UC-NI MMD 1Mb iHTOOGY ilEAOl / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GIFT OF THE PUBLISHER No. Received ~ PRIMARY LESSONS IN HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND HEALTH BY OLIVER P. JENKINS, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY AND HISTOIOGY IN LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO Q AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY OLIVER P. JENKINS. 606 A WORD TO THE TEACHER THESE lessons have been prepared as a guide to an elementary study of the body and the essentials for maintaining its health. It is assumed by the author that the book will be used as a guide only, and that it is the body and its actions and not the book that is to be studied. In these years of experience in teach- ing nature study and science it has long been con- ceded that the objects themselves present are necessary for the formation of clear conceptions, and clear con- ceptions must be obtained or the whole work will be a failure. It will be readily seen that there are two distinct subjects of these Lessons, Physiology and Hygiene. Yet on account of the youth of the students the subjects are intermingled in their treatment. Perhaps it would not be out of place at this time for the author to state his firm conviction as to the relation of these two subjects. The importance of hygiene will be admitted by all; but clear conceptions of its aims and teachings cannot exist without a foundation in the knowledge of the structure and functions of the parts to be cared for. This is true for children as well as adults. The inter- est in pure air and the desire to obtain it will certainly be much heightened in one who has at least a few- clear ideas of what it is in the air that the body needs, of where in the body the need exists, and what the 3 4 A WORD TO THE TEACHER apparatus is, and how it works, that brings the oxy- gen to the place at which it is needed. A knowl- edge of what the muscle is like, how it is attached to a bone, and how it moves, adds greatly to the interest in exercise of the muscle. So with the heart, the eye, and any other organ, even an elementary view of its beautiful structure and the way it performs its work makes the whole subject of its care more interesting and definite. One of the causes of the failure of physiology and hygiene to interest pupils is the indefiniteness of much of the work and the haziness of the ideas gained from it. This, the author believes, can be remedied by making everything as clear as possible by illustration, experiment, and observation. The subject then be- comes real and the knowledge usable, and these quali- ties always insure a lively interest. The recent growing interest in nature study and agriculture as school subjects makes greater demands on the better teaching of physiology and hygiene. The structure of the bodies of the domestic animals and the functions of their organs are in general the same as that of the human body. The laws of health apply equally to them. Their needs of exercise, good air, good food, and sunshine are the same. Wounds, injuries, and disease are of the same nature with them as with man. It is only certain modifica- tions of the general knowledge and rules that are necessary in each case. Physiology, then, even the most elementary, has the responsibility of being an introduction to a very large field and consequently requires all the care and skill that can be given to it. A WORD TO THE TEACHER 5 A word about the anatomical and other terms used in this little book. The author agrees with those who oppose the introduction of terms which can have no meaning to the pupils after fair attention is given to the subject. But it is certainly a mistake to avoid the use of words which are very convenient terms for things that have been actually seen. It is also a mistake to substitute terms not in common use for those that are the real names of the parts, on a supposition that it is easier for the children. The fact is that such a custom makes the work harder for the pupils. The terms used in this book, as the author knows by actual experience with children, are as easily learned as any terms when the thing named is seen and its use is understood. They are certainly fewer in number and as much within the powers of the pupils as are those in the other subjects in the school, num- ber, language, and history, for example. A word also about how far we can go with young children in explaining various functions and pro- cesses of the body. This depends much on the method of teaching, and teachers would differ greatly in their judgment. The author believes that as far as the teacher does go, what he gives should be definite and mean something. To illustrate, some might main- tain that with the heart it is enough with young pupils to say that it is a pump to move the blood along, etc. Now, to most of the pupils the word pump conveys no definite notion. How it works is wholly unknown to them. Then there are many kinds of pumps. No one of them works like the heart. None of them have valves like those of- the heart. To make the 6 A WORD TO THE TEACHER word pump clear a pump must be seen and its valves examined. Would it not be easier and far better in every way to examine a heart at the outset and see what its valves are like and how they work. The word heart gives a real and usable conception, while the word pump without illustration and comparison would be meaningless. Heart is as easy as pump. Illustrations of such indefinite work in physiology could easily be multiplied. All of the anatomical and physiological parts of this book can be illustrated by parts of the bodies of small animals. If the part is prepared neatly, there can be no objectionable feature about it. The leg of a chicken or of a frog answers well to show how muscles look and how they are attached to bones, how the joints are formed, how the nerves appear, etc. These animals will give much other material. A skeleton of a cat or -a dog will illustrate well the human skeleton. All these preparations can be made by the teacher or by one of the older pupils. It hardly need be said that no animal should be killed before the school or class, or anything else done that would offend common sense. It has been the observation of the author that a personal knowledge on the part of pupils of the beautiful structure of the bodies of animals has the effect of increasing the admiration for animals and begetting a sympathy for them in their bodily pains or troubles. The human body and the bodies of the lower animals should be studied also in action, each in its own natural surroundings, as organisms adapted to these surround- ings. It is only by constantly seeing the organisms A WORD TO THE TEACHER 7 in their true relations to other things that even ele- mentary conceptions of physiological facts can be obtained. The teacher need not feel discouraged because he is not provided with charts or other apparatus; he can make use of the living world around him to illustrate the study of the most interesting of living organisms. The work thus pursued will be of real value beyond the interesting knowledge gained, and will bring the reward of a satisfaction of having accomplished some- thing of worth. In the second book of this series the writer has intro- duced directions for the practical demonstration of many anatomical and physiological facts, which might well be suggestive to the teacher of this book. For these directions and for a fuller discussion of many of the subjects treated here reference may be made to the second book. There are now published many hand- books for the dissection of many of the groups of the lower animals, any one of which will be helpful in pre- paring illustrations for the study of the human body. But illustrations of the work, or subjects of study, will be numerous enough and more vital if they come from observation and experience with the objects of study. O. P. JENKINS. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. How MOTIONS OF THE BODY ARE PRODUCED. CARE AND EXERCISE OF THE MUSCLES . . . .11 II. SKELETON OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES ... 23 III. THE SKELETON. HYGIENE OF THE BONES AND JOINTS o . 31 IV. PARTS OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS . . . - 44 V. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS. THE BLOOD. HYGIENE OF THE CIRCULATION . 52 VI. How THE BODY WORKS. ITS NEED FOR FOOD AND OXYGEN 63 VII. FOODS .... 70 VIII. PARTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. CARE OF THE TEETH 77 IX. DIGESTION. CARE OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS . 86 X. RESPIRATION 95 XI. PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION . . .105 XII. THE SKIN AND THE KIDNEYS 117 XIII. CARE OF THE SKIN 125 XIV. THE STRUCTURE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM . .130 XV. How THE NERVOUS SYSTEM is USED. CARE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 138 9 10 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XVI. SENSATIONS 147 XVII. SIGHT AND HEARING 153 XVIII. CARE OF THE EYE AND EAR 161 XIX. DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION . . .168 XX. ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM . . .181 PRIMARY PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER I HOW MOTIONS IN THE BODY ARE PRODUCED. CARE AND EXERCISE OF THE MUSCLES The Study of the Human Body. The human body is made up of a great number of parts, which may be called so many pieces of machinery. They work to- gether so harmoniously that they all help one another. When, for example, a boy climbs a tree, almost every part of his body is aiding in this action. Many parts of his arms, his legs, the muscles and bones of the rest of the body, the eye, the touch organs, the nerves, the lungs, the heart, and indeed almost all the organs must act together to get the boy's body up the tree. To study how these actions are performed, and how such a large number of separate parts come to be so well controlled as to accomplish anything the body can do, is well worth the trouble it takes. To understand more clearly the parts of the wonder- ful machine which is our constant servant, and to learn how to keep it in the best order, is certainly very important knowledge. 12 HOW MOTIONS IN THE BODY ARE PRODUCED Study of the Hand and Arm. One may well begin the study of the human body by observing the com- mon movements of his own arm and hand. Let him pick up an object from the table and raise it toward his mouth, and observe closely what takes place. First, the arm is straightened that is, the part below the elbow, or the forearm, is carried away from the part above. The whole arm may also be moved away from the body. The hand is carried toward the object, and just as it reaches it, the fingers and thumb are stretched out. The thumb and one or more fingers close together over the object to hold it firmly, when the forearm is carried toward the upper arm, and the hand with the object is carried toward the mouth. This is a very common action, and is repeated here to observe just what happens. Let us look at the actions separately, and attempt to see how they are accomplished. Let us first examine the fingers and the thumb, and their actions. It is easy to determine that each finger has running through its central portion a row of three hard pieces, which are known well enough to be bones. These bones form two joints in a finger, and the one next to the hand forms a joint with another bone at the knuckle. These joints allow the fingers to fold toward the palm of the hand, and to unfold again until straight, or even curved slightly backward. It is plain that if it were not for the rigid parts and the joints the fingers could not be extended with much force. Now let us examine what is the action by which the bones of the finger are bent or straightened. If, WHAT THE MUSCLES ARE LIKE 13 while one is moving the forefinger rapidly by ex- tending and bending it, he places the finger of the other hand on the back of the hand just back of the moving finger, he can detect a firm cord crossing the knuckle and running toward the wrist. This be- comes rigid every time the finger is extended. By causing each of the other fingers to move in the same manner, a similar cord for each one can be felt just under the skin. These cords can be traced even past the wrist into the forearm, where they are lost to the touch. The skin of the palm is thicker than that on the back of the hand, so it is more difficult to detect the cords running from the palm side of the fingers at this place. But if we examine the region of the palm side of the forearm just above the wrist while the fingers are in motion, it is easy to see that there is a number of cords here which are moved every time the fingers are bent. It is plain from this that the fingers are moved backward and forward by these strings pulling, first the one set, then the other. What pulls on the strings? If, while the thumb and finger are closed and opened, as before observed, the other hand be made to grasp around the forearm just below the elbow, it will be found that this part of the arm shows great activity beneath the skin. This is due to the action of the parts that pull on the cords. These parts are the muscles. The cords are the tendons. What the Muscles are Like. Not only are the fingers extended and bent by muscles pulling on the tendons which are tied to the finger bones, but when 14 HOW MOTIONS IN THE BODY ARE PRODUCED Fig. 1. BICEPS MUSCLE ATTACHED TO THE RADIUS. the arm is bent at the elbow, the action is accomplished by a muscle in the up- per arm pulling on a tendon attached to a long bone in the forearm. If with your left hand you grasp the right upper arm while the arm is being bent, the flesh on the front side of the arm will be felt to swell up greatly. If the firigers be held at the front side of the elbow while the arm is being bent, a very large cord, the tendon, can be felt. The swelling flesh is a large muscle. Fig. i shows the arm with all the parts removed except the bones of the arm and this muscle and its tendons which bend the arm. Fig. 2 shows the same muscle removed, so as to better show its appearance. Appearance of a Muscle. As seen in the figure, this muscle, which is called the biceps, has a thick body, tapering off at each end to the tendons. The thick body is composed of a reddish mass. The lean part of the flesh of an animal, which is familiar to every one, is muscle. The muscle is surrounded by a tough F - 2 . membrane, which holds all of its parts BICEPS. A REVIEW OF THESE POINTS 15 together, and runs off toward the ends of the muscle and continues into the tendon. The tendon runs to the bone, where it is continuous with a membranous covering of the bone. Thus the muscle comes to be firmly attached to the bone. Action of the Muscle. It has already been seen that when the hand clasps the arm over the biceps muscle during the bending of the arm, it is felt to swell up to a considerable thickness. If, when the muscle is in action, it could be examined with the covering of the arm removed, one could see it shorten as well as thicken. It is this power of shortening and thickening, or contracting, as it is called, which enables the muscle to pull the bone and cause the motion of the arm. The cause of the motions of the fingers which we observed is also the contraction of the muscles. In the part of the arm just below the elbow is a num- ber of muscles. Each one is smaller than the bi- ceps, but it is shaped very much like it. Each one ends in a tendon at each extremity, the one toward the elbow being short and attached to some one of the bones at points near the elbow joint. At *the end toward the hand the tendons are long, some passing to the* wrist, some to the hand, but most of them passing on to the different joints of the fingers. Some run along the back of the hand, as we ob- served, and some on the palm side. A Review of these Points. To bend a finger, we contract a muscle in the forearm; to straighten it, we contract another. To straighten more than one finger, as in reaching for an object, we contract sev- 1 6 HO W MOTIONS IN THE BODY ARE PRODUCED eral muscles in the forearm; to bring them together on the object, we contract several others in the same position. To bend the arm at the elbow, we con- tract the biceps. We may, by clasping the upper arm, find that when we straighten the arm, muscles on the opposite side from the biceps contract and pull on tendons attached to the forearm, and bring it back to its extended position. Muscles that produce Other Motions of the Arm. - If one place his hand at different positions around his shoulder while he lifts his whole arm up, brings it forward, backward, downward, or in any other direction, he will find that the muscles of the breast, of the top of the shoulder, or of the back, or just below the shoulder, are acting. These muscles are very large and make up most of the flesh in these regions. Those parts which lie just beneath the skin are shown in Fig. 3, but still others lie beneath these. Other Muscles in the Body. Whenever any mo- tion of a part of the body is made, it is by the contraction of the muscles. To produce the very many motions that the body performs, it is furnished wUh about five hundred muscles. Figs. 3 and 4 show where many of these muscles are placed, but a very large number lie deeper than these and many are small, so that all can not be represented at once. Number .of Motions. The five hundred muscles can produce more than five hundred motions, for each one can produce a motion acting alone, a still different one when acting with another muscle, or even with several other -muscles. For example, we may carry the whole arm in many hundreds of dif- rig- FRONT VIEV BODY. BACK PR.-I* Fig. 4, BODY. MUSCLES IN THE LOWER ANIMALS if ferent positions with but a limited number of mus- cles, by combining their contractions in different ways. Contractile Power of Muscles. The power oj contractility which the living muscle has is the source of the force which the body can exert. The con- tractile muscular substance is to the machinery of the human body what the steam is to the engine. It is well known that hot steam presses against the walls of the vessels containing it. It will lift the lid of a kettle, or may push so hard as to burst the walls of a steam boiler. Men take advantage of this great power, and let the steam push against a piston, and by its connections 'turn a crank which makes all the motions in a great machine shop. In the body, the muscular substance, instead of pushing, as does steam, pulls on the ends of the ves- sels which contain it, and thus, by means of strings (tendons), pulls on the bones and makes the motions of the body. Muscles in the Lower Animals. The muscles in the common animals, such as horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, and the like, are of the same form, and are attached to bones in the same way as those in man. They have the same power of contracting and are in every respect like those of the human body. The motions of all animals, except certain forms, chiefly microscopic, are produced by muscles. The muscles of the higher animals are arranged in about the same number and order on the limbs and the remainder of the body as in man. The examination of the muscles of the body of some small animal IND. PR. PHYS. 2 1 8 HOW MOTIONS IN THE BODY ARE PRODUCED would teach very clearly how the muscles appeal and how they are arranged in man, and how the ten* dons attach them to the bones. What causes the Muscles to Contract. We know that we can cause the muscles to contract whenever we wish to do so. The arm can be moved at the exact moment and with just the force we desire. It is said, for example, that the muscles of the arm are under the control of the will. If the arm could be laid open for examination, there could be seen some other things besides muscles and tendons. Among the latter would be seen some white cords, which divide into many branches, one going to each muscle. They penetrate the sheath of the muscle and are lost in its substance. These cords, divid- ing up into fine threads, are nerves. If they are traced from the muscles, they are found to run up the arm, through the shoulder, across to the backbone, and into its center. Here they connect with a large nerve cord, the spinal cord, which runs to the brain. These we will study later, but mention them here to show that the muscles are connected with the brain, through which the will acts. Now, if a nerve going to a muscle be cut in two, then no power of the will can make it contract. It is only when the nerve connects the muscle with the brain that we can move the muscle when we wish to. The brain can send some influence that the nerve is able to conduct, which, when it reaches the muscle substance, makes it contract. The exact nature of this influence is unknown, nor is it known how it makes the muscle contract. This influence is called VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES 1 9 a nervous Impulse. The nervous impulse in some way stirs up the muscle, or excites it to contract. In physiology this is called stimulation of the muscle. The nervous impulse stimulates the muscle to con- traction. Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles. All those muscles whose action may be controlled by the will are called 'voluntary muscles. They are the great majority of the muscles in the body. The muscles of the heart and of the stomach, and of some of the other organs, are stimulated to action from some other source than the .will, and the will can not con- trol them. Consequently, these are called involun- tary muscles. Some of the most important actions of the body, such as those in the circulation of the blood, in breath- ing, and in the digestion of food, are carried on by involuntary muscles. The arrangement by which certain muscles may act independently of our care and attention allows important actions to go on while we are asleep, and when the mind is so occu- pied that they would be forgotten or neglected. Such processes as circulation and respiration require such careful regulation to get them just right for the body in its different positions when it is active or rest- ing that we never could of ourselves manage them properly. The involuntary actions relieve us of the care and trouble of these most necessary operations and allow us to give our time, attention, and strength to the other motions. We will refer to this kind of action again when we study the nervous system. 2O CARE AND EXERCISE OF THE MUSCLES CARE AND EXERCISE OF THE MUSCLES We have just seen that the muscles make up the greater part of the body. They do the work of the body in walking, running, working in field or shop, or showing activity in the playground. That the muscles be kept in good condition is of the greatest importance. First, because we wish to have the laboring part of the body in good working order so that all that it has to do may be done well. Second, because if so large a part of the body is not in good condition, the general health of the body is seriously affected. The complete care of the muscles would demand 'good care of all the rest of the body because all the rest of the body either directly or indirectly affects the muscles. For example, the respiration furnishes the muscles with oxygen and throws away their car- bonic dioxide. The digestive system furnishes them with food. The circulation sends through them the blood which brings the food and oxygen and car- ries away the carbonic dioxide. The nervous system brings them the stimulus that makes them contract, and it regulates their supply of blood. Other parts of the body also help the muscles, and the care of the muscles, as we have just said, includes the care of these parts as well. But as we shall speak of the care of these parts in other sections of this book, we will consider here only the immediate care of the muscles themselves. First of all, the muscles must have exercise to keep their health. If an arm were bound so that no part of it could ever move, its muscles would wither away. EXERCISE FOR ADULTS 21 But if the muscles of the arm are well used, they grow in size, becoming firm and strong. What is true of mus- cles of the arm is true of all the other muscles of the body. They must work to keep in good condition. Thus the first law of health is that we must take exercise. It is plain that the exercise must bring into activity all the muscles of the body. If we re- member these two facts, we need have no trouble in deciding whether any form of exercise is good or bad. Since the working of the muscles demands an abun- dance of pure air, it is best when possible that the exer- cise be taken out of doors. If the weather or other conditions require that it be taken within doors, the rooms must be well ventilated, or much of the benefit of the exercise will be lost. Exercise of Children. The well-known out-of-door games are all good forms of exercise, because they require vigorous use of the muscles of all parts of the body, arms, legs, and trunk. They also train the sight, hearing, and touch to work well with the muscles, for the motions must be guided well by these senses or the player loses the game. The helpful work on the farm and about the home are all good forms of exercise. Those children who have opportunity for such work are very fortunate, for not only do they get necessary exercise, but they receive training in doing useful things which gives them advantages over those who do not get this training. Exercise for Adults. Those people whose occupa- tions require labor of the body, that is, constant exer- cise of the muscles, of course do not need to plan for 22 CARE AND EXERCISE OF THE MUSCLES special exercise. They need mostly rest and recrea- tion. But those whose -occupations do not require much activity of the muscles need special provision for exercise. This must be true also for those whose employment requires some sort of work bringing into activity only a limited group of muscles. An example would be one working at a machine which requires only a single hand or arm to be active. Another would be an occupation which requires keeping the body in a single position for long periods of time. For such people there are two kinds of exercise. The one includes out-of-door exercise in its various forms, the other the different forms of exercise planned for the gymnasium. The outdoor sports will appeal to some, while oth- ers will prefer the gymnasium. Since the exercise that gives most pleasure is most beneficial, the most pleas- ing form may be chosen. Excessive exercise, or overwork of the muscles, is injurious. Necessity may sometimes force one to overwork, as to save a home from fire or flood, or to meet some other unusual condition. One may become exhausted from such excessive work and recover well from it. But continuous overwork would be very harmful. To sum up. Exercise of all the muscles is necessary for good health. The exercise should be taken in good air. It should be sufficiently frequent, but not excessive. CHAPTER II SKELETON OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES General View. Since the bones of the arm and hand are so easily traced, and their uses can be so clearly made out, we will study them in some detail. The bones of the arm illustrate many facts about bones in general. They are generally grouped as bones of the hand, the forearm, and the arm, and are attached to the body by the shoulder girdle, the whole group being sometimes referred to as the bones of the upper extremities. The Bones of the Hand. We have just seen that the fingers have each three bones and the thumb has two fourteen in all. They are called the pha- langes, a single one a phalanx. The five bones which we traced in the palm of the hand, and whose outer ends are the knuckles, are called the metacarpals. Notice that the metacarpal of the thumb is free to move in many directions, while those of the fingers are firmly bound together. This arrangement allows the thumb to be brought opposite to any one of the fingers or to most points on the palm. This power of moving the thumb so freely increases very greatly the usefulness of the hand. To convince one's self of this, let him attempt to use the hand without using the thumb in picking up 23 24 SKELETON OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES objects, and in handling them, and then in contrast repeat the operations with the help of the thumb. While the fingers without the thumb may become very expert, yet the thumb wonderfully increases the usefulness of the whole hand. If we attempt to trace the metacarpals back to- ward the arm by feeling them under the skin, we soon lose them in the flesh that surrounds them. Immediately under the skin and flesh in the wrist we can feel a solid portion. This is a bunch of small bones, eight in number, arranged in two rows of four in each row. They are the bones of the wrist and are called the car pah. Compare your own hand with the picture of the bones of the hand shown in Fig. 5. Bones of the Forearm. That part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow joint is called the forearm. Immediately back of the wrist joint the ends of the two bones may be felt under the skin. The end of one makes the little round knob which shows under the skin on the little-finger side of the arm. This is the end of the ulna. The bone may be traced for its whole length, and will be found to F.g. 5. BONES OF THE HAND. MOVEMENTS OF THE RADIUS extend to the elbow joint. It makes the point of the elbow where it is very close to the skin. By the side of this bony knob of the ulna, near the wrist, lies the end of the radius. The broad 'end of this bone fills up the space from the knob of the ulna to the edge of the arm on the thumb side. It is this broad end of the radius to which the hand is joined to make up the wrist joint. Thus the radius carries the hand. The radius may also be traced to the elbow joint. Movements of the Radius. If the hand be held out with the palm turned upward, it will be found that the radius and ulna lie side by side. Now, while the arm is in this position, turn the hand over, so as to bring the palm down, and during this motion watch the motion of the two bones of the forearm. It will be seen that the radius turns over the ulna until it comes to lie across it. It ends at the elbow in a little shallow cup about three fourths of an inch across, which fits on a knob on the large bone of the arm. This cup-shaped end of the radius allows it to turn on this knob as on a point. A groove in the side of the wrist end of the bone allows it to slide over the knob of the ulna. Now, muscles are so arranged that they can quickly pull the radius over the rigid ulna; and as the radius car- ries the hand, of course the hand is turned over. This arrangement is for turning the hand over. Fig. 6. BONES OF THE FOREARM. 26 SKELETON OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES The same bones in a dog's foreleg are bound firmly together, and, consequently, it can not turn its fore- paw over; but in the cat's foreleg the radius has a little motion, and it may be seen that while the kitten is playing with a ball, it will often turn its forepaw slightly. Now examine carefully the figures of the ulna and radius given here, and determine which parts of them you can trace in your own arm. It may be remembered from the lesson on mus- cles that it is to the radius that the biceps muscle is attached. The Humerus. In the part of the arm between the elbow and the shoulder is a very large bone called the humerus. A picture of this bone is shown in Fig. 7. The elbow end has grooves and a knob for the ulna and radius to fit into. The shoulder end is formed into one large, smooth, round end to fit into a cup-shaped part of a bone at the shoulder, called the shoulder blade. The sides of the broad end of the humerus are very prominent at the elbow, but the shoulder end, called the head of the humerus, is so deeply buried in the large muscles which move the arm that it can not be so well examined. Scapula and Clavicle. As was said, the round head of the humerus is fitted to a part of the shoulder blade, the scapula (seen in Fig. 8 ). One can not well make out the whole outline of this bone in his own Fig. 7. THE HUMERUS. SCAPULA AND CLAVICLE shoulder, but he may easily trace it in that of another person. The prominent hard part felt just at the top of the shoulder is the upper end of the ridge which runs across the bone. This ridge lies near the skin, and can be traced across the bone to its posterior edge, where it ends. The edges of the scapula can also be made out. It is a flat, triangular bone fitted to the upper part of the back. Besides acting as a support to the humerus, it serves also as a place to which are fastened many of the muscles that move the arm. The clavicle is the collar bone. It is very near the skin at the front part of the base of the neck, and can be traced from the shoulder to a point at the top of the front part of the chest. Its use is to hold the shoulders and arms back from the chest. The clavicle and scapula together make a firm brace to support the arm and attach it to the body. Often the arm is called upon to lift a heavy weight, or push with great force against an object. These actions would be impossible if the arm were not thoroughly braced against the body. The scapula and clavicle make this brace. It will help us to understand the uses of the bones if Fig. 8. THE SCAPULA. 28 SKELETON OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES we study how levers are used outside of the body. A lever is a rigid rod or bar used in three ways. Thus, one end of it may be placed under a stone to be lifted, the hand exerting the fcvrce downward may be placed at the other Fig. 9. end, and the support of the lever somewhere between the hand and the stone (Fig. 9). Another method is to place the weight to be lifted somewhere between the ends of the lever, the hand exerting the force upward at one end, and the support at the other end of the lever (Fig. ic). A third way is to exert the force upward on the lever at a point between the ends, while the weight is at one end and the sup- port at the other (Fig. u). The point Fig. 10. of support is called the julcrum. We can arrange the levers in the first two ways so that a heavy weight can be lifted slowly with small force acting quickly. In the last way we can get a weight moved quickly by Fig. 11. THE FORELIMBS OF THE LOWER ANIMALS 29 a large force acting slowly. Now if you compare the levers with Fig. i, representing the arm, you will see that the forearm is a lever used as in Fig. n, the muscle acting as the force, the elbow as the support to the lever, and the ball as the weight to be lifted. With this kind of a lever, although the muscle moves somewhat slowly but with great force, the hand can move very quickly. Quickness of motion of the hand is more important than mere strength of the movement. Most of the levers of the body are of this kind. The Uses of the Bones of the Arm and Hand. - Our study of the arm has shown that the uses of the bones of the arm and hand are three: 1. To act as levers. 2. To serve as fulcrums to pry against. 