BERKELEY LIBR/ .Y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EARTH SCIENCI LIBRARV . ^ v . -.%;-.U-AA \ TREATISE ON MINERALOGY BY CHARLES UPHAM SHEPARD, A. B. \\ Lecturer on Botany in Yale College ; Member of the American Geolo- gical Society ; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Nat- ural Sciences of Philadelphia, of the Natural History Society of Montreal, and of the French Society of Universal Statistics, &c. NEW HAVEN: HEZEKIAH HOWE. 1832. * ^ SCONCES Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1832, by CHARLES U. SHEPARD, in the Clerk's office, of the District Court of Connecticut. Printed by Hezekiah Howe. PREFACE. THE leading features of the present treatise are due to the circumstances under which the author studied Min- eralogy. Situated out of the reach of personal instruction, or the facilities which a well arranged collection affords, he was compelled to acquire his knowledge of Terminology from the descriptions of species contained in various works upon the science, with the aid of such a collection of min- erals as the vicinity in which he lived principally afforded. The problem of determining from books the names of his minerals was frequently to be solved ; and he soon discov- ered how little benefit he could enjoy in the task, from the scientific process by which the Botanist and Zoologist are guided to the names of objects in their respective depart- ments. A complete treatise was often to be perused spe- cies after species in succession^ from beginning to end in order to arrive at the name of a particular mineral. A method of proceeding like this, however annoying it might occasionally prove to the student accustomed to the simple and precise systems of Natural History, could nevertheless, from the limited number of species in Mineralogy, have been tolerated, but for the painful uncertainty in which it often left the mind when every species had been examined, and some one fixed upon perhaps, as that to which the in- dividual under examination might belong. This want of confidence, however, which he was continually prevented from placing in the accuracy of his results, made all his early studies of a nature most discouraging. Nor was it IV PREFACE. always possible to derive the satisfaction desired, from others. Doubtful minerals would come back referred to two or three species, or with a name followed by that mod- est sign of ignorance the well known interrogation point. Or if correctly referred, the descriptions of the author would not in all cases coincide with the ipse dixit of the umpire, and therefore left no certain verification in the case. Thus, the determination of minerals was found to be not only empirical, but often impracticable. The cause of this was sufficiently obvious. The classes and subordinate divisions were founded upon such proper- ties as prevented them from being available to the miner- alogist, requiring the practice of a difficult department of another science ; so that no one thought of employing them in reducing a mineral to its place in the system. No sci- entific process existed for leading the inquirer to the name of an unknown mineral ; but it was left to the general de- scriptions to perform a task to which, from the nature of the case, they were incompetent. Indeed, it appears to have been taken for granted by the authors of the minera- logical treatises of that period, that students were in all cases to acquire a knowledge of Mineralogy through teach- ers and cabinets ; and that if, after being thus taught, it should ever become necessary to determine a mineral, it must be taken for that purpose to some professor of the science. That the determinative part of Mineralogy was suffered to remain so long in this condition, can only be explained by the fact, that the study was chiefly cultivated by Chem- ists ; who, not having experienced the advantages of the methods of Natural History, were in a measure unconscious of the embarrassments under which they labored. PREFACE. V The first classification available for this purpose which the author met with, was that of Mr. H. J. BROOKE, at the end of his "familiar introduction to Crystallography ;"* where crystallized minerals are distributed into orders ac- cording to their primary forms. By this scientific method he was often aided in the recognition of minerals ; and so well convinced was he of its judiciousness, that he has adopted it, as will be seen, for the grounds of his orders in two of the classes in the Analytical System advanced in this work. In the year 1826, the truly admirable treatise of Prof. MOHS was made known to the American public through the translation of Mr. HAiDiNGER.f This work immediately caught the attention of the author, and realized in the most perfect manner all he had wished for respecting the devel- opement of the different departments of Mineralogy. Not only the distinctions required for the determination of min- erals, but a new arrangement indicating more exactly their natural affinities, and a nomenclature expressive of such re- lations, were all accomplished. While, however, the treatise in question seemed to have settled Mineralogy in all its great points, and to have con- ferred upon it the true marks of a science, advancing it to its proper place among the Natural Sciences ; still, the ab- struse manner in which that part of Terminology was treat- ed which relates to Crystallography, (involving as it did a familiarity with the higher branches of the mathematics,) and the application of his Characteristic to the Synthetical * A Familiar Introduction to Crystallography. By HENRY JAMES BROOKE. 8vo. London: 1823. t Treatise on Mineralogy, by FREDERICK MOHS ; translated from the German, by WILLIAM HAIDINGER. 3 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh : 1825 r A* VI PREFACE. Arrangement, precluded at once its use among the majority of those who wish to acquire some knowledge of the min- eral kingdom. Under these circumstances, the author imagined that he might perform a serviceable task for Mineralogy, by bring- ing forward a Characteristic available to the student pos- sessed of less mathematical knowledge than that presuppo- sed by the system of MOHS ; and he would most willingly have contented himself with this performance merely, and have left it for those persons who might find it for their convenience to employ it, to seek elsewhere the requisite knowledge of Terminology, but that he was unable to point them to any single work from which they might derive this information. He has therefore collected and digested, into a form the most perspicuous in his power, just that amount of Terminology which he believed would answer the end in view. This he has done in the order pursued by MOHS ; though a different view altogether has been pre- sented of the subject of Crystallography. The distinctions with respect to individuality in the mineral kingdom what is a simple and what a compound mineral the distinct con- sideration of the properties of simple and compound min- erals, as well as the treatment of the property of Hardness, are in close imitation of Prof. MOHS ; whose words it was so often found necessary to quote, from the impossibility of condensing them more highly, that for the sake of con- venience, acknowledgement for the liberty taken has been reserved to be made in the present summary manner. Scarcely less in conformity with the plan of the above mentioned treatise, the author has drawn up a view of the more theoretical, but no less important, departments PREFACE. Vll of Classification, Nomenclature, Characteristic and Physi- ography. The study of these branches of Mineralogy is indispensable to the student who would comprehend the true philosophy of the science. And certainly, no mind possessed of a laudable spirit of inquiry can be willing to rest in the mere practice of Mineralogy; it will desire to understand the nature of those general ideas which facil- itate this art, as well as those which are otherwise involved in the pursuit. In the treatment of Crystallography, the author has fol- lowed the elementary treatise of BROOKE before alluded to, whose system of primitive forms and method of illustra- ting their modifications, he has adopted with very little al- teration; having experienced in his own case and witnessed in others, how well suited they are both to the determina- tive and descriptive parts of Mineralogy. He has also drawn largely from the excellent article on crystallization, in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, written by A. J. M. BROCHANT DE VILLIERS. It will be seen, then, that the present treatise aims es- pecially to aid persons who would acquire a knowledge of Mineralogy independently of personal instruction, and the advantages of a completely arranged cabinet. It even adapts itself to the wants of those who are unacquainted with the first rudiments of Geometry ; nor does it require any, the least, knowledge of Chemistry, in order to its be- ing perfectly comprehended in all its parts. It requires to be observed, however, that the department of Physiography is not embraced in the present volume. Those who make use of it therefore, will have occasion to consult some other treatise for full descriptions of the spe- cies, and the various collateral information usually found in Vlll PREFACE. connection with this department of the science. The author has, however, in the course of preparation a vol- ume devoted to descriptions, drawn up in conformity with the rules of Physiography, as laid down in this treatise, (. 126). Each species will be described under the trivial name by which it is designated in the Characteristic of this work ; and the order in which they will be arranged, will be alphabetical, with a view to favor easy reference ; against which arrangement there can be no objection urged, since the use of the descriptions always presupposes a knowledge of the names. The beginner in Mineralogy will by no means think of perusing the Characteristic in order to obtain a knowledge of minerals. This contrivance has for its object solely the recognition of minerals, always presuming that they are in our hands. Having ascertained the name, the next step in course, is to arrive at a general conception of the species : this is effected through the Pliysiography. It is almost needless to remark, that it would be equally useless to study the descriptions to effect the determination of minerals. Still less can it be recommended to the student to arrange his collection in conformity with the Artificial System herein proposed. He has no interest in the classes and orders, or in the succession observed among the species, except so far as they relate to the naming of minerals. To ar- range a cabinet of specimens according to a System invented solely to conduct to their names, would be like preserving the staging about an edifice after its construction was completed. The t\vo Systems according to which collections of miner- als will undoubtedly continue to be arranged, are the Chem- ical and the Natural-historical; the former of which will have its adherents among Chemists, and the latter among PREFACE. IX Naturalists. A view of both of these, for the convenience of those who possess collections, will be annexed to the second part of the work alluded to above. * The trivial names are employed in the Characteristic as has been already remarked, in all those cases where they are possessed of them; in other instances, they are desig- nated by their chemical or natural-historical epithets. To avoid however, in two instances of recently discovered American minerals, the long, chemical designations bestow- ed upon them by Dr. THOMSON, the author has ventured upon two new names : one case is that of the Bi-silicate of Magnesia of Bolton, Mass., the other is that of the Ferru- ginous silicate of Manganese of Stirling, New-Jersey ; the the former, he has called Boltonite to commemorate a cel- ebrated deposit of minerals, and the latter Troostite, in honor of Dr. TROOST, a gentleman whose services and accomplishments in Mineralogy are too well known to re- quire any apology for this employment of his name. But while the present treatise was primarily intended to answer the wants of private students, the author regards it as no less applicable to the circumstances of those who enjoy personal instruction. No oral communications can be a sub- stitute, surely, for an acquaintance with Terminology. This constitutes in fact the preliminary occupation of the Lec- turer on the science; and it is here chiefly, that the Instruct- or who possesses the requisite models and specimens ren- ders an important service to the pupil. The way in which this department is treated in the present work, being that of a series of connected propositions, will favor the impor- tant exercise of recitation and review, which is the only method by which the Teacher can satisfy himself, whether PREFACE. the pupil is qualified to enter upon the other departments of of the science. For nothing, it will readily be conceded, is calculated to produce a more unhappy effect upon the attainments of the pupil, than to enter upon the determina- tive and descriptive parts, without the requisite familiarity with the preliminary considerations of Terminology. It is pursuing a course equally injudicious with that of studying Trigonometrical Analysis, while ignorant of Algebra. Such teachers as may have occasion to use this treatise, and as would wish to employ it in conformity with the views with which it was written, will adopt a course with their pupils, considerably different from that now in use. The Characteristic, instead of the general descriptions, is intend- ed to succeed to Terminology. The pupil must be as- sisted to determine a few minerals in each order, and then be thrown upon his own resources and referred directly to the mineral kingdom. Indeed the author cannot acquiesce in the method so often pursued of attempting to illustrate to the beginner in succession, the general descriptions of the species by the exhibition of specimens. The utility of this practice, it is believed cannot be made to appear. In many instances, it seems to be practiced with a view to familiar- ize the student with Terminology; but this should have been acquired systematically by itself, as the preliminary to every other knowledge of minerals. The duty of the Teacher of Mineralogy appears to be best discharged, when he has led his pupils through the consideration of the properties of minerals, exercised them with the Characteristic, and engaged them fully in the prac- tice of the science; to which may be added, the opening to them eventually of a collection of specimens, arranged so as to exhibit the most important relations of the species, as well as to illustrate the contents of each in all the se- PREFACE. XI ries of its properties. A class thus instructed, it is believ- ed will soon become skilful in the practice of the art, and be able to form a proper conception of the contents of the mineral kingdom. As to what relates to the geographi- cal and geological distribution and economical uses, as well as to the literature of the science, this will best be learned from books ; and cannot with advantage form a part of the elementary communications of the Lecturer. The same may be said of the chemical composition of the species ; a kind of information which may be introduced properly enough into an extended course of instruction on the science to which it relates, but, which should wholly be excluded from early lessons on Mineralogy. The author trusts that he has not overlooked in his Charac- teristic any well authenticated species of minerals. To avoid this, he has had constantly at hand not only the most re- cent treatises on Mineralogy in English, French, and German, but likewise the Scientific Journals in these Languages, as well as those in Swedish ; and he hopes that as a recent catalogue of mineralogical species, his work may afford some interest to more advanced students than those for whom it was expressly prepared. CHARLES U. SHEPARD. New Haven, June 1st, 1832. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Page. . 1. Compass of the Mineral Kingdom, 1 . 2. Different kinds of Knowledge relating to Minerals, . . 2 . 3. Principal Heads of Mineralogy, . . . . . 3 . 4. Terminology, 3 . 5. Classification, 3 . 6. Nomenclature, 3 . 7. Characteristic, 3 .8. Description, 3 . 9. Method to be followed in acquiring a knowledge of Mineralogy, 4 . 10. Individuals, 4 PART I. TERMINOLOGY. . Introductory. .11. Individuals produced by Crystallization, .... 6 . 12. Imperfectly formed Minerals, 6 . 13. Decomposed Minerals, 7 .14. Simple Mineral, 8 .15. Compound Mineral, 3 B XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. . 16. Mixed Mineral, 8 . 17. Properties of Minerals, 9 . 18. Division of the Natural Properties, 9 SECTION I. . 19. Crystal, 11 .20. Object of Crystallography, 11 .21. Planes or Faces, 12 .22. Edges, 13 . 23. Plane Angle, . 13 . 24. Solid Angle, 14 .25. Similar Faces, 14 .26. Similar Edges, 14 . 27. Similar Plane Angles, 14 .28. Similar Solid Angles, 15 Considerations upon the connexion among crystals, and the rela- tions upon which it depends. OBSERVATIONS. . 29. Certain Mineral species affect peculiar crystalline Forms, 16 . 30. Different Forms in the same species, 16 . 31. Derivation of different Forms within a species, ... 18 Consideration of fundamental or primary Forms, and of some of their geometrical relations. . 32. Primary Forms, 18 .33. The Cube, 19 . 34. The regular Tetrahedron, 19 .35. The regular Octahedron, 20 .36. The rhombic Dodecahedron, 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV Page. . 37. The Octahedron with a square base, 22 . 38. The Octahedron with a rectangular base, .... 22 . 39. The Octahedron with a rhombic base, .... 23 .40. The right square Prism, 23 .41, The right rectangular Prism, 24 . 42. The right rhombic Prism, 25 . 43. The right oblique-angled Prism, 25 .44. The oblique rhombic Prism, 26 . 45. The doubly oblique Prism, ...... 27 . 46. The Rhomboid, 29 . 47. The regular hexagonal Prism, 31 Consideration of the changes to which the Primary Forms of Crystals are subject. . 48. Modifications of Primary Forms, 31 . 49. Kinds of Modifications, 32 . 50. Disposition of Secondary Planes regulated by symmetrical Laws, 33 .51. Passage of one Form into another, 48 Of the imperfections of Crystals in respect to their Form. . 52. Kinds of Imperfection in Form, 56 . 53. Irregularities depending upon the Formation of the Individu- als themselves, 56 . 54. Irregularities from contact with other Individuals, . . 58 .55. System of Crystallization, .59 . 56. Series of Crystallization, 60 . 57. Methods for ascertaining the Angles of Crystals, . . 61 .58. Structure, 68 . 59. Cleavage, 68 $, 60, Cleavage Planes, .69 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. ,61. Direction of Cleavage constant, , 69 . 62. Form of Cleavage, 69 . 63. But one Form of Cleavage (generally) in the members of a species, 72 . 64. Relation between Forms of Cleavage and Crystals, . . 72 . 65. Relation between Forms of Cleavage and Primary Forms, 75 . 66. Primary Form, in the Absence of Cleavage, how established, 75 . 67. Directions for ascertaining the Primary Forms of Crystals, 76 . 68. Fracture, 79 . 69. Kinds of Fracture, 79 . 70. Surface, 80 SECTION II. Compound Minerals. .71. Regular and Irregular Composition, .... 82 .72. Regular Composition of two Individuals, .... 83 . 73. Regular Composition of more than two Individuals, . . 89 . 74. Irregular Composition. Groupe and Geode of Crystals, 90 . 75. Imitative Shapes, 90 . 76. Imitative Shapes originating in the Groupes of Crystals, 91 . 77. Imitative Shapes arising out of the Geodes of Crystals, 91 . 78. Amorphous Composition, 93 . 79. Accidental Imitative Shapes, ...... 94 . 80. Regular Accidental Imitative Shapes. Pseudomorphoses, 94 .81. Irregular Accidental Imitative Shapes, .... 97 .82. Particles of Composition, 98 . 83. Single and Multiple Composition, 100 . 84. Characteristic Marks of Composition, .... 100 . 85. Structure of Compound Minerals, 102 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV11 Page. SECTION III- The natural properties common to both Simple and Compound Minerals. .86. Division, 103 The Optical Properties of Minerals. .87. Lustre, Color, Transparency, . . . . . 103 .88. Kinds and Intensity of Lustre, 104 . 89. Series in the Differences of Lustre, ..... 106 .90. Division of Colors, 106 .91. Metallic Colors, 107 . 92. Non-Metallic Colors, 107 . 93. Series of Colors, Ill . 94. Peculiarities in the Occurrence of Colors, . . . Ill .95. The Streak, 113 .9G. Degrees of Transparency, 114 The Physical Properties of Minerals. . 97. State of Aggregation, 115 . 98. Hardness, 116 . 99. Specific Gravity, 120 . 100. Magnetism, 123 . 101. Electricity, 123 . 102. Taste, . .124 . 103. Odor, 124 PART II. CLASSIFICATION. . 104. Identity, 130 . 105. Difference, . . . . ' 132 XV111 TABLE OF CONTENTS. . 106. Species, . 132 . 107. Transitions, 133 . 108. Two kinds of Classification, ...... 134 jlnalytical System. . 109. Division of the Mineral Kingdom into Classes, . 139 . 110. Division of the Crystallized Class into Orders, . .-141 .111. Division of the Semi-Crystallized Class into Orders, . 141 . 112. Division of the Uncrystallized Class into Orders, . . 142 . 113. Arrangement of the Species within the Orders, . . 153 PART III. NOMENCLATURE. . 114. General Object of Nomenclature, 144 . 115. Systematic Nomenclature, 144 . 116. Trivial Nomenclature, .145 . 117. Nomenclature in an Analytical System, .... 146 PART IV. CHARACTERISTIC. . 118. Definition, 147 . 119. Properties of the Characters, 147 . 120, Characters of the Classes and Orders, .' 148 .121. Characters for the Species, 148 . 122. Use of the Characteristic, 150 Characters of the Species in Class I, 154 Characters of the species in Class II, 202 Characters of the Species in Class III, 212 Alphabetical list of imperfectly examined Minerals, . . . 243 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX PART V. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Page. . 123. Definition, 249 . 124. Objects of Physiography, 250 .125. General Description of the Species, .... 251 . 126. Arrangement of the General Description, . . . 252 . 127. Collective Descriptions independent of all Systems, . 255 . 128. Additional Information appended to the Collective Descrip- tions, 255 ERRATA. Page. 16, 18, 103, Omissions in a part of the edition. 214, insert between lines 21 and 22, a line of separation. 226, 6th line, insert fl before Dolomite. 238, 9th " " IT " lolite. 238, 16th " " IF " Dysluite, Line. Error. Correction. 9, as, is. 16, adapted, adopted. 26, characters, properties. INTRODUCTION. . 1. COMPASS OF THE MINERAL KINGDOM. THE Mineral Kingdom includes all inorganic, natural pro- ductions. Natural productions are divisible into two great classes ; the one consisting of organic, the other of inorganic bodies. These classes have nothing in common, except the general properties of matter. Organic bodies are composed of integrant parts essentially different in the same individual, in their consistence and composition, no les? than in their situation and use ; while inorganic bodies, on the con- trary, are made up of similar particles, any of which taken sepa- rately present the properties of the whole. The growth, or forma- tion of inorganic bodies is dependent solely upon molecular attrac- tion ; whilst in the other class, the arrangement of the particles is influenced by an additional foice often conducting them by a long and Circuitous route before they reach their appropriate deposits: this modifying force is known under the name of vitality. When the power which governs the formation of inorganic bodies has com- pleted its action, the bodies remain in a passive state ; and the dis- union of their molecules, by any external force, destroys their ex- istence. Organic bodies, on the other hand, are never in a passive state- They constantly accumulate, and part with, new molecules; and cease to exist, when the acquisition of additional particles can no longer take place. Inorganic bodies are altogether comprehended under the name of Minerals. An attempt has been made to divide the inorganic class into two divisions, according as they constitute the solid mass of the globe, or the fluid mass of the atmosphere ; and hence the distinc- tion which has been proposed of Jltmospherilia and Fossils. But, as it refers solely to the state of bodies, whether they are gaseous or concrete, and to their situation, whether within the earth or around it, it obviously possesses, too slender grounds to be proposed as a logical distinction ; and has not, accordingly, been acknowledged by the majority of naturalists. The term, fossil, is at present-more 1 55 INTRODUCTION. correctly applied to denote organic remains, found imbedded in the earth. . 2. DIFFERENT KINDS OF KNOWLEDGE RELATING TO MINERALS. MINERALS may be studied as so many different objects with a view to their recognition : this kind of information is denominated Mineralogy. Minerals may be studied again, with a view to learn their composition, or their chemical relations : this knowledge forms a part of Chemistry. They may be studied also for the purpose of elucidating the gen- eral structure and arrangements of the earth : this pertains to Geology. They may be studied as respects their dis- tribution over the face of the earth : this is a branch of Physical Geography. Finally, they may be studied with regard to tlftir applications to the arts: this is a part of Economy. The relations which exist between the different kinds of knowl- edge just enumerated are very important. Mineralogy may indeed be said to be independent of all the other sciences which relate to minerals, having nothing to perform except their determination, and the description of their natural properties. But, Chemistry requires the information which it is the business of Mineralogy to supply at the commencement of its inquiries concerning these bodies, in order to designate the objects about which its peculiar researches are em- ployed. Geology in like manner presupposes a considerable ac- quaintance with Mineralogy, for it is impossible for mountain masses to be distinguished except from a mineralogical knowledge of their ingredients; and Economy cannot avail itself of sub- stances w r hich it is unable to recognize, or Geography indicate the distribution of objects who^o names are unknown. Mineralogy enables us to apply to minerals whatever is taught in other sciences, by determining the objects treated of by them ; and its true value becomes apparent, if we reflect that whatever knowledge we may possess concerning minerals, it is little better than useless, if we INTRODUCTION. 3 are unable to indicate with certainty the particular species to which it belongs. . 3. PRINCIPAL HEADS OF MINERALOGY. THE development of Mineralogy involves the following general heads: viz. 1. Terminology, 2. Classification, 3. Nomenclature, 4. Characteristic, 5. Description. . 4. TERMINOLOGY. Terminology consists in an explanation of the natural properties employed in recognizing and describing minerals, and of the language or technical terms used in this expla- nation. . 5. CLASSIFICATION. Classification settles the idea of the species, and the principles upon which their arrangement depends. . 6. NOMENCLATURE. Nomenclature furnishes the names and denominations applied to minerals. . 7. CHARACTERISTIC. % The characteristic is confined to certain marks, or differ- ences, arranged systematically, for the purpose of enabling us to distinguish the members of one division, class, or spe- cies from those of another. . 8. DESCRIPTION. The description of minerals consists in an enumeration of all their natural properties ; and is intended to produce & distinct image of individuals. 4 INTRODUCTION. . 9. METHOD TO BE FOLLOWED IN ACQUIRING A KNOWL- EDGE OF MINERALS. The course to be adopted by persons aiming at a thorough ac- quaintance with the inorganic kingdom, consists, in the first place, in studying the properties of these bodies, and in acquiring a knowl- edge of the terms by which they are designated. This will require as a preliminary, a familiarity with a few definitions in geometry ; and afterwards, access to a collection of minerals arranged on pur- pose to illustrate the properties. in question. The remaining princi- ples of Mineralogy being understood, the student should apply him- self at once to the Characteristic, or the means of arriving at the names of unknown minerals through the use of the artificial system : the names attained, he will be led, by having recourse to an alpha- betical index, without farther inconvenience, to a full account of their nature from the catalogue of species', in which all the knowl- edge possessed, concerning minerals, is systematically detailed. After his acquaintance with the majority of the species is formed, he will be prepared to enter upon that higher and more interesting field, where the affinities of the different species are sought out with a view to discover the more comprehensive unities of genera, orders and classes which exist in the science, and whose survey is always attended with a high degree of satisfaction, as offering to the mind, at a single glance, the various degrees of resemblance with which nature itself has impressed her own productions. . 10. INDIVIDUALS. An inorganic production which is a single body is con- sidered as an Individual in the mineral kingdom. A crystal of Quartz, Iron-pyrites, or Topaz, is an individual in the highest sense of the word, since within the space occupied by its form, there exists a similar kind of matter in a state of insular exist- ence, being every where cut off from union with other individuals of the same, or of different kinds of matter; A distinct concretion of granular Limestone is also an individual, -although circumstances have prevented it from assuming its regular shape. Such produc- tions are to be viewed as independent wholes, and capable of con- sideration without regard to their connexion with other individuals j INTRODUCTION. 5 in the same manner as an entire plant, or an entire animal is capa- ble of the same process. There are many inorganic bodies incapable of being considered as wholes ; because they are not limited toward their boundaries in any determinate manner. To such belong Water, Atmospheric-air, and in general, those bodies which are fluid at natural temperatures. They may, and undoubtedly do, consist of a great many individuals; but the imperfection of our organs place them beyond the reach of examination, and compel us to study them in masses. In this situa- tion with respect to these bodies, we may indeed compare our case with that of the botanist who is permitted to view a verdant mass of vegetation only from a distance, instead of examining nearer by, the individual forms of which it is composed. TERMINOLOGY, PART I. TERMINOLOGY. INTRODUCTORY. . 11. INDIVIDUALS PRODUCED BY CRYSTALLIZATION. The power which gives rise to individuals, is called Crys- tallization. When minerals assume the state of individuality, or in other words, pass from the fluid to the solid state, they acquire not only regularity of shape, but cohesion, weight, and different relations to light; and, hence, these properties, also, must be considered as the products of crystallization. Their entire assemblage in any one case, is the mineral itself ; at least so far as it is an object of Mineralogy. Minerals upon which the power of crystallization has never ex- erted its force, are destitute of these properties, and accordingly not possessed of individuality. They are mere shapeless masses which find a place in the mineralogical system, only, because they are natural productions. Temperature exercises a controlling influence over the crystalli- . zation of minerals. Water and Mercury assume the condition of in- dividuality if their temperature be sufficiently reduced ; while on the on the other hand, Native bismuth, Silver and many others resign this state, and become liquid, if their temperature is elevated to a certain point. On this account, it becomes necessary to fix the de- gree of temperature in which minerals shall be considered ; and the ordinary temperature, in which water is fluid, has accordingly been agreed upon. . 12. IMPERFECTLY FORMED MINERALS. Those minerals are said to be imperfectly formed, which are deficient in any of those properties, which distinguish the finished productions of crystallization. INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. 7 In these bodies the power of crystallization appears to have been interrupted during their formation, and they have accordingly been left in an incomplete state. Examples of this kind may be seen in uncrystallized Quartz, massive Garnet, and common Feldspar. Such minerals are in a similar condition with the defective or monstrous individuals occurring in the organic kingdom. It will not appear strange, moreover, that they should on the whole be much more numerous among inanimate bodies than among living beings ; since the individualizing power in the former, beside being confined to a single cause, viz. that of crystallization, (. 11.) is liable to be af- fected by a much greater variety of accidents than the latter. . 13. DECOMPOSED MINERALS. Decomposed minerals are those which have lost some of those properties derived from the power of crystallization. Decomposed minerals are, either, only impaired in the color, lus- ter, and hardness of their crystals, while the form is preserved, as is the case with Laumonite, or they are reduced to the form of powder and shapeless masses, wholly destitute of regular structure, lustre, or constant degrees of hardness, and specific gravity, as in the instance of Porcelain clay, derived from the decomposition of Feldspar. Such bodies, obviously, are no more proper objects of mineralogical determination than are the decayed portions of a plant of botanical consideration. Still, it will generally be possible to dis- cover what a decomposed mineral has been in its natural state, though to effect this we must employ a different method from that adopted in determining other minerals. Decomposed minerals are of rare occurrence, except at the im- mediate surface of the earth, where minerals are exposed to a va- riety of mechanical forces in addition to the chemical agency of heat, air, and moisture. Still the progress actually made by these disintegrating and decomposing agents is very limited. Many min- erals continue to preserve the integrity of their characters, though almost impalpably reduced in size ; and immense surfaces of rock remain apparently unaltered from age to age amidst this incessant warfare. 8 TERMINOLOGY. . 15. SIMPLE MINERAL. A single individual, or a part of one, in the inorganic kingdom is called a simple mineral. A crystal of Quartz, or a fragment of one is therefore a simple mineral : a distinct concretion of Limestone is likewise a simple mineral. No allusion to the chemical composition of a mineral is to be understood by the term simple : a simple mineral maybe com- posed of a single element as is the fact with regard to a crystal of Diamond, or it may be composed of several as in a crystal of Em- erald. . 15. COMPOUND MINERAL. An inorganic substance consisting of more than one in- dividual of the same kind is called a compound mineral. Examples of compound minerals may be seen in specimens of Fluor made up of many distinct crystalline masses, or in a mass of granular Limestone or fibrous Haematite. They are produced whenever several individuals of the same kind are formed within a common space where the contact is too close to allow of their assuming their regular form. Therefore the individuals which form a compound mineral, do not possess regularity. . 16. MIXED MINERAL. A mixed mineral consists of two or more simple miner- als of different kinds united together. Granite, which is an aggregate formed of Quartz, Feldspar and Mica, is a mixed mineral. Porphyries, Lavas and most Slaty rocks are of the same denomination. With these, Mineralogy has no concern ; it having already performed its duty as respects them in ascertaining the nature of their ingredients, or, in other words, of the simple minerals which compose them. INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. . 17. PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. The properties, or characters of minerals may be said to* be of two kinds : the first consisting of those which miner- als exhibit while in their natural state ; and the second of those observed during, or after a change has been produ- ced in their nature. The former of these are termed Nat- ural characters ; the latter Chemical characters. The natural characters comprehend their color, different degrees of hardness and transparency, the kinds oflustre, the regular forms, the various sorts of aggregation under which compound minerals exist, the specific gravity and taste of minerals. The chemical characters are those whose use effects the decomposition of a min- eral, or which induce an obvious alteration in its state ; of this kind are the fusibility of minerals, or their behavior before the blowpipe, their solubility in acids and the accompanying phenomena, phos- phorescence by heat, and chemical analysis with a view to learn the quality of the composing ingredients and the order in which they are present. The natural characters only, are employed either in the Descrip- tion or Characteristic of the science. The chemical characters ap- pertain to Chemistry, and require to be enumerated and explained in a mineralogical work, merely to render intelligible the results of Chemistry, which are appended to the descriptions of minerals, with the design of enlarging, as far as possible, our knowledge of these bodies. . 18. DIVISION OF THE NATURAL PROPERTIES. The natural properties of minerals are divided into, 1. Such as refer to simple ; 2. Such as refer to compound minerals ; 3. Such as are common to both. The first division will consist of those which can be observed only in an individual itself, or in a fragment of an individual. To such belong the geometrical properties, or such as refer to space ; the relations of structure, of surface, and the phenomena of refraction. The second division embraces the relations of composition, the 10 TERMINOLOGY. forms of compound minerals, and the mode of junction of the indi- viduals of these compositions. The third division relates to those characters which are not affected by the simple or the compound nature of the mineral ; as color, lustre, transparency, hardness, specific gravity, the state of aggregation, magnetism, electricity, taste and odor. The Terminology of the science will, therefore, be treated of in three sections, to which will be added, in notes, some account of the chemical characters, since these fall rather within the science of Chemistry than of Mineralogy . 11 SECTION I. . 19. CRYSTAL. The term crystal is applied to a body consisting of con- tinuous, similar matter, which has been formed by nature, within a regularly limited space. It is necessary to the idea of a crystal, that the entire space it oc- cupies should be made up of particles, between which there is no distinguishable difference, except indeed those variations which may occasionally arise out of the relations of light. This limitation is requisite in order to exclude certain minerals found under regular shapes and composed of similar matter, but between whose particles there is observed an evident distinction. Of this sort are what are denominated pseudomorphous crystals, between which, and the bodies intended to come under the above signification, there exist too many dissimilarities to allow their being treated of together. The term crystal cannot be extended either to such minerals as require, in order to present a regular shape, to have any of their parts detached : since it is requisite by the above definition that a crystal should be left by nature within a regularly limited space. The idea of transparency which* mankind in general attach to crystals is of course incorrect, as the largest portion of these bodies are opaque. . 20. OBJECT or CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. The object of Crystallography is to ascertain the form of crystals, with a view to explain the relations and differ- ences existing among them.* * History of Crystallography, The knowledge of the fact, that in- organic substances affect a great variety of regular shapes, appears to have been prevalent at an early period. Several of the precious stones, 12 TERMINOLOGY. . 21. PLANES OR FACES. The surfaces which limit a crystal are termed its planes or faces. The surface of crystals are not always perfectly plane, being some- times slightly spherical, as in some particular modifications of the Diamond; although in crystallography they are considered as per- fect planes. as the Diamond, the Emerald, and the Topaz, as well as the ores of certain metals, and the many earthy minerals occurring in metallic veins, as Quartz, Heavy-spar and Fluor were among the instances of crystallized minerals the most familiar to mankind. Notwithstanding, several of these forms were known to be constant in their shape, besides being- identical with some of the regular solids of geometry, still they contin- ued until the time of Linnaeus, to be regarded as the results of mere ac- cident or chance. This philosopher appears to have been the first to consider them as the products of fixed laws, and to imagine that the study of their relations might be of utility in the recognition of minerals. In 1772, Rome de Lisle published the first general treatise upon crystallog- raphy; in which he made known a great number of crytals never be- fore noticed by naturalists. He determined the angles of their planes, and established the important fact, that the angles are invariable among the individuals of the same variety. Afterwards, Bergmann and Hatty made a contemporaneous observation relative to the internal struc- ture of crystals, from which they inferred, that the direction of the cleavage was constant in all crystals of the same substance, whatever might be their form. From this fact Bergmann contented himself with forming the supposition that the various forms assumed by the different individuals of any one substance, might be conceived to flow from a sin- gle parent or derivative form, through the operation of certain decre- ments, upon its edges and angles. But Hatty verified the observation concerning cleavage, in every species in which it was possible to dis- cover the natural joints, and by connecting with it, his ingenious theory relating to the forms and dimensions of the molecules, of which he con- ceived the primary forms were composed, he proceeded to unfold, math- ematically, the laws of decrernent by which the secondary forms might be produced ; and thus elevated crystallography to the rank of a geomet- rical science. OF FORMS IX GENERAL. 13 The planes, or faces of a crystal receive certain names according to these faces, as for instance, triangular faces, rhombic faces, &c. ; and also according to the forms which they limit, as/aces of the Cube, of the Octahedron, &c. . 22. EDGES, The lines produced by the meeting of the planes or fa- ces are termed edges. The edges are denominated, not only according to the forms to which they belong, but also as respects their peculiar situation in these forms, as will be illustrated hereafter. . 23. PLANE ANGLE. The meeting of any two edges forms a plane angle.* * Elementary definitions. The measure, or, as it is sometimes termed, the value of an angle, is the number of degrees, minutes, &c. of which it consists ; these being determined by the portion of a circle which would be intercepted by the two lines forming the angle, supposing the point of their meeting to be in the centre of the circle. For the pur- pose of measuring angles, the circle is dividecUinto 360 equal parts, which are called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts which are called minutes; and each minute into 60 seconds ; and these divisions are thus designated : 360, 60', 60", the signifying degrees, the ' minutes, the " seconds. If of the circle, or 90, be intercepted by the two lines a o, o b, Fig. 1, which meet at an an- gle a o b in the the centre, those lines are perpendicular to each other, and the angle at which they meet is said to measure 90, and i termed a right angle. If less than 4 of the a circle be so intercepted, as by the lines b 0, o c. the angle b o c, will measure less than 90. and is said to be acute. If it measure more than 90, a^ it would if the angle were formed by the lines a o, o c, ii is called obtuse. 2 14 TERMINOLOGY. . 24. SOLID ANGLE. -The meeting of three or more plane angles forms a solid angle. The solid angle is denominated according to the particular form in which it is found, and also agreeably to its situation and quality. Thus we say, solid angles of the Octahedron, prismatic solid angles. &c. . 25. SIMILAR FACES. Those faces of a regular form are said to be similar to one another, whose corresponding edges are proportional, and whose corresponding angles are equal. In crystals, similar faces are not always equal to each other in their dimensions. Sometimes a single face is more enlarged than the rest. In such a case, its similarity is inferred from its situation. Crystal- lography, in developing the relations of crystals to each other, takes no notice of such irregularities, inasmuch as they are accidental ; but investigates their forms as they are presented in their highest regularity and perfection. . 2. SIMILAR EDGES. Edges are said to be similar when formed by the meet- ing of faces equally inclined to each other. In crystals, the length of the edges, produced by the meeting of faces respectively similar, is liable to variation from the same cause which produces irregularities among similar faces. Disparity in length, therefore, does not affect the idea of their similarity. . 27. SIMILAR PLANE ANGLES. Plane angles are similar when they are equal, and con- tained within similar edges, respectively. OF FORMS IN GENERAL. 15 . 28. SIMILAR SOLID ANGLES. Solid angles are similar when formed of an equal number of plane angles, of which the corresponding ones are similar. Similar solid angles may be wholly made up of similar plane an- gles; or there may exist a degree of dissimilarity among them, pro- vided this dissimilarity corresponds in both : in the former case they are said to be equiangular, and in the latter unequiangular. A solid angle, formed of three, four, five, &c. faces, is said to be a solid angle of three faces, a solid angle of four faces, &c.* * Elementary definitions. A triangle is a plane figure contained within three sides. When the sides are equal it is called an equilateral triangle. Fig. 2. The angles of an equilateral triangle are equal. A triangle having but two equal sides is called an isosceles triangle. Fig. 3, and 4. In Fig. 3, the two equal sides contain an angle less than 90 ; and in Fig. 4, an angle greater than 90 ; Fig. 3, is therefor. ecalled an acute triangle, and Fig. 4, an obtuse triangle. The unequal side b c, is termed the base of the triangle. The angles a b c and a c b, which are adjacent to the base, are equal to one another. A triangle with all its sides unequal is termed a scalene triangle ; Fig. 5, in which, all the -angles also, are unequal. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. A square has four equal sides. Fig, 6. Its angles are right angles. A rectangle has its opposite sides, only, equal ; its adjacent sides .ir unequal. Fig, 7. Like the square its angles, are all right angles. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. A rhomb has four equal sides. Fig. 8. Two of its angles, as a and c are obtuse ; the other two, d and 6, aj-e acute. Iti TERMINOLOGY. CONSIDERATIONS UPON THE CONNEXION AMONG CRYSTALS, AND THE RELATIONS UPON WHICH IT DEPENDS. OBSERVATIONS. . 29. Certain mineral species affect peculiar crystalline forms. Numerous observations have fully established the fact, that cer- tain geometrical forms are constantly found in connexion with cer- tain mineral substances, while others are never seen in such con- nexion. Thus the Cube, as found in Common Salt, the hexagonal Prism in the Emerald, the rhombic Prism in Heavy Spar, and the Rhomboid in Carbonate of Lime : while the hexagonal Prism is never found in Common Salt, the Rhomboid in Emerald^ or the Cube in Carbonate of Lime. . 30. Several different forms are frequently found in the different individuals of the same species. In this observation, (which limits . 29,) it must be understood, that the slightest deviation between two crystals, such as would arise out of the absence of the smallest perceptible portion of an edge, or of an angle, and its replacement by a regular face, would require these crystals to be considered as different inform. While, however, many of the differences alluded to in the present observa- tion, are of this sort, or such as may be considered modifications of one predominating form, there exist others, which are more obvious. An An oblique angled parallelogram^ Fig. 9, Fig. 9. has its opposites sides, as a b and dc parallel ; & <* but its adjacent sides, as aft and &c, and adja- \ \ cent angles, as b and c unequal. \ \ The term rhombic is applied as an adjective c $ to the planes of such solids as present planes of the figure of the rhomb, and that of rectangular to such as refer tQ the rectangle. CONNEXION OF FORMS. 17 example of both these kinds of difference may be seen in the crys- tals of Iron Pyrites, Figs. 10, 11, 12, and 13 ; Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. in those of Carbonate of Lime, Figs. 14, 15, and 16; Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. ~ c aid in those of Uranite. Figs. 17, 18, and 19.* Fig, 17. Fig. 13. Fig. 19. The different forms in each of these substances have a constant uniformity in the value of their respective angles; and individuals belonging to them, though from the most remote situations, present not the slightest variation in this respect. * Fig. 11 is obviously, a mere modification of Fig. 10; Fig. 12 of 11, the difference being, that in 12, the faces o are considerably more exten- ded than in 11 ; 13 is a modification of 12, in which the faces o are pro- duced so as to extinguish the planes a, seen in 11 and 12. Between Figs. 14 and 15, the difference is not so easily explained ; while, we have only to conceive of the enlargement of c at both extremities of the prism, Fig. 15, in order to form Fig. 16. 2* 18 TERMINOLOGY. . 31. The different crystalline forms belonging to each species may be conceived to be derived, by certain laws, from one type, or fundamental form. This derivation is based upon the obvious relations presented by the different forms of the same mineral species, (. 30.) as well as upon certain peculiarities visible in their internal structure, to be developed hereafter. To become acquainted with the almost innumerable forms of crys- tals, without the aid of some arrangement would be very difficult. The preliminary study of the fundamental forms therefore, from which nature appears to have produced her numerous second a- ries, is no less necessary, than it is natural. And it cannot be too strongly insisted upon, that the student in Mineralogy should estab- lish in his mind as clearly as possible, the precise grounds of discrim- ination among these few important solids, and familiarize himself with the language adapted to denote the peculiar properties of each ; since without a perfect familiarity with these points, he will con- stantly find himself embarrassed in the systematic study of minerals. CONSIDERATION OF FUNDAMENTAL OR PRIMARY FORMS AND SOME OF THEIR GEOMETRICAL RELATIONS. . 32. PRIMARY FORMS. The primary form is assumed to be that particular form from which all the different crystals of a mineral species are derived, in consequence of certain symmetrical changes, it may be supposed to have undergone, during their forma- tion. The primary forms are fifteen in number; 1, the Cube; 2, the regular Tetrahedron ; 3, the regular Octahe- dron; 4, the rhombic Dodecahedron ; 5, the Octahedron with a square base; 6, the Octahedron with a rectangular base ; 7, the Octahedron with a rhombic base ; 8, the right square Prism; 9, the right rectangular Prism ; 10, the right rhombic Prism ; 1 1 , the right oblique angled Prism; 12, PRIMARY FORMS. 19 the oblique rhombic Prism; 13, the doubly oblique Prism; 14, the Rhomboid; 15, the regular hexagonal Prism. The student must not suppose that the primary form is altogether an imaginary one ; on the contrary, it is often an actua Iform among the crystals of a mineral species, and when this is not the case, its planes frequently form a conspicuous part of crystals, which are only slightly altered at their angles or edges. This remark may be exemplified in the instance of the species Uranite, three of whose forms are figured in . 30. Fig. 17 is the primary form which is still observable in Fig. 18 and 19, if we make an abstraction of their edges and angles. There do exist, however, crystals in which it is wholly out of sight ; in such cases, it is developed by mechanical means, or inferred to exist according to rules hereafter to be ex- plained. . 33. THE CUBE. The Cube is contained under six square faces. All the angles of the Cube are right angles. I ig. 20. An axis* passes through the centre and through two opposite solid angles ; as a, b, Fig. 20. From its equality in length, breadth, and altitude, the Cube has a similar axis in four directions, or passing through its centre and through each pair of opposite solid angles. It is a form very often seen among crystals, as in Iron Pyrites, Fluor, Galena, &c. <. 34. THE REGULAR TETRAHEDRON. The regular Tetrahedron is contained under four equi- lateral, triangular faces. The mutual inclination of its faces, as P on P', Fig. 21, = 70 31' 43". Its plane an- gles =60. The axis A& passes through the centres of the summit and base, and in consequence of its symmetrical form, it possesses a similar axis in four directions. * An axis is a line, passing through the centre of a solid, drawn from any angular point formed by the meeting of equal plane angles to the opposite angle or face. 20 TERMINOLOGY. The Tetrahedron is the most simple of pyramids, having as many bases as it has planes, and on whichever of these it is placed, it is a similarly formed pyramid. It contains the least solidity under a given surface of any natural or artificial solid. It is not a very fre- quent form among crystals, occurring only in Grey Copper Ore, and one or two other mineral species. . 35. THE REGULAR OCTAHEDRON.* The regular Octahedron is contained under eight equi- lateral triangles. * It may not be superfluous to the student, in Mineralogy, who has had little opportunity for the study of solid geometry, to add here a more general description of the properties of the Octahedron. This figure, then, is a solid terminated, or bounded by eight triangular faces, disposed symmetrically about an axis which they meet, four upon one side, and four upon the opposite side, parallel to the first. The Octahedron may be considered as formed by the reunion of two similar and equal four sided pyramids, applied base to base and edge to edge. It will follow, then, that the four edges, ce, ef, fd, dc, Fig. 22. of the junction of the two pyramids, are in the same plane, and that they form a parallelo- gram cefd, which is the common base of the pyramids. These edges, ce, ef,fd, dc, are called the edges of the base. The four solid angles c, e, /, and d, are called the angles of the base ; the two remaining solid angles a, and b, the an- gles of the summits, and the line ab, which con- b nects them within, is the axis. The edges which join the angles of the summit with those of the base, are called the upper edges of the Octahe- dron. These are eight in number, and are also, four and four in the same plane, and these two planes, aebd and of be, are also parallelograms. There are, therefore, in an Octahedron, three diagonal planes, or three parallelogramic sections cefd, aebd and of be. It is obvious that any one of these may be chosen for the base of an Octahedron, which being- selected, the line which joins the two opposite angles, not comprised in the adopted base, will be the vertical axis. There are, then, three bases, and three axes in this solid ; but in the crystals which come under PRIMARY FORMS. Fig. 23. Its plane angles =60. The inclination of the faces united by its edges, as P on P', or P", Fig. 23. = 109 28' 16". The incli- nation of the faces united by their angles, as P on B = 70 31' 43". All its solid angles being similar, the regu- lar Octahedron has a similar axis in three di- rections. The regular Octahedron is one of the most abundant forms among crystals. It is com- mon in Magnetic Iron Ore, Spinel and Red Oxide of Copper. <. 36. THE RHOMBIC DODECAHEDRON. The rhombic Dodecahedron is contained under twelve equal rhombic faces. This solid has two kinds of solid angles, six Fig. 24. acute, and eight obtuse ; and two varieties of plane angles. The six acute solid angles, and which consist each of four acute plane angle?, are opposite, two and two ; and the eight ob- tuse solid angles, consisting each of three ob- tuse angles, are also opposite, two and two. The mutual inclination of those faces uni- ted by their edges, as P on P" Fig. 24. = 120. The inclination of those faces united by their acute angles, as P on P' = 90. Its plane angles = 109 28' 16" and 70 31' 43". It has two dissimilar sets of axes passing through its centre ; one set, as ab y passes through the pairs of opposite, acute solid angles; the other, as cd, passes the obtuse solid angles. The former are three, and the latter four, in number. When either of the axes passing through the acute solid angles, is in a vertical situation, the solid is in position. The rhombic Dodecahedron is of frequent occurrence among crystal?, of which Garnet and Blende are examples. this denomination, the modifications they undergo furnish reasons for adopting a particular base, and a particular axis in preference to the others, except in the case of the regular Octahedron. The base being determined upon, when we speak of the axis, we of course refer to the one which is vertical ; otherwise, we mean any one of them... TERMINOLOGY. . 37. THE OCTAHEDRON WITH A SQUARE BASE. The Octahedron with a square base is contained under eight equal, isosceles triangular faces. Fig. 25. The parallelogram formed by the unequal side in each of the tri- angles, is the base of the Octahedron, which, from the equality of the triangles, is a square. It is obvious from the nature of an isosceles triangle, that in the Octahe- dron with a square base, the angle at a, Fig. 25. may be less, or greater than 60 ; when it is less, the Octahedron is called acute, when greater, obtuse. This form is capable of presenting a variety of angles in its individuals, as respects the inclination of P on P", and consequently of P on P 7 . Its axes will be the same in number as in the regular Octahedron. When the base is horizontally situated, this solid is in position, and its upper and lower extremities are termed its summits. Crystals of the present form are seen in the species Zircon, An- atase, &c. . 38. THE OCTAHEDRON WITH A RECTANGULAR BASE. Tnis Octahedron is contained under eight triangular planes, and possesses one rectangular base. The planes are generally isosceles triangles in this form, though it may happen that four of them may be equilateral, without de- stroying its rectangular base. It is described, or said to be in pO' sition,' with its rectangular base horizontally situated. The broad planes P, P', Fig. 26. meet at the edge of the rectangular base, at a more obtuse angle than the narrow ones M, M'. The edge D may therefore be termed the greater, and the edge F the lesser edge of the base. Like the Octahedron with a square base, the individuals belonging to this form will differ from each other, in the inclination of P on P', or of M on M'. Its axes and summits are distinguished also, as in the case of that form. Crystals of this form are found in the species Areeniate of Copper, Fig. 26. PRIMARY FORMS. 23 . 39. THE OCTAHEDRON WITH A RHOMBIC BASE. The Octahedron with a rhombic base is contained under eight equal scalene triangles. The crystals of this form are in position, when pjg. 27 the rhombic base is horizontal. Fig. 27 is drawn with the greater diagonal* of the base horizontal. The faces which meet at the edge B, form a more acute, angle than those which meet at the edge C. The edge B is therefore denominated the acute edge of the pyramid, and the edge C the obtuse edge of the pyramid. The solid angle at E is termed the acute lateral solid angle, and that at I the obtuse lateral solid angle. The individuals belonging to this class will differ from each other, in the inclinations of P on P', and of P on P". This form is seen in the crystals of Sulphur. . 40. THE RIGHT-)- SQUARE PRISM. The right square Prism is a quadrangular J prism, whose bases are equal squares, and whose sides are equal rect- angles. * A line connecting the opposite angles of any parallelogram is termed a diagonal of that figure. t Those prisms which stand perpendicularly when resting on one of their bases, are called right prisms. Those which incline from the per- pendicular, are called oblique prisms. t By the use of the expression " quadrangular prism," it is apparent that two faces of the solid are chosen as bases. It may be asked, how are these to be distinguished ? Those crystals which come within the definition of that general form, the parallelepiped (the character of which, is, that it is contained under three pairs of parallel planes,) with the ex- ception of the Cube and Rhomboid present themselves to us, un- der an uniform appearance, as respects the modifications they undergo. These are- ordered in a symmetrical manner, in relation to an imaginary TERMINOLOGY. The lateral edges GG, Fig. 28. are always lon- ger or shorter than the terminal ones BB. If these edges are equal, the form becomes a cube. The right square Prism has an axis in four di- rections, similar to the Cube. It also has a line connecting the centres of the bases, called the prismatic axis. The individuals of this class may differ from each other in the comparative length of the edges G and B. Scapolite, Apophyllite and Idocrase, may be mentioned erals which assume this form. 28. . 41. THE RIGHT RECTANGULAR PllISM. The right rectangular Prism is a quadrangular prism, whose bases are equal rectangles. The lateral edges GG, Fig. 29. of this form are similar ; but dif- fer in length from the terminal dges CB, which are not equal. If G was equal to C or B, the form would be a right square Prism. The same number of axes exist in this form, as in that of the right square Prism. The individuals of this class will differ from each other in the comparative length of the three, adja* cent sides C, B, G. The present form may be seen among the crystals of Anhydrite, Harmofone and Bournonite. Fig. 29. i r BXI p ^ : T " / line connecting the centres of two opposite faces, and parallel to the edges of four other faces between them : this line onght therefore to be taken for a prismatic axis, the four face? for the lateral planes, and the other two for the bases. When the prismatic axis is perpendicular to the bases of these *oli at the same angle as eupon M. An edge replaced in this manner is sometimes said to be bev- illed. 4. An edge may be replaced by two planes which incline unequally to their adjacent primary planes. Thus in Fig. 45, f forms with M' a greater angle than e with M. Fig. 44. JFig. 45. M 3. The variations among the modifications which take place at the angles are still more numerous. 1. An angle may be replaced by a single plane inclining equally to each one of the planes which formed the angle. Thus, in Fig. 46, the secondary plane a inclines to M' under the same angle which it does to M or P. 2. An angle may be replaced by a plane inclining unequally to the adjacent pri- mary planes. Thus, Fig. 47, b inclines to the three faces T, M 4 Fig. 46. Fig. 47. 1 M P and P under different angles. 3. An angle may be replaced by two planes, as in Fig. 48. The relative position of these secondary planes to those of the primary is conveniently indicated by a refer- ence to the direction of the edge formed by the intersection of the two new planes. In the present instance, it may be said to incline 34 TERMINOLOGY. upon the superior edges of the Rhomboid. In other cases, it may be parallel with the perpendicular axis of $iis solid, or it may incline upon the primary planes. Fig. 48. Fig. 49. 4. An angle may be replaced by three or more planes, according as it was made up of three or more plane angles, as in Figs. 49 and 50. The secondary planes may repose upon the primary planes as a upon P, Fig. 49, or Fig. 50. Fig. 51. 5. the secondary planes may repose upon the edges of the*pri- mary form, as in Fig 51.* * Additional kinds of modification might have been described ; but as those mentioned above are the most frequent among crystals, and are sufficient to render the subject perfectly intelligible, it was not thought necessary to detain the student with the enumeration of others. SYMMETRY OF SECONDARY PLANES. 35 . 50. DISPOSITION OF SECONDARY PLANES REGULATED BY SYMMETRICAL LAWS. The same modification generally takes place upon every similar edge or angle of a primary form. In the Tetrahedron, the Cube, and the regular Octahedron, (forms, among whose edges and angles there exists the most perfect similar- ity,) when one edge or angle is subject to a replacement, we find all similarly affected. The following figures, representing actual crys- tals, illustrate this idea. Fig. 52 exhibits the Tetrahedron, with its solid angles replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 52. Fig. 53. Fig. 54. Fig. 53, the same, with its edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 54, the same, with its angles replaced by three planes, rest- ing on the primary planes. Fig. 55. Fig. 56. Fig. 55, the same, with its angles replaced by three planes, resting on the primary edges. Fig. 56, exhibits the Cube with its angles replaced by tangent planes. v 36 TERMINOLOGY. Fig. 57, the same, with its edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 58, the same, with its edges replaced by two planes. Fig. 57. Fig. 58. Fig. 59, the same, with its solid angles replaced by three planes j resting on the primary planes. Fig. 60, the same, with its solid angles replaced by six planes. Fig. 61, represents the regular Octahedron, with its solid angles replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 59. Fig. 60. Fig. 61. Fig. 62, the same, with its edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 63, the same, with its edges replaced by two planes. Fig. 62. Fig. 63. Fig. 64. Fig. 64, the same, with its solid angles replaced by four planes, resting on the primary planes. SYMMETRY OF SECONDARY PLANES. 37 The rhombic Dodecahedron (. 36.) has all its edges similar, and situated at an equal distance from the centre ; but its angles are of two kinds, six formed of four plane angles, and eight of three plane angles. Agreeably to our proposition then, all its edges will un- dergo a similar modification at once, while only a part of its solid angles will be subject to the same replacement. Accordingly, Fig. 65, exhibits the rhombis Dodecahedron, with "its edges re- placed by tangent planes, Fig. 66, the same, with its edges replaced by two planes. Fig. 65. Fig. 66. Fig. 67, the same, with its obtuse solid angles replaced by tan- gent planes. Fig. 68, the same, with its acute solid angles replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 67. Fig. 68. The similar edges and angles of the different Octahedrons have been sufficiently described in our account of these solids (. 35, 37, 38, 39) ; the modifications they undergo are regulated by this sim- ilarity, as may be seen in the examples here given. 38 TERMINOLOGY. Fig. 69, represents the Octahedron with a square base, having its pyramidal edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 70, the same, having the edges of the ba^e replaced by tan- gent planes. Fig. 71, the same, with the solid angles of the base replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 69. Fig. 70. Fig. 71. Fig. 72, the same, having its pyramidal edges replaced by two planes. Fig. 73, represents the Octahedron with a rectangular base, hav- ing the edges of the pyramids replaced by single planes. Fig. 72. Fig. 73. Fig. 74, represents the Octahedron with a rhombic base, having the edges of the base replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 75, the same, with its terminal solid angles replaced by tan- gent planes. SYMMETRY OF SECONDARY PLANES. Fig. 74. Fig. 75. Fig. 76, the same, with its obtuse laleral solid angles replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 77, the same, with its terminal solid angles replaced by four planes, reposing upon the primary planes. Fig. 76. Fig. 77. In the varieties of the quadrangular prism, the lateral edges hold a different position from the terminal edges ; but sometimes the lat- eral edges are all similar, at others, only two and two. The same holds with respect to the terminal edges. * The solid angles may also be either all identical in position, or they may occupy two dif- ferent positions. In the right square Prism, the four lateral edges are~similar ; the four terminal edges are so also, as well as the solid angles. The modifications correspond to this identity, as may be judged of from the following examples. 40 TERMINOLOGY. Fig. 78, exhibits the right square Prism with its lateral edges re- placed by tangent planes. Fig. 79, the same, with the terminal edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 78. f Fig. 79. 1C Fig. 80, the same, with the solid angles replaced by tangent planes. In the right rectangular Prism the lateral edges are similar, likewise the solid angles; but the adjoining terminal edges are dis- similar. According to the law of symmetry, therefore, the modifi- cations take place in the following manner. Fig. 81 presents the right rectangular Prism with its lateral edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 80. Fig. 81. i P ct\ JM Fig. 82, the same with its solid angles replaced by single scalene triangular planes, which incline on the three adjacent, primary planes at unequal angles. Fig. 83, the same, with the lesser terminal edges replaced by single planes. Fig. 82. Fig. 83. \> SYMMETRY OF SECONDARY PLANES'. 41 Fig. 84, the same, with the greater terminal edges replaced by single planes. In the right rhombic Prism, the terminal edges are similar; but the two opposite, obtuse lateral edges, and the solid angles which terminate them, are different from tfie acute lateral edges, and the corresponding solid angles. The modifications of this form are there- fore in conformity with these relations. Fig. 85 represents the right rhombic Prism, with its obtuse later- al edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 84. T Fig. 86, the same, w r ith its obtuse lateral edges replaced by two planes. Fig. 87, the same, with its acute lateral edges replaced by two planes. Fig. 8G. Fig. 87. Fig. 88, the same, with its obtuse solid angles replaced by single planes, which intersect the terminal plane parallel to its greater diagonal. Fig. 89, the same, with its acute solid angles replaced by single planes, which intersect the terminal plane parallel to iU shorter diagonal. 4* TERMINOLOGY* In the right oblique angled Prism, the relations of the edges and angles are the same with those of the right rhombic Prism, except- ing that the adjoining edges of the base are dissimilar. Fig. 90 represents the right oblique angled Prism, with its greater terminal edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 91, the same, with the acute lateral edges replaced by tan- gent planes. Fig. 90. Fig. 91. The oblique rhombic Prism pos- sesses, in the first place, two kinds of lateral edges, as in the cases of the right rhombic, and the right oblique angled, Prisms. The solid angles, Fig. 92, E and E are equal ; but the solid angles A and O are different from the first, and from one another ; consequently, the edges B B of the base, similarly situated, differ in po- sition from the edges DD. Fig. 92. SYMMETRY OF SECONDARY PLANES. 43 From the foregoing, it necessarily results that the modifications of the terminations, in order to be symmetrical, must always take place in a different manner upon two halves of this solid, supposing the division to be made by a vertical plane passing through the edge G and its opposite. The following examples, drawn also from actual crystals, are in exact coincidence with these relations. Fig. 93 represents the oblique rhombic Prism, with the oblique edges of the prism replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 94, the same, with the lateral edges of the prism replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 93. Fig. 94. Fig. 95, the same, with the obtuse terminal edges replaced by single planes. Fig. 96, the same, with the acute terminal edges replaced by sin- gle planes. Fig, 95. Fig. 96. 44 TERMINOLOGY. Fig. 97, the same, with the acute solid angles replaced by sin- gle planes. Fig. 98, the same, with lateral solid angles replaced by single planes. Fig. 97. Fig. 98. The doubly oblique Prism presents a still more remarkable in- stance of irregularity. According to the explanation given of this solid, (. 45.) each one of the four edges, and each one of the four solid angles of its base, is in a different position. Here also the modifications, which take place, follow the general law announced above ; similar replacements occurring only upon similar edges or angles. Fig. 99 represents the doubly oblique Prism, with its acute ter- minal edges B,* replaced by single planes. Fig. 100, the same, with its acute terminal edges C replaced by- single planes. Fig. 99. Fig. 100. * See Fig, 35. SYMMETRY OF SECONDARY PLANES. 45 Fig. 101, the same, with its obtuse terminal edges D replaced by single planes. Fig. 102, the same, with its obtuse terminal edges F replaced by single planes. Fig. 101. Fig. 102. Fig. 103, the same, with the oblique edges of the prism replaced by single planes. Fig. 104, the same, with the lateral edges of the prism replaced by single planes. Fig. 103. Fig. 104. Fig. 105, the same, with obtuse solid angles O replaced by single planes. Fig. 106, the same, with acute solid angles A replaced by single planes. Fig. 105. Fig. 106. 46 TERMINOLOGY. Fig. 107, the same, with the lateral solid angles E replaced by single planes. According to the geometrical properties of the Rhomboid, as they have been explained, (. 46.) we must look for similar modifications either upon the two terminal solid angles, upon the six lateral an- gles, upon the six upper edges, or upon the six lateral edges. The following examples, principally from a single species, Carbonate of Lime, will render this sufficiently obvious. Fig. 108 represents the Rhomboid, with its lateral edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig- 108. Fig . 109 . Fig. 107. Fig. 109, the same, with its superior edges replaced by tangent planes. Fig 110-, the same, with its superior edges replaced by two planes. Fig. Ill, the same, with its terminal solid angles replaced by tangent planes. iff. no. Fig;. 111. SYMMETRY OF SECONDARY PLANES. 47 Fig. 112, the same, with its lateral solid angles replaced by single planes, parallel to the perpendicular axis of the Rhomboid. Fig. 113, the same, with its lateral solid angles replaced by two planes, meeting at an edge which is parallel to the perpendicular axis of the Rhomboid. Fig. 112. Fig. 113. The relative disposition of the different parts of the regular hexa- gonal Prism is too easy to conceive of, to require a recapitulation of them here; and it will suffice to say, without instancing any exam- ples, that all the terminal edges are modified together, and in a simi- lar manner ; the same is also true of the lateral edges and of all the solid angles. The law whose application has just been considered cannot be said to be universal. The Tourmaline, as well as Boracite, pre- sent us with two very remarkable excep- tions. In the first, the primary form is a Rhomboid. Yet it is found, that the three edges formed by the meeting of the three faces P, P, P at each extremity of the six sided prism s, s, s, Fig. 114, are replaced only at one end by the tangent planes n, n, n. It is noticed also, that only the al- ternate three of the lateral solid angles are modified, the remaining three being unal- Fig. 114. 48 TERMINOLOGY. tered. In the second, we see a Cube whose edges are indeed all similarly replaced, but only the half of whose angles are thus af- fected ; viz. one of the two which are op- posite each other, at the extremities of the same axis, Fi.g. 115.* In addition to the two cases just men- tioned, it is necessary to add, that in sev- eral other instances crystals are met with, where the modifications have not taken place at once upon all the edges, or all the angles, whose position with regard to each other is identical. But it is noticeable that such exceptions to the law of symmetry are by no means constant, or subject to any general rule. And, besides, it is rarely difficult to find other crystals of the same species, in which all the faces required by symmetry are present ; a fact which tends strongly to justify the opinion that these devia- tions are due to accidental causes, and therefore insufficient to form an objection against the principle of agreement between the symme- try of modifications and that of the structure of the primary forms. .51. PASSAGE OF ONE FORM INTO ANOTHER. The proportions existing between the extent of the pri- mary and secondary planes are very variable. Some- times, the change effected by the modification is so small as scarcely to be perceptible; at others, the new planes are equally extended with the primary ; and, again, they are produced so as wholly to obliterate the original faces, and thus to give origin to new forms. * The exceptions in the instances mentioned above were supposed by the Abbe Hatty to be dependent upon electricity. These crystals are electric by heat, and give two kinds of electricity in two opposite points. From whence it is imagined that this anomaly of form is a result of elec- tricity, and the conjecture appears to be strengthened by the observation that among the crystals of Sphene, there are those which are electric and those which are non-electric; in the first case, the two summits are different, in the last, they are similar. PASSAGE OF ONE FORM IXTO ANOTHER. 49 The idea here intended to be expressed will become more intelli- gible by a reference to the annexed figures. Fig. 116 represents a regular hexagonal Prism, with its terminal edges replaced by tan- gent planes, the new planes being but slightly produced. Fig. 117, the same, in which the new planes ure still farther extended ; and Fig. 118, in which the hexagonal summits have given place to mere points, and the sides of the prism entirely disappeared, the original solid having become a Dodecahedron with triangular faces. Fig. 116. Fig. 117. Fig. 118. The foregoing instance may serve to explain what is understood in crystallography, when it is said one form passes into another. The latter solid is said to be derived from the first. It is requisite that the student should be made acquainted with some of those forms, which may thus be derived from others accord- ing to the laws of symmetry, since these derivations will explain that multiplicity of forms under which the crystals of the same spe- cies sometimes occur. (. 30.) It has been seen that, in the regular Tetrahedron, the Cube, and the regular Octahedron, all the faces in each are equal and similarly situated ; and that the same is true as respects their solid angles and edges. A similar identity has been ascribed to the faces and edges of the rhombic Dodecahedron, and, also, to its six solid angles form- ed from the meeting of four plane angles, and to its eight solid angles of three plane angles. The similar parts of one of these solids would be modified in a sim- ilar manner, if we suppose that its similar edges or similar solid an- gles are replaced by tangent planes; and if we suppose the second- ary planes to be so extended as to extinguish those of the primary, it is obvious a new polyhedral solid must appear, contained under faces amounting in number to the edges or angles replaced in the original form. If now we collect the number of similar parts, which are similar- ly situated, as respects the centre in each of the above mentioned forms, we have the following result. 5 50 Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, 6 edges, 6 faces, 6 angles, 6 angles of four plane angles, 4 faces. 12 edges, 12 edges. 12 faces, 24 edgear. 4 angles, 8 angles, 8 faces, 8 angles of three plane angles, The faces of either of these solids must necessarily be produced through the replacement, by tangent planes, (these planes being continued down to the obliteration of the primary,) of the edges or angles of either of the other solids, provided those edges or angles equal the number of its faces. For example, the twelve faces of the Dodecahedron may be de- rived either from the tangent replacement of the twelve edges of the regular Octahedron, (Fig. 62,) or from a similar replacement of the twelve edges of the Cube, (Fig. 57.)* The eight faces of the Octahedron may be the result either of the tangent replacement of the eight angles of the Cube, (Fig. 56,) or of the eight obtuse solid angles of the Dodecahedron, (Fig. 68.) The six faces of the Cube may be derived from the truncation of the six edges of the Tetrahedron, (Fig. 53,) or from the six acute solid angles of the Dodecahedron, (Fig. 67.) The Tetrahedron cannot be derived in the same manner with the other solids; but may result from the Octahedron, by the suppres- sion of half of its eight faces ; or, in other words, by the enlargement of one of the two parallel faces, until the other is made to dis- appear. Fig. 119 shews the planes of the Tetrahedron in the position it occupied in the Octahedron.! Fig. 119. * The student in crystallography who has not attended to the connections subsisting between the different solids, by which one form may be transformed into another, is recommended to verify some of the changes here described, by shaving pieces of wax, or some other soft sub- stance, with a knife. t The Tetrahedron thus derived, passes again to the Octahedron, by the truncation of its solid angles, as seen in Fig. 120. PASSAGE OF ONE FORM INTO ANOTHER. 51 The Tetrahedron may be derived from the Cube and from the rhombic Dodecahedron, by means of the tangent replacement of half of the similar parts of these solids which exist to the number of eight. Many species of minerals present crystals which exemplify this passage of one form into another, according to the symmetrical modification^ just noticed. Thus, Fluor and Sulphuret of Silver are crystallized under the different forms of the Cube, the regular Octahedron and the rhombic Dodecahedron; the Diamond and Red Oxide of Copper under the same; and Blende under the Octahedron, the Dodecahedron and the Tetrahedron. In the transitions into each other of the solids just enumerated, in consequence of the symmetrical modifications they undergo, we have seen that they were the result of tangent replacements. We will now notice some of the new forms produced upon these forms by the operation of other modifications. It has been seen that the truncation of all the edges of the Cube by tangent planes would result in the rhombic Dodecahedron. If, however, the edges be replaced by single planes, inclining at une- qual angles on the adjacent primary planes, a series of Dodecahedrons with pentagonal faces would be the result.* Fig. 121 illus*- trates this transition of the Cube into the Dodecahedron with pentagonal faces : the new planes k, are not produced so as com- pletely to obliterate the faces P of the ori- ginal Cube. The replacement of the edges of the Cube by two planes produ- ces a series of four sided pyramids on the planes of the Cube. Fig. 123 shows this passage of the Cube into a form contained under twenty four planes. The primary faces are represented, in the fig- ure, as nearly extinguished. The new form produced in this way, Fig. 122. There is only one of the series, Fig. J.22, to exist among crystals. TERMINOLOGY. when complete, is bounded by twenty four isosceles triangular planes, and is represented in Fig. 124. Fig. J23. Fig. 124. Fig. 125. It is produced from the regular Octahedron, also, from the modifi- cation of its solid angles by four planes resting on the primary edges; also, from the rhombic Dodecahedron by the replacement of its acute solid angles by four planes resting on the primary planes. The replacement of the edges of the Octahedron by two planes, leads to the erection of a trihedral pyramid on each primary plane, as represented in Fig. 63. When the primary planes P become extinct, we have another isosceles triangular solid, under twenty four faces, as in Fig. 125. This form is produced in like mariner from the Cube, by the replacement of its solid angles by three planes resting on the edges of the Cube ; and from the rhombic Dodecahedron, by the modifi- cation of its obtuse solid angles by three planes resting on the primary planes. Another new form,, still more fre- quently met with among crystals, is produced from the Cube, by the re- placement of its solid angles by three planes resting on the primary planes. (Fig. 59.) The new form is denomina- ted the Trapezohedron, and is contained under twenty four equal trapezoids.* Fig. 126. * A trapezoid is a four aided figure whose opposite edges are unequal, and in which, if lines be drawn through the opposite angles, they will intersect each other at right angles. PASSAGE OF ONE FORM INTO ANOTHER. 53 Fig. 127. It flows also from the regular Octahedron, through the replace- ment ofits solid angles by four planes resting on the primary planes, and from the rhombic Dodecahedron through the tangent replace- ment of its edges. (Fig. 65.)* If the Cube have its solid angles replaced by six planes, (Fig. 60,) the new figure will be contained under forty eight triangular planes. Fig. 127. The replacement of the solid an- gles of the regular Octahedron by eight planes, leads to the same re- sult; as likewise the replacement of the edges of the rhombic Dodecahe- dron by two planes. (Fig. 66.) The foregoing derivations are abundantly exemplified among the crystals of minerals. The passage of the Cube into the pentagonal Dodecahedron occurs in Iron Pyrites and Grey Cobalt; the deriva- tion of the twenty four sided isosceles triangular form, is seen in the crystals of the Diamond and Sulphuret of Iron; the Trapezohedron flows from the Dodecahedron in Garnet and from the Cube in Anal- cime ; and the last mentioned solid under forty eight triangular planes, occurs among the crystals of Fluor. The Octahedron with a square base passes into another Octahedron with a square base, by the replacement of the edges of the pyramids by tangent planes, (Fig. 69); the new octahedron is more obtuse than the primary. This modification occurs in Sphene. The tan- gent replacement of the edges, or of the angles of the base, (Figs. 70, 71,) give rise to the right square Prism; a result of frequent occurrence in Zircon crystals. The Octahedron with a rectangular base is capable of giving rise to an Octahedron with a rhombic base, by the replacement of the edges of the pyramids by single planes. (Fig. 73.) The Octahedron with a rhombic base passes into the rhombic prism, by the replacement of the edges of the base by tangent planes, (Fig. 74.) We have this modification in Sulphur. The right square Prism, according to the symmetry of its modifi- cations, produces, either another similar right square Prism by the * This, though an instance of tangent modification, was deferred to be mentioned here. 5* 54 TERMINOLOGY. tangent replacement of its lateral edges, or an octahedron by the truncation of its terminal edges or solid angles. The right rectangular Prism will afford a rhombic prism by the replacement of its lateral edges by single planes, or an Octahedron with a rectangular base, by the truncation of its terminal edges. The right rhombic Prism may pass into an Octahedron with a square base, through the replacement of its obtuse solid angles by single planes, which intersect the terminal plane parallel to its greater diagonal, (Fig. 88) ; portions of the primary lateral planes M, M' still remain. Fig. 128. The same new solid, Fig. 129> may also result from a similar re- placement of the acute solid angles, (Fig. 89) ; but it is reversed in, its position, when compared with the former one. Fig. 128, Fig. 129. It passes into Octahedrons with rhombic bases, through the re- placement of its terminal edges by single planes. Crystals of Heavy Spar illustrate these transitions. The right oblique angled Prism does not give rise to either of the other primary forms, in the modifications it undergoes among crystals. The oblique rhombic Prism gives origin to an oblique, six sided prism, by the tangent replacement of the acute edges of the prism, (Fig. 95,) as in the crystals of Mica. The doubly oblique Prism does not pass by its modifications into either of the geometrical solids. The regular six sided Prism, as has been already noticed, passes into the Dodecahedron with isosceles triangular faces, (Fig. 118,) by the replacement of its terminal edges by similar planes. (Fig. 116.) The Rhomboid passes into a Rhomboid more obtuse than the primary, when its superior edges are replaced by tangent planes, (Fig. 109.) The replacement of the lateral edges, (Fig. 108,) or angles, Fig, ISO, by tangent planes, produces a regular six sidecj Prism, PASSAGE OF ONE FORM INTO ANOTHER. 55 That of its lateral edges, or superior edges, (Fig. 110,) by two planes, results in a Dodecahedron with scalene triangular faces, Fig. 131. Fig. 130. Fig. 131. The second Rhomboid of a mineral, or the first new one, may itself suffer the same modification as the primary, and thus produce another, still more obtuse. Carbonate of Lime presents us, in this way, with four distinct Rhomboids. Though it may appear to the student hardly possible that the changes to which the primary forms are subject, are as numerous as would appear from the instances enumerated, yet he will find them in reality to be much more so, as his knowledge of crystals becomes extended. Still, those which have just been pointed out, are among those most frequently met with, and the most easily un- derstood by the young student. It will now be seen, that it is natural that most crystallized miner- als should present themselves under several distinct forms, (. 30,) since this variation of form is a necessary result of the symmetry of structure in one primitive form, and of the laws no less symmetrical to which these modifications are subject. At the same time, it must be recollected, that the number and the nature of these various forms of the same substance are necessarily limited, and dependant upon the structure of one fundamental form. (. 31.) 56 TERMINOLOGY. OF THE IMPERFECTIONS OF CRYSTALS IN RESPECT TO THEIR FORM. . 52. KINDS OF IMPERFECTION IN FORM. The irregularities noticeable in crystals are of two kinds; and originate either in the formation of the crystals them- selves, or they are the consequence of the contact of these with other minerals. In the foregoing considerations of forms, the student may have been led to imagine that crystals uniformly occur under planes of a constant f.gure and extent. He now needs to be informed that per- fect regularity, in these respects, is rarely to be found. At the same time, the deviations from it, (as will presently be seen,) are of such a kind as to occasion only a slight inconvenience in ascertaining their relations, and too unimportant to require that they should be treated of, except under the idea of perfect regularity, In those cases where crystals are possessed of the irregularity al- luded to, and where the circumstances under which they are found do not indicate any external disturbance of their forms, we are natu- rally led to suppose that the deviations it presents are founded upon the formation of the crystals themselves. On the other hand, where crystals occur in contact with each other and with other minerals, or where they have been subjected to other accidents, their irregu- larities are referrible to these causes. The former imperfections are the most important. The latter will be more particularly treated of under compound minerals. At present, it is only necessary to ex- amine in what shape an individual will appear, which is prevented from assuming its regular form by some external obstacle. . 53. IRREGULARITIES DEPENDING UPON THE FORMATION OF THE INDIVIDUALS THEMSELVES. Deviations from regularity in crystalline forms appear either in their size and figure, or in the physical quality of their faces. IMPERFECTIONS OF CRYSTALS. 57 Thus, hexagonal crystals of Beryl frequently have their alternate lateral faces so enlarged as to give them the appearance of triangular prisms. The faces of a cubical crystal of Galena very often are not squares. Dodecahedral crystals of Garnet are sometimes elongated in the direction of one of the lesser axes, by which means it becomes apparently a regular six sided prism, surmounted by trihedral sum- mits, &c. The same thing takes place with regard to the modifications of simple forms. Some of the faces of the modification are irregularly increased, whilst corresponding faces belonging to the same forms are diminished, till they almost or wholly disappear. This remark is exemplified in the crystals of Quartz. In addition to the above irregularity, we have, in the crystals of a few species, slight curvatures in the faces. If these curvatures take place in simple forms, it generally affects all the faces at once, as in the crystals of Diamond and Fluor, If it take place upon modify- ing planes, it is confined to those which are similar, as m certain crystals of Gypsum. Notwithstanding all the irregularities arising out of the dispropor- tionate extension of similar faces, the inclination of these faces to each other is invariably constant, and precisely the same as though their dimensions were exactly similar, and the form were possessed of the highest degree of perfection. For example, in Figures 132 and 133, representing crystals of Quartz, any two planes which may be se- lected in Fig. 132 incline to each other under the same angle as the? two similarly situated planes in Fig. 133, Fig. 132. Fig. 133. This remarkable fact was first ascertained and demonstrated by Rom6 de PIsle, and is at the foundation of the application of crys- tallography to the discrimination of minerals. 58 TERMINOLOGY. <>. 54. IRREGULARITIES FROM CONTACT WITH OTHER INDIVIDUALS. There are two sorts of contact by which the regularity of crystals is affected ; viz. 1. contact on all sides, 2. contact only by some of their parts. Crystals surrounded and inclosed by the solid mass in which they are found, or in which they have been formed, are in contact with this mass on all sides. This mass may either be of the same sub- stance with the crystals, or it may be otherwise. In the first in- stance, the regularity of the form is scarcely ever perceptible. One individual prevents the other individual, by their contact, from as- suming that regular form, which under other circumstances, is pecu- liar to it; and we see individuals in these cases assuming their regu- lar shape only, when some cavity or empty space occurs in the mass, which enables them to emerge from contact with -other individuals. If the mass, which surrounds a crystal, is not of the same nature with the crystal, the regularity of the latter is not so liable to be im- paired. A crystal, under such circumstances, is said to be imbedded; and when disengaged from its bed, is termed a loose crystal. Crys- tals of this kind may be taken out of the mass which surrounds them, and if they do not cohere with any particles of the mass, a smooth print of their form w r ill remain. Loose crystals, if not imperfect in some other, way, may be considered as the most perfect productions of inorganic nature. Such crystals, however, are comparatively rare. More commonly, they are imperfectly formed of themselves, or they have been rendered imperfect by their contact with the sur- rounding mass. Those individuals, whose dimensions are nearly equal, appear as rounded or angular masses, and bear the name of grains or angular masses, both of which, are nothing else but im- perfectly formed crystals. Pargasite is a good example of crystals of this sort. Besides these imperfectly formed crystals, there exist a great many others, which likewise assume, more or less, a globu- lar or angular shape. These, however, must carefully be distin- guished from real grains and angular masses, because they are not simple but compound minerals. (. 15.) Crystals which are formed in an empty space, and adhere only with some of their parts to the support, which in most cases is dif r ferent from the mass of crystals, are termed implanted crystals. SYSTEM OF CRYSTALLIZATION. 59 We say crystals which are formed in an empty space, this is not ne- cessary provided the mineral 4nto which the crystal shoots from its support is different from the crystals themselves, and from the sup- port generally, and is capable of being detached from the crystals so as to leave them free except in their attachment to the supporting mass with which their connexion is peculiar, inasmuch as they can- not be removed from it so as to leave behind a print of their form ; they can only be separated from the support by breaking. Of course, implanted crystals are always incomplete, because those parts are wanting in which the crystals are attached to the supporting mass. Other imperfections to which crystals are liable from external sources, are such as arise from disturbances in the rocks which con- tain them, in consequence of which they are contorted or have been subject to slips ; or from their having been acted upon by heat, and thus become rounded on some of their edges and angles. Implanted crystals as well as those which are irregular from the -undue enlargement of some of their planes, or which have been broken by accident, are completed according to the rules of sym- metry in order to fit them for the purpose of crystallographic con- sideration. For example, Quartz ordinarily occurs in regular six sided Prisms, terminated at each extremity by six-sided pyramids. But when these crystals occur implanted, they are usually attached to the supporting mineral by one end of the prism without the in- tervention of the pyramid ; we therefore complete this termination, by supposing it equal and similar to that which has been observed. Sometimes only one pyramid is observable among implanted crys- tals of Quartz : in such a case, we have to imagine the prism and other pyramids conformably to the rules of symmetry; for we can never be entitled to assume or consider such crystals as simple pyr- amids, because such forms do not exist among minerals, nor are they capable of being obtained by any process of derivation. A few cases however exist, in which it is necessary to allow of exceptions to this general rule. Such are the crystals whose oppo- site solid angles possess a different configuration, and which present differences in their electric action when heated, . 50. p. 47. 55. SYSTEM or CRYSTALLIZATION. The assemblage of forms derivable from one primary form, is termed a system of crystallization. 60 TERMINOLOGY. All crystals which have hitherto been discovered, are capable of be- ing referred to some one of the primary forms which have been de- scribed. Should a crystal be hereafter discovered, which agreea- ble to the symmetrical laws of derivation could not be referred to one of these, a new primary form would be necessary, and it would constitute a member of a new system of crystallization. In each of these systems it is customary to consider all those forms as belong- ing to it, which are geometrically derivable from it, although they should not as yet have been observed among minerals. In the system of crystallization, the dimensions are not fixed, ex- cept indeed where it is so from the nature of the fundamental form as in the regular Octahedron, the Cube, the Tetrahedron and the rhom- bic Dodecahedron. Any number of prisms, whatever may be their height, will belong to the same system of crystallization ; any num- ber of Rhomboids, whether acute or obtuse, will be included under the same system, &c. The system of crystallization derived from the different primary forms are termed the systems of those forms respectively : thus the system of crystallization belonging to the Cube, &c. . 56. SERIES OF CRYSTALLIZATION. The primary form being supposed to possess determined dimensions, the assemblage of derived forms becomes a series of crystallization. Among the primary forms the Tetrahedron, the Cube, the regular Octahedron and the rhombic Dodecahedron possess invariable dimen- sions ; accordingly they will each possess but one series of crystalli- zation, while the other systems of crystallization as they possess va- riable dimensions will comprehend an unlimited number of such series, or as many as there may be differences in the dimensions of their primary forms. Thus in the system of crystallization belong- ing to the right square Prism, there may be any number of series of crystallization according as these prisms may be conceived to differ from each other in the relation of their respective heights to the length of the edge of their square base. The system of rectangu- lar Prisms may contain many series according to the particular prisms which vary from each other in the relative dimensions of their planes. The individuals of the system belonging to right rhombic MEASUREMENT OF CRYSTALS. 61 Prism will form a great number of series of particular rhom- bic prisms, varying from each other in their relative heights, and in the angle at which the lateral planes incline to each other. Those of the system of crystallization belonging to the Rhomboid will com- prehend a great number of series, according as the Rhomboids differ in the angles at which their planes incline, respectively, to each oth- er, &c. . 57. METHODS FOR ASCERTAINING THE ANGLES or CRYSTALS. From what has preceded relating to the differences among the forms of crystals, and the systems of crystallization, it is apparent, that in order to become acquainted with crys* tals, it is requisite'we should possess the means of measuring their angles with precision. This is effected by the aid of instruments called Goniometers, which are of two kinds : viz. the Common Goniometer, and the Reflective Goni- ometer. 1. Common G-oniometer. Figures 1, 2 and 3, give a representation of this instrument. In Fig. 1, the half circle or reporter is attached to the arms; in the other figures, the arms and the semicircle are separate. The first of these was invented by Carangcol about fifly years ago. The half circle s t r, made of brass or silver, is graduated into 180 degrees, each degiee being marked on the instrument by a short line extending from the outer rim to the circle which is next within it, and a mark for every five degrees extending still farther towards the centre, until it cuts a second circle, as may be seen by inspection of the figure. A plate of steel or brass extends a little by the centre from r towards s, in order to support the axis c, about which moves the moveable arm df. This arm may be lengthened or shortened in the direction c d, by means of the slit I m. Two similar slits, g h, i A:, in the fixed arm a 6, allow of its being moved forwards or backwards upon the two fixed points c and e. These two arms are made of steel. It is obvious that by this provision, it 6 62 TERMINOLOGY. is in our power to apply a greater or less length of the arms to the planes whose incidence is to be measured, according as those face* Fig. 134. COMMON GONIOMETER. 63 are large or small. In either case, the number of degrees, or the value of the angle, is indicated at the border/n of the moveable arm, which coincides with a line coming directly from the centre of the circle. It is necessary that the arms be applied to the planes whose inclination is required, perpendicularly to the. edge at which they meet. But it frequently happens that the crystal we are wish- ing to measure is engaged along with other crystals in its gangue, so that the extremity s of the semicircle prevents the application of the arms to its planes : in order to remedy this obstacle the semi- circle is cut into two parts at t, and reunited by a hinge. In this way we are able, when it is necessary, to turn the part s f, back upon the other, which we restore again to its original place, when we have adjusted the arms to the planes under examination, in order to read off the degrees of the measured angle. Figures 2 and 3 represent the common goniometer, which consists ot two parts; the steel arms Fig. 2, constituting one part and the semi- circle Fig. 3, the other. When we have adjusted the arms to the angle to be measured, they are transferred to the semicircle in or- der to read off the degrees. Cut it is obvious that in using this va- riety of the goniometer, it is indispensable, in adjusting the arms to the semicircle, that we place the centre of them upon the centre ot the semicircle, and one arm upon its diameter. This is effected with ease by the following construction of the instrument. The pin which connects the arms at k is allowed to project a little upon one side, and a hole is made in the cross piece Fig. 3 at k y exactly large enough to receive it; besides, there is a little projection upon the cross piece at y, against which the lower edge of that arm may ro- pose, which requires to be exactly upon the diameter of the circle, when the angles are read off. The method of using it is, after hav- ing applied the edges of the arms to the planes of any crystal, to tighten them by means of a little screw at A;, and transfer them to the cross piece of the semicircle, allowing the projection to drop into the hole k, and one of the arms to rest with its under edge upon y,- the other arm will then indicate upon the reporter, the number of degrees which the measured angle contains. This construction of the common goniometer will be found more convenient in its appli- cation than that first described, and on the whole, less liable to inac- curacies in consequence of the greater steadiness of the semicircle, and of the greater exactness with which the arms may be fitted to crystals. In making use of the common goniometer, great care should be ex- ercised in selecting erj'stals with smooth and plane faces; and when 04 TERMINOLOGY. the arms are applied to a crystal, they should be previously brought sufficiently near together to form a more acute angle than that about to be measured. The arms being then gently pressed upon the crystal, they will gradually separate until they come to fit the planes so exactly, that when held between the eye and the win- dow, no light can be perceived to flow between them. When the crystals are well adapted to these measurements, and in the hands of a person familiar with the operation, results may be obtained from any number of successive trials, whose greatest difference will not be above a quarter of a degree. On the whole, the common goniometer, may be said to supply us only with approximations to the real value of the angles of crystals, in consequence of the frequent irregularities upon their planes, or the minuteness of their planes, as well as the difficulty of applying the arms in a direction perpendicular to the intersection of the planes to be measured. Still, it is an instrument indispensable to the Min- eralogist ; and is in general every way adequate, in point of the accu- racy of its results, to be employed in the determination of minerals. 2. Reflective Goniometer. Fig. 135. This instrument, which is of invaluable utility to the Mineralo- gist, was an invention of the late Dr. Wollaston. It is represented in Fig. 135. It consists of an entire circle, divided into degree* REFLECTIVE GONIOMETER. 65 "Upon its edge, and disposed vertically upon a moveable, horizontal axis ik, which is supported by the braces ran and mo, inserted into the circular horizontal foot gh. This circle is furnished with a ver- nier q, which is attached to the support ran. The axle ik is hollow, and traversed by a second one if: both may be revolved upon them- selves by means of the circular wheels v and s, with this difference, that the lesser wheel turns only the inferior axis, the outer one, to- gether with the circle, remaining stationary; whereas, the larger wheel turns all at once, the exterior axle, the circle which is adapt- ed to it, and the interior axis. The interior axis is prolonged from/, at first by a semi-circular projection, consisting of two pieces and joined together by a rivet at d, so as to allow of motion in the portion Id. Its extremity I is pierced and traversed by a round stem ep> capable of being moved up and down, and at the same time of being turned circularly by the little wheel u. The extremity;? is slit so as to receive a small copper plate c. The instrument is used as follows. It is first placed on a small pyramidal stand, and the stand on a steady table. The stand should be of su<5h a height above the table as to permit the experimenter to sit with both elbows upon the table, while his eye shall not be ele- vated above the axis ik. Tha stand should be firmly attached to the table, and the goniometer to the stand. The table is now placed be- fore a common flat window, at the distance of from six to twelve feet, in such a manner, that the vertical wheel or circle shall be as nearly as possible perpendicular to it. A black line is drawn on the wain- scot, between the window and the floor, perfectly parallel with the horizontal bars of the window. The crystal to be measured is at- tached, by means of a piece of wax, to the plate e, or (dispensing with the use of the plate c) to a piece of wax half an inch long, extending horizontally in the direction of the axis ik. In attaching the crystal, we endeavor to adjust it, so that the edge formed by tho meeting of the two planes whose inclination is sought, shall coincide with an imaginary line passing through the axis ik. It is impossible to effect this simply by inspection : the following steps are therefore taken to ensure the accuracy of this adjustment. One of the planes forming the angle sought is brought uppermost, and so as to be as nearly parallel to the table as possible, when the eye is placed so near that the lower lid nearly touches it ; in this situation the crysr tal is not seen, but we observe distinctly the images of objects re^ fleeted from the plane under the eye, and by giving a slight motion 66 TERMINOLOGY. to the lesser wheel, if necessary, we obtain reflections of some of the horizontal bars of the window. One of these, which is capable of being recognized, is selected to be employed in the experiment, and brought down by the turning of the axle so as to coincide with the black line upon the wainscot, as seen directly with the eye. It is seldom or never the case that the crystal, as first adjusted, affords this coincidence, the line visible in the face of the crystal almost always forming an angle more or less acute with the line on the wainscot seen directly. In order to effect this coincidence, we com- municate to the crystal a variety of slight movements, by means of the hinge at d, or of the little wheel e; by one or both of these mo- tions the adjustment is brought about. This being done, the axis is turned and the same arrangement effected with regard to the other plane. Sometimes it happens, that in adjusting the second plane we disturb the first: a little attention will, however, enable us to fix them both in the requisite position. Both reflections being pre- cisely arranged with regard to the black line, it is next requisite to observe that the line at 180 upon the circle forms a line with that at upon the vernier, at the same time that the reflection of the win- dow bar is seen along the black line. Now we have only to turn the exterior axis until the image of the bar reflected from the sec- ond plane is in like manner observed to coincide with the same line below. In this state of the instrument, the vernier at c will indi- cate the degrees and minutes at which the two planes incline to each other. Suppose the angle to be 105 5'. In this case, we shall find 105 upon the circle, as the nearest number which touches the on the vernier; still the line belonging to 105 upon the rim of the circle has perceptibly passed that corresponding to on the ver- nier. In order to ascertain the precise measure of this distance in minutes, we notice which line on the vernier cuts, or forms but one line with another" line on the principal circle, In the present case, it will be the line marked 5 on the vernier. The method above described cannot, however, be followed to the best advantage by persons who are short sighted. Glasses cannot be used in these experiments, and the sight of such persons will not in general, allow of their observing the black line with sufficient distinctness without them. By the following arrangement, how- ever, near sighted persons may use the reflective goniometer with the utmost accuracy. Let a cyphering slate be set up on edge by means of two cross pieces of wood, so that it shall stand perpen- dicularly and steadily upon the table between the goniometer and REFLECTIVE GONIOMETER. 