THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Glasgow University Press Colleftion 1838-1905 Books Published by JAMES MACLEHOSE from 1838 to 1881 and by James MacLehose and Sons to 1905 T^resented to the Library of the University of Glasgow GLASGOW THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1905 2 3-2 5" Note It was suggested to his sons that the publications of James MacLehose, Publisher and Bookseller to the University, who till his death in 1885 took a very warm interest in the University of Glasgow, might be presented to the University Library and kept together as a memorial of him, and of his connection with the University ; and Mr. James Lymburn, Librarian to the University, who made this suggestion, proposed also that the series should be continued to the present date. It has been a pleasure to carry out this idea. The entries in the following list are copied from those in the Catalogue of the University Library, and represent 578 volumes published by the firm from 1838 to 1905. Very many of these books are now out of print, but copies of all have been procured with the exception of the seven which are marked with an asterisk. Included in this collection is a series of 1121 Pamphlets and Prints arranged chronologically and bound in sixty volumes. These were published between the years 1838 and 1905 ; a large number of them relate to the Univer- sity, and all were issued by the University Publishers. Associated with the late James MacLehose, Bookseller and Publisher to the University, in the production of these 824072 vi Note books was his younger brother, Mr. Robert MacLehose, for many years Printer to the University. He retired in 1894, when his interest in the University Press passed into the hands of his nephews, Robert MacLehose and James J. MacLehose, who had already succeeded their father as Booksellers and Publishers to the University. The engraving prefixed to this volume is from the portrait by Mr. G. Lowes Dickinson. 61 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, March, 1905. Contents PAGE List of Books Published by James MacLehose and BY James MacLehose & Sons, .... i Appendix : James MacLehose & Sons, 62 Robert MacLehose & Co., 6^ ACADEMICAL club. See Glasgow. ACKWORTH (MRS. m. d.). Recollections of Andrew Mitchell and Lilias Oswald. Printed for private circulation.... 12° Glasg. 1860, ADDISON (WILLIAM INNES). A roll of the graduates of the University of Glasgow, From 31st December, 1727, to 31st December, 1897.... 4° Glasg. 1898. ADDISON (WILLIAM INNES). The Snell exhibitions from the University of Glasgow to Balliol College, Oxford. 4° Glasg. 1901. ADDISON (w. H.). See Love. AGLEN (ANTHONY STOCKER), D.D. See Horatius (Quintus) Flaccus. AIMS AND ends. Third thousand. 12° Glasg. 1853. ALEXANDER (william lindsay), D.D. Switzerland and the Swiss Churches.... 12° Glasg. 1846. ANDERSON (james Wallace), M.D. Lectures on medical nursing.... 12° Glasg. 1883. ANDERSON (james Wallace), M.D. * The essentials of physical diagnosis. 12° Glasg. 1889. ANDERSON (james Wallace), M.D. Medical nursing.... Fourth edition. 12° Glasg. 1891. ANDERSON (thomas m'call), prof. med. Clinical lectures on the curability of attacks of tubercular peritonitis and acute phthisis.... 8° Glasg. 1877. ANDERSON (t. m'call), M.D., prof. clin. med. On affections of the nervous system — their diagnosis and treatment. 8° Glasg. 1889. ANDREWS (JAMES). * The psychology of scepticism. 12° Glasg. 1874. ANSTRUTHER (sir windham c. j. carmichael), bart. Report of proceedings on the occasion of the presentation by the conservatives of South Lanarkshire to Lady Carmichael Anstruther, of the portraits of Sir Windham C. J. Carmichael Anstruther, Bart., and Windham Robert Anstruther. 25th Jan., 1884. 8° Glasg. 1884. ANTONINE wall. See Neilson. ARCHAEOLOGICAL society. See Glasgow. BADDELEY (m. j. b.), B.A. A guide to Glasgow, with maps and appendices upon the history, institutions and manufactures of Glasgow. 12° Glasg. 1888. BAILLIE (GEORGE). Memoir of Mr. George Baillie, the founder of Baillie's Institution, by a member of the Faculty of Procurators. 8° Glasff. 1873 BAIRDS OF GARTSHEERIE. See M. (A.). >->• BANNATYNE (john millar), lt. colonel. Guide to the examinations for promotion of regimental officers in the infantry. In two parts. Part I. 12° Glasg. 1861. BANNATYNE (john millak), lt. colonel Royal warrants, circulars, general orders, and memoranda issued by the War Office.... 1856-1864.... 8° Glasg. 1804. BANNATYNE (john millar), lt. colonel. Guide to the examinations for promotion of regimental officers in the infantry. In 2 parts. Part I.... Tenth edition.... 12° Glasg. 1870. BANNATYNE (john millar), lt. colonel. Guide to the examinations for promotion in the infantry. In 2 parts. Part I. 14th edition. 12° Glasg. 1875. BANNATYNE (john millar), lt. colonel. Guide to the examinations for promotion in the infantry. In 2 parts. Part II. 14th edition. 12° Glasg. 1882. 3 BANNATYNE (john millar), lieut.-col. Guide to the examinations for promotion in the infantry.... Part I.... Seventeenth edition.... 12° Glasjr. 1882. -^&" BANNATYNE (john millar), lt. colonel. Guide to the examinations for promotion in the infantry. Part XL... loth edition.... 12° Glasg. 1886 BARR (THOMAS), M.D. Manual of diseases of the ear.... 8° Glasg. 1884. BARR (THOMAS), M.D. Manual of diseases of the ear.... Second edition.... With 229 illustrations. 8° Glasg. 1896. BARR (THOMAS), M.D. Manual of diseases of the ear.... Third edition.... With 236 illustrations. 8° Glasg. 1901. BATHGATE (Alexander). Colonial experiences ; or sketches of people and places in the province of Otago, New Zealand. [With ^ photograijhs inserted.] 8° Glasg. 1874. BATHGATE (william). The deep things of God. 8° Glasg. 1876. BATHGATE (william), D.D. Progressive religion: sermons and selections.... 8° Glasg. 1884. BEGG (WILLIAM proudfoot). The development of taste, and other studies in aesthetics. 8° Glasg. 1887. BELL (dugald). * Among the rocks round Glasgow. 12° Glasg. 1881. BELL (SIR JAMES), BART., BATON (JAMES). Glasgow : its municipal organization and administration. 4° Glasg. 1896. BIRRELL (c. J. ballinqall). The two queens : a drama. 8° Glasg. 1889. BLACK (WILLIAM GEORGE). The law agents Act, 1873.... as affecting legal education in Scotland. 8° Glasg. 1884. BLACKBURN (hugh), prof. math. See Newton's Principia. BLACKBURN (jane). See M. (R.). BLACKBURN (jane). See Rankine. BLACKBURN (jane). The pipits. By the author of Caw caw. Illustrated by J. B. 4° Glasg. 1872. BLYTHSWOOD (Archibald campbell campeell, lord). Report of proceedings at the presentation of portraits of Sir Archibald C. Campbell, Bart., to the Conservative Club, Glasgow, and to the Hon. Lady Campbell on 5th April, i888. [With portrait.] 8° Glasg. 1888. BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (nicolas). The Satires of Boileau Despreaux and his 'Address to the king' done into English verse by Hay ward Porter. With notes and a biographical sketch, and also a translation of Boileau's * Essay on satire.' Illustrated by James Magnus. 8° Glasg. 