3. To furnish places for the attachment of muscles. Each of these uses is concerned with the move- ments of the arm. The Forelimbs of the Lower Animals. The bones of the forelimbs of animals which have backbones that is, mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, and fishes - correspond to those of our own arm and hand. The bones in the foreleg of a cat are very much like our own. The clavicle is very small, and there are but seven carpals; with this exception the bones are all present, and of nearly the same shape. As different as the foreleg of a horse or of a cow appears from our own arm and hand, a comparison of the corresponding bones of each would show them to be remarkably alike. The wrist bones of these animals are at the joint 30 SKELETON OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES usually known as the " knee." The hand is very narrow, consisting of but one strong bone and two slender rudiments of bones to represent the meta- carpals, and with but one finger in the horse, and four fingers in the cow two being fully developed, and two only rudiments. Of course, we call these the feet of these animals, but they correspond exactly to the last joint of our fingers, the hoofs being the nails. The forelimbs of animals differ greatly in order to fit them to the different conditions of life in which we find them. If you will examine why this is true in the case of several animals, such as those just mentioned, and also of others, such as a bird, a mole, a squirrel, a rabbit, a sunfish, or a frog, the study will make the knowledge of your own arm much clearer. CHAPTER III THE SKELETON. HYGIENE OF THE BONES AND JOINTS The Bones of the Leg. The bones of the leg correspond very nearly to those of the arm. In the toes the number is the same, and they are called by the same name, the phalanges. There are five meta- tarsals, in place of the metacarpals, and seven tarsals in the instep, which corresponds with the wrist. Fig. 12. SECTION THROUGH THE BONES AND LIGAMENTS OF THE FOOT. THE PARTS OF THE JOINTS ARE WELL SHOWN. The tarsals are of larger size than the carpals, while the phalanges of the foot are smaller than those of the hand. In Fig. 12 the bones of the foot are shown as sawed through. This shows the large tarsal which makes the heel bone. 3 1 THE BONES OF THE LEG 33 Just above this bone is the next largest tarsal, which forms a joint with the bone of the lower part of the leg. In this figure we may see also how the tarsals with the metatarsals form an arch of bones on which the weight of the body rests in standing. The large bone of the lower leg resting on the tarsal bone is the tibia. It extends from the instep to the knee, where, with the bone above, it forms the knee joint. By the side of the tibia lies the fibula, a long, slender bone firmly attached to the tibia. The bone in the thigh is the femur. It is the largest bone in the body. The end at the knee is broad and has a deep groove in it, while at the upper part there is a turn in the bone which then ends in a smooth ball. This ball of the femur fits closely into a cup-shaped surface on the hip bone, to make the hip joint. The hip bone, or os innominatum, as it is named, is a large, irregularly shaped bone. It comes out from the central line of the body, its posterior edge joining firmly to the backbone, and the front edge being also firmly joined to the corresponding edge of the hip bone of the opposite side. Thus we see that the hip bone acts as a strong brace, or arch, for the femur to press against. You will remember that the bones at the shoulder form a brace for the arm to press against. The brace at the hip is still stronger, as it must, during walking, bear not only the whole weight of the body, but also whatever heavy weights one may carry. If the leg be straightened, there can be easily detected at the knee a disk-shaped bone which is known as the patella, or kneecap. IND. PR. PHYS. 3 34 THE SKELETON This bone is embedded in a large tendon which passes over the knee to join the tibia. The patella, by fitting into a groove on the end of the femur, helps the tendon work over the bend of the knee. Uses of the Bones of the Leg. The bones of the leg are, like the bones of the arm, mostly used as levers. When the muscles of the front part of the thigh contract, they pull upon the tibia and extend the leg ; when those on the opposite side contract, they bend the leg. Muscles at the hip, by acting .on the femur, may pull the leg in various direc- tions. A large muscle in the calf of the leg is attached by a very large tendon to the heel bone. This is shown in Fig. 14, and can easily be felt under the skin at the heel. When this muscle contracts it acts on the bones of the foot, which are bound firmly together. It is a lever of the sec- ond kind, to pry up the body resting on it by the tibia. These muscles are all used in the leg in standing, walking, and running. The limbs should be studied in these actions. The Divisions of the Body. The evi- dent parts of the body are the head, the neck, the trunk, and the limbs. The Fig. 14. limbs the arms and the legs are to MUSCLES AND TEN- be thought of as mere appendages of the body to serve its demands. The legs A VERTEBKA 35 carry the body about, and the arms carry to it what it needs, defend it, and in a hundred ways attend to its wants. That the limbs may thus act, they must have a firm support to push against. The bony arches which carry them find this support in the skeleton of the rest of the body. The Spinal Column. The spinal column consists of twenty-six bones very firmly bound together into one firm beam. Its bones are twenty- four Vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx. The vertebrae are divided into three groups: 'seven in the neck, the cervical vertebrae; twelve to which the ribs are attached, the dorsal vertebrae; and five in the loins, the lumbar vertebrae. The sacrum is the base on which the column of vertebrae stands, and serves as the place for the pelvic arch to brace against. A Vertebra. Each vertebra (Figs. 16 and 17) has a central part from which extend seven projections, called processes. These serve for the attachment of ligaments by which the vertebrae are joined in one mass. They serve also for the attachment of many muscles which move the limbs and the head, and ac- SPINAL COLUMN. 36 THE SKELETON complish other motions. Each vertebra has an open- ing in its posterior part. When the vertebrae are brought into line, these openings make a tube, called the spinal canal, the upper part of which contains the v spinal cord, and the lower part many nerves. Bones of the Thorax. The walls of the chest are supported by the twelve ribs on each side, the ster- num or breastbone in front, and the dorsal vertebras behind. The ribs end in cartilages in front. The cartilages of the first seven are joined to the sternum; Fig. 16. Fig. 17. A DORSAL VERTEBRA. SIDE VIEW. VERTEBRA SEEN FROM ABOVE. those of the next three are joined together and to the seventh; the last two are free or "floating" in front. The Skull. The skull, the skeleton of the head, is placed on the upper vertebra. It consists of the cranium and the bones of the face. The cranium is the part that incloses the brain. As felt under the scalp, it seems to be one spherical bone, but it is really made of eight pieces which are so nicely joined together that the joints can not be detected until the bones are exposed. The whole eight make a box, with several holes in the floor. Bones of the Face. These are fourteen in num- ber. The only one free to move is the lower jaw THE USES OF BONES 37 bone, called the lower maxillary. This bone bears the lower teeth. It forms a joint with the skull. It is drawn upward in closing the mouth by muscles which can be felt in the cheeks, and is drawn down by muscles in the neck. The Uses of Bones. We have already seen that the main uses of the bones of the arm and leg are for levers, or for the attachment of muscles to produce motions. The shoulder and hip bones are for the attach- ment of muscles, and to serve as braces for the limbs to push against. Many of the bones of the head serve for the attach- ment of muscles, which make it possible to carry the head erect, and to move it about. Some of the bones of the head are the necessary place of attachment of muscles to move the lower jaw, the bone of the lower jaw being itself a lever with motion as its chief purpose. The spinal column is the main region for the attach- ment of the great muscles of the body, and is at the same time constantly acting as a lever. The ribs Fig. 18. BONES OF THE HEAD. THE SKELETON make rigid walls to a part of the body to act as the sides of a bellows in breathing. They act also as levers, both in taking in the air and in expelling it from the lungs. The skeleton, then, has two chief functions: to fur- nish levers, and surface for the attachment of muscles to work these levers. Secondary Uses of the Bones. Some of the bones are incidentally used for protecting parts from outside injuries, as in the case of the bones of the skull, guard- ing the brain, and the bones of the chest, guarding the heart, while they perform their more important functions as well. Different Kinds of Skeletons. All those animals which have a spinal column are called vertebrates. Dogs, cats, horses, cows, squir- rels, birds, frogs, snakes, and fishes all have spinal columns and are examples of vertebrates. But in animals like the craw- fish, which performs vigorous motions by means of muscles, the same necessity exists for hard' parts to act as levers, and for the attachment of muscles. In the crawfish, the skin, by becoming a rigid crust, only flexible at the joints, furnishes the levers. The muscles inside the limbs and the body Fig. 19. are A CRAWFISH, AN ANIMAL WHOSE SKELETON is THE OUTSIDE SURFACE OF ITS BODY AND attached to this hard crust, and SJStSJSJ" its divisions serve the same pur- STRUCTURE OF A BONE AND OF A JOINT 39 pose as the bones of man. Thus this animal wears its skeleton on the outer surface of its body. An examination of the crawfish or some large insect will allow the arrangement of the muscles and of the outside skeleton to be much better understood. Animals without a Skeleton. There are animals without a skeleton of any kind, but they are not able to accomplish very powerful motions. Most of them live in water, by which they are partly or wholly held up, and they have only slow motions. Most of these animals are very small and can be seen only by the microscope. Some, however, that live in the sea are of considerable size. Among these are the jelly fishes. These beautiful animals can swim about by Fig. 20. Contracting their bell-Shaped A JELLYFISH, AN ANIMAL WITHOUT i f mi i i* A FIRM SKELETON. IT LIVES IN bodies. Their bodies are of a jellylike-looking substance. They get along well enough as long as they are floating in the water, but on land they can do nothing and soon fall to pieces. Structure of a Bone and of a Joint. The ex- amination of a fresh joint of an animal, with the bones that make it, would best teach how they are formed. A joint from a leg of mutton would answer well. The bone is made up of a hard, solid portion covered over with a thin membrane. The THE SEA AND SWIMS BY CONTRACT- ING ITS UMBRELLA-SHAPED BQDY, WHICH THROWS THE WATER OUT OF THE HOLLOW PLACE ON THE UNDER SIDE OF ITS BODY. 40 THE SKELETON Fl 9' 21 - center of a leg bone is filled with marrow. The ends of bones which go to form the joints are enlarged and have roughened places on them where the tendons and liga- ments are attached. Before cutting into the joint one can see how it is covered by strings and bands of membrane. Some of these go from one bone to another and hold them together. Others tie the muscles to the bone. Those are called tendons, and those fastening bones- to bones are named ligaments. It is these which are bruised or torn in sprains and disloca- tions of which we shall soon speak. Fig. 2 1 shows the human shoulder joint with some of the ligaments fas- tening the bones together. Fig. 22 shows the human hip joint with all ligaments but one , HIP JOINT, WITH LIGAMENTS REMOVED, EXCEPT THE removed. ONE ON THE HEAD OF THE FEMUR. HYGIENE OF THE BONES AND JOINTS 41 The ends of the two bones fit together very nicely, and are covered with cartilage, which is a very smooth and a very elastic substance. Over the layers of cartilage, fastened firmly to it, is a membrane which secretes a liquid which keeps the surfaces of the joints moist. This arrangement allows motion with the least friction. The elasticity of the cartilage lessens the jarring effects of the motions of the body. HYGIENE OF THE BONES AND JOINTS The skeleton and its parts may suffer either in its growth and development, or by injuries coming to it by accident, as in broken bones, or sprained or dis- located joints. As the skeleton is the hardest material in the body, its growth determines the outline of the form and size of the body. Like all other parts of the body, its growth and development from the time of childhood to that of full growth are greatly influenced by the food, the air, and the exercise it receives. Animals which when growing have been poorly fed and ill kept in general have smaller or less vigorous bodies throughout life than they would otherwise have possessed. It is the same with man. Measurements taken of large numbers of children living in conditions where they have been ill fed and otherwise poorly cared for, compared with those of children better fed, show the growth of the better-fed children to be markedly greater. 42 HYGIENE OF THE BONES AND JOINTS The skeleton is growing from birth to twenty or twenty- five years. This is a slow growth. During the first half of that time the bones are less rigid than they become later on. During this time continuous pressure on any of them, or unnatural positions long maintained, may permanently distort or misform parts of the bony sys- tem. For example, a habit of keeping a stooping posi- tion in the growing period may result in a fixed stoop that can not be changed. Or a practice of sitting in a wrong position at a desk or in a chair in long periods of reading, writing, or study may result in permanent distortion of the body. Continuous pressure of cloth- ing on the ribs may result in misforming the chest. Pressure of badly shaped shoes may result in perma- nently malformed feet. If it is desired that a child should grow up with a well-formed body, with grace- ful carriage and movements, the parts of the body must be kept free from pressure, wrong positions for long periods must be avoided, and habits of good positions and graceful motions must be continu- ously practiced; for as the skeleton is formed so it remains. We have seen that at the joints the bones are very firmly bound by ligaments. Yet, a sudden twist which may occur in violent action may bring a strain on a joint, so that either the ends of the bones are slipped past each other or the ligaments greatly stretched or partly torn and bruised. The first is called a dislocation of the joint, the second makes what is known as a sprain. Of course, for a dislocation a skilled physician will be called to place the parts of the joint back in their HYGIENE OF THE BONES AND JOINTS 43 proper positions, and his directions for the care of the injured joint should be strictly followed. Other- wise a permanent distortion might result. For the trouble of a little intelligent care one ought not to risk having a lameness or disfigurement for the rest of one's life, to say nothing of impairing the usefulness of a part of the body. In both a dislocation and a sprain the injuring of the ligaments produces great pain, and the parts gen- erally require considerable time in healing. In severe cases of sprain a surgeon should be consulted as soon as possible, as some serious injury may be present which can best be attended to before much inflamma- tion occurs. If the sprain is not very severe, it needs only rest. If it is painful, bathing in warm water may allay the pain. CHAPTER IV PARTS OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS The Use of Blood. We have long known that we require food every day, and that water and air are also absolute necessities. The more active we are, the hungrier and thirstier we become, and the more food we actually require. We may not notice that we use more air, yet it is a fact. What is the cause of these demands? Just for our present purpose we may say that in work the body consumes the food, water, and air, and, in con- sequence, there must be a further supply of these substances. When we say that the body needs these, we mean nothing more than that the parts of the body need them that is, the muscles, the bones, the nerves, and the like. Further* since work causes an increased demand, it must be the parts that are working most that are most in need of the food. Those organs are the muscles, but, of course, many other parts work with them. Now, we know that the food we eat does not go to the muscles in the form in which we see it. The food of the muscles and of the other parts of the body is the blood. 44 HOW DOES THE BLOOD EXIST IN THE HAND? 45 They live upon the blood, which is formed from the food, the water, and a part of the air, the gas oxygen. The muscles, the nerves, and indeed every tissue in the body gets its food, drink, and oxygen from the blood. When, then, we take more food or drink, or breathe faster, it is to add more food, water, or air to the blood to take the place of what the tis- sues of the body have used in the work. How the blood receives the supply of food and drink we take, and how its supply from the air is ob- tained, we shall study later in the chapters on Diges- tion and Respiration. At this place we shall study the blood and its motion through the body. The Blood in the Hand. The hand may answer again as a beginning point for our study. Many accidents have taught every one that the hand is full of blood. If it is pierced at any point, even with a very fine needle, the blood will flow from it, the only exceptions being the very thin outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, and the nails. How does the Blood exist in the Hand? It might be supposed from the experiments with the needle that the blood is in the hand as water may be in a sponge, but it can easily be shown that such is not the case. If the hand is allowed to hang down quietly for a short time, and the back is observed, a network of ridges of a bluish color will appear under the skin, and the whole hand will be of a deeper pink color. Now, if the hand be held above the head, it will be observed that this network will become very much less prominent, if, indeed, it does not entirely disappear. The network of ridges consists 46 PARTS OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS of tubes which are carrying the blood from the hand. When the hand is held down, the blood in them has to flow uphill, and consequently the tubes all be- come well filled with the liquid. The pink color shows that the rest of the hand has more blood in it. Now, when the hand is held up the blood runs out of these tubes better, and they are left nearly empty. There is less blood left in the rest of the hand also. To show that the blood is flowing from* the hand toward the shoulder, one can press the blood out of the tubes of the back of the hand and watch them fill again. They will always be seen to fill from the direc- tion of the fingers. How does the blood get into the hand? Find the place above the wrist where you can feel the beating of the pulse. It is just between the skin and the end of the radius. This beating is in one of the tubes which bring blood to the hand. That the blood is coming from the shoulder to the hand can be proved by pressing firmly on the tube until it is closed; and then it will be found that the stroke of the beat is on the shoulder side of the wrist. The Names of the Tubes. The blood is running along this and other tubes deeper in the arm, on its way to the hand. These tubes are called arteries. As the blood flows to the hand, the arteries divide into many branches which become smaller as they branch. These go to the muscles, bones, and skin, which they penetrate, and in which they finally branch off until they are so minute that they can not be seen without a microscope. These very fine divisions of the THE BLOOD IN OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY 47 tubes are the capillaries. They are very numerous, making an extremely fine network, which brings the blood to even the minutest divisions of the muscles, bones, etc. This network of capillaries soon unites its vessels into larger and larger ones, which leave the muscles, bones, and other parts in the same way that the art- eries enter them. These returning tubes are the veins. The smaller veins join into larger and larger ones, some of which we have observed on the back of the hand. Fig. 23 shows how they appear in some tis- sues. The picture represents them with all the tissues re- moved from the blood vessels. The largest white vessel may represent the smallest artery, which is divided up to form the network of capillaries, RELATIONS OF ARTER VEIN> AND and the dark vessel the CAPILLARIES. small vein with the returning blood. To sum up what has just been learned of the hand, it may be said that the blood comes into it by arteries which divide until they finally become capillaries, which are in every part except the nails and the outside layer of the skin, and from the capillaries it returns by means of veins. The Blood in Other Parts of the Body. What has just been learned of the hand is true for every other part of the body. To every part arteries are distributed, ending in capillaries which join to form veins. 4 8 PARTS OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS RA When the hand hangs down, the blood in the veins must be pushed uphill with great force the length of the arm. When the hand is held above the head, the same must be done in the arteries. If the arteries and veins were exposed to view, we could see them running up the arm, past the shoulder, across the upper part of the chest, and finally ending in the heart. The general view of the arteries is shown in Fig. 26. The Heart. The heart is a force pump which night and day pumps the blood into the arteries with enough force to send it on through the capillaries and back to itself through the veins. The heart is in the lower part of the cavity of the chest. It is somewhat of the shape of a cone, with the point turned down and a little to the left, with the broad end turned toward the right shoulder. The heart is about the size of the person's fist. The position of the point or apex of the heart is easily de- .11 11 termmed by the beats it makes against the side of the chest, beween the fifth and sixth ribs, a little to the left of the central line. If the open hand be laid on the chest, so that the tip of the middle finger is at the point where the beats are felt, and the wrist is turned toward the right shoulder, the hand will be over the heart. LV Fig. 24. THE HEART. RA , right auricle ; Rl', right left ventricle. , left auricle ; THE VESSELS CONNECTING WITH THE HEART 49 PA PA The Interior of the Heart. The heart is divided into four rooms, two at the broad (upper ) end, the auricles (Fig. 25 ), and two below these, in the nar- rower end, the 'ventricles. There is a partition between the auricles, and one between the ventricles. The auricles and ven- tricles are distinguished as right and lejt. Between each auricle and the ventricle below it are flaps composed of a strong membrane. These flaps are arranged as valves, which lie against the ventricles - LV RV when the blood passes from the auricles to the ventricles; but on an Fig. 25. DIAGRAM OF THE HEART. 'A, pulmonary a >; FC/and VCS, A, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery; P, pulmonary veins; KC/and l/'CS, vena cava . , , , , inferior and vena cava superior; 7 1 , tricuspid, attempt OI the blOOd tO and M, mitral valve. The other letters same . , as in preceding figure. return to the auricles, these valves are closed by the current. They are shown closed in Fig. 25. The one on the right side, the tricuspid valve, consists of three flaps, the one on the left, the mitral valve, consists of two flaps. There are also valves at the origin of each of the large vessels leaving the heart, called semilunar valves. The Vessels connecting with the Heart. From the left ventricle there arises a large artery, the aorta, whose branches are distributed to all parts of the body. From the right ventricle there arises an equally IND. PR. PHYS. 4 5O PARTS OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS large vessel, the pulmonary artery. Its divisions go to the lungs. Opening into the right auricle are three large veins: the superior vena cava, which receives blood from the veins coming from the head, the neck, and the arms; the inferior vena cava, which receives the blood com- ing from the legs and most of the trunk; and the vein from the heart itself, the coronary vein. Opening into the left auricle are four pulmonary veins, bringing blood from the lungs. The Aorta and its Divisions. The aorta, as soon as it leaves the heart, makes a turn called the arch of the aorta, and passes down just in front of the spinal column. It gives off branches at the very start from the heart, and along its whole course. These branches subdivide and go to each part of the body, where they end in capillaries, as we have learned in the study of the hand. Trace them in Fig. 26, represent- ing the arteries. The Veins. After the blood is gathered up by the small veins it returns by a number of larger veins, which correspond in their distribution generally in each part of the body to the arteries. Structure of the Heart. The walls of the heart are made up of muscular tissue. The valves are of connective tissue. There is a connective-tissue layer covering the heart. A sac called the pericardium surrounds the heart. Between it and the heart is a liquid known as the pericardial liquid. This ar- rangement allows the heart to beat with as little friction as possible. The walls of the ventricles are much thicker than those of the auricles, those of the Fig. 26. DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARTERIES. THE DIVISIONS OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 51 left ventricle being thicker than those of the right. The greater amount of work done by the left ventri- cle requires this. Structure of the Blood Vessels. The arteries have strong walls of connective tissue, with some muscular fibers, especially in the small*arteries. The connective tis- sue is largely of the elastic variety, so that the walls of the arteries will stretch like rubber. The 'veins have much thinner walls, which are mainly of inelastic connective tissue, and consequently they will not stretch. The small veins have some muscular fibers in their walls. Many of the veins have valves in them, formed by pouches of connective tissue, which allow blood to pass toward the heart but prevent it from going the other way. The capillaries have extremely thin walls. The Divisions of the Circulatory System. The aorta, its branches and their subdivisions, the capilla- ries into which they empty, and the returning veins that empty into the right auricle, are known as the vessels of the systemic circulation. The pulmonary arteries, the capillaries of the lungs, with the pulmo- nary veins, are the vessels of the pulmonary circula- tion. Fig. 27. A VEIN LAID OPEN, SHOWING ITS VALVES. CHAPTER V THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS. THE BLOOD. HYGIENE OF THE CIRCULATION The Course of the Blood in Circulation. The course of the blood in circulation is represented in the diagram in Fig. 28. This shows how the heart is a double pump, one portion being placed in each of the systems of circulation, the pulmonary and systemic. As the valves are shown, the blood can flow but one way, and before completing the circuit must pass through the heart twice. It must also pass through at least two sets of capillaries, those of the lungs (pulmonary capillaries ), and those of some other part of the body (systemic capillaries). We may now consider the action of each part of the circulatory system. The Action of the Heart. The blood flows gently from the large veins into the auricles, and these throw the blood into the ventricles with enough force to dash it up their sides, as water dashes up the sides of a glass when poured into it. This action not only fills the ventricles, but closes the valves between the auri- cles and ventricles. 52 THE BLOOD IN THE ARTERIES 53 Then the ventricles immediately contract and force the blood past the semi- lunar valves, the right ventricle into the pul- monary artery, and the left ventricle into the aorta. The heart is a very active pump, mak- ing about seventy- two strokes a minute. The Blood in the Ar- teries. The pulse felt near the wrist is caused by the shock given to the blood in the arteries by the beat of the left ventricle. The capillaries are so small and numerous that their walls make a very large surface for the blood to flow over. The friction from this surface is great enough to hold the blood back. As the heart keeps up the pumping, the ar- teries become so full of blood that their elastic walls are stretched to give it room. Every time the heart Fig. 28. DIAGRAM OF THE COURSE OF THE BLOOD. RA, right auricle; RV, right ventricle; LA and LV, left auricle and left ventricle; VCf and yCS, vena cava inferior and superior; Ao, aorta; Lg t lungs; A I, alimentary canal; Lr, liver; VP. portal vein; Ly, lymphatics; Th D, thoracic duct; Let. lacteals; HA and HV, hepatic artery and vein 54 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS beats, the walls of the whole system of arteries spring out. It is this that we feel in the pulse. Pressure of the Blood in the Arteries. By being held back at the capillaries and forced on at the heart, the walls of the arteries stretching to receive it, the blood becomes so crowded in the arteries that if an artery is accidentally opened the blood spurts from it with great force. This condition of the blood in the arteries is like that of water in a reservoir; it is under pressure. The Blood in the Veins. In the veins the blood flows by a steady stream, very slowly in the small- est veins, and gradually quickening toward the heart. If a vein be opened, the blood flows from it, but with little force. It is not under very much pressure in the veins. The Use of the Blood Pressure in the Arteries. - The advantages of the arrangement just discussed are: First. While the blood is thrown out from the heart in jerks, it will flow into the capillaries in a steady stream. The pulse gradually decreases in force from the heart to the capillaries, where it dis- appears. This is a very important advantage. The walls of the capillaries must be thin to allow the blood to soak through them to the tissues. Thin walls could not endure a stream of strong jets with- out breaking. Second. As the blood is under pressure on the arterial side, and under little or no pressure on the venous side, the amount of blood going to any or- gan may be regulated by widening or narrowing the ACTIONS OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS 55 arteries going to it. The muscular substance in the walls of the small arteries does this by contracting or relaxing. This advantage is just as important as the first given, for without it there would be no means of regulating the supply of blood to each of the organs. All parts would receive blood equally at all times, whether they needed it or not. The Action of the Capillaries. It may be re- called that the blood supplies the tissues with food, water, and oxygen from the air; but this is not all that the blood does. It also takes away from the tissues certain substances which they in their ac- tivity are constantly making, and which, if they remained in the tissues, would be very injurious to them. Now, the changes between the blood and the tis- sues can take place only through the very thin walls of the capillaries. The liquid part of the blood, and whatever may be dissolved in it, can soak through the thin walls of the capillaries, and the substances dissolved in the liquid part of the tissues may soak through in some way to the blood, which carries them along in its current to be disposed of elsewhere by processes to be described in other chapters. Then it may be said that all the changes between the blood and the tissues take place in the capillaries, and that the object of the other parts of the circula- tory system is to drive the blood continually through the capillaries. Regulation of the Actions of the Circulatory Organs. The heart is composed of involuntary muscles and can 56 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS not be influenced by the will, but its rate of beating is often changed to suit the needs of the body. If one counts his pulse before performing some vigorous exercise, and again a short time after he has begun it, he will find the pulse in the latter case more fre- quent. The heart has been stimulated by its nerves to greater action. At the same time, in the parts of the body that are in action the small arteries dilate a little by relax- ing their muscular walls. This allows a greater amount of blood to flow into them. When any part is not in vigorous action, small arteries which furnish it with blood contract their walls and lessen the supply. These actions are regulated by nerves in a way to be studied when we come to the nervous system. Properties of the Blood. The blood is familiar to every one as a bright red liquid. The shade of red varies in the body from the bright red to a very dark red. Seen through the thin walls of the veins, it appears blue. The microscope shows that the blood is com- posed of a nearly transparent liquid, in which is suspended a cloud of immense numbers of little particles. The liquid is plasma, and the particles are blood corpuscles. Blood Corpuscles. There are two kinds of blood corpuscles the red and the white. The red corpuscles, when very greatly magnified, are seen to be thin round disks with slightly concave sides. They are about 3^Vo ^ an ^ nc ^ * n diameter. Although they are called red corpuscles, their color CO A G ULA TION 5 7 is but a faint yellow. It is only in great numbers that they give the mass the appearance of red. They differ somewhat in shape and size in different animals. Fig. 29 shows the ap- pearance of the red corpuscles from the human blood, and Fig. 30 those from the blood of a frog. The white corpuscles are few in number compared with the red. They are colorless and of irregu- lar Shape. HUMAN RED BLOOD CORFUS- The Use of the Red Corpuscles. CIES " HlGHLY MAGNIFIED - The red corpuscles in the lungs take up oxygen, one of the gases of which the air is composed, and carry it to the tissues, which require oxygen constantly. The Plasma. The liquid part of the blood is very complex. It is receiving water and digested food from the digestive system all the time, and various substances which the tissues are constantly producing. It is very evident that the blood must have ^^ dissolved in it all the Fig. 30. BLOOD CORPUSCLES OF A FROG. HIGHLY MAG- SUbstanC6S Which are N1FIED - required for the growth of the tissues, as they have no other source of supply. Coagulation. Soon after the blood is taken from the blood vessels it has the power to form into a mass which has the appearance of jelly, called clot. This process is called coagulation. This is accom- 58 HYGIENE OF THE CIRCULATION plished by some substances which are always in solu- tion in healthy blood. But the moment that the blood comes in contact with some other body than the uninjured wall of the blood