67 the window, with its upper edge nearly on a level with the axis of the instrument. Let a horizontal line be drawn with a knife across the slate near its upper edge and parallel (as in the case of the black line on the wainscot,) with the bars of the window. Now let the slate be fixed exactly at such a distance from the observer, when his eye is at c, that he can most distinctly perceive the horizontal^rnark upon the slate. Here let it be made stationary upon the table. In this situation, the horizontal mark on the slate i to be substituted for the black mark first described. But instead of the reflection of a window bar, if the table should be situated near the window, it will be better to substitute a piece of wood of half the diameter of a window bar, placing it across half way between, and parallel with, two contiguous bars, since a window bar will give at this distance an image whose diameter is greater than is requisite, and thus diminish the accuracy of the coincidence we obtain with the line upon the slate. The instrument whose use has just been described has a remark- able advantage over the common goniometer not only in the accu- racy of its results, which in perfect crystals may be said to give the value of angles within a minute of a degree, but in its application to crystals of the smallest dimensions; it being estimated that it will give the inclination of planes whose area is less than joVcr oir of an inch. Indeed, the smaller the crystal is, in general, the more eligible it becomes for the measurement of its angles by this go- niometer, since in such crystals, inaccuracies are less liable to occur from the curvature of the crystalline foces, than in those which are of larger dimensions. Notwithstanding the superiority of the reflective over the com- mon, goniometer in most cases, both instruments are indispensable in the cabinet of every Mineralogist. Occasionally, crystals are too large or are deficient in polish, for the use of the reflective goniometer, in which case, the common one must be resort- ed to. The common goniometer has an advantage over the re- flective one in being a pocket instrument, as well as in the facility of its application where the crystals are of a suitable size : the re- flective goniometer, however, must be employed on all occasions when the crystals will allow of it, where the object is to describe accurately a new form of crystal, or to establish the system of crys- tallization belonging to a species not yet generally known. 68 TERMINOLOGY. . 58. STRUCTURE. The internal structure of crystals depends upon the con- nexion existing among their particles. It may be observed by mechanically overcoming this connexion. In effecting this separation, smooth and polished surfaces are of- ten produced in certain directions, and when a smooth surface is thus produced in any direction, others may also be effected in the same direction. Two or more of these being developed in a crys- tal, give origin to plates or laminae, from whence the expression, foliated structure or laminated structure, which has been applied to such crystals.* In other directions, the application of force only produces uneven faces, between any two of which thus produced, no parallelism exists. The production of even and polished surfaces, in causing the sep- aration of the pai ticles of crystals, is denominated their cleavage; of uneven and irregular surfaces, \\\e\v fracture. The fracture of crystals will be treated of hereafter. It is sometimes difficult to ascertain the cleavage of crystals, and very often equally so, to discover their fracture. The particles of Galena and Calcareous spar, separate so readily in the direction of their cleavages, that it is almost impossible to effect a separation in any other direction. On the contrary, others, as Quartz and Tour- maline, separate in other directions with greater facility than in those of their cleavage, so that it becomes difficult to observe even the traces of its existence. <. 59. CLEAVAGE. A crystal is said to be cleavable, or to admit of cleavage, if, by the application of mechanical force, it splits into par- allel layers. * Lapidaries have long been acquainted with this property in many of the gems, especially in the Diamond, which possesses a laminated struc- ture in four directions; a peculiarity of considerable importance in the cutting of this gem, since by means of it, flaws, and badly colored por- tions, are easily got rid of, without the trouble of being ground down, as in other gems. CLEAVAGE. 69 Crystals of certain species cleave with the greatest facility, as those of Carbonate of Lime, Fluor, and Galena, which require merely a slight sho<:k from a hammer to cause their separation into fragments with even and parallel faces ; while those of other spe- cies, as Arragonite and Apatite, require the aid of a knife or chisel, and a delicate mallet, in order to arrive at the same result. It is frequently necessary to learn beforehand the direction of the cleav- age, which may be done by holding the crystal in a strong light, the reflection of which renders the natural joints at once visible. A little practice is required in order to cleave minerals with neat- ness. Crystals of Fluor, Calcareous Spar, Blende, and Sulphate of Strontian, may be recommended to the student as good examples for his early exercise. . 60. CLEAVAGE PLANES. The faces which result from cleaving a crystal may be termed its cleavage planes. Cleavage planes differ with respect to the lustre they exhibit. Those which are parallel, in the same crystal however, are always similar in this respect, while those which are not parallel often pre- sent considerable diversity. That it is perfectly easy from these differences to ascertain the similarity or dissimilarity of cleavage planes in a crystal. '. 61. DIRECTION OF CLEAVAGE CONSTANT. The direction in which the crystals of a species allow themselves to be cleaved is constant. If two directions of cleavage exist at the same time, as in the crystals of Sulphate of Strontian, wherever the faces corresponding to them are obtained, they always intersect each other at the same constant angles. This follows from the parallelism of all those fa- ces of cleavage which lie in one and the same direction. . 62. FORM OF CLEAVAGE. A regular solid contained under cleavage planes is called a form of cleavage, or a cleavage crystal. 70 TERMINOLOGY. The directions of cleavage are somewhat various in crystals be- longing to different species. In some crystals, but one is visible, several possess two, Galena and Calcareous spar, have three, Fluor four, anJ Blende six, while others sliil, possess cleavages in more di- rections than six. As the planes produced by cleavage are parallel, a form of cleav- age cannot result from less than three sets of cleavages. Never- theless, if cleavage takes place in but two directions, provided these lead to the formation of a quadrangular prism, it may be said to pro* duce a form of cleavage ; since, if we arrive at a knowledge of the lateral faces of a prism, we possess independently of the cleavage, means for determining the base, whether it be horizontal or oblique. It has been remarked, ( 60,) that there exist differences among the cleavage planes of a crystal, by which one cleavage or one set of cleavages, are capable of being distinguished from others. The importance of this fact is very great. If we attempted to consider the forms of cleavage, or cleavage crystals, as they are formed from the whole of their cleavages, we should sometimes have forms too complicated to be understood. We therefore describe separately the solids resulting fiom the meeting of cleavage planes of thesamo kind, which will lead us to point out in a few instances, more than one form of cleavage as belonging to the same crystal. The following arc the different forms of cleavage which have hitherto been observed. 1. The Cube, (Fig. 33.) Three cleavages, with equally brilliant -and even planes, perpendicular to one another. Examples Galena, Grey Cobalt- and Leucite. This last mineral presents, in addition to the foregoing, six other cleavages, vvnich afford planes parallel to the sides of a regular rhombic Dodecahedron. 2. The right square Prism, (Fig. 40.) Three cleavages, two producing similar planes, and all perpendicular to each other. Ex- amples Idocrase and Scapolite. 3. The right rectangular Prism, (Fig. 41.) Three cleavages, perpendicular to one another; but no two of which are similar, Examples Olivine and Wolfram. 4. The right rhombic Prism, (Fig. 42.) Two cleavages of equal degrees of distinctness, not perpendicular to one another; and a third, perpendicular or at right angles to the first. Examples Sulphate of Barytes and Staurotide. 5. The right oblique angled Prism, (Fig. 43.) Two cleavages, pot at right angles to each other, unequally distinct; and a third, per- pendicular to the ftrst. Examples Epidote and Sulphate of Lin^o, FORMS OF CLEAVAGE. 71 6. The oblique rhombic Prism, (Fig. 4-1.) Tv/o cleavages, equal- ly distinct, not perpendicular to one another; and a third, forming an equal oblique angle with each of the first. Examples Hornblende arid Pyroxene. 7. The doubly oblique Prism, (Fig. 45.) Two cleavages, une- qually distinct, not perpendicular to one another, and a third, in- clining differently to each of the first. Examples Feldspar and Sulphate of Copper. 8. The regular Octahedron, (Fig. 35.) Four cleavages, equally distinct, and equally inclined to an axis, (under the angle of 35 15' 51",) so that any two of their opposite intersections are perpendicu- lar to each other, or so that the three sections through the edges are squares, and that the faces are equilateral triangles. Examples Fluor and Diamond. 9. The Octahedron with a square base, (Fig. 37.) Four cleav- cges, equally distinct, and equally inclined to an axis, so as to form equal isosceles triangles, and so that the three sections through the edges are in one instance a square, and in the others, rhombs. Ex- amples Zircon and Tungsten. 10. The Octahedron ivith a rectangular base, (Fig. 38.) Four cleavages, disposed about an axis under two different inclinations, the two on opposite sides being equally inclined and equally dis- tinct ; fiom whence it follows, that the triangles are all isosceles, but of two different kinds. Example Arseniate of Copper. 11. The Octahedron with a rhombic base, (Fig. 39.) Four cleav- ages, equally distinct, equally inclined to an axis, but so as to form scalene triangles, and that the sections through the edges are rhombs. Example Sulphur. 12. The Rhomboid, (Fig. 46.) Three cleavages, equally distinct, and equally inclined among one another. Examples Carbonate of Lime and Corundum. 13. The regular Dodecahedron, (Fig. 3G.) Six cleavages, equal- ly distinct, and uniting two and two upon an edge, under an angle of 120. Example Blende. 14. The regular six sided Prism, (Fig 47.) Three cleavages, equally distinct, parallel to the axis of the crystals, intersecting each Other, under angles of 120; and a fourth, perpendicular to the first. Examples Emerald and Phosphate of Lead. The last substance has cleavages also, equally distinct in six di- rections ; viz. parallel to the terminal edges of the prism, which re- sult in a Dodecahedron with equal isosceles triangles. 72 TERMINOLOGY. . 63. BUT ONE FORM OF CLEAVAGE (GENERALLY) IN THE MEMBERS OF A SPECIES. The various crystalline forms belonging to any one spe- cies afford in general, the same form of cleavage. By this we are not to understand, that but one solid in the majority of cases is actually obtainable by cleavage in whatever way it may be performed ; the proposition is only true, when a simultaneous cleav- age is effected in every direction, in a crystal that affords similar cleavage planes. For it is obvious, that if in the case of Fluor, whose cleavage solid is a regular Octahedron, we omit to cleave parallel with certain of its planes, and cleave only parallel with the others, we may obtain a Tetrahedron or an acute Rhomboid. Likewise in Blende, where the cleavage form (obtained by all the similar cleavages) is a regular Dodecahedron, we may obtain by partial cleavages an obtuse Rhomboid, an Octahedron, an acute Rhom- boid, and an irregular Tetrahedron.* It has been said, however, that the crystals of some minerals pos- sess many cleavages, and in some instances two sets of cleavages, may each result in forms of cleavage, which will disagree, as in the case of Phosphate of Lead, whose crystals besides cleaving parallel to the sides of a regular six sided Prism, also afford a Dodecahedron with isosceles triangular faces. These instances are however, very rare. In general, the additional cleavages (which rarely take place in more than one direction) are of such a nature as to lead to no reg- ular solid, and are therefore denominated supernumerary cleavages. . 64. RELATION BETWEEN FORMS OF CLEAVAGE AND CRYSTALS. Forms of cleavage, either represent members of the se- ries of crystallization of those species from the individuals of which they have been extracted, or those individuals * See Brooke's Crystallography, p. 40, et seq. where these results are illustrated by diagrams. FORMS OF CLEAVAGE AND CRYSTALS. 73 may be conceived to be derived from their cleavage solids, agreeably to the symmetrical transitions explained in . 50. 1. Thus the form of cleavage in Galena is a Cube, which corres- ponds with the most common form of crystal belonging to this min- eral: that in Idocrase a right square Prism, and that in Muriacite a right rectangular Prism; in both of which cases, there exists the same correspondence as in the first.* Additional instances among * It may appear to the student, who has made trial of cleaving crys- tals, somewhat arbitrary to dis(inguish the three kinds of quadrangular prism referred to above, in all of which the angles are 90; since it is ob- vious from the nature of cleavages that any crystal capable of affording one, may also give rise to the other two ; from which it would naturally seem, that these three forms of cleavage should rather be treated of as one. But if we pay attention to the nature of the cleavages in the three cases, we shall perceive there is good cause for the distinction intro- duced. For example, if (as is the case) in a crystal of Galena, a parallele- piped with square faces, the three cleavages are equally distinct, it is ev- ident that any one of the three faces of the prism (with its opposite) sustains the same relation to the others, as the cleavage which corres- ponds to it, does to the other cleavages, that is, they are all similar, and may be regarded as being situated at an equal distance from a central point, as is the fact with the faces of the Cube. This solid is therefore, very properly denominated a Cube. If two kinds of cleavage are equally distinct; and the third more or less so than the first, or scarcely perceptible at all, as is the fact in the crystals of Idocrase, the four faces w r hich result from the similar cleava- ges are similar, and similarly situated as respects an imaginary line join- ing the centres of the two other faces ; this line must therefore be con- sidered as the prismatic axis, and then, in order to represent the similar- ity of position among the lateral faces to this axis, we must consider the bases (i. e. the other faces) as square ; which makes the solid in ques- tion, the right square Prism. If the three cleavages, parallel to the faces of the right quadrangular prism, are unequal as respects their distinctness, as in Muriacite, then each of the three sets of faces of the prism considered along with the cor- responding cleavages, rsay be regarded as distinct from one another, a 7 74 TERMINOLOGY. the forms of cleavage crystals arej the octahedral form of cleaV* age in Fluor and the Diamond, the dodecahedral in Blende, the rhomboidal in Carbonate of Lime, and Bitter Spar, and the hexago- nal in Apatite ; in each of which species, the same forms occur among their natural crystals. In these cases, and others which are similar, it is to be understood that the faces under which the form of cleavage is contained, are parallel to the faces of the crystal- line form, and therefore the solids are perfectly similar in the rela- tions of edges and angles. In the correspondence above referred to, abstraction is made of those slight alterations which crystals suffer in consequence of the replacement of their edges and angles. 2. But there are a few instances where the solid yielded by cleav- age, does not resemble the crystal from which it is obtained, or any others of the same species. Of this, the form of cleavage in Corun- dum which is a Rhomboid, is an example. The form possessed by the crystals of this substance, is either that of an hexagonal Prism, or of an hexagonal Prism surmounted by a six sided pyramid. A second example of this disagreement occurs in the cleavage forms of the Leucite, which (as has before been noticed) are, a Cube, and a rhombic Dodecahedron, while its only crystalline form is that of the trapezohedron. According to the present proposition, the hexagonal Prism is de- rivable from the Rhomboid, and the trapezohedron from the rhom- bic Dodecahedron, agreeably to those transitions of one form into another from symmetrical replacements upon their edges or angles, or both. That this is the case, may be perceived by referring to . 50. If the hexagonal Prism be shown to sustain this relation, it peculiarity, in the right quadrangular prism, particularly denoted by the right rectangular Prism. Where the form of cleavage presents solids, contained under dissimi- lar faces, as the right rectangular Prism, it is natural to infer that those cleavages which are parallel to the larger faces, will take place with greater difficulty than those parallel to the smaller faces, since the re- sistance produced by a large surface must necessarily be greater than that by a small ; accordingly, those faces which correspond to cleavages, effected with the greatest facility, and which of course present the most distinct planes, are regarded as the lesser, and those on the other hand which are effected with more difficultly, are conceived to belong to the larger faces. FORMS OF CLEAVAGE AND PRIMARY FORMS. 75 is plain, that the hexagonal Prism terminated at both extremities, with six sided pyramids, (whose faces correspond to those of the prism) or even the Dodecahedron with isosceles faces may be said to come into the same connection ; since both these forms flow from the hexagonal Prism, simply through the truncation of its terminal edges. <. 65. RELATION BETWEEN FORMS OF CLEAVAGE AND PRIMARY FORMS. The forms of cleavage and primary forms, (in those systems of crystallization where the former are observa- ble,) are identical. Those forms which are obtainable by cleavage, or which may be inferred to exist from certain appearances, are similar to the solids which are considered as the primary forms; and among the crystals of the different species, the one may be substituted for the other. But it will no doubt be recollected, that in two or three instances, the crystals of the same mineral yield two different cleavage forms. In these cases, we have two primary forms, either of which may be selected, the choice being regulated only by a single circum- stance ; viz. the predominance of one of the forms among the sec- ondary crystals of the mineral. Thus, in Phosphate of Lead, the AlotTTo^oo <**.* ptxfcvllol *rt fVia c'tdna nf on hpiXajrOlial Pi'lSII!; Slid Of &> dodecahedron with isosceles faces; but as the crystals are decided- ly prismatic in their shape, the former is regarded as the primary form. . 66. PRIMARY FORM, IN THE ABSENCE OF CLEAVAGE, HOW ESTABLISHED. When no cleavages are observable among the crystals of a mineral, the primary form is chosen from analogy. Thus, the crystals of Native Gold, (which are Octahedrons un- modified, and Octahedrons with their edges and angles truncated ; Cubes and Dodecahedrons,) possess no indications of cleavage ; but as they assume those forms which other minerals affect whose cleav- age forms are Octahedrons, the Octahedron is presumed to be the primary form in this instance, 76 TERMINOLOGY. The primary form which is selected, must always allow of the derivation of all the forms belonging to the series of crystallization, agreeably to the rules of derivation explained in . 51. . 67. DIRECTIONS FOR ASCERTAINING THE PRIMARY FORMS OF CRYSTALS. The rules for discovering the primary forms of crystals, depend upon the indications of cleavage, where it is observ- able, and upon analogy, where it is not. 1 . Crystals possessed of Cleavage. (a.) If a crystal has the form of one of the primary solids, either entire or altered by modifications, that form is its appropriate pri- mary, unless the cleavages it possesses are incompatible with such a form ; in which case, the particular solid developed by mechanic- al means, is the true primary. For example, if the crystal be a Cube of Galena, on making a trial to learn its cleavages, we perceive they are three in number, and that they take place parallel to the faces of the crystal with the same facility in each direction; the Cube is therefore inferred to be the primary form of the crystals of Galena. Again, if we seek for the cleavages in a cubic crystal of Fluor, we do not find them, as in the former example, parallel to the faces of the crystal, uui m an oblique direction, to the number of four, and leading to a solid having the form of a regular Octahedron, which is the primary form of the species. In the hexagonal prism of Corun- dum also, we find no cleavages coinciding with the faces of this form, but three which tend to the developement of a Rhomboid, the pri- mary form in this instance, &c.* * In consequence of the irregularity of crystals, (. 53,) considerable embarrassment will occasionally be experienced in recognising the planes of a primary solid, in a crystal where they exist. The secondary planes, although symmetrically disposed, are nevertheless very often disproportionably extended, so as greatly to disguise the true character of the crystal. A little experience in reading crystals, aided by a few general rules, will soon overcome the difficulty. Several of the forms are not liable to give rise to perplexity, in their determination. Such are the Tetrahedron and the rhombic Dodecahe-> METHOD OF ASCERTAINING PRIMARY FORMS. 77 (ft.) If the crystal does not occur under one of the primary forms, but under one of those new figures which we have seen, in . 51, are capable of being derived from the primary forms by symmetrical modifications, in these cases, (from our knowledge of the relations of the various new figures, as they have been called, to the prima- ry solids,) we shall be able, in general, to say, that a crystal of this sort belongs to some one of two or three of the primary forms, and in a few cases we are sure of the identical form from which it comes. Thus, if the crystal is a trapezohedron, we know it can come only from the Cube, the regular Octahedron, or the rhombic Dodecahedron. If a pentagonal dodecahedron, it must have for its dron. The different varieties of octahedron are also distinguishable from each other, by the angles at which their several planes respectively meet, as well as by the S3'mmetry of their modifications. (. 50.) The different species of parallelopipeds, are the most difficult forms among crystals to be identified. With regard to a crystal of this denom- ination, we should first observe whether it possesses a series of planes whose edges are parallel to each other. If we observe such a serie?, we should then hold the crystal so as to bring the parallel edges into a vertical direction. When thus situated, we should observe whether there be any plane at right angles to the vertical planes. It sometimes happens that agreeably to the foregoing directions, the crystal will possess two sets of vertical planes, according as one or the other of two sets of parallel edges are placed upright. In such a case, we should endeavor to ascertain whether the planes belonging to one set are not so symmetrically arranged with respect to those of the other as to possess the character of modifications of the terminal edges of the pre- dominant form ; if this should be the case, we should not make them the vertical planes. If there be a series of vertical planes, and a horizontal plane, we should observe whether any of the vertical planes are at'right angles to each other, and whether there be any oblique planes lying between some of the vertical planes and the horizontal plane. We should remark the equality or inequality of the angle at which any of the vertical or ob^ lique planes incline on the several adjacent planes. We will suppose a parallelepiped with oblique planes, situated be- tween the vertical and horizontal planes: if the inclination of the former planes is uniform to the adjacent vertical and horizontal ones, it belongs to the rigbt square Prism, provided the vertical planes are perpendicular 7* TERMINOLOGY. primary form a Cube ; if a dodecahedron with scalene triangular faces, it can come only from the Rhomboid. Where one of these new forms is capable of being derived from several primary forms, the student should seek directly for the cleavages, which will at once settle the question. 2. Crystals not possessed of Cleavage. Among crystals of this kind, which are not numerous, the student will be liable to experience occasional embarrassments. In general, he should endeavor to procure several forms of the same substance ; to each other; and to the right rhombic Prism, if these planes incline to each other alternately, at an acute and an obtuse angle. Again, we will suppose similar oblique planes to belong only to the opposite terminal edges, and the vertical planes to be at right angles to each other ; the primary form, in this case, is a right rectangular Prisrn. Let us suppose a crystal to be contained within any series of vertical planes, and to be terminated, not by a horizontal plane, but by a single oblique plane ; it will belong to the oblique rhombic Prism, the doubly oblique Prism, or the Rhomboid. If, instead of one oblique plane, there be four, inclining to each other at equal angles, the crystal may belong to the right square Prism, or to the Octahedron with a square base, if there be four oblique planes, each of which inclines on two adjacent planes, at unequal angles, the crystal will belong either to the right rectangular Prism or right rhom- bic Prism, or to the Octahedron with rectangular or rhombic bases. If the series of vertical planes consist of twelve, eighteen or twenty four, and if there be a single horizontal plane, the crystal will probably belong to the hexagonal Prism. If there should be six, nine, twelve, or some other multiple of three, and three oblique planes, the primary form is the Rhomboid. It is by thus noticing the symmetrical arrangement of the vertical planes, or of the oblique planes, if there be any, that we are able to re- fer a complicated crystal to one of the primary solids. Crystals belonging to the doubly oblique Prism are among the most difficult to be understood; and the student, in examining them, as well as very irregular crystals of other forms, will generally apply directly to the cleavage, the knowledge of which, though it be but in one direction, will often be sufficient to enable him to distinguish the primary planes. FRACTURE. 79 this will enable him to fix upon the primary form, agreeably to the rule by which that form has been selected, (.66.) If, however, all the crystals within his reach have the same form, a knowledge of the relations of primary and secondary forms, and their transi- tions into one another and into new forms, will enable him to decide within one or two of the solid in question, which will often be suffi- cient for his purpose. Thus, if the crystal is a Cube, the primary form must either be identical with that of the crystal, or it must be a regular Tetrahedron, a regular Octahedron or a rhombic Dodeca- hedron, the only solids with which it comes into connexion. Is it an Octahedron with a square base ? this form must be its primary 3 or the right square Prism, &c. . 68. FRACTURE. A mineral when broken in a direction so as to make its irregular structure appear, or contrary to its cleavage, ex- hibits its fracture. Cleavage relates to the smooth and even surfaces produced by breaking a mineral : fracture to those which arc uneven. The lat- ter property, though in general more easily observed in a mineral than the former, is nevertheless of considerably inferior conse- quence on account of its want of constancy. Fracture is considered here as a property of individuals, or of sim- ple minerals in general ; accordingly, several varieties of fracture frequently alluded to in works on mineralogy, will be treated of under compound minerals, to which they relate. . G9. KINDS OF FRACTURE. The kinds of fracture are determined according to the quality of the faces produced : this may be said to be of four sorts; viz. 1. conchoidal, 2. even, 3. uneven, 4. hackly. 1. The Conchoidal represents that kind of irregular structure where the faces resemble the inside or the outside of a common bi- valve shell, as a clam; and the terms perfectly, imperfectly, large, small, and flat, are sometimes appended to point out more minutely the size and concavity of the surface, though in general they are of but little importance. 80 TERMINOLOGY. 2. Even is applied to such faces as are nearly flat. It is doubtful, however, whether this fracture can be said to occur except among compound minerals. 3. Uneven, when the surface is irregular, without presenting any shell-like concavities or elevations. 4. Hackly, which results rather from the tearing than from the breaking of a mineral, is applied to surfaces covered with little hook shaped filaments, very perceptible to the touch. . 70. SURFACE. The kinds of surface presented by minerals may be considered under four heads; viz. 1, faces of crystalliza- tion, 2. faces of cleavage, 3. faces of fracture, 4. faces of composition. Of all these kinds of faces, the most important are those which are even, since, in the mineral kingdom, the uneven faces are not subject to any constant law. The even faces are confined to the faces of crystallization and the faces of cleavage. 1. Faces of crystallization. The differentjqualities of the faces of crystallization depend upon their being smooth, without any reg- ular elevations or depressions; upon their being striated, rough, or drusy. Smooth faces may be said to be the most abundant among crys- tals. We include, however, under this term such as sometimes have slight elevations and depressions, provided they are so faint that the general appearance of eveness and continuity of the faces is not effected by their occurrence. Striated faces are those upon which we observe parallel grooves or striae. These are frequent among minerals ; and their observa- tion is of great importance, since they are confined to particular planes and assume a constant direction. For example, in Quartz;, the alternate lateral faces are striated horizontally; in cubic crystals of Iron Pyrites, all the faces are striated with this remarkable pe- culiarity, that the striae are parallel to each other upon parallel fa- " ces, and perpendicular to each other upon such faces as are not parallel ; in Titanite and Beryl, the prismatic faces are striated lon- gitudinally, &c. SURFACE. 81 Rough or Drusy. This property of the surface of crystalline forms arises from elevations projecting from the faces of the crys- tals: the only difference in the application of the terms arises out of the size of the elevated particles. Thus, among those octahedral crystals of Fluor which consist apparently of minute cubes, we have frequent instances of these varieties of faces. The faces of such octahedrons cannot be planes; but they consist of the faces of cubes, which are perpendicular upon each other, and so situated, that a plane passing through their solid angles would be parallel to the faces of the octahedron. The smaller these cubes are, the more the general faces of the Octahedron will assume the appearance of exact planes. They are said to be drusy, if the asperities upon the faces are still easily distinguishable; they are termed rough, if they are only perceived with difficulty, or if the existence of such asperities can merely be inferred from the want of lustre. Instances of drusy faces often occur in like manner among the crystals of Quart/. A great number of prismatic crystals appear as if grouped parallel to each other, or round a larger crystal of the same kind. In the above instances those particles which project from the faces of the crystals must not be considered as single individuals ; and crystals with drusy faces are therefore, not compound minerals. They indicate rather the gradual progress of the formation of crys- tals from the interruption in which they arise. 2. Faces of cleavage, present us with very little remarkable dif- ferences in their quality. Those which are smooth are frequently denominated perfect. Notice is sometimes taken of striated appear- ances, or parallel lines traversing cleavage faces, as in those of Feldspar, Corundum, &c. They are not attended, however, as is the case with striae upon faces of crystallization, by elevations and depressions upon the faces, but originate in the flow of light, through natural joints of the crystals, in which this property is observable perpendicularly, or nearly so, to the planes in which it occurs. Its observation may occasionally be employed to advantage, in discov- ering the similar cleavages of a mineral. 3. Faces of fracture, differ in the greater or less smoothness of their inequalities, and according to this measure in particular, the differ- ent kinds of fracture are said to be more or less perfect. 4. Faces of composition, which are those in which several individ- uals touch one another, are sometimes even, yet this is not common, and when they are so, there is no danger of confounding them along with faces of cleavage ; because those particles which are contained 82 TERMINOLOGY. between two faces of composition, can no more be cleaved in the same direction after their separation, unless they possess a cleavage of that kind, in which event, the quality of the two kinds of faces, would suffice for their distinction. Faces of composition are rarely smooth ; and if this happens, we find it only in single, and not in continuous parts of the faces. If they are streaked, the markings are irregular, and without any con- stant direction. Very often the faces of composition are rough, their lustre being of a low degree, or wholly wanting, which ena- bles us to distinguish them readily from the faces of cleavage, where these two kinds happen to be parallel. They are sometimes un- even, or contain more or less considerable elevations and depressions. In such cases, we must avoid confounding them, with uneven faces of fracture, by comparing them with real faces of fracture in the same individual.* SECTION II. COMPOUND MINERALS. $. 71. REGULAR AND IRREGULAR COMPOSITION. The mode of composition in which individuals occur is said to be regular, if the form produced by their union is a regular one ; if the contrary takes place, the composition is said to be irregular. If two or more homogeneous individuals join in a compound form, regularly and symmetrically, the composition is as much determina- ble as the form of a single crystal. For we may indicate with the utmost precision, in which faces of the simple forms, or in which plane the individuals cohere, even though this plane should not be parallel to a face of any simple form of that species to which the individuals belong. A composition of this kind is said to be regular. * The character by which the faces of composition essentially differ from those of crystallization and of cleavage, consists in the circum- stance, that generally they preserve no determined direction, and do not produce any regular forms. COMPOUND MINERALS. 83 On the other hand the composition is irregular, if the forms are not connected in the manner above described ; but rather in such a manner as not to give rise to any regular or symmetrical forms. Individuals joined in this way are said to be aggregated. There are compound minerals, which affect regular external forms, although their composition is in fact irregular. The regularity of the form in such cases evidently does not follow from the composi- tion, but it must originate from something which is foreign to the mineral. Compositions of this sort cannot be called regular in the sense of the word now explained. . 72. REGULAR COMPOSITION OF TWO INDIVIDUALS. The regular composition of two homogeneous individu- als, joined in one crystalline form, has been called a Tivin crystal. The peculiar character of Twin crystals is, that the face of com- position is in close and exact connexion, and that the plane in which they unite is either parallel to the face, or perpendicular to the edge of a form belonging to the series of crystallization of the species. The situation of the two individuals connected, is conceived of, if we suppose both to be in a parallel situation, and then one of them to be turned round a certain line under an angle of 180, while the other remains unmoved. This line is termed the axis of Rev- olution, and it is possessed of a determined direction, being either perpendicular to the face of composition, or it coincides with this face, while it is paiallel to one of the ordinary axes of the individual. The angle of 180 is the angle of Revolution. The resulting form is frequently called a hemitrope; a term expressive of the idea of the demi-revolution which is supposed to have taken place.* The term made .was first applied to such forms by Rome * It is scarcely necessary to say that it is not really believed that reg- ular compound crystals were actually formed in this way ; our only rea- son for making use of such language is the facility it affords in compre- hending the structure of these crystals. The term hemitrope, however, is rather confined in its application to twin crystals, including only such as are capable of being explained, by supposing a single crystal to be bisected in a determined direction, and one of the halves to be turned in the plane of bisection through 180. 84 TERMINOLOGY. de Lisle, a name at present but little employed, in consequence of its more general application as the denomination of a species in mineralogy. This kind of structure will become apparent from a careful atten- tion to the following examples. Fig. 136. Fig. 137. Fig. 138. If, in Fig. 136, the halves of a regular Octahedron, (obtained by placing that solid upon one of its faces and dividing it, in this posi- tion, by a horizontal section, equidistant from the upper and lower parallel planes,) be applied to each other, parallel to the face of sec- tion m n o p q r, Fig. 137, and then made to revolve upon an axis perpendicular to the plane of junction through 60, or one sixth of a circle, a twin crystal, Fig. 138, will be formed. Or we may sup- pose that the crystals instead of being thus bisected, and only the half of each made use of, were applied so as mutually to penetrate each other, and that the revolution, above described, took place in the compound crystal where the sectional planes m n o p q r, of the two crystals, coalesce. The compound crystal possesses angles not to be met with in either of the forms which are supposed to give rise to it; as may be seen in the meeting of the two planes, c m 1 r f andfop, Fig. 138, which form what is called a re-entering angle; the angles also at which the two planes, a c r' q' and bf on incline, are different from that at which any two faces meet in the regular Octahedron. This is called a salient angle in the pres- ent form. This variety of twin crystal, it will be observed from an inspection of Fig. 138, has three re-entering and three salient angles, which are all situated in an alternating order about the same horizontal plane m n o p q r* * Two individuals of the same form as that which gave rise to the twin crystal, just described, may penetrate each other in such a manner as to give rise to re-entering angles, as in Fig. 139. But here, the as- COMPOUND MINERALS. 85 Twin-crystals of this kind, are common among the forms of Octa- hedral Iron Ore and Spinelle. 2. Another kind of twin crystal occurs among the crystals of Hornblende, which may be conceived of in the following manner. If we suppose two crystals of the form of an oblique rhombic Prism, (Fig. 44,) whose lateral edges are replaced by the faces x, and whose terminal edges are truncated by the planes rr and r f r lf , are made to penetrate each other, so that the vertical plane abed, (which passes through .the middle of the planes x, and which is a diagonal plane of the rhombic Prism,) in each, shall coincide, the result will of course be similar to Fig. 140. If now, the anterior portion, separated by the section abed, undergoes a semi-revolution, or passes through the an- gle of revolution, upon an axis perpendicular to the sectional plane, the faces r 1 and r' r will come to the upper base, Fig. 141 , with a small triangular portion of the lower base P, which will form a re-entering angle with the remaining portion of the upper base P. The re- Fig. 140. Fig. 141. semblage of the two Octahedrons cannot be con- sidered as a twin crystal, because the correspon- ding faces of the two forms, for example ace and a' c 1 e', are exactly parallel to each other. It will become obvious, on inspection, how different is the case with the faces of the twin crystal above described, in which it is seen that the respective- ly similar parts, in the composing crystals, have assumed that different, though fixed situation, with respect to each other, which is the peculiar character of the regular composition. 8 Fig. 139. 86 TERMINOLOGY. entering angle, in this twin crystal, is not always observable ; times it is effaced by the undue enlargement of the faces rr and r ! r' f 9 so that they join and form one termination, while the planes P P f 9 whose faces correspond to the obtuse lateral edges, form the oppo- site termination. 3. Another twin crystal, common among the forms of Oxide of Tin, may be conceived of in the following manner. Supposing, as in the former instances the mutual penetration of two crystals, Fig. 142, is a composition of two right square Prisms, surmounted by four sided pyramids, whose prismatic axes coincide : the face of revolution ahey, is situated parallel to the edge om of the pyra- mid. If the part situated above the plane ahey is made to under- go a semi-revolution, around an axis perpendicular to that plane, the twin crystal, represented by Fig. 143, is produced. Fig. 142. The regular composition just explained is never so simple as here represented : a large number of additional faces are usually present, which we have omitted, in order to render the explanation more easy. Fig, 144 is a twin crystal of Titanite, whose formation, it will be seen, admits of a similar explanation. These crystals are sometimes called geniculated forms. Fig. 144. COMPOUND MINERALS. 87 4. Fig. 145 represents a crystal, in which the face of composition ar'r r b is perpendicular to the axes of the aggregated crystals. By causing the part above the face of composition to revolve upon an axis perpendicular to that face, through 60, the twin crystal, Fig 145, is generated. This form is met with among the crystals of Carbonate of Lime. Setting aside the new planes tt and ft 1 at the summits of this twin crystal, it may be seen, by consulting Fig. 131, how it differs from the crystals to whose composition it is due. 5. If we imagine two crystals of the form of a right rectangular Prism, terminated by four sided pyramids, to be placed with their broad lateral planes parallel, and made to penetrate each other, so that their axes shall coincide : and if one of the crystals, by revolv- ing upon the common axis, through 90, be conceived to emerge from its concealment in the other, it will originate the twin crystal, Fig. 146, which is a very frequent composition among the crystals of Harmotone. Fig. 145. Fig. 146. 6. Let us imagine one of the irregular six sided prisms, Fig. 147, to consist of two similar individuals, whose axes (by the mutual penetra- tion before described,) coalesce. Now if we suppose one of them to emerge, by revolving upon an axis perpendicular to the prismatic axis of the aggregated crystals, through 60, we have the twin crys- tal there represented, which is a common form of Staurotide. TERMINOLOGY. If the angle of revolution is 90, we have a different twin crystal, as represented in Fig. 148, which is also a frequent composition among the crystals of Staurotide.* Fig. 147. Fig. 148. In detecting twin crystals, we are frequently assisted by the obser- vation of the re-entering angles : though it very often happens that such angles are found in simple crystals, as was just mentioned, and also in irregular aggregates of crystals. The re-entering angle in twin crystals is sometimes not visible, also in consequence of its be- ing closely enveloped in the gangue in which the crystals are enga- ged, and in other instances it is effaced, apparently by the increase of the crystal upon certain planes, after the individuals have assu- med their situation as a regular composition. When the re-enter- ing angle does not permit us to detect such forms, we are led to their discovery from the impossibility of explaining them without assu- ming that they are formed from the composition of two individuals, according to some one of the methods above explained. * The two twin crystals just described, differ in other respects, than in the angle of revolution. In Fig. 148, it is perceived that the face M, of one crystal constantly corresponds to the face M, of the other crys- tal, the face o, to the faceo'; and in Fig. 147, this correspondence does not occur : in the upper part, truly, the face o, corresponds to the face o' y and in the lower part, the face M, to the face M' ; but, laterally, the face o' of one crystal, corresponds to the face M of the .other, and th same of the rest. COMPOUND MINERALS. 89 . 73. REGULAR COMPOSITION OF MORE THAN Two INDIVIDUALS. The regular composition of three, four, five, or more individuals may be reduced to, and explained by, the regu- lar composition of two individuals. For example, Fig. 149 represents a regular composition of three individuals which occur in Chrysoberyl. The individual 1 forms with 2 a twin crystal, as in Fig. 147, and 2 may be conceived to form with 3 a second composition of the same kind. Fig. 150. Fig. 150 is a regular composition of Titanite, consisting of a greater number of twin crystals; each of which is readily conceived of, by an attention to the faces of the crystal. The face upon which the crystal stands may be said to form with M one twin crystal ; M with M 3 , a second ; M 2 with M 5 , a third ; M 5 with M 6 , a fourth} M 6 witL MS a fifth. In the absence of re-entering angles, the striae upon some of the planes of regularly aggregated crystals, are frequently of such a nature, as to enable us to understand their composition. Thus, the longitudinal markings upon the broad lateral planes of Fig. 149, ren- der evident the different individuals entering into the form ; and the lines which connect its re-entering angles, point out the faces of composition. In the crystal, whose composition is represented in Fig, 150, we observe on plane M s as well as its opposite, distinct lines, bisecting the angles a b c, b c d, and c d e, which meet near the centre of the face at 0, and point out the faces of composition, As respects the cleavage of compound crystals, the individual crystals possess the same cleavages as individuals not thus aggre- gated, S* 00 TERMINOLOGY. * 74. IRREGULAR COMPOSITION. GROUPS AND GEODE OF CRYSTALS. If several loose or imbedded crystals are merely aggre- gated, so that one becomes the support of the other, while there exists no general support, the assemblage is termed a Groupe of Crystals; if, however, several aggre- gated crystals are fixed to a common basis, so as to de- rive from it a general support, the assemblage is said to be a Geode of Crystals. The difference between these two sorts of assemblages is the same as that existing between an imbedded and an implanted crys- tal. Both the groupes and the geodes refer only to compound min- erals, never to such as are mixed. There is sometimes a degree of order observable in these groupes of crystals ; it never amounts, however, to a geometrical regularity, and therefore, no regular form can be said to arise from the assemblage, . 75. IMITATIVE SHAPES. The shape of a compound mineral is called an imitative or particular external shape, if it bears some resemblance to the shape. of another natural or artificial body. Some of these forms are produced in a space not incumbered with matter, and depend upon the properties peculiar to the minerals themselves, without being influenced by any contiguous matter ; others owe their shape to that extra- neous or foreign matter with which they are surrounded. The latter of these have been called extraneous imitative shapes. The groupes and geodes are the simplest modes in which the ir- regularly compound minerals appear in nature. If the individuals thus connected are diminished in size, and if their number at the game time increases, imitative forms are produced from the groupes COMPOUND MINERALS. 01 of crystals ; which although they are founded in the nature of the individuals themselves, yet cannot be employed to any extent in the discrimination of minerals. The extraneous imitative forms do not depend upon the natural forms of the individuals, but merely upon the shape of the space previously existing, and are, therefore, entirely accidental. . 76. IMITATIVE SHAPES ORIGINATING IN THE GROUPES OF CRYSTALS. The imitative shapes which originate from the groupes of crystals, are loose or imbedded, and more or less dis- tinctly globular, or spheroidal masses. If the individuals connected with each other become very mi- nute, and at the same time unite with each other into a groupe of crystals, globular forms result, which are sometimes very perfect, at others very imperfect. Their surface is drusy, or covered with minute asperities, where it has not been disturbed in its formation, or by subsequent accidents. When broken open, the direction of the constituent individuals becomes apparent, and in most instances corresponds to the direction of the radii of a sphere, beginning in the centre and terminating at the surface. Imbedded globular shapes, like imbedded crystals, are complete on all sides, and an im- pression of their form in the mass from which they have been de- tached. Instances of imbedded globular shapes occur in Iron Py- rites, Chlorophaeite, &c. When globular masses are attached to one another, they may produce reniform and botryoidal shapes, as in Malachite ; but such instances are rare, and require to be distin- guished from those described in (. 77.) The loose or imbedded globular shapes differ from grains and an- gular masses, inasmuch as they are not simple minerals. . 77. IMITATIVE SHAPES ARISING OUT OF THE GEODES OF CRYSTALS. There are three different kinds of imitative shapes re- sulting from geodes of crystals : 1. Those in which the in- dividuals spring from, or are attached to, a common point 92 TERMINOLOGY. of support; 2. Those in which the individuals form one the support of the other; and 3. Those in which the sup- port is cylindrical, sometimes a simple line, sometimes a tube. Among those of the first division, we find the implanted globu- lar shapes. They arise, if very thin capillary crystals, or in gen- eral, such as have one of their dimensions considerably surpassing the others, are fixed with one of their ends to a common point of support, from which they diverge in every direction. The mode of the formation of such globular shapes is more apparent, if the num- ber of the individuals is not so great that they touch each other on all sides. The implanted globules must necessarily be incomplete, because the implanted crystals of which they consist are themselves incomplete, and therefore they leave no impression when detached from their support. Globular shapes of this kind occur very fre- quently in Stilbite, Gypsum, and Arragonite. If, during the formation of several globules, they come into con- tact with each other, there will arise reniform and botryoidal shapes, which therefore, are nothing else than several implanted globules joined together. The single globules are separated from each other by faces of composition. These compositions are very frequent in Haematite, Chalcedony, Wavellite, Sac. In some instances, as for example in Chalcedony, the individuals become so delicate as to cease to be any longer observable. To the present class, belong also the fruticose shapes, which possess some resemblance to parts of certain plants, and most of those commonly called dendritic, the latter of which may penetrate throughout the whole mass, or only be superficial. The second division contains among others, the dentiform, the filiform, and the ca.pillary shapes. These arise, if one implanted crystal is the support of another, this of a third and so on ; so that rows of such crystals are produced, as may be seen in Native Cop* per and Native Silver. Sometimes several rows of individuals thus composed, join within one and the same plane in certain constant directions, so that the individuals of the one of these series do not join with those of the other, but remain separate. Thus the dendritic shapes are produ? ced, as seen in Native Silver and Native Gold. COMPOUND MINERALS. 93 If the rows of individuals, thus arranged, approach so near each other that they at last meet, so as to form a continuous mass, they are said to occur in leaves or membranes ; examples of which are found in Native Gold. Compound minerals, like those of membranes, may again join in a new composition, in which the individuals are arranged, for the most part, at right angles to each other. This composition is de- nominated the reticulated shape, and is often seen in Titanite. The third division comprehends the stalactitic and coralloidal shapes. The first of these consists of individuals which are per- pendicular to every point of a straight cylindrical or linear support, in its whole circumference. Examples of this composition are com- mon in Carbonate of Lime, in those productions called stalactites : more rarely, in Chalcedony and Iron Pyrites. The coralloidal shapes consist of individuals inclined at an angle to their support, which, although linear, is not straight; they are fixed upon this support in every part of the circumference, exactly as is the case in the sta- lactitic shapes. This kind of imitative shapes is frequently met with in Arragonite. . 78. AMORPHOUS COMPOSITION. If the mass, formed by the junction of several individu- als, is not only of an irregular shape, but if even in this, we cannot trace any resemblance with the shape of another body, the mineral is said to be massive. Massive minerals are amorphous, irregular compositions of individ- uals of the same species, which are in contact with each other on all sides. The difference between massive minerals, and those forms resulting from the groupes of crystals which deviate more or less from the spheroidal shape, consists merely in the strong adhesion of the former to the surrounding masses of other species. It is form- ed, however, and assumes a shape corresponding to its own inherent powers, and does not depend upon its support, inasmuch as we are led to suppose both of them to be of contemporaneous origin. Massive minerals, of a smaller size, are also disseminated minerals, which have again been subdivided according to the size of the par- ticles. Very large masses of amorphous minerals sometimes enter into the composition of rocks, as Carbonate of Lime and Gypsum, 94 TERMINOLOGY. &c. Under these circumstances, they assume the shape of beds, veins, &c., the consideration of which forms the province of Geology. . 79. ACCIDENTAL IMITATIVE SHAPES. The accidental imitative shapes presuppose an empty space, which has been filled up by the individuals of com- pound minerals, to which is transferred the form of the the pre-existing space. In this case, the shape, which the mineral assumes, is not a con- sequence of the properties inherent in the mineral, but is due solely to the space in which its formation takes place, the sides of which serve for a support to the individuals. Thus, at first a coating is formed which consists of small, but, in many cases, very percep- tible crystals, -whose apices are turned towards the inside of the empty space. This accounts for the hollowness of many imitative forms of this kind, of which the cavities are still lined with crystals. The space, in which the accidental imitative shapes are produced, may be either regular or irregular. A regular space cannot be produced except by crystallization ; and this may be either in the interior of a real crystal, or it is the cast of a crystal in the surround- ing mass. The first is not uncommon, particularly in large crys- tals of Quartz, where part of the space of the crystals has remain- ed empty, and is regularly limited by the surrounding crytalline mass. The irregular spaces sometimes consist of accidental fissures, cracks, and other similar openings; sometimes they depend upon the structure of the surrounding mass; others are derived from the moulds of various minerals, and also of organic bodies. The different kinds of space above alluded to, produce a distinc- tion of their forms into regular and irregular accidental imitative forms. . 80. REGULAR ACCIDENTAL IMITATIVE SHAPES. PSEUDOMORPHOSES. The regular imitative shapes have been called pseudcn morphoses, or supposititious crystals. COMPOUND MINERALS. 95 The denomination of crystals to these shapes was, no doubt, first applied from their external regularity ; the slightest attention to their internal structure is sufficient to show the impropriety of such a name, since, in this respect, they share so little in the properties of real crystals. No pseudomorphoses are formed in such impressions as originate from imbedded crystals, and which are disunited on all sides from the surrounding mass. But if an implanted crystal (. 54,) is cov- ered over by the mass of another mineral, which has been formed after the production of the first, the deposits of new individu- als will at first constitute a coating, consisting of minute crys- tals, and through which the form of the implanted crystal still continues to be perceptible ; the mineral may yet proceed in its formation, and become massive, or it may assume any other imi- tative shape, in which, the form of the original implanted crystal en- tirely disappears. The crystal is moulded in this mass ; and, if it be taken away, or decomposed, it will leave an impression of its form. Quartz often presents instances of these impressions. From the form of the impression we may very often infer by what min- eral it has been occasioned. Thus, what has been called the ramose shape of the Meteoric Iron of Siberia, is the result of impressions produced by crystals and grains of Chrysolite. The crystals sometimes are decomposed in the place of their formation, and compound minerals come in to fill the cavities thus produced ; in these cases, the compound mineral assumes the shape of the space already existing, since the sides of this become the support of the newly formed individuals. After this manner, pseudomorpho- ses are formed, which appear in the shape of implanted crystals, if the mass containing the impressions, by any cause, shall happen to dis- appear. All the peculiarities of the pseudomorphoses admit of an easy ex- planation from the mode of their formation above described. The form of the pseudomorphoses, has no relation at all to the na- ture of the mineral in which it occurs. For it is entirely acciden- tal, from what mineral the impression is derived, in which the new individuals have been deposited. Thus in Quartz we meet with forms originating from Carbonate of lime, Fluor and from Gypsum; which is sufficient to prove, that the forms of the pseudomorphoses cannot by any means be members in the series of crystallization of those species to which they belong. The quality of the surface of the pseudomorphoses, depends only upon its form, and not upon its substance, or its mode of composition, 96 TERMINOLOGY. for the elevations and depressions of the mould are likewise expres- sed in the cast, which in this case is the pseudomorphosis. The surface sometimes bears a new coating of very minute crystals, of the species of which the pseudomorphoses consists. This is frequent among the pseudomorphoses of Quartz, which affect the form of Car- bonate of lime. It is merely accidental however, and therefore not to be classed among the peculiar and constant characters of such productions. Pseudomorphoses are frequently hollow; and their cavities are lined with crystals, or with reniform and other imitative shapes of that species, which constitutes the pseudomorphoses. Pseudomorphoses are compound minerals, even though on ac- count of the minuteness of the individuals, the composition should no longer be perceptible. They are also very often mixed, since several species may obviously be deposited in an impression at the same time, in the same way in which several species may enter into the composition of a geode. Pseudomorphoses cohere immediately with the adjacent mass, and therefore seem only to be implanted. Mere coatings of crystals must not be included under pseudo- morphoses, since the latter are produced by the process of subse- quent formation in a mould, as it has been explained above. Nor can it be allowed, to consider decomposed or otherwise destroyed varieties of one species, as pseudomorphoses of another. Thus, the decomposed crystals of red Oxide of Copper, can never become pseudomorphoses of Carbonate of Copper, &c. The origin of another remarkable appearance, is so nearly related to that of pseudomorphoses, that there is no place more suitable than the present, for its illustration. Sometimes it happens, that the regular structure of a simple min- eral is impressed into the mass of another, which enters into fissures parallel, or dependent upon this structure. If now, the simple min- eral, by some accident, is decomposed, the remaining compound one will represent a shape which entirely depends on the structure of the decomposed individuals. The same takes place if the individu- als of compound minerals do not cohere from all sides, so that they allow of the interposition of foreign matter. Thus, the cellular shapes arise, of which the former have been called regular, and the latter irregular, cellular shapes. The sides of the alveolae are also sometimes lined with minute crystals of a third mineral. Thus we find cellular shapes in Quartz, produced by Galena, and whose sides are lined with Iron Pyrites. COMPOUND MINERALS. 97 The crystals of Steatite are considered as real crystals by some mineralogists, and by others as pseudomorphoses; nothing decisive, as respects this point, has as yet been brought forward. . 81. IRREGULAR ACCIDENTAL IMITATIVE SHAPES. According to the quality of the space, in which these imitative shapes have been formed, they may be distin- guished into: 1, those whose form is entirely accidental; 2, those whose form depends upon particular openings in other minerals, which are not simple ones; and 3, those whose form depends upon bodies, not belonging to the mineral kingdom. In the mass of rocks, and in that of beds and veins, we very often meet with cracks and fissures, which seem to have once been open, or which still continue so. Commonly, this appearance is explained by supposing them to be real fissures, or that the coherence of the particles in the rftcky mass has, in their case, been overcome, by some means or other. If a mineral is formed in a fissure of that kind, it must necessarily assume its form; and the mineral, appear- ing in this shape, is said to occur in plates. These fissures are sometimes so very narrow, that a fluid can scarcely enter between their sides; a mineral formed in such a space is safd to occur super- ficial, which in fact is nothing else than a very thin plate. There are instances where the sides of these fissures are nearly even, and possess a certain degree of polish. Fissures of this de- scription very seldom seem to have been filled up with other miner- als ; on the contrary, the sides are in immediate contact with each other. The sides of such fissures are said to be specular. r Several rocks contain vesicular cavities. In these cavities min- erals are formed, which consequently must assume their shape, and appear as more or less spheroidal masses. Such globules very often consist of the varieties of more than one species, and are sometimes hollow inside. They must be accurately distinguished from the grains, (. 54.) and from the globules described above. (. 77.) Examples of this kind exist in Agate Balls, Quartz, &c. If this kind of globular concretion is not hollow inside, and at the same time very irregular, so as to exhibit some resemblance to 98 TERMINOLOGY. the roots of certain plants, the forms arising, are called tuberose, of which Flint is one of the most common examples. To this class al>o, we must refer the irregular cellular shapes. (. 80.) These distinctions are of little or no importance, for the most part, as characters for the recognition of minerals; though necer.sary to be understood, to prepare the pupil for the full descrip- tion of the species, where it is intended that the descriptions shall convey as complete a picture as possible of every individual inclu- ded under each species. Those shapes which depend upon forms foreign to the mineral kingdom, are the petrifactions. There is no difference between the formation of the greater part of petrifactions, and of the pseudo- morphoses, or the accidental imitative forms, and it does not there- fore require any particular explanation. Mineralized organic re- mains cannot be classed among real petrifactions. These are not formed like pseudomorphoses, in which the space left empty by the decomposition of one body is filled up by another, but the organic mass is metamorphosed or changed into that of the mineral. Min- eralized organic bodies, besides their original shape, may also retain their original structure, as numerous vaiieties of Mineral Coal. Several minerals, even after their formation, assume other forms, which are accidental. Such are pebbles, formed when fragments of minerals are carried along by water, until, by attrition, they ac- quire a more or less rounded shape. Simple, compound and mixed minerals, are found in the shape of pebbles. .' 82. PARTICLES OF COMPOSITION. The individuals of which a compound mineral consists are called its Particles of Composition. The particles of composition are true crystals, which, by their contact, have prevented each other from assuming their regular form. The particles of composition have also been called Distinct Con- cretions. The other expression, however, is preferable, since it shows their reference to compound minerals, whereas distinct con- cretions may also allude to simple minerals. The particles of composition are distinguished according to their - length, breadth, and thickness, into granular, columnar, and lam- ellar, particles of composition. The granular particles have all their COMPOUND MINERALS. 99 dimensions nearly equal, or at least not very different. In the co- lumnar particles, the length is greater than both breadth and thick- ness ; and in direction, they are either parallel or diverging. In the lamellar particle?, the length and breadth surpass the thickness. There are straight and curved lamellar particles of composition. The latter are not individuals, but are composed already of them- selves. Examples, of the first of these kinds, occur in Coccolite, (a variety of Augite,) and Colophonite, (a variety of Garnet,) of the second in Pycnile, (a variety of Topav.,) and in Arragonite; and of the last in Tabular Spar, and Shi'e Spar, (A variety of Carbonate of Lime.) The size of tbe particles of composition varies considerably. Sometimes they are so minute a.s scarcely to be observable. Yet minerals, in which they are discoverable with difficulty, and even others in which we are unable to detect them at all, may be shown to be compound minerals. This may be illustrated by a reference to a series of specimens of Galena. In one of them, the particles of composition shall be of such distinctness as immediately to be visi- ble to the naked eye ; a second will present them smaller, and a third still more diminished; a fourth, filth, &c. may be conceived of, regularly decreasing; and at length, we anive at one in which the naked eye fails to discover the compound character. 13ut a mi- croscope rendeis it apparent. Other specimens, still more compact, will exiiibit particles of compOvsition only in particular places, even when observed by the micro.scrope. From these observations, we cannot avoid the conclusion, that these specimens ate all varieties of the same mineral, and that they differ merely in the size of their con- stituent individuals. And, when we find specimens thus connected, (ho3e in which the composition ceases to be observed are still to be regarded as compound. The columnar and lamellar particles are exactly in the same case. The former are very obvious in the stalactitic and re inform shapes of Haematite ; but in the compact varieties of this mineral they wholly disappear. Of this vanishing, and almost impalpable com- position, we have good examples in the reniform and stalactitic shapes of Chalcedony and Gibbsite, in whose specimens, in general, we can discover no trace of composition, but others do nevertheless occur, of these minerals, in which the composition is visible. 100 . TERMINOLOGY. . 83. SINGLE AND MULTIPLE COMPOSITION. The single composition takes place, if a compound min- eral consists of individuals ; but if the particles of compo- sition are again composed, then the composition is multiple. The compositions, treated of in the preceding articles, are single compositions. But there exist particles of composition, which are again compo- sed of granular particles, which last only, are real individuals. They join into those masses which again, on a larger scale, produce a granular composition. Thus, in Dolomite we sometimes have granular particles, consisting of columnar particles ; and in Carbo- nate of Lime and in Chalcedony, columnar particles are observed consisting again of columnar individuals. . 84. CHARACTERISTIC MARKS OF COMPOSITION. Imitative shapes, and the want of cleavage, are the chief characters, from the presence of which composition may be inferred, if this should not be observable at first sight. An individual formed under such circumstances as lie beyond the reach of foreign influence, will always assume a regular form. If, therefore, we meet with minerals which evidently have not been acted upon by any such circumstances, and which nevertheless do not present any regular form, we may infer, with perfect security, that the mineral is not a simple one, but that it is a compound of several individuals. With regard to the accidental imitative shapes, it is evident, that not even those which are regular can be the forms of simple miner- als, because they are altogether accidental ; whereas the forms of simple minerals are founded in the nature of the individuals them- selves. Hence the imitative shapes, of whatever kind they may be, are, in every instance, infallible characters from which the compo- sition of the minerals may be inferred. But we could suppose that a compound mineral might consist of particles in a perfectly paral- lel position, but so small that the composition can no longer be ob- served, so that the directions of cleavage of the single particles, o,r supposed individuals in, one of them are the continuation of those ift COMPOUND MINERALS. 101 the other. In this case the whole mass will be cleavable, and the whole will therefore, be a single individual, and not a composition agreeably to the definition in (. 70.) Hence cleavable minerals are simple ; and the want of cleavage in varieties of such species as commonly allow of cleavage, is a mark of their composition; be- cause here one individual assumes a situation different from that of another, so that their respective faces of cleavage can have no con- tinuity among one another. For this reason, compact Limestone, compact Fluor, and compact Heavy Spar are not cleavable, although the simple varieties of the same species may be cleaved with the greatest facility. The same applies to the pseudomorphoses. Among the other characters of composition, we may mention, that compound minerals in which the composition can no longer be obr served, are most intimately connected in all their properties with those in which it is still visible, and that commonly they possess lower degrees of transparency and lustre, than simple varieties of the same species. Examples illustrative of the present remark may be seen among specimens of Quartz, Carbonate of Lime and Galena. The following observations will furnish characters in most cases sufficient for distinguishing mixed and compound minerals, in both of which, the particles disappear on account of their minuteness. The different ingredients of the mixture are sometimes found sep- arated from the rest in more or less pure masses, by which the mix- ture ceases to be uniform. If we find an opportunity for observing mixed masses of this kind, on a larger scale, we may very often find those particles entirely disengaged, or separated from each oth- er, as is the case with Hydrous Oxide of Iron, and Quartz in the original repositories of Iron flint , which is an intimate mixture of these two species. Thus, we infer Basalt to consist of Feldspar and Augite, or Hornblende, because Greenstone and the Syenitic rocks in which the particles of mixture have more extension only, really do consist of the above mentioned species, and differ from common Basalt merely by their coarser grain. Moreover, the mixed minerals partly possess the properties of the one, partly also those of the other, of the simple minerals of which they consist, without entirely agreeing with any of them, as, for instance, Iron flint, which possesses some of the properties of Quartz, &c., or they assume such properties as never occur in simple min- erals; as, for instance, the columnar shapes of Basalt, of Porphyry, and the singular forms of Greenstone, which, by themselves, prove 9* 102 TERMINOLOGY. these minerals to be compound, even though the component individ- uals should no longer be perceptible. . 85. STRUCTURE or COMPOUND MINERALS. That kind of fracture which has been considered as be- longing to simple minerals, does not occur in compound minerals. In breaking these last, however, we produce what has been called their Fracture ; and the particles of the mineral separate in the Faces of Fracture. If the particles are still distinguishable as individuals, they must be considered according to their respective regular or irregular structure, to their faces of composition, and to every other character which they present to the observer ; in short, they must be consid- ered as simple minerals. In the present place, therefore, only those compound minerals will be treated of, in which on account of their minuteness, the individuals are no longer distinguishable. In these, the following kinds of fracture have been distinguished. 1. The Conchoidal Fracture, together with its various modifica- tions, which depend upon size, perfection, relative depression, &c. (.69.) 2. The Uneven Fracture, which has been subdivided according to the size of the asperities, into coarse-grained, small-grained, and fine-grained uneven fracture. 8. The JEven Fracture, which arises, if the elevations and de- pressions upon the face of separation nearly approach to evenness. These even parts of the fracture must not be confounded with faces of cleavage, because they do not keep a constant direction, and are only observable in compound minerals. This variety of fracture is not common. 4. The Splintery Fracture, which is produced, if upon the face of separation, detached scaly particles remain, joined to the mass by their thicker end. These particles are rendered visible by that portion of light which passes through them; and the splintery frac- ture, therefore, does not occur in perfectly opaque minerals. It may occur at the same time with the conchoidal, or another kind of fracture. 5. The Hackly Fracture has been sufficiently explained in . 69. OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. 103 6. The Slaty Fracture resembles imperfect faces of cleavage, and partly arises from it. It is met with in the different kinds of Slate, which, for the greater part, are compound minerals, or even mixed, although they appear to be simple. The slaty frac- ture keeps a constant direction, and is in this respect analogous to cleavage. 7. The Earthy Fracture is the same as the uneven fracture, ex- cept that it occurs in decomposed minerals. SECTION III. THE NATURAL PROPERTIES, COMMON TO BOTH SIMPLE AND COMPOUND MINERALS. . 86. DIVISION. Those Natural properties, which are common to both the simple and the compound minerals, may be divided in- to the Optical Properties, and into the Physical Properties of minerals, or such as refer more particularly to their mass or substance. Optical characters are such as depend upon light, and are not ob- servable except in its presence. They include lustre, color, and transparency. The physical properties of minerals, comprehend all those which neither depend upon their form, and the space which they fill up, nor upon the presence or absence of light. Of these are the follow- ing, the state of aggregation, hardness, specific gravity, magne*> tism t electricity, taste and odor. OF THE OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. . 87. LUSTRE, COLOR, TRANSPARENCY. The phenomena observable in minerals, with respect to reflected and transmitted light, are comprehended under the heads of Lustre, Co/or, and Transparency. 104 TERMINOLOGY. These subjects are treated of in mineralogy, only so far as they al- low of some application in discriminating and describing minerals. In order to employ them to any purpose, it is necessary to deter- mine and to provide with peculiar denominations, those differences which may be distinguished in these properties, both in respect to their kind and intensity. This will require us to fix a certain im- pression upon our mind, and always to designate this impression with the same name, so as to recall it to our memory, whenever we read this name, or hear it uttered. It is necessary therefore to have experienced these impressions upon our own mind, since explana- tions cannot be substituted in their place. An acquaintance with these properties may-be acquired from the consideration of bodies, which are not minerals. But it is best and most easily obtained by addressing ourselves to the bodies themselves. The pupil is there- fore advised to familiarize his mind with the distinctions detailed un- der the present characters, by an attentive examination of a col- lection of specimens arranged expressly for their illustration. In the determination of species, the present characters are rarely of much value; but in descriptive mineralogy, where the business is not to distinguish objects, but to produce an image of them, the optical properties of minerals are not inferior in importance to any other properties. The optical characters must therefore, hyno means, be neglected, although many of them are of less importance than those derived from the forms to the progress of mineralogy. Very often by their assistance, the pupil may dispense with the use of the characteristic, 1 because they are very well calculated for recalling to his mind such varieties of the same species as he has before determined. They are obvious at first sight, and are capable of being observed and deter- mined under whatever circumstances they may be found. . 88. KINDS AND INTENSITY OF LUSTRE, The lustre of minerals is considered in respect to its kind, and in respect to its intensity. The kinds of lustre are : 1. Metallic lustre, 2. Adamantine lustre, 3. Resinous lustre, 4. Vitreous lustre, 5. Pearly lustre. OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. 105 The Metallic Lustre, is subdivided into perfect and imperfect, me- tallic lustre. The first of these occurs in the pure metals, their al- loys, and occasionally in their oxides and combinations with sulphur, as in Galena and Iron Pyrites ; the second is found in the oxides of the metals for the most part, and is particularly exemplified in Columbite. The Adamantine Lustre, is subdivided into metallic adamantine, and common adamantine. The common adamantine is nearly pe- culiar to the Diamond ; the metallic adamantine is found in Red Sil- ver ore and some varieties of Carbonate of Lead. The Resinous Lustre is well understood from our knowledge of it in Resin. It may further be defined as presenting the appearance of a body besmeared with oil or fat. It is best seen in Pitchstone. The Vitreous Lustre is that of glass, and may be observed in common Quartz. The Pearly Lustreis divided into common and metallic, pearly lus- tre. The first which approaches the nearest that of the pearl, is found in Heulandite, Stilbite, and some varieties of Mica : the se- cond occurs in Bronzite and Hyperslene. As to the intensity of lustre, the following degrees are distin- guished : 1. Splendent, 2. Shining, 3. Glistening, 4. Glimmering, 5. Dull. Splendent, applies to those faces which possess the highest degree of lustre; and which produce distinct and well defined images, of external objects, provided they are of sufficient dimensions and evenness. Such faces are contained in Garnet, Blende, Tin ore, &.c. Shining, is the next less degree of lustre ; it does not produce re- flections equally distinct. Calcareous Spar, and Sulphate of Ba- rytes often present examples of it. Glistening, is that in which the light is reflected still less distinctly ; but though it does not yield an image, it reflects it in pretty well defined patches. This degree of lustre is found in most of those compound minerals in which the particles of composition are still observable. Examples are Copper Pyrites, and Grey Ox- ide of Copper. Glimmering does not reflect defined patches of light, but a mass of undefined light seems spread over the glimmering surface. This 106 TERMINOLOGY. degree of lustre is observable in the columnar composition, (often called fibrous fracture,) and in other compound minerals in which the composition is no longer observable, as in the varieties of Quartz called Hornstone, Flint, and Chalcedony. This degree of lustre may generally be taken as a sign of a compound mineral, the individuals of which are so very small, as nearly to disappear. It is produced by the reflection of light, from every one of the impalpable com- ponent parts. Dull, possesses no lustre at all. This perfect absence of lustre is almost entirely confined to decomposed minerals, as in Kaolin. . 89. SERIES IN THE DIFFERENCES OF LUSTRE. In general, neither the kinds nor the degrees of lustre admit of rigorous limits. It is necessary to determine them in some particularly distinct examples, and to compare with them such as are less distinct. If there occur several kinds or degrees of lustre in the varieties of a species, these will be in an uninterrupted connexion, and they will pass insensibly into one another, so that in no place are we ca- pable of observing any interruption or want of continuity. Out of the succession in these gradations, the series in question arises. If we make abstraction of what is merely accidental, similar fa- ces in single individuals agree as to the kind and degree of in- tensity of- their lustre; and, on the contrary, such faces as are riot similar, disagree in this respect. This is equally the case as relates to faces of crystallization, and to faces of cleavage, as is shown by examples from Gypsum, Mica, and Stilbite. Pearly lustre is the most remarkable among the different kinds; since, in a high state of perfection, it appears in simple minerals only upon single faces of crystallization as well as of cleavage : example, Heulandite. . 90. DIVISION OF COLORS. The colors are divisible into two series: 1. The metallic colors ; 2. The non-metallic colors. For the better distinction of colors, Werner was led to assume eight principal colors as the foundation of all the others. These OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. 107 are, White, Grey, Black, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, and Brown. Each of these comprehends several varieties, the names of which are either derived from such bodies as they most frequently occur in, or they are formed by composition. Examples of the first are, rose-red, apple-green, &c. ; of the latter, reddish-brown, yellowish- brown, &c. . 91. METALLIC COLORS. The metallic colors are, 1. Copper-red; 2. Bronze-yel- low-; 3. Brass-yellow, and 4. Gold-yellow; 5. Silver-white, and 6. Tin-white ; 7. Lead-grey, and 8. Steel-grey, and 9. Iron-black. 1. Copper-red, the color of metallic copper. JT. Native Copper. 2. Bronze-yellow, the color of several metallic alloys, as Bronze and Speise. Ex. Magnetic Iron Pyrites. 3. Brass-yellow, the color of brass. Ex. Copper Pyrites. 4. Gold-yellow, the color of pure gold. Ex. Native Gold. 5. Silver-white, the color of pure silver. Ex. Native Silver. 6. Tin-white, the color of pure tin. Ex. Native Antimony and Native Mercury. 7. Lead-grey, the color of metallic lead. Ex. Galena, and Sul- phuret of Molybdena. 8. Steel-grey, approaching the color of recently fractured steel. . Ex. Native Platina, and Graphic Tellurium. 9. Iron-black, nearly the color of cast-iron. Ex. Octahedral Iron Ore. . 92. NON-METALLIC COLORS. The non-metallic colors are considered in the order in which the fundamental colors have been enumerated in . 90. The following are the non-metallic colors. (A.) White. 1. Snow- White. The purest white color. Ex. Carrara Marble and Flos-ferri. 2. Reddish-white. White with a tinge of red. Ex. Some vari- eties of Calcareous Spar and of Quartz. 108 TERMINOLOGY. 3. Yellowish-ivhite. White, inclining to yellow. Ex. Varieties of Calcareous Spar and of Opal. 4. Greyish-white. White inclining to grey. Ex. Quartz. 5. Greenish-white. White mingled with a shade of green. Ex. Asbestus and Talc. 6. Milk-white. White bordering on blue ; the color of newly skimmed milk. Ex. Quartz and Opal. (B.) Grey. 1. Bluish- grey. Grey with a slight tinge of blue. Ex. Quartz and Limestone. 2. Pearl-grey. Grey with an intermixture of blue and red. Ex. Porcelain Jasper. 3. Smoke-grey. Grey mixed with brown ; the color of dense smoke. Ex. Quartz. 4. Greenish- grey. Grey mixed with green. Ex. Talc. 5. Yellowish- grey. Grey mixed with yellow. Ex. Limestone. 6. Ash-grey. The purest grey color; a mixture of white and black. Ex. Zoisite. (C.) Black. 1. Greyish-Hack. Black mixed with grey. Ex. Basalt and An- thrakolite. 2. Velvet-Hack. The purest black color; the color of black vel- vet. Ex. Obsidian. 3. Greenish-black. Black mixed with green. Ex. Augite. 4. Brownish-black. Black mixed with brown. Ex. Anthracite. 5. Bluish-black. Black mixed with blue. Ex. Black Cobalt. (D.) Blue. 1. Blackish-blue. Blue mixed with black. Ex. Dark colored varieties of Blue Malachite. 2. Jlzure-blue. A bright blue color mixed with a little red. Ex. Pale varieties of Blue Malachite. 3. Violet-blue. Blue mixed with red. Ex. Amethyst. 4. Lavender-blue. Blue with a little red and a considerable grey. Ex. Clays. 5. Plum-blue. A color peculiar to certain varieties of plums. Ex. Spinelle. 6. Prussian-blue, or Berlin-blue. The purest blue color. Ex. Sapphire and Cyauite. 7. Smalt-blue. The color of a pale variety of Smalt. Ex. An- hydrite. OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. 109 8. Indigo-blue. Blue mixed with black and green ; the color of Indigo. Ex. Blue Iron Earth. 9. Duck-blue. Blue largely mixed with green and a little black. Ex. Talc. 10. Sky-blue. A pale blue color, with a little green; the color of the clear sky. Ex. Fluor. (E.) Green. 1. Verdigris- green. A green color, inclining to blue ; the color of verdigris. Ex. Green Feldspar. 2. Celandine- green. A green color mixed with blue and grey. Ex. Beryl 3. Mountain- green. Green with much blue. Ex. Aqua-marine. 4. Leek-green. The color of the leaves of garlick. Ex. Prase. 5. Enter aid- green. The purest green color. Ex. Emerald. 6. Jlpple- green. A light green color with a shade of yellow. Ex. Chrysoprase. 7. Grass-green. The lively color of grass in the spring; green mixed with much yellow. Ex. Green Diallage, Actynolite, &c. 8. Pistachio- green. Green with yellow and brown. Ex. Chry- solite and Epidote. 9. Asparagus-green. Pale green, with much yellow. Ex. As- paragus stone. 10. Blackish- green. Green with black. Ex. Serpentine. 11. Olive-green. Pale green, with much brown and yellow, Ex. Pitchstone. 12. Oil-green. A green color still lighter, with more of yellow, and less of brown ; the color of olive oil. Ex. Blende. 13. Siskin-green. A light green color, very much inclining to yellow. Ex. Uranite. (F.) Yellow. 1. Sulphur-yellow. The color of pure sulphur. Ex. Native Sulphur. 2. Straw-yellow. Light yellow; nearly the color of straw. Ex. Karpholite. 3. Wax-yellow. Yellow with grey and a little brown ; the color of yellow wax. Ex. Common Opal. 4. Honey-yellow. Yellow with a little red and brown ; the dark color of honey. Ex. Fluor. 5. Lemon-yellow. The purest yellow color ; the color of ripe lemons. Ex. Yellow Orpiment. 10 110 TERMINOLOGY. 6. Ochre-yellow. Yellow with brown. Ex. Iron Flint. 7. Wine-yellow. A pale yellow color, with a little red and grey 5 the color of several sorts of white wine. Ex. Topaz and Fluor. 8. Cream-yellow. A pale yellow color ; the color of cream ; rare. Ex. Molybdate of Lead. 9. Orange-yellow. Yellow, inclining to red ; the color of ripe oranges. Ex. Orpiment. (G.) Red. 1. Aurora-red. Red with much yellow. Ex. Red Orpiment. 2. Hyacinth-red. Red with yellow and brown. Ex. Hyacinth. 3. Brick-red. Red with yellow, brown and grey ; the color of freshly baked bricks. Ex. Jasper. 4. Scarlet-red. The brightest red color. Ex. Cinnabar. 5. Blood-red. The color of blood. Ex. Garnet. 6. Flesh-red. A pale red color. Ex. Feldspar. 7. Carmine-red. The purest red color ; the color of carmine ; rare. Ex. Oriental Ruby, capillary red Oxide of Copper. 8. Cochineal-red. Red with a little blue and grey. Ex. Garnet. 9. Rose-red. A pale red color, mixed with white ; the color of the flowers of the Rosa centifolia. Ex. Rose Quartz and red Man- ganese Ore. 10. Crimson-red. Red with a little blue; a very fine color. Ex. Oriental Ruby. 11. Peach-blossom-red. Red with white and grey; the color of peach-blossoms. Ex. Lepidolite. 12. Columbine-red. Red with a little blue and much black. Ex. Garnet. 13. Cherry-red. A dark red color. Ex. Spinelle and red Sul- phuret of Antimony. 14. Brownish-red. Red with much brown. Ex. Haematite. (H.) Brown. 1. Reddish-brown. Brown mixed with much red. Ex. Zircon. 2. Clove-brown. Brown with red and a little blue. Ex. Axinite. 3. Hair-brown. Brown with a little yellow and grey. Ex. Aga- tized wood. 4. Broccoli-brown. A brown color mixed with blue, red and grey ; rare. Ex. Zircon. 5. Chesnut-brown. The purest brown color. Ex. Egyptian Jasper. 6. Yellowish-brown. Brown with much yellow. Ex. Iron Flint and Jasper. OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Ill 7. Pinchbeck-brown. Yellowish-brown with a metallic lustre. Ex. Talc, and Hypersthene. 8. Wood-brown. Brown with yellow and much grey. The color of old wood. Ex. Mountain wood. 9. Liver -brown. Brown with grey and a little green. Ex. Com- mon Jasper. 10. Blackish-brown. Brown with much black. Ex. Bitumin- ous coal. The colors above mentioned represent so many fixed points, be- tween which there exist in nature numerous shades. These are indicated by the two with which they best agree. If the color, in a given case, differ but little from one of these standards, it is said to be that color, only inclining or passing into another. Colors may be different in their intensity, though belonging to one and the same variety. Differences of this kind are indicated by the expressions pale, light, deep, dark, . 93. SERIES OF COLORS. The varieties of color occurring in the individuals of one and the same species, form an uninterrupted series, which is called the Series of Colors of that Species. All the species in mineralogy are not equally complete in this re- spect. Many offer but few varieties of color, while others present us with a very great number. In these last, it is observable, that they insensibly pass into each other, or that every one of them is intermediate between two others. Thus they represent an unin- terrupted succession of the shades of colors, and give rise to what is meant by the series of colors. The series of colors cannot be described ; they must be studied from nature. An idea of them, however, is soon, and very easily obtained by the examination of a few species very complete in this particular, and which are arranged expressly for this end. The fol- lowing are among the most eligible for the purpose ; Quartz, Tour- maline, Mica, Fluor, Corundum, and Spinelle. . 94. PECULIARITIES IN THE OCCURRENCE OF COLORS. There exist several peculiarities in the occurrence of colors among minerals, which, though from their want of 112 TERMINOLOGY. constancy, are not very serviceable in mineralogy, are nev- ertheless, exceedingly interesting. They have been called the Play of Colors, the Change of Colors, the Opales- cence, the Iridescence, the Tarnish, and the Delineations of Colors. The only use made of these properties is in the descriptive part of Natural History. 1. The Play of Colors is produced, if the mineral reflects, in certain directions, other colors beside its own, and these, for the most part, rainbow colors of very unusual brightness and intensity. They are not steady, or always observable in the same place, but alter with the position of the mineral, or with the direction of the rays of light. It is witnessed in the highest perfection in the Dia- mond when cut : and depends in this gem upon the reflexion of re- fracted light, occasioned by the artificial facets. The precious Opal presents the same phenomenon, even before being cut. Candle light, or sunshine is much more advantageous for the display of this effect than the ordinary light of day. 2. The Change of Colors consists in the reflexion of bright hues of color in certain directions, depending upon the structure of the mineral. It covers larger spots than the play of colors, and they do not disappear so rapidly on being moved. It is best seen in the Labrador Feldspar. 3. The Opalescence consists in a kind of milky light, which cer- tain minerals reflect, either when cut or in their natural condition. It occurs in the Cats-eye, where it depends upon composition, this substance consisting of Quartz traversed by delicate fibres of As- bestus : also, in Chrysoberyl and Feldspar, (var. Adularia) in both of which it depends upon the crystalline structure ; as also in the Sap- phire in which it appears in the six-rayed stars of light, and has re- ceived the name of Asteria. 4. The Iridescence shows the colors of the rainbow, similar to those produced by the refraction of light, through a prisrn of glass. It depends upon fissures in the interior of minerals. The cavities present the phenomenon of the colored rings. It is most striking in Quartz. Another remarkable property of certain minerals is, that they show different colors, if examined by transmitted^ light in certain directions. This property of minerals has been termed their Di- OPTICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. 113 chroism. Tourmaline, lolite and Mica are among the most distinct examples. Several varieties of the first are nearly opaque in the direction of the axis, while they show different degrees of transpa- rency, and various colors, as green, brown and blue, in a direction perpendicular to it. Mica is often green in the direction of the axis and brown perpendicular to this line. The application of this prop- erty is greatly extended by examining minerals in polarized light, where many minerals show dichroism, which exhibit in common light, the same color in every direction. 5. The Tarnish consists in the alteration of the color of a mineral upon its surface. It is useful to attend to this peculiarity of miner- als (common only to such as have a metallic lustre) in order to avoid confounding it with their real colors, which are discoverable only by effecting a fresh fracture. It is frequent in Copper Pyrites. 6. Simple minerals very seldom present more than one color at a time. Instances occur, however, where the same crystal exhibits two or more, as the red and green in Tourmaline, and the white and purple in Fluor. Compound minerals, on the contrary, are frequently variegated, and the Delineation of Colors, refers to the figures which the different colors produce. With regard to these, it is unnecessary to enter into detail. With regard to the dendritic delineations, it must be recollected, however, that they are real imi- tative forms, (. 77 ) and that, therefore, they do not refer to the mineral upon which they are found : they may be only superficial, or be distributed throughout the whole mass of the specimen. . 95. THE STREAK. If we scratch a mineral with a sharp instrument, either a powder will be produced, or the scratched place assumes a higher degree of lustre. Both these phenomena are inclu- ded under the term streak. The lustre is heightened by the streak in malleable minerals, as also with clay and several other decomposed minerals. The best method for observing the color of the powder, is to rub the mineral upon a plate of porcelain biscuit, or upon a file, until the powder appears. In those minerals which are too hard for a process of this kind, the streak is of little importance. Some minerals retain their color in the streak ; others change it* the former are most of those minerals which possess a white jo* 114 TERMINOLOGY. color ; of the latter are ores of the metals, for the most part, as Hae- matite, which changes from reddish brown to red, and Columbite, which changes from black to reddish brown. The former are said to be unchanged in the streak ; of the latter, the alteration of the color in the streak is indicated. A white or grey streak of minerals is said to be uncolored. . 96. DEGREES OF TRANSPARENCY. The relative quantity of light which is transmitted through the substance of minerals constitutes the degrees of transpa- rency. The use of the degrees of transparency is limited to the descrip- tive part of Mineralogy. These degrees are, 1. Transparent, if the light is transmitted in sufficient quantity to enable us to distinguish small objects placed behind the mineral. Ex. Quartz crystals. . 2. Semi-transparent, if it is possible to see an object behind the mineral, without, however, being able to distinguish more of it than its general figure. Ex. Smoky Quartz. 3. Translucent, if the light every where pervades the mineral, so as to give it an uniform milky appearance, without, however, permitting objects to be perceived through it. Ex. Chalcedony. 4. Translucent on the edges, when the above is only true of th'e sharp edges of the mineral ; the main mass remaining perfectly dark. Ex, Hornstone and Jasper. 5. Opaque, if a mineral transmits no light at all. Ex. The na- tive metals. Minerals of a non-metallic character are but very rarely entirely opaque. Yet accidental impurities influence so much their trans^ parency, that this property becomes almost entirely useless for the determination of minerals. The best employment to be made of it, seems to be, in the distinction of compound varieties from simple ones, where the minuteness of the particles of composition prevents them from being observed immediately. Commonly, in the same species, the compound varieties possess a less degree of transparen- cy than the simple ones. This is well exemplified in the varieties of Quartz. Almost all its single individuals, provided they are not impure, shew higher degrees of transparency than Flint, Hornstone and Chalcedony, and other compound varieties. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 115 THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. . 97. STATE OF AGGREGATION. In respect to the mode of aggregation, minerals, in the first place, are either solid or fluid. The former are either brittle, or sectile, or malleable, or flexible, or elastic ; the latter are either liquid or expansible. A solid mineral is said to be, 1. Brittle, if in detaching small particles of it with a knife or a file, these particles lose their coherence, and separate with a gia- ting noise, in a powder. Ex. Quartz, Feldspar and Iron Pyrites. 2. Malleable, if the particles detached by the knife do not lose their connexion, but rather separate in slices. Ex. Native Silver, Native Gold and Native Copper. 3. Sectilc, if the particles, on their separation, as above, merely lose their connexion, without flying off in powder. Sectile miner- als are intermediate between brittle and malleable minerals. Ex. Talc and Gypsum. 4. Ductile, if it can be wrought into sheets or wire ; so that, by the application of a greater or less force, the particles of the mineral may change their relative situation, without absolutely losing their connexion. Ex. Native Gold and Native Silver. 5. Flexible, when the particles allow of being bent in different directions without breaking, and remain in the direction in which they have been bent. Ex. Talc and Sulphuret of Molybdena. 6. Elastic, if the particles on being bent out of their natural po- sition, resume their former situation when the disturbing force is removed. Ex. Mica. A fluid is more particularly said to be, 1. Liquid, if in pouring it out from a vessel, perfectly round drops are formed. Ex. Water and Mercury. 2. Viscid, if the drops are not round, but ropy. Ex. Petroleum. Expansible minerals do not shew any difference in these respects. They comprehend the Gases and some of the Acids. It is evident that all these properties are subject to slight variations, and that they must pass into each other by insensible gradations. 116 TERMINOLOGY. . 98. HARDNESS. Hardness is the resistance of solid minerals to the dis- placement of their particles, the magnitude of which con- stitutes their degree of Hardness. The character now under consideration is one of the most impor- tant possessed by minerals, for the purposes of their determination. We have not, hitherto, been able to ascertain the positive hardness of minerals, from the difficulty of establishing an accurate scale for the degrees of hardness. All the means we at present possess, for arriving at this end, consist merely in the general comparison of the known with the unknown. The existence of differences in the degrees of hardness among minerals, is very easily ascertained, by the simple experiment of scratching one of them by the other. Thus, a sharp angle of Quartz will produce a deep furrow in Calcareous Spar; whilst a sharp corner of the latter species does not injure the surface of the former. ^ Ac- cordingly, we conclude that Quartz is harder than Calcareous Spar; and, in general, that of two minerals, the harder one scratches the other, but cannot, inversely, be scratched by it. By proceeding upon this principle, a scale for the degrees of hard- ness has been made out, which possesses sufficient accuracy for the purposes of mineralogy. This is effected by choosing a certain num* ber of suitable minerals, and arranging them in such an order that every preceding one is scratched by that which follows it, while the latter does not scratch the former. The scale is as follows : 1. Talc, The common green or greenish white varieties, 2. Gypsum. An uncrystallized variety. This degree of hard* ness is exactly that of Rock Salt, which mineral, therefore, may be substituted for Gypsum, in the determination of hardness, or it may assist in the selection of the proper variety of Gypsum to be employ- ed as a term of comparison. 3. Calcareous Spar, or a cleavable variety of Carbonate of Lime, Bitter Spar cannot be employed as a substitute, its hardness being somewhat greater than Calcareous Spar. 4. Fluor. Any cleavable variety. 5. Apatite. Crystals possessing a conchoidal fracture? 6. Feldspar. A cleavable variety of Adularia. 7. Quartz. Limpid and transparent, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 117 8. Topaz. In crystals. 9. Corundum. The easily cleavable varieties. 10. Diamond. The minerals representing the units of this scale, have been cho- sen among those species which may be most readily obtained. It will be perceived, however, that the intervals between the mem- bers of the scale are not every where of the same magnitude. Diamond is evidently much harder, if compared with Corundum, than Fluor with Calcareous Spar. This however leads to no incon- venience, in the case above mentioned ; for there exists no mineral of a hardness intermediate between the degrees represented by the two first of these species. The interval between Fluor and Feld- spar is also greater than it should be ; and, in this case, it would be desirable to have another mineral to substitute for Fluor, whose hardness should be such as to divide more equally the interval be- tween Calcareous Spar and Feldspar. Still, wilh these imperfec- tions, the scale is used to the highest advantage. The degrees of hardness are expressed by means of those numbers, which, in the above enumeration, are prefixed to them. Thus, the hardness of Feldspar is =6, that of Corundum =9. The intervals between each two subsequent members may be divided into ten equal parts ; and these tenths determined by es- timate. It will very seldom be required to value the hardness to more or less than 0.5; but it will always be possible to proceed so far as we find It necessary to answer our purpose. The state of liquidity may be considered as the zero of the scale. If, in employing the scale, we endeavor to find the degree of hardness of a given mineral, by trying which member of the series is scratched by it, and which of them injures the surface of the given one, it will appear that the specimens employed, shouH pos- sess certain properties, in many cases difficult to be found. They should all have faces perfectly smooth and even, and solid angles or corners of the same form, and be equally hard. As to the faces, those produced by cleavage seem the most eligible, if they possess a pretty high degree of perfection. Faces of crys- tallization are commonly uneven or streaked ; cut and polished fa- ces, however, in many instances, shew a less degree of hardness than the mineral really possesses. It is still more difficult to obtain the corners with the constant quality which is requisite. Even in a determined form, these are sometimes liable to be so much influenced by structure, that they give very uncertain results. In this respect, the solid angles of the 118 TERMINOLOGY. Tetrahedron, and those of the octahedron of Fluor, shew quite dif- ferent results. The corners of compound varieties, in which the individuals become impalpable or disappear, such as Chalcedony, Flint, and others, are commonly found very powerful, much more so than the similarly formed corners of simple varieties. But if the composition is still observable, the particles very often separate in the experiment of scratching another mineral, and the corner of a compound mineral cannot produce the effect of that of the simple mine al. The application of the edges is subject to similar difficulties. But the experiment of merely scratching one substance by an- other, has been found not to lead to the most accurate determination of the hardness of minerals. This is powerfully assisted by having recourse to a file, in the manner presently to be described. If we take several specimens of one and the same mineral, and pass them over a fine file, we shall find, that an equal force will every where produce an equal effect, provided, that the parts of the mineral in contact with the file be of similar size, so that the one does not present to the file a very sharp corner, while the other is applied to it by a broad face. It is necessary also, that the force applied in this experiment, be always the least possible. Every per- son, however little accustomed, will experience a very marked differ- ence, if comparatively trying in this w r ay any two subsequent mem- bers of the above scale, and thus, the difference in their hardness will be easily perceived. A little practice is sufficient for render- ing these perceptions more delicate and perfect, so that in a short time, it is possible to determine differences" in the hardness very much less those between two subsequent members of the scale. Upon this is founded the application of the scale ; the general principle of which consists in this, that the degree of hardness of the given mineral is compared with the degrees of hardness of the members of the scale, not immediately, by their mutual scratching, but mediately through the file, and determined accordingly. The process of this determination is as follows: First we try, wilh a corner of the given mineral, to scratch the members of the scale, beginning from above, in order that we may not waste unnecessarily the specimens representing lower mem- bers. After having thus arrived at the first, which is distinctly scratched by the given mineral, we have recourse to the file, and compare upon it the hardness of this degree, that of the next higher degree, and of the given mineral. Care must be taken to employ specimens of each of them nearly agreeing in size and form, and also as much as possible in the quality of their angles. From the PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 119 resistance these bodies oppose to the file, and from the noise occa- sioned by their passing over it, we infer with perfect security, their mutual relations in respect to hardness. The experiment is repeat- ed with all the alterations thought necessary, till we may consider ourselves as having arrived at a fair estimate, which is at last expres- sed by the number of that degree with which it has been found to agree nearest, the decimals being likewise added, if required. The files answering best for the purpose are fine and very hard ones. Their absolute hardness is of no consequence ; hence, every file will be applicable, whose hardness is in the necessary relation with that of the mineral. For it is not the hardness of the file with which we have to compare that of the mineral, but the hardness of another mineral by the medium of the file. From this observa- tion it appears, that the application of the file widely differs from the methods of determining the hardness of minerals which have hitherto been in use ; as scratching glass, striking fire with steel, cutting with a knife, scratching with the nail, Sac. Besides an appropriate form, there is another necessary property of the minerals to be determined, consisting in their state of purity. Neither the degree of hardness, nor that of specific gravity, can be correctly ascertained, if we employ impure substances. For the same reason, it would be wrong to make use of minerals which have undergone a total or even partial decomposition ; and in gen- eral, every circumstance which might influence the hardness must be duly attended to, if we hope to arrive at a useful and correct result. Minerals that cleave with more facility in one direction than in any other, often shew a less degree of hardness upon the perfect face of cleavage than in other directions. This is exemplified in Cyanite and Mica. If we are engaged in the determination of a mineral by the help of the characteristic, it will be necessary to take a mean term between the two degrees measured, or rather, to lean towards the higher one. Supposing all the precautions necessary in determining the de- grees of hardness to have been taken, and the circumstances well attended to, which might have exercised some influence ; we find that those individuals which belong to one and the same species, admirably agree with each other in respect to this property ; and that deviations from an exact coincidence, if they happen to occur, do not take place, per saltum, but that they are joined with each other by intermediate members. These members produce a series, in most cases between very narrow limits. 120 TERMINOLOGY. . 99. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. By the Specific Gravity of minerals, is understood the relation which subsists among them, under equal volumes, as respects their absolute weights. The determination of the specific gravity depends upon the com- parison between absolute weights and volumes. They cannot be instituted at all, or at least not with sufficient accuracy, except by the aid of appropriate instruments. In ascertaining the specific gravity of minerals, water has been agreed upon as the fixed standard of comparison. This preference has been given from the remarkable facility with which we can compare its weight with that of all other minerals, under equal volumes, in consequence of the discovery of Archimedes, that when a body is immersed in water, it loses a portion of its weight equal to that of the volume of water it displaces, which volume is pre- cisely equal to its own : accordingly, if a body, after having been weighed in air, be weighed in water, the loss of weight which it sustains will necessarily indicate that which belongs to a volume of water exactly equal to its own. Therefore, if we represent the specific gravity of water by any number whatever, we shall obtain the specific gravity of the body weighed, by means of the following proportion: the weight lost by the body weighed, (or, what is the same thing, the weight of a volume of water equal to it,) is to the absolute weight of the body, as the number chosen to represent the specific gravity of water, is to the specific gravity of the body weighed. The number which has been selected to represent the specific gravity of water is 1. The specific gravity of water being liable to vary, from foreign substances it often contains, and from an alteration of temperature, it is obvious it cannot with propriety be made a standard of compari- son, except when perfectly pure, and at a given temperature. For these reasons, distilled water only is employed in ascertaining the specific gravity of minerals, and at a temperature varying as little as possible from 60 F. Several instruments are employed in taking the specific gravities of minerals, some of which have reference to the state of the min- eral, whether solid, fluid or gaseous. As it will very rarely be ne- cessary to resort to the use of the present character in the deter- mination of liquids and expansible fluids, the arrangements adopted in ascertaining it, in these bodies, will not be described in this PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 121 treatise. They can easily be learned by recurring to most of the works on Natural Philosophy, where they are more appropriately described, with every necessary detail. The instruments for deter- mining the specific gravity of solid minerals, are the Hydrostatic Balance and Nicholson's Jlrceometer. The Hydrostatic Balance consists of a pair of scales, sufficiently delicate to be turned with the 100th of a grain, when loaded with 300 or 400 grs. The scales should be set upon a stand, and pro- vided with an accurate set of weights, from 100 grs. down to the 20th of a grain. A hook is affixed, under one of the pans, to which is attached the thread or filament, intended to give support to the fragment whose specific gravity is to be ascertained. The vessel which holds the water should be a glass jar, seven or eight inches deep ; and a thermometer should be provided for adjusting the tem- perature of the water. Its delicacy after all will depend upon the thinness of the thread by which the mineral is suspended in the water. A human hair is sufficiently strong for supporting a weight of three hundred grains, and is therefore, in most cases, admirably adapted to the purpose. Nicholson's jlrcsometer, Fig. 151, is a hollow cylinder MN, made of while iron; the stem Ir is a wire of brass, which sup- porte the little cup A and the larger pan C. This stem is marked, towards its middle, by a slight impression b, made with a file. From the lower part, is suspended the leaden.bucket E. The weight of the in- strument is such, that when we plunge it into water, it swims in a vertical posture, with the mark b somewhat elevated above the surface of the water. In employing this instrument, the same attention is re- quisite, as respects the purity and tem- perature of the water, as in the use of the Hydrostatic Balance. Having intro- duced the instrument into a tall glass jar of this water, we load the pan C (placed on A) with weights, until the Araeometer sinks so as to make the mark b on the stem exactly coincide with the surface of the water. The amount of weight required for this is marked upon the cup, for future use, and is called the balance weight of the in- 11 122 TERMINOLOGY. struraent. This weight will show the capacity of the instrument; no body of greater weight being capable of having its specific grav- ity ascertained by it. Let us suppose the capacity of the Araeometer to be known ; we proceed as follows to learn the specific gravity of a mineral. A fragment of it is placed in the upper pan C, and weights are added, until the mark b coincides with the surface of the water. The amount of weight thus added, is subtracted from the balance weight; the remainder is the weight of the mineral in air. The mineral is now transferred to the bucket E. But as all bodies weigh less in water than air, it will be requisite to add more weight to the pan C, in order to bring the mark b to its appropriate level. The amount added, in this last case, will be exactly the weight of a quantity of water equal in bulk to the mineral. We are thus brought acquainted with the absolute weights of equal bulks of water and of the mineral, and the ratio of these weights is the ratio of their specific gravities. The Hydrostatic Balance is the most accurate, and is therefore to be chosen for nice inquiries, such as determining the gravity of very minute specimens, and where it is the object to fix the limits of the range in the specific gravities of a new species. But for the com- mon purpose of finding the specific gravity of minerals, in order to find out their names by the aid of the characteristic, the Araeometer will be found every way sufficient, and generally preferable, on ac- count of the greater expedition with which it can be used. Besides, it is much cheaper and more portable. The minerals of which we are taking the specific gravity should be perfectly pure. The greatest care must therefore be exercised, in removing, as much as possible, whatever foreign substances ad- here to them. And further, we must avoid employing such speci- mens as contain vacuities. In order to get rid of these, the miner- als must be broken down into fragments, until we can select such as appear perfectly continuous, even when viewed by the micro- scope. Compound varieties are more liable to contain cavities than simple minerals; for this reason, the composition must be overcome, at least so far that it cannot have any more influence upon the accu- racy of our results. Yet the minerals must not be too much redu- ced in size, since this might lead into an opposite error, in supposing those minerals lighter than water, which swim upon it, when redu- ced to an impalpable powder. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 123 . 100. MAGNETISM. Some minerals act upon the magnetic needle, if they are brought within the sphere of its attraction. Others become magnets themselves. These phenomena are made use of as characters, under the name of Magnetism. The only minerals hitherto known, which exercise a considerable action upon the magnetic needle, are the Native Iron and Octahe- dral Iron-ore. A few other ores of iron also act upon it, but with much less energy. Instead of a needle, the horse-shoe magnet may be employed in examining minerals for this property, but in such cases the mineral should be reduced to the condition of a powder. .101. ELECTRICITY. Several minerals produce electric phenomena ; some of them by friction, others by pressure, others by communica- tion, and others by heat. Some are electrics ; others are conductors of electricity. Vitreous or positive electricity is produced by friction, in a large number of earthy minerals, as Quartz, Topaz, Emerald, &c. and even in some salts. In the same way, the combustibles, as Sulphur, Amber and Coal, present the phenomena of negative or resinous electricity. As conductors of electricity, the native metals may be mentioned. Heat produces electric phenomena, in Topaz, Mesotype, Preh- nite, Tourmaline, &c. The opposite extremities of the crystals assume opposite kinds of electricity, and therefore possess electric axes.* Boracite exhibits four electric axes, coinciding with the axes of the Cube, which is the form of its crystal. This difference * In cut and polished pieces of transparent Tourmaline, electrical ex- citement is produced by natural fluctuations of temperature in the air; or, in other words, this substance may be said to be spontaneously electric. 124 TERMINOLOGY. in the electric phenomena is very often accompanied by a different configuration of the opposite terminations of crystals. (. 50, p. 47.) The phenomena relating to the electricity of minerals have not, hitherto, been found very useful in mineralogy : they have rather excited attention, as physical curiosities, than as important charac- ters. For this reason, the apparatus required for observing these phenomena will not be described in the present treatise. It may be found, however, in most works relating to the subject, which the student can consult in case he wishes to enter upon these investi- gations. . 102. TASTE. Several minerals produce a sensible taste. All the acids and many of the salts produce some taste. The so- luble salts not occuring, in general, with any of the characters re- quired for their exact determination, their taste is almost the only one left to which we are able to recur ; accordingly, it has been found useful to provide the differences in the kinds of taste with particular denominations. The following expressions have been adopted : 1. Astringent for the taste of Vitriol. 2. Sweetish for the taste of Alum. 3. Saline for the taste of Common Salt. 4. Alkaline for the taste of Carbonate of Soda. 5. Cooling for the taste of Salt-petre. 6. Bitter for the taste of Epsom salt. 7. Urinous for the taste of Sal-ammoniac. 8. Sour for the taste of Sulphuric acid. Besides, the intensity or other peculiarities of several kinds of taste may be indicated, which will be done in the progress of the work in a manner sufficiently plain to be understood, without farther ex- planation in this place. . 103. ODOR.* There are minerals which, either spontaneously or when rubbed, emit some odor. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 125 Several varieties of Bitumen possess a bituminous odor. Iron Pyrites emits a sulphureous smell when two pieces are forcibly struck together so as to strike fire. Arsenical Iron under the same circumstances gives the odor of garlick. Black Limestone of a ceiv tain kind emits under the blow of the hammer a fetid smell : pieces of Quartz likewise produce a peculiar odor when struck together. Sulphuretted Hydrogen, Sulphurous Acid, and oilier natural gases have various odors ; as that of rotten eggs, of burning sulphur, &c. Besides the characters treated of in the foregoing pages, there are still some phenomena which have been made use of in the de- scription and discrimination of minerals. Among these, the Adhe- sion to the Tongue is almost exclusively met with in decomposed minerals ; the Unctuous and Meagre Touch are used for distin- guishing certain friable minerals ; and the Phosphorescence pro- duced by heat is also employed in those minerals in which the nat- ural properties are not observable.* * Chemical characters. These are made up of the use of the Blowpipe and the action of acids; of which it maybe remarked, that in strictness, it is no more required of a treatise like the present, to describe the man- ner of examining minerals by heat and the reactions of acids, than it is to give the rules observed by the analyst in ascertaining the composition of minerals: the information pertaining to these subjects being the ap- propriate province of Chemistry, and should, of course, be looked for, when sought in detail, in the works on that science. It is only to abridge the inconvenience of reference to other books, and which may not be within the reach of the reader, that the following account is given of these characters. BLOWPIPE. The most simple of all blowpipes is that employed by the smiths to direct the flame of a lamp upon small pieces of metal placed on charcoal. It consists of a tapering metallic tube, Fig. 152, ten or twelve inches long, and bent at right angles towards the smaller extrem- ity, where us opening is so small as scarcely to admit a common sized pin ; while at the larger end it varies from one sixth to one fourth of an inch. In the operations of the artist, (which commonly consist in little solders,) the small extremity, or beak, -is brought near the flame of the lamp, and with the mouth, a current of air is impelled through the tube upon the flame. As the blowing is anly required for a moment at a time, no inconvenience arises from the moisture, which is apt to be Driven along with the current of air from the lungs. But in the experv n* 126 TERMINOLOGY. iments of the chemist, where the blowing must often be sustained for several minutes at a time, a considerable embarrassment is experienced from this source. Inendeav- oring to avoid this, as well as Fig. 152. Fig. 153. Fig. 154. with a view to render the in- strument more portable, sev- eral variations have been adop- ted in its construction. One of these improvements is rep- resented in Fig. 153 ; at 6, to- wards the center of the blow- pipe, the tube enlarges into a ball, three fourths of an inch in diameter, in which the moisture from the mouth ac- cumulates, and is removed, occasionally, by being un- screwed at its centre and care- fully wiped out. This instru- ment is made of brass, and furnished with a mouth piece a, of ivory. Another form, Fig. 154, and the one to which the preference is given, was introduced by Voigt. It has the chamber or barrel c, for the reception of moisture, sit- uated at the angle of the in- strument near the beak : it is circular in its form, one inch in diameter, and one eighth of an inch across. The beak issues from the centre of this chamber, and is capable of being turned completely round. Upon its extremity is fitted a little appendage d, pierced with a hole more or less fine, through which the air escapes. Three or four of these little cones accompany the instrument of different calibres, which can be substitu- ted for one another at pleasure. Berzelius recommends that they bo made of platina, as in using them for a little time, they become coated with lampblack, and if made of this metal are at once cleansed by heat- ing them to redness upon charcoal before the blowpipe. This blowpipe PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 127 is provided with a joint at 5, and the side of the barrel or cylinder oppo- site to that from which the heak issues, comes off by unscrewing, for the purpose of enabling us to wipe it dry occasionally. This barrel serves to contain the little appendages of the beak, when the instrument is not in use. This instrument is also made of brass with an ivory mouth piece. The flame employed in using the blowpipe may be either that of a candle or lamp; though considerable choice exists among candles and lamps for this purpose. A tallow or wax candle in order to answer best, should be made with its wick somewhat larger than ordinary ; and of lamps, one furnished with a single wick and fed by olive oil has received the preference. In using the candle, the wiok is previously bent in the direction to which we wish to direct the flame. The keeping up a continual stream of air through the blowpipe is at first attended with some difficulty. This, however, is best overcome by an attention to the following directions. Closing the. mouth, keep the cheeks distended with air during a number of inspirations and expi- rations, performed through the nostrils. Next, attempt the same with the mouth piece of the blowpipe between the lips : now, as this provides an exit for the air in the mouth, unless a fresh supply be kept up from the lungs, the cheeks will soon collapse ; in order to prevent this, at the moment of expiration through the nose, a sufficient quantity of air must be allowed to enter the mouth to preserve their distention. By this means, the air in the mouth is constantly subject to the same compres- sion, and flows in an uniform mannner from the little orifice. Having acquired the habit of keeping up a continued current of air from the blowpipe, the beak is now brought within the border of the flame of the lamp or candle. We immediately perceive before the orifice a long and conical blue flame, environed by an outer cone more resembling the ordinary flame of a candle or lamp. It is at the apex of the blue cone that the most intense heat is produced. Much practice, however, is required in order to obtain the maximum heat of this in- strument. If the current of air is too strong, the heat is dissipated as soon as produced ; if too feeble, there is a deficiency of air for the effect. Oxidation takes place when we bring the matter of assay before the apex of the exterior flame, where the combustible matter coining from the lamp or candle has ceased to attract oxygen. The heat required in the matter of assay is only that of incipient redness ; and one of the larger orifices of the beak is found best for producing this temperature. Reduction, on the other hand, requires a more elevated temperature, 128 TERMINOLOGY* which is best obtained by the aid of one of the finest appendages, the opening of which should be introduced only within the edge of the flame. A less distinctly blue cone than in the former instance, sur- rounded by a more brilliant one, will be the result. The matter to be deoxidized is to be supported completely within the bright flame, just beyond the apex of the blue cone : this medium consists of an inflam- mable gas not yet saturated with oxygen, and which, of course, will seek it from the matter of assay. The ordinary support for the substance placed before the blowpipe is well burnt charcoal. In its selection, it is important to attend to the cir- cumstance of its being freshly burned, and that it be of a light texture ; as the more compact charcoal, besides being too good a conductor, is in- convenient on account of the large quantity of ashes it produces, Gahn preferred charcoal from pine wood. Platina wires three or four inches in length, are employed in those cases where the reducing effect of a charcoal support is liable to prevent the reaction which we wish to pro-, duce. The matter of assay is easily attached to the wire, by bending up one extremity into a hook, moistening it with the tongue, and dip- ping it into the powdered flux we have occasion to employ, which ad- heres to it in sufficient quantity : it is now brought before the flame of the blowpipe where it melts into a drop, and this being brought near the matter of assay, they immediately unite and are melted together. In those instances where it is requisite to roast the matter of assay in or- der to discover the substances with which it is engaged, little tubes of glass two or three inches in length and about one tenth of an inch in di- ameter, are employed. The substance to be examined is introduced into the tube and placed at a little distance from one of its extremities, in- clining the tube so that this extremity shall be the lowest: the flame of a spirit of wine lamp i? now gradually brought to bear upon the tube by means of the blowpipe, and in such a manner that the flame shall play around the part containing the matter of assay : the volatile matters sublime into the upper part of the tube, where they are in part con- densed and capable of being recognized. Occasionally in these trials, it is convenient to have a tube closed at one extremity : this is easily pre- pared from open tubes by the aid of the blowpipe. The reagents most commonly used with the blowpipe, are the sub? carbonate of soda, the borate of soda, and the double salt formed of the phosphate of soda and phosphate of ammonia, which, for the sake of brevity, are called soda, borax, and salt of phosphorus. The objects in view, when the first of these is employed, are to ascertain if the bodies combined with it are fusible or infusible, and to favor the reduction of PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS. 129 the metallic oxides. With the second, we examine whether the fusion of bodies along with it takes place slowly or with rapidity, without ap- parent movement or with effervescence, whether the glass resulting from the fusion acquires color, and whether this color is different in the fire of oxidation from what it is in the fire of reduction ; and finally, we notice whether the discoloration of the borax augments or diminishes by becoming cold, and whether the glass preserves or loses its transparency. The salt of phosphorus is employed particularly in the examination of the metallic oxides, whose characteristic colors it immediately develops: it is also a valuable reagent for the silicates. Charcoal is the support most frequently made use of, when these reagents are employed. In no instance should the quantity employed, of the flux and the mineral together, exceed in size a pepper-corn ; and in those instances where a mineral is used without a flux, it should not exceed, in general, the head of a common sized pin. For more complete information upon the use of the Blowpipe, the reader is referred to the excellent treatise of Prof. Berzelius, the first edition of whose work has been translated from the Swedish into both the French and German languages, and the second edition of which was published at Nttrnberg, in 1828. Action of Acids. The acids employed most generally are the Nitric, the Muriatic and the Sulphuric. When the two former are used to dis- cover the carbonates of the alkalies, of the earths and the metallic oxides, they are employed in a state of dilution; and the mineral to be examined has a small fragment, the size of a pepper-corn, detached, which, either unbroken or crushed to powder, is put into a wine glass, upon which the acid is affused, when the effervescence from the liberation of the carbonic acid gas becomes apparent. If the trial be to learn whether the acid forms a jelly with the dissolved mineral, (and which never takes place with the carbonates, or those that effervesce,) a stronger acid is employed and a larger quantity of the mineral previously reduced to an impalpable powder; a little heat is also requisite, and considerable time is needed for the digestion of the powder : on cooling, the fluid gelatin- izes. Occasionally, the color of the solution of a mineral in these acids is noticed, with a view to detect their metallic ingredients. The sul- phuric acid is used without dilution, for the purpose of detecting fluoric acid: it is poured upon the mineral in a state of powder, in a glass tube, when the fluoric acid becomes obvious, from the corrosion of the glass, 130 CLASSIFICATION. PART n. CLASSIFICATION. . 104. IDENTITY. Minerals, (or Individuals,) not differing from each other in any of their natural properties, are identical. This may be considered as an axiom, not only in mineralogy, but in Natural History generally, and lies at the foundation of the whole theory of the systems in these sciences. It requires, however, some limitation, or explanation. By natural properties, must not be understood every property with which these productions are endowed, since there are several, which, as they are of no utility for the purposes of mineralogy, are not included in the above expression. Such are, besides the size of crystals, also the disproportionate enlargement of some of their faces, their junction with other individuals, their being implanted, imbed- ded, SLC. These are called the accidental properties of minerals ; and individuals which differ only in these respects, are taken for identical ones, equally with those which do not, or which are simi- lar in respect to such circumstances. Farther; individuals are allowed a certain deviation from per- fect similarity in their natural properties, and are still said to be identical. The forms, for example, among several individuals, are not re- quired to be the same ; provided they are members of one and the same series of crystallization, (their remaining properties not being dissimilar,) they are identical. Thus, in the species Fluor, indi- viduals possessed of the form of the Cube, the regular Octahedron, and of the Podecahedron, are of frequent occurrence, but whose other properties, (as color, hardness, specific gravity, &c.) are simi- lar. Such individuals are identical, because the Cube, the Octa- hedron, and the Dodecahedron, are members of the same series of crystallization. If we suppose an individual to occur, agreeing with those just mentioned, excepting in form, which we will imagine to be that of the Rhomboid; such an Individual cannot be said to be identical with the others, since the difference between it and them CLASSIFICATION. 131 Cannot be removed or made to disappear by the idea of a series, and accordingly tbe individual cannot be brought under the idea of identity. The same series, as respects lustre and color, have been seen to exist, (. 89,93.) : with regard to specific gravity and hardness also, a similar gradation is admitted, since the determination of these properties in individuals of the same species does not admit of rig- orous limits.* In these cases, it is to be recollected that the series arises out of an uninterrupted connexion among a number of indi- viduals, capable of being so arranged that any two will pass insensi- bly into each other, and that the chain no where presents any in- terruption or want of continuity. In the comparison of individuals, this series may take place in but one of the above mentioned prop- erties, while in the remaining ones there exists the most perfect identity, or it may take place in two or three, or all of them, at the same time. To illustrate the idea of identity by series in the char- acter of hardness, for example, we will suppose the comparison of four individuals of the species Beryl. Let them all agKjee, as res- pects form, color, lustre and specific gravity ; but in hardness we find them to be represented by 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8. They are iden- tical, for thougk differing in hardness, yet the differences are mem- bers of a continuous series. If, however, an individual of the spe- cies Apatite be compared with these individuals, the form, color and lustre is exactly similar in both cases, but the hardness of the crys- tal of Apatite we shall find to be 5, a discovery which immediately destroys the idea of identity, since it is obvious that the difference between 5 and 7.5 is far greater than that between 7.5 and 7.8, which are the extremes of the series in the hardness of the indi- viduals of Beryl. They cannot therefore be said to be identical, since the numbers expressive of their hardness do not form a con- tinuous series. By the above process, extended to all those properties which form series by these gradations, w r e may include the assemblage of all those individuals, which, notwithstanding their differences, may yet be brought under the idea of identity. At the same time, those in- dividuals which do not allow the process to be applied to them, are * The series, as respects the properties of hardness and specific gravi- ty, no doubt arises, in a majority of instances, from the intermixture of foreign minerals among the individuals of a species, in addition to the im- perfection of our instruments for obtaining accurate results. 132 CLASSIFICATION. excluded with perfect distinctness and accuracy. An assemblage of individuals, formed in this way, does not contain any thing for- eign, nor does it want any thing capable of being united with it on account of its natural properties. . 105. DIFFERENCE. Individuals which do not agree in all their properties are not identical. If two individuals agree in every one of their properties, except in their crystalline forms, or in color, or in hardness, or in specific gravity, so as to differ only in one of these properties, nevertheless they will not be identical. For the above properties are natural properties, and upon them depends the identity or difference of in- dividuals. The present proposition, being the reverse of . 104, like that, requires some limitation. Accidental differences have no more effect upon the difference of individuals than upon their identity. Difference between individuals is produced not by a difference in the crystalline form, unless the forms belong to different series of crystallization; nor in either or all of the remaining properties, if individuals are known to exist capable of filling up the difference by regular gradations. . 106. SPECIES. An assemblage of individuals, which fall under the idea of identity, is termed a species, and the individuals belong- ing to it are homogeneous individuals. This may be said to furnish an invariable idea of the species in mineralogy; one which remains constant in all sciences which con- cern the productions of the mineral kingdom. It is the foundation of every system, whatever may be the principles followed in its construction. Its correct determination is an object of the highest consequence, since it is the fixed point from which every inquiry has to start, whose object it is to procure some knowledge of the mineral kingdom, of whatever kind this knowledge may be, CLASSIFICATION. 133 . 107. TRANSITIONS. The progress of the gradations, in the properties of ho- mogeneous individuals, is termed a transition or passage; and we say of individuals in which such a progress occurs, that they pass into each other. These transitions arise from the series of characters before con- sidered ; and individuals connected by transitions are homogeneous, or beloag to one and the same species; there can be no transitions, in such cases, from one species to another, although examples of this sort are sometimes found in minei alogical books. In such instances, it is obvious, if the transition exists, the idea of the species is wrong; for under such circumstances, they should coalesce and form but a single species. From the continuity of the transitions, or of the series of charac- ters from which they depend, we may infer that there is a remark- able connexion within the species, by which all the differences oc- curring in its individuals may be joined into a whole. In this way, we are assisted in comprehending the variety of the mineral king- dom. For this reason, it is contrary to the interest of mineralogy, to divide or subdivide the species, and to distinguish subspecies and varieties. The purpose of such divisions is to facilitate the general survey of the species; but this indeed would rather be promoted by establishing the connexion between its individuals, if this should happen to be still wanting, than by subdivisions, which render it less evident. In those treatises where this course has been adopted, the student is often greatly inconvenienced, after he has settled the question that an individual belongs to a certain species, to know under which variety it conies ; for it is obvious, that where all the varieties of a species are bound together, as they must be, by intermediary indi- viduals, specimens will occur, which can no more be referred to one variety than to another. Indeed, the effect of such subdivisions is to produce an erroneous idea of the species, as a whole, by caus- ing the pupil to lose sight of those series in the characters of which it allows, and to fix only upon particular members of them, while the remaining ones are wholly overlooked. Accordingly, he is in a condition to recognize those individuals only which are identical with such members of the series as form the varieties in question, 12 134 CLASSIFICATION^ \vhile the determination of the intermediary memhers, being unprd* vided for, except in the general description, #re a perpetual source of doubt and confusion. These subdivisions are, moreover, entirely arbitrary, many of them coming from artists and persons whose employment consists in the working of stones; and ai'e unworthy of the attention of the mineralogist. They will not be found to be re- tained, therefore, in the present work, any farther than the notice of certain varieties which are applied to economical purposes* These will be pointed out with sufficient accuracy, in the second part of the work, merely for the sake of convenience to the economist. . 108. Two KINDS OF CLASSIFICATION. There are two kinds of classification in mineralogy, the natural and the artificial, or the synthetical and the analyt- ical. The artificial or analytical classification has for its object, simply, the distinction and the naming of unknown minerals ; the synthetical or natural system, is directed to the knowledge of relations among the species with a view to connect them into a system, so that those which resem- ble each other the most in nature, shall be situated the near- est each other in the arrangement.* * For the gratification of the more advanced student, the following out- line of the natural method is given, with the hope, that such may be led by it to consultHhe profound and philosophical writings of Mohs, from whence it is drawn, and where they will find this system fully developed. The species themselves are the proper objects of classification, or the things to be classified. It is necessary therefore, to regard them as wholes. In taking this view of any one species, all the connexions of certain properties occuring in individuals must be allowed to disappear, and we must view it, not as a compound of single varieties, but as com- plete as possible. The principle of classification is the resemblance among natural properties. Several bodies are similar, or resemble each other, which approximate more or less in their properties; and this resemblance is the greater, the higher we find the degree of approximation. CLASSIFICATION. 135 Besides the natural and the artificial systems, there exists a va- riety of classifications which cannot be included under these heads ; such as the arrangement of the species in an alphabetical order, which, being founded upon the name, possesses no real relation with The degrees of resemblance among the properties in different species are not every where the same. We consider the species as varieties to be classified, and compare them with each other in respect to their prop- erties. We perceive that some of them are more, some of them less allied to each other in resemblance. Common Iron Pyrites, for exam- ple, is more similar to while Iron Pyrites than to Carbonate of Lime; the latter species again is more similar to Arragonite than to Feldspar. An assemblage of species united by the highest degree of resemblance in its properties is termed a GENUS. The species of Iron Pyrites agrees so closely with that of white Iron Pyrites,, in every character except that of forms, that but for this difference, the two species would coalesce. Here is an example of that degree of resemblance which forms a genus. The same degree of resemblance exists between Eu- clase and Emerald. In the case of Idocrase, Garnet, and Stauro'.ide, we observe differences in many characters at once, and yet the resemblance is seen to be as great as in the examples of Iron Pyrites and Emerald. These examples prove, that there may exist differences, sometimes only in a few, sometimes in many characters at a time, without having any influence upon the degree of resemblance itself. On this account, it becomes impossible to express this resemblance by the agreement in one or a certain number of characters. This, however, does not prevent the application of the idea of the genus to these natural productions alto- gether; for this application does not pre-suppose the idea to be limited to single characters; but it allows, and even requires, to preserve it in its full generality. The genera being thus founded upon the resemblance of the species constitute a series, which it is clearly impossible should be the ca?e with the species themselves. To convince ourselves of this, we have only to attempt a series of species, in which those placed nearest, must (of course,) resemble each other most, and where we may begin at any chosen member. In forming such a series, we very soon me-et with spe- cies, which render it doubtful whether the one or the other, or even a third or fourth, &c. should follow the preceding species, and at last, we must either entirely abandon the experiment, or we must suppose, that two, three, or more species occupy the same place in the series. The groupes of species thus formed, however, are the genera themselves in a Natural system; in the real existence of which we discover the fact, 136 CLASSIFICATION. the object, and of consequence, is useless except to those who are already acquainted with the names ;* chemical arrangements, where minerals have been studied more with regard to their relations to their chemical than to their natural properties, and which involve that there exist species, between which there is a similar degree of re- semblance, and which are more allied to each other than to any other species out of the groupe, a discovery which lies at the foundation of the idea of the genus. A demonstration of these remarks may easily be acquired by any person familiar with the species in mineralogy. The mineral kingdom is, therefore, represented by a series of genera, exactly as in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and like them it does not contain a series of single species. Each of these genera contains similar species, (if it contains more than one,) every one of these again being the assemblage of homogeneous individuals. Their succession in the series is made to depend upon their greater or less agreement, or similarity. 'The order is, in respect to the genera, what the genus is to the spe- cies. The idea of it is therefore obvious from the preceding remarks. A few observations will illustrate its mode of application. The genus Iron Pyrites, in the peculiar place it occupies in the gen- eral series of genera, is surrounded by several other genera, which ex- hibit so high a degree of resemblance to each other, that they seem to have been formed after a common type or original. These are the ge- nera Nickel Pyrites, Cobalt Pyrites, Arsenical Pyrites and Copper Py- rites. There is not another genus to be found in the whole mineral king- dom, as hitherto known, which could be enumerated along with these, without destroying the idea produced by the assemblage of the above mentioned genera. In a similar manner, the genus Iron-Ore is connect- ed, on one side with the genus Manganese-Ore, on the other side with the genera Chrome-Ore, Cerium-Ore, Uranium-Ore, Tantalum-Ore, Copper-Ore, Scheelium-Ore, Tin-Ore, Zinc-Ore and Titanium-Ore. Thus, likewise, around the genus Feld-Spar are assembled the other genera of Spars, under similar circumstances. Every groupe of this kind, which is an assemblage of genera similar to each other, is an order. The class is an assemblage of similar orders; what the genus is to the species, or the order to the genus, the class is in respect to the order. The idea of the class is so comprehensive, that it becomes difficult to judge of its applicability, without the direct inspection of the objects themselves. This inspection proves that every one of the three classes of the natural system in mineralogy does contain orders, which are con- * Brooke, CLASSIFICATION. 137 the knowledge and practice of chemistry, in order to render them practicable ;* mixed methods, where the order of the species is made to depend partly upon the natural properties, and partly upon their chemical constitution, t &c. nected, by a greater degree of similarity, with each other, than with those of other classes. To give a recapitulation, in a descending order ; the mineral kingdom contains three classes. Every class comprehends part of the series of genera, collected into several orders. The classes are not of the same extent ; and the orders which they contain are joined by an equal degree of similarity. Every order is an assemblage of several genera in their regular succession ; hence it is likewise a portion of the general series of genera. The genera comprised within an order, present equal degrees of similarity. Every genus is an assemblage of similar species ; it is an unity in the series of genera. The species within the genera are con- nected by equal degrees of similarity. Every species is an assemblage of homogeneous individuals ; the individuals of a species are connected by the series of characters, that is to say, by real natural transitions. The individual is the simple mineral, produced by nature. It is the only systematic idea which immediately refers to nature, or to which an object of observation corresponds, It is to be observed, that none of these ideas have been obtained, or deduced from the others, by means of a division. For, in order to arrive at them, we have not begun with the highest, but with the lowest one, which is that of the individual, and then the idea of the species has been determined according to the idea of homogeneity, those of the genus, order, &c. according to different degrees of natural, historical resem- blance ; the whole of them, by aggregation or assemblage. Besides the idea of a species, a division would have pre-supposed also that of the mineral kingdom ; and it would have required a principle according to which it might have been effected with consistency. The present treaN ise will show that these conditions in fact may be fulfilled, yet such a di- vision, it will appear, cannot afford the same classes, orders and genera, which have been obtained by the other process, and the degrees of class* ification which will be thus obtained, while they subserve a very im- portant purpose, will be altogether inadequate to the purpose of giving a general view of inorganic nature, in agreement with the similarity which exists among its productions, which is the last and highest aim of Natural History. Perzelius. t Abbe Hady. 12* 138 CLASSIFICATION. ANALYTICAL SYSTEM. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. j The first object with the student in mineralogy being the names of minerals, it becomes necessary to point out with as much clear- ness as possible the course he must adopt. The most obvious meth- od, and indeed the one which has hitherto been most in practice among learners, is to derive them from a living Instructor ; but this be- ing out of the reach of many persons, who would otherwise be glad to form some acquaintance with the mineral kingdom, and where enjoyed being without any certain mode of verification, is exceed- ingly unsatisfactory. The second thought is to have recourse to books containing descriptions of every species ; but the number has now become so great, that the labor of reading them over in suc- cession, in order to assure ourselves of a single mineral, is too great to be encountered without considerable fatigue and loss of time, and consequently, danger of disgust. An analytical method, there- fore, whose sole object is, to lead us in an easy and sure manner to the names of minerals, becomes desirable. Its utility in the veg- etable kingdom has been abundantly tested ; and the only question to be decided is, what shall become the grounds of our divisions in the mineral kingdom, in order to apply to it the same benefit. If we except the synthetical method of Prof. Mohs, no system is to be found in which the requisite assistance, above alluded to, is afforded. If, for example, we bestow a moments attention upon the arrangement of the Abbe Haiiy, the most celebrated hitherto con- structed, and which has been made the basis of several popular treatises upon the science, we shall find it incapable of accomplish- ing this end. It is true, it contains classes, orders and genera ; but surely, neither their author nor any other person, ever supposed it possible, that the learner could derive advantage from them in the way in which a Botanist does from similar ideas in the determina- tion of an unknown plant ; viz. by first ascertaining its class, then the order, then the genus, and lastly, by reading over the essential differences among the unities within this last general idea, to. ar- rive at the appropriate species. Now, who avails himself of this method as respects the classification of Hatty ? Who analyzes a min- eral to determine its class, order and genus, with a view of arriving at its name ? No one certainly. It might be asked, who can do it ( ANALYTICAL SYSTEM. 139 for how few are able! Most clearly then, it subserves no utility in the determination of unknown minerals. Its sole merit consists, in providing for the proficient in mineralogy, one way of arranging the different objects of his knowledge in his cabinet, and the ideas which relate to them in his mind. This certainty is an object of much importance, but secondary in point of time to the one now under consideration. Our information must first be acquired, be- fore it can be philosophically arranged. It is otherwise, however, with respect to the system first men- tioned : this provides for the determination of the species in a sci- entific manner, the learner' being enabled to proceed to the names of minerals through the intermediate degrees of the class, order, and genus, without being obliged to read over the entire catalogue of species in each instance, when an unknown mineral is to be de- termined. But, like the system of Natural Orders in botany, it experiences frequent embarrassments from those combinations which the principles of the synthetical method impose, and which render it necessary, in order to distinguish the geneva within an order, and the species within a genus, to descend to the observation of char- acters, too nice and minute in their application, for the use of the be- ginner. To the advanced student, however, this system becomes more available, since it will often be in his power to determine the place of a mineral by analogy, without the minute study pf its char- acters, an advantage which no purely artificial system can possess. Like the same system in botany, it is superior to all other methods after a certain amount of knowledge is acquired, but at first, is lia- ble to confuse and discourage. (D'abord, quant alafacilite, il est Evident que, pour le commen$ant, une mdthode artificielle doit paraitre, et est en re 1 alit6 plus facile. * * * il est done lien certain que lorsqu'on ne connait encore aucune plante, et qu'on est reduit a chercher par soi-meme le nom des premieres qui se pre'sentent, on doit employer une mdthode artificielle ; et sous ce point de vue, la plus facile de toutes est la meilleure. Des Classi- fications naturelles en general co?npar6es aux artificielles. De Candolle. TMorie eldmentaire de la Botanique, p. 52, et seq.) . 109. DIVISION OF THE MINERAL KINGDOM INTO CLASSES. The Mineral Kingdom is divisible into three Classes; , Minerals possessed of regular forms 5 2. Minerals yield- 140 CLASSIFICATION. ing regular forms only by cleavage ; 3. Minerals destitute of regular forms, and not affording them by cleavage. The first may be termed the Crystallized class, the second the Semi-crystallised class, and the third the Uncrystallized class. Minerals possessed of regular forms are crystals, and not imita- tive shapes, (. 75,) though these also offer a degree of regularity. Such as yield regular forms only by cleavage, consist of those min- erals commonly referred to, under the expression of highly crystal- line, and which afford forms of cleavage by the use of the ordinary mechanical aids. Those minerals, in which heating and immersion in cold water are necessary to effect cleavage, or in which the forms of cleavage can be deduced in no other way than from an examina- tion of their natural joints in a strong light, are not included within the semi-crystallized class. Minerals destitute of regular forms and not yielding forms of cleavage by the ordinary processes of cleavage, consist of such as are denominated massive (in part), com- pact, and amorphous minerals, besides those which are liquid and gaseous. The minerals belonging to the crystallized class, possess the highest degree of perfection, under which the objects of the min- eral kingdom occur. From these, the members of the semi~crys~ tallized class differ, in the perfection of their characters, only as respects regularity of form; and may therefore be looked upon as intermediate between them and the third class ; which is made up of minerals, occupying a place still lower, when viewed, in the completeness of their properties. It may require an explanation, why a mineralogical method should, unlike the systems in zoology and botany, make provision for any but perfect or crystallized minerals. In the vegetable kingdom it is well known, that no object is considered as classifiable, unless possessed of the parts of fructification ; or, in other words, of the highest degree of perfection, in its characters, under which it is capable of appearing, And although the majority of plants, ordinarily under our observa- tion, is imperfect in these respects, no serious inconvenience arises from the fact, since they are all possessed of an active principle, whose operation will at length advance them to maturity; in addi- tion to which, we have no difficulty in finding other individuals of the same species, already in possession of the requisite perfection to enable us to accomplish their determination. But it is otherwise in the mineral kingdom. Semi-crystallized and uncrystallized min.* ANALYTICAL SYSTEM. 141 erals constitute by far the largest part of those requiring determina- tion, and they are wholly destitute of any tendency towards a higher degree of perfection. As we find them, so they remain, (unless, indeed, they become, as sometimes is the case, more imperfect still, from external agencies;) and, unlike the determination of imper- fect plants, by the aid of those which are more perfect, it is seldom passible to determine them from their association with crystallized individuals of the same species. From this we see, that a method which should omit to provide for such minerals as aie not fully per- fect in their characters, would be extremely imperfect in general practice. As a consequence of this necessity of providing means for the de- termination of imperfect minerals, lias arisen the-' frequent division of the species. Thus, portions of the species Fluor are found in all of the classes, according as the individuals are crystallized, cleav- able or massive. It is to be remarked, however, that this division within the species, (unknown in the other departments of natural history,) never takes place in the crystallized individuals of the min- eral kingdom ; among which only should we expect to find the rule of preserving the species unbroken observed, since they alone cor- respond to the classifiable objects in zoology and botany. . 110. DIVISION OF THE CRYSTALLIZED CLASS INTO ORDERS. Crystallized minerals are divisible into orders, depending upon their different systems of crystallization. Each system of crystallization affords the basis of an order, within the present class. And the division takes place throughout, without impairing, in a single instance, the unities of the species it contains; a circumstance obviously depending upon the fact, that all the crys- tals of any one species belong to one and the same system of crystal- lization. No species will therefore be found to occur, in the crystal- lized class, in more than one order. <. 111. DIVISION OF THE SEMI-CRYSTALLIZED CLASS INTO ORDERS. Semi-crystallized minerals are divisible into orders, upon the same principle with the crystallized minerals. (. 110.) 142 CLASSIFICATION. It has been already seen, that there exists but one form of cleav- age in a species, and that this is the same both in the crystallized and semi-crystallized individuals of that species; and, moreover, that it is identical with, and in reality constitutes the primary form or sys- tem of crystallization in the species. Consequently, the system of crystallization affords the foundation of a division among the minerals of the present class, with the same facility as in the first class. And we may expect to find, from the known fact that many of the species in the mineral kingdom embrace both crystallized and semi-crystal- lized minerals, that the same species will exist in both classes, and when this takes place, the division of both being upon one principle, we shall find them contained in the same order in both. For ex- ample, Galena occurs in the order of the Cube in the first class, and again in the order of the Cube in the second; Sulphate of Strontian in the order of the right rhombic Prism in the first, and again in the same order in the second, &c. . 112. DIVISION OF THE UNCRYSTALLIZED CLASS INTO ORDERS. Uncr} stallized minerals are divisible into orders, depend- ing upon the state of aggregation existing among their par- ticles. Three divisions are thus created, according as the minerals of this class are solid, liquid or gaseous. The present arrangement is not liable to any objection, on the ground that the natural relations among the species have been dis- regarded, much less that chemical affinities are overlooked. It is to be tested only, as it does, or does not, afford the most direct means in leading to the names of unknown minerals. The properties upon which it is founded are of easy observation and possessed of sufficient constancy : their examination does not involve a knowledge of other sciences, or require an inconvenient minuteness of detail. What is more easy, for example, than to settle whether a mineral be crystal- lized, and if not, whether it yield a regular solid by cleavage ? These are the only questions to be solved in the determination of the class. And if due attention has been paid by the pupil to the section on Crys- tallography, the orders in the two first classes may be ascertained ANALYTICAL SYSTEM. 143 with nearly the same degroe of ease. The system of crystallization, in most cases, is a problem to which the lowest attainments in miner- alogy are adequate; or rather, it is one, which, until the pupil is able to master, he is unprepared to take a single step to advantage in the study of the mineral kingdom. The orders in the remaining class need only to be mentioned, to be recognized. . 113. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES WITHIN THE ORDERS. The species are arranged in each order, in a series, de- pending upon the property of Hardness, except in the two last orders of the third class, where it depends upon the property of Specific Gravity. Where the series depends upon the property of hardness, the or- ders commence with the softest species, and terminate with the hardest: in the other case, it begins with the lightest and termin- ates with the heaviest. Had it promised an additional convenience, in arriving at the names of minerals, through the use of this system, it would have been easy to have divided the orders into genera, depending upon fixed degrees of hardness and specific gravity. The idea of a series within the genus, however, founded upon these properties, seemed preferable, inasmuch as it possesses every possible facility which would attend the division in question, besides the advantage of ren- dering the arrangement considerably less complicated, both as res- pects the nomenclature and practice. 144 NOMENCLATURE. PART III. NOMENCLATURE. . 114. GENERAL, OBJECT OF NOMENCLATURE. The object of Nomenclature, in general, is to furnish names for the objects of Natural History. . Formerly it was the practice in Natural History to designate objects by tbeir characters, or descriptions. For example, a particular grass (now known by a name of two words only,) was denominated, " Gramen myloicophorum carolinianum, seu gramen altissimum panicula maxima speciosa, e spicis majoribuscompressiusculis utrin- que pinnatis blattam molendariam quodam modo referentibus, com- posita, foliis convolutis mucronatis pungentibus donatum." (Pluke- net. Almag. 173.) But at present, nomenclature seeks to dispense with these long phrases by the substitution of short and easily re- membered names. Nomenclature is of two kinds, Systematic and Trivial. . 115. SYSTEMATIC NOMENCLATURE. The object of systematic nomenclature is not only to provide names for the species, but, also to construct them in such a manner, as to indicate the connexion of the species with one another in the system. The systematic nomenclature has in view two things : viz. to pro- vide denominations for the species, or to determine the objects of which something is to be said, and to remind us of those which are more or less similar to them, by indicating the places they occupy in the general assemblage of the natural productions of the Kingdom. As the systematic nomenclature is applicable only to the Natural System in Mineralogy, no farther attention will be given in the present treatise to its developement. The zoologist and botanist who NOMENCLATURE. 145 have been accustomed to this admirable contrivance in their re- spective departments, are referred to the system of Prof. Mobs, where they will find the fullest satisfaction upon this subject.* . 116. TRIVIAL NOMENCLATURE. The trivial nomenclature has for its object merely the denomination of objects. It is no part of the trivial nomenclature to indicate the connexion which exists among the objects named. Unlike the denominations in the systematic nomenclature, which are composed of several words made up of the names of the order, genus, and species, to which minerals belong, the names in the trivial nomenclature rest * For the sake of those readers who may not find it convenient to con- sult the work above alluded to, it may be proper to observe, that the order is the highest idea expressed in the nomenclature of Mobs ; and that in the selection of the names of his orders, he has invented but two new words, having employed the terms used in ancient mineralogy. The names receive their signification in agreement with the ideas of the orders; thus Pyrites embraces the minerals hitherto called by that name. Mica signifies a mineral which may be cleaved with facility into thin, shining laminae ; the order Mica, therefore, contains only such species as present cleavage in an eminent degree. The name of the genus is compound, formed by connecting another word with the name of the order: thus, we have Lead- Glance, Jlugite-Spar, Iron-Pyrites, fyc. The generic name also refers to the properties of the genus, and expresses as much as possible, some striking feature of its resemblance to other bodies. Such is the name Garnet-Blende. The genus thus designated belongs to the order Blende ; the individuals which it con- tains very often look like Garnet. The denomination of the species is pro- duced through the nearer restriction of the generic name by an adjective. The adjective by which the species is designated within its genus, is one descriptive of its natural properties; and in general, refers to one of those properties of the species which is most useful in distinguishing it from other species of the same genus: hence, the systems of crystallization, and the relations of cleavage, are the most frequently employed ; exam- ples of which are, Hexahedral, Prismatic, Rhombohedral Iron-Pyrites ; Rhombohedral, Octahedral, Dodecahedral, Prismatic Iron-ore, fyc. 13 146 NOMENCLATURE. solely upon the species, and consequently, are not required to con- sist of more than one word. The trivial nomenclature in mine- ralogy will, therefore, have the advantage of the systematic, in the conciseness of its names ; which indeed, is the only recommendation it may be said to possess. They are derived, for the most part, from colors, persons, localities, and other accidental circumstances ; of which, the following are good examples: Kyanite, Olivine, Prehnite, Wavellite, Andalusite, Arragonite, &c. . 117. NOMENCLATURE IN AN ANALYTICAL SYSTEM. The nomenclature in an analytical system must be a trivial one. Since, in an analytical system, we must not look for similarity among the species of any one class or order, to name the species in such a manner as to suggest the class and order to which they indi- vidually belong, instead of serving to illustrate or simplify the gen- eral survey of the mineral kingdom, would only produce confusion. A designation, therefore, wholly irrespective of any such relations should be employed. All that we demand of nomenclature, so far as the analytical method is concerned, is the simplest designation of the object possible, from which we may be pointed forward to the descriptions for the remaining information of which we are in search ; we have no interest in being carried back to the artificial ideas by whose means we have accomplished tbis preliminary step. It is true, provided the names employed in the analytical method do not lead us back to the orders and classes of that method, it would not be very objectionable what denominations were employed, whether those of the systematic nomenclature, or the chemical names, so far as minerals are possessed of them ; yet, as the ob- ject of this method is only a preliminary step, those which are the shortest and most convenient seem preferable, and these are the trivial names. At the same time, care has been taken to give, in a smaller type, the systematic names of Mobs, and some of the important synonyms of other authors, in order to enable the student to refer with con- venience, to the general descriptions in different works upon the science. CHARACTERISTIC. 147 PART IV. CHARACTERISTIC. . 118. DEFINITION. The characteristic is the assemblage of certain natural properties, arranged according to a certain system, for the purpose of distinguishing the unities in that system. The characteristic pre-supposes the system, to which it is applied, to have been already developed, and therefore is not the source of the system. Without a system, it cannot exist; because the dis- tinction of bodies, by its means, takes place only within the unities of a system. Any single property, or a collection of several properties, if it be subservient to the distinction of several species of a genus, or of several genera of an order, or of several orders of a class, is termed a character ; and the single properties it contains, are its character- istic terms or marks. If a character contains only one characteristic mark, this mark itself represents the character. Characters are natural or artificial, according as they refer to a natural or artificial system. Their denomination corresponds to their object ; thus, we have characters of the orders, characters of the species, fyc. . 119. PPOPERTIES OF THE CHARACTERS. The characters must be sufficient for a precise distinction within their respective spheres, and as short as the neces- sary degree of evidence in the determination of the species will allow. Character are useless, if they serve for the distinction only of some of the species contained within their genus, (or order, if this 148 CHARACTERISTIC. be the next superior idea of the system.) The shorter the charac- ter is, the more facility and certainty will it afford in the distinction; hence characters should be so constructed as not to contain any thing but what is required for the evidence and distinction of the species. . 120. CHARACTERS OF THE CLASSES AND ORDERS, The characters for the classes and orders in the analyt- ical system are formed by the distribution in producing the system, and consist of single marks. In this system, minerals are formed into classes from the folio w- ing considerations; viz. crystallized minerals, semi-crystallized min- erals, and uncrystallized minerals. (. 109.) Now the characters of the classes are, for the first class, "minerals crystallized;" for the second, "minerals semi-crystallized;'* and for the third, "minerals' uncrystallized." But these, it is obvious, are the grounds upon which our division of minerals into classes is founded. The charac- ter, moreover, for each of the classes, consists of a single character- istic mark. The same is true as respects the orders, the characters of which depend upon the same property as w r as employed for their formation, and as these divisions are formed upon single properties, so fne cnarSctefs for the orders will consist of sfngi'e terms-. In the natural classification of the mineral kingdom, single char- acteristic terms cannot be employed, as nothing short of a compound character is nere found sufficient for a general distinction. It is in. this respect, in particular, that the analytical method has the advan- tage in practice. . 121. CHARACTERS FOR THE SPECIES. The characters for the species must be so arranged as to effect the determination of individuals in the most sure man- ner, of which the science is capable. For this reason, the species in each of the orders, excepting the two last of the uncrystallized class, are arranged in an order depend- ing upon their degrees of hardness; and have this property given as the first term in their characters. But hardness, by itself, is insuffi- CHARACTERISTIC. 149 for the distinction aimed at; since it so happens that in sev- eral of the orders, and especially in the first order of the third class, a number of species frequently coalesce so far as this property is concerned, or form equal members in the series. In order for a dis- tinction in these cases, additional marks require to be added. Ac- cordingly, the specific gravity, sometimes the angle at which par- ticular faces incline, (when the mineral is crystallized or semi- crystallized,) occasionally also the lustre, streak, taste, &c. are added to complete the character. In the second and third orders of the third class, the property according to which the species are arrang- ed is specific gravity ; and this, of course, furnishes the first term of the character among these species. It is obvious, that in distinguishing the species by characters, we need more marks than are really indispensable merely to exclude an individual from those species to which it does not belong ; for we wish to be assured that it does belong to the species under which our arrangement of characters finally brings it. For example, in. the first order of the first class, the two species Horn Silver and Common Salt are capable of berng distinguished from each other, merely by the property of hardness, that of the first being = 1... 1-5, and that of the second being = 2. But, another vineral maybe found which on account of its properties comes within this order, and which is possessed of the hardness of one or the other of these spe- cies. Under these circumstances, provided the characters of Horn Silver and Common Salt are confined to the property of hardness, this mineral, though really distinct, must coalesce with the one with which it agrees in its character ; whereas had the specific characters of these species been extended so as to include the property of spe- cific gravity, it might have easily been discovered that it was a dis- tinct species. It is on this account, therefore, that the characters of the species never consist of less than two marks, and sometimes they are possessed of three or even four. . 122. USE OF THE CHARACTERISTIC. The use of the characteristic in mineralogy is the same as in zoology and in botany. If a mineral is to be determined, the first step relates to its form. If regular, the system of crystallization requires to be ascertained. If irregular, but yielding a regular form by cleavage, the same 13* 150 CHARACTERISTIC. question is to be determined. If irregular, but not yielding a form of cleavage, it is merely to be observed whether it be solid, liquid or gaseous. In case the mineral be neither liquid nor gaseous, the next question will be, the degree of hardness it possesses. The examination being conducted thus far, the characteristic may be applied, from which we learn the nature of those observations still necessary to be made, before arriving at the end in view. In illustration of the entire process, let us take the following example. Let the mineral be crystallized under the form of the regular rhom- bic Dodecahedron, the cleavage being parallel to the faces of the Cube ; and let its hardness be = 2-5. The information respecting the form of our mineral conducts us to Class I. and Order I. while that relating to its hardness effectually excludes it from No. 1, and those species below No. 7. This group of species, not differing from our mineral in respect to this mark by an amount above unity in the scale, are considered as possessing the same degree of hard- ness. The mineral then belongs to one of these six species. The next characteristic mark to be observed, for the exclusion of those members of the group to which it does not belong, consists of the specific gravity. Let the specific gravity of our mineral be 7-4. This observation separates three of the group, at the same time that it identifies the mineral under examination with one of the remain- ing two, while the other is not excluded by a difference above -5 ; an amount of difference always necessary for perfect exclusion in specific gravity. Another mark is therefore required, to complete the characters of these two species. This mark we find to be con- nected with cleavage. No. 5 is easily cleavable, whereas no re- mark being appended to No. 4, it is not easily cleavable. Let our mineral be easily cleavable. No. 3 is of course excluded, and the mineral under examination is No. 5, Galena. Let us suppose another instance. Let the mineral be crystal- lized; the system of crystallization a right rhombic Prism, and hard- ness = 7-5. It belongs, therefore, to Class I, Order X ; and is one of the species contained between No. 45 and the end of the order. Let the specific gravity be =3-5. This excludes all but Nos. 50, 51, 52 and 53. The final mark is the inclination of the lateral planes. Let this be M on M 129. This observation proves the mineral to coalesce with Staurotide, while it excludes it perfectly from the re- maining three. These are ordinary examples. It will not frequently, however, be found requisite to proceed so far in the characters of many of the species, .excepting the one which comprises the individual ; since CHARACTERISTIC. 151 exclusive terms will often be met with, in the commencement of the characters of those species to which the individual under examina- tion does not belong. FARTHER EXPLANATIONS RELATING TO THE CHARAC- TERISTIC. 1. Wherever, in the different orders of solid minerals, a break in the series of hardness occurs, it is marked by a line of separation ; and the species in those cases where more than one exists between every two lines, are arranged in the order of their specific gravities. 2. The minerals contained in the appendices of the orders in the two first classes consist of species concerning whose systems of crystallization our knowledge is yet imperfect ; it is believed how- ever, that they are referred to those orders where the student would most naturally be led to look for them, in a majority of cases. The appendix to the first order in the third class, embraces such miner- als as are yet too imperfectly described to enable us to decide wheth- er they constitute independent species, or coalesce with ethers already known. 3. At the conclusion of several orders in the first and second clas- ses, references enclosed by a parenthesis, to members of other orders will be observed, the object of which is to indicate to the inquirer, who has run over ineffectually a particular order, in what other order the object of his search may be found. For example, let the mineral be an uncleavable crystal of the form of the regular Octahedron, whose hardness = 25. ..3-0. and whose Specific gravity = 8 -4.. .8-9. Or- der 111 in class I. would first be recurred to : but it would be found impossible to identify it with either of its species. At the end of the order, however, 'reference is made to Species 6, Order I ; by turning to which, we discover an agreement between its character, and the properties of the mineral in question. 4. The names in small capitals, which are preceded by the sign ?, and whose characters are carried out in parenthesis are not regard- ed by the author as fully entitled to stand as distinct species ; but are conceived to belong to those species which they immediately succeed in the arrangement. 5. Wherever, among the synonyms, a mark of interrogation fol- lows a name, it is intended to indicate a doubt whether the substan- ces to which it is applied, belong to the species with which such name is arranged. 152 CHARACTERISTIC. 6. When the mark of interrogation follows the numbers which express the hardness, specific gravity or dimensions of particular forms, it signifies that such numbers are only to be regarded as ap- proximating to the truth, in the respective cases. 7. The sign IT placed before the name of a species indicates that localities of it are known in the United States. 8. The sign || signifies that those species before which it is placed, are of comparatively rare occurrence. 9. The number of species whose individuals never occur, except in the crystallized state, being extremely small, it has been deemed expedient to introduce them into the uncrystallized class; since it sometimes happens that it is necessary to determine a crystallized mineral, whose crystalline form we may be incapable of ascertain- ing from its natural imperfection, or some artificial alteration it has suffered. Such minerals will be preceded by the sign . 10. In the semi-crystallized class, those species which have already occurred in the crystallized class, will be denoted simply by their trivial names. In connexion with the names of such species, how- ever, will be found, a reference back to the page of the crystallized class where they are first mentioned. The same rule will also be gbserved-in the first order of the uncrystallized class, CHARACTERS OP THE SPECIES. CLASS I. 154 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. I. ORDER. Names. Hardness. 1. 2. HORN SILVER. Hexahedral Pearl-Kerate. M. Chloride of Silver. COMMON SALT. Hexahedral Rock-Salt. M. Chloride of Sodium. 3. IT CUBE-ORE. Hexahedral Lirocone-Malachite. M. Arseniate of Iron. 4. VITREOUS SILVER. Hexahedral Silver-Glance. M. Sulphuret of Silver. 5. IT GALENA. Hexahedral Lead- Glance. M. Sulphuret of Lead. 6. IT NATIVE COPPER. Octahedral Copper. M. 7. IT NATIVE SILVER. Hexahedral Silver. M. s. IT ANALCIMET" Hexahedral Kouphone-Spar. M. 9. IT TROOSTITE. Ferruginous Silicate of Manganese Thomson. Silicate of Zinc. Va- nuxem and Keating. 10. BRIGHT WHITE COBALT. Hexahedral Cobalt-Pyrites. M. Arsenical Cobalt. 1-0...1-5. 2-0. 2-0.. .2-5. 2-5. 2-5. ..3-0. U it 5-5. 11. LEUCITE. Trapezoidal Kou phone- Spar. M. 12. IT IRON PYRITES. Hexahedral Iron- Pyrites. M. Bisulphuret of Iron. 5-5. ..6-0. 6-0.. .6-5. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 155 CUBE. Sp. Gravity. Various Observations. 5-5. 2-25. 2-9. ..3-0. 7-19. 7-4.. .7-6. 8-4. ..8-9. 10-0.. .10-5. 2-0.. .2-2. 3-8.. .4-1. 6-1. ..6-35. 2-4.. .2-5. 4-9...5-05. Cleavage imperfect. Cleavage eminent. Color red. The trapezohedron is the only occurring form. 156 CHARACTERISTIC. Names. 13. || BORAC1TE. Tetrahedral Boracite. M. Borate of Magnesia. II. ORDER. Names. 1. FAHLERZ. Tetrahedral Copper-Glance, M. 2. 1| KELVIN. Tetrahedral Garnet. M. III. ORDER. Names. ~L OXIDE OF ARSENIC. Octahedral Arsenic-Jlcid. M. 2. || SAL AMMONIAC. Octahedral Ammoniac- Salt. M. Muriate of Ammonia. 3. 1T NATIVE GOLD. Hexahedral Gold. M. 4. IT PURPLE COPPER. Octahedral Copper-Pyrites. M. Sulphuret of Copper and Iron. 5. 1T RED OXIDE OF COPPER. Octahedral Copper- Ore. M. 6. IT FLUOR. Octahedral Fluor-Haloide. M. Fluale of Lime. 7. TENNANTITE. 8. IT NATIVE IRON. Octahedral Iron. M. 9. || PYROCHLOR. Octahedral Titanium-Ore. M. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 157 Sp. Gravity. ' 2-8.. .3-0. TETRAHEDRON. Sp. Gravity. 4-4...5-2. 3-1. ..3-3. REGULAR OCTAHEDRON. Sp. Gravity. Various Observations. 3-6...S-7. 1-5. ..1-6. 12-0.. .20-0. - 4-9.. .5-1. 5-6.. .6-0. Color red. 3-0...3-3. 4-2.. .4-4. Color lead-grey. 7-4.. .7-8. 4-2. Uncleavable. 14 158 CHARACTERISTIC. 1 Names. Hardness. 10. ir 11. n 12. IT 13. IT 14. IF 15. 1T 16. CHROMATE OF IRON. Octahedral Chrome- Ore. M. MAGNETIC IRON-ORE. Octahedral Iron-Ore. M. FRANKLINITE. Dodecahedral Iron- Ore. M. 5-5. 5.5...G-5. 6-0...6-5. 7-5. 8-0. u 10-0. || DYSLUITE. SPINELLE. Dodecahedral Corundum. M. AUTOMALITE. Octahedral Corundum. M. Gahnite, Hausmann. DIAMOND. Octahedral Diamond. M. (Native Copper, Sp. 6, Ord. I.) IV. ORDER. Names. Hardness. 1. 2. IT 3. || NATIVE AMALGAM. Dodecahedral Mercury. M. 1-0.. .3-0. 3-5...4-0. 5-5...6-0. BLENDE. Dodecahedral Garnet-Blende. M. Sulphuret of Zinc. SODALITE. Dodecahedral Kouphone-Spar. M. Lapis-lazuli. Lazulite. Hauy. Haiiyne. Bruun-Neergaard. Sa- phirin. Nose. Spinellan. Nogge- ralh. Nosin. Leonhard. Ittne- rite? Gmelin. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 159 Sp. Gravity. Various Observations. 4-4.. .4-5. 4-8...S-2. 5-0.. .5-1, 4-35...4-G. 3-5...3-S. 4-1. ..4-3. 3-4...3-G. Cleavable. f Magnetic with polarity. Streak deep red. Color yellowish brown. Lustre semi- metallic. Cleavage difficult. Cleavable. RHOMBIC DODECAHEDRON. Sp. Gravity. 10-5...12-5 4-5...4-S. 2-28...2-S5. 160 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. 4. ir GARNET. Dodecahedral Garnet. M. Essonite. Hauy. Hessonite Leonhard. Rothoffite. Roman- zovite. Nordenskiold. G-5...7-5. (Native Copper, Sp. 6, Ord. I. Trooslite, Sp. 9, Ord. I. Native Gold, Sp. 3, Ord. III. Tennantite, Sp. 7, Ord. III.) V. ORDER. Names. Hardness. 1. 2. 3. IT MELLITE. Pyramidal Melichr one-Resin. M, Mellate of Alumine. MOLYBDATE OF LEAD. Pyramidal Lead-Baryte. M. YELLOW COPPER PYRITES Pyramidal Copper-Pyrites. M. 4. II OXAHEVRITE. 5. IT TUNGSTEN. Pyramidal Scheelium-Saryte. M. Tungstate of Lime. 2-0.. .2-5. 3-0. 3-5...4-0. 4-0.. .4-5. 6. || BLACK MANGANESE. Pyramidal Manganese- Ore. M. Hausmannite. 7. 8. IT ANATASE. Pyramidal Titanium-Ore. M. TIN-ORE. Pyramidal Tin-Ore. M. Oxide of Tin, 5-0... 5-5. 5-5...6-0. 6-0...7-0. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 161 Sp. Gravity. S-5...4-3. OCTAHEDRON WITH A SQUARE BASE. Sp. Gravity. inclination of PonP" Fig. 25. Various Observations. 1-4...1-6. 6-5.. .6-9. 4-1...4-3. 2-21. 6-0.. .6-1. 4-T...4-8. 3-8.. .3-9. 6-3.. .7-1. 93 0' 130 15 125 30 128 40 117 30 136 47 67 50 Cleaves with difficulty, perpendic- ularly to the axis. Cleavage at right angles to the axis. 14* 162 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. 9. IT ZIRCON. Pyramidal Zircon. M. APPENDIX. || BRAUNITE. Brachytipous Manganese-Ore. Hai- dinger. (Gismondin, Sp. 9, Ord. IX.) 7-5. 6-0...6-5. VI. ORDER. Name. Hardness. 1. [| LENTICULAR COPPER-ORE. Prismatic Lirocone-Malachite. M. Octahedral Arseniate of Copper. Phillips. Linsenerz. Werner. 2-0.. .2-5. VII. ORDER. Names, Hardness. 1. SULPHUR. Prismatic Sulphur. M. APPENDIX. || NAPHTHALINE. Resinous Napthaline. Koenlein. (Libethenite, Sp. 30, Ord. X.) 1-5. ..2-5. VIII. ORDER. Names. Hardness. 1. || BLACK TELLURIUM. Prismatic Tellurium- Glance. M. 1-0... 1-5. 1-0...2-0. 2. || HORN QUICKSILVER. Pyramidal Pearl-Kerate, M, Chloride of Mercury. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 163 Sp. Gravity. ncli nation ofPonP" Fig. 25. | 4-5...4-T. 4-8. 84 20' i OCTAHEDRON WITH A RECTANGULAR BASE. Sp. Gravity. Inclinations. Fig. 26. P on P>. M on M'. 2-8.. .3-0. 60 40' 72 22' OCTAHEDRON WITH A RHOMBIC BASE. II Sp. Gravity. Inclination of PonP" Fig. 27. Various Observations. 1-9.. .2-1. 1-5. 106 20' Colors white, green, and yellow transparent and brittle. RIGHT SQUARE PRISM. Sp. Gravity. Various Observations. 7-0...7-5. G-4...6-5. Color greyish- white. 164 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. 3. URAN1TE. Pyramidal Euchlore-Malachite. Partsch. Pyramidal Euchlore-Mica. M. Phosphate of Uranium. [ CORNEOUS LEAD. Murio-Carbonate of Lead. Brooke, 5. 6. 7. 1T APOPHYLLITE. Pyramidal Kouphone-Spar. M. Albin. Werner. Tesselite. Brewstcr, 8. || 9. IT THOMSON1TE. SCAPOLITE. Pyramidal Feld-Spar. M. Meionite. Werner. Dipyre. Hauy, Bergrnanite. Schumacher. Wer- nerite. Leonhard. Gabbronite Schumacher. Ekebergite. Ber- zelius. Nuttallitq. Brooke. FERGUSONITE. Allanite, (in part.) Phillips. 2-0...2-5. 2-5. 4-5.. .5-0. 5-0. IDOCRASE. Pyramidal Garnet. M. Egeran. Werner. Loboite and Cy- prin. 10. IT RUTILE. Peritomous Titanium-Ore. M. Nigrin. Werner. (Tin-Ore, Sp. 8, Ord. V. Zircon, 9, " Brachytipous Manganese-Ore, Appendix A, Ord. V. Bournonite, Sp. 1, Ord. IX. Gehlenite, 6, " Serpentine, App. A, " Epsom Salt, Sp. 8, Ord. X.) 5-0...5-5. 5-5...6-0. 6-5. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 165 Sp. Gravity. Various Observations. 3-0...3-2. 6-05. 2-2...2-5. 2-3. 2-6.. .2-7. 5-8. 3-1...3-4. 4-2...4-4. Color pale yellow or pale green. Cleavage eminent. Long, slender, transparent crystals. Cleavage imperfect. 166 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. IX. ORDER. Names. ) Hardness. 1. || BOURNONITE. Diprismatic Copper- Glance. M. Antimoine sulfure plumbo-cupriferes Haily. Endelione. Bournon. 2. IF ANHYDRITE. Prismatic Gypsum-Haloide. M. Prismatic Orthoklase-Haloide. Partsch. Anhydrous Sulphate of Lime. Muriacite. Werner. Karstenite. Hausmann. 3. IT STILBITE. Prismatoidal Kouphone-Spar. M. 4. HARMOTOME. Paratomous Kouphone-Spar. M. 5. || COMPTONITE. 6. || 7.1TJ1 GEHLENITE. COLUMBITE. Prismatic Tantalum-Ore. M. Tantalite. 8. PERIDOT. Prismatic Chrysolite. M. Olivin. Werner. Chrysolite. Wer- ner. Hyalosiderite. Walchner, Tautolite. Haidinger. 9. || GISMOND1N. Zeagonite. Gismondi. Abrazite. Brocchi. Aricite and Philiipsite. 2-5...3-0. 3-0...3-5. 3-5...4-0. 4-5. 5-0...5-5. 5-5. ..6-0. 6-0. 6-5...7-0. 7-5. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 167 RIGHT RECTANGULAR PRISM. Sp. Gravity. Various Observations. V7...5-8. 2-7.. .3-0. 2-0.. .2-2. 2-3.. .2-4. 3-02, 6-0...6-3. 3-3...3-8G. Cleavage parallel to M (Fig. 29.) eminent. Color white ; transparent. Lesser termi- nal edges replaced by single planes so as to extinguish the bases, and which incline to each other, under an angle of 177 5'. Color grey ; opake. 'The faces of the four sided pyramid, by which it is terminated, incline to each other, under angles of 123 30' and 117 30'. 168 CHARACTERISTIC. Names. 10. 1T CHRYSOBERYL. Prismatic Corundum. M. Forsterite. APPENDIX. A. IT SERPENTINE. X. ORDER. Names. 2. 3. 4. KUPFERSCHAUM. Prismatic Euchlore-Malachite. Partsch. Prismatic Euchlore-Mica. M. STERNBERG1TE. ORPIMENT. Prismatoidal Sulphur. M. GRAPHIC GOLD. Prismatic Antimony- Glance. M. Graphic Tellurium. 5. || BOTRYOGENE. 6. || KONIGENE. 7. IT GREY ANTIMONY. Prismatoidal Antimony- Glance. M Sulphuret of Antimony. 8. IT EPSOM SALT. Prismatic Epsom-Salt. M. Sulphate of Magnesia. 9. || WHITE VITRIOL. Prismatic Vitriol-Salt. M. Sulphate of Zinc. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 169 Sp. Gravity. 3-65. ..3-8. 2-5. RIGHT RHOMBIC PRISM. Sp. Gravity. ncli nation of M on M' Fig. 30. Various Observations. 3-09. 4-21. 1 19 30' Color apple-green or sky-blue ; very sectile. In plates ; cleavage parallel to the bases ; lustre metallic. 3-4.. .3-6. 100 5-7.. .5-8. 107 44 2-03. 120 Color byacinth-red. / Color dark emerald-green; crys- tals barrel-shaped, and closely aggregated. 4-2.. .4-6. 91 10 1-7.. .1-8- 90 30 2-0...2-1. 90 42 15 170 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. || THENARD1TE. - Anhydrous Sulphate of Soda. || HAIDINGERITE. Diatomous Gypsum-Haloide. Hai dinger. Prismatic Euclase-Haloide. Partsch Arseniate of Lime. 1T PYROLUSITE. Prismatic Manganese- Ore. Haidin ger. || MTARGYSITE. Hemi-prismatic Ruby-Blende. M. JAMESON1TE. Jlxotomous Antimony- Glance. Partsch. BLACK SILVER. Prismatic Melane- Glance. M. Sulphuret of Silver and Antimony. Brittle Silver-Glance. Jameson. 2-0.. .2-5. 18. 19. 20. HOPEITE. Prismatoidal Orthoklase-Haloide. Partsch. WHITE ANTIMONY. Prismatic Jlntimony-Baryte. M. Oxide of Antimony. CUPREOUS SULPHATO-CAR- BONATE OF LEAD. PERITOMOUS LEAD-BARYTE. PRISMATIC OLIVINITE. Prismatic Olive-Malachite. M. Right Prismatic Arseniate of Cop- per. Phillips. | SULPHATE OF LEAD. Prismatic Lead-Baryte. M. 2-5.. .3-0, 3-0. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 171 Sp. Gravity. Inclination o M on M' Fig;. 30. Various Observations. 2-73. 125 o' 2-7. ..2-8. 100 4-94. 93 40 5-23. Color iron-black; streak dark cherry-red. 5.56. 101 20 5-9. ..6-4. 100 2-7. 98 26 6-2.. .6-4. 137 6-4. 7-07. 95 102 27 Color deep verdigris-green. 4-2.. .4-6. 110 50 Color yellowish green. 6-2.. .6-4. 103 42 172 CHARACTERISTIC. Names. Hardness. 22. IT CELESTINE. Prismatoidal Hal-Baryte. M. Sulphate of Strontian. 23. 1T HEAVY SPAR. Prismatic Hal-Baryte. M. Sulphate of Barytes. Wolnyn. Jonas. 24. || ATACAM1TE. Prismatoidal Habronemc-Malachite. M. Chloride of Copper. 25. WITHERITE. Diprismatic Hal-Baryte. M. Carbonate of Barytes. 26. IT WHITE LEAD ORE. Diprismatic Lead-Baryte. M. Carbonate of Lead. 3-0.. .3-5. 27. 28. 29. || 30. IT 31. || 32. STRONTIANITE. Peritomous Hal-Baryte. M. Carbonate of Strontian. WAVELLITE. Prismatic Wavelline-Haloide. Partsch. Lasionite. Fuchs. Kakoxene ? Steinmann, BROCHANTITE. ARRAGONITE. Prismatic Lime-Haloide. M, Igloite. Esmark. EUCHROITE. Prismatic Emerald-Malachite. M. SKORODITE. Prismatic Fluor-Haloide. M. 3-5. 3-5. ..4-0. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 173 Sp. Gravity. Inclination of Mon M' Fi. 30. Various Observations. 3-6.. .4-0. 104 4-1. ..4-7. 101 42 4-0.. .4-3. 4-2.. .4-4. 118 30 * 6-3.. .6-6. 117 18 3-6. ..3-8. 117 32 2.33. 122 15 117 Color emerald-green- 2-6.. .3-0. 116 10 3-0. 117 20 3-0.. .3-2. 120 10 Color bluish-green. 15** 174 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. I Names. Hardness. 33. 34. LIBETHENITE. Diprismatic Olivine-Malachite. M. Phosphate of Copper. MANGANITE. Prismatoidal Manganese-Ore. Hai- dinger. Grey Oxide of Manganese. 35. 1T ELECTRIC CALAMINE. Prismatic Zinc-Baryte. M. Siliceous Oxide of Zinc. 37. 38. 36. IT MESOTYPE. Prismatic Kouphone-Spar. M. Natrolite. Werner. Skolezite. Fuchs. POONAHLITE. LAZULITE. Prismatic Azure-Spar. M. ? CHILDRENITE. Brooke. 39. 1T|| DATHOL1TE. Prismatic Dystome-Spar. M. Siliceous Borate of Lime. Humboldite. Levy. 40. IT BROWN IRON ORE. Prismatic Iron- Ore. M. Hydrous Oxide of Iron. Rubinglirnmer. Hausmann. Pyrrhosiderite. Vllmann. Sideroschisolite. Wernekink. Gothite. Lenz. Lepidokrokite. Ullmann. 41. || BROOKITE. 42. 1T|| YENITE. Diprismatic Iron-Ore. M. 4-0. 4-0.. .4-25, 5-0, 5-0.. .5-5. cc ce ? (4-5)(5-0) 5-0...5-5. 5-5.. .6-0. IT PRISMATIC ARSENICAL PYRITES. Axotomous Arsenical-Pyrites. M. | 5-0.. .5-5. | 7-22. | 122 CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 175 Sp. Gravity. inclination of M onM' Fig. 30. Various Observations. 3-6...3-S. 1100' 4-3. 99 40 Brittle ; color dark brownish- black. 3-3...3-G. 102 35 2-2...2-3. 91 20 92 20 2-9...3-0. 121 30 Color azure-blue. (Color some shade of yellow ; in octahedra with rhombic bases.) a 103 40 Color greenish-white. 3-S...4-2. 130 40 3-8...4-1. 100 112 Cleavage parallel with shorter diagonal; color orange-red. Color black, or greenish-black. 176 CHARACTERISTIC. Names. 43. IF MISPECKEL. Prismatic Jlrsenical-Pyrites. M. Arsenical Iron. 44, 45, FAHLUNITE. Tricklasite. Hausmann. IT WHITE IRON-PYRITES. Prismatic Iron-Pyrites. M. Sulphuret of Iron. 46. || OSTRANITE. 47. POLYMIGNITE. 48. IT PREHNITE. Jlxotomous Triphane-Spar. M. Koupholite. Delametherie. 49. || HUM1TE. 50. |j GADOLINITE. Hemi-prismatic JWelane-Ore. Partsch. Prismatic Gadolinite. M. Ytterite. Blumenbach. 51. ANDALUSITE. Prismatic Jlndalusite. M. ? MACLE or CHIASTOLITE. 52. IT STAUROTIDE. Prismatoidal Garnet. M. 53. IT TOPAZ. Prismatic Topaz. M. Pyrophysalite. Hisinger. Pycnite. Werner. APPENDIX. A. || ANTIMONY-PHYLLITE. B. | YELLOW TELLURIUM. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 177 Sp. Gravity. Inclination of M on M/ Fig. 30. Various Observations. 5-7. ..6-2. 111 12' 2-6. 100 28 4-65. ..4-9. 106 4-3.. .4-4. 4-8. 96 116 30 Very brittle. Color black. 2-8. ..3-0. 100 Color greenish-white. 2- 3- ? 120 4-0.. .4-3. 109 30 Color black. 3-0.. .3-2. 91 20 (2-94.) (91 50) S-3...3-9. 129 30 3-4.. .4-6. 124 23 4-0. 10-6. 105 30 Color greyish-white. 178 CHARACTERISTIC. Names. Hardness. C. || ROSELITE. Pharmacolite. Picropharmacolite. Stromeyer. Arseniate of Lime. 3-5. D. || PEGANITE. 4-5. XL ORDER. Names. Hardness. 1. IT GYPSUM. Prismatoidal Euclase-Haloide. Partsch. Prismatoidal Gypsum-Haloide. M. Sulphate of Lime. I -5. ..2-0. 2. IT VIVIANITE. Dichromatic Eudase-Haloide. Partsch. Prismatic Iron-Mica. M. Phosphate of Iron. 2-0. 3. || COBALT BLOOM. Diatomous Euclase-Haloide. . Partsch. Prismatic Cobalt-Mica. M. Arseniate of Cobalt. 2-5. 4. || CUPREOUS SULPHATE OF LEAD. 2-5.. .3-0. 5. IT HEULANDITE. Hemi-Prismatic Kouphone-Spar. M. Euzeolite. Breithaupt. Epistilbite. 3-5. ..4-0. 6. || BREWSTERITE. 5-0.. .5-5. 7. IT WOLFRAM. Prismatic Scheelium-Ore. M. Tungstate of Iron. cc CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 179 Sp. Gravity. Inclination of M on M' Fi. 30. Various Observations. 2'64. 2.49. 132 48' 127 or 123 Color rose-red; in delicate fibres. Color green. RIGHT OBLIQUE ANGLED -PRISM. Sp. Gravity. Inclination ol M onT, Fig. 31. Various Observations. 2-2. ..2. 4. 113 8' 2-6. ..2-7. 125 15 2-9. ..3-1. 124 51 5-3.. .5-43. 102 45 Color azure blue. 2-0.. .2-2. 2-1. ..2-2. 130 30 93 40 Lustre on P pearly. 7-1. ..7-4. 117 22 180 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. 8. 9. 10. || ALLANITE. Tetarto-Prismatic Melane-Ore. Partsch. Orthite. Berzelius. 6-0. 6-0.. .7-0. 7-5. IT EPIDOTE. Prismatoidal Jlugite-Spar. M. Zoisite. Werner. Thulite. Brooke. Withamite. Brewster. || EUCLASE. Prismatic Emerald. M. XII. ORDER. SECTION I. Names. Hardness. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. REALGAR. Hemi-Prismatic Sulphur. M. Sulphuret of Arsenic. 1-5. ..2-0. 2-0. u 2-5. ..3-0. U It 4-5.. .5-0. IT COPPERAS. Hemi-Prismatic Vitriol- Salt. M. Sulphate of Iron. || GAY-LUSSITE. RADIATED ACICULAR OLI- VENITE. Oblique Prismatic Arseniate of Cop- per. Phillips. || GLAUBERITE. Prismatic Brithyne-Salt. M. || HYDROUS PHOSPHATE OF COPPER. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 181 Sp . Gravity. inclination ot M on T, Fi. 31. 4-0. 115 0' 3- 2...S-5. 115 40 2- 9...3-1. 130 50 OBLIQUE RHOMBIC PRISM. PRISM OBLIQUE FROM AN ACUTE EDGE. Sp . Gravity. Inclination of M on M' Fi. 32. Various Observations. 3- 5.. .3-6. 74 14' 1- 8. ..1*9. 1-9. 82 20 70 30 Very brittle, colorless and transpa- rent. 'v 4-19. 56 Not very brittle ; color dark ver- digris-green. 2- 7.. .2-8. 83 20 Semi-transparent. 4-2. 37 30 16 182 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. 7. IT SPHENE. Prismatic Titanium-Ore. M. Silico-calcareous Oxide of Titanium. 5-0.. .5-5. 1-5.. .5-5. 5-0.. .6-0. 8. IT LAUMONITE. Diatomous Kouphone-Spar. M. 9. IT PYROXENE. Paratomous Jiugite-Spar. M. Di- opside. Werner. Allalite. Bon- voisin. Fassaite. Werner. Pyr- gom. Breithaupt. Omphazite. Werner. Hedenbergite. Ber- zelius. JefFersonite. Keating. Achtnite. Stromeyer. Protheeite. APPENDIX. A. || BUCKLANDiTE. SECTION II. Names. Hardness. 1. BORAX. Prismatic Borax-Salt. M. Borate of Soda. 2. || CHROJVLTTE OF LEAD. Hemi-Prismatic Lead Baryte. M. 2-0.. .2-5. 2-5. 3-0.. .3-5. 3-5. ..5-0. 3. || WAGNERITE. Hemi-Prismatic Fluor-Haloide. M. Pleuroklase. Breithaupt. 4. IT GREEN MALACHITE. Hemi-Prismatic Habroneme-Mala- chite. M. Carbonate of Copper. . IT MICA. Rhombohedral Talc-Mica. M. . M BLUE MALACHITE. Prismatic JLzure- Malachite. M. 2-0...2-5. 3-5...4-0. 2-8.. .3-0. 3-7...S-9. 100 98 50' CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 183 Inclination of] Sp. Gravity. M on M' Various Observations. Fi. 32. 3-4.. .4-4. 76 2' 2-3.. .2-4. 86 15 3-2.. .3-5. 87 5 * 70 40 Black ; opake. OBLIQ1JE FROM AN OBTUSE EDGE. Inclination of Sp. Gravity. M on M' Various Observations. Fig. 32. 1-7. 133 30' 1 6-0.. .6-1. 93 30 3-1. 95 25 Pon M 109 20'; crystals com- plicated, resembling in color and lustre, the Brazilian Topaz. 3-6.. .4-5. 107 20 184 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. 5. || BARYTO-CALCITE. Hemi-Prismatic Hal-Baryte. M. 4-0. 4.5.. .5-0. 5-0.. .5-5. 5-5. 5-0.. .6-0. u cc p 5-5...6-0. 7-5.. .8-0. 3-5.. .4-0. 6. || TURNERITE. Pictite. 7. IT ANTHOPHYLLITE. Prismatic Schiller-Spar. M. 8. || AMBLYGONITE. 9- IT HORNBLENDE. Hemi-Prismatic Jlugite-Spar. M. Byssolite. Saussure. Pargasite. Bonsdorff. 10. [| ARFVEDSONITE. Peritomous Jlugite-Spar. Partsch. 11. || BABINGTONITE. Jlxotomous Jlugite-Spar. Partsch. 12. IT SILLIMANITE. 13. 1T FIBROLITE. Bucholzite. Brandes. APPENDIX. A. [| PYRALLOLITE. XIII. ORDER. Names. Hardness. 1 . [| BLUE VITRIOL. Tetarto-Prismatic Vitriol Salt. M. Sulphate of Copper. 2-5. 0...5-5. 2. || DIASPORE. Blattriger Hydrargillite. Haus- mann. 5 CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 185 Sp. Gravity. Inclination o M on M' Fig. 32. Various Observations. 3-6. 106 54' 3-0...3-3. 96 10 125 Crystals small, yellowish, semi- transparent. 2-9...3-0. 106 10 2-8...3-2. 124 30 3-3...S-4. 3-2. u 123 55 155 25? 99 30 100 C Color black, cleavage only par- < allel with one terminal, and one (^ lateral, plane. Cleavage brilliant, parallel with the longer diagonal. 2-6. 94 36 DOUBLY OBLIQUE PRISM. Sp. Gravity. Inclinations of primary planes, Fig. 36. Pon M PonT M on T 2-2...2-3, 127 30' 1150' 93 30' 3-43. 108 30 101 20 65 16* 186 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS- Names, Hardness. 3. l| LATROBITE. Diploite. Breithaupt. 4. If FELDSPAR. Prismatic Feld-spar. Mr Ice-Spar. Werner* ?ORTHOKLASTIC FELSITE. Brei- thaupt. ? PEGMATIC FELSITE. Breithaupt. PMiKROLiNous FELSITE. " ? MURCHISONITE. Levy. ? RYAKOLITE. Glassy Feld-spar. 5. PERIKLIN. Heterotomous Feld-spar. Partsch ? HYPOSKLERIC FELSITE. Brei- thaupt. ? VALENCIAN FELSITE. Breithaupt 6. IT ALB1TE. Tetarto- Prismatic Feld-spar. Partsch. Cleavelandite. Brooke. Tetartin Breithaupt. 7. IF LABRADORITE. Polychromatic Feld-spar. Partsch Labrador Feld-spar. 8. ANORTH1TE. Anorthotomous Feld-spar. Partsch Christianite and Biotine. Mon- ticelli &L Covelli. - 9. IT FOWLERITE. Ferro-Silicate of Manganese. Thomson. Manganesian Feldspar. Crystalli zed Siliceous Oxide of Manganese Silicate of Manganese ? Thomson 5-75. (5-75.) ..6-0.) (5-0. (6-0 ..5-5.) ..6*25.) CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 187 Sp. Gravity. Inclinations of primary planes, Fi. 36. H Pon M PonT M on T 2-7. ..2-8. 91 9 / 98 30' 93 30' at o p 2-5. ..2-6. 90 120 15 112 45 CO i (2-56...2-57. (2-56. 2.57 (90 ) [90 j (90 21 ) (90 ) (120 36 ) (120 33J) (118 35 ) (112 18J) (112 22 ) (112 15 ) (106 50?)* 1 P P O 2-54.. .2-56 93 19 114 45 O (2-60.. .2-61) (2-52.) (93 32) (30) (120 5 ) (122 30) (111 20) (113 ) stre of common 1 ^ CL 2-6. ..2-68. 93 30 117 53 115 5 I o 2-69.. .2-76. 94 30 119 115 g CD P 2-6...2-7. 94 12 117 28 110 37 & P P 1 1 3-5.. .3-8. 95 121 113 0? 5* I 188 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. 10. 1T KYANITE. Prismatic Disthene-Spar. M. 11. || AXINITE. Prismatic JLxinite. M. APPENDIX. A. || HERDERITE. Hardness. 5-0...7-0. 6-5.. .7-0. 5-0. XIV. ORDER. SECTION I. Names. Hardness. 1- II 2. 3. || 4. IF 5. 6. COPPER MICA. Rhombohedral Euchlore-Mica, M. Rhombohedral Euchlore-Malachite. Partsch. Rhomboidal Arseniate of Copper. CINNABAR. Peritomous Ruby-Blende. M. Sulphuret of Mercury. SULPHATO-TRI-CARBONATE OF LEAD. Jlxotomous Lead-Bar yte. Partsch. VITREOUS COPPER. Prismatic Copper Glance. LEVYNE." Macrotypous Kouphone-Spar. Partsch. EUDYALITE. Rhombohedral Jllmandine-Spar. Partsch. 2-0. 2-0.. .2-5. 2-5. 2-5...3-0. 4-0. 5.. .5-5. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 189 Sp. Gravity. inclinations of primary planes, Fig. 36. P on M P on T M on T S-6...37 93 15' 100 50' 106 15 2-2. ..2-4. 126 93 40 95 15 2-98.* 1 I * Resembles Apatite, color yellowish and greenish white : brittle, lustre vitreous; strongly translucent. RHOMBOID. ACUTE. Sp. Gravity. Inclination ot Pon P' Fig. 40. Various Observations. 2-5...3-2. 69 30' 6-7...S-2. 72 6-3.. .6-5. 72 30 Lustre resinous. Streak white. 5-5.. .5-8. 71 30 79 29 2-89. 73 40 190 CHARACTERISTIC. Names. Hardness. 7. || CRICHTONITE. Craitonite. Fer oxidule titane. Hauy 8. IT SPECULAR IRON. Rhombohedral Iron-Ore. M. Red Iron-Ore. Red Hematite. 9. || MOHSITE. 10. T CORUNDUM. Rhombohedral Corundum. M. SECTION II. Names. Hardness. 1. NITRATE OF SODA. 2. RED SILVER. Rhombohedral Ruby-Blende. M. 3. IT CALCAREOUS SPAR. Rhombohedral Lime-Haloid e. M. Carbonate of Lime. ? PLUMBO-CALCITE. Turner. ? ARCHIGONAL CARBON-SPAR. Briethaupt. ? KOUPHONE " " ? EUGNOSTIC ? POLYMORPHOUS ? MEROXENE ? HAPLOTYPOUS ? MELTNOUS ? DIASTATIC 2-0. 0...2-5. 3-0. (2 (3-0. CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 191 nclination of Pon P' Fig. 40. Sp. Gravity. Various Observations. 4-66. 4-8.. .5-3. 3-9. ..4-0. 61 20' 86 10 73 43 86 4 Streak uncolored. Streak red. Opake. Iron-black. Lustre high ; metallic. Crystals small, flat, cir- cular tables, with alternate re- entering and salient angles on their edges. OBTUSE. Sp. Gravity. 2-09. 5-4.. .5-9. 2-5. ..2-8. (2-8.) Inclination of PonP' Fio-. 40. 106 33' 109 56 105 5 (104 53J) (2-74. ..2-75.) (105 ) (2-67.) (105 (2-71. ..2-72.) (2-7. ..2-71.) (2-68.. .2-69.) (2-72.) (2-69.) (2-77.) (105 5 ) (105 8 ) (105 11 ) (105 13 ) (105 17 ) (105 43 ) Various Observations. Cleavage eminent. 192 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. ? PRUNNERITE. Esmark. ANKER1TE. Paratomous Lime-Haloide. M. Paratomous Carbon-Spar. Brei thaupt. CARBONATE OF MANGA- NESE. Macrotypous Parachrose-Ba- ryte. M. Rose-red Carbon-Spar. Brei- thaupt. ? MANGANESEOUS CARBON-SPAR. Breithaupt. 6. IT MAGNESITE. Carbonate of Magnesia. 7. BEUDANTITE. IT DOLOMITE. Macrotypous Lime-Haloide. M. Dimeric Carbon-Spar. Breithaupt. Rautenspath. Werner. Chaux carbonatee ferrifere. Hauy. Chaux carb. ferro-manganesifere. Hauy. Bitter-Spar. Pearl-Spar. Mi e mite. Konite ? Schumacher. ? EUMETRIC CARBON-SPAR. Brei- thaupt. ? TAUTOKLINOUS " " ? KRYPTOSE " " ? ISOMETRIC " " 3-5. 9. IT CHABASIE. RhombohedralKouphone-Spar. M. Gmelinite. Brewster. Sarcolite. Vauqudin. Hydrolite. De Dree. (4-0.. .4-5.) 3-0.. .4-0. 3-0.. .4*0. 4-0. 3-75.. .4-0.) (3-75.) (4-0.. .4-5.) CHARACTERS OF THE SPECIES. 193 Sp. Gravity. Inclination of PonP' Fig. 40. Various Observations. (Color blue. Formerly call- ed a cuboidal variety of 2-9...3-1. 106 12' Calcareous Spar.) 3-3...3-G. 106 51 (3-3...3-S.) (107 30?) 2-S...2-9. 107 30 92 32 In anall, black, closely ag- gregated crystals. Sum- mits of the rhomboids trun- cated by tangent planes, | parallel to which, cleavage ; takes place. 3-0.. .3-2. 106 15 (2-91.) (106 11) (2-96.) (106 10) (2-8...2-81.) (106 19) (2-84...2-86.) (106 19) 17 194 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS I. Names. Hardness. Haydenite. Cleaveland. ? SARCOLITE. Thomson. 4-0.. .4-5. (5-0...5-5.?) 10. IT RHOMB SPAR. Brachytypous Lime-Haloide. M. Brachytypous Carbon-Spar. Brei- thaupt. Carbonate of Magnesia and Iron Breunerite. Haidenger. Walm- stedite. Schweigger. ? HYSTATIC CARBON-SPAR. Brei- thaupt. 11. 1T SPATHIC IRON. Brachytypous Parachrose-Ba- ryte. M. Siderose Carbon-Spar. Brei- thaupt. Carbonate of Iron. Sphaerosiderite. Hausmann. ? KAMINOXENE CARBON-SPAR. Breithaupt. OLIZONE " " ALLOTROPOSE " eddish White. Comp. gran, or imper- white. fectly columnar. Metallic. Silver-white. Silver-white. Comp. impal. Frac. conchoidal. Vitreous. White to grey. Bitter & disagreeable. Vitreous. Emerald, pistachio White. Transpa. Comp. impal. and asparagus- Frac. conchoidal. green to sky-blue Pearly. Greenish yellow. White. Comp. lam. Individu- als large and curved. C Sectile. Comp. gran. Pearly to vit. Greenish white. White. < & col. strongly cohe- ( rent: in delicate fibres 220 CHARACTERISTIC. CLASS III. Names. Hardness Sp. Grav. 86. || 87. | HOPEITE. C. I. p. 170. GLAUBERITE. C. I. p. 180. 2-5. ..3-0. a ce 2-7. 2-7.. .2-8. 88. | CRYOLITE. C. II. p. 204. cc 2-9.. .3-0. 89.|| 90. | RADIATED ACICULAR OLIVIN- ITE. C. I. p. 180. CUPREOUS SULPHATO CARBON- ATE OF LEAD. C. I. p. 170. ce tc * (C (( 4-19. 5-3.. .5-43. 91. fl VITREOUS COPPER. C. I. p. 1SS. cc .( 5-5.. .5-8. 92. | 93. | 94. BOURNONITE. C. I. p. 166. WHITE ANTIMONY. C. I. p. 170. PERITIMOUS LEAD-BARYTE. C. I. p. 170. ^ *-* -2 5 ^ H nS ^3 Q bJO s .S K^J G ^=J 0) i r^ D b/D n r o c T: _S cu 3 co r PH O, O J * . . 06 u ^ i> o i O 00 G^ t* G^ G* < i-H i I (f^ 6 *' .Q ' rs o ico -"s . .dH *y !t loi'io^g ^w^ ^S^il^B grt^ H^ogooffi^^Dco SH ^ JLO SCL^^SH |ilsilgJi g^agag S| *> 00 Ci O T-H IMPERFECTLY EXAMINED MINERALS. 243 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PROPOSED SPECIES WHICH ARE NOT YET FULLY ESTABLISHED.* AESCHYRITE. Sp. Gr. above 4. ? Color blackish. ARSENICAL ANTIMONY GLANCE. H. 2-0...3-0. Sp. Gr. 6-2. L. pale vit. C. tin-white. ARSENICAL BISMUTH, Werner. Soft. Heavy. C. dark hair-brown. L. res. ARSENIC GLANCE, Breit. H. 2-0. Sp. Gr. 5-2...5-S. C. lead-grey. Compact. B. BISMUTH BLENDE, Breit. BISMUTH COBALT-ORE. H. 4-0.. .5-0? Sp. Gr. 4-5.. .4-7. L. met. C. lead or steel-grey. BISMUTHIC SILVER. Soft. Sectile. L. met. C. light lead-grey In acicular crystals, massive and compact. BREISKLAKITE, Monticelli. In delicate, reddish brown, capillary crystals. BUSTAMITE, Brongniart. H. 6-0. ..6-5. Sp. Gr. 3-1. ..3-3. C. light- grey, greenish or reddish. In reniform masses. C. CALCAREOUS HEAVY SPAR, Breit. Sp. Gr. 4-0. ..4-2. Effloresces. CARBONATE OF BISMUTH. Sp. Gr. 4-3. C. grey and brown. Earthy. CHALKOSIDERITE, Ullmann. CHAMOISITE, Berthier. Sp. Gr. 3-4. C. dark greenish-grey. Earthy. An impure Magnetic Iron-ore ? CHLOROPHJEITE, Me Culloch. H. 1-5. Sp. Gr. 202. C. dark-green. Dull. In small imbedded globules. COBALT VITRIOL, Kopp. L. vit. to pearly. C. flesh or rose-red. Trans. Taste astringent. * ABBREVIATIONS. Berzel. for Berzelius. C. for color. L. for lustre. Breit. " Breithaupht H, " hardness. Strom. " Stromeyer. S44 IMPERFECTLY EXAMINED MINERALS, CONDURRITE, Phillips. H. 5-0 ? Brittle. C. brownish-black. Streak dark lead-grey; powder-black. Comp. impalpable. COTTUNITE (CHLORIDE OF LEAD). Monticelli and Covelli. CUPREOUS BISMUTH. Soft. Seclile. L. met. C. pale lead-grey to tin-white. Comp. col. and impal. CUPREOUS MANGANESE. Sp. Gr. 3-1...3-2. L. res. C. bluish -black. Composition impalpable. D. DYSODILE, Cordier. Soft: scratched by the nail. Sp. Gr. 1-1...1-2. C. greenish and yellowish to liver-brown. Frac. earthy. Streak vit, E. EARTHY COBALT. Soft. Earthy. Sp. Gr. 22. C bluish and brown- ish-black. Streak shining. Bot. arid stalac. shapes. EDINGTONITE, Haidinger. H. 45. Sp. Gr. 2-7. L. vit. C. green- ish-white. In small crystals. ERLAN, Breit. H. 5 5. ..6-5. Sp. Gr. 3-0.. .3-1. L. feebly vit. C. greenish-grey. Streak white.. FERRUGINOUS PL.ATINA, Schwetzau. Sp. Gr. 14-6. ..15-7. Less malleable than Native Platina. Magnetic. FLUEL.LITE, Wollaston. C. white. Transparent. In minute crys- tals. Probably Wavellite. FLUOUTE, Breit. FL.UATE OF CERIUM, Berzel. Sp. Gi\4'1...4'7. C. reddish. In plates and masses. GALACTITE. GIESECKITE, Sowerby. H. 2-5. ..3 0. Sp. Gr. 2-83. L. faint res. C. olive-green, grey and brown. GLAUCOL.ITE. H. 5-5. Sp. Gr. 2-72. L. vit. C. blue to green. GMEL.INITE, Brewster. Crystals small rhomboids. H. 4*5. Sp. Gr. 2-05. L. vit. C. white to red. GREEN IRON-ORE. H. HALLOYITE, Berthier. H. 1-5. ..2-0. L. waxy. C. white, or slightly blue. Adheres to the tongue. IMPERFECTLY EXAMINED MINERALS. 245 HARD COBALT PYRITES, Breit. H. 5-0., .6-0. Sp. Gr. 6-7.. .6-8. L. met. C. dark tin- white. Massive. HATCHETINE, Conybeare. Very soft. Very light. L. glistening and pearly. C. yellow. In flakes. HERRENITE, Del Rio. (Carbonate of Tellurium and Bi-carbonate of Nickel.) HISINGERITE, BerzeL Sectile. Soft. Sp. Gr. 3-04. C. black. Streak, greenish, grey. Fracture earthy. HYDRO-CARBON, Scherer. Sp. Gr. 0-65. L. nacreous. White, or yellowish-white. Crystals acicular. HYDROFHYLLITE, Hausmann. HYDROSILICITE, Kuh. C. white, without lustre ; feels greasy, is soft and translucent : does not adhere to the tongue. I. IODIDE OF MERCURY, Del Rio. Resembles dark colored Cinnabar. IODIDE OF SILVER, Vauquelin. IRID-OSMIUM, Schwetzau. In low six-sided prisms. H. 5-0. ..6-0. Sp. Gr. 17-9.. .18-5. C. lead-grey. IRON-SINTER. Sp. Gr. 2-4. L. res. C. yellowish and blackish-brown. Brittle. Fracture conchoidal. K. KNEBILITE, Lenz. Hard. Sp. Gr. 3*7. L. glistening. C. grey, red, brown and green. Opake. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. KORNITE, Breit. KUPFERINDIG, Breit. Soft. Sp. Gr. 3-8. L. faint res. C. blue. In plates forming spheroidal shapes, and impalpable. L. LEELITE, Clark. Sp. Gr. 2-7. Lustre and translucency like horn. Massive. Fracture splintery. LIGURITE, Viviani. Crystallized. H. above 50. Sp. Gr. 3'49. L. between vit. and res. C. apple-green. Frac. uneven, M. MELLILITE. In crystalline grains. H. 6-0...6'5. C. yellowish or reddish-brown. MINERAL HYDRO-CARBON, In acicular crystals, Sp. Gr. 65 ? L. nacreous. C. yellowish-white. 21* 246 IMPERFECTLY EXAMINED MINERALS, MOLYBDATE OF SILVER. (Silfer-phyllinglans,) Breit. Sp. Gr. 5-89. L. met. In flexible, bladed masses of a dark lead-grey color, MONAZITE, Breit. Sp. Gr. 4-92. L.vit. C. brick-red. Streak flesh-red. MOJVOPHANE, Breit. Sp. Gr.2-15. H. below Feldspar* L.vit. C. white. N. NATIVE IRIDIUM. NATIVE PALLADIUM. NICKEL GLANCE, Pfaff. H. 5-5. Sp. Gr. 6-09. C. like Arsenical Pyrites. Cleavage parallel to the faces of the cube. NONTRONITE, Berthier. Soft; opake: unctuous and tender. C. pale straw-color. In onion-shaped masses : compact. O. OKENITE, Kdbel. H. 4 t 5...6-0. ? In almond-shaped masses ; allied to the Zeolites. OLIGOKLASE, Breit. P. PECTOLITE, Kobel. H. 4-5.. .6-0 ? Sp. Gr. 2-69. In spheroidal masses, consisting of delicate diverging individuals. PETROSILEX (of Sahlberg.) C. deep flesh-red. Trans. Compact. Frac. fine grained. PHASTINE, Breit. PICOTITE, Charpentier. PINGUITE, Breit. H. 1-0. Sp. Gr. 2-31. Resembles green Iron-earth. PLOMB-GOMME, Gillet-Laumont. H. 5-0? C. yellowish and reddish- brown. Reniform. Composition thin columnar. PRISMATIC MELANE-GLAJVCE. Sp. Gr. 6-2. ..6-3. PRISMATOIDAL BISMUTH-GLANCE, Wehrle. H. 2-4. Sp. Gr. 7-8. Crystals prismatic. PYROPHYLLITE, Hermann. PYRORTHITE, Berzel. Soft. Sp. Gr. 2-19. L. res. C. brownish- black. Opake. Massive, R. RADIOLITE, Bremg. H. above 4-0. Sp. Gr. 2-2. C. white, L, silky. Massive, with a radiating fracture. REUSSIN, Kirwan. RUBELLAN, Breit. H. 3. L. vit. to res. C. brownish-red. Brittle. IMPERFECTLY EXAMINED MINERALS. 247 S. SAPPARITE, Schlotheim. H. above 4-0. L. vit. C. pale berlin-blue. Streak greyish-white. SAPHIRIN, Strom. H. above 7-0. Sp. Gr. 3-4. L. vit. C. sapphire- blue. Streak white. Trans. SCHEERERITE, Strom. Rather heavier than water. Very friable. C. whitish. L. pearly. In loosely aggregated grains and folia. 1 SELENIURET OF LEAD AND COBALT, Rose. Resembles Galena. Frac. granular. SELENIURET OF LEAD AND COPPER, Rose. C. lead-grey. Frac. granular. SELENIURET OF LEAD AND MERCURY, Rose. Sp. Gr. 7*8. SELENIURET OF SILVER, Berzel. Cuivre seleni6 argental, Hatiy. Eukairite, Berzel. C. lead-grey. In small six sided tables with truncated angles. SELENIURET OF SULPHUR, Strom. SILICATE OF IRON, (Bodenmais.) SKORIAN, Breit. SORDAWALLITE, NordenskiMd. H. 5-0.. .6-0? Sp. Gr. 253. L. vit. C. greenish or greyish-black. Massive. Frac. conchoid. STROMNITE, Traill. Sp. Gr. 3*7. C. yellowish-white. L. feeble, but pearly. SULPHURET OF SlLVER AND COPPER, Phillips. Soft. Sp. Gr. 6'25. L. met. C. blackish lead-grey. Massive. Comp. impal. T. TELLURIC BISMUTH, Berzel. L. met. C. silver-white. Massive, broad foliated. TEPHROITE, Breit. H. 5-0. ..6-0. Sp. Gr. 4-1. L. adaman. C. ash-grey. TESSERALKIES, Breit. TUNGSTATE OF LEAD, Phillips. L. res. C. yellowish-grey. Crys- tals acute four sided pyramids, aggregated in bunches. U. URANIUM VITRIOL, Johns. L. vit. C. emerald and apple-green. In capillary crystals. V. VAUQUELINITE, Leonhard. H. 2-5. ..3-0. Sp. Gr. 5-5, ..5-78. L. ada- man. C. some dark green. In minute crystals, and massive. 248 IMPERFECTLY EXAMINED MINERALS. VELVET BLUE COPPER. L. pearly. C. bright smalt-blue. In short capillary crystals. VIGWITE. (Blue Magnetic Iron-ore.) Sp. Gr. 3-71. C. dark greenish-blue. W. WHITE IRON-SINTER. WILLEMITE, Levy. C. white, yellowish, or reddish. Trans. In small rhomboidal crystals. Y. YTTRO-CERITE, JBerzel. H. between 4-0 and 5-0 ? Sp. Gr. 3-44. C. violet-blue. Massive. Opake. YTTRO-TANTALITE. H. 5-5 ? Sp. Gr. 5-3. ..5-8. L. imperfect met. C. blackish-brown, or black. Opake. Massive. Z. ZURLITE, Ramondini. H. 6-0. Sp. Gr. 3-27. L. res. C. green to grey. In rectangular four sided tables. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 249 PART. V. PHYSIOGRAPHY. . 123. DEFINITION. Physiography is the description of natural productions, and consists in the enumeration of all their natural proper- ties. It is intended to produce a distinct image of those objects which we distinguish from each other by means of the Characteristic, and denominate conformably to the rules laid down in the Nomenclature. Physiography is not adapted to the purpose of distinguishing min- erals. We cannot therefore, by its assistance, find the place of a giv- en mineral in the system, or in other words, recognise it ; for it is independent of that connexion among natural productions upon which systems are founded, and considers them singly, every one by itself. Physiography, therefore, cannot acquiesce in consider- ing single characters or characteristic marks; but it must exhibit them all, if the image it produces is meant to be a complete and satisfactory one. Its difference from the Characteristic founded upon these properties, is as obvious as the impossibility of substitu- ting the one instead of the other. A description, therefore, is not a character ; since the peculiarity of every character consists in its being composed of a smaller number of characteristic terms that may be observed in the objects characterized. The descriptions presuppose nothing but Terminology. It is per- fectly indifferent what nomenclature is adopted in Physiography, provided only the names and denominations to which the descrip- tions of the species refer, answer the purpose of keeping separate those objects, which really differ from each other. The system of Prof. Mohs, is the only one which has hitherto presented a separate view of the Determinative and the Descrip- tive parts of Mineralogy. The greater part of the mineralogical works have given to the characters such an arrangement, that they may at the same time represent the general descriptions of the spe- 250 PHYSIOGRAPHY. cies, and to the general arrangement of the species, such an arrange- ment that they may in like manner, serve the purpose of charac- ters. Neither of these plans entirely answers the purpose ; and those who wish to become acquainted with minerals, or to acquire some knowledge of their natural properties, are still under the ne- cessity of proceeding upon the old empirical method. They must content themselves with a superficial and broken sort of knowledge, to which they themselves do not attach any security; whereas the systematic way of proceeding leads to information, that is solid, con- nected, and as complete as possible. . 124. OBJECT OF PHYSIOGRAPHY. The object to which Physiography refers, in the mine- ral kingdom, in as far as it produces a MERE description, is the INDIVIDUAL. Any description, containing the indication of all the properties, will suffice for determining a particular individual. In the animal and vegetable kingdoms, homogeneous individuals are in most cases at the same time identical, excepting their sexual differences ; or at least the deviations occurring in their single characters may be considered as merely accidental. One individual, therefore, or in. the case of an existing difference in the sexes, two of them, will represent the whole species. In the mineral kingdom, the homo- geneous individuals in most cases differ so widely from each other, that a description of the one does not by any means apply to an- other ; one, or a few of them, therefore, cannot represent the whole species, nor can their description be substituted instead of the de- scription of the species. The description of all the varieties of a species does not produce a clear idea of the species itself; because the species is not a single body, but the assemblage of all the ho- mogeneous individuals or varieties. Individuals, only, therefore, (or compositions of individuals) admit of being described; and this is effected by indicating all their natural properties. In enumera- ting these, it is important to adopt some order of succession, which, for the sake of the greater perspicuity, should remain unaltered. All prolixity should be carefully avoided : every superfluous word, every ambiguous expression, in short, every thing foreign to the purpose should be rejected ; and such terms employed as are ex- plained in the Terminology. Abbreviations of frequently occurring GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. 251 words and expressions should uniformly be adopted, when not in- consistent with an easy comprehension of their meaning. Descriptions are required, whenever there occur new varie- ties of a species which is either already known, or entirely new ; they are also useful in such varieties as are distinguished by a par- ticular application, or any remarkable property, or such as have been provided with particular names in the arts of life. In these last instances it is only requisite to indicate those properties, by which the variety in question differs from other varieties of the same species. It is also very useful to give an accurate description of such varieties as are subjected to a chemical analysis. <. 125. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. In representing the species in the mineral kingdom, it is necessary to construct a Collective, or General Description. The problem to be resolved in constructing a General Description is, to give a correct idea of all, or at least of the known varieties of a species, in their proper connexion ; it must therefore contain at once all the descriptions of these varieties without its being itself, in a strict sense, a description at all. It is evident, that the only means of arriving at this end, will be the employment of the series of characters. The method of constructing a general description t>f a species is as follows. First, any suitable variety of the species is chosen, and described with all possible accuracy, the single characters succeed- ing each other agreeably to the order fixed upon, as abovemen- tioned. The description will contain only single characters, con- sisting of a certain form, a certain color, a certain kind of lustre, a certain degree of hardness or of specific gravity, &c., all of these being members of their respective series. If, in the place of every one of these single characters, we substitute the complete series to which it belongs, the Description of the Individual, or of the va- riety, is transformed into the Collective or General Description of the Species The characters contained in the general description are expressed in series, produced either by immediate observation, or by deriva- tion. The characters in the descriptions of determined varieties consist of single members of these series. Evidently, the col- lective description not only produces a complete idea of the spe- 252 PHYSIOGRAPHY. cies itself, but it also contains the individual description of every one of its single varieties ; for as to the latter, if we choose arbi- trarily any single member from every one of the mentioned series, and join these members in the adopted order of succession, the re- sult will be the description of a variety, belonging to the species. The representation of the species as contained in the general de- scription, is far more complete, than it could be obtained by imme- diate observation ; for it unites all the varieties which may be pro- duced by all possible combinations of the single properties, (the members of different series.) It would contain all the varieties pos- sible in a species if the series themselves were complete, which can be maintained only of those produced by derivation from given forms. Thus the considerations referring to the mineral kingdom become both fertile and interesting ; because, by means of the gen- eral description, we obtain from every newly discovered variety, though it should differ from those already known, only in a single character, an almost endless number of new varieties, which may be produced by uniting the newly discovered property with every combination of the members of the other series which the general description contains. The pure, or properly so called, general description, refers only to the individuals of the species, because it is from these that we derive the most perfect of the characteristic marks employed in mineralogy. If the compound varieties are to be noticed, this must be done without mixing them up with the simple ones. From the preceding remarks, it appears that the general descrip- tion presupposes the correct idea of the species. . 126. ARRANGEMENT OF THE GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The general or collective descriptions require to be so arranged, as to facilitate their use as much as possible, and to produce, in fact, a complete general view of the species. In order to determine the series of crystallization of a species, it becomes necessary to indicate the primary form, with its dimensions, except in those cases where these are always the same as in the regular Octahedron, Cube, &c. Accordingly, in the second part of this treatise, this will first be given, along with the information whether it be deduced from calculation, observed in the crystals themselves, or obtained from cleavage. In forms of variable dimen- sions, notice is also appended whether the value of their angles was PHYSIOGRAPHY. 253 obtained by means of the Reflective Goniometer, or by the Common Goniometer. The primary form being known, the series of forms to which it is capable of giving rise, may, in general, be easily inferred from the known laws of derivation (. 51). Still, it is necessary for us to present in the general description, as far as possible, the forms that actually do occur : since this information is peculiarly important and interesting, and without it, the picture of the species would indeed be deficient. Commencing, therefore, with the primary form, pro- vided it exists unmodified among the crystals of the species, we pro- ceed to enumerate the most frequent of the occurring forms. Next to the primary, (or in the absence of this, the one most closely allied to it,) we mention that modification which may be considered next in remove from it, and so on in a series, terminating with the most complicated and irregular forms ; illustrating such of them as are conceived of with difficulty from mere description by diagrams, and occasionally adding the mutual inclinations of particular faces. To this enumeration will also be annexed, in many instances, remarks to point out the localities of particular forms, as well as their com- parative rarity or abundance. The phenomenon of cleavage being in the nearest relation to the crystalline forms, the next place in the collective description will be assigned to it. The forms of cleavage, so far as obtainable, are described ; and particular notice bestowed upon the degree of per- fection in the different faces of cleavage. Fracture, so far as it is contained in the collective description it- self, refers only to simple minerals. It cannot be deemed however, very important. Several varieties of fracture, if mentioned in one and the same place, denote the limits between which the varieties range, which occur in the species. Also, it is indicated whether the fracture be obtained easily, or with difficulty. The physical quality of the surface of the crystals is far more im- portant than fracture, since it is in close connexion with the crys- talline forms themselves. These faces are expressed by the letters appropriated to the faces of the different forms. The characters depending upon the presence of light, contribute very much to enliven the image or representation of the species. The kinds of lustre must every where be mentioned ; and if there should be found a difference as to its occurrence upon different faces, in which different kinds of lustre may be observed, this must be pointed out, 22 254 PHYSIOGRAPHY. . In order to express the series of colors, more room is required in the general description than can well be allowed, since to do this fully requires that all the single members be mentioned. As a sub- stitute, however, an outline of these series is given, by indicating their principal points. This mode of treating the subject does by no means injure the use of the series of colors, nor diminish their importance in enlivening the collective descriptions. Colors produ- ced by occasional admixtures of minerals foreign to the species, do not properly belong to the collective description ; because they are not members of the series of colors of the species described. Yet they are indicated by themselves, at least the common shades, in order to exclude them from those with which they are not connect- ed by transitions within the same series. The color of the powder, or streak, is next indicated. To which follow the limits for the degrees of transparency, and notice of action on light, (or refraction.) Lastly the general descriptions contain the indication of the form of aggregation, of hardness, specific gravity, and other character- istic marks, derived from, or respecting, the substance of minerals, as odor, taste, &c., which may be useful in the description of varie- ties ; all of them expressed with the utmost degree of brevity, possible. A great number of the different varieties of certain species is produced by the composition of their individuals. The collective description of the simple varieties, having already been drawn up with considerable minuteness, it will now be the easier to survey the compound varieties. The general consideration of the twin crystals (. 72 & 73), contains the principles of the method, according to which, those belonging to any particular species, may be indicated with precision and convenience. These compositions will also be illustrated, where necessary, by diagrams. It will be sufficient only to mention the imitative forms, in order to recal their properties to the memory, these being commonly so much alike in every instance, that they allow of a general explanation, which has been given in its proper place. The condition of their surface, or of the faces of composition in their interior, the shape of the particles of composition, and the mode of that composition itself, may likewise be indicated. The same applies also to amorphous compositions, or, as they are called, to the massive varieties. As to these, the most important properties to be mentioned will be, the shape of the component particles, their size, mode of aggregation, and fracture. Thus we are capable of expressing in a few words> PHYSIOGRAPHY. 255 much that has been described with great prolixity ; while we enjoy the advantage of arriving at an idea of the subject, correct and gen- eral, and conformable to nature. The pseudomorphoses need nothing more than to be mentioned. If other properties should happen to occur beside those above allu- ded to, they will be inserted in a proper order, provided they con- tribute to our knowledge of the natural properties of the species to which they belong; whereas, if any of the foregoing are wanting they will be passed over in silence. In general, some one or other of the natural properties may be rendered more prominent, the more it contributes to a clear and distinct image of the species. The collective descriptions of the species form one of the most im- portant subjects of the Natural History of the mineral kingdom. Although they represent the mineral species by themselves, not regarding their resemblance to others, yet they effect this in the minutest detail, and to the greatest possible completeness, and hence they contain all the natural historical information, properly so call- ed, relative to mineral productions. . 127. COLLECTIVE DESCRIPTIONS INDEPENDENT OF ALL SYSTEMS. The collective descriptions do not depend upon the sys- tems ; but are applicable in every system. The collective description represents the natural historical species developed in the minutest detail. This species is the basis of every method, or in fact of every science, which refers to the productions of the mineral kingdom : it is the object, not the product of classifi- cation. It may be applied in a natural or artificial system, whether drawn up in conformity with the principles of Natural History, or to those of any science : nor is it less applicable in an alphabetical arrangement, since descriptions are consulted very much after the manner of a dictionary of words. . 128. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION APPENDED TO THE COLLECTIVE DESCRIPTIONS IN THE SECOND PART OF THIS TREATISE. The general descriptions limited as above (. 126), ne- cessarily exclude a variety of important information (most- 256 PHYSIOGRAPHY. ly, indeed, foreign to Mineralogy) ; this is arranged in a systematic order, and forms an appendage to the collective description of each species. The rules adopted in forming the general description, required the omission of several facts relating to crystallography, the history of the species as connected with its division into sub-species and varieties by other writers, &c., information, nevertheless, which is requisite to be understood: this will be collected together and placed immediately after the general descriptions in a smaller type. The collective descriptions being thus rendered as complete as possible, mineralogy, as a pure science, may be said to have dis- i charged its duty ; and its species are now fit to be subjected to in- vestigation in other sciences, each of which will produce a mass of information concerning them, according to its peculiar nature. This information the student in mineralogy will desire to become ac- quainted with. He will seek, for example, to know the chemical properties of the mineral, whose name and natural properties he has just ascertained ; its geological position likewise, and its applica- tion to useful purposes. To save him the inconvenience of consult- ing other works in which this various knowledge is contained, the results of the different sciences to which it belongs, are introduced into the present treatise, and form the conclusion of the appendage to the general descriptions. These results will be introduced in the following order : 1. Those derived from Chemistry, as the properties of the species before the blowpipe, or when acted upon by acids, one or more analyses by the most celebrated chemists, to which will be added such facts as are known concerning the artificial production of the species, by mingling the ingredients in the proper proportions in our Laborato- ries : 2. Geological information, or facts relating to the mode in which the species occurs in nature, as the particular rock in which it is engaged, the manner of its engagement, whether in veins, beds or disseminated, &c. : 3. The Geographical distribution, which is much less important than that of plants or animals, in which so much depends upon climate, soil and other accidental circumstan- ces ; American localities, however, are carefully designated : 4. Application and uses of the species in the arts. To which is some- times added another head for the purpose of introducing miscella- neous observations, which do not, strictly speaking, fall under any of the above provisions. END OF PART FIRST. TREATISE MINERALOGY SECOND PART, CONSISTING OF DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES, AND TABLES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THEIR NATURAL AND CHEMICAL AFFINITIES. WITH FIVE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS. BY CHARLES UPHAM SHEPARD, A. B. Lecturer on Natural History in Yale College ; Member of the American (ieological Society ; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; of the Natural History Society of Montreal, and of the Geological Society of France, &c. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOLUME I NEW HAVEN: HEZEKIAH HOWE& CO. AND HERRICK & NOYES. 1835. Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1835, by CHARLES UPHAM SHEPARD, in the Clerk's office, of the District Court of Connecticut. Printed by Hczekiah Howe & Co. TO IENJAMIN SILLIMAN, LL. D. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY" IN YALE COLLEGE, &c. ( S. ) Trona. 6 Applied to crystals derived from the right rhombic prism. 7 Applied to crystals derived from the regular octahedron. 8 Il5i, around, and TSJUWW, / cleave, implying that the cleavage takes place in more th?n one direction parallel to the axis, and that the faces are all of the same quality. The result of the cleavage is a vertical prism. 9 'H/JLJ, half, applied to oblique rhombic prisms. 10 TraTocr, fourth, applied to oblique rhombic prisms. THE NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. XXV Gen. If. EARTHY-SALT. (S.) Deliquescent. Sp. 1. Calcareous (S.) Nitrocalcile. (S.) 2. M a g n e s i a n (S.) Nitro-Magnesite. (S.) Gen. III. GLAUBER-SALT. (M.) Taste cool, then saline and bitter: weak. H. 1-5... 2-0. G. 1-4...T5. Sp. 1. Prismatic (M.) Glauber-Salt. 2. P r i s m a t o i d a 1 l ' (S.) Aphthitalite ' 2 (BEU.) Gen. IV. NITRE-SALT. (M.) Taste saline and cool. H.2'0. G. 1'9... 2-0. Sp. 1 . Prismatic (M.) Nitre . 2. Rh o in b o h e d r a I 1 * (S.) Soda Nitre. (S.) Gen. V. ROCK-SALT. (M.) Sp. 1. Hexahedral 14 (M.) Common Salt. Gen. VI. AMMONIA-SALT. (M.) Sp. 1. Octahedral (M.) , Sal-Ammoniac. Gen. VII. VITRIOL-SALT. (M.) Taste astringent. H. 2*0 ...2'5. G. T8...2-3. Sp. 1. H e m i-p r i s m a t i c (M.) Copperas. 2. White Copperas. 3. Paratomous 15 (S.) Botryogene. (HAID.) 4. T e t a r t o-p r i s m a t i c (M.) Blue Vitriol. 1 T Alluding to a single cleavage, parallel to the axis. 12 A c l r i ^ n allusion to the play of colors it presents. 4 8 Efudo, red. XXXVI TABULAR VIEW OF Gen. IX. PETALINE-SPAR. (M.) H. 5-0 ... 6-5. G. 2-8 ... 3-2. Sp. 1. Uncleavable (S.) Nephrite. 2. Dusclaone (S.) Saussurile. 3. Prismatic (M.) Petalite. 4. Rhombohedral (S.) Eudyalite. 5. Pyramidal (S.) Scapolite. 6. P e r i t o m o u s (S.) Fahlunite. 7. Prism atoidal (S.) Jlmblygonite. Gen. X. AUGITE-SPAR. (M.) H. 4-5 . . . 7-0. G. 2-7 ...3-5. Sp. 1. Prismatoidal (M.) Epidote. 2. D y s t o m-e ( H.) Bucklandite. 3. Paratomous (M.) Pyroxene. 4. A c h rn i i i c (S.) Jlchmite. 5. A x o t o m o u s ( M.) Babingtonite. 6. He mi-prismatic (M.) Hornblende. 7. Peritomous (M.) Jlrfwedsonite. 8. M'etalloidal (S.) Hypersthene. Gen. XL TABULAR-SPAR. (S.) H. 3-5 ... 6-0. G. 2-0 ...2-9. Sp. 1. Teta r to-prismatic (S.) Tabular Spar. 2. Prismatic (S.) Pyrallolite. 3. Parachrose (S.) Boltonite. GEM. Gen. 1. CORUNDUM. (M.) H. 7-0... 9-0. G. 3-5 . . . 4-6. Sp. 1. Dodecahedral (M.) Spinel. 2. Octahedral (M.) Jlutomolite. 3. Rhombohedral (M.) Corundum. t THE NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. XXXV11 Gen. II. DIAMOND. (M.) Sp. 1. Octahedral (M.) Diamond. Gen. III. TOPAZ. (M.) Sp. 1. Prismatic (M.) Topaz. Gen. IV. EMERALD. (M.) H. 7-5... 8-0. G. 2-6... 3-2. Sp. 1. Prismatic (M.) Euclase. 2. Rhombohedral (M.) Emerald. 3. Pyramidal (S.) Chrysoberyl. 4. Phenakine (S.) Phenakite. (NORDENSKIOLD.) Gen. V. QUARTZ. (M.) H. 5-5 ... 7-5. G. 1-9 . . .2-7. Sp. 1. Prismatic (M.) Mite. 2. Rhombohedra] (M.) Quartz. 3. Uncleavable (M.) Opal 4. Em py rod ox 49 (M.) Pitchstone. 5. Isopyric (H.) Isopyre. Gen. VI. AXINITE. (M.) Color brown. H. 6-5 ... 7-0. G. 3-0... 3-3. Sp. 1. Tetarto-pr i s m a tic (S.)xinite. 2. Pr is'matoid al (S.) Bucholzite. Gen. VII. CHRYSOLITE. (M.) Sp. 1. Prismatic (M.) Peridot. Gen. VIII. BORACITE. Sp. 1. Tetrahedral (M.) Boracite. 49 E(jwruo, belonging 1 to fire, and ^oga, opinion. XXXVlll TABULAR VIEW OF Gen. IX. TOURMALINE. (M.) H. 7-0 ... 7-5. G. 3-0 . . . 3-2. Sp. 1. Rhombohedral (M.) Tourmaline. 2. Hemi-prismatic (S.) Brucite. 3. Pyramidal (S.) Idocrase. Gen. X. GARNET. H. 60... 7-5. G. 3 1 . . . 4'3. Sp. 1. Tetrahedral (M.) Helvin. 2. Dodecahedral (M.) Garnet. 3. Pyramidal (M.) Zircon. 4- Prismatoidal (S.) Staurotide. ORE. Gen. I. MELANE SO -ORE. (P.) H. 60...7-0. G. 4'0 . '. . 43. Sp. 1. Tetarto-prismatic (P.) Jlllanite. 2. Hemi-prismatic (P.) Gadolinite. Gen. II. ERUTHRONE-ORE. (S.) brown. H. 3 5 . . . 7'0. Sp. 1. Prismatic (S-) 2. Pyramidal (S.) 3. Prismtoidal (S.) 4. Pyrochlore (S.) 5. Mela nous (S.) 6. D iatomous (S.) 7. Peritomous (S.) 8. Octahedral (S.) 9. Hemi-prismatic (S.) Some shade of red or G. 3 4... 7-1. Sphene. Jlnatase* Jlischynite- (BERZ.) Pyrochlore. Polymignite. (BERZ.) Brookite* Rutile. Red Copper-Ore. Red Zinc-Ore. Ms'Xocf, Black, THE NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 10. Uncleavable (S.) Cerite. 11. Monotomous (S.) Yttro-Tantalite. Gen. III. IRON-ORE. (M.) H. 5'0 . . . 65. G. 3-8 . . . 5-3. Sp. 1. Octahedral (M ) Magnetic Iron. 2- C h r o m a t e d (S.) Chrome-Ore. 3. Dodecahedral (M.) Franklinite. 4. A x o t o m o u s (M. ) Crichlomte. 5. Uncleavable (S) Mohsite. 6. Rhombohedral (M.) Specular Iron. 7. Prismatic (M ) Limonite. 8. Di-prismatic (M.) Yetiite. Gen. IV. BARYTE-ORE. (S.) H. 50..,6'6. G. 6'0 ...74. Sp. 1 . P e r i t o m o u s (S ) Tin-Ore. 2. Prismatic (S ) Wolfram. 3. P y r a rn i d a 1 ( S ) Columbite. 4. Uncleavable (S.) Pitchblende. Gen. V. MANGANESE-ORE. (M.) Color black. H. 2'0 ...65. G. 3 1 ...49- Sp. 1. Pyramidal (M ) Black Manganese. 2. Brachytipous (M) Braunite. 3- Uncleavable (M ) Psilomelane. 4. Prism atoidal (M.) Manganite. 5. Prismatic (iM ) Pyrolusite. 6. S t a p h y 1 i n e (S ) Cupreous Manganese. X TABULAR VIEW OF Geh. VI. LUSINE SI -ORE. (S.) Pulverulent. Sp. 1. Bismuthic (S.) Bismuth Ochre. 2. Tungstic (S.,) Tungslic Ochre. 3. Molybdic (S.) Molybdic-Ochre. 4. Uranic (S.) Uranic-Ochre. 5. Chromic (S.) Chrome-Ochre. 6. Cobaltic (S.) Earthy Cobalt. 7. Cupric (S.) Melaconite. 52 (BEU.) 8. Plumbic (S.) Minium. .9. Antimonic (S.) Antimony- Ochre. METAL. Gen. I. MALAcoNE 53 -METAL. (S.) Color white, red- dish and yellow. H. 0-0 ... 3-5. G. 6-0 ... 14-8. Sp. 1. Auro-tellu riu m (S.) MuUerile. 5 * (BEU.) 2. Tellurium (S.) Native Tellurium. 3. Bismuth (S ) Native Bismuth. 4. Mercury (S ) 'Native Mercury. 5. Argent o-rn ercury(S) Native Amalgam. 6. Argent o-a ntimony (S) Jlntimonial Silver. 7. Silver (S.) Native Silver. 8. Copper (S-) Native Copper. 9. Gold (S.) Native Gold. 10. Arsenic (S.) Native Arsenic. 11. Antimony(S-) Native Jlntimony. 5 1 A'jtf, decomposition, from the circumstance that the species of this genus result from the decomposition of other species. 52 JVL'Xacr, black, and xovict, powder. 53 MaXaxoc:, soft. 54 The discoverer's name. THE NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. xli Genus II. SCLERONE* 5 METAL. (S.) H. 4'0...5'0. G. 7-31 ...18-5. Sp- 1. Iron (S-) Native Iron. 2. Platina(S-) Native Platina. 3. I r i d i u m (S.) Native Indium. 4. I r i d-o s mi u m (S.) Irid-Osmine. 5. P a 1 1 a d i u m (S.) Native Palladium. PYRITES. Gen. I. ERUTHLEUcoNE 5 8 -PYRiTES. (S.) Color white to red. H. 5-0... 6-0. G. 5-7... 7-0. Sp. 1. Cupreous (S.) Copper Nickel. 2. E uotomous (S.) Nickel Glance. 3. A n t i m o n i a 1 (S.) Nickel Stibine. (BEU. ) 4. A x o t o m o u s ( S. ) Leucopyrite. 51 ( S. ) 5. P r i s m a t i c (S.) Mispickel. 6. C o b a 1 1 i c (S.) Cobalt Pyrites. 7. Octah e d r al (S.) Smaltine. (BEU.) 8. Hexahedral (S.) Cobaltine. (BEU.) Gen. II. CHLORONE 58 -PyRiTEs. (S.) Color greenish yel- low. H. 3-0... 6-5. G. 4-1... 5-1. Sp. 1. Hexahedral (S.) Iron Pyrites. 2. P y r a rn i d a 1 (S.) Yellow CopperPyrites. 3. Prismatic (S.) White Iron-Pyrites. 4. Capillary (S.) Capillary Pyrites. 55 2xX>jpo, hard. 5 6 Epudpoc;, red, and Xsuxos, white, the color being a mix- ture of red and white. 57 Aeuxos, white, and flrupiTrjs, a storce emitting fire. 5 8 XXwpoj, yellowish green. VOL. I. E xlii TABULAR VIEW OF Gen. III. BRONZE-PYRITES. (S.) Color bronze. H. 3-5. ...40. G. 4-1... 4-7. Sp. 1. R h o m b o h e d r a 1 (S.) Magnetic Iron Pyrites. 2. Octah ed r a I (S.) Variegated Copper* GLANCE. Gen. 1. COPPER-GLANCE. G. 43... Sp. 1. Hexahedral(M-) 2. Tetrahedral (M.) 3. D i-p r i s m a t i c (M.) 4. Prismatic (M.) (M.) H. 2-5... 4-0. 5'8. Tin Pyrites. Fahlerz. Bournonite- Vitreous Copper. Gen. II. PoLYPoioNE 5 -GLANCE. (S.) H. 1-0 . . . 2-5. G. 4-5.. .8-5. Sp. 1. Prism atoi d al (S.) 2. Dodecahedral (S.) .3. Hexahedral (S.) 4. Selenious (S.) 5. Paratornous (S.) 6. Prismatic (S.) 7. Telluric (S.) 8. Bismuthic (S.) 9. Uncleavable (S.) 10. Cu preo us (S.) 11. Monotornous (S.) Black Silver. Vitreous Silver. Galena- EuJcairite. Clausthalite. 60 (BEU.) Black Tellurium* Telluric Silver. Bornite. 61 (BEU.) Stromeyerite. Cupreous Bismuth. Sternbergite. * 9 IIoXuc;, many, and qroisw, to make, in allusion to the number of species in the genus, 60 From the locality. 61 Named from DE BORN, THE NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. xllll 12. Rhombohedral (S.) Molybdenite. 13. A xo to in o u s (S.) Pelybasite. 9 * Gen. III. ANTIMONY-GLANCE. (M.) H. 1 5 . . . 2-5. G. 4-2... 5 8. Sp. 1. Prismatic (M.) Graphic Gold. 2. Prism atoidal (M.) Grey Antimony. 3. Axotomous (M.) Jamesorite. 4. P e r i t o m o u s (P. ) Zinkenite. G 3 BLENDE. Gen. I. SCLERONE-BLENDE. (S.) H. 3-5 ... 4'0. G. 3-9 ... 4-2. Sp. 1. Hex abe d ra 1 (S.) Manganblende. 2. Dodecahedral (S.) Blende. Gen. II. MALACONE-BLENDE. (S.) 4 H. 1-0.. .2-5. G. 4-5... 8-2. Sp. 1 . P r i am a t ic (S.) Red Antimony. 2. Rhombohedral (S.) Red Silver. 3. Aphotistic 64 (S.) Proustite. (BEU.) 4. H e m i-p r i s m a t i c (S.) Myargyrite. 5. Peritomous (S.) Cinnabar. 6. S ele n i ou s (S.) Rionite. 65 (S.) 7. Yellow(S.) Orpiment. 8. Red (S.) Realgar. 62 IIoXOs, many, and Batf^, Sa^e, having many bases in its composition. 63 Named from ZINKEN, its discoverer. s 4 A and PHILLIPS. 112 48 00 130 30 00 139 48 00 149 40 00 162 18 00 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 33 Apatite. Cleavage parallel with the planes of the primary form, that parallel with the base obtained with most difficulty. Fracture conchoidal, more or less perfect, uneven. Surface, the secondary faces generally very smooth ; the primary lateral ones striated in a longitudinal direction. Sometimes all the edges are rounded. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color white, fre- quently violet-blue, mountain-green, or asparagus green ; also yellow, grey red and brown colors, though none of .them are bright. Transparent Or translucent. A bluish opalescence appears upon the faces parallel to the principal axis in some crystals, particularly the white varieties. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0. Sp. gr. = 3-225 (asparagus- green crystals from Spain) ; =3' 180, from Salzburg. Compound Varieties. Implanted globular and reniform shapes : composition imperfectly columnar ; faces of composi- tion rough. Massive : composition granular, individuals of different size, not impalpable; faces of composition uneven or rough. 1. Several varieties of the present species which are decidedly sepa- rate from others and connected among themselves, were formerly con- sidered as forming two or even three distinct species. The distinctive marks between them, however, are so slight, that they are incapable of being indicated with certainty, and it would therefore be superfluous to attempt their explanation. 2. Certain varieties are phosphorescent upon ignited charcoal and be- fore the blow-pipe ; in particular those crystals which are terminated by a single plane, some of which phosphoresce when rub"bed with hard bod- ies. In a very strong heat of the blow-pipe, the edges and solid angles are rounded off; but it does not melt without addition. With borax, it dissolves slowly into a clear glass. With salt of phosphorus it dissolves in great quantities, affording a transparent glass, which, when nearly saturated, becomes opake in cooling, and presents crystalline faces, sim- ilar, but less distinct than phosphate of lead. Apatite has been artificial- 34 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Apatite. ly formed by exposing a mixture of phosphoric acid and sulphate of lime to a high temperature. It exhibits a lamellar texture, and shows by heat on opposite ends, opposite kinds of electricity, a property not hitherto observed in the natural crystals of Apatite. 3. Analysis. By KL.APROTH. By VAUQUELIN, By PELLETIER & from Spain. DojvADEi,fr. Spain. Lime 55-0 . 54-28 . 59-0 Phosphoric acid 45-0 45-72 . 34-0 Carbonic acid . .1-0 Muriatic acid , . 0-5 Fluoric acid . . 2-5 Silica . .2-0 Iron . .1-0 4. There are examples of Apatite entering as an occasional admixture into the composition of rocks, as granite and limestone. But it more fre- quently appears iji beds and veins, consisting chiefly of ores of iron and tin, or of crystallized varieties of those species of which the rocks them- selves are composed. The crystallized variety, called Asparagus-stone from Spain, is found in an ancient volcanic rock, along with Specular Iron and compact Calcareous-spar. The compound varieties, called Phosphorite, of the same country, form particular beds. 5. Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony, Schlackenwald in Bohemia, the Grei- ner mountain in Salzburg, Cabo de Gata in Spain, Devonshire and Corn- wall, are some of the most distinguished localities of this species. Aren- dal in Norway affords the bluish green and reddish brown crystals, t^Moroxite} ; St. Gothard in Switzerland, and Heiligenbluter Tauern in Salzburg, furnish remarkable white, transparent crystals ; and Estrema- dura in Spain, and Schlackenwalk in Bohemia, produce massive varie- ties, while a pulverulent variety is found at Marmarosch in Hungary. Small yellow r crystals occur at Partridge Island in Nova Scotia. Apatite has been found in many places in the United States ; but we possess but one locality which affords it in any considerable quantity, or in well crystallized specimens, and this is at Governeur, St. Lawrence Co. (N.Y.) where it occurs crystallized in granular limestone, the crys- tals being very abundant, large, (sometimes 4 or 6 inches in length,) well defined, having the form of fig. 35, (except r,) and possessing a rich sea- green or mountain-green color. Crystals several inches long, of the prima- ry form have been obtained at Amity, (N.Y<) where it occurs of a green PHYSIOGRAPHY. 35 Apatite. Aphanesite. color in white limestone, associated with brown Augite and Scapolite. At Bolton, (Mass.) it occurs crystallized and massive, of a bluish green color, under similar circumstances, with the addition of Petalite and Sphene. Handsome green crystals have been found at Monroe, (Con.) in granite : but they are scarce. Very distinct crystals an inch or more in length, of a reddish brown color, are occasionally met with in a vein of granite at Greenfield, (N.Y.) acccompanied by Chrysoberyl, Tourmaline and Garnet. The following localities of Apatite in small green or yellowish green crystals, imbedded in granite, are quoted in Cleaveland's Mineralogy, viz., near Baltimore, (Maryland,) near Wil- mington, (Delaware,) near Philadelphia, New York and New Haven ; also the following in Iron Pyrites : near Green Pond, Morris co. (N.Y.) and at Anthony's Nose in the Highlands of New York. APHANESITE. Aphanistic Copper-Bary te. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M'= 56. PonM=99 30'. Secondary forms. Fig. 37. Fig. 38. P on al 125 00' P on cl 80 30 P on c2 99 30 / on / 62 30 Lustre pearly upon the face of perfect cleavage. Color dark verdigris-green, inclining to sky-blue, still darker on* the surface. Streak verdigris green. Translucent on the edges. Not very brittle. Hardness = 2-5 ... 3-0. Sp. gr. = 4-192. 1. Before the blow-pipe it deflagrates and emits arsenical vapors. 2. Analysis. By CHENEVIX. Oxide of copper . . . 54-00 Arsenic acid . . . 30-00 Water . . 16-00 n 36 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Aphthitalite. Apophyllite. 3. It has hitherto been found only in Cornwall, with several other species of the salts of copper, and with Copper Pyrites and Quartz. APHRITE. (See Calcareous- Spar.) APLOME. (See Garnet.) APHTHITALITE. Prismatoidal Glauber- Salt. Massive $* rnammillary, apparently formed in successive layers. Lustre vitreous. Color white, with certain bluish or greenish stains. Translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness = 2-5... 3-0. Sp. gr. = 1-731. Taste saline and bitter, disagreeable. 1. It has not been analyzed, but probably will be found to be a sulphate of potash, with a trace of sulphate and muriate of copper. 2. It occurs at Mount Vesuvius. APOPHYLLITE. Pyramidal Kouphone- Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right square prism. * The artificial crystals are right rhombic prisms of 112 &, having their acute angles replaced so as to form dihedral summits of 106 46', and having the lateral edges truncated. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 4pophyllite. 37 Secondary forms. Fig. 39. Fig. 40. Fig. 41. P 127 59') 119 30 V '104 2 ) 120 5') 128 20 V PHILLIPS* 104 18 ) Cleavage, parallel with the primary faces, most perfect at right angles to the axis. Fracture uneven. Surface smooth and shining. Lustre vitreous. The natural and cleavage face P pos- sess pearly lustre. Color several shades of white, greyish, bluish or reddish. Streak white. Transparent . . . translu- cent. 4 38 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Apophyllite. Arfwedsonite. Brittle. Hardness = 4' 5 . . . 5-0. Sp. gr. = 2-335. Compound varieties. Massive : composition lamellar, straight, or slightly curved. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it first exfoliates, then intumesces like borax, and melts at last into a white vesicular globule. It is easily dissolved by borax. It is positively electrified by friction, but not by heat. It likewise exfoliates in acids ; and its. powder forms with them, a jelly. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS, By STROMEYER, fromUtoen. from Faroe. Silica . . 53-13 . . 52-38 . . 51-26 Lime . . 24-71 . . 24-98 . . 25-20 Potash . . 527 .. 5-27 . . 5-14 Fluoric acid . 0-82 . . 0-64 . . 0-00 Water . . 16-20 . . 1620 . . 16-04 3. The natural repositories of Apophyllite are the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks, or metalliferous beds with Augite, Calcareous Spar and Copper Pyrites. 4. Some of the finest varieties are from the amygdaloid of Iceland and the Faroe islands. Likewise near Indore in India. Under similar cir- cumstances it occurs at Mariaberg, near Aussig in Bohemia, and the va- riety from thence has been called Jllbin. It has been found occupying drusy cavities of a very extensive bed of limestone in gneiss, containing ores of copper, at Czcklowa, near Oravvitza in the Bannat. Other local- ities are New South Shetland, and several iron-mines in Sweden and Norway. The only known localities in North America are Peter's Point and Par- tridge Island in the Basin of Mines, Nova Scotia. ARFWEDSONITE. Peritomous Augite-Spar. PARTSCH. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M'= 123 55', from cleavage. Cleavage parallel with the sides of the prism/ producing brilliant faces. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Arragonite. 39 Lustre vitreous. Color black. Opake. Hardness inferior to Hornblende. Sp. gr. =3'44. 1. It melts easily before the blow-pipe into a black globule. With borax, it gives a glass colored by iron ; with salt of phosphorus, likewise, but paler, and becoming colorless on cooling, whilst a dark grey silica- skeleton remains undissolved. 2. It occurs along with black Augite and black Sodalite in Greenland, and has generally been considered as a ferruginous variety of Horn- blende, from which, however, its brilliant cleavages, the inclination of its lateral faces and inferior hardness, seem sufficiently to distinguish it as a new species. The mineral generally taken for a variety of Hornblende in a porphy- ritic trap from Plymouth, (Vt.) appears to agree with the above descrip- tion. ARRAGONITE. Prismatic Lime Haloide. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' = 116 10'. Secondary forms. Fig. 43. Fig. 44. M on cl Mon M 7 M'onA h on cl cl on cl M on b cl on c2 cl on c3 cl on b b on b 1 QQO 1 Q/ "^ Bilin, Bohemia. 116 10 I 121 38 ^ PHILLIPS. 125 55 108 18 J 144 oon 150 30 141 00 VPHILLIPS. 136 30 I 129 33 J 40 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Arragonite. Cleavage, parallel with the lateral faces of the primary form. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Surface generally smooth. The curvature of the sides parallel to the prismatic axis very often produces acicular crystals, variously aggregated. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous upon faces of frac- ture. Color white, prevalent ; sometimes passing into grey, yellow, mountain-green and violet blue. Streak greyish white. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 35 . . . 4-0. Sp. gr. =2-931, (the transparent crystals from Bohemia.) Compound varieties. Fig. 45. Fig. 46. Fig. 47. Arragon. Fig. 45. Formed from the composition of two individu- als, like fig. 43, the angle of revolution being 90. Fig. 46. Formed from the composition of three individ- uals of the same form, as explained in 73. Part I. Fig. 47. The dotted lines represent the cracks observa- ble down each plane,-arising from the contact of the planes forming the dihedral summits of the several individuals of which fig. 46 is composed ; and hence the six lateral planes of this apparently regular hexagonal prism are not flat; but each presents a slightly re-entering angle. Globular, reniform, coralloidal shapes ; surface drusy, composition columnar, the individuals being often very del- icate, but also occurring of various dimensions ; faces of PHYSIOGRAPHY. 41 Arragonite. composition irregularly streaked. Massive : composition columnar, either parallel, or divergent, or irregular ; and of different sizes of individuals. 1. Thin fragments of transparent crystals decrepitate in the flame of a candle ; other varieties lose their transparency, and become friable. It phosphoresces upon red-hot iron, and is soluble in nitric and muriatic acid, with effervescence. 2. .Analysis. By STROMEYER. Carbonate of lime . . 95-2965 . 99-2922 Carbonate of strontites . 0-5090 . 4-1043 Water .... 0-1544 . 05992 The carbonate of strontites does not exist in constant proportions, and has not been found at all in the coral loidal varieties. 3. Imbedded crystals, generally twins, o; consisting of a greater num- ber of individuals, are found in compound varieties of Gypsum, mixed and colored with oxide of iron, accompanied by crystals of Quartz, which have likewise suffered a similar admixture. Other varieties oc- cur in the cavities of basalt and other trap rocks, also in irregular beds and veins. It is found in beds of iron-ores, in those coralloidal varieties which have been called Flos-ferri, in which the component individuals are so minute that their form and structure is undistinguishable. It is also found in various repositories, along with several species, as Copper and Iron Pyrites, Galena and Malachite. It likewise occurs in lava. 4. The most beautiful crystals occur near Bilin in Bohemia, in a vein traversing basalt, and filled with a massive variety of the same species, consisting of large columnar particles of composition. The varieties of twin-crystals imbedded in Gypsum, are found in the kingdom of Arragon in Spain, from whence the name of the species has been derived. The greenish colored specimens are brought from Marienberg in Saxony, and Sterziog in the Tyrol. The finest varieties of Flos-ferri are found in the mines of Eisen-ertz in Stiria; it also occurs atSchemnitz, St. Ma- rie mines, and in those of Baygorri and Vicdessos in the Pyrennees. In England, the Dufton lead mines furnish beautiful specimens in acicular crystals, and finely columnar masses of a satin lustre. Other localities are Mount Vesuvius, Iglo in Hungary, France, Scotland, Iceland and Silesia. 4* 42 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Arsenic-glance. The Flos-ferri has been met with at Lockport, (N. Y.) coating gypsum in geodes, at Edenville, (N.Y.) lining cavities of Mispickel and Cube ore, and at Haddam, (Con.) and its vicinity, in thin seams between layers of gneiss. A fibrous variety occurs at Scoharie, (N.Y.) It also exists in numerous limestone caves of the south western states. . ARSENIATE OF COBALT. (See Cobalt-Bloom.} ARSENIATE OF COPPER. (See Jlphanesite, Copper-Mica , Erinite, Euchroite, Liroconite and Olivenite.) ARSENIATE OF IRON. (See Cube-ore.) ARSENIATE OF LIME. (See PharmaJcolite.) ARSENIATE OF NICKEL. (See Nickel- Ochre.) ARSENICAL ANTIMONY GLANCE. In reniform masses, consisting of thin and curved individuals. Fracture uneven. Lustre shining to faint. Color tin-white to steel-grey. Hardness = 2-0... 3-0. Sp. gr. =6-2. 1. Before the blow-pipe it melts, and during fusion emits fumes of An- timony and Arsenic. Decomposed by nitric acid, affording a white pre- cipitate, soluble in muriatic acid. 2. It is found at Przibram in Bohemia, Allemont in.Dauphiny, Poul- laouen in Brittany, and Andreasberg in the Hartz. ARSENIC-GLANCE. Massive, botry oid al; composition columnar, individuals radia- ting. Lustre metallic. Color dark lead-grey. Hardness = 20... 2-5. Sp. gr. = 5-2 . . . 5-5. 1. Fragments of it, held in the blaze of a lamp, take fire, and dissem- inate, amidst continual sparks, a greyish, arsenical vapor. Heated on platina foil, it is surrounded by a ring of crystallized arsenic acid ; and as it diminishes perceptibly, the vapor is partly deposited in the form of a blackish-grey powder. Before the blow-pipe, upon charcoal, it burns, at first with a bluish flame, and disappears in a dense smoke. It does not melt, until just before it disappears, when a white metallic globule is obtained. In the matrass it gives, at first crystallized arsenic acid : afterwards, a grey smoke and metallic arsenic, without any perceptible residuum. It is soluble in nitric acid, and the solution (when the acid is PHYSIOGRAPHY. Atacamite. 43 not in excess) gives a white precipitate on the addition of water. With hydriodic acid, it at first gives a blackish brown, and then a citron-yel- low, precipitate. 2. Analysis. By KERSTEJV, from Marienberg. Arsenic . ' . . . . 96785 Bismuth 3-001 3. It occurs in small quantises only, at Palmbaum in Marienberg, ac- companied by Native Arsenic, Red Silver, Fluor, Heavy Spar, Calca- reous Spar, Copper Nickel, Native Silver, &c. 4. It is not probable that the bismuth is a necessary ingredient in this mineral, which might with more propriety be included under Native Arsenic. AsBESTUS. Silky varieties of Hornblende, Pyroxene, Picrosmene and JYV- molite : q. v. ASPARAGUS-STONE. (See Apatite.) ASPHALTUM. (See Bitumen.) ATACAMITE. Prismatoidal Habroneme- Malachite. PARTSCH. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M / = 100 Secondary form. Fig. 48. M on M> P on al P on a2 P on c P one a2 on a'2 a2 on c a2 on e c on c' c on d c on e e on e 100' 142 40 123 25 127 12 116 20 112 45 110 30 143 25 107 10 159 00 137 40 127 07 'PHILLIPS. 44 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Atmospheric-air. The planes M M' are the result of cleavage. Among the minute crys- tals are to be observed some in which the planes 2, 2> and c, c f of fig. 48 prevail to the exclusion of the rest, converting them to the form of an octahedron with a square base. Cleavage parallel to P, less distinct parallel to M and M 7 . Colors, olive, leek, grass, emerald, and blackish-green. Streak apple-green. Nearly transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Rather brittle. Hardness = 3-0 . . . 3*5. Sp. gr. = 4-43. 1. It communicates bright blue and green colors to the flame of a can- dle, or if exposed to the blast of the blow-pipe, it develops vapors of mu- riatic acid, and melts at last into a globule of copper. It is soluble with- out effervescence in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By PROUST. By KLAPROTH. Oxide of copper 76-595 73-00 Muriatic acid 10.638 10.10 Water 12-767 16.90 3. It is found at Remolinos in Chili, on Brown Iron-Ore; sometimes with Red Oxide of Copper and Malachite: it occurs also in Peru with some of the ores of silver. It is found in the form of fine sand in the river Li- pas, in the desert of Atacarna, (and hence the name of the species,) sepa- rating Chili from Peru. Other localities are, Schwarzenberg in Saxony, and Mount Vesuvius. ATELESTITE. Crystalline, in structure resembling Sphene. Lustre resinous to adamantine. Color pure sulphur-yellow. Transparent to translucent. Hardness about 3. Heavy. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it affords the indications of bismuth. 2. It is found at Schneeberg. ATMOSPHERIC-AIR. Pure Atmospheric-gas. MOHS. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 45 Atmospheric- Water. Gaseous. Transparent. Sp. gr. =1-0. Nearly 800 times lighter than distilled water. 1. It is tasteless and without odor, except that of electricity, which it sometimes very manifestly exhibits. Though transparent, it neverthe- less reflects a blue color when in large masses, as in the sky above us. The lower atmosphere is contaminated in a greater or less degree by ev- ery kind of air or vapor which can be formed by the various bodies that compose the earth's surface. Over the land espe HAUY. c on c 109 18 16 ) 4. Dodecahedron with the obtuse solid angles deeply trun- cated, so as to give rise to an octahedron with its edges re- placed by tangent planes, (fig. 62. P. I.) 5. Regular octahedron. 6. Tetrahedron. 7. Regular octahedron with its edges and angles replaced by tangent planes. 8. Cube. 9. Tetrahedron with its angles replaced by tangent planes. 10. Tetrahedron with its angles replaced by three planes resting on its edges, (fig. 55. P. I.) Cleavage parallel to the primary faces, perfect. Fracture conchoidal. Some yellow varieties are phos- phorescent by friction. Lustre adamantine. Color green, yellow, red, brown, black, none of these bright. Streak white to reddish- brown, corresponding to the color, Transparent. . . trans- lucent, PHYSIOGRAPHY. 71 Blende. Brittle. Hardness = 3-5 ... 4-0. Sp. gr. = 4-078, a cleavable variety; =4*027, a columnar, compound variety. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. Octahedral he- mitrope. (fig. 50.) This composition is repeated, as in fig. 61, and sometimes for a number of times. Reniform and other imitative shapes : surface rough ; composition columnar, often almost impalpable ; straight, divergent, and frequently producing a second curved lamellar or granular composition. Massive: composition columnar, or granular, sometimes impalpable, often very distinct. The fracture of impalpable compositions is uneven or even. 1. Although the subspecies distinguished by the earlier writers on mineralogy among the varieties of Blende, have been denominated after their colors, yet they do not depend entirely or solely upon these colors. Yellow Blende includes the more transparent varieties, whether of a *reen, yellow or reddish-brown color. Brown Blende consists of the more opake red and brown varieties. Black Blende is either black and opake, or blood-red. Brown Blende has been further divided into folia- ted, radiated and fibrous brown Blende : simple varieties and compound ones, consisting of granular individuals, are contained in the first of these divisions ; columnar compositions, in which the individuals are still dis- cernible in the second ; and very thin .columnar or impalpable composi- tions originating from them, which assume various imitative shapes, are comprehended in the third division. The exact distinction of the above varieties, requires much practice, and can be acquired only empirically ; and even then many varieties will occur that render the distinction im- possible, which is proof that the distinction itself is useless. 2. When strongly heated in the oxidating flame of the blow-pipe, it gives off vapors of zinc, which form a coating on the charcoal, but it does not melt. It is soluble in nitric acid, during which process sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved. 3. Analysis. By THOMSOX. By GUENIVEAU. Zinc . . 59-09 . . 62-00 Iron . . 12-05 . . 1.50 Sulphur . 28-86 . . 34-00 72 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Blende Bloedite. 4. Blende is an abundant and widely diffused ore ; but all its varieties are not equally common. It is found in beds and veins, accompanied by Galena, Copper Pyrites, Heavy Spar, Fluor, Spathic Iron, &c. It also occurs in silver veins associated with Native Silver and other ores of that metal. 5. Yellow Blende principally occurs in fine varieties at Schenmitz in Lower Hungary, and at Kapnick in Transylvania ; also in Saxony, at Ratieborzitz in Bohemia, at Gummesud in Norway, and other places* Brown Blende is found at Freiberg and other localities in Saxony, Bohe- mia, the Hartz, Sweden, and in great quantities in Derbyshire, Cumber- land and Cornwall in England. The radiated variety, in particular, is found at Przibram ; it is this variety in which STROMEYER detected the metal Cadmium. The fibrous Blende occurs at Geroldseek in the Brisgau, and at Raibel in Carinthia. Black Blende comes from Frei- berg, Annaberg, Breiten brunn, and Schwarzenberg in Saxony, and mar ny places in Bohemia, Hungary, Silesia and other European countries. The localities of Blende in the United States are very numerous ; a few of these only therefore can be indicated. The yellowish-brown fol- iated variety is found abundantly along with Galena at North and South Hampton, (Mass.) ; the black Blende occurs at Monroe, (Con.) associa- ted with Wolfram, Tungsten, Native Bismuth and Arsenical Iron ; the yellow Blende in transparent crystals is met with occasionally through- out the secondary limestones of New York and Ohio. The Missouri lead mines, and the Perldomcn lead mine near Philadelphia, abound with the present species. BLOEDITE. Crystalline. Primary form unknown. Massive : imperfectly foliated, and stalactitic. Fracture uneven. Color between flesh and brick red. Taste sharp bitter and astringent. Becomes moist in the air. 1. Analysis. By JOHN. Sulphate of soda . . . 33-34 Sulphate of magnesia . . . 36-66 Sulphate of manganese . . . 0-33 Sulphate of iron . . . 034 Chloride of sodium . . . 0-33 Water 22-00 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 73 Blue Malachite. 2. It is found in the salt mines oi'Jschel in Lower Austria. 3. The foregoing description is too inadequate to pronounce upon the pecific character of Bloedite. If it shall prove to be a new species, it vill probably take its systematic place within the genus Glauber-Salt. 4. Under this mineral must be included the Sulphate of soda and nagnesia of Schemnitz, which occurs in little crystalline fibres or leedles, that appear to be rhombic prisms. It is not efflorescent like he Glauber-Salt. According to BEUDANT, it contains Sulphuric acid .... 44-7 Soda . A . . . 17-6 Magnesia .... 11-4 Water .... 25-4 Earthy matter . . . . 09 5. The Reussine of KARSTEN may also be introduced here, until omething further is determined respecting its properties. It occurs in ix-sided acicular crystals, which probably come from a rhombic prism : .Iso in flakes. Fracture conchoidal. Taste bitter, astringent. It con- ists of Sulphate of soda . . . 66-04 Sulphate of magnesia . . . 31-35 Sulphate of lime . . . 0-42 Chloride of magnesium . . 2-19 According to BEUDANT, the Reussine is a mixed mineral, consisting f effloresced Glauber-Salt and small crystalline particles of the double alt of sulphate of soda and magnesia. BLUE MALACHITE. Azure C oppe r-Bary te. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M' = )8 50'. Secondary forms. 1. Primary form. 2. Primary form, having the obtuse erminal edges replaced by single planes, (fig. 95. P. I.) *. Primary form, having both the obtuse and acute termi- lal edges replaced by single planes. 4. Form 2d, with he oblique edges of the prisms replaced by tangent planes. >. Form 2d, with the lateral solid angles replaced by sin- 7 > 74 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Blue Malachite. gle planes. 6. Form 4th 3 with lateral solid angles replaced by single planes. Fig. 68. 91 30'^ 'M on gl or M' on g f l 142 56 98 50 M on g2 or M' on g'2 131 4 135 15 M on h or M' on h 1 139 15 149 20 M on / or M' on V 179 26 138 12 a on /or/' 139 30 119 30 ha a on h 136 45 115 30 el on e2 169 2 112 15 H el on e4 141 6 92 15 E el on / 129 00 123 40 h3 e3 on e3' over P 120 30 111 5 * e3 on eo 157 5 116 55 #1 on #2 168 15 149 5 #1 on e6 164 24 156 5 h on cl 154 ,4 138 30 7t on c2 134 55 159 50 h on c3 115 00 PonMorM' MonM P on a P on el or e'l P on e2 or e'2 P on e3 or e'3 P on e4 or e'4 Pon/or// Pon A M or M' on a M on el or M' on e'l M on e2 or M' on e'2 M on e4 or M r on e'4 M on e5 or M' on e'5 M on e6 or M' on e'6 M on /or M on/' Cleavage parallel to M and M' perfect; parallel to P very difficult. Cleavage may be effected also parallel with both diagonals of the primary form. Surface of P striated in the direction of the longer diag- onal. Lustre vitreous, almost adamantine. Color various shades of azure-blue, passing into blackish blue and berlin- blue. Streak blue, lighter than the color. Transparent . .. translucent on the edges. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 75 Blue Malachite. Brittle. Hardness = 3-5 ... 4-0. Sp. gr. = 3-831, crystals from Chessy. Compound Varieties. Globular, reniform, botryoidal, stalactitic shapes, implanted and imbedded; surface drusy and rough ; composition columnar, more or less perfect and distinct, faces of composition rough. Massive : composi- tion columnar, more rarely granular. Sometimes in an earthy state. 1. Blue Malachite is soluble with effervescence in nitric acid, becomes black if exposed alone to high decrees of temperature, melts upon char- coal, and colors glass of borax green in the oxidating flame. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By VAUQUELIN. Copper . . 56-00 . . 56-00 Oxygen . . 14-00 . . 12-50 Carbonic acid . 24-00 . . 25-00 Water . . 6-00 . . 6-50 3. It is met with in veins and beds, included in rocks of different ages. It is generally accompanied by Green Malachite and some other ores of copper. Occasionally it is so intimately connected with Green Mala- chite, that crystals of the form of the Blue Malachite consist entirely, or at least with only the exception of a thin film on the surface of the deli- cate green fibres, of Green Malachite. It is often engaged in ochrey va- rieties of Limonite, and associated with White Lead-ore, Galena and Cobalt-bloom. 4. The most beautifully crystallized varieties are found in a bed in sec- ondary mountains at Chessy near Lyons in France. Fine crystals are brought from Siberia. Very delicate, but small crystals, are found at Oravitza in the Bannat. Blue Malachite occurs also in Thuringia, Hes- sia, the Hartz, Silesia, Tyrol, Spain, Chili, Peru, and at several places in England and Scotland. The United Stales afford no very interesting deposits of this species. The best specimens are found in Pennsylvania at the Perkiomen lead mine, where it occurs in small crystals along with Galena, Blende and White Lead-Ore. 76 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Blue Spar. BLUE SPAR. Prismatoidal Azure-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism ? of unknown di- mensions. Cleavage indistinct, sometimes pretty obvious in one di- rection, with traces in other directions, making oblique an- gles with the easily observed cleavage. Massive. Com- position granular, often in large individuals ; strongly co- herent. Fracture uneven, often splintery. Lustre vitreous, slightly inclining to pearly upon faces of cleavage. Color smalt-blue, inclining sometimes to white and green. Streak white. Translucent on the edges, of- ten nearly opake. Brittle. Hardness = 5-5 ... 6-0. Sp. gr. = 3-024. 1. Before the blow-pipe it loses its color, but does not melt. It is slowly and with difficulty dissolved in borax. With boracic acid and iron- wire, it yields a globule of phosphuret of iron. 2. Analysis. By R. BRAITDES. Phosphoric acid . . . 43-32 Silica . . . 6-50 Alumina . . . 34-50 Magnesia . . . 13-56 Lime . . . 0-48 Protoxide of iron . . . 0-80 Water . . . 0-50 3. It occurs in masses, sometimes six or eight inches over; also in large indistinct crystals imbedded in Quartz and mixed with Mica. The rock embracing it, however, has no where been found in place. 4. It is found in the valley of Freschnitz near Krieglach, on the Mtlrz in Upper Stiria ; also at Therenberg at the foot of the Wechsel mountain in Lower Austria. 5. The near agreement of Blue Spar with Sodalite in hardness and specific gravity, and the want of certainty in our knowledge respecting the system of crystallization to which Blue Spar belongs, render it pos- sible that the two substances may hereafter be shown to be identical. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Blue Vitriol. 77 Fig. 69. BLUE VITRIOL. Tetarto-Prismati c Vitriol- Salt. MOHS. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. P on M 127 30'. P on T 108. M on T 123 10'. Secondary form. M on T - 123 10' r on M 126 r on T 110 r on n - - 100 r on P 103 n on P - 120 P on T - 127 t on r - - 1 39 K on n - - 109 K on r 114 s on n - 92 s on r 139 Cleavage very imperfect. Fracture conchoidal. Sur- face : the faces n commonly deeply striated parallel to their edges of combination with M and T, which faces are also sometimes striated, though not so generally as n. Lustre vitreous. Color sky-blue, in different shades, commonly deep. Streak white. Semi-transparent . . . translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness =2-5. Sp. gr.=2'213. Taste astringent and metallic. 1. It is easily soluble in water, and gives a blue solution: a polished surface of iron when immersed in this solution is covered with a film of metallic copper. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Oxide of copper . . . 32-13 Sulphuric acid . . . 31-57 Water . . . 36-30 78 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Blue Vitriol Boltonite. 3. Blue Vitriol owes is existence to the decomposition of Copper Pyr- ites; and is found dissolved in water issuing from mines, and which has received the name of Water of Cementation. From this, it deposits itself spontaneously in certain places, and presents itself in large masses, occa- sionally associated with other ores. 4. Its chief localities are the Rammelsberg near Goslar, Neusohl in Hungary, Anglesey in the Pary's mine, Cornwall at the Consolidated mines, and at the copper mines in Wicklow, Ireland. Its occurrence maybe expected at the copperas mine in Stafford, (Vt.) 5. As it occurs in nature, it requires first to be purified, before it can be employed in the arts, where it is used in dyeing, in printing of cot- ton, linen, &c. The oxide of copper, separated from its acid, is likewise used in painting. BOLTONITE. Parachrose Tabular- Spar. Massive. Composition granular .: individuals large. Cleavage in one direction pretty distinct, in two others ob- lique to the first, indistinct, but affording indications of a doubly oblique prism for the primary form. Fracture un- even or small conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Color bluish grey, yellowish grey, wax yellow to yellowish white. The darker colors change to yellow on exposure to the weather. Streak white. Trans- parent or translucent. Hardness = 5-0 ... 6-0. Sp. gr. = 2-8 ... 2*9. 1. This mineral when first discovered was regarded as Pyrallolite. It is believed to be identical with the substance described by Dr. THOM- SON, (Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N.York, Vol. III. p. 50,) under the name of Bisilicate of Magnesia ; and accordingly the analysis there given is here quoted. 2. Alone before the blow-pipe, it becomes white and transparent, but does not melt. With borax, it dissolves slowly into a transparent glass. 3. Analysis. By THOMSON. Silica .... 56-64 Magnesia .... 36-52 Alumina .... 6-07 Protoxide of iron .... 2'46 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Boltonite Boracite. 79 4. Boltonite occurs thickly disseminated through white limestone, associated occasionally with Petalite. 5. It is found abundantly at Bolton, (Mass.) and has also been detect- ed in the neighboring quarries of Boxborough and Littleton. BOMBITE. Massive : composition impalpable. - Color bluish black. Hardness = 7-5. 1. Fusible before the blow-pipe with ebullition into a yellowish glass. 2. Analysis. By LAUGIER. Silica Alumina Oxide of iron Magnesia Lime Carbon . . . Sulphur 3. Its geological situation is unknown. 50-0 10-5 250 3-5 0-5 - . 3-0 0-3 It has been found only in Bombay. It appears to be a variety of flinty-slate. BORACITE. Tetrahedral Boracite. MOHS. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 71. Fig. 70. Segeberg Holstein. LOneberg. Cleavage, traces parallel to the faces of the octahedron. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. 80 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Boracite Borax. Lustre vitreous, inclining to adamantine. Color white, inclining to grey, yellow and green. Streak white. Semi- transparent, translucent. Hardness =7'0. Sp. gr. = 2*974 of an isolated crystal. 1. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it intumesces, and melts into a glassy globule, which becomes white and opake on cooling. It is elec- tric by heat, four alternating terminal points of its cubic axes being positive, and those which are opposite to them, negative. 2. Analysis. By PFAFF. Boracic acid .... 54-55 Magnesia .... 3O68 Oxide of iron . . . . 57 Silica .... 2-27 3. Boracite is found in remarkably distinct crystals, about the size of a pea and under, imbedded in compound varieties of Gypsum, and rarely in Anhydrite. 4. The only known localities are Ltineberg in Brunswick and Sege- berg in Holstein. BORAX. Prismatic Borax-Salt. MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M' 93 30'. Secondary form. P on M or M' M or M' on h Mon& Mone P on A P ongl P on g2 P on e e on 0-2 101 30 133 20 136 138 106 139 115 114 141 Fig. 72. 45 12 30 15 30 28 52 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 81 Borax Bornite. Cleavage parallel to M and M' perfect, also to both the diagonals of the primary form. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre resinous. Color white, inclining to grey and green. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness = 2-0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. = 1'716. Taste sweetish alkaline, feeble. 1. It is soluble in water; the solution changes vegetable blues to green. It intumesces before the blow-pipe, and then melts into a trans- parent globule. 2. Analysis. Soda 167 Boracic acid . . ' . . . 36-4 Water 46 9 3. Borax occurs in different districts of Persia and Thibet, where it is found on the surface of the soil, in the vicinity, and sometimes at the bot- tom, of several lakes, and in a state of solution in the waters of mineral wells. It is found also in Ceylon and at Potosi. 4. The natural salt is employed in manufacturing the artificial one by the addition of a greater quantity of soda. The artificial salt is made use of as a flux, in the production of imitation gems, and in the process of sol- dering. 5. The natural historical properties above described apply to the manufactured salt : concerning the natural salt but little is known, al- though perfect crystals of the form here figured are sometimes found among it. In general, it is understood, that it is found mingled up with Common Salt and some excess of boracic acid. The locality in Thibet, which is 15 days from Tisvolumbo, the capital, is a lake supplied by springs, the waters of which contain both borax and common salt. The edges and shallows of this lake are covered with a stratum of Borax, which is dug up from time to time, and the holes thus made are gradu- ally filled by a fresh deposition. BORNITE. Bismuthic Poly po ion e -Glance , Primary form. Rhomboid. Angles not determined. Cleavage perfect parallel with the primary form. Lustre metallic. Color pale steel-grey. Elastic. Not particularly sectile. Soft. Sp. gr. =8-0, 82 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Bornite Botryogene. 1. Before the blow-pipe it melts very easily into a globule, that can be entirely volatilized, during which the supporting charcoal is covered with yellow oxide. If dissolved in the state of powder in nitric acid, a precipitate of sulphur is formed. 2. Analysis. By KL.APROTH. By WEHLE. Bismuth . . 95-01 . . 6M5 Sulphur . . 5-00 . . 1 2-33 Tellurium 2974 Silver 2-07 3. It has been found at Deutsch-Pilsen in Hungary, accompanied by several species of the genus Lime Haloide, Iron Pyrites, &c. 4. Other varieties have been examined from different localities, which require to be mentioned in this place. One from Hungary, for example, has the following properties: It occurs in imbedded masses, having a general resemblance to 3 and 6 sided prisms. Cleavage perfect in the direction of the bases. Frac- ture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven, scarcely perceptible. Lustre metal- lic. Color intermediate between tin-white and steel-grey. Streak un- changed or rather darker ; its place becomes shining in the mineral. Opake. Very sectile. Thin laminae perfectly flexible. Hardness = 1-5. Sp. gr. =7-408. Before the blow-pipe it gives the reactions of sulphur, tellurium and bismuth. It occurs accompanied by Native Gold and Yellow Copper Pyrites, imbedded in Quartz, at Schemnitz. It con- tains according to WEHLE, Bismuth . . . . . 59 84 Tellurium . . , . . 35-24 Sulphur 4-92 5. Another variety, examined by BERZELITJS, which had been com- municated to him by WEISS of Berlin, was found to contain only telluri- um and bismuth. BOTRYOGENE. Paratomous Vitriol-Salt. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 119 56'. Cleavage distinct in the direction of M and M'. Lustre vitreous. Color hyacinth-red. Streak yellow and shining. Translucent, PHYSIOGRAPHY. Botryogene Bournonite. 83 Hardness =2-0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. =2-039. Compound Varieties. Reniform and botryoidal shapes; the individuals are often regularly terminated at the surface of these shapes. Color ochre-yellow. 1. Before the blow-pipe, in a glass tube, it intumesces, and gives off water, leaving a reddish yellow earth behind. It is very slowly soluble in water, to which it imparts a much more feebly astringent taste than sulphate of iron. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS, Sulphate of iron . . . 48-3 Sulphate of magnesia . . . 20-8 Water . . . 309 8. It is found coating Gypsum and Iron Pyrites, associated with Epsom salt and Copperas in the great copper mine at Fahlun. BOTRYOLITE. (See Datholite.) BOURNONITE. Diprismatic Copper-Glance. MOHS. Primary form. Right rectangular prism. Secondary forms. Fig. 73. M P on d 93 40' P on o 87 8 Cleavage distinct parallel with M and T, and with both diagonals of the prism. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. 84 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Bournonite. Surface nearly equal, often highly smooth and splendent: longitudinal striae sometimes visible on the secondary planes, replacing the lateral edges of the prism. Lustre metallic. Color steel grey, inclining to blackish lead grey or iron black, according to the physical quality of the surface. Streak unchanged. Brittle. Hardness =2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. =5-763. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to M, or the broader face of the primary form. The individuals are generally continued beyond the face of composition. The axes of the individuals cross each other at angles of 93 40' and 86 20'. Massive : composition granular ; individu- als strongly connected. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it generally decrepitates, emits a white sul- phureous vapor ; after which there remains a black globule, consisting of a crust of sulphuret of lead, within which is a mass of copper. It is easily soluble in heated nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By HATCHETT. Ey KLAPROTH. Antimony . . 24-23 . . 20769 Lead , . . 42-62 . . 42-50 Copper . .. 1280 . . 11-75 Iron . . 1-20 .. 5-00 Sulphur . . 17-00 . . 18-00 3. Bournonite is found in veins, associated with Stibine, Galena, and Blende. 4. It was first found in the parish of Endellion, Cornwall, at Huel Boys. Another locaUty, very early known, was Kapnik in Transylva- nia. It is now known to exist at Neudorf, in Anhalt, in large and mag- nificent crystals; also at Andreasberg in the Hartz. Still other deposits of this ore are BraQnsdorf in Saxony, Neusohl in Hungary, and OfFen- banya in Transylvania. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Braunite. 85 BRAUNITE. Brachytypous Manganese-Ore. HAIDINGER. Primary form. Octahedron with a square base. P on P over the base, 108 39'. Secondary forms. 1. Primary form, with the summits replaced by tangent planes. Wunsiedel, Bayreuth. Fig. 76. Wunsiedel. Elgersburg. Bt. Marcel, Piedmont. s on s over the summit 96 33' s on s at the base - 140 30' P on x and x, alternately - 144 4' and 128 IT xon x at the base - 154 25' Cleavage very distinct parallel with the primary faces. Fracture uneven. Surface o possesses less lustre than P, but is even, and sometimes faintly streaked parallel to the edges of combination with P. Primary faces often a little rounded ; faces s uneven, rough, and horizontally streaked 5 faces x smooth and even. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color dark brownish black, Streak of the same color. Brittle. Hardness = 6-0 ... 6-5. Sp. gr. = 4-818. 8 86 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Braunite Brewsterite. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular individuals strongly coherent. 1. Analysis. By TURNER. Protoxide of manganese . . . 86*940 Oxygen 9851 Water 0-949 Baryta < . , . , 2-260 Silica a trace. 2. It is yet a rare mineral, having been brought only from a few pla- ces in Thuringia, (Elgersburg, Ehrenstock and Friedrichsrode,) and from Wunsiedel in the Bayreuth. BREISLAKITE. Acicular and capillary crystals ; bent and grouped like wool. Color reddish, or chesnut brown. 1. Nitric acid, when heated, reduces it to a most impalpable powder of a yellow color. In the flame of a lamp, the crystals suffer no change ; but before the blow-pipe they melt into a black enamel. It gives with salt of phosphors a green globule in the oxidating flame, which be- comes red in the reducing flame of the blow-pipe, thus indicating a con- siderable quantity of copper. 2. Analysis. Dr. WOLLASTON is said to have made a chemical ex- amination of this species ; the result of which was-, that it consisted of si- lica, alumina, and a little iron. 3. Breislakite lines the small cavities in the lava of Scalla, where it is accompanied by Atacamite and Nepheline. It is also found under simi- lar circumstances in the lava of Olebano, near Pozzuoli. BREUNERITE. (See Rhomb-Spar.} BREWSTERITE. Polyprismatic Kouphone- Sp a r . Primary form. Right oblique angled prism. M on T = 93 40'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Brewsterite. 87 Secondary form. Fig. 77. P on d - 93 50' P on c4 - 92 00' Pond - 119 30 d on c2 - 95 00 Ponc2 - 114 30 d on d' - 175 00 PoncS - 112 00 (172 HAIDINGER.) Cleavage, perfect parallel to P, traces parallel to T. Fracture uneven. Faces slightly streaked parallel to their common inter- sections. Lustre vitreous, pearly upon P. Color white, inclining to yellow and grey. Transparent . . . translucent. Hardness =5-0 . . . 5-5.' Sp. gr. =2-12 . . . 2-20. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it loses first its water and becomes opake, then it froths and swells up, but is with difficulty fusible. It gives a skel- eton of silica with salt of phosphorus. 2. Analysis. By THOMSON. Silica .... 58-800 Alumina - ... 18912 Lime - - - - 12-384 Potash 1-500 Water .... 11-700 103-296. (The excess of 33 p. c. was attributed lo soda employed in the analysis.) 3. It is found lining cavities in a granitic rock at Strontian, in Argyll- shire in Scotland. BRIGHT WHITE COBALT. (See Smaltine.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Brochantite Bronzhe. BROCHANTITE. Prism atoi d al Vitriol-Salt. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' 117. Secondary form. Fig. 78. Cleavage ; traces parallel to m. Surface m blackish and dull, the remaining faces smooth and shining. Color emerald green. Transparent. Hardness =3-5 . . . 4-0, nearly. Sp. gr. == 3*7 ... 3-8. 1. Analysis. By MAGJVTJS. Sulphuric acid . . . 17-426 Oxide of copper . . . 66-935 Water . . . 11-917 Oxide of tin . . . 3-145 Oxide of lead . . . 1-048 2. It is found in small, but well denned crystals, on Green Malachite, at Ekatherinburg, Siberia; also in a pulverulent form in France and Hungary. BRONZITE. Hemi-prismatic Sch iller- Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism/ Mon M 7 94. C. Cleavage ; parallel with P very perfect, though in gene- ral a little curved ; and sometimes having almost impercep- tible layers of Calcareous Spar interposed between the la- minae. In the direction of M and M 7 less distinct ; with traces also in to the diagonals of the cleavage form. Frac- ture uneven and splintery. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 89 Bronzite. Lustre metallic pearly upon P; for the rest, low degrees of an imperfectly vitreous lustre. Color dirty shades of leek green and blackish green ; also liver-brown, hair-brown and clove-brown, greenish and ash-grey. These colors are heightened by a metalloidal appearance upon P, "and often incline to pinchbeck-brown. Streak corresponding to the color. Translucent, sometimes only on the edges. Rather sectile. Hardness = 4'0 . . . 5-0. Sp. gr. = 3-251, a brown variety from Bayreuth. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, strongly connected. 1. By the action of fire it assumes a lighter color, and loses its water ; but is by itself infusible before the blow-pipe. 2. Analysis. By KOHLER. From Stempel near Marburg. Ulten Valley, Tyrol. Silica . . 57 193 .... 56-813 Magnesia . . 32-669 .... 29677 Lime . . 1-299 .... 2-195 Protoxide of iron 7-4(>l .... 8-464 Protoxide of manganese 0-349 .... 0-616 Alumina . . 0698 .... 2-068 Water . . 631 .... 217 3. Bronzite is found in imbedded crystalline particles, either simple or compound, in serpentine and greenstone rocks. It sometimes presents itself in beds in the serpentine formation, mingled with massive Horn- blende. 4. It is found in considerable quantity in and near the Gulsen moun- tain, in the vicinity of Kraubat in Stiria, where it forms beds in serpen- tine. It occurs near Hof in Bayreuth, and probably at the Baste in the Hartz, in the Bacher mountain in Lower Stiria, near Marburg, the Ul- ten Valley in the Tyrol, at Lizard district in Cornwall, and in various other countries. A variety of this species has been discovered within a few years at Amity, in Orange county, (N.Y.) It occurs in limestone beds, which 8* 90 . PHYSIOGRAPHY. Bronzite Brookite Brucite. are associated with serpentine ; and is immediately connected with mass- ive and crystallized Hornblende, Augite, and Plumbago. Its color is a fine reddish brown, attended with a metallic lustre. It has been ana- lyzed by Mr. T. G. CLEMSOIST, who, under the impression of its be- ing a new species, has bestowed upon it the name of Seybertite, after the American analyst, Mr. SEYBERT. But its identity in form, hardness and sp. gr. with Bronzite, does not appear to justify the attempted dis- tinction. Mr. CLEMSOIT found it to consist of Alumina .... 37-60 Magnesia .... 24-30 Lime .... 10-70 Silica .... 17-00 Protoxide of iron .... 5-00 Water .... 3-60 BROOKITE. Diatomous Er ut hron e-Or e. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' 100. Secondary form. Low hexagonal prism. Cleavage parallel with the shorter diagonal. Lustre metallic adamantine. Color hair-brown, passing into a deep orange-yellow, and some reddish tints. Streak yellowish white. Translucent . . . opake, the brighter col- ors are observed by transmitted light. Brittle. Hardness = 5-5 ... 6*0. 1. It contains oxide of titanium, with traces of iron and manganese ; but has not yet been analyzed. The first varieties were noticed among the minerals accompanying Anatase from Dauphiny ; but much finer crystals, some of them half an inch in diameter, have lately been found at Snowdon, in Wales. In both places they are accompanied by Quartz ; and in Dauphiny, besides Anatase, it is attended by Crichtonite and Albite. BROWN IRON ORE. (See JLimonite.) BRUCITE. Hem i -prismatic Tourmaline. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M' 112? from cleavage. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 91 Brucite. Secondary form. In very short prisms, apparently hav- ing all the edges and solid angles replaced so as to oblite- rate the lateral and terminal planes. The secondary ter- minal planes much rounded ; the most distinct crystals affording angles over the summit of between 130 and 140 with the common goniometer. Cleavage parallel with M, M' indistinct ; that parallel with P very indistinct. Lustre vitreous, to resinous. Color yellow, brown and red. Transparent . . . translucent. Hardness = 6-5. Sp. gr. = 3-199. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals. 1. It is fused with difficulty before the blow-pipe. It loses its color almost entirely, becomes opake, and shows traces of fusion on very thin edges. The brown and grey varieties act upon the magnetic needle, where the double magnetism is employed. 2. Analysis. By D'OnssoN. By SEYBERT. , Silica . . 38-00 . . 32-666 Magnesia . . 54-00 . . 54-000 Oxide of iron . 5-10 . . 0000 Peroxide of iron . 0-00 . . 2 333 Alumina . 1-50 . . 0-000 Potash . 0-86 . . 0-000 Fluoric acid . 0-00 . . 4-086 Water . 0-00 . . 1-000 3. Brucite is found disseminated through Calcareous Spar, associated with Hornblende, Spinel and Mica. 4. It occurs at Ersby in the parish of Pargas in Finland, where it was first discovered : but its most abundant localities are in the U. States, in the adjoining counties of Sussex, (New-Jersey.) and Orange, (New York,) where it exists under the circumstances above described, and also accompanied by Spinel, and rarely by Pyroxene and Bronzite. In Sussex county, it is particularly abundant at Newton ; and in Orange county, at Amity and Edenville. 92 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Bucbolzite. BUCHOLZITE. P r i s m a t o i d a 1 A x i n i t e. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M' 99 30' ? Only the primary crystal with curved faces has been observed ; and this without regular terminations. Cleavage parallel with the longer diagonal perfect ; par- allel with P and M, visible, but indistinct. Fracture con- choidal to uneven. Lustre vitreous. Color shades of greyish white and hair-brown; sometimes presenting a metalloidal appearance upon M. Bluish opalescence rarely observed upon cleav- age faces parallel to M. Streak white. Translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 7-5 . . . 8-0. Sp. gr. = 3-2. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition columnar, consisting of delicate, straight or slightly curvilinear indi- viduals, strongly coherent, and sometimes nearly impalpa- ble. Viewed in the longitudinal fracture the lustre is silky ; but in the cross fracture, which is even and splintery, it is resinous. 1. The identity of Sillimanite with the present species appears proba- ble, not only from the resemblance in the properties of hardness and specific gravity, but in that of crystalline structure ; the perfect crystals of the former often becoming compound and fibrous at one end; and the less impalpable masses of Bucbolzite, exhibiting crystals which afford the brilliant cleavage surfaces parallel with the longer diagonal of Silli- manite. The disagreement in chemical composition, it is presumed will disappear on searching for zirconia in future analyses of Bucholzite. Before the blow-pipe, alone, and with borax, infusible. 2. Analysis. ByBowEN, ByMuiR, ByBRANDEs, By HILTON & from from from MITCHELL, Chester, Ct. Chester, Ct. Tyrol, fr. Chester, Pen. Silica . 42-666 38-670 46-00 46-40 Alumina . 54-111 Zirconia . 0-000 Oxide of iron 1999 Water . 510 Potash . 0-000 35-106 18-510 7-216 0-000 0-000 50-00 000 2-50 0-00 150 52-92 0-00 a trace. 0-00 0-00 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Bucklandite Bustamite. 93 3. The distinctly crystallized variety, or Sillimanite, occurs in veins >f Quartz at Chester, (Conn.) in a quarry of gneiss. The compactly ibrous variety was discovered originally in the Tyrol. It exists in the United States, at Chester, (Penn.) near Philadelphia, and at Hum- jhreysville, (Conn.) BUCKLANDITE. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism ? M on M 109 20'. Secondary form. Fig. 79. on M or M' ... 103 56' MonM' VI on p ... on p ... on e ... o on o ... M on e' ... Cleavage not observable. Color dark brown, nearly black. Opake. It appears to be harder than Pyroxene. 1. It was discovered in small crystals on a specimen from Neskiel mine, near Arendal in Norway, where it occurs with black Hornblende, Scapolite. and Calcareous Spar. It resembles Pyroxene. 2. It is not sufficiently described to settle the question of its specific character, t BUSTAMITE. Staphyline Parachrose-Baryte. Massive : in reniform and botryoidal groupes. Color, light grey, passing into a greenish or reddish color. Nearly opake. Hardness = 6-0 . . . 6-5. Sp. gr. = 3-1 ... 3-3, 1. Analysis. By DUMAS. Silica .... 48-90 Protoxide of manganese . . 36-06 Lime .... 14-57 Protoxide of iron .... 0-81 94 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calamine. 2. It occurs at Real de Minas in Mexico. CALAMINE. Rhombohedral Zinc-Baryte MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P' =107 40'. Secondary forms. Fig. 80. Fig. 81. Fig. 82. Siberia. gong 137 8 / Rezbanya. monm 113 31'. Cleavage^ parallel with the primary form perfect, ofter curved. Fracture uneven, imperfectly conchoidal. Sur- face of the primary faces generally curved, and often rough, Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly. Color white, though seldom pure : generally grey, green, or brown. Streak white. Semi-transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness =5-0. Sp. gr.=4-442. Compound Varieties. Reniform, botryoidal, stalactitic, and other imitative shapes ; surface generally rough, com- position columnar. Massive : composition granular, some- times impalpable ; strongly coherent. By decomposition, it becomes friable and earthy. Crystalline coats and pseu- domorphoses formed after crystals of Calcareous Spar. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 95 Calamine Calcareous Spar. 1. Before the blow-pipe it loses its transparency, but is infusible ; the ;arbonic acid is driven off, and the residue acts like pure oxide of zinc, t is soluble in nitric acid with effervescence. It is negatively electrifi- jd by friction. 2. Analysis. By SMITHSOX. Oxide of zinc .... 65-20 Carbonic acid .... 34-80 3. Calamine is found, often associated with Electric Calamine, in reins and beds belonging to various classes of rocks, but chiefly in those ivhich are calcareous ; and they are usually accompanied by ores of ead, copper, iron and zinc. 4. It occurs in the Bannat of Temeswar in Hungary, at Raibel and 31eiberg in Carinthia, at Tarnowitz in Silesia, at Medziana in Poland, at \ix la Chapelle ; also in France, and in Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Flintshire, Somersetshire, in England, and at Wanlockhead and Lead lills in Scotland. Calamine exists in the United States in .great abun- iance, in Jefferson county, Missouri, at a lead mine called Valle's Dig- gings. Other localities of this species less remarkable, are the Perkio- nen lead mine, Pennsylvania, and the iron mine at Franklin, New Jer- ?ey : at the latter place, however, it only occurs in a pulverulent form, rom the decomposition of Red Zinc-Ore. CALCAREOUS HEAVY SPAR. This mineral, imperfectly distinguished by BREITHAUPT from Heavy Spar, is described as follows : Crystals, right rhombic prisms; surmounted by pyramids ; the lateral planes inclining un- der angles of 101 53'. Cleavable parallel with the base with great distinctness, and nearly as much so with the lateral faces of the rhombic prism. Lustre pearly to vitreous. Sp. gr. = 4*02 . . . 4-29. Locality is not mentioned. CALCAREOUS SPAR. Rhombohedral Lime Haloide. MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P = 105 5'. 96 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. Secondary forms. Fig. 83. Fig. 84. Derbyshire and Cumberland. Fig. 85. Fig. 86. Cadiz, Spain. Fig. 87.- Fig. 88. Hartz. Hartz. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. 97 Fig. 89. Hartz, Cumberland and Derbyshire. Fig. 93. Fig. 90. P Fig. 92. Dauphine and Derbyshire. Fig. 94. 98 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. Fig. 95. Leyden, (N.Y.) Fig. 99. IX Hart* and Cumberland. Fig. 96. Near Montreal, (Lower Canadi Fig. 98. Fig. 100. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. 99 Fig. 102. Fig. 103. Fig, 101. f] f Hartz and England gouthbury, (Conn.) Fig. 106, Westmoreland, (England.) 100 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. Fig. 108. Fig. 109. Fig. 113. Fig. 114. Fig. 110. Derbyshire and Cumberland. Tig. 112. Fig. 115. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 101 Calcareous Spar. Fig. 83. The primary with its lateral edges replaced by tangent planes, a: P on *-.= 135. The crystals of this modification differ in the length of the new planes a. Fig. 84. The primary with its lateral angles replaced by tangent planes, b. Fig. 85, has the planes elongated : this is the most common modification of the species. The planes P are often irregularly extended ; and sometimes one or two of them are wholly wanting from each extremity of the prism. P on 6 = 135. Fig. 86. The primary, having its summit replaced by a tangent plane. Fig. 87 and 88, the same, with the new plane more extended : these form the basees of HAUY. P on c=135. The faces c are liable to a pearly lustre. Fig. 89 unites the modifications of Figs. 84 and 86. Fig. 90, the same, with the faces b more ex- tended so as to produce an elongated prism. Fig. 91, the regular hexagonal prism, produced from Fig. 90 by the ex- tension of c : the prismatique of HAUY. Occasionally, the prism is reduced in length to a mere table. Hartz. Some- times this modification is affected by the undue enlarge- ment of certain of the lateral faces, so as to convert it into a trihedral, tetrahedral or pentagonal prism. Fig. 92. Pri- mary, with its upper edges replaced by tangent planes. P on d=149 2'. Fig. 93, the same, more deeply replaced. Fig. 94, d on c/=13426'. This is called the equilateral rhomboid : it is the equiaxe of HAUY. It is a very abun- dant form of Calcareous Spar. Fig. 95, the same, having the lateral angles replaced by tangent planes. donbl=z 116 34'. Figs. 96 and 97, the same, in which b I is va- riously produced. Fig. 98, the equilateral rhomboid, with its lateral edges replaced by tangent planes. These prisms are sometimes elongated. Fig. 99, the same as Fig. 97, 9* 102 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. but having the summit replaced by a tangent plane, d on cl = 153 26'. Four other rhomboids, of the following dimensions: viz. 115 42', 129 54', 151 48', and 156 24', derivable from the primary by tangent replacements of its upper edges, the new planes inclining differently to the vertical axis, undergo many of the modifications above described with respect to the primary and the equilateral rhomboids ; but their forms are not common. In addition to the foregoing rhomboids, Calcareous Spar presents a great variety of acute rhomboids, of which Fig. 100 is one of the most common. It is the contrastant of HAUY. Its localities are numerous. This rhomboid goes through the modifications above described ; and in addition to them, it occurs having the summits replaced by three new planes : in one instance, the new planes resting upon the rhornboidal planes ; and which incline under angles of 105 5', being portions of the primary form: and in the other, resting upon the edges and inclining towards the axis. e on e = 65 41'; Fig. 101, a rhomboid still more acute, / on /=60 34'. Fig. 102, the same, with the upper edges replaced by tangent planes ; the contractee of HAUY. /on dl = 112 9' 59". dl on dl = 134 25' 38". Fig. 103 is a rhomboid slightly acute, g on g=S7 48. It ap- proaches the cube in form ; and is called by HAUY, the cuboide. It is not common. It suffers the same modifica- tions as the last described rhomboid. Figs. 104 and 105 explain the passage of the primary into an acute rhomboid, called the inverted rhomboid, in consequence of its being a complete inversion of the primary rhomboid. P on A= 129 13' 53". h on A = 78 27' 47". This form is found undergoing all the modifications above described, and many PHYSIOGRAPHY. 103 Calcareous Spar. others; amounting in all to more than forty. Fig. 106, a still more acute rhomboid, the cleavage of whose crystals takes place at the summits, directly upon the edges. It is the mixte of HAUY. ion i=63 44' 55". It is common. P on i=ll9 2' 11". Fig. 107 is the same, having the pri- mary planes at the summit, and having the upper edges re- placed by the planes c?2. Pond2 = 1492' II' 7 , iond2 = 149 2' II", i on d'2 154 39' 14". Fig. 108 is the most acute of all the rhomboids of Calcareous Spar. It is called the dilatce of HAUY. It is not very rare, either perfect, or suffering the modifications above described, k on & = 60 24'. Fig. 109 represents the primary rhomboid having its upper edges replaced by two planes, the commencement of the dodecahedron with scalene triangular planes, as repre- sented in Fig. 110. m on m over the summit =121 26'. Fig. Ill has the lateral solid angles replaced by tangent planes ; and Fig. 1 12 has in addition, the upper edges of bl replaced by the planes w, which forms the soustractive of HAUY. Numerous other faces, in addition to these, occur in some of the varieties, won 61 = 152 6' 52'', n on n = 161 48' 18". Fig. 113 is the primary rhomboid, having its lateral edges replaced by two planes n. It is very com- mon in this condition ; and with the new planes more ex- tended, as in Fig. 114, it forms the binaire of HAUY; and when they are still more so, as in 115, it forms the meta- tastique of the same author. Fig. 1 13 undergoes more than one hundred modifications. P on n = 151 2' 40". n on n over the summit =48 22'. n on n over the base = 104 28' 40". n on n over a pyramidal edge = 144 20' 26". bl on =152 6' 52". 104 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. Cleavage parallel to the primary rhomboid, easily ob- tained, even and highly perfect. Fracture, perfectly con- choidal, but difficult to be obtained. Surface generally even : rarely, curved faces appear in certain rhomboids and pyramids. Lustre vitreous. The lustre of c is sometimes pearly. Color white, prevalent. Also different shades of grey, red, green, yellow ; all of them pale. Dark brown and black colors owing to foreign admixtures. Streak greyish white. Transparent . . . translucent ; double refraction very con- siderable, and easily observed. Brittle. Hardness =3-0. Sp. gr. =2*721, a transpa- rent crystal. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. Fur. 116. Fig. 117. Fig. 119. PHYSIOGRAPHY. J 05 Calcareous Spar. Fig. 121. Fig. 120. In Fig. 116 and 117 the face of composition is perpen- dicular to the axis of the aggregated crystals ; and the an- gle of Revolution =60. In Fig. 119 the face of compo- sition is represented by the dotted lines in Fig. 118. In Fig. 120 it coincides with a plane passing through its verti- cal axis : in both, the angle of revolution = 180. The regular composition in faces parallel to the plane indicated in Fig. 118, takes place also in massive varieties ; and then more or less thick laminae of the two individuals alternate with each other, as in Fig. 121. The frequent occurrence of those well known striae (here delineated) upon the faces of cleavage, parallel to the horizontal diagonal of the rhombs, depehds upon this mode of regular composition. Implanted globules ; stalactitic, botryoidal, fructicose shapes : surface uneven, drusy, rough or smooth, composi- tion columnar, more or less distinct, straight diverging, and of various sizes. Sialactitic and botryoidal varieties are of- ten composed a second time of curved lamellar particles, conformably to the surface of the imitative shapes, the faces of composition being uneven and rough, or irregularly streaked in a longitudinal direction, 106 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. Massive: 1. Composition columnar, the individuals be- ing straight, parallel, or diverging, very often of remarka- ble delicacy. In a second composition, globular masses are produced, consisting of curved lamellar particles, the faces of composition between the latter often being smooth. These globules are again joined in a third composition, pro- ducing granular masses, between which the faces of compo- sition are uneven and rough. 2. Composition granular, the individuals being of various sizes, and even impalpable ; faces of composition irregularly streaked, uneven and rough. The individuals cohere more or less firmly. If the composition be impalpable, fracture becomes splintery, uneven, flat, conchoidal, or even ; on a large scale it is sometimes slaty. The fracture is earthy in those varieties in which the individuals cohere but slightly. 3. Composi- tion lamellar ; the indviduals more or less thin, and often bent ; face of composition sometimes rough, and possessing a pearly lustre. Globules formed in cavities ; plates, of various kinds of composition. 1. The species of Calcareous Spar, as at present regarded by the ma- jority of mineralogists, probably embraces several distinct species, sepa- rated from one another by constant differences of form, hardness and specific gravity. An attempt has been made within a few years by BREITHAUPT, to determine, by some of the nicest mineralogical re- searches of modern times, a number of such species. But as the differ- ences upon which he founds his conclusions are so slight, in comparison with specific differences in general in the mineraal kingdom, it seems most judicious for the present to introduce his results in the form of an appendix to this species, where they will be found given in sufficient de- tail to enable the mineralogical student to appreciate their value. The division of Calcareous Spar into several sub-species and varieties, in the older treatises on the science, depends chiefly upon the mode of composition, and upon admixtures and impurities, with which the indi- viduals have been affected in their formation. Of these Limestone rep- PHYSIOGRAPHY. 107 Calcareous Spar. resents the greater part of the pure varieties of the species. The sim- ple varieties, and such compound ones in which the indviduals are of considerable size, and easily cleavable, have been called Calcareous Spar ; compound varieties of granular, still discernible individuals, are granular Limestone, both comprehended under the head of foliated Limestone. If the granular composition disappear, compact Limestone is formed ; under which denomination also, Oolite or Roestone was in- cluded ; the roundish grains, however, of the latter, consist of columnar individuals, disposed like the radii of a sphere, and frequently showing distinct traces of cleavage. Common fibrous- Limestone is produced by columnar composition in massive varieties; the fibrous Calcs inter by the same, but appearing in various imitative shapes. Pea-stone or Pi- solite consists of diverging columnar individuals, collected into cuived lamellar ones, forming globular masses, which are again agglutinated by a calcareous cement. Each of the globules generally contains a grain, of sand, which is of Quartz or Feldspar. Compact limestone passes into Chalk, if the individuals are more loosely connected with each other, so that the whole assumes an earthy appearance ; and Hock milk or Agaric mineral is formed, if the mass contains so many interstices, that it seems to possess but a sinall degree of specific gravity. Calcareous tufa, a recent deposit formed on the suiface of the earth, is often cleavable, and thus possesses all the properties of the variety called Calcareous Spar. Slate spar or Argentine, is produced by a lamellar composition in mass- ive varieties, in the direction of the face ol composition Fig. 119 of twin- crystals, contained in thin parallel layers. Swinestone, Anthracoliite, Marl and Bituminous Limestone* are impure and mixed varieties, part- ly of calcareous spar, partly of compact limestone. The pure vaiieties of Calcareous Spar are entirely soluble, with effer- vescence in nitric or muriatic acid. In the common fire they are infu- sible, but part with carbonic acid, and become converted into quick-lirne. 2. Analysis. According to the analyses of several of the first chemists, Calcareous Spar consists of Lime - - 56-0 . . . 57-0 Carbonic acid - - 43 ... 44 The varieties very often contain a small portion of oxide of iron, silica, magnesia, alumina, carbon or bitumen. 3. Calcareous Spar rarely enters into the composition of rocks. In most, the more considerable masses of it form particular beds in other rocks, or constitute rocks themselves: the latter consist chiefly of 108 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. compact limestone ; the former of granular limestone. The simple vari- eties occur in drusy cavities, more frequently in veins than in beds, ac- companied with the varieties of different species. Columnar composi- tions have been observed to form veins by themselves, and a great num- ber of varieties are met with in the cavities of several rocks. Slate spar is generally a product of beds of granular limestone; calcareous tufa and rock-milk, being of a sintery formation, occur upon the surface, and in fissures of limestone rocks, and rock-rnilk in particular is generally a very pure carbonate of lime. Stalactitic and pisiform varieties are pro- duced by calcareous springs and other waters. The original repository of Anthracolite is not known, it having as yet been found only in large boulders. The impure varieties occur in particular strata, between those ef compound varieties of other species. This species is very common in petrifactions, imbedded in compact varieties of the same species. 4. Calcareous Spar is one of the most widely diffused species. Seve- ral of its varieties have a considerable share in the constitution of moun- tains in many countries. This is particularly true in Switzerland, Italy, Carniola, Carinthia, Salzburg, Stiria, and in several parts of the United States. Beds of granular limestone in gneiss and mica slate, abound in all the New England States ; also in New York, New Jersey and Penn- sylvania ; also, of the compact limestone, in Upper and Lo*ver Canada, upon Lake Chanoplain, and throughout the vast district contained be- tween the Alleghany mountains, the lakes and the Mississippi. Of crys- tallized varieties, the most remarkable occur in Derbyshire and Cum- berland, in the mining districts of Saxony and Bohemia, in the Hartz, in Carinthia, Stiria, Hungary, and France; and in North America, at By- town, (Lower Canada,) Kingston, (Upper Canada,) Lockport and Ley- den, (New York,) and the Silver mines of Mexico. Iceland is the lo- cality of its finest and most transparent varieties, from whence come the best pieces of the doubly refracting spar. The crystallized sandstone of Fontainbleau in France, (Chaux carbonatde quartzifere O/*HAUY,) is a variety of calcareous spar, mechanically mixed with sand. When crys- tallized, it assumes the form of the inverted rhomboid. Argentine occurs in Saxony, Norway and Cornwall, and in the United States at Williamsburg and Southampton, (Mass.,) in the lead veins, as well as in the iron mine of Franconia, (N. H.) Picrolite is found in Carniola, and at Carlsbad in Bohemia. Anthracolite is found in Salzburg. Calca- reous Tufa abounds in the States of New York and Ohio, where its for- mation at the surface of the ground, or in cavities of compact limestone, is constantly progressing. Stalactitic varieties are particularly abundant PHYSIOGRAPHY. 109 Calcareous Spar. in the caves of Virginia and Kentucky. Most of the varieties are so common as to render the mention of their localities unnecessary. 5. Several varieties of Calcareous Spar are usually employed for vari- ous purposes, partly depending upon their mechanical, partly upon their chemical composition. Those used in sculpture, and in ornamental arch- itecture, are called marble; the more common or coarse varieties are used for the common purpose of building. A peculiar variety of very fine grained, compact limestone, is used for plates in lithography. The best sort is found near Pappenheim and Sohlenhofen in Bavaria. Quick lime is obtained from the calcination of this species. Carbonic acid for chemical purposes, as well as for the impregnation of artificial mineral waters, is obtained from chalk and from marble powder. Chalk is allo used for writing and for whitewashing. Calcareous Spar is likewise a valuable addition in several processes of melting ores, and in producing certain kinds of glass. APPENDIX TO CALCAREOUS SPAR. i. Jlrchigonal Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. Pon P = 105 0'. Cleavage parallel to the primary rhomboid, perfect. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 4-0 . . . 4-25. = 2.7348, a cleavable fragment from Neue Hoffhung Gottes at Bi aunsdorf, west of Freiberg. 2-7362, a similar variety, but less cleavable. 2-7426, cleavage forms, from Hirnmelsftlrst inFreiberg. 2-7485, cleavage forms, very clear and beautiful, from the Tuuge hohe Birke in Freiberg. 2-7500, dull crystalline fragments, from HimmelsfQrst. Other localities of the Archigonal Carbon-Spar at Freiberg, are the Beschert GlQck and Himmelfahrt mines. Besides, it occurs at Johann Georgenstadt, at Schneeberg in the Erzgebirge, and at Przibram in Bo- hemia; and on the whole is a frequently occurring species. ii. Kouphone Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. p on P = 105 2' 30". Cleavage parallel to the primary rhomboid, perfect. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) =3-75. gp. gr. = 2-6788, cleavage forms, from Kornial-Hole at Trieste, in mountain limestone. 10 110 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. Color, brick-red, like the Heulandite from Fassa, Tyrol. Its only locality is Trieste. iii. Eugnostic Carbon-Spar. BREITHAUPT. Pon P = 105 5'. .Cleavage parallel to the primary rhomboid, very distinct. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) =3-75. ..4-00. = 2-7170, a clear cleavage crystal from Iceland. 2-7171, a clear cleavage crystal, but of a flesh-red color, from Iberg in the Hartz. 2-7177, a clear cleavage crystal, from the same place. 2-7179, a cleavage crystal, from Rotluf in Chemnitz, in the Erzgebii ge. 2*7190, a clear crystal, from Ahren in Tyrol. 2-7190, three clear cleavage crystals, from Boiza in Siebenburgen. 2-7203, cleavage crystal, from a beautiful white Cal- careous Spar from Moderstolln, Schemnitz. 1. A variety analyzed by STROMEYER, from Iceland, contained Carbonic acid - 43-70 Lime - 56-15 ^ Oxide of manganese and iron - 0-15 iv. Polymorphous Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. P on P = 105 8'. Cleavage parallel to the primary rhomboid very distinct. Hardness = (scale of BREITHAUPT) =0-4. = 2-7088, locality not known. 2'7089, a cleavage crystal. Maxen at Dresden. 2-7100, a cleavage crystal. Braunsdorf in Tharand. 2-7110, a cleavage crystal, of a pale wine-yellow col- or, locality unknown. 2 7111, a cleavage crystal, of a pale wine-yellow col- or, from Derbyshire. 2-7122, a cleavage crystal, milk-white to blue, from Cziklowa in the Bannat. 2 7125, a cleavage crystal, white and transparent, from StanowskiGorni in Karczowka. The following varieties probably belong to this species. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Ill Calcareous Spar. = 2-7081, milk-white, translucent Calcareous Spar, from Scheibenberg in the Erzgebirge. 2-7084, milk-white, from Krodendorf in the Erzge- birge. Lustre resinous, or oily. This is the most abundant species of the family ; and occurs in forma- tions of nearly every age. A variety from Andreasberg, analyzed by STROMEYER, afforded Carbonic acid - 43-5635 Lime 55 9802 Oxide of manganese and iron - 0-3563 Water 0-1000 v. Meroxene Carbon-Spar. BREITHAUPT. PonP = l05 11'. Cleavage perfect parallel with the primary rhomboid. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 4'0. = 2 6895, a fragment of a crystal, from Tharaud in Dres- den. 2-6903, cleaved from massive variety, associated with Natrolite, from Mariaberg in Aussig, Bo- hemia. Most of the zeolitic druses from Iceland are supposed to ccr^aia thia species. vi. Haplotypous Carbon-Spar. BREITHAUPT. P on P == 105 13' 40". Cleavage, less perfect than in the foregoing species. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) =4-25. = 2-7280, > fragments of crystals of a wine-yellow color, 2-7294, 5 from the galleries of Verlorne Hoffimng and Neue Hoffnung Gottes at Braunsdorf, west from Freiberg. The following Calcareous Spars have a similar specific gravity and a similar hardness : 2-7259, greyish white, in large compact masses from Alten Au- gust in Freiberg. 2-7260, translucent, yellowish white, cleavage masses inter- mingled with Vitreous Copper, from Sangerhausen, Thuringia. 2-7272, smoke-grey, large crystals, from Neu Gliickin Schnee- berg in the Erzgebirge. 112 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcareous Spar. 2-7284, white cleavage crystals, at Zaukerode near Dresden. 2-7300, a crystal from Northumberland. The most of these varieties are too imperfectly cleavable to admit of accurate measurement. vii. Melinous Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. P on P = 105 17'. Cleavage perfectly obtained parallel with the primary rhomboid. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 4 . . . 4-25. =2-6958, honey yellow, cleavage crystals from Neu- dorf at Borna. 2-6968, from Mont Martre near Paris. It is found in green-sand and in' planerkalkstein in Saxony. It also occurs at Cotta, at Naundorf in Borna, and again on the lower portions of Zehista in the region of Pirna. Under similar circumstances at Dux in Bohemia. viii. Diastatic Carbon-Spar. BREITHAUPT. PonP=105 43>. Cleavage parallel with primary rhomboid perfect. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) =4. . .4-25. =2 7698, massive variety from Seegen Gottes, Freiberg. 2-7758, cleavage crystals from Habacht, Freiberg. 2'7870 common fibrous limestone, from Adam Heber in Schneeberg. ix. Plumbo- Calcite. TURNER. Carbonate of Lime and Lead. P on P = 104 53' 30". Hardness. It is scratched by Iceland Spar. Surface of crystals slightly rounded. Lustre pearly. =282. Massive and opake. Heated in a platina crucible, or in a glass tube, it decrepitates, and af- ter some time assumes a brownish, or pale reddish tint. It consists of Carbonate of lime . . . . 92-2 Lead .... 7-8 x. Prunnerite. ESMARK. The violet blue variety of Calcareous Spar, occurring with Apophyl- lite in the Island of Hestoe, one of the Faroes, and hitherto arranged as a variety of cuboidal Calcareous Spar, has been established into a distinct PHYSIOGRAPHY. Calcedonite. 113 species by ESMARK; the grounds of this distinction however, are not as yet made known. CALCEDONY. (See Quartz.) CALEDON1TE. Cupre-ous Le ad-Bary te . Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M / = 95. Secondary form. Fig. 122. 95 00 X> r M on el 144 00' 90 00 M on h 132 30 108 00 Bd a2 on 02' 143 42 126 00 > o * 2 on e2 140 40 126 00 P c on h 144 30 115 30 el on el' 108 00 90 00 I e2 on e2' 128 35 M on M' P on M or M P on Oxygen 10-00 - 7-635 Silica - 26-00 - 28-37 - 37-250 Water 17t)0 - 17-50 - 17-000 Carbonic acid 7-00 - 3-00 0-000 Sulphate of lime 000 - 1-50 0-000 3. The natural repositories of Chrysocolla are those of other ores of copper, where it is found along with them, and also with Brown Iron- Ore and Quartz. 4. It occurs at Saalfield in Thuringia, at Lauterberg in the Hartz, at Saska and Moldawa in the Bannat, at Herrengrund in Lower Hungary, at Falkenstein and Schwatz in the Tyrol, in the Lizard district in Corn- wall ; in Norway, Siberia, Mexico and Chili. In the United States, at a copper mine in Sommerville, (New Jersey,) Chrysocolla is found accom- panying Red Copper-Ore, Native Copper, and Green Malachite. In Nova Scotia, at the Basin of Mines, associated with other ores of copper, and with Brown Iron-Ore. CHRYSOLITE. (See Olivine.) CHRYSOPRASE. (See Quartz.) CHUSITE. (See Olivine.) ClMOLITE. A pearl, or reddish grey clay, tender to the feel, and falling to pieces in water. It consists, according to KLAPROTH, of Silica .... 63-00 Alumina .... 23-00 Water .... 12-00 Oxide of iron .... 1-25 It is not known from the decomposition of what mineral it is derived. It occurs at Argentiera, (Cimolis,) an island in the Grecian Archipelago, PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cinnabar. 131 Fig. 137. CINNABAR. Peritomous Melacone-Blende. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P' =72. Secondary form. P on P' - P on 62 P on 63 P on e a on bl a on 62 a on 63 a on 64 e' on 61 e on 63 - 71 48^ - 157 20 - 152 8 - 159 18 - 127 133 5 25 a v > f 3 - 138 34 - 146 31 - 142 55 - 131 26 Cleavage parallel to the primary form, highly perfect. Fracture conchoidal. Surface of the crystals horizontally streaked, sometimes very deeply. Lustre adamantine, inclining to metallic in dark colored varieties. Color several shades of cochineal-red, the dar- ker varieties inclining to lead-grey. Streak scarlet-red. Semi-transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Sectile. Hardness=2'0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. =8-098, the cleavage variety from Neurrnarktel. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals, like Fig. 84, of the compound varieties of Calcareous Spar. Rarely in some indistinct imitative shapes. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, generally small and often impalpable. In the last case, fracture becomes une- ven, even, or flat conchoidal. Plates, superficial coatings. There is sometimes a tendency to thin columnar composi- tion, the mass being friable, and the color scarlet red. 132 PHYSIOGRAPHY* Cinnabar. 1. The Hepatic Cinnabar is a compound variety of Cinnabar, which is impure, and having on that account a streak inclining to brown. The dark red Cinnabar includes the crystals, and those compound varieties in which the individuals are still discernible ; it is generally cochineal- red. The bright red Cinnabar is friable, and of a scarlet-red color. The compact Hepatic Cinnabar contains reniform massive varieties of a gran- ular composition, consisting of impalpable individuals. The slaty Hepat- ic Cinnabar is the same thing, only interrupted by irregularly streaked smooth faces, which possess a slaty appearance. These however are accidental, not having any relation to the composition itself. The Bitu- minous Cinnabar consists of Cinnabar, intermixed with coarse coal or bituminous shale. Before the blow-pipe, the pure varieties are easily volatilized. It is soluble in nitric acid. On being sublimated, it crystallizes in columnar masses. 2. Analysis. By KL.APROTH. Mercury . . 84-50 . . 85-00 Sulphur . . 14-75 . . 14-25 3. Cinnabar chiefly occurs in beds, accompanied by Native Mercury, Native Amalgam, and sometimes only by Calcareous Spar and Quartz. Some of its varieties have been found in veins, where they occur along with several ores of iron. 4. It occurs in beds in gneiss, at Richenaw in Upper Carinthia, and at Hartenstein in Saxony ; also at Dumbrawa in Transylvania, in grey- wacke. It is found included in irregular veins, situated in beds of lime- stone, at Harmagor, Windisch-Kappel, and other places in Carinthia, but particularly at Neumarktel in Carniola, the Palatinate, and Almaden in Spain. At Idria. it occurs in beds of bituminous shale, with Bitumen and dark grey sandstone, associated with limestone. Other localities are Schemnitz, Cremnitz, and Rosenau in Hungary, at Horzowitz in Bohe- mia, in tlie Erzberg, near Eisenerz in Stiria. The Hepatic Cinnabar has been found only at Idria ; the bright-red Cinnabar at Wolfstein in the Palatinate. Cinnabar likewise abounds in Mexico and Peru, in Chi- na and Japan. 5. It is used for the extraction of mercury ; if very pure, it is employ- ed as a pigment in its natural state. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 133 Clausthalite. CLAUSTHALITE. Paratomous Polypoione- Gl an c e. . Massive: individuals granular :* the larger ones having one bright cleavage ; also in minute lamellar masses. Lustre metallic. Color lead-grey, with a tinge of blue. Streak dark grey. Hardness, below Galena. So. gr. =6 '8. 1. Heated in a glass tube before the blow-pipe, the selenium sublimes and fills the upper part of the tube with crystals of selenic acid. Upon charcoal it smokes, and tinges the flame of the blow-pipe blue. Cold ni- tric acid, after some time, causes the mass to assume a red color in conse- quence of the separation of selenium. 2. Analysis. By ROSE. By STROMEYER. Lead - 72-3 - - 70-98 Selenium - 27-7 - - 28-11 Cobalt - 00-0 - - 0-83 3. It is found in the eastern part of the Hartz, at several places not far apart, one of which is Lorenz, near Klausthal; another is near Zorge, in the. veins of iron-ore which traverse the argillite ; and another still is near Tilkerode. The mineral is contained in a dolomite or argillite, accompanied by Malachite and Quartz. APPENDIX TO SEL.ENITJRET OF LEAD. i. Seleniuret of Lead with Seleniuret of Cobalt. Sp. gr. = 7 697. Found by ROSE to contain Lead 63-92 Cobalt 3-14 Selenium 31-42 Iron 0-45 Loss 1'07 It is found near Klausthal, engaged in dolomite. ii. Seleniuret of Lead with Seleniuret of Copper. Sp. e;r. = 5-0 ... 7-0. Analysis by ROSE. 5 Selenium - - - 29-96 Iron with traces of lead 0-44 Lriad - - - 59-67 Iron - - * 033 Copper 7-86 Undecomposed and loss - 1*74 12 134 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Clausthalite Cobalt-Bloom. Another sample gave, Selenium Copper Lead Silver Oxide of lead and iron 34-26 15-45 47-43 1-29 2-OS From Tilkerode, in veins of dolomite with Malachite, iii. Seleniuret of Lead and Mercury. Sp. gr. = 7-3. Selenium - - - 24-97 Lead ... 55-84 Mercury ... 10-94 Loss ... 2-25 It gives when heated in an open tube a yellow sublimate of the seleniate of mercury. It is found at the mine Tilkerode, engaged in dolomite. CLEAVELANDITE. (See Albite.) COBALT-BLOOM. Diatomous Cob alt -Mica. Primary form. Right oblique-angled prism. M on T = 124 51'. Secondary form. Fig. 138, The greater terminal edges are replaced by single planes, and the lateral edges by two planes, k on k = 130 10'. s on 5 = 94 12'. / on /=11S 23'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 135 Cobalt-Bloom. Cleavage, parallel to P perfect : that parallel with M and T scarcely visible. Surface, P and T streaked ver- tically. Lustre upon P pearly, particularly if produced by cleav- age. The rest of the faces possess adamantine lustre in- clining to vitreous. Color, crimson-red, cochineal-red, peach blossom-red, sometimes pearl-grey or greenish grey. The red tints of the former, by transmitted light, incline much more to blue if seen in a direction perpendicular to P. Streak corres- ponding to the color, though a little paler. If the mineral be crushed into powder in a dry state, this powder pos- sesses a deep lavender-blue tinge, which is not the case if the powder be comminuted in water. Transparent to trans- lucent on the edges. Crystals are least transparent in a di- rection perpendicular to P. Sectile ; thin lamina? are flexible in one direction. Hard- ness:^ '5 ... 