aspects of the Offering of the Body of Jesus Christ. D., pp, iii_^245. London, 1847. * Also, pp. 211. New York, 1809. Junkin, George. — The Tabernacle ; or the Gospel Accord- ing to Moses. S., pp. 168. Philadelphia, 1865. * Kinne, Aaron. — An Explanation of the Principal Types, the Prophecies of Daniel and Ilosea, the Revelation and other Symbolical Passages of the Holy Scriptures. 0., pp. iv+.389. Boston, 1814. * Law, Henry. — Christ is All; the Gospel of the Penta- teuch, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. 3 vols., Cr. 0. London, 1858- '61. New ed., 4 vols. Law, Henry. — Jesus Set Forth in the Tabernacle Ser- vices. E. London. 1864. Leigh, M. Cordelia. — Lessons on Type and Antitype; or the Gate of Paradise. Cr. 0., pp. 227. Loudon, 1904. Linton, H. P. — Christ in the Old Testament; or the Footsteps of the Redeemer as Revealed in Type, in Pro- phecy, in Sacrifice and in Personal Manifestation from the Creation to His Birth. 0. London, 1875. Linton, Henry. — Christ in the Old Testament. Cr. O. London, 1899. Maas, A. J. — Chi-ist in Type and ProjJiecy. D. New Yoi-k, 1893. Vol. 2, D. New York, 1895. Mather. Samuel. fBi-other of Lierease). — The Figures and Types of the Old Testament, by which Christ and 2 IS JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Heavenly Things of the Gospel Were Preached and Shad- owed to the People of God of Old, Explained and Improved in Sundry Sermons. Second ed., to which is annexed a scheme and table of the whole. London, 1705. McAllum, D. — Aldebaran ; or the Gospel of Christ Jesus through Moses, David and Solomon. Being the Substance of Two Sermons upon the Sea and the Twelve Oxen in the Temple at Jerusalem. D., pp. 69. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1813. * McEwen, William. — Grace and Truth ; or the Glory and Fulness of the Eedeemer Displayed in an Attempt to Ex- plain, Illustrate and Enforce the most Remarkable Types, Figures and Allegories of the Old Testament. D. Edin- burgh, 1763. Second ed. London, 1768. Thirteenth ed., pp. 239. Edinburgh, 1798. * D. Danbury, 1803. * Needham, George C. — Shadow and Substance. An Ex- position of the Tabernacle Types. D., pp. 199. Philadel- phia, 1896. * Popular. Newcomb, H. — Christianity Demonstrated, with an Ex- planation of the Types and Prophecies Concerning the Mes- siah. D. Boston, 1849. Newton, Benjamin Wills. — The Perfect Sacrifice. S., pp. 175. Philadelphia, n. d. Originally issued with the title, "Thoughts on Parts of the Book of Leviticus." * Newton, Richard. — The Jewish Tabernacle and Its Fur- niture in Their Typical Teachings. D., pp. viii+393. New York, 1864. * Odom, W.— Gospel Types and Shadows of the Old Testa- ment; Being Fifty-two Short Studies in Typical Subjects. Second ed.. 0. London. 1881. New ed., D., pp. 88. Lon- don, 1887. * Osborne, Edward W. — The Saviour King; Instructions to Children on Old Testament Types and Illustrations of the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. With outline illustra- tions. E. London, 1888. Ottey, G. P.— Prophecies and Types of Messiah. Lec- tures to Pupil Teachers. D. London, 1879. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 19 Otts, J. M. p.— Christ and the Cherubim; or the Ark of the Covenant, a Type of Chi'ist Our Saviour. E., pp. 63. Riehniond. Va.. lS\)i\ * Rainsford, Marcus. — The Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Gospel According- to Leviticus. D., pp. \dii-f 294. New York, n. d. * Ram, Abel. — Eniinanuel; or the Infancy and the Passion of Our Lord Eeprodueed in the Mysteries of the Taber- nacle.' Cr. 0.. pp. 283. London, 1888. * Randall, David Austin.— Ham-Mishkan, the Wonderful Tent. An account of the structure, signification and spir- itual lessons of the ^Mosaic tabernacle erected in the wilder- ness of Sinai. D.. pp. xlv4-420. Cincinnati. 1886. Reis- sued as ''The Tabernacle in Sinai." Boston, 1891, from the same plates. * Ridgeway, J. — The Gospel in Type; or the Evanoelical INIeaniug of the Hebrew Ritual. 0. Loudon, 1865. Robinson, Ralph. — Christ All and in All : or Several Significant Similitudes by which the Lord Jesus is De- scribed in the Holy Scriptures. LIII Sermons. Cr. 0., pp. xiv+429. London. 1868. * Rodgers, George. — The Gospel According to Moses, as Seen in the Tabernacle and its Various Services. New ed. Carefully revised. D., pp. 184. Chicago, 1880. * Scott, Lady Lydia. — Exposition of the Types and Anti- type.s of the Old and Xew Testament. O. London, 1856. Seiss, Joseph Augustus. — Holy Types ; or, the Gospel in Leviticus. D., pp. 403. Xew York, n. d. Shadows of Jesus; Sunday Readings on the Personal Types of the Lord Jesus Christ. By the author of "Me- moir of an Eton Boy." D. London, 1859. Shaw, William F, — Foreshado wings of Christ. Second ed.. 0. London. 1884. Silver, Abiel. — Lectures on the Symbolic Character of the Scriptures. D.. pp. 286. Xew York. 1863. * Sweden- boririan. 20 JESU8 CHRIST OUR LORD Simpson, Forster G. — Lectures on the Typical Charac- ter of the Jewish Tabernacle, Priesthood and Sacrifices. Preached dnrinu' Lent, 1850. S., pp. viii+335. London, 1852. * Smith, Austin Burns. — Gospel Teacher: or Twelve Les- tures on the Types and Shadows of the Old Testament. D., pp. 136. Denison. Texas, 1884. * Smith, George. — The Doctrine of the Cherubim: Being an Inquiry Critical, Exegetical and Pl*actical, into the Sym- bolical Character and Desion of the Cherubic Figures of Holy Scripture. D.. pp. viii+156. London, 1850. * Smith, Hannah Whitall.— Old Testament Types and Teachings. D., pp. 392. New York, 1899. * Smith, J. Denham.— Christ Unveiled; or Thoughts on the Tabernacle. 0., pp. 300. London, 1889. * Smith, Uriah.— Looking unto Jesus: or Christ in Type and Antitype. ()., pp. 288. Battle Creek, Mich., 1897. * Spurgeon, C. H. — Christ in the Old Testament. Ser- mons on the foreshadowing of Our Lord in the Old Testa- ment history, ceremony and prophecy. 0., pp. viii+714. London, 1899. * Stanford, Charles.— Symbols of Christ. D. London, 1870. New ed.. D.. pp. 345. London, 1871. New ed., 0. London, 1878. * Symington, A. M.— The Story of Joseph, Read in the Light of the Son of Man. O. London, 1894. Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices. E., pp. 104. Alleghany, n. d. Later ed.. enlarged. S.. pp. 131. 1899. * Tailor, Thomas.— Christ Revealed: or the Old Testa- ment Explained. A treatise of the types and shadows of Our Saviour contained throughout the whole Scriptures. Q. London. 1635. Taylor, Thomas.— Christ Revealed: or the Types and Shadows of Our Saviour in the Old Testament Opened and Explained. O. Glasgow. 1816. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 21 The Types and Antitypes of Our Lord .Jesus Christ. Short i)oeins by vai'ious authors, and selections from the Bible. Q.. pp. --'O-^lMI. London, 1884. * Walker, James Edward.— Sacerdotalia ; the High Priest of Israel, Kobed in (Jarnients of Glory and Beauty, a Type of Christ : Beino- an Abstract of Sermons Delivered in the Church of Scotland. Cheltenham. 0., pp. 84. London, 1881. Washburn, W. W. — The Gospel According to Moses: or the Import of Sacrifice in the Ancient Jewish Service. S., pp. 90. Cincinnati, 1883. Originally delivered as ser- mons. * Webb, A. E.— The Tabernacle and the Temple: their Symbolic Teaching and Spiritnal Import. T., pp. 04. Lon- don, 1882. * White, Frank H.— All of Blue ; or the Body is of Christ ; Being brief Keynotes upon Some of the Types of the Mo- saic Sanctuary. E. London, 1881. White, Frank H. — Christ in the Tabernacle, with Some Remarks on the Offerings. Illustrated. D.. pp. 157. Lon- don, 1871. Fourth ed.. 0., pp. 250. Loudon, 1878. Eighth ed.. D.. pp. 270. New York, n. d. All * White, Frank H.— Types and Shadows: or the Taber- nacle Simply Explained. E. L(mdon. n. d. Whitfield, F. — Shadows of the Great Sacrifice; or the Altai-, the Bekah and the Shoe. E., pp. 96. London, 1873. * E. London. 1901. Wilson, John. — A popular Inquiry into the Doctrine of Scriptural Types. 0.. pp. xi+330. Edinburgh, 1833. * Winslow, Octavius. — Patriarchal Shadows of Christ and His Church, as Exhibited in the History of Joseph and His Brethren. D. London (?), 1863. Worsley, Mrs. — Christ in Joseph. 0. Loudon. 1880. II, b. IN PROPHECY. The literature of Messianic prophecy might include com- mentaries on the Messianic prophecies. The subject is also discussed in works on Old Testament Theology. We con- fine ourselves to the treatises and discussions directly dis- cussing the subject. Recommended: Riehm, Delitzsch, Briggs, Davidson. Adeny, Walter F. — The Hebrew Eutopia, a Study of Messianic Prophecy. 0., pp. xi-|-374. London, 1879. * Alexander, William. (Bishop of Derrj-.) — Witness of the Psalms to Christ and Christianity. The Bampton lec- ture for 1876. Second ed.. 0. New York, 1877. 0., pp. 410. London, 1890. * Arnot, M. — Christ in the Psalms. E. Pittsburg, Pa., 1876 (?). Baron, David. — Kays of ]\Iessianic Glory : or Christ in the Old Testament. D., pp. 270. London. 1886. New York, 1891. * Bassett, Francis T. — Search and See. A brief examina- tion of certain Messianic texts of the Old Testament with relation to ancient and modern controversies. 0. London, 1870. Beecher, Willis Judson. — The Prophets and the Promise. Being for substance the Stone lectures for 1902, 1903. 0., pp. 440. New York. 1905. * Occupies a middle ground between the extreme radical and conservative positions. Beke, Charles. Jesus the Messiah. 0. London, 1872. Black, C. A. — Messias and Anti-Messias. a ])rophetical exposition to Avhich are added two homilies on the l)ody of Christ. D. Philadelphia, 1854. 22 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 23 Bosanquet, James W.— Messiah the Prince; or the In- spiration of the Prophecies of Daniel. 0. London, 1866. Second ed., 1S69, is lielow. Bosanquet, James W.— Messiah the Prince: or the In- spiration of the Prophecies of Daniel, containing remarks on the views of Dr. Piisey, Mr. Desprez and Dr. Williams, etc. 0. London, 1869. Bourn, Henry H.— Christ in the Pentateuch: or things old and new concerning Jesus. 0., pp. Yiii+342. London, 1869. Briggs, C. A. — Messianic Prophecy. 0. Edinburgh, 1886. Pp. 20+519. New York, 1886. Discusses all Mes- sianie passages of the Old Testament critically and traces the development of the Messianic idea. * Brooks, N. C. — The Life and Mission of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by prophecy, history and typology. Second ed., D.. pp. 272. Baltimore, 1895. * Brown, Harold.— On the Prophecies of the Messiah as Interpreted by the Jews. 0. London, 1862. Browne, Edward Harold. — The Messiah as Foretold and Expected. 0. Cambridge, 1862. Christ of the Psalms; or the Key to the Prophecies of David Concerning the two Advents of the Messiah. By Christianus. 2 vols.. 0., pp. x+774. London, 1873. * Christ the Key of the Psalter, with especial reference to the titles. By an Oxford Graduate. O., pp. xii+230. London. 1888. * Claggett, N.— Truth Defended and Boldness in Error Kebuked ; or a vindication of those Christian commentators who have expounded some prophecies of the Messias. not to be meant only of Him. Being a confutation of Mr. Whis- ton's book entitled, "The Accomplishment of Scripture Pi'ophecies. " 0. London. 1710. Clarke, Samuel. — A discourse concerning the connection of the prophecies in the Old Testament and the applica- tion of them to Christ. Being an extract from the sixth 24 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD edition of "A Denioustratioii of the Being and Attributes of God," etc.. to which is added a letter concerning the argument a priori. 0., pp. 63. London, 1725. * Culross, James. — The Man of Sorrows and the joy that was set before Him. Isaiah liii. An exposition and an argument. S., pp. 186. London. 1896. * Curtis, Anson Bartie,— Back to the Old Testament for the Message of the New. D. Boston, 1894. David's Vision, with a preliminary dissertation, showing David's prophecy of Christ. By a Pilgrim to the Holy Land. O., pp. 74. London, 1872. * Davidson, A. B. — Old Testament Prophecy. Edited by J. A. Paterson. 0., pp. xiv+507. Edinburgh and New York, 1903. The last chapters deal with our subject. * Delitzsch, Franz. — The ^lessianic Prophecies. Trans- lated by S. J. Curtis. 0. Edinburgh, 1880. 0., pp. 232. Edinburgh, 1891. * Delitzsch, Franz. — Old Testament History of Eedemp- tion. Translated by S. J. Curtis. D., pp. 213. Edin- burgh, 1880. * Dent, Lady Beaujolois. — From the Cross; or fulness of salvation and blessing in Christ. Scripture lessons for Bible classes and others taken from the book of Leviticus, Avith preface by Rev. F. Whitfield. 0., pp. 176. London, 1888. * Dewart, E. H. — Jesus the Messiah in Prophecy and Fid- fillment. D., pp. xvi+256. Cincinnati, 1891. * Dorr, B. — Prophecies and Types Relating to Christ. D., pp. 72. New York. n. d. * Drummond, James. — The Jewish ^Messiah. A critical history of the .Messianic idea among the Jews from the rise of the JNIaccabees to the closing of the Talmud. 0., pp. ix-|- 39o. London. 1877. * Of value. Edersheim, Alfred. — Prophecy and History in Relation to the Messiah. The Warburton lecture for 1880- '84. 0., pp. xxiv+391. New York, 1885. * Ellis, W. Webb.— A Concise View of that Class of JESUS CHRIST OUR I A) IN) 2o Prophecy which Rehites to the ^lessiali. Connected with the Leading- Doctrines of the Christian Faith. D. Oxford, 1832. Frame, James. — Christ and His Work. An expositio!i of Psahn XI. 0.. pp. xii+283. London. 1870. * Galloway, William B. — Isaiahs Testimony for Jesus; a series of lectures. 0. London, 1863. Galloway. William B. — The Shadow on the Sun Dial, a letter to the Bishop of London, containing- chronological evidence supplementary to that lately published in a series of lectures on Isaiah's Testimony to Jesus. 0. London, 1865. Gill, John. — The Prophecies of the Old Testament Re- specting the ^Messiah Considered and Proved to be Liter- ally Fulfilled in Jesus. 0. London, 1788. Gillies, John. — Essay on the Prophecies Relating to the Messiah. (). Edinburgh, 1773. Gloag, Paton James. — The Messianic Prophecies; being the Baird lectures for 1879. D.. pp. xvi+368. Edin- burgh. 1879. * Goodspeed, George Stephen. — Israel's Messianic Hope to the Time of Jesus. A study in the historical develop- ment of the foreshadowings of the Christ in the Old Testa- ment and beyond. D., pp. x-(-315. New York, 1900. * Gordon, Robert. — Christ as Made Known to the Ancient Church. An exposition of the revelation of Divine Grace as unfolded in the Old Testament Scripture. 4 vols., 0., pp. 519. 539. 504, 528. Edinburgh, 1854. * Gotheil, P. E. — ^lessiah the Hope of Israel, as Set Forth in the Old Testament. Ti-anslated by John Gill. 0. Lon- don, 1863. Hales, William. — Dissertations on the Principal Prophe- cies Representing the Divine and Human Character of Our Lord. Second ed.. corrected. O. London. 1808. Harper, George. — Christ in the Psalms. An exposition of the Second, P^'orty-fifth and Hundred and Tenth Psalms. In a series of discourses. D. London. 1862. 26 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Hengstenberg, E. W. — Ghristology of the Old Testa- ment and a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions. 4 vols., 0.. pp. 523, 474. 410. 460." Edinburgh, 1854- '59. * Higginson, Edward. — Ecce Messias ; or the Hebrew Mes- sianic Hope and the Christian Reality. 0., pp. 464. Lon- don, 1871. * Jesns Christ Preached in the Old Testament. No. 444, Religious Tracts. First Series. D. London, 1830 (?). Kennedy, William S. — Messianic Prophecy and the Life of Christ. D. Andover, 1860. Kidd, G. B. — Christophany. The doctrine of the mani- festation of the Son of God under the economy of the Old Testament. Edited by Orlando T. Dobbin. 0.. pp. 833. London, 1852. * Kidder, Richard. — A Demonstration of the Messias; in Avliieh the truth of the Christian religion is proved against all the enemies thereof, but against the Jews especially. 8 vols., D. London, 1684, 1699, 1700. Also, Ff. Lon- don, 1726. King- Solomon's Two Women and the Living and the Dead Child; or David, the True Messiah. D. London, n. d. Kinne, Aaron. — Scripture Prophecies. D. New Lon- don, 1813. Kirkpatrick, A. F.— The Doctrine of the Prophets. The Warburtonian lectures for 1886- '90. D., pp. x\di+540. London, 1892. * The summing up in the concluding chap- ter of the JMessianie message is especially fine. Leathes, Stanley. — Witness of the Old Testament to Christ. The Boyle lectures for 1868. 0. London, 1868. Lee, Gerald Stanley. — The Shadow Christ. An intro- duction to Christ Himself. D., pp. 9-f 151. New York, 1896. * Linton, H.— Christ in the Old Testament. Third ed., 0., -pp. 280. London. 1896. * Lockhart, Clinton. — The Messianic ^Message of the Old Testament. D.. pp. 428. Chicago, 111., 1905^^ JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 21 Lord, Eleazer. — The ]^lessiah in Moses and the Prophets. D.. pp. x+3.33. New York, 1853. * Lowman, Moses. — The Argument from P)-ophecy in Proof that Jesus is the Messiah, Vindicated. 0. London, 1733. Lowry, Robert. — Question Book : Christ in Promise and in Prophecy. E. New York, 1870. McCaul, Alexander. — The Messiahship ; or Jesus ; a con- eluding series on the prophecies. The Warburton lectures, 1837- '40. 0. London, 1852. MacLaurin, John. — Essay on Prophecies Relating to the Messiah. With an inquiry into happiness, and three ser- mons. 0. Edinburgh. 1773, 1778. McLean, Daniel. — The Gospel in the Psalms. D., pp. viii+326. Edinburgh. 1875. * MacLeod, Alexander. — ^Messiah. Governor of the Na- tions of the Earth. D. New York, 1803. Mann, J. H. — Scripture Testimony to the Messiah and His Mission. 0. London, 1861. Messiah. Proofs from the ancient prophecies, that he must have come, and that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. London, n. d. Also, in Hebrew. London, 1810. Meyer, F. Brotherton. — Christ in Isaiah. C, pp. viii-{- 211. London, 1895. * The Messiah. 0.. pp. vii+832. London, 1861. * Moorhouse, James, — The Expectation of the Christ. 0. London. 1879. Noel, Baptist W. — The Messiah: As Wonderful — Coun- sellor — the Mighty God — the Everlasting Father — the Prince of Peace. Five sermons on Isaiah ix:6. T., pp 160. Loudon, 1848. * Ottey, George P. — Prophecies and Types of Messiah; Lectures to Pupil Teachers. D. London, 1879. Our Blessed Lord Jesus of Nazareth, Proved to be the Christ from the Literal Sense of the Prophecies in the Old 28 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD TestMinent. In several letters to the author of ''The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion/' Letter I, proving the Christian religion not founded on Judaism. Fourth ed. London, 1728. Prophecies Relating to Christ. 0. London, 1797. The Prophetical History of Christ, Taken from the Old Testament. 0. London, 1812. Pusey, Edward B. — Prophecy of Jesus, the Certain Pre- diction of the (to ^lan) Impossible. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, on the Twenty-first Sun- day after Trinity, 1878. 0., pp. 55. London, 1879. * Questions and Answers on the Prophecies Concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. D. London, 1836. Riehm, Edward. — ^Messianic Prophecy : Its Origin, His- torical Charactei- and Relation to the New Testament Ful- fillment. Translated by Rev. John Jefferson. 0. Edin- burgh, 1876. * Second and better ed., translated by L. A. Muirhead. O., pp. xviii+348. Edinburgh. 1891.* Robinson, Thomas. — p]ssays on the Prophecies Relating to the iNIessiah. 0. London. 1812. Ryland, H. — Psalms Restored to Messiah. D. London. 1853. Schindler, Solomon. — Messianic Expectations and Mod- ern Judaism. Introduction by M. J. Savage. D.. pp. \i-\- 290. Boston, 1886. * From a Jewish standpoint. Smith, John Pye. — The Scripture Testimony in Relation to the ^lessiah. An inquiry with a view to satisfactory de- termination of the doctrine taught in the Scrij^tnres con- cerning the person of Christ, including a careful examina- tion of the Rev. Thonuis Belsham's Calm Inquiry, and of other Unitarian works on the same subject. 2 vols, in 3, 0.. pp. xii+472, xii+810. London, 1810. This was for many years the standard work on the subject, but has been super- seded by the works recommended. * Smith, Joseph Dunham. — The Prophet of Clory; or Zechariah's Visions of the Coming and Kingdom of Christ. 0.. pp. 332. London, 1885. JEFiUS! CHRIST OUR LORD 2!» Smith, R. Payne. 'I'lic Autlieiiticity and Messianic In- terpretation of the Tfophecies of Isaiah Vindicated in a Course of Sermons. ().. i)p. xxxiv-|-319. Oxford, 1862.* Smith, R. Payne. — l*rophecy. a Preparation for Christ. Bamptou lectures for 1869. 0., pp. xxx-j-ll"). London, 1869. Also, D., pp. 397. Boston. 1870. * Stanton, Vincent Henry. — The Jewish and the Christian Messiah. A study in the earliest history of Christianity. O., pp. xvii+399. Edinburgh. 1886. * A work of great vahie, especially in Part II. which deals with Jesus' atti- tude to ^lessianie beliefs. Stearns, O. S. — A Syllabus of the Messianic Passages in the Old Testament. 0. Boston, 1884. Strong, James. — Question Book : Christ in the Old Testa- ment. E. New York, 1870. * Things Concerning Jesus. Out of the "Law of Moses,"' ''The Prophets."* and ''The Psalms.'" Short readings for Lent. D.. pp. 1V2. London. 1901. Thomson, William H. — Christ in the Old Testament ; or the Creat Argument. 0.. pp. xliY-|-477. New York. 1888. First ed.. 1884. * True ^Messiah. An aft'ectionate address to the Jewish nation. London, n. d. Witherby, H. Forbes. — The Book of Joshua Shadowing Forth the Fulness of Christian Blessing in Christ. 0., pp. 246. London. 1887. * Wolfe, J. R. — The Messiah as Predicted in the Penta- teuch and Psalms. Being a new translation and critical exposition of these ancient oracles. 0.. pp. 239. London, 1855. * Woods, F. H. — The IIoi)e of Israel, a Review of the Argiunent from Pi'ophecy. D.. pp. viii-|-Sl8. Edinburgh. 1896. * AVarburton lectures, 1890- '94. From the stand- point of Apologetics. Worcester, Samuel. — The ^NFessiah of the Scriptures. D. Boston. 18(»S. III. CHRIST PROPHESIED OUTSIDE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Christ is prefigured in many religions, heathen though they are called. ]Many writers have endeavored to connect circumstances and heroes with the appearance of Christ. The world was expecting a Redeemer of some kind and this expectation found fulfillment in the life and literature of the period. Recommended: Trench, Breed. Bloomfield, C. J. — Dissertation upon the Traditional Knowledge of a Promised Redeemer which Subsisted Before the xVdvent of Our Saviour. 0. Cambridge, 1819. Breed, D, R.- — A History of the Preparation of the World for Christ. 0., pp. 478. New York and Chicago, 1893. * Christology of the Targums ; or the Doctrine of the Mes- siah as Unfolded in the Jewish Targums. Hebrew, Chaldee and English. D. Edinburgh, n. d. Drummond, James. — The Jewish Messiah. A critical history of the Messianic idea among the Jews, from the rise of the Maccabees to the closing of the Talmud. 0. Lon- don, 1877. * Infancy of the World Considered as a Very Unfit Season for the ^Manifestation of the Messiah. Wherein is shown that its fondness for rites and ceremonies was owing wholly to its childishness and ignorance; in a discourse on Gal. iv : 4, 5. 0. London, 1739. Parsons, John Denham. — Our Sun-God; or Christianity before Christ. A demonstration that, as our fathers ad- 30 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD HI milted, our religion existed before our era and even in pre- historic times. 0., pp. 214. London, 1895. Stehelin, J. P.— Traditions of the Jews, Contained in the Talnuid and other Rabbinical Writings. Likewise the opinions of that people concerning Messiah and the time and manner of his appearing. 2 vols., 0. London, 1733- '42. Thomson, J. E. H. — Books which Inflnenced Our Lord and His Apostles, being a critical review of apocalyptic Jewish literature. 0., pp. 506. Edinburgh, 1891. * Trench, R. C. — Christ the Desire of All Nations ; or the Unconscious Prophecies of Heathendom, being the Hulsean lectures for 1846. 0. London, 1852.* UNIVERSITY I IV. CHRIST INCARNATE. HIS BIRTH. Definition: The words incarnate and incarnation are sometimes used as a description of the whole career of Christ upon earth. Properly they should apply only to the act of His assuming the human form. Recommended: Bruce, Gore. Adamson, Thomas. — Studies of the Mind in Christ. 0., pp. ix+300. Edinburgh, 1898. * (Adye, W. L.). — The Incarnate AVord. An exposition of the first eighteen verses of St. John's Gospel. By a Protestant Layman. 0. London, 1857. Andrews, Bishop. — Seventeen Sermons on the Nativity. New ed.. 0., pp. 318. London, 1887. * Andrews, Samuel J.^ — Man and the Incarnation ; or Man's place in the Universe as Determined by His Relations to the Incarnate Son. 0., pp. xxvi+309. New York, 1905. * Also, pp. 338. London, 1905. (Annet, P.). — The Conception of Jesus Considered as the Foundation of the Christian Religion. By a Moral Philosopher. O. London, 1744. Anselm, Saint. — Cur Deus Homo; or Why God Was Made Man, etc. Translated with an introduction, analysis, etc., by a clergyman. S. Oxford, 1865. Armstrong, Richard A. — The Trinity and the Incarna- tion. Cr. 0., pp. 166. London, 1904. * Arrowsmith, John, — God-Man. Being an exposition upon the first eighteen verses of the first chapter of the Gospel according to St. John. Q. London, 1660. Baird, William. — The Mystery of Bethlehem. Three lec- 32 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ;}:{ tui'c's oil the source, tlie iiiaiiifestatioii and the eft'ect of the Incarnation. I)., pp. x-|-51. London, 1866. * Batchelor, H. — The Incarnation of God, and Othei' Ser- mons. 0.. pp. ;U(). London, 1880. Bathe, Anthony. — An Advent with Jesus. 32mo., \)p. 150. London, 1892. * Bedford, Arthur. — The Incarnation of Christ Proved from the Testimony of the Most Ancient Jews. 0. Lou- don, 1757. Beecher, Charles.^ — The Incarnation ; or Pictures of the Viro-iii and Her Son. D. New York, 1849. Benson, R. M. — Spiritual Readings for Every Day : the IManifestation of Christ. D. London, 1884. Benson, R. M. — The Virgin Birth of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A paper read (in part) before the Norwich branch of the English Church Union on June 9, 1904. Cr. 0. Norwich, 1904. Bernard, Thomas Dehany. — -The Songs of the Nativity Considered : 1, As Recorded in Scripture ; 2, As Used in the Church. 0., pp. 176. London, 1895. * Bindley, T. Herbert. — Et Incarnatus Est. D., pp. 47. 1896. " Briggs, Charles Augustus. — I'he Incarnation of the Lord. A series of sermons tracing the unfolding of the doctrine of the Incarnation in the New Testament. D.. pp. x+243. New York. 1902. * Also, 0., pp. 254. London, 1903. Bright, William. — The Incarnation as a Motive Power; XXX Sermons. 0., pp. 312. London, 1880. * Bright, William. — Eighteen Sermons of St. Leo the Great on the Incarnation; with the "Tome" with Notes. D. London, 1862. Second ed., 1886. Bruce, Alexander Balmain. — Tlie Humiliation of Christ in its Physical, Ethical and Official Aspects. Sixth series of the Cunningham lectures. Second ed., revised and en- larged, 0., pp. viii+457. New York, 1892. Also, London. This is the best treatment of the Kenosis in existence. * 3 34 ' JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Budd, Theodore. — The Nativity of Our Blessed Lord. 0. London, 1881. Calhoun, S. H. — The Incarnation of Christ. D., pp. 15. Elizabethtown, N. J.. 1848. * Campbell, Juliette H. L,. — Legend of the Infancy of Our Saviour. D.. pp. 26. Philadelphia. 1862. Cardale, John B.- — ^The Doctrine of the Incarnation. D. London, 1873. Carlyle, Thomas.— The Word Made Flesh; or the True Humanity of God in Christ Demonstrated from Scripture. D. London, 1829. (Carter, T. T.), (Editor).— Footsteps of the Holy Child; or Lessons on the Incarnation. Two parts. 0. London, 1867. 1868. Casaubon, -Meric. — A Discourse Concerning Christ, His Incariuition and Examination. Small Q. London, n. d. (Charles, Mrs.). — "By the Mystery of the Incarnation." London, 16-16. 0., pp. ilO. London, 1890. * Ghase, Samuel. — Messiah's Advent. 0. London, 1815. Clarke, Adam.— The Love of God to a Lost World. The Incarnation and Death of Christ. Second ed. London, 1819. Also, New York, 1837. * Coffin, R. A. — The Mysteries of the Faith : the Incarna- tion. D. London, 1854. Cooper, John. — Jesus Christ's Mode of Presenting Him- self to the World, a Proof of His Divine Mission, and Super- nntural Work. 0. London, 1880. Craik, James. — The Divine Life and the New Birth; with a supplement on the Incarnation. D. New York, 1865, 1876. Cross, Constance. — The Coming of the Christ Child ; or the Path of Light; a legend (verse). S. London, 1877. Davies, J. Llewelyn.- — Sermons on the Manifestation of the Son of God. D. London, 1864. Discourse on the Nativity of Our Lord. 0.. pp. 28. Lim- erick, 1775. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 35 Dix, Morgan, — The Sacramental System Considered as the Extension of the Incarnation. Bishop Paddock lec- tures. 1892. O.. pp. 254. London, 1893. * Dods, Marcus. — On tlie Incarnation of the Eternal Word; with a recommendatory notice by Dr. Chalmers. D. London, 1849. Also, 1881. Eck, H. V. S. — The Incarnation. (Oxford Library of Practical Theology.) Cr. 0., pp. 298. London. 1901.' Eusebius. — On the Theophania ; or Divine Manifestation of Jesus Christ. Translated into English with notes, etc., by Dr. Sanmel Lee. 0. Cambridge, 1843. (Evanson, Edward). — The Doctrine of a Trinity and Incarnation Examined. D. London, 1772. Faber, W. F. — Yobiscum Deus : The Gospel of the Incar- nation. D. New York, 1893. Faunce, Daniel Worcester. — Advent and Ascension; or How Jesus Came and How He Left Us. D., pp. 215. New York, 1903. * (Fisher, Edward). — The Feast of Feasts: or the Cele- bration of the Xativity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Grounded upon the Scriptures and confirmed by the practice of the Church in all aires. Q. Oxford, 1644. Fiske, Rev. Charles. — ^^Eeligion of the Incarnation. Short practical papers on doctrinal subjects: with commendatory note by the Bishop of New Jersey. D.. pp. 10+280. Mil- waukee, 1905. Fowler, Bishop. (England). — Reflections upon the late Examinations of the Discourse of the Descent of the Man Jesns Christ from Heaven, together with His Ascension to Heaven Again. 0., pp. 126. London, 1706. Freddie, Roger. — Jesus Christ the TVord Incarnate : Con- siderations Gathered from the Works of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas. Translated from the Italian by F. J. Sullivan. 0.. pp. 7+406. St. Louis. 1904. Fry, T. C— Why We Chri.stians Believe in Christ. 36 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Bishop Gore's Bampton lectures shortened for popular use. Cr. 0., pp. viii+62. London, 1904. Gifford, E. H. — The Incarnation: A Study of Philip- pians ii: 5-11. D., pp. x+161. New York, 1897. 0., pp. 174. London, 1897. * Giles, Chauncey. — Lectures on the Incarnation, Atone- ment and Meditation of Jesus Christ. Third ed., D. New York, 1868. Gore, C. — The Incarnation of the Son of God. Being the Bampton lectures for the year 1891. 0., pp. xx+276. London, 1891. * Gore, C. — Dissertations on Subjects Connected with the Incarnation. 0., pp. 340. London, 1895. * Gould, S. Baring. — The Birth of Jesus ; Eight Discourses for Advent. Christmas, etc. D., pp. 98. London, 1885. * Gray, Andrew. — The Incarnation and Infant Baptism. D. Boston, 1890. * Greene, Henry Copley. — Songs of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. With illustration by Albert Durer. S. New York, 1905. Gurney, Thomas A. — Nunc Dimittis : or the Son of the Watcher for the Lord's Christ. Cr. 0., pp. vii4-151. Lon- don, 1906. Hall, Francis J. — The Kenotic Theory Considered with Particular Reference to its Anglican Forms and Arguments. D., pp. xviii-f 247. London, 1898. * Has a bibliography of four and a half pages. Hall, Hilkiah B.— The Fulness of the Manifestation of Jesus Christ, being a course of Epiphany lectures. D. London, 1863. Hawkesworth, Alan S.- — De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, together with three essays subsidiary to the same. 0., pp. viii+116. Albany, N. Y., 1897. * " Hendrix, Eugene Russell. — Religion of the Incarnation. The Cole lectures fo]- 1903 delivered before the Vanderbilt University. D., pp. 12+271. Nashville, Tenn., 1903. * • JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 37 Hicks, James. — Catechetical Lectures on the Incarnation and Childhood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D. London, 1848. Hoben, Allan. — Viruin Hirth. (University of Chicago historical and linguistic studies in literature related to the New Testament. Second series. Vol. 1. Linguistic and Exegetical Studies.) 0.. pp. 8+87. Chicago, 1903. * Hughes, Lewis. — Bethlehem; or Incarnate Love. 0., pp. 56. London, 1895. * The Humiliation and Exaltation of Our Redeemer, in Thirty-two Prints after Albert Durer. D. London, 1856. Hutton, R. H. — The Incarnation and Principles of Evi- dence. 0. London. 1862. Johnson, Anna J. — Christ Unveiled; His Heavenly and Earthly Appearing. D., pp. 105. New York, 1887. * Johnson, J. B. — The Angels of God Considered in the Light of the Divine Unity, and in Their Relation to the Incarnate Son of God. Cr. 0., pp. 118. London, 1899. Jones, William. — Sermons on the Nativity. Fourth ed. London. 1611. Jones, E. Griffith. — The Ascent through Christ. A study of the doctrines of redemption in the light of the theory of evolution. 0., pp. 26+469. New York, 1900. * Kingdon, H. Fully. — God Incarnate, being the Bishop Paddock lectures for 1890. 0., pp. 252. New York. 1890. * Knowling, R. J. — Our Lord's Virgin Birth and the Criti- cism of Today. Cr. 0., pp. 313. London, 1903. * Leo I., St. — Sermons on the Incarnation. Translated by W. Bright. New York. Liddon, H. P. — Christmas-tide in St. Paul's. Sermons bearing chiefly on the birth of Our Lord and the end of the year. 0., pp. 444. London, 1889. '* Ligouri, A. M. de. — Meditations and Discourses on the Incarnation. Translated. S. New York. 1876. Liguori, St. Alphonsus. — Meditation on the Great Mys- tery of the Incarnation. Translated by Rev. Edmund Vaughan. S. New York, 1901. 38 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Lobstein, Paul. — The Virgin Birth of Christ. An his- torical and critical essay. Translated into English by Vic- tor Leuliette. Edited by the Rev. W. D. Morrison. (Crown Theological Library.) Cr. 0., pp. 138. London, 1903. * A book which has caused much discussion. Long, Curtis Edward. — Incarnation; or, The Word Made Flesh. S., pp. 16. Los Angeles, 1903. Lux ]Mundi. A Series of Studies in the Religion of the Incarnation. Edited by Charles Gore. Fourth ed., 540. 1890. Tenth ed., pp. 598. Thirteenth ed., 0., pp. 420. * MacDonald, Alex. — Questions of the Day. Thoughts on the Biblical Question. Appendix B. Irenaeus and the Virgin Birth. D., pp. 7+203. New York, 1905. Macduff, J. R.— The Story of Bethlehem. S. New York, 1870. Mackintosh, J. C. — The Incarnation, and Other Ser- mons ; being gatherings from a colonial ministry. 0. Port Elizabeth. 1887. Mason, Ernest. — Womanhood in the God Man. 0., pp. 332. Loudon, 1891. Masterman, J. Howard B. — Was Jesus Christ Divine? An inquiry into the credibility of the Incarnation. D., pp. xv+103. London, 1904. * Maturin, R. W. — The Incarnation. 32mo. London, 1892. Meldrum, J. — The Incarnation of the Son of God. 2 vols., 0. London, 1807. Miles, H. A.— The Birth of Jesus. D. New York, 1876. Milnes, Edward. — The Angels' Song. Cr. 0. Loudon, 1901. Milton, John. — Hymn on the Morning of Christ's Na- tivity. D., pp. 22. London. 1904. Moore, Daniel. — Meditations for Advent ; or Short Read- ings in the First and Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 0.. pp. 246. London, 1885. * Morris, George. — The Duality of all Divine Truth in JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 3!» Our Lord Jesus Chi-ist for (lod's Selt'-]\Iauifestation in the Impartation of the Divine Xatuie to .Man. D., pp. xxiv^- 407. Loudon, 1883. * Morris, J. Brande.— Jesus the Son of Mary ; or the Doc- triue of the Catholic Church upou the Incarnation of the Son of God. 2 vols., 0. London, 1851. Mortimer, A. G. — The Incai-nation the Solution of ]\Iod- ern Uiftieulties. 1). New York, 1891. New Christmas Tract, showing' the reasons we have for joy at the event of Our Saviour's Birth. 0. London, 1800 (?). Nelson, Loveday A. — Coming of the Christ Child in Story and in Picture. S., pp. 3+39. Chicago. 1904. New Creation, The. By the Author of Our Family Ways. D. iNIilwaukee, 1891. On the Morning of Christ's Nativity. (Waistcoat Pocket Classics.^ 64mo. London, 1904. On the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. A Pindarique Ode. Q. Cambridge, 1700. On the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A Divine Poem. 0. London. 1717. Orr, James. — The Christian View of God in the World as Centering in the Incarnation. 0., pp. 537. New York, 1894. Third ed., O., pp. 500. Edinburgh, 1897. * Ottley, Robert L.— The Doctrine of the Incarnation. 2 vols., 0., pp. 33G, 376. Loudon, 1896. * Second revised ed., 0., pp. 710. London, 1902. A history of the doctrine. Our Promised Peace. Some Thoughts on the Incarna- tion Selected and arranged by the Rev. T. T. Norgate. D., pp. 246. Cambridge, 1903. Parker, J. — Today's Christ: a Study of Re-Incarnation. A companion to ''Today's Bible." 0., pp. 160. London, 1895. * Peyton, William Wynne. — The Three Greatest Forces in the World and the Making of Western civilization. Part I. The Incarnation. D., pp. viii+234. London. 1905. * 40 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD A Pindaric on the Nativity of the Son of God. 0. London, 1712. Potter, J. H. — A Present Christ: Daily Headings on the Incarnation. S. London, 1881. * Powell, H. C. — The Principle of the Incarnation, with especial reference to the relations between Our Lord's Di- vine omniscience and his human consciousness. 0., pp. xxxvi+483. London, 1896. * Pring, F. A. — The Message of the Incarnation to the Nation. 0., pp. 16. London, 1894. Rainsburger, George Earl. — The Incarnation of Jesus Christ. A sermon. 0. West Lafayette, 0., n. d. * Ramsay, W. M. — Was Christ Born in Bethlehem: a Study on the Credibility of St. Luke. 0., pp. xii-f 280. New York, 1898. Pp.292. London. 1898. * Randolph, B. W.— The Virgin Birth of Our Lord. A paper read in substance before the Confraternity of the Holy Trinity at Cambridge. Cr. 0., pp. 72. London, 1903. Richey, Alban. — The Incarnation and the Kenosis. 0. New York, 1898. * Richards, Thomas. — The Nativity of Christ a Matter of Great Joy to All People. A sermon on Luke ii : 10. 11. 0. London, 1728. Ritchie, A.— The Wonderful Babe of Bethlehem. Q. London. 1905. Robinson, J. Armitage. — Some Thoughts on the Incar- nation. With a prefatory letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Cr. 0.. pp. 64. London, 1903. Cr. 0., Lon- don, 1905. Rowe, John. — Emmanuel; or the love of Christ expli- cated and applied in his Incarnation, being made under the law, and his satisfaction in thirtj' sermons. 0., pp. 192. London, 1680. Rushbrooke, Alfred, — The Advents, Literal and Spir- itual. A song of adoration ; a hosanna of welcome. 0., pp. 30. London, 1894. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 41 Sadler. M. F. — Eimiiamu'l; or the Incarnation of the Son of God the Foundation of Immutable Truth. 0., pp. xvi+434. London. 1867. * Schuyler, Anthony.— The Incarnate Word, and Other Sermons. D., pp. 248. New York, 1898. * Sebastian.— :\raunal of the Infant Jesus. D. London, 1884. Sexton, George.— The Advent of Christ and its Effect on the Ages. A sermon. 0.. pp. 32. London, 1.878. Sherlock, William.— A Vindication of the Doctrine of the Holy and Ever Blessed Trinity and Incarnation of the Son of bod. Q. London, 1690, 1691, 1694. Simon, D. W. — Reconciliation by Incarnation. The re- conciliation of God and man by Incarnation of the Divine Word. 0., pp. xxiii-4-387. Edinburgh, 1899. * The Sinner's Redemption, Avherein is described the blessed Xati^^tv of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Two parts. Ff . Lon- don. 1640 (?), 1699 (?). 1720. Smith, Haskett.— The Divine Epiphany in Ten Pro- gressive Scenes. D.. pp. 258. London, 1877. Soltau, Wilhelm.— The Birth of Jesus. Tran.slated from the German by Maurice A. Canney. Cr. 0., pp. 90. Edin- burgh. 1903. ' Spalding, Erastus W. — The Incarnation the Source of Life and Immortality : a Doctrinal and Practical Essay. 0. :\niwaukee. Wis., 1884. Spurgeon, Charles H.— "Good Tidings of Great Joy." Christ's Incarnation the Foundation of Christianity. (Cen- tral Truth Series, vol. 1.) Cr. 0., pp. 152. London. 1901. Staley, Vernon. — The Coming of the Son of ]Man : a Series of Considerations for the Season of Advent. With a preface by Rev. T. T. Cai-ter. 32mo., pp. 160. London, 1895. * " Staley, Vernon. — Plain Words on the Incarnation with Special Reference to Baptism and the P^uchai-ist. With preface by Rev. T. T. Carter. D.. pp. viii+222. London, 1892: second ed.. D.. pp. 102. * 42 JEHUS CHRIST OUR LORD Staley, Vernon. — Expositions of the Catholic Doctrine Concerning the Church, the Incarnation and the Sacra- ments. 0. London, 1898. Strictures on Wilberf orce 's Doctrine of the Incarnation. D., pp. 65. New York, 1851. * Stewart, A. Morris. — The Crown of Science, the Incar- nation of God in Mankind. D., pp. xiii-f 223. London, 1902. Three editions in one year. * 0., pp. 126. London, 1905. Talmage, Frank DeWitt. — Message to the ^Magians. Studies upon the story of the Nativity. D., pp. 101. New York. 1902. Thorn, J. H. — The Kevelation of God and ]\Ian in the Son of God and the Son of Man. 0. London, 1859. Tickell, George. — The Incarnate Word and the Devo- tion to the Sacred Heart. Cr. 0. London, 1810 ( ?). TurnbuU, Robert. — Theophany ; or the Manifestation of God in the Life, Character and ^Mission of Jesus Christ. D., pp. 239. Hartford, 1849. * Upham, C. W.— Letters on the Logos. D. Boston, 1828. Usher, James. — Emmanuel: or a Treatise on the Incar- nation of the Son of God. Q. Dublin, 1638. Oxford, 1643. London, 1645, 1648, 1670, 1844. Vaux, James Edward (Editor). — Meditations on the Incarnation. S. London, 1878. The Virgin Birth. One of the l*rincipal Foundations of the Christian Faith. An account of the ways in which it was explained, defended and devoutly expounded by doc- tors of theology and doctors of medicine at dift'erent periods of the Church's history. Collected together and presented to the twentieth century by a bibliophile. O.. pp. 77. Lon- don. 1905. Only .one hundred copies printed. Walker, George. — Sermons on the Humiliation and Ex- altation of the Son of God. D. London, 1824. Walker, W. L. — The Spii-it and the Incarnation in the JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 4:^ Light of Scripture, Science and Practical Need. Second ed., revised. 0., pp. xii+408. Edinburgh, 1901. * A very strong treatment of the Kenotic theory. Westcott, Brooke Foss. — The Incarnation and the Com- mon Life. 0.. pp. 428. London and New York, 1894. * Westcott, Brooke Foss. — The Incarnation : a Revelation of Human Duties; a charge delivered to the clergy of Dur- ham in the cathedral November 17, and in the chapel of ^Auckland Castle, November 19, 1892. D., pp. 54. London, 1893. * White, Edward. — Life in Christ : a Study of the Scrip- ture Doctrine of the Nature of Man and the Offices of the Incarnation and the Condition of Immortality. Third ed., 0. London, 1878. Wilberforce. Cranmer, Jewell and the Prayer Book, on the Incarnation. 0., pp. 56. Washington. 1850. * Wilberforce, Robert I. — The Doctrine of the Incarna- tion of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Its Relation to :Mankind and to the Church. TMrd ed., 0., pp. xxiv+554. London, 1850. D. London, 1852. D. Philadelphia, 1849.* D., pp. xvi+384. New York, 1885. * Williams, Isaac. — The Gospel Narrative of Our Lord's Nativity Harmonized; with Reflections. 0. London. 1844. Williston, Seth. — Sermons on the Incarnation and the Spirit. 1823. "The Word Was Made Flesh." Five sermons preached in the Catholic Apostolic Church, Camberwell. 0., pp. 56. London, 1882. * Wyatt, H. H.— The Principal Heresies Relating to Our Lord's Incarnation. 0., pp. vi+66. London, 1881. Zeller, H.— The Birth of Christ and the Iron Pen. E. London. 1846. V. CHEIST AS THE FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY. Now that Christ has come, it yet remains to be proved that He is the Messiah. This is done by a comparison of the Old Testament Scriptures with the life and deeds of Christ in the New. Many of the works which discuss Messianic prophecy also discuss the subject. Recommended: — See II. a. The books reeonmiended there also apply here. Abaddie, James. — The Accomplishment of Prophecy in the Character and Conduct of Jesus Christ. From the im- pressive treatise on the truth of the Christian religion. D. London. 1810. Battersby, Thomas D. H. — Christ the First and the Last. Sermons. 0. London, 1883. Beard, John R. — Christ the Interpreter of History. A series of discourses showing how to read the Bible Avisely and. profitably, etc. 0. London, n. d. Beke, C— Jesus the Messiah. 0. London, 1872. Black, Charles I. — Messias and Anti-Messias. D. Lon- don, 1853. Breere, Richard.— On the Messiah. 0. London, 1789. Briggs, Charles A. — The Messiah of the Gospels. 0., pp. 330. New York, 1895. * Browne, E. Harold.— The Fulfillment of the Old Testa- ment Prophecies Relating to the Messiah in the Person, Character and Actions of Jesus of Nazareth. A disserta- tion which obtained the Norissiau medal for 1835. 0., pp. 113. Cambridge, 1836. * Cole, James E.- — The Immediate Fulfillment of Pro- phecy. ' The Advent of the Spirit of Truth, and the Visible 44 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 45 Preseneo of the "World's Redeemer. 0. New York. 1S74, 1877. Conn, Joseph. — 'I'lie Fulness of Time, and Other Studies in Theology. Cr. 0.. pp. 218. Glasgow, 1904. Crowell, J. — Christ in All the Scriptures; a demonstra- tion that Christ is the Divine Saviour, and the Scriptures are inspired of God. T. Philadelphia, 1880. Gumming, John. — Christ the Alpha and the Omega in the Word of God. 0. Loudon, 1865. Dewart, E. H.— Jesus the Messiah in Prophecy and Ful- fillment. D. Cincinnati, 1891. * Ellicott, C. J. — Christus Comprobatur; or Testimony of Christ to the Old Testament. Third ed., D. London, 1892. * Fearnley, F. M. — The Bread of God as Foreshadowed in the Old Testament and Fulfilled in Christ. 0. London, 1877. Foundation of Faith and the Substance of the Bible con- cerning Jesus Christ: According to Prophecies in the Old Testament Confirmed in the New. Ff. London, 1660. Frey, J. S. C. — A Course of Lectures on the Messiahship of Christ. D., pp. 300. New York, 1844. * Gill, John.— The Prophecies of the Old Testament Re- specting the Messiah Considered and Proved to be Literally Fulfilled in Jesus. 0. London, 1878. Gregg, Thomas D. — The Alphomegaic Principle : or a Brief Explanation of the Philological Sense in Which Lord Jesus the Messiah is the Alpha and Omega of the Sacred Scriptures. 0. London, 1868. Guinness, Henry Grattan. — History Unveiling Pro- phecy: or Time as an Interpreter. 0.. pp. 21-|-5-(-494. New York, 1905. * Harmony of the Divine Will and the Doctrines of the Old and New Testaments; Illustrated in the Fulfillment of Many Prophecies Relating to the History of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1807. 46 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Harrison, John. — The Messiah Already Come. Q. Am- sterdam, 1619. Haslam, William. — The Cross and the Serpent ; being a brief history of the triumph of the cross through a long series of ages in prophecy, types and fulfillment. D. Ox- ford, 1849. "It Is Written." or the Accordance of Old Testament Prophecy Relating to Our Lord Jesus Christ, with its Ful- fillment in the Xew Testament. 0. London (?), 1831. Jacob, John. — The Jew Turned Christian; or the Cor- ner Stone wherein is the Assertion of Christ Being the True Messiah. Q. London, 1678. Jeaffreson, C. B. — The Birth, the Tears, the Passion, the Rising, the Ascension of Jesus, and Other Topics. D. Manchester, 1859. Jesus Christ the Center. Christ in the purpose and prophecy, the fulfillment and fruits of redemption. 0. London, 1870. Jesus the Messiah. By a Lady. D. London, 1873. Jesus of History, The. O. London, 1869. Jesus of Nazareth: His Interpretation of the Hebrew Messiahship. An essay by Watchman. O., pp. 122. Lon- don. 1894. * Jesus the Tnie Messiah ; or the Prophets and Evangelists Compared. D. London, 1830. Jewish Witnesses that Jesus is the Christ. D. London, 1848. A Just, Fair and Righteous Challenge (given in behalf of the Jews) to All Christian Ministers Throughout the World, in Respect to Jesus Christ, said by Them to be the Son of David. 