UC-NRLF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. THE UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE; BEING PRACTICAL STUDIES ON INSECTS, CRUSTACEA, MOLLUSCA, WOKMS, POLYPES, INEUSOEIA, AND SPONGES, BY DR. T. L.^PHIPSON, F.C.S. LONDON, Late of the University of Bruxelles ; Member of the Chemical Society of Paris ; Laureate of the Dutch Society of Sciences; Corr, Memo, of the Belgian Entomological Society, the Pharmaceutical Society of Aiitwexp, the Society of Medical and Natural Sciences of Bruxelles, the Society of Sciences of Strasburg, etc., one of the Editors of " Le Cosmos," etc., etc. Circular Coral Island, recently formed in the Pacific Ocean, principally composed of the species Madrepora ir.icricofa, and shutting in a portion of the ocean as a lake. LONDON: GROOMBRIDaE AND SONS. MDCCCLXIV. TO WILLIAM SCHOLEFIELD, ESQ., M.P., ETC., ETC., ETC. PERMIT me, my dear Sir, to dedicate this little volume to you, as a new proof of the high esteem in which I hold the practical efforts that have characterized your labours in Parliament, and of the personal friendship I bear to yourself. Yours very sincerely, THE AUTHOR. M350387 PREFACE A VERY few words will suffice to make known my object in writing the present work. Zoology and Botany have been looked upon as constituting less practical branches of Science than Chemistry or Astronomy, for instance. The zoological works placed in the hands of students are necessarily so full of anatomical details, details of classification, and observations upon the habits and in- stincts of animals, that very little space has (or could have) been afforded to notice the wonderful manner in which certain animals contribute directly to the welfare of mankind, Viii PREFACE. and the methods by which they may be cultivated. This remark is especially applicable to the lower classes of animals, to the Inverte- brata, and to these I have devoted the fol- lowing pages. Their investigation in a practical point of view has led, and will still lead, to very profitable and interesting results. It has been rendered more interesting of late years by numerous experiments, having for object the culture and artificial propagation of several of the more valuable species. It is not sufficient to know that such an insect or such a polype is utilized for certain purposes in the Arts and Manufactures, we must acquire at the same time a correct idea of the animal itself, and the position it occu- pies in the animal kingdom ; moreover, we must ascertain by experiment whether any species already valuable in its natural state cannot be rendered more so cannot be sub- PKEPACE. IX mitted to culture, and propagated more exten- sively by artificial means, and thereby increase the benefits we derive from it. To exhibit the actual state of this inte- resting question is the task I have imposed upon myself in the present work, which em- braces the practical history of a great number of animals, and from which I find it impos- sible to exclude even the microscopic In- fusoria. "When opportunity has been afforded I have mentioned a few peculiarities observable in several species, for it has been my endea- vour to render the following pages interest- ing to the general student, as well as to the practical zoologist. LONDON, January, 1864. CONTENTS. CHAPTEE I. * INTRODUCTION. Domestication Characteristics of a Species Creation of Eaces and Varieties Lost Types of the Animal King- dom Modified Species Domestic Animals of Inferior Orders Pisciculture Creation of New Eaces of Fish Cultivation of the Lower Animals . . . 1 8 CHAPTER II. SILK-PRODUCING INSECTS. Chemical Nature of Silk The Spider's Web Bombic Acid Detection of "Wool in Silk Great Variety of Insects producing Silk The Common Silkworm, Bom- byx mori The Golden Tree The Province of Seres and the Morea Prolongation of Life in Plants and Animals Artificial Incubation and Eearing of Bornbyx Xll CONTENTS. mori Enormous Appetites- Insects living without Food Kate at which the Silkworm spins Modes of Destroying the Chrysalis Calculation basis of Silk- breeding The two Mulberry Trees Diseases of Silk- worms and their Eemedies Improvement of Bombyx mori Tussah Silkworms Bomlyx pernyi and JB. Mylitta Bombyx Cynthia Extraordinary Qualities of Silk Other New Species of Silkworm Spreading of these New. Races The Madagascar Silkworm Pro- duction of Coloured Silk by the Insects themselves vt Experiments Bombyx madrono, Silk of the Clothes- Moth, Tinea The Paraguay Spider Ichneumon of the West Indies Silk Imported into Liverpool 935 CHAPTER III. COLQUK-PBODTJCING- INSECTS. The Kermes Latreille and his genus Coccus Coccus ilicis Crimson of the Eomans Brussels and Flemish Tapes- tries Coccus polonicus Coccus of the Poterium Coccus urva-ursiThe Cochineal, Coccus cacti Plants on which the Cochineal lives Nopaleries Grana sylvestra and Grana fina Rearing of Cochineal The Cochineal at Teneriffe The Bluebottle Fly and the Aphides Gene- ration extraordinary Two New Cochineals in Australia CocusfdbcB (or Aphis fabse) in France Its Peculiar Colouring Matter Lac Carminium, its Discovery and Properties The Colouring Matter of the Cochineal CONTENTS. Xlll discovered in the Vegetable World Carmine Influ- ence of Light in the Manufacture of Colours Rouge forthe face Ink The Cynips Caprification Dioecious Plants Eipening of Figs in the East Gall-nuts Cy- nips gallce tinctorice Theory of the Formation of Vege- table Tumours Analysis of Gall-nuts Their Products and Uses Cynips quercus folii On the Formation of Grease by Animals Other Insects Producing Dyes Aphis pini Money-spiders The Magenta Dye and Cochineal , 3764 CHAPTER IV. INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY AND MANNA. Chinese Coccus which produces a kind of Spermaceti Value of its Produce White Lac Insects producing Resin Wax Insect of Sumatra Details concerning the wax Coccus Bees Apis mollified Its native country Virgil Modern Authors who have Written on Bees Apis ligustica A. amalthea and its curious Nests Bamburos Apis unicolor Green Honey of Bourbon Kock-honey of North America Apisfasciata A. indica A. Adansonii A Swarm of Bees The Queen, Males and Workers Mathematics of the Bee- cell Silkproduced by Bees Production of Wax How Honey is procured Plants favourable to Bees Dura- tion of Life in Bees Enemies and Maladies Chloro- XIV CONTENTS. forming Bees Mr. Nutt's Hives Profit derived from Bee-culture 'New modes of Preserving Bees during Winter Periodical Transportation of Hives How to discover Bees' Nests New Species of Bee at Sydney- Bees as Instruments of War Honey, its Nature and Composition Artificial Honey from Wood, Starch, etc. Manna and the Coccus maniparusWaxi, its Nature, Composition, and Uses . . . 65 90 CHAPTER Y. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE, OE AS FOOD, AND OTHEE INSECTS USEFUL TO MAN. Spanish Flies Cantharides Their Medical Properties Cantharidine Cantharides in Poitou Different Species of Cantharides Discovery of Cantharidine in Meloe The Meloe, or Oil Beetle Metamorphoses of Moloe and Sitaris Cetonio aurata Coccinella Trehala JBuprestis Ants Formic and Malic Acids in Ants Production of Milk from the Eggs of Ants Ants which collect Precious Stones Termes as an Article of Food Locusts and Cicadce Acrydium migratorium The Ethiopian Acrydophagi Cicada septemdecim Bugs and Fleas Southey Phtirophagi Aranea edulis Centipedes The Mexican Boat Flies Beetle used for Soap Calandra granaria Presence of Tannic and Gallic Acids in this Beetle Fire Flies Truffle Flies The Common House Fly, etc. Eemarkable Action of CONTENTS. XV Light upon Animal Life Growth of Insects under differently Coloured Light .... 91110 CHAPTER VI. CRUSTACEA, Artificial Propagation practicable with Crustacea as with Fish The Common Lobster Laws of Regeneration The Craw Fish Curious Discoveries relating to the Young of these Animals Phyllosoma Zoea Meta- morphoses among Crustacea Praniza and Ancea Larvae of Lobsters Colouring Matter of Lobsters, Crawfish, etc. Composition of a Lobster Shell- Shrimps Crangon vulgaris C. boreas Sabinea sep- tem-carinata and other Shrimps Prawns Palemon car emus and P. jamaicensis Other Prawns Bopyrus crangorum The Isopoda The Family of Crabs Cancer pagurus C. mcenas Pinnotheres Pagurus Diogenes Land Crabs Thelphusa fluviatilis Crabs of the genus Gecarcinus Their Wonderful Emigrations Bernardin de St. Pierre Birgus latro Bobber Crab Quantity of Fat it Produces Concluding Kemarks on this Family 111134 CHAPTER VII. MOLLUSCA. CEPHALOPODA : India and China Ink Fossil Ink-bags Octopus vulgaris The Colour Sepia Sepia officinalis, or XVI CONTENTS. Cuttlefish Cuttle-bone Loligo vulgaris Edible Cuttle- fish Chemical nature of their Colour Nautilus Argo- nauta Carinaria. GASTEROPODA : The Tyrian Purple Curious Properties of the Colouring Matter of Sea-snails Murex Irandaris Purpura lapillus Helix fragilis Yandinafragilis Pur- pura patella Murex truncatus Experiments with American Sea-snails Colour furnished by Whelks JBuccinum Influence of Light upon the Production of their Colour Process used by the Ancients to dye Purple Uric Acid in Gasteropoda Murexide Snails that are Beared for Food, etc. Helix pomatia Snail- gardens H. aspersa H. horticola Arion rufus Ana- lysis of Snails Limacine Helicine Uric Acid in If. pomatia Turbo littoreus, or Periwinkle Haliotis Snails used as Money Cyprcea moneta Other Species of Cypraea " Love-shells " Conus Oliva Ovula Strombus gigas Cassis Turbinella Murex Buccinum Curious Experiments with Snails Slugs Limax maximus L. agrestis, BIVALVES : Mytilus edulis, or Common Mussel Its Culture, etc. Hurtful at certain seasons M. cJwros M. Magel- lanicus M^ area M. liihopliagus Ostrea edulis, or Common Oyster Details concerning its Artificial Breeding and Propagation Acclimatisation of Mol- lusca Fishing on the Plessix bed Spondylus Car- dium edule, or Cockle SolenPecten maximus Tellina Tridacna gigas Chama Cameos Stone Cameos and Shell Cameos Chinese Cameos Pearl Oysters CONTENTS. XV11 Avicula margaritiferaA. frimbriata A. sterna Pearl Fishery Details, etc. Pearls of Mytilus edulis Ano- dontes Unio pictorum Unto margaritiferus Culture of the Fresh-water Pearl-Mussel Value of its Pearls Artificial modes of causing, it to produce Pearls Pinna Their Silky Byssus and its uses Their Pearls Other uses of Shells Tunicata and Bryozoa . . 135198 CHAPTER VIII. i WORMS. Curious Observations upon Worms Eeproductive Power of the Na'is Sabularia Terebella Lumbricus Planaria Helminthes, or Entozoa The Common Earth-worm, Lumbricus terrestris The Leech, Hirudo medicinalis The Horse-leech, //. s'anguisuga " Hirudiculture," or Leech-breeding Its Cruelties Extent to which it is carried in France Barometers of Leeches and Frogs Worms for the Aquarium .... 199210 CHAPTER IX. POLYPES. General Eemarks on Polypes Their Organization and Poly- pidom Naturalists who have written upon Polypes Hydra fusca and H. viridis Eeproduction of Polypes Polypes for the Aquarium Corallium nobilis and general Observations on Coral Its Polypidom Practical Details concerning Coral " Coralliculture " Coral XVlil CONTENTS. Fishery Uses of Coral Isis hippuris, or Articulated Coral Tubipora musica The genus Madreporaneef and Coral Islands Formation of Eeefs Madrepora muricataIts Chemical Composition How it derives its Lime Its uses ..... 211 234 CHAPTER X. INFUSOKIA AND OTHER ANIMALCULE. Microscopic Animals useful to Man Universal Distribution of Infusoria Dry Fogs Authors who have studied Infusoria Philosophical considerations concerning them The Monads, Rotifera, Vibrio Rhizopoda Monas crepusculum, the most minute of living beings Deposit in which the Transatlantic Cable lies Transition of Colour in Lakes Fossil Infusoria Mountain Meal Its Chemical Composition Enormous quantities of it Consumed as Food Geographical distri- bution of Infusorial Deposits The Town of Eichmond in Virginia Berlin The Polishing Schist of Bilin 1,750,000,000 beings to the square inch The Swedish Lake Iron-ore Tripoli, its uses and composition Geographical and Geological Distribution of Infusoria, Foraminifera, and Diatomaceae Soluble Glass obtained from Infusorial Deposits Its Uses Other applications of Infusorial Earth Chalk, its Uses and Origin The Nummulite Limestone Paris mostly built of Ani- malculae Other details Time 235264 CONTENTS. XIX CHAPTER XL SPONGES. Eemarks on Classification Structure of a Sponge Natu- ralists who have contributed to the History of Sponges Chemical Nature of Sponge Interesting results Spongia afficinalis and S. usta The Syrian toilet Sponge Its high price Other Sponges Objects for the Aquarium Spongilla flumatilis and S. lacustris, or the Fresh-water Sponges Sponges common on the English Coasts Their use in Medicine Sources of Iodine and Bromine Flints and Agates as owing their formation to Sponges Petrified Sponges Practical details on the Toilet Sponge Sponge Fishery and Markets 265282 Introduction, (Domestication Characteristics of a Species Creation of tfaces and Varieties Lost ^ypes of the jinimal Kingdom Jtfodified Species (Domestic of Inferior Orders (Pisciculture Creation o tfaces of Fish Cultivation of the Lower Animals. THE UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. INTEODUCTION. ilE lower classes of animals which are treated of in the following pages are mostly as re- markable for their great utility to man, as by the peculiarity of their organizations or their habits. Many of them have acquired as great an importance in the economic applications of the human race as the higher organized beings that have contributed to the welfare and comfort of man from the earliest historic periods, and which have generally been termed ee domestic animals." Such a term might, at the present day, be applied to most of those lower forms of animal life which will occupy our attention here. By domestication is understood the art of training animals to administer to the wants of man. It is by nattering their natural tastes, by placing them artificially in circumstances similar in many respects to those of the savage state, preserv- 4 INTRODUCTION. ing as much as possible their natural instincts, that the subjugation and domestication of the most useful species has been accomplished. It is still a discussed point among 1 philosophers whether man has the power of modifying the nature of a species to such an extent that it loses its natural or essential charac- teristics. However much the enthusiastic naturalist may admire the poetic doctrines of Lamarck, Etienne Geoffroy St. Hilaire, and Darwin, he must not com- pletely throw aside Cuvier's more severe doctrine of the Fixity of Species. Both are true to a certain extent, but both have been exaggerated. Domestic animals, like certain useful plants, have certainly undergone marked changes. No one doubts our power of creating new races or varieties in the animal world, with almost as much ease as in the vegetable kingdom ; and these we can modify or ameliorate according to our wants. These races or varieties flourish even when the original animals from whence they sprung have disappeared for ever ! Where is now to be found the original animal to which we owe the ox, or the horse, or the camel, or the dog ? The original types of these domestic animals have disappeared from the face of the globe. The cow in all probability originated in the animal seen and described by Herberstein (Eerum Moscovitarum Commentarii, etc., 1556) in the six- INTEODUCTION. 5 teenth century, under the name of Thur. The species to which we owe the horse is extinct , the type of the camel, the original dromedary, the type of the dog* tribe are lost for ever. But they are replaced by numerous varieties of animals so useful to us that they have been called ' ' domestic animals," in producing which man has attended to his own interests. These modified species of animals are increasing in number daily. The term " domestic" animals should extend over the whole, or, at least, the greater portion of the animal world. Our readers are not ac- customed to hear grubs, insects, animalculae, etc., spoken of as " domestic animals." But do we not rear our silkworms with as much care as our sheep or our cows ? Do we not construct houses for our bees, cochineals, snails, oysters, etc., as we do for our rabbits, our chickens, or our horses ? Are not large fortunes realized by the cultivation of a worm such as the leech, or a grub such as the silkworm, as readily as by the aid of the camel of the desert or the Indian elephant ? Have we not seen a thimbleful of some new insect or its eggs fetch as high a price in the market as the choicest Cochin- China fowl ? It is too true that these inferior beings are com- paratively new to_us in this light. But their study affords far greater interest, and, in many cases, un- doubtedly more profit, than that of superior animals. 6 INTRODUCTION. Imagine a man in difficult circumstances endea- vouring to gain a livelihood by rearing some new variety of dog, cow, horse, ass, or pig. He would have greater chance of success were he to extract some new colouring matter from the insect world, or discover a means of doubling the produce of the bee or the silkworm, or a method by which sponges and corals might be cultivated with as much ease as a lettuce or a cauliflower. My endeavour in this volume is to treat of inferior animals useful to man, from insects down- wards to infusoria and sponges. I leave it to others to write the useful novelties that may concern Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. My obser- vations treat of Invertebrata only. Our readers have doubtless heard of a new species of culture which has lately taken a very extensive development. It is called Pisciculture, or the breed- ing of fish, in which many eminent naturalists have met with astonishing success.* Their secret was, however, known long ago to the Chinese. When a * See papers on the subject by Coste, De Quatrefages, and others, and for the artificial propagation of the salmon in Great Britain, see report of a committee, consisting of Sir W. Jardine, Dr. Fleming, and Mr. E. Ash worth, in "Report of British Association," 1856. These researches are facilitated as regards fish by the great fecundity of the latter. Thus, the pike, for instance, produces about 300,000 eggs ; the carp, 200,000 ; and the mackerel, more than half-a-million. But this fecundity is still more astonishing in the inferior animals of which we treat here. INTRODUCTION. 7 Chinaman wished to stock a pool with fish he repaired to some stream where the latter were known to abound, and placed in it bundles of straw, which were soon covered with spawn. After a certain time the straw was withdrawn and placed in his pool, where the eggs were hatched, and the young fish soon became large enough to satisfy their master's appetite. The writings of Coste, Millet, Gehin, Milne Edwards, De Quatrefages, Remy, and others,* have not only taught us how to stock our streams with magnificent salmon, trout, grayling, etc., but lead us to expect that there will soon exist as many different varieties of trout, salmon, perch, tench, etc., as we have actually of dogs or horses. For certain closely allied species have been crossed so as to produce new varieties or races of fish never before seen. Similar experiments are being made with inferior animals. The attention of philosophers and practical men is now directed to the latter. We speak now of the amelioration of some insect species, of the cultivation of a mollusc or a polype. We begin to see how we can profit by infusoria or some other animalculas. The following pages will, I trust, give some idea * Quite recently Mr. Francis and Mr. Buckland have again brought forward the subject of Pisciculture in England. 8 INTRODUCTION. .of the extent to which these practical studies are actually pursued ; and what animals, a short time since almost ignored, may eventually prove them- selves a source of wealth, comfort, and happiness ;to man. Silk-Producing Insects, ye and Cochineal. COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. COLOUR-PRODUCING insects come next, perhaps, in importance to those we have already noticed. The cultivation or breed- ing of these useful little animals forms one of the most interesting and profitable branches of industry. I shall begin by speaking of the Cochineal, which will constitute the most important feature of this chapter ; but I prefer drawing attention, in the first instance, to the Kermes (or Chermes), a little insect of the same genus as the former, known and employed long before the cochineal insect was discovered. The insects of which I am about to treat all belong to Latreille's genus Coccus, in the family of the Hemiptera. The number of species belonging to this genus being very great, and being possessed of extraordinary colouring properties, they consti- tute a wide field for research and experiment. The more so, as very few are, as yet, cultivated to any extent, although many species appear to possess all the necessary qualifications, and many others are ignored in a practical point of view. 40 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. The Kermes (Coccus ilicis, Latr.) has been em- ployed to impart a scarlet colour to cloth from the earliest ages. It was known to the Phoenicians under the name of Tola, to the Greeks as KoTtkos, and to the Arabians and Persians as Kermes or Alkermes (Al signifying the, as in the Arabian words alkali, alchymy, etc.). In the Middle Ages it received the epithet Vermiculatum, or " little worm/' from it having been supposed that the in- sect was produced from a worm. From these de- nominations have sprung the Latin coccineus, the French cramoisi and vermeil, and our crimson and ver mill ion. The Coccus ilicis, or Kermes, is found in many parts of Asia, the southern countries of Europe, and the south of France, where it is very common. The first person who made mention of this insect appears to have been Pierre de Quiqueran, who spoke of it as early as 1550. Its history was afterwards written by Nissole in a paper addressed to the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1714, and by Reaumur in the tome iv. of his "Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire des In- sectes." The females resemble a pea in size and form, whence they have been frequently taken for seeds. The insect lives upon a small evergreen oak, the Quercus cocci/era, L., and yields a brownish red colour, which alum turns to a blood-red tint. Dr. Bancroft has shown that when a solution of COLOUE- PRODUCING INSECTS. 41 tin is used with kermes dye, as with cpchineal, the kermes is capable of imparting a scarlet quite as brilliant as that produced by the cochineal itself, and to all appearance more permanent. But on the other hand we know that one pound of cochineal contains as much colouring matter as ten or twelve pounds of kermes. However, we are told that it was with the latter insect that the Greeks and Romans produced their crimson, and from the same source were derived the imperishable reds of the Brussels and other Flemish tapestries. Cochineal has supplanted kermes, and the latter is now only cultivated by some of the poorer inhabitants of the countries in which it abounds, more particularly in India and Persia, and by the peasantry of southern Europe. - Another species of kermes, the Coccus polonicus, Latr., sometimes known as the scarlet grain of Poland, is very common in Poland and Russia. Before the introduction of cochineal this insect formed a considerable branch of commerce. In the neighbourhood of Paris, and in many parts of Eng- land the C. polonicus is found upon the roots of SclerantJius perennis (perennial knarvel), a plant that is not uncommon in Norfolk and Suffolk. The colour which it furnishes is nearly as beautiful as that of the cochineal, and capable of giving the same variety of tints. The insect was formerly 42 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. collected in large quantities for dyeing red in the Ukraine, Lithuana, etc., and though still employed by the Turks and Armenians for dyeing wool, silk, and hair, but more particularly for staining the nails of the Turkish women, it is rarely used in Europe except by the Polish peasantry. The same may be said of other species which the cochineal has completely eclipsed, such as the Coccus found upon the roots of Poterium sanguisorba, an insect formerly used by the Moors for dyeing silk and wool a rose colour ; and the Coccus uva-ursi, which, with alum, dyes crimson. All these species owe their colouring properties to a principle called carmine, which I shall refer to presently. The discovery of the cochineal has not prevented experiments being daily made with these and other species of Coccus, which we shall mention here- after. The cochineal (Coccus cacti, Latr., Fig. 3) was f already in use in Mexico when the Spaniards arrived there in 1518; its true nature was not, however, ascertained till upwards of a century later. Although Acosta declared cochineal to be an insect C*L xa*r. as early as 1530, it required the labours magnified), of many naturalists from that period till 1714, to place its real nature beyond doubt, so generally was it supposed to be the seed of a plant. COLOUE-PEODUCING INSECTS. 43 The Coccus cacti is a native of Mexico, where it lives upon different species of Cactus or Opuntia. The plants chiefly cultivated in hot climates for breading cochineal are the Cactus coccinellifer, C. opuntia, C. tuna } C. paresxia, etc. The first of these is also called Opuntia coccinellifer a, and is known as the Nopal, although it appears, from Humboldt's account, that these plants are two dis- tinct species, the latter being probably the Cactus opuntia of Linnaeus. However, the insect thrives equally well on both. The cochineal, which comes to us in the form of a small shrivelled grain of a reddish colour, covered with a sort of white down, was for- merly only cultivated in Mexico. The female alone is of any commercial value. The male enjoys only a short life, and generally dies at the age of one month ; its wings are as white as snow. The females fix themselves firmly by means of their pro- boscis on to the plant which serves them as a habi- tation, and never quit this spot. Here they couple with the male insects, and increase considerably in size. Each female lays several thousand eggs, which proceed through an aperture placed at the extremity of the abdomen, and pass under the body of the mother-insect to be hatched. The mother- insect then dies, and her body dries up and forms a kind of shell or envelope in which the eggs are 44 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. hatched, and from whence the little cochineals soon proceed. The cultivation of the Nopal and its cochineal was originally confined to the district of La Misteca, in the State of Oaxaca, in Mexico, where some plantations contain upwards of 60,000 separate plants set in straight lines, each being about four feet high, which height it is not allowed to exceed, so that the insect may be easily gathered. The flower is always carefully cut away. These planta- tions are called Nopaleries (Nopaleros), from the name of the plant, which is chiefly cultivated for cochineal in Mexico. "We are told that the greatest quantity of this insect employed in commerce is produced from small nopaleries belonging to Indians of extreme poverty. Two varieties of cochineal are gathered and sent into the market, the wild kind from the woods, called by the Spaniards grana sylvestra, and the cultivated, or grana fina. The former is decidedly inferior in quality to the latter, and furnishes far less colouring matter. The insect in its natural state is of a dark-brown colour, but fine cochineal when well dried and pro- perly preserved should have a grey tint bordering on purple. The grey colour is owing to the downy hair which naturally covers its body, and to a slight quantity of wax. The purple shade arises from the COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 45 colouring-matter extracted by the water in which the insects have been killed. The wild variety (grana sylvestra) loses by cul- tivation a good deal of its cottony or downy appear- ance, and doubles in size ; it is then known as grana find. Eeal cochineal is detected by the following cha- racter : it is wrinkled, with parallel furrows across the back of the insect, which are intersected in the middle by a longitudinal furrow. This serves to distinguish the true cochineal from any fictitious pre- paration. Sometimes smooth black grains called ' ' East India cochineal" are mixed with the genuine article, but an experienced eye easily detects the fraud. A French naturalist, Thieri de Menonville, ex- posed himself to great dangers for the sake of observing and studying the cultivation of the cochi- neal in Mexico, in order to enrich by its means the colony of St. Domingo. He carried there the two varieties mentioned above, along with the nopals on which they lived. He discovered also the variety sylvestra living upon the Cactus paresxia, at St. Domingo a discovery that was not without value to Bruley and soon set about the rearing of this interesting little insect ; but death cut him short in his experiments, and Bruley continued them with much success. The posthumous work of Thieri was 46 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. afterwards published, and may be consulted with, profit by rearers of cochineal to this day.