G;^- -§ MINISTRY OF RECONSTRUCTION. r ?'i A LIST OF COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES SET UP TO DEAL WITH QUESTIONS WHICH WILL AEISE AT THE CLOSE OE THE WAR. ||re0enteli to bot^ ^ovm» of ilarliameitt tu (SoinmattDi of ^i» M^if^ty* 1918. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the foUowing addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W. 1 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Caedifj.^: 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. [Cd. 8916.] 1918. Price 4d. Net. i\ ^■^y A LIST OF COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES SET UP TO DEAL WITH QUESTIONS WHICH WILL ARISE AT THE CLOSE OF THE WAR. [Revised to December 8th, 1917."] CONTENTS. I— TRADE DEVELOPMENT, (a) General. y 1. Commercial and Industrial Policy Committee 2. Dominions Royal Commission 3. Indian Industi-ial Development Commission 4. Belgian Ti-ade Committee 5. Trade Relations after the War Committee - (b) Specific. 6. Committee on the Chemical Trades - - - . . 7. Engineering Trades (New Industries) Committee ... 8. Board of Trade Committee on the Coal Ti-ade - - - 9. ,, „ Electrical Trades 10. „ „ Engineering Trades 11. „ „ Iron and Steel Trades - 12. „ „ Non-ferrous Metal Trades 13. „ „ Shipping and Shipbuilding Industries 14. „ „ TextUe Trades - Page 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 IL— FINANCE. 15. Financial Facilities Committee 16. Enemy Debts Committee ^^ m— RAW MATERIALS. 17. Central Materials Supply Committee ...... 18. Building Materials Supply Committee ...... 19. Committee on Cotton Growing within the Empire .... 20. Indian Cotton Committee - . . . ... .. 21. Committee on Edible and Oil-producing Nuts and Seeds 22. Nitrogen Products Committee ....... IV. -COAL AND POWER. 23. , Coal Conservation Committee ....... Sub-Committees. — 1. Mining Sub-Committee - - ■ . 2. Power Generation and Transmission Sub-Committee 3. Carbonisation Sub- Committee 4. Geological Sub-Committee .... 24. Supply of Electricity Committee ....... 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 v.— INTELLIGENCE. 25. Committee on Colonial Blue Books 26. Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau Committee - 13 14 VL— SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. 27. Fuel Research Board ...... ^^_^28. Cold Storage Research Board - - - - . - Standing Committees : — 29. Standing Committee on Engineering .... 30. „ ,, Metallurgy .... 31. ' „ . ,> Mining . . 32;*' .-'■ ,, -■ ' • /■ • „ Glass and Optical Instniments 33. ' 'Joint Standing Committee on Illuminating Engineering .' . J&eie4A:h C6i^lbl^tiea^ : — ; -34.' '• The- Mine HescvK" Apparatus Research Committee 35. The Abi-asives and Polishing Powders Research Committee . ' — '36. Food Research Committee ..... 37. Building Materials Research Committee 38. Electrical Research Committee .... 39. Vitreous Compounds and Cements Research Committee 40. Tin and Tungsten Research Board .... Inquiry Committees : — 41. The Lubricants and Lubrication Inquiry Committee - 42. The Chemistry of Lubricants Sub-Committee 43. The Zinc and Copper Inquiry Committee 44. The Irish Peat Inquiry Committee .... Provisional Committees on the Organisation of Research Associations : — 45. Provisional Committee for the Cotton Industry 46 „ „ Wool and Worsted Industies - 47. » » Internal Combustion Engine Industry 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 uc. 3 VU.— DEMOBILISATION AND DISPOSAL OF STORES. 48. Demobilisation of the Army Committee - Suh-Commitiee : — • 49. Officefs' Resettlement Sub-Oommittee - 50. Disabled Oificers Employment Committee 51. Wai- Office Demobilisation Committee 52. Demobilisation Co-ordination Committee 53. Civil War Workers' Committee - 54. Horse Demobilization Committee 55. Disposal of War Stores Advisory Board - Vra.— LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT. 56. Committee on the Relations between Employers and Employed 57. Women's Employment Committee .... IX.— AGRICCTLTURE AND FORESTRY. 58. Agiicultural Policy Committee ..... 59. Forestiy Committee ...... 60. Land Settlement Committee ..... 61. Horse-breeding Committee (No. 2) - - - - X.— PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. 62. Machinery of Government Committee .... 63. Local Government Committee . - . - . 64. Committee on the Acquisition of Land for Public Purposes 65. National Registration Committee .... 66. Committee on Road Locomotives and Heavy Motor Cars 67. Dentist's Act Committee - . . . . XL— HOUSING. 68. Local Government Board Conference on Housing - - . . 69. Advisory Housing Panel (Ministry of Reconstruction) .... 70. Committee on Building Bye-Laws ...... 71. Housing (Building Construction) Committee ..... Xn.— EDUCATION. 72. Royal Commission on University Education in Wales - ' . 73. Committee on Adult Education ....... 74. „ Juvenile Education in relation to Employment after the War 75. „ the Teaching of Modem Languages .... 76. „ the Teaching of Science ---... 77. „ Principles determining Salaries of Teachers in Elementary Schools 78. „ „ ' „ „ Secondary Schools 79. Juvenile Organizations Committee ...... XIII.— ALIENS. 80. Aliens Committee ........ 81. Missions in India Committee . XIV.-LEGAL. 82. Committee on the Interpretation of the Tei-m " Period of the War " 83. War Office Emergency Legislation Committee - - - - . 84. Committee on Pre- War Contracts ...... PAaa - 20 20 aO 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 36 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 XV.— MISCELLANEOUS. 85. Ministry of Munitions Committee on Reconstraction and Demobilisation 86. Empire Settlement Committee ...... 87. Civil Aerial Transport Committee ..... 33 33 34 a (33)50J4(4544a) Wt 17412—566 3000 2/18 E i S A 2 39002a V • v^i A LIST OF COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES SET UP TO DEAL WITH QUESTIONS WHICH WILL ARISE AT THE CLOSE OF THE WAR. I. — ^DEVELOPMENT OF TEIADE. (a) General. 1. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL POLICY COMMITTEE. (The Prime Minister.) The Lord Balfour of Burleigh, K.T., G.C.M.G. (Chairman). Mr. Arthur Balfour. Sir Gerard A. Muntz, Bart. Sir H. Birchenough, ICC.M.G. Mr. Adam Nimmo. Sir Alfred Booth, Bart. Mr. John O'Neill. The Lord Colwyn. The Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons, K.C.B., F.R.S. The Lord Faringdon. Sir William Pearce, M.P. Mr. H. Gosling, C.H. Mr. Arthur Pease. Mr. Richard Hazleton, M.P. Sir William Priestley, M.P. 3ir Charles Henry, Bart., M.P Mr. J. A. Roxburgh. Sir Clarendon Golding Hyde. Mr. G. Scoby-Smith. Sir William McCormick. Sir A. Williamson, Bart., M.P. Sir Alexander McDowell, G.B.E. Mr. Percy Ashley, Board of Trade 1 o . • Mr. G. C. Upcott, Treasury / Seeretarus. Terms of Jteference. To consider the commercial and industrial policy to be adopted after the war, with special reference to the conclusions reached at the Economic Conference of the Allies, and to the following questions : — (a) What industries are essential to the future safety of the nation, and what steps should be taken to maintain or establish them ? (6; What steps should be taken to recover home and foreign trade lost during the war, . and to secure new markets ? (e) To what extent and by what means the resources of the Empire should and can be developed ? {d) To what extent and by what means the sources of supply within the Empire can be prevented from falling under foreign control ? Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. The foUoAving interim report has been presented to Parliament : — Imperial Preference [Cd. 8482]. The Committee has presented its final report to the Prime Minister. 2. DOMINIONS ROYAL COMMISSION. United Kikgdom. Lord d'Abernon, K.C.M.G. {Chainman). Sir H. Rider Haggard, Norfolk. Mr. J. Tatlow, Ireland. Mr. T. Garnett, Lancashire. Sir A. E. Bateman, K.C.M.G., London. Sir W. Lorimer, Scotland. Canada.— The Right Hon. Sir G. E. Foster, K.C.M.G. Nkw Zealand.— Mr. J. R. Sinclair. Union of South Africa. — Sir J. W. S. Langerman. Newfoundland. — The Hon. Sir E. R. Bowring. Mr. E. J. Harding, Colonial Office (Seeretary). Terms of Reference. To inquire and report upon — (a) The natural resources of the five self-governing Dominions, and the best means of developing these resources ; (b) The trade of these parts of the Empire with the United Kingdom, each other, and the rest of the world ; (c) Their requirements and those of the United Kingdom in the matter of food and raw materials, together with the available sources of supply ; 5 • and to make recommendations and suggest methods consistent with existing fiscal policy, by which the trade of each of the self-governing dominions with the others and with the United Kingdom could be improved and extended. The following reports have been presented to Parliament : — First Interim Report [Cd. 6515]. • Fourth Interim Report [Cd. 7711]. Second „ [Cd. 7210]. Fifth „ [Cd. 8437]. Third „ [Cd. 7505]. Final „ [Cd. 8462]. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION. (Government of India.) Sir T. H. Holland, K.C.I.E., D.Sc, F.R.S., A.M.LC.E., A.C.G.I., Director of Industries and Commerce in Mysore (President). The Hon. Sir Fazulbhoy Currimhhoy Ebraliim, Kt., Messrs. Currimbhoy, Ebrahim and Company, Bomba3^ Mr. Edward Hopkinson, M.A., D.Sc, Managing Director, Mather and Piatt, Manchester, and Deputy Chairman, Chloride Electric Company. The Hon. Pandid Madan Mohan Malaviya, B.A,, LL.B., of Allahabad. Sir Rajendra Nath Mukerji, K,C.I.E., Messrs. Martin & Co., Calcutta. The Hon. Mr. F. H. Stewart, CLE., President, Bengal Chamber of Commerce. Sir Dorabji Jamsetji Tata, Kt., J.P. ; Messrs. Tata, Sons & Co., Bombay. Mr. R. D. Bell, I.C.S. [Secretary). Terms of Reference. To examine and report upon the possibilities of further industrial development in India, and to submit its recommendations with special reference to the following questions : — (a) Whether new openings for tlie profitable employment of Indian capital in commerce and industry can be indicated. (6) Whether and, if so, in wliat manner, Government can usefully give direct encourage- ment to industrial development — (i) by rendering technical advice m.ore freely available ; (ii) by the demonstration of the practical possibility on a commercial scale of particular industries ; (iii) by afEordiug, directly or indirectly, financial assistance to industrial enterprises ; or (iv) by any other means which are not incompatible with the existing fiscal policy of the Government of India. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Commerce and Industry Department, Government of India. 4. BELGIAN TRADE COMMITTEE. (Foreign Office and Board of Trade.) Sir Cecil Hertslet {Chairman). Mr. Percy Ashley. Mr. R. Macleay. Sir W. H. Clark. K.C.S.I., C.M.G. Mr. E. Fitzjohn Oldham. Mr. H. M. Cleminson. Mr. Frank Potter. The Lord Faringdon. Sir R. Vassar Smith, Bart. STr Algernon F. Firth, Bart. Sir E. Wjddbore-Smith. Mr. M. Neville Kearney {Secretary). Terms of Reference. 1. To enquire into all matters relative to trade between the British Empire and Belgium, with a view to increasing and developing that trade by every desirable means. 