2-0; the lowest degrees are upon P. =2*948, a red crystallized variety from Schneeberg. Compound Varieties. Implanted globular and reniform shapes ; surface drusy ; composition more or less perfectly columnar of various sizes of individuals, faces of composi- tion either smooth or rough. Massive, composition colum- nar, often stellularly divergent, and aggregated in a second granular composition, faces of composition rough. Some- times in a state of powder,- as a coating upon other mine- rals. 1. Alone, before the blow-pipe, it assumes a darker hue. Upon char- coal, it emits copious arsenical fumes, and melts in the inner flame, into a bead of arseniuret of cobalt. With borax and other fluxes, it yields a fine blue colored salt. 136 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cobalt-Bloom Cobaltine. Oxide of cobalt 2. Analysis. By BUCHOL.Z. 39-00 Arsenic acid - . - - 37-00 Water 2200 3. Cobalt-bloom occurs in veins, traversing rocks of various ages, and also in beds. It is accompanied by Copper Nickel, Smaltine, Native Bismuth, Malachite, Quartz and Calcareous Spar. 4. The principal localities of this species are Schneeberg and Anna- berg in Saxony, and Flatten in Bohemia, where it occurs in veins in primitive rocks ; Saalfeld in Thuringia, Riegelsdorf and Bieber iir Hes- sia, where it is found in veins in secondary mountains. Other locatities are WUrtemberg in Prussia, Tyrol, Norway, Sweden, Cornwall and Scotland. 5. When in sufficient quantity, it is employed in the manufacture of smalt. COBALTINE. Hexahedral E ruthl e u cone- Pyrites. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. 1 . Cube with its angles replaced by tangent planes. 2. Regular octahedron. 3. Regular octahedron with its solid angles replaced by tangent planes. Fig. 139 Fig. 140. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cobaltine. 137 Differing from fig. 139 by the re- duction of the irregularly six-sided planes 7c, to small triangles. 90 109 125 166 153 * 140 163 126 00' 28 15 30 26 46 27 52 00" 16 52 00 5 17 00 11 00"' 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 H. p. p. p. H. P. P. H, P on P' or P ' . a on a' or a" ... P or P" on a Ponil, P'on/.-T, orP'on&2" P on 2, P' on &2', or P '' on 7c2" a or a on &2 a on i 2' on /&' The above crystal.?, all from Tunaborg, (Sweden.) Cleavage parallel with faces of the cube, perfect. Frac- ture imperfectly concboidal, uneven. Surface, the faces of the cube streaked in three directions perpendicular to each other. The remaining faces smooth. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white, inclining to red, Streak greyish-black. 12* 138 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cobaltine Cobalt Vitriol. Brittle. Hardness = 5-5. Sp. gr. = 6-298. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, generally small, but easily discernible. 1. Before the blow-pipe, upon charcoal, it gives a large quantity of arsenical fumes, and melts only, after having been roasted. It imparts a blue color to borax and other fluxes. It affords a pink solution with ni- tric acid, leaving a white residue, which is itself dissolved on further digestion. 2. Analysis. By fr. Cobalt KLAPROTH, By TASSAERT, BySTROMEYER, Tunaberg. fr. Tunaberg. fr. Modum. 44-00 . 36-00 . 33-10 Arsenic* 55-50 49-00 43-46 Iron 0-00 5-66 323 Sulphur 0-50 6-50 20-08 3. It occurs in beds in primitive rocks, and in veins. It is accompa- nied chiefly by Iron Pyrites, Mispickel, and Copper Pyrites ; in beds, it is also associated with Magnetic Iron-Ore, Pyroxene, Hornblende, and Feldspar ; in veins it is sometimes found with limestone and Heavy- Spar. The crystals found in beds are terminated on all sides. 4. This species occurs in the parish of Modum in Norway, at Tuna- berg in Siidermanland in Sweden, at Querbach in Silesia, and Bottallack near St. Just in Cornwall. 5. It is a valuable ore of cobalt, which metal is employed for painting in porcelain and the manufacture of smalt. COBALT VITRIOL. Staphyline Vitriol- Salt. Stalactitic and coralloidal shapes : composition columnar, in most cases impalpable. Friable. Lustre vitreous : in very thin columnar compositions, it becomes pearly. Color flesh-red and rose-red . ..reddish white. Semi-transparent . . . translucent. Taste astringent. 1 1. It communicates to borax a blue color; and is soluble in water. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cobalt Vitriol Colurnbite. 139 2. Analysis. By KOPP. Oxide of cobalt . . . 38-71 Sulphuric acid . . . 19-74 Water . . . 41-55 3. 'it occurs in the rubbish of old mines at Bieber in the neighborhood of Hanau. (See Pyroxene.) COCCOLITE. COLLYRITE. Massive : composition impalpable. Color white. More or less translucent. Fracture conchoidal, with resino-vitreous lustre. Easily impressed by the nail, and shining when cut with the knife. Adheres strongly to the tongue. 1. Infusible before the blow-pipe, affording water by calcination, and at the same time becoming pulverulent. Forms a jelly in the acids. 2. Analysis. By KL.APROTH, from Chemnitz. Silica . . . 14-0 Alumina . . . 45-0 . . . 44-5 ttater .. . . 42-0 . . . 40-5 3. It occurs in narrow seams in porphyry at Schemnitz, in the lead mines of Esquera in the Pyrenees, and at Weissenfels in Saxony. COLOPHONITE. (See Garnet.) COLUMB1TE. Pyramidal Barjte-Ore. Primary form. Right rectangular prism. Secondary form. P on M orT - 90 OOO Fi ff , 144. By BERTHIER, from Esquera. 15-0 MonT 90 00 /> P on al or al' - P on c 136 120 30 00 /v >\Ll>A Ton dl 156 30 H n // Tond2 114 30 T d 1 \ Tone 150 00 140 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Columbite. Cleavage parallel with M and T rather distinct, espe- cially that of M : the cleavage parallel with P less obvious. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface, M and T vertically streaked. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color greyish and brown- ish-black. Streak dark brownish-black, on the file a little shining. Opake. Brittle. Hardness = 6-0. Sp. gr. =6-038. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular. 1. Upon charcoal, it suffers no change before the blow-pipe, but it melts with borax, and is partly soluble in heated sulphuric acid. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. By VOCEL. By BORXOWSKY, fr. Kimito. fr.Finbo. fr.Brodbo. fr. Bodenmais. Columbicacid 83-2 66-99 GS-22 75-00 75-00 Tungsticacid 00 000 6-19 0-00 0-00 Protoxide of iron 7-2 7-06 8-80 17-50 20-00 Protoxide of manganese 7-4 7-44 6-62 109 4-00 Oxide of tin 0-G 16-75 8-2G 1-00 0-50 Lime a trace. 2-40 1-19 0-00 0-00 The Columbite of Chesterfield, (Mass.) consists of the oxides of co- Juiiibium, tin, iron and manganese, with a trace of lime. 3. Columbite occurs in granite veins, usually attended by Beryl. 4. It is found at Bodenmais in Bavaria, associated with Beryl and Uranite, where it exists in very distinct crystals. Also at Finbo and Brodbo near Fahlun in Sweden, with Topaz, Albite, and Quartz. It has been met with at several other places in Sweden and Finland. Columbite was first discovered near New London, (Conn.) and- the specimens sent by Gov. Winthrop to Sir Hans Sloane. The original lo- cality has never since been re-discovered ; but the mineral was subse- quently found at Haddamin the well known Chrysoberyl deposit, which place still affords fine specimens of it, though in very limited quantity. More distinct crystals, arid of greater magnitude, come from Chester- field, (Mass.) where it exists along with variously colored Tourmalines and Beryl in granite. The most perfect crystals, as well as the largest PHYSIOGRAPHY. Columbite Common Salt. 141 of this species which the United States have afforded, have been found atAcworth, (New Hampshire,) but the locality appears to be exhausted. APPENDIX TO COLUMBITE. Brown Tantalite of Kimito. BERZELIUS. Sp. gr. = 79. Powder cinnamon-brown. When heated with borax, in a very fine powder, it is with dif- ficulty dissolved. The glass does not possess the color of the ox- ides of iron, except a dark green color, which exists only during the experiment. With salt of phosphorus, it is readily dissolved. It becomes minutely divided with soda, but does not dissolve, giv- ing in the reduction flame a little tin, and upon platina-foil the re- action of manganese. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Columbic acid . . . 82-56 Protoxide of iron . . . 14-41 Protoxide of manganese . . 1-79 Oxide of tin ... 0-56 Silica . . . 0-72 It is probable that future researches may render it necessary to divide the species Columbite, but at present our knowledge of the properties of its varieties do not justify the procedure. COMMON SALT. Hexahedral Rock-Salt. MOHS. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. Fig. 145. Fig. 146. 3. Octahedron. Cleavage, parallel with the cube, perfect; rarely also the crystals cleave parallel with the diagonals of this form. V 142 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Common Salt. Fracture conchoidal. Surface generally smooth. Lustre vitreous, somewhat inclining to resinous. Color generally white, passing into yellow, flesh-red and ash-grey. Sometimes beautifully violet, Berlin or azure-blue. Streak white. If scratched with the nail, it does not -yield any powder, but receives an impression, and becomes a little shining. Transparent . . . translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness = 2-0. Sp. gr. = 2-257, a yellowish-white transparent variety. Taste saline. Compound Varieties. Dentiform and some other imi- tative shapes, rare. Commonly massive. Composition granular or columnar, the latter in most cases parallel, sometimes curved. Size of the component individuals va- rious. Faces of composition rough. 1. Several varieties in the geological relations, and some differences in the chemical composition, have given rise to the subdivision of Common Salt into subspecies in the older books. Thus the varieties found in beds have been called Rock-salt ; such as are found at the bottom of salt lakes, or on their shores, Sea-salt ; and the former again have been di- vided into foliated and fibrous Rock-salt, according to their granular or columnar mode of composition. Common salt is very easily soluble in water. It remains unaltered, if exposed to the dry atmosphere, and decrepitates upon glowing charcoal, or before the blow-pipe. It crystallizes, both from solutions in water, and from fusion. It undergoes a remarkable change if exposed to a moist atmosphere, in consequence of the absorption of w"ater. The solu- tion of a mass of a cubical shape begins regularly at its edges, and trans- forms the cube first into a cube with its edges bevelled, and finally into the icositelrahedron with triangular faces, (fig. 124. Part I.) In the lat- ter form, Ihe mass of the salt diminishes in size, till at last it is entirely dissolved. 2. Analysis. By HEJVRY. [Rock-salt variety.] Muriate of soda . . . 983 25 Sulphate of lime . . . 6-50 ' Muriate of magnesia . . . - 19 Muriate of lime . . . 0-06 Undissolved matter . 10-00 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Common Salt Comptonite. 143 3. Common salt occurs chiefly in beds, some of which are of conside- rable dimensions, though commonly of an irregular form, and is met with in secondary rocks, accompanied by gypsum, sandstone and clay. It is likewise found at the bottom and in the vicinity of salt lakes, in the waters of which it is dissolved. It is contained in the waters of salt springs, of several mineral wells, and of the sea, though in variable quan- tities. It occurs upon certain varieties ot lava, and in some volcanic lakes. 4. In the solid state, it exists in large quantity in Poland, Hungary, Transylvania, Moldavia, and Walachia, in Stiria, Upper Austria, Salz- burg, the Tyrol, Bavaria, Wurtemberg and Switzerland ; also in Eng- land and Spain, and numerous other countries in and out of Europe. In several of these countries, and also in several of the United States, Com- mon Salt exists abundantly in salt springs, from which it may be obtain- ed by means of evaporation. The variety sea-salt is found in the Cri- mea, in the deserts of the Caspian Sea, in Egypt, and in several places in Southern Africa and America. 5. The employment of common salt for culinary purposes, in differ- ent arts and manufactures, is too familiar to need enumeration. COMPTONITE. Vesuvian Ko u p hon e- S p ar.' Primary form. Right rectangular prism. Secondary form. MonT - 90 00' ' Fig. 147. T on c' c on c' M on d' 93 00 - 107 05 35 ^PHILLIPS. M d Cleavage parallel to T and M, the first a little more dis- tinct ; also parallel to the diagonal. Fracture small con- choidal, uneven. Surface d striated parallel to the edges of combination with M and T. The remaining faces smooth. 144 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Comptonite. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Streak white. Trans- parent . . . semi-transparent. Hardness =5-0... 5-5. 1. Before the blow-pipe it gives off water, intumesces a little, and be- comes opake ; then it melts imperfectly into a vesicular glass. The globule obtained with borax is transparent, but vesicular ; that obtained with salts of phosphorus contains a skeleton of silica, and becomes opake on cooling. With a little soda, it melts imperfectly ; but with a larger quantity, it becomes infusible. The glass, with solution of cobalt, is dirty bluish-grey. It forms a gelatine when exposed in the state of pow- der to the action of nitric acid. 2. It occurs in the cavities of an amygdaloidal rock, along with Har- raotome, at Mount Vesuvius. CONDURRITE. Massive : composition columnar, dividing into irregular por- tions like starch. Fracture flat conchoidal. Lustre metallic. Color brownish-black. Sometimes highly polished, with a tinge of blue. In powder, soot black. Hardness, does not scratch glass ; is brittle, but yields to the knife, leaving a polished metallic-looking surface nearly of a lead- grey color. 1. A fragment placed on a red-hot coal, affords a copious white vapor, leaving behind a metallic substance, in a semi-fluid state of a yellowish color. It dissolves entirely in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By FARADAY. Water . . . 8-98 Arsenious acid . . . 25 944 ^Copper . . . 60-498 Alloy of } Sulphur . . . 3-064 v Arsenic . . . 1 ( 504 Iron . . .a trace. It is probably a mechanical mixture of metallic arsenic, arseniate of copper, oxide of copper, and a little Copper Pyrites, one or more of these substances being in combination with water. Should this suggestion prove correct, it will not deserve to be ranked among the species of mineralogy. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Copperas. 145 3. It was discovered in the Condurrow mine at Cornwall. CONITE. (See Dolomite.) COPPERAS. Herni-Prismatic Vitriol-Salt, MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M'= 82 20'. P on M or M' = 99 20'. Secondary forms. The primary is almost invariably af- fected by slight replacements of the acute and obtuse solid angles, as well as of the acute and obtuse terminal edges.* More rarely the lateral edges are removed also. Fig. 148. Cleavage, parallel to P perfect ; that parallel to M less perfect. Fracture conchoidal. Surface generally smooth. Lustre vitreous. Color, several shades of green, pass- ing into white. Streak white. Semi-transparent., .trans- lucent. A faint bluish opalescence sometimes observable parallel to the faces M. Rather brittle. Hardness =2-0. Sp. gr. =1-832 of a variety containing about 0*1 of sulphate of copper. Taste sweetish astringent and metallic. 13 146 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Copperas Copper Mica. Compound Varieties. Slalactitic, botryoidal, reniform : composition columnar ; if the particles become very thin, the lustre approaches to pearly. Massive : composition granular. Pulverulent. 1. Before the blow-pipe it becomes magnetic, arid colors glass of bo- rax, green. It is easily soluble in water, and the solution becomes black on being mixed with tincture of galls. If exposed to the open air, it soon becomes covered with a yellow powder, which is persulphate of iron. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Oxide of iron .... 25-7 Sulphuric acid .... 28-9 Water .... 45-4 3. In most cases, the present species is produced by the decompositions of other minerals, particularly of Iron Pyrites and White Iron Pyrites; and it is therefore commonly found in such places, in which artificial heaps, constructed for that purpose, mines, or other circumstances brought about by art, have given occasion to its formation. It is also found dissolved in the waters of several mines. 4. It occurs in the Rammelsberg near Goslar in the Ilartz, at Schwar- zenberg in Saxony, in several mines in Schemnitz in Hungary ; also in Sweden, in Spain, in different coal mines in England ; at Hurlet in Ren- frewshire in Scotland. In the United States, numerous localities of Copperas have been discovered, especially in New England, in which section of the country it exists in the form of crusts upon the surfaces of those mica-slate rocks, which happen to abound ia Iron Pyrites. 5. Both the natural and the aitificial Copperas are used in dyeing, in making ink and Prussian blue, and also for producing sulphuric acid; the residue from the distillation being red oxide of iron, is employed as a color, and for a polishing substance. COPPER MICA. Rhombohedral Euchlore- Mica. MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P = 69 30'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 147 Copper Mica. Secondary form. The annexed figure is the pri- mary, having the summits repla- ced by single planes. Tingtang, Cornwall. Cleavage, parallel with P, or the primary, only in traces; but parallel with o, with great ease. Surface, o smooth, sometimes striated in triangular directions. P often a little uneven. Lustre pearly upon o, both as faces of cleavage, and as faces of crystallization. The faces P possess a lustre in- termediate between vitreous and adamantine. Color, em- .erald-green and grass-green. Streak emerald-green to apple-green, rather paler than the color. Transparent . . . translucent. Sectile. Hardness =2-0. Sp. gr. = 2*5488. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular of various sizes of individuals ; faces of composition uneven and rough. 1. Before the blow- pipe, it loses both color and transparency, emits fumes of arsenic, and is changed into a friable scoria, containing some white metallic globules. With borax it yields a green globule, and is partly reduced. In nitric acid, it is soluble without effervescence. - 2. Analysis. By CHENEVIX. Oxide of copper . . . 49-00 Arsenic acid . 14-00 Water . 35-00 3. The present species occurs in copper veins, along with various other ores of copper, particularly with the Liroconite, and with Brown Iron-Ore and Quartz. 4. It is found only in some of the copper mines near Redruth in Corn- wall ; and in minute crystals at Herrengrund in Hungary. 148 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Copper Nickel. COPPER NICKEL. Cupreous Eruthleucone- Py rites. Massive : composition granular, individuals being small, and strongly connected : reniform, composition columnar, generally impalpable. Fracture uneven. Lustre metallic. Color copper-red. Streak pale brown- ish-black. Brittle. Hardness =5-0 . . . 5*5. Sp. gr. =7-655. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melis upon charcoal, and emits an arsen- ical smell. The remaining metallic bead is white and brittle. In ni- tric acid, it soon becomes covered with a green coating. It is soluble in nitro-muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By PFAFF. Nickel . 44-206 (with a little cobalt.) . 48-96 Arsenic . 54-726 .... 46-42 Iron . 0-337 .... 0-34 Lead . 320 .... 0-56 Sulphur . 0-401 . . . ' . 0-80 3. The Copper Nickel chiefly occurs in veins in various classes of rocks, occasionally occurring in them as beds. It is almost always ac- companied by Smaltine ; sometimes also by ores of silver and lead, and often invested by Nickel-ochre. 4. The present species is found in veins at Schneeberg, Annaberg, Marienberg, Freiberg, Gersdorf and other places in Saxony; at Joach- imsthal in Bohemia ; at Saalfeld in Thuringia ; at Riegelsdorf in Hes- sia; in the Hartz and Black Forest ; also at Allemont in Dauphiny, and in several of the mines of Cornwall. In beds, it occurs at Schladming in Upper Stiria, and in the neighborhood of Orawitza, in the Bannat. It occurs in the United States at Chatham in Connecticut, accompanied by Smaltine in gneiss. 5. DOEBEREINER has observed that the metallic alloy, consisting chiefly of arsenic and nickel, which is obtained from the process of fab- ricating smalt, often crystallizes in four-sided tabular crystals, and is in every respect similar to Copper Nickel. CORDIERITE. (See lolite.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. 149 Corneous Lead Corundum. CORNEOUS LEAD. Kerasine Lead-Baryte. Primary form. Right square prism. Secondary form. The primary form having its lateral and terminal edges replaced by single planes. Cleavage, parallel to the lateral planes of the primary ; cross fracture conchoidal. Lustre adamantine. Color white and pale tints of grey, yellow and green. Streak white. Transparent to trans- lucent. Sectile. Hardness below 3-0. Sp. gr. =6-056. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts quickly into a yellow globule, which becomes white and crystallizes upon the surface, when cooling. Upon charcoal, it is reduced. 2. Analysis. By KLAPKOTH. By BERZELIUS, I'r. Mendip. Oxide of lead 85-5 . Lead 25-85 Muriatic acid 8-5 . Oxide of lead 57-07 Carbonic acid 6-0 . Carbonate of lead 6-25 Chlonne 00 , 8-84 Silica 00 . V46 Water 0-0 . 0-54 3. It is found at the Mendip hills in Somersetshire, at Matlock in Der- byshire, Hausbaden near Badeuweiler in Germany, and in the United States at Southampton, (Mass.) CORUNDUM. Rhombohedral Corundum, MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P'=86 4'. Secondary forms. 1. Regular six-sided prism. 2. The same, having the terminal edges replaced. 3. Dodecahe- dron with isosceles-triangular faces, the upper pyramid in- clining to the lower under 121 34'. 4. The same, with the summits replaced by single planes. 13* 150 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Corundum. Fig. 151. Pon P' P on a P on o p on o p on a o on a p on P h on h h on a h on o Pon A = 86 4' 122 30 137 30 151 30 118 30 90 00 154 7 128 20 118 56 151 17 154 2 PHILLIPS. Cleavage parallel with a perfect : but sometimes inter- rupted by conchoidal fracture. The faces obtained in the direction of P are commonly the result of composition. The faces of cleavage and regnlar composition are striated par- allel to their common edges of intersection. Fracture con- choidal to uneven. Surface a striated parallel to the edges of combination with P. The isosceles pyramids are often deeply striated in a horizontal direction. Lustre vitreous, much inclining in some varieties to pearly upon a. Color, blue, red, green, yellow, brown, grey and white. Some of the blue, red and yellow colors, very lively and beautiful. Streak white. Transparent . . .trans- PHYSIOGRAPHY. 151 Corundum. lucent. In several varieties, if cut round, a six-sided opa- lescent star is observable in the direction of the axis. Hardness 9-0. Sp. gr. = 3-979, blue, transparent (Sapphire.) 3-949, green, translucent (Corundum.) 3-921, brown, faintly translucent (Adamantine- Spar.) 3-909, red, transparent (Ruby.) Compound Varieties. Regular composition parallel to one or more faces of P, repeated in parallel layers, very frequent. Massive : composition granular, often impalpa- ble, and then the fracture becomes splintery and uneven. 1. Most of the transparent simple varieties have been designated Sap- phire, while the compound ones have been called Emery. The varie- ties of Sapphire, generally possess an indistinct cleavage, and a conchoi- dal fracture; the surface of its crystals is smooth, though not always even. The remaining varieties differ almost only in color, Corundum, comprehending those whose color is green, blue or red, and in most ca- ses inclining to grey, while those of Adamantine- Spar are hair-brown and reddish-brown. Both of them are easily cleavable, or at least show faces of composition parallel to the primary form ; and the crystals pos- sess a rough and uneven surface, There are many crystals, part of which is Sapphire and part Adamantine-Spar. Before the blow-pipe it is infusible, whether alone or with soda ; it is with difficulty soluble in borax, and if previously reduced to powder, al- so, in salt of phosphorus. It is not acted upon by acids. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By TENN ANT. Sapphire. Corundum. Emery. Alumina - . 98-50 . 89-50 . 86-00 Silica . 0-00 . 5-50 . 3-00 Oxide of iron . 1-00 . 1-25 . 4-00 Lime 0-50 . 0-00 . 0-00 3. Corundum is found in imbedded crystals, and in massive varieties. Sapphire is chiefly met with in the sands of rivers, and is accompanied 152 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Corundum. by crystals and grains of Magnetic Iron-Ore, and several species of gems. The variety Corundum occurs in imbedded crystals in a rock, which consists, according to BOURNOJV, of Feldspar and Fibrolite, several spe- cies of gems and Magnetic Iron-Ore. Adamantine-Spar occurs with Magnetic Iron-Ore and Fibrolite (Kyanite) in a sort of granite, con- taining no Quartz. Some varieties have been found imbedded in com- pact Feldspar, Magnetic Iron-Ore, Calcareous- Spar and talcose-slate. 4. The finest varieties of Sapphire come from Pegu, where they oc- cur in the Capelan mountains near Syrian. It has also been found at Hohenstein in Saxony, at Bilin in Bohemia, at Puy in France, and in several other countries. Corundum occurs in the Carnatic in the East Indies ; Adamantine-Spar in the neighborhood of Canton in China, and on the coast of Malabar. In St. Gothard, red and blue varieties exist im- bedded in dolomite. Those from Gellivara in Sweden, imbedded in Mag- netic Iron-Ore, are of a yellowish-white color. Emery is found in the higher part of Saxony, in the mountain called Ochsenkopf near Schnee- berg, and is of a dark blue color, inclining to grey; it approaches to the appearance of blue Corundum, whenever its individuals are of conside- rable size. In the island of Naxos, and in several other islands of the Greek Archipelago, also at Smyrna, Emery is found in large boulders on the 'surface of the earth, mixed with other minerals. Very beautiful blue Corundum is found at Newton, (N.J.) disseminated through an aggregate of brown Hornblende, Mica, Feldspar, Tourmaline, Iron Pyrites, Talc and Calcareous-Spar, the whole of which is connect- ed with an extensive bed of white limestone. The majority of the spe- cimens are found in detached boulders of various sizes, distributed through the soil in a kind of basin, or valley of moderate extent, between two small limestone ridges. The ctystals of Corundum are often several inches in length, though deficient in perfection of form. They are also found loose in the soil. Very well defined crystals of Corun- dum of a bluish, and also of a pink color, are found under somewhat similar circumstances in the vicinity of Warwick, (N.Y.) where they sometimes occur in cavities of large crystals of Spinel. Pale blue crys- tals of this species occur in Connecticut at West Farms, near Litchfield, associated with Kyanite ; and single crystals have been found loose in the soil in the State of North Carolina. 5. The pure and transparent varieties of Corundum, when finely col- ored, are in great estimation as ornamental stones. The red varieties are most highly valued ^ and go by the name of Oriental Ruby. The violet- blue are called Oriental Amethyst, the green Oriental Emerald, PHYSIOGRAPHY. 153 Couzeranite. the yellow Oriental Topaz, and the blue Oriental Sapphire. Jlsteria is a variety of Sapphire, not perfectly transparent, and shewing a star- like opalescence in the direction of the axis, if cut in oval. Much use is made of Corundum and Adamantine-Spar, particularly in India and Chi- na, for cutting and polishing steel and gems, and it is said even of Dia- mond, which has given occasion to the name of Adamantine-Spar. Em- ery yields a well known polishing material. COTTUNITE. In acicular crystals. Lustre adamantine, shining. Color white. 1. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it melts very easily, coloring the ilame blue, arid affords a white smoke, which adheres to the coal, turns into greenish yellow flakes, and is chiefly converted into metallic lead. Heated in a matrass, it melts and sublimes. It dissolves in wa- ter ; and the nitrate of silver throws down from the solution, a precipitate of chloride of silver. 2. Analysis. Chlorine 25-48 Lead . . . . . 74-52 3. Its locality is believed to be Mount Vesuvius. 4. Additional information is requisite before we can pronounce with confidence as to* its specific rank. COUZERANITE. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 96. p on M = 92 or 93. Cleavage parallel with the shorter diagonal. Lustre vitreous. Color greyish black, black and indigo-blue. Hardness = 70. Sp. gr. = 26 . . . 2-7. 1. Heated before the blow-pipe, it fuses into a white enamel. 2. Analysis. By DUFRESNOY. Silica 52-37 Alumina 24-02 Lime . 11-85 Magnesia ..... 2-40 Potash 5-52 Soda 3-96 154 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Crichtonite. 3. It is found in many places in the Pyrenees, but chiefly comes fiorr the valley of Vicdessos, passage of Aulus, at the bridge of the Taule, &c 4. Further investigation is necessary to establish it as a distinct spe cies. It resembles Feldspar. CRICHTONITE. Axotom ous Iron-Ore. MOHS, Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P = 85 59'. Secondary forms. Fig. 152. Fig. 154. PonP P on a Pon b P on V m on m m on o 85 59' 127 40 128 122 61 97 1 28 20 12 Irregular forms and grains. Cleavage, perfect parallel to , less distinct parallel with P, and not always observable. Fracture conchoidal. Sur- faces generally more rough than smooth, and nearly all oi them alike. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 155 Crichtonite. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color dark iron-black. Streak black. Opake. Brittle. Hardness =5-0 ... 5-5 Sp. gr. = 4-661 . Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : axis of revolu- ion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a : angle )f revolution = 60. (See fig. 129.) The compositions of tbis kind hitherto observed are not juite regularly formed, but consist generally of several al- ;ernating laminse. The situation of the individuals is, how- ever, recognizable from the direction of their faces. 1. The foregoing description is principally derived from the species Jlxototnous Iron- Ore of MOHS, under which it is believed that the Crichtonite falls; and within the present species also must be included the Ilmenite of Prof. KUPFER, who describes it as occurring in various- y modified oblique four-sided prisms, and as having a black color, brown- ish streak, shining lustre and a conchoidal fracture ; without cleavage, fragments sharp-edged and opake. Hardness = 4. Sp. gr. =4-75. 2. Alone before the blow-pipe, it does not suffer any alteration what- soever. With the fluxes it acts in general like pure oxide of iron ; but when dissolved in salt of phosphorus and the glass is reduced, there appears as the color of the oxide of iron vanishes, a more or less distinctly red color, the depths of the color depending upon the relative quantity of the titanium in the variety employed. 3. jlnatysis. Variety Ilmenite. Titanic acid . . . 46-67 Oxide of iron . . . 47-08 Oxide of manganese . . . 2-39 Magnesia . . . 0-60 Lime . . . 0-25 Oxide of chrome . . . 0-38 Silica . . . 2-80 4. It occurs in imbedded grains and crystals, in several varieties of Mica and dolomite, in the valley of Gastein in Salzburg, and frequent- ly along with the crystals of Rutile, over which it often forms a black coating, as at Kluttau in Bohemia, in the gold streams of Ohlapian in 156 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Crichtonite Cronstedite. Transylvania, &c. The only locality of the Crichtonite variety is the department of the Isere in France, where it occurs in narrow vein along with Anatase. The variety Ilmenite is found in the Ilmen mountains in the Urals. The black metallic crystals found accompanying the Spinel, Brucite Rutile, &c., imbedded in Serpentine and white limestone at Amity (N.Y.) belong to the present species. They have the form denominate) Fer oligiste imitatifby HA.TJY. They are distinguished from Specula Iron by color, fracture, streak, and a diminished specific gravity. Itals< occurs in broad laminated, imperfectly hexagonal masses, at Washing ton, (Conn.) imbedded in a vein of Quartz, traversing primitive rocks and likewise in the eastern part of the same state. 5. The Crichtonite presents us in its crystallization a nearer approxi mation to perfect isomorphism with Specular Iron, than exists betweei any other two species where the composition is equally diverse. CRONSTEDLTE. Rhombohedral Iron-Mica Primary form. Rhomboid, of unknown dimensions. Secondary form. Hexagonal prism. Cleavage, parallel with terminal planes of the hexagona prism perfect; with the lateral, imperfect. Lustre vitreous. Color brownish-black. Streak darl leek-green. Opake. Thin laminae are elastic. Hardness =2-5 nearly. Sp gr. = 3-348. Compound Varieties. Reniform and massive : compo sition columnar. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it froths a little without melting: with bo rax, it yields a- black, opake and hard bead. Reduced to powder, it ge latinizes in concentrated muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By STEINMANW. Silica Oxhide of iron Oxide of manganese Magnesia Water 22-452 58.853 2-885 5-078 10-700 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 157 Cryolite. 3. It occurs at Przibram in Bohemia, in veins containing silver-ores, along with Brown Iron-Ore, Spathic Iron, White Iron-Pyrites and Calcareous Spar. It has also been found at Wheal Maudlin in Corn- wall. CRYOLITE. " Prismatic Cry on e-Haloide . MOHS. Primary form. Right-rectangular prism. C. Cleavage, parallel with P perfect, with M and T less perfect, or coherent. Fracture imperfect or conchoidal. uneven. Lustre vitreous, a little inclining to pearly upon the faces of P. Color white, sometimes verging upon red or yel- lowish-brown. Streak white. Semi-transparent ... trans- lucent. On account of its low refractive power, it appears more transparent when immersed in water. Brittle. Hardness = 2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr.=2-963 of a white variety. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, the individuals being of considerable size. 1. It is very fusible, and melts even in the flame of a candle. Before the flame of the blow-pipe, it is first perfectly liquified ; but soon be- come? hard again, and assumes at last a s'aggy appearance. It is inso- luble in water, though it suffers cleavage more readily after having been immersed in it far some time. 2. Analysis. By K LAP ROTH. By VAUQUELISF. Alumina - - 21-0 - .- - 24-0 Soda - - 32-0 - - - 36-0 Fluoric acid and \vater 47-0 ... 40-0 3. It occurs at Arksut-fiord, (West Greenland,) in two small layers in gneiss, one of which contains orjjy the white varieties, whereas the other contains the colored ones, accompanied by Galena, Irjii- Pyrites, Spathic Iron and Feldspar. 14 158 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cube-Ore. CUBE-ORE. HexahedralMalachite-Haloide. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. 1. The cube with the alternate solid angles replaced by triangular planes. 2. The same, but replaced by four planes, three of which rest upon the primary edges, the fourth upon the apex of the new planes. 3. The cube with its edges and angles truncated. Cleavage, parallel with the primary form difficult and imperfect. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Surface of the cube sometimes streaked parallel to the edges of the sec- ondary faces situated upon the solid angles. The other faces, with the exception of the secondary planes situated upon the edges of the cube, often curved. Lustre adamantine, not very distinct. Color olive-green, passing into yellowish-brown, bordering sometimes upon hyacinth-red and blackish-brown ; also into grass green and emerald green. Streak, olive-green . . . brown, commonly pale. Translucent on the edges. Rather sectile. Hardness = 2-5. Sp. gr. ^3-000. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, rare. 1. Exposed to a gentle heal, its color is changed into red. In a high- er degree of temperature, it intumesccs, gives little, or no arsenic, and leaves a red powder. Upon charcoal, it emits copious fumes of arsenic, and melts in the inner flame into a metallic scoria, which acts upon tha magnetic needle, 2. Analysis. By CHENEVIX. By VAUQXJEL.IJW. Oxide of iron - - 45-50 - 48-00 Arsenic - - 31-00 Oxide of copper - - 9-00 Silica - - 4-00 Carbonate of lime - - 000 Water - - 1050 18-00 000 000 200 3200 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 159 Cube-Ore Cummingtonite Cupreous Anglesite. 3. Cube-Ore is chiefly found in veins of copper ores in the older class- i of rocks, where it is accompanied by Vitreous Copper, Fahlerz, Whit* Iron-Pyrites and Quartz. 4. It is principally found in Cornwall, in several copper-mines, in the neighborhood of Red ruth, but has also been found at St. Leonhard in France, and at Schwarzenberg in Saxony. In the United States, it has been met with in drusy coatings, along with Mispickel, Iron, and Copper Pyrites, at Edenville in Orange coun- ty, (N. Y.) where these minerals exist in gneiss ; and under similar cir- cumstances in Derby, (Conn.) CUMMINGTONITE. Hemi-prismatic Wavel- line-Spar? Massive : composition thin columnar, scopiform and stel- lular, rather incoherent; fibres somewhat curved. Cleavage parallel to an oblique rhombic prism. Lustre silky, color ash-grey. Translucent to opake. Brittle. Hardness =6-,5. Sp. gr. =3-2014. 1. Alone before the blow-pipe, it is infusible, except on very thin edges. With carbonate of soda it fuses with effervescnce into a dark glass. With borax it fuses into a black glass. 2. Analysis. By MUIR. Silica .... 56-543 Protoxide of iron - - - 21.669 Protoxide of manganese - - 7-802 Soda 8-439 Volatile matter .... 3-178 8. Cummingtonite is found at Plainfield and Cummington, (Mass.) in mica-slate, associated with Garnet and White Iron- Pyrites. CUPREOUS ANGLESITE. Cupreous Lead- Bary te. Primary form. Right oblique-angled prism. M on T =102 45'. 160 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cupreous Anglesite Cupreous Bismuth. Secondary form. MonT 102 45' w P on /I 90 00 / T on /I 161 30 I jj M on d 120 30 ' p Cleavage, parallel to M and T very perfect. Surface generally smooth and shining, some of the faces rough. Lustre, adamantine. Color deep and beautiful, azure-blue. Streak, pale blue. Faintly translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness =2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr.=5-30 , . . 5*43. BROOKE. 1. Analysis. By BROOKE. Sulphate of lead ... 74.4 Oxide of copper ... jg.0 Water 4-7 2. It is found along with other ores oT lead, at Lead Hills in Scotland : also at Linares in Spain. CUPREOUS BISMUTH. Prismatoidai Poly- poi o n e - Gl an c e . Crystalline. Primary form not known ; probably pris- matic. Massive : composition columnar, the individuals being long and slender ; also impalpable. Cleavage, in one direction parallel with the prismatic axis. Fracture uneven, or imperfectly conchoidal. Lustre metallic. Color steel-grey, light copper-red, passing to yellowish. Streak blackish grey. Hardness =2-0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. =6-125. 1. It melts very easily before the blow-pipe, coloring the flame of the lamp, blue ; and leaving, after the fumes have subsided, a whitish, or sul PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cupreous Bismuth Cupreous Manganese. phur, yellow slag, which, on being heated with soda, yields metallic copper. The powder is dissolved in nitric acid, with evolution of red fumes, and the precipitation of sulphur and sulphate of lead. The solu- tion affords with water a white precipitate of oxide of bismuth, or with aulphuric acid, one of sulphate of lead. 2. Analysis. By JOHX, By KLAPROTH, from Ecathcrineburg. from Baden. Sulphur . . . 11-58 16-3 Bismuth . . . 43-20 . . 27-0 Lead . . . 24-32 . . 33-0 Copper . . . 12-10 . . 09 Nickel . . . 1-58 . . 0-0 Tellurium . . . 1'32 Silver . . . 000 . . 15-0 Iron . . . 0-00 . . 4-3 8. It is. found in the mines of Pyschminskoi and Klutschefskoi in the district of Ecatherineburg in Siberia, in Quartz, accompanied by Native Gold and Galena. The variety analyzed by KLAPROTH occurs in Quartz and Fluor, with Iron Pyrites, Copper Pyrites and Galena, at Schapbach in Baden. APPENDIX TO CUPREOUS BISMUTH. i. Cupreous Sulphur et of Bismuth. Crystalline in fibrous masses and capillary crystals. Lustre metallic. Color light steeNgrey to tin-white. Streak white, 1. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. Sulphur .... 12-58 Bismuth 47-24 Copper . . . . . 34.66 1. It occurs at Gallenbach in the principality of Farstenberg, in a dis- integrated granite with Heavy Spar, Native Bismuth and Copper Py- rites. CUPREOUS MANGANESE. Staphyline Man- ganese-Ore. Small reniforra and botryoidal groupes, massive. Com- position impalpable. Fracture imperfectly concboidal. 14* 162 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Cupreous Manganese Datholite. Lustre resinous. Color bluish-black. Streak unchan- ged. Opake. Hardness =3-5. Sp. gr. = 3.197 . . . 3-216. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it becomes brown, but is infusible. To bo- rax and salt of phosphorus, it communicates the colors of copper and manganese. 2, Analysis. By LAMPADIUS. Black oxide of manganese . . 82-00 Brown oxide of copper . . 13-50 Silica . . 2-00 BERZELITJS found it to contain a considerable quantity oft water, 3. It occurs in the tin mines at Schlaggenwald in Bohemia, and at Ar- marilla in Chili. CYANITE. (See Kyanite.) CYMOPHANE. (See Chrysoberyl.) CYPRIN. (See Idocrase.} DAVYNE. (See JYcphiline.} DATHOLITE. Prismatic Dystome-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' = 102 30'. Secondary forms. Fig. 156. Fig. 157. P on s P on a Seiseralp. 122 00' 115 45 177 04 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 163 Datholite. Cleavage, very indistinct parallel to s, but somewhat more easily observed parallel to P. Fracture uneven, im- perfectly conchoidal. Surfaces, several faces much streak- ed, and others altogether rough. Lustre vitreous, and particularly in the fracture inclining to resinous. Color white, inclining to green, yellow, and grey; sometimes of a dirty olive green, or honey-yellow tinge. Streak white, more or less translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 . , . 5-5. Sp. gr. = 2-989, a rariety from Arendal. Compound Varieties. Botryoidal and implanted globu- lar shapes, surface drusy, composition columnar. Mas- sive : composition columnar, consisting of delicate, straight and generally diverging individuals, radiating from a cen- tre ; also granular, of various sizes of individuals, faces of composition rough and irregularly streaked. 1. Owing to the variation of position in which the crystals of this spe- cies were at first described, they were referred to two different specie*, Datholite and Humboldtite, the latter of which is now abandoned. Still another species or^sub-spccies, according lo some authors, the Botryo- lite, requires also to be united with Datholite. It embraces the reni- fonn and globular shapes, consisting of thin individuals ; but specftnens have lately been discovered, which clearly prove, by transition, their connexion with Datholite. > Exposed to the flame of a candle, it becomes friable ; before the blow- pipe, it loses its transparency, intutrjesces, and melts into a glassy glob- ule. It is easily soluble in nitric acid, and leaves a siliceous jelly. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. of crystals. of Botryolite. Silica - - S6-50 - - 36-00 Lime 3550 3950 Boracic acid - - 24 00 - - - 13-50 Oxide. of iron - - 0-00 - - - I'OO Water - - 400 6-50 164 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Datholite Diallogite. 3. It occurs in beds of iron-ore, in primitive rocks, accompanied by Calcareous Spar; sometimes also by Fluor, Hornblende, Quartz and Prehnite : with the latter species, and several others of the Zeolite fam- ily, it is found in agate balls and irregular veins in trap-roeks. 4. Upon the beds of iron-ore at Arendal in Norway, are found the va- rieties of Datholite and Botryolite. The Humboldtite occurs in agate balls in the Seiseralp in the Tyrol, and in irregular veins in greenstone in Stlisbury-craig near Edinburgh. In the United States, in New Jersey at Paterson, the Datholite ha been met with in large and well denned forms, in trap ; and at Middle- field in Connecticut, the variety Humboldtite occurs under similar cir- cumstances, and in cavities; also on Mt. Carmel, at Hainden, (Conn.) with Prehnite. DERMATIN, (See Kerolite.) DEWEYLITE. (See Kerolite.) DIALLOGITE. Macrotypous Parachrose- Baryte. MOHS. Primary form, a rhomboid. P on P=106 51'. Secondary form, the primary having the upper edges re- placed by tangent planes. Cleavage, parallel to the primary form. Fracture une- ven, imperfectly conchoidal. Surface streaked parallel with* the edges of the new planes, thus producing lenticular crystals. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly. Color various shades of rose-red, partly inclining to brown. Streak white. Translucent in different degrees. Brittle. Hardness =3*5. Sp. gr. =3-592 of the crys- tallized variety from Kapnik. Compound Varieties. Globular and botryoidal shapes : surface sometimes smooth, at other times rough ; compo- sition columnar, often indistinct. Massive : composition granular, sometimes small, and even impalpable ; some- times it is columnar. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Diallogite. 1. The varieties of the present species have often been confounded wtth other minerals, one of which has been proposed by BREITHAUPT A* a distinct species, an account of which will be given at the close of (his description. Before the blow-pipe, its color is changed into grey, brown and black, and it decrepitates strongly ; but is infusible without addition. It is ea- sily fusible in glass of borax, which thereby becomes of a violet blue color. If exposed to the air, its natural color is changed into brown. Many bright rose-red varieties become paler on being exposed in a sim- ilar manner. It effervesces briskly in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By DuMENiL. By BERTHIIR, fr. Nagyag. Oxide of manganese - 54-60 '- - 56-00 Carbonic acid - 33-75 - - 38-60 Oxide of iron 1'87 -, - 0-00 Silica 4-37 - - 0-00 Lime 2-50 - 5-40 S. It occurs for the most part in metalliferous veins, with various ores of Iron and Copper, and with Quartz. It is also found in beds with oth- er minerals containing manganese. 4. It is found in several of the Saxon mines, particularly in the neigh- borhood of Freiberg ; also at Nagyag and Kapnik in Transylvania, near Elbingerode in the Hartz, and in other countries. i. Manganeseous Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT, Pon P = 107 30'. Cleavage parallel to the primary, easily effected. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 5-75 . . . 6-0. Sp. gr. 3-592. BREITHAUPT includes in this species the mineral from Kapnik only, .This variety was analyzed by BERTHIER, and found to contain, Carbonic acid .... 30-4 Protoxide of manganese ... 41-0 Lime 43 Quartz ... - 21 96-7 166 PHYSIOGRAPHY, Diamond. DIAMOND. Octahedral Diamond. MOHS. Primary form. Regular octahedron. Secondary forms. 1. Primary form, having its solid angles replaced by tan- gent planes. 2. Primary form, having its edges replaced by tangent planes. 3. Cube. 4. Cube, having its edges replaced by tangent planes. 5. Rhombic dodecahedron. The annexed figure repre- Fi g- 158 - sents in planes P P' P" and P'" the primary faces of the octahedron, and in a a' a" those of the cube, which are generally flat and brilliant. The numerous faces di and d2, are uniformly convex; each of which is, in reality, a series of planes, as is mani- fest on other crystals, but in no instance sufficiently perfect for the use of the reflective goniometer. Irregular forms and grains. Cleavage, parallel with the primary octahedron, perfect. Fracture, conchoidal. Surface, the octahedron sometimes faintly streaked parallel to its edges of combination, but in general very smooth. Also the dodecahedron, if often streaked, rough and uneven ; the tetraconta-octahedron, curved and smooth. Grains possess a rough and granula- ted surface. Lustre bright adamantine. Color white, prevalent ; al- so various shades of blue, red, yellow, green, brown, grey, \L PHYSIOGRAPHY. 167 Diamond. and even black. Generally pale. Streak white. Trans- parent . . . translucent, dark colored varieties only on their edges. If cut and polished, it shows a most lively play of color. Hardness =10*0. Sp. gr. = 3*520, of a white variety. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. Axis of revolu- tion perpendicular to a face of the octahedron ; angle of revolution =60. (See fig. 50.) Also-, axis of revolution parallel to one of the axes of the rhombic dodecahedron which passes through the obtuse solid angles. (See the annexed figure.) Angle of revolution =60. Fig. 159. 1. Diamond is perfectly combustible at a temperature of about 14 Wedgewood, and yields with oxygen, carbonic acid gas. His not acted iipon by acids or alkalies. 2. The rocks hitherto considered as the gangue of Diamond are secon- dary ones, as several kinds of sandstone, consisting of aggiegated quartz pebbles. It Is also found in strata of iron-shot sand and clay, and in the loose sand of plains and rivers. In a specimen from Brazil, in the pos- session of Mr. HEULAND, it is associated with Skorodite, and imbedded in a compact variety of Brown Iron-Ore. 8. The Diamond was first discovered in the East Indies, where it ha been worked for many centuries, and in Brazil. They are found in va- rious places on the eastern coast of the British peninsula in India, btit particularly between Golconda and Masulipatam ; also near Panna in Buodelcund, It also occurs in the peninsula of Malacca, and the isle of 168 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Diaspore Dioptase. Borneo. In Brazil, they occur in the district of Serro do Frio in the ca- pitania of Minas Geraes, and were first discovered in the Riacho Fundo, then in the Rio do Peixe, and also in the Terra de St. Antonio. 4. Diamond is the most valuable of all the gems. It is employed also in cutting glass, and for engraving, cutting and polishing other hard stones, and the Diamond itself. DIASPORE. Tetarto-prismatie Wavelline- Spar? Primary form. Doubly oblique prism, according to PHILLIPS. M on T=64 54'. P on T=101 20'. P on M = 108 30'. According to MOHS, it is a rhombic prism of about 130. Lustre vitreous and pearly. Color greenish-grey. Translucent on the edges. Scratches glass. Sp. gr. = 3*4324. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it decrepitates most violently, and splits into many small scaly particles, possessing a feeble alkaline reaction. 2. Analysis. By VATJQTJELIN. By CHILDREN. Alumina - - 80-00 - - 76-06 Protoxide of iron - - 3 00 7-78 Water - - 17-30 - - 1470 BERZELITJS is of opinion that besides these, it also contains some alka- line substance. 3. Its locality is unknown. 4. Its reference to the genus Wavelline-Spar is made with hesita- tion, from the limited knowledge possessed of its properties. Unlewi some clue to the discovery of its locality shall ere long be made, it will become doubtful whether it is not an artificial production. DICHROITE. (See loliie.) DIOPSIDE. (See Pyroxene.) DIOPTASE. Rhombohedral C opper-Bary te. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P=126 17'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 1 OU Dioptase. Secondary form Fig. 160. .S / X. g on g' 95 33' /X j sr' \ o' on o or o - 120 04 <7 ^? 7 (? g on o, or g' on o' -173 00 kri y* X 4 / ^ Cleavage, parallel with the primary form, perfect. Frac- ture conchoidal, uneven. ^ Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color emerald green, also blackish-green, and verdigris-green. Streak green. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness =^5.0. Sp. gr. =3*278. 1. It decrepitates before the blow-pipe, and upon charcoal it becomes black in the exterior flame, and red in the interior one, without melting. It is easily soluble in glass of borax, and imparts to it a green color. It is soluble without effervescence in muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By LOWITZ. By VAUQUEI.IM-. Oxide of copper Carbonate of lime 65-00 (> JO 2557 42-85 Silica 33-00 28-57 Water 12-00 0;00 3. It has been found accompanied by Green MalacJiHa and Calcare- ous Spar, but the nature of its original repositories is hot known. It oc- curs in the Kirghese steppes in Siberia. Minute crystals are said to ac- company the Electric Calamiae of Rezbanya in Hungary, DIPLOITE. (See Latrobite.) DIPYRE. (See Scapolitc.) 15 170 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Dolomite. DOLOMITE. Macrotypous Lime-Haloide . Primary form. Rhomboid. PonP=106 15'. Secondary forms. 1 . An acute rhomboid of 79 36' from Gotha in Saxony. 2. One still more so, of 66 7', from Hall, Tyrol. Fig. 161. 3. The same, having its summits sur- mounted by three pyramidal faces of the primary rhomboid, whose apices are replaced by tangent planes, as in the annexed figure. Cleavage, parallel with the primary rhomboid, perfect, with traces of a cleavage at right angles to the vertical axis. Fracture conchoidal. Surface, faces m streaked parallel to the edges of combination with P. The rest of the faces generally smooth, and of nearly the same physical quality. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly in several varieties. Color white, seldom pure, generally inclining to red or green. Various shades of red, among which is a fine rose- red. Also green, brown, grey, black, very often owing to foreign admixtures. Streak, greyish-white. Semi-trans- parent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 3-5 ... 4-0. Sp. gr. =2-884, a greenish white cleavable variety, from Mexico. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 171 Dolomite. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. Fig. 162. Piedmont. Sometimes variously repeated. Implanted globules; bo- tryoidal, fructicose, and other imitative shapes : surface drusy and rough, composition columnar. Massive : com- position granular, of various sizes of individuals, generally easily distinguishable, and often but slightly cohering. The composition is often columnar, also of different sizes of in- dividuals. These compositions are again variously com- pounded, as the granular composition in a coarser kind of granular composition, of which the component particles may be easily separated, and present an uneven surface. It oc- curs often in crystalline coatings upon other crystals, im- pressions, &tc. 1. The remark which was made under Calcareous Spar, respecting its comprehension of several distinct species, separated from one another by constant differences of form, hardness and specific gravity, may be appli- ed to Dolomite with nearly the same propriety. Arid the mineralogist there referred to, who has attempted to distinguish those species, has oc- cupied himself also with the varieties of the present species. Some ac- count of his labors will be introduced as an appendix to Dolomite. The division of this species into sub-varieties and sub-species, accord- ing to the older mineralogists, depended upon slight variations of compo- sition, color, lustre, and upon chemical and mechanical mixtures. Rhomb-spar and Bitter-spar are the names applied to crystallized vari- 1 72 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Dolomite. eties, provided their faces are not curvilinear or unusually pearly ; also to large grained and easily cleavable varieties, chiefly of greenish colors. Brown-spar comprehends those varieties which possess a reddish brown color. Pearl-spar included crystallized varieties with curved faces, and possessed of a pearly lustre. The massive varieties of granular compo- sition were called Dolomite. Before the blow- pipe, some of the varieties assume a darker color, and a higher degree of hardness. They are soluble in acids, but much more slowly than Calcareous Spar, and attended with less effervescence. 2. It is difficult to judge of the chemical composition of Dolomite. It contains carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia ; but the relative quantity of the two has not been accurately settled. From several anal- yses by KLAPROTH, the proportion appears to be nearly as 54*18 ; 45-82, which corresponds to Lime - 30-55 Magnesia - - - - 22-18 Carbonic acid .... 47-26 Several analyses of brown-spar give very similar results ; others de- viate more or less from them. In general, brown-spar seems to contain more o^-ide of iron and manganese, than either the old varieties dolomite or rhomb-spar. 3. The different varieties of Dolomite differ in respect to their locali- ties. The granular variety (dolomite) constitutes beds in other rocks, and therefore belongs, itself, to the class of rocks. Rhomb-spar occurs in imbedded crystals and compound masses, in several kinds of rocksj particularly in common Talc, and less frequently in compact varieties of g3J r psum that are mixed with clay. Brown-spar is principally found in metalliferous veins. 4. The variety called Dolomite occurs in St. Gothard, in the Appen- ines, and in Carinthia ; Rhomb-spar in various districts of Salzburg, the Tyrol and Switzerland, at Miemo in Tuscany, (from which the name of Miemite has been derived,) and in many other countries ; beautiful crys^ tals at Traversella in Piedmont. Brown-spar and Pearl-spar are very frequent at Schemnitz in Hungary, Kapnik in Transylvania, Freiberg ind elsewhere in Saxony, at Clausthal in the Hartz, in Norway arid Sweden, at Alston Moor in Cumberland, in the greywacke quarries of the same country, in Derbyshire, Baeralston and other places in Devon- shire. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 173 Dolomite. In the U. States the Rhomb-spar variety or bitter-spar, occurs abun- dantly at numerous places in R. Island, Massachusetts and Vermont, im- bedded in common Talc or its variety, steatite ; as at Roxbury, (Vt.) where it occurs in large, yellow, transparent crystals, imbedded in greenish transparent Talc ; at Srnithfield, (R. I.) where it occurs in large grained, easily cleavable individuals, associated with white Talc in Calcareous Spar or limestone, and rarely in very perfect implanted rhomboids of small dimensions. The Pearl-spar exists abundantly both of a white color, and with a delicate pink tinge, at Lockport. (N.Y.) where it is as- sociated with Calcareous Spar, Celestine, and Gypsum in geodcs, occurring in transition limestone. The brown-spar is found at nume- rous places in New York and Ohio, where it occurs in greywackes and secondary limestones, in the form of veins and seams. The massive va- riety of Dolomite constitutes extensive beds in Litchfie'd county, (Conn.) and in the south western towns of Massachusetts. 6. Dolomite is often employed as a marble, and rarely in the produc- tion of quick lime. APPENDIX TO DOLOMITE. i. Eumetric Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. Pon P=106 11'. Cleavage parallel with P uncommonly perfect and easy. Hardness = 5-0, (scale of BREITHAUPT.) Sp. gr. =2-9177, a cleavage crystal. The Eumetric Carbon-Spar embraces only the beautifjl twin-crystals, above alluded to, from Traversella in Piedmont. ii. Tautoklinous Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. Pon P=10S 10' 40". Cleavage parallel with P perfect. Hardness = 4-75 ... 5. (scale of BREITHAUPT.) Sp. gr. =2-9633. ) Fragments of cleavage crystals from the 2 9644. 5 mine of Beschert GlQck in Freiberg. Color reddish, or greyish-white. It occurs at Freiberg, Johann-Georgenstadt, and probably the brown- apar of Schnecberg belongs to the present species. Hi. Kryptose Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. Pon P = 106 19'. Cleavage parallel with P, but not very perfect. 15* 174 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Dolomite Dyoxylite. Hardness = 4-50 . . . 4-75. (scale of BREITHAUPT.) Sp. gr. = 2-809, reddish-white, cleavage crystal. 2-810, brownish red, cleavage crystal. 2-827, dark brownish red and brown, with delicate^ black stripes ; both from Freiberg, 1. It consists, according to KARSTEN, of Carbonate of lime - 96-40 Carbonate of protoxide of manganese 2-10 Carbonate of iron - 0-95 Water and loss 0-55 It is found only at two mines in Freiberg. iv. Isometric Carbon-Spar, BREITHAUPT, PonP = 106 19 ; . Cleavage parallel with P perfect. Hardness = 5-50 . . . 5-75. (scale of BREITHAUPT.) Sp. gr =a 2-847, minute, ash-grey crystals in gypsum, from Hall. in Tyrol. 2-849, greenish white masses of a compound variety, from Koloseruck in Bilin, (Bohemia,) where it occurs in seams in basalt. ^ 853, minute, but possibly not perfectly pure cleav- age crystals, of the above variety, from HalK 2-857, minute, pure, and white cleavage crystals, from Dinz. 2-859, asparagus green, cleavage crystals, from Schweinsdoif. (Tharaudite.) The variety from Hall afforded, to KLAPROTH, Carbonate oflime .... gg-0 Carbonate of magnesia .... 25*5 Carbonate of protoxide of iron - TO Water .... 2-0 Foreign matter .... 2-0 DYOXYLITE. Prismatoidal Lead-Baryte.' HAIDINGER. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M and M'*= 120 45'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 175 Dyoxylite. Secondary form. Fig. 163. a on b 111 00/ 1 tf /d> i r~7~^ b on b J30 00 P- X v ^ x^^V a on c 106 45 ? / 7\ ^ \ a on d 73 45 " / ^ A \ a on e 123 20 5 i / t conf 133 00 d on e 136 54 , Cleavage parallel with M and P, but more perfectly par- allel with the shorter diagonal. The lamina? resulting from cleavage are flexible, like Gypsum. Lustre adamantine, inclining to resinous, pearly upon the perfect face of cleavage. Color greenish-white, or yellow- ish white, sometimes inclining to grey. Streak white. Translucent. . Sectile. Hardness ^2-0. . .2-5. Sp. gr. = 6-8.. .7-0. 1. Analysis. By BROOKE. Carbonate of lead - - - 46-9 Sulphate of lead - - - 53-1 The effervescence while dissolving in nitric acid is scarcely perceptible. 2. It 19 found in columnarly aggregated crystals, at the Lead hills in Scotland. DTSCLASITE. Massive ; imperfectly fibrous ; the fibres sometimes direr- gent. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Translucent. It possesses double-refraction. Tough. Hardness above Fluor. Sp. gr. = 2-362. 1. Heated to redness, it emits moisture. Before the blow-pipe, it fuses only on the edges. With soda it forms a semi-transparent glass, and with borax and salt of phosphorus it gives colorless glasses. It ge- latinizes readily with muriatic acid. 170 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Dysluite. Silica 2. Analysis. By CONN ELL. 57-69 Lime . 26-83 Water ^ . 1471 Soda - 0-44 Potash _ 023 Oxide of iron . 0-32 Oxide of manganese ... 0-22 3. Its locality is Faroe. DYSKOLITE. (See Saussurite.) DYSLUITE. Primary form. Regular octahedron. Secondary form. Regular octahedron, with its edges trun- cated. Cleavage parallel with the primary rather imperfect. Frac- luie sub-conchoidal. Surface rough. Lustre vitreous, inclinirfg to resinous. Color yellowish- brown or greyish brown. Streak paler than the color. Trans- lucent on the edges ... to opake. Hardness = 7-5 ... 8-0. Sp. gr. 40..: 4'6. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it is infusible. 2. It is found in small quantity, at Sterling, (New Jersey,) dissemi- nated through laminated Calcareous Spar, and associated with Franklin- ite and Trooslitc. 3. There is nothing but the unimportant property of color to distin- guish this mineral from Automalite,to which it should, without doubt, be referred. DYSODILE. Massive ; compact or laminated. Extremely fragile. Fracture earthy. Soft, scratched by the nail. Sp. gr. =^r 1-1 . . . 1-2. Color greenish and yellowish, to liver-brown. Streak vitre- ous. Macerated in water, it becomes translucent, and its lami- na acquire elasticity. When breathed upon, it emits an argil- laceous odor. 1, It burns with a considerable flame and smoke, and an almost insup- portably fetid odor, leaving a residue of nearly half its weight, and unal- PHYSIOGRAPHY. 177 Earthy Cobalt. tered in form. It occurs at Melili, near Syracuse in Sicily, in the form of a bed of inconsiderable thickness, between beds of a secondary lime- stone. 2. It probably belongs to the species Bitumen, so far as it is a simple mineral. EARTHY COBALT. Cobaltic Lusine-Ore. Pulverulent, investing ores of iron and of cobalt, and in- termingled with these, and with earthy matters. Color black. 1. Heated upon charcoal, it gives no arsenical odor; and fused with soda, gives no indication of manganese. With borax, it forms a very in- tensely blue glass. 2. BEUDANT suggests its composition to be, Oxygen - - - - 2890 Cobalt .... 71-10 3. It is probably derived from the decomposition of the arseniurets of cobalt, being found in small quantity with these ores. ' 4. Its principal localities are WOrtemberg, Saalfeld, Joachimsthal and the Tyrol. 5. The botryoidal and the stalactitic Earthy Cobalt, whose sp. gr. = 2-24, and which afford moisture when heated, and the smell of arsenic, appear to be mixtures of the above mineral with Brown Iron-Ore, some of the ores of cobalt and of manganese, together with accidental earthy ingredients; of which character appear to be the following minerals: From Riechelsdorf. Analyzed by KLAPROTH. Peroxide of cobalt with oxide of manganese - - 97-0 Oxide of manganese .---- 80-0 Oxide of copper 1-0 Water - 85-0 Silica 124-0 Alumina 102-0 From Saalfeld. Analyzed by DOBEREINER. Oxide of cobalt and of manganese - - ' - - 76-9 Water - 231 178 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Edingtonite. EDINGTOiNITE. Pyramidal Dy stom e-Spar. Primary form. Right rectangular prism ? Secondary form. Fig. 164. Cleavage, pretty distinct parallel to the primary faces. In other directions a small and conchoidal fracture. Sur- face^ M and T generally smooth, the rest curved and with- out lustre. Lustre vitreous. Color greyish white. Semi-transpa- rent, but oftener translucent. Streak white. Hardness =-4-0 . . . 4-5. Sp. gr. =2-71. 1. It yields moisture when calcined. It is fusible before the blow- pipe into a transparent glass. It gelatinizes in the acids. Silica Alumina Lime . Water 2. Analysis. By TURNER. 35-09 27-69 12-68 13-32 3. It occurs at Kilpatrick near Dumbarton, (Scotland,) where it is accompanied by Harmotome and Thomsonite, being implanted upon the latter mineral in crystals, the largest of which is only two lines in diam- eter. EKEBERGITE. (See Scapolite.) ELAOLITE. (See Nepheline.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Electric Calamine. 179 ELECTRIC CALAMINE. Prismatic Zinc- Baryte. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M=102 35'. Secondary form. Fig. 165. M on M M on a a on h a on c or e c on c' 102 30' 132 35 128 40 115 00 126 36 J Cleavage, parallel with the primary lateral planes, per- fect ; traces of cleavage parallel with the terminal planes. Fracture uneven. Surface of lateral planes streaked par- allel with their common intersections. The rest of the faces generally smooth, sometimes rounded. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly, sometimes to ada- mantine upon curved faces of crystallization. Color white, prevalent : occasionally blue, green, yellow or brown. Streak while. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0. Sp. gr. = 3-379, crystals from Rossegg in Carinthia. Compound Varieties. Globular, botryoidal shapes : sur- face drusy. Massive : composition either granular or co- lumnar ; the former of them often impalpable and strongly coherent, and then the fracture becomes uneven ; the lat- ter straight and divergent. 180 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Electric Calamine. 1. la some of the crystals of Electric Calamine, dissimilar modifica- tions have been observed upon the opposite extremities of the same crys- tals, as in Tourmaline ; attended also with the evolution of different kinds of electricity, as in that mineral. Like the Tourmaline, the elec- tric excitation is occasioned by common changes of atmospheric tempe- rature ; and is not destroyed in the crystals, even after their exposure to a red heat. Before the blow-pipe, it decrepitates a little, loses its transparency, intumesces, and emits a green phosphorescent light. It is infusible with- out addition, but is dissolved by borax into a clear glassy globule, which becomes opake on cooling. It is phosphorescent by friction. Reduced to powder, Jt is soluble in heated sulphuric or muriatic acid, and when cooled, it forms a jelly. 2. Analysis. By BERTHIER. By BERZEL.ITJS. Oxide of zinc . 06-00 . . 68-37 Silica . . . 25-00 . . 26-23 Water . . 9-00 . . 7-40 This species has been found artificially produced, lining the throats of iron furnaces, in Salisbury, (Conn.) where the ore employed is the Brown Iron-Ore. The furnaces are constructed of mica-slate. The mineral presents itself in coatings, quarter of an inch in thickness, having botryoidal shapes with drusy surfaces. Its color is a delicate straw- yellow. 3. Electric Calamine is found along with Calamine in veins belong- ing to various classes of rocks, but chiefly calcareous* ones. It is usually associated with Blende and Galena. 4. Considerable quantities occur at Bleiberg and Raibel in Carinthia, Rezbanya in Hungary, Freiburg in Brisgau, Altenberg near Aix-la- Chapelle, near Tarnowitz in Silesia, at Olkuzk and Medziana Cora in Poland and in Siberia, It occurs in Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Flint- shire, Somersetshire, &c., in England; at Wanlockhead and Lead-Hills in Scotland. In the United States, it has of late been discovered in Jefferson co. (Missouri) at a lead mine called Valle's diggings, where it is associated with Calamine. EMERALD. (See Beryl.] EMERY. (See Corundum.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Epidote. 181 ENDELLIONE. (See Bournonite.) EPIDOTE. Prismatoidal Augite-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right oblique-angled prism. M on T = 115 40'. Secondary forms. MonT Ton b b on M' a on a a on b Fig. 167. Fig. 166. * 115 36' f \ 128 35 116 26 M T ^ 109 24 125 32 *<*. ^^ / ^xj Francor ^^ iia ; (N.H.) Fig. 168. Mono - 121 23') 35 ( P on o - 148 37 r M on T - 116 40 \ g <^ P onw(fig.!67)125 35 T on u - 144 25 ) r ( P on z - 145 3 16 182 PHYSIOGRAPHY, Epidote. Fig. 169. x> \ 1 T 1 T e I M on e 15 15' 1 r Pon 6? - 145 V T on e - 145 24 B P on cl - 148 30 Ton/1 - 145 39 Ton/2 - 114 40 Mond - 125 2 ILLIPS. T on cl - 121 50 Ton bl - 104 30 w T on 62 - 142- 35 Cleavage, perfect parallel to M ; less so parallel to T. Fracture, uneven. Surface, the lateral planes sometimes streaked vertically : in general, the faces are smooth. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly upon perfect faces of cleavage, and the corresponding faces of crystallization. Color, green and grey, prevalent. Among the most com- mon shades of the first, is pistachio-green ; in general, the green lints are more inclined to yellow than in Pyroxene and Hornhlende. The grey colors pass into white and a very pale flesh-red. Streak greyish-white. Semi-trans- parent . . . translucent on the edges. Viewed in a direction parallel to the axis, the color of the crystals contains less yellow than in the directions perpendicular to it. Brittle. Hardness =6-0 ... 7-0. Sp. gr. =3-269, va- riety Zoisite, from the Saualpe; =3-425, Pistazite, from Arendal. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : axis of revolu- tion parallel to the prismatic axis, as represented in the an- nexed figure ; angle of revolution = 180, PHYSIOGRAPHY. Epidote. 183 Fig. 170. M Franconia, (N. H.) M on T T on T' 115 36' 129 35 a on a' 109 24' Several varieties consist of concentric coats, the outer ones of which being pealed off, leave a crystal with smooth faces. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, sometimes impalpable, strongly connected : co- lumnar, straight, and either parallel or divergent, or irregu- lar, and of various sizes of individuals. 1. Epidote includes Zoisite, or the grey and whitish colored varieties oC the present species, and which by some mineralogists have been treat- ed of, as constituting a separate species. The light reddish-black variety from Piedmont, called the Manganesian Epidote, is Zoisite tinged by ox- ide of manganese. 2. Before the blow-pipe, the varieties of Epidote intumesce, and part- ly exfoliate, but are with difficulty brought to the condition of a transpa- rent glass. Those with much iron are more easily fused than the rest. With borax, Epidote first intumesces, and then yields a clear globule. 3. Analysis. fr. the Saualpe. Zoisite. By DESCOTILS fr. Dauphiny. Epidote. 1, ByVAUQUELIJT, fr. Norway. Epidote. Silica 45-00 37-00 37-00 Alumina . 29-00 27-00 21-00 Lime 21-00 14-00 15-00 Oxide of iron 3-00 17-00 24-00 184 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Epidote Epistilbite. 4. Epidote is found variously disseminated in nearly all the primitive rocks, without however entering into their composition as a regular in- gredient, but rather occurring in single, drusy cavities, narrow seams arid veins. The finer crystallizations belong to beds of Magnetic Iron- Ore. The variety Zoisite occurs in single crystals and crystalline masses in beds, with Hornblende, Kyanite, Garnet and Zircon. 5. Magnificent crystals of Epidote are found in the iron-mines of Arendal, Norway. Similar varieties occur also in Sweden. Very handsome crystallizations of the present species are found in Switzer- land, Piedmont, the Pyrenees and the Upper Palatinate. Less remark- able varieties come from the Saualpe, where the transition of the green colored crystals into the grey, or Zoisite, is observed. The grey col- ored Epidote, or Zoisite, is found in the Bache mountain and Schwam- berg Alpe in Lower Stiria; in the Fichtelgeburge, and in the Tyrol. The red mangariesian varieties occur at St. Marcel in the valley of Aosta in Piedmont. Crystals, resembling in size, color and form, those from Norway and Swe- den, occur in the iron- mine of Franconia and in its vicinity, in the state of New Hampshire. Very beautiful grey crystals, though of small diam- eter compared with their length, have been found at Hawley, penetrating small beds of quartz in hornblende-rock. The pistachio-green crystals occur at Cumberland, (R. I.) in veins and drusy cavities, in a species of trap-rock. A variety precisely similar to that from Piedmont has been found in small quantity at Haddam, (Con.) forming a vein in gneiss about one inch wide. But the greyish white colors, or Zoisite varieties, are the most frequent in the U.S. These occur in columnar compositions, in which the individuals are large, at Wardsborough, (Vt.) Milford, (Conn.) but particularly at Goshen and Williamsburg, (Mass.) In the last mentioned places they exist in veins and beds of quartz situated in mica slate. In the eastern part of Maine, a radiating variety has been discovered, which Ls purplish red at the centres of the fibrous masses, but assumes the pis- tachio-green where the fibres diverge most. A variety of Zoisite in long, nearly impalpable fibres, of a dark bluish grey color, occurs with Calcareous Spar in mica slate, at Montpelier, (Vt.) EPISTILBITE. Diplogenous Kouphone-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism, M on M=135 10', PHYSIOGRAPHY. Epistilbite. 185 Secondary forms. Fig. 171. Fig. 172. M M on t - - - - 122 9' t on * 109 46 t on w 154 51 t on 5 - - - - 141 47 s on s 147 40 Cleavage, perfect parallel with the shorter diagonal of the prism. In other directions only an uneven fracture. Surface, the faces M shining, but uneven, not admitting of the use of the reflective goniometer ; the faces s are dull ; t are smooth and shining. Lustre, on M vitreous ; that of r pearly. Color, white. Transparent, to translucent on the edges. Hardness ==4-5. Sp. gr. = 2-249 . . . 2-50. Fig. 173. Compound Varieties. Twin-crys- tals : axis of revolution perpendicular : face of composition parallel to one of the primary lateral faces : angle of rev- olution = 180. Massive : composi- tion granular. 16* M M 186 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Epistilbite Epsom Salt. 1. Epistilbite, according to Dr. BREWSTER, is destitute of the two systems of colored rings, which are visible in Heulandite. The double refraction of the former mineral is also vastly greater than that of the lat- ter ; it also gives the white light of fixed polarization, and exhibits at its edges many orders of colors. 2. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it froths up, and forms a vesic- ular enamel, but cannot be melted into a globule. In the matrass, it intumesces considerably, and gives off water. Borax dissolves a great quantity of it, and forms a clear globule. It is also soluble in salt of phosphorus, with the exception of a skeleton of silica. With solution of cobalt the enamel becomes blue. It is soluble in concentrated muri- atic acid, with the exception of a fine granular residue of silica. 3. Analysis. By ROSE. Silica , . . ' . . 58-59 Alumina ..... 17*52 Lime . ... . . 7-56 Soda ..... 1-78 Water 14-48 4. It occurs in amygdaloidal rocks in Iceland and the Faroe Islands, along with Heulandite, and at Poonah in India. EPSOM SALT. Prismatic Epsom-Salt. JAMIE SON. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M / = 90 30'. Secondary forms. 1. The primary, having the terminal edges deeply re- placed, so as to form pyramids at each extremity, and like- wise having the acute lateral edges truncated. 2. The same form, with the addition of tangent trunca- tions of the obtuse lateral edges, and of the upper edges of the pyramidal terminations. Cleavage, perfect parallel to the shorter diagonal of the primary form ; less so, parallel with the faces formed by the PHYSIOGRAPHY. 1ST Epsom Salt Erinite. truncation of the pyramidal edges. Fracture, conchoidal. Surface, crystals striated vertically upon their lateral planes. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Streak white. Trans- parent . . . translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness2-0 . ..2-5. = l-751. Taste saline and bitter. Compound Varieties. Botryoidal, reniform, and in the shape of crusts: composition columnar, if the particles are very delicate, the lustre becomes pearly. Pulverulent. 1. It deliquesces before the blow-pipe, but is with difficulty fusible, if its water of crystallization has been driven off. It dissolves very rea- dily in water. 2. Analysis, By VOGEL. Water .... 48-0 Sulphuric acid .... 33-0 Magnesia '. 18-0 ."5. It effloresces from several rocks, both in their original repositories, and iu artificial walls. It forms the principal ingredient of certain min- eral waters. 4. It occurs in Freiberg, and in its neighborhood, efflorescent upon gneiss; likewise in Scotland, in the Hartz, in Berchtesgaden, in Salz- burg, at Idria in Carniola, in Bohemia and in Hungary. It abounds in the limestone caves of Kentucky and Indiana, whose floors are often covered with it in delicate crystals, intermingled with dry earth to a considerable depth. In New York also, ten miles from Coeymans, on the east face of the Helderberg, it effloresces from the calcareous sandstone. 5. After having been purified, it is employed in medicine, as well as for the production of magnesia. ERINITE. Dystome Copper-Baryte. Highly crystalline : the individuals arranged in concen- tric coats, with rough surfaces, produced by the termina- tion of exceedingly minute crystals ; the layers often not 188 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Erinite. firmly cohering, so that they may easily be separated from one another. These layers themselves are very compact, exhibiting an uneven or imperfectly conchoidal fracture, and traces of cleavage.* Color, a beautiful emerald green, slightly inclining to grass-green. Streak green, but paler. It is slightly trans- lucent on the edges. Brittle. Hardness =4-5 . . . 5-0. Sp. gr.=4-043. 1. Analysis. By TURNER. Oxide of copper . . . 54-44 Alumina . . . 1-77 Arsenic acid . . . 33-78 Water . . . 5-01 2. It is associated with other species of arseniate of copper, and occurs in the county of Limerick in Ireland. ERLAN. Massive : composition granular, also impalpable and slaty. Fracture splintery and uneven. Color greenish grey. Lustre feebly vitreous to dull. Streak white, and possessing a resinous or oily lustre. Hardness = 5-5 ... 6-5. Sp. gr. = 3-0 . . .3-1. 1. Analysis. By GMELIN. Silica . . ^ . . . 59-8 Alumina ..... 15-9 Lime ...... 15-7 Oxide of manganese . . 5-6 Soda 3-0 2. It occurs associated with Mica at Schwarzenberg in Saxony, form- ing a mountain mass. * These plates form crest-like aggregations. A circumstance which greatly increases the difficulty of observing the regular forms, is the want of lustre ; the surface of the concentric layers being quite dull, while there is only a slight degree of resinous lustre on the fracture. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Euchroite. 189 3. From the foregoing description, Erlan would appear to be only a variety of argillite. ESSONITE. (See Garnet.) iUCHROITE. Peritomous C o p p e r-Baryte. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M=117 |20'. Secondary form. M on M / on I s on s ?i on n Cleavage, parallel to the primary lateral planes, distinct; indistinct parallel to n. Fracture small conchoidal, uneven. Surface, the verti- al faces of the prism streaked parallel to their common dges of combination. Lustre vitreous. Color bright emerald-green. Streak >ale apple-green. Double refraction considerable. Trans- arent . . . translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness = 3-5 ... 4-0. Sp, gr. = 3-389. 1. In the matrass, it loses its water, and becomes yellowish green and riable. When heated to a certain point upon charcoal, it is reduced in n instant with a kind of deflagration, leaving a globule of malleable cop- er, with white metallic particles dispersed throughout its mass, which re entirely volatile upon a continued blast. 2. Analysis. By TURNER. Peroxide of copper . . . 47-85 Arsenic acid . . . 33-02 Water . . 18-80 S. It was discovered at Libethen in Hungary, in quartzose mica slate. 190 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Euclase. EUCLASE. Prismatic Emerald. MOHS. Primary form. Right oblique-angled prism. MonT= 130 50'. Secondary form. Fig. 175. P on M or T M on M or T bl on M or T 62 on M or T P P P P P P P P P P P P P on c on d on el on e2 on c3 on e4 on c5 on c6 on c7 on e8 on c9 on clO on ell 90 0' ~. ^ * P on c!2 130 52 P on e!3 98 50 Pon61 100 00 P on 62 124 30 Pon61 124 24 Pon62 122 28 >-d Pon63 121 30 f felon 62 120 10 P * t-< < 62 on 62' 116 05 *5 61 on 62 112 50 GO 62 on 63 111 50 62 on 61 109 40 d ond 108 46 clon d 107 20 el on 61 106 22 el on 61 105 14 103 C 100 123 108 130 112 139 165 143 162 169 143 105 140 148 115 Cleavage, highly perfect, and very easily obtained par allel to P ; less distinct parallel to T. Fracture perfect!; conchoidal, and very easily obtained. Surface, the face between T and P streaked parallel to their common inter section. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 191 Euclase Eudyalite. Lustre vitreous. Color mountain-green, passing into >lue, and white, always pale. Streak white. Transpa- ent . . . semi-transparent, generally the first. Very brittle and fragile. Hardness = 7-5. Sp. gr. = 5*098, a greenish-white crystal. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it intumesces in a strong heat, and becomes vhite. If the heat be still farther increased, it melts into a white ena- nel. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIU*. Silica .... 43-22 Alumina .... 30-56 Glucina .... 21-78 Oxide of iron .... 2-22 Oxide of tin .... 0-70 . 3. Nothing as yet is known with sufficient accuracy, of the mode of ts occurrence in nature. The first varieties of it were brought by DOM- BEY from Peru. It was afterwards found at Capao in the mining dis- rict of Villa-Ricca in Brazil, where it occurs in beautifully crystallized r arieties in a chloritfc slate, resting on sandstone, along with Topaz. It s generally brought to Europe in fractured crystals. EUDYALiTE. Rhombohedral Petali n e-Spar. I Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P ; = 73 40'. Secondary form. Fig. 176. P on tc - 106 36' P on z - 126 192 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Eudyalite Eukairite. Cleavage, parallel to o distinct ; parallel to z less so : traces of cleavage parallel with the faces of the primary rhomboid. Fracture conchoidal or uneven. Surface smooth, but often rather uneven. Lustre vitreous. Color brownish-red. Streak white. Translucent on the edges . . . opake. Hardness =5-0 . . . 5-5. Sp. gr. =2-898. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts into a leek-green scoria. If redu- ced to powdsr, it gelatinizes with acids. 2. Analysis. By STROMEYER. Silica .... 52-00 Zhconia . . . 10-89 Lime .... 10-14 Soda .... 13-92 Oxide of iron . 6-85 Oxide of manganese . . . 2-57 Muriatic acid . . . . 1-03 3. It is found in Greenland, mixed with Sodalite,* Hornblende, and 9 mountain green variety of Feldspar. EUKAIRITE. Selenious Poly poine-Glance Massive : composition granular or impalpable. Lustre metallic. Color lead-grey. Streak white, wher impressed with the nail. Ductile. Hardness =2-0 . . . 2*5. 1. When heated alone before the blow-pipe, it emits a strong smell o selenium, and yields greyish white, and hard metallic globules. Heatec with lead upon bone-ashes, it gives a globule of silver. In an open tube it affords a precipitate of selenium and selenious acid. It prevents the reaction of copper with fluxes, and is soluble in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By BERZEL.IUS. Selenium , . . 31-58 . . . 26-00 Silver . . . 43-16 . . . 38-93 Copper . . . 25-26 , . . 23-05 Earthy matters . . 000 . . . 8-90 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Fahlerz. 193 3. It occurs disseminated through Calcareous Spar, in the mine of Skrickerum in Smoland. FAHLERZ. Tetrahedral Copper-Glance. MOHS. Primary form. Tetrahedron. Secondary forms. Fig. 177. Fig. 178. 2. Fig. 180. 4. Kapnik. Schwatz, (Tyrol.) 5, Rhombic dodecahedron. 6, Icosatetrahedron. 7, Trigonal dodecahedron, resulting from the extension of the bevelling planes in Fig. 179. Cleavage, not visible, except traces of the octahedron. Fracture conchoidal, of different degrees of perfection Surface, the tetrahedron and the trigonal dodecahedron 17 194 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Fahlerz. generally streaked irregularly, parallel to their common edg- es of combination, not rough ; the dodecahedron some- times a little rough. Some varieties are subject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Color steel-grey . . . iron-black. Streak unchanged, sometimes inclining to brown. Rather brittle. Hardness = 3-0 ... 4-0. Sp. gr. = 4-104, from Cremnitz ; = 4*950 from Kapnik $ =4-798, from Schvvatz-. Oompound Varieties. Twin-crystals : face of compo- sition parallel to a face of the octahedron ; the individuals continued beyond the face of composition. Fig. 181. Dillenburg. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of indi- viduals, strongly connected, and often impalpable ; fracture uneven. 1. Schwarzerz has been distinguished as a subspecies under Fahlerz. but differs only in having a deeper black color, and a more conchoida! fracture. The varieties of the present species differ somewhat in their behavior before the blow-pipe, arising chiefly, it may be concluded, from acci- dental mixtures, depending upon the substances with which they occur associated. Some jyeld arsenic when roasted, others antimony, and the residue melt in different ways. After roasting, (hey yield a globule of copper. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 195 Fahlerz Fahlunite. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. of Fahlerz. of Schwarzcrz. Copper . . 4800 . . 40-25 Arsenic . . 14-00 . . 0-75 Antimony . . 0-00 . . 23-00 Sulphur . . 1000 . . 18-50 Iron . . 25-50 . , 13-50 Silver . . 0-50 . . 0-30 Other varieties contain the same ingredients in other proportions. Some, moreover, contain zinc, mercury, or lead ; and in some varieties as much as 13 p. c. of silver has been discovered : in others again, a small quantity of gold is detected. 3. Fahlerz is found in beds and veins. It is accompanied by Copper Pyrites, Spathic Iron, and Quartz. 4. The varieties of a steel-grey color are found in veins near Frei- berg in Saxony, and in beds in Anhalt in the county of Gomor in Hun- gary, in Stiria, &c. ; varieties called Schwarzerz are met with in veins at Schwatz and other places in Tyrol, at Kapnik in Transylvania, at Cremnitz in Hungary ; also at Clausthal and Andreasberg in the Hartz. It occurs also in the neighborhood of Dillenburg ; in Mansfield ; in small quantities at Airthrie, and other places in Scotland ; in Cornwall, and in South America. FAHLUNITE. Peritomous Petaline-Spar. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 109 28'. MonP=101 30'. Reniform massive. Cleavage parallel to the primary form. Fracture con- choidal . . . uneven, splintery. Lustre vitreous. Color olive-green and oil green, pass- ing into yellow, grey, brown, and black. Streak greyish- white. Feebly translucent on the edges . . . opake. Hardness =6-0 . . . 6-5. Sp. gr. =2-61 . . . 2-66. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it becomes pale-grey, and melts on its thin- nest edges. It is but slowly dissolved in glass of borax, and communi- xates to it the 'color produced by oxide of iron. 196 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Fahlunite Feldspar. 2. Analysis. By TROLLE-WACHTMEISTER. A black m Sp. Silica Alumina Oxide of iron Magnesia Protoxide of manganese do. mixed with ox. of iron Soda Potash Fluoric acid with silica Lime Water 3. It occurs at Fahlun in Sweden, in a talcose or chloritic slate, with Galena and Copper Pyrites. FASSAITE. (See Pyroxene.} FELDSPAR. Orthotomous Feld-spar. MOHS. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. * M on T = 120. PonM=90. P on T =67 15', Fig. 182. issive var. Crystallized grey v gr. =2-68. =274 43-51 . . 44-60 ar. Blackish grey van Sp. gr. = 2-79 44-95 25-81 . 30-10 30-70 6-35 . 3-86 7-22 6-57 . 6'75 6-04 0-00 . o-oo 1-90 1-72 . 2-24 0-00 4-45 0-94 . I 1-98 o-oo 1-38 0-16 . 0-00 o-oo 0-00 . 135 0-95 11-66 935 8-05 * In the description of this species, it has been found the most conven- ient to represent the crystals after the method of HATJY, in preference to that of BROOKE, whose projections have generally been adopted in (he present work. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Feldspar. 19T Secondary forms. Fig. 183. Fig. 184. Fig. 185. M St. Gothard. Rossie, (N.Y.) \ Fig. 18G. Fig. 187, Fig. 188. Isere. Middlcfield and Becket, (Mass.) 17* 198 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Feldspar. Fig. 189. In order to render more easily intelligible the changes suffered by the primary form, ihe planes M and T have the same position given them in the secondary forms, as in the figure by which the primary is illustrated. Fig. 183. (uni- taire. HAUY.) M on y = 90. H. P on */ = 99 29'. H. Fig. 184. (prismatique. HAUY.) M on 7 = 120. H. Pon/=lll 40'. H. Fig. 185. (binaire. H.) Ton/ = 60. Fig. 186. (ditetraedre. H.) P on #=128 51'. H. Fig. 187. (sexdecimal H.) x on y = 150 45' 28". H. M on s=H6 20'. H. Fig. 188. (synoptique. H.) T or M on z = 1 50. M or P on n = 1 35. q on x = 164 40'. H. q on a = 149 10 7 . P. This is a reunion of all the modifications of Feldspar. Crystals agreeing with it, with the deficiency of planes n q and y, are found at Greenfield, near Saratoga, (N.Y.) ; also at Haddam, (Conn.) Others, only wanting planes n and \J PHYSIOGRAPHY. 217 Gadolinite Galena. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition impalpa- ble. Fracture conchoidal. 1. As soon as the heat of the blow-pipe is communicated to thin fragments, they exhibit an instantaneous glow. In the strongest heat the mass swells up, turns greyish green, and is traversed by numerous fissures. In very thin fragments, it melts with difficulty, into a greyish glass. Some varieties, according to BERZELIUS, become white, and swell into cauliflower-like masses, without suffering fusion ; while oth- ers, according to PHILLIPS, fuse readily, after some decrepitation, into a black glass. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. fr. Finbo. fr. Brodbo. fr. Korarfvet. Yttria 45-00 45-95 47-62 Protoxide of iron 1143 1263 8-30 Protoxide of cerium 17-92 18-20 3-40 Silica 25-80 24-16 29-20 Lime 0-00 0-00 3-47 Oxide of manganese Glucina o-oo 0-00 o-oo o-oo 1-42 1-70 Water 0-00 0-00 5-20 3. Gadolinite occurs in sjneiss and granite, and is chiefly accompanied by Feldspar, Albite and Quartz. Its localities are Ytterby near Stock- holm, and Finbo and Brodbo near Fahlun in Sweden. It is also found in Greenland. GAHNITE. (See Jlutomalite.) GALACTITE. A name which has been given to a mineral found in the trap/of Kilpatrick, near Glasgow ; but which is probably a variety of Analcime. GALAPEKTITE. (See Halloysite.) GALENA. Hexahedral Polypoion e-G lance. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. 1- Cube, with the angles truncated. 19 218 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Galena. 2. Regular octahedron. Bleiberg in Carinthia. South- ampton, (Mass.) 3. Octahedron, with its angles truncated. Cumberland, England. 4. Octahedron, with its angles replaced by four planes resting on the octahedral planes. 5. The same, with the truncation of the summits of the four-sided pyramids situated upon the angles of the octahe- dron. 6. The octahedron, with the edges truncated. 7. The octahedron, with the edges bevelled, and the angles truncated, the truncating planes being the primacy faces of the species. 8. The same, excepting that the edges are replaced by three planes, (pentacontaedre, HAUY,) from Feistriz in Stiria. 9. The trigonal icositetrahedron. Fig. 208. Cleavage, parallel with the cube, highly perfect, and ea- sily obtained. Fracture rarely discoverable. Surface, the cube and the trigonal-icositetrahedron streaked parallel to the edges of combination with the octahedron. Sometimes subject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Color pure lead-grey. Streak un- changed. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Galena. 219 Rather sectile. Hardness =2*5. Sp. gr. = 7*568, of a cleavable variety. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals ; face of composi- tion parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to a face of the octahedron. Fig. 209. Kapnik, Transylvania. Reticulated, tabular, and some other imitative shapes, the individuals of which are often still observable. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, some- times impalpable. In this case the color becomes pale, or whitish lead-grey, the fracture even, or flat conchoidal, and the streak shining. The granular particles of composition sometimes become elongated, or compressed in one direc- tion, and then approach to lamellar or columnar ones. Pseudomorphoses of Pyromorphite. Plates, &c, 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts, if heated with precaution, and yields after the sulphur has been driven off, globules of metallic lead. It is partly soluble in nitric acid, and leaves a white residue. 2. Analysis. By THOMPSON. Lead 85-13 Sulphur 13-02 Iron 0-50 220 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Galena. 3. Galena is frequently found in veins, but also in great quantity in beds, particularly in limestone rocks. In beds, it is accompanied by va- rious other ores of lead, by Blend'e, Copper and Iron-Pyrites ; in veins, it occurs along with ores of silver, copper and antimony, sometimes with Native Gold. In both cases it is attended by Fluor, Calcareous Spar and Quartz. 4. The remarkable beds of Galena in Carinthia, which occur in lime- stone, and are worked at Deutsch-Bleiberg, Windisch-Bleiberg, Win- disch Kappel, Ebriach, and other places, possess in several respects a striking similarity to those of Derbyshire, Durham and Northumber- land, in England. It is also found in beds in olderTbcks, as in Stir- ia, Carinthia, &c. In veins, it occurs in rocks of different ages, from gneiss to the coal formations, in various parts of Saxony and Bohemia, in the Hartz, in Anhalt, in Hungary, in Transylvania, in France, in Scot- land, and in many other European countries. Fine crystals have been obtained from the Pfaffenberg mine near Neudorf in Anhalt, from Sax- ony, from Transylvania, from Cumberland, Durham, &c. Compact Ga- lena chiefly occurs at Freiberg in Saxony, in the Hartz, in Carinthia, and at the Lead Hills in Scotland. The Specular Galena, or Slicken- sides, which consists of an extremely thin coating of this species on. Quartz, or on some other mineral, is found principally in some of the mines of Derbyshire.* American localities of Galena are exceedingly numerous, although we have but few valuable mining deposits of this species. The most impor- tant are those situated in Missouri, in the counties of Washington, St. Genevieve, Jefferson and Madison; and at Galena in the north-west part of the State of Illinois. In these regions the Galena is found in an allu- vial deposit of clay and marl, through which are disseminated masses of Quartz, the whole resting upon a secondary limestone. Numerous lo- calities might also be quoted in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia and Maryland. In Pennsylvania, it occurs on Perkiomen creek, 23 miles from Philadelphia, accompanied by several of the salts of lead ; and in New York at Ancram, and in Livingston's manor in Columbia co. In Connecticut, besides thin veins at Middletown, Huntington, and South- * The Quartz or mineral on which it is formed, constitutes the vein stone, adhering to both walls of the vein ; when these vein stones meet, each being thinly coated by Galena, they are readily separated by the pick, and indeed sometimes fly off spontaneously, with a loud explo- PHYSIOGRAPHY. Galena Garnet. 221 ington, a deposit has lately been discovered at Brookfield, whose ex- tent is not yet fully developed. In Massachusetts, numerous veins have been discovered in Hampshire county, the most important of which ex- ist at Southampton and Northampton. In addition to the foregoing, it may be added that Galena has been found in Vermont and Maine. Galena is the source of the principal part of the lead of commerce. On account of its generally containing a small quantity of silver, it is also employed to a considerable extent for the extraction of this metal. Pot- ters use either the Galena reduced to powder, or the litharge produced from it, for glazing coarse pottery. GANOMATITE. Massive : in crusts, and kidney-shaped. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Color yellow, to brown and green. Sp. gr. =2926. Other properties and locality, unknown. GARNET. Dodecahedral Garnet. MOHS. Primary form. Rhombic dodecahedron. Secondary forms. 1. Dodecahedron, with the edges truncated. Hamburg, (N.J.) 2. Trapezohedron. Washington, (Conn.) Common. 3. Dodecahedron, with the edges replaced by three planes, (trie margine. HAUY.) Fig, 210, Franconia, (N. If.) 19* 222 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Garnet. 4. The same as 1. with the addition of the truncation of the acute solid angles of the dodecahedron by four planes resting upon the edges of the dodecahedron, (uniternaire. HAUY.) Bannat of Temeswar. 5. Icositetrahedron. Fig. 211. 6. Tetraconta-octahedron. Fig. 212. Mussa, Piedmont. Irregular forms and grains. Cleavage, parallel with the dodecahedron, but very indis- tinct. Fracture conchoidal, more or less perfect, general- ly uneven. Surface, the crystals sometimes streaked par- allel to the edges of combination with the dodecahedron : the dodecahedron itself is sometimes streaked parallel to its edges of combination with the cube. The surface of the grains is uneven, rarely granulated. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 223 Garnet. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous in some varieties, more nearly the latter. Color red, brown, yellow, white, green, black ; except some red colors, none of them are bright. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Hardness = 6-5 ... 7-5. Sp. gr. = 3-6 1 5, Grossular ; 3-701, Melanite; 3-769, brown, common Garnet ; 3.788, Pyrope ; 4*098, crystals of precious Garnet, Tyrol; 4-125, grains of precious Garnet, Ohlapian ; 4-179, crystals of Al- mandine ; 4*208, crystals of precious Garnet, Haddam. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, and often, even impalpable, easily separated, or strongly coherent ; faces of composition irregularly streaked, uneven or rough. If the composition be impalpable, the fracture becomes uneven and splintery. The composition is sometimes thick lamellar, and bent, the face of composition being pretty smooth. 1. From the diversity in hardness and specific gravity, which exists among the numerous varieties of Garnet, it is highly probable that the present limits of the species are too wide, and that they include individ- uals which will hereafter be discovered to constitute independent spe- cies. It is not at all likely, however, that discoveries will take place in coincidence with the arbitrary and empirical separation of the species into varieties, as found in the older treatises of mineralogy ; for these are founded almost entirely upon accidental circumstances. These sub- divisions from their present currency in books, require to be noticed. Grossular occurs only in imbedded crystals of the forms of icositetrahe- dron, and combinations of it with the dodecahedron. Its colors are con- fined to asparagus green and mountain green. Pyrencite also occurs only in small blackish, imbedded crystals in limestone. Melanite pos- sesses the form of modification 1, is generally imbedded, and of a velvet- black color. Pyrope occurs only in grains, and is remarkably distinct, from its pure translucency and blood red color, which is not found in any other variety. Among the varieties known under the simple denomina- tion of Garnet, are found every simple form and combination noticed 224 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Garnet. above, among the crystalline varieties, also grains and massive speci- mens: it contains likewise every shade of the series of colors, and it is therefore only in the particular union of several of these properties, that we must look for the distinction of the above mentioned varieties. The color of Precious Garnet is always red ; its crystals are found imbed- ded. It is the only variety that occurs in grains, and if compound, it presents lamellar composition. Common Garnet seldom occurs in red colors, and these are of dull shades ; its crystals are generally implant- ed, and the composition is granular, but not impalpable. Colophoniteis a compound variety of yellowish-brown and reddish- brown, or oil green and honey-yellow colors, consisting of roundish particles of composition, which are easily separable. If the composition be impalpable, Allochro- ite is formed. The two varieties Jlplome and Essonite, appear less con- nected with the rest of the species, than any of those which have been enumerated. The first of these occurs in dodecahedrons, having the acute, solid angle replaced by tangent planes, parallel with which cleav- age takes place, thus indicating the cube as the system of crystalliza- tion to which they belong. The latter, according to HATJY, presents traces of cleavage parallel to a prism of 101 40'. It is generally found in grains ; but the optical examinations of Dr. BREWSTER and M. BIOT, render it extremely probable that it is only a variety of Garnet. 2. Before the blow-pipe, Garnet melts without effervescence, pretty uniformly, into a black globule, presenting a vitreous lustre. Some varieties present a slight effervescence, but finally yield the same result. The bead obtained by melting is frequently attracted by the magnet. 3. Analysis. KLAPROTH. SIMON. VAITQUELIN. KL. LAUGIER. KL. Gross u-!Mela- lar. jnite. pr. Gar- net. Coloph- oriite. Alloch- roite. Pyre- neite. Py- rope. Apl- orne. Esso- nite. Silica - - Alumina - Lime - - Ox. of iron- - Ox. of manganese 44-00 8-50 33-50 12-00 a trace. 35 50 6-00 3250 24-25 0-40 35-75 27-25 o-oo 36-00 0-25 37-00 13-50 29-00 7-50 4-75 3500 8-00 30-00 17-00 3-50 43-00 16-00 20-00 16-00 0-00 40-00 28-50 3-50 16-50 0-25 40-0 20-0 155 2-0 20 38-80 21-20 31-25 6-50 o-oo Besides these, Colophonite contains 6-5 p. c. of magnesia, 0-5 p. c. of oxide of titanium, and TO of water; Allochroite, 60 of carbonate of lime ; Pyreneite, 4-0 of water ; and Pyrope, 10 of magnesia, and 2-0 of chromic acid. 4. Garnet occurs in many rocks with a degree of constancy, and in a quantity almost sufficient to be regarded as an essential ingredient in PHYSIOGRAPHY. 225 Garnet. their composition. It is particularly plentiful in mica-slate, gneiss, gra- nite, and also exists, though in smaller quantity, in limestone, chlorite- slate, serpentine and lava. Precious Garnet occurs in slaty primitive rocks ; Grossular and Pyrope are found in serpentine, the latter also in other rocks, through the decomposition of which it is brought into the soil. Melanite is imbedded in lava, and occurs implanted in geodes ejected by Vesuvius, also in primitive limestone. Pyreneite is found in a blackish limestone, Common Garnet is found in beds, consisting either wholly, or for the greater part of its varieties, accompanied by Magnetic [ron-Ore, Hornblende and Epidote. Allochroite is found under similar circumstances. Colophonite fbrms veins in primitive rocks. 5. Grossular is found with Idocrase in a kind of serpentine, in Kamts- chatka ; Melanite, at Frescati and Albano near Rome ; Pyrope, near Bilin in Bohemia, and in the serpentine of Zoblitz, and the forest of Zell n Saxony ; Pyreneite, near Bareges in France. Precious Garnet, some- imes in large, but not very transparent crystals, and often covered with coat of chlorite, occurs at Fahlun in Sweden, and in many localities of the Tyrol, Carinthia, Stiria, Switzerland, Hungary, &c. The varieties possessing lamellar compositions, are found in Greenland ; Common Gar- net, in large quantities, at Arendal in Norway, Fahlun, Langbanshytta in Sweden, Orawitza in the Bannat in Hungary, Stiria, Siberia and many other places. Colophonite is known from Arendal; Allochroite from Drammen in Norway, and the valley of Zem in Salzburg. The trans- parent crystals of precious Garnet, called Jllmandine, are chiefly brought from Ceylon and Pegu, where they occur in the sand of the rivers. The Aplome comes from Lena in Siberia, Schwarzenberg in Saxony, and from Bohemia and England ; the Cinnamon stone from Ceylon. Several very beautiful varieties of Garnet have been found in the U. States. Small, but exceedingly perfect, dodecahedrons, of a handsome red-brown color, and transparent, occur at Hanover, (New Hampshire,) disseminated through hornblende-gneiss. Dark blood-red, and highly splendent crystals, (modification 3,) present themselves in geodes, in massive Garnet, Calcareous Spar, and Magnetic Iron-Ore, at Franconia, (N. H.) Splendid geodes, of a transparent, cinnamon-brown colored va- riety, (of modification 1,) are found, accompanied by Scapolite, in white limestone, at Carlisle, (Mass.) : less remarkable specimens, also, of the same variety, occur at Boxborough in the same region. Geodes of Mel- anite, of great beauty, in which the crystals sometimes are above an inch in diameter, occur at Franklin furnace, in New Jersey, inlimestonej as- PHYSIOGRAPHY. Garnet Gay Lussite. sociated with Quartz and greenish Feldspar. A rich, red colored Gar- net, in irregular trapezohedrons, sometimes of considerable size, is found at Haddam, (Conn.) associated with Chrysoberyl, Automalite, and Colum- bite, Very perfect trapez-ohedrons, of a reddish brown Garnet, abound in mica slate, in Munroe, Washington, and several neighboring towns in Connecticut. Large dodecahedral crystals, of a dull red color, and not possessed of smooth faces, are found in chlorite slate, at Marlborough and New Fane, in Vermont: also in mica slate, in Chesterfield, (Mass.) A blackish brown variety, in large crystals, (of modification 1,) is found in limestone, at Lyme, (Conn.) Colophonite in large grains, possessing rich colors, constitutes a powerful vein, in gneiss, atWillsborough, (N.Y.) on Lake Champlain. At Roger's Rock, also, upon Lake George, is found a much finer grained variety, of yellow and red colors. Yellow and red- dish, brown Garnet, is found, along with Franklinite., in limestone, at Franklin Furnace, in New York. GAY LUSSITE. Peritomous Natron-Salt. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 68 50'. P on M = 96 30'. Cleavage, parallel with the faces of the primary form, perfect ; most so, parallel with M. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Transparent. Very brittle. Hardness =2*5. Sp. gr. =1-9. 1. When heated, it decrepitates. Before the blow-pipe, it melts rap- idly. In nitric acid, it dissolves with a brisk effervescence, giving rise to crystals of nitrate of soda, 2. Analysis. By BOUSSIJVGAULT and CORDIER. Carbonate of soda , 33-96 Lime - ... 31-39 Water .... 32-20 Carbonic acid .... 1-45 Alumina - - - - 1-00 3. It is found in great abundance, disseminated in detached crystals through clay, near Lagunilla in Colombia. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 227 Gehlenite Gibbsite. rEHLENITE. Pyramidal Dystome- Sp ar. Primary form. A right square prism. Cleavage, in traces, parallel with the base. Lustre resinous, inclining to vitreous. Color, different hades of grey, mostly yellowish ; none of them bright. Opake. Sometimes faintly translucent on the edges. Brittle. Hardness =5-5 . . . 6*0. Sp. gr. =3-029. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it fuses only in thin splinters. In borax, it very slowly dissolved. It gelatinizes in heated muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By FUCHSK By KOBELL. Alumina . . 24-80 . .. . 21-4 Silica . . 2964 . . . 31-0 Lime . . 35-30 . . . 37-4 Oxide of iron . 6 56 ... 4-4 Magnesia . . 0-00 ... 3-4 Water . . . 3 30 ... 20 3. It has been found on Mount Monzoni, in the valley of Fassa in the Tyrol, along with Calcareous Spar. 3IBBSITE. Staphyline Wavelline-Spar. Irregular stalactites ; tuberose masses. Structure fibrous, the fibres radiating from the centre. Lustre faint. Color greenish or greyish white. Trans- ucent. Hardness =3*0 . . . 3'5, but easily reduced to powder. Sp. gr. =2-4. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it whitens, but is infusible. 2. Analysis. By TORREY. Alumina ..... 64-8 Water 34-7 3. It is found in very small quantity only, disseminated through a bed of Limonite, at Richmond, (Mass.) 228 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Gilbertite. GlESECKlTE. Crystallized in six-sided prisms. Cleavage not visible. Fracture uneven, splintery. Lustre resinous, faint. Color olive-green, grey, brown. Streak uncolored. Feebly translucent on the edges . . . opake. Hardness == 2-5 ... 3-0. Sp. gr. = 2-832. 1. Analysis. By STROMEYER. Silica .... 46-07 Alumina .... 33-82 Magnesia .... 1-20 Black oxide of iron . . . 3-35 Oxide of manganese . . . 1-15 Potash * . . . . 6-20 Water .... 4-88 2. It occurs in Greenland, with Feldspar. 3. The above description probably applies to a variety of Mica, similar to Finite. GILBERTITE. Massive ; foliated. Lustre pearly. Color white, with a shade of yellow. Trans- lucent. Sectile. Hardness = 4-00 ? Sp. gr. = 2-648. 1. Analysis. By THOMSON. Silica .... 45-155 Alumina ' . . . . 40-110 Lime .... 4-170 Magnesia .... 1-900 Protoxide of iron . . . 2-430 Water .... 4-250 2. It occurs at St. Austle in Cornwall, and contains through its mass particles of Fluor, and what appears to be Apatite. 3. It is quite probable, that the above mineral, which is well known as Cornish Talc, is an aggregate of Talc, Mica and several other mine- ral species. GIOBERTITHV (See Magnetite.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. 229 Gismondin Glauberite. GISMONDIN. Abrazitic Kouphone-Spar. Primary form. Right square prism. Secondary form. Primary form surmounted by four- sided pyramids, whose faces correspond to the prismatic faces. The adjoining faces of either pyramid incline un- der 122 58' : and a face of the upper pyramid to a cor- responding one of the lower, under 85 40'. Cleavage imperfect, parallel to the pyramidal faces. Sur- face, prismatic faces frequently rounded ; the pyramidal ones smooth, and though generally very small, yet possess- ing high degrees of lustre. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre adamantine. Color pale smalt-blue, milk-white, pearl-grey and rose-red. Translucent, in small crystals, nearly transparent. Hardness =6-0 . . . 6-5. Sp, gr. =2-16 . . . 2-2. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it phosphoresces, and becomes friable, but is infusible. It gelatinizes with acids without effervescence. 2. Analysis. By CARPI. . Silica .... 41-4 Lime .... 48-6 Alumina .... 2-5 Magnesia .... 1*5 Oxide of iron .... 2-5 3. Gismondin occurs along with white octahedrons of Fluor, Feld- spar and other minerals, in the drusy cavities of a volcanic rock, at Capo di Bove, near Rome. It approaches in several of its properties, especially that of form, the species Zircon. GLAUBERITE. Prismatic Br i t hy n e-S al t. MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M'=83 20'. Mon P=104 15'. 