* It was generally thought for a long time, and, indeed, it is still believed by many, that the cochi- neal derives its colour from the nopal on which it lives, the flowers of which are red, but Thieri ob- served that the juice on which the insect nourishes itself is of a green colour, and, moreover, that the cochineal can be reared and multiplied upon certain species of opuntia, whose flowers are not red. I should mention here, however, that in the ' ' Philoso- phical Transactions," vol. 50, it is stated that when Cactus opuntia is given to children, their urine becomes of a lively red colour, and we shall see presently that carm/inium, the colouring-matter of cochineal, has been discovered in the vegetable world, in a plant of the Orchidae family. The wild cochineal has been found in many parts of North America. Dr. Garden observed it in South Carolina and Georgia ; it has since been discovered in Jamaica and Brazil. Anderson thought he had seen it wild in Madras, but the species he took for the true cochineal turned out to be another species of Coccus, a kind of Kermes. * "Traite de la Culture du Nopal et de 1'Education de la Cochenille dans les Colonies Francaises de 1'Amerique, precede d'un Voyage a Guaxaca." Par M. Thieri de Menonville. " Annales de Chimie," torn. v. COLOUK-PEODUCING INSECTS. 47 When preserved in a dry place, cochineal retains its colour for an unlimited time. Hellot made ex- periments with some dried cochineal that had been kept a hundred and thirty years,, and found their colour as vivid as that furnished by the insects just taken from the Cactus. The poor Indians spoken of above establish their nopal plantations on cleared ground, on the slopes of mountains or ravines, two or three leagues from their villages, and when properly cleaned, the plants are in a condition to maintain the insects for three years. In spring, the proprie- tor of a plantation purchases as stock a few branches of Cactus tuna, laden with small cochineals recently hatched, called semilla (seeds) . The branches may be bought for about three francs the hundred ; they are kept for twenty days in the interior of the huts, and are then exposed to the open air under a shed, where, owing to their succulency, they continue to live for several months. In August and September the female insects big with young are gathered and strewn upon the nopals to breed. In about four months the first gathering, yielding twelve for one, may be made, which, in the course of the year, is succeeded by two more profitable harvests. In colder climates the young insects (semilla) are not placed upon the nopals until October or even December, when it is necessary to shelter them with rush mats, 48 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. and the harvest is proportionately later. Much care is required in the tedious operation of gathering the cochineal from the cactus or nopal ; it is performed with a squirrel's tail by the Indian women, who for this purpose squat down for hours together beside one plant. The insects are killed either by throw- ing them into boiling water, by exposing them in heaps to the sun, or by placing them in ovens. Seventy thousand dried insects weigh on an average one pound. Dr. Bancroft estimated the consumption of cochineal in England at one hundred and fifty thousand pounds per annum, worth about 375,000 sterling, and when Alex. Von Humboldt wrote his " Political Essay on New Spain," the quantity of cochineal exported from Mexico was worth upwards of 500,000 per annum. Since that period the cul- tivated or " domestic" cochineal and the cactus on which it feeds have been introduced into Spain, India, and Algiers, etc., where its cultivation has greatly increased. Professor Piazzi Smyth has given an account of the introduction of the cochineal into Teneriffe " Who would have thought in 1835," says he, in the account of his astronomical observations in that island, " that the years of the grape-vine of Tene- riffe were numbered ?" Teneriffe had effectively been a vine-producing country for three hundred years ; and when a gen- COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 49 tleman introduced the cactus and cochineal there from Honduras, he was looked upon as an eccentric man, and his plantations were frequently destroyed at night. However, when the grape disease broke out, Orotava was gradually forsaken by vessels in quest of wine which could no longer be supplied ; and with starvation staring them in the face, the inhabitants turned to cochineal growing : wherever a cactus was seen upon the island, a little bag of cochineal insect was immediately pinned to it. The essay succeeded admirably. An acre of the driest land planted with cactus was found to yield three hundred pounds of cochineal, and, under favourable circumstances, five hundred pounds, worth 75 to the grower. Such a profitable investment of land was never before made. In the south of Teneriffe, the cochineal insect thrives best, and two har- vests are made in the year; in the north of the island only one harvest is made, and the growers are consequently obliged to buy fresh insects every season from the south, as the little beings cannot survive the northern winter. Now, we know from experiments that in warm climates as many as six harvests of cochineal may be made in the year ; and these are so abundant, the first more especially, that more than one million pounds weight of cochineal arrives in Europe every year. The cactus knows no greater enemy than rain 50 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. it is, therefore, essential to protect it from the wet. The cochineal grower must also scrupulously avoid the mixing of different species of Coccus on the plants ; even the wild variety (sylvestra) must be kept away from the cultivated (fina), or the latter will become thin and maladive, and breed a cross variety, which is inferior in quality. After gather- ing the insects, the plants must be washed with a sponge before being strewn with the mother-insects. In 1853 there were already seventeen French no- paleries in Algiers ; at which epoch M. Boyer col- lected there 2000 francs worth of cochineal from three thousand nopals, which occupied only one- sixteenth of an hectare of ground. The Coccus cacti or cochineal from Mexico is imported occasionally from South America to Liver- pool : in 1855 one hundred and seventy- three hun- dred weight arrived. Like the ' c Blue-bottle fly " and the Aphides (or blight), the cochineal insects (Coccus) do not always lay eggs like other insects, but give birth to young larvce, having very close resemblance to their mothers. Thus, with Aphides and Coccus, we observe the following curious phenomena : In the early part of the year the female insects do not lay eggs, but bring forth young insects (without previous fecundation), the whole of which are also COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 51 females. These bear young again, without the concourse of any male insect, and so on for about nine generations. Finally, in autumn, the last generation of females give birth to insects of both sexes. The sexes unite, the males die, and the females deposit eggs upon the branches and die also. These eggs pass the winter season on the spot, and in the spring give birth to females which reproduce similar females, and so on throughout the year without the concourse of the other sex. This is cer- tainly one of the most extraordinary phenomena Natural History has revealed to us. In speaking further on of the genus Melo, I shall refer to similar curiosities in the embryo life of insects, and when speaking of Infusoria, I will make known some extraordinary facts lately discovered, with regard to their development also. When Leuwenhoek first announced that the aphides were viviparous, and that he suspected they were born without previous fecundation, the researches of naturalists were immediately directed to this point. Reaumur showed that aphides were, indeed, viviparous ; he then tried to rear them in perfect solitude, but his insects died, and his expe- riment failed. It was reserved for Bonnet to con- firm the ideas of Leuwenhoek. Bonnet reared aphides in complete solitude from the time of their birth, and in a few days remarked that they brought 52 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. forth young. He immediately placed tlie latter in confinement, and observed them give birth to other young aphides. By following up the experiments he saw produced before his eyes nine generations of aphides, successively born without the concourse of the two sexes. But it had been certainly ascer- tained that there exist male and female aphides, and it was also given to Bonnet to observe their accou- plement. In autumn he saw the little winged aphides couple with the females, which are much larger, after which he saw no more young aphides appear : the females laid eggs, which both Bonnet and Reau- mur looked upon as averted foeti, as they never seemed to hatch. Lyonnet was more fortunate : he observed the hatching of eggs laid by the aphis of the oak-tree. Dutrochet, in a short paper read in 1818, at the Paris Academy of Sciences, shows the complete organization of the generative organs of the male and female aphides, and has come to the con- clusion that these insects are not hermaphrodite, as Reaumur supposed, but that the opinion professed by Trembley, that the fecundation which takes place in autumn is sufficient to render fertile the nine successive generations of females, appears most probable.* The marvellous tinctorial properties of the cochi- * Dutrochet's paper was subsequently published in 1833 (' Ann. des Sciences Naturelles," vol. xxx.) COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 53 neal insect renders interesting the discovery lately made of two new species of cochineal, both natives of Australia, which have not yet been described by entomologists. They were discovered by Mr. Child. One of them lives upon a species of Mimosa, the other on a species of Eucalyptus. They produce four or five generations during the year. A short time ago M. Gruerin Menneville presented to the Paris Academy a new indigenous cochineal which was found living upon some weeds of our own climate, and from which a magnificent scarlet dye can be obtained. This new insect has been de- nominated Coccus fabce, as it may be successfully reared upon the bean, on the stalks of which vegetable it appears to have been originally discovered. It was afterwards found upon the sainfoin. Coccus fabce was discovered by M. Guerin Menne- ville in the South of France. The discovery terrified him not a little, for should Coccus fabce multiply under favourable circumstances as rapidly as these kind of insects usually do, it would become a disastrous source of blight to beans and sainfoin, and possibly to other plants. He then thought of turning his discovery to account, and proclaimed his new insect an extremely useful one, that by proper cultivation might one day replace the exotic cochineal. M. Chevreul, who examined the colouring matter it 54 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. produced, pronounced it to be a peculiar scarlet, which, until then, could only be obtained by artificial mixtures. It appeared to have a decided advantage over real cochineal as regards the dyeing of wool, .but only if the new insect could be procured at a cheaper rate than cochineal, as it was much less rich in colouring matter than the latter. Moreover, the colouring matter of this new insect is not car- minium, but a perfectly distinct substance. Now all insects belonging to the genus Coccus yield car- minium, therefore M. Guerin^s new insect is certainly not a Coccus , but probably, as M. Dumeril stated, an Aphis, whence Aphis fabce would be its proper name. A new dye, called Canadian cochineal, has been lately prepared by Professor Lawson, of Queen's College, Canada, from an apparently new species of Coccus, which was noticed in the summer of 1860, on the common black spruce (Abies nigra) in the neighbourhood of Kingston. The new dye is very similar to cochineal, but, unlike it, can be produced in temperate climates. I must here briefly notice the little insects which furnish lac, and which belong to other species of Coccus. Lac is a dark red substance which was supposed to be formed by Coccus lacca (or Coccus ficus) as bees form their cells. But from the analysis of this substance made by Unverdorben, it appears to consist of five sorts of resins mixed with COLOUR- PRODUCING INSECTS. 55 a little wax, colouring matter, and grease, and that it exudes from the branches of Zizyphus jujuba and other trees, after they have been pricked by the Coccus lacca. It is collected from various trees and shrubs in India, where it is very abundant, and has the appearance of a concrete juice adhering to and encircling the branches. Chevreul discovered that its red colour was owed to carminium the principle of the cochineal, and therefore its colour is certainly produced by the insect Coccus. There are several varieties of this substance, known in commerce as stick-lac, seed-lac, and shell- lac. Stick-lac, when it is in its natural state, adhering to the branches (Fig. 4) ; seed-lac when separated, pulverized, and the greater portion of colouring matter extracted by water ; lump-lac, when melted and made into cakes ; shell-lac, when strained and formed into trans- parent plates. Two other products are also brought from India. They are chemical prepara- tions for dyeing, called lac-lake and lac- aye. In the latter country lac is used to Fro. 4. J stick-iac. manufacture beads, rings, and other ornaments. Mixed with sand, it is used to construct grindstones. In this country it is used principally 56 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. for varnishes, japanned ware, and sealing-wax, and sometimes as a substitute for cochineal in dyeing scarlet. Formerly large quantities of lac-lake pre- cipitated from an alkaline solution of the resin by alum, was manufactured in Calcutta and exported to England. At present it is imported from the East Indies in two forms. Shell, stick, and seed- lac (the resinous exudation) arrives in Liverpool at the rate of about two hundred tons per annum. It is principally used for varnish. Lac-dye or cake-lac, and lac-lake (the colouring matter of the insect combined with alumina, etc.) arrives in Liverpool at the rate of about seventy tons per annum. It is used exclusively for dyeing. Carminium } the colouring matter of the cochi- neal, is a very interesting substance. It was first extracted from the Coccus cacti by Pelletier and Caventou in 1818. They observed that it formed with alumina a magnificent lake, which they called carmine. This lake was, however, previously formed many years before by Dr. Bancroft. M. Lassaigne discovered carminium in the kerrnes (Coccus ilids), and Chevreul asserted that it existed also in lac-dye (product of the Coccus lacca). It has also been extracted from Coccus polonicus, etc. The reason why all these insects cannot be em- ployed so advantageously as Coccus cacti, is simply because they yield a much smaller proportion of COLOUK-PKODUCING INSECTS. 57 carminium, and contain a greater quantity of grease, etc. This is so true that if the greasy matter be previously separated by pressure from Coccus polonicusj this insect can be employed weight for weight with the same advantage as the genuine cochineal. Carminium may be obtained by treating pul- verized cochineal, first by ether to extract the greasy matter, and then by alcohol. The product thus obtained is treated once more in the same manner, when, by evaporation of the alcohol, car- minium is deposited as a granular substance of a red-purple colour. If carminium be combined with oxide of lead, we obtain a violet compound, which, when decomposed with sulphuretted hydrogen, yields a transparent colourless liquid, by the evapo- ration of which a new substance is deposited in colourless crystals. These absorb oxygen from the air and become carminium. In August 1856, M. Belhomme made the beau- tiful discovery of carminium in the vegetable king- dom ; he found it in the petals of a plant of the Orchidse family, the Monarda didyma, L. This plant, which has been known to horticulturists for some time, is a native of North America. When its petals are placed in water, they yield to the liquid a crimson colouring matter in every respect similar to the carminium of the cochineal. Some 58 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. time ago the author of this work thought he had discovered carminium in the bark of the alder tree, but it turned out to be another colouring matter, still more interesting in a chemical point of view. The colouring matter of the cochineal, like that of madder, or Turkey-red, becomes yellow by the action of acids, but we can distinguish it from the latter, for when carminium is separated from the acid, it appears with its usual red colour, whilst madder remains yellow. Light has a peculiar action upon carmine the beautiful crimson lake obtained by precipitating an alkaline solution of cochineal by alum. Mr. Hunt has shown that when this lake is prepared in the dark, it is of far less brilliant a colour than when prepared in the sunshine. The same fact has been observed for other colours, such as Prussian blue, etc. The colouring matter for the face called rouge, employed upon the stage and sometimes off it is made by mixing half a pound of prepared chalk with two ounces of freshly prepared carmine. This is the only red colouring matter that should be tolerated for this purpose, as it is perfectly harmless; the other products sometimes sold as such are extremely hurtful, from their venomous properties. M. Cheva- lier of Paris has very recently made a long report upon the sufferings produced among actors and COLOUR- PEODUCING INSECTS. 59 actresses in Paris by the use of poisonous colours containing lead, mercury, arsenic, and other toxic principles. * * * * I shall now turn to gall insects, or Cynips, to which we owe many useful products. If ink were the sole product of the insects which produce the gall-nut, we should not be so much indebted to them, as ink can be produced in a variety of manners. But we shall see that the Cynips furnish us with other substances useful to mankind. Although the insect which produced the gall-nuts found in commerce was not known to Linnaeus or to Fabricius, it belongs to their genus Cynips a genus composed of small four-winged flies, and classed in the family of Hymenoptera. Some of these flies are remarkably useful to the Greeks in their process of caprification. A dioecious fig-tree, very common in the East, would indeed be comparatively useless but for their aid. By a dioecious plant is meant one in which the male and female flowers are found on different individuals. In most plants the two sexes are united in the same flower, but in others, such as the hop, the nettle, some willows and figs, etc., the male flowers (stamens) are found on one individual, the female flowers (pistils) on the other. Now, as no fruit can ripen without the concourse of these two kinds of 60 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. flowers,* the female fig-trees of the East are apt to become sterile when removed from the immediate vicinity of the male plants. On the other hand a certain species of Cynips is known to abound in the flowers of the latter ; so that to render their female trees fertile, the Greeks imagined the process of caprification, which consists in this : As soon as the male flowers are in full bloom, they are cut off and strung into garlands, which are hung upon the branches of the female trees. The Cynips in their passage from the male to the female flowers, carry with them the pollen of the former, and so the con- ditions of fertility are ensured. There are many descriptions of gall-nuts, but those which are mostly esteemed for industrial pur-, poses are the gall-nuts of the East, exported chiefly from Aleppo, Smyrna, etc. They are the product of an insect first described by Olivier, and now gene- rally known as Cynips gallce tinctorice. When an insect of the Cynips kind is about, to lay its eggs, it makes a slight incision in the leaves of certain plants into which it deposits its eggs. The sap of the plant thus wounded flows rapidly to this spot a separate incision is made for each egg and in course of time a small excrescence is formed. The eggs hatch and the new-born larvce * There are two apparent exceptions to this rule, namely, the C&lobogyne, or batchelor plant, and Hemp. COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 61 nourish themselves on the tissue of the excrescences, thereby causing the sap to flow again to these parts. As the little ball or wart grows in size, its interior is excavated more and more by the increasing appe- tite of the larvae, until the sides of the excrescence have become tolerably thin. The larva thus becomes a chrysalis, and when its metamorphosis is com- pleted, the perfect insect without much difficulty bores through the gall-nut and makes its exit. There are galls of all sorts and sizes, many of which possess very curious forms ; but each diffe- rent variety is produced by a distinct species of "Reaumur and Malpighi, to whom we owe our knowledge of the formation of gall-nuts, assure us that one of these, however large, attains its full size in a day or two, and that those which spring from leaves constantly take their origin from the nerves or veins of the leaf. The galls produced by Cynips gallce tinctorice, fetch a high price in the markets. They were formerly analysed by Sir Humphry Davy, who found in them 63 parts of cellulose or .vegetable fibre, 26 of tannic acid, 6'2 of impure gallic acid, 2 '4 of mucilage, and 2*4 of ash or mineral matter. To the tannic acid they owe their highly astringent property, on account of which they are employed in medicine their gallic acid is indispensable for 62 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. photography : by the action of heat it is converted into pyrogallic acid, which is still more useful to photographers. By mixture with salts of iron they produce ink and black dyes, and tincture of galls is a reagent constantly employed in chemical labora- tories. These gall-nuts are found upon the leaves of an oak tree (Quercus infectoridj L.) The little red oak balls found in our oak leaves are owed to the Gynips quercusfolii (Fig. 5) ; they also can be em- FIG. 5. a, Foreign galls ; b, Gall-nuts of Cynips quercus folii. ployed to produce ink, dyes, gallic acid, etc. ; but Berzelius assures us that they contain little more tannic acid than the leaf itself on which they are produced. Messrs. Lacaze and Eiche ("Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Geneve," xxx. 17) have profited by the singular conditions under which the young Cynips are developed in the gall- nuts, to solve an important physiological problem : COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 63 As grease exists in the vegetable as well as in the animal world, it was an interesting question to know whether animals derived their fat wholly from vege- tables, or whether this substance could be formed in the animal body. The vegetable tumours in which the larvas of the Cynips are found contain no grease or oily matter, whilst the grub that grows in them is remarkably fat ! It is evident, therefore, that animals have the power of forming fat or grease by means of the starch or other principles supplied by vegetables.* The conditions under which fat is most readily formed are indeed those in which the larvae of the cynips live, namely, a vegetable or farinaceous diet, repose, solitude, and obscurity. It is not improbable that other insects besides kermes, coccus, and cynips may become important as dye-producers. Reaumur has spoken of an aphis which produces galls in different parts of Asia, and these galls are employed to dye silk a crimson colour. Linnaeus also speaks of the tinctorial properties of Aphis pini, an insect common in our climate, and which produces a sort of gall-nut at the extremities of the spruce fir. When these galls have attained their maturity, says he, they burst and discharge a * Dumas and Milne Edwards formerly arrived at the same conclusion. They fed bees exclusively upon honey and sugar, and found that they produced wax y an observation which Huber had already made many years before. 64 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. yellow powder, which stains the clothes. A tree common enough in India, and which is called Ter- minalia citrina, yields a sort of gall, which serves in that country as a dye j to it indeed the natives owe their best and most durable yellow colour. It is produced by a hitherto unknown insect. Among the little " money- spiders " (Trombidium) which attract the attention of children in the garden about spring, Trombidium tinctorium is used in Guinea and Surinam as a dye. I have observed that when acid vegetable colours of a yellow tint can be fixed upon silk, cotton, wool, etc., they can almost always be turned crimson by alkalies. It is im- possible yet to say what influence the newly dis- covered colour magenta will have upon the cochi- neal production. But as carminium and magenta are so very different in properties, it is probable that the production of magenta dye will not mate- rially affect that of cochineal. Insects producing Wax, Eesin, Honey, Manna, Chinese Coccus which produces a kind of Spermaceti Value of its (Produce White Lac Insects pro- ducing J^esin G-rey-wax Insect of Sumatra (Details concerning- the wax Coccits Ijees -jlpis mellifica Its native country Virgil -JvLodern jluthors who have written on Fjees -fipis lig-ustica -fi. amal- thea and its curious Jfests Ijamburos jtpis uni- color G-reen Honey of Bourbon JE^ock-honey of JTorthjlmerica -jlpis fas data -fl. indica -jl.jldan- sonii -Jl swarm of Ijees ^he Queen, J&ales, and Workers -Jtfathematics of the Ijee-cell Bilk pro- duced ~by I)ees (Production of Wax How Honey is procured (Plants favourable to Ijees (Duration of life in Ijees Enemies and J&aladies Chloroforming- Ijees -JVLr. J^utt's Hives (Profit derived from Ijee- culture J^Tew modes of (Preserving- Ijees during- winter (Periodical transportation of Hives How to discover Ijees' Jfests -JTew species of I$ee at Sydney ees as Instruments of War Honey, its JVature and Composition jlrtifioial Honey from Wood, Starch, etc. Joanna and the Coccus JAaniparua Wax Its Jfature, Composition, and Uses. INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. must again turn to the genus Coccus, to speak of a species of wax-producing in- sect which is attracting particular atten- v Lvy taT tion in France at this moment. This will be better understood when it is known that the French pay four millions of francs annually for wax ; and the Coccus of which I speak produces about ten millions of francs 5 worth of wax per annum. It is a Chinese insect, and the wax it produces resembles spermaceti. It was first alluded to by Grosier, who remarked that towards the beginning of winter small tumours appear on the trees it inhabits. These tumours increase in size until they are as large as a walnut. He imagines these to be the nests of the female insects ; they are filled with eggs which hatch in the spring, and the young insects disperse themselves on the leaves and pierce the bark. The wax they produce pro- bably in the same manner that lac is produced by Coccus lacca is perfectly white, and known to the Chinese as Pe-la (white wax) . It begins to appear 68 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. about June, and is gathered by the natives at the beginning of September. The quantity produced in China alone is, according to Geomelli Careri, sufficient to supply the whole nation with this useful article. This insect, with whose specific name we are not yet acquainted, is cultivated chiefly in the province of Xantung, like the cochineal in that of Oaxaca, and there its breed has attained great per- fection ; but it is also reared with more or less suc- cess from the frontiers of Thibet to the Pacific Ocean. The plant on which it lives is a species of privet, Ligustrum luddum, a Chinese shrub. The chemical examination to which this wax has been submitted, proves it to be superior to any yet discovered, and shows that it bears a close resem- blance to spermaceti.