2. To investigate, as far as possible, all means to be adopted in order to attain the object set oiit in paragraph 1. The Committee will examine into the supplies and requirements of the respective countries (in so far as they have relation to its scope), and give advice as to how trade between them can be best established, developed and increased. It will obtain informa- tion and evidence from all available sources, and endeavour to render all possible assistance in regard to sliipping, maniifactures, imports and exports, and trade generally between the Empire and Kingdom. ?). Tlie Committee wiU consist of three representatives appointed by the Foreign Office, and three representatives appointed by the Board of Trade. A Chairman and Secretary will be chosen from their number. The Committee shall have power to add to its numbers by the appointment of such persons of experience in the matters witli whicli it has to deal as it may think expedient, and it will also consult from time to time other representatives of commerce having special knowledge of Belgian trade, sliipping and finance. A 3 G 4. It is particularly laid down that the purpose of this Committee shall be a general one, and that it shall not be part of its duties to foster the advancement of the trade of any particular individual or firm nor to devote its assistance to any special branch of trade or industry except in relation to the general principles for which it is established. Communications should be addressed to the Secretaiy, 39, Parliament Street, S.W.I. TRADE RELATIONS AFTER THE WAR COMMITTEE. (Board of Trade.) The Right Hon. F. H. Jackson {Chairman). Professor Sir W. J. Ashley. Sir Alfred Booth, Bart. Mr. S. Baldwin, M.P. Mr. E. T. Broadhurst. Mr. H. Withers (Secretary). Terms of Beference. To investigate the general questions of trade relations after the war, with a view to the successful promotion of British trade, and also with the object of devising measures for the prevention of the effective resumption of Germany's policy of peaceful penetration. . The Committee has presented its report. (b) Specific. 6. COMMITTEE ON THE CHEMICAL TRADES. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) Sir Keith W. Price {Chairman). Mr. Jolin Anderson. Sir William Pearce, M.P. Mr. J. F. Brunner, M.P. Mr. K. B. Quinan, C.H. Mr. Charles Carpenter, D.Sc, M.T.C.E. The Right Hon. J. H. Wilson, M.P. Professor J. G. Lawn. Mr. G. C. Smallwood, Ministry of Munitions {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To advise as to the procedure which should be adopted for dealing with the position of the chemical trades after the war, with a view to the creation of some organisation which should be adequately representative of the trade as a whole, and by means of which the trade may be enabled hereafter to continue to develop its own resources, and to enlist the closest co-operation of all those engaged in the chemical industry. The report of the Committee has been presented to Parliament [Cd. 8882]. ENGINEERING TRADES (NEW INDUSTRIES) COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Hon. H. D. McLaren {Chairman). Mr. C. Bennion. Mr. P. J. Pybus. Sir George BuUough, Bart. Mr. Percy K. Stothert. Mr. F. H. Crittall. Mr. J. Taylor. Mr. R. Dumas. Mr. W. Thorn. Provost W. B. Lang. Mr. Rowan Thompson. Mr. C. A. Lister. Mr. T. L. Matthews, Ministry of Munitions {Secretary). In connection with this Committee a Labour Advisory Panel is being constituted, consisting of representatives of skilled, semi-skiUed and unskilled workers, and of women. Terms of Reference. To compile a list of the articles suitable for manufacture by those with engineering trade experience or plant, which were either not made in the United Kingdom before the war, but were imported, or were made in the United Kingdom in small or insufficient quantities, and for which there is likely to be a considerable demand after the war, classified as to whether they are capable of being made by — (1) Women ; (2) Men and women ; (3) Skilled men ; and setting out the industries to which such new manufactures would most suitably be attached ;. and to make recommendations : — (a) On the establishment and development of such industries by the transfer of labour, machines, and otherwise. (h) As to how such a transfer could be made, and what organisation would be requisite for the purpose, with due regard to securing the co-operation of labour. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Room 114, Armament Buildings, Whitehall Place, S.W.I. 8. BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE ON THE COAL TRADE. Mr. Adam Nimmo (Chairman). Air. A. E. Bowen. Mr. A. F. Pease. Mr. Newton Dunn. Sir Daniel M. Stevenson, Bart. Mr. F. J. Jones. Mr. R. Warham. Mr. J. U. Smith, Board of Trade (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the position of the coal trade after the war, with special reference to international competition, and to report what measures, if any, are necessary or desirable to safeguard that position. ■ The Committee has presented its report. 9. BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE ON THE ELECTRICAL TRADES. The Hon. Sir Charles A. Parsons, K.C.B., F.R.S. (Chairman). Mr. J. Annan Bryce, M.P. Mr. B. M. Drake. Mr. T. 0. Callander. . Sir John Snell. Mr. James Devonshire. Mr. J. F. Ronca, Board of Trade (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the position of the electrical trades after the war with especial relation to international competition, and to report what measures, if any, are necessary or desirable to safeguard that position. The Conunittee has presented its report. 10. BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE ON THE ENGINEERING TRADES. Sir Clarendon Golding Hyde (Chairman). Mr. Arthur Balfour. Sir Hallewell Rogers. Mr. A. J. Hobson. Mr. H. B. Rowell. Mr. W. B. Lang. Mr. Douglas Vickers. Mr. A. F. Ilsley (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the position of the engineering trades after the war, especially in relation to international competition, and to report what measures, if any, are necessary or desirable in order to safeguard that position. The Committee has presented its report. 11. BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE ON THE IRON AND STEEL TRADES. Mr. G. Scoby-Smith (Chairman). Sir Hugh Bell, Bart. Mr. John King. Mr. John E. Davison. Mr. G. M. Ritchie. Mr. James Gavin. Mr. Henry Summers. The Right Hon. John Hodge, M.P. Mr. Benjamin Talbot. Mr. C. R. Woods, Board of Trade (Secretary). A i 8 Terms of Reference. To consider the position of the iron and steel trades after the war, especially in relation to international competition, anil to report what measures, if any, are necessary or desirable to safeguard that position. The Committee has presented its report. 12. . BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE ON THE NON-FERROUS METAL TRADES. Sir Gerard A. Muntz, Bart. {Chaiiinan). Mr. C. L. Budd. Lieut.-Colonel A. J. Foster. Mr. Clive Cookson. Mr. A. W. Tait. Sir Charles W. Fielding, K.B.E. Mr. A. H. Wiggin, J.P. Mr. J. F. Ronca, Board of Trade {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the position after the war, especially in relation to international competition, of the lead, copper, tin and such other non-ferrous metal trades as may be referred to the Committee, and to report what measures, if anj;, are necessaiy or desirable in order to safe- guard that position. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at 7, Whitehall Gai-dens, S.W.I. 13. BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE ON THE SHIPPING AND SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRIES. Sir Alfred Booth, Bart. {Chairman). Professor W. S. Abell. Mr. Summers Hunter. Mr. James Brown. Mr. James Readhead. Sir. George S. Clark, Bart. Mr. J. A. Roxburgh. Sir Ai'chibald Dennj-, Bart. Mr. Oswald Sanderson. Captain H. B. Hooper. Ml'. E. H. S. Marker, Board of Trade {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the position of the shipping and shipbuildmg industries after the war, especially in relation to international competition, and to report what measures, if any, are necessary or desirable in order to safeguard that position. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. 14. BOARD OF TRADE COMMTTEE ON THE TEXTILE TRADES. Sir H. Birchenough, K.C.M.G. {Chairman). Sir F. Forbes Adam, Bart., CLE. Mr. E. H. Langdon. Mr. James Beattie. Mr. J. W. McConnel. Mr. T. Craig Brown. Mr. H. Norman Rae. The Lord Colwyn. Mr. C. Thomas Smith. Mr. E. B. Fielden. Mr. T. C. Taylor, M.P. Mr. J. W. Hill. The Right Hon. Robert Thompson, M.P. Mr. J. H. Kaye. Mr. Frank Warner. Mr. T. M. Ainscough, Board of Trade {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the position of the textile trades after the war, with special reference tc international competition, and to report what measures, if any, are necessary or desirable tc safeguard that position. The Committee has presented its report. 9 n.— FINANCE. 15. FINANCIAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE. (Treasury and Ministry of Reconstruction.) Sir R. Vassar-Smitli, Bart {Chairman). Mr. E. Brocklelmrst Fielden. Mr. F. C. D. Goodenougli. Sir John Bradbury, K.C.B. Sir Alex. McDowell, G.B.E. ]\Ir. A. E. L. Chorlton. Sir Alex. Roger. Sir Algernon Firth, Bart. Mr. A. W. Tait. Mr. Robert Fleming. Mr. John Sampson. Mr. A. C. D. Gairdner. Mr. R. C. Small wood (Secretary). Terms of Reference, To consider and report whether the normal arrangements for the provision of financial facilities for trade by means of existing banking and other financial institutions will be adequate to meet the needs of British industry during the period . immediately following the termination of the war, and, if not, by what emergency arrangements they should be supplemented, regard being had in particular to the special assistance which may be necessary : — (a) to facilitate tlie conversion of Avorks and factories now engaged upon war work to normal production ; (6) to meet the exceptional demands for raw materials arising from the depletion of stocks. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, S.W.I. 16. ENEMY DEBTS COMMITTEE. (Foreign Office.) Sir Henry Babington Smith, K.C.B., C.S.I. (Chairman). Sir Brien Cokayne, K.B.E. ' The Right Hon. Sir Donald Maclean, K.B.E., M.P. Sir xilgernon F. Firth, Bart. The Hon. M. M. Macnaghten. Mr. C. J. B. Hurst, C.B., K.C. Sir WiUiam Blender. Mr. Walter Leaf. Mr. C. J. Stewart. Mr. M. F. Levey. Mr. H. Mead Taylor (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To report on the arrangements to be adopted for the liquidation of the commercial, banking, and other financial transactions between British and enemy persons, the completion of which was prevented by the outbreak of war, and for this pvirpose to consider the returns made to the Ciistodians of Enemy Property, and to the Public Trustee and the Foreign Claims Office, and any information on matters relating thereto. Communications should be sent to Gwydyr House, Whitehall, London^ S.W.I. m.— RAW MATERIALS. 17. CENTRAL COMJ^HTTEE ON MATERIALS SUPPLY. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) Sir Clarendon Hyde (Chairman). Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, Bart., M.P. (V ice-Chairman). Sir Henry Birchenough, K.C.M.G. Sir H. Babington Smith, K.C.B. Mr. Cecil Budd. Mr. Wallace Thomeycroft. Sir Charles Fielding, K.B.E. Mr. Andrew Weir. Mr. J. F. Ronca (Secretary). a 5024 10 Terms of Beference. To consider and report upon : — • 1. The nature and amount of the supplies of materials and foodstuffs which, in their opinion, will be required by the United Kingdom during the period which will elapse between the termination of the war and the restoration of a normal condition of trade. 