vessel, these sub- stances form into very fine threads throughout the whole mass of the blood, holding the corpuscles en- tangled in their network. HYGIENE OF THE CIRCULATION In studying the hygiene of the circulation we have to consider the blood on the one hand and the ma- chinery for circulating it on the other hand. Since we must rely on the blood to supply every part of the body constantly with oxygen and food, and to carry away its wastes, it is of the greatest importance that the circulatory system be in the best condition possible. Good Blood. Good blood, then, depends on good food supplied to the digestive system, and on a good condition of that system so that the food may be prop- erly prepared and handed over to the blood. But it depends also on pure air and the proper working of the lungs ; and further on the working of the skin and kidneys that get rid of certain wastes. The care of the blood may, therefore, be studied in detail in con- nection with the organs by which it is affected. Germs of Disease. The blood is good food not only for the cells of the body, but also for many germs of disease, which are living microscopic animals or plants that sometimes enter the blood. And since the blood circulates to every part of the body, these germs may be carried along and give rise to various USES OF COAGULATION 59 forms of disease. Some of these will* be spoken of in another place at greater length. (See Chapter XIX.) Dangers of a Wound. Thus it happens that a wound is dangerous not only because of the loss of blood, but also because it gives entrance to the disease germs in the air about us. Uses of Coagulation. The blood has a successful way of stopping its flow from a wound, if not too large a vessel has been severed. It is by coagulation, a process described in a former section, which by plug- ging up the vessels prevents loss of blood. When, how- ever, a moderately large artery is cut or broken, the force of the current is so strong that before coagula- tion can take place so much blood may be lost as to produce death. In such a wound the blood vessels must be compressed by force until coagulation can take place. Of course, a physician should have charge of such cases as soon as possible. But as death might result before the physician could come, a knowledge of what to do is of great importance. If only capillaries or small vessels are cut, the bleed- ing is slow, and chance for a clot to be formed is good, so there is not much danger. It is when an artery is cut that there is danger. By referring to Fig. 26, the positions of the main arteries may be seen. Since the blood in the arteries flows from the heart toward the ends of the extremities, it is plain that to stop the flow of the blood we must press on the artery on the side of the cut toward the heart. We can push down hard on the artery with our fingers, or the pres- sure can be made by tying a bandage tightly around 60 HYGIENE OF THE CIRCULATION the limb with a hard knot just over the artery. Hold- ing the limb up above the heart will help much. If the case is severe, the bandage may be made tighter by twisting it up with a short stick. The knot may be made harder by including in it a small, round stone or other hard body to press down on the artery. Care of the Heart. The center of the circulatory system is the heart. Moment by moment our lives depend on the correct and continuous action of this pump that works night and day, it may be through a long life. We have seen that its action is regulated through the nervous system by the conditions of the various parts of the body. It beats more quickly and vigorously when exercise makes necessary a more rapid circulation through the muscles, and more slowly dur- ing sleep when the body is most quiet. During health and good general condition of the body the heart does its work without trouble or fault, adapting itself to violent exercise or the most quiet rest. Effects of Narcotics. It is very important then to do nothing that will disturb the nicely regulated way in which the circulatory system works. As has been seen, the stimuli which come from the various parts of the body by means of the nervous system make the heart's action and the expanding and contracting of the blood vessels just right for the needs of the different parts of the body. If the heart or blood vessels re- ceive stimuli from artificial sources, the natural regu- lation of their action is disturbed, and the various parts of the body must suffer in consequence. The most common substances used by man causing this disturb- ance of the circulation are: ALCOHOLIC DRINKS, ETC. 6 1 Alcoholic Drinks, Tobacco, Coffee, and Tea. Emi- nent physiologists have come to the conclusion that alcohol acts directly on the heart, weakening its action and decreasing its power of doing work. While the heart may beat faster through the presence of alcohol in the blood, the beats are not so strong, and the whole effect is to make the blood circulate less rapidly. Alco- hol is thus regarded as having a paralyzing action on the heart. When alcohol is given to a patient suffering from some disease or from an injury, the heart may be stimu- lated to greater action. In such a case the result, it is maintained, is not due to the direct action of the alcohol on the heart. But this whole question would require for its discussion much technical knowledge, and would be out of place in this book. It is here brought to notice simply to show that it is a more difficult subject than it is considered by those who are ready to make so many definite assertions regarding it. Whatever may be the immediate cause, however, it is well known that certain diseases of the heart are likely to follow the long-continued use of alcoholic drinks. The general vitality and tone of the heart are impaired, and it is thus rendered more liable to attack by disease. Its structure may become distinctly modi- fied, fatty and connective tissue taking, to some ex- tent, the place of muscular tissue, as seen in fatty degeneration of the heart. The smaller blood vessels in certain regions of the body may become in a measure paralyzed, and thus permanently distended. It is claimed also that alcohol has the power to take a part of the oxygen out of the red Wood corpuscles, 62 HYGIENE OF THE CIRCULATION whose office, it will be remembered, is to carry oxygen. Tobacco used continuously in excess will affect the heart injuriously, weakening it and making its action irregular. It also weakens the blood vessels. Coffee and tea also have an injurious effect when used in excess. Effect of Excessive Exercise. It has been pointed out that when the muscles of the body are thrown into exercise, the heart works harder to keep the circulation in the right condition for the muscles. Continued vio- lent action, such as running or climbing a mountain, and the like, forces the heart to do much extra work. Of course, like the other muscles, it can stand this without injury if not carried to excess, but excessive exercise affects the heart as well as the body muscles. Persons with hearts that are naturally weak or that have been weakened by sickness must be careful to avoid sudden violent action of the body. Violent actions on the part of young persons recovering from some weakening dis- ease may lead to permanent weakness of the heart, or in some cases may prove fatal. CHAPTER VI HOW THE BODY WORKS. ITS NEED FOR FOOD AND OXYGEN WE take food so that we may be able to do work and to grow, also to replace parts of the body that are worn away. We know that if the body receives no food it soon loses in weight, the person becomes faint and weak, and after a time the body is unable to do anything, the heart stops beating, and death results. But how does food help us work ? This is a subject difficult to study; but we may learn something of it if we examine some of the machines invented by man and see what conditions are necessary for them to keep up their action. First, then, let us consider how the body may be regarded as a machine. The Body as a Machine. The study we have been giving to the body shows it to be a very complex machine. Many kinds of work are constantly being performed by its different parts, such as pumping by the heart, moving and changing the food by the stomach and intestines, seeing by the eye, hearing by the ear, and so on. Organs and Systems. In physiology, a single part that does one kind of work is called an organ. Thus the eye is the organ of sight, the ear is the organ of hearing, and the heart is one of the organs of circula- tion. All the organs that together perform one of 63 64 HOW THE BODY WORKS the great actions of the body make up what we call a system. The circulatory system includes the heart together with the arteries, veins, and capillaries; that is, all the organs which manage the blood and keep it moving through the body. Besides, we have the nerv- ous system, the muscular system, the bony system, and the digestive system. In each case, the system includes all the separate organs that do the parts of the work of one big process. Now, as the body as a whole is com- posed of these systems grouped together, it can be seen what is meant by saying it is very complex. What is meant by Organization. Its Advantage. That all these parts work together so well proves that all is well organized. What is meant by " organized "? This can be illustrated by a school. The pupils in it are put into various grades according to their age and advancement in their studies, then in each grade are arranged classes in the different subjects. The other people about the school building the principal, the teachers, and the janitor also have special things to do. Then there are programmes of study, recitation, and play. By planning the school in this way, a large number of pupils study, recite, and do the other school work without loss of time and energy. Without plans of this kind, all would be confusion, and no work could be accomplished. A shop or store would further illustrate organiza- tion, for in it each person employed does some part of the whole work to be done. The one who manages the business plans a great piece of work which no one could do alone, but by dividing it up into parts which separate people can do, the whole is easily done. When TISSUES 65 all that each does is brought together, the work of the business is complete. It is only by organization that great things can be accomplished. These are examples of organization of people into systems. An example of organization of non-living things would be that of a steam engine. Here the parts are fitted together, so that they accomplish their end, but in an unorganized heap they could do nothing. In nature it is only in animals and plants that we see organization of the parts to accomplish the work. It is for this reason that living things are called organisms. Man and the higher animals are the most complex organisms. There are forms of animals much more simple than man. They do not have so many organs to do the work of living, and, consequently, their lives are more simple. Tissues. The word "tissue" is often used in physi- ology, and as it is a convenient and important word we should know its meaning. By it is meant one of the materials of which the parts of the body are made. Some examples of tissues are bony tissue, muscular tissue, fatty tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue. The hard solid portion of a bone is made of bony tissue, the part of a muscle which contracts and does the work is the muscular tissue. The connective tissue includes the tendons, ligaments, and bands that tie bones together into joints, fasten muscles to bones, and hold parts of organs together. Nervous tissue is the material of the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves. The tissues are living, and it is they which must be supplied with food and oxygen. The bony and con- nective tissues are mostly used for support for other tissues and organs, while the nervous and muscular IND. PR. PHYS. 5 66 . HOW THE BODY WORKS tissues are the great workers of the body. Especially is this true of the muscular tissue, as we have seen. The Work of the Body. The main work of the body is to produce motion, but there are other important things its tissues must do. The body must make heat to keep itself warm. Parts of it must make certain liq- uids, such as saliva, gastric juice, and others, for diges- tion and other purposes. Nervous impulses must be formed to act on the muscles. These are some of the things the body must do. How does the body perform this work ? Heat and motion are produced by us out- side of the body by certain contrivances for those pur- poses, and we can best understand how the body can produce heat and motion by comparison with our invented machinery. The Work of a Steam Engine. The steam engine is a very common means of producing motion. The mo- tion is made by burning coal in a furnace, which makes great heat. This heats the water until it turns to steam; the steam pushes on the piston and moves it. The piston is connected with the rest of the machinery and thus the work is done. In this we get both heat and motion by burning coal. In burning the coal we must have plenty of air. The air is a mixture of sev- eral things. One of them is the gas oxygen. It is the oxygen of the air that is used in burning the coal. Both the coal and the oxygen are necessary to produce the heat and motion. If either is lacking, the fire goes out and the engine stops. How the Body is like an Engine. To keep itself warm and to perform its varied motions, the human body, like the steam engine, requires oxygen, while WHAT HEAT DOES 6? food takes the place of coal. Indeed, the food we eat contains some of the same substances that are in coal, and if we dry it, we can burn it in the furnace of an engine and cause heat and motion. Now some other things show the body to be acting like a steam engine* If you catch all the substances which come out of the chimney and examine them carefully, they are found to be mainly carbonic dioxide and vapor of water, and then if you examine the substances which the body throws off at the lungs, skin, and kidneys, they also are found to consist mainly of carbonic dioxide and water. Coal and oxygen are burned to carbonic dioxide and water in the engine, while food and oxygen are burned to carbonic dioxide and water in the body, and in both cases heat and motion are produced. The " burning," as we have called it, seems different in the body from that in the engine. In the engine it takes place rapidly, causing great light and heat, while in the body it takes place more slowly, causing much less heat, less motion, and no light. But after all, the union of the food with oxygen is the same as the union of coal with oxygen. The chemical word for " burn- ing," as used here, that is, for the union of oxygen with other substances, is oxidation. The substance burned is said to be oxidized. Just as the work of the engine stops when coal and oxygen are no longer supplied, so the work of the body stops when it is deprived of food and oxygen. What Heat Does. If we examine the work done in the world, it can mostly be traced to the agency of heat. Heat gives rise to the currents of air or winds which 68 HOW THE BODY WORKS sail our ships or turn our windmills or form the waves that beat against the shores, breaking them down and grinding them up. Heat evaporates the water from the ocean, which, after being carried by the winds, falls on the land, to run back again, in its course carving out mountains and hills and building up new land, as well as carry- ing loads for us, or running our machinery. Heat from oxidations runs the many forms of en- gines now employed to do a great amount of the work that is accomplished by civilized nations. Heat also does the work of our bodies by means of oxidations of food and air. Food needed for Growth and Repair. In one very important way, however, the body is not like the engine. An engine can not repair its own parts, and the fuel supplied to it has nothing to do with building up its own material. The body, however, not only keeps warm and does work, but it grows and repairs Us own parts, and the material needed for this repair, as well as that burned up to produce heat, or motion, or some other form of energy, must be supplied in the food. Composition of the Body. Every tissue of the body contains compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. These compounds, with water, make up by far the greatest part of the body. Besides these sub- stances, there exist in many of the tissues some others which serve particular purposes. The most conspicu- ous example is that of osseous tissue, which contains, as we have seen in the study of the bones, compounds of lime. In the tissues small amounts of compounds WASTES 69 containing sulphur, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potas- sium, chlorine, and some other substances may be found. All these substances must be in the food and drink, the study of which will be taken up in the next chapter. It may therefore be said that one other object of the food is to supply materials for the growth and repair of the tissues. Wastes. This is a term which applies to the com- pounds which result mainly from the oxidations of the body during its work and growth. They are mainly carbon dioxide, water, and a nitrogenous substance (which is formed and excreted by the kidneys ) called urea. They are called wastes because they can no longer be of use to the body and must be thrown away CHAPTER VII FOODS The Forms of Food, as we see them brought to the table, are mixtures of certain substances, some of which occur in many different foods. For example, sugar is naturally in the fruits, and is often added to other foods in their preparation. Again, starch is present in the bread, in the potatoes, in the pudding, and in the pie. Fat or oil may occur in several foods, either natu- rally, as in the meats, or by its use in cooking. Kinds of Food Substances. For convenience in study these foods are put into groups which may be called the food groups. The food substances that is, the substances which make up the foods that are placed on the table are of two general classes, the organic and the inorganic. The organic food substances are those which are de- rived from plants and animals, and make up most of the food we take. Among these substances those most alike in their composition are put together into groups. The Starch and Sugar Group. Chemists have found that the different kinds of starches and sugars are all composed of the same elements, and are alike in many other ways. Indeed, starch can be changed into sugar. Gums, such as gum arabic, belong to the same group. The starches are derived from plants, and are espe- cially abundant in all grains and seeds used for food. 70 THE GROUP OF PROTEIDS Jl They occur also in the leaves, stems, and roots of plants, as in cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Sugars are usually obtained from plants, but one kind is found in milk. They are found in ripe fruits, and, indeed, may be in any part of the plant. In the plant the starch is often changed to sugar, as is seen in the change from a green to a ripe apple. Man has learned how to accomplish this change, and every year large quantities of starch are made into sugar for the market. Gums form but an unimportant part of the food. The Group of Fats. This group includes the vari- ous fats and oils found in milk, in the flesh of animals, and in plants. The words "fats" and "oils" are simply relative terms, fats being applied to those of the group which are solid at an ordinary temperature, of which tallow is an example, while oil is a liquid at the same temperature, such as olive oil. The Group of Proteids. A third group of organic food substances consists of a number of substances that are very common in the different forms of food, but since they are not commonly separated from them, as are starch, sugar, and fat, they are not familiar sub- stances. The most familiar example of this group is the white of an egg. This is mainly egg albumen, with a large amount of water. Most of the other members of the group of proteids, if they could be separated from the substances which contain them, would look and act very much like the albumen of the white of an egg. For example, they would coagulate when heated, and act in other ways which lead chemists to recognize them as similar. 72 FOODS The lean of meats is rich in proteids. There is a proteid in milk. Cheese has a large amount of proteid in it. Peas and beans are rich in proteids, and grains have a con- siderable amount. Some vegetables, such as potatoes, have small amounts. The proteids contain nitrogen while the other groups do not. From this fact the proteids are sometimes called nitrogenous foods, and the fats, starches, and sugars are called the non-nitrogenous foods. Some plants can manufacture all the different kinds of food substances from the soil, water, and air. Animals can not do this, but must have the pro- teids, fats, sugars, and starches already made for them. Consequently, they must take for food either such substances as a plant has produced, or the tis- sues of some animal that has eaten plants or other animals. All animals live by the death of other organisms, man being no exception. Many plants are like ani- mals in this respect. Those which do not possess the green color found in leaves, called chlorophyll, can not live on inorganic foods. The mushrooms, molds, mil- dews, and many forms of parasitic plants that is, plants that live on the substance of other plants are examples. All plants without chlorophyll must have for their food some organic substance. Food Substances ready to be Oxidized. The food substances that we have just been studying can all be burned; that is, they will unite with oxygen, either within the body or outside the body. The fats, starches, and sugars when oxidized produce water and THE USE OF INORGANIC FOODS 73 carbon dioxide as well as heat. The proteids, in addi- tion, give off a substance containing nitrogen. We could burn meat, bread, eggs, peas, beans, and the various grains in the furnace of a boiler and get sufficient heat to run the engine. We have already seen that they are oxidized in the body with the same results. The Inorganic Foods. This division includes water and various mineral substances, of which the great- est amount used is common salt. The others are taken in very small amounts mixed with the other foods. The salts, or salines, are the same as those mentioned as being in the tissues of the body. They are com- pounds of lime, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. They are absorbed by the plants from the soil, and from this source we obtain them, either directly from the plants or indirectly through the flesh of animals which have fed on them. The Use of Inorganic Foods. From the inorganic group of foods the tissues obtain their supplies of the mineral substances used in their structure, but none of these can be oxidized, and hence can not be the source of heat or motion. Water, the principal one of the inorganic foods, is also one of the most important. Its use is to form solutions so that the liquid blood and lymph may be possible, and that the tissues may make the exchanges with the blood. All the processes of the body depend on the presence of water. The tissues might be said to live on substances dissolved in water. A slight reduction of this water causes a severe thirst, which drives us to make good the loss. 74 FOODS The Proportion of the Different Foods needed in the Body. To accomplish the three main purposes of foods viz. to keep the body warm, to furnish it means to perform its work, and to furnish it with mate- rial for growth it is evident that there might be a combination of food substances that would have the best proportions. What these proportions are has been the subject of much investigation. It has been shown that if too much nitrogenous food be taken, the labor of the body is greatly increased in getting rid of the extra amount. If this is continued for a considerable length of time, serious diseases are sure to follow. The right proportion of the non-nitrogenous foods to the nitrogenous is said to be about four parts of the first to one of the second. These proportions are about those in milk, or in wheat flour when in the form of " Graham flour." Meats, peas, and beans, when taken alone, have more than the needed nitrogen, while rice and pota- toes do not have enough. Many experiments have been made to determine just how much of each kind of food is sufficient for the body. Such knowledge is of great practical value when food must be provided for large numbers, such as armies, navies, and large bodies of working men, to determine how much of each kind to buy and how much to dis- tribute to each man. If the same rules were applied to the selection of food for family life, no doubt very much could be saved that is now worse than wasted. As the food is brought to the table of the ordinary family, all the groups are pretty sure to be sufficiently THE USE AND ABUSE OF THE APPETITE 75 represented, so that each one is supplied with both sub- stances that contain nitrogen and those that do not; but people who are very poor are not always able to procure food in enough variety to afford the proper nourishment. The Use and Abuse of the Appetite. It is important to remember that the use of the appetite, or desire for food, is to regulate the amount and kind of food neces- sary for the body. Just as the body has a way of in- creasing or diminishing the respiration according to its needs, and a way of regulating the beating of the heart for different conditions, so by means of hunger and thirst it can regulate the amount of food and drink necessary for its growth. As the needs of the body vary much according to age, occupation, climate, and the particular disposition of the individual, it would be impossible to determine for each one on every day just the amount and kind of food he needs. If the wisest scientific men were wise enough to do this, it would still be impossible for the great majority of people to make use of this wisdom from hour to hour. Thus we see the great importance of appetite and of having it work naturally. If this one of nature's most impor- tant gifts is disturbed or becomes unnatural, the body may take in too much food or too little, or the food may be of the wrong kind, lacking some of the elements, and having too much of others, which in time is sure to lead to very serious results. The appetite may be disturbed or become unnatural either by sickness or by forming habits of eating or drinking too much food or food of the wrong kind. In case of sickness a physi- cian should be consulted as to the proper diet. Where 76 FOODS poverty and want do not exist, the tendency seems to be to get into habits of eating too much. Parents often urge upon little children more food than they need. Habits of eating are thus formed with an appe- tite not quite natural. Craving for food then grows beyond the needs of the activity of the body. When more food is taken into the blood than is needed, the body is overworked in trying to rid itself of the excess, and this constant overwork is sure in time to bring on severe troubles, like rheumatism, gout, kidney troubles, etc., besides rendering the body less efficient for all its work. A simple and moderate diet taken regularly is of the greatest importance for maintaining health and insuring a long life. CHAPTER VIII PARTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. CARE OF THE TEETH As we learned in the last chapter, the tissues con- stantly require food for their activity. But they can not use this food until it is much changed. As has been pointed out, the tissues are nourished by the blood, which is carried to them by the blood vessels. The blood gets its supply from the food we eat, but the latter undergoes much change before it enters the blood. Much of the food is solid material that will not dis- solve in water, while the plasma of the blood, that is all the blood except the corpuscles, is a liquid. It is the plasma which gives food to the tissues. Now it is the work of digestion to change the foods so that they can pass through the lining membrane of the alimentary canal and the walls of the capillary blood vessels and into the plasma of the blood. All this is possible only when the food is in a liquid form. Whether the food be beans, meat, bread, or potatoes, that part which is to be food for the tissues must be dissolved. It is the object of digestion to reduce food to a liquid form. Foods that require Digestion. The sugar is readily soluble in water and is usually already dissolved in the food or drink that we take ; consequently, it needs no further action that it may be absorbed into the body. 77 78 PARTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM But of the starches or the proteids taken as foods some can not dissolve sufficiently in water for this purpose, others not at all. The oils, it is true, are in a liquid form, and the fats will be melted to a liquid form by the heat of the body, but still they will not soak through the membranes without special preparation. The water remains unchanged, being absorbed as water, passing to all parts of the body, and being thrown out of the body as water. The mineral substances taken in the food are in minute quantities already dissolved, and, of course, need no digestive action. It may be said, then, that of the foods, the proteids, the fats and oils, and the starches and the gums must be digested. How is Digestion Accomplished? The foods are digested by being taken into the alimentary canal, where at various parts they have mixed with them certain liquids which will change the food substances so that they become liquids; then the food substances in liquid form are absorbed and brought into the blood. The Alimentary Canal. The alimentary canal is a tube about thirty feet in length, passing through the body, into which the food is placed to be subjected to the liquids which make these changes in the foods. It is variously modified along its course into different parts which perform different actions. All these parts, together with the organs connected with them which form the digestive liquids, are called the digestive system. The digestive system consists of the mouth and the salivary glands, the pharynx, the THE MOUTH 79 esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, with the liver and the pancreas, and the large intestine. Glands. The essential part of digestion is accom- plished by liquids poured upon the foods. These liquids are formed by organs called glands. Glands are used also in other parts of the body to form liquids, as, for example, to form sweat and tears. Very simple forms of glands are very minute tubes or sacs, which are surrounded by a network of cap- illaries. The lining of a gland forms the liquid pecul- iar to it, which is called its secretion. This flows out of the mouth of the tube. The gland tissue gets from the blood near it the material from which it forms its secretion. In large glands, the tubes are divided into very many branches, so that the gland is in the form of a tree with its branches, except that the branches are crowded and folded together in a somewhat solid form. The divisions of the parts of the tubes greatly in- crease the secreting surface of the gland. In all the branching a network of capillaries follows each minute branch. The Mouth. This part of the system can be so well studied from a view of the object itself that the printed description should be relied upon only for learning the names of the parts. The mouth forms a cavity, which, when closed, is well filled by the tongue and the teeth projecting into it. It has very movable walls at the front and sides in the lips and cheeks, whose middle layers contain many muscles, which produce their great number of motions. 80 PARTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The tongue, projecting from the floor of the mouth, is extremely movable. The roof, the palate, is hard in front and soft at the back, ending in a curtain which hangs down to make the posterior wall of the mouth. The two curved rows of teeth just strike each other. Besides the motions of the lips, cheeks, and tongue, the whole lower part of the mouth can be moved up and down, from side to side, and from front to back, by the muscles that move the lower jaw. Determine from your own mouth what these motions are and where the muscles are placed that produce them. Placed in the surface of the tongue are the little organs of taste. In the walls of the mouth everywhere are little glands which se- crete mucus, the liquid which, mixed with the secretion of the salivary ig ' ' glands, is the one which LOWER JAW BONE WITH THE TEETH. , , we know as constantly in the mouth. The salivary glands empty their secre- tion into the mouth. The Teeth. The position and characteristic forms of the teeth can be plainly made out in one's own mouth by the use of a mirror. Fig. 31 shows how the teeth in the lower jaw are set into the bone. The teeth appear in two sets. There are ten in each jaw of the first set, which appears in childhood, and six- teen in each jaw of the adult. The four front teeth MASTICA TION 81 in each jaw are called incisors ; the next one on each side is a canine; the next two, the bicuspids or pre- molars ; and the last three are the molars. The same teeth occur in many animals and in the same order, but not always of the same number. They are much varied in form among the different animals to adapt them to the many uses to be made of them. Many animals use their teeth for other purposes besides that of chewing. Structure of a Tooth. Fig. 32 shows the inter- nal view of a tooth cut through from the top or crown to the tips of the roots. It shows it to consist of three substances: a layer of enamel (i) over the crown; a layer of cement, which is of the same structure as bone, around the roots; these lie on the main substance of the tooth, the dentine, or ivory (2). These are very hard sub- stances, the enamel being the hardest. In the center of the tooth the hollow space is filled with blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. They come in at the points of -the roots. These together are called the pulp (3). Mastication. The mouth has other uses besides its action on the foods, the chief one of which is that of speaking. Its work with the foods is to crush and divide them, that they may be swallowed first, and afterward may be moved along the remainder of the IND. PR. PHYS. 6 Fig. 32. STRUCTURE OF A TOOTH. i, enamel; 2, dentine; 3, pulp cavity. 