* From what precedes it will be seen that the acclimatization of this insect in France becomes an exceedingly interesting problem. It appears pro- bable, from observations we already possess, that the Chinese spermaceti Coccus is not confined to China, and that it, or at least some analogous insects pro- ducing wax, are found in other parts of Asia. Dr. Anderson formerly described as white lac a substance similar to the white wax of the Chinese Coccus, and * This Chinese wax must not be confounded with that called vegetable wax, produced by palms and by several species of Myrica, etc. (On these see Cook in the " Technologist," London, June, 1861.) INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 69 which, lie said, could be produced in any quantity, near Madras, at a much cheaper rate than beeswax. And from De Azara's observations, a similar wax- producing Coccus appears to abound on a small shrub in South America. So many trees (Palms, and Myrica, and Rhus especially) are known to produce excellent wax without the aid of any insect, that we cannot always decide at first whether this substance is the product of the plant or of the insect. Molina has shown that at Coquimbo in Chili large quantities of resin are produced by several species of the shrub Origanum, as a consequence of the bite of an insect. The latter is a small red caterpillar which changes into a yellowish moth with black stripes on its wings (Phalcena ceraria, Mol.) Early in the spring vast numbers of these caterpil- lars collect upon the branches and buds of the tree, where they form cells of a kind of white wax or resin ; and in these cells they undergo their meta- morphoses. The wax, which at first is very white, becomes gradually yellow and then brown. It is collected by the inhabitants in autumn ; they boil it in water, and make it up into cakes, which go into the markets. They use this wax instead of tar for their boats. There exists at Sumatra a species of winged ant that produces a sort of grey wax. A sample of this 70 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. substance was exhibited at the French Exhibition of 1855, but we have as yet no details concerning the insect that produces it. All the insects of the genus Coccus contain a considerable amount of grease, from which stearine, the element of our modern ' ' wax- candle s," has been extracted ; moreover, Berzelius extracted from Coccus polonicus the acids which are contained in butter ; and it is probable that butyric acid exists in the whole genus. The latest information we have concerning the spermaceti Coccus of the Chinese we owe to M. Stanislas Jullien, who ascertained in 1840 that these insects were cultivated indefatigably by the Chinese, on three different sorts of plants, with equal suc- cess ; namely, the plant they call nint-cliing, which M. Brogniart tells us is the Rhus succedanea ; the tong-tsing, which Thunberg says is Ligustrum gla- brum ; and the goukin, a plant which grows in damp places, and is probably the Hibiscus Syriacus, or belonging to the same family as the latter. The wax which is obtained from these trees abounds in all the east and south provinces of China. It is col- lected by scraping the trees in autumn, it is then boiled in water, and strained through a cloth, after which it is placed in cold water, when it becomes solid, and then resembles soap-stone or steatite. The young insects, according to M. Stanislas Jul- INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 71 lien, are hatched from eggs of a considerable size, and cover the trees about June. They are soon ob- served to secrete a sort of viscous liquid, which adheres to the branches, and transforms itself slowly into a kind of grease or white wax. In September this grease adheres so firmly to the branches that it is difficult to remove it. The more sap the tree yields the more wax the insect produces ; it would, therefore, be interesting to try the effects of some of our artificial manures upon these trees and their insect burden. The insect appears to nourish itself upon the sugar contained in the sap, which it trans- forms into a liquid grease, becoming solid on con- tact with the air. Although insects are certainly instrumental in causing the production of several varieties of wax, it is not proved that they promote the formation of the Japan wax furnished by Rhus succedanea, a plant extensively cultivated in Japan and China. The wax of this shrub is now being imported in England in enormous quantities. I must now allude to bees. I really dread the task of saying anything about these insects, so fami- liar to all, and upon which so many useful and in- structive volumes have already been written ; but on account of their utility to man, bees have long since been placed upon the first rank among domes- ticated animals. An ancient historian, Niebuhr, states that he met between Cairo and Damietta a 72 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. convoy of 4000 hives, which were being transported from a region where the season for flowers had passed, to one where the summer was later. Our domestic hive-bee (Apis mellifica, Fig. 6) appears to be a native of Greece ;* from whence it was subsequently introduced into the different countries of Europe. It is a well-known fact that the education or rear- ing of bees attained to great FlG> 6 ffi4 P ber ellifiea perfection among the ancient Greeks, more especially among the inhabitants of Attica ; the honey of the latter country was always considered extremely fine. An- cient philosophers looked upon bees as forming part of the universal soul of the world, and believed that the sweets upon which they lived made them parti- cipate in divine nature ; thus, we see the ancient poets celebrating the works of the bee, making known their habits and writing their history. It was from these sources that Yirgil collected ideas, added to them the results of his own observa- tions, and produced the charming verses of his < ' Georgica." Among the moderns the following are the names of distinguished entomologists who have written considerably on bees : H. Huber, P. Huber, * Most authors agree upon this point. INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 73 Reaumur, Bonnet, Latreille, Needham, Kirby, Swammerdam, Kirby and Spence, Mills, Thorley, Hunter, Keys, Bonner, Schiroch, Bevan, etc., etc. Apis mellifica, the domestic bee, reared in hives, is the same throughout Europe, except in some parts of Italy, the Morea, and some of the Grecian isles, where another species is cultivated, the Apis ligus- tica (?) of Spinola. The domestic bee ( A. mellifica) is found wild in the forests of Russia, and some parts of Asia, where it builds its nests in hollow trees. Another kind of bee, the Apis amalthea of Latreille, is found at Cayenne, where it builds curi- ously-shaped nests upon the tops of high trees; these nests are something like a bagpipe. They are seen also in South America, and furnish large quan- tities of honey, but this honey, though very sweet and agreeable, is very liquid and difficult to keep, as it easily ferments. Another species of wild bee, which has been called Bamburos, is very plentiful in the woods of Ceylon, where it is eaten as a delicacy, though it furnishes a considerable harvest of honey to the peasants. In the Ukraine some of the country people, we are told, derive more profit from the sale of their honey than from their corn; some peasants keeping as many as 500 hives each. The Indians of Paraguay, the natives of the Isle of Bourbon, of Madagascar, etc., 74 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. live, to a great extent, upon the honey of the bee. The honey exported from the Isle of Bourbon is the product of Apis unicolor, Latreille ; it is of a green colour and oily consistency, and has an aromatic flavour. In North America there is a bee which suspends clusters of thirty or forty wax cells, resembling a bunch of grapes, to the rocks. Its honey is called rock-honey. It is very clear and thin, somewhat like water. The honey contained in the hives that Niebuhr met upon the Nile was the product of Apis fas- data, a species of bee extensively cultivated in Egypt. Apis unicolor has been domesticated in Mada- gascar; Apis indica, is educated in some parts of India; and Apis Adansonii has been extensively reared in Senegal. Although in Spain the number of hives is very great we read of an old parish priest who had 5000 ! in France the cultivation of the bee is not so much attended to. The honey of Apis mellifica, L., is imported (from Europe, Asia, and America, chiefly from Lisbon) to Liverpool, at the rate of about twenty-seven tons a year. Wax is imported from Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, at the rate of twenty-five tons per annum into Liverpool alone. INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, KESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 75 Until very recently,* nearly the whole of the wax employed in Europe, and most of that con- sumed in America, was the produce of the hive bee. A swarm of bees is composed of one female (generally known as the queen-bee), from 600 to 1200 males, and from 15,000 to 30,000 working bees, which have no sex. Aristotle used to call the chief of the hive the king-bee. The working-bee would have become a female had it attained its perfect development a fact discovered by Mdlle. Jurine, a lady who first dissected the working-bee ; but whilst in the larvas state, being fed upon a small allowance of food, and bred in small cells, its growth is impeded, its ovaries avort, and it comes forth definitely as a working-bee. The female (the queen) only comes out of the hive or nest upon two occasions : the first at the period of coupling, when she soars in the air with a host of males, one of which is finally chosen as her mate. This one dies almost immediately after- wards, and the female returns to the hive. The queen-bee has thus become fertile for one year often for her whole life. As soon as the males return to the hive they are unmercifully put to death by the working-bees. The male-bees (drones) have no sting. This takes place about August. * At present there is a considerable importation of vegetable 76 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Forty-eight hours after the female bee has returned to the hive she begins to deposit her eggs in the cells destined to receive them. During the first summer few eggs are laid (principally those from which ' ' workers" emerge) . In winter the laying ceases, to re-commence in the spring, when, in about three weeks, more than 12,000 eggs are deposited by the same queen-bee, which begin to hatch in three or four days. In a single season a queen-bee will sometimes lay from 70,000 to 100,000 eggs. Keaumur says that upon an average she will lay 200 in a day. The queen-bee must be eleven months old before she can produce eggs which produce males, and still older before the eggs she lays will bring forth female bees. The second occasion on which the female-bee leaves the hive or nest is when a new female has been born, and emigration becomes necessary. It is then that swarming takes place. When a swarm issues from the hive, it is customary among the peasants to make a noise, to throw sand into the air, and to imitate a storm. The bees then fix themselves in a cluster to some object, from which they are shaken into the new hive. One word upon the queen-bee. She is always born in one of the royal cells, which are larger than the others. She receives a particular kind of nourish- INSECTS PEODUCTNG WAX,, KESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 77 ment while in the larva state, and if by any accident the queen-bee of a hive is lost or killed, the remain- ing bees have the power of nourishing any of their common larvae in such a manner as to produce a queen.* A word upon the working bees. There are two varieties : the wax makers and the nurses. The former are large and robust, they fly into the country to collect the pollen and sugar of flowers ; the others, less strong, remain in the hive; their duty is to feed the young larvae. A beautiful example of applied mathematics is furnished by the bee-cell. Each cell of the honey- comb is a hexagon, the base of which is composed of three rhomboidal plates so composed as to contain the largest amount of honey with the least quantity of wax.f Lord Brougham, in a paper read at the Paris Academy (May, 1858), asserts that the cells of the larvaa of bees are lined with a species of silk ; when the wax is separated there remains behind what appears to be a very fine tissue of silk. It is now beyond doubt that the wax of the bee is not taken from the vegetable world, but is pro- duced by the insect itself. The fact was ascertained * See on this Kirby and Spence " Introduction to Entomology." Lond, 1858, pp. 361, 362, et seq. f See Kirby and Spence, loc cit> p. 273. 78 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. by Thorley in 1744, and afterwards by Huber, who described the organs, situated on each side of the abdomen, which secrete the wax in the shape of thin plates. Honey, on the contrary, consists of the sugar which is taken directly from the nectaries of the flowers. It is lapped up from these curious parts of the flower by the tongue of the bee, and trans- mitted into the first stomach or honey-bag of the insect. It is never found in any other part of the bee's body. When the insect is laden it returns to the hive, and disgorges the honey into cells which are destined to receive it. Plants which are peculiarly adapted to the bee are species of EcMum, Borago, Verbascum, Thymus, and the Crucifera. In some countries bees attach themselves to particular plants ; for instance, in the 'Highlands of Scotland and in Sweden, to the Erica, or heath-plant ; in Scania, to the buckwheat j in Poland, to the lime-tree ; in Narbonne, to rose- mary ; in Greece, to thyme ; in Corsica, to the arbutus ; in Sardinia, to the Artemisia, etc. j and hence arises the different flavours and qualities of honey in the several European markets. Other plants appear to be avoided by bees : thus the poisonous nectar of the oleander, which proves fatal to thousands of flies, will not be touched by the bee. But a few cases are on record of bees INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, EESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 79 gathering poisonous honey, and causing extensive mortality among those who eat it. The duration of the life of bees has been a sub- ject of controversy. Yirgil and Pliny say seven years, other writers ten ; but of the five hundred bees which Eeaumur marked with red paint in the month of April, not one was living in November ; and more modern authors state that the working bees are annual insects, but that the queen may live two years. We have already seen that the males die every year. However, by a succession of generations hives have been preserved for more than five and twenty years ; and Thorley states that a swarm of bees that took possession of a spot under the leads of the study of Ludovicus Vives, in Oxford, in 1520, were still there in 1630. They had therefore propagated their race in this spot for a period of one hundred and ten years. The enemies of bees are mice, rats, swallows, and other insectivorous birds, wasps, ants, and some other insects. They are also subject to certain diseases, such as dysentery, indigestion, etc. Hives should be placed in a quiet spot, away from noise ; if wasps' nests exist in the neighbourhood, they should be destroyed \ ants' nests likewise ; and frogs, toads, ants, spiders, etc., must be kept away. Bears and foxes are very fond of honey. When a person ap- proaches a hive, he should speak mezza-voce, as the 80 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Italians say ; and if the bees appear hostile, he will do well to stoop down. Liquid ammonia is em- ployed with success to cure the effects of their sting. Mr. Nutt's system of hive appears to be held in esteem upon the Continent. It is no longer necessary to kill these useful insects in order to procure their honey, as every apiarist knows they may be fumigated or " chloroformed " in different ways . The fumes produced by burning fungi permit the cultivator to attain this end without the loss of his bees. Of these fungi the common puff-ball (Lycoperdon) is to be preferred ; its fumes act upon animals like chloroform, as Dr. Richardson has proved by several experiments. The asphyxiation of bees by the puff-ball fungus has been practised by Messrs. Blondel and Cossart with success, thus : A hole is made in the earth a few inches deep, and wide enough to hold a plate, under which is placed a towel. Four or five puff-balls, perfectly dry, are passed on to a long iron pin and lighted. The pin is then stuck into one of the sides of the excavation, and the hole covered with the bee-hive, the ends of the towel being pulled up and fastened against the hive by the loose earth, the smoke is prevented from escaping. In four or five minutes the hive may be lifted up ; all the bees are found upon the plate in a state of insensibility. This INSECTS PKODUCING WAX, BESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 81 operation is best performed at about four o' clock in the afternoon. When the bees are again placed in the hive, the opening of the latter is nearly closed, so that they may not make their escape when animation returns. The next morning they are permitted to go out, and are as lively as before. But Mr. Nutt's system of hive, where the honey is taken from the top, without suffocating the bees, renders this operation unnecessary. The profit derived from the cultivation of bees has been often much exaggerated. Large fortunes are not more easily realized by this undertaking than by other means. Bees require a great deal of attention, and to realize a profit at all the cultivator must, in most cases, submit to a considerable amount of trouble, and often to no little anxiety. The sales of swarms, wax, and honey are the three elements or basis upon which bee-culture rests. The best time for purchasing swarms is in the month of October. On honey and wax we shall say a few words presently. The production of a hive depends principally upon the mildness of the climate. In the environs of Paris there are bee-hives which realize a pure profit of twelve to twenty-four francs a year. These figures may be taken as a sort of criterion in our climate. Those who occupy themselves with the rearing of bees should possess " Les Observa- G 82 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. tions sur les Abeilles," by H. Huber, of Geneva ; " Les Nouvelles Observations," by the same author, noted by P. Huber; also the works of Reaumur, and those of the English authors whose names we have already mentioned. The principal losses experienced in bee-culture occur during the winter ; they arise either from the bee-keeper having, with a miserly hand, deprived the insects of too much honey, or from a bad mode of preserving the hives through the winter season. 1st. To ascertain whether a sufficient supply of honey has been reserved the average weight of the hives must be consulted. 2nd. M. Penard-Masson, a French apiarist, assures us that he has derived considerable benefit and preserved throughout the winter hives which otherwise would have perished, by turning a certain number of bees out of a hive where the supply of honey is too small, into one where there exists an excess of nourishment. But one of the newest and most original methods of preserving bees during winter is that lately discovered by M. Antoine of Rheims. His process consists in burying the hives with great care, and as quietly as possible. About the 15th of November, a ditch, a good depth, and wide enough to contain all the hives that are to be interred, is dug in the mid- dle of a field, away from any road or thoroughfare. INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 83 The hives are placed in it with the utmost care, avoiding as much as possible motion and noise. Their sides are protected with boards and straw, and the whole is then covered with the earth removed in digging the ditch. Seeds are immediately sown over the spot, to hide more completely the buried treasure. The excavation is opened on the 15th of February following, and the bees removed with the same care as before. These operations are executed in the evening. By this system, it appears that the bees con- sume three-fifths less nourishment than if they had not been buried, the mortality in the hives is almost nil, and the queen begins to lay three weeks sooner than usual. I should imagine that porous ground should be chosen in preference to a heavy clay soil, for burying the hives. Mr. Newport in his paper published in the "Philosophical Transactions" for 1837, has proved that in our climate bees are never, strictly speaking, torpid during the winter season, but preserve throughout it a certain degree of activity. Towards the end of October, when the inunda- tions of the Nile have ceased, and the peasants can sow their land, sainfoin (Hedysarum) is one of the first plants sown, and as Upper Egypt is warmer than Lower Egypt sainfoin flowers first in the former district. At this time, according to Kirby, bee- 84 UTILIZATION OP MINDTE LIFE. hives are transported in boats from all parts of Egypt into the upper district, and are then heaped in pyramids upon other boats prepared to receive them. In this station they remain some days, and are then removed lower down, where they remain the same time ; and so they proceed until the month of February, when, having traversed Egypt, and arrived at the sea, they are dispersed to their several owners. A similar transportation of hives occurs in Persia, Asia-Minor, Greece, sometimes in Italy, and even in England in the neighbourhoods of heaths. The honey -hunters of New England seek the wild bees' nests in the following manner : Whilst the sun shines brightly a plate containing honey is set upon the ground. It soon attracts the bees, who feed greedily upon it until their honey-bag is filled. Having secured two or three that are thus satiated the hunter allows one to escape. The insect rises in the air, and being completely laden, flies straight towards its nest. The bee-hunter then strikes off for a few hundred yards at right angles to the course taken by the first bee, and lets fly another ; he ob- serves its course with his pocket compass. The point where the two courses intersect each other is the spot where the nest is situated. The bulletin of the Paris " Societe d' Acclima- tization" for 1856 announces the discovery of a new INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 85 species of bee (Apis) at Sydney. It inhabits the hollow portions of decayed trees, lives together in prodigious numbers, appears to have no sting, and produces a brown- coloured wax, and an excellent description of honey. This is all we know of it at present. If it has no sting, it is probably not an Apis. In time of war, the ancient Egyptians used to place implicit trust in their sacred beetles ; but bees have been employed as more efficacious instruments of war. Lesser reports that in 1525 a mob of pea- sants, who endeavoured to pillage the house of a gentleman, were dispersed by the servants of the latter, who flung some ten or twenty bee-hives into the mob. We have read somewhere than an Ame- rican slave ship was boarded and captured by means of bee-hives. Honey is formed from the sugar secreted in the nectaries of flowers. It is composed of two distinct kinds of sugar, known to chemists as grape-sugar and liquid sugar, which both differ essentially from cane or beet-root sugar, though their composi- tion is similar. They are less sweet than the latter. Liquid- sugar cannot be made to crystallize like the other varieties. The sweet liquid extracted from the nectaries of flowers possesses most of the properties we observe in the honey of the bee. Some flowers contain a 86 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. considerable quantity, such are, for instance, the trumpet-honeysuckle, whose sugar is out of the bee's reach, and the C oboe a scandens, each flower of which contains almost enough sugar to sweeten a cup of coffee. But there is an important difference between honey and the sweet juice of the nectaries of flowers. The former contains no cane-sugar, whilst the latter, as Braconnot has shown, yields by evaporation some crystals of cane-sugar. The Rhododendron ponticum and the Cactus Akermanni were found to contain so notable a proportion that one corolla of the latter gave as much as one-tenth of a gramme of crystal- lized cane sugar. It is evident, therefore, that this cane-sugar of flowers is converted into grape sugar in the honey-bag or the cells of the bee. When honey is allowed to stand for some time, it gradually thickens and consolidates. By pressure in a linen bag it may then be separated into a white solid sugar called grape sugar, as it is found in grapes and raisins and a thick semi-fluid syrup, called liquid sugar. Grape sugar is better extracted by placing the honey upon a porous brick, which absorbs all the liquid sugar, whilst the grape sugar crystallizes at the surface. The liquid sugar of honey often contains odori- ferous substances produced by the flowers from which it has been extracted. To these the honey INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 87 owes a certain fragrance or flavour for which it is much prized. Such is the case with the honey of Mount Ida, in Crete ; hence also the perfume of Narbonne honey, of the honey of Chamounix, and of our own moorland honey when the heather is in bloom. Honey is extracted from the comb by gently heating the latter and letting as much as possible run out, When no more can be extracted in this manner, the comb is again gently heated and pressed. Hence two distinct qualities of honey. The comb which has been pressed is treated with water, and furnishes a liquid which, on being fer- mented, produces liydromel, a sort of vinous liquid employed in medicine. Finally the combs are placed in sacks and submitted to the action of boil- ing water to obtain the wax. Honey is employed as an agreeable aliment ; it is used in various forms for medicinal purposes, and enters into the compo- sition of gingerbread. Honey can be artificially made by boiling wood, linnen, cotton, or starch in water acidulated with sul- phuric acid. The liquid is allowed to boil from ten to twenty hours, and the water replaced as it evapo- rates. The acid liquid is then saturated with chalk, filtered, and evaporated, when a syrup resembling honey is obtained. This syrup is indeed composed of grape sugar, mixed with a small quantity of 88 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. liquid sugar; and this, as we have seen, is the composition of honey. This discovery is owed to Braconnot. Mannite, the sweet principle of manna, has been found, though rarely, in some kinds of honey. The manna that is used as an agreeable food in the East, and with us as a purgative for children, is caused to flow from the Tamarix mannifera (Fig. 7), by the punctures of a small insect, Coccus mani- parus. But it is essentially a vegetable product, FIG. 7. Tamarix mannifera (Manna-bearing Tamarix). 1. Shrub twelve feet high. 2. Branch with fruit. being obtained from the sap of the ash tree (Frax- inus ornus, F. rotundifolia, etc.). The little green aphides of the lime tree appear, however, to secrete mannite from their bodies, on account of which they are captured and reared by ants as we breed cows for their milk. But it has not yet been proved that any animals produce mannite directly, though sugar is a common product of the animal INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 89 economy. Besides the different varieties of ash, the tamarix, and seaweeds,* a sort of manna is pro- duced in Australia and Yan Diemen's Land by the Eucalyptus resinifera. At certain seasons of the year a sweet substance exudes from the leaves of this tree, and dries in the sun, and when the wind blows hard enough to shake the trees, the manna falls like a shower of snow. Certain oaks, larches, pines, cedars, etc., produce a similar substance. The cedar- manna, which is brought from Mount Lebanon, is the product of Pinus cedrus it sells for twenty or thirty shillings an ounce. The manna collected by the Arabs for food in the' desert, is the product of Hedysarum alhagi, L., a plant which is indigenous over a large portion of the East. That of Mount Sinai is obtained from the Tamarix before alluded to. The Coccus manniparus infests this tree, from which the manna exudes as a thick syrup, which, during the heat of the day, falls in drops, but dur- ing the night congeals and is gathered in the cool of the morning. On beeswax I have little to say. The best and whitest wax is that taken during the month of March. The nature of wax has been very com- pletely investigated by Dr. Levy of Paris, to whose admirable paper (" Annales de Chimie," xiii. p. 438) * On the production of Mannite by seaweeds, see my paper in C. boreas, Sa- binea septemcarinata, and other Shrimps (Prawns (Palemon carcinus and (P. jamaicensis Other Species of (Prawns Ijopyrus crang-orum The Iso- poda The Family of Crabs Cancer pag-urus C. mosnas (Pinnotheres (Pag-urus " (Diogenes" Land-crabs Thelphusa fluviatilis Crabs of the g-enus G-ecarcinus Their wonderful Emigrations I^irgus latro, or the Robber Crab Quantity of fat it produces Concluding- remarks on this Family. CRUSTACEA. NOW leave the useful Insect world to speak of some Crustacea, a class of animals ex- tremely remarkable, both in a scientific point of view and in a practical sense. Lob- sters, crawfish, crabs, shrimps, etc., will here demand our attention, and will furnish us many occasions of relating curious or novel details con- cerning this section of the animal world. It has lately been ascertained that artificial fecundation and breeding can be effected with some of these Crustacea, as easily as with fish. Messrs. Coste, Haxo, Chabot, etc., have, of late years, devoted much attention to this subject. A capital of about five shillings, we are told, is sufficient to start with, and, if the business is well managed, the investment will not be regretted. The eggs of a female lobster are taken and placed in a water-trough, and the seed of the male strewed over them ; they are then carefully attended to, and nourished upon such substances as observation or i 114 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. experiment prescribes. That is the fundamental principle of rearing Crustacea (Fig. 10). By breeding crawfish in this manner, some in- teresting facts relating to the earlier phases of their life have been brought to light. The common lobster (Astacus marinus) is abun- dant on the rocky coasts of England, and may be seen in clear water, at no great depth, at the time it deposits its eggs, that is, about the middle of summer. It produces from 15,000 to 20,000 eggs. Dr. Baster actually counted 12,444 eggs under the tail of one female lobster, exclusively of those that still remained unprotruded in the body. The craw-fish (Astacus fluviatilis) produces up- wards of 100,000 eggs, a fact which has doubtless contributed to the success of the undertakings alluded to above, and which seems calculated to facilitate the artificial multiplication of this species. Large lobsters are very voracious animals, de- vouring sometimes their own young, and fighting fearful battles among themselves. When in these skirmishes they lose a claw it soon grows again, but never so large as the lost one it replaces. This power of reproduction of lost parts is extremely developed in lower animals, where the principle of vitality is not concentrated so much in central organs ; it is observed to a wonderful extent in fl CEUSTACEA. 