2. The probable requirements of India, the Dominions and Crown Colonies for such supplies at the close of hostilities. 3. The probable requirement of belligerents and neutrals for such supplies at the close of hostilities. 4. The sources from which, and the conditions under which, such supplies can be obtained and transported, and, in particular, the extent to which they might be obtained from the United Kingdom or within the Empire or from Allied or Neutral countries. 5. The question whether any measure of control will require to be exercised in regard to the natvire and extent of any such control. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Reconstruction, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, R.W.I. 18. COMMITTEE ON THE SUPPLY OF BUILDING MATERULS. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) Mr. J. P. Carmichael {Chairman). Mr. A. Shirley Benn, M.P. Mr. J. Walker Smith. Sir M. Bonham Carter, K.C.B. Mr. J. Storrs. Mr. C. B. Broad. Sir J. Tudor Waltere, M.P. Mr. W. J. Jones. Captain B. M. Cutbush (Seeretanj). Terms of Reference. 1. To inquire into the extent of the probable demand for building material for all purposes which wiU arise in this country during the transition period, and the extent of the available supply and form of such material. 2. To inquire how far tlie quantities of material now available are capable of increase, what are the difficulties in increasing them and how these difficulties can be removed, and to report to what extent an increase in production will affect the price of the materials. 3. In the event of the supply of material or labour being insufficient to fulfJ the total building demand, to consider the principles and method by which the priority of various claims should be settled ; and to report what steps are necessary to ensure that the manu- facture of the materials, so far as they are at present inadequate, shall be extended in time to. secure sufficient quantities for use when required on the cessation of hostilities, and to recommend what steps should be taken during the war to facilitate a prompt commencement of building work at that time. 4. Generally, to consider and report upon any conditions affecting ihe building trades which tend to cause unduly high prices, and to make recommendations in regard to any measure of control which it may be desirable to exercise over the purchase, production, transport or distribution of materials. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 6a, Deans Yard, Westminster, S.W.I. 19. COMMITTEE ON COTTON GROWING WITHIN THE EMPIRE. (Board of Trade.) Sir Henry Birchenough, K.C.M.G. (Chaii'man). Mr. J. S. Addison. Sir Ronald Graham, K.C.M.G., C.B. Mr. W. C. Bottomley. Mr. J. A. Hutton. Dr. W. L. Balls. Mr. R. H. Jackson. Mr. P. BuUough. Mr. L. J. Kershaw, CLE. Air. D. T. Chadwick. Mr. J. W. McConnel. Mr. C. du P. Chiappini. Mr. W. Mullin. Mr. Joseph Cross. Mr. C. M. Wolstenholme. The Right Hon. Andrew Fisher. Professor J. A. Todd {Secretary). 11 Terms of Reference. To investigate the best means of developing the growing of cotton within the Empire and to advise the Government as to the necessary measures to be taken for this purpose. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. 20. INDIAN COTTON COMmTTEE. (Government of India.) Mr. J. MacKenna, CLE. Mr. G. S. Henderson. Mr. F. Hodgkinson. Mr. W. Roberts. Mr. N. N. Wadia. Mr. H. F. Ashton. Mr. F. Noyce, I.C.S. {Secretary). Terms of Reference. (i) To consider the work that has already been done towards the establishment of long stapled cottons, (ii) To determine the measure of success acliieved, or in the case of failure the reasons thereof, whether these are due to agricultural or economic causes or to administrative difficulties, (iii) To carry out a detailed studj' of local conditions in each cotton growing tract and to enquire into the methods of ginning and marketing. (iv) To consider the possibility of developing long stapled cottons in India if sufficient funds and staff are devoted solely to that object and to submit recommendations as to the staff required and the organisation necessary. CoDMnunications should be addressed to the Secretary, Revenue and Agriculture Depart- ment, Government of India. 21. COMMITTEE ON EDIBLE AND OIL-PRODUCING NUTS AND SEEDS. (Colonial Office.) Sir A. D. Steel-Maitland, Bart., M.P. {Chairman). Sir G. V. Fiddes, K.C.M.G. Mr. G. A. Moore. Sir Hugh Clifford, K.C.M.G. Sir Owen Phillips, K.C.M.G., M.P. Mr. L. Couper. Mr. T. Walkden. Professor Wyndham R. Dunstan, C.M.G., F.R.S. Sir W. G. Watson, Bart. Mr. C. C. Knowles. Mr. T. Wiles, M.P. Sir Frederick Lugard, G.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O. Mr. T. Worthington. Mr. T. H. Middleton, C.B. Mr. J. E. W. Flood {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider and report upon the present condition and the prospects of the West African trade in palm kernels and other edible and oil-producing nuts and seeds, and to make recommendations for the promotion in the United Kingdom of the industries dependent thereon. The report of the Committee has been presented to Parliament [Cd. 8248]. 22. NITROGEN PRODUCTS COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Munitions.) Colonel H. E. Goold-Adams, C.B., C.M.G., R.A. {Chairman). Mr. G. S. Albright, M.A. Mr. W. R. Bousfield, K.C., M.A., F.R.S. Mr. Charles C. Carpenter, D.Sc, M.Inst.C.E. Mr. Kenneth M. Chance, M.A. Professor J. Norman Collie, Ph.D., D.Sc, LL.D., F.R.S. Mr. W. R. Cooper, M.A., B.Sc. Lieut.-Colonel A. W. Crossley, D.Sc, F.C.S., F.R.S. Sir James Dobbie, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc, F.R.S. Professor E. G. Donnan, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. B 3 12 Sir Arthur Ducktam, K.C.B. Mr. R. C. Farmer, D.Sc. Mr. F. Gossling, B.Sc. Mr. J. A. Harker, D.Sc, F.R.S. Professor A. K. Huntington, A.R.S.M., M.I.Min.E. Mr. F. H. Jones, M.Inst.C.E. Mr. C. H. Merz, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. The Right Hon. Lord Moulton of Bank, G.B.C., K.C.B., M.A., LL.D., F.R S Mr. J. H Rider, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Mr. E. J. Russell, D.Sc, F.R.S. Sir John F. C. SneU, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Professor the Hon. R. J. Strutt, M.A., F.R.S. Sir R. ThrelfaU, K.B.E., M.A., F.R.S. Mr. A. J. Walter, K.C., M.A., LL.B. Mr. R. T. G. French (Secretary). Terms of Reference. (1) To consider the relative advantages for this country and for the Empire of the various methods for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen from the point of view both of war and peace purposes, to ascertain their relative costs, and to advise on proposals relevant thereto which may be submitted to the department. (2) To examine into the supply of the raw materials required, e.g., pure nitrogen and hydrogen, and into the utilisation of the by-products obtained. (3) Since some of the processes employed depend for their success on the provision of large supplies of cheap power, to ascertain where and how this can best be obtained. (4) To consider what steps can with advantage be taken to conserve and increase the national resources of nitrogen-bearing compounds and to limit their wastage. (5) To carry out the experimental work necessary to arrive at definite conclusions as to the practicability and efficiency of such processes as may appear to the Committee to be of value. (6) As a result of the foregoing steps, to advise as to starting operations on an industrial scale. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Munitions Inventions Department Princes Street, S.W.I. IV.— COAL AND POWER. 23. COAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Viscount Haldane of Cloan, O.M., K.T. (Chairman). Sir George Beilby, F.R.S. Mr. Charles H. Merz. Professor W. A. Bone, F.R.S. Mr. Adam Nimmo. Mr. W. Forster Brown. Sir R. A. S. Redmayne, K.C.B., Home Office. Mr. Guy Calthrop, Mr. C. E. Rhodes. Dr. Charles Carpenter. Mr. Robert Smillie. Mr. Arthur Cooper. Mr. Charles P. Sparks. Dr. J. S. Haldane, F.R.S. Dr. A. Strahan, F.R.S., Geological Survey. Mr. J. Kemp. Mr. Benjamin Talbot. Mr. A. D. McNair, Board of Trade, ^ Mr. R. W. Stanners, Dejjartment of Scientific \ (Secretaries) . and Industrial Research, ) Terms of Reference. To consider and advise — (1) What improvements can be effected in the present methods of mining coal with a view to prevent loss of coal in working and to minimise cost of production. (2) What improvements can be effected in the present methods of using coal for production of power, light, and heat, and of recovering by-products with a view to ensure tlie greatest possible economy in production and the most advantageous use of the coal substance. (3) Whether, with a view to our maintaining our industrial and commercial position, it is desirable that any steps should be taken in the near future, and if so, what steps, to secure the development of new coalfields or extensions of coalfields already being worked. Communications should be addressed to Mr. R. W. Stanners, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 13 Sub-Committees. Mining Sub-Committee.— Mr. A. Nimmo (Chairman). Power Generation and Transmission Sub-Committee, — Mr. Charles Merz (Chairman). • Carbonisation Sub-Committ"ee. — Sir George Beilby (Chairman). Terrns of Reference. The question of the application of carbonisation to the preparation of fuel for industrial and commercial purposes. Geological Sub-Committee. — Dr. A. Strahan (Chairman). The report of the Committee on Electric Power Supply has been presented to Parliament [Cd. 8880]. 24. COMMITTEE ON SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY. (Board of Trade.) Sir Archibald Williamson, Bart., M.P. (Chairman). Mr. H. Booth. Mr. H. H. Law, C.B. Mr. J. F. Crowley. . Mr. C. H. Merz. Mr. James Devonsliire. The Hon. Sir Charles A. Parsons, K.C.B., Mr. Harold Dickinson. F.R.S. Mr. J. Falconer, M.P. Mr. W. B. Smith. Mr. G. H. Hume. Sir John Snell. Mr. John Kemp. Mr. C. F. Spencer. Mr. E. F. Vesey Knox, K.C. Mr. A. J. Walter, K.C. Mr. M. J. Collins (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider and report what steps should be taken, whether by legislation or otherwise, to ensure that there shall be an adequate and economical supply of electric power for all classes of consumers in the United Kingdom, particularly industries which depend upon a cheap supply of power for their development. Communications sliould be addressed to the Secretary, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. v.— INTELLIGENCE. 25. COMMITTEE ON COLONIAL BLUE BOOKS. (Colonial Office.) Sir A. D. Steel-Maitland, M.P. (Chairman). Mr. F. G. A. Butler, C.B., C.M.G. Sir William Mercer, K.C.M.G. Mr. W. J. Glenny. Mr. E. Fitzjohn Oldham. Mr. G. E. A. Grindle, C.M.G. Mr. W. H. Shelford. Mr. T. C. Macnaghten. Mr. C. B. L. Tennyson, C.M.G. Mr, A. J. Harding (Secretary). Terms of Reference. 1. To consider the recent correspondence with Sir W. Clark of the Commercial Intelligence Department arising out of enquiries from certain Ptiblic Bodies, and to report to what extent Blue Books and Blue Book Reports meet existing requirements, and whether any steps can be taken to improve or supplement them or make them more accessible. 