0. London, 1860. Lowe, J. B.— The Cross Prefigured and Fulfilled. Edited by his wife. Introduction by the Dean of Norwich. 0., pp. 271. Liverpool, 1894.* (Lowman, M,).- — The Argument from Prophecy, in Proof that Jesus is the Messiah Vindicated; or Some Con- JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 47 siderations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament, as the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Relijiion. 0. Lon- don, 173:^. Magee, M. C— Christ the Light of All Scriptnre. Edited by C. S. Magee. 0., pp. 344. London, 1892. * The :\Ianifold Wisdom of God; in Divers Dispensations of Grace by Jesus Christ in the Old and New Testament. Their agreement and dififerenee. D. London, 1640. Mathews, Shailer. — Messianic Hope in the New Testa- ment. 0.. pp. 20+3+338. Chicago, 1905. * Meirs, John.— The :\Iessiah Already to be Exhibited and Come into the World. For the nse and benefit of the Jews. Q. London. 1717. Parry, Richard.— Attempt to Demonstrate the :Messiah- ship of Jesns. 0. London, 1773. Parrish, Samuel. — An Inquiry into the Jewish and Christian Eevelation, wherein all the prophecies relating to the Jewish Messiah are considered, and compared with the person and character of Jesns Christ and the time of the Gospel; the authority of the canon of Scripture: the nature and use of miracles, etc., in a dialogue between an Indian and a Christian. 0. London, 1739. Passages of the Old Testament which Testify of Jesus Christ, Explained by Others in the New Testament. Ff. London (?), 1830 (?). Porcelli, Alfred.— Art Thou He that Should Come? 0. London. 1898. Porter, Edmund. — God Incarnate, showing that Jesus Christ is the only and the most high God. In four books. 0. London, 1655. Powell, H. C. — The Principle of the Incarnation: with especial reference to the relation between our Lord's divine omniscience and his human consciousness. 0., pp. 31+483. London and New Yoi-k. 1896. " Proof that the Messiah Must Have Come. D. London, 1879. 48 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Sharpe, Gregory. — A Second Argument in Defence of Christianity Taken from the Ancient Prophecies Applied to the most Remarkable Events in the Life and Character of Jesus. 0. London, 1762. Solomon, G. — The Jesus of History and the Jesus of Tra- dition Identified. D. London, 1880. Stanton, Vincent H. — The Jewish and Christian Mes- siah. A study in the earliest history of Christianity. 0., pp. 399. Edinburgh, 1886. Gives a brief list, principally in German. Tyler, Thomas. — Christ the Lord, the Revealer of God, and the Fulfillment of the Prophetic Name Jehovah; with a Reply to Bishop Colenso on the Name Jehovah. 0. Edin- burgh.' 1863. Waddell, P. Hately. — The Christ of Revelation and Reality. 0. London, 1863. Was Jesus of Nazareth the Promised Messiah ? 0. Lon- don, 1879. Wilkes, Henry. — Jesus the Divine Messiah; an Address to Jews. D. Montreal, 1851. Willard, D.— The True Messiah. S. Canandaigua, N. Y., n. d. VI. CHKIST'S LIFE ON EAKTH— GENERAL. Jesus the God-man dwelt among us, walked as we walk, ate as we eat, breathed as we breathe, but thought and spoke as none ever have. The sources of His biography are the NeAv Testament documents. In addition to the can- onical sources are traditions and apocryphal writings which, though of no value in themselves, yet as a whole serve as illustration and additional proof of the existence of Christ. The manners and customs of the East and the land of the Life all set forth Christ. The attempt has been made within the present century to prove Christ a myth and the Gospels a legend. The arguments set forth if used in the same way would prove any historic personage a myth. Archbishop Whately in his "Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Bonaparte," furnishes a good example. In or- der to show how thoroughly Strauss and Renan were an- swered a special section is devoted to that controversy. Becom m e n ded : — Andrews, for chronology and a broad view. Edersheim, for his great grasp of the subject and use of Rabbinical sources. Geikie, for the same reason, to which is added an excel- lent style. Fairbairn, for his grouping and discussions. Sanday, Stalker, and Rhees, for their suggestiveness and conciseness. Weiss, for his liberal evangelical spirit, and also as a representative of the best German orthodoxy of the day. David Smith, for his understanding of the human. Matheson, for his deep spiritual insight. Whyte, for his brilliancy. 4 49 50 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ^ Abbott, Lyman, and J. R. Gilmore. — The Gospel His- / 1 tory ; complete connected account of the life of Our Lord. j_r). New York, 1881. p Abbott, Lyman. — Jesus of Nazareth: His Life and I Teachings. D. New York. New ed., D., pp. 534. New L— York, 1882. * _ Abbott, Lyman. — Life of Christ ; founded on the four \ ' Gospels, with designs by Dore and others. Second ed., D., pp. 534! New York, 1882. * ! Acts and JMonuments, or An Historical Account of the j Life and Death of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. D. Northampton, 1800. Adams, Ambrose.- — Storj^ of Jesus Christ. S., pp. 271. Boston, 1903. * L Adams, Charles C. — Life of Our Lord Jesus. 0., pp. 407. New York, 1878. * Agnus Dei. The Lamb of God. D. London, 1867. ^ Alexander, Gross. — The Son of Man; Studies in His Life and Teachings. D., pp xii-|-380. Nashville, Tenn., ^ 1899. * Of value. ^ Anderon, John L. — The Messiah. A narrative of the life and death, resurrection and ascension of Our Lord. 0. London, 1864. Anderon, John L. — The Messiah. 0. London, 1861. This was afterwards enlarged under the title : ' ' The Devout Christian's Help to Meditation on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ." 0. London, 1866. Anderson, John. — The Life of Christ from the Cradle to the Cross; in which the works of Our Lord are considered in connection with time and place. 0. London, 1871, 1884. Andrade, Father A. — Daity Meditations, the Mysteries of Our Holy Faith and on the Hopes of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Saints. Second part. 0., pp. 235. Lon- don, 1878. Andrews, Samuel J. — Life of Our Lord upon Earth Con- JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Til sidered in its Historical,, Chronological and Geographical Relations. O.. pp. xxiv+624. New York, 1868. New od., O., pp. tJOO. p]dinbnrgli and New York. 1892. The Eng- lish edition was entitled. The Bible Student's Life of Our Lord. London, 1884. * Anstey, Martin. — Modern Lives of Christ. 0., pp. 8. London, 1895. Anthony, Alfred Williams. — An Introduction to the Life; of Jesus. An investigation of historical sources. D., ppj^ 206. Boston, 1896, 1900. * As Others Saw Him. A retrospect. A. D. 54. D., pp. iv-f-256. New York, 1895. Purports to be written by a scribe of Alexandria about twenty-five years after the res- urrection. Ashton, Mrs. Sophia Goodrich. — Sabbath Talks about Jesus. E. New York, n. d. ' Avancinus, N. — ^Meditations on the Life and Doctrine of Jesus Christ. Translated by F. E. Bazalgette. 2 vols. 0. London. 1875. Babb, C. E. (Uncle Jesse).— Talks about Jesus. S. Cin- cinnati, 1876. ^^ Bailey, H. Turner. — Great Painter's Gospel; or the Life of Our Lord as Told by the Master Painters of the World. ^ Q. Boston, 1900. Baily, Caleb. — The Life of Jesus. Small 0. London, 1726, 1732. Baker, Mrs. S. S. T.— Our Elder Brother. Thoughts"^ for Every Sunday in the Year, from the Life and Words) of Jesus of Nazareth. D. New York. 1892. Balfern, W. P. — Glimpses of Jesus. Third ed.. D. Lon- don. 1S57. Balfern, W. P. — Lessons from Jesus; or the Teaching of Divine Lovi^. Second ed., D., pp. 260. London, 1872. * Ball, Charles R. — Lessons on Our Lord's Ministry, for Sunday Schools. O. London, 1882. Ball, G. H.— Life Work of Our Saviour. E. Boston, 1870. A Sunday School Question Book. 53 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD f" Banks, Louis Albert. — The People's Christ. A volume \ of sermons and other addresses and papers. Second ed., '"- D., pp. 220. Boston, 1891. * o Barker, Joseph. — Jesus, a Portrait. D., pp. 261. Phila- j delphia, 1873. * Bartholomew, C. — Life and Doctrines of Our Lord and Savionr Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1880. Barton, Lucy. — The Gospel History of Jesus Christ. S. London, n. d. Barton, William Eleazer,- — Jesus of Nazareth, the Story \ of His Life and the Scenes of His Ministry' : with a Chap- j ter on the Christ of Art ; maps by Gen. Henry B. Carrinu- ton. O., pp. 558. Boston, 1903.'* ^ Beecher, Henry Ward. — Life of Jesus the Christ. 2 J \ vols., 0., pp. 518. New York, 1891. Yol^JI-is-jnade up ^^ of_his_sermons. 0., pp. 730. Boston. 1903. * Bennett, James. — Lectures on the History of Jesus Christ. Second ed.. 2 vols.. 0. London, 1828* * Benson, Edward White,- — Christ and His Times. D. London, n. d. * A volume of sermons. Benson, George. — The History of the Life of Jesus Christ, taken from the New Testament ; with observations and reflections proper to illustrate the excellence of his character and the divinity of his mission and religion. With memoirs of the life, character and writings of the author. Q. London, 1761. Bickersteth, Miss C. — The Old Picture Bible. Stories from the life of Christ. S. London. 1867. (Bickersteth, Miss E."). — Words for Working People on the Life of the Lord Jesus. By the author of "Words for Women," with twelve illustrations. S. London, 1868. Binns, William. — Life of Jesus. 0., pp. 32. London, 1875. * ■f Biography of the Saviour and His Apostles, with a Por- \ trait of Each. D. New York, 1847. Birth. Life and Death of the Eedeemer. D. Manches- ter. 1810. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 58 Blaikie, William G.— The Public Ministry and Pastoral! I^lethod of Oui- Lord. D., pp. vi+347. New York, 188;L *-J Blomfield, E. — Life of Christ with a History of the First Propnuatioii of the Christian Religion. Q. Bungay, 1813. Blunt, Henry. — Lectures upon the History of Our Lord j and Saviour Jesus Christ. 3 vols., D., pp. 293, 307, 249.J London, 1835. Also 1 vol., D., pp. 360. JMiiiadelphia, 1848, 1857. * Boardman, George D. — The Divine Man, from the Na- tivity to the Temptation. O. New York and London, 1888. Bodington, Canon. — ^^Jesus the Christ. D. London, 1892. Boddy, Alexander A. — Christ in His Holy Land ; a Life of Our Lord. Written during and after a journey through the Holy Land. With map and illustrations. O., pp. viii+320. London, 1897. * Bolles, William. — The Complete Evangelist; comprising a history of the life of Jesus Christ. D. New London, 1845. Bonaventura, St. — The Life of Christ. Translated and edited by the Rev. W. H. Hutchins. D., pp. xxxii4-337. New York, 1881. Also. T. Dublin, 1845. Also translated by F. Oakeley. D. London, 1844. * Bosanquet, J. W. — Messiah the Prince. Second ed., 0. London, 1870. Bossuet, Wilhelm. — Jesus. Translated by Janet Pen- rose Trevilyan. (CroAvn Theological Library, No. 14.) 0. New York,' 1906. * Bosworth, Edward Increase. — Studies in the Life of Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 10+259. New York, n. d. * Bourne, Henry H. — Gleanings from the Life and Teach- ings of Christ. O.. pp. 408. London, 1880. * Brennan, Richard. — The Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Q. 38 parts, illustrated. New York, 1879. Brett, H. — The History of Our Blessed Saviour. D. London, n. d. * 54 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Brett, Robert. — Devout Prayers on the Life and Passion of the Lord Jesus. D. London, 1861. Brett, Robert. — Reflections on the Holy Life of Our Lord Jesns Christ. D. London, 1852. Briggs, Charles Augustus. — New Light on the Life of Jesus. D.. pp. 12+196. New York, 1904. * Brokesby, Francis. — A Life of Christ. (Darling, Alli- bone.) Bromley, Samuel.— The Life of Christ. 32mo. Lon- don, 1865. Brookes, James H.— The Christ. D.. pp. 287. New York, 1893. * Brooks, Arthur.— The Life of Christ in the World. D. New York, 1887. Brough, W. — Memory Pictures of the Life of Christ. Q. London, 1870. Browne, Edith. — Readings on the Life of Our Lord. Cr. O., pp. 136. London, 1900. Bullock, J. George.— The Track of the Light: or Christ's P'ootsteps Followed. S., pp. 118. London,. 1873. Bunting, Henry. — Itinerarium totius Saerae Scripturae; or the Travels of the Holy Patriarchs, Prophets. Judges, Kings, Our Saviour Christ and His Apostles, etc. Q. Lon- don, 1629. Burgh, William for DeBurgh). — Discourses on the Life of Christ : or the Principal Events in the Personal History of the Redeemer. 0. London, 1849. Burnham, B. F. and C. S.— The Life of Lives, being the records of Jesus reviewed by a throng of recent biblical scholars. 0. Germantown, Pa., 1885. Burns, Islay.— A History of the Church of Christ, A. D. 1 to A. D. 313, with a special view to the delineation of the Christian faith and life. 0. London, 1862. r Burt, Nathaniel C. — Hours Among the Gospels : or Way- side Truths from the Life of Our Lord. D. Philadelphia, Ll865. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 55 Burton, Ernest D. and Mathews, Shailer. — Constnict- ivo Studies in the Life of Christ. 0., pp. 302. London, 1901. Third ed.. ().. pp. 302. Chicago, 1901.* Espe- cially good for Bible study. Businger, L. C— The Life of Jesus Christ and of His Virgin Mother Mary: from the German, by R. Brennan. See Brennan for the same title. — i Butler, Alford A.— How to Study the Life of ChristJ Second ed.. S.. pp. 175. New York, 1901. * Campbell, G.— The Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Allibone.) Cappe, Newcome. — A Connected History of the Life anil Divine :\Iission of Jesus Christ as Recorded in the Nar- ratives of the Four Evangelists, with Notes. To which are added reflections by C. Cappe. 0. York, 1809. Carpenter, William Boyd.— Footprints of the Saviour. Sermons. 0.. pp. 104. London. 1872. * -^ Carpenter, William Boyd.— The Son of :\fan Among the ^ Sons of Men. D., pp. 306. New York. 1891. * ^ "^ Carre, T. — Sweet Thoughts of Jesus and ]Mary. D. New_[ York. 1889. Carter, Thomas T.— The Devout Christian's Help to Meditation on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 0. London. 1866. Also. 2 vols., D. 1869. (Carter, Thomas T.)- — Meditations on the Life and Mysteries of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (From the French by the compiler of the Treasury of Devotion.) 3 vols. Lon- don. 1875. Carter, Thomas T, — Spiritual Instructions on Our Lord's Early Life. 0. London, 1887. Caspers, A.— The Footsteps of Christ. Ti'anslated from the original German by A. E. Rodman. Edited with preface by C. H. H. Wright. D.. pp. 434. Edinburgh, 1871. * Chapman, E.— The Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I Darling. 1 Chase, Frederick Henry.— Supernatural Element in 56 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Our Lord's Earthly Life in Relation to Historical ^Nleth- ods of Study. A paper read at Sion College, London, on Tuesday, October 21, 1902. D., pp. 24. London and New York. 1903. * r Cheney, Mrs. H. V. — Scenes from the Life of Christ. D. /__ Boston, jiii. Christ in His Ministry the Fountain of Life. By the author of ' ' Christ in His Temptation. ' ' T. Bath, 1852. Christ. Life of. Illustrated by passages from one hun- dred and thirty-four eminent British and foreign divines. 0. London, n. d. Christmas, Henry. — Scenes in the Life of Christ. A course of lectures. Second ed., 1820. 0. London, 1853. Christophil (Pseud.). — Great David's Greater Son. D. London, n. d. Christus. Advent, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension. By C. H. S. D. New York, 1884. Christus natus est, Christ is born. The history of Christ ; His life and death. Ff. London, 1680. Christus Redivivus ; or, the History of the Life and Death of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour. Ff. London, 1680. <^ Clark, Rufus W.— Life Scenes of the Messiah. D. New i_York, 1^5. Clark, S. — The Life and Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Ff. London, 18 — . Clark, W. R. — The Redeemer. Sermons. 0. Bos- ton (?), 1883. f ■ Clarke, James Freeman. — Life and Times of Jesus as y \ Related by Thomas Didymus. New ed., D., xiii+448. New V_York, 1891.* Clarke, John. — A Critical Review of the Life, Character, Miracles and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in a Series of Letters to Adam Clarke. 0., pp. 315. London, 1825. * Clarke, M. B. Sterling. — The Scripture History of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Arranged to illus- trate His divinity, doctrine and mission. S., pp. 135. New York, 1860. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 57 Clarke, Samuel, (of St. Albans). — A Collection of the Promises of the Scriptures, etc. To which is added the life of Christ. D. London, 1790. This has appeared in many editions. Clarke, Samuel. — The Blessed Life and Mysterious Death of Onr Lord and Savioni- Jesus Christ. London, 1664. Clodd, Edward.- — Jesus of Nazareth. Embracing a sketch of Jewish history to the time of His birth. D. London, 1879. Clodd, Edward. — Jesus of Nazareth. Embracing a sketch of Jewish history from the time of His birth. D., pp. 386. London. 1880. * Clodd, Edward. — Jesus of Nazareth. Prefaced by a sketch of Jewish history. Kevised ed., 0. London. 1905. Cochem, Martin. — Life of Christ. Adapted by Bona- venture Hammer. D., pp. 314. New York, 1897. * Cohen, J. — The Deicides Analysis of the Life of Jesus. Translated by A. M. Goldsmid. 0., pp. 352. London, 1872. Coleridge, Henry James. — ^The Public Life of Our Lord. 5 vols., 0. London, 1875. Coleridge, S. J.— The Life of Our Lord. 2 vols., 0. London, 1876. * Coles, E. — The History of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ. 0. London. 1680, 1682. Conaty, T. J. — New Testament Studies : the Principal J Events in the Life of Our Lord. D. New York, 1898. -^ Conder, Eustace R. — Outlines of the Life of Christ. A guide to the study of the chronology, purpose and harmony of the Gospel. S., pp. 211. London. 1886. * Contemplations and Meditations on the Passion and Death, and on the Glorious Life of Jesus Christ Aceoi'ding to the ]\Iethod of St. Ignatius. Translated by a Sister of Mercy. Revised by a priest. 0. London. 1867. Third ed., 0., xii+156-f49. London, 1881. Another edition revised bv W. J. Amherst. Another bv W. II. Eyi-e. * 58 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD [} Cook, Peter. — Jesus of Nazareth, the Anointed of God; or, the Inner History of a Consecrated Life. D., pp. 136. New York. 1904. * Cook, Richard B. — The Story of Jesus. Being an ac- C count of the life and work, the walks and talks of Christ. Lo., pp. xvii+542. Baltimore, 1889. <^ Cooley, William Forbes. — Emmanuel; the Story of y L-Jesus the Messiah. D., pp. 546. New York, 1889. * Costelloe, B. F. C— The Gospel Story. 0., 12+435. St. Louis, 1900. * Coyle, J. Patterson. — The Imperial Christ. With hio- \ graphical introduction by, G. A. Gatts, D. D. D., pp. 63-[- L -249. Boston, 1896. * Crabtre, Addison Davie. — The Journeys of Jesus. A chronological history of the journeys of Jesus and the twelve disciples in Palestine. 0., pp. 703. Elkhart, Ind., 1884. * Craig, W. — An Essay on the Life of Jesus Christ. E. Glasgow, 1769. Second ed. corrected and enlarged. Lon- don. 1769. ^ Craigin, Mrs. Louisa T. — The Story of Jesus. Pictures ) in Palestine. Illustrated by A. Bida. Q. New York, '-^ 1886. r Craigin, Mrs. Louisa T., and Eggleston, Edwa rd. — Life ^ I Studies in tlie Story of Jesus ; with the Words and Acts of Vthe Master. 2 vols., Q., pp. 785. New York. * Crane, S.— Jesus the Christ. D., pp. 96. Boston, 1888. * Crookall, L. — Topics in the Tropics ; or, Short Studies in the Life of Christ. 0. London, 1894. Crooker, J, H. — Different New Testament Views of Jesus. E.. i^p. 80. Boston, 1891. * Unitarian. ^ Crosby, Howard. — Jesus. His Life and Work as Nar- \ rated by the Four Evangelists. 0., pp. 551. New York, V_1871. * Crosthwaite, J. C. — Maps Illustrating the Journeys of Christ and St. Paul. D. London, 1830. (Cudworth, W.), (Editor). — Holy Meditations and Con- templations of Jesus Christ. D. London, 1746. I. St0«7^ JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 59 Cullen, J. — IVii l'ietiii-('s I'loin tlu' Life of Christ, i)., pp. 366. London. 1889. * Culross, James. — Ennnanuel. London, 1868. Cumming, John. — Life and Lessons of Our Lord, Un- folded and Illustrated. New ed., small Q. London, 1870, Cutts, E, L. — A Devotional Life of Onr Lord and Sav- iour Jesus Christ. O. New York, 1882. Davis, L. A, — The Gos])('l Jjife of Jesus. S. Bostoj 187G. • Davis, Noah K, — ^The Story of the Nazarene. In Anno- tated I'araphrase. 0.. pi). 428. London, 1904. * Davis, W. H. — Outline History of the Life of Christ for) Boys" Bible Classes. S., pp. 24. ' New York, 1900. * ^ Dawson, John. — The Saviour in the Worship. S. Lon- don, 1860. Dawson, Joseph. — Pictures of Christ Framed in Prayers. A Devotional Life of Jesus. S., pp. 232. London, 1903. * Dawson, T. — The New History of the Life of Jesus Christ. D. London, n. d. Dawson, W. — The Man Christ Jesus. A Life of Christ. 0.. pp. 470. London, 1901. Also, 1904. * Dawson, William J.— The Life of Christ. D.. pp. 452j Philadelphia. 1901. * Of value. Deedes, E. E. — Lessons on the Life of Christ. S. Lon- don, 1880. Deems, C. F.— Jesus. 0.. pp. 756. New York, 1868. * Popular. Aft»n-wards issued under the title, "Life and Light of ^len."' Deicides Analysis of the Life of Jesus. S. Balti- more, 1873. Delapryme, Charles. — The Life of Christ. An eclectic Gospel, from the Old and New Testaments, arranged on a new principle. 0. London, 1868. De Pressense, Edmond. — Jesus His Times, Life and Work. Second ed., D., pp. xii-f 496. New York, 1879. 0., pp. 560. London, 1866. Fourth ed., 0., pp. 553. Lon- don. 1871. Seventh ed.. 0. London, 1879.* 60 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ^ Desires After Jesus; or, Meditations ou the Life and Pas- sion of Our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. With short ejaculations and prayers. D. London, 1698. Dickson, Alexander. — All about Jesus. -D., pp. 212. New York, 1875. * Didon, J. H. — Jesus Christ; Our Saviour's Person, Mis- sion and Spirit. From the French. Edited by B. O'Reilly; with introduction b}' Cardinal Gibbons. 2 vols., O. New York, 1891. * Diouysius. A clear and learned history of Our Blessed Saviour Jesus. D. London, n. d. Divine Master, The. Seventh ed., E., pp. x-|-158, and ten plates. London,' 1871. * ^■^ Dix, W. Chatterton. — The Pattern Life; or. Lessons from the Life of Our Lord. Illustrated. D. New York, LI886. Dodd, Rev. Charles Hastings. — Beautiful Story of the Life of Christ, told in the inimitable pictures of the con- verted Jew, Alexander Bida. Cincinnati, n. d. Dole, C. F. — Jesus and the Men about Jlim. E.. pp. 82. Boston, 1888. * D'Oyly, Mrs. Catharine.— The History of the Life and Death of Our Blessed Saviour. 0., pp. 711. Southampton, 1794. Second ed. J. N. Gilpin. London, 1801. * Drew, G. S.-^The Human Life of Christ revealing the Order of the Universe. The Hulsean lectures. 1877. 0., pp. 194. London, 1878. * Drew, G. S. — Nazareth ; Its Life and Lessons. 0. Lon- don, 1872. Drew, G. S.— The Son of Man. His Life and ^Ministry. 0. London 1875. Dudley, Dean. — Life of Jesus of Nazareth. D., pp. 57. Wakefield, ]\Iass., 1900. * Duggan, J. — The Life of Christ. 0., pp. 25(3. London, 1897. * Dupin, M. — The Evangelical History, or the Life of Our JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 61 Blessed KSaviuur Jesus. Cunipreliensively ;uul plainly re- lated, with practical inferences and discourses thereupon. Eiip-lish Divine of the Church of England, with additions. D. London, KJOfi. -. Dwight, Charles A. S.— The Carpenter. D., pp. 122. | New York. 1900. * The Eai'lier Days of the Ministry of Our Blessed Saviour. 0., pp. 12. London, 1881. * Eeee Homo; or, A Critical Inquiry into the History of Jesus Christ. Translated from the French (by G. Hous- ton.) D. LondcMi. 1799. Another ed., D. New York, 1827. Eddy, Zachary. — Immanuel ; or, the Life of Jesus Christ Our Lord from His Incarnation to His Ascension. Intro- dnetion by E. S. Storrs, Jr. 0., pp. 756. Springfield, 1871.* Edersheim, Alfred. — The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Second ed. 2 vols., 0., pp. xxxv-[-698, xii+826. London and New York, n. d. See recommendations. Edwic (Pseud.). — Mental Freedom Necessary to the Welfare of Man. (Being a defense of a work entitled "The Real Plan in History of Jesus and Paul.") 0. London, 1868. Eliot, Charles J. — The Christian "Warfare and Lessons from the Life of Jesus. Two lectures. D. London, 1868. Elliott, Walter. — Life of Jesus Christ. Embracing the entire Gospel narrative embodying the teachings and mira- cles of Our Saviour, together with the history of His foun- dation of the Christian Church. New ed., D., pp. 10-[-763 +25. New York, 1903. * Ellicott, C. J. — Historical Lectures on the Life of Jesus Christ. The Hulsean lectures for 1859. 0., pp. 382. Bos- ton. 1866. Also ed. * An Epitome of History, containing the Life and Death of Jesus Christ. O. London (?), 1705. Ewald, Heinrich. — Tjife of Jesus Christ. Edited by Oc- tavius Glover. O. London. 1875. Also Cambridge, 1865. 62 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD The P^xistence of Christ Disproved by Irresistible Evi- dence in a Series of Letters from a German Jew. 0. Lon- don, 1841. ^' Fairbairn, A. M. — Studies in the Life of Christ. 0.. pp. Lviii+359. London, 1881. Also D. New York. 1882. * Faraday, M. — Jesus Christ a_£iction. Founded upon r the life of Appolkmius (rTTyana. How the Pagan priests , X of Eome originated Christianity; startling confessions of its I founders. D., pp. 208. Cincinnati, 1890. * Purports to L-be a revelation made through a spiritualistic medium. Farrar, F. W. — Life of Christ. With an American ap- pendix. Introduction by Prof. Tayler Lewis. 2 vols., 0., pp. xxvii+480, 516. New York, 1874. * Farrar, F. W.— The Life of Christ. With original illus- tiations. New ed., 0., pp. 76. London, 1878. * Popular. Farrar, F. W. — The Life of Lives; Further Studies in the Life of Christ. 0., pp. 16-4-444. New York. 1900. * Popular ed., Cr. O., pp. 596. London, 1903. * Popular in character. Farrar, F. W. — The Life of Christ. With a memoir of the author by the Very Rev. W. Lefroy. Biographical ed. Part I. To l)e completed in 16 fortnightly parts, contain- ing over 300 illustrations. Q.. pp. xxii-f48. London, 1903. * Farrar, F. W. — The Life of Christ as Represented in Art. 0.. pp. 19-507. New York. 1900. * Fellowes, Robert. — Guide to Immortality: or. ^Memoirs of the Life and Doctrine of Christ in the Four Evangelists. 3 vols., 0. London, 1804. Ferguson, Fergus. — A Popular Life of Christ. 0. Glasgow, 1878. Figgis, J. B. — Emmanuel. Leaves from the Life and C)tes on the Work of Jesus. 0. London, 1885. Fisher, S. — Sermons on the Life of Christ. D. Cincin- ti. 1877. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD (>3 Fitzgerald, J. — Seiiplinc Views of Jesus Christ. D. London, n. d. Fleetwood, John.— The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and the Lives and Sufferings of His Holy Evangelists and Apostles. To which is added a his- tory of the Jews from the earliest ages to the present time. 0., pp. 541. Philadelphia, _2§63. Many editions of this-J work have appeared. It is desig ned for popular use. -q Fleetwood, John.— Life of Christ. (New Alta Librar>-J No. 64.) Philadelphia, 1901. ^ Foote, A. L. R. — Incidents in the Life of Our Saviour, Illustrative of His Divine Character and Mission. 0. London. 1858. Second ed., D., pp. viii+381. * Third ed. 1856. Footsteps of Jesus. Q. London, 1887. Forbush, William Byron. — Illuminated Lessons on thej Life of Jesus. D.. pp. 204. New York, 1904. Formby, Henry. — Life, Passion, Death and Resurrec- J tion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. S. New York, 1869. Forster, William J. — Scenes from the Wonderful Life. D., pp. 128. London, 1897. * ^ Foster, Charles. — The Story of the Gospel ; or. Our Sav- iour's Life on Earth. D. Philadelphia, 1880. Fouard, Constant.— The Christ the Son of God ; A Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the fifth edition with the author's sanction by George F. X. Griffith. With an introduction by Cardinal Manning. 2 vols., O.. pp. 862. London and New York, 1891. * Fox, Ally.— The Son of Man. A Simple History of the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Cr. 0., pp. 406. London, 1902. * Fox, T. B.— The ^Ministry x)f Christ. E. Boston, n. dH Furness, W. H. — History of Jesus. D. Boston, 1850, Furness, W. H.— Jesus. 1).. pp. 22.3. Philadelphia, 1870. * _ Furness, W. H. — Jesus and His Biographers. 0. PhilJ adelphia, 183S-. 64 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Lj (~ Furness, W. H. — Thoughts on the Life and Character of Jesus of Nazareth. D. Boston, 1859 . Gage, James. — The Life of Jesus a Fact, not a Fiction. D. London, 1863. Gall, James.— Life of Christ. D. Edinburgh, n. d. Gardiner R. B. — Life of Christ. Selections from the Gospels. 0. London, 1874. Geikie, Cunningham.^The Life and Words of Christ. 2 vols., 0., pp. xii+588; iv+670. New York, 1879.* Usually issued 2 vols, bound in one. Geikie, Cunningham, — A Short Life of Christ. New and revised ed., 0., pp. 312. London, 1898. * Geikie, Cunningham. — Life of Christ for Old and Young. 0. New York, 1888. Geil, William Edgar.— The Man of Galilee. With nine \ maps. . D., pp. vi+199. London, 1904. * P Geissinger, D. H. — Lessons in the Life of Our Lord (Jesus Christ. A text-book for Sunday-school and home in- struction. S., pp. vi+154. New York, 1881, <-^ Gilbert, G. Holley.— The Student's Life of Jesus. 0., L-i3p. 412. Chicago, 1896. Also 1899. * p Gilmore, J. R., and Lyjuan-Abbott (Editors).— The \ Gospel History. A complete connected account of the life irof Our Lord. S. New York, 1881. \_ Gilmore, J. R.— The Life of Jesus. D. Boston, l&a7. Glover, Richard. — The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple, and Exposition of Luke ii : 46-51. 0. London, 1866. * Godbey, William- B. — Life of Jesus and Ills Apostles. D., pp. 455. Louisville, Ky., 1904. * Gordon, W. J. — An historical sketch of the life of Our Lord. D., pp. 250. Edinburgh, 1878. Gould, S. Baring. — Nazareth and Capernaum: Ten Lec- tures on the Beginning of Our Lord's Ministry. 0., pp. 84. London, 1886. Greg, Samuel. — Scenes from the Life of Jesus. Second JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 65 ed.. ().. pp- xii^:^:U. London, 1875. D. Hdinburtili. 18H9. * Griffith, Thomas. —Studies of the Divine :Master. 0.. pp. xviii+447. Loudou. 1875. Griffiths, W.— Divine Footprints in the Bible. 0. Lon- don, 1891. Grout, Henry M.— The Story of Jesus, Whom They CriTl cified. An Outline Picture. E., pp. 36. Boston. 1881. * A Guizot, M. — Meditations on the Essence of Christianity I, and on the Religious Questions of the Day, translated from j the French. d1 pp. 356. New York, 1865. * Eighth Medi- tation. Jesus Christ according to the Gospel. Gunsaulus, Frank Wakeley. — The Man of Galilee: a Biographical Study of the Life of Jesus Christ. Reproduc- tions from the famous paintings and original drawings un- der the direction of G. Spiel. 0.. pp. 16+682. Philadel- phia, 1899. * y Gurney, Augustus. — The Home Life of Jesus of Naza- reth. D., pp. vi+200. London, 1871. * Hall, J. and Others. — From Beginning to End. ComH (^) i^' ments on the Life of Christ by Ten Clergym en of A merieaJ Ff. New York. XSSD. Hall, Joseph. — Contemplations upon the Remarkable Passages in the Life of the Hoh' Jesus. Q. London, 1680. Hall, William Newman. — Cameos of Christ ; Brief Stud- ies in the Life of "Our Only Master." 0., pp. 12-1. Lon- don, 1900. * rn Hamilton, James. — Lessons from the Great BiographW S.. pp. viii+319. Xew York, 1876. * Hamill, Howard Melancthon. — Practical Outline Study of the Four Gospels : Life of Christ : Acts. Introduction ])y J. AVilbur Chapman. D., pp. 74. Chicago, 1904. * Hammer, Bonaventure.— Cochem's Life of Christ. D.. pp. 314. Xew York, 1897. * Hanna, William. — Our Lord's Life on Earth. 6 vols.. I^.. pp. vi+400, 360. 351, vi-f 344, 379, xix+324. New York. 1876. * 5 66 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Hanna, William.— The Life of Christ. 0.. pp. 861. New York, n. d. Hanna, William.— The Ministry in Galilee. D., pp. 384. London, 1869. * Hanson, R. D.— The Jesus of History. (Anon.) 0. London, 1869. Hargrove, Charles. — Jesus of Nazareth. Lessons of His Life, Death and Resurrection. Learnt at Oberammergau. Cr. 0., pp. 80. London, 1901. * Harper, F.— A Year with Christ. 0., pp. 200. London, 1894. * r Harrison, W. P.— The Living Christ; the Life and Light \of Men. D., pp. 297. Nashville, 1883. Hart, Burdett.— Studies of the Model Life. The Various Aspects of Christ Considered. D., pp. 288. New York, 1893. * Harwood, Edward. — Delineation of the Life and Char- acter of Jesus of Nazareth. 0. London, 1772. Hase, Carl.— Life of Jesus. Translated by J. F. Clark. D.. pp. xxiii+267. Boston, 1860. Has quite a Inbliography in German and English. * Haweis, H. R.— Christ and Christianity, a Picture of Jesus the Master. D., pp. 263. Vol. 2, The Story of the Four. 0. London, 1889. Hawkes, Henry W.— The Man of Nazareth. A True Life. D. London, 1890. t Hayes, Arthur P. — The Light in the East, including the Life of Christ !)y J. Fleetwood, with Lives of the Patriarchs and Prophets. Illustrated. 0. Philadelphia. 1876. r Haygood, Atticus G.— The Man of Galilee. D.. pp. 156. U^ew York, 1890. * Heckford, Sarah.— The Life of Christ and Its Bearings on Communion. 0. London, 1873. Hedley, J. C. — Our Divine Saviour and Other Discourses. 0. London, 1887. Heresies of the Christian Church. Dedicated \o all reli- JESUS CHRlSiT OUR LORD H7 gioiis denominations of the world, containing a biography of Jesus founded on Scripture. With criticisms on the characters of his associates and practical suggestions for a speedy reunion of the churches. By the author of the Jesus of History and Tradition Identified. 0., pp. 232. London. 1896. Hermes, Trismegistus.— Hermes, His Life and Work; together with incidents in the life of Jesus, given by a dis- ciple through Hafed. 0. London, 1888. Herrick, Joseph. — Immanuel. D. London, n. d. Hiffernan, John M.— Sketches of Our Lord's History from Our Lord's Ministry. D. London, 1856. The History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. D. London, 1830'. The History of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. By a Lady. D. London, 1785. The History- of the Holy Jesus, containing a brief ac- count of the birth, death, resurrection and ascension of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. D. Bristol, 1820 ( ?). The History of the Incarqation, Life Doctrine and Mira- cles of Jesus Christ Illustrated with Notes. To which are added the lives of the twelve apostles, together with a chron- ological table. Adorned with copper plates. By a Divine of the Church of England. Ff., pp. xvi+1879. London. 1738. History of the Life of Jesus Christ. D. New London, 1845. The History of the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, newly and faithfully translated from the fifth edition of the French. By W. C. D. Dublin, 1763. The History of the Travels and Cruel Martyrdom of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Likewise the travels of the twelve apostles, gathered from the Holy Scrip- tures, with the life of St. Mark and St. John Baptist. 0. Belfast, 1734. Hofman, Heinrich. — Come Unto- ]\Ie ! Scenes from the/ 68 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD life of Christ. A festive gift for Christian families. Ff. New York, 1893. Hofman, Heinrich. — Come Unto Me. Twelve pictures from the life of Our Lord. 0. London, 1888. Hollings, George S. — Meditations on the Divine Life, the Blessed Sacrament and the Transfiguration. D., pp. viii+ 154. London, 1882. * Holtzman, Oscar.— The Life of Jesus. Translated by J. T. Bealby and Maurice A. Canney. Pp. 556. Edin- burgh, 1904. * Somewhat rationalistic. Hood, Alfred. — The Life and Teachings of Jesus. 0. London, 1877. Hood, Alfred. — The Prophet of Nazareth and His Mes- sages. 0. London, 1886. r Houghton, Louise Seymour. — The Life of Christ in Pic- ^ I ture and Story. 0. New York, 1890. "^ Houston, George. — (Translator). Ecce Homo! or a critical inquiry into the history of Jesus Christ. Ta^ans- lated from the French. London, 1799. Second ed., 1813. p Howard, Clifford.— The Story of a Young Man (a Life ^ of Christ), with a foreword by Amory H. Bradford. 0., /j)p. 6+241. New York, 1901.* Hunter, David. — Observations on the Life of Christ and His Character, Propriety and Beauty. 2 vols., 0. Lon- don, 1770. Hunter, John. — From the Cradle to the Crown ; or Days with Jesus. E. London, 1862. r Hurlburt, Jesse Lyman. — Life of Christ. E. New Work, 1889. Hutchinson, Ida W.— Gospel Story of Jesus Christ. Illustrated by Patten Wilson. D., pp. 12+142. New York, 1902. Hutchinson, J. P. — The Footmarks of Jesus. D., pp. 68. London, 1871. New ed., 1878. * Huttman, William. — The Life of Jesus Christ, including his apocryphal history from the spurious gospels' unpub- lished Mss., etc. 0. London 1818. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ^ 69 Hutton, Vernon W.— The Sim of Righteousness; ^lecli- tations on the Eai'ly Life and ^Ministry of Onr Lord and Saviour. 0. London, 1887. Incidents in the Life of Christ : a series of twelve illumi- nations designed and printed by Banks & Co. 0. London, 1876. Ingram, Arthur F. Winnington. — Christ and His Friends. 0., pp. 72. London, 1897. Irons, William J. — Our Blessed Lord Regarded in His Earthly Relationships. Four Sermons. 0. London, 1844. Irons, William J. — The Sacred Life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. S. London, 1867. Jackson, Helen E.— The Friends of Jesus. 0., pp. vi+ 223. London, 1897. * Jacobs, Joseph. — As Others Saw Him; a Retrospect A. D. 54, with introduction, afterwords and notes. 0.. pp 230. New Yorlc. 1903. * A life of Christ from a Jewish, standpoint. Jameson, Mrs., and Lady Eastlake. — The History of Our Lord as Exemplified in Works of Art, with That of the Types, St. John the Baptist and Other Persons of the Old and New Testament. Second ed., 2 vols., 0., pp. xi+398, xv-f 462. London, 1865. * The best on the subject. The Jesus of History. 0., pp. x+426. London, 1869. Jesus of Nazareth and His Contemporaries. 0.. pp. 62. London, 1881. Jesus on Earth. O. New York, 1876. Jesus upon Earth. E. New York, 1864. Jesus upon Earth ; or the Story of His Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection. E. New York, 1856. Johnson, Anna J. — Christ Unveiled; His Heavenly and Earthly Appearing. 0. New York, 1887. 0., pp. 105. New York, 1904. Johnson, G. B.— The Beautiful Life of Christ, and Other Studies. 0., pp. 338. Johnson, G. B.— The Four Gospels and the One Christ; or a Study and a Guide. . 0. London, 1876. i^' 70 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Johnstone, J. Boston.— Life of Jesus Christ. With notes. 0. London. 1874. Jones, George. — Life Scenes from the Four Gospels. D., pp. 460. New York. 1865. * Third ed., 0., pp. 443. Phil- adelphia, 1868. Jones, Harry.— The Son of Man. E., pp. 60. London, 1897. . Keim, Theodore. — The History of Jesus of Nazareth, considered in its connection with the national life of Israel and related in detail. Translated. 6 vols., I, pp. 392 ; II ; III, pp. 420; IV, pp. 356; V, pp. 342; VI, pp. 448. 0. London, 1873. New ed., 1897. * Rationalistic. '' Kephart, C. J.— Jesus the Nazarene; brief life of Our Saviour. With a parallel harmony. D., pp. 80. Dayton, [_P., 1894. * One of the most condensed lives. Kephart, C. J.— Public Life of Christ. Chronological chart of the life of Christ and map of Palestine. Kingsland, John P.— The :\Ian Called Jesus. D., pp. 16+327. New York, 1902. " Kinniburgh, Robert.— The Life of Jesus Christ. E. London, n. d. Kirby, Archl)ishop of Ephesus. Meditations on the Truth of Religion and on the Hidden and Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D., pp. 382. Dublin, 1892. Kirke, Edmund.— Life of Jesus. D. Boston, 1867. I Second ed., D., pp. 297. Boston, 1871. * j Kitto, John.— Life of Our Lord. D. New York, 1853. * Kitto, John.— Pictorial Life of Our Saviour. Q. Lon- don, 1847. Krebs, J. M. — The Private, Domes tic and SQcial Life of Christ, a Model for Youth.' T. Philad elphia, 1849 . Lacordaire, Pere.— Jesus Christ. Conferences delivered in Paris. D., pp. 323. New York, 1872. Also, 0., pp. vi + 316. London, 1869. * Theological' Lange, John Peter.— The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ ; a complete examination of the origin, contents and connec- JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 71 tion of the iiospels. Translated by Marcus Dods. New ed., 4 vols., 0.. pp. vii+r)44, viii-|-5n4, viii+ol2, x+512. Edin- burgh. 1872. Also in 6 vols. * Latimer, Faith.— Fi-om Bethlehem to Calvary. S, SevA York, 1878. . --. Laurie, Thomas.— Glimpses of Christ in Holy Scripture^ D. Boston. lS(in. Law, Edward. — A Discourse on the Life and Character of Christ. 0. Cambridge, 1749. Afterwards expanded into "Retiections on the Life and Character of Christ," with a summary and appendix on the Gospel morals. 0., pp. 70. Cambridge, n. d. (1760.) Fifth ed., 1818. Law, Edward.— The Life of Christ. 0. London, 1759, Lea, William. — Catechisings on the Life of Our Lord. D. London. 18707 Leask, W. — Footsteps of Messiah. A review of passages in the history of Jesus Christ. D.. pp. 351. Philadelphia, n. d. * Leathley, Mary E. S. — The Star of Promise; or, From Bethlehem to Calvary. E. London. 1875. LeCamus, Emile.— Life of Christ. Translated from the Sixth French ed. by Rev. W. A. Hiekey. D. Xew York, 1905. Lee, William.— The Days of the Son of Man. A History of the Church in the Time of Our Lord. D., pp. 332. Ed- inburgh. 1872. * Lehman, E. — Scenes from the Life of Jesus. Trans- lated by S. Taylor. O.. pp. 230. Edinburgh, 1888. * Leonard, William A. — Via Sacra: or Footprints of Christ. Descriptive of the Great Themes of Holy Week. 32 mo. Xew York, 1875. Lessons on the Life of Christ. 0. London (?), 1871. Lessons on the Life of Christ. By the author of ' ' Hymns from the Land of Luther." E. Xew York, 1876. Lewis, F. W. — Jesus, Son of God. O. London, 1897. Lewis, Walter S.— The Life of Lives; or. the Story of Jesus of X^azai-eth in its Earliest Form. 0. London, 1885. 72 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ^' Lieberkuhn, S. — The History of Our Saviour Jesus ^hrist. S. New York, 182 1. The Life and Doctrine of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1656. Life and Doctrine of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, with Short Reflections for the Help of Such as Desire to use Men- tal Prayer. By H. M. of the Societe of Jesus. Two parts in one vol. 0. Ghent, 1656. Reprinted, London, 1880. The Life and Travels of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour, with a Description of the Years of His Ministry. Ff . Lon- don, 1680. Life and Work of the Redeemer. D., pp. 384. New York, 1902. * The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. A sermon. D., pp. 16. Norwich, 1841. The Life of Christ. 0. London, 1841. The Life of Christ. 64 mo., pp. 125. London, 1848. The Life of Christ. Illustrated hy 138 choice passages from British and foreign divines. Seventy wood engravings after celebrated masters. 0. London, n. d. The Life of Christ in its True Humanity. D. London, 1860. Life of Jesus. Illustrated. 0. London, 1876: Life of Jesus. (Bible handbooks for young people.) Philadelphia, 1905. Life of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Part I, Senior His- torical Course. Part II, Junior Historical Course. Second ed. D., pp. 126, 134. Milwaukee, 1903. Life of Jesus Christ Portrayed in 42 Pictures. Reading, Pa., 1905. The Life of Jesus Christ. D. Dublin, 1854. The Life of Jesus Christ. By a member of the Church of England. 0. London, 1872. The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. D. London, 1847. • JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 78 The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Prose and Verse. S. London, 1830. • The Tife of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With appro- bation of Doctor Culleii. Archlusliop of Dublin. 0. Dub- lin, 1864. The Life of Our Lord. Reprinted from "Catholic Reli- gious Instruction" of Standard III. S.. pp. 32. London, 1882. The Life of 0\u- Saviour. Scriptural series. Q. Lon- don, 1848. The "Light" and the "Life"; or, the History of Him whose Name we Bear. D. London, 1851. Light of the World: or, Footprints of Christ Our Lord. E. New York, 1876. Ligny, F. de. — History of the Life of Jesus Christ. Also, History of the Acts of the Apostles. Translated by Mrs. J. Sadlier. 0. New York, 1876. Linton, Canon. — Handbook to Chart of the Life and Ministry of Our Lord. O.. pp. 32. London, 1892. Cr. 0., pp. 32. London, 1899. Linton, Canon.— Personal History of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Size, 70 inches long by 29 broad. On cloth, ma- hogany rollers, varnished and bound with silk up the sides. On cloth rollers and varnished. London, 1899. Lloyd, E. M.— The Gospel History of Jesus Christ. D. London. Lloyd, W. — The Galilean. A Portrait of Jesus of Naza- reth. O., pp. 80. London, 1892. ' Lobingier, Henry Schell.— Man in the Book. D.. pp. 40.1. St. Louis, Mo., 1881. * Locke, John. — The History of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. D., pp. 320. London, 1721. Has a classified catalogiie of 24 pp. of the publications of Ward and Chandler following the life. Lorimer, G. C. — The Galilean: or Jesus the World's Saviour. D., pp. 448. Boston, 1893. * 74 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Lorimer, G. C. — Jesus the World's Saviour, Who He Is, Why He Came and What He Did. D., pp. xi+351. Chi- cago, 1883. The Love of the Good Shepherd for His Floclc. A series of meditations on the Life and Sufferings of Our Lord. Compiled from various sources by a member of the Ursuline Comnmnity. D. Cork, 1853. /^ Lowrie, John M. — A Week with Jesus ; or Lessons \ Learned in His Company. D., pp. 360. Philadelphia, L-1866. * Luckock, Herbert Mortimer. — ^Footprints of the Son of Man, as Traced by St. Mark. 2 vols., 0. London. 1884. Second ed., pp. 690. 1885. Third ed., pp. 690. 1887. Also. 1890. New ed., O., pp. 425. London. 1896. * Lyon, W. P.— The Life of Our Lord. (Allibone.) McConaughy, James. — Outline Studies in the Life of Christ. D. New York, n. d. Maas, A. J. — The Life of Jesus Christ According to the Gospel History. Second ed.. D., pp. 34-f-621. St. Louis, 1895. St. Louis, 1904. * ^ MacCook, Henry C— The Last Year of Christ's Minis- Yjry. D. Philadelphia, 1871. x~ Macduff, J. R. — Memories of Bethany. S. New York, V^1879. ^ Macduff, J. R. — ]\Iemories of Gennesaret. D. New \_York, 1869. MacGregor, G. H. C. — Gospel Glimpses : or Short Stud- ies in the Life of Jesus. 0.. pp. 111. London, 1895. MacKintosh, William. — Eabbi Jesus, Sage and Saviour. Cr. 0., pp. 286. London, 1901. Mackenzie, W. Douglas.-^The Revelation of the Christ. Familiar studies in the life of Jesus. 0., pp. 303. Lon- don, 1896. Malham, J. — The Histoiy and Life of Jesus Christ. Malleson, F. A. — Jesus Christ, His Life and Work. D., pp. xii-f 375. London, 1888, 1892. New ed., 0., pp. 280. London, 1882. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 75 Mamreov, Peter v F., Anna F. and B. A. F. — lesal Xas-H sar. The story of the life of Jesus the Xazarene. 0., pp.^ 713. Xew Yofk, 1895. Written by Russians born in Jern- saleni. Told in iitujjy form. * Mant, Bishop.— Scriptural Narratives of Those Passages in Our Blessed Saviour's Life and Ministry' AVhich are Sub- jects of Annual Commemoration. 0. London, 1830. Re- printed. 1840. March, Daniel. — Walks and Homes of Jesus. 0.. pp. 339. Philadelphia. 1866. New ed., 0., pp. 230. London, 1895. * Marshall, Emma.— Life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. London, 1886. • Marshall, F.— Life of Our Lord from the Transfiguration to the Ascension. With a map of Palestine in accordance with the syllabus for 1902. Ai-ranged with notes. 0. Lon- don. 190l". Martin, Hugh. — Christ's Presence in Gospel History. D., pp. viii+306. London, 1860. * Second ed.. revised. D. London. 1865. * Mason, Arthur James. — The Cojiditions of Our Lord's Life on Earth. The Bishop Paddock lectures, 1896. D., pp. xxii+194. London and New York, 1896. * The last two chapters deal with Our Lord's Knowledge. Mason, W. — The History of Jesus. (Allibone.) Massey. Gerald. — The History of Jesus and the Myth- ical Genesis and Topology of Equinoctial Christolatry. D., pp. 240. Cincinnati. 1893. * Written in the interests of^ spiritualism. Matheson, George. — Studies in the Portrait of Christ. 2 vols., D.. pp. x+326. xii-h357. London and New York, 1900. Has wonderful spiritual insight. McKenzie, W. S.