82 PARTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM alimentary canal to be acted upon by the digestive liquids. The process is known as mastication. If one will take a portion of food into his mouth and proceed to masticate it, and at the same time note the action of the" tongue, lips, cheeks, lower jaw, and teeth, he will learn how deftly the food is handled by them, being first taken to one part of the mouth, then to an- other. All the hard portions are brought between the teeth, where they are crushed. In the meantime the food is mixed with saliva until it is formed into a ball, when it is, by a quick motion of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, shot into the next division of the alimentary canal, the pharynx. The Saliva. The saliva has very important func- tions. It allows dry food to be swallowed; it dis- solves the food so that it may be tasted ; together with the mucus it moistens the lining of the mouth and tjie larynx, thus making possible the motions of speech. It has also the power to digest the starch. It does this by changing it into sugar. The food is in the mouth so short a time that this action is only begun there, but it is continued for a time in the stomach. The starch is also digested in another place, as we shall see. The Salivary Glands. The salivary glands are ar- ranged in three pairs, one pair in the sides of the face, just in front of the ears, one pair by the angles of the lower jaw, and one pair just under the tongue where it is attached to the floor of the mouth. CARE OF THE TEETH 83 CARE OF THE TEETH The second set of teeth, the permanent set, after it is complete, must last us the rest of our lives. If one is taken out, it is not replaced, or if a piece is broken off, it does not grow again, as a piece of skin might do. If a part of a tooth decays, leaving a hole in it, it never heals, but on the contrary the hole gets larger and larger until the whole tooth is destroyed. Since this is true, it behooves us to take good care of these useful tools which are to serve us daily, it may be for fifty or sixty years or even a longer time in a long life. Nature's method of protecting the human teeth is by the enamel covering of the crown. This hard, im- pervious covering not only gives a flinty surface for cutting and grinding which stands the daily wear of so many years, but it successfully keeps out the bac- teria which cause decay of the dentine if they can get at it. Thus we see the importance of prevent- ing any break in the enamel, which is often chipped off by cracking nuts or biting hard surfaces with the teeth. Particles of food left on the teeth for long periods will make places where colonies of bacteria may form, resulting in the deposit of substances on the teeth which may even cause the decay of the enamel, and in course of time of the dentine as well. This may especially occur near where the tooth joins the gums, where the enamel is the thinnest and where food particles find the easiest place to lodge. It is plain that the best thing to be done is to keep the surface of the enamel clean. This is done, of course, by rinsing the mouth after eating, by cleaning with a 84 CARE OF THE TEETH cloth, toothbrush, toothpicks, and, for particles be- tween the teeth, a thread. It is better that the brush be soft, so as not to wound the gums, and that the tooth- picks be of soft material, not metal, so as not to en- danger the enamel. Although it is not easily scratched, yet years of bad usage could affect it. The cleansing should, when possible, occur after each meal, but surely after the evening meal, since so long a time intervenes between it and the next meal. The teeth of some people are much more ready to decay than those of others, and consequently more care must be taken by tjiem to avoid trouble. But with the greatest care decayed places will appear sometimes. These begin as very small places and may remain unnoticed unless a special search is made for them. They may even grow to considerable size in the mouth of a careless person. Now the dentist knows how to stop the decay of a tooth. He fills it with hard material which preserves it and makes it still a useful tooth. But the sooner the dentist discovers the defect, the better it can be treated, the more of the tooth saved, to say nothing of the pain, trouble, and ex- pense escaped. It would be best then for a dentist to examine the teeth occasionally to see if any trouble has begun. Once a year is not too often, and if the teeth show a disposition to have coats of tartar form on them the dentist should be employed to clean them. Sometimes the permanent set comes in before the jaw bones have grown large enough to receive them in even rows and the teeth become crowded, and in some people these bones never are large enough to hold the teeth properly. In such a case, if it is thought CARE OF THE TEETH 85 desirable to apply any remedy, a dentist should be consulted early, and he may help in the matter and the rows of teeth may be kept straight and even. The teeth, like other parts of the body, may suffer from general ill health or from disease of the body. In such a case the remedy must go further than simple care of the teeth. A physician is our help in such a case, as the bad teeth are only a sign of other troubles in the body. CHAPTER IX DIGESTION. CARE OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS The Pharynx. Just beyond tary tube becomes the pharynx. LI - Fig. 33. GENERAL VIEW OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. O, esophagus; S, stomach; SI, small intes- tine; LI, large intestine; Sp, spleen; Z., liver (raised up); G, gall bladder; Pa, pancreas. 86 the mouth the alimen- There are several open- ings into this portion, one from the mouth, one from each nostril, one from each middle ear, one into the lar- ynx, the organ where the voice is produced, and the opening into the next division of the alimentary canal, the esophagus. The Esophagus. - This is the portion of the alimentary canal which extends from the pharynx to the stomach. It is eight or nine inches in length. It and the pharynx are lined internally with a mucous membrane. Outside of this are the muscular walls. THE STOMACH Swallowing. The food is sent forcibly from the mouth into the pharynx. The pharynx acts some- thing like a funnel over the top of the esophagus. When the food is in the pharynx, its muscular walls close around it and quickly push it into the esophagus, where portions of the circular bands of muscles relax before the food, and others contract behind it to push it on into the stomach. Water is served exactly in the same way, and both water and food can be swallowed when the head is down as well as when it is erect. The Stomach. This organ is a part of the ali- mentary canal more dilated than the other portions, and so arranged as to retain the ^|^ Esophagus food in it a cer- tain length of time. (Fig. 34.) It is in the upper part of the abdominal cavity some- what to the left side. The open- ing at the point where the esoph- agus joins it is called the car- diac opening; the one at the opposite end, where the small intestine joins it, is called the pylorus. In this latter place the muscular walls form a ring, which remains contracted some time after a meal is taken, opening and closing from time to time to allow Fig. 34. SECTION OF THE STOMACH. 88 DIGESTION liquids to pass, thus retaining the more solid portions for the digestion which takes place in the stomach. It finally relaxes and allows all the contents to pass on to the small intestine. Digestion in the Stomach. The mucous coat of the stomach is filled with small glands which secrete a liquid known as gastric juice. During the presence of food in the stomach this liquid is poured out on it in considerable quantities. Gastric juice affects only one of the food groups, the proteids. When these food substances are kept with gastric juice a certain length of time, they are changed into soluble forms of proteids called peptones. This change takes place slowly. To cause the gastric juice to become thoroughly mixed with the food, the muscu- lar walls of the stomach, by contracting in many differ- ent directions, push it around, backward and forward, many times. Absorption from the Stomach. A very great num- ber of capillary blood vessels forms a close network in the mucous coat immediately next to its surface. This arrangement brings the blood so near the liquid in the stomach that nothing but a very thin wall of membrane lies between them. This allows the liquid contents of the stomach and what may be dissolved in it to soak through to the blood. Besides these blood vessels, there are also the lym- phatics, arranged in the same position, so that they may also receive liquids from the stomach. The process by which a liquid may pass into either of these vessels is called absorption. The rapidity with which it occurs is shown by the quick effect which some THE SMALL INTESTINE 8 9 medicines have on the body when taken into the stomach. The Small Intestine. The small intestine is a much narrower tube than the stomach. It is about twenty feet in length. It is suspended from the margin of a membrane called the mesentery, the inner edge of which Fig. 35. DIAGRAMMATIC. SECTION OF THE Mucous COAT OF THE SMALL INTESTINE. GREATLY MAGNIFIED. Some of the villi have their covering layer removed to show the structure. The tubes are intestinal glands. is gathered together in one place and fastened to the back of the abdominal cavity. The coats of the small intestine are exactly the same in name and arrangement as those of the stom- ach. But the mucous coat differs from the same coat of the stomach in being densely covered with minute projections. 90 DIGESTION These are shown very much enlarged in Fig. 35. They are the mill. They are special arrangements for absorption. Each one has in it, as shown in the figure, a network of capillary blood vessels, and an- other kind of small vessels called the lacteals. They empty into the thoracic duct. Over each villus is a very thin layer of tissue, which allows digested food substances to pass through either to the blood vessels or the lacteals, from which it soon enters the general circulation. Secretions coming into the Small Intestine. The mucous coat has in it besides the villi a very great number of glands which secrete the intestinal juice. The pancreas is a large gland lying just behind the stomach. It forms the pancreatic juice , and pours it into the small intestine by its duct, which empties into the small intestine a short distance below the pylorus. The Liver. The liver is a very large gland, placed just under the diaphragm, mainly on the right side. It empties its secretion, the bile, into the small intes- tine at a point very near the opening of the pancreatic duct. The pancreatic juice and bile are immediately mixed with each other and with the food. Digestion in the Small Intestine. The digestion which goes on in the small intestine may be considered as the most important of all, since the pancreatic juice acts with energy on proteids to change them into the soluble peptones, on the starches to change them into sugar, and on the fats to change them into a state in which their particles are extremely minute, small enough to find their way through the thin layer over THE BILE the villi. Some of the fats are also changed into sub- stances which will dissolve. The Bile. This liquid comes in very large amounts into the intestine during digestion. It has been shown to have very slight direct diges- tive action on any of the foods, but it is known to aid the process of digestion in various ways. Among them it may be men- tioned that the bile makes the contents of the intes- tine alkaline, which is necessary to the action of the pancreatic juice, and that it in some way aids in the absorption of the fats. It has probably many other uses, as it is a very complex liquid. Our or- dinary foods contain a considerable amount of substances which are not acted on by any of these fluids, termed indigest- ible parts. These are, by the constant motions of the small in- testine, sent along to accumulate in the large intestine. They move more and more slowly as they pass along, that the last amount of digested food may be ab- sorbed before these substances are removed from the body. Fig. 36. LACTEALS. Showing the connection of the small intes- tine to the thoracic duct by the lacteals lying in the mesentery. Th, thoracic duct. Q2 DIGESTION Absorption. As already mentioned, absorption may take place from the stomach and from the small and large intestines. It is mainly from the small in- testine. The food, after being absorbed, may reach the heart, and from it the general circulation, by two different courses: i st. That which is taken up by the blood vessels goes by the portal vein to the liver, through the capil- laries of the liver to the hepatic vein in the liver, into the inferior vena cava, and thence to the heart. 2d. That which is taken up by the lacteals passes on to the thoracic duct, Fig. 36, from which it empties into the left subclavian vein, and from this it soon reaches the superior vena cava. These two courses will be made clear by consulting the diagram of the circulation of the blood, given in the chapter on Circulation. Conclusion. In a former section it was said that the food of the tissues is the blood. We have now seen one source from which the food is constantly added to the blood. It is placed in parts of a vessel, the ali- mentary canal, and at different places the liquids change different members of the food groups into solutions. These are given in the following table: 1. Saliva acts on the Starches. 2. Gastric Juice acts on the Proteids. ( Starches. 3. Pancreatic Juice acts on the \ Fats. [ Proteids. These made soluble and the sugar already dissolved bring all the principal foods into liquid form. CARE OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS 93 THE CARE OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS The processes of digestion are all reflex, involuntary acts, and in good health generally take care of them- selves. It has been found that the various foods take quite different lengths of time for digestion. It does not seem that a food is better for being quick to digest. For those who live on a vegetable diet do not suffer inconvenience from the fact and are certainly as healthy as a rule as those who eat largely of meats, although meats are the more easily digested. The human digestive system seems to be adapted to the digestion of foods that take a long time to digest as well as to those taking a short time. The secretion of the digestive juices and the movements of the stomach and intestines are accomplished by nervous impulses which under good conditions of the body are just sufficient to get the best results by reflex action. But the normal working of the nerves controlling these acts may be disturbed and thus disturb the proper action of the digestive system. Through this means the digestive system may be affected by nervous states of the body. A fit of indigestion may be due to excitement or mental distress. Dyspepsia may be induced and fostered by constantly thinking of the effect that this or that kind of food has upon one. Of course if some one with delicate digestive organs learns by experience that a certain food disagrees with him, he ought to avoid it. But, to say nothing of bad taste, it is a bad habit from a hygienic standpoint constantly to question any kind of food presented and to discuss its effects. 94 CARE OF THE ^DIGESTIVE ORGANS We have already spoken of the importance of a healthy appetite in the selection of food. It may be added that when food is palatable, that is, " tastes good," digestion generally proceeds better. Thus there is good physiological reason for the proper prepara- tion of the food. And this is the principal purpose of cooking. Cooking, however, serves other important purposes. It makes many foods more digestible, for example, potatoes, and destroys the germs of many diseases which may possibly be present. The alimen- tary canal is a great gateway through which disease may enter the body. This subject, however, will be more fully explained under Disease. CHAPTER X RESPIRATION IT has already been shown how very necessary oxygen is to all the tissues of the body. The mus- cles and the brain especially use large amounts of oxygen and they must have a supply every moment. The oxygen, as was explained in the chapter on Cir- culation, is mainly carried by the red blood corpuscles to the tissues. But the blood gets its oxygen from the lungs, and the lungs get their supply from the air breathed into them. Breathing has another use besides bringing oxygen to the blood. It carries carbonic acid away from the blood. It will be remembered that when the food of the tissues unites with the oxygen, one of the things made is carbonic dioxide. This is sometimes known as a " waste " substance. It must be removed. The blood carries it away from the tissues to the lungs, and every time the air is breathed out from the lungs some of this carbonic dioxide is thrown from the body. Thus we see that breathing has two very important uses : one, the bringing of oxygen into the body, and the other, the taking of carbonic dioxide out of the body. Respiration is the term for breathing. We shall now study the apparatus for respiration: what its parts are and how they work to draw the air in and throw it out again. 95 9 6 RESPIRA TION The Respiratory Organs. The part of the appa- ratus which accomplishes the constant removal of the air consists of the thorax and the lungs, which hang as two sacs in its cavity, and the tubes in the lungs, and the large one which connects them with the outer air. If we name the air passages in order from without, they are the nostrils and the mouth, the pharynx, the larynx, the trachea, its two large branches, the bronchi and their numerous branches, the bronchial tubes, which become so small in their subdivisions as to require the microscope to see them. These end in groups of minute air sacs, men- tioned above. They are micro- scopic. A group of these air sacs, or vesi- cles, is shown in Fig. 37. Among these are close networks of pul- monary capillaries. Structure of Air Tubes. The trachea, bronchi, and bronchial tubes have a framework of cartilaginous rings, which hold them open on all sides. The rings have connective tissue between them and around them. The lining of the passage is mucous membrane, in which is a large number of mucous glands, whose secretion is constantly forming. The mucus is made to flow toward the throat by means of very minute projections, seen only with higher powers of the microscope, which are on the surface of the mucous membrane. These are the cilia. i Fig. 37. AIR VESICLES. THE RESPIRATORY APPARATUS 97 They keep up a constant waving motion, which car- ries the mucus along, together with dust which settles on it from the air. The Thorax. The lungs are suspended in the cavity of the thorax. The bony support of the thorax is shown in Fig. 38, and consists of the dorsal vertebrae, the ribs, and the sternum. In this framework, while the ribs are attached at their extremities, their middle portion can be moved up and down by muscles between them and those attached to them from above and below. The muscular partition between the abdomen and the tho- rax, the diaphragm, forms the bottom of the thorax. The Respiratory Apparatus. The essential part of the breathing apparatus is a thin membrane, so arranged that the oxygen can come on one side and the blood on the other. In such a case the oxygen can pass into the blood and the carbon dioxide out. In the lower animals, the breathing apparatus is found in many different forms. The gills of a fish are familiar to all. But all these forms, different as they may be in other regards, have the essential arrangement spoken of above. The oxygen is always either in the air, mixed with the other gases before IND. PR. PHYS. 7 Fig. 38. BONY WALLS OF THE THORAX. 9 8 RESPIRA TION mentioned, or it is dissolved in the water which has obtained it from the air. In the gills of the fish the delicate fringes are so many projections of very thin skin, through the core of which the blood circulates, but on the outside of which Larynx. Fig. 39. THE HEART AND LUNGS. the water with the dissolved oxygen is made to pass. In the lungs of a man there are little thin-walled sacs, into the centers of which the air comes, and around the surface of which the blood circulates. The rest of the apparatus is to pump the air in and out of the passages INSPIRA TION 99 which are connected with these little air sacs, so. that there may be a constant change of the air. The Respiratory Acts. Respiration consists of two acts: inspiration, by which an amount of air is brought into the lungs ; and expiration, by which about the same amount is expelled. The lungs hang in the thorax as elastic sacs in air-tight cavities. As there is nothing but a little liquid between the outer walls of the lungs and the walls of the thorax, the Fig. 40. THORAX IN EXPIRATION. Fig. 41. THORAX IN INSPIRATION. pressure of the air, which is fifteen pounds to the square inch, swells the lungs out against these walls. If now the walls of the thorax are pulled away a little more, the pressure of the air on the inside of the lungs makes them follow the retreating walls of the thorax. On the other hand, when the walls of the thorax press upon the lungs they are emptied to the same extent. Inspiration. In inspiration the cavity is enlarged. 1 00 RESPIRA TION This is accomplished in two ways: First, the dia- phragm being curved upward pulls itself down by contraction. Second, by the contraction of one set of the muscles between the ribs (the external inter- costals ) the ribs are raised, which motion, from the way they are attached (see Figs. 40 and 41 ), throws them out. Expiration. This act consists in making the cav- ity of the thorax smaller. This is done in two ways: First, by the muscles of the walls of the abdomen contracting and pressing upon the contents of the abdomen, and thus forcing the diaphragm up again. Second, by the other set of intercostals (the internal ) contracting to pull the ribs down. In both acts many other muscles may take part. Nervous Control. These motions are regulated by nerves, so that one follows the other in the proper succession, frequency, and strength, each of which varies much with the varying activity of the body. For, the more work done, the greater must be the supply of oxygen, and the greater the amount of carbon dioxide to be got rid of. Although these actions are involuntary, yet the will may modify them, as it does in the act of speaking. Ordinary respirations average about seventeen a minute. It will be profitable to study in oneself or another how this rate will vary in various kinds and degrees of exercise, as well as the character of the act. Sighing, crying, laughing, coughing, sneezing all are modifi- cations of the respiratory actions, the character of each of which the pupil should study from the actions themselves. HO W OXYGEN IS BROUGHT TO THE AIR CELLS IOI Changes in the Respiration. When air comes from the lungs it has in it an increased amount of water and carbon dioxide. It also has less oxygen and is warmer. Besides these changes, air from the lungs contains cer- tain organic substances, which are very small in amount and can not be obtained in sufficient quantity to be weighed. They are easily detected by the sense of smell when one passes from the open air into a poorly ventilated room in which a number of people are gathered. From these causes, air once breathed is not fit to breathe again. There is not enough oxygen in it, and the organic substances it contains seem to be real poisons. Amount of Air Breathed. The lungs of an adult contain about one gallon of air. In an ordinary ex- piration only about one pint of air is thrown , out. This can be shown by breathing through a tube pass- ing under the mouth of a bottle filled with water, and inverted over water in such a way as to catch the air breathed out. The amount of air breathed into the lungs is about the same. It can easily be seen that a pint of air would only fill the trachea and the upper air pas- sages. How the Oxygen is brought to the Air Cells. - Gases have the power to pass freely into each other. This property is called diffusion. If a pint of each of a dozen gases were put in different parts of a closed room, in a short time they would be equally distributed throughout the room. By this property the oxygen that is in the upper IO2 RESPIRA TION part of the lungs diffuses through the rest of the air to the air vesicles, and the carbon dioxide diffuses out to the upper part, where the acts of breathing remove the old air and bring in the new. Changes in the Blood. Once in the air vesicles, the oxygen passes through the very thin membrane Fig. 42. LARYNX, SIDE VIEW. T, thyroid cartilage; C, cri- coid cartilage; TV, trachea; H, hyoid bone; E, epiglottis; /, joint of thyroid cartilage. Fig. 43. LARYNX, BACK VIEW. Ar, arytenoid cartilages. The other letters the same as in the pre- ceding figure. of their walls and the walls of the capillaries into the plasma, where it is taken up by the red corpuscles. These, by the current of the blood, are carried to the tissues, to which the corpuscles give up the oxygen. The carbon dioxide, on the other hand, passes from the tissues to the blood, which sweeps it around to the lungs, where it escapes. The water is also con- tinually escaping at the lungs. THE LARYNX 103 Thus the organs of respiration and of circulation are made the mediums of exchange between the out- side air and the tissues far removed from them. The Voice. Vocal sounds are produced in the larynx by the air passing between the parallel edges of two folds of the lining membrane of that organ. These folds are the vocal cords, and are tightly stretched and close together at the time of the sound, but are relaxed and fall apart at other times. The Larynx. The larynx, Fig. 42, placed on the top of the trachea, consists of a box formed of a frame of cartilaginous plates, some 4 of which can be moved on the others by a number of muscles. The largest of these car- tilages, the thyroid (see the figure), forms the projec- tion in the neck known as 11 Adam's Apple." It rests on a ringlike base, the cricoid cartilage. The vocal cords are at- tached to small cartilages at f/ g 44 the back Called the arytenoid, LIGAMENTS OF THE VOCAL CORDS. and tO the thyroid in front. (' and 2), the ligaments; 3, aryte- noid cartilages; 4, thyroid cartilage. By the movements of these cartilages the membranes of the vocal cords are stretched and brought together, or separated. The sound is produced by the air passing these in a stretched condition and with their edges close to- gether. Fig. 44 shows the ligaments and the cords 1 04 RESPIRA TION with the covering membrane removed. The sounds of the letters are made to differ from each other by giving different shapes to the mouth, pharynx, and larynx. The epiglottis is a lid which is made to close over the larynx during swallowing, for the evident pur- pose of keeping food out of the larynx. It will also close promptly on breathing some poisonous gases. The larynx, trachea, and lungs of some animal should be studied. Also the movements and forms of the mouth in forming the letters. No other muscles in the body can be moved with the rapidity and precision of those used in speaking. They are greatly under the control of the will, and can be trained to wonderful feats of singing and speak- ing, and ought to be trained in every one for reading and talking well. CHAPTER XI PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION GOOD health can not be kept unless the body is supplied at all times with an abundance of pure air. The reason for this has been repeatedly stated, and the importance of the fact can not be too strongly empha- sized. At this place we are to consider: (i) what pure air is; (2) how much each one needs; and (3) how it can be supplied. Pure Air. What we call pure air is such as we find out of doors in most places. It is about the same the world over, because the winds which blow first in one direction and then in another keep it well mixed up and about the same in its make-up. When man and animals can be supplied with this kind of air for breath- ing they thrive well on it. Such air is a mixture of certain gases. It consists of about one fifth oxygen and nearly four fifths nitrogen, with small amounts of carbonic dioxide and vapor of water and very small amounts of other substances. Now if much more than the usual amount of any of these gases is present or if other gases are added, the air is said to be impure. It is especially harmful for man or animals if the oxygen is diminished or the carbonic dioxide is increased. We have just seen that in inspiration about a pint of air is taken into the lungs and air passages, and I0 5 106 PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION during the expiration that follows a pint of air is thrown out. The air that is thrown out has lost considerable of its oxygen and has gained much car- bonic dioxide, and besides it has gained other impuri- ties coming from the body. It is now quite impure, and should not be breathed again. Indeed, it has so much of impurity in it that it will spoil for breathing four pints of good air. If one is out of doors when he breathes out this impure pint of air, the winds or cur- rents of air, which are always in motion, carry it away and bring for the next breath a fresh pint of pure air, and thus one is constantly supplied with an abundance of the right kind of air. But if the body is confined in a closed room, the breathed-out air remains in the room. If the room is large, the small amount of air thrown out for a short time, mixed with the large amount in the room, does not make much change. But if the room is small, or if a large room is occupied for a long time without change of air, the many pints of im- pure air breathed out will make the whole roomful impure. That is, the air in it will be lacking in oxygen and have far too much carbonic dioxide. It would be only a question of time, if all openings were closed so that the air in the room could not either get out nor fresh air get in, before death would result. This would occur in a short time, if the room were quite small. Ventilation. Thus rooms in which people live must be so arranged that the air can be changed in them. The changing of the air in a room is called 'ventilation. Out of doors the movements of air, winds, and currents provide a perfect ventilation. To get good ventila- tion in a room or house it is important to know how VENTILA TION I O/ much air should be supplied to each person. We will now see how currents of air may be made so that the air will flow in and out of the room and give the needed supply. Those who have studied this question by taking the amount of air made impure by a single breath and noting that there are seventeen or eighteen breaths in a minute tell us that there ought to be supplied to each grown person from 3000 to 3500 cubic feet of air each hour, and to each child not less than 2000 cubic feet of air per hour. Since the body when actively at work uses more oxygen and throws off more car- bonic dioxide than when at rest, it will need a greater supply of air than the resting body. To illustrate what these figures mean, an example might be used. Three thousand cubic feet would be represented by a room 10 feet high with a floor 20 feet long and 15 feet wide. Now if one person were working in this room, the ventilation should be good enough to change all the air in it once every hour. If two were working in the room, the ventilation should be good enough to change the whole of the air in it every half hour. Or if four persons were working in the room, the air should be changed every fifteen minutes, and so on. You can calculate the number of cubic feet in your schoolroom; and then, taking into account the number of pupils in the room, you can see how often the whole air in the room should be changed. You can thus see whether the ventilation is good enough for the number in the room. Many schools, workshops, and rooms where people gather for various purposes are very badly ventilated. 