117 polyps, sea- anemones, worms, snails, lobsters, lizards, and even in some fish. Lobsters, in common with, most crustaceans, possess the faculty of reproduction to a great extent : if a claw be torn off it is renewed, and if injured the animal will sometimes throw it off of his own accord.* Any violent shock to the nervous system will likewise cause this. Hence, if a lobster be thrown into boiling water or spirits of wine, etc., it will frequently throw off its large claws. Pennant observed that lobsters are apt to cast off their claws during a loud clap of thunder, or by the noise of a large cannon. When a man-of-war meets with a lobster-boat, a jocular threat is used, that if the master does not sell them good fish, the ship's crew will salute him ! M. Jobart de Lamballe showed, not long since, that the regenerative force of which we speak de- creases as the animal organism becomes more com- plicated. Hence, if you cut a polyp into two, three, four one hundred pieces, each fragment will be- come a new animal. But if we go a step higher from polyps to worms, for instance it will be found that, on dividing a worm in two longitudi- nally, the animal will not survive the operation; but if the worm be divided transversely, each * See Reaumur, " Sur la Reproduction des Jambes de 1'Ecre- visse." (Mem. de 1'Acad. des Sciences, Paris, 1712.) 118 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. section becomes a new worm. Ascending still higher to lobsters and fish, for instance the ex- terior parts of the body can alone be thus regene- rated; and Spallanzani has shown that when the tails of lizards a class still higher are cnt off, the new tail does not always possess the whole number of vertebral bones ; in other terms, the regeneration is incomplete. In animals with warm blood, this regenerative faculty is greatly diminished, but still exists, even in man himself. But the same force which in man forms the scar of a wound, or heals the stump after amputation, will with lizards re- produce a tail, with lobsters a claw, with polyps the whole body ! The mouth of the lobster, like that of insects, " opens," says Buffon, " the long way of the body, not crossways, as in man. It is furnished with two teeth ; but as these are not sufficient, it has three more in its stomach/' The latter were formerly used in medicine under the pompous names of oculi cancorum, the yeux d'ecrevisses of the French, instead of carbonate of magnesia. The lobster sheds its shell, in all probability once in a year, and then retires under a rock or into a hole until the new skin is again covered with a solid crust. Whilst thus deprived of its hard covering, the lobster becomes an easy prey to most of the in- habitants of the deep, and even to his own species j CRUSTACEA. 119 so that incredible numbers perish annually, from this circumstance alone, upon our coasts. Under water these curious creatures run swiftly upon their feet, and when alarmed spring from twenty to thirty feet as rapidly as a bird can fly. They are commonly taken in the night by means of a wicker- basket or net, into which a bait, consisting of pieces of flesh or the entrails of fish, has been thrown. The places in which these nets or baskets are lowered into the water are marked by floating buoys. Very young lobsters seek refuge in the clefts of rocks, and in holes or crevices at the bottom of the sea. There, without seeming to take any food, they grow large in a few weeks' time, being nourished upon the various matters which the water washes into their retreats. When their shell is completely formed, they become bolder, leave the rocks, and creep along the bottom in search of prey. They live chiefly upon the spawn of fish, the smaller Crustacea, marine worms, etc. All these facts must be borne in mind by those who under- take to rear them artificially. The crawfish (Astacus fluviatilis) is found in the fresh waters of Europe and Northern Asia. There is a species which inhabits the Mediterranean, and attains more than a yard in length. This is, per- haps, the creature that Aristotle calls acrra/co? in his 120 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. History of Animals. The common crawfish thrives best in rivers, in holes in the banks, and under stones, where it awaits the small mollusca, fishes, larvae of insects, and other animal matters, upon which it feeds. The curious old writer, Jerome Cardan, tells us that this animal is a sign of the goodness of the water in which it is boiled, for the best water turns it very red, an absurd notion, like many emanating from this and other similar writers on medicine and natural history in the dark ages of superstition. Desmarest assures us that a crawfish will live for twenty years or more, and that it becomes larger in proportion to its age. Towards the end of spring it casts off the pieces which form its shell, but in the course of a few days becomes again covered with a solid coating as hard as the previous one, and one-fifth larger. Sometimes this moulting takes place at the end of summer ; it appears to depend entirely upon the locality the animal lives in, as it is seen to occur at different seasons in different localities. Its eggs are carried for some time under the abdomen, like those of the lobster. The crawfish is taken in various manners, either by nets or bundles of thorns, in which flesh in a state of decomposition is placed, or by inserting the hand into the holes it inhabits. By rearing these Crustacea artificially, M. Gerbe, CRUSTACEA. 121 who was aiding M. Coste in his experiments, dis- covered that the curions little beings known as Phyllosoma are nothing more than the larvce or young forms of the crawfish. The egg of the craw- fish, on quitting the mother, becomes a Phyllosoma, which is afterwards changed into a perfect craw- fish. The metamorphosis is as complete as with insects. Professor Thomson, of Belfast, discovered for- merly that certain crabs gave birth to curious- looking beings, to which a French naturalist had previously given the name of Zoea. These Zoea, which were looked upon as distinct animals, turn out to be the larvce or young of other well-known Crustacea. Similar facts have recently been made known by Mr. Couch, of Penzance.* But since the publication of Professor Thomson's observations, we have, in the order of Entomostraca, examples of generation equal to that we mentioned in speaking of the Aphides in a preceding chapter. M. Hasse has also shown that the curious creatures known as Prdniza are only larvce of Anceus, so that metamor- phosis is doubtless as active in Crustaceans as in Insects. It is now an established fact, therefore, that the eggs of crawfish bring forth larvce which do not resemble the parent, but were formerly classed as * Brit. Ass. Eeport, 1857. 122 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. distinct animals, under the name of Pliyllosoma, and that crabs' eggs produce larvae known formerly as Zoea. Moreover, it has lately been shown by Valenciennes that lobsters produce larvce also, and that these were also taken for Zoea. In the year 1853, M. Etienne Leguilloux sent to the Jar din des Plantes of Paris some young lobsters barely hatched from the eggs. It was soon dis- covered that these young creatures were the iden- tical Crustaceans formerly described by M. Bosc as Zoea. After a space of eight days, these larvce change their skins or moult for the first time ; at two months old their change of form becomes very evident ; at the age of three months the large claws which characterize the lobster begin to show them- selves, and at six months old the transformation is complete. These creatures have then the form of the adult lobster. In this state they are often caught on the shore, and sent to the French markets under the name of Quatre- quarts. They fetch a much higher price, in proportion to their size, than the full-grown lobster. The black or dark -blue colour of lobsters and their allies is very remarkable, in a chemical point of view, as it becomes red in hot water. Macaire and Lassaigne have examined its nature, but little is yet known of it. In its natural state it is a very dark bluish-green fatty matter, which becomes red CEUSTACEA. 123 when exposed to a heat of 70 (centigrade), and in this state resembles the red colouring matter ex- tracted by Goebel from the legs and beaks of certain geese and pigeons. It can be extracted from the lobster's shell by means of alcohol, in which it is soluble ; but during the operation the colour turns red. Sulphuric and nitric acids turn the red alcoholic solution to a permanent green, which the alkalis do not again change to red. This is one of its most remarkable properties. A permanent organic green is such a desideratum at this moment in the tinctorial world, that the dis- covery of a new dye of that description would be worth thousands of pounds ! Moreover, the red colour of the lobster can be modified by chemical means; for instance, with oxide of lead it produces a violet combination, and the dark-coloured shell becomes red when it is put in contact with acids, alkalis, certain salts, etc. It also turns red by long exposure to the air, by putrefaction, etc. ; but it does not change colour in carbonic acid gas, or in hydrogen. Chlorine bleaches it completely. The hard envelope of Crustacea is formed prm*. cipally of carbonate of lime, a little phosphate of lime, and a few other salts in small proportions. All these are intimately mixed with a certain amount of animal tissue. 124 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Shrimps resemble lobsters and crawfish to a certain extent ; they have been subdivided by naturalists into many distinct groups. The Crangon vulgaris is our common shrimp, which, according to Pennant, is the most delicious of all Crustaceans. In the Arctic Seas we have two other descrip- tions of shrimps, namely, C. boreas and Sabinia septemcarinata, which are sometimes plentiful on the west coast of Davis's Straits. Other species of shrimps are found on the coasts of Mexico, in the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, etc., so that this tribe of Crustacea is pretty widely diffused. Besides shrimps, we have also numerous species of prawns, shrimp -like Crustaceans belonging to the genus P alemon, well-known to the epicure. Some varieties found in hot climates attain one foot in length : such are Palemon carcinus of the Indian Seas and the Ganges, and P. jamaicensis of the Antilles. Prawns generally inhabit sandy bottoms near the coasts, but are often found at the mouths of rivers, even far up the stream, at some distance from the sea. The common prawn of our markets is P. serratus. It is taken on the English, Flemish, and French coasts, where it is accompanied by two other species, CEUSTACEA. 125 P. squilla and P. varians, which both differ a little from the former. There is a kind of shrimp belonging probably also to the genus Palemon, and which is about seven inches long; it is very common at the mouths of rivers in Florida. Leba has called it the American crawfish, but it is probably the Palemon setiferus (Olivier) of naturalists. Shrimps and their allies are the principal sca- vengers of the ocean; they clear away the decom- posing animal matter which floats in the sea. They are highly prized as a delicious and nutritive article of food, and might be easily reared artificially or cultivated, as crawfish and lobsters have been in France, were it deemed profitable or necessary. Curious little parasitical Crustacea belonging to Latreille's genus Bopyrus are found living upon prawns. Those who are in the habit of eating prawns will probably have sometimes observed a tumour under the carapace on one side of the animal. On lifting this part of the shell, the para- site will be discovered immediately under it, upon the branchiae or gills. These little beings belong to the family of Isopoda. The species which live on our common prawn is Bopyrus crangorum. The former does not appear to suffer at all from the invasion of this parasite, which will one day, doubt- less, turn out to be the larvae of some other 126 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Crustacean perhaps of the prawn itself. Be that as it may, the section of Isopoda presents a wide field of experimental research, from the wood-louse, Oniscus murarius, which used to enter into the composition of certain quack pills, upwards. Let us now turn to the family of crabs. Our large edible crab (Cancer pagurus, L.) is taken upon the rocky coasts of Great Britain, Ireland, and Western Europe; it is rarely met with on sandy coasts, such as the littoral of Flanders. Pennant says that it casts its shell every year between Christmas and Easter ; but Lyell, in his ' ' Principles of Geology/'' says that a crab taken in April, 1832, on the English coast, had its shell covered with oysters of six years' growth ; hence it was concluded that this crab could not have moulted for six years. Like other Crustacea, it is probable that the crab moults once a year in its younger days, but it has not been ascertained at what period this moulting ceases. As to artificial breeding and rearing, I shall refer to what has been said of lobsters and crawfish. Cancer moenas, L., is a much smaller and less- esteemed edible crab, common on our coasts. A still smaller species is the pea crab (Pinnotheres pisum), which is about the size of a spider; it is found sometimes, in the month of November, living CRUSTACEA. 127 in the interior of the shells of mussels. Other small species inhabit the shells of other living mollusca. The Hermit Crab (Pagurus Bernardus) , an indi- genous representant of a numerous and interesting group, is not sought for as food in this country. Being deprived of a shell of its own, it inhabits the shells of large univalve mollusca (Bucdnum undu- latum). There are many species of Pagurus that live in holes at a considerable distance from the sea, which they only visit now and then, as we go to our watering-places. Thus the hermit crabs of the far west come to the sea once a year, to lay their eggs and change their shells. Some of them are eaten by the native Americans, but they some- times disagree with strangers. Catesby says that a species known as " Diogenes," found at the Antilles in the shell of a large periwinkle (Turbo pica), is roasted in this shell by the natives, and esteemed delicate eating. Though the whole body of the Pagurus is soft and tender, its anterior claws, which project from the shell it inhabits, are so strong, that an individual of two or three inches long pinches smartly. When some of these species are taken they emit a feeble cry,* and endeavour to seize the enemy with their strong claws. * The production of sounds by aquatic animals is rare. On sounds produced by fish, see Dufosse in " Comptes Eendus," Paris Academy, 1858, and again in the same publication for 1861. 128 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. But some of the most useful and most remark- able of crabs are undoubtedly the land crabs, which belong to the genera Thelplmsa and Gecarcinus. Of the former some live far away from the ocean, under damp stones in the woods ; others, such as T.fiuviatilis (Fig. 11), which would be taken by a FIG. 11. Thelphusa fluviatilis (European land-crab) . casual observer for a small common crab, burrows in the earth on the banks of rivers. This animal is about two and a half inches long, and of a yellowish colour ; it was known to Hippocrates and Aristotle, and is represented on certain ancient medals. The Greek monks eat it raw, and the Italians feed upon it during Easter. It is not uncommon in the south of Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Syria. The crabs of the genus Gecarcinus resemble that just mentioned. They abound in the hilly districts of the Antilles, where they are known to the French as Toulourous. They are likewise found in the CRUSTACEA. 129 tropical parts of America, Asia, and Africa. During the day they hide themselves in damp holes or cavities of trees and rocks, or lie motionless under damp blocks of stone. Although, like fish and other Crustacea, etc., they are furnished with branchiae or gills for breathing, they cannot live in the water. At certain periods of the year, generally about the month of May, they unite in troops, and make long excursions over the country towards the sea, where they repair to lay their eggs. Thus once a year they march down to the sea-beach, some thousands at a time, laying waste every- thing they meet on the road. They proceed in so direct a line, that no geometrician could send them to their destination by a shorter course. They travel by night and repose by day, unless it happen to rain, when they profit by the circumstance, and proceed by day also. On arriving at the sea- shore, their eggs are deposited in the water, and the mother crabs, leaving accident to bring them to maturity, wander back to their accustomed haunts. About two-thirds of these eggs are immediately devoured by shoals of fish, brought, as it were by instinct, at this particular time to the shore. The young Gecarcini that escape are hatched upon the sand, and soon after millions of these little creatures are seen quitting the shore, and slowly travelling up to the woody mountains. 130 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. These crabs are sometimes called Violet crabs. They live upon leaves, rotten wood, fruits, etc. They are considered delicious food in the countries where they abound, especially during the time of moulting. In the Carribbee Islands they form a very important element of nutrition. The elegant writer, Bernardin de St. Pierre, in his "Etudes de la Nature," speaks of these land crabs thus : "II y a des animaux qui ne voyagent que la nuit. Des millions de crabes descendent aux Antilles des montagnes a la clarte de la lune en faisant sonner leurs tenailles,* et offrent aux Caraibes, sur les greves steriles de leurs iles, leurs ecailles rem- plies de moelles exquises." The Birgus latro, or robber crab (Fig. 12), is another terrestrial species, and is sought for as food in certain countries. It is remarkable for the manner in which it climbs trees, to feed upon their fruit. The crabs of this species bore a hole at the feet of trees in Amboyna and other islands in the South Pacific Ocean. The naturalist Herbst appears * Buffon says, that " to intimidate their enemies, they often make a clattering noise with their claws during their march." Their nippers are very strong, and a crab of this species loses its claw rather than let go its grasp. One of them may be often seen making off, having left its claw still holding fast upon the enemy. The faithful claw seems to perform its duty to the utmost for upwards of a minute after its owner has retired. FIG. 12. Birgus latro (Bobber Crab individual capable of producing one quart of oil). CEUSTACEA. 133 to be the first who studied this remarkable crab, and to his accounts we are referred by Rumphius, Seba, Linna3us, and Cuvier. The Indians say that these robber crabs can live upon cocoa-nuts, and that they make their excursions during the night. Quoy and Gaimard have fed them for months upon cocoa-nuts alone. They climb principally a species of palm-tree (Pandanus odoratissimus) , and devour the small palm-nut that grows thereon. They are a favourite article of food among the natives. Darwin observed the Birgus latro in the Keeling or Cocos Islands, situated in the Indian Ocean, about six hundred miles from the coast of Sumatra. He assures us this crab grows to a monstrous size. M. Liesk tells us he has seen the Birgus latro open cocoa-nuts, which they perform, according to Dar- win, by tearing off the exterior fibres or husk, and then striking them repeatedly upon the " eye- holes," with their heavy claws. The young are hatched and live for some time on the shore. The adult Birgus proceed at times to the sea to moisten their gills ; the journey is made at night. They make their beds of cocoa-nut husks. These crabs are not only very good to eat, but under the abdomen of the larger ones is lodged a- mass of fat, which, when melted, yields as much as a quart of oil; so that a native having such an animal at his disposal can make his supper of the 134 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. crab, and light himself to bed with the oil. It would be interesting to examine this oil, and ascer- tain the quantity that could be produced annually by a given number of these crabs. # # # # * The' Crustacea of which we have spoken, and whose study we now relinquish, are all oviparous, and have separate sexes ; therefore artificial breeding and cultivation of any of their species would pro- bably be attended with success. The artificial breeding of crawfish and lobsters appears to have begun in France ; M. Coste of Paris, and M. Gaillon of Concarneau, have lately concentrated their atten- tion upon the artificial propagation of these and some other useful animals upon the French coasts. CEPHALOPODA. India, and China Ink Fossil ink-hag's Octopus vul- garis ^he colour " Sepia" Sepia qfficinalis > or " Cuttlefish" Guttle-bone Loligo vulgaris Edible Cuttlefish Chemical nature of their Colour 'Nau- tilus -Jlrgonauta Garinaria. GASTEROPODA. ^he Syrian purple Curious properties of the colouring matter of Sea-snails -JVLurex brandaris (Purpura lapillus Helix fragilis Tcundincu fragilis (Pur- pura patella -JVLurex truncatus Experiments with American Sea-snails Colour furnished by Whelks Ijuccinum -Influence of light upon the production of their colour Process used by the ancients to dye pur- ple Uric acid in Grasteropoda -JVLurexide Snails that are reared for food, etc. Helix pomatia Snail gardens H. aspersa H. horticola jlrion rufus Chemical Jlnaly sis of Snails Limacine Helicine Uric acid in H. pomatia (-Turbo littoreus, or (Peri- winkle Haliotis Snails used as money Gyprcea moneta Other species of Gyproea " Love- shells" 136 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Conus Oliva Ovula Strombus gig-as Cassis ^urbinella Jvturex Ijuccinum Curious experi- ments with Snails Slugs Limax maximius L. ag-restis. BIVALYE-MOLLUSCA. J^Lytilus edulis, or common Jtfussel Its culture, eto. Hurtful at certain seasons -J&. choros -JVL. Jdagel- lanicus -J&. arcaJtf. lithophag-us Ostrea edulis, or common Oyster (Details concerning- its artificial breeding- and propag-ation, etc. -Acclimatisation of Jtfollusca Fishing- on the (Plessix bed Spondylus Qardium edule, or Cockle Solen (Pecten maximus '-Cellina 'dCridacna g-ig-as Chama Cameos Stone Cameos and Shell Qameos Chinese Cameos (Pearl-oysters -jlvicula marg-aritifera Ji. frimbriata j5. sterna (Pearl Fishery Its extent QPearls of JVLytillus edulis Jlnodontes Unio pictorum Unio marg-aritiferus C^blture of the Fresh-water (Pearl- JVLussel -Artificial modes of causing- it to produce pearls (Pinna (-Their silky byssus and its uses ^heir pearls Other itsec of shells Tunicata and Fjryozoa. MOLLUSCA. the first order of Mollusca, that of Cephalo- poda, we meet with many animals both curious and useful. These singular creatures, among which the common Cuttlefish may be taken as an example, derive their name, Cepha- lopoda, from the fact that their feet seem to be placed upon their head. Their body is fleshy and soft, generally somewhat cylindrical; their head is distinct from the body, and is furnished with par- ticularly large eyes ; their mouth, placed at the top of the head, has two strong horny mandibles some- thing like the beak of a parrot, and is surrounded by long fleshy tentacles or arms (often termed feet), which are almost always provided with numerous suckers, by means of which the animal grasps tightly anything that comes in its way. Indeed, so firmly can the Cephalopoda adhere to foreign bodies by means of these suckers, that it is easier to tear away the arm or tentacle than to release it from its grasp ; but the animal, on the contrary, can release 138 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. itself instantaneously, as numerous observations show. They walk upon the bottom of the ocean, head downwards, making use of their tentacles as feet. The different varieties of Cuttlefish are provided with a very peculiar organ, generally known as ' ' the ink-bag" a purse-like sac filled with a dark- coloured liquid, which is secreted by a special gland. When the animal is irritated or frightened, it empties a quantity of this fluid into the water to conceal itself. This coloured liquid was used by the ancients as a kind of ink, and it has been affirmed that it formed the basis of several paints, among others of China or India ink; but the latter often owes its colour to the charcoal of burnt cork, or to common lampblack mixed with glue. The drawings with which Cuvier illustrated his studies of the Sepia, Loligo, and other Cephalopoda, were executed with the ink furnished by the animals he was dissecting. Miss Mary Anning, of Lyme Regis, formerly discovered that the ink-bags of certain fossil Cepha- lopoda in the Lias beds has been preserved un- altered to the present day, though it must have lain buried in the strata for myriads of centuries ! f( In the lower Jura formations" (the lias of Lyme Kegis), says Humboldt, " the ink-bag of the Sepia MOLLUSCA. 139 has been so wonderfully preserved that the material which, myriads of years ago, might have served the animal to conceal itself from his enemies, still yields the colour with which its image may be drawn." After this, my discovery that the fossil Teredo of the Brussels Tertiary formations have a powerful odour of the sea, when freshly taken from the earth and broken, is less astonishing.* Certain Cephalopoda swim or dart about more or less swiftly in the water, and have even been seen to leap out of the sea like the flying-fish. This is observed with certain species of Loligo, or " Pen- fish." Octopus vulgaris (Sepia octopodia, L.) has eight tentacles, furnished with double rows of suckers. It is common enough in the European seas, and in summer destroys great numbers of lobsters on the coasts of France. It is from this species that the brown colour called ' ' Sepia" was formerly extracted. It is known in English as the Eight- armed Cuttle or Poulp, and when it attaches itself to the arms or legs of a bather is very difficult to get rid of, though they are generally timid creatures, and only fight as a last resource. The common Cuttlefish (Sepia offidnalis), whose shell or bone is often thrown upon our coasts by the waves, is probably well known to our readers. * " Comptes Eendus of the Acad. des Sc.," Paris, July, 1856. 140 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Its bone, which supports the soft parts of the animal's body, is employed to polish ivory and bone objects, to prepare tooth-powder, and for a host of minor uses. It is known in the shops as (< Cuttle- bone," or when powdered as " Pounce." It is fre- quently hung in the cages of Canary birds, who clean and sharpen their beaks by pecking at it. This bone exists in other animals of this group : in Loligo vulgaris (the common Calamary) it is almost transparent, and sloped somewhat like a pen, whence this and other allied species are sometimes called Pen-fish. Loligo vulgaris is common on our coasts. The colour of its almost transparent greenish body changes at intervals, and adapts itself to that of the water it inhabits. In all the so-called naked* Cephalopoda the colour of the skin is highly changeable, showing spots which brighten and fade with a rapidity superior to the cuticular changes of the chameleon ; a faculty which they owe to a very remarkable cuticular tissue, which has often engaged the attention of anatomists. Hardly any sea is without some species of naked Cephalopoda ; their food consists principally of fish and Crustacea, but they are very voracious, and will devour almost any kind of animal matter. Their flesh, especially that of the tentacles, is edible, and * To distinguish them from those possessed of shells (Nautilus, etc.) MOLLUSCA. 