— Sabbath School Studies (m the Life"' of Christ. 4 vols.. E. New York, 1859. ^ McLennan, William E. — In His Footsteps. A record of travel to and in the land of Christ, with an attempt to mark 76 JESU.S CHRIST OUR LORD the Lord's journeyings in chronological order fi-om his birth to his ascension. D., pp. 3+311. New York, 1896. * The Meaning and Value of Christ's Death, of His Inter- cession and of His Life on Earth. D. London, 1865. A Meditation on Christ. To which is added a view of the sunrise at sea. D. Bungay, 1830 (?). Meditations on Some Passages of the Life of the Son of God. 0. London, 1713. Memorials of Jesus of Nazareth. O. London (?), 1876. Mercier, L. — Outlines of the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ. With critical and expository notes and an emen- dation of the common chronologies. 2 vols., 0. Vol. I, pp. 374 : II, pp. 342. London, 1871, 1875. * Miller, J. R. — Come ye Apart. Daily readings in the life of Christ. Cr. 0., pp. 374. London, 1890. * ^ Miller, J. R. — Personal Friendships of Jesus. 0., pp. viii+267. London, 1897.* Milne, D. — The Years and Eras of the Life of Christ. A demonstration of Gospel order and consistency for sys- tematic teaching. With a synopsis of all the so-called dis- crepancies. D., pp. 60. London, 1892. * The Ministry of Christ. Q. London, 1886. The Ministry of Jesus. D. London, 1866. Milne, W. — Looking Unto Jesus. Some Aspects of His Life and Work. Cv. O., pp. 258. London, 1901. * Montgomery, Maud. — Stor>^ of Our Lord's Life: with eight col. after Gaudenzio Ferrari. (Simple guides to Christian knowledge.) S., pp. 8+163. New York, 1904. * Moore, Edward W. — The Overcoming Life ; or Thoughts on the Life of Christ. E. London, 1882. Moore, H. — The Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. More About Jesus. A sequel to the Peep of Day. By the author of (Mortimer, Mrs. F. L.) Peep of Day. D. London, 1859. Morgan, G. Campbell. — The Crises of the Christ. 0., pp. 446. London, 1903. * Of value. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 77 Moriarty, James J. — All for Love; or From the Ci-adlsJ to the Cross. D. New York, 1882. Morison, J. S. — Scenes from the Life of Jesus. S. l^os- J ton, 1876. Morison, Walter.— The Footprints of the Revealer. The Gospel from God. specially addressed to yonng men. 0., pp. 296. London, 1889. * Morning- Star, The; or Stories About the Cliildhood of Jesus. Pp. 64. N. p., n. d. Morus, H. (Jesuit).— The Life and Doctrine of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1880. Moss, R. Waddy.— The Scene of Our Lord's Life. Map. Cr. 0.. pp. 142. London, 1903. * Murray, James C. — English Bible Studies; first year's course. Studies in the life of Christ, with an introduction by J. C. Hartzell. D., pp. 120. Cincinnati, 1890. * ' Naville, Ernest. — The Christ. Seven lectures. Trans- lated by T. J. Despres. D., pp. 247. Edinburgh, 1880. * Neander, Augustus.— The Life of Jesus Christ in Its Historical Connection and Historical Development. Trans- lated from fourth CTcrman edition by J. McClintock and C. E. Blumeuthal. Third ed., 0., pp. 450. New York, 1851. * The best reply to Renan. Nelson, S.— The History of Our Blessed Lord. D. Lon- don, n. d. Nelson, William H.— A Walk with Jesus. 0., pp. 463. Cincinnati, 1901. * Newcome, Simon.— The Duration of Our Lord's Minis- try Practically Considered. D. Dublin, 1780. Newton, R. Heber.— Studies of Jesus. Sermons. S. New York, 1880. Nicoll, W. R. — The Incarnate Saviour. A Life of Jesus Christ. D., pp. 388. Edinburgh, 1881. New ed., O., pp. 332. London, 1897. D., pp. 360. New York, 1898. * Nixon, J. Leroy. — The Lowly Nazarene. A story ofjj Christ. D., pp. 111+308. New York, 1897. 78 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Nonst, James. — Life of Jesus Christ in Glory. Medita- tions from Easter to Trinity. Translated by Dr. Pusey. 0. London. 1847. Norris, W. — Sermons on the History of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. D. London, 1830. Notovitch, N.— The Unknown Life of Christ. Trans- lated from the French by Violet Crispe, with maps and illustrations. 0., pp. 312. London, 1895. * C O'Donnell, James H. — Jesus Christ : a Scriptural Study. iSr. Boston. 1901. Ollivier, Marie Joseph. — Friendships of Jesus ; from the French by ^i. C. Keogh. With a preface by Rev. M. M. O'Kane. 0., pp. 543. St. Louis, 1903. Second ed., 0., pp. 543. St. Louis, 1905. Palgrave, F. T. — Life of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1885. Palmer, John. — Bethlehem to Olivet. A course of lessons on the life of Jesus Christ. D., pp. 440. London, 1880. New ed., 1883. * Parker, Joseph. — Homiletic Analysis of the Gospel by Matthew, with, an Introductory Essay on the Life of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1870. r Patterson, Alexander. — The Greater Life and Work of Christ. As revealed in Scriptures, man and nature. D., 4)p. 408. New York, 1896. * Of value. r Pearson, Charles William. — Carpenter Prophet: a Life of Jesus Christ and a Discussion of His Ideals. D., pp. 9+ L-288. New York. 1902. * Radic al. Pentecost, George F. — Bible Studies : No. 1, The Penta- teuch; No. 2. The Life of Christ. Cr. 0., pp. ix+416. London, 1893. * Perfitt, P. W.— The Life and Teachings of Jesus. 0. 1861. r- Pettis, Olive G. — The Historical Life of Jesus of Naza- j reth and Extracts from the Apostolic Age. D., pp. 142. U'roxddence, R. I., 1870. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 79 rietuivs J'foiii the Life of Jesus. (Witli lettci- press.) S. London. 1886. Pike, J. B.— The Life of Christ. D. London, n. d. Pinarts.— ^Meditations on the Suffering Life on Earth of Our Lord. Translated from the French. Edited by Bishop Forbes. Second ed., D. London, 1853. Porter, Josiah L.— "Through Samaria" to Galilee and the Jordan. Scenes in the early life and labors of Our Lord. Illustrated, Q. London, 1888. Power, P. B. — The Feet of Jesus in Life, Death, Eesur- rection and Glory*. D. London, 1872. Practical ^Meditations for Every Day in the Year on the Life of Jesus Christ. By a father of the Society of Jesus. Translated from the French. 0. London, 1868. Pratapachandra, Majumdar. — The Oriental Christ. 0^ New York. 1883. _ Ramsey, William M.— The Education of Christ. Hill-J side Reveries. D., pp. xii-f 139. New York, 1902. Of value. Reading, W.— The History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In three parts, with suitable meditations and prayers. 32 mo. London, 1875. Small 0. London, 1716. 1726. 1737 ( ?). E. 1850. Edited by Doctor Hook. Renan, Joseph Ernest.— Life of Jesus. D., pp. 4-444. New York, 1904. Translated with introduction by W. G. Hutchinson. * Renan, E.— The Life of Jesus. Translated by C. E. Wil- bour. D.. pp. xii+376. New York, 1864. New ed., 1891. " See special section on this book and that of Strauss. Renton. W.— Jesus. 0.. pp. 319. London. 1880. * Reynolds, Edward. — Works containing three treatises of the vanity of the creature, sinfulness of man and life of Christ, with a collection of 30 sermons. Ff. Loudon, 1679. Rhees, Rush.— The Life of Jesus of Nazareth. A study.^ 1).. pp. 70+320. New York, 1900. * A good, concise life. Rigg, James H. — Scenes and Studies in the Ministry of 80 JE>SU8 CHRIST OUR LORD Our Lord, with Thoughts on Preaching. Cr. 0., pp. 270. Loudon, 1902. * Robinson, Alexander. — A Study of the Saviour in the Newer Light ; or, A Present Day Stud}' of Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 406. Loudon, 1895. Second ed., revised. 0., pp. xx-)- 404. London. 1898. * Robinson, Miss L. L.^The Story of Jesus of Nazareth. With text-book appendix. D., pp. 2+270. Milwaukee, -Wis.. 1895. Robinson, Thomas. — Scripture Characters: or, A Prac- tical Improvement of the Principal Histories in the Old and New Testaments. 4 vols.. D. London. 1808. Vols. 3. 4, Jesus Christ. Rogers, Arthur Kenyon. — The Life and Teachings of Jesus. D., pp. 354. New York, 1894. London, 1894. A critical analysis of the sources of the Gospels. Rogers, George A. — Footprints of Jesus. D. London, 1856. Second series, 1857. Both combined with a third series in one volume. Cr. 0. London, 1859, 1863. Rogers, J. G.— Life of Christ. D. London, 1849. Row, C. A. — The Jesus of the Evangelists ; His Historical Character Vindicated ; or. An Examination of the Internal Evidence of Our Lord's Divine Mission, with Reference to Modern Controversy. Cr. 0. London. 1868. Second ed., 0., pp. 340. London, 1880. * Rutter, Henry. — -Evangelical Harmony: or, The History of Christ. 0. London, 1803. Q. 1830. Illustrated ed.. 0., 1849. By a Roman Catholic, r Rye, M.— The Beloved Son. A life of Christ. S.. pp. [7-145. New York, 1901. Sabbath Talks about Jesus. By the author of "Sabbath Talks with Little Children." With Illustrations. D. London, 1861. Sacred Scenes or Passages in the Life of Our Saviour. By various authors. D. London, n. d. Sadler, John. — Sacred Records of the Historj- of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1836. JE&Vn CHRIST OUR LORD 81 Sallmon, William H.— Studies in the Life of Jesus. D. New York, n. d. Salmond, S. D. F.— Life of Christ. E.. pp. 100. Lon- don, 1S88. * Salvator, Mundi.— Brief ^Meditations in Prose and Verse on the Life of Christ. Selected from the works of Chrysos- tom. Augustine and other writers. With photographs after Bellini'. L. DaVinci, Raftaello, etc. Q. London, 1866. Sanday, W.— Outlines of the Life of Christ. Second ed., revised with additions. 0., pp. 286. Edinburgh, 1906. 0., pp. 250. Edinburgh. 1905. Also. New York. * This is the article in Hastings Bible Dictionary. The best of the many concise lives of Christ. The author promises a larger life.' Sangster, F. — The Life of Our Lord. Saphir, Adolph. — Christ and the Scriptures. 0., pp. 154. London, 1869. * Saviour of the World. 0., pp. 296. London, 1896. Scenes from the Life of Jesus. D. London, 1855. Scenes in the Life of the Saviour. 0. Philadelphia, 1850 (?). -1 Schlesinger, M.— j^'he Historical Jesus of Nazareth. His- ^ tory of the :\Iessianic idea. D. New York, 1885. * Schmidt. Nathaniel.— The Prophet of Nazareth. 0., pp. ^ 12+422. New York, 1905. * Rationalistic, but honest. ^ Scott, T.— The English Life of Jesus. S., pp. 380. Lon- don, 1872. * Scrutator (pseud). — Truths for the working classes: Jesus of Nazareth and His Teaching. 0., n. p. 1874. Scrymgeur, William. — Lessons on the Life of Christ. 0., pp. vi-J-232. Edinburgh, 1'883. * Selby, Thomas G. — The Ministry of the Lord Jesus. Books for Bible Students. D.. pp. 322. London, 1896. * Sell, Henry T.— Bible Studies in the Life of Christ. His- torical and Constructive. Cr. 0., pp. 160. London, 1902. * _^ Sharman, H. Burton. — Studies in the Life of Christ. 0.^ pp. 220. New York. 1896. 6 82 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Sibbald, James.— Record of the Public Ministry of Jesiis Christ. D. London, 1798. Sidey, W. W.— The Silent Christ. D., pp. 227. Lon- don (1904) . A snggestive study of the Character of Christ. Sillery, C. D.— The Man of Sorrows; a Discourse. E. London. 1837. Skene, W. F.— The Gospel History ; being' lectures on the life of Christ. Delivered to the senior class in Sunday school. 0.. pp. 380. Edinburgh. Smith, David.— The Days of His Flesh: the Earthly Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 594. Lon- don, 1905. * The most valuable of recent books on the sub- ject. Has a great insight into human nature. Smith, Edward. — Life and Sayings of the Lord Jesus Christ, containing a complete history of the interesting and sublime, with the lives, travels and sufferings of the apos- tles. D. London, 1708. Smith, Haskett.— The Divine Epiphany, in Ten Pro- gressive Scenes. D. London. 1878. r Smith, J. Carryl.— Lif e of Christ : Following the Epistles j and Gospels in the Book of Common Prayer. D., pp. 216. L-New York, 1905. ^■' Smith, Joseph Oswald. — Simple IMeditations on the Life Lof Our Lord. New York, 1904. Smith, William.— The History of the Holy Jesus. To which is added the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. D. London, 1708. , Smyth, Julian K. — Footprints of the Saviour ; devotional ] studies of the Life and nature of Our Lord. S.. pp. 231. Lposton, 1886. * Snowden, James H. — Scenes and Sayings in the Life of Christ. 0., pp. 372. London. 1904.* Based on a year's Sunday-school lessons. Solomon, G. — The Jesus of History and the Jesus of Tra- dition Identified. 0.. pp. 295. London, 1880. * Soltau, George. — Four Portraits of the Lord Jesus .fhjsrs CHinsT OUR LORD s:j Chi-ist ; some su^iii'slimis for youu^ Christians IxMiinniiii: to study the Gospels. S., pp. 4+265. Chicago, 1905. Southgate, Henry. — Christiis Redeniptor: beinii- the life, character and teachiniis of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Illustrated in many passages from the writings of ancient and modern anthois. Q.. pp. xvi+312. London, 1875. , Speer. Robert E.— Stndies of the Man Christ Jesns. E., \ .pp. •J4!t. New York, 1896. * Spurr, Frederick C. — The Holy Family ( .Jesus-Mary-Jo- seph). An old picture which for many years has been covered with dirt and scratches contracted at Rome, now cleaned and set in a scriptnral frame for the edification of Christians. 0., pp. 87. London, 1897. Stackhouse, Thomas. — The Life of Jesns Christ, the Apostles and the Evangelists. 0. London, 1754. * Stalker, James. — Life of Christ. O., pp. 154. Pxlin- burgh. 1879. D. New York. * Stanford, Charles. — From Calvary to Christ. A course of homilies. 0. London. 1885. Stapfer, Edmond.— Jesns Christ Before His Ministry. "1 Translated by Louise Seymour Houghton. D.. pp. xvi^-^ 182. New York. 1896. * Stapfer, Edmond. — Jesus Christ During His ^Ministry. J Translated by Louise Seymour Houghton. D.. pp. xxxiv^- 265. New York, 1897. * p Starr, F. R.— The Lamb of God. T. New York, 1888. ' Stephen, Sir George.— The Life of Christ. 0.. pp. 330. London, 187.1. * Stephen, Thomas. — A Gospel History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chi' or. A Life of the ]Man of Sorrows. Cr. 0. London. 1853. Stevens, William Arnold. — An Outline Handbook of the Life of Christ from the Four Gospels. 0. London. 1893. Stevens, William Arnold, and Burton, Ernest DeWitt. — Outline Handbook of the Life of Christ. D., pp. 45. Boston. 1892. Second ed.. revised. Boston, 1900. * Con- ^ tains a list of books recommended. 84 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD C Stevens, W. B.— ^riie Sabbaths of Our Lord. D. Phila- (^delphia, 1872. Stevenson, Margaret J. — Life of Jesus. S., pp. 38. To- peka, Kan., 1904. Stewart, Rev. Alexander. — The Life of Christ. With frontispiece. (Temple series of Bible characters and Scrip- ture handbooks.) 32 mo., pp. viii+124. London, 1906.* Stock, Eugene. — Lessons on the Life of Our Lord. For ' the use of Sunday-school teachers. Complete in 1 vol. 0., pp. 140. London, 1871. * Stokes, W. — Memory Pictures of the Life of Christ. D. London, n. d. /"' Stork, Theophilus. — Jesus in the Temple. D. Phila- S^delphia, 1856. The Story of the Life of Jesus, by the author of ''The Story of the Bible. " With illustrations. 0., pp. iv+219. London, 1884. Stout, A. P. — The Journeys and Deeds of Jesus. ^ Strauss, David Frederick. — The Life of Jesus Critically Examined. Translated from the fourth German ed. by ■ George Eliot. 3 vols., 0. London. 1848. Second ed., 0., pp. 806. London. 1893. * See IV, F., for replies. Strauss, David Frederick. — The Life of Jesus for the People. Second ed., 2 vols.. O., pp. xxii+440, iv-f 439. London, 1879. * See IV. F., for replies. Strauss, David Frederick. — A New Life of Jesus. Trans- lated. 2 vols.. 0.. ]>p. 440. 439. London. 1865.* See IV, F.. for replies. Strauss, David Frederick. — The Old Faith and the Xew. A Confession. Translated by Mathilde Blind, from the sixth ed.. D., pp. viii+439. London, 1873. * A retraction, in part. Stretton, Hesba. — The Wonderful Life. D. London, 1875. New ed., 0., pp. 254. London, 1892. * A concise life. Symington, William. — Messiah the Prince. Second ed., JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 85 1). London. 1840. 1). Xew York. 0.. pp. ciii + 354. Philadelphia, 1884. * Talmage, T. DeWitt. — From IManger to Throne. A new- life of .lesus and a history of Palestine. Q., pp. 656. St;_^ Louis. 1891. * Q^iii> iireat value. Taylor, T. E.," Taylor, S. Earl, and Morgan, C. H.— Studies in the Life of Christ. U., pp. 226. New York, 1901. * A splendid study book. Taylor, Jeremy. — Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A revised edition with notes by Rev. Robert Philip. Q., pp. 405. London, 1840. * Abridged ed., E. Loudon, 1874. * Also published in his works. Another ed.. H. pp. 243. Pittsburg, Pa., 1834. * Thayer, E. W. — Sketches from the Life of Jesus. His^ torical and doctrinal. 0. New York. 1891. Thomas, Evan. — Jesus the Home Friend, and Other Addresses. O.. i)p. 96. Loudon, 1896. Thompson, E. — The History of Jesus Christ. With the ' lives of their apostles and successors. 2 vols., 0. Wil- mington, 1805. Tissot, J. J.— Our Lord Jesus Christ. Illustrated^ J. J. Tissot. 4 vols., Q. New York, 1898. * Tissot, J. J.— The Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ; 365 compositions from the four Gospels, with notes and explanatory drawings by J. J. Tissot; notes translated by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Ff., pp. 144. New York, 1900. * Ussher, Archbishop Henry. — Lumanuel : or the ^NFys- teries of the Tncai-nation. Q. Dublin, 1638. A later ed., E. London. Vallings, J. P.— Jesus Christ the Divine Man. His Life and Times. D., pp. viii+226. London and New York, 1888. aien of the Bible Series.) * Vandersloot, Samuel J. (Editor).— The Inspired His- tory of Je-sus, with sixteen full page illustrations by Dore. D.. n. p., n. d. __ Vercruysse, B.— New Practical Meditations for Eveiy . Day on the Life of Christ. 2 vols., D. New York, 1876. ^ 86 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Vincent, John H., and Lee, John W.— Earthly Foot- prints of the Man of Galilee. Oblong', pp. 196. New York, 1895. * Principally illustrations. Wace, Henry. — Some Central Points of Onr Lord's Min- istry. Cr. 0.. pp. xvi+352. London. 1890. * Wace, Henry. — The Gospel and Its Witnesses. Chief facts in the life of Our Lord. D. London, 1883. Wainwright, J, M. (Editor). — Onr Saviour, with Pro- phets and Apostles. With eighteen engravings and de- scriptions by various ^merican div iiies. 0. New York, ^1850. Walden, Treadwell. — An Undeveloped Chapter in the r Life of Christ. The great meaning of the word metanoia I lost in the old version unrecovered in the new. 0. New UYork. 1882. Walker, Norman L. — Jesus Christ and His Surround- ings. 0.. pp. 248. London, 1898. * r Wallace, O. C. S.— Life of Jesus. S.. pp. 192. Phila- j_delphia, 1894. Walsal, S.— The Life and Death of Jesus Christ the. Saviour. ]\Iaps and illustrations. Cr. 0. London, 1885. Watson, John.— The Life of the Master. Cr. 0.. pp. 418. London, 1902. Watson, John. — Life of the Master. Illustrated from 1 pictures made in Palestine by C. K. Simson. Q.. pp. 10- LsOl. New York, 1901. * ^ Watson, Mrs. S. — The Story of Jesus Christ the Saviour I Retold from the Evangelists. D., pp. xviii4-490. Boston, *--1889. Watson, Mrs. Samuel. — The Life of Jesus Christ the Saviour. Maps and illustrations. 0. London, 1885. Weiss, Bernhard. — The Life of Christ. Translated by J. W. Hope. 3 vols., 0., pp. 393. 403. 428. Edinburgh, 1884. * See recommendations. .^ Welch, J. — Thoughts on the Devotion to the Sacred C Heart and on the Life of Our Lord. D. New York, 1884. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 87 Weld, Horatius H.— Life of Christ. O. i*liil;ulclpliia,^ J 1850. 'Wheeler, Mrs. Charlotte. — Our Master's Footsteps; or Bible Notes for 'riioimhtful Girls. 0. London. 1883. White, Mrs. Annie Randall.— I\Iy Motliei-'s Life of Jesus. Philadelphia. 1902. White, W. S. — History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (). London. 1884. Whitfield, Frederick.— From Cana to Bethany : Glean- ings from Oui- Lord's Life. E., pp. 113. London. 1883. * Seeond ed.. 0.. pp. l-'iO. London. 1901. Whitfield, Frederick.— Holy Footprints. E. London, 1883. Whitfield, Frederick. — Jesus Himself. Jesus Only. 32mo. London. 1871. Whittemore, W. Meynell.— Notes on the Life of Christ. 0.. pp. 250. London. 1896. * Whyte, Alexander.— The Walk. Conversation, and Char- acter of Jesus Christ. Our Lord. 0.. pp. 310. Edinburgh, 1905. * Brilliant and orioinal. Wickes, Thomas.— The Son of Man. 1)., pp. 382. New York. 18B8. * Wild, Laura H.— Selected Studies in the Life of Christ ;"1 chosen to give a connected idea of the pi-ogress of Jesus'/ life. 0.. pp. 125. New York, 1900. * -, Willett, Herbert L. — Life and Teachings of Jesus. S., y pp. Ifi3. New York. 1899. * Willett, Herbert L.— Life and Teaching of Jesus. 0., pp. 161. London. 1900. * Willett. William.— :\Iessiah. 0., pp. 142. Boston, 1874. * Williams. Thomas. — The Private Life of Our Lord Jesus D. London. 1833. Williams, William.— The Redeemer. Four lectures. 0. London. 1874. Wills, Charles. — Fii'st Lessons in the Life of Oui- Lord Jesus Chrisi. E. Tjondon. 1863. 88 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ^. Wilson, Mrs. Ella C— Everyday Life Illustrated by the / , Life of Jesus. With pictures and original stories. Illus- ^trated. Parts I, II, D. Boston, 1887, 1888. CWinkley, S. H. — Question Book on the Life of Jesus. S. Boston, 1876. p Wise, Daniel. — Our King and Saviour; or the Story of ■^ Our Lord's Life on Earth. D. New York, 1875. Wood, H. K.— Glimpses of Christ. S., pp. 126. Ster- ling. 1889. Woodhead, Abraham. — An Historical Narrative of the Life and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ in two parts. (Anon.) O., pp. 342. Oxford, 1685. * Woolley, Milton. — The Career of Jesus Christ; being a supplement to the author's "Science of the Bible." 0. Streator. 111., 1877. The mythical theory. Worsnop, A. — The Footsteps of Jesus. D. London, n. d. Wright, Paul. — The New and Complete Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; that Great Exam- ple as well as Saviour of iNIankind. Containing an authen- tic account of all the real facts relating to his exemplary life, meritorious sufferings and death. 2 vols.. 0., pp. 480, 498. Trenton, 1810. * Also, Q., pp. 380. New York. * First ed., 1785. London, 1793. Wyld, G. — Life, Teachings and Works of the Lord Jesus Christ. Second ed., 0., pp. 168. London, 1888. Wynne, F. R. — Fragmentary Records of Jesus of Naza- reth. D., pp. 142. London, 1888. * An exposition of the records of the New Testament. f Young, John. — The Christ of History. An argument founded on the fact of Eis life on earth. D., pp. 260. New York, 1872. * Young, Peter.^Daily Readings for a Year on the Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Fourth ed., 2 vols., 0. London. 1872. Younghusband, Frances. — The Story of Our Lord. 0. London, 1887. VI. a. IN THE WORDS OF THE GOSPELS. Many consider that the four accounts are confusing to the general reader. These books combine the narratives in a continuous or harmonised form. We do not include dis- tinctive harmonies of the Gospels in this literature. Recommended: The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, 1898, prints the v.ords of Christ in larger type than the narrative proper, so that at a glance one can see all that Christ said. Ashdowne, William. — A Scripture Key to the Evan- gelists, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistle to the Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Hebrews. In a method hitherto unaccepted, containing a connected thread of the ministry of Christ and the Apostles in the plantation of the Gospel. In which is stated the opinion the Jews had of Christ. 0. Canterbury, 1777. Balch, W. S.— Brief Life of Christ. Catechetically ar- ranged in the order of a harmony of the Gospels. S. Bos-^ ton, 1830. Barham, F. F. — Improved Monotessaron. A complete authentic life of Christ, combining the words of the four Gospels in a revised version and an orderly chronological arrangement. D. London, 1862. Bartholomew, C. — The Life and Doctrine of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Being a continuous nar- rative of the four Gospels. 0. London, 1881. Beauclerk, Henry. — Jesus; His Life in the very Words of the Four Gospels. A Diatessaron. (Quarterly Series.) 0., pp. xi+234. London, 1896. * Boultbee, R. M. — Readings Explanatory of the Diatessa- 89 90 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD roll : the history of Our Lord Jesus Christ compiled from the four Gospels, according to the authorized version. 0., pp. V+58S. Bath. 1869. * Brown, G. J. Cowley-. — Daily Lessons on the Life of Our Lord on Earth. In the words of the evangelists, with a short exposition arranged for reading in the household. 2 vols.. 0.. pp. 1030. London, 1880. * Cadman, James P. — Christ in the Gospels; or, the Life of Our Lord in the Words of the American Revision of 1881. ^D. Philadelphia. 1888. Carpenter, Russell Lant. — A Monotessaron ; or, the Gos- pel Records of the Life of Christ. Combined into one nar- rative. E.. pp. XV4-248. London, 1851. * Choral Services. Incidents in the history of Jesus illus- trated by careful selections of Scripture and suitable hymns, anthems, chants, etc. 0. London, 1873. Cook, F. C— The Revised Version of the First Three Gospels Considered in its Bearings upon the Record of Our Lord's Words and of Incidents in His Life. 0.. pp. 258. London, 1882. * Davis, L. A. — Gospel Life of Jesus. S. Boston, 1876. Davis, Noah K. — Story of the Nazarene in Annotated Paraphrase. ()., pp. 428. New York, 1903.* Also un- der IV. Davis, Noah K. — Synoptic Life of Jesus. New York and Philadelphia. Earthly Footprints of Our Risen Lord Illumined : A con- tinuous narrative of the four Gospels according to the re- vised version, with introduction by John Hall. Third ed., D., pp. 458. New York, 1891. * r- Farmingham, Marianne. — Sunday Afternoons with ■ Jesus. Bible readings on the Life of Christ. 0. New York. 1874. Farrar, Frederick W. — The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ. By the four evangelists. Being the text of the Gospels rearranged in chronological order, with an introduc- tory study. 0., pp. 176. 1898. L JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 91 Finley, J. F. G. — One Gospel; or .Matthew. Mark, Luke and John Blended into One Continuous Story, Told in Chronological Order in the Exact Words of the Evangel ists. D.. pp. 2-1-235. San Bernardino, Cal., 1901. ".^ Gardiner, Frederic. — Diatessaron : the Life of Our Lord-A in tlK- W.irds of Ihc Gospels. D. Andover. 1871. * Gardiner, Robert B.— The Life of Christ. Selections from the chronolotiieally ai-ranued Gospels. 0.. pp. 1-46. London. 1874. * Garthwait, Henry. — The Evangelical Ilarniouie; reduc- ing the four evangelists into one continued context, and in it the entire Historic of the Acts and Sayings, Life and Death of Jesus Christ. Small Q. London, 1634. Gilmore. James R. — The Gospel History: being a com-H plete account of the life of Our Loi'd woven from the texts_J of the four evangelists. S. New York, 1881. Gilmore, J. R. (Edmund Kirke). — The Life of Jesus Ac-'l cording to His Original Biographers. S. Boston, 1876. -^ The Gospels Consolidated, with a copious index. Q. London. 1869. Guthrie, William Norman. — Christ of the Ages, in the~ Words of the Holy Writ : being the story of Jesus drawn from the Old and New Testaments. D., pp. 156. Cincin-^- nati. 1902. Hallett, A. — AYords of Jesus as Kecorded in the New"' Testament, chronologically arranged with dates and places inserted. Avith an introduction l)y Rev. Robert J. Burdette^^ D.. pp. 119+2. Los Angeles. 1904.* Hele, Arthur. — The Four Gospels Harmonized and Re- duced into One: or the History of Our Saviour Digested According to the Order of Time and Delivered in the Words of the Evangelists, with notes from the most approved authors. O. Reading, 1750. Henderson, Mrs. S. — Scripture Lessons on the History of Our Lord. D. London, n. d. Hillard, A. E. — A Continuous Narrative on the Life of L 92 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Christ in the Words of the Four Gospels. 0., pp. 232. London, 1894. * History of Our Saviour Jesus Christ Related in the Words of Scriptui'e, containing in order of time all the events and discourses recorded in the four evangelists, with short notes. 0. London, 1705. James, C. C. — The Gospel History of Our Lord in a Con- nected Narrative in the Words of the Revised Version. 0. London, 1890. ^1 Jefferson, Thomas. — Life and ^Morals of Jesus of Xaza- \. reth, extracted textually from the Gospels, together with a comparison of his doctrines with those of others. 0., pp. 164. St. Louis, Mo., 1902. * Also published in photo- graphic facsimile by the United States government. Johnstone, J. Boston. — The Life of Jesus Christ, ar- ranged from the four Gospels into one connected narrative, with chronological and biographical notes. 0. London, 1875. Kluh, J. M. — The Story of the Childhood and Passion of the Lord Jesus the Saviour, in the words of the evangelist. Printed in an alphabet of forty-five letters. S. Chicago. 1892. Lieberkuhn, Samuel. — The Acts of the Days of the Son of ^lan : or the History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Comprehending all that the four evangelists have recorded concerning him. All their relations brought into one narrative. (Anon.) Translated from the German. D. London. 1771. Lieberkuhn, Samuel. — A Harmony of the Four Gospels : or the History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. From the German. Second ed., revised, 0., pp. 322. London, 1823. * Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, a continuous narra- tive collected from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, with an introduction by Frederick W. Farrar. Illus- trated, from photographs of the real Palestine. D., pp. 11-|- 176. New York, 1898. * See recommendation. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 93 The Life of Jesus Christ in the AVords of the Evangelists: Harmony of tlie Gospel History of Our Saviour. S. New York. 187(5. The Life of Our Lord in the Words of the Four Evan- gelists; being- the four Gospels arranged in chronological order and interwoven to form a continuous narrative. AVith an introductory note by AVilliam i\[. Taylor. E., pp. vii+ 203. New York, 1877. * The Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ by Question and Answer. I). London, 1826. The Life, Teaching and Works of the Lord Jesus Christ, arranged as a continuous narrative of the four Gospels ac- cording to the revised versions. 0.. pp. ix-f-186. London, 1887. * . (Macbride, John David.). — Diatessaron : or the History of Our Lord Jesus Christ compiled from the four Gospels according to the authorized version. D. Oxford, 1837. Macbride, John David. — Lectures Explanatory of the Diatessaron : or the History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, collected from the four Gospels in the form of a continuous narrative. Third ed., enlarged. 0. Oxford, 1848. Fourth ed.. 2 vols.. 0., pp. 20+418, viii+352. Ox- ford. 1854. * MacKeith, Alexander. — The Story of Jesus in the Words of the Scripture. For the Lord's Day use in home and school. Blackboard drawings by David Pratt. 0. Glas- gow. 1893. Miller, James R. — Come Ye Apart : Daily Morning Read- H ings in the Life of Christ. D. New York, 1887. E.J London. 1905.* Mimpriss, Robert. — The Gospel Treasuiy, Harmony and Practical Exposition of the Four Evangelists. Exhibiting Our Lord's Life and ]\Iinistry, in One Hundred Sections. With seven graduated charts. 2 vols., 0. London, 1849- '51. Q. London, 1855. 2 vols, in one, D., pp. lxi+336, xx\dii+519. New York, 1866. * The title of this edition varies slightly from the above. 94 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Murphy, T. — The Life of Our Lord. Prepared chiefly ill the words of the Gospel for iLse in schools. O., pp. 98. London, 1898. * Nelson 's Red Letter Testament ; containing all the words spoken by Christ, printed in red. T. New York, 1905. * ^ New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, \ with all the words recorded therein, as having been spoken j by Our Lord, printed in color. Revised version, S., pp. -120. [_>'ew York. 1901. Olmstead, M. N. — Walks and Words of Jesus. A para- 1 graph harmony of the four evangelists. D., pp. 394. New I York, 1867. New ed. 1869. Sixth ed., D., pp. 400. New ^York. 1898. * [Perry, Anna M.]. — Life of Our Lord in the Words of the Four Evangelists,^ being the four Gospels arranged in chronological order and interwoven to form a continuous narrative. S., pp. 7+203. Chicago, 1901. * Rawson, Sir Rawson W. — The Gospel Narrative : or Life of Jesus Christ and Epitome or Harmony of the Gos- pels, with notes of material change in the revised version. New ed., Cr. 0., pp. 376. London, 1895.* Readings on the History of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Apostles. Two parts, 0. London, 1881. Robertson, John. — Gospel Questions : Lessons on Our Lord's Personal History. 0. London, 1867, 1868. Russell, Frederick. — Harmony of the Evangelical His- tory of Christ. 0. London, 1839. ^ Rutter, Henry. — The Life, Doctrines and Suft'erings of \ Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as recorded by xy I the four evangelists, Avith moral reflections, etc. Preface and the Acts of the Apostles rendered into hlank verse by .Const antin e_ Pise. Q., pp. 504+80. New York, 1,S44. * /-*. Sanford, John Ithiel. — Journeys of Jesus Christ: a man- \ ual harmonized from the four Gospels. 0., pp. 3+11 + 35. Vchicago, 1905. Scott, Joseph John. — The Life of Christ. A continuous u JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 95 narrative in the woixls of the authorized viTsion of the four Gospels. With inti'ochiclion and notes. 0., pp. 866. Lon- don, 1905. * Sloan, W. N. — Tlie Gospel History of Jesus GhrisfT chronoloiiieally arraniied and selected from the four Gosj pels without repetitions. D., pp. Il-f22-i. Eau Claire] Wis., 1898. * Smith, Isaac G. — Epitome of the Life of Our Blessed Saviour; witli introduction and notes. S. London, 1864. Smith, J. Gregory. — The Life of Our Blessed Saviour; an epitome of the Gospel narrative. S. London, 1864. Something about Jesus (selected from the New Testa- ment). S. London, 1864. Teachings of Jesus Extracted from the Four Gospels and Arranged by Jean du Buy. S., pp. 8+80. Boston, 1898. Thirlwall, T. — Diatessaron : or the History of Jesus • Christ. D. London, 1803. Third ed. 1804.' Thomson, Charles. — A Synopsis of the Four Evangel-1 ists; or a regular history of the conception, birth, doctrine, I miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ/ in the words of the evangelists. 0. Philadelphia, 1815.1 His own version. The author translated the entire Bible.J He was the first secretary of Congress. Warner, R. — A Chronological History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ fi-om the Compounded Texts of the Four Evangelists : or the English Diates.saron ; with a map of the Holy Land, explanatory notes, illustrations from late oriental travellers and Rabbinical writers and preliminary articles of useful information. 0. Bath, 1819. White, W. S. — The History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : being the four Gospels combined in one con- tinuous form in chronological order. Verbatim according to the revised version, nothing being omitted but identical repetitions. Designed for the use of schools. 0.. pp. 202. Lincoln. England. 1884. * Wilkins, William.— A Continuous Historv of the Life 96 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD I and Ministry of Jesus Christ. Second ed., D., pp. 31. [^Ithaca, N. Y., 1854 * Willan, Robert.- — The History of the Ministry of Jesus Christ, combined from the narratives of the four evangel- ists. Second ed.. with many additional notes and observa- tions. D. London, 1786. Williams, Isaac. — The Gospel Narrative of Our Lord's ]\Iinistry Harmonized with reflections. The second year. 0., pp. V4-455. London, 1838. * Williams, Isaac. — The Gospel Narratives, etc. The third year. 0., pp. vii-h487. London, 1849. * Yates, E. — The Gospels Interwoven ; a narrative of Our Lord's earthly ministry. D., pp. 179. Loudon, 1870. * Young, Peter. — Daily Headings for the Year on the Life of Our Lord. Second ed., 2 vols., Cr. 0. London, 1861. YI. b. WKITTEX FOR CHILDREN. :\Iany of the so-ealled children's lives of Jesus have been so simplified as to be made uninteresting. No doubt there are several in the list o-iven below. Recommended : Bird, R.— "Jesus of Nazareth." Mrs. Morton (nee Harriet Cave), t^ewton, R. -, E. S.— A History of Our Lord's Life on Earth, from the four Gospels. For the use of children. Edited by W. E. Heygate. S.. pp. 252. London, 1871. * Alexander, Mrs. C. F. — Easy Questions on the Life of Our Lord. D. London, 1891. B , Annie. — Outline Lessons for Junior Classes on the Life of Our Lord. 0., pp. 326. London, 1884. * Batchelor, Anne.— Story of Jesus Told for Little Chil- dren. Illustrated in e(»lors by Anne Batchelor. T. New York. .1905. Bennett, Mrs. M. L. — Early Lessons About the Saviour. E. Boston. 1876. Bird, Robert. — Je.sus, the Carpenter of Nazareth. Q., pp. 612. London, 1899. 0., pp. 296. Edinburgh, 1905. O., pp. 8-612. New York. 1900.* First issued anony- mously. Blackall, C. R. — Stories About Jesus Our Lord and ^ Saviour. Q. Philadelphia, 1890. ^ Brown, Howard N. — A Life of Jesus for Young People, ^i S. Boston. 1885. Butler, Anna R. — The Promised King; or Story of the^J Children's Saviour. D. Philadelphia, 1890. 7 97 98 JESUS; CHRIST OUR LORD Carter, Mrs. Mary Mein. — Life of Christ for Little Children. Illustrated from the Masters and illuminated after parchments of the fifteenth centni'v. Ff., pp. 64. Philadelphia, 1904. * Cave, Harriet. — Stories of Christ the Lord, with illus- trations. D., pp. 114. New York, n. d. * Mrs. Harriet Morton, nee jMiss Cave. Chapman, Mrs. Paul. — The Life of Our Lord and Sav- iour Jesus -Christ, Simply Told for Children. Cr. 0., pp. vi+206. Oxford, 1904. * The Child's Life of Christ. With original illustrations. Q., pp. 76. London, 1882. * Child's Life of Christ. (Manhattan Young People's Library.) S., pp. 192. New York, 1900. * Child's Life of Christ for Little Children. New York, 1904. Child's Life of Jesus, with twelve illustrations printed in oil-colors. Anon. D. New York, 1857. Child's Life of Jesus. New York, 1904. Clarke, C. — The Life of Jesus for Young People. Clarke, Mary L. ( Mada ) .—The Story of Jesus. 32mo. New York, n. d. Col well, John. — Pleasant Talks About Jesus. Half Hours with the Children. 0., pp. 202. 0. London, 1882. Crafts, Wilbur F.— Talks to Boys and Girls .About Jesus. D. New York, 1881. * Craven, C. E.— Jesus and Children. S.. pp. 28. Phila- delphia, 1896. * Diffendorfer, Ralph E. and Morgan, C. H. — Junior Studies in the Life of Christ; a year's course of thirty-five lessons for the use of junior students and classes. S., pp. 221. New York, 1903. * The best work of its kind. Dix, W. Chatterton. — The Pattern Life; or Lessons for Children from the Life of Our Lord. With eight illustra- tions by P. Priolo. 0.. pp. 716. London, 1885. * Dunckley, James. — A Saviour for C'hildren, and other sermons for little folks. 0., viii+240. London, 1870. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 99 Egerton, Margaret.— The Life of Christ for Litth' Chil- (li'cn. H.. pp. 62. London, 1895. * Farber, W. — Jesus the Children's Friend. Illustrated Prayerbook for Little Ones. Second ed., 32nio. St. Louis, 1894. A Few Events in the Life of Our Divine Lord Briefly Told for Children. By a Member of the League of the Sacred Heart. S.. pp." iii+46. Philadelphia, 1897. * Fifty-two Lessons on the Life of Our Lord. Compiled bj' a Clerg^nnan Experienced in School Work. 0.. pp. 54. London. 1899. Fish, H. C. — Youth's Catechism on the Life and Sayings of Jesus. 2 vols.. E. Xew York, 1876. Fitzpatrick, Florence Baillie. — -Life of Christ for Chil- dren. D.. pp. 170. Philadelphia, 1905. Fleetwood, J.— The Youth's Life of Our Lord. D. Londoii. n. d. Foote, Mary Hastings. — A Life of Christ for Young People in Questions and Answers. D.. pp. 16-(-281. New York. 1895. * Forbush, Rev. William Byron. — Boys' Life of Christ: with eight halftone illustrations. D., pp. 8+3+12+318. Xew York. 1906. * Foster, George J. — The Life of Jesus, "Written for the Young. D. London. 1866. Gedge, J. W. — Simple Scripture Lessons for School and Home. First series. The Life of Christ. D., pp. 80. London, 1879. Giberne, Agnes. — The Day Star ; or the Gospel Story for the Little Ones. New ed., D., pp. 260. London, 1875. Gillie, R. C— The Stor^- of Stories. 0., pp. xvi+428. London. 1901. * Finely illustrated and well printed, but "written down." Good Shepherd. The Life of the Saviour for Children. Ff., pp. 96. London. 1895. The Good Shepherd. A Life of Christ for Children. E., pp. 120. Chicago, n. d. The Colportage Library. * 100 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Goodspeed, E. J., and E. W. Hicks. — Life of Jesiis for Young' People. Q. New York, 1874. Gospel Story ; or the Life of Christ, for the Young. S., pp. 303. Philadelphia. Gospel Stories; an attempt to render the chief events of the life of Oui- Saviour intelligible to children. Second ed. London, 1833. Gray, W. H. — Our Divine Shepherd. A book for young people. 0., pp. 324. London, 1903. * The Great Examplar. Little Anna's Life of Jesus. (In verse.) S. London, 1876. Gregg, Florence, and Sarah Jane. — Jesus : the Story of His Life. Told for the children. Q., pp. 87. London, 1892. Hammond, Edward P. — Jesus the Way; or the Child's Guide to Heaven. Second ed., 0., pp. viii-f 98. London, 1870. Hammond, Edward P. — Children and Jesus; or Stories to Children about Jesus. D. London, 1867. Hammond, Edward P. — 'Jesus the Lamb of God. 0. London. 1885. • Haskell, Mrs. L.— The Sweet Story of Old. The Life of Christ for Children. S. New York. 1891. D. Phila- delphia, 1904. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. — Child Life of Jesus. Illus- trated by J. Lawson. Q., pp. 100. New York, 1902. Helm, Nellie Lathrop. — AVhen Jesus Was Here Among Men. Cr. 0., pp. 212. London, 1902. 0., pp. v+205. London, 1902. * Hodges, George. — When the King Came : Stories from the Four Gospels. D., pp. ii+399. New York, 1904.* Hopps, John P. — The Life of Jesus, Rewritten for Young Disciples. D., pp. 48. London, 1869. * Howell, Constance. — A Biography of Jesus Christ, written for young free-thinkers. 0. London, 1883. Hoyt, Helen Brown. — Child's Story of the Life of Christ. D., pp. 233. Boston, 1903. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 101 Hutchinson, Ida W. — 'J'he Gospc^l Story of .Jesus Christ. With many illustrations hy I'attcn Wilson. ().. pp. xii+ Wl. Loiulon. 1902.* Jackson, Helen E.— Gentle Jesus. A life for little folks. Q.. pp. 22:5. London. 1895. •Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth. By a Layman. 0., pp. 456 London. 1890. See Bird. Kelman, Janet Harvey. — Stories from the Life of Christ. Pictures 1)y F. D. Bedford. (Told to the Children Series.) New York". 1905. Kephart, C. J.— The Life of Jesus for Children. A series of questions and answers. 22mo. Dayton, 0., 1894. Kethley, A. Pitt.— The Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chi-ist. Told chiefly in words of one syllable for young children. Illustrated. Q., pp. 96. London, 1905. L , H. L. — Lessons in the Life of Christ for the Lit- tle Ones at Home. E., pp. 192. London, 1871. * Lamb, A. S.— The Gospel and the Child. O.. pp. 260. London. 1884. Leathley, Mary E. S.— The Story of Stories, for the Lit- tle Ones. 1). London. 1875. Ncm' ed. 1881. Life of Christ, in the Words of the Evangelists, for the use of young persons. Anon. D. New York, n. d. Life of Christ for the Ycmng. 22rao. Edinburgh. 1893. Life of Christ. By a Friend to Youth. S. London, n. d. Life of Jesus. (Favorite Bible Stories.) New York. Life of Jesus for Young People. By the Editor of Kind Words. D., pp. 376. London, 1869. The Life of Jesus. Written for the young. (In verse.) D. London, 1866. Life of Our Lord in Simple Language for Little Chil- dren. O. London, 1892. MacDuff, J. R.— Brighter than the Sun. A life of Our Lord for the young. 0., pp. 440. London 1877. * MacDuff, j. R.— Story of Bethlehem. A book for chil- dren. Fourth ed.. O.. pp. 136. London. 1874. * 102 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Mackeith, Alexander.— The Gospel of Jesus. Illus- trated lessons on (iospel pictnr(^s from the lips of Our Lord. Q. London. 1905. Marshall, Mrs. Emma.— The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ for Very Young Children. Illustrated. 0., pp. 88. London and Xe\v York, 1886. * Miller, Mrs. J. A. ("Faith Latimer").— Jesus upon Earth ; his birth, life, death and resurrection ; designed for children. New ed., S. New York, 1881. * Mocatta, M. A.— Stories from the Life of Our Lord, for Children of the Church. Illustrated. 0., pp. 290. Lon- don, 1892. Montgomery, Maud.— The Story of Our Lord's Life. With eight coloi-ed plates after Gaudenzio Ferrari. S., pp. 174. London, 1901:. * Mortimer, Mrs. — More About Jesus. By the Author of the "Peep of Day." E., pp. 438. London, 1872. * Morton, Mrs. G. E.— The Story of Jesus for Little Chil- dren. With illusti-ations and maps. 0., pp. 308. London, 1880. * ' A Mother's Lessons to Her Little Ones About Jesus. D. London, 1865. Mulholland, Miss Rosa. — Prince and Saviour; the Story of Jesus Simply ^fold. S., pp. 48. Dublin, 1875. Mulholland, Miss Rosa. — The Story of Jesus for Cath- olic Children. S., pp. 48. London, 1879. Newton, Richard. — The Life of Jesus Christ for the Young. Illustrated. O. Philadelphia, 1876. Newton, R. — The Light of the World. Lessons from the life of Our Lord for children. Q., pp. 340. London, 1893. Nixdorff, G. A. — Scenes in the Life of Christ, adapted to the comprehension of children ; designed for Sabbath schools. S. Philadelphia, 1877. Osborne, Edward W. — The Children 's Saviour ; instruc- tions to children on the life of Our Lord. Illustrated. T., pp. xii+275. London, 1882. New ed., S., pp. 288. Lon- don, 1887. * JESUS CHIUST OUR LORD 103 Our ( 'liiklluMid 's I'jittci'ii : bciiii:' Ink's l);ise(l upon inci- dents in the lil'o ol' the Holy ("liild .Jesus. S. London, 1870. Our Savioui'. Pictui'cs and stories from liic Hie oi" -Jesus Clii-ist. Illnsti-ated. Cr. O., pp. 64. London, 190L Our liord's Pul^lie Ministry; a sivetch for senior Sunday scholars. K. IiOnck)n. 1855. Pollard, Josephine. — Young Folks' Life of Jesus Christ. D.. pp. 410. London. 1891. * Pollard, Josephine. — The Wonderful Story of Jesus. 0. St. Louis. 1890. Pollard, Josephine. — Younu Follvs' Life of Christ, told in pictures and words of easy reading for the young; with introduction l\v Eev. James W. Lee; photographs taken expressly for this work by Robert E. ]\I. Bain. 0., pp. 27 -f- 33+40. St. Louis. 1902. * Price, Ernest C. — The Footsteps of Jesus; Scripture texts and poems for children. Illustrated by A. and F. C. Price. D. New York, 1887. The Prince of Peace; or Truths for Young Disciples, with prefaratory irmarks by Rev. E. Bickersteth. D.. pp. xi-r-345. London. 1847. * Proby, W. H. B. — Stories About the Great King. Sec- ond ed.. revised ami enlarged. P]., pp. 318. London, 1874. Proudfoot, Andrea Hofer. — Child's Christ Tales. D., pp. 6+90. Chicago, 1900. Remy, Jean S.— Life of Christ Retold in AVords of One Syllable. (One syllable sermon.) 0.. pp. 127. New York. 19(n. Roscamp, Robert G. — Life of Jesus Christ. A system- atic arrangement of the principal events in the life of the "Great Xazarene,'" especially adapted to youth of the age. O., pp. 6+9+255. New York, 1902. * Royer, Galen Brown. — ^^Jesus the Saviour. (Bible Biog- raphies for the Young, Xo. 18.) 2 vols., S.. pp. 2+154+ 334. Elgin, 111., 1904. 104 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Rye, Mrs. Francis. — The Beloved Son. The story of Jesus Christ Told to Children. 0., pp. vii-|-421. London, 1901. * Sabbath Talks About Jesus. By the Author of "Sab- bath Talks with Little Children." New ed., E., pp. 108. London, 1868. Salome (Mother j\Iaryj. — The Life of Qui- Lord. Writ- ten for little ones. Frontispiece. Cr. O., pp. vi+430. London, n. d. Sangster, Margaret E. — That Sweet Story of Old. A life of Christ for the Younc. 0.. pp. 262. New York, 1904. * Shrewsbury, John V. B. — "Jesus." and Other Sermons to Children. S., pp. 96. London. 1885. * Sizer, Kate Thompson. — Our Blest Eedeemer : the Story of His Life. Told for little children. Q.. pp. 96. Lon- don. 1898. Skene, W. F. — The Gospel History for the Young ; being lessons on the life of Christ. 3 vols., 0. London, 1884. Smith, Hannah ("Hesba Stretton"). — The Sweet Story of Old ; a Sunda\' book for little ones. 0. New York, 1886. Smith, Hannah. — The Child's Life of Christ. New, large type, ed., Q. Philadelphia, 1893. Star in the East, The. Stories about Jesus. 