Southern Branch of the University of California JAN 5 1926 MAY 1 7 1926 *** 1 5 192^ MAR MAY 1 5 1928 'FB7 MILL'S HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA, BY WILSON. IN EIGHT VOLUMES. VOL. II. VA THE HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BY JAMES MILL, ESQ. FOURTH EDITION, WITH NOTES AND CONTINUATION, BY HORACE HAYMAN WILSON, M.A.F.R. S. MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY AND OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETIES OF PARIS AND CALCUTTA ; OF THB IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF NATURALISTS OF MOSCOW ; OF THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF BERLIN AND MUNICH, ETC. ETC. ; AND BODBN PROFESSOR OF SANSCRIT IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. VOLUME II. LONDON JAMES MADDEN AND CO., SUCCESSORS TO PARBURY & CO., 8, LEADENHALL STREET. L. A. LEWIS, FLEET STREET. MDCCCXXXX. 54580 LONDON : B. VARTY, 27, CAMOMILE STBBET, BISHOPSOATK. PS (j> 3 CONTENTS. BOOK II. OF THE HINDUS. (COSTINIED.) CHAPTER VIII. The Arts . CHAPTER IX. Literature 47 CHAPTER X. General Reflections . .152 BOOK III. THE MOHAMMEDANS. CHAPTER I. From the first Invasion of India by the Nations in the North, till the Expulsion of the Gaznevide Dynasty .... 234 CHAPTER II. From the Commencement of the first Gaurian Dynasty to that of the second Gaurian or Afghan Dynasty 259 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. From the Commencement of the second Gaurian or Afghan Dynasty, to the Commencement of the Mogul Dynasty 281 CHAPTER IV. From the Commencement to the Close of the Mogul Dynasty 319 CHAPTER V. A Comparison of the State of Civilization among the Mohammedan Conquerors of India, with the State of Civili- zation among the Hindus 479 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK II. OF THE HINDUS. CHAP. VIII. The Arts. WE come now to the arts, necessary or ornamental, BOOK n. known to the Hindus. As the pleasures, to which ' the arts are subservient, form one of the grounds of preference between the rude and civilized condition of man, the improvement of the arts may be taken as one of the surest indications of the progress of society. Of the Hindus, it may, first of all, be observed, that they little courted the pleasures derived from the arts, whatever skill they had attained in them. The houses, even of the great, were mean, and almost destitute of furniture ; l their food was simple 1 " The buildings are all base, of mud, one story high, except in Surat, where there are some of stone. The Emperor's own houses are of stone, handsome and uniform. The great men build not, for want of inherit- ance ; but, as far as I have yet seen, live in tents, or houses worse than our cottages." Sir T. Roe's Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury Churchill, i. 803. VOL. II. B 2 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK II. an( i common ; and their dress had no distinction CHAP. 8. - (which concerns the present purpose) beyond certain degrees of fineness in the texture. If we desire to ascertain the arts which man would first practise, in his progress upwards from the lowest barbarism, we must inquire what are the most urgent of his wants. Unless the spontaneous productions of the soil supplied him with food, the means of in- snaring, or killing the animals fit for his use by clubs or stones, and afterwards by his bow and arrows, would first engage his attention. How to shelter himself from the inclemency of the weather would be his second consideration ; and where cavities of the earth or hollow trees suppb'ed not his wants, the rude construction of a hut would be one of his earliest operations. A covering for his person would pro- bably be the next of the accommodations which his feelings prompt him to provide. At first he contents himself with the skin of an animal ; but it is sur- prising at how early a period he becomes acquainted with the means of fabricating cloth. l Weaving, therefore, and architecture, are among the first of the complicated arts which are practised among barba- rians ; and experience proves that they may be carried, at a very early period of society, to a high state of 1 It is curious to observe how Plato traces this progress. He is en- deavouring to account for the origin of society. I#< ^ (tjv Vy erected a wall, " six miles in length, between two mountains ; eight feet in height, besides the breast-work ; and eighteen feet in thickness/' l Garcilasso de la Vega informs us, that " the Incas, who were kings of Peru, erected many wonderful and stately edifices ; their castles, temples, and royal palaces," says he, " their gardens, store-houses, and other fabrics, were buildings of great magnificence, as is apparent by the ruins of them. The work of greatest ostentation, and which evidences most the power and majesty of the Incas, was the fortress of Cozco, whose greatness is incredible to any who have not seen it, and such as have viewed it with great attention cannot but admire it, and believe that such a work was raised by enchantment, or the help of spirits, being that which surpasses the art and power of man. For the stones are so many and so great which are laid in the three first rounds, being rather rocks than stones, as passes all understanding, how, and in what manner, they were hewn from the quarry, or brought from thence, for they had no in- struments of iron or steel, wherewith to cut or fashion them : nor less wonderful is it to think, how they could be carried to the building ; for they had neither carts nor oxen to draw them with ; and if they had, the weight was so vast as no cart could bear, or oxen draw ; then to think that they drew them with great ropes, over hills and dales, and difficult ways, by the mere force of men's arms, is alike incredible ; for many of them were brought ten, twelve, and fifteen leagues off. But to proceed further in our imagination of this matter, and consider how it was 1 Clavigero, Hist, of Mexico, book vii. sect. 26. ARCHITECTURE OF THE HINDUS. possible for the people to fit and join such vast BOOK u. CHAP. 8. machines of stones together, and cement them so close, that the point of a knife can scarce pass between them, is a thing above all admiration ; and some of them are so artificially joined, that the cre- vices are scarce discernible between them : Then to consider that to square and fit these stones one to the other, they were to be raised and lifted up and removed often, until they were brought to their just size and proportion ; but how this was done by men who had no use of the rule and square, nor knew how to make cranes or pulleys, and cramps, and other engines, to raise and lower them as they had occasion, is beyond imagination." 1 Whatever allowance any preconceptions of the reader may lead him to make for exaggeration, which we may believe to be considerable, in the above descriptions, enough undoubtedly appears to prove, that no high attainments, in civilization and the arts, are implied in the accomplishment of very arduous 1 Royal Commentaries of Peru, by the Inca Garcilasso de la Vega, book vii. ch. xxviii. Acosta likewise says (see his Natural and Moral History of the Indies, book vi. ch. xiv.), that of these stones he measured one, at Tiagunaco, which was thirty-eight feet long, eighteen broad, and six in thickness ; and that the stones in that building were not so large as those in the fortress at Cuzco. He adds, " And that which is most strange, these stones, being not cut, nor squared to join, but contrariwise, very un- equal one with another in form and greatness, yet did they join them together without cement, after an incredible manner." Acosta tells us, however (Ibid.), that they were entirely unacquainted with the construc- tion of arches. Humboldt, who could have no national partialities on the subject, is almost as lofty in his praises of the remains of the ancient archi- tecture of the Mexicans and Peruvians. " Au Mexique el au Perou," says he, Tableaux de la Nature, i. 168, " on trouve partout dans les plaines elevees des montagnes, de traces d'nne grande civilisation. Nous avons vu, a une hauteur de seize a dix-huit cent toises, des mines de palais et de bains." The ruins which he saw of a palace of immense size, are mentioned at p. 158. 10 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. an( | surprising works in architecture ; and it will be CHAP. 8. allowed that such comparisons between the attain- ments of different nations, are the only means of forming a precise judgment of the indications of civi- lization which they present, The Gothic cathedrals reared in modern Europe, which remain among the most stupendous monuments of architecture in that quarter of the globe, were constructed, many of them at least, at comparatively a very low stage of civili- zation and science. To allude to Nineveh and Babylon, is to bring to the recollection of the his- torical reader, the celebrated works of architecture, in temples, walls, palaces, bridges, which distin- guished those ancient cities. Yet it is demonstrated, that no high degree of improvement was attained by the people that erected them. The pyramids of Egypt, vast as their dimensions, and surprising their durability, afford intrinsic evidence of the rudeness of the period at which they were reared. 1 According to Strabo, the sepulchre of Belus, at Babylon, was a pyramid of one stadium in height. It appears to have been built of different bodies, or stages, one rising above another, exactly in the manner of the great temple at Mexico. A tower, says Herodotus, 1 " Let us now speak," says the President Goguet, Origin of Laws, part iii. book ii. ch. i. " of the bridge of Babylon, which the ancients have placed in the number of the most marvellous works of the East. It was near 100 fathoms in length, and almost four in breadth, &c While we do justice to the skill of the Babylonians, in conducting these works, we cannot help remarking the bad taste, which, at all times, reigned in the works of the eastern nations. The bridge of Babylon furnishes a striking instance of it. This edifice was absolutely without grace, or any air of majesty Finally, this bridge was not arched." The first chiefs in Iceland built no inconsiderable houses. Ingulph's palace was 135 feet in length. Mallet. Introd. Hist. Denmark, vol. i. ch. xiii. ARCHITECTURE OF THE HINDUS. 11 a stadium both in length and breadth, is reared at BOOK " CHAP. 8. the base ; and upon this is erected another tower, and again another upon that, to the number of eight towers in all. 1 Sonnerat informs us, " that the architecture of the Hindus is very rude ; and their structures in honour of their deities are venerable only from their mag- nitude." 2 "Mail-cotay," says Dr. Buchanan, "is one of the most celebrated places of Hindu worship, both as having been honoured with the actual pre- sence of an avatara, or incarnation of Vishnu, who founded one of the temples; and also as being one of the principal seats of the Sri Vaishnavam Brah- mans, and having possessed very large revenues. The large temple is a square building of great di- mensions, and entirely surrounded by a colonnade ; but it is a mean piece of architecture, at least out- wardly. The columns are very rude, and only about six feet high. Above the entablature, in place of a balustrade, is a clumsy mass of brick and plaster, much higher than the columns, and excavated with 1 Herodot. Clio, 181. Major Rennel, who was obliged to trust to Mr. Beloe's translation, was puzzled with the expression, " a tower of the solid depth and height of one stadium;" justly pronounces it incredible, and says, " Surely Herodotus wrote breadth and length, and not breadth and height," (Geog of Herodot. p. 359, 360) which is precisely the fact, the words of Herodotus being KCLI TO [irjicos icai TO eu/>os. The word re^vtjaaro Tlepais Apa^vrj. Again: Ni^jeuj fiev Ta<5e Swpa irdKvrpoTra.' dwice Be icovpij TlepaiKos E,v HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. Every thing which savours of ingenuity ; even the most natural results of common observation and good sense, are foreign to the agriculture of the Hindus. The advantages arising from the observation of the fittest season for sowing are almost entirely neglected. No attention was ever paid in Hindustan to the varieties of the grains ; so as to select the best seed, or that fittest for particular situations. For restoring fruitfulness to a field that is exhausted, no other ex- pedient is known, than suspending its cultivation; when the weeds, with which it is always plentifully stored, usurp undivided dominion. Any such refine- ment as a fallow, or a rotation of crops, is far beyond the reach of a Hindu. The most irrational practice that ever found existence in the agriculture of any nation, is general in India, that of sowing various species of seeds, mustard, flax, barley, wheat, millet, maize, and many others, which ripen at different in- tervals, all indiscriminately on the same spot. As soon as the earliest of the crops is mature, the reapers are sent into the field, who pick out the stalks of the plant which is ripe, and tread down the rest with their feet. This operation is repeated as each part of the product arrives at maturity, till the whole is separated from the ground. l amber, rock-salt, assafoctida, glass toys. What is carried back is earthen- ware. All this commerce is carried upon the backs of men, or horses and goats. Ayeen Akbcry, ii 33. Buchanan's Journey, i. 205, 434. Capt. Hardwicke, Asiat. Res. vi. 330. 1 That there is much slovenliness in Indian agriculture, may be admitted ; but much that is here charged against it, is untrue. Hindu cultivators are by no means deficient in common observation and good sense, and are re- gulated in their proceedings by a knowledge of their soil and climate ; in which the heavy implements . and laborious culture of Europe, would be wholly out of place. To say that the Indian farmer is ignorant of the AGRICULTURE OF THE HINDUS. 27 Though, during the dry season, there is an almost BOOK n. total failure of vegetables for the support of cattle ; of which every year many are lost by famine, and the remainder reduced to the most deplorable state of emaciation and weakness ; none but the most im- perfect means were ever imagined by the Hindu of saving part of the produce of the prolific season, to supply the wants of the barren one. Hay is a commodity which it would not always be con- venient to make; but various kinds of pulse and millet might be produced at all seasons, and would afford the most important relief to the cattle when the pasture-grounds are bare. The horses themselves are often preserved alive by the grooms picking up the roots of the grass with a knife from the ditches and tanks. l fittest season for sowing, is the contradiction of known facts ; as nothing can be more regular than the periodical recurrence of the harvests. Nor is the Indian farmer unacquainted with the advantage of a rotation of crops ; although, in general, the soil does not require it : where, as in the case of sugar-cane, the produce exhausts the soil, we have Dr. Rox- burgh's evidence, that the Indians " do not attempt to rear a second crop . oftener than every third or fourth year ; allowing the land either to rest, or employing it for the growth of such plants as are found to improve the soil ; of which the Indian farmer is a perfect judge." As. Annual Reg. 1802. Tracts, p. 8. Few persons had better opportunities of estimating the character of Indian agriculture than Sir Thomas Munro, and he calls it ' a good system.' Evidence, 1813. W. 1 For this sketch of Hindu agriculture, the chief authorities are, a short treatise, entitled " Remarks on the Agriculture, &c. of Bengal ;" Ten- nant's Indian Recreations, particularly the second volume ; and Dr. Bu- chanan's Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. After describing the wretched state of agriculture in the neighbourhood of Seringapatam, Dr. Buchanan says ; " I am afraid, however, that the reader, in perusing the foregoing accounts, will have formed an opinion of the native agricul- ture still more favourable than it deserves. I have been obliged to use the English words ploughings, weedings, and hoeings, to express operations somewhat similar, that are performed by the natives ; and the frequent repetition of these, mentioned in the accounts taken from the cultivators, might induce the reader to imagine that the ground was well wrought, and kept remarkably clean. Quite the reverse, however, is the truth. Owing 2S' HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. The only circumstance to captivate the fancy of . those Europeans, who were on the look-out for sub- jects of praise, was the contrivance for irrigation. Reservoirs or excavations, known in India by the name of tanks, were so contrived as to collect a large body of water in the rainy season, whence it was drawn off in the season of drought for the re- freshment of the fields. These tanks appear to have been at all times a principal concern of the govern- ment; and when it is considered that almost the whole revenue of the sovereign depended in each year upon the produce of the soil, and that the decay of the tanks ensured the decay of revenue, it is no won- der that of such care and wisdom as the government any where displayed, a large portion should appear to have been bestowed upon the tanks. In certain places much care and labour have been employed. But those authors were strangely mistaken who looked upon this as a proof of refined agriculture and great civilization. It is only in a small number of instances, where the whole power of an extensive to the extreme imperfection of their implements, and want of strength in their cattle, a field, after six or eight ploughings, has numerous small bushes remaining as upright in it as before the labour, -while the plough has not penetrated above three inches deep, and has turned over no part of the soil. * * * The plough has neither coulter nor mould-board, to divide and to turn over the soil ; and the handle gives the ploughman very little power to command its direction. The other instruments are equally imperfect, and are more rudely formed than it was possible for my draughtsman to represent." Buchanan's Journey through Mysore, &c. i. 126. In another place he says, " In every field there is more grass than corn. Notwithstanding the many ploughings, the fields are full of grass roots." Ibid. p. 345. See also p. 15. Agriculture was almost uni- versal among the American tribes. " Throughout all America, we scarcely meet with any nation of hunters, which does not practise some species of cultivation." Robertson's America, ii. 117. " The agriculture of the Pe- ruvians was apparently superior to that of the Hindus." Ibid. iii. 341. AGRICULTURE OF THE HINDUS. 29 government, and that almost always Mahomedan, 1 c had been applied to the works of irrigation, that they are found on a considerable scale, or in any but the rudest state. In a country in which, without artificial watering, the crops would always be lost, the ingenuity of sinking a hole in the ground, to reserve a supply of water, need not be considered as great. 2 To separate the grain from the straw, the ancient method of treading with oxen has, in Hindustan, 1 The most considerable works of this class, are in the South and West of India, -where the Mohammedan rule was either not known at all, or not until a very recent date. W. 4 Frezier (see his Voyage to the South Sea, p. 213, London edition, 1718,) says, " The ancient Indians were extraordinary industrious in con- veying the water of the rivers to their dwellings : there are still to be seen in many places aqueducts of earth and of dry stones, carried on and turned off very ingeniously along the sides of hills, with an infinite number of windings, which shows that those people, as unpolished as they were, very well understood the art of levelling." There is something indicative of no little art in the floating gardens and fields which were on the lake of Mexico. (See the Description in Clavigero, Hist. Mex. book vii. sect. 27.) The cultivation of their fields, considering it was done by human, without the aid of animal labour, was remarkable, and their produce surprising. (Ibid. sect. 28.) The following passage from Garcilasso de la Vega de- serves to be quoted as a monument of the labours of the Peruvians in agriculture : " They drained all wet moors and fens, for in that art they were excellent, as is apparent by their works which remain unto this day : And also they were very ingenious in making aqueducts for carrying water into dry and scorched lands." (He explains how careful they were to water both their corn-lands and pasture.) * * * " After they had made a provision of water, the next thing was to dress, and cultivate, and clear their fields of bushes and trees ; and, that they might with most advantage receive the water, they made them in a quadrangular form ; those lands which were good on the side of hills, they levelled by certain alleys or walks which they made. To make these alleys they raised three walls of friezed stone, one before, and one of each side, somewhat inclining inwards, so that they may more securely bear and keep up the weight of the earth, which is pressed and rammed down by them, until it be raised to the height of the wall. Then next to this walk they made another, some- thing shorter and less, kept up in the same manner with its wall ; until at length they came to take in the whole hill, levelling it by degrees in .30 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. "' &i ven wa y * no improvement ; and for the most part the com is still ground in handmills by the women. 1 Of the arts which at an early age of society acquire the greatest excellence, one, as we have already observed, is that of preparing brilliant trinkets for the ornament of the person. The Hin- dus cut the precious stones, polish them to a high degree of brilliancy, and set them neatly in gold and silver. It remains to be ascertained how much fashion of a ladder, one alley above the other. Where the ground was stony, they gathered up the stones, and covered the barren soil with fresh earth to make their levels, that so no part of the ground might be lost. The first quadrangles were the largest, and as spacious as the situation of the place could bear, some being of that length and breadth as were capable to receive a hundred, some two hundred, or three hundred bushels of seed. Those of the second row were made narrower and shorter. * * * * In some parts they brought the channels of water from fifteen or twenty leagues' distance, though it were only to improve a slip of a few acres of land, which was esteemed good corn-ground." Royal Commentaries of Peru, part i. book v. ch. i. The Mercurio Peruano de- scribes extensive works for irrigation among the Peruvians, of which the vestiges are still to be seen. Mercur. Peruano, viii. 38. Acosta tells us, (Nat. and Mor. Hist, book iii. ch. xviii.) "The Indians do draw from these floods, that run from the mountains to the valleys and plains, many and great brooks to water their lands, which they ususilly do with such industry, as there are no better in Murcia, nor at Milan itself, the which is also the greatest and only wealth of the plains of Peru, and of many other parts of the Indies." 1 Sonnerat, Voyag. liv. iii. ch. viii. ; Tennant's Ind. Recr. i. 302. The country of the Seiks, a people confessedly barbarous, a well-informed author, Francklin, in his Memoirs of George Thomas, p. G5, 66. informs us, is highly cultivated, and their arts and manufactures are on a level with those of any other part of India. " Les Tartares du Daghestan ont une coutume qu'ils observent soigneusement : sgavoir, que personne ne peut se marier chez eux, avant que d'avoir plante en un endroit marque cent arbres fruitiers ; ensorte qu'on trouve partout dans les montagncs du Daghestan de grands fore ts d'arbres fruitiers." (Hist. Gfcneal. des Tartars, p. 313.) Zoroaster made the duties of agriculture part of his religion. " To BOW grain with purity, is to fulfil the whole extent of the law of the Mazdeiesnans." (Anquetil, Zendav. ii. 610.) The Heruli and Lombards, in their native wilds, cultivated flax, " which supposes," says Gibbon, "propcrty : agriculture, manufactures, and commerce." (Gibbon, vii. 276. ) JEWELLERY OF THE HINDUS. 31 of civilization this faculty implies. So early as the time of Moses, the art of forming jewels had attained great perfection among the Jews. In the ephod of Aaron, and in the breast-plate of judgment, were precious stones set in gold, with the names of the twelve tribes engraved on them. The account of these jewels in the book of Exodus, suggests ideas of considerable magnificence. 1 Clavigero informs us, that the ancient Mexicans " set gems in gold and silver, and made most curious jewellery of great value. In short/' says that author, " these sort of works were so admirably finished, that even the Spanish soldiers, all stung as they were with the same wretched thirst for gold, valued the workman- ship above the materials." 2 1 Exod. ch. xxviii. " I look upon engraving on fine stones," says Goguet, (Origin of Laws, part ii. book ii. ch. ii. art. 3.) "as the most remarkable evidence of the rapid progress of the arts in some countries. This work supposes a number of discoveries, much knowledge, and much experience." He adds, in a note, " It must be agreed, that the ancient Peruvians, whose monarchy had not subsisted above three hundred and fifty years, understood perfectly well the working of precious stones." (Hist Gen. des Voyages, xiii. 578.)" Ibid. 2 Clavigero, Hist, of Mexico, book vii. sect. 51. Even the most rude of the American tribes seem not to have been without some knowledge of the art of working the precious stones. M. de la Condamine, speaking of the green stones, found in some places bordering on the Amazons' River, in South America, says, (Voyage dans PInterieur de 1'Amerique Me- ridionale, p. 131,) " La verite est qu'elles ne different, ni en couleur, ni en durete, du Jade Oriental ; elles resistent a la lime, et on n'imagine pas par quel artifice les anciens Americains ont pu les tailler, et leur donner diverses figures d'animaux, sans fer ni acier." In the same place, he mentions another phenomenon of the ancient Americans. " Ce sont," says he, " des Emeraudes arrondies, polies, et percees de deux trous coniques, diametralement opposes sur un axe commun, telles qu'on en trouve encore aujourd'hui au Perou sur les bords de la Riviere de St. Jago dans la province d'Esmeraldas, a quarante lieues de Quito, avec divers autres monumens de 1'industrie de ses anciens habitans." The Persians of the present day are eminent lapidaries. Chardin, Voy. en Perse, iii. 32 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. When Europeans have compared the extreme im- perfection, the scantiness and rudeness of the tools by which the Hindu artist performs his task, with the neatness, and in some cases the celerity of the execution, they have frequently drawn an inference, the very reverse of that which the circumstances im- plied. This sort of faculty is no mark of high civi- lization. A dexterity in the use of its own imperfect tools is a common attribute of a rude society. Acosta, speaking of some remarkable instances of this species of talent in the natives of Mexico and Peru, says, " Hereby we may judge, if they have any understanding, or be brutish ; for my part, I think they pass us in those things whereunto they apply themselves." 1 Mr. Forster himself, whose admira- tion was excited by the dexterity of the Hindus, af- fords an instance in the rude person of a Russian peasant, which might have suggested to him an ap- propriate conclusion. " At the distance," says he, " of a few miles from Choperskoy, the driver of the carriage alarmed me by a report of the hinder axle 115. Olivier says, " Us taillent assez bien les pierres prcieuses, ct les montcnt avec assez de gout." Olivier, Voy. &c. v. 304, &c. " At this place I had an opportnnity of seeing their mode of smelting gold. Isaaco had purchased some gold in coming through Konkodoo, and here he had it made into a large ring. The smith made a crucible of common red clay, and dried it in the sun. Into this he put the gold, without any flux or mixture whatever. He then put charcoal under it and over it ; and blow- ing the fire with the common bellows of the country, soon produced such a heat as to bring the gold in a state of fusion. He then made a small furrow in the ground, into which he poured the melted gold. When it was cold he took it up, and heating it again soon hammered it into a square bar. Then heating it again he twisted it by means of two pair of pincers into a sort of screw, and, lengthening eut the ends, turned them up, so as to form a massy and precious ring." Mungo Park's Last Mission to Africa, p. 78. 1 Acosta, Nat. and Mor. Hist of the Indies, book vi. chap. viii. TOOLS AMONG THE HINDUS. being shattered ; an accident which gave me an op- portunity of observing the dexterity of a Russian car- penter in the use of the axe. Without the help of any other tool, except a narrow chisel, to cut a space in the centre of it for receiving an iron bar which supports the axle, and to pierce holes for the linch- pins, he reduced in two hours a piece of gross timber to the requisite form, and his charge was one shil- ling." 1 But while dexterity in the use of imperfect tools 1 Forster's Travels, ii. 282. Les habitans de Kamschatka, d'une stu- pidite sans egale a certains egards, sont a d'autres d'une Industrie mer- veilleuse. S'agit-il de se faire des vetemens ? Inur adresse en ce genre, dit leur Historien, surpasse celle des Europeens. Helvetius, de I'Homme, i. 304. " In general, the ingenuity of all their (the Otaheitans') works, considering the tools they possess, is marvellous. Their cloth, clubs, fish- ing implements, canoes, houses, all display great skill; their mourning dresses, their war head-dress and breast-plates, show remarkable taste ; their adjustment of the different parts, the exact symmetry, the nicety of the joining, are admirable : and it is astonishing how they can, with such ease and quickness, drill holes in a pearl-shell with a shark's tooth, and so fine as not to admit the point of a common pin." Missionary Voyage, p. 330. Observe the same remarkable coincidence in patience, rudeness of tools, and neatness of execution, in the following description by Robert- son of the state of the arts in Mexico. " The functions of the mason, the wearer, the goldsmith, the painter, and of several other crafts, were carried on by different persons. Each was regularly instructed in his calling. To it alone his industry was confined ; and, by assiduous appli- cation to one object, together with the persevering patience peculiar to Americans, their artisans attained to a degree of neatness and perfection in work, far beyond what could have been expected from the rude tools which they employed. Their various productions were brought into com- merce ; and, by the exchange of them in the stated markets held in the cities, not only were their mutual wants supplied, in such orderly inter- course as characterizes an improved state of society, but their industry was daily rendered persevering and inventive." Robertson's Hist, of America, iii. 286. Voltaire has a passage on this subject which shows philosophical discernment. " Il-y-a dans 1'homme un instinct de me- chanique qne nous voyons produire tous les jours de tres grands effets, dans des hommes fort grossiers. On voit des machines inventees par les habitans des montagnes du Tirol et des Vosges, qui etonnent les savans." Voltaire, Essai sur les Mceurs et 1'Esprit des Nations, Introd. p. 32. VOL. II. D 33 34 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. *is not a proof of civilization; a great want of inge- nuity and completeness in instruments and machinery is a strong indication of the reverse ; nor would it be easy to point out any single circumstance, which may be taken as a better index of the degree in which the benefits of civilization are any where enjoyed, than the state of the tools and machinery of the artists. All European visitors have been vehe- mently struck with the rudeness of the tools and machinery used by the people of Hindustan. 1 Son- nerat, one of those travellers who have surveyed the state of the arts in that country with the greatest attention, and the most enlightened eyes, informs us, that with his hands, and two or three tools, the Hindu artisan has to perform that kind of task about which with us a hundred tools would be employed. 2 " When the rudeness of the tools," says Mr. Forster, " with the simplicity of the process, is examined, the degree of delicacy which the artisans have acquired in their several professions must challenge a high admira- tion." 3 Fryer, speaking of the mode in which coral is cut, says, " The tools of the workman were more 1 Crauford's Sketches, p. 328, 1st ed. 8 Sonnerat, Voy. liv iii. chap. viii. " The Indian carpenter knows no other tools than the plane, the chisel, the wimble, a hammer, and a kind of hatchet. The earth serves him for a bench, and his foot for a holdfast. He is a month in performing what our workman will do in three days. Even after instruction he will not adopt our method of sawing. Placing his wood between two beams fixed in the ground, and sitting on a bench, a man employs three days, with one saw, to make a plank, which wonld cost our people an hour's work." Ibid. Among the Birmans the state of the more necessary and useful arts seems to be fully as much advanced as among the Hindus : in not a few cases more so. (See Mr. Symes' Embassy to Ava.) The waggons are more neat and commodious than the clumsy gauries or carts of India. 3 Forster's Travels, i. 25. " Their artificers," says Stavorinus, " work with so little apparatus, and so few instruments, that an European would FINE ARTS AMONG THE HINDUS. 35 to be wondered at than his art ; his hands and feet CHAP 8 I- being all the vice, and the other tools unshapen bits of iron." 1 In the mode in which the Hindu artisans, of almost all descriptions, perform their work, is observed a circumstance, generally found among a rude people, and no where else. The carpenter, the blacksmith, the brazier, even the goldsmith and jeweller, not to speak of others, produce not their manufacture, as in a refined state of the arts, in houses and workshops of their own, where the accommodations requisite for them can best be combined : they repair for each job, with their little budget of tools, to the house of the man who employs them, and there perform the service for which they are called. 2 With regard to the fine arts, a short sketch will suffice. Hardly by any panegyrist is it pretended be astonished at their neatness and expedition. Stavorinus, Voy. p. 412. See, to the same purpose, Tennant, Indian Recreations, i. 301, 302, 303. ' Fryer's Travels, let. iii. chap. iii. They cut diamonds, he says, with a mill turned by men, the string reaching, in manner of our cutlers' wheels, to lesser that are in a flat press, where under steel wheels dia- monds are fastened, and with its own bort are worn into what cut the artist pleases. Ibid. * The blacksmith goes from place to place carrying his tools with him. Beside his forge and his little furnace, a stone serves for an anvil, and his whole apparatus consists of a pair of pincers, a hammer, a mallet, and a file. They have not attained the art of polishing gold and silver, or of working gold in different colours. The goldsmith goes about with his tools, like the blacksmith. Sonnerat, Voy. liv. iii. chap. viii. The workmen in gold and silver are frequently only little boys, who sit every day in the bazaar or market waiting till they are called, when they go to your house, with their implements in a little basket, consisting of a very small anvil, a hammer, a pair of bellows, a few files, and a pair of pincers ; a chafing-dish, or pan of embers, is then given to him with a model of what is to be made, and the material. He then sets about his work in the open air, and performs it with despatch and ingenuity. Other D 2 36 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. s. 1 ^ iat *h e sculpture, the painting, the music of the - Hindus are in a state beyond that in which they appear in early stages of society. The merely me- chanical part, that for which the principal requi- sites are time and patience, the natural produce of rude ages, when labour is of little value, is often exe- cuted with great neatness ; and surprises by the idea of the difficulty overcome. In the province of genius and taste, nothing but indications of rudeness ap- pear. The productions are not merely void of at- traction : they are unnatural, offensive, and not un- frequently disgusting. " The Hindus of this day," says Mr. Forster, " have a slender knowledge of the rules of proportion, and none of perspective. They are just imitators, and correct workmen, but they possess merely the glimmerings of genius." 1 " The style and taste of the Indians," says Paolino, " are indeed extremely wretched ; but they possess a won- derful aptitude for imitating the arts and inventions of the Europeans, as soon as the method has been pointed out to them." 2 Major Rennel himself in- forms us, that the imitative or fine arts were not car- ried to the height even of the Egyptians, much less of the Greeks and Romans, by the Hindus; that like the Chinese they made great progress in some of the useful arts, but scarcely any in those of taste. 3 tradesmen go to your home in the same manner, the shoemaker and tailor. Stavoriuus, Voy. p. 412. It is remarkable how exactly this description of the state of the arts among the Hindus tallies with that among the Persians ; C hardin informs us that every where in Persia, the artisans of all descrip- tions go to work in the houses of those who employ them that they per- form their work with the poorest apparatus, and, comparing the tools with the work, to a surprising degree of perfection. Chardin, Voy. en Perse, iii. 98. 1 Forster's Travels, i. 80. * Bartolomeo's Travels, book i. chap. vii. 3 Rennel's Memoir, p. xzii. FINE ARTS AMONG THE HINDUS. 37 " In India/' says Sonnerat, " as well as among all BOOK n. CHAP, o. the people of the East, the arts have made little or no progress. All the statues we see in their temples are badly designed and worse executed." 1 We have the testimony of Mr. Hodges, which to this point at least is a high testimony, that the sculpture in the pagodas of Hindustan is all very rude. 8 In the de- scription of a temple of Siva, at Hullybedu in Mysore, Dr. Buchanan says, " Its walls contain a very ample delineation of Hindu mythology ; which, in the re- presentation of human or animal forms, is as desti- tute of elegance as usual ; but some of the foliages possess great neatness. It much exceeds any Hindu building that I have seen elsewhere." 3 Whatever exaggeration we may suppose in the accounts which the historians of Mexico and Peru have given us of the works of sculpture in the new world, the description of them will not permit us to conclude that they were many degrees inferior to the productions of Hindustan. Clavigero says, " The Mexicans were more successful in sculpture than in 1 Sonnerat, Voy. liv. iii. ch. viii. M. That this condemnation is too un- qualified we have satisfactory testimony in some of the sculptures at Ellora, of which drawings are given by Captain Grindlay in the Trans. Royal Asia- tic Society, vol. ii. 326. W. s Hodges' Travels in India. Mr. Hodges says, " I am concerned I can- not pay so high a compliment to the art of sculpture among the Hindoos as is usually paid by many ingenious authors who write on the religion of Bra- mah. Considering these works, as I do, with the eyes of an artist, they are only to be paralleled with the rude essays of the ingenious Indians I have met with in Otaheite, and on other islands in the South Seas :" p. 26. He adds in the next page, that in point of carving, that is, the mere me- chanical part, the ornaments in the Hindu temples are often beautiful. In another passage, too, p. 151, he speaks again of the same mechanical nicety, the peculiar sharpness of the cut in Hindu carvings. See, to the same pur- pose, Tennant's Indian Recr. i. 299. 3 Buchanan, Journey through Mysore, &c. iii. 391. 5'IOSQ 38 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. "' P amt i R g- They learned to express in their statues all . the attitudes and postures of which the human body is capable ; they observed the proportions exactly ; and could, when necessary, execute the most deli- cate and minute strokes with the chisel. The works which they executed by casting of metals were in still more esteem. The miracles they produced of this kind would not be credible, if, besides the testi- mony of those who saw them, curiosities in numbers, of this nature, had not been sent from Mexico to Europe." 1 The progress was similar, as we might presume, in the sister art of painting. The Hindus copy with great exactness, even from nature. By consequence they draw portraits, both of individuals and of groups, with a minute likeness ; but peculiarly devoid of grace and expression. Their inability to exhibit the simplest creations of the fancy, is strongly expressed by Dr. Tennant, who says, " The laborious exact- 1 Clavigero, Hist. Mcx. book vii. sect. 50. He adds, " The works of gold and silver sent in presents from the conqueror Cortez to Charles V. filled the goldsmiths of Europe with astonishment, who, as several authors of that period attest, declared that they were altogether inimitable. The Mexican founders made, both of gold and silver, the most perfect ima- ges of natural bodies. They made a fish in this manner, which had its scales, alternately, the one of silver and the other of gold, a parrot with a moveable head, tongue, and wings, and an ape with a moveable head and feet, having a spindle in its hand in the attitude of spinning." Ibid. Garcilasso tells us, " that the Peruvians framed many figures of men and women, of birds of the air, and fishes of the sea ; likewise of fierce ani- mals, such as tigers, lions and bears, foxes, dogs, cats; in short, all crea- tures whatsoever known amongst them, they cast and moulded into true and natural figures of the same shape and form of those creatures which they represented. They counterfeited the plants and wall-flowers so well, that being on the walls they seemed to be natural ; the creatures which were shaped on the walls, such as lizards, butterflies, snakes, and serpents, some crawling up and some down, were so artificially done, that they seem- ed natural, and wanted nothing but motion." (Book vi. chap, i.) FINE ARTS AMONG THE HINDUS. 39 ness with which they imitate every feather of a bird, or the smallest fibre on the leaf of a plant, renders them valuable assistants in drawing specimens of natural history ; but further than this they cannot advance one step. If your bird is to be placed on a rock, or upon the branch of a tree, the draughtsman is at a stand ; the object is not before him ; and his imagination can supply nothing." 1 In one remark- able circumstance their painting resembles that of all other nations who have made but a small progress in the arts. They are entirely without a knowledge of perspective, and by consequence, of all those finer and nobler parts of the art of painting, which have per- spective for their requisite basis. 2 1 Tennant's Ind. Rec. i. 299. 2 Dr. Tennant, at the place cited above, supports his own authority, by quoting the following passage of Sonnerat : " La peinture chez les Indiens est, et sera toujours, dans Penfance ; ils trouvent admirable un tableau charge de rouge et de bleu, et dont les personnages sont vetus d'or. Ils n'entendent point le clair-obscur, n'arrondissent jamais les objets, et ne savent pas les mettre en perspective ; en un mot, leurs meilleures peintures ne sont que de mauvaises enluminures." (Voyages aux Indes, i. 99.) The Indian pic- tures, says Mandelsloe, are more remarkable for their diversity of colours, than any exactness of proportion. Harris' Collect, of Voy. i. How ex- actly does this correspond with the description which Chardin gives us of the state of the same art among the Persians ! En Perse les arts, tant libe- raux que mechaniques, sont en general presque tous rudes etbruts, en com- paraison de la perfection ou 1' Europe les a portes Ils enteudent fort mal le dessin, ne sachant rien faire au naturel ; et ils n'ont aucune con- noissance de la perspective Pour ce que de la platte-peinture, il est vrai que les visages qu'ils represented sont assez ressemblans ; ils les tirent d'ordinaire de profil, parce que ce sont ceux qu'ils font le plus aisement ; ils les font aussi de trois quarts : mais pour les visages en plein ou de front, ils y reussissent fort mai, n'entendant pas a y donner les ombres. Ils ne sauroient former une attitude et une posture Leur pinceau est fin et delicat, et leur peinture vive et eclatante. II faut attribuer a 1'air du pays la beaute des couleurs. Voy. en Perse, iii. '284. La peinture est encore au berceau : les Persans n'ont fait aucun progres dans cet art En general, leur maniere de faire ressemble un peu a celle des Chinois : leur dessin est ties incorrect ; ils nc conuaissent pas la perspective : ils ne 40 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. it i s anomalous and somewhat surprising that the CHAP. 8. . music of the Hindus should be so devoid of all excel- lence. As music is, in its origin, the imitation of the tones of passion ; and is most naturally employed for the expression of passion, in rude ages, when the power of expressing it by articulate language is the most imperfect ; simple melodies, and these often highly expressive and affecting, are natural to un- cultivated tribes. It was in the earliest stage of civi- lization, that Orpheus is fabled to have possessed the power of working miracles by his lyre. -Yet all Europeans, even those who are the most disposed to savent pas employer les ombres Cependant on voit sortir de leur s mains des ouvragcs assez jolis; Us peignent assez bien les flours ct les uiseaux de fantaisie ; Us reussissent dans les arabesques ; Us emploicnt tres bien Tor ; Us font de tres beaux vernix Les couleurs que les Per- sans emploient. etqu'ils font eux-memes, ont tout 1'eclat, toute la solidite.qu'on peut desirer. Ce sent eux qui nous ont fait connaitre 1'outremer. (Olivier* Voyage, v. 301.) It is remarkable to find the state of the fine arts in China so exactly the same. " Quoique les Chinois ayent une passion extraordi- naire pour tous les ouvrages de peiuture, et que leurs temples en soient or- ncz, on ne peut rien voir neanmoins de plus borne, et dc moins regulier. Us ne sgavcnt point menager lea ombres d'un tableau, ni meler ou adoucir les couleurs Us ne sont pas plus heurcux dans la sculpture, et Us n'y observent ni ordre, ni proportions. (Le GentU. Voyage, u. 111.) The painting of the Mexicans seems to have had the same perfections and im- perfections with that of these eastern nations. The colours, Robertson (iii. 278) informs us, were remarkably bright, but laid on without any art, and without any regard to light and shade, or the rules of perspective. Clavigero, though the skill of the Mexicans in painting is not one of the points for which he most highly admires them, says, " We hare seen, among the ancient paintings, many portraits of the kings of Mexico, in which, besides the singular beauty of the colours, the proportions were most accurately observed." (Hist. Mex. book vii. sect. 49.) " Les Mexicains," says Humboldt, " ont conserve un gout particulier pour la peiuture et pour 1'art de sculpter en pierre et en bois. On- est etonne de voir ce qu'ils exe- cutent avec un mauvais couteau, et sur les bois les plus durs Us montrent beaucoup d' aptitude pour 1'exercice des arts d'imitation ; Us en deploient une plus grande encore pour les arts purement mecaniques. Cette aptitude deviendra un jour tres precicuse, &c." Humboldt, Essai Politi- que sur le Royaumc de la Nouveile Espague, p. 9. FINE ARTS AMONG THE HINDUS. 41 eulogize the attainments of the Hindus, unite in de- BOOK n. scribing the music of that people as unpleasing, and void both of expression and art. Dr. Tennant, who founds his testimony both on his own, and other people's observation, says : " If we are to judge merely from the number of instruments, and the frequency with which they apply them, the Hindoos might be regarded as considerable proficients in music, yet has the testimony of all strangers deemed it equally imperfect as the other arts. 1 Their warlike instruments are rude, noisy, and inartificial : and in temples, those employed for the purposes of religion are managed apparently on the same principle ; for, in their idea, the most pleasant and harmonious is that which make the loudest noise." 2 After a de- scription of the extreme rudeness of the instruments of music of the people of Sumbhulpoor, Mr. Motte says, " the Rajah's band always put me in mind 1 Europeans in general know nothing of Indian music. They hear only the accompaniments to public processions, in which noise is the chief ob- ject to be obtained, or the singing of Mohammedans, which is Persian, not Indian. That music was cultivated on scientific principles, is evident from the accounts given of it by Sir William Jones and Mr. Colebrooke, from which it appears, that the Hindus had a knowledge of the gamut, of a mode of notation, of measurement of time, and of a division of the notes of a more minute description than has been found convenient in Europe. The practice of the art amongst them has declined, in consequence pro- bably of its supersession by the Mohammedans, but occasionally Hindu performers are met with, whose instruments and execution might please more accomplished musicians than those whose opinions have been fol- lowed by the writer. See Willard, on the Music of Hindostan. W. * Indian Rec. i. 300. Ces peuples n'ont aucune idee des accords. Leur chant commence par un bourdonnement sourd et fort bas, apres lequel ils eclatent. Anquetil Duperron, Voyage aux Indes Orientales, Zendavesta, i. xxvi. Even Sonnerat himself informs us, that their music is bad, and their songs destitute of harmony. Voyages aux Indes, liv. iii. chap. viii. 42 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. O f a number of children coming from a country CHAP. 8. J 1 fair. 1 Motto's Journey to Orissa, (Asiat. An. Regist. i. Miscellaneous Tracts, p. 77.) " Their ideas of music, if we may judge from their prac- tice, are barbarous." Orme's Hist. Milit. Trans, i. 3. The following passage from Garcilasso de la Vega is an important document in the his- tory of music. It exhibits more nakedly the fact respecting its origin, than, perhaps, any other written monument ; and it proves at the same time the power of expression which the art had attained. " In music," says he, " the Peruvians arrived to a certain harmony in which the Indians of Colla did more particularly excel, having been the inventors of a certain pipe made of canes glued together, every one of which having a different note of higher and lower, in the manner of organs, made a pleasing music by the dissonancy of sounds, the treble, tenor, and basse, exactly corresponding, and answering to each other ; with these pipes they often played in concert They had also other pipes, which were flutes with four or five stops, like the pipes of shepherds ; with these they played not in concert, but singly, and tuned them to sonnets, which they composed in metre, the subject of which was love, and the passions which arise from the favours or displeasures of a mistress . . Every song was set to its proper tune ; for two songs of different subjects could not correspond with the same air, by reason that the music which the gallant made on his flute was designed to express the satisfaction or discontent of his mind, which were not so intelligible, perhaps, by the words, as by the melancholy or cheerfulness of the tune which he played. A certain Spaniard, one night late, encountered an Indian woman in the streets of Cozco, and would have brought her back to his lodgings ; but she cried out, ' For God's sake, sir, let me go, for that pipe which you hear in yonder tower calls me with great passion, and I cannot refuse the summons ; for love constrains me to go, that I may be his wife, and he my husband.' The songs which they composed of their wars, and grand achievements, were never set to the airs of their flute, being too grave and serious to be intermixed with the pleasures and softness of love ; for these were only sung at their prin- cipal festivals, when they commemorated their victories and triumphs." Royal Comment, book ii. ch. xiv. " The accounts of twenty-two centu- ries ago represent the Indians as a people who stood very high in point of civilization : but to judge from their ancient monuments, they had not carried the imitative arts to any thing like the degree of perfection attained by the Greeks and Romans ; or even by the Egyptians. Both the Hindoos and the Chinese appear to have carried the arts just to the point requisite for useful purposes ; but never to have approached the summit of perfec- tion, as it respects taste or boldness of design." Reunel's Memoir, Introd. p. xxii. Our latest informants are the most intelligent. Mr. Ward (Introd. p. Ixii.) assures us, " whatever may have been the case in other countries, idolatry in this has certainly not contributed to carry the arts of FINE ARTS AMONG THE HINDUS. 43 As the talent of the Hindus for accurate imitation, both in the manual and in some of the refined arts, has excited much attention ; and been sometimes regarded as no mean proof of ingenuity and mental culture, it is necessary to remark, that there are few things by which the rude state of society is more uni- formly characterized. It is in reality the natural precursor of the age of invention ; and disappears, or at least ceases to make a conspicuous figure, when the nobler faculty of creation comes into play. Gar- cilasso de la Vega, who quotes Bias Valera, in his support, tells us that the Peruvian Indians, " if they do but see a thing, will imitate it so exactly, without being taught, that they become better artists and mechanics than the Spaniards themselves." l Sir William Jones, in pompous terms, remarks : " The Hindus are said to have boasted of three in- ventions, all of which indeed are admirable ; the method of instructing by apologues ; the decimal scale ; and the game of chess, on which they have some curious treatises." 2 As the game of chess is a painting or sculpture to any perfection. The Abbe Dubois (p. 463) ob- serves, " that the ornamental arts, such as painting, instrumental music, and the like, are extremely low in estimation. Hardly any but the low tribe of the Mushiers exercise the first of these ; and music is nearly con- fined to the barbers and Pariahs; instrumental music wholly so. The small encouragement these two arts receive is, no doubt, owing to the little progress they have made. In painting, nothing can be seen but mere daubing, set off with bright colours and extravagant glare. And though all Hindus are great lovers of music, introducing it into all their civil and religious ceremonies, yet I can vouch that it is still in its infancy." 1 Royal Comment, part ii. book ii. chap. xxx. Frezier (Voyage to the South Sea, p. 263) says of the same people, " They have a genius for arts, and are good at imitating what they see, but very poor at invention." 4 See the Discourse, Asiatic Researches, i. 429. " Invented apo- logues!" as well might he tell us they invented language. And the " decimal scale !" as if they were the only nation that had ten fingers ! 44 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. "' S l )ec ^ es f art > ^ e account of it seems to belong to - this place ; and as it has been rated high among the proofs of the supposed civilization of the Hindus, we must see what it really imports. Though there is no evidence that the Hindus invented the game, except their own pretensions, 1 which as evidence are of very little value, it is by no means improbable. The invention of ingenious games is a feat most com- monly displayed by nations in their rude condition. It is prior to the birth of industry, that men have the strongest need for games, to relieve them from the pain of idleness : at that period they are most ad- dicted to gaming ; bestow upon it the greatest por- tion of time ; and most intensely fix upon it all their faculties. It is, in fact, the natural occupation and resource of a rude mind, whenever destitute of the motives to industry. The valuable and intelligent historian of Chili observes of a tribe, but a few re- moves from the savage state ; " If what the cele- or, as if most nations had not been led, by the simple and very natural process of counting by the fingers, to denominate and distinguish numbers by comparison with that sum ! The Scandinavians, Mallet informs us, counted up the unities to twelve, and denominated higher numbers by comparison with twelve, which, he justly remarks, is preferable to ten, as being more divisible into fractions. Mallet, Introd. Hist. Denmark, vol. i. chap. xiii. The Swedes and Icelanders, as well as Scotch, retain a me- morial of this in their great hundred. From Mr. Park we learn that some of the negro tribes in Africa counted only five, the number of fingers on one of the hands, and then doubled ; thus, instead of six, they said five and one ; seven, five and two, &c. Park's Travels in Africa, p. 17. 1 This is not true : we have not the evidence of their own pretensions. The evidence is that of Mohammedan writers : the king of India is said by Firdausi, in the Shah Nama, and the story is therefore of the tenth century at latest, to have sent a chess-board and a teacher to Naushirvan. Sir William Jones refers to Firdausi as his authority, aud this reference might have shown by w"hom the story was told. Various Mohammedan writers are quoted by Hyde, in his Historia Shahiludii, who all concur in attributing the invention to the Indians. W. FINE ARTS AMONG THE HINDUS. 45 brated Leibnitz asserts is true, that men have never BOOK n. CHAP. 8. discovered greater talents than in the invention of the different kinds of games, the Araucanians may justly claim the merit of not being in this respect inferior to other nations, Their games are very numerous, and for the most part very ingenious ; they are divided into the sedentary and gymnastic, It is a curious fact, and worthy of notice, that among the first is the game of chess, which they call com- ican, and which has been known to them from time immemorial. The game of quechu, which they esteem highly, has a great affinity to that of back- gammon, but instead of dice they make use of tri- angular pieces of bone marked with points, which they throw with a little hoop or circle, supported by two pegs." * 1 Molina, Civil Hisi. of Chili, book ii. chap. x. The Persians claim the invention of this game ; and as their game is radically different from that of the Hindus, it is probable they are both inventions. See Chardin, Voy. en Perse, iii. 62. Gibbon, vii. 276, marks a fact in the narrative of Paul Diaconus, expressive of the manners of the Heruli : Dum ad tabulam luderet, while he played at draughts, says Gibbon; but he might as well have said chess ; for the word as much expresses the one as the other: And we know that, among the Scandinavians, a game very closely resembling chess was known. The ancient chronicles of the Scandi- navians frequently present us with young warriors endeavouring to acquire the good opinion of their mistresses by boasting of their accomplishments, such as their skill at chess, their dexterity in swimming and skating, their talents in poetry, and their knowing all the stars by their names. Mallet, Introd. Hist. Denmark, chap. xiii. Mr. Barrow informs us that the chess of the Chinese is totally different from that both of the Hindus and Per- sians. Travels in China, p. 158. It has been therefore probably, in each of those cases, a separate invention. The idea that chess was invented by the Hindus was, we believe, first started by Hyde (de Relig. Vet. Pers. ii. 1.), and thereafter it has been taken for granted. The curious reader may see an interesting description of a game at chess by four Brah- mens, in Moor's Hist, of Capt. Little's Detachment, p. 139. That there are books in India containing the doctrine of chess proves nothing. There are books in Icelandic, on the art of poetry, but the Icelanders were not the inventors of poetry. 46 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. L Though the Hindus knew the art of making a species of rude glass, which was manufactured into trinkets and ornaments for the women, they had never possessed sufficient ingenuity to apply it to the many useful purposes to which it is so admirably adapted. In few climates is glass in windows more conducive to comfort than that of Hindustan ; yet the Hindus had never learnt to afford this accom- modation to themselves. 1 Of its adaptation to optical purposes they were so ignorant, that they were astonished and confounded at the effects of a com- mon spy-glass. They are unable to construct fur- naces sufficiently powerful to melt either European glass, or cast iron. 2 1 The use of glass for windows, is a proof of civilization, that neither Greek nor Roman refinement presents. W. * "Buchanan's Journey through Mysore, &c. iii. 370. Dr. Tennant says, " Before the arrival of the Europeans, there was not a house in all India furnished with glass windows ; even at present, when glass is so common here, I believe none of the natives have availed themselves of 8,0 obvious a remedy. Glass is considered by the Europeans as an indispensable re- quisite in the construction of every Bungalow at the upper stations: they have even introduced the use of it into the camp. Several officers carry, on their march, a frame of glass, which they fix in the windw ard door of their tents, during the hot winds, should the service call them into the field at that season." Indian Recreations, i. 325. See, too, Voyage aux Indes, par le P. Paolino, ii. 403, 404. The Jews first discovered the art of making glass. Taciti Hist. lib. v. cap. vii. ; Plin. lib. v. cap. xix; also lib, xxxvi. cap. xxvi. ; Strabo, lib. xvi. ; Josephus, Wars of the Jews, ii. 19. The Hindus seem to be considerably behind the perfection which the Japanese have attained in the useful arts. " As to all sorts of handicrafts," says Ksempfer, " either curious or useful, they are so far from having occasion for masters, that they rather exceed all other nations in ingenuity and neatness of workmanship, particularly in brass, gold, silver, copper. What skill they have in working and tempering iron, is evident by the goodness and neatness of their arms. No nation in the East is so dexterous and ingenious, in making, carving, graving, gilding of servaas, which is a particular kind of a precious, blackish metal, made artificially of a mixture of copper with a little gold. They weave silken stuffs so fine, so neat and equal, that they are inimitable even to the Chinese." Ka?mpfer, Hist, of FINE ARTS AMONG THE HINDUS. 47 In almost every manufacture, and certainly as a BOOK n. * _ * CHAP. 8. manufacturing people in general, the Hindus are inferior to the Chinese. Yet Sir William Jones says of that latter people ; " Their mechanical arts have nothing in them characteristic of a particular family; nothing which any set of men, in a country so highly favoured by nature, might not have dis- covered and improved." l The partialities, which it was so much his nature to feel, prevented him from perceiving how much less entitled to any kind of admiration were the arts of another people, whom he had adopted it as a business to eulogize. CHAP, IX. Literature. As the knowledge of what conduces to the augmen- tation of human enjoyment and the diminution of human misery, is the foundation of all improvement in the condition of human life ; and as literature, if not synonymous with that knowledge, is its best friend and its inseparable companion, the literature of any people is one of the sources from which the Japan, Appendix, p. 62. M. ' Casting iron' is not so simple a matter as onr author seems to suppose. It is an art that has been practised in this manufacturing country, only within a very few years. The Hindus have the art of smelting iron, of welding it, and of making steel ; and have had thesearts from time immemorial. Ctesias notices the excellence of Indian steel. W. 1 Works of Sir W. Jones, Discourse on the Chinese. 48 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. surest inferences may be drawn with respect to their CHAP. 9. .... J civilization. The first literature is poetry. Poetry is the lan- guage of the passions, and men feel, before they speculate. The earliest poetry is the expression of the feelings, by which the minds of rude men are the most powerfully actuated. Before the invention of writing, men are directed also to the use of ver- sification by the aid which it affords to the memory. As every thing of which the recollection is valuable must be handed down by tradition, whatever tends to make the tradition accurate is of corresponding importance. No contrivance to this end is com- parable to verse; which preserves the ideas, by preserving the very words. In verse not only the few historical facts are preserved, to which the curiosity of a rude age attaches itself, but in verse are promulgated the maxims of religion, and the ordinances of law. Even after the noble art of writing is known, the habit of consigning to verse every idea, destined for permanency, continues, till certain new steps are effected in the intellectual career, 1 At this first stage the literature of the Hindus has 1 " It was long before mankind knew the art of writing ; but they very early invented several methods to supply, in a good measure, that want. The method most commonly used was, to compose their histories in verse, aud sing them. Legislators made use of this expedient to consign and hand dowr to posterity their regulations. The first laws of all nations were com- posed in verse, and sung. Apollo, according to a very ancient tradition, was one of the first legislators. The same tradition says, that he published his laws to the sound of his lyre, that is to say, that he had set them to music. We have certain proof that the first laws of Greece were a kind of songs. The laws of the ancient inhabitants of Spain were verses which they sung. Tuiston was regarded by the Germans as their first lawgiver. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 49 always remained. The habit of expressing every B c "' thing in verse ; a habit which urgent necessity im- poses upon a people unacquainted with the use of permanent signs, 1 and which the power of custom upholds, till after a certain progress in improvement, even among those to whom permanent signs are known; we trace among the Hindus to the present day. All their compositions, with wonderfully few exceptions, are in verse. For history they have only certain narrative poems, which depart from all resemblance to truth and nature ; and have evidently no further connexion with fact than the use of cer- tain names and a few remote allusions. Their laws, like those of rude nations in general, are in verse. Their sacred books, and even their books of science, They said he put his laws into verses and songs. This ancient custom was long kept up by several nations." Goguet's Origin of Laws, i. 28. See the various authorities there quoted. The laws of the Druids were in verse. Henry, Hist, of Great Britain, i. 315. 1 It is not clear what the writer means by ' permanent signs.' If he means the art of printing, the Hindus were, in that respect, situated similarly as the Greeks and Romans were ; and they should have also retained the use of metre in their literature. If he means the art of writing, the Hindus have been in possession of that, as long as of a lite- rature, for any thing we know to the contrary certainly long enough to have rendered the use of memorial stanzas as a substitute for writing, unnecessary, and obsolete. A little consideration might have led the writer to suspect that his theory did not satisfactorily account for the singularity, for the practice has nothing in common with the carmina autiqua of the Germans. The principal reason for the continued use of metre, seems to be the greater facility of its composition. Sanscrit metre is unencumbered by rhyme the prosody is infinitely varied and the greater freedom of syntax, and the facility of forming compound terms, in which grammatical inflexions are merged, render it less laborious to construct metrical stanzas, than to attend to the niceties of a complex grammar, which are indispensable to the composition of intelligible prose. This seems to be the chief inducement to the continuation of the practice, and not the power of habit alone. W. VOL. II. E 50 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. HOOKII. are j n V erse; and what is more wonderful still, GRAF. 9. - their very dictionaries. 1 There is scarcely any point connected with the state of Hindu society, on which the spirit of exag- geration and enthusiasm has more signally displayed itself than the poetry of the Hindus. Among those whose disposition was more to admire than explore, scarcely any poetry has been regarded as presenting higher claims to admiration. Among the Hindus there are two great poems, the Ramayan, and the Mahabharat, which are long narratives, or rather miscellanies, in verse, and which their admirers have been puzzled whether to denominate histories, or epic poems. By the Hindus themselves, they are moreover regarded as books of religion ; nay further, as books of law ; and in the Digest which the Brah- mens, under the authority of the British government, have recently compiled, the text of these poems is inserted as text of the law, in the same manner as the text of any other legal authority and standard. They may even be regarded as books of philosophy ; and accordingly the part of the Mahabharat, with the translation of which Mr. Wilkins has favoured us, he actually presents to his reader as one of the most instructive specimens of the philosophical specu- lations of the country. 1 " Le Dictionnaire Amarasinha est ecrit en vers Sanscrit , comme tous les anciens livres, et n'eat pas divise par chapitrcs comme les mJtres, mais par classes dc noms ainsi classe Svarggavargga, c'est a dire classe des noms qui apartiennent an ciel ; Manouchavargga, de ccux qui apartiennent a 1'homme, &c. Voyage aux Indes Orientales, par le P. Paolino, ii. 228. " Presque tous les livres Indiens sont Merits en rers. L'astronomie, la medicine, 1'histoire, tout se chante." Ibid. p. 369. The same was the case with the ancient Germans ; " Celebrant carminibus antiquis, quod unum apud illos memoriae et annalium genus est, Tuis- tonem," &c. Tacit, de mor. Germ. cap. x. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 51 It is incompatible with the present purpose to BOOK. 11. speak of these poems in more than general terms. They describe a series of actions in which a number of men and gods are jointly engaged. These fictions are not only more extravagant, and unnatural, less correspondent with the physical and moral laws of the universe, but are less ingenious, more monstrous, and have less of any thing that can engage the affec- tion, awaken sympathy, or excite admiration, re- verence, or terror, than the poems of any other, even the rudest people with whom our knowledge of the globe has yet brought us acquainted. l They are ex- cessively prolix and insipid. They are often, through long passages, trifling and childish to a degree, which those acquainted with only European poetry can hardly conceive. Of the style in which they are 1 Even Mr. Maurice, whose appetite for Hindu miracles is not easily overcome, could not digest the beauties of their historic muse. After an exhibition of some of these specimens in his history, he says, " I know not whether some of my readers may not be so insensible to the charms of the Indian historic muse as to rejoice that the Ramayan (only passages of it were then in an English dress) has not been translated ; for certainly inflated accounts of the combats of giants, hurling rocks, and darting serpents at one another, and of monsters whose blood, spouting forth in torrents, is formed into considerable rivers, are not very consistent with the sober and dignified page of history." Maurice, Hist, of Hindustan, ii. 100. " To the above list of absurdities we may add monsters with ten heads and a hundred hands, which continue to fight after all their heads are cut off, and mow down whole battalions." Ibid. p. 248. " The minute accounts of incantations and combats of giants, that fill the Indian legends, how- ever they may astonish the oriental literati, have no charm for the polished scholar of western climes, and are justly consigned to puerile reading." Ibid. p. 251. Yet Sir William Jones could say, " The first poet of the Hindus was the great Valmic ; and his Ramayan is an epic poem on the story of Rama (or rather of the three Ramas,) which in unity of action, magnificence of imagery, and elegance of style, far surpasses the learned and elaborate work of Nonnus." See Asiat. Res. i. 258. We strongly suspect that Sir William Jones never read the poem ; or more of it than scraps. E 2 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. HOOK ii. composed it is far from too much to say, that all the CIIAP.'J. ' - vices which characterize the style of rude nations, and particularly those of Asia, they exhibit in per- fection. Inflation ; metaphors perpetual, and these the most violent and strained, often the most unna- tural and ridiculous ; obscurity ; tautology ; repeti- tion ; verbosity ; confusion ; incoherence ; distinguish the Mahabharat and Ramayan. 1 That amid the num- berless effusions, which a wild imagination throws forth, in its loose and thoughtless career, there should now and then be something which approaches the confines of reason and taste, is so far from surprising, 1 At the time at which this was written, no other specimen of the Ma- habharat had been translated, than the philosophical dialogue of the Gecta, and as there are certainly no such faults in that composition as those which Mr. Mill describes, he must have depended wholly upon his imagi- nation for his knowledge of their existence in the rest of the poem. Some portions of the Ramayana had been rendered very uncouthly into English; but whatever may be the defects there so ruthlessly stripped of every re- deeming grace, most certainly page after page will be searched in vain for ' metaphors perpetual, and these the most violent, strained, unnatural, and ridiculous.' It is clear, therefore, that Mr. Mill had not read even such portion of the Ramayana as was within his reach, but condemns both it and the Mahabharataupon the credit of some vague and superficial criticism, applicable not to Hindu, but to Mohammedan poetry ; the characteristics of which are totally unlike. There is not so wide a contrast between Hindu aud European poetry, as between Hindu and Persian. With re- spect to the particular poems under consideration, they are not to be judged of by a European standard, and that which to a person professing the Hindu religion, constitutes their greatest charm, is to us their main deformity ; but, leaving the absurd inventions of mythology out of view, they both abound with poetical beauties of the first order, and particularly in delineations of picturesque manners and situations, and in the expres- sion of natural and amiable feeling. On this subject we may take the opinion of a more competent judge of poetical merit than the historian. ' Le Ramayana et le Mahabharata sont des monumens d'une antiquite ve- nerable ; mais, abstraction faite de la valeur que cela leur donne, j'y trouve des choses sublimes, d'autres pleines de charme et de grace, une fc'con- dite inepuisable de 1" imagination, 1'attraif du merveilleux, de nobles carac- teics, des situations passionnees, et je ne sais quellc candeur sainte et ingenue, dans le.s mceurs qui y sont points." Reflexions sur PEtude des Langues Asiatiqups. par A. W. de Schlegel. W. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 53 that it wou!4 be truly surprising if there were not. BOOK n. A happy description, or here and there the vivid con- 1 ception of a striking circumstance, are not sufficient; the exact observation of nature, and the symmetry of a whole, are necessary, to designate the poetry of a cultivated people. Of the poems in dialogue, or in the dramatic form, Sacontala has been selected as the most favourable specimen. The author, Calidas, though he left only two dramatic pieces, Sir William Jones denominates the Shakspeare of India, and tells us that he stands next in reputation to their great historic poets, Valmic and Vyasa. Sacontala was the daughter of a pious king, named Causica, and of a goddess of the lower heaven; brought up by a devout hermit, as his daughter, in a consecrated grove. The sovereign of the district, on a hunting excursion, arrives by accident in the forest. He observes Sacontala, and her two companions, the daughters of the hermit, in the grove, with watering pots in their hands, watering their plants. Instantly he is captivated. He enters into conversation with the damsels, and the heart of Sacontala is secretly inflamed. The king dismisses his attendants, and resolves to remain in the forest. In a little time the quality of the lover is ascertained, while the secret agitation in the bosom of Sacontala throws her into a languor which resembles disease. The king over- hears a conversation between her and her compa- nions, in which, being closely interrogated, she con- fesses her love. The king immediately discovers himself, and declares his passion. The two friends contrive to leave them together, and they consummate " that kind of marriage which two lovers contract 54 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK II. f rom th e desire O f amorous embraces." So precipi- CHAP. 9. ... tate a conclusion, irreconcileable as it is with the notions of a refined people, is one of the numerous marriages legal among the Hindus. Presently, how- ever, the king is summoned to his court. He pro- mises to send for his wife in three days, and leaves a ring. In the mean time a Brahmen, of a proud and choleric temper, comes to the residence of the hermit, when his two daughters are at a little distance, and Sacontala has been overtaken with sleep. Finding no one to receive him with the expected honours, he utters an imprecation : " He on whom thou art me- ditating, on whom alone thy heart is now fixed, while thou neglectest a pure gem of devotion who demands hospitality, shall forget thee when thou seest him next, as a man restored to sobriety forgets the words which he uttered in a state of intoxica- tion." This malediction, which falls upon Sacontala, is overheard by her companions, and fills them with horror. They hasten to appease the angry Brahmen ; who tells them, his words cannot be recalled, but that the spell would be dissolved when the lord of Sacontala should look upon his ring. Her two friends agree to conceal the calamity from Sacontala, who now languishes at the neglect of her husband, and finds herself pregnant. The hermit Canna, who at the time of the visit of the king was absent from home, returns, and is, by a voice from heaven, made acquainted with the events which have intervened. Encouraged by good omens, he soothes Sacontala, and resolves to send her to her lord. Her friends instruct her, should he not immediately recognise her, to show him the ring. Arrived at the palace, she is disowned by the king ; thinks of the ring, but LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 55 discovers it is lost. The king treats her, and the BOOK n - CHAP. 9. messengers who brought her, as impostors ; and orders them into custody; but while they are con- veying her away, a body of light, descending in a female shape, receives her into its bosom, and dis- appears ; upon which the king regards the whole as a piece of sorcery, and dismisses it from his thoughts. After a time, however, the ring is found, and con- veyed to the king ; when his wife, and all the con- nected circumstances, immediately rush upon his mind. He is then plunged into affliction ; ignorant where Sacontala may be found. In this despondency, he is summoned by Indra, the god of the firmament, to aid him against a race of giants, whom Indra is unable to subdue. Having ascended to the celestial regions, and acquitted himself gloriously in the divine service, he is conveyed, in his descent to the earth, to the mountain Hemacuta, " where Casyapa, father of the immortals, and Aditi his consort, reside in blessed retirement." To this sacred spot had Sacon- tala, by her mother's influence, been conveyed; and there she had brought forth her son, a wonderful infant, whom his father found at play with a lion's whelp, and making the powerful animal feel the superiority of his strength. The king now recog- nises his wife and his son, of whom the most remark- able things are portended; and perfect happiness succeeds. There is surely nothing in the invention of this story, which is above the powers of the imagination in an uncultivated age. With the scenery and the manners which the Hindu poet has perpetually pre- sent to his observation, and the mythology which perpetually reigns in his thoughts, the incidents 56 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK "-are among the most obvious, and the most easy - to be imagined, which it was possible for him to choose. Two persons of celestial beauty and accom- plishments meet together in a solitary place, and fall mutually in love : To the invention of this scene but little ingenuity can be supposed to be requisite. To create an interest in this love, it was necessary it should be crossed. Surely no contrivance for such a purpose was ever less entitled to admiration than the curse of a Brahmen. A ring with power to dissolve the charm, and that ring at the moment of necessity lost, are contrivances to bring about a great event, which not only display the rudeness of an ignorant age, but have been literally, or almost literally, re- peated, innumerable times, in the fables of other uncultivated nations, To overcome the difficulties, which the interest of the plot rendered it necessary to raise, by carrying a man to heaven to conquer giants for a god, for whom the god was not a match, is an expedient which requires neither art nor in- vention ; and which could never be endured, where judgment and taste have received any considerable cultivation, 1 The poem, indeed, has some beautiful passages. The courtship, between Sacontala and Dushmantu, is delicate and interesting ; and the workings of the passion in two amiable minds are naturally and vivid- ly portrayed. The friendship which exists between 1 Much of what is intended for disparagement here is the highest com- mendation that criticism could have uttered. The incidents arc natural and easy, and in accordance with national taste and belief. The hero and heroine are persons of the highest Interest, not only for their rank, but their beauty and accomplishments. Yet, notwithstanding their exalted excel- lence, they are subjected to the usual fate of lovers. The course of true love runs not smooth and they are made uuhappy by the most awful, in Hindu estimation, of all events, the imprecation of a Brahman. The in- LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS the three youthful maidens is tender and delightful ; and the scene which takes place when Sacontala is about to leave the peaceful hermitage where she had happily spent her youth ; her expressions of ten- derness to her friends, her affectionate parting with the domestic animals she had tended, and even with the flowers and trees in which she had delighted, breathe more than pastoral sweetness. These, how- ever, are precisely the ideas and affections, wherever the scene is a peaceful one, which may naturally arise in the simplest state of society ; as the fables of the golden age and of Arcadia abundantly testify ; and in whatever constitutes the beauty of these scenes they are rivalled by the Song of Solomon, which is avowedly the production of a simple and unpolished age. l Beyond these few passages, there is nothing in Sacontala, which either accords with the understanding, or can gratify the fancy, of an in- structed people. Sir William Jones, who, on the subject of a sup- posed ancient state of high civilization, riches, and happiness among the Hindus, takes every thing for terest is artfully kept up by a contrivance to which the only grave objec- tion is, that it is not new, the consequence of its being popular; and a happy catastrophe is brought about by the most approved of all rules, the dignus vindice nodus. In all this there is great art, and the skill is evidenced by the success with which it has deceived the critic. W. 1 Of the Song of Solomon, Voltaire, notwithstanding all his prejudices agaiust the Jews, confesses " Apres tout, ce cantique est un morceau pre- cieux de 1'autiquite. C'est le seul livre d'amour qui nous soit reste des Hebreux. II y est souvent parle de jouissance. C'est une eglogue Juive. Le style t-st comme celui de tous les ouvrages d'eloquence des Hebreux, sans liaison, sans suite, plein de repetitions, confus. ridiculemect metapho- rique ; mais il y a des endroits qui respirent la naivete et 1'amour." Vol- taire, Diction. Philos., Mot Solomon. The criticism would in most respects exactly suit Sacontala. M. Few, except the writer, would have had re- course to Voltaire, for a criticism on the Song of Solomon. Still fewer will find any resemblance between it and Sacontala. W. 57 , HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 'I' ff rant ed, not only without proof, but in opposition to almost every tiling, saving the assumptions of the Brahmens, which could lead him to a different con- clusion, says, " The dramatic species of entertain- ment must have been carried to great perfection, when Vicramaditya, who reigned in the first century before Christ, gave encouragement to poets, philologers, and mathematicians, at a time when the Britons were as unlettered and unpolished as the army of Hanumat." l Sir William forgets that, more than a century before Christ, the Britons had their Druids ; between whom and the Brahmens, 2 in character, doctrines, and acquirements, a remarkable similarity has been traced. 3 The mere existence, however, of dramatic enter- tainments has been held forth, in the case of the 1 Preface to Sir William Jones's Translation of Sacoutala. * When the voluminous works of the Druids, or when any written speci- mens of them are produced, we shall be better able to compare their learn- ing with that of the Brahinans. Even if the testimony of such superficial and credulous inquirers as the ancients undoubtedly were, be admitted, it will not be denied that Sir William Jones's parallel is allowable. The Britons were, if we may credit the same testimony, which vouches for "the learn- ing " of the Druids, as unlettered and unpolished as the army of Hanumat : they certainly had no theatrical amusements. W. 3 The conformities in their religious system have already been remarked. All their doctrines, their narratives, and even the laws of which they were the promulgators, were delivered in verse. " They had made considerable progress," says Dr. Henry, " in several branches of learning. We shall be confirmed in this," he adds, " by observing the respectful terms in which the best Greek and Roman writers speak of their learning. Diogenes Laertius places them in the same rank, in point of learning and philoso- phy, with the Chaldeans of Assyria, the Magi of Persia, and the gymno- sophists and Brachmans of India. Both Ctesar and Mela observe, that they had formed very large systems of astronomy and natural philosophy ; and that these systems, together with tkeir observations on other parts of learning, were so voluminous, that their scholars spent no less than twenty years in making themselves masters of them, and in getting by heart that infinite multitude of verses in which they were contained." Henry's Hist, of Great Britain, ii. 5, and i. 153. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 59 Hindus, as proof of a high state of civilization ; and BOOK H- CHAF. 9. Sir William Jones, whose imagination on the accom- plishments of the orientals delighted to gild, thinks the representation of Sacontala must have been some- thing pre-eminently glorious; as the scenery must have been striking ; and " as there is good reason," he says, " to believe, that the court at Avanti was equal in brilliancy, in the reign of Vicramaditya, to that of any monarch in any age or country." 1 To how great a degree this latter supposition is erro- neous,, we shall presently see. In the mean time, it is proper to remark, that nations may be acquainted with dramatic entertainments, who have made but little progress in knowledge and civilization. In extent of dominion, power, and every thing on which the splendour of a court depends, it will not, probably, be alleged, that any Hindu sovereign ever surpassed the present emperors of China. The Chinese, too, are excessively fond of dramatic performances ; and they excel in poetry as well as the Hindus ; yet our British ambassador and his retinue found their dra- matic representations very rude and dull entertain- ments. 2 1 Preface to Sacontala. 2 " Wretched dramas," Lord Macartney calls them. Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney, ii. 286. Garcilasso de la Vega, on the subject of the ancient Peruvians, says, " The Amautas, who were men of the best ingenuity among them, in- vented comedies and tragedies, which in their solemn festivals they re- presented before their king and the lords of his court. The plot or argu- ment of their tragedies was to represent their military exploits, and the triumphs, victories, and heroic actions of their renowned men." Royal Commentaries of Peru, book ii. chap xv. " Dramatic as well as lyric poetry,'' says Clavigero, " was greatly in repute among the Mexicans." He then describes their theatres, and adds, " Boturini says, that the Mexican comedies were excellent." Clavigero, (iO HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. As poetry is the first cultivated of all the branches CHAT. 9. * of literature, there is at least one remarkable instance, that of Homer, to prove, that in a rude state of society it may acquire extraordinary perfection. At a point of civilization lower than that which we ascribe to the Hindus, poetry has been produced more excellent than theirs. From the effects produced by the poetic declamations of the Druids, it is certain that they must have possessed the faculty of working powerfully on the imaginations and sympathies of their audience. The Celtic poetry, ascribed to Ossian, and other bards, which, whatever age, more recent or more remote, controversy may assign for its date, is, beyond a doubt, the production of a people whose ideas were extremely scanty, and their manners rude, surpasses in every point of excellence, the sterile extravagance of the Hindus. 1 In so rude a state of society as that which Hist, of Mexico, book vii. sect. 43. C..rli (Lettres Americaines, i. 296) says, " Mais quc direz vous si je vous assure que les Peruviens jouoient des comedies pendant ces fetes, et qu'ils aimoient passionnement ceplaisir. Cela est cependant vrai. La comedie faisoit done uu des plaisirs du Peru ; mais la tragedie eloit preferee & Tlascala, dont le peuple etoit repu- blicain. Chez un peuple independant on se plait a produire les lyrans sur la scene pour en inspirer la haine a la generation actuclle, qui la transmit & la suivante Mais on a aussi remarque" ce gout du theatre chez plusicurs peuplcs des ilcs du Sud." Bui an art which is known to the islanders of the South Sea, is not a proof of high civilization. The people in the Binnau empire are fond of dramatic entertainments; but these entertainments among them are very rude. Dr. Buchanan, Asiat. Res. vi. 305. M. Of the Chinese drama, we are now qualified to judge, as well as of the Hindu, by translations; and the comparison is much in favour of the latter. The action of Chinese plays is unskilfully conducted, and they are wanting in the high poetic tone which distinguishes those of the Hindus ; at the same time they are ingenious, often interesting, and re- present manners and feelings with truth, and sometimes with force. They are the works of a civilized people. "Of the Peruvian and Mexican theatre we may estimate the merits when specimens are produced. W. 1 The poems of Ossian are the impositions of a civilized age, founded upon a few ancient traditions ; and their unnatural, and forced turgidity, LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 61 existed in Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, at the time of BOOK - ' CHAP. 9. our Anglo-Saxon monarchies, the number of poets, and the power of their compositions, were exceed- ingly great. 1 Even in that figurative and inflated style, which has been supposed a mark of oriental composition, and is, in reality, a mark only of a low stage of so- ciety, uniformly discovered in the language of a their want of truth, as pictures of manners, their barrenness of incidents, and the absence of both simplicity and variety, render them unworthy to be named with the authentic, natural and rich, although, sometimes, extra- vagant inventions of the Hindus. W. 1 " The poets of the north" (to use the words of Dr. Henry) " were particularly famous in this period, and greatly caressed by our Anglo- Saxon kings. ' It would be endless,' (says an excellent antiquary) ' to name all the poets of the north who flourished in the courts of the kings of England, or to relate the distinguished honours and magnificent presents that were heaped upon them." The same writer hath preserved the names of no fewer than eight of those Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic poets, who flourished in the Court of Canute the Great. The poems of those ancient bards of the north, are said to have produced the most amazing effects on those who heard them, and to have roused or soothed the most impetuous passions of the human mind. Revenge, it is well known, rages with the greatest violence in the hearts of warlike, fierce barbarians, and is, of all their passions, the most furious and ungovernable : yet it is said to have been subdued by the enchanting power of poetry. Egil-Skal- lagrim, a famous poet of those times, had quarrelled with Eric Blodox, King of Norway; and in the course of the quarrel had killed the King's son and several of his friends ; which raised the rage of Eric against him to the greatest height. Egil was taken prisoner, and sent to the King, who was then in Northumberland. No sooner was he brought into the presence of the enraged Monarch, who had in his own mind doomed him to the most cruel tortures, than he began to sing a poem which he had composed in praise of his royal virtues, and conveyed his flattery in such sweet and soothing strains, that they procured him not only the forgive- ness of all his crimes, but even the favour of his prince. The power of poetry is thus described in one of their most ancient odes : ' I know a song by which I soften and enchant the arms of my enemies, and render their weapons of none effect. I know a song which I need only to sing when men have loaded me with bonds ; for the moment I sing it my chains fall in pieces, and I walk forth at liberty. I know a song useful to all man- kind : for as soon as hatred inflames the sons of men, the moment I sing it, they are appeased. I know a song of such virtue, that were I caught 62 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. nu i e people, the poetry of the northern bards ex- CHAP. 9. J hibits a resemblance to that of the Hindus, the Persians, Arabians, and other eastern nations. 1 " The style of these ancient poems," says Mallet, " is very enigmatical and figurative, very remote from common language ; and for that reason, grand, but timid ; sublime, but obscure. If every thing should be expressed by imagery, figures, hyperboles, and allegories, the Scandinavians may rank in the highest class of poets." For these peculiarities, too, this author philosophically accounts. " The soaring flights of fancy, may possibly more pe- culiarly belong to a rude and uncultivated, than to a civilized people. The great objects of nature strike more forcibly on their imaginations. Their passions in a storm, I can hush the winds, and render the air perfectly calm." Those ancient bards, who had acquired so great an ascendant over the minds of their ferocious countrymen, must certainly have been possessed of an uncommon portion of that poetic fire, which is the gift of nature, and cannot be acquired by art." Henry's Hist, of Great Britain, book ii. chap. v. 1 This is repetition of an error already corrected. The poetry of Eng- land might be classed with those of Persia and Arabia, with equal pro- priety, as that of the Hindus. W. * Mallet, Introd. Hist. Denmark, i. 13. The following is a very soft but correct delineation of the rude features of Hindu poetry. "The po- etical expression of the Hindus perhaps offends by too great loftiness and emphasis. One may understand their books and conversation in prose ; but it is impossible to comprehend those in verse, until diligent study has rendered them familiar. Quaint phrases, perpetual allegories, the po- etical terminations of the words, contracted expressions and the like, ren- der the poetical style obscure and difficult to be understood, excepting to those who are inured to it. One of the principal defects of the Hindu poets is that their descriptions are commonly too long and minute. For example, if they are describing a beautiful woman, they are never con- tented with drawing her likeness with a single stroke Such a mode of expression would not be strong enough for the gross comprehension of a Hindu. The poet must particularize the beauty of her eyes, her fore- head, her nose, her cheeks, and must expatiate on the colour of her skin, and the manner in which she adorns every part of her body. He will LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 63 BOOK II. are not impaired by the constraint of laws and educa- CHAP. y. tion. The paucity of their ideas, and the barrenness ~ of their language, oblige them to borrow from all nature images in which to clothe their conceptions." l The poetry of the Persians resembles that of the Ara- bians ; both resemble that of the Hindus ; both have been celebrated in still higher strains, and are entitled to more of our admiration. The Persians have their great historic poem, the Shah Namu, corresponding to the Mahabharat or Ramayan of the Hindus. It em- braces a period of 3700 years, and consists of 60,000 rhymed couplets. On this poem the most lofty epi- thets of praise have been bestowed ; and a part of it, embracing a period of 300 years, Sir William Jones describe the turn and proportion of her arms, legs, thighs, shoulders, chest, and. in a word, of all parts, visible or invisible ; -with an accurate recital of the shape and form which best indicate their beauty and sym- metry. He will never desist from his colouring till he has represented in detail every feature and part in the most laboured and tedious style, but at the same time with the closest resemblance. The epithets, in their poetical style, are frequent, and almost always figurative. The brevity and conciseness of many modes of expression in the Hindu idioms does not hinder their style, upon the whole, from being extremely diffuse. To give an exact idea of the different species of Hindu poesy would not be much relished by the greater number of readers, so different in their man- ner from ours. All their little pieces that I have seen are in general very flat." Description, &c. of the People of India, by the Abbe Dubois, p. 267. 1 Mallet, ut supra. In the very subjects of their poems, as well as the style of them, the Scandinavian bards bore a great resemblance to the Hindu. Of the poetry of the Scalds, Mallet says, Ibid. ii. 183, " The same taste and mode of composition prevails every where : we have constantly allegories and combats ; giants contending with the gods ; Loke perpetually deceiving them ; Thor interposing in their defence, &c." The Scandina- vians had not only striking poems, but treatises on the art ef poetry. Id. Introduction to the Edda, p. xix. Clavigero says of the Mexicans, " The language of their poetry was brilliant, pure, and agreeable, figurative, and embellished with frequent comparisons to the most pleasing objects in na- ture, such as flowers, trees, rivers, &c." Hist, of Mex. book vii. sect. 42. > HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. HC 10 Kir CHAP. 9. selects as itself a whole ; a poem tnily epic, of which - the merit hardly yields to that of the Iliad itself. 