141 is considered nutritious. They are not eaten in Britain, but in other countries the Cuttlefish is sometimes sought as food. In the Neapolitan market-places, for instance, the arms or tentacles, cut into portions and prepared for cooking, are to be frequently seen. They resemble the lobster in flavour. According to Aristotle, they were esteemed as food by the ancients, and the old writer Athenseus informs us how to prepare a cuttlefish sausage. Prout, Bixio, and Kemp have examined the colouring matter produced by these animals, and contained in their ink-bag. It appears from their researches to be very similar in nature to the black pigment of the eye of other animals. It is insoluble in water, but remains for a very long time suspended in the liquid, as we observe with finely pulverized chalk. This principle is known to chemists as Melaine. About 12 cwt. of cuttle-bone (of Sepia offici- nalis, L.) arrives yearly in Liverpool ; it is mostly sold to druggists, who use it chiefly for making tooth-powder. The dried contents of the ink-bag is imported from China to Liverpool, at the rate of a few pounds annually. It either arrives in cakes or is made into cakes, called Sepia and Indian ink. Imitation Indian ink is made of cork charcoal, soot, etc., as I have already observed. Besides these naked Cephalopoda, there are some which possess very splendid shells : such are the 142 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Nautilus and the beautiful Argonauta, or Paper Nautilus,, which is not unfrequently seen, on calm days, gliding softly on the surface of the blue Medi- terranean, and of which Pliny, Buffon, and others have given such poetical descriptions. Their shells are sought for as ornaments. Other species, such as certain rare Carinaria, produce magnificent shells, which sell at a high price for drawing-room orna- ments. The Nautilus pompilius, according to some natu- ralists, is seen floating on the waters of the Atlantic between the tropics; the Argonauta Argo on the Mediterranean; the Carinaria fragilis also inhabits the Atlantic; whilst 0. vitrea, a rare species, is chiefly found in the South Seas. In the second order of Mollusca, named Gaste- ropoda, we have some very interesting, useful, and ornamental animals. To save space and time required for minute description, the common Garden Snail or Slug may be taken as an example of the order of Gasteropoda. The species of this large tribe are very numerous, and perhaps as beautiful or as useful as numerous. I shall mention, in the first place, the Gastero- poda from which the ancients extracted the colouring matter known as Tyrian purple. This magnificent MOLLUSCA. 143 colour, only worn by kings and nobles, was the produce of a sea-snail. Many rather marvellous tales have been related concerning the origin of this purple dye of the ancients. At the present time, all that appears to be known with certainty is, that its discovery was made at Tyre, and that it was produced by certain sea-snails. Some writers assure us that the species which furnished the colour were Murex brandaris and Purpura lapiUus (Fig. 13) ; of which the first FIG. 13. Purpura lapillus (Purple-producing Whelk). produced the finest and most expensive colour, and the latter, which is as common on the English coasts as upon those of the Mediterranean, is a kind of whelk. The liquid which can be squeezed out of this whelk is colourless, or nearly so ; but by the action of light it becomes first of a citron tint, then pale green, emerald green, azure, red, and finally, in about forty-eight hours, a magnificent purple. To enable the colouring matter to take successively all these tints, it must not be allowed to dry. 144 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. At the meeting of the Jerusalem Literary Society, held November 14, 1857, Dr. Eoth, of Munich, gave the results of his researches upon the ancient Tyrian purple dye. He shows that in the works of Pliny and Aristotle the names of Bucdnum, Murex, and Conchylia are so vaguely used, that nothing on this subject can be learned from them. Hasselquist, according to Dr. Both, supposes the true shells to be Helix fragilis, L., and Yandina fragilis, the mollusca of which are purple, and stain the fingers; but their dye is not lasting. When Dr. Eoth first came to Palestine, he found at Jaffa the Purpura patula, the snail of which is sought by the native Christians as food during the fast-days. On puncturing this animal there issued a greenish liquid, which, when exposed to the sunshine, changed to purple. This purple increased in brilliancy when it was washed. Comparing this with the accounts left by the ancients, Dr. Roth thinks the colour he produced is evidently their blue-purple, for they had a blue-purple, a deep-purple, and a red-purple. Between Soor and Saida, according to the same author, the Murex truncatus, or trunculus, is found in abundance, and its colour is more brilliant than that of the Purpura. One of these Murex is suffi- cient to dye a square inch of cloth, which would require five individuals of Purpura patula. Wool takes the dye better than any other substance ; silk MOLLUSCA. 145 takes it with difficulty. Dr. Roth, appears to have assured himself that the liquid extracted from these snails becomes coloured under the influence of light, and that the air has nothing to do with it ; but I fancy both agents are active. The eggs of these sea-snails are laid in June, and hang upon the rocks in large balls. They have also a purple colour. Researches similar to those just mentioned have been made before. Long ago, Thomas Gage re- ported that certain shells found near Nicoya, a little Spanish town of South America, possessed all the dyeing properties noticed by Pliny and other old writers. They were employed for dyeing cotton on the coast of Guayaquil and Guatemala. In 1686, Cole made similar observations on the English coasts. Plumier formerly discovered a colouring snail in the Antilles, and Reaumur made repeated experiments on common whelks (Bucdnum), which he picked up on the coast of Poitou. Duhamel re- peated these experiments on Purpura, found in abundance on the shores of Provence. He and Reaumur first noticed the extraordinary influence of light in the production of the colour. Bixio studied, though incompletely, the colour furnished by Murex brandaris, and found it to be identical in properties with that furnished by other gasteropod mollusca. The art of dyeing purple was continued in the L 146 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. East as late as the eleventh century, at which epoch it still existed in all its vigour. The process em- ployed and the manner of taking the snails has been described by an eye-witness, Eudocia Macrem- bolitissa, daughter of the Emperor Constantine VIII. Her book is to be found in the first volume of the collection published in 1781 by M. d'Ansc de Vil- loison, entitled " Anecdota Graeca," etc. The pro- cess was as follows : A quantity of Gasteropoda were pounded in a trough, and to the mass thus produced was added either a quantity of urine in a state of putrefaction, or some water in which a certain number of the pounded snails had under- gone putrefaction. The cloth was soaked in the liquor produced by this mixture, and acquired a purple colour on being exposed to the air ; some- times it was warmed a little, to accelerate the production of the colour. Jacobson and De Blainville found uric acid in these snails, as a product of the so-called saccus calcareous, an organ which secretes uric acid in snails and other Mollusca.* Now, Dr. Prout formerly transformed uric acid into a purple colour of great beauty, which he termed purpurate of ammonia, and which Liebig has since called Murexide. It appears * This organ is supposed to be the first vestige of a kidney. See Jacobson in " Journ. de Phys.," xci. 318 ; and compare Carus, " Comp. Anat.," torn. i. p. 377, fr. ed. MOLLUSCA. 147 evident at tlie present day that this substance derived from uric acid is identical with the purple of the ancients. Dr. Sacc has used it as a dye very recently, and obtained tolerably good results ; and Dr. Schlumberger has endeavoured to prove that the varied hues of parrots, humming-birds, pheasants, etc., are owed in great measure to murexide. At the present time, large quantities of murexide have been obtained from guano, which contains much uric acid, for the purpose of dyeing. It is a splendid sub- stance when pure, presenting in one direction beau- tiful metallic green reflections, and in others brown and purple tints. But to this we must add, that, up to the present time, no rigorous chemical experiments have been made with the purple colouring matter extracted from sea snails, and the curious manner in which it is developed under the influence of the sun's rays seems to indicate that it is really distinct from murexide, however much the latter may re- semble it. Many snails are sought for and bred as articles of food or medicine. Among the terrestrial species, Helix pomatia, or the Apple snail (Fig. 14), known in France as the Grand escargot, is cultivated to a considerable extent, and is eaten, principally during Lent, in France, Belgium, Germany, and other parts of Europe, Indeed, the taste for this animal 148 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. has so much, increased lately, that the oyster trade suffered last year in France, in consequence of the number of these snails brought into the markets. These land snails shut themselves up for the winter in a curious manner, by means of what is FIG. 14. Helix pomatia (Edible Snail). called an operculum, a flat circular piece of shell- like substance, just large enough to cover the opening of the animal's shell, to which it is attached by a strong mucous cement. The snail, having previously fixed itself to a wall or a tree by means of the same glutinous substance, or buried itself among the dead leaves, remains throughout the winter in this state, without food, until the warmth and moisture of spring recalls it to life. In countries where snails are used as food, they are only taken whilst in this state of hybernation. They are reared and fattened in what are called snail-gardens (escargotoires, French) . MOLLUSCA. 149 A snail-garden consists either of a large square plot of ground boarded in, the floor of which is covered half a foot deep with herbs, or of broad illow pits sunk in the ground. In these the snails are kept. They are fed with fresh leaves, bran, and potatoes during summer ; and in winter, when they fix themselves against the walls of the pit, they are collected, packed in casks, and sent to market (see fig. 15, p. 153). Four millions of snails are sent annually from the snail-gardens of the town of Ulm, in Germany ; and this is no monopoly, for the other snail-gardens of Germany are in a flourishing state. Helix pomatia is not so common in England as on the Continent ; it is found abundantly, however, near Dorking. Some naturalists believe it to have been accidentally introduced into England, at a compara- tively recent period; but others suppose it to be indigenous to the British Isles, though rare. I have frequently observed very fine specimens in the neighbourhood of Brussels, where the climate seems to suit it remarkably, and where its cultivation would doubtless succeed admirably. Helix aspersa, our common Garden Snail, is not deemed worth the trouble of cultivation, so long as the former larger species can be obtained. It is distributed over a large portion of the globe ; we find it, or at least varieties of it, at the foot of 150 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Chimborazo, in the forests of Guiana and Brazil, and on the coasts of the Mediterranean in Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as in the British Isles, Belgium, Germany, etc. The latter species, as H. pomatia, H. horticola, etc., when boiled in milk, is said to afford a light and strengthening food for invalids ; and for many years the large Apple Snail (if. pomatia), the Red Arion (Arion rufus) a reddish-brown slug, often met with in damp places, and extremely common in the neighbourhood of Brussels and a few others, have been employed in medicine, in the form of sweet syrups, for colds, sore throats, etc. Their emollient qualities are owing to the large propor- tion of mucilage they contain. Braconnot extracted 8 per cent, of this mucilage and 84 per cent, of water from snails ; the remainder consisted of a few substances not well known, the principal of which he has called Hmacine. M. Figuier says that alcohol extracts from H. pomatia a medicinal substance, which he calls helicine, although it appears to be a mixture of different principles, the nature of which has not been determined, and, in all probability, does not differ from the substance called fi helicine " by Dr. De Lamarre of Paris, who has employed it for many years in the treatment of phthisis. It is, however, but another of the thousand and one phar- MOLLUSCA. 151 maceutical secrets, and if it have any advantage over most of the others, it is that it contains nothing hurtful or poisonous. M. Mylius, unaware of the discovery of Jacobson mentioned above, has found uric acid in H. pomatia immediately between the shell and the animal, whence it can be extracted by water. By shaking the snail in water, the uric acid is separated, and soon deposits itself, as an insoluble powder, at the bottom of the mucilaginous liquid thus produced. Among sea snails, the common Periwinkle (Turbo littoreus), one of the most common Mollusca in our latitudes, and small Whelks (Buccinuin) } which are eaten with a pin, together with several of their allies, are extensively used as food. The heaps of periwinkle shells that are seen at the out- skirts of fishing villages on the coasts of England, Belgium, etc., suggest that some use ought to be made of them. In soils which are deficient of lime, these shells might be coarsely powdered, and spread over the ground. A species of Haliotis, sometimes called the Ear- shell, a large, handsome Gasteropod, whose shells, when polished, present the most varied and magni- ficent tints, with mother-of-pearl lustre, and which are easily recognized by the circular holes perfo- rated along the edges of the shell, is frequently seen in the shops for sale as an ornament. 152 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. In Haliotis tricostalis (H. padollus of other authors) the shell is furrowed parallel with tlie line of perforations. H. tuberculata may be taken as a type of these curious Mollusca. There are se/^nty- five species of Haliotis, which are scattered widely over the world. A species that abounds on the coasts of the Channel Islands, where it goes by the name of Omer, is cooked, after being well beaten to make it tender ; other species are eaten in Japan. The shell of the larger specimens, taken in the warmer parts of the ocean, is much used for inlaying and other ornamental purposes, for which it is very valuable. We must not imagine that the breeding or culti- vation of snails is a modern undertaking, for Varro, in his " De re Rustica," speaks of the enormous size to which snails may be brought by culture. Pliny, in his Natural History, repeats Yarrows state- ments, and says that the large species of snail was a favourite dish with the Romans, who were in the habit of breeding and fattening them in snail gardens, similar to those now seen on the European Continent (Fig. 15). A certain number of Gasteropoda are sought after for the beauty of their shells. The Cowries, certain species of Cyprcea, are still used as money by the Africans, the natives of the Laccadives, and other Indian islands. The Cowrie, properly so called, MOLLUSCA. 155 Cyprcea moneta, L., has been imported into Liver- pool of late years at the following rate : In the year 1851, 1704 cwt. of Cyprcea moneta; in 1852, 2793 cwt.; in 1853, 1680 cwt.; in 1854, 90 cwt. ; in 1855, 311 cwt. There are two com- mercial varieties of White Cowrie one called the Live Cowrie, taken when the animal is alive in the shell ; the other called the Dead Cowrie. Both are largely collected in the Maldive Islands, and ex- ported to Africa, where they are used as money, and exchanged for palm-oil, ivory, -gum, etc. They are found upon the shores of the warmer seas, prin- cipally in the Mediterranean and Indian Seas. Other species of Cyprcea, known to the French as Porcelaines, or as Pucilages, and by the English as " Love-shells," are used as ornaments, etc. Children sometimes place them to the ear, to listen, as they say, to the sound of the sea.* The small Cyprcea are made into clasps, buttons, ear-rings, bracelets, etc. (Fig. 16), and even into stags, ele- phants, horses, etc., for children. They are not only hawked about the streets in England, but exposed for sale in the shop-windows of Continental * The peculiar noise that is heard when one of these shells, or indeed any object of a somewhat similar shape, is placed to the ear, has never beeu clearly explained. It appears, however, to be owing to the movement of the air in and out of the shell, the current being caused by approaching the cold shell to the ear. 156 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. sea-ports, where they are entitled " Animaux en Coquilles d 1 fr. 25 c." The larger species of Cypraa were consecrated by the Greeks at Cnidos, in the temple of Venus. FIG. 16. Anc;eu,t Egyptian Necklace of Love-shells (Cyprsea), ornamented with Gold. In certain parts of Africa the natives worship them as idols, or, at least, used to do so a few years ago. In more civilized countries, superstitious people wore them as a talisman, to protect themselves from certain maladies. Almost all the species of this genus inhabit the warmer parts of the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Mediterranean. A very small species is found on our coasts. The large spotted shells belonging to the Gaste- ropod genus Conus, or Cone, on account of the shape of these shells, and those of the genus Oliva, are seen as ornaments on the chimney-piece. Their price is somewhat high. The Mollusca belonging to the genera Cyprcea, MOLLUSCA. 157 Oliva, Ouula, etc., sometimes quit their old shells, and produce new ones. The Conch-shell, the product of Strombus gigas, is much prized as an ornament when the aperture is of a fine rose colour. This large shell is a common chimney-piece ornament, but it is also used for making cameos ; and the inferior kinds are purchased also by the masters of potteries as a source of pure lime, or for other purposes. Great numbers are sold for ornament. It is taken prin- cipally on the shores of the West Indies, and is imported from time to time into Liverpool, at the rate of from 6000 to 11,000 shells per annum. The allied Mollusc, Cassis (or Helmet shell), is sometimes preferred for cutting cameos. Cassis rufa is exported from the Maldives to Italy for this purpose in considerable quantities. Certain species of Murex and Buccinum are also purchased as decorative ornaments.* The Gasteropod known as Turbinella pyrum (or Valuta gravis, Linn., Fig. 17), produces a large pear-shaped shell, which is much prized in India for making bracelets and other ornaments. This shell has acquired a certain commercial importance, and * Most of the shells mentioned in this work are to be seen in the collection at the British Museum, and many have been elabo- rately drawn and coloured in Lovell Reeve's extensive work on Mollusca, in 20 vols. 158 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. is commonly called C( the Chank-shell." They are fished for on the coasts of Ceylon, in the Gulf of Manaar, on the coast of Coromandel, etc., where they are brought up by divers from depths of two to three fathoms of water. Those taken with the snail inside are most esteemed ; the dead shell, thrown upon the beach by the tide, having lost its FIG. 17. Turbinella pyrum (Chank-ahell). enamel, is of little value. The number of these shells imported at Madras from Ceylon is quite astonishing. In the year 1854, 1,875,053 Turbinella shells arrived there to supply the manufacturers of ornaments ; in 1858, 1,268,892 shells were im- ported ; and in 1859, 1,910,050. Indeed, the Chank fishery at Ceylon formerly employed six hundred divers, and yielded a revenue of 4000 sterling per annum for licences. It is now free. Sometimes 4,500,000 of Chank-shells are obtained in one year in the Gulf of Manaar, valued at upwards of 10,000 sterling. The principal demand for these shells is for MOLLUSCA. 159 making bangles, or armlets and anklets, the manu- facture of which is almost confined to Dacca. The solid porcellanous shell is sliced into segments of circles, or narrow rings of various sizes, by a rude semicircular saw. The bangles thus constructed are worn by the Hindoo women; they are beautifully coloured, gilded, and often ornamented with precious stones (Fig. 18). These same Turbinella shells are also used fre- quently as oil- vessels in the Indian temples, for which purpose they are carved and ornamented. FIG. 18. Hindoo Bangle, made from the Chank-shell. a. Segment of the shell, d. Segments united to form a bangle or bracelet. In Dacca, on account of its weight and smooth- ness, the shell of Turbinella pyrum is used for calendering or glazing, and in Nepal for giving a polished surface to paper. The value of these shells imported in the rough state into Madras and Calcutta, from the 30th of April, 1851, to the 30th of April, 1859, is repre- 160 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. sented for Madras as 34,184, and for Calcutta, 29,985.* Sir Emerson Tennant has given an account of this shell, under the name of Turbinella rap a. In a preceding chapter I mentioned the curious manner in which lost or mutilated organs are re- generated or replaced in inferior animals, and even in some of the higher classes. This regenerative faculty is very remarkable in snails, and Mollusca in general. When a snail's shell is broken, the animal repairs it in an astonishing manner; and when some part of the animal's body has been cut away, it also reappears. Spallanzani, having cut off a snail's horn, observed that it began to bud out again in about five and twenty days, and continued to grow until it was as long as the other. He then cut away part of the head of another snail, and in course of time the lost portion was renewed. When the head was cut completely off the experiment sometimes failed, and the animal died; but more than once a new head grew again even in this case ; at the end of a few months the snail appeared with another head, in every respect similar to the lost one. The snails thus operated upon retired into their shells the moment decapitation had taken place, and covering the opening with their oper- culum, remained thus enclosed for weeks, and even * See "The Technologist," vol. ii. (1862), p. 185. MOLLUSCA. 161 months. When forced out for examination at the end of thirty or forty days, some appeared without any marks of renewal ; but in others, especially when the weather was warm, a fleshy globule, of a greyish colour, was observed about the middle of the trunk. No particular organization was noticed in this globule, but in eight or ten days it became larger rudiments of lips, mouth, tongue, and the smaller horns appeared, then gradually developed, and in the course of two or three months the injury was so completely repaired, that the new head could only be distinguished from the old one by its lighter colour. These experiments have been confirmed by Bonnet, SchoefFer, Grerordi, and others. Snails have been divided into two genera, in one of which (Slugs) the animals have no shell. The large slug (Limax maximus, L.), whose body is grey spotted with black, is frequently seen in damp cellars, gardens, etc.; and the small slug (L. agrestis, L.), after summer showers, in kitchen gardens. These have not yet been turned to much account by man; on the contrary. But the red slug (Arion rufus, L.) is still used in country places for cough mixtures, etc. The Snails, properly so called, belong to the genus Helix. Of them I have spoken at length ; M 162 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. their species can often be determined by the form and colour of their shells. * * * * # I shall now turn to the Bivalve Mollusca, as examples of which the Oyster and the Mussel may be taken. The common mussel (Mytilus edulis), which lives in the sea, and is quite distinct from the fresh- water mussel, of which I shall speak further on, is found on our coasts in considerable quantities, and also upon the rocky coasts of almost the whole of Europe. These mussels live fixed to the rocks or piles, to which they attach themselves by means of their byssus, a sort of silky hair which the animal secretes for this purpose. In some genera allied to mussels, such as the Pinna of the Mediterranean, this byssus attains a foot and a half in length, and the inhabitants of Palermo sometimes use it to make gloves and stockings. Its chemical nature does not appear to have been examined. At certain seasons mussels are extensively con- sumed as an article of food, for which purpose they have been actively cultivated. For many years they have been bred artificially in salt-water marshes that are periodically overflowed by the tide, the fishermen throwing them in at the proper seasons. The animals, being undisturbed by the agitation of the sea, and protected from the inhabitants of the MOLLUSCA. 163 deep, cast their spawn, and multiply wonderfully. It was soon found that it required only one year to people a mussel-bed of considerable size, and that one-tenth may be left to renew the bed completely after the harvest. The mussels are taken from these beds from July to October, and, though sold at a moderate price, their commerce is not without importance, many thousands of these mollusca being annually dispatched from the coasts into the interior. After it had been discovered that a breed of oysters might be crossed with other breeds, and produce new varieties of oysters, similar experi- ments were attempted with mussels, and have met with considerable success, especially in Italy, and in the Bay of Aisguillon, in France.* It has been found that the mussels, which live suspended to piles, ropes of vessels, nets, etc., attain to a much greater size than those which live on the bottom, whether this be sandy, rocky, or muddy. This fact has been turned to advantage by the Italian and French mussel-breeders; thick ropes, suspended to wooden piles, are placed in the water of the mussel-beds, as represented in the engraving ; the mussels adhere to these ropes by their byssus, and the ropes are then tightened * D'Orbigny's " Hist, des Pares a Moules de 1'Arrondisseraent de la Rochelle," La Kochelle, 1847 ; and De Quatrefage's " Souv. d'un Nat.," tome ii. p. 360, 164 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. a little,, so that the animals no longer lie upon the bottom, but live suspended in the water (Pig. 19). Mussels are apt to become very hurtful as food at certain seasons of the year, from May till the end of August, a period denominated by the French 1 f la pdriode des mois sans r." The cause of this does not appear to be satis- factorily ascertained. Some attribute it to the presence of spawn in their gills during this period ; n FIG. 19. Breeding Mussels upon ropes, as practised at La Eochelle, France. others assert that mussels become unwholesome from having eaten the spawn of the common star- fish. The latter casts its spawn precisely from the beginning of May till the end of August. How- ever, the fact does not appear proved. In cases of indisposition from this cause, small doses of ether, frequently administered, have proved beneficial. MOLLUSCA. 1 65 The genus Mytilus is pretty numerous in species, most of which are used as food in different countries. Mytilus choros is a large mussel, seven or eight inches long, found on the coasts of the island of Chiloe, on those of South America, etc. The animal is as large as a goose's egg, and is said to be of a fine flavour. There is another variety still larger. The natives cook them in the following manner : A hole is dug in the earth, in which large smooth stones are placed ; upon these stones a fire is made, and when they are sufficiently heated, the ashes are cleared away, the mussels are heaped upon the stones, and covered over first with leaves and straw, then with earth, and left to stew. This appears, from certain accounts, to be not only an ingenious, but very superior mode of cooking mollusca. In our Mytilus edulis small pearls are frequently found I shall have something to say on pearls presently and in the month of November the small Pea-crab (Pinnotheria) is often seen in their shells. M' ytilusMagellanicus, which inhabits the southern coast of South America, is a mussel four or five inches long, whose flesh is well flavoured and nutritious. Its shell is easily recognized by its longitudinal furrows. Other species, such as Mytilus area of my friend 166 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. Professor Kickx (that Van Beneden calls Dreissena polymorpha, and which has been honoured with a host of other names besides), are probably carried about the world on the keels of ships, and very widely diffused. The species just mentioned, M. area, is found inhabiting seas, lakes, rivers, marshes, etc., ex- tending over nearly the whole surface of Europe, from lat. 43 N. to lat. 56 1ST. It is, moreover, found in the earth in a fossil state.