1904. BROWN (JAMES), D.D. The life of a Scottish probationer. Being a memoir of Thomas Davidson, with his poems and extracts from his letters. 8° Glasg. 1877. BROWN (JAMES), D.D. The Reformers: lectures .... by ministers of the United Presbyterian Church.... [Edited by James Brown.] 8° Glasg. 1885. BROWN (JAMES), D.D. Life of William B, Robertson, D.D., Irvine. With ex- tracts from his letters and poems. With two portraits. 8° Glasg. 1888. BROWN (JAMES), D.D. The life of a Scottish probationer.... Third edition, revised and enlarged. 8° Glasg. 1889. BROWN (JAMES), D.D. Life of William B. Robertson, D.D.... With two portraits. Fourth edition. 8° Glasg. 1889. BROWN (JAMES), D.D. Sermons, with a biographical sketch by his son. 12° Glasg. 1892. BROWN (JAMES BALDWIN). Stoics and saints.... 8° Glasg. 1893. BROWN (JOHN THOMAS TOSHACH). Cambuslang : a sketch of the place and the people earlier than the nineteenth century. 8° Glasg. 1884. BROWN (JOHN THOMAS TOSHACH). The authorship of the Kingis quair : a new criticism. 8° Glasg. 1896. ^O' BROWNE (edmond c), colonel. National service, the only effective solution of the problem of imperial defence. 12° Glasg. 1904. BUCHANAN (david). Man and the years, and other poems. Selected and edited, with a biographical sketch by William Freeland. 8° Glasg. 1895. BUCHANAN (george), prof, of surgery. Camp life as seen by a civilian. A personal narrative. 8° Glasg. 1871. BUCHANAN (john), LL.D. See Glasgow— Old Country Houses. BURNS (WILLIAM). The Scottish war of independence.... In two volumes. 8° Glasg. 1874. CAIRD (EDWARD), MASTER OF BALLIOL. A critical account of the philosophy of Kant.... 8° Glasg. 1877. CAIRD (EDWARD), MASTER OF BALLIOL. The social philosophy and religion of Comte. 8° Glasg. 1885. CAIRD (EDWARD), MASTER OF BALLIOL. The critical philosophy of Imraanuel Kant. In two volumes. 8° Glasg. 1889. CAIRD (EDWARD), MASTER OF BALLIOL. Essays on literature and philosophy. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1892. CAIRD (EDWARD), MASTER OF BALLIOL. The social philosophy and religion of Comte. Second edition. 8° Glasg. 1893. "&• CAIRD (EDWARD), MASTER OF BALLIOL. The evolution of religion. The GifFord lectures .... 1890-91 and 1891-92. Third edition. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1899. CAIRD (EDWARD), MASTER OF BALLIOL. The evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. The GifFord lectures.... 1900-1 and 1901-2. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1904. CAIRD (JOHN), PRIN. GLASG. UNIV. Christian manliness and other sermons.... 8° Glasg. 1871-5. CAIRD (JOHN), D.D., pkin. glasg. univ. An introduction to the philosophy of religion. 8° Glasg. 1880. CAIPiD (JOHN), D.D., PRIN. GLASG. UNIV. University addresses. 8° Glasg. 1898. CAIRD (JOHN), D.D., PRIN. GLASG. UNIV. The fundamental ideas of Christianity. With a memoir by Edward Caird. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1899. CAIRD (JOHN), D.D., PRIN. GLASG. UNIV. University sermons.... 1873-1898. 8° Glasg. 1899. CAIRD (JOHN), D.D., PRIN. GLASG. UNIV. An introduction to the philosophy of religion. New- edition. 8° Glasg. 1901. CAIRD (PRINCIPAL). See Manuscripts. CAIRNS (JOHN), D.D. [Sermon, 2 Tim. iv. 7. 12° Glasg. n.d.] CAMERON (WILLIAM c). Light, shade, and toil : poems. With an introductory note by the Rev. W. C. Smith, D.D. 12° Glasg. 1875. CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER), MIN. AT GREENOCK. Select remains.... And a memoir by the Rev. John Kennedy. 12° Glasg. 1845. CAMPBELL (JOHN gregorson). Superstitions of the Highlands and islands of Scotland.... 8° Glasg. 1900. CAMPBELL (JOHN gregorson). Witchcraft and second sight in the Highlands and islands of Scotland.... 8° Glas^. 1902. J3" 9 CARMICHAEL (sir t. d. gibson-). See Maccoll (Dugald Sutherland). CAW CAW. See M. (r.). CENTURY DINNER (The), April 15, 1870. For private circu- lation. 4° Glasg. 1870. CHRISTIE (JAMES), M.D. The medical institutions of Glasgow. 8° Glasg. 1888. CLAIRE. By the author of " Vida." 8° Glasg. 1889. CLELAND (JOHN), prof. anat. Evolution, expression and sensation, cell life and pathology. 8° Glas^. 1881. -"o* CLELAND (JOHN), prof, anat., MACKAY (john yule), M.D. Human anatomy, general and descriptive.... With 630 illustrations.... 8° Glasg. 1 896. O" CLELAND (JOHN), prof, anat., MACKAY (john yule). A directory for the dissection of the human body. Fourth edition.... 12° Glasg. 1898. COATS (jervis), D.D. The master's watchword. 8° Glasg. 1897. COATS (JOSEPH), prof, of pathol. Notes on sea and land.... Printed for private circulation. 8° Glasg. 1898. CONN (JOSEPH), B.D. The fulness of time and other studies in theology. 8° Glasg. 1903. CONNAL (sir MICHAEL). Diary of Sir Michael Connal. 1835 to 1893. Edited with biographical sketch by John C. Gibson. 8° Glasg. 1895. lO CONSTABLE'S guide to Glasgow. See Baddeley. CORY AT (THOMAS). Coryats Crudities hastily gobled up in five moneths travells in France.... Netherlands; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe. 2 vols. 8"" Glasg. 1905. CRAIG (ARCHIBALD), LL.B. The Elder Park, Govan : an account of the gift of the Elder Park and of the erection and unveiling of the statue of John Elder. With notices of the lives of David Elder and John Elder and historical sketches of Govan. 4'^ Glasg. 1891. CRUM (WALTER), OF THORNLIEBANK. [Three sermons preached on the death of the late Walter Crum, Esq. of Thornliehank. 8° Glasg. 1867.] CULLEN (JOHN), D.Sc. The Book of the covenant in Moab. A critical inquiry into the original foi-m of Deuteronomy. 8° Glasg. 1903. CUTHBERT (Alexander andrew). Questions on the Holy Scriptures. 12° Glasg. 1893. CUTHBERT (Alexander andrew). Questions on the Holy Scriptures. With answers. 8° Glasg. 1898. II DEAS (JAMES), C.E. The river Clyde. .. . 8° Glasg. 1876. DENNY (PETER), LL.D. Report of proceedings at the presentation of portrait of Peter Denny, LL.D., to Mrs. Denny ....2nd Sept., 1890. 8° Glasg. 1890. DICKINSON (goldworthy lowes). The meaning of good: a dialogue. 12° Glasg. 1901. DICKSON (WILLIAM PURDIE), D.D. St. Paul's use of the terms flesh and spirit. The Baird lecture for 1883. 8° Glasg. 1883. DISESTABLISHMENT question. Report of meeting of Scottish laymen .... opposed to the disestablishment and disendowment of the Church of Scotland, held in .... Glasgow, 20th Oct., 1885.... 8° Glasff. 1885. DONALD (T. F.). See Hodge Podge Club. "&• DOUGLAS (cARSTAiRS gumming), M.D. Chemical and microscopical aids to clinical diagnosis.... Illustrated. 12° Glasg. 1899. o DOUGLAS (CHARLES MACKINNON), JONES (henry). Scottish education reform. A scheme of district school boards and a national council. With a preface by R. B. Haldane, K.C. 12° Glasg. 1903. 12 DOWNIE (JAMES WALKER), M.D. Clinical manual for the study of diseases of the throat. 12° Glasg. 1894. DRAKE (JOHN). Our hapless Queen. And other poems, [With jyortrait of Queen Mary.] 8° Glasg. 1904. DUFF (ROBERT ALEXANDER), M.A. Spinoza's political and ethical philosophy. 8° Glasg. 1903. DUNCAN (ALEXANDER), B.A. Memorials of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. 