1 We shall speak of it in the language of an oriental scholar, who has made the literature of Persia more peculiarly his study than Sir William Jones. The Shah Namu, says Mr. Scott Waring, " has probably been praised as much for its length as its intrinsic merit. When we allow it is unequalled in the East, we must pause before we pronounce it to be equal, or to approach very nearly, to the divinest poem of the West. The stories in the Shah Namu," he says, " are intricate and perplexed, and as they have a re- lation to each other, they can only be understood by a knowledge of the whole. Episodes are interwoven in episodes ; peace and war succeed each other ; and centuries pass away without making any alteration in the conduct of the poem the same prince continues to resist the Persian arms ; the same hero leads them to glory and the subterfuge of supposing two Afra- siabs or two Roostums, betrays, at least, the intri- cacy and confusion of the whole fable. The charac- ter of Nestor answered the most important ends, his eloquence and experience had a wonderful effect in soothing the contentions of a divided council ; but the age of Zal or of Roostum answers no purpose, for they only share longevity in common with their fellow- creatures." In many instances, he adds, " the poet is tedious and uninteresting. He is often too minute ; 1 The words of Sir William Jones are : " Nobilissimum interea, et longis- simum (voluminis enim permagni, prope dimidiam partem constituit) est sine ulla dubitatione vere epicum, et profccto nullum est ab Europeis scrip- turn poema, quod ad Homeri dignitatem, et quasi coclestem ardorem pro- pius accedat." Works, ii. 502. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 65 and by making his description particular makes it BOOK n. . i . i . CHAP. 9. ridiculous. An example of this may be given in his description of the son of Ukwan Deo ; which instead of expressing his immense size by some bold figure, gives us his exact measure : He was one hundred yards high and twenty broad" 1 With respect to the style of this as well as of other Persian poets, the same author informs us, that " the style of the most admired Persian authors is verbose and turgid ; the mind is filled with words and epithets, and you pro- bably meet with several quibbles and monstrous ima- ges before you arrive at one fact." 2 And in another passage he says, " The Persian poets, in all their similes or comparisons, fall infinitely below medio- crity." 3 1 Tour to Sheeraz, by Ed. Scott Waring, pp. 158, 159, 160, 198. * Ibid. p. 150. The author adds, " I shall give one instance from an im- mense number, of the forced images of Persian historians ; it would be disgusting to the reader to produce others : " a style of which more than one instance would disgust must be a bad style indeed. " Nous savons assez," says Voltaire, " que le bon gout n'a jamais etc connu dans 1'Orient. Otez aux Arabes, aux Persans, aux Juifs, le soleil et la lune, les mon- tagnes et les vallees, les dragons et les basiliscs, il ne leur reste presque plus de poesie." Voltaire, Essai sur les Mosurs et 1'Esprit de Nations, torn. i. ch. v. 3 Tour to Sheeraz, ut supra, p. 235. To the imagination of the eastern poets, and above all, of the Hindus, may be aptly applied, in many of its particulars, the description of the Demoness, Imagination, in the en- chanted castle of Hermaphrodix : Sous les grands arcs d'un immense portique, Amas confus de moderne et d'antique, Se promenoit un fant&me brillant, Au pied leger, a 1'oeil etincelant, Au geste vif, a la marche egaree, La tte haute, et de clinquans paree. On voit son corps toujours en action, Et son nom est 1' 'Imagination, Non cette belle et charmante deesse Qui presida dans Rome et dans la Grece t VOL. II. F 66 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. ^ g goon as reas on begins to have considerable in- CHAP. 9. - fluence in the direction of human affairs, no use of letters is deemed more important than that of pre- serving an accurate record of those events and actions by which the interests of the nation have been pro- moted or impaired. But the human mind must have a certain degree of culture, before the value of such a memorial is perceived. The actions of his nation, or of his countrymen, which the rude and untutored barbarian is excited to remember, are those which he wonders at and admires ; and they are remembered solely for the pleasure of those emotions. Exaggera- tion, therefore, is more fitted to his desires than ex- actness ; and poetry than history. Swelled by fiction, and set off with the embellishments of fancy, the scene lays hold of his imagination, and kindles his passions. All rude nations, even those to whom the use of letters has long been familiar, neglect history, and are gratified with the productions of the mytho- logists and poets. l Aux beaux travaux de tant de grands auteurs, Qiu repandit 1'eclat de ses couleurs ; Mais celle-la qu'abjure le ban sens, Cette etourdie, tffarke, insipide, Que tant d'auteurs, approchent de si pres. Pres d'elle e"toit le Galimatias, Monstre bavard caresse dans ses bras. La Pucclle d'Orleans, Chant 17me. Gibbon well denominates the Koran, " an endless incoherent rhapsody of fable, and precept, and declamation, which seldom excites a sentiment or an idea, which sometimes crawls in the dust, and is sometimes lost in the clouds." Chap. 1. p, 269. Yet it is a superior composition to any work among the Hindus. M. This is boldly said ; especially as the means of comparison were wholly wanting. It would be as reasonable to compare the Koran with the Iliad, as with the Mahabharat, but a critic of the school of Voltaire is as little likely to exhibit diffidence of judg- ment as purity of taste. W. 1 The mistake which runs through most of our author's generalizations LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 67 It is allowed on all hands that no historical compo- BOOK u. 1 CHAP. 9. sition existed in the literature of the Hindus ; they had not reached that point of intellectual maturity, at which the value of a record of the past for the guidance of the future begins to be understood. " The Hindus," says that zealous and industrious Sanscrit scholar, Mr. Wilford, " have no ancient civil history." Remarking a coincidence in this charac- teristic circumstance between them and another an- cient people, he adds, "Nor had the Egyptians any is here committed ; that of drawing universal inferences from particular instances : because the Greeks early cultivated history, therefore all other people who have emerged from barbarism, cultivate history ; the Hindus have neglected this branch of literature ; therefore, they are still barba- rians. But, as no one but the writer would so regard them, we must look to other causes, to explain what may be admitted, with some reservation, to be true. It is not correct to say that the Hindus never compiled his- tory, particularly since the Mohammedan conquest. The literature of the south abounds with local histories by Hindu authors. Mr. Stirling found various chronicles in Orissa, and Col. Tod, has met with equally abundant materials in Rajputana. The history of Cashmir has been brought down by a succession of Hindu authors, from the remotest ages to the reign of Akbar, and an account of Akbar's reign is the work of a Hindu. See Mackenzie Collection. As. Res. vol. xv- and Tod's Rajasthan. It is, however, true, that the details of ancient times, though more authentic than they are presently represented to be, are few and imperfect, and there are various causes to account for this more satisfactorily than inapplicable generalities. The bias of the Hindu mind was from the first directed to matters of speculation, and it has never attached such value or interest to the concerns of ephemeral mortality, as to deem them worthy of record. The duty of preserving the memory of all such events was transferred from the Brahman to an inferior order of men ; the bard, the herald, the gene- alogist : whose compilations were never invested with any degree of im- portance ; nor, in general, were they probably of much worth. India appears tn have been, with perhaps some rare exceptions, parcelled out into a great number of petty states, whose transactions were of too in- significant a character, whose duration was too brief, whose influence upon the fortunes of the country was too confined to have offered events that were deserving of commemoration. In later times, the Hindu has had still less inducement to cultivate history, as it would have been little else than a record of his own humiliation, a chronicle of centuries of sub- jection to foreign rule. W. * 2 68 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. wor fc purely historical." ! Major Rennel says, that, _l!^L_ founded on Hindu materials, there is no known his- tory of Hindustan, nor any record of the historical events of that country prior to the Mahomedan con- quests ; s and since that period, it is not to Hindu, but Mahomedan pens that we are indebted for all our knowledge of the Mahomedan conquests, and of the events which preceded the passage to India by the Cape of Good Hope. 3 An inclination at first appeared among 1 WHford, on Egypt and the Nile, Asiat. Res. iiL 296. * Rennel's Memoir, Introd. p. xL 3 " That no Hindu nation, but the Cashmirians, hare left us regular histories," says Sir W. Jones, " in their ancient language, ire must ever lament." Asiat. Res. iv. xriL What he meant by excepting the Cask- TTnrian< -we know not. No history of them has ever been seen. " Al- tkoogh we have had recourse," says Dr. Tennant, " to the Sanscrit records at Benares for seTcral years, no history of the country has been found, which is the composition of a native." Ind. Rec, L 10. " Their poets," says Mr. W. Chambers, " seem to hare been their only historians as well 1* divines ; and whatever they relate is wrapped up in this burlesque garb, set off, by way of ornament, with circumstances highly incredible and absurd, and all this without any date, and in no order or method, than sack as the poet's fancy suggested and found most convenient. Asiat. Res. L 157. Such is the character of the Puranas, from which Mr. Wilford kas exerted himself with such a waste of labour and credulity to extract soave scattered fragments of history ; or rather something, it is difficult to say what, on which some few historical inferences might be founded. " Tfc JajaMpaafc of ancient history in the East is so deformed by fable and anachronism, that it may be considered an absolute blank in Indian literature." Wflks's Mysore, Pref. p. XT. Mr. Dow's prejudices went fu: "We mat not," says he, (Preface to his Hist, of Hindostan) " with the Hindoos as destitute of genuine domestic annals, or t they poaaess are mere legends framed by the Yet it has been found that all whioh Ferishta said was true, and aH that CoL Dow believed was fclse. " Serioxisly speaking, the turn : of the imagination of the people of India are sock, that they can be excited but by what a monstrous. Ordinary occurrences upon them at all. . Their attention cannot be gained of giants and pygmies. The Brahmans, tkere- d this propensity, availed themselves of it to invent a p, which they artfully interwove with their own private interest*, Tkis paaskn of the Hindus for the extraordinary and the won- LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 69 the warm admirers of Sanscrit to regard the poems OU.F. 9. Mahabharat and Ramayan, as a sort of historical re- cords. A more intimate acquaintance with those grotesque productions has demonstrated the impossi- bility of reconciling them with the order of human affairs, and. as the only expedient to soften the de- formities in which they abound, suggested a theory that they are allegorical. l derful must have been remarked by every one who has ever so little stadiad their character. It continually Leads to the observation I hare so fre- jaaary repeated, that as often as it was neceaaary to nave their gross imagination, some circuiaafcaaee, aftoprtierextravagaa*, bo* coloured with the hue of truth, was required to be added to the aimaficity of narrative or fact. To give them any idea, of the marveOoos, aomtAimf mast to m- vented that will overturn, or at leaat after t&ewbjate aaier of to a common understanding. are by no means so to tie Hindu. Upon them they have no effect. The expiaaB of Josbna, ami las army, and the aaBaapes they effected by the interposition of Gad, in the conquest of the land of Canaan, seem to Aem mrworthy of notice, when compared with ~ . "". ; ~ .. ~ ^ 1 _--..-. -,1 _ -1 ~1_ f. - " . .".1I1~1_? progress when he subjected Ceylon to Ms yoke. The mizhty strength of Samaon dwindles into nothing, when opposed to the overwkeJmraajenerfj pies, neejuae they have been actually opposed to me mace tban once by Bkabmans, in my disputations with, them on rdudan." Abbe Dobois, p. 421. * Such is the opinion of some of the best < **wn iP scholars ; Sx example, af Mr. Wlmiaa. Toe same idea, is encouraged by Sir William Jones, Aaam. 135. The good sense of Major Renael rejected at an early period the notion of their historical troth. ~ The Mahabharat. .. .supposed to contain a large portion of interesting' historical matter : bat if the lather of flbtnim poetry made so total a change in the story of Helen, in order to give a toll scope to his imagination ; what security have we poet may not mislead us in m*tm of fact." Memoir, p. via A : of greater compass and force had previously said orote the &ble of the Iliad or the Odyssey, the legends of : sens, or CMpuiy as art&orHJgH in natter of &et relating to the history of mankind; but they may, with, great justice, be cited to ascertain what were the conceptions and sentiments of the age in which, they were com- posed, or to cfraractrrBH? t&e genas of that people, with whose !',? toons they were blended, ami by whom they were fondly rehearsed and admired." Ferguson, Essay on the Hist, of Civil Society, part ii. sect. 1. -Q HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. The ancient Persians, who used the Pehlivi lan- - guage, appear in this respect to have resembled the Hindus, " I never," says Sir John Malcolm, have been able to hear of the existence of any work in the ancient Pehlivi that could be deemed historical." ' The modern Persians, in this, as in many other respects, are found to have made some progress beyond the ancient Persians, and beyond the Hindus. The first step towards the attainment of perfect history is the production of prose compositions, ex- pressly destined to exhibit a record of real transac- tions, but in which imagination prevails over exact- ness, and a series of transactions appears in which the lines of reality can but faintly be traced. With histories of this description the Persians abound ; but " the Persians," says Mr. Scott Waring, " do not make a study of history ; consequently their histories abound with idle tales, and extravagant fables." 5 Another celebrated Persian scholar says : " The Persians, like other people, have assumed the privi- lege of romancing on the early periods of society. The first dynasty is, in consequence, embarrassed by fabling. Their most ancient princes are chiefly celebrated for their victories over the demons or genii called dives ; and some have reigns assigned 1 Hist, of Persia, i. 273. Yet the Jewish scriptures tell us, that the deeds of the kings of Persia were written in chronicles of that kingdom ; and Ctesias, who was at the court of Artaxeraes Mncmon, says he had otew to volumes contained in the royal archives. The Persians had no historians before the era of Mohammed ; Kinneir's Geog. Mem. of the Persian Empire, p. 49. In Persia, there is now, as there has long been, a royal historiographer, whose business it is to record the glories of the reigning prince. Ibid. * Tour to Shccraz, p. 152. I LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. to them of eight hundred or a thousand years." 1 On the comparison of the Grecian and native his- tories of Persia, he says, " There seems to be nearly as much resemblance between the annals of England and Japan, as between the European and Asiatic relations of the same empire." The names and numbers of the kings, as exhibited by the historians of the two countries, have no analogy. No mention in the Persian annals is made of the Great Cyrus, nor of any king of Persia, the events of whose reign can, by any construction, be tortured into a simili- tude with his. No trace is to be found of Croesus, of Cambyses, or of his expedition against the Ethi- opians; none of Smerdis Magus, or of Darius Hystaspes: " not a vestige of the famous battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, Plataea, or Mycale, nor of the mighty expedition of Xerxes." 2 1 Richardson's Dissertations, p. 47. 8 Richardson's Dissertations, p. 47 to 60. He gives us the following as the account, by the Persian historians, of the conquest of Alexander. Bahmau, the King, had married his own daughter. When he died, leaving her pregnant, he appointed her his successor, if she had no son ; and regent, if she had one. The lady wished to reign ; and being deli- vered of a son, concealed his birth. He was exposed, but found, and brought up by a dyer. When grown to manhood he joined the Queen's army, which was marching against the Greeks, and performed prodigies of valour. The Queen sent for him ; he was recognised, and the Queen resigned. He became King Darab. He marched against Philip of Ma- cedon, and forced him to take refuge in a forest. Peace was granted, on Philip's giving his daughter to Darab, and paying annually a thousand eggs of gold. Philip's daughter ceased to please, and Darab sent her back after she was pregnant. The child she brought forth was the famous Alexander. The son of Darab, who succeeded him, proved so bad a king, thac the nobles of Persia advised Alexander to assert his right to the throne. Alexander refused the annual tribute. Darab, the younger, marched against him, and was conquered. After the battle he was assas- sinated in his tent by his attendants. But Alexander protested his igno- rance of the crime, and Darab named him his successor, requesting him to govern Persia by Persian nobles, which he did. Ibid. In another pas- 71 72 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. B c "' On the geography and chronology, as parts of - the literature of the Hindus, I shall express myself in the language of Mr. Wilford. "The Hindus," says that celebrated Hindu scholar, "have no regular work on the subject of geography, or none at least that ever came to my knowledge. 1 I was under a sage (Ibid. p. 326) he acknowledges that no account is found in the Per- sian historians of the expedition of Cyrus the younger. The story of Alexander, as told by Sir John Malcolm, in his late history of Persia, is similar, though not the same. Mr. Gibbon says well, " The art and ge- nius of history has ever been unknown to the Asiatics And perhaps the Arabs might not find in a single historian, so clear and com- prehensive a narrative of their own exploits as will be deduced in the en- suing sheets." Gibbon, chap. li. Chardin, speaking of the ignorance of the Persians, in regard to geography and history, says, " On ne croiroit jamais que cette ignorance fut aussi outree qu'elle Test, et je ne Paurois pu croire moi-meme, si je ne m'en etois convaincu par un long usage .... Pour ce qui est de Phistoire du pays, les livres qui en traiteut ne sont clalrs et surs, et ne se suivent, que depuis la naissance de la religion Ma- hometane ; de maniere qu'on ne se peut fier a rien de ce qui est rapportee de sie"cles precedens, surtout en matie're de chronologic, oft ces gens com- mettent les plus grossieres erreurs, confondant les siecles, et mettant tout pe'le-me'le sans se soucier du terns. Toutes ces histoires, jusqu'au terns de Muhammed, sont des pieces ou fabuleuses ou Romanesques, rcmplies de mille contes ou il n'y a rien de vraisemblable." Voyage en Perse, iii. 256. And Gibbon says, (Hist, of Decl. and Fall, ch. x. p. 442.) " So little has been preserved of Eastern history before Mahomet, that the modern Persians are totally ignorant of the victory of Sapor, an event so glorious to their nation." " When the Romans had snpplanted the Greeks, and extended their dominion over all Europe, they also engaged in endless wars with the Persian kings of the Ashkanian and Sassanian dynasties, for these Asiatic provinces. The events of these early periods are not well described in our histories, as we have no authentic records prior to the time of Mohammed : But the Greeks, who have histories which extend back 2000 years, have minutely described all the circumstances of these wars." Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, translated by Charles Stewart, Esq. M.A.S. Professor of Oriental Languages, in the Hon. East India Company's College, Herts, iii. 23. 1 Hindu literature is not devoid of sensible and correct geography, as far as India is concerned. The general geography of the Puranas, is my- thology. But even they declare the topography of the country .[mountains, and rivers, and cities, with perfect fidelity. Col. Wilford's later as well as his earlier notions, should have been cited. In the fourteenth volume LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 73 necessity of extracting my materials from their his- BOOK n. * J CHAP. 9. torical poems, or as they may be called more pro- perly, their legendary tales. "In another place he says, "The Hindu systems of geography, chronology, and history, are all equally monstrous and absurd. The circumference of the earth is said to be 500,000,000 yojanas, or 2,456,000,000 British miles : the mountains are asserted to be 100 yojanas, or 491 British miles high. Hence the mountains to the south of Benares are said, in the Puranas, to have kept the holy city in total darkness, till Maha-deva growing angry at their insolence, they humbled themselves to the ground, and their highest peak now is not more than 500 feet high. In Europe, similar notions once prevailed ; for we are told that the Cimmerians were kept in continual darkness by the interposition of immensely high mountains. In the Calica Purana, it is said that the mountains have sunk considerably, so that the highest is not above one yojana, or five miles high. When the Puranics speak of the kings of ancient times, they are equally extravagant. According to them, King Yudhishthir reigned 27,000 years; King Nanda is said to have possessed in his treasury above 1 ,584,000,000 pounds sterling in gold coin alone ; the value of the silver and copper coin, and jewels, of the Researches, is a paper on the ancient geography of India, from original sources, which had latterly come into his hands ; and from which rational and accurate accounts of India were to be extracted. Col Wilford announced his intention of making the originals over to the Asiatic Society of Bengal; but the intention wasnever fulfilled. The MSS. disappeared at his death, except a few loose leaves, from some of which I translated a description of the western districts of Bengal, containing much curious and authentic information. Oriental Quarterly Magazine. See also Vishnu Purana. W. CMAf. 9. 74 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. " exceeded all calculation: and his army consisted of 100000,000 men. These accounts, geographical, chronological, and historical, as absurd and incon- sistent with reason, must be rejected. This mon- strous system seems to derive its origin from the ancient period of 12,000 natural years, which was admitted by the Persians, the Etruscans, and, 3 believe, also by the Celtic tribes; for we read of a learned nation in Spain, which boasted of having written histories of above six thousand years." It is an error to suppose, that for the origin of unprofitable speculations respecting the nature and properties of thought, great progress in civilization is required. The fears and hopes, the conceptions and speculations, respecting the Divine Nature, and respecting a future state of existence, lead to inquiries concerning the invisible operations of the mind. If we consult but history, we shall be led to conclude, that certain curious, and subtle, but idle questions, respecting the mental operations, are a mark, not of a cultivated, but a rude state of society. 2 It was Sec Wilford on Egypt and the Nile, Asiat. Res. iii. 295 ; and on the Chronology of the Hindus, Ibid. r. 241. Mr. Mill had no other key to the philosophy of the Hindus, than the imperfect views conveyed in a few verses of the laws of Manu. His opinion of its character and value, is necessarily erroneous. Of his criti- cism on the passages in the Code, it may be remarked, that besides being as usual uncandid, he makes no allowance for the difficulty of expressing terms, which in the original, have a determinate import, by others which have no precise and definite signification ; and he forgets that in Manu, the ideas are enounced, not explained. The object of the writer not being to teach philosophy, but to detail the evolution of the mind, and the rest, in the order in which certain philosophical schools had arranged them. With regard to the writer's theory, that the cultivation of metaphysics is a proof rather of barbarism than of civilization, it may be asked if Locke. Descartes, Leibnitz, Kant, Schelling, were barbarians. That men when they begin to reason, should reason respecting their own being is natural ; but time, and thought, and intellectual effort, arc necessary be- LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 75 during an age of darkness and barbarity, that meta- BOOK n. physical speculations engaged so passionately the minds of the European doctors ; and called forth examples of the greatest acuteness and subtlety. It was prior to the dawn of true philosophy, that the sophists, whose doctrine was a collection of inge- nious quibbles on abstract questions, enjoyed their celebrity in Greece. Pythagoras flourished at a very early age ; and yet there is a high degree of subtle ingenuity in the doctrines he is said to have taught. Amid the rudeness of the Celtic inhabitants of Gaul and Britain, the Druids carried, we know not how far, the refinements of metaphysical speculation. Strabo, as quoted by Dr. Henry, 1 says, " The Druids add the study of moral philosophy to that of phy- siology. 2 Ammianus Marcellinus informs us, that the inhabitants of Gaul, having been by degrees a little polished, the study of some branches of useful learning was introduced among them by the bards, the Eubates, and the Druids. The Eubates made researches into the order of things, and endeavoured to lay open the most hidden secrets of nature. The Druids were men of a still more sublime and pene- trating spirit, and acquired the highest renown by fore their reasonings can assume systematic and diversified classification, The metaphysical speculations of the Hindus are now more accurately known and estimated. " La philosophic Indienne est tellement vaste que tous les systemes de philosophic s'y rencontrent, qu'elle forme tout un monde philosophique, et qu'on peut dire a la lettre que 1'histoire de la philosophic de PInde est un abrege de 1'histoire entiere de la Philosophic." Coursde 1'histoire de la Philosophic par M.V. Cousin. This opinion, it is important to observe, is founded not upon a few scattered and imperfect notions, but the elaborate dissertations of Mr. Colebrooke. Trans. R. As. Society. Professor Cousin, was therefore acquainted with his subject. W. 1 Hist, of Great Britain, ii. 4. 2 Strabo, lib, iv. p. 197. HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. ii. their speculations, which were at once subtle and l,,fty." ' The progress which the Arabians made in a semblance of abstract science has been highly celebrated. The following observations, borrowed from one of the most intelligent of the Europeans by whom they have been studied, will enable us to appreciate their metaphysical science. Of the Ara- bians, he says, even at the brightest period of their history, the Europeans have been prone to form too favourable, indeed extravagant ideas. 2 Their best writers are the translators or copiers of the Greeks. The only study peculiar to them, a study which they continue to cultivate, is that of their own language. But by the study of language, among the Arabians, we must not understand that philosophical spirit of research, which in words investigates the history of ideas, in order to perfect the art by which they are communicated. The study is cultivated solely on account of its connexion with religion. As the word of God, conveys the mean- ing of God, no conceivable nicety of investigation is ever too much to eh'cit that meaning in its divine purity. For this reason, it is of the highest moment to ascertain not only the exact signification of the words, but likewise the accents, inflections, signs, and pauses ; in a word, all the most minute niceties of prosody and pronunciation ; and it is impossible 1 Ammian. Marcell. lib. XT. cap. ix. * The high civilization, refined literature, beautiful language, profound philosophy, polished manners, and amiable morals of the Arabians, are celebrated in the highest strains, by M. de Boulainvilliers, Vie de Ma- homet, p. 33; Ed.of Amsterdam, 1731. Pythagoras, after having studied the sciences of the Egyptians, travelled into Arabia to learn the philosophy of the Arabians. Porphyr. dc Vit. Pythag. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 77 to conceive to what a degree of complication they BOOK n - have invented and refined on this subject, without having heard their declamations in the mosques. The grammar alone takes several years to acquire. Next is taught the nahou, which may be defined the science of terminations, These, which are foreign to the vulgar Arabic, are superadded to words, and vary according to the numbers, cases, genders, and person. After this, the student, now walking among the learned, is introduced to the study of eloquence. For this, years are required ; because the doctors, mysterious like the Brahmens, impart their treasures only by degrees. At length arrives the time for the study of the law and the Fikah ; or science peculiarly so called : by which they mean theology. If it be considered that the object of these studies is always the Koran; that it is necessary to be acquainted with all its mystical and allegorical meanings, to read all its commen- taries and paraphrases, of which there are 200 volumes on the first verse ; and to dispute on thou- sands of ridiculous cases of conscience ; it cannot but be allowed that one may pass one's whole life in learning much and knowing nothing. l It is vain, as the same author still further remarks, to tell us of colleges, places of education, and books : These words, in the regions of which we are treat- ing, convey not the same ideas as with us. 2 The 1 Volney's Travels in Egypt and Syria, ii. 434. " In two recent voy- ages into Egypt," says Gibbon, (Hist, of Dec. and Fall, &c. ix. 448.) " we are amused by Savary, and instructed by Volney. I wish the latter could travel over the globe." " The last and most judicious," he calls him, " of our Syrian travellers," Ibid. p. 224. * Volney, ut Supra, p. 443. 78 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. Turks, though signal, even among rude nations, 1 for their ignorance, are not without speculations of a similar nature, which hy superficial observers have been taken for philosophy. " Certain it is," says Sir James Porter, " That there are among the Turks many philosophical minds. They have the whole systems of the Aristotelian and Epicurean phi- losophy translated into their own language." ! " The metaphysical questions," says Gibbon, " on the attributes of God, and the liberty of man, have been agitated in the schools of Mahomedans, as well as in those of the Christians." ' And Mr. Elphinstone informs us, that if the rude Afghaun is ever stimulated to any degree of literary activity, it is when pursuing the subtletes of metaphysical speculation. 3 These facts coincide with a curious law of human nature, which some eminent philosophers have 1 Observations on the Religion, Laws, Government, and Manners of the Turks, p. 39. Most, if not all, the Arabian versions of the Greek anthers, were done by the Christian subjects of the caliphs. See Gibbon, ch. lii. The same is probably the origin of the Turkish versions. What use, if any, they make of them, does not appear. Mr. Scott Waring says, " The science of the Persians is, I believe, extremely confined. They have translations of Euclid, Ptolemy, the works of Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and some other of the Grecian philosophers, which few of them read, and fewer understand." Tour to Sheeraz, p. 254. Hist of Decline and Fall, &c. ch. i. Mr. Forster mentions a Mus- sulman fellow-traveller, a disputant, who, says he, " unhappily for himself and his neighbours, had conned over some of those books of ingenious devices and quaint syllogisms, which are held in high note among the modern Mahometans, and hare Bxed among them a false distorted taste.'. Tiatel* in India, p. 106. " There is generally a want of ardour in pursuit of knowledge among the Asiatic., which is partaken by the Afghauns; excepting, however, in the science* of dialectics and metaphysics, in which they take much intere*, and have made no contemptible progress." Elphinstone's Account of Caubul, p. 189. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 79 already remarked. The highest abstractions are BOOK n. * . CHAP. 9. not the last result of mental culture, and intellectual ___ strength; it is discovered, that some of our most general and comprehensive notions are formed at that very early period, when the mind, with little discriminating power, is apt to lump together things which have but few points of resemblance ; and that we break down these genera into species more and more minute in proportion as our knowledge be- comes more extensive, more particular, and precise. The propensity to abstract speculations is then the natural result of the state of the human mind in a rude and ignorant age. 1 The Vedanti doctrine, which has caught the fancy of some of the admirers of Sanscrit, appears to be delivered viva voce, and solely in that mode. 2 As 1 The clearest accounts I have seen of this important fact, which Mr. Dugald Stewart (Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, ii. 231,) appears not to have knowu that any body had noticed but M. Turgot, is in the following passage of Condillac. " Mais il faut observer, qu'une fois qu'un enfant commenee a generaliser, il rend une idee aussi etendue qu'elle peut 1'etre, e'est-a-direqu'il se hate de donner le memenom a tous les objets qui se ressemblent grossi&rement, et il lescomprend tous dans une seule classe. Les ressemblances sont les premieres choses qui le frappent, parce qu'il ne sait pas encore assez analyser pour distinguer les objets par les qualites qui leur sont propres. II n'imaginera done des classes moms generales, que lorsqu'il aura appris a observer par oil les choses different. Le mot komme, par exemple, est d'abord pour lui une denomi- nation commune, sous laquelle il comprend indistinctement tous les hommes. Mais lorsque dans la suite il aura occasion de connoitre les differentes conditions, il fera aussit6t les classes subordonnees et moins generales de militaires, de magistrats, de bourgeois, d'artisans, de labou- reurs, &c. ; tel est done 1'ordre de la generation des idees. On passe tout a coup de 1'individu au genre, pour descendre ensuite aux diiferentes especes qu'on multiplie d'autant plus qu'on acquiert plus de discernement, c'est-a-dire, qu'on apprend mieux a faire Panalyse des choses." Cours d'Etude, i. 49, 50. Ed. a Parme, 1776. Vide note A. at the end of the volume. 2 A strange assertion which Ward could have corrected, as he enu- merates a long list of Vedanti writings, iv. 172. W. HO HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. K " no passage implying it has been quoted from any m w Sanscrit work, it might, if it were any refinement, be suspected of being wholly modern, The follow- ing is the account of it by Sir William Jones. " The fundamental tenet of the Vedanti school consisted, not in denying the existence of matter, that is, of solidity, impenetrability, and extended figure (to deny which would be lunacy), but in correcting the popular notion of it, and in contending that it has no essence independent of mental perception, that existence and perceptibility are convertible terms, that external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would vanish into nothing, if the divine energy, which alone sustains them, were suspended but for a moment ; an opinion which Epicharmus and Plato seem to have adopted, and which has been main- tained in the present century with great elegance, but with little public applause ; partly because it has been misunderstood and partly because it has been misapplied by the false reasoning of some unpopular writers, who are said to have disbelieved in the moral attributes of God, whose omnipresence, wis- dom, and goodness, are the basis of the Indian phi- losophy. I have not sufficient evidence on the subject to profess a belief in the doctrine of the Vedanta, which human reason alone could, perhaps, neither fully demonstrate, nor fully disprove ; but it is manifest, that nothing can be further removed from impiety than a system wholly built on the purest devotion." 4 1 Work* of Sir Win. Jones, i. 165. It may be remarked that Sir Wil- liam Jones, after all these praises, allows that the Vedanti doctrines arc wild and erroneous. Asiat. Res. iy. 164, 165. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 81 " In some of these observations," Mr. Dugald BOOK ri - CHAP. 9. Stewart very justly observes, " there is a good deal of indistinctness, and even of contradiction." He also remarks, that Sir William Jones totally misunder- stands the doctrine of Berkeley and Hume. 1 We may suspect that he not less widely mistakes the doctrine of the Brahmens, and fastens a theory of his own creation upon the vague and unmeaning jargon which they delivered to him. If in all minds the propensity be strong, and in weak minds irresistible, to see only through the medium of a theory ; we need not wonder if theory manufactures the ideas of the other senses, of hearing, for example, after the same manner. " If the simplest narrative of the most illiterate observer involves more or less of hypothesis ; and a village apothecary or a hackneyed nurse, is seldom able to describe the plainest case, without employing a phraseology of which every word is a theory," 2 we may conclude with certainty that the same intrusion is very difficult to avoid, in making up our own conception of what we hear, and still more in clothing it with our own language. Of the ideas which we profess to report, and which we believe that we merely report, it often happens that many are our own ideas, and never entered the mind of the man to whom we ascribe them. We have a more distinct account of the same doctrine from Sir James Macintosh, whose mind is more philosophical, and on oriental subjects less pre- possessed and less credulous, than that of Sir William 1 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human MindyTol. ii. note B. * The words in which this important observation is expressed, are bor- rowed from a happy application of it by Mr. Stewart, in the same volume, p. 443. VOL. II. G OMA1 - an ^ , HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. I ones. Presenting, in a letter to Mr. Dugald Stewart, account of a conversation with a young Brahmen, Hi- told me," says he, " that besides the myriads of gods whom their creed admits, there was one whom they know by the name of Brim, or the great one, without form or limits, whom no created intel- lect could make any approach towards conceiving ; that, in reality, there were no trees, no houses, no land, no sea, but all without was Maia, or illusion, the act of Brim ; that whatever we saw or felt was only a dream ; or, as he expressed it in his imperfect English, thinking in one's sleep ; and that the re- union of the soul to Brim, from whom it originally sprung, was the awakening from the long sleep of finite existence." 1 It will require few words, in application of the evidence adduced in the chapter on religion, to make it sufficiently appear, that this is a natural part of that language of adulation towards the deity, in which the Hindu theology mainly consists. One of the deities, who is chosen as the chief object of adora- tion, is first made to excel all the other deities ; next to absorb all their powers ; next to absorb even them- selves; and lastly absorb all things. 2 The fancy of " Maia," is only a part of " the absorption of all things in God." There is nothing but God. All our suppossed perception of things besides God is, there- fore, only illusion ; illusion created by God. Why, then, does God create such an illusion '? this is a very necessary question. If it were put ; and why it has not been put, we may a little admire ; the Brahmens might very consistently reply, that as for 1 The pUMge is transcribed by Mr. Stewart, in the note quoted above. Vide tupra, TO!, i. p. 368. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 83 a use, a design, a purpose, in the actions of their BOOK n. God, they never thought of ascribing to them any such quality. He pleases himself by his actions, and that is enough; no matter how fantastic the taste. It is with great pleasure I quote the following co- incidence with my own opinion, expressed in a sub- sequent passage of the same letter. " I intend to investigate a little the history of these opinions ; for I am not altogether without apprehension, that we may all the while be mistaking the hyperbolical effu- sions of mystical piety, for the technical language of a philosophical system. Nothing is more usual, than for fervent devotion to dwell so long, and so warmly, on the meanness and worthlessness of created things, and on the all-sufficiency of the Supreme Being, that it slides insensibly from comparative to absolute lan- guage, and, in the eagerness of its zeal to magnify the Deity, seems to annihilate every thing else, To distinguish between the very different import of the same words in the mouth of a mystic and sceptic, requires more philosophical discrimination than most of our Sanscrit investigators have hitherto shown." 1 Sir James might have passed beyond a suspicion ; if from nothing else, from the very words of the con- versation he reports. Human life is there not com- pared to a sleep ; it is literally affirmed to be a sleep ; and men are not acting, or thinking, but only dream- ing. Of what philosophical system does this form a part ? We awake, only when we are re-united to the Divine Being ; that is, when we actually become a part of the Divine Being, not having a separate existence. Then, of course, we cease to dream ; and 1 Stewart's Elem. tit supra. G 2 " I HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 80011 " then, it may he supposed, that Maia ceases. Then ( 1 1 . t ' I * ' ' - will there he any thing to he known ? any thing real "? Or is it the same thing, whether we are awake or asleep Y But my reader might well complain I was only trifling with him, if I pursued this jargon any further. What grieves me is, that between the two passages which I have immediately quoted, Sir James (we must remember that it is in the negligence of private correspondence) has inserted the following words. *' All this you have heard and read before as Hindu speculation. What struck me was, that speculations so refined and abstruse should, in a long course of ages, have fallen through so great a space as that which separates the genius of their original inventor from the mind of this weak and unlettered man. The names of these inventors have perished ; but their ingenious and beautiful theories, blended with the most monstrous superstitions, have de- scended to men very little exalted above the most ignorant populace, and are adopted by them as a sort of articles of faith, without a suspicion of their phi- losophical origin, and without the possibility of com- prehending any part of the premises from which they were deduced." Yet Sir James himself has described the origin from which they were deduced ; namely, 44 the hyperbolical effusions of mystical piety;" and surely the Brahmens of the present day may under- stand these effusions as well as their still more igno- rant predecessors. 1 1 Another circumstance is always to be remembered. If the Brah- mens are once informed of the European doctrine, they will take abun- dant care to make their own conform to it. ' " With respect to the real tenet, of the Hindus, on subjects of theology, they are to be taken from their ancient books, rather than from the oral declarations of the most learned Brahmens of modem times, who have discovered that the opi- LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 85 With respect to morals or duty, it appears not BOOK ti. that any theory has ever been constructed by the Hindus. In what regards the preceptive part, their ethics exactly resemble those of all other rude and iminstructed nations ; an excellent precept, and a nions of Christians, concerning the nature of God, are far more rational than those currently entertained among them, and that the gross ido- latry of the Hindus is contemned by the more intelligent natives of the western world. Bernier seems to have found occasion for the same remark in his time ; for, after relating a conference between him and some learned pandits, in which the latter endeavoured to refine away the grossness of their image worship ; ' Voila (says he) sans ajouter ni diminuer la solution qu'ils me donnerent; mais, a vous dire le vrai, cela me sembloit un peu trop bien concerte a la Chretienne, aux prix de ce que j'en avois appris de plusieurs autres pandits.' " (Grant's Ob- servations on the State of Society among the Asiatic Snbjects of Great Britain, p. 73. Papers on India, ordered to be printed by the House of Commons, 15th June, 1813.) This supposed refinement, such as it is, Mr. Elphinstone found among the rude and uncivilized Afghauns. " Another sect in Caubul is that of the Soofees, who ought, perhaps, to be considered as a class of philosophers, rather than of religionists. As far as I can understand their mysterious doctrine, their leading tenet seems to be, that the whole of the animated and inanimate creation is an illusion ; and that nothing exists except the Supreme Being, which pre- sents itself under an infinity of shapes to the soul of man, itself a portion of the Divine essence. The contemplation of this doctrine raises the Soofees to the utmost pitch of enthusiasm. They admire God in every thing ; and, by frequent meditation on his attributes, and, by tracing him through all his forms, they imagine that they attain to an ineffable love for the Deity, and even to an entire union with his substance." (An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, by the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone, p. 207.) See, for an account of a similar sect in Persia, Malcolm's Hist, of Persia, ii. 385. How different is all this from the curious result of the refined and ingenious reasonings of Berkeley ! And how shallow the heads that confound them ! M. The whole of what is here said on the subject of the Vedanta doctrine, as founded on the brief notice of Sir Wm. Jones, and a private letter of Sir James Mackintosh, is necessarily imperfect and erroneous. The conclusion, too, is the reverse of what any one else would have drawn from the authorities cited, one of whom speaks of the Vedanta doctrine as built on the purest devotion ; and the other calls the theory refined, abstruse, ingenious and beautiful. As they are the sole authority for the premises, their conclusions are of equal, weight. The Vedanta system has been since fully explained by Mr. Colebrooke, Dr. Taylor, Ram Mohun Roy, Sir Graves Haughton, Col. Vans Kennedy. Trans. R. As. Society. Translation of the Prabodha Chandrodaya. Translations from the Vedas. Asiatic Journal, &c. W. HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. or absurd one, are placed alternately, or mixed in nearly equal proportions, in all their books which treat upon the subject. For specimens of their ethi- cal precepts, it is sufficient to refer to what we have already produced under the head of religion. If all the good precepts were selected from the rest, and exhibited pure by themselves, they would present a tolerably perfect code of the common duties of mo- rality. As we have authors who have attached im- ]>ortance to this, without adverting to the fact that a soundness in detached maxims of morality is com- mon to all men down to the lowest stage of so- ciety, it is necessary to give a specimen of the ethical rules of nations confessedly barbarous. We might, perhaps, be satisfied with a reference to the proverbs of Solomon, and other preceptive parts of the Jewish writings, which are not equalled by the corresponding parts of the books of the Hindus. We shall, however, produce another instance, which is less exposed to any objection. The Havamaal or sublime discourse of Odin, is a Scandinavian com- position of great antiquity. It is a string of moral aphorisms, comprised in 120 stanzas; with which, as a whole, there is nothing in Hindu literature in any degree worthy to be compared. The following is a specimen : "To the guest who enters your dwelling with frozen knees, give the warmth of your fire : he who hath travelled over the mountains hath need of food and well-dried garments : rt A man can carry with him no better provision for his journey than the strength of the understand- ing. In a foreign country this will be of more use LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 87 to him than treasures ; and will introduce him to the BOOK * L CHAP. 9. table of strangers : " There is nothing more useless to the sons of the age than to drink too much ale ; the more the drunkard swallows, the less is his wisdom, till he loses his reason. The bird of oblivion sings before those who inebriate themselves, and steals away their souls : " I have never yet found a man so generous and munificent, as that to receive at his house was not to receive ; nor any so free and liberal of his gifts as to reject a present when it was returned to him : " They invite me up and down to feasts, if I have only need of a slight breakfast ; my faithful friend is he who will give me one loaf when he has but two: " Where is there to be found a virtuous man with- out some failing ; or one so wicked as to have no good quality?" 1 Among the parts of Hindu learning chosen by its admirers as the peculiar objects of their applause, are the niceties, the numerous and intricate subtleties, of the Hindu grammar. We are informed by an emi- nent Sanscrit scholar, that the grammatical precepts of one single treatise are no fewer tban 3996. The reader will observe, that this number is composed of the digit 3 and its multiples, to which peculiar vir- tues are ascribed by the Hindus. It is not impro- bable that the rules may have been made to corre- spond with the number rather than the number with the rules. Nevertheless, we learn from Mr. Cole- brooke, that " those rules are framed with the utmost 1 See Mallet, Introd. Hist. Denmark, vol. ii. For additional illustra- tions we may refer to the maxims of Confucius and Zoroaster. H8 HISTOUY OF BRITISH INDIA. HOOK ii. conciseness, the consequence of very ingenious me- _ thods." But it is added that the studied brevity of the Paniniya Sutnis renders them in the highest de- gree obscure; that even with the knowledge of the key to their interpretation, the student finds them ambiguous ; that the application of them, even when understood, discovers many seeming contradictions ; and that, with every exertion of practised memory, the utmost difficulty is experienced in combining rules dispersed in apparent confusion through differ- ent portions of Paninis and lectures. The number of commentaries on the books of grammar is exceed- ingly great, and many of them very voluminous." ] As these endless conceits answer any purpose rather than that of rendering language a more commodious and accurate instrument of communication, they afford a remarkable specimen of the spirit of a rude and ig- norant age: which is as much delighted with the jug- gleries of the mind, as it is with those of the body, and is distinguished by the absurdity of its passion for both.* It could not happen otherwise than that the Hindus should, beyond other nations, abound in those frivolous refinements which are suited to the taste of an uncivilized people. A whole race of men were set apart and exempted from the ordinary cares and labours of life, whom the pain of vacuity forced upon some application of mind, and who were under the necessity of maintaining their influence among the people, by the credit of superior learning, and, if not by real knowledge, which is slowly and with ' Colebrooke on the Sanscrit and Pracrit Languages, Asiat. Res. rol. Tii. Mr. Colebrooke still further remarks, that the Hindus delight in scho- dupmaUou; and that their con trovemal commentaries on grammar exhibit copious specimens of it. Ibid. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 89 much difficulty attained, by artful contrivances for BOOK 11. deceiving the people with the semblance of it. This ' view of the situation of the Brahmens serves to ex- plain many things which modify and colour Hindu society. In grammatical niceties, however, the Hin- dus but discover their usual resemblance to other na- tions in the infancy of knowledge and improvement. We have already seen that the Arabians on this sub- ject carry their complex refinements to a height scarcely inferior to that of the Brahmens themselves. 1 Even the Turks, who are not in general a refining race, multiply conceits on this subject. 8 During the dark ages the fabrication of grammatical distinctions and subtleties furnished a favourite exercise to the Euro- pean schoolmen. 3 1 Vide supra, p. 7678. s Tout ce que le mauvais gout peut inventer pour fatiguer Pesprit, fait leur delices, ct ravit leur admiration. Memoires du Baron de Tott sur les Turcs et les Tartares, i. 8. 3 The following remarkable passage in the celebrated letter of our coun- tryman, and (but for one exception) admirable countryman, Sir Thomas More, to Martin Dorpius, affords at once a proof of the fact, and a judg- ment on the practice : " At nunc absurda qusedam portenta, ad certam bonarum artium nata perniciem, et luculenter ab antiquis distincta, com- miscuerunt ; et veterum purissimas tradition es suis adjectis sordibus infe- cerunt omnia. Nam in Grammatica (ut omittam Alexandrum, atque id genus alios; qui quamquam imperite, tamen grammaticam utcun- que docuerunt) Albertus quidam, grammaticam se traditurum pro- fessus, logicam nobis quandam, aut metaphysicam, immo neutram, sed mera somnia, mera deliria grammaticee loco substituit : et tamen hae nuga- cissimae nugse in publieas academias non tantum receptse sunt, sed etiam plerisque tarn impense placuerunt, ut is propemodum solus aliquid in grammatica valere censeatur, quisquis fuerit Albertistae nomen assequutus. Tantum auctoritatis habet, ad pervertenda bonorum quoque ingeuiorum judicia, semel ab ineptis tradita, magistris, dein tempore corroborata per- suasio. Quo fit ut minus mirer, ad eundem modum in dialectics locum nugas plus quam sophisticas irrepsisse quae cultoribus suis argutiarum no- mine tarn vehementer, arrident." Caramuel says of the subtle doctor, Scotus, Vix alibi subtilius scripsit quam cum de grammaticis modis signiji- candi. Mr. Home Tooke, however, on this, remarks, that his De modis significandi should be entitled, An Exemplar of the subtle art of saving JX) HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. Not only the grammar; the language itself has H. been celebrated as the mark of a refined and elegant people. " It is more copious," we are told, " than the Latin. It has several words to express the same thing. The sun has more than thirty names, the moon more than twenty. A house has twenty ; a stone six or seven ; a tree ten ; a leaf five ; an ape ten ; a crow nine." ' That which is a defect and a deformity of Ian- guage is thus celebrated as a perfection. 2 The high- apprmrances, and of discoursing deeply and learnedly on a subject with which we are perfectly unacquainted. Quid enim aubtiliua vel mayis tenue yuan* quod nihil eit t (Diversions of Purley, Introd. p. 12.) 1 Lc PJrc Paolino (Bartolomeo) Voyage aux Indes, ii. 201. Mr. Gibbon quaintly says, " In Arabia as well as in Greece, the per. fectio* ttf language outstripped the refinement of manners ; and her speech could diversify the fourscore names of honey, the two hundred of a serpent, the fire hundred of a lion, the thousand of a sword, at a time when this copious dictionary was intrusted to the memory of an illiterate people." Hist, of Dec. and Fall, &c. ix. 240. The German professor Forster, who writes notes on the Voyage du Pere Paolino, says not ineptly on the pas- sage quoted in the text, (Paolino, Voy. aux Indes, iii. 399.) " Ce n'est pas dc ccttc maniere-la qu'on doit jugcr de la richcsse d'une langue. On a coutume de dire que la langue Arabe est riche, parce qu'elle a je ne sals qucl nombre de synonimes pour exprimer le mot epie. Un de ces synoniraes, par exemple, signifie le incurtricr des hommes. Ce n'cst la, dans la rfaliu', qu'unc expression metaphorique et figure, telle qu'on en pent former dans toutes les langues tant soit peu cultivees. On pouvait de nu-rac trourcr plus de trente noms pour exprimer le soleil dans les poetes Grecs ; mais il n'est venu dans 1' esprit de personne, de faire valoir cela pour prourer la richcsse dc la langue Grecque." Our own sagacious, and in many respects highly philosophical Wilkins judges better when he names " rignificancy, perspicuity, brevity, and consequently facility," among the perfections of a language ; and says that the multitude of rules in the Latin " argues the imperfection of that language, that it should stand in need of such and so many rules as have no foundation in the philosophy of speech If these rules be not necessary to language, and ac- cording to nature, but that words may signify sufficiently, and in some respects better without them, then there is greater judgment showed in laying them aside, or framing a language without them." Essay towards a Real Character, &c. p. 448. Another writer, 'who speaks with as much boldness, as he thinks with force on the subject of language says, " Per- sons too dull or too idle to understand the subject cannot, or will not, per- mit* how great an evil manyvordt is ; and boast of their copies vcrboium, LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 91 est merit of language would consist in having one BOOK n. CH.AP, y. name for every thing which required a name, and no more than one. 1 Redundancy is a defect in lan- guage, not less than deficiency. Philosophy, and even common good sense, determine, that every thing which can simplify language, without impair- ing it in point of precision and completeness, is a first-rate advantage. An ignorant and fantastical age deems it a glory to render it in the highest de- gree perplexing and difficult. The other perfections which are ascribed to the Sanscrit are its softness, or agreeableness in point of sound, and its adaptation to poetry. Of its complete- ness or precision, those who were the fullest of ad- miration for it, were too little acquainted with it to be able to venture an opinion. Yet completeness and precision would have been undeniable proofs of the mental perfection of the people by whom it was used ; while a great multitude of useless words and grammatical rules were the very reverse. Nothing is more probable than that a language which has too many words of one description, has too few of another, and unites in equal degree the vices of superfluity and defect. 2 The adaptation of a language to poetry as if a person diseased with gout or dropsy boasted of his great joints, or big belly." And again, " It cannot be too often repeated that superfluous variety and copia, are faults, not excellencies. Simplicity may be consi- dered poverty by perverted understandings, but it is always of great utility; and to true judges it always possesses beauty and dignity." Philosophic etymology, or Rational Grammar, by James Gilchrist, p. 110, 170. "If the Sanscrit is to be admired for its amplicated grammar, the Ethiopic should be admired for its 202 letters ;" Wilkins' Essay towards a Real Character, p. 14. 1 What would become of poetry, of eloquence, of literature, of intellect, if language was thus shorn of all that gives it beauty, variety, grace, and vigour ? W. 2 Tliis is a gratuitous assumption in the case of the Sanscrit language. 92 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK it. and the car, affords no evidence of civilization. Lan- _ guages, on which equal eulogies are bestowed to any which can be lavished on Sanscrit, are the languages confessedly of ignorant and uncivilized men. Nothing can surpass the admiration which is often expressed of the language of the modern Persians. Molina, the intelligent and philosophical historian of Chili, informs us, that of the language of the Chilians the grammar is as perfect as that of the Greek or Latin ; that of no language does the formation and structure display greater ingenuity and felicity. l The lan- guage of the Malays is described as remarkably sweet.Jand well adapted to poetry. 2 Clavigero knows not where to set a limit to his admiration of the Mexican tongue. 3 " Many extravagant things have been advanced concerning the great antiquity and superior excellency of the Anglo-saxon language. One of iit merits is not here adverted to ; its subservience to a sound theory of general philosophy and the affinities of languages W. 1 " Gl* indigeni Chilesi formano una sola nazione divisa in varie tribu, e tutti haiino la medesima fisionomia, e la raedesima lingua chiamata da loro CkiUdugu, che ruol dire lingua Chilese. Qucsta lingua e dolcc, armoniosa, Mprewira, regolare, e copiosUsima di termini fatti ad enunciare non solo le COM fiaiche general!, o particolari, ma an che le cose mor.ili, e astratte." Saggio Sulla Storia Naturale del Chili Del Signor Abate Giovanni Ignazio Molina, lib IT. p. 334. * Manden's Hist, of Sumatra, p. 197, ed. 3rd. " It is so copious, polished, and expressive, that it has been esteemed by many superior to the Latin, and even to the Greek. It abounds," says he, " more than the Tuscan, in diminutives and augmentatives ; and more than the English, or any other language we know, in verbal and abstract terms : for there is hardly a verb from which there are not many verbals formed, and scarcely a substantive or adjective from which there are not soce abstract* formed. It is not less copious in verbs than in nouns ; as from every single verb others are derived of different significations. Chihua " is to do," Ckickikua " to do with diligence or often," Chihuilia " to do to another," Ckikualtia " to cause to be done," Chihuatiuh " to go to do," Ckikuaeo " to come to do," Ckiuktiuh " to be doing," & c . Having men- IKM the extraordinary variety with which the Mexicans express different jfjP? rf "!><* by adding adverbs and other particles to the names em- ployed, Clavigcro adds, Th variety, which gives so much civilization LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 93 According to some writers, it was the most ancient BOOK n. and most excellent in the world, spoken by the first parents of mankind in Paradise ; and from it they pretend to derive the names, Adam, Eve, Cain, Ahel, and all the antediluvian patriarchs." 1 The same sacred volume which affords the most authentic materials for ascertaining the Hindu modes of accounting for the phenomena of mind, lends equal assistance in leading us to a knowledge of their modes of accounting for the phenomena of matter. At the close of the night of Brahma, " intellect called into action by his will to create worlds, performed again the work of creation ; and thence first emerges the subtle ether, to which philosophers ascribe the qua- lity of conveying sound :" 2 Ignorant that air is the great agent in the conveyance of sound, the Hindus had recourse to a fiction ; the imagination of a some- to the language, does not, however, make it difficult to be spoken ; because it is subjected to rules which are fixed and easy; nor do we know any language that is more regular and methodical. The Mexicans, like the Greeks and other nations, have the advantage of making compounds of two, three, or four simple words ; but they do it with more economy than the Greeks did ; for the Greeks made use of the entire words in composi- tion, whereas the Mexicans cut off syllables, or at least some letters from them. Tlazotti signifies valued, OT beloved; Mahuitzic, honoured or re- vered ; Tespixqui, priest; Tatli, father. To unite these five words in one, they take eight consonants and four vowels, and say, for instance, Notlazomahuitzteopixcatatzin, that is, my very worthy father, or revered priest, prefixing the No which corresponds to the pronoun my, and adding tzin, which is a particle expressive of reverence. There are some com- pounds of so many terms as to have fifteen or sixteen syllables In short all those who have learned this language, and can judge of its copious- ness, regularity, and beautiful modes of speech, are of opinion, that such a language cannot have been spoken by a barbarous people." Clavigero, Hist, of Mexico, book vii. sect. 41. 1 Henry's Hist, of Great Britain, iv. 365. " I know not a language spoken in Europe that hath words of more sweetness and greatness than theirs :" Penn's Letter on the American Indians, in Clarkson's Life of Penn, i. 385. 8 Laws of Menu, ch. i. 75. 94 HISTORY OP BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. th j n g of whose existence they had no proof. Equally - futile is their account of air, " From ether, effecting a transmutation in form, springs the pure and potent air, a vehicle of all scents ; and air is held endued with the quality of touch." l The word touch is here ambiguous ; it may mean either that air is tangible, or that it has the faculty, the sense of touch. The latter, I suspect, is the meaning of the original ; for I can hardly credit that so great a master of language as Sir William Jones, would have explained a pas- Age which only meant that air is tangible, by so exceptionable a term as that it is endued with the quality of touch. I can with less difficulty suppose, from other instances, that he endeavoured to cloak a most absurd idea under an equivocal translation. With respect to light and heat, we are told in the immediately succeeding passage ; " Then from air, operating a change, rises light or fire, making objects visible, spreading bright rays ; and it is declared to have the quality of figure." 8 It sufficiently appears from these several passages, that the accounts with which they satisfy themselves, are merely such ran- dom guesses as would occur to the most vulgar and untutored minds. From intellect arose ether : from etluT, air ; from air, fire and light. It appears from this passage that they consider light and heat as abso- lutely the same ; yet the moon afforded them an in- stance of light without heat ; and they had instances innumerable of heat without the presence of light. What is the meaning, when it is declared that fire, alias light, has the quality of figure, it is impossible to say. That fire, or, which is the same thing, light, 1 Laws of Mean, ch. i. 76. lb. 77. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 95 is itself figured, is an affirmation wherein little mean- BOOK n. ... CHAP. 9. ing can be found. That fire, that is, light, is the cause of figure in all figured bodies, is an affirmation which, notwithstanding the absurdity, is in exact harmony with the mode of guessing at the opera- tions of nature, admired as philosophy among the Hindus. The account of water and earth is a link of the same chain. " From light, a change being effected, . comes water with the quality of taste ; and from water is deposited earth with the quality of smell." 1 As from ether came air, so from air light, from light water, and from water earth. It is useless to ask what connexion appears between water and light, or earth and water. Connexion, reason, probability, had nothing to do with the case. A theory of suc- cessive production struck the fancy of the writer, and all inquiry was out of the question. Here occurs the same difficulty as in the case of air ; air was endowed with the quality of touch ; water and earth are said to have the qualities of smell and taste. In this we perceive a most fantastic conceit : To water is ascribed the quality of taste ; to earth the quality of smell ; to fire, the quality of figure ', (I suspect it should be translated sight); to air, the quality of touch; and to ether, the quality (as Sir William Jones translates it) of conveying sound ; I suspect it should be translated, the quality of hearing. 3 1 Laws of Menu, ch. i. 78. 4 It is not easy to apprehend the force of the technical terms of a system with \vhieh we are imperfectly acquainted, and it is still more impossible to express their purport in a foreign language in which no precise equivalents for the originals exist. We need not wonder, therefore, that the author sees nothing but absurdity in the imperfectly detailed evolution of the elements and their properties, although as far as relates to the connexion between the elements and their properties there is nothing irrational or absurd iu % HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. \Ve have thus seen the speculations respecting the L origin and qualities of the principal parts of inanimate nature. The same divine volume affords us a spe- cimen of their ideas concerning the origin of at least one great department of animated nature. " From hot moisture are born hiting gnats, lice, fleas, and common flies; these, and whatever is of the same class, are produced by heat." 1 If this be an idea . natural enough to the mind of an uncultivated ob- server it is at least not a peculiar proof of learning and civilization. Of the arbitrary style of deciding without inquiry, the natural and ordinary style of all rude minds, a curious specimen is afforded by the Hindu dogma, that vegetables, as well as animals, " have internal consciousness, and are sensible of pleasure and pain."* Mr. Wilford, the industrious explorer of the litera- ture of this ancient people, informs us : " The Hin- the scheme. The Hindus early adopted tie doctrine that there is no vacu- um in nature but observing that air was excluded under various circum- stance* from space, they devised, in order to account for the separation of particles, a subtle clement or ether, by which all interstices, the most mi- nute and inaccessible, were pervaded, a notion which modern philosophy intimates some tendency to adopt, as regards the planetary movements ; and it was to this subtle element that they ascribed the property of con- veying sound : in which they were so far right that in vacuo there can be BO sound. Air again is said to be possessed of the faculty of touch, that is, it is the medium through which the contact of bodies is effected ether keeps then apart air impels them together. Fire, or rather light, has the pro- perty of figure. Mr. Colebrooke renders it of colour; in either case the theory is true, for neither colour nor form is discernible except through the medium of light. Water has the property of taste, an affirmation per- fcctfy true, (or nothing is sensible to the palate until it is dissolved by the natural fluids. The presence of odour as a property of earth, is less intel- ligible, but the notion was probably derived from observation of the fra- grance of the vegetable world, which was assigned to the soil on which the flowers bloomed. That these views are open W philosophical objections is perfectly true, but they are not fantastic, not random guesses, they are fe*dd on observation, and are not devoid of rationality. W. Law, of Menu, ch. i. 45. Ibid. 49. See also Ib. xi 143 to 146. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 97 dus were superficial botanists, and gave the same BOOK H- appellation to plants of different classes." l To ar- range or classify, 2 on this or on any other subject, seems an attempt which has in all ages exceeded the mental culture of the Hindus. Of all circumstances, however, connected with the state of Hindu society, nothing has called forth higher expressions of eulogy and admiration than the astronomy of the Brahmens. Mons. Bailly, the celebrated author of the History of Astronomy, may be regarded as beginning the concert of praises, upon this branch of the science of the Hindus. The grounds of his conclusions were certain astronomical tables ; from which he inferred, not only advanced progress in the science, but a date so ancient as to be entirely inconsistent with the chronology of the Hebrew Scriptures. The man who invented a theory of an ancient and highly civilized people, now extinct, formerly existing in the wilds of Tartary, and who maintained it with uncommon zeal, and all the efforts of his ingenuity, is not to be trusted as a guide in the regions of conjecture. Another cause of great dis- trust attaches to Mons. Bailly. Voltaire, and other excellent wrtters in France, abhorring the evils which they saw attached to Catholicism, laboured to subvert the authority of the books on which it was founded. Under this impulse they embraced, with extreme credulity, and actual enthusiasm, the tales respecting the great antiquity of the Chinese and Hindus as 1 Wilford on Egypt and the Nile, Asiat. Res. iii. 310. 2 The Hindus were certainly unacquainted with either the Linnaean or natural orders, but they were careful observers both of the external and in- ternal properties of plants, and furnish copious lists of the vegetable world, with sensible notices of their uses, and names significant of their peculiari- ties. W. VOL. II. H 9H HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. disproving entirely the Mosaic accounts of the dura- _ tion of the present race of men. When a case oc- curred, in which it appeared that this favourite con- clusion could be established on the strength of astronomical observations and mathematical reason- ing. the grand object seemed to be accomplished. The argument was laboured with the utmost diligence by Mons. Bailly, was received with unbounded applause, and for a time regarded as a demonstration in form of the falsehood of Christianity. The most eminent of all the mathematical con- verts, gained by Mons. Bailly, was Mr. Playfair, the professor of mathematics in the University of Edin- burgh. A bias was probably created in his mind by the high reputation of Mons. Bailly for his attainments in that science in which Mr. Playfair himself was so great a master ; and any feeling of that nature could not fail to be greatly strengthened, by the loud applause, in which his countrymen, both those who were still in India, and those who had returned from it, at that time concurred, of the won- derful learning, wonderful civilization, and wonderful institutions of the Hindus ; applause which imposed implicit belief on minds such as that of his illustrious colleague, the author of the Historical Disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India. In a paper published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Mr. Playfair stated, with skill and dexterity, the matter of evi- dence on which the proposition is founded ; l and in an article lately published in the Edinburgh Review, 3 Royal Society of Edin. rot ii. Of which he has orer all Europe been recognised as the author ; Vide infra, p. 105, note 1. LITERATURE OP THE HINDUS. 99 the arguments are controverted by which Mr. Bentlev BOOK " _ CHAP. J. had endeavoured to overthrow his opinion ; but a suspension of belief, till further information shall yield more satisfactory proof, is all that in this latter document is contended for. Such a demand, however, is infinitely too much, and at variance with all the principles of reasoning. When an opinion is obviously contradicted by a grand train of circumstances, and is not entirely supported by the special proof on which it pretends to rest, it is unproved ; and whatever is unproved, and out of the known order of nature, is altogether unworthy of belief; deserves simple rejection. Whoever, in the present improved state of our knowledge, shall take the trouble to contemplate the proofs which we possess of the state of knowledge and civilization among the Hindus, can form no other conclusion, but that every thing (unless astro- nomy be an exception) bears clear, concurring, and undeniable testimony to the ignorance of the Hindus, and the low state of civilization in which they remain. That such a people are masters of the science of astronomy to a degree which none but nations highly cultivated have elsewhere ever attained, is certainly not to be credited on any chain of proof that is not entire. 1 Of the fitness of the proof to maintain any such conclusions as have been founded upon it, an idea may 1 Mr. Playfair has himself given us a criterion for determining on his notions of the Hindu astronomy, which is perfectly sufficient. He says, in the conclusions of his discourse (Edin. Trans, ii. 192), "These con- clusions are without doubt extraordinary ; and have no other claim to our belief, except that their being false were much more wonderful than their being true." On this principle, the question is decided: for the wonder is little that they should be false, but mighty indeed were they true. H 2 100 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. | )C f onnet i f rom tj^ . that Mr. Kentley, who has paid mr. y. J - great attention to the books of Hindu astronomy, says they are all of modern date, and their pretensions to antiquity founded only on forgery. 1 As his mo- derate knowledge of mathematics, however, and even the inelegancies of his style, have been sar- castically employed to throw discredit upon his con- clusions, it is of importance to add that the two mathematicians whose reputation for profundity seems to exced that of all their contemporaries, Laplace, and an eminent ornament of our country, not only reject the inference of the great antiquity and perfection of the Hindu astronomy, but from the evidence offered, draw a conclusion directly the reverse ; viz., that this science is in the very same state of infancy among the Hindus with all the other branches of knowledge. The Surya Sidhanta is the great repository of the astronomical knowledge of the Hindus. It is on the authority of our own countryman 2 I am enabled to declare, that this Asiat. Re. vi. 577. M. As presently mentioned, Mr. Bentley had bat a moderate knowledge of mathematics. H e had a still more moderate knowledge of Sanscrit, and was quite incapable of forming an opinion of the authenticity of Sanscrit writings, upon an accurate estimate of their His notion that the astronomical works of the Hindus were all wies, was founded entirely upon prejudice, not upon inquiry. Having liim personally, the writer had various opportunities of appreciating Character, in this respect. Hindu forgery, was the engrossing idea of iu mind, w,th which it was vain to agree, as it was the progeny of pas- won, not of reason. W. No weight can be attached to an anonymous authority : what means forming an estimate of the Sur'ya Siddhanta ? The t.on of a standard work on Hindu astronomy, is much wanted, enmne accurately the extent of their science. The conclusions ided on parual extract, from astronomical works, and dissertations, rcrtam nrrumscribed purposes, are necessarily imperfect, and are probably, in many rwpecu, erroneous. W. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 101 book is itself the most satisfactory of all proofs of BOOK " J CHAP. 9. the low state of the science among the Hindus, and the rudeness of the people from whom it proceeds ; that its fantastic absurdity is truly Hindu ; that all we can learn from it is a few facts, the result of observations which required no skill ; that its vague allegories and fanciful reflections prove nothing, or every thing ; that a resolute admirer may build upon them all the astronomical science of modern times ; but a man who should divest his mind of the recol- lection of European discoveries, and ask what a people unacquainted with the science could learn from the Surya Sidhanta, would find it next to nothing. 1 1 Dr. Smith, with his usual sagacity, says, " There are various causes which render astronomy the very first of the sciences which is cultivated by a rude people : though from the distance of the objects, and the con- sequent mysteriousness of their nature and motions, this would seem not to be the case. Of all the phenomena of nature, the celestial appearances are, by their greatness and beauty, the most strikingly addressed to the curiosity of mankind. But it is not only their greatness and beauty by which they become the first objects of a speculative curiosity. The spe- cies of objects in the heavens are few in number ; the sun, the moon, the planets, and the fixed stars. All the changes too which are ever observed in these bodies, evidently arise from some difference in the velocity and direction of their several motions. All this formed a very simple object of consideration. The objects, however, which the inferior parts of nature presented to view, the earth and the bodies which immediately surround it, though they were much more familiar to the mind, were more apt to embarrass and tierplex it, by the variety of their species, and by the intricacy and seeming irregularity of the laws or orders of their succession The variety of meteors in the air, of clouds, rainbows, thunder, lightning, winds, rain, hail, snow, is vast, and the order of their succession seems to be most irregular and inconstant. The species of fossils, minerals, plants animals, which are found in the waters and near the surface of the earth, are still more intricately diversified ; and if we regard the different man- ners of their production, their mutual influence in altering, destroying, supporting one another, the orders of their succession seem to admit of an almost infinite variety. If the imagination, therefore, when it con- sidered the appearances in the heavens, was often perplexed and driven CHAT. HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. The Hindu astronomy is possessed of very con- Inferable accuracy in regard to the mean motions. In other respects it has no pretensions to correctness or refinement. Astronomy may acquire great accu- racy in regard to the mean motions, without ti help of any nice or delicate observations ; and while the science can hardly be said to exist. If there is every reason to believe, and none whatsoever to dis- believe, that the mean motions of the Hindu astro- nomy have been gradually corrected in the same manner in which the calendars of ancient nations have been improved, the legimate conclusion cannot be mistaken. As far as a conclusion can be drawn respecting the state of astronomy among the Hindus, from the state of their instruments of observation (and an analogy might be expected between those closely connected circumstances,) the interference entirely corresponds with what the other circumstances in the condition of the Hindus have a tendency to out of its natural career, it would be much more exposed to the same em- barrassment, when it directed its attention to the objects which the earth presented to it, and when it endeavoured to trace their progress and suc- cessive revolutions." Essays by Dr. Adam Smith, p. 97, 98. Of the Persians, Mr. Scott Waring says, " Their perverse predilection for judicial astrology excites them to the study of astronomy, merely that they may foretell the conjunction of the planets ; and when they are able to do this with any degree of accuracy, they are accounted men of considerable science. They have two descriptions of Ephemeris ; the first containing the con- junction and opposition of the luminaries : and the second the eclipses, the longitude and latitude of the stars," &c. Tour to Sheeraz, p. 254. The pages of the historian being little adapted to mathematical and astronomical dis- cussion, I have inserted, by way of Appendix, an examination of the arguments for the antiquity and excellence of the Hindu astronomy ; with which the friendship of the great mathematician to whom I have alluded has enabled me to elucidate the subject. See Append. No. 1. at the end of the chapter. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 103 establish. The observatory at Benares, the great seat of Hindu astronomy and learning, was found to be rude in structure, and the instruments with which it was provided of the coarsest contrivance and construction, Even Mr. Playfair himself observes that " regular observations began to be made in Chaldea with the era of Nabonassar ; the earliest which have merited the attention of succeeding ages." The observation which he next presents is truly philosophical and important. " The curiosity of the Greeks," says he, "was, soon after, directed to the same object; and that ingenious people was the first that endeavoured to explain or connect, by theory, the various pheno- mena of the heavens." l This was an important step ; all that preceded was mere observation and empiri- cism, not even the commencement of science. 2 He adds ; " The astronomy of India gives no theory, nor even any description of the celestial phenomena, but satisfies itself with the calculation of certain changes in the heavens, particularly of the eclipses of the sun and moon, and with the rules and tables by which 1 Playfair on the Astronomy of the Brahmens, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. ii. 135. * Dr. Smith says, Nature, according to common observation, appears a chaos of jarring and discordant appearances, into which philosophy endea- vours to introduce order by representing the invisible chains which bind together all these disjointed objects. It thus soothes the imagination, and renders the theatre of nature a more coherent, and therefore a more mag- nificent "spectacle, than otherwise it would appear to be Mankind in the first ages of society have little curiosity to find out those hidden chains of events which bind together the seemingly disjointed appearances of nature. A savage has no inclination to amuse himself with searching out what seems to serve no other purpose than to render the theatre of nature a more connected spectacle to his imagination." Essays, Hist, of Astron. pp. 20, 21, 23. JQ4 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. IMMIK ii. these calculations must be performed. The Brahmen, 1 seating himself on the ground, and arranging his shells before him, repeats the enigmatical verses that are to guide his calculation, and from his little tablets and palm-leaves, takes out the numbers that are to lie employed in it. He obtains his result with won- derful certainty and expedition ; but having little knowledge of the principles on which his rules are founded, and no anxiety to be better informed, he is perfectly satisfied, if, as it usually happens, the commencement and duration of the eclipse answer, within a few minutes, to his prediction. Beyond this his astronomical inquiries never extend ; and his ob- servations, when he makes any, go no further than to determine the meridian line, or the length of the day at the place where he observes." l Scarcely can there be drawn a stronger picture than this of the rude and infant state of astronomy. The Brahmen, making his calculation by shells, is an exact resemblance of the rude American perform- ing the same operation by knots on a string ; and both of them exhibit a practice which then only prevails ; either when the more ingenious and com- modious method of ciphering, or accounting by writ- ten signs, is unknown ; or when the human mind is too rude and too weak to break through the force of an inveterate custom. 2 1 Playfair, on the Astron. of the Brahmins, Trans. U.S. E. ii. 138, 139. * Goguct baring mentioned the quipos of the Peruvians, says, " It is the same with the negroes on the coast of Juida. They know nothing of the art of writing, and yet they can calculate the largest sums with great facility by means of cords and knots, which have their own signification." Hist. Gta. de Voyage, it. 283, 373, and 393." Origin of Laws, i. 224. We arc informed by Herodotus, that the Egyptians, like the Brahmens, LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 105 But the rude state of the science of astronomy BOOK n. -T-. /> i CHAF - 9- among the Brahmens 01 the present day, is supposed to have been preceded by a period in which it was cultivated to a high degree of perfection. It is vain to ask at what date this period had its existence ; and where the signs of such ancient knowledge are to be found. To these questions no answer can be returned. Sir William Jones himself admits, " it is improbable that the Indian astronomers, in very early times, had made more accurate observations than those of Alexandria, Bagdad, or Maraghah ; and still more improbable that they should have relapsed without apparent cause into error." l Mr. Davis, one of the oriental inquirers to whom we are most counted by shells; and at one time at least, the Greeks; but in an inverse order, the Greeks passing from left to right, the Egyptians from right to left. Herodot. lib. ii. cap. 36. 1 Asiat. Res. ii. 115. The following is valuable from the pen of M. De- lambre. " M. La Place, qui avoit quelque interet a soutenir lagrande an- cienncte de 1'astronomie Indienne, et qui avoit d'abord parle des mouve- mens moyens et des epoques des Hindous de la maniere la plus avantageuse, a fini pourtant par croire et imprimer que leurs tables ne remontent pas au dela du 13me siecle. Mr. Playfair, en repondant a 1'objection de M. de la Place, ne la detruit pas. Peu importe que Bailly ait affirme plus ou moins directement et positivement la conjonction generate des planetes qui a determine Pepoque; Ce qu'il falloit eclaircir est un fait. Les tables indiquent-elles en effet cette conjonctiou, Pepoque alors est fietive, et 1'a- stronomie Indienne est beaucoup plus moderne. Les tables n'indiquent- elles pas cette conjonction, alors 1'objection de M. la Place tombe d'elle- meme. C'est ce que ne ditpas Mr. Playfair, et c'est ee que jen'ai pas le terns de verifier. Mais quandmeme 1'objection seroit sans force, il resteroit bien d'autres difficultes. Ce ne sont pas quelques rencontres heureuses parmi une foule de calculs errones.ou incoherens, qui suffiroient pour prouver Pantiquite de P Astronomic Indienne. La forme mysterieuse de leurs tables et de leurs methodes suffiroit pour donner des soupgous sur leur veracite. C'est une question qui probablement ne sera jamais decidee, et qui ne pourroit Petre que par de nouvelles decouvertes dans les ecrits des Hindous." Letter from M. Delambre, dated Paris July 2J, 1814, published, Appeudix, note D, of " Researches concerning the Laws, &c. of India, by Q. Craufurd, Esq." 106 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. ,J L indebted for our knowledge of Hindu astronomy, - says, " I had been inclined to think with many others, that the Brahmens possess no more know- ledge in astronomy, than they have derived from their ancestors in tables ready calculated to their hands, and that few traces of the pinciples of the science could be found among them ; but by con- sulting some Sanscrit books I was induced to alter my opinion. I believe the Hindu science of astro- nomy will be found as well known now as it ever was among them." l In other words, the ignorance of the present age is the same with the ignorance of all former ages. 2 While we are thus unable, from all we have learn- ed of the Hindu astronomy, to infer either its high antiquity, or great excellence, it is a matter of doubt whether even that portion of the science which they possess, they may not to a great degree have derived from other nations more advanced in civilization than themselves. 3 The Hindu astronomy possesses certain features of singularity which tend to prove, and have 1 Asiat. Res. ii. 226228. * Of that ignorance take the following specimens : ' The Bhagavat," (says Mr. Davis, Asiat. Res. iii. 225) " when treating of the system of the universe, places the moon above the sun, and the planets above the fixed stars." "The prince of serpents continually sustains the weight of this earth." Sacontala, beginning of act v. " Some of them " [the Brahmena of the present day] "are capable," says Mr. Orme, Hist, of Indost i. 3, " of calculating an eclipse, which seems to be the utmost stretch of their mathematical knowledge." 3 As compared with the state of Astronomical science in modern times Hindu Astronomy, of course, is far from excellence, as Schlegel remarks, "il n'cst pas besoin de faire de gros livres pour la prouver ;" it is, perhaps, inferior to the Astronomy of the Greeks, but it exhibits many proofs of ac- curate observation and deduction, highly creditable to the science of Hindu Astronomers. The division of the ecliptic into lunar mansions, the solar zodiac, the mean motions of the planets, the precession of the equinoxes, the earth's self support in space, the diurnal revolution of the earth on its LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 107 by various inquirers been held sufficient to prove, its c perfect originality. But it may very well be sup- posed, that in a science which so naturally fixes the attention of even a rude people, the Hindus them- selves proceeded to a certain extent; and even if they did borrow the most valuable portion of all that they know, that it was constrained to harmonize with the methods they had already invented, and the discoveries they had previously made. The fact, moreover, is, that if the Hindu astronomy exhibits marks of distinction from other systems, it exhibits, on the supposition of its originality, still more sur- prising instances of agreement with other systems. " The days of the week" (I use the language of Mr. Playfair) " are dedicated by the Brahmens, as by us, to the seven planets, and, what is truly singular, they are arranged precisely in the same order. The ecliptic is divided, as with us, into twelve signs of axis, the revolution of the moon on her axis, her distance from the earth, the dimension of the orbits of the planets, the calculation of eclipses, are parts of a system which could not have been found amongst an unenlight- ened people. That the antiquity of the Hindu Astronomy has been exag- gerated is no doubt true, but there is no reason to conceive that it is not ancient. Even Bentley himself refers the contrivance of the lunar mansions to B.C. 1424, a period anterior to the earliest notices of Greek Astronomy, and implying a course of still earlier observation. The originality of Hindu Astronomy, if this era be granted, is at once established, but it is also proved by intrinsic evidence, as although there are some remarkable coinci- dences between the Hindu and other systems, their methods are their own. " If there be any resemblances," says Professor Wallace (Account of British India, Edinburgh,) they have arisen out of the nature of the science, or from what the Indians have borrowed from the Arabians, who were in- structed by the Greeks, rather than from anything borrowed from the In- dians by the Arabians or the Greeks." There is no occasion to suppose the Greeks were instructed by the Hindus, but the Arabians certainly were. Their own writers affirm that Indian Astronomers were greatly encouraged by the early khalifs, particularly Harun al Rashid and Al Mamun; they were invited to Bagdad, and their works were translated into Arabic. The Hindus were fully as much as the Greeks the teachers of the Arabians. W. 108 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. thirty degrees each. This division is purely ideal, and is intended merely for the purpose of calculation. The names and emblems by which these signs are expressed, are nearly the same as with us ; and as there is nothing in the nature of things to have determined this coincidence, it must, like the arrange- ment of the days of the week, be the result of some ancient and unknown communication." 1 From this striking circumstance, Montucla, the celebrated his- torian of mathematics, inferred, that the Hindu zodiac was borrowed from the Greeks ; and from the vicinity of the Greek empire of Bactria, as well as from the communications which took place between the Hindus, the Persians, and Arabians, the facility with which the knowledge of the Grecian astronomy might pass into India is clear. Sir William Jones controverts the position that the Hindu ecliptic was borrowed from the Greeks ; he contends that it was derived from the Chaldeans. 2 But this is the same in the end. 3 At one time a disposition appeared to set the knowledge of the Hindus in pure mathematics very high. 1 Playfair, on the Astronomy of the Brahmens, Trans. R. S. E. ii. 140, 141. See to the same purpose, Colebrooke on the Indian and Arabian Divisions of the Zodiac, Asiat. Res. ix. 323, 376. * Asiast. Res. ii. 289. 3 The division of the zodiac among the Birmans as well as the Brah- mens, resembles ours, the original Chaldean. " My friend Sangermano," (says Dr. Buchanan, Asiat. Res. vi. 204,) "gave Captain Symes a silver basin on which the twelve signs were embossed. He conceived, and I think justly, that this zodiac had been communicated to the Burmans from Chaldea by the intervention of the Brahmens. And I find that in this con- jecture he is supported by Sir W. Jones, (As. Res. ii. 306). Both, how- ever, I am afraid, will excite the indignation of the Brahmens, who, as the learned judge in another place alleges, have always been too proud to borrow science from any nation ignorant of the Vedas. Of their being so LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 109 A very convenient, and even an ingenious mode BOOK n. / -i i / CHAP. y. oi constructing the table of approximate signs, is m use among the Hindu astronomers. " But ignorant totally/' says Professor Leslie, " of the principles of the operation, those humble calculators are content proud as not to acknowledge their obligations I make no doubt ; but that they have borrowed from the Chaldeans who were ignorant of the Vedas, Sir W. Jones himself has proved. Why then should he have opposed the sarcastic smiles of perplexed Pandits to the reasoning of M. Montucla, (As. Res. ii. 303, 289,) when that learned man alleged that the Brahmens have derived astronomical knowledge from the Greeks and Arabs. The expression of the Brahmens quoted by him as a proof, namely, ' that no base creature can be lower than a Yavan or Greek,' only exposes their miserable ignorance and disgusting illiberality." On this pride, too great to learn (a sure sign of barbarity), it is also to be remarked, that a matri- monial connexion (among the Hindus the most sacred of all connexions) took place between Seleucus and Sandracottos. " On this difficulty," says Mr. Wilford, " I consulted the pundits of Benares, and they all gave me the same answer ; namely, that in the time of Chandragupta, the Ya- vanas were much respected, and were even considered as a sort of Hindus." Asiat. Res. v. 286. What was to hinder the Brahmens from learning as- tronomy from the Greeks at that period ? Mr. Wilford indeed says that a great intercourse formerly subsisted between the Hindus and the nations of the West. Ibid. iii. 297, 298. Sir William seems to have known but little of the intercourse which subsisted between the Hindus and the people of the West. Suetonius (in vit. Octav.) informs us, that the Indians sent ambassadors to Augustus. An embassy met him when in Syria, from king Porus, as he is called, with letters written in the Greek character, contain- ing, as usual, an hyperbolical description of the grandeur of the monarch. Strabo, lib. xv. p. 663. A Brahmen was among those ambassadors, who followed Augustus to Athens, and there burnt himself to death. Strabo, Ibid, and Dio. Cass. lib. liii. p. 527. Another splendid embassy was sent from the same quarter to Constantine. Cedreni Annal. p. 242, Ed. Basil. 1566 ; Maurice, Hist. iii. 125. " I have long harboured a suspicion," says Gibbon, " that all the Scythian, and some, perhaps much, of the Indian science, was derived from the Greeks of Bactriana." Gibbon, vii. 294. A confirmation of this idea, by no means trifling, was found in China, by Lord Macartney and his suite, who discovered the mathematical instru- ments deposited in the cities of Pekin, and Nankeen, not constructed for the latitude of those places, but for the 37lh parallel, the position of Balk or Bactria : Barrow's China, p. 289. The certainty of the fact of a Chris- tian church being planted in India at a time not distant from that of the apostles, is a proof that the Hindus had the means of learning from the Greeks. We learn the following very important fact from Dr. Buchanan. The greater part of Bengal manuscripts, owing to the badness of the paper, require to be copied at least once in ten years, as they will, in that climate, 110 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. y 1 ' to fN w blindly a slavish routine. The Brahmens - must, therefore, have derived such information from people further advanced than themselves in science, and of a bolder and more inventive genius. What- ever may be the pretensions of that passive race, their knowledge of trigonometrical computation has no solid claim to any high antiquity. It was proba- bly, before the revival of letters in Europe, carried to the East by the tide of victory. The natives of Hindustan might receive instruction from the Per- sian astronomers, who were themselves taught by the Greeks of Constantinople, and stimulated to those scientific pursuits by the skill and liberality of their Arabian conquerors." l preserve no longer ; and every copyist, it is to be suspected, adds to old books whatever discoveries he makes, relinquishing his immediate reputa- tion for learning, in order to promote the grand and profitable employment of his sect, the delusion of the multitude. As. Res. vi. 174, note. An- quetil Duperron, who had at an early period asserted the communication of Grecian science to the Hindus, (See Recherches Historiques et Philo- sophiques sur 1'Inde) supported this conclusion at the end of his long life. " N'est il pas avoue," says he in his notes to the French translation of Paolino's Travels, iii. 442 ; " que, de tout terns, sans conquete, avec con- quete, par terre comme par mer, 1'Asie, 1'Inde, et 1'Europe, ont en des relations plus ou moins actives ; que les savans, les sages de ces contrees se sont visites, ont pu se faire part de leurs decouvertes ; et qu'il n'est pas hors de vraisemblance que quclques uns auront fait usage dans leurs livres, memo sans en avertir, des nouvelles lumieres qu'ils avaient recjues de 1'etranger ? De nos jours, le Rajah d' Amber, dans ses ouvrages astrono- miques, parle des tables de la Hire. Le Rajah Djessingue, aura profile des lecjons du P. Boudier, qu'il avait appele aupres de lui. Si 1'astronome Brahme, avec lequel M. le Geutil a travaille a Pondicherri, ecrit sur 1'as- tronomie, sans abandonner le fond de ses piincipes, du systeme Indien, il adoptera des pratiques qu'il aura remarquees dans son disciple, calculera, quoique Indou, a la Frangaise, et donnera comme de lui, du pays, des re- sultats reellement tires de ses rapports avec 1'astrpnomie Francaise. Nier ces probabilites, c'est ne pas connaitre les hommes." " II y a differentes epoques dans les sciences Indiennes, dans la mythologie, les opinions reli- gieuses de cette contree. Les Indiens ont recu ou emprunte diverses con- naissances des Arabes, des Perses, en tel temps ; des Grecs dans tel autre." Ib. p. 451. 