108 PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION Either not enough space is given to each person or not enough air is supplied to keep the air good. Sleeping rooms are often too close, as well as the living rooms of the home. Great care should be taken to have the ventilation in all these right. There is no harm in " night air " as some seem to think. Out-of-door air is pure even at night, while indoor air at night in a poorly ventilated room may become very bad. How to secure Ventilation. One way of removing the air and bringing in new air is by pumps or fans run by machinery. These are sometimes used in mines or in large buildings, but are, of course, out of the question in most buildings and ordinary homes. We have to make use of the currents formed in the air, by which streams of air can be made to flow into and out of the rooms. Now how are currents in air made? If you examine the air Fig. 46. about a stove, or a lamp, when it DIAGRAM OF THE CURRENTS OF J s heated, yOU will find that there AlR IN A ROOM HEATED BY . . . A STOVE, s. ALL OPENINGS is a current of air rapidly rising over the stove, and that other cur- rents near the floor are moving toward the stove. It is the same with the lamp. The cause of these currents is this: when air is heated it expands. If a certain amount of air is expanded, it will be lighter than the rest of the air about it, and the lighter will rise in the heavier like a cork in water. Hot-air balloons rise because the heated air in them is lighter than the air around them. All the large currents of air out of doors which HOW TO SECURE VENTILATION we call winds or breezes are made in the same way. The sun warms some part of the earth and makes the air next to it warm. This expands it, makes it lighter, and the cooler, heavier air moves underneath it and forces it up. When currents are started in one place, these cause others to form in other places. As the sun shines on most of the earth every day, these changes are all the time going on out of doors, and thus currents of air are all the time moving all over the face of the earth, making a perfect ventilation. If we always remember that warm air is lighter than cool air and will rise in it, we can always tell just how the currents of air will be moving in a room. As just seen, air will always rise from a heated stove or radi- ator, and cooler air will move toward it. If the air in a room is warmer than the air out- side, a window open at the top and at the bottom will allow the F '9' 4G - , ,i CURRENTS OF AIR IN A ROOM warm air to go out at the top as HEATED BY A STOVE> St WlN . the cool air comes in at the lower DOW OPEN AT Top AND BOT - TOM. opening. If it is only open at the top, the warm air will go out at that opening and cold air will come in at the cracks about the door, windows, or floor that are lower than the opening. In other words, in a warm room warm air is all the time leaving by all openings in the upper part of the room, and cool air is coming in by all openings in the lower part of the room. If the air in the room is colder than the out- side air, just the opposite takes place; the cold air 1 10 PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION leaves by the lower openings and warmer air comes in by the upper openings. If the air in the room is just as warm as the outside air, no currents will take place by natural means. Ventilation can then only be secured by fanning or pumping the air in. Now these facts show that it is easiest to ventilate a room when it is warmer than the outside air. On a cold day in winter small openings will serve as well to change the air in a room as wide open windows would on a warm day in summer. We can see, too, how it is difficult to keep the room warm and at the same time well ventilated in winter, or cool and at the same time well ventilated in summer. In winter the warm air is escaping and cold air is coming in, in summer the cooler air is escap- ing and the warm air is coming in. Some houses are arranged so that the air from the oustide is brought in just under the stove or radia- tor, and by this means it is heated as it comes into the room. Hot-air furnaces bring warm air into the room from without. This air is pure if the outside supply to the furnace is good. When a room is heated by a furnace, then the upper openings in the room should be kept closed, and the lower ones opened. The warm air comes in and pushes the cooler air, which is also less pure, out of the lower openings. Thus ventilation is secured without loss of so much of the warm air. Openings in the upper part of a room heated by a furnace allow both the warm air and the pure air to escape. In whatever house one lives, in whatever room he works or spends much of his time, and especially in his sleeping room, he should examine the means of heating and ventilation, and then study how to arrange HO W TO SECURE VENTILATION III Fig. 47. CURRENTS IN A ROOM HEATED BY A HOT-AIR FURNACE. WIN- DOW OPEN AT BOTTOM. AIR ENTERS FROM FURNACE AT F. everything to have an abundant supply of air passing through the room. This should not be less than 3000 to 3500 cubic jeet per hour jor a _ grown person or 2000 jor a child. As every room used will be some- what different, each one must be examined and arranged for. In schoolhouses, factories, and other buildings where numbers of people are brought together those skilled in the knowledge of ventilation should be employed to plan the buildings. It often happens that a schoolroom must have in it a large number of pupils, with not enough space for each and no way of ventilating except by windows and doors. On a cold day the opening of windows or doors will cause a cold draft on some of the pupils, which is of course very dangerous for them. Keeping all open- ings closed is also harmful. This is a very bad arrange- ment, as the room should be dangerous to no one. Those in power should seek to remedy the difficulty as soon as possible ; but until this is done the teacher and pupils will have to manage the ventilation as best they can. By experiment it should be determined which win- dows and doors can be opened to give ventilation and the least draft. Then every hour or so the pupils can take a rest, and all windows should be opened for a short time to clear out all the air. The drafts are not so dangerous if the pupils are moving about. Then 112 PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION at recess all can leave the room, and the windows and doors should be opened until the air is thoroughly purified. Other Impurities in Air. Thus far we have spoken only of air made bad by breathing it. There are other sources of impurities in the air. . When a candle, lamp, or gas flame is burning in a room it uses up oxy- gen quickly and throws into the air much carbon dioxide and sometimes other gases more or less poisonous. This is especially true of gas flames. When, then, these are burning in rooms, the ventilation must be increased. Gases that come from sewers, cesspools, or decaying materials may contain poisonous substances or germs of disease. Care should be taken that no such places with bad gases escaping from them are near dwellings- Spaces underneath dwelling houses should be well ventilated; otherwise the air there may become foul and the ventilation of the house is sure to carry it up into the house rooms. All the air near the earth about dwelling houses, along streets and roads, has more or less dust in it. Much of this dust is harmless, and when it is breathed into the lungs settles on the walls of the air passages, where a slow current of mucus, which is made to flow up and out along the lining of the walls, will carry this dust out (see Respiration). But the dust may contain germs of disease, which may thus get into the body through the lungs. All this only shows still stronger reasons for keeping all the ground under and about the house clean and free from all these sources of foul air and dust. METHOD OF BREATHING 113 Where houses are gathered together into towns and cities, the public officers look after keeping the streets and alleys clean. Every one should insist that this be done, and help in doing it. Effects of Impure Air. It has been pointed out that death would soon follow if a person were confined in a small and perfectly closed room without any ven- tilation. Living in rooms poorly ventilated would not produce death immediately, but would lead first to the contraction of diseases, more or less dangerous as the rooms were more or less poorly ventilated. One of the surest cures for many diseases is life in the open air, which insures perfect ventilation. If pure air can be a cure for these diseases, surely pure air at the start would have prevented them. Method of Breathing. Even with plenty of good air, habits of breathing may be such as not to make the best use of the air. The lungs are best filled when the body is erect, with the shoulders thrown well backward, and as little pressure of clothing as possible on the chest or abdomen. Air is a very light substance, and a little pressure will easily prevent the full amount from coming into the lungs. How foolish to interfere at all with so important a thing as breathing! In bed we should take such a position that breathing will be not at all interfered with, and the bed clothing should not rest too heavily on the body. It is good to form a habit of occasionally taking a deep breath while walking or exercising in the open air. By this means all parts of the lungs are well expanded and rendered active. A habit of stoop- IND. PR. PHYS. 8 114 PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION ing and of never expanding the lungs deeply may favor parts becoming feeble or diseased from little use. It is certainly most important to cultivate good habits of breathing. No part of Hygiene is more essential than that concerning pure air, good ventilation, and good breathing. Tobacco and the Lungs. The most usual way of using tobacco is by smoking, which is done by drawing the smoke into the air passages. By this means vapors of the burning tobacco pass into the blood vessels. Nicotine is among these vapors, and to it the particular effects of tobacco are due. There are other substances among the vapors which have an injurious effect either on the blood or on the tissues. The most noticeable effect of tobacco is on the heart and on the nervous system rather than on the lungs themselves. Asphyxia is the term applied to the apparent death which may occur in suffocation from immersion in water or any other cause. The movements of respira- tion have been suspended, and death may soon follow. The course to be taken is to produce artificial respira- tion until natural respiration returns. The following are the celebrated directions known as: Marshall Hall's Ready Method in Asphyxia. - i st. Treat the patient instantly on the spot, in the open air, freely exposing the face, neck, and chest to the breeze, except in severe weather. 2d. In order to clear the throat, place the patient gently on the face, with one wrist under the forehead, that all fluid, and the tongue itself, may fall forward, and leave the entrance into the windpipe free. MARSHALL HALVS METHOD IN ASPHYXIA 115 3d. To excite respiration, turn the patient slightly on his side, and apply some irritating or stimulating agent to the nostrils, as vera- trine, dilute ammonia, etc. 4th. Make the face warm by brisk friction; then dash cold water upon it. 5th. If not successful, lose no time; but, to imitate respiration, place the patient on his face, and turn the body gently, but completely, on the side, and a little beyond; then again on the face, and so on, alternately. Repeat these movements deliberately and perseveringly, fifteen times only in a minute. (When the patient lies on the thorax, this cavity is compressed by the weight of the body, and expiration takes place. When he is turned on the side, this pressure is removed, and inspiration occurs.) 6th. When the prone position is resumed, make a uniform and efficient pressure along the spine, removing the pressure immediately before rotation on the side. (The pressure aug- ments the expiration; the rotation com- mences inspiration.) Continue these meas- ures. yth. Rub the limbs upward, with firm pressure and with energy (the object being to aid the return of venous blood to the heart). 8th. If possible, substitute for the patient's wet clothing such other covering as can be in- stantly procured, each bystander supplying a coat or a cloak, etc. Meantime, and from Il6 PURE AIR, BREATHING, AND VENTILATION time to time, to excite inspiration, let the surface of the body be slapped briskly with the hand. Qth. Rub the body briskly till it is dry and warm; then dash cold water upon it and repeat the rubbing. Avoid the immediate removal of the patient, as it involves a dangerous loss of time; also, the use of bellows, or any forcing instrument; also, the warm bath and all rough treatment. CHAPTER XII THE SKIN AND THE KIDNEYS The covering of the body is one of the most im- portant, and at the same time one of the most inter- esting, organs to study. It has, as we shall see pres- ently, several important uses. The one which is most evident is that of protecting the parts below it from mechanical injuries. In this way it acts as a strong suit of clothing flexible and yielding, yet not easily broken or torn. General View. The skin is of a very complex structure. It consists of two layers, which are so arranged as to support very many different organs. Fig. 48 is a considerably magnified representation of a section made vertically through the skin. The whole skin is about one tenth of an inch thick, or less in many parts. It is thickest on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; and is thinnest at the joints and wherever rapid motions are required, as over the eyelids. Structure of the Skin. The skin is composed of two layers, as shown in the figure. The outer layer is called the epidermis. It forms a thjn covering over the dermis. The epidermis has no blood vessels in it, and as to nerves, it has only the smallest nerve fibrils in its lowest parts. It forms a layer that will not let 117 THE SKIN AND THE KIDNEYS water pass through it either into or out from the body. It prevents poisonous substances from passing into the body, and furnishes proper covering for the ends of the nerves of touch and of temperature. Growth of the Epidermis. The epidermis grows in its lower layer of cells, which crowd on those that lie above and push them out. The outer layers are constantly wearing away. Thus one's skin is always a comparatively fresh one. The Dennis. The lower layer of the skin is the der- mis. It is composed of a closely woven sheet of connec- tive tissue. In it are placed great numbers of blood ves- sels, a network of nerves, a network of lymphatic vessels, Fig, 48. immense numbers of sweat SECTION OF THE SKIN. MAGNIFIED, glands, the sheaths of the roots of hairs, and the oil glands. When the skin of an animal is made into leather it is mainly the connective tissue of the dermis that is tanned. The dermis is tied fast to the rest of the body by a layer of connective tissue. It is so fastened that it may be loose enough to be pushed about a little over H, hair; E, epidermis; D, der- mis; P, papillae; S, mouth of sweat gland; O, oil gland. FAT IN THE SKIN II 9 each point, and at the same time be pretty firmly held in place over the whole body. The skin is really stronger and tougher than one might suppose from its appearance. Papillae. The upper surface of the dermis is raised into an immense number of small projections called papilla. Fig. 49 shows some from the palm of the hand from which the epidermis has been re- moved. These are found every- where in the skin, but are most numerous on the palms of the F '9- 49- hands and the soles of the feet. The epidermis fits Closely Over AMOVED. MAGNIFIED. these and so nearly levels up the space between them that their existence would not be known if viewed from the surface of the skin. But on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet the epidermis can be seen to be in fine parallel ridges. These ridges are over rows of papillae, just beneath in the dermis. The papillae are shown both in Fig. 48 and Fig. 49. In each papilla is a capillary blood vessel and a network of nerves, and in very many a minute, curiously formed body in which a nerve ends, which may be a nerve of touch or one of temperature. Fat in the Skin. In the lower layer of the dermis, in the meshes of the connective tissue, are many little globules of fat. Sometimes the fat may increase to such an extent as to make a thick layer between the skin and the muscles and other parts beneath. When this is the case the body is more rounded in outline. I2O THE SKIN AND THE KIDNEYS This layer of fat serves to lessen the effects of blows on the body and helps to keep it warm. In some of the lower animals, such as seals and whales, this layer is enormously developed. In the whale it is known as the blubber. This arrangement allows these animals to live in extremely cold climates, and in the case of seals and walruses, to bear the rough contact with rocks and ice which the manner of life of a seal or walrus requires. The large amount of fat found in these animals causes them to be hunted for their oil. The Sweat Glands. A sweat gland, Fig. 48, is formed of a knot of a coiled tube placed in the lower layer of the dermis. It is connected with the outer surface of the skin by a continuation of its tube through the two layers of the skin. The coiled part secretes the sweat or perspiration, which, carried to the surface, is poured out, to evapo- rate completely if it comes out slowly, or to gather into drops if it flows out rapidly. The secretion of the sweat is regulated by nerve fibers which come to the coiled part. The material of the perspiration, which is mostly water, is fur- nished by the blood flowing through a network of capillaries inclosing the coiled tube. Perspiration and the Temperature of the Body. - Each one knows well that rapid running or exercise of any kind, or even very little exercise on a very hot day, will cause the sweat to form in large quantities over the surface of the body. Now, as this always occurs under the same cir- cumstances, it might be supposed that there is some REGULA TION OF THE TEMPERA TURE OF BODY 121 reason for the connection of the two occurrences. And such is the case. Source of Heat in the Body. Let it be recalled that the increase of motion of the body can occur only by increase of the oxidations. This increase we found always to be accompanied by the production of heat. Increase of activity of any tissue increases the amount of heat in the body. When the digestion is most active, it is found that the blood coming away from the diges- tive organs is warmer than that going to them. Besides the heat produced in connection with the usual activi- ties of the tissues, the body has the power to produce oxidations in some of the tissues for the sole purpose of increasing the heat. The body is so constructed that it works best at a temperature of 98 Fahr. If the temperature rises above that limit only one or two degrees, there is something wrong, and if it mounts two. or three degrees still higher, life is in danger. If it fall much below 98, it is also in danger. Regulation of the Temperature of the Body. Now, special activity in the muscles in vigorous exer- cise produces heat which would raise the temperature higher than 98 if there were not a way to reduce it by some pooling process. This process is by evapo- ration of the water of the sweat. Evaporation is a very effective means of cooling. It requires a large amount of heat to evaporate a small amount of water. This is shown by placing a moist cloth on the bulb of a thermometer. As the cloth dries, the mercury shows, by falling several degrees, that it is cooled. If 122 THE SKIN AND THE KIDNEYS some substance like gasolene or ether, which evapo- rates more quickly, is used, a very low temperature can be produced, even though the experiment is car- ried on in a warm atmosphere. The sweat glands are all the time sending out water, which generally evaporates as soon as it reaches the surface. When an increase of heat in the body that might bring the temperature of the body above 98 Fahr. occurs, the nerves stimulate the glands to work, and thus to pour out a greater amount of sweat. The amount sent out will be according to what may be needed at that particular time to cool the body suf- ficiently to overcome the increase in the heat. This arrangement must act very promptly and very perfectly, so that the body may keep the same degree of temperature on going from a cold room to a warm room, or from a cold day to a warm day, or from one season to another. We may say, then, that one of the most important uses of the sweat glands is to regulate the temperature of the body. Perspiration as a Secretion. The sweat is mostly water, but as it passes out it carries a very small amount of salines and a small amount of organic substances. These are regarded as excretions to be cast ^ut of the body. The Skin as an Organ of Touch and Temperature. - In the skin, as was mentioned, the nerves of sensation end in special organs, which are affected, the one by pressure, the other by change in temperature. By means of these bodies, the skin becomes an organ with the important duty of giving the knowledge USES OF THE SKIN 12$ obtained from these senses. It thus becomes a con- stant guard, both to warn us of all danger, and to give us the information needed at every moment of our existence. The Hair. The hairs are really epidermis grown out into long threads. Each one forms on the top of a special papilla. This papilla is very much like any other papilla, except that it is at the bottom of a little pit. See Fig. 48. The cap of epidermis (which is formed over it ) re- mains, new portions being formed beneath it, and so on until it becomes a very slender, but, in some cases, an enormously elongated rod of epidermis. Minute hairs are scattered all over the body. A little experiment with some of them, say those on the back of the hand, will show that they greatly aid in touch. Each one has a nerve at the bottom of its papilla. The Nails. The nails are thick plates of epidermis growing out from a number of papillae. They grow continually, and thus provide for a comparatively new nail all the time. One may determine the rate of growth by making a line on one and observing the number of days it takes to move a certain dis- tance. The use of the nails is made very plain in attempting to take hold of very small objects. Uses of the Skin. We may sum up the most im- portant uses of the skin as follows: i st. It makes a strong suit of clothing to protect the body against mechanical injuries. 2d. It prevents the absorption of injurious sub- stances from without. 124 THE SKIN AND THE KIDNEYS 3d. It prevents evaporation, except under control. 4th. It helps regulate the temperature of the body. 5th. It gives us, through the organs of sense in it, very important and really necessary knowledge. The Kidneys. It may be repeated here that from the changes that take place in the body, the three principal wastes are: i st. Carbon dioxide, which is got rid of mainly at the lungs ; 2d. Water, which is principally thrown off at the skin ; and 3d. The waste containing nitrogen, a substance something like ammonia, called urea, which is thrown off by the kidneys. The kidneys are placed one on each side of the spinal column in the abdominal cavity, near the last dorsal and the two or three upper lumbar vertebras. They are large glands, through which a great amount of blood passes. They separate from the blood that goes through them certain substances dissolved in water. The principal one is urea. These substances are removed from the body. Thus the blood in its circuit passes the lungs, where it loses carbon dioxide ; the kidneys, where it loses urea; and the skin, where it loses water. If any one of these excretions be stopped, the result will be fatal. CHAPTER XIII CARE OF THE SKIN THE uses of the skin just learned show us how im- portant an organ it is and guide us in the kind of care to give it. First of all it should be kept clean. The dirt that gathers on the skin is of two classes : that which comes from the body itself in perspiration, and that which gathers on it from outside sources. The gathering of the latter may in time interfere with the secretion of the perspiration. This would be harmful because it would hinder the best regulation of the temperature. It would also be injurious to the body to stop any part of the excretion of the poisonous wastes that are thrown out with the sweat. The dirt which gathers from outside sources is dangerous to the body, be- cause it may contain harmful bacteria, which a break in the skin by a scratch or wound may permit to get into the body and produce some kind of disease (see Chapter XIX on Disease). For these reasons the im- portance of keeping the skin clean is very plain. A body with a clean skin is much safer from disease than one which is not clean. Bathing. Thus we see there are very important physiological reasons for bathing besides the equally I2 5 126 CARE OF THE SKIN important one that good breeding requires cleanliness of the body. No definite rules for bathing suitable for everybody can be laid down, because occupations of people differ so greatly. The hands and face, being the most exposed, naturally must be bathed frequently. The whole body, except the scalp, should be washed daily and a bath should be taken at least once a week, and as much oftener as possible. To remove thoroughly the substances accumulating on the skin, warm water and a little soap are necessary. The soap ought to be pure and of a good quality, for there are soaps with substances in them that injure the skin rather than help it. The bath is, of course, made use of for other purposes besides that of keeping the body clean. Bathing in summer in streams, ponds, and at the seashore is for pleasure, and it is a very healthful form of sport and exercise. There are many forms of baths used for special purposes. The experience of very large numbers of people show that a very health- ful habit to form is that of taking a bath in cool water every day. It should be done very quickly and the skin should be thoroughly rubbed. This quickens the circulation in the skin and improves its condition, and through it benefits the whole body. Every dwell- ing house, no matter how small, ought to have a bath room, so that bathing will not be neglected for lack of convenience. Hair and Nails. The most important thing in the care of the hair is that the scalp should be thoroughly washed and afterward rubbed dry, " shampooed " as it is called, at least twice a month. Oftener would be better. This is the best thing to be done to keep the CLOTHING 127 scalp and hair in a healthy condition. The dirt accumu- lating under the nails is dangerous, for it may contain disease germs which a splinter might push into the finger. Clothing. By the use of clothing man can make himself comfortable in all kinds of climate, which is impossible for the lower animals. Thus, man can be active and carry on his work in every part of the world and in all seasons. There are many uses of clothing. Clothing covering the body helps to keep the heat from being lost from it. Consequently in cold air clothing allows a great saving of energy and of food. But when one is exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, the clothing protects the body from the heat. Clothing also protects the body from injury from external things. It saves the body many a bruise and scratch. For example, scrambling through a thicket of brush would be a painful exercise without clothing. Even in ordinary life about the shop, farm, or house, clothing helps us much in this way. The hunter and the football player often have special kinds of clothing to protect their bodies. Clothing is, of course, used also from custom and for ornament. Wrong use of clothing may become the source of ill health. For example, if a boy on the school ground by playing hard becomes warm, and then takes off his coat and sits in a cool place to cool off, he is in great danger of taking cold. It would be better to take off the coat to play, and put it on when stopping, and thus cool off more gradually. Sometimes one who is accustomed to a warm, com- fortable dress will on some special occasion change 128 CARE OF THE SKIN it for a very thin one, and thus run great risk of a cold or of even more severe illness, as, for example, pneu- monia. Long experience has taught people what kinds of clothing are comfortable at different seasons and in different climates. It is easy to learn what to use in each case. It is bad to get into a habit of wearing too much clothing for the season. Nor is it wise to go with too little clothing during cold weather. In other places in this book it has been insisted that the cloth- ing should not press on any part of the body so as to interfere with circulation or respiration. All that has been said regarding the necessity of keeping the body clean applies to the clothing, especially that which comes in contact with the skin. Clothing for the Feet. As the feet must constantly strike the hard, rough ground and go through water, mud, ice, and snow, we have long ago learned to give them especial care in clothing. But often wrong things are done with the foot coverings. For ex- ample, thin shoes and stockings, which in winter could only be suitable for the warm house, are some- times worn on cold, wet, or snowy streets. Even with good shoes the feet may become wet, and if one remains for a long time in a cold, damp place with the feet in that condition, the health becomes endangered. The feet should be kept dry, warm, and clean as much of the time as possible. As for shoes, common sense would teach that they should be adapted to conditions in which we must use them. They should always fit snugly and comfortably, and never compress the feet, if we wish well- formed CLOTHING FOR THE FEET I2Q feet instead of deformed feet, with painful corns and bunions. The habit of wearing rubber overshoes in winter in the wet and snow is a very good one, but they should be kept on only when needed, since they keep in the moisture arising from the foot and do not allow the air to circulate. IND. PR. PHYS. 9 CHAPTER XIV THE STRUCTURE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM All Parts of the Body work together through the Nervous System. In our first lesson it was noted that in any movement of the body the parts worked together in some sort of harmony. The boy in climb- ing a tree sees a limb and reaches out his hand for it. In this action the eye and the arm must have some connection. In the whole action the feet, legs, hands, arms, eye, ear, the heart, the lungs, and very many other parts of the body work with each other, and not against each other, in accomplishing this act. Now, when the muscles of the legs are in greater activity, the heart must beat more vigorously. This could not occur if there were not some means of com- munication between them. So it is with the hun- dreds of other examples that might be given. The means of communication in all these cases is the Nervous System. We shall try to see as clearly as possible how this is the case. Nerves in the Arm. In studying the motions of the fingers it was observed that nerves pass to each muscle, and that every muscle is made to contract by a nervous stimulus sent into it. What this stimu- lus is like it would be hard to say. 130 NERVOUS IMPULSES If the nerves of the arm could be exposed as shown in the figure, and a single nerve be cut, then the will would lose all power to cause the muscles with which the nerve is connected to con- tract, and at the same time a touch on the hand could not be felt. Now, if the end of the part of the nerve con- nected with the muscle should be pinched, the muscle would contract promptly. If the end connected with the brain were pinched, pain would be felt. Nervous Impulses. This shows that the nerves conduct some kind of energy which, coming into the muscle, makes it contract, but coming into the brain causes a feeling of pain, touch, or other sensation. What these nervous impulses are like we can not answer. In electricity we have an ex- ample of an impulse, which metal wires will conduct a long distance. By its means an in- strument in one city may be set in motion by a movement in a distant city. Nervous impulses act something like the electrical impulses, but still it is not thought that they are the same. What we can see well enough is that they do Fig. 50. NERVES OF THE FOREARM. The white cords are the nerves. The shaded tubes are arteries. 132 THE STRUCTURE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM for the body what the electrical currents do by means of the wires for a city. Nerves. The larger nerves look like white cords. They branch into smaller and smaller white threads, which go to the various parts of the body. The small- est branches are so minute that they can not be seen without a microscope. Fig. 50 shows some of the larger nerves in the forearm as they would appear if the skin and some of the muscles were removed. The white cords in the picture are nerves and the shaded ones are arteries. A Nerve Fiber. The smallest division of a nerve is a nerve fiber. A nerve is like the cable sometimes used in a telephone system. The cable is made up of a bundle of wires, all kept separate so that they can not touch one another, but bound up into one cable with a covering to protect it and allow it to be fastened to its support. It finally divides up into separate wires, which run to the separate telephones in the house. So the nerve is a bundle of fibers, which finally divides into the separate fibers, which run to separate muscle fibers, or to separate cells in a sense organ; that is, eye, ear, touch, taste, or smell organ. If a single little fiber be traced from a muscle or eye or touch organ in the skin inward toward the central part of the body, it would be found to run to the spinal cord. Some of the fibers end here and some go on to the brain. In the" spinal cord and in the brain the fibers are connected with little bodies called nerve cells. There are many thousands of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. To understand better how these parts are arranged, let us imagine that we could pick THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 133 up one of the tiny nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and that we could lift it out without breaking the minute fiber to which it is attached, and then unravel the fiber farther through the nerve right down to the organ to which it goes, which in this case we may sup- pose is a muscle. We would find it attached to a microscopic bit of muscle, a muscle fiber. If this little bit of mus- cle were taken out also, and magnified, we should have the arrangement shown in Fig. 51. This shows how the cells in the spinal cord are connected with muscle fibers in the muscle. Now cells in the retina of the eye, certain cells in the ear, in the tongue, in certain parts of the nasal passages, and in the skjg> are connected in the same way with fibers which run along in the nerves until they come to the spinal cord and the brain. In this way, then, the fibers DlAGRA 'f ' T0 ' SHOW connect the brain and spinal cord with How A NERVE the muscle fibers and can make them move, and the sense organs are con- nected with the spinal cord and brain, and by the fibers can make the brain feel. The Nervous System. The brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves in all parts of the body taken together are called the nervous system. Fig. 52 gives a general view of how the parts are arranged. The brain is in the skull, the spinal cord is in the spinal column. The nerves are connected with the brain and spinal cord CELL is JOINED TO A MUSCLE CELL BY A NERVE FIBER. 134 THE STRUCTURE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM in pairs. Altogether there are twelve pairs of nerves connected with the brain and thirty-one pairs with the spinal cord. The Nerve Cells. The nerve cells are arranged as a thin layer on the outer surface of the brain, and in groups in the lower parts of the brain. They also form the central part of the spinal cord. There are many hundreds of thousands of these tiny nerve cells. Because they have a slight shade of color, the parts they are in are called the " gray matter." The nerve fibers are white, and parts of the brain Fig. 53. and spinal cord in BRAIN, SEEN FROM ABOVE, CEREBRUM ONLY which they He are SHOWING. 