20 230 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Glauberite Glauber Salt. Secondary form. P on e or e' 137 9' ) g C M on e 147 40' e on e' 116 20 V | {P on/ 112 20 M or M' on/ 131 35 ) I ( e or e' on/ 132 37 The planes M and / are often wholly wanting. Cleavage, parallel with M and M' perfect; traces of P but interrupted by conchoidal fracture. Fracture conchoi- dal. Surface, planes e streaked parallel to their common edges of combination, partly uneven, but smooth and shi- ning. Lustre vitreous. Color yellowish or greyish-white. Streak white. Semi-transparent , . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 2'5 . . . 3-0, Sp. gr, = 2-807. Taste feebly saline and astringent. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it decrepitates, and melts into a white ena- mel. Immersed in water, it loses its transparency, and is partly dissol- ved. The same appears in a moist atmosphere. 2. Analysis, By BRONGNIART. Sulphate of lime .... 490 Sulphate of soda . . . . 51-0 3. It occurs in imbedded crystals in Common Salt, at Villarubia, near Ocanain New Castile. Another locality is Aussee in Uppe* Austria. GLAUBER SALT. Prismatic Glauber-Salt. MOHS. Efflorescent, and in mealy crusts. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 231 Glauber Salt. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Streak white. Trans- parent to opake. Sectile. Hardness = 1-5 ... 2-0. Sp. gr. = 1-481. Taste cool, then feebly saline and bitter. 1. It is easily soluble in water, but readily falls into powder on being exposed to the air. 2. Analysis. By REUSS. Sulphate j " ^ 67-024 Carbonate V of soda ) 16-333 Muriate ) C 11-000 Muriate of lime 5 643 3. Glauber Salt is found accompanying Common Salt and Epsom Salt, or as an efflorescence, upon the soil, and on several rocks ; also on the shores of salt lakes, and in some mineral springs. 4. It occurs in the neighborhood of Ausser, Ischel, and Hallstadt in Austria, at Hallein in Salzburg, in Hungary, in Switzerland; also in Italy and Spain, and the Sandwich Islands. GLAUCOLITE. Massive. Cleavage parallel with a rhombic prism of 143 30 ; , nearly. Fracture splintery, or uneven. Lustre vitreous. Color lavender-blue, to green. Translucent. Hardness = 5-5. Sp. gr. = 2 7 . . . 2-9. 1. Fusible with difficulty before the blow-pipe, into a blebby white glass ; but is soluble in borax and salt of phosphorus. 2. Analysis. By BERGMANS. . Silica 54-58 Alumina . . . . . 29-77 Lime 11-08 Potash 4-57 3. It is found in compact Feldspar and granular limestone, with Talc, in the granitic mountains, upon the borders of the Sliudiauka, which empties into lake Baikal. 4. With the exception of the cleavage, the foregoing description would apply to some of the varieties of Scapolite. 232 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Gmelinite. GMELINITE. Sarcoline Ko uphone-Spar. Primary form. Rhomboid : dimensions unknown. Secondary form. Regular hexagonal prism, with the terminal edges replaced by single planes. y on y' - - - 83 36' Cleavage parallel to the rhomboid, visible, though not easily obtained. Fracture uneven. Surface streaked, the prism horizontally, the pyramidal planes parallel to the edg- es of combination with the rhomboid. Lustre vitreous. Color white, passing into flesh-red. Streak white. Translucent. Hardness =4*5. Sp. gr. =2'05. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it swells up, and assumes the appearance of an enamel. When held in the flame of a candle, it exfoliates into nume- rous scales. 2. Analysis. By VATJQTJELUV, By THOMSON, fr. Montecchio-Maggiore. fr. Castel. fr. Antrim, Ireland. Silica 50-00 . 50-00 39-896 Alumina 20-00 . 20-00 12-968 Lime 4-50 4 25 0-000 Soda 450 . 4-25 0-000 Water 2100 . 20-00 . .. 29-866 Protoxide of iron o-oo . o-oo 7-443 Potash 0.00 . o-oo 9827 3, It is found in the cavities of amygdaloidal rocks, at Montecchio- Maggiore, and at Castel in the Vicentine, and in the county of Antrim in Ireland. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Gmelinite Graphic Gold. 233 4. It would appear that the newly proposed Ledererite, from Cape Blomidon. Nova Scotia, is a variety of Gmelinite. It is described by Mr. JACKSOIV as occurring in regular six-sided prisms, whose terminal edges are truncated, the truncating planes inclining to the prismatic fa- ces under angles of 180, i. e. y on y f (of the above figure) =? 80 ; a difference not very considerable, when it is considered that the common goniometer was employed. The crystals, besides, are mentioned as hav- ing the longitudinal striae upon the prismatic faces. Sp. gr. = 2-169. Hardness nearly the same as Feldspar, though from the circumstance that Mr. BROOKE considered the mineral as Apatite, it seems probable that it must be somewhat lower. The crystals are transparent, or only translucent ; white, or tinged with flesh-red. Lustre vitreous. Ac- cording to Mr. HAYES, it consists of, Silica 49-470, Alumina 2T480, Lime 11-480, Soda 3 940, Phosphoric acid 3-480, Oxide of iron 0-140, For- eign matter 0-030, Water 8-580, Loss 1-400. This mineral occurs in trap, with Analcime and Stilbite. GCETHITE. (See Limonite.) GRAPHIC GOLD. Prismatic Antimony-Glance. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 107 44'. Secondary form. Fig. 215. P on al P on 2 P on cl or cl' P on c2 or c2' P on c3 orc3' 132 45' MonA - J26 08 /on h ' T 90 00 Cleavage parallel with M highly perfect ; with T per- fect, though not so easily obtained. Fracture uneven. 234 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Graphic Gold. Secondary surfaces of the prism vertically streaked ; M fused-like ; the remaining faces smooth. Lustre metallic. Color pure steel-grey. Streak un- changed. Very sectile. Hardness =1-5 . . .2*0. Sp. gr. =5-723. Compound Varieties. Regular composition of acicular crystals, nearly at angles of 60 and 120, in one plane, frequently repeated, and imparting to the whole the ap- pearance of certain characters for writing. Massive : com- position imperfectly columnar or granular, small, but not impalpable. 1. The present species presents a great many varieties of crystalline forms, which being generally very much engaged among each other, and moreover modified by regular composition, have not yet been satis- factorily developed. Before the blow-pipe, it melts easily into a dark grey metallic globule, and covers the charcoal with a white oxide, which changes into a green, or bluish green, when the reduction flame is directed upon it. After having continued the blast for some time, a ductile metallic metal, of a light yellow color, remains. 2. Analysis. By KLAPB.OTH. Tellurium .... 60-00 Gold - - - - S000 v Silver - - - - 1000 It yet remains to be explained how an amalgam of the above compo- sition should possess a sp. gr. of only 5-723, when the artificial prepara- tion would mount as high as 10. 3. Graphic Gold occurs at Offenbanya in Transylvania, in very nar- row, but quite regular veins, which traverse porphyry, several of them at a short distance from each other, and parallel. It is accompanied by Native Gold and Quartz ; and is occasionally met with along with Black Tellurium, at Nagyag in Transylvania. 4. It is a valuable ore, on account of its richness in gold and silver. ' GRAPHITE. (See Plumbago.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. 235 Green Malachite. GREEN EARTH. (See Talc.) GREEN IRON-ORE. Massive : reniform and fibrous. Lustre vitreous, silky. Feebly translucent upon the edges. Color dark lake-green ; the decomposed fibres, yellowish or brownish. 1. It yields water on being heated, and melts very easily into a black- porous slag, which is not magnetic. It is soluble in muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By KARSTENV Phosphoric acid -..''- - - 28 50 Oxide of iron - - - 62-52 Water .... 898 3. It occurs in the Hollester mines near Siegen, in Prussia. GREEN LEAD-ORE. (See Pyromorphite.) GREEN MALACHITE. Habroneme Copper- Baryte. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M'= 103 42'. P on the obtuse edge of the prism =118 II 7 . Secondary form. The primary, having the obtuse edge of the prism truncated. Cleavage, highly perfect in the direction of P ; that par- allel with the obtuse edge of the prism, or longer diagonal, less distinct. Fracture conchoidal, uneven, scarcely ob- servable in crystallized varieties. The secondary plane upon the obtuse edge sometimes streaked, the other faces smooth. Lustre adamantine, inclining to vitreous. Color grass- green, emerald-green, verdigris-green. Streak green, rath- er paler than the color. Translucent, sometimes only on the edges. Brittle. Hardness =3-5 . . . 4-0. Sp. gr. =4-008. 236 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Green Malachite. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals: axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel with the longer diagonal of the prism; angle of revolution =180. Fig. 216. M This composition occurs in almost every variety, and even in those masses which consist of columnar particles of composition. It then seems as if both the faces of a prism were present, forming a dihedral termination of each indi- vidual of 123 37, while in fact there exists only one of them. Fascicular aggregations of delicate crystals. Tu- berose, globular, reniform, botryoidal and stalactitic shapes: surface drusy, rough, sometimes smooth ; composition co- lumnar, generally very thin, often impalpable. Very thin columnar composition, produces a satiny lustre ; impalpa- ble composition, is the cause of conchoidal fracture. Mas- sive : composition as above. The composition often re- peated ; granularly compound masses consist of columnar ones radiating from a centre ; curved lamellar ones are likewise composed of thin columnar indiviuals. The sur- face of the second composition is often rough, and particu- larly in curved lamellar compositions, covered with a white coating. 1., Before the blow-pipe, it decrepitates, becomes black, and is partly infusible, partly converted into a black scoria. It is easily soluble in bo- PHYSIOGRAPHY. Green Malachite Grey Antimony. 237 rax, imparting to it a deep green color, and yielding a globule of metal- lic copper. It is soluble, without residue, in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. ByKLAPROTH. By VAUQUELIN. Copper - - 5800 - - 56-10 Oxygen - - 12-50 - - 14-00 Carbonic acid - - 1800 - - 21-25 Water - - U'50 - - 8'75 3. It occurs in the same repositories as Blue Malachite, with which it is frequently associated. Beautiful varieties of Green Malachite are found at Chessy in France, in Siberia, and at Moldavia in the Bannat of Temeswar. The compact Malachite is chiefly found at Schwatz in Ty- pol. Green Malachite occurs in Cornwall, Cumberland and Wales, England. It is found in the United States, at several places, though no whe very handsome specimens. The most interesting localities are in Mary- land, in the Blue Ridge in Pennsylvania near Nicholson's Gap, and at the Perkiomen Lead Mine, and in New Jersey at Schuyler's mines, where it is accompanied by Red Copper-Ore. 4. Those varieties which are sufficiently compact, are cut into ?ase?, snuffboxes, ring-stones and other ornaments. Others are used as pig- ments. If it occurs in sufficient quantity, it is a valuable ore for the ex- traction of copper. GREY ANTIMONY. Prismatoidal Antimony- Glance. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M =91 10'. (90 45'. MOHS.) Secondary form. M'onM 880 40 /' M' on e'2, or M on e2 145 30 M' or M on h M 7 on i' or M on i M' on g e'2 on e2 Fig. 217. on e'2 or e2 on i 1 or i 134 20 2 Fr 171 40 P 173 00 Q en 108 30 ' 9 125 30 161 30 . 238 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Grey Antimony. Cleavage, highly perfect in the direction of A, or the shorter diagonal of the prism ; much less distinct parallel with M. Fracture small conchoidal, rather imperfect. Surface, the vertical planes deeply striated parallel to their own intersections, and rough. The remaining faces gene- rally smooth. Subject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Color lead-grey, inclining to steel- grey. Streak unchanged. Sectile. Thin laminae are a little flexible. Crystals sometimes bent. Hardness =2-0. Sp. gr. =4-62. Compound Varieties. Massive ; composition colum- nar, of various sizes of individuals, sometimes very thin, but not impalpable. They are long and straight, either paral- lel or divergent from several common centres, and aggrega- ted in a second angulo-granular composition. The faces of composition are irregularly streaked in a longitudinal di- rection. Sometimes the composition is granular, and then the individuals often become impalpable, but are generally very strongly connected ; the fracture becomes even or un- even. Capillary crystals often form a tissue resembling wool, or felt, 1. Grey Antimony is very fusible before the blow-pipe, and is absorb" ed by the charcoal. By a continued blast, it may be valatilized, with- out leaving any considerable residue. 2. Analysis. By PROUST. By THOMSOX. Antimony - - 75-00 - - 73-77 Sulphur - - 25-00 - 26-23 3. The present species occurs in veins and beds : in the latter case along with Spathic Iron. It is frequently associated with Heavy- Spar, Blende and Quartz. Its decomposition produces the Antimony- Ochre, a friable, compact yellow substance, with which it is often associated or covered. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 239 Grey Antimony. 4, Veins, consisting almost entirely of the 'present species, have been discovered at Posing near Pressburg in Hungary, and at Wolfsthal in the county of Stollberg in the Hartz ; also such as contain considerable quantities of it associated with other minerals, at Felsobanya in Upper Hungary, at Crcmnitz, Schemnitz, and other places in Lower Hungary, and in France, Other localities are Br'dunsdorf near Freiberg in Saxo- ny, Neudorf in Anhalt, Cornwall and Scotland. The fibrous variety oc- curs at Loben in the valley of the Levant in Carinthia, and the compact at Magurka in Hungary. 5. It is used for extracting the crude antimony, or the metal itsef, which is employed in the manufacture of several metallic alloys, and in medicine. APPENDIX TO GREY ANTIMONY. i. Haidingerite. BERTHIER. Massive ; sometimes exhibiting appearances of prismatic crys- tals, but generally in confusedly aggregated masses, whose struc- ture is foliated. Lustre feeble, metallic. Color iron-grey, with tarnished hues. 1. Before the blosv-pipe, it melts readily. It is quickly acted upon by cold muriatic acid, giving out pure sulphuretted hydrogen ; and is total- ly dissolved except some Pyrites and Quartz, 2. Analysis. By BERTHIER. Sulphur 308 Antimony ..... 52-0 Iron 16-0 Zinc 0-3 3. It occurs along with Quartz, Calcareous Spar and Iron-Pyrites, at Chazellesin France. 4. It has until lately been rejected as an ore of antimony, on account of the impurity of the metal obtained. 5. It is probable that this mineral is nothing more than an impure va- riety of Grey Antimony. GREY MANGANESE. (See Pyrolusite, Manganite and Psilomelan.) GURHOFIAN, (See Dolomite.) 240 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Gypsum. GYPSUM. Prisrnatoidal Gypsum-Mica. Primary form. Right oblique angled prism. M on T = 113 8'. Secondary forms. Fig. 218. Oxford, England Ohio. Fig. 219. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Gypsum. 241 Fig. 222. Bex, Switzerland. Fig. 218. Primary form, having the longer and shorter ter- minal edges replaced. P on I =108 3' 19". P on/= 124 4V 43". /on/=110 36' 34". / on Z=143 53' 22". (trapczienne. HAUY.) Fig. 219. The same, altered only through the additional planes k. P on k = 134 2 1 7 40". k on Z = 153 41' <69". (progressive. HAUY.) Fig. 220. The same as Fig. 218, with the addition of planes n through the replacement of the acute terminal an- gles, (equivalente. HAUY.) Fig. 221. The same with Fig. 220. excepting the substitution of planes o for f. o on o =71 40' 32". (quaterno bisunitaire. HAUY.) Fig. 222. Lik'e Fig. 218. with the addition of planes r, and the truncation of the acute, lateral edges, (disjoint &. HAUY.) Cleavage, parallel with P highly perfect, and easily ob- tained ; with M and T imperfect, the former of these being of a conchoidal appearance, while the former is obtained with difficulty, on account of the flexibility of the mineral in that direction, and often presents a fibrous aspect. Frac- ture scarcely perceptible. Surface. P and I streaked, parallel to their common intersections. The faces e and / often rounded, which 21 242 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Gypsum. gives rise to the well known lenticular shapes, if the faces P and / disappear. Lustre vitreous. P possesses a pearly lustre, more or less distinct, both upon faces of cleavage and faces of crystalli- zation. Color, generally white, sometimes inclining and passing into srnalt-blue, flesh-red, ochre-yellow, honey-yellow, and several shades of grey. Impure varieties assume dark- grey, brick-red and brownish-red tinges. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Sectile. Thin lamina are flexible in the direction of those edges which arise from the intersection of P with r. Hardness =1*5 . . . 2-0. The lowest degrees upon P, its highest degrees in the direction in which the crystals are rounded. Sp. gr. =2-310. * Fig. 223. Compound Varieties. Twin- crystals. 1. Axis of revolution perpendicular, face of composi- tion parallel to M. Angle of revolution = 180, (as in the an- nexed figure,) which is under- stood, if we suppose fig. 220. to possess, instead of the edge from the meeting of //, a portion of M, and the bisection to take place through P. 2. Axis of revolution perpendicular to M ; face of com- position parallel to P : angle of revolution =180. M PHYSIOGRAPHY. 243 Gypsum. 3. Axis of revolution perpendicular ; face of composi- tion parallel to T. According to this law are formed the arrow-shaped twins, consisting of lenticular crystals. Glob- ular masses, generally formed of discernible individuals. Dentiform. Massive : composition granular, passing into impalpable, sometimes scaly ; also columnar, often as thin as hair, long, generally straight and parallel. Sometimes without cohesion of the single particles, in the state of pow- der. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it exfoliates and melts, though with difficul- ty, into a white enamel, which after a short time falls into powder. In a lower degree of heat, it loses its water and becomes friable, so as to be easily reduced to an impalpable powder. If mixed with water, this pow- der becomes warm, and soon hardens into a solid mass. 2. Analysis. By BUCHOLZ. Lime .... 33-0 Sulphuric acid ... - 44-8 Water 21-0 3. Compound varieties of Gypsum form beds in secondary mountains, more sparingly in the older classes of rocks ; and they are generally pos- sessed of a considerable thickness. Its principal repositories are sand- stones and clay, in which it is associated with limestone and Common Salt. Brine springs very often issue from the rocks in its vicinity. Sim- ple varieties are chiefly found in clay, in salt works ; also in abandoned mines and old heaps, where they are often products of recent origin. 4. Gypsum is found in almost all countries, both crystallized and mas- sive ; for example, in Mansfeld, Thuringia, Bavaria, Franconia, Swa- bia, Switzerland, in the Tyrol, Stiria and Austria ; also Poland, Hungary and Transylvania ; in England, France, Spain. Beautiful crystals are found near Oxford, at Bex in Switzerland, Hall in the Tyrol, and at Ischel ; large lenticular crystals, generally twins, occur at Montmartre, near Paris. Gypsum occurs in great quantities in Nova Scotia, both the earthy varieties and the scaly. In the United States, this species is abundant in Arkansaw, Illinois, Tennessee, Virginia, Ohio and N.York. At Poland, in Trumbull co. (Ohio,) exceedingly perfect and transparent 244 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Gypsum Haidingerite. crystals, several inches long, of the form of Fig. 218, are found. Near Niagara falls, and at Lockport, (N.Y.) very handsome varieties of snowy white, granular, and foliated Gypsum, occur imbedded in black lime- stone. 5. Gypsum is variously employed in manufacturing artificial marble, stucco work, mortar, &c. ; also for making casts of statues, medals, &c. It is added to the mass of certain kinds of porcelain and glass. In sculp- ture, it is used under the name of alabaster. It is also employed in ag- riculture, for improving the soil, both calcined, and in its natural state ; it forms the paste of colored drawing pencils, and is employed in polishing. GUMMITE. (See Halloysite.) HAIDINGERITE. Diatoraous Gypsum-Mica. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M =99 52'. Secondary forms. The primary, having the lateral and terminal angles replaced by single planes, together with the truncation of the obtuse lateral edges, and the bevelment of the lateral edges. The obtuse edges of the prism are sometimes replaced by three pianos. Cleavage, highly perfect, and easily obtained in the di- rection of P. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Streak white. Trans- parent, in small crystals translucent. Double refraction ob- servable through M, and the opposite face replacing the obtuse edge, making an angle of 40. Sectile. Thin laminae, slightly flexible. Hardness =2-0 . . . 2-5. The face P may be scratched by Common Salt. Sp. gr. = 2-48. 1. Analysis. By TURNER. Arseniate of lime - - - 85-681 Water - - - 14-319 2. It has been observed only upon a single specimen, whose locality is unknown, in the cabinet of Mr. FERGUSON, of Raith. The mineral PHYSIOGRAPHY. Haidingerite Harmotome. 245 forms crystalline coats, of a somewhat botryoidal appearance, over a fer- ruginous Quartz, which covers a rose red variety of Diallogite, resem- bling that found near Freiberg. The same specimen also contained large crystals of Pharmacolite. HAIDINGERITE of BERTHIER. (See Grey Antimony.} HALLOYSITE. Reniform and tubercular masses. Massive ; composition im- palpable. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre resinous. Color pure white, or tinged with blue. Trans- lucent on the edges. In water becomes transparent. Sectile, may be indented by the nail, and polished with the finger. 1. Analysis. By BERTHIER. Silica 44-94 Alumina 89-06 Water 16-00 It is found in masses three or four inches in diameter, among ores of iron, zinc and lead, in cavities of transition limestone, at Angleure, near Liege. HARD COBALT PYRITES. (See Colaltine.) HARMOTOME. Paratoraous Kouphon e-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right rectangular prism. Secondary "forms. Fig. 224. Fig. 225. Strontiaiij Scotland, 246 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Harmotome. Fig. 226. Mons - - - 125 5' P. s on s over the summit - 110 26 s on al 171 4 s on a2 151 35 s on a3 149 32 4ona4' 177 28 Fig. 224. Primary form, with the solid angles trunca- ted, a on a =121 57' 56'. a on a over the summit, =86 36'. Fig. 225. s on T = 123 41' 24". Cleavage, parallel with M and T ; also with the planes a ; but imperfect in all directions. Fracture uneven, im- perfectly conchoidal. Surface, a and s streaked parallel to their common edges of combination. M and T smooth, but in most cases T is divided into four faces, meeting at very obtuse angles, as in certain varieties of Fluor. Lustre vitreous. Color white prevalent, passing into grey, yellow, red and brown. Streak white. Semi-trans- parent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness =4-5. Sp. gr. =2-392. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Harmotome. 247 Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. Face of com- position parallel, axis f revolution perpendicular to one of the faces of M and T. The individuals are continued be- yond the face of composition, and produce the cruciform crystals. (See annexed figure.) Fig. 227. Massive : composition granular, rare. 1. Alone upon charcoal, it melts, without intumescence, into a clear globule. It phosphoresces with a yellow light, and is not easily acted upon by acids. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By WERNEKINK. By THOMSON. fr. Andreasbcrg. fr. Schiffcnberg. fr. Strontia Silica 49-00 ~- 44-79 - 53-07 - 48735 Alumina 16-00 - 19-28 - 21-31 - 15-100 Baryta 18-00* - 17-59 - 0-39 - 14-275 Lime o-oo 1-08 - 6-67 3-180 Potash o-oo 0-00 - 0-00 2-550 Ox. iron and mang. 0-00 0-85 - 0-56 0-000 Water 15-00 - 15-32 - 17-09 - 14-000 8. Harmotome occurs in metalliferous veins, traversing grey-wacke and mica-slate, and in the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks. 4. The beautiful, cruciform twins occur at Andreasberg in the Hartz ; and the simple crystals at Strontian, in Scotland. Other localities are, Kongsberg in Norway, Oberstein in Deuxponts, where it is found in ag- ate balls; Baden, near Engelhaus and Buchan in Bohemia, and in the 48 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Harmotome. vicinity of Mount Vesuvius. It is also said to occur very frequently in amygdaloid, in Scotland. HATCHETINE. In the shape of flakes like spermaceti, or of granular masses like bees-wax. Lustre slightly glistening and pearly, and of considerable de- grees of transparency when in flakes, else dull and opake. Color yellowish-white, wax yellow and greenish-yellow. Hardness, like soft tallow. Very light. Without odor or elas- ticity. 1. It melts below the boiling point of water. Ether dissolves it readi- ly ; being evaporated, the solution yields a viscid, oily inodorous matter. Distilled over the spirit-lamp, it gives a bituminous smell, a greenish- yellow, butryaceous substance is disengaged, and a coaly residue re- mains in the retort. At a lower temperature a light oil is distilled. 2. It occurs in small contemporaneous veins with Quartz, Calcareous Spar and iron-ores, at Merthyr Tydril in South Wales. It has been described by Mr. BRANDE under the denomination of Mineral Jldipo- cire. 3. The description of Hatchetine agrees very nearly with the follow- ing one given of Mountain Tallow. It has the color and feel of tal- low, and is tasteless ; its sp. gr. = 0-6078, in its natural state, but is in- creased by melting it, to 0-983, the air bubbles being driven off. It melts at 118, and boils at 290. When melted it is transparent and colorless, but becomes opake and white on cooling. It is insoluble in water, but is dissolved by alcohol, oil of turpentine, olive-oil and naphtha, when hot, but is precipitated when they cool. It does not form soap with alcaline substances, but is combustible. It has been found in a bog, on the bor- ders of Loch Fyne, and has been formerly noticed on the coast of Fin- land, in one of the Swedish lakes ; near Strasburg, and in Scotland. HAUSMANNITE. (See Black Manganese.) HAUYNE. (See Sodalite.) HAYDENITE. (See Chabasie.) HAYTORITE. A variety of Quartz, resembling Calcedony, in perfect crys- tals, single and variously aggregated, and having the form of Da- tholite, (-variety Humboldtite.) It occurs in detached pieces, ac- PHYSIOGRAPHY. Heavy Spar. 249 companied by small masses of Calcedony, Garnet, green Horn- blende, Talc and Magnetic Iron-Ore the aggregate being en- veloped by a ferruginous clay, and existing in an iron mine adja- cent to the Hay Tor granite quarries, in Devonshire. The for- mation of these crystals is quite inexplicable according to the known laws of pseudomorphism. HEAVY SPAR. Prismatic Hal-Baryte. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M'=101 42'. Secondary forms. Fig. 223. Cheshire, (Conn.) Fig. 229. De Rome, Puy de Dome. Fig. 231. Fig. 230. x M 250 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Heavy Spar. Fig. 232. Cheshire, (Conn.) Fig. 233. Cheshire, (Conn.) Tig. 234. Cheshire, (Conn.) Fig. 235. Cheshire, (Cono.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Heavy Spar. 251 Fig. 236. Cheshire, (Conn.) Fig. 237. Cheshire, (Conn.) Fig. 238. Fig. 228. Primary form, with its obtuse angles trunca- ted. P on d =140 59' 21". (apophane, H.) Fig. 229. The same, with the faces d enlarged, d on d=78 1' 58". (binaire, H.) Fig. 230. Primary form, with its acute an- 252 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Heavy Spar. gles truncated. P on = 127 5' 13". (emoussee, H.) Fig. 231. The same, with the planes o enlarged, o on o = 105 49' 34". (unitaire. H.) Fig. 232. d on u = 160 41' 39". u on w=116 38'. (bino-bisunitaire. H.) Fig. 233. e?onZ=163 2' 22". (soussextuple. H.) Fig. 234. Mon*=15426' 52". z onz=110 25' 38". o on z = 135 39' 58". (entouree. H.) Fig. 235. M on &= 129 13' 54". , k on o = 142 8' 47". (sexdecimale. H.) Fig. 236. (sousquadruple. H.) Fig. 237. (triplante. H.) Fig. 238. c on o = 166 46' 49 r/ . M on c=133 31' 31". (diplonome. H.) Cleavage. M and T perfect. The latter commonly more easily obtained, the former sometimes interrupted. Cleavages are also visible parallel with the shorter diagonal. Fracture conchoid al } seldom observable. Surface in a few examples only, faintly streaked. The same faces which in certain modifications are rough, in others are perfectly smooth, while the reverse takes place in other faces ; so that they do not constantly present the same appearances. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color white, prev- alent, inclining to yellow, grey, blue, red or brown. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness =3-0 . . . 3-5. Sp. gr. =4-446. Compound Varieties. Globules, both imbedded and implanted, also reniform shapes : surface drusy, uneven and rough ; composition either lamellar, generally imper- fect or columnar, the latter often very thin. In the reni- form shapes, the curved lamellar particles of composition consist of imperfectly straight lamellar, or of columnar ones. Massive : composition as in the imitative shapes, more fre- quently the distinctly straight lamellar masses are aggregated PHYSIOGRAPHY. 253 Heavy Spar. in a granular composition. The composition is sometimes granular, and even impalpable. Without coherence of the particles, friable. 1. It decrepitates when suddenly heated before the blow-pipe, and fu- ses with difficulty. Several varieties emit a phosphorescent light, if carefully heated, and retain this property for some time after cooling. In the interior flame, it assumes a burning, hepatic taste. 2. Analysis. By BERTHIER. Baryta 66-00 Sulphuric acid 34-00 Several varieties contain substances foreign to this mixture, which must be considered as impurities, as silica, oxide of iron, alumina, &c. Crystals of Heavy Spar have been artificially obtained by dissolving sul- pho-cyanuret of barium in sulphuric acid, and allowing this solution to be slowly decomposed by the influence of the atmosphere ; they are in the form of the primary ; having angles of 101 42' and 78 18'. 3. Many varieties of Heavy Spar, but more particularly the granular and compact ones, occur in beds, accompanying Galena and Blende ; others are found in iron ores. It is frequently met with in veins, in rocks of various ages, either with the above mentioned, or with cupriferous, minerals; also with manganese ores, Grey Antimony, and Realgar. 4. Large and beautiful crystals have been found in the mines of Cum- berland, Durham and Westmoreland, in England ; also at Felsobanya and Cremnitz in Hungary, at Freiberg, at Marienberg and other places in Saxony, at Pzribram and Mies in Bohemia, at Roya and Roure in Auvergne. A radiated variety, in imbedded globules, is found at Monte Paterno, near Bologna. The Calcareous Heavy-Spar of BREITHAUPT, is a variety of the present species, found near Freiberg. It contains a little sulphate of lime, in consequence of which its sp. gr. is only 4-2. The deposits of this species are too numerous in the United States to be enumerated; only a few of the more important can be mentioned. The curved lamellar varieties are abundant at the Southampton lead mines in Massachusetts, and in several similar places in the vicinity. In Connecticut, similar varieties are found in connection with the trap and sandstone at Berlin, Farmington, and Southington. But the most inter- esting locality is at Cheshire, where it occurs in distinct crystals, as well 22 254 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Heavy Spar Hedyphane. as in foliated masses, associated with crystallized Quartz, Green Mala- chite and Vitreous Copper, all of which minerals are imbedded in sand- stone. An extremely delicate, fibrous, nearly compact variety, is found in great abundance, at Pillar Point, Jefferson co. near Sacket's Harbor, (N.Y.) where it forms large veins. Its colors are reddish-brown, and yellowish and greyish white. At the Perkiomen lead-mine in Pennsyl- vania, are found the foliated, the compact and the earthy varieties. Hea- vy Spar is extremely abundant in the Missouri lead-mines, and through- out the southern and western States generally. It occurs at Schoharie, (N. Y.) associated with Strontianite in the water-limerock. 5. Little use has heretofore been made of Heavy Spar. Pure white varieties are used as a white paint, either alone, or mixed with white lead. The fibrous variety of various colors, from Pillar Point, (N.Y.) has been sawn into moderately sized slabs, and polished ; many of which present a very handsome appearance. HEDENBERGITE. (See Pyroxene.) HEDYPHANE. He dy phanous Le ad-Bary te. Massive : composition granular and impalpable. Frac- ture small and imperfectly conchoidal ; occasionally exhib- iting little fissures. Lustre adamantine to resinous. Color, greyish white. Translucent. Hardness =4-5 . . . 5-0. (Scale of BREITHAUPT.) Sp. gr. =5-461 . . . 5-498. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts into a white frit, but less easily than the Mimetene. The lead is not reduced, even in the strongest heat of the reduction flame ; nor does the resulting mass assume a polyhedral figure. The arsenical odor is rarely perceptible. 2. Analysis.' Oxide of lead .... 53-00 Muriatic acid . 2.00 Lime .... 14-00 Arsenic acid .... 22-80 Phosphoric acid . . . . ' 8-20 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Helvin. 255 3. It is found at Langbahshytta in Sweden, where it forms narrow veins in a beautiful red, manganesian Pyroxene, and a granular brown Garnet. HELIOTROPE. (See Quartz.) HELVIN. Tetrahedral Garnet. MOHS. Primary form. Tetrahedron. Secondary form. Fig. 239. Cleavage, traces of the octahedron. Fracture uneven. Surface, P smooth, and a little rounded, sometimes streak- ed parallel to the edges, a rough, but even. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color wax- yellow, inclining to honey-yellow, and yellowish brown, or to siskin-green. Streak white. Translucent on the edges. Hardness =6-0 . . . 6-5. Sp. gr. = 3-100. 1. Before the blow-pipe, upon charcoal, it melts in the reducing flame with effervescence into a globule, of almost the same color as the mineral. In the oxidating flame, the color becomes dark, and the fusion more difficult. With borax, it yields a transparent glass, often colored >y manganese. 2. Analysis. By VOGEL. Silica .... 39-50 Alumina .... 15-65 Oxide of iron .... 37-75 Oxide of manganese . . . 3-75 Lime 0-50 256 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Herderite. 3. It has hitherto been found only at Schwarzenberg in Saxony, in beds in gneiss, accompanied by Blende, Quartz, Fluor and Calcareous Spar. HEMATITE. (See Limonite and Specular Iron.) HERDERITE. Prismatic F 1 u o r- H al o i d e. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' =* 115 53'. Secondary form. Fig. 240. JM: M t on t' t on* 115 53' 115 7 p onp - 141 16 Cleavage distinct parallel to faces M, but interrupted ; also perpendicular to the axis, the latter only in detached portions of very bright and even faces ; faint indications parallel to P,jp. Fracture small conchoidal. Surface, M very smooth, and delicately streaked parallel to its edges of combination with P, and resembling in this respect the faces p. Lustre vitreous, slightly inclining to resinous. Color several shades of yellowish and greenish-white : streak white, strongly translucent. Very brittle. Hardness =5-0. Sp. gr. =2-985. 1. The present species has been confounded with Apatite, which it exceedingly resembles in several properties ; but the different aspect of PHYSIOGRAPHY. 257 Herderite Herrerite. the faces p and t, the former being smooth, or but faintly streaked par- allel to their intersections with P, while the latter are granulated, proves that the forms do not belong to the hexagonal, but to the prismatic sys- tem. 2. The only specimen of Herderite at present known, is in the Wer- nerian museum at Freiberg. It came from the tin-mines of Ehrenfrie- dersdorf in Saxony. HERRERITE. Staphyline Tellu rium-Baryte. Massive : in reniform masses. Cleavage in three directions, affording rhomboidal frag- mentSj whose angles are incapable of measurement on ac- count of the curvatures of the faces. Lustre vitreous to pearly, and shining, on fresh surfaces. Color pistachio, emerald, and grass-green. Streak yellow- ish grey. Translucent. Brittle. Hardness =4-0 . . . 4-5. Sp. gr. =4-3. 1. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it at first becomes grey, and af- terwards gives a white smoke, which adheres to the charcoal. On di- recting the reduction flame of the blow-pipe upon it, it becomes of a beautiful grass-green. Heated in an open tube, it gives an abundant white smoke, which adheres to the glass, and on examining it with a microscope, it is seen to be composed of innumerable white and transpa- rent globules. 2. Analysis. By HERRERA. Carbonic acid . . . . 81-86 Tellurium .... 55-58 Peroxide of nickel .... 12-32 3. It is found at Albarradon in Mexico, in transition limestone, in a metallic vein, consisting chiefly of ores of lead, Native Silver, Horn- Silver, and lodic-Silver. APPENDIX TO HERRERITE. i. Fibrous Herrerite. DEL Rio, Massive : reniform, composition columnar, individuals slender and radiating. Earthy and dull. 22* 258 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Herrerite Heulandite. Color apple green. Very soft ; but brittle. Sp. gr. =3. 1. It occurs with the above, and would appear to be simply a variety which has suffered partial decomposition. HERSCHELITE. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. Secondary form. Primary, having its terminal edges replaced, the new planes inclining to the bases under 132. Fracture conchoidal. Surface rough. P dull and curved. Color, white. Translucent . . . opake. Hardness = 4-0 ... 5-5 ? Sp. gr, = 2-11. 1. It is believed to have in general, the composition of Feldspar or Leucite. 2. It is found with Olivin, at Aci Reale in Sicily. 3. It appears to be related to Nephiline ; but further researches are required to settle its specific character. HETEROSITE. (See Triplite.) HEULANDITE. He mi-prism* tic Kouphone- Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right oblique-angled prism. M on T = 130 30'. 146 30^ 148 00 111 56 "0 M 114 20 129 40 133 35 tLLIPS. 108 15 \ Fig. 241. Secondary form. M on a T on a - P on a M on / - J on f P on 6 - P onb - Cleavage, P highly perfect. Fracture imperfectly con- choidal, uneven. Surface of all the faces more or less un- even ; P often concave, M and T convex. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 259 Heulandite. Lustre vitreous. The faces P possess high degrees of pearly lustre, both as faces of cleavage and of crystalliza- tion. Color, various shades of white, prevalent, passing into red, grey, and brown. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Brittle. Hardness = 3-5 ... 4-0. Sp. gr. = 2-200. White crystals from Iceland. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, the individuals being of various sizes, sometimes easily sep- arable, sometimes strongly cohering ; faces of composition uneven and rough. Globules formed in vesicular cavities. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts with a slight intumescence, during which it emits a phosphoric light. 2. Analysis. By LAUGIER. By WALMSTEDT. fr. the Tyrol. Alumina . . 10-00 . . . 7-99 Silica . . 45-00 . . . 59-90 Carbonate of lime . 16-00 . . . 0-00 Lime . . 11-00 . . . 16-87 Water ;. . 12-00 . . . 13-43 Oxide of iron . . 4-00 . . . 0-00 Oxide of manganese . 0-50 . . . 0-00 3. The varieties of Heulandite are usually found accompanied by Stil- bite, in the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks, and in certain metal- liferous veins. 4. Iceland and the Faroe islands afford the most magnificent crystals of Heulandite, of a pearly white color, and often transparent. A similar variety comes from the Vendyah mountains in Hindostan. The brick- red crystals and compound masses occur in the Tyrol and in Scotland. In North America, the present species is found in great perfection in large white crystals, at Cape Blomidon in Nova Scotia. It has also been met with along with Chabasie upon mica slate, at Chester, (Mass.) and with Stilbite and Chabasie on gneiss, at Hadlyme, (Conn.) HlSlNGERITE. Massive. Cleavage distinct in only one direction. Fracture earthy. 260 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hopeite. Color black. Streak greenish-grey. Sectile. Soft. Sp. gr. = 3-045, 1. If gently heated before the blow-pipe, it becomes magnetic ; in a stronger heat, it melts into a dull, opake, black globule, and yields a yel- lowish green glass with borax. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Oxide of iron . . . 51-50 Silica . . . 27-50 Alumina . . . 5-50 Oxide of manganese ... 0-77 Volatile matter . . . 11-75 Magnesia . a trace. 3.. It has been found in the parish of Sva"rta in Sttdermanland, inter- mixed with limestone. 4. It is probable that it belongs to the species Limonite. HOPEITE. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M'^- 24'. Secondary form. s on s over I M on M over g - P on P over M - P on P' 81 34' 101 24 139 41 107 2 Cleavage parallel with the longer diagonal perfect, that parallel with the base less distinct. Surface, plane I streak- ed lengthwise ; the rest of the faces smooth. Lustre vitreous, pearly upon I. Color greyish white. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Refraction double. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hopeite Hornblende. 261 Sectile. Hardness =2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. =2-76. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it gives off its water, and melts into a clear colorless globule, tinging the flame green. It gives no skeleton of silica with salt of phosphorus, with which it melts in all proportions. If much of the mineral is added, the globule turns opake in cooling, but dees not deposit any fumes of zinc on the charcoal. The globule obtained from 'using it with borax does not become opake on cooling. With soda, it gives a scoria which is yellow when hot ; copious fumes of zinc, and nearest the scoria, some of cadmium also, are deposited. The melted mineral forms a fine blue glass with solution of cobalt. Hopeite seems therefore to be a compound of some of the stronger acids, as phosphoric, or boracic acid, with zinc an earthy base, a little cadmium, and a great deal of water. 2. It has been hitherto found only in the Calamine mines of Alten- berg, near Aix-la-Chapelle, and is very rare. HORNBLENDE. Hemi-prismatic Augite-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M'= 124 30'. Secondary forms. Fig. 243. Fig. 244. M M M .M Edenville, (N.Y.) Edenvflle and Amity, (N.Y.) 262 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hornblende. Fig. 245. M v V ^ Edenville, (N.Y.) M M Willsborough, (N.\ r .) Fig. 243. Primary form, having its lateral angles trun- cated. Z on Z=110 2'. (ditetraedre. H.) Fig. 244. The same, having the acute lateral edges truncated. I on x = 105 11V Mono? =117 43'. (bisunitaire. H.) Fig. 245. P on 5 = 104 57". P on Z=164 49'. M on s = 152 17 7 . (dihexaedre. H.) Fig. 246. r on r = 149 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hornblende. 263. 38'. r on a? = 105 11'. (dodecaedre. H.) Fig. 247. (triunitaire. H.) Fig. 248. x on z = 118 28'. t on x = 129 8'. (accelere. H.) Cleavage. M highly perfect ; less distinct parallel with P, and to the diagonals of the prism.' Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface, sometimes streaked paral- lel to the axis ; sometimes all the faces are uneven. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly upon faces of cleav- age in the varieties possessing pale colors. Color, various shades of green, often inclining to brown ; there is an unin- terrupted series into perfectly white, and into black va- rieties. Streak greyish-white . . .brown. Nearly transpa- rent . . . opake. Brittle. Hardness =5-0 . . . 6-0. Sp. gr. =3-167, ba- saltic Hornblende from Lower Stiria ; 3*127, Carinthin; 3-026, Actynolite from Zillerthal ; 3-006, blackish-green common Hornblende ; 2-931, white Tremolite. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : face of compo- sition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to s, of Fig. 245. as in Fig. 250. Fig. 249. Fig. 250. This composition is also observable in massive varieties, sometimes in very thin laminae, having often some foreign 264 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hornblende. substance, particularly laminae of Pyroxene, interposed be- tween them. Massive: composition granular, .individuals of various sizes, generally strongly cohering, and producing in the large, a tendency to slaty fracture ; composition co- lumnar, individuals of various sizes, sometimes very deli- cate, generally long, parallel, or diverging, and aggregated in a second granular composition. Compositions of short and irregularly distributed columnar particles, possess, in the largo, a slaty fracture. Very thin columnar composi- tion produces -a silky lustre. 1. Of those varieties of the present species which have obtained dis- tinct names, arid which in some systems of mineralogy, have even been regarded as forming separate species, the following are the most remark- able, viz. Hornblende, Tremolite, Jlctynolite and Jisbestus. The dark blackish and greenish colors constituted Hornblende, which was divided into basaltic, common and slaty ; the first of these affording crystals ea- sily cleavable ; the second such as are of difficult cleavage, and the mas- sive, granular and columnar varieties, excepting such as are jet-black, shining and easily cleavable, which were distinguished under the name of Carinthin, and the third comprehends such massive specimens as ex- hibit a slaty fracture. Tremolite consists of the pale green, grey, bluish and white varieties, and has been divided into common, asbestiform and granular. The first occurs in crystals, rarely with perfect termina- tions, and in massive varieties, in which the individuals are large ; the second in columnar compositions, or coarsely fibrous, with considerable degrees of transparency ; the third refers to very thin or capillary crys- tals; and the fourth consists of granular particles. The varieties of Ac- tynolite differ from those of Tremolite, by their deep green, (often grass- green) colors. The asbestiform tremolite, and asbestiform actynolite, form a passage into asbestus, which term is applied not only to minute columnar, and variously interwoven individuals of this species, but to those also of Pyroxene and some other species, the name denoting rather a peculiar state of aggregation in these species, than the substance of a distinct mineral.* * Asbestus in general, has been divided into amianthus, which con- sists of highly delicate fibres, often thinner than a hair, longitudinally PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hornblende. 265 Green Diallage or Smaragdite, in some cases consists of laminae of Hornblende, with faces of composition parallel to s ; in others, of the same, alternating with laminae of Pyroxene ; both generally of bright green colors. Among the varieties of this species, and those of Pyroxene, a striking analogy of certain varieties has been observed. Augite and Hornblende, Sahlite and Actynolite, Diopside and Tremolite, stand in these relations ; and both series terminate in their respective kinds of asbestus. 2. Before the blow-pipe, Hornblende melts with a little difficulty, at- tended by a slight degree of intumescence, into a globule, which is not clear, but variously colored by iron or chrome, agreeably to the contents of the specimen. In borax, it also fuses slowly. 3. Jlnalysis. By BONSDORF. By VAUQUELIN. a white var. a green var. a black Smaragdite, var. fr. Corsica. Silica - 60.31 - 46*26 - 45-69 50-00 Magnesia Lime - 2423 - 1366 - 19.03 - 1396 - 1879. 13-85 6-00 1300 Alumina . 0-26 - 11-48 - 1218 11-00 Protoxide of ij on - 0-15 - 3-43 - 732 0-00 Protoxide of manganese Fluoric acid 0-00 - 091 - 9 36 - 1-60 - 0-22 1-50 0-00 000 Oxide of iron - o-oo - 0-00 - o-oo 550 Oxide of copper Oxide of chrome - 0-00 - o-oo - 000 - 000 - 000 o-oo 1-50 7-50 Water & foreign substances O'lO - 1-04 - o-oo o-oo 4. Imbedded crystals of basaltic Hornblende often accompany those of Pyroxene in basaltic and amygdaloidal rocks. Crystals of Hornblende and of Tremolite, are found in limestone and dolomite rocks, as well as in porphyry and granite. Common Hornblende, Actynolite, and Tre- cohering with each other, and easily separated ; into common asbestus, relating to coarser varieties, more firmly cohering, and yielding splintery fragments ; into Rock-cork, in which the particles are aggregated in a loose felt-like texture ; and into Rock-wood or ligneous asbestus, in which a texture of the preceding kind, only more firm and close, as- sumes the appearance of dried wood. 23 266 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hornblende. rnolite, occur in metalliferous veins and beds in ancient rocks, with ores of titanium, iron, zinc and lead. Common Hornblende frequently enters into the composition of rocks, as in sienile, greenstone, &c. Actynolite is chiefly found in talcose slate. Amianthus lines the sides of narrow veins in primitive mountains. 5. Basaltic Hornblende occurs in beautiful crystals, near Teising and Teplitz in Bohemia. Large and very distinct, black crystals are found imbedded in granular limestone, at Pargas, Finland. Crystals of a handsome green color, often becoming small, and possessed of rounded edges, occur at Pargas in Finland, in white limestone ; and which have been called Pargasite. The crystals in the drusy cavities of Vesuvian minerals, though small, are generally very distinct, and possess a high degree of lustre. Handsome varieties of Tremolite are found in dolomite at St. Gothard : Amianthus in great abundance at Corsica, also in Pied- mont, Savoy, Salzburg, and Zoblitz, in Saxony. Rock-wood exists in large masses, in a metalliferous bed at Sterzing in the Tyrol : Rock-cork at Johanngeorgenstadt in Saxony, at Sahlberg in Sweden, in Moravia, and at the Lead-Hills in Scotland. Green Diallage, generally accom- panied by Garnet and Saussurite, occurs at Corsica, on Monte Rosa, in the Bacher, and several other places in Southern Europe. The United States afford the present species in all its varieties. Long black crystals, sometimes flattened through the truncation of the obtuse lateral edges, occur at Chester, (Mass.) and at Franconia, (N. H.) ; the latter place likewise affords brilliant blacjc prisms, having the acute late- ral edges replaced. Large and handsome black crystals (dodecaedre. H.) occur at Newton, (N.J.) Small but very perfect black crystals, are found at Willsborough, (N.Y.) upon the mountain near the well known Garnet and Tabular Spar locality, where they occur imbedded in black Tourmaline. Very distinct reddish brown crystals, one or two inches long, and possessing nearly the same diameter, have been obtained along with black Spinel, at Amity, (N.Y.) Hair-biown and greenish white crystals, of unusual finish and beauty, occur in the limestone of Eden- ville, (N.Y.) : also a light greyish white variety in limestone, from the same vicinity, associated with yellow Tourmaline and Rutile, whose crys- tals are often coated and penetrated by Kerolite. White crystals, above an inch long, and three quarters of an inch wide, but much flattened, abound throughout the dolomite beds of Litchfield co. (Conn.) particu- larly at Canaan ; they are also found under similar circumstances, far- ther north into the borders of Mass achusetts, at Sheffield and Great Bar PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hornblende Horn Quicksilver. 267 rington. Similar, though more slender forms of the same variety, occur at Antwerp, (N.Y.) ; at which place also is found the variety Pargasite. Handsome varieties of Actynolite are found at most of the steatite quar- ries in Vermont ; particularly at Windham, Readsborough and New- Fane : also at Middlefield, (Mass.) Massive, granular Hornblende, in large easily cleavable individuals, of a shining black color, are found at Plymouth, (Vt.) and at Edenville, (N.Y.) Columnar and radiating va- rieties, of the same color, abound in Hawley, (Mass.) A green fibrous variety, the fibres several inches long, and parallel, occurs at Cumber- land, (R. I.) Massive Tremolite, as well as fibrous, abounds throughout the granular limestone and dolomite of the country. The finest speci- mens are found in Litchfield county, (Conn.) Hornblende asbestus abounds at Staten Island, (N.Y.) at West-Farms, (Conn.) at Brighton and Dedham, (Mass.) ; also near Philadelphia, in Hornblende rocks. A delicate variety, in short fibres, (Byssolite,) occurs in the iron-mines of Franconia, (N. H.) HORN QUICKSILVER. Pyramidal Pearl- Kerate. MOHS. Primary form. Right square prism. Secondary form. Fig. 251. M d M or M on el, or cl M or M on c2, or c2 M or M on d a on d 129 30? 158 00 135 00 119 30 Cleavage, parallel with M very indistinct. Fracture per- fectly conchoidal. Surface smooth. 268 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Horn Quicksilver Horn Silver. Lustre adamantine. Color yellowish grey or ash-grey, also yellowish and greyish white. Streak white. Trans- lucent, sometimes only on the edges. Sectile. Hardness =1-0. . .2-0. =6*482. Compound Varieties* Crystalline coats, probably form- ed originally upon globules of fluid mercury : composition not observable. Massive : composition granular. 1. Before the blow-pipe, upon charcoal, it is entirely volatilized, if pure. It is not soluble in water. 2. Analysis. Oxide of mercury -. 88-43 Muriatic acid 11-52 3. This rare mineral occurs in secondary rocks, along with Cinnabar and ochry v^rieties^of Iron-Ore. 4. Its chief locality is Moschellandsberg in Deuxponts, but it also oc- curs at Idria in Carniola, and Almaden in Spain. At Horzowitz in Bohe- mia, it has been found with Cinnabar in veins, traversing a bed of Iron-Ore. HORN SILVER. Hexahedral Pea rl-Kerate. MOHS. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. 1. Fig. 252. 2. Octahedron. Siberia. Cornwall, England. 3. Fig. 253. X d 4. Rhombic dodecahedron* Siberia- Johanngeorgenstadt PHYSIOGRAPHY. 269 Horn Silver. Cleavage none. Fracture more or less perfectly con- choidal. Surface of the cube sometimes faintly streaked parallel to the edges of combination with the dodecahedron. Lustre resinous, passing into adamantine. Faces of frac- ture often more splendent than those of crystallization. Color pearl-grey, passing on the one hand into lavender-blue and violet blue, on the other, into greyish, yellowish and green- ish white, into sisken-green,. asparagus-green, pistachio- green, and leek-green. The color becomes brown on be- ing exposed to light. Streak shining. Translucent . . . feebly translucent on the edges. Sectile. Hardness =1-0 ... 1-5. Sp. gr. = 5-552, a white granular variety from Peru. Compound Varieties. In crusts : composition scarcely observable, sometimes columnar. Massive : composition granular, strongly coherent, or imperfectly columnar, and of- ten bent; faces of composition rough. 1. It is fusible in the flame of a candle, and emits fumes of muriatic acid. Upon charcoal, it may be almost entirely reduced before the blow-pipe, and is 1 likewise easily reduced, if rubbed wet upon a clean sur- face of iron or zinc. It is insoluble in nitric acid or in water. It may be obtained in a crystallized state, either from fusion, or from the evapo- ration of a solution of muriate of silver in ammonia. 2. Analysis* By KLAPROTH. from Saxony. from Peru. Silver - - 67-75 - - - 76-0 Oxygen 4-75 - - - 7-6 Muriatic acid - - 14-75 - 16-4 % Oxide of iron - - 6-00 - - - 0-0 Alumina - - 1-75 ... 0-0 Sulphuric acid - - 25 - 0-0 23* PHYSIOGRAPHY. Horn Silver. 3. Horn Silver is most frequently found in the upper parts of veins in clay slate, but occurs also in beds, generally along with other ores of sil- ver ; very often also with ochry varieties of Limonite, or with similar varieties 6f decomposed Iron-Pyrites. It is associated with several spe- cies of copper-ores, and with Calcareous and Heavy Spar. 4. Formerly, it occurred in considerable quantities in the Saxon mi- ning districts of Johanngeorgenstadt and Freiberg; also at Joachimsthal in Bohemia. In small quantities, it occurs in France, in Spain, atKongs- berg in Norway, in Cornwall, and Silesia ; but in large masses, fre- quently associated with Native Silver, in Mexico and Peru, where the green varieties of colors particularly occur. HORNSTONE. (See Quartz.) HUMBOLDTINE. Msssive : in plates. Color bright yellow. Soft, yielding to the nail. Sp. gr. = 1-3. Acquires resinous electricity by friction. 1. On ignited charcoal it is decomposed, giving out a vegetable odor, and leaves a metallic stain, at first yellow, then black, and at last red. It is insoluble in water and alcohol. 2. Analysis. By RIVJERO. Protoxide of iron - - . . . 53-56 Oxalic acid 46 . 14 3. It occurs imbedded in moor-coal, near Bilin in Bohemia; and is supposed by RIVERO to have been produced from the decomposition of succulent plants. HUMBOLDTITE, (See Datholite.) HUMITE. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 120. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Humite. 271 Secondary form. Fig. 254. 90000' 1 Aondll 1570 20' 120 00 Aong-3 100 40 HcS 1:2 h on ^2 103 40 i:.-0 00 141 1 A on gl h on il 115 15 133 36 153 '15 h on t2 140 56 1)0 00 1j A on t'3 143 20 101 f>0 cl on dl 155 2 103 42 P < cl on d5 159 10 1 1 '2 4."> cl on d7 159 30 1 1 '.) -i \ 1!2L 15 5 dl on g-3 d!2 on dQ 116 25 163 22 125 30 d!2 on g- 3 131 15 129 46 l'2l 20 62 on ^3 61 on M 143 15 137 00 r>t 2 /on a 115 10 . 136 16 . P on /or h Mon h M on dl Mon/ P on cl P onc2 A on a A on dl A on d'2 A on d3 A on d4 A on do A on t/6 A on d7 * A ond8 A on d9 A on dlO Cleavage, traces parallel to M and h, or to a six-sided prism. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Color various shades of yellow, sometimes al- most white, passing into reddish brown. Transparent . . . translu- cent. Brittle, Hardness = 6-5 ... 7-0. 1. Alone before the blow-pipe, it becomes opake on the outside, but is infusible. It gives a clear glass with borax. 2. It occurs at Monte Somma, with Mica and various other minerals. 3. Several of the properties of Humite would seem to render it proba- ble that it may be identical with Brucite. At present, however, the crystalline forms of the latter substance oppose this union of the two min- erals, although it must be confessed that Brucite has never been found in perfectly formed crystals. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Huraulite. HURAULITE. Primary form. -Oblique rhombic prism, M on M=6280 ; . P on M = 101 1^. Secondary form. Primary, having its acute lateral edges re- placed, and terminated by dihedral summits. Lustre vitreous. Color yellowish-red, to reddish-brown. Hardness = 3-5. Sp. gr. =2-27. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it fuses very easily into a metallic, black globule, which is taken up by the magnet. 2. Analysis. By DUFRESNOY. Phosphoric acid . . . . . . 38-00 Protoxide of iron ...... 11-10 Protoxide of manganese . . . . . 32-85 Water . .... 18-00 3. It is found in little masses, dispersed through graphic granite, near Limoges in France, and is accompanied by an olive green, fibrous .Viv- ianite. The graphic granite, however, is not found in place. With the Huraulite is found a massive mineral in scales, fibres, and. impalpable, which is supposed to be the same substance. The scaly variety is of an intense, reddish- brown color, and a bright pearly lustre. HYACINTH. (See Zircon.) ^ HYALITE. (See Opal.) HYALOSIDERITE. A partially decomposed variety of Peridot. HYDRATE OF MAGNESIA. (See Native Magnesia.) HYDRARGILLITE. (See Wavellite.) HYDRO-CARBON. Primary form unknown. Crystals acicular. Lustre pearly. Color white, or yellowish-white. Sp. gr. = 0.65. HYDRO-CARBONATE OF LIME. The variety Chalk of Calcareous Spar, altered by having been subjected to the influence of trap dykes. It occurs at the Giant's Causeway in the north of Ireland. According to DA COSTA, it consists of four atoms of carbonate of lime, and three atoms of wa- ter. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 273 Hydrogen Hypersthene. HYDRO-CARBONATE OF LIME AND MAGNESIA. A variety of Calcareous Spar or Dolomite, found in veins and irregular masses, in an amygdaloid of a loose texture, accompani- ed by zeolitic minerals and the common Calcareous Spar, at Derry in the north of Ireland. * HYDROGEN. Pure Hydrogen-Gas. MOHS. Amorphous. Transparent. Expansible. Sp. gr. = 0-0688. BERZ. 0-0732. BIOT and ARAGO. Odor peculiar. 1. Hydrogen-Gas, as it is found in. nature, is generally in a state of combination. By the assistance of chemical processes, it may be ob- ained, free from all odor. It burns with a feeble light in atmospheric air, and if mixed with it, detonates when inflamed. It imparts neither aste nor odor to water, with which it is kept in contact. 2. Hydrogen-Gas is developed from several kinds of rocks, limestone, beds of coal, &c. ; also from pools and stagnant water in general ; and t is met with under these circumstances in different countries through- out the globe. HYDROLITE. (See Gmelinite.) HYDROPHANE. (See Opal.) HYDROPHYLLITE. (See Appendix.) HYDROSILICITE. (See Kerolite.) HYPERSTHENE. Prismatoidal Schiller- Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Obliqne rhombic prism. M on M = about 93. Secondary form. Primary, having the acute lateral edges bevelled. Warwick, (N.Y.) Cleavage, parallel to the sides and base of the primary .prism, more perfectly, parallel to the shorter diagonal of that form, traces parallel to the longer diagonal of the same. Fracture uneven. 274 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Hypersthene. Lustre eminently metallic-pearly, upon the most perfect diagonal cleavage ; in other directions, more or less dis- tinctly vitreous. Color greyish, brownish or greenish- black ; several varieties almost copper-red upon the perfect face of cleavage. Streak greenish-grey. Opake; in some varieties, slightly translucent on the edges* Brittle. Hardness =6*0. Sp. gr. =3-389. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, individuals sometimes of considerable size; faces of com- position uneven and rough. 1. If heated alone, it is little altered in appearance, but melts upon charcoal into a greenish-grey, opake globule, easily soluble in borax. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. Silica .... 54-25 Magnesia .... 14-00 Alumina .... 2-25 Lime .... 1-50 Oxide of iron .... 24-50 Water - 1,00 Manganese . - -. a trace. 3. Hypersthene occurs engaged in a mixture of Labradorite and Py- roxene. The rock often contains Magnetic Iron-Ore, and seems to be analogous to sienite or greenstone. It exists also in a slaty rock with Garnet, in serpentine along with Saussurite, and in white limestone along with Spinel and Brucite. 4. It was first brought from the coast of Labrador. It is quoted from Cornwall, England, where it is said to occur in serpentine, and from Greenland, where it exists in primitive slate. The variety, Jiowever, from the last mentioned place, with a blue opalescence parallel to the shorter diagonal of the prism, presents two faces of cleavage inclined at an angle of about 124? 30', and must be referred to the species Horn- blende. Hypersthene has within a few years been met with in Orange county, (N.Y.) at Warwick, In the formation of limestone, with which is associ- ated serpentine, and which is so abundant in Spinel and Brucite. It oc- PHYSIOGRAPHY. 275 Idocrase. curs here in crystals several inches long, by half an inch in diameter ; but oftener in very minute prisms. In both cases, the prisms are defi- cient in regular, terminating planes, though they commonly have their acute lateral edges bevelled. It is associated with Brucite, and is not .bundant. HYPOCHLORITE. (See Green Iron-Ore.) HYPOSKLERITE. (See Feldspar.} HYPOSTILBITE. Massive : in globules, consisting of delicate fibres, or impalpa- ble. Lustre feeble. Color while. Does not scratch glass. Sp. gr. =2-14, 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts with difficulty upon the edges; the mass swelling and becoming rough. Soluble in the acids without form- ing a jelly. The solution furnishing a precipitate by oxalate of ammonia. 2. Analysis. By BEUDANT.* By Du MENIL. Silica - - - 54-43 - - - 52-25 Alumina - - - 18-32 ... 18-75 Lime 8-10 - - - 738 Soda 2-41 - - . - 2-39 Water - - - 18-70 - - - 18-75 3. It has been found with Stilbite and Epistilbite, in amygdaloid, from Faroe. 4. The above description is quite inadequate for the distinction oi this mineral from Mesotype, ICE-SPAR. (See FELDSPAR.) IDOCRASE. Pyramidal Garnet. MOHS. Primary form. Right square prism. 276 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Idocrase. Secondary forms. Worcester, (Mass.) Fig. 257. M Jtt Amity, (N.Y.) Fig. 258. Fig. 259. Vesuvius. Vesuvius. Norway. Fig. 255. Primary form, with the lateral edges trunca- ted. M on d=135. (perioctaedre. H.) Fig. 256. The same, having the terminal edges truncated. P on c =142 54'. (unibinaire. H.) Fig. 257. M on h = 15327 / , don A = 161 33 7 . s on 5 = 148 24'. c on 5 = 150 31'. M on 5 = 144 44'. (isomeride. H.) Fig. 258. P on n = 152 58 7 . P on = 151 52'. c on o = 154 45'. M on o PHYSIOGRAPHY. 277 Idocrase. = 118 8'. (encadree. H.) Fig. 259. Ponr=10S 18'. d on r=. 161 42'. r on * = 153 30'. r on 5 = 152 58'. r on #=150 35'. x on a?=154 28'. z on *=139 52'. (enneacontaedre. H.) Cleavage, parallel with M not very distinct, still less so parallel with P. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface, P sometimes uneven and curved ; the lateral faces striated parallel to their common intersections, the rest of the faces smooth. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous, sometimes the lat- ter very distinctly. Color various shades of brown, passing into leek-green, pistachio-green, olive-green and oil-green. Streak white. Semi-transparent . . . faintly translucent on the edges. If viewed in the direction of the axis, the colors incline more to yellow, perpendicular to it, more 1 to green. Hardness =6-5. Sp. gr. = 3-399. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes, sometimes considerable, and often strongly connected. There occur also columnar compositions, generally of thin individuals, straight and divergent or irreg- ular, faces of composition irregularly streaked. 1. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it melts easily into a pale green glass, rarely attended by effervescence. With borax, it easily melts into a clear glass stained with iron. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By BORKOWSKY. " fr. Vesuvius. fr. Silesia. . fr. Eger, Bohemia. Silica . 35-50 . . 42-00 . 41-00 Alumina . 33-00 . . 16-25 . 22-00 Lime . 22-25 . . 34-00 . 22-00 Magnesia . 00 00 . 3 00 Oxide of iron . 7-50 . . 5-50 . 6-00 Oxide of manganese 0-25 . . a trace. . 2-00 Potash . 0-00 . . 000 . 1-00 24 278 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Idocrase. 3. Some of the varieties of Idocrase occur in serpentine, others in veins in gneiss and limestone, and in ejected volcanic masses. It is commonly associated with Garnet, Pyroxene, Mica and Hornblende. 4. The imbedded crystals of the form unibinaire, have been found on the banks of the Wilui river, and Lake Baikal in Siberia ; the implanted, complicated crystals occur at Monte Somma, among the fragments eject- ed by Vesuvius, and have been originally formed in those cavities of the rock in which they are found. At Hasta, near Eger in Bohemia, it oc- curs in long, reddish-brown, deeply striated forms, and in columnar masses; in similar circumstances inFinland. In beds in limestone, it occurs at Orawitza in the Bannat of Temeswar, and at Mount Monzoni near Fassa in Tyrol ; also near Christiania in Norway, and in magnificent crystals of a light green color, in the valley of Brozzo, and at other places in Piedmont. A variety from Tellemarken in Norway, of a blue color, and containing copper, has been called Cyprine. The most interesting specimens of Idocrase which the U. S. has hith- erto afforded, were discovered at Worcester, (Mass.) in aquartzoserock, in which it formed seams and veins, accompanied by Pyroxene and Gar- net. The variety is precisely similar to that from near Eger in Bohe- mia. Another locality is at Amity, (N.Y.) where it occurs both granu- lar and in crystals, (sometimes an inch in diameter,) disseminated through limestone with Pyroxene and Hornblende. The granular variety was supposed by Dr. THOMSON to constitute a new species, to which he g.ive the name of Xanthite. The handsome brown crystals accompany- ing Corundum at Newton, (N. J.) have been erroneously referred to this species : they belong to Tourmaline. IGLOITE. (See Jlrrogonite.') ILMENITE. (See Crichtonite.) ILVAITE. (See Yenite.) INDIANITE. Massive ; composition granular to impalpable. It yields to cleavage, according to BROOKE, in two directions, inclined to each other under angles of 93 15' and 84 45'. Lustre vitreous. Color greyish-white, with a tinge of rose- red. Translucent. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 279 lodic Silver. Hardness = 5-5 ... 6-0. Sp. gr. = 2-72. 1. It is infusible before the blow-pipe. 2. Analysis. By CHENEVIX. By LAUGIER. white variety. rose-red variety. Silica . 42-5 . 43.0 . 42-0 Alumina . 37-5 . 34-5 . 34-0 Lime . 15-0 . 15-6 . 15-0 Soda . 0-0 . 2-6 . 3-3 Oxide of iron . 3-0 . 1-0 . 3-2 Water . 0-0 . 1-0 . 1-0 3. It occurs in the Carnatic, associated with Feldspar, Hornblende, Garnet, Corundum, Epidote and Magnetic-Iron. 4. It is nearly related to, if not identical with, Labradorite. INDICOLITE. (See Tourmaline.) IODIC MERCURY. In spots of a fine lemon-yellow color, in the variegated sand- stone of Casas viegas, Mexico. In the air, as well as in ammonia, it changes to black. It resembles the artificial protiodide of mer- cury. IODIC SILVER. Monotomous Pearl-Kerate. Massive : in thin plates. Color greyish white, or silver-white. Exposed to the air, it changes to lavender-blue. Lustre resinous. Streak semi-metallic. Translucent. Soft, flexible. 1. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it instantly melts, and produces a smoke which tinges the flame of a beautiful violet color, globules of silver at the same time appearing upon the charcoal. 2. It is found at Albarradon, near Mazapil in Mexico, and occurs in thin veins in steatite. 280 PHYSIOGRAPHY. lolite. IOLITE. Prismatic Quartz. MOHS. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. Secondary forms. 1. Primary, having the terminal edges truncated. 2. The same, having all its edges, both lateral and ter- minal, truncated ; rarely, also, its angles. Cleavage, parallel with M, but very indistinct. Fracture conchoidal. Surface of some crystals rough and dull. Lustre vitreous. Color various shades of blue, generally inclining to black. Streak white. Transparent . . . trans- lucent ; blue if viewed in the direction of the axis, yellow- ish-grey if perpendicular to it. Hardness =7-0 . . . 7-5. Sp. gr. =2-583 . . . 2-718. Compound Varieties. Massive; composition granu- lar, strongly connected, and recognized with difficulty. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts in a good heat, but with difficulty* and only on its edges, into a glass not inferior to the mineral, either in color or transparency. 2. Analysis. By GMELIN. By STROMEYER. By Dr. BRANDES. By BONSDORFF. var.Steinheilite,. ^ vcu. i uiiom, var.oieiime fr. Bavaria. fr. Finlai Silica , 42-60 48-538 54-00 49-95 Alumina . 34-40 31-730 28-50 32-28 Magnesia . 5-80 11-305 0-50 10-45 Lime . 1-70 0-000 0-00 0-00 Oxide of iron 1-50 5-686 16-18 peroxide 5-00 Ox. manganese 1-70 0-702 0-25 0-03 3. lolite occurs in aggregated crystals with Garnet, Quartz, &c. at Cabo de Gata in Spain, in the bay of San Pedro; and this variety has been called lolite. Peliom is found at Bodenmais in Bavaria, sometimes in very distinct crystals, but generally massive, with Magnetic Iron- Pyrites. It occurs with Feldspar and Garnet, in fine crystals, at Ujord- iersoak in Greenland^ at Arendal in Norway, and at Orijerfvi in Finlapd : PHYSIOGRAPHY. 281 lolite Iridosmine Iron Pyrites. the variety from the last place has been called Steinheilite. lolite also comes from Siberia and from Lunzenau in the Erzgebirge. It is found in the U. S. at Haddam in Connecticut, associated with Garnet and Anthophyllite in gneiss. 4. The Saphire cFeau of the jewellers is a transparent variety of the present species from Ceylon. IRIDOSMINE. Iridosmic Sclerone-Metal. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. Cleavage indistinct, and only in the direction of the bases. In grains. Lustre metallic. Color between silver-white and lead- grey. Malleable with difficulty. Hardness =6-5. Sp. gr. = 17-96... 18-57. V 1. It undergoes no perceptible change when heated before the blow- pipe. Heated with nitre, it affords the characteristic odor of osmium and a mass soluble in water, to which, when nitric acid is added, a green pre- cipitate makes its appearance. 2. Analysis. By THOMSON. Osmium 24*5 Iridium - - - - - 72-9 Iron 2-6 3. It is found with Native Platina, at Nijnotaguilsk, in the Urals, and in South America. IRON PYRITES. Hexahedral Iron-Pyrites. MOHS. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. 1. 2. Cube, with angles truncated. Regular octahedron. Shoreham, (Vt.) Marietta, (Ohio.) Haddam, (Conn.) Rare. 24* 282 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Iron Pyrites. Fig. 260, 5. Fig. 262, Cornwall Elba. 7. Fig. 264. 4. Fig. 261. 6. Fig. 263. Elba. 8. Fig. 26. Corsica. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Iron Pyrites. 283 9. Fig. 266. 11. Fig. 268. Elba. 10. Fig. 267. Schneeberg, Saxony. 12. Fig. 269. Valley of Planen, near Dresden. 1. (Cubo-octaedre. H.) 2. (octacdre. H.) 3. e on e 126 52' 12". d on e = 140 46' T f . (icosaedre. H.) 4. P one = 153 26 7 5 /x . (cubo-icosaedre. H.) 5. (cw&o- dodecaedre. H.) 6. (dodecaedre. H.) 7. P on 0=144 44' 8". o on = 131 48 7 36". (triepointe. H.) 8. (trape- zoidal H.) 9. /on/=141 47 7 12 7 '. rf on/=157 47' 33''. P on d=152 15' 52". (quadriepointe. H.) 10. (triacontaedre. H.) 11. /on e =162 58 7 34 7/ . 284 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Iron Pyrites. gene. H.) 12. The cube, embracing all the previous mod- ifications. Cleavage, parallel with the cube and octahedron, in va- rious degrees of perfection ; sometimes highly perfect r, of- ten one of them more distinct, or both lost in conchoidal fracture. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Surface of the cube streaked parallel to the obtuse edges of combination with the pentagonal dodecahedron : the faces of this dode- cahedron are streaked, either parallel to the same edges, or parallel to edges which are perpendicular to the former. Lustre metallic. Color, very few shades of a charac- teristic bronze-yellow. Streak brownish-black. Brittle. Hardness = 6-0 ... 6-5. Sp. gr. = 5*031, a cleavable variety, from Freiberg; = 4*981, a crystallized variety, from Littmittz in Bohemia. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : face of composi- tion parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to a face of the dodecahedron. The individuals continued beyond the face of composition, by which the compound group takes a cruciform appearance. The composition frequently re- peated. Fig. 270. Schbharie, (N.Y.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. 285 Iron Pyrites. Imbedded and implanted globules ; surface drusy ; com- position indistinctly columnar. Massive ; composition gran- ular, sometimes even impalpable, strongly coherent; frac- ture uneven, or on a large scale, flat conchoidal. Cellular. 1. In the oxidating flame of the blow-pipe, Iron Pyrites becomes red upon charcoal, the sulphur is expelled, and oxide of iron remains. At a high temperature, in the interior flame, it melts into a globule, which continues red-hot for a short time when removed from the blast, and pos- sesses, after cooling, a crystalline fracture and metallic appearance. In heated nitric acid, it is partly soluble, and leaves a whitish re&idue. Some varieties are subject to decomposition when exposed to the action of the atmosphere. 2. Analysis. By HATCHETT. Iron - * 47-30 - - 47-85 Sulphur - 52-70 - - 52-15 3. Iron-Pyrites is one of the most common and widely diffused species among the ores ; and occurs in very various repositories. It is engaged in imbedded crystals, and in massive nodules ; the former particularly in clay-slate and greywacke-slate, the latter in greenstone, granular lime- stone, &c. It even forms beds by itself, included in primitive slate ; and is often an important ingredient of those beds which contain ores of lead, iron, &c. It frequently occurs mixed with coal seams, and the beds of clay which form a part of the ccal measures. The Auriferous Pyrites contains a small portion of native gold mechanically mixed with it, which appears to operate by a galvanic effect in producing the decompo- sition to which this variety is so generally subject. Iron- Pyrites is also found with ores of silver. It is contained in many organic remains, both of vegetable and animal origin, and is one of the species which can be distinctly traced in the composition of some of the meteoric masses. 4. Some of the crystals, along with their localities, have been men- tioned above. The island of Elba is the most conspicuous for large and well defined crystals : very fine crystals are found in Piedmont, at Frei- berg, Johanngeorgenstadt, &c. in Saxony, in Bohemia, in Hungary, in the Hartz, at Kongsberg in Norway, at Fahlun in Sweden, in Derby- shire and Cornwall. The United States is not particularly rich in localities of interesting varieties of Iron-Pyrites. Shoreham, (Vt.) and Schoharie, (N. Y.) pro? 286 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Iron Pyrites. duce, in the black limestone quarry of the former place, and in the wa- ter limerock of the latter, the handsomest crystals we have yet discov- ered. The secondary limestones in the vicinity of Marietta, (Ohio,) af- ford interesting crystals. 5. Iron-Pyrites is roasted for extracting sulphur ; after which it is ex- posed to the oxidating influence of the air for the production of sulphate of iron. IRON SINTER. Reniform, stalactitic . . . massive. Composition impalpable. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Color yellowish-, reddish-, blackish-brown. Transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Not very brittle. Soft. Sp. gr. = 2*40. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it intumesces, and some varieties emit a strong arsenical odor, during which they are partly volatilized. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By KERSTEJV, BySxROMEYEiu fr. Freiberg. Oxide of iron - 67-00 - - 40-45 - - 33.46 Arsenic acid - 0-00 - - 30-25 - - 26-06 Sulphuric acid - 8-00 - 0-00 - - 10-75 Protoxide of manganese 0-00 - - 0-00 - , 0-59 Water - 25-00 - - 28-50 - - 28-48 3. It is found in several old mines, as Freiberg and Schneeberg in Saxony, and in Upper Silesia. ISERINE. In small rounded grains. Cleavage scarcely distinguishable. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre semi-metallic. Color black. Streak black. Hardness = 5-5. Sp. gr. = 4-68 . . . 4-78. 1. Before the blow-pipe, alone, on charcoal, it is unalterable. With the fluxes, it acts in general like Magnetic-Iron ; but with the salt of phosphorus, it presents in the reduction flame a bluish-red color. 2. Analysis. By ROSE, - By KLAPROTH, By BERTHIER, fr. Norway, fr. Iserweise. fr. Cornwall. fr. Brazil. Titanic acid - 43-73 - 50-12 - 45-25 - 43-5 Peroxide of iron - 42-70 > ^Q.OQ i nn KA n Protoxide of iron- 13-575 ' 49 88 ' 51 ' ' 54>0 Oxide of manganese 00 - 0-00 - 0-25 - 0-0 Silica - 000 - 0-00 - 3-50 2-50 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 287 Jamesonite. 3. Its localities are numerous ; the principal ones, however, are the banks of the Mersey near Liverpool, England, and Iserweise in the Rie- sengebirge. 4. Iserine possesses a strong affinity to Crichtonite in its most impor- tant properties, with which it is probable that future researches will prove it identical. IsOPYRE. Regular forms not observed. Massive, in very pure masses of considerable size, (nearly two inches in each direction) : compo- sition impalpable. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre vitreous, often considerable. Color greyish black and velvet, occasionally dotted with red. Streak pale greenish grey. Opake, or very faintly translucent on the thinnest edges, with a dark, liver brown tint. Brittle. Hardness = 5-5 .. .0-0 = 2-91. Slight action on the magnetic needle. 1. From the description of Tachylite, (by BREITHATJFT,) it would seem that Isopyre is identical with that substance, excepting that the sp. gr. of Tachylite is only 2 5 ... 2 54. 2. Before the blow-pipe, it fuses without the disengagement of moist- ure or gas; melted in salt of phosphorus, it gives indications of silica. 2. Analysis. By TURNER. Silica .... 47-09 Alumina .... 13-91 Peroxide of iron - 20-07 Lime .... 15-43 Peroxide of copper - - - 1-94 4. Isopyre is found in the west of Cornwall. ITTNERITE. (See Sodalite.) JADE. (See Nephrite.) JAMESONITE. Axotomous Antimony-Glance. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M= 101 )20'. 288 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Jamesonite Johannite. Secondary forms. The primary, with its acute lateral edges truncated. Cleavage, parallel with T highly perfect ; less distinct, though easily observed, when the crystals are not too small, parallel with M and the secondary lateral planes. Fracture not observable. Lustre metallic. Color steel-grey. Streak unchanged. Sectile. Hardness =2-0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. = 5-564. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition colum- nar, individuals generally very delicate ; straight and paral- lel, or divergent. 1. Before the blow-pipe, in an open tube, it yields a dense white smoke of oxide of antimony, and leaves behind chiefly antimoniate of lead. Upon charcoal, after the volatilization of the antimony and lead, there remains behind a slag, which, with the fluxes, exhibits the reac- tion of oxide of iron, containing traces of oxide of copper. 2. Analysis. By ROSE. Sulphur - - 22-15 - - - 22-53 Lead - - 40-75 - - - .30-71 Copper - - 0-13 - - - 0-19 Iron - - 2-30 - - - 2 65 Antimony - - 34-40 ... 34-90 3. It occurs in masses of considerable dimensions in Cornwall ; also in Hungary. JEFFERSONITE. (See Pyroxene.) JOHANNITE. Cypririe Ur an ium- S al t. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 111 ? Cleavage, parallel with M. Color grass-green, to siskin-green. Lustre vitreous. Streak siskin-green. Semi-transparent. Hardness =2-0 ... 2-5. Sp. gr. = 3- 1 . . . 3-2. Taste bitter, rather than astringent. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 289 Johannite Karpholite. 1. It dissolves easily in water; and is a double sulphate of uranium and copper, containing water. 2. It is very rare, and has been met with only in an abandoned mine at Joachimsthal in Bohemia. JURINITE. (See Brookite.) KAKOCHLOR. In imitative shapes, and compact. Fracture conchoidal, to un- even. Lustre resinous. Color bluish black. Hardness = 25... 3-0. 1. Locality not mentioned. KAKOXENE. In capillary crystals, and massive, with fine columnar compo- sition, consisting of divergent individuals. Lustre silky. Color yellowish, to brown. Streak yellowish. Hardness = 3-00 . . . 4-00. Sp. gr. = 3-38. 1. Analysis. By STEINMANJV. Phosphoric acid 17-36 Alumina 10-01 Silica 8-90 Peroxide of iron 36-82 Lime 0-15 Water and fluoric acid 25-95 2. It is found in the fissures of a variety of Limonite, in the mines of Hrbek, near Zbirow in Bohemia. 8. It is altogether probable that this mineral is only a variety of Wa- vellite. KAOLIN. Decomposed Feldspar and Albite. q. v. KARPHOLITE. Prismatoidal Wavelline-Spar. Massive : composition thin columnar, scopiform and stel- lular, rather incoherent, meeting again in angularly granu- lar compositions. 25 290 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Karpholite Kerasite. Lustre silky. Color high straw-yellow, sometimes ap- proaching to wax-yellow. Opake. Hardness =4-5 . . . 5-5. Sp. gr. = 2-935. 1. It intumesces before the blow-pipe, becomes white, and melts im- perfectly into a coherent mass. 2. Analysis. By STEINMANN. By STROMEYER. Silica - - 37-53 - - - 36-154 Alumina - - 26-48 - - - 28-669 Protoxide of manganese 17-09 - - - 19-160 Protoxide of iron - 5-64 ... 2-290 Lime 0-00 - - - 0-271 Fluoric acid - - 0-00 - - - 0-470 Water - - 11-36 - - - 10-780 3, It occurs in granite at Schlackenwald in Bohemia, accompanied by Fluor and Quartz. KARPHOSIDERITE. Reniform masses ; rarely, also, granular. Fracture uneven. Lustre resinous ; shining and glimmering in the streak. Color straw-yellow. Hardness = 4-0 ... 4-5. Feels greasy. Sp. gr. = 2'5- 1. Before the blow-pipe, upon charcoal, it becomes black ; and melts, in a strong fire, into a globule, which is attractable by the magnet. In glass of borax, it is easily soluble ; and with salt of phosphorus, it melts into a black scoria. It contains oxide of iron, phosphoric acid, water, with small quantities of oxide of manganese and zinc. 2, It occurs in Greenland. KABSTENITE. (See Anhydrite.) KERASITE. Peritomous Lead-B ary te. HAIDINGER. In radiated masses. Cleavage highly perfect and easily obtained, parallel to a right rhombic prism of 102 27 ', and in the direction of its shorter diagonal. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, to uneven. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 291 Kerasite Kerolite. Lustre adamantine, particularly upon the cross-fracture, inclining to pearly upon faces of cleavage. Color yellow- ish white, straw yellow, rose red, pale. Translucent. Brittle. Hardness =2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. =7-077. 1. It decrepitates slightly before the blow-pipe, and is easily melted ; the globule is of a deeper color than the mineral. On charcoal, it is re- duced, and emits fumes of muriatic acid. Treated with peroxide of cop- per and salt of phosphorus, the flame assumes an intensely blue color. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Oxide of lead .--.-. 90-13 Muriatic acid 6-84 Carbonic acid 1-03 Water 0-54 3. It is found near Church-hill, in the Mendip Hills in Somersetshire, engaged in manganese-ores, and accompanied by several other salts of lead, and by Calcareous Spar. KERATITE. (See Quartz.) KERATOPHYLLITE. (See Hornblende.) KEROLITE. Brittle Atelene-Picrosraine. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. Dimensions unknown. Cleavage, parallel with M highly perfect, and easily ob- tained ; less distinct parallel with T, least of all parallel with P. Fracture uneven. Surface of M streaked paral- lel with its combinations with P. Lustre pearly upon M, inclining to vitreous ; upon the rest, glimmering or dull. Color oil-green, siskin-green, leek-green, to blackish green, rarely presenting patches of duck-blue. Streak white. Translucent, in thin laminae. Sectile. Laminae brittle. Hardness=2*5 . . . 3*0. The lowest degrees upon M : the highest upon the solid angles and edges. Sp. gr. =2-4 . . . 2-6. 292 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Kerolite. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition broad co- lumnar, curved, lamellar and divergent : also botryoidal in cavities, and impalpable. Sp. gr. of the compact =2*2... 2*3. Color white, tinged by grey, green and red. 1. Before the blow-pipe, when heated suddenly, it decrepitates vio- lently ; the fragments becoming white and harder. In very small frag- ments, if the heat is gradually applied, a roundish enamel-like edge is produced ; but unattended with any ebullition. In powder, with borax, the lighter colored varieties produce a perfectly colorless glass ; the blackish green variety affords a greenish transparent glass. Pseudomor- phoses in the shape of Quartz, Hornblende and Spinel. 2. Analysis. By PFAFP. By NUTTALL. By STEEL. By SHEPARD. Magnesia Silica Lime Water Protox. iron with) ^ : . 6 _ ^ _ Q Q() _ traces of chrome > Alumina - 12-18 - 00 - 1-000 - 0-00 - 0-000 Peroxide of iron 0-00 - 0-0 - 0-400 - 0-00 - 0-000 3. The present species is found in veins in serpentine, and dissemina- ted through Schiller-Spar. 4. The Kerolite was first described by BREITHAUPT, as occurring in reniform masses, in plates and compact, with a hardness = 2-0. .. 2-5, and sp. gr. = 2-33 . . . 2-4, having a resinous lustre, and occurring in thin seams in serpentine, at Franckenstein in Silesia. The Marmolite of NUTTALL must be referred to the same species ; it occurs at Hoboken, (N. J.) where it is found forming narrow veins in serpentine ; and from whence is derived the specimens possessed of a distinctly crystalline structure. It also occurs at this place possessed of an impalpable texture, but only in small quantities. A leek green and blackish green, variety, in curved and stellular laminae, occurs at Blandford, (Mass.) engaged in Schiller-Spar. The compact variety of the United States, and which has been called JDeweylite, by EMMOJTS, is found in seams and ir- regular veins at Middlefield, (Mass.) at Cooptown, Hat ford county, var. Kerolite. /- ' var. Deweylite. fr. Middlefield. bl. gr. var. fr. Blanford. fr. Hoboken. 18.01 - 46-0 - 41-720 - 40-00 - 41-400 37-95 - 36-0 - 41-256 - 40-00 - 40-00 o-oo - 2-0 - 0-000 - 0-00 - 0-932 31-00 - 15-0 - 17-680 - 20-00 - 15-670 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 293 Kerolite. (Md.) and at Amity, (N. Y.) The pseudomorphoses occur at Middle- field, (Mass.) in the shape of Quartz, of considerable dimensions, and of greyish white color; and at Amity, (N. Y.) of a bluish green and dark green color, in the shapes of Hornblende and Spinel. APPENDIX TO KEROLITE. i. Dermatin. BREITHAUPT. Reniform, rarely globular, and in thin coatings or crusts. Frac- ture conchoidal. Lustre resinous, slightly increased in the streak. Color black- ish-green to leek-green, dark olive-green, and dark liver-brown. Translucent on the edges. Streak straw-yellow, or pea-yellow. Hardness = 2-0. Sp. gr. = 2-136. 1. It has a greasy feel, and when moistened by the breath, emits an earthy smell. Before the blow-pipe, it cracks, changes to a black color, and increases in hardness. 2. It is found upon serpentine, at Waldheim in Saxony. KILLINITE. (See Spodumene.) KNEBELITE. Massive. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Lustre glistening, to dull. Color grey, spotted dirty white, red, brown and green. Opake. Hard. Difficult to break. Sp. gr. = 3-714. 1. Alone, before the blow-pipe, it remains unaltered. 2. Analysis. By DOEBEREINER. Silica . . 32-5 . . . 30-32 Protoxide of iron . . 32-0 . . . 34-58 Protoxide of manganese 35-0 . . , 36-10 Locality unknown. KoNIGITEt Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' = 105. Crystals elongated, somewhat barrel-shaped, and closely aggre- gated. Cleavage parallel with P, perfect. Color emerald and blackish-green. Translucent. Hardness = about 2-0. 25* 294 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Kupaphrite. 1. It consists of sulphuric acid and oxide of copper. 2. It accompanies Red Copper-Ore, and conies from Werchetori in Siberia. 3. In chemical composition it resembles Brochantite, but this sub- stance occurs in thin rectangular tables, whose angles are truncated, and edges bevelled, without any traces of cleavage. KORNITE. An impalpable variety of Quartz, (q. v.) of a dull green color, a feebly vitreous lustre, and conchoidal, or splintery fracture : with sp. gr. = 2-8 ... 2-9. It is also called Splintery Hornstone. KOUPHOLITE. (See Prehnite.) KROKALITE. (See Mesotype.) KROKYDOLITE. Massive : composition columnar, particles of composition thin and parallel ; impalpable, when the fracture is uneven or splintery. Color indigo-blue. Hardness = about 4-0. Sp. gr. = 3-200 . . . 3-265. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it easily melts into a shining black glass, which is magnetic. 2. Analysis. By STROMEYER. Fibrous variety. Compact variety. Silica . . 50-81 . . . 51-64 PrQtoxide of iron . 33-88 , . . 34-38 Soda . . 7-03 . . . 7-11 Water . . 5-58 . . . 4-01 Magnesia . . 2-32 . . . 2-64 Lime . . 0-02 . . . 0-25 3. Its localities are Orange River, Africa, Greenland, Norway and Golling Salzburg. KUPAPHRITE. Prismatic Euchlor e-Mica. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism, dimensions un- known. Secondary form. Primary, having the acute lateral edges truncated. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 295 Kupaphrite. Cleavage, parallel with P perfect. Fracture not observ- able. Surface, M deeply streaked in a horizontal direc- tion. The rest of the faces smooth. Lustre pearly upon P, both as faces of crystallization, and of cleavage ; vitreous upon the other faces* Color pale apple-green and verdigris-green, inclining to sky-blue. Streak of the same color, only paler. Translucent, gene- rally only on the edges. Very sectile. Thin laminae, flexible. Hardness =1-0 1-5. Sp. gr. = 3-098, of a crystallized variety from Schwatz. Compound Varieties. Reniform and botryoidal shapes : surface drusy, composition columnar, faces of composition a little rough. 1. Alone, before the blow-pipe, it decrepitates very briskly, and throws around powdered fragments, which color the flame green. In the process, it immediately turns black, and melts into a steel-grey pearl, destitute of crystalline facets. On charcoal, it quietly emits moisture, without detonation ; but after a longer exposure to the influence of the flame, it swells a little through the extrication of arsenical vapor. With carbonate of soda, an imperfectly fluid mass is obtained, which contains a nucleus of white metallic matter. 2. Analysis. By KOBELL,. From Falkenstein in the Tyrol. Arsenic acid , - 25-366 . . . 25-01 Oxide of copper . . 43-660 . . . 43-88 Water . 19 824 17 ' 46 Carbonate of lime . 11-150 . . 13-65 3. It occurs in beds and veins, accompanied by other ores of copper, particularly by Blue Malachite. 4. The known localities of Kupaphrite are, the Bannat of Temeswar, Libethen iu Hungary, Schwatz in the Tyrol, Saalfeld in Thuringia, and Matlock in Derbyshire. 296 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Kyanite. KUPFERINDIG. (See Purple Copper-Ore.) KUPFERSCHAUM. (See Kupaphrite.) KUPHOLITE. Massive : the individuals flat, also impalpable. Lustre pearly. Color, yellowish white, wax-yellow, light yel- lowish brown. Streak white. Transparent, to translucent. Hardness = -5 . . . 1-00. Sp. gr. = 1-922 . . . 1-934. 1. It yields, when calcined, about 25 p. c. of water. 2. It occurs at Schwarzenberg, in the Erzgebirge, accompanied with the Metaxite and Kryptose Carbon-Spar of BREITHAUPT. KYANITE. Prismatic Disthene-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. P on M=93 15'. PonT = 100 50'. M on T=106 15'. Secondary form. Fig. 271. M T T on I - 140 55' Tono - 122 20 P on I - 97 48' ) P on o - 83 38 > PHILLIPS. - Mon / - 145 16 ) ( Cleavage, parallel wilh M highly perfect, and easily ob- tained 5 less distinct parallel with T ; least of all, parallel PHYSIOGRAPHY. 297 Kyanite. with P. Fracture uneven. Surface streaked parallel to the common edges of intersection. Lustre pearly upon M, particularly if the face is produced by cleavage ; inclining to vitreous upon the other faces. Color generally white, often passing into blue, sometimes inclining to green or grey, and rarely to black. Frequently spots of berlin-blue elongated in one direction, upon a paler ground. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 ... 7-0 ; the lowest degrees upon M, the highest on the solid angles and edges. Sp. gr. = 3'675, a blue, transparent variety cut and polished ; 3'559, a milk white variety of Rhaetezite. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : faces of compo- sition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to M. Mas- sive : composition broad columnar, sometimes straight la- mellar, often curved, or divergent ; faces of composition in most cases irregularly streaked. 1. Two varieties were formerly distinguished as particular species, Kyanite and Rhatizite : the former referring simply to such varieties as are blue, the latter to those whose color is white. The Fibrolite of Count BOURNOIV must also coalesce with the present species, with which it perfectly agrees in every property. 2. Before the blow-pipe, Kyanite is infusible. With borax, it is solu- ble with great difficulty. Some crystals exhibit positive, others nega- tive electricity, on being rubbed. 3. Analysis. BySAUSSURE. By.LAUGIER, ByKLAPKOTH. ByCHENEVIX- var. Fibrolite. Alumina . 54-50 . 55-50 . 55-50 . 58-25 Silica . 3062 . 3850 . 43-00 . 3800 Lime . 202 , 0-50 . 000 . 0-00 Magnesia . 2-30 . 0-00 . 0-00 . 0-00 Oxide of iron 6-00 . 2-75 . 050 . 0-75 Water . 4-56 . 0-75 . 0-00 . 0-00 Potash , 0-QO . 0-00 . a trace . 0-00 298 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Kyanite Labradorite. 4. The varieties of Kyanite occur in crystals, or massive, imbedded in rocks of the primitive class, as gneiss and mica slate ; and are often at- tended by Garnet and Staurotide. 6. Crystals, and large cleavable varieties, are found at St. Gothard in Switzerland, the Zillerthal in the Tyrol, the Saualpe in Carinthia, and the Bacher mountain in Stiria. The variety JElhtstizite is chiefly known from Pfitsch in the Tyrol. The Fibrolite has been brought from the Carnatic and from China, where it was found in loose crystals, accompa- nying'Corundum. Several very interesting localities of Kyanite are known in the United States, the most important of which is that in Massachusetts, at Chester- field, where it occurs in mica-slate, accompanied by Garnet. Nodular masses of Quartz, one or two feet in thickness, are here occasionally pen- etrated throughout with crystals, and cleavable masses of the present species, often of a handsome blue color. Large rolled masses, sometimes above a foot in diameter, of a similar variety, occur at Litchfield and West Farms, (Conn.) containing also Corundum and massive Apatite. The variety Fibrolite occurs in very distinct prisms, at Lancaster, (Mass.) and at Bellows Falls, (Vt.) ; at both places in gneiss. A black variety is found in North Carolina, in the soil, accompanied by crystals ofRutile. 6. Blue varieties of Kyanite are sometimes cut as gems. KYMATINE. Massive : composition columnar, individuals thin, and arranged so as to produce an undulating structure : also impalpable. Lustre pearly. Color greenish-grey. Streak white. Rather brittle. Hardness = 2-0 ... 3-00. Sp. gr. = 2'923 . . . 2981. Locality not mentioned. LABRADORITE. Polychromatic Feldspar. PARTSCH. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. P on M =94 30'. PonT = 119. MonT=U5. Secondary forms. These are analogous to those of Al- bite, but they present less variety, and on account of their rarity in general, have been but little investigated. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 299 Labradorite. Cleavage parallel with P and M most distinct, that in the direction of the remaining primary face very imperfect. Lustre, upon the cleavage planes of P pearly, passing in- to vitreous. Color white, passing into grey, with a tinge of blue. Opalescent and iridescent tints appear in directions not coincident with the cleavages.* Translucent on the edges. Brittle. Hardness =6-0. Sp. gr. =2-69 . . . 2-76. 1. Before the blow-pipe, Labradorite resembles Feldspar. With ox ide of nickel and borax, it affords a blue pearl. It is entirely dissolved by heated muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. from Labrador. from Saxony. Silica 5575 51-00 Alumina 26-50 30-50 Lime 11-00 11-25 Soda 4-00 4-00 Oxide of iron 1-25 1-75 Water 0-50 1-25 3, Labradorite occurs in sienitic rocks ; also as a regular constituent in several kinds of gabbro rocks, with serpentine. 4. It was first brought from the coast of Labrador. It occurs also in Ingria, in large, but ill defined crystals, in Greenland, and as a constit- uent of several rocks in various places of the Hartz, Saxony, near Flor- ence, &c. The variety commonly quoted from Norway, in the zircon- sienite of Friediichsvlirn, belongs to the species of Feldspar, and not to Labradorite. Labradorite is but little known in the U. S. But one locality of any importance is known to exist in the country, which is situated at the dis- tance of 60 miles west of Mount Moriah, upon Lake Champlain, (N.Y.) in an almost uninhabited country. It here exists in the greatest abun- * From the researches of Dr. BREWSTER, it appears that these tints arise from the existence of empty crystallized cavities distributed through the mass. 300 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Latrobite. dance, in granite, and presents the same handsome colors as the variety from Labrador. It is occasionally met with also in rolled masses, in the vicinity of Pompton plains, (N. J.) and at Amity, (N. Y.) LANARKITE. (See Dyoxylite.) LAPIS-LAZULI. (See Soddite.) LATROBITE. Eruthrone Feldspar. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. P on M=91 9'. P on T = 93 30'. M on T = 93 30' ; obtained from cleavage. Color pale red. Hardness = 5*75 . . . 6-50. Sp. gr. = 2*8, BROOKE. 2*72, GMELIN. 1. It fuses before the blow-pipe, in the platina forceps, into a white enamel. With borax, it yields a globule, pale amethyst red in the oxi- dating flame, and colorless in the reducing one. With salt of phospho- rus, a globule with a silica skeleton, is obtained, yellow in the oxidating flame, and becoming opake on cooling, transparent in the reducing flame. 2. Analysis. By GMELIJV. Silica . . . 44-653 . . 41-780 Alumina .... 36-814 . . 32-827 Lime .... 8-291 . . 9-787 Oxide of manganese . .3-160 . . 5-767 Magnesia with some manganese 0-528 . . 0-000 Potash .... 6-575 . . 6-575 Water .... 2-041 . . 2-041 3. It occurs in Amitok island, near the coast of Labrador, with Mica and Calcareous Spar. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. TREATISE MINERALOGY: SECOND PART, CONSISTING OF DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES, AND TABLES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THEIR NATURAL AND CHEMICAL AFFINITIES. BY CHARLES UPHAM SHEPARD, A. B. Lecturer on Natural History in Yale College ; Member of the Amer ican Geological Society ; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; of the Natural History Society of Montreal, and of the Qeological Society of France, &c. VOLUME II. NEW HAVEN: HEZEKIAH HOWE& CO. 1835. Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1835, by CHARLES UPHAM SHEPARD, in the Clerk's office, of the District Court of Connecticut. Printed by Hesekiah Howe & Co. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS SPECIES. LAUMONITE. Diatomous Kouphone-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism : (oblique from an acute edge.) Mon M'=86 15'. M on P=113 30'. Iceland. Nova-Scotia. Secondary forms. 1. Fig. 272. M M on c 104 20'. PHILLIPS. 2. Primitive form, with the lateral edges truncated. Schemnitz, Hungary. 3. The same, with the addition of plane c, and the trun- cation of the obtuse lateral edges. Huelgoet, Brittany. Cleavage, parallel with the shorter diagonal, distinct ; traces of, parallel with the longer. Fracture uneven, scarcely observable. Surface P either smooth or uneven. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Laumonite La zulite. The faces parallel to the principal axis striated in that di- rection. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly upon the more dis- tinct faces of cleavage. Color white, passing into reddish, yellowish, or greyish tints. Streak white. Translucent. Not very brittle. Hardness = l*5 . . . 5*5. Sp. gr.=2*3. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, commonly elongated in one direction, faces of composition generally streaked. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts into a white spumous mass. It ge- latinizes with acids, and acquires negative electricity by friction, if iso- lated. It is decomposed by the action of the atmosphere, and loses its water; it is therefore generally met with in a friable state, and most of its properties are on that account but imperfectly known. 2. Analysis. Silica - - 4830 - - - 49-00 Alumina - - 22-70 - - - 22-00 Lime - - 12-10 - - - 9-00 Water - - 16-00 - - - 17-50 Carbonic acid - - 0-00 - - - 2-50 3. It occurs in veins, traversing clay-slate with limestone : also in ir- regular veins and imbedded masses in porphyry, and in the cavities of amygdaloidal rocks. 4. The original locality is in the lead mines of Huelgoet in Brittany, It was next found near Schemnitz in Hungary, in porphyry. It occurs likewise on Mount St. Gothard with Apatite, in Faroe, Iceland, and va- rious parts of Scotland, Ireland, and in Nova-Scotia. In the United States it has been met with occasionally, in small masses, in the amygdaloid of Connecticut and Massachusetts ; and at Phillips- town, (N.Y.) LAZULITE. Prismatic Azure-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism, M on M=I31 Q 30'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Lazulite. Secondary form. Fig. 273. 121 30' a on e 138 45 cl on cl 140 30 cl on c2 150 45 e on d 91 30* cl on e 129 10 cl on d 158 10' 120 40 00 36 25 150 162 139 141 20 Fracture uneven. MonM M on e M and MOD/ a on a a on cl Cleavage, parallel with a indistinct. Surface smooth, all the faces alike. Lustre vitreous. .Color various shades of a pure blue color, particularly deep and beautiful if viewed in the direc- tion of one line, apparently the axis of the crystals ; while perpendicular to it, it is of a pale greenish blue color. Streak white. Translucent, generally only on the edges, opake. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 ... 5-5. Sp. gr. = 3-056. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, individuals strongly connected. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it intumesces a little, and assumes a glassy appearance, where the heat has been highest, but does not melt. With borax, it yields a clear colorless globule. Treated with boracic acid and a piece of iron-wire, it gives a globule of phosphuret of iron. 2. Analysis. By FTJCHS. Phosphoric acid Alumina Magnesia Silica Protoxide of iron Water * - 41-81 3573 934 2-10 2-64 6-06 h These planes may be taken also as the primary planes. i* PHYSIOGRAPHY. Leadhillite. 3. It has been found in narrow veins, traversing clay-slate, both mas- sive and crystallized with Quartz and Spathic Iron, nearWerfen in Salz- burg. LEADHILLITE. Axotomous Lead-Baryte. MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P=72 30'. Secondary forms. Fig. 274. P on a g on a di on a Fig. 276. 111 30' 111 30 131 58 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Leadhillite. Cleavage, parallel to o, and traces parallel to a. Frac- ture conchoidal, scarcely observable. Surface o very smooth and even ; some of the faces curved or uneven. Lustre resinous, inclining to adamantine, pearly upon o. Color yellowish white, passing into various, pale grey, green, yellow, and brown tints. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Rather sectile. Hardness =2-5. Sp. gr. =6-266. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals, frequent. Mas- sive : composition lamellar, or granular. 1. Before the blow-pipe, this mineral first intumesces a little, and then becomes yellow, but re-assumes a white color on cooling. It effer- vesces briskly in nitric acid, and leaves a white residue. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Carbonate of lead . . . . . . . 71*1 Sulphate of lead 30-0 With traces of muriatic acid, giving an excess of !!, probably owing to the existence of a subsalt of lead in the mineral. 3. It occurs principally at the Lead Hills of Scotland, in a vein trav- ersing grey wacke, accompanied with various other ores of lead : it has been brought from Spain under similar circumstances. LEELITE. Massive. Fracture splintery. Lustre and translucency like horn. =2-71. 1. Analysis. By MITCHELL. Silica 81-91 Alumina . 6'55 Protoxide of iron . 6-42 Potash 8-88 2. The specimens were brought from Gryphytta in Westmania, Swe- den. 3. It scarcely admits of a doubt, that the Leelite is a variety of Feldspar. LENZINITE. An impure variety of Opal, in a state of partial decomposition. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Leucite Leucopyrite. LEPIDOKROKITE. (See Limonite.) LEPIDOLITE. (See Mica.) LEUCITE. Trapezoidal Kouphone-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Cube. Secondary form. Trapezohedron. Irregular forms and grains. Cleavage, very imperfect parallel to the primary form, and also to the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron. Frac- ture conchoidal. Surface of crystals even, though gene- rally rough ; of grains, uneven and smooth. Lustre vitreous. Color reddish, yellowish, or grey- ish-white ; ash grey or smoke grey. Streak white. Semi- transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 5*5 . . . 6-0. Sp. gr. = 2-483. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular ; faces of composition irregularly streaked. Rare. 1. Alone before the blow-pipe, U is infusible : with borax, or carbon- ate of lime, it fuses with difficulty into a clear globule. Reduced to pow- der, it is said to change the. color of the blue tincture of violets to green. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By ARFWEDSON. fr. Vesuvius. fr. Albano. fr. Albano. Silica . . 53-750 . 54-00 . 56-10 Alumina . . 24-625 . 23-00 . 23-10 ^Potash . . 21-350 . 22-00 . 21-15 Oxide of iron , 0000 . 0-00 . 0-90 3. It occurs chiefly in imbedded crystals and grains in lava, sometimes in compound specimens ejected by Mount Vesuvius. Besides this lo- cality, it is also found at Albano and Frescati near Rome. LEUCOPYRITE. Axotomous Er uthleucone- Pyrites. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. Mon M = 122 26'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Leucopyrite. Secondary form. Fig. 277. M M Stiria Bedford co. (Penn.) o on o - M on o - 51 30' about 146 00 Cleavage, perfect parallel to the longer diagonal ; less distinct parallel with two faces on the acute lateral edges, inclining under 86 10'; traces parallel with M. Frac- ture uneven. Surface faintly streaked, parallel to the com- mon edges of combination, frequently smooth. Lustre metallic. Color between silver-white and steel- grey. Streak greyish-black. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 ... 5-5. Sp. gr. = 7-228, from Silesia ; 7-337, crystal from Bedford co. (Penn.) Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, individuals small, often nearly impalpable, and strongly con- nected ; fracture uneven ; composition columnar, rather thick, irregular, and divergent. Faces of composition irregularly streaked. 1. It is sometimes magnetic even with polarity. It melts before the blow-pipe, without giving any perceptible smell of arsenic ; but when fused in quantity beneath the flame of the compound blow-pipe, the odor of arsenic is perceptible. It is perfectly soluble in nitric acid, a few flakes of Plumbago, only, remaining undissolved in the solution. 10 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Leucopyrite Levyne. 2. Analysis. By SHEPARD. From Bedford co. (Penn.) Iron 97-44 Arsenic 1*56 3. It is found in beds, either along with Spathic Iron and Limonite, or imbedded in serpentine. With the first, it occurs in the valley of Loling, near Huttenberg in Carinthia ; in serpentine, at Reichenstein in Silesia. It has likewise been met with in beds in primitive mountains, with Cop- per-Nickel and Smaltine, at Schladming in Stiria. It has been found in the U. States at two localities, but under what circumstances, it is not known : one of them is in Bedford co. (Penn.) from whence a crystal weighing two or three ounces, was brought; and the other, in Randolph co. (N. Carolina) where a mass, weighing nearly two pounds, was obtained. LEVYNE. Macrotypous Kouphone-Spar. PARTS CH. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P=79 29'. Cleavage, indistinct parallel to P. Fracture, imperfectly conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Streak white. Semi- transparent. Brittle. Hardness =4-0. Sp. gr. =2*198. Compound Varieties. Composition parallel to o. Fig. 278. o one- - - - 136 l'> T oonP 11729 $ LEVY - Surface o uneven, and generally curved. 1. In the glass tube, when heated, it gives off a considerable quantity of water, and becomes opake. Upon charcoal, it intumesces slightly. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Levyne Libethenite. 11 With salt of phosphorus, it yields a transparent globule, which contains a skeleton of silica, and becomes opake on cooling. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. By CONNEL. 48-00 - - - 46-30 20-00 - - - 22-47 8-35 - - - 9-72 0-40 - -" - 0-00 0-41 - - - 1-26 2-75 - - - 1-55 0-00 - - - 0-77 0-00 - * - 0-19 19-30 - - - 19-51 Silica Alumina Lime Magnesia - Potash Soda Oxide of iron Oxide of manganese - Water 3. It occurs at Dalsnyhen in Faroe ; in Ireland, and in the island of Skye, with Heulandite, in the vesicular cavities of amygdaloid. LIBETHENITE. Diprismatic Copper-Baryte. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M=l 10. Secondary form. Fig. 279. x on x P on c a on a' c on c c on e 110 00'? "| 126 10 95 15 15 10 S PHILLIPS. 121 149 Cleavage, parallel with P and M : the former distinct. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Surface of P very smooth and even ; M striated parallel to its edges of combination with P. 12 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Libethenite Limonite. Lustre resinous. Color olive-green, generally dark. Streak olive-green* Translucent on the edges. Brittle. Hardness =4-0. Sp. gr. =3-6 . . . 3-8. 1. Before the blow-pipe, on the first impression of heat, it fuses into a brownish globule, which, by further action of the heat, extends on the surface of the charcoal, and acquires a reddish grey, metallic lustre, and finally gives, at the centre, a small globule of metallic copper. 2. Analysis. By BERTHIER. Oxide of copper - - - - - - 63-9 Phosphoric acid 28-7 Water 7-4 3. It occurs engaged in cavities of Quartz, associated with Yellow Copper Pyrites, in a bed, in primitive rocks, at Libethen, near Neusohl, Hungary ; also at Gunnis lake mine in Cornwall. LIEVRITE. (See Yenite.) LIMBILITE. (See Peridot.) LIMONITE. Prismatic Iron-Ore. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' = 130 40'. Secondary form. Fig. 280. The crystals are compressed parallel with the shorter di- agonal of the prism, so as to give an undue extension to the planes o o of the above figure. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Limonite. 13 M' on M over e 130 40' c on M' 120 42 X o on 02' 135 5 c on 6 or 6' - 135 20 o on b' o on M' 121 45 117 50 . | ! 6. on 02 or > b' on 02' 5 " 121 25 a'l on 01 125 30 5 01 on M 129 30 a2 on 02' 149 24 m 02 on M 153 25 6 oni' 117 30 , , 02 or 02' on c 147 00 Cleavage, pretty distinct parallel to the broad faces of the crystals, or the shorter diagonal of the prism. Surface deeply striated lengthwise of the prism. Lustre adamantine. Color, various shades of brown ; of which yellowish brown, hair-brown, clove-brown and black- ish brown, are the most common. Streak yellowish brown. Crystals often semi-transparent, and showing a blood red tint. Other varieties are nearly opake. Brittle. No action on the magnet. Hardness =5*0. .. 5*5. Sp. gr. == 3*922, of a columnar, compound variety. Compound Varieties. Globular, reniform, stalactitic and fructtcose shapes : surface, of various descriptions, smooth, granulated, reniform, drusy ; composiiion colum- nar, individuals very delicate, often impalpable. In tho latter case, fracture becomes even, flat conchoidal, or un- even. The composition is often repeated ; granular and curved lamellar masses are formed of columnar composi- tions, the faces of composition oeing either smooth, or cov- ered with reniform asperities. Massive : composition co- lumnar or impalpable. Sometimes the particles are so slightly coherent, that the mass appears earthy and dull. Pseudomorphoses of Calcareous Spar. 1. The present is one of those species in mineralogy, which, on ac- count of the varieties in regard to composition, and the intermixture of other species, has been treated of under a great diversity of names, as VOL. II. 2 14 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Limonite. constituting sub-species, notwithstanding the close connexion of these varieties thus distinguished, by immediate inter-transitions. In the first place, some of what are generally regarded as pseudomorphoses, or sup- posititious crystals, must be excluded, because they are not real pseudo- morphoses, consisting of compound varieties of this species, but are de- composed varieties of three others, viz. Iron Pyrites, White Iron Pyrites and Spathic Iron, to which they must be severally referred. The fibrous Limonite, or Brown Hematite, contains the real crystals, and the compound varieties in stalactitic, reniform, and other imitative shapes ; also those massive varieties in which the composition may still be ascertained. A crystallized variety, in thin laminae, has been called Rubinglimmer or Gothite. Compact Brown Iron-Ore comprehends those imitative shapes and massive varieties, in which the composition is no longer observable, but which are still firmly connected ; while Ochrey Brown Iron-Ore is applied to those which have an earthy texture, and are friable. As impure varieties of this species, or those in which other species are mechanically blended, we must consider some of the clay Iron-Ores, such as the Granular, the Common, the Pisiform, and the Reniform clay iron-ore. The granular variety is composed of compact roundish or globular masses ; the reniform ore, of alternating coats of different color and consistency, disposed in a reniform surface. In the pisiform variety, we meet with a similar composition, only in small glob- ules, parallel to the surface of which the laminae are disposed. The com- pact pisiform clay iron-ore, however, does riot belong to the present spe- cies, but it is a decomposed White Iron Pyrites, as is proved not only by the crystalline forms which it presents, and which are described in books, but likewise from the nucleus of undecomposed pyrites, which larger specimens of it often contain. To this species also appear to be- long several scaly and nearly impalpable varieties of Iron-Ore, as the Lepidpkrokite, Pyrrhosiderite, and Sideroschisolite ; though it is probable that some of them contain scales of Specular Iron also. 2. Before the blow-pipe, it becomes black and magnetic. It melts with boi'ax, into a green or yellow glass, and is soluble in heated nitro- muiiatic acid. 3. Analysis. By D'AuBuissoN. A fibrous variety. A compact variety. Peroxide of iron . 82-00 . . 84-00 Water . 14-00 . . . n-QO Oxide of manganese . 2-00 . . . 2-00 Silica . 1-00 . . . 2-00 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 15 Limonite. It is a hydrate of peroxide of iron, the proportions of peroxide of iron and water, being as 85-30 to 14-70. 4. Limonite occurs in beds and veins. When in beds, it is generally accompanied by Spathic Iron, sometimes also by Heavy Spar, Calcare- ous Spar, Arragonite and Quartz. These beds a-re included both in an- cient and in secondary rocks, the latter of which, though very thick, do not extend to a very great distance. When in veins, this species is fre- quently attended with some of the ores of manganese. Acicular crystaU of Limonite are met with in geodes of Quartz. Those varieties of clay iron-stone which belong to the present species, either form beds by them- selves in secondary rocks, or they are imbedded in strata of clay, in the shape of larger or smaller globular concretions, some of them belonging to the coal formation, others to various kinds of sandstone. 5. Limonite is very plentiful in some countries. It occurs in beds in gneiss, along with granular limestone, at Friesach, at Huttenberg, and in the valley of Lavant in Carinthia, at Turrach and Eisenerz in Stiria*. Other localities, under similar circumstances, in Europe, are, Torotsko in Transylvania ; Dobschau, Szirk, &c., in Hungary; Schneeberg in Saxony ; Kamsdord and Saalfield, in Thuringia : though at some of these .places it is said to occur in newer rocks. It is found in veins in various parts of Saxony, Nassau, the Hartz, &c. Gothite is found in the dis- tricts of Siegen and Sayns ; the velvety varieties at Przibram in Bohe- mia ; several crystallized varieties in the vicinity of Bristol, England, and in the lake of Onega" in Russia. Rich varieties of the clay iron-ore occur in Bohemia, in Silesia, at Wehrau in Lusatia, and in Westphalia. The kidney shaped variety is met with near Teplitz in Bohemia, Tar- nowitz in Silesia, in Poland, in several districts of Lower Stiria, &c. The pisiform clay iron-ore is found in Swabia, Franconia, Hessia, and in the district of Ayrshire in Scotland. Limonite is one of the most widely diffused mineralogical species of the United States. Powerful beds of the fibrous brown haematite, ac- companied by the ochery iron-ore, exist at Salsbury and Kent, in Con- necticut, contained in mica-slate. In the neighboring towns of Beekman and Amenia, (N.Y.) similar deposits are met vyith. Farther north, un- der the same circumstances, at Richmond and Lenox, (Mass.) the like varieties of the present species occur. The mica-slate, which embraces the foregoing varieties, contains also beds of dolomite. At Hinsdale, the fibrous variety occurs as a cement to a fragmentary quartz rock. The nodular variety occurs at Gill, in the slate of the coal formation ; it 16 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Limonite Liroconite. is also abundant on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Limonite is abundant at Bennington, Monkton, Pittsford, Putney and Ripton, in Ver- mont; at all of which places, it is more or less associated with ores of manganese. The argillaceous varieties are common in Pennsylvania, near Easton, and throughout the Lehigh range, in Fayette county at Armstrong, Upper Dublin, and in Washington county. Nodular argil- laceous iron, in- hollow balls from one inch to one foot in diameter, occur at Bladensburg, (Maryland.) Argillaceous iron-ore exists on mount Alto, in the Blue Ridge, at Hugh's mine, in Shenandoah co. (Va.) ; and in Chatham and Nash counties in North Carolina. Nodular fragments, which are perfectly compact and hard, occur disseminated through gravel-hills, near Marietta, in Ohio. 6. Limonite yields a considerable portion of the iron annually produced in the different parts of the globe. The pig,-iron, obtained from melting its purer varieties with charcoal, in particular, may be easily converted into steel. The hard and compact nodular variety is much esteemed as a burnisher, in the polishing of metallic buttons. LlNCOLNITE. Primary form. Right oblique angled prism. M on M = 120 e.g. Secondary form. The primary, with the acute lateral edges truncated. Cleavage, perfect parallel with P. Lustre pearly on P. Color white. Transparent to translucent, 1. On hot coals, it whitens; and before the blow-pipe, melts into a spongy, white enamel. 2. It is found in the amygdaloidal cavities of trap at Deerfield, (Mass.) and upon gneiss, at Bellow's Falls, (Vt.) 3. As the largest crystals of this substance do not exceed one tenth of an inch in diameter, and as the angles given were obtained with the common goniometer, it will be necessary that their correctness be con- firmed by the reflective goniometer, before the evidence that they are distinct from Heulandite, can be considered as completely satisfactory. LIROCONITE. Lirokone Malachite-Haloide. Primary form. Octahedron, with a rectangular base. P on P = 60 40'. M on M' = 72 22'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 17 Liroconite. Secondary form. Fig. 281. Pon/' 179 22') MonP 133 30 \ PHILLIPS. I on I 178 10 ) Cleavage, parallel with the primary planes, but effected with much difficulty. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, un- even. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color sky-blue . . . verdigris-green. Streak corresponding to the color, very pale. Semi-transparent . . . translucent. Nearly sectile. Hardness = 2-0 ... 2-5. Sp. gr. = 2-926. Compound Varieties. Massive; composition granu- lar, sometimes very distinct, but altogether rare. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it loses color and transparency, emits fumes of arsenic, and is changed into a friable scoria, containing some white, metallic globules. With borax, it yields a green globule, and is partly reduced. In nitric acid, it is soluble without effervescence. 2.'" Analysis. fBy CHENEVIX. Oxide of copper 49-00 Arsenic acid ...... 14-00 Water 35-00 3. Lenticular Copper-Ore occurs in copper veins, along with various other ores of copper ; also with Limonite, Quartz and Iron Pyrites. 4. It has been found only in some of the copper mines, near Redruth in Cornwall, and in minute crystals at Herrengrund in Hungary. LlTHOMARGE. A pure, white, adhesive clay, from the decomposition of one or more species. That from Rochlitz in Saxony, consists, according to KLAPROTH, of Silica .--... 45-25 Alumina 36-50 Wat3r 14-00 Oxide of iron 2-75 2* 18 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Magnesite. LYDJAN STONE. (See Quartz.) MACLE. (See Andalusite.) M ACLURITE. (See Brucite.) MAGNESITE. Staphyline Lime-Haloide. Reniform, tuberose, massive. Composition columnar, individuals very delicate and diverging, producing a silky lustre; also impalpable. Fracture flat conchoidal, some- times fine earthy. Dull. Color yellowish grey, cream-yellow, yellowish and greyish white. Streak white and greyish white. Fee- bly translucent on the edges . . . opake. Sp. gr. = 2*808. (No allowance being made for its imbibition of water.) Adheres pretty strongly to the tongue. 1. Several varieties of the present species are distinguished by parti- cular denominations. 1. Meerschaum or Sea-foam, which is contamina- ted with variable proportions 6f silica : it is opake, and possessed of an earthy fracture, yields easily to the nail, and adheres strongly to the tongue ; occasional!}' it is very porous, so as to swim on water. Sp. gr. = 1*2 . . . 1-6. According to BERTHIER, a specimen from near Madrid, consisted of magnesia 23-8, silica 53 8, water 20 0, alumina 1-2. 2. Com- pact Carbonate of Magnesia. Color snow-white. Sp. gr. = 2-56. Gives sparks with steel, but does not scratch Fluor. It dissolves in acids, at ordinary temperatures, with extreme. slowness, even when finely powdered; but by heat, its solution is quickened, attended with the ex- trication of carbonic acid gas. According to Dr. HENRY, it consists of magnesia 46, carbonic acid 51. 3. Pulverulent Carbonate of Magne- sia. It is in the form of a light, white, powder, or in slightly cohering masses, resembling chalk. It appears to have resulted from the decom- position of Native Magnesia. It consists, according to WACHTMEISTER, who analysed a specimen from Hoboken, of magnesia 42*41, carbonic acid 36-82, water 18 53, silica and oxide of iron 2-23. 2. Before the blow-pipe, it is infusible. It dissolves with a slow effer- vescence in the nitric and dilute sulphuric, acids. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 19 Magnesite. 3. Analysis. By LAMPAD1D3, from Mahren. By KLAPROTH, from Steyermark. By WALMSTEDT, from the If artz. By BUCHOLZ, from Hrubschiz. By S THOME YER, from Baumgarten. Magnesia . 47-0 . . 48-0 . . 40-84 . . 4659 . 47-63 Carb. acid . 51-0 . . 49-0 . . 48-58 . . 5100 . 50-75 Water . 1-6 . . 3-0 . . 10-51 . . 1-00 1-40 Ox. mang. . 00 . . o-o . . 1-99 . . 0-25 0-21 Ox. iron . 0-0 . . o-o . . 616 . 000 o-oo Alumina . 0-0 . . o-o . . 000 . . 1-00 o-oo Lime . 0-0 . . 0-0 . . o-oo . . 0-16 0-00 Silica . 0-0 . . o-o . . 0-30 . . 0-00 0-00 4. It occurs at Gulsen in Upper Stiria, in serpentine ; at Hrubschiz, in Moravia, with the variety Meerschaum ; at Baldifrero and Castella- raonte, in Italy ; at Valeccas in Spain, and at Baumgarten in Silesia. The compact variety, analyzed by Dr. HENRY, was from the East Indies. The Meerschaum occurs in the Isles of Samos and Negropont, in the Archipelago ; at Kiltschik in Natolia, where it is soft when first taken from the locality, but hardens on exposure to the air. The pulverulent variety is found in India. In the U. S. it occurs at Hoboken, (N.J.) dis- seminated through. mamillary Dolomite, filling up narrow seains and cavities among the concretions, in opake, closely aggregated, white fibres. At the same place, also, in the pulverulent state, occupying seams sometimes half an inch wide, and also in crusts coating capillary crystals of Arragonite, and masses of Native Magnesia. The mine- ral analyzed by WACHTMEISTER, from Hoboken, probably contained a large quantity of hygrometric moisture. At Bolton, (Mass.) it is found in seams, traversing white limestone, in delicate, scarcely perceptibly fibrous, masses. 5. Magnesite is employed in porcelain manufactories. The meers- chaum is made into pipes, and in Turkey is used for the same purposes as Fuller's earth. 6. The crystals of Magnesite, quoted by some writers, appear to be- long to the species Rhomb Spar. So far as its properties are known, its place in the natural arrangement would be either within the genus Lime Haloide, where it is here placed, or it would form a new genus, next, preceding or following this genus. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Magnetic Iron. MAGNETIC IRON. Octahedral Iron-Ore. MOHS. Primary form. Regular octahedron. Secondary forms. i. Octahedron, with truncated edges. Sweden. Haddam, (Conn.) Franconia, (N. H.) Nova Scotia. 3. Octahedron, with truncated angles. Gulsen, Stiria. 5. Fig. 282. 2. Dodecahedron. Trarersella, Piedmont. Franconia, (N. H.) 4. Cube. Gulsen, Stiria. 6. Fig, 283. Zillerthal, Salzburg. Zillerthal, Salzburi 7. Fig. 284. Zillerthal, Salzburg. Irregular forms and grains. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 21 Magnetic Iron. Cleavage, parallel with the primary form : in some vari- eties perfect, and easily obtained ; in others, entirely oblit- erated by conchoidal fracture. Fracture conchoidal, un- even. Surface, the dodecahedrons commonly streaked parallel to their edges of combination with the octahedron, faces of the octahedral trigonal-icositetrahedron (fig. 282.) smooth, though curved ; the surface of all the other forms is smooth. Lustre metallic : in some varieties, imperfectly. Color iron-black. Streak black. Opake. Brittle. Hardness =5'5 . . . 6-5. Sp. gr. =5*094, oc- tahedrons imbedded in chlorite. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a face of the octahedron. Massive : composition granular, of vari- ous sizes of individuals, and different degrees of cohesion. If the composition be almost impalpable, fracture becomes flat conchoidal, even or uneven. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it is infusible; but assumes a brown color, and loses its attractive influence over the magnetic needle, after having been exposed to a great heat. It is soluble in heated muriatic acid, but not in nitric acid. It may be obtained crystallized by fusing it; and crys- tals are likewise often produced in the process of roasting the ore which contains this mineral. 2. Analysis. By H Protoxide of iron - ..... 94-38 Magnesia ....... 0-16 The loss is oxygen, as the mineral contains both protoxide and perox- ide of iron, according to BERZELITJS, in the proportion of 30 98 to 69-02, (the whole content of oxygen being 28-215,) or, according to KOBELL, protoxide 24-48 .to 25-92, and peroxide 74-QS to 75-52. 3. Magnetic Iron occurs in beds in primitive rocks, more commonly in gneiss, occasionally in clay-slate, hornblende-slate, chlorite slate, 22 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Magnetic Iron Magnetic Iron-Pyrites. greenstone, and sometimes in limestone. It is attended by Hornblende, Epidote, Pyroxene and Garnet. 4. Immense masses of this ore exist at Arendal in Norway, the Taberg in Smaland, in Sweden, and Chili. It occurs also in Saxony, Bohemia and the Hartz. It is met with in Corsica, in Unst, (one of the Shet- land Isles,) in Russia and Siberia. It is also extremely abundant in the U. States. The most interesting crystallized varieties are found atMun- roe, (N.Y,) lining the sides of veins in the massive ore ; atMarlborough, (Vt.) imbedded in chlorite ; and at Bridgewater, (Vt.) in chlorite .slate ; also at Franconia, (N.H.) imbedded in Epidote and Quartz. Immense beds of this ore exist in the gneiss, at different places upon the western side of Lake Champlain ; also in the Highlands of New York, and in the mountainous districts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 5. It is one of the most important ores of iron, in furnishing the metal- lic iron of commerce. MAGNETIC IRON-PYRITES. Rhomb. ohedral Bronze-Pyrites. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. Secondary form. Fig. 285. M on M' M on d P on a P on c 120 OCT 150 00 135 00 102 13 BOURNON. Cleavage, parallel with P perfect ; less so with planes M. Fracture small, and imperfectly conchoidal. Surface rough, particularly M ; sometimes also horizontally streak- ed. Subject to tarnish. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 23 Magnetic Iron-Pyrites. Lustre metallic. Color intermediate between bronze- yellow and copper-red. Streak dark greyish-black. Slight action on the magnet. Brittle. Hardness =3*5 . . . 4.5. Sp. gr. =4-631, of a cleavable variety. 1. Heated in an open tube, it yields sulphureous acid ; upon char- coal, in the exterior flame of the blow-pipe, it is converted into a red oxide of iron. In the interior flame, it melts with a good heat, into a globule, which continues to glow, a few moments after it is withdrawn from the fire. After cooling, it becomes an uneven, black mass. When broken, the fracture is crystalline, arid the lustre metallic, with a yellow- ish color. 2. Analysis. By HATCHETT. By ROSE. By STROMEYER. Iron - - 63-50 - 38-78 - 59-85 ^ - 56-37 Sulphur - - 3650 - 60-32 - * 40 15 * 43-63 The first of these analyses represents a bi-sulphuret of iron ; the oth- ers are mixtures of the two sulphurets. It is often formed artificially in slag*. 3. It occurs in beds along with other minerals containing iron, with Blende, Copper-Pyrites, and sometimes with lolite. It forms an acci- dental ingredient of several rocks, and crystallizes in their fissures. Its presence has also been ascertained in several meteoric stones. 4. Small crystals occur at Andreasberg in the Hartz. The compound varieties occur more plentifully. There are cleavable ones at Boden- mais in Bavaria. Other varieties abound in Saxony, Silesia, the Hartz, and Stiria ; also at Cornwall in England. The cleavable variety is found at Munroe, (Conn ) imbedded in Quartz, and attended by numerous ores ; also in the next town, Trumbull, in a vein of Topaz and Fluor. The uncleavable variety occurs in Vermont, at Stafford and Shrewsbu- ry ; and at several places in Massachusetts ; in which localities, it is at- tended by Iron Pyrites. 5. It is employed, along with Iron Pyrites, in the manufacture of cop- peras and sulphuric acid. MALACHITE. (See Blue Malachite ard Green Mala- chite.) MALACOLITE. (See Pyroxene.) 24 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Manganblende Manganese Spar. MANGANBLENDE. Hexahedral Sclerone- Blende.* Primary form. Cube. Secondary form. Regular octahedron. Cleavage, parallel with the primary form, perfect; traces of cleavage, parallel with its edges. Fracture uneven, im- perfectly conchoidal. Surface rough. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color iron-black. Streak dark-green. Opake. Rather sectile. Hardness = 3*5 . . , 4-0. Sp. gr. = 4-014. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals ; faces of composition irreg- ularly streaked, or rough. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it is melted with difficulty, and only on its thinnest edges. It emits sulphuretted hydrogen, if reduced to powder, and when thrown into nitric, muriatic, or dilute sulphuric, acid, it is dis- solved. 2. Analysis. By KJLAPROTH. By VAUQUELI^. Protoxide of manganese 8200 - - - 85-00 Sulphur - - - 11-00 - _- 1500 Carbonic acid - - - 5-00 - - - 0-00 It is generally, however, considered as a sulphuret of manganese. 3. It is a rare mineral, ft occurs chiefly in veins along with Black Tellurium, at Nagyag in Transylvania, and in Cornwall. 4. DEL Rio mentions a variety of Manganblende, found at Oaxaca in Mexico, in which the cleavages are rhornbohedral, and whose sp. gr. = 3-8. According to his analysis, it contains 41-7 sulphur, and 58-3 manga- nese. MANGANESE SPAR. Tetarto-prismatic Par- a c h r o se-B a ry t e. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 25 Manganese Spar. Fig. 284. /^-^l / T> ^~^ MonT - - - 121 oo x ^-^1__/ Mon P - - 93 to 94 00 M * T T onP - - - 112 30 L_ / Secondary form. Similar to the form, fig. 189 of Feld- spar ; but having the faces at the extremities of the prism curved, and somewhat indistinct. Cleavage, parallel with P, highly perfect ; with M and T less easily obtained. Fracture conchoidal ... uneven. Most of the faces are smooth, though they possess a lustre much inferior to that of the cleavage planes. Lustre vitreous. Color pale flesh-red. Streak white. Transparent to translucent. Grows brown and opake from exposure to the weather. Brittle. Hardness = 5-5 ... 6-0. Sp. gr. = 3-4 ... 3-634. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, individuals sometimes large and lamellar, also fine granu- lar, rarely columnar, strongly coherent. Sp. gr. = 3*612, from Longbanshytta ; 3-634, from Siberia. 1. The supposed new species, Fowlerite, must be included within the Manganese Spar, as the most important properties of these minerals plainly show, although the Manganese Spar had never been observed in distinct crystals, previous to the discovery of the variety, Fowlerite. The substances called Allagite, Corneous Manganese, Photizite, and Rho- donite, are fine granular, or impalpable varieties, of the present species, occasionally mixed with a variable quantity of Spathic Iron. Their col- VOL. II. 3 26 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Manganese Spar. ors, are in general, several tints of green, brown and red, which become darker on exposure to the air. 2. Heated before the blow-pipe, it becomes dark-brown, and melts into a reddish brown or blackish glass, which in the variety from N, Jersey, is magnetic. With borax, it dissolves into a violet colored glass. Re- duced to powder, and Created with muriatic acid, it is partly dissolved; the insoluble remainder assuming a white color. , * 5 CO O O ! -2 CO t-00 ij o o o O o o o o o lO (M CO O 7-1 ~f O OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO "^ S o o o O ( O i o CO i a o o w 2 ~ c? OOOOOO OOOOOO ^ ^ w o o o o O OOOOOO CD o 1 CJ CD o C- "'": o ,~ l^d o X M P C5 Cfi s C-'l o o g OOOOOO lO >O O O O O O .is 0.53 QM c ^ rH o O i-< O O XO CO OJ / A N rws^- 1 r^ C5 CO Swl 2 o co X O CO o o CO 0! O 2 or 10 S8 CO Ci ^ F- O O (M CO CO CO O O> X O 3 O C P g Ci s- "* ^ >o Jo 2 >0 *t ^? CO rj< I" CO CO XO -^ CO T? l "" t CU* CU a. s v^%^^ / 1 2* ' s s o c5 w^ o o o o o co 10 Ci JL" S5S8S -f CO O U"5 CT> CO i*+s**r CO CO CO O O CO l> ri ^ CO ^ N if jg 3 > k d g i N 1 & o !3 w W o W J M - s* *,. . 5 < s ^ P pj ~ H - cu s fc H w pj J3 t> S |3 < K H pa ca tf O -3~ PHYSIOGRAPHY. Manganese Spar Manganite. 27 4. The variety Fowlerite occurs at Hamburgh, (N. J.) at the Frank- lin furnace, where it exists in the form of a bed in limestone, along with Magnetic Iron, Franklinite and Garnet. It also occurs at Sterling, (the variety which has been called Silicate of Manganese,) in a bed of Franklinite with Troostite, Automalite and Red Zinc-Ore ; and again at Cumberland, (R.I.) where it is associated with Yenite. The old variety, called Red Manganese, and Manganese Spar, is found at Longbanshytta in Sweden, in beds of iron-ore ; near Elbingerode in the Hartz ; in the district of Catherinenberg in Siberia ; also near Cal- lington in Cornwall. In the United States, it has been found abundantly at Cumminglon, (Mass.) where it exists in large, rolled masses, dissemi- nated through the soil. The varieties called Allagite, Corneous Manga- nese, Photizite and Rhodonite, occur near Rabeland in the Hartz. 5. It is cut and polished by the lapidary, and employed for inlaid work. 6. It is difficult to decide whether Manganese Spar is -with greater propriety placed within the genus Parachrose-Baryte, than in that of Augite-Spar. Its specific gravity, color, and liability to grow darker, from exposure to the weather, however, rather favor the disposition here made. MANGANESIAN EPIDOTE. (See Epidote.) MANGANITE. Prism atoidal Manganese- Ore. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 99 40'. Secondary forms. Fig. 287. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Manganite. Fig. 289. gong- - - 172 cone - - 115 n on n - - 95 m on m I on I r on r - - 112 35' - - 51 18 - - 134 14 Cleavage,, parallel with / highly perfect, and easily ob- tained; with M also perfect, but less easily obtained; traces of r. Fracture uneven, surface of the vertical planes streak- ed parallel to their common edges of intersection. In gen- eral, the faces are smooth, and possess pretty high degrees of lustre. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color dark, brownish black, inclining to iron-black. Streak, reddish brown. Opake in larger masses ; when broken, or cleaved in the direction of /, and exposed to the light of the sun, minute splinters are often observed, which, by transmitted light, appear of a bright, brown color. Brittle. Hardness =4-0 . . . 4-25.* Sp. gr. = 4*328, * In the description given above, the streak of the crystals is stated to be reddish brown. It is very often the case, however, that crystals are met with, and still more frequently compound varieties, consist- ing of columnar individuals, which actually afford a black streak. The hardness of these varieties is much inferior to that of the crystals which PHYSIOGRAPHY. Manganite. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. 1. Face of com- position parallel to Z, axis of revolution perpendicular to it. Fig. 290. A repetition of this law produces thick prisms, terminated perpendicularly upon their axis by a rough face, which con- sists of the apices of numerous individuals, or rather of nu- merous particles of two individuals, alternating with each other. 2. Axis of revolution perpendicular, face of com- position parallel to a plane of the pyramid. Fig. 291. present a brown streak, being generally between 2-5 and S'O ; and some- times in fibrous varieties, it is so inconsiderable as to soil the fingers and write upon paper. On the contrary, their specific gravity is higher, and 3* 30 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Manganite Margarite. Massive : composition granular, or columnar. the latter more frequently. 1. It is infusible before the blow-pipe, and colors glass of borax, violet- blue. It is insoluble in nitric acid. In heated sulphuric acid, it dis- engages chlorine. Also, before the blow-pipe, or alone, in a strong heat, it gives out oxygen. 2. Analysis. By TURNER. Protoxide of manganese - - - - - SO 92 Oxygen 8-98 Water - - 10-10 3. Manganite occurs in abundance, and great beauty, at Ihlefeld in the Hartz, and at Oehrenstock near Ilmenau in Thuringia. MARCELLINE. (See Black Manganese.) MAREKANITE. (See Pitchstone.) MARGARITE. Rhombohedral Pearl-Mica-. MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid, of unknown dimensions. Secondary form. Hexagonal plates. Cleavage, parallel with the bases of the hexagonal plates, highly perfect; also traces parallel with the sides of such plates. Fracture not observable. Surface of bases trian- gularly streaked, of sides horizontally streaked, though faintly. Lustre, common pearly upon the bases of the hexagonal tables, both in faces of crystallization and of cleavage; vit- oftcn approaches to 4-7. It is important to observe, that the exterior strata of large crystals sometimes afford a black streak, and show low degrees of hardness, while the interior parts still offer the characters in- dicated in the preceding description. It would seem, therefore, that the difference in several of these properties, is owing to a change or decom- position of the substance itself, which does not affect the regular form.. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 31 Margarite Mascagnine. reous upon the other faces. Color pale pearl-grey, passing into red dish- white and yellowish-white. Streak white. Tranuslucent. Rather brittle. Hardness = 3-5 . . .4-5. Sp. gr. = 3-032. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granu- lar, individuals of various sizes, faces of composition sel- dom observable, rough, sometimes smooth. 1. Analysis. By Du MEXIL. Silica 3700 Alumina .-..-.. 40-50 Oxide of iron 4*50 I Lime 8-96 Soda 1-24 Water 1-00 2. Mar-gasite has been found in a bed in primitive rocks, mixed with, and engaged in, the variety of Talc called foliated chlorite, at Sterzing in the Tyrol, where it is accompanied by foliated Fluor, and Crichtonite. MAR&TATITE. A Blende from Marmato, which is black, and possessed of a lamellar structure ; and contains, according to BOUSSIN- GAULT, Sulphnretofzinc - - 77-5 - - 76-8 Proto-sulphuret of iron - 22-5 - - 23-2 MARMOLITE. (See Kerolite.) MARTITE. A variety of Octahedral Iron, which contains no protoxide of iron. MASCAGNINE. Volatile Bitter-Salt. Stalaclitic. Massive : pulverulent. Color yellowish-grey, white. Semi-transparent. Taste bitter. 32 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Mascagnine Melaconite. 1. It is, apparently, a pure sulphate of ammonia ; and is found in ef- florescences, upon recent lava, at Etna and Vesuvius ; upon decomposed lavas of Puzzuolo, in the coal measures of Aubin and Aveyron, on the surface of sandy plains nearTurin, and dissolved in the lakes of Tuscany. MEERSCHAUM. (See Mctgnesite.) MEIONITE. (See Scapolite.) MELACONITE. Cupreous Lusine-Ore. Massive ; composition impalpable ; earthy and pulveru- lent. 1. Fusible before the blow-pipe into a black scoria, and yielding glob- ules of copper in the reduction flame- It is soluble in nitric acid, with- out the disengagement of gas. According to BEUDANT, it consists of Oxygen - - - - - 20-17 Copper 79-83 It often contains the hydrated oxides of iron and manganese. 2. It occurs in all copper mines, and is probably derived from the de- composition of Copper Pyrites and Blue Malachite. That which is de- rived from the decomposition of the latter species, is nearly pure. 3. The most remarkable localities are Chessy near Lyons, Rhein- breitbach on the Rhine, Lauterbach and Zellerfeld in the Hartz, Kup- ferberg in Silesia, Hungary, Bannat and Cornwall.. MELANITE. (See Garnet.) MELANOCHROITE. In rhombic prisms, having two faces enlarged, so. as to impart to the crystals a tabular shape. Lustre resinous, dull. Translucent on the edges, to opake. Color hyacinth-red, to orange-red. Powder brick-red. = 5-75. Compound Varieties. Massive. Composition impalpable. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts easily into a brown mass, -which, on cooling, assumes a crystalline structure. 2. Analysis. By HERMANN. Oikleoflead .... 76-36 Chromic acid .... 23-64 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 33 Mellite. 3. It is found at Beresofsk in the Ural, accompanied by Red Lead- Ore, Pyromorphite, Vauquelinite and Galena. MELILITE. Primary form. Right square prism. Secondary form. The primary, with its lateral edges trunca- ted. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Color yellow, inclining to red or green. Opake. Hardness = 5-5 ... 6-0. Sp. gr. = 3-041. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts, without ebullition, into a greenish glass. Reduced to powder, it gelatinizes with nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By CARPI. Silica 38-00 Lime - - - 19-60 Magnesia .-.... 19*40 Alumina 0-90 Oxide of iron 12-10 Oxide of titanium ..... 4-00 Oxide of manganese ----- 2'00 3. It is found at Capo di Bove, and Tivoli near Rome, accompanied by Nephiline, in the fissures of a volcanic rock. 4. It will probably prove, if its hardness and specific gravity can be relied upon, to be a new species. MELLITE. Pyramidal Melichrone-Resin. MOHS. Primary form. Octahedron with a square base. P on P =93. Secondary forms. J. Primary, with the summits truncated. 2. The same, with the truncation of the angles of the base. 3. The same as 2, with the truncation of the upper edges of the octahedron. 34 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Mellite. Cleavage, parallel with P very difficult. Fracture con- choidal. Surface of the truncated summits rough anc curved ; of the planes on the pyramidal edges rough ; the rest of the planes smooth and shining. Lustre resinous, inclining to vitreous. Color honey- yellow, inclining often to red and brown. Streak white Transparent . . . translucent. Sectile. Hardness =2-0 .. .2-5. Sp. gr. =1-597. Compound Varieties. Small massive nodules : compo- sition granular. 4 1. It loses color and transparency, when exposed to the flame of z candle, and is soluble in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By KiLAPROTH. ByWoHLER. Alumina - - 16-00 - 41-4 Mellitic acid - - 46-00 - - - 14-5 Water - - 33-00 - - - 44-1 3. It is found only at Artern in Thuringia, where it exists in a bed oi brown coal, sometimes attended by Sulphur. MENACCANITE. (See Iserine.) MENGITE. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 136 20'. Secondary form. Primary, with the terminal edges replaced by single planes, inclining to the lateral planes under angles oi 140 30', Cleavage, parallel with the secondary planes in traces. Frac- ture conchoidal, to uneven. Color black. Hardness. Scratches glass. Sp. gr. = 5-43. It is found in Siberia. MENILITE. (See Opal.) MESOLE. (See Mesotype.) MESOLITE. (See Mesotype.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Mesotype. 35 [ESOTYPE. Prismatic Kouphone-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 91 y. Secondary forms. Fig. 292. M M Cheshire, (Conn,) Fig. 293. M M Cheshire, (Conn.) Fig. 294. Fig. 295. Iceland. 36 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Mesotype. Fig. 296. Faroe. Fig. 292. Primary form, surmounted by dihedral sum- mits, e on e= 143 35. Fig. 293. Primary, terminated by four-sided pyramids, e' on e // = 143 35'. e' on e = 142 33'. PHILLIPS. Fig. 294. b on b" = 146 23'. PHIL- LIPS. e'2 one"2 = 142 38'. PHILLIPS. Fig. 295. M on /=135 35'. e' or e" on /=109 IS 7 . PHIL. var. Natro- lite.-Fig. 296. e"I on = 162 15'. M on =162 30'. PHILLIPS. Cleavage, parallel with M perfect. Fracture- conchoi- dal, uneven. Surface of the replaced lateral edges, striated vertically ; the rest of the faces smooth. Lustre vitreous. Color few shades of white, generally greyish or yellowish. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 . . . 5-5. Sp. gr. = 2-249. Compound Varieties. Implanted globular shapes : sur- face drusy, composition columnar. Massive : composition columnar, consisting of delicate, straight, and generally di- vergent individuals, radiating from a centre ; sometimes ag- gregated into angulo-granular masses. Spheroidal shapes, formed in vesicular cavities. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 37 Mesotype. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it loses its transparency, and melts into a glassy globule : the radiated varieties exfoliate, and the compact ones in- tumesce. They are with difficulty soluble in borax. Some of them as- sume by heat, faint degrees of opposite kinds of electricity on their oppo- site ends, and become positively electric by friction. 2. Analysis. By GEHLEN & Fucus. By BERZELIUS. By SMITHSON. var. var. Scolezite, Mesolitc, from from Stafta. Iceland. var. Natrolite, from from Hohentweil. Tyrol. var. Mesole. var. Mesolite, from Faroe. Silica 46-75 - 47-46 - 47-21 - 48-63 - 42-60 - 49-0 Alumina 24-82 - 25-35 - 25-60 - 24-82 - 38-00 - 27-0 Soda 0-39 - 4-87 - 16-12 - 15-69 - 5-63 - 17-0 Lime 14-20 - 10-04 - o-oo - o-oo - 11-43 - 0-0 Water 13-64 - 1241 - 8-8S - 9-60 - 12-70 - 9-6 Ox. of iron 0-00 - o-oo - 1-35 - 0-21 - o-oo - 0-0 3. The general repositories of this species are the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks. It occurs associated with Analcime, Chabasie, and Calcareous Spar. 4. The most distinguished localities are Iceland, Scotland, the Faroe Islands, the Isle of Bourbon, Auvergne and Tyrol. It also occurs abundantly in the basalt of the Giant's Causeway. The variety Na- trolite, and which is of a yellowish grey color, is found in a porphy- ritic rock near Lake Constance ; also at Klingstone near Hohentweil in Swabia. Mesotype, with the exception of one localitiy in Nova Scotia, is a rare mineral in North America. It is met with, however, in small quantities, in the trap of New England, and rarely in seams between Hornblende and Gneiss. The most interesting specimens in the first mentioned rock, occur at Cheshire, (Conn.) ; and in the latter, at Wash- ington, in the same state. METAXITE. Massive : composition columnar, in extremely thin individuals ; impalpable. Lustre silky. Color greyish white. Translucent on the edges. Shining in the streak. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 3-0 ... 4'0. Sp. gr. = 2-520. VOL. II. 4 38 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Mica. 1. It is fusible before the blow-pipe, yielding moisture ; with soda, it melts into a white globule ; with salt of phosphorus, flocculi of silica ap- pear. It appears, therefore, to be some earthy silicate. MICA. Rhombohedral Talc-Mica. MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M' = 120. M on P = 98 40'. Secondary forms. Fig. 297, Fig. 298. Acworth, (N.H.) Greenfield, (N.Y.) Fig. 297. P on & = 90. M on &=120. P on M= 98 40'. P on M'=81 20'. Fig. 298. P on o = 90. Cleavage, parallel with P highly perfect, and easily ob- tained ; also traces of cleavage parallel with M M'. Frac- ture scarcely observable, uneven. Surface, k and M, hor- izontally streaked ; the other faces, particularly P, smooth. Lustre pearly, often inclining to metallic upon P: the other faces, if they are smooth enough, present a kind of lustre between vitreous and adamantine. Color various shades of grey, generally passing into green, brown, and black; also with white and red, (particularly, peach- blossom red.) Superficial tinges of pinch-beck brown. Streak white, grey. Transparent, imperfectly . . . translu- cent on the edges. It is less transparent in the direction of the axis, than perpendicular to it ; and generally exhibits PHYSIOGRAPHY. 39 Mica. different colors when viewed in these directions ; for in- stance, oil-green in the first, and liver-brown in the second. Sectile. Thin laminae are elastic. Hardness =2-0 . . . 2-5. The acute edges of the laminae, however, will some- times scratch Fluor. Sp. gr. =2-949, a greenish black va- riety, in large individuals. =2*832 of Lepidolite. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals ; axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to one of the faces of M. The composition is often repealed paral- lel to both the faces of M. The individuals rarely project beyond the face of composition. When they do not, the composition is only obvious from the intersecting striae upon P, and from the cleavages produced. In this way the star- like crystals, of a large size, found at Acworth, (N. H.) are produced. The same composition is frequent in mas- sive varieties, in large individuals, particularly in the large cleavage forms found at Munroe, (N.Y.) and at Mendham, in New Jersey, whose numerous cleavages are easily explained upon this supposition. Globular forms, both imbedded and implanted : surface of the latter rough ; composition columnar, sometimes joining in a second curved lamellar composition. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals; or also imperfectly columnar, faces of composition irregularly streaked and rough. 1. In the present species must be included the old species Finite, ori- ginally described from France. It appears to be only an impure, crys- tallized Mica, contaminated by chloride Talc, or in some cases pure Mica, which is partially decomposed. The annexed figures represent the bases of very distinct crystals, (some of which are at least an inch in diameter,) from Lancaster, (Mass.) and from Haddam, (Conn.) 40 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Mica. Fig. 300. Fig. 301. The inclination of P to the lateral planes is generally 90 ; in a few cases, it is 96 O Oi 1 S 5^ 8 S S | S 8 SS8S8 p ^ o 8 8 i I Ssl o i i i i 00,- 00 II S| 8 | 8 i 000 888 0000 8 8 8.8 OOOOt- 8 8 8888^ CD 000 88 8 o i o 8 ^-^ 00 * CO rfi. O 0000 Vi & <> O O o c o c: ~ ^: 8 8 88888 5' ^ 8 X_v>- C . '/- "^ 4X 1 S Hi o -^ o to OO O OO O *k OO "4 co g hb o g i| jc 1? oo" D >w> r^-+ Cr to ' I CD li 3 00 3 000,^^^00 Oxide of iron. ^v>^T3 *v3 ^ ^s^~s^, rf 3 O O 1 - 1 q- 5 too ^o 10 i- ^ 1C So- 8 cr. CT -^i g o o o" 2? '^ O O O O ^1 O o o Oocip o 3 S>~ ^rv-^v^v^-. 1 O oo 88 O 8 8 o 8 '000 88 0000 8888 o o oooooo 8 8 88888 Plf TO roco o ^oo: en co to ^ co en o h- >-OOOCO M Gt g 8 8 00 O I ' <( to o o o o o rf- ll ^roo 5CO en p. p. 0^ o ^^ p 00 " 10 00000 3 Soo 8 8 i& o o o o oo O O O >f> o co SoSoo 1 08 c8 8 8 OOQ t > ^- O 1 g o^SSS H 88 2 ^ I to oo *^ <> - 230 . C 1-40 . 1'03 osmium. o-oo i ' (000 72 74 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Native Platina Native Silver. 4. It has been chiefly brought from the provinces of Choco and Bar- bacoas in South America, also from Matto-Grosso in Brazil. It has also been found in St. Domingo, and in Siberia. In the mine of Nischne- Taguilsk, (which is also rich in gold, Irid-osmium, Rutile,and even con- tains Diamonds,) several large masses of Native Platina have been found, weighing from seven to fifteen pounds. M. SCHWETZAW describes two varieties in the Russian Platina from Nijnotaguilsk in the govern- ment of Perme. 1. Common Platina. Color platina-grey. Grains angular and bristled, seldom blunt edged ; also in cubical crystals and grouped. Hardness = Hornblende. Malleable. Sp. gr. = 17.. . 1762. Ferruginous Platina. Color darker than the preceding. Surface tarnished, sometimes like meteoric iron. Grains and crystals have the same form as common Native Platina. Hardness = Feldspar, and rather higher. Less malleable than the first. Sp.. g;r. = 14-6 ... 15*7. It is magnetic, and in some grains not only attracts, but repels. It contains a large proportion of iron. 5. The refractory powers of this metal, and the circumstance that it is not acted upon by the greater part of the chemical re-agents, render it extremely valuable in the construction of philosophical and chemical apparatus. It is used also for covering other metals, for painting on porcelain, for coin, and like gold and silver, for various other purposes. NATIVE .SILVER. Silver iMelacone-Metal. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. 1. Cube, with angles truncated. 2. Regular octahedron. Mexico. 3. Trapezohedron. Kongsberg. Cleavage, none. Fracture, hackly. Surface, the octa- hedron striated in a triangular direction, parallel to its edges of combination with the cube. The remaining faces often rough, but even. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white, more or less sub- ' ject to tarnish. Streak shining. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 75 Native Silver. Ductile. Hardness =2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. =10*4743, HAUY. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals; compound, par- allel to one of the faces of the octahedron. Dentiform, fili- form and capillary shapes, also reticulated, arborescent and in plates. Often the individuals are still discernible, but frequently also their extent can be no longer ascertained. In the latter case, the surface of the dentiform and filiform shapes is longitudinally streaked. Massive : composition rarely observable, fracture hackly. Plates formed in fis- sures, also superficial coatings.- 1. Native Silver has been divided into common and auriferous Native Silver. It is at present impossible to decide, whether the latter ought to be united as a variety with the former, or whether it forms a species of its own, as we are not yet sufficiently acquainted with all its physical properties, by which alone this question can be decided. Specific grav- ity, and the yellowish color, form -the distinctive marks between them; but as these may arise from the mere juxtaposition of the two metals, they are not alone sufficient for the purpose. 2. Native Silver is soluble in cold nitric acid, but in the sulphuric acid, only with the assistance of heat. It crystallizes from fusion before the blow-pipe, if the globule is not too lar^e, forming while crystallizing, a single individual, in which the faces of the octahedron, the cube and the dodecahedron, are distinctly seen. 3. Analysis. The common varieties present the silver pure as produced by nature, occasionally alloyed with a small proportion of antimon}^ arsenic, iron, &c. A variety of auriferous Native Silver yielded to KLAPROTH, and another to FORDYCE, the following ingredients: Silver - - 36 00 - - - 72-00 Gold - - - 54-00 - - - 28-00 4. Native Silver occurs principally in veins, traversing gneiss, clay- slate, and other primitive and transition- rocks. It is accompanied by numerous species of Pyrites, Glance and Blende, as well as by Quartz, Calcareous Spar, &c. The auriferous Native Silver, though it is found 76 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Native Silver Native Tellurium. in the same repositories, is far more scarce. The formation of Black Silver, a black, friable substance, which is very rich in silver, seems to depend chiefly upon the presence of Native Silver. 5. Native Silver is found in the mining districts of Saxony and Bohe- mia, also in Norway and Siberia, but particularly in Mexico and Peru. Native Silver is also found in Cornwall and in Siberia. No well authen- ticated localit}' exists in the U. States. 6. The employment of silver in coinage, and in the manufacture of plate and articles of luxury, is well known. NATIVE TELLURIUM. Tellurium Melacone- Metal. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P=l 15 12'. Secondary form. Hexagonal prism, with the terminal edges replaced by single planes, the secondary planes in- clining to the lateral faces at 147 36'. Cleavage, parallel with the. primary form, but very ob- scure. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white. Streak unchanged. Rather brittle. Hardness = 2-0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. = 6*115. KLAPROTH. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition distinctly granular, individuals small ; sometimes a tendency to co- lumnar composition. 1. It melts upon charcoal with ease before the blow-pipe, burning with a greenish flame, and emitting the odor of horse-radish, which how- ever is owing to the presence of a small quantity of selenium. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. Tellurium - - - - 92-55 Iron 7-00 Gold ..... 0-25 3. The Native Tellurium 6ccurs in sandstone, probably in beds, or in veins of a contemporaneous origin with the rock. It is accompanied by Quartz and Iron Pyrites, as well as by Native Gold. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 77 Natron. 4. It has been found in the mine of Maria Loretto at Faceberg, near Zalathna in Transylvania. It was melted to extract the gold, but has now become very scarce. NATROLITE. (See Mesotype.} NATRON. Hemi-prismalic Natron-Salt. . MOHS. In imitative shapes : composition columnar. Massive : composition granular. Commonly occurring in the state of powder, or efflorescent crusts. . Lustre vitreous on the fresh fracture. Color white, the grey and yellow tints are owing to foreign admixtures. Streak white. Semi-transparent. Sectile. Hardness =1-0 ... 1*5. Sp. gr. = 1-423. Taste pungent, alkaline. . . 1. It is very soluble in water, effloresces with. acids, and melts before the blow-pipe. Blue vegetable colors are changed by it to green. 2. Analysis. By BEUDANT. from Debreezen. from Egypt. Carbonic acid - - 30-40 - - - - 30 90 Soda - - 4320 - - - - 4380 Water - - 13-80 .... ]3-50 Sulphate of soda - - 10-40 .... 7-30 Chloride of sodium - - 2-20 .... 3-10 Earthy matter 0-00 .... 1-40 3. This salt loses its water on being exposed to a dry atmosphere, and is therefore commonly met with in the state of an efflorescent powder on the surface of the earth, on the shores of lakes, or in natural caverns. It is held in solution by certain mineral waters. According to BERTHO- I.ET, it is formed in part by a decomposition of common salt by carbonate of lime. 4. It occurs in considerable quantities in the plains of Debreezen, in Hungary ; also in Bohemia, Italy and several other European countries, but principally in the soda lakes of Egypt, and in same parts of Asia and South America. 7* 78 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Nemalite. 5. Its chief employment is in the manufacture of soap. It enters also into the composition of glass, and is used in dyeing, washing, bleaching, &c., both in the natural state, and purified by the assistance of chemical processes. NATROSIDERITE. (See Jlchmite.) NECRONITE. (See Feldspar.) NEEDLE-ORE. (See Cupreous Bismuth.) NEEDLE-STONE. (See Mesotype.) NEMALITE. Nemaline Atelene Picrosrnine. Massive ; composition thin columnar ; fibres parallel, slightly curved. Lustre pearly. Color greyish, and bluish white. Trans- lucent. Fibres elastic. Hardness = 2*0 . . .2*5. Sp. gr. = 2-30... 2-44. 1. The fibres, when held in the flame of a lamp, become opake and rigid ; and on being subjected to the heat of the blow-pipe, they become friable, at the same time changing to a light brown color. Soluble in acids, without effervescence. 2. Analysis. By THOMSON. Magnesia 51-721 Silica - - ' - - - 12 568 Peroxide of iron .... 5-874 Water 29-666 5. It occurs in veins, traversing serpentine, at Hoboken, (N. J.) NEOPLASE. (See Botryogene.) NEOTESENE. Primary form. Right square prism ? Color green. 1. It yields moisture on being heated, and 1 passes to a yellow color In a higher temperature, it scarcely gives any odor of arsenic. It im- PHYSIOGRAPHY. Nepheline. 79 parts to the fluxes the color of the oxides of iron, affording at the same time a strong smell of arsenic. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Arsenic acid Peroxide of iron Protoxide of iron Water 50-80 2300 1033 15-87 3. It is found in Brazil, near Villa-Rica, where it exists in cavities of Limonite. 4. It is doubtful whether this mineral can with propriety be distin- guished from Cube-Ore. . NEPHELINE. Rhombohedral Feldspar. MOHS. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. Secondary forms. Fig. 326. Fig. 327. M Pon cl - 151 53' HAUY. Ponc2 - 135 40 PHILLIPS. Cleavage, parallel with M and P, both imperfect. - Fracture conchoidal. Surface smooth and even. Lustre vitreous to resincrus. Color white. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness =^6*0. Sp. gr. =2-56. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals. Faces of composition 80 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Nepheline Nephrite. rather rough. The variety Elaolite possesses a dark-blue color, passing into green, grey and brown. 1. The old species Elaolite appears to be, with justice, incorporated with Nepheline, on account of their resemblance in hardness and spe- cific gravity. The Cavolinite and Davyne, also> fall within the present species, differing from it only in a somewhat diminished specific gravity, and in the surface of the crystals. The sp. gr. of the former is 2-1 : its crystals are opake, and possessed of a pearly lustre, that of the latter = 2-25 . . . 2-3, with surfaces of .crystals which are dull. 2. Before the blowpipe, upon charcoal, its edges are rounded off. It yields a colorless vesicular glass, but cannot, be melted into a perfect globule. Fragments of it, thrown into nitric acid, lose their transparen- cy, and assume a nebulous appearance. 3. Analysis. s By KLAPROTH. var. Elaolite. Alumina . . 30 25 By VAUQUELIN. from Monte Somina. . 4900 By GMELIN. By CARPI. from Capo di Bove. . 900 var. Nepheline. 3349 . var. Elaolite. 34-42 Silica . . . 46-50 . 46-00 43-36 . 4419 . 40-20 Lime . . . 0-75 2-00 0-90 . 0-52 . 20-80 Oxide of iron . Ox. manganese Potash . . . 1-00 o-oo 13-00 1-00 ) Oi)0> . , o-oa 1-50 .. 7-13 . 134 4-73 5 MO I 12-60 . 12-00 Soda . . . 0-00 o-oo 1336 . 16-88 . 0-00 Water . . . 2-00 o-oo 1-39 . o-oo . .0-00 4. The crystallized variety occurs at Monte Somma, in the cavities of itnestone rocks, ejected by Vesuvius, along with Idocrase, Garnet and Mica. It has also been found in nanow veins, traversing a kind of ba- salt or lava at Capo di Bove, near Rome, sometimes associated with P.y- roxene. The Cavolinite and Davyne are found in the lavas of Vesuvius. The massive variety, or Elaolite, occurs near Laurig, Stavern and Fred- eriksvtlrn in Norway, imbedded in sienite, with Zircon and Sphene. NEPHRITE. Uncleavable Pe ta li ne-Sp a r. Massive : composition impalpable. Fracture coarse splintery ; in some varieties slaty in the great. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 81 Nephrite Nickel Glance. Color green, particularly leek-green ; rarely with a shade f blue, and still more so, with red, passing into grey and white. Translucent . . . translucent on the edges. Very tough. Hardness =6-0 . . . 7-0. Sp. gr. =2*932 ,.3-024. 1. Alone before the blowpipe, it is infusible, but becomes white. 2. Analysis. By KASTITER. By BOWEN, from Srnithfield, (R. I.) Silica - - - 50-50 - - 44-688 Magnesia - - - 31-00 - - 34-631 Alumina - - - 10-00 - - -562 Oxide of iron - - - 5-50 - - 1747 Oxide of chrome - - 005 Lime - 4-250 Water 275 - - 13-417 The excess of volatile matter in the variety from Srnithfield is proba- bly owing to its intermixture with Calcareous Spar, in which it is im- bedded. 3. It is brought from China and Egypt. A large block was found hi the alluvial soil of the alum-earth mines at Schwemmsal in Saxony. A very handsome sky-blue variety is found in the white primitive limestone of Smithfield, (R. I.) and a greenish and reddish-grey variety, under similar circumstances, at Easton, (Penn.) NICKEL GLANCE. Euotomous Eruthleucone- Pyrites. Primary form. Cube. Secondary form. Cube, with angles truncated. Cleavage, highly perfect, parallel with the primary form. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white . . . steel-grey. Hardness =5-5. Sp. gr. =6-097 . . . 6-129. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition lamellar and granular. 1. Alone, in a mattrass, it decrepitates strongly, affording, at a red heat, sulphuret of arsenic, then sublimes as a transparent, yellowish- PHYSIOGRAPHY* Nickel Glance Nickel-Green. brown mass, which, on cooling, remains clear. It is, according to BER ZELITJS, an arsenical sulphuret of Nickel. 2. Analysis. By BERZELITJS. By PFAFF. Sulphur - - 19-24 - 14-40 - 12 36 Arsenic - - 45-34 - 5332 - 4590 Nickel - - 29-94 - 27-00 - 24-42 Cobalt - 0-92 - 0-00 - 00 Iron 4-11 - 5-29 - 1046 Silica 90 - 0-00 - 00 3. The variety examined by BERZELIUS was massive, and came froi the cobalt. mines of Loos in Helsingland, Sweden : that above describe as crystallized, is found among the old ores from the mine Albertin- near Harzgerode in the Hartz. It is accompanied by Spathic Iron, Ca careous Spar, Fluor, Quartz, Galena, and Copper Pyrites. NICKEL-GREEN. Habroneme Malachite- Haloide. In capillary crystals, and massive ; composition impalpr ble, pulverulent. Fracture, fine splintery to uneven, corr monly earthy. Color, apple-green, siskin-green, to greyish white. Streal greenish white. Soft. 1. Heated in a matrass, it yields moisture, and becomes of a dark( shade of color. Upon charcoal, before the blowpipe, it smells of ars< nic ; and when submitted to the inner flame, it yields a metallic globul which contains this metal. 2. Analysis. By BERTHIER. from Allemont. Arsenic acid - - - 37-29 - - 36-80 Oxide of nickel - 36-49 - - 36-20 Water - - - 26-22 - - 25-50 Oxide of cobalt - - - 0-00 - - 0-25 PHYSIOGRAPHY. 83 Nickel-Stibine. 3. It occurs with Copper-Nickel at Allemont in Dauphiny, and prob- ibly in Saxony, Cornwall, and elsewhere, with the same mineral. NICKELIFEROUS GREY ANTIMONY. (See Nickel-Sti- rine.) NICKELINE. (See Copper-Nickel.) NICKEL-OCHRE. (See Nickel- Green.) XICKEL-STIBINE. Antimonial Eruthleucone- Py rites. Primary form. Cube. Cleavage, parallel with the cube, perfect. Massive : composition granular. Lustre metallic. Color steel-grey, inclining to silver white. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 ... 5-5. Sp. gr. = 6-451, a cleavable variety. 1. Before the blov/pipe, it is partly volatilized, during which, the sup- porting charcoal is covered with a white coating; at last, it melts into a metallic globule, which communicates a blue color to glass of borax. 2. Analysis. By STROMEYER. By KLAPROTH. Nickel - - - 36-SO - - 25-25 Antimony - - - 4380 - - 4775 Arsenic 000 - - 11-75 Sulphur - - - 17-71 - - 15-25 Iron and manganese - - 1*89 3. It is found in several mines in the principality of Nassau, along with Spathic Iron, Yellow Copper-Pyrites and Galena. NIGRINE. (See Rutile.) NITRATE OF LIME. (See Nitrocalcite.) NITRATE OF MAGNESIA. (See Nitro-Magnesite.) NITRATE OF POTASH. (See Nitre.) NITRATE OF SODA. (See Soda-Nitre.) 84 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Nitre Nitrocalcite. NITRE. Prismatic Nitre-Salt. MOHS. In capillary crystals and crusts.* Lustre vitreous. Color white. Streak white. Transparent . . . semi-transparent. Sectile. Hardness =2-0. Sp. gr. =1-936. Taste saline and cool. 1. It dissolves very easily in water, is not altered on being exposed to the air, and detonates with combustible .substances. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. Nitrate of potash .... 42-55 Sulphate ^ .... 25-45 Muriate > of lime .... 0-20 Carbonate^ .... 30-40 3. Nitre generally occurs in thin crusts on the surface of the earth, sometimes upon limestone, chalk, or calcareous tufa; also in limestone caves, and in sandstone. 4' Spain, Italy and Hungary, afford considerable quantities of this salt: in a higher state of purity, also, it is found in India. But especial- ly in the United States, has it been found in large quantity, in limestone caves in the south western states. In Madison county, Kentucky, there is a cave 1936 feet long and 40 wide, which contains Nitre, intermingled with earthy matter and nitrocalcite. One bushel of the earth affords by lixiviation with wood ashes, from three to ten pounds of Nitre. It is also met with, in the same vicinity, in loose masses, weighing several pounds, or imbedded in sandstone. 5. Its chief employment is in the production of gunpowder. NITROCALCITE. Calcareous Earthy-Salt. In efflorescent masses and silken tufts. Color white or grey. * The artificial crystals are right rhombic prisms of 120, which com- monly have the acute lateral edges and acute solid angles truncated. Twin crystals are also common, the face of composition being parallel with M. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 85 Nitrogen Nitro-Magnesite. 1. It is very deliquescent, and soluble in water. On burning coals, it melts slowly, with slight detonation, and dries; the residue does not after- wards attract moisture from the air. It consists of lime 32-, nitric acid 57-44, water 10-56. 2. It is found in silky efflorescences, in caverns of limestone in Ken- tucky. 8. It is employed in the manufacture of saltpetre. NITROGEN. Pure Nitrogen-Gas. Gaseous. Transparent. Sp. gr. =0-9722. \. Nitrogen-gas extinguishes flame and animal life, and is destitute of taste and smell. It is absoibablc by about 100 volumes of water. 2. It is developed, in a state of purity, or nearly so, from the surface of the ground, over an extent of four or five acres, in Hoosick, Rensse- laer county, (N. Y.) becoming manifest wherever there is water. Also, at New Lebanon Springs, in the immediate vicinity, but in smaller quan- tities. It is evolved, in like manner, by many well known mineral springs of other countries, as those of Cheltenham and Harrowgate. 3. The origin of Nitrogen- gas has been attributed to the decomposi- tion of atmospheric air, contained in cavernous rocks ; its nitrogen and oxygen uniting to form nitric acid, which would leave an excess of ni- trogen, equal at least to ten times the quantity required for the complete saturation of the oxygen in the compound nitric acid. NITRO-MAGNESITE. MagnesianEarthy-Salt. In deliquescent efflorescences. Color white. 1. It is very deliquescent; and consists, when pure, of Nitric acid 72 Magnesia 28. 2. It is found in limestone caves, accompanying the Nitrocalcite. 3. It is said to be employed in the manufacture of saltpetre. NONTRONITE. Massive: in round shaped masses, composition impalpable. Color straw-yellow. Opake. VOL. II. 8 86 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Okenite. Unctuous and tender. Scratched by the nail. Exhales no ar- gillaceous odor when breathed upon. 1. It increases one tenth in weight from soaking in water. After cal- cination, it is magnetic. 2. Analysis. By BERTHIER. Silica 44-0 Peroxide of iron 29:0 Alumina 3-6 Magnesia - - . - - - 2-1 Water - - - - 187 3. It is found in the ore of manganese, worked at the village of Par- doux, in the department of Dordogne in France. It occurs in onion- shaped masses of the size of the fist. NOSIAN. (See Sodalite.) NUTTALLITE. (See Scapolite.) OBSIDIAN. (See Pitchstone.) OCTAHEDB.ITE. (See Afiatase.} OKENITE. In delicately fibrous masses. Lustre glimmering, approaching to pearly. Color white, with a shade of yellow or blue. Translucent on the edges. Hardness, between Fluor and Feldspar. Sp. gr. =2-28. 1. Before the blowpipe, it melts easily into a porcelainous mass. Pieces thrown into muriatic acid, become, after some time, translucent and ge- latinous at the surface, which change, gradually extends through the masses. The powdered mineral is easily decomposed by this acid, the silica appearing throughout the solution in the form of flocculi. 2. Analysis. By KOBEL.L,. Silica - - 56-99 - 55-6-4 Lime - 26-35 - - 2659 Water - - 16-65 - 17-00 Alumina, oxide of iron, and traces of potash, - 0-53 3. It is found, along with Zeolitic minerals, in amygdaloid in Green- land. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 87 Olivenite. OLIVENITE. Prismatic C o p p e r-B a ry te. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 1JO 50'. Secondary form. Fig. 328. M on a - 132 V c on c, over P - 92 30 Cleavage, traces parallel to M and c, the former being a little more distinct. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Sur- face, M concave, c convex. Lustre adamantine, indistinct. Color, various shades of olive-green, passing into leek-green, pistachio-green, and blackish green ; into liver-brown and wood-brown, or also into siskin-green. Streak olive-green . . . brown. Semi- transparent . . . opake. Brittle. Hardness =3-0. Sp. gr. =4-2809. Compound F'arieties. Globular and reniform shapes; surface rough, sometimes drusy ; composition columnar, generally very perfect, straight and divergent, rarely pro- miscuous. If the composition be very thin, the lustre be- comes pearly. Massive : composition columnar. Some- times repeated composition; granular and columnar; curved lamellar and columnar. The faces of the first composition rough, of the second composition, smooth. 1. Heated along before the blowpipe, it remains unchanged. Upon charcoal, it melts with a kiijd of deflagration, and is reduced. A white 88 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Olivenite Opal. metallic globule is formed, which, in the process of cooling, becomes covered with a red coating of sub-oxide of copper. In some varieties, a scoria is formed round the metallic globule. It is soluble in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By CHENEVIX. By KOBELL. var. Wood-Copper. Oxide of copper - - 50 62 - 50 00 - 56-43 Arsenic acid - - 45-00 - 2900 - 36-71 Phosphoric acid - - 00 - 0-00 - 3-36 Water - - 3-50 - 21-00 - 350 3. It is found in veins, chiefly consisting of various ores of copper, and of Quartz. 4. It occurs in the copper-mines near Redruth in Cornwall, and in the Tynehead mine near Alston-moor in Cumberland. OLIVINE. (See Peridot.} OMPHAZITE. (See Pyroxene.) OPAL. Uncleavable Quartz. MOHS. Regular forms, and cleavage, unknown. Fracture conchoidal, of various degrees of perfection, sometimes highly perfect. Lustre vitreous, in some varieties inclining to resinous. Color white, yellow, red, brown, green, grey ; none of them lively, except some red and green ones, and generally pale ; dark colors, owing to foreign admixtures. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent, sometimes only on the edges, or even opake, if the colors be dark. Lively play of light observable in some varieties ; others exhibit differ- ent colors by reflected and refracted light. * * The play of light appears to depend upon openings in the interior of the mass of Opal, which are not fissures, but of an uniform shape, and re- flecting the tints of NEWTON'S scale. In some varieties of Hydrophane they are so large, that these colors cannot be any longer reflected by the included air ; but they appear when filled with water, and of still higher tints, if filled with fluids possessing a high refractive power. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 89 Opal. Hardness =5-5 . . . 6-5. Sp. gr. =2-091, a milk-white variety ; =2'060, a brownish red variety. Compound Varieties. Small reniform, botryoidal, and stalactitic shapes, and'large tuberose concretions : surface of the former smooth, of the latter rough, composition im- palpable, fracture conchoidal. Massive, composition im- palpable ; fracture conchoidal, even. Pseudomorphoses of Calcareous Spar. 1. The present species has been greatly subdivided into varieties, and even treated of under several different species. Hyalife (amiatite) in- cluded the small reniform, botryoidal, and sometimes stalactitic shapes, white, and generally transparent ; Menilite, the large tuberose forms, of a brownish grey color, and opake ; Precious Opal, the varieties which exhibit the play of colors ; Wood- Opal, those which appear in the shape of trunks, branches, and roots of trees ; Common Opal, and Semi- Opal, consist of those varieties whicli have a conchoidal fracture, with medium degrees of transparency and lustre; Hydrophane, of an opake, dull va- riety, which becomes translucent on being immersed in water or some transparent fluid. Siliceous Sinter is a deposit from hot springs, &c., and according to its specific gravity belongs to the present species. 2. Before the blow-pipe, water is disengaged, the mineral decrepitates and becomes opake, showing the properties of pure silica. Two pieces rubbed together, give a phosphorescent light, like Quartz. 3. Analysis. By BUCHOLZ. By KLAPROTH. var. Hyalite. var. Pnvioys Opal. var. Menilite. Silica - 92-00 - 90-00 - - 85 50 Water - G-33 - - 10-00 - - 11-00 The Menilite, like several other varieties, contains a small proportion of oxide of iron, alumina, lime and carbon. One variety, called Opal- Jasper, contains 47 p. c. of oxide of iron. The contents of water are considered foreign to the mixture of the mineral, and are supposed to change with the hygrometric state of the atmosphere. 4. Opal forms short, irregular veins, generally in porphyry. It often accompanies Calcedony in the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks, and even in agate balls. Menilite is found in adhesive clay-slate. Some 90 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Opal Orpiment. varieties are met with in metalliferous veins, along with Galena and Blende. It also occurs in petrifactions in sandstone. 5. Opal is found more plentifully in Hungary than in any other Euro- pean country. The only deposit of Precious Opal in that country, is at Czerwenitzanear Caschau, along with common and semi-opal, in a kind of porphyry. Traces of it have been met with at Hubertsburg. Fine varieties have lately been discovered in the Faroe islands; and most beautiful ones, sometimes quite transparent, near Gracias a Dios in the province of Honduras, America. Common Opal occurs in great quanti- ties, at Telkobanya near Eperies, and in other parts of Hungary ; in the Faroe islands, in Saxony, &c. An apple green variety is found at Ko- senititz in Silesia, with Chrysoprase ; and the red and yellow, bright colored varieties of Fire Opal, near Zimapan in Mexico. Semi-Opal occurs in several of the countries mentioned above ; also near Frankfort, on the Maine, in Austria, Moravia, Poland, Siberia, &c. In Saxony, Bohemia and Cornwall, it is met with in metalliferous veins. Hyalite is found in amygdaloidal rocks, near Frankfort, in irregular veins ; near Schemnitz in Hungary, in porphyry ; also in Bohemia and various other countries. Meniiite occurs at Menil Montant near Paris. Opal-Jasper is formed, wherever Opal happens to be mixed with oxide of iron, as at Telkobanya in Hungary, near Almas, and Tokorci in Transylvania. Wood-Opal is frequently found at Kremnitz and Telkobanya in Hungary, and in many districts of Transylvania, sometimes in very large trees. The only variety hitherto found in the United States, is the Hyalite, which occurs in Burke and Scriven cos., (Georgia,) lining cavities in a siliceous-shell rock. The siliceous-sinter variety occurs in small quan- tity at the Suanna spring in Florida. 6. Precious Opal, when possessing vivid colors, is highly prized as a gem ; and is generally cut with a convex surface, ORPIMENT. Yellow Melacone Blende. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 100. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Orpiment. 91 Secondary form. Fig. 329. M on c 1 20 00 ? } C M' on i 162 38' M on/ 140 00 > PHILLIPS. Soda . . > Ox. iron and mang. 2 00 Lime Magnesia Water . VOL.11. 10 var. var. var. var. Obsidian. Pitchstone. Pearlstone. Pumice. 72-00 6946 . 73-00 . 72-25 77-50 1250 2-60 , 14-50 . 12-00 . 1750 10-00 C7-12 $5-08 , o-oo . . 1-75 . 450} o-oo 5 3-00 200 260 . 1-10 . 1-60 . 1-75 0-00 7-54 , 1-00 . 0-50 . 0-00 0-00 2-60 . o-oo . o-oo . 0-00 o-oo 3-00 . 8-50 . 4-50 . 0-00 110 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pitchstone. 4. Pitchstone forms mountain masses, and is generally in close con- nexion with porphyry. Many of the other varieties occur under similar circumstances. It is often the paste of certain kinds of porphyry, con- taining imbedded crystals of other minerals; and in a similar manner, Obsidian, Pearlstone, and Pumice, form, each their porphyry, denomina- ted after the kind of paste which contains the crystals. All these varie- ties occur also in beds in sandstone, in which it has been observed that in some places they lie regularly between the strata, or abruptly as- sume another situation, interrupt the strata, and then appear in the shape of regular veins. Several of the pitchstoce veins in red sandstone seem to have the same origin ; but it cannot be determined whether this also is the case in similar veins in granite, where they likewise occur. Ob- sidian frequently occurs in grains. Pumice, and several of the other varieties of Pitchstone, are products of active volcanoes. 5. Considerable masses of very distinct Pitchstone occur on the foot of the Saxon metalliferous mountains at Meissen, also at Planitz near Zwickaw, passing into Obsidian in the isle ot Arran. Pearlstone, inclu- ding grains of Obsidian, is found between Tokay and Keresztur, and at Glashiltte near Schemnitz in Hungary, at Cabo de Gata in Spain, near Ochotzk in Siberia, &c. Obsidian is very frequent in Iceland, where it exists in grains, angular pieces and beds ; it is also found at Schemnitz and Glashatte in Hungary, of a green color at Moidauthein in Bohemia, and shewing every stage of the passage into Pumice, in the Lipari isl- ands, also in Teneriffe, Peru, and New Spain. Pumice occurs at Vesu- vius, in Iscbia, the Lipari islands, and several islands of the Grecian Archipelago, in TeneiirTe; near Tokay, Sclieirnitz, and other places in Hungary; near Andernach, and the lake of Laach on the Rhine; in Quito and Mexico, &c In several of these countries, also, it is met with in conglomerates. 6. Obsidian is employed for mirrors, vases, snuffboxes, &c. ; in Mex- ico and the island of Ascension, very sharp edged fragments are used as tools and weapons. Pumice yields a well known material for grinding and polishing, and is also employed as a filtering stone. PITCHY IRON-ORE. (See Iron Sinter and Triplite.) PLASMA. (See Quartz.) PLEONASTE. (See Spinel.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Plumbago. PLUMBAGO. Rhombohedral Graphite-Mica. MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid, of unknown dimensions. Secondary forms. 1. Six sided prism. 2. Six sided, prism, with terminal edges truncated. The crystals inva- riably posses-s a tabular appearance. Cleavage, perpendicular to the axis of the rhomboid, (or parallel with the bases of the hexagonal tables,) perfect. Fracture uneven, scarcely observable. Surface, bases of the prisms generally smooth, or faintly striated parallel to their edges of combination ; the rest of the faces rough. Lustre metallic. The highest degrees of lustre are found upon the perfect faces of cleavage, and upon the bases of the hexagonal tables. Color iron-black, dark steel-grev. Streak black, shining. Opake. Sectile. Thin lamina are highly flexible. Hardness = 1-0... 2-0. =2-0891. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, tbe individuals flat and scaly, of various sizes, frequently impalpable. Of the latter, the fracture is conchoidal or even. 1. In a high degree of heat, it is combustible, and leaves a residue of oxide of iron, tt is infusible. 2. Analysis. ByScHEELE. By VAUQUELIN By SAUSSURE. Carbon - 81-00 - - 9200 96* - 10-00 - - 8 00 4-00 9-00 - 000 - 000 Oxygen 3 The varieties of this species are found in beds, or form beds by themselves, in slaty and ancient trap-rocks. They seem often to replac Mica and Talc in certain rocks. It is particularly in beds of limestone that the crystallized variety of Plumbago ^occurs. It is likewise in the coal formation. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Plumbago Plumbocalcite. 4. One of the most remarkable deposits of Plumbago is at Borrowdale in Cumberland, in a bed of trap, very much interrupted, and alternating with clay-slate. It occurs crystallized in Greenland, in the parish of Pargas in Finland ; and different varieties are known from the Tyrol, Salzburg, Piedmont, France, Spain, and Norway. Plumbago is of very common occurrence in the United States. Some of the handsomest crystallized varieties occur near Ticonderoga on Lake George, upon Roger's rock, where it is associated with Pyroxene and Sphene ; and in the vicinity of Amity, Orange county, (N.Y.) at which place it occurs in white limestone, with Spinel, Brucite, Hornblende, &c. A compact variety is found in large masses, disseminated in veins through gneiss, at Sturbridge, (Mass ) A similar variety occurs atGren- ville, (Lower Canada,) along with Sphene and Tabular Spar, in white limestone. 5. Plumbago is much employed in the manufacture of lead pencils, and of crucibles. It is also used to diminish friction, and to protect iron from oxidation. PLUMBOCALCITE. Microtine Lime-Haloide. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P = 104 53' 30". Surface of the crystals rounded. Lustre pearly. Color white. Transparent to translu- cent. Hardness =2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. =2-82. Compound Varieties. Massive. 1. Heated in a platina crucible, or in a glass tube, it decrepitates, and after some time assumes a brownish, or pale reddish, tint. A small frag- ment, dissolved in muriatic or nitric acid, gives a white precepitate, with caustic ammonia, which becomes black on the addition of hydrosulphu- ret of ammonia. 2. Analysis. By TURJVER. Carbonate of lime ...... 92-2 Carbonate of lead . ..... 7.3 3. It occurs at Wanlockhead in Scotland. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 113 Plumbo-Gummite. PLUMBO-GUMM1TE. Staphyline Lead-Baryte. Reniform. Surface smooth. Composition thin colum- nar . . . impalpable. Cleavage, parallel with the sides of a rhombic prism, in traces. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre resinous. Color yellowish-brown and reddish- brown, striped. Translucent. Hardness =4-0 . . . 4-5. Sp. gr. =6-3 . . . 6-4. If rubbed in an isolated state, it acquires a strong nega- tive electricity. 1. If quickly heated before the blow-pipe, it decrepitates, and loses its water; but is infusible by itself. With borax, it yields a transparent, colorless glass, without reducing the lead. Its powder is decomposed by concentrated muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Oxide of lead 40-14 Alumina 37-00 Water 18-80 Sulphurous acid 0*20 Lime, oxides of iron and manganese - - 1*80 Silica 0-60 3. It occurs at Huelgoet, near Poullaouen in Brittany, in clay-slate, along with Galena, Blende, Iron Pyrites and Pyrbmorphite. PL.USIN-GLANCE. Massive ; in druses. Color, between iron-black and blackish lead-grey. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 3. Sp. gr. =6-189 ... 6-244. 1. It is found at Freiberg. POLYBASITE. Axotomous Polypoione- Gla n c e. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism ? 10* 114 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Polybasite Polyhallite. Secondary form. The primary, having the terminal edges replaced by three or six planes. Surface of the crystals streaked upon the terminal planes, parallel to the sides of an equilateral triangle, or parallel to the alternating edges of the six-sided prism. Fracture uneven. Lustre splendent. Color, iron-black. Sectile. Hardness between Common Salt and Calca- reous Spar. Sp. gr. = 6-214. Compound Varieties. Massive. 1 By . Analysis, ROSE. By BRANDES. Sulphur Antimony Arsenic fr. Mexico. 1704 5-09 3-74 fr. Schemnitz. 16-83 0-25 623 fr. Neu-Morgenstern. 19-4000 o-oooo 3-3019 Silver 64-29 7243 65-5000 Copper Iron 993 0-06 3-04 0-33 3-7500 5-4600 Zinc 000 0-59 00000 2. It occurs partly in super-imposed crystals, partly massive and dis- seminated, in the mine of Guanaxuato, in Mexico ; also at Guansamez in Durango, with yellow Copper Pyrites and Calcareous Spar ; also with Stilbite, at Andreasberg in the Hartz, and probably near Freiberg. POLYHALLITE. Stelene Bri thy ne- Salt. Massive : composition columnar. Cleavage parallel with a prism of 115. Fracture splintery, uneven. Lustre resinous. Color smoke-grey and pearl grey, flesh-red and brick-red. Hardness greater than 3-0. Sp. gr. 2-7689. STRO- MEYER. Taste saline and bitter. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Polyhallite Polymignite. 115 Crystallized. Red mass. var. Grey mass. var. 400 - 45-0 40-0 376 44-6 29-4 05 00 0-0 00 o-o 17-6 15-4 6-4 0-7 4-5 3-0 4-3 20 1-0 8-0 1. In the flame of a candle, it melts into an opake globule, and is readily dissolved in water, the solution letting fall a precipitate of sul- phate of lime. 2. Analysis. By BERTHIER. from Vic. Crystallized. I Sulphate of lime Sulphate of soda Sulphate of mang. - Sulphate of magnesia Chloride of sodium - Alumina and ox. iron Loss by calcination - By STROMEYER. from Ischel. Anhydrous sulphate of litne .... 22-2184 Anhydrous sulphate of potash - 27-6347 Anhydrous sulphate of magnesia ... - 20-0347 Anhydrous sulphate of iron - - - 0-2927 Hydrous sulphate of lime .... 28-4580 Chloride of sodium .... 0-1910 Chloride of magnesium .... 00100 Peroxide of iron .... 0-1920 3. It occurs at Berchlesgaden and Ischel, along with Common Salt, Gypsum and Anhydrite ; also in the salt mines of Vic in Lorraine. POLYMIGNITE. Melanous E ruth rone-Ore. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. Secondary form. Primary, having the lateral edges deeply truncated, or slightly bevelled, and terminated by four-sided pyramids, which, viewed as an octahedron with a rhombic base, have angles of 136 30' and 116 30'. 116 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Polymignite. Cleavage, imperfect in the direction of the replacing faces of the prism. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre metallic. Color black. Streak brown. Opake. Hardness =6-5. Sp. gr. =4'8. 1. Alone, upon charcoal, before the blow-pipe, it is unaltered. With borax, it melts into an iron-colored glass. With salt of phosphorus, it is with difficulty dissolved ; the glass appearing reddish in the reduction fire, and the color not undergoing change from the addition of tin. With soda, it becomes greyish-red, but does not melt. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Titanic acid 46-30 Zirconia 14.1-4 Oxide of iron 12 20 Lime 4-20 Oxide of manganese 270 Oxide of cerium 5-00 Yttria 11-50 3. Its locality is Fredrichsvarn,Noiway, where it is found in Zircon- sienite. 4. Very small, iron-black crystals, of a prismatic form, which gave with the common goniometer M on M = about 100, are found with the Green Feldspar in sicnite, at Beverly, (Mass.) These prisms have their lateral edges truncated. Hardness = 65. Streak brown ; lustre me- PHYSIOGRAPHY. Prehnite. 117 tallic. Infusible before the blow-pipe, alone ; with salt of phosphorus, very slowly soluble, and the globule assuming a yellowish color. POLYSPH^RITE. In single rounded balls or drops, whose internal structure is concentric. Lustre resinous. Color, liver-brown, clove-brown, yellowish- brown, yellowish grey, and nearly isabella-yellow. Streak white/ Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) =^4-0. Sp. gr. = 5-89.. . 6-092. 1. It is composed of oxide of lead, phosphoric acid, and alumina. 2. It is taken occasionally from diggings in the district of Freiberg : it is also found at Georgenstadter. POONAHLITE. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M' = 92 20'. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Transparent. . . translucent. Hardness nearly that of Mesotype. 1. It is found implanted upon, and traversing Apophyllite, and as- sociated with Stilbite, Epistilbite and Calcareous Spar, at Poonah in the East Indies. PRASE. (See Quartz.) PREHNITE. Axotomous Kouphone- Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M y = 99 30'. Secondary forms. Fig. 339. Fig. 340. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Prehnite. o on o over the summit - 31 00' M or M 7 on / 139 45 PHILLIPS. al' on al 7 177 20 " al'on/ al' on M 92 00 91 30 c on M 128 30 " Cleavage, very distinct in the direction of P, less distinct in that of M. Surface, P and al often streaked, the late- ral faces streaked perpendicularly. Lustre vitreous, except upon P, which possesses pearly lustre, particularly if produced by cleavage. Color, vari- ous shades of green, as leek-green, mountain-green, apple- green, siskin-green, &ic. ; passing into white and grey. Streak white. Semi-transparent , . , translucent- Brittle. Hardness =6-0 ... 7-0. Sp. gr. =2-926. Compound Varieties. Reniform, globular, stalactitic shapes : surface generally drusy ; composition columnar, sometimes broad, imperfect and strongly coherent ; if the particles of composition be distinct, the surface is often pretty smooth. Massive : composition either columnar, as above, or granular, and even sometimes impalpable. Some- times compound varieties are again aggregated in a second composition, the faces of composition being rough and un- even. 1. Before the blow-pipe, upon charcoal, it is transformed into a white frothy scoria, which, on a continuance of the heat, melts into a compact, colored globule. With borax, it melts into a transparent bead. In dilute muriatic acid, it is slowly dissolved, leaving behind a flaky residue. When heated, it exhibits electric poles. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 119 Prehnite. 2. Analysis. ByKLAPROTH. ByWALMSTEDT. By LATJGIER. fr. Cape of Good Hope. fr. Dunbarton. fr. the Palatinate. Silica . 43-85 . . 44-10 . . 42-50 Alumina . 30-33 . . 2426 . . 28-50 Lirae . 18-33 . . 26*43 . . 20-40 Oxide ofiron . 5-66 . . 074 . . 3-00 Water . 1-83 . . 4-18 . . 2-00 Potash and soda 00 . . 00 . . 0-75 3. It occurs in veins in granite, gneiss, and sienite ; but is more com- mon in balls, irregular veins and vesicular cavities in trap. 4. It was first brought to Europe by Col. PREHN, from the Cape of Good Hope, in bright colored apple-green varieties. The crystallized varieties come from the Alps of Savoy and Dauphiny. Massive and imperfectly crystallized specimens occur at St. Gothard in Switzerland, in the Tyrol, in Salzburg, Carinthia, in the Pyrenees, in Norway and Sweden. It occurs in considerable quantity near Glasgow in Scotland, also at Reichenbach near Oberstein in the Palatinate, and in the Faroe Islands. In the United States, handsomely crystallized and massive va- rieties, of a rich green color, are found at Farmington, (Conn.) in trap. Others, less beautiful, are found occasionally throughout the trap region of Now England and New Jersey. It occurs in veins in gneiss, at Bel- lows Falls, (Vt.) and at Charlestown, (Mass.) in sienite. PRISMATOIDAL CoPPER-GLANCE. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. Secondary form. The primary, having the acute lateral edges truncated, and the acute solid angles so deeply truncated, as to produce dihedral summits. Cleavage parallel with the secondary literal planes, rather per- fect, though interrupted. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Sur- tace rough. Lustre metallic. Color blackish lead-grey. Streak unchan- ged. Brittle. Hardness =3-0. Sp. gr. =5-735. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, indi- viduals strongly connected. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it gives nearly the same results as Bournon- ite, with which it appears to agree in chemical composition. 120 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Proustite. 2. It has been found in the beds of Spathic Iron at St. Gertraud, near Wolfsberg in the valley of the Lavant, in Carinthia. 3. With the exception of form, which, however, has not been satis- factorily determined, it resembles very closely the species Bournonite. PROUSTtTE. Aphotistic M elacon e-Blende. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P=107 36'. Secondary forms. 1. Fig. 341. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Proustite. 121 4. Fig. 344. 5. Fig. 343, with the edges between d and d truncated. Cleavage, parallel with P rarely distinct. Fracture con- choidal . . . uneven. Surface, d streaked parallel to its up- per edges ; , vertically. Lustre adamantine. Color cochineal-red. Streak the same as color. Semi-transparent to translucent on the edges. Hardness =2-0. . .2-5. Sp. gr. =5-524, a cleavable variety from Annaberg ; 5-422, a dark red variety, from the Churprinz mine near Freiberg. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals, and massive, com- position granular, of various sizes of individuals. 1. When heated before the blow-pipe, it decrepitates at first ; it then melts with a bluish flame, emitting sulphurous acid, and in a more pow- erful heat, the odor of arsenic ; and finally yields a metallic globule, which is reducible to pure silver. Its solution in nitric acid, gives a citron-yellow precipitate of sulphate of arsenic. 2. Analysis. By ROSE. By PROUST. from Joachirnsthal. Sulphur . . 19-51 : Sulphuret of arsenic . 25-00 Antimony . . 0-69 : Sulphuret of silver . 7435 Arsenic . . 15-09 : Oxide of iron . 0-65 Silver . . 64 67 : VOL. II. 11 122 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pseudo-Malachite. 3. It occurs associated with various ores of silver, several species of Pyrites, and particularly with Native Arsenic and White Iron- Pyrites. 4. It is found in the Saxon and Bohemian mines, and is particularly abundant at Zacatecas in Mexico. PRUNNERITE. (See Calcareous Spar.) PSEUDO- MALACHITE. Hemi-prismatic C op p e r-B ary t e. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 142 30'. Secondary form. Fig. 345. on e o on o over a a on e /on/ 141 4' 112 37 90 00 117 49 Cleavage. Slight indications parallel to b' and e. Frac- ture small conchoidal, uneven. Surface, a and f a little rough, though even ; M smooth but uneven. The rest of the faces smooth and even. Lustre adamantine, inclining to vitreous. Color emerald- green, verdigris-green, blackish green, often darker at the surface. Streak green, a little paler than the color. Trans- lucent, often only on the edges. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 123 Pseudo-Malachite Psilomelane. Brittle. Hardness = 4-5 ... 5-0. Sp. gr. = 4-205, a crystallized variety, from Rheinbreitbach near Bonn. Compound Varieties. Reniform, rather imperfect : composition imperfectly columnar ; surface drusy, and often of a darker color. Massive : composition as above. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts with ease, and is converted into a small, vesicular, metalloidal globule. It is soluble without effervescence, in nitric acid, particularly if heated. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By LUNTV. Oxide of copper . . 68-13 . . . . 62-847 Phosphoric acid . . 30-95 .... 21-687 Water . . 0-00 .... 15-454 3. It is found in veins traversing grey wacke slate, and is accompanied by several varieties of Quartz and ores of copper, in the Virneberg near Rheinbreitbach on the Rhine. PSILOMELANE. Uncleavable Manganese- Ore. MOHS. Regular forms and cleavage unknown. Fracture not observable. Lustre imperfectly metallic. Color bluish-black and greyish black, passing into dark steel-grey. Streak brown- ish black, shining. Opake. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 ... 6-0. Sp. gr. = 4'145, a botryoidal variety. Compound Varieties. Reniform, botryoidal, fruticose: composition columnar, impalpable; fracture flat conchoidal, even ; in a second curved composition it is curved lamellar, the faces of composition being smooth, rough or granulated. Massive : composition granular, impalpable, strongly con- nected ; fracture flat conchoidal, even. 124 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Psilomelane Pyrallolite. Analysis. By TURNER. fr. Schnceberg. fr. Rornaneche. Red oxide of manganes e 69795 70-967 Oxygen 7-364 7260 Baryta - ' - 16365 16690 Silica 0260 0-950 Water 6-216 4130 The only European locality quoted, is Schneeberg, Saxony, though it probably exists at several other places. Very well characterized speci- mens are found in considerable quantity, at Chittenden, (Vt.) PURPLE COPPER. (See Phillipsite.) PYCNITE. (See Topaz.) PYKNOTROP. Massive : cleavage in two directions, but indistinct. Fracture splintery. Lustre vitreous. Color greyish white, to brown and grey. Translucent. Hardness = 2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. = 2-609 . . . 2-669. 1. It is probably a vaiiety of Serpentine. PYRALLOLITE. Prismatic Tab ular- Sp ar. Primary form. Rhombic prism. M on M = 94 36'. Cleavage, distinct parallel to M, also to the diagonals of the prism. Massive : composition granular. Fracture earthy. Lustre resinous. Color white, sometimes greenish. Translucent on the edges . . . opake. Hardness =3*5 . . . 4*0. It seems to become harder by exposure to the air. Sp. gr. 2'55 . . . 2-60. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it first becomes black, then white ; after- wards it intumesces and melts on its edges. With borax it yields a trans- parent glass. When reduced to powder, it phosphoresces, with a bluish light. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 125 Pyrochlore. 2. Analysis. By NORDENSKIOLD. Silica 56-62 Magnesia 23-38 Alumina 3-38 Lime ------ 5 58 Oxide of iron 0-99 Protoxide of manganese ----- 0-99 Water 3-58 Bitumen and loss ------ 6*38 3. It occurs at Storgard in the parish of Pargas in Finland, with Feld- spar, Augite, Sphene and Calcareous Spar. PYRANEITE. (See Garnet.) PYRARGILLITE. In crystals, which are four-sided prisms with truncated angles, and massive. Color blackish, and shining. Hardness = 3-5. Sp. gr. = 2 505. It emits a clayey odor. 1. Analysis. By NoRDENSKIOiD. Silica 4393 Alumina 28-93 Protoxide of iron 5-30 Magnesia, with some protoxide of manganese . 2-90 Potash . . ... . . 1-05 Soda . . . . . . . 1-85 Water 15-47 2. It is found in Finland. PYROCHLORE. Pyrochlore Eruthrone-Ore. Primary form. Regular octahedron. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre resinous to vitreous. Color reddish-brown. Streak clear-brown. Opake. Hardness =5-0 . . . 6*0. Sp. gr. =4-2. 11* 126 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyrochlore Pyrolusite. 1. Alone, it becomes of a clear, yellowish brown color, and melts with much difficulty, into a blackish-brown, slaggy mass. With borax, it is perfectly dissolved in the oxidation fire, into a reddish-yellow, transpa- rent glass, which, by flaming, becomes yellow and opake. In the redu- cing heat, a dark red pearl is obtained. In salt of phosphorus, it is dis- solved perfectly, attended at first, with some effervescence. With soda, upon platina, it affords a green manganesious reaction. 2. Analysis. By WOHL.ER. Titanic acid 62-75 Magnesia ...... 12-85 Protox. of uranium . . . . . . 5 18 Oxide of cerium (impure) 6-80 Oxide of manganese 2-75 Oxide of iron . . . . . 2-16 Oxide of tin 0-61 Water 4-2Q 3. It is found at Friederichsvairn in Norway. PYROLUSITE. Prismatic Manganese-Ore. HAIJDINGER. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 93 40'. Secondary form. Fig. 346. M M Cleavage, parallel to M and b. Lustre metallic. Color iron-black ; in very delicate co- lumnar compositions, the color becomes bluish, and the lus- tre imperfectly metallic. Streak black. Opake. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 127 Py roln site. Rather sectile. Hardness = 2'0 .. .2*5. Sp. gr. = 4*94, from Elgersburg ; 4-819. TURNER. Compound Varieties. Reniform coats. Both colum- nar and granular composition is often met with, particularly the former ; the individuals often radiating from common centres. If the individuals are very delicate, the masses will soil the fingers, and write on paper. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it gives the customary reaction of manga- nese-ores. 2. Analysis. By TURNER. Red oxide of manganese . . . . . 85-617 Oxygen 11-599 Water . . . . . . . 1-566 Silica . . . . . . . 0-553 Baryta 0-665 Lime ....... a trace. 3. Pyrolusite is very often the product of decomposition from Spathic Iron, the carbonate of iron of the latter being converted by natural agents, into the hydrate of the peroxide, while the lime, which it occa- sionally contains, is deposited in the shape of Calcareous Spar, or Arrag- onite ; and the Manganese is often found covering the surface of decom- posed rhomboids of the original species, in the shape of minute crystals. In this manner, it occurs in the mines of decomposed Spathic Iron, in beds in gneiss, at Hiittenberg in Carinthia, at Schwalkalden in Hessia, and other places. It is likewise found in this manner in the counties of Sayn, Siegen, Salm, and Hamm in Prussia, in the veins of Spathic Iron traversing clay slate, which are decomposed in the upper levels, and then contain much Limonite. One of the varieties from Horhau- sen is particularly remarkable for the delicacy of the fibres, which are disposed in small tufts, within the geodes of Limonite, and which greatly resemble the fibrous varieties of Grey Antimony. Weyer in the county of Wied-Runkel, Hirschberg near Ahrensberg and Beodorf on the Lower Rhine, are likewise quoted as localities of superb specimens of Pyrolusite. The finest crystals of Pyrolusite, occur at Schimmel and Oslerfreude near Johanngeorgenstadt, and at Hirschberg in Westphalia. These are chiefly short thick prisms, terminated on their extremities in 128 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyrolusite Pyromorphite. numerous fibres. Large flattish crystals, of great beauty, terminating in sharp elongated pyramids, with curved faces, occur at MaeskamezK, near Maggar Lapos, south of Kapnik in Transylvania, in geodes of Limonite, and associated with crystals of Quartz. Cleavable individu- als, of considerable size, are found near Goslar in the Hartz, in a moun- tain called Gingelsberg. They are imbedded in small veins of Quartz and Calcareous Spar, in clay slate. Distinct, though small crystals, are met with in many of the mines in the west of Germany. A variety oc- curs at the mine of Antonio Pereira near Villa Ricca in Brazil, along with Limonite and Psilomelane. Small granular Pyrolusite occurs in Dalecarlia, Sweden. But the individuals are often much smaller, and appear in the form of a black sooty substance. Such are frequently found in the iron mines of Raschau, and other places in Saxony. The Pyrolusite is rarely found without Psilomelane; and is also very gene- rally associated with Limonite. In some varieties from Berge in the county of Salm, thin stalactites of Limonite are uniformly covered with a stratum of Pyrolusite. Pyrolusite occurs at numerous 'places in Eng- land. It is very abundant in the United States. It occurs at Bennington, Monkton, Chittenden, and various other places in Vermont, crystallized and granular, and associated with Psilomelane ; in Massachusetts, at Con- way, in a vein of Quartz; at Winchester, (N. H.) ; in Connecticut, at Salisbury and Kent, in thin velvety coatings, upon Limonite. PYROMORPHITE. Brachytypous Lead- Baryte. PARTSCH. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. Secondary form. Fig. 347. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 129 Pyromorpbite. M orM'ond' 150 00' PHILLIPS. M' on c' or M' on c" 131 45 P on c or c" 138 30 c' on c or c" - - 1 10 5 Cleavage, traces parallel with M, also parallel with c. Jracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface, M al- most always horizontally streaked, and often barrel-shaped, or contracted at the ends of the prisms. P rough, and of- ten excavated. Lustre resinous. Color, generally green or brown. There is an uninterrupted series from various shades of white, through siskin-green, asparagus-green, grass-green, pistachio-green, olive-green, oil-green ; wax-yellow, honey- yellow, orange-yellow; aurora-red, hyacinth-red; hair- brown, clove-brown; pearl-grey and ash-grey. Streak white, sometimes inclining to yellow. Semi-transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Brittle. Hardness =3-5 . . . 4-0. Sp. gr. = 7-098, of a green variety from Zschopau ; 6-831, of a brown variety from Zimapan. Compound Varieties. Globular, reniform, botryoidal, fruticose shapes; composition columnar; faces of compo- sition rough, irregularly streaked, seldom smooth. Massive : composition columnar, or granular ; the latter in most cases strongly coherent. 1 The green and brown varieties are separated by some mineralo- gists into distinct species, without sufficient reason, however, inasmuch as there are individuals whose properties form an uninterrupted series of connexion between the two. 2 Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it melts in the outer flame globule, which crystallizes on becoming cold, and changes to a brown a PHYSIOGRAPHY* Pyromorphite. color. In the interior flame, the globule becomes bluish, is luminous when hot, and on cooling crystallizes with large facets of a lighter color, approaching the mother of pearl. The form produced by this crystalli- zation has not been accurately examined, though it appears to be a reg- ular composition ofseveral individuals. With borax, salt of phosphorus and soda, it behaves like the oxide of lead. With boracic acid and iron, it affords phosphate of iron and metallic lead. 3. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By WOHLER. from Zschopau, Saxony. Oxide of lead - 78-58 - - 78-40 - 82-287 Phosphoric acid - 19-73 - - 18-37 - 15-727 Muriatic acid - 1-65 - - 1-70 - 1-986 Oxide of iron 000 - - 0-10 - a trace. By KERSTEN. Chloride Fluor- Phos. Phos. Oxide Locality. Sp. gr. of ide cal- of of of Total. Lead. cicum. lime. lead. iron. Sonnenwirbel - 6 092 - 10-838 - 1-094 - 11-053 - 77-015 - 0-00 - 100-000 Mies(mas've) - 6-444 - 10 642 - 0-248 - 7-457 - 81-451 - trace - 99-998 do. (crystals) - 5-983 - 9-664 - 0-219 - 0-848 - 89-268 - 0-00 - 99-999 Bleisdadt (do.)- 7-009- 9-918-0-137- 0-771 - 89-174 - 0-00 - 100-000 England (do.) - 0-000 - 10-074 - 0-130 - 0-682 - 89-110 - 0-00 - 99-896 Poullaouen(do-) - 7-048 - 10-090 - 0-000 - 0-000 - 89-910 - trace - 100-000 do. (mas've) - 7-050 - 10-069 - 0-000 - 0-000 - 89-931 - trace- 100-000 4. It is found in veins in various rocks, usually attended by Galena, various salts of lead, Blende, Fluor and Quartz ; sometimes also by dif- ferent ores of silver. Finely crystallized varieties are found at Zschopau, and other places in Saxony ; at Przibram and Mies in Bohemia ; in various parts of Eng- land, and at the lead hills of Scotland ; also in Siberia. The brown va- rieties occur at Poullaouen and Huelgoet in Brittany, at Wanlockhead in Scotland, at Mies and Bleistadt in Bohemia. In the United States, handsome specimens of the green varieties, have been found at the Perkiomen lead mine near Philadelphia, and at the lead mine in Lenox, (Maine.) PYROPE. (See Garnet.} PHYSIOGRAPHY. 131 Pyropbyllite. PYROPHYLLITE. 1. Heated before the blow-pipe, it swells up, but is infusible. It ields moisture by calcination ; the residue being heated with solution of cobalt, asumes a blue color. 2. Analysis. Silica . 59-79 Alumina 29-46 Magnesia 4-00 Oxide of iron ....... 1'80 Water 5'62 Silver a trace. 3. It is brought from the Ural mountains. PYROPHYSALITE. (See Topaz.) PYRORTHITE. Massive : composition columnar. Fracture conchoidal, splin- tery, earthy. Lustre resinous. Color brownish-black ; if decayed, yellowish- brown. Streak brownish-black. Opake. Hardness, is scratched by Calcareous Spar. Sp. gr. = 2-19. 1. If gently heated on one side, it takes fire, arid burns without either flame or smoke ; after which, it becomes white, and melts into a black enamel. It gives a transparent glass with borax ; and is soluble in heat- ed acids, with the exception of a black powder. 2. Analysis. By BERZEL.IUS. Silica 1043 Alumina Protoxide of cerium 13-92 Protoxide of iron 6 ' 08 Yttria 4 ' 87 Lime 181 Protoxide of manganese Water 26-50 Carbon . - ' - 31 ' 41 132 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyrosmalite Pyroxene. 3. It has been found at Kararf, near Fahlun in Sweden, in a variety of granite, accompanied by Gadolinite. PYROSIDERITE. (See Limonite.) PYROSMALITE. Hexagonal Pyrosmalite- Mica. BREITHAUPT. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. Cleavage, parallel with the bases of the primary form, perfect. Fracture uneven. Lustre pearly upon the bases of the six-sided prism ; lower degrees of vitreous lustre in other directions. Color pale liver-brown, passing into grey and green. Streak paler than the color. Translucent . . . opake. Rather brittle. Hardness = 4*0 . . . 4*5. Sp. gr. = 3-077 . . .3-173. 1. Before the blowpipe, it becomes reddish brown, and developes fumes of muriatic acid. In a strong fire, it melts first into a black sco- ria, and then into a globule, which is attractable by the magnet. It is easily soluble in glass of borax. 2. Analysis. By HISINGER. Silica . . . . . . 35850 Protoxide of iron 21-810 Protoxide of manganese . . . . 21-140 Muriate of iron, with excess of base . . 14 095 Lime 1-210 Water ........ 5-895 3. It occurs in the iron mines of Nordmark, in Wermeland in Sweden, associated with Calcareous Spar and Pyroxene. PYROXENE. Paratomous Augite-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 87 5'. (87 42'.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyroxene. 133 Secondary forms. Fig. 348. Fig. 349. Fig. 350. M M z Fig. 353. By town, (L, Canada.) Fig. 354. Fig. 355. M Canaan, (Conn.) Bolton, (Mass,) VOL. II. 134 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyroxene. Fig. 856. Fig. 357. IM M Munroe, (N. Y.) yla, (Piedmont.) Fig. 348. Primary form, having the obtuse lateral edges? and the lateral angles, truncated. M on r = 133 35'. P on s =150 2'. s on s --=120 38'. (dihexaedre. H.) Fig. 349. The same, having the lateral solid angles more deeply truncated, and the acute lateral edges truncated. M onZ = 136 15'. 5on/ = 13S48 / . (triunitaire. H.) Fig. 350. The primary form, having the acute solid angle, the .obtuse, ajid the acute, lateral edges, truncated. P on t =148. r on t =. 106 6'. (quadrioctonal H.) Fig. 351. Fig. 349, with the acute solid angles replaced by single planes, n on r =90. Fig. 352. r on t = 106 6'. w6n w=131 8'. # on r^=126 36'. M on a? =-134 17'. Fig. 353. M on o = 145 9'. o on r = 118 59'. o on o =95 28'. .r on m =133 30'. Fig. 355. i on I = 139 r. i on i -81 46'. (epemeride. H.) Fig. 356. r on 5 = 103 59 7 . (octo duo decimal H.) Fig. 357. o on 5 = 156 39 7 . (stenonome. H.) Cleavage, parallel with M, rather perfect, but interrupt- ed ; also with r and /, and sometimes parallel with s. In some varieties, it is eminent in the direction of P. Frac- PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyroxene. 135 ture conchoidal, sometimes perfect . . . uneven. Surface, r striated vertically, P sometimes rough. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color green, often inclining to brown, and passing into grey and white, and also into black. Streak white . . . grey, corresponding to the color. Transparent to opake. Brittle. Hardness =5-0 ... 6-0. Sp. gr. =3-349, an ash-grey variety. Compound Varieties., Twin-crystals : face of compo- sition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to r. Fig. 358. Sometimes crystals of this kind are in cruciform aggrega- tions. Massive varieties, compound in the direction of P, as in Sahlite ; this must not be taken for cleavage, as it does not continue throughout the whole mass, but only pro- duces more or less thick -laminae, often separated from each other by some extraneous substance : it often possesses a slight pearly lustre : there is also composition parallel r, as in Mussite. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, often but slightly cohering, but often also, very intimately connected ; faces of composition rough. The individuals of lamellar and columnar varieties, are in 136 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyroxene. most cases easily separated, and present striated faces of composition. 1. The present species embraces a large number of varieties, both simple and compound, among which there exist uninterrupted transi- tions. JLugile comprehends opake varieties, the colors of which are black, or blackish green. One of its subdivisions, foliated A ugite, oc- curs in imbedded crystals. Conchoidal Augite refers to imbedded grains, whose fracture is perfectly conchoidal ; common Augite occurs also in grains, but having an uneven fracture. Foliated Augite is trans^ formed, by decomposition, into those earthy masses, which have been called crystallized green-earth. Coccolite is of rather paler shades of green colors than the preceding varieties, and consists of very distinct granular particles of composition, which may be easily separated. The colors of Sahlite, are generally paler green, and inclining to grey ; it is faintly translucent on the edges, though there are some varieties of it, as black and opake as Augite. It is compound, parallel to the face of P. If the colors become very pale, it passes into Diopside, which contains greenish grey, greenish white, &c. semi-transparent, crystals, or mass- ive varieties, also of pale colors, and compound parallel to the face of r. Baikalite cannot be distinguished from Sahlite, even by such slight marks as those just quoted, and Fassaite is the name of those varieties which unite the green colors of Sahlite, or some that incline still more to yellow, with crystalline forms similar to those of Diopside. Ompha- zite is a compact, leek-green variety, with an imperfectly conchoidal or splintery fracture, and generally mixed with Garnet. That variety, called Green Diallage, is grass- green, either crystallized or massive, and in the latter case, it presents a granular structure, or is compound parallel to P, or to r, alternating in layers, with particles of Hornblende of the same color. Very delicate crystals produce a kind of Asbestus, which is different from the one in connexion with Hornblende, and dif- ferent also from Picrolite and Picrosmine.- 2. Before the blowpipe, it melts pretty easily, and emits a few bub- bles; it finally yields a glassy globule, more or less intensely colored by , iron. It is readily dissolved by borax. Several varieties of the present species have been obtained by way of fusion. Black crystals are not unfrequent among the slags from the iron furnaces of Sweden. A white variety, in perfect crystals, has been obtained by mixing silica, lime and magnesia, in the necessary proportion, and exposing the mixture, in a charcoal crucible, to the heat of porcelain furnaces. Many varieties of PHYSIOGRAPHY. Pyroxene. 137 Pyroxene, if melted, and then allowed to cool slowly, crystallize and as- sume an appearance little different from what they had before. M >> O 5 ~s =1! It PI F crq 1 ^d M H >*j 5 K tr* O ha i oiuxmaxai^a^oioioij-oi O H- ' Cjt 4- rf- (X tO tO O< *- rf-- ^ cibrfi.^cibooowbiocjx OOQOCCOOOtOt^OO >os&3occoo - 10-450 1 - 3-000 - 2-85 LAUGIER. Scapolite. - 33-000 - 45-000 - 2-000 - 17-600 - 1-000 - 0.00 NORDENSKIOLD. - do. fr. Pargas. - 35-430 - 43-830 - o-ooo - 18-960 - 0-000 - 1-03 STROMEYER. - Meionite. - 32-726 - 40-530 - 1-812 - 24-245 - 0-182 - o-oo GMELIN. - Meionite. - 30-600 - 40-800 - 2-400 - 22-100 - 1-000 - o-oo THOMSON. - Nuttallite. - 37-808 - 25-104 - $ 7-305 , I potash ( | - 18-336 - 1-500 - o-oo 4. Meionite is met with among the minerals ejected by volcanoes. The varieties of Scapolite occur in primitive rocks, as in the beds of Magnetic Iron in Sweden and Norway, and are generally accompanied by Pyroxene and Hornblende; also in beds of white limestone, associated with the above minerals, and in addition with Sphene and Petalite. 5. Scapolite is found at Arendal in Norway and in Wermeland in Sweden ; also in large and beautiful crystals in the parish of Pargas, Fin- land, at Akudlek in Greenland, and some varieties near Chursdorf in Saxony. Dypire is found at Mauleon in the Western Pyrenees. Mei- onite occurs at Mt. Vesuvius. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 175 Scapolite Scheeletine. Numerous localities of Scapolite are found in the United States. Beau- tiful crystals of the form of fig. 388, are found at Governeur, (N. Y) dis- seminated through a coarsely granular Calcareous Spar. Large crys- tals of a white variety rarely terminated with regularity, occur penetra- ting Quartz, which itself forms veins in white limestone at Bolton and Boxborough, (Mass.) Nuttallite is found also at Bolton in implanted crystals, rarely surmounted by four-sided pyramids. A purple variety exists at the same place, forming considerable masses, made up of large columnar individuals. Compact varieties occur at Boxborough and Westfield, (Mass.) A fibrous one is found at Monroe, (Connecticut.) Crystallized specimens are afforded by the white limestone of Amity, (N. Y.) SCARBROITE. Massive : composition impalpable. Fracture conchoidal. Dull. Color white. Very fragile. Sp. gr. 1-485. 