1599-1850.... 4° Glasg. 1896. DYDE (s. w.). See Plato. DYKES (THOMAS), D.D. The Christian church in relation to human experience.... 8" Glasg. 1885. 13 EAST (timothy). *The forgiveness of sin. 12° Glasg. 1847. EGGS ALL THE YEAR round at fourpence per dozen, and chickens at fourpence per pound. \^By Rev. W. E. B. Gunn.'] 12° Glasg. 1875. [And issue of 1886.] 12° Glasg. 1886. ELDER (JOHN), LIFE OF. See Craig (Archibald), LL.B. ETHIOPIAN memorabilia. July 8-20; 1874. Private. 4° Glasg. 1874. EWING (ALEXANDER), BISHOP OF ARGYLL. ....Argyllshire seaweed. 8° Glasg. 1872. EWING (JAMES), OF STRATHLEVEN. See MACKAY. EXPOSITION OF RELIGIOUS phraseology : with notes of sermons and thoughts. Printed for private circulation. 12° Glasg. 1877. 14 FERGUSON (JOHN), prof. chem. The Old College, being the Glasgow University album for MDCCCLXix. Edited by.... [John Ferguson, John Frazer and W. S. Purves. — With MS. list of contrihutors\ 4° Glasff. 1860. -"o- FERGUSON (JOHN), prof. chem. Catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late James Young of Kelly. 2 vols. 4° Glass. 1905. o FINLAYSON (james), M.D., LL.D. Account of the life and works of Maister Peter Lowe.,.. 4° Glascr. 18S9. "»• FITZGERALD (geobge francis). Lord Kelvin.... 1846-1899. With an essay on his scien- tific work and an account of the celebrations on the occasion of Lord Kelvin's jubilee as a professor. [With 'portrait:] 4° Glasg. 1899. FLEMING (JAMES brown). John Park Fleming. 1790-1869. For private circulation. [With portrait] 8° Glasg. 1885. FLEMING (JOHN park), life of. See Fleming (James Brown). FORBES (ALEXANDER GRUAR). Memoir of the life and times of the Rev. Joseph Morison .... with selections from his manuscript remains. 8° Glasg. 1859. 15 FORSYTH (DAVID), D.Sc. A graduated course of instruction in linear perspective.... Tiiird edition. Obi. 12° Glascr. 1890. ~'a' FRAZER (JOHN). See Ferguson (John), Prof. Chem. FREELAND (william). A birth song, and other poems. 12° Glasg. 1882. FREELAND (william). Ballads and Other Poems. With Memoir by Henry- Johnston. 12° Glasg. 1904. i6 GAIRDNER (sir william tennant), M.D. The physician as naturalist. Addresses and memoirs,... 8° Glasg. 1889. GEIKIE (sir ARCHIBALD). Scottish reminiscences. 8° Glasg. 1904. GEIKIE (SIR ARCHIBALD). Scottish reminiscences. Second edition. 8° Glasg. 1904. GEMMEL (JOHN), D.D. The Tiberiad ; or, the art of Hebrew accentuation. A didactic poem, in three books. 12° Glasg. 1880. GILFILLAN (john). Some fun for the weary and others. 12° Glasg. 1890. GLAISTER (JOHN), prof, foren. med. Dr. William Smellie and his contemporaries.... 8° Glasg. 1894. GLASGOW ACADEMICAL CLUB. The academical, containing papers contributed by members of the Glasgow Academical Club. 8° Glasg. 1870. GLASGOW ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions..,. 1857-83. 2 vols. [And New series. I-V. Continued.] 8° and 4° Glasg, 1868-1905, B 17 GLASGOW ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Report OQ the Antonine Wall. See Neilson. GLASGOW, constable's guide to. See Baddeley. GLASGOW directory, 1789. See Jones. GLASGOW — hospital for sick children. The Px-oyal Hospital for sick children and its dispensary, Glasgow. 12^ Glasg. 1889. GLASGOW hospital reports. Glasgow hospital reports. Edited George S. Middleton \and others]. Vols. I-IIL 8° Glasg. 1898-1901. GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1901. Old Masters at the Glasgow International Exhibition, A.D. 1901, with etched title page by D. Y. Cameron and twenty-eight engraved plates. 4° Glasg. 1902. GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1901. See Maccoll (Dugald Sutherland). GLASGOW MEDICAL journal. The Glasgow medical journal. "Edited by Pierce A. Simpson, M.D. New series. Vols. I, II. 8° Glasg. 1867-8. GLASGOW MEMORABILIA. Memorabilia of the city of Glasgow selected from the minute books of the burgh, 1588-1750. 4-° Glasg. 1868. GLASGOW MEN, Memoirs and portraits of one hundred. See MacLehose (James). GLASGOW — OLD COUNTRY HOUSES. * The old country houses of the old Glasgow gentr3^ [With 'photographs by T. Annan of one hundred well- known places in the neighbourhood of Glasgow, with descriptive notices of the houses and the families.] 4° Glasg. 1870. i8 GLASGOW— OLD COUNTRY HOUSES. *The old country houses of the old Glasgow gentry. [Illustrated by 'permanent 'pJiotographs by Annan.] Second edition. 4° Glasg. 1878. GLASGOW — QUEEN MAKGARET COLLEGE. Calendar. 1881-1893. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1882-92. GLASGOW STOCK exchange association. Records of the Glasgow Stock Exchange Association. 1844-1898. 4° Glasg. 1898. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. University of Glasgow, old and new. Illustrated with views and portraits in photogravure.... [Edited by William Stewart, D.D. — Large paper]. 2° Glasg. 1891. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. Record of the ninth jubilee. 1451-1901. 8° Glasg. 1901. GLASGOW^ UNIVERSITY. The book of the jubilee .... 1451-1901. Special edition. 8° Glasg. 1901. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. The book of the jubilee .... 1451-1901. Published for the Students' jubilee celebration committee. 8° Glasg. 1901. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY ALBUM FOR 1869. See Ferguson. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY ALBUM. New College : Glasgow University Album, 1874. 8° Glasg. 1874. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Calendar for the years 18G6-67-— 1904-5. [In progo'ess.] 8° Glasg. 18GG-1904. 19 GLASGOW UNIVERSITY — LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. Reports, lists of successful candidates and examination papers with the regulations. 1877-1893. 4 vols. 8° Glasg. 1877-93. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY PRESS PAMPHLETS. A collection of 1121 pamphlets and prints, many of them relating to the University of Glasgow, published by James MacLehose and by James MacLehose & Sons, publishers to the University. 60 volumes. 8° and 12° Glasg. 1841-1905. GLASGOW — WESTERN INFIRMARY. Catalogue of the pathological museum of the Western Infirmary, Glasgow. Second edition. [Edited by Robt. Muir.] 8° Glasg. 1902. GOVETT (ROBERT). Christ's resurrection and ours ; or I Corinthians XV expounded. 12° Glasg. 1876. GRAHAM (ROBERT c). The carved stones of Islay. 4° Glasg. 1895. GRAHAME (Archibald Hamilton). Poems. 12° Glasg. 1874. GRANT (ROBERT), PROF. ASTRON. The transit of Venus in 1874. Second edition. 12° Glasg. 1874. GRANT (ROBERT), PROF. ASTRON. Catalogue of 6415 stars, for the epoch 1870.... 4° Glasg. 1883. GRANT (ROBERT), PROF. ASTRON. Second Glasgow catalogue of 2156 stars, for the epoch 1890. 4° Glasg. 1892. GRAY (DAVID). The poetical works. A new and enlarged edition, edited by Henry Glassford Bell. 12° Glasg. 1874. 20 GRAY (DAVID). The Luggie, and other poems. Edited by Henry Glass- ford Bell. New edition. 12" Glasg. 1886. GUILD (JAMES WYLLIE). My web of life : a fragment. Privately printed. 4° Glasg. 1876. ^&* GUNN (w. E. B.). See Eggs all the Year Round. 