11 1 j.1 ' T_'i called the white i, longitudinal fissure separating the hemispheres ; 2, frontal lobes of the cerebrum; 3, posterior lobes. rn^ttCT." The Spinal Cord. The spinal cord in man is about as large around as the little finger, and eighteen inches in length. It continues from the medulla (Fig. 55), at the opening in the occipital bone, to about the second lumbar vertebra. Its central portion is occupied by gray matter ; that is, the nerve cells. Outside of these are nerve fibers, making up its white matter. The THE BRAIN 135 -6 roots of the spinal nerves are nerve fibers, most of which are connected with the cells in the spinal cord. Many fibers run on up to the brain just outside of the core of nerve cells. The spinal cord is like a large nerve, except that it has gray matter in its central portion. The Brain. The brain is the large portion of the nervous system inclosed in the cranium. The weight is about three and one fourth pounds. Fig. 53 shows it, seen from above; and Fig. 54, from below. Fig. 55 shows a side view with certain parts cut through vertically. Of the parts shown in these views the cer- ebrum is the largest and is Fig. 54. also the UP- BRAIN, SEEN FROM BELOW. i. TJ. i, longitudinal fissure; 2 and 3, front and posterior lobes of '^*- L the cerebrum; 4, cerebellum; 5, optic nerve; 6, olfactory is divided into 1( the right and left hemispheres by a deep ditch, called the longitudinal fissure. Its surface is broken up into many curving ridges, which are called the convolu- 136 THE STRUCTURE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM tions. They are shown in Figs. 53, 54, and 55. The part which is like a stem to the cerebrum is the me- dulla oblongata, MD in Fig. 55 and 7 in Fig. 54. The medulla continues down into the spinal column as the spinal cord. In Fig. 55 that portion marked Sp N, to which the roots of two nerves are attached, is a part of the spinal cord. Attached to the back part of the medulla, close up c Fig. 55. BRAIN AND CRANIAL NERVES, SEEN PARTLY IN SECTION AND PARTLY IN SIDE VIEW. C, convolutions of the cerebrum; Cbl, cerebellum in section; MD, medulla oblon- gata; Sp N, spinal nerves. The numbers indicate the twelve pairs of cranial nerves in their order. to the cerebrum, is the cerebellum. This is shown as cut through in Fig. 55, Cbl, and at 4 in Fig. 54. At the base of the cerebrum, near where the medulla joins it, are several parts not shown in the figures, which are sometimes referred to as the ganglia at the base of the brain. THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM 137 In Fig. 55 are shown the twelve pairs of cranial nerves, which are often known by the terms first cranial nerve, second, third, etc. The most important of these are the following: The first pair are the nerves of smell, the second pair the nerves of sight, the third pair the movers of the eyeballs, the seventh pair go to the muscles of the face and scalp, the eighth pair are the nerves of hearing, the ninth pair go chiefly to the tongue and pharynx, and the twelfth pair to the muscles of the tongue. The Spinal Nerves. From the spinal cord thirty-one pairs of nerves pass out to be distributed to the organs of the body. Each of these nerves starts from two roots, an anterior and a posterior root, which soon join together to make one nerve; but the nerve soon separates into a great number of smaller and still smaller branches, until, as was seen in a former section, they reach all the smallest parts of each organ. The Sympathetic System. This term is applied to that part of the general nervous system which consists of a row of ganglia on each side of the spinal column, and the net- work of nerves with which it is connected, that run all through the body. The ganglia are connected with each other, and, through the spinal and cranial nerves, with the spinal cord and the brain. It is really not a sep- arate system, but a part of the general nervous system. ATTA?HED. ES CHAPTER XV HOW THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IS USED. CARE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM How the People of a Large City work together quickly. If one examines a large city he will see immense num- bers of wires running in every direction. Large groups of wires are carried by poles along different streets. Sometimes they are bound up into bundles which we call cables. These may be carried on poles or they may be placed under the ground. Now if the groups of telephone wires be followed in one direction, they will be found to be coming together in certain places, which we call the central telephone exchanges. If we follow the wires in the opposite direction, we find them ending at the telephones in the rooms of the various houses. Messages are continually arriving at the cen- tral stations and are continually going out from them again. By this means an immense amount of busi- ness is carried on. At a certain house groceries are needed. A message is sent in, the grocer gets it through the central office, and brings the food to the house. A fire occurs. A message through the central office brings the fire engine. Movements of railroad trains are managed so that they will not run into one another. Meetings are arranged at a special time and place for thousands of people en- 138 ACTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 139 gaged in thousands of transactions which require the most perfect working together of these people. The telephone and telegraph systems manage this for us in a special way. The postal system does the same thing in a much slower way. It would not be available for fires or for preventing collision of trains, but it is a good means of communication where rapidity is not so nec- essary. In the body the nervous system is more like the telephone and telegraph systems. The body is the city, with work at different parts going on. The nerves are the wires. The brain and spinal cord are the central offices. They are sometimes called the central nervous system. Action of the Nervous System. It has already been shown that the nervous system is an arrangement for allowing the different parts of the body to work to- gether. We have just seen that there are thousands upon thousands of nerve fibers coming into the spinal cord and brain from all the sense organs, and that there are as many thousands of fibers going out from the spinal cord and brain to the muscles. When light comes to the eye, it starts a nervous impulse in the retina; this goes over the nerve fibers to the brain. We see the object.. The nervous impulses go from the brain down to the spinal cord and out to the nerves until they reach the muscles of the arm or leg, where they cause motions, such as picking up an object or walking away from it. Thus the eye is able to guide the motions of the body through the nervous system. This is what is meant by the eye and hand working together. In the same way sounds may guide our motions. Taste, touch, and smell may tell us what to do. I4O HOW THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IS USED When studying the circulation and respiration it was seen that the heart beats faster and breathing is quicker when the body is thrown into vigorous motions. In these cases, nervous impulses come into some part of the cen- tral nervous system and these cause impulses to go out to the heart and muscles for breathing. Thus the heart and lungs are made to work just to suit the working of the muscles. In this way perspiration is increased when the body becomes too warm, saliva is secreted when food is placed in the mouth, gastric juice flows more freely when food is in the stomach, and other secretions occur at the proper time. Thus from the different parts of the body impulses are pouring in all the time into the central nervous system and pouring out again to the very places where motions and secre- tions are required for the action of the body at that moment. In this way we see that the complex busi- ness of the body is carried on in a harmonious way. The parts act together for the good of the whole body. Voluntary Actions. When the muscles were studied it was said that certain muscles, those attached to the skeleton, are voluntary muscles. That is, these mus- cles can be controlled by the will. For example, we can control the motions of the arm or leg. It seems that the impulses which cause voluntary mo- tions go from the cerebrum of the brain. They go from the " gray matter "; that is, the nerve cells in the surface of the convolutions of the cerebrum. Also when we see an object, hear a sound, smell, touch, or taste anything, or feel pain, impulses come from the sense organs to some part of the gray matter of the cerebrum. It is also believed that when we remember INVOLUNTARY ACTIONS 141 anything, know anything, or feel love, hope, fear, anger, or the like, it is some part of the cerebrum that is affected. We may say then the cerebrum has to do with sensations, feelings, all mental work, and all voluntary acts. Involuntary Actions. Every one knows that a chicken for a few minutes after its head is taken of! will jump about and flap its wings violently. With- out its head, of course, it has no brain. The part of the central nervous system that is left is the spinal cord. There is no longer any will or feeling in the animal, yet the spinal cord is able to make the mus- cles contract in jumping and flopping. But in this case it has been proved that the spinal cord will not send out impulses unless impulses come to it ; that is, unless the body of the animal touches against something. The nerves carry an impulse to the cord and it sends out the impulses to the muscles. This is an action without use of the will. It is called reflex action. There are many such actions. A few examples in the human body will illustrate them. If an object is suddenly thrust in front of the eye, it will cause wink- ing. The sight of the object makes a nervous impulse that goes to the central nervous system; this sends one out to muscles that move the eyelids. This will all happen before we have time to think or will. If a finger is touched with a hot wire, it will be jerked away by the spinal cord even before the pain is felt. Food in the mouth will cause saliva to flow. Food in the stomach will cause secretion of gastric juice. A crumb of bread in the larynx will produce violent coughing. Particles of dust in the nose will cause sneezing. These 142 CARE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM actions, as we know, are not caused by the will, but are reflex actions. Uses of Reflex Actions. It is easy to understand the importance of having parts of the nervous system which will act in this way. This was discussed in con- nection with the study of muscles. The eye is better protected if it has machinery to make it work quickly, even before we take the time to think and act. So for many acts. Perhaps we never could learn just how much of the different secretions ought to be made and when they should begin. We surely could not regulate the heart beat and the breathing motions just as they should be at every moment, nor could we keep them going every minute of our lives. Thus a very great part of the necessary actions of the body go on perfectly by reflex action, in little children as well as in adults, without their having to give even a thought to them. CARE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM We have seen that the nervous system is the most important of all the organs or systems of the body. Its duty is the most complex. It manages the action of every organ so that each works when it should and ceases at the right time. Through it all our acts are guided. On its working just right depends our proper conduct at every moment, and the proper action of each part of the body. With these facts before us, it is plain why the care of the nervous system is of the utmost importance. The nervous system, even more than other parts of CARE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 143 the body, is quickly affected by the character of the air breathed, and by the quality and quantity of jood. It is affected also by the poisons which may be retained in the body by failure to have them discharged by the excretory organs. Consequently all of these matters must be attended to well to secure a healthy working of the nervous system. Sleep has for its special function restoration of the nervous system when it is fatigued. Of course, the muscles also gain a needed rest during sleep, but sleep seems to be especially necessary for the brain and spinal cord. It is generally thought that about eight hours of the twenty-four should be spent by adults in sleep. Children as a rule should have more, and very young children much more. Adults vary a good deal in the amount of sleep required, accord- ing to the individual disposition and employment. People may accustom themselves to do without the proper amount of sleep for a while, but lack of sleep is a dangerous state and is sure to bring bad re- sults. A clear mind and a healthy body demand regular hours of sleep and enough of them. People should take greater care to keep their sleeping time correct than to preserve their property, as it is of the greater value. Overwork, worry, with lack of sleep, are great enemies to the nervous system. Therefore we repeat that plenty of good jood, pure air, out-oj-door exercise, and sufficient sleep are necessary to keep the nervous system in good working order. These will prevent nervous troubles, and will in many cases be sufficient to restore health where nervous troubles exist. Whatever else may be necessary to effect a 144 CARE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM cure in more serious cases, these conditions are es- sential. The Nervous System and Education. A habit is a way of doing a thing or a way of thinking which has been repeated so often that it has become the easiest way. The forming of a habit is accomplished by drilling the nervous system in a particular way of doing. The daily life of an adult is largely the carry- ing out of habits which have been formed. When we consider that a well-fixed habit means a certain growth of the nervous system, we can understand how it is that a habit is so hard to change. We speak of good habits and bad habits. They are ways of doing and thinking which are to our advantage or disad- vantage, or which make us pleasant or unpleasant companions. Our education consists very largely of forming habits. The fact that to form a habit requires frequent re- petition of the same act teaches us the necessity of doing carefully and frequently that which we wish to be part of our conduct, and to refrain from repeating those acts which we do not wish to be a part of our lives. To do away with a bad habit which has been acquired, it is necessary to watch carefully not to use it at all, so that the nervous system may lose the power to per- form the habit easily. This is very hard to do some- times, so it is of great importance that the habit should not be formed. Habits are most easily formed and changed in youth, while the nervous system is growing. In adult life, when the nervous system is more fixed in structure and form, habits are more difficult to form or change. These facts have long been known. EFFECT OF ALCOHOL UPON NERVOUS SYSTEM 145 Such old sayings as, " As the twig is bent the tree is inclined," " You can't teach an old dog new tricks," express this feeling. The subject is mentioned here to emphasize the fact that habits are really connected with certain changes in the body itself, and should, therefore, be seriously considered in their formation. The Effect of Alcohol on the Nervous System. (For a fuller discussion of effects of alcohol, see Chapter XX.) There is no part of the body on which alcohol has so marked an effect as on the nervous system. When taken into the stomach it is soon absorbed and circu- lated through the body, and its effect on the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is immediate. Even a small amount of alcohol disturbs the action of the brain. This is seen in the false judgments directly following its use. The person may feel warmer when it can be shown that he really is no warmer. He says the drink has produced an exhilarating effect on him. This simply shows that the alcohol has so affected his brain that he cannot judge correctly even about his own bodily state. In the next stage he gets very happy or angry about almost nothing, or he becomes silly where, in his normal state, he would be much in earnest. All these feelings are the result of a disordered condition of his nervous system. He is deceived, and he can not adapt himself to his conditions. If he should be in such a state for a considerable time, he could not escape making great mistakes in his conduct. A man thus deliberately makes himself a less intelligent being. He disturbs those functions which we regard as the highest, and which we are accustomed to look upon IND. PR. PHYS. IO 146 CARE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM with pride as the chief characteristics by which we are distinguished from the lower animals. If greater amounts of alcohol are used, all these symptoms are intensified until there may be a com- plete overthrow of the reason and a loss of voluntary control over the body. The sense impressions may be wholly misinterpreted. Such excessive use of alcohol, if long continued, will so profoundly disturb the action of the brain, that the patient may be at- tacked with such diseases as delirium tremens or insanity, whose final outcome, after much misery, is death. The moderate but long-continued use of alcohol has not the same effect on all people. In some it may cause little apparent injury, while in others it will in time produce changes in the structure of the brain. These changes are similar in character to those which occur in the kidneys, the liver, and the heart; that is, there is a greater development of the connective tissues at the expense of the nervous ele- ments of the brain. The effect, however, is more injurious on the body, as a whole, when the central nervous system becomes deranged, for through it all the other organs are more seriously affected. CHAPTER XVI SENSATIONS Definition. By the term " sensations" is meant the impressions or feelings which are made upon our minds by the things outside of our bodies, or by changes within our bodies. For example, a bright light gives us one kind of an impression, a vibrating tuning-fork another, an odor still another. Or, we may have sensations from changes within the body, as a feeling of thirst or of fatigue. It is through parts of the body which give us these impressions or feelings that we gain our knowledge of things outside of us, or of the state of our own bodies. Special and General Sensations. If one con- siders the various sensations he has, and will com- pare them, he will see that they differ very much in the definiteness with which they can be located in the body. When one feels tired, it is hard to say just where the feeling is located. Even after one has become tired from continued action of the arms, the feeling of fatigue can not be located in any particular part of the arms, nor does it seem to be confined to the arms alone. It is very different when we receive a sensation from an object touching the finger. In this case it can be 148 SENSATIONS determined just where the point is that is touched, and the idea gained by the sensation is more definite and distinct. Sensations like the latter are called special sensa- tions, while those like fatigue are known as general sensations. Sense Organs. The special sensations are those of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and temperature. Each of these has a special kind of apparatus with which the sensation is produced. In each case it consists of, first, an outer part which is . so formed that it can be affected by some peculiar kind of energy, the perception of which energy, as something differ- ent from any thing else, leads us to call the organ a special- sense organ ; second, the sensory nerve ; and third, the nerve center in the brain. General Sensations. In the production of gen- eral sensations there are also the inner parts, the nerve centers, and the sensory nerves, and there may be special outer nerve endings. But how they ap- pear and where they are located is not known. The general sensations are numerous, and many of them hard even to describe. Among them are pain, hunger, thirst, nausea, and fatigue. Pain. Any one of the sensory nerves, whether of the special or general sensations, seems to be able to give rise to the sensation of pain if stimulated with too great energy. Thus, light, sound, things that touch the skin, or that affect the nerves connected with any part of the body, in fact, which either give rise to a pleasurable sensation or to no feeling at all, and thus are known .only by the reflex actions which they THE SENSE OF TOUCH 149 produce, may cause intense pain if the stimulus is increased beyond a certain degree. The Use of Pain. A means of producing pain is of the greatest importance to the body. It is simply the way in which the nervous system calls attention in the most emphatic manner to the fact that some- thing is wrong. Pain even does more than call attention to the wrong. It drives us to right the wrong, to get rid of the pain. We are sometimes rather slow to do what is right, even when our attention is called to it. We must have a stronger stimulus to action. Pain fur- nishes us that stimulus. Pain is graded all the way from simply being an unpleasant feeling up to the most intense suffering. To avoid the latter it is cer- tainly well to pay attention to the former. Hunger and thirst are forms of sensations which arise from a diminished supply of food and water to the tissues. They are produced through parts of the nervous system not definitely known. These, to- gether with the feeling of having had enough when sufficient food and drink have been taken, are of the utmost importance in regulating the supply of both. Above all, we should attempt to preserve the healthy action of these sensations, since, when they are not abused or abnormally developed, they furnish us with the very best guides in the extremely important process of taking food and drink. With these dis- turbed, the preservation of the general health is almost impossible. The Sense of Touch. This sensation is produced by pressure on the epidermis,, also on the mucous I 50 SENS A TIONS lining of the mouth and in the beginning of the nasal passages. The special organs of touch are micro- scopic bodies of a peculiar form placed in the papillae, or just underneath the epidermis. The nerves of touch end in these bodies, and when pressure is brought to bear on the epidermis it starts impulses in the nerves, which, coming to the brain, give the sensation of touch. These organs are unequally distributed in different parts of the skin, being much greater in number in the palms of the hands, the lips and tongue, and in the soles of the feet, than in other parts of the body. The little hairs scattered over the body, which have at their roots branches of sensory nerves, greatly aid in determining the pressure of anything against the skin. Different parts of the skin differ very much in the accuracy with which they report about the things touched. It is only by the palms of the hands, bot- toms of- the feet and toes, tip's of the fingers, and by the lips and tongue that the shapes of things can be made out when touch alone is used. Other parts of the body, such as the skin on the forehead, can determine the presence of a lesser pres- sure than can the fingers and the palms of the hands. It would be profitable for the pupil to experiment in these particulars with different parts of the sur- face of the body. The Sense of Temperature. This is the sense by which we determine the differences of the tem- perature of objects. Its outer organs are in the skin, in the lining of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus. These outer parts of the sense organ of temperature THE SENSE OF TASTE 151 are mingled in many places with those of touch, but the two have been clearly proved to be distinct sen- sations and must have different nerves. One may, by employing a warm or a cold rod, ex- plore the surface of the skin and determine what parts are most and what parts least sensitive to heat and cold. The uses of the senses of touch and temperature are very obvious. We may say for them that they are not the least important of the senses. The sense of touch seems to be possessed to a greater or less degree of definiteness by all animals. The Sense of Taste. The nerves of taste end in little bodies in the mucous covering of the tongue and in the soft palate. This sense determines cer- tain properties of liquids. The forms of the sensa- tion of taste have been stated to be included in the four following: bitter, sweet, saline, and sour. The little bodies in which the nerves of taste end are placed in some of the papillae in the parts named, and are only affected when the substances are dis- solved. In this the saliva is of great aid. We are accustomed to think that we taste many things which we know only by the sense of smell. This is the case with flavors, like that of vanilla, of onion, of garlic, and with the flavors of different kinds of meats. Our opinion in this regard is only an example of how we often make use of things a long time with- out stopping to determine accurately anything about them. By carefully keeping the odors of such sub- stances that have flavors out of the nostrils their so- called flavors can not be tasted. 152 SENSATIONS The Sense of Smell. The fibers of the nerve of smell end in little cells embedded in the mucous mem- brane of the higher parts of the nasal passages. These cells come to the very surface, where their extremities are kept moist by mucus. They are affected by vapors and gases. A very great number of odors can be distinguished by the organ of smell. Its sensitiveness is remark- able when it is considered what small quantities of substances can fill a large room with odors which can be detected by the sense of smell, although but a very small part of the air containing the odor can reach the olfactory surface of the nose. The Uses of Taste and Smell. The chief uses of these senses are plainly to examine both the food taken and the air breathed, and both organs are lo- cated admirably for these purposes. CHAPTER XVII SIGHT AND HEARING External Parts of the Eye. We may begin our study of the eye by observing what is exposed to view in our own or in our companion's eye. First we have the curtain, the eyelids, fringed by the eyelashes. Just back of the eyelids is the front part of the ball of the eye. This looks like glass. Its shining appearance is due to its being very smooth and continually washed over by the secretion of tears. This secretion is rubbed over the eye by the act of winking, which is kept up incessantly. As the tears pass over the eye they flow away and are gathered up by two tiny openings in the inner corner of the eye. These openings lead to the tear ducts (lachrymal ducts). The ducts, after passing through the lachrymal bones, empty upon the inner surface of the nostrils. The very front of the eyeball is transparent, and when viewed from one side is seen to protrude slightly from the rest of the surface. This is the cornea. Beyond the edges of the cornea comes the white of the eye. Looking through the cornea, we see the colored '53 154 SIGHT AND HEARING part, called the iris. It has a round black spot in the center known as the pupil. The pupil is only a round hole in the iris. It is black, as is a hole in any closed box, because there is very little light inside to come out. Fitting closely over the visible front part of the eyeball is a very thin layer of skin called conjunc- tiva. It runs from the eyeball to the under side of the lids, at whose edges it becomes continuous with the skin of the outer surface .of the lid. The conjunctiva is well supplied with nerves, which give a sensation of great pain on the presence of any foreign body on the surface of the eye or under the lid. The Eyeball. The ball of the eye is a globe about one inch in diameter. It rests in a bony socket, in which it can be turned in every direc- tion by its muscles. Between the eyeball and the walls of the socket is a padding, principally of fat and connective tissue. The THE EYEBALL WITH ITS MUSCLES. . , , , , eye is held in place very firmly, as one will find when he attempts to re- move the eyeball from the head of some animal for study. Fig. 57 shows the eyeball with its muscles attached. The upper muscle not attached to the ball belongs to the upper eyelid. The muscle in front is cut away to show the optic nerve at 2 just back of it. The ball and optic nerve are also shown in Fig. 58. THE WALLS OF THE EYE 155 The Walls of the Eye. The eye may be con- sidered as a globular box. The outer walls consist of three layers or coats. Fig. 58 is a section of an eye which well shows these parts. The front part consists of the transparent cornea, continuing as the Cm, Fig. 58. SECTION OF THE EYEBALL. COM, conjunctiva; C, cornea; A, aqueous humor; /, iris; L, crystalline lens; V, vitreous humor; Sc, sclerotic coat; Ch, choroid coat; R, retina; O, optic nerve; Cut, ciliary muscle; Sh, sheath of optic nerve. white of the eye, which is called the sclerotic coat (Sc). This at the back extends over the optic nerve as its sheath. This covering is of very tough connective tissue, and is the main part of the wall of the box, support- ing the other parts and furnishing places for the at- tachment of muscles, as seen in Fig. 57. 156 SIGHT AND HEARING Just inside of this coat lies the choroid coat (Ch in Fig. 58). It is dark in color and closely filled with blood vessels. Toward the front part of the eye it contains the muscular fibers (Cm) of the ciliary muscle. Farther forward it is continued into the iris, marked (/). Just inside the choroid is the very thin transparent retina (R). It is continuous with the optic nerve (O). The walls are held out firmly in their spherical shape by the contents of the globe, which are the vitreous humor (V), the crystalline lens (L), and the aqueous humor (A). The vitreous humor looks like a very transparent jelly; the lens is firmer, and when fresh has the appearance of a clear convex lens of glass; while the aqueous humor consists of but a few drops of a liquid that is mostly water. The lens is held in place by a sheath of a kind of connective tissue. Seeing. As was stated above, it is a part of the retina that is affected by light. It is that part which lies against the choroid coat. The retina, although exceedingly thin, is a very complex structure. While the description of its microscopic parts may be omitted, it may be stated that the fibers of the optic nerve pass to the front of the retina, where they spread over the whole retina. The end of each fiber, however, turns toward the choroid coat, and, through different parts of the retina, becomes connected with each one of the vast numbers of minute bodies in the retina known as the rods and -cones, whose ends point toward the choroid coat. The light affects these rods and cones, and they start the stimulus, which, traveling along the optic ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYE TO DISTANCES 157 nerve to the nerve center in the brain, produces the sensation. Distinct Vision. Perception of the exact out- lines of an object can only occur when a definite image of the object is formed on the rod and cone layer of the retina. Every one knows that an image of a lamp flame or of the window can be formed on a sheet of white paper by the use of a convex lens. The photographer uses a convex lens also to form an image in the camera. In the eye, the cornea and the crystalline lens are the convex lenses which form the image on the rods and cones. The iris, by narrowing and enlarging the pupil, which actions are accomplished by muscular fibers in its substance, regulates the amount of light, and thus helps to make the image more distinct. Accommodation of the Eye to Different Distances. - If, while you keep your eyes fixed on the words of this page, you give attention to some object beyond the book, the farther object wi-11 be found to be indistinct. If now you look at the object beyond, the words of the book are indistinct. The reason for this is that a lens can not make on a screen definite images of objects at different distances at the same time. If the lenses and the retina of the eye were to remain just exactly the same in shape and distance from each other, we could never see anything in definite outline except at one certain definite distance. The eye is enabled to accommodate itself to ob- jects at different distances by changing the amount of curvature of the crystalline lens. This is done by the action of the ciliary muscle (Cm) in conjunction 158 SIGHT AND HEARING with other parts. The lens becomes more curved for a near object and less so for distant objects; that is, objects more than twenty feet away. Shortsightedness. A normal eye can accom- modate itself, as has just been shown, to both near and distant objects. In a nearsighted e.ye, generally on account of the too great length of the eyeball, the lens can not make the image of distant objects fall on the rods and cones, and even near objects must be brought close to the eye to be seen clearly. Concave glasses will correct this defect. In Longsightedness the eyeball is commonly too short, and thus prevents images of near objects from being formed at the proper place. Convex glasses are used to correct this defect. There are many other defects which eyes may pos- sess which can not be explained here. As most of them are such in nature that they grow worse in time and may prove serious, it is always best, when any are suspected, to have the eye examined by an oculist. Sensation of Hearing. An object producing a sound, such as a violin string, does so by vibrating very rapidly; that is, it swings backward and for- ward with great rapidity. These vibrations give their motions to the wood of the body of the violin, and this in turn sets the air to vibrating. Every little particle of air is swinging to and fro with the same rate as the vibrating body. The sensations of hearing are produced by these vibrations being transmitted by parts of the hear- ing apparatus to the little bodies in the innermost THE AUDITORY APPARATUS 159 part of the ear, in which the auditory nerve fibers end. The Auditory Apparatus is very complicated, and our description will include but a brief outline. The apparatus is generally con- sidered in three divisions: the external ear, the middle ear, and the internal ear. The external ear includes the visible projections called the pinna, and the tube that leads from it, known as the external auditory canal, which, at its inner end, is closed by a membrane called the membrana tym- sc Fig. 59. THE AUDITORY APPARATUS WITH THE SURROUNDING BONE REMOVED. ^/.external auditory canal; SC, semi- circular canals; C, cochlea. pani, which separates it from the middle ear. The middle ear is a small cavity in the temporal bone, lined by a thin mucous membrane. It opens into the pharynx by the Eustachian tube. It is sepa- rated from the external canal by the membrana tym- pani. Three small bones, the malleus, the incus, and the stapes, fastened together and attached to the sides of the cavity, connect the membrana tympani with a membrane between the middle and the internal ear. The middle ear contains air, which comes into it through the Eustachian tube. The internal ear consists of very small tubes of mem- brane, which lie in corresponding tubes of bony chan- nels in the temporal bone. Both inside and outside i6o SIGHT AND HEARING sc of these tubes of membrane is a liquid which is mainly water. The three divisions of the internal ear are the semicircular canals, the vestibule, and the cochlea. The auditory nerve fibers end in cells on certain parts of the internal lining of these membra- nous tubes. The functions of some of these parts are not definitely F '9- 60 - known, but it is A DIAGRAM OF A SECTION OF THE AUDITORY believed that the E, external canal; M, in the middle ear, where is Sensation of SOUnd the chain. of bones; I', vestibule; SC, semicircular i i i ,1 canals; N, auditory nerve; C, cochlea; ET, Eusta- IS produced by the stimuli to the nerve endings in the internal parts of the cochlea. The cochlea consists of three tubes wound around in the shape of a snail shell. The nerve fibers end in the walls of the middle tube. General View of the Action of the Auditory Appa- ratus. The motions of the vibrating body set the air into vibrations; the vibrating air causes the mem- brana tympani to swing to and fro with the same rate; these swings are communicated by the series of bones to the membrane to which the stapes is at- tached. The motions of this membrane set the liquid of the internal ear in motion, and this acts on parts that set in motion the bodies in which the auditory fibers end. The motions start this stimulus, which causes the sensation of hearing. CHAPTER XVIII CARE OF THE EYE AND EAR CARE OF THE EYE THE eyes are such extremely useful organs, and at the same .time so delicate, that they call for special care to shield them from harm. It is especially neces- sary to guard against injuries from the outside, wrong use of the eyes, and contagious diseases of the eyes. We have seen that the eyes are naturally well pro- tected by being placed in bony sockets with slightly projecting rims, so that blows or sources of injury, except from directly in front, do not have much chance of injuring them, and the eyelids offer quite a protec- tion for those coming from that direction. The large objects which might make severe wounds we are usu- ally careful to look out for. Children, however, may sometimes carelessly play with such toys as bow and arrows or pea shooters and endanger their playmates' eyes. Small things which we can not so well control, such as flying insects, cinders, or other particles carried by the wind, or minute pieces of steel thrown off in working with machinery, may be the cause of much pain or even of permanent injury. Of course these should be removed without delay. The pain usually drives us to get them out as soon as possible. Fortunately, most of these things can be easily removed, if they IND. PR.' PHYS. II l6l 1 62 CARE OF THE EYE AND EAR have not become embedded in the eye. By drawing out the eyelids and having the eyeball turned in dif- ferent directions a good part of its surface and the inner surface of the lids can be examined. It will be remembered that the conjunctiva, that is, the mem- brane which covers the inside surface of the lids, and the part of the eyeball covered by them, will not per- mit objects to get behind the eyeball without piercing that membrane. Thus by examining carefully all its surface these small objects may usually be found and removed. The inner surface of the upper lid is more difficult to examine, as it can not be so easily turned back as the lower. There is in it a plate of cartilage which makes it more firm. With a little skill, however, it can be turned inside out. Take hold of the eyelashes with one hand and draw out the edge of the lid. At the same time, with some smooth, slender object, like a lead pencil, press on the middle of the outside surface of the lid while the edge of the lid is drawn upward. If properly managed, the firm cartilage in the lid is turned upside down and brings the inner surface of the lid out- side so that it can be examined. The offending body can then be removed by a clean silk or linen handkerchief folded to a point over a lead pencil or toothpick. If the foreign body has been embedded in the eyeball, great care should be taken in removing it. Such an operation ought to be intrusted only to a skilled phy- sician or to an oculist. If any chemical substance should chance to be thrown into the eye, it should be washed out immediately with abundant clean water; if the substance is alkaline, like CARE OF THE EYE 163 lye or lime, a little vinegar could be added to the water; if it is an acid substance, a soap solution could be used, but all must be finally removed with clean water. The most common of such substances to get into people's eyes is lime, since it is used in making whitewash and mortar and plaster. A bit of one of these substances in the eye is very painful and dangerous, and should be washed out immediately. Any one engaged in an occupation which exposes the eyes to flying particles, such as grind- ing or polishing metals or glass, should wear some- thing over the eyes to protect them. Quite different kinds of injuries come from the wrong use of the eyes. If the eyes are good, that is, if they see distinctly, are not nearsighted or farsighted, they may be injured by habits of using them on fine work or in a poor light. If the light is poor, we are likely to strain the eyes unconsciously, by trying to focus them so as to bring out more clearly the objects we are looking at. The straining at focusing will do no good if the light is not there, and the continued strain- ing of the eyes is sure to change them permanently so that they are no longer normal. They become weak or nearsighted or astigmatic. Besides injuring the eyes, the " eye strain " may become through its peculiar reflex connections the cause of very many other severe troubles not apparently connected with seeing. Some of these are headaches, dizziness, fainting, dyspepsia, and other intestinal troubles. Often people have suf- fered with quite severe bodily troubles and have been treated for these without relief, when finally proper treatment of the eyes, so as to do away with eye strain, has completely 'cured them of the trouble. 