* A highly-nutritious mussel, Mytilus lithophagus, L. (or Modiola lithophaga, Lam.), common enough in the Mediterranean and at the Antilles, has the fuculty of burying itself alive, as it were, by pene- trating into wood, stones, and rocks, as the Teredo and Pholas bore into ships. The M. lithophagus form, even in the hardest rocks, cavities which they can never leave, in con- sequence of their increasing in size as they grow older. The common oyster (0 street, edulis), a bivalve mollusca, too well known to need description here, is subject to great variation. Many different varie- ties have been observed in nature, or artificially produced by culture. A single oyster brings forth from one to two million of young, of which the * On this curious mussel, see Yan Beneden in " Ann. des Sc. Nat., 1835." MOLLUSCA. 1(57 greater part perish before achieving their develop- ment, if they are abandoned to themselves in the ocean. These animals spawn about the commencement of spring, and, according to most naturalist s, they fecundate their own eggs ;* but instead of aban- doning its spawn, like many other shell-fish, the oyster keeps it lodged between the gills, where it undergoes the process of incubation. This process continues for some time, and that is why oysters are not generally esteemed from May to September. But the depth of the water in which the oyster lives seems to have a considerable influence upon the time of spawning. In its first state, the young oyster exhibits two semi- orbicular films of trans- parent shell, which are constantly opening and closing at regular intervals. As they grow larger they attach themselves to the rocks ; but for this purpose they do not secrete long silky strings, as the mussels do. When they find nothing solid to adhere to, they become cemented together in large quantities, each adhering to its neighbour, and con- stitute solid shoals or oyster-beds, which sometimes * The gasteropod and bivalve mollusca are all hermaphrodite ; but with the snails and slugs we have been studying, the concourse of two individuals (four organs) is necessary to ensure reproduc- tion ; with bivalves, such as the oyster, it appears the male organ can render fertile the products of the female organ in the same animal. 168 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. attain many leagues in length and a considerable thickness. Leuwenhoek counted upwards of three thousand young oysters moving about in the liquid confined in the interior of the valves of the parent mollusc. These minute beings are provided with shells in about twenty-four hours after the eggs that produced them are hatched. M. Graillon says that the oyster feeds chiefly upon a green animalcule, called Vibrio navicularis ; but others assert that it lives also upon vegetable substances, such as the mucilage of sea- weeds, etc. The liquid contained in oyster shells has a com- position very different from that of sea- water ; it contains a notable amount of albumen, besides nu- merous animalculse and flocculent vegetable matter. It has lately been analysed by Payen, who finds it composed of 85*98 parts of water, 1'33 of organic matter, and 2*85 of mineral salts and silica. Ether has the property of coagulating and throwing down the albumen contained in this liquid. Some varieties of oyster live attached to the roots or branches of trees that are periodically covered by the rising tide. At the mouths of rivers in South America and other tropical countries, groups of magnificent oysters are seen thus sus- pended together with that curious bivalve, Perna ephippiwm, and are rocked to and fro by the balmy sea-breeze when the tide retires. These are called MOLLUSCA. 169 mangrove oysters, as they hang chiefly upon the root-like branches of the mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), which propagates itself in an extraor- dinary manner along the muddy banks of tropical rivers. Oysters which live suspended in this manner grow to a much larger size than those which lie in shoals at the bottom of the sea, as we observed was the case with mussels. At St. Domingo the negroes cut them off with a hatchet, and they are served upon the table with the roots. Oysters have been cultivated more or less for centuries ; the ancients attached great importance to this great cultivation. The Komans cooked them in a great variety of manners ; and Apicius, a glutton who lived in the time of Trajan, is said to have possessed a peculiar secret for fattening oysters. Britain has been celebrated for its oysters since the time of Juvenal. Pliny informs us that Sergius Orata got much credit for his stews of Lucrine oysters, "for the British oyster was not then known." Among the antiquities discovered at Cirencester, a Roman oyster-knife was found, and presented to the British Association in 1856. The art of propagating these mollusca in arti- ficial oyster-beds has been much perfected of late years. The works of M. Coste, who has studied this question in extenso on the borders of the Medi- 170 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. terranean and on the coasts of the Atlantic, will be consulted with profit by all oyster-breeders. On the western coast of France, where the water is somewhat deep, it was found that the oyster requires five years to arrive at its complete growth, whilst in shallow water two years are amply sufficient. A model plan for breeding oysters may be seen in the lake of Fusaro, in Italy, where mussels and oysters are cultivated with much success where almost the entire quantity of spawn is developed with- out loss. That oysters can be transported from one coast to another, and that oyster-beds can be arti- ficially produced on coasts which are deprived of them, was proved by an Englishman more than a hundred years ago. Guided by this knowledge and his own re- searches, M. Coste lately proposed to the French Government to form a chain of oyster-beds all along the western coasts of France. Several beds exist there at present, but most of them are falling to decay, and others are completely exhausted. M. Coste has already commenced operations. He gets fresh oysters for propagation from the open sea; he turns to advantage those that are rejected by the trade > and, lastly, he collects the myriads of embryo oysters which, at each spawning season, issue from the valves of the oyster, and which are MOLLUSCA. 1 73 now lost to commerce for want of some contrivance to prevent their escape and inevitable destruction. Every oyster, I have stated, produces from one to two million of young ; out of these not more than ten or twelve attach themselves to their parent's shell ; all the rest are dispersed, perish in the mud, or are devoured by fish ! Now, if bundles made of the branches of trees, faggots of brushwood, or any similar objects, be let down and secured to the oyster banks by weights, the young oysters will, on issuing from the parent's valves, attach themselves to these faggots, and may, on attaining perfect growth, be taken up with the branches, and trans- ported to places where it is desirable to establish new oyster-beds.* I witnessed the success of this experiment made upon the coast of Brittany, not very long ago. If the process of transportation take place at the proper period, success is almost certain. Between the months of March and April, 1858, about 3,000,000 oysters, taken from different parts of the sea, were distributed in ten longitudinal beds in the Bay of St. Brieuc, on the coast of Brittany. The bottom was previously covered with old oyster- shells, and boughs of trees arranged in bundles. * I called attention to some of these facts (which I consider of importance to oyster-breeders), on December 7,1861, in an English periodical. 174 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. To these the young oysters attach themselves ; and so fruitful were the results, that one of the fascines that was examined at the expiration of six months, was found to have no less than 20,000 young oysters upon it (Fig. 20). A report furnished to the French Government shows that about twenty-five thousand acres of coast may be brought into full bearing in three years, at an annual expense not exceeding 400. But to ensure the continuous propagation of artificially-formed oyster-beds, the dredging must be effected at proper intervals.* For this purpose the beds must be divided into zones, and one-third of each zone only be dredged each season. In this manner an absolute repose of two years is allowed to each of the zones. Hitherto, the dredging used to take place in September, the spawning season being then over ; but in that very month the young oysters attach themselves to their parents' shells, so that the mollusca are disturbed at a moment when the new population is beginning to form. To avoid this, M. Coste has proposed to fix the dredging season in February or March. In England there have been many Acts of Parliament passed for the protection of oyster- * Dredging is performed with a strong net, having an iron rod at its base. MOLLUSCA. 1 75 beds. The fisheries are at present, however, regu- lated by a convention entered into between the English and French Governments, and an Act (6 and 7 Viet. c. 79) passed to carry the same into effect, which enacts that the fisheries shall open on the 1st of September, and close on the 30th of April. It has been said that the Romans formerly dis- covered that different varieties of oysters could be intermixed so as to produce cross-breeds superior in every respect to the stocks whence they sprang. Of late years, a medical man of Morlaix, in France, took some of those large unpalatable oysters termed pied-de-cheval, and crossed them with some small Ostend oysters. The result exceeded his expecta- tions, and he produced a new breed of large oysters, equal in delicacy to the small ones of Ostend. The Ostend oysters, which are in such high repute in Belgium, are fished upon the English coast, and bred in artificial oyster-beds at Ostend. Mr. Robert Macpherson, speaking of the common oyster, says : " The Ostrea edulis of Linnaeus is subject to much variation, which has occasioned the making of one or two questionable species, and rendered uncertain the limits of its distribution. The common English and Welsh oyster is, however, certainly abundant and of excellent quality at Redondela, at the head of Yigo Bay ; and I have 176 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. likewise dredged it off Cape Trafalgar in sand, and off Malaga in mud, but have not noticed it further eastward in the Mediterranean." It is a curious fact that oysters become sooner developed in shallow water, and are then by far the most highly-esteemed for the table. Moreover, oysters that are dredged in deep water far from the coast expel from their shell the whole of the water it contains, the moment they are taken from their natural element ; whilst those which are taken on the coast, from beds which are daily deprived of water by the retiring tide, preserve the water con- tained in the valves of their shells, and can be transported to great distances without losing their freshness. Thus the American oyster, one of the many varieties of Ostrea edulis, is imported alive into Liverpool at the average rate of sixty-five bushels a year. In November, 1861, the French papers Le Journal du Havre and the Moniteur, announced the success of an experiment, made with a view of acclimatizing American mollusca on the French coast. M. de Broca, M. Coste, and Count de Ferussac, took part in the undertaking, and on the coast at Hogue Saint Wast breeding-beds were prepared. In 1861, the steward of the " Arago" steamer brought over about 200 oysters, and the same quantity of clams, a shell- fish consumed in great quantities in the United MOLLUSCA. 177 States. These were deposited in the beds of Saint- Wast^ under M. Coste's immediate superintendence, and in November following it was ascertained that the specimens were healthy, and promise to supply abundance of spawn for the propagation of the species on all the coasts of France. This experiment has induced M. Coste to make preparations for accli- matizing on the French littoral all the best kinds of mollusca from different parts of the globe, and we learn that Professor Agassiz has offered his aid in this useful undertaking. The opening of the oyster fisheries at the mouth of the river Auray, in France, coincided on the 30th of September 1861, with the meeting of the Agricultural Society of the province, presided over by the Princess Bacciocchi. At two o'clock in the afternoon, 220 fishing-boats, covered with flags and flowers of all descriptions, sailed out to the oyster-beds, in presence of an immense concourse of people, which had spread itself over the bridges, along the quays, on the side of the mountain Du Loch, and all along the port of Auray, the weather being magnificent. The boats anchored on the Plessix bed, about half a mile from the port, and commenced dredging. In the short space of one hour the product of this fishing amounted to 350,000 oysters. In the evening the little town of Auray was illumi- nated, and dancing kept up out of doors to a late 178 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. hour by the peasants and the fishermen. It is the first time that the culture of the oyster has been thus brilliantly inaugurated. Some days after this little fete, 320 fishing-boats,, carrying 1200 men, began dredging off the same beds. Twenty millions of oysters had been brought into port when I com- menced this chapter. Among oysters, a genus of mollusca called Sjpon- dylus are remarkable for their curious shells, which are covered with long spines; there are about twenty- five species of them, inhabiting the warmer parts of the ocean, the Mediterranean, etc. They are col- lected as curiosities. A host of useful bivalves, be- longing all to this immense family of Lamelli- branchiate Mollusca, to which the oysters and mussel belong, crowd upon us. To begin with the least important of them ; every one knows the common Cockle (Cardium edule) . The genus Cardium is very widely distri- buted. The species are generally found buried in the sand on the sea- shore. Many of them attain a considerable size. Our common cockle forms an abundant and nutritious article of food, especially in seaport towns. The curious mollusca belonging to the genus Solen, or Razor-shell, are frequently picked up on our coasts. They furnish us an example of a bivalve shell which is many times wider than long (though MOLLUSCA. 1 79 an ordinary observer would say it was much longer than wide). On the coasts of Scotland, where the specimens are very fine, they constitute an article of food. Pecten maximus, or the common Scallop, fre- quently met with on our coasts, is also an edible species, and, when properly cooked, is considered a delicacy. Other species of Pecten, more beautiful, are sought as ornaments, and employed as such in different ways. I have seen elegant ladies' purses constructed with these shells. In the same manner are the pretty little pink and yellow shells of the Tellina (common enough on some of our coasts), utilized in the shops to construct various kinds of ornaments, to decorate workboxes, pincushions, etc. The largest shell known is that of the immense oyster, Tri- dacna gigas, which inhabits the Indian seas. It is known in Eng- lish as the Clamp -shell ; the French term it benitier, because one of its valves resembles the fount /TTV the French). which contains the holy-water (Jb ig. 21) in Koman Catholic churches.* The smaller * The two holy-water founts (benitiers) in the church of St. Sulpice, Paris, are valves of the Trldacna. They were presented by the Venetians to Fra^ois I. A friend of mine has an elegant ornament for cards, letters, etc. : in the place of the wooden cross (Fig. 21), is a statuette of Venus rising from the sea. 180 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. specimens are indeed sold in considerable numbers attached to crucifixes made to hang against the wall. This shell is also sought for to manufacture knife- handles, penholders, and a number of elegant orna- ments of various descriptions. To the same group belong the shells of the genus Chama, which attain also a considerable size. These and the shells of the Gasteropoda, Strombus and Cassis, mentioned before, are those with which cameos are made. Real or stone cameos are cut at great expense in certain varieties of onyx, agate, or jasper. The art of cutting these hard stones is very ancient, and the ornaments thus produced realize a very high price, especially when the workmanship is of a superior quality. They are still cut in Italy, princi- pally at Rome; but cameo artists are not unfre- quently met with in other parts of Europe. The practice of working cameos on shells, and producing what is called a shell cameo, has been in- troduced at a comparatively modern period into Italy. It is carried on to a great extent at Rome in the present day. Shell cameos are much easier to execute than stone cameos; hence, however beautiful the design, they are much less valuable than the latter. A good stone cameo, the size of half- a- crown, with a simple head as device, is frequently worth a thousand francs (40) ; whilst a MOLLUSCA. 181 shell cameo of the same description, unless of extra ordinary merit, would rarely fetch fifty francs (2) . Cameos are executed on shells as on stones ; the subject is worked in relievo on the white portion or outer crust of the shell, while the inner surface, of a pink or brown tint, is left for the ground. Cameo artists who work upon shells are to be met with in London and Paris. The only shells that I have seen employed are the Conch shell (Strombus gigas) and the Helmet shell (Cassis) among the Gasteropoda, and the shells of the genus Ohama. The latter mollusc inhabits the inter- tropical seas ; the species lives fixed to the rocks ; and its foot (or under part of the body by which the animal moves) is remarkable from being bent, and resembling in form the foot of a man. The species known to the French as the Came feuilletee is one of the most curious, and may be taken as a type of the group. The superior valve of the shell is com- posed of superposed plates or layers of calcareous matter of different colours. The cameos made from it resemble closely those cut upon agate or onyx. I have seen very beautiful cameos cut in Paris upon the ordinary Conch shell (Strombus gigas]) and sell at eighty francs (3 6s.). Probably other shells might be found to answer the same purpose ; it is sufficient that they present two or more layers of different colours, which is not unfrequently the 182 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. case .with some of the larger Gasteropoda and Bivalves of the Southern seas. There exists a peculiar kind of cameo termed the Chinese cameo, or pearl cameos. The process by which they are made has lately been discovered : " The Ningpo river abounds in oysters, which the natives take up when they have grown to a certain size. The shells are then partially opened, care being taken not to injure the animal, and moulds bearing the required design are introduced be- tween the valves. The shell is then allowed to close, and the oysters thus operated upon are placed in beds prepared for their reception. After remaining there for some months, they are again taken up and opened, when the mould is found beautifully crusted over with mother-of-pearl ; it is then dexterously detached, and made into various ornaments/'' We will now turn ' our attention to the Mollusca which produce pearls. Of pearl " oysters," as they are generally called, or rather pearl mussels for the animals that furnish us with these jewels are more closely allied to the mussel than to the oyster there are two descriptions, namely, those which inhabit rivers or fresh water, and those which live in the sea. We shall have to consider, then, the fresh-water pearl, and the marine or Oriental pearl ; but as the MOLLUSCA. 183 latter is the most important, I shall speak of it first. On the shores of those countries where pearl oysters abound, they are sought for as eagerly as we seek for Ostrea edulis on our coasts. We have seen how the latter is at present drawing the attention of practical men, who are endeavouring to perfect its breed, and to propagate its species widely. Such will doubtless happen one day for the pearl oyster, whose products are so valuable ; for not only does this mollusc produce the pearl FIG. 22. Avicula margaritifera (Pearl-oyster) , the "jewel of the sea," but also that beautiful substance known as mother-of-pearl, with which buttons, knife-handles, penholders, work-boxes, and ornaments of every description, are constantly manu- factured. The animal in question is the Avicula margariti- fera, L. (Fig. 22). Its shell, of a semicircular 184 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. form, is of a greenish tint on the outside, and of a beautiful pearly lustre in the interior. It consti- tutes mother-of-pearl, which is an important article of commerce at the present day. The pearls for which this mollusc is also sought are small, acci- dental excrescences found in the shell, often buried in the animal's body, but most commonly seen adhering to one of the valves of the shell itself. Like other animals of the mussel kind, Avicula margaritifera secretes a byssus, by which long silken thread it adheres to submarine objects. Other Mollusca which inhabit the ocean have been observed to produce pearls. Such are the common oyster , (Ostrea), many mussels (Mytilus), and some bivalves belonging to the genus Perna. They are also produced by certain fresh-water mussels (ZTmo). The exact nature of a pearl has been the object of much discussion. Some inquirers imagine it to be the result of a particular disease, which causes the animal to produce these pearly concretions, by occasioning in some parts of the shell an unwonted production of calcareous matter. This being pro- duced abundantly and suddenly, does not spread itself uniformly over the interior surface of the valve of the shell, but constitutes those little concretions we call pearls. In the opinion of others, pearls are regarded as MOLLUSCA. 185 a secretion produced by the animal in perfect health, with a view of strengthening certain por- tions of its shell, either on account of a slight fracture, or to close up apertures pierced in it by marine worms, or, again, to furnish strong points of adherence for certain muscles or ligaments of the animal's body. Be this as it may, Linnaeus, in his experiments on fresh- water mussels (Unio), dis- covered a means of causing the mollusc to produce pearls artificially, as we shall see presently. As to the geographical distribution of Avicula margaritifera, which produces mother-of-pearl and the real Oriental pearl, it is found in the Persian Gulf, on the coasts of Arabia Felix, on the coasts of Japan. It is at Cape Comorin, and in the Gulf of Manaar, at the island of Ceylon, that the most productive and celebrated pearl fisheries have been established. Oriental pearls are likewise met with in America, on the coasts of California, at Mada- gascar, and at the island of Tahiti. The Gulf of California is about 700 miles long, and from 40 to 120 miles in width. One of the first shells discovered in its waters was a pearl oyster, the Avicula fimbriata (Margariphora mazat- lantia of others), to obtain which the Spaniards, in the seventeenth century, employed from 600 to 800 divers ; the value of the pearls obtained amounted annually to about 60,000 dollars. This traffic was 186 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. so exhausting to the pearl oyster beds, that the fishery is now almost entirely abandoned. Occa- sionally, however, a shipload of pearl-shell is sent to Liverpool, and sold at the rate of 2 to 4 per cwt. for manufacturing buttons, ornaments in mother-of-pearl, etc. There is another species of Avicula, A. sterna of Grould, known to exist in the same locality. Avicula margaritifera, like other mussels and oysters, lies in banks or beds of greater or less depths. On the west coast of Ceylon these shoals occur about fifteen miles from the shore, where the depth is twelve fathoms ; and there, at Aripo, Chilow, Condatchy, etc., the greatest of all pearl fisheries has been carried on for centuries. The season for fishing always commences in March or April, because in those latitudes the sea is then in its calmest state. The fishing continues till the end of May. The boats of the pearl-fishers hold about twenty men, ten of whom are experienced divers. These descend rapidly through the water to the rocks on which the mollusca are clustered, by placing their feet upon a large stone attached to a rope, the other end of which is fastened to the boat. They carry with them a second rope, the extremity of which is held by two men in the boat, whilst to the other extremity, held by the diver, is fixed a strong MOLLUSCA. 187 net or basket. Every diver is armed with a powerful knife, by means of which he detaches the Avicula from the rocks, and which serves to defend him in case he is attacked by a shark. There are marvel- lous stories told of the length of time these divers can remain under water ; but persons who have inhabited Ceylon for many years assure us that they never saw a diver remain submerged for more than fifty seconds at a time. They plunge and relieve each other by turns, from daybreak till about ten in the forenoon, when the sea-breeze sets in, and the whole flotilla return to shore. In a short time we shall probably see those iron head-cases and tubes, now used by the divers at work in the Thames, adopted by those of Ceylon. The pearl oysters are taken from the boats, and heaped upon the shore to putrefy. For this purpose an enclosed space of ground is allotted to them. As soon as the putrefaction is sufficiently advanced, the shells are taken and placed in troughs, where sea- water is thrown upon them. When decomposition sets in, the body of the mollusc soon ceases to adhere to the shells and the pearls they contain, which are then taken out, washed, and assorted. The pearl fishery of Ceylon, in 1857, brought in 20,550 15s. 6d.; the same year chank-shells, before mentioned, realized 188 95. Such is the present state of things. Our readers 188 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. will perceive what a vast field for amelioration is offered here, and what a great improvement it would be to do away not only with the barbarous mode of diving, by breeding the Avicula in appro- priate places, but with the unwholesome process of extracting the pearls and shells from the putrid heaps of mollusca. There is no doubt, from the experiments already made with the common oyster, that the pearl oyster might be easily submitted to culture ; as it is, the pearl banks in Ceylon, according to Sir Emerson Tennent, were, from 1834 to 1854, an annual charge, instead of producing an income to the colony. Seven years is the period required, in the present state of things, before the pearl oyster arrives at perfection, and can be sought with ad- vantage ! Diving-bells, or the diving apparatus used in constructing bridges, would be a protection against sharks, etc., though accidents from this cause seldom or ever occur ; the noise of the boats seems to scare the sharks away. According to Dr. Kelaart, the pearl oyster can sever its byssus and change its place, so as to migrate to some distance in search of food, or to escape from impurities in the water, and so moor itself again in more favourable situations. This may account somewhat for their disappearance at intervals, and the bad crops yielded by localities MOLLUSCA. 189 which were abundant in produce the previous season. In Europe the white pearls are most valued, whilst the inhabitants of Ceylon prefer those of a rose colour, and the Indians and other Asiatic people those which are yellow. Pearls, indeed, vary much in colour and appearance; some are quite black, others dark blue or purple, with a silvery or golden lustre. During the process of fishing, few places are more lively than the western point of Ceylon. The shells and cleansed pearls are bought and sold on the spot, in small bamboo huts erected for the pur- pose ; and, besides this trade, the confluence of crowds of strangers from different countries attracts dealers in all sorts of merchandize. The long line of huts is a continuously animated bazaar ; all is life and activity. But as soon as the fishery closes, scarcely a human being, or even a habitation, can be seen for miles, and the most dreary solitude pre- vails until the ensuing year. According to Woodward, the largest pearl known is said to belong to a Mr. Hunt. It measures two inches in length and four inches in circumference, weighing 1800 grains. The nacreous lustre of the pearl-shell is an optical phenomenon, termed interference ; it occurs on glass which has lain in the earth for a length of 190 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. time, and has become decomposed at its surface; the same is likewise seen on the feathers of humming birds, parrots, etc., and in certain chemical pre- parations.