21 HAKLUYT (RICHARD). The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and dis- coveries of the English nation made.... within the com- passe of these 1600 yeeres. With Essay by Professor Walter Raleigh. In 12 volumes. Special edition on hand-made paper. 8° Glasg. 1903-4. HAKLUYT US posthumus. See Purchas. HAMILTON (JANET). .... Poems, essays, and sketches.... 12° Glasg. 1880. HAMILTON (JANET). Poems, sketches and essays. New edition. HASTIE (WILLIAM), PROF. DIV. Theology as science.... 8° Glasg. 1885. 8° Glasg. 1899. HASTIE (WILLIAM). See Jalal al-din. HASTIE (WILLIAM), PROF. DIV. See Kant. HASTIE (WILLIAM). See ROckert. HEDDERWICK (james), LL.D. The villa by the sea : and other poems. 12° Glasg. 1881. 22 HENLEY CwiLLiAM ernest). A century of artists : a memorial of the Glasgow- International Exhibition, 1888. [With historical and biographical notes by William Ernest Henley and descrip- tions of the pictures by Robert Walker.] r Glasff. 1889. -'o* HEUGH (HUGH), D.D. State of religion in Geneva and Belgium. 12° Glasg. 1844. HILLSIDE RHYMES. See Veitch. HODGE PODGE CLUB (the), 1752-1900, compiled from the records of the Club by T. F. Donald. 8° Glasg. 1900. HORATIUS (QUINTUS) FLACCUS. The Odes and Carmen seculare translated into English verse by A. S. Aglen. 8° Glasg. 1896. HOSPITAL REPORTS. See Glasgow. HUNTER (JOHN). See Mather. HUNTER (JOHN), D.D. Hymns of faith and life. Collected and edited by the Rev. John Hunter. 12° Glasg. 1889. HUNTER (JOHN), D.D. Devotional services for public worship.... Fourth edition. 12° Glasg. 1890. HUNTER (JOHN), D.D. Devotional services for public worship.... Fifth edition. 12° Glasg. 1892. HUNTER (JOHN), D.D. Devotional services for public worship. Special edition, abridged. 12° Glasg. 1893. HUNTER (JOHN), D.D. Devotional exercises for public worship.... Sixth edition. 12° Glasg. 1895. 23 HUNTER (JOHN), D.D. Hymns of faith and life, including psalms, canticles and anthems. New edition. 12° Glasg. 1896. HUNTER (JOHN), D.D. See Stannard. HUNTER (WILLIAM). See Mather. HUNTER (WILLIAM). See Teacher. HUNTERTAN coin collection. See Macdonald. 24 JACKS (WILLIAM), LL.D. Robert Biunis in other tongues.. JACKS (WILLIAM), LL.D. The life of Prince Bismarck. 8' Glasg. 1896. 8° Glasff. 1899. JACKS (WILLIAM), LL.D. James Watt. 12° Glasg. 1901. JACKS (WILLIAM), LL.D. Singles from life's gathering. With an introduction by Dean Farrar. 12° Glasg. 1902. JACKS (WILLIAM), LL.D. Singles from life's gathering.... Second edition. 12° Glasg. 1903. JACKS (WILLIAM), LL.D. The life of his Majesty William the second, German Emperor. With a sketch of his Hohenzollern ancestors. 8° Glass. 1904. JACKS (WILLIAM), LL.D. See Lessing. "o* JALAL AL-DiN RUMI, MAULANA. The festival of spring from the Divan of Jelaleddin. Rendered into English gazels after Rllckert's versions.... by William Hastie, D.D. 8° Glasg. 1903. JEBB (sir RICHARD claverhouse), Litt.D. Homer : an introduction to the Iliad and the Odyssey. 8° Glasg. 1887. JEBB (sir RICHARD CLAVERHOUSE), Litt.D. Homer : an introduction to the Iliad and the Odyssey. Fifth edition. 12° Glass. 1894. o JEBB (sir RICHARD claverhouse), Litt.D. See Xenophon. JEFFREY (ROBERT THOMSON), M.D. The salvation of the Gospel : a series of discourses. 8° Glasg. 1890. JEFFPtEY (ROBERT THOMSON), M.D. Visits to Calvary: a series of sacramental meditations. 8° Glasg. 1893. JOHNSTON (ALEXANDER orrock), D.D. .... The call of the master: a sermon.... 12° Glasg. 1888. JOHNSTON (HENRY). See Freeland. JON, -pseud. Dan Daisy: or the lady and the sweep. A roraaunt. 12° Glasg. 1850. JONES (henry), prof, moral philos. Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. 8° Glasg. 1891. JONES (henry), prof, moral philos. Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. Second edition. 8° Glasg. 1892. JONES (henry), prof, moral philos. A critical account of the philosophy of Lotze. The doctrine of thought. 8° Glasg. 1895. JONES (henry), prof, moral philos. Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. Third edition. 8° Glasg. 1896. JONES (henry), prof, moral philos. Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. Fourth edition. 8° Glasg. 1899. 26 JONES (henry), prof, moral phil. See Douglas. JONES'S directory, 1789. A reprint of Jones's [Glasgow] directory .... for the year 1789.... With introduction and notes. 12° Glasg. 1866. 27 KANT (immanuel). Kant's cosmogony.... With introduction, appendices, and a portrait of Thomas Wright of Durham. Edited and translated by W. Hastie, D.D. 8° Glasg. 1900. KELVIN (lord). See Fitzgerald. KELVIN (lord). See Newton's Principia. KENNEDY (john). See Campbell (Alexander), Min. at Greenock. KING (DAVID), LL.D. Memoir of the Rev. David King. By his wife and daughter. Together with some of his sermons. 8° Glasg. 1885. KNIGHT (WILLIAM), prof, moral philos. Memoir of John Nichol. . . 8° Glasg. 1896. KNIGHT (WILLIAM), prof, moral philos. Pro patria et regina, being poems from nineteenth century writers. . . . Issued in aid of Queen Alexandra's fund for soldiers and sailors. Collected and edited by Professor Knight. 12° Glasg. 1901. 28 LAMOND (JOHN), B.D. The book of the parish church of Skelmorlie. 4° Glasg. 1895. LANG (JOHN MARSHALL), PRIN. ABERDEEN UNIV. Glasgow and the barony thereof... 4° Glasg. 1895. LAURIE (HENRY), LL.D. Scottish philosophy in its national develoj)ment. 8° Glasg. 1902. LAWRIE (SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL), B.A., LL.D. Early Scottish charters, prior to A.D. 1153. Collected with notes and an index. 8° Glass:. 1905. ■'o LECK (JANE). Doon lyrics. 8° Glasg. 1894 LECK (JANE). Dotty, and other poems. 12° Glasg. 1880. LECKIE (JOSEPH), D.D. Sermons. 8° Glasg. 1884. LECKIE (JOSEPH), D.D. Sermons. Second edition. 8° Glasg. 1885. LECKIE (JOSEPH), D.D. Life and religion. With biographical sketches. Edited by [J. H. Leckie]. 8' Glasg. 1891. 29 LEEGHMAN (john). Logic : designed as an introduction to the study of reasoning. Third edition, revised.... 12° Glasg. 1847. LEISHMAN (WILLIAM), prof, midwif. A system of midwifery.... 8° Glasg. 1873. LEISHMAN (WILLIAM), prof, midwif. A system of midwifery.... Second edition. 8° Glasg. 1876. LEISHMAN (WILLIAM), prof, midwif. A system of midwifery.... Third edition. 8° Glasg. 1880. LEISHMAN (WILLIAM), prof, midwif. A system of midwifery.... Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1888. LEITCH (JAMES). Practical educationists and their systems of teaching. 12° Glasg. 1876. LESSING (gotthold ephraim). Nathan the wise : a dramatic poem. . . . Translated by William Jacks.... 12° Glasg. 1894. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. 8ce Glasgow. LOVE (JAMES KERR), M.D. Deaf mutism; a clinical and pathological study. With chapters on the education and training of deaf mutes. By W. H. Addison. 8° Glasg. 1896. LYMBURN (jAMEs), librarian. Index of abridged titles of books selected from the general catalogue of the Glasgow University Library. 8° Glasg. 1887. M. (A.). The Bairds of Gartsherrie: some notices of their origin and history. [Compiled hy A.ndre%o M.acgeorge.'] 4° Glasg. 1875. MACCALLUM (mungo w.). Tennyson's Idylls of the King and Arthurian Story from the sixteenth century. 