2. To consider whether any steps should be taken in this country to furnish the Colonies, &c., with any kind of quid pro quo for their Blue Book Reports. Conununications should be addressed to the Secretarj', Colonial Office, Downing Street, S.W.I. B 3 14 26. IMPERIAL MINERAL RESOURCES BUREAU COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Munitions.) • ' Sir James Stevenson, Bart. (Chairman). Mr. C. L. Budd. Sir T. Mackenzie K.C.M.G. Sir A. Duckham, K.O.B. Hon. Sir G. H. Parley, K.C.M.G. Professor W. R. Dunstan, C.M.G. Mr. W. S. Robinson. Sir C. W. Fielding, K.B.E. The Right Hon. W. P. Schreiner, O.M.G., Mr. J. F. N. Green. K.C. The Right Hon. Lord Islington, G.C.M.G. Dr. A. Strahan, F.R.S. Mr. L. J. Kershaw, CLE. Mr. Oswald C* Allen (Secretary). Terms of Beference. To prepare a scheme for the establishment in London of an Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau — (a) To collect information in regard to the mineral resources and metal requirements of the Empire ; and (h) To advise what action, if any, may appear desirable to enable such resources to be developed and made available to meet requirements. The Committee has presented its report. VI.— SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. (15, Great George Street, Westminster, S.W.I.) 27. Fuel Research Board. Sir George T. Beilby, F.R.S. (Director). The Hon. Sir Charles A. Parsons, K.C.B., Sir Richard Redmayne, K.C.B. F.R.S. Sir R. Threlfall, K.B.E., F.R.S. Mr. R. W. Stanners (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To investigate the nature, preparation and utilisation of fuel of all kinds, both in the laboratory and, where necessary, on an industrial scale. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 28. Cold Storage Research Board. Mr. W. B. Hardy, F.R.S. (Director). Sir Kenneth Anderson, K.C.M.G. Professor T. B. Wood. Dr. W. M. Fletcher, F.R.S. Appointed to organise and control research into problems of the preservation of food products by cold storage and otherwise. Communications should be addressed to Tlie Director, Cold Storage Researcli Board, The Royal Society, Burlington House, W.l, 15 Standing Committees. 29. Standing Committee on Engineering. Sir Dugald Clerk, K.B.E., F.R.S. (Chairman). Mr. James Brown. Mi-. C. H. Merz. Mr. F. R. Davenport. Sir Vincent L. Raven, K.B.E. Sir Archibald Denny, Bt., LL.D. Mr. A. A. Remington. Sir John Purser Griffith, M.A.I., M.Inst. Mr. Herbert Rowell. C.E. Mr. Alfred Saxon. Sir Alfred Herbert, K.B.E. Professor G. Gerald Stoney, F.R.S. Mr. J. S. Highfield. Mr. Douglas Vickers. Major Bertram Hopkinson, C.M.G., F.R.S. Professor Miles Walker. Mr. A. S. Barnes (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To advise the Council on researches relating to engineering, and on such matters as may be referred to the Committee l:)y the Advisory Council. Communications should be addi-essed to the Secretary, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 30. Standing Committee on Metallurgy. Sir Gerard Muntz, Bart. (Chairman of Committee, and Chairman of Non-ferrous Section). Sir Robert Hadfield, Bt., D.Sc, D.Met., F.R.S. (Chairman of Ferrous Section). Professor J. 0. Arnold, D.Met., F.R.S. Professor A. K. Huntington. Mr. Arthur Balfour. Mr. W. Murray Morrison. Sir William Beardmore, Bt Mr. George Ritchie. Professor H. C. H. Carpenter, Ph.D. Mr, J. E. Stead, D.Met., D.Sc, F.R.S. Mr. C. H. Desch, D.Sc, Ph.D. Mi'. H. L. Sulman. Mr. F. W. Harbord, C.B.E. Mr. F. Tomlinson. Mr. -J. Rossiter Hoyle. Mr. A. S. Barnes (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To advise the Council on researches relating to metallurgy, and on such matters as may be referred to the Committee by the Advisory Council. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 31. Standing Committee on Mining. Sir William Garforth, LL.D. (Chairman, and Chairman of Section on the Mining of Iron, Coat and Hydrocarbons). Mr. Edgar Taylor (Chairman of Section on the Mining of Minerals other than Iron, Goal and Hydrocarbons). Sir Hugh Bell, Bt., D.C.L., LL.D. Lieut.-Colonel W. C. Blackett. .Mr. Hugh Bramwell. Professor J. Cadman, C.M.G., D.Sc Mr. W. Gascoigne Dalziel. Professor W. Frecheville. Mr. John Haldane, M.D., F.R.S., LL.D. Mr. Edward Hooper. Professor H. Louis, D.Sc, F.I.C. Mr. Hugh F. Marriott. Mr. R. T. Moore, D.Sc. Sir Boverton Redwood, Bt., D.Sc. Mr. C. E. Rhodes. Mr. Wallace Thorneycroft. Mr. A. S. Bai-nes {Secretary). . Terms of ^Reference. To advise the Council on researches relating to Mining, and on such matters as may be referred to the Committee by the Advisory Council. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. B 1 16 32. Standikg Committee on Glass and Optical Instruments. Mr. Conrad Beck. Mr. E. B. Knobel, F.R.A.S. Professor C. V. Boys, F.R.S. Lieut. T. R. Merton, D.Sc. (R.N.V.R.). Professor F. J. Cheshire. Professor J. W. Nicholson, D.Sc, F.R.S. Professor A. E. Conrady. Mr. H. J. Stobart. Captain Creagh-Osborne, R.N. Mr. J. Stuart. Mr. A. S. Esslemont, C.B.E. Mr. M. P. Swift. Mr. J. W. French. Mr. William Taylor. Sir R. T. Glazebrook, C.B., D.Sc, F.R.S. Mr. F. Twyman. Sir Howard Gnibb, F.R.S., F.R.A.S. Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Williams. Sir Herbert Jackson, K.B.E., F.R.S. Mr. W. F. J. Wood. Dr. H. F. Coward {Secretary). Teiins of Beference. To advise the Council on matters of research connected with the Glass and Optical Instrument Industries, and on such other matters as may be referred to them by the Council. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 33. Joint Standing Committee on Illuminating Engineering. Mr. A. P. Trotter {Chairman). Professor C. V. Boys, F.R.S. Mr. J. S. Highfield. Dr. Charles Carpenter. Sir Herbert Jackson, K.B.E., F.R.S. Mr. L. Gaster. Captain J. H. Parsons, R.A.M.C. Mr. F. W. Goodenough. Sir John Snell. Mr. A. S. Barnes {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To svirvey the field for research on Illumination and Illuminating Engineering, and to advise as to the directions in which research can be undertaken with advantage. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. Research Committees. 34. The Mine Rescue Apparatus Research Committee. Mr. William Walker {Chairman). Mr. Henry Briggs, D.Sc. Mr. John Haldane, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Mr. A. Richardson {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To enquire into the types of breathing apparatus used in coal mines, and by experiment to determine the advantages, limitations and defects of the several types of apparatus, what improvements in them are possible, and whether it is advisable that the types used in mines should be standardised, and to collect evidence bearing on these points. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 35. The Abrasives and Polishing Powders Research Committee. Sir Herbert Jackson, K.B.E., F.R.S. {Chairman). Professor F. J. Cheshire. Sir Richard Glazebrook, C.B., D.Sc, F.R.S. Mr. C. H. Desch, D.Sc, Ph.D. Dr. H. F. Coward {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To conduct investigations on abrasives and polishing powders with a view to their preparation and use as one factor in accelerating the output of lenses and prisms for optical instruments not only for peace requirements but in connection with the war. To investigate the preparation and properties of abrasives and polishing powders. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 17 36. . Food Research Committee. Dr. E. L. Collis {Chairman). Professor Leonard E. Hill, F.R.S. Professor W. H. Thompson. Dr. A. W. J. MacFadden. Professor J. F. Thorpe, C.B.E., F.R.S. Dr. H. F. Coward {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To direct research on problems in the cooking of vegetables and meat, and in bread- making, to be undertaken by two scholars of the Committee of Council. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 37. Building Materials Research Committee. Mr. Raymond Unwin {Chairman). Mr. G. W. Humphreys. • Mr. B. Seebohm Rowntree. Professor E. S. Prior, A.R.A. Mr. E. Leonard {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To make arrangements for carrying out researches on building construction instituted by the Department at the instance of the Local Government Board Committee or otherwise, to be responsible under the Council for the direction of such researches, and to deal with such other matters as may be referred to them from time to time by the Council. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at the Local Government Board, Whitehall, S.W.I. 38. Electrical Research Committee. Mr. C. H. Wordingham {Chairman). Mr. F. R. Davenport. Mr. C. C. Paterson. Mr. D. N. Dunlop. Mr. C. P. Sparks. Mr. A. R. Everest. Mr. P. F. Rowell {Secretary). A Committee of Direction appointed in connection with certain researches affecting the Electrical Industry. Communications should be addressed to The Secretary, Institution of Electrical Engineere, 1, Albemarle Street, W.l. 39. Committee for Research on Vitreous Compounds, and Cements for Lenses and Peisms. Sir Herbert Jackson, K.B.E., F.R.S. {Convener). Mr. Horatio Ballantyne. Dr. J. J. Fox. Mr. R. B. Pilcher {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To conduct researches into the preparation, properties and mode of employment of cements for lenses and prisms ; to prepare a reference list of vitreous compounds, their composition, densities, refractive indices and dispersive powers. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at the Institute of Chemistry, 30, Russell Square, W.C.I. 40. Tin and Tungsten Research Board. Sir Lionel PhiUips, Bart. {Chairman). Sir H. Frank Heath, K.C.B. Sir Richard ThrelfaU, K.B.E. Mr. A. Richardson {Secretary). a 6024 18 The Oornisli Chamber of Mines have been invited to nominate a representative of the Landlords and a representative of the Mine Owners to serve on the Board. A Committee of control appointed in connection with certain researches into Tin and Tungsten. Communications should be addi'essed to the Secretary at 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. Inquiry Gommittees. 41. The Lubricants and Lubrication Inquiry Committee. Mr. S. B. Donkin [Ghairman). Mr. L. Archbutt. Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice, C.M.G. Mr. A. E. Berriman. Mr. H. M. Martin. Professor C. Y. Boys, F.R.S. Mr. W. W. F. Pullen, H.M.I. Professor F. G. Donnan, Ph.D., F.R.S. Mr. T. C. Thomsen. Mr. A. S. Barnes {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To prepare a memorandum on the field for research on lubricants and lubrication, which will contain an analysis of the problems involved, together With a suggested scheme of research, which would be most likely to lead to valuable results. Communications should be addressed to thfe Secretary, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 42. The Chemistry of Lubricants Sub-Committee. Mr. J. B. Coleman, A.R.S.C, F.LC., F.C.S. (Chairman). Dr. J. C. Crocker, M.A., F.C.S. Mr! F. Matthews, B.Sc. Dr. C. Doree, M.A., F.C.S. Mr. W. A. Naish, A.R.S:M., A.I.M.M. Mr. G. F. Druce. Mr. J. Patterson. Dr. A. E. Dunstan, F.C.S. Dr. F. B. Thole. ■ Mr. J. Lister, A.R.C.S. Mr. W. H. Watson, B.Sc, A.R.C.S. Mr. F. H. Lowe, M.Sc, F.C.S. Mr. J. Wilson, M.Sc, F.C.S., F.I.C. Mr. A. S. Barnes (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To collect and review the existing information relating to the chemistry of lubricants and lubricating oils. Commimications should be addressed to the Secretaiy, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 43. Zinc and Copper Research and Inquiry Committee. Sir Gerard Muntz, Bart. [Chairman). Professor H. C. H. Carpenter, Ph.D. Mr. H. L. Sulman. Mr. F. W. Harbord, C.B.E. Mr. F. Tomlinson. Mr. Elliott Howard. Professor T. Turner, M.Sc. Mr. J. C. Moulden. Mr. A. S. Barnes (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To collect and review the existing information as to the copper and zinc industries upon which future research must be based, to formulate proposals for carrying out the research suggested by the Brass and Copper Tiabe Association of Great Britain into the best methods of making sound castings of copper and brass for tube making and to prepare an estimate of their cost ; and to report to the Advisory Council. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 15, Great George Street, S.W.I. 44. The Irish Peat Inquiry Committee. Sir John Purser Griffith, M.A.I., M.Inst.C.E. (Ghairman). Mr. George Fletcher. Professor Sidney Young, Sc.D., F.R.S. ProfettPor Hugh Ryan, D.Sc, Professor Pierce Purcell, M.A.I. (Secretary). 19 Terms of Reference. To inquire into and consider tlie experience already gained in Ireland in respect of the winning, preparation and use of peat for fiiel and for other purposes, and to suggest what means shall be taken to ascertain the conditions under which, in the most favourably situated localities, it can be profitably won, prepared and used, having regard to the economic conditions of Ireland ; and to report to the Fuel Research Board. Communications should be addressed to 'the Secretary, University College, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin. Provisional Committees on the Organisation of Hesearch Associations, ' 45. Pkovisional Committee on Research and Education for the Cotton Industry. Mr. J. W. McConnel (Ohairman). Mr. H R. Armitage, The Bradford Dj'-ers' Association. Dr. W. Lawrence Balls, The Fine Cotton Spinners' and Doublers' Association, Ltd. Mr. T. D. Barlow, Messrs. W. J. Barlow and Jones. Mr. F. W. Barwick, Manchester Chamber of Commerce Testing House. Mr. Stanley Bourne, Nottingham Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Lindsay Cropper, Messrs. J. and P. Coats, Ltd. Mr, J. C. M. Garnet, Board of Education. Mr. William Greenwood, Federation of Master Cotton Spinners' Association. Mr. H. P. Greg, Messrs. R. Greg & Co. Mr. A. E. Hawley, Leicester Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Forrest Hewitt, Calico Printers' Association, Ltd. Mr. E. L. Hoyle, Messrs. Joshua Hoyle and Sons, Ltd. Mr. A. J. King, Bleachers' Association, Ltd. Mr. Kenneth Lee, Messrs. Tootal, Broadhurst, Lee Co., Ltd. Ml-. J. H. Lester, Messrs. Tootal, Broadhurst, Lee Co., Ltd. Mr. WiUiam C Macara, Messrs. H. Bannerman and Sons, Ltd. Mr. F. J. Smith, British Cotton and Wool Dyers' Association, Ltd. Mr. C. H. Turner, Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association. Mr. A. Abbott {Secretary). The Committee was appointed with a view to the organisation of a Research Association for the Cotton Industry. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 108, Deansgate, Manchester. 46. Provisional Committee on Research for the Wool and Worsted Industries. County Alderman James Hinchliffe, J.P. {Chairman). Sir Henry Ballantj'ne. Mr. George D. Gibson. Professor A. F. Barker. Mr. Thomas Henderson. Mr. F. T. Chadwick. County Alderman P. R. Jackson. Mr. Henry Clough, J.P. Mr. H. F.- Lancashire. Principal J. Crowther. Mr. G. K. McCall. Mr. Arthur Evans. Mr. A. Hugo RadclifEe. Mr. Hugh Fox. Mr. Oliver B. Stanion. Professor W. M. Gardner. Mr. D. R. H. Williams. Mr. George Garnett. Miss Allison {Secretary). A Committee appointed with a view to the organisation of a Research Association for the Wool and Worsted Industries. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary at Bond Place Chambers, I^eds. • 47. Provisional Committee for the Internal Combustion Engine Industry. Sir Dugald Clerk, K.B.E., F.R.S. {Chairman). Mr. J. Carter. Mr. H. S. Russell. ■Mr. R. P. Doxford. Mr. W. Scholes. Mr. D. N. Dunlop. Mr. C. Randolph Smith. Mr. J. M. Ferguson. -Mr. S. Straker. Mr. F. C. Gibbons. Mr. H. C. B. Underdown. Mr. A. A. Remington. Mr. Horace Wyatt. Mr. J. Richardson. 2 20 A Committee appointed with a View to the organisation of a Research Association for the Internal Combustion Engine Industiy. Communications should be addressed to the Chairman at 57 and 58, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.2. Vn.— DEMOBILISATION AND DISPOSAL OF STORES. 48. DEMOBILISATION OF THE ARMY COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Right Hon. E. S. Montagu, M.P. {Chairman). Mr. A. Bellamy, C.B.E. Sir R. H. Brade, K.C.B., War Office. Brigadier-Geaeral B. F. Burnett-Hitchcock, D.S.O., War Office. Mr. H. B. Butler, Ministry of Labour. Mr. Guy Calthrop. Mr. E. J. Cheney, C.B., Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. • The Right Hon. Sir William J. Goulding, Bart., D.L. Lieut.-Colonel Sir M. P. A. Hankey, K.C.B., Secretary, Committee of Imperial Defence. Sir Clarendon Golding Hyde- Mr. C. F. Rey, Ministiy of Labour. Mr. F. W. Leith Ross, Treasury. Sir David Shackleton, K.C.B. Mr. R. Young, O.B.E. Mr. G. C. Upcott ) ,n , . X Mr. W. A. Colegate } i^^'^^'taries). Terms of Reference. To consider and report upon the arrangements for the return to civil employment of officers and men serving in the land forces of the Crown at the end of the war. Communications should be addressed to the Secretarv, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, S.W.I. Svh-Committee. 49. Officers Re-Settlement Sub-Committee. Sii; Reginald H. Brade, K.C.B. [Chairman). Captain Tufton P. H. Beamish, C.B., R.N. Mr. H. C. Marks. Brigadier-General B. F. Burnett-Hitch- Lieut.-Colonel R. H. More, cock, D.S 0., Director of Mobilisation. Sir H. E. Morgan, K.B.E. Mr. E. K. Chambers, C.B. Mr. J. S. Nicholson. Sir Alfred Goodson. " Lieut.-Colonel W. Shirley. Sir Cyril Jackson, K.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel Earle. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham. Mr, A. R. McBain RXaDaTon (J"«'«»-^''"'")- Terms of Iteferenee. To consider and report what arrangements require to be and can be made on demobilisa- tion for re-settlement of officers in civil life, and also of men belonging to classes to which, in the main, officers belong. Communications should be addressed to Mr. A. R. McBain, War Office, Park Buildings, S.W.I. 50. DISABLED OFFICERS EMPLOYMEN'| COMMITTEE. (India and Colonial Offices.) General Sir E. Barrow, G.C.B., G.C.S.I. Sir M. Hammick, K.C.S.I., CLE. ^ I^^ia Office Sir M. Reid. Surgeon-General Sir R. H. Charles, G.C.V.O. Sir E. im Thurn, K.C.M.G. Sir W. Taylor, K.C.M.G. Sir C. C. McLeod, Chairman, East India Section, London ^ Colonial Office. Chamber of Trade. Colonel A. Harris, India Office [Secretary). 21 Terms of Reference. To assist disabled or invalided officers who may be desirous of obtaining employment in India, Burma, the Eastern Colonies and Malay States. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, India Office, S.W.I. 51. WAR OFFICE DEMOBILISATION COMMITTEE. Sir Reginald H. Brade, K.C.B. {Chairman). Brigadier-General H. Burnett-Hitchcock, D.S.O.,. Director of Mobilisation. Brigadier-General Sir J. T. Carter, K.C.M.G., Paymaster in-Chief. Mr. J. B. Crosland, Sub-Director of Finance. Major-General Sir C. E. Heath, K.C.B., C.V.O., Deputy Quartermaster-General. Lieut-Colonel A. M. Henderson-Scott, representing the Director of Personal Services. Colonel W. M. St. G. Kirke, D.S.O. , representing the Director of Military Operations. Lieut.-Colonel A. S. Redman, representing the Director of Movements. Lieut.-Colonel C. De Saumarez, D.S.O., Mobilisation Branch. Major-General Sir J. Steevens, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Director of Equipment and Ordnance Stores. Lieut.-Colonel H. E. Vallentin, D.S.O., Mobilisation Branch. Mr. A. R. McBain (Secretary). Captain F. R. M. Crozier {Assistant Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider questions requiring settlement in connection with the demobilisation of the Army in so far as they fall within the province of the War Department ; to act as a link with the Committee of the Ministry of Reconstruction ; and to prepare a Draft Scheme of Demobilisation. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, War Office, Park Buildings, S.W.I, 52. DEMOBILISATION CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE. (Admiralty, War Office and Ministry of Labour.) Sir Reginald H. Brade, K.C.B. {Chairman). Brigadier-General B. F. Burnett-Hitchcock, D.S.O. "j Lieut.-Colonel A. S. Redman. I War Office. Lieut.-Colonel C. de Sausmarez, D.S.O. J Captain Tufton P. H. Beamish, C.B., R.N. Admiralty, Mr. H. B. Butler. ") Mr. T. W. Phillips. } Ministry of Labour. Sir D. J. Shackleton, K.C.B. j Mr. A. R. McBain ) ,r, , • x Mr. W. Windham i (Secretaries). ■ Captain R. 0. Bridgeman \ / a ■ . j. o » • \ Mr H. C. Marks j i-^^^^^^ant Secretaries). Terms of Reference. 1. To consider how far the proposed special arrangements to demobilise immediately peace is declared, men specially required in connection with the work of demobilisation, can or should be extended to other men belonging to the public services or to similar " pivotal " men in industry. 2. To co-ordinate the working of the demobilisation scheme of the War Department with the re-settlement scheme of the Ministry of Labour. 3. To settle, during demobilisation, instructions with regard to priority which may appear to be rendered necessary on public grounds or by the sort of employment in the diiferent industries. Communications should be addressed to Mr. A. R. McBain, War Office, Park Buildings, S.W.I, or to Mr. W. Windham, Ministry of Labour, Montagu House, S.W.I. • (; 3 22 53. CIVIL WAR WORKERS COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) Mr. Gerald Bellhouse, Home Office (Chairman). The Right Hon. F. D. Acland, M.P., Mr. Ernest Jardine, M.P. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Sir Stephenson Kent, K.C.B., Ministry of Mr. J. A. Barlow, Ministry of Munitions. Munitions. Mr. A. Bellamy, C.B.E. Miss Susan Lawrence. Mrs. H. J. Bell-Richards. Mr. Charles A. Lister. xMr. W. H. Beveridge, C.B., Board of Mr. J. J. Mallon. Trade. ' Mr. D. S. Majoribanks. Mr. H. B. Butler, Ministry of Labour. Mr. C. F. Rey, Ministry of Labour. IVIr. G. Dallas. Mr. R. Young, O.B.E. Mr. R. Dumas. Mr. U. Wolff, Ministry of Munitions. Sir Clarendon Hyde. Mr. G. C. Upcott (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider and report upon the arrangements which should be made for the demobilisa- tion of workers engaged during the war in National Factories, Controlled Establishments, and other firms engaged in the production of munitions of war and on Government contracts, or in firms where substitute labour has been employed for the duration of the war. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings. S.W.I. . 54. HORSE DEMOBILISATION COMMITTEE. (War Office.) Major-General Sir W. N. Birkbeck, K.C.B., C.M.G. (Chairman). Brigadier-General F. S. Garratt. Lieut.-Colonel A. S. Redman. Brigadier-General C. E. Nuttall, D.D.G. Major R. S. Ellis, M.C.R.A. Lieut.-Colonel J. D. Buller. Major J. M. Bull. Lieut. R. S. Bond (Secretary). Terms of Beferenee. To frame proposals for the demobilisation of horses and mules in relation to the general scheme of demobilisation. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, War Office, S.W.I. 55. DISPOSAL OF WAR STORES ADVISORY BOARD. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G., G.C.V.O. (Chairman). Mr. W. Adamson, M.P. Sir Maurice Levy, Bart., M.P. Mr. A. L. Dickinson. Sir H. Ross Skinner. Sir Howard Frank. Sir Beville Stanier, Bart., M.P. Sir R. Sothern Holland, Bart. Mr. John E. Thomycroft. Mr. W. Lander. Together with the following Departmental Representatives : — Mr. R. F. Wilkins, C.B., Treasury. Sir Evan Jones, Board of Trade. Mr. M. M. Waller, Admiralty. Sir Arthur Durrant, M.V.O., Office of Works. Major-General Sir F. C. Hadden, K.C.B., Mr. Alex. Walker, Ministry of Munitions. War Office. Mr. P. Keith Lang (Secretary). Terms of Beferenee. To expedite the preparation of any necessary inventories of property and goods of all descriptions held by Government Departments, and to consider and advise upon the disposal, or alternative form of qse, of any property or goods which have or may become, during or on the termination of the war, surplus to the requirements of any Department for the purposes of that Department. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 6, St. James Square, S.W.I. 23 Vm.— LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT. 56. COMMITTEE ON RELATIONS BETWEEN EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYED. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Right Hon. J. H, Whitley, M.P. {Chairman). Mr. F. S. Button. Sir George J. Carter, K.B.E. Professor S. J. Chapman, C.B.E. Sir G. H. Claughton, Bart. Mr. J. R. Clynes, M.P. Mr. J. A. Hobson. Added after the issue of the first Report :- Mr. F. N.'Hepworth. Mr. D. R. H. Williams. Miss Susan Lawrence. Mr. J. J. Mallon. Sir Thomas R. RatclifFe-Ellis. Mr. Robert Smillie. Mr. Allan M. Smith. Miss Mona Wilson. Mr. W. HiU. Sir Maurice Levy, Bart. M.P. Mr. H. J. Wilson, Ministry of Labour! /n . • \ Mr. A. Greenwood \ (Secretaries). Terms of Reference. 1. To make and consider suggestions for securing a permanent improvement in the relations between employers and workmen, 2. To recommend means for securing that industrial conditions affecting the relations between employers, and workmen shall be systematically reviewed by those concerned, with a view to improving conditions in the future. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, S.W.I. A Report on Joint Standing Industrial Councils has been presented to Parliament [Gd. 8606]. 57. WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) Major J. W. Hills, M.P. (Chairman). Miss A. M. Anderson, Home Ofi^ce. Mr. W. H. peveridge, C.B., Board of Trade. Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, M.P. Miss C. E. Collet, Ministry of Labour. Miss Ada Crabbie. Miss B. M. Cunnington, Board of Education. Mr. M. Delevingne, C.B., Home Office. Miss F. H. Durham, Ministry of Labour. Mr. W. M. Fletcher, Sc.D., M.D., F.R.S. Mr. R. H. Glanfield. Miss Susan Lawrence. Miss McQueen. Mr. J. J. Mallon. Miss E. B. Mitchell. Mr. B. H. Morgan, Ministry of Munitions. Miss M. M..Paterson. Mr. T. W. Phillips, Ministry of Labour. Miss Gertrude M. Tuckwell. Sir R. V. Vassar Smitli, Bart. Sir A. Whitelegge, K.C.B., M.D., Home Office. Mrs. Roland Wilkins, Board of Agi-i- culture and Fisheries. Miss Mona Wilson. Mr. G. T. Reid, Ministry of Labour 1 /„ . • ^ Miss Constance Smith, Home Office / (S«<'^««'^'-^««)- Terms of Reference. To consider and advise in the light of experience gained during the war upon the opportunities for the employment of women, and the conditions of such employment, in clerical, commercial, agricultural and industrial occupations after the war. Commimications should be addressed to the Secretaries at Home Office, Whitehall, S.W.I, C4 24 IX.— AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. 58. AGRICULTURAL POLICY COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Earl of Selborne, K.G., G.C.M.G. (Chairman). Mr. C. M. Douglas, D.Sc. The Right Rev. Dr. Kelly, Bishop of Ross. The Right Hon. Sir Ailwyn Fellowes, The Right Hon. Sir Horace Plunkett, K.C.V.O., K.B.E. K.C.V.O., F.R.S. Mr. W. J. Fitzherbert-Brockholes. The Right Hon. R. E. Prothero, M.V.O., M.P. Mr. A. D. Hall, F.R.S. Mr. G. G. Rea. Mr. W. A. Haviland. The Hon. E. G. Strutt. . Professor C. Bryner Jones, M.Sc. Sir Matthew Wallace. Mr. H. L. French, Board of Agi-iculture and Fisheries. ] Mr. Alexander Goddard, Secretary of the Surveyors' > {Secretaries) . Institution. j Terms of Reference. Having regard to the need of increasing home-grown food supplies in the interest of national security, to consider and report upon the methods of effecting such increase. Communications should be addressed to Mr. H. L. French at the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 72, Victoria Street, S.W. Part I. of the Report of the Committee has been presented to Parliament [Cd. 8506]. 59. FORESTRY COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Right Hon. F. D. Acland, M.P. (Chairman). Mr. L. C. Bromley, Treasury. Mr. T. H. Middleton, C.B., Boai'd of Agri- The Right Hon. Lord R. F. Cavendish, culture and Fisheries. Development Commission. Professor Sir \V. Schlich, K.C.I.E., F.R.S. Viscount de Vesci. Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart. Lieut.-Colonel F. D. W. Drummond. Mr. J. D. Sutherland, Board of Agriculture Mr. A. C. Forbes, F.H.A.S. for Scotland. Sir John Harmood Banner, M.P. Mr. S. Walsh, M.P. Major-General the Lord Lovat, K.C.V.O., Mr. W. Tyson Wilson, M.P. C.B., D.S.O. Mr. R. L. Robinson, His Majesty's Office of Woods, &c. (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider and report upon the best means of conserving and developitg the woodland and forestry resources of the United Kingdom, having regard to the experience gained during the war. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Office of Woods, 1, Whitehall, S.W.I. The Report of the Committee has been presented to Parliament [Cd. 8881]. 60. LAND SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE. (Board of Agriculture.) Sir R. Winfrey, M.P. (Chairman). The Right Hon. F. D. Acland, M.P. Mr. A. D. Hall, F.R.S. Mr. E. J. Cheney, C.B. The Duke of Marlborough. D. C. Barnard, Esq. (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To explore the whole question of the provision made for ex-service men and to report what timely steps they consider should be taken in readiness to meet the expected situation on demobilisation. Also to consider and report upon (a) the extinction of tithe rentcharge by exchange for a proportionate amount of land, (b) the taking over of glebe land and charity land on payment of agreed income. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Board of Agriculture, S.W.I. 61. HORSE-BREEDING COMMITTEE (No. 2). (Board of Agriculture.) Sir G. Greenall, Bart., M.V.O. {Chairman). Major-General Sir W. H. Birkbeck, K.C.B., Captain J. H. Greer. C.M.G. Lieut.-General Sir J. L. Keir, K.C.B. Mr. E. J. Cheney, C.B. Mr. H. Overman. Terms of Reference. To advise as to the distribution of surplus army; marea after, tiie war, the formation of a staff to assist and supervise light horse breeding, and other kindred matters. The Committee has presented its Report. X.— PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. 62. MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Viscount Haldane of Gloan, O.M., K.T. (Chairman). The Right Hon. E. S. Montagu, M.P. Colonel Sir Alan Sykes, Bart., M.P: Sir R. I.. Moiaut, K.C.B. The Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, M.P. The Right Hon. Sir G. H. Murray, G.C.B. Mre. Sidney Webb. Mr. Michael Heseltine {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To enquire into the responsibilities of the various departments of the central executive Government, and to advise in what manner the exercise and distribution by the Government of its functions should be improved. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, S.W.I. 63. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Right Hon. Sir Donald Maclean, K.B.E., M.P. {Chairman). Mr. R. J. Curtis. Mr. H. C. Pritchard. Mr. R. Donald. Sir S. B. Provis, K.C.B. The Right Hon. Lord George Hamilton, Dr. John Robertson. G.C.S.I. Mr. J. E. Sutton, M.P. Mr. Montagu Harris. Mr. A. V. Symonds, C.B. (Local Government Mr. Spurley Hey. Board). Sir R. L. Morant, K.C.B. The Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, M.P. Mr. R. C. Norman. Mrs. Sidney Webb. Mr. R. G. Diiff, Ijocal Government Board {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider and report upon the steps to be taken to secure the better co-ordination of Public assistance in England and Wales, and upon such other matters affecting the system of Local Government as may from time to time be refen-ed to it. Communications shoxild be addressed to the Secretary, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, S.W.I. 64. COMMITTEE ON THE ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES, (Ministry of Reconstruction.) Mr. Leslie Scott, K.C., M.P. {Chairman}. Mr. A. S. Comyns Garr. Mr. George M. Freeman, K.C. Sir Harcourt E. Clare. Mr. Howard Martin, F.S.I. Mr. Dixon H. Davies. Sir William Middlebrook, M.P. Mr. Ellis Davies, M.P. • Sir Arthur Thring, K.C.B. Mr. Eustace Davies {Secretary). ■ « ",024 n 26 Terms of Reference. To coneider and report upon tte defects in the existing system of law and practice involved in the acquisition and valuation of land for public purposes, and to recommend any changes that may be desirable in the public interest. Communications should be addressed to the Secretaiy, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, S.W.I. 65. NATIONAL REGISTRATION COMmTTEE. (Local Government Board.) The Right Hon. W. Hayes Fisher, M.P. Mr. B. Seebohm Rowntree. Mr. Malcolm Delevingne, C.B. Mr. Thomas H. C. Stevenson, M.D. Mr. James Dunlop, M.D. Sir William Thompson, Kt. Sir James Patten MacDougall, K.C.B. Mr. S. P. Vivian. Sir Bernard Mallet, K.C.B. Mrs. Sidney Webb. Sir Horace Monro, K.C.B. Mr. E. H. Phillips (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider (1) the question of the registration of the population for administrative and other national purposes, and (2) what changes, if any, are desirable in the system of registration of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Local Government Board, S.W.I. 66. CCfMMITTEE ON ROAD LOCOMOTIVES AND HEAVY MOTOR CARS. (Local Government Board.) Mr. E. Shortt, K.C., M.P. {Chairvian). '. Mr. A. G. G. Asher, W.S. Mr. E. J. Lovegrove, M.l.C.E. Mr. P. M. Crosthwaite, M.l.C.E. Mr. J. E. Thornycroft, A.M.I.C.E. Mr. H. H. Humphreys, M.l.C.E. Mr. J. Willmot, F.S.I. Mr. R. J. Simpson {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider tlie law and regulations relating to the construction and use of road locomotives and heavy motor cars in Great Britain, and to report what amendments, if any, are desirable. Communications should be addi-essed to the Secretary, Local Government Board, S.W.I. 67. DENTIST'S ACT COMMITTEE. (Privy Council.) The Right Hon. Francis Acland, M.P. (Chairman). Mr G P Blizard. Sir George Newman, M.D. Mr. W. H. Dolamore, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Sir Arthur Newsholme, K.C.B., M.D., J i-N o FRCP Sir Almeric Fitzroy, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Mr. C." S. Tomes, F.R.S., F.R.C.S. The Viscount Knutsford. Mr. P. H. 0. Jerram (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To investigate the extent and gravity of the evils connected with the practice of dentistry and dental surgery by persons not qualified under the Dentists Act, and to consider and report upon — 1. The causes of the present inadequate supply of qualified dentists and dental surgeons ; 2. The expediency of legislation prohibiting in the United Kingdom the practice of dentistry and dental surgeiy by unqualified persons ; and in the event of such legislation being deemed expedient, the conditions under which certain classes of unqualified persons at present engaged in the practice of dentistry might be permitted to continue in practice, by the institution of a special roll for the purpose ; 27 3. Tlie practicability, without impairing the existing guarantees for the efficient practice of dentistry, of (a) modifying the course of study and examination prescribed for dental qualifications ; (h) reducing the time occupied ; (c) diminishing the cost of training dental students. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Local Government Board, Whitehall, S.W.I. XL— HOUSING. 68. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD CONFERENCE ON HOUSING.; The Right Hon. W. Hayes Fisher, M.P. (Chairman). Mr. H. R. Aldridge. Sir Harry Haward. Mr. E. J. Cheney, C.B. Sir Noel T. Kershaw, K.C.B. Mr. E. G. Culpin. Mr. B. Seebohm Rowntree. Mr. J. A. E. Dickinson, LS.O. Mr. A. W. Shelton. Mr. G. Duckworth. Mr. Rajrmond Unwin. Mr. W. E. Hart. Lieut.-Colonel Seymour Williams. Mr. R. B. Cross (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider.— 1 . Method of ascertaining tbe bousing needs of each district. 2. Extent to which local authorities, public iitility societies and private enterprise can be relied on to meet needs. ■ 3. State assistance. 4. Amendments in law with a view to facilitating building. 5. Definition of working classes. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Local Government B^ard, S.W.I. 69. ADVISORY HOUSING PANEL. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Marquess of Salisbury, K.G. (Chairman). Major J. W. Hills, M.P. Mr. Leslie Scott, K.C., M.P. Mr. Thomas Jones. Mrs. Sidney Webb. Mr. B. S. Rowntree. Sir Mam-ice Bonham Carter, K.C.B. (Secretary). The above members of the Reconstruction Committee wfflre invited by the Minister of Reconstruction to complete a general review, which they had undertaken [on bebalf of the Committee, of the housing question as it would present itself at the close of the war, and to prepare a memorandum on the subject. The Panel has presented its memorandum. " 70. COMMITTEE ON BUILDING BYELAWS. (Local Government Department.) Mr. Stephen Walsh, M.P. {Chairman). Colonel Sir A. Boscawen, M.P. Mr. \N . E. Hart, O.B.E. Mr. Arthur E. Collins. Mr. Walter T. Jerred, C.B. Major David Davies, M.P. Mr. W. T. Postlethwaite, O.B.E. Mr. E. J. Gowen. Mr. Raymond Unwin. Major F. R. Harding Newman. Mr. Henry Vivian. Mr. A. N. C. SheUey (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the control at present exercised in England and Wales over the erection of buildings, and the construction of streets, by means of byelaws and local regulations, and their effect upon building and development, and to make recommendations. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, the Local Government Board, S.W.I. a 5024 ' E 28 71. HOUSING (BUILDING CONSTRUCTION) COMMITTEE. (Local Government Board.) • Sir Jokn Tudor Walters^ M.P. (Chairman). Sir Charles Allom. Mr. J. Walker Smith, M.I.C.E. Mr. F. Baines, M.V.O. Mr. J. Squires. Mr. James Boyton, M.P. Mr. Raymond Unwin, F.R.I.B.A. Mr. Wm. Fairley, M.I.C.E. Sir Aston Webb, K.C.V.O., C.B. Mr. G. Marlow Reed. Mr. E. Leonard (Secretary). Terms of Beferenee. To consider questions of building construction in connection witli the provision of dwellings for the working classes in England and Wales, and report upon methods of securing economy and despatch in the provision of such dwellings. Conamunications should be addressed to the Secretary, Local Government Board, S.W.I. On this subject, see also above the Building Materials Supply Committee (p. 10) and the Building Materials Research Committee (p. 17.) Xn.— EDUCATION. 72. ROYAL COMMISSION ON UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN WALES. The Right Hon. Viscount Haldane of Cloan, O.M., K.T., F.R.S., LL.D. (Chairman). Professor W. H. Bragg, F.R.S., M.A., D.Sc. Sir Henry Jones, M.A., LL.D., D.Litt. The Hon. W. N. Bruce, C.B. Sir William Osier, Bart., F.R.S., M.D., Sir Owen M. Edwards, M.A. D.Sc, LL.D., D.C.L. Mr. W, H. Hadow, M.A., D.Miis. Miss Emily Penrose, M.A. Mr. A. D. Hall, M.A., F.R.S. ■ Mr- A. H. Kidd, Board of Education (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To inquire into the organisation and work of the University of Wales and its three constituent colleges, and into the relations of the Universitj' to those colleges, and to other institutions in Wales, providing education of a post-secondary nature, and to consider in what respects the present organisation of University Education in Wales can be improved and what changes, if any, are desirable in the constitution, functions and powers of the University and its three colleges. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Board of Education, Whitehall, S.W.I. 73. ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Master of Balliol. Mr. Frank Hodges. Mi-e. J. Baker. Sir Henry Jones. Sir Graham Balfour. Mr. A. Mansbridge. Mr. E. Bevin. Sir Henry Miers. Mr. Wilson Clayton. Mr. J. Morton. Mr. R. Climie. Canon R. S. J. Parry, D.D. Mr. C. T. Cramp. Mr. R. H. Tawney. Mrs. T. Huws Davis, Mr. T. H. J. Underdown. Mr. J. H. Doncaster. The Rev. B. A. Yeaxlee. Mr. R. G. Hatton. Mr. E. S. Cartwright \ ,r, ^ . . Mr. Arthur Greenwood r^^^'^''^**^^*)- Tetins of JReferenae. To consider the provision for and possibilities of adult education (other than technical or vocational) in Great Britain, and to make recommendations. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 2, Queen Anne's Gate Buildings, S.W.I. 74. COMMITTEE ON JUVENILE EDUCATION IN RELATION TO EMPLOYMENT AFTER THE WAR. (Board of Education.) The Right Hon. J. Herbert Lewis, M.P. (Chairman). Mr. W. A. Appleton. Miss C. Martineau. Mr. R. A. Bray, L.C.C. Mr. J. F. P. Rawlinson, K.C., M.P. Mr. F. W. Goldstone, M.P. Lady Edmund Talbot. . Mr. Spurley Hey. Mr. H. M. Thompson. Alderman Hinchliffe. Mr. Christopher H. Turnor. Together with the following representatives of the Government Departments concerned : — Mr. A. B. Bruce, Board of Agriculture. Mr. F. Lavington, Board of Trade. Mr. E. K. Chambers, C.B., Board of Mr. F. Pullinger, C.B., Board of Education. Education. Mr. C. E. B. Russell, Home Office. Mr. J. Owen, Board of Education {Secretary). Mr. G. MacFarlane, Board of Education {Assistant Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider what steps should be taken to make provision for the education and instruction of children and young persons after tlie war, regard being had particularly to the interests of those — (1) who have been abnormally employed during the war ; (2) who cannot immediately find advantageous employment ; (3) who require special training for employment. The report of the Committee has been presented to Parliament [Cd. 8374 and 8512.] 75. COMMITTEE ON THE TEACHING OF MODERN LANGUAGES. (The Prime Minister.) Mr. Stanley Leathes, C.B. {Chairman). Mr. C. A. Montague Barlow, M.P. Mr. Laurence D. Holt. Mr. E. Bullough. Dr. Walter Leaf. Mr. A. C. Coffin. Dr. George Macdonald, C.B., F.B.A. The Right Hon. Sir Maurice de Bunsen, Mr. Albert Mansbridge. G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. Mr. Nowell Smith. Miss Margaret Gilliland. • Miss H. J. Tuke. Mr. H. C. Gooch. Sir James Yoxall, M.P. Mr. J. W. Headlam. Mr. A. E. Twentyman {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To enquire into the position occupied by the study of modern languages in the educational systems of Great Britain, especially in secondary schools and universities, and to advise what measures are required to promote their study, regard being had to the requirements of a liberal education, including an appreciation of the history, literature, and civilisation of other countries, and to the interest of commerce and public service. In considering the provision of scholarships, bursaries, &c., the Committee will take into account the Interim Report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education on this subject. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Board of Education, South Kensington, S.W.7. B 3 30 76. COMMITTEE ON THE TEACHING OF SCIENCE. (The Prime Minister.) Sir J. J. Thomson, O.M., F.R.S. {Chairiyian). 'TheRightHon. F. D. Acland, M.P. Dr. Henry Head, F.R.S. Professor H. B. Baker, D.Sc, F.R.S. Sir H. Hibbert, M.P. Sir Graham Balfour. Mr. D. H. Nagel. Sir W. Beardmore, Bart. Mr. W. Neagle. Sir G. H. Claughton, Bart. Dr. F. G. Ogilvie, C.B. Mr. C. W. Crook. Dr. Michael Sadler, C.B. Miss E. R. Gwatkin. Professor E. H. Starling, M.D., F.R.S. Mr. A. D. Hall, F.R.S. Mr. W. W. Vaughan. Mr. F. B. Stead {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To inquire into the position occupied by natural science in the educational systems. of Great Britain, especially in secondary schools and universities, and to advise what measures are needed to promote its study, regard being had to the requirements of a liberal education, to the advancement of pure science, and to the interests of the trades, industries, and professions which particularly depend upon applied science. In considering the provision of scholarships, bursaries, &c., the Committee will take into account the Interim Report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education oii this subject. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Board of Education, Whitehall, S.W.I. 77. COMMITTEE ON PRINCIPLES OF ARRANGEMENTS DETERMINING SALARIES OF TEACHERS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. (Board of Education.) Sir H. L. Stephen {Chairman). Miss M. M. Allan. Mr. H. MeUish. Mr. J. W. Alsop. Mr. H. Pearson. Dr. H, B. Brackenbury. Mr. A. R. Pickles. Miss I. Cleghorn. Mr. W. Pullinger. Mr. C. W. Crook. Mr. F. Roscoe. Mr. W. R. Davies, C.B. Mr. T. H. J. Underdown. Miss I. A. Dickson, H.M.I. Miss Hermione Unwin. Mr. A. J. Flavell. Rev. D. H. WiUiams. Mr. A. H. Wood, Board of Education (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To inquire into the principles which should determine the construction of scales of salary for teachers in elementary schools, due regard being had to such differentiation, if any, in respect of locality, duties, qualifications, sex, and other relevant considerations as is consistent with or necessary for the organisation of the teaching service throughout the country, on a system conducive to the efficiency of national education. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Board of Education, South Kensington, S.W.7. 78. COMMITTEE ON PRINCIPLES OF ARRANGEMENTS DETERMINING SALARIES OF TEACHERS IN SECONDARY TECHNICAL, &o., SCHOOLS. (Board of Education.) Sir H. L. Stephen {Chairman). Mr. P. W. H. Abbott. Mr. V. A. Mundella. Miss M. M. Allan. Lieut.-Colonel H. A. Powell, R.A.M.C. Miss C. R. Ash. Mr. E. Reynolds. Miss S. L. Beszant. Mr. F. Roscoe. Dr. H. B. Brackenbury. Mr. P. Sharp. Mr. W. R. Davies, C.B. Dr. H. LI. Snape. Mr. G. D. Dunkerley. Miss A. T. Steele. Mr. B. J. Fletcher. Mr. E. Talbot. Mr. D. R. Harris. Miss K. Wallas. Mr. C, S. Jones. Mr. W. E. Urwick (Secretary). 