* It is too complicated a subject to be discussed here. Up to the present time no attempt has been made to cultivate, to propagate artificially, or to acclimatize in other seas, the pearl oyster of Ceylon. To give an idea to what extent the pearl fishery is prosecuted at the present time, I will quote a pas- sage from the " Colombo Observer/' (1858), which is as follows : " A letter of the 20th March states ' We have had ten days' fishing, and there is about 15,000 already in the chest. There will be ten days' more fishing. Oysters sold to-day as high as twenty-five rupees per thousand." The shell of Avicula margaritifera is imported to Liverpool from the East Indies, Panama, and Manilla, at the average rate of 490 tons per annum. Pearls are frequently imported from the East Indies, but there is no account kept of the quantity. It is not unusual to find small pearls in the common edible mussel (Mytilus edulis), but they are seldom large enough to be of any value. It might, perhaps, * I have discovered that most substances possess this property, when they are viewed in a proper direction in the sunshine. Polished iron, ebony, and other descriptions of hard wood, possess it to a remarkable degree. MOLLUSCA. 191 be possible to cause this mussel to manufacture larger pearls. However, such as they are, the pearls of M. edulis have been for many years an article of commerce in England. There are two kinds of fresh-water mussel which resemble each other very closely ; the first are found in pools and other stagnant waters, and are known in English as "Pond mussels" (Anodontes). The other description inhabit running water, and are seen in sparkling streams. These belong to the genus Unio, and are those to which I am about to draw attention. FIG. 23. Unio margaritiferus (Fresh-water pearl-mussel). Our readers are probably acquainted with the "painter's mussel" (Unio pictorum). It is seen in the shop-windows of vendors of pencils, colours, and engravings, with its edges gilt. It is used by miniature painters to hold colours, and that is all I have to say of it. A much larger and by far more interesting mollusc is the fresh- water pearl mussel (Unio margaritiferus) (Fig. 23), a species which is 192 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. common enough in England, Wales, Scotland, Ger- many, etc. It has a large bivalve shell, which, when clean, is of a peculiar yellowish-brown colour, with a wide blue band round the edges. The species has been known for ages in Scotland, where it produces pearls (sometimes called " Scotch pearls "). that are now and then quite equal to the Oriental pearl of the Avicula. Old writers assure us that it was these English jewels that tempted Julius Caesar to renew his visit to our island. TInio margaritiferus is as common in Germany as with us. Very fine specimens are seen in the brooks and rivulets of the Bavarian woods and the moun- tains Fichtelgebirge. Its pearls have likewise attracted attention, and although they are not equal to the Oriental pearl, they are held in certain esti- mation by the jewellers ; and the rich collection of Bavarian pearls that figured some years ago at the Industrial Exhibition of Munich, proved that in Germany the culture of the pearl may one day become a considerable branch of industry. A step has indeed been taken already in this direction. An accomplished geologist, Dr. Yon Hessling, of Munich, was directed, a few years back, by the King of Bavaria, to make minute investigations into the manner in which these pearl mussels live, and under what circumstances they produce their jewels, for all the shells do not contain pearls. Dr. Von MOLLUSCA. 193 Hessling was also directed to examine whether the artificial propagation of Unio margaritiferus, with a view of producing pearls, is practicable. The results of his labours were published in 1859 at Leipzig in an 8vo volume of 376 pages, entitled, " Die Perl- muscheln und ihre Perlen," etc., to which interest- ing work I refer those who would undertake similar experiments in England. Two descriptions of pearls are collected and turned to account in Wales. They are known in England as the " Conway river pearls. " The first, which are of little value, are taken from the common mussel (Mytilus edulis), at the mouth of the river Conway. The others, which are fre- quently very fine, are taken further up the stream, from the shells of Unio margaritiferus. As early as 1693, a paper was published in the "Philosophical Transactions/' by Sir Robert Redding, who states that at that period an extensive fishery for these pearls was carried on by the natives who lived near the rivers in the west of Ireland, " Although, by common estimate," says the author, " not above one shell in a hundred may have a pearl, and of those pearls not above one in a hundred be tolerably clear, yet a vast number of fair merchantable pearls, and too good for the apothecary, are offered for sale by those people every summer assize. Some gen- tlemen make good advantage thereof, and myself 194 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. saw a pearl b ought in Ireland for fifty shillings, that weighed thirty-six carats, and was valued at 40," etc. In 1842 letters from Norway mentioned that there had been found in the bed of the great stream that runs through Jedderen, in the district of Christiansand, and which, from the excessive heats, became dry, a great number of fresh- water mussels containing pearls, some of which were so fine that they were valued at 60 a piece. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, when Norway was annexed to Denmark, the Government took the pearl-fishery of this stream into its own hands, and the finest pearls were sent to Copenhagen to be deposited in the Crown treasury. After this the produce of the fishery became so low that it did not pay the expenses, and it was abandoned. Unio margaritiferus is very plentiful in the river Conway, about a mile above the ancient bridge of Llanrwst, near the domain of Gwydir, where the water is beautifully clear, rapid, and deep. It may be taken from this spot up to Bettws-y-Coed.* I will terminate what I have to say of these pearls by a word upon their artificial production in the shell- fish itself. The finest pearls are always seen plunging into the body of the animal that inhabits the shell. I have remarked above that the pearl is a product of * " It was probably from this spot," says Mr. Garner, " that Sir "Richard Wynne obtained the pearl which he presented to the Queen of Charles II." MOLLUSCA. 195 secretion ; it is a secretion of calcareous matter in a globular form under circumstances that are yet imperfectly known, though we can place the animal in a condition that will induce it to secrete pearls. For instance, if a specimen of Unio margaritiferus be taken, and one of the valves of its shell be pierced with a sharp instrument, so as to drill a hole almost through it, care being taken not to allow the in- strument to penetrate completely through the shell, it will be found that the animal secretes a pearl upon that part of its shell. Linnaeus succeeded perfectly in causing the for- mation of pearls in the shell of this same fresh- water mussel. He found that when grains of sand were placed between the shell and the body of the mollusc a pearl was produced which enveloped the grain of sand. This might have been expected, for sections of Oriental pearls often exhibit very fine concentric laminae, surrounding a grain of sand, or some such extraneous matter. We have only one or two more Bivalves to mention before closing this chapter. Bufibn speaks of a mussel found in the Medi- terranean which the Sicilians and Italians turn to account for making gloves and stockings. It is a species of Pinna. This genus of mollusca belougs to the same group as the pearl oyster (Avicula) - } like other mussels, the Pinna secrete a long byssus, by which they hold to the rocks. The species vary 196 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. much in dimensions according to their age, but often attain a considerable size, and secrete a byssus more than a foot long. The two valves of their shell are equal, and shaped somewhat like a lady's fan half open. Their byssus is not, like that of the common mussel, scanty and coarse, but long, fine, lustrous, and abundant. The animal lives generally half- buried in the sand, being anchored to an adjacent rock by its long byssus. The latter is not unlike silk, though its chemical nature does not appear to have been examined. It is employed in the manu- factories throughout Italy. It appears that the Italians cannot dye this substance, and that, con- sequently, it can only be used in its natural brown colour. Eeaumur called these mollusca the silk- worms of the sea. The inhabitants of Palermo have manufactured this byssus into various species of cloth, which are usually of a high price. It takes many individuals to furnish enough silky thread to manufacture a pair of stockings, and the thread is so fine, that a pair of stockings made of it can be easily contained in a snuff-box of ordinary size. The species generally sought for is Pinna nobilis, L. (Fig. 24, P. marina of others), which is taken off the coast of Sicily, at Toulon, etc., by means of a cramp, a species of iron fork, the prongs of which are perpendicular to the handle. It inhabits water from fifteen to thirty feet deep. MOLLUSCA. 197 Pinna muricata lias been called by the English (c the great silk mussel ;" and P. fldbellum furnishes a similar silky byssus. These three species all inhabit the Mediterranean. The genus Pinna is also remarkable by the fact that these mollusca, especially P. nobilis, produce pearls. These are generally small, and of an amber colour or reddish, sometimes grey or of a lead FIG. 24. Pinna nobilis, L., showing its byssus, called by Eeaumur the " Silkworm of the sea." colour; others are black, and shaped like a pear. They are frequently large enough to be of con- siderable value. The shells of these mollusca, which are not handsome enough to be employed in ornamental work, etc., can still be made useful in a variety of ways. They are composed of carbonate of lime, with a very little phosphate of lime and other salts, and organic matter. On soils which require lime, pulverized shells may be found of service, especially 198 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. in vine countries, where lime in the soil has a marked influence upon the quality of the wine. By calcining them we obtain quicklime of a very pure description. By acting upon them with sulphuric acid, they are converted into gypsum or plaster of Paris (sulphate of lime), though this substance is too common in nature to induce us to prepare it in any quantity from shells. By dissolving shells in hydrochloric acid, after they have been calcined to destroy their organic matter, we can obtain chloride of calcium, a salt much used in chemical processes. By acting upon the lime produced from shells with chlorine, we can transform it into chloride of lime or bleaching powder, etc. All these products may be economically obtained from shells, such as the oyster shell, wherever they are abundant; and the compounds thus produced are purer than those obtained from chalk, or other varieties of carbonate of lime found in nature. * * * * # The beautiful molluscous animals included in the family of Tunicata, many of which resemble transparent bells of the most delicate organization, and some of which are phosphorescent at night, form valuable specimens for the aquarium. The Bryozoa are equally beautiful, but much smaller; and in many their beauties can only be appreciated under the microscope. Worms. Curious observations upon Worms Reproductive power of the JTa'is Sabularia Terebella Lum- bricus (Planaria Helminthes, or Entozoa The common Earth-worm, Lumbricus terrestris The Leech, Hirudo medicinalis The Horse-leech, H. sang-uisug-a Hirudi culture, or Leech breeding- Its cruelties Extent to which it is carried on in France Barometers of Leeches and Frog's Worms for the Aquarium. WORMS. of tlie most interesting classes of animals is certainly that of Worms. Who has not heard of the wonderful power of reproduction or re- generation of lost parts manifested by the Na'is, those curious little organisms which, in clusters of myriads upon myriads, form those large red patches on the muddy banks of the Thames or other rivers, and which vanish like magic when a stone or stick is thrown upon them ? Cut off the head of one of these little fresh- water worms eight successive times, and you will find that it grows again seven times; the eighth decapitation has proved too much for the reproductive power of the Ndis, and this time the head has disappeared for ever ! The number of times the head will be repro- duced depends upon the vital powers of the indi- vidual submitted to experiment. Bonnet, in his " Observations sur les Yers d'eau douce/' states that he cut a Na'is into twenty- six pieces, and each piece became a new worm. He produced thus 202 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. twenty- six Nats. He cut the head off the same Nais twelve successive times, and twelve successive times the head was reproduced. M. Flourens, in his work " Sur la Longevite Humaine," etc., says,, " There exists in the animal economy not only a force of development which brings each part up to the precise term assigned for it, but an individual force of reproduction, first brought to light by Tremblers experiments on polyps." Look again at the marvellous manner in which the marine worms, Sabularia and T&rebella, construct the tubes they inhabit, by means of the grains of sand and rock of the sea- shore, or at the curious phosphorescent faculty, or emission of light in the dark, possessed by many marine worms, and even by our common earth-worm (Lumbricus) , at certain seasons of the year* ; or still again, at the curious moveable organ of deglutition observed in certain voracious fresh- water Planarice, which even after it has been torn away from the animal's body, con- tinues to swallow down everything that is presented to its gluttonous orifice ! These worms may not appear to be directly useful to man, or to his commerce, save, perhaps, as articles sold for the aquwriwrii, which has lately be- come so fashionable. But, on the other hand, what * See my "Phosphorescence, or the Emis8ion of Light by Minerals, Plants, and Animajs." London, 1862. WOEMS. 203 a delightful and interesting source of study they afford us ; and by such study are they not instru- mental in enlightening our minds, in developing our pensive faculties, upon which the entire happiness of our race depends ? Greater marvels still await us in the numerous tribes of Helmmthes, or intestinal worms. In these curious beings the organs of sense appear to be limited to that of feeling (or touch) ; in some diges- tive organs are altogether wanting, and their nutri- ment penetrates their tissues as it would those of a fungus or a conferva. JSTo breathing apparatus is required here how could it be otherwise with creatures who live constantly shut up in the tissues of other animals, often in cells or cavities which do not communicate with the external air ? These curious animals are reproduced either by a sort of budding, by spontaneous division, or by eggs. When the two sexes exist, they are either found united on the same individual, or there exist distinct males and females. In these cases the young animal is developed from an egg ; but between the egg period and that of the perfect animal, we observe, as in insects, mollusca, Crustacea, and we may say, in fact, all other animals, a series of metamorphoses or transformations which, in the worms of which we speak, are exceedingly remarkable. Thus the em- bryo developed from the egg does not always grow 204 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. up immediately into an animal similar to its parent. Often the young helminthe transforms itself into a species of larva capable of giving birth, without fecundation, to other larvce, which are alone capable of becoming animals similar to the parent worm. But the most curious portion of their history is that these larvce are generally found in the tissue of ani- mals very different from the one in which the perfect worm exists, so that before one of them can complete its development, and become a perfect worm, it must be transported into another animal's body ! Thus it is that Cysticercus cellulosa, Gm., which resembles a white cell or vescicle, and constitutes a peculiar disease with pigs, in whose muscular tissue it de- velopes itself and multiplies with fearful rapidity, transforms itself into Tcenia, or tapeworm, in the intestines of the human body; in fact, Cysticercus is the larvae of Tcenia* * But these details are foreign to my subject. I cannot, how- ever, let pass this opportunity without noting down some recently discovered facts relating to this interesting class of animals. Among Helminthes, or Entozoa, as they are sometimes called, is a genus, ttlaria, of which a species is often found in the heart of over-fed sheep, etc. It was formerly thought that these Filaria underwent no metamorphosis ; but M. Joly has lately discovered a number of female nemato'id worms in the heart of a seal (Phoca vitulina) ; they belonged evidently to the genus Filaria : the individuals measured fifteen to twenty millimetres in length ; the species appeared to be new, and was named Filaria Cordis phocce. It is supposed that this worm is conveyed into the body of the seal by the fish which the latter feeds upon, and in whose bodies it exists in the larva state, WOEMS. 205 The only use that has yet been made of Lum- bricus terrestris, or the common earth-worm, of which there are many varieties, is that of baiting the hooks and nets of fishermen. The large varie- ties that crawl upon the damp grass at night, living during the day in the earth, are captured in large quantities by poachers, etc., for baiting night-lines. In the same manner marine worms are used by the fishermen of seaport towns. and is known at present as Filaria piscium. But this F. piscium, being always deprived of sexual organs, M. Joly looks upon it as the larva which, in the body of the seal, completes its development, and becomes F. Cordis phocae. Eotozoa possess a wonderful tenacity of life. They have been known to revive after being placed for half an hour in boiling water. They have likewise been seen to survive the cold produced by ice ; and they have been brought to life again after having lain in a dry state for six or seven years. They live in the most extraordinary places. In certain tropical climates there exists a species of rattle- snake, which, in Cumana, enters into the houses to catch mice. In the abdomen and in the large pulmonary cells of this reptile, a five- tnouthed worm, Pentastoma, has been discovered. Another species of Pentastoma is found in the bladder of frogs. Ascaris lumbrici, a little spotted worm, the smallest of all species of Ascaris, has been discovered under the skin of our common earth-worm (Lumbricus terrestris), furnishing us with an example of a worm living upon a worm. Leucophora nodulata is a very minute worm, of a silvery or pearly aspect, living in the body of the small red worm, Nais littoralis, of our river banks, and constitutes another example. These few notes will, I hope, show what peculiar interest attaches to this numerous and curiously diffused tribe of beings, and it is with much impatience that I await the forthcoming work of a truly able ob- server, Dr. T. Spencer Cobbold, upon this class of animals. Pouchet in his Heteroge'nie energetically denies their wonderful migrations. 206 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. A worm winch lias attracted considerable atten- tion lately, and by rearing of which large sums have been realized in France, is the leech (Hirudo medicinalis, L.) Leeches are remarkable for their peculiar tri- angular mouth, which is provided with a lip, and their ten eyes. At the other extremity of their worm-shaped and extensible body is seen a kind of sucker, by which they adhere firmly to objects under water, whilst their head moves about in all directions. In many species two rows of pores are observed underneath the body ; these pores are the orifices of so many small pouches, which constitute the animal's breathing apparatus. The medicinal leech (H. medicinalis, L.), used for bleeding, is generally of a blackish colour, striped with yellow lines above and spotted yellow stripes beneath. It is found in all the still fresh-waters of Oriental Europe. The horse leech (H. sanguisuga, L.) is much larger, and of a greenish-black colour. It is common in our fresh stagnant waters. The former species, H. medicinalis, has alone been submitted to special culture. In the countries where it is bred, it is reared in marshes specially adapted to that purpose ; and until very recently its nourishment was derived from old worn-out horses, which, instead of being left to graze away in peace the last days of the weary life which they WOEMS. 207 are forced to lead for man's comfort, were driven into the leech-ponds, to be fed upon by these noxious worms ! Such, readers ! is the dis- gusting practice that has been followed in France for many years. This unwonted and unequalled cruelty constitutes a lasting disgrace to the Govern- ment which sanctions it. Very recently, however, the scientific men who form at the present time the most honourable portion of French society, and the most enlightened portion of its Senate, have begun to look with abhorrence at this frightful cruelty, and are endeavouring to prevent it. The Socidte Protectrice des Animaux, a most worthy institution, established in Paris, has awarded its silver medal to M. Borne, of Clairefontaine, and its bronze medal to Messrs. Harreaux, Sauve, and Laigniez, for having abandoned this barbarous method of feeding leeches upon the blood of living horses, and for having constructed new marshes or leech-ponds, where the worms are fed with blood and other animal matters taken from the slaughter-houses. For some years past, Messrs. Guenisseau and Fermond have been occupied with the culture of the leech; and M. Auguste Jourdier has recently published an interesting little work, entitled " Sur THirudiculture," * in which he treats of the rearing and artificial breeding of H. medicinalis. * One vol. in 8vo, Paris, 1856. 208 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. To give some idea to what extent the breeding of this worm is practised in France, I may state here that a single leech-swamp in La Gironde yields, on an average, a return dividend of fifteen per cent. ! Not long ago a similar marsh in the same district, and about 120 acres in dimension, sold for 10,000 sterling ! I learn, moreover, from very reliable sources, that considerable fortunes have been realized in the neighbourhood of Bordeaux by breeding leeches. But the day cannot be far off when all these leech-ponds will be dried up, and when the old barbarous practice of bleeding with leeches will be banished from a more enlightened medical gene- ration. Then, indeed, will the useless cruelty of the leech-ponds vanish for ever, and no more old women or children shall be bled to death. Some persons have attempted to convert the common leech into a barometer (Fig. 25). Among FIG. 25. Leech barometer. other curious habits it has been observed, that on the approach of a tempest the animal ceases to be WORMS. 209 languid, moves about with a degree of activity " in proportion to the violence of the storm to come/' and endeavours to escape by climbing up the sides of the glass jar in which it is confined. It is asserted that in this respect the leech is a dangerous rival to the little green frog, which is sold for a similar purpose on the Continent. A few of these frogs are placed at the bottom of a large glass vase containing moss, and half filled with water ; a small wooden ladder reposes on the moss, and reaches to the top of the vase. When the weather is going to be calm, the frogs mount the ladder, and come and croak at the surface of the water ; but when it is going to be stormy, they descend to the bottom, and bury themselves in the moss. But, for my own part, I do not place much reliance upon the indications of such-like barometers, and would advise my readers to adhere to that invented by Torricelli. Since the aquarium has become a drawing-room ornament, or a living cabinet of natural history to the lovers of science, many species of worms, hitherto disregarded by the public at large, are fetching somewhat large sums in the market. Such, for instance, are certain Serpula, the beautiful organisms belonging to the genera Sabella, Tere- ~bella, SpiOj Sabularia, etc., of which some of the p 210 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. rarer species sell at very liigli prices. These worms, by their curious tubes or habitations, their gold- like branchiae or gills, their curious habits, etc., are indeed objects most worthy of attention. Polypes, G-eneral remarks on (Polypes tfheir Organization and (Polypidom -JVaturalists who have written upon (Polypes Hydra fusca and H. viridis Reproduc- tion of (Polypes (Polypes for the Aquarium Coral- Hum nobilis, and general observations on Coral Its (Polypidom (Practical details concerning Coral Coralliculture Coral Fishery Uses of Coral Isis hippuris, or Articulated Coral ^Tubipora musica (The genus J\ adrepora Reefs and Coral Islands Formation of Reefs J\A 'adrepora, muricata Its Chemical Composition How it derives its Lime Its uses. POLYPES. ETWEEN the class of Worms and that of Polypes there exists many groups of in- ferior animals which, hitherto, have not been employed by man j such, for instance, are the Medusas (Sea-blubbers and Sea- nettles), and the different varieties of Star-fish (Asteria, Ophiura, etc.) Many of these are men- tioned in my work on Phosphorescence, as most of them evince the faculty of becoming luminous in the dark. Some of these animals have been used as manure on the sea-coast, but with little or no effect. Among the Echinodermata (Star-fish, Ophiura, etc.) there is, however, an animal, Holothuria priapus, or sea-slug, which for years has been exported in large quantities from several of the Malay Islands to China, Cochin China, etc. Hundreds of junks or canoes are paddled along the shallow beaches on the coasts of the East India islands, and filled with these soft gelatinous beings. The Holothuria are purged of impurities by having quick lime thrown over them. 214 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. dried in the sun, and packed in baskets, which sell at a high price among the Asiatics. Long before Polypes should likewise be placed the class of Rotiferce, or wheel-animalcules ; but, on account of their microscopic forms, the little I have to say upon them will be found in the chapter on Infusoria, The same remark will apply to some other micro- scopic beings. Polypes comprise a numerous series of animals that have been classed in the genera: Ooralium, Isis, Madrepora, Caryophyllea, Oculium, Pocillopora, Astrea, Porita, Meandrina, Tubipora, Sertularia, Actinia, Hydra, and a few others. They are wonder- fully numerous. Nearly one-seventh part of the actual crust of our globe is composed of the remains of animals, and polypes contribute largely towards this fraction of our present world. Several species are valuable to us in different manners. The body of a polype appears most simple in its organization ; it consists of a little gelatinous sack or bag, the opening of which is surrounded by ten- tacles. Some species live separately, floating about singly in the water, or fixed one by one to the rocks: Others live in large companies, and secrete a curious habitation or basis, called a polypidom. They have been therefore divided into two groups, namely : Naked polypes, such as the Sea Anemones and the Hydra of our fresh-water ditches and POLYPES. 