8° Glasg. 1894. M'CLELLAND (james). Journal of a visit to India and the East.... Printed for private circulation. 8° Glasg. 1877. MACCOLL (REV. D.). Among the masses; or, work in the wynds. Cheap edition.... 12° Glasg. 1872. MACCOLL (REV. D.). Disciple life. 12° Glasg. 1872. MACCOLL (dugald Sutherland). Nineteenth century art. [With illustrations from pictures and objects in the Fine art loan collection of the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1901.] With a chapter on early art objects by Sir T. D. Gibson-Carmichael, Bart. 2° Glasg. 1902. MACCUNN (JOHN), PROF. PHILOS. Ethics of citizenship. 8° Glasg. 1894. MACCUNN (JOHN), PROF. OF PHILOS. Ethics of citizenship. [Special edition for .... Home Reading Union.] 12° Glasg. 1895. 31 MACCUNN (JOHN), PROF. OF PHILOS. Ethics of citizenship. Third edition. 12' Glasg. 1896. MACDONALD (george), M.A., LL.D. Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian Collection. University of Glasgow. Vols. I., II. [In j^'^^ogixss.] 4° Glase. 1899-1901. MACELLAR (Robert), f.c. min. at gourock. Memorials of a ministry on the Clyde : being sermons. . . . With a biographical notice by Rev. A. B. Bruce. 8° Glasg. 1876. MACEWEN (ALEXANDER), D.D. Sermons. Edited by his son. With a memoir. 8° Glasg. 1877. M'EWEN (WILLIAM). Report of proceedings at the presentation of portraits of William M'Ewen to the Merchants' House of Glasgow and to his family, on .... 6th Oct., 1885. [With portrait] 8' Glasg. 1885. MACEWEN (sir william), prof, of surgery. Atlas of head sections. Fifty-three .... plates of frozen sections .... and 53 keyplates with descriptive texts. 4° Glasg. 1893. MACEWEN (sir william), prof, of surgery. Pyogenic infective diseases of the brain and spinal cord.,.. 8° Glasg. 1893. MACGEORGE (Andrew). Papers on the principles and real position of the Free Church. 8° Glasg. 1870-77. M'GRIGOR (ALEXANDER BENNETT). Catalogue of books in the library of A. B. M'Grigor of Cairnoch. For private use. 4° Glasg. 1875. [And Second edition. A-Lessons.] 2 vols. 4° Glasg. 1878. 32 M'GRTGOE (ALEXANDER BENNETT), LL.D. How we fared and how we felt in our journey to the East. Being stray leaves from a journal. Private. [With 2 2^lcites.] 4° Glasg. 1882. MACKAY (JOHN yule), M.D. See Cleland. MACKAY (MACINTOSH), LL.D. Memoir of James Ewing of Strathleven. . . . With a series of letters written while on a tour in Italy, Switzerland, etc., etc. 4° Glasg. 1866. MACKAY (WILLIAM MURRAY). In memoriam Rev. W. j\Iurray Mackay, minister of Young Street Free Church, Glasgow. [With portraif] 8° Glasg. 1866. McKECHNIE (william sharp), LL.B. The state and the individual. Au introduction to political science.... 8° Glasg. 1896. McKECHNIE (william sharp), LL.B., D.Phil. Magna carta : a commentary on the great charter of King- John, with an historical introduction. 8° Glasg. 1905. M'KENDRICK (john gray), prof, of physiol Outlines of physiology in its relation to man, 8° Glasg. 1878 'to* M'KENDRICK (john gray), prof, of physiol. A text book of physiology. Including histology by Philipp Stohr, M.D. In two volumes. 8' Glasg. 1888-9. M'KENDRICK (john gray), prof, physiol. Science and faith. 12° Glasg. 1900. M'KENDRICK (john gray), prof, physiol. Horae poeticae, by J. G. M. Private. Printed for friends. 12° Glasg. 1904. c 33 MACKENZIE (john Stewart), prof, of logic. An introduction to social philosophy, 8° Glasg. 1890, MACKENZIE (john Stewart), prof, of logic. An introduction to social philosophy. Second edition, revised and slightly enlarged. 8° Glasg. 1895. MACKINLAY (james Murray), M.A, Poems, 12' Glasg. 1878, MACKINTOSH (robert). Essays towards a new theology. 8° Glasg, 1889. MACKINTOSH (william), D.D, The natural history of the Christian religion..., 8° Glasg. 1894. MACLACHLAN (n.) See Routenburn, MACLEHOSE (james). Memoirs and portraits of one hundred Glasgow men..,. 2 vols. [Edited by James MacLehose.] 4" Glasg, 1886, MACLEHOSE (james). See Glasgow University Press Pamphlets. MACLEHOSE (james and sons). See Glasgow University Press Pamphlets, MACLEHOSE (sophia Harriet). Tales from Spenser chosen from the Faerie queen. [Third edition.] 12° Glasg, 1892. MACLEHOSE (sophia Harriet), Tales from Spenser chosen from the Faerie queene. [Fourth edition.] 12" Glasg, 1894. MACLEHOSE (sophia Harriet). The last days of the French monarchy. 8° Glasg. 1901. 34 MACLEHOSE (sophia Harriet). Tales from Spenser.... Fifth edition. 12° Glasg. 1902. MACLEHOSE (sophia Harriet). From the monarchy to the republic in France, 1788-1702. 8° Glasg. 1U04. MACLEOD (sir george husband baird), prof. surg. The four apostles of surgery.... 8° Glasg. 1877. MACMILLAN (hugh), LL.D. Our Lord's three raisings from the dead. 12° GJasg. 1876. MAN IN the moon, and other Tales, by R. 12° Glasg. 1872. MANUSCRIPTS of books pubijshed by Messrs. maclehose. Caird (Principal). Introduction to Philosophy of Religion. Caird (Principal). Christian Manliness : a Sermon. Smith (J. Guthrie). Part of the Parish of Strathblane. Stoddart (J. H.). The Village Life. Watson (John), LL.D. Kant and his English Critics. MARTYNE (Herbert), 'pseud. for William Tail Ross. Poems. 12° Glasg. 1876. MARTYNE (Herbert). See Ross. MATHER (GEORGE RITCHIE), M.D. Two o-reat Scotsmen, the brothers William and John Hunte". 4° Glasg. 1892. MATHIESON (william law). Politics and religion. A study in Scottish history from the Reformation to the Revolution. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1902. MEDICAL JOURNAL. See Glasgow. 35 MEDITATIONS on the 23rd and 103rd Psalms : printed for .... private circulation. 12° Glasg. 1878. MEMOIRS AND PORTRAITS of ons hundred Glasgow men. See MacLehose (James). MILLER (HUGH). The centenary of Hugh Miller : being an account of the celebration held at Cromarty on 22nd August, 1902. 8° Glasg. 1902. MITCHELL (JOHN Oswald), LL.D. Burns and his times.... 8° Glasg. 1897. MITCHELL (JOHN Oswald), LL.D. See Glasgow Old Country Houses. MOIR (JANE F.). A lady's letters from Central Africa.... With an intro- duction by Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D. 8° Glasg. 1891. MOIR (MRS. ELLEN BEATRICE). In memoriam Ellen Beatrice Moir.... 1875-189.9. [With 2 portraits.] 8° Glasg. 1899. MONRO (THOMAS kirkpatrick), M.D. Raynaud's disease.... 8° Glasg. 1899. MOODS. 12° Glasg. 1881. MORISON (JOSEPH), MIN. AT MILLSEAT, LIFE OF. See FORBES (Alexander Gruar). MORISON (WALTER), D.D. Through the postern : poems. 12° Glasg. 1891. MORTON (JAMES), M.D. The treatment of spina bifida by a new method, 8° Glasg. 1877. 36 MOYES (JOHN), M.D. Medicine and kindred arts in Shakespeare. 8° Glasg. 1S9G. M. (R.). Caw caw : or, the chronicle of crows. A tale of the springtime. By R. M. Illustrated by J. B. [Third edition.] 4° Glasg. 1882. MUDIE (frank), f.c. min. at arbroath. Bible truths and Bible characters. Edited, with bio- graphical notice, by Walter C. Smith. 8° Glasg. 1888. MUIRHEAD (JOHN henry), M.A. M. Tullius Cicero : a chapter introductory to the study of his life and works. 12° Glasg. 