0. Edin- buro-h, 1904. Stevenson, John G. — The Christ of the Children. A life of Jesus for young people. Illustrated, O.. pp. 191. London, 1905. * Stock, Sarah Geraldina. — The Child's Life of Our Lord. Illu-strated. D., pp. 320. London, 1879. * Stories of the Good Shepherd. A Sunday l)Ook for little children. 0. London, 1864. Story of the Gospel; or Our Saviour's Life on Earth; told in words easy to read and understand. By the Author of "The Stories of the Bible." S. Philadelphia, 1881. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ]()5 Story of Jesus (The). With ei.uht i)i('tures in color by Vincent S. Daniel. (The Children's Classics.) E.. pp. 94. London. 1906. Story of the Life of Jesus, in words easy to read and understand. By the Anthor of "The Stories of the Bible." With forty full paiies. Pp. 220. London. 1889. Stretton, Hesba. (Psend.) (Hannah Smith). — New- Child's Life of Christ told in easy lanyna^e. D.. pp. 251. Philadel])hia. 1901. * Stretton, Hesba. — The Wonderfnl Life. E., pp. viii^- 251. London. 1878. Sunshine, M. (Psend.). — The Children's Life of Jesus Christ. E. Syllabus of P^lenientary Lessons on the Life of Christ. T.. pp. 8. London, 1880. Taylor, Isaac. — Child's Life of Christ. D. London, n. d. Taylor, O. A.^ — A Brief View of the Saviour, with reflec- tions on his doctrine, parables, etc. Designed chiefly for the young. D.. pp. xvi+26L Andover, 1835. * Thompson, J. P. — Jesus of Nazareth. His life for the young. 0.. pp. xviii+488. Boston. 1876. * Towers, Alton. — Little Ones' Life of Christ. Illustrated by Audrey J. Watson. (Little Ones' Library.) New York. 1904. Walbridge, L. Castle. — The Story of Jesiis for Chil- dren. (In selections from the Bible.) "Masterpieces of Art." D. New York. 1901. Walker, Mrs. E. Ashley. — From the Crib to the Cross; life of Chi-ist in words of one syllable. S. New York. 1876. Walker, Mrs. E. Ashley. — Life of Christ, in words of one syllable. S. New York. 1869. Walking With Jesus. Sunday i-eadings for the little ones. S. London. 1885. Waterworth, Mrs. — When Jesus Was Here Among ]\Ien. A new Sunday l)0()k foi- young people. Q. London. 1890. 106 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Weed, G. Luddington. — A Life of Christ for the Young. D., pp. 400. Philadelphia, 1898. Weiser, C. Z.— The Child's Life of Christ, written in words of one sound. S. Eeading-, Pa., 1886. Whaler, Mrs. Charlotte.— The Old Picture Bible : or Sto- ries from the Life of Christ. S. London, 1867. White, Annie Randall. — Talks About Jesus AVith Our Little Boys and Girls. Q., pp. 278. Chicago, n. d. The Young Child's Cospel ; or the Life of Our Lord. 0. London, 1880. Younghusband, Frances. — The Story of Our Lord, told in simple language for children. Illustrated. Cr. 0. Lon- don, 1887. VI. c. POETICAL. These are prin('i])ally attempts at the Epic or else versi- fied devotion. EecoiiniifHcled: None. Abbot, John.— Jesus Prefigured; or a Poem of the Holy Name of Jesus. Permissu Superiorum. Q. London, 1623. Allen, William. — Poems of Nazareth and the Cross. D, Northampton, INIass., 1866. Auringer, O. C, and Smith I. Oliver.— The Christ. A poetical .study of his life from advent to ascension. 0., pp. vi-f 106. New York, 1898. * B , M. E.— The Young Child's Gospel; or the Life of Our Lord in Easy Verse. Second ed., D.. pp. 108. London, 1899. Brown, W.— Christ and Life of Lives, and Other Poems. 0. London, 1887. Calvert, G. H.— The Nazarene. A poem. T. Boston, 1884. [Cartwright, E.].— The Prince of Peace, and Other Poems. Q.. pp. 1:6. London. 1779. Chittenden.— The Pleronia. A poem of the Christ. 0., pp. 347. New York, 1890. Christ and Anti-Christ. A poem. By a Layman. D. London, n. d. Christian Annual. Christ and the twelve as painted in sacred poetry. Comprising an address by one of the first of our Christian teachers, with nearly one hundred poems of scenes and events in the life of Oui- Saviour and his Apostles. Q., pp. 80. London, 1876. * Christus Victor. (In English vei-se.) 0. Boston. 1865. 107 108 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD [Clarke, Mrs. A.]. — The Saviour's Triumph and Satan's Downfall; or Captivity Led Captive. A tragical poem in ten pai'ts. T. Northampton, 1824. Coles, Abraham. — The Light of the World ; the life and teachings of Our Lord in verse. O. New York. 1884. Cottle, Joseph. — ^Messiah. A poem. 0. London, n. d. Dodge, H. Nehemiah. — Christus Victor. A student's reverie. A poem. Second ed., S., pp. 11+186. New York, 1900. Featherstun, H. Walker.— The Christ of Our Poets. D., pp. 171. Nashville, 1901. * A study of the poetry of the subject. Ford, Charles L. — Lyra Christi; hynnis and verses on the life work and sayings of Our Blessed Lord. Cr. 0. London, 1874. Second ed. 1876. Revised ed. 1892. Furse, M. — Glimpses of Christ. . (Verse.) D. London, 1863. God Our Saviour. Pictures and verses illustrating events in the life of Our Blessed Saviour. London, 1904. Gold, Silver and Brass; or Christ in Glory, in Grace, and in Suffering. (In verse.) S. London, 1877. Goodwin, Simon. — The Messiah. A poem. Q. Lon- don, 1772. Gospel Scenes ; illustrative of the incidents in the history of Our Saviour. (A collection of hymns, etc., by various authors.) S. Edinburgh, 1845. Gray, S. — The Messiah; or the life, death, resurrection and exaltation of Messiah, the Prophet of Nations. A poem. 0. London, 1842. Griswold, Rev. (Editor). — The Life of the Saviour. By the poets and painters. D., pp. 240. Philadelphia, 1845. Hartman, C. — Sadakichi : Christ. A dramatic poem in thiee acts. Published by the Author. D., pp. 81. Bos- ton, 1893.'* Hathaway, Timothy. — Gospel Melodies; or Portraitures of Our Lord in Verse. D. London, 1856. JESU8 CHRIST OUR LORD 109 Hirst, Samuel.- The i.aiiib oi' t iod. The Saetvd Poem in Twelve Hooks. Cr. 0. London, 1865. Holland, J. G.— Christ and the Twelve ; scenes and events in the life of Onr Savionr and his apostles, as painted by the poets. O. Springlield, Mass., 1876. Holland, Robert.— The Holie Ilistorie of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Xativitie. Small 0. London, 1594. In metrical form. Karr, Margaretta Ayres. — Heavenly Voice; a life of Christ in blank verse. His work and w^ord in sonnets. 0., pp. 12+27r). Xew York, 1905. * Klingle, G.— From Bethlehem to Jerusalem. A poem, with facsimiles of water-color sketches by H. Fenn. 0. New York, 1888. Life of Our Blessed Saviour in Simple Verse. (Anon.) S. London, n. d. Losch, Henry.— (lod-^Ian : or the Life and Works of Jesus the Christ and Son of God ; a poem, with many notes and illustrations. D., pp. 8+177. Philadelphia, 1904.* Luff, William.— About Jesus: One Hundred Poems. 0. Sterlino- X. B.. 1885. MacDuff, J. R.— The Storj- of Jesus in Verse. Leading incidents in the great biography. S. New York. 1893. D., pp. 128. London, 1894. * Medwin, A.— The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ. In verse. S. London, 1880. Montgomery, Robert.— Messiah. A poem hi six books, with notes. D. London, u. d. The Old, Old Story of Jesus and His Glory. (In verse.) S. London. 1866. Olivier, H. A.— Our Lord Jesus Christ Made Known Through the Church. From Advent to Trinity set forth in verse. " 0., pp. 208. Oxford, 1896. * • On the Creation of the World, the Birth and Sufferings of and Redemption by. Our Lord and Sa\dour Jesus Christ. A divine poem. Applicable to this holy time of Lent. Q. London, 1719. 110 JESU8 CHRIST OUR LORD The Prince of Peace; or Lays of Bethlehem. Selected from the British poets. Illustrated. O., pp. xi-|-176. London, n. d. The Prince of Peace. (Verses by various authors.) Il- lustrated by A. F. Lydon. 0. London, 1888. (Ryland, J. C). — The Life and Actions of Jesus Christ by Way of Question and Answer. By a Lover of Jesus Christ. D. New London, 1767. Sacrifice, Redemption's Story. Paraphra"sed from the Holy Writ and narrated in metrical form. By A. Messen- ger. Illustrated. Cr. 0., pp. 137. London, "l901. * Shipley, Orby (Editor). — Lyra Messianica :' Hymns and Verses on the Life of Christ. 0. London, 1864. Strangewayes, Edward. — Messiah; or Redemption of Man. A poem. 0. London. Two Pleasant Ditties : One of the Birth, the Other of the Passion, of Christ. Ff. London, 1623. Verses and Pictures Illustrating the Life of Our Lord. T. London, 1856. Welles, Albert. — The Life of Jesus the Messiah. A sacred po(Mii. Illustrated. 0., n. p. New York, 187-4. * Wesley, Samuel. — The Life of Jesus Christ. An heroic poem. Ff.. pp. 28+349. London, 1693. * Wesley, Samuel. — The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. An heroic poem. 0., pp. xvi-|-303. Manchester, n. d. (about 1800).* A brief life of the author is prefixed. VT. d. THE APOCRYPHAL CHRIST. By this we nieau the legends and spurious writings which relate more than the Gospels tell concerning Chi'ist. Recommended : For the study of the apocryphal Gospels themselves, the translation of Alexander Walker. Edinburgh, 1870. Harris, Kendall.— The Gospel of St. Peter. E. New York. 1893. Barnes, W. E. — The Canonical and Uncanonical Gos- pels. D. London, 1893. Crutwell, C. T.— Literary History of Christianity. 2 vols., 0. Edinburgh and New York, 1893. A copy of a letter written l)y Jesus Christ and found eighteen miles from Iconium. To which is added King Agbarus' letter to Our Saviour and Our Saviour's answer. Ff. London, 1720 ( ?), 1780 (?), 1810 (?). And various other editions. Cowper, B. Harris, — The Apocryphal Gospels, and other documents relating to the history of Christ, translated, with notes, etc. 0. London. 1867. * Donehoo, James DeQuincey. — Apocryphal and Legend- ary Life of Christ :'being the whole body of the apocryphal Gospels and other extra canonical literature which pretends to tell of the life and words of Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 59-f 531. New York. 1903. * Of great value. Grenfell, Bernard Pyne, and Others. — New Sayings of Jesus and Fragment of a Lost Gospel from Oxyrynchus. Edited, with translation and commentary. With the text of the "Logia,'' discovered in 1897. Pp. 47, 0. Lon- 111 113 JESUB CHRIST OUR LORD don, 1904. * (Egyptian Exploration Fund, Grjwo-Roman Branch.) Guerber, H. A.— Legends of the Virgin and Christ ; with illustrations from the masters. D. New York, 1896 and 1881. * A good, popular account. Hackwood, Frederick W.— Christ Lore. Being legends, traditions, myths, symbols, customs and superstitions of the Christian Church. 0., pp. 306. London, 1902. * The Hebrew Account of Our Lord; sole English edition Latinized by J. C. Wagenseil, 1681. Englished by E. L. G. O., pp. 19. London, 1885. Another edition translated from the Hebrew and edited by G. W. Foote and J. M. Wheeler. 0., pp. xii+47. London, 1885. * Horder, W. Garrett.— The Newly Found Words of Jesus. Cr. 0., pp. 134. London, 1905. * Lock, Walter, and Sanday, W.— Two lectures on the "Sayings of Jesus," recently discovered at Oxyrynchus: delivered at Oxford. 0., pp. 4+46. Oxford, 1899. * Mead, G. R. S.— Did Jesus Live One Hundred Years, B. C. ? An inquiry into the Talmud Jesus stories, the Tol- doth Jesehu, and some curious statements of Epiphanius, being a contribution to the study of Christian origins. 0. New' York, 1903. * Sayings of Jesus. From an early Greek papyrus discov- ered and edited with translation and commentary by Bern- hard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt. With two plates. (Egyptian exploration fund.) O., pp. 20. Oxford, 1897. * Pick, B.— Life of. Jesus. (Apocryphal.) S. New York, 1887. Pick, B.— The Extra Canonical Life of Christ. Cr. 0. London, 1903. * Also, D., pp. 312. New York, 1903. * Primitive Christianity. Vol. I, containing the lost lives of Jesus Christ and the apostles, showing the dawn of Christianity in Jesus Christ, its destruction by martyrdom, etc. 0. London, 1897. Rawnsley, H. D. — Sayings of Jesus. Six village ser- JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 118 mons on the Papyrus fragment. Preached in Saint Kenti- gern's Church, Crosthwaite, Keswick. E., pp. 94. Glas- gow, 1897. * Rawnsley, H. D. — "Sayings of Jesus," and a Lost Gos- pel Fragment. A series of sermons. 0.. pp. 162. Lon- don, 1905. * Taylor, Charles. — The Oxyrynchus Sayings of Jesus. Found in 1903, with the sayings called "Logia," found 1897. A lecture. Cl". O., pp. 36. London, 1905. * Thoughts on the Letters of the Lord Jesus. 0. Lon- don (?), 1886. Warschauer, J. — Jesus saith. Studies in some "new sayings" of Christ. Cr. 0., pp. 191. London, 1905.* Wright, J. W. — Curious Facts, Myths, Legends and Superstitions Concerning Jesus ; with a historical sketch of the false Christs of all ages. 0. Cincinnati, 1894. VI. e. REPLIES TO STRAUSS AND RENAN. Strauss represented Christ as a myth. Renan the story as a legend. Recommended: Neander (see VI), in reply to Strauss, and Tulloch in reply to Renan. Christlieb for Ijoth. Beard, John R. — Studies in the Life and Writing,' of Er- nest Renan. An exposition of his doctrines and confuta- tion of his errors, with special reference to his "Life of Jesus."' A manual of evidence suited to the times. 0. London, 1868. Beard, John R. (Editor). — Voices of the Church. In reply to Dr. D. F. Strauss, author of "Das Leben Jesu, " comprising essays in de'fense of Christianity, by diAanes of various communions. O. London, 1845. Christlieb, Theodore. — Modern Doubt and Christian Belief. A series of apologetic lectures addressed to earnest \ seekers after truth. Translated by H. U. AVeitbrecht and ; edited by Rev. T. L. Kingsbury. 0., pp. xx-)-519. New "^York, 1874.* DePresense, E. — The Redeemer. D. New York, n. d. A reply to Renan. D., pp. xix-(-316. Edinburgh, 1864. * Elmslie, W. G. — Ernest Renan and His Criticism of Christ. (Present Day Tracts.) 0., pp. 57. London, 1884.* Gillespie, William. — The Truth of the Evangelical His- tory of Our Lord Jesus Christ : proved in opposition to Dr. D. F. Strauss. 0. Edinburgh, 1856. f Logan, H. S. — Jesus in Modern Life. D., pp. 299. LPhiladelphia, 1888. * Macpherson, Robert.— The Resurrection of Jesus Christ 114 r JEliUS CHRIST OUR LORD \\r, with an Exaiuiuatioii of the Specuhitions of Strauss in His "New Life of Jesus." Cr. 0. Edinburgh, 1867. -. McKim, R. H.— Christ and Modern Unbelief. D. Xew^ York. 189:^ Paton, J. B. -Review of the "Vie de Jesus" of M. Renan, containing' discussions npon the doctrine of miracle, etc. D., pp. viii+160. London, 1864. * A reply to the Life of Jesus, by Dr. Strauss, from the French of Professor Quinet and the Rev. Fasten i- A. Co- querel. 0., pp. 66. Loudon, 1844. * 'A •/ Schaff, Dr., and M. N. Roussel.— The Raiuiiuee of M^ ^ Renan and the Christ of the Gospels. D., pp. 239. New York, 1868. * Scott, W. A.— The Christ of the Apostles Creed: the^ voice of the church against Arianism. Strauss and Renan. \ i/ With an appendix. 6., pp. xii-f 432. New York, ],8SI. *^ Stephens, E. — Modern Infidelity Disarmed, in a Reply to M. Renan 's Life of Jesus. O. London, 1876. Tafel, I. F. M.— The Life of Jesus from the Gospel^ Record Vindicated and Defended Against the Attacks of^ Dr. Strauss, and of infidelity in general. From the Ger- man. D.. pp. 287. Chicago. 1868.* Tulloch, John. — The Christ of the Gospels and the~l Christ of Modern Criticism. S., pp. 266. Cincinnati,J 1865. * A reply to Renan. Ulhorn, Gerhard. — The Modern Representations of the"^ Life of Jesus. Translated by C. E. Grinnell. D., pp. 164./-J Boston, 1868. * RepHes to both Strauss and Renan. VI. f. THE LIFE OF CHRIST IN FICTION. Ben-Halpai, Levi. — True Historj^ and Tragedy of j Joshua, the Messiah. 0., pp. 2+46. Washington, D. C, Burr, Enoch Fitch. — Aleph the Chaldean; or the Mes- 1 siah as Seen from Alexandria. Pp. 2+413. New York, L 1891. New ed., 1896. * Carus, Paul.— The Crown of Thorns : a Story of the Time of Christ. D., pp. 73. Chicago, 29Q1. * Cleeve, Lucas. — Lazarus: a Tale of the World's Great ^ Miracle. D.. pp. 4+383. New York, 1^97. * I^ Corelli, Marie. — Barabbas: a Dream of the World's Tragedy. D. Philadelphia, 1893. * Davis, George T.— When Christ Was Here. A tale of the days of Jesus. Jerusalem 1900 years ago. With fron- tispiece. Cr. 0., pp. 155. London. 1905. Featherstun, Henry Walter. — The Christ of Our Nov- elists. S.. pp. 8+244. Nashville, Tenn., 1904. * Haddock, Frank C— A Boy and the Christ. D., pp. 5+ _ 81. New Yoi'k, 1896. * Houghton, Louise Seymour. — Antipas, Son of Chusa, and Others Whom Jesus Loved. D.. pp. 5+246. New ~- York, 1895. * Ingraham, Joseph H. — The Prince of the House of Da- vid; or Thirty Years in the Holy City. New ed., revised and corrected by the author. 0., pp. 24+474. Boston, 1896. First ed. 1859. * Jennings, Mary Elisabeth.— Asa of Bethlehem and His Household. B. C. 4-A. D. 30. S., pp. 268. New York, 1896. * Johnston, Annie Fellows. — Joel, a Boy of Galilee. D., pp. ii+253. Boston, 1896. * Joseph, Jules.— Alpheus of Nazareth; Galilean scenes and manners in the days of Jesus Christ. T. New York. . 1899. 116 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 117 Kingsley, Florence M. — Titus, a Comrade of the Cross. A tale of the Christ. 0., pp. 90. Chicaj^'o, 1894.* A $1,(X)0 prize story. Mamereov, Peter Von F., Annie F. ; B. A. F.— lesilt Nassar. The- Story of the lil'o of Jesus the Nazarene. D., pp. 713. New York, 1895.* See VT. Mason, Caroline Atwater.— The Quiet King. A story of Chi-ist. O.. pp. ;}0J:. Philadelphia, 1896. * Nixon, J. Leary.— The Lowly Nazarene. A story of Christ. I)., pp. 3+308. New York, 1897. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart.— The Story of Jesus. An in- terpretation. D., pp. xii+413. Boston, 1897. O., pp. 352. London. 1898. * ^^ Stoddard, Wm. Osborn.— Ulric, the Jarl. A story of ^ the penitent thief. 0., pp. 459. New York, 1899. * Stout, James Frank.— Lucanus, a Friend of Christ. D., J pp. 309. New York, 1904. * Sue, Eugene.— The Silver Cross ; or the Carpenter of J Nazareth. From the French. S., pp. 151. New York, 1898. * -^ VanDyke, Henry.— The Story of the Other Wise Man. \ S., pp. i.-,+70. New Y^ork, 1899. * Wallace, Lew (Lewis). — First Christmas. From Ben Hur. illustrated from drawings by W. Martin Johnson. 0., pp. 8+109. New York, 1902. * Wallace, Lewis.— Ben Hur. A tale of the Chri«t. D._i New Y'ork. ISSO. * Wallace, Lewis.— Ben Hur. A tale of the Christ. Il- lustrated with seenes and characters from the play. Play- er's edition. 0., pp. 10-551. New York, 1901. * Walsh, A. Stewart.— JNIary, the Queen of the House of I David, and Mother of Jesus. 0., pp. 626. New York, 1886. * Ward, E. Stuart Phelps (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward).— The Story of .lesus ( Tirist. Popular ed., D. New York. 1901. (See above.) VII. THE PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF CHRIST. This is simply a matter of tradition or the artist's fancy. Recommended: Hurll, Heaphy, and Mrs. Jameson's Life of Our Lord. (See IV.) Bayliss, Wyke. — Rex Regnum. A painter's study of the likeness of Christ from the time of the apostles to the present day. O., pp. 224. London, 1898. Revised and enlarged. 0., pp. 41+211. New York, 1903. * Carr, Florence E.— Pictures of the Christ. Ff., pp. 24. Fayetteville. N. Y., 1901. Fraser, John, — The Saviour's Beauty in "Sermons and Essays." Pp. 330. * Gilbert, Edward. — Madonna and Child; with several photogravures, reproductions of famous paintings by Titian, Raphael, Coreggio, Bellini, Perugino, Sassoferrato. Q. New York, 1902. Haven, Gilbert. — Nationa] Sermous. O., pp. 656. New York.*1869. Comi)lexion of Christ. Pp. 655, 656. * Heaphy, T. — The likeness of Christ, being an inquiry into the veri-similitude of the received likeness of Our Blessed Lord. Edited by Wyke Bayliss. Ff., pp. 78. London, 1880. Also, New York, 1886. * History of the Blessed Virgin Mary (The), and the His- tory of the Likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias IMade to ]\Iock At. The Syriac texts edited with English translations by E. A. Wallis Budge. English translations, 0., pp. 264. London, 1900. Hurll, Estelle M.— The Life of Our Lord in Art. With 118 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 119 some aecuiuit of the artistic treatment of the life of St. John the Baptist. 0., pp. xxii+370. Boston, 1898. * Johnson, Franklin. — Have "We a Likeness of Christ? The rniversity of Chicago Decennial Publications. First series. Vol. 3". Q., pp. 22. Chicago. 1903. * Lewis, T. — An Inquirj^ into the Shape, the Beauty and Stature of the Person of Christ and of the Virgin Mary, offered to the consideration of the late converts of Popery. 0. London, 1735. The Lord's Body. 0., pp. x+155. London, 1881. I have not been able to examine this work. Palgrave, Francis T. — The Life of Jesus Christ Illus- trated from the Italian Painters of the Fourteenth, Fif- teenth and Sixteenth Centuries. 0. Loudon, 1885. A Pretended Epistle of P. Lentulus, containing a de- scription of the bodily shape and feature of Jesus Christ. Q. London. 1658. Sibbes, R. — The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax; with a description of Christ. S. Philadelphia, 1876. Torr, Cecil.— On Portraits of Christ in the British Mu- seum. 0. London. 1898. Veronica : or the Holy Face of Jesus An his- torical notice of this relic of the Vatican. Basilica of St. Peter, with prayers, indulgences, etc. Translated from the French. 32mo. London, 1870. Way, A. — Ancient Portraitures of Our Lord, after the type of the Emerald Vernicle (in the Vatican). D. Lon- don. 1872. VIII. CHRONOLOGY AND GENEALOGY OF CHRIST. Very few accept the current chronology and most agree that our era is either four or six years too late ; others claim even more. In regard to the genealogy of Christ the greatest difficulty has been to reconcile the lists of Matthew and Luke. Reconimendecl : Conder, Hervey. Allen, Thomas." — Chain of Scripture Chronology, from the creation to the death of Jesus Christ. Q. London, 1659. Bellamy, J. — The True Age of Christ at the Crucifixion not Thirty-three but Fifty-two Years and a Half. 0. London, 1822. Benham, Daniel. — Reflections on the Genealogy of Our Lord and Saviour. Q. London, 1836. Benson, Christopher. — The Chronology of Our Sav- iour's Life; or an Inquiry into the True Time of the Birth, Baptism and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Hulsean lec- tures for 1820. 0. Cambridge, 1820. Bulbeck, W. A. — The Date of the Crucifixion. Founded on the kalendar of the ancient Egyptians. 0. London, 1902. Butler, George William. — The Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ; an explanation of the difficulties connected with the genealogy of Our Lord. 0. London, 1875. Butler, John. — Christologia ; or a Brief but True Ac- count of the Certain Year, ^lonth. Day and Minute of the Birth of Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 320. London, 1671. Butler, John. — Kalendai-, Scriptural and Astronomical, 120 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 121 for Five Years, During and after Christ's Ministry. 0. London, Kill. Caspari, C. E.- — A Chronological and Geographical In- troduction to the Life of Christ. Translated by M. J. Evans. 0., pp. xxxii+337. New York, 1881. * A Chart of the Genealogy, Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ. Ff. Ely, 1843. Christ's Birth Mistimed. Q. London, 1649. Another ed. 1707. Christ's Birth Not Mistimed. Q. London, 1619. A Chronological and Genealogical Lineage of Our Lord Jesus Christ; also, an ecclesiastical, statistical, historical and geographical chart of the worship of God, the origin, progress and present state of other worship, and a short history of the Bible. Ff. London, 1840. A Companion to the Chart of the Genealogy of Our Saviour from Adam (Avith the chart). List of parables of the Old and New Testaments and the miracles of Our Lord. D. London, 1855. Conder, Eustace R.^ — Outlines of the Life of Christ; a guide to the study of the chronology, harmony and purpose of the Gospels. Cr. 0. London,^ 1881. Davies, Thomas A. — Am I a Jew or Gentile? or the genealogy of Jesus Christ proving his divinity. E., pp. 87. New York, 1889. * A curious book. An Essay on the Genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ. With illustrative tables. D. Liverpool, 1843. Festorum ^letropolis; or the Birthday of Jesus Christ Annually Kept Holy. Q. London, 1652. Genealogy of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Ff. Dublin, 1824. Greene, Robert Berkeley. — Genealogy of Christ as Given by Matthew and Luke. 0. London, 1822. Harvey, Lord Arthur. — -The Genealogies of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as contained in the Gospels of St. ]\latthew and St. Luke, reconciled with each other and 122 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD with genealogy of the house of David, and shown to be in harmony with the true chronology of the times. 0., pp. xxii+368. London, 1853. Jarvis, S. F. — A New Inquiry into the Date of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1844. Jesus, the Son of David; or a full solution of all the difficulties about his genealogy in Matthew and Luke, against JNIonsieur du Pin and the Church of Rome. 0., pp. 80. Edinburgh, 1730. Mann, Nicholas. — Of the True Years of the Birth and of the Death of Christ. Two chronological dissertations. 0. London, 1733. Marquis, David Calhoun. — Life of Christ in Seven Pe- riods. D., pp. 31. Chicago, 1904. * Mead, G. R. S.^ — Did Jesus Live One Hundred Years B. C. ? New York, 1904. Parry, Richard. — The Genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew and Luke Explained. 0. London. 1771. Scriptural Solutions of the Omissions and Other Diffi- culties in the Genealogies of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Third ed., D., pp. 15. London, n. d. * Selden, John.— Theanthropos ; or God Made Man. A tract proving the nativitj^ to be on the twenty-fifth of De- cember. S. I^ondon, 1661. • Watson, Gervas. — Genealogy of Jesus Christ Recorded bj' St. Matthew and St. Luke Harmonized and the Appar- ent Contradiction Reconciled. D. Hertford and London, 1833. Weaver, Joshua. — Remarks on the Date of the Nativity and on Some Events Connected with this Festival. S. New. York, 1887. Yardley, Edward. — The Genealogies of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as recorded by St. Matthew and St. Luke critically examined and explained, defended and re- conciled to each other and to the Scriptures of the Old Testament. 0. London, 1739. IX. LIFE OF CHRIST IN DETAIL, a. The Coming of the Wise Men. Recommeuclcd : Trench, Upham. Emerich, Anne Catherine. — The Journey of the jMaui Kings. From "The Life of the Blessed Virgin." Trans- lated from the French by George Richardson. 0., pp. 157. London. 1892. Harsha, D. A. — The Star of Bethlehem: a guide to the Saviour. D. Chicago, 1864. Hopkins, John Henry. — The Three Kings of the Orient ; a Christmas carol. Q. New York, 1865. McLanathan, Mary Leland. — Three Kings: a Christian legend of long ago. 0. Xew York, 1886. Nieritz, G. — Ema, the Forest Princess; or Pilgrimages of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem. Translated l)y Mrs. H. C. Conant. D. Rochester, X. Y., 1855. Xunciiis Christi Sydereus. The Star of the Eastern Sages ; being a 'discourse of that star, its nature, conduct and tendency. 0. London, 1681. Pemberton, E. F. — Daughters of Jerusalem. Addresses on the stations of the cross. Cr. 0., pp. 96. London, 1903. * Rowe, Richard.— The Star in the East. 0., pp. 160. London. 1894.* Trench, R. C— Star of the Wisemen. S., pp. 171. Xew York, 1851. * Upham, Francis W.— The Wise Men : Who They Were and How They Came to Jerusalem. D.. pp. v+253. Xew York, 1878. * ' 123 IX. b. THE HOLY CHILDHOOD. So little of the child life of Christ is known (with the exception of the one episode) that it is difficult to find material for the subject. Becommended: Morgan and VanDyke, for the artist's view of the sub- ject. Bass, Mrs. E. E.— The Child Jesus. Q. Boston, 1890. Baynes, Henry Samuel. — Child Life and Youth of Jesus, with consecutive illustrations. 32mo. London, 1881.' Bickersteth, Miss C. — The Childhood of Jesus. S. London, 1865. Birth and Childhood of Jesus Christ. Meditations se- lected from the works of Augustine and other writers. With photographs after Leonardo da Vinci and other mas- ters. Q. London, 1871. Blackall, C. R., and Mrs. E. L.— Bible Lore. 2 parts, 0. Philadelphia, 1891. Blackburn, Wm. M.— The Holy Child; or the Early Years of Jesus Christ. E. Philadelphia, n. d. Bradford, Amory Howe.^ — The Holy Family: a Christ- mas Meditation. S., pp. 3+56. New York, 1899. * Brooke, Stopford A. — The Early Life of Jesus ; sermons preached at Belford Chapel. 0. London, 1887. Brough, J.— The Early Life of Our Lord. 0., pp. 274. London, 1897. * Calthorp, G. — The Prince of Peace: a Christmas Ad- dress. D. London, 1871. Carter, Thomas T. (Editor). — Footsteps of the Holy 134 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 125 Child. Tart I. 0., pp. vi+74. Part II, 0., pp. 342. Lon- don, 1867. ^ ^ ^, Carter, Thomas T.— Spiritual Instructions : Our Lord s Earlv Life. 0. London. 1887. Tlic Child Jesus. T. Loudon, 1855 (?). The Child Jesus: written for children by the author of ''The Good Shepherd." 0. London, 1859. The Childhood of Christ. From pictures. 0. London (?), 1885. The Childhood of Jesus. T. London, 1833. Christophel (Pseud.).— Great David's Greater Son; some th(nights on the early life of Jesus at Nazareth. 0. London, 1882. Coleridge, H. J.— Thii-ty Years; Our Lord's Infancy and Hidden Life. D. New York, 1885. Davis, Mrs. C. E. K.— The Child Jesus. E. New York. 187(i. Drew, G. S.— Nazareth: Its Life and Lessons. Second ed.. 0.. pp. 156. London, 1873. Third ed. 1876.* Faber, F. W.— The First Christmas. The Infant Jesus. 0. New York, 1889. Glover, Richard.— The Finding of the Saviour m the Temple : an exposition of Luke ii : 46-51, based upon and explanatory of Holman Hunt's great sacred picture. 0. London, 1866. Gospel of the Childhood of Our Lord Jesus Christ (The). Illustrated. D.. pp. 267. London, 1905. * Goulburn, Edward M.— The Gospel of the Childhood: a practical commentary on St. Luke ii:41. to the end. 0. London. 1873. * Gould, S. Baring.— Nazareth and Capernaum. E.. pp. vi_^84. London. 1886. * Greene, Henry Copley.— Childhood of Christ : with in- troduction by :\lrs. Alice Meynell; printed with the orig- inal Latin text opposite the translation. New York. H . R. E.— The Story of the Childhood of Christ. Q. pp. 36. London, 1885. 136 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Hanna, W. — Earlier Years of Our Lord's Life. D., pp. 422. London, 1868. * The H0I3' Child Jesus. Thoughts and Prayer.s on the Holy Infancy and Childhood of Jesus Christ. S. Lon- don, 1859. Second ed., E., pp. 90. London, 1871. The Holy Child of Nazareth. E. New York, 1876 "( ?). The Holy Childhood; conversations on the earliest por- tions of the Grospel narrative. S. New York, 1878. Hutton, Vernon W. — The Sun of Righteousness; medi- tations on the early life and ministry of Our Lord and Saviour. 0., pp. 300. London, 1886. Second ed., 1888. * The Infancy of Our Lord. 32mo. London, 1883. Infancy of Our Lord. New York, 1901. Jesus as a Child Among Children. Q. New York, 1876 (?). Knowles, Archibald Campbell. — The Holy Christ Child. D., pp. 154. New York, 1905. * Lear, Henrietta L. — The Holy Childhood of Our Blessed Lord : meditations for a month. Edited by Rev. John Sharp. 0. London, 1860. Letourneur, Augustine J. — Little Month of the Holy Infancy: or the First Mysteries of the Life of Christ. Translated from the French. E. New York. 1876. Lutz, A. Fowler. — Legends and Stories of the Holy Child Jesus from I\Iany Lands. S. New York. 1894. Maas, A. J.— A Day in the Temple. 0. St. Louis, 1895. Masterman, J. Howard B. — Was Jesus Christ Divine? An inquiry into the credibility of the Incarnation. D., pp. xv+163. Cambridge, 1904.* Macleod, A. — The Child Jesus, and Other Talks to the Children. 0., pp. 282. London, 1895. * Matson, Mrs. — IMorning Stars; or the Childhood of Jesus. Illustrated. E. New York, 1856. Meditations in the Holy Childhood of Our Blessed Lord. (Taken from the French.) S. London, 1852. Mohn, Paul.— The Holy Child. Colored illustrations with Bible texts. Q. New York. 1886. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 127 Monod, Adolphe.— The Cliildliood of Jesus, and Other Sermons. Translated by J. II. Meyers. D. Boston, 1889. Morgan, G. Campbell.— The TTidden Years at Na/ar<>1h. D.. pp. 47. London. 1898. * Mulholland, Miss Rosa.— The Holy Childhood. Nazareth ; Its Life and Lessons. By the Author ol" ' ' The Divine Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven." 0., i)p. xii+147. London, 1872. Nicholson, Edward W. B.— The Christ Child. Foeins. 0. London, 1887. O'Gorman, Richard A.— Boyhood and Manhood of Jesus. Q. New York, 1905. Ogilvie, Duncan, — Christ Contemplated from Birth to Baptism. Ten discourses. D. London, 1866. Our Childhood's Holy Pattern; being- tales npon inci- dents in the life of the Holy Child Jesns. E., pp. 240. London, 1871. * Onr Savionr's Infancy and Childhood. Ten illustrated cards. S. London, 1863. Pentecost, George F. — The Birth and Boyhood of Jesus. 0., pp. viii+399. London, 1896. * Pictures of the Childhood of Jesus. Q. Edinburgh, 1890. Ramsey, W. M. — The Education of Christ. Hillside Revei-ies. Cr. 0.. pp. 152. London, 1902. * Of value. Ritchie, Alexander. — The AVonderful Babe of Bethle- hem. Q. London. 1906. Rowe, S. G., and Pearse, M. G. — The Child Jesus; read- ings and texts of the Holy Scriptures with songs and music. S. London, 1877. Smith, T.— The Holy Child Jesus. D. London, n. d. Stacy, W. S.— Child Wonderful; a unique set of nine pictures reproduced in colors from the original paintings. Q. New York, 1904. Stapfer, Edmond. — Jesus Christ Before His Ministry. Translated by Tjouise Seymour Houghton. 0., pp. 200. Londcm. 1897.* 128 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Stewart, A. Morris. — The Infancy and Youth of Jesus. 0., pp. 59. London, 1905. * Stock, Sarah Geraldina.— The Child Life of Our Lord. Illustrated. D., pp. 286. London, 1880. * The Story of the Childhood of Jesus. 0. London (?), 1885. Taylor, Wm. M. — The Boy Jesus, and Other Sermons. D. New York, 1893. Also, Manchester, England, 1899. 0., pp. 310. Manchester, 1903. * Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus. A tract on the cir- cumcision. By the Author of ''Is It Nothing to You?" S. London, 1868. Townsend, Mrs. M. E. — The Holy Child Jesus. D. London, n. d. The Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Childhood. "With engravings by artists of the school of Dusseldorf. T. Bir- mingham, 1857. VanDyke.— The Christ Child in Art. A study of inter- pretation. Illustrated. 0., pp. xviii+236. New York, 1893. * Wallace, Lewis. — The Boyhood of Christ. Illustrated. Q., pp. 110. New York, 1888. * Wheeler, Mrs. Charlotte. — The Childhood of Jesus. S. London, 1865. Illustrated. IX. e. THE BAPTISM. The mode of Christ's baptism and its siguificance is dis- cussed in most of the polemical works on Baptism. Recommended : Dale. Clifford, John. — The Place of Baptism in the Life and Teaching of Jesus: an exposition and a plea. 0. Lon- don, 1876. Dale, James W. — An Liquiry into the Usage of Baptism and the Nature of Christie and Patristic Baptism. 0., pp. 630. Philadelphia, 1874. * Johnstone, James.^ — Christ's Example and Precepts about Baptism. D., pp. 96. London, 1883. * Savage, B. J. — The Lord's One Baptism. E. Philadel- phia, 1892. Strong, Augustus H. — The Baptism of Jesus. T. New York, 1880. Whitman, Samuel. — Design of the Baptism of Christ. 0. Northampton, 1800. 129 IX. d. THE TEMPTATION. The fact of Christ's temptation is the great puzzle for the theologians who hold to a strict interpretation of the Chal- cedouian Christology. All who hold the Divine to be in preponderance in Christ's personality must either pro- nounce the temptation a farce or a hction as some have done. Becommended: Monod, Krummacher, Eyton, Stewart. Age Temptation of American Christians; and Christ's Own INIethod of Gaining the Victory and the Kingdom. S., pp. \dii+166. New York, 1880. * A suggestive study of the whole subject of temptation. Bagot, Daniel. — Temptation of Christ in the Wilder- ness. E. London, n. d. Barnett, Thomas H.- — The Strong and the Stronger; a series of forty short readings upon the temptation of Our Lord in the wilderness. 0., pp. 150. London, 1889. * Barrett, George S. — The Temptation of Christ. D., pp. 244. London, 1883. 1887. * Barrett, J. T. — The Temptation of Christ Considered. D. London, n. d. Birks, H. A. — God's Champion, Man's Example; a study of the conflict of Our Divine Deliverer. 0. Edinburgh, 1891. Body, George. — The Life of Temptation ; a course of lec- tures. E., pp. 258. London, 1889. * Calthrop, Gordon. — The Temptations of Christ, and Other Subjects: being sermons preached in Trinity Church, Cheltenham. 0. London, 1861. Campe, Charles. — The Temptation of Christ in the Wil- derness. S. London, 1853. 130 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD i:}l Carter, T. T. — The Passiou aud the Temptation of Our Lord. A course of lectures. 0., pp. 132. London, 1863. * Christ and Temptation. T. Loudon, 1879. Christ in his temptation the believers example and strength. T. Bath, 1851. Cobbold, George A. — Tempted Like as We Are. Thoughts on the Baptism, Fasting aud Temptation of Our Lord. O.. pp. U9. Loudon, 1900. * Dallas, A. R. C. — Lent Lectures on Christ's Temptation.. E. Loudon, 1848. Dickson, A. E. — The Temptation in the Desert. E. New Y(u-k. 1872. Dixon, Thomas.— The Sovereignty of the Diviue Admin- istration vindicated; or a rational account of Our Blessed Saviour's remarkable temptation in the wilderness. 0. London. 1760. Duncan, Rev. Canon. — Tempted in All Points. D., pp. 53. London, 1906. Dyke, Daniel. — Two Treatises: One of Repentance, the other of Christ's temptation. Q. London, 1634. Fifth ed.. Q. London. 1631. Eyton, R. — The Temptation of Jesus and other ser- mons. 0.. pp. 172. London, 1895. * Farmer, Hugh. — An Inquiry into the Nature and De- sign of Christ's Temptation in the Wilderness. 0., pp. viii+104. London. 1761. * Fuller, Thomas. — A Comment on the First Eleven verses of the fourth chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel con- cerning Christ's temptation. 0. London, 1652. Gilpin, Richard, M. D. — Demonologia Sacra; or a Treatise on Satan's Temptations. In III parts. New ed.. 0., pp. lvi4-480. Edinburgh, 1867.* Goodwin, H. — Christ in the Wilderness. Four sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in the month of Februarv. 1855. D. London, 1856. 132 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Grosart, Alexander Bullock. — The Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness in conflict ; or the Temptation of Christ newly translated, explained, etc. 0. London, 1864. Hall, A. C. A. — Christ's Temptations and Ours. The Baldwin lectures, 1896. E., pp xvii-f-154. London and New York, 1897. * Hall, J. C. — Six Sermons on Our Lord's Temptations. D. London, n. d. Healing, C. A.^The Temptation of Christ. E. Lon- don, 1903. Hutchings, W. H. — The Mystery of the Temptation. A course of lectures. Cr. 0., pp. 266. London, 1875. Second ed., revised. 0., pp. 246. London, 1889. * Hutton, F. H." — ^A Series of Discourses on Christ's temptation in the wilderness. D. London, 1838. Kirby, W. — Sermons on the Temptation of Christ. 0. London, 1829. Krummacher, F. W. — ^The Temptation of Christ. E. London, n. d. Also included in "Select French and Ger- man Discourses." Edited by H. C. Fish. Macleod, Norman.^ — ^The Temptation of Our Lord. 0., pp. 250. London. 1873. * Manton, Thomas. — Christ's Temptation and Transfig- uration practically explained and improved in several ser- mons (with sermons on Christ's eternal existence). 0. London, 1685. Mason, Thomas. — Christ's Victorie Over Sathans Tyrannic. Ff. London, 1615. Mill, W. H. — Five Sermons on the Temptation of Our Lord in the wilderness before Cambridge University. Second ed., 0., pp. 160. Cambridge, 1873. Also Lon- don, 1875. * Not on Calvary. A layman's plea for mediation in the temptation in the wilderness. 0. London, 1893. D., pp. 46. New York, 1892. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 133 Overy, Henry. — Seniioiis: The Temptation of Our Lord. D. London. iSTo. Palmer, E. Reeves. — The Temptation in the, or the Confjiet and Victory of the Son of Man. 0., pp. 304. London. 1877. * Palmer, John R. — ^Thonghts on Our Lord's Temptation. A Study for the Season of Lent. 0.. pp xvi-f-380. Lon- don, 1901. - Parsons, H. Moore. — Christ in the Desert; or the tei^pter foiled. ¥... pp. 129. Pliiladelphia. 1858. * Pollock, William. — The Temptation of Our Blessed Lord and other minor poems. D., pp. 170. London. 1873. * Quarantana ; or " In all points tempted. ' ' By the author of -'What of the Night." 0., pp. 20. London, 1878. Rawnsley, S. R. — The Temptations of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Seven sermons. Cr. 0., pp. 100. London, 1901. * Rogers, Edgar. — A Threefold Cord. Meditations on the Religious Life in the Light of Our Blessed Lord's Temp- tation. E., pp. 120. London, 1903. * Scobell, Edward. — Sermons on the Temptation in the Wilderness. D. London, 1838, 1842.* Stewart, A. Morris. — The Temptation of Jesus. A Study of Our Lord 's Trial in the Wilderness. Cr. 0., pp. 242. ' London, 1903. * Sweet, James B. — Christ and vSatan. 0. London, 1876. Taylor, Thomas. — An Exposition of Christ's Tempta- tion; or Christ's Combat and Conquest (with another ser- mon on Acts x : 34-43 ) . Ff. London, 1659. The Temptation of Christ. Four Sermons. By an Ox- ford graduate. 0.. pp. 107. London, 1884. * The Temptation of Jesus. A poem. By an associate of the Victoria Institute. London. S. Grantham, 1882. Temptations of Christ. Christ's temptations real facts; or a defence of the evangelical history, showing that Our Lord's temptations may be fairly and reasonably under- 134 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD stood, as a narrative of what was really transacted. lu answer to Mr. Farmer's inquiry. 0. London, 1762. Vaughan, C. J.— The Two Great Temptations: The Temptation of Man and the Temptation of Christ. D., pp. 180. London, 1872. * White, Mrs. E. G. — Christ Tempted as We Are. E., pp. 16. Oakland, Cal., 1894. Williston, Seth. — Discourses on the Temptations of Christ. E., pp. 152. Utica, 1837. * Winslow, Octavius. — Christ and the Christian ^n Temptation. Counsel and consolation for the tempted. D., pp. 162. London, 1877. * Wiseman, Luke H.— Christ in the Wilderness; or Prac- tical Views of Our Lord's Temptation. 0., pp. 326. Lon- don. 1857. * IX. e. THE TRANSFIGURATION. Reconuiiciided: None. Anderson, J. R. — The Transfiguration on the JNlouut. D. London. 1868. Bagot, Daniel.— The Lord's Supper and the Transfig- uration. :^2ni() London, n. d. Beet, William Ernest. — The Transfiguration of Jesus. (Books for Bible Students.) D. London, 1905. Branks, William.— Christ's Transfiguration; or Tabor's Teachings, The veil lifted; a glimpse of Christ's Glory and intercourse with His people. D. Edinburgh, 1865. * Browning, Bishop. — Seven Sermons upon the Transfig- uration as it -is represented by the three evangelists, St. Matthew, St. INIark, St. Luke. O. London, n. d. Dunn, Samuel. — The Transfiguration, and Other Ser- mons, with a biographical sketch of his life. 0. London. 1890. An Essay on the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 31. London, 1788. Furlong, William.— On the Transfiguration: a Sermon. O.. pp. 16. Halifax, 1864. Geil, William Edgar.— The Men on the Mount. The Life Stories of Moses, Elijah, Peter, James and John. 0., pp. 192. London. 1906. * Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely.— The Transfiguration. D., pp. 2()7. Boston and New York, 1886. *^ Sermons. Hollings, George S.— Meditations on the Divine Life, the Blessed Sacrament and the Transfiguration. D.. pp. 154. London, 1882. Krauth, Charles P.— The Transfiguration: an Exegeti- cal Homily. D. Gettysburg, 1850. Sanderson, Joseph.— Jesus on the Holy Mount. D. New York. 1869. 135 136 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Seymour, G. F., and J. H. Egar.— The Transfiguration; the place of the feast of the transfiguration in the Christian year. 0., pp. 46. New York, 1893. Vaughan, Wycliffe.— The Transfiguration of Our Lord. Fifty Devotional Studies for Lent. D., pp. 286. London, 1889, 1892. Wedderburn, Alexander. — Sermons on Our Lord's transfiguration. 0. London, 1721. IX. f. THE PASSION. The last week of Christ's earthly life has for all the deepest interest, for in that week was to center all of hope or all of despair for the world. The literature of the sub- ject is therefore largely devotional. The only controversy connected with the subject was that known as the Easter Controversy. The question involved was, in brief, — which should be celelji-ated, the day of the week or the day of the month. This was settled b}^ the Council of Nice. Note. The Last Supper is omitted, as most of the litera- ture on the subject relates to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Reconvnendcd : Krummacher is the classic upon the subject. Stalker. Abbott Edwin A. — Paradosis ; or "In the Night in which He was Betrayed." O. London. 1904. The Acts of the Days of the Son of ]\Ian from the Pas- sion week to His Ascension. D.. pp. 72. Philadelphia, 1814. Adams, Harold T.^ — Some Exits of the Passion. Ad- dresses in Holy AVeek. D., pp. 80. London, 1904. Adams, Nehemiah. — Around the Cross. S., pp. 96. London. 1869.* Adams, Wm. — Shadow of the Cross. D. London, 1842. New ed., 0., pp. 94. London, 1886. Also S.. ])p. 104. New York, 1844. * Adams, Wm. — Warnings of the Holy Week: being a of jiarochial lectures for the week before Easter and the Easter P^estivals. E., pp. vi+189. Philadelphia, 1851. Aikman, J. Logan. — The Cross and tlie Sepulchre. A 137 138 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD series of meditations on the passion and resurrection. D., viii+291. London, u. d. * Aitken, W. Hay M. H. — Eastertide. Sixteen sermons on the Passion and Resurrection. 0. London, n. d. Arbuthnot, G. — The Passion Foretold in Type and Prophecy ; fourteen short addresses. 0. London, 1902. Atkinson, J. A. (Editor). — -The Passion of Our Lord according to St. Luke. 0., pp. 18. London, 1880. B , E. — The Holy Week; each day's events hai-mo- nised from the Gospel narratives. S., pp. vi-(-87. Col- chester, England, 1868. (Bailey, Lewis). — The Passion of Christ; a divine col- loquy concerning the effectual merits of his dolorous pas- sion (an extract from a work entitled ''The Practice of Piety"). Edited by E. J (ackson). 0. London, 1847. Baillie, John. — Christ Our Life; or Scenes in Our Lord's Passion and INIinistry. 0. London, 1864. Baird, Wm. — The Passion of Jesus ; a course of lectures. 0. London, 1861. Barault, L'Abbe. — The Soul on Calvary; meditations on the sufferings of Christ. E. Philadelphia, 1850. Baring-Gould, S. — The Passion of Jesus. First series. Seven Discourses for Lent. Cr. 0. London, 1885. Bartle, George. — Jesus of Nazareth Neither Baptised nor Slain by Jew or Gentile. O. London, 1877. Baylee, Joseph. — Christ on Earth, from the supper at Bethany to His Ascension into Glory. O. London. 1863 and 1886. Baylee, Joseph.- — Christ on Earth. The last days of Our Lord, from the Supper at Bethany to the Period of the Crucifixion. Popular ed. Cr. ().. pp. 512. London, 18"99. * Begel, J. J. — The Last Journey and Memorials of the Redeemer ; or Via Crucis as it is in Jerusalem. 0. New York, 1880. Behold the IMan. A few Thoughts on Passion Week. S. London, 1876. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 139 Benson, R. M. — The Final Passover; a series of medita- tions upon the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 4 vols., O. London. 1893. Bergamo, Cajetan Mary da. — Thoughts and Affections on the Passion of Jesus Christ for every day of the year ; taken from the Holy Scripture and the writings of the fathers of the Church; new translation by the Passionist fathers of the U. S. 0. New York, n. d. (Bernard of Clairvaux ?). — "Yita Mystica"; or the true vine. A treatise on the passion of Our Lord, with preface by ^I. R. Bernard-Brownlow. E.. pp. 38(i. Lon- don, 1873. Birks, Herbert A.- — Jesus, a ]\Ian of Sorrows; Lent ad- dresses. Delivered in St. Edmunds Church, Kingsbridge, 1899. D., pp. 110. Loudon. 1900. Biroat, Jacques. — The Eucharistic Life of Christ. Ser- mons preached in Paris during the octave of the holy Sacrament, 1657. Introduction by Andrew Tooth. Q., pp. 261. London. 1886. Blunt, Ellen M. — The Wondrous Cross. Short readings for Passiontide. E.. pp. 134. London, 1905. Blyth (G. F. Popham).— The Holy Week and the Forty Days; being a continuous narrative in the words of the Evangelists, constructed from the Four Gospels, with a commentary and appendices. 2 vols., 0. London. 