1 Elements of Geometry, &c. By John Leslie, Professor of Moral Phi- LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. Ill Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics ; and among BOOK " CHAP. y other inventions, of which the honour has been claimed for the Hindus, is that of numerical cha- losophy in the University of Edinburgh, note xxiv. All that can be said in favour of the mathematical science of the Hindus is very skilfully summed up in the following passage, by a mathematician of first-rate emi- nence, William Wallace, Esq. the Professor of Mathematics in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. " The researches of the learned have brought to light astronomical tables in India, which must have been constructed by the principles of geometry ; but the period at which they have been formed has by no means been completely ascertained. Some are of opinion, that they have been framed from observations made at a very remote period, not less than 3,000 years before the Christian era ; and if this opinion be well founded, the science of geometry must have been cultivated in India to a considerable extent, long before the period assigned to its origin in the West ; so that many of the elementary propositions may have been brought from India to Greece. The Hindus have a treatise called the Surya Sid- hanta, which professes to be a revelation from heaven, communicated to Meya, a man of great sanctity, about four millions of years ago ; but setting aside this fabulous origin, it has been supposed to be of great antiquity, and to have been written at least two thousand years before the Christian era. Interwoven with many absurdities, this book contains a rational sys- tem of trigonometry, which differs entirely from that first known in Greece or Arabia. In fact, it is founded on a geometrical theorem, which was not known to the geometricians of Europe, before the time of Vieta, about two hundred years ago. And it employs the sines of arcs, a thing unknown to the Greeks, who used the chords of the double arcs. The invention of sines has been attributed to the Arabs, but it is possible that they may have received this improvement in trigonometry, as well as the numeral characters, from India." Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Article Geometry, p. 191. The only fact here asserted which bears upon the question of the civilization of the Hindus, is that of their using the sines of arcs instead of the chords of the double arcs. Suppose that they invented this method. It proves nothing beyond what all men believe ; that the Hindus made a few of the first steps in civilization at an early period ; and that they en- gaged in those abstract speculations, metaphysical and mathematical, to which a semi-barbarous people are strongly inclined. The Arabians were never more than semi-barbarous. The Greeks were no better, at the early age when they were acquainted with the elementary propositions of geome- try. If the Greeks or Arabians invented, in the semi-barbarous state, the mode of computation by the chords ; what was to hinder the Hindus from inventing, while semi-barbarous, the mode of computing by the sines of arcs ? This is upon the supposition that the mode of computing by sines, and the elementary propositions on which it depends, really are original among the Hindus. But this seems not to rest upon very satisfactory proof, when it is barely inferred from the use of chords by the Greeks ; and 112 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. racers. 1 Whether the signs used bv the Hindus are CHAP. 8. * so peculiar as to render it probable that they invented them, or whether it is still more probable that they borrowed them, are questions which, for the purpose of ascertaining their progress in civilization, are not worth resolving. " The invention of numerical cha- racters," says Goguet, " must have been very ancient. For though flints, pebbles, and grains of corn, &c. might be sufficient for making arithmetical calcula- tions, they were by no means proper for preserving the result of them. It was, however, necessary on many occasions to preserve the result of arithmetical operations, and consequently it was necessary, very early, to invent signs for that purpose." 2 Under these motives, a people, who had communication with another people already acquainted with nume- rical signs, would borrow them : a people who had no such communication, would be under the neces- sity of inventing them. But alphabetical signs, far more difficult, were invented at a rude period of society ; no certain proof of civilization is therefore gained by the invention of arithmetical characters. the possibility alone is asserted of the Arabians having derived the know- edge from the Hindus. M. The author has here shifted his ground; as his quotation from Professor Wallace is hostile to the purport of his ar- gument, and proves that the Hindus had an original method of computa- tion, and one which anticipated modern discovery. The position that they must have been indebted to a people further advanced than them- selves, as for instance, the Greeks, is shown to be untenable. Obliged, however reluctantly, to admit that the Hindus may have invented this method, the author falls back upon the more general charge, and says, " it does not substantiate their civilization." The question at issue in this place, is, not their civilization, but their proficiency in mathematics ; and the instance given is favourable to the pretensions of the Hindus to very considerable progress effected by their own independent efforts. W. 1 Even Delambre, who disputes the originality of Hindu Astronomy, concedes their claim to early progress in arithmetic, and the invention of numerical ciphers. W. 1 Origin of Laws, i. 221. LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 113 The characters of which Europeans themselves make BOOKII. CHAP 9. use, and which they have borrowed from the Ara- bians, are really hieroglyphics ; and " from the mo- numents of the Mexicans," says Goguet, " which are still remaining, it appears that hieroglyphics were used by that people, both for letters and numerical characters." l That diligent and judicious inquirer says, in general, " The origin of ciphers or numeri- cal characters was confounded with that of hierogly- phic writing. To this day, the Arabian ciphers are real hieroglyphics, and do not represent words, but things. For which reason, though the nations which use them speak different languages, yet these charac- ters excite the ideas of the same numbers in the minds of all." 2 Algebraic signs, which were brought into Europe from Arabia, may, it is said, have originated in India. There is an assertion of the Arabian writers, that an Arabian mathematician in 959 travelled to India, in quest of information. He might, however, travel without finding. On this foundation, it is plain that no sound inference can be established. If, indeed, it were proved that the algebraic notation came from India, an invention, which the Arabians could make, implies not much of civilization wherever it was made. The shape, indeed, in which it was imported from Arabia, sets the question at rest. It cannot be described more clearly and shortly than in the words of Mr. Playfair. The characters, as imported from 1 Origin of Laws, i. 224. * Ibid. Mr. Gilchrist renders it highly probable, that not only the digits, but the letters of the alphabet are hieroglyphics. Philosophic Etymology, p. 23. VOL. II. I 114 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. Arabia, "are mere abbreviations of words. Thus CHAP. 9. the first appearance of algebra is merely that of a system of short-hand writing, or an abbreviation of common language, applied to the solution of arith- metical problems. It was a contrivance merely to save trouble." 1 The books of the Hindus abound with the praise of learning ; and the love and admiration of learning is a mark of civilization and refinement. By the panegyrics, however, in the books of the Hindus, the existence is proved of little to which admiration is due. On the pretensions of the Brahmens to learning, the title to which they reserved exclusively to themselves, a great part of their unbounded in~ fluence depended. It was their interest, therefore, to excite an admiration of it, that is, of themselves, by every artifice. When we contemplate, however, the acquirements and performances on which the most lofty of these panegyrics were lavished, we can be at no loss for a judgment on their learning, or the 1 Second Dissertation. Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, p. 12. It is a coincidence well worth remarking, that Diophantus, a Greek mathematician of Alexandria, about 150 years after Christ, employed a like expedient. " The questions he resolves," says Mr. Playfair, " are of considerable difficulty. The expression is that of common language ab- breviated, and assisted by a few symbols." (Ib. p. 13.) In a MS. of Dio. phantus, which Bombclli says he saw in the Vatican library, the Indian authors, he says, are often quoted. Nothing of this appears in the work of Diophantus, which was published about three years after the time when Bombelli wrote. Nor has any other work of Diophantus been produced. It is, besides, to be remembered, that the Greeks used the word Indian with great latitude. They applied it not merely -to the people beyond the Indus ; they applied it also to a people on the Euxine Sea; to a people in Ethiopia ; in a general way, to all the people of the East. It is by no means clear that Diophantus would not apply it to the Arabians themselves (See Appendix, No. II. at the end of the chapter.) LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 115 motive from which the praises of it arose. To be BOOK n - I CHAP. 9. able to read the Vedas, was merit of the most . exalted nature ; to have actually read them, elevated the student to a rank almost superior to that of mor- tals. " A priest," says the sacred text of Menu, " who has gone through the whole Veda, is equal to a sovereign of the whole world. 1 What is valuable 1 Laws of Menu, ch. ix. 245. " Since the era of Halhed and Sir William Jones," says Mr. Scott Waring, "the existence of the precious manuscripts of Sanscrit learning has, like the chorus to a popular song, been echoed from author to author, who, though entirely ignorant of Sanscrit, have stamped with credibility a seemingly vague supposition ; for what pro- duction have we yet seen to justify those extravagant praises ?" Tour to Sheeraz, by Ed. Scott Waring, p. 5. Mr. Wilford, better acquainted with the Puranas than any other European, speaks of them with little re- spect. He talks of " the ignorant compilers of the Puranas, who have ar- ranged this heterogeneous mass without method and still less judgment." As. Res. vi. 471. M. Bernier than whom no European had better oppor- tunies of observing the actual and present attainments of the Brahmens, who observed with a penetrating and judicious spirit, and wrote before the birth of theory on the subject, says, " Apres le Purane quelques uns se jettent dans la philosophic oft certainement ils reussissent bien peu ; je 1'ai deja dit, ils sont d'une humeur lente et paresseuse, et ne sont point ani- mes dans 1'esperance de parvenir a quelque chose par leur etude." Suite des Memoires sur 1'Empire du Grand Mogol, i. 184. " Leurs plus fameux Pendets," says he, "me semblent tres ignorans." (Ibid. p. 185.) Mention- ing their accounts of the world, he says, "II y en a aussi qui veulent que la lumiere et les tenebres soient les premiers principes, et disent la-dessus mille choses a vue de pays sans ordre ni suite, et apportent de longues rai- sons qui ne sentent nullement la philosophic, mais souvent la fagon ordi- naire de parler du peuple." (Ibid. p. 187.) Though the Hindus abstain religiously from anatomy, they pretend to know most confidently anato- mical facts. " Ils ne laissent pas d'assurer qu'il y a cinq mille veines dans Phomme, ni plus ni moins,comme s'ils les avoientbien contees."(Ibid. p. 190.) After a review of their whole knowledge, which would be reckoned no in- correct outline, by the best informed of the present day, he adds, " Toutes ces grandes impertinences que je viens de vous raconter m'ont souvent fait dire en moi-meme que si ce sont la les fameuses sciences de ces anciens Bragmanes des Indes, il faut qui'l y ait eu bien du monde trompe dans les grandes idees qu'on en a congues." (Ibid. p. 193.) " For some time a very unjust and unhappy impression appeared to have been made on the I 2 116 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. j n learning could be little understood, where conse- CHAP. 9. . quences of so much importance were attached to a feat of this description. public mind, by the encomiums passed on the Hindoo writings. In the first place, they were thus elevated in their antiquity beyond the Christian Scriptures, the writings of Moses having been called the productions of yesterday, compared with those of the bramhuns. The contents of these books, also, were treated with the greatest reverence; the primitive reli- gion of the Hindoos, it was said, revealed the most sublime doctrines, and inculcated a pure morality. We were taught to make the greatest distinction between the ancient and modern religion of the Hindoos ; for the apologists of Hindooism did not approve of its being judged of by present appearances- Some persons endeavoured to persuade us, that the Hindoos were not idola- ters, because they maintained the unity of God ; though they worshipped the work of their own hands as God, and though the number of their gods was 330,000,000. It is very probable, that the unity of God has been a sentiment amongst the philosophers of every age ; and that they wished it to be under- stood, that they worshipped the One God, whether they bowed before the image of Moloch, Jupiter, or Kalee ; yet mankind have generally concluded that he who worships an image is an idolater ; and I suppose they will conti- nue to think so, unless in this age of reason common sense should be turned out of doors. Now, however, the world has had some opportunity of deciding upon the claims of the Hindoo writings, both as it respects their antiquity and the value of their contents. Mr. Colebrooke's Essay on the Vdus, and his other important translations ; the Bhuguvut Geeta, by Mr. Wilkins ; the translation of the Ramayunu. several volumes of which have been printed ; some valuable papers in the Asiatic Researches ; with other translations by different Sungskritu scholars ; have thrown a great body of light on this subject ; and this light is daily increasing. Many an object appears beautiful when seen at a distance, and through a mist ; but when the fog has dispersed, and the person has approached it, he smiles at the deception. Such is the exact case with these books, and this system of idolatry. Because the public, for want of being more familiar with the subject, could not ascertain the point of time when the Hindoo Shastrus were written, they therefore at once believed the assertions of the bram- huns and their friends, that their antiquity was unfathomable." Ward on the Hindoos, Introd. p. xcix.) " There is scarcely any thing in Hindooism when truly known, in which a learned man can delight, or of which a be- nevolent man can approve ; and I am fully persuaded, that there will soon be but one opinion on the subject, and that this, opinion will be, that the Hindoo system is less ancient than the Egyptian, and that it is the most pue- rile, impure, and bloody, of any system of idolatry that was ever established on earth." (Ib. ciii.) LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 117 The Hindus have institutions of education : and BOOK H- CHAP. 9. the Brahmens teach the arts of reading and writing, by tracing the characters with a rod in the sand. 1 How extensively this elementary knowledge is dif- fused, we have received little or no information. This is a satisfactory proof of the want of intelligence and of interest, with which our countrymen in India have looked upon the native population. The magistrates, however, who returned answers to the interrogatories of government in the year 1801, respecting the mo- rals of the people, describe the state of education in general terms, as deplorable in the extreme. Mr. J. Stracey, magistrate of Momensing, says, " The lower sort are extremely ignorant." Mr. Paterson, magis- trate of Dacca Jelalpore, recommends " a total change in the system of education amongst those who have any education at all :" adding, that " the great mass of the lower ranks have literally none." The judges of the court of appeal and circuit of Moorshedabad say : " The moral character of a nation can be improved by education only. All instruction is unattainable to the labouring poor, whose own ne- 1 Anquetil Duperron, who lodged a night at the house of a schoolmaster at a Mahratta village, a little north of Poona, gives a ludicrous picture of the teaching scene. " Les ecoliers, sur deux files, accroupis sur leur ta- ^ons, tracjoient avec le doigt les lettres, ou les mots, sur une planche noire couverte de sable blanc ; d'autres repetoient les noms des lettres en forme de mots. Car les Indiens, au lieu de dire comme nous, a, b, c, prononcent ainsi awam, banam, kanam. Le maitre ne me parut occupe pendant une demi heure que la classe dura encore, qu'a frapper avec un long rotin le dos nud de ces pauvres enfans : en Asiec'est la partie qui paye; la passion malheureusement trop commune dans ces contrees, veille a la surete de celle que nos maitres sacrifient a leur vengeance. J'aurois ete bien aise de m'entretenir avec Monsieur le Pedagogue Marate, ou de moins d'avoir un alphabet de sa main ; mais sa morgue ne lui permit pas de repondre A ines politcsses." (Zendavesta, Disc. Prelim, p. ccxxx.) 11H HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. cessities require the assistance of their children as soon as their tender limbs are capable of the smallest labour. With the middle class of tradesmen, arti- ficers, and shopkeepers, education ends at ten years of age, and never reaches further than reading, writing (a scarcely legible hand on the plantain leaf), and the simplest rules of arithmetic." l But if the Hindu institutions of education were of a much more perfect kind than they appear to have ever been, they would afford a very inadequate foundation for the inference of a high state of civilization. The truth is, that institutions for education, more elaborate than those of the Hindus, are found in the infancy of civilization. Among the Turks and the Persians there are schools and colleges, rising one above another for the different stages of instruction." 2 And 1 Papers on India Affairs, No. iii. ordered to be printed by the House of Commons, 30th April 1813. * " There were in these times [the times of Aliverdi, nabob of Bengal] at Azimabad," says the author of the Seer Mutakhareen, " numbers of per- sons who loved sciences and learning, and employed themselves in teach- ing and in being taught ; and I remember to have seen in that city and its environs alone, nine or ten professors of repute, and three or four hundred students and disciples ; from whence may be conjectured the number of those that must have been in the great towns, and in the retired districts." Seer Mutakhareen, i. 705, 4to. Calcutta, 1789. N. B. this with regard to the Mussulmans of Bengal. The translator says, in a note, " The reader must rate properly all these students, and all these expressions : their only object was the Goran and its commentaries ; that is the Mahometan reli- gion, and the Mahometan law." Ibid. A hint very different from those we are wont to receive from our guides in Hindu literature. " In vain do some persons talk to us of colleges, of places of education, and books : these words in Turkey convey not the same ideas as with us." Volney's Tra- vels in Syria and Egypt, ii. 443. Chardin, who formed as high an opinion of the Persians as Sir William Jones of the Hindus, tells us, (Voyage en Perse, iii. 130,) " Le genie des Persans est porte aux sciences, plus qu'a toute autre profession ; et Ton peut dire que les Persans y reussissent si bien quc ce sont, apres les Chretiens Europeens, les plus sqavans pvuplcs du mondc Us envoy en t les cnfans aux colleges, ct les elevent aux LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS 119 scarcely in any nation does the business of education appear to have been a higher concern of the govern- ment than among the Americans of Mexico and Peru. l As evidence of the fond credulity with which the state of society among the Hindus was for a time re- garded, I ought to mention the statement of Sir W. Jones, who gravely, and with an air of belief, in- forms us, that he had heard of a philosopher " whose works were said to contain a system of the universe, founded on the principle of attraction and the central lettres autant que leurs moyens le peuvent permettre." And at page 137, 138. he adds that schools are distributed in great numbers in Persia and colleges very numerous. 1 " Inca Roca was reputed the first who established schools in Cozco, where the Amautas were the masters, and taught such sciences as were fit to improve the minds of Incas, who were princes, and of the chief nobility, not that they did instruct them by way of letters, for as yet they had not attained to that knowledge, but only in a practical manner, and by daily discourses : their other lectures were of religion, and of those reasons and wisdom on which their laws were established, and of the number and true exposition of them ; for by these means they attained to the art of govern- ment and military discipline ; they distinguished the times and seasons of the year, and by reading in their knots they learned history and the actions of past ages ; they improved themselves also in the elegance and ornament of speaking, and took rules and measures for the management of their do- mestic affairs. These Amautas, who were philosophers, and in high esteem amongst them, taught something also of poetry, music, philosophy, and as- trology," &c. Garcilasso de la Vega, Royal Commentaries, book iv. ch. xix. This same Inca exhibited one stroke at least which will be reckoned high wisdom by some amongst us: " He enacted that the children of the com- mon people should not be educated in the liberal arts and sciences, for that were to make them proud, conceited, and ungovernable, but that the nobility were those only to whom such literature did appertain, to render them more honourable, and capable of offices in the common-wealth." Ibid. " There is nothing," (says Acosta, book vi. ch. 27) " that gives me more cause to admire, nor that I find more worthy of commendation and memory, than the order and care the Mexicans had to nourish their youth." He tells us they had schools in their temples, and masters to instruct the young " in all commendable exercises, to be of good behaviour," &c. 120 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. position of the sun." l This reminds the instructed CHAP. 9. J _ reader of the disposition which has been manifested by some of the admirers of the Greek and Roman literature, and of these by one at least who had not a weak and credulous mind, to trace the discoveries of modern philosophy to the pages of the classics. Dr. Middleton, in his celebrated life of Cicero, says, that " several of the fundamental principles of the modern philosophy, which pass for the original dis- coveries of these later times, are the revival rather of ancient notions, maintained by some of the first philosophers, of whom we have any notice in history ; as the motion of the earth, the antipodes, a vacuum ; and an universal gravitation or attractive quality of matter, which holds the world in its present form and order." 2 It is a well-known artifice of the Brahmens, with whose pretensions and interests it would be altogether inconsistent to allow there was any knowledge with which they were not acquainted, or which was not contained in some of their books, to attach to the loose and unmeaning phraseology of some of their own writings, whatever ideas they find to be in esteem ; or even to interpolate for that fa- vourite purpose. 3 It was thus extremely natural 1 Asiat. Res. i. 430, and iv. 169. * Middleton's Life of Cicero, sect. 12. Considerable currency was ob- tained by a very learned work of a clergyman of the Church of England Mr. Dutens, who undertook to prove that all the discoveries which the modems have made in the arts and sciences, may be found distinctly broached in the writings of the ancients. 3 Anquetil Duperron gives us a remarkable instance of the disposition of the Brahmens to accommodate by falsification, even their sacred re- cords, to the ideas of Europeans. " Si je n'avois pas SQU que le commence- ment de I'Amerkosh contenoit la description du lingam, peut-etre m'eut il etc impossible de decouvrir que mes Brahmes, qui ne vouloient pas de- voiler le fond de leurs mystercs, paraphrasoicnt ctpallioient plutotqu'ils nc traduisoient." Zeiidav. Disc. Prelim, i. ccclxix. Dr. Buchanan found LITERATURE OF THE HINDUS. 121 that Sir William Jones, whose pundits had become acquainted with the ideas of European philosophers respecting the system of the universe, should hear from them that those ideas were contained in their the propensity general, to deceive him in their accounts both of their reli- gion and history. See Journey through Mysore, &c. ii. 76, 79, 80. " The Brahmena," he says, " when asked for dates, or authority, say that they must consult their books, which may be readily done ; but when I send my interpreter, who is also a Brahmen, to copy the dates, they pretend tha t their books are lost." Ibid. i. 335. All information, he says, from the Brahmens, usually differs most essentially as derived from different indi- viduals. Ibid. ii. 306. See an account of the imposition practised by his pundits upon Captain Wilford, by Lord Teignmouth, in the Introduction to his Life of Sir William Jones; also an account by Mr. Wilford himself, Essay on the Sacred Isles in the West, Asiat. Res. viii. 253. In a letter to a friend, Sir W. Jones said, " 1 can no longer bear to be at the mercy of our pundits, who deal out the Hindu law as they please, and make it at reasonable rates, where they cannot find it ready made." Life of Sir W. Jones, by Lord Teignmouth, 4to. Ed. p. 307. Colonel Wilkes accuses the Hindu author of the Digest of Hindu Law, translated by Mr. Colebrooke, of substituting a false principle of law for a true one, out of " a courtesy and consideration, for opinions established by authority, which is peculiar to the natives of India." Histor. Sketches, p. 116. M. These proofs " of a well-known artifice of the Brahmans," are for the most part proofs only of the ignorance or misconceptions of Europeans. Du Perron's instance is remarkable as an illustration of the former. There is no allu- sion to the ' lingam,' in a mythological sense, in the beginning of the Amerkosh, and the Brahmans must have been much amused and asto- nished at Du Perron's discovery ; the word ' linga ' does occur it is true, but only in its grammatical import of gender ; the author intimating that his work (a lexicon) specifies the genders of the nouns which it contains. Buchanan insisted on the production of what rarely, if ever, exists in manuscripts dates, and that they were not manufactured for him proves the integrity of his informers. Sir Wm. Jones's assertion is general, and purports no more than an undeniable truth, that it becomes those Euro- peans who administer Mohammedan and Hindu law, to know that law for themselves, and not be wholly dependent upon interpreters, who may have an interest in misleading them. Colonel Wilks assumes, without any warrant, that Jagannatha was influenced by courtesy and consideration for established opinions, in pronouncing the earth to become the property of kings by conquest. It is much more probable that Jagannatha was quite honest, as he would attach great weight to the text on which he comments, however inconclusive it may appear to European critics, and whether well-founded or not, he expresses the general sentiment of his country- men. The only one of these proofs then that will bear examination, is the case of Colonel Wilford, and he tempted imposition by his iiicautiou and 122 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. own books : The wonder was, that without any proof CHAP. 9. J L he should believe them. l credulity. That instances of literary imposture occur in India, as else- where, is no doubt true, but they are not of a nature or extent to justify the unqualified attribution of dishonesty to all learned Brahmans what- ever. W. 1 He might have got proofs, equal to those with which they presented him, of Plato's having been acquainted with the circulation of the blood ; viz., because when speaking of that fluid he uses the word Trepta^caOut which signifies to be carried round. It is worthy of remark, that the phi- losopher, of whom Sir William heard, and whose works contained such im- portant discoveries, was called Yavan Acharya, that is Gentile or Greek. By the argument of Sir William, we might believe that the Greeks anticipated Newton. When Copernicus, dissatisfied with the received account of the heavenly motions, addressed himself to discover anew arrangement, we are told that " he examined all the obscure traditions delivered down to us, con- cerning every other hypothesis which the ancients had invented. He found in Plutarch, that some old Pythagoreans had represented the earth as re- volving in the centre of the universe, like a wheel round its own axis ; and that others of the same sect, had removed it from the centre, and repre- sented it as revolving in the ecliptic, like a star round the central fire. By this central fire he supposed they meant the sun," &c. Dr. Ad. Smith, Essay on Hist. Astron. p. 51. We might prove that Parmenides had a just con- ception of the figure of the globe. Plato informs us that, according to that inquirer, To o\ov eyri YlavToOev evKVK\ov atyaipas eva\irj eivai rern^i OKiav jrape^eiv. Xenophontis Grsecorum, &c. lib. vii. sect. 1, near the eud.) 1 Here again assertion and fact are at variance : whatever may have been the efficiency of the discipline in practice, there was no want of a theory of regular movements and arrangements for the march, array, en- campment, and supply of troops. They are all repeatedly described in the Mahabharata. W. 2 Francklin's Life of George Thomas, p. 103. 3 Orme, on the Government and People of Indostan, p. 420. The exquisite ignorance and stupidity of the Mysoreans in the art of war, while yet a purely Hindu people, is strongly remarked by Orme. i. 207. In the following description appears the simplicity of the fortification of Hindu towns : " A place that hath eight cose in length and breadth, and on the skirts of which, on all the four sides, is a ditch, and above the 208 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. Even medicine and surgery, to the cultivation of CHAP. 10. J _ which so obvious and powerful an interest invites, had scarcely, beyond the degree of the most uncultivated tribes, attracted the rude understanding of the Hin- dus, 1 Though the leisure of the Brahmans has mul- tiplied works, on astrology, on the exploits of the gods, and other worthless subjects, to such a multi- tude, " that human life," says Sir W. Jones, " would not be sufficient to make oneself acquainted with ditch, on all the four sides, a wall or parapet, and on all the four sides of it are bamboos, and on the east or north side thereof, a hollow or covered way, such place is called Nigher, or a city ; in the same manner, if it hath four cose in length and breadth, it is called Gherbut, or a small city," Gentoo Code, ch. xiv. See alse Motte's Journey to Orissa, As. An. Reg, i. 51, 67. " The fortifications of places of the first order for- merly consisted, and in many places still consist, in one or two thick walls, flanked with round or triangular towers. A wide and deep ditch is on the outside ; but as the Hindus are unskilful in the construction of bridges, they always leave a causeway from the gate of the town over the ditch." The Abbe Dubois, p. 543. See a curious testimony to the im- perfection of the military art among the Mahrattas, (Broughton's Letters from a Mahratta Camp, p. 107, 108) ; and another, still more remarkable, to the wretched pusillanimity of the Rajpoots, those boasted descendants of the supposed magnanimous Cshatriyas, a pusillanimity, which, accord- ing to Mr. Broughton, forfeits their title even to pity, while " possessing so many advantages, they voluntarily bend their necks to one of the most galling yokes in the world." Ibid. p. 133. 1 The expressions of Sir William Jones, to be properly understood, should have been quoted more in detail. He does not mean to say that the Hindus had not cultivated the practice of medicine ; on the contrary, he says, " we have still access to a number of Sanscrit books on the old Indian practice of physic, from which, if the Hindus had a theoretical system, we might easily collect it." The value of a mere theoretical sys- tem of medicine is very small, and few medical men will condemn the Hindu works for containing only practical instruction. The real nature of the Hindu medical works is yet to be determined by translation. There is a very large body of medical literature in Sanscrit, and some of the principal works are named by Arabic writers, as having been known and translated at Bagdad, in the ninth century. These works comprise all the branches of medical science, surgery included ; and, although mixed up with much that is irrational, contain numerous instances of accurate ob- servation and judicious treatment. See Calcutta Oriental Magazine, 1823. Transactions, Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta, and Essay on the Antiquity of Hindoo Medicine, by Dr. Royle", London, 1837. W. GENERAL REFLECTIONS. any considerable part of Hindu literature," 1 he confesses, there is " no evidence that in any language of Asia, there exists one original treatise on medicine considered as a science." 2 Surgery, says an author who beh'eves in the high civilization of the Hindus, is unknown among that people. In the case of gun- shot, or sabre wounds, all they did was to wash the wound, and tie it up with fresh leaves; the patient, during the period of convalescence, eating nothing but the water gruel of rice. 3 1 Asiat. Res. i. 354. * Ibid. iv. 159. 3 Craufurd's Sketches. Sir William Jones says, " We may readily believe those who assure us, that some tribes of wandering Tartars had real skill in applying herbs and minerals to the purpose of medicine ;" the utmost pretended extent of the medical science of the Hindus. As. Res. ii. 40. See Tennant's Indian Recreations, for some important details, i. 357 ; Buchanan's Journey through Mysore, &c. i. 336. " Medicine," says the last intelligent observer, " in this country has indeed fallen into the hands of charlatans equally impudent and ignorant." Ibid. " There are not indeed wanting several persons who prescribe in physic, play upon a variety of musical instruments, and are concerned in some actions and performances which seem at least to suppose some skill in nature or ma- thematics. Yet all this is learned merely by practice, long habit, and custom ; assisted for the most part with great strength of memory, and quickness of invention." (Shaw's Travels, speaking of the people of Barbary, p. 263.) The good sense of Colonel Wilks has made that in- structive writer use the following terms : " The golden age of India, like that of other regions, belongs exclusively to the poet. In the sober inves- tigation of facts, this imaginary era recedes still further and further at every stage of the inquiry ; and all that we find is still the empty praise of the ages which have passed If the comparative happiness of mankind in different ages be measured by its only true and rational standard, namely, the degree of peace and security which they shall be found collectively and individually to possess, we shall certainly discover, in every successive step towards remote antiquity, a larger share of wretchedness to have been the portion of the human race The force of these observations, gene- ral in their nature, is perhaps more strongly marked in the history of India than of any other region of the earth. At periods long antecedent to the Mohammedan invasion, wars, revolutions, and conquests, seem to have followed each other, in a succession more strangely complex, rapid, and destructive, as the events more deeply recede into the gloom of antiquity. VOL. II. P 209 210 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. In comparing them with other people, it cannot, in a single word, be declared, with which of the nations, more familiar to Europeans, the Hindus, in point of civilization, may be regarded as on a level; because, in comparison with those whom they most nearly ap- proach, while inferior to them in some, they are su- perior in other respects. Should we say that the civilization of the people of Hindustan, and that of the people of Europe, during the feudal ages, are not far from equal, we shall find upon a close inspection, that the Europeans were superior, 1 in the first place, notwithstanding the vices of the papacy, in religion : and, notwithstanding the defects of the schoolmen, in philosophy. They were greatly superior, notwith- standing the defects of the feudal system, in the insti- tutions of government and in laws. Even their poetry, if the observance of nature, if the power of The rude valour, which had achieved a conquest, was seldom combined with the sagacity requisite for interior rule; and the fabric of the con- quered state, shaken by the rupture of its ancient bonds, and the substitu- tion of instruments, clumsy, unapt, and misapplied, either fell to sudden ruin, or gradually dissolved." Historical Sketches of the South of India by Lieut. Col. Mark Wilks, p. 1, 2. 1 That Europeans in the feudal ages were superior in character, may be admitted ; but it may be doubted if they were more advanced in civiliza- tion. They had, it is true, a better religion, but understood it little and practised it less. Education was less generally diffused ; literature less honoured and less cultivated. They had no fixed standard of govern- ment, or written code of laws ; their philosophy was less profound ; their poetry more rude. In war practically they excelled the Hindus ; they probably studied it less as a science. In manufactures, they were decidedly inferior, and so they were in agriculture and com- merce. The manners of the higher ranks furnish abundant instances of profligacy, treachery, falsehood, and brutality ; and those of the serf and bondsman, were not unlikely to afford examples of servility and deceit. Although, therefore, the state of civilization in Europe, in the feudal ages, contained in its restless activity the seeds of future improvement, yet there can be little doubt, that from the tenth to the twelfth century, the superiority of civilization was on the side of the Hindus. W. GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 211 moving the affections, or indeed ingenuity of inven- BOOK j'- tion, be regarded as the marks of excellence, is beyond all comparison preferable to the poetry of the Hindus. That, in war, the Hindus have always been greatly inferior to the warlike nations of Europe, during the middle ages, it seems hardly necessary to assert. 1 In some of the more delicate manufactures, however, particularly in spinning, weaving, and dyeing, the Hindus, as they rival all nations, so they no doubt surpass all that was attained by the rude Europeans. In the fabrication, too, of trinkets; in the art of po- lishing and setting the precious stones ; it is possible, and even probable, that our impatient and rough ancestors did not attain the same nicety which is dis- played by the patient Hindus. In the arts of paint- ing and sculpture, we have no reason to think that the Europeans were excelled by the Hindus. In ar- chitecture, the people who raised the imposing struc- tures which yet excite veneration in many of the an- cient cathedrals, were not left behind by the builders of the Indian pagodas. 2 The agriculture of the 1 The barbarians from Germany and Scythia quickly learned the disci- pline of the Roman armies, and turned their own arts against the legions. See Gibbon, vii. 377. The Hindus have never been able, without Euro- pean officers, to avail themselves of European discipline. 1 The monastery of Bangor, demolished by Adelfrid, the first king of Northumberland, was so extensive, that there was a mile's distance from one gate of it to another, and it contained two thousand one hundred monks, who are said to have been there maintained by their own labour. (Hume's England, i. 41.) " Les Etrusques, predecesseurs des Remains, et les premiers peuples de 1'Italie sur lesquels 1'histoire jette quelque lueur paroissent avoir devance les Grecs dans la carriere des sciences et des arts, bien qu'ils n'aient pas pu, comme leurs successeurs, la par- courir toute entiere. Les poetes ont place au milieu d'eux Page d'or sous le regne de Saturne, et leurs fictions n'ont voile qu'a demi la verite. Comme nous ne savons pas meme le nom des ecrivains Etrusques ou Tyrrheniens, et que ces peuples ne nous sont connus quo par quelques P 2 212 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. Jo Europeans, imperfect as it was, surpassed exceedingly that of the Hindus ; for with the climate and soil of most of the countries of Europe, agriculture, so im- perfect as that of India, could not have maintained the population. In point of manners and character, the manliness and courage of our ancestors, compared with the slavish and dastardly spirit of the Hin- dus, place them in an elevated rank. But they were inferior to that effeminate people in gentleness, and the winning arts of address. Our ancestors, however, though rough, were sincere ; but, under the glosing exterior of the Hindu, lies a general disposition to deceit and perfidy. In fine, it cannot be doubted that, upon the whole, the gothic nations, as soon as they became a settled people, exhibit the marks of a superior character and civilization to those of the Hindus. 1 fragmens d'historiens Grecs et Latins, ils resteront toujours enveloppes d'une grande obscurite. Cependant nous avons une indication de leur puissance, dans les murailles colossales de Volterra; de leur gout, dans les vases qui nous sont restes d'eux ; de leur savoir, dans le culte de Ju- piter Elicius, auquel ils attribnerenl 1'art qu'ils connurent et que nous avons retrouv^s, d'eviter et de diriger la foudre." Simonde de Sismondi, Hist, des Rep. Ital. Introd. p. iii. These Tuscans cannot have been advanced beyond the stage of semi-barbarism ; and yet here are proofs of a progress in the arts, with which the Hindus have nothing to compare. The Afghauns use a water-mill for grinding their corn. " It is also used in the north of India, under the Sireenugger hills; but, in general, no water-mills are known in India, where all grain is ground with the hand." Elphinstone's Caubul, p. 307. 1 The Hindus are often found to be orderly and good servants at Cal- cutta, Madras, &c. This is but a fallacious proof of civilization. Hear Lord Macartney in his account of Russia. " All the inhabitants of Sibe- ria, Casan, and the eastern provinces of Russia, to the sea of Kamschatka, who are not Christians, are confounded under the general name of Tartars. Many of these come to the capital in order to procure employment, either as workmen or domestics, and are exceedingly sober, acute, dexterous, and faithful." Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney, ii. 26. " Calmuck servants GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 213 No one can take an accurate survey of the different BOOK J 1 - * CHAP. 10. nations of Asia, and of their different ages, without remarking the near approaches they make to the same stage of civilization. This gives a peculiar interest and importance to the inquiry respecting the Hindus. There can be no doubt that they are in a state of ci- vilization very nearly the same with that of the Chi- nese, the Persians, and the Arabians ; who, together, compose the great branches of the Asiatic population; and of which the subordinate nations, the Japanese, Cachin-chinese, Siamese, Burmans, and even Malays are greatly esteemed all over Russia, for their intelligence and fidelity." Mr. Heber's Journal, in Clarke's Travels in Russia, p. 241. " I recol- lect," adds Dr. Clarke, " seeing some of them in that capacity among English families in Petersburg. The most remarkable instance ever known of an expatriated Calmuck, was that of an artist employed by the Earl of Elgin, whom I saw, (a second Anacharsis, from the plains of Scythia) executing most beautiful designs among the ruins of Athens. Some Rus- sian family had previously sent him to finish his studies in Rome, where he acquired the highest perfection in design. He had the peculiar features, and many of the manners, of the nomade Calmucks." Ibid. The negroes, when properly treated, make faithful, affectionate, and good servants. But it is more than doubtful whether the Hindus do in reality make those good servants we have heard them called. Dr. Gilchrist says (Preface to his Hindostanee Dictionary, printed at Calcutta, 1787, p. 27) and Lord Teignmouth repeats, (Considerations, &c. on communicating to the Na- tives of India the Knowledge of Christianity, p. 82) " that he cannot hesi- tate about believing the fact that among a thousand servants of all de- scriptions whom he had intrusted and employed, he had the luck to meet with one only whom he knew to be upright in his conduct." By the author of that interesting little book, entitled, Sketches of India, or Observations descriptive of the Scenery, &c. in Bengal, written in India in the years 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, p. 13, we are told that when you are travelling in India, "An object of attention which must excite peculiar attention in every honourable mind, is the thefts and depredations which are apt to be committed at every bazaar or market, and indeed whenever opportunity offers, both by your own servants and the boatmen. Astonishing as this may seem, it is an undoubted fact that these people pillage every step they take ; and, to escape the just indignation of the sufferers, shelter them- selves under the name of their innocent master, to whom these poor wretches are often afraid to refer." 214 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. ^ } and Tibetians, are a number of corresponding and re- sembling offsets. With regard to former ages, it is true, that the re- ligion, and several circumstances in the outward forms of society, have been altered in Persia, since the days of Darius: but the arts, the sciences, the literature, the manners, the government, concur to prove, in a remarkable manner, the near approach of the two periods to the same points of civilization. The an- cient Persians, too, there is reason to believe, were placed in nearly the same state of society with the people whom they succeeded ; the Chaldeans, Assyrians, and Babylonians. In contemplating, therefore, the state of Hindustan, curiosity is very extensively gra- tified. As the manners, institutions, and attainments of the Hindus, have been stationary for many ages ; in beholding the Hindus of the present day, we are beholding the Hindus of many ages past ; and are carried back, as it were, into the deepest recesses of antiquity. Of some of the oldest nations, about which our curiosity is the most alive, and information the most defective, we acquire a practical, and what may be almost denominated a personal knowledge, by our acquaintance with a living people, who have continued on the same soil from the very times of those ancient nations, partake largely of the same manners, and are placed at nearly the same stage in the progress of society. By conversing with the Hindus of the present day, we, in some measure, con- verse with the Chaldeans and Babylonians of the time of Cyrus ; with the Persians and Egyptians of the time of Alexander. A judicious observer of Asiatic manners declares GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 215 that " The leading customs of the various nations of BOOK ll - , CHAP. 10. Asia are similar, or but weakly diversified. When they sit, the legs are crossed or bent under them ; they perform topical ablutions before and after meals, at which no knife or spoon is used, unless the diet be wholly liquid ; they invariably adopt the like modes of performing natural evacuations." 1 The account which Gibbon presents us, from Hero- dian, and Ammianus Marcellinus, of the art of war among the Persians, in the time of the Roman emperors, is an exact description of the art, as prac- tised by the Persians and Hindus, and by most of the other nations of Asia, at the present day. " The science of war, that constituted the more rational force of Greece and Rome, as it now does of Europe, never made any considerable progress in the East. Those disciplined evolutions which harmonize and animate a confused multitude, were unknown to the Persians. They were equally unskilled in the arts of construct- ing, besieging, or defending regular fortifications. They trusted more to their numbers than to their courage ; more to their courage than to their disci- pline. The infantry was a half-armed, spiritless crowd of peasants, levied in haste by the allure- ments of plunder, and as easily dispersed by a vic- tory as by a defeat. The monarch and his nobles, transported into the camp the pride and luxury of the Seraglio. Their military operations were im- peded by a useless train of women, eunuchs, horses and camels ; and in the midst of a successful cam- paign, the Persian host was often separated or de- stroyed by an unexpected famine." 2 1 Forster's Travels, ii. 135. 2 Gibbon, i. 342. 216 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. CHAP. lu. I* 1 the system of Zoroaster, and in that of the Brahmens, we find the same lofty expressions con- cerning the invisible powers of nature; the same absurdity in the notions respecting the creation ; the same infinite and absurd ritual ; the same justness in many ideas respecting the common affairs of life and morality; the same gross misunderstanding in others ; but a striking resemblance between the two systems, both in their absurdities and perfections. The same turn of imagination seems to have be- longed to the authors of both ; and the same aspect of nature to have continually presented itself; the deformities however of the Hindu system being always the greatest. The Persians, in the time of Cambyses, had judges, select sages, who were appointed for life ; and whose business it was, according to pre-esta- blished laws, to terminate all disputes, and punish crimes. This, like similar circumstances, in the state of the Hindus, presents part of the forms of a legal government. 1 These judges, however, when consulted by the king if he might perform an act, on which, for fear of popular odium, he hesitated to venture, gave a solemn opinion, that for the Tdng of the Persians it was law, to do whatsoever he pleased. 2 1 The text shows clearly, that it is idle to compare the Hindus with the ancient Persians ; the means of estimating the civilization of the latter are too defective. W. * Ot e f3aai\T)Oi fiKaa-rai Ketcpijifievoi avcpcs ^ivovtat \\epatwv et ov aTroOavtaat, tj egeivai Troieetv to. av ftov\r)-rat. Herodot. Hist. lib. Ui. cap. juuu. This, Sir William Jones GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 217 "This constitutional maxim'' says Gibbon archly, BOOKII. J J ' CHAP. 10. "was not neglected as an useless and barren theory." 1 " Like Brimha, the Fo of the Chinese has various times become incarnate among men and beasts. Hence he is represented in his temples as riding upon dragons, rhinoceroses, elephants, mules and asses ; dogs, rats, cats, crocodiles, and other amiable creatures, whose figures he fancied and assumed. There are in some of these pagodas, a thousand of these monstrous statues, all most horribly ugly, and ill represented, and unlike any thing in heaven or earth, or the waters under the earth." 2 Under the reign of credulity, it is instructive to mark the inconsiderateness of a reflecting writer. After many praises of the Chinese husbandry, such as those which we have often heard of the agricul- ture of the Hindus, Lord Macartney adds, " The plough is the simplest in the world, has but one handle, is drawn by a single buffalo, and managed by a single person without any assistance." 3 And Mr. Barrow says, " Two thirds of the small quantity would have said, is a despotism limited by law ; and thus the government of the ancient Persians stood upon a foundation resembling that of the Hindus. 1 Gibbon, Hist. Decl. and Fall, &c. vii. 304. Some ancient sculpture in the vicinity of Shahpoor in honour of Sapor the First, " represents a king, seated in state, amid a group of figures standing before him, one of whom offers two heads to the monarch's notice. If we wanted other evi- dence, this alone would mark the state of civilization to which a nation had advanced, that could suffer its glory to be perpetuated by a represen- tation of so barbarous a character." Sir John Malcolm, Hist, of Persia, i. 254. No historical writings in ancient Persia : none in Hindustan. * Lord Macartney's Journal, Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney, ii. 279. In reading this passage, one seems to be reading an account of Hindu reli- ligion, temples, and sculpture. 3 Lord Macartney's Journal, Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney, ii. 357, 218 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. II. il/' f l an( l un( ler tillage is cultivated with the spade or the hoe, without the aid of draught cattle." l Even of the principal route from Pekin to Canton, Lord Macartney remarks, " For horse and foot the road is excellent, but admits of no wheel-carriages." 2 Mr. Barrow more explicitly declares, that except near the capital, and in some few places where the junction of the grand canal with navigable rivers is interrupted by mountainous ground, there is scarcely a road in the whole country that can be ranked beyond a foot path. 3 Even the grand canal itself was opened by the Tartar conqueror Gingis Khan, in the thirteenth century : and that solely with a view to convey the taxes, paid in kind, from the southern part of the empire to the capital, a great part of them having been always lost by the un- skilfulness of Chinese navigation, when conveyed by sea." 4 Like the Hindus, before the improvements intro- duced among them by the Moguls, the Chinese have no coin, above a small one of copper ; and the taxes of that immense empire are paid in kind. 5 Lord Macartney remarks that the Chinese have no natural philosophy ; no medical or chirurgical skill; that a fractured leg is usually attended by death. 6 In the sciences and arts of the Hindus and Chinese there is manifested a near approximation to 1 Barrow's China, p. 585. A large portion of the country, wet, swampy ground, th rich alluvium of rivers, which might be easily gained ; if the Chinese had but the skill. Ibid. p. 70, 83, 208, 533. * Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney, ii. 357. 3 Barrow's China, p. 513. 4 Ibid. p. 43. 4 Ibid. p. 561, 499. 6 Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney, ii. 363. GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 219 the same point of advancement. In respect to go- vernment and laws, the Chinese have to a consider able degree the advantage. 1 As they are a busy people, however ; and have no idle class, whose in- fluence depends upon the wonder they can excite by pretended learning, they have multiplied, far less than the Hindus, those false refinements, which a barbarous mind mistakes for science. 2 Both have made greater progress in the refinement of the use- ful arts, than in the advancement of science. But in these too the Chinese appear to have the su- periority ; for though it may be doubted whether the Chinese manufacture of silk rivals in delicacy the cotton manufacture of the Hindus, the latter people have nothing to set in competition with the porcelain of the Chinese ; and in the common works in wood and iron, the Chinese are conspicuously 1 It would be difficult to prove where the advantage lies. Throughout this comparison, the analogies, either do not exist at all, as in the case of the absence of a current coin, or they are too vague and universal to authorize a conclusion. There is one great advantage as a proof and means of civilization possessed by the Hindus, in the use of a perfect alpha- bet. The cumbrous contrivance of the Chinese symbols, must ever impede the advancement of knowledge amongst them. At the same time, the Chinese are in many respects a civilized people, with whom it is no discredit to the Hindus to be compared. W. * Lord Macartney remarks that the Chinese had a very limited know- ledge of mathematics and astronomy, " although from some of the printed accounts of China one might be led to imagine that they were well versed in them." " Their affectation of the science of astronomy or astrology (for they have but one word in their language to express both,) induced them at a very remote period to establish a mathematical college or tribu- nal, the duty of which is to furnish to the nation an annual calendar, somewhat like our Poor Robin's Almanack, with lists of all the lucky and unlucky days of the year, predictions of the weather, directions for sowing and reaping, &c. This branch entirely belongs to the Chinese doctors, who are chosen for the purpose from among the most celebrated philomaths of the nation." Ibid. p. 481 ; See too Barrow's China, 284, 291, 292, 295, 323. 220 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. preferable. In the contrivance and use of ma- chinery both are equally simple and rude. 1 In the state of the fine arts, there is a striking re- semblance between the two nations. " The archi- tecture of the Chinese," says Mr. Barrow, rt is void of taste, grandeur, beauty, solidity, or convenience; their houses are merely tents, and there is nothing magnificent in the palace of the emperor." 5 Both nations were good at imitation. 3 Both were ex- tremely defective in inventions. In painting and sculpture they were ignorant of perspective, of at- titude, and proportion. Even in manners, and in the leading parts of the moral character, the lines of resemblance are strong. Both nations are to nearly an equal degree tainted with the vices of insincerity ; dissembling, trea- cherous, mendacious, to an excess which surpasses even the usual measure of uncultivated society. Both are disposed to excessive exaggeration with regard to every thing relating to themselves. Both are cowardly and unfeeling. Both are in the highest degree conceited of themselves, and full of affected contempt for others. Both are, in the physical sense, disgustingly unclean in their persons and houses. 4 1 Barrow's China, p. 311, 512. * Barrow's China, p. 101330. 3 Ibid. p. 306, 323. 4 Similar traces are found in the following character of the Persians drawn by a recent observer, Mr. Scott Waring, Tour to Sheeraz. " Mean and obsequious to their superiors and to their equals, if they have a pros- pect of advantage ; but invariably arrogant and brutal in their behaviour towards their inferiors ; always boasting of some action they never per- formed, and delighted with flattery, though they are aware of the imposi- tion. I have repeatedly heard them compliment a person in his hearing, or in the presence of some one who would convey this adulation to his ears ; and the instant that he has departed, their praises have turned into abuse :" p. 101. " Not the least reliance is to be placed on their words or GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 221 With respect to the inhabitants of another quarter BOOK " CHAP. 10. of Asia, Turner, in his account of the embassy to Tibet, informs us, that the deportment of the Rajah of Bootan was exceedingly urbane, and his sen- timents breathed that sort of humanity which seems to flow from the belief of the metempsychosis. " My food, said he, consists of the simplest articles : grain, roots of the earth, and fruits. I never eat of any thing which has had breath, for so I should be the indirect cause of putting an end to the existence of animal life, which by our religion is strictly forbidden." l Though frequent ablutions are performed for reli- gious purposes, the same author informs us that the people in their persons are extremely unclean. 8 most solemn protestations." " They conceive it their duty to please ; and to effect this, they forget all sentiments of honour and good faith." " The Persians have but a faint notion of gratitude, for they cannot con- ceive that any one should be guilty of an act of generosity, without some sinister motive :" p. 103. " Philosophers have held it for a maxim, that the most notorious liar utters a hundred truths for every falsehood. This is not the case in Persia ; they are unacquainted with the beauty of truth, and only think of it when it is likely to advance their interests." . . . . " The generality of Persians are sunk in the lowest state of profligacy and in- famy ; and they seldom hesitate alluding to crimes which are abhorred and detested in every civilized country in the universe." The following is an important observation. (Voyage dans 1'Empire Othoman, 1'Egypte, et la Perse, par G. A. Olivier, v. 120.) " En Europe, il y a un espace immense entre les habitans des grandes villes et ceux des campagnes, entre 1'homme bien eleve et celui qui ne Test pas. En Perse, nous n'avons pas trouve que cet espace fut bien grand : la classe pauvre des villes difiere tres-peu, pour I'esprit, les connaissances et les moeurs, de 1'habitant des campagnes, et il n'y a pas non plus une grande difference, dans les villes, entre les riches et les pauvres. C'est presque partout la meme conduite, la meme allure, la meme maniere de s'exprimer; ce sont Irs mSmes idees, et j'oserais presque dire la meme instruction. Ici 1'habitant des campagnes, celui-la meme qui se trouve toute 1'annee sous la tente, et qui conduit ses troupeaux d'un paturage a un autre, nous a paru plus delie, plus ruse, plus poli, plus instruit, que le cultivateur Europeen un pen eloigne des grandes villes." 1 Turner's Embassy to Tibet, book i. ch. iv. 2 Ibid. HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. "Bootan presents to the view nothing but the most misshapen irregularities ; mountains covered with eternal verdure, and rich with abundant forests of large and lofty trees. Almost every favourable aspect of them, coated with the smallest quantity of soil, is cleared and adapted to cultivation, by being shelved into horizontal beds ; not a slope or narrow slip of land between the ridges lies unimproved. There is scarcely a mountain whose base is not washed by some rapid torrent, and many of the loftiest bear populous villages, amidst orchards and other plantations on their summits and on their sides. It combines in its extent the most extrava- gant tracts of rude nature and laborious art." 1 Yet they have no discipline in their armies. In their mode of warfare, stratagem is more practised than open assault. 2 The appearance of the capital Teshoo Loomboo was in a high degree magnificent, and together with the palace afforded proofs of a progress in the arts which vied with that of Hindustan and China. 3 The inhabitants of the great Peninsula, to the eastward of the Ganges, discover, as far as known, the uniform marks of a similar state of society and manners. The Cochin-Chinese, for example, who are merely a separate community of the Chinese race, appear by no means in civilization behind the Chinese and Hindus. A traveller from whom we have obtained a sensible though short account of 1 Turner's Embassy to Tibet, book ii. ch. li. The agriculture is pro- moted by artificial irrigation, the water being conveyed to the fields through hollow cylinders, formed of the trunks of trees. Ibid, book i. ch. vi. * Ibid. 3 Ibid, book ii. ch. ii. GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 223 some of the more striking phenomena of the country, BOOK n - . r " CHAI. 10. both physical and moral, informs us, that it is " one of the most fruitful in the world. In many parts," he says, " the land produces three crops of grain in the year. All the fruits of India are found here in the greatest perfection, with many of those of China. No country in the East produces richer or a greater variety of articles proper for carrying on an advan- tageous commerce, cinnamon, pepper, cardamoms, silk, cotton, sugar, Aquila wood, Japan wood, ivory, &C." 1 The following paragraph describes an important article of accommodation, to which no parallel can be found in all China and Hindustan. lf In this valley we passed through three or four pretty villages pleasantly situated, in which, as well as on other parts of the road, were public houses, where tea, fruits, and other refreshments are sold to travellers. At noon we alighted at one of them, and partook of a dinner, which consisted of fowls cut into small pieces, dressed up with a little greens and salt, some fish, &c." 2 1 Narrative of a Voyage to Cochin-China in 1778 by Mr. Chapman, in the Asiatic Annual Register for 1801, Miscellaneous Tracts, p. 85. 2 Ibid. p. 72. Of China, Mr. Barrow says, " There are no inns in any part of this vast empire ; or, to speak more correctly (for there are resting- places,) no inhabited and furnished houses where, in consideration of paying a sum of money, a traveller may purchase the refreshments of comfortable rest, and of allaying the calls of hunger. The state of society admits of no such accommodation. What they call inns are mean hovels consisting of bare walls, where, perhaps, a traveller may procure his cup of tea, for a piece of copper money, and permission to pass the night ; but this is the extent of the comforts which such places hold out." Barrow's China, p. 241. Such is the description of the Indian choultries; empty buildings into which the traveller may retire, but into which he must carry with him every accommodation, of which he stands in need. " The 224 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. The appearance of the king's court was not only splendid but decorous ; and even the little of the country which the travellers saw, discovered to them large cities, with streets, laid out on a regular plan, paved with flat stones, and having well-built brick houses on each side. 1 The people on the western side of that peninsula, whether known by the name of Birmans, Peguans, Assamese, or Siamese, partake strongly of the Hindu character, and exhibit only a variation of the religion, laws, institutions, and manners which pre- vail on the other side of the Ganges. The great difference consists in their having adopted the heresy, or retained the primitive faith of Buddha ; and rejected the distinction of castes. But nothing ap- pears among them which would lead to an inference Kans, or Caravanseras," says Volney, speaking of another Asiatic coun- try, Syria, " afford only cells for the accommodation of travellers, with bare walls, dust, and sometimes scorpions. The keeper gives the lodger a key and a mat, and he must find every thing else himself." Travels in Egypt, &c. ii. 420. " In the inland towns and villages of Barbary, there is, for the most part, a house set apart for the reception of strangers, with a proper officer (the Maharak, I think they call him) to attend it. Here persons are lodged and entertained, for one night, in the best manner the place will afford, at the expense of the community." Shaw's Travels, Pref, p. ii. 1 Chapman's Voyage, ubi supra, p. 73, 76. Sir George Staunton says, Embassy of Lord Macartney, i. 389 : " The Cochin-Chinese seemed suffi- ciently dexterous and attentive, though with scarcely any principles of science, to make, on any substances which promised to be of use or comfort to them in private life, such trials and experiments, as were likely to pro- duce beneficial results. In the culture of their lands, and in the few ma- nufactures exercised amongst them, they were not behind nations where the sciences flourish." " Though these people possessed not scientifically the art of reducing the metallic ore into the metal, they had attained the practice, for example, of making very good iron, as well as of manufac- turing it afterwards, into match-locks, spears, and other weapons. Their earthenware was very neat. Their dexterity appeared in every operation they undertook :" p. 387. CENERAL REFLECTIONS. 225 of any inferiority in their progress towards the BOOK Ir J CHAT. 10. attainments of ciyilized life. The Birmans, we are told by Symes, call their code generally Derma Sath or Sastra ; it is one among the many commentaries on Menu. ;> The Birman system of jurisprudence," he adds. " is replete with sound morality, and in my opinion is distinguished above every other Hindoo commentary for perspicuity and good sense. It provides specifically for almost every species of crime that can be committed, and adds a copious chapter of precedents and decisions to guide the inexperienced in cases where there is doubt and difficulty. Trial by ordeal and imprecation are the only absurd passages in the book." 1 u There is no country of the East," says the same author, " in which the royal establishment is arranged with more minute attention than in the Birman court ; it is splendid without being wasteful, and numerous without confusion." : Their literature appears to be as extensive and curious, as that of the Hindus. 3 They have nume- rous, and copious libraries : the books, says Colonel Symes, are '' upon divers subjects ; more on divinity 1 Symes' Embassy to Ava. ii. 326. The following, too. are abundantly similar to corresponding features in the character of the Hindus. The Birmans, in some points of their disposition, display the ferocity of barba- rians, and in others all the humanity and tenderness of polished life. They inflict the most savage vengeance on their enemies. As invaders, desola- tion marks their track : for they spare neither sex nor age. But at home they assume a different character. Ibid. s Ibid. J The civilization of the Burmese and the Tibetans, such as it is, is de- rived from India, along with the religion and literature of the Buddhists. Natural and political impediments have opposed their improvement to a much greater extent than similar obstacles in India. W. VOL. II. Q 226 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK II. th an on an y O ther . hut history, music, medicine, CHAP. 10. J J ' painting and romance, had their separate trea- tises." 1 Of the kingdom of Assam we possess not many accounts ; but what we have yield evidence to the same effect. In the Alemgeernameh of Moham- med Cazim, is a description of Assam, which has been translated by Henry Vansittart, Esqr., and presented to us in several publications. We are there told that the country, at least in many places, is " well inhabited, and in an excellent state of tillage; that it presents, on every side, charming prospects of ploughed fields, harvests, gardens, and groves." 2 " As the country is overflowed in the rainy season, a high and broad causeway has been raised for the convenience of travellers from Salagereh to Ghergong, which is the only uncultivated ground to be seen : each side of this road is planted with shady bamboos, the tops of which meet and are entwined." 3 And this is more than seems to have been attained in Hin- dustan, before the improvements introduced by the Mohammedan conquerors. " The silks are excellent, and resemble those of China. They are successful in embroidering with flowers, and in weaving velvet, and tautband, which is a species of silk of which they make tents and kenauts." 4 The bigoted and intolerant Mussulman, however, 1 Symcs' Embassy to ATS, iii. 96. 1 See Description of the Kingdom of Assam, &c. Asiat. An. Register for 1800, Miscellaneous Tracts, p. 43. 3 See Description of the Kingdom of Assam, &c. Asiat. An. Register for 1800, Miscellaneous Tracts, p. 43. * Ibid. GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 227 who finds no excellence where he finds not his faith; BOOK n. CH VF 10 discovers no qualities but evil in the minds of the 1 Assamese. cl They do not adopt," he says, " any mode of worship practised either by heathens or Ma- homedans : nor do they concur in any of the known sects, which prevail amongst mankind. They are a base and unprincipled nation, and have no fixed religion; they follow no rules but that of their own inclina- tions, and make the approbation of their own vicious minds the test of the propriety of their actions." 1 Such are the distorted views presented to an ignorant mind, through the medium of a dark and malignant religion, respecting a people cultivating the ground to great perfection, and forming a dense population. Among other particulars of the vileness which he beheld in them, is the following : " The base inha- bitants, from a congenial impulse, are fond of seeing and keeping asses, and buy and sell them at a high price." 2 Yet he speaks in lofty terms of the royal magnificence of the court. rt The Rajahs of this country have always raised the crest of pride and vain glory, and displayed an ostentatious appearance of grandeur, and a numerous train of attendants and servants." And he expresses himself with a mingled horror and admiration of the prowess and superiority of the Assamese in war. " They have not bowed the head of submission and obedience, nor have they paid tribute or submission to the most powerful mo- narch; but they have curbed the ambition, and checked the conquests of the most victorious princes of Hindustan." Several armies from Bengal, which 1 See Description of the Kingdom of Assam, &c. p. 45. * Ibid. Q 2 228 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. been sent to conquer them, having been cut off, of some of which scarce even tidings had ever been received, " the natives of Hindustan consider them wizards and magicians, and pronounce the name of that country in all their incantations and counter- charms: they say that every person who sets his foot there is under the influence of witchcraft, and cannot find the road to return." 1 The admiration which the Greeks, no very accurate observers of foreign manners, expressed of the Egyp- tians, and which other nations have so implicitly borrowed at their hands, not a little resembles the ad- miration among Europeans which has so long prevailed with regard to the Hindus. The penetrating force of modern intelligence has pierced the cloud: and while it has displayed to us the state of Egyptian civiliza- tion in its true colours, exhibits a people who, stand- ing on a level with so many celebrated nations of an- tiquity, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Arabians, correspond, in all the distinctive marks of a particular state of society, with the people of Hindustan. The evidence has been weighed by a cool and dispas- sionate judge, in the following manner: " I see nothing," says the President Goguet, " in the Egyp- tians that can serve to distinguish them in a manner very advantageous ; I even think myself authorized to refuse them the greatest part of the eulogies that 1 See Description of the Kingdom of Assam, &c. Asiat. An. Register for 1800, Miscellaneous Tracts, p. 47, 48. M. This picture of civilization in Assam, would much astonish the British officers, who arc now charged with the management of the country : as it is given by Mohammed Kasim, however, it is confined to abundant population, extensive tillage, a causeway or bank, and the manufacture of a sort of silk, of which they make ' tents.' Assam silk, for such a purpose, must have been something like canvass. W. GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 229 have been always so liberally bestowed upon them. The Egyptians did invent some arts and some sciences, but they never had the ingenuity to bring any of their discoveries to perfection. I have exposed their want of taste, and I venture to say, of talent, in architecture, in sculpture and in painting. Their manner of practising physic was absurd and ridicu- lous. The knowledge they had of geometry and astronomy was but very imperfect. Their discoveries are far enough from entering into any comparison with those which the Greeks made afterwards in those two sciences. In fine, the Egyptians have had neither genius, ardour, nor talent, for commerce, or for the marine and military art. " As to civil laws, and political constitutions, the Egyptians had indeed some very good ones ; but otherwise there reigned in their government a multi- tude of abuses and essential defects, authorized by the laws and by their fundamental principles of government. " As to the manners and customs of this people, we have seen to what a height indecency and de- bauchery were carried in their religious feasts and public ceremonies. The public cult which a nation fixes to honour the Deity, bears the stamp of that nation's character. Neither was the morality of the Eyptians extremely pure ; we may even affirm, that it offended against the first rules of rectitude and probity. We see that the Egyptians bore the high- est blame of covetousness, of ill faith, of cunning, and of roguery. " It appears to me to result from all these facts that the Egyptians were a people industrious enough, 230 HI8TORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 10 ^ ut ' as to t ^ lc rest ' wi^out taste, without genius, without discernment ; a people who had only ideas of grandeur ill understood ; and whose progress in all the different parts of human knowledge never rose beyond a flat mediocrity, l knavish into the bargain, and crafty, soft, lazy, cowardly, and submissive ; and who, having performed some exploits to boast of in distant times, were ever after subjected by whoever would undertake to subdue them ; a people again vain and foolish enough to despise other nations without knowing them : superstitious to excess, sin gularly addicted to judicial astrology, extravagantly besotted with an absurd and monstrous theology. Does not this representation sufficiently authorize us to say that all that science, that wisdom, and that philosophy, so boasted of in the Egyptian priests, was but imposture and juggling, capable of imposing only on people so little enlightened, or so strongly pre- judiced, as were anciently the Greeks in favour of the Egyptians?' 2 1 The monuments of the ancient Egyptians show them to have been well acquainted with the arts of civilized life, and to have carried them to a high degree of perfection. Of their literature, philosophy, and science, we know nothing but from imperfect report and conjecture ; and we de- rive the pictures of their manners, chiefly from the Roman satirists. We are not qualified, therefore, to judge of their relation to the Hindus in these respects. W. * Goguet, Origin of Laws, part iii. book vi. ch. ii. He adds, " I should be greatly tempted to compare this nation with the Chinese. I think a good deal of resemblance and conformity is to be perceived between one people and the other." Ibid. Had the Hindus been then as fully de- scribed as they are now, he would have found a much more remarkable similarity between them and the Egyptians. Exaggeration was long in quitting its hold of Egypt. At the time of the Arabian conquest, in the seventh century, " We may read," (says Gibbon, ix. 446) " in the gravest authors, that Egypt was crowded with 20,000 cities or villages : that exclusive of the Greeks and Arabs, the Copts alone were found on the assessment, six millions of tributary subjects, or twenty millions of cither GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 231 The sagacity of Adam Smith induced him, at an BOOK n. . CHAP. 10. early period of his life, to deny the supposed proof of any high attainments among those ancient na- tions, and to declare, though with hesitancy, his inclination to the opposite opinion. " It was in Greece, and in the Grecian colonies, that the first philosophers of whose doctrine we have any distinct account, appeared. Law and order seem indeed to have been established in the great mo- narchies of Asia and Egypt, long before they had any footing in Greece : Yet after all that has been said concerning the learning of the Chaldeans and Egyp- tians, whether there ever was in those nations any thing which deserved the name of science, or whether that despotism which is more destructive of leisure and security than anarchy itself, and which prevailed over all the East, prevented the growth of philosophy, sex, and of every age : that three hundred millions of gold or silver were annually paid to the treasury of the Caliph." He adds in a note, "And this gross lump is swallowed without scruple by d'Herbelot, Arbuthnot and De Guignes. They might allege the not less extravagant liberality of Appian, in favour of the Ptolemies ; an annual income of 185, or near 300, millions of pounds sterling ; according as we reckon by the Egyptian or the Alexandrian talent." If this be wonderful, what is to be said of the lumps swallowed by the admirers of the Hindus ? Voltaire remarks, " Que les Egyptiens tant vantes pour leurs lois, leurs connaissances, et leurs pyramides, n'avatent presque jamais etc qu'un peuple esclave, super- stitieux et ignorant, dont tout le merite avait consiste a clever des rangs inutiles de pierres les unes sur les autres par 1'ordre de leurs tyrans; qu'en batissant leurs palais superbes ils n'avaient jamais su seulement former une voute; qu'ils ignoraient la coupe de pierres; que toute leur architec- ture consistait a poser de longues pierres plates sur des piliers sans pro- portion ; que 1'ancienne Egypte n'a jamais eu une statue tolerable que de la main des Grecs ; que ni les Grecs ni les Romains n'ont jamais daigne traduire un seul livre des Egyptiens ; que les elemens de geometric com- poses dans Alexandrie le furent par un Grec, etc. etc on n'apercjoit dans les lois de 1'Egypte que celles d'un peuple tres borne." Voltaire Supplement a 1'Essai sur les Mo3urs, &c. Remarque Premier. 232 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii. i s a question which, for want of monuments, cannot CHAP. 10. * be determined with any degree of precision." To leave the subject even in this state of doubt was but a compromise with popular opinion, and with his own imperfect views. The circumstances handed down to us, compared with the circumstances of other nations, afforded materials for a very satisfactory determina- tion. The opinion by which he supports his disbelief of the ancient civilization of Asia is at once philan- throphic and profound; That " despotism is more destructive of leisure and security, and more adverse to the progress of the human mind, than anarchy itself." 8 1 Essay on the History of Astronomy, p. 27. * This question of the civilization of the Hindus, although discussed with disproportionate prolixity, irrelevancy of illustration, and tediousness of repetition, both in these concluding remarks, and in a variety of previous notes and observations, can scarcely be considered as satisfactorily deter- mined. It may be admitted, that the Hindus were not a civilized people according to Mr. Mill's standard ; but -what that standard is, he has not fully defined. Civilization is used by him, however, as a relative term, and in this sense, we may readily grant that the Hindus never attained the advance made by modern Europe. It is not just to institute such a comparison ; for, to say nothing of the advantages we possess in a pure system of religious belief, we cannot leave out of consideration the agency of time. The Hindus, by the character of their institutions, and by the depressing influence of foreign subjugation, are apparently what they were at least three centuries before the Christian sera. Two thousand years have done nothing for them, every thing for us. We must, therefore, in fairness, compare them with their cotemporarics, with the people of anti- quity ; and we shall then have reason to believe, that they occupied a very foremost station amongst the nations. They had a religion less disgraced by idolatrous worship, than most of those which prevailed in early times. They had a government, which, although despotic, was equally restricted by law, by institutions, and religion : they had a code of laws, in many respects wise and rational, and adapted to a great variety of relations, which could not have existed, except in an advanced condition of social organization. They had a copious and cultivated language, and an ex- tensive and diversified literature ; they had made great progress in the mathematical sciences ; they speculated profoundly on the mysteries of man and nature, and they had acquired remarkable proficiency in many of GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 233 the ornamental and useful arts of life. Whatever defects may be justly BOOK II. imputed to their religion, their government, their laws, their literature, CHAF - 10. their sciences, their arts, as contrasted with the same proofs of civilization in modern Europe, it will not be disputed by any impartial and candid critic, that as far as we have the means of instituting a comparison, the Hindus were in all these respects quite as civilized as the most civilized nations of the ancient world, and in as early times as any of which records or traditions remain. W. HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK UI. THE MAHOMEDANS. CHAPTER I. from the first Invasion of India by the Nations in the North, till the expulsion of the Gaznevide dynasty. AT the time when the nations of Europe opened their communication with India, by the Cape of Good Hope, the people whom we have now described had for a number of ages been subject to a race of foreigners. That subjection, though it had not greatly altered the texture of native society, had in- troduced new forms into some of the principal de- partments of state ; had given the military command to foreigners ; and had mixed with the population a proportion of a people differing from them considera- bly, in manners, character, and religion. The politi- cal state of India, at this time, consisted of a Ma- homedan government, supported by a Mahomedan force, over a Hindu population. It appears that the people of Hindustan have at all times been subject to incursions and conquest, by the nations contiguous to them on the north-west. The Scythians, that is, the rude nations on the east of Persia, conquered, we are told by Justin, a great part PERSIAN AND GREEK INVASIONS. 235 of Asia, and even penetrated as far as Egypt, about BOOK HI 1500 years before Ninus, the founder of the Assyrian monarchy. And we know that in the vast empire of Darius Hystaspes as much of India was included, as constituted one, and that the most valuable, of his twenty satrapies. The exact limits of the Indian satrapy are unknown ; but from the account which Herodotus gives of its tribute, far exceeding that of any of the rest, the extent of it cannot have been small. Major Rennel supposes that it may have reached as far as Delhi, 1 and have included the whole of the Punjab, or country watered by the five branches of the Indus, together with Cabul, Canda- har, and the tract of country which lies along the Indus to the sea. 2 The conquests of Alexander the Great, which suc- ceeded to those of the Persian monarchs, seem not to have extended so far in India, as the previous posses- sions of Darius ; since his career was stopped on the 1 This is incorrectly quoted. Kennels' words are, " we may conclude, that Darius, in fact, possessed no more of India, than what lay contiguous to the Indus and its branches ;" 8vo. ed. i. 409. The amount of tribute, less than one million sterling, was not large absolutely ; the only difficulty applies to its relative amount ; it was nearly one-third of the whole reve- nue of the Persian empire ; this is probably an exaggeration. W. * RennePs Geography of Herodotus, p. 305. The Major, who is here puzzled with a mistranslation of 600, for 360, corrects the hyberbolical statement of the amount of the tribute, though he doubts not it was great. Herodot. lib. iii. cap. 94, 95. It is by no means impossible, or perhaps improbable, that Cyrus subdued part of India. Herodotus, who knew India, says that lu's General, Harpagus, subdued one part of Asia, and he another, TTO.V cOvos Ka-Taatpe^ofifvos^ KO.I ovSev iraptets .... Travia. TO frjs ijTretpov inro^ftpia cTrotrjatno. Herodot. lib. i. cap. 147. Justin says that -Cyrus, having reduced Asia, and the East in general, carried war into Scythia : lib. i. cap. 8. Xenophon says expressly, rjpt-c Be KO.I Bawpiwv icat Ivdiuv. Cyri Institut. lib. i. cap. i. The Persian historians describe the Persians, in the early ages, as chiefly occupied by war? in Turan and India. 23f) HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii i banks of the Hyphasis, or modem Bey ah, the last of CHAP. 1. the five branches of the Indus ; whence returning to the Hydaspes, he passed down the Indus to the sea. Seleucus, the successor of Alexander in Upper Asia, not only received, but endeavoured to augment, the acquisitions made by that conqueror in India. He gained victories over Sandracottos, the sovereign of a people living on the Ganges. But, as he was recalled to the defence of another part of his domi- nions against Antigonus, he made peace with the Indian : and the limits established between the mare not ascertained. 1 Among the kingdoms formed out of the vast em- pire of Alexander by the dissensions of his followers, was Bactria. This district was part of that great range of country, on the eastern side of Media and Persia, extending from the lake Aral to the mouths of the Indus, which the power of the Persian monarchs had added to their extensive dominions. 2 The people of this intermediate region seem to have possessed an intermediate stage of civilization between the Tartar or Scythian tribes which bordered with them on the east, and the people of the Assyrian or Persian empire which was contiguous to them on the west. Among these people there is some reason for believing that 1 The notices relating to the conquests of Alexander and his successors in India are collected in Robertson's Disquisition concerning Ancient India, and Gillies' History of the World. Strabo and Arrian are the authorities from whom almost every thing we know of the transactions of the Greeks in India, is borrowed. * This ia by no means an accurate statement- The political power of Bactria may, after its acquirement of independence, have extended over this space ; but the Bactrian province of Persia lay entirely to the north of the Paropamisan mountains, and had Sogdiana and the Scythians between it and the Aral lake. W. PERSIAN AND GREEK INVASIONS. 237 the Bactrians were distinguished, and at an early pe- riod, by superior progress in the knowledge, and other acquirements of civilized men Among the numerous Zoroasters, with whom Persian story abounds, one is said to have been king of Bactria, contemporary with Ninus ; and to have invented magic ; that is, to have been the object of admiration on account of his know- ledge. Of the eastern nations added to the subjects of the Persian kings, the Bactrians were the nearest to India, and were only separated from it by that range of mountains, in which the Indus and the Oxus find their respective sources. Bactria as well as India were among the parts of the dominions of Alexander which fell to the share of Seleucus. In the reign, however, of his son or grandson, the governor of the Bactrian province threw off his dependence upon the Seleucidae; and a separate Greek kingdom was erected in that country, about sixty-nine years after the death of Alexander. The Persian dominions in India seem to have shared the fate of Bactria, and to have fallen into the hands of the same usurper. The Greek sovereigns of Bactria became masters of an exten- sive empire ; and assumed the proud title of King of Kings ; the distinctive appellation of the Persian monarchs in the zenith of their power. They carried on various wars with India ; and extended their con- quests into the interior of the country. 1 The limits 1 Much additional light has been thrown upon the history of Bactria and the adjacent provinces of the Afghan country, by the recent discovery of large quantities of coins, bearing the effigies and names of Greek and Barbaric kings. They have been found in the tract between Balkh and the Panjab, and especially about Peshawar and Kabul, which were, no doubt, included in the dominions of the princes of Bactria, or of those principalities -which were established in the direction of India by the Greeks. As most of these coins bear on one face an inscription which 238 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. of their dominions in that direction we have no means of ascertaining. One of those great movements in central or eastern Tartary, which precipitates the eastern barbarians upon the countries of the west, brought an irresistible torrent of that people across the Jaxartes, about 126 years before the Christian era, which, pouring itself out upon Bactria, over- whelmed the Grecian monarchy, after it had lasted nearly 130 years. 1 About the same period that the successors of has been ascertained to be in a form of Prakrit, a derivative from Sanscrit ; they prove that the Bactrians must have been an Indian people. See the descriptions and observations of Masson and Prinsep, J. As. Soc. of Bengal; of Jacquet, J. Asiatique, Raoul Rochette, J. des Savans; also Richter on the Topes (die Stupe) and Lassen, zur geschichte der Grie- chischen und Indoskytischen konige in Bactrien, Kabul und Jndien. 1 A curious history of the Greek kingdom of Bactria has been compiled by Bayer, entitled, Historia regni Graecorum Bactriani. In this, and in Strabo, lib. xi. Diod. lib. xv. and Justin, lib. xli. the only remaining me- morials of this kingdom are to be found. The progress of the barbarians by whom it was destroyed has been traced by De Guignes, Mem. de Lit6rat. xxv. 17, and Hist, des Huns, passim. Herodotus says that those of the Indians, whose mode of life most resembled that of the Bactrians, were the most warlike of all the Indians, (lib. iii. cap. 102) which would seem to indicate a nearer affinity between the Hindus, and their Bactrian neighbours, than is generally supposed. There is some confusion, how- ever, in this part of Herodotus, nor is it easy to know whether he means the people called Indians on the Euxine Sea, or those beyond the Indus, when he says they were like the Bactrians. He distinguishes them from the Indians living irpos VOTOV avefiov, by saying they were contiguous to the city Caspatyrus and the Pactyan territory, and lying Trpot ftopeov avefiov (lib. iii. cap. 102), but (cap. 93 of the same book) he says that the Pactyan territory is contiguous to Armenia, and the countries on the Euxine Sea. Yet in another place (lib. iv. cap. 44) he says that Scylax setting out from the city Caspatyrus, and the Pactyan territory, sailed down the Indus eastward to the sea. And Rennel places Caspatyrus and Pactya towards the sources of the Indus, about the regions of Cabul and Cashmere. Rennet's Mem. Introd. p. xxiii. Rcnnel's Hcrodot. sect. 12. M. Some illustrations of the position of these countries may be found in the As. Res. v. xv., Essay on Kashmir, and in Lassen's Pentapotamia. W. PERSIAN AND GREEK INVASIONS. 239 Alexander lost the kingdom of Bactria, the miscon- BOOK in CHAP. 1. duct of a governor in the distant provinces border ing on the Caspian Sea, raised up a military chief who excited the rude and turbulent inhabitants to revolt, and laid the foundation of the Parthian king- dom; a power which soon possessed itself of Media, and finally stripped the descendants of Seleucus of almost all that they possessed from the Tigris eastwards. The rebellion of the Parthians is placed about the year 256 before Christ ; and the kings of Syria maintained from that time a struggling and declining existence, till they finally yielded to the power of the Romans, and Syria was erected into a province sixty-four years before the commencement of the Christian era. 1 The descendants of the Parthian rebel, known under the title of the Arsacides, held the sceptre of Persia till the year of Christ 226. The possession of empire produced among them, as it usually pro- duces among the princes of the East, a neglect of the duties of government, and subjugation to ease and pleasure ; when a popular enterprising subject, availing himself of the general dissatisfaction, turned the eyes of the nation upon himself, and having dethroned his master, substituted the dynasty of the Sassanides to the house of Arsaces. As usual, the first princes of this line were active and valiant ; and their empire extended from the Euphrates to the Jaxartes, and the mountainous ridge which 1 What is known to us from the Greek and Roman authors, of the Par- thian empire, is industriously collected in Gillies' History of the World ; from the oriental writers by D'Herbelot, Biblioth. Orient, ad verba Arschak, Arminiah. See also Gibbon, i. 316. 240 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in divided the kingdom of Bactria from the Scythians CHAF. 1. * of the East. To what extent their power was carried over the ancient soil of the Hindus, does not appear ; but it is more than probable that the territory west of the Indus, from the time when it was first esta- blished into a Persian satrapy, in the reign of Darius, owned no more the caste who sprung from the arm of the Creator. Bactria was numbered as one among the four provinces of the great Chosroes, who reigned from the year 531 of the Christian era to the year 571, and was denominated King of Persia and of India. The grandson of Chosroes, who was deposed in 628, may be considered as closing the line of the Sassanides ; for, after a few years of tumult and distraction, the irresistible arms of the successors of Mahomet were directed toward Persia, and quickly reduced it under the power of the Caliphs. 1 In the year 632, Caled, the lieutenant of Abubeker, entered Persia. In a few years the standards of the Faithful were carried to the farthest limits of Bac- tria, and pushing once more the shepherds of the East beyond the Jaxartes, rendered the empire of the Caliphs in that direction conterminous with the Persian monarchy in its proudest days. 2 1 In Gibbon, vols. vii. viii. ix. the reader will find a slight sketch, cor- rectly but quaintly given, of this portion of the Persian history. Gibbon's first object unfortunately was to inspire admiration of the writer ; to im- part knowledge of his subject only the second. The results of the Persian records (if such they may be called) are carefully collected in D'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orient., under the several titles. M. Further notices of the Arsacidan princes, have been subsequently published by Col. Vans Ken- nedy, Tr. Bombay, Lit. Soc. v. 3, and by M. St. Martin, in the J. Asia- tique, and Mi-moires de 1'Academie. W. * Gibbon, ix. 364; D'Herbclot, Bibliotheque Orient, ad verb. TARTAR INVASIONS. 