1883. MULCASTER (richard). The educational writings of Richard Mulcaster (1532- 1611.) Abridged and rearranged, with critical estimate by James Oliphant. 8° Glasg. 1903. MtJLLER (august), prof, orient, languages. Outlines of Hebrew syntax. Translated and edited by James Robertson, D.D. Third edition. 8° Glasg. 1888. MUNRO (^NEAS), M.D. The science and art of nursing the sick. 8° Glasg. 1873. MURRAY (DAVID), LL.D. Old Cardross : a lecture. 8° Glasg. 1880. MURRAY (DAVID), LL.D. The York Buildings Company : a chapter in Scottish history.... 8° Glasg. 1883. MURRAY (DAVID), LL.D. The law relating to the property of married persons.... 8° Glasg. 1891. 37 MURRAY (DAVID), LL.D. An archaeological survey of the United Kingdom. S'^ Glasg. 1896. MURRAY (DAVID), LL.D. A small brass cup found in the graveyard of the church of St. Clement, Rodil, Harris. With a note on the chalice. 4= Glaso-. 1898. -'»• MURRAY (DAVID), LL.D. Museums : their history and their use. With a biblio- graphy and list of museums in the United Kingdom. 3 vols, 8° Glasg. 1904. MURRAY (GEORGE GILBERT AIMfi), PROF. OF GREEK. Attic sentence construction. 8° Glasg. 1898. MURRAY (MRS. FRANCES). Summer in the Hebrides : sketches in Colonsay and Oronsay. For private circulation. 8° Glasg. 1887. MURRAY (MRS. FRANCES), RENSHAW (mary home, lady). Verses by two sisters. 8° Glasg. 1893. 38 NAPIER (GEORGE glen), M.A. The homes and haunts of Alfred, Lord Tennyson.... Printed for private circulation. 8° Glasg. 1889. NAPIER (GEORGE glen), M.A. The homes and haunts of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poet laureate. 8° Glasg. 1892. NAPIER (GEORGE GLEN), M.A. The homes and haunts of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 8° Glasg. 1897. NAPIER (ROBERT ASSHETON). Manual of navigation. [And Second edition.] 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1877-80. NEILSON (GEORGE), LL.D. The Antonine wall report : being an account of excavations, etc., made under the direction of the Glasgow Archaeo- logical Society during 1890-93. 4° Glasg. 1899. NEILSON (GEORGE), LL.D. Annals of the Solway until A.D. 1307. 4° Glasg. 1899. NEILSON (GEORGE), LL.D. ' Huchown of the Awle Ryale,' the alliterative poet : a historical criticism of.... poems ascribed to Sir Hew of Eglintoun. 8° Glasg. 1902. 39 NEWMAN (DAVID), M.D. Renal cases : a series of selected clinical reports and surgical studies. 8° Glasg. 1899. NEWTON (SIR ISAAC). Principia. Reprinted for Sir William Thomson and Hugh Blackburn, professors in the University of Glasgow. 4° Glasg. 1871. NIGHOL (johnX prof. eng. lit. Hannibal: a historical drama. 12° Glasg. 1873. "»• NICHOL (JOHN), PROF. ENG. LIT. Tables of European literature and history, A.D. 200-1875. 4° Glasg. 1876. NICHOL (JOHN), PROF. ENG. LIT. * Tables of ancient literature and history, B.C. 1500- A.D. 200. ^ 4° Glasg. 1877. NICHOL (JOHN), PROF. ENG. LIT. The death of Themistocles, and other poems. 12° Glasg. 1881. NICHOL (JOHN), PROF. ENG. LIT. Tables of European history..,, and of American history.... Third edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 8° Glasg. 1884. NICHOL (JOHN), PROF. ENG. LIT. Tables of European history, literature, science and art, from A.D. 200 to 1888.... Fourth edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 4° Glasg. 1888. NICHOL (JOHN), PROF. ENG. LIT. See Knight. NICOL (JAMES), CITY CHAMBERLAIN. Vital, social, and economic statistics of .... Glasgow, 1885-1891.... 8° Glasg. 1891. 40 OLD COUNTRY HOUSES. See Glasgow. , OLIPHANT (JAMES), M.A. See Mulcaster (Richard). OLIPHANT (MRS. MARGARET OLIPHANT WILSON). Effie Ogilvie : the story of a young life. In two volumes. 8° Glasg. 1886. 41 PAMPHLETS. See Glasgow University Pamphlets. PATERSON (JAMES), R. S.W. Nithsdale : a series of reproductions in photogravure from water-colour drawings by James Patersou, R.S.W. With accompanying letterpress. 4° Glasg. 1893. PATON (JAMES). Scottish national memorials: a record of the.... collection in the Bishop's castle, Glasgow, 1888. Edited by James Paton.... 2° Glasg. 1890. PATON (JAMES). Scottish history and life. [Edited by James Paton, F.L.S.] 2° Glasg. 1902. PATON (JAMES). See Bell. PATRICK (ROBERT WILLIAM COCHRAN-). Mediaeval Scotland..,. 8° Glasg. 1892. PEARCE (sir WILLIAM), BART. Report of proceedings at the presentation of portraits of Sir William Pearce, Bart., to Lady Pearce and to the Conservative Club, Glasgow, on ... . 18th Feb. 1890. [ With portrait] 8° Glasg. 1890. PENTECOSTAL gift. The Scottish Church Society 42 12° Glasg. 1903. PHILLIMORE (JOHN swinneuton), prof, of greek. Poems. ^° Glasg. 1902. PIPITS (the). See Blackburn (Jane). PLATO The Parmenides of Plato. . . . With introductions, facsimiles and notes [by] William Wardlaw Waddell. 4° Glasg. 1894. PLATO. The Theaetetus of Plato. A translation, with an intro- duction, by S. W. Dyde, D.Sc. 8' Glasg. 1899. PORTER (hayward). See Boileau-Despreaux (Nicolas). PORTER (SEYMOUR TEULON). Lectures on the ecclesiastical system of the Independents.... 12° Glasg. 1856. PORTER (SEYMOUR TEULON). Christian prophecy; or .... lectures on Revelation.... 8° Glasg. 1858. PORTER (SEYMOUR TEULON). The last sermons in a forty-one years' ministry.... 12" Glasg. 1873. PULSEORD (WILLIAM), D.D. Sermons. Preached in Trinity Church, Glasgow. 8'' Glasg. 1873. PURCHAS (SAMUEL), B.D. Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas his pilgrimes con- tayning a history of the world in sea voyages and lande tra veils by Englishmen and others. In 20 volumes. Special edition on hand-made paper. 8° Glas. 1905. 43 QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE. See GLASGOW. 44 R. See Man in the Moon. RALEIGH (WALTER), PROF. ENG. LIT, See Hakluyt. RAMSAY (ANDREW maitland), M.D. Atlas of external diseases of the eye. With 30 full- page coloured plates, and IS full-page photogravures. 4' Glasg. 1898. RAMSAY (ANDREW maitland), M.D. Pharmacopoeia of the Glasgow Roj^al Infirmary Ophthal- mic Institution,... Arranged with notes by A.M. Ramsay. 12° Glasg. 1899. RAMSAY (GEORGE GILBERT), LL.D., PROF. HUM, Latin prose exercises. With passages of graduated diffi- culty for translation into Latin, 12° Glasg. 1884, RANKINE (WILLIAM JOHN macquorn), prof, civil engin. Songs and fables. With illustration by J. B. 12° Glasg. 1874. RANKINE (WILLIAM JOHN macquorn), prof, civil engjn. Songs and fables. With illustrations by J, B, Second edition. 12° Glasg. 1874. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Valete. Tennyson and other memorial poems. 8° Glasg. 1893. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Literary associations of the English lakes, 2 vols, 8° Glasg, 1894. 45 RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). " Sayings of Jesus." Six village serraons on the papyrus fragment.... 12' Glasg. 1897. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Henry Whitehead. 1825-1896. A memorial sketch. 8° Glasg. 1898. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Life and nature at the English lakes. 8° Glasg. 1899. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Memories of the Tennysons. 8° Glasg. 1900. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Ruskin and the English lakes. 