1879. Body, George. — The School of Calvary; or Laws of Christian life revealed from the Cross. D. London, 1891. Body, George. — The Life of Love. A course of Lent lectures. D. London, 1898. Bowne, W. St. H. — The King of Sorrows ; the substance of Lenten lectures on Isaiah liii. D.. pp. 64. London, 1893. Brausse, M. — ^leditatious on the Passion of Jesus Christ. D. New York, 1876. Brett, Jesse. — The Witness of Love. Some ^Mysteries of 140 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD the Divine Love Revealed in the Passion of Our Holy Redeemer. C*r. O., pp. 66. London, 1904. Brown, John. — The Sufferings and Glory of the Mes- siah. An exposition of Psalms xviii and Isaiah lii : 13 and liii : 12. 0. Edinburgh, 1853. Buck, Daniel Dana. — Closing Scenes in the Life of Christ. D. Philadelphia, 1869. Buddicum, R. P. — Emanuel on the Cross and in the Gar- den. D.. pp xii+224. New York, 1844. * Butler, Wm. John. — Twelve Short and Simple Medita- tions on the Sufferings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1866. Calvary's Cross. Papers by various authors. S., pp. 122. Chicago, 1900.* Cameron, A. B. — From the Garden to the Cross. A study of Our Lord's Passion. 0., pp 358. London, 1896. * Carter, T. T. — The Passion and Temptation of Our Lord. A course of lectures. 0., pp. 132. London, 1863. * Carter, T. T. (Editor).— Meditations on the Suffering Life and the Glorified Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. From the French. D., pp. viii-)-215. London, 1875. * Chertsey, Andrew. — The Passion of Christ. Q. Lon- don, 1520. Christ in Passion Week; or Our Lord's last public visit to Jerusalem. T. London, 1850. Clarke, R. F. — The Sacred Passion of Jesus Christ ; short meditations. (Allibone.) Clow, W. M. — In the Day of the Cross. Sermons on the Day of Crucifixion. 0. London, 1898. Clunie, James. — Meditations on the Sufferings of Christ. D. London, 1810. Coffin, G. C. — Words About Our Lord; being four ser- mons for Good Friday, Easter Day and Low Sunday. I. Reparation. II. The Silence of Our Lord. III. Our Lord the Servant of Servants. IV. The Closed Doors. 0., pp. 24. London, 1879. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 141 Coleridge, Henry James. — The Baptism of the King; considerations on the sacred passion. (). London, 1884. Constable, Henry. — Essays. Critical and Theological, on Our Lord's last Passover. The earlier history of St. Paul. The inspiration of Scripture, etc. 0. London, 1859. Cooper, C. D. — The Last Days of Our Saviour. The Life of Our Lord from the Supper in Bethany to his as- cension into heaven in chronological order and in the words of the evangelists. S., pp. 105. Philadelphia. 1867. Costerus. Passion of Our Lord; meditations by James Hipwell. O.. pp. 344. London, 1884. Coverdale, Miles.- — Fruitfull Lessons upon the Passion, Buriall. Resurrection and Ascension and of the sending out of the Holy Ghost. Small Q. London, 1593. Coxe, Arthur C. — Paschal Poems for Passiontide and Easter. D. New York, 1889. Creighton, Mandell. — Lessons from the Cross ; addresses delivered in St. Paul "s Cathedral during Holy Week, 1898. O., pp. iv-f 132. New York, 1899. * Davenport, G. D. — In IMemoriam Crucis; the daily sequence of the Holy Week. Cr. 0. London, 1899. De Romestin, A. H. E. — Last Hours of Jesus. D. Lon- don, 1866. Devine, Arthur. — History of the Passion ; being the Gos- pel narrative of the sufferings of Christ and the dolours of Mary. With comments and notes. Second ed.. O.. pp. ix^292. London. 1894. * Devotions commemorative of the most adorable passion of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; translated from Catholic sources with an appendix containing the office of Tenebrae and other portions of the office of Holy and Easter weeks, translated from the Roman Breviary. D. London. 1842. Devotions on the last hour of Our Lord's Passion. Adapted for village congregations. Compiled from vari- ous sources by a parish priest. D.. pp. 22. Oxford. 1872. 142 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Dimmoch, Nathaniel. — Doctrine on the Death of Christ in relation to the sin of man, the condemnation of the law and the dominion of Satan. O. London, 1888. Divall, Edith Hickman. — The Way Victory. From Our Lord's Entry into Jerusalem to the Kesnri'ection. D., pp. 24. London, 1906. Divine jNLngnetism; or the Attractive Power of the Cross. Narrow 0. London. 1903. Doolittle, Thomas. — The Lord's Last Sufferings. 0. London, 1701. Drummond, D. T. K. — Last Scenes in the Life of Our Lord. D. London, 1841. Third ed. with a sketch of His life and labor by Prof. Balfour. O., 1878. Durer, Albert. — The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ portrayed. Edited by Henry Cole. Small Q. London, 1870. ' Dyer, Richard. — A Bleeding Saviour; on I Cor. v: 7. 0. London, 1676. Eales, Samuel J. — Via Crucis; fourteen sermons on the Passion. S. London, 1880. Second ed., illustrated, 1886. Third ed.. revised. 0., pp. 122. London. 1888. Edgar, Robert M. — The Philosophy of the Cross; an at- tempt to show the deep significance of the death of Jesus Christ. Second ed.. D. London, 1878. Emerich, Anna K. — The Sufferings of Jesus. Trans- lated by a Sister of Mercy. D. New York, 1876. Escriah, Enrique P. — The Martyr of Golgotha ; a picture of Oriental tradition; from the Spanish by A. J. Godoy. 2 vols., S. New York; 1887. Fewterer, John. — The Myrrour; or Glasse of Christe's Passion. Ff. London, 1634. Translated into English at the desire of Lord Hussey. (AUibone.) Fleming, Caleb. — The Reason, Design and End of the Sufferings of Christ ; or the Divine Wisdom and goodness displayed in the Death of Jesus. A discourse dedicated to those Deists who disbelieved the Christian revelation. (Anon.) 0.. pp. 28. London, 1760. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 143 Fletcher, Giles. — Christ's Victory and Triuiiij)!! in Heaven and Earth over and after death and other poems of the seventeenth centuiy. With introductory memoir and notes. (Ancient and modern Theological library.) O., pp. 27(5. London, 1888. * Foote, A. L. R. — Closing Scenes in the Life of Christ. 0. London. 1857. Forbes, Bishop A. P. — Meditations on the Suffering Life on earth of Our Lord and only Saviour. From the French of Pinart. Second ed., D. London, 1853. Gallway, P. — The Watches of the Sacred Passion, with before and after. Fourth ed., 3 vols., 0. London, 1897. Garenciers, D. — The History of Christ's Sufferings. D. London, 1697. Giles, R. H.— The Sufferings of Chi-ist in Their Natural Character and Results. A Lenten course. D., pp. 104. London, 1882. Going, J. — Could ye not Watch with Me One Hour"? A short series for Good Friday afternoon, containing seven brief addresses or meditations with suitable prayers and hymns. D., pp. 16. London. 1892. Goodwin, Thomas. — Christ Set Forth in His Death, Ascension, etc. I). London. 1613. Granada, L. de. — ^Meditations and Contemplations on the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and on the Blessed Sacrament : with instructions on prayer ; from the Spanish by a member of the Order of ^Nlercy. S. New York. 1879. Griffin, George. — The Sufferings of Christ. By a Lay- man. Second ed.. D., pp. xiv-|-372. New York, 1846. Groenings, James S. J. — The History of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. O., pp. 11+517. St. Louis. 1900. Guide for Holy Week. (History of the events of Our' Lord's Passion.) S. London. 1874. Hall, Arthur C. A.— The Example of the Passion. Five meditations on examples of patience, silence, prayer, love 144 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD and unworldliness. 82mo. New York, 1882. New York, 1901. Hall, William. — Via Criicis. (Devotional Library.) Cr. 0., pp. 356. London, 1906.* Hanna, William. — The Last Days of Our Lord's Pas- sion. D., pp. 379. New York, 1868. * Hanna, William. — The Passion Week. 0., pp. vi-)-344. London, 1877. * Harper, F. — The First Good Friday. Meditations by the Cross. 0. London, 1895. Harris, J. — Sufferings. D. London, 1809. Harvest of myrrh and spices gathered from the mys- teries of the Lord's Passion. 1610. Translated from the Latin by W. H. Draper. 0. London, 1898. Hawksley, William Charles. — The Consecrated Life. Six sermons together with meditation for the devotion of the tliree hours' agony. 0., pp. x-f-87. London, 1895. Henley, R. M.— The Holy Way of the Cross. Eleven short addresses given at St. Peter's Church. Bournemouth. S. London, 1875. Hearn, J. A. — Reflection on the Passion of Our Lord in verso. D. New York, 1864. Heisler, Charles W. — The Passion of Our Lord. D., pp. 141. Philadelphia, 1905. An interwoven narrative. Here Endeth a goostly treatise of the passyon of Christ with many devout contemplations, examples and expo- sition of ye same. (Translated from the French by A. Chertsey, in prose and verse.) Ff. London, 1532. Herle, Charles. — Contemplations and Devotions on the several passages of Our Saviour's death and passion. D. London, 1631. Herron, G. D.— The Call of the Cross. D., pp. 111. New York, 1895. * His Last Week (interwoven story taken from the Four Gospels). Atlanta, Ga. Historical and Practical Sermons on the Sufferings and JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 145 Resurrection oi' Our Lord. By one of the writers of the Tracts for Christian Seasons. 2 vols., E., pp. viii+356, viii+352. Oxford, I860.* Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery.— The Mystery of the Cross. Studies in Our Lord's Last Mission. Cr. 0. Lon- don. 1904. Hodges, G. — Beside the Ci'oss. Good Friday Medita- tions. 0. London, n. d. Hodges, George. — The Cross and Passion. Good Friday addresses. D., pp. 5-|-76. New York, 1904. * The Holy Week of the Passion and Death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Published under the direction of the Tract Comniittee. T. London, 1867. The Holy Week ; or the Passion Week before Easter ; in meditation upon the last sufferings of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1725. Hook, W. F. — The Cross of Christ; or Meditations on the Death and Passion of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour. D. London, 1844. Hook, W. F.— The Last Days of Our Lord's Ministry; a course of lectures in Holy Trinity Church. Coventry. New ed. Preface by Dean Stephens. 0. London. 1880. Hook, W. F.— Last Days of Our Lord's Ministry. A course of lectures. 0., pp. 290. London. 1886. New ed.. 1890. - Hope, Stanley. — The Vision of the Cross. D.. pp. 48. London. 1898. Horton, S.— The Charm of the Cross. 0. London. 1903. Hubert D. G. — Ecce Homo. Meditations on the bitter passion and death of Our Lord. D., pp. 196. New York, 1894. Hunt, H. G. Bonavia.— The Glories of the INlan of Sor- rows; Lent Sermons. Cr. 0. London, 1885. Hutton, R. E. — The Sorrows of the Kinsr. Devotional studies. Cr. 0. London, 1899. Hutton. Vernon W. — The Corn of Wheat: meditations 146 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD on the later ministry, passion and. resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour. 0., pp. 200. London, 1888. A Hymn of the Sufferings and Death of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. D., Edinburgh, 1735. Innes, J. C. — A Week with Christ. Lectures in Passion week. D. London, 1854. Jacob, Henry. — A Defence of a Treatise Touching the Sufferings and Victorie of Christ in the Work of our Ee- demption. Ff. No place, 1600. Jennings, A. G. — The Last Days of Jesus Christ ; or the Gospel Account of the Great Atonement. D., pp. 112. Philadelphia, 1893. * Johnson, T. — The Preaching of the Cross. Forty-eight meditations upon (1) The life of sacrifice; and (2) The atoning death. For Lent, Holy Week, Good Friday and Eastertide. O., pp. 130. London, 1895.* Jones, J. D. — Christ's Pathway to the Cross. (Freedom of Faith Series.) D., pp. 128. London, 1905. Kempe, John Edward. — The Holy Week. Devotional readings from Bishop Jeremy Taylor's life of Christ, se- lected and adapted for the closet ; or the family or the con- gregation. E., pp. 118. London. 1889.* King, Harriet Eleanor Hamilton.^Hours of the Pas- sion, and other poems. D., pp. 131. New York. 1902. Knowles, Archibald Campbell. — The Triumph of the Cross : A Devotional Study of the Passion, Crucifixion and Kesurrection of Our Blessed Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ. Cr. 0., pp. xiv+281. London. 1900. * Knowles, Thomas. — The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A new edition with additions by Rev. H. Hasted. D. London, 1830. First ed., D., 1780. Knox-Little, W. J. — The Hopes and Decisions of the Passion of Our ]Most Holy Redeemer. 0. London, 1896. New ed., 0., pp. 228. London, 1894. * Knox-Little, W. J.— Mystery of the Passion of Our ^Nlost Holy Redeemer. D. London, 1881. Third ed., O., pp. 211 London, 1885. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 147 Knox-Little, W. J.— Tlu' Witness of the Passion oi" Our INIost Holy Kedeenier. ()., pp. 183. London, 1884.* Krummacher, Frederic W. — The Sufferinf? Saviour; or ^Meditations on the Last Days of Christ. D., pp. 474. Boston, 1857. * Krummacher, Frederic W.— The Martyr Lamb; or Christ tlie representative of His people in all ages. Trans- lated from tlie (icrman. E., pp. 288. New York, 1841. * Lang, J. Marshall. — The Last Supper of Our Lord and His Words of Consolation to the Disciples. Post, 0. London, 1884. Last Eight Days of Our Lord's Sufferings with Easter Eve and Easter Day. Third ed., pp. 12. London. 1878. The Last Hours of Jesus. Colloquies on the Passion. Translated from the German by a priest of the English Church. 32mo.. pp. 57. London, 1868. Leeson, Charles Henry. — Story of Christ's Passion. S., pp. 5+147. New York, 1904. * Lefroy, W. — Agonire Christi; being sermons on the suf- ferings of Christ, together with others on His nature and work. (Preachers of the Age.) 0., pp. 220. London, 1893. * Lehmann, E. — Scenes from the Life of Jesus. Lectures. Cr. O. Loudon, 1885. Leonard, Wm. A. — A^ia Sacra; or the Footprints of Christ. A book for Holy Week. E., pp xiv+209. Brooklyn, 1875. * Liddon, H. P. — Passiontide Sermons. Cr. 0., pp. 312. Loudon, 1891. - Ligouri, A. M. de. — Hours of the Passion; or Pathetic Reflections on the Sufferings and Death of Our Redeemer; translated by Rev. W. Walsh with a sketch of his life. E. New York, 1876. Lillienthal, Hermann. — Some Actors in Our Lord's Pas- sion ; with an introduction by T. March Clark. D., pp. 12-f 157. New York, 1903. * 148 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Little, Sophia L. — The Last Days of Jesus. 1839. Lowry, S. C. — Lessons from the Passion of Our Lord for Modern Life. Steadfastness, submission, silence, solitude, sympathy, sacrifice. Cr. ()., pp. 86. London, 1899. Luther, Martin. — Sermons on the Passion of Christ, with introductory meditations. Translated from the German. D., pp. 227. Philadelphia, n. d. * MacCook, Henry C— The Last Days of Jesus. 1872. Mac-Duff, J. R.— Memories of Olivet. D. New York, 1868. Mackintosh, William. — The Voice from the Cross ; a series of sermons on Our Lord's Passion, by eminent living preachers of Germany. Edited and translated. 0. Edin- l^urgh. n. d. Maitland, Brownlow. — The Great Passion Prophecy Vindicated. (.). London, 1884. Malan, S. C. — Meditations on Our Lord's Passion, from the Armenian of IMatthew Vartabed. 32mo. London, 1863. "The Man of Sorrows." Meditations and prayers for the use of the unlearned during Holy Week. S. London, 1873. Mantle, J. Gregory. — The Way of the Cross. A contri- bution to the Doctrine of Christian Sanctity. Third ed., Cr. 0., pp. x+199. London, 1901. McConnell, T. M.— The Last Week with Jesus. S. Nashville. Tonu.. 1886. McGill, William. — A Practical Essay on the Death of Jesus Christ, in two parts. 0., pp. 550. Edinburgh, 1786. McNeile, Hugh. — The Prophecies Relative to the Jew- ish Nation, the Sympathies, Sufferings and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus. A series of lectures. New ed.. in one volume. T. London, 1866. Originally published separately. Miller, C. Armand.— The Way of the Cross. D. Phila- delphia. Devotional studies. JEi^US CHU'IST OUR LORD 149 Monod, Wilfred. Ih' SuftVivd ; or. Iluiiuin Suffering Interprelcd Itv .1 est is Christ. Six Meditations for Holy Week. From llir I-^i-ciich, !)y Annie D. Perkins. 1).. pp. 6+118. New York. ISiJH. * Monro, E. — Historical and Practical Sermon on the Sufferings aud Resurrection of Our Lord. D. New York, 1858. Mordaunt, Osbert.— Holy Week Addresses. 0., pp. viii +84. London, 1897. * Morison, W.— Passio Christi. The Sufferings of Our Lord. etc. Post. 0., pp. 102. Glasgow, 1871. Mortimer, Alfred G. — Meditations on the Passion of Our I^lost Holy Redeemer. Comprising each scene from the washing of the Disciple's feet to the death upon the cross. Part I, 0., pp. 230. London, 1903. "" Mount Calvary; or, the History of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, written in Cornish some centuries past. " Interpreted in English in 1682 by J. Keig- win. Edited by D. Gilbert. O.. pp. xxii+96. London, 1826. A :\ryrrhine Posie of the Bitter Dolours of Christ, His Passion, etc. O. London, 1639. Mystic Vine, The; a INIeditation on the Passion of Our Lord Treated :\Iystically and Devotionally. Translated from the Latin of an unknown author. Edited by Rev. C. J. Eales. Second ed., D.. pp. 310. London, 1892. Newbolt, William C. E.— Agnus Dei; or. Meditations on the Events of Each Day in Holy Week. D.. pp. 96. London. 1888. Newes from Holland; or. a relation of two witnesses now living of the suffering and passion of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, the one being a Gentile, the other a Jew% which sufferings they l)eheld as eyewitnesses when Our Lord was crucified. The probability whereof is verified by Scrip- ture and divers eminent authors. Q. London, 1648. Oldham, R. S.— Passion Week. Five lectures. 0. Glasgow. 1851. 150 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD OUivier, R. P. (Marie Joseph). — The Passion: Histori- cal Essay. Translated from the French by E. Leahy. 0., pp. 8+439. Boston. 1901. * Ortlepp, Edmund Ernst. — Story of Christ's Passion; told and explained by E. E. Ortlepp. O., pp. 282. 1906. * Ottley, Robert Lawrence. — Filial Heart; Meditations on the Passion as a School of Christian Character. Ox- ford, n. d. Palma, Louis de la. — A History of the Sacred Passion, with a preface by H. J. Coleridge. Third ed., D. New York. 1889. Parker, W. Thornton. — Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Meditations and Prayers. D., pp. 50. Northampton, Mass., 1905. The Passion. Devout meditations and affections on the Holy Passion of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. 32mo. Lon- don, 1849. The Passion of Jesus. (Fifteen meditations.) S. Lon- don, 1858. Passion and Resurrection (The) of Our Lord. A con- secutive narrative from the four Gospels. Cr. 0., pp. 169. London, 1900. D. London, 1900. Pearson, J. N. — Christ Crucified. In six discourses. D. London, n. d. The Perpetual Crosse or Passion of Jesus Christ from the first instant of his Incarnation, set forth in fourtie pic- tures for the greater profite of soules. (Translated and abridged from the Latin.) D. Antwerp. 1649. Phillips, Forbes. — Some Mysteries of the Passion. D. London, 1893. Pinart.— Meditations on the Suffering Life of Our Lord, from the French. D. London, 1875. Ponte, Louis de. — Meditations on the Passion of Our Lord. Translated from the original Spanish by J. Heig- ham. Revised and corrected. (Meditations on the INIys- teries of the Faith.) 0., pp. 516. London, 1897. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 151 Rambach, J.— Meditations and Contemplations on the Suflferings of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in which the history of the Passion, as given by the four evangelists, is connected, harmonized and explained. Suitable prayers and offices of devotion. 2 vols., O. London, 1763. Also 1 vol.. O. 1829. Randolph, B. W. — The Example of the Passion. Being addresses given in St. Paul's Cathedral during Holy Week. 1897. Cr. 0., pp. 102. London, 1901. Rate, J. — Victory of Christ over Satan; discourses de- livered during Lent in Belgrave Chapel, Pimlico. O., pp. 148. London. 1888. • Rees, J. — The Seven Blood Sheddings of Jesus. D. London, 1888. Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Compiled and translated from the French by a religious of Loretto Convent. Xavan. 0.. pp. xvi+304. London. 1872. Robinson, Edward Jewett. — Passion Lays; Exodus of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 358. London, 1896. Russell, Frederick. — A harmony of the Evangelical his- tory of the suiferings. death, burial, resurrection and as- cension of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in which the narrative of the four evangelists, arranged in parallel columns on one side, is harmonised on the other and divided into chapters and sections. 0., pp. 47. Hali- fax. 1839. Rutherford, Samuel. — Christ dying and drawing sin- ners to himself ; or a survey of Our Saviour in His soule suffering. His lovelyness in His death, and the efficacie thereof in sermons on St. John, xii : 27-33. Q. London, 1647. Sabela, P. — Lenten Sermons on the Passion. D. Lon- don, 18—. Sandys, George. — Christ's Passion, a tragedy; Avith an- notations. O. London, 1640. Second ed., 1646. Third ed.. 1687. 153 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Saurin, Jaques. — Sermons sur divers textes cle I'Eeri- ture Sainted noveaux sermons sur I'histoire de la passion de N. S. Jesus Christ. 12 vols., 0. Paris, 1730- '45. An- other edition translated into English by Robinson, Hunter and Sutclift'e. edited by Burder. 6 vols., 0. London, 1824. Schauffler, W, G. — Meditations on the Last Days of Christ; also three meditations on the thirty years' silence, and one on Daniel's rest; with a biographical .sketch. Bv W. Adams. D. New York, 1880. Schauffler, W. G. — Meditations on the Last Days of Christ, together with eight meditations on the seventeenth chapter of John. D., pp. 439. Boston, 1853. * Schouppe, F. X. — The Words of Jesus Christ during His passion, explained in their literal and moral sense. From the French by J. J. Quinn. D. New York, 1889. Seiss, Joseph A. — Lententide Sermonettes. 0. Phila- delphia, n. d. Seiss, Joseph A.- — Passiontide Sermonettes. 0. Phila- delphia, n. d. Seraphin, Pere. — The Suffering Man-God (L'Homme- Dieu Souffrant) ; or the Divinity of Jesus Christ resplen- dent in His sufferings. Translated by Lillian M. Ward. Cr. 0.. pp. xvi+239. London, 1905. Also D., pp. 240. New York, 1905. * Seraphin, Pere. — Pious Reflections on the Passion of Jesus Christ. 2 vols, D. Tournai, 1851. Skeffington, Sydney William. — The Sinless Sufferer. Eleventh ed., S., pp. viii+104. London, 1880. * Smith John Oswald. — ^Meditations on the Passion for weekly communicants. D. New York, 1904. The Sorrows of Jesus. A comparison for the Holy Week. S. London, 1865. Sixth ed.. 32m()., pp. 96. London, 1896. The Sorrows of Jesus. A companion for the Holy Week. S. London, 1865. Sixth ed.. 32mo., pp. 96. London, 1896. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD \m Spurgeon, C. H. — Our Lord's Passion and Death. Ser- mons. 0.. pp. 750. Loudon, 1905.* Stanford, Charles. — The P^vening of Our Lord's Minis- try; l)fiiiL;' |»rt'ludes to "Voices from Calvary;" a course of homilies. (_). Loudon, 1886. Stapfer, Edmond. — Death and Resurrection of .fesus Christ. Translated by Louise Seymour Houghton. D., pp. xiii-f 227. New Yoriv, 1898. * Steinmeyer, F. Y. — History of the Passion and Resur- rection of Our Lord considered in the light of modern criti- cism. Translated by Thomas Crenar and Alexander Cusin. 0., pp. 397. Edinburgh. 1879.- Stone, Morton. — Via dolorosa. A series of meditations on the Pa.ssion of our Blessed Lord and Saviour. D., pp. 80. New York, 1905. The Story of the Passion of Christ. Q. London. 1886. Sufferings of Christ, The. By a layman. D., pp. 328. New York, 1845. The Sufferings of the Blessed Jesus (a sermon on Luke xxii: 15) with a short discourse (on I John v: 16) shewing what is the sin against the Holy Ghost. D. London, 1790. Synchronism of the Passion Days. 0., pp. 32. Great Easton, 1893. With chart. Swayne, W. S.— The Psalm of the Saints and the Suf- ferings of Jesus Christ. Addresses for Lent and Holy Week. Cr. 0., pp. vi+123. London, 1904.* Tauler, Johann. — Meditations on the Life and Passion of Our Lord. Translated by the Rev. P. A. Cruikshank. D. New York, 1903. Another edition translated by "a secular priest." D., pp. vii+446. London, 1889. Thome de Jesu (Fra). — The Sufferings of Jesus. 2 vols., D., pp. xxiv+500; vi+414. London, 1869. Also, Dublin.* Thoughts for the Hours of Passion. Reprinted from part 7 of the ''Sister Manual." Edited by the Rev. T. T. Carter. Pp. 26. London, 1896. 154 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Thouglits on Our Lord's Passion. S. London, 1864. Trevor, George.^ — The Story of the Cross ; in daily con- templations for the Holy Week. S., pp. 131. London, 1866.* Trevor, George. — Christ in His Passion ; lectures on the principal events of the Holy Week. E., pp. 177. London, 1853. * Trotter, J. Lilias. — Parables of the Cross. S., pp. 56. London, 1901. Tugwell, George. — Emblems of the Passion; Lent lec- tures. Q., pp. 116. Bath, 1888. Two Sermons on Our Lord's Death and Passion; before receiving the Sacrament, by H. W. Small Q. Edinburgh, 1704. Tyler, Bennett. — The Sufferings of Christ, confined to His human nature. A reply to a book entitled the suffer- ings of Christ by a layman. D., pp. 233. Hartford, 1843.* Vaughan, C. J. — Lessons of the Cross and Passion. Six lectures delivered in the Cathedral during the week before Easter, 1869. E., pp. viii+91. London, 1869.* Vaux, James Edward (Editor). — Meditations on the Passion; a sequel to "A Short Introduction to Medita- tion." 0. London. 1870. Veith, John Emmanuel. — The Instruments of the Pas- sion of Our Lord. Translated by Theo. Noethen. D. Boston, 1869. Veith, John Emmanuel. — Life Pictures of the Passion of Our Lord. Translated by Theo. Noethen. D. Boston, 1870. Voice from the Cross. A series of sermons on Our Lord's Passion by eminent living preachers of Germany. O.. pp. 280. Edinburgh, 1888.* Waggett, P. N. — The Heart of Jesus; being addresses «n the Present Reality of the Passion. Given in St. Paul's Cathedral at the midday service in Holy Week, and at the Three Hours' Devotion of Good Friday, 1901. D., pp. 144. London, 1902. JESUS CHRIST OrR LORD 155 Wagner, George. — Thirly-scvcii lectures ior Lent and I'assiou Week. O. London, 186;^. Wakeford, John. — The Glory of the Cross. A Brief Cotisidcralioii of the Force, Effects and ]\Ierits of Christ's Dcalli and Passion. ().. pp. 126. London, 1908. Warren, Elizabeth. — The last passover; or closing days of the life of Ilini whose name we bear. E., pp. 70. Jjondon. 1873. " Watson, J. McLaren. — The Upper Room. D.. pp. 3+128. New York, 1896.* Wellford, G. — Short Discourses on the concluding scenes of Our Saviour's Life upon earth, preached in St. Michael's. Bray. Cr. O. London, 1857. Wetenhall, Edward. — View of Our Lord's Passion. 0. London, 1710. Way of the Cross. ^Meditations and devotions for the seasons. Rendered into English by Ernest Day. 32mo., pp. 100. London, 1892.* Way of the Cross. Thoughts on the events of Holy Week.' Tenth ed.. 32mo., pp. 61. London, 1880.* Whitfield, Frederick. — Perfect through Sufferings. D. London. 1887. Whitney, John R. — The Last Passover. An account of the closing incidents in the life upon earth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A verbal harmony of the Four Gospel Nar- ratives. E., pp. 172. Philadelphia, 1869.* Williams, Isaac. — The Gospel Narrative of Our Lord's Passion harmonised with reflections. From the third London ed., 0.. pp. 181. New York. 1846. * Second ed., D. London, 1846. Williams, Isaac. — The Gospel Narrative of the ITol.\- Week harmonised with reflections. Second ed.. 0., ])p. 528. London. 1849.* Wilson, Harry. — Follow to Calvary. With illustrations by E. A. Fellows Prynne and verses by Beatrice Rosenthal. <^. London, 1901. im JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Wise, Isaac M. — ^Martyrdom of Jesus. D. New York^ 1901. Wiseman, Cardinal. — Meditations on the Sacred Pas- sion of Our Lord. 0.. pp. xii+292. London, 1898.* Wynne, G. Robert. — The Examples of His Patience. Holy Week Addresses on the Collect for Palm Sunday. D., pp. 96. London. 1905. IX. f. 1. THE GARDEN. To those who claim for Christ a full hmnanity and the Avitlidrawal of the divine, there is no difficulty in explana- tion. By those who falsely deny the Divinity of our Lord this scene is asserted as a proof of their position. Fcco»n)ienihd: None. Adams, Wm. — The Three Gardens, Eden, Gethsemane, Paradise; or ^Man's Ruin, Redemption and Restoration. D., pp. 284. New York, 1868.* Atkinson, John. — The Garden of Sorrows ; or the minis- try of Tears. New ed., D., pp. 203. New York, 1868.* Balfern, W. P. — Gethsemane; or incidents in the great sorrow; with hymns of the I*assion. S., pp., 308. Lon- don. 1882.* Blake, Mortimer. — Gethsemane and Calvary. E. Bos- ton, n. d. Buddicome, R. P. — Emmanuel on the Cross and in the Garden. D.. pp. 224. New York, 1844. Also, London. * Christes Bloodie Sweat. (A Poem.) Q. London, 1613. Eden and Gethsemane. Addresses for Communion ser- vices. By Principal Alexander Stewart and others. Cr. O., pp. viii+223. Manchester, 1903. An Essay on Christ's Fear of Death; or an appeal to the equity and common sense of mankind from the judg- ment of the independent church at Nottingham. 0. London. 1737. Frame, James. — Christ in Gethsemane. An exposition of Psalm XVI. D. London, 1858. Gethsemane, Jerusalem and Golgotha; meditations and prayers for Lent. From the German by A. Geyer. 32mo. New York, 1890. Gethsemane ;. or Thoughts on the SufiPorings of Christ. D. London, 1817. 157 158 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Gilman, Edward W. — Before Easter. E., pp. 50. New York. n. d. Hall, Newman. — Gethsemane ; or leaves of liealiug from the Garden of Grief. 0. Edinburgh, 1891. Higgins, J. T. — Gethsemane and other discourses. 0. London, n. d. The Holy Hour, or the Intimate Union with Jesus in His agony in the Garden. Translated from the Italian by a father of the Societ}^ of Jesus. AVith preface by A. Weld. S. London, 1870. Horton, Thomas G. — Gethsemane. and other poems. 0. London, 1856. Kittridge, A. E. — Gethsemane — A Sermon. Chicago, n. d. A Meditation upon the Agony of Christ in the Garden. O. London, 1751. Molyneaux, Capel. — Gethsemane. Six Lent lectures. O. London, 1851. Moore, Thomas. — An inquiry into the nature and causes of our Saviour's agony in the Garden. O., pp. viii-|-158. London, 1757.* Nebelin, Charlotte Elizabeth, — Gethsemane; or medi- tations and prayers on the last hours of the sufferings and death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the German. Edited by Mrs. Colin ^Mackenzie. D., pp. 200. Boston, 1870.* Philip, G.— The Garden of Gethsemane. 0., pp. 190. London, 1881.* The Tears of Christ in the Garden. (In verse.) Q. London, 1601. IX. f. 2. THE BETRAYAL. Recommended: None. The Betraying of Christ, Avith other poems. Q. Lon- don, 1598. 159 IX. f. 3. THE TRIALS. These took place before Caiphas and Pilate. Their le- gality is the question most discussed. Recommended: Blackburn, Greenleaf, Stalker, Innes. Bennett, James. — The Logical Consequences of the Ac- quittal of Jesus; A Synod Sermon. D. St. John, 1867. Blackburn, C. H.— The trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's View. 0.. pp. 6S. Cincinnati, 1890.* A good discussion. Bleby, Henry W.— The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth con- sidered as a Judicial Act. 0. London, 1880. Braden, Clark.— Trials and Crucifixion of Christ. D., pp. 62. New York, 1900. Broade, G. E.— The Sixfold Trial of Our Lord and the Prayers of Christ. Two Courses of Lent Lectures. 0., pp. 84. London, 1899. Byrtg, F. E. C. — Friends and Foes of Jesus Christ and other Sermons. D. New York. 1881. The candid determination of the Jews in preferring a thief and a robber before Our Saviour. 0. London, 1753. Casaubon, Meric. — A discourse concerning Christ, His incarnation and examination. Q. London. 1646. Chapman, Robert Clowry. — Legalized Wrong. A comment on the tragedy of Jesus. S., pp. 3L Chicago, 1899.* Chase, C. F.^The Trial of Jesus Christ before Caiphas and Pilate. D. London, 1876. Dupin, M. — Jesus before Caiphas and Pilate. A refu- tation of Mr. Salvador. Translated by John Pickering. E., pp. 86. New York, 1867.* Dupin, M.— Trial of Jesus. D. Boston, 1839. 160 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Itil Gould, 'S. Baring-. — The Trials of Jesus; Discourses (seven) for Lent. 0., pp. 80. London, 1886. Greenleaf, Simon. — The testimony of the Evangelists examined by the rules of evidence administered in courts of justice. Also a review of the trial of Jesus. 0., pp. xxiii+613. New York, 1876. The trial comprises pp. 551-613. This includes reply of Dupin to Salvador. Innes, A. Taylor. — The Trial of Christ. A legal mono- gTa]>h. 0., pp. 123. Edinlmrgh, 1899.* By a lawyer. Klarmann, Andrew, — Trial of Jesus before Pilate. A study in judicial arrogance and pharasaical justice. D. London, n. d. Lamb, John. — The Seven Words spoken against the Lord Jesus; an investigation of the motives which led His contemporaries to reject Him. The Hulsean lectures for 1860. O. Cambridge, 1861. Lemann, M. — Jesus before the Sanhedrin ; translated from the French by J. Magath. D. Nashville. Tenn., 1886. Mabry, J. C— Legal View of the Trial of Christ. Cin- cinnati. Noel, I. — Jesus which is called Christ; His trial and condemnation; a study in Gospel history. 0., pp. 60. London, 1878. Powell, John Walker. — The Silences of the IMaster. E., pp. 62. Cincinnati. 1904.* Rosadi, Giovanni. — ^The Trial of Jesus. Translated from the third Italian ed. Edited with preface by Dr. Emil Reich. 0.. pp. 360. London, 1905. * The Sentence of Condemnation as passed by Pontius Pilate against Jesus Christ. Ff. London, 1851. Stalker, James. — The Trial and Death of Jesus Christ. Devotional history of Our Lord's Passion. D., pp. x-|- 321. London and New York, 1894.* Stout, A. P. — The Trials and Crucifixion of Christ. D., pp. 158. Cincinnati, 1886.* 162 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Veith, John Emmanuel. — Words of the enemies of Christ during His sacred passion. Translated by Rev. E. Cox. S. London, 1855. Wellford, Edwin Taliaferro.— The Lynching of Jesnsr a review of the legal aspects of the trial of Christ. D., pp. 110. Richmond, Va., 1905.* Wilson, Thomas Frew. — Trial of Jesns of Nazareth. Historical and legal standpoint. S., pp. 55. New York, 1906.* Yoran, Calvin. — The Trial of Christ as viewed by a modern lawyer. D., pp. 16. Epworth, la., n. d.* IX. f. 4. THE CRUCIFIXION. The fact is nowhere more vividly porti-ayed than in the Gospel narratives. Recommended: Tholuck, for the devotional view. Stroud, for the physical aspects of the death on the cross. Stalker, for an estimate of the circumstances. Aitken, William H. M. H. — Around the Cross. First Principles of the Doctrine of 0.. pp. 260. Lon- don. 1884. Aldrich, J. K. — A critical examination of the time of Our Saviour's crucifixion, the 14th day of the Jewish month Xisan. A. D. 30. D., pp. 262. " AYellfleet, Mass., 1882. * Alger, William Rounseville. — SjTnbolic History of the Cross of Christ. E., pp. 93. Boston, 1851.* Allen, Benjamin. — Jesus and Him Crucified. D.. pp. 120. Philadelphia. 1822. * Ambler, Benjamin G. — The Crucifixion, and other poems. 0. London. 1880. Andrew, J. J. — Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Third ed.. (). Birmingham. 1882. Ashton, John. — The legendary history of the Cross. A series of sixty-four wood cuts from a Dutch liook pub- lished by Yeldeneer, A. D. 1483. With an introduction written and illustrated by John Ashton, and a preface by S. Baring-Gould. 0. London, n. d. Baird, William. — Watching by the Cross; Prayers, Readings and ^Nbnlitations for Holy Week. 32mo. London, 1870. 163 164 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Barry, Alfred.- — Doctrine of the Cross. Six sermons preached in Hereford Cathedral in the Holy Week. 0., pp. 96. Hereford, 1868. Baxter, Richard. — The Crucifying of the World by the Cross of Christ. Q. London, 1658. 0. London, 1861. Bayley, L. M. L. — At the Foot of the Cross. (Verse.) Chicago, 1885. Bird, C. S.^The Eve of the Crucifixion. Addresses. D. 1858. Birks, H. A.— The Shadow of the Cross in Our Lord's Ministry. Six short addresses delivered in Chigwell Church. D., pp. 60. London, 1891. Boag, Frederick. — The Precious Blood. A sermon. 0., pp. 12. London, 1878. Body, G. — The School of Calvary. A course of Lent lectures. Second ed., D., pp. 160. London, 1891. New ed., E., pp. 158. London. 1894.* Bonar, Horatius.— The Blood of the Cross. 32mo. Phil- adelphia, 1858. Braden, Clark. — Trials and Crucifixion of Christ. D., pp. 263. St. Louis, 1903. Brown, Charles. — Lessons from the Cross. (Little Books on the Devout Life.) Cr. 0., pp. 128. London, 1904. Burrell, Joseph Dunn.— The Singular Death of Christ. D., pp. 62. New York, 1900.* Carter, T. T. — The Footprints of the Lord on the King's Highway of the Cross. 0., pp. viii+71. London, 1868.* Chapin, E. H.— The Crown of Thorns. D. New York, n. d. Chapman, Hugh B. — The Religion of the Cross. A series of suggestive essays on practical religion. 0. Lon- don. 1888. Fourth ed., 0.. pp. 396. London, 1898. Charnock, S.— Christ Crucified. E., pp. 216. London, 1837.* JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Ki.j Christ's meritorious cross and passion wlier(^l)y alone we obtain remission of our sins, and are made i)artakers of tlie Kingdom of Heaven. 0. London. 1860. Clarke. George W. — Christ Crucified. E.. pp. :J24. Kew Yiirk. lS4s. Clarke, Thomas J. — The Cross of Christ. D. London, 1864. Clemance, Clement. — To the Light thronuh the Cross. Expositions of Isaiah liii, and of other Scriptures l)earing on the sufferings of Christ. Cr. 0. London. 1884. Clow, William. — In the day of the Cross. A course of sermons on the men and women and some of the notable things of the day of the crucifixion of Jesus. E., pp. 370. London. 1898. Creighton, Mandell. — Lessons from the Cross. Ad- dresses delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral during Holy Week. 1898. 0., pp. 132. London, 1898/^ The Cross. A treatise on the death of Christ. E. Lon- don. 1863. The Cross and the Passion of Our Lord and Saviour. Six photographs with key sheet. Q. London. 1865. The Cross of Christ. A poem. D. ^Manchester. 1787. The Cross of Christ, or instructions to the cross-bearing disciple. Translated from the German l)y the Rev. J. Hull. With ten engravings. S. Reutlingen. 1862. The Crucified Jesus to the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Greeks foolishness, considered in three discourses. D. Dublin, 1765. Cudworth, William. — Looking to the L). Lon- don, u. d. A Curious Piece of Antiquity on the Crucifixion of Our Saviour and the Two Thieves. (In verse.) Ff. London, 1765 (?). Daniell, Mortlock. — Calvary; or the Cross of Christ. 0. London. 1839. The Death of Christ. 0. Lond(m. 1800 (?). 166 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD The Death of Christ upou the Cross. 0. London, 1885. De Courcey, Richard. — Christ Crucified. O. Lon- don, u. d. The Divine Sufferer; What He Endured and Why. 0. London, 1876. The Doctrine of the Cross of Christ Stated and Im- proved. D. London, 1830. Durham, James.^ — Christ crucified ; or the marrow of the Gospel evidently set forth in seventy-two sermons on the liii chapter of Isaiah. Ff. Glasgow. 1723. Seventh ed., 1729. Edgar, Robert McCheyne. — The Philosophy of the Cross. An attempt to show the deep significance of the death of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1873, 1878. Evans, Caleb. — Christ Crucified. Four sermons. 0. Bristol, 1789. Faber, F. W. — The Foot of the Cross ; or the Sorrows of Mary. Cr. 0. New York, 1861. Frame, James. — The Song of the Cross. An exposition of Psalms XXII. D. London, 1872. Gilbert, Daniel.- — Reflections on the stations of the cross; or the love of Jesus in His passion. S. London, 1875. Glorying in the Cross of Christ. (A sermon on Gal. vi:14.) D., pp. 23. London, 1845 (!). Goodrich, Chauncey A. — The Last Hours of Christ. E. New York, n. d. (Griffin, George). — The Sufferings of Christ. By a layman. D. New York, 1846. Griffith, Alfred John. — Studia Crucis. Sermons on the crucifixion and related themes. 0., pp. 204. Sandown, 1884. Guevara, Antonio de. — The Mysteries of Mount Cal- vary. Edited by Rev. Orby Shipley. Cr. 0. London, 1869. Guinness, Mrs. H. Grattan. — One taken and the other JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 167 left; 01- Christ and tlie lw«) malefactors. 32mo., pp. 32. London, 1868. Hambleton, J.— The Cross of Christ. D. London. Hanna, William.— The Last Day of Our Lord's Pas- sion. 1).. pp. vi+379. New York, 1871.* Hansen, E. H.— The Sorrows of the Cross. 0., pp. 59. Loudon, 1880. Harper, F.— The First Good Friday. :\Ieditations by the Cross. 0. London, 1895. Hartley, Sherman. — Lessons at the Cross; or spiritual truths familiarly exhibited in their relations to Christ. With an introduction by G. W. Blagden. D., pp. 274. Boston. 1852. Headham, S. D.— Lessons from the Cross. Addresses given in Oxley Parish Church on Good Friday, 1886. Hill, Daniei H.— The Crucifixion of Christ. D. Phila- delphia. 1859. Hirsch, Emil G. (Rabbi).— The crucifixion from a Jew- ish standpoint. New York, 190L Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery.— The Mystery of the Cross. Studies in Our Lord's Last ^Mission. Cr. 0., pp. 201. London, 1901.* Hocking, W. J. — Three Hours at the Cross. A manual for Good Friday. 0., pp. iv+87. London, 1896.* Hodges, G.— Beside the Cross. Good Friday medita- tions with the story of the Passion in the words of Holy Scripture, by L. McClure. D. New York, 1890. Holland, John. — Cruciana ; or the Cross of Christ. D. London, n. d. Hook, Walter Farquhar.— The Cross of Christ ; or medi- tations on the death and passion of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour. E., pp. 172. New York, 1845.* Hopkins, Evan H.— Calvary and the Tomb. Q., pp. 32. London, 1896. Illustrated Q., pp. 52. London, 1899. * Howe, Fisher.- The true site of Calvary and sugges- tions relating to the Resurrection. AVilh an illustrative 168 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD injip of Jerusalem. (J., pp. 68. New York, 1871. New ed.. 1S89.* ■Howell, Robert B. C— The Cross. D. Charleston, 1854. Hutchings, William H. — Some Aspects of the Cross. Seven discourses. 0. London. 1872. Second ed., D., pp. 201. London. 1876. * James, John Angell. — The Attractions of the Cross. E.. pp. 64. New York, 1S99.* Jennings, A. G. — The Last Davs of Jesus Christ on Earth. S. New York, 1874. Jones, W. H. — At the Foot of the Cross. Seven ad- dresses on those who gathered ar(mnd the foot of the cross, together with a new form of service for the three hours of devotion. 0.. pp. 40. London. 1891. The Journey of the Cross to he made l\v the Devout Soul that desires to accompany the Son of God in His suf- fei-ings. By a memher of the Society of Jesus. Trans- lated from the Frencli. ^'imo. London. 1877. Knox-Little, W. J.— The Three Hours' Agony of Our Blessed Eedeeiiici-. I). London. 1877. New ed., D.. pp. 80. L884.* Lancaster, R. B. — The Days of the Crucifixion ; a synop- sis of Our Lord's liistory during the last two nights and days of His sufferings. 0. London, 1876. Landels, William. — The Cross of Christ: or incidents, scenes and lessons of the crucifixion. D. London, 1864. Lawrence, Annie M. — Light from the Cross. S. Bos- ton, 1869. Lewis, Mrs. P. — The IMessage of the (Voss. S. Lon- don. 1900. (Loftus, D.). — A history of the twofold invention of the cross whereon Our Saviour was crucified. Translated out of an antient Aramaean biologist. Together with an ac- count of the conversion of the Ethiopians. Out of Abul- pharaginess Ecclesiastical History. S. DuliHn. 1686. JE^US CHlfIt04. London, 1880. Second ed.. London, 1884.* Mitchell, Arthur.— The Source and Fruit of Sorrow; also Christ the King of the Unseen World. S., pp. 2+48. New York, 1895.* (Monro, E.). — Historical and Practical Sermons on the Sufferings and Resurrection of Our Lord by one of the writers of the "Tracts for Christian Seasons." 2 vols., D. London. 1860. Morrison, C. Robert.- Proofs of Christ's Resurrection from a Lawyer's Standpoint. Revised ed., D. Andover, Mass., 1885. Mortimer, Alfred G. — Jesus and the Resurrection. Thirty addresses for Good Friday and Easter. 0., pp. 308. London, 1898.* (Moss, C.).— The evidence of the resurrection cleared from the exceptions of a late pamphlet entitled the "Res- urrection of Jesus considered by a Moral Philosopher." (By P. Annet.) Revised by the author of the Tryal of the Witnesses. 0. London, 1744. A Most Godly and comfortable ballad of the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Two parts. Ff. London, 1645. Moule, H. C. G.— Jesus and the Resurrection. Exposi- tory Studies on St. John xx, xxi. 0., pp. vi+213. Lon- don, 1893.* The New Trial of the Witnesses; or the Resurrection of Jesus considered; with an inquiry into the origin of the Gospels and the authenticity of the Epistles of Paul. 0. London. 1823. Newcome, William. — A review of the chief difficulties in the Gospel History respecting Our Lord's Resurrection, intended to retract some errors in the author's Greek har- 13 194 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD mony and tc shew that Dr. Benson's hypothesis is satis- factory. Q. London, 1791. Nott, Eliphalet. — The Resurrection of Christ; dis- courses with an introduction and notes by Tayler Lewis. D., pp. xi+157. New York, 1872.* Now is Christ Risen. Poems. S. London (?), 1876. Odell, W. P. — Ministries of Hope. Easter Messages. Wernersville, Pa., 1905. Onesimus, Captain. — Christ rejected ; or the trial of the eleven disciples of Christ in a court of law as charged with stealing the crucified body of Christ out of the sepulchre. 0. Trenton, 1834. Osborne, Louis Shreve. — Christ is Risen. A sermon preached in Trinity Church on Easter Sunday, April 14, by the Rector. 0., pp. 18. Newark, N. J., 1895.* Parry, Richard. — Harmony of the Pour Gospels, so far as relate to Our Saviour's Resurrection, with a commen- tary and notes. Q. London, 1765. Paton, James. — Glory and Joy of the Resurrection. D., pp. 15+227. New York, 1902.*" A Pindarick Ode on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Q. Dublin, 1728. "The Prince of Life." Meditations and Prayers on the Resurrection of Our Ever Blessed Lord. S. London, 1874. Reichel, Charles Parsons. — The Resurrection ; God or Baal. Two sermons. 0. London, 1878. Ring, T. P.— The Most Certain Fact in History. Ad- dresses on the Resurrection. Cr. 0. London, 1893. A Sermon on the Resurrection of Our Lord; preached on Easter Sunday. 0., pp. 16. London. 1732. A Sermon preached against Quakerism. Being a dis- course of the Resurrection and Ascension of the Body of the Holy Jesus of Nazareth. Preached January 1, 1709- 10. 0., pp. 16. London 1711. Sherlock, T. — The trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrec- JEtiUS CHRIST OUR LORD 195 tion of Jesus. 1). Philadelphia, n. d. First ed. and third ed., 0. London, 1729. E.. pp. 134+18. Elizabethtown, X. J.. 1808.* S., pp. 134. London, 1811.* E., pp. 128+ 15. Philadelphia. 1800.* Silvester, Tipping. — The evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus vindicated against the cavils of a moral philoso- pher; formed in anjjwer to the trial of the witnesses. O., pp. 124. London, 1744.* Simpson, W. J. Sparrow. — Our Lord's Resurrection. (O.xford Library of Practical Theology.) Cr. O.. pp. 328. London. 1906. Spurgeon, C. H., Moody, Dwight L., and others. — The Resurrection: A Symposium. D.. pp. 127. New York, 1899.- Steane, Edward. — Christ the First Fruits of the Resur- rection. Second ed., D. London. 1848. Stokes, Gabriel. — Twelve sermons on various subjects and a narrative of the first appearances of Our Lord on the Day of His Resurrection. With notes. O.. pp. 303. Lon- don. 1812.* The Story of the Resurrection of Christ. Q. London, 1886. Webster, W. — The Credibility of the Resurrection of Christ upon the testimony of the apostles ; being a sequel to two letters in the Weekly ]\Iiscellany, upon the fitness of the witnesses. 0., pp. 39. London, 1735. Webster, W. — The fitness of the witnesses for the resur- rection of Christ considered in an answer to the principal objections against them. O.. pp. 26. London, 1731. Weddred, John. — A Scriptural view of the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. By way of harmony and para])hrast'. ().. pi). 44. Peterborough, 1787. [Werdmueller, Otto.].— The Hope of the Faithful, de- claring brefely the resurrection of our lorde Jesus Chryst past, and of our true essencial bodyes to come ; and playnli confuting the chefe errours that hath spronge thereof. 