241 The possession of empire required, as usual, but a few generations to relax the minds of the successors of Mohammed,, and render them as unfit as their pre- decessors for any better use of power, than the unrestrained indulgence of themselves in the plea- sures which it commands. The tribes of Tartar, or Scythian shepherds, from the centre of Asia, unsettled, fierce, and warlike, had from the earliest ages proved dangerous and encroaching neighbours to the Eastern provinces of Persia. Pushed beyond the Jaxartes and Imaus, by Cyrus, and the more warlike of the successors of Cyrus, they were ever ready, as soon as the reign of a weak prince enfeebled the powers of government, to make formidable incursions, and generally held possession of the provinces which they over-ran, till a renewal of vigour in the government made them retire within their ancient limits. We are informed by Polybius that a tribe of Nomades or shepherds, w T hom he calls Aspasians, forced their way across the Oxus, and took possession of Hyrcania, even in the reign of Antiochus. We have already seen that a body of Tartars overwhelmed Bactria about 120 years before Christ. And about 100 years subse- quent to the Christian era, a portion of the great nation of the Huns, who had been forced by a victorious tribe from their native seat behind the wall of China, penetrated into Sogdiana, the country between the Oxus and the Jaxartes, towards the shores of the Caspian Sea; and there established themselves under the titles of the Euthalites, Neph- thalites, and White Huns. After these irruptions, the more vigorous of the princes of the Sassaniau VOL. II. R 242 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. dynasty reduced Sogdiana, as well as Bactria, to occasional obedience ; but without expelling the new inhabitants, and without acquiring any perma- nent dominion. In the cultivated provinces in which they settled, the savage Tartars acquired a degree of civilization ; and when obliged to yield to the fol- lowers of Mohammed, felt so little attachment to their ancient religion, as immediately to recommend them- selves to the favour, by adopting the faith, of their conquerors. 1 When the government of the Caliphs began to lose its vigour, a tribe of Tartars, originally situated in the Altai mountains, and known by the name of Turks, had acquired extraordinary power. They had, in a series of wars, subdued the neighbouring tribes, and extended their sway, that species of sway which it is competent to a pasturing people to exer- cise or to sustain, over a great portion of the Tartars of Asia. 2 When the military virtues of the Arabians sunk beneath the pleasures which flow from the possession of power, the Caliphs sought to infuse vigour into their effeminate armies, by a mixture of fierce and hardy Turks. Adventurers of that nation were raised to the command of armies, and of provinces ; and a guard of Turkish soldiers was appointed to surround the person of the monarch. When weakness was felt at the centre of the empire ; the usurpation of independence by the 1 Polyb. Hist. lib. x. ; M. de Guigncs, Hist, des Huns, torn. ii. ; Gib- bon's Roman Empire, iv. 367. * The rise and progress of the power of the Turkish horde may be col- lected from Abulghazi, Hist. Genealopique des Tartars ; De Guignes, Hist, des Huns; and D'Herbelot, Biblioth. Orient. Mr. Gibbon, yii. 284, throws a glance at the leading facts. TARTAR INVASIONS. 243 governors of the distant provinces was a natural BOOK in result. The first, by whom this usurpation was attempted, was Taher, Governor of Khorasan, the province extending from the Caspian Sea to the Oxus. He and his posterity, under the title of Tahe- rites, enjoyed sovereignty in that province from the year 813 to the year 872. The son of a brazier, called in Arabian, Soffar, who rose (a common occur- rence in the East) through the different stages of military adventure, to be the head and captain of an army, supplanted the Taherites, and substituted his own family, called from their origin Soffarides, in the government of Khorasan and Transoxiana. The Soffarides were displaced by a similar adventurer, who established the house of the Samanides, after a period, according to the varying accounts, of either thirty-four or fifty-seven years, from the elevation of the Brazier. The Samanides are celebrated by the Persian historians for their love of justice and learn- ing ; they extended their sway over the eastern provinces of Persia, from the Jaxartes to the Indus, and reigned till after the year 1000 of the Christian era. 1 The Taherites, the Soffarides, and Samanides usurped only the eastern provinces of the empire of the Caliphs, the provinces which, being the nearest to the turbulent and warlike tribes of shepherds, and most exposed to their incursions, were of the least importance to the sovereigns of Persia. Three ad- venturers, brothers, called, from the name of their father, the Bowides, rose to power in the provinces 1 See D'Herbelot. Biblioth. Orient, ad verb. Thaher, Soffar, et Saman ; Gibbon, x. 80 ; De Guignes, Hist, des Huns, i. 404406. R 2 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. extending westward from Khorasan, along the shores of the Caspian Sea, about the year 315 of the Hegira, or 927 of Christ. This dynasty consisted of seventeen successive and powerful princes, who reigned till the year 1056. They conquered the provinces of Gilan, Mazenderan, Erak, Fars, Kerman, Khosistan, Ahvaz, Tabarestan, and Georgian ; and rendered themselves masters of the Caliphs, to whom they left only a shadow of authority. 1 About the year of Christ 967, Subuctagi, a ser- vant of the Samanides, was appointed governor of the Indian province of Candahar, or Ghazna, as it is called by the Persian writers ; from the name of the capital Ghizni. Having raised himself from the condition of a Turkish slave to such a degree of power as made it dangerous to recall him from his government, he left it to his son Mahmood, who asserted his independence ; and founded the dynasty of the Ghaznevides. Mahmood subverted the throne of the Samanides, reduced to a shadow the power of the Bowides, and reigned from the Tigris 2 to the Jaxartes. He also made extensive conquests towards the south ; and, as he was the first who in that direction bore the crescent beyond the farthest limits of the Persian empire, and laid the foundation of the Mohammedan thrones in India, we are now arrived at the period when the Mohammedan History of India begins. 3 The northern provinces of India, Cabul, Canda- 1 D'Herbelot, Biblioth. Orient, ad verb. Buiah. * This is not quite correct. Mahmood was content with the province of Khorasan in Persia. W. 3 D'Herbelot, Biblioth. Orient, adverb. Sebecteghen, Mahmoud, Gaz- naviah ; Ferishta, by Dow, i. 41, 2d Ed. in 4to. MOHAMMEDAN INVASIONS. 245 bar, Multan, and the Punjab, appear, from the days BOOK in of Darius Hystaspes, to have followed the destiny of Bactria, Khorasan, and Transoxiana, the eastern appendages of Persia, and, excepting some short intervals, to have been always subject to a foreign yoke. Even the White Huns, who established themselves in Sogdiana, on the river Oxus, and in Bactria, about the end of the first century of the Christian era, advanced into India, and in the second century were masters as far as Larice or Guzerat. 1 Mahmood was already master of the dominions of the Samanides, and of all the eastern provinces that had occasionally owned allegiance to the Persian throne ; when he first, says the Persian historian, " turned his face to India." This expedition, of which the year 1000 of the Christian era is assigned as the date, seems to have been solely intended to confirm or restore the obedience of the governors who had sub- mitted to his father, or been accustomed to obey the masters of Eastern Persia ; and few of its par- ticulars have been thought worthy of record. He renewed his invasion the succeeding year ; and pro- ceeded so far as to alarm a prince who reigned at Lahore ; a city, on one of the most eastern branches of the Indus, which gave its name to a small king- dom. This prince, called by the Persian historians Jeipal, or Gepal, met him, with his whole army, and was defeated. It was, according to the same his- torians, a custom or law of the Hindus, that a prince, 1 The origin and progress of the Indo-Scythse are traced in D'Anville sur PInde, p. 18, 45, and 69, &c. His authorities are drawn from Dionys. Pericget. 1088, with the Commentary of Eustathius, and Cosmas, Topo- graph. Christ, lib. ix. 246 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in twice defeated by Mohammedan arms, was unworthy CHAP. I. * to reign ; and as this misfortune had happened to Jeipal, who had formerly yielded to Subuctagi, he resigned the throne to his son Anundpaul, and burnt himself alive in solemn state. 1 In the year 1004 Mahmood again marched into India to chastise, for defect of duty, a tributary prince on the Indus. His presence was still more urgently required the following year; when the king of Mul- tan revolted, and was joined by Anundpaul. Mah- mood was met by Anundpaul as he was descending through the pass in the intervening mountains. Anundpaul was conquered and obliged to fly into Cashmere : when the king of Multan endeavoured, by submission, to save what he could. As Mahmood had received intelligence that a body of Tartars had invaded his northern provinces, he was the more easily softened; and leaving Zab Sais, 2 a Hindu who had embraced the Mohammedan religion, his lieutenant, or governor in India, marched to repel the invaders. 3 During this expedition against the Tartars, Zab Sais revolted; resumed the Brahmenical faith; and was on the point of being joined by a confederacy of Rajas, or Hindu sovereigns, when Mahmood hastened back to India, took Zab Sais unprepared, and made him prisoner for life; after which, the season being far advanced, he returned to Ghizni. Early, how- ever, in the following spring, some movements of 1 Ferishta, (apud. Dow, Hist, of Hindost. i. 40 42;) D'Herbelot, Bibl. Orient, ad verb. Mahmoud. * This name is omitted in Col. Briggs's translation of Ferishta, and the M.SS. give it variously as Ab-sa or Ab-basa ; the Hindu appellation is written Sewak-pal, or Sikh-pal. W. 3 Ferishta, ut supra, p. 42 44; D'Herbelot, ut supra. MOHAMMEDAN INVASIONS. 247 Ammdpaul recalled him to India, when the princes BOOKIII A _ CHAT. 1. ofOogeen, Gualior, Callinger, Kanoge, Delhi Aj mere, the Guick\vars. and others, joined their forces to op- pose him. A general battle was fought, in which the Ghiznian monarch prevailed. He then reduced the fort of Nagracote or Nagarcote ; and, having plun- dered the temple of its riches, very great, as we are told, returned to his capital. As the king of Multan still continued refractory, Mahmood returned to that province in the following year, and having taken the Raja prisoner, carried him to Ghizni, where he confined him for life. l In the year 402.- the passion of war," says the historian, ' fermenting in the mind of Mahmood, he resolved upon the conquest of Tannasar or Tahne- sir, a city about thirty coss north-west from Delhi; the seat of a considerable government; famous for its sanctity and subservience to the Brahmenical religion. Having taken Tannasar. and demolished the idols, he marched to Delhi; which he quickly reduced; and thence returned with vast riches.'' 3 Two years afterwards, he drove from his dominions the king of Lahore, and overran Cashmere, compel- ling the inhabitants to acknowledge the prophet. 4 In the beginning of the year 1018, the Sultan (Mahmood was the first on whom that title was be- stowed) with a large army, raised chiefly among the tribes who possessed, or bordered upon, the northern provinces of his empire, marched against Kanoge, 1 Fcrishta, ut supra, p. 47 50; D'Herbelot ut supra. *- Viz. of the Hesrira; 1011.. A. U. ' Fcrishta, ut supra, p. 51 58 ; D'Herbi/lot, ut supra. 4 The chronicles of Kashmir take no notice of this event. Essay on the History of Kashmir. As. Res. vol. xv. W. 248 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. the capital of a kingdom, situated on the Ganges, about 100 miles south-east from Delhi. 1 " From the time of Gustasp the father of Darab, to this pe- riod, this city (says the Persian historian) had not been visited by any foreign enemy; three months were necessary to complete the march between this kingdom and the capital of Mahmood; and seven mighty streams rushed across the intervening space." The conqueror having with much difficulty forced a passage through the mountains by the way of Cash- mere, arrived at Kanoge, before the Raja was pre- pared for resistance. Placing his only hopes in sub- mission, he threw himself upon the mercy of the in- vader. The magnitude and grandeur of the city is celebrated in poetic strains by the Persian historians. Mahmood, remaining but three days, proceeded against a neighbouring prince inhabiting a city called Merat; thence to another city, on the Jumna, named Mavin, and next to Muttra, which is still a city of considerable extent, at a small distance from Agra. This last city was full of temples and idols, which Mahmood plundered and destroyed ; and from which, according to the usual story, he obtained incredible treasure. Several other forts and Rajas being sub- dued, Mahmood returned from his eighth expedition into India, laden, we are told, with riches; and began to adorn and improve his capital. He built a mosque, so beautiful and magnificent, that it was called the Celestial Bride, and " struck every beholder with 1 It may be necessary once for all to state, that in this sketch of Mo- hammedan history, the distances are given generally as in the native histo- rians. Their very inaccuracies (here they do not mislead) are sources of information. MOHAMMEDAN INVASIONS. 249 astonishment and pleasure. In the neighbourhood BOOKIn * ... CHAP. i. of this mosque he founded an university, which he furnished with a vast collection of curious books, in various languages: and with natural and artificial curiosities. He appropriated a sufficient fund for the maintenance of the students, and the learned men who were appointed to instruct the youth in the sciences." 1 Mahmood's ninth expedition, in 1021, was for the purpose of protecting the Rajah of Kanoge, who now held the rank of one of his dependants. The Rajah of Callinger, a city in the province of Bundelcund, situated on one of the rivers which fall into the Jum- na, was the most guilty of the assailants. As the Raja avoided Mahmood in the field, he plundered and laid waste the country, and, this done, returned to his capital. Here he had not reposed many days, when he was informed that two districts on the borders of Hindu- stan refused to acknowledge the true prophet, and continued the worship of lions. 2 The zeal of the 1 D'Herbelot, ut supra ; p. 56 60. Ferishta says, that the taste of the sovereign for architecture being followed by his nobles, Ghizui soon be- came the finest city in the East, Ibid. p. 60. So that the grandeur, and riches, and beauty, he so lavishly ascribes to some of the Hindu cities, get an object of comparison, which enables us to reduce them to their true dimensions. The architecture of the Mohammedans was superior to that of the Hindus. 4 This incorrect expression, which refers to the fourth avatar, shows the carelessness and ignorance of Ferishta and the Persian historians, in regard to the Brahmanical faith. M. It is probably some blunder of- the copyists, unless the mistake have originated in a misconception of the term ' Sinh,' in the name of Sakya Sinh, or Buddha, as its common import is ' lion' ; in that case, ' Buddhists ' may be intended. In some copies, the word is 'But' an idol in general. The countries are called by Ferishta, Kuriat, and Nardein ; names not verifiable, and probably inaccurate. They are said to be amongst the mountains, on 250 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK } 11 religious sultan immediately took fire. Having speedily brought to reason the disrespectful provinces, he marched to Lahore, which he gave up to pillage. According to custom, it afforded enormous riches. Mohammedan governors were established in this and several other districts of Hindustan. The twelfth expedition of the Ghiznian monarch was undertaken in the year 1024. He had heard not only of the great riches and supposed sanctity of the temple of Sumnaut, but of the presumption of its priests, who had boasted that other places had yielded to the power of Mahmood, by reason of their im- piety ; but if he dared to approach Sumnaut, he would assuredly meet the reward of his temerity. Mahmood, having arrived at Multan, gave orders to his army to provide themselves with water and other necessaries for crossing a desert of several days' march, which lay between this city and Ajmere. The Raja and people of Ajmere abandoned the place at his approach. They were invited to return, and experience the clemency of the victor ; but not complying, beheld their country desolated with fire and sword. Arrived at Sumnaut, which was a strong castle, situated on the promontory of Guzerat, near the city of Diu, 1 washed on three sides by the sea, Mahmood met with a more serious resistance than any which he had yet encountered in Hindustan. Not only did the priests and guardians of the temple the borders of India, betweeen it and Turkestan, and were possibly in the direction of the modern Kaferistan, or little Tibet. W. 1 D'Herbelot, misled by some of the Persian historians, makes Sum- naut the same with the city of Visiaporc in Dcccan. Biblioth. Orient. ad vsrbum Soumenat. MOHAMMEDAN INVASIONS. 251 defend it with all the obstinacy of enthusiasm and BOOK in . CHAP. 1. despair ; but a large army collected in the surround- ing kingdoms was brought to its defence. Having triumphed over all resistance, the religious sultan entered the temple. Filled with indignation at sight of the gigantic idol, he aimed a blow at its head, with his iron mace. The nose was struck from its face. In vehement trepidation the Brahmens crowded around, and offered millions, 1 to spare the god. The Omrahs dazzled with the ransom ventured to counsel acceptance. Mahmood, crying out that he valued the title of breaker, not seller of idols, gave orders to proceed with the work of destruction. At the next blow, the belly of the idol burst open : and forth issued a vast treasure of diamonds, rubies, and pearls ; rewarding the holy perseverance of Mahmood, and explaining the devout liberality of the Brahmens. 2 1 Ferishta says "some crores of gold." Dow says in a note, at the bottom of the page, " ten millions," -which is the explanation of the word crore. Mr. Gibbon says, rashly and carelessly, that the sum offered by the Brahmens was ten millions sterling. Decl. and Fall. x. 337. * The whole story of Mahmood's destruction of Somnath, is a curious specimen of the manner in which a story is embellished by repetition. According to earlier Mohammedan writers, the idol Somnath, was a straight solid block of stone, three cubits long ; which, upon the temple being pillaged, was broken to pieces : they say nothing of the mutilation of its features, for, in fact, it had none : nothing of the treasures it con- tained ; which, as it was solid, could not have been within it ; nor do they speak of the sums offered for its ransom. Rozet-as-Safa, Tabkat Akberi. Even Ferishta says nothing of any definite sum of money being offered for it. His words are, the Brahmans went to the attendants of Mahmood, and said, if the king will let the image alone, we will give as much gold, meaning, probably, an equal weight, to the public treasury. The crores and millions are due to Dow and Gibbon. Ferishta, however, invents the hidden treasure of rubies and pearls with quite as little warrant. Somnath was, in fact, a Linga, a Nath, or deity ascribed to Soma, the moon, as having been erected by him in honour of Siva. It was one of the twelve principal types of that deity, which were celebrated in India at 252 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii i After this Mahmood took vengeance on the rajas CHAP. 1. D who had confederated to defend the temple, and reduced all Guzerat to his obedience. It is said that he was so captivated with the beauty of the country, the richness of the soil, and the salubrity of the climate, that he conceived the design of making it the place of his residence, and resigning Ghizni to one of his sons. Diverted from this design by the counsels of his friends, he placed a Hindu governor over the province, and after an absence of two years and six months returned to Ghizni. A people whom the translator of Ferishta calls the Jits, afterwards better known under the name of Jaats, who inhabited part of the country bordering on the Indus, southward from Multan, either failed in respect, or gave mo- lestation, as he marched from Guzerat. Returning in the same year to chastise them, he defeated 4000 or 8000 (so wide are the accounts) of their boats, launched on the river to defend an island to which, as the place of greatest safety, they had conveyed the most valuable of their effects, and the most cherished of their people. 1 This was the last of the exploits of Mahmood in India, who died at Ghizni in the year 1028. Mahmood, the son of Subuctagi the Turkish slave, is one of the most celebrated of eastern princes. He was supposed to possess in the highest perfection almost every royal virtue. He patronized learning, and encouraged the resort of learned men. Ferdosi, the time of the first Mohammedan invasion. -Nandi Upapurana. See Calcutta, Annual Register, 1821. Tracts, p. 34, and As. Res. vol. xvii., p. 194. 1 Ferishta apud Dow, Mahmood I.; D'Herbelot, Bibl. Orient, ad verb. Makmoud. GHAZNEVIDE DYNASTY. 253 the author of the Shah Namah, the most celebrated BOOK in CHAP. 1. poem of the East, was entertained at his court. After a short contest between Mohammed and Musaood, the sons of Mahmood, Musaood mounted the throne of Ghizni, and the eyes of Mohammed were put out. Musaood entered India three times, during the nine years of his reign ; and left the boundaries of the Ghaznevide dominions there in the situation nearly in which he received them. His first incursion was in the year 1032, when he pene- trated by the way of Cashmere ; and his only memo- rable exploit was the capture of the fort of Sursutti, which commanded the pass. In 1034, he sent an army which chastised a disobedient viceroy. And in 1035, he marched in person to reduce Sewalik, a kingdom or rajaship lying at the bottom of the mountains near the place where the Ganges descends upon the Indian plains. He assailed the capital, of great imputed strength; took it in six days; and found in it incredible riches. From this he proceeded against the fort of Sunput, a place about forty miles distant from Delhi on the road to Lahore, the go- vernor of which abandoned it upon his approach, and fled into the woods. He proposed to march against another prince, called Ram; but Ram, understand- ing his intentions, endeavoured to divert the storm by gifts and compliments, and had the good fortune to succeed. Musaood was recalled from India to oppose an enemy, destined to render short the splen- dour of the house of Ghizni. During several centuries, the movements westward of the hordes of Turkmans had been accumulating that people upon the barriers of the Persian empire. 254 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in j n the reign of Mahmood, three brothers, sons of CHAP. 1. Seljuk, solicited permission to pass the Oxus, with their flocks and herds, and to enjoy the unoccupied pastures of Khorasan. Mahmood, disregarding the advice of his best counsellors, granted their re- quest. The example set, the number of Tartars in Transoxiana and Chorasan continually increased. During the vigilant and vigorous reign of Mahmood the Turks behaved so much like peaceable subjects, that no complaint against them seems to have been raised. But in the days of his son and successor Musaood, the inhabitants of Khorasan and Trans- oxiana complained that they were oppressed by the strangers, and Musaood at last resolved to drive them back from his dominions. Togrul Beg, how- ever, the son of Michael, the son of Seljuk, offered himself as a leader and a bond of union to the Turks ; opposed Musaood ; triumphed over him in the field ; rendered himself master of the northern provinces of his empire, and established the dynasty of the Selju- kides. Having baffled the power of the Sultan of Ghizni, Togrul found nothing remaining to oppose to him any serious resistance, from the Oxus to the Euphrates ; he extinguished the remaining sparks of the power of the Bowides ; and took the Caliph under his protection. Togrul was succeeded by his nephew Alp Arslan, and the latter by his son Malek Shah; both celebrated warriors, who pushed the limits of their empire beyond the Euphrates and the Jaxartes, and made deep inroads upon the Roman provinces and the Tartar plains. The provinces of Zabulistan or Candahar, of Segistan, or Seistan, and Cabul, with the provinces in India beyond the GHAZNEVIDE DYNASTY. 255 Hydaspes, were all that at last remained to J CHAP.l. Ghaznevides. _ Musaood, returning from the defeat which he, deserted by his troops, had sustained at the hand of the Turkmans, and hastening to India to recruit his forces, was deposed by a mutiny in the army, and his brother Mohammed, whose eyes he had put out, was placed upon the throne. Modood, the son of Musaood, who had been left by his father with an army at Balkh marched against Mohammed, whom he dethroned. Modood made some efforts against the Seljukians, and for a time recovered Transoxiana. But the feebleness and distraction now apparent in the empire of the Ghaznevides encouraged the Raja of Delhi, in consort with some other rajas, to hazard an insurrection. They reduced Tannasar, Hansi the capital of Sewalik, and even the fort of Nagracote. The Rajas of the Punjab endeavoured to recover their independence ; and the Mohammedan dominion was threatened with destruction. In the year 1049 Modood died ; and a rapid change of princes succeeded, violently raised to the throne, and violently thrown down from it. His son Musaood, a child of four years old, was set up by one general ; and, after a nominal reign of six days gave place to AH, the brother of Modood, who was supported by another. Ali reigned about two years, when he was dethroned by Abdul Reshid, his uncle, son of the great Mahmood. Togrul, governor of Segistan, rebelled against Reshid, and slew him after reigning one year. Togrul himself was assassinated after he had enjoyed his usurpation but forty days. Furokhzad, a yet surviving son of Musaood, was 256 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. u? i" ^ en ra i se d to tne throne, who, dying after a peaceable reign of six years, was succeeded by his brother Ibrahim. Ibrahim reigned a period of no less than forty-two years. After he had terminated his disputes with the dangerous Seljukians, by resigning to them all the provinces they had usurped of the Ghaznevide empire, he directed his ambition towards India. An army which he despatched into that country is said to have reduced to his obedience many places which had not yet yielded to the Moslem arms. In the year 1080, he marched in person ; and by the suc- cessful attack of several places of strength, added the territory they protected to his dominions. 1 Against the house of Seljuk, now reigning over Persia, Khora- san, and Bucharia, the latter comprehending the ancient provinces or kingdoms of Bactria, Sogdiana, and Transoxiana, he found protection chiefly by intermarriages and alliance. Ibrahim was succeeded by his son Musaood, who enjoyed a peaceable reign of sixteen years. With the exception of one expedition, under one of his generals, who penetrated beyond the Ganges, India remained unmolested by his arms. But as the Indian provinces now formed the chief portion of his dominions, Lahore became the principal seat of his government. His son Shere, says the Persian historian, " placed his foot on the imperial throne ; but within a year 1 Ferislita mentions a city to which he came (the place not intelligibly marked,) the inhabitants of which came originally from Khorasan, having been banished thither with their families, for rebellion, by an ancient Persian king. See Ferishta, Dow, i. 117. GHAZNEVIDE DYNASTY. 257 was assassinated by his brother Arsilla." Byram, one B OK ni of the brothers of Arsilla, made his escape ; and fled to the governor of Khorasan, who was brother to the king of Persia, and to his own, and Arsilla's mother. By the assistance of this prince, his uncle, who marched with an army to his support, he dethroned Arsilla, and assumed the reins of govern- ment, which had been held by the usurper for three years. Byram, or Bahram, was twice called into India, by the disobedience of the governor of Lahore, who aspired to independence. But he had no sooner settled this disturbance, than he was called to oppose the governor of another of his provinces, whose rebellion was attended with more fatal consequences. A range of mountainous country, known by the name of the mountains of Gaur, occupies the space between the province of Khorasan and Bactria on the west and north, and the provinces of Segistan, Candahar, and Cabul on the south. The mountaineers of this district, a wild and warlike race, had hardly ever paid more than a nominal obedience to the sovereigns of Persia. The district,, however, had been included in the dominions of the Sultans of Ghizni; and had not yet been detached by the Seljukian encroach- ments. In the days of Byram, a descendant of the ancient princes of the country, Souri by name, was governor of the province. Finding himself possessed of power to aim at independence, he raised an army of Afghans, such is the name (famous in the his- tory of India) by which the mountaineers of Gaur are distinguished, and chased Byram from his capital of Ghizni. Byram, however, having collected and VOL. II. S 258 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in recruited his army, inarched against his enemy, and aided by his subjects of Ghizni, who deceived and betrayed their new master, gained a complete vic- tory, and put the Gaurian to a cruel death. The power which he gained was but of short duration. Alia, the brother of Souri, who succeeded him in his usurped dominion, hastened to repair his loss. Byram was defeated in a decisive battle, and fled towards India ; but sunk under his misfortunes, and expired, after a languid, but gentle reign of thirty- five years. He was succeeded by his son Khosroo, who with- drew to India, and made Lahore his capital. This prince cherished the hope of recovering the lost dominions of his house from the Gaurian usurper, by aid from his kinsman, the king of Persia ; and col- lected an army for that purpose : but at this moment a fresh horde of Turkman Tartars rushed upon the Persian provinces, and inundated even Cabul and Candahar, from which the Gaurians were obliged to retire. The Turks, after two years' possession, were expelled by the Gaurians. The Gaurians were again defeated by the arms of Khosroo, and yielded up the temporary possession of Ghizni to its former masters. Khosroo continued to reside at Lahore, and, having died after a reign of seven years, was suc- ceeded by his son Khosroo the Second. Mohammed, brother to the Gaurian usurper, pur- sued the same ambitious career. He soon rendered himself master of the kingdom of Ghizni or Canda- har ; and not satisfied with that success, penetrated even into India ; overran Multan, with the provinces on both sides of the Indus ; and advanced as far as GHAZNEVIDE DYNASTY. 259 Lahore. After an uninteresting struggle of a few B o K m years, Khosroo was subdued; and in the year 1184 the sceptre was transferred from the house of Ghizni to the house of Gaur. The same era which was marked by the fall of the Ghaznevides, was distin- guished by the reduction of the house of Seljuk. The weakness and effeminacy which, after the vigour and ability of the founders of a new dynasty, uni- formly take place among the princes their successors, having relaxed the springs of the Seljukian govern- ment, the subordinate governors threw off their de- pendence ; and a small portion of the dominions of Malek now owned the authority of Togril his de- scendant. CHAPTER II. From the Commencement of the first Gaurian Dynasty to that of the second Gaurian or Afghan Dynasty. MOHAMMED left the government of India after the defeat and death of Khosroo, in the hands of a vice- roy, and returned to Ghizni. After an absence of five years, he marched towards Ajmere; and, having taken the city of Tiberhind, is said to have been on his way back, when he heard that the Rajas of Ajmere and Delhi, with others in confederacy, were S 2 260 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. B pOK.m advancing with a large army to relieve the city which he had just taken and left. He turned and met them 119 - a little beyond Tannasar. Having incautiously al- lowed his army to be surrounded by superior numbers, he was defeated, and, being severely wounded, escaped with great difficulty from the field of battle. He took such measures, as the moment allowed, to secure his provinces and forts, and hastened to Gaur. After little more than a year he was prepared to return to India with a formidable army of Turks, Persians, and Afghans. The combined Rajas had consumed their time in the siege of Tiberhind, which had resisted them for one year and one month. No fewer, it is said, than 150 kings, with their armies, amounting, by " the lowest and most moderate account, to 300,000 horse, 3000 elephants, and a great body of infantry," met him on the former field of battle. The Rajas sent him an insulting proposal that he might be permitted to march back unmolested, if he had the prudence to decline the combat. Mohammed had learned wisdom from expe- rience. Sending an humble answer, that he was only the servant of his brother, bound to execute his commands, and praying for time, to learn the will of his master; he filled the Rajas, and their enormous camp, with an ill-grounded and intemperate presump- tion. While they were spending the night in revelling and joy. Mohammed crossed the river with his army, and fell upon them before the alarm was spread. The extent of the camp was so great, that a part of the army had time to form itself and advance to cover the flight. Mohammed immediately drew off his troops to meet them, Forming a strong reserve of his chosen GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 261 I horse, he ordered the rest of his army, drawn up in BOOK HI CHAP. . four lines, to receive the enemy calmly. The first line, having discharged its missile weapons, was made 1192 - to withdraw to the rear; the next, coming in front, discharged in like manner its weapons, and in like manner gave place to another. By this stratagem were the enemy held in play, " till the sun was ap- proaching the west," when Mohammed, placinghimself at the head of his reserve, rushed upon the fatigued and now presumptuous multitude; who were imme- diately thrown into the greatest disorder, and " re- coiled, like a troubled torrent, from the bloody plain." Shortly after this event Mohammed returned to Ghizni, leaving the fruits of the victory to be gathered and secured by his favourite general, Koottub. The events of this man's life, though far from singular in the East, involved extraordinary changes of condi- tion and fortune. In his childhood, he was brought from Turkestan to Nishapore, the capital of Khorasan, and there sold for a slave. It happened that the master by whom he was bought had the disposition to give him education, and that the quickness of his parts enabled him to profit by this advantage. The death of his patron, however, exposed him once more to the chance of the market; which fortunately as- signed him to Mohammed the Gaurian. His intel- ligence and assiduity attracted in time the notice of the Prince. He advanced by gradual accessions of favour, till he rose to be Master of the Horse. Even misfortune, though he lost a detachment of men, and was taken prisoner by the enemy, did not lose him the kindness of Mohammed: or interrupt the career of his promotion. 262 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. Koottub improved, with diligence and ability, the advantages which his master had gained in India. He reduced the surrounding districts ; took the fort of Herat ; and invested Delhi. The garrison ven- tured to meet him in the field. He vanquished them ; and, surmounting all opposition, obtained possession of the city. Mohammed returned to India in 1193. Koottub was received with the highest marks of distinction ; and being honoured with the command of the van of the army, he conquered the raja of Benares ; where Mohammed destroyed innumerable idols, and ob- tained, of course, incalculable riches. The whole country submitted, to the confines of Bengal. Upon the return of Mohammed to Ghizni, Koottub was declared his adopted son, and confirmed in the government of India. By various expeditions, he chastised repeatedly the refractory rajas of Ajmere and Guzerat ; took the cities of Calinger and Kalpy, with their respective territories ; and at last made himself master of the forts of Biana and Gualior. In the year 1202, Mohammed was excited to try his fortune for a share in the dismemberment of the Seljukian empire. Among the provinces of which the governors had thrown off their dependence upon the Seljukian princes, that of Kharism, on the eastern side of the Caspian Sea, had risen to the rank of an independent kingdom, under a race of princes known by the name of the Kharismian dynasty. Against Takash, the reigning sovereign of this kingdom,Mohammedled an army. But Osman, a Tartar chief, who had assumed the rank of sove- reign in another part of Transoxiana, and had GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 263 Samarcand for his capital, marched to the assistance BOOK in of Takash ; Mohammed sustained a total defeat ; and ' was fain, by a great ransom, to purchase return to 12 2 - his own country. Intelligence of his defeat was to his servants the signal for revolt. His slave Ildekuz, having assumed supremacy in his capital of Ghizni, refused him admittance. He continued his route to Multan, where another of his servants took arms against him. Being joined by many of his friends, he gave the traitor battle, and obtained the victory. He next collected such of his troops as were in the contiguous provinces of India, and marched back to Ghizni, where the rebellious slave was delivered up by the inhabitants. At the same time with the other rebellious at- tempts, to which his defeat by the Kharismians had given birth, a tribe of Indians, inhabiting .the coimtry about the sources of the Indus from the Nilab or western branch of that river upwards to the Sewalik mountains ; called by the Persian historian, Gickers, and by him described as a people excessively rude and barbarous, putting their female children to death; attempted the recovery of their independence, and proceeded towards Lahore. Mohammed had no sooner recovered his capital than he marched against them; and Koottub at the same time advancing from Delhi, they were attacked on both sides, and speedily subdued. Mohammed was returning to Ghizni, when he was murdered in his tent by two Gickers, who penetrated thither in the night. The death of Mohammed, who left no children, pro- duced a contest for the succession, and a division of the empire. Mahmood, his nephew, retained Gaur, 264 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. f wn i cn he was governor, Eldoze, another governor, took possession of Candahar and Cabul ; and Koottub claimed the sovereignty of India. Eldoze marched against him ; but was met and conquered. Koottub, following up his victory, proceeded to Ghizni, where he was crowned. He now resigned himself to sloth and indulgence. Eldoze, who had retired to Kirman, 1 his former province, obtained intelligence of this degeneracy, and of the disgust to which it had given birth. He raised an army, and surprised Koottub, who withdrew to India, and made no effort for the recovery of Ghizni ; but is celebrated for having governed his Indian dominions with great justice and moderation. During his administration, Bahar and Bengal were added to the Mohammedan dominions. 2 He died only four years after the death of Mohammed, in 1210. Takash, the Kharismi'an, who had extended his sway over almost the whole of Persia, shortly after marched against Eldoze, and added Ghizni, with all the possessions of the Gau- rides, as far as the Indus, to his extensive empire. Koottub was suceededby his son Aram; who prov- ed unequal to the task of reigning. Multan and Sind were seized upon by one chief; Bengal by another; and in almost every province the standard of revolt was raised, or preparing to be raised ; when the Om- rahs of Delhi invitedAltumsh,the son-in-law of Koot- tub, and governor of Budaoon, now the country of the Rohillas, to ascend the throne. The reign of Aram scarcely completed a year. 1 This is said by Ferishta, to be distinct from the province of Persia, so called, and to designate a town between Ghizni and India. Briggs, i. 152. W. * Hist, of Bengal, by Charles Stewart, Esq. sect. iii. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 265 Altumsh, like Koottub, had been a slave from Tar- BOOK In CHAP. 2. tary ; but, being remarkable for the beauty of his person, was thought by his master worthy of a good 1235> education. He was sold to Koottub for a large sum, and appointed master of the chase. He rapidly made his way to great favour ; was at last married to the daughter of his sovereign ; and declared his adopted son. Altumsh ascended not the throne in perfect tran- quillity. Several of Koottub's generals aspired to im- prove their fortune by resistance ; and Eldoze, being driven from Ghizni by the arms of the Kharismian monarch, made an effort to procure for himself a sceptre in India. But Altumsh prevailed over all his opponents ; and reigned from the mouths of the In- dus to those of the Ganges. This prince died in 1235, and was succeeded by his son Feroze ; who appearing a weak and dissolute prince, subservient to the cruel passions of his mother, was soon deposed; and Sultana Ruzia, the eldest daughter of Altumsh, was raised to the throne. It is a rare combination of circumstances which, in the East, places sovereign power in the hands of a wo- man. Ruzia possessed manly talents and great vir- tues. The idea, however, of the weakness of her sex, encouraged the presumption of her deputies in the various provinces. She contended with success against more than one rebellious and usurping gover- nor. But her difficulties continually increased ; and at last a combination of the Omrahs set up her brother Byram, as a competitor for the throne. She was still able to meet the rebels with an army. But the Turkish or Tartarian mercenaries in her brother's pay HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in were an overmatch for her Indian troops. She was CHAP. _. A -conquered and put to death, after a reign of three 1235 - years and six months. Byram the Second, nursed in pleasure, and a stran- ger to control, was a weak, imprudent prince. The jealousies which he felt towards the great men in his court, he sought to relieve by assassination. His vizir, having escaped an intended blow, found means to regain his confidence : and being placed at the head of an army against the Moguls, he matured the dis- satisfaction of the Omrahs, and, turning the army of Byram against himself, dethroned and killed him, about two years after he had ascended the throne. It was during this reign that the Moguls, destined to erect in India the greatest empire it had ever seen, first penetrated into that country. Jangiz, the chief of a tribe of Tartars, distinguished by the name of Moguls, who roamed with their flocks and herds on the northern side of the wall of China, formed, by talents and good fortune, one of those combinations, among different tribes of Tartars, which more than once within the period of history had been witnessed before; and never without extensive revolutions and conquests. Partly by force, partly by intimidation, partly by hopes of sharing in the advantages of con- quest, Jangiz, about the year 1 21 0, was acknowledged as Khan, by all the shepherd-hordes from the wall of China to the Volga. The presumption and pride of two such elevated neighbours as the emperor of China and the new sovereign of Tartary, could not fail to kindle the flames of war. Innumerable squadrons of Tartars surmounted the unavailing rampart which GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 267 the Chinese had in former ages raised to exclude B c |f "' them. Pekin was taken; and the northern provinces of China were added to the empire of Jangiz. About the same time a quarrel arose on the op- posite side of his dominions. Mohammed was now king of Kharism, which from a revolted province had grown into the seat of a great empire, extending from the borders of Arabia to those of Turkestan. The monarch of so many provinces, which prided themselves in their riches and the acquirements of civilized life, made light, it seems, of the power of him who ruled over multitudes, indeed, but of men who had no riches except their cattle, and no cities except their camps. An injury done to some of the subjects of Jangiz, for which all reparation was haughtily re- fused, first drew upon western Asia the fury of his arms. Mohammed crossed the Jaxartes to meet his enemy in the plains of Turkestan, with no less, it is said, than four hundred thousand men. But these were encountered by seven hundred thousand Tar- tars, under Jangiz and his sons, who in the first battle, which was suspended by the night, laid one hundred and sixty thousand Kharismians dead upon the field. After this fatal blow, Mohammed expected to arrest the progress of the victor, by throwing his troops into the frontier towns. But the arms of Jangiz were irresistible: the places of greatest strength were obliged to surrender; and Kharism, Transoxiana, and Khorasan, soon acknowledged the sovereignty of the Mogul. He was withdrawn, by the wishes of his troops, from the further prosecution of his conquests in 268 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. the West ' and clie(1 in the y ear 1227 but left sons and grandsons to copy the deeds of their progenitor. In the year 1258, the conquest of Persia was con- summated ; aud the last remains of the power of the Caliphs and Seljukians trampled in the dust, It was but an incursion which, in the year 1242, the Moguls, during the reign of By ram II., made into India : they plundered the country as far as Lahore, and then retreated to Ghizni. Upon the fall of Byram, the men in power thought proper to take from his prison Musaood, the son of Feroze, the late king, and set him upon the throne. In the second year of his reign, an army of Mogul Tartars made a descent into Bengal, by the way, says Ferishta, of Chitta and Tibet. 1 They met, we are told, with a total defeat. On the following year, however, another army of the same people crossed the Indus; but Musaood marching against them in force, they were pleased to retire. Musaood, however, in a reign of four years, had disgusted his nobles by his vices; and made them bold, by his weakness, They com- bined to call Mahmood his uncle to the throne, and Musaood was thrown into prison for life. 1 This fact ; the passage of an army from Tartary, through Tibet, into Bengal (if real) is of no small importance. Ferishta gives us no further intelligence of the place ; and it is in vain to inquire. Chitta may perhaps correspond with Kitta or Kitay, or Catay, which is one of the names of China, but is also applied by the Persian historians to many parts of Tar- tary ; to the country, for example, of the Igoors ; to the kingdom of Koteu, south from Cashgar, &c. See D'Herbelot, Biblioth. Orient, articles Igurs, Cara Calhai, Tarikh Khatha, Kholan. Mr. Stewart, (See Hist, of Bengal, p. 62,) says, that the invasion which is here spoken of by Ferishta, was an invasion of Orissians only, not of Moguls. M. No confusion is made by Ferishta. The events arc clearly quite distinct. There is nothing very extraordinary in an incursion into India from Tibet, through Nepal. It is not long since Nepal was invaded by a Chinese army. Kirkpatrick'* Nepal. W. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 269 Mahmoocl II., upon the death of his father Altumsh, BOOK J- 11 . . . CHAP. 2. had been consigned to a prison ; but there exhibited some firmness of mind, by supporting himself with 1256 57 - the fruits of his industry in copying books; while he often remarked that "he who could not work for his bread did not deserve it." He was released by his predecessor Musaood, and received the government of a province; in which he acted with so much vigour and prudence, that the fame of his administration re- commended him to the Omrahs, as the fittest person to cover, with his power and authority, their rebel- lious enterprise, The infirm administration of the preceding princes had introduced much disorder into the kingdom. The tribes of Hindus, known by the name of Gickers, a more active and enterprising race than the general body of their countrymen, had been guilty of many acts of insubordination and violence toward the Mo- hammedan government and people, in the provinces near the Indus. One of the first enterprises of Mahmood, was to chastise this people ; many thou- sands of whom he carried away into captivity. Of the Omrahs, who had received Jagheers, or estates in land, many declined or refused to furnish their quota of troops for the army ; though it was for the main- tenance of those troops, that the estates, says Ferishta, were bestowed. The chiefs who infringed this con- dition were carried prisoners to Delhi; and their sons, or other relations, gifted with the estate. Some places of strength, in the country lying between the Jumna and the Ganges, were taken. A governor of the Indus, who had rebelled, was reduced to obe- dience, and received into favour. Shir, the king's 270 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 2 nephew, viceroy of Lahore and Multan, expelled the Moguls from Ghizni, and once more annexed that kingdom to the Indian part of the Gaurian empire. Mahmood fell into the error of disgusting his Omrahs, by pampering a favourite; but recovered his authority, by sacrificing, with a good grace, the author of his danger. A fresh army of the Moguls crossed the Indus in the year 1257; but retired upon the ap- proach of Mahmood. In the following year, an am- bassador, from Hallaku, the grandson of Jangiz, who had just completed the conquest of Persia, arrived at Delhi. The grandest possible display of the power and wealth of the empire seems to have been studied upon this occasion. To meet the represen- tative of the conqueror, before whom Asia trembled, the vizir went out at the head of 50,000 foreign horse, two hundred thousand infantry, two thousand elephants of war, and three thousand carriages of fireworks. With this magnificent escort, the am- bassador was conducted to the royal presence ; all the officers, dignitaries, and dependants of the empire, in gorgeous attire, surrounding the throne. This appears to have been a message of peace; since nothing of importance occurred, till the death of the Shah, which happened in the year 1265. This prince carried to the throne that contempt of pleasure and show, and that simplicity of manners, which he had learned in his adversity. " Contrary," says Ferishta, " to the custom of princes, he kept no concubines. He had but one wife, whom he obliged to do every homely part of housewifery ; and when she complained one day, that she had burned her fingers in baking his bread, desiring he would allow GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 271 her a maid to assist her, he rejected her request, with B o K p saying that he was only a trustee for the state, and that he was determined not to burden it with need- 1265 - less expenses. He therefore exhorted her to per- severe in her duty with patience, and God would reward her in the end. As the emperor of India never eats in public, his table was rather that of a hermit, than suitable to a great king. He also con- tinued the whimsical notion of living by his pen. One day, as an Omrah was inspecting a Koran, of the emperor's writing, before him, he pointed out a word, which he said was wrong. The king, look- ing at it, smiled, and drew a circle round it. But when the critic was gone, he began to erase the circle and restore the word. This being observed by one of his old attendants, he begged to know his Majesty's reason for so doing ; to which he replied, " that he knew the word was originally right, but he thought it better to erase from a paper, than to touch the heart of a poor man, by bringing him to shame." Mahmood died without leaving any sons ; and his vizir, Balin, who even in his life-time engrossed the principal share of power, without opposition mounted the throne. Balin was originally a Turk, of Chitta, 1 of the tribe of Alberi. He was taken, when very young, by the Moguls who overran his country, and sold to a slave-merchant who carried him to Bagdad. 1 The names of persons and places are carelessly and inaccurately written in most of the MSS. of Ferishta, and Dow seems to have taken little or no trouble in collating copies, and determining the preferable read- ing. In this respect, the translation by Col. Briggs is much more exem- plary. Accordingly, we find in this place, the name of the king, not Balin, but Bulbun ; he was a Turk and a native of Kara-Khutta, part of Chinese Tartary. W. 272 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in The master into whose hands he fell, learning that CHAP. 2. he was a relation of Altumsh, who then reigned at 126570. Delhi, proceeded with him to that city, and presented him to the monarch, who received him gladly, and liberally rewarded his conductor. A brother of Balm had already made his way to the court of Delhi, and was considerably advanced in the road of favour and power. The young adventurer improved his advantages ; and rapidly ascended the ladder of promotion. He took an active part in all the revolutions which placed so many successors on the throne. In the reign of Musaood he was raised to the dignity of lord of requests ; and in that of Mahmood obtained the vizirat. The reign of Balin was severe ; but vigilant, clear- sighted, and consistent. He punished disobedience with rapidity and cruelty ; but he distinguished talents with care, and rewarded services with dis- cernment and generosity. The fame of his govern- ment made his alliance be courted even by the Mogul sovereigns who reigned over Tartary and Persia. " He expelled," says Ferishta, " all flatterers, usurers, pimps, and players, from his court; and being one day told, that an Omrah, an old servant of the crown, who had acquired a vast fortune by usury and mono- poly in the bazaar or market, would present him with some lacks of rupees, if he would honour him with one word from the throne ; he rejected the proposal with great disdain. What, he said, must his subjects think of a king who should condescend to hold dis- course with a wretch so infamous." As freedom of bargain respecting interest on loans is exceptionable on principles of superstition alone, Balin was possibly GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 273 mistaken in his instance, without being correct in BOOK in CHAP. 2. his rule. The association of the king with persons infamous by their vices, sheds no moral depravity 1270. among the people, except in that proportion exactly in which it sheds contempt upon the throne. The generosity of Balin made his court the resort and asylum of the various princes, whom the arms of Jungiz and his successors had rendered fugitives from their kingdoms. More than twenty of these .unfor- tunate sovereigns, from Tartary, Transoxiana, Kho- rasan, Persia, Irak, Azarbijan, Persia proper, Roum, and Syria, among whom were two princes of the race of the Caliphs, had allowances assigned them from the revenues of Balin, with palaces, which took their names from their possessors, and admission on all public occasions to the presence and throne of their benefactor. The most learned men from all Asia, accompanying their respective princes, or seeking the same asylum, were assembled at Delhi. " And the court of India," says the historian," was, in the days of Balin, reckoned the most polite and magnificent in the world. All the philosophers, poets, and divines, formed a society every night, at the house of the prince Shehid, the heir apparent to the empire. An- other society of musicians, dancers, mimics, players, buffoons, and story-tellers, was constantly convened at the house of the emperor's second son Kera, who was given to pleasure and levity. The Omrahs followed the example of their superiors, so that various societies and clubs were formed in every quarter of the city." The hills to the south-east of Delhi were inhabited by Hindus, 1 who acted the part of banditti and plun- 1 They were not the people of the hills, but the inhabitants of the Do-ab, VOL. II. T 274 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. derers; and advanced, in numbers resembling an -army, sometimes to the very walls of the capital. im Balin ordered operations against them ; and they were massacred without mercy. The soldiers, who carried hatchets for the purpose, cut down, to the distance of one hundred miles, the woods to which the robbers retired. The cleared space proved excellent land ; and was speedily peopled ; the inhabitants being proteqted from the mountaineers by a line of forts erected at the bottom of the hills. The Shah gave considerable employment to his army, in bridling the wild inhabitants of the moun- tains near the centre of his dominions; but he rejected the advice of his counsellors, to regain the distant provinces of Malwa and Guzerat, which had asserted their independence from the time of Koottub ; l wisely observing, that the cloud of Mo- guls, now gathered on his northern frontier, pre- sented an oject of more serious and anxious regard. His accomplished and philosophical son, Moham- med Shehid, was appointed viceroy of the northern pro- vinces, to hold in check those dangerous neighbours. And he assembled around him the men, most emi- nent for thought or action, whom the Asiatic world at that time contained. Argun, the grandson of Hallaku who subdued Persia, and the fourth in descent from Jungiz, now filled the throne of Persia ; and another descendant and either bank of the Ganges below it ; as Bhojpoor and Benares ; an active, vigorous, and courageous race of peasantry. Their numbers and boldness at this period show that the Mohammedan authority was far from established, even in the districts adjacent to the capital. W. 1 They had never been conquered, only invaded by the Mohammedans, and that with various success. W. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 275 of that renowned conqueror, by name Timur, ruled B c ^J 2 n over the eastern provinces from Khorasan to the Indus. In revenge for some former check, as well as by desire for extension of empire, Timur invaded India with a large army in 1283. They were met by the Indian prince, and battle was joined. Both leaders displayed the talents of great generals ; but Mohammed at last prevailed, and the Moguls betook themselves to flight. Mohammed joined in the pur- suit. He had just halted, in order to return ; when he was surprised with only five hundred attendants, by a party of the enemy ; and, being overpowered by superior numbers, was slain defending himself to the last. The army and the empire were filled with grief by his fall. While the son was engaged in his arduous defence of the empire against the Moguls, the father was em- ployed in subduing a dangerous rebellion in Bengal. Toghril, governor of that rich and powerful province, had executed an expedition against the Rajas of Jajnagur, a province bounded on the north by Bengal, and on the east by Orissa. Succeeding, and obtaining great treasure, he began to feel himself too great for a subject; delayed remitting the Em- peror's share of the plunder; and, hearing that Balin was sick, and too ill to survive, raised the red umbrella, and assumed the title of king. Balin or- dered the Governor of Oude to assume the office of Subahdar of Bengal, and, with an army which he committed to his command, to march against the rebel. The new Subahdar was defeated ; and Balin was so enraged that he bit his own flesh, and com- manded the general to be hanged at the gate of T 2 27<> HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. SIM 11 Oude. Another of his generals, whom he sent to - wipe off the disgrace, had no better success ; when 1285. Balin, deeply affected, resolved to take the field in person. Toghril, hearing of his approach, thought proper to elude the storm, by retiring. He intended to remain in Jajnagur, till the Shah retired; and then to resume the command of the province. With some difficulty Balin procured intelligence of his route. An exploring party, at last, discovered and surprised his camp. Toghril fled and was killed, when Balin inflicted sanguinary punishment on his adherents. But the death of his great and hopeful son was a blow to the heart of Balin, to which no success could yield a remedy. Oppressed, at once, with grief, with business, and with old age (he was now in his eightieth year,) he languished for a short time, and expired. He appointed his grandson, by the deceased Mohammed, his successor. Kera, 1 how- ever, the second son of Balin, was governor of Bengal, the most affluent province of the empire; and the Omrahs, respecting his present power, more than the will of their deceased master, raised his son Kei Kobad to the throne, Kei Kobad was in his eighteenth year, handsome in his person, of an affable and mild disposition, and not slightly tinctured with literature. His mother was a beautiful princess, daughter of the emperor Alt- umsh. " He delighted," says his historian, " in love, and in the soft society of silver-bodied damsels with musky tresses." He adds; " When it was publicly 1 Ferishta. Mr. Stewart says, that in his MSS. the name is Bagora. M. Briggs writes it Kurra. W. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 277 known that the king was a man of pleasure, it became BOOK m immediately fashionable at court ; and, in short, in a few days, luxury and vice so prevailed, that every 1285 - shade was filled with ladies of pleasure, and every street rung with music and mirth. The king fitted up a palace at Kilogurry, upon the banks of the river Jumna ; and retired thither to enjoy his pleasures undisturbed, admitting no company but singers, players, musicians, and buffoons." The father of Kei Kobad remained contented with his government of Bengal. But Nizam ud-din, who became the favourite minister of the young Shah, conceived hopes, from the negligence of his master, of paving for himself a way to the throne. He proceeded to remove the persons whose preten- sions were likely to obstruct his career. The many acts of cruelty and perfidy, of which he was the cause, shed discredit upon the government. The father of Kei Kobad saw the danger ; and forewarned his son. But the prince [could not attend to business, without sacrificing pleasure. He .found it, therefore, more agreeable to repose upon the minister, and neglected the advice. Kera, alarmed for his own fate, as well as that of his son, thought it advisable to second his advice with his presence, and his pre- sence with an army. This was construed an act of hostility ; and the Shah marched out from Delhi, at the head of an army, to oppose his father. The father, either conscious of his inferiority in point of strength, or unwilling to proceed to the last extre- mity, requested an interview. This was dreaded by the minister, who endeavoured to blow up the vanity and presumption of the young monarch to such a 278 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. pitch, that he might hear of nothing but a battle. - Kera was not easy to be repulsed ; and renewed his application by a letter full of parental expostulation and tenderness. The heart of the young prince was corrupted, but not yet thoroughly depraved. He could not resist the letter of his father ; and Nizam ud-din, no longer able to defeat the interview by direct, en- deavoured to elude it by artificial means. He pre- vailed upon the prince, as sovereign, to insist upon the first interview ; in hopes that Kera would refuse. Kera was not a slave to points of ceremony ; and readily consented to repair to the imperial camp; where the son was prepared to display his insolence at even his father's expense. The throne was set out with the greatest pomp and ceremony; and Kei Kobad ascending, commanded that his father should three times kiss the ground. At the first door, the aged prince was ordered to dismount ; and, when he came in sight of the throne, to perform the abject obeisance of the East ; the mace-bearer at the same time calling out, according to custom, " The noble Kera to the king of the world sends health !" The father, whose heart was full, was no longer able to restrain his tears. Upon sight of his father in tears, the young prince forgot his insolence, and rushing from the throne, threw himself upon his face at his father's feet, and implored his forgiveness. 1 The presence and admonitions of Kera made an impression upon the mind of Kei Kobad, which it was too soft to retain. " When- he arrived at Del- 1 Mr. Stewart has greatly softened the' account of the insolence of K.<-i Kobad. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 279 hi," says Ferishta, "the advice of his father, for a BOOK P * CHAP. 2. few days, seemed to take root in his mind. But his 1 98Q reformation was not the interest of the minister," He accordingly plied him with pleasure in all the shapes in which it was known to have the greatest influence on his mind. The most beautiful and accomplished women whom it was possible to pro- cure were made to present themselves to him at all the most accessible moments, and invention was ex- hausted to find an endless variety of modes to surprise and captivate the prince with new combinations of charms. The most exquisite musicians, dancers, players, buffoons, were collected to fill up the inter- vals left vacant by love. The hatred, however, which the success, the pre- sumption, and insolence of the minister had engen- dered in his fellow-courtiers; or the suspicions aud fears which, at last, though tardily, were excited in the breast of the sovereign, cut short the days and the machinations of Nizam ud-din. He was taken off by poison. The authority of the king did not long survive. His intemperance in the haram brought on a palsy ; which disabled him in one side, and distorted his countenance. All attention was then absorbed by the scramble for power. Every Om- rah of popularity set up his pretensions. The friends of the royal family brought out the son of Kei Kobad, a child of three years old, and set him on the throne. He was supported by the Tartars; a body of whom, as mercenaries, were generally kept by the Indian sovereigns, whom they became the common instruments of setting up and pulling down. On the present occasion, the Tartars had 280 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. Ia f rm idable body of competitors. Of the Af- ghans, or mountaineers of Gaur and Ghirgistan, on the frontiers of Persia, a tribe named Chilligi l made war and depredation their business; and usually, in great numbers, served, as mercenaries, any power which chose to employ them. An adventurer of this tribe, of the name of Mallek, who subsisted by his sword, rose to distinction in the army of Balin : and left his talent and his fortune to his son Feroze, who at the time of the illnes of Kei Kobad, was one of the chief Omrahs, and commanded a province. He was joined by the Chilligi mercenaries who attacked, and cut to pieces, the Tartars. There was no longer any obstruction. Kei Kobad was killed upon his bed, after a reign of little more than three years. Such was the termination of the Gaurian, or rather of the first Gaurian dynasty ; and such the commencement of the Afghan, or second Gaurian dynasty, in the year 1289. At the time of this revolution, Kubla, the grandson of Jungiz, sat on the throne of Tartary and China ; another of his descen- dants on that of Persia : and a third possessed a kingdom in Transoxiana, and those provinces to the north-west of the Indus which constituted the ori- ginal dominions of the house of Ghizni. 1 It is written Khuliji by Major Stewart. M. Khilji, Briggs. W. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 281 CHAPTER III. From the Commencement of the second Gaurian or Afghan Dynasty, to the Commencement of the Mogul Dynasty. v BOOK m r EROZE was seventy years of age when he became CHAP. 3. the master of the kingdom. He was a man of in- 1289 telligence ; and though guilty of cruelty and injus- tice in acquiring or establishing his throne, he sought to distinguish himself by the justice, and also the popularity, of his administration. "For that purpose," says his historian, "he gave great encouragement to the learned of that age ; who, in return, offered the incense of flattery at the altar of his fame." Chidju, 1 however, a prince of the royal blood, nephew of the late Balin, and a nabob or governor of a province, obtained the alliance of several chiefs, and inarched with an army towards Delhi. Feroze placed himself at the head of his army, and sent for- ward his son with the Chilligi cavalry. The prince encountered the enemy, and obtaining an advantage, took several Omrahs prisoners, whom he mounted upon camels with branches hung round their necks. When Feroze beheld them in this state of humilia- tion, he ordered them to be unbound, gave a change of raiment to each, and set an entertainment before 1 Jujhoo is the reading of this name by Briggs. W. 282 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in them; repeating the verse, " That evil for evil it was CHAP. 3. - easy to return ; but he only was great who could 1291. return good for evil." In a few days Chidju was taken prisoner, and sent to the king ; but instead of death, which he expected, received a pardon, and was sent to reside at Multan, on a handsome ap- pointment for life. To the Omrahs of the Chilligi, displeased at so much lenity, Feroze replied, " My .friends, I am now an old man, and I wish to go down to the grave without shedding blood." The mind of this prince, however, did not, it seems, distinguish sufficiently between lenity and relaxation. The police of the empire was neglected; and rob- bery, murder, insurrection, ever ready to break loose in India, diffused insecurity over the nation. The Omrahs of the Chilligi " began," says Ferishta, " to lengthen the tongue of reproach against their sove- reign." The design was conceived of raising one of themselves to the throne; the project was even dis- cussed at an entertainment, at which they were assembled ; but one of the company privately with- drew and informed the emperor, who immediately ordered them to be arrested and brought before him. It occurred to one of them to represent the affair as a drunken frolic, and the words as the suggestion of intoxication. The prince was pleased to accept the apology; and dismissed them with a rebuke. He was not so lenient to a Dirvesh, or professor of piety, who by the appearance of great sanctity, and by the distribution of great liberalities to the poor, the source of which no one could discover, acquired immense popularity ; and on this foundation aspired, or was accused of aspiring, to the throne. Though GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 283 little or no evidence appeared against him, he was BOOK m CHAP. 3. cruelly put to death. . With his expiring breath, the holy Dirvesh cursed 1291> Feroze and his posterity ; nature was thrown into convulsions upon the death of the saint ; and from that hour the fortunes of Feroze were observed to decline. His eldest son was afflicted with insanity which no power of medicine could remove. Factions and rebellions disturbed his administration, In the year 1291, Hindustan was invaded by a prince of the house of Jungiz, at the head of 100,000 Moguls ; and though Feroze engaged them, and ob- tained the advantage, he was glad to stipulate for the departure of the invaders by consenting to let them retreat unmolested. In this reign occurred an event of great importance in the histoiy of Hindustan ; the first invasion of the Deccan by Mohammedan arms. Deccan means the south ; and is applied in a general manner to the kingdoms and districts included in the southern por- tion of India. It does not appear that the applica- tion of the name was ever precisely fixed. It has been commonly spoken of as indicating the country south of the Nerbudda river, which falls into the Gulf of Cambay, at Baroach ; but as the Patan or Mogul sovereignties hardly extended beyond the river Kistna, it is only the country between those two rivers which, in the language of India, commonly passes under the name of the Deccan. Alia, the nephew of Feroze, was Nabob, or Go- vernor of Korah, one of the districts in the Doab, or country lying between the Ganges and Jumna. Having distinguished himself in a warfare with some 284 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. V ra j as W ^o Bordered on his province, he was gratified by the addition to his government of the province o Oude. His first success appears to have suggested further enterprise. He solicited and obtained the consent of Feroze to extend his empire over the Hin- dus. Having collected such an army as his resources allowed, he marched directly, by the shortest route, against Ramdeo, one of the rajas of the Deccan, whose capital was Deogur, now Dowlatabad. 1 Alia met with no inconsiderable resistance ; but finally prevailed, and exacted heavy contributions (exaggerated by the pen of Oriental history into incredible sums), as the price of his return. He retreated many days through several hostile and populous kingdoms ; the govern- ments of which were too weak or too stupid to offer any obstruction to his march. Feroze was not without uneasiness upon intelli- gence of the ambitious adventure of Alia ; and of the great addition to his power which the vastness of his plunder implied. He rejected, however, the advice of his wisest counsellors to take previous measures for the securing of his authority and power ; and resolved to repose on the fidelity of his nephew. He was even so weak as to permit Alia, on feigned pretences, to entice him to Korah, where he was barbarously as- sassinated, having reigned only seven years and some months. 1 Written Deogire, by Col. Wilks, and declared to be the Tagara of Ptolemy. The author of the Tibcat Nasiri says, that Alia left Korah on pretence of a hunting party, and passing through the territories of many petty rajas, too feeble to think of opposing him, he came upon Ramdeo by surprise. Ferishta, i. 231. The proofs of the division and subdivision of India into a great number of petty states meet us at every step in its authentic liistory. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 285 Alia made haste to get into his power the family B OK in of Feroze ; of whom all who were the objects of any apprehension were unrelentingly murdered ; and the 1303 - rest confined. He had scarcely time, however, to settle the affairs of his government, when he learned that the Mogul sovereign of Transoxiana had invaded the Punjab with an army of 100,000 men. An army, commanded by his brother, was sent to expel them. A battle was fought in the neighbourhood of Lahore, in which the Indians were victorious, and the Mo- guls retreated. The successful general was sent into Guzerat, which he quickly reduced to the obedience of the Shah. The Moguls returned the following year with much greater force : and marched even to the walls of Delhi, to which they laid siege. Alia at last collected his army, and gave them battle. Though his success was not decisive, the Moguls thought proper to retreat. The king's arbitary maxims of government, and the odious manner in which he arrived at the su- preme command, engendered disaffection ; and during the first years of his reign he was harrassed by per- petual insurrections and rebellions. He applied him- self, however, with industry and intelligence, to the business of government ; and though his administra- tion was severe and oppressive, it was regular and vigorous, securing justice and protection to the body of the people. His education had been so neglected that he could neither read nor write; but feeling the disadvantages under which his ignorance laid him, he had firmness of mind to set about the work of his own instruction even upon the throne ; acquired the 286 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. mcs timable faculties of reading and writing ; made himself acquainted with the best authors in the Per- sian language ; invited learned men to his court ; and delighted in their conversation. In 1303, he projected another expedition into the Deccan by the way of Bengal, but was recalled by a fresh invasion of the Moguls of Transoxiana ; who advanced as far as Delhi, but retreated without sus- taining a battle. After their departure, he resolved, by an augmentation of his army, to leave himself nothing to fear from that audacious enemy. But reflecting that his revenues were unequal to so great a burden, he resolved to reduce the soldiers' pay. Reflecting again, that this would be dangerous, while the price of articles continued the same, he ordered all prices to be reduced a half ; by that means, says Ferishta, with an ignorance too often matched in more instructed countries, " just doubling his trea- sures and revenue." The Moguls were not dis- couraged by frequency of repulse. The armies of the king of Transoxiana twice invaded Hindustan in 1305, and were twice defeated by Toghluk, the general of Alia. In the following year the design against the Deccan was renewed, and prosecuted with greater resources. Kafoor, a slave and eunuch, his favourite, and, it was said, the instrument of his pleasures, was placed at the head of a grand army, and marched towards the south. He first " subdued the country of the Mah- rattors, 1 which he divided among his Omrahs," and 1 This is the first mention which we find of any of the tribes to whom the term Mahrattor, or Mahratta, is applied, by the Moslem historians. From this statement we can only conjecture, that some district in the Deccan, GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 287 then proceeded to the siege of Deogur. Kamdeo endeavoured to make his peace by submission ; and having agreed to pay a visit to the emperor at Delhi, 131 - and to hold his territories as a dependency, he was dismissed with magnificent presents, and his do- minions were enlarged. The division of the Deccan, known by the name of Telingana, is supposed to have extended, along the eastern coast, from the neighbourhood of Chicacole on the north, to that of Pulicat on the south ; and to have been separated on the west from the country known by the name of Maharashtra, or by contrac- tion Mahratta, by a line passing, near Beder, and at some distance east of Dowlutabad, to the river Tapti. 1 Alia was on his march against the Raja of Warunkul, one of the princes of this district, in 1303, when he was recalled by another invasion of the Moguls. He made, indeed, a part of his army pro- ceed in the expedition, for the purpose of redu cing the fort of Warunkul, a place of great strength, and, by repute, of immense riches ; but the project failed. In 1307, Kafoor was ordered to march into Telingana by the way of Deogur, and lay seige to Warunkul. Warunkul was taken by assault, after a siege of some months. 2 The Raja made his peace, by sacri- ficing largely to the avarice of his conquerors, and accepting the condition of a tribute. inhabited by the description of Hindus to whom this name was applied, was overrun, and nominally parcelled out by Kafoor. 1 Wilks, Hist, of Mysore, p. 6. * The neighbouring Rajas, says Ferishta, hastened to the assistance of the Rajah of Warunkul ; another proof of the division into petty sove- reignties. 288 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in The more Au a tasted of the plunder of the Deccan, CHAP. 3. - the more he thirsted for additional draughts. In 13J6. 1310, Kafoor was sent on a more distant expedition. He marched by Deogur ; and penetrating as far as Carnatic, took the Raja prisoner, and ravaged his kingdom. According to the historians, he returned with such wealth as no country ever yielded to a predatory invader. 1 Nor did he remain long at Delhi before he persuaded the Shah to send him once more into the Deccan ; where he ravaged several countries, and sent the plunder to Alia. This prince had ruined his constitution by intemperance in the seraglio ; and felt his health in rapid decline. He sent for Kafoor from the Deccan, and complained to him of the undutiful behaviour of his wife and his son. Ka- foor, whose eyes had already turned themselves with longing to the throne, contemplated the displeasure of the emperor against his family as a means for realizing his most extravagant hopes. He prevailed upon Alia to throw his two eldest sons, and their mother, into prison ; and to put to death several of the chiefs by whom his pretensions were most likely to be opposed. When things were in this train, Alia expired in the year 1316, in the twenty-first year of his reign. The time was not yet come when Kafoor deemed it expedient to declare himself king. He produced a testament, genuine or spurious, of the late prince, in which he appointed Omar, his youngest son, then 1 Besides several chests, of jewels, pearls, and other precious tinners, the gold alone amounted to about one hundred millions sterling. Col. Dow thinks this not at all incredible : Hist, of Hindost. i. 276 : and Col. Wilks (Hist, of Mysore, p. 11) seems to have little objection. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 289 seven years of age, his successor, and Kafoor regent. BOOK in The first act of Kafoor's administration was to put ' out the eyes of the two eldest of the sons of Alia : 1316-21. But there was a third, Mubarik, who escaped, till a conspiracy of the foot-guards put the regent to death, only thirty-five days after the decease of his master. The reins of government were immediately put into the hands of Mubarik ; but he thought proper to act in the name of his young brother, already upon the throne, for the space of two months, till he had gained the Omrahs. He then claimed his birth- right; deposed his brother; according to the Asi- atic custom, put out his eyes ; and sent him for life to the fort of Gualior. Mubarik was a man of vicious inclinations, and mean understanding. He for a moment sought po- pularity, by remitting the more oppressive of the taxes, and relaxing the reins of government; but the last so injudiciously, that disorder and depreda- tion overran the country. The reduction of the revolted Guzerat was one of the first measures of Mubarik. The enterprise, being intrusted to an officer of abilities, was suc- cessfully performed. The Rajas in the Deccan yielded a reluctant obedience ; which, presuming on their distance, they imagined they might now, without much danger, suspend. Mubarik, in the second year of his reign, raised a great army, and marched to Deogur ; where not finding much resistance, he did little more than display his cruelty, in the punishment of those, who, charged with enmity or disobedience, fell into his hands. VOL. II. U 290 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in Amone the favourites of Mubarik was Hassan, CHAP. 3. 1 1 formerly a slave, and, according to 1 enshta, the son 1321 of a seller of rags in Guzerat. 1 This man was an instrument of the pleasures of the Shah ; and upon his accession to the throne had been honoured with the title of Khosroo, and raised to the office of Vizir. Finding nothing more to perform in the region of Deogur, Mubarik placed Khosroo at the head of a part of the army, and sent him on an expedition against Malabar, while he himself returned with the remainder to Delhi. The vices of Mubarik, and of his government, became daily more odious. He was the slave of every species of intemperance, and void of every humane or manly quality, which could procure the indulgence of mankind to his faults. Conspiracy succeeded con- spiracy, and one insurrection another ; till Khosroo, beholding the contempt in which his master was held, believed he might shed his blood with safety, and place himself upon his throne. The reputation and plunder, derived from the success of his expedition to Malabar, 2 had added greatly to his power. He made use of his influence over the mind of the emperor to fill with his creatures the chief places both in the army and the state. In the year 1321 , he conceived himself prepared for the blow ; when in one night Mubarik and his sons were destroyed. On mounting the throne, Khosroo assumed the title of Nasir-ud-din, or defender of religion ; a 1 He was a converted Purwary or Hindoo outcast. Briggs's Ferishta, i. 387. W. * According to Wilks, what is here called Malabar was not the district which is now called by that name, but the hilly belt along the summit of the Ghauts, from Soonda to Coorg. Hist, of Mysore, p. 10. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 291 cause which has seldom been associated with that of BOOK in CHAP. 3. government, except for the purposes of fraud ; and Khosroo, it seems, was aware that, for his govern- 1323 - ment, such a covering was required. He put to death, without remorse, a great multi- tude of persons in the service of Mubarik ; all those from whom he imagined that he had any thing to fear; and distributed the offices of government among his creatures. "The army," says Ferishta, "loved nothing better than a revolution ; for they had always, upon such an occasion, a donation of six months' pay immediately advanced from the treasury :" so exactly does military despotism resemble itself, on the banks of the Tiber, and those of the Ganges. But though Khosroo met with no opposition in ascending the throne ; he did not long enjoy his kingdom in peace. Ghazi l was Governor of Lahore ; and though, for the sake of securing him to his interest, Khosroo had bestowed high office and rank upon his son Jonah, Jonah made his escape from Delhi, and joined his father at Lahore. Ghazi despatched circular letters to the Omrahs ; exerted himself to raise forces ; and was joined by several of the viceroys with their troops. Khosroo despatched an army to subdue the rebellion ; but the soldiers of Ghazi were hardened by frequent wars with the Moguls ; those of Khosroo, enervated by the debauchery of the city, were broken at the first onset ; and the confederates marched with expedition to the capital. Khosroo was ready to 1 Ghazi Beg Toghluk is the appellation of this nobleman in Ferishta. W. U 2 292 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 3" rece i ye them with another army. Though betrayed and deserted in the action by a part of his troops, he 1323 - maintained the conflict till night ; when he made a fruitless endeavour to fly with a few of his friends. Deserted by his attendants, and dragged from his lurking-place, he met the fate w r hich he would have bestowed. The Omrahs hastened to pay their respects to the victor ; and the magistrates of Delhi presented to him the keys. Mounting his horse, he entered the city, and arriving at the gates of the palace, he addressed the people; " O ye subjects of this great empire! I am no more than one of you, who unsheathed my sword to deliver you from oppression, and rid the world of a monster. If, therefore, any of the royal line remains, let him be brought, that we, his ser- vants, may prostrate ourselves before his throne. If not, let the most worthy of the illustrious order be elected among you, and I shall swear to abide by your choice." But the people cried out, with vehe- mence, that none of the royal family remained alive ; and that he, who had protected the empire from the Moguls, and delivered it from the tyrant, was the most worthy to reign. He was then seized, and by a sort of violence, placed upon the throne ; the people hailing him " King of the World." Toghluk is the name by which the new emperor chose to be distinguished. It was the name of his father, who is understood to have been a slave in the ser- vice of Balin. His mother was of the tribe of the Jauts. After appointing the instruments of his govern- ment, the first care of Toghluk was to secure his northern frontier against the formidable incursions GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 293 of the Moguls ; and so judiciously did he station his force, and erect his forts, that he was not once molested by those invaders during his reign. This being accomplished, he sent his son Jonah into the Deccan to chastise the Raja of Warunkul, who, during the late disorders, " had withdrawn his neck from the yoke of obedience." Jonah, with the usual ease, hardly meeting with any resistance, over- ran the Hindu kingdoms; leaving every where behind him the cruel marks of imperial vengeance and avarice. After a few efforts in the field, the Raja of Warunkul shut himself up in his strong-hold, and was besieged. From the strength of the place, the siege was a work of time ; during which, sickness, and along with sick- ness, desire to return, and from that desire opposed, disaffection, spread themselves in the Mohammedan army. Several of the Omrahs withdrew with their troops; when the Prince, no longer able to continue the siege, retreated first to Deogur, and thence to Delhi. The army was recruited with great expedition. and he marched again in a few months towards Wa- runkul, which soon yielded to his arms. Many thou- sands of the Hindus were put to the sword ; and the Raja and his family were sent to Delhi. Appointing Omrahs to the government of Telingana, he marched against Cuttack, where he gained some advantages, and then returned by the way of Warunkul to Delhi. Toghluk, receiving complaints of great oppression against his officers in Bengal, appointed Jonah go- vernor of Delhi, and marched toward that province with an army. Nasir, 1 the grandson of the emperor ' His name was Nasir-ud-din Kurra Khan, and he was the son of Bulbim ; see p. 277. W. 294 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. Balin, had possessed the viceroy alty of Bengal, since the death of his father. He advanced to meet the 1324-51. E m p eror w Jth submission and presents ; and was confirmed in his government. Jonah, with the nobles of Delhi, went out to meet his father with rejoicings upon his return. A wooden house was hastily erected to entertain him. When the entertainment was con- cluded, and the emperor was about to retire, the Omrahs hurrying out to be in readiness to attend him, the roof suddenly fell in, and crushed him with several of his attendants ; whether by the contrivance of Jonah, by the fault of the building, or a stroke of lightning, was variously conjectured and believed. He reigned but four years and some months, with the reputation of a wise and excellent prince. Jonah mounted the throne by the title of Mo- hammed III ; and began his reign with acts of liberality and beneficence. He distributed profuse gifts, and made magnificent appointments. This prince was a compound of heterogeneous qualities. He was generous to profusion ; a lover of literature, in which he had made considerable acquirements ; he was not only temperate but austere in his manner of life, and an attentive performer of acts of re- ligion ; he had no regard, however, to justice, or to humanity ; he was cruel and vindictive as a man ; oppressive and tyrannical as a ruler. His plans proceeded on the supposition, that the happiness or misery of his subjects was a matter of indifference ; and when their disaffection began to afford him uneasiness, their misery seemed to become an object of preference and a source of gratification. He dis- played however no contemptible -talents in sup- GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 295 porting himself against the hatred and detestation mankind. Immediately upon his accession he directed his at- 1324 ' 51 - tention to the further subjugation of the Deccan ; but more, it would appear, with a view to plunder, than to permanent dominion. His generals appear to have overrun a large portion of its more accessible parts. He reduced the Carnatic ; and in the hyper- bolical language of Ferishta, spread his conquests to the extremity of the Deccan, and from sea to sea. He adopted frantic schemes of ambition. He raised an army for the conquest of the kingdom of Transoxiana and Khorasan, and another for the subjugation of China. Previous to the grand expe- dition against China, 100,000 horse were sent to explore the route through the mountains, and to establish forts to the confines of China. The horse did, we are told, penetrate to the frontiers of China, but were met with an army which they durst not oppose ; and the rains, covering with water the roads and the plains, obstructed their retreat. They perished through fatigue, famine, and disease ; and scarcely a man survived to describe the disaster. The inaccurate and uninstructive genius Of Oriental history gives us no information respecting the track which this ill-fated army pursued. The expense of Mohammed's government led him to oppress his subjects by increase of taxes. To this great cause of misery and discontent, he added others by injudicious schemes of finance. "The King," says Ferishta, " unfortunately for his people, adopted his ideas upon currency, from a Chinese HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in custom of using paper upon the emperor's credit, " ' with the royal seal appended, for ready money. 1324-51. Mohammed, instead of paper, struck a copper coin, which, being issued at an imaginary value, he made current by a decree throughout Hindustan." This produced so much confusion and misery, and so completely obstructed the collection of the revenue, that Mohammed was obliged to recall his debased coin ; and individuals acquired immense fortunes by the ruin of many thousands, the general misery of the people, and the impoverishment of the so- vereign. Being called into the Deccan, to suppress an insur- rection raised by his nephew, whom he ordered to be flayed alive, and in that condition carried, a horrid spectacle, round the city ; he took a fancy to the situation of Deogur, resolved to make it his capital, by the name of Dowlatabad, and to remove thither the inhabitants of Delhi. This caprice he carried into execution ; unmoved by the calamities that were to fall upon the individuals; and unable to foresee the alienation in the minds of men to which the sight and the reports of so much unnecessary evil must of necessity expose him. " The emperor's orders," says the historian, " were strictly complied with, and the ancient capital was left desolate." The provinces, one after another, began now to rebel. The Governor of Multan set the example. Scarcely was he subdued when Bengal broke into insurrection. This too the vigour of Mohammed quickly reduced. He was thence summoned by disturbances in Telingana, where he lost great part of his army, by a plague, then raging at WarunkuL GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 297 But what, to the mind of Mohammed, was of more BOOK in CHAP. 3. importance than the lives of half the inhabitants of Hindustan, he himself was afflicted with the tooth- 1324 - 51 - ach. He even lost a tooth. This he commanded to be buried with solemn pomp, and a magnificent tomb to be erected over it. Calamity in every shape assailed the wretched subjects of Mohammed. Such was the excess of taxation, that in many parts, particularly in the fertile country between the Jumna and the Ganges, the cultivators fled from their fields and houses, and preferred a life of plunder and rapine in the woods. From this, and from unfavourable seasons, famine raged about Delhi, and the neighbouring provinces ; and multitudes of people perished from want. A chief of the Afghans came down from the moun- tains, and plundered the province of Multan. The fierce tribes of Hindus, called by Ferishta, Gickers, were combined by a leader, and ravaged the Punjab and Lahore. Mohammed, struck at last with the calamities of his reign, had recourse to religion for a cure. He sent a splendid embassy to Mecca, that, his corona- tion being confirmed by the successor of the prophet, the blessing of Heaven might descend upon his throne. The Rajas of Telingana and the Carnatic formed a confederacy ; and within a few months expelled the Mohammedans from every place in the Deccan, except Dowlatabad. Even the Viceroy of Oude rebelled. But the em- peror, marching against him with expedition, brought him quickly to his feet. Contrary to his usual 29H HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. A* 3" P ract i ce Mohammed pardoned the offender, and even - restored him to his government ; declaring, that he i324-oi. wou i(j no t, believe in his guilt, and ascribing his transgression to a temporary delusion, which the malice and falsehood of others had produced. An effort was made to regain what had been lost in the Deccan,and governors and troops were despatched to the different districts: who in the way of plunder performed considerable feats. But in the mean time disturbances of a new description broke out in Guzerat. Of the mercenary troops, composed of Tartars, Af- ghans, and other hardy races from the North, in which consisted a great proportion of the armies of the Mohammedan emperors of Hindustan, aconsider- ble number, during some ages, had been Moguls. Of these it would appear that a considerable body had been sent to keep in check the turbulent inha- bitants of Guzerat. They began now to commit depredations, and to set the power of Mohammed at defiance. Mohammed resolved to punish and extir- pate them. The presence of the emperor, and their fears, made them withdraw from Guzerat ; but they retired into the Deccan ; and took Dowlatabad by sur- prise. Mohammed allowed them little time to make an establishment. They ventured to meet him in battle ; when they were partly slain, and partly dispersed. Before he could take the city, fresh dis- turbances arose in Guzerat. Leaving an Omrah to push the reduction of Dowlatabad, he hastened to the new insurgents. An army of no inconsiderable magnitude opposed him. He carried on his opera- tions with vigour, and once more prevailed. But in the mean time the Moguls in the Deccan, gatheriiiLT GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 299 strength upon his departure, defeated his General, B ^^ n and pursued his troops toward Malwa. He re- solved to march against them in person. But the 1351 ' 57 - settlement of Guzerat was an arduous and a tedious task. Before it was concluded, he fell sick, and died in the year 1351, after a reign of twenty- seven years. His death was propitious to the Moguls in the Dec- can; and afforded time for laying the foundation of a Mohammedan empire, which rose to considerable power, and preserved its existence for several centuries. Upon seizing Dowlatabad, the rebel chiefs agreed to elect a sovereign ; when their choice fell upon Ismael, an Afghan, who had been commander of a thousand in the imperial army. Among the insurgents, was a military adventurer of the name of Hussun. Wonder- ful things are recorded of his predestination to power : as usually happens in the case of those who, from a degraded station, rise to great command over the hopes and fears of mankind. He was an Afghan slave or dependent of a Brahmen, who professed astrology in Delhi. The Brahmen gave him a couple of oxen to cultivate a piece of waste ground near the city, as means of a livelihood : where his plough turned up a treasure. He informed the Brahmen: and the Brah- men, equally conscientious, or equally cautious, the emperor. The Emperor, struck with the honesty of Hussun, bestowed upon him the command of one hundred horse. The Brahmen told him, that he saw by the stars, he was destined to greatness, and stipu- lated that, when king of the Deccan, he would make him his minister. Hussun offered his services to the first commander who was sent into the Deccan; joined 300 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. msur g en ts; and when Ismael was chosen king, he was decorated with the title of Zuffer Khan ; and 1351-57. received a large jaghir for the maintenance of his troops. After Mohammed was summoned from theDeccan, by the new disturbances in Guzerat, and after his general was obliged to raise the siege of Dowlatabad, Zuffer Khan marched with twenty thousand horse against Beder, a city on the Godavery, nearly a hun- dred miles north-west from Golconda, and about the same distance west from Warunkul. This had been the seat of a Hindu raj ahship; it was at this time a station of one of the imperial generals. Zuffer Khan. obtaining the assistance of the Rajah of Warunkul, who sent him fifteen thousand men ; and being rein- forced with five thousand horse, detached to his as- sistance by the new king of Dowlatabad, engaged and defeated the army of Mohammed. Returning with glory and plunder, he was met, before reaching the capital, by the king ; who could not help observing, that more attention was paid to the general than to himself. Making a merit of what would soon be necessity ; and taking the pretext of his great age, he proposed to retire from the cares of government, and recommend Zuffer Khan as successor. The pro- position was applauded : and the slave or peasant Hussun, mounting the new throne by the style and title of Sultan Alia ad din Hussun Kongoh Bhame- nee, became the founder of the Bhamenee dynasty. Koolburga, or Culberga, which had been the place of his residence, he named Ahsunabad, and rendered it the capital of the Deccanee empire. Sultan Alia was not unmindful of his ancient mas- GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 301 ter ; from whose name he added the term Kongoh, 1 BOOK i* 1 CHAP* o. and according to some authorities, that of Bahmenee, Brahmen being so pronounced, to his royal titles. He 1357 - 89 - invited Kongoh from Delhi; made him lord of the treasury ; and in his edicts associated the name of the Brahmen with his own. Hussun lived, after the acquisition of royalty, eleven years, two months, and seven days ; having in that time reduced to his obedience all the regions in Deccan which had ever acknowledged the sway of the emperors of Delhi. He governed with wisdom and moderation, and died at Koolburga, in the year 1357, and the sixty-seventh year of his age. 2 Upon the death of the emperor Mohammed, his nephew Feroze, whom he recommended for his suc- 1 This \vord is more correctly, Gungoo. W. * A circumstantial history of the Bahmenee sovereigns was composed by Ferishta ; and to Jonathan Scott we are indebted for an instructive translation of it. The above sketch of the origin of the Bahmenee dynasty is drawn partly from Ferishta's Deccan, translated by Scott ; partly from his history of Delhi, translated by Dow. The facts are very shortly men- tioned, or rather alluded to, by Lieut.-Col. Mark Wilks, (Historical Sketches of the South of India, ch. i. ;) where the reader will also find all that research has been able to procure of Hindu materials, and all that sagacious conjecture has been able to build upon a few imperfect frag- ments of the history of the ancient Hindu governments in the south of India. M. It is not correct to say that Col. Wilks's work, however ably and industriously wrought out of imperfect materials, has exhausted those materials: his chief sources of information were the MS. collections of the late Col. Mackenzie, but a small part only of those MSS. were then accessible, nor was their extent or value understood. They are now in a much more serviceable condition, partly owing to the catalogue of the Mackenzie collection published by myself, and partly to a still more careful and competent examination of them by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Madras, now in progress. Besides these materials, valuable translations of inscriptions in the Deccan, and other documents relating to that part of India, have been published in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Ben- gal, in the Madras Journal, and the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society ; so that means exist of carrying on a more connected and com- prehensive view of the political and religious history of the Peninsula, from an early date of the Christian era to modern times, than were those employed by Col. Wilks. W. HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. cessor > was m tne imperial camp, and without diffi- - culty mounted the throne. The nerves of the state 357 ~ 89> were relaxed by mis-government : and it displayed but little vigour during the days of Feroze. The governor of Bengal aspired to independence ; and the emperor, after several efforts, being unable to reduce him to obedience, was forced to content himself with a nominal subjection. 1 Feroze, however, employed himself with laudable solicitude, in promoting agri- culture, and the internal prosperity of his dominions. He lived till the age of ninety years ; twenty-eight of which he spent upon the throne. He is celebrated in history for having constructed fifty great aqueducts or reservoirs of water; forty mosques; thirty schools; twenty caravanseras ; an hundred palaces ; five hos- pitals ; one hundred tombs ; ten baths ; ten spires ; one hundred and fifty wells ; one hundred bridges ; and pleasure-gardens without number. Mohammed, a son of Feroze, had received the reins of government from his father, when the weight of them began to press heavily upon his aged hands. A conspiracy, however, of the Omrahs, had, after a time, obliged him to fly from the throne ; and Feroze made Toghluk, 2 his grandson, successor. Toghluk was a friend to pleasure ; and slenderly provided with ta- lents. He made an effort to get into his power Mo- hammed his uncle, who had been chased from the throne ; but Mohammed threw himself into the fort of Nagracote, which, for the present, it was deemed in- 1 Such is the account of Ferishta. Mr. Stewart, (Hist, of Bengal, sect, iv.) follows other authorities, who represent Bengal as now erected into a Mohammedan kingdom, perfectly independent. M. Stewart's account is confirmed by coins struck by Sultan Sekandar and his successors. J. Asiatique. W. * It should be Gheias-ad-din. Toghluk was the name of the family borne by all of the members. W. GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 303 expedient to attack. The emperor, meanwhile, in- spired so little respect, that Abu Beker, his cousin, in danger from his jealousy, found himself able to 1389 - 96 - hurry him to his grave. By means of some Omrahs, he corrupted the imperial slaves ; who assassinated their master, after he had reigned but five months. Abu Beker was hardly more fortunate. Some of the Mogul mercenaries, in the imperial service, con- spired against him, and invited Mohammed from Na- gracote, to place himself at their head. Mohammed succeeded ; and Abu Beker resigned his life and his throne, one year and six months after the death of Toghluk. In the reign of Mohammed, the Mahrattors (Mah- rattas) again appear in the field. They were soon brought to submission; and Narsing their prince waited upon the emperor at Delhi. The six years of this emperor were chiefly employed in subduing or anticipating the insurrections of the principal Omrahs or governors, from whom he enjoyed scarce an inter- val of repose. His son Humayoon, who succeeded him was seized with a fatal disorder, and survived his father not many days. The Omrahs, after high dispute, at last raised Mahmood, an infant son of the late Mohammed, to the throne. The distractions in the empire increased. Three of the most powerful Omrahs of the court, Mookurrib, Ekbal and Sadut, fell into deadly feuds. The emperor having left the capital, with the army commanded by Sadut, Mookurrib, fearing the resent- ment of Sadut, shut the gates of the city. The empe- ror was constrained to abandon Sadut, before he was allowed to re-enter his capital and palace. Joined by his sovereign, Mookurrib, the next day, marched out 304 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. an( l gave battle to Sadut, but was worsted and forced back into the city. As the rains had commenced, |9G ' Sadut, was obliged to lead his army into quarters. He immediately sent for Noosrut, a prince of the blood, and set him up in opposition to Mahmood, by the name of Noosrut Shah. A conspiracy soon threw Sadut into the hands of Mookurrib, who put him to death. But a strong party adhered to Noosrut; and a most destructive contest ensued between the parti- sans of the rival kings. The balance continued nearly even for the space of three years, during which every species of calamity oppressed the wretched inhabit- ants. Some of the distant Subahdars looked on with satisfaction, contemplating their own elevation in the depression of the imperial power. But in the year 1396, Mohammed Jehangir, the grandson of Timur, or Tamerlane, having constructed a bridge over the Indus, invaded Multan. The governor, who already regarded the province as his own, opposed him with no contemptible force; but was overcome, and re- signed Multan to the conqueror. In the mean time the Omrah Ekbal obtained and betrayed the confi- dence of Noosrut, whom he obliged to fly to Paniput. He opened a deceitful negotiation with the Emperor, under cover of which he surprised and slew Mookur- rib. All power now centred in Ekbal; and the em- peror was converted into a cipher. In this situation were affairs at Delhi, when intelligence arrived that Timur himself had crossed the Indus. The birth of Timur, or Tamerlane, was cast at one of those recurring periods, in the history of the Asiatic sovereignties, when the enjoyment of power, for several generations, having extinguished all manly virtues in the degenerate descendants of some GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 305 active usurper, prepares the governors of the pro- BOOKni vinces for revolt, dissolves the power of the state, and opens the way for the elevation of some new and 1396 - daring adventurer. At no preceding period, perhaps, had these causes enervated the powers of government over so great a part of Asia at once, as at the time of Tamerlane. The descendants of Jungiz had formed their immense conquests into three great kingdoms; of which Persia was one; the interme- diate regions of Transoxiana, Khorasan, Bactria, and Zabulistan or Kandahar, and Kabul, lying between Persia and Tartary, were the second; and Tartary itself, or rather Tartary and China in conjunction, the third. The dynasties of the race of Jungiz, in all these several kingdoms had been in possession of power so long, as now to display the effects which possession of power in Asia invariably produces. The reigning sovereigns had every where given them- selves up to the vices which are the natural growth of the throne ; the viceroys of the provinces despised their authority; and weakness and distraction per- vaded the empire. About thirty years before the birth of Timur, the kingdom of Persia had under- gone a species of dissolution ; almost every province, under a rebel governor, had been erected into an independency, and the whole divided into a number of petty states. From nearly the same period, the kingdom of Zagatai, (this was the intermediate so- vereignty, so called from that son of Jungiz whose inheritance it became,) had been contended for by a succession of usurpers. The Mogul throne of Tartary and China had been less violently agitated, but was greatly reduced in power. Into what con- VOL. II. X 306 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in f us i on am i -weakness the Afghan empire of Delhi CIIAI*. 3. had fallen, we have seen in sufficient detail. Timur was horn forty miles to the south of Samar- cand, in the village of Sebzar, where his fathers, enjoying the rank or command of a toman of horse, had possessed a local authority for some generations. Timur had, from a tender age, been involved in the warfare of a distracted period ; and by his courage, activity, and address, had at five and twenty fixed upon himself the hopes and esteem of a large propor- tion of his countrymen. Amid the other calamities which had fallen upon the kingdom of Zagatai or Samarcand, upon the breaking up of the government of the descendants of Jungiz, the Tartars of Kashgar had been incited, by the apparent weakness of the state, to invade the country, where they now op- pressed and massacred the wretched inhabitants. Timur stood forward as the deliverer of his country ; but when the day for action arrived, the chiefs who had promised to support him betrayed their engage- ments, and he was constrained to fly to the desert with only sixty horsemen. Timur ran every sort of danger, and endured every sort of hardship, for seve- ral months, during which he led the life of a fugitive or outlaw. By degrees, however, he collected a party of well-tried adherents. The soldiers of fortune, the most adventurous of the youth, gathered around him. He harassed the Tartars by daring, yet cautious onsets ; whence he increased his reputation, and multiplied his followers. After a series of struggles, the invaders were finally driven from Transoxiana. But it was not till the age of thirty-four, and after a course of strenuous and fortunate activity, that he GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 307 was raised by the general voice to the undivided BOOK \ u J CHAP. 3. sovereignty of his native country. Placed on the throne of Samarcand, the eye of 1397> Timur perceived the situation of the neighbouring countries. The provinces or kingdoms which had become detached from the house of Zagatai ; Kha- rism, and Khorasan, first tempted his restless am- bition, and some years were spent in adding these important conquests to his dominion. The conti- guous provinces of Persia; Mazenderan and Segistan, to which was added Zabulistan, the grand southern or Indian district of the kingdom of Zagatai ; next employed his conquering arms. These enterprises successfully terminated, he passed into Fars, the Persia proper; into Persian Irak, and Azerbijian, the conquest of which he completed in two years. The princes or usurpers of the provinces, Shirvan and Gilan, sent to make their submissions, and to promise obedience. At Shiraz, in the year 1386, he received intelligence, that Toktamish Khan, a Tar- tar chief, whose authority was acknowledged through- out the region known to the Persians under the title of Desht Kipchak, north of the Caspian, had made incursion into Transoxiana. He flew to repel the invader ; and the desire of chastising Toktamish was the primary cause of the conquests of Timur in Turkestan. He followed his enemy into regions, void of houses, where the men fled before him. When far driven to the north, they were at last constrained to fight ; and the army of Timur, after severe suffering, repaid itself by a complete victory, which compelled Toktamish, with his remaining followers, to take shelter in the mountains on the X 2 308 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. I" western side of the Caspian Sea. From this enter- . o. * prise, the victor returned to complete the conquest 397 ' of Persia. He drove from the city of Bagdad, the last prince in Persia of the house of Jungiz ; he con- quered the whole of Mesopotamia ; pushed his way into Tartary through mount Caucasus, to chastise anew the insolence of Toktamish, who had passed Derbend and made an inroad in Shirvan ; and, having settled these extensive acquisitions, was, in 1396, prepared to carry his army across the Indus. Timur proceeded from Samarcand, by the city of Termed, and passing a little to the eastward of Balk, arrived at Anderob, a city on the borders of that stu- pendous ridge of mountains which separates Hindu- stan from the regions of the north. The difficulties of the passage were not easily surmounted : but every thing yielded to the power and perseverance of Timur. He descended to the city of Cabul : whence he marched towards Attock, the celebrated passage of the Indus : and in the year 1397, commenced his operations against Mubarik, who governed the fron- tier provinces of the empire of Delhi. Mubarik betook him self to a place of strength, and resisted the detachment sent to subdue him : but on the approach of the conqueror with his whole army, fled, with his family and treasure. The attention of Timur was now called to the situation of his grandson, who had invaded Hindustan the preceding year. The solsti- tial rains had forced him to draw his army into Multan, after it had suffered much from the season : and no sooner was he enclosed within the city than the people of the country invested it, preventing supplies. Mohammed was reduced to the greatest GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 309 distress, when his grandfather detached a body of BOOKni horse to support him, and soon after followed with his whole army. He ravaged Multan and Lahore, 1397 - putting the inhabitants of such of the cities as pre- sumed to offer any resistance indiscriminately to the sword. Without further delay, he directed his march towards Delhi, and encamped before the citadel. On the seventh day, though unlucky, Ekbal, and his ostensible sovereign, marched out to engage him. But the enervated troops of Delhi scarcely bore to commence the action with the fierce soldiers of the north ; and Timur pursued them with great slaugh- ter to the walls of Delhi. Ekbal, and Mahmood, fled from the city in the night, the sovereign towards Guzerat, the minister towards Birren : upon which the magistrates and Omrahs of the city tendered their submissions ; and opened the gates. In levy- ing the heavy contributions imposed upon the city, disputes arose between the Moguls of Timur and the inhabitants ; when blood began to flow. One act of violence led to another, till the city was involved in one atrocious scene of sack and massacre, which Timur was either (authorities differ) careless to prevent, or pleased to behold. Timur remained at Delhi fifteen days, and arrested the progress of conquest in Hindustan. Having re- ceived the submissions of several omrahs, the go- vernors or subahdars of provinces, and confirmed them in their commands, he marched in a northern direction, overrunning the country on both sides of the Ganges, till he reached the celebrated spot where it issues from the mountains. He then ad- 310 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in vance d along the bottom of the hills to Kabul, and CHAP. 3. thence proceeded to Samarcand. Delhi remained in a state of anarchy for two months after the departure of the Moguls. It was then entered by the pretended emperor Noosrut, with a small body of horse. Ekbal, however, by means of some Zemindars, was still able to dislodge him, and recovered the Doab or country between the rivers, which, with a small district round the city, was all that now acknowledged the sovereign of Delhi. The governors or subahdars of the provinces all assumed independence, and adopted royal titles. Lahore, Dibalpore [Punjab,] and Multan, were seized by Khizer ; Kanoj, Oude, Korah, and Jon- poor, by Khaja Jehan, then styled the king of the East ; Guzerat, by Azim ; Malwa, by Dilawur ; and the other departments, by those who happened in each to have in their hands the reins of government. Ekbal made some efforts, but attended with little success, to extend his limits. He received Mah- mood, who fled from the disrespectful treatment bestowed on him by the governor or king of Gu- zerat ; but compelled him to live on a pension, with- out claiming any share in the government. At last he came to blows with Khizer, the powerful usurper of Multan and Lahore ; when he was defeated, and lost his life in the action. Mahmood then recovered a small remainder of the power which once belonged to the Shahs of Delhi; but knew not how to employ it either for his own or tire public advantage. Nothing but the struggles and contests which pre- vailed among the usurpers of the provinces prevented some one of them from seizing his throne, and GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 311 extinguishing his impotent reign in his blood ; when dying of a fever, in the year 1413, " the empire fell/' says Ferishta, " from the race of the Turks [or 1413 - Tartars] who were adopted slaves of the emperor Mohammed Gauri, the second of the race of the sovereigns of India, called the dynasty of Gaur." 1 An Omrah, who happened to be in command at Delhi, presumed to mount the vacant throne; but Khizer, with the troops and resources of Multan and Lahore, found little difficulty in throwing him down from his rash elevation. Within a short period subsequent to the departure of Timur from Delhi, that conqueror had settled the affairs of Persia: reduced Syria, Egypt, and Asia Minor; defeated Bajazet the Turkish emperor on the plains of Galatia ; and prepared a vast expedition against China, which he was conducting through the plains and across the mountains of Tartary, when he fell sick, and died, in the year 1405, leaving his vast empire to his son Shahrokh. Khizer, it seems, was of the race of the prophet. His father had been adopted as the son of a great Omrah, who was governor of Multan, in the reign of Feroze. Upon the death of this Omrah and his son, the father of Khizer succeeded as Subahdar of Multan, and from him the government descended to his son. At the time when Timur arrived in India, he was involved in difficulties, through the 1 The two dynasties of Gaur are spoken of occasionally by the Oriental historians under the title of the Afghan and Patan government of India; Afghan and Patan, as also Abdaly, and several others, being names, applied to the whole or a part of the people who inhabit the chain of mountains from Herat, to the mouths of the Indus. 312 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. OK I 11 power of a neighbouring chief; and had the pru- dence, or good luck, to solicit the protection of the 142 - conqueror, who confirmed him in the government of Multan, and added to it several other important provinces. Khizer affected to decline the title of sovereign ; pretending that he held the government of India only as deputy of the house of Timur, in whose name he ordered the coin to be struck, and the instruments of government to be expedited. By this expedient, we are told, he obviated the jea- lousies and competition of the Omrahs, many of whom would have regarded their claim to the throne as preferable to his own. Khizer governed with considerable abilities; and the people again tasted the fruits of peace and protection under his reign. He made but little progress in re-annexing the revolted provinces to the empire of Delhi. He reigned, however, from the farthest branch of the Indus, to the extremity of the Doab ; and from the Kashmere and Himalaya mountains to the latitude of Gualior. After a reign of seven years and some months his death transferred the government to Mubarik his son. Mubarik was early involved in a contest with the Gickers, who, under a leader of the name of Jisserit, continued to molest the Punjab and Lahore during the whole of his reign. The Hindu tribes in the hill-country of Mewat, to the south of Delhi; those also in the hill-country to the north of Budaoon or Rohilcund, gave him at various periods no little disturbance. A war was at one time GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 313 kindled between him and the governor who had BOOKni CHAP. 3. usurped the provinces lying eastward from Delhi, . and was then known by the title of the King of the 142 - 46 - East. Coming however to a drawn battle, the two sovereigns were contented ever after to leave each other in peace. A rebellious slave, in the northern provinces, drew him into a contest with the Moguls of the empire of Samarcand ; the rebel having in- vited the Viceroy of Shahrokh who resided at Kabul, to come to his assistance. The Moguls were de- feated in battle and repelled. Mubarik, however, in consequence of a conspiracy, headed by the Vizir, was shortly after assassinated, in the fourteenth year of a reign, during which he had displayed consider- able talents for government, and more than usual attention to justice and humanity. The Vizir placed Mohammed, a grandson of Muba- rik upon the throne, expecting to govern the king- dom in his name, or in time to appropriate the shadow as well as the substance of command. But the Omrahs were disgusted with his pretensions, and levied war ; which enabled or compelled the king to rid himself by assassination of his domineering minister. The Omrahs returned to obedience ; and the king, after making a parade of his power in a progress through several of the provinces, returned to Delhi, and resigned himself to pleasure. The temper of the times was not such as to permit a negligent hand to hold the reins of government with impunity. The Omrahs in the distant govern- ments began immediately to prepare for indepen- dence. Beloli Lodi, 1 the governor of Sirhind, a town 1 The Hame is Bheilolc in Briggs. W. 314 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 1 on the Sutlej, or eastern branch of the Indus, made himself master of Lahore, of the greater part of the Punjab, and the country eastwards as far as Paniput, within a few leagues of Delhi. Beloli retired before the imperial army, but pre- served his own entire ; and re-occupied the country as soon as the troops of Mohammed returned. Another Viceroy, who had become independent in Malwa, and assumed the title of its king, marched against the feeble sovereign of Delhi, who saw no hopes of safety, but in calling the rebel Beloli to his aid. An indecisive action was fought: and the monarchs of Delhi and Malwa, both suffering from their fears, made haste to quiet their minds by huddling up an adjustment ; but Beloli attacked in its retreat the army of Malwa, which he plundered and deprived of its baggage. He was despatched by Mohammed against Jisserit the Gicker chief, who still harassed the northern provinces. But Beloli made his own terms with the plunderer; and re- turned to besiege Delhi. It held out however so long, that for the present he abandoned the enter- prise. Mohammed shortly after died, his power re- duced to a shadow, after a reign of twelve years and some months. In the same year, viz. 1446, died Shahrokh, son of Timur, and Emperor of the Moguls. Upon his death the vast empire of Timur, which had yet re- mained entire, underwent division. The eldest son of Shahrokh, the famous Ulug Beg, inherited the im- perial titles, and the dominion of Western Tartary or Transoxiana. The eldest son of Basunker, another of the sons of Timur, possessed himself of GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 315 Khorasan, Kandahar, and Kabul. The second son BOOKIII CHAP. 3. of Basunker held possession of the Western Persia And Abul Kasem, the third of Tiraur's sons, became 1446 - sovereign of Georgia, and Mazenderan. Alia, the son of Mohammed, mounted the throne of Delhi, honoured now with the obedience ol little more than a few of the contiguous districts. 1 Alia showed no talents for government ; and after a few years, being attacked by Beloli, resigned to him the throne, upon condition of receiving the government of Budaoon, where he lived and died in peace. Beloli was an Afghan, of the tribe of Lodi, which subsisted chiefly by carrying on the traffic between Hindustan and Persia. Ibrahim, the grandfather of Beloli, a wealthy trader, repaired to the court of Feroze at Delhi ; and acquired sufficient influence to be intrusted with the government of Multan. When Khizer succeeded to the same command, he made the son of Ibrahim master of his Afghan troops ; and afterwards bestowed upon him the government of Sirhind. Beloli was not the son of the governor of Sirhind, but of another of the sons of Ibrahim. 1 Ferishta's enumeration of the independent principalities now existing, shows accurately the limits to which the monarchy of Delhi was reduced. " The Deccan, Guzerat, Malwa, Jonpoor, and Bengal, had each its inde- pendent king. The Punjab, Depalpoor, and Sirhind, as far south as Pani- put, formed the territory of Bheilole Khan Lody. Mehrowly and the country within seven cos (fourteen miles) of Delhi, was in the hands of Ahmud Khan Mewattee. Sumbhul, even to the suburbs of Delhi, was occupied by Durra Khan Lody. Kole-jalesur, in the south by Eesa Khan. Joorb, and Rabery and its dependencies, by Kowuch Khan Afghan. Kampila and Pattialy, by Raja Purtab Sinh, and Byana, by Dawood Khan Lody." Briggs' Translation, i. 541. We may be sure, that the Hindus, in all directions, took advantage of this dismemberment of the Patan sovereignty, to assert their own independence, and to augment the anarchy that must have prevailed. W. 316 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. i, upon the death of his father, repaired to his uncle at Sirhind, and so effectually cultivated his 1446. favour, that he received his daughter in marriage, and his recommendation to succeed him in his go- vernment. But Ibrahim left a brother Feroze, and a son Koottub, who disputed the pretensions of the son-in-law of the governor of Sirhind. Beloli was the most powerful and adroit; and of course the successful competitor. The rest, however, excited against him the Emperor of Delhi. His country was attacked and overrun. But Beloli kept his army together, and speedily recovered his territory, when the imperial troops were withdrawn. By activity, valour, and skill, something was daily added to the power of Beloli : by indolence, effeminacy, and folly, something was daily detached from the power of the sovereign of Delhi : till Beloli was able to measure strength with him, on more than equal terms, and finally to seat himself on his throne. The mother of Beloli was smothered, while preg- nant, under the ruins of a falling house. Her husband, opening her body, saved the infant, afterwards em- peror of Hindustan. It is related that when Beloli was yet a youth, in the service of his uncle, a famous Durvesh, whom he came to visit, suddenly cried out with enthusiasm. Who will give two thousand rupees for the empire of Delhi *? Beloli had but one thousand six hundred rupees in the world. But he sent his servant immediately to bring them. The Durvesh, receiving the money, laid his hand upon the head of Beloli, and gave him salutation and blessing as the king of Delhi. Ridiculed by his companions as a dupe, Beloli replied, that if he GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 317 obtained the crown it was cheaply purchased : if not, BOOK in still the benediction of a holy man was not without its use. 1480. Those Omrahs, who regarded their own preten- sions to the throne as not inferior to those of Beloli, were disaffected. A party of them joined Mahmood, who held the usurped sovereignty of Bahar, and the country towards 'Orissa 1 ; and was called king of Jonpoor, the city, at which he resided, on the banks of the Goomty, about forty miles from Benares. The victory which Beloli gained over their united forces established him firmly on his throne. Beloli made a progress through his unsettled pro- vinces confirming or removing the several governors, as he supposed them affected to his interests. He was not long suffered to remain in peace. Between him and the rival sovereign of Jonpoor, or the East, an undecisive war was carried on during the whole of his reign. The advantage, partly through force, and partly through treachery, was, upon the whole, on the side of Beloli, who at last drove the king of the East from Jonpoor, and severed from his do- minions the district to which it belonged. In his declining years Beloli divided the provinces of his empire among his sons, relations, and favourites ; and died at an advanced age, in the thirty-ninth year of his reign. He was a modest sovereign ; and when reproved by his friends for showing so little of the prince, " It was enough for him," he replied, " that 1 Whence this is derived does not appear : it is not in Ferishta. The predecessor of Mahmood invaded Bengal but it was only a predatory in- cursion. The kings of the East never had possession of any part of Orissa W. 318 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK HI the world knew he was king, without his making a CHAT. 3. vain parade of royalty." 1526. The partition which Beloli made of his dominions had no tendency to prevent those disputes about the succession which are so frequent in the east; but neither, perhaps, did it augment them. A strong party of the Omrahs declared for Sekunder, one of the younger sons of Beloli ; and after some struggle of no great importance he was seated firmly on the throne. The usual measures were pursued for placing the provinces in a state of obedience : and Sekunder was stimulated to endeavour the restora- tion of some of the districts which for several reigns had affected independence on the throne of Delhi. The tranquillity, however, of an empire, which had been so long distracted, was not easily preserved : and Sekunder was perpetually recalled from the frontiers of his kingdom, to anticipate or to quell insurrections within. He waged notwithstanding a successful war with the king of the East, who had been driven from Jonpoor by the father, and was now driven from Bahar by the son. But he found himself unequal to a war for the recovery of Bengal, to the confines of which he had once more extended the empire of Delhi ; and that important province still remained in the hands of the usurper. Sekun- der reigned, with the reputation of abilities, and of no inconsiderable virtue, for twenty-eight years and five months, and was succeeded by his son Ibrahim. Ibrahim had personal courage, and was not alto- gether destitute of talents : but he was a violent, capricious, unthinking prince ; and quickly lost the affections and respect of his subjects. One of his GAURIAN AND AFGHAN DYNASTIES. 319 maxims was, " that kings had no relations ; for that CHAP. 3. all men equally were the slaves of the monarch." This, though perfectly constitutional doctrine in the 1525> East, was a language which had now become un- usual to the proud Omrahs of the falling throne of Delhi. Ibrahim was involved in an uninterrupted struggle with rebellion ; against which, however, he maintained himself, during a space of twenty years. His empire was then invaded by Baber, a descendant of the great Timur, who in 1525 deprived him at once of his throne and his life. CHAPTER IV. From the Commencement to the Close of the Mogul Dynasty. UPON the death of Shahrokh, the son of Timur, and the division of the dominions of that conqueror among his descendants, quarrels and war ensued ; the weak- ness and vice, which are the usual attendants upon long-inherited sovereignty, weakened the unsteady powers of Asiatic government ; and in a few years the great empire of Timur was in a state of dissolu- tion. The Turks, who had penetrated into western Asia, and who, under Bajazet, received a dreadful overthrow by the arms of Timur, no sooner felt the weakness of government in the hands of his succes- sors, than they pressed upon the nearest provinces, 320 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. and at an early period were masters of Mesopotamia. Ismael was a disgraced servant of Jacob Beg, the 1525. eighth in the Turkish dynasty of the white sheep. Pursuing the career of a military adventurer, he collected around him a number of those daring characters, so numerous in the turbulent and unset- tled countries of the East, whose business it is to seek a livelihood by their sword ; and after a period, spent in subordinate plunder, he conceived himself sufficiently strong to attack, in the year 1500, the governor, or king (for he now affected independence) of the province of Shirvan. After the conquest of Shirvan, Ismael successively made himself master of Tauris, Media, Chaldea, Persia, and became the founder of the dynasty of the Sophis, who held the sceptre of Persia for a number of generations. On the eastern side of the Caspian, Shaibek Khan, a chief of the Usbeks, or Tartars of Desht Kipchak, entered Transoxiana, at the head of his horde, in the year 1494. In the course of four years, he rendered himself master of all Transoxiana and Khorasan ; the last of which was however wrested from the Usbecks, by the arms of Ismael Sophi, in the year 1510. Baber was the grandson of Abu Seid, the king of Zagatai ; and Abu Seid was the son of Mohammed, the grandson of Timur, through Miran Shah. The dominions of Abu Seid were at his death divided among his sons. Ali became king of Kabul ; Ahmed, king of Samarcand; Ahmer, king of Indijan and Fergana; 1 and Mahmood, king of Kunduz andBuduk- 1 A more accurate nomenclature, as \vell as a more precise account, is to be found in the introduction to the Memoirs of Baber, Ivii. Ahmed, was king of Samarkand; Mahmud, of Hisar, Kunduz and Badakhshan; THE MOGUL DYNASTY. ,321 shan. Baber was the son of Ahmer, king of Indiian BOOKIII CHAP. 4. and Fergana; a district surrounded by mountains, lying between Samarkand and Kashgar. He sue- 1525 ceeded his father, while yet very young, in the year 1493 ; l and was immediately involved in a war with his uncles, desirous to profit by his youth and inex- perience. Baber maintained himself against them with varying fortune, sometimes reduced to the lowest ebb, at other times borne on a flowing tide ; till the arrival of Shaibek, the Tartar. Shaibek, after a struggle which was strenuously supported by Baber, swept the posterity of Timur from Transoxiana and Khorasan. Baber was compelled to retire towards Kabul ; where the son of his uncle Ali had been de- throned by his Omrahs, and the greatest anarchy prevailed. The weak resistance opposed to Baber, in Kabul, he had means to overcome, and became master of that province in the year 1504. After spending some years in contending with the enemies who disputed with him the possession of Kabul, and resisted his efforts for obtaining Kandahar, he was fired with the hopes of recovering his paternal do- minions, Ismael Sophi having defeated and slain his enemy, Shaibek. In the year 1511 he marched towards Bokhara, of which, after some resistance, he made himself master. His next object was Samar- kand, which surrendered upon his arrival. His am- bition was to make this celebrated capital of the Ulugh Beg, of Kabul and Ghizni; and Omar Sheikh Mirza, father of Baber, king of Ferghana. 1 It should be 1494. Mem. of Baber. W. 4 By Ferishta, as translated by Dow, he is called Shaibani, ii. 100. M. And in Baber's Memoirs, Shaibak or Shaibani. W. VOL. II. Y 322 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. g reat founder of his house the place of his residence ; - and he appointed Nasir, his brother, governor of 1526 - Kabul. But he had not enjoyed, above nine months, this coveted throne, when the Usbeks, under the successor of Shaibek, 1 returned from the desert, and Baber, after an unavailing struggle, was forced back to Kabul. Baber had not spent one year in re-establishing his authority, in Kabul, 2 when information received of the weakness at Delhi inspired him with the hopes of indemnifying himself in the south for the posses- sions which he had been constrained to relinquish in the north. In the year 1519 he took possession of all the countries on the further side of the Blue River, one of the branches of the Indus. He over- ran a part of the Panjab, levying contributions ; and after chastising the Gickers, who had molested him in his progress, he returned to Kabul. Before the end of the same year, he renewed his march into Hin- dustan, and intended to reduce Lahore; but was interrupted, by news from the northern side of the mountains which separate Bokhara from Kabul, that a district there, of which he still retained possession, had been invaded by the Tartars of Kashgar. The following year, the conqueror was recalled, after he had made some progress in the invasion of Hindu- stan, by intelligence that Kabul itself was assailed by the people of Kandahar. Baber resolved to com- plete the conquest of this neighbouring country, 1 His son Mohammed Taimur Sultan. W. * An interval of three years elapsed, during -which, Baber -was endea- vouring to re-establish his authority in Kandahar. Mem. of Baber, 245. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 323 before he again led out his armies to regions more BOOKin CHAP. 4. remote. The vigour of the king of Kandahar, who ' held out for three years, procured, thus long, a 1525 - respite to the kings and Omrahs of Hindustan ; or rather afforded three additional years 1 for the ex- ercise of their mutual hostilities, and the oppression of the wretched inhabitants. But in the year, 1523, Kandahar being at last reduced, Baber rendered himself master of Lahore and the Panjab. The next year, beginning to feel the seducements of luxury and ease, he contented himself with directing his troops in Hindustan to march against Delhi. But they were attacked and overthrown. 2 In 1525 Baber resolved to repair this misfortune by his pre- sence. Ibrahim marched out to defend his capital with an army as much inferior in bravery, as it was superior in numbers. It was speedily routed, Ibra- 1 This is a mistake, the period being confounded -with that previous to Baber's first invasion of India. It was in his third invasion, in 1520, that Shah Beg, of Kandahar, laid siege to Kabul, and Baber returned to its succour. During the following year, he completed his preparations for retaliation, and finally reduced Kandahar to his authority in 1522. Mem. of Baber, 286. W. 2 This is not a correct representation of the events. Baber led his army into India in 1524, and was joined by several of the nobles of Delhi, with Ala-ad-din, the brother of Ibrahim. Amongst others, were Doulet Khan, and his son, but they shortly deserted Baber, and raised an opposition in the Panjab, which rendered it advisable for him to fall back on Lahore, after having advanced to Sirhind. From Lahore, he returned to Kabul, leaving Ala-ad-din and several of his chiefs, as his governors in the conquered pro- vinces. They were almost immediately dislodged by Doulet Khan, and obliged to join Baber, at Kabul. It was then that he sent a force into India under the command of his officers, and Ala-ad-din, that the latter might be assisted to ascend the throne of Delhi ; and his reason for not leading the army in person, was, his being obliged to march to the relief of Balkh, which was besieged by the Uzbeks. Ala-ad-din was defeated, and again took refuge, though rather reluctantly, with Baber, as he ad- vanced on his fifth and final invasion of Hindustan, in the cold season of 1525. Mem. of Baber, 295. W. Y 2 324 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. was slain in battle, Baber entered Delhi, and, mounting the throne of the Afghans, or Patans, be- 301 gan the Mogul dynasty in Hindustan. Great efforts were still demanded for the reduction of the provinces, the Omrahs of which being Af- ghans, and expecting little favour under a Mogul monarch, held out, and even formed themselves into an extensive and formidable confederacy, setting a son of the late Sekunder, as sovereign, at their head. Baber's principal officers, alarmed by the resistance which it seemed necessary to overcome, combined in offering him advice to return. The king, declaring that he would relinquish such a conquest only with his life, displayed so formidable a spirit of resolution and perseverance, that in a short time the confe- deracy began to dissolve. Many of the Omrahs, who were the weakest, or whose territories were the most exposed, came over to Baber, and entered into his service. At last a great battle was fought, which Baber with difficulty won, but which gave him so decided a superiority, that his enemies were no longer able to meet him in the field. Having reduced the provinces which latterly paid obedience to the throne of Delhi, he advanced against the Omrahs of the East, who for a length of time had affected independence. He had scarcely, however, conquered Bahar, when he fell sick and died, in the year 1530. Humayoon succeeded to the throne of his father, but was not long suffered to enjoy it in peace. His brother Kamran, in the government of Kabul, formed a resolution of seizing upon the Panjab ; and Humayoon was fain to confer upon him the govern- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 325 ment of all the country from the Indus to Persia, on BOOKm J CHAP. 4. condition of his holding it as a dependency. Mah- mood, too, the son of the Emperor Sekunder, whom lr > 3 - 40 - the confederated Omrahs had placed at their head, was again joined by some chiefs, and kindled the flames of war in the eastern provinces. A victory gained by the Emperor extinguished all immediate danger in that quarter. But Shir Khan, the regent of Bahar, refused to give up the fortress of Chunar. A conspiracy was formed in favour of Mohammed, a prince of the race of Timur ; and Bahadur, king of Guzerat, was excited to hostilities by the protec- tion Humayoon afforded to the Rana of Chitore. Bahadur was unequal to his enterprise; the war against him was pushed with activity and vigour, and he lost entirely the kingdom of Guzerat. Hu- mayoon was now in favour with fortune ; from Guzerat he marched to the eastern provinces, and reduced Chunar. Having gained the passes he then entered Bengal; the government of which had recently been usurped, and its sovereign expelled by the enterprising Shir. He took possession of Gour, then the capital of the province ; and there resided for several months ; but, his troops suffering from the humidity of the climate, and his two brothers now aspiring openly to his throne, he was compelled to proceed towards Agra, which he and his father had made the seat of government. In the mean time, Shir, though he had been defeated, was not subdued. He made himself master of the strong fortress of Rotas, after he had been obliged to retire from Gour ; and he now threw himself in the way of Humayoon, whose presence was urgently required 326 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. * n anot h er part of his empire. Humayoon, threatened with detention, if nothing worse, desired accommoda- 4 - tion. After a negotiation, it was agreed that the government of Bahar and Bengal should be conferred upon Shir, on his paying a slight tribute in acknow- ledgment of dependence. The chance of finding the camp of the Emperor unguarded, under the negli- gence inspired by the prospect of peace, was one among the motives which led Shir to open the ne- gotiation. The perfidy succeeded ; and Humayoon, having lost his army, was constrained to fly. He repaired to Agra, and was joined by his bro- thers, whose united strength was no more than suffi- cient to defend them against Shir the Afghan. But their conflicting interests and passions defeated every scheme of co-operation. The army with which Humayoon marched out to meet the assailant was overthrown ; the capital no longer afforded him a place of refuge ; he fled from one place to another, subject at times to the greatest hardships ; and was at last obliged to quit the kingdom, and seek an asy- lum in Persia, where he was hospitably and honour- ably entertained. The grandfather of Shir, the new sovereign of Hindustan, came from the district of Roh l in the mountains of Afghanistan, in quest of military em- 1 This district, -which gave its name to the Rohillas, a people considera- ble in the history of British India, is said by Major Stewart, on his Per- sian authorities, to have been the original seat of the Afghans, whose mountainous country (Roh signifies a mountainous country ; and Rohillas, mountaineers or highlanders) extended, according to the same authorities, in length from Sewad and Bijore to the town of Sui, in Bukharest, and in breadth from Hussin to Rabul. Stewart's Bengal, p. 127. M. There is some curious blundering, either by Stewart, or the authorities he has fol- lowed in these statements ; and if the latter, it is extraordinary that he THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 327 ployment, in the reign of Beloli, and entered into the BOOK in service of an Omrah of the court. His son Hussun followed the Subahdar, who acquired the title of 1536 - 54 - King of the East ; and rose to considerable rank in his service. Ferid, the son of Hussun, received the name of Shir, which signifies lion, from killing with his own hand, in the presence of the King or Governor of Bahar, an enormous tiger which rushed from a thicket. When this monarch died, and his son, a minor, succeeded him, the government of Bahar rested chiefly in the hand of Shir; and a short time elapsed, when the young prince, having made his escape, left the name as well as the power of sovereign to the usurper. He had just accom- plished the conquest of Bengal, when Humayoon, returning from Guzerat, invaded his dominions. 1 Immediately after his victory, Shir assumed the imperial title of Shah, and exerted himself with great activity in reducing the provinces to his obedience. His mandates ran from the farthest branch of the should have cited them without correction. What contiguity could Bu- kharest possibly have to any part of the Afghan country, and where are Hussin and Rabul ? Ferishta furnishes a more accurate version. Rob. extends in length, he says, from Swad and Bajour, to Sui, in the district of Bhukkur, and in breadth, from Husun Abdul, to Kabul. According to him, Roh means mountain in the Afghan language, but no such term occurs in the list of Pushtu words collected by Mr. Elphinstone, nor in a Pushtu vocabulary, compiled by Mohabbet Khan, of which, a MS. is in the library of the E. I. C. ; Roh, is there explained to be the name of an extensive country, intermediate between Iran and Turan ; bounded on the north by Kashkar, on the south by Baluchistan, on the west by Herat, and Kashmir on the east ; being, in fact, the country of the Afghans. It maybe doubted if this description is very accurate. Roh seems to offer traces of the older appellation of a district of more limited extent, or Arachosia. A town called Roh-kaj, is noticed by Ibn Hakil, not far from Ghizni. W. 1 What relates to Bengal, in these transactions, is extracted minutely by Mr. Stewart, (Hist, of Bengal, sect. 5.) HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in Indus, to the Bay of Bengal; a more extensive do- CHAP. 4. . . J minion than for some ages had belonged to any sove- 1536-54. r eign of Hindustan. Besieging one of the strongly situated forts, which abound in India, he was killed by an accidental explosion of gunpowder, when he had reigned five years in Hindustan. What can be said of few sovereigns, even in still more enlightened ages, he left various monuments of public beneficence to prolong the memory, and the love, of his short administration. He built caravanseras at every stage, from the Nilab, or farthest branch of the Indus, to the shores of Bengal ; he dug a well for the refresh- ment of the traveller at every two miles ; he ordered that all travellers, without distinction of country or religion, should at every stage be entertained, accord- ing to their quality, at the public expense ; he had trees planted along the roads to shelter the travellers against the violence of the sun ; he established post- horses, the first in India, for the more rapid convey- ing of intelligence to government, 1 and for the ac- commodation of trade and correspondence ; even the religious comfort of the traveller was not neglected ; a number of magnificent mosques were erected along the road, and priests appointed for the performance of devotional services. Shir left two sons, of whom the youngest, being with the army, was proclaimed king. A struggle, as usual, ensued, for the possession of the throne; a feigned accommodation was made up between the brothers ; war again quickly broke out ; the eldest 1 This is a stage of civilization to which the Hindus had not arrived. M. It is one to which British India has not attained. There are obsta- cles to this arrangement which it is difficult to surmount. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 329 lost a battle, from which he fled, and disappearing, BOOKIII was never heard of more. The youngest remained emperor, by the name of Selim. The Omrahs, how- 1536 ~ 5 4> ever, or Subahdars of the provinces, who never neg- lected an opportunity that promised a chance of independence, rebelled in several quarters. In some instances they were not without difficulty subdued. After several years spent in reducing his dominions to order and obedience, Selim was roused from his dreams of future tranquillity, by intelligence that the exiled emperor Humayoon was on his way from Persia with an army, for the recovery of Hindustan. Selim prepared for action with vigour. But Humayoon, instead of advancing, retired. Selim, shortly after, was seized with a violent distemper ; and died sud- denly, in the tenth year of his reign. He left a son to succeed him ; but only twelve years of age. There was a nephew to the late em- peror Shir, by name Mubarik, whose sister was mother of the young prince. Mubarik assassinated the boy in the arms of his mother, three days after he had been proclaimed as king. Mohammed was the name which Mubarik thought proper to use upon the throne. Vice, pro- fusion, and folly, the attributes of his character and administration, lost him speedily the respect of his people, and the obedience of his Omrahs. His bro- ther Ibrahim raised an army, from which Mohammed fled to the eastern provinces, leaving Ibrahim to assume the style of royalty at Delhi. This was not all. Ahmed, another nephew of the emperor Shir, laid claim to the sovereignty in the Panjab, assumed the name of Sekunder Shah, and marched towards Agra. 330 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in I] )ra hi m me t him, and was defeated. Ibrahim was CHAP. 4. attacked on the other side, by the vizir of Mohammed, 1036-54. an( j a f ter severa i turns of fortune, fled to Orissa. Sekunder took possession of Agra and Delhi, while Mohammed was engaged in a war with the governor of Bengal ; in which at first he was prosperous, but finally stript of his dominions and life. In the mean time, Sekunder was summoned to oppose the exiled emperor Humayoon, who had now a second time returned for the recovery of his throne. When Humayoon made his escape into Persia, Tamasp the son of Ismael, second of the Sophis, ruled from beyond the Euphrates, to the farthest boundary of Transoxiana. The governor of the pro- vince which first afforded shelter to Humayoon re- ceived him with distinction ; and he was conveyed, with the respect which seemed due to his rank and misfortunes, to the Presence at Ispahan. He was treated by Tamasp as a sovereign ; and his misfor- tunes excited the compassion of a favourite sister of the king, and of several of his councillors. At their instigation an army of ten thousand horse was intrusted to Humayoon ; with which he advanced towards Kandahar, still governed, together with Kabul, by one of his rebellious brothers. After an obstinate resistance, the city of Kandahar fell into his hands, and the rest of the province submitted. Jealousy and dissatisfaction soon sprung up between him and the Persian commanders. But various Omrahs of the country now joined him with their troops ; and, marching to Kabul, he was joined by the second of his rebellious brothers, and several other chiefs. Kabul was in no situation to resist ; THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 331 and his hostile brother fled to Bukker, a wild and 6001 ^ 11 CHAP. 4. desert province toward the mouth of the Indus, governed by a relation. When Kabul was subdued, 1536 - 54> Humayoon crossed the mountains to the north, for the purpose of reducing Budukshan, that district of the Mogul kingdom of Transoxiana which had remained united to the dominions of Baber. In the mean time his brother returned from Bukker, and in the absence of Humayoon and his army obtained possession of Kabul. Humayoon hastened from Budukshan, gave battle to his brother's army, routed it, and laid siege to Kabul. His brother seeing no hopes of success, fled from the city by night, and made his way to Balkh, where he received assistance from the governor, marched against Humayoon's new conquest of Budukshan, and expelled his governor. Humayoon left him not to enjoy his acquisition in peace : he marched against him, and forcing him to submit, treated him with lenity and respect. Humayoon next involved himself in hostilities with the Usbeks of Balkh, over whom at first he gained advantages, but at last was routed, and obliged to retreat to Kabul. In this retreat he was deserted by his perfidious brother, whom he had recently spared. Some of the chiefs of his army wrote to that deserter, that if he could attack the army of Humayoon, they would betray him in the action. Humayoon was ac- cordingly defeated ; and obliged to fly towards Buduk- shan, leaving Kabul a third time to his foe. Being joined, however, by the second of his brothers, who now repaid by great services his former demerits ; and by several other chiefs ; he was speedily in a condition to march again to Kabul with a force 332 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. which his brother was by no means able to withstand. After some resistance the brother was obliged to fly ; and though he continued for several years to raise disturbance, he was no longer able to endanger the sovereignty of Humayoon. That prince though now in possession of part of hisancientdominions, though aware of the distraction which prevailed in the rest, and invited by the inhabit- ants of Agra and Delhi, paused at the thought of in- vading Hindustan. At first he was able to raise an army of only fifteen thousand horse. With that he began to advance towards the Indus, where he was joined by his veterans from Kandahar. The governors of the Panjab and Lahore fled before him; and those coun- tries were regained without a contest. Sekunder de- tached an army, which advancd towards the Sutlej. But the general of the advanced division of the army of Humayoon surprised the camp of Sekunder in the night, and entirely dispersed the troops. This disaster made Sekunder hasten with his main army to meet the enemy ; a great battle was fought under the walls of Sirhind in which the young Akbar, son of Humayoon, showed remarkable spirit and resolu- tion. Sekunder, being routed, fled to the mountains of Sewalik. Humayoon re-entered Delhi in the year 1554; but was not destined to a long enjoyment of the power which he had regained. As he was supporting him- self by his staff on the marble stairs of his palace, the staff slipped, and the emperor fell from the top to the bottom. He was taken up insensible, and expired in a few days, in the year 1 555, the fifty-first of his age. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. Tamasp still reigned in Persia. But the Usbeks had now possessed themselves of Bokhara, and of the greater part of Transoxiana. Akbar, the son of Humayoon, though not quite fourteen years of age, was placed on his father's throne. He had been nursed in difficulty and mis- fortune; and, young as he was, those powerful teachers had done much in forming his mind. When Humayoon with the few friends who adhered to him first fled from India, they nearly perished in the sandy desert which lies between Ajmere and the Indus. With the utmost difficulty, and after the loss of many lives, they arrived at Amercot, the seat of a Hindu Raja, about two hundred miles from Tatta. It was here that Akbar was born. Humayoon, pro- ceeding to Kandahar, where he still hoped for sup- port, was attacked by the governor of Kandahar, and obliged to fly, leaving his infant son and his mother behind him. Akbar was kept at Kandahar by the governor, till Humayoon was on his march from Persia, when he sent him to his uncle at Kabul. When Humayoon after Kabul was taken, again beheld his son and his wife, he took the child in his arms, then four years of age, and exclaimed; "Joseph by his envious brethren was cast into a well; but he was exalted by Providence to the summit of glory." Akbar once more fell into the hands of his uncle, when that rebellious prince regained possession of Kabul. When Humayoon returned to besiege him, Akbar was bound to a stake, and exposed upon the battlements. Hu- mayoon made proclamation, that if injury happened to Akbar, every human being in Kabul should be put to the sword. The wretched uncle was deterred, 334 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. forcibly restrained, from exposing it to such a disaster. 1557. Byram, the chief of the Omrahs in the service of Humayoon, a man of talents, but of a severe, or rather of a cruel disposition, was appointed regent during the minority ; which, in so unsettled and turbulent an empire, was not likely to be attended with general submission and peace. The first object of the new government was to ex- terminate the party of the late pretended emperor Sekunder ; and for this purpose an army, with the young sovereign at its head, marched toward the mountains. Sekunder fled; the Raja of Nagracote made his summission ; and the rainy season coming on, the army retired into quarters. In the mean time, the Governor who had been left by Humayoon in the command of Budukshan assumed independence ; and presumed so far upon the weak- ness of the new government, as to march against Kabul. The city stood a siege of four months ; but at last submitted, and acknowledged the authority of the invader. This calamity arrived not alone. Himu, the vizir of Mohammed, the usurper who retained a part of the eastern provinces, marched to the centre of the empire with a formidable army. He took Agra. He took Delhi. The young Shah still remained in his quar- ters. A council of war was held, in which Byram advised to march against the enemy. The principal part of the Omrahs, as the hostile army amounted to 100,000, horse, that of the king to scarcely 20, 000, held it advisable to retreat. But the young Shah supported the opinion of Byram with so much THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 335 ardour, that he kindled the enthusiasm of the Omrahs, BOOK in C HAP 4 who declared their resolution to devote their lives and fortunes to his service. 1557-60. While the army was on its march, the governor of Delhi, he by whom the city had just been surren- dered, joined the King. Waiting for a time when the presence of the Prince offered no interruption, Byram called this governor into his tent, and be- headed him. It was to anticipate, he told the King, the clemency of the royal mind, that he had taken upon him, without consultation, to make this ex- ample ; necessary to let the neglectful Omrahs know, that want of vigour was hardly less criminal than want of loyalty ; and that, as meritorious services would be amply rewarded, so no failure in duty should pass with impunity. The Prince, whatever were his thoughts, thanked the regent for the care he bestowed upon his person and government. The brave Himu made the necessary dispositions for encountering the imperial army. ' The contending parties arrived in presence of one another in the neighbourhood of Paniput. The Moguls, who had been reinforced on the march, fought with great con- stancy, and the enemy were thrown into disorder. Himu advanced, conspicuous on a towering elephant, and endeavoured by his example to reanimate his troops. He was shot with an arrow through the eye ; and his followers, believing him killed, endeavoured to save themselves by retreat. Himu drew the eye out of the socket with the arrow ; and continued the fight with unabated constancy. But the driver of his elephant seeing a mortal blow aimed at himself offered to direct the animal wherever he should be .33(3 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii i desired. 1 Upon this, Himu was surrounded and CHAP. 4. taken. i. r j57-60. When the battle ended, he was brought into the presence of Akbar, almost expiring with his wounds. By ram, addressing the king, told him it would be a meritorious action to kill that dangerous infidel with his own hands. Akbar, in compliance with the advice of his minister, drew his sword, but only touching with it gently the head of his gallant captive, burst into tears. This movement of gene- rous compassion was answered by the minister with a look of stem disapprobation ; and with one blow of his sabre he struck the head of the prisoner to the ground. This important victory restored tranquillity to the principal part of Akbar's dominions. It is true that in the same year the invasion of a Persian army, under the nephew of Tamasp, rendered that prince for a time master of Kandahar. And the late pre- tended emperor Sekunder advanced into the western provinces, and made the governor fly to Lahore. But the imperial standards were carried with expedi- tion towards the Indus ; Sekunder was cooped up in a fort; when, offering to surrender the place and all his pretensions, he was permitted to retire into Bengal, and Akbar returned to Lahore. The overbearing pretensions of an imperious, though useful servant, and the spirit of a high- 1 This is indistinct : Ferishta's account is, Shah Koolly Khan, (one of Akbar's officers,) levelled his lance at the driver, who, in order to save his own life, pointed to his master, and promised Shah Koolly Khan, to guide the elephant wherever he directed : he accordingly, it -would seem, drove the animal amongst a body of Akbar's horse. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 337 minded, though generous sovereign, could not long BOOKIII be reconciled. Mutual jealousies and discontents ' arose ; the minister used his power with cruelty to 1557-60. deliver himself from those who stood in his way ; he increased by that means the disgust of his master ; yet he contrived for a time to preserve himself in power, by occupying the mind of the King with military preparation and action. An expedition, which ended successfully, was planned against Gua- lior, at that time a place of the highest importance. In the same year, one of Abkar's generals subdued all the country about Jonpoor and Benares, hitherto retained by the Omrahs who had derived their power from the gift or the weakness of the late princes of the Afghan or Patan dynasty. Opera- tions were commenced against Malwa, possessed by another of those Omrahs. But all this business and success served only to retard, not prevent, the fall of the minister. When the royal ear was found open to accusations against the harsh and domineering Byram, courtiers were not wanting to fill it. He was secretly charged with designs hostile to the person and government of the Shah ; and the mind of Akbar, though firm, was not unmoved by imputa- tions against the man he disliked, however destitute of facts to support them. After some irresolution and apprehension, a proclamation was issued to announce that Akbar had taken upon himself the government; and that henceforth no mandates but his were to be obeyed. Byram, who had shown so much resolution w r hen serving his master, was full of indecision when called upon to act for himself. The sovereign advised him to make a voyage to VOL. n. z 338 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in Mecca. At one time Byram proceeded to obey ; at CHAP. 4. _ another time he resolved to render himself mdepen- 15GO. d en t; j n S ome of the provinces which Akbar had not yet subdued ; and at another time conceived the design of seizing and governing the Panjab itself. He attempted arms, but met with no support ; and, driven to his last resource, implored the clemency of his master. Akbar hastened to assure him of for- giveness, and invited him to his presence. When the unfortunate Byram presented himself with all the marks of humiliation, and bursting into tears threw himself on his face at the foot of the throne, Akbar lifted him up with his own hand, and setting him in his former place at the head of the Omrahs, "If the noble Byram," said he, " loves a military life, he shall obtain the government of a province in which his glory may appear ; if he chooses rather to remain at court, the benefactor of our family shall be distin- guished by our favours ; but should devotion engage the soul of Byram to make a voyage to the holy city, he shall be provided and escorted in a manner suit- able to his dignity." Byram, desiring leave to repair to Mecca, received a splendid retinue^ and allowance ; but in his passage through Guzerat, an Afghan Chief, whose father he had formerly slain in battle, pretending salutation, stabbed him with a dagger, and killed him on the spot. In the year 1560, a son of the late Shah Mo- hammed, who had found means to raise 40,000 horse, advanced with a design to recover the pro- vince of Jonpoor. The generals of Akbar, who had the province in charge, vanquished him with the forces under their command. Presuming, how- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 339 ever, on their services or strength, they delayed BOOK In remitting the plunder. Akbar went towards them ' without a moment's delay ; upon which they made 15 G- 8 - haste to meet him with the spoils. He accepted their obedience ; praised their valour ; and bestowed on them magnificent gifts. This is a specimen of the behaviour of Akbar to his Omrahs. Their proneness to seize every opportunity of disobedience he restrained by prompt and vigorous interference ; seldom punished their backwardness ; but always bestowed on their services honour and renown. Hussun, the governor of Ajmere, made some pro- gress in subduing several forts in that hilly country, yet held by Hindu Rajas. The general, sent to re- duce Malwa, had carried on the war in that province with so much success as to drive the pretended king out of his dominions. He fled, however, to the so- vereigns of Kandesh and Berar; from whom he received such effectual support as to be able to defeat the army of the imperial general, which he pursued to the vicinity of Agra. Akbar gave commission to Abdalla, the Usbek, governor of Kalpy, a city and province on the Jumna, to prosecute the war ; and by him was Malwa annexed to the Mogul dominions. About the same time the Gickers, those restless tribes of Hindus, who so often from their mountains disturbed the obedience of the upper provinces, were united under a warlike chief, and assumed the appearance of a formidable enemy. They were attacked with the usual vigour of Akbar's govern- ment; and compelled to receive, though of their own nation, a sovereign named for them by the Moguls. Z2 340 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in Notwithstanding the virtues of Akbar's adminis- CHAP. 4. - tration, the spirit of rebellion, inherent in the prin- ciples of Indian despotism, left him hardly a mo- ment's tranquillity, during the whole course of a long and prosperous reign. Hussun revolted in Ajmere, and gained a victory over the imperial troops who were sent to oppose him. Hakim, brother of Akbar, a weak man, the governor of Kabul, began to act as an independent prince. A slave of his, approaching the king while marching with his troops, let fly an arrow which wounded him in the shoulder. Abdalla, the Usbek, master of Malwa, believed himself so strong, and the king, pressed by rebellion in various quarters, so weak, that he might erect a throne for himself. He contrived artfully to spread a rumour, that the Shah had contracted a general hatred of the Usbeks in his service, and meditated their destruc- tion. This gained over Sekunder and Ibrahim, the governors of two of the eastern provinces. Asaph, who held the government of Korah, had obtained great wealth by subduing and plundering a rajaship or Hindu kingdom, between Berar and Bengal, which till this time had escaped the ravage of a Mo- hammedan conqueror. 1 Not wishing to part with 1 This is a very ungallant mode of passing over an instance of female heroism highly celebrated in the Hindu annals. The district in question was Gurra, or Gurrah Mundela, then under the regency of a queen-mother, Durgauti, or Durgavati. Upon the incursion of the Mohammedans, she led her forces in person against the invaders ; a sanguinary conflict ensued, the event of which was long doubtful, until the queen, who was mounted on an elephant, was disabled by a wound fron^an arrow in her eye. lit r troops then gave way, .and fearing to fall into the hands of the victors, Durgavati snatched a dagger from the girdle of the elephant-driver, and stabbed herself. The story is told by Ferishta, and is confirmed by an inscription found at Gurra Mandala, and translated by Captain Fell. As. Res. xv. 427. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 341 any of this wealth and influence, he joined with the BOOK in rebels, in hopes of being able to defy the imperial power. Even Zemaun, the captain-general of the 1560-80. empire, and his brother Bahadur, two chiefs of great power and renown, joined the enemies of Akbar, and hoped to raise themselves on the ruins of the king. Akbar, whom neither exertion nor danger dis- mayed, opposed himself to his enemies with an activity, which often repaired the deficiencies of pru- dence. It would be tedious to follow minutely a series of expeditions, so much the same, to subdue one rebellious chieftain after another. Akbar had made considerable progress in reducing the eastern provinces to obedience, when he learned that Hakim, governor of Kabul, 1 in hopes of advantage from his absence, had advanced towards Lahore. The tran- quillity of the northern provinces, whose inhabitants were hardy and warlike, was always regarded by Akbar as worthy of more watchful solicitude than that of the east, where the people were effeminate and more easily subdued. Leaving therefore the reduction of the Usbek rebels still incomplete, he hasted towards Lahore ; and surprising his brother by the celerity of his appearance, he rendered oppo- sition hopeless, and crushed the rebellion in its bud. In the mean time the Usbeks increased their army, and extended their conquests. The expeditious movements of Abkar left them little time to enjoy their advantages. Having returned with a recruited army, he came to an action with the combined forces 1 It was Akbar's brother Mohammed Hukeem, Mirza, who had been driven out of Kabul by Soliman Mirza, and who endeavoured to obtain unauthorized possession of Lahore, as an equivalent. W. 342 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in of the insurgents, and gained a great victory, which - effectually quashed the rebellion in the east. 1560-80. i^ unsettled state of the province of Malwa soon required the royal presence. Among other measures, for the secure possession of that important district, he advanced to the attack of Chitore, 1 a fort of great natural strength, situated in a mountainous and dif- ficult part of the province, inhabited by Hindus, who had been frequently subdued, by the more powerful of the Mohammedan princes, but had as often revolted when the reins of government were held by a feeble hand. After an obstinate resistance Chitore was taken. Rantampore, in the Arrabarree hills, in the province of Ajmere, was also a hill-fort, of great strength, which had often been taken from the Hindus, and as often recovered. Having reduced Rantampore, as well as Callinger, another strong hold of similar description and importance, in the same range of mountains, 2 he directed his attention to Guzerat. This was one of the provinces the governor of which, during the decline of the Patan or Afghan dynasty, had assumed independence; and it had been governed as a separate kingdom for a number of years. After a time it had fallen into the same confusion, which seems the common fate of Asiatic sovereignties whether great or small. The Omrahs became too powerful for the sovereign ; the different districts or governments assumed independence ; 1 The particulars of this capture are narrated by Tod. Annals of Mewan, i. 325. W. * There is no range of mountains in this part of India. Calinjcr, and some other elevations of a like character, are detached hills springing abruptly from a plain. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 343 and the royal power was reduced to a shadow. In BOOK In CHAT. 4. this situation the province offered but little resist- ance to Akbar ; the different leaders, who felt their 156 - b - inferiority, courted favour by hastening submission. Hussun, in Ajmere, w r as able to take the field with an army ; but as the king was now at leisure to push the war against him, he was driven from the province, and, with the remains of his army, fled to the Panjab. Attacked by a warlike tribe of the inha- bitants, he was there taken prisoner, delivered up to the governor of Multan, and by him put to death. No sooner had the king turned his back on Guzerat, than some of the turbulent chiefs began to assemble armies, and prepare the means of resistance. The rainy season was now commenced, when the great army was unable to move ; but Akbar, selecting a small body of cavalry, pursued his way with the utmost expedition to Guzerat, surprised the rebels in the midst of their preparations ; offered them battle notwithstanding the inferiority of his force, and, contrary to all prudential calculation, gained a victory, w T hich established his authority in Guzerat. The province of Bengal paid a nominal submission to the throne of Delhi, but during several reigns had been virtually independent. After the other pro- vinces of the empire were reduced to more substantial obedience, it was not likely that grounds of quarrel would long fail to be laid between Akbar and the King of Bengal. The governor or Subahdar of Oude being ordered, as contiguous, to begin opera- tions against him, had gained some important advan- tages, and was besieging Patna, when he was joined by the Shah. The Bengal chief, seeing no chance 344 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in O f success, offered terms of accommodation. Akbar CHAT. -1. _ consented to engage for his life, but demanded that 1580. every thing else should be left to his clemency ; to spare, however, the blood of their subjects, he offered to decide their disputes by personal combat. In the following night the Bengal chief went secretly down the river in a boat, and his troops immediately evacuated the city. Akbar returned to Agra ; and the governor of Oude, to whose jurisdiction Patna was annexed, was ordered to complete the reduction of Bengal. The vanquished sovereign was allowed to retain Orissa. But unfortunately for him, the Zemindars of Bengal still adhered to his interests, and speedily assembled a considerable army for his restoration. Having put himself at the head of this armament, he was taken prisoner, and in the absence of Akbar put to death in cold blood, upon the field. For a short space Akbar now enjoyed tranquillity and obedience throughout his extensive empire ; and wisely made use of the interval to visit and inspect its several provinces. Soon was he recalled to his former troubles and exertions. The recently sub- dued Bengal furnished a variety of discontented spirits, who again appeared in arms ; and his brother, in Kabul, marched against Lahore. Akbar never allowed disobedience in the upper provinces to gain strength by duration. He hastened to Lahore, overcame his brother, followed him close to Kabul, and received a message from the vanquished prince, imploring forgiveness. Akbar, with his usual generosity, which was often inconsiderate, and cost him dear, replaced him in his government. The peace of Bengal was in the mean time THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 345 restored: but a formidable rebellion broke out in BOOKir CHAP. 4. Guzerat, which the son of Byram, the late regent, was sent to subdue. He was opposed with great 1593 - obstinacy ; and some power. But being a man of talents, he restored the province in a little time to obedience, and was rewarded with its government. The governor of Kabul, the king's brother, died. The state of the upper provinces seemed upon that occasion to require the presence of Akbar, and he marched towards the Panjab. Here he projected the conquest of Kashmere, and despatched an army for that purpose. The season being ill-chosen and pro- visions failing, that army found itself unequal to the enterprise. Akbar, however, was not willing to be foiled : he despatched a second army ; and the con- quest was made with little opposition. Soon after this, the Governor of Kandahar, a province which hitherto had paid but a nominal submission to the Mogul throne, unable to defend himself against his rebellious brothers, and the Usbeks, who had now rendered themselves masters of Transoxiana and Bactria, and were formidable neighbours to the northern provinces of Hindustan, offered to deliver up his government to Akbar ; and received that of Multan in exchange. Akbar, who now beheld himself master, from the mountains of Persia, and Tartary, to the confines of the Deccan, began to cast the eyes of ambition on that contiguous land. He gave directions to his gover- nors, in the provinces nearest the Deccan, to prepare as numerous armies as possible ; and to omit no oppor- tunity of extending the empire. He despatched am- bassadors to the kingdoms of the Deccan, more with a 346 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. . 1 design to collect information, than to settle disputes. And at last a great army, under Mirza, 1 the son of Byram, who had reduced Guzerat, marched in ex- ecution of this project of unprovoked aggression, and unprincipled ambition. We have already observed the circumstances which attended the first establishment of a Mohammedan empire in the Deccan, and it will now be necessary to recount shortly the events which intervened from the death of Alia Bhamenee, in the year 1357, to the invasion of Akbar in 1593. 2 Alia was succeeded by his son Mohammed, who reigned seventeen years, and carried on successful wars against the Rajas of Telingana and Beejanuggur, 3 a city on the Tum- medra or Toombuddra, the most southern branch of the Kistna or Krishna, and at that time the capital of a considerable kingdom. 4 He stript these sovereigns of part of their dominions, and rendered them tri- butary for the rest. A circumstance is recorded by the historian, which indicates but a thin population in that part of India. The number of li ves which were destroyed by his wars was computed at near 1 Mirza was his title ; his name was Abdool Ruheem, but he was com- monly called Mirza Khan ; he was also entitled Khan-khanan. W. * For the succeeding sketch of the history of the Mohammedan sove- reignties in the Deccan, Ferishta's History of the Deccan, translated by Captain Jonathan Scott, and Wilks's Historical Sketches of the South of India, have been the principal guides. 3 Called Bisnagar, in the common maps, and Vijeyanuggur by Col. Wilks. Bijanuggur was but a modern power, in the South of India, and had risen upon the ruins of the Rajaship of Warunkul. Historical Sketches, by Col. Wilks, ch. i. 4 Col. Wilks thinks that the whole of the south of India, (i. e. India to the south of the Kistna,) had for a considerable space of time been com- prised in the empire of Vijeyanuggur. Ibid. p. 20. After the ruin of the Rajaship of Warunkul, when was the time for such an aggrandisement ? THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 347 500,000, among whom was the natural proportion of BOOKIII both sexes, and of all ages ; for Indian wars spare neither sex nor age : And by this loss, the regions 1593 - of the Carnatic, says the historian, were so laid waste, that they did not recover their natural population for several kerruns, or revolutions of ten years : yet they had never before been more than slightly overrun by a foreign invader ; and the virtues or vices of Hindu policy were here to be traced in their natural effects. 1 Mujahid the son of Mohammed, was assas- 1 The premises are not of a character to warrant this conclusion. It is not true of 'Indian' wars, whether Mohammedan or Hindu, that they "spare neither age nor sex;" and, if the number be correctly stated, it consists for the most part of adult males, killed in battle, or in the sack of cities. It is not very likely, however, that the number is statistically precise, nor can the facts be admitted without further scrutiny ; for, cither the dates or names are irreconcileable with the authentic records of the Bijnagar kings as preserved in inscriptions. Cat. Mackenzie Collec- tion, Introd. 139, and As. Res. vol. xx. p. 1. If at all correct, the injury to the country, however, and consequent depopulation, was not the result only of the numbers slain, but of the ravages committed ; the effects of which, might possibly have been for some time visible ; or, rather, similar effects might have been perpetuated by similar causes ; as, up to the time the historian wrote, about 1596, the whole interval had been one of continual struggle with the Mohammedan kings. The desolate condition which Ferishta notices, may, however, have been the work of much more recent occurrences ; Bijuagar had irrecoverably fallen about twenty years before, by the combined arms of the Moham- medans, and the capital had been destroyed and the country laid waste. The evidence of Ferishta applies to this season, if to any, and there is proof that it is not applicable to the whole intermediate time : we have evi- dence of the flourishing state of Bijnagar, ninety years before his time ; so that the state must have recovered then from whatever blows it had pre- viously sustained. It was well known to early European travellers, as the kingdom of Narsinha : several visited it in the beginning of the sixteenth century, Barbessa, for instance, in 1516, and he describes it as a city of considerable extent, and the seat of a still powerful, though declining mo- narchy. The king maintained 40,000 cavalry, and a very numerous body of foot. Ramusio, Collezione dei Viaggi, vol. 1. As. Res. vol. xx. p. 3. There is no reason, therefore, to attach much weight to the vague asser- tions of the Mohammedan writer, and still less can the inference of scanty population, as the consequence of Hindu misrule be derived from his statement. W. 348 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. sinatcd by his uncle after reigning three years. The murderer Daood placed himself on the throne, but 1593. i os t his own life by assassination, after a month and five days. Of Alia, the first of the Bahmenee so- vereigns, the youngest son was still alive, and had passed his life in confinement during the interme- diate reigns. By the intrigues of the Haram, he was now acknowledged as King, and spent a mild and prudent reign of nineteen years, in almost uninter- rupted tranquillity. His eldest son Gheause suc- ceeded him ; but having affronted one of his Turkish Omrahs, who disguised his resentment the more effectually to secure his revenge, he lost his throne and his eyes, after a reign of little more than a month ; and his brother Shums was made to pos- sess it in his stead. Shums was but fifteen years of age: and was a passive instrument in the hands of the Turk. Of Daood, however, the usurper, who had enjoyed royalty a month, several sons remained, who, under the odium attending the present state of the government, conceived hopes of profiting by the usurpation of their father. By an alternation of force and artifice, they secured the persons of the king and his minister, after a reign of only five months and seven days, and one of the brothers, by name Firoze, took possession of the throne. He reigned upwards of five and twenty years ; and is the most celebrated of all the sovereigns of the Deccan. He was engaged in a variety of wars with the Hindu Rajas; but his acquisitions in point of territory were inconsiderable. His endeavours to secure the succession to his son, by the destruction of a brother of his own, whose power THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 349 and talents excited his fears, involved the last months BOOK -iii of his reign in trouble. But finding his efforts in- 1 effectual, he submitted to necessity, and appointing 1593 - his brother successor, died in a few days. -x The new sovereign, Ahmed, was a man of talents; governed with moderation and prudence; and enjoyed a prosperous reign of twelve years and two months. He overthrew the Raja of Warunkul, and added the city of Telingana to his dominions. The governors who, during the decline of the Afghan or Patan dynasty of Delhi, had assumed independence in the provinces of Malwa, Kandesh, and Guzerat, were now sovereigns, whose contiguity failed not to produce occasions of discord. At different times Ahmed was engaged in war with all those princes, but without any memorable result. He enlarged and beautified the city of Beder, which he called Ahmedabad, and removed to it the seat of government from Kalburga. Toward the conclusion of his reign he projected a partition of his kingdom among his sons. His acqui- sitions in Berar, with some contiguous districts, he assigned to Mahmood; he gave Telingana to Daood; and sent these princes to take possession of their shares. His two remaining sons, Alia and Mohammed were destined to succeed him as colleagues on the throne of Koolburga. They ascended the throne without opposition ; but Mohammed, dissatisfied with the share of power which his brother allowed him, was soon excited to rebel. He was defeated, and treated with generosity by Alia. Their brother Daood having just died in Te- lingana, Mohammed was appointed governor of that kingdom, where he devoted himself to his pleasures, 350 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in an( | lived in peace. Alia was at various times CHAP. 4. attacked, by the Raja of Beejanuggur in the south, 1593 - and the kings of Guzerat, Kandesh, and Malwa, in the north ; but defended himself with success. He sent an army to invade Malabar, which at first gained advantages, but being artfully drawn into a difficult recess of that mountainous and woody country, was almost totally destroyed. After a reign of nearly twenty-four years, he was succeeded by his son Hu- mayoon, who meeting with opposition and rebellion, gave reins to the ferocity of a violent mind; but died, or was assassinated, it is uncertain which, after a reign of a little more than three years. His eldest son, Nizam, was only eight years of age at his accession ; but the reins of government were directed by the queen-mother, a woman of talents, and though the surrounding sovereigns endeavoured to avail them- selves of the weakness of a minority and the king of Malwa penetrated to the very capital, he was repulsed, and the Bahmenee empire remained entire. Nizam died in little more than two years after his father, when the crown devolved upon his second brother Mohammed, who was then in his ninth year. The abilities of the queen-mother, and of a faithful minister, conducted the state in safety through the difficulties and dangers of a second minority; and Mohammed, displaying, when he grew up, considerable talents for government, enjoyed prosperity for a number of years; took part of Orissa, and the island of Goa; and thus extended his dominion from sea -to sea. At last, however, the jealous rivals of the minister forged an accusation, which they presented to the king at an artful moment, and surprised him into a sudden order THE MOGUL DYNASTY. for his destruction. Mohammed soon discovered, and clIAr . j soon repented, his fatal mistake. The ambitious Omrahs, whom the vigilance and talents of the mi- nister had restrained, began immediately to encroach on the royal authority. Mohammed died within a year of the execution of his minister, having languished both in mind and body, from the day of that unfor- tunate and criminal act. His son Mahmood ascended the throne of the Dec- can in the twelfth year of his age. The contentions of the great Omrahs now filled the state with disorder. The sovereign himself displayed no talents for go- vernment, and was a slave to his indolence and pleasures. After plotting and struggling for several years, four of the great Omrahs declared themselves independent in their several governments ; and a fifth, who remained at the court, reduced the power of the sovereign to a shadow, and ruled in his name. Mahmood's nominal sovereignty lasted for thirty- seven years ; during which the Deccanee empire was divided into five several kingdoms; that of Beejapore or Visiapore, founded by Esuff Adil Khan; that of Ahmednuggur, founded by Ahmed Nizam Beheree ; that of Berar, founded by Ummad al Mulk ; that of Golconda, founded by Koottub al Mulk ; their respective governors ; and that of Ah- medabad Beder, founded by Ameer Bereed, who rendered himself master of the person and throne of his master, and retained the provinces which had not been grasped by the other usurpers. This revolution, after being several years in progress, was consum- mated about the year 1526. These sovereigns were 352 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. engaged in almost perpetual wars with one another, with the Raja of Beejanuggur, and with the Sultan of Guzerat, who was so powerful as to hold in a species of subjection the Sultans of both Malwa and Kandesh. A temporary union of the Shahs of Bee- japore, Golconda, and Ahmednuggur, in 1564, en- abled them to subvert the empire of Beejanuggur, and reduce the power of its chief to that of a petty Raja. The kingdom of Beder, which had fallen to the share of Ameer Bereed, was conquered during the reign of his grandson ; and its territories, which were not large, were divided among the other usurpers of the Bahmenee dominions. A similar fate awaited the portion of Ummad, which consisted of the southern part of Berar; it subsisted as a kingdom only four generations ; and was annexed to his dominions by the King of Ahmednuggur in the year 1574. The Deccan was, therefore, at the time when its invasion was projected by the Moguls, divided among the sovereigns of Beejapore, Ahmed- nuggur, and Golconda. At the time when the Bah- menee empire of the Deccan was first divided into separate kingdoms, the Portuguese began their con- quests on the coast of Malabar, and took possession of the island of Goa. In addition to the army which Akbar had des- patched under Mirza Khan towards the Deccan, he sent orders to his son Morad, to whom he had committed the government of Guzerat, to join him with all his forces : Mirza had already been Reinforced with the troops of Malwa, governed by another son of the Emperor, and by six thousand horse belonging to THE MOGUL DYNASTY. the king of Kandesh, who had endeavoured, by sub- BOOK In * CHAP. 4. mission, to avert the ruin which resistance would . ensure. The combined army marched upon Ah- 1598> mednuggur, to which they laid siege. The place was defended with great bravery, till provisions began to fail in the Mogul army, when the generals opened a negotiation, and agreed, upon condition of receiving Berar, to raise the siege of Ahmednuggur, and evacuate the kingdom. The pain felt by the king at the loss of Berar soon prompted him to an effort for its recovery. His army fought a drawn battle with the Moguls. The resolution and ardour of Mirza led him to renew the engagement on the following day, when he defeated indeed the enemy but was so weakened by his loss, as to be unable to pursue the fugitives, or to improve his victory. Mirza was soon after recalled. In his absence the Ahmednuggur arms gained some advantages; and the Mogul interests declined. But in 1598 Mirza was restored to the army in the Deccan, to which the Emperor proceeded in person. Ahmednuggur, was again besieged; and at last compelled to open its gates. The territory of Ahmednuggur was formed into a province of the Mogul empire; and its go- vernment conferred upon Danial, one of the sons of Akbar. The Emperor did not long survive these new acquisitions. He returned to Agra, and died in the fifty-second year of his reign. At the time of the death of this successful prince, his great empire was divided into fiften vice-royal- ties, called Subahs ; each governed immediately by its own viceroy called Subahdar. The names of the Subahs were, Allahabad, Agra, Oude, Ajmere, Gu- VOL. II. 2 A 354 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in Z e r at, Bahar, Bengal, Delhi, Kabul, Lahore, Multan, CHAP. 4. Malwa, Berar, Kandesh, and Ahmednuggur. 1 1605. Shah Tamasp, the second in the line of the Sophis, held the sceptre of Persia till the twentieth year of the reign of Akbar ; when there was a rapid succes- sion of several princes, most of whom were cut off by violence. During these disorderly reigns, the Us- beks made dangerous inroads upon the eastern provinces of Persia, and even threatened the security of the northern provinces of India. At the time of the death of Akbar, Shah Abbas the Great was upon the throne, a prince who made both his neigbours and his subjects tremble at his name. Selim was the only surviving son of Akbar ; but even this fortunate circumstance did not save him from a rival. Selim's own son Khosroo was destined to supersede his father, by Azim Khan, whose daughter was the wife, and by Raja Man Sing, whose sister was the mother of Khosroo. Azim Khan was vizir ; Man Sing had a powerful govern- ment as an Omrah of the empire, and an army of twenty thousand Rajpoots, his countrymen, in his service. The schemes of these powerful chiefs were rendered abortive, by a decisive resolution of the commander of the City guards; who ordered the gates to be shut, and delivered the keys to Selim on his knees. Selim assumed the title of Moham- med Jehangir, or conqueror of the world, and dated his reign from October 21, 1605, being then in the thirty-seventh year of his age. Jehangir, for whom it would have been difficult, in the commencement 1 Ayeen Akbery, ii. 2. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 355 of his reiffn, to contend with the power of Azim BOOKI . 11 CHAP. 4. Khan, and Raja Man Sing, contented himself with sending them to their respective governments; the 1605- vizir to his Subah of Malwa; the Raja to that of Bengal ; and Khosroo was received into favour. A short time elapsed, when Khosroo again rebelled, but, rejecting the advice of Azim Khan, and Raja Man Sing, to assassinate his father, he taught those artful chiefs to despair of his cause, and they ab- stained from lending him any open support. So many followers crowded to his standards, as en- abled him to seize and ravage some extensive dis- tricts. Unable to contend with the army which pressed him, he retired towards the Indus, when his followers dispersed, his principal friends were punished with all the ferocity of Oriental despotism, and he himself was placed in confinement. One of the circumstances which had the greatest influence on the events and character of the reign of Jehangir was his marriage with the wife of one of the Omrahs of his empire, whose assassination, like that of Uriah, cleared the way for the gratification of the monarch. The history of this female is dressed in romantic colours by the writers of the East. Khaja Aiass her father, was a Tartar, who left poverty and his native country, to seek the gifts of fortune in Hindustan. The inadequate provision he could make for so great a journey failed him before its conclusion. To add to his trials, his wife, advanced in pregnancy, was seized with the pains of labour in the desert, and delivered of a daughter. All hope of conducting the child alive to any place of relief forsook the exhausted parents ; and they 2 A 2 356 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. agreed to leave her. So long as the tree, at the foot of which the infant had been deposited, remained 5 ' in view, the mother supported her resolution ; but when the tree vanished from sight, she sunk upon the ground, and refused to proceed without her. The father returned ; but what he beheld was a huge black snake, convolved about the body of his child, and extending his dreadful jaws to devour her. A shriek of anguish burst from the father's breast ; and the snake, being alarmed, hastily unwound himself from the body of the infant, and glided away to his retreat. The miracle animated the parents to maintain the struggle ; and before their strength entirely failed, they were joined by other travellers, who relieved their necessities. Aiass, having arrived in Hindustan, was taken into the service of an Omrah of the court ; attracted after a time the notice of Akbar himself; and by his abilities and prudence rose to be treasurer of the empire. The infant who had been so nearly lost in the desert was now grown a woman of exquisite beauty ; and, by the attention of Aiass to her edu- cation, was accomplished beyond the measure of female attainments in the East. She was seen by Sultan Selim, and kindled in his bosom the fire of love. But she was betrothed to a Turkman Omrah; and Akbar forbad the contract to be infringed. When Selim mounted the throne, justice and shame were a slight protection to the man whose life was a bar to the enjoyments of the King. . By some caprice, however, not unnatural to minds pampered, and trained up as his ; he abstained from seeing her, for some years, after she was placed in his seraglio ; THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 357 and even refused an adequate appointment for her BOOK in maintenance. She turned her faculties to account ; employed herself in the exquisite works of the needle 1611 - and painting, in which she excelled ; had her pro- ductions disposed of in the shops and markets, and thence procured the means of adorning her apart- ments with all the elegancies which suited her con- dition and taste. The fame of her productions reached the ear, and excited the curiosity of the emperor. A visit was all that was wanting to rekindle the flame in his heart ; and Noor Mahal (such was the name she assumed) exercised from that moment an unbounded sway over the Prince and his empire. Through the influence of the favourite Sultana, the vizirat was bestowed upon her father ; her two brothers were raised to the first rank of Omrahs, by the titles of Aetikad Khan, and Asoph Jah ; but their modesty and virtues reconciled all men to their sudden elevation ; and though the emperor, naturally voluptuous, was now withdrawn from business by the charms of his wife, the affairs of the empire were conducted with vigilance, prudence, and success; and the administration of Khaja Aiass was long remembered in India, as a period of justice and prosperity. The Afghans broke from their mountains into the province of Kabul, in the sixth year of the reign of Jehangir; but an army was collected with expe- dition, and drove them back to their fastnesses with great slaughter. About the same time, one insur- rection was raised in the province of Bengal, and 358 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in another in that of Bahar. But the springs of the CHAP. 4. ill JM government were strong ; and both were speedily 16U - suppressed. More serious hostility began in Odipore, a moun- tainous district lying between Ajmere and Malwa, the prince of which, though he had acknowledged subjection to the Mohammedans, yet, protected by his mountains, had never been actually subdued. Amar Singh, the present Rana or prince of Odipore, attacked and defeated the imperial troops in Kandesh. Purvez, the second son of the Emperor, at the head of 30,000 horse, was sent to take the command of all the troops on the borders of the Deccan, and to oppose him. But Amar Singh was no contemptible foe, possessing great authority among his countrymen, and the obedience of a great proportion of the people called Mahrattas, who inhabited the mountains on the south-west, adjoining those of Odipore. Dis- sensions prevailed among the Omrahs of the imperial army, which the youth and easy character of Purvez made him unable to repress. Encompassed with difficulties, and fain to retreat, he was pursued with loss to Ajmere. Purvez was recalled ; a temporary general was sent to take charge of the army ; the Emperor himself prepared to march to Ajmere, whence he despatched his third son Khurrum, to prosecute the war. Khurrum entered the mountains with a force which alarmed the Hindus, and induced the Rana after a few losses to offer terms of accom- modation. It suited the views of -Khurrum to show liberality on this occasion, and to conclude the war with despatch. Peace was effected ; and Sultan THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 359 Khurrum returned to his father, with a vast increase BOOKIII CHAP 4 of reputation and favour at the expense of Purvez ; who was left, notwithstanding, governor of Kandesh ; ien-15. and lived in royal state at his capital Burrahan- pore. 1 It was at the time of which we are now speaking, that Sir Thomas Roe arrived at Surat, ambassador to the Great Mogul. In his way to the imperial presence he repaired to Burrahanpore, to pay his respects to the Prince, and solicit permission for his countrymen to establish a factory in his province. Purvez, whose good-nature, affability, and taste, were better fitted for display, than his facility, indo- lence, and diffidence, for the duties of government, received the European messenger with magnificence and distinction. From Burrahanpore, Sir Thomas repaired to Ajmere, where the Emperor still remained. Jehangir was flattered by the compliments and solicitations of a distant monarch. But the rude court of India was not a place where the powers of an ambassador could be exerted with much effect. In the year 1615, disturbances arose both in Gu- zerat and Kabul. In the most inaccessible parts of Guzerat lived a race of men, known by the name of Koolies, who exercised perpetual depredations and cruelties upon the inhabitants of the open and cul- tivated districts. The enormities of this people had lately risen to an extraordinary height, when Jehan- gir issued a sanguinary order for the utter extirpa- tion of the race. Many were slaughtered ; the rest hunted to their mountains and deserts. Kabul was 1 Written also Brampore, and Boorhanpore. 360 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA ' a g a * n overrun l)y the Afghans, who issued from the - mountains adjoining that province on the north. II" *>ft But the Subahdar, collecting an army, overcame them in battle, and drove them back to their own country. The provinces of the south were still unquiet. Purvez was engaged in a war with the princes of the Dcccan, which, from the dissensions and treachery of his Omrahs, was not successful, and encouraged the Rana of Odipore " to draw his neck from the yoke of obedience." The hopes of the Emperor were again cast upon his younger son ; and though his counsel- lors set before him the danger of sending the younger to supersede the elder, he made light of the menaced evil; bestowed upon Khurrum the title of Shah Jehan or King of the World, and vested him with the con- duct of the war. The easy and unambitious Purvez contested not the royal appointment ; fortune, rather than any merit of Shah Jehan, induced the opposing princes to offer terms of accommodation without try- ing the fortune of the sword ; and the prudent desire of Shah Jehan to obtain the credit of terminating the war, without running any of its dangers, made him eagerly remove every obstacle to the conclusion of the peace. In the mean time the Emperor, accompanied by the English ambassador, departed from Ajmere, to Mando, the capital of Malwa, where he presided at the settlement of the affairs of the south ; and having spent at Mando seventeen months in business and pleasure, he conveyed the royal camp, which was a prodigious moving city, into the kingdom of Guzerat, and thence to Agra, where he arrived after an absence of little less than five years. It was shortly after this arrival, that Khaja Aiass, THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 361 the Vizir, now dear to the nation for the blessings conferred upon it, ended a life which had been che quered by so great a diversity of fortune. The sym- ] pathies of the Sultana with such a father appear to have been strong, in spite of that loss of heart, which flows almost inevitably from the enjoyment of bound- less power. She was inconsolable for his loss : and her inconsiderate mind, and gaudy taste, made her conceive the design of raising a monument of silver to his memory, till reminded, by her architect, that one of less covetable materials stood a fairer chance for duration. Her brother Asoph Jah sustained the weight of administration, in the room of Khaja Aiass, and inherited the virtues and capacity of his father. But he dared not contend with the haughty and un- controllable disposition of his sister. And from the death of her father, the caprices and passions of the Sultana exercised a calamitous influence over the fate of the empire. As the other parts of his dominions were now at peace, Jehangir marched toward Sewalik, or that part of the mountains, separating Tartary from Hin- dustan, which lies near the spot where the Ganges descends upon the plain. In the recesses and valleys of these mountains, lived tribes of Hindus, which, protected by the strength of their country, had es- caped subjection to a foreign yoke, and exercised the depredations, common to the mountaineers of Hin- dustan, upon the fertile provinces below. The Em- peror wished to subdue them ; his army penetrated into the mountains ; and after enduring a variety of hardships, for nearly two years (so long the war con- tinued), brought twenty-two petty princes to promise .362 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in obedience and tribute, and to send hostages to Agra. CHAP. 4. _ During this expedition the Emperor paid a visit to ) 61 5-28. th e delightful valley of Kashmir, where he spent several months. His partiality produced one good effect. A command was issued to improve the road, for the future visits of the Emperor ; and this grand improvement, once begun, was extended to various parts of the empire. In the mean time, the south engendered new dis- turbances, which led to important events. The princes of the Deccan withheld their tribute, and raised an army to make good their disobedience. Intelli- gence arrived that they had crossed the Nerbudda in great force, and were laying waste the adjacent pro- vinces. A great army was placed under the command of Shah Jehan, with which he was despatched to repel and chastise the enemy. As the greatness of the force with which he advanced took from the con- federates all hopes of successful resistance, they has- tened to make their peace, paid arrears, and promised punctuality and obedience. The success and power of Shah Jehan encouraged him now to commence the execution of designs which had long existed in his mind. His eldest brother Khosroo, confined in a fortress in Malwa, from the time of his last rebellion, he prevailed on his father, before departing, to permit him to relieve from his confinement, and carry along with him. That prince was taken off by assassina- tion, and all men ascribed the murder to Shah Jehan. The emperor loudly expressed his suspicions and re- sentment. Shah Jehan conceived the time for revolt to be now arrived ; assumed the royal titles, and marched to attack his father. They came to action not far THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 363 from Delhi, and empire was staked on the turn of a BOOK in die. After an obstinate struggle, the troops of the father prevailed ; and the son, who in his rage and 1615 - 28 - grief had with difficulty been restrained from laying hands on himself, fled in great consternation toward the mountains of Mewat. He was pursued to the Dec- can ; one province was wrested from him after another; and he lost a battle on the banks of the Nerbudda, which broke up his army, and obliged him to fly to Orissa. Here fortune seemed to dawn upon him anew. The governor of Orissa retired at his approach. He made himself master of Burdwan. He next en- tered Bengal, and defeated its Subahdar. He then marched to Bahar, which also yielded to his arms ; and the impregnable fortress of Rotas, of which the governor came to deliver the keys into his hands, presented to him the inestimable advantage of a place of security for his family. In the mean time, the imperial army advanced. That of Shah Jehan was routed, in spite of all his exertions, and he again fled towards the Deccan. All men now deserted him. After some time spent in eluding his pursuers ; his spirits sunk, and he wrote a contrite letter to his father. Pardon was obtained, but with an order to deliver up the forts which were held in his name, and to repair with his family to Agra. That part alone of the command which regarded his own person, he en- deavoured to elude, alleging the shame he should feel to behold the face of an injured sovereign and father ; and occupied himself under the guise of pleasure in travelling with a few attendants through different parts of the empire. During this rebellion Abbas, the Persian Shah, attacked and conquered Kandahar. 364 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 1 The Usbeks also penetrated to Ghizni, but were successfully resisted, and compelled to retreat. The general to whose valour and conduct, on the late extraordinary and critical occasions, the Em- peror owed his success, was Mohabet, from whom, also, on many former emergencies, he had reaped the most important services. The first movement in the breast of Jehangir was gratitude to his benefactor. But Mohabet possessed a dangerous enemy in Noor Mahal. The slave, she said, who had power to keep the crown upon the head of the Emperor, had power to take it off. Fear is nearly allied to hatred in the breast of an emperor. The power of Mohabet was curtailed ; offensive mandates were addressed to him ; a strong fort, which he held, was transferred to a creature of the Sultana. He was commanded to court. His friends represented the danger; but an angry and more peremptory order following his apology, Mohabet resolved to obey. Five thousand Rajputs, who had served with him in the imperial army, offered themselves for his escort. When Mo- habet approached the imperial camp, he was ordered to stop, till he should account for the revenues of Bengal, and the plunder acquired in the recent battle. Mohabet, deeply affected with this injurious treatment, sent his own son-in-law to the Emperor to represent his loyalty, and expose the injustice of his enemies. His son-in-law was seized in the royal square, stript of his clothes, bastinadoed, covered with rags, placed backwards on a horse of the most miserable description, and sent out of the camp amid the shouts and insults of the rabble. Mohabet separated his retinue from the camp ; and resolved THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 365 to watch his opportunity. Next morning, the royal BOOK in army began to cross the bridge which lay upon the river Jelum, or Behut, on the road between Lahore 1615-28. and Kabul. The greater part of the army had now passed, and the royal tents were yet unstruck ; when Mohabet, with two thousand of his Rajputs, gal- loped to the bridge, and set it on fire. Hastening thence, with a few followers, to the royal quarters ; he secured the person of the Emperor, and conveyed him without opposition to his camp. Noor Mahal, in the mean time, contrived to make her escape. Next day Asoph Jah, the vizir, made an obstinate attempt to ford the river, and rescue the Emperor ; but was repulsed with great slaughter. Unable after this, to keep the army from dispersing, he fled to the castle of New Rotas on the Attock, where he was besieged and soon obliged to surrender at discre- tion, while his sister the Sultana fled to Lahore. The Emperor was treated by Mohabet with profound respect; assured that no infringement of his au- thority was designed ; that the necessity alone under which the enemies of Mohabet had criminally placed him, was the lamented cause of the restraint which his imperial master endured. The generous Mohabet, who really meant as he spoke, was well aware that for him there was no security, under Jehangir, while influenced and directed by Noor Mahal. She was repairing to the Emperor upon his own request, when met by an escort of Mohabet, who, under pretence of guarding, kept her a pri- soner. He accused her immediately of treason and other high crimes ; and the Emperor, on whose feeble mind absence had already effaced in some 366 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. degree the impression of her charms, signed without much reluctance the order for her execution. She 1615-28. on jy i )e gg e( ^ that she might have leave, before her death, to kiss the hand of her lord. She was ad- mitted, but in the presence of Mohabet. She stood in silence. The Emperor burst into tears. " Will you not spare this woman, Mohabet *? See how she weeps." " It is not for the Emperor of the Moguls," cried Mohabet, " to ask in vain." At a wave of his hand, the guards retired, and she was that instant restored to her former attendants. In a few months Mohabet restored to the Emperor the full exercise of his authority, and, to show the sincerity of his obedience, dismissed the greater part of his at- tendants and guards. No sooner did the Sultana conceive him in her power, than she importuned the Emperor for his death. The Emperor had virtue to reject her proposal; but the consequence only was. that she resolved to employ assassination. Je- hangir himself discovered to Mohabet his danger; and he fled without attendants from the camp. The man who had saved the Emperor ; and spared both his life and authority, when both were in his hands, was now the object of a command to all the 'go- vernors of provinces to suffer him no where to lurk in existence; and a price was set on his head. Mohabet seized a resolution which accorded with the boldness and generosity of his nature. In a mean habit, he secretly entered the camp of Asoph Jah when it was dark, and placed himself in the passage which led from the apartments of the vizir to the haram. He was questioned by the eunuch on guard, who recognised his voice, and carried to THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 367 Asoph his request to see him on affairs of the utmost BOOK in CHAP. 4. importance. Asoph was not ignorant of the baneful . effects of his sister's passions; nor unmoved by the 1G2S - generosity with which Mohabet had lately treated both her and himself. He took him in his arms, and conveyed him in sil ence to a secret apartment ; Mo- habet opened his mind with freedom on the miscon- duct of the Sultana ; the weakness of Jehangir ; and the necessity of another sovereign to cure the evils of an afflicted state. rt The elder of the princes," said he, " is a virtuous man, and my friend, but we must not exchange one feeble sovereign for another. I know the merit of Shah Jehan; for I have fought against him ; and though his ambition knows no restraint either of nature or justice, his vigour will prevent intestine disorders, and give power to the laws." The views of Asoph, whose daughter was the favourite wife of Shah Jehan, cor- responded, it seems, with those of Mohabet : a plan of co-operation was concerted at that moment : and Mohabet, with letters from the vizir, retired to the court of the Rana of Odipore, to wait for events. The death of the prince Purvez, which happened soon after, of an apoplexy ; and the death of Jehan- gir, which followed at a short interval, saved the conspirators from many difficulties, and probably crimes. It was found, when the will of the Emperor was opened, that he had named Shahriar,his youngest son, successor; at the instigation of the Sultana, whose daughter, by her first husband, that prince had espoused. As a temporary expedient, the vizir placed Dawur Buksh, the son of the late prince Khosroo, upon the throne; but at the same time 368 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in despatched to Mohabet the concerted siernal for com- CHAP. 4. * f mencing operations in behalf of Shah Jehan. Asoph 1628. conquered the troops of Shahriar, and put out his eyes. Shah Jehan proceeded towards Agra; and every obstacle was removed by the death of Dawur Buksh. Shah Jehan was proclaimed Emperor of the Moguls in the beginning of the year 1628. He began his reign by removing all danger of competition. The whole of the male posterity of the house of Timur, with the exception of himself and his sons, were despatched by the dagger or the bow-string. His sons were four in number ; Dara surnamed Sheko, Shuja, Aurungzeb, and Morad ; the eldest, at this time, thirteen ; the youngest, four years of age. Even the daughters of Shah Jehan were important actors in the scenes of his eventful reign. They were three in number, women of talents and accomplishments, as well as beauty. The eldest, Jehanara, was her father's favourite, with a boundless influence over his mind ; lively, generous, open ; and attached to her brother Dara, whose disposition corresponded with her own. The second. Roshenrai Begum, was acute, artful, intriguing, and from conformity of character, favoured Aurungzeb. The gentleness of Suria Banu, the youngest, kept her aloof from the turbulence of political intrigue and contention. The two chiefs, Asoph and Mohabet, who had con- ducted Shah Jehan to the throne, and were the most able and popular men of the empire, were appointed, the first, vizir ; the latter, commander-in-chief of the forces. Through the wide dominions of the Shah, Khan Jehan Lodi, who commanded the army in the THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 369 Deccan, was the only disobedient chief. Even he submitted, as soon as an army approached. The dissensions and weakness usually attending a change of sovereign in the disjointed governments of the East, persuaded the leader of the Usbeks, that conquests might be achieved in Hindustan. Though Abbas still reigned in Persia, and the Usbeks had lately shed their blood in torrents, in disputes about the succession to their throne, they still possessed the regions of the Oxus, of which Abbas had in vain attempted to deprive them. Ten thousand horse, with a train of artillery, penetrated through the mountains in Kabul. They first laid siege to the fortress of Zohac ; but, finding it strong and well defendeded, proceeded to Kabul. The city made a vigorous resistance ; but was at last reduced to extremity. The defenders, resolving however upon one desperate struggle, sallied forth, and repulsed the enemy, who evacuated the province, be- fore Mohabet, on his march from the Deccan, whither he had been sent for the subjugation of Lodi, could reach the scene of action. The disobedience of the Raja of Bundelcund, who was so imprudent as to take offence at an in- crease of tribute, was chastised by an overwhelming force. But the heart of the generous Mohabet was gained by the bravery of his enemy ; and he obtained for him pardon and restoration. All the merit of Mohabet, and all his services, only inflamed the dark suspicions which usually haunt the mind of an Oriental despot. Shah Jehan regarded him with terror ; and by such steps as it VOL. II. 2 B 370 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. appeared safe to venture upon, proceeded to deprive him of his power. The jealous and revengeful passions of the Emperor involved him in difficulties through another channel. When Lodi submitted upon terms, he was appointed to the, government of a province, but not forgiven. He was now ordered to court, and received with so much studied insult, that both his pride and his prudence taught him to look for safety in his independence alone. He escaped with much diffi- culty ; was reduced to the deepest distress ; but, having talents and perseverance, he baffled the imperial pursuers, and reached the Deccan. The re- sources which such a man as Lodi might find in the south made the Emperor tremble on his throne. He raised a large army ; placed himself at its head ; hastened to the scene of action ; and engaged in those struggles for the subjugation of the Deccan, which formed so large a portion of the business of this, and of the following reign. Since the fall of Ahmednuggur, at the close of the reign of Akbar, the following are the principal events which had taken place in the Deccan. The territories of the Nizam Shahee or Ahmednuggur sovereignty were divided between Mallek Umber, who possessed the country from theTelingana frontier to within eight miles of Ahmednuggur, and four of Dowlatabad; and Rajoo Minnaun, ! who ruled from Dowlatabad north- ward to the borders of Guzerat, and southward to within twelve miles of Ahmednuggur; while Mortiza II. a prince of the royal house of Ahmednuggur, with the 1 The name is Mian Rajoo with the epithet Dekhani. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 371 empty name of sovereign, was allowed to hold the BOOK in CHAP 4 fortress of Ouseh, with a few villages to yield him '. subsistence. Perpetual contests subsisted between the 1632 - usurpers; and Umber succeeded at last in taking Raj oo prisoner, and seizing his dominions. Umber was now a sovereign of high rank among the princes of the Deccan, governed his dominions with wisdom, and, exacting something more than respect from the kings of Beejapore and Golconda, held in check the arms of Jehangir himself. He built the city of Gurkeh, now called Aurungabad, five coss from Dowlatabad, and died two years before the present expedition of Shah Jehan, at eighty years of age, leaving his dominions the best cultivated, and the happiest, region in India. Futteh Khan, the son of Umber, succeeded him. Mortiza II., still alive, got him by treachery into his power; and recovered once more to the house of Nizam Beheree the remaining part of the Ahmed- nuggur territories. He did not retain them long; Futteh Khan regained his liberty and ascendency; and, with the concurrence of Shah Jehan, whom he consulted, put Mortiza to death; and placed his son, only ten years of age, upon a nominal throne. l TheBeejaporeandGolcondasovereigntiesremained nearly in the same situation in which they had been found and left by Akbar. Mohammed Adil Shah was now on the throne of the former ; Abdoolla Koottub Shah, on that of the latter kingdom. 2 The Emperor arrived at Burrahanpore the capital 1 Ferishta's History of the Deccan, by Scott, i. 400 403. Umber was one of the adventurers from Abyssinia, of whom so many sought, and ob- tained, their fortunes in the Deccan, during the existence of the Afghan, dynasties. * Ibid. p. 339, 340 ; and 409, 410. 2 B 2 372 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in O f Kandesh, and sent his mandates to the prince of the CHAP. 4. Deccan, to discard their forces, deliver up Lodi, and G32 - make their submissions in person, on pain of destruc- tion. The celerity of the Emperor had allowed to Lodi too little time to make the preparations which resistance to so formidable an enemy required. But he had already engaged the three sovereigns of the Deccan in a confederacy for his support, and had influence to make them reject or evade the commands of the Em- peror. He was intrusted with a body of troops, and, seizing the passes of the mountains, opposed the en- trance of the Mogul army into Golconda. The Em- peror, impatient of delay, removed his general, and commanded the vizir to take upon himself the charge of destroying Lodi, and chastising the insolence of the princes of the Deccan. The princes were already tired of the war, and alarmed by its dangers. The reputation and power of the vizir augmented their apprehensions. Lodi was deserted by all on the day of battle, except by a few chiefs, his friends, who ad- hered to him with their retinues. With these he posted himself on an advantageous ground ; and long arrested victory against the whole might of the impe- rial arms. A neighbouring Raja, to gain the favour of the Emperor, set upon him unexpectedly, as he was pursuing his way to some place of safety, and he lost his brave son with the greater part of his fol- lowers. A party of those who were sent in all direc- tions to scour the country, at last came upon him in a place from which there was no retreat ; and he fell defending himself to the last extremity. Shah Jehan exhibited the most indecent joy when assured of his destruction ; the measure of his terrors, while this THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 373 brave man was alive. After the conquest of Lodi, BOOKIII CHAP 4. the war in the Deccan was little else than a series of ravages. The princes were able to make little resist- 1640-55. ance. A dreadful famine, from several years of excessive drought, which prevailed throughout India and a great part of Asia, added its horrid evils to the calamities which overwhelmed the inhabitants of the Deccan. The princes sued for peace, and the Em- peror agreed to withdraw his army, which he now found it difficult to subsist, retaining, as a security for good behaviour, the forts which had fallen into his hands. During the famine, religion had made the Hindus desert cultivation, and betake themselves to the sup- plications, penances, and ceremonies, pleasing to their gods. The calamities which sprung from this act of devotion raised the indignation of Shah Jehan. Though no fanatic in his own religion, he pronounced that " an army of divinities who, so far from benefit- ting their votaries, led them to inflict upon themselves worse evils than the wrath of an enemy, were unfit to be endured in his dominions." The Hindus how- ever took arms in defence of their gods ; and after some unavailing and unhappy efforts, he desisted, declaring, " that a prince who wishes to have subjects must take them with all the trumpery and baubles of their religion." The Portuguese who had established themselves at Hoogley , in Bengal, and whose presumption rose with their success, gave displeasure to the Subahdar. He transmitted a complaint to the Emperor. " Expel those idolaters from my dominions ;" was the laconic answer. The Portuguese defended themselves bravely, 374 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. v in When compelled to lay down their arms, the principal evil which they were doomed to suffer, was, to see " 55< their religious images broken and destroyed. To this affair succeeded a second revolt of the Raja of Bun- delcund, who warded off the destruction now decreed for him with obstinate bravery for two years. The third son of the Emperor, Aurungzeb, with an expe- rienced general for his guide, had the nominal com- mand of the army, though only thirteen years of age ; and showed that ardour in the work of destruction which distinguished his riper years. When the Emperor marched from the borders of the Deccan, he offered the government of Kandesh and of the frontier army, for which he saw that great talents were required, to the Vizir, who, fearing the consequences of absence from the court, recommended successfully the virtues and capacity of Mohabet. Adil Shah, the King of Beejapore, threatened to wrest Dowlatabad from Futteh Khan, who governed in the name of the young Shah of Ahmednuggur. To pre- vent the annexation of this important fortress to the dominions of his rival, Futteh Khan offered it to Shah Jehan, and Mohabet marched to receive possession. Futteh Khan repented of his offer; and Mohabet laid siege to the fortress. Dowlatabad is a place of great natural strength, standing upon a detached and precipitous rock, and had been fortified with the highest efforts of Oriental skill ; but famine at last made Futteh submit. The young prince, his master, was carried a prisoner to Gualior. . Futteh Khan was allowed to retain his private property, and was destined to become one of the high Omrahs of the empire ; but being seized with insanity, the consequence THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 375 of a wound formerly 'received in his head, he was B OKIII * CHAP. 4. carried to Lahore, where he lived many years on a liberal pension. The fall of Dowlatabad put a period 164 - 55 - to the dynasty of Nizam Shah, which had swayed the sceptre of Ahmednuggur for 150 years. 1 Moha- bet, resolving to pursue the reduction of the Deccan, marched towards Telingana, and laid siege to a for- tress ; but falling sick, and finding himself unable to superintend the operations of the army, he withdrew the troops to Burrahanpore, where he died at an advanced age. The tranquillity of the empire permitted the ambi- tion of Shah Jehan to attach itself to the subjugation of the Deccan. He began to march from Agra. That time might be afforded to the governors of the pro- vinces for joining him with their troops, his progress was purposely slow. In rather less than a year he arrived at Dowlatabad with an accumulated army. This great host was divided into twelve bodies, and poured upon the kingdoms of Golconda and Beerja- pore, with orders not to spare the severities of war : " because war (such was the reflection of Shah Jehan) was the scourge of humanity, and compassion served only to prolong its evils." One hundred and fifteen towns and fortresses were taken in the course of a year. The unfortunate sovereigns were overwhelmed with calamity ; and solicited peace on any terms. It was granted ; but on condition that they should re- sign their dominions, and be contented to hold them as tributaries of the Mogul. The province of Kan- 1 The fall of DowlataLad is somewhat differently related by Dow in his history of Nizam Shah, p. 151. We have here followed the account of Ferishta. Scott's Deccan, i. 402. 376 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. ' J 11 desh, with the army in the Deccan, was left under the command of the son of the late Mohabet, an accom- ' M- plished chief. But he died in a little time, and Au- rungzeb, the Emperor's aspiring son, was appointed to succeed him. About this time a refractory Raja of Berar drew upon himself the imperial arms. That large district of Hindustan was regularly subdued ; and bestowed as a Subah upon the successful general. Another event yielded high satisfaction to the Emperor. The province of Kandahar, which had been wrested from the Moguls by the power of Abbas, Shah of Persia, was now recovered by the treachery of its governor, disgusted with the cruel and capricious sway of Sefi, the successor of Abbas on the Persian throne. Of the operations next in order it is to be lamented that our information is very imperfect. The province of Bengal, we are told, was invaded from the king- dom of Assam, the enemy descending the Brahma- pootra in boats till its junction with the Ganges below Dacca. The Subahdar of Bengal experienced little difficulty in repelling the invaders ; and, not contented with an easy triumph, pursued them into their own country, took possession of several forts, and re- duced some provinces ; but he was obliged to return for want of subsistence, and suffered extremely in his retreat by the commencement of the rains and the badness of the roads. It is related also, that the king-? dom of Tibet was reduced about this time by another of the generals of Shah Jehan, who was delighted to conquer in regions, which the arms of his predecessor had never reached. But to these conquests no effects are ascribed ; and of that which is said to have been accomplished in Tibet we are told neither the place. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 377 nor the extent, nor the circumstances, neither the road BOOK in CHAP. 4. by which the army was led to it, nor that by which it was conducted back. 16.40-55. The numerous subjects of Shah Jehan now en- joyed a tranquillity and happiness such as had seldom, if ever, been experienced in that portion of the globe. The governors and officers, in every part of his dominions, were strictly watched; and not only their obedience to himself, but their duty to his subjects, was vigorously enforced. His reign is celebrated for the exact execution of the laws. And the collection of the revenue, which affects so deeply the condition of the people, and had, in the time of Akbar, been very much improved, was advanced to greater perfection under the diligent administration of Shah Jehan. 1 This tranquillity was scarcely affected by an incur- sion of the Usbeks into Kabul, the governor of which not only repulsed them, but, following the invaders, ravaged their country as far as Balkh, and returned with considerable booty. This success of the governor of Kabul encouraged him to make an incursion into the territory of the Usbeks the following year. But he was on the point of paying dear for his temerity, his com- munications being intercepted, and his retreat rendered in the highest degree dangerous and difficult. The Emperor himself was, at last, infected with the 1 We meet with boasts, in the Oriental historians, of kings, whose ad- ministration of justice was so perfect, that a purse of gold might be ex- posed on the highways, and no man would touch it. Never was justice better administered in India than under the reign of Shah Jehau ; yet knowing more of the circumstances of his reign, we know better what the general eulogies of the Oriental historians mean. Bernier, describ- ing his situation at the time of his arrival at the court of Shah Jehan, speaks of "Ic peu d'argent quimerestoit de diverses rencontres de voleurs." Hist, des Estats du Grand Mogul, p. 5. 378 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. OK HI ambition of conquering the Usbeks. His youngest son, Morad, was sent with an army, and over-ran 1640-55. the country without much difficulty ; but offended his father by returning from his command, not only without, but contrary to, orders. The Usbek sove- reign had fled into Persia, but one of his sons solicited and obtained the co-operation of the kindred tribes beyond the Oxus. Aurungzeb was sent to cope with the new adversary ; and his talents, and persevering courage, were not more than necessary. In a desperate battle victory hung suspended, and fortune was more than once on the point of declaring against the Moguls. After much difficulty, and much loss, the country was indeed subdued ; but its ancient sovereign, writing a most submissive letter to the Emperor, was, on promise of a slight tribute, reinstated in his dominions. It was mortifying to the Emperor, in so high a tide of his power, that Kandahar, regarded as the key of his dominions on the side of Persia, was wrested from his hands. Shah Abbas the Second had succeeded the wretched Sefi, on the throne of Persia : and taking advantage of the removal of the Mogul troops from the northern provinces, and of the subjugation of the Usbeks, which seemed to deliver those provinces from danger, he marched towards Kandahar with a great force, and obtained the city by capitulation, before the Mogul army was able to arrive. The strongest efforts were made for its recovery. Aurungzeb besieged it two several times; and Dara, the eldest son of the Emperor, once. It baffled the operations of both. The most memorable transaction in the reign of Shah Jehan was the renewal of the war in theDeccan. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 379 The frontier provinces, and the army appointed to hold in check the sovereigns of the south, had been intrusted to the command of Aurungzeb ; but the 1640-55. suspicions and jealousy of his father and brothers had made them seek occasions to remove him, at one time to Guzerat, at another in the war against the Usbeks ; he had still, however, found means to regain that important government, and was at Dow- latabad when an occasion offered which a mind like his was not apt to despise. A chief, in the service of the king of Golconda, who had carried the arms of that sovereign against the Rajas of the Karnatic, and added extensive districts to his dominions, fell at last, from apprehension of his power, under the hatred of his master ; and perceived that his life was no longer safe. He transmitted private intelli- gence to Aurungzeb of his readiness to co-operate with him in surprising the city of Hyderabad, not far from Golconda, where the sovereign resided, and where his treasures were deposited. Aurung- zeb, covering his designs under the pretence of an embassy, was admitted into the city, but the king discovered the treachery in sufficient time to make his escape to Golconda ; and as Hyderabad was set on fire in the confusion of the attack, the greater part of the riches which had tempted Aurungzeb was consumed in the flames. Siege was laid to Gol- conda ; but orders arrived from court, suggested by the jealousies which there prevailed, that the king of Golconda should be offered terms of peace. The troops were withdrawn, after the beautiful daughter of the king had been given in marriage to the eldest son of Aurungzeb. The chief, at whose instigation Aurungzeb had HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. undertaken the expedition, was the famous Emir Jumla, born in a village near Ispahan in Persia, and of parents so extremely poor that they had scarcely the means of procuring him instruction to read. A diamond merchant, who travelled to Gol- conda, carried him to that city as a servant or clerk ; at this place he left his master, and began to trade on his own account. With the first of his gains he purchased a place in the service of the king. His talents and address attracted favour; and he as- cended by rapid gradations to the summit of command. During his public services he forgot not the arts of private acquisition ; he had vessels trading to various places, and farmed under borrowed names the whole of the diamond-mines. He greatly added to those riches by his successful wars in Karnatic; and was supposed to possess enormous treasures at the time when he connected himself with Aurungzeb. That prince immediately received him into his inmost friendship; and sought the benefit of his counsels and co-operation in his most important affairs. As it appeared that his talents might be employed advantageously for Aurungzeb at the court of his father, he was sent with such recommendations as helped him quickly to the highest rank. When the office of vizir became vacant, the remonstrances of Dara could not prevent the -Emperor from bestowing it upon Jumla, in the sordid hope of receiving, upon his appointment, a magnificent present, suited to the riches he was supposed to possess. Meanwhile, a new event demanded the presence of Emir Jumla in the Deccan. The king of Beejapore died : and his Omrahs, without consulting the Em- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 381 peror, placed his son upon the throne. The Emperor, who now affected to reckon the sovereigns of the Deccan among his dependants, construed this neglect ] into a crime, which his new vizir was sent with an army to chastise. He joined Aurungzeb at Bur- rahanpore ; and that ambitious, but artful prince, affected to act with profound submission under the orders of his father's vizir. These two leaders under- stood one another. The war was conducted with concert and ability. The city of Beder was taken. The Beejapore army was defeated in the field. Kalburga,the ancient capital of the Deccanee empire, submitted ; and the King threw himself at the feet of the conqueror. After settling the terms of sub- mission, which were severe, Aurungzebe returned to Burrahanpore, and the vizir was recalled to Agra. 1 After these events, the health of the Emperor excited alarm; 2 when the flames, which had for some time been with difficulty compressed, broke out with irresistible fury. To every brother under an Oriental despotism the sons of the reigning mon- arch look, as either a victim, or a butcher; and see but one choice between the Musnud and the grave. The usual policy of Oriental fear is to educate the royal youths to effeminacy and imbecility in the haram : but the sons of Shah Jehan had been led 1 For these transactions of Aurungzeb and Emir Jumla, see Bernier, ut supra, p. 22 32, and the reign of Shah Jehan, chap. v. in Dow. 2 Dow, who follows his Persian authority, says, the malady was paralysis and strangury, brought on by excesses in the haram ; Bernier the physician speaks of it in the following terms ; " Je ne parlerai point ici de sa mala- die, et je n'en raporteray pas les particularitez. Je diray seulement qu'elle estoit peu convenable a un vieillard de soixante-dix ans et plus, qui devoit plut&t songer a conserver ses forces qu'a les ruiner comme il fit." Ut supra, p. 33. 382 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 4 act i n an d indulged with the possession of power. They were not all men of capacity ; but 1656-58. t^y were all arden^ brave, and aspiring ; and each thought himself worthy of empire. Dara, the eldest, gallant, open, sincere, but impetuous, thoughtless, and rash, was destined to the sovereignty by his father, and generally kept near himself; Shujah, the second, was now Subahdar of Bengal, with more prudence and discretion than his elder brother, but far inferior in those qualities to the deep and dissem- bling Aurungzeb, who had from an early age af- fected a character of piety, pretending to hate the business and vanities of the world, and to desire only a retreat, where he might practise the austerities and devotions pleasing to God. Morad, the youngest of the sons of Shah Jehan, was conspicuous, chiefly, for his courage ; popular, from his affability and gene- rosity ; but credulous and weak. When his father's illness gave fire to the combustibles which filled the imperial house, this Prince was serving as Subahdar in Guzerat. As the illness of the Emperor was from the first regarded as mortal, Dara took into his hands without hesitation the reins of government; and with his usual precipitation and violence began to show what he apprehended from his brothers, and what his bro- thers had to expect from him. All communication with them was interdicted on pain of death. Their agents, papers, and effects at the capital were seized. Jumla, and such of the other high officers of the state as were suspected of attachment to any of the younger princes, were removed from their situations. And orders were issued to place the imperial forces in a state of preparation for the field. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 383 Shuja, who was nearest the scene of action, was the BOOK in f* -i CHAP. 4. first to appear in hostile array. From the govern- . ment of the richest province of the empire, which he ] 655-58. had severely pillaged, he was master of a large trea- sure, the best sinew of war ; and he had collected an army with a view to that very contest which was now impending. Soliman, the eldest son of Dara, was despatched without loss of time to oppose him ; found means to cross the Ganges unexpectedly; surprised the camp of Shuja, and forced him to retreat precipitately to Mongeer ; where he was immediately besieged. In the mean time, Aurungzeb was employing the resources of his fertile mind for strengthening his hands, and making sure his blow. He persuaded Morad, that with regard to himself his views were directed to heaven, not to a throne ; but as his bro- thers Dara and Shuja, compared with Morad, were unworthy to reign, he was desirous from friendship of aiding him with all his resources ; after which the only boon he should crave would be to retire into obscurity, and devote his days and his nights to the service of his Maker. Though Emir Jumla had been dismissed from the vizirat, he was sent, through some influence which the Dara could not resist, to the command of an army in the Deccan, where it was the business of Aurungzeb to obtain the benefit of his talents and resources. But the family of Jumla, detained at Delhi, still retained that chieftain in bonds. The expedient which pre- sented itself to the mind of Aurungzeb, fertile in contrivances, was, to seize the person of Emir Jumla. The appearance of constraint would deprive Dara of a pretext for taking revenge on his family. 384 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. sudden resentment of his army could be ap- - peased by promises and bribes. The stratagem 58 ' succeeded, and the talents and army of Jumla were both added to the resources of Aurungzeb. Having concerted with his brother, from Guzerat, to join him at Oojein, he took the route from Burrahanpore, and arrived at the Nerbudda, where he learned that Jesswunt Sing, who had married the daughter of the Rana of Odipore, and through her succeeded to most of the dominions of her father, was in possession of the city of Oojein, and prepared to dispute the passage of the army. The Raja lost the favourable opportunity of attacking the troops of Aurungzeb, when, spent with heat and fatigue, they first arrived on the banks of the Nerbudda. The wily Mogul delayed some days, till joined by Morad: when the brothers crossed the river, and, after a well-contested action, put the Raja to flight. Aurungzeb, who never trusted to force what he could effect by deceit, had previously debauched the Mohammedans in the army of the Raja, by dissemi- nating among them the idea that help to the infidels was treason to the faithful. In the mean time, the Emperor Shah Jehan had recovered from the violent effects of his disorder: and resumed the exercise of his authority. Dara, who during the royal illness had behaved with ten- derness and fidelity truly filial, and delayed not a moment to restore the reins of government when his father was capable to receive them, was exalted to a still higher place in the affections of the Emperor ; who despatched his commands to the Princes Au- rungzeb and Morad to return to their respective governments. Aurungzeb was little inclined to THE MOGUL DYNASTY. intermit the efforts he had so happily begun ; but to BOOK in make war upon his father, beloved both by the ' soldiers and people, was to ruin his cause, and make 1655-58, even his own army desert him. Under colour of refreshing his troops, he waited several days at Oojein ; and the impetuosity of Dara, which the counsels of Shah Jehan were unable to restrain, speedily afforded him a pretext to cover his de- signs. The news of the passage of the Nerbudda, and of the defeat of the Raja, kindled Dara into a flame. He marched out of Agra at the head of the imperial forces ; and enabled Aurungzeb to give out that he fought by necessity ; against his brother merely, not his father; and in self- defence. Dara sent to his son Soliman, who was besieging Shuja in Mongeer, to make what terms he could with that Sultan, and march with all expedi- tion to join him against Aurungzeb. Shuja was allowed to resume the government of Bengal : Soli- man hastened toward the new scene of action : and, could the impatience of Dara have waited, till joined by his son, who was beloved by the soldiers, and at once prudent and brave, the career of Aurungzeb might perhaps have been closed. The emperor trembled at the prospect of a battle ; he threatened to take the field in person, which would have been effectual ; because no authority would have been obeyed in opposition to his. But the infatuated Dara found means to prevent the execution of this design; and marched to occupy the banks of the river ChumbuL, and the passes of the mountains which extend from Guzerat to the Jumna. Aurung- zeb found the passes so strongly guarded, and the VOL. II. 2 C 386 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. enemy so advantageously posted, that he durst not attack them ; and fearing the approach of Soliman, 1655-58. h e wag thrown into the greatest perplexity. In this situation he received, from a treacherous Omrah in the army ofDara, information of a by-road among the hills, which would conduct him to an unguarded part of the river. He left his camp standing to amuse the eyes of Dara ; whose first intelligence was, that Aurungzeb was in his rear, and in full march to- wards the capital. By great exertion Dara threw himself before the enemy, and prepared for action. Dara appeared to most advantage in the field of battle. His bravery animated his troops. The im- petuous gallantry of Morad, and the cool and inven- tive intrepidity of Aurungzeb, were balanced by the spirit of the imperial army and its leader. The elephant of Dara was wounded ; and in an evil hour he was persuaded to dismount. The troops, missing the imperial houda, suspected treachery, and the death of their general ; and every man began to provide for himself. Aurungzeb found himself master of the field of battle, at the moment when he despaired of any longer being able to make his soldiers maintain the contest. Dara fled to Agra, and, after a short interview with his father, departed with his family and a few attendants to Delhi, where some imperial troops and treasures were placed at his disposal, and whence he proposed to effect a junction with Soliman. All the cunning and diligence of Aurungzeb were now exerted to the utmost, to improve his victory. He affected to treat Mor&d as Emperor ; and began to make preparations for himself, as intending imme- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. diately to set out on a religious pilgrimage to Mecca. BOOKIII In the mean time he wrote letters, and exhausted the _____ arts of seduction, to detach the Omrahs from the 1658. cause of Dara. His principal solicitude was to debauch the army of Soliman; which he accom- plished so effectually, that the unfortunate Prince found at last he could place no dependence on its obedience, and was not even safe in its power. He fled from his danger ; and took shelter with the Raja of Serinagur, an unconquered kingdom of Hindus, among the northern mountains. The vic- torious army advanced towards Agra ; but the Em- peror ordered the gates of the citadel to be shut, and Aurungzeb was still afraid to offer violence to his father. He wrote a letter, replete with the strongest professions of loyalty, and of the most profound submission to his parent and sovereign. The Emperor, with the hope of drawing him into his power, affected to be satisfied, and invited him to his presence. Aurungzeb every day pretended that he was just about to comply ; but every day found an excuse for delay. After a series of intrigues, he pretended that to set his mind at ease, in appearing under humiliation and abasement before his father, it was necessary that his son should previously be admitted into the citadel with a guard for his person. The Emperor, who was blinded by his desire to have Aurungzeb in his hands, assented to a condition which seemed indispensable. When he found himself a prisoner in the hands of his grand- son, his rage and vexation exceeded bounds ; and he offered to resign to him the crown, if he would set him at liberty, and join him in defeating the 2 c 2 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. CHAP 4 Sc ^ emes f Aurungzeb. But the youth, though , not averse to the prospect of reigning, and not much less, restrained by the sense of filial duty, refused to com- ply; and, after some hesitation and delay, Shah Jehan sent the keys of the citadel to Aurungzeb. The hypocrisy of Aurungzeb, was not yet renounced. By a letter, which was carefully made public, he declared ; that with the utmost grief he had been reduced to these extremities ; and that as soon as Dara, to whose crimes every evil was owing, should be disabled from future mischief, the happiest event of his life would be, to restore to his father the plenitude of his power. To deliver himself from Morad was the next study of Aurungzeb. The friends of that thoughtless prince had at last brought him to look with suspicion upon his brother's designs ; and even to meditate an act which might deliver him finally from so dan- gerous a rival. The sagacity of Aurungzeb enabled him to discover the intended blow, which he contrived to elude at the very moment when it was aimed and ready to fall. In his turn he inveigled Morad to an entertainment, and, having intoxicated him with wine, withdrew his arms while he slept ; seized him with- out any commotion, and sent him a prisoner to the castle of Agra. 1 It was now useless, if not hurtful to the cause of Aurungzeb, any longer to disavow his ultimate pur- pose. But he waited till he was importuned by his 1 Bernier had not heard of the attempt of Morad upon the life of Aurungzeb. It is here stated upon the Persian authorities of Dow, Bernier, ut supra, p. 109 114. Dow's Shah Jehan, ch. iii. Hist, of Hindostan, vol. iii. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. nobles ; and then, on the second of August, 1658, in BOOK in C H AP 4 1 the garden of Azabad, near Delhi, pretending to be . overcome by their entreaties, he submitted to receive l658 - the ensigns of royalty ; and assumed the pompous title of Aulum-gir, or Conqueror of the World. Aulum-gir allowed not what he had already achieved to slacken his efforts in finishing what re- mained to be done. Dara had taken the route towards Lahore ; and had the resources of the northern pro- vinces, Lahore, Multan, and Kabul, at his command : Soliman was ready to descend from the mountains with the assistance of the Raja of Serinagur, and with a body of adherents who still approached the size of an army : and Shuja was master of the rich province of Bengal. Aulum-gir saw, what every skilful leader has seen, that in the coarse business of war, expedition is the grand instrument of success. He hastened toward the Sutlej, from the banks of which Dara retreated upon the news of his approach. Aurungzeb, pressing on, drove him first from the Beyah, then from Lahore, and next from Multan ; the unfortunate prince, who might have resisted with some chance of success, having lost his resolution to- gether with his fortune. From Multan, he fled across the Indus to the mountains of Bicker, when Aurung- zeb, declaring the war against him to be closed, left eight thousand horse to pursue him, and returned with haste to Agra. He had no sooner arrived at Agra, than he learned, what he partly expected, that Shuja was already in force, and in full march toward the capital, He sent to his son Mohammed whom he had left at Multan, to join him with all his forces ; and in the mean time 390 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. to k tne roa d to Bengal, but by slow marches, till - Mohammed came up. Shuja intrenched himself near Allahabad ; and waited for the arrival of his enemy. Though Shuja did not avail himself of all his advan- tages, he was able to join battle with a fair prospect of success. Nor was this all. In the very heat of the action, the Rajah, Jesswunt Sing, who had made his peace with Aurungzeb, and joined him with his forces, turned his arms against him, and fell upon the rear of his army. The dismay and desertion which every unexpected incident scatters through an Indian army began to appear. But the firmness of the usurper recovered the blow. His elephant, which was wounded and began to be ungovernable, he or- dered to be chained immoveable by the feet ; the soldiers, still beholding the imperial castle opposed to the enemy, were rallied by the generals ; Shuja com- mitted the same fatal mistake which had ruined Dara ; he descended from his elephant, and his army dispersed. Emir Jumla, the ancient friend of Aurungzeb, who from his place of confinement, or pretended con- finement in the Deccan, had joined him on the march, performed eminent service in this battle. It is even said, that Aurungzeb, when his elephant became ungovernable, had one foot out of the castle to alight, when Jumla, who was near him on horseback, cried out sternly, " You descend from the throne !" Au- rungzeb smiled, had a moment for reflection, and replaced himself in the houda. Shuja and his army fled during the night, while Aurungzeb was in no condition to pursue them. Jesswunt Sing and his Rajpoots, who had plundered THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 391 the camp, had the audacity to wait the attack of BOOK ni 15 J CHAP. 4. Aurimgzeb the following day ; and were routed, but without being obliged to abandon their spoil. Leaving 1658 - Mohammed with a force to pursue the vanquished Shuja, Aurungzeb hurried back to Agra. The haste was not without a cause. Dara, after having arrived at Bicker, crossed the desert with his family, and arrived in Guzerat, where he gained the governor. Aurungzeb, aware how small a spark might kindle into a flame, among the disaffected rajas of the mountains, and the distant viceroys and princes of the Deccan, was eager to allow the danger no time to augment. He courted Jesswunt Sing, who had so recently betrayed him, to prevent his co- operation with Dara: and marched with all expedition to Ajmere. Dara had already seized an important pass, and intrenched himself. Aurungzeb was not a little- startled when he first beheld the advantages of the position, and strength of his works. He set in motion his usual engines of treachery and deceit ; and by their assistance gained a complete and final victory. Deserted by all, and robbed of his effects, by a body of Mahrattas in his service, Dara fled towards the Indus with his family, who, nearly destitute of attend- ants, were on the point of perishing in the desert. After many sufferings, he was seized by a treacherous chief, who owed to him his life and fortune ; and de- livered into the hands of Aurungzeb. His murder was only a few days deferred; during which he was ignominiously exposed about the streets of Delhi. While the Emperor was engaged in opposing Dara, his son Mohammed and Jumla the Vizir prosecuted the 392 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in war against Shuja. That Prince had fled from the _____ battle to Patna, from Patna toMongeer,from Mongeer 1668. to Rajamahal, and from Rajamahal he was forced to retreat to Tanda. Shuja was still possessed of re- sources ; his courage and resolution failed not ; and an event occurred which promised a turn in the tide of his affairs. Mohammed had been formerly enamoured of the daughter of Shuja ; and their union had been projected, before the distractions of the royal family had filled the empire with confusion and bloodshed. It is said that the Princess wrote to Mohammed a letter, reminding him of his former tenderness, and deprecating the ruin of her father. The impatient and presumptuous Mohammed was little pleased with the treatment he sustained at the hands of Aurung- zeb ; his heart was touched with the tears of the princess ; and he resolved to desert the cause of his own father, and join that of hers. He expected that the army, in which he was popular, would follow his example. But the authority and address of Jumla preserved order and allegiance. The news of his son's defection quickly reached Aulum-gir; who concluded for certain that he had carried the army along with him, and set out in the utmost expedition with a great force for Bengal. In the mean time Jumla attacked the army of Shuja, which he defeated ; and the conquered Princes retreated to Dacca. Au- rungzeb, pursuing his usual policy, wrote a letter to Mohammed, which he took care that the agents of Shuja should intercept. It purported to be an answer to one received ; offering to accept the returning duty of Mohammed, and to pardon his error, on the per- formance of a service which was nameless, but seemed THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 393 to be understood. This letter smote the mind of Shuia BOOK m " CHAP. 4. with incurable distrust. After a time Mohammed was obliged to depart, and with a heavy heart to intrust 1658 - himself to his unforgiving father. He was imme- diately immured in Gualior, where, after languishing for some years, he was intrusted with liberty, though not with power; but died a short time after. 1 Shuja was speedily reduced to extremity in Dacca, and having no further means of resistance, fled from the province, and sought refuge in the kingdom of Arra- can. But the wretched Raja, who at once coveted his wealth, and dreaded his pursuers, violated with- out scruple the laws of hospitality and mercy. Death, in some of the worst of its forms, soon overtook the family of Shuja. During these transactions, rewards, which were too powerful for the virtue of a Hindu, had been offered to the Raja of Serinagur ; and shortly after the ruin of Shuja, Soliman, the last object of the fears of Aulum- gir, was delivered into his hands, and added to the number of the prisoners of Gualior. From the time when Aulum-gir, having subdued all competition for the throne, found himself the undisputed lord of the Mogul empire, the vigilance ind steadiness of his administration preserved so mch tranquillity in the empire, and so much uni- )rmity in its business, that the historians who de- 3ribe only wars and revolutions, have found little to This account of the fate of Mohammed is given by Mr. Stewart, (Hist. Jengal, p. 276) on the authority of the Muasir Alumgiry, and varies om the account of Ferishta, who says he died in Gualior. M. Dow's supplement to Ferishta is here intended. Ferishta's history closes rith the reign of Akbar, and there is reason to believe that he did not wig survive A. D. 1611 above 40 years before these events. W. 394 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK HI c |o. The most important series of transactions were CHAP. 4. L . . those which occurred in the Deccan ; which ceased not 1661. during the whole of this protracted reign ; laid the foundation of some of the most remarkable of the subsequent events ; and had a principal share in determining the form which the political condition of India thereafter assumed. That we may relate these transactions without interruption, we shall shortly premise such of the other transactions handed down to us (for we have no complete history of Aurungzeb) as fell near the beginning of his reign, and merit any regard. When Aurungzeb marched from the Deccan to contend for the crown, he left Mohammed Mauzim,his second son, to command in his name. When esta- blished upon the throne, it was not altogether without apprehension that he contemplated so vast a power in hands which possibly might turn it against him. Mauzim, aware of the jealous disposition of his father, preserved the utmost humility of exterior; avoided all display, either of wealth or power ; was vigilant in business ; exact in obeying the commands of the Emperor, and in remitting the revenue and dues of his government. He was recalled, notwith- standing his prudence, and Shaista Khan made vice- roy in the Deccan. At the same time, Aurungzeb, seeking security for the present, by directing hope to the future, declared Mohammed Mauzim heir to the throne, and changed his name to Shah Aulum, or King of the World. The third year of his reign was visited with a great famine, a calamity which ravages India with more dreadful severity than almost any other part of THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 395 the globe. It was occasioned by the recurrence of BOOK * n CHAP. 4. an extraordinary drought, which in India almost suspends vegetation, and, throughout the principal 1665 ' part of the country, leaves both men and cattle destitute of food. The prudence of Aurungzeb, if his preceding actions will not permit us to call it his humanity, suggested to him the utmost activity of beneficence on this calamitous occasion. The rents of the husbandman, and other taxes, were remitted. The treasury of the Emperor was opened without limit. Corn was bought in the provinces where the produce was least, conveyed to those in which it was most defective ; and distributed to the people at reduced prices. The great economy of Aurungzeb, who allowed no expense for the luxury and ostenta- tion of a court, and who managed with skill and vigilance the disbursements of the state, afforded him a resource for the wants of his people. It was before the commencement, perhaps, of this calamity, that the empire was agitated by the pro- spect of a fresh revolution from a dangerous sickness of the Emperor. 1 The court was full of intrigues ; on one hand, for Mauzim, the declared successor ; on the other, 'for Akbar, a young, and even infant son of Aurungzeb. Shah Jehan himself was still alive ; and the people in general expected that he would resume the reins of government. But the 1 Dow, (Hist, of Aurungzebe, chap, iv.) places the Emperor's illness after the famine. But Bernier, who was on the spot, and mentions the arrival of ambassadors from the Khan of the Usbeks first among the events succeeding the termination of the civil war, says, that those am- bassadors, who remained somewhat more than four months, had not departed from Delhi when the Emperor was taken ill. Bernier, Evenemens Particuliers des Etats du Mogul, p. 10. 396 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. nation was relieved from its terrors, and from the calamities which too certainly would have fallen upon it. The usurper recovered. But the efforts of Sultan Mauzim, to secure the succession, expressed to the suspicious mind of Aulum-gir, more of the desire to obtain a throne than to preserve a father ; and his purpose in regard to the succession, if his declaration in favour of Mauzim had ever been more than a pretence, was from this time understood to have suffered a radical change. To forward his designs in favour of Akbar, he applied to Shah Jehan, to obtain for that prince, in marriage, the daughter of Dara, who remained in the seraglio of her grandfather. Shah Jehan, though strictly confined in the palace at Agra, had been treated with great respect ; retaining his women and servants, and furnished with every amusement in which he was understood to delight. He had not, however, remitted his indignation against Aurung- zeb, and now sent a haughty and insulting refusal. Aurungzeb had prudence not to force his inclina- tion; and, so far from showing any resentment, redoubled his efforts to soften his mind. The services of Emir Jumla had been rewarded with the government of Bengal. But the mind of Aurungzeb, and indeed the experience of Oriental government, told him, that he was never safe while there was a man alive, who had power to hurt him. He wished to withdraw the Vizir from his govern- ment, but without a rupture, which might raise dis- trust in the breasts of all his Omrahs. To afford him occupation which would detain his mind from planning defection, he recommended to him a war THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 397 against the King of Assam, who had broken into BOOKIII . / CHAP. 4. Bengal during the distractions of the empire, and still remained unchastised. Jumla, who promised 1665 - himself both plunder and reputation from this expe- dition, and whose exploring eye beheld an illustrious path through the kingdom of Assam to the conquest of China, undertook the expedition with alacrity. He ascended the Brahmapootra in boats. The Assamese abandoned the country which lies on the side of the mountains facing Bengal; but the for- tress of Azo was garrisoned, and stood an attack. After the reduction of Azo, Jumla crossed the moun- tains of Assam, vanquished the King, who took refuge in his capital, forced him to fly to the shelter of the mountains, ' and became master of a great part of the kingdom. But the rains came on, which in that kingdom are peculiarly violent and lay the greater part of the level country under water, Jumla found it impossible to subsist his army ; and was under the necessity of returning to Bengal. Incre- dible were the difficulties with which he had to contend ; necessaries were wanting, the roads covered with water, and the enemy every where harassing his retreat. The capacity of Jumla triumphed over all obstructions ; he brought back the greater part of the army safe ; and wrote to the Emperor that he would next year carry his arms to the heart of China. But the army, on its return, was afflicted with a dysentery, the effect of the hardships it had endured. The general escaped not ; and worn out, as he was, with years and fatigue, he fell a victim to the violence of the disease. " You," said the Em- peror to the son of Jumla, whom he had recently 398 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. made generalissimo of the horse, " have lost a father ; and I have lost the greatest and most dan- 661 gerous of my friends." * The next event is ludicrous, perhaps, in itself, but of high importance, as an instance of the power of superstition among the weak and credulous inhabi- tants of India. Of the professors of devotion and penance, going by the name of Fakirs, one class is distinguished by wandering about the country in crowds, almost naked, pretending to live by men- dicity, but stealing, plundering, and even com- mitting murder, wherever prompted by the hope of advantage. In the territory of Marwar, or Jod- pore, an old woman, possessed of considerable pro- perty, began to enlarge her liberalities towards the Fakirs. The sturdy beggars crowded around her, to the number of some thousands, and not satisfied with the wealth of their pious patroness, made spoil of the neighbouring country, and rioted in devotion and sensuality at her abode. The people, exas- perated by these oppressions, rose repeatedly upon 1 Bemier, ut supra, p. 87. M. A particular account of the invasion of Asam is given from the Hadiket-as-safa in the Calcutta Quarterly Magazine, June 1825. The Mogul army suffered not only upon its retreat from disease, but from famine and sickness, during the rains whilst in the country. As an instance of their distress, it is stated that the bat- talion under Diler Khan -was reduced from 1500 to 400 men. No such fort as Azo is mentioned ; the principal towns of Asam were Gergaon and Gohati, both which fell into the hands of the invaders, but were given up on their retreat, which was purchased by a present payment of money and elephants, and a promise, which no doubt was never fulfilled, of more. Mir Jumla was taken ill in Asam, and died at Khizerpore in Kooch Behar. According to the Asamese accounts of this occurrence the Moguls were not only obliged to make a precipitate retreat, but were driven out of territories bordering on Asam, which had for some time been subject to the Emperor. Account of Asam ; Annals of Oriental Literature. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 399 the saints ; but were defeated with great slaughter. BOOK in ' CHAP. 4. The idea of enchantment was generated. The people regarded the old woman as a sorceress ; and believed 1665 - that she compounded for her followers a horrid mess which rendered them proof against human weapons, and invincible. What they were not rendered by enchantments, they were rendered by the belief of them. The Fakirs, finding themselves, under the auspices of an old woman, too formidable for resis- tance, assembled in great numbers, and spread their devastations to a wide extent. The Raja of Marwar attacked them, but was defeated. The collectors of the imperial revenue marched against them with the troops under their command; but sustained a similar disaster. Becoming presumptuous from unexpected success, they resolved on a march to the capital, to the number of twenty thousand plundering saints, with the sacred old woman at their head. About five days' journey from Agra, they were opposed by a body of imperial troops, under the collector of the district. Him they overcame; and now grasped in their ima- ginations the whole wealth and authority of the state. They set up their old woman as sovereign. Aurung- zeb felt the danger to be serious; for the soldiers were infected with the superstition of the people; and it was hazardous to the last degree, from the terrors with which they might be disordered, to per- mit them to engage with the sainted banditti. What was first demanded ; an antidote to the religious contagion ; was invented by Aurungzeb. His own sanctity was as famous as that of the old woman ; he pretended that by means of incantation, he had dis- covered a counter-enchantment ; he wrote with his 400 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. B c * "* own hand, certain mysterious words upon slips of paper, one of which, carried upon the point of a spear 6C5 - before each of the squadrons, he declared would render impotent the spells of the enchantress. The Emperor was believed, and though the Fakirs fought with great desperation, they were all cut to pieces, except a few whom the humanity of the general led him to spare; "I find," said Aurung- zeb, " that too much religion among the vulgar is as dangerous as too little in the monarch." l 1 The whole of this story is a specimen of misrepresentation for which, however, the author is no further censurable than in having too easily given credence to a tale which bears evident marks of inaccuracy and exaggera- tion. The best Mohammedan writers state the matter differently. They say nothing of the patronage by a rich old woman, of a set of sturdy beggars, of their riot and sensuality, or of their conflicts with the people, or of their setting up the old dame as sovereign. The story as they tell it wears every appearance of probability. The persons with whom the distur- bance began were as unlike vagrant Fakirs as possible. They were a sect of quietists Hindu quakers as they have been termed. Sadhs or Satna- mis, who acknowledge one God only, offer worship to no idol or created thing ; who enjoin truth as the first of virtues, who prescribe self-denial, temperance and continence, prohibit the use of all stimulating drugs and liquors, and forbid the assumption of the mendicant marks and raiment, and the acceptance of alms. Trans. R. As. Society, vol. i. 251 ; and As. Res. vol. xvi. 209. They of course follow a secular life : one of them was engaged in the cultivation of his land, when some dispute arose between him and the Peon or revenue watchman set to look after the government share of the crop ; the dispute ended in an affray in which the Peon was worsted ; he relurned to the charge with some of his companions : the Satn&mi was aided by his fellows, and the Revenue officers were put to the rout. This success inspirited the people of the country to make com- mon cause with the Sadhs, and their strength became formidable ; troops were sent against them but they were defeated, and then a notion of their invincibility spread amongst the Mohammedans. It was they who re- ported that the insurgents were invulnerable, and amongst other stories asserted that they were led by a female upon a horse of wood, to which their magic had given animation. The Rajpoot Zemindars, near Delhi, joining the insurgents, Aurungzeb began to be alarmed, and sent a con- siderable force against them, directing the men to wear prayers and amulets upon their persons as counter-charms against the conjuration of the enemy. These were no mysterious slips written by his hand, but passages from the THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 401 In the seventh year of the reign of Aurungzeb BOOK I1J his father died. The life of Shah Jehan had reached its natural period; but his death did not escape the 1665 - suspicion of the pousta, that detestable invention of despotic fears. l After the death of Jumla, the Raja of Arracan had invaded the contiguous quarter of Bengal, and possessed himself of Chittagong and all the country along the coast to the Ganges. He availed himself of the Portuguese settlers, who were numerous at Chittagong, and of their ships, which abounded in the bay of Bengal, and it is said infested the coast and every branch of the Ganges as plunderers and pirates. These evils it consisted not with the vigi- Korau which the Mohammedans very commonly wear. There is very little authority for his supposed observation, and it is not likely that he would have spoken of the faith of infidels as " too much religion." The affair was clearly a sudden and aimless rising of the peasantry and land- holders originating in an insignificant quarrel, but expressing the prevailing feelings of the country, provoked by the exaction and tyranny of the im- perial government. It owed neither its commencement nor its extent to the "power of superstition." W. 1 The Pousta is thus described by the physician, Bernier. Ce pousta n'est autre chose que du pavot ecrase qu'on laisse la suit tremper dans de 1'eau ; c'est ce qu'on fait ordinairement boire a Goualeor, a ces princes auxquels on ne veut pas faire couper la teste ; c'est la premiere chose qu'on leur porte le matin, et on ne leur donne point a manger qu'ils n'en ayent bu une grande tasse, on les laisseroit plutot mourir de faim ; cela les fait devenir maigres et mourir insensiblement, perdans peu a peu les forces et 1'entendement, et devenus comme tout endormis et etourdis, et c'est par la qu'on dit s'est defait de Sepe-Chekouh, du petit fils de Morad, et de Soliman meme. Bernier, Hist, de la derniere Revolut. des Kstats du Grand Mogul, p. 170. It is said, that when the gallant Soliman was, by the treachery of the Raja of Serinagur, delivered into the cruel hands of Aurungzeb, and introduced into his presence, when every one was struck with the noble appearance of the graceful and manly youth, he entreated that he might be immediately beheaded ; and not reserved to the lingering destruction of the pousta ; when the hypocritical Aurungzeb forbade him to fear, adding, that he was cautious, but not cruel. Bernier, Ibid. p. 169. Dow, Reign of Aurungzeb, ch. iv. VOL. II. 2 D 402 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK ii i lance of Aurungzeb to leave without a cure. A new CHAP. 4. deputy was appointed for Bengal ; an army collected 1G68. itself at Dacca; and descended the river. The enemy, though master of the forts and strong-holds of the country, without much resistance retired. The Por- tuguese were invited to betray them, and made no hesitation by their obedience to purchase for them- selves privileges and settlements in Bengal. l The mistake of a secretary was near involving the empire, not only in hostilities with the whole force of Persia, but in all the horrors of a civil war. Aurung- zeb, who had been complimented upon ascending the throne by embassies from the Khan of the Usbeks, and from Abbas 1 1 . Shah of Persia, pro- posed, after settling the affairs of his government, to make the suitable return. The secretary who com- posed the letters, addressed to the respective sove- reigns, inadvertently designated the Shah, by no higher title than belonged to the Khan of the Usbeks. This was interpreted as a meditated insult: and resented by a declaration of hostilities. Aurungzeb wished to explain the mistake, but his ambassador was not admitted even to an audience. His own weapons were tried against him ; and he added an illustrious instance to prove, that he who is practised in the arts of deception is not always the hardest to deceive. Of the Mohammedan army and officers of the Mogul empire, as some were Moguls, some 1 Bernier, (Evenemens Particul. des. Etats du Mogul, p. 88 101) speaks of these Portuguese as infamous buccaneers ; and their own his- torian, Faria de Souza, countenances the assertion, which might have been founded upon the reports of enemies. The Portuguese followed their merchandise as their chief occupation, but, like the English and Dutch of the same period, had no objection to plunder, when it fell in their way. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 403 Afghans, some Turks, and some Usbeks, so a large BOOK in -r, , CHAP. 4. proportion were rersians, among whom was the Vizir himself. The fidelity of this part of his subjects, Aurungzeb was by no means willing to try, in a war with their native country. A letter was inter- cepted from Abbas, addressed to the Vizir himself, importing that a conspiracy existed among the Per- sian nobles to seize the Emperor when he should take the field. Aurungzeb was transported with apprehension and rage. He issued a sudden order to the city guards to surround the houses of the Persian Omrahs, which they were forbidden to quit under pain of death. Aurungzeb found himself on the brink of a precipice. The Persian chiefs were nu- merous and powerful ; a common danger united them; the descendants of the Afghan nobility, who formed a considerable proportion of the men in power, and hated the Moguls, by whom the Afghan dynasty had been driven from the throne, were very likely to make common cause with the Persians. Even if guilty, he beheld appalling danger in attempting to punish them ; but he now reflected that he might have been deceived, and wished only for the means of a decent retreat. He sent for some of the prin- cipal Omrahs ; but they excused themselves from attendance. All had assembled their friends and dependants ; fortified their houses, and waited the appeal to arms. After a suspense of two days, the princess Jehanara arrived. She had been sent for, express, upon the first alarm. The favourite daugh- ter of Shah Jehan, by whom the Persians had always been distinguished and exalted, might render, by her mediation, the most important assistance. After 2 D 2 404 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. * * 4 n a short conference with the Emperor, she presented herself in her chair at the door of the Vizir. This was an act of supreme confidence and honour, The doors of the mansion flew open ; the Vizir hastened to the hall of audience, and prostrated himself at the foot of the throne. Aurungzeb descended, and emhraced him. Convinced that he had been de- ceived, he now sought only to obliterate all memory of the offence ; and with some loss of reputation, and a remainder of disgust in the breasts of some of the Omrahs, he recovered himself from the dangerous position in which a moment of rashness had placed him. Shah Abbas in the mean time, with a large army, was upon his march toward the confines of India ; and Aurungzeb, who had sent forward his son Mauzim to harass the enemy, but not to fight, made rapid preparations to meet him in person. Shah Abbas, however, died in the camp, before he arrived at the scene of action. His successor wished to mount the throne, free from the embarrassment of an arduous war; and Aurungzeb was more intent upon gaining conquests in the Deccan than in Persia. An accommodation, therefore, was easily made. 1 These transactions were all contained within the first ten years of the reign of Aurungzeb, during which several events had already occurred in the Deccan. A new enemy had arisen, whose transactions were not as yet alarming, but who had already paved the way to revolutions of the greatest importance. This was Sivajee, the founder of the Mahratta empire; a power which began when the empire of the Moguls was in its utmost strength; and rose to greatness 1 Dow, Reign of Aurungzeb, THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 405 upon its ruins. In the mountainous regions which BOOK m extended from the borders of Guzerat to Canara, 1 beyond the island of Goa, lived a race of Hindus, 1668> who resembled the mountaineers in almost all the other parts of Hindustan, that is, were a people still more rude and uncivilized than the inhabi- tants of the plains, and at the same time far more hardy and warlike. They consisted of various tribes or communities, to some of which (it appears not to how many) the name of Mahratta, afterwards extended to them all, was applied. 1 Sivajee was the son of Shahjee, a Hindu in the service of Ibrahim Adil Shah, King of Beejapore, from whom he received a jahgir in the Carnatic, with a command of ten thousand horse. 2 Sivajee, when very young, was sent 1 Mheerut, or Mharat, the name of a district, which under the Deccanee sovereigns was part of the province of Dowlutabad, may in former ages, says Mr. Jonathan Scott, have given name to a larger division of Dekkan and the original country of the Mahrattas. Scott's Deccan, Introd. p. x. Ibid. i. 32. The Mahratta language extends along the coast from the island of Bardez to the river Tapti. Orme, Histor. Frag. p. 57. It is said by Col. Wilks, (Hist. Sketches, p. 6) that " from Beder the Mahratta language is spread over the whole country to the northwestward of the Canara, and of a line which, passing considerably to the eastward of Dow- letabad, forms an irregular sweep until it touches the Tapti, and follows the course of that river to the western sea but that in the geographical tables of the Hindus, the name of Maharashtra, and by contraction Mah- ratta desum (or country) seems to have been more particularly appropriated to the eastern portion of this great region, including Baglana, part of Berar and Kandeish : the western was known by its present name Concan." * This is an error. Shahjee was never in the service of Ibrahim Adil Shah. He was at first in the service of Nizam Shah of Ahmednagar, and held a principal command; he afterwards joined the Moguls, then trans- ferred his assistance to Mohammed Adil Shah for a season, but returned to Ahmednagar, aspired to the regency, and set up a prince of the Nizam Shahi dynasty. In this character he was in alliance with the Sultan of Beejapore, and equally the object of the hostility of Shah Jehan. The power of the Emperor being more than he could oppose, he petitioned to be allowed to serve under the Mogul government, but he was told that he 406 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in a i on g with n i s mother to reside at Poonah, of which CI1AI'. -1. - as a Zemindary, his father had obtained a grant, and of which he intrusted the management, together with the charge of his wife and son, to one of his officers, named Dadajee Punt. The mother of Sivajee was an object of aversion to her husband; and the son shared in the neglect which was the lot of his mother. He grew up under Dadajee, to vigour both of body and mind; and at seventeen years of age engaged a number of banditti, and ravaged the neighbouring districts. Dadajee, afraid of being made to answer for these enormities, and unable to restrain them, swallowed poison, and died; when Sivajee took pos- session of the Zemindary, increased the number of his troops, and raised contributions in all the neigh- bouring districts. Such was the commencement of the fortunes of Sivajee. 1 Of his ancestry, the following is the account pre- sented to us. His father was the son of Malojee; and Malojee was the son of Bauga Bonsla, a son of the Rana of Odipoor, by a woman of an inferior caste. 2 The degradation of Bauga Bonsla, from the impurity and baseness of his birth, drove him to seek, among strangers, that respect which he was denied at home. He served, during a part of his life, a Raja, possessing might take service with Bijapore. He accordingly passed the remainder of his life as a dependant upon the Bijapore prince, holding the districts of Poona and Sopa. Duff's History of the Mahrattas, vol. i. W. 1 Aurungzcbe's Operations in the Dckkan, translated by Scott, p. 6. * Mallojee was the son of Bapjee, and married Deepa Bhye the sister of Bunga or Bongo-Bhonslay. No person ever thought of making the latter the son of a Rana of Oudipore, although a legend is known intima- ting the descent of the Bhouslay family from the Raja of Mewar. Duff's Mahratta History 1. 89. See also Tod's Rajasthan i. 235. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 407 a Zemindaree in the province of Kandesh ; and after- BOOK in CHAP. 4. wards purchased for himself a Zemindaree in the neighbourhood of Poonah, where he resided till his 1668> death. His son Malojee entered the service of a Mahratta chief, in which he acquired so much dis- tinction as to obtain the daughter of his master in marriage for his son. This son was Shahjee, and Si- vajee was the fruit of the marriage. But Shahjee, having quarrelled with his father-in-law, repaired to the king of Bejapore, and received an establishment in the Carnatic. He here joined the Poly gar of Mudkul in a war upon the Raja of Tanjore; and having defeated the Raja, the victors quarrelled about the division of the territory. Shahjee defeated the Poly- gar, took possession of both Mudkul and Tanjore; and having married another wife, by whom he had a son named Ekojee, he left him and his posterity Rajas of Tanjore, till they sunk into dependants of the East India Company. l 1 Aurungzebe's operations in the Dekkan, a translation from a Persian manuscript, by Jonathan Scott, p. 6; Appendix A. to Lord Wellesley's Notes on the Mahratta war; East India Papers, printed by the House of Commons, 1804, p. 255. Lord Wellesley seems to have followed Scott. Ekogec, as he is called by Mr. Orme and others, is written Angojee in Mr. Scott's translation, p. 32. The history and origin of the family is related with considerable variations, by Col. Wilks, on Mahratta authorities. (Hist. Sketches, chap, iii.) But if Hindu authority were better than. Persian (and it is far inferior), the facts are not worth the trouble of a critical comparison. It is of some importance to state what is related (ibid.) by Wilks, that Shahjee went second in command in the army of the King of Beejapore which proceeded to the conquest of the Carnatic in 1638 ; that he was left provincial governor of all the Beejapore conquests in the Carnatic, when the general in chief returned to the capital ; that his first residence was at Bangalore, but that he afterwards seems to have divided his time between Colar and Balapoor. Wilks infers from some grants of land by Shawjee, of which the writings still remain, that he affected independence of the declining government which he had served. The acquisition of Tanjore was made, as the Colonel thinks, not by Shaw- 408 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. When Sivajee, upon the death of Dadajee, seized the Zemindaree of Poonah, his father was too much i68 ' occupied in the East to be able to interfere. Aurung- zeb was at the same moment hastening his prepara- tions for the war with his brothers ; and invited Si- vajee to join his standards. The short-sighted Hindu insulted his messenger, and reproached Aurungzeb himself with his double treason against a King and a father. He improved the interval of distraction in the Mogul empire ; took the strong fortress of llay- ree, or Rajegur, which he fixed upon as the seat of his government ; and added to it Porundeh, Jegneh, and several districts dependent on the king of Bee- japore. The threats of that power, now little for- midable, restrained not his career of plunder and usurpation. He put to death, by treachery, the Rajah of Jaowlee, and seized his territory and treasure ; plundered the rich and manufacturing city of Kal- lean ; took Madury, Purdhaungur, Rajapore, Sungar- pore, and an island belonging to the Portuguese. At length the Beejapore government sent an army to suppress him. He deceived the general with profes- sions of repentance and offers of submission ; stabbed him to the heart at a conference; cut to pieces his army deprived of its leader ; and rapidly took posses- sion of the whole region of Kokun or Concan, the country lying between the Ghauts and the sea, from Goa to Daman. jee, but after his death by Ekojee his son ; and his accomplice was not the Raja or Polygar of Mudkul but the Naik of 'Madura, which however appears to have been called Mudkul by the Persian historians. Naik and Polygar were Hindu names of governors of districts, who, as often as they dared to assume independence, affected the title of Raja. Naik was a title of inferior dignity to Polygar. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 409 When Aurungzeb, upon the defeat of his rivals, BOOK in sent Shaista Khan, with the rank of Ameer al Omrah, or head of the Omrahs, to command in the Deccan, 1668 - the Raja Jesswunt Sing, who had redeemed his treachery in the battle against Shuja,by his subsequent dereliction of the cause of Dara, was invested about the same time with the government of Guzerat. As soon as Aurungzeb had leisure to attend to the pro- gress of Sivajee, the viceroy of Guzerat was com- manded to co-operate with the viceroy of the Deccan, in reducing and chastising the Mahratta adventurer. Sivajee could not resist the torrent which now rolled against him. The strong fortress of Jegneh was taken. The Ameer al Omrah advanced to Poonah, where he took up his residence. Here a band of assassins made their way to his bed in the night. He himself was wounded in the hand, by which he warded off a blow from his head, and his son was slain. The assassins escaped, and Sivajee himself was understood to have been among them. Circumstances indicated treachery ; and the suspicions of Shaista Khan fell upon Jess- wunt Sing. These two generals were recalled ; and after an interval of two years, during which the PrineeMohammed Mauzim, or Shah Aulum, held the government of the Deccan, two other generals, Jey Sing and Dilleer Khan, were sent to prosecute the war against the Mahratta chief. Jey Sing was the Raja of Abnir, 1 and Dilleer was a Patan Omrah, who both 1 The mountainous districts, lying between the provinces of Agra and Guzerat, and forming part of the provinces of Malwa and Ajmere, -were inhabited by a race of warlike Hindus, named Rajpoots, who, from pride of superior prowess, claimed to be of a higher caste than the mass of other Hindus. They had been divided into three principal Rajaships ; that of Abnir or Ambecr, called afterwards Jeypore and Jyenagur, on the borders 410 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. had obtained high rank as generals in the service of Shah Jehan ; and being chosen for their merit as the G8- fittest to guide and enlighten Soliman, when sent against Shuja, were the chiefs whom Aurungzeb had gained to betray their master, and debauch his army. Before the arrival of these generals, Sivajee had with great address surprised and plundered Surat ; a city of importance and renown ; the chief port of the Mogul empire ; and that from which the holy pilgrims commenced their voyage to the tomb of the prophet. The operations of the new commanders turned the tide in Mahratta affairs. The armies of Sivajee were driven from the field ; his country was plun- dered ; and Poorundeh, a strong fortress, in which he had placed his women and treasures, was besieged. It w y as reduced to the last extremity, when Sivajee, unarmed, presented himself at one of the outposts of the imperial camp, and demanded to be led to the of Agra ; that of Jodepore or Marwur, south-west from Abnir, approach- ing the centre of Ajmere ; and lastly that of Chitore, called also Odeyporc, from another city, lying further south. Of these Rajas the most powerful had been the Raja of Chitore, whose distinctive title was liana. Jess- wunt Sing, the Raja of Jodpore, having married the daughter of the last Rana, had merged those two kingdoms of Rajpoots into one. Mr. Orme seems not to have been aware of the marriage of Jesswunt Sing, and of its effects ; as he mentions with some surprise, that the name of the Raja of Chitore no where appears in the history of the present transactions. Bernier, Revol. p. 52, 56; Dow. Reign of Shah Jehan, ch. v. p. '21 '2; Scott, ut supra, p. 10; Memoirs of Eradut Khan, p. 18 ; Rennel's Memoir Introd. p. cxxxii. To the above nations of Rajpoots should also be added those of Bondela, or Bundelcund, a district between the provinces of Agra and Malwa, extending from Jeypore, by Gualior and Callinger, as far as Benares. Memoirs of Eradut Khan, p. 17 ; Rennel, ut supra, p. cxxxii. M. For further and more accurate ' information regarding the states and tribes of Central and Western India, see Malcolm's Central India and Tod's Rajasthan. There is no such name as Abnir in Tod, and it is probably a misreading of Amber. The three principalities an- ;. correctly termed Amber, Marwar and Mewar. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 411 general. Professing conviction of his folly, in at- BOOK in . CHAP. 4. tempting to contend with the Mogul power, he craved the pardon of his disobedience, and offered to the ! 1668 - Emperor his services, along with twenty forts which he would immediately resign. Jeysing embraced the proposal; and Sivajee obeyed the imperial order, to wait upon the Emperor at Delhi. Sivajee had offered to conduct the war in Kandahar against the Persians. Had he been received with the honour to which he looked, he might have been gained to the Mogul service, and the empire of the Mahrattas would not have begun to exist. But Aurungzebe, who might easily have despatched, resolved to hum- ble the adventurer. When presented in the hall of audience, he was placed among the inferior Omrahs ; which affected him to such a degree that he wept and fainted away. He now meditated, and with great address, contrived the means of escape. Leaving his son, a boy, with a Brahmen whom he knew at Mut- tra, and who afterwards conducted him safe to his father, he travelled as a pilgrim to Juggernaut, and thence by the way of Hyderabad to his own country. 1 The prince Shah Aulum, and the Raja Jesswunt Sing, were sent to supersede the Raja Jey Sing, who was suspected of an understanding with Sivajee. and died on his way to the imperial presence. 2 The 1 Scott, ut supra, p. 11 17. Mr. Orme, from scattered reports, has stated the circumstances differently. Historical Frag. p. 17, &c. 8 Not without suspicion of poison. Mr. Scott's author, who probably wished to spare Aurungzeb, says, by his moonshee, or secretary (p. 17). Mr. Orme says, by order of Aurungzeb (p. 27). But the Raja was worn out with age and laborious services ; and the only poison, perhaps, was the anguish of disgrace. He is praised by the Mohammedan historians as the most eminent, in personal qualities, of all the Hindus they had yet known ; accomplished in Persian and Arabian learning. His successor, 412 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in change was favourable to Sivaiee; because Jesswunt CHAP. 4. . Sing, who had but little affection to the imperial iocs, gervice, allowed the war to linger, and discontents and jealousies to breed in the army. Sivajee was not inactive. Immediately upon his arrival he took royal titles, and struck coins in his name. His troops, in consequence of his previous arrangements, had been well kept on foot during his absence ; and he attacked immediately the Mogul territories and forts. Surat was again plundered ; he recovered all the forts which he had resigned, and added some new districts to his former possessions. The weakness of Beejapore made him look upon the territories of that declining state as his easiest prey. Neither upon that, however, nor any other, enterprise, could he proceed with safety, till his forts were supplied with provisions ; and provisions, while pressed by the Mogul arms, he found it difficult, if not impossible, to supply. He seems never to have distrusted his own address any more than his courage. By a letter to Jesswunt Sing, he averred, that only because his life was in danger had he fled from the imperial presence, where his faithful offer of services had been treated with scorn ; that still he desired to -return within the walks of obedience; and won hi place his son in the imperial service, if any command in the army, not dishonourable, was bestowed upon him. The stratagem succeeded to his wish; he obtained a truce, during which he supplied his forts ; he dexterously withdrew his son from the Mogul of whom more will be heard hereafter, was celebrated for his astronomical learning, and for the observatory which he erected at Jeyporc. Memoirs of Eradut Khan, p. 18. Note (1) by Scott. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 413 army ; with little resistance he took possession of ^^J 11 several important districts belonging to Beejapore ; compelled the King to pay him a contribution of 1671 " 81 - three lacs of pagodas, and the King of Golconda to pay him another of four. 1 The Emperor, displeased with Jesswunt Sing, as well on account of the ill success of the war, as the divisions and jealousies which reigned in the army, recalled him ; and several generals were successively sent to conduct affairs under Aulum Shah. In the mean time, the Mahrattas plundered the adjoining countries, retreating with the spoil to their forts, in spite of all the efforts of the imperial commanders. At last, in 1671, the Prince himself was recalled. An Omrah, titled Bahadur Khan, 2 succeeded him ; and retained the government till the year 1676. During these years the war produced no remarkable event, though it was prosecuted with considerable activity, and without intermission. The efforts of the Viceroy were divided and weakened, by hostili- ties with Beejapore and Golconda ; which, though they had contributed to the fall of those languishing states, had aided the rising power of Sivajee. In 1677 that chieftain affected to enter into an alliance with the King of Golconda against the King of Bee- japore and the Moguls ; and marched into the terri- tory of Golconda at the head of an army of 40,000 horse. He proceeded to make conquests with great appearance of fidelity ; but placed Mahratta go- 1 Wilks, (p. 30) says nine, upon what authorities he, as usual, omits to state. 4 His proper titles were Khan-jehan-Bahadar Kokaltash though called by Scott, Bahadar Khan. W. HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 4 vera ors in all the fortresses, and enriched himself by plunder. He obtained possession of the impregnable fortress of Gingee by treachery. He laid siege to Vellore, which defended itself during more than four months. An interview took place between Sivajee and Ekojee, the latter of whom, perceiving the insa- tiable appetite of his brother for power, trembled for his dominions. Before he had time, however, to conquer every thing to the north of the Coleroon, he was recalled to his western dominions. 