8° Glasg. 1901. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Literary associations of the English lakes. [Second edition.] In two volumes. With 15 illustrations. 8° Glasg. 1901. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). A rambler's note-book at the English lakes. 8° Glasg. 1902. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Lake Country sketches. 8° Glasg. 1903. RAWNSLEY (hardwicke drummond). Flower-time in the Oberland. With illustrations from pencil sketches by Edith Rawnsley. 8"" Glasg. 1904. REID (rev. JOHN). See Wardlaw. REMINLSCENCES in connection with the legal profession in Glasgow ; by a member of the Faculty of Procurators. 8° Glasg. 1873. RENSHAW (MARY home, lady). See Murray (Mrs. Francis). 46 ROBERTSON (f. l.). See Routenburn Preparatory School. ROBERTSON (james), prof, orient, languages. See Muller. ROBERTSON (william bruce), D.D. Martin Luther. German student life. Poetry.... 8° Glasff. 1S91. •^o* ROBERTSON (william bruce), D.D. See Brown. ROSS (c. M.). Pinks and cherries. 12° Glasg. 1895. ROSS (JAMES). A history of Congregational Independency in Scotland. 8° Glasg. 1900. ROSS (JOHN M.), LL.D. Scottish history and literature to the period of the Refor- mation. Edited, with biographical sketch, by James Brown, D.D. 8° Glasg. 1884 ROSS (WILLIAM TAIT). Waifs : a handful of essays and sketches. 12° Glasg. 1881. ROSS (WILLIAM TAIT). Poems. New edition. 12° Glasg. 1881. ROSS (WILLIAM TAIT). The fine arts and arts of design ; their origin, nature and influence. With an essay on recreations.... 12° Glasg. 1885. ROSS (WILLIAM TAIT). See Martyne. "O" ROUTENBURN preparatory school. Directory. Second edition. 1892-1903. Compiled by F. L. Robertson and N. Maclachlan. 8° Glaso-. 1903. 47 RUCKERT (friedrich). The vision of God as represented in Rlickert's Fragments. Rendered in English rhyme by W. Hastie, D.D. 4° Glasg. 1898. RULE (ROBERT). The place of the Psalms in public worship, A plea for a revised metrical version. 8° Glasg. 1901. "&• RUSSELL (DAVID), D.D. On the old and new covenants. Second edition, much enlarged. 12° Glasg. 1843. RUSSELL (DAVID), D.D. Infant salvation; or, an attempt to prove that all who die in infancy are saved. Third edition, with additions. 12° Glasg. 1845. 48 SATURDAY and Sunday : thoughts for both. 12° Glasg. 1853. SCHLOMKA (CLEMENS), Ph.D. German grammar. With copious exercises..., 12° Glasg. 1885. SCHLOMKA (CLEMENS), Ph.D. Exercises for translating German into English and English into German.... Second edition. 8° Glasg. 1890. SCHLOMKA (CLEMENS), Ph.D. Exercises for translating German into English and English into German.... New edition. 12° Glasg. 1896. SCHLOMKA (CLEMENS), Ph.D. German grammar.... New edition. 12° Glasg. 1899. SCOTT BANQUET. The Scott banquet, August 9, 1871. Printed for private circulation. 4° Glasg. 1872. SCOTTISH CHURCH SOCIETY. See Pentecostal Gift. SCOTTISH CONGREGATIONAL MAGAZINE. 1841-1850. 10 vols. 8° Glasg. 1841-50. SCOTTISH HISTORICAL review. The Scottish historical review ; being a new series of the Scottish antiquary, established 1886. Vol.1. [Continued.'] 8° Glasg. 1904. SCOTTISH HISTORY and hfe. See Paton (James). D 49 SCOTTISH NATIONAL Memorials. See Paton (James). SHOEBOTHAM (d. k.). Lamentations in Ramah hushed, or the consolations which the Gospel affords to bereaved parents. 12° Glasg. 1843. SMART (WILLIAM), PROF. POLIT. ECON. Taxation of land values and the single tax. 8° Glasg. 1900. SMITH (DAVID NICHOL), M.A. Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. Edited by D. Nichol Smith. 8" Glasg. 1903. SMITH (JOHN g*[jthrie). The parish of Strathblane.... A chapter of Lennox history. 4' Glasg. 1886, SMITH (JOHN GUTHRIE). Strathendrick and its inhabitants from early times. 4° Glasg. 1896. SMITH (JOHN GUTHRIE). See Manuscripts. SMITH (JOHN GUTHRIE). See Glasgow Old Country Houses. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Borland Hall. By the author of Olrig Grange. 12° Glasg. 1874. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Hilda among the broken gods. 12° Glasg. 1878. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Olrig Grange. Edited by Hermann Kunst.... Third edition. 12° Glasg. 1879. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Raban : or, life-splinters, 12° Glasg. 1881. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. North country folk : poems. 12° Glasg. 1883. 50 SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Kildrostan : a dramatic poem. 12° Glasg. 1884. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Thoughts and fancies for Sunday evenings, 12° Glasg. 1887. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Kildrostan. 12° Glasg. 1888. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Olrig Grange. Fourth edition. 12° Glasg. 1888. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. North country folk. 12° Glasg. 1888. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Hilda among the broken gods. Fourth edition. 12° Glasg. 1889. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. A heretic, and other poems. 12° Glasg. 1891. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Selections from the Poems of Walter C. Smith. 8° Glasg. 1893. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. Thoughts and fancies for Sunday evening. New edition. 8° Glasg. 1898. SMITH (WALTER CHALMERS), D.D. See MUDIE. SNELL EXHIBITIONS. See Addison. SPARE MOMENTS. Seventh thousand. 12° Glasg. 1853. SPENS (WALTER COOK), YOUNGER (robert tannahill). Employers and employed.... With appendices and in- dices. 8° Glasg. 1887. SPREULL (JOHN) Miscellaneous writings of John Spreull....With some papers relating to his history, 1646-1722. 8° Glasg. 1882. SI STANLEY (ARTHUR PENRHYN), D.D. The burning bush. Sermon preached.... on March 27, 1879. 8° Glasg. 1879. STANNARD (john turner), min. at huddersfield. The divine humanity, and other sermons. Edited by Rev. John Hunter. 8° Glasg. 1892. STEVEN (JOHN LINDSAY), M.D. Practical pathology.... 12° Glasg. 1887. STEWART (GEORGE) Curiosities of Glasgow citizenship.... 4° Glasg. 1881. STEWART (WALTER), D.Sc. Examples in higher dynamics. 4° Glasg. 1902. STEWART (WILLIAM), PROF. BIBL. CRIT. The plan of St. Luke's Gospel: a critical examination. 8° Glasg. 1873. STODDART (james hastie), LL.D. The village life. 12° Glasg. 1879. STODDART (james h.). See Manuscripts. STORY (ROBERT HERBERT), PRIN. GLASG. UNIV. Creed and conduct : sermons preached in Rosneath church. 8° Glasg. 1878. STORY (ROBERT HERBERT), PRIN. GLASG. UNIV. Creed and conduct : sermons. Popular edition. 8° Glasg. 1883. STRONG (HERBERT AUGUSTUS), LL.D. Specimens of translations from Catullus and Virgil into English verse.... 12° Glasg. 1870. SYME (REBECCA HAMILTON) Verses. Printed for private circulation. 12° Glasg. n.d. 52 TEACHER (JOHN hammond), M.B. Catalogue of the anatomical and pathological preparations of Dr. William Hunter in the Hunterian Museum, Uni- versity of Glasgow.... 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1900. TERRY (C. SANFORD). The Pentland risinsf and the battle of Rullion Green. 