215 ponds; and Coralligenous polypes those which produce a polypidom such as the Coral, the Madre- pora, etc. The class was formerly much larger than it is now, and extended from Aristotle's polype which is no other than the cuttle-fish, Sepia octo- poda (S. officinalis) to Infusoria, including animals which differ essentially in every respect. The habi- tation of Coralligenous polypes the polypidom was looked upon by the ancients as a growing stone or a stony plant (Lithophyte) . The first ob- server who hinted at their animal nature appears to have been Imperati, and his observations, published in 1699, were confirmed by Peyssonel in 1727, and by Trembley about the year 1740, whilst engaged in his wonderful experiments upon Hydra viridis and H. fusca of our stagnant waters. Ellis, Marsigli, Baster, Donati, Boccone, De Geer, Reaumur, De Jussieu, and Cavolini have added considerably to the interesting history of polypes. Linnaeus called them animal plants (Zoo- phytes), and this celebrated naturalist classed the greater number of species, thus laying the ground- work for the later researches of Pallas, Bruguieres, and Lamarck. To Cavolini, Ehrenberg, and Savigny we owe much of our knowledge concerning the organization of corals; and for the description of the geogra- phical distribution of islands, and other geological 216 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. formations occasioned by these animalcules, we are indebted to the labours of K. and G. Forster, Cha- misso (author of the " Marvellous History of Peter Schlemyll"), Peron, Quoy and Guemard, Captain Flinders, Lutke, Beechy, Darwin, D'Urville, and Lotin. Alex, von Humboldt has sketched, in a charming manner, their influence upon the constitution of the earth's crust, in his ' { Yiews of Nature," vol. ii. Hydra fusca, the olive- coloured polype of our ponds and ditches, may be taken as the type of this class of animals. This little being was first de- scribed by Trembley in 1744, but it had been pre- viously discovered by Leuwenhoek in 1703. No attention was paid to it, however, till the publica- tion of Trembley's paper, which produced great sensation, everyone's attention was drawn to the subject, and it became the principal topic of the day. It was given away in presents as an object of great rarity ; specimens of it were sent from abroad by post, and even ambassadors made it a matter of engrossing interest in their relations to the foreign courts. If a little duck-weed (Lemna) bo put into a bottle of water with a wide orifice, and the bottle be placed upon a table, and allowed to remain per- fectly still for some hours, the Hydra contained in the stagnant water will all come to that side of the POLYPES. 217 bottle upon which the light falls, and will be seen floating about in that quarter of the flask, or adhering to that portion which is turned towards the window of the apartment. With a magnifying- glass it is easy to recognize Hydra fuscdj which is brown or olive coloured, and H. viridis, which is green. Sometimes a reddish-brown variety (H. rubra) will be also seen. The little creatures appear like very small floating sacks, having four arms or tentacles spreading out from the orifice of the sack. If these animals be cut into several pieces with a scissors, each piece becomes a new hydra; if one of them be turned inside out like a glove, it lives so, the external part, which is now the interior, carries on the process of digestion as if it had always been inside. Polypes are reproduced by " budding," by spon- taneous division, or by eggs. In the first process one or more buds form around the mouth (orifice of the sack), or on some other part of the animal's body. This bud, which at first appears as a little globule, gradually developes itself into a complete polype, and drops off. This process of reproduction is ex- tremely rapid ; a single day often suffices for several successive generations to make their appearance. Thus, a child polype born by budding at six o'clock in the morning, will, in many cases, be a grand- father by six in the afternoon. But this rapid sue- 218 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. cession of births is only observed in all its grandeur under the Tropics. It has been remarked, also, that the larger species of polypes produce fewer young. The Hydra that live in the ditches and stagnant ponds around London, Paris, etc., die in the winter ; but before this their body is replete with eggs or buds, which are dispersed in the water in the form of minute granular bodies, to become new polypes the ensuing spring. These fresh-water polypes are interesting objects of study for the fresh- water aquarium, and as they are of a certain size, they can be easily observed by means of a common lens or magnifying-glass. It is curious to see them seize in their tentacles small worms, insects, etc., and carry them into their semi-transparent gelatinous body. The same may be said of the Flustra, which belong to the higher class of Bryozoa, and form inte- resting specimens for the salt-water aquarium. Many varieties of them are found on the sea-weeds, shells, rocks, etc., which they cover with a minute network of cells. Each cell contains a polype-like animal, and there are in some species many hundred cells in one square inch of this network. Again, the Sertularia and the beautiful Campanularia, or bell- shaped polypes, are sought for to decorate the aquarium ; whilst Sea Anemones, on account of the Fio. 26. 1. Corallium nobilis (Red coral). 2. Polype magnified. POLYPES. 221 comparative ease with which, they are reared, form frequent and interesting objects of study in the same miniature ocean. Polypes have numerous enemies in the shape of worms, Crustacea, fish, water insects, etc. They also devour each other when opportunity offers, but it has been observed that polypes of the same species cannot digest each other. They appear to live principally upon animal sub- stances, such as small worms, infusoria, and the like, with which the waters they inhabit generally abound. Certain sea anemones have been seen to devour small fish; in the aquarium they are fed with small pieces of raw beef. Some polypes remain for ever attached to their cells, and cannot be drawn from their polypidom without being killed. Others appear capable of leaving their habitation, to wander about and con- struct another polypidom at some distance from the old one; but this fact has not been sufficiently proved. The most important polype, in a commercial point of view, is the Coral (Corallium noUlis, L. Fig. 26) ; the bright red substance of its polypidom has rendered it valuable as an article of trade. After pearls, coral is considered the most precious production of the ocean, and on the coasts of the Mediterranean it has for ages been the object of an 222 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. extensive traffic. In nature its stein, or the axis of its polypidom, is calcareous, solid, and striated; it is covered by a gelatinous porous envelope, in which the coral polypes are seen implanted. Donati has thrown much light upon the orga- nization of the coral stem, and the anatomy of the gelatinous tunic which covers it, and places each of its polypes, as it were, in connection one with the other. It will be sufficient here to state that the coral polypes produce the calcareous portion of their polypidom, and also secrete this gelatinous covering, which is of a very complicated nature. The latter, when the coral is freshly taken from the water, is easily peeled off; but if allowed to dry on the stem, it becomes very difficult to detach it. This cortex, or covering, presents numerous tuber- cles or little eminences, each of which contains in its cavity a white, soft, transparent polype, having eight tentacles. As soon as the coral is withdrawn from the water, each polype immediately contracts itself, and withdraws into its cavity. The external portion of the solid coral stem is generally much less compact than the interior. When calcined, it loses its organic matter and its colour, and is then seen to be composed of concentric layers. Silliman, jun., has analyzed this substance ; he finds that it is composed of carbonate of lime, containing three to five per cent, of organic matter, POLYPES. 223 and very small quantities of silica, fluoride of cal- cium, fluoride of magnesium, phosphate of lime^ alumina, and oxide of iron. The red colour I believe to be entirely organic, though nothing is yet known concerning it ; and though coral is gene- rally of a fine red colour, it is sometimes found of a rose tint, or even quite yellow. There is also a black variety, which is very rare. Its gelatinous tunic also varies in colour. The calcareous stem of these animals is formed like the shell of the oyster and other mollusca, i.e., by the secretion of a liquid containing a large amount of lime, and which appears to be produced by certain glands situated at the basis of the polype* s tentacles. In the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, coral is seen adhering to the rocks in all directions. The greatest height that a stem of coral, with its branches, will attain in the Mediterranean is about a foot and a half, its greatest diameter being about eight lines. At each extremity of the coast of Algiers very fine coral is found. The annual production by coral fisheries in these parts is estimated at about 100,000 sterling. But the French are complain- ing, at the present moment, of the negligent manner in which their Mediterranean coral pro- duction is carried on. It should yield, according to 224 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. competent authorities, a nett profit of 250,000 sterling per annum.* Spallanzani's observations have taught us that coral grows very rapidly, and is quickly reproduced ; so that in a few years' time a locality which has been deprived of its coral by repeated fisheries is again repeopled with this lucrative polype. It has also been remarked that a branch of coral, detached from the stem and thrown into the sea, soon fixes itself to the rocks, and grows into a fine specimen; and it has not unfrequently been noticed that different objects which have been thrown into the sea near any clusters of coral, are sure to be covered with these polypes in the course of a few months. These important facts seem to indicate the pos- sibility of transporting or transplanting the coral by shoots, as we do with some of our rarer vege- table productions. They teach us, also, that the coral fishers ought to be compelled by law to throw back into the sea the younger branches of whatever coral they take away ; for these young shoots are nearly valueless to them, and would serve to re- plenish in a short time places exhausted of their coral by constant fishing. Like other polypes, the coral polype is repro- * Compare the "Bulletin de la Societe d'Acclimatation," Paris, 1856. POLYPES. 225 duced by eggs, by buds, and by self-division. It multiplies rapidly, and its stem will go on rami- fying, like the stem of a tree, for an indefinite period of time. All these data should be borne in mind by those who would undertake to cultivate coral, a branch of industry which has lately been seriously thought of, and to which the French have already given the name of Coralliculture. And if it be impossible to grow coral upon our English coasts, there are spread over the globe hundreds of English possessions where Coralliculture might become an unexpected source of wealth. For ages past coral has been the object of an extensive and valuable industry ; it constitutes an important feature in the commerce of Marseilles, Genoa, Catalogna, Corsica, Sicily, and other Medi- terranean islands. The coasts of Sicily, the Adri- atic, and the coast of Tunis, are classed among the places where the most active operations of this kind are carried on. Regular coral fisheries are established in the Straits of Messina, on the shores of Majorca and Ivica, .the coasts of Provence, of Algiers, etc. Abundant supplies are obtained from the Bed Sea, the Persian Gulf, the coast of Sumatra, and other localities. Sicilian coral is much prized, and has been known to value as much as ten guineas per ounce. Q 226 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. The price, however, is exceedingly variable, ac- cording to quality, other portions of the same mass selling for less than a shilling a pound. Coral fishery takes place during the three hottest months of the year ; the only instrument that the fishers employ is the salabre, a kind of dredge, consisting o"f two strong sticks crossed one over the other. To the centre of the cross is a long rope, and underneath it a bullet or stone. At the four extremities of the sticks, which are covered with tow (hemp), is a net shaped like a purse (Fig. 27). Fia. 27. Coral Net. a a. Beams of wood, 15 feet long, covered with tow. 6 6. Coarse nets. This instrument is dragged over the rocks from which the coral springs, and the latter broken off by the dredge, its branches become entangled in the tow, and are secured by the net. But by this POLYPES. 227 clumsy apparatus, as our readers will easily con- ceive, a great quantity of coral would be lost, were it not sought for immediately afterwards by divers, which is generally the case. This fishing or dredging generally takes place at a depth varying from sixty to eighty feet, but coral is sometimes dredged for and taken at upwards of one hundred feet below the surface of the sea. In Europe, particularly at Marseilles, coral is manufactured into a great variety of ornaments ; it is also largely dealt with in the East, in India and Africa, where it is employed to ornament weapons, for jewels, chaplets, etc. When the Arabs bury any of their relatives, they always place in the dead person's hand a chaplet of coral. In Europe coral used also to be employed in medicine, but it has been found that a little lime- stone serves the same purpose. It is extensively used for jewellery, and is also made into tooth- powder. In 1852, the quantity of red coral imported from Italy to Liverpool amounted to 120 Ibs. ; in 1854, 146 Ibs. arrived. There exist four species of coral-like animals belonging to the genus Isis (which has been sepa- rated from that of Corallium), one of which, Isis liippuris, know as Articulated coral, is abundant in many seas. Its polypidom is composed of calca- 228 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. reous joints united to and alternating with horny ones, which gives to the species in question an aspect similar to that of the plants called Equisetum (horse-tail). Isis hippuris is sought for and prized as a curiosity, though the species is not rare. The polypes of the genus Tupipora are ex- tremely remarkable, and much prized as curiosities. Their polypidom is composed of a series of bright red calcareous tubes or prismatic cylinders. They form large round tufts, and often considerable masses in the warmer seas. Peron found that the polypes that inhabit these tubes have green tenta- cles, so that large agglomerations of these species appear like tufts of grass or green fields in the ocean. The species Tupipora musica is the most common; its polypidom is of a fine red colour; it has been termed T. musica because the cylinders of this polypidom call to mind the tubes of an organ. It is found abundantly in the Indian Ocean and American seas. Formerly it was employed as a medicine, but now is only sold as a cabinet orna- ment or a curiosity. It would be interesting to cultivate the latter two, and several other allied species^ in a warm salt-water aquarium. Such an aquarium might be easily established in the warm greenhouse of Kew and other botanic gardens, and it should contain POLYPES. 229 some of the rarer marine Algce along with these magnificent polypes. It is to the genus Madrepora that most of the so-called " coral-reefs" are owed. Every one knows how dangerous these reefs prove to navigators, and what an extensive part they play in the consti- tution of the earth's crust. Their colours are almost invariably white or yellowish- white ; but there are some which are completely yellow, red, or brown. These Madrepora are extremely common in nature, and abound near the islands of the South Sea, of the Indian Sea, and especially near the Antilles. Captain Cook tells us " that he could not sail through certain straits which he had passed with ease a few years previously, on account of the pro- digious and rapid multiplication of these coral- reefs." There is a barrier reef of madrepores that runs along the whole of the eastern coast of Australia. Captain Flinders endeavoured for four- teen days to pass through it, and he found that he had sailed more than five hundred miles before he accomplished his purpose. Throughout the whole range of Polynesian and Australian islands, there is hardly a league of sea unoccupied by a t( coral-reef" or a " coral-island." These reefs develop themselves in proximity to the shores of continents and islands, or upon the summits of submarine volcanic rocks. The latter 230 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. circumstance explains the frequency of their crater- like forms (Fig. 28). Dalrymple says he has seen FIG. 28.- Circular Coral Island, recently formed in the Pacific Ocean, prin- cipally composed of the species Madrepora muricata, and shutting in a portion of the ocean as a lake. madrepore banks in all their stages some in deep water, others with a few portions above the surface ; some just formed into islands without the slightest vestige of vegetation ; others with a few weeds on their highest point ; and, lastly, such as are covered with trees of many years 5 growth, " with a bottom- less sea at a pistol-shot distance/ 5 As soon as the edge of a reef is high enough to lay hold of the floating sea- weed, to retain the seeds of plants brought by the winds and currents, or for a bird to perch upon, the " coral-island " may be said to commence its existence. The ex- creta of birds, wrecks of all kinds, feathers, cocoa- nuts floating with the young plant out of the shell, various grains, and sea- weeds, are the first elements of the new island. POLYPES. 231 With islands thus formed, and others in the several stages of their formation, Torres Strait is nearly choked up. The time will come it may be ten thousand or ten million years, but come it must when New Holland and New Guinea, and all the little groups of islets and reefs to the north and north-west of them, will either be united in one great continent, or be separated only by deep chan- nels, in which the strength or velocity of the currents may perhaps obstruct the silent and un- observed agency of these insignificant, but most efficacious labourers. FIG. 29. Fragment of Madrepora muricata. Madrepora muricata, L. (Fig. 29), is the species which contributes most largely to the formation of reefs ; it is often sold for ornaments, particularly in 232 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. France,, where it is called Come de Dame, or Char de Neptune. There are some splendid specimens of this and its allied species in the British Museum. Immense masses of its beautiful and wonderful structure are employed to manufacture lime for building and manure. The inhabitants of the Polynesian and Australian islands burn it to pro- duce the lime with which they chew their betel, and scour the Holothuria which they collect for the Chinese, etc., as we have already seen. The lime thus produced is very much superior to any that can be obtained from lime stone, however pure. When employed as manure, it would be better to crush it without burning it, as it would thus retain its animal matter ; but some varieties are so hard, that the crushing can only be effected with very powerful machines. Madrepora and other closely -allied po- lypes such as Porita, Astrcea, Meandrina, Caryo- pliyllea (Fig. 30) contain from 90 to 95 per cent, of carbonate of lime, with a little carbonate of magnesia; they also contain a very small quantity of fluoride of calcium and phosphate of lime, which latter, small as the quantity is, renders them still more valuable for agricultural purposes. An analysis which I made of Madrepora muri- cata, in 1859, gave me 5 per cent, of organic matter, 0*4 of silica, 92*27 of carbonate of lime, 0*69 of carbonate of magnesia, 0*65 of phosphate POLYPES. 233 of lime, oxides of iron and alumina,, 0*99 of sulphate of lime, and traces of fluoride of calcium. All these salts are extracted, by the polypidom- making polypes, from the water of the sea. If we Fia. 30. Caryophyliea fastigiata. analyse the water of the ocean near " coral- reefs," we find a considerable deficiency of lime. Thus, Dr. Forchhammer, in an interesting paper, has lately shown that where madrepore polypes abound, the salts furnished by the sea only contain 2 per cent, of lime. But, on the other hand, these polypes can never extract the whole of the lime from the sea- water, as this author and others appear to think, for Nature has established here one of her beautiful rotations : as the little polypes extract lime from the water to form the new portions of their poly- pidom, the water, by means of the carbonic acid it 234 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. contains, and with which it is supplied in great measure by the polypes themselves, dissolves the more ancient portions of their calcareous structure, thus keeping a constant supply of carbonate of lime at their disposal in the water. In the South Sea Islands, the madrepore struc- tures are occasionally employed as building stone ; they are known as coral-rock. Madrepora was formerly imported into this country for medicinal purposes, under the name of white coral. It is capable of receiving very fine polish, and can then be made, as coral, into orna- ments of every description.* * For many extremely interesting and novel details concerning fresh-water polypes, bryozoa and infusoria, see Henry J. Slack's in- genious little work entitled " Marvels of Pond Life." Infusoria and other AnimalculsBi J& ioroscopio Animals useful toJVLan Universal distri- bution of Infusoria (Dry Fogs -jluthors who have studied Infusoria (Philosophical considerations con- cerning- them The Jdonads, I^otifera, Vibrio I^hizopoda^JVLonas crepusculum, the most minute of living- beings (^Deposit in which the transatlantic Cable lies transition of Colour in Lakes Fossil Infusoria "JMtountain J/Leal " Its Chemical Com- position Enormous quantities of it consumed as Food G-eographical distribution of Infusorial deposits The Town of Richmond, in Virginia Berlin The (polishing Schist of gilin, in (Prussia 1,750,000,000 beings to the square inch Tripoli, its uses and composition G-eographical and G-eological distri- bution of Infusoria, Foraminifera, and (Diatomacece Soluble (3-lass obtained from Infusorial (^Deposits Uses of Soluble Glass Other applications of Infu- sorial Earth Qhallc, its uses and geological origin The Jfummulite Limestone (Paris mostly built of Animalcules Other details Time. INFUSORIA AND OTHER ANIMALCULE. pass on now to examine another exten- sive group of animals, still more wonder- ful, and perhaps more interesting, than any which precede. Here, under the highest magnifying power of the microscope, we find animals useful to man here, amidst the mil- lions of invisible atoms which nature has so abun- dantly scattered over the globe, we find delicate and wonderful organisms, supplying us with food, with pure water, with glass, with colours, and last, not least, with an inexhaustible field of scientific inquiry. Look where we will, we find them every- where in our bodies, in our aliments, in our drinks, in our preserves, in the water in which we bathe, on our walls, on our glazed paper, on our visiting cards, on our flowers, in the soil of our gardens, in the woods and forests, in our meadows and their trenches, in our ditches, ponds, lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans, in the oldest sedimentary strata of the earth, in the most recent strata, on the mountain 238 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. tops, in tlie snow and in the ice, and sometimes in the air we breathe. Ehrenberg found a few species of Infusoria in the subterranean water of mines; he met with several in some silver mines in Russia, at the depth of fifty- six fathoms below the surface ; but he never detected them in atmospheric water, such as dew- drops.* The same author discovered that the yellow dry fog which has been observed from time to time advancing from the Cape Yerd Islands towards the east, covering parts of North Africa, Italy, and Central Europe, is composed of hosts of silicious animalculae, carried away by the trade - winds. This peculiar meteor has been often attri- buted to the tails of comets which have passed near the earth's orbit. f Similar animalculae have been found in fixed or floating icebergs at 12 lat. from the North Pole, while numerous forms of the same group are seen in hot mineral springs. The invention of the microscope by Hans Jan- * This observation, made many years ago, agrees admirably with the results of numerous researches lately made by Pouchet of Rouen, who discovered no infusoria in snow that had recently fallen, nor in the atmosphere. It has been held that the air abounds with eggs of infusoria and seeds of microscopic plants ; but Pouchet denies this, upon the strength of many experiments made in various parts of Europe. f See Humboldt's " Yiews of Nature," tome ii. ; also Kaemtz's "Meteorology," and my work on "Phosphorescence," pp. 55-57, regarding the nature of dry fogs. INFUSORIA AND OTHER ANIMALCULE. 239 sen and Ms son Zacharias Jansen of Middleburg, revealed to us the existence of myriads of living creatures, of whose presence in nature we had not before the slightest suspicion ; and observation has disclosed a number of organic creations comparable only to that of the stars revealed by the teles- cope. When Linnaeus arranged all the organized beings known to him in his " Systema Naturee," the structure of infusoria and other animalculas was not sufficiently known to enable him to distribute them properly. He therefore placed them at the end of his last class, Vermes, in a genus which he denominated Chaos. Othon Frederic Miiller first distinguished them as a distinct order, and finding they were so quickly produced in infusions of vegetable substances, called them Infusoria. Muller's work was published in 1773-4. He described many species. But Needham had already published (1745) his "New Microscopical Discoveries." These minute organisms have also been investi- gated by Leuwenhoek, Lamarck, Cuvier, Bory de St. Yincent, Hill, Hooke, Adams, Baker, Spal- lanzani, Ehrenberg, Mantell, Pritchard, Morren, Pouchet, etc. Bhrenberg studied their internal structure by feeding them on colouring matters, such as indigo, and carmine. 240 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. If a few flower stalks or a handful of green leaves be placed in a glass of water, and allowed to remain there from two to four days exposed to the air and to the light, at the end of that time the water will have assumed a green or brownish-green colour, and on being submitted to examination under the microscope, will be found to swarm with many descriptions of infusoria. How they come there is still a subject of discussion among many of the first men of the day. Some say their eggs or " buds" are constantly present in the air, driven about everywhere by the wind, and develop them- selves whenever they happen to fall upon an appro- priate medium, such as putrefying vegetable sub- stance, etc. Others say that no such eggs are present in the air, but that they form spontaneously in water containing vegetable matter, as the eggs of other animals form in the womb.* Lamarck, Oken, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Bory de St. Yincent, Darwin, and other distinguished natu- ralists, look upon certain infusoria (Monades) as the fundamental organic substance from which all higher organisms have been progressively developed. Na- ture created Monades, the most simple form of infusoria, from the gradual perfection of which, through myriads of centuries and amidst all kinds of physical changes, all the higher classes of animals * Pouchet " Sur 1'Heterogenie," Paris, 1859, 1 vol. in 8vo. INFUSORIA AND OTHER ANIMALCULE. 241 have been produced.* I myself have shown recently how mineral matter can be converted by chemical means into organic matter, and how this organic matter, in the origin, must have been converted into organized cells, f " In vain," says Bory de St. Vincent, and his words coincide remarkably with our modern re- searches, " in vain has matter been considered as eminently brute [without life] . Many observations prove that if it is not all active by its very nature, a part of it is essentially so, and the presence of this, operating according to certain laws, is able to produce life in an agglomeration of the molecules ; and since these laws will always be imperfectly known, it will at least be rash to maintain that an infinite intelligence did not impose them, since they are manifested by their results." But we must quit these philosophical considera- tions, as our work is purely of a practical nature. Let us see then, first, what Infusoria are, and how they are useful to man. The most simple and commonest form of in- fusorial life is the Monad. This animalcule, of which there are several kinds, consists of a fine pellucid membrane ; it forms a very minute sphere * Darwin " On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection," London, 1860. t Phipson ir. ' The illustrations are particularly -well done, and we may say of the work gene- rally that it is worthy of the subject." Russell's Army and Navy Gazette. 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