1 Dilleer Khan, who succeeded Bahadur, carried on the war in a similar manner, and was superseded by Bahadur, who received the command anew, in 1681. The most remarkable occurrence, during the admini- stration of Dilleer, was the arrival in his camp of the son of Sivajee, who had incurred the displeasure of his father, and fled for protection to the Moguls. The event was regarded as fortunate, and a high rank was bestowed upon the young Mahratta ; but Sivajee soon found means to regain his confidence, and he had the good fortune to make his escape a little time before his father terminated his indefati- gable and extraordinary career. During all the time of these great and multiplied transactions, a naval war, which we hear of for the first time in the history of India, was carried on between Sivajee and his enemies. At the com- mencement of his exploits, a chief, distinguished by the name of Siddee Jore, had the government of the town of Dunda Rajapore, a sea-port, to the southward 8 This expedition into the Carnatic is noticed by Scott, ut supra, p. >'_' ; by Orme, Hist. Frag. p. 82 87. Col. Wilks, however, (ch. iii. ut supra,) has given the most distinct account, and is here followed. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 415 of Bombay, belonging to the king of Beejapore ; and BOOKI11 at the same time, the command of the fleet, which that sovereign had formed to protect his maritime 1G8L dominions, and their trade, from the naval enemies which now infested the coasts of India. While Siddee Tore was endeavouring to signalize himself against Sivajee in another quarter, that ingenious adventurer arrived unexpectedly at Dunda Rajapore, and ob- tained possession of it by a stratagem. The loss of this important place so enraged the King against Siddee Jore that he procured his assassination. At the time of the capture of Dunda Rajapore, however, the heir of Siddee Jore was in the command of the fleet, which lay at the fortified island of Gingerah, before the town. When the outrage was committed upon his father by the king of Beejapore he tendered his services to Aurungzeb, with the fort of Gingerah, and the whole of the Beejapore fleet. The offer, of course, was greedily accepted. Siddee, it appears, was a name, which was applied in common to those Abyssinian adventurers, who had passed over, in great numbers, from their own country into the service of the kings of the Deccan ; and had there frequently engrossed a great proportion of the principal offices of state. Of this class of men was the admiral who had now enlisted himself in the Mogul service. He was joined by a great number of his family and country- men. He himself was called the Siddee, by way of distinction ; his principal officers had the term Siddee prefixed to their names ; and his crews and followers were in general denominated the Siddees. They carried on an active warfare along the whole western coast of India, and were not only dangerous and 416 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 4 trou blesome enemies to Sivajee, but formidable even - to the British, and other European traders, who fre- 1682. q uen ted the coast. 1 Sivajee breathed his last in his fortress of Rayree, on the 5th of April, 1682, of an inflammation in his chest, at the early age of fifty-two ; having displayed a fertility of invention, adapted to his ends ; and a firmness of mind in the pursuit of them, which have seldom been equalled, probably never surpassed. With the exception of the few small districts possessed by the Europeans, his dominions, at the time of his death, comprehended, along the western coast of India, an extent of about 400 miles in length by 120 in breadth, and from the river Mirzeou in the south, to Versal in the north. Of the detached forts, which at one time he had garrisoned in the Carnatic, only one or two appear to have at this time remained in his hands. 2 During these transactions in the south, we are not informed of any other emergency which called the attention of Aurungzeb from the ordinary details of his administration ; excepting a war with the Patans or Afghans who infested the northern provinces; and another, which the Emperor himself provoked, with the rajpoots of Ajmere and Malwa. The Governor of Peshawur, to punish an incursion of the Patans, had, in 1673, pursued them to their mountains, where he allowed himself to be entangled in the defiles, and was cut off with his whole army. A Patan, who had served in the armies of Sultan Shuja, and bore a strong resemblance to his person, 1 Onne's Hist. Frag. p. 2 to 11, 79 to 81. 8 Ibid p. 133, 134. Wilks says he died in 1680, (ubi supra, p. 91.) THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 417 gave birth to a report, that the Sultan had made his BOOKin ' % CHAP. 4. escape from Arracan. The Patans proclaimed him King of India ; and all the tribes of that people were 1682- summoned to join their forces to place him upon his throne. They were able, it is said, had they united, to bring into the field 150,000 men ; and Aurungzeb was roused by the magnitude of the danger. He took the field in person, and crossed the Indus, about the close of the year 1 674. The war lasted for about fifteen months, during which the Patans were driven from the more accessible country ; and Aurungzeb was too cautious to penetrate among the mountains. A chain of forts was established to restrain them ; and the governor, whom he left at Peshawur, having exerted himself to gain the confidence of the Patan chiefs, drew them to an entertainment at that place, and murdered them along with their attendants. Though Aurungzeb disowned the action, he obtained not the credit of being averse to it. 1 It is probable that Aurungzeb, from political motives, projected the reduction of the Rajpoot states, viewing with jealousy the existence of so great an independent power (able, it is said, to bring 200,000 men into the field), to the heart of his dominions. He put on, however, the mask of religion, and began the execution of a project, or pretended project, for the forcible conversion of the Hindus to the religion of the faithful. Jesswunt Sing, the Maharaja, or Great Raja, as he was called, 2 having died, near Kabul, in 1681, his children, on their return to their 1 Orme's Hist. Frag. p. 6872. 2 The title was not peculiar to Jeswant Sinh. Every Hindu prince or Raja, takes also the epithet of Maha-raja. W. VOL. II. 2 E 418 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. native country, were ordered to be conducted to court ; where he insisted on their being rendered 6821 Mohammedans. Their Rajpoot attendants contrived their escape, and fled with them to their own country. The Emperor revenged the disobedience by a war, which he conducted in person. His numerous forces drove the Rajpoots from the more accessible parts of their difficult country ; but they held possession of their mountains and fastnesses ; and the war degene- rated into a tedious and ineffectual struggle. Au- rungzeb sat down at Ajmere, where he superintended, at a less inconvenient distance, the operations in the Deccan, as well as the war with the Rajpoots. 1 Samba, or Sambajee, the eldest son of Sivajee, succeeded to his throne, but not without a competi- tor, in a younger brother, whose adherents created him considerable danger, till the principal among them were all put to death. While the war was carried on between the Mahratta and the imperial generals in the Deccan, as it had been for several years, by sudden inroads on the one side, and pursuit on the other ; but with few important advan- tages on either; Akbar, one of the younger sons of Aurungzeb, who was employed in the war against the Rajpoots, turned his standards against his father, being offered assistance by the enemy whom he was sent to subdue. One of Aurungzeb's tried artifices, that of raising jealousy between asso- ciates, enabled him to defeat the first attempt of Akbar, who fled from the country of the Rajpoots, and took refuge with Sambajee. 1 Scott's Operations of Aurungzeb in the Deccan, p. 53. Ormc, ut supra, p- 100105, and 119121. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 419 Both Sambajee and Aurungzeb knew the value BOOK in f T- ... m, . . CHAP. 4. or the acquisition. The prince was received with extraordinary honours, by the Mahratta chief, who ]687 - would not sit in his presence. And Aurungzeb, resolving to extinguish the enemy who had so long troubled his government in the south, arrived with a vast army at Aurungabad, in 1684. After the at- tack and defence of some forts, with no important result, the prince Shah Aulum was sent into the Concan, to reduce the Mahratta fortresses on the sea-coast. He found it impossible to procure provisions ; the climate disagreed with the Mogul troops ; and he was obliged to return with only a remnant of his army. 1 In 1687, the Emperor resolved upon the final re- duction of the Mohammedan kingdoms of the Deccan, Hyderabad or Golconda, and Beejapore, which dis- played a greater residue of strength and resources, than their reduced condition had led him to expect. From Ahmednuggur, where the grand camp had already arrived, he moved as far as Sholapore, and sent one army towards Hyderabad, another towards Beejapore. The general, who led the army of the King of Hy- derabad, betrayed his trust, and passed over to the enemy ; upon which the King abandoned the open country, and shut himself up in the fort of Golconda. Hyderabad was taken and plundered. That the Sultan Mauzim, however, who commanded, might not have the honour, which he was wise enough not to covet, of taking Golconda, Aurungzeb accepted 1 Scott, ut supra, p. 5464 ; Orme Hist. Frag. p. 134152. 2 E 2 420 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in th e humble terms which were offered by the CHAF. 4. King, and reserved his destruction till another op- 169 - portunity. Beejapore made considerable resistance, which was aided by scarcity. After the city had been besieged for some time, the Emperor proceeded to the attack in person. Famine at last compelled the garrison to surrender ; and the young King was delivered into the hands of Aurungzeb. 1 He received, about the same time, intelligence of another agreeable event, the departure of Sultan Akbar, from the Mahratta country to Persia. As this lessened greatly, in the eyes of Aurungzeb, the importance of immediate operations against the Mahrattas, he turned from Beejapore towards Gol- conda. Shah Aulum, with his sons, was seized and put in confinement, for remonstrating, it is said, against the treachery aimed at the unfortunate King of Golconda, who had submitted under pledge of honour to himself. Aurungzeb, in truth, was incurably jealous of his son, because heir to his throne ; and was stimulated to ease his mind of a part of its load of terror and distrust. Golconda was invested, and, after a siege of seven months, fell by that treachery, the benefit of which Aurungzeb made it his constant endeavour to procure. He had now thetwosovereigns'of the Deccan in his hands, and the reduction of the outstanding forts was all that remained to complete the extension of the Mogul dominion to the farthest limit of the Carnatic. 2 1 Scott, ut supra, p. 65 73. * The greatest part of the Carnatic had belonged to the Rajas of Bceja- nugger, in the flourishing state of that empire. After the reduction of that THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 421 This important success was immediately followed by BOOK in CHAP. 4. an event which the Emperor regarded as peculiarly ' fortunate. His spies brought intelligence, that Sam- 169 -99- bajee, at one of his forts in the mountains not far distant, was spending his time in a round of his favourite pleasures, and very imperfectly on his guard. A body of troops was despatched to surprise him, and he was, in fact, taken prisoner. Sambajee was too formidable to be permitted to live ; but the Emperor polluted his fortune by glutting his eyes with the butchery of his enemy ; who relaxed not his haughtiness in the presence of death. The efficacy of Sambajee's talents, which were not in- considerable, was obstructed by his immoderate pas- sion for women, which his father predicted would lead him to his ruin. The Emperor followed up his advantage with acti- vity, and immediately sent an army into the Concan. Its operations were highly successful ; and Rayree, which Sambajee and his father had made their capital, together with the wives and infant son of that chieftain, fell into the hands of the victor. 1 Rama, however, the brother of Sambajee escaped from the Concan, and, crossing by the way of Seringa- patam to the Carnatic, threw himself into the fort of Gingee, which was a place of great strength, and by the obstinacy of its resistance, or the interested delays of the imperial generals, retarded the settlement of state by the Mohammedan powers of the Deccan, it was divided between the states of Golconda and Beejapore. Aurungzebe's Operations in the Deccan, Scott, p. 73, 74, 75. Orme, p. 119130. 1 Scott, ut supra, p. 7780 ; Orme, p. 230234. Wilks (p. 215) says it was taken in 1698. 422 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. K'J" the Deccan for several years. It gave occupation to a great part of the imperial army from the year 1692 17UO-U7. to t ] ie vear 1700; and during that period kept the reduction of the Carnatic incomplete. The Emperor turned his whole attention to the final subjugation of the Mahrattas, and penetrated into the country with his principal army. But while he was employed in the reduction of forts, the Mahrattas, under various chiefs, issued from their mountains, and spreading over the newly-conquered countries of Beejapore and Golconda, and even the provinces of Berar, Kandesh, and Malwa, carried great plunder back with them, and left devastation behind. The imperial forces marched to oppose them in all directions, and easily conquered them in battle when they could bring them to an action. But the Mahrattas eluded rencounter, retired to their mountains when pursued, hung upon the rear of their enemy when obliged to return, and resumed their devastations whenever they found the country cleared of the troops which opposed them. The Emperor persevered with great obstinacy in be- sieging the forts in the accessible parts of the Mah- ratta country ; the greater part of which fell into his hands. But during that time the Mahrattas so en- riched themselves by plundering the imperial do- minions, and so increased in multitude and power, being joined by vast numbers of the Zemindars in the countries which they repeatedly overran, that the advantages of the war were decidedly in their favour, and the administration of Aurungzeb be- trayed the infirmities of age. The more powerful Omrahs, who maintained numerous troops, and were THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 423 able to chastise invaders, his jealous policy made him BOOK HI afraid to trust with the command of provinces. He '. made choice of persons without reputation and 1707. power, who abandoning the defence of their pro- vinces, to which they were unequal, were satisfied with enriching themselves by the plunder of the people. Under so defective a government, the Mahrattas found the whole country south from the Nerbudda open to their incursions. The Emperor persevered in his attempts to subdue them. In that harassing and unavailing struggle were the years consumed which intervened till his death. This event took place, in the camp at Ahmednuggur on the 21st of February, 1707, in the forty-eighth year of his reign, and ninety-fourth of his age. 1 At the time when the last illness of Aurungzeb commenced, his eldest son Mohammed Mauzim, who at an early age had received the title of Shah Aulum, was at Kabul, of which, as a distant province where he would be least dangerous, he was made governor, upon his liberation from the confinement in which he had languished for several years. His two remaining sons, Azim Shah, who was subahdar of Ghizerat, and his youngest son Kam Buksh, who had been recently appointed to the government of Beejapore, were both in the camp. Aurungzeb, who forgot not his caution to the last, hurried them away to 1 For the last seven years of the reign of Aurungzeb, the author of Aurungzeb's operations in the Deccan, by Scott, (p. 73-123,) is our princi- pal authority. The age of Aurungzeb is stated on the authority of Golam Hussein Khan (Seer Mutakhareen, i. 2). Mr. Scott's author mentions not the age. Both writers miscalculate the length of the reign (which began in August 1658, and ended in February 1707) ; the one calling it more than fifty, the other more than fifty-one years. 424 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. stat i ons > either fearing lest under his weakness - they should seize upon his person while yet alive ; 1707 or lest they should fill the camp with bloodshed im- mediately upon his dissolution. Azim had not yet reached his province, when he received the news of the Emperor's decease. He hurried back to the camp, and, no competitor being present, received without difficulty the obedience of the army. As it was not, however, expected that Shah Aulum would quietly resign his throne and his life, Azim began his march towards the northern provinces. On the news of the Emperor's illness, Shah Aulum had despatched his commands to his two sons ; Moiz ad Din, the eldest, governor of Multan, and Azim oos Shaun, the second, governor of Bengal, to advance with their forces towards Agra. Azim oos Shaun had used so much diligence, that he was enabled to anticipate the arrival of Azim Shah, and got pos- session of Agra with its treasures. As the two armies were approaching one another in the neigh- bourhood of Agra, Shah Aulum addressed a letter to his brother, offering to divide the kingdom. The presumptuous prince rejected the proposal ; and the armies came to action, when Azim Shah lost the battle, and he and his two eldest sons their lives. He had committed many important errors ; among others offended the generalissimo, the famous Zul- fikar Khan, the favourite general of Aurungzeb, and son of Assud Khan, his vizir. He rejected the advice of this commander at the commencement of the battle, and Zulfikar with his forces withdrew from the field. 1 1 The reign of Shah Aulum is related by two Persian noblemen, both THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 425 Shah Aulum, who now assumed the title of Baha- BOOK in dur Shah, was chiefly indebted to the prudence and wisdom of Monaim Khan, his minister of finance, for 1707 - his victory and throne. He rewarded him with the office of vizir ; but Assud Khan, the late vizir, and Zulfikar Khan his son, were received with extra- ordinary favour; the former being created Vakeel Mut- luk ; l the latter Meer Bukshi ; 2 and governor of all the Deccan, with the title of Ameer ul Omrah. Another contest, however, still remained. The throne was promised to Kam Buksh by his own vanity, and by his astrologers; and though his brother, even when near him with an irresistible army, invited him to enjoy in peace his kingdom of Beeja- pore, to which he offered to add that of Golconda, the infatuated prince was resolved upon his destruc- tion. It had been the object of his father to render him, by his power in Beejapore, safe from the jealousy of any of his brothers who might ascend the imperial throne. For this purpose, he had placed in his service the Turanee Moguls, or that part of the army which consisted of the Mogul adventurers, newly arrived from Tartary, and distinguished from those who had been bred in Hindustan. The chief of these Moguls was Grhazee ad Din Khan, a man of great years and experience ; who had acquired high reputation and influence in the Deccan during the cotemporary with the events, Eradut Khan, (Mem. p. 11 64,) and Golam Hussein Khan, Seer Mutakhareen, p. 1 23. 1 This was the highest office in an Indian government, and seldom be- stowed unless on some great emergency. Scott, Memoirs of Eradut Khan, p. 46. * Chief paymaster ; an office of great trust and dignity. Ibid. 426 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. OK m wars O f Aurungzeb. The light, inconsiderate, rash, and inconstant character of Kam Buksh would have 1709. discovered to a less discerning mind than that of Ghazee, the speedy ruin of that prince's hopes ; he therefore listened to the friendly proposals of the Emperor, and was appointed Subahdar of Guzerat, while his son Cheen Koolich Khan, a man of great celebrity in the subsequent history of India, was favourably received at court. K&m Buksh was gradually deserted by almost all his followers ; but rushed desperately into battle near Hyderabad with not more than a few hundred attendants. He was taken prisoner ; but not till he received a mortal wound, of which he died the same evening. The Emperor seemed afraid of becoming, like his father, entangled in the labyrinth of Deccanee affairs ; and leaving to his officers whatever remained for the settling of those newly-conquered regions, he began his march towards the capital, though in the middle of the rams. Zulfikar Khan, the subahdar of the Deccan, left Daood Khan Punnee, a native of the Deccan, his deputy ; and followed his master, still further to push his ambitious designs. The Emperor was not satisfied with the Rajpoot princes, whose disobedience had been provoked by the religious and mischievous war kindled against them at the end of the reign of Aurungzeb. Ajeet Sing, the successor of Jesswunt Sing, Raja of Odey- pore ; and Jeysing, the successor of the Raja who had rendered himself famous in the wars of Aurung- zeb, had formed an alliance, cemented by marriage ; and without professing independence of the Mogul power, endeavoured to yield a very limited obedience. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 427 Some unavailing measures were taken to reduce them BOOK in . CHAP. 4. to more perfect subjection. But a new enemy, whose operations began to be serious, and even formidable, I709 - rendered it adviseable to accept for the present the nominal obedience of the Rajpoots. The Seiks, now ravaging the province of Lahore and the northern part of the province of Delhi, com- mitting outrages on the persons of the Moslem, in- flamed both the religious and political indignation of the Emperor and his Omrahs. This people, of whom the history is curious, were advancing rapidly to that importance, which renders them at present one of the principal powers in Hindustan. Their origin is to be traced back to the time of the Emperor Baber, when a celebrated Durvesh, being captivated with the beauty of the son of a grain-merchant of the Kshatriya caste, by name Nanuk, brought him to reside in his house, and instructed him in the sublime doctrines and duties of Islamism. Nanuk aspired beyond the merit of a learner. From theological writings which he perused, he selected, as he went on, such doctrines, expressions, sentiments, as captivated his fancy. At length his selections approached to the size of a book ; and being written (it is said with elegance) in the Punjabee dialect, or language of the country, were read by various persons, and admired. The fame of Nanuk's book was diffused. He gave it a name, Kirruntf and, by degrees, the votaries of Kirrunt became a sect. They distinguished themselves by a peculiar garb and manners, which 1 Sir John Malcolm writes it Grant'h. Sketch of the Sikhs, p. 25. M. The word is Granth, or grunth, meaning in general a book, in this case the hook. W. 428 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in resembled those of the Moslem fakirs. They united CHAP. 4. . * so as to live by themselves apart from the other in- 1709. habitants ; and formed villages or communities, called Sangats, in which some one, as head of the commu- nity, always presided over the rest. Nanuk was followed by nine successors in the office of chief, or patriarch of the whole sect ; during whose time the Seiks led peaceable and inoffensive lives. Tej Ba- hadur, the tenth in order, was perpetually followed by a large multitude of the enthusiasts of the sect ; and united himself with a Mussulman fakir who had a number of followers approaching that of his own. To subsist so numerous a body of idle religionists, the neighbouring districts were laid under contribution ; and the saints having tasted the sweets of a life of plunder and idleness, pushed their depredations, and became the scourge of the provinces. Aurungzeb, who was then upon the throne, commanded the go- vernor of Lahore to seize the two leaders of the ban- ditti ; to banish the Mussulman beyond the Indus ; and to conduct the Hindu to the fort of Gualior ; where he was put to death. The loss of their patri- arch was far from sufficient to extinguish the religious flame of the Seiks. A son of Tej Bahadur, whose family name was Govind, was raised to the vacant supremacy, and was distinguished by the name of Gooroo Govind, Gooroo being the title bestowed by a Hindu on his religious instructor. The fate of his. father taught him audacity ; he instructed his fol- lowers, hitherto unarmed, to provide themselves with weapons and horses ; divided them into troops ; placed them under the command of those of his friends in whose conduct and fidelity he confided ; and plun- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 429 dered the country by force of arms. He was not, however, able to withstand the troops of the province, which were collected to oppose him ; his two sons 17U9< were taken prisoners, and he himself fled among the Afghans. After a time he came back, disguised as an Afghan devotee ; but falling into mental derange- ment, was succeeded by Banda, one of his followers, who assumed the name of Gooroo Govind, and re- solved to take vengence on the Moslems for the slaughter of the father and sons of his predecessor. To the robbery and plunder which had become the business of the Seiks, he added cruelty and murder. The Moslem historians of these events are filled with horror as well as indignation at the cruelties which he exercised upon the faithful (to them alone, it seems, did they extend) and describe as one of the most sanguinary of monsters the man whose actions, had infidels been the sufferers, and a Mussulman the actor, they might not, perhaps, have thought un- worthy of applause. It was this Banda whose enor- mities Shah Aulum hurried from the Deccan to inter- rupt and chastise. The rebels (so they were now deno- minated) deserted Sirhind upon the approach of the Emperor, and retired to Daber, a place of strength, at the entrance of the mountains, and the principal residence of the Gooroo. When Daber was reduced to the last extremity, Banda, with his principal fol- lowers, retired to the mountains during the night. The presence of the Emperor suspended, but did not extinguish, the depredations of the Seiks. 1 1 Golam Hussein, (Seer Mutakhareen, i. 8793) who gives a pretty detailed account of the origin of the Seiks; and Scott (Hist, of Aurung- zebe's Successors, p. 142), who gives an abridged one, agree pretty exactly 430 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. Shah Aulum had reigned five years, counting from the death of Aurungzeb, with the praise of great 1712- humanity, having spilt the blood of no rival but in the field, and treating the sons of his rebel brothers like his own ; when he was seized with a violent ill- ness, and expired suddenly in his camp, near Lahore, in the year 1712. The four sons of Shah Aulum, each with his army and retainers, were in the camp; Moiz adDien Khan, theeldest; Azeem oos Shaun, the second, the favorite of his father; Ruffeh oos Shaun, the third; and Ko- jesteh Akter, the youngest. Of all the Omrahs, the vizir Monaim Khan being dead, Zulfikar Khan was by far the most powerful ; and doubted not to place on the musnud any of the princes whose cause he should espouse. Azeem oos Shaun, who had in the camp a large treasure of his own, and from his situa- tion near his father was enabled to possess himself of all the imperial treasure and effects, assumed the sceptre without hesitation. Zulfikar Khan sent 'to him a confidential messenger, to ask if, in that emer- gency, he could render him any service; and receiving a careless and disdainful answer, took his resolution. He passed to the camp of Moiz ad Dien, and formed in the facts. Eradut Khan (Mem. p. 61) describes the reduction of Daber. Some general remarks are found in a paper of Mr. Wilkins, in the first vol. of the Asiatic Researches. The more detailed account of Sir John Malcolm, (Sketch of the Sikhs, p. 1 85,) taken from Seik authorities, differs widely in the history of Nanuk ; but though the inaccurate Per- sians are not much to be trusted, the fabling Seiks, making every thing miraculous in the origin of their sect, are still less. M. Without attach- ing more credit to the Sikh accounts than they deserve, their authority is preferable to those of the Mohammedan writers, whose defect is not in- accuracy only, but religious bigotry also ; the Sketch of the Sikhs, by sir J. Malcolm, first published in the As. Researches, vol. xi., is a much safer guide than even the SeirMutakhareen. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 431 or confirmed a union of the three brothers, who agreed CHAP 4 to oppose Azeem oos Shaun, and afterwards to divide the empire. Azeem oos Shaun lost the favourable op- portunity of attacking his brothers. He allowed the time to pass, till they made their preparations; and till his own army, becoming uneasy and dispirited, began to disperse. When the inevitable hour arrived, he was conquered without much difficulty, and disap- peared in the battle ; his wounded elephant, it is sup- posed, rushed with him down the precipice into the river, where both sunk to appear no more. To the surviving princes it remained to settle the partition on which they had agreed; but Zulfikar Khan had other designs. Whether from selfish motives, or a patriotic dread of the consequences of division; whether because that prince was the weakest, and might be governed, or the oldest, and had the better title, the Ameer ul Omrah resolved to make Moiz ad Dien sole Emperor, and to defeat the ex- pectations of the other two. By various artifices, creating difficulties and delay, he contrived to secure the greater part of the treasure to Moiz ad Dien. This roused the jealousy of Kojesteh Akter, and he prepared for action; but the night before the projected battle a fire broke out in his camp, and he lost the greater part of his ammunition. He and his son fought with gallantry, but his soldiers deserted him during the engagement, and gave an easy victory to his more fortunate brother. Ruffeh oos Shaun stood aloof during this action; still confiding in the friendship of Zulfikar Khan, and reserving himself to fall upon the victor. While he waited with impatience for the morning, having been dissuaded from attacking the 432 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. success f u l army the same night, intelligence of his design was carried to the Ameer ul Omrah, who made 1712. perparations to receive him. The victory was not a moment doubtful, for the army of the prince almost immediately dispersed, and he was slain, fighting bravely amid a few attendants. l Moiz ad Dien was proclaimed Emperor with the title of Jehandar Shah. He possessed not abilities to redeem the weaknesses by which he exposed himself to the disapprobation of his people ; and his government and person fell into contempt. He was governed by a concubine, who had belonged to the degraded and impure profession of public dancers, and shed infamy upon the man with whom she was joined. The favours of the crown were showered upon the mean relations, and ancient companions of Lall Koor, (such was the name of the mistress,) who did not always enjoy them with moderation. The Emperor, who loved the jollity of debauch, exposed himself about the city in company with Lall Koor and her favourites, in situations where dignity was apt to be lost. The nobles were offended, because a new set of favourites intercepted the rays of imperial favour ; and the people were disgusted at the sight of vices in their sovereign, which shed degradation on the meanest of themselves. Jehandar Shah was, from these causes, ill pre- pared to meet the storm which shortly after he was summoned to face. When Azim oos Shaun marched 1 Eradut Khan, (Memoirs, p. 65 67,) and Golam Hussein Khan, (Seer Mutakhareen, i. 23 36, agree in the general points of this struggle for the crown ; the former describing it like an eye-witness, but not a very curious one ; the other from report merely, but not without diligence and criticism. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 433 from Bengal to assist his father in the struggle for BOOKin the crown, he left behind him his son Ferokhser Upon the defeat of Azim oos Shaun, and the eleva- 1712 - tion of Jehandar Shah, it became necessary for Fe- rokhser to think either of flight or of resistance. There were two brothers, Abdoolla Khan, and Hussim Khan, of the high birth of Syeds, or descendants of the prophet, who had distinguished themselves in the service of Azim Shah, and, having afterwards attached themselves to Azim oos Shaun, were by him appointed, the one to the government of Allahabad ; the other, to that of Bahar. Ferokh- ser succeeded in gaining the support of these brothers, whose talents were powerful, and their reputation high. The counsels of Jehandar were divided. The powers and services of Zulfikar Khan were eclipsed by the favour of Kokultash Khan, the foster-brother of the Emperor. The talents of Kokultash were unequal to the conduct of any important affair. The abilities of Zulfikar were restrained, and his ardour cooled, by the success with which Kokultash thwarted his designs. Neither wished to take the command of the army, which, compelling him to quit the Emperor, left the imperial power in the hands of his rival. Time was consumed during these intrigues. In the end, Aiz ad Din, the eldest son of the Emperor, and with him, for his guide, a relation of the foster-brother, a man without talents or experience, proceeded to the reduction of Ferokhser. The two armies met at Kudjwa. a town in the district of Korah, where Aurungzeb and Shujah had formerly engaged. But the conductor of Aiz ad Din fled with him during VOL. II. 2 F 434 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. K "I the night which was expected to precede the battle ; upon which the army either dispersed or joined 1713. Ferokhser. By an advice of Syed Abdoolla, for which it is difficult to account, Ferokhser halted for several days, instead of rapidly improving his advan- tage. Jehandar Shah had now to put life and em- pire upon the fate of a battle. All that could be assembled of the imperial forces marched toward! Agra, with the Emperor himself at their head. Ferokhser also arrived on the opposite side of the river, and the two armies faced one another for several days. At last Ferokhser unexpectedly crossed the river in the night; and battle was joined the following day. The line of the imperial army was soon broken, and confusion ensued. Zulfikar Khan, indeed, fought with a gallantry not unworthy of his former renown, and kept the field when he and his followers remained alone. Not despairing to rally the army, and renew the action on the following day, he despatched messengers in all directions, but in vain, to search for the Emperor during the night. That unhappy prince had taken the road in disguise toward Delhi, of which Assud Khan, the father of Zulfikar, was governor. After intelligence of his arrival, the friends of the late Azim oos Shaun sur- rounded his palace, and demanded the custody of his person. To quiet their clamours, or to lay a founda- tion of merit with the future sovereign, Assud Khan placed him in confinement ; and wrote to Ferokhser that he waited for his^ commands, to dispose of the prisoner. So gracious an answer was received, as dissipated the fears of Assud Khan, and enabled him to prevail upon his son, who had arrived at Delhi, to trust himself in the hands of Ferokhser. The ere- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 435 dulity of Zulfikar deceived him ; for he might have BOOK in CHAP. 4. escaped to his government of the Deccan, where his talents would have enabled him to set the imperial 1713 - power at defiance. He was strangled by order of Ferokhser, and his dead body was exposed about the streets of Delhi, at the same time with that of his master Jehandar Shah. 1 Ferokhser began his reign in the year 1713, with the usual performances of an Oriental despot ; that is, the murder of all who were the objects of his appre- hension. After this the two Syeds, to whom he owed both his life and his throne, were elevated ; Hussun to the post of Bukshi, or paymaster of the forces, with the title of Ameer ul Omrah ; and Abdoolla to that of Vizir, with the title of Koottub al Mulk, or axis of the state. Cheen Kulich Khan, the son of Ghazee ad Din Khan, who was chief of the Too- ranee Moguls in the Deccan at the end of the reign of Aurungzeb, was known to have lived on adverse terms with Zulfikar Khan; and by this circum- stance, as well as by the weight which was attached to his reputation for talents, and his connexion with the Tooranee lords, was recommended to the atten- tion of the new government. He was appointed to the regency or subahdarry of the Deccan, and decorated with the title of Nizam al Mulk, or com- poser of the state ; 2 a common title, which he ren- 1 The Memoirs of Eradut Khan finish with the reign of Jehandar Shah He describes the scenes with the knowledge of an eye-witness, but with little favonr to Jehandar Shah or Zulfikar, the victims of the severity or cruelty of the prince under whom he wrote, and whom it was adviseable not to offend. Gliolam Houssein is more candid and more discerning. Seer Mutakhareen, i. 42 63. 2 Rather, regulator or governor of the state. W. 2 F 2 436 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. j 11 dered remarkable, in the modern history of India, - by transmitting it to his posterity, and along with it a kingdom, in that very region which he was now sent, and but for a little time, to superintend. Ferokhser was a weak prince, governed by fa- vourites. The two Syeds had laid such obligations upon their sovereign, and possessed such power, chiefly from the inconsiderate cruelty of Ferokhser, who had killed Zulfikar and others by whom they might have been restrained, that they could brook neither rival nor partner in disposing of the state. Their chains soon became heavy on Ferokhser. Aware of his impatience, they made such efforts to render themselves secure against the effects of his malice, as embroiled the state from the very commencement of his reign. The first of the contrivances of Emir Jumla (this was the name of the favourite, a man who had for- merly been Kauzy at Dacca), was to separate the brothers, under the pretence of honourable employ- ment. The Raja Ajeet Sing, whom we have already mentioned as the successor of Jesswunt Sing, in that district or division of Rajpootana which was known by the name of Marwar or Rhatore, 1 and of which Chitore and Odeypore had been successively the capitals, had stood out against the operations of Aurungzeb, and remained in a state little short of independence, during the reigns of Shah Aulum and Jehandar Shah. Hussun, the Ameer al Omrah, was required to undertake the reduction of the rebellious Hindu. He marched with so great a force that the 1 Rhatore is the name, not of the country, but of the Rajput tribe to which the Rajas of Marwar belong. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 437 Raja deemed it better to yield than contend ; and BOOK in 1*11 CHAP. 4. though he received private encouragements from the court, where he was assured that opposition would be gratefully considered, he concluded an agreement with Hussun, impatient to return to the capital, where his brother's letters assured him, that designs were ripening for their common destruction. Though Abdoola, the Vizir, had talents and other eminent qualities ; he was so addicted to women and other pleasures, that he neglected business ; and let the affairs of his high office devolve into subordinate hands, whose mismanagement shed discredit and un- popularity on himself. His enemies therefore enjoyed advantages, which in the absence of his brother they were eager to improve. Upon the return of Hussun from Marwar, he demanded the regency of the Dec- can, with a view to govern it by deputy, and remain at court ; and he received the appointment, in ex- pectation of his being called to that distant province by the duties of his trust. When it was found, at last, that he had no intention to depart for the Deccan, the misunderstanding between the court and the brothers became public and undisguised. They forbore at- tendance upon the Emperor; assembled their fol- lowers, and fortified themselves in their palaces; while the weak and timid Ferokhser, who desired, without daring to attempt, their destruction, formed and abandoned twenty resolutions in a day. After a period of anxiety and alarm, a reconciliation was effected by mediation of the Empress-mother, who was favourable to the Syeds, and by whom, it is said, that intelligence was sometimes conveyed to them of the plots by which their lives were essayed. The 438 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. agreement was, that Meer Jumla, being appointed to the government of Bahar, should depart for that province, at the same time that the Ameer al Omrah should proceed to the Deccan. 1 Hussun told the Emperor, that if mischief were aimed at his brother,'he would in twenty days be in the capital from the Deccan. The first danger, how- ever, regarded himself. Daood Khan Punnee, the Afghan, who had been left deputy by Zulfikar, and obtained the province of Guzerat, upon the appoint- ment of Nizam al Mulk to the regency of the Deccan, was ordered to Boorahanpore, ostensibly to wait upon the Subahdar of the Deccan, and receive his com- mands ; but with secret instructions to assail the Syed and cut him off. Great expectations were entertained of the Afghan, who, being a man of prodigious bodily strength, great courage, and not devoid of conduct, had risen to the highest repute as a warrior. It is not unworthy of remark, that he had associated with himself a Mahratta chief, named Neemajee Sindia, who had been taken into the imperial service by Shah Aulum, honoured with a high rank, and gifted with several jagheers in the vicinity of Aurungabad. Hus- sun had a severe conflict to sustain ; and had not a matchlock ball struck Daood, at the moment when 1 Before the departure of Hussun, the marriage of the Emperor was celebrated with the daughter of Maharaja Ajeet Sing, stipulated for, in the conditions lately imposed by Hussun upon the Raja. She had been con- veyed from her father's palace to that of Hussun, as her adopted father, who graced her nuptials with a magnificence which surpassed all that hitherto had been seen in Hindustan. An indisposition of the Emperor, rather inconvenient at the time of a marriage, cured by a medical gentleman of the name of Hamilton, is said to have been the cause of obtaining the first firmaun of free trade for the East India Company. Scott's Successors of Auruugzebe, p. 139. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. the advantage seemed hastening to his side, the day might have been fatal to the fortune of the brothers. When the Emperor heard of the failure of his project, 1719> he could not, even in the presence of Abdoolla, sup- press his chagrin ; and observed that Daood was a brave man unworthily used. Abdoolla replied, that if his brother had fallen, the victim of perfidy, the imperial mind would have experienced more agree- able sensations. About this time, Banda, the patriarch and captain of the Seiks, fell into the hands of his enemies. He had soon collected his followers, after they were dis- persed by Shah Aulum ; and spread more widely his depredations and authority in the contiguous pro- vinces. The Subahdar of Lahore had been sent against him, shortly after the accession of Ferokhser; but was defeated with great slaughter. The Faujdar, or military and judicial chief of Sirhind, was next commanded to take the field; but was assassinated in his tent by a Seik, especially commissioned for that purpose. The governor of Kashmere was then re- moved to the government of Lahore, and appointed to act against the heretics or infidels, with a great army. After many severe engagements, Banda was driven to seek refuge in a fort ; where famine at last compelled him to surrender. Great cruelty was exercised upon his followers ; and he himself was carried to the capital, where he was ignominiously exposed, and afterwards put to death by torture. It would be useless and disgusting to describe the scenes to which the hatred of the Emperor and the jealousy of the Vizir gave birth in the capital. When the Ameer al Omrah arrived in the Deccan, he found 440 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. p 0wcr O f the Mahrattas arrived at a height which was not only oppressive to the provinces, but for- 1719 - midable to the imperial throne. Sahoo Raja, or Sahojee the son of Sambajee, had succeeded to the authority of his father and grandfather, as the head of the Mahrattas, and had, during the distractions in the Mogul empire, experienced little resistance in extending the sphere of his domination and exactions. Towards the close of the reign of Aurungzeb, the widow of Rama, the brother of Sambajee, who during the minority of Sahogee enjoyed a temporary au- thority, had offered to put a stop to all the predatory incursions of the Mahrattas, under which the imperial provinces in the Deccan so cruelly suffered, on con- dition of receiving a tenth part, which they call Des- mukhee, of the revenues of the six provinces which composed the viceroyalty of the Deccan. The pride of Aurungzeb revolted at the humiliating condition ; and the offer was rejected with scorn. 1 Daood Khan Punnee, however, who governed the country, as deputy of Zulfikar, during the reigns of Shah Aulum and Jehandar, and who cultivated the friendship rather than the enmity of the Mahrattas, agreed to purchase deliverance from their incursions by the payment of even the chout, or fourth part of the revenues of the Deccanee provinces, reserving only such districts as were held in jagheer by any princes of the blood royal, and excluding the Mahrattas from 1 In the first instance these claims had been made by Sivaji, and were confined to the district dependant on Bijapur. Aurungzeb tacitly recog- nised them on the occasion of the treaty into which he entered with Si- vaji, and although that treaty was not long unviolatcd, the recognition formed the basis of the similar claims subsequently extended to other pro- vinces. Duff, Mahrattas, i. 210. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 441 the collection, which was to be performed by his own officers alone. Upon the arrival of Nizam al Mulk as Viceroy of the Deccan, the chout gave rise to dispute 1/19 and hostilities ; in which the Viceroy gained a battle, and might have further checked the pretensions of the freebooters, had he not been recalled, after enjoy- ing the government one year and some months. The Ameer al Omrah sent a force to dislodge a Mahratta chief who had established a chain of mud forts along the road from Surat to Boorahanpore ; and by means of them plundered or levied a tax upon the merchants who trafficked between the two cities. The com- mander allowed himself to be drawn by the wily Mahratta into a place of difficulty ; where he and the greater part of his soldiers lost their lives. A still stronger force was sent to dislodge the plunderer ; who declined an action ; and was followed by the imperial general as far as Sattara, the residence of Sahojee. But before Sattara was besieged, the Ameer al Omrah, understanding that danger was increasing at Delhi, and that even Sahojee had received en- couragement from the Emperor to effect his destruc- tion, resolved, on any terms, to free himself from the difficulties and embarrassment of a Mahratta war. He not only granted the chout, but he added to it the desmukhee ; nay, admitted the Mahratta agents, with a respectable force at Aurungabad, to perform the collection of their own portion of the taxes. The provinces were thus freed from the ravages of military incursion; but the people were oppressed by three sets of exactors, one for the imperial revenue, one for the chout, another for the desmukhee. 1 1 The circumstances leading to this arrangement, as well as the particu- 442 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in Meanwhile a new favourite had risen at court, l~t HAP. I . -recommended to the Emperor by a double tie, a fellowship in disreputable pleasures, and promises to cut off the Syeds without the danger of a contest. By his advice, the most powerful chiefs in the empire were invited to court; Nizam al Mulk, from his government of Moradabad; Sirbullund Khan, from that of Patna ; and the Rajpoot princes, Jeysing of Ambere or Jagenagur ; and, the father-in-law of the Emperor, Ajeet Sing of Rhatore. Had these chiefs perceived a prospect of sharing among themselves the grand posts of the empire, they would have under- taken the destruction of the Syeds ; but they found the despicable Ferokhser so infatuated with his un- worthy favourite, that he alone was destined to be the organ of power. Ajeet Sing, perceiving the mi- serable state of the imperial councils, lost no time in uniting himself with the Vizir. The increasing violence of the councils pursued for the destruction of the Syeds, and the union, which the removal of the favourite would suffice to form against them, of so many powerful chiefs, induced Abdoolla to summon his brother from the Deccan, and to meditate a decisive step. No sooner did the Emperor hear that Hussun was in motion, than, struck with apprehen- sion, he solicited reconciliation with the Vizir. They exchanged turbans, and vows of fidelity, which were equally sincere on both sides. A messenger of rank was despatched towards Hussun, to declare the rein- statement of his family in the plenitude of imperial favour ; while Hussun, giving up to the Mahrattas lars, arc somewhat differently related by Duff. Hist, of the Mahrattas, i. 111. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 443 such forts as he could not garrison, proceeded to the capital with an army, of which ten thousand were Mahrattas ; attended by a youth, whom he received 172 - from Sahojee as a son of Sultan Akbar, and treated with all the respect due to a grandson of Aulumgir, and a competitor for the imperial throne. In the mean time the Vizir had found little difficulty in de- taching from the hopeless cause of the Emperor, Nizam al Mulk, and the other chiefs of the intended conspiracy. Jeysing alone adhered to Ferokhser, ad- vising him to take the field in person, and, by the weight of the imperial name, bear down the cause of rebels and traitors. The pride and the resentments of Ferokhser made him incline to violent measures during one moment; his fears and pusillanimity made him incline to submissive measures the next. After an interval, during which these passions violently alternated in his breast, he threw himself upon the mercy of the Syeds, and summitted to all their de- mands. It is not certain that they meant to depose him ; but during these violent proceedings, tumults arose in the city ; Ferokhser shut himself up in the women's apartments, and refused to come out; his friends and servants took arms ; the commotions be- came alarming, and a moment might be productive of fatal events. After repeated entreaties, the Vizir was at last compelled to violate the sanctity of the secret apartments ; Ferokhser was dragged forth, and put in confinement ; Ruffeh al Dirjaut, son of Ruffeh al Kudder, a grandson of Aurungzeb by a daughter of Akbar, was taken from among the confined princes, and seated on the throne ; his accession was an- nounced by the sound of the nobut, and firing of can- 444 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in non; and, in a few hours, the commotions, which UHAP. 4. seemed ready to overwhelm the city, gave place to tranquillity and order. Ferokhser was rather more than six years on the throne. His successor was labouring under a con- sumption, and died in five months after his exaltation. During this interval, Ferokhser suffered a violent death, but whether at his own hand, or that of the brothers, is variously affirmed. Except in the palace, the offices of which were filled entirely with the crea- tures of the Syeds, the different functionaries of the state were confirmed in their situations. Nizam al Mulk, who liked not the complexion of the times, desired leave to retire ; but he was prevailed upon to accept the government of Malwa. Ruffeh al Dowlah, the younger brother of Ruffeh al Dirjaut, was chosen to supply the vacancy of the throne. But the Governor of the citadel of Agra had under his charge a son of Akbar, the youngest son of Aulumgir; and, in hopes of being joined by other lords, inimical to the Syeds, as well as by Jeysing, who. through influence of the brothers, had been dis- missed to his own country before the dethronement of Ferokhser, proclaimed the son of Akbar, King. The Syeds left no time for the disaffected to combine ; and the Governor, finding his undertaking desperate, put an end to his life. The sickly youth, who this time also was placed upon the throne, followed his prede- cessor in three months. Roshun Akter, a son of Kojesteh Akter the youngest son of Shah Aulum, was the Prince who now was taken to fill the dan- gerous throne. Mohammed Shah (that was the name which the new THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 445 sovereign adopted) began his reign in the year 1720. BOOK in He was in his seventeenth year; had been confined along with his mother, a woman of judgment and 172 - prudence, from the beginning of the reign of Jehan- dar Shah, and reared by her in great silence and obscurity. The Syeds were now deprived of all grounds of jealousy and resentment towards the throne; for the Empress-mother advised, and the Emperor practised the most perfect submission to their will. But among the great lords of the empire were some, who beheld not their triumphs and power, without envy and hatred. The governor of Allahabad had been guilty of some marks of disrespect. Shortly after the ac- cession of Mohammed, Hussun marched to chastise him. The Governor died while Hussun was yet upon the march; and his nephew, though he stood upon the defensive, offered to lay down his arms, provided Rajah Ruttun Chund, the famous Dewan of the Vizir, were sent to negotiate the terms of his submission. l The difficulty of besieging Allahabad, strongly defended by the Jumna and the Ganges, which meet under its walls, allayed in the bosom of Hussun the thirst of revenge. He listened to the proposition of the nephew, and gave him the govern- ment of Oude, in exchange for that which his uncle had enjoyed. Mohammed Ameen Khan, one of the Tooranee Omrahs, remaining at court, began to excite the suspicions of the Syeds; but Nizam al Mulk soon 1 The governor of Allahabad, Girdhar Bahadar, was a Hindu, which explains his object in requiring Katan Chund, also a Hindu, and in whom therefore he had confidence, to negotiate for his surrender. W. 446 HISTORY OF BRITISH I!S 7 DIA. BOOK in became the principal object of their attention and CHAP. 4. . r J fears. Upon taking possession of his government of 1720. Malwa, he found the province, owing to the late distraction of the empire, overrun with disorder; the Zemindars aiming at independence, and the people either become robbers themselves, or suffering from bands of robbers, who plundered the country with impunity. The vigorous operations demanded for the suppression of these enormities, justified the Nizam in raising and maintaining troops; in pro- viding his garrisons; in adopting all the measures, in short, which were best calculated to strengthen his position. The Syeds were not slow in discerning that these preparations looked beyond the Defence of a province. Policy required the removal of the Nizam. The most respectful intimations were con- veyed to him, that as Malwa lay half way between the Deccan and the capital it was pointed out as pecu- liarly convenient to form the place of residence for the Ameer al Omrah, who, from that station, could both superintend his viceroyalty in the Deccan, and watch the operations of the court; and four Subahs were pointed out to Nizam al Mulk ; Multan, Kan- desh, Agra, and Allahabad; of which he was invited to make his election in exchange. Policy might counsel the non-compliance of the Nizam ; but pride and vanity counselled an insolent reply, which pre- cipitated hostilities on both sides. The brothers sent an army against Malwa. The Nizam resolved to take possession of the Deccan. He crossed the Ner- budda; got, through bribery, possession of the strong fortress of Asere, and the city of Boorahanpore; was joined by Eiwuz Khan, Subahdar of Berar, his re- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 447 lation; by a Mahratta chief, who had quarrelled with Sahojee; and by a variety of Zemindars. He en- countered and defeated the army which the brothers 1/20 ' had sent to oppose him; conquered, and slew in battle the governor of Aurungabad, who marched out to meet him : and remained without a rival in theDeccan. The Governor of Dowlatabad held out; but the Go- vernor of Hyderabad joined him with 7000 horse. In addition to all these fortunate events, he was encouraged by messages from the court, from Moham- med Ameen Khan, and from the Emperor himself, that his opposition to the Syeds should meet with their support. The brothers wavered ; and permitted time to be lost. Ruttun Chund recommended, what was pro- bably wise, to gain Nizam al Mulk by resigning to him the Deccan ; and, with vigilance, to guard the rest of the empire. Pride rejected this proposal. It was at last determined that Hussun, accompanied by the Emperor, should proceed with a great army to the Deccan, while Abdoolla should remain to guard the capital. The troops were assembled ; the march began, and had continued during four or five days, when Mohammed Ameen Khan conceived his plan to be ripe for execution. He had associated with him- self Sadut Khan, afterwards Nabob of Oude, pro- genitor of the now reigning family ; and another desperado, named Hyder Khan, in a conspiracy, with the privity of the Emperor, to assassinate the Ameer al Omrah. The lot fell upon Hyder to strike the blow. Hussun, who received a mortal stab, had strength to cry, " Kill the Emperor!" but the con- spirators had taken measures for his protection ; and, 448 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in though the nephew of the deceased armed his fol- CIIAP. 4. r -lowers, and endeavoured to penetrate to the Em* 1720-32. peror, he was overpowered and slain, while his tents were plundered by the followers of the camp. The dismal news was speedily conveyed to Abdoolla, who was on his march to Delhi. He advanced to that city ; took one of the remaining princes, and proclaimed him Emperor ; found still the means to assemble a large army, and marched out to oppose Mohammed. A great battle was fought at Shahpore ; but the Vizir was vanquished and taken prisoner. The Emperor, after a little more than a year of tute- lage, entered his capital in great pomp and ceremony, and was hailed as if it had been his accession to the throne. The weakness of Mohammed Shah's administra- tion, whose time was devoted to pleasure, and his mind without discernment and force, was soon felt in the provinces. The Raja, Ajeet Sing, with a view to bind him to the cause of Mohammed, had, through the hands of the Empress-mother, at the time of the accession, received a firman appointing him Governor of Guzerat and Ajmere during life. The grant was now revoked, and Ajeet Sing rebelled. After some vain demonstrations of resentment, the Emperor was obliged to submit to concessions and indulgence. The Afghans about Peshawur rose in arms ; and, after an obstinate engagement, defeated and took prisoner the son of the Governor of the province. These, and other disorders, were expected to be redressed upon the arrival of Nizam al Mulk, who was invited from the Deccan to receive the office of Vizir. He earnestly exhorted the Emperor to apply THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 449 his own mind to affairs, and to infuse vigour into BOOK in C HAP 4 government, now relaxed and dissolving, through neg- ' ligence and corruption. But the pleasantries of his 1732 - gay companions, who turned the person and the counsels of the old and rigid Vizir into ridicule, were more agreeable to the enervated mind of Mohammed ; and the Nizam, in disgust, under pretence of coercing a refractory Governor in Guzerat, withdrew from the capital. Sadut Khan was about the same time appointed Subahdar of Oude. The Nizam, having reduced to his obedience the province of Guzerat, and taken possession of Malwa, which was also added to his extensive government, paid another visit to the capital, where he found the temper of administration as negligent and dissolute as before. Despairing, or careless of a remedy, and boding nothing but evil, he only thought of securing himself in his extensive dominions ; and, under pre- tence of a hunting excursion, left the capital without leave, and pursued his march to the Deccan. The Emperor, who now both hated and feared him, des- patched a private message to the Governor of Hyder- abad to oppose and cut him off, with a promise of all his government of the Deccan, as the reward of so meritorious a service. The bribe was too great to be resisted ; but the undertaker paid the forfeit of his temerity with his life. The Nizam, however, was deprived of his Vizirat, and of his new governments of Malwa and Guzerat. To be revenged he encouraged his deputy in Guzerat to resist the imperial com- mands ; and the Mahratta chiefs Pilajee and Kan- tojee to invade the provinces. Some inadequate and unavailing efforts were made to oppose the progress VOL. n. 2 G 450 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in of these Mahratta chiefs; who were afterwards joined, CHAP. 4. . still at the instigation, it is said, of the old Nizam, by 1736 Baji Rao, the general of Sahojee. The struggle was upheld with more or less of vigour, by the imperial deputies, till about the year 1732; when the provinces of Guzerat and Malwa might be regarded as com- pletely reduced under Mahratta dominion. Never contented with present acquisitions, the Mahrattas made endless encroachments ; and, by degrees, seized upon several districts in the Subahs of Agra and Allahabad, plundering even to the vicinity of Agra. When opposed by an army, they retreated, scoured the country, cut off supplies, and made flying attacks. When the opposing army was obliged to retrace its steps, they immediately re-seized the country ; and still more extensively diffused their depredations. During the calamities of the empire, Sadut Khan alone, among the different Omrahs and Governors, exhibited any public spirit, or any manliness and vigour. Though his province, placed beyond the Ganges, was little exposed to the devastations of the destructive Mahrattas, he marched out, in 1735, to chastise a body of them, who were plundering to the very walls of Agra; overtook them by forced marches, brought on a battle, and gave them a signal over- throw. 1 The wreck of the army joined Baji Rao, in the neighbourhood of Gualior. Sadut Khan intended to follow up his blow, to pursue the marauders to 1 This is a greatly exaggerated account of the transaction furnished by Mohammedan "writers. Sadut Khann, merely repelled a detachment of Mahrattas, under Holkar and other leaders, who were committing ravages, not only near Agra, but in the Doab. Baji Rao, with the main army, proceeded to Delhi. Hist, of the Mahrattas, i. 531. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 451 their own country, and redeem the lost honour of the BOOKIII J CHAP. 4. imperial arms. But the Ameer al Omrah, jealous of the glory, sent him orders to halt, till he shouldjoin 1736> him with the troops of the capital. Baji Rao, having time to restore animation to the Mahrattas, and learning the removal of the troops from Delhi, marched with Mahratta speed towards that capital, and communicated the first intelligence of his strata- gem by the fires which he lighted up in the suburbs. He was in possession of the outskirts of the city for three days before the approach of the imperial army made it necessary for him to decamp. He took the road to Malwa ; and the pusillanimous monarch was advised by his dissolute courtiers to purchase the promise of peace by paying the chout, or fourth, of his revenues to the Mahrattas. A more dreadful enemy was now about to fall upon the misgoverned empire. The Sophis, whom in the reign of Shah Jehan we left sitting upon the throne of Persia, had sunk into that voluptuousness and neglect of the business of government, which so uni- formly accompany the continued possession of power; relax the springs of the existing government, and prepare the way for an usurper. In this state of the country, the range of mountains placed near the con- fines of Persia and India, which had already given a race of sovereigns to Hindustan, produced a chief who with his rude and hardy countrymen, the moun- taineers of Afghanistan, invaded Persia, and pushed his conquests against the feeble Hussun Shah, whose government was, moreover, distracted, by the wretched factions of the black eunuchs, and the white. Though the Afghan was assassinated, he was succeeded by 2 G 2 452 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. a ne ph e w, an enterprising youth of eighteen years of age. The provinces near the Caucasus and the Caspian, as well as those near the Indus, revolted. The Afghan iu 1722 laid siege to Ispahan itself, and the wretched Hussun laid his crown at his feet, In the mean time a son of Hussun, whose name was Thamas, 1 escaped from massacre, and was joined by as many people as still adhered to his family or person, in the neighbourhood of Tauris; among others by Nadir, the son of a shepherd of Khorasan, who, by the sale of part of his father's flocks, had hired a banditti, with whom he scoured and plundered the country. By his daring courage, and indefatigable activity, he soon distinguished himself among the fol- lowers of the fugitive prince. He took the name of Thamas Koolee Khan, or Khan the slave of Thamas. Such a man found it easy in Persia to increase the number of his followers, whom he subsisted and re- warded by the plunder of the country. In a short time he was daring enough to measure swords with the Afghan himself, and prevailed. In 1729 he re- took Ispahan, pursued the usurper to Afghanistan itself, vanquished and took him prisoner. Thamas, whom he acknowledged as king of Persia, he retained in confinement, and, governing in his name, turned his arms against the Turks, who had made encroach- ments on the eastern provinces of Persia during the declining vigour of the Sophis, Having conducted this war with success, he felt his power sufficient to pull off the mask. He proclaimed himself King, by the title of Nadir Shah, in the year 1736; and put out the eyes of the unfortunate Thamas. 1 Tamasp is the more correct form of this name. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 453 The restless and enterprising Afghans, who re-BooKin gretted the loss of Persia, still kept up disturbance CHAr ' on its eastern frontier; and they provoked the proud 1739. and furious Nadir to undertake a war of little less than extermination. Not satisfied with driving them from all the accessible parts of their own country, he made his way into Kandahar, which had for some generations been detached from the Mogul empire, and annexed to that of Persia. Kabul, which already contained a great mixture of Afghans, was now crowded with that people, flying from the cruelties of the foe. Nadir was not soon tired in the pursuit of his prey. He had reason to be dissatisfied with the government of Hindustan, to which he had sent re- peated embassies ; received with something more than neglect. In the general negligence and corruption which pervaded the whole business of government, the passes from Persia into Kabul were left unguarded. The Persian protested that he meant neither hostility nor disrespect to his brother of Hindustan; and that, if not molested, he would chastise the accursed Afghans, and retire. The opposition he experienced was, indeed, so feeble, as hardly to excite the resent- ment of Nadir; and, after slaughtering the Afghans in Kabul, he was ready to withdraw; when a cir- cumstance occurred, which kindled his rage. A mes- senger and his escort, whom he had despatched from Kabul to the Emperor of Delhi, were murdered at Jellalabad by the inhabitants; and instead of yielding satisfaction for the injury, the silken courtiers of Mohammed counselled approbation; and ridiculed supposition of danger from the shepherd and free- booter of Khorasan. 454 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in That furious warrior hastened to the offending CHAP. 4. city, and slaughtered the inhabitants without mercy. 1739. From this he pursued his route to Peshawur, and thence to Lahore ; at both of which places he expe- rienced but little opposition. He then turned his face directly to the capital, where Mohammed and his coun- sellors, wrapped in a fatal security, were not prepared to believe that the Persian usurper would dare to march against the Majesty of Hindustan. The Hin- dustanee army, which had been two months in the field, had only advanced to Karnal, four days' march from Delhi, where it was surprised by the appearance of the enemy, while Mohammed and his friends were yet ignorant of his approach. The hardy and expe- rienced valour of Nadir's bands quickly spread con- fusion among the ill-conducted crowds of Mohammed. The Ameer al Omrah was mortally wounded, and died after leaving the field of battle. Sadut Khan fought till he was deserted by his followers, and taken prisoner. Nadir, who had no project upon Hindu- stan, left the disordered camp the next day without an attack ; and readily listened to the peaceful counsels of his prisoner Sadut Khan, who hoped, if now set free, to obtain the vacant office of Ameer al Omrah. Mohammed honoured the Shah with a visit in his camp, and the Shah consented to evacuate Hindustan, upon receipt of two crores of rupees. The insatiable avidity, however, of Nizam al Mulk fatally defeated this happy agreement. He demanded, and was too pow- erful to be refused, the office of Ameer al Omrah. The disappointed and unprincipled Sadut hastened to inform Nadir, that two crores of rupees were no adequate ransom for the empire of Hindostan ; that THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 455 he himself, who was but an individual, would yield BOOK in * CHAP. 4 as great a sum : that Nizam al Mulk who alone had power to offer any formidable resistance, ought to be 1739 - secured ; and that Nadir might then make the wealth of the capital and empire his own. A new and dazzling prospect was spread before the eyes of the ravager. Mohammed Shah, and Nizam al Mulk were recalled to the Persian camp ; when Nadir marched to Delhi, the gates of which were opened to receive him. 1 For two days had the Persians been in Delhi, and as yet observed the strictest discipline and order. But on the night of the second, an unfortunate rumour was spread that Nadir Shah was killed; upon which the wretched inhabitants rose in tumult ; ran to massacre the Persians ; and filled the city throughout the night with confusion and bloodshed. With the first light of the morning, Nadir issued forth ; and dispersing bands of soldiers in every direc- tion, ordered them to slaughter the inhabitants with- out regard to age or sex in every street or avenue where the body of a murdered Persian should be found. 3 From sun-rise to mid-day the sabre raged; 1 This is the story told by the writers of Hindustan, and no doubt, va- rious intrigues were at work to influence the decision of Nadir Shah, but it is little likely that he would have withdrawn, without laying Delhi under contribution. Sir J. Malcolm observes, " our knowledge of the character of Nadir Shah, forbids our granting any belief to a tale, which would make it appear, that the ultimate advantages to be obtained from this great enterprise, and the unparalleled success with which it had been attended, depended less upon his genius, than upon the petty jealousies and intrigues of the captive ministers of the vanquished Mohammed Shah." History of Persia, ii. 78. W. * Nadir at first, it is said, endeavoured to allay the tumult, both by messengers sent to pacify the people, and by his personal interference ; and it was not till his agents were slain, and he himself endangered, that he gave orders for a general massacre. History of Persia, ii. 83. W. 456 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in ail d by that time not lees than 8000 Hindus, Moguls, CHAP. 4. * or Afghans, were numbered with the dead. During 1739 - the massacre and pillage, the city was set on fire in several places. The destroyer at last allowed him- self to be persuaded to stay the ruin ; the signal was given, and in an instant, such was the authority of Nadir, every sword was sheathed. A few days after the massacre, a nobleman was despatched by Nadir, to bring from Oude the two crores of rupees, promised by its governor Sadut Khan; who, in the short interval, had died of a cancer in his back. On the same day he commenced his seizure of the imperial treasure and effects ; three crores and fifty lacks in specie j 1 a crore and fifty lacks in plate ; 2 fifteen crores in jewels ; 3 the cele- brated peacock throne, valued at a crore ; 4 other valuables to the amount of eleven crores ; 5 besides elephants, horses, and the camp-equipage of the Em- peror. The bankers and rich individuals were or- dered to give up their wealth, and tortured to make discovery of what they were suspected to have con- cealed. A heavy contribution was demanded of the city, and exacted with cruel severity ; many laid violent hands upon themselves to escape the horrid treatment to which they beheld others exposed. Famine pervaded the city ; and pestilential diseases ensued. Seldom has a more dreadful calamity fallen 3,500,000. 1,500,000. 15,000,000. 1,000,000. 11,000,000. In all, if we believe our authorities, 32,000,000, THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 457 upon any portion of the human race, than that in BOOK m CHAP. 4. which the visit of Nadir Shah involved the capital of _____ Hindustan. Yet a native and cotemporary historian 1739 - informs us, such is the facility with which men accommodate themselves to their lot, " that the in- habitants of Delhi, at least the debauched, who were by far the most numerous part, regretted the depar- ture of the Persians ; and to this day, (says hej, the excesses of their soldiery are topics of humour in the looser conversation of all ranks, and form the comic parts of the drolls or players. The people of Hin- dustan at this time regarded only personal safety and personal gratification. Misery was disregarded by those who escaped it, and man, centred wholly in himself, felt not for his kind. This selfishness, de- structive of public and private virtue, was universal in Hindustan at the invasion of Nadir Shah ; nor have the people become more virtuous since, conse- quently not more happy, nor more independent." 1 Nadir having ordered, as the terms of peace, that all the provinces on the west side of the Indus, Kabul, Tatta, and part of Multan, should be detached from the dominions of the Mogul, and added to his own, restored Mohammed to the exercise of his degraded sovereignty ; and, bestowing upon him and his cour- tiers some good advice, began on the 14th of April, 1739, his march from Delhi, of which he had been in possession for thirty-seven days. 2 1 Aurungzeb's Successors, by Scott, p. 214. 2 The most valuable of the details respecting the invasion of Nadir are furnished us by Golam Hussein, (Seer Mutakhareen, i. 325 344.) Scott as usual, gives chiefly an abridgement of the Seer Mutakhareen, but here, enriched with some particulars from the known historians of Nadir. An interesting account of the march of the Persian army back, and its opera- tions in Bucharia, and Kharism, to which Nadir immediately proceeded, 458 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. OK in j n regulating the offices of state, Mohammed was . obliged to confirm the vizirat, which he intended for other hands, to Kummur ad Din Khan, the relation and partisan of Nizam al Mulk. At the request of that domineering chief, the office of Ameer al Omrah was transferred to Ghazee ad Din Khan, his eldest son while he himself was in haste to depart for the Deccan, where Nazir Jung, his second son, whom he had left his deputy, was already aspiring at indepen- dence. After several months spent without avail in messages and negotiations, the father was obliged to draw his sword against the son. A victory, gained in the neighbourhood of Ahmednuggur, restored his go- vernment to the Nizam, and made Nazir Jung his prisoner. To compose the provinces subject to his command, which had been governed so irregularly and feebly for many years, and were over-run by in- numerable disorders, required both vigour and time. The war which he carried on in the Carnatic was the most remarkable of his subsequent transactions. Its result is the only circumstance material to us. Nearly the whole of that great province was reduced to his obedience. 1 is given us by an eye-witness, Khojeh Abdulkurreem, a Kashmerian of distinction, who accompanied him from Hindustan, and whose narrative has been translated for us by Mr. Gladwin. Khojeh Abdulkurreem differs from Scott, in the day of the conqueror's departure from Delhi, which he makes the 4th of May. Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, p. 1. A cu- rious letter of Nadir Shah himself, giving an account to his son of his march towards Delhi, of the battle, and of his intention not to seize the crown of Mohammed, has been translated by Sir John Malcolm. ( Asiat. Res. x. 539.) M. Other authorities might have been cited, particularly Fraser's Life of Nadir Shah, and Hanway's Travels. Malcolm's History of Persia, was perhaps not available when these pages were written though the work was published before the History of India. W. 1 For the circumstances of Nizam ul Mulk's resumption of his govern- ment in the Deccan, sec Seer Mutakharecn, iii. 3, 8. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 459 Sadut Khan Boorahan al Mulk, the deceased go- BOOK HI CHAP. 4. vernor of Oude, was succeeded by his son-in-law, Abul Mansoor Khan Suffder Jung ; who subsequent- 1739 - ly received the dignity of grand master of the house- hold. A new governor was appointed for Guzerat, and an effort was made, but without success, to ravage that important province from the Mahrattas. A refractory chief called the Emperor into the field, in the year 1745. This was Ali Mohammed Khan, the founder of the power of the Rohillas, a name of some celebrity in the modern history of Hindustan. The Afghans, inhabiting the district of Roh, bor- dering on Cabul, were known by the name of Rohil- las. 1 Ali Mohammed himself is said to have been of Hindu extraction ; the son of a man of the caste of cow-keepers. He was adopted, however, and reared by an Afghan of the Rohilla clan ; a man of a rank no higher than his own. He entered into the army as a common soldier ; and after a time acquired the command of a small body of Afghan cavalry, with which he served in the army of the Vizir, governor of Moradabad. His conduct gained him distinction ; he was recommended to promotion by the Vizir ; re- ceived some lands in grant from the Emperor; and was appointed to manage certain districts in Morada- bad by the Vizir. Under the negligent government of Mohammed, and the disorders which ensued upon the invasion of Nadir Shah, scope was afforded to the ambition of such a man as Ali Mohammed, the Rohilla. He acquired possession of the lands of some neigh- bouring jagheer holders, under pretence of taking 1 Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, p. 183. 460 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. \ n them in lease : He increased the number of Afghans in his pay ; many of whom the severities of Nadir ' Shah had driven to look for a home beyond the reach of his destructive sword, and to seek employ- ment and protection under Ali Mohammed their countryman. The supposition of power produced its usual consequence. The remittances from his government were delayed and evaded. The Vizir sent a new governor with an army to enforce obedience. Him the Rohilla conquered and slew : and the Vizir, who hated every thing which disturbed his pleasures and ease, thought it better to make an accommo- dation with Ali than contend with him. He was confirmed in the government of certain districts; and by one acquisition after another, extended the limits of his authority, till they comprehended Mo- radabad, Bareilly, Aunlah,Sambal, Bangur, Budaoon, and Amroah, districts of Kutteer, a province hence- forward known by the name of Rohilcund, from the Afghan clan, to whom more particularly, Ali and his followers were regarded as belonging. The progress of this adventurer alarmed at last the Vice- roy of Oude ; whose representations of danger pre- vailed upon the Emperor to take the field in person. The Rohilla was unable to resist the imperial army, but was underhand supported by the Vizir, in oppo- sition to the Viceroy of Oude. He was besieged in one of his fortresses ; but receiving the promise of the Vizir to make his peace with the Emperor, he sent away his treasures to a place of safety, and surrendered. As a compensation for the territory which he had governed, he received the foujdary, or THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 461 military and judicial authority of Sirhind, a district in the upper part of the province of Delhi. 1 In the second year after this imperial expedition, 1747 happened the invasion of Ahmed Abdallee, a man destined to be the founder of a formidable empire in the contiguous provinces of Persia and Hindustan. He was an Afghan chief of the tribe of Abdal, in- habiting a district of the mountains of Gaur, near the city of Herat. When yet very young he was taken prisoner by Nadir Shah, and was for some time one of the slaves of the presence ; till, attract- ing the notice of his master, he was raised to the office of Yessawal, or mace-bearer. He was by de- grees promoted to a considerable rank in the army, and accompanied Nadir in his invasion of India. Nadir Shah was massacred in his tent, not far from Meshed, on the 8th of June, 1747. Ahmed Ab- dallee had acquired so great an ascendency among the troops, that upon this event several commanders and their followers joined his standard; and he drew off toward his own country. He fell in with and seized a convoy of treasure, which was pro- ceeding to the camp. This enabled him to engage in his pay a still larger body of his countrymen. He proclaimed himself king of the Afghans ; and took the title of Doordowran, or pearl of the age, which being corrupted into Dooranee, gave one of their names to himself and his Abdallees. 2 He marched 1 Seer Mutakhareen, (iii. 20 26) ; Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, (p. 183 185). Scott gives a very short and unsatisfactory abridgement of the passage in the Seer Mutakhareen; Auruugzeb's Successors, p. 218. M. A more detailed account is given in Hamilton's History of the Rohilla Afgans. W. 2 Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, p. 204. 462 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA BOOK in towards Kandahar, which submitted to his arms ; CHAP. 4. and next proceeded to Kabul. The inhabitants had 1747. resisted the proposal of the governor to purchase tranquillity by the payment of a contribution, but they deserted him on the approach of danger ; and this province also fell into the hands of the Afghan. The governor of Lahore sent him a proposal, offering to betray his trust, and become the servant of Ahmed, on condition of being appointed his Vizir ; and though he repented of his engagement and came to blows, his troops made a feeble resistance ; and Lahore was added to the dominions of the conqueror. He now directed his ambitious thoughts to the capital of Hindustan, with the feeble government of which he was not unacquainted. A large army, under the Emperor's eldest son, the Vizir, and other dis- tinguished chiefs, advanced as far as the Sutlej to repel him; but he passed them artfully, and plundered the rich city of Sirhind, where the heavy baggage of the prince was deposited. The im- perialists made haste to overtake him : and, after several days of skirmishing, the Vizir was killed with a cannon ball in his tent. The brittle materials of an Indian army were nearly broken asunder by this event; the Rajpoots, under their princes, "stretched," says the historian, " the feet of trepidation on the boundless plain of despondency, and marched back to their homes." However, the remaining chiefs, and among the rest the sons of the late Vizir, ex- erted themselves with constancy and judgment ; and on the following day a still more disastrous accident took place in the camp of the Abdallees. A magazine of rockets and ammunition which had THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 463 been taken at Sirhind accidentally exploded, and BOOK in killing a great number of people, shed through the army confusion and dismay, Ahmed, no longer 1747 - willing to risk an engagement, drew off his troops, and marched unmolested to Kabul. 1 The Emperor, who only survived a sufficient time to receive intelligence of this joyful event, expired in the thirtieth year of his reign, and forty-ninth of his age ; his constitution exhausted by the use of opium. 2 Ahmed Shah, his eldest son, succeeded him without opposition. The great character and power of Nizam al Mulk removed all competition for the vizirat, but he excused himself on account of his years, and actually died, about a month afterwards, in the hundred and fourth year of his age, leaving his government of the Deccan to be seized by his second son Nazir Jung, whose good fortune it was to be present on the spot. After the refusal of the Nizam, the vizirat was bestowed upon Suffder Jung, the Viceroy of Oude, for whom it was originally in- tended. 1 Seer Mutakhareen, (iii. 3852) ; Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, p. 186, 203207. Life of Ahmed Shah, king of the Abdallees, who are also called Duranees, from the custom of wearing a pearl in one of their ears, translated from the Persian by Henry Vansittart, published in Glad- win's Asiatic Miscellany. 2 The Seer Mutakhareen is the great authority for this reign ; Mr. Scott giving little more than an abridgment of the narrative in that work. Some curious facts are contained in the memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem. Frazer's Nadir Shah ; and the history of that ferocious conqueror, trans- lated into French by Sir William Jones, are to be consulted for the details on the Persian side. In Frazer there is an abridgment of the Mogul his- tory, from Aurungzeb to Mohammed Shah, which is given in a still more abridged form by Holwell in his " Interesting Historical Events." Fra- zer's materials were imperfect. 464 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK i ii The Rohillas and Abdallee Afghans gave occa- CHAP* 4 . sion to the most remarkable transactions of the reign 1749-50. O f Ahmed Shah. AH Mohammed, though removed from Rohilcund to Sirhind, found means to return, upon the invasion of the Abdallees, and being joined by the Afghans, great numbers of whom had still remained in the country, he regained possession, and expelled the imperial governor, much about the time of the death of Mohammed Shah. He enjoyed not his prosperity long; but, dying of a cancer in his back, left discord and contention in his family. This cir- cumstance encouraged the governor of Oude, who was now Vizir, and commanded the remaining re- sources of the state, to form the design of relieving himself from the dread of an aspiring neighbour, and of increasing his power and dominion by the country which that neighbour possessed. The district of Furruckabad was governed by an Afghan of the Bungush tribe. This man the Vizir endeavoured to make his instrument in the destruction of the Rohillas. But the Bungush chieftain lost his life in the contest. The Vizir was not less greedy of the country of his Bungush friend, than he was of that of his Rohilla antagonist. The family of the Bun- gush chieftain, perceiving the designs of the Vizir, formed a confederacy with the neighbouring Af- ghans. The Vizir was defeated in a great battle ; after which the Afghans proceeded in two bodies, one to Allahabad, where they plundered the city and besieged the citadel ; the other to Lucknow, which they expected to surprise. The Vizir, now trembling for his own possessions, could think of nothing better than the wretched resource of calling in the Mah- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 465 rattas to his aid. They fell upon the country with BOOK m their usual rapidity ; took the Afghans in a great measure by surprise; and compelled them after 1749-so. much slaughter to take shelter in the neighbouring hills. This done, the Mahrattas had no inclination to depart. They took up their quarters during the rainy season in the country which they had cleared; and the Vizir was fain to assign them a large por- tion of it in the name of a reward for their service. The Afghans, as a welcome counterpoise, were allowed to re-occupy the remainder. These events occurred before the end of the year 1750. In 1749, Ahmed Abdallee marched from Kabul, and advanced as far as Lahore. Meer Munnoo, the eldest son of the late Vizir, had been appointed Go- vernor of Multan, and of as much of the other pro- vinces of Upper India, as could be recovered from the Persians or Afghans. Being unprepared for adequate resistance, he offered to purchase the re- treat of the Dooranee by assigning to him the re- venues of four districts ; with which Ahmed, for the present, thought proper to content himself. 1 In two years he repeated his visit ; when Meer Mun- noo, after some months of vigorous resistance, was betrayed by one of his generals, and defeated. The Dooranee Shah was not incapable of generosity ; he soothed the vanquished leader by obliging expres- sions, and appointed him his deputy in the two provinces of Multan and Lahore, which were now finally severed from the dominion of the Moguls. 1 Seer Mutakhareen (iii. 79). Mr. Scott speaks of a vigorous resistance on the part of the Governor (p. 225) ; but Golam Hussein says, there was no fighting; and so does Kojeh Abdulkurreem (p. 236). VOL. II. 2 H 466 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. 1 A messenger was sent to Delhi to demand even a - formal cession of the conquered territory ; and, 1752- though Suffder Jung was summoned from his go- vernment, with a view to resist the Afghans, the favourite eunuch, jealous of the honour which he might acquire by recovering those important pro- vinces, persuaded the emperor to ratify the cession before he arrived. About the same time an expe- dition was undertaken against one of the nations of Rajpoots, who had seized, with a disputable title, upon certain districts in Ajmere. The war was ill conducted, and ended in disgrace. A youth now appeared on the stage, who was des- tined to play a conspicuous part in the closing scenes of the Mogul sovereignty. This was the only son of Ghazee ad Din Khan, the eldest son of Nizam al Mulk. Upon the death of Nazir Jung in the Deccan, Ghazee ad Din his elder brother, solicited the Vice- royalty of that important country for himself; and taking with him the Mahratta army, which had been in the pay of the Vizir, marched unmolested to Aurungabad. At this place he died only a few days after his arrival. His army immediately dispersed ; and the Mahratta general took possession of Kandesh, the government of which the deceased Viceroy had been obliged to assign him in security for the pay of his troops. His son Shuhab ad Din, whom he had left in the capital, made so good a use of his interest, chiefly with the Vizir Suffder Jung, that he received his father's titles of Ghazee ad Din Khan Baha- dur, and was raised to his office of Ameer al Omrah. This did not prevent him from joining im- mediately the party of the Emperor, and from se- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 467 conding, with all his power, the machinations in- B K m _ r CHAP. 4. tended for the destruction of the Vizir. The military command of the palace was artfully taken out of the 1752 - hands of that officer; and he and his dependants were refused admittance. The Vizir was alarmed at the prospect of a war with his master. He there- fore solicited permission to retire to his government beyond the Jumna. This was refused. He marched out of the city, and encamped at a few miles' dis- tance, with an intention of proceeding to his govern- ment without leave, but without drawing the sword, unless in self-defence. Learning that an attack was certainly intended, he invited to his assistance the Jaat Raja Sooraje Mul. This chief had already fought in his service, and readily joined his old friend and commander. 1 The Vizir set up a new Emperor, a youth whom he represented as one of 1 The Jaats or Jauts, inhabiting the mountainous region, from the Chumbul and Jumna eastward, to the Jeypoor Rajaship on the west; and from twenty coss to the southward of Agra, to the province of Delhi on the north, were known as a formidable predatory tribe from the earliest period of the Mohammedan history. The original seat of the Jaats appears to have been near the Indus, in the lower part of Multan. Their chief, or one of their chiefs, was received into the service of Jehandar Shah, and behaved with gallantry in the war between that Prince and Ferokhser. Upon the ascendency gained by the latter Prince, the Jaat retired with his plunder to his fortress of Bhurtpore. This chief was suc- ceeded by his son, who was obliged to become tributary to the Raja of Jeypoor. To him succeeded his brother, who contrived to throw off his dependence upon the Rajpoot ; and, first of his race, assumed the title of Raja. During the weakness of Mohammed Shah's administration, he spread his incursions to the very walls of Agra, and left to his son and successor, Sooraje Mull, a considerable kingdom. His power, and vicinity to the capital, rendered him an object of consequence;- and the Vizir had attached him to his interests by placing him among the Omrahs of the em- pire, and other favours. See an account of the Jaats, Asiat. An. Reg. 1802 ; Characters, p. 12. Also " A Sketch of Rajehpootaneh," translated from the Persian, in " Tracts, &c." by William Francklin, a small volume, published in 1811. 2 H 2 4()8 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in t) ie r oyal princes; and laid siege to the castle. It was vigorously defended by the spirit and bravery of 1753 - the young Ameer al Omrah ; and, after a fruitless contest of six months, both parties were glad to ne- gotiate. Suffder Jung gave up his pretended Prince, and was allowed to retire to his government, but was deprived of the Vizirat, which was bestowed upon Intizam ad Dowlah, son of the late Vizir Kummur ad Din Khan. The Jaat Raja, Sooraje Mul, had given sufficient umbrage by his support of the rebellious Vizir ; but, during the weakness of the Mogul government, the Jaats had also extended their encroachments over a great part of the province of Agra. The youthful ardour of Ghazee ad Din suggested to him an ex- pedition for the entire reduction of the Jaat country. He called to his assistance a Mahratta general, Hol- kar Mulhar Rao ; and the Jaats, unable to keep the field, retired to their strong-holds. To reduce them speedily, heavy cannon was required. For this Gha- zee ad Din applied to the Emperor. But the aspiring temper of the Ameer al Omrah was already formidable to both the Emperor and Intizam ad Dowlah. Sooraje Mul, aware of their sentiments, conveyed intimation to the Emperor, that if he would meet him at Secundra, he would join him with all his forces, and deliver him at once from the dangers which, from the ambition of his Ameer al Omrah, impended over his person and throne. The scheme was relished ; and the Emperor, under pretence of a hunting-party, set forward with as great a force as possible on the road to Secundra. He had advanced as far as that city, when Holkar Mulhar Rao sur- THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 469 prised his camp in the night. The Emperor, the c Vizir, and other leading officers, fled, disguised as women ; leaving even their wives and daughters be- 1753 - hind them. Upon this the army disbanded, and Ghazee ad Din marched to the capital, where no- thing remained to oppose him. He invested him- self with the office of Vizir ; seized the Emperor and his mother ; blinded them both ; and bringing forth Yezziz ad Din, son of the late Jehandar Shah, proclaimed him Emperor, by the title of Aulumgeer the Second. This revolution occurred in the year 1753. 1 During the same year died Suffder Jung, Subah- dar of Oude ; and was succeeded by Sujah ad Dow- lah, his son. About the same time died also Meer Munnoo, Viceroy, under the Abdallee King, of the provinces of Multan and Lahore. By the severe ex- actions of the government, and the interruptions of agriculture through the ravages and terror of war, these provinces had for some time been severely af- flicted with scarcity. Of this, one important conse- quence was, an accession to the numbers and power of the Seiks ; for that people making it a rule to pro- vide maintenance and occupation for one another, great numbers of persons in distress were tempted to join them ; and all were readily received upon adopt- ing the garb and principles of the sect. 2 The Ab- dallee Shah withdrew not the government of Multan and Lahore from the family of Meer Munnoo. His 1 The Seer Mutakhareen is followed hi the text. Francklin (Hist, of Shah Aulum, p. 4) says, 1755. 2 Seer Mutakharecn, hi. 137. 470 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. S on was a minor; but, in quality of guardian of the minor, his mother was allowed to act in his stead. 1754. Under this arrangement, the disorder of the provinces increased. The weakness of the administration sug- gested to the Vizir, who now had changed his title from that of Ghazee ad Din Khan to that of Umad al Mulk, the project of wresting the provinces at once from the hands of this female superintendent, and from the dominion of the Afghans. During the life of Meer Munnoo, the daughter of the Governess had been promised in marriage to Ghazee ad Din Khan, who now claimed fulfilment of the contract. The mother, to whom few events could yield greater plea- sure, conveyed to him his bride, with all the magni- ficence which the importance of the nuptials appeared to require. Under the confidence and security which this alliance inspired, the Vizir detached a body of troops to Lahore, who seized, and conveyed to his camp, the deluded Governess, inveighing against his perfidy, and denouncing the vengeance which Ahmed Shah, her sovereign, would speedily exact. The fulfilment of her angry predictions was not long deferred. The exasperated Afghan hasted from Kandahar to Lahore, which was evacuated on his approach ; and thence directed his march to Delhi. The Vizir, sensible of his inability to con- tend with the storm, eagerly solicited reconciliation with his mother-in-law, and employed her as a medi- ator with the Shah. The invader rejected not the prayer, but demanded a large contribution as the price of his clemency ; and in the mean time con- tinued his march to Delhi. The wretched Aulum- geer having no means of resistance, opened to him THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 471 the gates of the capital ; and affected to receive him as a royal guest. For some weeks, Delhi was sub ject to all the enormities which are practised by a 1756 - barbarian soldiery on a prostrate foe. To gratify more fully the rapacity of the invader, UmadalMulk offered to go in person to raise contributions in the Dooab, or country between the Jumna and Ganges ; while the Dooranee Shah was to march against the country of the Jaat Raja Sooraje Mul. He had reduced some fortresses, and was employed in be- sieging the citadel of Agra, when a plague broke out in his camp. Upon this he formed the resolution of returning immediately to his own country, without even waiting for the return of the Vizir. An inter- view, as he passed Delhi, again took place between him and Aulumgeer. The fallen Mogul entreated the invader of his country not to leave him in the hands of his overbearing Vizir. Nujeeb ad Dowlah, a chief of Rohillas, who had lately acted a conspi- cuous part in the imperial service, was, at the request of the Emperor, appointed Ameer al Omrah ; and to him the Dooranee recommended the protection of his master. The Vizir, upon the retreat of the Abdallees en- gaged in his party Ahmed Khan, the Bungush chief of Furrukhabad, whose father had lost his life in the contest with the Rohillas. To him and his Afghans he joined an army of Mahrattas, under Ragonaut Rao and Holkar. With this force he marched to Delhi. The Emperor and Nujeeb ad Dowlah shut the gates of the city ; but after a siege of forty-five days, the Emperor was obliged to submit; while Nu- jeeb ad Dowlah, by bribing the Mahrattas, obtained 472 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. HOOK in t ] ie means O f escaping to his own district in Rohil- CHAP. 4. - cund; and his ofticc of Ameer al Omrah was bestowed 17561 upon Ahmed Khan. Alee Gohur, the eldest son of Aulumgeer, was in the vicinity of Delhi, supporting himself with a small body of cavalry in some districts which he had in Jaghire. The Vizir made his father recall him; and the Prince repaired to Delhi, but re- fused to enter the citadel, where he might easily be confined. He was, accordingly, besieged in his pa- lace; but a few of his followers cut a passage for him through the troops of the Vizir, and he made his escape to Nujeeb ad Dowlah, with whom, and with the Subahdar of Oude, he remained for some months ; and then betook himself for an asylum to the English in Bengal. The settlement which, with short-sighted policy, the viceroy of Oude had given to a body of Mahrat- tas in part of Rohilcund, had fired other Mahrattas with a passion for the fertile country beyond the Gan- ges. Of this passion, in labouring the ruin of Nu- jeeb ad Dowlah, and of the Nabob of Oude, 1 whose power he dreaded and whose government he desired, Umad al Mulk resolved to make his account. At his instigation two chiefs, Junkojee andDuttah Sindia, set out from the Deccan, meditating no less than the 1 The term Nabob, as equivalent to Subahdar, is very modern in Hin- dustan ; and is said to have begun with Sujah Dowlah. Formerly it was not applied to the Subahdar or governor of the Subah, but to the Subah- dar's deputy, or locum tenens ; the literal meaning of the word being deputy. The new use of the term is thus accounted for in the Seer Mu- takhareen (iii. 167) : When the Prince Alee Gohur was on the visit just mentioned, to Snjah ad Dowlah, and received the compliments of that Governor, he addressed him by the title of brother Nabob, which being reckoned an elegant compliment, passed into conversation, when the name was afterwards currently applied to him, and also to ether governors. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 473 entire subjugation of Hindustan. They crossed the BOOK In * CHAP. 4. Jumna; and driving Nujeeb ad Dowlah from the open country besieged him in one of his forts, where 1756- he defended himself with obstinate bravery. Sujah ad Dowlah saw that the danger was common; and, collecting an army, marched to support him. He encountered the Mahratta army; gained the advan- tage, and forced it to cross the Jumna, where a consi- derable portion of it perished in the waters. Hear- ing at the same time of the march of the Abdallee Shah, its leaders were sufficiently disposed to accom- modation. As soon as Umad al Mulk, the Vizir, was made acquainted with the alliance of Sujah ad Dowlah and the Rohillas,it was his desire, as his interest, to march to the assistance of his Mahratta allies. But he was now beset with a number of difficulties. The Abdallee Shah, whom he had twice offended, was in motion : The Rohillas, with the Nabob of Oude, were oppos- ing the Mahrattas : And Aulumgeer was in corre- spondence with all his enemies. He resolved, without scruple, to deliver himself from the last of these diffi- culties. A trusty Cashmerian having received his commission, the Emperor was stabbed with poignards, and his body thrown out upou the strand of the Jumna; where it was stripped by the people, and remained exposed for eighteen hours. Mohee al Sunnut, a son or grandson of Kaum Buksh, the youngest son of Aurungzeb, was taken from con- finement, and set up as the pageant of royalty; after which the Vizir hastened to join the conflict against Nujeeb ad Dowlah and the Nabob of Oude. He was on his march when he heard that peace was 474 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in conc l u( l e( l. and that the Mahrattas were gone to CHAP. 4. oppose themselves to the approach of the Abdallee 1759> King. The means of personal safety now engrossed the mind of Umad al Mulk. He retired to the country of Suraje Mul, and shut himself up in one of the strongest of his forts. Upon the last retreat of Ahmed Dooranee Shah from Hindustan, he had left his son Governor of La- hore and Multan ; disorderded by revolutions, wasted and turbulent. A chief who had served with dis- tinction under the late Meer Munnoo incited the Seiks to join him in molesting the Dooranees ; and they gained several important advantages over their principal commanders. They invited the Mahratta generals, Ragonaut Rao, Shumsheer Bahadur, and Holkar, who had advanced into the neighbourhood of Delhi, to join them in driving the Abdallees from Lahore. 1 No occupation could be more agreeable to the Mahrattas. After taking Sirhind, they advanced to Lahore, where the Abdallee Prince made but a feeble resistance, and fled. This event put them in possession of both Multan and Lahore. Placing the country under a temporary government, they marched homeward at the approach of the rains; but left a Mahratta Subahdar, who next season ex- tended his acquisitions as far as the river Attok. It was at this very time that the army, of which we have already spoken, marched to take possession of Rohilcund and Oude : and the whole Indian conti- nent appeared now about to be swallowed up by the 1 The Mahratta General was Ragunath Rao, Holkar was serving under him. Duff's Mahrattas, ii. 132. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 475 Mahrattas. Had not Ahmed Shah, the Abdallee, B *i n CilAi . -i. whose empire was in its youth and vigour, been upon the stage: had not the Mahrattas at that 1760 ' time been possessed of extraordinary power; the Mahrattas in the one case; the Abdallees, in the other, might have extended their dominion from Thibet and Persia to Cape Comorin. The opposi- tion which they made to one another opened a way for a maritime nation to introduce itself from the other side of the globe, and to acquire by rapid strides a more complete ascendant over that exten- sive region than any single government had ever attained. Ahmed Shah was not only roused by the loss of his two provinces, and the disgrace imprinted on his arms ; but he was invited by the chiefs and people of Hindustan, groaning under the depredations of the Mahrattas, to march to their succour and become their King. The Mahrattas, flying before him, eva- cuated the two provinces at his approach; and assembled together from all quarters in the neigh- bourhood of Delhi, The Dooranee army was joined by the chiefs of Rohilcund, Nujeeb al Dowlah, Saadoollah Khan, Hafiz Rahmut, and Doondee Khan. For some days the Dooranees hovered round the Mahratta camp; when the Mahrattas, who were distressed for provisions, came out and offered battle. Their army, consisting of 80,000 veteran cavalry, 1 was almost wholly destroyed ; and Duttahjee Sindia, their General, was among the 1 Holkar and Sindhia, had not 30,000 men in the whole, and these were acting in separate divisions. Hist, of the Mahrattas, ii. 136. W. 476 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. slain. A detachment of horse sent against another body of Mahrattas, who were marauding under Holkar in the neighbourhood of Secundra, surprised them so completely that Holkar fled naked, with a hand- ful of followers, and the rest, with the exception of a few prisoners and fugitives, were all put to the sword. During the rainy season, while the Dooranee Shah was quartered at Secundra, the news of this disaster and disgrace excited the Mahrattas to the greatest exertions. A vast army was collected ; and Sudda- sheo Rao, commonly called Bhao, 1 the nephew of Ballajee, the Peshwa and other chiefs of the greatest note, assuming the command, the Mahrattas marched to gratify the resentments, and fulfil the unbounded hopes of the nation. Having been joined by Sooraje Mul the Jaat, and Umad al Mulk the Vizir, they arrived at the Jumna before it was sufficiently fallen to permit either the Mahrattas on the other side, or the Dooranees, to cross. In the mean time they marched to Delhi, of which after some resistance they took possession ; plundered it with their usual rapacity, tearing away even the gold and silver ornaments of the palace; proclaimed Sultan Jewan Bukht, the son of Alee Gohur, Emperor; and named Sujah ad Dowlah, Nabob of Oude, his Vizir. Impatient at intelligence of these and some other transactions, Ahmed Shah swam the Jumna, still deemed impassable, with his whole army. This daring adventure, and the remembrance of the 1 The term means ' brother,' but is applied to a cousin, and Sadashco was so termed, because he was the cousin of the Peshwa. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 477 late disaster, shook the courage of the Mahrattas ; BOOK \ 11 ' CHAP. 4. and they intrenched their camp on a plain near Pan- niput. The Dooranee, having surrounded their 176 - position with parties of troops, to prevent the pas sage of supplies, contented himself for some days with skirmishing. At last he tried an assault ; when the Rohilla infantry of Nujeeb ad Dowlah forced their way into the Mahratta works, and Bui- want Rao with other chiefs was killed ; but night put an end to the conflict. Meanwhile scarcity prevailed, and filth accumulated, in the Mahratta camp. The vigilance of Ahmed intercepted their convoys. In a little time famine and pestilence raged. A battle became the only resource. The Abdallee restrained his troops till the Mahrattas had advanced a considerable way from their works ; when he rushed upon them with so much rapidity as left them hardly any time for using their cannon. The Bhao was killed early in the action ; confusion soon pervaded the army ; and a dreadful carnage ensued. The field was floated with blood. Twenty- two thousand men and women were taken prisoners. Of those who escaped from the field of battle, the greater part were butchered by the people of the country, who had suffered from their depredations. Of an army of 140,000 horse, commanded by the most celebrated generals of the nation, only three chiefs of any rank, and a mere residue of the troops, found their way to the Deccan. 1 The Dooranee Shah made but little use of this mighty victory. 1 This account of the famous battle of Panniput ; the consequences of which were so momentous to the future fortunes of India, is not altogether correct : one great cause of the defeat of the Mahrattas, was, the defection 478 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. CHAP. 4. After remaining a few months at Delhi, he recog- nised Alee Gohur, as Emperor, by the title of Shah Aulum the Second: and intrusting Nujeeb ad Dowlah with the superintendence of affairs, till his master should return from Bengal, he marched back to his capital of Kabul in the end of the year 1760. With Aulumgeer the Second, the empire of the Moguls may be justly considered as having arrived at its close. The unhappy Prince who now received the name of Emperor, and who, after a life of misery and disaster, ended his days a pensioner of English merchants, never possessed a sufficient degree of power to consider himself for one moment as master of the throne. 1 of Suraj Mull and the Jaats. See account of the battle by an eye-witness. As. Researches, vol. iii. p. 91, and Duffs Mahratta History, ii. 144. W. 1 The events of Aulumgeer's and the preceding reign are found in con- siderable detail in the Seer Mutakhareen (iii. 62 192), -which is abridged by Scott, Hist, of Aurungzeb's Successors, p. 224 246. The principal facts are noticed, but in certain respects somewhat differently, by Francklin, Life of Shah Aulum, p. 7 27. M. This summary of Mohammedan His- tory, though too concise to be of all the interest of which it is capable, is, in most instances, as correct as the imperfect materials at the author's command permitted. Some valuable additions to the authorities on this subject have been made since it was written ; but a more extensive refer- ence to native histories, many of which, of great merit, exist, is still indis- pensable to a faithful and interesting view of the History of Mohammedan India. W. THE MOGUL DYNASTY. 479 CHAPTER V. A Comparison of the State of Civilization among the Mohammedan Conquerors of India with the State of Civilization amony the Hindus, AFTER this display of the transactions to which the BOOKIII Mohammedan nations have given birth in Hin- dustan, it is necessary to ascertain, as exactly as possible, the particular stage of civilization at which these nations had arrived. Beside the importance of this inquiry, as a portion of the history of the human mind, andaleading fact in the history of India; it is requisite for the purpose of ascertaining whether the civilization of the Hindus received advancement or depression from the ascendency over them which the Mohammedans acquired. We have seen, in the comparisons adduced to illustrate the state of civilization among the Hindus, that the nations, in the western parts of Asia; the Persians, the Arabians, and even the Turks; pos- sessed a degree of intellectual faculties rather higher than the nations situated beyond them toward the East; were rather less deeply involved in the ab- surdities and weaknesses of a rude state of society ; had in fact attained a stage of civilization, in some little degree, higher than the other inhabitants of that quarter of the globe. This is a statistical fact, to which it is not pro- bable that much contradiction will hereafter be applied. The point of chief importance, for the 480 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. l present inquiry, is, to show, that the people who actually invaded Hindustan, and assumed the go- vernment over so large a portion of its inhabitants, were perfectly on a level with the Arabians and Persians, in the highest state of their civilization. The M ohammedans, who established their dominion in Hindustan, were principally derived from the eastern portions of that great country which was contained within the limits of the Persian empire in its greatest extent. These eastern provinces of the great Persian em- pire, Bactria and Transoxiana, with the contiguous regions, at the time when those men were formed who established the Mohammedan dominion in Hin- dustan, were remarkable rather for exceeding than falling short of the other parts of that empire, in the attainments of civilized life. The language of Balkh was reckoned the most elegant dialect of the Persian tongue ; and when God speaks mildly and gently to the cherubim surrounding his throne, this, according to the Mohammedans, is the language he employs. A large proportion of the men who have been most dis- tinguished in all the different walks of Persian lite- rature, have been natives of Balkh ; of whom it may suffice to mention Mohammed Ebn Emir Khowand Shah, better known to Europeans under the name of Mirkhond, the author of a great historical w'ork, to which Europeans have been indebted for much of their knowledge of Persian history ; Rashid, a cele- brated poet ; and Anwari, famous both as a poet and astronomer. So greatly was Balkh distinguished during the reigns of the immediate successors of Jungiz Khan, that it was denominated Kobbat al MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 481 Islam, the metropolis of Islamism. Bokhara was BOOKIII one of the greatest seats of learning in the East. ' Students flocked from all parts to the celebrated university of Bokhara. In the Mogul language, Bokhar, we are told, is a common appellation for a learned man. Among the celebrated men who have made illustrious the studies of Bokhara, is found a name, ranked high among his contemporaries in all the quarters of the globe, Ebn Sina, or Avicenna, who wrote above one hundred volumes, and died in 1036, at the early age of fifty-eight. The Moguls were not perfectly barbarous when they advanced upon the countries of the West. It is sufficiently proved that they had the use of letters ; they had an alphabet of their own, in no degree corresponding with the troublesome characters of the Chinese, but as ingenious and simple as that of the Romans. 1 The degree in which they approxi- mated to the mental capacity of the most enlightened nations of Asia, is abundantly proved, not only by that power of combined action which enabled them to effect their conquests, but by the skill with which they regulated the government of China, as well as that of Persia and Transoxiana, to which they sub- sequently advanced. It appears not that the govern- ment in those several countries was more skilfully conducted in any hands, than in those of the imme- diate successors of Jungis. The Moguls, at the time of their conquests, were so fully prepared for a new step in civilization, that they assimilated them- selves with wonderful rapidity, both in China and 1 It was not their own, but the Syriac, introduced by Nestorian missionaries. Remusat Langues, Tartares, p. 29. W. VOL. II. 2 I 482 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK HI Persia, to the more cultivated people among whom CHAP. 5. ' . they had arrived ; and, in a short time, were to be distinguished from them rather by slight shades of character and manners, than any difference in point of civilization. 1 In their new acquisitions in Persia and Transoxiana, they were celebrated for prose- cuting the sciences with great ardour ; and, in par- ticular, for having laid astronomy, geography, and the mathematical sciences, under great obligations. In the city of Samarcand, the seat of government of one of the sons of Jungis and his successors, " the academy of sciences," to use the words of the writer in the Universal History, " was one of the most emi- nent to be found among the Mohammedans, who re- sorted thither to study from all the neighbouring countries." Abulfeda mentions two decisive marks of a considerable degree of civilization. In his time the streets were paved, and water was conveyed into the city by leaden pipes. The silk-paper made here was the most beautiful in Asia ; and in great request over all the East. 2 1 This is by no means satisfactorily proved, and at any rate the people were in a state as remote from that of civilization as can be well imagined, unless by that term be understood the condition of nomadic races. The Mongols of Jangiz Khan were shepherds and robbers, whose migratory life and predatory habits rendered it easy to collect them into large moving masses, and to precipitate them upon other countries in quest of plunder. That they readily adopted the arts and civilization of those they subdued, is a proof of their capacity for civilization, not of their being civilized. It is true, however, only of their princes, upon their adoption of the Moham- medan faith ; the people remain to the present day what they always were shepherds and freebooters. The Turkman representative of the original Turk, and the Uzbek representative of the early Mongol, offer in the pages of Conolly, Burnes, and Moorcroft, no such examples of civilization as are imagined in the text. W. 1 For these facts, the reader will find the original authors faithfully quoted and extracted, in the Universal History, ii. 352, 354; iv. 309, 393; MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 483 Mohammed, of Ghizni, the founder of the first BOOK in CHAP. 5. Mohammedan dynasty in Hindustan was the most accomplished Prince in Asia. His court contained an assemblage of learned men. The greatest poet of Asia wrote in his capital, and was fostered by his bounty. He and his nobles adorned Ghizni with an architecture which rendered it the finest city in the East. He there erected an university, which he richly endowed, and made it one of the principal seats of learning in that quarter of the globe. 1 Under Mohammed of Ghizni, the great sovereign of Persia, 2 who combined in his service all the finest spirits that Persian civilization could produce, the Hindus could not be said to be overrun, or held in subjection by a people less civilized than themselves. As little could this be said under the descendants of Mohammed, who, though inferior to him in personal qualities, were themselves formed, and served by men who were formed, under the full influence of Persian arts and knowledge. The same was undoubtedly the case with the princes of the Gaurian dynasty. They, and the leaders by whom they were principally served, were, in respect of training and knowledge, in reality Persians. It will not be denied, that the Moguls, the last of the Mohammedan dynasties of Hindustan, had remained a sufficient time in Transoxiana and Persia, to have acquired all the civilization of these v. 123. Modern Part, 8vo. Ed. In exploring the Persian and Arabian Authorities, the authors of the Universal History are not the worst of our guides. 1 Vide supra, p. 252. 8 Mahmud never was sovereign of Persia. That country was divided among the houses of Saman and Dilem, from the former of whom Mah- mud obtained some advantages, but not such as to justify the designation here assigned to him. W. 2 I 2 484 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. "* two countries, l n g before they attempted to perform conquests in India. The Persian language was the language they used ; the Persian laws, and the Per- sian religion, were the laws and religion they had espoused ; it was the Persian literature to which they were devoted ; and they carried along with them the full benefit of the Persian arts and knowledge, when they established themselves in Hindustan. The question, therefore, is, Whether by a govern- ment, moulded and conducted agreeably to the pro- perties of Persian civilization, instead of a government moulded and conducted agreeably to the properties of Hindu civilization, the Hindu population of India lost or gained. For the aversion to a government, because in the hands of foreigners; that is, men who are called by one rather than some other name, without regard to the qualities of the government, whether better or worse ; is a prejudice which reason dis- claims. 1 As India was not governed by the Moguls, in the character of a detached province, valued only as it could be rendered useful to another state, which is the proper idea of foreign conquest ; but became the sole residence and sole dominion of the Mogul government, which thereby found its interest as closely united to that of India, as it is possible for the interest of a despotical government to be united with that of its people, the Mogul government was, to all 1 It is something more than a prejudice; a government of foreigners ex. eluding natives in their own country from powery can never be reconciled to their feelings or opinions by abstract considerations of its goodness. The difference implied by the term foreigners is also something more than one of name alone ; it is a difference of sympathies and of interests which cannot be concealed by the most conscientious and philosophical perfec- tion in the discharge of its public obligations. W. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 485 the effects of interest, and thence of behaviour, not a BOOK in CHAP. 5. foreign, but a native government. 1 With these consi- derations before the inquirer, it will not admit of any long dispute, that human nature in India gained, and gained very considerably, by passing from a Hindu to a M ohammedan government. O f this , with- out descending to particulars, the situation of human nature, under the Hindu governments which we have seen ; that of the Mahrattas, for example ; that of Nepaul ; that of Mysore, before the time of Hyder Ali ; or that of Travancore ; affords a very satisfac- tory proof. The defects of Mohammedan rule, enor- mous as they justly deserve to be held, can by no means be regarded as equal to those which univer. sally distinguish the government of Hindus. The same minute analysis might here be insti- tuted of the grand circumstances which constitute the marks of civilization among the Mohammedans of India, as has been already executed in regard to the Hindus. But it is by no means necessary. The state of civilization among the Hindus has been mys- terious, and little known. With the state of civiliza- tion in Persia the instructed part of European readers are pretty familiar. Besides ; in analyzing the cir- cumstances which constitute the marks of civilization 1 Then of course all objection to it as a government of foreigners ceased, but even to the last there were vestiges of its foreign origin at the court of Delhi. As regards the Hindus, there was the essential difference of law and religion, but even the Indian Mohammedans had reason to complain of the partial encouragement given to adventurers from Persia and Turk- estan, many of whom rose to great wealth and power, and they suffered a more permanent and extensive injury in the patronage bestowed upon the languages and literature of Arabia and Persia, to the neglect and corrup- tion of their own forms of speech, and the consequent depression of the intellectual state of the people. W. 486 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in among the Hindus, such comparisons, for the sake of illustration, were made with the corresponding circumstances among the Persians, as served to throw some light upon the state of civilization among the latter people, and to show in what position they stood as compared with the Hindus. A few short reflec- tions under each of the heads will therefore suffice. 1. CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE PEOPLE. In this grand particular, the superiority of the order of things among the Mohammedans, over that among the Hindus, was inexpressibly great. The Mohammedans were exempt from the institution of caste ; that institution which stands a more effec- tual barrier against the welfare of human nature than any other institution which the workings of caprice and of selfishness have ever produced. 1 Under the Mohammedan despotisms of the East, nearly as much as in republics themselves, all men are treated as equal. There is no noble, no privileged class. Legally, there is no hereditary property, as the king is the heir of all his subjects. The only thing which creates distinction, is office; or the exercise of some 1 The effects of caste, as a barrier to the happiness or advancement of society have been shown to be exceedingly exaggerated, and it may be safely asserted that it is much more propitious to social advancement, than the rapid vicissitudes of Mohammedan society in which there is no se- curity for the permanent possession of either station or property. That condition of equality which Mr. Mill admires is a condition of equal abject- ness, men may rise daily from the lowest ranks to the highest command, but how are they raised? by the will of one individual; in all probability they are wholly unfit for their elevation, and it is certain that they are liable every day to be pushed down again to theif original insignificance, happy if they escape with life. There was much more real equality under the Hindu system in which each man knew and could maintain his posi- tion, and could rely upon the laws and their hereditary expounders, for protection against despotic caprice and cruelty. W. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 487 portion of the powers of government. For office, BOOK in there is no monopolizing class. Men from the very ' lowest ranks in life are daily rising to the highest commands ; where each of them is honoured, in pro- portion not to the opulence of his father, but the qualities which he himself displays. Though here, there is wanting that barrier to the unlimited pro- gress of the power of the king, which was found in the hereditary nobility of Europe ; yet the situation of Spain, of Poland, and, in a greater or less degree, of every country in Europe, shows that the body of the people is not much benefited, when the unlimited power of oppressing them, instead of being confined to the hands of the king and his servants, is shared between him and a body of nobles. II. THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT. In the sim- plicity of Oriental despotism, there is not much room for diversity of form. Yet there are circumstances which distinguish to a considerable extent the state of government among the Mohammedans from that among the Hindus ; and all of them to the advan- tage of the former. Under the Mohammedan sovereigns, there was a regular distribution of the functions of government, to certain fixed and regular oflicers; that of the Vizir, that of the Bukshee, Ameer al Omrah, and so on. Under the Hindu sovereigns there appears to have been a confusion of all things together in one heterogeneous mass. 1 The sovereign governed by a 1 This has been shown to be a mistake ; the functions of the several officers under the Hindu form of government were in fact more accu- rately and carefully appropriated, than under the Mohammedan, and the instrumentality of a cabinet council, was no disadvantage, it may be appre- hended, to the Hindu prince or his people W. .|SS HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in sort of council, composed of Brahmens, who exer- ' cised the powers of government, according to no pre- established plan ; but according as each, by intrigue, or by reputation, could obtain an ascendency among the rest. 1 The natural and common order of things, in this situation, was, that some one individual ac- quired a predominant influence ; and employed the rest as merely his instruments. This man became, by way of distinction, the minister peshwa, as he is called by the Mahrattas. Where the council of Brahmens is not a regular establishment, the sove- reign chooses a minister, that is, a depositary of all his power, who disposes of it in portions, regulated by no rule, and by not much of established custom and habit. To the abuse of the power which is placed in the hand of absolute sovereigns, there is no limit, ex- cept from three circumstances: 1. Religion; 2. Insurrection ; 3. Manners. 1 . When it is said that Religion opposes the will of the sovereign, it is meant that the ministers of religion oppose it ; the priests : for, as a political engine, religion, without somebody to stand up for it, is a dead letter. Now the priests can only oppose the will of the sovereign, when, by their influence over the minds of men, they have acquired a great portion of power, a power which the king is afraid 1 Mr. Grant remarks that Kirkpatrick's account of Ncpaul exhibits a form of government, state officers, civil, and military, nearly the same as were established in Hindustan, under the rule of the Moguls. Grant's Observations on the Hindus, p. 41. But Kirkpatrick's account is very imperfect, and he appears to have supplied his want of information, by ideas borrowed from what he knew in other parts of India. Besides, the N.-paulians, as well as the Mahrattas, were in a situation to borrow from the Mohammedans. W. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 489 to provoke. Again; this power of the priests will, or will not, be applied in a way to protect the people from the abuse of the sovereign power, according as the sovereign allies himself with it, or does not ally himself with it. If he allies himself with it ; that is to say, if he associates the power of the priests with his own, and admits them to a due share of the benefits which he pursues, the power of the priests is employed, not in checking, but in supporting him in the abuse of his power. Now, so completely was the power of the priests associated with that of the sovereign, under the Hindu system of government, that the power of the sovereign was almost wholly transferred into the hands of the priests. As the be- nefit of abusing the sovereign power was shared so largely with themselves, they had no motive to check, but every motive to support. 1 To misgovernment accordingly, under Hindu sovereigns, we find no where any symptoms of opposition from religion. Under Mohammedan sovereigns the alliance be- tween the Church and the State is much less com- plete. The Caliphs, it is true, were at once head magistrates, and head priests : in other situations, under Mohammedan sovereigns, the priests have had little political power. Except in some matters of established custom, which by themselves are little capable of mending the condition of the people upon the whole, they have never had sufficient influence, 1 The mistake is here repeated of confounding Brahmans with priests. The alliance of church and state is much more intimate with the Moham- medans where the sovereign should properly even perform the office of public preacher in the temples ; he has also the whole patronage of the Moollas in his hands. With the Hindus the Raja can perform no sacred offices, nor can he exercise any control over the Brahmanical caste. W. 490 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. OKHi nor apparently any inclination, to protect the people from the abuses of sovereign power. Herein they differ from the Hindu system of priesthood, and the difference is an important one, that they are not allied with those who abuse the sovereign power, and yield them no protection. 2. Insurrection is a principle of salutary opera- tion, under the governments of the East. To that is owing almost every thing which the people are any where left to enjoy. I have already had some op- portunities, and as I proceed shall have more, to point out remarkable instances of its practical effects. In a situation where there is no regular institution to limit the power of gratifying the will, the caprices, and the desires of the sovereign and his instruments, at the expense of the people, there is nothing which hinders the people from being made as completely wretched as the unbounded gratification, at their ex- pense, of the will, caprices, and desires of those who have sovereign power over them, can render human beings; except the dread of insurrection. But, in a situation where the mass of the people have nothing to lose, it is seldom difficult to excite them to insur- rection. The sovereigns of the East find, by expe- rience, that the people, if oppressed beyond a certain limit, are apt to rebel ; never want leaders of capa- city in such a case to conduct them ; and are very apt to tread their present race of oppressors under their feet. This prospect lays these rulers under a certain degree of restraint, and is the main-spring of that portion of goodness which any where appears in the practical state of the despotisms of the East. But the dread of insurrection was reduced to its MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 491 lowest terms, among a people whose apathy and pa- BOOK in CHAP. 0. tience under suffering exceeded those of any other specimen of the human race. The spirit, and excit- ability, and courage of the Mohammedan portion of the Indian population, undoubtedly furnished, as far as it went, an additional motive to good government, on the part of the sovereigns of Hindustan. 1 3. It is in a higher state of civilization than that exemplified, either among the Mohammedans oramong the Hindus, that Manners have great influence in limiting the abuses of sovereign power. It is only in proportion as the mind of man is susceptible of plea- sure from the approbation, pain from the disapproba- tion, of his fellow-creatures, that he is capable of re- straint from the operation of manners ; unless in so far as they increase or diminish the chance of insur- rection. Though no great amount of salutary effects is, therefore, to be ascribed to the operation of man- ners, under the sovereigns, either of Hindu or of Mohammedan breed, the benefit, as far as it went, was all on the side of the Mohammedans. 2 There was, in the manners of the Mohammedan conquerors 1 We may grant the greater aptitude of the Mohammedans to rebellion, but instances are not wanting to show that the Hindus can resent violence offered to their religion, if not to themselves ; the history of the Sikhs is a continual series of Hindu insurrections against the Mogul government, terminating in national independence. W. 4 The contrary was the case; the Mohammedan princes were, with a few honourable exceptions, remarkable for profligacy and contempt of opinion ; in scarcely any instances, indeed, did they attach any importance to the opinions of their Hindu subjects. The natural mildness of the Hindu prince, and the restriction of caste, tended to preserve him from indecorous excess. If it was true that profligate barbarism was the natural condition of the government among such a passive people as the Hindus, we cannot expect that our own government of them should be free from the imputa- tion. It scarcely follows, as a matter of course, that because the people are submissive their rulers must naturally be barbarous or profligate. W. 492 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. OK HI O f i nt ii a) an activity, a manliness, an independence, which rendered it less easy for despotism to sink, among them, to that disgusting state of weak and profligate barbarism, which is the natural condition of government among such a passive people as the Hindus. Further, along with those remains of barbarism which in considerable amount adheres to the best of the Mohammedan nations, as well as to all the other inhabitants of Asia, a considerable portion of plain good sense marked the character of the conquerors of India; while the natives of that country are distin- guished by a greater deficiency in the important article of practical good sense, than any people, above the rank of savages, of whom we have any record. The practical good sense of any people is not without its influence upon the mode of employing the powers of government, and upon the minds of some at least of the princes that wield them. Before the Moguls proceeded to Hindustan, we have a proof, in the Institutes of the conqueror Timur, l of the degree of beneficent contrivance, with which he laid down the plan of his administration. " I appointed a Suddur, a man of holiness, and of illustrious dignity, to watch over the conduct of the faithful ; that he might regulate the manners of the times; and appoint superiors in holy offices; and establish in every city, and in every town, a judge of penetration, and a doctor learned in the law, and a supervisor of the markets, of the weights, and the measures. 1 The Persian version was translated by Major Davy ; and edited, with a preface and other additions, by Mr. White, the Arabic Professor at Oxford, in 1783. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 493 " And I established a judge for the army, and a BOOK in judge for the subjects : and I sent into every pro- vince and kingdom, an instructor in the law, to deter the faithful from those things which are for- bidden, and to lead them in the truth. "And I ordained that in every town, and in every city, a mosque, and a school, and a monastery, and an alms-house for the poor and the indigent, and an hospital for the sick and infirm, should be founded, and that a physician should be appointed to attend the hospital ; and that in every city a government- house, and a court for the administration of justice should be built; and that superintendents should be appointed to watch over the cultivated lands, and over the husbandmen. "And I commanded that they should build places of worship, and monasteries in every city ; and that they should erect structures for the reception of travellers on the high roads, and that they should make bridges across the rivers. " And I commanded that the ruined bridges should be repaired; and that bridges should be constructed over the rivulets, and over the rivers; and that on the roads, at the distance of one stage from each other, Kauruwansarai should be erected ; and that guards and watchmen should be stationed on the road, and that in every Kauruwansarai people should be appointed to reside ; and that the watch- ing and guarding of the roads should appertain unto them ; and that those guards should be an- swerable for whatever should be stolen on the roads from the unwary traveller. " And I ordered that the Suddur and the Judge 494 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK HI should, from time to time, lay before me all CHAP. 5. . J the ecclesiastical affairs of my empire ; and I ap- pointed a Judge in equity, that he might transmit unto me all civil matters of litigation, that came to pass amongst my troops and my subjects." Here is a selection of four of the most important objects of government, in making a provision for which, the first care and attention of the Mogul sovereign are employed: the administration of jus- tice ; the instruction of the people ; the facilitation of intercourse ; and his own knowledge of all that is transacted in his name. That the provision for these objects was very incomplete, we have suffici- cient assurance ; but some progress was made in the art and science of government, when they were pointed out as primary objects of regard ; still more, when something considerable was really done for their attainment. Of the twelve maxims of his government, the following is a selection : " Persons of wisdom, and deliberation, and vigi- lance, and circumspection, and agedmen endowed with knowledge and foresight, I admitted to my pri- vate councils ; and I associated with them, and I reaped benefit, and acquired experience from their conversation. " The soldier and the subject I regarded with the same eye. And such was the discipline which I established amongst my troops and my subjects, that the one was never injured or oppressed by the other. " From amongst the wise and the prudent, who merited trust and confidence, who were worthy of MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 495 being consulted on the affairs of government, and to B o K in T CHAP. 5. whose care 1 might submit the secret concerns of my empire, I selected a certain number, whom I constituted the repositories of my secrets : and my weighty and hidden transactions, and my secret thoughts and intentions, I delivered over to them. "By the vizzeers, and the secretaries, and the scribes, I gave order and regularity to my public councils : I made them the keepers of the mirror of my government, in which they showed unto me the affairs of my empire, and the concerns of my armies and my people : and they kept rich my treasury ; and they secured plenty and prosperity to my sol- diers and to my subjects; and by proper and skilful measures they repaired the disorders incident to empire ; and they kept in order the revenues and the expenses of government; and they exerted themselves in promoting plenty and population throughout my dominions. "Men learned in medicine, and skilled in the art of healing, and astrologers, and geometricians, who are essential to the dignity of empire, I drew around me : and by the aid of physicians and chirurgeons I gave health to the sick : and with the assistance of astrologers I ascertained the benign or malignant aspect of the stars, their motions, and the revo- lutions of the heavens : and with the aid of geome- tricians and architects, I laid out gardens, and planned and constructed magnificent buildings. " Historians, and such as were possessed of in- formation and intelligence, I admitted to my pre- sence : and from these men I heard the lives of the prophets and the patriarchs, and the histories of 496 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. ancient princes, and the events by which they - arrived at the dignity of empire, and the causes of the declension of their fortunes : and from the narra- tives and the histories of those princes, and from the manners and the conduct of each of them, I ac- quired experience and knowledge : and from those men I heard the descriptions and the traditions of the various regions of the globe, and acquired know- ledge of the situations of the kingdoms of the earth. " To travellers, and to voyagers of every country, I gave encouragement, that they might communicate unto me the intelligence and transactions of the sur- rounding nations : and I appointed merchants and chiefs of Kauruwauns to travel to every kingdom and to every country, that they might bring unto me all sorts of valuable merchandise and rare cu- riosities, from Khuttau, and from Khuttun, and from Cheen, and from Maucheen, and from Hindostaun, and from the cities of Arabia, and from Missur, and from Shaum, and from Room, and from the islands of the Christians, that they might give me informa- tion of the situation, and of the manners and of the customs of the natives and inhabitants of those re- gions, and that they might observe and communicate unto me the conduct of the princes of every kingdom and of every country towards their subjects." All these different points laid down, in writing, as main objects of attention in the conduct of govern- ment, undoubtedly indicate a state of the human mind very considerably removed from the lowest barbarism. The following regulations respecting the collection MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 497 of the revenues ; of all the parts of an imperfect BOOK irr CHAP. 5. government that which most deeply affects the . happiness of the people ; indicate no common share of excellence in the spirit of administration. " And I commanded that the Ameers, and the Mingbaushees, in collecting the revenues from the subjects, should not, on any account, demand more than the taxes and duties established. " And to every province on which a royal assign- ment was granted, I ordained that two supervisors, should be appointed ; that one of them should inspect the collections, and watch over the concerns of the inhabitants, that they might not be impoverished, and that the Jaugheerdaur might not ill use or oppress them, and that he should take an account of all the sums which were collected in the province ; and that the other supervisor should keep a register of the public expenses, and distribute the revenues among the soldiers. " And every Ameer who was appointed to a jaug- heer, I ordained that for the space of three years it should remain unto him, and that, after three years, the state of the province should be inspected : If the inhabitants were satisfied, and if the country was flourishing and populous, that he should be continued therein ; but if the contrary should appear, that the jaugheer should return unto the crown, and, that for the three following years, subsistence should not be granted to the holder thereof. " And I ordained that the collection of the taxes from the subject might, when necessary, be enforced by menaces and by threats, but never by whips and by scourges. The governor, whose authority is in- VOL. II. 2 K 498 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. to the power of the scourge, is unworthy to govern. " I ordained that the revenues and the taxes should be collected in such a manner as might not be productive of ruin to the subject, or of depopula- tion to the country." Of the produce of the fertile and cultivated lands, one third was taken for the government ; and this was the principal, and almost the only source of the revenue. " And I ordained, whoever undertook the cultiva- tion of waste lands, or built an aqueduct, or made a canal, or planted a grove, or restored to culture a deserted district, that in the first year nothing should be taken from him, and that in the second year, whatever the subject voluntarily offered should be received, and that in the third year the duties should be collected according to the regulation. " And I ordained, that if the rich and the power- ful should oppress the poorer subject, and injure or destroy his property, an equivalent for damage sustained should be levied on the rich oppressor, and be delivered to the injured person, that he might be restored to his former estate. " And I ordained, that in every country three Vizzeers should be stationed. The first, for the subject to keep a regular account of the taxes and the duties received, and what sums, and to what amount, were paid in by the subject, and under what denomination, and on what .account, and to preserve an exact statement of the whole. The second, for the soldier to take account of the sums paid to the troops, and of the sums remaining due MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 499 unto them." The third was for certain miscellaneous BOOKnr CHAP. 5. services, too tedious to be specified. These details are sufficient to show, that among the Moguls, even at their first irruption into Hindustan, the arts of government were considerably advanced ; and that the Hindus had much to gain by a change of masters. In the hands of some of the most eminent of the Mogul princes, the Emperor Akbar, for instance, the powers of government were dis- tributed, and employed with a skill which would not disgrace a period of considerable knowledge and refinement. Though in a pure despotism much depended on the qualities of the sovereign, yet when a good plan of administration was once fully introduced, a por- tion of its excellence always remained, for a time ; and had a strong tendency to become perpetual. III. THE LAWS. The laws of the Hindus, we have already seen, are such as could not originate in any other than one of the weakest conditions of the human intellect ; and, of all the forms of law known to the human species, they exhibit one of the least capable of producing the benefits which it is the end and the only good consequence of law, to ensure. 1 1 It has been shown that the view taken of the laws of the Hindus is exceedingly imperfect ; and that which follows of Mohammedan law rest- ing upon the Hedaya alone is not much more comprehensive, but being in- fluenced by a different feeling it is more candid. During the flourishing periods of Mohammedan rule in Asia, the law was very diligently culti- vated by a number of ingenious writers, some of whom were not impro- bably acquainted with the compilations of Justinian, which will account for its analogy in classification to Roman law. In this respect it may be allowed to have an advantage over Hindu law, but in the civil branch, in the laws of contracts and inheritance, it is not so exact or complete as the latter. The penal law has the advantage also of being framed without regard to persons, but its spirit of barbarous retaliation is unknown to the Hindu code. W. 2 K 2 500 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. The Mohammedan law, as introduced into India by CHAP. 5. ^ J its Mogul conquerors, is defective indeed, as com- pared with any very high standard of excellence; but compare it with the standard of any existing system, with the Roman law for instance, or the law of England, and you will find its inferiority not so remarkable, as those who are familiar with these systems, and led by the sound of vulgar applause, are in the habit of believing. In the following view of the most remarkable particulars in the state of Mohammedan law, a reference to the system of English law is peculiarly instructive, and even ne- cessary ; as it is by the English system that the Mo- hammedan has been superseded. 1. The civil, or non-penal branch of law, lays down the rights which, for the good of the species, should be constituted in behalf of the individual ; in other words, prescribes the power which the indi- vidual, for the good of the species, ought exclu- sively to possess, over persons, and over things. The particular powers or privileges which it is expedient to constitute rights, are, in the great points, so distinctly and strongly indicated by com- mon experience, that there is a very general agree- ment about them among nations in all the stages of civilization. Nations differ chiefly in the mode of securing those rights. One instrument, without which they cannot be secured, is strict and accurate definition. In afford- ing strict and accurate definitions of the rights of the individual, the three systems of law, Roman, English, and Mohammedan, are not very far from being on a level. Completeness, in point of definition, it seems, MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 5Q1 is a perfection in the state of law, which it requires BOOK in a very advanced stage of civilization to bestow. At _ first, experience has provided no record of all the variety of material cases for which a provision is ne- cessary. Afterwards, the human mind is not suf- ficiently clear and skilful to classify accurately a mul- titude of particulars ; and without accurate classifi- cation, useful definitions and rules can never be framed. Lastly (and that is the state in which the more civilized nations of Europe have long been placed) custom and habit acquire a dominion which it is not easy to break ; and the professors of law possess an interest in its imperfections, which prompts them to make exertions, and a power, which enables them for a long time to make successful exertions, to defeat all endeavours for its improvement. Until very lately, there was no civil code, that is to say, there was no description, good or bad, in a permanent set of words, of almost any of the rights belonging to individuals, in any country in Europe. The whole was traditionary, the whole was oral ; there was hardly any legislative writing. Of course, in the greater number of cases, nobody knew exactly what was a right. The judge, having no fixed defi- nition for his guidance, made for himself, on each particular occasion, a definition to suit that parti- cular occasion. But these numerous definitions, made by numerous judges on numerous occasions, were more or less different one from another. All the approximation to accuracy that was attained, or that was attainable, consisted in this, that the rou- tine of decision fixed a certain sphere, within which the variation of the arbitrary definitions which the 502 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in judges on each occasion made for themselves was, HP. . ? . with a certain force, confined ; as he, by whom a wider range was taken for injustice than what was usually taken, would expose himself to the conse- quences of blame. Within a few years some at- tempts have been made, in some of the German states, to supply a code ; that is, to give fixed and determinate words to the laws, by the only instru- ment of permanency and certainty in language, writing. These attempts have been partial, and ex- ceedingly imperfect, even as far as they went. The Emperor Napoleon was the first sovereign in modern Europe, who bestowed upon his subjects the inesti- mable benefit of laws, in written, fixed, and deter- minate words. Many are the faults which might be discovered in this code, were this the place to criti- cize the execution ; but with all its imperfections, it placed the French people, with respect to law, in a situation far more favourable than that of any other people upon the globe. In England, the whole por- tion of the field, occupied by what is denominated the common law ; that is, almost all the civil, and a great proportion of the penal branch, is in the un- written, that is, the oral, and traditionary, or bar- barous state. Lastly, that portion, which bears the character of written, or statute law, is so overloaded with useless words ; so devoid of classification ; and the expression is so ambiguous and obscure, that the lawyers declare it is far more polluted with the vice of uncertainty, than that which is .in a state of ne- cessary and perpetual fluctuation, the common law itself. The form of the Mohammedan law, as exhibited MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 503 to us in some of the best of its digests, as the He- BOOK [ ll CHAP. 5. daya, for instance, is not much more rude and bar- barous than this. To give any intelligible account of the powers which law converts into rights, it is necessary to make a distribution of the existences which are the subject of those rights, or over which the powers, converted into rights, are granted. This distribution is the same, in the Mohammedan, as in the European systems. The subjects of those rights, or the existences over which the powers are granted, are either, First, Persons ; or, Secondly, Things. In the case in which Persons are considered as the subject of rights ; 1. Individuals, as individuals, are allotted rights, or exclusive powers, with respect to their own persons ; 2. As husbands, fathers, sons, masters, servants, judges, suitors, kings, or subjects, &c., they are allotted rights or exclusive powers, with respect to the persons (including the services) of others. In the case in which Things are consi- dered as the subject of right, two circumstances principally require to be ascertained; First, the powers which are included in each right ; Secondly, the events which cause, or give origin to the existence of a right. These points are determined upon the same principles, and nearly in the same way, by the Mohammedan, as by European legislation. Every where law has been formed, not by a previous sur- vey and arrangement of the matters which it belongs to a system of law to include ; but by the continual aggregation of one individual case to another, as they occurred for decision : The only classifications, therefore, which have ever been attempted, are those 504 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in o f t}j e cases w hich occur for decision ; the states of CHAP. 5. circumstances which most frequently give occasion to disputes about rights. Now, these states of cir- cumstances are the more common of the events which constitute change of ownership, or affect the transfer of property : of these events, one set, which obviously enough fall into a class, are those of bar- gain and sale, or the exchange of one article of value for another ; this constitutes a large chapter in the Mohammedan code. Another important class of such events are those which relate to inheritance : a third class are those which relate to wills ; a fourth, those which relate to engagements either to pay a sum of money, or to perform a service. There are other inferior titles, of which those relating to depo- sits and to bail are the most considerable : and under these heads is the matter of civil law distributed in the Mohammedan code. It will not be denied that this distribution very closely resembles that which is made of the same subject in the legal systems of Europe. It will hardly be denied that this combination of heads as completely includes the subject, or all the cases of dispute re- specting ownership or right, as that combination of heads which we find in the codes of the west. To show the exact degree in which the Mohammedan system falls short of the Christian system, but exceeds the Hindu, in making clear and certain the rights which it means to create and uphold, would require a developement far too long and intricate for the present occasion. From the delineation of the great lines to which the present aim has been confined, it will appear. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 505 that a much higher strain of intelligence runs through the whole, than is to be found in the puerilities, and the worse than puerilities, of the Hindus. 2. So much for the comparison of Mohammedan law with that of the Hindus and Europeans, in regard to the civil branch, or the constitution of rights. In the penal branch, besides a selection of the acts which shall be accounted offences, in which selection there is great uniformity all over the globe, two things are necessary, an exact definition of the act which the law constitutes an offence, and an exact specifica- tion of the punishment which it adopts as the means of preventing that offence. On the penal branch of law the Mohammedan, like the Roman system, is exceedingly scanty. In the Institutes of Justinian, for example, three short titles or chapters, out of eighteen, in the last and shortest of four books, is all that falls to the share of this half of the field of law: and the whole is brought in under the subordinate title of " Obligations arising from delinquency." The arbitrary will of the judge (a wretched substitute) was left to supply the place of law. The same disproportion, (and it is one of the most remarkable points of inferiority in the ancient Roman as compared with the modern systems of juris- prudence,) is observable in the Mohammedan books of law : the portion which relates to the penal is very small, in comparison with that which relates to the non-penal branch of the subject. The Mohammedan system contained, indeed, one law comprehensive enough to supersede a number ; viz., that, in all cases of injury to the person, retalia- tion should be the rule ; an eye for an eye, and 506 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in a tooth for a tooth. This recommends itself to CHAP. 5. a rude age by the appearance of proportion. But it recommends itself to no other but a rude age, because it possesses nothing but the appearance of proportion, and grossly violates the reality. In this the Mohammedan more nearly approached the Hindu, than the European systems of penal law. By this however it avoided the atrocity of some modern systems, particularly the English, in as much as it limited capital punishment, never allowed for offences against property, to the single case of murder. In practice too, " the Mussulman courts," says the translator of the Hedaya, " in all cases short of life, understand the words of the Koran, not as awarding an actual retaliation, according to the strict literal meaning, but an atonement in exact proportion to the injury." 1 This indicates a consi- derable refinement of thought on the subject of penal law ; far removed from the brutality which stains the code of the Hindus. The most atrocious part of the Mohammedan system of punishment is that which regards theft and robbery. Mutilation, by cutting off the hand, or the foot, is the prescribed remedy for all higher degrees of the offence. This savours strongly of a barbarous state of society ; and in this the Moham- medan and Hindu systems resemble one another. The translator of the Hedaya, though he laments the inhumanity, inconvenience ', and inefficiency, of this mode of punishment, yet tells his British coun- 1 The Hedaya, or Guide ; a commentary on the Mussulman Laws : Translated by order of the Governor-General and Council of Bengal, by Charles Hamilton, in 4 vols. 4to. Preliminary Discourse, by the trans- lator, p. Ixxxiii. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. try men, "They have nothing better to offer by way of substitute ; for surely their penal laws are still more sanguinary." This is a heavy imputation on the legislature of his country ; but surely n.o good reason hinders a better system of penal remedies, than that of either English or Mohammedan law, from being introduced into India, by an enlightened legislature, if such a thing were to be found. One peculiarity, indicating the work of an imma- ture state of the human mind, strongly distinguishes the Mohammedan system; while it distinguishes the English, in a degree scarcely, if at all, inferior. In framing the several rules or ordinances ; which, of course, are intended, each, to include not a mere in- dividual case (for then to be complete they must be innumerable,) but sets or classes of cases ; it is not the specific, or the generic differences, but the indi- vidual differences, upon which a great proportion of the rules are founded. Their mode of proceeding is the same, as if (taking a familiar case for the sake of illustration) they were to make one law to prohibit the stealing of a sheep ; another to prohibit the stealing of a cow ; a third, the stealing of a horse ; though all the cases should be treated as equally criminal, and all subjected to the same penalty. Not merely a good logic, but a good talent for expe- diting business, would teach that all such cases as could be comprehended under one description, and were to be dealt with in one way, should be in- cluded in one comprehensive law. This would have two admirable effects. The laws w r ould first be less voluminous ; hence less obscure, and difficult to administer. In the second place, being founded upon 507 508 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. o*" 1 the generic and specific differences, they would in- clude all individual cases without exception ; whereas in so far as they are founded upon individual dis- tinctions, they may rise to the number of millions, and leave as many cases (no individual case resem- bling another) without an appropriate provision. 3. Beside the laws which mark out rights and punishments, are a set of laws on which the execu- tion of the former branches altogether depends. These are the laws which constitute the system of procedure ; or the round of operations through which the judicial services inquiry, sentence and enforcement are rendered. In this part of the field of legislation, there is a most remarkable difference, between the Indian and European systems. In the European system, the steps of procedure are multiplied to a great number, and regulated by a correspondent multiplicity of rules. In the Mohammedan, (and in this the Mo- hammedan and the Hindu systems concur) the mode of procedure is simple, and not much regulated by any positive rules ; the Judge being left to conduct the judicial inquiry, in the mode which appears to him most conducive to its end, and falling of course into the natural and obvious train of operations, recommended to every individual by ordinary good sense, when he has any private inquiry, analogous to the judicial, to perform. The parties are sum- moned to appear before him : they state, in their order, the circumstances of the case,. subject to ex- amination of all sorts, for the elucidation of the facts : the evidence which they have to adduce, whether of testimony or of things, is received : when MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 509 all the evidence is before the Judge, he balances BOOK in the weight of that which affirms, with the weight of that which denies the point in dispute ; and according as either preponderates, decision is pronounced. In this department, the advantage is all on the side of the Indian systems. The inconvenience to which the Indian mode of procedure is liable con- sists in the arbitrary power intrusted to the Judge ; which he may employ either negligently, or partially and corruptly. Two things may here be observed : first, that this inconvenience is not removed from the system characterized by the great number of steps and rules, which may be called the technical system : secondly, that it may, to a great degree, be easily removed from the system which is charac- terized by the small number of steps and rules, which may be called the natural system. It is not removed from the technical system ; for that binds the Judge to nothing but an observance of the technical rules : now they may all be observed in the most punctilious manner; while the real merits of the case may have been most imperfectly brought to light, through negligence ; or purposely disguised, through corruption. The observance of the technical rules by no means forces the inquiry upon the merits of the case ; and affords no security whatsoever that in regard to them the inquiry shall be complete. In the next place, the power of the Judge may be restrained from abuse, in the natural mode of proce- dure, by very easy expedients. As the steps are simple, they can be clearly described ; and a standard of perfection may be rendered perfectly familiar to "510 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK n i the minds of the people : with this standard in their CHAI-.5. minds, the conduct of the Judge may be subjected to perfect publicity, and held open to the full view, and unrestrained criticisms, of the people ; as no miscon- duct would thus escape detection, an efficient method might be easily provided to render it very difficult, or impossible, that it should escape the due measure of punishment. This is the mode of obtaining good conduct from the Judge, as from every other servant of the public ; not the prescription of numerous cere- monial observances, few of them having any con- nexion with the merits of the case ; many of them obstructing, rather than aiding the efficient opera- tions of a rational inquiry ; and all, taken together, far better calculated for screening the Judge in a course of misconduct, than for imposing upon him any necessity of good and faithful service. If the technical affords no security for good con- duct in the Judge, above the natural system, it pos- sesses other qualities which render it infinitely hurtful to the interests of justice. By multiplying the operations of judicature, it renders the course long, intricate, obscure, and treacherous. It cre- ates delay, which is always a partial, often a complete denial of justice. It creates unnecessary expense ; which is always positive robbery ; and as often as it is above the means of the suitor is com- plete and absolute denial of justice ; expense, which is almost always above the means of the indigent, that is,* the most numerous class ; which possesses, therefore, this peculiar property, that it outlaws the great body of the people ; making law an instrument which any one may employ for the oppression of MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 511 the most numerous portion of the species ; an instru- BOOK m . _ i CHAP. 3. ment which they can scarcely at all employ for their protection. It is instructive, and not difficult, to trace the causes which gave birth to such different modes of judicial procedure in the two countries. The dif- ference arose from the different situation of the judges. It rose from the different means presented to the judges of drawing a profit out of the business which they had to perform. In India, as the state of manners and opinions permitted them to receive bribes, they had no occasion to look out for any other means of drawing as much money as possible from the suitors ; and, therefore, they allowed the course of inquiry to fall into the straight, the shortest, and easiest channel. In England, the state of manners and opinions rendered it very inconvenient, and in some measure dangerous, to receive bribes. The judges were, therefore, induced to look out for other means of rendering their business profitable to them- selves. The state of manners and opinions allowed them to take fees upon each of the different judicial operations. It was, therefore, an obvious expedient, to mutiply these operations to excess ; to render them as numerous, and not only as numerous, but as insnaring as possible. For, with a view to fees, it was of prodigious importance, after the operations had been rendered as numerous as possible, to create pretexts for performing them twice over. This was easily done, by rendering the operations, imposed upon the suitors, so nice, and intricate, and equivocal, that it was hardly possible to observe them, in such a manner as to preclude exception ; and, by making 512 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOO K.III [i a ru j e t} ia as soon as an y misobservance was laid CHAP. 5. J hold of by the judge, the whole of the preceding operations, how exactly soever performed, should be set aside, and the suit ordained to commence anew. This re-commencement, accordingly, this double per- formance of the ceremonies, double payment of the fees, is one of the most remarkable features in the English system of procedure. 1 Two persons in the Mohammedan courts, the Cauzee and Mooftee, share between them, on each occasion, the functions of the judge. The Mooftee attends in order to expound the sacred text ; the Cauzee is the person who investigates the question of fact, and carries into execution what he receives as the mean- ing of the law. 2 The following passage discovers a correct mode of thinking, whatever disconformity may have been found between the rule and the practice. " It is in- cumbent on the Sultan to select for the office of Cauzee, a person who is capable of discharging the duties of it, and passing decrees ; and who is also in a superlative degree just and virtuous ; for the prophet has said ; Whoever appoints a person to the discharge of any office, whilst there is another among his subjects more qualified for the same than the person so appointed, does surely commit an injury with re- spect to the rights of God, the prophet, and the Mus- sulmans" 3 1 This explanation of the causes of complex procedure in the English courts of law is an amusing exemplification of one of our author's peculi- arities ; his horror of English is even more strong than of Hindu law. According to his theory, the corruption of the judge is the best security for justice. It would be dangerous to reduce this to practice. W. * Hedaya, U. 614. 3 Hedaya, ii. 615. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 513 Publicity was an important principle in the Mo- BOOKin l ~i - CHAP, O. nammedan jurisprudence. For the hall of justice, " the principal mosque," says the law, " is the most eligible place, if it be situated within the city ; be- cause it is the most notorious." 1 There is no part of the rules of procedure which more strongly indicate the maturity or immaturity of the human mind, than the rules of evidence. There is scarcely any part of the Mohammedan system, where it shows to greater advantage. On many points its rules of evidence are not inferior : in some they are preferable, to those of the European systems. Its exclusion of evidence, for example, is not so exten- sive, and,, in the same proportion, not so mischievous as the English. There are other cases, however, in which inferiority appears. Reckoning women's tes- timony inferior to that of men (they have less cor- rectness, says the law, both in observation and memory which so long as their education is infe- rior will no doubt be the case), the Mohammedan law makes some very absurd rules. In all criminal cases, the testimony of the woman is excluded ; and in questions of property, the evidence of two women is held only equal to that of one man ; as if one class of women may not be better educated than another class of men, and their testimony, therefore, more to be depended upon. Under Mohammedan customs, indeed, which exclude the women from the acquisi- tion of knowledge and experience, the regulation had less of impropriety than it would have in a state of things more favourable to the mental powers of the sex. There is nothing, however, in the Moham- 1 Hedaya, ii, 620. VOL. II. 2 L 514 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. medan laws of evidence, to compare with many ab- surdities of the Hindu system, which makes perjury, in certain cases, a virtue. 1 IV. THE TAXES. To a great extent the Mo- hammedans followed the plan of taxation which was established under the native government of the Hindus. The great source of the revenue was the proportion, exacted by the sovereign, of the gross produce of the land. The Emperor Akbar was ce- lebrated as having placed the details of collection in a better state, than that important business had ever been seen in before. From what has been observed of the practice of existing Hindu governments ; and, from the superior share of intelligence which the Mohammedans brought to the business of state, we may infer, with sufficient assurance, that the im- provement introduced by that people was not incon- siderable. That the Mohammedan princes gene- rally made use of Hindus in affairs of revenue ; and even employed them as their instruments, in the reforms to which they were led, is not inconsistent with the supposition, that the business was better managed under the Mohammedans than under the Hindus. 2 For the details of collection; which a revenue chiefly derived from a proportion of the gross produce of the land rendered excessively ope- 1 Tins, as we have seen, is a mistake ; truth in evidence is as strenuously enjoined in Hindu as in Mohammedan law, and the disregard of it is 03 common among the unprincipled of one as of the other faith. W. 1 The Mohammedans have always been in India, and are, to the present day, notorious for incapacity as officers of account. Under the English as under their own administrations, all the chief appointments in the revenue department are filled by Hindus. Both as instruments and as principals, whatever merit there may have been in the financial arrange- ments of Akbar it belonged to the Hindus. See Ayeen Akbery. W. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 515 rose and complex ; an intimate acquaintance with B the language and manners of the people was indis pensably required; and that acquaintance Hindus alone possessed. There is nothing to hinder the Hindus, as any other people, from being well quali- fied to be used as instruments in a business, in which they might have been utterly incapable of being the principals. The methods devised, with considerable skill, under the Emperor Akbar, for preventing the two great abuses incident to the ma- chinery of collection ; the oppression of the people ; and embezzlement of the king's revenue ; appear to have preserved their virtue, not much impaired, during the time when any vigour remained in the Mogul government ; and to have become altogether neglected, only when each province, as the empire fell to pieces, became an independent petty state ; and when the feeble and necessitous sovereign of each petty state was unable to contend either with his own vices, or those of his agents. 1 V. RELIGION. Under this head very few words are required; because the superiority of the Mo- 1 " The moderation of the tribute imposed by all Mohammedan con- querors, and the simplicity of their method of collecting it, accounts for the surprising facility with which they retained possession of their con- quests. The form of their government was despotic : but in fact it was not oppressive to the mass of the conquered people. In general they in- troduced no change, but in the army, and in the name of the sovereign." Francis, Plan for a Settlement of the Revenues of Bengal, par. 9. " The gentiles (Hindus) are better contented to live under the Mogul's laws than under Pagan princes, for the Mogul taxes them gently, and every one knows what he must pay, but the Pagan kings or princes tax at discretion, making their own avarice the standard of equity; besides, there were formerly many small Rajas, that used upon frivolous occasions to pick quarrels with one another, and before they could be made friends again, their subjects were forced to open both their veins and purses to gratify ambition or folly." Hamilton's New Account of the East Indies, ii. 26. 2 L2 51() HISTORY OF WHITISH INDIA. ROOK in hammedans, in respect of religion, is beyond all dis- pute. To the composition of the Koran was brought an acquaintance with the Jewish and Christian scrip- tures ; by which the writer, notwithstanding his mental rudeness, appears to have greatly profited; and assigning, as we are disposed to assign, very little value to the lofty expressions regarding the Divine perfections, in the Koran, as well as to those in the Vedas, we find the absurdities in the Koran, by which those lofty ideas are contradicted, incon- siderable both in number and degree, compared with those which abound in the religious system of the Hindus. l VI . MANNERS. In this respect the superiority of the Mohammedans was most remarkable. The prin- cipal portion of the manners of the Hindus was founded upon the cruel and pernicious distinction of castes: A system of manners proceeding, like that of the Mohammedans, upon the supposition of the natural equality of mankind, constituted such a difference in behalf of all that is good for human nature, as it is hardly possible to value too high. Another great portion of the manners of the Hindus consisted in the performance of religious ceremonies : In cere- monies to the last degree contemptible and absurd, very often tormenting and detestable, a great propor- tion of the life of every Hindu is, or ought to be, consumed. The religion of the Moslem is stript of 1 In some respects the superiority may be granted to the Mohammedan religion, but there are two important principles by which its advantages are more than counterbalanced, its promise of sensual delights as the re- ward of virtue, and its bigoted intolerance. The Hindu sees truth in every form of religious worship, and holds the pleasures of Paradise un- worthy of a wise or pious hope. W. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 517 ceremonies to a degree no where else exemplified BOOKI11 C HAP. > among nations in the lower stages of civilization. As so great a portion of human life is devoted to the preparation and enjoyment of food, the great diversity between a diet wholly vegetable, and one which may in any degree consist of animal food, implies a considerable diversity in one grand portion of the details of ordinary life. Abstinence from in- toxicating liquors, is a feature almost equally strong in the manners of both Mohammedans and Hindus. In point of address and temper, the Mohammedan is less soft, less smooth and winning than the Hindu. Of course he is not so well liked by his lord and master the Englishman : who desires to have nothing more to do with him, than to receive his obedience. In truth, the Hindu, like the Eunuch, excels in the qualities of a slave. The indolence,, the security, the pride of the despot, political or domestic, find less to hurt them in the obedience of the Hindu, than in that of almost any other portion of the species. But if less soft, the Mohammedan is more manly, more vigorous. He more nearly resembles our own half- civilized ancestors; who, though more rough, were not more gross; though less supple in behaviour, were still more susceptible of increased civilization, than a people in the state of the Hindus. In the still more important qualities, which con- stitute what we call the moral character, the Hindu, as we have already seen, ranks very low ; and the Mohammedan is little, if at all, above him. The same insincerity, mendacity, and perfidy ; the same indifference to the feelings of others ; the same pro- 518 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in gtitution and venality, 1 are conspicuous in both. The Mohammedans are profuse, when possessed of wealth, and devoted to pleasure; the Hindus are almost always penurious and ascetic. 2 VII. THE ARTS. The comparison has been so 1 Sir Thomas Roe, speaking of even the Mogul Emperor and his court, says, " Experience had taught me that there was no faith among these barbarians." Journal in Churchill's Voyages, i. 799. Contrasting the opposition he met with, -when he had not, and the obsequiousness when he had something to give, he says, " This made me sensible of the poor spirits of those people. Asaph Khan [the minister] was become so much our friend, in hopes to buy some trifles, that he would have betrayed his own son to serve us, and was my humble servant." Ibid. Sir Thomas Roe said it was better not to send ambassadors to the Mogul's court, but to employ the money in bribing. " Half my charge," said he, " shall cor- rupt all this court to be your slaves." Letter to the E. I. Company, Ibi d p. 809. * In this comparison of manners, a variety of assertions are made, wholly unfounded. The distinction between the Moslem and the unbeliever, has everywhere rendered the former inclined to be brutal in his treatment of the latter, to an extent much beyond the ordinary effect of the distinc- tion of caste. This was a matter of importance in India, where nine- tenths of the people were unbelievers, and were constant food for the insolence and cruelty of the faithful. The Mohammedan doctrine of equality was not incompatible with slavery to a very great extent, with all its debasing effects upon the manners of the slave-owner. Although not unknown to the Hindu system, it is in so modified a form, and is so little in harmony with Hindu manners, that it scarcely exists in most parts of India. The Hindus are not restricted to a vegetable diet any more than the Mohammedans, whilst it is not true that the Mohammedans abstain from spirituous liquors as rigidly as the Hindus. There are no such con- fessions in Hindu writings as in Baber's honest accounts of his drinking bouts, no such panegyrics upon wine, as in the poetry of Hafiz. With regard to deportment, there is not much difference between a well-bred Mohammedan and Hindu ; but generally speaking there is more sincerity in the latter. The morals of the Mohammedans are much lower than those of the Hindus, from their stronger propensity to personal gratification ascribable partly to the spirit of their religion, and partly to greater physi- cal vigour. The only superiority possessed by the, Mohammedan over the Hindu is energy ; they are, in general, a more resolute and enterprising race, retaining some of the physical qualities of their Turkish or Persian origin. This applies only to the better classes of them. The lower orders of Indian Mohammedans, arc in general inferior to the lower orders of the Hindus. W. MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 519 fully exhibited, between the Persians and Hindus, in BOOK in CH.AP *S respect to progress, in the arts, in that chapter of the ' preceding book, in which the arts of the Hindus have been described ; and it is so well known, that the Mohammedan conquerors of India carried with them in perfection the arts of the Persians, that under this head scarcely any thing remains to be adduced. Of the mechanical arts, those of architecture, jew- ellery, and the fabrication of cloth, appeared to be the only arts for which admiration has been bestowed upon the Hindus. In the first two, the Hindus were found decidedly inferior to the Mohammedans. 1 Of the Mohammedan structures, some are hardly ex- ceeded by the finest monuments of architecture in Europe. The characteristic circumstance of build- ing an arch, the Hindus were totally ignorant of; the Mohammedans excelled in it. 2 If in any thing the Mohammedans were inferior to the Hindus, it was in the productions of the loom ; though it is doubtful whether, as high specimens of art, the silks and vel- vets of the Persians are not as wonderful as the fine muslins of the Hindus. In making roads and bridges, one of the most im- portant of all the applications of human labour and skill, the Hindus, before the invasion of the Moham- medans, appear to have gone very little beyond the 1 This is quite gratuitous; what do we know of the works of Hindu princes in these respects? In a country like India, edifices of the most stately character soon fall to decay, if left to such neglect, as could not fail to be the fate of Hindu monuments under the scourge of foreign ag- gression. There are, however, remains of magnificent causeways in Behar, the Dekhin, and Guzerat, which must have been the work of Hindu princes, and sufficiently prove that they were not unmindful of the construction of roads and bridges, W. 8 Vide supra, p. 13, 14. 520 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in state of the most barbarous nations. We have seen, CHAP. 5. in the extract lately produced from the Institutes of Timur, that this was a primary care of government among the Moguls, before they became the con- querors of Hindustan. In the fine arts, as they are usually called ; or those of music, painting, and sculpture, the reader has already traced, with me, a remarkable coin- cidence in the progress of the Mohammedans, the Chinese, and the Hindus. In painting, the taste, as well as the mechanical faculty of all these nations, exhibit a resemblance which is singular and sur- prising. In music, the Hindus appear to be inferior ; as, in sculpture, the Persians superior to the other two. Whether war is to be ranked among the fine or the coarse arts ; and whatever the relative portion of the powers of mind which it requires ; the art may be expected to exist in a state of high perfection among a people who are more, than a people who are less advanced in the scale of intelligence. When a number of people, comparatively few, overcome and hold in subjection a number of people compara- tively large, the inference is a legitimate one (unless something appear which gives the small number some wonderful advantage,) that the art of war is in a state of higher perfection among the conquering people, than the conquered. This in- ference, in the case of the Mohammedans and Hin dus, is confirmed by every thing which we know with respect to both those people. VIII. LITERATURE. In this important article, it will be impossible to show that the Hindus hud MOHAMMEDAN CIVILIZATION. 521 the superiority in one single particular. It will not be BO disputed, it is probable, that in almost every respect a decided superiority was on the side of their invaders. The only branches of Hindu literature of which the admirers of Hindu civilization have called for any admiration, are the mathematics and the poetry. With regard to the mathematics, it is rather the supposed antiquity, than the high progress of the science, among the Hindus, at which any wonder has been expressed. Whatever the case in regard to antiquity ; it is abundantly certain that the science existed among the Mohammedans, acquainted to a considerable degree with the mathematics of Europe, in a state not less high, than it was found among the Hindus ; and that point is all which is material to the present purpose, Of the poetry of the Hindus I have already endea- voured to convey a precise idea. On the present occasion it appears sufficient to say, that even those who make the highest demand upon us for admira- tion of the poetry of the Hindus, allow, as Sir William Jones, for example, that the poetry of the Persians is superior. 1 Compare the Mahabharat, the great narrative poem of the Hindus, with the Shah Namah, the great narrative poem of the Persians ; the departure from nature and probability is less wild and extravagant ; the incidents are less foolish; the fictions are more ingenious ; all to a great degree, 1 Who makes any such admission ? A more specific reference to the opinion of Sir William Jones is necessary, as it may be doubted if it is accurately quoted. The Shah Namah has some interesting narrative, but little that can be called poetry. The Mahabharat is no doubt inarti- ficial, and often tiresome, but it abounds with poetical beauties. W. 522 HISTORY OF BRITISH INDIA. BOOK in hi the work of the Mohammedan author, than in CHAP. 5. that of the Hindu. But the grand article in which the superiority of the Mohammedans appears in history. As all our knowledge is built upon experience, the recordation of the past for the guidance of the future is one of the effects in which the utility of the art of writing principally consists. Of this most important branch of literature the Hindus were totally destitute. Among the Mohammedans of India the art of composing history has been carried to greater perfection than in any other part of Asia. In point of simplicity and good sense, there is no specimen even of Persian history, known to the European scholar, which can vie with the works of Ferishta, or the interesting Memoirs of Gholam Hussein, the Seer Mutakha- reen. 1 Beside the best specimens of Persian history, it is worthy of remark that the best specimen also of Persian poetry, the celebrated Shah Namah, was produced among the Mohammedan conquerors of Hindustan. 2 1 It may be shrewdly suspected that our author would not have spoken so highly of Ferishta, or even of that much more intelligent Chronicler Gholam Hosein, had not his purpose been to disparage the Hindus by exalting the Mohammedans. W. * The answer to this, in all, except in history, the superiority is with the Hindus. W. N O T S. NOTE A. THE most authentic source of information, yet open to the research of the European scholar, on the metaphysical, as on other ideas of the learned Hindus., is the volume of the Insti- tutions of Menu. This celebrated, authoritative, and divine work contains, as is usual with the sacred books of the Hindus, a specimen of all their knowledge ; cosmogony, theology, physics, metaphysics, government, jurisprudence, and economics. From the account which in this work is rendered of the origin of the mind and its faculties, very sure conclusions may be drawn respecting the extent and accuracy of the psychological knowledge of the people by whom that account is delivered and believed. The inspired author of this divine work informs the believing Hindu that, " From the supreme soul, Brahma, the Creator, drew forth mind, existing substantially, though unperceived by sense, immaterial." 1 The principal words here employed are vague and obscure, and no distinct meaning can be assigned to them. What is meant by " existing substantially ?" What is meant by " immaterial ?" "To exist substantially," if it have any meaning, is to be a substance. But this is inconsistent with the idea which we ascribe to the word immaterial ; and there is in many other passages, abundant reason to conclude that the word, with its usual leanings, here translated, " imma- terial,'' by Sir William Jones, meant nothing, in the conception 1 Laws of Menu, eh. i. 14. See the passage quoted ;it length, supra ; vol. i. p. 125. 524 NOTE A. of a Hindu, but a certain air, or ether, too fine to be perceived by the organs of sense. Immediately after the words we have just quoted, it is added ; 44 And before mind, or the reasoning power, he produced con- sciousness, the internal monitor, the ruler." 1 Consciousness, a faculty of the mind, is here represented as created before the mind, the quality before the substratum. It is subjoined in the next words ; " And before them both " (that is, before the mind and consciousness) 4 ' he produced the great principle of the soul, or first expansion of the divine idea." 2 Here is a third production, which is neither the mind, nor consciousness. What is it? to this we have no answer. As to the term 44 first expansion of the divine idea," which may be suspected to be a gloss rather than a translation, it is mere jargon, with no more meaning than the cawing of rooks. 44 In the same manner " (that is, according to the construction of the sentence, before mind and consciousness ) 4- he created the five perceptions of sense, and the five organs of perception." 3 Another faculty of the mind, perception, is thus a creation antecedent to mind. The organs of perception, too, or bodily part, are a separate creation; perceiving organs which belong to no perceiving being. The following text, which are the words next in order, ex- hibits a curious sample of metaphysical ideas. 44 Having at once pervaded, with emanations from the supreme spirit, the minutest portions of six principles immensely operative, con- sciousness, and the five perceptions, the Creator framed all creatures."* Consciousness, and the five perceptions, existed antecedently to all creatures; consciousness and perception, without conscious and perceiving beings. What is meant by the minute portions of consciousness? How can conscious- ness be supposed divided into portions either minute or large ; especially when we are told that the mind is immaterial ? What, too, are we to understand by the minute portions of a per- ception ? As to the mere jargon, such as ' 4 pervading con- sciousness, and the five perceptions with emanations from the supreme spirit," it is unnecessary to offer on it'any remarks. 1 Laws of Menu, ch. i. 14. * Ibid. 15. 3 Laws of Menu, ch. i. 15. 4 Ibid. 16. NOTE A. We are next informed, " that the minutest particles of visible nature have a dependence on those six emanations from God/' 1 What is meant by these six emanations is not very definitely expressed. The six things that are spoken of are consciousness and the five perceptions ; and it is probable that they are meant. But how visible nature should depend upon conscious- ness and the five perceptions, does not appear. Certain other emanations from God, however, are spoken of, with which con- sciousness and the five perceptions were pervaded : and perhaps it was meant that the minutest particles of matter depend on them. But this is only barbarous jargon. In the following verse it is said, that " from these six emana- tions proceed the great elements, endued with peculiar powers, and mind with operations infinitely subtle, the unperishable cause of all apparent form." 2 It is still a difficulty, what is meant by the six emanations. If those are meant with which consciousness and the five perceptions are pervaded, no ideas whatever can be annexed to the words ; they are totally without a meaning ; and that is all. If consciousness and the five per- ceptions be, as seems probable, the emanations in question ; in what manner do the great elements and mind proceed from consciousness and the five perceptions ? Mind would thus proceed from certain of its own operations. It is added in the succeeding sentence, " This universe, therefore, is compacted from the minute portions of those seven divine and active principles, the great soul, or first ema- nation, consciousness, and five perceptions; a mutable universe from immutable ideas." 3 Here it appears that the great soul, as well as consciousness and the perceptions, can be divided into portions. The great soul is not therefore immaterial, ac- cording to our sense of the word: and still less can either that, or the perceptions and consciousness be immaterial, if the uni- verse, a great part of which is surely material, can be compacted from portions of them. " A mutable universe," it is said, " from immutable ideas ; " therefore, the great soul, conscious- ness, and the five perceptions, are not realities, though divisible 1 Laws of Menu, ch. i. 19. * Ibid. 17. 3 Ibid. 18. 526 NOTE B. into portions ; they are only ideas ! What conclusions arc we entitled to form respecting the intellectual state of a people who can be charmed with doctrine like this? l In the following passage, and there are others of asimilar import, we find a specimen of those beginnings which are made at an early stage of society, to refine in the modes of conceiving the mental operation. " Self-love," it is said, " is no laudable motive ; yet an exemption from self-love is not to be found in this world : on self-love is grounded the study of scripture, and the practice of actions recommended in it." 5 The absurdity lies, in not perceiving, that if no action proceed- ing from self-love is virtuous ; and if there is no action which does not proceed from self-love ; then there is no virtue in the world, which is far from being the subject of Hindu belief. M. NOTE B. p. 479. This superior intellectual advancement of the Mohammedan nations, so confidently asserted, as a fact, is no fact at all, nor has any proof of it been adduced. The analogies upon which it is based, have been shewn to be inaccurate, and the comparison involves a total disregard of time and circumstance. The ques- tion formerly discussed, was not what the Arabs, Persians, Turks, and Hindus now are, but what they were. Admitting that the three former have attained since the eighth century a level with the Hindus, it may most confidently be denied that the Arabs before the time of the Khalifat, or the Turks before that of Jangiz, were on a par with Hindu civilization. It would be equally consistent to assert, that because the progress made by the inhabitants of Great Britain, has left the Hindus behind ; therefore the Britons were in the days of Caesar more civilized 1 Not only are consciousness and the five perceptions regarded as sepa. rate existences, and separate products of creative power, but various other operations of the mind, and even states of the affections. Thus, among the other creations, it is said, that the Creator " gave being to devotion, speech, complacency, desire, and wrath." (Laws of Menu, ch. i. 25.) * Ibid. ch. ii. 2. NOTE B. than the people of India. Whatever, therefore, may have been the case in modern times, the nations of western Asia had not at an earlier period a stage of civilization higher than the other inhabitants of the East. In truth the fact is disputable, even in all times. Mohammedan civilization is one, whatever be the nation, the same literature and science are cultivated from the Hellespont to the Oxus, the same laws and the same religion prevail. The literature is in some degree original, but with the exception of the historical portion, is much less agreeable to European taste than that of the Hindus : the science is bor- rowed, not only from the Greeks, but from the Hindus, and it is not true that the disciple has surpassed his masters. The magnificence of the Khaliphs rose suddenly and soon disap- peared ; their bounty created, and their example continued, a race of men of letters, who justly reflect great celebrity and credit upon the Mohammedan name ; but literature was always confined to the court and the camp, it never enlightened the people. Nor were they brought within reach of civilization by the nature of their governments, the prevailing form of which has always been a military despotism, depending for its admi- nistration wholly on the character of the reigning prince. Neither now nor before the birth of Mohammed, were Arabs, Turks, or Persians, elevated above the Hindus by their political condition. They have had an advantage subsequently in their religion, the principles of which approached nearer to truth than Hindu idolatry. In practice, however, it is quite as full of unmeaning and trifling observances, and in its ferocious into- lerance contributes less to humanize its professors, than the universal toleration of Hindu polytheism. W. 527 END OF VOL. II. E. VARTV, Printer, 27, Camomile Street, Bishopsgate. 3 1158 00276 6821 A 000314855 8 *# ^.JSgSSr