164 CARE OF THE EYE AND EAR The book or work should be in a good light and near enough to be seen with perfect comfort. It is best that the light come in from the left. When the light comes from the back or right, shadows of the head or hands fall across the work and annoy one, and when from the front, it pours directly into the eyes as well as on the work, and tires the eyes very much. These uncomfortable positions or a poor light may be endured by good eyes for a short time, but continuous exposure^ to them will surely affect the eyes injuriously Jn time. If the eyes are not normal, that is, if they are weak, astigmatic, nearsighted or f arsighted, then they are con- stantly being put to a strain in any reading or fine work, and any of the many troubles which go with eye strain may result, while the eyes themselves grow constantly worse. When any trouble of this kind is present, the eyes should be examined by a competent oculist, who will with his instruments determine the trouble and prescribe the glasses necessary to be worn. His advice should be carefully followed. Sometimes the muscles of the eyes do not work properly, so that both eyes are not accurately turned on the object examined at the same time, that is, one eye may be turned in too much, " cross-eye," or turned out too much, " wall eye," or too much in some other direction. For these troubles only those trained in the treatment of the eye should be employed. There is a great number of diseases which may affect the eyes, and when any of them appears, the advice of a physician or oculist should be sought as to the remedies to be applied. Avoid using any kind of " eye wash," CARE OF THE EYE 165 lotion, or other remedy advised by any other person. The edges of the lids, as also the lids themselves and the rest of the face, should be kept clean by washing with water or soap and water. The surface of the healthy eye does not need any other cleansing than the means na- ture has provided, that is, the tears and winking. Even clean water continuously applied would cause injury. There are some diseases of the eyes which are very contagious. As there is special danger of communica- tion by means of a common towel, the one with the " sore eyes " should have a towel and basin to himself, and care should be taken that he use no other. The term " sore eyes " is applied to several different diseases of the eyes, some of which are and others are not contagious or very dangerous. The physician should be consulted in every case, and if the disease is conta- gious or dangerous, his directions for the treatment, and for the protection of others from the contagion, should be strictly followed. Carelessness in this regard has sometimes allowed one person to be the cause of injury and even blindness in many others. To sum up: Be careful to have a good light on read- ing or work, preferably from the left or from above. Have the work in a convenient position so that there will be no strain of eyes or other parts of body to see it distinctly. If working where there are flying parti- cles, wear a protective covering for the eyes. If there is any indication of nearsightedness, farsightedness, or any question of weakness of the eyes, have them examined for the proper glasses; if any disease of the eyes appears, have them examined promptly, and be faithful in following the treatment prescribed. 1 66 CARE OF THE EAR CARE OF THE EAR Foreign bodies may get into the external canal of the ear. The greatest care should be taken in attempt- ing to remove them. For, as we have just seen, the canal is only about one inch long, and at its end is the delicate membrane of the drum of the ear, which would be injured very readily by the instrument used. It is best to attempt first to remove the object by washing it out with a stream of warm water sent gently into the ear by means of a syringe. The small nozzle of the syringe should be so directed that the stream will go past the object and behind it so that the stream will turn back against the object and carry it back out of the ear. If an insect should get into the ear, it must be killed as quickly as possible, which can be done by a few drops of olive or sweet oil run into the ear. The oil is harmless to the ear, but kills the insect by getting into its breathing apparatus. The insect can then be washed out with warm water as described. If it becomes necessary to use an in- strument in removing the insect, it would be safer to go to a physician or surgeon. The wax of the canal usually works out of the ear about as fast as it is formed. When this is the case, no attempt should be made to clean out the canal with either water or instruments. It is sufficient to keep clean the external ear as far as the opening of the canal. Sometimes the wax does not come out as it should, but may accumulate and gather into a hard mass, which may affect the hearing and become the source of serious CARE OF THE EAR 1 6? trouble. In such cases the wax should be removed by a physician. A blow on the side of the head may affect the hear- ing. It has been known to rupture the membrane of the drum by compressing the air and driving it inward. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, as in colds or catarrh, may extend along the Eustachian tube to the middle ear, where, if long continued,* it may produce serious trouble which can not be cured. Early attention should be given such troubles. The parts of the ear are so deep in the head that they are very difficult to get at, consequently only those skilled in such matters ought to attempt to cure any trouble. It is best not to try without the advice of a physician any advertised remedy for troubles with the ear or hearing, and especially not to put any such medicines or other objects into the ear. In case of earache or pain in the region of the ear, the simple remedy of apply- ing a hot-water bag or heated dry cloths may be used to relieve the pain until the proper treatment can be given. CHAPTER XIX DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION THE word " disease" is used as a general term for any form of wrong action of one or more parts of the body. Only a single part may be diseased, as the heart or eye, or the whole body may be affected. Even when but a single part is diseased, the rest of the body may feel some of the effects. Perhaps no one can always be safe from every form of disease. Yet if the cause of a disease is known, we can surely be better defended against it. In study- ing the various organs and how to take care of them, the way to avoid certain diseases of these organs was shown. At this place we will point out some general facts to help us avoid other forms of disease. It can not be said too strongly or too often that impure air, bad food, lack of exercise, and lack of sleep are among the most frequent causes of diseases. As long as one of these causes remains, perfect health is impossible. When any of these things is the cause of disease, no medicine will effect a cure. The thing to do is to remove the cause. The Power of the Body against Disease. The body has a certain amount of power in itself to con- tend against disease. The more vigorous and healthy the body is, the greater its power to keep out disease 1 68 INFECTIOUS DISEASES 169 or to cure it if it gets a start. We all know that wounds, bruises, and sprains get well from what the body itself does to cure them. All that can be done outside the body is to help a little by keeping the parts clean and comfortable, and by guiding the repair, so that, for example, a joint may not become crooked in healing. So with more serious diseases the cure depends on the powers of the body to contend with the disease and right itself again. We can only help the body in its fight with the disease; we can not supply any new power for healing that the body itself does not possess. It is plain, then, that the most important protection against disease is to keep the body at all times best prepared to fight it. This is done by keeping it in the best condition of health. Good health prevents many forms of disease, and gives the body the best chance of getting through safely those it can not prevent. Infectious Diseases. In recent years great dis- coveries have been made concerning the causes of many of the most dreaded diseases. It has been found out that they are caused by very minute living organisms, some being plants and others animals, which get into the body and live and grow in the blood or other liquids in the body. The word " infec- tion" means getting some of these organisms started to grow in the body. The diseases caused in this way are called infectious diseases. The little organisms, which will grow in the blood and cause disease, are sometimes called disease germs. It is very important to know something about the way these minute organ- isms live, so as to be able to avoid them or destroy them. I/O DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION Bacteria. There are many kinds of disease germs. One group of them belongs to the most minute of all kinds of plants called bacteria. Most kinds of bac- teria are so very small that they can be seen only with a good microscope. Millions of them might exist in a small drop of liquid. Very many kinds of bac- teria are harmless, but some of them are very harmful, causing the death every year of great numbers of people. A knowledge of how some of the harmless bacteria grow outside of the body will teach us how the disease-making bacteria grow inside of the body, and how the body gets injections diseases. If a cup of soup, or of any kind of liquid contain- ing juices of plants or animals, be set aside in a warm place, in a day or more it " spoils," as we say. That is, it gets a bad taste, or a bad smell, and is no longer fit to eat. Now if a drop of the liquid is examined properly with a good microscope, millions of minute bacteria will be found in the liquid. These little plants in growing have fed upon the soup and changed much of it to the bad-smelling and bad-tasting substances. It has been proved that there are so many of these kinds of bacteria mingled with dust in the air that some are sure to fall into everything left open to them. When they fall into liquids which contain substances good for their food, they grow, and use up that food. Meat juices are food for such bacteria. If a cup of soup boiled so as to kill the bacteria be placed where it is impossible for bacteria to fall into it, it will " keep." That is the way we " can " foods. They are heated to kill the bacteria and sealed up so that no more can get to them and spoil them. If we take some soup which BACTERIA 171 has no bacteria in it, and which is kept carefully away from bacteria that may fall into it from the air, and put in it a drop of soup having bacteria, it, too, will soon be rilled with bacteria and will be spoiled. This would happen if we took the minutest quantity of soup containing bacteria on the fine point of a needle and touched the good soup with it. This is because the bacteria are plants. Putting a few bacteria in a cup of good soup is really planting them there, and like all plants they grow and produce more plants like themselves. This they do very rapidly. If the seeds of some weed are planted in a field, that weed may become so abundant that it will cover the field in the course of a few years. Bacteria grow so rapidly that they can fill their field in a day or so. The disease bacteria live and grow in the same way as do those which spoil the soup, but they grow in the blood of man by using it or other juices in the body as food and leaving in it poisonous substances. Thus they cause disease. Now, the most important thing to know about the disease-making bacteria is that they can not appear in the body unless they are planted there ; that is, they must be brought from some place oustide of the body. If then we keep all disease- making bacteria from entering the body, the body will always be free from the bacteria diseases. In this way the blood of the body is like the cup of soup spoken of above. But if ever so small a quantity of substance from a body that has the disease-making bac- teria in it, comes in contact with the blood of the healthy body, the disease bacteria may grow and in- crease in it until the body becomes diseased. We have 1/2 DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION spoken only of bacteria producing disease, but there are also some very minute animals which produce dis- ease in much the same way as do the disease bacteria. For just the same reasons we can say that diseases made by them will not occur if we keep these little living animals away from the body. Prevention of Infectious Diseases. Since the dis- covery that some of the most severe diseases are caused by minute plants or animals, very much study has been given to finding out just the kind of disease germ that is the cause of each kind of disease, and just how that particular kind gets from one body to another. When this is known then we can keep diseases from spreading. If every one knew these facts and all would help, we could stamp out completely many of these diseases. This shows us how important it is to know of these things. There is much yet to be learned, but much has already been found out which has helped very greatly to save lives. In civilized coun- tries now there are public officers whose duty it is to try to prevent the spread of diseases. In this country they are the boards of health and other health officers. When any one gets sick with an infectious disease, the physicians and the health officers plan according to the particular kind of disease to keep the germs from getting to any one else. Everybody should help them in every way and keep all their rules; for if any one breaks their rules he may not only become sick him- self, but he may be the means of much sickness and suffering to others as well. Examples of Infectious Diseases. It is not a proper place in this book to describe the details of diseases DIPHTHERIA 1 73 and explain methods of curing them. But it may make matters clearer if some examples of these diseases are mentioned, and some of the general facts about them given. Diphtheria. This is one of the most dreaded dis- eases caused by bacteria. The linings of the throat, nose, and air passages become inflamed and false growths take place in them. The parts affected are crowded with the bacteria of diphtheria. Any minute particles from these parts have bacteria of diphtheria in them, which will start the same growth in another person's throat. These little particles in coughing may get upon the things in the room about the patient. They may get on the vessels he drinks out of or eats from. By these means, or by common house flies, they may be carried away to other houses. For these reasons it can be understood why the person sick with diphtheria must be kept away from all except those who care for him. All the clothing and things used by him, or by his nurses, and the whole room must be thoroughly cleaned and all the bacteria on them killed. If it is known soon enough that one has this disease, and all this care is taken, until the proper time after the patient is well, no other case will start from this one; but if proper care is neglected in this case, the disease may spread rapidly and many deaths may occur from it. In such cases every one should always remember how much harm may come from his care- lessness. Scarlet Fever, Measles, Erysipelas, and Smallpox are also examples of diseases that are spread by particles from the body of the sick person which contain the 1/4 DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION germs of the disease. These are carried by touch, clothing, or other things used by the sick one. The same rules should be followed with these diseases as with diphtheria. Vaccination. Many years ago Dr. Jenner made a great discovery in regard to smallpox. It was known that a person who had once had smallpox did not easily take it the second time, for some years at least. He found a way of giving a very slight attack of small- pox by vaccination. This made the person not liable to take smallpox for several years, and if he did take it he had it very lightly. The practice of vaccination is universal in civilized countries. It has saved great numbers of lives and an immense amount of suffering. Before this discovery great epidemics of smallpox frequently occurred. Now in countries where vac- cination is used only a few cases occasionally are known. Vaccination not only helps the person vaccinated by keeping him from taking smallpox, but helps the whole community, for if there are some in the community not vaccinated there is always a chance for smallpox to get a start there. Much study is being made to find means of doing for other diseases what vaccina- tion does for smallpox. Consumption, Tuberculosis of the Lungs. This disease is caused by a certain kind of bacteria which gets into the lungs by breathing. The disease is spread by bacteria from the lungs of the sick person. They pass from the lungs to the miicus which is coughed up and spit out. Particles of dried sputa may get into the air with the dust and thus may be breathed into the lungs. If all the substance thrown off from TYPHOID FEVER 1/5 the throat and lungs of the patient were caught in cloths or vessels and destroyed, there would be little danger of communication of the disease. If the direc- tions of physicians in regard to this disease were carried out carefully, it would soon cease to be so widespread as it is now. This disease is an example of one that can usually be prevented by keeping the general health good and especially by taking good care to have plenty of pure air. Outdoor life is considered the best medicine for consumptives. Therefore out- door life must be a good preventive of the disease. Typhoid Fever. This disease is caused by a kind of bacteria. They grow in the intestines. A person takes typhoid fever by swallowing some of the typhoid fever bacteria with his food or drink. How the bac- teria get in the food or drink has sometimes been a great puzzle. But in many cases where people in a town have been taken sick with typhoid fever the puzzle has been solved. In some cases it was found that they had all drunk water that had typhoid bac- teria in it, and that these bacteria had come from letting discharges from the bowels of typhoid fever patients get into the source of the water supply. In other cases the fever came from drinking milk from an unclean dairy. The dairy people had washed their cans with water that was contaminated with the dis- charge of typhoid fever patients. In other cases the bacteria have been carried from the discharges of sick people to the food of other people by the common house fly. By such examples and others it has been proved that typhoid fever bacteria in some such ways always came from typhoid fever patients. This shows 1/6 DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION the danger in sewers, and the importance of destroying all discharges of typhoid fever patients. During an epidemic of typhoid fever one may be safe if he is careful to eat no food that has not been cooked at home and drink no water or milk that has not been boiled. Heat kills the bacteria. Cholera. This disease also is caused by a kind of bacteria growing in the intestines. The cholera bac- teria, like the typhoid fever bacteria, can be carried by food, by flies, by drinking water, or by milk. The, most usual means is by the water used for drinking. Water Supply for Drinking. There are other kinds of germs that can be carried by water, which cause intestinal troubles. Since this is the case, the water supply for drinking should be most carefully guarded. If it is from springs or wells it should be seen to that there is no possible chance for the drainage of any filthy places getting to them. Sometimes the soil is such that it will allow water from these sources to soak through it a long distance. In this way the well may become polluted when there does not seem to be any- thing wrong with it. When cities get their water from lakes or streams, disease germs may get to the supply. We have to depend on the health officers to take care of us in such cases by the means that they have for the remedy. If at any time there may be danger from the water, it should be boiled before being used for drinking or for washing dishes or anything which may get to our mouths. Malaria. Malaria is also known as " fever and ague," " chills and fever," and it has other names as well. There are different forms of malaria. Within YELLOW FEVER 1/7 the past few years it has been found that certain kinds of mosquitoes are the means of carrying malaria about. The minute germs of malaria live part of their life in this mosquito and part of their life in the blood of man. When a man is sick with malaria, the little organisms are abundant in his blood. If now a mosquito of this kind bites him, it draws through its bill with the blood of the man many of the malaria organisms. Later if this mosquito bites another man, the disease germs may be injected into his blood and he may get malaria. It is plain then that if we could in any re- gion destroy all of the malaria-carrying mosquitoes, malaria would die out. We can see, too, how a man with malaria can supply mosquitoes with germs to carry to other people. Yellow Fever. This disease is such a fearful one that its appearance frightens all in the community. It has been recently discovered that, like malaria, it is caused by germs carried by a certain kind of mos- quito. If these mosquitoes are kept away or killed, there is no danger of yellow fever, even if one is in the same room with the patient. The well person should be protected from the mosquitoes, so that he can not be bitten and get the disease. The patient must be guarded from mosquitoes, so that the germs can not be carried from him to others. The way one person may start a yellow fever epi- demic in a large region is as follows : If there has been no yellow fever in a region for some time, none of the mosquitoes have the germs of the disease in them. Now some one from a yellow fever region, who has been bitten by mosquitoes with yellow fever germs, IND. PR. PHYS. 12 1/8 DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION may come to visit this region before the disease de- velops in him. Soon he is taken sick. Through neg- lect of care, or ignorance of the danger, some yellow fever mosquitoes may get to him and bite him. Then they bite others and inject the yellow fever germs into them, other mosquitoes bite the new patients, and so the cases of yellow fever increase with alarming rapidity. Fighting Mosquitoes. Not all kinds of mosquitoes carry malaria or yellow fever, so we need not feel afraid every time we see a mosquito. But if malaria or yellow fever is in a community, it is time to look after the mos- quitoes. Screens and netting can keep them out of the houses by using much care. To make a good fight against them people now try to do away with their breeding places or kill them in these places. As they breed in water, ditches, ponds, water barrels, old tin cans with water in them, all furnish good places for them to breed in. Mosquitoes lay eggs in these places, the eggs hatch into " wrigglers " or " wiggle- tails," as they are called. These are the larva. From the " wiggle-tails " the mosquitoes come. If the breed- ing places are cleaned up or drained so that they become dry, of course no mosquitoes can breed in them. If the places can not be drained it has been found that the larvae, or " wiggle- tails," can be quickly killed by pouring kerosene on the water. A very little of the oil will spread out in a very thin layer over a large surface of water. Now the larvae must come to the surface to breathe. When they do so the oil kills them instantly. Thus it seems as if we have a way to get rid of these very dangerous mosquitoes. Frosts and cold weather in winter help us part of the year. WOUNDS 179 New cases of yellow fever or malaria do not appear after a few heavy frosts. Fighting House Flies. Since typhoid fever and cholera may be brought into a house by flies, these should be shut out of the house by screens, but it is also easy to destroy most of them before' they are fully developed. The eggs of the most common species of house flies are laid in the refuse of the horse stable. This refuse should be frequently removed and piled in a mass. By this means the eggs are buried and the pupae are destroyed. Wounds. When studying the skin, it was shown that one use of the epidermis is to keep out bacteria. There seem to be several kinds of bacteria which will cause inflammation of a wound 'and blood poisoning. These bacteria may be present in various kinds of dirt and filth. They may be in decaying substances. When they get on our skin the epidermis keeps them out until they are washed off. If, however, there is a break in the epidermis they get in and cause trouble. It is best, as has been shown, to bathe the skin fre- quently. The hands should, of course, be cleaned im- mediately after anything with dangerous dirt of any kind on it has been handled. Cleanliness makes the body at all times safer in case of an accidental wound. But even if the body is clean, the object making the wound may have some of the dangerous kinds of bacteria on it and a very slight wound may in this way become very serious. Every wound should as soon as possible be carefully cleaned and kept so. The wound should be washed also with some liquid that has been prepared for such a purpose, called an 180 DISEASE, ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION antiseptic. An antiseptic is something that kills bac- teria. Various substances are used as antiseptics. Most of them are poisons, and should be used only when they are prepared by some one who understands about them, with careful following of the directions given. When the wound is cleaned of bacteria, the next thing is to keep any more bacteria from getting into it. This is done by covering it with cotton that has been made very clean for this purpose. It is called absorbent cotton. If the wound is kept care- fully covered with this, all bacteria that would fall on the wound are caught by it. If one receives a severe wound, of course the physician should be asked to treat it. Still it is well to know about these matters so that we can give immediate aid to the injured, and can follow the physician's directions with intelligence. When a surgeon is compelled to make a wound in performing an operation, he is careful that the instru- ments he uses, his clothing, and his hands are as free as possible from bacteria. The room is also made clean. When all this is done properly and the wound guarded against bacteria afterward, it will heal without trouble. If this is not done, the most severe troubles may arise from even a slight wound. CHAPTER XX ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM IN certain chapters throughout this book we have called attention to the effects of alcohol on the spe- cial organs there described. It seems desirable now to speak of the effects, on the body as a whole, of alcohol, as well as of tea, coffee, tobacco, and opium. It is on the body as a whole that the most injurious work of these agents is to be seen. These substances are so widely used, and the consequences of their excessive use are so serious, that a special chapter may well be devoted to a discussion of their effects in the hope that many may be deterred from the for- mation of dangerous habits in their use. Description of Alcohol. Alcohol in a pure state is a transparent liquid. It is somewhat lighter than water. It is so nearly a true liquid that it forms no lasting bubbles when shaken up in a bottle. It burns with a pale blue flame, without smoke, thus produc- ing a great amount of heat. Pure alcohol is known as " absolute alcohol." Alcohol mixes readily with water in all proportions. The alcohol usually sold, known as " commercial alcohol," generally contains five per cent or more of water. Source of Alcohol. Alcohol is formed by the growth of the yeast plant in solutions containing 181 1 82 ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM sugar. When yeast is placed in a solution contain- ing sugar of the right proportions, and it is kept in a warm place, the yeast grows rapidly, and in its growth converts the sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid. The carbonic acid, being a gas, generally bubbles up through the solution and escapes; but the alcohol being a liquid remains dissolved in the solution." In making bread, however, the carbonic acid re- sulting from the growing yeast is held by the sticky dough, which it lifts up and makes " light." In the process of baking, both the carbonic acid and the alcohol are driven off. The juices of ripe fruits contain sugar. If these juices are left exposed so that the minute yeast plants in the air can get into them, they undergo a process called " fermentation." This process of fermenta- tion is the growth of the yeast plants, and, as just explained, it produces carbonic acid, which mainly escapes from the juice and leaves the alcohol remain- ing in the liquid. Thus the juice of grapes is changed into wine, the juice of apples into cider. If the juices, after the formation of alcohol in them, are allowed to stand exposed to the air, other minute organisms grow in them, which will change the alcohol to acetic acid. Wine and cider are thus changed to vinegar. Many other solutions of sugar are used to allow the formation of alcohol, and thus many forms of alco- holic drinks are produced. Beer, ale, and porter belong to the group of malt liquors. In making these, barley is kept moist and warm till it begins to sprout. In the act of sprout- PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF ALCOHOL 183 ing, the starch of the grain is changed to sugar. The sprouted grain is dried and ground up, and water is added, which dissolves the sugar and other sub- stances of the grain. To this solution yeast is then added, which converts the sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid. The resulting clear liquid containing the alcohol separated from the undissolved parts constitutes beer, ale, or porter, the distinctions being due to certain differences of treatment in the manu- facture of the liquids. Another class of alcoholic drinks is produced by first allowing alcoholic fermentation by yeast to take place, and then separating the liquor by distillation from the other matters in the mixture. Examples of such drinks are whisky, brandy, rum, and gin. These contain a far greater amount of alcohol than the wines or beer. The quantity of alcohol in the different drinks varies greatly. In some kinds of beer the amount is as low as two per cent, while in some forms of brandy it reaches 'fifty-five per cent. In all alcoholic drinks, however much they differ in flavor, the alco- hol is of the same nature, and has the same origin. The different flavors by which the various alcoholic drinks are distinguished are due mainly to substances extracted from the materials used in their manu- facture. The most characteristic effects resulting from the use of alcoholic drinks are due to the alco- hol contained in them. Physiological Action of Alcohol. In considering the physiological effects of alcohol, there are certain facts which must be kept in mind. 1 84 ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM First, there is the great difficulty of determining the exact effect, on any special organ, of any sub- stance taken as food, medicine, or poison. We can usually say that a certain food is good or bad be- cause, when it is used constantly, the general health- of the body is improved or impaired. But it would, in most cases, be impossible to tell the special effect of that food on the various tissues. Of course, in all such cases, there are people ready to advance theo- ries to explain the exact action of the various foods on each of the tissues. But explanations which have not been experimentally proved are of no value. There are many medicines whose general tendencies are pretty clearly known, but whose special effects on the cells of any tissue are wholly unknown. Quinine is a good example. It is well known that if given in a proper way it will, in a grqat number of cases, cure certain diseases; but it is impossible to say definitely how the cure is effected, and it certainly is not pos- sible to show with microscopic sections any changes in the tissues produced by such small quantities of quinine. Some of the most active poisons, while they show, by causing death, their sure and speedy effect on the body as a whole, give no indication, under the most careful examination, of their special action on the various tissues of the body. There is no doubt that when any substance, as a food, a medicine, or a poison, produces an effect on the body, it does so by causing certain changes in the cells of some or all of the tissues. But what these changes are, it is usually impossible to determine. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF ALCOHOL 185 A second fact that should be kept in mind in con- sidering this subject is that individuals vary greatly in the way they are affected by different kinds of foods and drugs. Often it is found that a food that seems beneficial or harmless to most people may pro- duce in certain individuals unpleasant or distressing symptoms. A drug that may powerfully affect a ma- jority of people may be used by a few without marked injurious results. Even the effects that generally follow the use of any drug vary greatly in character and de- gree in different persons. Hence we must not draw any definite conclusions from a single experience or from a few observations on a few individuals. A third fact important to remember is this: The effects of substances may vary under different condi- tions ; as, in various degrees of health, in connection with different kinds of diet, in activity or rest of the body, in different climates, and in different ages. In view of these facts, the following statements of the physiological effects of alcohol must of necessity be of a general character, and they can not be made applicable to each individual case. If a small amount of alcohol is taken, it may pro- duce no perceptible effect except a slight increase of the pulse rate. -^ The effects of large amounts of alcohol are well summed up by Dr. Emerson, as follows: " If large doses be given a healthy person, the usual course is, first, a flushing of the face, with a greater flow of words and ideas, and tendency of muscular activity; then imperfect articulation, loss of judgment, unsteady gait, dulled moral sense, irregu- 1 86 ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM lar eyesight, loss of sensation, then of consciousness, and, finally, even impaired (vegetative functions) breathing and circulation all of these phenomena being successive paralyses of nervous centers of the brain, medulla, and spinal cord. " If large doses be often repeated, the alcohol car- ried through the various organs modifies their nutri- tion and the growth of the mere connecting tissues (framework) at the expense of their more important special tissues. Thus the stomach and liver, kidneys, and, finally, even the voluntary muscles, and the all-important involuntary muscle called the heart, degenerate. These processes are slow and only result from the decided abuse of alcohol, especially spirits." The student is referred to the chapters on circula- tion (p. 52), foods (p. 70), and the nervous system (p. 130), for a description of the special effects on these organs of the use of alcohol. But to under- stand the full action of alcohol on the body as a whole, we must remember that the results described for these various organs occur all together. These organs, as we have learned, have very important functions. When the action of one is interfered with, its effect is felt on the whole body, and thus the direct injury occasioned by alcohoHs heightened. If the functions of these important organs are being interfered with, the general health of the body is sure to be under- mined. The capability of the body for accomplish- ing physical or 'mental work is greatly lessened. Its power of resisting the attacks of disease is decreased. Its power of recovery when disease has invaded the system becomes much weakened. This condition of ALCOHOL AS A MEDICINE 1 87 the body is sometimes described as " an undermined constitution " or " a lowered vitality." While it is hard to describe accurately what has occurred to the body, the condition is none the less real. It can be easily recognized, and is indeed a serious matter. If the body sustains accidental injury, or if for some cause a surgical operation is to be performed, the surgeon realizes that recovery is likely to be less speedy, or less sure, if the patient has been accustomed to the use of alcoholic drinks. Under training for any athletic contest, experi- ence has shown that the greatest success can not be secured when alcoholic drinks are indulged in; con- sequently their use is forbidden. In cases where long-continued, severe bodily exertion is necessary, or an unusual amount of exposure to fatigue, cold, or heat, experience has also shown that the drinking of alcohol is detrimental. In these cases the objec- tion to the use of alcohol is clear. Still the effects are the same whether we are engaged in a severe contest or not. We are all the time in some sort of contest, and certainly each one wishes to be at his best. Experience shows clearly that we are not at our best after using alcohol. The same may be said of the use of tea, coffee, and opium, and its com- pounds. Alcohol as a Medicine. The discussion of the question as to whether alcohol may be beneficial in the treatment of disease is out of place here. When we are sick we should be put under the care of a well-trained physician. Then we must trust to his learning and skill, and follow his directions. The 1 88 ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM forms, conditions, degrees, and courses of diseases are so varied, and so obscure, that it would generally be dangerous to trust ourselves to any one not trained or skilled in the practice of medicine. There are many poisons and other injurious substances that may be used with great benefit in certain conditions or phases of disease. Physicians differ in opinion as to whether alcohol is one of them. But, in any case, the problem must be solved by the physicians, and, however settled, it will not affect the question of the effect of alcohol on the healthy body. Other Substances in Alcoholic Drinks. Thus far we have spoken only of the alcohol in alcoholic drinks, but they contain a number of other substances. Some of these occur naturally, and others are added either to change the flavor or as adulterations. Some of these are known to be injurious and others to be harmless. The number of these substances is so great that a special treatment of each is impossible here. Intoxication. Thus far we have dwelt mainly on the effects of long-continued use of alcohol on the general health of the ' body. There is, however, one result which is so evident that neither physiologist nor physician is needed to detect it or to point out its evils; that is, the intoxicating effect of alcohol taken in large doses. This is known in common lan- guage as getting drunk. The evils of drunkenness are so great and so well known that we need not dwell on them here. Fortunately, a large number of those who use alcoholic drinks do not become habitual drunkards. However, it is of the greatest importance that the fact be emphasized that the moderate use EFFECTS OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKING 189 is in danger of becoming immoderate. It is only from the ranks of the moderate users that the great army of drunkards is recruited. It is impossible for a man to foretell, when forming the habit of drinking, whether or not he will be able to control himself from running into excess.- Hence when ajnan cultivates this habit he runs this risk. It would seem as if no person who has contem- plated the terrible things which have been done under intoxication would voluntarily assume a habit which involved even the bare possibility of such an end. Indeed, all such arguments against the use of alcohol as those contained in the facts of its effect on the heart, the kidneys, or the liver, or on the general health, pale before .the undisputed evidence that by means of alcohol an intelligent man may act with- out reason; that a kind-hearted man may become brutal to his most loved friends; that an honorable man may become dishonorable; that a man with a noble nature may acquire the most depraved tastes; that its use has over and over again been the cause of bitter disappointments, of intense sufferings, and of crime. Effects of Alcoholic Drinking on the Community. - It has been shown beyond doubt, by repeated study of statistics gathered from prisons, insane asylums, and almshouses, that the use of alcoholic drinks is the most frequent cause of crime, insanity, and poverty. These facts are so well known, and have been before us so long, that they do not impress the general community in proportion to their enormity. If some new form of drug or food, or some new politi- IQO ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM cal or social movement, were introduced which, in a year after its introduction, would bring about in the civilized world physical and moral results as harmful as those produced by alcohol, the fact would stir every class up to arms. There would be a universal, ener- getic, and immediate movement toward its suppres- sion. Most other poisons so affect their victims that they alone suffer the consequences of their use. But alcohol renders its slaves active agents in bringing suf- fering and degradation on others in the community. Other vices are the usual associates of drunkenness. The evil influences of most drinking places and of many drinking customs are well known and undis- puted. Thus alcohol comes to affect not individuals alone, but the moral tone of the community as a whole. In these facts, again, we are forcibly shown that argu- ments against the use of alcohol based on moral grounds far outweigh all those drawn from physiological con- siderations. Tea and Coffee. Tea consists of the dried leaves of a plant extensively cultivated in China, Japan, Ceylon, and India. The leaves contain a number of vegetable substances common to all leaves, but in addition they contain an alkaloid known as theine, which is characteristic of tea leaves. There is also a large amount of tannin. Coffee consists of the seeds or so-called " berries " of a plant which is cultivated for drinking purposes. The berries are roasted, and by this means an aro- matic substance is developed which gives coffee its peculiar flavor. Besides this aromatic substance there TEA AND COFFEE IQI are, of course, many other ingredients in the berries, prominent among which are tannin, certain vegetable acids, and caffeine. Theine and Caffeine. It is to these substances that the characteristic physiological effects of tea and coffee are due. Theine and caffeine are exactly alike in their chemical composition, and the same physiological effects have been assigned to both. In tea there is a greater amount of tannin. This has an injurious action on the digestive processes. After speaking of the beneficial effects of a mod- erate use of tea for some persons, Dr. Yeo says: " On the other hand, it is quite certain that tea taken in excess, and in some constitutions, may be- come very injurious. It will not infrequently excite and maintain most troublesome gastric catarrh, the only remedy for which is an entire abstinence from tea for a considerable period. It is often also the cause of troublesome cardiac palpitations, together with muscular tremors and general nervous agita- tion. We have noticed that tea will often commence somewhat suddenly to disagree with a person, and excite dyspeptic symptoms, coincidently with the occurrence of nervous worry, and that after the cause of the nervous worry has passed away tea may again be taken, in moderation, with impunity. In irritable states of the stomach, tea is also apt to disagree, espe- cially if the coarser teas containing much tannin are taken; these, when taken in large quantities during, or too soon after, a meal, will disturb and often seriously hinder the digestive processes." The beneficial effects which are thought to belong IQ2 ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM to the moderate use of tea and coffee are no doubt often more apparent than real; they produce an agreeable feeling, which makes the user believe that he is benefited when perhaps only a harmful change has taken place. If no other harm came from the use of these sub- stances than the constant deception as to the true state of the body, even that would be considerable damage. For, if the proper appetite is interfered with, it is quite certain that at times too much or too little food will be taken. Tea and coffee have also the power of relieving the sense of fatigue, and while they may thus be valuable aids as a temporary relief from suffering, they become very harmful if they lead us to overlook and disregard the cause of the weariness. Fatigue itself has its uses, and we would sooner or later suffer if deprived of its warn- ing voice. In other words, the delicate balance of coordination between the processes of nutrition and necessities of the various organs would be lost. Such a state continued could not result* otherwise than inju- riously, the extent of injury depending on the degree to which the organism was affected. The claim that tea or coffee will enable the body to do more work on a smaller amount of food is absurd. Energy can not come from nothing. As the source of energy in the body is oxidation of oxidizable substances (foods), it is impossible for a substance to cause work to be done by doing away with its source of energy. Whatever makes us " feel better " when we really are not better, forces our nervous system to tell lies to us. This " feeling better " is followed by " feel- TOBACCO 193 ing worse," which is also a lie. These waves of feeling caused by stimulants destroy the unity and effectiveness of life. The greater the wave of exalta- tion, the lower is the depression which follows. This depression finds its extreme in discouragement, pes- simism, and delirium tremens. The user of stimulants leads in a sense a double life, and no form of " double life " can be an effective one. It is unwise to use even in so-called moderation these stimuli which thus distort the natural action of the nervous mechanisms regulating the nutritive pro- cesses. But it is worse than folly to indulge in them to an excess which brings on one the most serious results. Between moderation and excess the grada- tion is very gradual. Moderation in the great major- ity of cases becomes a greater or less degree of excess. It is certainly the part of wisdom to forego the passing pleasure that these beverages may give, and avoid the risk of the more lasting suffering or disability which their use may entail. Tobacco. Tobacco, as is well known, consists of the leaves of a plant which is raised in many warm countries. It is used in the form of snuff, or is chewed, or smoked as cigars, cigarettes, or in a pipe. It was introduced into Europe at the time of Queen Eliza- beth by Sir Walter Raleigh, who learned its qualities from the Indians of North America. From this time its use gradually spread throughout the civilized world. Among the many substances in the leaves of the tobacco plant the most characteristic is nicotine. This is oily and aromatic. It is distilled from the IND, PR. PHYS. 13 194 ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM leaves by the heat of the burning tobacco. The vapor of this oil is partly condensed in the cigar or cigarette, or in the bottom of the bowl or along the stem of a pipe; but part of it passes on to the throat and lungs of the smoker. From these regions it gets into the body. Nicotine is an active poison, even in small quantities. The amount that usually gets into the body by the user of tobacco is very small, otherwise the results would be fatal. As it is, many persons use tobacco for many years, apparently without bad effects. The body, which at first is greatly shocked at the intro- duction of the poison, seems later to adapt itself to its presence. Still to a great number of persons it is always a poison, more or less undermining the health, or even breaking it down entirely ; used in excess and there is constantly this danger the results are most serious. The physiological effects of tobacco are as follows: It affects the heart, and excessive use may produce palpitation and weakening of that organ; it inter- feres with the digestion and causes a loss of appetite. A long series of carefully conducted experiments show that immediately after smoking there is a marked loss of the power of doing work with the voluntary muscles. Tobacco is also said to interfere with the development of the red blood coipuscles, whose great importance has been shown in another place. Of the other substances besides the nicotine which are vaporized by the heat of the burning tobacco, and pass with the smoke into the mouth, throat, and OPIUM 195 lungs, some produce irritation of the mucous lining and may bring about a diseased state of those organs, such as chronic sore throat and other affections. It is thought that many cases of cancer of the mouth can be traced to the habit of smoking. It is agreed on all sides that the use of tobacco is very injurious to the young, and should be avoided by them in every form. There have been many cases recorded of death of young boys through nicotine poisoning from excess in smoking. The evil effects of tobacco come on in such an in- sidious way, that very often the sufferer has no hint of the true cause of his troubles; this renders it all the more a dangerous enemy. The tobacco habit grows on a person till it becomes, in the great majority of cases, a somewhat tyrannical master, demanding great sacrifices of time, health, and money to satisfy its desires. This itself is a form of disease. There is another point of view we should consider. How will it affect our associates? Both smoking and chewing are offensive to most people who do not use tobacco. We should indeed hesitate before forming a habit which will render our close presence disagreeable to many, if not to most of our friends. Opium. The use of opium or some of its com- pounds may become a habit impossible to control. When this is the case the result is usually a most disastrous one. Opium occurs in various forms. Morphine is a substance made from it. Some com- pound of opium is found in many medicines, such as paregoric and laudanum. Many of the so-called 196 ALCOHOL, TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, OPIUM 11 cough mixtures " and " soothing sirups " contain some form of it. It is a very dangerous drug. A small amount of it will produce death. In the hands of the doctor it becomes, in disease, one of the most important medicines; but, on account of the danger in its use, it should be given only under direction of a physician. The frequent use of medicines contain- ing opium or its compounds may lead to the formation of the opium habit. General Considerations in Regard to Stimulants. The body, as we have seen, is a combination of deli- cately balanced mechanisms. Through the nervous system many of them are self-regulating. These work most correctly when the stimuli which direct their action come from the actual condition of the body. Thus the movements of respiration are con- trolled by the amount of carbonic acid in the blood. The beat of the heart is regulated by nervous im- pulses arising from actual conditions of various parts of the body. We have shown that the actions of the glands, and of other organs, are regulated in a similar manner. Now, if any artificial stimulus acts on these mechanisms, they no longer work in just the manner they should, to be in harmony with the remainder of the system. The body is then not in its best con- dition. By means of the nervous system we have sensa- tions which tell us of the outside world through the special senses, and of the state of our own body, as in hunger, thirst, fatigue, pain, etc. Furthermore, we have the power of coming to conclusions in regard to our actions on receiving impressions through these CONSIDERATIONS IN REGARD TO STIMULANTS 197 sensations. The whole is a very complex means by which we adapt our actions to conditions in which we are placed. For the greatest success, for the clearest seeing, for the most efficient action, it is of the utmost im- portance that correct reports come in for the judg- ment to act upon. In other words, we wish to know the world as it really is, and we wish to know the actual conditions of the body. This is impossible when the sensations are modified by stimulants. They make us fe'el warm, cool, hungry, thirsty, well, or ill, when we are not really in such condition. We have reporters about us which make false reports; hence when we act on those reports our conduct can not be right. In the close competition we are sure to meet with in any pursuit in life, the degree of success will depend upon our equipment. How great, then, is the im- portance of keeping in good condition the delicate mechanisms upon the true working of which depend our chances of success and our capability for happi- ness! How unwise is the person who voluntarily does anything that may prove a hindrance to the best action of his mind or body! INDEX Abdomen, 87, 100. Absolute alcohol, 181. Absorption, from small intestine, 92. from stomach, 88, 89. Accommodation of eye, 157, 158. Adam's apple, 103. Air, impure, 106, 112, 113, 168. pressure of, 98. pure, 105. Air sacs or vesicles, 96. Air tubes, structure of, 96. Albumen, 71. Alcohol, as medicine, 187, 188. description of, 181. distillation of, 183. effect on community, 189, 190. effect on heart, 61, 62. effect on nervous system, 145, 146. physiological action of, 183- 187. source of, 181, 182. Alimentary canal, 78, 79. Alkaline contents of small in- testine, 91. Antiseptics, 180. Aorta, 49, 50. arch of, 50. Appetite, use and abuse of, 75, 76. Aqueous humor, 156. Arm and hand, bones of, 23-29. study of, 12, 13. Arms, function of, 34, 35. Arteries, aorta, 49, 50. blood pressure in, 53, 54. description of, 46, 47. pulmonary artery, 50. structure of, 51. Arytenoid cartilages, 103. Asphyxia, 114-116. Astigmatic eyes, 163, 164. Auditory apparatus, 159, 160. Auditory nerve, 159, 160. Auricles, 49. Bacteria, 170-180. Bathing, 125, 126. Beans, as food, 72, 74. Biceps muscle, 14, 26. Bicuspid teeth, 81. Bile, 90, 91. Blood, care of, 58. coagulation of, 57-60. composition of, 56. corpuscles of, 56, 57. course of, in circulation, 52. flow of, in arteries and veins, 53, 54- in hand, 45, 46. plasma, 57. pressure of, 53, 54. 199 20O INDEX Blood (continued} regulation of supply of, 55, 56. use of, 44, 45. Blood vessels, structure of, 51. Blubber of whale, 1 20. Body, compared to an engine, 67, 68. composition of, 69. divisions of, 34. plan of, 63, 64. proportion of foods needed, 74, 75- regulation of temperature of, 121, 122. wastes of, 69. work of, 66, 67. Bones, as levers, 29, 34, 37, 38. hygiene of, 41-43. of arm and hand, 23-29. of ear, 159. of face, 36, 37. of leg, 31-34- of thorax, 36. structure of, 39, 40. uses of, 37. Bony tissue, 65, 66. Brain, bones of skull protect, 38. nerve cells, 132, 133. part of nervous system, 133, 134- structure of, 135, 136. weight of, 135. Breastbone, 36. Breathing, correct, 113, 114. Bronchi, 96. Bronchial tubes, 96. Bruises, 169. Cabbage, starch in, 71. Caffeine, 191. Canine teeth, 81. Canned foods, 170, 171. Capillaries, absorption by, 55, 88, 92. action of, 55. description of, 46, 47, 51. Carbon, 69. Carbon dioxide, in air, 105, 106. in circulation, 20. in oxidation, 67, 69, 72, 73. in respiration, 20, 95, 105, 106, 124. Cardiac opening of stomach, 87. Carpals, 24. Cartilage, defined, 41. of ribs, 36. Cement of tooth. 81. Central nervous system, 139. Cerebellum, 136. Cerebrum, 135, 140, 141. Cervical vertebrae, 35. Cheese, as food, 72. Chest, 36. Chlorine, 69. Chlorophyll, 72. Cholera, 176. Choroid coat of eye, 156. Cilia, 96, 97. Ciliary muscle of eye, 156, 157. Circulatory system, blood, 44-48. blood vessels, 46-50. divisions of, 51. heart, 48. hygiene of, 58-62. physiology of, 52-58. regulation of actions of, 55, 56. Clavicle, 27. INDEX 201 Cleanliness, 125, 126, 179. Clot, 57. Clothing, 127-129. Coagulation, 57, 58. Coats of eye, 155, 156. Coccyx bone, 35. Cochlea, 160. Coffee, effects of, 62, 190-192. Collar bone, 27. Commercial alcohol, 181. Concave glasses, 158. Conjunctiva of eye, 154, 162. Connective tissue, 50, 65, 66. Consumption, 174, 175. Contractile power of muscles, 15, 17, 18. Convex glasses, 158. Convolutions of cerebrum, 135. Cooking, value of, 94. Cords, vocal, 103. Cornea of eye, 153, 157. Coronary vein, 50. Corpuscles, of blood, 56, 57. Course of blood in circulation, 5 2 . Cranial nerves, 137. Cranium, 36. Crawfish, 38. Cricoid cartilage, 103. Cross-eye, 164. Crystalline lens of eye, 156, 157. Currents, air, 108, 109. Delirium tremens, 146. Dentine of teeth, 81, 83. Dermis, 118, 119. Diaphragm, 97. Diffusion, 101. Digestive system, absorption, 92. alimentary canal, 78, 79. Digestive system (continued} bile, 90, 91. care of, 93, 94. esophagus, 86, 87. foods requiring digestion, 77, 78. glands, 79. liver, 90. mastication, 81. mouth, 79-82. pancreas, 90. parts of, 79. pharynx, 86, 87. processes in digestion, 78. saliva, 82. salivary glands, 82. small intestine, 89, 90. stomach, 87-89. Diphtheria, 173. Diseases, causes of, 168. infectious, 169-180. of ear, 167. of eye, 1 65 . power of body against, 168, 169. Dislocation of joint, 42, 43. Distilled liquors, 183. Dorsal vertebras, 35, 36, 97. Dyspepsia, 93. Ear, care of, 166, 167. parts of, 159, 1 60. Enamel of tooth, 81, 83. Epidermis, 45, 117, 118. Epiglottis, 104. Erysipelas, 173, 174. Esophagus, 86, 87. Eustachian tube, 159. Evaporation, 121, 122. 202 INDEX Excretions, 122, 124. Exercise, 21, 22. excessive, 22, 62. lack of, 1 68. Expiration, 99, 100. External auditory canal, 159. External ear, 159. Eye, accommodation to different distances, 157, 158. care of, 161-165. coats of, 155, 156. external parts of, 153, 154. eyeball, 154. longsightedness, 158. seeing, 156, 157. shortsightedness, 158. Eyeball, 154. Eyelashes, 153. Eyelids, 153. Eye strain, 163, 164. Face, bones of, 36, 37. Fats, action of pancreatic juice on, 90, 91. defined, 71. digestion of, 78. in skin, 119, 120. Fatty tissue, 65. Femur bone, 33. Fermentation, 182. Fibula bone, 33. Fingers, actions of, 12, 13, 15. bones of, 23, 24. Flavors, 151. Flies, diseases carried by, 173, 175, 176, 179. Floating ribs, 36. Flour, as food, 74. Food groups, 70. Foods, canned, 170, 171. fats, 71. forms of, 70. inorganic, 70, 73. need for, 63, 67-69. organic, 70, 71. oxidation of, 72. properties needed in body, 74, 75- proteids, 71. use and abuse of, 75, 76. See also Digestive system. Forearm, bones of, 24-26. Forelimbs of lower animals. 29, 30. G Ganglia, 136, 137. Gastric juice, 88. General sensations, 147, 148. Germs, disease, 169-172. Gills offish, 97,98. Glands, 79, 120-122. 124. Graham flour, as food, 74. G/ains, as food, 72. Gray matter, 134. Growth and repair, 68. Gums. 70, 78. H Habits, 144, 145. Hair, 118, 123, 126. Hand and arm, blood in, 45, 46. bones of, 23-29. movements of, 12, 13. Hearing, 148, 158-160. Heart, action of, 52, 53. bones of chest protect, 38. care of, 60. description of, 48. effect of alcohol on, 61, 62. function and position of, 48. INDEX 203 Heart (continued} interior of, 49. structure of, 50, 51. valves of, 49. Heat, production of, 67, 68. source of, 121. Hemispheres of brain, 135. Hepatic vein, 92. Hip bone, 33. Hip joint, 33, 40. Humerus, 26. Hunger, 149. Hydrogen, 69. Hygiene, of bones and joints, 41-43- of circulation, 58-62. of digestive organs, 93, 94. of ear, 166, 167. of eye, 161-165. of muscles, 20-22. of nervous system, 142-146. of respiration, 105-115 of skin, 125-129. of teeth, 83-85. Incisor teeth, 81. Incus bone, 159. Indigestion, 93. Infectious diseases, 169-180. Inferior vena cava, 50, 92. Inorganic foods, 70*, 73. Insanity, 146. Inspiration, 99, 100. Instep, 31. Intercostal ribs, 100. Internal ear, 159, 160. Intestinal juice, 90. Intestine, large, 91, 92. small, 89, 90. Intoxication, 188, 189. Involuntary actions, 141, 142. Involuntary muscles, 19. Iris, 154, 156, 157. Iron, 69. Jawbone, 36, 37. Jellyfish, 39. Joints, dislocation of, 42, 43 hygiene of, 41-43. structure of, 39, 40. K Kidneys, 124. Kneecap, 33, 34. Knee joint, 33. Knuckles, 23. L Lachrymal ducts, 153. Lacteals, 90. Larynx, 96, 103. Leg, bones of, 31-34. function of, 34, 35. Lettuce, starch in, 71. Levers of body, 29. Ligaments, defined, 40. injury to, 42, 43. Lime, 69. Liver, 90, 92. Longitudinal fissure, 135. Longsightedness, 158. Lower maxillary bone, 36. 37 Lumbar vertebrae, 35. Lungs, description of, 96-99. effect of tobacco on, 1 14, Lymphatics, 88. M Malaria, 176, 177. Malleus bone, 159. Marrow of bone, 40. 204 INDEX Mastication, 82. Maxillary bones, 36, 37. Measles, 173, 174. Meat, 72, 74. Medulla oblongata, 135, 136. Membrana tympani, 159, 160. Membrane, 41. Mesentery, 89. Metacarpals, 23, 24. Metatarsals, 31, 33. Middle ear, 159. Mildews, 72. Milk, 71, 72. Mitral valve, 49. Molar teeth, 81. Molds, 72. Mosquitoes, carriers of disease germs, 177-179. Motions, number of, 16, 17. production of, 16, 17. Mouth, 79, 80, 96. Mucous coat of small intestine, 89, 90. Mucous coat of stomach, 88. Mucous membrane of air tubes, 96. Mucus, 80, 96, 97. Muscle fiber, 133. Muscles, care of, 20-22. contractile power of, 15, 17, 1 8. description of, 13-15. in lower animals, 17. involuntary, 19. number of, 16. voluntary, 19. Muscular tissue, 50, 65, 66. Mushrooms, 72. N Nails, 123, 127. Narcotics, 60-62. Nearsightedness, 163, 164. Nerve cells, 132, 133. Nerve center, 148. Nerve fiber, 132, 134. Nerves, cranial, 137. description of, 18, 132. in arm, 18, 130, 131. part of nervous system, 133, 134- sensory, 148. spinal, 137. Nervous control of respiration, 100. Nervous impulses, 18, 19, 131, 139, 140. Nervous system, action of, 139. brain, 135-137. care of, 142-144. effects of alcohol on, 145, 146. habits, 144, 145. involuntary actions, 14.1, 142. nerve cells, 134. nerve fibers, 132, 133. nerves, 132. nervous impulses, 18, 19, 131, 139, 140. parts of, 133, 134. spinal cord, 134, 135, 137. sympathetic system, 137. voluntary'actions, 140, 141, Nervous tissue, 65. 66. Nicotine, 114, 193-195. Nitrogen in air, 105. in proteids, 72, 73. in tissues, 69. Nitrogenous foods, 72, 74. Non-nitrogenous foods, 72, 74. Nostrils, 96. INDEX 205 Occipital bone, 134. Odors, 152. Oil glands, 118. Oils, 71, 78. Opium, 195, 196. Optic nerve, 155, 156, Organ, denned, 63. Organic foods, 70, 71. Organisms, 65. Organization in body, 64, 65. Os innominatum, 33. Osseous tissue, 69. Oxidation, 67-69, 72, 73. Oxygen, in air, 105, 106. in circulation, 20, 57. in oxidation, 67-69. in respiration, 95, 97, 101, 102. P Pain, 148, 149. Palate, 80. soft, 151. Pancreas, 90. Pancreatic juice, 90. Papillae of skin, 119. Patella bone, 33, 34. Peas, as food, 72, 74. Pelvic arch, 35. Peptones, 88, 90. Pericardial liquid, 50. Pericardium, 50. Perspiration, 79, 120-122. Phalanges, 23, 31. Pharynx, 86, 87, 96. Phosphorus, 69. Pinna, 159. Plasma, 56, 57. Poisons, 184. Portal vein, 92. Potassium, 69. Potatoes, food substances in, 71, 72, 74- Premolar teeth, 81. Pressure of blood, 53, 54. Processes, 35. . Proteids, action of gastric juice on, 88. action of pancreatic juice on, 90. digestion of, 78. foods containing, 71, 72, oxidation of, 73. Pulmonary artery and veins, 49, 50. Pulmonary circulation., 51. Pulp of tooth, 81. Pulse, 46, 53, 54. Pupil of eye, 154. Pylorus, 87. R Radius bone, 25, 26. Reflex actions, 141, 142. Repair and growth, 68. Respiration, amount of air breathed, 101. artificial, 114-116. in lower animals, 97, 98. nervous control^ 100. respiratory acts, 99, 100. respiratory organs, 96, 97, Retina, 156. Ribs, 36-38, 97. Rice, 74. Rods and cones of eye, 156, I57 Sacrum bone, 35. Salines, 73. Saliva, 82. 206 INDEX Salivary glands, 80, 82. Scapula bone, 26, 27. Scarlet fever, 173, 174. Sclerotic coat of eye, 155. Secretion of glands, 79, 120-122, 124. Seeing, 156, 157. Semicircular canals, 160. ^ Semilunar valves, 49. Sensations, defined, 147. general and special, 147, 148. Sense organs, 133, 148. Sensory nerves, 148. Shortsightedness, 158. Shoulder blade, 26. Shoulder girdle, 23. Shoulder joint, 40. Sight, 148, 153-158- Skeleton, animals without, 39. bones of arm and hand, 23-30. bones of face, 36, 37. bones of leg, 31-34. bones of thorax, 36. different kinds of, 38. divisions of body, 34, 35. skull, 36. spinal column, 35. Skin, as organ of temperature, 122, 123. care of, 125-129. structure of, 117, 118. sweat glands in, 120, 122. touch organs in, 122, 150, 151. uses of, 123, 124. Skull, 36. Sleep, function of, 143. lack of, 1 68. Smallpox, 173, 174. Smell, 148, 152. Sodium, 69. Sore eyes, 165. Sound, sensation of, 158, 160. Special sensation, 148. Special-sense organ, 148. Spinal canal, 36. Spinal column, 35, 37. Spinal cord, nerve cells in, 132, 133- part of nervous system, 132- 134- position of, 36. structure of, 134, 135. Spinal nerves, 137. Sprain, 42, 43, 169. Stapes bone, 159, 160. Starches, action of pancreatic juice on, 90. digestion of, 78, 82. foods containing, 70-72. Sternum, 36, 97. Stimulants, 181-197. Stimulation of muscles, 19. Stimulus, nervous, 19, 130. Stomach, 87-89. Subclavian vein, left, 92. Sugar, digestion of, 77, 78. foods containing, 70-72. Sulphur, 69. Superior vena cava, 50, 92. Swallowing, 87. Sweat, 79, 120-122. Sweat glands, 79, 120, 122. Sweet potatoes, starch in, 71. Sympathetic nervous system, 137- Systemic circulation, 51. Systems, 64. T Tannin, 190, 191. Tarsals, 31, 33. INDEX 207 Taste, organs of, 80, 148. sense of, 151, 152. Tea, 62, 190-192. Tear ducts, 153. Tears, 79, 153. Teeth, care of, 83-85. description of, 80, 81 . structure of, 81. Temperature, of body, 121, 122. sense of, 148. 150, 151. Tendons, 13-15, 40. Theine, 190, 191. Thirst, 149. Thorax, bones of, 36. in respiration, 96, 97. Thumb, 23, 24. Thyroid cartilage, 103. Tibia bone, 33. Tissues, 65, 66. Tobacco, physiological effects of, 62, 114, 193-195. Tongue, 80, 151. Tooth, see Teeth. Touch, 122, 148-151. Trachea, 96. Tricuspid valve, 49. Tuberculosis of lungs, 174, *75- Typhoid fever, 175, 176. U Ulna bone, 24-26. Urea, 69, 124. Vaccination, 174. Valves of heart, 49, 5 it- Veins, described, 47. flow of blood in, 54. function of, 50. structure of, 51. Ventilation, 106-112. Ventricles, 49. Vertebrae, 35, 36, 97. Vertebrates, 38. Vestibule of ear, 160. Vibrations, 158, 159. Villi of small intestine, 90. Vision, distinct, 157. Vitreous humor, 156. Vocal cords, 103. Voice, 103. Voluntary actions, 140, 141. Voluntary muscles, 19. W Wall-eye, 164. Wastes of body, 69, 124. Water, as inorganic food, 73, 74- excretion of, 122, 124. germs carried by, 176. in air, 105. in digestion, 78. in oxidation, 67, 72. in tissues, 69. White matter, 134. Will, muscles controlled by, 18, 19. Wounds, 59, 169, 179, 180. Wrist, 24. Yeast, 181-183. Yellow fever, 177, 178. v^roo uenjui J52 Prii 1 QOfi rrtrtrf is, u.r. iary lessons *T rtl n r*rr nnH JL'OJLO / in human innl-Fh j. JUD pny i LIBRARY COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HI! ill