1. It absorbs water without becoming more transparent. 2. Analysis. Silica . . 10-50 . . . 7-90 Alumina . , 42-50 . . . 42-75 Oxide of iron . . 0-25 . . . 0-80 Water . . 4675 . . . 48-55 3. It is found in little veins in greywacke in the great hill of Scar- borough, England. 4. It is probably a mere mechanical aggregate, similar to clays in general. SCHAALSTEIN. (See Tabular Spar.) SCHEELETINE. Tungstic Lead-Baryte. Primary form. Octahedron with a square base. P on P over the base =131 29' 33". Secondary form, the primary, having the edges of the base and the pyramidal edges truncated, together with the PHYSIOGRAPHY. Scheeletine Schiller-Spar. replacement of the angles at the summit, by four planes, resting on the primary planes. Cleavage, parallel with the primary faces, indistinct. Lustre resinous. Color green, grey, brown and red. Streak white. Hardness =2-75 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. = 7-904 . . . 8-088. 1. It is fusible before the blow-pipe, yielding oxide of lead upon the charcoal. With soda, it affords globules of metallic lead. 2. Jlnalysis. Tungstic acid . . . . . . . 52-00 Oxide of lead ..... . . 48-00 3. It is a very rare substance ; and is found in minute crystals, in the tin mines of Zinwald, Bohemia. SCHEEVERITE. In crystalline grains. Lustre pearly, and feebly shining. Color whitish. Friable. Rather heavier than water. 1. By heating, it emits a feeble aromatic empyreurna. It melts, very readily, into a colorless liquid. The melted mineral, on cooling, crys- tallizes into four-sided, acicular crystals. It burns with flame, attended with feeble odor, and without leaving behind any residue. 2. Jlnalysis. Carbon . . . . . . . 73-00 Hydrogen ....... 24-00 3. It is found in loosely aggregated grains, forming nests in a bed of brown coal, at St. Galen in Switzerland. SCHILLER-SPAR. Diatomous Schiller-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism ? Cleavage in two directions, one of them being highly perfect and easily obtained, while the other appears only in slight traces. Inclination between 135 and 145. Frac- ture uneven, splintery. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Schiller-Spar Selencuprite. Lustre, metallic pearly, eminently so upon the perfect faces- of cleavage ; indistinctly vitreous upon the other faces. Color olive-green and blackish green, inclining to pinch- beck-brown upon the perfect faces of cleavage. Streak greyish white, inclining a little to yellow. Translucent on the edges. Rather sectile. Hardness = 3-5 ... 4-0. Sp. gr. = 2-692. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals. The individuals are often intermingled with Serpentine. 1. Exposed to* high degree of heat, it hardens into a porcelainous mass. 2. Analysis. By HEYER. By VAUQUELIN. By DRAPPIER. Silica . 52-00 ,. 62-00 .... 41-00 Magnesia . 600 . 10-00 .... 29 C Alumina - 23-33 . 13 00 .... Lime . 7-00 . 0-00 .... Oxide of iron 17-50 .{JS Water . 0-00 . 00 .... 10-00 3. The varieties of Schiller-Spar occur imbedded in simple and com- pound crystalline masses in serpentine, with which they are mixed. The only locality in Europe, which can be quoted with certainty, is the Baste in the forest of Harzgeburg in the Hartz. It is found of a black- ish color, with Serpentine and Kerolite, at Blandford, (Mass.) SCHORL. (See Tourmaline.) SCOLEZITE. (See Mesotype.) SELENCUPRITE. Selencupreous Polypoione- Glance. Massive : composition impalpable. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white. Streak shining. Ductile ? PHYSIOGRAPHY. Selencuprite Serpentine. 1. Fusible before the blow-pipe into a grey globule, which is slightly malleable. It is decomposed by nitric acid, and the solution deposits metallic copper on a piece of clean iron. 2. Analysis. By BERZEI.HJS. Selenium . . . . . m 40-00 . ..... 64 . 00 3. It occurs forming black coatings upon Calcareous Spar, or in mi- nute seams traversing this substance, at the copper-mine of Skrickerum in Smoland. SELENIURET OF COPPER. (See Selencuprite.) SELENIURET OF LEAD. (See Clausthalite.) SELENIURET OF PALLADIUM. (See Selenpalladite.) SELENIURET OF SILVER AND COPPER. (See Eukai- rite.) SELENIURET OF SULPHUR. (See Sulpho-selenite.) SELENIURET OF ZINC AND MERCURY. (See Rionite.) SELENPALLADITE. Primary form. Regular hexagonal prism. ^Cleavage, parallel with the base, perfect. Lustre metallic. Color white to grey. Opake. Brittle. 1. Heated in a glass tube, it gives a red ring of selenium. It is fu- sible into a brittle metallic globule, and dissolves with borax into a color- less glass. The roasted ore affords in nitro- muriatic acid a brown solu- tion, from which some chloride of silver, and crystalline chloride of lead, is precipitated. The addition of cyanide of mercury, colors the solution, and throws down cyanide of palladium. According to ZIJVKEN, it con- sists of seleniuret of palladium, seleniuret of silver, and seleniuret of lead. 2. It is found with Native Gold and Clausthalite, at Zilkerode in the Hartz. It is likewise said to occur in the Russian platina-mines. SERPENTINE. Prismatic Atelene-Picrosmine. Primary form. Right rectangular prism. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Serpentine. 179 Secondary form. Fig. 391. M o on o d on d a on a 1 a on a a on d 128 31' 97 33 139 34 105 26 134 13 Cleavage. Traces of, parallel with M and J, apparent only in a strong light. Fracture flat conchoidal, splintery, uneven. Surface almost dull, very little glistening, but rather even. Lustre resinous, indistinct, low degrees of intensity. Co- lor dark blackish green and leek-green, seldom lighter shades of oil-green and siskin-green colors, none of them being bright : they pass into yellowish-grey. Streak white, acquires some lustre. Translucent . . . opake. Sectile. Hardness = 3-0. Sp. gr.=2-507, of a green- ish black crystallized variety; =2*56, of an oil-green, translucent one. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, impalpable. Varieties of this kind present also, red, brown, black, yellow, and grey colors, in different veined, spotted and other delineations. The purer varieties sometimes possess an indistinctly slaty structure. 180 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Serpentine. 1. Serpentine is divided into two subspecies, the common and pre- cious ; the latter embracing those varieties which possess handsome col- ors, and a tendency to conchoidal fracture ; the former includes the duller colors and the slaty varieties. 2. It hardens on being exposed to fire, and melts only with great dif- ficulty on the edges. 3. Analysis. By JOHJV. Silica 42-50 Magnesia 38-63 Alumina 1-00 Lime . . 0-25 Oxide of iron . . ! . . . . 1-50 Oxide of manganese ...... 0-62 Oxide of chrome ...... 0-25 Water ,. 15-20 4. Serpentine forms mountain masses and beds in^primitive rocks, and frequently contains crystals, grains, or compound nodules of various oth- er species. Precious Serpentine, in particular, is often mixed with white limestone. 5. The different varieties of Serpentine are met with in Saxony, Sile- sia, Austria, Hungary, Stiria* Italy, Corsica, Sweden, England, Scot- land, and other foreign countries. Crystallized vaiieties, of a blackish green color, sometimes of conside- rable dimensions, occur at Amity, (N. Y.) disseminated through lime- stone, along with black Spinel arid Ilmenite ; also at Byram, (N. J.) in the same rock with red Spinel. At the last place, the color of the Ser- pentine is oil-green. Serpentine, of a handsome green color, and con- choidal fracture, is found at Newburyport, (Mass.) and at Newport, (R. I.) ; of a very light green color, at Phillipstown, in the Highlands of New York. Extensive formations of Serpentine exist in the neighbor- hood of New-Fane, (Vt.) and of Middlefield, (Mass.) SIDERITE. (See Quartz.} SIDEROSCHISOLITE. (See Limonite.) SILICATE OF IRON. SILICEOUS OXIDE OF MANGANESE. (See Manganese Spar.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Skorodite. 181 SILICO-CALCAREOUS OXIDE OF TITANIUM. (SeeSphene.) SILLIMANITE. (See Bucholzite.) SlLVER-BlSMUTH. In acicular and capillary crystals. Massive ; composition im- palpable. Fracture uneven. Lustre metallic. Color, light lead-grey. 1. Before the blow- pipe it melts with ease, and covers the charcoal with oxide of lead and bismuth, leaving a globule of silver behind. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. Lead 3300 Bismuth 27-00 Silver 15-00 Iron 4-30 Copper 090 Sulphur 16-30 3. It occurs at Schlapbach in Baden. SILVER-BLACK. Massive ; composition impalpable, in crusts, pulverulent. Color bluish-black, sometimes blackish lead-grey. 1. It melts easily before the blow-pipe into a slaggy mass, leaving a metallic button on farther heat. 2. It is found in the silver mines of Saxony, Hungary, in Siberia, and in South America. SKORODITE. Prismatic Malachite-Haloide. PARTSCH. Primary .form. Right rhombic prism. M on M=.120', Secondary forms. Fig. 392. Fig. 393. Cornwall. VOL. II. 16 Saxony-. 182 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Skorodite. M on di dlon d\' 141 26' 103 00 M on / - 103 5' Fig. 394. Carinthia. Cleavage, imperfect parallel to M and f. Fracture un- even. Surface, d uneven and irregularly streaked parallel to its own edges. M and /streaked vertically. The rest of the faces commonly very smooth and even. Lustre vitreous, inclining to adamantine on the surface, and to resinous in the interior. Color, principally leek- green, which passes almost into white ; also bluish-white, olive-green and liver-brown. Streak white. Semi-trans- parent . . . translucent on the edges. Rather brittle. Hardness 3-5 . . .4-0. Sp. gr. = 3'162. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it emits an arsenical odor, and melts into a reddish -brown scoria, which acts upon the magnet, if it has been heated long enough to drive off all the arsenic. 2. Analysis. By CHENEVIX. By FICINUS. from Saxony. 0000 lime & manganese. 47-80 . ^ . 31-40 18-00 000 154 from Cornwall. Oxide of copper 225 Oxide of iron 27-5 wifh magnesia Arsenic acid 33-5 Water 120 Silica 30 Sulphuric acid 00 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Skorodile Smaltine. 183 3. It occurs in the primitive mountains of Schwarzenberg in Saxony, with Arsenical Pyrites ; at Loling near Httttenberg in Carinfhia, with Leucopyrite. Beautiful specimens have been brought from Brazil.* It occurs also in several of the Cornish mines, where it has commonly been called Martial Arseniate of Copper. SMALTINE. Octahedral Eruthleucone- Py rites. Primary form. Regular octahedron. Secondary forms. i. Primary, with the angles truncated. Dcbschau, Saxony. 3. Cube, with edges truncated. Schneeberg, Saxony. 5. Fig. 395. 2. Cube. Schladming, Stiria. 4. Rhombic dodecahedron. 6. Fig. 396. Schneeberg. Schneeberg. Cleavage, traces in the direction of the primary faces, as well as those parallel with the cube and dodecahedron ; the first, a little the most distinct. Fracture uneven. Surface * A considerable quantity of this rare mineral was a few years since brought from the western coast of South America to Baltimore, to be smelted, from whence it was re-shipped to England, before its true nature was detected by the mineralogists of this country. 184 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Smaltine. generally pretty smooth; the faces of the cube often curved. Subject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white, inclining to steel- grey. Streak greyish-black. Brittle. Hardness = 5-5. Sp. gr. =6*466, a cleava- ble variety. Compound Varieties. Reticulated and other imitative shapes; the individuals of them being often discernible. Massive : composition granular, individuals of various sizes. 1. Heated in an open tube, it emits a good deal of arsenious acid. On charcoal, before tbe blow-pipe, it yields a strong smell of arsenic, and melts into a greyish-black pearl, which is magnetic. With borax and salt of phosphorus, it produces a sapphire-blue glass. In powder, with concentrated nitric acid, it immediately developes red fumes, attended with effervescence and the extrication of heat. 2. Analysis. By STROMEYER. By JOHN. By LAUGIER. fr. Riegelsdorf. fr. Schneeberg. fr. Bieber. Arsenic . 74-22 . . . 65-75 . . 68-50 Cobalt . 20-31 . . . 2800 . . 9-60 . Iron . 3-42 (with mang.) 6-25 . . 9-70 Copper . 16 . . . 0-00 silica . 1-00 Sulphur . 0-89 . . . 0-00 . . 7-00 3. It is principally met with in veins, traversing rocks of various ages, more rarely in beds. It is accompanied by ores of silver, or by ores of copper. In beds, it is attended by Mispickel and Copper-Nickel. 4. It is found in veins, traversing primitive rocks, at Schneeberg and Annaberg in Saxony; also at Freiberg and Marienberg; likewise at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, and in veins in killas, at Wheal Sparnon in Cornwall. The veins of the counties of Sayn and Siegen, which con- tain it, are included in greywacke ; and those of Thuringia and Mans- feld, and of Riechelsdorf in Hessia, in cupriferous shale. It occurs in beds at Schladming in Stiria, at Orawitza in the Bannat, and at Dobschau in Hungary. But a single locality of Smaltine is known to exist in the U. States, which is at Chatham, (Conn.), where it occurs in veins trav- ersing gneiss, accompanied by Mispickel and Copper-Nickel. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 185 Sodalite. 5. It is a valuable ore for the preparation of blue enamel-colors, and particularly for smalt. SMARAGDITE. (See Pyroxene.) SOAPSTONE. (See Talc.) SODA-ALUM. (See Solfatarite.) SODALITE. Dodecahedral Kouphone-Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Rhombic dodecahedron. Secondary forms. i. 2. Primary form, with the acute Cube, with edges angles truncated. truncated. Lake Laach. Greenland. Grains. Cleavage, parallel with the primary, with different de- grees of perfection. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Sur- face even, though sometimes rough. Lustre vitreous. Color greyish-black, passing into ash- grey and brown, sometimes a whitish play of light parallel to the planes of the cube, white passing to green and blue, the latter often deep azure-blue. Streak paler than the color. Transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Brittle. Hardness -= 5-5 . . . 6-0. Sp. gr. =2-2 . . . 2-3. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, individuals strongly connected ; fracture uneven. 1. The present species consists of what was once believed to constitute four different ones: 1. Lapis-lazuli, the deep azure blue massive va- rieties, commonly found along with massive Iron Pyrites; 2. Hatiyne t crystallized in dodecahedra, and in grains of a bright blue color ; 3. Sod- alite, in white transparent crystals ; 4. Spinellane, in ash-grey and brown crystals. 16 186 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Sodalite Soda-Nitre. 2. Before the blow-pipe, Lapis-lazuli melts with difficulty into a glassy globule, which is first of a bluish tinge, but soon becomes white. The compact varieties melt more easily, and with a slight effervescence. It is dissolved with considerable effervescence by borax, and forms with it a clear globule. If previously burnt and reduced to powder, it loses its color, and forms a jelly with acids. Haiiyne melts into a vesicular glass, and loses its color. It effervesces if melted with glass of borax, and forms a transparent globule, which becomes yellow on cooling. Soda- lite, before the blow-pipe, melts with intumescence and the develope- mentof air bubbles, into a colorless, glassy globule : with borax, it melts with difficulty, and only when added in small proportion. Spinellane is infusible, whether alone, or with additions. 3. Analysis. Analysts and Sili- ioarie,ties. ca. Magne- sia. Alumi- na. Lime. Potash fy soda. Oxide of iron. Sulphuric acid. GMELIN. Lapis-lazuli. 49-00 - 2-00 - 11-00- 16-00 - 8-00 -4-00- 2-00 ECKEBERG. Sodalite. 36-00 - 000 - 32-00 - o-oo- 25-00 -0-15- \ 6-75 ( mur.acid THOMSON. Sodalite. 38-52 - 0-00 - 27-48 - 2-10 - 25-50 - 1-00- \ 3-00 I mur.acid GMELIN > - 354g . o-oo - 18-87 - 12-00 - 15-45 |- M6- 12-39 llauyne. S potash. KLAPROTH. Spinellane. 43-00 - \ i-oo ; ( sulphur < - 29-50 - 1-50- 19-00 soda. l - 2-00 - o-oo 4. Lapis-lazuli has been brought from Lesser Bucharia, Thibet and China. It has lately been found at Lake Baikal in Siberia, in veins with Iron Pyrites, Feldspar and Garnet. Hatt.yne occurs at Albanoand Fres- cati near Rome, among the products of Vesuvius; also in the neighbor- hood of Puy de Dome, on the Lake of Laach, in the quarries of Nieder- meunich, and in several other places near Andernach, partly imbedded in pumice. Sodalite is found in West Greenland, in a bed in mica-slate, from six to twelve feet thick ; and is accompanied by several species of Augite-Spar and Feldspar, as well as by Zircon anl Eudyalite. It occurs likewise among the minerals ejected by Mount Vesuvius. Spinellane is found on the shores of Lake Laach, with Feldspar, Hornblende and Magnetic Iron-Ore. 5. The variety Lapis-lazuli is cut into various ornamental articles, as ring stones, snuffboxes, &.c. It is manufactured into a very costly pig- ment, called Ultramarine. SODA-NITRE. Rhombohedral Natron-S*alt. Primary form. Rhomboid. Pon P =106 33'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 1S1 Soda-Nitre Solfatarite. Cleavage, perfect parallel with the primary faces. Frac- ture conchoidal, almost imperceptible. Surface smooth. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Streak white. Trans- parent. Rather sectile. Hardness = 1-5 ... 2-0. Sp. gr. = 2-0964. Taste cooling. Compound Varieties. In efflorescences. 1. It melts and deflagrates with a yellow light upon red-hot charcoal, but not so violently as Nitre. It is soluble in three times its weight of water, at 60 F. If rubbed in an isolated state, it acquires a very strong negative electricity. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Nitric acid .-.'.... 54-97 Soda - 45-03 It contains a little sulphate of potash. 3. It is found in immense quantity in the District of Tarapaca in Peru, near the frontiers of Chili, three days' journey from La Conception, a port of Chili. It also comes from Iquiqui, a port in the south pf Peru. In these countries, it forms a bed many feet thick, which in some places appears on the surface, occupying aji extent of more than forty leagues. It is frequently mixed with clay and sand. 4. Very large quantities of this salt, purified by solution and crystal- lization, are carried into Europe, and imported into the United States. SOLFATAR1TE. Prismatic Alum-Salt.' Massive ; composition columnar, individuals thin, straight and parallel. Cleavage in one direction, perfect. Lustre vitreous, to pearly. Color white ; transparent to translucent. Hardness=2-0...2-5. Sp. gr.==l-88. Taste sweet- ish astringent. 1. It is more soluble in water than alum. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Solfatarite. 2. Analysis. By THOMSON. By BOUSSINQAULT. ByHARTWALL. from from from Mendoza, S.A. Rio-Saldana. Milo. By Ross, from Copiapo. Sulphuric acid 37-700 36-40 - 40-31 - 36-97 Alumina 12-000 16-00 - 14-98 - 14-63 Water 41-900 46-60 - 40-94 - 44-64 Soda 7-960 0-00 1-13 - 0-00 Potash 0-000 0-00 0-26 - 000 Silica 0-022 0-00 1-13 - 137 Lime 2256 0-02 o-oo - 000 Peroxide of iron - 0-207 0-04 - traces. - 2-58 Magnesia Protox. manganese } 0-796 C 00 c o-oo 085 - o-oo - 0-14 000 Muriatic acid 0-100 o-oo 0-400 - 0-00 3. This substance is found in the solfataras of Guadaloupe, the Lipari islands, at Milo and other islands in the Grecian archipelago ; at Copi- apo, a province of Coquimbo in Chili, where it forms with White Cop- peras a large mass ; and at Mendoza near the foot of the Andes. SOMMERVILLITE. (See Idocrase.) SOMMITE. (See JVepheline.) SORDAWALLITE. Massive : composition impalpable ; no trace of cleavage. Frac- ture conchoidal. Lustre vitreous, inclining to semi-metallic. Color greenish black or greyish black. Opake. Brittle. Hardness, equal to that of glass. Sp. gr. = 2-53. 1. It becomes reddish by exposure to the atmosphere. Before the blow-pipe, it forms with difficulty a blackish globule. With a small quantity of soda, it yields a blackish green globule ; with a larger quan- tity, a rough slaggy mass is produced. Borax dissolves it into a green It is partly soluble in muriatic acid. 2. Analysis. By NORDEJVSKIOL.D. Silica Alumina ..... Peroxide of iron - - Magnesia ..... Phosphoric acid - .... Water 49-40 13-80 1817 10-67 228 4-38 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Spathic Iron. 189 3. It occurs near the town of Sordawala in Finland, in layers from aalf an inch to one inch in thickness, in a primitive rock. SPATHIC IRON. Brachy_;ypous Parachrose- Baryte. MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P=107. Secondary forms. Przibram, Bohemia. Wheal Maudlin, Cornwall, Przibram, Bohemia' Fig. 402. Fig. 400. Fig. 401. Cornwall. Cornwall, Fig. 397. Primary form, with the summits truncated. Fig. 398. Primary form, with the lateral angles trunca- ted. Fig. 399. Similar to Fig. 398, but having the upper edges of the rhomboid so deeply truncated, as to give rise 190 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Spathic Iron. to new planes g. g on g = 136 34'. Fig. 400. o on v Cleavage, perfect parallel with P ; rarely, traces of g. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Surface, o generally rough ; P often rounded, which terminates in the saddle shaped lens. Fig. 403. o streaked parallel to the edges of combination with P ; u rough. The common lens is produced by continued striae between g and P. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly. Color various shades of yellowish grey, passing into ash-grey and green- ish grey ; also into several kinds of yellow, white and red. Streak white. Translucent, in different degrees. Brittle. Hardness=3*5 . . . 4-5. Sp. gr. = 3-829. Compound J^arieties. Striae upon the faces of P in the direction of the horizontal diagonals ; and faces of compo- sition parallel to g prove the existence of a regular compo- sition. Botryoidal and globular shapes : composition co- lumnar, surface drusy. Massive : composition granular, passing into impalpable. 1. The massive varieties of the present species are often regularly compound in the direction of the faces of g, as in the annexed figure. Fig. 403. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 191 Spathic Iron. It is sometimes possible to obtain from them by fracture the form of g, bounded on all sides by faces of composition, without presenting a single real face of cleavage. There is no distinct cleavage parallel to the face of g. The saddle shape lenses are in part composed of several individu- als nearly in parallel position, but the axes of which are slightly di- verging. 2. Before the blow-pipe, it becomes black, and acts upon the mag- netic needle, but does not melt. It colors glass of borax green. It is soluble with difficulty, and effervesces but little in nitric acid, particu- larly if not reduced to powder. On being exposed to the air, it is gradu- ally decomposed ; first the color of the surface becomes brown or black ; afterwards the streak is changed into red or brown, hardness and sp. gr. are diminished, and even the chemical constitution is altered, the whole being converted into hydrate of iron. 3. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. A botryoidal variety. A cleavable variety. Protoxide of iron - 63 75 - - - 57-50 Carbonic acid - 34-00 - - - 36 00 Oxide of manganese - 0-75 - - - 3-30 Lime 00 - - - 1-25 Magnesia 0-52 - 000 4. Spathic Iron is frequently found along with compound varieties of Calcareous Spar in beds in gneiss, mica slate, clay-slate and newer- rocks ; sometimes with Limonite and Specular Iron, Heavy Spar, and other species. It likewise occurs in metalliferous veinsTaccornpanied by Galena, Fahlerz, Iron Pyrites, &c. More rarely, it occurs in the cavities of trap rocks. 5. The beds in which the varieties of the present species are found in immense quantities in Stiria. Carinthia, and the bordering countries, form connected tracts, which extend along the chain of the Alps, on one side into Austria, and on the other into Salzburg. The celebrated Erz- berg near Eisenerz, is situated in one of them At Freiberg, it is found in silver veins. It is found with Tin-Ore, at Ehrenfreidersdorf in Saxo- ny, Wheal Maudlin, St. Just, and other places in Cornwall. It is also found, in more or less considerable masses, in Bohemia, Bayreuth, WUr- temberg, Switzerland, France, Spain, and many other countries. A very considerable vein of Spathic Iron exists in the United States, atRoxbury, (Conn.) which traverses in a vein of Quartz, a mountain of 192 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Spathic Iron. gneiss for the distance of a mile. A bed of it also exists at Plymouth, (Vt.) It is found in small quantity at Lane's mine in Monroe, (Conn.) APPENDIX TO SPATHIC IRON. i. Kaminoxene Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. P on P = 107. Cleavage, perfect parallel with P, traces parallel with o. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 5. Sp. gr. = 3-765. 1. It appears that 1 p. c. of oxide of manganese is essential to the pres- ent species. To it belongs the white Sparry-iron from Vorgtlande, from Bayreuth, and from Siegen in Prussia. ii. Olizone Carbon-Spar. BREITHAUPT. Pon P = 107 3'. Cleavage, parallel with P perfect. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 5-0 . . . 5-25. Sp. gr. = 3-7453, from Ehrenfriedersdorf. Analysis. By MAGNUS. Carbonate of iron - - - - - 59-99 Carbonate of manganese ----- 40-66 iii. Mlotropose Carbon-Spar. BREITHAUPT. Pon P = 107o H/. Cleavage, parallel with P perfect. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 5-25 . . . 5-50. Sp. gr. = 2 992, from Hall in Tyrol. = 3-001, a liver-brown variety. * Analysis. By STROMEYER. Carbonate of magnesia - 89-70 Carbonate of iron 8-02 Carbonate of manganese - 2-44 iv. Mesitine Carbon- Spar. BREITHAUPT. PonP=107 14'. Cleavage, parallel with P very perfect; traces parallel with o. Color dark greyish and yellowish grey. Transparent and trans- lucent. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 5-00. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Spathic Iron Specular Iron. 193 C 3'350 7 Sp. gr. = 2 Q.Qgo from Traversella, Piedmont. 1. Before the blow-pipe it decrepitates; in muriatic acid, and in nitric acid, a feeble effervescence takes place, but it is entirely soluble. It probably contains magnesia, lime, protoxide of iron, and oxide of manga- nese. 2. It occurs at Freiberg, as well as in Piedmont and the island of Elba. SPECULAR IRON. Rhombohedral Iron-Ore. MOHS. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P = 85 58' . . . 86 Secondary forms. i. 404. Fig. 405. Vesuvius. Elba. Fig. 406. Fig. 407. Framont. Elba. VOL. II. 17 194 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Specular Iron. Fig. 408. Fig. 409. Framont. Fig. 410. Elba. Fig. 404. Primary form with summits truncated. P on = 122 40'. (base, HAUY.) Fig. 205. Primary, with the summits replaced by three planes, which, if extended, would lead to an obtuse rhomboid, s on 5=142 56'. (birhom- boidal, HAUY.) Fig. 406. The same with Fig. 405, but having the upper edges of the rhomboid bevelled by planes n. nonn=128. (binoternaire. HAUY.) Fig. 407. n on = 1 19 34', (trapezien. HAUY.) Fig. 409. P on b = 113 32. oonz = 90. (equivalent, HAUY.) Fig. 410. / = 13853'. Pong-=166 25'. equipollent, HAUY.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. 195 Specular Iron. Cleavage, parallel with P and o. In some varieties scarcely any traces appear, while in others it seems to be perfect, which however, must in a great measure be attrib- uted to composition. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Sur- face, s is horizontally streaked, sometimes so deeply that it appears rounded ; P is sometimes streaked parallel to the edges of combination with n; y is uneven, and often curved. Lustre metallic. Color dark steel-grey, iron-black. Streak cherry-red, reddish brown. Surface frequently tarnished ; generally with the exception of o, which may be useful in finding the true position of the crystals, when they become complicated. Opake ; very thin laminae are faintly translucent, and show a deep blood red color. Brittle. Sometimes feeble action upon the magnetic needle. Hardness = 5*5 . . . 6*5. Sp. gr. = 5*251, a crys- talline variety from Sweden. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. 1. Axis of rev- olution perpendicular; face of composition parallel to o ; the individuals are continued beyond the face of composi- tion. (Altenberg, Saxony.) Sometimes two individuals in ^the same position are joined in a face of w, and terminate at this face. (Stromboli.) 2. Axis of revolution perpendicu- lar, face of composition parallel to a face of P. Globular, reniform, botryoidal, and stalactitic shapes : surface generally smooth, composition more or less thin co- lumnar, sometimes even, impalpable ; in this case the lustre becomes imperfectly metallic, and the color red ; fracture of impalpable compound varieties, even, flat conchoidal, or uneven. Compound varieties often join in a second and third composition, which are curved lamellar and granular; the junction of granular masses produces frequently very 196 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Specular Iron. smooth faces, while the reniform surface of the curved la- mellar compositions is rough, and obtained with more diffi- culty, by separating the particles, than the first. Massive : composion, 1. Columnar, generally imperfect, thick, and diverging from common centres. 2. Granular, and often impalpable ; sometimes very distinct and easily separated ; often, however, they are strongly coherent : if they are im- palpable, their lustre decreases, their color becomes red, and the fracture even, uneven, or flat conchoidal. 3. La- mellar, joined in the face of o, thick and variously bent ; sometimes, however, they are so thin, that they allow blood- red light to pass ; if they are still thinner, their color be- comes red altogether, and their lustre imperfectly metallic ; the faces of composition are often irregularly streaked. When the cohesion among the particles is diminished, the lamellar varieties become scaly and glimmering, the granu- lar ones earthy and dull. Pseudornorphoses in the shape of Calcareous Spar, Fluor, &c. 1. Owing to a want of attention to the simple and compound state of he contents of the present species, has arisen its subdivision into two species by the majority of mineralogists; viz. into Specular Iron- Ore and Red Iron- Ore. Specular Iron contains all the simple varieties, and those of the compound ones which have not lost their metallic appear- ance by the too small size of their component individuals. Those in thin lamellar compositions have been called Micaceous Specular Iron, while the rest form the Common Specular Iron. Those varieties which have lost their metallic appearance, are included within the Red Iron-Ore, divided into Fibrous Red Iron or Red Hematite, which oc- curs in reniform and other imitative shapes, and consists of columnar particles of composition ; into Compact and Ochrey Red Iron, which are massive, and consist of impalpable, granular individuals, more or less firmly connected; and into Scaly Red Iron, or Red Iron- Foam, consist- ing of very small scaly particles, which in most cases are but slightly coherent. This variety is in immediate connexion with the micaceous PHYSIOGRAPHY. 197 Specular Iron. Specular Iron, between which and the crystallized Specular Iron there exists an uninterrupted transition. Among the varieties of Clay Iron- Ore, the following may be considered as an appendix to the pres- ent species, all of which are of a red color, but more or less impure, and mixed with earthy substances, Reddle possesses an earthy, coarse slaty fracture; it soils and writes, and maybe used as a drawing material. Jaspery Clay Iron- Ore, has an even or large flat conchoidal fracture, and a hardness which is considerable, if compared with other minerals of a similar formation. Columnar and Lenticular Clay Iron- Ore are dis- tinguished, the first by the columnar form, the latter by the flattish gran- ular form of its particles of composition. 2. Specular Iron is infusible before the blow-pipe, but melts with borax, and forms a green or yellow glass, like pure oxide of iron. It is likewise soluble in heated muriatic acid. 3. Analysis. A _, t Varieties and Ox. of Ox. Si- ,. Alu- Wa- To- localities. iron. man?, lica. Lllrie - mina. ter. tal. BUCHOLZ. Micaceous Tron-Oro. . 100-00 . O'O . 0-00 . O'O . 0-00 . O'O. 100-00 D'AUBISSON. Red Hematite. Framont. . 90-00 .trace. 2-00 . 1-0 . 000 . 3'0. 96-00 " " " . 94-00 .trace. 2-00 .trace. 0.00 . 2.0. 98'00 BUCHOLZ. Compact Red Iron. . 100-00 . 0-0 . 0-00 . 0-0 . 0-00 . 0-0. 100-00 LAMPADIUS. Compact Red Iron. . 65-40 . 2'7 . 20-70? 00 . 9'3 .0-0. 98-10 BUCHOLZ. Red Iron-Foam. . 100-00 . 0-0 . 00 . 0-0 . 0-0 . 0-0. 100-00 HENRY. " " . 94-50.0.0. 4-25? . 1-25 . 00. 100-00 The clay iron-ores, being more or less mixed with earthy substances, vary in their contents, and several of their properties are dependent upon the nature of these admixtures. Thus lenticular clay iron-ore is very 'rich, while the columnar variety contains hut little iron, and is produced from nodoK of common clay, which have been converted by the influ- ence of heat from burning coal seams, the one into columnar clay iron- ore, the other into porcelain Jasper. 4. It occurs most commonly in beds and veins in ancient rocks. Clay iron-ore forms either by itself beds in secondary mountains, or it is in- cluded in beds of clay in the shape of nodules or irregular masses. Spec- ular Iron-Ore occurs in crystals among the rocks ejected by Vesuvius, and lining the cavities and fissures of lava, where it seems to be a pro- duct of sublimation. In beds, it is generally accompanied by other ores of iron, several species of earthy minerals, as Epidote, Hornblende and Augite, Calcareous Spar and Quartz. 17* 198 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Specular Iron Sphene. 5. The most beautiful crystals hitherto known, for size and form, are found in the island of Elba, along with Iron Pyrites and Quartz. Splen- did geodes of crystals also come from Framontin Loraine, St. Gothardin Switzerland, and Dauphiny; at the last mentioned place, they occur in veins in primitive rocks. Other localities are, the vicinity of Vesuvius and the island of Stromboli, Norway, Sweden and Stiria. Micaceous Iron-Ore is very common in the beds of Spathic Iron, in Stiria and Ca- rinthia. Red Iron-Ore is found in Saxony, Bohemia, the Hartz, the Fichtelgebiirge, at Ulverstone in Lancashire, and other places in Eng- land, and in many other countries. Jasper clay iron-ore is almost entire- ly confined to Lower Austria ; the columnar variety occurs in several lecalities of the north of Bohemia, in the countries of Elbogen and Leit- meritz ; the lenticular Clay Iron-Ore forms a bed in the transition dis- trict of Central Bohemia, in the counties of Pilsen, Beraun, &c. But few localities of crystallized Specular Iron are known in the U. States. What was believed to be Specular Iron, from Amity, (N. Y.), and which occurs along with Spinel in limestone and Serpentine, is Crich- tonite. Druses of lenticular or micaceous crystals, are found at Fow- ler, St. Lawrence co. (N.Y.) The Micaceous Iron, in large masses, consisting of thin waved laminae, themselves composed of the finest scales, occurs at Hawley, (Mass.) Red Hematite is found atTicondero- ga, upon Lake George ; and Lenticular clay-Iron ore is abundant throughout the western part of New York. Pebbles of compact Red Iron-Ore are found throughout the hills in the vicinity of Marietta, (Ohio.) 6. Specular Iron is an ore of the highest importance, and yields a con- siderable proportion of the iron annually produced in the different quar* fers of the globe. Red Hematite, sometimes also, compact Red Iron- Ore, are used for polishing metals, and Reddle as a writing material. SPHENE. Prismatic Er uthrone-Ore. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 133 30'. P on M =121 50'. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Sphene. 199 Secondary forms. Fig. 411. Fig. 413. c Fig. 414. Arendal, Norway- Roger's Rock, Lake George. P on a 159 44 X> P on c 140 52 P on e2 - 158 18 P on e3 - 154 20 P on e4 - 146 30 P on e5 - 120 2 M on a 139 30 ; M on b 124 35 M on c 86 20 M on e2 - 119 35 M on eS - 116 42 M on e5 - 138 42 Mon / - 151 20 Arendal, Norway Roger's Rock, Lake George. Fig. 415. St. Gothard. * M on c 120 2' b on b - 167 b on c 139 30 c on e?l - 146 44 c on e2 - 145 18 c on e4 - 154 52 dlondl' - 113 24 e?2 on d2' - 135 60 c?2 on e4 - 152 30 dl on e2 - 152 45 el on el' - 175 42 e2 on e2' - 136 40 e4 on e4' - 113 50 200 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Sphene. Cleavage sometimes distinct in the direction of d : tra- ces parallel with M. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, un- even. Surface, b and M almost always faintly streaked, par- allel to the edges of combination with d. The remaining faces are mostly smooth, and often possess high degrees of lustre. Lustre adamantine, sometimes inclining to resinous. Color brown, yellow, grey, green ; they are not lively, some pistachio-green ones excepted. Streak white. Translu- cent . . . translucent on the edges. Hardness =5*0 . . . 5-5. Sp. gr. =3*468, of a massive yellowish grey variety from Norway. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : faces of compo- sition parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to c; some- times the individuals are continued beyond the faceofecJm- position. Massive : composition granular or lamellar, the first are strongly connected. 1. Before the blow-pipe, the yellow varieties do not change their col- or; all the rest become yellow. They intumesce a little* and melt on the edges into a dark colored enamel. They are soluble in heated nitric acid, leaving behind a siliceous residue. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By CORDIER. Lime . . 33-00 . . . 3220 Oxide of titanium . 33-00 . . . 33 30 Silica . . 35-00 . . . 28-00 Oxide of manganese . a trace . . . 0-00 3. Sphene occurs in small nodules or crystals imbedded in gneiss and beds of sienite and other trap rocks, belonging to them, or to more re- cent classes of mountains. It is met with in metalliferous beds with ores of iron, several species of Augite Spar and Feldspar: likewise in beds of primitive limestone, and in veins which traverse primitive rocks. 4. It occurs in several districts of the Saualpe in Carinthia, imbedded in coarse grained gneiss; at Hafnerzell in the district of Passau, it occurs. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 201 Sphene. in a bed in gneiss, consisting almost entirely of Augite Spars and Feld- spars. At \Tindisch-Kappel in Carinthia and near Dresden in Saxony, in similarly compound rocks of a newer date. It occurs in beds of iron ore at Arendal in Norway; in veins at St. Gothard in Switzerland, in the Felbcrthal in Salzburg, and in many other places in the Alps. It is found besides, in France and at several places in Scotland. It occurs in Canada, at Grenville associated with Tabular Spar and Plumbago.* It is found in the greatest abundance in the United States, at Roger's Rock on Lake George, disseminated in small brown crystals through an aggregate of Feldspar and Pyroxene. A similar variety is found, crys- tallized and massive, in nodules and geodes with Pyroxene and Petalite, in the limestone of Bolton, (Mass.) In small quantity also, in round- ed grains and imperfect crystals, disseminated through limestone with Hornblende, &c., at Edenville and Amity, (N. Y.), and at Trumbull, (Conn.) SPHEROSIDERITE. (See Spathic Iron.) SPHEROSTILBITE. * Massive : globules formed in vesicular cavities. Composition columnar, radiating from the centre. Lustre pearly, very brilliant on the fracture. Fibres flexible. Surface of the globules scratched by the nail. Sp. gr. =2-31. 1 Fusible before the blow -pipe, with exfoliation and effervescence. Forming a jelly with the acids. The solution yields a precipitate with the oxalate of ammonia. 2. Analysis. By BEUDANT. from Faroe. Silica 55-91 Alumina 16-61 Lime 9-03 Soda 068 Water 17.84 * The specimens from this locality cleave constantly and with great perfection, parallel with a rhombic prism of 123 30', which is oblique from an acute edge. 202 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Spinel. 3. It occurs, implanted upon Stilbite from Faroe. 4. Its properties as given above, do not appear to justify the formation of a new species. SPHERULITE. (See Pitchstone.) SPINEL. Do decahedral Corundum. MOHS. Primary form. Regular octahedron. Secondary forms. 1. 2. 3. Primary with edges Primary with edg- Primary with edges truncated. Hamburg, (N. J.) es bevelled. Vesuvius. 4. Fig. 416. and angles truncated. Hamburg, (N. J.) Hamburg, (N. J.) 5. Primary with edges replaced by three planes, and angles by four planes resting on the primary faces. Vesuvius. Cleavage parallel with the primary form difficult. Frac- ture conchoidal. Surface smooth, the faces t sometimes striated parallel to the edges of combination with the octa- hedron. Lustre vitreous. Color red, passing into blue and green, also into yellow, brown and black. Sometimes nearly PHYSIOGRAPHY. 203 Spinel. white. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent, only on the edges, if the color be very dark. Hardness =8-0. Sp. gr. =3-523, of a transparent va- riety, between cochineal-red and carmine-red. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals, face of composi- tion parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to a face of the octahedron. Sometimes parallel to several faces of the octahedron. 1. The red varieties, exposed to heat, become black andopake; on cooling they appear first green, then almost colorless, and at last, reas- sume their red color. With borax, they fuse with difficulty, with salt of phosphorus a little more easily. The dark colored varieties yield a deep green globule. Spinel assumes positive electricity by friction. 2. Analysis. - Silica. Ma s ? ne ' * of Analysts. Varieties and localities. J BERZELIUS. Blue, Aken. - 72-250 - 5-450 - 14-830 - 4-260 KLAPROTH. Red. -74-500-15-500- 8-250- 1-500 DESCOTILS. Gr 6 ^ 8 ^ 1 ^ ^ . 68 000 - 2-000 - 12-000 - 16-000 - 0-000 - 98-00 THOMSON. Gree ,? Hamburg, ? . 73.308 - 5.620 - 13-622 - Lime. Total. - 0-000 - 96-58 - 0-750 - 98-50 THOMSON. ABICH. ABICH. (N. J.) Black, Amity, (N. Y.) Black, Vesuvius. Red! Ceylon. - 61-788 - 5-596 - 17-868 - - 67-460 - 2-380 - 25-950 - - 69 010 - 2-020 - 26-210 - $ 7-420 ; ( protox. \ \ 16-564 ; \ protox. \ \ 5-060 , I protox. < - trace - 99-98 - 2-804 - 98-72 - 1-100-100-00 c MOO ; 0-710 - < protox. ( chrome. 3. Crystals from Ceylon and from several places in the United States, occur imbedded in white limestone. It is found also in veins with Cal- careous Spar in serpentine, and in gneiss. Other varieties belong to druses in volcanic rocks. Besides which, it is found abundantly in more recent deposits, formed by diluvial or alluvial action, along with crystals of Corundum, Zircon and other gems. 4. The red, transparent crystals are almost exclusively brought from Ceylon, where they occur in the sand of rivers. In Sadermanland in Sweden, bluish and pearl-grey varieties occur imbedded in granular limestone. Dark colored crystals, called Pleonaste, are found in Ceylon in sand, and in implanted crystals on Vesuvius. 204 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Spinel Spodumene. The United States afford some very remarkable varieties of the pres- ent species; the most distinguished of which is one of a black color in crystals, varying from one to sixteen inches in circumference, which is found at Amity, (N. Y.) These crystals exist in groups, often lining the sides of partial veins with Calcareous Spar and Crichtonite in serpentine. They are often in twin-crystals. The same neighborhood produces an abundance of smaller crystals of various shades of green, black, red and brown, and which are imbedded in granular limestone, usually associated with Brucite, Hornblende and Pyroxene. The secondary forms above quoted are found at Hamburg, (N. J.) where they are found in Cal- careous Spar and Quartz, associated with Scapolite. They present rich shades of green and blue, and frequently the crystals are transparent Pearl-grey crystals, simple and compound are found at Newton, (N. J.) in limestone accompanying the blue Corundum, Tourmaline and Rutile. Black Spinel has been found at Munroe, (N. Y.) Green and blue, and more rarely red varieties occur in Bolton, Boxborough and Littleton, (Mass.) imbedded in white limestone. SPINELLANE. (See Sodalite.) SPODUMENE. Prismatoidal Disthene-Spar. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. M on M = 93. Cleavage, parallel to the shorter diagonal of the prism? perfect also to bases crblique to the obtuse edge of the prism and forming with it angles of 135 . . . 138, less perfect than the former. In distinct cleavages also, apparently forming tangent truncations of the acute solid angles. Fracture uneven. Lustre pearly. Color various shades of greyish-green ; passing into greenish-white. Streak white. Translucent. Brittle. Hardness = 6-5 ... 7-0. Sp. gr. = 3-170. Compound J^arieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, generally large. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Spodumene. 205 1. If exposed to the heat of the blow-pipe, it loses transparency and color, intumesces, exfoliates and then melts into a nearly colorless transparent glass. 2. Analysis. By ARFVEDSON. Silica . . 66-40 Alumina . . 25-30 Lithia . . 8-85 Oxide of iron . . 1 45 Oxide of manganese . 0-00 By THOMSON. from Ireland. 63-313 28-508 5604 0-728 0-828 3. It occurs in primitive rocks, particularly in granite, associated with Quartz, Mica, Albite and Tourmaline. 4. It was first discovered at Uton in Sudermanlan, Sweden; but was afterwards found also at Sterzing in the Tyrol, and Killiney in Ireland. It was first found in the United States, at Goshen, (Mass.) though it passed for some time under the name of Augite. Two deposits of it exist in that town, both of which are in granite ; at one of them, it is associated with blue Tourmaline and Beryl. It exists also in the neigh- boring town of Chesterfield, and at Sterling, in the same state. APPENDIX TO SPODUMENE. 1. Killinite. The mineral described under this name, is found at Kil- liney near Dublin in Ireland, associated with Spodumene, with which it agrees in the cleavages, and from which it differs in hardness and sp. gr. Its hardness = 4 00 and Sp. gr. =2-698. These differences how- ever, appear to depend upon incipient decomposition. Before the blow- pipe it becomes white, intumesces and melts into a white enamel. Jin a lysis. By BARKER. Silica . . 5249 Alumina . . 2450 Potash . . 500 Protoxide of iron . 2-49 Lime . . 000 Magnesia with manganese 00 Protoxide of manganese 0-75 Water . . 5-00 VOL. II. 18 By LEHUNT. 49-08 By BLYTHE. 47975 3060 31041 6-72 6063 227 2328 0-68 0724 1-08 0-459 0-00 1-255 1000 10-000 206 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Staurotide. Its difference in composition from the Spodumene, it will be seen, arises from the presence of water, and the substitution of potash for, lithia. STAUROTIDE. Prismatoidal Garnet. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 129 31'. Secondary forms. 1. Primary form with the acute lateral edges truncated. 2. Fig. 417. M on a =137 58'. Cleavage, h perfect but interrupted, M in traces. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Surface P sometimes very rough and corroded, hollowed out in the centre. The rest of the faces generally of the same quality either rough or smooth. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color reddish- brown, or brownish-red, very dark. Streak while. Trans- lucent, frequently on the edges. Hardness =7-0 . . . 7-5. Sp. gr. =3-724, crystals from St. Gothard ; that of columnar twin-crystals from Spain, the substance of which is less homogeneous, is between 3-3 and 3-4. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Staurotide. 207 Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. Face of com- position parallel, axis of revolution perpendicular to the longer diagonal of the prism. Angle of revolution =90; fig. 418. Face of composition parallel, and axis of rev- olution perpendicular to a face replacing the terminal edg- es, angle of revolution = 60, fig. 419. The individuals in both cases, are continued beyond the face of composi- tion, and produce cruciform groupes. By the addition of a third individual to the latter, groupes resembling stars with six radii, are formed. Fig. 418. Fig. 419. 1. Before the blow-pipe this species does not fuse, but only assumes a dark color. 2. Analysis. By VAUQUELIN. By KLAPROTH. from Brittany. from St. Gothard. 3300 . . . 37-50 44-00 . . 41-00 Silica Alumina Lime . . 3-84 Magnesia . . 0-00 Oxide of iron . . 13-00 Oxide of manganese 1-00 000 0-50 18-25 0-50 3. It occurs in imbedded crystals in primitive rocks, particularly in mica-slate, in simple and compound crystals, accompanied by Kyanite, Garnet, &c. 4. Simple crystals occur on St. Gothard in Switzerland, and the Grein- er Mountain in Zillerthal in the Tyrol, sometimes curiously aggregated 208 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Staurotide. with crystals of Kyanite, into a continuous mass with parallel axes, the perfect planes of cleavage of the two crystals being coincident. Twin- crystals occur in Spain, Portugal, France, Scotland and Brazil. It is particularly abundant in the mica-slate region of the United States. The most interesting localities for the size and perfection of its crystals are, Franconia, (N. H.) New York, three and a half miles from the city, Bolton and Tolland, (Conn.) Chesterfield, (Mass.) Harps- well and Winthrop, (Maine.) STEATITE. See Talc.) STEINHEIJLITE. (See lolite.) STERNBERGITE. Monotomous Polypoione- G Ian c e. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M =119 30'. Secondary form. Primary form, with the acute edges truncated. Cleavage, highly perfect parallel to P ; the lamina? may be torn asunder like thin sheet-lead. Lustre metallic. Color dark pinch-beck brown. Streak black. Tarnish often violet-blue. Very sectile. Thin laminae perfectly flexible. Hard- ness = 1-0 . . . 1-5. Sp. gr. =4-215. Compound Varieties. Globular, or rose-like aggrega- tions. Massive : composition granular. 1. Alone on charcoal, it burns with a blue flame and sulphurous odor, and melts into a globule generally hollow, with a crystalline surface, and covered with metallic silver. The globules act strongly on the mag- netic needle. 2. Analysis. By ZIPPE. Silver 33-20 Iron . . . . . . 36-00 Sulphur 30-00 3. It is found along with other ores of silver, at Joachimsthal in Bo- hemia. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Stilbite. 209 STILBITE. Prismatoidal Kouphone Spar. MOHS. Primary form. Right rectangular prism. Secondary form. Fig. 420. Faroe. M on a' 120 30' PHILLIPS. a on a 1 118 50 " M on d 133 30 " Cleavage, parallel to M and T, the former of which, on- ly is perfect. Fracture uneven. Surface P often curved, M vertically streaked, T still more so. Lustre vitreous. The faces M, both as faces of crys- tallization and of cleavage, exhibit a perfect pearly lus- tre. Color white prevalent, various shades of yellow, red and brown. Streak white. Semi-transparent . . . translu- cent. Brittle. Hardness = 3-5 . . . 4-0. Sp. gr. =2-161, white crystals from Iceland. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals which assume a cruciform aspect, but rare. The crystals are frequently aggregated in the form of a sheaf. Implanted globules, sur- face very drusy, composition, imperfectly columnar, and 18* 210 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Stilbite. strongly cohering. Massive : composition imperfectly co- lumnar, individuals broad 5 straight, and radiating from com- mon centres strongly coherent. Often these compositions are again aggregated iuto granular masses. "Globular shapes formed in vasicular cavities. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it yields an opake vesicular globule. It does not gelatinize with acids. 2. Analysis. By HISINGER. Alumina 16-10 Silica . . . . . . . 58-00 Lime . . . - v 9 ' 20 Water . . . . * . ' . . . 16-40 3. Its principal repositories are, the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks, and certain metalliferous veins. It is also found lining seams in gneiss. The accompanying minerals are Heulandite and Chabasie, and when in metallic veins, it is generally attended by ores of silver, lead, copper and iron. 4. Magnificent crystals of a white color are met with in the vesicular cavities of the amygdaloids of Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Similar va- rieties have been brought alsofrom Indore in the Vendyah mountains in the East Indies. Those from the Tyrol are mostly compound and of a brick-red color. Beautiful crystals of this color occur near Campsie in Stirlingshire, though the present species is less common in Scotland and the Western Isles, than that of Heulandite. The crystals from the silver veins of Andreasberg in the Hartz are generally small, so are also those which occur in the iron mines of Arendal and in the beds of cop- per-ore in the Bannat of Temeswar. Handsome varieties of a white col- or occur in the Basin of Mines, Nova Scotia, in trap, attended with other species of this family. But few localities of Stilbite are known in the United States; and these generally unimportant. The most interesting is that at Hadlyme, (Conn.) where it lines the walls of seams in gneiss in stellular concre- tions of considerable dimensions, associated with Chabasie, Heulandite and Epidote. Under similar circumstances, it occurs at West Farms, (N. Y.) and Bellows falls, (Vt.) It has been met with at Saybrook in gneiss in small reddish crystals associated with Molybdenite. Also in small quantity, in vesicular cavities of greenstone trap at various places in Connecticut and Massachusetts. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 211 Stromeyerite. STILPNOMELAN. Massive ; composition laminar and granular. Cleavage in one direction perfect. Lustre vitreous. Color black. Streak, olive-green to liver- brown. Hardness = 3-0 ... 4-0. Sp. gr. = 2-769, BREITHAUPT, 3-0 . . .3-4, GLOCKER. 1. It is found at Obergrund in Silesia. STILPNOSIDERITE. (See Limonite.) STRIEGISAN. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M =122 15'. Secondary foam, the obtuse angles of the primary form repla- ced so as to give rise to dihedral summits inclining to each other under angles of 107 26', and the lateral edges also replaced. Cleavage parallel to the sides and the shorter diagonal of the primary form. Lustre vitreous to pearly. Color grey, brown and black. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT,) =6-0 . . .7-0. Sp. gr. = 2 354 ... 2-379. 1. It is found at Striegis in Frankenberg. 2. It is probably identical with Wavellite. STROMEYERITE. Uncleavable Polypoione- Glance. Massive : composition impalpable. Fracture flat con- choidal to uneven. Lustre metallic. Color blackish lead-grey. Streak shining. Hardness =2-5. Sp. gr. =6.225. 1. It fuses very easily before the blow-pipe, attended with the odor of sulphureous acid, but without effervescence or the formation of a sco- ria. The globule has a grey color, a metallic lustre, is tarnished on the upper side, is semi-ductile and grey within. It is soluble in nitric acid ; the solution affording the indication of copper on the immersion of an iron-plate, and of silver on the introduction of a copper one. 212 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Stromeyerite Strontianite. 2. Analysis. By STROMEYER. Sulphur 15-96 Silver 52-87 Copper 30-83 Iron 0.34 3. It is found in small masses in the mines of Schlangenberge in Si- beria. STROMNITE. Massive ; composition thin columnar, and showing traces of crystallization. Color yellowish-white internally ; on the outside where it ap- pears to be disintegrated, it is greyish-white. Lustre inclining to pearly, faint. Translucent. Brittle. Hardness =3-5. Scratches Calcareous Spar, but not Fluor, =3703. 1. It effervesces with acids, but is infusible before the blow-pipe. 2. Analysis. By TRAILL. Carbonate of strontita Sulphate of barytes Carbonate of lime Oxide of iron 68-6 27-5 2-6 01 3. It occurs in veins with Galena in a kind of clay-slate, at Stromness in Orkney. 4. It seems probable that the Stromnite is a mixed mineral, consisting of an intimate aggregation of Strontianite and Heavy-Spar. STRONTIANITE. Peritomous Hal-Baryte. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M 117 32'. Secondary forms. Fig. 421. Fig. 422. Braundsdorf, Saxony. Leogang, Salzburg. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Strontianite. 213 Fig. 424. Schoharie, (N. Y.) M on h - e 1 on el - el on e2 - h on cl - h on c2 - cl on c2 - 121 30' PHILLIPS. 108 12 " 144 20 " 126 143 160 5 30 35 Cleavage, parallel with M rather perfect ; with c less ea- sily obtained, faint traces observable in the direction A, or at least, small conchoidal fracture. Fracture in other di- rections, uneven. Surface P often rough, though even, and streaked, parallel to the edges of combination with c. M deeply streaked in a horizontal direction, and hence the crystals often in curved, barrel-shaped, prisms. The other planes generally smooth. Lustre vitreous, slightly inclining to resinous upon the uneven faces of fracture. Color asparagus-green, and ap- ple-green ; pale yellowish-brown, yellow and grey ; white. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Brittle. Hardness =3-5. Sp. gr. =3-605, the variety in acicular crystals from Braunsdorf, near Frieberg. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a face of M. The individuals generally continued beyond the face 214 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Strontianite. of composition. This composition is very similar to some that occur in Arragonite. The product of it is a six-sided prism, having four edges of 117 19' and two of 128 22'. As in that species, particles of the two individuals alter- nate in parallel layers with each other. Indistinct globular masses. Surface drusy, composition columnar. Mass- ive : composition columnar, the individuals generally straight, long and a little divergent; the composition is sel- dom granular. 1. It melts before the blow-pipe at a temperature not very elevated, but only on the thinnest edges. It intumesces -and spreads a brilliant light, the flame at the same time assumes a reddish hue. It is dissolved by borax with a violent effervescence into a clear globule. It is solu- ble with effervescence in muriatic and nitric acids : and paper dipped into this solution and afterwards dried, will burn with a red flame. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. Strontita 69-50 Carbonic acid 30-00 Water . 00-50 3. The repositories of this species, are metallic veins traversing prim- itive and transition mountains. It seems also to occur in beds. 4. It was first discovered at Strontian in Argyleshire in Scotland, and found afterwards at Braunsdorf in Saxony in large crystals, at Leogang in Salzburg, and also in Peru. It has of late been found, in abundance at Schoharie, (N. Y.) disseminated in geodes and nests through water- limerock ; also in large veins or beds. In one of these last, it exists in a mass of such extent and purity as to have attracted attention as a marble quarry. SULPHATE OF ALUMINE. (See Solfatarite.) SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. (See Mascagnine.) SULPHATE OF BARYTES. (See Heavy Spar.) SULPHATE OE COBALT. (See Cob alt- Vitriol.) SULPHATE OF COPPER. (See Blue-Vitriol.) SULPHATE OF IRON. (See Copperas, Pittizite White Copperas and Yellow Copperas.) PHYSIOGRAPHY. Sulpho-Selenite Sulphur. 215 SULPHATE OF LEAD. (See Jlnglesite.) SULPHATE OF LIME. (See Gypsum.) SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. (See Epsom-Salt.) SULPHATE OF POTASH. (See rfphthitalite.) SULPHATE OF SODA. (See Glauber- Salt.) SULPHATE OF STRONTIAM. (See Celestine.) SULPHATE OF ZINC. (See White- Vitriol.) SULPHATO-CARBONATE OF LEAD. (See Dyoxylite.) SULPHATO-TRI-CARBONATE OF LEAD. (See Leadhil- lite.) SULPHO-SELENITE. Selenous Brittle-Sul- phur. Massive : in thin seams. Color brown. 1. It is a sulphuret of selenium. 2. It occjirs with Sal-Ammoniac in the crater of Volcano, one of the Lipari islands; and probably with Iron Pyrites at Fahlun, Sweden. SULPHUR. Prismatic Brittle-Sulphur. Primary form. Octahedron with rhombic base. P on P"=106 20'. Secondary forms. Fig. 425. Fig. 426. Fig. 427. 216 PHYSIOGRAPHY* Sulphur. Fig. 429. Fig. 428. PonF P on P over n - s on s n on n m on m P on P over m - s on r 106 38' 84 58 127 1 124 24 101 59 143 26 179 45 Fig. 425. Primary having the obtuse angles of the base truncated, (unitaire. HAUY.) Fig. 426. Primary having the edges of the base replaced by tangent planes, (pris- me. H.) Fig. 427. Primary having the acute, pyramidal edges replaced by tangent planes, (emousse. H.) Fig. 428. Primary with summit, replaced by four planes rest- ing upon the primary faces, (dioctaedre. H.) Fig. 429. (equivalent. H.) Cleavage, parallel with P and m imperfect, obtained with difficulty, and interrupted. Fracture conchoidal, sometimes highly perfect. Surface n commonly rough, the rest of the faces generally smooth and shining, possessing nearly the same physical quality. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 217 Sulphur. Lustre resinous. Color, several shades of sulphur-yel- low, inclining sometimes to red or green. Streak sulphur- yellow, passing into white. Transparent . . . translucent on the edges. Sectile. Hardness = 1-5 ... 2-5. Sp. gr. = 2-072. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals : axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a face of r. Imbedded globules : surface uneven ; composition impalpable, often impure. Massive : composition granu- lar, often impalpable, strongly coherent ; fracture uneven, even, flat conchoidal. Sometimes pulverulent. 1. Sulphur as it occurs in nature is pure, or is only mixed with bitu- men or clay. It acquires resinous electricity by friction, is easily in- flammable, and burns with a blue or white flame, and a pungent smell of sulphurous acid. It is insoluble in water, but unites readily with potash or soda. It may be obtained crystallized by sublimation, or still more easily from solutions in liquids. The forms of sulphur, crystalli- zed from fusion, are incompatible with those of the present species. They are generally oblique rhombic prisms of 90 J 32', the terminal face of which is inclined to the obtuse edge of the prism, which is itself com- monly replaced at an angle of 95 46 / . It occurs almost always in reg- ular compositions. The crystals are at first transparent, but they soon become opake. 2. Sulphur is generally met with in beds of Gypsum or in the accom- panying strata of clay. It is generally associated with Calcareous Spar and with Celestine. It occurs in veins with Copper Pyrites, Galena, and Orpiment. It is deposited from several thermal springs and in large quantities from volcanos ; sometimes it occurs in beds of Bituminous Coal. 3. Sulphur is found in splendid crystals and pure massive varieties, also, in globular concretions, (which however, are seldom without earthy or bituminous admixtures) in Sicily, and several provinces of Italy. It occurs in imbedded spheroidal masses of a brown color, which is owing to bitumen at Radoboy, near Crapina in Croatia. Near Cracovia in Poland, it is likewise met with more or less in pure massive varieties and small crystals. The finest crystals, excepting those from Sicily, VOL. II. . 19 218 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Sulphur Sulphureous Acid. come from Cadiz in Spain. Small crystals have been observed investing the brown coal from Artern in Thuringia. It occurs in veins in Swabia, in Spain and in Transylvania. The earthy Sulphur is found in Poland, in Moravia, and other countries; the volcanic Sulphur in Iceland, near Vesuvius, in Milo and several islands of the Grecian Archipelago; in great profusion near the volcanos of Java and the Sandwich islands. Sulphur also occurs in Savoy, in Piedmont, in Switzerland, at Lauenstein in Hanover, in South America, and many other countries. 4. It requires to be purified, either by melting or by sublimation, in order to be employed in the arts. It is used in the manufacture of gun- powder, of cinnabar, sulphuric acid, and of several pharmaceutical prep- arations. SULPHUREOUS ACID. Aeriform Sulphurous- Acid. MOHS. Gaseous. Transparent. Sp. gr. =2-2553. THENARD and GAY-LUSSAC. =2-2295. DAVY. Odor pungent. Taste acid. 1. According to BERZELIUS, Sulphurous-Acid Gas is composed of Sulphur 50-144 Oxygen 49856 It is fatal to life, and extinguishes combustion. It reddens, and final- ly destroys vegetable blues. It becomes liquid at a temperature of FAHR., or under a pressure equal to two atmospheres. Water, at 61 FAHR., absorbs 33 times its bulk of this gas, or nearly one eleventh of its weight. 2. It is evolved in great quantities from the waters of active volca- nos, as those of Etna and Mount Vesuvius, and those of (he Sandwich Islands. When emitted along with sulphuretted hydrogen, a mutual decomposition results, and incrustations of sulphur are formed, as in the volcano of Purace, near Popayan. It occurs likewise, along with car- bonic acid, in a cave which is situated in the Bildos hegy, a porphyry hill in Transylvania, on the frontiers of Moldavia. 3. Sulphurous-Acid Gas, artificially generated by the combustion of sulphur in common air, is used in bleaching silks; likewise, for dischar- ging vegetable stains and iron-moulds from linen. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 219 Sulphuretted Hydrogen. SULPHURET OF ANTIMONY. (See Grey Antimony.} SULPHURET OF BISMUTH. (See Bismuthine.) SULPHURET OF COBALT. (See Cobalt Pyrites.) SULPHURET OF COPPER. (See Vitreous Copper.) SULPHURET OF LEAD. (See Galena.) SULPHURET OF MANGANESE. (See Mangariblende.) SULPHURET OF MERCURY. (See Cinnabar.) SULPHURET OF MOLYBDENA. (See Molybdenite.) SULPHURET OF SILVER. (See Vitreous Silver.) SULPHURET OF TIN. (See Tin Pyrites.) SULPHURET OF ZINC. (See Blende.) SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. Sulphureous Hydrogen-Gas. MOHS. Amorphous. Transparent. Expansible. Sp. gr.=M81. Odor of putrid eggs. 1. It does not support combustion ; it blackens most of the metals, and becomes fatal to animals, if inhaled in any considerable quantity. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Hydrogen 5-824 Sulphur 94-176 3. It is developed from sulphureous waters, both cold and warm, as at Neundorf in Westphalia, and at Baaden near Vienna ; also from swamps and marshes. In Italy, it is disengaged from the soil of the Solfataras, and of the Fumacchio, sometimes mixed with other kinds of gas. In the U. States, it has been observed at numerous springs through- out New York, Ohio, and other western states. On the western bank of Niagara river, a mile south of the Falls, it issues from a bank, which consists of a shelly limestone, including thin beds of coal and Iron Pyrites; under similar circumstances also at Otsquaga creek. It abounds particularly in the boiling springs of Florida. 220 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Sulphuric Acid. SULPHURIC ACID. Liquid Sulphuric-Acid. MOHS. Liquid. Transparent, in different degrees. Sp. gr. = l'846 URE, when pure, but varies to a little above 1*0 according to its dilution. Taste strongly acid and caustic. 1. The anhydrous sulphuric acid is solid, and, according to BERZEL- lus, consists of Sulphur 40-14 Oxygen 59-86 This is obtained from the first portions which come over from the distil- lation of fuming sulphuric acid ; the fumes concrete upon the sides of the receiver in tough, silky filaments, which are entirely free from water. The strong, liquid sulphuric acid, contains at least 18-5 p. c. of water. When it is diluted to a sp. gr. of 1-780, it crystallizes at 45 F. ; when of a sp. gr. between 1-786 and 1-775 at 32, and when it is as high as 1-843, at 15. The crystals have the figure of six-sided prisms termi- nated by six-sided pyramids. Common sulphuric acid is an oily looking fluid^ limpid and inodorous, and eminently destructive of animal and veg- etable bodies. It rapidly absorbs moisture from the air, and evolves heat when mingled with water in every proportion. 2. It is produced in many places from the decomposition of water and Iron Pyrites. A remarkable locality of it, called the sour spring, ex- ists in Byron, Genesee co. (N. Y.) near the Erie canal. The acid is produced from a hillock 230 feet long and 100 broad, elevated about five feet above the surrounding plane. It contains an abundance of Iron- Pyrites in exceedingly minute grains ; and is covered with a coat of charred vegetable matter to the depth of four or five inches, occasioned by the action of the sulphuric acid. Wherever holes have been sunk in this hill, the acid accumulates ; also in the depressions in the contiguous meadow ground. When the season is dry, it collects in a perfectly con- centrated state. This acid, similarly produced, occurs in a cavern near Sienna in Tuscany, and at Aix in Savoy. A considerable lake of it ex- ists in the ancient crater of Mount Idienne in Java ; and a stream of it, called the Rio de Vinegro, flows from the extinct volcano Purace neap Popayan, whose waters are fatal to fish, and the spray arising from them irritating to the eyes of animals. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Tabular-Spar. 221 3. Sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol, which is artificially produced from the combustion of sulphur in contact with a little nitre, is of very exten- sive use in chemistry, as well as in metallurgy, bleaching and some of the processes for dyeing ; it is also employed in the formation of nume- rous salts, as copperas, sulphate of magnesia, &c., and is administered in medicine as a tonic and stimulant', and sometimes used externally as a caustic. SYLVITE. Soluble with the taste of Common Salt, and crystallizable from solu- tion in cubes, parallel to whose faces it cleaves. The aqueous solution affords a yellow precipitate on the addition of muriate of platina. Treat- ed with sulphuric acid, it leaves after evaporation aciculaa* crystals, which do not effloresce in the air. It. is supposed to be muriate of pot- ash ; and is found in small quantity, mingled with Common Salt, in the mines of Hallein, and of Berchtesgaden. TABULAR-SPAR. Tetarto-pri srnatic Tabular- Spa r. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. PonT = 126i l P on M = 93 40'. SI on T==95 15'. Secondary form. Fig. 430. M on i T on i P on a P on e 1 39 '48' PHILLIPS. 1 35 30 156 30 94 15 " Cleavage, in the direction of M and T easily obtained, but one of them more perfect than the other ; parallel with P indistinct. Fracture uneven. 19* 222 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Tabular-Spar. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly upon M and T. Co- lor white, inclining to grey, yellow, red and brown. Streak white. Semi-transparent . . . translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness = 4'0 ... 5*0. Sp. gr. = 2-805. Compound Varieties. Long individuals produce a re- reticulated composition ; the composition apparently taking place parallel with a plane in the direction of a, and inclin- ing to T under about 140. (Grenville, Lower Canada.) Massive : composition lamellar, generally longish, and ag- gregated into a second large grained and angular composi- tion. Strongly coherent. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts on the edges into a semi-transparent colorless enamel. It requires a strong heat for melting, and sometimes boils a little. It is easily dissolved by borax, forming with it a transpa- rent globule. By fusing lime and silica in the required proportions, cleavable masses of the present species have been obtained. 2. Analysis. By STROMEYER. By ROSE. Silica . . . 51-455 . . . 5160 Lime . . . 47-412 . . . 46-41 Protoxide of iron . . 0-401 . . . a trace. Oxide of manganese . . 0-257 . . . 00 Water and loss by heating . 0076 . . . 000 Mechanical admixtures . 0-000 . . . 1-11 3. The oldest variety known is fiom Czcklowa near Orawitza, in the Bannat of Temeswar, where it occurs in several copper mines. In Fin^ land, it occurs in limestone ; at Edinburgh, in the greenstone of Castle- hill. The variety called Wollastonite, from Capo di Bove near Rome, occurs in lava, resembling basalt. A very handsome greenish white va- riety, in large individuals, occurs in limestone bowlders at Grenville in Lower Canada. In the United States are two localities; one at Willsborough, (N.Y.) where the mineral forms the sides of a powerful vein of Garnet, which traverses a mountain of gneiss : the other is at Easton in Pennsylvania, where it exists in limestone. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 223 Talc. TACHYLITE. (See Pitchstone.) TALC. Prismatic Talc- Mica. MOHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 120 nearly. Secondary form. Primary, having its acute lateral edges replaced by tangent planes. Cleavage, parallel with P, commonly very perfect. Fracture not observable. Surface, P smooth, the other 3lanes striated horizontally.. Lustre pearly upon P, both as faces of crystallization and cleavage. The other faces possess vitreous lustre, inclin- ing to 'adamantine, generally low degrees. Color various shades of green, as blackish green, leek green, celandine-green, and apple-green, passing into greenish grey, greenish white and greyish white. Streak corresponding to the color, green . . . white. Semi-trans- parent . . . translucent. Different colors in different direc- tions. Some individuals are of a bright green color if viewed in a direction perpendicular to the laminae, while parallel to them they exhibit a fine brown tinge. In the latter direction they are much more transparent than in the former. Sectile, in a high degree. Thin laminae are easily flexi- ble, Hardness = l-0...1-5. Sp. gr. =2-713, a dark green variety. Compound Varieties. Imperfect globules and stellular groupes : composition imperfectly columnar. Sometimes several crystals are engaged with each other, so as to pro- duce conical and cylindrical aggregations. Massive : com- position granular, of various sizes of individuals, often im- palpable ; sometimes imperfectly columnar. The individu- 224 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Talc. als are sometimes strongly coherent with each other or flat, so as to give rise to an imperfectly slaty structure. Often earthy, without connexion of its particles. 1. The, differences among the varieties comprehended within the pres- ent species, depend upon various properties of the individuals themselves, upon diversities in their composition, and Ihe presence of foreign matter. The varieties of dark green (leek-green, celandine green, &c.) colors, inclining to brown, constitute the chlorite,, subdivided into foliated and common, slaty and earthy chlorite. The first of these contains the crystallized varieties, and such compound ones as consist of easily sepa- rable individuals, not presenting a slaty structure. The second contains those granularly compound varieties in which the individuals can scarce- ly be traced, or in which they are not observable at all. Chlorite-slate, or slaty-chlorite, refers to such compound varieties as have a slaty text- ure ; and earthy-chlorite to such as are but loosely coherent, or already in a state of loose scaly particles. Immediately with those varieties of Chlorite whose composition is impalpable, the Green Earth is connect- ed ; from which, however, must be excepted what has been termed crystallized Green Earth, and which, consists of decomposed crystals of Pyroxene. Common Talc embraces crystallized varieties, and such compound ones in which cleavage is transformed into slaty structure,. the latter being generally very perfect; or such as consist of columnar particles of composition. Earthy Talc, or JVacrite, consists of loose par- ticles, or such as are but slightly cohering; ; Indurated Talc refers to imperfect and coarse slaty varieties, in which this kind of structure is more the consequence of composition than of imperfect cleavage. If this structure be sufficiently imperfect to become coarse, and indistinctly granular, Pot-stone, or Lapis ollaris is formed, which possessing the united properlie^of softness and tenacity, may be easily turned into ves- sels; for which reason only it appears to have been regarded as a dis- tinct species. Closely connected with this variety, is the Steatite, which often occurs in coatings and pseudomorphoses, and the soapstone, which is white, or mottled red and green. 2. Before the blow pipe, Talc offers, according to its color and foreign admixtures, various appearances. In general it loses its color, and is with difficulty fused, or changed into a black scoria, or is altogether infu^ rible. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Talc. 225 & .."__._.__. $9 ggH-sgiisowS^-^-^-^- & SOO^OOGCOOOOOr^ X 3 X X X p -p p c ! QO i o o ob i-o o ;;> o o o in o o to o o o o to ^OQ. GO o o o >-* x oooooooo ( ^d ^D *Td /-v "H s.-v^^^^^^^-^^ ? T P T P P ~ ^ ^ I H-*Ci^Qpt '^>i 'COtp^ppc^optpp'^itpprfj'Crs 5^ Sf /a /a/ * > 2 \\ L ^^^^ii \ tz^r V fw \ i ^ 3 M / M *' i? P on 61 - 124 36' P. P on 62 - 134 r p. P on 62 - 135 59 " 62 on 62 - 140 46 " Monti - 150 6 " 62 on 63 - 162 00 " Mont'2 - 151 16 63 on i2 - 148 22 " Mont'3 - 169 34 " al on f - 134 00 " P on cl - 128 26 H. f on i2 - 122 17 H. Ponc2 - 135 59 P. c2onc2,overP 92 45 P. Ponc3 - 117 21 " d on i'2 - 131 34 H. P on d - 138 26 " 63 on a2 - 155 30 P. Pon6l - 145 24 " PHYSIOGRAPHY. * 239 Topaz. Cleavage ; parallel with P highly perfect ; with n im- perfect ; traces of M and I. Fracture more or less per- fectly small conchoidal, uneven. Surface, P rough, some- times faintly striated, parallel to the edges of combination with I. The vertical planes always striated, sometimes deeply, parallel to their common edges of combination. The pyramidal planes always smooth. Lustre vitreous. Color, white, yellow, green, blue, va- rious, but generally pale shades. Streak white. Trans- parent . . . translucent, sometimes only on the edges. Hardness = 8*0. Sp. gr. = 3*499, of a transparent crystallized variety ; = 3'494 variety Pycnite. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes of individuals ; faces of composition rough. There occurs also columnar composition, the individuals being thin, long and parallel, and easily separated, and their faces of composition longitudinally streaked. 1. Two varieties of Topaz have been treated of by many writers as distinct species : viz. the Physalite and Pycnite. The first of these consists of imbedded crystals, whose surface is rough and uneven, or large massive individuals, whose color is a pale greenish grey. The lat- ter occurs in thin and straight columnar particles of composition, forming larger or smaller imbedded masses, and not possessing bright colors or high degrees of transparency. 2. In a strong heat, the faces of crystallization, but not those of cleav- age, are covered with small blisters, which however, immediately crack. With borax, it melts slowly into a transparent glass. Its pow- der colors the tincture of violets green. Those crystals which possess different faces of crystallization on opposite ends, acquire different kinds of electricity on being heated. By friction, it acquires positive elec- tricity. 240 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Topaz. 3. Analysis. By BERZELITJS. Crystals. Physalite. Pycnite. Alumina - 57-45 - 57-74 - 51-00 Silica - 34-24 - 34-36 - 38-43 fluoric acid - 7-75 - 7"77 - 8-84 4. Topaz enters into the composition of granitic rocks ; thus it forms with Quartz and Tourmaline the Topaz-rock of Saxony. It occurs also in irregular beds, either with Quartz and Mica, like the variety Pyc- nite ; or with Feldspar, Quartz, Beryl, &c. like the Physalite. It is also found in veins, traversing'gneiss, where it is associated with Fluor, Mica and Wolfram, as at Trumbull, (Conn.) It is met with besides in tin stream-works, and in the alluvial deposits of rivers along with other gems. 5. The most perfect crystals are found with Beryl in the Uralian and Altai mountains, . and in Kamtschatka ; in Brazil, where they are met with in loose crystals, and at Mucla in Asia Minor. They occur in the Topaz-rock at Danneberb in Saxony, and at Ehrenfriedersdorf and Zinn- wald associated with Tin-ore; in similar repositories at Schlaggenwald in Bohemia and St. Michaels mount in Cornwall ; with Lepedolite near Rozena in Moravia. Physalite is found at Finboand Broddbo near Fah- lun in Sweden. Pycnite at Altenberg in Saxony. Topaz pebbles are found in the stream-works of Eubenstock in Saxony, in the granitic dis- tricts of Cairngorm in Aberdeenshire, and in New South Wales. But a single locality is known in the United States, which exists at Trumbull, (Conn.) in a vein upwards of one foot in width, where it is associated with Fluor, Magnetic Pyrites, Mica, and rarely with Wolfram and Tungsten. The Topaz is chiefly white, but when imbedded in the magnetic Pyrites its color is green. It presents small druses occuring in the veins, lined with tolerably perfect crystals, which are white and trans- parent. Occasionally the crystals are several inches in diameter, and perfect in some of their planes, but they are generally deficient in transparency and lustre. Rarely, the massive individuals and imperfect crystals are six or eight inches in diameter. 6. It is much used as an ornamental stone. The blue varieties are called Oriental Aquamarine, by Lapidaries. If exposed to heat, the Topaz from Saxony loses its color and becomes white ; the deep yellow Brazilian varieties assume a pale pink color, and are then sometimes mis- taken for Spinel, or Ballas-ruby. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Tourmaline. 241 TOPAZOLITE. (See Garnet.) TORRELITE. (See Quartz.) TOURMALINE. RhombohedralTourmaline. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P=133 26'. Secondary forms. Fig. 443. Fig. 444. Fig. 445. (Brown.) Monroe, (Conn.) Fig. 443. (Brown.) Mouroo, (Conn.) Fig. 447. (Black.) IJiuldam, (Conn.) Fig. 448. (Black.) Brunswick, (Me.) VOL. II. (Black.) Brunswick, (Me.)- Monroe, (Conn.) 21 (Cinnamon-red.) Newton, (N. J.) Qov- erneur, (N. Y.) 242 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Tourmaline. (Green.) Paris, (Me.) P on s Pon / s on I Pon o o on I Pon n n on n n on s Pon a: Pon t x on x t on t Pon A: Fig. 450. V (fJreen, red and white.) Chesterfield, (Mass.) Paris, (Me.) 113 13' 117 9 150 00 141 135 156 155 102 158 151 HAUY. 40 44 43 9 26 25 5 136 149 152 50 26 51 a u u u Cleavage, parallel with P and s difficult. Fn cture im- perfectly conchoidal, uneven. Surface, the pnsms deep- PHYSIOGRAPHY. 243 Tourmaline. ly striated, parallel to the axis ; k rough, the rest of the faces generally smooth, and of nearly the same physical quality. Lustre vitreous. Color, brown, green, blue, red, white, frequently black ; generally dark colors, rarely bright. Streak white. Transparent . . . almost opake, agreeably to the color. Less transparent if viewed in a direction paral- lel to the axis than when perpendicular to it, and generally different colors in these directions. Hardness = 7-0 ... 7-5. Sp. gr. = 3-076 ; = 3-021, transparent Rubellite from Paris; =3-009, of a transpar- ent green variety from Paris; =3-055 of transparent In- dicolite from Paris. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition seldom granular, of various sizes of individuals ; generally colum- nar, of various sizes of individuals, often very thin, straight and parallel or divergent; sometimes again aggregated into larger granular, or wedge-shaped masses ; faces of compo- sition smooth and longitudinally streaked. 1. Tourmaline and Schorl were formerly distinguished as two par- ticular species, though they differ in no other respects than in color and transparency. Tourmaline included the green, blue, red, brown and white color, (the blue being called Indicolite and the red Rubellite) , while Schorl comprised the black varieties. 2. This species offers a variety of results when heated before the blow-pipe. Some varieties (especially those containing lithia) intu- mesce and assume a slaggy appearance, but do not melt; others (which contain lime) intumesce still more and melt into a white slag. It as- sumes by heat, opposite kinds of electricity on the opposite ends of the crystals. The finest, transparent crystals, especially when cut by the lapidary, are constantly electric without artificial heat. 244 PHYSIOGRAPHY. | >/S| co 00 00 10 o o 1C !* QO < < 8 3 J^^l *H 1 1 ** o o o o O t-< o O o o o o o oo oo co Oi nf i ^ O o o o o Oi c O 00 Si s- w o * *o m & Tt< o g /^ta^i s*\ .j O o o o o 9 o o o o o o 3 N l 3 '^ o o XO if* CO 1> Oi * - 10 ^ CO o o o CO ^ CO lfi> Si fH g 8 o o CM CO 1 - I 1 CO i pi g o CO H avaria. re en Ian "o o 3 V^v^ w w 09 PQO 02 ca o CJ d ^ d a es cd :_, G a a O O H c -ij ^ c u ; ^ G CD I OS o o ea u C3 g o s c. a s i 35 o PHYSIOGRAPHY. 245 Tourmaline. 4. Tourmaline is frequently met with in rocks, particularly in gran- ite, but without forming a regular ingredient of any, and is found im- bedded in them in larger or smaller masses, or crystallized in the drusy cavities, as in the Topaz-rock of Saxony and the granite of Paris, (Me.) The dark brown variety of Monroe, (Conn.) forms with Mica a bed in mica-slate. The cinnamon-red occurs disseminated through dolomite and granular limestone ; and the green and red varieties with smoky Quartz form a vein embraced on each side by Albite, traversing granite at Chesterfield, (Mass.) It is also met with in the shape of pebbles, in the stream-works, and in the san4 of many rivers. 5. Some of the most remarkable among the foreign localities of Tour- maline are the following; black crystals in Greenland, in the mountains called Horlberg near Bodenmais in Bavaria, and near Bovey in Devon- shire, England; red varieties from Perme in Siberia, Rozena in Mora- via; pale green with a tinge of yellow at St. Gothard in dolomite, and green and blue varieties from Brazil and Ceylon, where they are found in the sand of rivers. The United States is particularly rich in Tourmaline. Paris, (Me.) has thus far yielded the most remarkable crystals for size, color and transparency, and which were found loose in the soil, covering a decomposing ledge of graphic granite. Some of these were upwards of an inch in diameter, transparent, red at one end and green at the other. The granite still continues to afford blue and pink crystals and compound varieties, which are mostly imbedded in Lepidolite; also long slender green crystals and columnar aggregations traversing large individuals of brown Mica. The vein of Tourmalines of Chesterfield, (Mass.) is about one foot in width. The crystals are small, rarely perfect in form, deeply striated, often much curved, and rifted by cross seams into which the Quartz is thrust. The green crystals especially those situated in the smoky Quartz, often contain in their centres prisms of Rubellite, while the single crystals of Tourmaline which have shot into the Al- bite, are frequently pure red or green. Similar varieties are found at Goshen, where the interior of the crystals is sometimes blue or green, and the exterior a pale rose-color, or some different shade of green or blue. The deep indigo-blue varieties, particularly, abound at Goshen. Monroe, (Conn.) furnishes the most perfect crystals in form, found in the United States. They are of a dark yellowish brown color, and trans- lucent only on their edges. They vary in size from a hazle-nut to two or three inches in length, and one or two in diameter, being universally 21* 246 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Tourmaline Triplite. perfect at both extremities. A cinnamon-red, and brown variety occurs at Governeur, St. Lawrence co., (N. Y.) in granular limestone with Scapolite, Pyroxene and Apatite, though it is chiefly imbedded by itself in veins of white Quartz. A similar variety is found at Grenville, Low- er Canada, Newton, (N. J.) with Corundum, Spinel and Rutile, at Kingsbridge, (N. Y.) and at Carlisle, (Mass.) with Garnet. Black va- rieties are found at numerous places. The most beautiful have been ob- tained from Brunswick, (Me.), Monroe and Haddarn, (Conn.) and Green- field, (N. Y.) 6. The red varieties of Tourmaline are highly esteemed in jewellery ; when they are transparent and of a fine color, they rank on a level with the oriental ruby. The green and blue varieties are also cut when their color is not too intense. TREMOLITE. (See Hornblende.) TRICLASITE. (See Fafdunite.) TRIPLITE. Prismatic Par ach rose-Bary te. Massive : cleavage in three directions perpendicular to each other, one of them more distinct. Fracture small conchoidal. Lustre resinous, inclining to adamantine. Color black- ish-brown. Streak yellowish-grey. Translucent on the edges. Opake. Brittle. Hardness = 5-0 ... 5-5. Sp. gr. =3-439 . . . 3-775. 1. Before the blow-pipe, it melts easily into a black scoria, and is readily dissolved in nitric acid without effervescence. 2. Analysis. By VAUQUELIIV. Chfideofiron 31-00 Oxide of manganese 42-00 Phosphoric acid 27 00 3. It has been found near Limoges in France, in a vein of Quartz in granite, accompanied by Apatite. In the United States, it occurs in con- siderable quantity at Washington, (Conn.) where it exists as at Limoges PHYSIOGRAPHY. 247 Trona Troostite. in France, but is associated with pulverulent Diallogite. In small quantity, also, at Sterling, (Mass ) along with Spodumene. TRONA. Te tart o-prismatic Natron-Salt. Primary form. Doubly oblique prism. MonT=103 15'. Secondary form. Fig. 451. Tonn - - - 103 15' n on n - 132 30 Cleavage, perfect parallel to M. Fracture uneven. Surface, M and n smooth, T streaked. Lustre vitreous. Color white, sometimes passing to yel- lowish-grey. Streak white. Transparent . . . translucent. Rather brittle. Hardness = 2*5 ... 3-0. Sp. gr. = 2-11. Taste, sharply alcaline. 1. It does net deliquesce in the air. 2. Analysis. Carbonic acid - 40 24 Soda - 37-93 Water - 21-83 3. It is found at Fezzan in Tripoli, where it occurs mingled with the soil and dissolved in water, TROOSTITE. Rhombohedral Parachrose- Bary te. Primary form. Rhomboid. P on P =115 (c. g.) 248 PHYSIOGRAPHF. Troostite. Secondary form. Fig. 452. P on a - P on b - a on b - b on 6 - J 47 30' c. g. 122 00 109 00 " 120 00 " Irregular forms, grains. Cleavage parallel with b perfect, at right angles to the axis less distinct, with P in traces. Surface, b smooth and shining, P and a dull. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color pale as- paragus-green, yellow, grey, and reddish-brown ; none of them bright. Transparent to translucent. Brittle. Hardness =5-5. Sp. gr. =4*0 . . . 4-1. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular. 1. Heated before the blow-pipe, it becomes transparent and melts on the edges. With borax, it dissolves giving the violet tinge of oxide of manganese. It is dissolved with effervescence in muriatic acid, at the same time giving out chlorine, and leaving a residue of silica. 2. Analysis. By THOMSON. Silica 30-650 Protoxide of manganese 46215 Peroxide of iron 15-450 Loss by heat 7-300 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Tungsten. 249 3. It is found at Sterling, (N. J.) associated with Franklinite. crystals are sometimes above an inch in length. Its TUNGSTATE OF IRON. (See Wolfram.) TUNGSTATE OF LEAD. (See Schtehtine.) TUNGSTATE OF LIME. (See Tungsten.) TUNGSTEN. Pyramidal Tungst ic-Bary te. Primary form. Octahedron with a square base P on P over the base =130 SO', over the pyramidal edge =100 '8'. Secondary forms. Fig. 453. Fig. 454, Trumbull and Monroe, (Conn.) Cleavage, parallel with P and a ; more splendent in the direction of the former, though more interrupted *by small conchoidal fracture. Fracture imperfectly conchoid- al, uneven. Surface, a irregularly streaked, sometimes concave, P and the other faces are generally smooth. Lustre vitreous, inclining to adamantine. Color gener- ally white, often inclining and passing into yellowish-grey, yellowish and reddish brown, sometimes almost orange-yel- low. Streak while. Semi-transparent . . . translucent. 250 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Tungsten Tungstic Ochre. Brittle. Hardness =4-0 . . . 4-5. Sp. gr. = 6-076, a white cleavable variety from Schlaggenwald. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals. Axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to faces truncating the base of the octahedron, a. The individuals are continued beyond the face of composition. Reniform shapes; surface drusy, composition columnar. Massive: composition granular, faces of composition sometimes irreg- ularly streaked. 1. Heated upon charcoal, it decrepitates at first, and then fuses, but only with great difficulty and on the thinnest edges into a semi-transpa- rent, vitrified mass. It gives a white glass with borax, the transparen- cy of which is proportioned to the quantity of the salt employed. 2. Analysis. By BERZELIUS. Lime . . . . . . . 19-40 Tungstic acid 80-42 3. Tungsten occurs mostly in the repositories of Tin-Ore, and is ac- companied by Wolfram, Topaz, Fluor and Quartz. It is also found ia lead veins with Wolfram and Spathic Iron. 4. Its most remarkable localities are Schlackenwald and Zinnwald in Bohemia, Zinnwald and Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony, and Cornwall, England. It is also found in Sweden and Dauphiny. It occurs in large irregular crystals and massive at Monroe, in Quartz with Wolfram, Ga- lena, Native Bismuth and Tungstic-ochre ; also in the adjoining town of Trumbull in a vein of Topaz, Quartz and Fluor. TUNGSTIC OCHRE. Tungstic Lusine-Ore. Massive : composition impalpable ; earthy and pulveru- lent. Fracture earthy. Color lemrnon-yellow. Soft. Sp. gr. =6-0. 1. It assumes a greenish hue when strongly heated. It combines with the acids and is soluble in caustic alkalies. 2. It is probably tungstic acid in a state of perfect purity, and there- fore consists of Oxygen 13-55. and Tungsten 86-45, PHYSIOGRAPHY. Turnerite. 251 3. It is found associated with Wolfram and Tungsten at Lanes' mine in Monroe, (Conn.) usually in very thin coatings, rarely rilling up small cavities. TURNERITE. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. 96 10'. P on M =99 40'. Secondary form. Fig. 455. M onM = m 142 29' LEVY. - 133 50 PHILLIPS* _ 126 10 b< - 140 50 LEVY. - 138 5 ii - 161 2 (C - 155 17 If - 139 25 PHILLIPS* P on a Pn/ M on a M on gl M on h M on / P on ci P on c2 Cleavage parallel to both diagonals of the primary form, one of them more perfect. Lustre nearly adamantine. Color several shades of yel- low, often inclining to brown. Sireak white, sometimes greyish. Transparent . . . translucent. Scratches Fluor pretty readily, but yields to the knife. 1. According to the blow-pipe experiment of Mr. CHILDREN, it con- sists chiefly of alumina, lime, magnesia, and a little iron with traces of silica. 252 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Turquoise Uranite. 2. It is found at Mt. Sorel in Dauphiny, attended by Quartz, Feldspar, Albite, Crichtonite and Anatase. TURQUOISE. Uncleavable Azure-Spar. Massive: composition impalpable. Fracture conchoidaL Color blue . . . green, rather bright. Streak uncolored. Feebly translucent on the edges . . . opake. Hardness = 6-0. Sp. gr. =2-83 . . . 3-00. FISCHER. 1. It is not dissolved by muriatic acid. Before the blow-pipe, it be- comes brown in the reducing'flame, and gives a green color to it. It is infusible by itself, but melts easily with borax or salt of phosphorus. 2. According to B.ERZEL.IUS, it consists of phosphate of alumina and lime, silica, oxide of iron and copper, and a little water. 3. It is found in Persia, either in pebbles, or in small veins, traver- sing a kind of trap. 4. Cut and polished, it is used for different ornamental purposes. URANITE. Pyramidal Eu ch lore-Mica. MOMS. Primary form. Right square prism. Secondary forms. Fig. 456. Fig. 457. Fig. 458. Cornwall. Cornwall. Cornwall. Fig. 459. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 253 Uranite. p on cl . 145 32' PHILLIPS. P on c2 - 140 40 P on c3 - 137 10 P onc4 - HI 50 P on2 - 134 00 C 4onc4 - 97 32 Cleavage, P highly perfect and easily obtained. Traces of d. Fracture not observable. Surface, P smooth, c horizontally streaked, M rough. Lustre pearly upon P, both as faces of crystallization and of cleavage ; adamantine upon the other faces. Color emerald-green, and grass-green, less frequently leek-green, apple-green, or siskin-green. Streak corresponding to the color, though paler. Transparent . . . translucent, some- times only on the edges. Sectile. Hardness = 2-0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. -3-115. Compound Varieties. Massive : composition granular, of various sizes, faces of composition rarely observable. 1. Alone before the blow-pipe, it turns yellow and loses its transpa- rency. Upon charcoal, it intumesces a little, and melts into a black globule, with traces of crystallization upon the surface. With borax, it yields a yellowish green bead, and produces a yellow solution in ni- tric acid. . 2. JfnwysiSj By BERZELIUS. By R. PHILLIPS, fr. Cornwall. 16-00 60-00 900 14-50 000 0-50 3. Uranite is found in veins of copper, silver, tin and iron ores, and sometimes also in beds; and is gene. ally accompanied by the other ores of uranium. VOL. II. 22 fr. Cornwall. fr. Autun. Phosphoric acid 14-62 . 1496 Oxide of uranium 6252 , , 64-03 Oxide of copper 8-12 , o-oo Water 1474 . 1504 Lime 000 5-97 Silica 0-00 000 254 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Uranium-Ochre Variegated Copper. 4. Beautiful varieties are found in Cornwall. It also occurs at Jo- hanngeorgenstadt, Schneeberg, and Eubenstock; at St. Symphoriennear Autun, and at St. Yrieix near Limoges in France. URANIUM-OCHRE. Uranium Lusine-Ore. Massive : composition impalpable; earthy and pulverulent. Color, sulphur-yellow, citron yellow, to brownish or red- dish yellow. 1. It affords moisture on being heated in a glass tube. It turns green in the reduction flame of the blow-pipe, without melting. 2. It is believed to be an oxide of uranium, though according to ZIPPED the variety from Joachimsthal contains carbonic acid. 3. It is found accompanying the Pitchblende in Cornwall and in Bo- hemia. URANIUM-ORE. (See Pitchblende.) URANIUM- VITRIOL. (See Johannite.) UWAROWITE. Crystals small rhombic dodecahedrons. Lustre vitreous. Color emerald-green. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUFT) = 10 and above. 1. Locality not mentioned. VALENCIANITE. (See Perildin.) VANADIATE OF LEAD. (See PyromorpJiite.) VARIEGATED COPPER. Octahedral Bronze- Pyrites. Primary form. Regular octahedron. Secondary forms. 1. Primary, having its angles truncated. 2. Regular octahedron. Cornwall. 3. Octahedron, with the angles truncated. Cornwall. Cleavage, traces in the direction of the primary faces- Fracture small conchoidal, uneven. Surface generally PHYSIOGRAPHY. 255 Variegated Copper. rough, particularly those of the cube, and often curved ; much subject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Color intermediate between copper- red and pinchbeck-brown. Streak pale greyish-black, a little shining. Rather sectile. Hardness=3-0. Sp. gr. = 5-003, from the Bannat. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals ; axis of revolu- tion perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a face of the octahedron, the individuals being continued beyond the face of composition. Massive; composition granular, strongly connected ; fracture conchoidal and uneven. 1. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it melts into a globule, which becomes magnetic, if kept in the blast for some time. 2. Analysis. By PHILLIPS. Copper 61-07 Sulphur . 23 ' 75 Iron 14 ' Silica ' 50 3. It occurs in beds and veins ; the crystallized varieties only in veins. It is accompanied chiefly by various other ores of copper. 4. It occurs at Orawitza and other places in the Bannat, associated with Garnet. It is found likewise in beds in the cupriferous shale of the Mansfeld, included in thin layers in the bituminous marl-slate. But it is particularly found in Cornwall, in the vicinity of Redruth. In smaller quantities, it is found in Ireland, Hessia, Silesia, Norway, Sweden, &c. It has only been met with in a few places in the United States. Thin seams occur in granite, at Chesterfield, (Mass.), and in Pennsylvania, where it occurs under circumstances similar to those mentioned at Mans- field. VARVICITE. In radiating and twin-crystals. Cleavage prismatic. Lustre sub-metallic. Color iron-black to steel-grey. Streak black. Hardness (scale of BREITHAUPT) = 30... 3-75. Sp. gr. == 4-531, from Warwick ; = 4-623, from the Hartz. 256 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Vauquelinite. VAUQUELINITE. Lead-Baryte. Primary form. Oblique rhombic prism. Minute crystals, nearly resembling the annexed figure, Fig. 460. if the obtuse edges o a be replaced, and the figure be com- pressed parallel with P, and joined in regular compositions, parallel to a plane, which passes through the crystals in the direction of e e, and intersects the acute lateral edges. In- clination of P on P 7 from the other individual, nearly 134 30'; of the edge o a, or its replacement on P, about 149. Fracture uneven. Surface, P smooth and even, the rest of the faces a little curved. Lustre adamantine, often faint. Color blackish green, olive-green. Streak siskin-green, often inclining to brown. Faintly translucent, with a fine olive-green tint, opake. Rather brittle. Hardness =2-5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. = 5'5 ...5-78. Compound Varieties. Botryoidal, reniform, massive : composition generally impalpable, surface drusy or roqgh, fracture imperfect and flat conchoidal, lustre faintly resinous. 1. Alone, before the blow-pipe, it intumesces a little, and then froths and melts into a greyish globule, giving at the same time some globules of lead. In the oxidating flame, a small quantity effervesces with, and imparts a green color to, borax and salt of phosphorus, which remains transparent on cooling ; but in the reducing flame, the globule turns red and transparent, or red and opake, or finally black, according to the quan- tity of the mineral employed. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Vauquelinite Vitreous Copper. 257 2. Analysis. Oxide of lead 60-87 Oxide of copper 10-80 Chromic acid 28 33 3. It occurs at Beresof in Siberia, along with Red Lead-Ore and Py- romorphite, and is said to be found in Brazil. VELVET-BLUE COPPER. Short capillary crystals, in velvety druses and coatings. Lustre pearly. Color bright smalt-blue. Translucent. 1. It has been found lining drusy cavities in Limonite, at Moldawa in the Bannat of Temeswar. VlGNITE. Massive : composition granular. Color dark greenish blue. = 3-71. It is magnetic. 2. Analysis. By KARSTEN. Oxide of iron 49-14 Protoxide of iron 35-30 Caibouic arid 1106 Phosphoric acid 4-50 2. It is found in Jura limestone, at Vignes. 3. It appears to belong to the species Magnetic-Iron. VITREOUS COPPER. Prismatic Copper- Glance. MoHS. Primary form. Right rhombic prism. M on M = 35'. Secondary forms. Fig. 461. Fig. 462. 258 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Vitreous Copper. o on o - 126 52' d on d 63 00 o on o over c? 80 6 Cleavage, traces of M, very imperfect. Fracture con- choidal. Surface, most of the faces smooth, only the faces at right angles to the axis, and particularly c, are streaked horizontally. Lustre metallic. Color blackish lead grey. Streak un- changed, sometimes shining. Very sectile. Hardness = 2*5 . . . 3-0. Sp. gr. = 5'695, the compact variety from Bannat. Compound Varieties. Twin-crystals: 1. Axis of revo- lution perpendicular to one or both faces of M ; face of Fig. 463. composition parallel to it, as in the accompanying figure, only that the ra-entering angles are rilled up. 2. Axis of revolution perpendicular, face of composition parallel to a face of a ; the individuals being continued beyond the face of composition. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Vitreous Copper. 259 Fig. 464. The inclination of P to P' is equal to that of the acute terminal edge of a on a' on one side, and of 91 51' on the other ; the respective inclinations of a on a! are = 153 37', and =157 19'. Massive; composition granular, of various sizes of individuals, generally small, and often impalpable ; in the last case the fracture becomes uneven, even or flat conchoidal. Plates. 1. In the oxidating flame of the blow-pipe, it melts and emits glowing globules, attended with some noise. In the reducing flame, it becomes covered with a coat, and does not melt. When the sulphur is driven off, a globule of copper remains. If the mineral be treated with nitric acid, the copper is dissolved, forming a green solution; but the sulphur re- mains undissolved. 2. Analysis. By KLAPROTH. By UL.LMAJVN. Sulphur - - 18-50 - - 19-00 Copper - - 78-50 - - - 79-50 Iron 2-25 -' - - 0-75 Silica - - 075 - - - 1-00 3. It occurs abundantly in beds and veins, and is accompanied by other ores of copper, by Iron-Pyrites and Quartz. 4. Large and well defined crystals occur in several mines near Red- ruth in Cornwall. Compound varieties, and rarely distinct crystals, are found in beds in the Bannat of Temeswar, near Catherinenburg in Sibe- 260 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Vitreous Silver. ria, in Mansfield, in Hessia, &c. A foliated variety is found in Corn- wall, in the Bannat, in Siegen, and in Mansfeld. Compact virieties are found at Schuyler's mines, New Jersey, in the old red sandstone, and in the same rock in Connecticut, at Simsbury and Cheshire. VITREOUS SILVER. Dodecahedral Polypoi- one-Glance. Primary form. Cube. Secondary forms. Cube, with angles truncated. Freiberg. 3. Cube, with edges truncated. 5. Fig. 465. Regular octahedron. Joachimsthal. 4. Rhombic dodecahedron. 6. Fig. 466. Freiberg. Freiberg. Cleavage, sometimes traces parallel to the rhombic do- decahedron. Fracture imperfect and small conchoidal, uneven. Surface, nearly of the same description in all the forms, often uneven, and possessing low degrees of lustre. Subject to tarnish. Lustre metallic. Color blackish lead-grey. Streak shining. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 261 Vitreous Silver Vivianite. Malleable. Hardness = 2-0 . . . 2-5. Sp. gr. = 7-196 ...7-366. Compound Varieties. Reticulated, arborescent, denti- form, filiform, and capillary shapes : individuals sometimes distinguishable, sometimes impalpable; the dentiform and some other imitative shapes are longitudinally streaked. Massive : composition impalpable; fracture uneven. Plates, and superficial coatings. 1. It is easily fusible before the blow-pipe, attended by intumescence, and it gives a globule of silver by a continuation of the heat. It is solu- ble in nitric acid. 2. Analysis. By KL.APROTH. By BERZELIUS. Silver . . . 85-00 . . . 87-05 Sulphur . . . 15-00 . . . 12-96 3. It has been found almost exclusively in veins, accompanied by a great variety of species, particularly by ores of silver, lead, and antimo- ny ; by Blende, several species of Pyrites, and by Calcareous Spar. Rarely, it is found with Native Gold. The rock adjoining the veins is often impregnated with it, and it is itself covered with Silver-black, which sometimes owes its formation to the decomposition of Vitreous Silver. 4. It occurs at Freiberg, Marienberg, Annaberg, Schneeberg and Jo- hanngeorgenstadt in Saxony; in Bohemia, principally at Joachimsthal; at Schemnitz and Cremnitz in Hungary. Other localities are Siberia, Mexico and Peru. 5. It is a valuable ore for the extraction of silver. VIVIANITE. Prismatic Iron-Mica. Primary form. Right oblique-angled prism. M on T = 125 18'. 262 PHYSIOGRAPHY. Vivianite. Secondary form. P on cl P on d T oncl T on c2 T on 6 M on cl M on d Fig. 467. *<>._ * V" " C1 7\ /r % I b tf *>&- T J -^x 125 56^ r j on 135 35 ti cl on a - 143 40 W cl on d - 165 25 ;> * 7-50 Lime . 6-56 Water 16-75 2. It occurs in large translucent crystals in the cavities of amygda- loid at the Giant's Causeway in Ireland ; forming groups of sheaf-shape aggregations at Capo di Bove near Rome ; at Aci Reale, on the eastern coast of Sicily, Marburg in Hessia, Lowenstein in Silesia and among the Lavas of Vesuvius. The specimens from Aci Reale present elongated crystals, which adhere closely together, and radiate from a centre in globular concretions. It has also been found with Gmelinite in the isl- and of Magee, Antrim county, in minute flesh-red colored crystals, coating cavities of amygdaloid. PURPLE COPPER-ORE. (See Variegated Copper.) APPENDIX. 329 PYROSKLERITE. Massive. Cleavage parallel with the faces of a rhombic prism. Fracture uneven arid splintery. Lustre on the cleavage faces feebly pearly, in other directions it is dull. Color, apple-green to light green- ish grey. Hardness between 2-5 and 3-5. Sp. gr. =2-74. Streak white. 1. Before the blow-pipe it fuses with difficulty into a greyish glass. With borax, it slowly yields a glass colored by chrome. It is decompo- sed, when in the state of powder by concentrated sulphuric acid. 2. Analysis. By KOBELI,. Silica . . . ' . . . . 37-03 Alumina 13-50 Magnesia 31-62 Protoxide of iron 3-52 Green oxide of chrome T43 Water 11-00 3- It occurs at Elba with Chonikrite. It seems to be closely rela- ted to Picrolite. RAPHYLLILE. (See Hornblende.) RETINALITE. (See Serpentine.) RHOMB SPAR. (See Vol. II, p. 164.) Analysis. By STROMEYER. Magnesia . 41-06 . . . 42-40 Protoxide of iron . 8-57 . . . 7-47 Oxide of manganese . 0-43 . . . 0-62 Carbonic acid . 48-94 . . . 49-67 SASSOLIN. (See Vol. II, p. 171.) The deposit of this mineral occurs within the crater of Volcano, one of the Lipari Islands, where it forms thin coatings on the surface of sul- phur, and around the openings, whence the subterranean exhalations are discharged. The variety deposited by the lagunes of Tuscany and the hot-springs of Sasso is of a greyer color, and harder than that from Volcano. According to KLAPROTH, it contains 11 p. c. of sulphate of magnesia, and 3 p. c. of sulphate of lime. 330 APPENDIX. For economical purposes, it is obtained at Pomorance in Tuscany, by causing the volcanic vapors which arise in that vicinity to pass through water, and then evaporating the impregnated fluid in leaden vessels, SILICATE OF CERIUM. In regular hexagonal prisms. Cleavage parallel to the axis of the prism. Color pale, yellowish brown. Translucent. It is found with Emerald in Dolomite at Santa Fe de Bogota in Peru. SODA-NITRE. (See Vol. II, p. 186.) This salt is employed in the manufacture of nitric acid and salt-petre. STEINMANNITE. Primary form. Cube. Secondary form. Regular octahedron. Cleavage parallel to the cube imperfect and scarcely visible. Frac- ture uneven. Surface of the crystals smooth. Lustre metallic. Color pure lead-grey. Hardness =2-5. Sp. gr. =6-833. Compound Vari- eties. Botryoidal. Massive, composition fine granular. In some varieties a curved lamellar composition is visible. Composition also compact, sometimes porous. 1. When he-ated before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it decrepitates with violence. Its powder heated, emits the odor of sulphurous acid, and a metallic globule remains as in the case of Galena, but which fi- nally yields a distinct button of silver. It appears to consist of lead, antimony, silver and sulphur. 2. It is found at Przibram with Quartz, Blende and Iron Pyrites. TlTANIFEROUS CERITE. Color blackish brown. Lustre vitreous. Fracture conchoidal. Hard- ness equal to that of Gadolinite. When heated it swells up ; it is acted upon both by acids and alkalies. Analysis. By LAUGIER. Oxide of cerium " 36-00 Oxide of iron 19-00 Lime 8-00 Alumina 6-00 Water 11-00 Oxide of manganese 1 80 Silica 19-00 Oxide of titanium . . . . . . 8-00 It is found on the Coromandel coast. APPENDIX. 331 URAN- BLOOM. In small crystalline flakes. Color bright yellow, be- tween lemon-yellow and sulphur-yellow. Opake with lit- tle lustre. 1. When slightly heated before the blow-pipe, its color becomes or- ange-yellow. It is soluble with effervescence in acid, yielding a yellow solution, which affords a brown precipitate with prussiate of potash, thus proving it to be a carbonate of uranium. 2. It occurs in silver veins at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, with Pitch- blende and Phannacolite. URANITE. It is found in small quantity in thin yellow scales at Middletown, (Conn.) where it exists in granite associated with Columbite, Apatite and Albite. VANADIATE OF LEAD. There appears to be no reason for separating this mineral from Pyro- morphite. It is imperfectly crystallized in hexagonal prisms, and bo- tryoidal, as well as in thin coatings. Color straw-yellow to reddish- brown. Opake and dull. Before the blow-pipe, in a pair of forceps, it fuses, and on cooling retains its yellow color ; if kept for some time in fusion, however, it is changed into a steel-grey porous mass, which upon charcoal, yield immediately globules of lead. Alone, on charcoal, it fu- ses readily, exhales the odor of arsenic, is reduced, and leaves, after heating in the inner flame, a steel-grey, very fusible slag, which exhib- its the reactions of chromium. It forms green solutions with the sul- phuric and muriatic acids, and a beautiful yellow solution with nitric acid. The variety from Mexico, according to BERZELIUS, consists of Chloride of lead 25-33 Vanadiate of lead 74-00 Hydrous ox. iron 0-67. It occurs at Wanlockhead in Dumfriesshire, sprinkled over Calamine. END OF THE SECOND VOLUME. r