196 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD (Translated by Miles Coverdale from the German.) S. Antwerp, 1554 (?). West, Gilbert.— Observations on the history and evi- dences of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Second ed. revised and corrected by the author. 0., pp. xvi+445. London, 1747. Contained also in Watson's Tracts, Vol V. Westcott, B. F. — The Revelation of the Risen Lord. 0. London, 1882. Whitby, Daniel. — Logos tas pisteos; or an endeavor to evince the certainty of Christian Faith in generall, and of the Resurrection of Christ in particular. 0., pp. 411. Oxford, 1671.* Williams, Isaac. — The Gospel Narrative of Our Lord's Resurrection harmonised with reflections. 0. London, 1845. Wilson, Harry. — The Third Day; the resurrection a proof of Christianity. E., pp. 72. London, 1899.* Wilson, W. Dexter. — Miracles in Nature and Revelation and especially the great miracle of Our Lord's Resurrection from the dead. D. New York, 1890. XL THE ASCENSION AND THE FORTY DAYS. After the resurrection, Christ did not inniiediately ascend to His Father, bnt remained upon earth revealing Himself to various disciples during a period of forty days. These appearings are claimed by modern spiritualists who yet hold to a belief in Christ and in revelation as an argument for their theory of the spirit world. By all other members of the Christian Church it has been looked upon as the time given by Christ in which to complement His teaching. Recommended: Milligan, Moberly, Westcott, Boardman. Activities of the Ascended Lord. Adapted by permis- sion from instruction given by the Rev. George Body. 0., pp. 135. London, 1891. Blyth, G. F. Popham.— The Holy AVeek and the Forty Daj^s; being a continuous narrative in the words of the evangelists, constructed from the Four Gospels. 2 vols., Cr. 6. London, 1879. 1883. Boardman, George Dana. — Epiphanies of the Risen Lord. D.. pp. 289. New York, 1879. Carpenter, W. Boyd. — The Forty Days of the Risen Life. E., pp. 64. London. 1898.* Doane, William Crosswell. — The Manifestations of the Risen Jesus. Their methods and their meanings. The Charlotte Wood Slocum lectures. S., pp. 194. London, 1898. Earle, J. C. — Forty Days; Christ between His resurrec- tion and ascension. 0. London, 1882. Faunce, D. W. — Advent and Ascension; or how Jesus came and how He left us. D., pp. 215. New York, 1903.* Fuller, Morris. — In Terra Pax ; or The Primary Sayings of Our Lord during the Great Forty Days in their Re- ly? 198 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD lation to the Church. Sermons preached at St. Mark's, Marylebone Road. Cr. 0.. pp. 336. London, 1901.* Grierson, James. — Heaven on Earth ; or interviews with the risen Saviour. D. Edinburgh. 1856. New ed.. 1869. Hanna, William. — The Forty Days after Our Lord's Resurrection. D., pp. 316. New York, 1866. 0. Lon- don. 1863.* Harthill, Isaac. — The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Cr. O., pp. 64. London. 1902. 0. London, 1903. Huntingdon, Bishop. — Forty Days with the Master. 0., pp. 306. London, 1891. Lipscomb, Andrew A. — Studies in the Forty Days be- tween Christ's Resurrection and Ascension. A series of Essays for the Times. D. Nashville, 1887.* Lipscomb, Andrew A. — Studies Supplementary to the Studies in the Forty Days between Christ's Resurrection and Ascension. D. Nashville, 1890.* MacDougall, James. — The Ascension of Christ and other Sermons. O.. pp. 314. Manchester, 1884.* Macduff, J. R. — Memories of Olivet. New ed., 0.. pp. 370. London. 1878. Best ed., 0. London, 1868.* Milligan, William. — The Ascension and Heavenly Priesthood of Our Lord. D., pp. 374. London and New York, 1893.* Moberly, George. — The Sayings of the Great Forty Days between the resurrection and ascension regarded as the outlines of the kingdom of God, in five discourses, with an examination of Newman's theory of development. From the second London ed.. D., pp. 273. Philadelphia, 1850. Fifth ed., 0., pp. Ixxxvi4-312. London, 1875.* Moore, T. V. — The Last Days of Jesus; or the appear- ance of Our Lord between the resurrection and the ascen- sion. D., pp. 300. Philadelphia. 1858.* Mortimer, Alfred G. — The Last Discourses of Our Lord. Arranged as Readings for the forty Days of Lent. Cr. 0., pp. xiii+326. London, 1905.* JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 199 Mosse, W. G. — Forty Days. D., pp. 110. London, 1896. Rosurroetion and the Life (The). Readings for the Great Forty Days and Whitsuntide. Arranged by Agnes L. Illingworth. With Preface by Henry Scott Holland. With 26 full-page Illusts. 0., pp. xv-fl88. London, 1903. Rhegius, Urbanus. — The Sermon which Christ made on the way to Emmaus set down in a dialogue by D. Urbanus Rhegius wherein he hath gathered and expounded the chief prophecies concerning Christ. Translated by W. Hilt and prefaced by John Foxe. Q. London, 1578. Also 1612. S . S. F. L. — The Appearances of Our Risen Lord. Practical Readings adapted from instructions given by Rev. George Body. O.. pp. 93. London, 1889. The Sinners' Redemption; or the Ascension of the Gos- ])el l\v Jesus Christ. D. London, 1760. Stanford, Charles. — From Calvary to Olivet; being a sequel to "Voices from Calvary." 0., pp. 246. 1894.* This Same Jesus. A few thoughts for Ascension Day. S. London. 1878. Walsh, Bishop. — The Forty Days of the Bible and their teachings. New ed.. 0., pp. 144. Dublin, 1886. Warren, Elizabeth. — The Great Forty Days; designed to be a help to Sunday School Teachers. E. Dublin, 1876. West, J. R. — Parish Sermons on the Ascension of Our Lord. S.. pp. xv+190. London, 1871.* Westcott, Brooke Foss. — The Revelation of the Risen Lord. Fifth ed.. D.. pp. xxvii+199. London, 1891.* Whiston, William. — Dissertation to prove that Our Saviour ascended into Heaven on the evening after His resurrection. 0. Cambridge. Wood, H. K. — The Cross and the Crown (embracing the period from the crucifixion to the ascension). S. Paisley, 1875. XII. THE KINGSHIP— HEADSHIP— GEEATNESS AND GLORY OF CHRIST. These four subjects are classed together, as many books which treat one theme, treat all. The Kingship of Christ and the Glory of Christ are closely linked with the second advent. To some, in fact, Christ is King only as He reigns during the millenium, thus reviving the old Jewish idea of the temporal kingdom and reign of Christ. The subject of the greatness of Christ properly belongs with the discussion. of the character of Christ, but also has its place here. Recommended: Whately, Maurice, Pinnock. Alcott, J. — Jesus, King of Saints, etc. Allies, T. W.- — The throne of the Fisherman, built by the carpenter's son. 0. London, 1887. Anderson, William. — Christ the plant of reno^vn. S, London, 1861. Archer, John. — The Personal Reign of Christ. D. London, 1643. B , J. G. — A short meditation on the moral glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Tenth ed., S., pp. 80. New York, n. d.* Balfour, W. P. — The Beauty of the Great King; and other poems of heart and home. 0. London, 1869. Bayford, John. — Messiah 's Kingdom. 0. London, n. d. Bliss, Daniel. — The Majesty and the Humility of Christ. A Baccalaureate Sermon. 0., pp. 14. Beirut, Syria, 1894.* Booth, John.— The Kingdom of Christ. (Watt, Alii- bone.) Bowne, George H. — Greatness and chief place in Christ's Kingdom. A sermon. 0., pp. 8. Salisbury, 1881. 200 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 201 Brank, W. T. — Zion's King. A Scriptural view of Christ as Head of the Church. 0. London, 1859. Brown, Charles J,— The Divine Glory of Christ. 0., pp. 120. London. 1868. Second ed., D., 1873. New York, 1876. * Brown, James Baldwin.— The Risen Christ, the King of Men. ()., pp. 368. London, 1887.* Carson, James C. L. (M. D.). — The Personal Reign of Christ during the nnllcnium proved to be impossible. S. London, 1873. Clark, James Langton, — The Eternal Saviour Judge. 0.. pp. 378. London, 1904. Contemplations on the Redeemer's Grace and Glory. By a clergyman of the Church of England. D. London, 1863. Crooker, Joseph Henry. — Supremacy of Jesus. D.. pp. 186. Boston, 1904. Crummell, Alexander. — The Greatness of Christ. Twenty sermons. D. New York, 1883. Culross, James. — The Apocalyptic Jesus. D. Edin burgh, 1885. A Diagram exhibiting the purpose and duration of the reign of Christ. D. London ( ?), 1859. Dodsworth, William. — Jesus Christ in his threefold state of sub-angelic humiliation, heavenly glory and earthly dominion. Two sermons. D., pp. 60. London, 1830.* The Dominion of the Second Adam, and the blessedness of Creation under His rule. 32mo. London, 1849. The Downfall of the Fifth Monarchy; or the personal reign of Christ on earth confuted. O. London, 1657. Durham, James.— The Unsearchable Riches of Christ and of Grace and of Glory in and through Him. D. Lon- don, 1773. Essay on the Headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. By an office-bearer of the Church of Scotland as by law estab- lished. 0. Edinburgh, 1842. 302 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Engall, Mrs. T. S. — The Greatness of Christ relatively and absolutely considered. 0. London, 1881. Flint, Robert. — Christ's Kingdom upon Earth; A series of Discourses. O. Edinburgh, 1865. Foster, J. M.— Christ the King. D. Boston, 1895. Gawen, Nicholas. — Christ's Pre-eminence asserted and vindicated. Ff. Oxford, 1688. Glories of Christ illustrated by the Tabernacle of the Wilderness. 32mo. London, 1876. Glories of Jesus, contemplated in the Mirror of Divine Love. T. Philadelphia, 1855 (?). Goodman, John H. — The Lordship of Christ and other Sermons. Cr. 0.. pp. 280. London, 1901.* Goodwin, Harvey. — The Glory of the Only Begotten of the Father, seen in the Manhood of Christ. The Hulsean lectures for 1856. O., pp. xi-f-218. Cambridge, 1856.* Goodwin, Thomas. — Glories of Christ with the triumphs of Christ, etc. 0. London, 1817.* In his works also. Gordon, Henry. — Christ as Redeemer, the delegated King and Head of Creation. D., pp. 20. London, 1857. Gordon, Mrs. M. M. — Glories of Christ; Bible Read- ings. E. Edinburgh, n. d. Gospel Grounds ; or Christ declared to be the only treas- ury of all good and fullness of all before God the Father for true believers. 0. London, 1644. Graham, Henry L. — Christ's Kingdom upon Earth — Where is it? A few plain words on the Church. 0., pp. 43. London, 1879. Grant, F. W. — Crowned Christ. New York. Gray, H.— Christ's Kingdom and other discourses. 0., pp. ix-)-414. London, 1861.* Harkness, J. — Messiah's throne and kingdom; or the locality, extent and perpetuity of Christ's kingdom. 0:, pp. x+218. New York, 1855.'* Harris, Samuel. — -The Kingdom of Christ on Earth. Twelve lectures. O. New York, 1875. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 203 Hotchkins, S. — The Liviiiii- Saviour. S.. iH-181. IMiil- fldelphia. 1898. Houston, Thomas. — The Dominion and (Jlory of the Redeemer, the siii)port and confidence of the church and joy of the saints. Cr. ().. pp. viii+480. Edinbnrgh. 1880.* Hunt, Henry G. B. — Tlie Glories of the Man of Sor- rows. Sermons preached during Lent. (). London, 1884. Hussey, Joseph. — The Glory of Christ Unveiled; or the Excellency of Christ vindicated in His person, love, right- eousness, etc. Q. London. 1706. Also. D. Sudbury, 1791. "Ignotus" supremacy and sufficiency of Jesns Christ as set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. 0.. pp. 232. Edinburo-h. 1896. Jefferson, John. — Treatise on the Headship of Christ. D. London, n. d. Keedy, John Lincoln. — Pupils' Book of the Heroit Christ. 0.. pp. 96. Lysander. N. Y. Keedy, John Lincoln. — Teachers' Book of the Heroic Christ. A course of studies for classes in religious in- struction glorifying the heroic and kingly qualities in Jesus Christ. (Biographical Sunday School lessons.) Series No. 2. D.. pp. 124. Lysander. N. Y., 1905. Kennion, Alfred. — Our King- and His Kingdom. London. 1878. The King and the Kingdom; or a perfect Theocracy "Under the Whole Heaven." 0. Dublin. 1871. The Kingdom of Israel restored by Christ and Judaism subverted. In a letter occasioned by the act for the natur- alization of the Jews, with some observations thereon. 0. London, 1753. Kingsbury, Harmon. — The Great Law Book, the king- dom and reign of the :\Iessiah. his sul)jects. precepts and governments. O. New York. 1857. 204 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Lectures on the Headship of Christ, as embodied in the constitution and illustrated in the historj^ of the Church of Scotland by ministers of the Established Church of Scotland. D. Glasgow, 1840. Lord, J. L. — Jesus on the Throne of His Father David. D. New York, 1869. Lord, J. L. — The Promise of Shiloh; or Christ's Tem- poral Sovereignty. D. New York, 1869. Lordship and Deity of Jesus Christ and His Vicarious Sacrifice. Addresses revised and corrected by the speak- ers. D., pp. 86. London, 1905. The Lord Jesus Christ. "The Brightness of Glory." The image of the Invisible God. 0. London, 1857. The Lord's Comijig in the Air to Keign upon the Earth. Part I. 0. London, 1868. Lyon, Milford Hall. — Lordship of Jesus. D., pp. 130. New York, 1902. A Map of the Purpose and Duration of the reign of Christ, with explanatory notes, to which are added a few thoughts upon the contrast between the first and second Adam. D. Bradford. Wilts, 1847. Martin, Benjamin. — Messiah's Kingdom in its Origin, Development and Triumph. D. Edinburgh, 1876. McCallum, D. — Jesus Christ the King of Glory. A dis- course preached in opening the Howard Street Chapel, North Shields, January 10, 1808. Second ed., revised and corrected. D., pp. 32. North Shields. 1816.* McLeod, Alexander. — ^Messiah, Governor of the Na- tions of the Earth. With a sketch of the author's life. D., pp. 30. Edinburgh, 1843.* First published, 1803. Meyer, F. B. — The exalted Christ and our identification with Him and His exaltation. Addresses and Bible read- ings delivered at Mildmay Conference, with a preface by J. E. Mathieson, Esq. (Mildmay Library, No. 2.) E., pp. 96. London, 1896. Meyer, F. B. — The Glorious Lord. D., pp. 112. Lon- don, 1896.* JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 205 The ]\Iighty King, who will shortly reign over this earth. Man's IMillenial Age and God's :\rillenium. D. London, 1850. The Millenial Reign of Christ. S. London ( ?), 1861. ]\lillenianism ; or Christ's thousand years' reign upon the earth considered in a familiar letter to a friend. 0. London. 1693. Miller, Hugh.— The Headship of Christ and the Rights of the Christian People. D., pp. 258. Boston, 1864.* Minton, Samuel.— The Glory of Christ ; a course of ser- mons. Second ed.. D., pp. lxi+212. London, 1869.* Newton, Richard.— The King in His Beauty. S. New York, 1878. Our King and the Old Story. 0. London, 1885. Pierce, S. E. — An essay towards an unfolding of the glory of Christ, in His Person, love and salvation in sev- eral sermons. AVith a recommendatory preface by Rev. Robert Hawker. D. D. 0., pp. 483. London, 1808.* Pile, William N. — The mediatorial kingdom, or the reign of Christ in the Gospel dispensation. S., pp. 96. Concord, N. H., 1870. Pinnock, W. H.— Christ Our King ; His life and minis- try the foundation of His kingdom and the ordinances of His church. 0.. pp. 454. London. 1876.* Pope, W. B. — Twenty-three Discourses chiefly on the Lordship of the Incarnate Redeemer. 0. London, 1880. Pope, W. B.— Discourses on the Kingdom and Reign of Jesus Christ. D. London. 1868. Power, Philip B.— CrowTied Christ. Thirteenth thcm- sand. D. London, 1868. Ramsay, William.— Messiah 's Reign; or the Future Blessedness of the Church and the World. D., pp. 247. Philadelphia, 1857.* The Revelation Unrevealed concerning the thousand yeares reigne of the saints with Christ upon earth, laying forth the weak grounds and strange consequences of that 206 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD plausible and too-much received opinion. B,v an unfained lover of Truth. Peace, Order, and just moderation. D., pp. 164. London. 1650. Roach, R. — Imperial Standard of ^Messiah Unfurled. 0. London. 1727. Sabin, J. E. — The Kingship of Jesus. D., pp. 354. Lon- don. 1832.* The Saints inheritance ; an answer to certaine scruples in that book intituled ; the personal reigne of Christ upon earth. D. London, n. d. Salter, James. — The Triumphs of the Holy Jesus. A di- vine poem. Q. London, 1692. Sapsworth, Elizabeth. — The Fifth Universal Monarchy ; or the Kingdom of Christ and His Saints. 0. London, 1879. Savonarola, Fra Girolamo. — The Triumph of the Cross. Translated from the Italian. Edited with an Introduction by The Very Rev. Father John Procter with a Frontis- piece of the author. Cr. O., pp. 242. London. 1901. An- other edition translated by Odell Travers Hill. D., pp. xlviii+258. London, 1868^' Sheldon, H. O. — Power. Wisdom and LTbiquity of Jesus Christ. Third ed.. 0., pp. 16. Cincinnati, 1875.* A Sober Inquiry; or Christ's Reign of a Thousand years modesth' asserted from the Scriptures. E. London, 1842. Spring, Gardiner. — The Glory of Christ illustrated in His character and history, including last things of His mediatorial government. 2 vols., 0., pp. 301, 312. New York, 1852.* Spurgeon, C. H. — Christ's glorious achievements set forth in seven . sermons. 32mo., pp. 230. London, 1877.* Stockwell, Samuel. — The Redeemer's Glory Unveiled; or the excellency of Christ vindicated. 0. London, 1733. Symonds, A. R. — The Kingdom of Christ. Its ultimate triumph over evil, in the sul)jection and reconciliation of all things to God. 0. London, 1873. JESUS CIIh'IST OUR LORD 207 Tergolina, Countess, A. C. E. di. — Christ al)ovo all. ]). Loiiddii. ISIiS. The Transcendent excellencies of Onr Lord Jesus Christ. With practical reflections. To which is added an intro- ductory essay by A. Scott to prove that this work was writ- ten ])y".T. Fleteiior. D. Sheffield, 1830. Trench, George F. After the thousand years; the glorious reign of Christ as son of man in the dispensation of the fulness of the time. 0., pp. viii-(-120. Lond(m, 1895.* Tyso, Joseph. — Defense of the Personal Reign of Jesus Christ.- D. London. 1841. The Visible Glory of the reign of Christ on earth no ways repugnant to the si)irituality of His kingdom. Occasioned by au epistolatory discourse, intituled ''The Reign of Christ Among His Saints." Q. London, 1677. Watson, A. — Christ's Authority and other sermons. With a preface by John Caird. O.. pp. 896. London, 1883.* Watts, Isaac. — The Glory of Christ as God-^Man dis- played in three discourses, with an appendix. D., pp. 274. London, 1746.* Also 0.. pp. 287. Boston, 1795.* Webster, F. S.— The Beauty of the Saviour. Cr. 0.. pp. 247. London, 1904.* Whately, Richard. — The Kingdom of Christ delineated in two essays on Our Lord's account of His person and the nature of His kingdom, and on the constitution, powers and ministry of a Christian Church as appointed by Himself. Second ed. London. With additions. D., pp. 298. New York. 1843. * Williams, George. — The Kingly Office of Christ. Ser- mon. St. Luke i : 32. 33. 0. Cambridge. 1849. Wilson, William. — The Kingdom of Onr Lord Jesus Christ. A Practical exposition of ^Matthew xvi : 13, Mark viii:28-ix; Luke ix: 18-50. D. London, n. d. D.. pp. vii+453. Edinburgh, 1859.* 208 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Winslow, Octavius.— The Glory of the Redeemer in His person and work. D., pp. xii+417. Phiadelphia, 1855.* Withers, J.— The INIessiah King. 0. London, 1882. New ed., 188-1. Worcester, Thomas. — The Record which God has given of His Son. A concise view of the Glory of Christ. T. Concord, N. H., 1811. XIII. SECOND ADVENT. This doctrine has a basis in the Scriptures. A constant expectation that the latter days are near at hand has from time to time arisen. The expectation of the end of the world is sometimes associated with the doctrine. The great- est excitement has been brought about among the credulous by the prediction of a fixed date. The greatest excitement in later times was that of 1840, known as the Millerite ex- citement. It resulted in the formation of a sect, but it pro- duced little immediate literature. The history of the move- ment will be the interesting work of some future church historian. The following dates have since been set : 1861, 1881, 1883, 1888. 1893, 1895, 1897, 1900, 1905, 1917, 1927, and probably others. The doctrine is given particular prominence by the Second Adventists and Seventh Day Adventists. There is no satisfactory history of either mil- lenarianism or pre-millenarianism. Eecommendcd: David Brown's work has been for years the great classic on the subject. Warren is also to be consulted. Both books have been the subject of much controversy. Hardie, Liddon, Merrill. An address : A few earnest words to clergymen and the Christian Church concerning the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the writings of Emanuel Sweden- borg in connection therewith. E., pp. 24. New York, 1878. Ainslee, Peter. — Signs of His Coming. Pp. 42. St. Louis, n. d. 14 209 210 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD The Approaching Latter Advent of the ^Messiah. The ]\Iillennial Times and Glory. By the author of Hades and Resurrection. 0. London, 1866. Beattie, Francis R.— The Second Advent of Christ. D., pp. 30. Louisville. Ky., 1895.* Baillie, John. — Coming Events; or Thoughts on the Anti-Christ's Appearing and Second Coming. O. Lon- don, 1869. ^6gg» James A. — A connected view of some of the Scripture evidence of the Redeemer's speedy personal re- turn and reign on earth with His glorified saints during the milleuium; Israel's restoration to Palestine, and the destruction of the anti-Christian nations. D., pp. viii-^ 303. New York. 1842.* Ben Ezra, Juan J. — The Coming of Messiah in Glory and ^Majesty. Translated, with a preliminary discourse, by Edward Irving, ^l. A. 2 vols., O. London, 1827. Benner, Henry Dill. — The personal return of Christ the hope and comfort of the Apostles. O , pp. 23. Ruther- ford, N. J., n. d. Bennett, J.— The Second Advent. D. London, 1878. Benson, Joseph. — Four Sermons on the Second Coming of Christ and the Future Misery of the Wicked. D., pp. 80. Leeds, 1781. Another ed.,' T., pp. 119. New York, 1799.* Berg, Joseph F. — The Second Advent of Jesus Christ not premillenial. D.. pp. xii-|-251. New York, 1859.* Beverly, Thomas. — The Kingdom of Jesus Christ enter- ing its succession at 1697 according to the calendar of time. Q. London. 1689. Blackstone, W. E. — Jesus is Coming. E., pp. 96. Chi- cago, n. d.* Enlarged ed., pp. 156.* New ed., S., pp. 180. Chicago. 1899.* (Bland, F. C. and others). — The Coming of the Lord. Sixteen addresses on the Blessed Hope. Delivered at Free- masons' Hall. With an introductory outline by R. J. Ma- honev. 0. London, 1877. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 211 Bonar, Horatius. — The Cominfj; and Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. D., pp. xviii+462. Kelso, 1849.* A review of David Brown's work. Bonar, Horatius. — Prophetical Landmarks containing data for helping to determine the cpiestion of Christ's pre- millenial advent. D. London, 1847. Fourth ed., 0., pp. xxi+:l34. London. 1868.* Brewer, S. D., and Decker, A. — The last warning voice; or an exposition of the prophecies showing that the second personal coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ will take place no later than A. D. 1867. D., pp. 144. Newark, N. J., 1866. Briggs, Charles A. — Origin and History of Premil- lenarianism. D., pp. 38. New York, 1879. From the Lutheran Quarterly. April, 1879.* Brookes, James H. — Present Truth : lieing the testimony of the Holy Ghost on the Second Coming of the Lord, the Divinity of Christ, and the personality of the Holy Ghost. E. Springfield. 1877. Brookes, James H. — The Coming and Appearing of Our Lord. E.. pp. 24. St. Louis, n. d.* Broughton, Leonard Gaston. — Second Coming of Christ. D.. pp. 158. Philadelphia, 1902.* Brown, Andrew. — The jNIillenial Reign, the reign of heaven upon earth. D.. pp. 150. London, 1872. Brown, David. — Christ's Second Coming; will it be pre- millenial. Second ed., D., pp. xxv+499. Edinburgh. 1849.* This very valuable book is now out of print. It is worth reprinting. Bullinger, E. W. — Ten sermons on the Second Advent. Preached at Oxford. Fourth- ed., revised, Cr. 0., pp. 200. London. 1901.* Burgh, William (or De Burgh).— Lectures on the Sec- ond Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and connected events; with an introduction on the use of unfulfilled ])ro- pheey. Second ed., enlarged. D. Dul)lin. 1835. Third ed., D., pp. viii+314. London. 1841.* 212 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Burgh, William.— The Pre-Millenial Advent and per- sonal reign of Christ demonstrated. D., pp. vi+132. Dub- lin, 1840.* Burridge, J. H.— The Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ for His people. Will all or only part be caught up? Part I. D., pp. 76. London, 1875. Burridge, J. H.— Will or will not the church pass through the great tribulation? Being Part II of a series on the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D., pp. 100. London, 1895.* Burroughs, J. G.— The Second Advent of the Messiah; a peep into the Revelations of the Apostles and prophets concerning the certainty of the coming of Jesus. 0., pp. 102+4. RockviUe, Ind., 1879.* Carson, James C. L.— The Personal Reign of Christ during the millenium proved to be impossible. D., pp. 198. London, 1873. Second ed., 1877. Carvel, Job. — The Coming and Personal Reign of Christ upon the New Earth. D. Potton, Bedfordshire, 1875. Gary, Clement G.— The Second Coming of Christ, show- ing Pre-Milleniarianism to be unseriptural and unreason- able. 0., pp. 138. Atlanta, Ga., 1902." Gheyne, Hugh. — "Premillenarians" and ''Christ's Sec- ond Coming." 0., pp. 8. New York, 1878.* Christ in the Clouds; or God's Coming to Judgment. 0. London, 1595 (?). Christ is Coming. Part I. 0. London, 1868. Christ's Appearance the Second Time, for the Salvation of believers. With an epistle giving brief account of the author's opinion about the thousand years. D. London, 1827. Christ's Coming in His Kingdom. D. Boston, 1870. Christ's Coming in His Kingdom. By a Congregational minister. D. New York, 1869. Christ's Kingdom in its relation to His second coming A Bible view addressed to Bible classes. By a lav member E., pp. 90. New York, n. d. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 213 Cleveland, J. J. — Prophetic Dates; or the days, years, times and other epochs spoken of by the prophets, which point out the rise and fall of kingdoms and churches, the coming of Christ, the end of the world, and the resurrec- tion. E., pp. 83. San Francisco, 1883. The Clew and its Revealings in exposition of Scripture prophecy; or the Scripture doctrine of the ^Millenium or Christ's Second Advent and Kingdom, in contrast with its disparaging complication with materialist and legalist views and the extra views and the extra spiritualizing mis- dividing of the word in regard thereto. By the author of "Recurrent Theology." D.. pp. 67. Petaluma, Cal., 1872. Clissold, A.— The Present State of Christendom. The Second Coming of the Lord. 0. London, 1871. Close, F. — On the Second Advent. D. London, n. d. Close, Francis. — The Catholic Doctrine of the Second Advent. Four sermons. D. London, 1846. Cole, James E. — The Immediate Fulfillment of Pro- phecy; the advent of the spirit of truth, and the visible and powerful presence of the world's Redeemer. 0., pp. 39. New York, 1874. Revised ed., D., pp. 53. New York, 1877. Coleman, John. — Prophecy unfolded ; or eternal re- 'demption with providential agencies, the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, etc: 0. London, 1861. Coleman, Thomas. — The Coming of Christ in His Glory. D. London, 1859. Coleridge, Henry James. — The Return of the King. Discourses on the latter plays. 0. London. 1883. The Coming and the Day of Our Lord. S., pp. 16. London. 1886. The Coming of the Lord. Sixteen addresses on "The Blessed Hope." E.. pp. 172. Boston, n. d. By R. J. Mahoney (3). F. C. Bland, W. Lincoln, J. D. Smith, H. W. Tayior, J. R. Caldwell. H. Heath, T. Newberry, T. S. TLenry, W. H. Williams. C. R. Hurditch, J. G. :\rcVicar, H. Grover, J. Stancomb, H. Dyer. 214 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD The Coming of the Lord the Taking up of the Church. D., pp. 16. London, 1859.* Another edition, pp. 8. The coming troubles and the consequently approaching glorious second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. A few words of solemn warning. S. London. 1862. Cook, Charles C. — Bible Outlines of the Second C(^m- ing. E.. pp. 39. Ilarrisl^urg, Pa., n. d.* Cook, E. Hampden. — The Christ has come ; The Second Advent an event of the past. An appeal from human tra- dition to the teaching of Jesus and His Apostles. Second ed., 0., pp. 204. London, 1895.* Third ed., with impor- tant changes and additions, 0., pp. 224. London, 1905. Cotter, Joseph R.— The Second Advent of Christ. A sacred poem. O. London, 1862. Cox, John. — The Divine Order; or the Second Advent before the LTniversal Reign ; being an examination of some Post-Milleuial proof texts. D. London, 1853. Cox, John. — Thoughts on the Coming Kingdom of Christ. D. London, 1835. Crosby, A. — The Second Advent ; or what do the Scrip- tures teach respecting the Second Coming of Christ. D., pp. ix-|-173. Boston, 1850.* Cross, James. — Resurrection ; what is it, and what is its relation to the second coming of Christ? 0. London; 1876. Dalton, Henry. — Four lectures on the first and second advent of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 0. Lon- don, 1846. Darby, John N. — Brief Remarks on the Work of D. Brown, entitled "Christ's Second Coming: Is it Pre- milJenial?" D. London, 1865. Darby, John N. — Lectures on the Second Coming. D. London, 1865. "The Days. of the Son of Man;" are they to be? A present day question. By the author of "IMaranatha ;" Is it true? 0., pp. 191. London. 1887.* JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 215 Demarest, John T., jiiul Gordon, William R. — Chris- tocracy. Essays on the Coining- and Kingdom of Clu-ist. D., pp. 403. New York, 1867.* (Dodsworth, William). — The Second Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ. With an ai)pendix on Jesus Christ as the Destroyer of Anti-Christ. By a elergynian of the Church of England. D. London, 1835. Dowling, John. — An exposition of the prophecies sup- posed by AA'^illiam ^Lller to predict the Second Coming of Christ. E. Xew York, 1840. Drummond, Henry. — The Second Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ. O. Edinburgh, 1857. Duffield, George. — Discussions on the prophecies rela- tive to the Second Coming of Christ. D. New York, 1842. Duffield, John T, — A discourse delivered at the opening; of the Synod of New Jersev. D., pp. 64. Philadelphia, 1866.* Durant, John. — ^Salvation of the Saints by the Appear- ance of Christ. A treatise wherein the appearance of Christ now within the vaile, and likewise His appearing again the second time is humbly inquired into. 0. Lon- don, 1653. The End of all Things; or the Coming Kingdom of Christ. O. London, 1866. Erdman, Fred. — What is the Lord's Coming? S., pp. 32. New York, 1903.* Extracts of Modern Revelation for the gathering and the sealing of the 144,000 ; or the twelve tribes of Israel to meet the Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming. 0., pp. 16. New York, 1846.* The Five Advents of Christ. Reprinted from the ''Present Truth." A reply to a minister's letter. 0. Ran- goon, 1879. Flynn, John Stephen. — Studies in the Second Advent. 0., pp. 190. London, 1898. Folland, . — Christ Come and Coming. D., London, 1898. 216 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Fry, John. — The Second Advent, being an attempt to elucidate in chronological order the old and new testa- ment prophecies which relate to the approaching appear- ance of the Redeemer. 2 vols., 0. London, 1822. Giles, Chauncey. — The Second Coming of the Lord; its causes, signs and effect. D., pp. 264. Philadelphia, 1879.* Goodwyn, General H. — The judgment seat of Christ, with prefatory review of the several judicial tribunals men- tioned in Scripture. D., pp. 27. London, 1876.* Gordon, A. J. — Ecce Venit: Behold He Cometh. D., pp. vii+311. New York. 1889.* Grant, F. W. — Hope of the Morning Star. New York. Grant, James. — The End of all Things; or the Coming and Kingdom of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1866. The Great J\Iysterie of God, whereby will plainly appeare that Christ shall in and by His saints in tranquillity reigne on earth one thousand years. Q. London, 1645. The Great Tribunal; or Christ's glorious appearing in judgment. Ff. London, 1700 (?). Greene, Richard G. — Glimpses of the Coming. D. New York. 1878. Gregory, J. G. — The State of the Church and the World at the final outbreak of Evil and the Revelation of Anti- Christ, His destruction at the Second Coming of Christ and the ushering in of the millenium. Reprinted from the Lon- don ed. D., pp. 256. Philadelphia, 1867.* Gregory, J. Robinson. — The Coming of the King. Thoughts on the Second Advent. S., pp. 128. London, 1888.* Groves, Henry. — Christ is Coming; or the Pre-millenial Advent. 0. London, 1873. Hamilton, William. — Second Advent of Christ. D. London, 1828. Hardie, Alexander. — The Post-millenial Advent. When the Church may expect the Second Coming of Christ. T., pp. 74. New York, 1894. Second ed., 1900.* Of value. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 217 Hare, G. E.— Christ to return. E. Philadelphia, 1840. Harker, William. — Five lectures on the Second Advent of Our Lord -Icsus Christ, with two sermons on important sul)je('ts. O. Worcester, 1863. Harvard, Senior. — The Gospel of the Kingdom ; a king- dom not of this world, not in this world, but to come in the heavenly country ; of the resurrection of the dead and the restitution of all things. O.. pp. 463. Philadelphia, 1870. Haslam, William.— The Lord is Coming; a plain narra- tive of prophetic events in their order. 0. London, 1885. New ed., 0.. pp. 226. London, 1890.* Henn, W. — The Coming of Christ. 0. London, n. d. Henshaw, J. P. K. — Lectures on the Advent. D. New York. n. d. Highton, Henry. — A Catechism of the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. D. London. 1851. • Hoare, Edward. — Rome and Turkey in connection with the second advent of Jesus Christ. D. London, 1851. Hopkins, John Henry. — Two discourses on the Second Advent of the Redeemer, with special reference to the year 1843. D.. pp. 32. Burlington. Vt., 1843.* Hopkins, T. M. — Second Adventism in the Light of Jew- ish history. D., pp. 195. New York. 1873.* Is the Lord Coming ? If so, are ye ready ? A tract for the times. D. London. 1860. Jesus is Coming. S. Chicago, 1879. Jesus will come by and by. Being a note of consolation caught from the jubilee singers. By the author of "God's Tenth." T. New London, 1875. Jones, Henry, — American Views of Christ's Second Ad- vent; consisting mostly of lectures. 0.. pp. 220. New York, 1842.* Jonas, Joel.— Jesus and the Coming Glory. 0.. pp. 584. Philadelphia. 1865.* Kelly, William. — Lectures on the Second Coming and Kingdom of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Royal 0. London. 1856. 218 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Kelly, William.— The Second Advent of Christ Pre- millenial: a reply to the Kev. D. Brown. D. D. E. Glas- gow, 1868. Kelly, William. — Christ Coming Again. Chiefly on the Heavenh' Side. O.. pp. 95. London, 190-1.* Kimble, Mary M. — The Pre-millennial Coming of Christ. 0., pp. 18. Lima. X. Y.. 1881.* The Kingdom and the Restoration ; or a Scriptnral view of the Second Coming of Christ. By a student of pro- phecy. 0., pp. 346. London. 1882. The Last Judgment and Second Coming of the Lord. D.. pp. 5.5. Philadelphia. 1889. Layton, F. W. H. — The Instant Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Two addresses. O. London. 1866. Lectures on Subjects connected with the second coming of Our Lord and Saviour. Preaclied during Lent. By a clergyman of the Church of England. D. London, 1848. Liddon, Henry P. — Advent in St. Paul's. Sermons on the two comings of Our Lord. 2 vols., 0. London, 1888.* Litch, Josiah. — Discussion on the Milleriium. The pre- millennial advent vindicated, being a review of Rev. Dr. David Brown's "Post Millennial Advent of Christ." S.. pp. 301. Boston, n. d. * Litch, Josiah. — Christ Yet to Come : a review of I. War- ren's "Parousia of Christ." with an introduction by A. J. Gordon. D. Boston, 1881. Lord, D. N.— The Coming Reign of Christ D.. pp. 430. New York. I860.* Millenial. Lord, J, L. — Our Reign With Jesus on Earth. D. New York, 1870. Lord, Willis. — The Blessed Hope of the Glorious Com- ing of the Lord. D. Chicago. 1877. The Lord is at Hand! Are Ave Looking for Him? A question for the Lord's believing people. S. London, 1861. Loughborough, J. N. — The Hope of the Gospel ; what it is and when it will he consummated. S. New York, 1873. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 219 Lyon. W. P."Mill('ni;il •Studies; or what saith the Scriptiu-e t'oncerniiig' the kingcloin Mtid Advent of Christ. 0., pp. xi-f-244. London, n. d. * M , C. H.— Papers ou the Lord's Coming. E., pp. 10(). New York, n. d. * MacNeil, J. E. — "Even so, Come"; or the Second Com- ing of Our Lord. D., pp. 80. New York, 1897. * Manchester, George, Duke of.— The Finished Mystery, to which is added an examination of Mr. Brown on the second Advent. ().. xxiv+404. London, 1847.* Mandell, William.— The Advent of Christ. Six ser- mons. 0. Cambridge, 1817. Manford, E., and Franklin, B.— An oral debate on the coming of the Son of :\lan, endless punishment and univer- sal salvation. D. Boston, 1860. Mansel, Henry L.— The Witness of the Church to the Promise of Christ's Coming. A sermon. 0. London, 1864. Marsden, J. B. — Sermons on the Coming of Christ. D. London, 18)^7. Mason, J. — Why we expect Jesus now. D., pp. 121. New York and Chicago, 1893. * Mather, F. D.— Some Mistakes of Pre-Millennialists. E., pp. 27. .Mcmrovia. Cal., 1896. * McDonald, James.— The Coming of the Lord. D. New Y^ork, n. d. McNeile, Hugh. — Sermons on the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fifth ed., S., pp. xvi+240. Lon- don, 1842. Meditations on the Speedy AdA'ent of the Lord Jesus Christ. D. London, 1844. Mercer, Richard. — Discourses of the Mysteries of the Last Times. l)ordering upon the coming of the Lord Jesus. Q. London, 1649. Merrill, Stephen M. — The Second Coming of Christ. Considered in its relation to the INIillenium, the Resurrec- tion, and the Judgment. D., pp. 282. Cincinnati, 1879.* Of value. 220 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Michael, John T. — Pre-Millennialism. A word in reply. D., pp. 15. New York, 1889. * Middleton, Robert. — Further Signs of the Times; show- ing the near approach of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. An address given at the Clapham prophetic con- ference, June 25, 1896. Middleton, Robert. — The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, systematically arranged from passages in the Holy Scriptures for students, teachers and others. Second ed., revised and enlarged, S., pp. 48. London, 1896.* Middleton, Robert. — How is Jesus Coming? And for whom? 0., pp. 115. London, 1898.* Moody, D wight L. — The Second Coming of Christ. E., pp. 27. Chicago, 1877. * Moore, Daniel. — ^Meditations for Advent. Short Read- ings on the Coming of Christ. 0. London, 1884. Mildmay, A. St. John.— The Judgment Seat of Christ. An address. T., pp. 22. London, 1871. Mullan, David. — The Coming of Christ, addressed to his people. D. Dublin. 1869. Munhall, L. W. — The Lord's Return and Kindred Truth. D. Chicago. 1888. Seventh ed., D., pp. 224. Ger- mantown, Pa., 1895.* Myers, Thomas. — Sermons on the Second Advent. D. London, 1837 and 1845. Neatby, Thomas. — Our Lord's Coming Again. His ap- pearing and reign. 0., pp. 330. London, 1877, 1892. * Needham, Elizabeth A. — Looking Forward. D., pp. 215. New York, n. d. * Newton, R. — Voice from Olivet; or the vv^arning sign. D. Philadelphia, 1876. Noel, G. T. — A brief inquiry into the prospects of the Church of Christ in connection with the second Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 0. London. 1828. Notes on the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Compiled by Francis ]\I. Cotton. Cr. 0., pp. 122. London, 1905. * JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 221 Ogilvy, George. — Objections to the Premillenial Ad- vent considered. Second ed., 0. London, 1847. On the Imminence of the Second Advent of Christ. 0. London, 1885. Orvis, W. B.— The Coming of Christ in His Kingdom ; Adventism, Millenarianism, etc., refuted. Second ed., D. New York, 1876. Our God Shall Come; addresses on the Second Coming of Our Lord. 0., pp. 210. London, 1878.* Our Lord's Return. Its object the restitution of all things spoken. E., pp. 16. Alleghany, 1901.* Pagani, John Baptist.— The End of the World ; or the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. D. London, 1855. Paisley, J.— The Resurrection of the D^-ad. Studies of the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians. With an ap- pendix on the Scripture teaching regarding the second coming of Christ. 0., pp. 180. London, 1893. Patrick, Symon. — The Appearing of Jesus Christ now published for the first time from the original manuscript. Edited by Harvey Goodwin, D. D. 0. Cambridge, 1863. Pelegrino, G. R. — The Christian trumpets ; or previsions and predictions about impending general calamities, the universal triumph of the Church, the coming Christ, the last judgm.ent and the end of the world. D. New York, 1876. Peploe, Rev. H. W. Webb.— He Cometh; Cr. 0., pp. vi+116. London. 1905.* Personal and Pre-]\Iillenial Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Convention at the Free Asseml)ly Hall. Edinburgh, 8-12th October, 1888. D., pp. 200. Edin- burgh. 1889. Philpot, B. — Nine Lectures on the Second Advent of Christ. O. London, 1866. Pickett, Leander Lycurgus. — The Blessed Hope of His Glorious Appearing. Introduction by H. C. ^Morrison. D., pp. 9+370. Louisville, Ky., 1901.* 222 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Pierson, Arthur T.— The Coming of the Lord. 0., pp. 78. London, 1896. D., pp. 86. New York, 1896.* Pre- millenial. A Plain and Evident Discovery of the Two Personal Comings of Christ. One at the beginning of His thou- sand years' reign, the other after the little space when the thousand years are ended. Q. London, 1691. Poole, W. H.— The Second Coming of Christ as Taught by Pre-Millenarians, not in the Bible. D., pp. 96. To- ronto, n. d.* Popular Objections to the Pre-Millenial Advent Briefly Considered. E., pp. 60. Dublin, n. d.* The Pre-Millenial Personal Advent of Jesus Christ, con- sidered in four lectures. With an appendix. By a spir- itual watchman. D. London, 1851. Prophetic studies upon the near coming of the Lord: its literal and personal character, and kindred topics and events. Illustrated. 0. Chicago, 1886. Purton, W. — Coming of the Son of INIan to Judgment ; a theological essay. D. London, 1873. Rankin, J. C. — The Coming of the Lord. A series of essays. D., pp. 83. New York, 1885.* Reasons from Prophecy why the Second Coming of Christ, and the Commencement of His Personal Reign on Earth is to be Expected. D. London, 1838. Rendell, E. D. — The last judgment and the second com- ing of the Lord. A prize essay. D. Boston, 1868. Riley, Henry A. — The Restoration of the Second Com- ing of Christ. A summary of millenarian doctrine. With an introduction by J. A. Seiss, D. D. D. Philadelphia, 1867. Rogers, William. — Jesus Comes and Quickly. D. London, 1849. Roworth, W. — The Coming of Christ; Will His Reign be Personal or Spiritual? 0. London, 1879. Russell, C. T.— The 01)ject and Manner of Our Lord's JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 223 Return. E., pp. 64. Rochester. N. Y., 1877.* Author of the series of books entitled "^Millennial Dawn." Russell, J. Stuart. — The Parousia; a critical inquiry into the New Testament doctrine of the second coming of Our Lord. New ed., 0., pp. 570. London, 1887.* First published anonymously. Scholfield, John F. — Thy Kingdom rnmeth. Advent meditations. O. Ijondon. 1884. Scriptural Reasons Against the Doctrine of Christ's Pre- ]\Iillenial Advent. Addressed to the faithful in Christ. By a minister of the Gospel. D. London, 1845. A Scriptural View of the Glory to be Revealed at the Appearing of Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 38. London, 1833.* The Second Advent and Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. S. Dublin. 1878. The Second Advent in its Relation to ]\Ian's Spiritual Nature; a paper read at a religious conference at Broad- lands, August 1. 1879. 0., pp. 31. London, 1879.* The Second Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (Pre- dicted as about to take place in 1881.) 0., pp. 10. Tre- vandrum. 1881.* The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trans- lated from the Welsh. 0. London. 1844. Second Advent (The) and Prayer. By a parish priest. D. London. 1902. The Second Advent : AVill it be Millenium? Affirmative. Canon Faussett. i\Ir. and JNIrs. H. Grattan Guinness, Pro- fessor Godet. Negative, J. Agar Beet, T. C. Edwards, Principal Brown. D., pp. 160. London, 1888.* The Second Coming of Christ and the ^Manifestation of Anti-Christ. O. Edinburgh. 1859. The Second Coming of Christ. D., pp. 3+127. Chi- cago. 1896.* Contains essays by H. B. StoAve, D. L. :^Ioody, J. C. Ryle. G. :Muller, D. W. AVhittle, G. C. Xeedham. C. H. Spurgeon. The Second Coming of the Lord. Pp. 28. London, n. d.* ' Swedenborgian. 224 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD The Second Coming of the Lord the true hope of be- lievers and only triumph of the Church, as appearing in the general bearing and analogy of Scripture. D. Dub- lin, 1833. The Second Coming of the Son of Man personally proved- to have taken place in 1848. His delivering up of the kingdom to God even the Father in 1864, and there- by the end of the Christian dispensation. 0. London, 1864. Seyffarth, G. — Chiliasm critically examined according to the New and Old Testaments, with reference to the most recent theory of the millenium. 0. New York, 1861, Shimeall, Richard C— Christ's Second Coming; is it Pre-Millenial or Post-Millenial"? 0. New York, 1865. Simmons, J. C. — The Kingdom and the Coming of Christ. Wherein is explained the Prophecies of Daniel, the Predictions of Jesus with reference to the destruction of Jerusalem, and the Book of Revelation. D. Nash- ville, n. d. Snell, H. H. — Prophetical Outlines. Seven lectures on the Second Coming and Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.. Delivered in Leeds. 0.. pp. 227. London, 1869.* Speer, Robert Elliott. — Second Coming of Christ. (A sermon.) (Inner Circle Series.) S., pp. 6+46. Chicago, 1908.* Spurgeon, C. H. — Twelve Sermons on the Second Com- ing of Christ. 0., pp. 150. New York, 1895.* Stevenson J. — The Second Advent. Cr. O. London, 1876. Storrow, Edward.— The :\Iillenium; or the Coming Reign of Christ Spiritual, not Personal. 0., pp. 126. London, 1886.* Taylor, D. T.— The Voice of the Church on the Coming- and Kingdom of the Redeemer ; or a history of the doctrine of the reign of Christ on earth. Second ed., D., pp. 406. Peacedale, R. I., 1855.* JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD tZo Telfer, John. — The Coming Kingdom of God. Cr. 0., pp. x+184. London, 1002.* Things That Shall Come to Pass. Address on the sec- ond coming of the Lord. jMildmay Park, :\rarch, 1886. O., pp. 220. London, 1886.* The Three Appearings. (Of Jesus Christ.) T. Lon- don, 1870. The Time of Christ's Second Coming Identified with the Day of Judgment. By the author of ''^Millenarianism In- defensible." D. Paisley, 1833. Time of the End, etc. Against the modern Whitbyan theory of a millenium before the advent. By a Congre- gationalist. Cr. 0., pp. 408. Boston, 1856.* Townley, Robert. — The Second Advent of Jesus Christ a Past Event. O. London, n. d. Townsend, J. H.— The Brightening East; or Thoughts on Christ's Coming. (Gathered Spoil Series.) D., pp. 93. London, 1904. Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux. — The Hope of Christ's Second Coming. How is it Taught in Scripture, and why? With appendix by C. Y. Biss. Second ed., D., pp.' 124. London. 1887.* Trenwith, W. H. — The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. D., pp. 12. New York. 1881.* Truth for the Last Days. Four lectures on the Second Advent of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By mem- bers of the AVinchester Prophetical Investigation Society. T. Winchester, 1849. The Two Comings of Messiah, as foretold in the Hebrew Scriptures. S. London, 1879. Tyng, Stephen H., Jr. — He will come; or meditations upon the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign over the earth. D.. pp. 212. New York, 1877.* Urmy, W. Smith. — Christ came again : the Parousia of Christ a past event ; the kingdom of Christ a present fact 15 226 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD with a consistent eschatology. D.. pp. 394. New York, 1900.* Of value. Urwick, William.— The Second Advent of Christ. 0. London, n. d. Varley, Henry. — Christ's Coming Kingdom; or the Lord's Eeign on Earth. Cr. 0. London, 1887. Vincent, Thomas. — Of Christ's certain and sudden ap- pearance to judgment. O. London, 1667, 1669. Sixth ed., 1683. Tenth ed., Glasgow, 1723. D., pp. 404. New- ark, N. J.. 1825.* Waggoner, Joseph H. — Refutation of the Age to Come. S. Battle Creek, Mich.. 1872. Waite, John.— The Coming of Christ and Signs Pre- ceding His Coming. 0., pp. 78. London, 1896. Waldegrave, Samuel.— New Testament ]Millenarianism ; or the Kingdom and Coming of Christ as taught by Him- self and His Apostles. O., pp. 540. London, 1898. Walker, G. J.— Coming of the Lord. E. Teignmouth. 1857. Warren, Israel P.— The Parousia; a critical study of the Scripture Doctrine of Christ's Second Coming, His reign as King, the resurrection of the dead, and the judg- ment. D., pp. 394. Portland, Maine, 1884. First pub- lished. 1879. Warschauer, J. — The Coming of Christ. D. London, 1904. 0., pp. 187. London, 1904. Waugh, T. — When Jesus Comes. Chapters on the Sec- ond Advent. Third ed., 0., pp. 186. London, 1901. 1904.* What God hath said on the Second Coming of Christ. X). London, 1861. What is the difference between the Coming of Christ to Teceive His Saints and His appearance in glory with them ? D. London, 1867. When and how ought I to expect my Lord. D. Lon- don, 1867. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 227 White, James. — The Second Coming of Christ. An ex- ])()si1i()n of .Matthew xxiv. S. Battle Creek, Mich., 187G. White, James Edson. — Coining King. ])., pp. 5+305. Xashvilk". Tenn., l'J02. Whitfield, Frederick. — Balaam's Parables and their bearing on the Second Coming E., p]). 112. London, 1884. ^ Why I hope to see "The Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven." A letter to a friend. 0. London, 186-4. Wilson, George W. — Sign of Thy Coming; or Premil- lenialism unscriptural and unreasonable. Introduction by AY. X. Nind.'. New York, n. d. Winslow, Octavius. — Coming of the Lord D. New York. 1857. Winthrop, Edward. — Lectures on the Second Advent of the Messiah. D. Cincinnati, 1843. (Witherby, William). — Review of Scripture, in Testi- mony of the Truth of the Second Advent, the First Resur- rection and the Millenium. By a layman. 0. London, 1818. Wolston, W. T. P. — Behold the Bridegroom. Ten lec- tures on the Second Coming and Kingdom of the Lord Jesus. 0., pp. 246. London. 1891. Woolridge, C. W. — The kingdom of Heaven is at hand ; a text-book of the better civilization within reach which is identical witli the kingdom of Heaven, as it was proclaimed by Je.sus of Nazareth. S., pp. 111+74. Chicago, 1899. XIV. THE PERSON OF CHEIST. Christological discussion began with Jx^stin Martyk (-|- 166) concerning the doctrine of the Logos. Soon after Gnostic Ebionism arose. This taught that Christ was a manifestation of God. Sabellianism (third century) denied the real inde- pendent personality of Christ, but at the same time recog- nized Christ as the absolute divinity. SuBORDiNATiONiSM was held by Tertullian (220). He declared the Father to be the whole divine substance and the son a part of it. At the Council op Nice, 325 A. D. three parties were represented, Arians, who held to difference of essence from God, that is a partial denial of the Deity. Semi-Arians held that there was a similarity of essence. Athanasians held to an equality of essence. This view was adopted by the Council of Constantinople, 381 A. D. Appollinarianism (Appollinaris -\- 390). Ascribed to Christ a human body, an animal soul, but not a human spirit, or reason, a flesh-bearing God, not a God-man. Nestorianism (Nestorius about A. D. 440) admitted the full deity and humanity of Christ, but connected the two personalities loosely. This is the common view, but some moderns have doubted. Eutychianism (Eutyches -|- after 451) held the oppo- site of Nestorianism, and also deified the human by ab- sorption. The Council of Chalcedon, 451 A.*D, condemned the prevalent heresies and set forth their belief in the follow- ing words, "One and the same Christ. Son, Lord. Only- begotten, to be acknowledged in two natures, inconfusedly. unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; the distinction of 228 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 229 iiahires being by no means taken away l)y I lie union, but ralliei- the property of each nature being preserved, and ■coneurring in one person and one subsistence, not parted ■or divided into two persons, l)ut one and the same son, only begotten, God the Word, the Lord Jesus Christ; as the prophets from the l)eginning (have declared) concern- ing him, and the Lord Jesus Christ himself has taught us, ] Ellsworth. — See below. Luilifranism. Krauth. — Theology of the Conservative Reformation. Cunningham. — "Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation." Kenoti JE8US CHRIST OUR LORD Boardman, G. D. — The Problem of Jesus. D. St. Louis, 1891. 0., pp. iv+62. Philadelphia, 1897.* Bonar, Andrew A. — The Gospel pointing to the Person of Christ. E., pp. 155. New York, 1878.* Bonar, Horatius.— The Christ of God D., pp. 214. London, 1873.* Bonavia, Emmanuel. — Contributions to Christology. D. London. 1869. Bondler, Thomas. — Sermons on the nature, offices and character of Jesus Christ. Second ed., 2 vols., 0. Lon- don, 1820. Brooke, Stopford A. — God and Christ; Sermons preached in Bedford Chapel. 0., pp. 359 London, 1894.* Brown, Thomas C. — What the Gospels teach on the Di- vinity and Ilunumity of Jesus Christ. D. London, n. d. Burrit, Elihu. — A voice from the back pews to the pul- pit and front seats in answer to "What think ye of the Christ?" D. New York, 1872. Burton, B. — Jesus Christ, God and ^Man; a sermon on Phil, ii : 6. 7. 0. London, 1756. Bushnell, Horace. — Christ in Theology; being the an- swer of the author for the doctrines of a book entitled, "God in Christ." D. Hartford. 1851.* Bushnell, Horace. — God in Christ; Three Discourses. D. Hartford. 1851.* Campbell, W. M.— Footprints of Christ. The various phases of Christ and His work from a Scriptural point of view. D., pp. 375. New York. 1889.* Capes, John M. — What can be certainly known of God and Jesus of Nazareth? An inquiry. 0. London, 1880. Carmichael, Robert Daniel.— Study of Christ. S., pp. 48. Hartselle, Ala., 1904.* Chaff in, J. W.— The Battle of Calvary ; or Universalism and Cognate Theories against Jesus of Nazareth. S. Cin- cinnati, 1873. JESUS CHRIST OUh' LORD 233 _ Christ ail and in all. A diseiissioii o\\ the person and work of Christ. By two brothers. London, .1877. Christ God and ]\Iau; or a brief exhibition of the Scrip- ture testimony respecting the person and two natures of Christ. 1). London. 1848. Christ is all. 32mo. London. IIS'I. The Christ of God. D. Ltnidon. 18:50. Clark, W. R. — The Redeemer ; fourteen sermons on cer- tain asi)e('ts of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D. London, 1862. Clifford, John. — Jesus Christ. His Person and His Plan. A sermon. D. London. 1867. Clifford, Samuel. — AVhat think ye of Christ ? D.. pp. 290. London. 1888. Coles, Thomas. — Discourses on Christ. 0. London, 1692. Cordner, John.— Christ the Son of God. A discourse in review of th(^ Key. Dr. Wilkes' sermon, intituled, "AYho is Christ.'" ().. pp. 28. Montreal, 1851. Cordner, John. — Jesus. A Christmas sermon. Preached at :\rontreal. ().. pp. U. Montreal. 1851. Cramp, John M. — The Scripture doctrine of the Person of Christ. 1). Philadelphia, n. d. Crane, Stephen. — Jesus the Christ. S.. pp. 96. Boston, 1888.- Crellius, John. — Two Books touehing- one God the Father: also many things concerning the nature of the soid of God. and the Holy Spirit, translated into English. Small Q. London. 1665. Crisp, Thomas. — Is Peter or Christ the Rock ? A ser- mon. 0.. pp. 16. Halifax. 1859. Crosby, Howard, and twelve others. — Christ ; His na- ture and work. Disconrses. D.. i)p. 407. New York. 1878.* Dale, R. W. — Christ and the Controversies of Christen- dom. With an introduction by Rev. L. W. Bancroft. D. New York, 1874.* 234 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Dale, R. W. — Christ and the Spirit of Christ. Beinof the two addresses delivered before the Congregational Union in 1869. 0., pp. 95. London, 1875.* Dale, R. W. — The Living Christ and the Four Gospels. O. })p. 292. London. LS90.* Daniell, John M. — The Christ of Holy Scripture and the Gospel of Our Salvation. 0. London. 1856. Davidson, Peter. — Opinions concerning Jesus Christ, Second ed., D., pp. 332. Edinburgh, 1859. 1. Jewish, 2. Infidel. 3. Socinian. 4. Arian. 5. Catholic. 6. Christ the Desire of all Nations.* Davidson, Morrison. — The Son of Man Standard Bear- er of Humanity. Cr. 0., pp. 104. London, 1906.* Davis, T. A. — The Divine Person and Character of Jesus Christ defended. 0. New York, 1882. Denton, William. — What was He ? or Jesus in the Light of the Nineteenth Century. D. Wellesley, 1878. Didon, Pere. — Jesus Christ. Our Saviour's Person, Mission and Spirit. Translated. 2 vols., 0. New York, 1891. Dike, S. F. — Doctrine of the Lord in the Primitive Christian Church. S. Boston, 1876. P^'irst ed., S.. pp, v-f 61. Boston, 1870.* Dixon, A. C— The God-]\Ian. D., pp. 64. Baltimore, 1892. 1. Jesus not a product of His age. 2. God and Man in one. The Doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures concerning the Person of Jesus Christ. Being the Syllabus of the three lectures delivered October 23, 26 and Noveml)er 6, 1887. O., pp. 12. London. 1887. Dodge, Miss Mary A. — What think ye of Christ.' S. Boston, 1877. Dorner, J. A. — History of the Development of the Doc- trine of the Person of Christ. Translated hy W. L. Alex- ander and D. W. Simon. 5 vols., 0., pp. xviii-|-467. viii-j- 544, iv+456, viii+462, xxviii+502. Edinburgh, 1878.* JESUS CHRIST on; iJtni) 285 Douglas, H. Into the (Iccj): (n- \\\v woiult-rs of the Lord's i)ersoii. ().. |)|>. 14(i. Jiondoti. 1886.* Drummond, Robert B. — The C'hristology of the New Testament. Five Expository Discourses. S., pp. 116. London. 1901.* Ecce Agnus Dei. Emlilenis and Thoughts of C'lirist. 0. London, 1872. Eece Agnus Dei; or Christianity \vitliout mystery. (). London. 1868. Eece Deus-Homo; or the Work and Kinudom of the Christ of Scripture. D. Philadelphia. 1868. Eliot, William G. — Discourses on the Doctrines of Christianity. D.. pp. 168. Boston. 1868. Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pp. 89+83. Ellsworth, P. W. — The Word mad*^ Flesh. An expo- sition of the error of monoi)hysite and orthodox views in respect to the two natures of Christ, together with a theory on the subject which harmonizes reason and revelation. 0., pp. 54. Hartford, Conn.. 1865. Eeprinted from the Sew Englander for October. 1865.* Failure of Jesus and His Triumphs ; silhouettes touching the story of the unfolding of the Son of God in the Son of Man. By Frater Occidentalis. D.. pp. 124. Red Wing. :\linn.. 1903.* Fairbairn, A. M.— The Place of Christ in :\[odern The- ology. The Morse lectures. O, pp. 566. New York. 1893. Seventh ed., 0.. pp. 580. London. 1897.* Part I. Historical Criticism. Part II. Theological Construction. Christ Recovered. Fairfield, Edmund B. — Who was Jesus the Christ? 0., pp. 26. .Manstield. O., 1898.* Farrar, F. W. — The Witness of Histors' to Christ ; being the Ilulsean lectures for 1870. 0.. pp. vi-j-207. London, 1875.* Forrest, D. W. — The Christ of History and Experience. Tlie tliird series of Kerr lectures. Third ed., revised. O., pp. 20+489. New York. 1901.* Of value. 336 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Fowle, T. W. — The Rceoneiliation of Religion and Science. Being an essay on the Immortality, Inspiration, Miracles and the Being of Christ. 0. London, 1873. Fox, W. J. — Christ and Christianity; sermons on the mission, character and doctrine of Jesiis of Nazareth. D., pp. 263. Boston, 1833.* Frowde, E. — Christ in His Offices, Words and Works. Preached in the parish chnrch of Clatford, Hants. 0. London, 1869. Galloway, W. B. — The Messiah theologically and prac- tically contemplated in His person, work and kingdom. O., pp. 372. London, 1855.* Gamble, John. — Christ and Criticism. , O., pp. 162. London, 1905.* Garnier, J. — The True Christ and the False Christ. 2 vols. Cr. 0.. pp. 338+356. London, 1901.* Gasparini, J. — Attributes of Christ. D. New York, 1876. Gess, W. F, — The Scripture doctrine of the Person of Christ. Translated by J. A. Reubelt. I) , pp. 456. An- dover. 1870.* Gilbert, Levi. — Visions of the Christ. S., pp. 5+283. New York. 1903.* Girdlestone, R. B. — Why do I believe in Jesus Christ? Four addresses to business and professional men. Cr. 0., pp. 96. London, 1904. Glover, O. — Doctrine of the Person of Christ. An his- torical sketch. 0. London, 1875. The God-Man. An inquiry into the character and evi- dences of the Christian incarnation. 0., pp. ix+262. London, 1881.* Goodwin, Harvey. — The Doctrines and Difficulties of the Christian Faith contemplated from the standing ground afforded by the Catholic doctrine of the being of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Being the Ilnlsean lectures for the year 1885. 0. Cambridge, 1856. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 237' Goodwin, Henry M. — Christ and Humanity, with a re- view liistorieal and critical of the Doctrine of Christ's Per- son. D., pp. 404. New York, 1875. 0., pp. 420. Lon- don. 1875.* Has quite a full statement of the Kenosis. Grant, James.— God's X^nspeakable Gift; or Views of llu- Person and Work of Christ. S London, 1861. Graves, H. A.— A review of the "Living Christ." AVith an appended review of "The Conflict of Centuries." D. Nashville. 1892. Gridley, Albert L.— Jesus Only. S.. pp. 189. Chicago, 1.S98.* Griffith, Thomas.— Studies of the Divine Master. 0. London. 1875. Guyse, John. — Jesus Christ God-]Man ; or the constitu- tion of Christ's person with the evidence and importance ol the doctrine of His true and proper Godhead, considered in several plain and practical sermons on Romans, ix : 5. 0. London, 1719. Hale, Harris Grafton.— AVlio then is this? A study of the personality of Jesus. 0., pp. 398. Boston, 1905.* Hall, F. J.— The Doctrine of Man and the God-Man. S. :\lilwankee. 1894. Hammond, E. Payson, — Jesus the Lamb of God. D. Boston. ]901. Harbaugh, H.— Christological Theology. S., pp. 80. Philadelphia. 1864.* Harrison, W. P.— The Living Christ, the Life and Light of :\Ien. D. Nashville. 1892. Harry, N. M.— Lectures on the Person of Christ. D. London, n. d. Henkel, D. — Treatise on the Person and Incarnation of Christ, in which some arguments of the I^nitarians are ex- amined. D. New Market, Va.. 1830. Henslow, G. — Christ no product of evolution. 0., pp. 68. London. 1896.* Herford, R. T.— Jesus Christ. Cr. 0., pp. 26. London, 1901.* 238 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Herron, George D. — The Larger Christ. 0. London, 1893.* Himself; Words Concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. S. London, 1886. Hovey, Alvah. — God with us ; or the Person and Work of Christ, with an examination of "The Vicarious Sacri- fice" of Horace Bushnell. New ed., D., pp. 275. Boston, 1872.* Holland, H. S. — Pleas and Claims for Christ. New ed., O., pp. 832. London, 1895.* Immanuel ; or Scripture Views of Jesus Christ. D. London. 1830. Is not this the Christ? By Musafir. Cr. 0.. pp. iii+ 337. London, 1904.* Is Christ Divided? I Cor. i: 13. (A religious tract.) Three numbers. S. London. 1855 (?). (Jackson, John). — Hosannah to the Son of David; or a testimony to the Lord's Christ, offering itself, indifferently to all persons, though more especially intended for the peo- ple who pass under the name of Quakers. By a lover of truth and peace. Q. London, 1657. Jones, Harry. — The Son of Man. E . pp. 60. London. 1897.* Karishka, Paul.— The Twentieth Centurv^ Christ. D.. pp. xiii+205. New York, 1906.* Kirkwood, Robert. — Illustrations of the Offices of Christ; and a practical treatise on Divine Influences. D. London, n. d. Knapp, F. H. — The Preciousness of Christ; or Medita- tions on the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus. E. London, 1866. Lacey, T. A.— The Historic Christ D.. pp. xi+158. London, 1905.* A Biblical study of value. Lacordaire, Pere. — Jesus Christ, God and ]\Ian. New York, 1884. Lacordaire, Pere. — Jesus Christ, God, God and IMan. JESUS CHRIST or/.' /,0/?/> 289 Conferences delivered at Notre Dame in Paris. Trans- lated from the French with the author's permission by a Tertiary of the same order. 0., pp. 428. London, 1902.* Laurie, Thomas. — Glimpses of Christ in Holy Scripture. 1).. pp. 264. Kostcm, 1869.* (Law, H.).— "Christ is All." Beins: a series of tracts. Twelve numl)ers. D. Weston-super-^Mare. 1853, 1854. Leathes, Stanley.— Christ and the Bible. Four lectures. ().. pp. 102. London, n. d. M'Intosh, Hugh. — Is Christ Infallible and the Bible True? 0., pp. 708. Edinburgh. 1901.* McConnell, Samuel D.— Christ. D., pp. 7+232. New York. 1904.* MacComas, E. W.— The Divine Problem. D. New York. 1880. MacComas, E. W. — A Rational View of Jesus and Re- ligion. D. New York, 1880. Madge, Thomas. — Eleven Discourses on the Union be- tween God and Christ. 0. London, 1835. Maitland, C. D. — Discourses on the Humanity and Deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ; in the course of whick is show^l forth the manner of Christ's obedience in the flesh. D. London. 1832. . Marchant, James. — Theories of the Person of Christ. AYith preface l)y Prof. James Orr. Cr. 0., pp. 123. Lon- don. 1903. Marshall, William. — The Nature of Christ; or the Christ.'jlogy of the Scriptures. O., pp. 236. London, 1896.* Merrill, George Edmands. — Reasonable Christ. Bos- ton, n. d. (Millett, F. f ?] ).— The Mystery of the Person of Christ. Ood-]\Ian. unfolded. With an appendix concerning the di- vinity of the Spirit. 0. London. 1719. The Mistery of Three Natures in i\w Son of God. 0. London (?). 1720 (?). 240 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Mock, Charles.— Recurrent Theology; or things new and old. Christ shown as the Alpha and Omega. D., pp. 208. Hartford. Conn., 1873.* Moxham, William.— The One Christ. Series of lec- tures. Cr. 0., pp. 94. London, 1903. Morgan, G. Campbell.— The Christ of Today. "What? Whence? Whither? D., pp. 64. Chicago, 1905.* Mozley, T.— The Son. Cr. 0. London, 1891. Nast, William. — Christological Meditations. D. Cin- cinnati. 1858. Naville, Ernest. — The Christ. Translated from the French by T. J. Despres. D., pp. 247. Edinburgh, 1880. Of value. Nesbit, E. P. — Christ, Christians and Christianity. Book I. Jesus an Essene. 0., pp. 230. London, 1895.* Nevin, Edwin H. — Thoughts about Christ. 1882. Newton, Richard Heber.— Studies of Jesus. Sermons, S. New York, 1880. Nicoll, William Robertson (Claudius Clear, Pseud.). — The Church's One Foundation, Christ, and Recent Criti- cism. D., pp. 5+227. New York, 1902.* O'Connor, J. Francis Xavier, S. J.— Christ the man God, our Redeemer. 0.. pp. 87. St. Louis, 1900. Ormsby, A. S.— In the Arms of Christ; Thoughts on Our Lord's Attributes. D. London, 1872 Owen, John.— Person and Glory of Christ, with the au- thor's life, by A. Thompson. 0., pp. 494. New York, 1852. Also works. Vol. I.* Parsons, Theophilus.— Deus-Homo. God-Man. Fourth ed., D.. pp. 455. Philadelphia, 1870.* Paterson, H. Sinclair. — Christ and Criticism. The Witnesses Examined and Cross-examined. 0., pp. 96. London, 1883.* Patton, W.— Jesus of Nazareth. Who was He? And what is He now ? D., pp. 320. New York. 1879.* Pearson, Josiah B.— The Divine Personality. An essay. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 2A\ Peebles, James M.— Jesus; Myth, .M;iii, or (Jod. Or ihc |)(»|)iil;ir Iheology and the Positive Religion contrasted. Third ed.. O. LoiuIcmi. 1878. Perowne, Edward H. — The Godhead of Jesus. 0., pp. v;ii_^123. London. 1867. The Hulscaii h'ctures for 1866.* Pfleiderer, Otto. — The Early Christian Coneei)tion of Christ. Its Significance and Value in the History of Re- ligion. Expanded from a lecture delivered before the In- ternational Theological Congress at Amsterdam, Septem- ]hh-, 1903. (Crown Theological Library."^ Cr. O., pp. 170. London. 1905.* Pitzer, A. W. — Ecce Deus-Homo. D. Phiadelphia, 1868. Playfair, S. H. — The Xicetical Christ-, an essay on the historical Christ in relation to a new reformation. O., pp. -17. Edinburgh. 1898. Plummer, W. S. — The Rock of Our Salvation. A trea- tise respecting the natures, person, offices, work, sufferings iind glory of Jesus Christ. D., pp. 519. New York, 1867.* Pope, W. B.— The Person of Christ. 0.. pp. viii+168. London. 1871.* Of value. Pope, W. B. — The Person of Christ. Dogmatic, Scrip- tural. Historical. 0. London, 1899. Pusey, E. B.— On the Clause "and the Son." 0. New Y(n-k. 1876. Randall, John. — Nature of God and Christ. Q. Lon- don. 1624. Reid, John. — Christ and His Religion. D. New York. 1S80. Renton, W. — Jesus. O. London. 1880. Reve, J. W. — Doctrine and Practice. 0. London, 1874. Six sermons on the Offices of Christ. Robinson, Alexander. — The Saviour in the Newer Light. A present day study of Jesus Christ. ().. pp. 406. 16 242 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD London, 1895. Second ed., revised, O., pp. 420. London. 1898.* Roh, F.— Who and What is Christ? D. New York. 1890. Saint Martin, Menard. — A Defense of Jesus Christ. Translated by l*aul Cobden. D., pp. 182. Cincinnati,. 1868.* Sartorius, Ernest. — The Person and Work of Christ. Translated by Oakman S. Stearns. S., pp. 161. Boston, 1848.* Schaff, Philip. — Christ and Christianity studies on Christolouy. Creeds and Confessions, Protestantism and Romanism. Reformation, Principles, Sunday Observance, Religious Freedom, and Christian Union. 0., pp. v+310. New York, 1885.* Of value. Schmidt, Nathaniel. — Son of Man and Son of God in I\Indern Theology. (Works on Modern Theology.) D. New York, 1904. " Seeley, John R. — Who was Jesus? D. New York. 1867. Sidney, P.— The Truth About Jesus of Nazareth. Cr. O., pp. xi+215. London, 1904.* Simpson, P. Carnegie. — The Fact of Christ ; A Series of lectures. 0., pp. 200. Second ed., 0., pp. 208. Lon- don, 1901.* Of value. Smiley, Miss S. F. — AVho is He? An appeal to those who regard with any doubt the name of Jesus. S.. pp. 102. Philadelphia, 1868.* Smith, Goldwin. — Founder of Christendom. S., pp. 44. Boston, 1903.* Smith, John. — An examination of the passages contained in the Gospels and other books of the New Testament, re- specting the person of Jesus ; with observations arising therefrom. O., pj). 144. London, 1807. Smyth, Alexander. — Jesus of Nazareth. O Philadel- phia. 1864. See Allibone. JESU8 CHRIST OUR LORD 243 The Son of (iod. By the ;iiith.»r of '"IMic .M(ir;il (Hory of the Lord Jesus Christ." (). Loudon, 1870. Spence, Walter. — Back to Christ; some modern foruis of relioious thouuht. D., pp. 4+222. Chicago, 1900.* Steane, Edward. — The Doctrine of C'hrist deveh)ped by the apostles. A treatise on the offices of the Redeemer and doxology of the Redeemed. 0., pp. 461. Edinburgh, 1872.*^" Stephenson, J. A. — Cliristolooy of the Old and New Testaments. 2 vols., 0. Loudon, 1838. Stevenson, George. — A treatise on the offices of Christ. D.. pp. ;n(). New York, 1838.* Swinney, J. Oswald. — The Second Adam; or God's Ideal of Man manifested in the being, character, life and death of the Son of Mary, who is made potent in God's hand for the recovery and restoration of our race. S., pp. 151. St. Louis, 1879.* (Taylor, R.).— Of the Divinity of Christ. (Of the union of the divine and human nature in the person of Christ.) (Two sermons on John i: 1 and 14.) 0.. pp. 95. London. 1730.* A Theological Discourse of the Lanil) of God and Ilis Mercies. Q. London, 1590. Theosophy. An Introduction to Theosophy; or the Sci- ence of the ^lystery of Christ, that is of Deity. Nature and Creation. Vol. I all published.) D. London, n. d. Thoughts on the Divine and Human Character of the Saviour. By a working mechanic. (Edited by L. S.) 32mo. London, 1873. Tidball, Thomas A. — Christ in the New Testament. Ten lectures. Cr. O. New York, 1891. Townsend, Luther T. — God-Man. Search and I\lani- festation. D.. i)p. 446. Boston. 1872.* Trench, Francis. — Sermons on the Person. Words and "Works of Our Lord. 0. London. 1857. Urwick, William. — True Nature of Christ's Per.son and Atonement. D. London, n. d. 244 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Van Oosterzee, J. J. — The Image of Christ as presented in the Scripture. An inquiry concerning the person and work of the Kedeemer. Translated by the Rev. ^l. J. Evans. 0.. pp. xviii+500. London, 1874.* Vidal, James. — Jesus, God and Man-, an exposition of Psalms CXI and CXII. 0. London. 1863.* Walker, J. B. — Sacred Philosoplw^God Revealed in the Process of Creation and by the manifestation of Jesus Christ. D. Boston, 1855. Walker, T. B. — ''Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am?" Selections from Gladstone, Napoleon, Wash- ington, Franklin, Webster, and otliere, and from the Bible ; for the especial encouragement of the members of the Young ]\Ien's Christian Association. D.. pp. 4-|-77. Min- neapolis. 1903. Ware, Henry. — Discourses on the Offices and Character of Jesus Christ. D. Boston. 1825, 1826. D. London. ^i_J831. (Watts, Isaac). — Useful and important cpiestions con- cerning Jesus the Son of God freely proposed. AVith a humble attempt to answer them according to Scripture. To which is added a charitable essay on the true importance of any human schemes to explain the sacred doctrine of the Trinity. (3. London, 1746. Weaver, Robert. — Person and Work of Christ. E. London, n. d. Weinstock, Harris. — Jesus the Jew, aud other addresses. D., pp. 220. New Ycrk. 1902.* Westcott, Brooke Foss. — Christus Consummator; some aspects of the work and person of Christ in relation to mod- ern thought. 0. London. 1886. Second ed., 1887.* What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He? Reissue of "Well-Beloved Father." Cr. 0. London. 1903. White, Ellen G. Harmon. (Mrs. James White). — Christ Our Saviour. D.. pp. 182. Battle Creek, Mich.. 1901.* JESUS CHRIST OUIt LORD 245 AVho is Jesus? (A tract.) 32m(). London. ISSG. AVlio was Jesus? (Aiion.) ()., pp. 711. New York, 181)7.* Who was Jesus Christ:' O. London. iSrf). Wilkes, Henry. — Who is Clirist .' A sei-nioii. ().. i)p. ](). Montreal 1851. Willis, E. F.— Wlio is Christ.' Six lectures. D. Cal- cutta. 1881. Wilson, John. — Popular Inlessed Saviour. O. London, 1703. Bradbury, T. — The Mystery of Godliness considered in JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 251 sixty-oiic scrnioiis. AVhorein the deity of Clifist is proved upon ni> oilier evidence than tlie word ol' (ind. jiiid willi iii> ■other view Ihaii Ihe salvation of men. 2 vols.. (). Edin- burgh. 17!)r). Also 2 vols., D., pp. 429+391. Philadel- phia. 3840.* Brookes, James H.— Present Truth; ])eino- the testiniouy of the Holy (ihost to the Second Coming of the Lord, the Divinity of Christ and the Personality of the Holy Ghost. E. Springfield. ]877. Browne, John. — The Divine Authority of the Christian Religion and the Natural Deity of Jesus Christ. The au- thor of it asserted in light sermons preached in the years 1730 ;ind 1731, at the lecture founded by the worthy Lady ]\l(iyer. d(M'eased. O. London, 1732. Brownlee, William Craig.— The Deity of Christ. T. Xew York. n. d. Brownlee, William Craig. — A careful inquiry into the fundamental doctrine of the Supreme Deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. E.. pp. vi+82. New York and P>oston, 1841.* Bull, George. — Judgment of the Catholic Church on the Divinity of Christ. 0. Oxford, n. d. Burgess, Thomas. — Tracts on the Divinity of Christ, and on the repeal of the statute against blasphemy. O. London, 1820. Burr, Aaron. — The Supreme Deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ maintained in a letter to the dedication of r^Ir. Emlyn's In(iuiry. This was reprinted in 1791. Burton, Edward. — Testimonies of the Auti-Nicene Fath- ers to the Divinity of Christ. Second ed. with considerable iidditions. 0.. pp. xvii+489. Oxford. 1829.* (Burton, H.). — Jesus Worship Confuted. O. London ( .'). 1(340. A Calm Defence of the Deity of Jesus Christ. O. Lon- don. 1719. Chaffin, J. W.— The Battle of Calvary; or Universalism 253 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD and Cognate Theories against Jesus of Nazcireth. S. Cin- cinnati, 1876. Christ the Centre; or why do we meet in His name alone? D. London, 1861. Churchill, T. F.— Jesus Christ the True God. 0. Lon- don, n. d. Clarke, G. W. — Christ Crucified; or a Scriptural Vindi- cation of the Divinity and Redeeming Acts of Christ. E. New York, n. d. Clements, William. — On the Trinity, the Divinity of Christ and the Holy Ghost, the Fall and Redemption. 0. London, 1797. Cooke, W. — The Worshiii of Jesus. A sermon. D.., pp. 12. London, 1871.* Cousin, Michael. — Defence of the Doctrine of the Divin- ity of Jesus Christ. A sermon. O. London, 1822. Cowell, Benjamin (Editor). — The Deity of Christ. Proved by several hundred texts of Holy Scripture, col- lected, compared and arranged in a familiar manner by a Presbyter of the Church of England. E., pp. 159. Provi- dence, 1883.* Coxe, R. C. — The Symmetry of Revelation a witness to the Divinity of Christ. Advent lectures. O. London. 1845. Crowell, John. — Christ in all the Scriptures ; Demon- stration that Christ is the Divine Saviour, and the Scrip- tures are inspired of God. T. Philadelphia, 1880. Culross, James. — Emmanuel, or the Father revealed in Jesus. D.. pp. 152. London, 1869.* Dalcho, Frederick. — Evidences of the Divinity of Our Saviour. 0. Charleston. S. C, 1820. Dana, Daniel. — The Deity of Christ. A sermon. 0. Haverhill, 1810. The Dangerous Consequences of Perverting the Scrip- tures Exemplified in a small tract in fact of the Deity of Christ. D. Manchester, 1820. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 353 Davidson, Robert.— "The Christ of (Jod;"' or the rehi- tiou of Clirist to Christianity. E., pp. 72. Philadelphia, 1869.* Deity of Christ. Several liuiulred texts proving the deity of Christ. D. London. 1789. The Deity of Our Lord. 0. London. 1818. Didon, j. H.— Belief in the Divinity of Jesus Christ. D.. pp. 240. New York. 1894.* Divinity of Jesus Christ; an exposition of the origin and reasonableness of the belief of the Christian Church. By the authors of "Progressive Orthodoxy." D.. pp. 7+233. Boston. 1893.* Divinity of Jesus Christ. Translated from the French bv Henry oVen. D., pp. 48. Leeds, 1871.* The Divinity of Our Blessed Saviour proved out of the Old and New Testament. Q. London. 1748. The Divinity of Our Lord asserted and defended ; being the substance of a letter to a friend. By a layman of the Church of England. 0.. pp. 35. London. 1755.* Drew, Samuel. — Arguments. Scriptural and Philosoph- ical, proving the Divinity of Christ and the Necessity of His Atonement. D.. pp. 28. New York. 1837.* Dunkin, John.— The Divinity of the Son of God, and the complete Atonement for Sin by the suffering and death of Jesus Christ proved from the word of God. In a letter to a friend. 0., pp. 69. London, 1883.* East, Timothy (Birmingham). — Discourses on the Proper Deity of the Son of God and primary design of His ^Mission. 0. London. 1843. Ecce Agnus Dei! Ecce Homo! Ecce Deus! The testi- mony of Jesus Christ concerning Himself. His nature and mission. 0., pp. 68. London. 1868. An essay towards an impartial account (Tf the Holy Trin- ity, and the Deity of Our Saviour, as contained in the Old Testament. O. London. 1712. Examination of Canon Liddon's Bampton lectures on 254 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD the Diviuit}' of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By a clergyman of the Church of England. D., pp. 439. Bos- ton, 1872.* Fairchild, Joy H. — Objections to the Deity of Christ considered. D. Boston, 1831. Fletcher, John. — A Rational Vindication of the Catholic Faith. Being the first part of a vindication of Christ's Divinity; inscribed to the Rev. Dr Priestley. Left imper- fect by the author and now revised and finished at ]\Irs. Fletcher's request by Joseph Benson. D., pp. 223. Hull. 1788.* Folsom, Nathaniel S. — The Scriptural Doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, in their relation t(> God the Father. D., pp. 81. Boston, 1840.* Forsyth, Peter Taylor, — The Holy Father and the Liv- ing Christ. D.. pp. 147. London. 1898.* A friendly reply to all denominations who disbelieve that Jesus Christ is the only God. By an advocate for the truth. O. Birmingham. 1810. Frowde, E. — Christ in His Offices, Words and Works. Sermons preached in the parish church of Clatford, Hants. O. London, 1870. Funkhouser, G. A. — Divinity of Our Lord. (Doctrinal sermons.) S.. pp. 6+7 + 100." Dayton, Ohio, 1902.* Gasparin, Joseph. — The Attributes of Christ. 0. Lon- don, 1870. Gordon, William R. — The Supreme Godhead of Christ. the Corner-stone of Christianity. D., pp. 188. New York. 1855.* First ed.. S., pp. 120.' Flushing, 1848.* Gospel of Divine Humanity ; a reconsideration of Chris- tian Doctrine in the light of a central principle. D., pp. xi+281. London. 1884.* Gretton, George. — Ix^v^ ; a Scripture witness to Christ as the Son of God. D. London. 1856. Gurney, Joseph John. — Biblical notes to confirm the Deity of Christ. O. London, 1830. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 255 Hall, James.— Primitive Christianily versus Popular Theology : showing- the relation of humanity to the Divin- ity, by virtue of its inbeins; membershij) of the Body of Christ, who is the head of every man. and the head of Christ is God. I)., pp. 21(5. New York, 1853.* [Hamilton, D.J. —The Inward Testimony of the Spirit of Christ to His outward revelation; in opposition to the Deist, Soeinian and Proi)hane. who deny both ; to the Form- alist and to the enthusiast. By the author of the "Pri- vate Christian's Witness." O. London, 1701. Hartzell, Jonas. — Divinity of Christ and the Duality of Man. D. Oskaloosa. Iowa, 1874. Hawker, Dr. — Sixteen sermons on the Divinity of Christ. E. London, ]81:7. Hedley, J. C. — Our Divine Saviour; and other dis- D. London, 1887. [Herbert, W.]. — Of the internal and eternal nature of man in Christ. Q. London, 1651:. Heurtley, Charles A. — An Inquiry into the Scriptural Warrant for Addressing Prayer to Christ. 0. London. 1867. [Hey, William.]. — A short defence of the doctrine of the Divinity of Christ; with some remarks upon a late ap- peal to the serious and candid professors of Christianity. The second edition, to which is added a supplement con- taining observations upon a late familiar illustration of certain passages of Scripture. D., pp. 60. Leeds, 1772. Hill, Hilkiah B.— Proofs of the Divinity of Christ. D. London. 1853. Hinde, Thomas. — The Divinity of Our Saviour proved from the S.-i-iptures of the Old and New Testaments. To- gether with some remarks on Dr. Clark's and ]Mr. Whis- ton's explication of the article. O. Oxford, 1717. Hinde, Thomas. — The Divinity of Our Saviour Proved. Sermon on .John i: 11. 0. Oxford. 1717. 256 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Hindmarsh, Robert. — A seal upon the lips of Unitar- ians, Trinitarians and all others who refuse to acknowledge the sole supreme and exclusive divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, containing illustrations of one hun- dred and forty-four passages in the four Evangelists and the Apocalypse, in proof that Jesus Christ is the supreme and only God of Heaven and earth. D., pp. 335. Boston, 1859.* Hoddy, Robert. — Athanasianism not Scriptural; or Christ not begotten as God, but a complex person from the beginning. D. London, 1860. Holden, George. — The Scripture Testimonies to the Di- vinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, collected and illustrated. O., pp. 460. London, 1820.* Hopkins, Samuel. — A Sermon on the Divinity of Christ. 0. Boston. 1768. Horsley, Bishop Samuel. — Tracts in controversy with Dr. Priestley upon the historical question of the belief of the first ages in Our Lord's Divinity. 0. Gloucester, 1789. Burlington, 1821. Also London, 1812. Also 0., pp. xvi+xxiv+613. Dundee, 1812.* How do I know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, the life? Tenth thousand. 32mo. London, 1866. Huet, Theodore. — Sermons on the Divinity of Christ. Translated, Cobbins, French preacher. Pp. 376. London, n. d. Introduction to Theosophy; or the science of the "Mys- tery of Christ;" that is, of Deity, Nature and Creature. D.. pp. xx-|-511. London, n. d. Jamieson, John. — A vindication of the doctrine of Scripture and of the Primitive Faith, concerning the Deity of Christ. 2 vols., pp. 1027. Edinburgh, 1794.* Jesus Jehovah; or three dialogues on the divinity of Christ. D. London, 1790 ('?). Johnson, S. — Worship of Jesus in its past and present aspect. S. Boston, 1868. JEi>US CHRIST OUR LORD 257 Kean, Laurence. — The Divinity of Christ. A sermon. 0., pp. ;U). New York, 1821. Knight. James. — A defence of the Divinity of Christ and of tlie Holy Ghost. Lady ]\[oyer lectures. 0. Lou- don, 1721. A Letter on the Subject of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Translated from the French. O. Clonmel 1842. Liddon, H. P. — The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bampton lectures for 1866. 0., i)p 776. London, 1867. Thirteenth ed., 0., pp. 598. Lon- don. 1867.* The best treatment of the subject extant. Lindsey, Theophilus. — An examination of Mr. Robin- son of Cambridge's Plea for the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1789. Lindsey, Theophilus. — A Second Address to the stu- dents of Oxford and Cambridsre relating to Jesus Christ. O. London. 1790. Loyson, Charles Jean Marie. — The Divinity of Christ. D.. pp. 10. London. 1902. Lyon, Milford H. — The Lordship of Jesus. Cr. 0., pp. VM). L.nulon. 1903.* Marshman, Dr. — Defence of the Deity and Atonement of Jesus Christ. O. London, 1822.* Masterman, John Howard Bertram.— Was Jesus Christ Divine? S.. pp. 103. New York. 1901* Mattison, Hiram. — Doctrine of the Trinity, and of the Divinity of Christ : as against the various forms of modern UnitarianisHL Sixth ed.. S., pp. 162. New York, 1854.* S. New York. 1867.* Mensinga, F. — Was Christ a God? Conclusions drawn from Apostolic writings. 0. New York. 1880. The ^Miraculous Conception; or the Divinity of Jesus Christ Considered as the Foundation of the Christian Re- ligion. O. London. 1819. Mitchell, R. M.— The Safe Side : a theistic refutation of 258 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD the Divinity of Christ. D., pp. 475. Chicago, 1893.* Atheistic. Moore, John. — Deity of Christ. O. London. 1721. Morris, G. — The Duality of all Divine Truth in Our Lord Jesus Christ for God's Self -Manifestation in the im- partation of the divine nature to man. C, pp. 424. Lon- don. 1884.* Morris, William Bullen. — The Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. From Pascal. 0., pp. 208. London, 1898.* Nixon, William. — All and in all ; the relations of Christ as God, Creator and Redeemer. 0., pp. 462. Edinburgh, 1882.* On the Divinity of Christ. 0. London, 1817. One Lord. The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; an es- say by a member of the Christian Church. T. London, 1862. ^ Ormsby, A. S. — The "I ams" of Christ; being thoughts on Our Lord's attributes as unfolded by Himself. D., pp. 164. London. 1872.* Palke, William. — The Divinity of Jesus Christ Proved. A sermon on John xx : 28. 0. London, 1719. Parker, Edward L. — The Supreme Divinity of Jesus Christ. A sermon. 0., pp. 63. Concord, N. H., 1827.* [Parker, Joseph]. — Eece Deus. D., pp. 363. Boston, 1867.* 0., pp. 356. London, 1875.* In reply to "Ecce Homo." Parkhurst, John. — The Divinity and Pre-existence of Our Lord -and Saviour Jesus Christ demonstrated from Scripture. 0. London, 1787. A reply to Dr. Priestley. Paul, John. — A Refutation of Arianism ; or a defence of the i)l(Miary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, the su- preme deity of the Son and Holy Ghost, etc. D., pp. 319. New York." 1828. Pearson, George. — Testimonies of Our Lord's Dis- courses to the Divinity of His person and character. 0. London. 1836. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 259 Peebles, J. M. — Jesus; Myth, Man or God; or popular theology and the positive religion contrasted. Third ed., ().. pp. iv4-108. London, 1878.* Perowne, E. H. — The Godhead of Jesus. Being the Hulsean lectures for 1866. O. Cambridge, 1877.* A Plain Statement of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D. London, 1824. Poole, G. A. — The Divinity of Christ asserted and the doctrine of atonement vindicated. 0. London, 1835. Popley, W. A. — Christ the Creator and Redeemer of ^Mankind, and God the Christian's Father. 0. London, 1892. Porter, Thomas.— A defence of Unitarianism ; intended as an answer to Dr. Hawker's sermons on the Divinity of Christ. O. London, 1793. Proofs of the Supreme Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the Doctrine of the Divine Trinity. E., pp. 18. London, n. d. Swedenborgian. A protest against a lecture given at the Culver Street Assembly Room on the 6th day of December, 1877, against the Deity of Christ. O., pp. 8. Colchester, 1877. [Prynne, W.]. — Certaine quaeres propounded to the bowers at the name of Jesus and to the patrons thereof. Wherein the authorities and reasons alleadged by Bishop Andrewes and his followers, in defence of this ceremony are briefly examined and refuted. Fourth ed.. corrected. Q. London, 1687. Randolph, Mr. — Jesus Christ the Supreme God. 0. London, 1719. Reeve, Joseph.— Practical Discourses on the Perfections and "Works of God, and Divinity and Works of Christ. O. New York. 1876. Reid, William. — The Spirit of Jesus. E. London, 1872. Reville, Albert. — History of the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ. O. London, 1814. 0., pp. 165. London. 1810. 0.. pp. xvi+165. London. 1870.* 2(;o JE^U^S CHRIST OUR LORD Reville, Albert.— History of the Dogma of the Deity of Jesus Christ. A revised translation from the third French edition of 1904. Cr. 0.. pp. 292. London, 1905. Robinson, Robert.— A Plea for the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus "Christ. 0. London. 1776. Answered by T. Lindsey. Rogers, John Methuen. — Discourse on the Divinity of Christ. 0. London, 1824. Rosecrans, S. H.— The Divinity of Christ, together with thoughts on the Passion of Jesus Christ. S., pp. 180. New York, 1879.* Sadleir, Franc— Lectures on the Scriptural Evidence for the Divinity of our Saviour. 0., pp. viii+159. Dub- lin, 1832.* Scott, W. A.— The Christ of the Apostles' Creed; the voice of the Church against Arianism, Strauss and Renan. O., pp. 432. New York, 1867.* The Scriptural Divinity of Jesus Christ and a proof of the Holy Scripture; with a practical conclusion. 0., pp. 311. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1750 (?). The Scriptural Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By a recent ^Methodist. D., pp. 31. Guernsey, 1845. The Scripture Testimonies of the Divinity of Jesus Christ compared and illustrated by one another and the objections of modern Socinians impartially considered. In a letter to G. West, occasioned by a treatise (by N. Mann) lately published, entitled Critical Notes on some Passage of Scripture. O. London, 1747. Several Arguments against bowing at the name of Jesus. By a learned author. Q. London. 1660. Several Hundred Texts of Holy Scripture plainly prov- ing that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the most high God. O. London. 1712. Sherlock, William.— Scripture Proofs of Our Saviour's Divinity. 0. London, 1706. Sherman, John. — One God in_One Person only; and JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 2(il Jesus Christ a hciug distinct from God. 0. Worcester. 1805. Simpson, David. — A Plea for the Deity of Jesus and the doctrine of the Trinity; being a chronological view of what is relative concerning the person of Christ, etc. AVith a memoir of the author and the spirit of modern Socinian- ism exemplified by Edward Parsons. O., pp. 612. Loii- d(m, 5812.* Skelton, Bern. — Christns Deus; a sermon on the Divin- ity of Our Saviour. Q. London, 1692 Smith, John Pye. — The Adoration of Our Lord Jesus Christ vindicated from the charge of idolatry. A sermon on Hebre^\s, i : 6. O. Hackney, 1811. Smyth, E. C, and others. — The Divinity of Jesus Christ. 0. Boston. 1893. Smyth, John Gee. — The Divinity of Christ ; a sermon. Q. London. 179]. Some plain and short arguments from Scripture proving the Lord Jesus Christ to be Supreme God. O. London. 1791. Some plain and short arguments from Scripture prov- ing the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Supreme God, or one and the same God with the Father, notwithstanding His acknowledged inferiority to the Father with respect to hu- man nature and mediatorship. Second ed., O.. pp. 16. London, 1719. The Son (Jesus Christ) the Spirit, the Father. By IT. L. L. 0. London. 1888. Spence. James. — Christ, the Christians' God and Sav- iour: (). Loiuhm. 1845. Spurr, Frederick C. — Jesus in God. Lectures demon- strating the Divinity of Our Lord. O. pp. viii+132. London. 1899.* New ed.. Cr. O.. pp. 140. London, 1903.* [Staunton, William]. — The Sincere Thoughts of a pri- vate Christian, touching the ![^aith of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the apostles; humbly offered in 262 JE8U8 CHRIST OUR LORD abatement of the Socinian and Trinitarian Controversies. With a postscript on occasion of Dr. Mangey's Plain No- tions. 0. London, 1719. Stewart, Alexander. — The Divinity of Christ. A reply to a Unitarian attack on the Divinity of Onr Lord. 0., pp. 340. Aberdeen, 1887, 1891.* Swaine, Ann (Translator). — History of the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ. 0. London, 1870. New ed., 1878. That Jesus Christ is God by nature, of the same essence with the Father, proved to be the doctrine of Christianity. Two letters attempting to subvert the doctrine of the Arians. By a country gentleman. London. Third ed., reprinted. O. Boston, 1756. Thurmer, H. E. — Christ the Divine Man; or Deity Un- veiled. D. London, 1880. Trench, R. C. — Sermons on the Divinity of Christ. D. New York, 1876.* Turnour, E. J. — Sermons on the Divinity of Christ. 3 vols., 0. London, 1820. Underwood Edward. — The abuse of liberty, the decay of Christianity. 0. London, 1737. Vindicates Christ's Divinity. Urwick, William. — The Saviour's Right to Divine Wor- ship, etc. 0. London, 1839. [Walwood, John]. — Texts relating to the deity of the Son and Holy Ghost. 0. London, 1720. Waterland, Daniel. — Eight Sermons in Defense of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, preached at the Moyer lectures. 0. Cambridge, 1720. Oxford, 1815. Waterland, Daniel. — A Further Vindication of Christ's Divinity. 0. London, 1724. Waterland, Daniel. — A Second Vindication of Christ's Divinity. 0. London, 1723,^1731. Waterland, Daniel. — A Vindication of Christ's Divin- ity; being a defense of some queries relating to Dr. JEiiUS CHRIST OUR LORD 263 Clarke's scheme of the Holy Trinity. In answer to a clergyman in the country. Third ed., D., pp. 494. Lon- don, 1720.* Weeks, Robert D, — Jehovcih Jesus. The Oneness of God. the true Trinity. D., pp. 140. New York, 1876.* West, Stephen. — Evidence of tlie Divinity of Christ. 0. New York, 1816. West, Stephen. — A view of the consequences resulting from a denial of the divinity of Christ. D. Stockbridge, n. d. Wevill J.— The Divinity of Christ Proved. D. Lis- keard, n. d. Whitelaw, Thomas. — How is the Divinity of Christ de- picted in the Gospels and Epistles? 0., pp. 268. London. 1883.* Whitelaw, Thomas. — Is Christ Divine? (Theological Library.') 0. London, 1883. Who is Jesus Christ? Pp. 12. Widdowes, Giles. — Confutation of an appendix concern- ing bowing at the name of Jesus. Q. Oxon, 1631. Wilbur, Asa. — Biblical Standpoint ; news of the worship of Christ the Comforter and Trinity. Second ed., D.. pp. 213. Boston. 1875.* Wynperose, Dionysius Vander. — Proof of the Godhead of Christ. Translated by Bell. D. Philadelphia, 1796. Young, Frederick R. — Indirect Evidences in the New Testament for the Personal Divinity of Christ. 0. Lon- don, 1884. Yourtee, S. L. — A Sermon on the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 0., pp. 22. Cincinnati, 1855.* XIV. c. CHRIST'S HUMANITY. The present form of the presentation of the doctrine of the Humanity of Christ is a growth of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Traces may be discovered in the lit- erature produced by the Trinitarian controversy among the English Deists and their opponents. The culmination of the discussion may be said to have been reached in the year 1867, when the work "Ecce Homo" appeared. Perhaps it is saying too much of this work to say that it did more, indirectly, to settle the present century ideas of the person of Christ than any other, owing to the replies it provoked and the discussion it aroused. Recommended: Ecce Homo and its first reply, Ecce Deus. Also com- pare Gladstone the same title. Later read Crosby. Wins- low. I Addison, Launcelot]. — Christos Antitheous; or an his- torical account of the heresies denying the Godhead of Christ. 0. London. 1696. Bennet, A. — Jesus the Son of Joseph. A sermon. 0. 1807. I Boase, H. S.] . — The Second Adam, the Seed of Woman. A thesis maintaining that Jesus is very man, a human per- son. O. London, 1876. Brooke, Stopford A. — Jesus and IModern Thought. Dise(!urses on the humanity of Jesus and the love we l)ear to Jesus. 0., pp. 58. London, 1891.* Burgh, William. — The Divinity of Christ experiment- ally designed to show the necessary connection of that truth with vital and experimental religion. 0. Dublin, n. d. 364 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD -,'(50 Canning, Stratford. — The Greatest of Miracles. (The human nature of Christ.) I). London, 1876. Carne, Robert Harkness. — Sinlessness and Humanity of thf Son of God. D. London, 1829. Carne, Robert Harkness.^ — The True Humanity of the origination of the manhood of the Son of God. Lon- d(m. 1832. Carne, Robert Harkness. — The True LEumanity of Christ. A Second and Third Letter to the Editor of the Mornnui Walrh. <).. pp. (33. London, 1829.* Carpenter, W. Boyd. — The Son of Man among the Sons of Men. ().. pp. 308. London, 1893 Chadwick, J. W.— The Man Jesus. S.. pp. 258. Bos- ton, 1881.* The Christian's Creed concerning the Son of God; as professed l)y those Christians who are falsely called Arians. ().. pp. 15. London. 1738 (?). Cooper, Henry G. — The Philosophy of the Cross; or Christ as Man. D. London. 1855. Coulin, Frank. — The Son of ]\Ian; discourses on the hu- manity of Jesus Christ. D. Philadelphia, 1869. D., pp. Yii+3n. Also, London, 1869.* Craig, Robert (Of Rothesay).— The Man Christ Jesus. 0. Edinburgh, 1855. The Oedentials of Conscience. A few reasons for the popularity of ''Ecce Homo." and a few words about Chris- tianity. (). London, 1868. Crooker, J. H. — Jesus Brought Back. S. Chicago, 1889.* I'nitariaii. Crosby, Howard. — True Humanity of Christ. S.. pp. 46. New York. 1880.* Delitzsch, Franz.— Behold the ]Man. Translated by E. C. Vincent. S. New York, 1888. Ecce Homo. As revealed, as imagined. (Reply to Ecce Homo.) 6 parts. 0. London, 1867. Ecce Veritas. An ultra Unitarian view of the Life of Jesus. Q. London. 1874. 366 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Ellerton, John Ellerton. — The Holiest Manhood and its lessons for busy lives. 0., pp. 170. London, 1882.* Geikie, A. C. — The Human Sympathies of Christ. 0. London, 1882. Gladstone, William Ewart. — Ecce Homo. D., pp. 201. London, 1868.* A reply to Seelye. Hall, Francis J. — The Kenotie theory considered with particular reference to its Anglican forms and arguments. D., pp. xviii+244. New York, 1898.* Hall, Newman, — Divine Brotherhood in the Man Christ Jesus. Second ed., 0., pp. 276. Edinburgh, 1893. Third ed., 1894.* Hopps, John Page. — Jesus Christ the Son of God. Not God the Son. Pages for religious inquirers. No. 4. S., pp. 24. London. 1895.* The Human Nature of Our Lord Jesus Christ the com- mon humanity of Adam's race. 0. London, 1832. A letter on the purity of our glorious Immanuel's hu- man nature, addressed to the followers of the late Rev. E. Irving; with an appendix containing some remarks on his penitential letter. D. London, 1836. Maclaren, Alexander. — The w^earied Christ and other sermons. 0., pp. viii+314. London, 1893.* The Man Christ Jesus. 0. London, 1886. The Man Christ Jesus; who was He and what was He? By the Free Church Elder. D., pp. 72. London, 1870. May, Joseph. — The Strict and Normal Humanity of Jesus. D., pp. 22. Boston, n. d. Miller, James Russell. — Personal Friendships of Jesus. S., pp. 5+267. New York, 1897.* Mitchell, Richard M.— The Safe Side A theistic refu- tation of the Divinity of Christ. 0., pp. 385. Chicago, 1887.* Notes on "Eeeo Homo." 0. London, 1866. O'Brien, James Thomas. — Tavo sermons relating to the human nature of Our Blessed Lord. 0. pp. 114. Dublin, 1887. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 2R7 Pond, Enoch.— Review of Dr. Bushnell's "God in Christ." D.. pp. x+118. Bangor, 1849.* [Priest, W., and others].— The Man Christ Jesus. O. Loudon. 18(35. Priestley, Joseph.— A history of the early opinions con- cerning Jesus Christ, compiled from original writers prov- ing that the Christian Church was at first Unitarian. 4 vols.. 0. Birmingham, 1786. Priestley, Joseph.— A reply to the animadversions on the history of the corruptions of Christianity in the Monthly Review. With additional observations relating to the doctrine of the Primitive Church concerning the Pei-son of Christ. 0.. pp. 52. Birmingham, 1783.* Rudd, Sayer.— The Real Humanity of Christ. 0. Lon- don, n. d. Savage, Minot J.— Talks about Jesus. D., pp. 161. Boston. 1880.* Unitarian. Schaff, Philip.— The Person of Christ. The perfection of His humanity viewed as a proof of His divinity. D., pp. 285. New York, 1880. [Seaton, W. (?)].— The Sinless Perfection of Christ's human nature vindicated. By a member of the University of Oxford. Third ed.. 0. London, 1833. A Second Collection of tracts proving the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ the only true God, and disproving the doctrine of three almighty equal persons, spirits, modes, subsistences, or somewhats in God; and of the Incarnation. Q. London, 1692-'93. [Seelye, J. R.]. — Ecce Homo. D.. pp. 355. London, 1866. Pp. xxviii+370. London, 1895.* It provoked much discussion. A Sermon (on John iii : 5) on Our Lord's Human Na- ture, in which it is show-n from Scripture that Jesus Christ took our nature entirely free from all taint of sin. By a Norfolk curate. 0.. pp. 23. London. 1832. Shepheard, H.— Ithuriel's Spear; or is this Christian- 26S JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD ity? Being an examination of the 'l)ook called Ecce Homo. 0. London, 1867. Somerville, David. — St. Paul's conGex)tion of Christ; or the doctrine of the Second Adam. The sixteenth series of the Cunningham lectures. 0., pp. 348. Edinburgh, 1897.* The Son of ]\lan (Jesus Christ) in His relation to the race. A re-examination of the Gospel of ^latthew xxv : 31- 46. 0.. pp. xxiii+lS7. London, 1888.* Stannard, J. T. — Tlie Divine Humanity and other ser- mons. Edited 1)\' John Hunter. 0., pp 232. Glasgow, 1892.* Tyler, Bennet. — The SuiTerings of Christ confined to His human nature. D. Hartford, n. d. Wakeford, John. — Behold the Man ; nine addresses wherein is set forth the human nature of Our Divine Lord, as the Instrument of our salvation. With an introduction by the Bishop of Chichester. D. London, 1893. Warrington, George. — "Ecce Homo" and its detrac- tors: a review. 0. London, 1867. Winslow, Octavius. — The S.ympathy of Christ with man. Its teaching and consolation. D.. pp. viii-|-426. New York, 1870.* Wollpert, Frederick. — I\Tan amongst ^len. D.. pp. 4-|- 27. New York, 1902.* XV. THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST. "Such ^vas the Jesus of Nazareth, a true man in body, soul and spirit, yet ditferiusi' from all men; a character unique and original from tender childhood to ripe manhood moving in unbroken union with God, overflowing with love to man, free from every sin and error, innocent and holy, devoted to the noblest ends, teaching and practicing all virtues in perfect harmony, sealing the purest life with the sublimest death, and ever acknowledged since as the one and only perfect model of goodness and holiness. All human greatness loses on closer inspection; but Christ's character ^ows more pure, sacred and lovely, the better we know Him. The whole range of history and of fiction furnishes no parallel to it. There never was any approach to it be- fore or since, except in faint imitation of His example No biographer, moralist or artist can here do justice to the reality. The actual character of Jesus is fett to be far greater than any conception and representation of it by the mind, the tongue or the pencil of man." Quoted from Schaff, Person of Christ, pp. 76. 77. Recommended : Ullmann, Sinlessness of Jesus. (See Christ as an evi- dence, etc' Bushnell. Channing's essay in his works is worth perusing. Alexander, W. L.— Christ and Christianity. D.. pp. 314. New York, 1856. Chapter I. of Part II.* Austin, William.— Essay on the Human Character of Christ. D. Boston, 1807. 26U 270 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Bacon, L. W. — The Simplicity that is in Christ. D., pp. 343. New York, 1880.* Bailey, Winthrop. — Sermons on the Unity of God, and on the Character of Jesus Christ. D., pp. 68. Springfield, 1822. Balfern, Thomas A. G. — G-limpses of Jesus. S. Lon- don, n. d. Ballard, Frank. — Jesus Christ: His Origin and Charac- ter. 0. Edinburgh, 1903. O., pp. 32. New York, 1903.* Begbie, Harold. — The Happy Christ. A Monograph. D., pp. 118. London, 1906.* Buckminster, J. S. — Sermons. Third ed., 0. Boston, 1881. P. 18, on the argument for Christianity from the character of Our Saviour. Burton, B. — Active and Passive Righteousness of Christ. Three sermons on Jeremiah xxiii : 6. D. 1763. Bushnell, Horace. — -The character of Jesus forbidding His possible classification with men. D. New York, 1890.* Also T. New York, 1867.* From Nature and the Supernatural, Chapter X. Christ Our Ideal. An argument from analogy. By the author of "The Gospel of the Nineteenth Century." 0., pp. viii+248. London, 1882. Clare, Austin. — Our Example; twelve studies in the character of Our Lord. 0. London, 1886. Clarke, Richard. — Jesus the Nazarene. Addressed to Jews, Deists and Believers. 0. London, 1795. Conant, Robert Warren. — Manly Christ; A New View. (Green and Gold Series, No. 1.) D., pp. 157. Chicago, 1904.* Crombie, J. — Sixteen sermons on the character and of- fices of Christ compared with the typical characters of the Old Testament. 0. London, 1827. Dwight, C. Abbott Schneider. — The Carpenter. An ap- preciation of the Christ. D.. pp. 122. New York, 1900.* Farrer, John. — Sermons on the Mission and Character JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 271 of Christ, and on the Beatitudes. The Banipton lectures for 1803. 0.. pp. xv-f395. Oxford, 1804.* Fleming, R.— Christology. A discussion concerning Christ in Himself, in His government, etc. 3 vols., 0. London, 1705. Fowle, T. W. — The character of Christ, does it supply an adequate basis for a religion? D., pp. 29. New York, 1872.* Fox, W. J.— Christ and Christianity. Sermons on the Mission, Character and Doctrine of Jesus of Nazareth. D., pp. 263. Boston, 1833.* The Fullness and Perfection of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Saviour of Sinners ; or the happiness of true believ- ers in Him. Collected from the sacred Word of God. D. London, 1756. Furness, W. H. — The A^eil partly lifted and Jesus be- coming visible. D., pp. 301. Boston, 186-1:.* The Gospel of the Nineteenth Century. Fourth ed., 0., pp. 406. London, 1880.* The part of the book (pp. 17-204) treats of the Character of Christ. Hayden, W. B.— The Character and Work of Christ. D., pp. S3. Bost(m, 1848.* Herron, G. D. — The Larger Christ. New ed., T>., pp. 122. New York. 1895.* Of value. Hooper, John. — The Office and Character of Christ. Tracts of the Anglican Fathers. Vol. II, pp. 169.* How to discern whether we have the spirit of Christ. D. London, 1836. Hughes, Thomas. — The ^Manliness of Christ. D., pp. viii-fl60. B()st<»ii. 1880.* Has passed through several editions. Johnson, Arthur. — Considerations on Our Lord's Con- duet. D. London, n. d. Johnson, G. B. — The Beautiful Life of Christ and other studios. O. London, 1891. Johnson, Henry. — The Face of the Lord Jesus Christ 272 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD under four aspects. A Bible study. 32mo., pp. ;^7. Lon- don. 1895. Knox, Henry. — Sermons on the Character of the Sav- iour. 0. London, n. d. La Trobe, James. — The IMerits of Christ. 0.. pp. iv-j- 114. London, 1871.* Lefroy, William. — Pleadings for Christ, being sermons doctrinal and practical. D., pp. 386. London, 1878.* Ser- mon XXII, the Divine ^Manliness of Jesus. [Macduff, J. R.]. — Christ in the Covenant; or the char- acter and claims of the Redeemer. By the anthor of the "Faithful Witness." T., pp. 149. London, 1859.* Machlachlan, Peter. — Christ Our Study in His Official Character. O. London, 1857. MacNeile, Hugh. — ^Lectures on the sympathies, etc., of Our Saviour. D. London, n. d. Madan, Richard.— Christ's Love and Affection towards Jerusalem, delivered in sundry sermons out of His words and carriage when He came with her as they are recorded Luke xix : 41-42. Small Q. London, 1637. ' Martin, John. — Sermons on the Character of Christ. 0. London, 1793. Mason, Arthur James. — The Conditions of Our Lord's Life on Earth. Being five lectures delivered on the Bishop Paddock Foundation in the General Theological Seminary at New York, 1896. To which is prefixed part of a first professorial lecture at Cambridge. D., pp. xxii4-194. New York, 1896.* A treatment of the character and knowledge of Chnst. McKenzie, A.— Christ Himself. D. New York, 1891. Meredith, E. P. — The Prophet of Nazareth ; or a critical inquiry into the prophetic, intellectual and moral charac- ter of Jesus. 0.. xv4-636. London. 1864. Strongly athe- istic* Morris, A. J. — The Open Secret; sermons dealing mostly with the heart of Christ and Christianity. D. London, 1869. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 273 Newcome, William. — Observations on Our Lord's Con- duct as a Divine Instructor and on the excellence of His moral character. New od., 0., pp. xi+430. Oxford. 1853.* Nicholls, A. — Studies in the Character of Our Lord. D. Loudon. 1884. Ogilby, C. A.— The Divine Glory manifested in the con- duct and discourses of Our Lord. The Bampton lectures for 1836. O.. pp. xii+282. Oxford. 1836.* Phelps, Austin.— The Solitude of Christ. E. Boston, n. d. Plummer, W. S. — The Person and Sinless Character of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D.. pp. 127. New York, 1876.* Review of the Character of Jesus. By the author of "The Deists' Lnmortality. " 0. Boston. 1850. Riccaltoun, Robert. — The Character of Jesus Christ. Works Vol. I. pp. 238. Robertson, Frederick W. — The Loneliness of Christ. (Heart and Life Booklets.) D. London, 1905. Robinson, Charles Henry.- — Human Nature; A Revela- tion of the Divine. A sequel to Studies in the Character of Christ. Parts II and III. Reissue. Cr. 0.. pp. 228. London, 1906.* Robinson, Charles Henry. — Studies in the Character of Christ. New and revised ed., Cr. 0., pp. 172. London. 1905. Also Cr. 0.. pp. 1-40. London, 1900.* Row, C. A.— The Unity of the Character of the Christ of the Gospels. S. New' York, 1884. Rush, Jacob.— The Character of Christ. D. Philadel- phia. 1806. Schenckel, D. — A Sketch of the Character of Jesus. A Biblical essay. 0.. pp. 395. London. 1869.* The same with appendix translated by W. H. Fumess. 2 vols.. D.. pp. 2794-359. Boston. 1866.* Sidey, W. W.— The Silent Christ. Cr. 0.. pp. 227. 274 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD London. 1903. New ed., Or. 0. London, 1904.* A good discussion. Skeffington, Sydney William. — The Sinless Sufferer. Six sermons. 0., pp. viii-]-104. London, 1872.* Fifth ed, 1874. Sixth, 1876. Seventh, 1879. Thirteenth, 1883.* Smith, Ethan. — Treatise on the Character of Jesus Christ, and on the Trinity. D., pp. 235. Boston, 1814.* Also second ed., D., pp. 202. Poultney, Vt.. 1824.* A Sparke of Christ's Beauty. (A sermon on Isaiah ix: 6.) Q. Oxford, 1622. Sumner, Charles R. — The Ministerial Character of Christ Practically Considered. 0., pp. xvi+447. Lon- don, 1824.* T , M. — Twelve meditations on the character and mind of Our Lord Jesus Christ. E., pp. 41. London, 1889. Vigis, Everard. — The Prophetical, Priestley, Kingley and Judicial Character and Offices of Christ. Second ed., 0., pp. 119. Wantage, 1857.* Voysey, Charles. — Character and Work of Jesus. A sermon. D., pp. 15. Baltimore. 1872.* Waddell, Peter Hately. — Behold the INIan ; a tragedy for the closet, in five acts. 2 vols., O. London, 1872. Ware, Henry, Jr. — Discourses on the Offices and Char- acter of Christ. D. Boston, 1825. Second ed., D., pp. 137. Boston, 1826. Wilkes, Henry. — The Ruling Passion of Jesus Christ; a sermon. O. pp. 11. New York. 1847.* Woolley, Milton. — The Career of Jesus Christ. An ex- position of the true meaning of this character as described in the New Testament. D., pp. 53. Streator, III, 1877.* Wray, G. — Sermons on the Character of Christ. O. London, 1838. XV. a. S;PTKITUAL— MORAL CHARACTER OF CHRIST. Bierbower, Austin. — The ^^loraLs of Christ. A new is- sue. S. Chicago. 1886. Blaikie, W. G.— Glimpses of the Inner Life of Our Lord. S. London. 1876. Second ed., 1878. Boudon, H. M.— The Hidden Life of Jesus. D. Lon- ^. Osgood, Anna Ripley. — Grace and Judgment : or. the Plan of Salvation. D.. pp. 3+9+128. Bingliamton. X. Y.. 1905.* Outram, William. — Two dissertations on Sacrifices. Th" tii'st on all the sacrifices of the Jews: the second on the sacrifice of Christ. Translated by John Allen. 0.. pp. xii+399. London. 1817.* Owen, Edward C. — The Atonement considered particu- 302 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD larly in its relation to the theology of the 16th century. Being- the Bishop Jeune Memorial Prize Essay for 1898. 0., pp. 64. London, 1899.* Owen, John. — The death of death in the death of Christ.. A treatise of the redemption and reconciliation that is in the blood of Christ, with the merit thereof and the satis- faction wrought thereb}'. D., pp. 393. Philadelphia,. 1827.* Oxenham, H. N. — The Catholic Doctrine of the Atone- mentment. An historical review. Second ed. ,0., pp. xlvii +314. London. 1869.* Third ed., O., pp. li+402. Lon- don. 1881. Paleario, Aonio. — The Benetite that Christians receive- by Jesus Christ Crucified. Translated from the Frenck into English by A. Golding. First written in the Italian tongue. 0. London, 1573. Again, 1575 and 1580. Also many other editions and translations have appeared. S.,.. pp. 160. Boston. I860.* Pardon through the Blood of Christ. S. London, 1850. Park, Edward A. (Editor). — The Atonement. Dis- courses and treatises by Edwards, Smalley, Maxcy, Em- mons, Griffin, Burge, and Weeks. AVith introduction by E. A. Park. 0., pp. lxxx-f-596. Boston, 1876. Paterson, Alex. Smith, — The Redeemer and Redemp- tion. D.. pp. 199. London, 1865. Patton, John H.— The Atonement. D. Almont, :\rich., 1898. Payne, George. — Lectures on Divine Sovereignty, Elec- tion, the Atonement, Justification and Regeneration. Sec- ond ed.. 0. London. 1838. Pearson, Alonzo. — History of the Atonement. Discus- sions of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. O., pp. 345. Nashville. 1895.* Peile, Thomas W. — Plain and Practical Teaching of the Atonement. Two sermons. 0. London. 186L Pendleton, J. M.— The Fatherhood of God in its rela- tion to the Atonement of Christ. E. Philadelphia, 1877. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 303 Penrose, John. — Of the Moral Priuciples of the Atone- iiK'iit: also of faith and its two sorts, conviction and confi- dence. ().. ]>p. xxiii+-19-4. London. 1843.* Pinkham, William P.— The Laml) of God ; or the Spirit- nal Philosophy of the Atonement. D.. pp. 231. Cleve- land. 1890.* Porter, J. S. — Lectures on the Doctrine of the Atone- ment. O. London. 1860. Poynder, Clement.— The Lord's Body. Holy Com- munion. Its connection with the atonement. Third ed., D.. pp. 178. London. 1888. A Preparatory Sheet, occasioned by the author's being asked at sea, Shall all that have never heard of Jesus Christ be eternally damned? Q. London. 1700. Propitiatory Sacrifice and the Sacrifice of Christ, accord- ing to Scripture and Catholic antiquity. AVith an appen- dix on the scheme of Mr. Birks. D. London, 1864. . Ragg, Lonsdale. — Aspects of the Atonement. The Atoning Sacrifice. Illustrated from the various sacrificial types of the Old Testament and from the successive stages of Christian thought. AVith a preface by Edward, Bishop of Lincoln. Cr. 0.. pp. 146. London. 1904. Randies, M. — Substitution. A treatise on the Atone- ment. O., pp. xv-i-255. London. 1877.* Redemption; or Christ Our All. 0. London. 1864. Reid, W.— The Blood of Jesus. S.. pp. 107. Boston, 1SS2.* S. Boston. 1901. Remensnyder, Junius Benjamin. — Atonement and ^Nlod- ern Thought; with an introduction by B. B. AYarfield. D., pp. 30+19+223. Philadelphia. 1905.* Of value. Repentance ; or Christ Our All. O. liOndon, 1865. Review of Dr. AVardlaw's work on the Nature and Ex- tent of the Atonement. D.. pp. 36. Glasgow. 1844.* Robertson, Andrew. — History of tlie Atonement Con- tr )voston. 1875. Wellcome, I. C. and Clarkson, Gould.— The Plan of Re- demption by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Second ed., D., pp. 460. Boston. 1868.* West, Stephen. — Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of the Atonement. Xew ed., E. London, 1785. Stock- bridge, Mass., 1785 and 1809. E., pp. 228. London, 1836.* Whedon, D. D. — Substitutional Atonement admissable by reason, demonstrable by Scripture. O., pp. 24. Xew York. 1859.* White, Robert Baker. — Reason and Redemption ; or the Gospel as it attests itself. 0., pp. 351. Philadelphia, 1873.* Whitley, John. — Doctrine of Atonement and Sacrifice. O. London, 1836. Whitman, Samuel. — Key to the Doctrine of the Atone- ment and Justification. 0. Boston, 1814. 310 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Whiton, James M. — The Divine Satisfaction ; a review of wliat should and what should not be thought about the atonement. 0.. pp. 90. London. 1880.* Williams, C. — Inquiry into the Fact and Doctrine of Atonement. D. London. 1858. Willis, E. F. — Sacrificial Aspect of the Eucharist in relation to the atoning- sacrifice upon the cross. An eirenikon. 0.. pp. 67. London. 1878. Willson, James R. — A historical sketch of opinions on the Atonement, interspersed Avith biographical notices of the leading doctors and outlines of the sections of the Church in North America from the introduction of Chris- tianity into that country to the year 1817. With transla- tions from Francis Turrettin. S.. pp. 288. Paisley, 1827.* First printed in Philadelphia in 1817. A rare book of some value historically. Wilson, J. Maurice. — The Gospel of the Atonement. The Hulsean lecture for 1898- '99. D.. pp. 172. London, 1899.* D.. pp. 165. New York 1899.* Moral influence theory. Wilson, J. M. — How Christ Saves Us: or the Gospel of the Atonement. Being the Hulsean lectures for 1898- '99. O.. pp. 116. London. 1905. Wilson, R.— A Blow at the Eoot ; being a letter ad- dressed to Rev. Eobert Balmer regarding his preface ta Polhill's essay on the Extent of the Death of Christ. D., pp 40. Glasgow. 1843.* Wines, Enoch C. — Adam and Christ ; or the doctrine of representation stated and explained. E. Philadelphia, 1876. Winslow, Octavius. — The Atonement viewed experi- mentally and practically. D. London. 1853. Eighth ed., 1861. Winslow, Octavius. — Christ the theme of the Mission- ary. D. London, 1840. JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 311 Winslow, Octavius. — View of the Atonement. E. London. 1889. Eio-hth ed., 1861. Worcester, Noah. — The Atoning Sacrifice. A display of love, not of wrath. D., pp. iv+261. Cambridge, 1829.* Young, Dinsdale T. — The Crimson Book. D., pp. xi-f- 304. New York, 1903.* A volnme of sermons b}' the elo- quent London preacher. Young, John.— ''The Life and Light of :\Ien." D., pp. xxviii+497. London, 1866.* XVI. c. THE MEDIATORSHIP OF CHRIST. This is the doctrine that Christ, through His merits and presence, pleads with the Father for us. Recommended: Terry, Medd. Brinsley. — Two Treatises. The one handling the doc- trine of Christ's mediatorship, wherein the great mysterj- of reconciliation betwixt God and Man is opened, vindi- cated and applied, etc. 0. London, 1G51. Bunyan, John. — Christ a complete Saviour; or the in- tercession of Christ and who are privileged in it. E., pp. lie. London, 1873. Christ Our Intercessor. (A religious tract.) By the author of ''The Child's Book of Faith." 32mo. London, 1855 (?). A Daily Remembrance of the jMediator. S. London, 1840. Evans, J. S.— The One aiediator, etc. D., pp. 392. Toronto, 1880.* The Faith of One God, who is only the Father; and one mediator between God and men, who is only the Man Christ Jesus; and One Holy Spirit the Gift of God. Q. London, 1691. Flavell, John. — Fountain of Life Opened; or a display of Christ in His essential and mediatorial glory. Q. Lon- don, 1700. Has appeared in many editions. D., pp. 559. New York, n. d.* Goodwin, Thomas. — Christ the mediator set forth and illustrated according to Holy Scripture in six books. In which the subject is traced from the first revelation of Jehovah in his eternal counsel for the recovery of the 312 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 313 CImivh by ivdeniptiun. and carried on in rcunlar succes- sion of order to the accomplishment by Christ and He him- self returned to glory. Revised and recommended by Rol)- ert Hawker, D. D. O., pp. 626. Plymouth, 1819.* Gray, James. — The ^Mediatorial rei.mi of the Son of God; or the absolute ability and willingness of Jesus Christ to save all mankind, demonstrated from the Scriptures, in which an attempt is made to rescue the Gospel call from false philosophy. O.. pp. 448. Baltimore. 1821.* Grierson, James. — The Divine Suppliant and Interces- sor. D. Edinl)urgh, 1867. Haven, Samuel.— The Ever-living Redeemer. 0. Bos- ton, IT 6S. Humphrey, William.— One :Mediator; or Sacrifice and Sacrament. 0., pp. xii+308. London and New York. 1890. Jesus Christ the ^Mediator between God and ^lan. D. London, n. d. Jones, T.— The Mediation of Jesus Christ. Third ed., O. London, 1832. First ed.. 1828. Lang, Cosmo Gordon. — The ^Miracles of Jesus as marks of the way of life. D.. pp. 296. New York, 1901. Maclauchlan, Thomas.— The Way to God; or Christ's Mediatorship. D. Edinburgh, 1853. Medd, P. G.— The One INIediator. The operation of the Son of God in nature and in grace. The Bampton lec- tures for 1882. 0., pp. 584. London, 1884.* The :Mediatorial Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D., ])p. 214. New York. 1845. Murray, Andrew. — With Christ in the School of Prayer. Thoughts on our training for the ministry of intercession. D., pp. 270. London, 1886.* Nouet, P.— The Life of Jesus Christ in Glory. Daily mediations. New ed.. O.. pp. 494. London, 1872.* Parker, A. B.— The Fullness of the IMediator; or Christ all in all. Cr. 0. London, 1861. 814 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD The Scheme of God's Eternal Great Designe in the World for Christ and His elect saints, given to Him by the Father upon the performance of His great work of media- torship. as is manifest from His word in these fonr great things ensning. which are all by our Savionr's Revelation Key applied to the seventh milleninm. Ff. London (?), 1675 (?). Scott, John. — The Christian Life. Part II. AA^herein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of Our Saviour's Mediation, is explained and improved. Second eel.. D.. pp. 682-|-12 unnumbered. London, 1687.* Steward, G.- — Mediatorial Sovereignty^; mystery of Christ and the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments. 2 vols.. 0. New York. 1876. 2 vols., O., pp. xvi+522, vii-[-525. Edinburgh. 1863.* Symington. — Messiah the Prince ; or the Mediatorial Do- minion of Jesus Christ. D., pp. cviii-[-354. New York, 1881.* Terry, Milton S. — The ^Mediation of Jesus Christ a con- tribution to the study of Biblical dogmatics. D., pp. 207. New York. 1903.* Contains a select bibliography of Bibli- cal Theology and Biblical Dogmatics. 9 pp. annotated. Tomkins, Martin. — Jesus Christ the jNIediator between God and ]\Ian ; an advocate for us with the Father and pro- pitiation for the sins of the world. (Anon.) O. London, 1732. Webb, Allan Beecher. — AA'ith Christ in Paradise. Med- iations on life begun on earth and continued in Paradise. 0.. pp. 38. London, 1898. AYhat is Our Lord Jesus Christ doing for me now? S., pp. 16. London, 1881. Winslov^', Octavius. — "I am praying for you," the present intercession of Christ. A reflection for the year 1876. 32mo. London. 1875. XVI. d. THE PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST. This office is assumed in connection with that of media- tion and of atonement. It was the representative office under the old covenant. It is absorbed by Christ in the New. Recommended : Williams, Perowne. Cox. John.— Our Great High Priest. London, 1838. Gascoigne, Richard.— The Priesthood of Christ after the order of :\Ielchisidek. New ed., 0. Bath, 1876. Goodwyn, Lieut.-Gen. Henry.— The high priesthood of Jesus the Son of God, according to the Scripture. D. London, 1868. Gray, James. — A Dissertation on the Priesthood of Jesus Christ and :\relchisidec, together with the Life of Christ. D. Hagerstown, Md., 1850. E., pp. 121. Philadelphia, 1810.* Henley, Robert.— The Great High Priest. Six lectures. 0. London, 1858. The High Priesthood of Christ. By the author of "Eng- lish Synonymes." 0., pp. 80. London, 1859.* Jesus Christ the Model of the Priest. Translated from the Italian. By the Rev. J. L. Patterson. D. London, 1855. . Kessler, Julius.— On the High Priesthood of Christ. D. London, 1869. Lessey, T. — Four sermons on the Priesthood of Christ. 0., pp. 174. Halifax, 1827.* Martindale, M. — A discourse on the Priesthood of Christ, translated from the Latin of Arminius. 0., pp. 47. York, 1815.* 315 316 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Miller, David. — The true Priesthood of Christ stated and defended; or Christ a priest when He was on earth. Being an answer to a discourse concerning the priesthood of Jesus Christ in which the Socinian abominations on that head are exploded. 0. London, 1749. [Moor, William]. — Priesthood of Jesus Christ; a dis- course concerning the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, in which the date and order of His priesthood, as also the place, time and manner of His performing the functions thereof are distinctly considered. With a preface in vindication of the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, occasioned by the misrepresentations of a late writer. (T. Chubbs.) 0., pp. xxiv-|-l-14. London. 1747. Nelson, John. — The Priesthood of Christ. D. London, 1837. Parker, Joseph. — The Priesthood of Christ. A restate- ment of vital truth. D. London, 1876 Perowne, Thomas T. — Our High Priest in Heaven ; or the present action of Christ as High Priest, in its relation to the worship of the Christian Church. 0. London, 1885. Pierce, J. S. — Christ the Priest and Sacrifice of His People. 0. London. 1837. The Priesthood of Christ. An address on Hebrews iv: 12-16. E. London, 1863. The Priesthood of Christ and the Advocacy of Christ. Two parts. O. London, 1875. Rainsford, Marcus. — Christ our High Priest, and other sermons. Second ed., 0., pp. 100. London, 1898.* Smith, John Pye. — Four discourses on the Sacrifice and Priesthood of Jesus . Christ ; and on Atonement and Re- demption. 0.. pp. xv+316. London, 1828.* Steane, Edward. — The doctrine of Christ developed by the Apostles. A treatise on the offices of the Redeemer and the doxology of the Redeemed. 0., pp. xvi-|— 461. Edin- JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 317 biirgh. 1862.* A large part of the work is occupied with the discussion of the Priesthood of Christ. Tucker, Miss Charlotte (A. L. O. E.). — Our Sympa- thizing Iligli Priest. Meditations. D. London, 1865. Wakeford. John. — Into the Holy of Holies through the A'eil of the Flesh of the Eternal High Priest Jesus Christ. Prayers and devotions for private use at home and in church. T.. pp. 61. Xew York. 1903. Williams, H. W.— The priesthood of Christ. The sixth Fernley lecture. 0.. pp. 68. London, 1876.* XVI. e. THE MIRACLES. Definition: "An effect in nature not attributable to any of the recog- nized operations of nature nor to the act of man, but in- dicative of superhuman power and serving as a sign or witness thereof; a wonderful work manifesting a power superior to the ordinary forces of nature." Century Dic- tionary. Which see for the definitions of Hume, Canning and Huxley. nistory : The early church received the miracles both as a fact and attestation of the mission and claims of Christ. The first attack in modern times upon the possibility of mira- cles was made by Spinoza (+ 1677). He declared that as God and nature were one, so God would be working against Himself in working miracles. The English Deists (circa 1700) separated God from human affairs so far that miracles were impossible. Butler (-f- 1752) did not attempt a proof of miracles, but simply to clear away difficulties of belief. Hume (-J- 1776) in his "Inquiry concerning the human understanding," gave the first great blow at miracles, de- claring that a miracle was contrary to human experiences. A conclusive reply to Hume is given in Whately's Logic. Appendix, pp. 272. Kant (-)- 1804) declared miracles to be superstitions. Schleiermacher (-\- 1834) endeavored to do away with miracles, but solely in the interest of religion, as it seemed to him. The following theories have been in vogue: 1. Jesus Christ wrought miracles by virtue of His divine poM^er and in attestation of His claims This has always been the faith of the Christian Church. 318 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 319 2. Jesus Christ was a mere man. so tliat He did not work the miracles except by faith. 3. The evangelists, in order to make a good story, in- serted the tales of the wonders wrought in their narrative to glorify their hero. 4. Granting that Christ did work a few miracles, they were only seemingly such. The people were deceived by Appearances. 5. The laws of nature are fixed, so miracles are impos- sible. 6. The latest theory of miracles declares that they were wrought l)y hypnotic power. 7. Some modern scientists claim that science has made such an advance along the line of the wonderful that there -can be no such thing as a miracle. Recommended : Trench for its exegesis. Bruce for its evidential value. Steinmeyer for the same ground. Taylor for its exposition and enunciation of spiritual truth. Mozley, theological and philosophical view. Allen, G. W. — -Wonderful Words and Works. Sermons •on the Parables and ^Miracles of Jesus. Cr. 0.. pp. xvi-(- 220. London, 1008.* Atkinson, Israel. — The Saviour's Touch. E. London, 1855. Bache, Samuel. — ^Miracles the credentials of the Christ. Pive lectures delivered in Birmingham. D. London. 18G3. Barnes, Charles W. — The Sorrow and Solace of Esther, daughter of Ben-Amos. E.. pp. 25. Cincinnati, 1902.* The story of the raising of Lazarus in story form. Belcher, T. W., M. D.— Our Lord's :\Iiracles of Healing 320 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD considered in relation to some modern objections and to medical science. D., pp. viii-}-168. Oxford, 1872.* Sec- ond ed., 0., pp. 278. London, 1890.* Bid Jesus to Your Wedding. (Sermon on John ii:2.) 0.. pp. 15. Manchester. 1882. Bonnet, L. — The Family of Bethany, or jneditations on tlie eleventh chapter of the Gospel according to St. John. Translated from the French. Fourth Am. ed., S., pp. 256. New York. 1847.* Bosanquet, Claude. — The Consoler and the Sufferer. Sermons on the raising of Lazarus and the Passion sayings of the Christ. O.. pp. 281. London. 1871.* Bose, Ram Chunder. — The truth of the Christian re- ligion as established by the ^Miracles of Christ. 0. New York. 1889. Bradbury, Thomas. — The Power of Christ over Plagues and Health, and His name as the God of Israel considered. 0. London. 1724. Bragge, Francis. — Practical observations upon the mir- acles of Our Blessed Saviour. Second ed., 2 vols.. O. London, 1710. Bruce, Alexander Balmain. — The Miraculous Element ni the Gospels. Elv lectures. 0., pp. 391. New York, 188b.-* Buck, Daniel Dana. — The Law and Limitations of Our Lord's ]\Iiracles. A Semi-centennial Discourse. S., pp. 76. New York. 1888.* Bulkley, Charles. — Discourses on the Parables of Our Blessed Saviour and the Miracles of His Holy Gospels. With occasional illustrations. 4 vols.. 0. London. 1771. Bullock, William. — The Ruler's Daughter Raised. A funeral O.. pp. 11. Halifax. 1851. Burnton, N. S. — Christ's Acted Parables. A study of the miracles. D.. pp. 256. New York, 1893.* Candlish, Robert S. — Bethany ; or comfort in sorrow and hope in death. E., pp. 150. Edinburgh, 1871.* .TI-:ty Mrs. A. E. Dove. Cr. 0., pp. 68. London. 1900.* Expository Outlines on the ^liracles of the Lord Jesns. D. Liverpool. L'^BB. Farmer, Hugh. — A dissei'tntion on the miracles, etc. D. London. 1810. Caused imidi discussion. Farmer, Hugh. — Examination of the Le ^Moines Trea- tise of IMirarles. O. London. 1772.* Fleetwood, John. — The Nature of Miryeles. A tract. London. Fowler, J. H.— The New Testament :\Iiracles and .Mod- ern ^tirades. S. Boston. 1854. Fowler, William. — On ]\Iiracles. An essay. 0. Lon- don, 1868. Francis, Mrs. C. D. — Notes on Fifty Parables and ]\Iir- aeles for a Bil)le Class. Cr. O.. pp. 402. London. 1904. Hall, Newman. — ' 'It is I ; " or the voice of Jesus in the storm. N(nv ed.. S. London. 1879. Harris, John. — The Divine Physician : prescribing rules for the cure of disease as well of the body as the soul. 0. London. 1676. Harris, W. — The reasonableness of believinj:: in phrist, and the unreasonableness of infidelity. With an appendix containing brief remarks upon the case of Lazarus. Re- lating to Mr. Woolston's fifth discourse of miracles. 0. London. 1729. Hoge, William J. — Blind Bartimeus; or the Story of ,.a Sightless Sinner and his Great Physician. Fifth ed.. S., pp. 257. New York. I860.* 1869 Hook, W. F. — Sermons on the ^Miracles. 2 vols.. 0. London. 1847. Hovey, Alvah. — The ^Miracles of Christ as attested by the Evangelists. 1).. pp. 319. Boston. 1863.* Howson, John S. — ^Meditations on the ^Miracles of Christ. I)., pp. viii-|-296. London, 1871 * Second series, 1877. 324 JJJSrS CHRIST Ol'N LORD Howton, R. — Divine Healing and Demon Possession, 0. London. 1905. Humbertson, W, J. — The Healing Power of Christ. O., pp. 202. London, 1879.* Humphrey, W. G. — Boyle lectures for 1857 on the mira- cles. D. London, 1858. Hutchinson, John, — Our Lord's Signs in St. John's Gospel. Discourses, exegetical and doctrinal on the eight miracles in the Fourth Gospel. 0., pp. 237. Edinburgh. 1892.* Irons, W. J, — The Miracles of Christ. Sermons for the people. (). Oxford, n. d. Irons, W. J. — The Miracles of Christ; being the second series of sermons for the people. Q. London, 1859. Jackson, James C. — Christ as a Physician. D. New York, 1875. James, William, — Nine sermons on some of the most im- portant and stupendous miracles of Our Lord Jesus Christ. D. London, 1840. Jesus Walking on the Sea. A ^Message to Seamen. S. Edinburgh, 1857. Knight, James. — Discourses on the ^Miracles. 0. Lon- don, 1881. Laidlaw, J, — The Miracles of Our Lord. S., pp. 93. New York. 1897.* Second ed.. 0., pp. 380. London, 1891.* Lang, Cosmo, — The oNIiraeles of Jesus as IMarks of the Way of Life. Cr. O.. pp. 296. London, 1900.* Lardner, Nathaniel, — Vindication of three of Christ's miracles in answer to Woolston on the miracles. 0. Lon-*' don. 1729. Lee, William. — On ^liracles. With remarks on ]\Ir. Baden-Powell. D. London, 1861. Lias, John James, — Are IMiracles Credible? Cr. 0. London, 1883.* Litton, E. A.— The Miracles. D., pp. 191. London. 1868.* JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD 325 The Loaves and Pislu's. A practical ex])hiiiati()n of Our Lord's two miracles. 1). Oxford, 185;?. The Lord Jesus in John xi. xii. (Remarks on the two chapters.) O. London, 1855. Macdonald, George. — The IMiracles of Our Lord. 0., pp. 280. Philadelphia. 1871.* Also London. Macduff, John R. — IMiracles of the Lord Jesus. D. Liverpool, 1865. Mackennal, Alexander. — Christ's IIealins from the Dead. D. New York, 1876. Maguire, Robert. — The ^liracles of Christ. Exposi- tions. D. London, 1868. Maitland, B. — Miracles. (Helps to belief.) S.. pp. 126. London. 1884.* Malan, C. — New Hartimeus; or the Blind IShui Restored to Si-ht. D. Portland, Me., n. d. Malan, S. C. — The Miracles of Our Lord explained to country children. 2 vols., D. London, 1872. Also 1 vol.. pp. 240. London, 1881.* Mant, Richard. — The Gospel IMiracles; in a series of poetical sketches with illustrative conversations. D., pp. 254. London. 1882.* Marsden, J. H. — The evils which have resulted at vari- ous times from a misapprehension of Our Lord's miracles. Hulsean lectures for 1844. 0., pp. viii-[-148. London. 1845.* May, Joseph. — The IMiracles and Myths of the New Tes- tament, with other essays and sermons. S.. pp. 191. Bos- ton, 1901.* Unitarian. Mayo, Elizabeth. — Lessons on the Miracles. O. Lon- •lo:i. 1845. 326 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD McCheyne, R. M, — Bethany ; or the sickness, death and resurrt'ction of La/anis. E. Phihidelpliia. 1876. Merrill, Stephen Mason, and Warren, Henry White. — Discourses on Miracles. (Little Books on Doctrine.) T., pp. 2+131. New York. 1902.* The Miracles of Christ. D. London, 1844. r\liracles of Christ. The; and other lectures delivered in the Central Hall, ^lanchester. 0. London. 1905. The Miracles of Christ; intended for the young. E. New York, n. d. Revised by D. P. Kidder. E., pp. 265. New York, 1852.* The ^liracles of Christ; with explanatory observations and illustrations from modern travels. Illustrated. E. Philadelphia, 1876. The ]\Iiracles of Jesus. A series of 34 expositions by Thos. G. Selby, George Milligan, D. D., J. G. Greenhough, Principal Alexander Stewart, D. D.. Hugh Macmillan, D. D., George H. Morrison, and others. O London, n. d. The Miracles of Our Lord Explained. D. London, 18;;!). Morgan, W. J. — Pictured Miracles of Our Lord. S. Xcw Y( rk, 1902. Mortimer, Alfred G. — The Chief Virtues of ]\Ian. Taught in the Seven Words from the Cross. Preached in St. i\Iark's Church, Philadelphia, Good Friday. 1903. 0., pp. 118. London. 1905.* Mozley, James B. — Eight lectures on the Miracles. The Bampton lectures, 1865. ().. pp. x-(-390. London, 1865.* Fifth ed., 1880. A New Ditty, shovv'i'ig the wondrous miracles of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which He did wliiL- He remained on earth. Ff. London, 1762. Newman, John Henry. — Two essays on Biblical and on Ecclesiastical .Miracles. Third ed. 0., pp. xi-{-400. Lon- don. 1873.* Pearce, Zachary. — The r^liracles of -Jesus vinditated; JESUS Villi 1ST OUR LORD '^21 pul)lished in four scptiralc parts. (). Ldiulon. 172!). A reply to Woolston. Penrose, John. — A treatise on llic Hvidcncc of the Scripture Miracles. ().. p]). xx.\i + :^.')(i. London. 1S2(;.* Peploe, Webb."-The Walk on llie Water. ::52nio.. p]). l(i. London, lS!)(i. Pleasants, Mrs. J. — Cinderella. Ilic Widow of Xaiii : and the Resurrection of Lazarns; in rhyme. O. Pliiladeliiliia, 1S()4. (Only si.xty eoi)ies were printed.) Ray, Thomas. — A Vindication of 0\n^ Savioni-"s Mira- eles: in answer to ^Ir. Woolston 's five last discourses; in two parts. Q. London. 1727-'29. 1730-'81. Remarks on the ^Miracukms Character of Our Lord. By a Uerean layman. D. Boston, 1823. A Review of the Controversy al)out the meaning' of the word demoniachs in the New Testament, in which a tract entitled "Some Thoucchts on the :Miracles are Considered." 0. London. 1789. Reynolds, Joseph W. — ^Miracles of Our Lord and Sav- iour; notes and retieetions. D. London. 1881. Ridley, W.— Not :\lyth but Miracle. Cr. O. London, lOid. Roberts, Alexander. — Thirty-one plain sermons on Gos- ])e! miracles, preached to a villaiiC conu:regation. Cr. O. London. 18H7. Sandercock, E. — Sermons on the Parables of Our Sav- iour; occasioned by an objection in Christianity as old as the creation. O. London. 1733. Seven Signs (The). Studies of the :\Iiracles of the Gos- pel aceordinsr to St. John i-xx. Cr. 0. London. 1902. Smallbroke, Richard. — A vindication of the ^Miracles of Our Blessed Saviour; in which Mr. Woolston 's discourses oil them are particularly examined. 2 vols.. 0. Vol II, ])]• xvi+592. Ltmdon. 1731.* Smith, R. T.— The Gospel in the :\riracles of Christ. 0. Loiulon. 1862. 328 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD Some Thoughts on the ^Miracles of Jesus; with an intro- duction to that of His casting out devils, which is particu- larly discussed. Occasioned by two late tracts (of A. A. Sykes), entitled "Enquirers into the ]Meaning of Demo- niacks in the New Testament." By an impartial hand. O. London. 1788. Spurgeon, C. H. — Sermons on Our Lord's Miracles. De- livered at the ^Metropolitan Tabernacle and New Park Street Chapel. 2 vols.. 0.. pp. 678-f 646. London. 1896.* Stebbing, Henry. — A discourse on Our Saviour's Mi- raculous Power of Healing. In which six cases excepted against Mr. Woolston are considered. Being a continua- tion of the defense of Scripture history, etc. By the same author. 0.. pp. 66. London. 1730. Steinmeyer, F. L. — The ]\Iiracles of Our Lord in rela- tion to modern criticism. Translated from the German by L. A. AVheatley. 0.. pp. 276. Edinburgh. 1875.* Stock, Sarah Geraldine. — Give ye them to eat. !Medita- tions for Sunday School teachers founin> 335 A I'alteni of ('liris1i;in KdiicJit ion a^i-ccjihlc In the prc- ecpts ;iii(l practice oi' Our Blessed Lord iiiid Savio\ir .Jesus Christ. Illustrated under th<' ehai-acters of Patenius and Eusehia. Extracted from a late aidhor. (). Dublin. Pennefather, Mrs.— "Follow thou me." Disciplcship. E.. i)p. S:^ London, u. d.* IMain Words al)out Our Lord's Life; or how to follow Christ. By the author of "How to come to Christ." Ed- ited by a pai-ish priest. O. London. 1875. Power, Philip B.— Christ the Model for Sunday school teachers. London, 1868. Reeve, J. W.— Doctrine and Practice. 0. London. 1874. Second ed., 1875. Six sermons on Christ's ex- ample. Rogers, Thomas.— The Imitation of Christ. Three books newly translated. S. London. 1584-1589. Fourth book. 1502 1()28. etc. Shaw, William F.— The Great Example. Six Lenten sermons npon Our Lord. D., pp. 60. London, 1884.'' Sheldon, Charles M.— Our Exemplar; or "What would Jesus do?" ().. pp. ;^19. London. 1898. In story form. This has passed throuiih many editions and reached a mar- velous sale. Skinner, Charlotte.— The INIarks of the :Master. 32mo.. pp. 128. London. 1904.* Stalker, James.— Ima^^^o Christi. The Example of Christ. Seventh ed., D.. pp. 332. New York, 1889.* Tute, John S.— :Meditations on the most precious blood and example of Christ. D. London, 1875. New ed., 1881. Unsworth, William.— The Influence of Jesus Christ on Work and Workers; or the Godman, the ]\Iodel Worker. ().. ])p. 282. London. 1897.* Wheatley, Leonard A.— The Story of the "Imitatio Christi." ().. pp. 236. London, 1891.* ■ XVI. ?. CHRIST AS A POSITIVE INFLUENCE IN THE WORLD. One of the great evidences of Christianity is the power of Christ manifested in hnman life and action. The Evan- gelical revival established the fact that the human soul itself in its regenerated state was the great evidence for Christian- ity. Christianity has stimulated benevolent work, has made higher educational ideals, has influenced even the artist's dream and the poet's fancy; most of the great masterpieces of both are inspired by Christian subjects. The Christ Life has permeated our literature, life, and very thought. Recommended: For the history of the sul)joet. Brace, Gesta Christa. For the subject itself, Phillips Brooks, Influence of Jesus. Adams, Nehemiah. — Christ a Friend. 0.. pp. 290. Boston, 1864.* Adderley, J. G.— Jesus Christ Today. 0.. pp. 20. Lon- don, 188(1.* Alexander, S. A. — Christ and Skepticism. O., pp. 308. London, 1894.* Angus, Joseph. — Christ our life in its origin, law and end. 0. London, 1875. Also D. Philadelphia, n. d.* Armstrong, R. A. — The place of Jesus of Nazareth in modern religion. (Tracts for the times. No. 27.) 0., pp) 17. London, 1894.* Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. — The Simplicity that is of Christ. D. New York, n. d. Balfern, W. P. — Glimpses of Jesus; or Christ exalted in the affection of His people. From the second London edition. D., pp. 259. New York. 1861.* 336 JESUS CUIilST (*( h' LORD 337 Barrett, Alfred.— Christ in tlic World of the Storm Pa- eiticd. D. London. 1849. Bascom, J. — The AVords of Christ as principles of per- sonal and s