1666. ' 12° Glasg. 1905. THOMSON (SIR WILLIAM). See Newton's Principia. T. (M.). Verses. Privately printed. 12° Glasg. 1866-1874. TURNER (BINGHAM DIXON), M.A. Latin syntax rules for use in Kelvinside Academy. 12= Glasg. 1896. 53 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, NEW ZEALAND. Form of divine service adapted .... for use on the steamers of the Union Steam Ship Company, New Zealand, limited. 12° Glasg. 1902. UNIVERSITY OF Glasgow. See Glasgow. 54 VEITCH (JOHN), PROF. OF LOGIC. Hillside rhymes. 12° Glasg. 1872. VEITCH (JOHN), PROF. OF LOGIC. Lucretius and the atomic theory. 8° Glasg. 1875. VEITCH (JOHN), PROF. OF LOGIC. The Tweed, and other poems. 12° Glasg. 1875. VEITCH (JOHN), PROF. OF LOGIC. The history and poetry of the Scottish Border : their main features and relations. 8° Glasg. 1878. 55 WADDELL (peter hately), LL.D. Ossian and the Clyde. Fingal in Ireland. Oscar in Iceland.... 4° Glasg. 1875. WADDELL (WILLIAM wardlaw). Versions and imitations in Greek and Latin. 12° Glasg. 1890. WADDELL (WILLIAM wardlaw). See Plato. WALKER (HUGH), PROF. OF ENGLISH. Three centuries of Scottish literature. 2 vols. 8° Glasg. 1893. WARDLAW (GILBERT), M.A. Experimental evidence a ground for assurance that Chris- tianity is divine. 12° Glasg. 1849. WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D. Lectures on female prostitution.... 8° Glasg. 1842. WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D. Discourses on the nature and extent of the atonement of Christ. Second thousand. 12° Glasg. 1843. WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D. Discourses on the ....atonement of Christ. Fourth thou- sand. 12" Glasg. 1844. WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D. Memoir of the late Rev. John Reid, M.A., of Bellary, East Indies.... 12° Glasg. 1845. 56 WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D. The life of Joseph, and the last years of Jacob.,.. 12° Glasg. 1845. WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D. A dissertation on .... infant baptism. Third edition. With an appendix.... 12° Glasg. 1846. WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D. Congregational Independency.... the church polity of the New Testament. 12° Glasg. 1848. WARDLAW (w.). Brief recollections of Ebenezer Wardlaw .... died 23rd February, 1836, aged ten years. 12° Glasg. 1841. WATSON (CHARLES), D.D. First epistle general of St. John. Notes of lectures. 8° Glasg. 1891. WATSON (JOHN), PROF. MORAL PHILOS. Kant and his Eufflish critics. 8° Glass. 1881. "o* WATSON (JOHN), PROF. MORAL PHILOS. The philosophy of Kant as contained in extracts from his own writings. Selected and translated by John Watson. 8° Glasg. 1888. WATSON (JOHN), PROF. MORAL PHILOS. Hedonistic theories from Aristippus to Spencer. 8° Glasg. 1895. WATSON (JOHN), PROF. MORAL PHILOS. Comte, Mill, and Spencer : an outline of philosophy. 8° Glasg. 1895. WATSON (JOHN), PROF. MORAL PHILOS. Christianity and idealism.... 8° Glasg. 1897. WATSON (JOHN), PROF. MORAL PHILOS. An outline of philosophy.... Second edition. 8° Glasg. 1898. WATSON (JOHN), LL.D. See Manuscripts. WESTERN INFIRMARY. See Glasgow. 57 WHENCE AND WHAT is the church ? A tract for the times. By a Free Church layman. 8° Glasg. 1874. WHITEHEAD (henry). See Rawnsley. WHITELAW (THOMAS), D.D. The Gospel of St. John : an exposition exegetical and homiletical... 8° Glasg. 1888. WIGHT (GEORGE). The Mosaic creation, viewed in the light of modern geology.... 12° Glasg. 1847. WILLIAMS (ALEXANDER MALCOLM), M.A. Our early female novelists, and other essays. 8° Glasg. 1904. WILLIAMSON (JAMES), captain. The Clyde passenger steamer, its rise and progress during the nineteenth century, from the 'Comet' of 1812 to the ' King Edward ' of 1901. 8° Glasg. 1904. WILLIAMSON (ROBERT), D.D. The sacraments; with a special reference to the Eucharist. Privately printed. 8° Glasg. 1879. WOTHERSPOON (henry johnston). The divine service.... A eucharistic office according to forms of the primitive church. 12° Glasg. 1893. 58 XENOPHON. The Anabasis of Xenophon. Book iii. With the modern Greek version of Constantine Bardalachos, and a prefatory- note by R. C. Jebb.... 12° Glasg. 1879. XENOPHON. The Anabasis. Books ill and iv. With the Modern Greek version of Professor Michael Constantiuides, edited with a prefatory note by R. C. Jebb. [New edition.] ir Glasg. 1885. 59 YELLOWLEES (david), M.D. Amicitise memor : being an account of proceedings on 31st January and 9th October, 1902 in honour of David Yellowlees, M.D., LL.D. and Mrs. Yellowlees. Printed for private circulation, 8° Glasg. 1904. YOUNG (DAVID), D.D. [Two sermons preached on occasion of the death of Alex- ander Mace wen, D.D. Imperfect. 12° Glasg. 1875.] YOUNG (JOHN), PROF. NAT. HIST. Essays and addresses. With a memoir [by Dr. Yellowlees]. 8' Glasg. 1904. YOUNG (JAMES), LL.D. See Ferguson (John) YOUNG (WILLIAM), RS.W. The old closes and streets of Glasgow. Engraved by Annan from photographs taken for the City improvement trust. With an introduction by William Young, R.S.W. 4° Glasg. 1900. YOUNGER (ROBERT tannahill). See Spens. 6o APPENDIX 6i JAMES MACLEHOSE & SONS, Publishers and Booksellers to the University of Glasgow. 1838. Business founded on December 24th, 1838, by the late James MacLehose and Robert Nelson, under the style of 'James MacLehose & Robert Nelson,' at 83 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. 1 84 1. Robert Nelson retired, and James MacLehose carried on business in his own name at the same address. 1849. Removed from 83 Buchanan Street to 61 St. Vincent Street. 1862. Appointed Bookseller to the University of Glasgow. 1 87 1. Appointed Publisher to the University of Glasgow. 1881. Robert MacLehose, M.A., and James J. MacLehose, M.A., admitted as partners, and style of business changed to 'James MacLehose & Sons.' 1885. James MacLehose died on December 20th, 1885, in his seventy-fifth year. 1900. Stewart Douglas Jackson admitted as partner. 62 ROBERT MACLEHOSE & COMPANY, PiHnters to the University, 1872. Robert MacLehose (brother of James MacLehose), having already a printing office in Ayr, purchased from the Trustees of the late George Richardson, Printer to the University, his printing business at Glassford Street, Glasgow. 1872. Appointed Printer to the University. 1873. Removed to 153 West Nile Street. 1894. Robert MacLehose retired from business as at December 31st and was succeeded by his nephews, Robert MacLehose, M.A., and James J. MacLehose, M.A., who were appointed Printers to the University, and carried on business under the style of ' Robert MacLehose & Company,' 1904. New works erected on the firm's ground at Foulis Street and Caxton Street, Anniesland, Glasgow, a city office being retained at 128 Renfield Street, Glasgow. The business converted into a private limited company entitled Robert MacLehose & Company Limited with the following Directors : Robert MacLehose, M.A., Managing Director \ James J. MacLehose, M.A., Managing Director ; Edward M'Cash, Arthur C. Auden, A. 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