3] Terms of Beferenae. To inquire into the principles whicli should determine the fixing of salaries for teachers in secondary and technical schools, schools of art, training colleges, and other institutions for higher education (other than university institutions), due regai-d being had to such differentiation in respect of locality, duties, qualifications, sex, and other relevant con- siderations as is consistent with or necessary for the organisation of the teaching service throughout the country on a system conducive to the efficiency of national education. Communications should be addressed to the Secretaiy, Board of Education, South Kensington, S.W.7. 79. JUVENILE ORGANISATIONS COMMITTEE. (Home Office.) Dr. A. H. Norris {Chairman). Ml-. F. G. D'Aeth. Mr. C. E. Clift. Lady Frances Balfour, Mr. F. Abel Bloxam. Rev. G. B. Code. Mr. G. C. Cossar. Mr. Douglas Eyre. Mrs. Ogilvie Gordon, D.Sc. Mr. P. J. Hannon. Lieut.-Colonel G. R. Heathcote. Mr. A. Maxwell. The Hon. Lily Montagu. Mr. E. M. Halsted. Rev. J. Cameron Taylor. Mr. Oliver W. Hind. Lieut.-General Sir R. Baden-Powell, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Lady Baden-Powell. Rev. Edgar Rogers. Miss A. E. Towers. Mr. C. A. Wrench. Mr. Charles E. Heald. Mr. E. J, Metters, Home Office (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider — (1) What steps can be taken to attract boys and girls to become members of brigades and clubs. (2) The possibility of transferring a boy or girl from one organisation to another, when this seems desirable. (3) The steps to be taken to prevent overlapping of work. (4) The strengthening of weaker units. (5) The difficulty of obtaining officers. (6) Difficulties in securing the use of school premises as club rooms or play centres ; and other mattei's relating to the effectiveness of brigades and clubs. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Home Office, S.W.I. Xm.— ALIENS. 80. ALIENS. (Ministry of Reconstruction.) The Right Hon. Sir George Cave, K.C., M.P. {Chairman). Sir James Dodds, K.C.B., or Mr. John Lamb, Scottish Office. Mr. John E. Ferard, India Office. Mr. A. B. Lowry, Local Government Board. Mr. H. W. Malkin, Foreign Office. Mr. H. J. Read, C.B., C.M.G., Colonial Office. Sir E. Troup, K.C.B., or Mr. John Pedder, C.B., Home Office. Major E. B. Holt Wilson, D.S.O., War Office. Mr. J. F. Williams, C.B.E., Home Office (Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider — (a) The questions which will arise at the end of the war in connection with the presence in this country of persons of enemy nationality, and whether the repatriation of such peraons is desirable, and, if so, in what cases. (b) What restrictions, if any, should be imposed after the war on the admission of aliens to this countiy and their residence here, (e) Whether any changes in the law or practice of nationalisation have been shown by the experience of the war to be required in the public interest. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Home Office, S.W.I. E 3 32 81. INTERDEPARTMENTAL CONFERENCE ON MISSIONS IN INDIA. Sir R. W. Graham, K.C.M.G., C.B., ) Foreign Lord Islington, G.C.M.G.,) Mr. Howard Smith, ) Office. Sir A. Hirtzel. K.C.B., V India Office. Mr. W. A. S. Hewins, M.P., \ Colonial Mr. J. E. Ferard, j Mr. H. J. Read, C.B., C.M.G., J Office. Mr. R. H. Ellis {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider the conditions on which aliens should after the war be allowed to conduct missionary or educational work in India. Communications should be addressed to the Secretaiy, India Office, S.W.I. XIV.— LEGAL. 82. COMMITTEE ON THE INTERPRETATION OF THE TERM "PERIOD OF THE WAR." (The Attorney-General.) Mr. Justice Atkin {Chairman). Mr. Balfour Browne, K.C.j Mr. Adair Roche, K.C. Mr. P. 0. Lawrence, K.C. Mr. G. A. H. Branson. Mr. Roland Burrows {Secretary). Terms of Reference. (a) To enquire into the legal questions that may arise as to the determination of the date of the termination of the war for the purpose of the various Acts, Orders, and Regulations, the duration of which depends directly or indirectly upon that date ; {h) to consider and advise upon the meaning of the form or forms of temporary commission and voluntary attestation in use in H.M. Forces since the beginning of the war with a view to determining the rights of officers and men to release from H.M. Services at its termination, and to make any recommendations thereon which seem desirable ; (c) to consider the effect of the termination of the war upon government and private contracts, and whether any legislative or other steps are necessary to assist id determining questions likely to arise in this connection ; (d) to consider the effect upon contracts of apprenticeship and other arrangements for learning a trade or profession entered into by officers and men now serving in H.M. Forces of (i) voluntary acceptance of a commission or enlistment, (ii) compulsory service, and (iii) the termination of the war, and to make any recommendations thereon which seem desirable ; and to report thereon. Communications should be addressed to Mr. Roland Burrows, 4, Elm Court, Temple, E.G. 83. WAR OFFICE EMERGENCY LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Sir Reginald H. Brade, K.C.B. {Chairman). Brigadier-General G.' K. OockerUl, C.B. Mr. J. M. Bull (Q.M.G.F.). (D.S.I.). Mr. E. H. Coles (Lands Branch). Lieut.-Colonel A. M.. Henderson Scott Mr. L. D. Holland (C. 2, Legal). (D.P.S. Branch). Mr. N. F. B. Osborn (Contracts Branch). Lieut.-Colonel H. E. Vallentin, D.S.O. (Mobilisation) Mr. G. H. Drury {Secretary). The above Committee was set up by the Army Council in July last to consider which (if any) of the Emergency Acts, and the Regulations made thereunder, it may be necessary or advisable to continue in force after the termination of the war for the purpose of facilitating the process of demobilisation and reconstruction. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, War Office, S.W.I. 33 84. COMMITTEE ON PRE-WAR CONTRACTS. (Board of Trade.) The Right Hon. Lord Buckmaster. Mr. C. S. S. Guthrie. Mr. Walter Raine. Mr. Lennox B. Lee. Mr. F. G. Rice. Mr. F. D. Mackinnon, K.C. Mr. Thomas Worthington. Mr. L. F. C. Darbj {Secretary). Terms of Reference. To consider and report on the position of British manufacturers and merchants after the war in respect of contracts entered into by them prior to the war with persons or companies in the United Kingdom, or in Allied or neutral countries, the fulfilment of which has been prevented or impeded by the war, and as to the measures, if any, which are necessary or desirable in this respect. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. On this subject, see also Committee on Acqicisition of Land for Puhlie Purposes (p. 25). ST.— MISCELLANEOUS. 85. MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS COMMITTEE ON RECONSTRUCTION AND DEMOBILISATION. Sir James Stevenson, Bart. Sir W. Graham Greene, K.C.B. Mr. P. G. Henriques. Major J. W. Hills, MJP. Mr. W. T. Layton, C.B.E. Sir Keith Price. Mr. H. H. Piggott. Mr. F. G. L. Bertram, Ministry of Munitions {Secretary). The Committee has been appointed to deal with all matters within the Ministry relating to Reconstruction and Demobilisation. 86. EMPIRE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE. (Colonial Office.) The Right Hon. Lord Tennyson, G.C.M.G. {Chairman). The Right Hon. F. D. Acland, M.P. Mr. W. Clive Bridgeman, M.P. Lord Burnham, K.C.V.O. Mr. H. H. Fawcett. The Right Hon. Andrew Fisher. Mr. P. Lyttleton Gell. Sir H. Rider Haggard. Mr. John Howard. Commissioner D. C. Lamb. The Hon. Sir Peter McBride. The Hon. Sir Richard McBride, K.C.M.G. The Hon. Sir John McCall, M.D. The Hon. Sir Thomas Mackenzie, K.C.M.G. Mr. T. C. Macnaghten. Mr. J. I. Macpherson, M.P. Major-General the Hon. Sir Newton Moore, ■ K.C.M.G. Mr. J. O'Grady, M.P. Sir S. Oliver, K.C.M.G., C.B. Lieut.-Colonel P. Pelletier. Sir Owen Philipps, K.C.M.G., M.P. Mr. J. A. Reid. Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. R. Reid. Mr. G. H. Roberts, M.P. Major Sir Thomas Robinson, K.C.M.Cr. The Hon. Robert Rogers. The Right Hon. W. P. Schreiner, K.C C.M.G. Sir A. D. Steel-Maitland, Bart., M.P. The Hon. E. G. Strutt, C.B. Mr. Frederick W. Sumner. Mr. Aubrey V. Symonds, C.B. Mr. J. H. turner. The Hon. G. C. Wade, K.C. Mr. Bruce Walker. The Hon. F. W. Young. Mr. E. J. Harding {Secretary). £ i 34 Terms of Reference. To consider and report on the measures to be taken for settling within the Empire ex-soldiers who may desire to emigrate after the war. To collect and prepare for distribution to intending emigrants of this class information which shall show clearly the nature of any facilities afforded by the Governments of the Dominions and States. To advise as to the best methods of making this information accessible to the troops. To make recommendations as to the steps which should be taken by His Majesty's Government, in concert with the Governments of the States and Dominions, for the constitution of a Central Authority to supervise and assist such emigration. The report of the Committee has been presented to Parliament [Cd. 8672]. 87. CIVIL AERIAL TRANSPORT COMMITTEE. (Air Ministry.) Major Baird, M.P., C.M.G., D.S.O. {Acting Chairman). . The Duke of Atholl, D.S.O. Mr. A. E. Berriman. Brigadier-General Brancker, Air Board. Mr. J. H. Balfour Browne, K.C. Sir M. D. Chalmers, K.C.B., Home Office. Mr. G. B. Cockburn, Aeronautical Inspection Department. The Earl of Drogheda, Foreign Office. Mr. G. E. A. Grindle, C.M.G., Colonial Office. Sir Laurence Guillemard, K.C.B., Board of Customs and Excise. Mr. G. Holt-Thomas. Mr. Claude Johnson. Mr. W. Joynson Hicks, M.P. Mr. F. W. Lanchester. Sir Thomas Mackenzie, K.C.M G., High Commissioner for New Zealand. Wing Captain E. M. Maitland, R.N., Royal Naval Air Service. Major-General J. W. McCay, C.B., Australian Commonwealth. Colonel Lord Montagu, C.S.I., India Office. Mr. G. E. P. Murray, C.B., General Post Office. Lieut.-Colonel M. O'Gorman, C.B., Air Board. The Hon. Sir G. H. Perley, K.C.M.G., High Commissioner for Canada. Wing Commander J. C. Porte, R.N., Royal Naval Air Service. Colonel J. W. Pringle, R.E., Board of Trade. Major-General Ruck, C.B. The Right Hon. W. P. Schreiner, C.M.G., K.C, High Commissioner for Union of South Africa. Sir Napier Shaw, LL.D., F.R.S., Meteorological Office. Mr. J. D. Siddeley. Mr, T. Sopwith. Lord Sydenham, G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G. Captain A. V. Vyvyan, R.N., Admiralty. Mr. H. G. WeUs. Mr. H. White Smith. Mr. D. 0. Malcolm [Secretary). Mr. E. H. Tindal Atkinson {Assistant Secretary). Mr. H. Harper {Assistant Secretary, Technical). Terms of Reference. To consider and report to the Air Board with regard to — 1. The steps which should be taken with a view to the development and regulation, after the war, of aviation for civil and commercial purposes from a domestic and imperial and an international standpoint. 2. The extent to which it will be possible to utilise for the above purpose the trained personnel and the aircraft which the conclusion of peace may leave surplus to the requirements of the Naval and Military Air Services of the United Kingdom and Overseas Dominions. CoiTtmunications should be addressed to the Secretary, Winchester House, 21, St. James's Square, S.W.I. Printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationeiy OflSce By Eybe and Spottiswoode, Ltd., East Harding Street, E.G. 4, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 390020 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY