VI hfr ) 4 Vayera -,-!, ,, n 5 Haye Sarah 1 8 1 3 1 Kings Kings -i 4 1 1 1 1 1 424 132 4 1 438 nnSn eToledot 5 1 alachi __ > 10 KVM 7 Vayetse 1 rtwi 8 Vaishlach 810 > osea 'badiah . 7 all osea 213 14 end 3CW 9Vayesheb VpD 10 Mikets t-yi 11 Vaigash nl 12 Vaihi rvictt 13 Shemot tni 14 Vaera N3 15 Bo pStt'a 16 Beshalach 1^ "' 17 Itro xodus 7 ] 1 1 418 728 1 1 3 2 1 317 8 1 mos Kings izekiel Kings eremiah ^zekiel eremiah udges saiah 2 6 315 715 2 1 1 1 825 613 5 1 6 1 4 2 213 2 4 9 end end end end saiah udges saiah 7 6 4 4 6 1 2813 5 end 7 7 ) D'tfiBVD 18 Mishpatim nonn 19 Teruma rflXn 20 Tetsave' HUT 3 21 Ki Tisa Snp'i 22 Vayakel ) -npB 23 Pekude 1 5 1 1 5 1 720 3011 35 1 382 eremiah Kings Szekiel Kings 4 8 526 310 820 713 74 nd & 3 25-26 614 end 841 727 750 Kin. 8 1 740 751 95-6) 1820 750 822 mp'i 24 Vaikra jevit. 1 saiah 432 4424 IX 25 Tsav 6 eremiah 72 { & 8 4 922 2 ycV 26 Shemini 9 2 Samuel 6 620 2 Sam 6 1 717 j?nin 27 Tatzriang "t 12 2 Kings 44 5 20 jn*D 28 Metsorang i nio ViN 29 Aharemot } D'C'np 30 Kedoshim ) 14 16 19 izekiel 7 22 20 enc 2217 2021 Amos 9 7 end ncS 31 Emor 21 441 enc nn3 32 Behar > 25 Teremiah 32 3218 n"ra 33 Behukotai > 26 161 1715 naica 34 Bamidbar Number 1 losea 2 223 NT?J 35 Naso 42 Fudges 13 enc "inSy^a 36 Beangalotecha 8 Zechariah 21 4 8 f? rf>V 37 Shelach Lecha 13 Foshua 2 enc 1 nip 38 Korah 16 . Samuel 111 1223 Tpn39Hukat \ 19 Fudges 11 1134 pSa40Balak 5 22 Vlicah 5 6 9 Dni'b 41 Pinehas 251 1 Kings 184 19 end HMD 42 Matot ) 30 Jeremiah 1 2 4 j?Dt5 43 Mazge 1 J 33 2 5 229 Jer. 2 4 2297 * 4 1-2 3 4$ 0'^5*7 44 Debarim Deuter 1 [saiah 1 128 Tinrw 45 Vaethanan 3p46Hekeb 32 71 40 491 4027 51 4 Htn 47 Reh 112 541 55 6 D'tSB^y 48 Shophetim 161 511 5213 Nvn 3 49 Ki Tetse* 211 54 5411 Nian 3 50 Ki Tabo 26 60 enc D'SVj 51 Netzabim ) 29 611 6310 nS1 52 Vayelech J 31 Hosea 14 enc Isaia 55 6 56 9 and Micah 71 enc (Hos 14 2 end li'TN'n 53 Aazinu 32 2 Samuel 22 enc (Joe 2 1 end ro^an rini 54 A 7 esot a Berac! 33 NOTE. The Sections of the Law end where the following one commences ; those that are joined with a brace are often read together, when the Section of the Prophets for the last only is to be read. When Section 41 is read, after the 17th Tamuz, the Section of the Prophets for 42 is to be read instead of that for 41. When Section 53 comes between New Year and Kipur, the Section of the Prophets for 52 is to be read, and that for 51 is to be said, although 51 and 62 are read together. 5599. 19 1838 1839 Tisn 1 ThF New Year 20 Sept. Adar 2 Sa Vayakel Pekude' Sabbath at 5 2 Par g Mar. 3 Sa Aazinu 22 Nisa 1 Sa New Moon 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 23 Vaikra Abode 1 10 Sa Kipur 29 7 F Sabbath at 6 22 12 M 1 Oct. 8 Sa Tsav Agado 23 15 1 ThF Tabernacle 4 15 1 SaS Passover 30 3 Sabbath at 5 17 M 1 Vor 21 W Hosana Raba 10 21 F Sabbath at 6} 5 22 2 ThF Feast of the 8th day 11 1 29 Sa Shemini 13 24 Sa Beresheet 13 Yiar 30 1 S M New Moon 14 15 Hes. 30 F Sa Sabbath at 4. New 19 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 20 Moon. Noah 20 21 F Sabbath at 7 26 8 Sa Lech Lecha 27 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 27 13 Th 1 Nov. 14 S Second Passover 28 4 F Sabbath at 4 2 If W 1 May IS Sa ^ayera 3 18 Th 33 of the Homer 2 22 Sa iaye Sarah 10 20 Sa Smor 4 28 7 Sabbath at 3$ 16 27 Sa 5ehar Behukotai 11 29 Sa Toledot 17 Sivan 1 T New Moon 14 Kis. 1 S S T ew Moon 8 5 Sa iamidbar 18 7 Sa fayetse' 24 6 7 S M Sebuot 1920 4 Sa r aishlach 1 Dec. 2 Sa "Jaso 25 1 Sa > r ayesheb 8 9 Sa ieangalotecha 1 June 5 W Januca 2 26 Sa Jhelach Lecha 8 8 Sa Mikets 5 Tarn. 30 1 WTh Vew Moon 2 13 Teb. 1 VI T *f ew Moon 7 18 3 >a torah 5 5 Sa r aigash 2 >a Hukat 22 Th Fast of Tebet 7 7 >a Balak 29 2 Sa r aihi 9 8 s "ast of Tamuz 5 i . . . 1839 1 an. g M j Tiilv 9 a hemot 5 4 Sa 'inehas. Dibre" 6 1 Uljr 5 ? abbath at 4 1 Ab 1 t few Moon 2 6 a ' T aera 2 2 a Matot. Mazge". 3 Sebat 1 W ^ew Moon 6 Shimgu 4 a io 9 9 a )ebarim. Echa 1 a Jeshalach 6 ? ast of Ab 1 5 W ^aylanot 5 ^ 'ubeab 6 7 abbath at 4J 1 Feb. 6 a Vaethanan Nahamu 27 3 a tro 2 1 rh 1 i 11 {T 5 a Mishpatim Shekalim 9 3 a lekeb 3 1Ug. Adar 1 FhF New Moon. Sabbath 4 Elul 1 aS !eh. New Moon 11 at 5 15 6 abbath at 6 6 2 a 'eruma 6 7 a hophetim 7 9 a "etsave'. Zachor 3 4 a Ki Tets^ 24 3 W "ast of Esther 7 1 a Ki Tabo 1 4 15 FhF J urim 3 *2 [ . abbath at 5 1 Mar. I abbath at 6 6 epi. 6 a Kl Tisa 2 8 a Vetsabim 7 NOTES. Sep. 19, W. New Moon, M. llh. 49m. 53s. 1C. Golden Number. Dec. 4, T. Verse to be changed, Kis. 17. 15. Epact. 13th year of 295 Cycle. F Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. Mar. 31. Easter Sunday. When there are two days New Moon, they are placed thus Hesvan 30 1, etc. The SOtli day is not to be understood as being the 30th Hesvan, it is the 30th Tisri, as explained in page 6, and BO throughout the year: the 30 following the name of any month s the 30th day of the preceding one. It is a date that has fallen into desuetude, our general custom being, when the date of that day is required, to say, 1st day N. M. Hesvan, etc. A document dated the following day would be X. M. the 1st of Hesvan. The above Note, as well as those in the following pages, to page 24, are applicable to every succeeding year in the Calendar. 20 5600. 1839 1840 Tisri 1 2 3 MT W Vew Year ?ast of Guedaliah 9 10 11 < Sep. Vead 9 13 Sa W Vaikra. Zachor 7 ast of Esther 14 18 Mar. 6 10 Sa W Vayelech iipur 14 18 14 15 ThF Purim Sabbath at 6 .9 20 12 13 Sa Sabbath at 5$ Aazinu 20 21 ijq -> < 16 23 9T Sa Sa W Tsav Shemini. Para 21 28 1 April 15 1C 21 22 23 26 M Tu S M r Tabernacle rlosana Raba Feast of the 8th day Rejoicing of the Law Sabbath at 5 iit Z4 29 30 1 4 Oct. Nis. M 1 7 8 Sa F Sa Vew Moon Tatzriang. Ahodes Sabbath at 6J Wetsorang. Agadol 4 10 11 7 5a Beresheet 5 15 16 Sa S Passover 18 19 Hes. 30 1 TW N~ew Moon 8 9 21 F Sabbath at 7 24 kT 1 10 >S F 1 Vlay 4 10 11 Sa ? Sa Noah Sabbath at 4 J Lech Lecha m 18 19 Yiar 29 30 1 Sa S M Aharemot N T ew Moon 2 3 4 18 Sa Vayera 26 6 Sa Kedoshim 9 24 F Sabbath at 4 1 Nov. 13 Sa Emor 16 Kis. 25 30 1 Sa ThF rlaye Sarah New Moon 2 7 8 14 18 Th Second Passover 33 of the Homer 17 21 2 Sa Toledot 9 20 Sa Behar 23 8 F Sabbath at 3$ 15 i A ! 27 ' 3 T 1 Sept. 14 T Little Purim 18 i I 6 F Sabbath at 6 4 ^r w * 18 Sa Ki Tisa 22 j 7 Sa Shophetim 5 25 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 29 14 Sa Ki Tets6 12 26 S 1 20 F Sabbath at 5* 18 Vead 30 1 ThF New Moon 5 Mar. 21 Sa Ki Tabo 19 Sabbath at 5} G 28 Sa Netsabim 26 2 Sa Pekudd 7 NOTES. Sept. 8, Su. * New Moon, A. 8A. 38m. 33*. 17 Golden Number. Dec. 5, Th. t Verse to be changed, Kis. 28. 26 Epact. 14th year of 295 Cycle. E D Dominical Letters. Year consists of 385 days. April 19 Easter Sunday. * The precise time of the Conjunction, according to calculation in page 10. t The day for changing the verse in the Hamidah, or Eighteen Blessings, conformable to rule in page 6. The letter B preceding the date, 1810, denotes the year to be Bissextile. 5001. 21 1840 1841 Tisri 1 2 M T New Year 28 29 Sept. JAdar 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 13 Mar. 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 30 26 F Sabbath at 6 19 4 Th 1 Oct. 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude' 5 F Sabbath at 6 2 Abodes 20 6 Sa Vayelech 3 Nis. 1 T New Moon 23 10 W Kipur 7 5 Sa Vaikra 27 13 Sa Aazinu 10 10 Th 1 Apri 15 16 M T Tabernacle 12 13 12 Sa Tsav 3 19 F Sabbath at 4 16 15 16 T W Passover 6 7 21 S Hosana Raba 18 18 F Sabbath at 6} 9 22 23 M T Feast of the 8th day 19 20 26 Sa Shemini 17 27 Sa Beresheet 24 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 21 22 Hes. 30 1 TW New Moon 27 28 3 Sa Tatzriang Meteorang 24 3 F Sabbath at 4 30 9 F Sabbath at 7 30 4 Sa Noah 31 10 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 1 May 5 S 1 Nov. 14 W Second Passover 5 11 Sa Lech Lecha 7 17 Sa Emor 8 17 F Sabbath at 3 J 13 18 S 33 of the Homer 9 18 Sa Vayera 14 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 15 25 Sa Haye Sarah 21 Si van 1 F New Moon 21 Kis. 1 Th Vew Moon 26 2 Sa Bamidbar 22 3 Sa Toledot 28 6 7 WTh Sebuot 2627 6 T 1 Dec. 9 Sa Naso 29 10 Sa Vayetse" 5 12 T 1 June 17 Sa Vaishlach 12 16 Sa Beangalotecha 5 24 Sa Vayesheb 19 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 12 26 S ftanuca 20 Tarn. 30 1 SaS Korah New Moon 1920 Tebet I F S T ew Moon 25 7 Sa Hukat 26 2 Sa Mikets 26 12 Th 1 July 8 F 1841 1 Jan. 14 Sa Balak 3 9 Sa Vaigash 2 17 T Fast of Tamuz 6 10 S Fast of Tebet 3 21 Sa Pinehas Dibr 10 16 Sa Vaihi 9 28 Sa Matot Mazge" 22 F Sabbath at 4 15 Shimgu 17 23 Sa Shemot 16 Ab 1 M Vew Moon 19 Sebat 1 Sa Vew Moon. Vaera 23 6 Sa Oebarim Echa 24 7 ? Sabbath at 4* 29 9 T ?ast of Ab 27 8 Sa Bo 30 13 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 31 Aug. 10 M 1 Feb. 14 $ 1 15 Sa ieshalach 15 M fubeab 2 Laylanot 6 20 Sa 3ekeb 7 22 Sa [tro 13 27 Sa Rehl 14 28 F Sabbath at 5 19 Elul 30 1 TW Vew Moon 17 18 29 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 20 3 7 Sabbath at 6J 20 Adar 30 1 SM Vew Moon 21 22 4 Sa Shophetim 21 6 Sa Teruma 27 11 Sa KiTetse* 28 8 M 1 Vlar. 15 W 1 Sept. 11 Th "ast of Esther 4 17 Sabbath at 6 3 r 12 ? Sabbath at 5 5 18 Sa Ci Tabo 4 13 Sa ^etsave". Zachor 6 | 25 Sa fetsabim Vayelech 1 14 15 S M 'urim 7 8 NOTES. Sept. 26 New Moon, A. 6A. llm. I6$s. *18 Golden Number. Dec. 4, Verse to be changed, Kis. 9. 7 Epact. 15th year of 295 Cycle. C Dominical Letter. Year consists of 353 days. April 11, Easter Sunday. * The Golden Number, so termed by the Greeks, who, after the discovery of Melon, placed it in letters of gold in their public places, that every one might know if the year was Embolismic or not. The Christian Fathers adopted it as a rule to find Easter and their moveable Feasts. The difference between our year of the Cycle and the Golden Number, arises from the uncertainty of the foundation of the Christian Era. TO PIND THE GOLDEN NUMBER. Add 1 to the given year and divide by 19, the remainder is the Golden Number, if there is no remainder it is 19. 5602. 1841 'ebet eba 2ThF 3 4 5 16 1 2 3 4 1 8 4 5 7 I 9 1 6 7 4 8 21 25 28 5 10 12 19 M 1 3 4 11 15 17 18 21 10 TiF r Th Sa a Sa \y Sa W Sa M T Sa rh Sa W F Sa Sa W F Sa r Sa ThF Sa F Sa W ThF Sa T F r ew Year abbath at 5 a/inii ast of Guedaliah tipur abernacle abbath at 5 [osana Raba 'east of the 8th day Rejoicing of the Law ieresheet abbath at 4 Mew Moon h Lecha abbath at 4 ayera laye Sarah "oledot Sew Moon abbath at 3} /ayetse" /aishlach Noah /ayesheb lanuca Vlikets >Jew Moon Vaigash Fast of Tebet Vaihi Shemot Vaera New Moon Sabbath at 4 Bo Beshalach Laylanot Sabbath at 4J Itro 184 VHshpatim Shekalim New Moon Teruma Sabbath at 5 Tetsave" Zacho Fast of Esther Purim Ki Tisa Sabbath at 6 17 8 9 5 1 6 7 8 9 5 16 3 9 1 6 3 4 9 20 27 1 4 8 1 13 1 18 23 25 1 8 12 14 15 22 26 28 29 1 5 10 1 12 18 19 23 242 26 1 4 ept. )ct. Adar Vis. 3ec. Jan. Feb. Mar Yiar Sivan Tarn Ab Elul 7 8 5 16 1 8 9 1 6 3 4 8 9 1 7 1 5 6 '2 19 23 2(3 50 3 10 17 18 23 24 1 2 9 10 15 16 23 25 30 7 13 11 21 26 27 28 a aS sa M Sa Sa W Sa W Sa Sa Sa S F Sa F Sa Sa S F Sa Sa M SaS Sa F Sa Sa Th P Sa ayakel Pekude' Para Ahodes ew Moon aikra abbath at 6 sav Agadol assover abbath at 6J hemini Mew Moon 'atzriang Metsorang ^haremot Kedoshim econd Passover 3 of the Homer abbath at 7 Jehar Behukotai Mew Moon Jamidbar Sebuot Maso ieangalotecha Shelach Lecha Mew Moon iorah Hukat Balak Fast of Tamuz Pinehas Dibr New Moon Matot Mazge" Shim Debarim Ech Fast of Ab Tubeab Vaethanan Naham Hekeb Rene" New Moo Shophetim Sabbath at 6J Ki Tetse" Ki Tabo Sabbath at 6 Netsabim NOTES. Sept. 16, New Moon, M. 2*. 59m. 56fs. Dec. 5, Verse to be changed, Kis. 22. 16th year of the 295 Cycle. Year consists of 354 days. 19 Golden Number. * 18 Epact. B Dominical Letter. Mar. 27, Easter Sunday. 1 The Epact is the Moon's age on the 1st of January, and is found by substracting 1 from the Golden Number i multiplying the remainder by 11, the product will be the Kpact. It the product exceed 30 divide it by 30, and the remainder will be the Epact. When the Golden Number is 1 the Kpuct is 20. It is used to rind the Pascal New Moon. ,._' 1 ' l ' e EP^ct will generally be found to correspond with our date of Tt-bet on the 1st January, there is sometim difference of One Day arising from the Epact being calculated in round numbers, as multiplying by 11 where the real fercnce is only lod. 21h. 6m. and dividing by 30 where a lunation is only 20d. 12h. 44m. 5603. 1842 isri 1 2 MT New Year 5 6 Sept. I Vead 2 Sa Pekude" 4 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 7 j 9 Sa Vaikra Zachor 11 6 Sa Vayalech 10 13 W Fast of Esther 15 10 W Kipur 14 14 15 ThF Purim 16 17 12 F Sabbath at 5 16 16 Sa Tsav 18 Ma 13 Sa Aazinu 17 22 F Sabbath at 6 24 15 16 MT Tabernacle 19 20 23 Sa Shemini Para 25 21 S Hosana Raba 25 Nis. 1 Sa New Moon 1 Ap 22 23 MT Feast of the 8th day 26 27 Tatzriang Abodes 26 F Sabbath at 5 30 7 F Sabbath at 6 7 27 Sa Beresheet 1 Oct 8 Sa Metsorang Agadol 8 fes. 30 1 TW New Moon 4 6 15 16 SaS Passover 15 16 4 Sa Noah 8 28 F Sabbath at 7 28 10 F Sabbath at 4J 14 29 Sa Aharemot 29 11 Sa Lech Lecha 15 Yiar. 30 1 SM New 30 18 Sa Vavera 22 Moon 1 Ma 24 F Sabbath at 4 28 6 Sa Kedosim 6 25 Sa Haye Sarah 29 13 Sa Emor 13 28 T 1 Nov. 14 S Second Passover 14 us. 30 1 ThF New Moon 3 4 18 Th 33 of the Homer 18 2 Sa Toledot 5 20 Sa Behar 20 9 Sa Vayetse" 12 27 Sa Behukotai 27 15 F Sabbath at 3$ 18 Sivan 1 T New Moon 30 16 Sa Vaishlach 19 3 Th 1 Jui 23 Sa Vayesheb 26 5 Sa Bamidbar 3 25 M Hanuca 28 6 7 SM Sebuot 4 5 28 Th 1 Dec. 12 Sa Naso 10 ebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 3 4 19 Sa Beangalotecha 17 7 Sa Vaigash 10 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 24 10 T Fast of Tebet 13 a S F Sa WhT Sa Sa Sa T SaS VI Sa T Sa ? Sa U Sa P Sa M ? Sa Sa M rw p ia Sa la ia W Vaikra Zachoi Purim Tsav Para 22 23 2 29 1 5 8 11 12 19 22 23 25 1 3 7 8 10 17 21 24 25 31 1 6 7 11 12 14 21 28 1 5 6 12 19 22 26 1 2 4 9 12 16 18 22 23 30 1 2 3 5 6 13 19 20 27 1 Mar. Apri May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Shemini Ahodes New Moon Sabbath at 6J Tatzriang Metsorang Agadol Passover Sabbath at 7 Hosana Raba Sabbath at 5 Feast of the 8th day Beresheet New Moon Sabbath at 4 Noah Lech Lecha Sabbath at 4 Vayera Haye Sarah Vew Moon Sabbath at 3^ Toledot Vayetse" Vaishlach Aharemot New Moon Kedoshim Emor Second Passover Behar 33 of the Homer EJehukotai Vew Moon Samidbar Sebuot Vaso Seangalotecha Shelach Lecha Banuca Vayesheb Vew Moon Mikets Past of Tebet Vaigash Vaihi 1845 orah New Moon Hukat ialak ? ast of Tamuz 3 inehas Dibre' Shemot Vew Moon Sabbath at 4 Vaera Bo L,aylanot Seshalach Sabbath at 4 'tro Vew Moon Mishpatim Sabbath at 5 Teruma lattle Purim retsave" .i Tisa Sabbath at 5 /ayakel Shekalim Vew Moon Pekude" ? ast of Esther Sabbath at 6 Matot Mazge" Shimgu Vew Moon Debarim Echa 7 ast of Ab > 7 aethanan Nahamu Tubeab Sabbath at 6i iekeb Rehe Vew Moon Sabbath at 6 Shophetim Ki Tetse" Sabbath at 5 ii Tabo Netsabim Vayelech NOTES. Sept. 12, Th. New Moon, A. 6A. 10m. 3, Golden Number. Dec. 4, W. Verse to be changed, Kis. 23. 22, Epact. 19th year of 295 Cycle. E Dominical Letter. Year consists of 383 days. Mar. 23, Easter Sunday. 26 5006. 1845 1846 Tisri 1 2 ThF New Year 2 Oct. Adar 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Mar. Sabbath at 5 3 [j Para 21 3 Sa Aazinu 4 INis. 1 Sa New Moon 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 5 1 i Vaikra Abodes 28 10 Sa Kipur 11 5 W 1 April 15 16 ThF Tabernacle 16 8 Sa Tsav Agadol 4 Sabbath at 4 J 17 ] 14 F Sabbath at 6 10 21 W Hosana Raba 22 i 15 16 SaS Passover 11 12 22 23 ThF Feast of the 8th day 23 24 i 28 F Sabbath at 7 24 24 Sa Beresheet 25 \ 29 Sa Shemini 25 Hes. 30 1 FSa Sabbath at 4 31 Yiar 30 1 SM New Moon 26 27 New Moon Noah 1 Nov. 5 F 1 8 Sa Lech Lecha 8 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 2 May 14 F Sabbath at 3J 14 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 9 15 Sa Vayera 15 14 S Second Passover 10 22 Sa Haye Sarah 22 18 Th 33 of the Homer 14 29 Sa Toledot 29 20 Sa Emor 16 His. 1 S New Moon 30 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 23 2 M 1 Dec. ^Sivan 1 T New Moon 26 7 Sa Vayetse" 6 5 Sa Bamidbar 30 14 Sa Vaishlach 13 6 S Sebuot 31 21 Sa Vayesheb 20 7 M I 25 W Hanuca 24 12 Sa Naso 6 June 28 Sa Mikets 27 19 Sa Beangalotecha 13 Tebet 30 1 MT New Moon '29 30 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 20 3 Th 1846 1 Jan. Tarn. 30 1 WTh iNcw IWoon 24 25 5 Sa Vaigash 3 3 Sa Korah 27 10 Th Fast of Tebet 8 7 W 1 11 F Sabbath at 4 9 10 Sa Hukat 4 July 12 Sa Vaihi 10 17 Sa Balak 11 19 Sa Shemot 17 18 S Fast of Tamuz 12 26 Sa Vaera 24 24 Sa Pinehas Dibr 18 Sebat 1 W New Moon 28 Ab 1 F New Moon 24 3 F Sabbath at 4J 30 2 Sa Matot Mazge" 4 Sa Bo 31 Shimgu 25 5 S 1 Feb. 9 Sa Dd)tiriin Eclm i A re 11 Sa Beshalach 7 10 S Fast of Ab i. 2 /lug. 15 W Laylanot 11 15 F Tubeab 7 17 F Sabbath at 5 13 j 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 8 18 Sa Itro 14 i 23 Sa Hekeb 15 Adar 25 30 1 Sa ThF Mishpatim Shekalim New Moon 21 2627 3 1 Elul 29 30 1 F SaS Sabbath at 6* Rehe" New Moon 21 22 23 2 Sa Teruma 28 7 Sa Shophetim 29 3 S 1 Mar. 10 T i Scut 8 F Sabbath at 5J 6 13 F Sabbath at 6 i 4 OCJJL, 9 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 7 14 Sa Ki Tetse" 5 13 W Fast of Esther 11 21 Sa Ki Tabo 12 14 15 16 ThF Sa Purim Ki Tisa 1213 14 27 28 F Sa Sabbatli at 5J Netsabim 18 19 22 F Sabbath at 6 20 ] n NOTES. ? Ct< 1' ' v CW M T' $' Sk - 42m - 43 **' 4 > Golden Number. Dec. 4, Ih. Verse to be changed, Kis. 5. 3 Epact 1st year of the 296 Cycle. D Dominical Letter. 1 ear consists of 354 days. April 12, Easter Sunday. 560J. 27 1847 Tisri 1 2 MT New Year 2122 Sept. Adar 18 Sa Ki Tisa Para 6 Mar. 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 23 25 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 6 Sa Vayelech 26 Abodes 13 10 W Kipur 30 Nis. 1 Th New Moon 18 11 Th 1 Oct. 2 F Sabbath at 6 19 12 F Sabbath at 5 2 3 Sa Vaikra 20 13 Sa Aazinu 3 10 Sa Tsav Agadol 27 1516 MT Tabernacle 5 G 15 16 ThF Passover 1 i April 21 S Hosana Raba 11 23 F Sabbath at 6J 9 2223 MT Feast of the 8th day 1213 24 Sa Shemini 10 25 F Sabbath at 4^ 16 Yiar 30 1 FSa New Moon 16 Hes. 27 30 1 Sa T W Beresheet New Moon 17 2021 8 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang Aharemot Kedoshim J7 24 4 Sa Noah 24 14 F Second Passover 10 F Sabbath at 4 30 Sabbath at 7 30 11 Sa Lech Lecha 31 15 Sa Emor 1 May 12 S 1 Nov. 18 T 33 of the Homer 4 18 Sa Vayera 7 22 Sa Behar Behukotai 8 25 Sa Haye Sarah 14 j 5 29 Sa Bamidbar 15 Kis. 30 1 ThF Vew Moon 19 Sivan 1 S New Moon 16 Sabbath at 3 20 6 7 FSa Sebuot 21 Yt 2 VI Toledot 21 14 Sa Naso 29 9 Sa Vayetse" 28 17 T 1 June 12 T 1 Dec. 21 Sa Bean^alotecha 5 16 Sa Vaishlach 5 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 12 23 Sa Vayesheb 12 tarn. 30 1 MT New Moon 14 15 25 M Hanuca 14 5 Sa Korah 19 Tebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 1920 12 Sa Hukat Balak 26 7 Sa Vaigash 26 17 Th Fast of Tamuz . 1 July 10 T Fast of Tebet 29 19 Sa Pinehas Dibr 3 13 p 1847 1 Jan. 26 Sa Matot Mazge" 14 Sa Vaihi 2 Shimgu 10 21 Sa Shemot 9 b 1 W New Moon 14 27 ? Sabbath at 4 15 4 Sa Debarim Echa 17 28 Sa Vaera 16 9 Th Fast of Ab 22 Sebat 1 M ^few Moon 18 I 11 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 24 6 Sa Bo 23 > 15 M Tubeab 28 12 7 Sabbath at 4 29 | 18 Sa Hekeb 31 13 Sa 3eshalach 30 19 S 1 Aug. 5 M -.aylanot 1 Feb. > 25 Sa Reh6 7 20 Sa :tro 6 felul 30 1 ThF New Moon 12 13 27 Sa Hishpatim Shekalim 13 I 2 Sa Shophetim 14 Adar 30 1 T W Vew Moon 16 > 8 F Sabbath at 6 20 3 Sabbath at 5 19 9 Sa Ki Tets6 21 4 Sa Teruma 20 16 Sa KiTabo 28 1 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 27 20 W 1 Sept. 3 M "ast of Esther 1 Mar. 22 F Sabbath at 6 3 415 1 W J urim 2 3 23 Sa Vetsabim Vayelech 4 7 Sabbath at 5^ 5 NOTES. Sept. 21, M. New Moon, M. h. 31m. 23J*. 5, Golden Number. Dec. 4, F. Verse to be changed, Kis. 15. 14, Epact. 2nd year of the 295 Cycle. C Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 4, Easter Sunday. 28 5608. 184T Tisri 1 2 SaS New Year 11 12 Sept. I Vead 8 Sa Pekude' 11 Mar. 3 M Fast of Gueclaliah 13 \ 11 Th Fast of Esther 16 7 F Sabbath at 5 17 13 15 Sa Vaikra Zachor 18 8 Sa Aazinu 18 14 SM Purim 1920 10 M Kipur 20 19 F Sabbath at 6 24 15 1C SaS Tabernacle 25 26 20 Sa Tsav Para 25 21 F Hosana Raba 27 Sa Shemini Ahodes 1 April Sabbath at 5 1 Oct. Nis. 1 T New Moon 4 2223 SaS Feast of the 8th day 2 3 4 F Sabbath at 6 7 29 Sa Beresheet 9 5 Sa Tatzriang 8 Hes. 30 1 SM New Moon 10 11 12 16 Sa Metsorang Agado 15 5 F Sabbath at 4i 15 15 TW Passover 18 19 a Sa Noah 16 25 F Sabbath at 7 28 13 Sa Lech Lecha 23 26 Sa Aharemot 29 19 F Sabbath at 4 29 28 1 M 1 May 20 Sa Vayera 30 Yiar. 30 WTh New Moon 3 4 22 M 1 Nov. 3 Sa Kedoshim 27 Sa Haye Sarah 6 10 Sa Emor 13 Kis. 1 T New Moon 9 14 W Second Passover 17 5 Sa Toledot 13 17 Sa Behar 20 11 F Sabbath at 3J 19 18 S 33 of the Homer 21 12 Sa Vayetse' 20 24 Sa Behukotai 27 19 Sa Vaishlach 27 29 Th 1 June 23 W 1 Dec. ivan 1 F New Moon 2 25 F Hanuca 3 2 7 Sa Bamidbar 3 26 Sa Vayesheb 4 6 WTh Sebuot 7 8 Tebet 1 W New Moon 8 9 Sa Naso 10 4 Sa Mikets 11 16 Sa Beangalotecha 17 10 F Fast of Tebet 17 23 1 Sa Shelach Lecha 24 11 Sa Vaigash 18 fram. 30 SaS Korah New Moon 1 2 July 18 Sa Vaihi 25 B 7 Sa Hukat 8 25 Sa Shemot . . B 1848 1 Jan. ] 14 Sa Balak 15 Sebat 1 Th Vaera 6 17 T Fast of Tamuz 18 3 Sa New Moon 8 21 Sa Pinehas Dibre' 22 9 F Sabbath at 4 14 28 Sa Matot Mazge" 10 Sa Bo 15 Shimgu 29 15 Th Laylanot 20 b 1 M New Moon 31 17 Sa Beshalach 22 2 T 1 A 11 or 23 F Sabbath at 4| 28 <, 6 Sa Debarim Echa 5 AUg 24 Sa Itro 29 > 9 T Fast of Ab 8 Adar 27 30 1 T FSa 1 4 Feb. ; ! 13 15 Sa T Vaethanan Nahamu Tubeab 12 14 New Moon 8 Sa Mishpatim Teruma 6 12 19 20 F Sa Sabbath at 6i Hekeb 18 19 14 F Little Purim 27 1 Sa Rehe' 26 Sabbath at 5 18 Elul 30 T W New Moon 29 30 15 5a Tetsave" 19 3 F Sabbath at 6 1 Sept. 22 Sa Ki Tisa 26 4 Sa Shophetim 2 ^r " 26 W 1 Mar. 11 Sa Ki Tetse" Vead 28 29 30 1 F Sa SM Sabbath at 5 Vayakel Shekalim New Moon 3 4 5 6 17 18 25 F Sa Sa Sabbath at 5i Ki Tabo Netsabim Vayelech 15 16 23 NOTES. Sept. 10, F. New Moon, M. 9A. 20m. 3s. Dec. 5, Su. Verse to be changed, Kis. 27. 3rd year of the 296 Cycle. Year consists of 383 days. 6, Golden Number. 25, Epact. B A Dominical Letters. 'April 23, Easter Sunday. 5609. 29 1849 1848 Tisri 1 2 ThF New Year 28 Sept. Adar 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Sabbath at 5 29 Para 17 Mar. 3 Sa Aazinu 30 29 F Sabbath at 6 23 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 1 Oct. Nisan 1 Sa New Moon 10 Sa Kipur 7 Vaikra Abodes 24 15 16 ThF Tabernacle 12 8 Sa Tsav Agadol 31 Sabbath at 4J 13 g S 1 April 21 W Hosana Raba 18 14 F Sabbath at 6J 6 22 ThF Feast of the 8th day 19 20 15 16 SaS Passover 7 8 24 Sa Beresheet 21 29 Sa Shemini 21 Hes. 30 F Sabbath at 4. New 27 Yiar 30 1 S M New Moon 22 23 I Sa Moon. Noah. 28 5 F Sabbath at 7 27 5 W 1 Nov. 3 6 Sa Tatzriaug Metsorang 28 8 Sa Lech Lecha 4 9 T 1 May 15 Sa Vayera 11 { 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 5 21 F Sabbath at 3 17 14 S Second Passover 6 22 Sa Haye Sarah 18 I 18 Th 33 of the Homer 10 29 Sa Toledot 25 j 20 Sa Emor 12 Kis. 1 S New Moon 26 c 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 19 6 F 1 Dec. ivan 1 T New Moon 22 7 Sa Vayetse" 2 5 Sa Bamidbar 26 14 Sa Vaishlach 9 6 7 S M Sebuot 2728 21 Sa Vayesheb 16 11 F 1 June 25 W Hanuca 20 12 Sa Naso 2 28 Sa Mikets 23 19 Sa Beangalotecha 9 Teb. 30 1 M T New Moon 25 26 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 16 5 Sa Vaigash 30 Tarn. 30 1 WTh New Moon 20 21 7 M 1849 1 Jan. 3 Sa Korah 23 10 Th Fast of Tebet 4 10 Sa Hukat 30 12 Sa Vaihi 6 H S 1 July 18 F Sabbath at 4 12 17 Sa Balak 7 19 Sa Shemot 13 18 S Fast of Tamuz 8 26 Sa Vaera 20 24 Sa Pinehas. Dibre" 14 Sebat 1 W New Moon 24 Ab 1 F New Moon 20 4 Sa Bo 27 2 Sa Matot. Mazge". 9 Th 1 Feb. Shimgu 21 10 F Sabbath at 4 2 9 Sa Debarim. Echa 28 11 Sa Beshalach 3 10 S Fast of Ab 29 15 W Laylanot 7 f 13 W 1 AutT 18 Sa Itro 10 | 15 F Tubeab 3 ****& 24 F Sabbath at 5 16 16 Sa Vaethanan Naliamu 4 25 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 17 23 Sa Hekeb 11 Adar 30 1 ThF New Moon. 22 23 Elul 30 1 Sa S Rehe\ New Moon 18 19 2 Sa Teruma 24 6 F Sabbath at 6J 24 7 Th 1 Mar. 7 Sa Shophetim 25 8 F Sabbath at 5$ 2 14 Sa Ki Tetse" 1 Sept. 9 Sa Tetsave". Zachor 3 20 F Sabbath at 6 7 13 W Fast of Esther 7 21 Sa KiTabo 8 14 15 ThF Purim 8 9 28 Sa Netsabim 15 16 Sa Ki Tisa 10 NOTES. Sep. 28, Th. New Moon, M. 6A. 52m. 46|s. 7. Golden Number. Dec. 4, M. Verse to be changed, Kis. 9. 6. Epact. 4th year of 296 Cycle. G Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. April 8. Easter Sunday. 30 5610. 1849 1850 Tisri 1 2 M T New Year 17 18 Sept. aS aia F a a Vaikra Zacho Fast of Esther Purim Tsav Shemini Sabbath at G New Moon Tatzriang Metsorang Passover Sabbath at 7 Para Abodes Agadol Aharemot New Moon Kedoshim Emor Second Passover 33 of the Homer Behar Behukotai S T ew Moon Bamidbar Sebuot S'aso Beangalotecha Sa Shelach Lecha VTh New Moon Sa (a Sa I ta M i 1 Sa Sa Hukat ialak ?ast of Tamuz Pinehas ^ T ew Moon Matot Mazge Shimgu 3ebarim Echa ?astof Ab fubeab Sabbath at 6-J Vaethanan Nahamu Hekeb Sabbath at 6 Ieh6 New Moon shophetim Sabbath at 5 KiTabo abbath at 5 Vetsabim 19 23 2425 26 1 2 8 y 16 2324 29 1 7 8 9 14 21 22 2(J to i i 7 11 12 13 18 25 1 2 6 7 9 6 23 21 6 3 4 9 20 27 1 2 3 4 ti 7 >4 iO 1 1853 Mar. Aprii May Tune July Aug. Sept. )ct. NOTES. Sept. 14, T. New Moon, M. 6/t. 51 m. 30s. Dec. 5, W. Verse to be changed, Kis. 24. 8th year of 296 Cycle. Year consists of 384 days. 11, Golden Number. 20, Epact. B Dominical Letter. Mar. 27, Easter Sunday. . 34 5614. 1853 1854 'isri 1 2 3 VI T W few Year ''ast of Guedaliah 3 4 5 3d. Adar 4 5 a abbath at 6 Vayakel Pekude" 4 Vlar. 6 o a W /ayelech iipur 8 2 Nis. 1 rh Ahodes few Moon 5 2 3 a abbath at 4J Lazinu 4 5 3 9 a Vaikra abbath at 6 1 7 April 5 16 IT 'abernacle 7 18 a 'sav Agadol 8 14 1 iosana Raba 23 5 16 ThF 'assover 3 2 23 6 MT Feast of the 8th day iabbath at 4 2425 28 Yiar 4 a hemini Sabbath at 7 New 2 8 7 Sa Jeresheet 29 1 Sa Moon Tatzriang les. 1 T W few Moon 1 2 Nov. Metsorang 29 i 5 3 M 1 May 4 1 a jech Lecha 12 8 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 6 7 Sabbath at 3J 18 14 ** Second Passover 12 8 ia /ayera 19 5 Sa imor .3 Li*. 5 1 ia ThF laye Sarah few Moon 26 1 2 Dec. 18 22 Sa 33 of the Homer iehar Behukotai 16 20 2 ia Foledot 3 29 Sa Jamidbar 27 9 3a 10 Sivan 1 5 few Moon 28 \T 1,1 k 17 5 Th 1 June 23 Ml Sa > aisniacn Vayesheb 24 6 7 FSa Sebuot 2 3 25 M flanuca 26 14 Sa Vaso 10 'ebet 30 Sa Mikets New SI 21 Sa EJeangalotecha 17 1 S Moon. . . 1854 1 Jan. 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 24 7 Sa Vaigash 7 Tarn. 30 1 MT few Moon 2627 10 T Fast of Tebet 10 5 Sa Sorah 1 July 13 7 Sabbath at 4 13 12 Sa ftukat Balak 8 14 Sa Vaihi 14 17 Th Fast of Tamuz 13 21 Sa Shemot 21 19 Sa Pinehas Dibr 15 28 Sa Vaera 28 26 Sa Matot Mazge" Sebat 1 M New Moon 30 Shimgu 22 3 W 1 Feb. Ab 1 W New Moon 26 5 F Sabbath at 4J 3 4 Sa Debarim Ech 29 g 2r, Bo 4 7 T 1 Aug. 13 Sa Beshalach 11 9 Th Fast of Ab 3 15 M Laylanot 13 11 Sa Vaethanan Naham 5 19 F Sabbath at 6 17 15 W Tubeab 9 20 Sa Itro 18 18 Sa Hekeb 12 27 Sa Mishpatim Shekalirr 25 24 F Sabbath at 6J 18 Adar 30 T Mew 28 25 Sa Hebe" 19 \ Moon Mar. Elul 30 Th F New Moon 242 3 F Sabbath at 5J 3 2 Sa Shophetim 26 4 Sa Teruma 4 8 F Sabbath at 6 1 Sept. 11 Sa Tetsave" Zacho 11 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 2 13 M Fast of Esther 13 16 Sa Ki Tabo 9 14 1 TW Purim 14 1 22 F Sabbath at 5 15 18 Sa Ki Tisa Par 18 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelec 16 NOTES. Oct. 3, M. New Moon, M. 4*. 24m. 13J*. 12 Golden Number. Dec. 4, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 3. 1 Epact. 9th year of the 296 Cycle. A Dominical Letter. Year-consists of 355 days. April 16, Easter Sunday. 5615. 35 1854 1855 Tisri 1 2 SaS New Year 2324 Sept. Nis. 1 T New Moon 20 Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 25 4 F Sabbath at 6 23 7 F Sabbath at 5 29 5 Sa Vaikra 24 8 Sa Aazinu 30 12 Sa Tsav Agado 31 9 S 1 Oct. 13 S 1 Apri 10 M Kipur 2 15 1C TW Passover 3 4 15 16 SaS Tabernacle 7 8 18 F Sabbath at 6J 6 21 F Hosana Raba 26 Sa Shemini 14 Sabbath at 4J 13 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 18 19 22 23 Sa S Feast of the 8th day 14 15 3 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 21 29 Sa Beresheet 21 9 F Sabbath at 7 27 Hes. 30 1 SM Vew Moon 2223 10 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 28 5 F Sabbath at 4 27 13 T 1 May 6 Sa Noah 28 14 W Second Passover 2 j 10 W 1 Nov. 17 Sa Emor 5 13 Sa Lech Lecha 4 18 3 33 of the Homer 6 20 Sa Vayera 11 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 12 26 F Sabbath at 3 17 Si van 1 F Vew Moon 18 27 Sa ftaye Sarah 18 2 Sa iiamidbar 19 Kis. 30 1 TW Vew Moon 21 22 6 7 WTh Sebuot 23 24 4 Sa Toledot 25 9 Sa Naso 26 10 F 1 Dec. 15 F 1 June 11 Sa Vayetse" 2 16 Sa :5eangalotecha 2 18 Sa Vaishlach 9 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 9 25 Sa Vayesheb Hanuca 16 Tarn. 30 1 Sa S orah New Moon 16 17 Tebet 30 1 ThF Vew Moon 21 22 7 Sa Hukat 23 2 Sa Wikets 23 14 Sa Balak 30 9 Sa Vaigash 30 15 S 1 July 10 S Fast of Tebet 31 17 T r ast of Tamuz 3 **,7 11 M .... B. 1855 1 Jan. 21 Sa 3 inehas Dibre" 7 16 Sa Vaihi 6 28 Sa Matot Mazg6 22 F Sabbath at 4 12 Shimgu 14 23 Sa Shemot 13 Ab 1 M ^few Moon 16 Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 20 6 Sa )ebarim Echa 21 8 Sa Bo 27 9 T ^ast of Ab 24 13 Th 1 Feb. 3 Sa faethanan Nahamu 28 14 F Sabbath at 4 2 5 M ^ubeab 30 15 Sa Beshalach Laylanot 3 7 W 1 Aug. 22 Sa ttro 10 20 Sa Hekeb 4 * u o* 28 F Sabbath at 5 16 7 Sa Reh< 11 29 Sa 'Vlishpatim Shekalim 17 Elul 1 r w Vew Moon 14 15 Adar 30 1 S M Vew Moon 18 19 4 Sa ihophetim 8 6 Sa Teruma 24 i* Sabbath at 6J 24 11 Th ? ast of Esther 1 Mar. 1 Sa Ci Tetse" 25 13 Sa Petsave" Zachor 3 Sa ii Tabo 1 Sept. 14 15 S M 3 urim 4 24 7 Sabbath at 6 7 20 Sa i Tisa Para 10 I 25 Sa Vetsabim Vayelech 8 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Ahodes 17 I NOTES. Sept. 22, F. New Moon, A. 1A. 12m. 53$*. 13 Golden Number. Dec. 4, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 11. 12 Epact. 10th year of 296 Cycle. G Dominical Letters. Year consists of 355 days. April 8, Easter Sunday. 36 5616. 1855 1850 Tisri 2 iF ew Year *azinu 14 pt. Vead 4 15 Sa 'urim Sabbath at 6 Tsav 1 22 War. 4 ast of Guedaliah 2 a iiemini Para 9 1 ipril 9 1 abbath at 5j ipur 9 a 'atzriang Abodes 5 5 16 1 iF 'abernacle ' 28 ct. Nis. i i 'ew Moon abbath at 6J 3 1 [ T osana Raba ; f a tetsorang 2 2 23 'hF east of the 8th day 4 4 a Lharemot 9 abbath at 5 1 ? 5 16 M J assover 21 4 a eresheet I abbath at 7 5 9 T i ^1% 1 May Hes. 1 7 8 a ew Moon Noah abbath at 4 ..ech Lecha 4 1 * 9 Yiar. 8 1 a MT tedoshim *Jew Moon 3 5 6 5 a ayera 7 5 a imor A rh 1 Nov. 2 a >ehar 7 u 1 abbath at 4 2 4 H econd Passover 9 2 9 a a [aye Sarah 'oledot 3 8 9 a 3 of the Homer Jehukotai 3 24 Kis. 1 [ew Moon 1 6 a iamidbar 1 6 7 a abbath at 3J fayetse" 6 7 Sivan 7 1 W 1 4 'une *Jew Moon 4 a faishlach 4 4 Sa *Jaso 7 21 25 a W 'ayesheb lanuca 1 5 )ec. 6 7 1 MT ia Sebuot Jeangalotecha 9 10 14 28 Sa likets 8 18 >a Shelach Lecha 21 Tebet 1 M *Tew Moon 10 25 >a Corah 28 T ' V* 28 p 1 July 10 a W cUgasn Fast of Tebet 19 'Tarn 30 liF New Moon 3 4 13 a Vaihi 22 < 2 Sa Hukat 5 20 a Shemot 29 ^ 9 Sa Balak 12 23 .... B 185 1 Jan. \\ 16 Sa 'inehas 19 27 a faera 5 \ 17 S ? ast of Tamuz 20 Sebat 1 *Jew Moon 8 i 23 Sa Matot Dibr 26 j* ^nhViatH nt A 1 \ 29 7 1 Aug. 5 Sa Jo >i 12 Ub 1 Sa Vew Moon 12 Sa ieshalach 19 i Mazg6 Shimgu 2 15 T liaylanot 22 < 8 Sa Debarim Ech 9 19 Sa :tro 26 | 9 S Fast of Ab 10 25 Sabbath at 4 J 1 Feb. / 15 Sa Vaethanan Naham 26 Sa Vlishpatim 2 Tubeab 16 .dar 30 WT Vew Moon 6 t 21 F Sabbath at i>\ 22 3 Sa Peruma 9 22 Sa Hekeb 23 9 F Sabbath at 5 15 t 29 Sa Reh^ 30 10 Sa Tetsave" 16 Elul 30 S New 31 14 W Little Purim 20 \ W Moon Sept. 17 Sa Ki Tisa 23 j 5 F Sabbath at 6 5 23 F Sabbath at 5 29 $ 6 Sa Shophetim 6 24 Sa Vayakel 1 Mar. / 13 Sa Ki Tets^ 13 Vead 30 FS New Moon 7 i 19 F Sabbath at 5! 19 Pekude' Shekalui $ 20 Sa Ki Tabo 20 8 Sa Vaikra Zach 15 27 Sa Netsabim 27 13 Th Fast of Esther 20 NOTES. Sept. 11, T. New Moon, A. 10&. 1m. 33Js. 14, Golden Number. Dec. 5, W. Verse to be changed, Kis. 25. 23, Epact. llth year of the 296 Cycle. F E Dominical Letters. Year consists of 383 days. Mar. 23, Easter Sunday. 561J. 37 Tisri Hes. Ki,. I 4 5 10 12 15 18 22 26 30 1 2 3 10 16 17 24 1 2 4 9 16 25 Tebet 30 5 7 10 U U 21 28 Sebat 1 5 I 7 Li 1.5 HI an 27 Adar W Th F Sa Th Sa 16 TW F M 23 TW Beresheet W Th New Moon Sabbath at 4 Noah Lech Lecha Sabbath at 3 Vayera Haye Sarah New Moon Toledot New Year Fast of Guedaliah Sabbath at 5 Vayelech Kipur Aazinu Tabernacle Sabbath at 4 Hosana Raba Feast of the 8th day II Sa Sa Sa M iSaS Th Sa T F Sa Sa Sa M F Sa S Sa M F Sa Sa IT W Sa S F Sa M TW Sa Vayetse" Vaishlach Vayesheb Hanuca Mikets New Moon 27 28 Jan. Vaigash Fast of Tebet Sabbath at 4 Vaihi Shemot Vaera New Moon Sabbath at 4* Bo 1857 Beshalach Laylanot Sabbath at 5 Itro Mishpatim Shekalim New Moon Teruma Sabbath at 5J Tetsav^ Fast of Esther Ptirim Ki Tisa Zachor Para 1856 . Sept. \ lOct. 15 2-2 30 Nov. Dec. 11 Adar Nis. Sivan Feb. Mar. Ab Elul F Sa Th Sa W Sa 16ThF 30 1 5 9 12 17 19 196 1 4 11 15 28 25 :50 a 9 12 15 16 23 29 Sabbath at 6 Vayakel Pekude" New Moon Vaikra Sa IF Sa F Sa F Sa T Sa Sa S 7FSa M Sa Sa Sa MT Sa W Sa Th Sa Sa W Sa Th Sa W Sa Sa iThF Sa Sa T F Sa Sa F Tsav Passover Sabbath at 6^ 10 Shemini 18 Sabbath at 7 New 24 Moon Tatzriang Metsorang 25 Ahodes 21 26 28 1 4 9 Agadol Aharemot Kedoshim Second Passover Emor 33 of the Homer Behar Behukotai Bamidbar New Moon Sebuot Naso Beangalotecha Shelach Lecha New Moon Korah Hukat Balak Fast of Tamuz Pinehas Matot Mazge" Shimgu New Moon Debarim Fast of Ab Vaethanan Nahamu Tubeab Hekeb Hebe" New Moon Sabbath at 6J Shophetim Ki Tetse" 1 2 8 9 12 10 23 24 29 1 13 20 22 27 1 4 9 Dibr6 11 IS '2 Echa 25 30 1 5 8 15 20 Sabbath at 6 Ki Tabo Netsabim Vayelech 12 Sabbath at 5J 18 20 1857 Mar. April May 30 June 23 July Aug. 21 Sept. NOTES. Sep. 29, M. New Moon, A. 7h. 34m. 16f. Dec. 4, Th. Verse to be changed, Kis. 7. 12th year of the 296 Cycle. Year consists of 354 days. 15, Golden Number. 4, Epact. D Dominical Letter. April 8, Easter Sunday. 38 5618. 1857 1858 Tisri 1 2 SaS New Year 1Q20 Sept. Adar 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 2L Abodes 13 Mar. 8 Sa Aazinu 26 Nis. 1 T New Moon 16 10 M Kipur 28 4 F Sabbath at 6 19 13 Th 1 Oct. 5 Sa Vaikra 20 14 F Sabbath at 5 2 12 Sa Tsav Agadol 27 1516 SaS Tabernacle 3 4 ^ 15 16 T W Passover 30 31 O1 F TJ T?oV\o 9 } 17 Th 1 April u 2223 SaS llOScintl It a. Do, Feast of the 8th day 1011 C 25 F Sabbath at 6 9 28 29 F Sa Sabbath at 4 Beresheet 16 17 > 27 Sa Rehe' 3 o 5 F Sabbath at 5 15 ? >Elul 30 1 TW New Moon 6 7 6 Sa Teruma 16 : 4 Sa Shophetim 10 11 Th Fast of Esther 21 10 F Sabbath at 6J 16 13 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 23 ! 11 Sa Ki Tetse" 17 14 15 SM Purim 2425 I 18 Sa Ki Tabo 24 19 7 Sabbath at 5 1 Mar. $ 25 Sa Netsabira Vayelech 31 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 2 I 26 S 1 Sept. ! r * NOTES. Sept. 15, Sa. New Moon, A. Ih. 33m. 0*. 19 Golden Number. Dec. 4, T. Verse to be changed, Kis. 20. 18 Epact. 16th year of 296 Cycle. F Dominical Letter. Year consists of 353 days. Mar. 31, Easter Sunday. 42 5622. 1861 1862 ^isri 1 2 FhF f ew Year 5 <^ Sep. KVead ' 1 rh ^ast of Esther 3 Mar. Sabbath at 6 6 3 Sa ^sav Zachor 5 3 a Lazinu 7 4 15 SM I urim 6 17 4 "ast of Guedaliah 8 1 9 ? Sabbath at 6 1 5 16 Sa rhF iipur ''abernacle 4 9 20 27 Sa Sa Ihemini Para ^atzriang Ahodes 22 29 Sabbath at 5 20 "Nis. 1 T ^Jew Moon 1 April 21 W losana Raba 25 5 Sa tfetsorang 5 22 23 24 rhF >a "east of the 8th day Jeresheet 2627 28 1 12 Sa Sabbath at 6^ Aharemot Agadol 11 2 \7 1 Oct. 5 16 rw 3 assover 5 16 les. 30 1 ? Sa Sabbath at 5 New 4 25 ? Sabbath at 7 25 Moon Noah 5 26 Sa iedoshim 26 g >a jech Lecha 2 Yiar 30 W Vew 30 4 Sabbath at 4 8 1 Th Moon 1 May 15 la /ayera 19 3 Sa 2mor 3 22 >a laye Sarah 26 10 Sa iehar 10 28 Sabbath at 4 1 Nov. 14 W Second Passover 14 29 Sa foledot 2 17 Sa Behukotai 17 Kis. 30 1 S M *few Moon 3 4 18 S (3 of the Homer 18 6 Sa ^ayets^ 9 24 Sa iamidbar 24 12 Sabbath at 3J 15 Sivan 1 7 Vew Moon 30 13 Sa ^aishlach 16 I 2 Sa Vaso 31 in !3 I 3 5 1 June 10 25 ?a Th r ayesnet) flanuca 28 f l i 6 7 WTh Sebuot 4 5 27 Sa Mikets 30 I 9 Sa Seangalotecha 7 28 I 1 Dec. 16 Sa Shelach Lecha 14 ^ebel 30 1 TW ^ew Moon 3 4 23 Sa Korah 21 4 Sa Vaigash 7 Tarn. 30 1 SaS Hukat New Moon 28 f Fact nf ToKo* 3 3 T 1 July 11 Sa F do 1 Ul A tlKL Vaihi 14 7 Sa Balak 5 M.IJ 18 Sa Shemot 21 14 Sa Pinehas 12 25 Sa Vaera 28 < 17 T Fast of Tamuz 15 29 W 1862 1 Jan. < 21 Sa Matot Dibre" 19 Sebai 1 Th New Moon 2 28 Sa Mazge" Shimgu 26 3 Sa Bo 4 Ab 1 M New Moon 28 f Sabbath at 4 lo 5 F 1 A.uff. 10 Sa Beshalach 11 6 Sa Debarim. Echa 2 "o 15 Th Laylanot 16 9 T Fast of Ab 5 17 Sa Itro 18 13 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 9 24 Sa Mishpatim 25 15 M Tubeab 11 A.dar 30 1 FSa Sabbath at 4f 31 20 Sa Hekeb 16 New Moon Teruma 1 Feb. 26 F Sabbath at 6J 22 8 Sa Tetsav^ 8 27 Sa Relic" 23 14 F Little Purim Elul 30 1 T W New Moon. 2627 Sabbath at 5 14 4 Sa Shophetim 30 15 Sa Ki Tisa 15 6 IM 1 Sept. 22 Sa Vayakel 22 10 F Sabbath at 6 5 29 Sa Pekude" Shekalim 1 Mar. 11 Sa Ki Tetse" 6 Veac 30 1 SM New Moon 2 18 Sa Ki Tabo 13 5 F Sabbath at 5J 7 24 F Sabbath at 5J 19 6 Sa Vaikra 8 25 Sa Netsabim Vayeled 20 NOTES. Sept. 5, Th. New Moon, M. 4A. 21m. 40s. 1 Golden Number. Dec. 4, W. Verse to be changed, Tebet 1. 29 Epact. 17th year of 296 Cycle. E Dominical Letter. Year consists of 385 days. April 20 Easter Sunday. -13 1862 1863 Tisri 1 2 ThF New Year 25 26 Sept. Adar 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Mar. 3 Sa Aazinu 27 Para 14 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 28 29 F Sabbath at 6 20 7 W 1 Oct. Nisan 1 Sa New Moon 9 F Sabbath at 5 3 Vaikra Abodes 21 10 Sa Kipur 4 8 Sa Tsav Agadol 28 15 16 ThF Tabernacle 9 10 12 W 1 Apri 21 W Hosana Raba 15 15 16 SaS Passover 4 5 22 23 ThF Feast of the 8th day 16 21 F Sabbath at 6J 10 Sabbath at 4^ 17 29 Sa Shemini 18 24 Sa Beresheet 18 Yiar 30 1 S M New Moon 19 20 Hes. 30 1 FSa New Moon Noah 24 25 5 F Sabbath at 7 24 7 F Sabbath at 4 31 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 25 8 Sa Lech Lecha 1 Nov. 12 F 1 May 15 Sa Vayera 8 I 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 2 j 21 F Sabbath at 3J 14 j 14 S Second Passover 3 22 Sa Haye Sarah 15 < 18 Th 33 of the Homer 7 29 Sa Toledot 22 ? 20 Sa Emor 9 Kis. 1 S New Moon 23 i 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 16 7 Sa Vayetse" 29 Sivan 1 T New Moon 19 9 M 1 Dec. 5 Sa Bamidbar 23 14 Sa Vaishlach 6 6 7 S M Sebuot 24 25 21 Sa Vayesheb 13 12 Sa Naso 30 25 W Hanuca 17 14 M 1 June 28 Sa Mikets 20 19 Sa Beangalotecha 6 Teb. 30 1 M T New Moon 22 23 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 13 5 Sa Vaigash 27 Tarn. 30 1 WTh New Moon 17 18 10 Th Fast of Tebet . 1863 1 Jan. 3 Sa Korah 20 12 Sa Vaihi 3 10 Sa Hukat 27 18 F Sabbath at 4 9 14 W 1 July 19 Sa Shemot 10 17 Sa Balak 4 26 Sa Vaera 17 > 18 S Fast of Tainu/ 5 Sebat 1 W Vew Moon 21 24 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 11 4 Sa Bo 24 Ab 1 F New Moon 17 10 F Sabbath at 4 30 2 Sa Matot Mazg6 11 Sa Beshalach 31 Shimgu 18 12 S 1 Feb. 9 Sa Debarim Echa 25 15 W Laylanot 4 10 S Fast of Ab 26 18 Sa [tro 7 [ > 15 F Tubeab 31 24 F Sabbath at 5 13 i L 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 1 Aug. 25 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 14 ! } 23 Sa Hekeb 8 A.dar 30 1 ThF Vew Moon 19 20 6 F Sabbath at 6$ 21 9 Sa Tetsave Zachor 28 7 Sa Shophetim 22 10 J 1 Mar. 14 Sa Ki Tetse" 29 13 W ?ast of Esther 4 17 T 1 Sept. 14 15 ThF Purim 5 20 F Sabbath at 6 4 Sabbath at 5 6 21 Sa Ki Tabo 5 16 Sa Ki Tisa 7 28 Sa Vetsabhn 12 I NOTES. Sep. 24, W. New Moon, M. Ik. 54m. 23s. 2. Golden Number. Dec. 4, Th. Verse to be changed, Kis. 12. 11. Epact. 18th year of 296 Cycle. D Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. April 5. Easter Sunday. 5624. 1863 1864 1 ?isri 1 2 MT V ew Year 14 15 Sept. Vead 4 Sa Pekude' 2 Mar. 3 W ?ast of Guedaliah 16 10 F Sabbath at 6 8 5 6 F Sa Sabbath at 5% Vayelech 18 19 11 13 Sa M /aikra Zachor ""ast of Esther 9 21 10 W Slpur 23 | 14 15 T W 'urim 22 23 13 Sa Aazinu 26 < 18 Sa Tsav Para 26 i " 1 1; VI T 28 29 24 F 1 April i ' i ' > 18 Th L ciDernacle 1 Oct. 25 Sa ihemini Ahodes 2 19 F Sabbath at 5 2 Nis. 1 Th *few Moon 7 21 S Hosana Raba 4 2 F Sabbath at 6 j 8 2223 MT Feast of the 8th day 5 6 3 Sa Tatzriang 9 27 Sa Beresheet 10 10 Sa VIetsorang Agadol 16 rles. 30 1 TW Vew Moon 13 14 15 16 ThF i*assover 21 22 3 F Sabbath at 4 16 23 F Sabbath at 7 29 4 Sa SToah 17 24 Sa Aharemot 30 U Jo 1 j< 'I'll 1 jCrtlrl 24 25 i> 1 May 17 Oft F Sabbath at 4 30 Yiar. 30 1 FSa *Jew Moon Kedoshim 6 7 18 Sa Vayera 31 8 Sa 2mor 14 19 S 1 Nov. 14 F Second Passover 20 25 Sa Haye Sarah 7 15 Sa Behar 21 Kis. 1 Th New Moon 12 18 T 33 of the Homer 24 3 Sa Toledot 14 22 Sa Sehukotai 28 9 F Sabbath at 3 ' 20 26 W 1 June 10 Sa Vayets6 21 29 Sa Bamidbar 4 17 Sa Vaishlach 28 ?Sivan 1 S New Moon 5 20 T 1 Dec. | 6 7 FSa Sebuot 10 11 24 Sa Vayesheb 5 \ 14 Sa Vaso 18 25 S Hanuca 6 I 21 Sa Beangalotecha 25 Tebel 1 T Nc\v IVtoon 11 I 27 F 1 July 2 Sa Mikets 12 } 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 2 9 Sa Vaigash 19 Tarn. 30 1 MT Sew Moon 4 5 10 S Fast of Tebet 20 j 5 Sa Korah 9 16 Sa Vaihi 26 | 12 Sa Hukat Balak 16 22 F . . . . B 1864 1 Jan. | 17 Th Fast of Tamuz 21 23 Sa Shemot 2 > 19 Sa Pinehas Dibr 23 Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 9 J 26 Sa Matot Mazg6 7 F Sabbath at 4 15 Shimgu 30 8 Sa Bo 16 28 M 1 Aug. 15 Sa Beshalach Laylanot 23 Ab 1 W New Moon 3 21 F Sabbath at 4^ 29 4 Sa Debarim Echa 6 22 Sa Itro 30 9 Th Fast of Ab 11 24 M 1 Feb. 11 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 13 29 Sa Mishpatim 6 15 W Tubeab 17 Adar 30 1 SM New Moon 7 8 17 F Sabbath at 6 19 6 Sa Teruma 13 18 Sa Hekeb 20 12 F Sabbath at 5 19 25 Sa Rehe 27 13 Sa Tetsave' 20 Elul 30 1 ThF New Moon 1 2 Sept. 14 S Little Purim 21 Sabbath at 6 20 Sa Ki Tisa 27 2 Sa Shophetim 3 23 T 1 Mar. 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 10 26 F Sabbath at 5 4 15 F Sabbath at 5 16 27 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 5 16 Sa Ki Tabo 17 Vead 30 1 TW New Moon 8 9 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelecl 24 29 F Sabbath at 5 30 NOTES. Sept. 13, S. New Moon, M. 10A. 43m. 3i. 3, Golden Number. Dec. 6, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 25. 22, Epact. 19th year of 296 Cycle. C B Dominical Letter. Year consists of 383 days. Mar. 27, Easter Sunday. 5625. 45 1864 1865 Tisri 1 2 SaS New Year 1 2 Oct. Adar 26 F Sabbath at 6 24 Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 3 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 8 Sa Aazinu 8 Ahodes 25 10 M Kipur 10 Nis. 1 T New Moon 28 14 F Sabbath at 4J 14 5 Sa Vaikra 1 Apri 1516 SaS Tabernacle 1516 11 F Sabbath at 6$ 7 21 F Hosana Raba 21 H 12 Sa Tsav Agado 8 2223 SaS Feast of the 8th day 2223 < 15 16 TW Passover 11 12 28 F Sabbath at 4 28 ( 26 Sa Shemini 22 29 Sa Beresheet 29 jYiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 26 27 Hes. 30 1 S M New Moon 3031 t i 2 F Sabbath at 7 28 2 T 1 Nov. > 3 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 29 6 Sa Noah 5 > 5 M 1 May 13 Sa Lech Lecha 12 10 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 6 19 F Sabbath at 3 18 14 W Second Passover 10 20 Sa Vayera 19 i 17 Sa Emor 13 27 Sa Haye Sarah 26 18 S 33 of the Homer 14 Kis. 30 1 T W New Moon 2930 1 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 20 2 Th 1 Dec. Si van 1 F New Moon 26 4 Sa Toledo! 3 2 Sa Bamidbar 27 11 Sa Vayetse" 10 6 7 W Sebuot 31 18 Sa Vaishlach 17 Th 1 June 25 Sa Vayesheb Hanuca 24 9 Sa Naso 3 Tebet 30 1 ThF Vew Moon 29 16 Sa Beangalotecha 10 2 Sa Mikets 31 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 17 3 3 1865 1 Jan. Tarn. 30 1 Sa S Korah New Moon 24 25 9 Sa Vaigash 7 7 Sa Hukat 1 July 10 S Fast of Tebet 8 J 14 Sa Balak 8 15 F Sabbath at 4 13 c / 17 T Fast of Tamuz 11 16 Sa Vaihi 14 I 21 Sa Pinehas Dibr 15 23 Sa 5hemot 21 28 Sa Matot Mazge" Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 28 1 Shimgu 22 5 W 1 Feb. Ub 1 \j Vew Moon 24 7 Sabbath at 4* 3 6 Sa Debarim Echa 29 8 Sa Bo 4 9 T Fast of Ab 1 Aug. 5 Sa ieshalach Laylanot 11 13 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 5 21 f Sabbath at 5 17 15 M fubeab 7 22 Sa tro 18 20 Sa Hekeb 12 29 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 25 26 F Sabbath at 6 18 Adar 30 1 SM Vew Moon 2627 27 Sa !Zeh6 19 3 W 1 Mar. Elul 30 1 T W New Moon 22 23 5 Sabbath at 5 3 4 Sa Shophetim 26 6 Sa r eruma 4 10 7 Sabbath at 6 1 Sept. 1 Th "ast of Esther 9 1 Sa Ki Tets6 2 3 Sa "etsav^ Zachor 11 18 Sa SJ Tabo 9 415 SM J urim 213 24 ? Sabbath at 5 15 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 8 25 Sa \etsabim Vayelech 16 NOTES. Oct. 1, Sa. New Moon, M. 8A. 15m. 46|j. 4, Golden Number. Dec. 4, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 5. 3, Epact. 1st year of the 297 Cycle. A Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 16, Easter Sunday. 5626. 1865 i860 'isri 1 2 FhF Mew Year 1 22 Sept. Adar 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude' Mar. 3 ia \azinu 3 Para LO 4 "ast of Guedaliah 4 Nis. 1 Sa Vaikra New Moon 9 r Sabbath at 5 29 Abodes 17 >a iipur 7 F Sabbath at 6 23 1 1 Oct. 8 Sa Tsav Agadol 24 5 16 W ^bernacle 5 6 15 Sa Passover 31 1 W losana Raba 1 16 S 1 April 2 23 rhF Feast of the 8th day 2 21 F Sabbath at 6| 6 4 >a Sabbath at 4j Jeresheet 13 4 Yiar 29 30 1 Sa S M Shemini Vew Moon 14 15 16 Hes. 1 FSa Vew Moon Noah 2021 6 Sa Patzriang Metsorang 21 7 Sabbath at 4 27 12 F Sabbath at 7 27 8 Sa -ch Lecha 28 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 28 2 W 1 Vov. 14 S Second Passover 29 n 4 16 T 1 May 22 5a Sa ' ayera Jaye Sarah 11 18 Th 33 of the Homer 3 28 i" Sabbath at 3 17 20 Sa Emor 5 29 Sa Toledot 18 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 12 Us. 1 5 Mew Moon 19 Sivan 1 T Sfew Moon 15 7 Sa Vayetse" 25 5 Sa Bamidbar 19 3 1 Dec. 6 7 SM Sebuot 2021 14 Sa ^aishlach 2 12 Sa Vaso 26 91 g 18 F 1 June 1 25 ^3. w ianuca 13 19 Sa Beangalotecha 2 28 Sa Mikets 16 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 9 'ebet 30 1 MT Mew Moon 1819 j Tarn. 30 1 WTh Vew Moon 13 14 5 Sa i'aigash 23 j 3 Sa Korah 16 10 Th 7 ast of Tebet 28 10 Sa Hukat 23 12 Sa Vaihi 30 17 Sa Balak 30 14 M 1866 1 Jan. 18 S Fast of Tamuz 1 July 19 Sa Shemot 6 24 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 7 25 P Sabbath at 4 12 Ab 1 F Vew Moon 13 26 Sa Vaera 13 2 Sa Matot Mazge Sebat 1 W Vew Moon 17 Shimgu 14 4 Sa Bo 20 9 Sa Debarim Echa 21 11 Sa Beshalach 27 10 S Fast of Ab 22 15 W Laylanot 31 15 F Tubeab 27 16 Th 1 Feb. 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 28 17 F Sabbath at 4i 2 20 W 1 Aug. 18 Sa [tro 3 23 Sa Hekeb 4 25 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 10 Elul 30 1 SaS Rene" New Moon 11 12 Adar 30 1 ThF New Moon 15 7 Sa Shophetim 18 Sabbath at 5 16 13 F Sabbath at GJL 24 2 Sa Teruma 17 14 Sa Ki Tetse" 25 9 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 24 21 Sa Ki Tabo 1 Sept. 13 W Fast of Esther 28 27 F Sabbath at 6 7 14 15 ThF Purim Sabbath at 5 1 2 Mar. 28 Sa Netsabim 8 16 Sa Ki Tisa 3 NOTES. Sept. 20, W. New Moon, A. 5h. 4m. 26s. 5 Golden Number. Dec. 4, M. Verse to be changed, Kis. 16. 14 Epact. 2nd year of 297 Cycle. G Dominical Letters. Year consists of 354 days. April 1, Easter Sunday. 5627. 47 1866 1867 1 Tisri I 2 M T New Year 10 11 Sept. Vead 13 W Fast of Esther 20 Mar. 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 12 14 15 ThF Purim 21 6 Sa Vayelech 15 Sabbath at 6 22 10 W Kipur 19 16 Sa Tsav 23 12 F Sabbath at 5^ 21 23 Sa Shernini Para 30 13 Sa Aazinu 22 25 M 1 April 15 16 MT Tabernacle 24 25 29 P Sabbath at 6 5 21 S Hosana Raba 30 Nis. 1 Sa Tatzriang New Moon 2223 MT Feast of the 8th day 1 2 Oct. Abodes 6 26 F Sabbbth at 5 5 8 Sa Metsorang Agadol 13 27 Sa Beresheet 6 15 16 SaS Passover 20 21 rLes. 30 1 T W New Moon 9 10 21 F Sabbath at 7 26 4 Sa Noah 13 26 W I May 10 F Sabbath at 4J 19 29 Sa Aharemot 4 11 Sa Lech Lecha 20 Yiar 30 1 S M New Moon 5 6 18 Sa Vayera 27 6 Sa Kedoshim 11 23 Th 1 Nov. 13 Sa Emor 18 24 F Sabbath at 4 2 14 S Second Passover 19 25 Sa Haye Sarah 3 I 18 Th 33 of the Homer 23 Kis. 30 1 ThF New Moon 8 9 [ 20 Sa Behar 25 2 Sa Toledot 10 | 27 Sa Behukotai 1 June 8 F Sabbath at 3 16 Sivan 1 T New Moon 4 9 Sa Vayetse" 17 5 Sa Bamidbar 8 16 Sa Vaishlach 24 6 7 S M Sebuot 9 10 23 Sa Vayesheb 1 Dec. 12 Sa Naso 15 25 M Hanuca 3 19 Sa Beangalotecha 22 Tebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 8 9 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 29 7 Sa Vaigash 15 28 M 1 July 10 T Fast of Tebet 18 Tarn. 30 1 WTh New Moon 3 4 14 Sa Vaihi 22 3 Sa Korah 6 21 Sa Shemot 29 10 Sa Hukat 13 24 T 1867 1 Jan. 17 Sa Balak 20 28 Sa Vaera 5 18 S Fast of Tamuz 21 Sebat 1 M New Moon 7 24 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 27 5 F Sabbath at 4 11 29 Th 1 Aug. 6 Sa Bo 12 Ab 1 F New Moon 2 12 Sa Beshalach 19 2 Sa Matot Mazge" 15 M Laylanot 21 Shimgu 3 20 Sa Itro 26 9 Sa Debarim Echa 10 26 F Sabbath at 4 1 Feb. 10 S Fast of Ab 11 27 Sa Mishpatim 2 15 F Tubeab Sabbath at 6| 16 Adar 30 1 T W New Moon 5 6 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 17 4 Sa Teruma 9 23 Sa Hekeb 24 10 F Sabbath at 5 15 Elul 30 1 SaS Hebe" 31 11 Sa Tetsave" 16 New Moon 1 Sept. 14 T Little Purim 19 6 F Sabbath at 6 6 18 Sa Ki Tisa 23 7 Sa Shophetim 7 24 F Sabbath at 5 1 Mar. 14 Sa Ki Tetse 14 25 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 2 20 F Sabbath at 5^ 20 Vead 30 1 ThF New Moon 7 8 21 Sa Ki Tabo 21 2 Sa Pekude" 9 28 Sa Netsabim 28 9 Sa Vaikra Zachor 16 NOTES. Sept. 10, M. New Moon, M. Ih. 53m. 6fs. 6 Golden Number. Dec. 4, T. Verse to be changed, Kislev 26. 25 Epact. 3rd year of 297 Cycle. F Dominical Letter. Year consists of 385 days. April 21, Easter Sunday. 48 5628. 1867 1868 j Tisri 1 M New Year 30 Sept. Adar 26 F Sabbath at 6 20 Mar. 2 T 1 Oct. 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 2 Abodes 21 5 F Sabbath at 5 4 Nis. 1 T New Moon 24 6 Sa Vayelech 5 5 Sa Vaikra 28 1 A W .Kipur 9 W 1 April 111 13 Sa Aazinu 12 12 Sa Tsav Agado] 4 14 15 MT Tabernacle 13 14 15 1C TW Passover 7 8 18 F Sabbath at 4 17 18 F Sabbath at 6 10 21 S Hosana Raba 20 26 Sa Shemini 18 22 23 MT Feast of the 8th day 21 22 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 22 23 27 Sa Beresheet 26 2 F Sabbath at 7 24 Hes. 30 1 r w New Moon 29 30 3 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 25 F Sabbath at 4 j Nov. 9 F 1 May 4 Sa Noah 2 10 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 2 11 Sa Lech Lecha 9 14 W Second Passover 6 17 F Sabbath at 3 15 17 Sa Emor 9 18 Sa Vayera 16 18 S 33 of the Homer 10 25 Sa Haye Sarah 23 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 16 Kis. 1 Th New Moon 28 Sivan 1 F New Moon 22 3 Sa Toledot 30 2 Sa Bamidbar 23 A $ 1 Dec. 6 7 WTh Sebuot 27 28 * 10 Sa Vayetse' 7 9 Sa Naso 30 17 !>a Vaishlach 14 10 M 1 June 24 Sa Vayesheb 21 16 Sa Beangalotecha 6 25 S Hanuca 22 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 13 Tebet 1 F New Moon 27 Tarn. 30 1 SaS Korah New Moon 2021 2 Sa Mikets 28 7 Sa Hukat 27 g W . . . . B 1868 x Jan. 11 W 1 July 9 Sa Vaigash 4 14 Sa Balak 4 10 S Fast of Tebet 5 17 T Fast of Tamuz 7 15 F Sabbath at 4 10 21 Sa Pinehas Dibr 11 16 Sa Vaihi 11 28 Sa Matot Mazge" 23 Sa Shemot 18 Shinigu 18 Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 25 Ab 1 M New Moon 20 7 F Sabbath at 4 31 6 Sa Debarim Echa 25 8 Sa Bo 1 Feb. 9 r Fast of Ab 28 15 Sa Bcshalach Laylanot 8 13 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 1 Aug. 21 F Sabbath at 5 14 15 M Tubeab 3 22 Sa [tro 15 20 Sa Hekeb 8 29 Sa VTishpatim Shekalim 22 27 Sa Rene* 15 Adar 30 1 SM Mew Moon 23 24 Elul 30 1 T W New Moon 18 19 6 Sa Peruma 29 3 F Sabbath at 6 21 7 } 1 Mar. 4 Sa Slioplictim 22 11 Th ?ast of Esther 5 11 Sa Ki Tetse" 29 12 F Sabbath at 5J 6 14 T 1 Sept. 13 Sa retsave" Zachor 7 17 F Sabbath at 6 4 14 15 SM Purim 8 9 18 Sa Ki Tabo 5 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 14 25 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 12 NOTES. Sept. 28, Sa. New Moon, A. 11 A. 25m. 50*. 7 Golden Number. Dec. 5, Th. Verse to be changed, Kis. 8. 6 Epact. 4th year of the 297 Cycle. E D Dominical Letter. Year consists of 353 days. April 12, Easter Sunday. 5629. 18fi8 ISfiO Tisri 1 2 Th F New Year 17 Sept. Ada 22 F Sabbath at 5 J 5 Mar. Sabbath at 5J 1 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 3 Sa Aazinu 19 Par 6 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 20 Nisai 1 Sa New Moon 10 Sa Kipur 26 Vaikra Abode 13 15 1C Th F Tabernacle 1 Oct. 7 F Sabbath at 6 19 Sabbath at 5 8 Sa Tsav Agado 20 21 W Hosaiia Uaba 7 15 1 SaS Passover 272' 22 23 ThF Feast of the 8th day 8 fl 20 Th 1 Apr 24 Sa Beresheet 10 28 F Sabbath at 6} 9 Hes. 30 FSa Sabbath at 4J Ne\\ 16 29 Sa Shemini 10 ' Moon Noal 17 Yiar 30 S M New Moon 11 1 8 Sa Lech Lecha 24 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 17 14 F Sabbath at 4 30 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshlm 24 15 Sa Vayera 31 14 S Second Passover 25 16 S 1 Nov. 18 Th 33 of the Homer 29 22 Sa ffaye Sarah 7 19 F Sabbath at 7 30 28 F Sabbath at 3J 13 20 Sa Emor 1 May 29 Sa Toledo! 14 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 8 Kis. 1 5 Sfew Moon 15 Sivan 1 T Vew Moon 11 7 Sa k'ayetse' 21 5 Sa Samidbar 15 14 Sa Vaishlach 28 6 7 S M Sebuot 16 I 1 * 17 T 1 Dec. 12 Sa S T aso 22 21 Sa * r ayesheb 5 19 Sa Beangalotecha 29 25 W -Januca 9 22 r 1 fune 28 Sa Mikets 12 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 5 Teb. 30 1 M T Vew Moon 14 15 Tarn. 30 1 \VTh *few Moon 9 10 5 Sa /aigash 19 3 la Corah 2 10 Th ^astofTebet 24 la Hukat 9 12 Sa Vaihi 26 7 Sa ialak 6 8 ; 1869 1 ^an. 8 1 "ast of Tamuz 7 g i!a lieniot 2 2 Ti 1 ulv 26 Sa ' T aera 9 4 Sa 'inehas Dibr^ 3 uijr Sebat 1 W Vew Moon 3 Ab 1 i 1 Vew Moon 9 3 ? Sabbath at 4 5 2 a \Iatot Mazge* 4 Sa Bo 6 Shimgu I Sa Jeshalach 3 9 a )ebarim Echa 7 5 W ^aylanot 7 ? ast of Ab 8 7 i* abbath at 4$ 29 1 5 1 'ubcab 3 8 Sa tro 6 a r aethanan Nahamu 4 20 M 1 "eb. 3 a lekeb 1 5 '3. lishpatiin Shckalim 6 4 [ .Ucr. Adar 1 rhF Vew Moon i 12 Elul 1 aS Vew Moon Rehe 7 8 -kUg. 2 a 'eruma 3 7 a hophetim 4 8 ? abbath at 5 9 3 abbath at 6J 9 Sa 'etsave' Zachor 4 a K.i Tets^ 1 3 W "ast of Esther 4 1 a K.i Tabo 8 4 15 rhF *urini 5 26 ) T 1 CDf 6 a i Tisa 7 >7 abbath at 6 3 ^-rl. 8 I 1 Vfar. 8 a etsabirn 4 NOTES. Sep. 17, Th. New Moon, M.8A. 14m. 30*. 8, Golden Number. Dec. 4, F. Verse to be changed, Kis. 20. 17, Epact. 5th year of 297 Cycle. C Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. Mar. 28, Easter Sunday. H 50 5630. 18C9 1870 sri 1 2 MT r ew Year 6 7 ept. } Vead ' 8 W i'ast of Esther 3 Vlar. 3 W "ast of Guedaliah 8 4 15 hF J urim 7 > a ^ayelech 1 Sabbath at 6 18 7 iipur 5 > 6 a "sav 9 2 abbath at 5 7 3 a hemini Para 6 1 B 9 i 1 1 ipril 5 16 d, WT .aZlUU 'abeniacle 21 Nis. 1 a *Jew Moon 1 fosana Raba G 'atzriang Abodes 2 2 23 VIT ? east of the 8th day 7 28 \ 7 51 abbath at GJ 8 > abbath at 5 1 Oct. 8 a Metsorang Agadol 9 7 a leresheet 2 \ 5 1C aS :*assover 6 17 Hes. 1 r w Vew Moon 5 6 8 ? abbath at 7 29 4 a ^Joah 9 9 a Aharemot abbath at 4 5 Yiar. 1 SM *few Moon 1 2 May 1 a jech Lecha 6 6 a iedoshim 7 8 a Vayera 3 3 a ?mor 4 4 ? abbath at 4 29 4 i Second Passover 5 5 a laye Sarah 8 Th 3 of the Homer 9 7 M 1 NOT. ia ?ehar 21 10, 1 IhF *Jew Moon 4 5 7 >a iehukotai 28 2 a 'oledot 6 25 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 5 F Sabbath at 5 30 ij Ahodes 18 6 Sa Vayelech 1 Oct. \ Nis. 1 Th New Moon 23 10 W Kipur 5 2 F Sabbath at 6 24 13 Sa Aazinu 8 3 Sa Vaikra 25 15 16 .M T Tabernacle 10 11 : > 10 Sa Tsav Agadol 1 April 19 F Sabbath at 4$ 14 1 15 16 ThF Passover 6 21 S Hosana Raba 16 Sabbath at 6 7 22 23 M T Feast of the 8th day 17 18 l\ 24 Sa Shemini 15 27 Sa Beresheet 22 JYiar 30 1 FSa New Moon 21 :Ies. 30 1 T V, New Moon 25 26 i Tatzriang Metsorang 22 3 F Sabbath at 4 28 > 7 F Sabbath at 7 28 4 Sa Noah 29 8 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 29 7 T 1 Nov. 10 M 1 May 11 Sa Lech Lecha 5 14 F Second Passover 5 18 Sa Vayera 12 15 Sa Emor 6 24 F Sabbath at 3J 18 ! 18 T 33 of the Homer 9 25 Sa Haye Sarah 19 \ 22 Sa Behar Behukotai 13 Kis. 30 1 ThF New Moon 24 25 29 Sa Bamidbar 20 2 Sa Toledot 26 Sivan 1 S New Moon 21 7 Th 1 Dec. 6 7 FSa Sebuot 2627 g Sa Vayetse" 3 12 Th 1 June 16 Sa Vaishlach 10 14 Sa Naso 3 23 Sa Vayesheb 17 ' 21 Sa Beangalotecha 10 25 M Hanuca 1 Q 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 17 Tebet 30 1 SaS New Moon 24 25 Tarn. 30 1 MT New Moon 19 20 7 Sa Vaigash 31 5 Sa Korah 24 g s 1871 1 Jan. 12 Sa Hukat Balak 1 July 10 T Fast of Tebet 3 17 Th Fast of Tainuz 6 ' j 14 Sa Vaihi 7 19 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 8 20 F Sabbath at 4 13 26 Sa Matot Mazge" 21 Sa Shemot 14 Shimgu !5 28 Sa Vaera 21 Ab 1 W New Moon 19 Sebat 1 M New Moon 23 j 4 Sa Debarim Echa 22 6 Sa Bo 28 9 Th Fast of Ab 27 10 W 1 Feb. 11 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 29 12 F Sabbath at 4J 3 14 T 1 Aug. 13 Sa Beshalach 4 15 W Tubeab 2 15 M Laylanot 6 \ ] 18 Sa Hekeb 5 20 Sa Itro 11 j 25 Sa Reh6 12 26 F Sabbath at 5 17 Elul 30 1 Th F New Moon 17 27 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 18 Sabbath at 6J 18 Adar 30 1 T W New Moon 21 22 2 Sa Shophetim 19 4 Sa Teruma 25 J 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 26 W 1 Mar. 15 F Sabbath at 6 1 Sept. 10 F Sabbath at 5 3 16 Sa Ki Tabo 2 11 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 4 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 9 13 M Fast of Esther 6 ; 29 F Sabbath at 5$ 15 14 15 TW Purim 7 1 NOTES. Sep. 25, S. New Moon, A. 2A. 35m. 53js. Dec. 4, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 10. 7th year of the 297 Cycle. Year consists of 355 days. 10, Golden Number. 9, Epact. A Dominical Letter. April 9, Easter Sunday. 52 5632. 1871 1872 'isri 1 2 Sa S V T ew Year 617 Sept. Vead 2 F Sabbath at 6 22 Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 18 3 Sa faikra Zachor 23 8 Sa Aazinu 23 4 15 SM J urim 24 25 M iipur 25 \ 20 Sa ^av Para 30 Sabbath at 51 29 > 22 M 1 April 15 Sa Tabernacle 30 < 26 Sabbath at 6 5 16 s 1 Oct. 27 Sa Shemini Abodes 6 21 ? iosana Raba 6 Nis. 1 T *Jew Moon 9 22 23 SaS '"east of the 8th day 7 8 5 Sa ^atzriang 13 28 ? Sabbath at 4J 13 12 Sa "VIetsorang Agadol 20 29 Sa Beresheet 14 15 16 T W r'assover 23 24 les. 30 1 SM S T ew Moon 15 16 18 F Sabbath at 7 26 6 -, . ^oah 21 23 W 1 May 12 F Sabbath at 4 27 26 Sa Aharemot 4 13 Sa Jech Lecha 28 Yiar. 30 1 WTh *Jew Moon 8 9 17 W 1 Nov. 3 Sa edoshim 11 20 5a Vayera 4 10 Sa 2mor 18 27 Sa Saye Sarah 11 14 W Second Passover 22 Kis. 1 T Sew Moon 14 17 Sa 5ehar 25 4 F Sabbath at 3J 17 18 5 33 of the Homer 26 5 Sa Toledot 18 24 Sa 3ehukotai 1 June 12 Sa Vayetse" 25 Sivan 1 F Vew Moon 7 8 F 1 Dec. 2 Sa Bamidbar 8 19 Sa Vaishlach 2 6 7 WTh Sebuot 12 13 25 F Hanuca 8 9 Sa Vaso 15 26 Sa Vayesheb 9 16 Sa Seangalotecha 22 ^ebet 1 W Vew Moon 13 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 29 4 5a Mikets 16 25 M 1 July 10 F Past of Tebet 22 Tarn. 30 1 SaS Eiorah New Moon 6 7 11 Sa Vaigash 23 7 Sa Hukat 13 18 Sa Vaihi 30 14 Sa Balak 20 20 M . . . . B 1872 1 Jan. 17 T Fast of Tamuz 23 25 Sa Shemot 6 21 Sa Pinehas Dibr6 27 Sebat 1 Th Mew Moon 11 26 Th 1 Aug. 2 F Sabbath at 4 12 28 Sa Matot Mazge" D 3 Sa Vaera 13 } Shimgu 3 10 Sa Bo 20 Ab 1 M New Moon 5 15 Th Laylanot 25 6 Sa Debarim Echa 10 17 Sa Beshalach 27 9 T Fast of Ab 13 22 Th 1 Feb. 13 Sa Vaethanan Nahanu 17 23 F Sabbath at 4^ 2 15 M Tubeab 19 24 Sa ttro 3 19 F Sabbath at 6 23 Adar 30 1 FSa New Moon Mishpatin 9 10 20 Sa Hekeb 24 7 F Sabbath at 5 16 27 Sa Rehe 31 8 Sa Teruma 17 28 IS 1 Sept. 14 F Little Purim 23 Elul 30 1 TW New Moon 3 4 15 Sa Tetsave" 24 3 F Sabbath at 6 6 21 F Sabbath at 5^ 1 Mar. 4 Sa Shophetim 7 22 Sa Ki Tisa 2 11 Sa Ki Tetse' 14 29 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 9 17 F Sabbath at 5J 20 Vead 30 1 SM New Moon 10 11 18 Sa Ki Tabo 21 6 Sa Pekude" 16 25 Sa Netsabim Vayelecl 28 11 Th Fast of Esther 21 28 T 1 Oct. NOTES. Sept. 14, Th. New Moon, A. 11A. 24?w. 33s. 11, Golden Number. Dec. 5, T. Verse to be changed, Kis. 22. 20, Epact. 8th year of 297 Cycle. G F Dominical Letter. Year consists of 383 days. Mar. 31, Easter Sunday. 5633. 53 1872 1673 Tisri 1 2 Th F New Year 3 Oct. Nis. 1 Sa New Moon Mar. Sabbath at 5 4 Vaikra Ahodes 29 3 Sa 5 4 T I April 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 6 8 Sa Tsav Agadol 5 10 Sa Ripur 12 14 F Sabbath at 6J 11 1516 Th F Tabernacle 17 15 16 SaS Passover 12 13 Sabbath at 4J 18 28 F Sabbath at 7 25 21 W Hosana Raba 23 > 29 Sa Shemini 26 2223 ThF Feast of the 8th day 2425 JYiar 30 1 SM New Moon 27 28 24 Sa 13 pro sheet 26 5 4 Th 1 -May Hes. 30 F Sabbath at 4 New 1 Nov. \ 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 3 1 Sa Moon Noah 2 I 13 Sa Aharemot Redoshim 10 8 Sa Lech Lecha 9 i 14 S Second Passover 11 14 F Sabbath at 3J 15 18 Th 33 of the Homer 15 15 Sa Vayera 16 20 Sa Emor 17 22 Sa Haye Sarah 23 ? 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 24 29 Sa Toledot 30 Si van 1 T New Moon 27 Kis. 1 S New Moon 1 Dec. \ 5 Sa Bamidbar 31 7 Sa Vayetse" 7 \ 6 7 SM Sebuot 1 2 June 14 Sa Vaishlach 14 12 Sa Naso 7 21 Sa Vayesheb 21 i 19 Sa Beangalotecha 14 25 W Hanuca 25 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 21 28 Sa Mikets 28 I 18 Sa Ki Tisa Para 7 Mar. 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 24 25 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 6 Sa Vayelech 27 Ahodes 14 10 W Kipur 1 Oct. Nis. 1 Th New Moon 19 12 F Sabbath at 5 3 2 F Sabbath at 6 20 13 Sa Aazinu 4 3 Sa Vaikra 21 15 16 M T Tabernacle 6 7 10 Sa Tsav Agadol 28 21 a Ffn 25 Sa Relic" 8 27 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 14 ^Elul 30 1 ThF New Moon 10 11 Adar 30 1 TW New Moon 17 18 ! 2 Sa Shophetim 15 4 Sa Teruma 21 i 8 F Sabbath at 61 21 11 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 28 1 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 22 12 S j Mar. 1 16 Sa Ki Tabo 29 13 M Fast of Esther 2 19 T 1 Sept. 14 15 T W Purim 3 4 22 F Sabbath at 6 4 r 17 F Sabbath at 5J 6 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 5 ! : NOTES. Sept. 22, M. New Moon, M. 5h. 45m. 56|. 13 Golden Number. Dec. 4, Th. Verse to be changed, Kis. 14. 12 Epact. 10th year of 297 Cycle. D Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. Aprils, Easter Sunday. 5635. 1874 1875 'isri 1 2 SaS New Year 12 13 Sept. ;Vead 11 Th Fast of Esther 18 Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 14 j 12 F Sabbath at 6 19 7 F Sabbath at 5^ 18 : 13 Sa Vaikra Zachor 20 8 Sa Aazinu 19 < 14 15 S M Purim 21 22 10 M Kipur 21 i ! 20 Sa Tsav Para 27 15 10 Sa S Tabernacle 26 27 >$ 25 Th 1 April 20 Th 1 Oct. < 27 Sa Shemini Ahodes 3 21 F Hosana Raba < Nis. 1 T New Moon 6 Sabbath at 5 2 4 F Sabbath at 6 9 2223 Sa S Feast of the 8th day 3 4 5 Sa Tatzriang 10 29 Sa Beresheet 10 12 Sa Metsorang Agadol 17 les. 30 1 SM New Moon 11 12 15 16 T W Passover 20 21 5 F Sabbath at 4 16 25 F Sabbath at 7 30 6 Sa Noah 17 26 Sa Aharemot 1 May 13 Sa Lech Lecha 24 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 5 6 19 F Sabbath at 4 30 3 Sa Kedoshim 8 20 Sa Vayera 31 10 Sa Emor 15 21 5 1 Nov. 14 W Second Passover 19 27 Sa Haye Sarah 7 17 Sa Behar 22 Kis. 1 T New Moon 10 18 S 33 of the Homer 23 5 Sa Toledot 14 24 Sa Behukotai 29 11 F Sabbath at 3^ 20 27 T 1 June 12 Sa Vayetse" 21 Sivan 1 F New Moon 4 19 Sa Vaishlach 28 2 Sa Bamidbar 5 22 r 1 Dec. 6 7 WTh Sebuot 9 10 25 F Hanuca 4 9 Sa Naso 12 26 Sa Vayesheb 5 16 Sa Beangalotecha 19 ^ebet 1 W New Moon 9 s 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 26 Sa Mikets 21 > 28 Th 1 July 10 F Fast of Tebet 18 Tarn. 30 1 SaS New Moon Korah 3 4 11 Sa Vaigash 19 7 Sa Hukat 10 18 Sa Vaihi 26 14 Sa Balak 17 24 F 1875 1 Jan. 17 T Fast of Tamuz 20 25 Sa Shemot 2 21 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 24 Sebat 1 Th New Moon 7 28 Sa Matot Mazge" 3 Sa Vaera 9 > Shimgu 31 F Sabbath at 4 15 | 29 S 1 AutT. 10 Sa Bo 16 JAb 1 M New Moon 2 **o 15 Th Laylanot 21 | 6 Sa Debarim Echa 7 17 Sa Beshalach 23 j 9 T Fast of Ab 10 23 F Sabbath at 4 29 13 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 14 24 Sa Itro 30 I 15 M Tubeab 16 26 M Feb. s 19 F Sabbath at 6 20 Adar 30 1 F Sa New Moon Mishpatim 5 6 | 20 Sa Hekeb 21 8 Sa Teruma 13 I 27 Sa Rehe" 28 14 F Little Purim \E\u\ 30 T New 31 Sabbath at 5 19 I 1 W Moon 1 Sept. 15 Sa Tetsave" 20 | 3 F Sabbath at 6 3 22 Sa Ki Tisa 27 4 Sa Shophetim 4 24 M 1 Mar. > 11 Sa Ki Tets6 11 28 F Sabbath at 5^ 5 17 F Sabbath at 5^ 17 29 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 6 5 18 Sa KiTabo 18 Vead 30 1 S M New Moon 7 8 < 25 Sa Metsabim Vayelech 25 6 Sa Pekude" 13 > NOTES. Sept. 11, F. New Moon, A. 2h. 34m. 36|*. 14 Golden Number. Dec. 4, F. Verse to be changed, Kislev 25. 23 Epact. llth year of 297 Cycle. C Dominical Letter. Year consists of 383 days. Mar. 28, Easter Sunday. 56 5636. 1875 1876 jJAdar 22 Sa Vayakel Para 18 Mar. Tisri 1 2 Th F New Year 30 Sept. 28 F Sabbath at 6 24 Sabbath at 5 1 Oct. 29 Sa Pekude" Anodes 25 3 Sa Aazinu 2 Nis. 1 S New Moon 26 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 3 7 Sa Vaikra 1 Apri 10 Sa K'pur 9 13 F Sabbath at 6 7 15 16 Th F Tabernacle 14 14 Sa Tsav Agado 8 Sabbath at 4j 15 15 16 S M Passover 9 10 21 W Hosana Raba 20 28 Sa Shemini 22 2223 ThF Feast of the 8th day 2122 Yiar 30 1 .U T New Moon 24 25 24 Sa Beresheet 23 4 F Sabbath at 7 28 Hes. 30 F Sabbath at 4 New 29 5 Sa Tatzriang Metsorans. 29 i Sa TV* IV ll 30 7 M 1 May i 3 Od M 1 Nov. 12 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 6 8 Sa Lech Lecha 6 14 M Second Passover 8 15 Sa Vayera 13 18 F 33 of the Homer 12 21 22 F Sa Sabbath at 3J Haye Sarah 19 20 19 26 Sa Sa Emor Behar Behukotai 13 20 29 Sa Toledot 27 Sivan 1 W New Moon 24 Kis. 30 1 SM Vew Moon 2829 4 Sa Bamidbar 27 3 W 1 Dec. 6 7 MT Sebuot 29 30 Q Vav t 4 9 Th 1 June 13 Sa Vaishlach 11 11 Sa Naso 3 20 Sa Vayesheb 18 18 Sa Beangalotecha 10 25 Th rlanuca 23 25 Sa Shelach Lecha 17 27 Sa Wikets 25 Tarn. 30 1 ThF Vew Moon 2223 Tebet 30 1 T W Vew Moon 2829 2 Sa Korah 24 4 Sa Vaigash B 1876 1 Jan. i 9 Sa Hukat 1 July 10 F 7 ast of Tebet 7 j 16 Sa Balak 8 11 Sa Vaihi 8 < 17 S Fast of Tamuz 9 17 F Sabbath at 4 14 23 Sa Pinehas Dibr 15 18 Sa Shemot 15 Ab 1 Sa Vew Moon Matot 25 Sa f&era. 22 Mazge" Shimgu 22 Sebat 1 Th Vew Moon 27 8 Sa Debarim Echa 29 2 ? Sabbath at 4 28 9 S Fast of Ab 30 3 Sa Bo 29 11 T 1 Aug. 6 T 1 Feb. .5 Sa ^aethanan Nahamu 10 Sa ieshalach 5 Tubeab 5 15 Th -aylanot 10 22 Sa 3ekeb 12 17 Sa Itro 12 28 f Sabbath at 6 18 23 ? Sabbath at 5 18 29 Sa Relic" 19 24 Sa fiishpatim 19 Elul 30 1 S M Vew Moon 20 21 Adar 30 ? Vew Moon 25 6 Sa Shophetim 26 1 Sa Teruma Shekalim 26 12 F Sabbath at 6 1 Sept. 5 W 1 Mar. 13 Sa Ki Tetse" 2 7 Sabbath at 5 i 3 20 Sa Ki Tabo 9 8 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 4 26 ? Sabbath at 5^ 15 13 Th ^ast of Esther 9 27 Sa Vetsabim 16 1415 FSa ?urim Ki Tisa 1011 NOTES. Sept. 30, Th. New Moon, A. OA. 7m. 20s. 15 Golden Number. Dec. 5, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 7. 4 Epact. 12th year of 297 Cycle. B A Dominical Letters. Year consists of 355 days. April 16, Easter Sunday. 5637, 1876 1877 Tisri I 2 TW New Year 1920 Sept. Adar 17 F Sabbath at 5J 2 Mar. 3 Th Fast of Guedaliah 21 18 Sa Ki Tisa Para 3 5 Sa Vayelech 23 25 Vayakel Pekude" 10 Th Kipur 28 Sa Abodes 10 11 F Sabbath at 5 29 Nis. 1 Th New Moon 15 12 Sa Aazinu 30 3 Sa Vaikra 17 13 s 1 Oct. 9 F Sabbath at 6 23 15 16 T W Tabernacle 3 4 10 Sa Tsav Agadol 24 21 M Hosana Raba 9 15 16 ThF Passover 2930 22 23 T W Feast of the 8th day 1011 18 S 1 April 25 F Sabbath at 4 13 23 F Sabbath at 6 6 26 Sa Beresheet 14 24 Sa Shemini 7 Hes. 30 1 WTh New Moon 18 19 Yiar 30 F New Moon 13 3 Sa Noah 21 1 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 14 9 F Sabbath at 4 27 8 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 21 10 Sa Lech Lecha 28 14 F Second Passover 14 W 1 Nov. Sabbath at 7 27 17 5a Vayera 4 15 Sa Emor 28 24 Sa Haye Sarah 11 18 T 33 of the Homer 1 May Kis. 1 F New Moon 22 Sa Behar Behukotai 5 Sabbath at 3 17 29 Sa Bamidbar 12 2 Sa Toledot 18 Siyan 1 S New Moon 13 9 Sa Vayetse 25 6 7 FSa Sebuot 1819 15 F 1 Dec. 14 Sa Naso 20 16 Sa Vaishlach 2 20 F 1 June 23 Sa Vayesheb 9 21 Sa Beangalotecha 2 25 M ttanuca 11 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 9 Tebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 16 17 Tarn. 30 1 MT New Moon 11 12 7 Sa Vaigash 23 5 Sa Korah 16 10 T Fast of Tebet 26 12 Sa Hukat Balak 23 14 Sa Vaihi 30 17 Th Fast of Tamuz 28 16 M 1877 1 Jan. 19 Sa Pinehas Dibr 30 21 Sa Shemot 6 20 S 1 July 27 Sabbath at 4 12 26 Sa Matot Mazge" j 28 Sa ^aera 13 Shimgu 7 Sebat 1 M Vew Moon 15 Ab 1 W New Moon 11 6 5a Bo 20 4 Sa Debarim Echa 14 13 Sa Beshalach 27 9 Th Fast of Ab 19 15 >I Iraylanot 29 11 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 21 18 rh 1 Feb. 15 W Tubeal/ 25 19 Sabbath at 4 J 2 18 Sa Hekeb 28 20 a :tro 3 22 W 1 Aug. 27 Sa tfishpatim Shekalim 10 25 Sa Reh6 4 *"& Adar 30 1 T W Mew Moon 13 14 Elul 30 1 Th F New Moon 910 3 7 Sabbath at 5 16 2 Sa Shophetim 11 4 Sa feruma 17 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 18 11 Sa i'etsave' 24 15 F Sabbath at 6i 24 13 M "ast of Esther 26 16 Sa KiTabo 25 14 15 T W i*urim 27 28 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 1 16 Th 1 Mar. 29 F Sabbath at 6 7 Sept. NOTES. Sept. 18, M. New Moon, A. Sh. 56m. 0*. 16 Golden Number. Dec. 4, M. Verse to be changed, Kis. 18. 15 Epact. 13th year of the 297 Cycle. G Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. April 1, Easter Sunday. 58 5638. 1877 1878 Tisri 1 2 SaS ^ew Year 8 9 Sept. iVead 13 M ?ast of Esther 18 Mar. 3 M ?ast of Guedaliah 10 14 15 TW ?urim 1920 8 Sa Aazinu 15 17 F Sabbath at 6 22 10 M ipur 17 18 Sa Tsav Para 23 14 F Sabbath at5J 21 25 Sa Shemini Abodes 30 i <; if> Sa S Tfibe riiciclc 22 23 27 M 1 April i > i ' 21 HEosana Raba 28 Nis. 1 Th Vew Moon 4 r 22 23 SaS Feast of the 8th day 29 30 2 F Sabbath at 6 5 24 M 1 Oct. 3 Sa Patzriang 6 28 Sabbath at 4^ 5 10 Sa VIetsorang Agadol 13 29 Sa Beresheet 6 15 16 ThF Passover 1819 Hes. 30 1 SM Vew Moon 7 8 23 F Sabbath at 7 26 6 Sa Noah 13 24 Sa Aharemot 27 12 5il)bcXth fit 4^ 19 28 W 1 May 13 5a Lech Lecha 20 Yiar. 30 1 FSa Sew Moon Kedoshim 3 4 20 Sa Vayera 27 8 Sa Emor 11 25 Th 1 Nov. 14 F Second Passover 17 26 F Sabbath at 4 2 15 Sa Behar 18 27 Sa Haye Sarah 3 18 T 33 of the Homer 21 Kis. 30 1 T W Sew Moon 6 7 y 22 Sa Behukotai 25 4 Sa Toledot 10 i 29 Sa Bamidbar 1 June 10 F Sabbath at 3 J 16 Sivan 1 S New Moon 2 11 Sa Vayets6 17 > 6 7 FSa Sebuot 7 8 18 Sa Vaishlach 24 f 14 Sa Naso 15 25 Sa Vayesheb Hanuca 1 Dec. f 21 Sa Beangalotecha 22 Tebet 30 1 ThF Sew Moon 6 7 >. 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 29 2 Sa Vlikets 8 /Tarn. 30 1 MT New Moon 1 2 July 9 Sa Vaigash 15 x 5 Sa Korah 6 10 S Fast of Tebet 16 X X 12 Sa Hukat Balak 13 16 Sa Vaihi 22 17 Th Fast of Tamuz 18 23 Sa Shemot 29 19 Sa Pinehas Dibr 20 26 T 1878 1 Jan. 26 Sa Matot Mazge" Sebat 1 Sa New Moon Vaera 5 Shimgu 27 7 F Sabbath at 4 11 Ab 1 W New Moon 31 g Sa Bo 12 ; 2 Th 1 AUJT 15 Sa Beshalach Laylanot 19 ? 4 Sa Debarim Echa 3 22 Sa Itro 26 9 Th Fast of Ab 8 28 F Sabbath at 4J 1 Feb. 11 Sa Vaethanau Nahamu 10 29 Sa Mishpatim 2 15 W Tubeab 14 Adar 30 1 SM New Moon 3 4 17 F Sabbath at 6J 16 6 Sa Teruma 9 18 Sa Hekeb 17 12 F Sabbath at 5 15 25 Sa Relic 1 24 13 Sa Tetsave" 16 Elul 30 1 ThF New Moon 29 30 14 S Little Purim 17 \ 2 Sa Shophetim 31 20 Sa Ki Tisa 23 3 S 1 Sept. 26 F Sabbath at 5 1 Mar. 8 F Sabbath at 6 6 27 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 2 ; 9 Sa Ki Tets6 7 Vead 30 1 TW New Moon 5 6 1 16 Sa Ki Tabo 14 4 Sa Pekude" 9 j 22 F Sabbath at 5-> 20 11 Sa Vaikra Zachor 16 > 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 21 y NOTES. Sept. 8, Sa. New Moon, M. 5A. 44m. 40*. 17, Golden Number. Dec. 4, T. Verse to be changed, Kis. 28. 26, Epact. 14th year of 297 Cycle. F Dominical Letter. Year consists of 385 days. April 21, Easter Sunday. 5639. 59 1878 1879 j Tisri 1 2 Sa S New Year 28 29 Sept. Nis. 1 T New Moon 25 Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 30 : 5 Sa Vaikra 29 4 T 1 Oct. $ 8 T 1 Apri 7 F Sabbath at 5 4 ] 12 Sa Tsav Agadol 5 8 Sa Aazinu 5 15 16 T W Passover 8 9 10 M Kipur 7 18 F Sabbath at 6) 11 15 16 SaS Tabernacle 12 13 26 Sa Shemini 19 21 F Hosana Raba ! Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 23 24 Sabbath at 4 18 ; > * 2 F Sabbath at 7 25 2223 SaS Feast of the 8th day 19 20 ! 3 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 26 29 Sa Beresheet 26 V 8 Th 1 May Hes. 30 1 SM New Moon 27 28 ? 10 Sa Aharemot 5 F Sabbath at 4 1 Nov. I Kedoshim 3 6 Sa Noah 2 ) 14 W Second Passover 7 13 Sa Lech Lecha 9 17 Sa Emor 10 L9 F Sabbath at 3 15 18 S 33 of the Homer 11 20 Sa Vayera 16 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 17 27 Sa Haye Sarah 23 Sivan 1 F New Moon 23 Kis. 30 1 T W Vew Moon 2627 | 2 Sa Bamidbar 24 4 Sa Toledot 30 6 7 WTh Sebuot 28 29 5 S 1 Dec. 9 Sa Naso 31 11 Sa Vayets<3 7 10 S 1 June 18 Sa Vaishlach 14 16 Sa Beangalotecha 7 25 Sa Vayesheb Hanuca 21 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 14 Tebet 30 1 Th F Vew Moon 26 27 Tarn. 30 1 SaS Korah New Moon 21 22 2 Sa Mikets 28 7 Sa Hukat 28 6 W 1879 1 Jan. 10 T 1 July 9 Sa Vaigash 4 14 Sa Balak 5 10 S Fast of Tebet 5 17 T Fast of Tamuz 8 15 F Sabbath at 4 10 21 Sa Pinehas Dibr6 12 16 Sa Vaihi 11 28 Sa Matot Mazge" 23 Sa Shemot 18 Shimgu 19 Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 25 Ab 1 M New Moon 21 7 F Sabbath at 4i 31 6 Sa Debarim Echa 26 8 Sa Bo 1 Feb. 9 T Fast of Ab 29 15 Sa Beshalach Laylanot 8 12 F 1 Aug. 21 F Sabbath at 5 14 13 Sa Vaethanan 22 Sa ftro 15 Nahamu 2 29 Sa Mishpatim | 15 M Tubeab 4 Shekalim 22 2 20 Sa Hekeb 9 Adar 3 1 SM Vew Moon 23 24 I 27 Sa Relic" 16 6 Sa Teruma 1 Mar. Elul 30 1 TW New Moon 19 20 11 Th Fast of Esther 6 3 F Sabbath at 6J 22 12 F Sabbath at 5 7 4 Sa Shophetim 23 13 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 8 11 Sa Ki Tetse" 30 14 15 S M Purim 9 10 13 M 1 Sept. 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 15 17 F Sabbath at 6 5 r 26 F Sabbath at 6 21 18 Sa Ki Tabo 6 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 25 Sa Vetsabim Ahodes 22 Vayelech 13 > NOTES. Sep. 27, F. New Moon, A. 3A. 1 7m. 23$*. 18, Golden Number. Dec. 4, W. Verse to be changed, Kis. 8. 7, Epact. 15th year of the 297 Cycle. E Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 13, Easter Sunday. 60 5640. 1879 Isri 1 2 Th F New Year 18 Sept. Adar 22 F Sabbath at 5^ 5 Mar. Sabbath at 5 19 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 3 Sa Aazinu 20 Para 6 4 S ?ast of Guedaliah 21 Nisan 1 Sa Vew Moon 10 Sa Sipur 27 Vaikra Ahodes 13 L4 W 1 Oct. 7 F Sabbath at 6 19 15 16 Th F Tabernacle 2 8 Sa Tsav Agadol 20 Sabbath at 5 3 15 16 Sa S Passover 27 28 21 W Eiosfinci Rnbti 8 20 Th 1 April 2223 ThF Feast of the 8th day 9 10 28 F Sabbath at 6 9 24 Sa Ueresheet LI 29 Sa Shemini 10 les. 30 1 FSa Sabbath at 4^ New 17 Yiar 30 1 S M New Moon 11 12 Moon Noah 18 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 17 8 Sa Lech Lecha 25 ( 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 24 14 F Sabbath at 4 31 < 14 S Second Passover 25 15 Sa Vayera 1 Nov. 18 Th 33 of the Homer 29 22 Sa ffaye Sarah 8 19 F Sabbath at 7 30 28 F Sabbath at 3J 14 20 Sa Emor 1 May 29 Sa Poledot 15 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 8 Kis. 1 S Vew Moon 16 Sivan 1 T New Moon 11 7 Sa Vayetse" 22 5 Sa Bamidbar 15 14 Sa Vaishlach 29 6 7 S M Sebuot 16 17 16 M 1 Dec. J 12 Sa Naso 22 21 Sa Vayesheb 6 19 Sa Beangalotecha 29 25 W HEanuca 10 22 T 1 June 28 Sa Vlikets 13 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 5 Teb. 30 1 M T Vew Moon 15 16 Tarn. 30 1 WTh New Moon 9 10 5 Sa Vaigash 20 3 Sa Korah 12 10 Th Fast of Tebet 25 10 Sa Hukat 19 12 Sa Vaihi 27 17 Sa Balak 26 17 Th . . . . B 1880 1 Jan. | 18 S Fast of Tamuz 27 19 Sa Shemot 3 | 22 Th 1 July 25 F Sabbath at 4 9 24 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 3 26 Sa Vaera 10 Ab 1 F New Moon 9 Sebat 1 W New Moon 14 2 Sa Matot Mazge" 4 Sa Bo 17 Shimgu 10 11 Sa Beshalach 24 9 Sa Debarim Echa 17 15 W Laylanot 28 10 S Fast of Ab 18 17 F Sabbath at 4 30 15 F Tubcab 23 18 Sa Itro 31 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 24 19 S 1 Feb. 23 Sa Hekeb 31 25 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 7 24 S 1 Al1T Adar 30 1 ThF New Moon 12 Elul 30 1 Sa S Hebe" New Moon 7 8 AU| Sabbath at 5 13 7 Sa Shophetim 14 2 Sa Teruma 14 13 F Sabbath at 6 20 9 Sa Tetsave' Zachoi 21 14 Sa Ki Tetse" 21 13 W Fast of Esther 25 21 Sa Ki Tabo 28 14 15 ThF Purim 2627 25 W 1 Sept. 16 Sa Ki Tisa 28 27 F Sabbath at 6 3 18 M 1 Mar. 28 Sa Netsabim 4 NOTES. Sep. 16, T. New Moon, A. Oh. 6m. 3. 19, Golden Number. Dec. 5, F. Verse to be changed, Kis. 20. 18, Epact. 16th year of 297 Cycle. D C Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. Mar. 28, Easter Sunday. 5641. 61 1880 1881 Tisri 1 2 MT New Year 6 7 >< Sept. > Vead 13 M Fast of Esther 14 Mar. 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 8 ' 5 14 15 T W Purim 15 16 6 Sa Vayelech 11 17 F Sabbath at 6 18 10 W Kipur 15 18 Sa Tsav Para 19 12 F Sabbath at 5J 17 25 Sa Shemini Abodes 26 13 Sa Aazinu 18 Nis. 1 Th New Moon 31 15 16 M T Tabernacle 20 21 2 F 1 April 21 S Hosana Raba 26 3 Sa Tatzriang 2 22 23 MT Feast of the 8th day 27 28 9 F Sabbath at 6J 8 26 F Sabbath at 5 1 Oct. 10 Sa Metsorang Agadol 9 27 Sa Beresheet 2 15 16 ThF Passover 14 15 Hes. 30 1 T W New Moon 5 6 24 Sa Aharemot 23 4 Sa Noah 9 Yiar. 30 F Sabbath at 7 New 29 10 F Sabbath at 4A, 15 1 Sa Moon Kedoshim 30 11 Sa Lech Lecha 16 2 S 1 May 18 Sa Vayera 23 8 Sa Emor 7 24 F Sabbath at 4 29 14 F Second Passover 13 25 Sa Haye Sarah 30 15 Sa Behar 14 27 M 1 Nor. 18 T 33 of the Homer 17 Kis. 1 Th New Moon 4 | 22 Sa Behukotai 21 3 Sa Toledot 6 | 29 Sa Bamidbar 28 9 F Sabbath at 3J 12 sSivan 1 S New Moon 29 10 Sa Vayetse" 13 | 4 W 1 June 17 Sa Vaishlach 20 6 7 FSa Sebuot 3 4 24 Sa Vayesheb 27 ! 14 Sa Naso 11 25 S Hanuca 28 j 21 Sa Beangalotecha 18 28 W 1 Dec. | 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 25 Tebet 1 F New Moon 3 Tarn. 30 1 MT New Moon 2728 2 Sa Mikets 4 I 4 F 1 July 9 Sa Vaigash 11 < c 5 Sa Korah 2 10 S Fast of Tebet 12 ?< 12 Sa Hukat Balak 9 16 Sa Vaihi 18 i 17 Th Fast of Tamuz 14 23 Sa Shemot 25 5 19 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 16 Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon I 26 Sa Matot Mazge" . . . 1881 1 Jan. I Shimgu 23 8 Sa Bo 8 Ab 1 W New Moon 27 14 F Sabbath at 4 14 4 Sa Debarim Echa 30 15 Sa Beshalach Laylanot 15 6 M 1 Auff 22 Sa Itro 22 9 Th Fast of Ab 4 O" 28 F Sabbath at 4 J 28 1 11 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 6 29 Sa Mishpatim 29 [ 15 W Tubeab 10 Adar 30 1 SM New Moon 30 31 i i 18 Sa Hekeb 13 2 T 1 Feb. 24 F Sabbath at 64 19 6 Sa Teruma 5 25 Sa Rehe- 20 13 Sa Tetsave" 12 Elul 30 1 ThF New Moon 2526 14 S Little Purim 13 2 Sa Shophetim 27 19 F Sabbath at 5 18 7 Th 1 Sept. 20 Sa Ki Tisa 19 f 8 F Sabbath at 6 2 27 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 26 i 9 Sa Ki Tetse* 3 Vead 30 1 TW New Moon 1 2 Mar. j 16 Sa Ki Tabo 10 3 F Sabbath at 5 4 22 F Sabbath at 5A. 16 4 Sa Pekude' 5 5 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 17 11 Sa Vaikra Zachor 12 \ NOTES. Sept. 4, Sa. New Moon, A. 8A. 54m. 43|s. 1, Golden Number. Dec. 5, S. Verse to be changed, Tebet 3. 29, Epact. 17th year of the 297 Cycle. B Dominical Letters. Year consists of 383 days. April 17, Easter Sunday. 62 5642. 1881 1882 Tisri 1 2 SaS New Year 2425 Sept. Adar 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 26 Ahodes 18 7 F Sabbath at 5 30 Nis. 1 T New Moon 21 8 Sa Aazinu 1 Oct. 4 F Sabbath at 6 24 10 M Kipur 3 5 Sa Vaikra 25 1516 SaS Tabernacle 8 9 12 Sa Tsav Agadol 1 April 21 F Hosana Raba 15 16 T W Passover 4 5 Sabbath at 4J 14 \ 18 F Sabbath at 6 7 2223 29 SaS Sa Feast of the 8th day Beresheet 1516 22 friar 26 30 1 Sa WTh Shemini New Moon 15 19 20 ies. 30 1 SM New Moon 2324 3 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 22 5 F Sabbath at 4 28 $ 9 F Sabbath at 7 28 6 Sa Noah 29 1 10 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 29 T 1 Nov. 12 M 1 May 13 Sa Lech Lecha 5 14 W Second Passover 3 20 Sa Vayera 12 i 17 Sa Emor 6 Kis. 26 27 30 1 F Sa TW Sabbath at 3J Haye Sarah New Moon 18 19 2223 i Sivan 18 24 1 Sa F 33 of the Homer Behar Behukotai New Moon 7 13 19 4 Sa Toledot 26 2 Sa Bamidbar 20 9 Th 1 Dec. 6 7 WTh Sebuot 24 25 11 Sa Vayetse" 3 9 Sa Naso 27 Ifi S'l N^aislilach 10 14 Th 1 June lo 25 OcL Sa Vayesheb Hanuca 17 16 Sa Beangalotecha 3 'ebef 30 1 ThF Vew Moon 2223 If 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 10 2 Sa Mikets 24 Tarn. 30 1 SaS Korah New Moon 17 18 9 Sa Vaigash 31 7 Sa Hukat 24 10 S Fast of Tebet 1882 1 Jan. 14 Sa Balak 1 July 16 Sa Vaihi 7 i 17 T Fast of Tamuz 4 22 F Sabbath at 4 13 | 21 Sa Pinehas Dibre 8 23 Sa Shemot 14 28 Sa Matot Mazge" Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 21 Shimgu 15 8 Sa Bo 28 Ab 1 M New Moon 17 12 W 1 Feb. 6 Sa Debarim Echa 22 14 F Sabbath at 4J 3 9 T Fast of Ab 25 15 Sa Beshalach Laylanot 4 13 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 29 22 Sa [tro 11 15 M Tubeab 31 28 F Sabbath at 5 17 16 T 1 Aug. 29 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 18 20 Sa Hekeb 5 Adar 30 1 SM New Moon 1920 27 Sa Reh6 12 6 Sa Teruma 25 Elul 30 1 TW New Moon 15 16 10 W 1 Mar. 3 F Sabbath at 6J 18 11 Th Fast of Esther 2 4 Sa Shophetim 19 12 F Sabbath at 5 3 11 Sa Ki Tets6 26 13 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 4 17 F Sabbath at 6 1 Sept. 1415 S M Purim 5 6 18 Sa Ki Tabo 2 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 11 25 Sa Netsabim 9 | NOTES. Oct. 23, F. New Moon, A. 6A. 27m. 265. 2, Golden Number. Dec. 4, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 12. 11, Epact. 18th year of the 297 Cycle. A Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 9, Easter Sunday. 5643. <* 1882 1883 Tisri lies. Kis. Tebet Sebat Adar Vead 1 2 3 4 10 15 16 18 21 22 23 24 30 1 8 14 15 19 22 29 1 6 7 14 20 21 25 28 1 6 10 13 20 22 27 1 4 5 12 15 19 24 25 26 30 1 I 9 to 14 17 22 23 24 30 1 ThF Sa S Sa ThF S W ThF Sa F Sa Sa F Sa W Sa Sa S F Sa Sa F Sa W Sa M Sa W Sa Sa M Sa T F Sa Sa T Sa Th F Sa WTh Sa F Sa W Sa Th F Sa F Sa New Year Sabbath at 5| Aazinu Fast of Guedaliah Kipur Tabernacle Sabbath at 5 14 15 16 17 23 28 29 1 4 5 6 7 13 14 21 27 28 1 4 11 12 17 18 25 1 2 6 9 11 16 20 23 30 1 6 9 12 13 20 23 27 1 2 3 7 8 10 16 17 21 24 1 2 3 9 10 Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Vead Nis. Yiar Sivan Tarn. Ab Elul 8 13 14 15 22 23 28 29 1 7 14 !5 16 20 24 28 30 1 5 12 14 18 19 25 26 1 4 6 7 11 18 25 26 30 1 2 9 16 17 23 27 1 8 9 15 21 22 29 30 1 5 6 13 19 20 27 29 Sa Th F Sa Sa S F Sa S Sa Sa SM F T Sa MT Sa Sa M F Sa F Sa W Sa M T Sa Sa Sa S ThF Sa Sa Sa S Sa W Sa Sa S Sa F Sa Sa SM F Sa Sa F Sa Sa M Vaikra Zachor Fast of Esther Purim Sabbath at 6 Tsav Shemini Para 17 22 23 24 31 1 6 7 8 14 21 22 23 27 1 5 7 8 12 19 21 25 26 1 2 6 9 11 12 16 23 30 1 5 6 7 14 21 22 28 1 4 11 12 18 24 25 1 2 3 7 8 15 21 22 29 1 Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Sabbath at 6 Tatzriang Abodes New Moon Metsorang Aharemot Agadol Passover Sabbath at 7 Hosana Raba Feast of the 8th day Beresheet Sabbath at 4 New Moon Noah Lech Lecha Sabbath at 4 Vayera Kedoshim New Moon Emor Behar Second Passover 33 of the Homer Behukotai Haye Sarah Toledot New Moon Sabbath at 3 Vayetse" Vaishlach Bamidbar New Moon Naso Sebuot Beangalotecha Shelach Lecha Korah Vayesheb Hanuca Mikets New Moon Vaigash Fast of Tebet Vaihi Shemot 1883 New Moon Hukat Balak Pinehas Fast of Tamuz Matot Dibre" Vaera New Moon Sabbath at 4 Bo Beshalach Laylanot Itro New Moon Mazge" Shimgu Debarim. Echa Fast of Ab Vaethanan Nahamu Tubeab Sabbath at 6J Hekeb Hebe" New Moon Sabbath at 6 Shophetim Ki Tetse" Sabbath at 5 KiTabo Netsabim Sabbath at 4 Mishpatim New Moon Teruma Sabbath at 5 Tetsave" Little Purim Ki Tisa Sabbath at 5J Vayakel New Moon Pekude" Shekalim NOTES. Sept. 13, W. New Moon, A. 3A. 16m. 6fs. 3 Golden Number. Dec. 4, M. Verse to be changed, Kis. 23. 22 Epact. 19th year of 297 Cycle. G Dominical Letter. Year consists of 383 days. Mar. 25 Easter Sunday. 64 5644. 1883 1884 'isri 1 2 TW Vew Year 2 3 Oct. 1 Nis. 1 Th New Moon 27 Mar. 3 Th Fast of Guedaliah 4 j s 3 Sa Vaikra 29 ^abbcith at 5 5 ? 5 6 T 1 April 5 Sa Vayelech 6 FJ 10 Sa Tsav Agadol 5 10 Th Slpur 11 \ 15 16 Th F Passover 10 12 Sa Aazinu 13 Sabbath at 6 11 5 1C rw Tabernacle 16 17 24 Sa Shemini 19 8 ? Sabbath at 4J 19 Yiar 30 F Sabbath at 7 New 25 21 M iosana Raba 22 Moon Tatzriang 2223 TW ^east of the 8th day 2324 1 Sa Metsorang 26 >fi CJ i ere sheet 27 6 Th 1 May les. IU 30 1 Jci WTh Vew 31 8 Sa Aharemot Moon 1 NOT. Kedoshim 3 2 Sabbath at 4 2 14 F Second Passover 9 3 Sa Voah 3 15 Sa Emor 10 Sa lech Lecha 10 18 T 33 of the Homer 13 6 ? Sabbath at 3^ 16 22 5a Behar Behukotai 17 7 Sa Vayera 17 29 Sa Bamidbar 24 24 Sa Saye Sarah 24 Sivan 1 S New Moon 25 is. 1 ? Vew Moon 30 6 7 FSa Sebuot 30 31 foledot 1 Dec. g S 1 June 9 >n Sa Vayets6 8 14 Sa Naso 7 16 Sa Vaishlach 15 21 Sa Beangalotecha 14 23 Sa Vayesheb 22 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 21 25 M ftanuca 24 Tarn. 30 1 MT New Moon 23 24 'ebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 29 30 5 Sa Korah 28 p . . . . B 1884 1 Jan. 8 T 1 July 7 Sa Vaigash 5 12 Sa Hukat Balak 5 M.-.J 10 T Fast of Tebet 8 17 Th Fast of Tamuz 10 18 F Sabbath at 4 11 19 Sa Pinehas Dibr 12 14 Sa Vaihi 12 26 Sa Matot Mazge" 21 Sa Shemot 19 1 Shimgu 19 28 Sa Vaera 26 Ab 1 W New Moon 23 ebat 1 M New Moon 28 4 Sa Debarim Echa 26 5 F Sabbath at 4* 1 Feb. 9 Th Fast of Ab 31 g ?>a Bo 2 10 F 1 Aug. 13 Sa Beshalach 9 11 Sa Vaethanan .,. 15 M Laylanot 11 Nahamu 2 19 F Sabbath at 5 15 15 W Tubeab 6 20 Sa Itro 16 18 Sa Hekeb 9 27 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 23 25 Sa Hebe" 16 Adar 30 1 TW New Moon 2627 Elul 30 1 ThF New Moon 21 3 F Sabbath at 5^ 29 Sabbath at 6 22 4 Sa Teruma 1 Mar.j 2 Sa Shophetim 23 11 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 8 i 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 30 13 M Fast of Esther 10 i 11 M 1 Sept. 14 TW Purim 11 12 * 15 F Sabbath at 6 5 r * 18 Sa Ki Tisa Para 15 i 16 Sa Ki Tabo 6 24 F Sabbath at 6 21 ' i 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 13 25 Sa Vayakel Pekud 29 F Sabbath at 5J 19 Abodes 22 < NOTES. Oct. 2, T. New Moon, M. Oh. 48m. 50s. 4 Golden Number. Dec. 4, W. Verse to be changed, Kis. 10. 3 Epact. 1st year of 298 Cycle. F E Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. April 13, Easter Sunday. 5645. 65 1884 1885 Tisri 1 2 SaS New Year 20 21 Sept. JNis. 1 T New Moon 17 Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 22 I 4 F Sabbath at 6 20 8 Sa Aazinu 27 $ 5 Sa Vaikra 21 10 M Kipur 29 > 12 Sa Tsav Agadol 28 12 W 1 Oct. 15 T Passover 31 14 F Sabbath at 5 3 1 16 W 1 Apri 15 16 SaS Tabernacle 4 5 25 F Sabbath at 6 10 21 F Hosana Raba 10 26 Sa Shemini 11 2223 SaS Feast of the 8th day 11 12 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 15 16 28 F Sabbath at 4 17 $ 3 Sa Tatzriang 29 Sa Beresheet 18 j; Metsorang 18 Hes. 30 1 SM New Moon 19 20 1 9 F Sabbath at 7 24 6 Sa Noah 25 > 10 Sa Aharemot 12 F Sabbath at 4 31 \ Kedoshim 25 13 Sa Lech Lecha 1 Nov. I 14 W Second Passover 29 20 Sa Vayera 8 16 F 1 May 26 F Sabbath at 3J 14 17 Sa Emor 2 27 Sa flaye Sarah 15 18 J 33 of the Homer 3 Kis. 30 1 T W Sew Moon 18 19 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 9 4 Sa Toledot 22 >Sivan 1 F New Moon 15 11 Sa Vayetse" 29 2 Sa Bamidbar 16 13 M 1 Dec. 6 7 WTh Sebuot 20 21 18 Sa Vaishlach 6 9 Jia Naso 23 25 Sa Vayesheb Hanuca 13 16 Sa Beangalotecha 30 Tel>et 30 1 Th F Vew Moon 18 19 18 M 1 June 2 Sa Vlikets 20 23 Sa shelach Lecha 6 9 Sa Vaigash 27 Tarn. 30 1 Sa S Korah New Moon 13 14 10 S Fast of Tebet 28 7 Sa Hukat 20 14 Th 1885 1 Jan. 14 Sa Balak 27 16 Sa Vaihi 3 17 T Fast of Tainnz 30 22 ? Sabbath at 4 9 18 W 1 July 23 Sa Shemot 10 21 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 4 r ** J Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 17 28 Sa Matot Mazge' 8 Sa Bo 24 Shimgu 11 14 ? Sabbath at 4J 30 Ab 1 VI New Moon 13 15 Sa Seshalach 6 Sa Debarim Echa 18 Laylanot 31 9 P Fast of Ab 21 16 S 1 Feb. 13 Sa Vaethanan 22 Sa Itro 7 Nahamu 25 V 28 ? Sabbath at 5 13 I 15 M Tubeab 27 29 Sa Vfishpatim Shekalim 14 20 >a Hekeb 1 Aug. Adar 30 1 SM ^ew Moon 15 16 27 Sa Hebe" 8 6 Sa Teruma 21 Elul 30 1 TW Sew Moon 11 12 11 Th Fast of Esther 26 4 Sa Shophetim 15 13 Sa Tetsave' Zachor 28 10 7 Sabbath at 6J 21 14 15 SM Purim 1 2 Mar. 11 Sa Ki Tetse" 22 19 f Sabbath at 5J 6 18 Sa Ki Tabo 29 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 7 21 r 1 Sept. 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 24 Sabbath at 6 4 ^i Abodes 14 ; 25 Sa \etsabim Vayelech 5 NOTES. Sep. 20, S. New Moon, M. 9A. 37m. 30*. 5, Golden Number. Dec. 4, Th. Verse to be changed, Kis. 16. 14, Epact. 2nd year of the 298 Cycle. D Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 5, Easter Sunday. K 6G 5640. 1885 1886 Tisri 1 2 FhF Mew Year on Sep. Vead 11 Th ?ast of Esther 18 Mar. 3 Sa Aazinu 2 12 ^ Sabbath at 6 19 4 I ? ast of Guedaliah 13 13 Sa Tsav Zachor 20 9 ? Sabbath at 5J 18 14 15 SM Purim 21 22 10 Sa ipur 19 20 Sa Shemini Para 27 15 16 ThF Tabernacle 24 25 25 Th 1 April 21 W rlosana Raba 30 27 Sa Tatzriang Abodes 3 22 23 ThF Feast of the 8th day 1 Oct. is. 1 T Vew Moon 6 Sabbath at 5 2 4 F Sabbath at 6J 9 24 Sa Beresheet 3 5 Sa Metsorang 10 Hes. 30 1 FSa Vew Moon Noah 9 1Q 12 Sa Aharemot Agadol 17 7 F Sabbath at 4 16 15 16 T W Passover 20 21 8 Sa Lech Lecha 17 25 F Sabbath at 7 30 15 Sa Vayera 24 26 Sa Kedoshim 1 May 21 F Sabbath at 4 30 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 5 6 22 Sa Haye Sarah 31 3 Sa Emor 8 23 S 1 Nov. 10 Sa Behar 15 29 Sa Toledot 7 14 W Second Passover 19 Kis. 30 1 SM New Moon 8 9 17 Sa Behukotai 22 6 Sa Vayetse" 14 18 S 33 of the Homer 23 12 F Sabbath at 3 20 24 Sa Bamidbar 29 13 Sa Vaishlach 21 27 T 1 June 20 Sa Vayesheb 28 Sivan 1 F New Moon 4 23 T 1 Dec. 2 Sa Naso 5 25 Th Hanuca 3 6 7 WTh Sebuot 9 10 27 Sa Mikets 5 9 Sa Beangalotecha 12 Tebet 30 1 T W New Moon 8 9 16 Sa Shelach Lecha 19 4 Sa Vaigash 12 23 Sa Korah 26 10 F Fast of Tebet 18 28 Th 1 July 11 Sa Vaihi 19 Tarn. 30 1 SaS Hukat New Moou 3 4 18 Sa Shemot 26 7 Sa Balak 10 24 F 1886 1 Jan. 14 Sa Pinehas 17 25 Sa Vaera 2 17 T Fast of Tamuz 20 Sebat 1 Th New Moon 7 21 Sa Matot Dibre" 24 3 Sa Bo 9 28 Sa Mazge" Shimgu 31 9 F Sabbath at 4 15 29 S 1 A.UET 10 Sa Beshalach 16 Ab 1 M New Moon 2 "-"& 15 Th Laylanot 21 6 Sa Debarim. Echa 7 17 Sa Itro 23 9 T Fast of Ab 10 23 F Sabbath at 4 29 13 Sa Vaethanan 24 Sa Mishpatim 30 Nahamu 14 26 M 1 Feb. 15 M Tubeab 16 Adar 30 1 FSa New Moon Teruma 5 6 19 F Sabbath at 6J 20 8 Sa Tetsave" 13 20 Sa Hekeb 21 14 F Little Purim 27 Sa Hebe" 28 Sabbath at 5 19 Elul 30 1 T W New 31 15 Sa Ki Tisa 20 Moon 1 Sept. 22 Sa Vayakel 27 3 F Sabbath at 6 3 24 M 1 Mar. 4 Sa ^hoplictiiu A 28 F Sabbath at 5J 5 11 Sa Ki Tetse" 1 11 Vead 29 30 1 Sa SM Pekude" Shekalim New Moon 6 7 8 17 18 F Sa Sabbath at 5J Ki Tabo 17 18 6 Sa Vaikra 13 25 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 25 NOTES. Sept. 9, W. New Moon, A. 6h. 2Gm. 10s. 6 Golden Number. Dec. 4, T. Verse to be changed, Kis. 26. 25 Epact. 3rd year of 298 Cycle. C Dominical Letter. Year consists of 385 days. April 25 Easter Sunday. 5647. 76 1886 1887 Tisri 1 ThF New Year 30 Sept. Adar 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Sabbath at 5 Oct. Par 19 Mar. 3 Sa Aazinu 2 Nis. 1 Sa New Moon 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 3 Vaikra Ahode 26 10 Sa Kipur 9 7 F 1 Apri 15 1C ThF Tabernacle 14 8 Sa Tsav Agado 2 Sabbath at 4 15 14 F Sabbath at 6 8 21 W Hosana Raba 20 15 16 SaS Passover 9 10 22 23 ThF Feast of the 8th day 2122 29 Sa Shemini 23 24 Sa Beresheet 23 Yiar 30 1 S M Vew Moon 24 25 Hes. 30 1 F Sa Sabbath at 4 New 29 5 F Sabbath at 7 29 Moon Noah 30 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 30 3 M 1 Nov. 7 S 1 May 8 Sa Lech Lecha 6 13 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 7 15 Sa Vayera 13 14 S Second Passover 8 21 F Sabbath at 3 19 18 Th >3 of the Homer 12 22 Sa ^aye Sarah 20 20 Sa Smor 14 29 Sa Toledot 27 27 Sa Jehar Behukotai 21 Kis. 1 S New Moon 28 Sivan 1 T "Jew Moon 24 4 W 1 Dec. 5 Sa iamidbar 28 7 Sa ^ayetse" 4 6 7 S M Sebuot 29 30 14 Sa ^aishlach 11 9 W 1 Tune 21 Sa /ayesheb 18 12 Sa ^aso 4 25 W -lanuca 22 9 Sa Jeangalotecha 11 28 Sa Mikets 25 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 18 Tebet 30 1 M T New Moon 2729 Tarn. 30 1 WTh *Jew Moon 22 23 5 Sa Vaigash 1887 1 Tan. 3 Sa iorah 25 10 - h ''ast of Tebet g 9 ? 1 July 12 Sa Vaihi 8 Sa Jukat 2 <**J 18 r Sabbath at 4 4 7 Sa Balak 9 19 Sa Shemot 5 8 > ^ast of Tamuz 10 26 Sa ' r aera 22 4 Sa 'inehas Dibr6 16 Sebat 1 W Vew Moon 6 Ab 1 ? ^ew Moon 22 3 f 1 Sabbath at 4J 8 2 Sa Matot Mazge" 4 Sa Bo 9 Shimgu 23 7 T 1 ^eb. 9 ;i )ebarim Echa 30 1 Sa Jeshalach 5 , Fast of Ab 31 5 W -aylanot g : 1 I 1 A U urim on 1 a Ki Tabo 6 a Ki Tisa 2 7 abbath at 5 6 2 ji Sabbath at 6 8 8 a Vetsabim 7 NOTES. Sept. 28, T. New Moon, A. 3/t. 58m. 53|s. 7 Golden Number. Dec. 5, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 8. 6 Epact. 4th year of 298 Cycle. B C Dominical Letters. Year consists of 354 days. April 10, Easter Sunday. 68 5648. 1887 1888 isri I 2 VI T Vew Year 920 ept. dar 7 a yayakel Pekude" 3 W ''ast of Guedaliah 1 Ahodes Iar. 3 a fayelech 4 is. 1 ew Moon 3 o 7 [ipur 8 I a Vaikra 7 2 abbath at 5 1 abbath at 6 3 3 a L.azinu 1 Oct. 2 a 'sav Agadol 4 5 16 M T 'abernacle 3 4 5 16 rw J assover 7 28 J T? V-,i\ o 1 April 223 IT uosana itaua Feast of the 8th day Oil 5 p abbath at 6 6 6 7 i a abbath at 4^ Jeresheet 4 5 iar 6 1 Sa WTh hemini Vew Moon 7 1 12 es. 1 r w *Tew Moon 819 3 Sa 'atzriang 4 a ^pah 2 Metsorang 4 o abbath at 4 8 Sa Aharemot 1 a ^ech Lecha 9 Kedoshim 1 1 Vov. 4 W lecond Passover 25 8 a /ayera 5 6 ? Sabbath at 7 27 vis. 5 1 Sa li laye Sarah Vew Moon 2 7 7 18 Sa 3 imor 33 of the Homer 28 29 IftHhntTi af- ^i 20 r 1 VI ay 3 ia OctUUctlJl at *> ^ \>ledot 19 i 24 Sa Jehar Behukotai 5 Sa Vayetse" 26 Sivan 1 7 Vew Moon 11 5 Th 1 3ec. 2 Sa iamidbar 12 7 ia /aishlach 3 6 7 WTh Sebuot 1617 4 ia fayesheb 10 9 Sa Vaso 19 5 lanuca 11 16 Sa Seangalotecha 26 fp i i j* Vew Moon 6 22 F 1 June 2 ia Hikets 7 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 2 9 Sa Vaigash 24 Tarn 30 SaS iorah New Moon 91 S "ast of Tebet 25 7 Sa rlukat 16 6 Sa Vaihi 31 14 Sa EJalak 23 7 > . . . . B 1888 1 Jan. 17 T Fast of Tamuz 26 23 Sa Shemot 7 21 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 30 >9 ? sabbath at 4 13 22 S 1 July Sebat 1 >a Vaera New Moon 14 28 Sa Matot Mazge" 8 Sa Bo 21 Shimgu 7 15 Sa Ueslmlach Ab 1 M New Moon 9 Laylanot 28. 1 6 Sa Debarim Ech 14 9 W 1 Feb. 9 T Fast of Ab 17 21 F Sabbath at 4^ 3 13 Sa Vaethanan 22 Sa ttro 4 Nahamu 21 29 Sa Vlishpatim 15 M Tubeab 23 Shekalim 11 20 Sa Hekeb 28 Adar 30 S M New Moon 12 1 24 W 1 A ucr 5 F Sabbath at 5 17 27 Sa Rene" 4 o- 6 Sa Teruma 18 Elul 30 T W New Moon 7 11 Th Fast of Esther 23 4 Sa Shophetim 11 13 Sa Tetsave" Zacho 25 11 Sa Ki Tetse" 18 141 SM Purim 26 17 F Sabbath at 6 24 18 Th 1 Mar. 18 Sa Ki Tabo 25 19 F Sabbath at 5J 2 25 Sa Netsabim 20 Sa Ki Tisa Par 3 Vayelech 1 Sept. NOTES. Sept. 18, S. New Moon, M. OA.47t. 33*. 8 Golden Number. Dec. 5, M. Verse to be changed, Kis. 19. 17 Epact. 5th year of the 298 Cycle. A G Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. April 1, Easter Sunday. 5649. 69 1888 1889 Tisri 1 2 ThF New Year 6 Sept. \ Vead 13 Sa Tsav Zachor 16 Mar. Sabbath at 6 7 ! 14 15 S M Purim 17 18 3 Sa Aazinu 8 j 19 F Sabbath at 6 22 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 9 20 Sa Shemini Para 23 10 Sa Kipur 15 27 Sa Tatzriang Ahodes 30 15 16 ThF Tabernacle 20 ) 29 M 1 April Sabbath at 5 21 ! Nis. 1 T New Moon 2 21 W Hosana Raba 26 j 4 F Sabbath at 6J 5 22 23 ThF Feast of the 8th day 27 28 5 Sa Metsorang 6 24 Sa Beresheet 29 12 Sa Aharemot 26 M 1 Oct. Agadol 13 Hes. 30 1 F Sa Sabbath at 5 New 5 15 16 TW Passover 16 17 Moon Noah 6 25 F Sabbath at 7 26 8 Sa Lech Lecha 13 26 Sa Kedoshim 27 14 F Sabbath at 4J 19 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 1 2 May 15 Sa Vayera 20 3 Sa Emor 4 22 Sa Haye Sarah 27 10 Sa Behar 11 27 Th 1 Nov. 14 W Second Passover 15 28 F Sabbath at 4 2 17 Sa Behukotai 18 29 Sa Toledot 3 18 S 33 of the Homer 19 Kis. 30 1 S M New Moon 4 5 24 Sa Bamidbar 25 6 Sa Vayetse" 10 Sivan 1 F New Moon 31 12 F Sabbath at 3 16 2 Sa Naso 1 June 13 Sa Vaishlach 17 6 7 WTh Sebuot 5 6 20 Sa Vayesheb 24 9 Sa Beangalotecha 8 25 Th Hanuca 29 16 Sa Shelach Lecha 15 27 Sa Mikets 1 Dec. 23 Sa Korah 22 Tebet 30 1 TW New Moon 4 5 ^Tam. 30 1 SaS Hukat New Moon 29 30 4 Sa Vaigash 8 j 2 M I July 10 F Fast of Tebet 14 i i i 7 Sa Balak 6 11 Sa Vaihi 15 | 14 Sa Pinehas 13 18 Sa Shemot 22 | 17 T Fast of Tamuz 16 25 Sa Vaera 29 1 21 Sa Matot Dibr 20 28 T 1889 1 Jan. [ 28 Sa Mazge" Shimgu 27 Sebat 1 Th New Moon 3 Ab 1 M New Moon 29 3 Sa Bo 5 [ 4 Th 1 Aug. 9 F Sabbath at 4 11 i 6 Sa Debarim Echa 3 -"& 10 Sa Beshalach 12 i "* 9 T Fast of Ab 6 15 Th Laylanot 17 i i i 13 Sa Vaethanan 17 Sa Itro 19 i Nahamu 10 24 Sa Mishpatim 26 ; 15 M Tubeab 12 Adar 30 1 FSa Sabbath at 4i New 1 Feb. 19 F Sabbath at 6 16 Moon Teruma 2 [ 20 Sa Hekeb 17 8 Sa Tetsave" 9 i 27 Sa Reh6 24 14 F Little Purim JEM 30 1 T W New Moon 2728 Sabbath at 5 15 5 4 Sa Shophetim 31 15 Sa Ki Tisa 16 > 5 S 1 Sept. 22 Sa Vayakel 23 ? 10 F Sabbath at 6 6 28 F Sabbath at 5\ 1 Mar. 11 Sa Ki Tets6 7 29 Sa Pekude" Shekalim 2 18 Sa Ki Tabo 14 Vend 30 1 SM New Moon 3 4 24 F Sabbath at 5 20 6 Sa Vaikra 9 ( > 25 Sa \etsabim 11 Th Fast of Esther 14 ! Vayelech 21 NOTES. Sept. G,Th. New Moon, M.9A. 36m. 13 J*. 9 Golden Number. Dec. 4, T. Verse to be changed, N. M. Tebet. 28 Epact. 6th year of 298 Cycle. F Dominical Letter. Year consists of 385 days. April 21, Easter Sunday. 70 5650. 1889 1890 Tisri 1 2 3 Th F Sa New Year Aazinu 26 27 28 Sept. Adar 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Para 15 Mar. 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 29 29 F Sabbath at 6 21 T 1 Oct. Nisan 1 Sa New Moon 9 F Sabbath at 5 4 Vaikra Ahodes 22 10 Sa Kipur 5 8 Sa Tsav Agadol 29 IP i A Tli "F rfi v 1 in 11 11 T 1 Apri 15 lo 21 j. n .r W i aoernacie Hosana Raba i " ' ' 16 15 16 SaS Passover 5 6 2223 24 ThF Sa Feast of the 8th day Sabbath at 4 Beresheet 17 18 19 Yiar 21 29 30 1 F Sa S M Sabbath at 6J Shemini New Moon 11 19 2021 ties. 30 1 FSa New Moon Noah 25 26 5 F Sabbath at 7 25 7 F Sabbath at 4 1 Nov. 6 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 26 2 Lech Lecha 11 Th 1 Mav 8 15 21 22 da Sa F Sa Vayera Sabbath at 3 Haye Sarah 9 15 16 13 14 18 Sa S Th Aharemot Kedoshim Second Passover 33 of the Homer 3 4 8 "v 29 Sa Toledot 23 20 Sa Emor 10 Kis. 1 S New Moon 24 27 Sa Behar Behukotai 17 7 Sa Vayets6 30 Sivan 1 T New Moon 20 g S 1 Dec. 5 Sa Bamidbar 24 14 Sa Vaishlach 7 6 7 S M Sebuot 25 26 21 Sa Vayesheb 14 12 Sa Naso 31 ne FT 18 13 S 1 June m 28 Sa ndiiucd Mikets La 21 19 Sa Beangalotecha 7 Teb. 30 1 M T New Moon 2324 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 14 5 Sa Vaigash 28 Tarn. 30 1 WTh New Moon 18 19 g W 1890 1 Jan. 3 Sa Korah 21 10 Th Fast of Tebet 2 10 Sa Hukat 28 i * Vaihi 13 T 1 July Lai 18 53, F V 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sabbath at 4 10 17 Sa Balak 5 19 Sa Shemot 11 18 S Fast of Tamuz 6 26 Sa Vaera 18 24 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 12 Sebat 1 W New Moon 22 Ab 1 F New Moon 18 4 Sa Bo 25 2 Sa Matot Mazge" 10 F Sabbath at 4J 31 Shimgu 19 11 Sa Beshalach 1 Feb. 9 Sa Debarim Echa 26 15 W Laylanot 5 10 S Fast of Ab 27 18 Sa Itro 8 15 F Tubeab 1 Aug. 24 F Sabbath at 5 14 [ E 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 2 25 Sa Mishpatim S 23 Sa Hekeb 9 Shekalim 15 JEW 30 1 Sa S Rehe' New Moon 1617 Adar 30 1 ThF New Moon 2021 j 6 F Sabbath at 6J 22 2 Sa Teruma 22 7 Sa Shophetim 23 9 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 1 Mar. 14 Sa Ki Tetse" 30 13 W Fast of Esther 5 16 M 1 Sept. 14 ThF Purim 6 20 F Sabbath at 6 5 ^r *" Sabbath at 5J 7 21 Sa Ki Tabo 6 16 Sa Ki Tisa 8 28 Sa Netsabim 13 NOTES. Sep. 25, W. New Moon, M. 7h. 8m. 56s. 10, Golden Number. Dec. 4, W. Verse to be changed, Kis. 11. 9, Epact. 7th year of 298 Cycle. E Dominical Letter. Year consists of 354 days. April 6, Easter Sunday. 5651. 1890 1891 Tisri Hes. Kis. Tebet Sebat Adar Vead 1 2 3 5 6 10 13 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 27 30 1 3 4 11 17 18 25 1 2 3 10 17 19 24 25 1 2 9 10 16 21 23 29 1 8 15 21 22 23 29 30 1 5 6 13 14 20 21 26 27 30 1 4 MT W F Sa W Sa M T W F S MT Sa T W F Sa Sa F Sa Sa Th F Sa Sa Sa M Sa S F Sa Sa S Sa Th Sa F Sa Sa Sa F Sa S Sa SM F Sa Sa S Sa $ Sa rw Sa New Year Fast of Guedaliah Sabbath at 5J Vayelech Kipur Aazinu Tabernacle 15 16 17 19 20 24 27 29 30 1 3 5 6 7 11 14 15 17 18 25 31 1 8 13 14 15 22 29 1 6 7 12 13 20 21 27 1 3 9 10 17 24 30 31 1 7 8 9 13 14 21 22 28 1 6 7 10 11 14 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. | Jan. Feb. Mar. Vead Nis. $Yiar. u S T oah 7 10 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 7 13 Sa l.ech Lecha 14 14 W Second Passover 11 19 20 Sa Sabbath at 3 ^ayera 20 21 17 18 Sa S Emor 33 of the Homer 14 15 27 Sa laye Sarah 28 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 21 vis. 30 I T W "Jew Moon 1 2 Dec. Siren 1 F Vew Moon 27 4 Sa Toledot 5 < 2 Sa Bamidbar 28 11 Sa i^ayets^ 12 j 1 6 7 WTh Sebuot 1 2 June 18 Sa Vaishlach 19 i 4 9 Sa Vaso 4 25 Sa Vayesheb Hanuca 26 1 16 Sa Beangalotecha 11 'ebet 30 Th Vew Moon 31 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 18 1 F . . . . B 1892 1 Jan. Tarn. 30 1 SaS .orah New Moon 25 26 )L Vlikets 2 6 F 1 July 9 Sa i r aigash 9 I 7 Sa Hukat 2 10 S 7 ast of Tebet 10 ? 14 Sa Balak 9 15 ? Sabbath at 4 15 17 T Fast of Tamuz 12 16 Sa Vaihi 16 I 21 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 16 23 Sa Shemot 23 j 28 Sa Matot Mazge" 29 Sa Sabbath at 4J 29 < Shimgu 23 Sebat 1 Sa Vaera New Moon 30 Ab 1 M New Moon 25 3 M 1 Feb. 6 Sa Debarim Echa 30 Sa Bo 6 g M 1 Aug. 15 Sa Beshalach 9 T Fast of Ab 2 Laylanot 13 13 Sa Vaethanan 21 F Sabbath at 5 19 Nahamu 6 22 Sa ftro 20 15 M Tubeab 8 29 Sa Vlishpatim Shekalim 27 20 Sa Hekeb 13 Adar 30 SM Vew Moon 2829 26 F Sabbath at 6 19 2 1 T 1 Mar. < 27 Sa Reh6 20 5 F Sabbath at 5J 4 Elul 30 1 TW New Moon 23 24 6 Sa Teruma 5 4 Sa Shophetim 27 11 Th Fast of Esther 10 9 Th 1 Sept. 13 Sa Tetsave' Zachor 12 10 F Sabbath at 6 2 14 S M Purim 1314 11 Sa Ki Tets6 3 1915 F Sabbath at 6 18 18 Sa RiTabo 10 20 Sa Ki Tisa Para 19 24 F Sabbath at 5| 16 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude* 25 Sa Netsabim Ahodes 26 Vayelech 17 NOTES. Oct. 3, Sa. New Moon, A. 1A. 30m. 20s. 12, Golden Number. Dec. 6, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 5. 1, Epact. 9th year of the 298 Cycle. C B Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 17, Easter Sunday. 5653. 1892 1893 Tisri 1 2 ThF New Year 2223 Sept. JNis. 1 Sa New Moon 3 Sa Aazinu 24 Vaikra Ahodes 18 Mar. 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 25 7 F Sabbath at 6 24 9 F Sabbath at 5 30 8 Sa Tsav 10 Sa Kipur 1 Oct. Agadol 25 15 16 ThF Tabernacle 6 7 15 16 SaS Passover 1 2 Apri 21 W Hosana Raba 12 21 F Sabbath at 6J 7 22 23 ThF Feast of the 8th day 13 29 Sa Shemini 15 Sabbath at 4 14 Yiar 30 1 SM New Moon 1617 24 Sa Beresheet 15 6 Sa Tatzriang Hes. 30 1 F Sa Mew Moon Noah 2122 Metsorang 22 7 F Sabbath at 4 28 12 F Sabbath at 7 28 8 Sa Lech Lecha 29 13 Sa Aharemot 11 T 1 Nov. Kedoshim 29 15 Sa Vayera 5 14 S Second Passover 30 22 Sa Haye Sarah 12 15 M 1 May 28 F Sabbath at 3 18 18 Th 33 of the Homer 4 7 29 Sa Toledot 19 20 Sa Emor 6 Kis. 1 5 New Moon 20 27 Sa Behar 7 Sa Vayetse" 26 Behukotai 13 12 Th 1 Dec. Sivan 1 T Vew Moon 16 14 Sa Vaishlach 3 5 Sa Bamidbar 20 21 Sa Vayesheb 10 6 7 S M Sebuot 2122 25 W ffanuca 14 12 Sa Vaso 27 28 iia Vlikets 17 17 Th ] June Tebet 30 1 M T Vew Moon 1920 19 Sa Beangalotecha 3 5 Sa Vaigash 24 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 10 10 Th Fast of Tebet 29 Tarn. 30 1 WTh Vew Moon 14 15 12 Sa Vaihi 31 3 Sa Korah 17 3 1 1893 1 Jan. 10 Sa Hukat 24 19 Sa Shemot 7 17 Sa Balak 1 July 25 ? Sabbath at 4 13 18 S Fast of Tamuz 2 26 Sa f&era. 14 24 Sa Pinehas Dibr 9 Sebat 1 W Vew Moon 18 Ab 1 7 Vew Moon 14 4 Sa Bo 21 2 Sa Matot Mazgd 1 Sa leshalach 28 Shimgu 15 5 W ^aylanot 1 Feb. 9 Sa Debarim Echa 22 7 i 1 Sabbath at 4 3 10 5 7 of Ab 23 8 Sa tro 4 15 ? fubeab 28 25 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 1 16 Sa Vaethanan Adar iO 1 Th F ^ew Moon 6 Nahamu 29 Sabbath at 5 17 19 r 1 Au*. 2 la ^eruma 18 23 Sa iekeb 5 * **& 9 Sa ^etsave^ 25 Elul 30 1 Sa S lehe" New Moon 12 13 3 W ^ast of Esther 1 Mar. 6 ? Sabbath at 6 18 4 15 Th F *urim 2 7 Sa Shophetim 19 Sabbath at 5 3 14 Sa Ki Tetse" 26 6 a ti Tisa 4 20 ? Sabbath at 6 1 Sept. 23 Sa Vayakel Pekude" 21 Sa Ki Tabo 2 Para 11 28 Sa *Jetsabim 9 NOTES. Sept. 21, W. New Moon, A. 10A. 19m. Os. Dec. 4, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 15. 10th year of 298 Cycle. Year consists of 354 days. 13 Golden Number. 12 Epact. A Dominical Letters. April 2, Easter Sunday. 74 5654. 1893 1894 Tisri 1 2 VIT Vew Year 1 12 Sept. ? < Vead 9 Sa ^aikra Zachor 17 Mar. 3 \V "ast of Guedaliah 3 \\ 13 W ?ast of Esther 21 5 ? Sabbath at 5J 5 j 14 15 ThF Purim 22 6 Sa 'ayelech 6 Sabbath at 6 23 W tipur 20 10 Sa Tsav 24 3 Sa Lazinu 23 23 Sa Shemini Para 31 5 16 VI T ^abernacle 25 26 24 S 1 April 9 Sabbath at 5 29 29 F Sabbath at 6 6 21 S losana Raba 1 Oet Nis. 1 Sa Vew Moon 22 23 MT "east of the 8th day 2 3 Tatzriang Ahodes 7 27 Sa Jeresheet 7 8 Sa Metsorang Agadol 14 les. 30 1 TW Vew Moon 10 11 15 16 SaS Passover 21 22 3 f Sabbath at 4^ 13 21 F Sabbath at 7 27 4 Sa Voah 14 25 T 1 May 11 Sa L,ech Lecha 21 29 Sa Aharemot 5 j 17 ? Sabbath at 4 27 Yiar. 30 1 S M Vew Moon 6 7 18 Sa Vayera 28 6 Sa Kedoshim 12 22 W 1 Nov. 13 Sa Emor 19 25 Sa rlaye Sarah 4 14 S Second Passover 20 Kis. 30 1 ThF Vew Moon 9 10 | 18 Th 33 of the Homer 24 2 Sa Toledot 11 20 Sa Behar 26 8 F Sabbath at 3J 17 { 26 F 1 June 9 Sa Vayetse" 18 i ) 27 Sa Behukotai 2 16 Sa Vaishlach 25 Sivan 1 T New Moon 5 22 F 1 Dec. 5 Sa Bamidbar 9 23 Sa Vayesheb 2 6 7 SM Sebuot 10 11 25 >I Hanuca 4 ! 12 Sa Naso 16 'ebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 910 I 19 Sa Beangalotecha 23 7 Sa Vaigash 16 f 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 30 10 T Fast of Tebet 19 < 27 S 1 July 14 Sa Vaihi 23 J^Tam. 30 1 WTh New Moon 4 5 21 Sa Shemot 30 \ 3 Sa Korah 7 23 M 1894 1 Jan. | 10 Sa Hukat 14 28 Sa Vaera 6 17 Sa Balak 21 Sebat 1 M Vew Moon 8 i 18 S Fast of Tamuz 22 5 F Sabbath at 4 12 24 Sa Pinehas Dibr<; 28 6 Sa Bo 13 28 W 1 Aug. 13 Sa Beshalach 20 Ab 1 F New Moon 3 "D 15 M Laylanot 22 | 2 Sa Matot Mazge" 20 Sa Itro 27 Shimgu 4 25 Th 1 Feb. 9 Sa Debarim Echs u 26 F Sabbath at 4J 2 10 S Fast of Ab 12 27 Sa Mishpatim 3 j 15 F Tubeab 17 Adar 30 1 TW New Moon 6 7 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 18 4 10 Sa F Teruma Sabbath at 5 10 16 22 23 F Sa Sabbath at 6 Hekeb 24 25 11 Sa Tetsave" 17 Elul 30 1 SaS Rehe" New Moon 1 2 Sept. 14 T Little Purim 20 6 F Sabbath at 6 7 18 Sa Ki Tisa 24 7 Sa Shophetim 8 23 Th 1 Mar. 14 Sa Ki Tets 1 1 24 F Sabbath at 5J 2 20 F Sabbath at 6 ij 21 25 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 3 21 Sa Ki Tabo 22 Vead 30 ThF New Moon 8 fl 28 Sa Vetsabim 29 2 Sa Pekude' 10 NOTES. Sept. 11, M. New Moon, M. 7h. 7m. 40*. 14, Golden Number. Dec. 4, M. Verse to be changed, Kis. 25. 23, Epact. llth year of the 298 Cycle. G Dominical Letters. Year consists of 385 days. Mar. 25, Easter Sunday. 5655. 75 1894 1895 Tisri I M T Vew Year 1 Oct. Adar 27 Sa Vayakel Pekude' 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 3 Ahode* 23 Mar. 5 F Sabbath at 5 5 jNis. 1 T New Moon 26 6 Sa Vayelech 6 5 Sa Vaikra 30 10 W Kipur 10 7 M 1 4.or 13 15 16 Sa M T , v . Aazinu Tabernacle 13 15 16 11 12 F Sa Sabbath at 6 Tsav Agado 5 6 ^f * 19 F Sabbath at 4J 19 15 1C TW Passover 9 10 21 S Hosana Raba 21 26 Sa Shemini 20 22 23 .VTT Feast of the 8th day 2223 Yiar 30 1 WTh New Moon 2425 27 Sa Beresheet 27 2 F Sabbath at 7 26 Hes. 30 1 T W New Moon 30 31 3 Sa Tatzriang 2 Th 1 NOT. Metsoran ' 27 3 F Sabbath at 4 2 7 W 1 May 4 Sa Voah 3 10 Sa Aharemot 11 Sa Lech Lecha 10 Kedoshim 4 17 F Sabbath at 3 16 > 14 W Second Passover 8 18 Sa Vayera 17 ? 17 Sa Emor 11 25 Sa ftaye Sarah 24 > i 18 S 33 of the Homer 12 \is. 1 Th New Moon 29 s 24 Sa Behar Behukotai 18 3 Sa Toledot 1 Dec. Sivan 1 F New Moon 24 10 Sa Vayetse" 8 2 Sa Bamidbar 25 17 Sa ^aishlach 15 6 7 WTh Sebuot 2930 24 Sa Vayesheb 22 9 Sa Naso 1 June 25 $ ianuca 23 16 Sa Beangalotecha 8 Tebel 1 7 Vew Moon 28 23 Sa Shelach Lecha 15 2 Sa Miketa 29 'am. 30 1 SaS Korah New Moon 2223 5 T . . . . 1895 1 TcLIl. 7 5a Hukat 29 9 Ml > aicrash 5 g M 1 July $ Fast of Tebel 6 14 Sa Balak 6 5 t Sabbath at 4 1 17 T Fast of Tamuz 9 6 Sa < r aihi 2 21 Sa Pinehas Dibre" 13 23 Sa Shemot 9 28 Sa Matot Mazg^ Sebat 1 Sa Vaera Shimgu 20 New Moon 26 Ab 1 M Vew Moon 22 7 t Sabbath at \\ 1 Feb. 6 Sa [)ebarim Echa 27 8 !a Bo 2 9 T Fast of Ab 30 5 >a Jeshalach 11 Th 1 A no* Laylanot 9 13 Sa Vaethanan tug. 1 ? sabbath at 5 5 Nahamu 3 22 a tro 6 5 M TubeaL 5 29 Sa Mishpatim 20 Sa Hekeb Shekalim 3 26 ;< Sabbath at 6$ 6 Idar 1 sM tfew Moon 4 25 27 Sa Rehe' 7 5 abbath at 5^ 1 Vlar. lul 30 1 T W \ew Moon 2021 6 a 'emma 2 4 la Shophetim 24 1 rh "ast of Esther 7 1 Sa KiTets^ 1 3 'etsave" 2 j I fjr^f Zachor 9 7 ; Sabbath at 6 6 aepi. 4 15 M J urim 11 8 >a v.iTabo 7 a fvi Tisa Para 6 25 Sa Vetsabim 6 abbath at 6 2 Vayelech 4 NOTES. Sept. 30, S. New Moon, M. M. 40m. 23Js. Dec. 4, T. Verse to be changed, Kis. 6. 12th year of the 298 Cycle. Year consists of 353 days. 15 Golden Number. 4 Epact. F Dominical Letter. April 14, Easter Sunday. 5656. 1895 1896 Tisri 1 2 Th F New Year Sabbath at 5J 19 20 Sept. Adar 22 29 Sa Sa Vayakel Para Pekude" Ahodes 7 14 Mar. 3 Sa Aazinu 21 Nisan 1 S New Moon 15 4 S Fast of Guedaliah 22 6 F Sabbath at 6 20 10 Sa Kipur 28 7 Sa Vaikra 21 13 T 1 Oct. 14 Sa Tsav Agadol 28 15 16 Th F Tabernacle 3 15 16 S M Passover 29 30 <-.IJ Mill Of *\ 4 18 W 1 April 21 W .>;it)l iiini cii d Hosana Raba 9 27 F Sabbath at 6| 10 2223 24 ThF Sa Feast of the 8th day Beresheet (0 11 12 Yiar 28 30 1 Sa M T Shemini New Moon 11 13 14 Ses. 30 1 FSa Sabbath at 4J New Moon Noah 18 19 5 Sa Tatzriang Metsorang 18 g Sa Lech Lecha 26 11 F Sabbath at 7 24 14 F Sabbath at 4 1 Nov. 12 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 25 15 Sa Vayera 2 14 M Second Passover 27 22 Sa Haye Sarah 9 | 18 F 33 of the Homer 1 May 28 29 F Sa Sabbath at 3 Toledot 15 16 19 26 Sa Sa Emor Behar Behukotai 2 9 Kis. 30 1 SM New Moon 17 18 Sivan 1 W New Moon 13 6 Sa Vayetse" 23 4 Sa Bamidbar 16 13 Sa Vaishlach 30 6 7 MT Sebuot 18 19 14 s 1 Dec. 11 Sa Naso 23 20 Sa Vayesheb 7 18 Sa Beangalotecha 30 . - Th I i i i i i 12 20 M 1 June Xv 27 M. 11 Sa JClctllULcl Mikets 14 25 Sa Shelach Lecha 6 Teb. 30 1 TW New Moon 17 18 Tarn. 30 1 ThF New Moon 11 12 4 Sa Vaigash 21 2 Sa Korah 13 10 F FastofTebet 27 9 Sa Hukat 20 11 Sa Vaihi 28 16 Sa Balak 27 15 W . . . . B 1896 1 Jan. 17 S Fast of Tamuz 28 1 M S-i SliGinot 4 20 W 1 July IO 24 Oa, F Sabbath at 4 10 23 Sa Pinehas Dibr6 4 25 Sa Vaera 11 Ab 1 Sa New Moon Matot Sebat 1 Th New Moon 16 Mazge" Shimgu 11 3 Sa Bo 18 8 Sa Debarim Echa 18 10 Sa Beshalach 25 9 S Fast of Ab 19 15 Th Laylanot 30 15 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 16 F Sabbath at 4 31 Tubeab 25 17 Sa Itro 1 Feb. * 22 Sa Hekeb 1 Aug. 24 Sa Mishpatim 8 j >- 29 Sa Hebe" 8 Adar 30 1 FSa Sabbath at 5 New 14 Elul 30 1 S M New Moon 9 10 Moon Teruma 5 6 Sa Shophetim 15 Shekalim 15 12 F Sabbath at 6J 21 8 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 22 13 Sa Ki Tetse" 22 13 Th Fast of Esther 27 20 Sa KiTabo 29 14 FSa Purim Ki Tisa 28 29 23 T 1 Sept. 16 S 1 Mar. 26 F Sabbath at 6 4 r F Sabbath at 5 6 27 Sa Netsabim 5 NOTES. Sep.l9,Th. New Moon, A. Ih. 29t. 3Js. 16, Golden Number. Dec. 5, Th. Verse to be changed, Kis. 18. 15, Epact. 13th year of 298 Cycle. E D Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 5, Easter Sunday. 5057. 77 Tisri Hes. 1 3 5 10 11 ia 15 21 22 24 85 26 30 I Kis. 3 9 10 17 23 24 25 1 2 g 15 16 23 25 26 Tebet 30 7 10 14 21 27 28 Sebat 6 12 13 15 20 2(5 27 29 Adar Vead TW Th Sa Th F Sa 1GT W M T W Sabbath at 5 Beresheet W Th New Moon Noah Sabbath at 4 Lech Lecha Vayera Sabbath at 4 Haye Sarah Sa F Sa Sa F Sa S F Sa Sa F Sa Sa M T SaS Sa T Sa Sa F Sa M Sa F Sa M Sa F Sa M 1TW Sa Sa T F Sa Sa M IThF New Year Fast of Guedaliah Vayelech Kipur Sabbath at 5 Aazinu Tabernacle Hosana Raba Feast of the 8th day New Moon Toledot Vayetse" Sabbath at 3J Vaishlach Vayesheb Hauuca Mikets New Moon Vaigash Fast of Tebet Vaihi Shemot Vaera New Moon Bo Sabbath at 4 Beshalach Laylanot Itro Sabbath at 4J Mishpatim 1897 New Moon Teruma Tetsave" Little Purim Sabbath at 5 Ki Tisa Vayakel Shekalim Vew Moon Sabbath at 5J 1896 8 9 Sep. 10 19 17 18 19 22 23 28 29 30 1 2 3 7 8 10 16 17 24 30 31 1 7 14 20 21 28 30 1 5 6 12 15 19 26 1 2 4 9 15 16 18 23 29 30 1 2 3 6 13 16 19 20 27 1 4 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Vead Nis. Yiar Sivan Tarn. Ab Elul 10 15 16 22 23 JO 4 6 7 14 20 21 28 Sa Sa W ThF Sa Sa Th Sa F Sa 16 SaS F Sa ISM Sa Sa S Th Sa Sa T Sa 7SM Sa Sa Sa Th Sa Sa Sa S Sa F Sa S Sa Sa F Sa F Sa iSa S W F Sa Sa F Sa Sa Pekude" Vaikra Zachor 13 Fast of Esther 17 Purim Sabbath at 6 18 19 Tsav 20 Shemini Para 27 New Moon Tatzriang Abodes 3 Sabbath at 6 9 Metsorang Agadol 10 Passover 17 18 Sabbath at 7 30 Aharemot 1 New Moon 2 Kedoshim 8 Emor 15 Second Passover 16 33 of the Homer 20 Behar 22 Behukotai 29 New Moon 1 Bamidbar 5 Sebuot 6 Naso 12 Beangalotecha 19 Shelach Lecha 26 New 30 Moon Korah 3 Hukat 10 Balak 17 FastofTamuz 18 Pinehas Dibr 24 New Moon 30 Matot Mazg6 31 Shimgu ' 1 7 8 13 14 20 21 28 29 1 3 4 11 17 18 25 Debarim. Echa Fast of Ab Tubeab Vaethanan Nahamu Sabbath at 6 Hekeb Rene" New Moon Sabbath at 6 Shophetim Ki Tetse" Sabbath at 5J Ki Tabo tfetsabim 1897 Mar. April May June 1 July Aug. Sept. NOTES. Sept. 7, M. New Moon, A. 10A. 17m. 43s. Dec. 4, F. Verse to be changed, 14th year of 298 Cycle. Year consists of 384 days. 17 Golden Number. 26 Epact. C Dominical Letter. April 18 Easter Sunday. 5658. 1897 1898 Tisri 1 2 3 MT W New Year Fast of Guedaliah 2728 29 Sept. ^Adar 24 25 F Sa Sabbath at 6 Vayakel Pekude" 18 Mar. 5 F Sabbath at 5 1 Oct. Ahodes 19 6 10 Sa W c* Vayelech Kipur 2 6 9 Nis. 1 3 9 Th Sa F New Moon Vaikra 24 26 1 April 13 15 16 sa MT Aazinu Tabernacle 11 12 10 Sa Tsav Agadol 2 19 F Sabbath at 4J 15 15 16 Th F Passover 7 21 Sa Hosana Raba 17 Sabbath at 6 8 22 23 27 MT Sa Feast of the 8th day Beresheet 18 19 23 Yiar 24 30 1 Sa FSa Shemini New Moon 16 22 Hes. 30 1 TW New Moon 2627 Tatzriang Metsorang 23 3 F Sabbath at 4 29 7 F Sabbath at 7 29 4 Sa Noah 30 8 Sa Aharemot Kedoshim 30 \T 1 Nov. j 9 S 1 May 11 DB Sa Lech Lecha 6 14 F Second Passover 6 18 Sa Vayera 13 15 Sa Emor 7 24 25 F Sa Sabbath at 3 Haye Sarah 19 20 18 22 T Sa 33 of the Homer Behar Behukotai 10 14 Kis. 30 1 ThF New Moon 2526 29 Sa Bamidbar 21 2 Sa Toledot 27 Sivan 1 S New Moon 22 6 W 1 Dec. 6 7 FSa Sebuot 27 28 \ T * A 4 11 W 1 June 16 Sa \ H\ (*t St' Vaishlach 11 14 Sa Naso 4 23 Sa Vayesheb 18 21 Sa Beangalotecha 11 25 M Hanuca 20 28 Sa Shelach Lecha 18 Tebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 25 26 Tarn. 30 1 MT New Moon 20 21 7 Sa Vaigash . . 1898 1 Jan. 5 Sa Korah 25 in Fast of Tebet 4 11 F 1 July LU 14 Sa Vaihi 8 12 Sa Hukat Balak 2 *"j 20 F Sabbath at 4 14 17 Th Fast of Tamuz 7 21 Sa Shemot 15 19 Sa Pinehas Dibre 9 28 Sa Vaera 22 26 Sa Matot Mazge" Sebat 1 M New Moon 24 Shimgu 16 5 F Sabbath at 4i 28 Ab 1 W New Moon 20 6 Sa Bo 29 4 Sa Debarim Echa 23 9 T 1 Feb. 9 Th Fast of Ab 28 13 Sa Beshalach 5 11 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 30 15 M Laylaiiot 7 12 M 1 Aug. 20 Sa Itro 12 15 W Tubeab 3 26 F Sabbath at 5 18 a 18 Sa Hekeb 6 27 Sa Mishpatim Shekalim 19 j 25 Sa Rene" 13 Adar 30 1 T W \ew Moon 22 23 | Elul 30 1 ThF New Moon 18 4 Sa Teruma 26 j Sabbath at 6 19 7 T 1 Mar. $ 2 Sa Shophetim 20 10 F Sabbath at 5J 4 1 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 27 11 Sa Tetsave" Zachor 5 14 Th 1 Sept. 13 M Fast of Esther 7 15 F Sabbath at 6 2 14 15 TW Purim 8 9 16 Sa Ki Tabo 3 18 Sa Ki Tisa Para 12 I 23 Sa Netsabim Vayelech 10 29 F Sabbath at 5^ 16 NOTES. Sept. 2, S. New Moon, A. ^h. 50m. 26fs. 18 Golden Number. Dec. 5, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 10. 7 Epact. 15th year of 298 Cycle. B Dominical Letter. Year consists of 355 days. April 10, Easter Sunday. 5659. 79 1898 1899 Tisri 1 2 SaS New Year 17 18 Sept. > Adar 29 Sa Vayakel Pekude" Mar. 3 M Fast of Guedaliah 19 j Ahodes 11 8 Sa Aazinu 24 ;Nis. 1 S New Moon 12 10 M Kipur 26 I j 7 Sa Vaikra 18 14 F Sabbath at 5 30 ) 13 F Sabbath at 6 24 15 16 SaS Tabernacle 1 2 Oct. I 14 Sa Tsav Agadol 25 21 F Hosana Raba 7 1 15 16 SM Passover 26 27 22 23 SaS Feast of the 8th day 8 9 j 21 Sa 1 Apri 28 F Sabbath at 4 14 \ 27 F Sabbath at 6 7 29 Sa Beresheet 15 \\ 28 Sa Shemini 8 Hes. 30 1 S M New Moon 16 17 \ }etsabim 2 NOTES. Sep. 16, F. New Moon, M. 4A. 39m. 6f. 19, Golden Number. Dec. 4, S. Verse to be changed, Kis. 20. 18, Epact. 16th year of the 298 Cycle. A Dominical Letter. Year consists of 353 days. April 2, Easter Sunday. 80 5000. 1899 1900 ij 'isri 1 2 T W New Year 5 6 Sept. Vead 9 Sa Vaikra Zachor 10 Mar. 3 Th Fast of Guedaliah 7 13 W Fast of Esther 14 5 Sa Vayelech 9 14 15 ThF Purim 15 16 10 Th Kipur 14 16 Sa Tsav 17 11 F Sabbath at 5^ 15 j 22 F Sabbath at 6 23 12 Sa Aazinu 16 h 23 Sa Shemini Para 24 15 16 T W Tabernacle 19 20 Nis. 1 Sa New Moon 21 M Hosana Raba 25 ! Tatzriang Ahodes 31 22 23 TW Feast of the 8th day 26 27 2 S 1 April 25 Sabbath at 5 29 7 F Sabbath at 6 6 26 Sa Beresheet 30 8 Sa .VFetsorang Agadol 7 27 S 1 Oct. 15 16 SaS Passover 14 15 lea. 30 1 WTh Vew Moon 4 5 28 F Sabbath at 7 27 3 Sa Noah 7 29 Sa Aharemot 28 9 F Sabbath at 4J 13 Yiar 30 1 SM New Moon 29 30 [0 Sa Lech Lecha 14 2 T 1 May 17 Sa Vayera 21 6 Sa Kedoshim 5 j 23 F Sabbath at 4 27 13 Sa Emor 12 24 Sa Haye Sarah 28 14 S Second Passover 13 28 W 1 Nov. 18 Th 33 of the Homer 17 Kis. 1 F New Moon 3 1 20 Sa Behar 19 2 Sa Toledot 4 27 Sa Behukotai 26 9 Sa Vayetse" 11 Sivan 1 T New Moon 29 15 F Sabbath at 3A 17 4 F 1 June 16 Sa Vaishlach 18 5 Sa Bamidbar 2 23 Sa Vayesheb 25 6 7 S M Sebuot 3 4 25 M Hanuca 27 12 Sa Naso 9 29 F 1 Dec. | 19 Sa Beangalotecha 16 Tebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 2 3 L 26 Sa Shelach Lecha 23 7 Sa Vaigash 9 >,Tam. 30 1 WTh New Moon 2728 10 T Fast of Tebet 12 i 3 Sa Korah 30 L4 Sa Vaihi 16 | 4 S 1 July 21 Sa Shemot 23 10 Sa Hukat 7 ' j 28 Sa Vaera 30 17 Sa Balak 14 Sebat 1 M New Moon . . 1900 1 Jan. 18 S Fast of Tamuz 15 6 Sa Bo 6 | 24 Sa Pinehas Dibr6 21 12 F Sabbath at 4 12 2Ab 1 F New Moon 27 13 Sa Beshalach 13 5 2 Sa Matot Mazg 15 M Laylanot 15 Shimgu 28 20 Sa Itro 20 6 W I Aug. 27 Sa Mishpatim 27 9 Sa Debarim Echa 4 D Adar 30 1 T W New Moon 30 31 10 S Fast of Ab 5 2 Th 1 Feb. 15 F Tubeab 10 3 F Sabbath at 4 2 16 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 11 4 Sa Teruma 3 J 23 Sa Hekeb 18 11 Sa Tetsave" 10 L 29 F Sabbath at 6 24 14 T Little Purim 13 ^Elul 30 1 SaS Relic" New Moon 25 26 17 F Sabbath at 5 16 $ 7 Sa Shophetim 1 Sept. 18 Sa Ki Tisa 17 | 13 F Sabbath at 6 7 25 Sa Vayakel Shekalim 24 < 14 Sa Ki Tets6 8 Vead 30 1 ThF New Moon I 21 Sa Ki Tabo 15 Sabbath at 5^ 1 2 Mar. | 27 F Sabbath at 5 21 2 Sa Pekude" 3 i 28 Sa Netsabim 22 NOTES. Sept. 5, T. New Moon, A. Ih. 27m. 46fs. 1 Golden Number. Dec. 5, T. Verse to be changed, Tebet 3. 29 Epact. 17th year of 298 Cycle. G Dominical Letter. Year consists of 384 days. April 15, Easter Sunday. 5661. 1900 1901 Tisri 1 2 MT New Year 2425 Sept. Adar M Sa Vayakel Pekude" \Iar. 3 W Fast of Guedaliah 26 Abodes 16 6 Sa Vayelech 29 Nis. 1 Th New Moon 21 8 M 1 Oct. 2 F Sabbath at 6 22 10 W Kipur 3 3 Sa Vaikra 23 12 F Sabbath at 5 5 10 Sa Tsav Agadol 30 13 Sa Aazinu 6 12 M 1 April 1516 M T Tabernacle 8 9 15 16 ThF Passover 4 21 S Hosana Raba 14 i Sabbath at 6| 5 2223 MT Feast of the 8th day 1516 j 24 Sa Shemini 13 26 F Sabbath at 4^ 19 Tam. 30 1 MT New Moon 17 1J- Tebet 30 1 SaS Mikets New Moon 2223 I 5 Sa Korah 22 7 Sa Vaigash 29 | 12 Sa Balak 29 10 r Fast of Tebet 1901 1 Jan. \ c 14 IM 1 July 14 Sa Vaihi 5 tr Th" Fast of Tamuz 4 20 F Sabbath at 4 11 19 Sa Pinehas Dibr 6 21 Sa Shemot 12 26 Sa Matot Mazge* 28 Sa Vaera 19 Shimgu 13 Sebat 1 M New Moon 21 Ab 1 W New Moon 17 6 Sa Bo 26 4 Sa Debarim Echa 20 12 F Sabbath at 4 1 Feb. 9 Th Fast of Ab 25 13 Sa Beshalach 2 11 Sa Vaethanan Nahamu 27 15 M Laylanot 4 15 W Tubeab 31 20 Sa Itro 9 16 Th 1 Aus. 26 F Sabbath at 5 15 | 18 Sa Hekeb 3 -"**o* 27 Sa Mishpatim | 25 Sa Reh6 10 Shekalim 16 JElul 30 1 ThF New Moon 15 Adar 30 1 T W Vew Moon 1920 Sabbath at 6J 1C 4 "^a Teruma 23 2 Sa Shophetim 17 10 F Sabbath at 5J 1 Mar. 9 Sa Ki Tetse" 24 11 Sa Tetsave' 16 Sa Ki Tabo 31 Zachor 2 17 $ 1 Sept. 13 M Fast of Esther 4 22 F Sabbath at 6 6 1415 T W Purira 5 < 23 Sa Netsabim 18 Sa Ki Tisa Para 9 i Vayelech 7 NOTES. Sep. 24, M. New Moon, M. 11A. Om. 30*. Dec. 5, W. Verse to be changed, Kis. 13. 18th year of the 298 Cycle. Year consists of 355 days. 2, Golden Number. 10, Epact. F Dominical Letter. April 7, Easter Sunday. 82 5662. [es. rebel Sebat Adar Vea( 1 2 7 8 5 10 2 23 9 5 7 1 9 17 1 -1 .3 9 '0 3 w 1 1 o i 8 22 2.3 aS I a I aS Sa w Sa I'h F Sa Sa Th Sa F Sa FSa F Sa F Sa Sa F Sa SM Sa Th F Josana Raba Sabbath at 5 east of the 8th day Jeresheet ew Moon abbath at 4^ *oah >ech Lecha a bbath at 4 fayera laye Sarah \ew Moon Sabbath at 3 "oledot /ayetse" Vaishlach Year "ast of Guedaliah abbath at 5^ \.azinu kipur 'abernacle lanuca /ayesheb S T ew Moon Mikets ast of Tebet Vaihi 1902 Shemot sew Moon Sabbath at 4 Vaera Bo Laylanot Beshalach Sabbath at 4^ [tro Moon Mishpatim Sabbath at 5 Teruma Little Purim Tetsave" Ki Tisa Sabbath at 5^ Vayakel Shekalim New Moon Pekude" Fast of Esther Sabbath at 6 4 15 6 1 3 8 29 1 1901 ept. )ct. 1902 4 .3 2 3 14 8 9 6 1 2 9 2 5 6 23 JO 1 6 7 1 4 20 21 28 1 4 9 10 11 18 23 25 31 1 7 14 15 21 22 1 7 8 9 1 15 20 21 )ec. Vov. Vead is. Tan. Feb. Mar. ivan Tarn. Ab Elul 4 15 :o >3 !7 1 4 5 2 SM Sa T Sa T 5 16T W 24 26 if) 4 17 8 24 2.3 1 2 a in 23 20 50 7 14 17 21 27 28 1 (i 9 13 1.3 20 27 29 ^hemini Ahodes Vew Moon Sabbath at 6^ "atzriang letsorang assover sabbath at 7 rh Sa iWTh Sa Sa \V Sa S ^.haremot \ew Moon ^edoshim mor Second Passover iehar 13 of the Homer ?ehukotai 7WThSebuot sa Sa Sa T SaS Sa Sa T Sa F Sa M Sa T Sa M F Sa Sa M 30 1TW F Sa Sa F Sa Sa \V Vaikra 'urim sar Zachor Para Moon Bamidbar Naso Beangalotecha Shelach Lecha iorah New Moon Hukat Balak Fast of Tamuz Pinehas Echa Matot Shimgu ^ew Moon Debarim Fast of Ab Vaethanan Nahamu Tubeab Sabbath at 6 Hekeb New Moon Sabbath at 6 Shophetim Ki Tetse" Sabbath at 5 J Ki Tabo \etsabim Vayelech 2 13 24 >9 1 5 8 1 2 9 2223 i.3 1 3 7 8 7 21 24 2.3 il 1 6 7 11 12 14 21 28 1 5 6 12 19 22 20 1 2 4 9 12 10 18 22 23 30 1 2 5 (i 13 19 20 27 1 Vlar. April Vlay Tune July Vug. Sept. Oct. NOTES. Sept. 13, F. New Moon, A. 7A. 49?n. 10s. Dec. 5, Th. Verse to be changed, Kis. 24. 19th year of 298 Cycle. Year consists of 383 days. 3, Golden Number. 21, Epact. E Dominical Letter. Mar. 23, Easter Sunday. 83 THE HOURS AT WHICH PRAYERS COMMENCE DURING THE YEAR, IN THE GERMAN CONGREGATIONS OF LONDON. Morning Service at Afternoon Service at 1 Evening Service THE GREAT SYNAGOGIE. 5 On Kipur. 5 On New Year. 6J From the last fast of Yiar* to Tabernacle. 7 ,, Tabernacle to the last fast of Hesvan.* Purim to the last fast of Yiar. 7 the last fast of Hesvan to Purim. 8 On Sabbaths and Festivals. 8 in Winter. The days before New Moon,t Kipor, and the Fast of Ab, and on the fasts of Yiar and Hesvan. On Sabbaths and Holidays. On other days of the year at the same hour as Sabbath was taken the Friday previous. Is said immediately after the Afternoon Service. An extra one is said during the Homer, after dark. On Saturday Evenings is also said after dark. THE NEW SYNAGOGUE. Morning Service at 5 On Kipur. 6 New Year. 6| From the last fast of Yiar to Kipur. 7 Kipur to N. M. Tebet. N. M. Adar to the last fast of Yiar. On Sabbaths from N. M. Yiar to New Year. 7^ New Year to N. M. Yiar. Daily from N. M. Tebet to N. M. Adar. Afternoon and Evening Services same as the Great Synagogue. THE HAMBRO' SYNAGOGUE. Morning Service at 6 New Year and Kipur. 7 From Purim to N. M. Hesvan. 7J N. M. Hesvan to Purim. 8 On Sabbaths and Festivals from N. M. Hesvan to Passover. 8J Passover to N. M. Hesvan. Afternoon and Evening Services same as the other Synagogues. THE WEST END SYNAGOGUES. The same hours as the Hambro' Synagogue, except that, during the Homer, Afternoon Service is said on the week days at 0. * These fasts are peculiar to the Germans, and are kept on the first Monday and the following Thursday and Monday, in the months of Hesvan ami Yiur. t Also kept as a Fast. 84 THE HOURS AT WHICH SABBATH TERMINATES DURING THE YEAR IN THIS CITY. From i to 8 .... h. . 4 m. 55 Frorr June ^ 5 to 11 .... h. . 9 m. 15 .... . 5 5 9 July . . . 9 10 ifi 22 ... . 5 15 July 10 16 .... . 9 5 29 .... . 5 25 17 23 .... . 8 55 so 5 Feb . 5 40 30 .... . 8 45 Feb. 12 .... . 5 55 SI 6 Aug. . . . 8 35 13 19 6 5 A ii ii. 7 13 .... . 8 90 26 ... . 6 15 14 20 .... . 8 5 '27 5 Mar. . 6 30 27 .... . 7 50 Mar. 12 .... . 6 40 W 3 Sept. . . . 7 IS 19 .... . 6 55 Sept. 4 10 .... . 7 *9Q vo 26 .... . 7 11 17 .... . 7 5 s-7 2 April . . . 7 15 IS 24 .... . 6 April 9 .... . 7 25 1 Oct. . . . 6 SO 10 16 .... . 7 40 Oct. f 8 .... . 6 15 17 23 .... . 7 50 q 15 .... . 6 V4 30 .... . 8 22 .... 5 15 May 1 7 .... . 8 10 *>S 29 . 5 30 8 14 .... . 8 25 SO 5 Nov 5 20 15 21 .... . 8 35 Nov. f. 19 .... . 5 5 28 .... . 8 45 3 Dec 4 50 90 4 June . . . 8 55 Dec. 4 24 . . 40 25 31 . . 4 50 The true time being 7h. 16m. causes the difference of 20m. in the following week. DAYS ON WHICH THE ORDINARY PENITENTIAL SERVICE IS NOT SAID. On Sabbaths. New Moons. All Festivals. Nisan All the Month. Yiar 15 [Second Passover. 18 33 of the Homer. Sivan 1 to 12. Ab 9 Fast of Ab. 15 Tubeab. Elul 29 The day before New Year. Tisri 9 to the end of the Month. Kislev All Hanuca. Adar and > Veadar J 14th and 15th. AFTERNOONS THAT THE XXVra PSALM IS NOT SAID. Friday. Before New Moon. Before Fast of Ab. Before Hanuca. Before Purim. Or if a Bridegroom is present. In the latter case no Penitential Service is said in the morning, nor in Synagogue on the morning that there is a circumcision in the congre- gation. TABLES FOB CONTINUING THB HEBREW CALENDAR TO THE YEAR 6000 OF THE CREATION, FOR FINDING THE DAY OF THE WEEK ON WHICH ANY DAY OF THE CHRISTIAN MONTH HAPPENS DURING THE SAME PERIOD OF THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS, BEING UNTIL THE YEAR 2240 A.C. 86 DIRECTIONS FOR USING THE FOLLOWING TABLES. Seek the year required, in the Table of Cycles, in a line with it will be found certain numbers, and a letter of the alphabet, thus 5684 14 M 9 The figures preceding the letter indicate the column to be sought in the Tables, No. 1 to 6, (pages 90 to 95) in that column will be found the days of the week on which the New Moons, Festivals, and Fasts fall, thus by referring to column 14, it will be seen that New Year 5684 will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Passover Saturday and Sunday. New Moon of Ab Friday and so throughout the year. The letter will always be found in the same page as the figures which precede it thus, in page 95, the column 14 is followed by two columns, marked L and M, which contain a series of Christian dates ; to those under the letter indicated is to be added the number which follows it thus, for 5684, to the dates under the letter M add 9. In that Column New Year appears to be September 2 and 3 ; by adding 9 it makes it the llth and 12th, which will be the date of New Year 5684. An example for the whole of that year will be found in page 95, which will serve as a guide for every other. Whenever the number added to the Christian date exceeds the number of days of that month, the excess is to be taken for the date in the follow- ing month ; thus Hanuca, in column M, is November 24, by adding 9 it would make it 33, but November having only 30 days, it is consequently 3rd December. NOTE. The *S shews the Fast to have fallen on Saturday, and kept on Sunday : the Fasts will then be Guedaliah, Tisri 4th ; Tamuz, 18th ; and Ab 10th ; in these instances, one day is also to be added to the Christian date, on which it appears to be by the Tables. The *Th is when the Fast of Esther falls on Saturday, it is then kept the Thursday previous, that is on the llth Adar or Veadar, two days must therefore be deducted from the Christian date. To FIND THE CHRISTIAN ./ERA. If before January, deduct 3761 from the Hebrew year ; after January, 3760 thus, the year 5599 is 1838-1839. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE CHRISTIAN ALMANACKS, IN PAGES 96 TO 99. Seek the year required, in a line with that year under each month is a figure which refers to the column below it, under the column thus indicated will be found the days of the weeks for that month. Required to know the day of the week of the 14th September, 1901. In a line with the year 1901, under the month of September, will be found the figure 1. In column 1, the 14th will be found to be on Saturday, the day required. To find, if Bissextile, after 1900 divide the year by 4, if there is no re- mainder, it is Bissextile. 87 TABLE OF CYCLES. Years. 299th Cycle. 300th Cycle. 301st Cycle. 1 Ordinary . . 5663 2 A 21 5682 1 A 22 5701 5 C 21 2 Ordinary . . 64 4 D 9 83 7 E 10 02 1 A 11 3 Embolismic . . 65 10 G 9 84 14 M 9 03 13 I 10 4 Ordinary . . 66 3 A 19 85 1 A 18 04 5 D 17 5 Ordinary 67 5 C 8 86 3 A 8 05 1 A 7 6 Embolismic . . 68 11 K 6 87 12 I 7 06 13 I 6 7 Ordinary . . 69 3 A 15 88 4 D 14 07 5 C 14 8 Embolismic . . 70 12 I 14 89 10 G 14 08 8 H 13 9 Ordinary . . 71 4 C 22 90 7 E 22 09 1 A 23 10 Ordinary . . 72 3 B 11 91 4 C 11 10 7 E 11 11 Embolismic . . 73 9 G 11 92 10 H 10 11 14 L 11 12 Ordinary . . 74 5 C 20 93 3 A 20 12 1 B 19 13 Ordinary . . 75 6 E 8 94 5 C 9 13 3 A 9 14 Embolismic . . 76 9 H 7 95 11 I 8 14 12 I 8 15 Ordinary . . 77 5 C 16 96 3 B 16 15 4 C 16 16 Ordinary . . 78 1 A 6 97 5 C 5 16 3 B 5 17 Embolismic . . 79 13 I 5 98 8 G 5 17 9 G 5 18 Ordinary . . 80 5 D 12 99 6 E 13 18 5 C 14 19 Embolismic . . 5681 8 G 12 5700 9 H 12 5719 11 I 13 Years. 302nd Cycle. 303rd Cycle. 304th Cycle. 1 Ordinary . . 5720 3 B 21 5739 1 A 21 5758 5 C 20 2 Ordinary . . 21 5 C 10 40 3 B 10 59 1 A 10 3 Embolismic . . 22 11 I 9 41 12 I 9 60 10 H 9 4 Ordinary . . 23 3 A 18 42 4 C 17 61 7 E 17 5 Ordinary . . 24 5 D 6 43 3 A 7 62 4 C 6 6 Embolismic . . 25 8 G 6 44 9 H 6 63 10 G 6 7 Ordinary . . 26 6 E 14 45 5 C 15 64 3 B 15 8 Embolismic . . 27 9 G 14 46 11 I 14 65 12 I 14 9 Ordinary . . 28 5 D 22 47 3 A 23 66 4 C 22 10 Ordinary . . 29 1 A 12 48 5 D 11 67 3 A 12 11 Embolismic . . 30 13 I 11 49 11 I 10 68 12 K 10 12 Ordinary . . 31 5 C 19 50 3 A 19 69 4 C 18 13 Ordinary . . 32 1 B 8 51 5 C 8 70 3 A 8 14 Embolismic . . 33 13 I 7 52 8 H 7 71 9 G 8 15 Ordinary . . 34 2 A 16 53 6 E 15 72 5 D 16 16 Ordinary 35 4 C 5 54 2 A 5 73 6 E 4 17 Embolismic . 36 10 H 4 55 14 L 5 74 9 G 4 18 Ordinary . . 37 7 E 12 56 1 B 13 75 5 C 13 19 Embolismic . . 5738 14 L 12 5757 13 I 12 5776 8 H 12 88 Years. 305th Cycle. 306th Cycle. 307th Cycle. 1 Ordinary . . 5777 6 E 20 5796 5 D 21 5815 3 A 22 2 Ordinary . . 78 5 C 9 97 6 E 9 16 5 D 10 3 Embolismic . . 79 8 G 9 98 9 G 9 17 11 I 9 4 Ordinary . . 80 1 B 18 99 5 C 18 18 3 A 18 5 Ordinary . . 81 7 E 6 5800 1 B 7 19 5 C 7 G Embolismic . . 82 14 L G 01 13 I 6 20 11 K 5 7 Ordinary . . 83 1 A 15 02 5 C 14 21 3 A 14 8 Embolismic . . 84 13 K 13 03 8 G 14 22 9 G 14 9 Ordinary . . 85 2 A 22 04 6 F 21 23 5 C 23 10 Ordinary . . 86 4 C 11 05 2 A 11 24 6 F 10 11 Embolismic . . 87 10 G 11 06 14 L 11 25 9 G 10 12 Ordinary . . 88 3 B 20 07 1 A 20 26 5 C 19 13 Ordinary . . 89 5 C 9 08 7 F 7 27 1 A 9 14 Embolismic . . 90 11 I 8 x 09 14 L 7 28 13 K 7 15 Ordinary . . 91 3 A 17 10 1 A 16 29 5 C 15 16 Ordinary . . 92 5 D 5 11 3 A 6 30 1 A 5 17 Embolismic . . 93 11 I ' 4 12 12 K 4 31 13 I 4 18 Ordinary . . 94 3 A 13 13 4 C 12 32 2 B 12 19 Embolismic . . 5795 9 G 13 5814 10 G 12 5833 14 L 12 Years. 308th Cycle. 309th Cycle. 310th Cycle. 1 Ordinary . . 5834 1 A 21 5853 5 C 20 5872 3 B 21 2 Ordinary . . 35 7 E 9 54 1 A 10 73 5 C 10 3 Embolismic . . 36 14 M 8 55 13 I 9 74 8 G 10 4 Ordinary . . 37 1 A 17 56 5 D 16 75 6 E 18 5 Ordinary . . 38 3 A 7 57 1 A 6 76 5 D 6 6 Embolismic . . 39 12 I 6 58 10 G 6 77 8 G 6 7 Ordinary . . 40 4 D 13 59 7 E 14 78 1 A 16 8 Embolismic . . 41 10 G 13 60 14 L 14 79 13 I 15 9 Ordinary . . 42 3 A 23 61 1 A 23 80 5 D 22 10 Ordinary . . 43 5 C 12 62 3 A 13 81 1 A 11 11 Embolismic . . 44 11 K 10 63 12 I 12 82 13 I 11 12 Ordinary . . 45 3 A 19 64 4 D 19 83 2 A 20 13 Ordinary . . 46 5 C 8 65 3 A 9 84 4 D 8 14 Embolismic . . 47 11 L 7 66 9 G 9 85 10 G 8 15 Ordinary . . 48 3 B 15 67 5 C 18 86 3 A 18 16 Ordinary . . 49 5 C 4 68 6 F 5 87 5 C 7 17 Embolismic . . 50 8 G 4 69 9 G 5 88 11 K 5 18 Ordinary . . 51 6 E 12 70 5 C 14 89 3 A 14 19 Embolismic . . 5852 9 H 11 5871 11 I 13 5890 12 I 13 89 TABLE OF CYCLES. Years. 311th Cycle. 312th Cycle. 313th Cycle. 1 Ordinary . . 5891 4 C 21 5910 2 A 21 5929 6 E 20 2 Ordinary . . 92 3 B 10 11 4 C 10 30 2 A 10 3 Embolismic . . 93 9 G 10 12 10 H 9 31 14 L 10 4 Ordinary . . 94 5 C 19 13 3 A 19 32 1 B 18 5 Ordinary . . 95 E 7 14 5 C 8 33 7 E 6 6 Embolismic . . 96 9 H 6 15 11 I 7 34 14 L 6 7 Ordinary . . 97 5 C 15 16 3 B 15 35 1 A 15 8 Embolismic . . 98 11 I 14 17 12 I 14 36 10 H 14 9 Ordinary . . 99 3 A 23 18 4 C 22 37 7 E 22 10 Ordinary . . 5900 5 D 11 19 3 A 12 38 4 C 11 11 Embolismic . . 01 8 G 11 20 9 H 11 39 10 G 11 12 Ordinary . . 02 6 E 19 21 5 C 20 40 3 B 20 13 Ordinary . . 03 2 A 9 22 6 E 8 41 5 C 9 14 Embolismic . . 04 14 M 8 23 9 G 8 42 11 I 8 15 Ordinary . . 05 1 A 17 24 5 D 16 43 3 A 17 16 Ordinary . . 06 7 E 5 25 I A 6 44 5 D 5 17 Embolismic . . 07 14 L 5 26 13 I 5 45 8 G 5 18 Ordinary . . 08 1 B 13 27 5 C 13 46 6 E 13 19 Embolismic . . 5909 13 I 12 5928 8 H 12 5947 9 G 13 Years. 314th Cycle. 315th Cycle. 316th Cycle. 1 Ordinary . . 5948 5 D 21 5967 3 A 23 5986 1 A 22 2 Ordinary . . 49 1 A 11 68 5 D 11 87 3 A 12 3 Embolismic . . 50 13 I 10 69 11 I 10 88 12 K 10 4 Ordinary . . 51 5 C 18 70 3 A 19 89 4 C 18 5 Ordinary . . 52 1 B 7 71 5 C 8 90 3 A 8 G Embolismic . . 53 13 I 6 72 8 H 7 91 9 G 8 7 Ordinary . . 54 5 C 14 73 6 E 15 92 5 D 16 8 Embolismic . . 55 8 G 14 74 9 G 15 93 11 I 15 9 Ordinary . . 56 1 B 23 75 5 C 24 94 3 A 24 10 Ordinary . . 57 7 E 11 76 1 B 13 95 5 C 13 11 Embolismic . . 58 14 L 11 77 13 I 12 96 11 K 11 12 Ordinary . . 59 1 A 20 78 5 C 20 97 3 A 20 11 Ordinary . . 60 3 A 10 79 1 A 10 98 5 C 9 14 Embolismic . 61 12 I 9 80 13 K 8 99 8 G 9 15 Ordinary . . 62 4 C 17 81 2 A 17 6000 6 F 16 16 Ordinary . . 63 3 A 7 82 4 C 6 17 Embolismic . . 64 9 H 6 83 10 G 6 18 Ordinary . . 65 5 C 15 84 7 F 13 19 Embolismic 5966 11 I 14 5985 14 L 13 N TABLE I. ORDINARY PERFECT YEARS OF 355 DAYS. Date of Hebrew Month. New Moon, Festivals and Fasts. Days of the week. Christian Months Date of the Month. 1 2 3 A B 1 2 N. M. Tisri. New Year MT ThF SaS September 30 days 11 12 12 13 3 Fast of Guedaliah . . W *S M 13 14 10 W Sa M 20 21 15 16 Tabernacle .... MT ThF SaS 25 26 26 27 21 Hosana Raba . . . S W F October 31 1 2 22 23 Feast of the 8th day . MT ThF SaS 2 3 3 4 30 1 N. M. Hesvan . . . TW FSa S M 10 11 11 12 30 1 N. M. Kislev . . . ThF SM TW November 30 9 10 10 11 25 Hanuca .... M Th Sa December 31 4 5 30 1 N. M. Tebet .... SaS T W ThF 9 10 10 11 10 FastofTebet . . . T F S 19 20 1 V. M. Sebat .... M Th Sa January 31 8 9 15 M Th Sa 22 23 30 1 N. M. Adar .... T W FSa S M February 28 6 7 7 8 13 Fast of Esther . . . M Th *Th or 29 19 20 14 15 TW FSa S M 20 21 21 22 1 V. M. Nisan .... Th S T March 31 8 8 15 16 Passover ThF SM TW 22 23 22 23 30 1 N. M. Yiar .... FSa MT WTh April 30 6 7 6 7 14 Second Passover . . F M W 20 20 18 13 of the Homer . . . T F S 24 24 1 V. M. Sivan .... S W F May 31 6 6 6 7 FSa MT WTh 11 12 11 12 30 1 *. M. Tamuz . . . MT ThF SaS June 30 4 5 4 5 17 ?ast of Tamuz . . . Th S T 21 21 1 N. M. Ab W Sa M Julv 31 4 9 ?astof Ab .... Th S T uuijr 01 j, 12 12 15 Tubeab W Sa M 18 IB 30 1 N. M. Elul .... ThF SM T W August 31 2 3 10 2 3 Sabbath Shekalim . . 27 Sebat I Adar 29 Sebat Zachor . . . 11 Adar 8 13 Adar Para . . . 18 22 20 Abodes . . . 25 29 27 The weekly portions that are read separately 22 23 39 40 39 40 51 52 91 TABLE II. ORDINARY COMMON YEARS OF 354 DAYS. Date of Hebrew Month. New Moons, Festivals and Fasts. Days of the Week. Christian Months. Date of the Month. 4 5 c D 1 2 N. M. Tisri. New Year T W ThF September 30 days 12 13 13 14 3 Fast of Guedaliah . . Th *S 14 15 10 Kipur ...... Th Sa 21 22 15 16 Tabernacle TW ThF 26 27 27 28 21 Hosana Raba .... M W October 31 2 3 22 23 Feast of the 8th day . T W ThF 3 4 4 5 30 1 N. M. Hesvan . . . WTh FSa 11 12 12 13 1 N. M. Kislev .... F S November 30 10 11 25 Hanuca M W December 31 }} 4 5 30 1 N. M. Tebet .... SaS MT 9 10 10 11 10 FastofTebet .... T Th 19 20 1 N. M. Sebat .... M W January 31 8 9 15 Laylanot M W 22 23 30 1 N. M. Adar .... T W ThF February 28 6 7 7 8 13 Fast of Esther . . . M W or 29 19 20 14 15 Purim ...... T W ThF 20 21 21 22 1 V. M. Nisan ..... Th Sa March 31 8 8 15 16 Passover ThF SaS 22 23 22 23 30 1 N. M. Yiar .... FSa SM April 30 6 7 6 7 14 Second Passover . . . F S 20 20 18 13 of the Homer . . . T Th 24 24 1 N. M. Sivan .... S T May 31 6 6 6 7 FSa SM 11 12 11 12 30 1 V. M. Tamuz .... MT WTh June 30 4 5 4 5 17 ""ast of Tamuz . . . Th *S 21 21 1 N. M. Ab W F July 31 4 4 9 r ast of Ab Th S 12 12 15 W F 18 18 30 1 N. M. Elul .... ThF SaS August 31 ,, 2 3 2 3 Sabbath Shekalim . . 27 Sebat 25 Sebat Zachor . . . 11 Adar 9 Adar Para. . . . 18 23 Abodes . . . 25 1 Nisan The weekly portions that are read 39 40 separately ...... 51 52 TABLE III. ORDINARY IMPERFECT YEARS 353 DAYS. Date of Hebrew Month. New Moons, Festivals and Fasts. Days of the week. Christian Months. Date of the Month. 6 7 E F 1 2 3 N. M. Tisri. New Year Fast of Guedaliah . . MT W SaS M September 30 days 13 14 15 14 15 16 10 Kipur W M 22 23 15 16 Tabernacle .... M T SaS 27 28 28 29 21 Hosana Raba .... S F October 31 3 4 22 23 Fast of the 8th day . . MT SaS 4 5 5 6 30 1 N. M. Hesvan . . . TW SM 12 13 13 14 1 N.M. Kislev .... Th T November 30 11 12 25 Hanuca S F December 31 5 6 1 N.M. Tebet .... F W 10 11 10 FastofTebet .... S F 19 20 1 N. M. Sebat .... Sa Th January 31 8 9 15 Laylanot Sa Th 22 23 30 1 N. M. Adar .... S FSa February 28 6 7 7 8 13 Fast of Esther . . . *Th Th or 29 19 20 14 15 Purim SM FSa 20 21 21 22 1 N. M. Nisan .... T S March 31 8 8 15 16 Passover ..... TW SM 22 23 22 23 30 1 N.M.Yiar WTh MT April 30 6 7 6 7 14 Second Passover . . . W M 20 20 18 33 of the Homer . . . S F 24 24 1 N.M. Sivan .... F W May 31 6 6 6 7 Sebuot WTh MT 11 12 11 12 30 1 N. M. Tamuz .... SaS ThF June 30 4 5 4 5 17 Fast of Tamuz . . . T S 7~ 21 21 1 N. M. Ab M Sa July 31 4 4 9 Fast of Ab T S 12 12 15 Tubeab M Sa 18 18 30 1 N.M. EM TW SM August 2 3 2 3 Sabbath Shekalim . . [29 Sebat 1 Adar Zachor . . .13 Adar 8 Para. . . .20 22 Abodes ... 127 29 The weekly portions that are read separately . 39 40 39 40 51 52 TABLE IV. OF 385 DAYS. 93 Date of Hebrew Month. New Moons, Festivals and Fasts. Days of the week. Christian Months. Date of the Month. 8 9 10 G H 1 2 N. M. Tisri. New Year . . MT ThF SaS September 30 days 1 2 2 3 3 Fast of Guedaliah . W *S M 3 4 10 Kipur W Sa M 10 11 15 16 Tabernacle . . . MT ThF SaS 15 16 16 17 21 Hosana Raba . . S W F 21 22 22 23 Feast of the 8th day MT ThF SaS 22 23 23 24 30 1 N. M. Hesvan . . TW FSa S M 30 Oct. 1 1 2 30 1 N. M. Kislev . . ThF SM TW October 31 30 31 31 Nov. 1 25 Hanuca .... M Th Sa November 30 24 25 30 1 N. M. Tebet . . . SaS TW ThF 29 30 30 Dec. 1 10 Fast of Tebet . . T F S December 31 9 10 1 N. M. Sebat . . M Th Sa 29 30 15 Laylanot ... * M Th Sa January 31 12 13 30 1 N. M. Adar . . . TW FSa S M 27 28 28 29 14 Little Purim . . . T F S February 28 10 11 30 1 N. M. Veadar . . ThF SM TW or 29 26 27 27 28 13 Fast of Esther . . W *Th M March 31 11 11 14 15 Purim ThF SM TW 12 13 12 13 1 N. M. Nisan . . . Sa T Th 28 28 15 16 Passover .... SaS TW ThF April 30 11 12 11 12 30 1 N. M. Yiar . . . SM WTh FSa 26 27 26 27 14 Second Passover . S W F May 31 10 10 18 33 of the Homer . Th S T 14 14 1 N. M. Sivan. . . T F S 26 26 6 7 Sebuot .... SM WTh FSa 31 June 1 31 June 1 30 1 N. M. Tamuz . . WTh SaS MT June 30 24 25 24 25 17 Fast of Tamuz . . *S T Th July 31 11 11 1 N. M. Ab . . . F M W 24 24 9 Fast of Ab . . . *S T Th August 31 1 1 15 Tubeab .... F M W 7 7 30 1 N. M. Elul . . . SaS TW ThF 22 23 22 23 Sabbath Shekalim . . 25 Adar 29 Adar 27 Adar Zachor . . . 9 Vead. 13 Vead. 11 Vead. Para. . . . 23 20 18 Abodes . . . 1 Nisan 27 25 These weekly portions are read together . . 42 43 51 52 39 40 42 43 51 52 94 TABLE V, EMBOLISMIC IMPERFECT YEARS 383 DAYS. Date of Hebrew Month. New Moons, Festivals, and Fasts. Days of the Week. Christian Months. Date of the Month. 11 12 13 I K 1 2 N. M. Tisri. New Year MT ThF SaS September 30 days 2 3 3 4 3 Fast of Guedaliah . . W *S M 4 5 10 Kipur . . . . . . W Sa M 11 12 15 16 Tabernacle ... . . MT ThF SaS 16 17 17 18 21 Hosana Raba .... S W F 22 23 22 23 Feast of the 8th day . MT ThF SaS 23 24 24 25 30 1 N. M. Hcsvan . . . T W FSa SM October 31 1 2 2 3 1 N. M. Kislev .... Th S T 31 1 Nov. 25 Hanuca S W F November 30 24 26 1 N. M. Tebet .... F M W 29 30 10 Fast of Tebet .... S W F December 31 8 9 1 N. M. Sebat . . . . Sa T Th 28 29 15 Sa T Th January 31 11 J2 30 1 N. M. Adar .... SM WTh FSa 26 27 27 28 14 Little Purim .... S W F February 28 9 10 30 1 N. M. Veadar . . . TW FSa SM or 29 25 26 26 27 13 Fast of Esther . . . M Th *Th March 31 10 10 14 15 T W F Sa S M 11 12 11 12 1 N. M. Nisan .... Th S T 27 27 15 16 ThF S M T W April 30 10 11 10 11 30 1 N. M. Yiar . . . . FSa MT WTh 25 26 25 26 14 Little Passover . . . F M W May 31 9 9 18 33 of the Homer . . . T F S 13 13 1 N. M. Sivan .... S W F 25 25 6 1 Sebuot FSa MT WTh 30 31 Qf) Q1 30 1 N. M. Tamuz . . . MT ThF SaS June 30 23 24 tJv Ol 23 24 17 FastofTamuz . . . Th S T July 31 10 10 1 N. M. Ab W Sa M 23 23 9 Fast of Ab Th S T 31 31 15 Tubeab W Sa M August 31 g g 30 1 N.M.EM . . . . ThF SM T W 21 22 21 22 Sabbath Shekalim . . 27 Adar 1 Vead 29 Adar Zachor . . . 11 Vead 8 13 Vead Para. . . . 18 22 20 Abodes . . . 25 29 27 These weekly portions are read together. 39 40 42 43 42 43 51 52 51 52 95 TABLE VI. ; EXAMPLE EMBOLISMIC COMMON YEARS FOR THE YEAR OF 5684 19231924 384 DAYS. Date of New Moons, Days of the Week. Christian Date of the Month. By Table of Cycles, page 95. ~t A \/t f\ LI c Drew Month. Festivals, & Fasts. 14 Months. L M 14 M -j- 9 1 Q9^ 1 2 N.M. Tisri. ItfXu New Year . T W September 30 days 1 2 2 3 T W 11 12 Sept. 3 Fast of Guedaliah Th 3 4 Th 13 10 Kipur .... Th 10 11 Th 20 14 15 Tabernacle . . T W 15 16 16 17 T W 25 26 21 Hosana Raba M 21 22 M 1 Oct. 22 23 Feast of the 8th day TW 22 23 23 24 T W 2 3 30 1 N. M. Hesvan . WTh October 31 30 Oct. 1 1 2 WTh 10 11 1 N. M. Kislev . F 30 31 F 9 Nov. 25 Hanuca . . . M November 30 23 24 M 3 Dec. 30 1 N. M. Tebet . . SaS 28 29 29 30 SaS 7 8 10 Fast of Tebet . T December 31 8 9 T 18 1924 1 N. M. Sebat . . M 28 29 M 7 Jan. 15 Laylanot . . . M January 31 11 12 M 21 30 1 N. M. Adar . . TW 26 27 27 28 T W 5 6 Feb. 14 Little Purim . T February 28 9 10 T 19 30 1 N. M. Veadar . ThF or 29 25 26 26 27 ThF 6 7 March 13 Fast of Esther . W March 31 10 10 W 19 14 15 Purim .... ThF 11 12 11 12 ThF 20 21 1 N. M. Nisan . Sa 27 27 Sa 5 April 15 16 Passover . . . SaS April 30 10 11 10 11 SaS 19 20 30 1 N. M. Yiar . . SM 25 26 25 26 SM 4 5 May 14 Second Passover S May 31 9 9 S 18 18 33 of the Homer . Th 13 13 Th 22 1 N. M. Sivan . . T 25 25 T 3 June 6 7 Sebuot .... S M 30 31 30 31 SM 8 9 30 1 N. M. Tamuz . W.Th June 30 23 24 23 24 WTh 2 3 July 17 Fast of Tamuz . *S July 31 10 10 *S 20 1 N. M. Ab . . . F 23 23 F 1 August 9 Fast of Ab . . *S 31 31 S 10 15 Tubeab . . . F August 31 6 6 F 15 30 1 N. M. Elul . . SaS 21 22 21 22 SaS 30 31 Sabbath Shekalim . . 25 Adar 1 March Zachor . . 9 Vead 15 Para . . . 23 29 Ahodes . . 1 Nisar 5 April The only weekly por tions read together arc : 42 43 90 AN ALMANACK FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. aj ORDINARY YEARS OF 365 DAYS. aS i i 00 ?) -- co S O i-i so so co o SO SO CO SO ^ ^ qj . . 1 | j| 1 o " s s *> "-5 < & 2 05 C O 0^ * Q 1900 1906 1917 1923 1934 1945 1951 1962 1973 1979 1990 2 5 5 1 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 7 1901 1907 1918 1929 1935 1946 1957 1963 1974 1985 1991 3 G G 2 4 7 2 5 1 3 6 1 1902 1913 1919 1930 1941 1947 1958 1969 1975 1986 1997 4 7 7 3 5 1 3 G 2 4 7 2 1903 1914 1925 1931 1942 1953 1959 1970 1981 1987 1998 5 1 1 4 G 2 4 7 3 5 1 3 1909 1915 1926 1937 1943 1954 1965 1971 1982 1993 1999 6 2 2 5 7 3 5 1 4 6 2 4 1910 1921 1927 1938 1949 1955 1966 1977 1983 1994 7 3 3 G 1 4 6 '2 5 7 3 5 1905 1911 1922 1933 1939 1950 1961 1967 1978 1989 1995 1 4 4 7 2 5 7 3 6 1 4 6 to 1" R 8 s fi 5 S R s r R S BISSEXTILES OR LEAP YEARS OF 366 DAYS. CO fi CO co co -H SO CO r M CO so ec ti 'iH >> S3 i ilb -4-J ^J > u 1 | r: z 1 S S !-> - S o O QJ TO h S Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday > Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday- Thursday 7 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday- Saturday Sunday Monday 11 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 12 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 13 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 14 Saturday* Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 15 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday- 16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 17 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday g Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 19 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 20 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 21 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 22 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 24 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 25 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 26 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday- Wednesday 27 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 28 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 29 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 90 AN ALMANACK FROM THE YEAR 2200 TO 2240. 01 COMMON YEARS OF 365 DAYS. 73 CO ' ' ^ co V B bn CO C-5 c 4 ri P. <~ c s "3 a; "o j= i) HS r? > HTAV*I a a i > i rv~i * -\ i i j j i .' i/i i i,,-vn.? \fi ouu i'_v i . . CO :M cc CO ?: M 7-7 M M .^^^-^-^-^ C r f' J E, 1' a; ~^; be a "o > 53 t-J ~ S ^ r. O Y* 2204 2232 1 4 5 i 3 G 1 i 7 2 & 7 2216 2 5 G 2 1 7 2 5 1 3 <> 1 2228 3 6 7 3 5 1 3 6 2 4 7 2 2212 2240 4 7 1 1 (} 2 1 7 3 5 1 3 2224 5 1 2 6 7 3 5 1 4 6 2 1 2208 2236 6 2 3 G 1 4 6 2 5 7 3 5 2220 7 3 4 7 2 5 7 3 G 1 I 6 DAYS OF THE WEEK DURING A MONTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 4 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 5 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 6 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 11 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 12 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 13 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday x 14 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 15 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 17 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 18 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 19 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 20 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 21 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 22 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 23 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 24 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 25 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 26 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 27 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 28 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 29 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 31 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 100 IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE GLOBE, NEW YORK, SERVING, WITH LITTLE VARIATION, FOR THE NORTHERN STATES & CANADA. I BENGAL, WITH LITTLE ALTERATION SERVING ! FOR THE EAST INDIES GENERALLY. Jan. 1st to 22nd at 4 22nd 22nd Feb. at 4J Feb. 22nd 15th Mar. at 5 Mar. 15th 8th April at 5 April 8th 1st May at 6 May 1st 15th at 6 15th 22nd July at 7 July 22nd 22nd Aug. at 6J Aug. 22nd 15th Sep. at 6 Sep. 15th 8th Oct. at 5J Oct. 8th 1st Nov. at 5 Nov. 1st 22nd at 4 22nd S 1st Dec. at 4 Jan. 1st. to 12th at 5 13th 8th Mar. at 5 \ Mar. 9th 20th May at 6 May 21st 12th Aug. at 6 Aug. 13th 13th Sep. at 6 \ Sep. 14th 17th Oct. at 5 ' Oct. 18th 31st Dec. at 5 | SYDNEY, N.S.W. SERVING, WITH LITTLE VARIATION, FOR THE COLONIES OF AUSTRALIA. Jan. 1st to 13th Feb. at 6 Feb. 14th 13th Mar. at 6 Mar. 14th 10th April at 5i April llth 15th May at 5 May 16th 23rd July at 4 July 24th 28th Aug. at 5 Aug. 29th 25th Sep. at 5J Sep. 26th 31st Oct. at 6 Nov. 1st 31st Dec. at 6J JAMAICA, WEST INDIA ISLANDS, And other places, where the setting of the Sun is seen, Sabbath is taken a few minutes previous. IN OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE AND AMERICA Every Congregation is guided by its own custom. 101 RELIGIOUS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 54421664. 5425-1665. 54611701. 54631703. 6484-1724 14861726. 54901730. 5496-1736. 55051745. 55071747. 65081748. OP THE JEWS, IN LONDON, WITH THE DATES OF THEIR FOUNDATION. PhlD "TlD/TVl D"H \V Mr. S. Almosnino, Hon. Sec. A Society instituted for the Study of the Holy Law, and the Education and Clothing of Boys of the Portuguese Congregation ; the latter was remodelled in 1822, and entitled Wpn nytf . Subscription 12s. per ann. A Life Governorship, 5 Guineas. DHDH m^'D^ 71P 11^^)1 Mr. B. H. Cohen, Secretary. A Society for affording Relief to the Sick ; since transferred to the Hos- pital ; and interring the Poor of the Portuguese Congregation free of expense. Subscription 12s. per ann. Ladies, 6s. per ann. A Life Governorship, 5 Guineas. The present PORTUGUESE SYNAGOGUE built. D'DIJT ONI ("hlN H W *fr- A. H. Salom, Secretary. Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Orphan School, for the education, main- tenance, clothing, and apprenticing Orphan Boys, who are admitted by the Votes of the Subscribers. Annual Subscription, 1. A Life Governorship 10. Ladies half the sums. The Portuguese Jews' Alms Houses, Heneage Lane, for 24 Poor Women. DSffiD im mow rmn DS:iK omo DS"r pin Mr. B. H. Cohen, Secretary. A Society, maintained from its own funds, under the management of 19 Governors, for granting, annually, Marriage Portions of 60 to one or more fatherless girls of the Portuguese Congregation : 20s. to every poor woman lying-in at the Hospital : 10s. if at her own habitation, and 5s. to every poor person, above ten years of age, taking Abel. TheHAMBRO' SYNAGOGUE founded. THE VILLAREAL CHARITY SCHOOL. Mr. S. Almosnino, Sec. Founded by Isaac Da Costa Villareal, for the education and clothing of 20 poor Girls of the Portuguese Congregation, maintained from its own funds, under the management of the Mahamad and the Heir of the Founder. A Committee of Young Ladies voluntarily superintend the school, and seek employment, by apprenticeship or otherwise, for those leaving it.. A Society, under the management of its own Governors, for giving an- nually Marriage Portions of 80, or upwards, to poor Fatherless Girls, of the Portuguese Congregation. A Donation of 25 constitutes a Go- vernor, with right to name a Successor, in default of which, his next heir, according to the Jewish Law of Succession, succeeds to the Governorship. Mr. J. Hyams, Secretary. Supported by Subscriptions of 10s. 6d. annually : a Life Governorship, 5. This Society furnishes to every poor lawfully married woman, of the German Congregations, put to bed of a Male Child, a person to per- form the Circumcision, a Godfather for the child, and 25s. in money. DO Mr. S. Almosnino, Secretary. The Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Hospital, removed in 1792 to Mile- End, for the Reception of the Sick Poor of the Congregation, Lying-in Women, and an Asylum for the Aged ; with advice, and gratuitous dis- pensation of medicine to Out-Patients. Supported by Voluntary Con- tributions. Subscribers of 1 Is. per ann., may have 1 In and 2 Out- patients on the Establishment. Subscribers of 2 2s. have in addition the privilege of sending in a pregnant woman, on entering her ninth month. Life Governors, or Governesses, have the same privilege. A Life Governorship 10 Guineas for Gentlemen, and 5 Guineas for Ladies. /1 P ' Lazarus, Esq. Hon. Sec. A Society for Educating and Clothing 10 Orphan Boys, who are admitted by the recommendation of a Subscriber ; when a vacancy occurs, the names of the applicants are placed in a wheel, those drawn prizes receive the benefit. Supported by Annual Subscriptions of 6s. 102 Mr, S. Solis, Secretary. A Society, under the management of its own Governors, for apprenticing poor Boys of the Portuguese Congregation ; Lending Money to the In- dustrious Poor ; granting Rewards for Good Behaviour to Servants and Apprentices ; and Out-fitting Boys leaving the country. A Donation of 5 constitutes a Governor. The NEW GERMAN SYNAGOGUE, in Leadenhall-street, founded. DMJH? DPP ]DU J.M.Da Costa, Jun., Esq., Hon. Sec. A Society for Distributing Bread Weekly to the Poor of the Portuguese Congregation, supported by Voluntary Subscription. Subscription 6s. per ann., for Gentlemen, 3s. for Ladies. A Life Governorship 5 Guineas, with the privilege of recommending a pen- sioner, subject to the approval of the Committee. 55091749. 55201760. 55381778. 5540-1780 tJ?DJ rQ'tPtt mUn S. A. Lny, Esq. Hon. Sec. A Society for Distributing Bread, Meat, and Coals, during the Winter to the Jewish Poor, supported by Voluntary Contributions and Sub- scriptions ; entitling the Subscribers to the chance of drawing benefits, which consist of a Ticket for Is. 9d. for Bread, Is. 9d. Coals, and Is. 9d. Meat, for 12 weeks. Subscribers of 4s. 4d. annually, have One chance, and of 1 Is., Five chances. This was the first Society inducing the frugal poor by saving the trifling sum of One Penny per week, to endea- vour to procure themselves some assistance when most required. 5550-1790. The GREAT GERMAN SYNAGOGUE, in Duke's Place, built. 5558-1798. J"QtP Ow? DOV^K mtV Mr. H. Abrahams, Secretary. A Society for administering pecuniary Relief to the Poor in Winter ; supported by Subscriptions of 21s. per annum, for which a Subscriber has four chances in a drawing by lot ; prizes receive tickets for 5s. per week, for twelve weeks. 6560 1806. p"1; (113 Mr- A. Leo, Secretary. The Jews' Hospital (German) Mile End, for the Support of the Aged, and for the Education and Employment of Youth ; trades are taught them in the house, where many articles are manufactured, and sold for the benefit of the establishment. Supported by Voluntary Contributions. Subscribers of a Guinea annually have 1 vote ; 2 Guineas, 2 votes ; and 3 Guineas, 4 votes. A donation of 25 Guineas constitutes a Life Go- vernor, who has 4 votes. 55721812. The LADIES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Mrs. L.Lucas, ffon.Sec. Instituted by the Baroness N. M. De Rothschild, for the purpose of Relieving Poor Jewish Lying-in Married Women at their own dwell- ings. Subscribers of 1 Guinea per annum are entitled to a recommenda- tion. The benefits conferred, are a complete suit of clothes for the mother, two for the infant, one pair sheets, and 5s. per week for two weeks, with such further relief as the Committee may deem necessary. 5573-1813. nwS -pirn 55761816. 5578-1818. S. Joseph, Esq. Hon. Sec. A Society for Clothing Poor Jewish Boys between the Ages of Seven and Thirteen. Supported by Voluntary Contributions and Subscriptions ; the benefits are drawn half-yearly. Subscribers of 12s. per annum are entitled to recommend one Boy; 16s. two; and 21s., or upwards, three. A Donation of 5 Guineas constitutes a Life Governor, who has one recommendation at each drawing. DH7* ^Wl rt")in TlDvn Mr. H. A. Henry, Sec. The Jews' Free School for the Education of 600 Boys and 300 Girls. Supported by^Voluntary Contributions and Annual Subscriptions of 12s., and upwards ; at a proper age the Committee seek to procure employ- ment for those leaving the School. By the munificence of Baroness N. M. De Rothschild, a dress is furnished to each annually. Barrow's Alms Houses, Globe Lane, founded by Joseph Barrow, Esq. for Ten respectable Poor Families of the Portuguese Congregation. The LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Miss S. Nathan, Hon. Sec For Clothing Half-yearly Poor Girls of the Jewish Communities, between the Ages of Eight and Fourteen. Supported by Voluntary Contributions and Subscriptions. Subscribers drawing a benefit are entitled to send a Girl to be clothed. Subscription, 4s. 4d. annually for One chance ; or Five chances for a Guinea. Under the Government of a Committee of Young Ladies. 103 55791819. 55801820. 5581-1821. 55821822. 55841824. 5585-1825. 5586-1826. 55881828. 55891829. 55891829. H. Dyte, Esq. Hon. See. A Society for granting an allowance of 5s. Weekly to the Indigent Blind of the Jewish Persuasion, supported by Voluntary Contributions. Pen- sioners are admitted by the majority of Votes of the Subscribers. 5 5s. constitutes a Life Governor, who has Two votes ; Subscribers of 10s., annually, have One vote, and of 21s. Two votes. D'Din V PIPI Mr. S. Solomons, Sec. A Society for Educating, Clothing, and allowing 4s. Weekly to Poor Jew Orphan Children : admitted by the majority of Votes of the Sub- scribers : 4s. 4d., annually, entitles a Subscriber to One vote ; 10s. to Two ; and 29s. to Three. A Life Governorship, having Two votes, 5 5s. rhin "non Mr. s. R ees , s ec . The Western Institution for Educating, Clothing, and Apprenticing Indigent Jewish Boys, by a majority of Votes of the Subscribers. Sup- ported by Voluntary Contributions : 5 5s. constitues a Life Governor, who has Four votes; Annual Subscribers of 4s. 4d. have One vote; 8s. 8d. Two ; 13s. Three ; and 21s. Four. Mr. M. Kbch, See. The Westminster Benevolent Institution for Clothing Jewish Boys : sup- ported by Subscriptions of 8d. per month ; for each Sd. contributed, the Subscriber has a chance of a benefit, which is drawn Half-yearly. The GERMAN SYNAGOGUE, in Brewer Street, founded. Mr. B. H. Cohen, Sec. The Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Charity School, for Forty Boys, who are Educated, Clothed, and Apprenticed. Supported by Volun- tary Contribution. Annual Subscription, 1 Guinea. A Life Gover- norship, 10 Guineas. This School is remodelled from the one founded in 1664. Dv1H 7 fW&J> Mr. M. Samuel, Sec. A Society for Relieving the Indigent Sick of the Jewish Congrega- tions : Relief is given on a Certificate from a Doctor according to the decision of the Visiting Committee. Supported by Subscriptions of 4s. 4d. annually. Mr. C. Joel, See. A Society allowing 5s. per Week to Poor Widows of the Jewish Com- munities. Pensioners admitted by a majority of Votes of the Subscri- bers. A Subscription of 6s. per annum entitles to One vote ; 10s. Two ; IGs. Three ; 20s. Four ; and an additional Vote for every 5s. more sub- scribed. Subscribers paying three months' subscription are entitled to vote. A Society supported by Voluntary Contribution, for Clothing Poor Boys. The Subscriber's Name with the Boy's, recommended, are drawn Half- yearly, those gaining a benefit receive a complete suit of Clothes. Sub- scribers of 12s. per annum have One recommendation ; 16s. Two ; and 2ls. Three. The GERMAN SYNAGOGUE, in St. Alban's Place, consecrated. DOlMtf mtV Mr. M. Sampson, Sec. The Western Jewish Philanthropic Institution, for granting Loans not exceeding 5 to the industrious Poor, or Gifts, not exceeding 2, to the Distressed, on the recommendation of a Subscriber paying 12s. per annum, the Society being supported by Voluntary Subscriptions. S. Wolff, Esq., Hon. Sec. A Society supported by Voluntary Contribution, for allowing 13 per annum, to aged reduced meritorious objects of the Jewish Persuasion. Annuitants admitted by a majority of Votes of the Subscribers. Sub- scribers of 4s. per annum are entitled to One vote ; 8s. to Two ; 12s. to Three; and 21s. to Six. A donation of 5 Guineas constitutes a Life Governor, who lias Six votes. JITI 7V D'JV^N HD^ft M. Samuel, Etq., Hon. Sec. A Society for Cheering the Needy at Festivals, supported by Annual Subscription of 4s. 4d. The Subscribers' Names are drawn at Pass- over and Tabernacle, thosn gaming benefits receive a ticket for 10s. 104 55901830. mpn HytP PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Mr. B. H. Cohen, sec. For the Education of all the Male Children of the Portuguese Con- gregation : supported by Voluntary Contribution, Annual Subscription, 10s. A Life Governorship, 5. A Governor, or Subscriber, is entitled to have one Boy in the School ; being a Branch of the School established in 1822. Subscription to both, 26s. per annum. Mr. A. Saqut, Sec. A Society for allowing 8s. per Week, for Life, to the Poor Jewish Blind, who are admitted by a majority of Votes of the Subscribers. An Annual Subscription of 8s. entitles to Two votes ; and One for every additional 4s. DIDO ^n ftp"!!* Mr. Nieto, Sec. A Society furnishing a person to sit up with the Sick Poor, and allowing for the Week of Mourning, 5s., in Bread, Meat, and Coals, and Is. in Money ; supported by Annual Subscriptions of 4s. 4d. 55911831. D'DW 1 ? rTQtf Mr. A. Sagui, Sec. Jews' Orphan Asylum, supported by Voluntary Contributions ; SUnlrer tfie patronage of Her iHajestg tfje ueen Uotoager ; for the Education, Maintenance, Clothing, and Apprenticing Male and Female Orphans of the Jewish Communities, who are admitted by a ma- jority of Votes of the Subscribers, at any age under 11. Annual Sub- scription unlimited. A Life Governorship, 5 Guineas. 55921832. D^Dp *Dlfl* 7137 Mr. S. Solomons, Sec. The Infant Orphan Charity, supported by Voluntary Contributions and Subscriptions of 1 Guinea per ann. This Society allows 3s. per week for nursing, furnishes clothing, and at six years of age procures their educa- tion in the Free School, and lastly apprentices them to trades. The In- fants of any of the Jewish Congregations are admitted by the majority of Votes of the Subscribers. Mr.N.P ere z,Sec. The Widows' Pension Society ; gives 2s. 6d. per week for Six Months to Poor Widows of the Jewish Communities : Pensioners admitted by the majority of Votes of the Subscribers. Supported by Subscription : Sub- scribers of 4s. per annum have One vote ; 6s. Two ; 10s. Three ; and 20s. Six. DH*7 t^M^D / L. Lyon, Esq., Hon. Sec. A Society for Clothing Children of the Needy of the Jewish Persuasion : Clothes Six Girls and Six Boys half-yearly. Supported by Subscription. A Subscriber drawing a benefit has the privilege of sending a Child to be clothed. Annual Subscription for One chance, 4s. 4d. ; and for Two 6s. 6d. 55931833. Mr. E. Goldsmith, Sec. A Society for Assisting the Jewish Poor at Festivals : supported by Sub- scriptions of 4s. 4d. annually. Benefits of 10s. each are drawn half- yearly. 5595 1835. A Society for Distributing Winter Clothing to the Jewish Poor, con- sisting of Great Coats, Cloaks, and Blankets, which are drawn annually. Subscribers of 4s. 4d. have One chance ; for 21s.Five. Mr.B. Cohen,Sec. 55961836. DTHTtf HITV Mr. J. Cohen, Sec. A Society for Relieving Distressed Aliens of the Jewish Persuasion : supported by Voluntary Contributions ; Contributors are entitled to re- commend objects for Relief. 5598 1838. A handsome Synagogue, with suitable Dwellings for its chief Officers is being built by the Congregation of the New Synagogue, in Great St. Helen's, and, vi ith the blessing of God, will shortly be dedicated to his Holy Service. Alms' Houses for Twelve Respectable Poor Families of the German Con- gregations, with a Synagogue attached, are being built by the benevo- lence of A. L. Moses, Esq. of Aldgate, at his sole expense, in a most beautiful style. 105 A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, FORMING A SUMMARY OP JEWISH HISTORY, FROM THE FLOOD TO THE PRESENT DAY. A. M. 1656 The Deluge. 1667 Noah and his family quitted the Ark : the Iris given as a sign of no future Deluge. 1948 The birth of Abram. 1958 The birth of Sarah. 1996 The Confusion of Tongues, at the building of the Tower of Babel, in the reign of Semiramis. 2018 Covenant with Abram, from which is reckoned the 4SO years to the delivery from Egypt. 2023 Abram quitted his native land. 2024 went down into Egypt. 2034 The birth of Ismael. 2047 Circumcision ordered, and Abram's name changed to Abraham : from this cir- cumstance originates our custom of naming boys at that time. 2048 The birth of Isaac. 2074 Abraham prepares to offer his son Isaac. 2108 Esau and Jacob born. 2123 Abraham died, aged 175. 2185 Jacob obtained his father's blessing and went to his uncle Laban. 2192 Jacob espoused Leah and Rachel. 2199 The birth of Joseph. 2208 Jacob's name changed to Israel. 2216 Joseph sold by his brethren. 2228 Isaac died, aged 180. 2229 Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams. 2237 The descent of Joseph's ten brethren into Egypt to buy corn, and the detention of Simeon as hostage for their return with Benjamin. 2238 Their return with Benjamin ; Joseph makes himself known to his brethren, and Jacob descends with all his family into Egypt. 2255 Jacob died, aged 147. 2309 Joseph died, at the age of 110, after predicting the deliverance from Egypt, and the possession of the Holy Land. 2362 Job, so famed for his patience, wisdom, and virtue, flourished ; some authors con- sider him to have been the son of Uz, the eldest son of Nachor, and contem- porary with Abraham. 2368 Moses born, and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter. 2448 Egypt visited with the Ten Plagues. The Deliverance from Egypt, the 15th Abib or Nisan. Pharaoh and his host drowned in the Red Sea, the 21st. The Decalogue given on Mount Sinai, the 6th Sivan. The Oral Law given to Moses, during the forty days he was on the Mount. The Molten Calf worshipped. The Annual Impost of the Half Shekel, (which is observed to this day) instituted to defray the expenses of the Tabernacle, and as a census of the male popula- tion above 20 years of age. 2450 The Tabernacle completed the 1st of Tisri. 2487 The rebellion for want of water. Moses commanded to speak to the rock, but instead of so doing, he struck it ; for this disobedience to the order of God, he was condemned not to eater the Land of Promise. 10G CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A.M. 2487 Sihon and Ogg conquered ; their territories given to Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh. 2488 Moses died, aged 120. Joshua took the command under the title of Judge. The Israelites passed the Jordan, and entered the Holy Land. The alliance made with the Gibeonites ; they are attacked by the five Kings ; Joshua proceeded with an army to their assistance, and requested of God that the Sun and Moon might stand still. 2503 The division of the land to the nine and a half tribes made by Joshua. 2516 The death of Joshua, aged 110, he governed Israel 28 years. Othniel succeeded as Judge, and governed 40 years. The Elders assumed the government during his administration. 2525 Anarchy took place. The War of the Tribes against the Benjaminites. Become tributary to Cushan-rishataim, King of Mesopotamia. 2533 Othniel defeated Cushan-rishataim, and released them from paying tribute. 2556 Ehud became Judge, and governed 80 years. 2623 Ehud assassinated Eglon, King of Moab, who had oppressed Israel 18 years. 2635 Shamgar, the IVth Judge, governed only one year ; he defeated the Philistines. 2636 Deborah judged Israel 40 years : with Barak, delivered Israel from the oppression of Jabin, King of Canaan. 2676 Gideon, the Vlth Judge, governed 40 years : defeated the Midianites, who had laid the country waste during seven years. 2716 Abimelech, his son, assumed regal authority : slew his Seventy Brethren ; after ruling three years, was killed by a stone being thrown on his head while at- tacking Thebez. 2719 Tolang, the VII Ith Judge, governed 23 years. 2742 Jair, the IXth Judge, governed 22 years. 2764 The oppression of the Ammonites. 2781 Jephtha delivered his country, and governed six years. 2787 Ibzan judged Israel seven years. His name was also Boaz, the same who espoused Ruth. 2793 Elon, the XHth Judge, governed ten years. 2803 Abdon, the XIHth Judge, ruled eight years. 2811 Sampson, the XlVth Judge, governed 20 years. 2831 killed himself in destroying the temple of the Philistines. Eli, the High Priest, succeeded to the government, and acted as Judge during 40 years, even after the anointing of Saul. 2854 David born. 2864 Saul anointed by the Prophet Samuel. 2871 The Ark taken by the Philistines. Eli's death. Samuel, the Prophet, acted as Judge, until his death in 2882. 2876 Samuel anointed David. 2877 David slew Goliath. 2884 Victory of the Philistines ; Saul being wounded, killed himself. David, declared King of Judah. Civil war of Ishbosheth. 2892 David acknowledged King of all Israel. 2893 Jerusalem taken and made the seat of government. 2921 The rebellion of Absalom. 2923 Adonijah assumed the regal authority. David appointed Solomon to be his successor. 2924 Death of David. Solomon ascended the throne. 2925 his celebrated Judgment. commenced building the Temple, 480 years after the Exod. The Temple finished, and dedicated the 23rd Tisri. The rebellion of Jeroboham. The death of Solomon, after reigning 40 years. Rehoboham, his son, succeeded him ; his tyranny caused the separation of the kingdom of Israel from that of Judah. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 107 KINGS OF JUDAH. A.M. 2964 2969 2981 2982 2983 2985. 2986 2998 3009 3010 3014 3021 3024 3034 3041 3047 3054 3055 Rehoboham reigned 17 years. Shishak, King of Egypt, took Jerusalem, and plundered the Temple. Abijah, son of Rehoboham, suc- ceeded his father, and reigned 3 years. His victory over Jeroboham. Asa, his son, succeeded and reigned 41 years. His victory over Zerah, King of Ethiopia. KINGS OF ISRAEL. Jeroboham 1st, reigned 22 years. Nadab, his son, reigned 2 years Baasha killed him, and assumed the crown, he reigned 24 years. Jeoshaphat, his son, succeeded, and reigned 25 years. Elah, his son, succeeded, and reigned nearly 2 years. Killed by Zimri, an officer of his house- hold, who reigned but 7 days ; during his short usurpation he murdered all the males of the house of Baasha. Omri, Captain of the Host, besieged him in his palace, finding no means of escape, he set fire to it, and pe- rished in the flames. Omri became King, and reigned 12 years. Civil war between him and Tibni, on whose death, he was ac- knowledged by all the people. He built Samaria. Ahab, his son, succeeded, and reigned 22 years. The Prophets, Elijah and Elisha, flourished in this reign. Obadiah prophesied. Ahab died of a wound, received in a battle with Jeoshaphat, and was succeeded by Ahaziah, his Son, who reigned 2 years. The combined Fleets of Judah and Israel bound to Tarshish, wrecked. Joram, his brother, succeeded him, and reigned 12 years. Jeoshaphat joined his son, Jehoram, in the government of the kingdom,he reigned 8 years. Ahaziah, his son, succeeded, and reigned 1 year ; was killed in battle with Jehu. Athaliah, his mother, assumed the regal authority, and reigned 6 years. She destroyed all the Royal Family, except Joash, an infant, son of Ahaziah, who was saved by his Aunt Jeoshabeath, wife of Jehoi- ada, the High Priest, and se- creted in the Temple. Jehu, anointed King; killed Joram, and ascended the throne, he reigned 28 years. 108 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. KINGS OF JUDAH. A.M. 8061 Joash, declared King, at 7 years of age. Athaliah killed by the people. 3083 . .... 3098 3100 Zechariah, the High Priest, son of Jehoiada, stoned to death in the Temple, by order of Joash. Joash, purchased peace of the King of Syria. Slain by a conspiracy Amaziah, succeeded his father, and reigned 29 years. 3112 His victory over Edom. 3113 Challenged Jeoash. 3114 . 3129 3140 3154 3155 3156. 3160 3165 3167 3168 3184 3186 3187 Slain by a conspiracy ; and succeeded by his son, Uzziah, who had assumed the royal power in 3115, after the defeat and capture of his father his reign of 52 years is dated from that period. Isaiah began his prophecies. Micah prophesied. Jotham, succeeded his father, and reigned 16 years. Ahaz, his son, succeeded, reigned 16 years. Resin, King of Syria, and Pe- kah, King of Israel, attacked him, and were defeated. Formed an alliance with Ninus, the younger, successor of Sar- danapalus, called in scripture, Tiglath-Pileser. KINGS OF ISRAEL. Jonah prophesied in this reign. Jeoahaz, succeeded his father, and reigned 17 years Jeoash, his son, succeeded, and reigned 16 years. Hosea commenced his prophecies. Jeoash defeated Amaziah, took him prisoner, pillaged Jerusalem, and the Temple. Jeroboham II., son of Jeoash, suc- ceeded, and reigned 41 years. Note Calmet and Moreri, reckon an inter- regnum of 10 years, of which the Bible makes no mention. Vide 2 Kings xiv. 29. Owing to that difference, Christian Chrono- logists give 254 years as the duration of the kingdom, but the Jewish all agree in making it only 244 from the rebellion of Jeroboham. Zechariah, succeeded his father ; reign- ed 6 months. Shallum headed a conspiracy, killed Zechariah, and usurped the crown, which he held for 1 month, when he was slain by Menahem, who reigned 10 years. Paid Phul, King of Assyria, 1000 Ta- lents, about 120,000, to obtain peace. Pekaiah, succeeded his father, and reigned 2 years. Pekah, conspired against, and assassi- nated him, he usurped the throne, and reigned 20 years. Tiglath-Pileser attacked, and killed Resin, and took captives the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 109 KINGS OF JUDAH. KINGS OF ISRAEL. A.M. 3188 Hosea assassinated Pekah, and pre- tended to the crown, other competi- tors for it, led to civil war and anar- chy. 3190 Joel prophesied. 3196 Hosea became King, (he reigned 9 years) and formed an alliance with 3198 So, King of Egypt, against Salma- nasar, the successor of Tiglath-Pile- ser, but was subdued. 3199 Hezekiah, succeeded his father, Ahaz, and reigned 29 years. 3202 Revolted again. Siege laid to Samaria. 3205 Samaria taken, after a siege of 3 years. The remainder of the ten Tribes made captive. THUS ENDED THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL. Some Jews are said to have settled in Germany, at this period. Don Isaac Abarbanel, asserts in his Commentary on Zechariah, that a family of his name resided at Seville, and another family at Valencia, in the time of the first Temple, from which it may be presumed, that about this period, owing to the distracted state of Judea, some families removed from it. A.M. 3212 Hezekiah made alliances with the Kings of Egypt and Ethiopia, to free himself from the tribute which the Assyrians had levied on Judah since the time of Ahaz. Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, marched against him, and he was obliged to have recourse to the treasures of the Temple to purchase peace. 3213 Sennacherib returned against Jerusalem ; he is miraculously defeated with the loss of 185,000 men ; and on his return to Nineveh, is slain by his two sons. 3224 Hezekiah's illness. The Sun retrogaded 10 Degrees. 3214 Assardon, called also Baladan succeeds Sennacherib. 3226 Merodach Baladan succeeds him ; sends to congratulate Hezekiah on his reco- very, he shows the ambassadors all his treasures, on which Isaiah predicts the Babylonian Captivity. 3228 Mauasseh succeeded his father, and reigned 55 years. 3240 Nahum prophesied. 3249 Mauasseh taken prisoner to Babylon. 3250 He becomes penitent ; (for his prayer, see Apochrypha.) 3254 Habbakuk prophesied. 3283 Amon succeeded his father ; murdered by a conspiracy after reigning 2 years. 3285 Josiah succeeded his father ; he reigned 31 years. 3292 restored divine worship, which had been interrupted in the two latter reigns, and reformed abuses. 3298 Jeremiah began to prophecy. 3302 Hilkiah, the High Priest, found a book of the Law, in the Temple. 3308 Passover kept with extraordinary grandeur and great solemnity. Zephaniah prophesied. 3316 Josiah wounded in battle against Pharaoh Necho ; returned, and died at Jerusalem. 3316 Jeoachaz succeeded his father ; three months after his accession to the throne Pharaoh Necho levied a contribution of two talents of silver and one of gold on the country,(about 20,000) deposed him, and put his brother, Jehoiakim on the Throne ; he reigned 11 years. 3319 became tributary to Nebuchadnezzar, who conquered the country, and took Daniel and many others of note captives. jlO CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A. M. 3323 Jehoiakim revolted ; Nebuchadnezzar subdued him, and plundered the Temple. 3327 put to death, and succeeded by his son, Jehoiachin, who was only 8 years of age ; he is sent for to Babylon by Nebuchad- nezzar, when he is thrown into prison. Zedekiah, his uncle, placed on the throne by Nebuchadnezzar, he was the last King of Judah, and reigned 11 years. 3332 Ezekiel commenced his prophecies. 3336 Zedekiah revolted against the Babylonian oppression. Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem, 10th Tebet. 3338 took the city, and burnt the Holy Temple, 9th Ab. killed the sons of Zedekiah in their father's presence, and, after having his eyes put out, carried him, with a great many of the people, captive to Babylon. THUS ENDED THE KINGDOM OF JODAH, WHICH HAD EXISTED, UNDER DAVID AND HIS LINEAL DESCENDANTS, 454 YEARS. 3339 Guedaliah, the son of Ahikam, who had been made Governor of Judea by Nebuchad- nezzar ; murdered, the 3rd Tisri. 3363 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, cast into the fiery furnace. 3364 Evil Merodach ascended the throne of Babylon ; released Jehoiachin, who had been 37 years a prisoner, and allowed him princely maintenance. 3389 Belshazzar's impious feast and death. Daniel thrown into the lion's den ; he prophesied at Babylon during the three pre- ceding reigns. 3390 Cyrus conquered Darius, and assumed the regal power. ordered the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. 3393 killed, and succeeded by Artaxerxes, in Scripture, Ahasuerus. 3396 Esther became Queen of Media and Persia. 3404 saves her people. PUEIM instituted. 3409 Haggai, Zachariah, and Malachi prophesied. The building of the Second Temple commenced. 3412 finished and consecrated, the 23rd Adar. 3413 Ezra quitted Babylon, and went to Jerusalem. 3426 The walls of the city rebuilt by Nehemiah. 3448 Alexander the Great visited the Temple, and offered sacrifices. 3457 Ptolemy conquered Judea, and carried 100,000 captives to Egypt. 3463 Taken from him by Antigonus. 3465 Retaken by him ; the Syrians over-ran the country and laid it under contribution ; Ptolemy ultimately gains possession of it. 3516 Antiochus the Great gave the Jews the same privileges as his other subjects. Ptolemy Philadelphius ordered 70 learned Jews to translate the Holy Books into Greek ; it is said to have cost upwards of 80,000. 3650 Ptolemy Philopater attempted to enter the sanctuary by force, but being pre- vented, he, in revenge, on his return to Egypt, killed 60,000 Jews. 3616 Antiochus Epiphanes pillaged and polluted the Temple, and forbade the obser- vance of Sabbath, Festivals, and Circumcision. 3621 Matthias, the first of the Asmonean Dynasty, openly revolted ; he and his descend- ants were called Maccabees, from the initials of the words oSss H31D3 D (" Who is like unto Thee, O Lord,") the mottto they bore on their banners. 3622 Judah, his son, succeeded him, defeated the Syrian army, and killed Appolonius, its general. purified the Temple, and restored divine worship, 25th Kislev. HANUCA, the Feast of Dedication, instituted. Ambassadors sent to Rome, who made a treaty of alliance with the Senate, which was engraven on tablets of brass. 3628 deserted by many of his troops in battle against the forces of Demetrius, under the command of Bacchides and Alcimus, is slain. Jonathan, his brother, succeeded him as King; and renewed the alliances with Rome, and Lacedaemon. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A.M. 3G33 Jonathan treacherously seized by Tryhon, who after receiving the amount he demanded for his ransom, put him to death. 3634 Simeon, his brother, succeeded him. The Consul, Lucius, writes to all the allies of Rome, in favour of the Jews. 3642 Simeon and two of his sons killed at a feast, by Ptolemy, his son in law, King of Egypt, who sought to obtain the government of Judea. John Hyrcanus, another son, who had escaped, on receiving information of the murder of his relatives ; carried on the war with Ptolemy, and besieged him in the castle of Dagon, when finding himself streightened, he caused John's mother and brothers, then in his power, to be scourged and tor- tured on the battlements in his sight ; and threatened to cast his mother from the walls, unless he abandoned the siege ; she, however, courageously advised him to continue it, and suffered death. Besieged in the Temple by Antiochus Sidetes, who granted a truce of 8 days, for the celebration of Tabernacle, and sent valuable offerings which led to a peace and treaty of alliance. 3648 The Roman authority commenced in Judea. 3665 Aristobulus, succeeded to the government ; he murdered his mother and brother. 3666 Alexander, another brother, succeeded him. 3667 lost 30,000 men in a battle with Ptolemy Lathurus. 3669 formed an alliance with Cleopatra. 3674 the people revolted against him, and assaulted him with their citrons, on the day of Hosanna Raba, his troops slew 6000 of the unarmed populace. 3685 Alexandra his Queen, on his death, acted as Regent. 3694 Aristobulus, her son, disputed the succession with his elder brother Hyrcanus. 3697 acknowledged King by a treaty between them. 3699 Pompey ordered the two brothers to appear before him, not being satisfied with Aristobulus, he deposed him, and took him prisoner to Rome. 8700 placed Hyrcanus on the throne, under condition of paying tribute, and not wearing a crown. 3713 Crassus pillaged the temple, and took away an immense booty. 3719 The Roman alliance renewed with Julius Caesar 3721 The Senate, on the death of Caesar, granted the Jews all they asked. 3722 Cassius levied a contribution of 700 talents (about 85,000) on Judea. 3724 Antigonus, son of Aristobulus, sought to be acknowledged King ; Herod and Phazael, sons of Antipater, appointed Tetrarchs. 3725 obliged to flee to Rome ; the Senate granted him the kingdom of Judea. 3727 Josephus, the Historian born. 3728 The colleges of Hillel and Shamai flourished. R. Jonathan wrote the Chaldean Paraphrases, (Targum.) Herod returned, and took Jerusalem ; Antigonus being taken prisoner, was de- capitated by Marc Anthony. 3731 joined Marc Anthony against Augustus Caesar. a dreadful famine in Judea, 10,000 men die of hunger in Jerusalem. 3742 commenced re-building the Temple. 3751 solemnly dedicated Caesaria, a city, built in honour of Augustus. 3752 opened the tomb of David to despoil it of its treasures ; two of his at- tendants killed by Lightning. 3757 Augustus confirmed the ancient rights and privileges of the Jews at Alexandria. 3760 C. JE. COMMENCEMENT OF THE CHRISTIAN ./ERA. 1 Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod. 3770 10 Herod Antipas succeeded his brother, Archelaus. 3775 15 Augustus' edict, in favour of the Jews, directed to all the Governors of the Roman provinces, even to Britain, (TH PIDX) 3781 21 The Jews ordered to quit Rome, owing to the misconduct of four impostors, who had fled from Judea, to avoid public punishment for their crimes. Agrippa succeeded his uncle, Herod Antipas. 3788 28 The Sanhedrin removed from Jerusalem to Jamnia. 3796 36 Agrippa obliged to flee from Jerusalem, goes to Rome. 3797 37 imprisoned by Tiberius ; and released the following year. 112 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 40 The Emperor Caligula ordered his statue to be placed in the Temple, but rescinded it at the request of Agrippa. Philo sent by the Jews of Alexandria, to remonstrate against a similar order sent to them. 42 The Alexandrians rose on the Jews, and massacred many. Philo again deputed to Rome, to represent their case ; 43 sent back by Claudius, with an edict confirming all the rights and privi- leges, granted them in that city by Augustus. The same confirmed to them, throughout all the Roman Empire. The inhabitants of Doris, set up a statue of Claudius in the Synagogue ; on the remonstrance of Agrippa, Petronius, the Roman Governor of Syria, ordered it to be taken down ; and reproved them for the scandal and affront offered to the Jewish Religion. 44 Agrippa II., succeeded his father; Claudius prevented by court intrigue, from sending him to Judea 45 sent to the government of Judea and Galilee. Helen, Queen of Adiabena, and her son Izates, embrace Judaism. 50 30,000 Jews killed at Jerusalem, in a tumult with the Romans, arising from a Roman soldier being killed by the populace, for indecent conduct at the porch of the Temple. 55 The Jews ordered to quit the City of Rome. The government of Galilee confirmed to Agrippa, by Nero. 65 Florus, the Roman Governor of Judea, publicly scourged and executed some of the Jewish nobility, 650 persons were killed ; his misgovernment led to the unfortunate wars with Rome, which terminated in our final subjugation by that Colossal Power. 20,000 Jews massacred at Caesaria, those who escaped the slaughter were seized, and sent to the gallies by Florus. 13,000 treacherously murdered at Scythopolis in one night; a great number mas- sacred in other parts of Greece. Jews first settle in China,* M. de Guignes, considers it to have been 135 years previous ; Father Gozani, asserts that he met at Cai-fong, a Colony, which had been established 206 years before the Christian ./Era : he also saw an inscription, bearing date 1515, C. JE., assuring the Jews of the Emperor's high esteem, for their fidelity and integrity in agricultural pursuits, in traffic, in the magistracy, and in the army, as well as for their punctual observance of their own religious ceremonies. 67 Vespasian appointed commander of the Roman forces in Judea. The gallant defence of Jotapata, during the siege of 47 days, 40,000 men were killed. Of the prisoners taken in an action on Lake Genazareth, 30,000 were sold for slaves ; 6000 were sent prisoners to Rome ; and 1200 unable to bear arms, were put to death. 68 Jerusalem taken, and the daily sacrifices cease, A. M. 3828. The TEMPLE burnt, 9th of Ab, 420 years after its foundation. 69 A number of the captives sent to Spain ; they settled at Merida.J 71 The men of Masada destroyed their wives and children, and afterwards themselves, sooner than fall into the hands of the Romans. The final subjugation of Judea ; the loss sustained by the Jews, in the wars with the Romans, is estimated at a Million and a half; as a proof of their de- votion to their country and religion, only 100,000 were taken prisoners. Vespasian ordered that the Capitation Tax, of the half shekel, should be added to the fund for rebuilding the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which was de- stroyed about the same time as the Holy Temple. 100 Onkelos, said to have been a son, or nephew, of the Emperor Titus, became a con- vert to Judaism, and wrote the Chaldean Paraphrase on the Pentateuch. 115 A rebellion of the Jews broke out at Cyrene ; it extended to Egypt, where they slew 220,000 Greeks ; it was put down by Martius Turbo. * Memoires de la Litleraturc, torn. 48. ) Mariana's Historia de Espana, loin. 1. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 113 C.JE. 115 At Cyprus they also killed 240,000 Greeks ; on Adrian retaking the island, he prohibited Jews from again landing on it, under pain of death. 117 Adrian, on becoming Emperor, prohibited Circumcision, the observance of Sabbath, and reading of the Law. Mothers who allowed their children to be circum- cised, had the infant hung to their necks, and were then thrown from the bat- tlements ; the father was hung. That the remembrance of the Law might be preserved, a section of the Prophets, analogous to the portion of the Law for the day, was substituted, and is con- tinued to be read to this day. 131 Barchobab assumed to be the Messiah ; finding many adherents, he defied and checked the Roman armies, in Judea, for upwards of two years. 134 Bither, his last place of refuge, taken on the 9th of Ab ; the slaughter in this city was so great, that the survivors were occupied six days interring the slain ; this revolt it is said cost the lives of 600,000 Jews, A. M. 3894. Rabbi Akiba, and nine other Sages of note, put to cruel tortures and death. 135 Adrian ordered the city of Jerusalem to be rebuilt. 136 changed its name to JElia. Capitolina, and erected a temple to Jupiter Ca- pitolinus on the site of the Holy Temple, which led to a revolt of the Jews, who destroyed the newly erected building, and massacred every Roman in the city ; after being subdued by Severus, Adrian and the Roman Senate issued a decree making it death to any Jew approaching within sight of it. 138 The College of Jamnia opened by order of Antoninus Pius, who, by some authors, is said to have become a Proselyte to Judaism, having studied it under R. Judah, the Prince ; he repealed all the ordinances of Adrian against the Jews. 141 The Mishna written by our Holy Master, R. Judah, the Prince, who was much esteemed by the Emperors Antoninus, Aurelius, and Commodus, for his vir- tue, piety, and learning. 196 Severus renewed the edicts of Antoninus Pius in favour of the Jews, he also gave them the rights of Roman citizens, but exempted them from all duties incom- patible with their religion. 243 The Astronomers R. Samuel, atNahardea, and R. Ada, at Babylon, flourished. 250 Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, about this period greatly protected the Jews ; she is said to have been of Jewish extraction. 277 The Council of Elvira forbade Christians from joining Jews in their prayers for dew or rain, and prohibited Jews from saying those prayers. 297 *Tobba, King of Yemen, (Arabia Felix) became a convert to Judaism, and intro- duced it in his kingdom. 310 Constantino commenced rebuilding the Temple. 321 Sunday, termed the Lord's Day, ordered to be kept as a day of rest, instead of Sa- turday, the Sabbath ; the primitive Christians had previously observed both. 322 R. Joseph, called Sinai, from his great erudition, flourished A. M. 4082. 325 The Council of Nice ordered Easter Day to be observed the first Sunday after the Full Moon, happening on or after the 21st March, in consequence of the Asiatic Churches keeping it on the same day as the Jews kept the 1st day of Passover. 353 Constans renewed the edicts of Adrian, and made it death for a Jew to marry a Christian, or to circumcise a slave. 355 The Jews at Diocaesaria revolted against the oppression of Constans ; the city re- taken and razed to the ground by Gallus. 363 Julian prepared to rebuild the Temple. 365 Valentinian and Valens confirmed all the privileges of the Jews, but ordered that they should perform public duties on being appointed to offices. 379 Valentinian ordered the Temple and walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt. 383 Maximus ordered a Synagogue at Rome, that had been wantonly burnt, to be re- built at the expense of the community. Theodosius the Great forbade the Prefects interfering with the Judicial Court of the Jewish Primate, who was authorised to punish the refractory members of his community. * Memoires de la Litterature, torn. 48. Q 114 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, C. JE. 395 Arcadius and Honorius, in their respective Empires, confirmed all their privileges ; the latter declared " that the glory of a Prince consists in permitting every " Society quietly to enjoy the privileges they have acquired, and that, although " a Religion is not approved by a Sovereign, he ought to preserve its privileges." 408 The Synagogues at Antioch pillaged. Theodosius II. prohibited public ceremonies at Purim. 412 Honorius forbade the building of new Synagogues, but prohibited those in use being pulled down, or appropriated to other purposes ; or obliging the Jews to violate their Sabbath. 415 A great number of Jews massacred at Alexandria, and many forced to quit a city where they had resided from the time of Alexander the Great. 418 Severus, Bishop of Minorca, persecuted the Jews, who were numerous at Port Mahou, and destroyed their Synagogue. 429 The Patriarchal Authority and Power ceased. 469 The Jerusalem Talmud completed, A. M. 4229. The Jews at Aries had received so much protection from St. Hilaire, the Bishop, that at his death the chief Rabbi composed a Lamentation, which was said by them over his grave.* 504 The Babylonian Talmud, commonly called The Talmud, completed, A. M. 4264. 510 Theodoric the Great, ordered a Synagogue, that had been burnt at Rome, to be rebuilt, and those at Milan and Genoa, that had been plundered, to be rein- stated. 520 One Meir, pretending to be the Messiah, caused an. insurrection of the Jews in Persia ; it took Kobad seven years to quell it. 527 Dionysius Exiguus, a Roman Abbot, established the date of the Vulgar JEra. 635 Justinian's edicts to convert the Synagogues of Africa into Churches, and to com- pel the Jews to keep Passover on the same day as the Christians observed Easter. 537 Naples taken by Belisarius ; the Jews, who valiantly defended the sea-side, even after the surrender of the other fortifications of the city, were butchered with- out distinction of age or sex. 540 Childebert to protect the Jews from the populace in Paris, ordered that they should not appear in the streets from Maundy Thursday until after Easter. 541 The Council of Orleans made a similar ordinance. 555 The Jews at Caesaria revolted, demolished the churches, killed the Governor and many of the Inhabitants ; Adamantius being sent against them, confiscated their properties, decapitated many, and banished a great number. 580 The Jews settled at Cochin, and on the Coast of Malabar. 582 Chilperic persecuted those who would not embrace Christianity. 589 Chosroes the Great, persecuted the Jews, and shut their academies. 590 Hormidas III. re-opened their Colleges, and shewed them great favour. 691 A Jew at Cagliari, the day after he had been baptized, placed images of the Virgin and other Saints in the Synagogue ; on a representation to Pope Gre- gory the Great, he ordered the Bishop to have them removed, and decreed, that, as the law prohibited the building of new Synagogues, those they pos- sessed should be respected and protected. 603 Wittiza invited the Jews from other parts to settle in Spain. 611 Chosroes II., assisted by the Jews, took Jerusalem, and destroyed the churches. 615 Mehodes, on taking New Antioch, put many Jews to torture, and slew others; those whose lives he spared, he sold for slaves. 618 Sizebut, King of Spain, compelled those Jews, who would not become Christians, to quit his territory ; many, whose families had resided in it for near six cen- turies, quitted for France and Africa. 622 The HEGIRA. COMMENCEMENT OF THE MAHOMETAN ^ERA. The Jews persecuted, to compel them to become Mahometans. 627 Heraclius, on re-taking Jerusalem, renewed the edict of Adrian, prohibiting Jews approaching within a league of it. * Gregoirea Cultes Reli^icusa, torn 3. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 115 C. JE. 631 Heraclius, persecuted the Jews, from an Astrologer having predicted that a cir- cumcised nation would ruin Christendom. 633 The Council of Toledo, ordered that Jews should not be compelled to baptize; but that neither they nor their descendants should act as magistrates, or hold public offices. Dagobert, at the instigation of Heraclius, compelled the Jews to embrace Chris- tianity, or quit France. 636 The Council of Toledo, decreed that the King, on his accession, should swear to shew no favour to the Jews ; nor permit any one, not professing Christianity, to reside freely in the kingdom. 652 The Colossus of Rhodes, sold by the Saracens to a Jew. 655 Jerusalem taken by the Caliph Omar Bathilda, widow of Clovis, rescinded the capitation tax on the Jews. 675 Wamba, King of the Goths, banished the Jews from Languedoc. 687 The Caliph Abdabnelech, appointed a Jew to coin the first Arabian money. 688 The Council of Toledo declared that those Jews Who faithfully embraced the Chris- tian Religion, should be Nobles and free from impost. 693 Egica, having represented that the Jews of Africa, had instigated the Moors to invade Spain, the Council of Toledo, ordered the confiscation of their pro- perty ; that they should be deemed slaves ; and that their children, at 7 years of age, should be taken from them, and brought up in the Christian Religion. 714 The Moors, on conquering Spain, protected and favored the Jews. 720 The Emperor Leo III., compelled many Jews to become Christians. 740 First mention of the Jews in English Chronicles. The Archbishop of York, prohibited Christians associating with Jews on their Festivals. Bulan, King of Cozar, converted to Judaism. 753 The Colleges of Sora and Pombedita flourished. 754 The Caliph Abu Giaffar Almanzor, appointed Jews to collect the imposts he had laid on Christians. 798 Charlemagne charged Counts Sigismund and Lanfrede, and a Jew named Isaac, with an Embassy to the Caliph Haroun al Raschid; the Counts dying during the journey, Isaac continued it, and succeeded in obtaining the cession of Jerusalem for his Sovereign. Charlemagne appointed Noblemen to defend and protect the Jews. Owing to the number of Jews in Narbonne, of the two Mayors, one was always to be of that religion. 815 Zedekiah, Physician to Louis le Debonaire, by his influence frustrated the at- tempts of Agobard, Bishop of Lyons, to persecute the Jews. 820 The Caliph Mamoun, ordered many Hebrew Bocks to be translated into Arabic. 828 The Jews met in the street of Bezieres, during Passion Week, were stoned by the populace. 836 R. Menahem ben Sarug, a celebrated Grammarian, compiled a Hebrew Dic- tionary, A . M. 4596. 846 The Cities of Paris and Meaux, excluded the Jews from civil offices. 853 The Sultan Motawakel, persecuted alike Jews and Christians, because they would not receive the Alcoran. 877 The Jews greatly oppressed by Louis II. 893 About this period the Jews are supposed to have first settled in Poland. 927 R. Sadias, the learned Commentator on the Hagiography, flourished at Sora, A. M. 4687. 948 The first Jewish College in Spain, founded at Cordova. 980 The Babylonian Colleges closed ; most of the learned members came to Europe. R. Moses, surnamed Clothed with Sackcloth, flourished at Cordova, A. M. 4740 ; his profound erudition procured him the Presidency of the College in that City, although an unknown individual, redeemed by his brethren from pirates. 1006 The Talmud translated into Arabic, by order of the Caliph Hayshem. 1012 Jerusalem taken by the Turks. 1020 Canute banished the Jews from England. 116 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C.1E. 1020 Owing to the persecutions in Persia, under Gela-le-Doulah, most of the learned Jews quitted the East, aiid settled in Spain and Germany. 1027 R. Samuel Levi, appointed Prime Minister to Abbas, King of Granada. 1030 The Jewish Synod of Worms, under R. Gershon, the Elder, prohibited Polygamy in Christian countries. 1040 The learned R. Isaac Alphezi, (ot^s) flourished at Cordova, A. M. 4800. 1050 R. Isaac ben Baruch, flourished in A. M. 4810, he instructed Abulcasem, King of Granada in Mathematics. 1055 Joseph, son of Samuel Levi, became Minister on the death of his father. 1062 Pope Alexander II. learning that Ferdinand, of Castile, had endeavoured to pro- tect the Jews from being murdered by the populace, wrote to him : " What " we have heard of you is much to our satisfaction, which is, that you have " defended the Jews that live amongst you against those who designed to kill them." R. Solomon Isaacides, the great Commentator, ("V\) flourished at Lunel, A.M. 4822. 1064 A fanatic, named Judah Halevi, sought to convert the Moors to Judaism, which led to the plunder of 1500 wealthy families in Granada ; and the jealousy of the Nobles caused the execution of Joseph Levi, the Minister. 10G5 Pope Alexander II. wrote to the French Bishops: " We learn with pleasure that " you have protected the Jews, that they were not killed by those going " against the Saracens of Spain. 1066 The Jews returned to England with William the Conqueror. 1068 The only burial place allowed them in all England, was in Cripplegate, where Jewin Street now stands. 1070 The celebrated Poet, R. Solomon ben Gabirol, flourished at Saragossa, A. M. 4830 ; his Poems of the Precepts, (rvnHTN), and the Ptolemean Planetary System, (rflsSo "IPS), are beautiful specimens of his versification. 1080 The Jews protected and appointed to many posts of honor, by Alphonso I. of Castile. 1086 R. Nathan, Author of the Talmudical Lexicon, ("|Hy), flourished at Rome, A. M. 4816. 1096 The Crusaders commenced what they termed the Holy War, by murdering the Jews of Europe, who would not submit to baptism ; many suffered in Navarre and Arragon ; but the most horrible carnage took place in Ger- many at Spires, Metz, Cologne, Treves, Presburg, and Prague, they de- stroyed each other, and mothers slew their children to avoid the barbarities of the infuriated fanatics ; 200 who had thrown themselves in the Rhine, at Cologne, were dragged from it, and inhumanly butchered ; the Bishops laudably exerted themselves in the cause of humanity, and saved many. 1097 Henry IV., of Germany, authorised those Jews who had been compelled to bap- tize, to resume their religion. 1111 Colomanus, Duke of Bohemia, forced by the popxilace to banish a Jew, whom he had appointed to be his Treasurer. 1126 Lothario II., of Germany, cured by a Jew Physician. 1129 Roger, of Naples, on making Messina a Royal Residence, gave the Jews the same rights as other subjects. 1142 Alphonso VII., after defeating the Moors, made Jews his tax gatherers. The Jews banished from Tangier. 1148 A second Crusade being resolved on, to prevent the horrid scenes of the former, St. Bernard wrote to the Archbishop of Metz : " Take then heed that thou " speak to the Jews neither good or bad, they are not to be massacred or " persecuted, nor should you even banish them." Nevertheless, many were killed in Germany ; those who sought refuge in Cities and Fortresses were protected by the Authorities and Clergy. 1147 Louis VII., released the Crusaders from their debts to Jews. R. Abraham aben Ezra, (yasnn), flourished at Toledo, A. M. 4907 ; besides his valuable Commentaries on the Bible, he wrote on Grammar, Moral Phi- losophy, Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, and Astronomy ; he is said to have invented the Ecliptic,* * Biblioteca Espagnota, TO!. 1. p. 21. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 117 C. IE.. 1147 R. Judah Levi, the Poet and Author of the Cuzari, and the Poem of Esther, (^\O3 D) nourished at Cordova, A. M. 4907 ; many of his sublime Hymns are in our Ritual for the Day of Atonement. 1154 Jews and Christians who would not embrace Mahometanism, ordered to quit Cordova, by Abdelmunen ben AH Alkumi ; Maimondes, being 19 years of age, feigned to comply until he could escape to Egypt. 1158 R. Moses Maimon, (D3Qin) the Great Maimonedes, commenced his celebrated work on the Mishna, (npTnn 1) he wrote on Philosophy, Theology, Logic, Medicine, and Astronomy, in Hebrew, Chaldean, Arabic, or Greek ; on ar- riving in Egypt, he was appointed Physician to the Sultan Saladin : and died there in A. M. 4965, aged 70 ; he is buried near Saphet, the ancient Bethulia. So highly are his works appreciated by the Jewish Doctors, that they say, " From Moses until Moses there was not a Moses." From his residence in Egypt, he is often called the Egyptian. 1 160 R. Jechiel, superintendent of the household and finances, to Pope Alexander III., who not only protected the Jews, but ordered that no one should disturb them on their Sabbath or Festivals. R. Benjamin, of Tudela, commenced his Travels in the East, A.M. 4920. Mostanged greatly favored the Jews of Bagdad, and established Courts of Judi- cature of their Rabbies. 1163 84 Jews burnt at Paris, on the accusation of sacrificing a child for their Passover. R. Bechayai, the Elder, author of the Obligations of the Heart, (jYOsSri roin) flourished at Barcelona, A.M. 4923. 1170 Henry II. ordered the Jews to quit England ; but they were permitted to remain by paying 5000 Marks (3333). Alphonso VIII., of Castile, named one Joseph to be his Prime Minister; his attachment to a beautiful Jewess, (who fell a victim to the malevolence of the Clergy and Court) led him to favor the Jews greatly. 1171 81 Jews burnt at Calayatud. R. Moses ben Thibon flourished at Granada ; he translated Euclid, Hippocrates, and many of the Arabic writings of Maimonedes into Hebrew ; he also wrote va- rious Philosophical works, among others, one on the Tides, (entitled D'cn Yip) 1178 The Jews in England permitted to have Cemeteries outside all the cities in which they resided. 1181 Philip Augustus seized them in their Synagogues, on Saturday, 14th February; imprisoned, and cancelled all debts due to them ; in April, he confiscated their immovables, and ordered them to quit France immediately; this led them to invent bills of exchange.* 1187 Jerusalem taken by Saladin. 1188 Henry II., ordered 60,000 to be levied on the Jews to defray his expenses to the Holy Land ; in consequence of his death it was not paid. 1189 At the Coronation of Richard I., it was ordered that no Jews should enter West- minster Abbey, some from the country thinking they might pass unnoticed, imprudently went ; they were recognised and dragged out, the populace thereon murdered every Jew they met, and set fire to their houses after plun- dering them. The King sent the Lord Chief Justice and some of the nobility to suppress the riot, but they could not succeed ; three of the rioters were afterwards hanged. 1190 The Citizens of Norwich, St. Edmondbury, Stamford, and Lincoln, learning that the Londoners had got great wealth by the plunder of the Jews, acted in the same way. The Governor of Lincoln afforded them an asylum in the castle : The Governor of York Castle offering them similar protection, they retired to it, but learning his design of betraying them, on his return they refused him admittance, and sustained a siege for some days ; their resources being ex- hausted, at the instigation of their venerable Rabbi, in one night they slew their wives and children, burnt the property they had with them, drew lots for killing each other, and then set fire to the Castle, to avoid the more barba- rous tortures their persecutors intended. * Dictionair* de Tremour. Jig CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C.JE. 1190 Don Solomon Jachiya, Generalissimo of the Portuguese forces. 1193 A Christian having been executed by the authorities at Bourges for killing a Jew, Philip, in revenge, caused 80 Jews to be burnt. 1196 One Solomon appointed Major-domo to the Duke of Austria. 1197 The Jews plundered at Norsa, in Italy. 1198 Philip Augustus invited the Jews to return to France. 1199 The chief Rabbi, in England, appointed by Royal Commission, in which he was styled by the King " our friend and well-beloved.*" Pope Innocent III., wrote to the Archbishop of Narbonne, Sept. 6, forbidding him to compel the Jews to baptize, or forcibly to take their property from them. 1200 King John granted the Jews a charter (for which they paid 4000 marks), author- izing them to hold land, to freely enjoy their Rites and Customs, to go to and from all places without let or molestation ; relieving them from all tolls and customs on wine, and that their differences should be decided according to Jewish Law, by their Rabbies. 1204 The Jews being ill-treated in London, John wrote to the Lord Mayor and Barons that he should hold them responsible for any injury done to them. 1210 John ordered all the Jews in England to be imprisoned until they made a full dis- covery of their property, when he extorted 60,000 marks from them by the most cruel tortures ; one, at Bristol, had a tooth extracted daily, until he paid 10,000 marks. 1214 The Jews protected by Frederick II., of Germany. 1215 The Council of Lateran ordered the Jews to wear a distinguishing mark to pre- vent illicit intercourse. 1217 The massacre of the Jews, at Toledo, reprobated by Pope Honorius III. Jerusalem taken by the Turks. Henry III. ordered the Sheriffs to appoint 24 Burgesses in each city, to watch that the Jews received no injury, and to guard them particularly against the insults of the Jerusalem Pilgrims. 1218 The Jews again banished from France, and recalled by Philip II. 1220 R. David Kimchi, (p*n) the Grammarian, Commentator, and Translator of the Bible into Spanish, flourished at Narbonne, A. M. 4980. A girl being found in the Rhine, the Jews of Cologne were accused of having drowned her ; the Bishop fined them 4200 pieces of silver. 1226 Boleslas, King of Lithuania, granted full liberty of conscience, and many privi- leges to the Jews ; they were also protected by the Nobles. 1230 The Jews compelled to pay one-third of their moveables into the exchequer ; their magnificent Synagogue in London converted into a Church. 1232 Henry III. extorted 18,000 marks from the Jews. 1233 James I., of Aragon, prohibited the Spanish version of the Bible, but protected the Jews, and it is even said he used their prayers. 1234 Louis IX. confiscated one-third of debts due to Jews. Jews prohibited residing at Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1235 The Jews at Norwich accused of crucifying a boy ; although acquitted by Par- liament, the Bishop hung four, and the populace burnt their houses. 1236 Pope Gregory IX. declared that the Jews were not guilty of the crimes imputed to them, and that the Christians abused the name of Religion to give a colour to their avarice in plundering them. Many having been massacred, and put to most cruel tortures in France, he wrote from Rieti, Sept. 9, to St. Louis : " The Christians exercise towards them the most unheard-of cruelties, for- " getting that to the Jews they are indebted for the foundation of their own " religion." He ordered the Kings of Spain, France, and England, to seize all copies of the Talmud, on the 1st Sunday of the following Lent. The Council of Tours prohibited Christians killing, plundering, or in any way in- juring the Jews. Henry III. granted the petition of Southampton, that Jews might not be allowed to reside in that town. * Anglia Judaica, p. 61. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 119 C. JE. 1236 R. Moses Nachman, (pQ">) Nachmanides, of Gerona, flourished, A. M. 4996 ; he wrote much esteemed Commmentaries on the Pentateuch, and various other approved works. Many murdered and burnt at Fulda. 1237 Henry III. extorted 10,000 marks from the Jews. 1239 John Rufus, of Brittany, cancelled all debts due by his subjects to Jews, and or- dered the Judges to inflict no punishment on a Christian who killed a Jew ; the following year he banished them. 1240 Jews prohibited demanding payment of debts due to them by the Crusaders, until their return or authentic proof of their death. 1241 Henry III. summoned a Jewish Parliament to meet at Worcester, on Sunday, Feb. 10, to consist of six of the wealthiest from the principal cities and towns, and two, where they were few : the purport of his most gracious speech was, " I want money ; you must raise it, and have 10,000 marks ready for me at " Midsummer, and 10,000 at Michaelmas." 180 Jews burnt at Frankfort, by setting fire to their houses nearly half the City was destroyed. 4000 marks again extorted from the Jews by Henry III. 24 cart-loads of the Talmud, then only in manuscript, burnt at Paris by order of Pope Innocent IV. 1250 The Jews having rendered great services to Frederick II., of Naples, on his death bed he recommended them to the care and protection of his son Conrad, who considering that converting them to Christianity was the greatest benefit he could confer, he ordered them to be baptised or to quit the kingdom ; the principal Synagogue was taken for a Church, and dedicated to Sta. Catalina. 1252 Judah Mosca, of Toledo, Physician to Alphonso X., called the Hebrew Cato, translated a curious Chaldean work on the name, property, and colour, of 360 stones ; a most splendid illuminated manuscript of the work is in the Royal Library of St. Lorenzo at the Escurial ; he also translated various works on Astronomy. All Jews, who were not Mechanics, ordered to quit France. Conrad IV. persecuted the Jews in Germany. 1255 The Alphonsine Tables composed, by Isaac ben Said, Hazan at Toledo, and others. Alphonso, of Castile, obtained redress from England for a Jew named Emanuel, who had been plundered by Government. 1256 R. Judah Cohen, of Toledo, translated into Latin, the Astronomical Works of Avicena, and those of Acosta on the Celestial Sphere, into Spanish. 1261 The Jews of Languedoc and the southern provinces of France, declared to be eligible to the Magistracy. 1262 700 Jews massacred in London by the Barons, and their principal Synagogue in Old Jewry burnt. 1264 The Jews plundered in London, where the Constable of the Tower kindly afforded them an asylum ; also at Lincoln and Northampton ; Henry ordered the Mayors to protect them against similar outrages, and to proclaim that any one injuring them should answer it with life and limb. James I., of Arragon, invited foreign Jews to settle in his kingdom. Boleslas V. granted a charter to the Jews in Poland, as a security for their safety. 1267 The oppressive edict of the Council of Vienna against the Jews. 1270 The Rabbles of England authorised to excommunicate those Jews who would not contribute to the repairs of their public Cemeteries.* 1275 The statute of Judaism enacted. R. Zag, of Sujermenza, the Mathematican, wrote on the Astrolabium, Water and Quicksilver Clocks, and also translated into Spanish various Arabian works on Astronomy. 1279 The barbarous edict of Edward I. 280 Jews executed in London on suspicion of clipping the coin. 1282 As Synagogues were held at many private houses, the Archbishop of Canterbury * AnKlia Judaica, p. 187. 120 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. . ordered all except one in a City should be suppressed ; thereon the Bishop of London destroyed all within his diocese, but was ordered to allow them one, which the Jews rebuilt. 1286 The celebrated R. Meir, (Din) flourished at Rottenburgh, A. M. 5046. The people of Munich having murdered some Jews, the Magistrates not being able to suppress the riot, recommended them to retire to their Synagogue, in which they were all burnt, notwithstanding the endeavours of the Duke to save them. R. Judah Apenini Badrassi, author of an Epic Poem on Chess, and among other approved works the Examination of the World, (oViJJ rj'PD) flourished at Bezeires, A. M. 5046 ; his eloquence and oratory obtained for him from his Christian contemporaries the title of the Hebrew Cicero. 1287 The Jews imprisoned throughout England. 1288 banished from Gascony, by Edward I. of England. fined at Paris for chaunting too loud in their Synagogue. being ill-treated in Germany, on the accusation of having killed a Christian, the Emperor Rodolph, ordered the Archbishop of Metz publicly to preach that they had been falsely accused, and were not to be injured. Philip IV. of France, forbade the Clergy imposing fines on the Jews. 1290 Edward I. banished the Jews from England under pain of death, but ordered that they should be kindly and honestly treated, not overcharged for their freights or passages, and that the indigent should be taken at rates conform- able to their circumstances ; about 16,000 quitted in one day, 9th October. 1291 The Emperor Adolphus compelled the City of Berne, by force of arms, to re-admit the Jews it had exiled. 1292 During the war between Adolphus of Nassau, and Albert of Austria, a peasant named Fleisch, incited the people of Franconia against the Jews, they tor- tured all they met ; many set fire to their houses, and perished with their families in the flames ; half of Nuremburgh was destroyed by the conflagra- tion ; on tranquility being restored, that City, Nieumark, Rottenburg, and Amberg, were heavily fined by the Duke. 1304 The learned R. Solomon ben Adereth, (tccnn) flourished at Barcelona, A.M. 5064. R. Asher, of Rottenburg, (n? Ijm) quitted Germany and settled in Spain ; where from his profound learning, he became Chief of the College at Toledo, A. M. 5066. 1306 Philip IV. seized all property belonging to Jews, and banished them from France, allowing them only to take their clothes and sufficient money to carry them out of the kingdom ; at Paris, their Synagogues were converted into Churches, and their Cemeteries desecrated : the following year he recalled them. 1309 The Edict for their banishment from the Papal States revoked, through the inter- cession of Robert, King of Naples and Jerusalem, on their paying 10,000 crowns. John II., of Brabant, granted the Jews many privileges, and gave them the town of Gemappe for their residence ; being attacked there by the Knights of the Cross, he went to their assistance, and defeated the Knights. R. Isaac Israeli, the Mathematician and Astronomer, flourished at Toledo. 1311 Again banished from France. 1314 The Jews invited to return to France by Louis X. 1320 The fanatics, called the Shepherds, put the Jews to the most cruel tortures, and murdered many; a similar tragedy to that of York in 1190, took place at Verdun ; on their approach to Avignon, Pope John XXII., by his anathe- mas, put a stop to the barbarities. The Manuscripts of the Talmud burnt throughout Italy, by order of Pope John XXII. 1321 On the accusation of having poisoned the rivers, many Jews were burnt and massacred in Provence, Languedoc, and Aquitaine. El. Levi ben Gershon, (jiSl) the Commentator, flourished at Perpignan, A.M. 5082. Philip V. imprisoned the Jews at Paris to compel them to prove their debts, which he seized ; after obtaining 150,000 francs he condemned many to the flames. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 121 C. JE. 1333 Joseph de Astigi, Intendant of Finance to Alphonso II. 1339 The Bishop of Spires forbids the persecution of the Jews. 1340 R. David Abudarham, (DVH3N) the Astronomer and Author of a learned Work on our Ritual, flourished at Seville, A. M. 5100. R. Bechayai, son of R. Asher, (jnn na 133^) flourished at Barcelona ; he was chief of the Jews in all Spain, A. M. 5100. 1344 Lewis I., of Hungary, banished the Jews. 1318 The Jews accused of causing the Plague, in France, by poisoning the rivers; many were unmercifully butchered, and all banished on the 22nd of July. Pope Clement VI. reprobated the barbarities committed, and received them kindly in Avignon ; the Jews called him their father, their comforter. 1349 The family of R. Asher destroyed themselves at Toledo, to avoid the barbarities of the populace, whom Alphonso was unable to restrain. The Flagellants plundered and burnt the Jews at Spires, Strasburg, and Frank- fort ; many public edifices in the latter city were destroyed by the conflagration. Many were also massacred by them in Brabant and Franconia. 1351 John II. made a treaty with the Jews for their re-admission into France, on pay- ing 14 florins for a man and wife, 1 florin for children and servants, and an- nually 7 florins : they were permitted to hold landed property, to be free from all taxes except the land tax, and to enjoy every privilege they ever had in France. 1356 Charles of Normandy recalled the Jews, but shortly after banished them. 1364 Charles V., of France, renewed the treaty the Jews had made with John II., in 1351, at first for Six, and subsequently for Ten Years. Casimir III., of Poland, granted many privileges to the Jews, and obtained from Pope Urban V. a protection for them against the clergy ; he took a Jewess, named Esther, for a mistress. 1369 The Jews who defended Burgos for Peter the Cruel, would not surrender it to Henry of Trastemar, his natural brother, until assured of the death of their legitimate sovereign ; this loyalty led Henry to afford them his protection. 1379 Don Meir, his physician, being suspected of having poisoned him, John I., his successor, intended banishing them ; they avoided it by payiug 50,000 crowns. 1389 A Synagogue, full of people, burnt on the first day of Passover, at Prague ; all their Cemeteries were desecrated, many slew their families, and destroyed them- selves, to avoid the tortures of their barbarous persecutors. At Ulm every soul burnt in their houses. 12,000 also massacred at Metz. 1391 Wincelaus cancelled all debts due by the Nobility to Jews. At Spires, all were put to the sword, except some children who were baptized. Many were massacred at Gotha, in Saxony. Henry III., of Castile's, persecution led to the murder of many in various parts of Spain : numbers then settled at Algiers, where they were governed by their own Judges. 1392 The Magistrates of Seville and Cordova, unable to restrain the populace from plundering and murdering them. 1394 Charles VI. banished the Jews from France. The Archdeacon of Ecija arrested and punished for instigating the populace against them. The magnificent Synagogue at Bologna built ; in that city they had received great encouragement and protection for many years. A superior Court for governing the Jews, under their Chief Rabbi, established by the King of Fez, at Mequinez. 1400 Venice granted permission to the Jews to establish a bank. Banished the German empire by the Emperor Robert. 1405 R. Meir Alvares, Physician to Henry III. of Castile, translated into Hebrew, the Ethics of Aristotle, A.M. 5165. 1410 Ladislas permitted the Jews to settle at Naples. 1415 The inhuman Bull of the Anti-Pope, Benedict XIII., published. R. Joseph Albo, author of a learned work on the Articles of Faith flourished at Saragossa, A. M. 5175. R 12'2 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C. /!. 1415 Friar Vincente Ferrer instigated the populace against the Jews ; to save their lives, 30,000 are said to have been baptized. 1416 Owing to many Jews being employed at Court by the Queen-Regent of Spain, the jealousy of the Nobles caused their persecution at Segovia. 1417 On the Installation of Pope Martin V., the Rabbi presented him with a Book of the Law, on which he said ; " I honour and reverence the Law you received from God, by Moses, but condemn your exposition of it." From this event many Popes have since exacted the same homage on their enthronement. 1 420 Many murdered and banished from Alexandria. 1430 The Jews plundered, and many forcibly baptised, at Aix, in Provence. 1434 The Council of Basle prohibited connection between Jews and Christians. 1448 Pope Nicholas V. not only protected the Jews in his States, but wrote to Spain that " they should not be forced to abjure their religion, and that they had a right to be admitted into public offices." 1450 Many New Christians (the name given to those Jews who were baptised in Spain and Portugal), massacred at Toledo, where an act was passed, that, no de- scendant of a Jew could hold a public office. 1451 The Jews banished from Silesia, when many were plundered and murdered. 1454 Lewis X. ordered the Jews to quit 40 cities of Bavaria in one day at the same hour. 1472 The Doge and Senate of Venice protected them from the populace, and ordered the Magistrates of Padua to treat them the same as all other subjects. Banished from Trent at three hours' notice, in revenge for their gallant defence of Buda, (for the Turks) against the attacks of the Christians. Bajazet II. appointed a Jew to be his Physician. R. Isaac Aboab, author of an esteemed work, (TiRDn miJO) The Lamp of Light, flourished in Castile, A. M. 5232. 1 179 Dr. Abiatar, of Merida, operated successfully for Cataract, on Ferdinand of Aragon. 1480 The Inquisition, established at Seville, in Spain. As the Scriptures forbid the shedding of human blood, those it condemned to death were burned. 1482 Abraham Senior, Receiver-General of the Revenues of Castile. 1484 R. Don Isaac Abarbanel, made Minister of Finance to Ferdinand and Isabella ; two years previously he had fled from Portugal, to avoid the fate the other Ministers of Alphonso V. suffered from John II. 1485 R. Solomon ben Virga, the celebrated Historian, Astronomer, and Physician, flourished in Spain, A. M. 5245. 1480 The first Hebrew Book printed at Soncino, near Cremona. 1488 Malaga taken from the Moors ; the New Christians found there who had returned to Judaism, were burnt by the Inquisition. 1191 Bonnet de Lates, the Mathematician, Astronomer, and Physician, flourished: he invented the Astronomical Ring. A treaty made by the New Christians with the Duke of Medina Sidonia, to whose dominions they had fled for protection, for the purchase of the town and fortress of Gibraltar ; the Duke was compelled, by the populace, to break off the treaty when ready to be signed. 1492 The severest calamity the Jews have suffered since their dispersion, was the edict of Ferdinand and Isabella, dated Granada, March 30 ; it set forth, that : ' Seeing that the Jews of our States, induce many Christians to embrace " Judaism, particularly the Nobles of Andalusia, FOR THIS, they are banished " under the severest penalties." The penalty was death, if found in the kingdom of Spain after four months, unless they embraced Christianity. The Inquisitor Torquemada prohibited Christians supplying them with Bread, Water, Meat, or Wine, after the month of April. When neither Justice or Humanity could touch the Royal breasts, Abarbanel had, by the offer of 600,000 crowns, in the name of his Nation, nearly procured its revocation ; the interposition of Torquemada alone prevented it. Mariana estimates the number who quitted at 170,000 fa- milies, or 800,000 souls ; who expatriated themselves from the country that CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 123 C.JE. 1492 had for centuries afforded them aii asylum, that they had enlightened by that learning which cast a lustre on the darkness of the age ; they quitted the soil they had cultivated, the happy scenes of their youth, and the graves of their dearest ties, sooner than abjure the Religion of their Forefathers, or abandon that Law their Ancestors received on Mount Sinai. Notwithstanding the immense sacrifices made to realize their property, it is estimated they took with them 30 millions of Ducats,* exclusive of their plate, jewels, and precious stones. The exiles from Aragon went to Na- varre, from other parts many went to Italy, where they were kindly received, even at Rome, by Pope Alexander VI. ; although for this cruel act, he con- ferred the title of Catholic on the Crown of Spain. Some went to Turkey and Africa; the miseries they suffered are fully described by many authors. Those who went to Portugal and could pay eight Crusados a head, found an asylum for a short period ; the indigent were seized, and sent to colo- nize their ultramarine possessions. But for the submission and obedience, which our Religion inculcates, to the Laws of the Country that protect us, the despair and resentment of so many thousands (who would have found ready auxiliaries in the New Christians), might have shaken to its foundation the thrones of their persecutors. Abarbanel justly praises the forbearance of his Brethren. 1495 R. Abraham Zacuto, who had been Professor of Astronomy, at Saragossa, ap- pointed Astronomer and Historiographer to Emanuel of Portugal, A.M. 5255, he is the author of the Chronological Work, ({'Dni 'SO) 1496 At the instigation of Ferdinand and Isabella, (whose daughter he had married,) Emanuel, who had previously protected them, ordered the Jews to quit Por- tugal ; he named Viana, Oporto, and Lisbon, ports for their embaraktion, which he subsequently reduced to Lisbon only ; before the time appointed, orders were given, that children under 14 years of age should be taken from their Parents and baptised : many Mothers slew their children to avoid it ; the People, although bigoted, assisted to conceal them for their distressed parents. 1499 The Jews banished the city of Nuremburgh. 1501 Banished from Provence by Louis XII. 1503 Protected and favoured by Pope Pius III. R. Don Judah, son of Don Isaac Abarbanel, author of the Philography, flourished A. M. 5263, (he practised medicine at Genoa). 1505 3000 New Christians massacred at Lisbon. 1506 On Ferdinand becoming King of Naples, he banished 20,000 families ; many were refugees from Spain and Portugal. 1508 Don Isaac Abarbanel died at Venice, A. M. 5268, at the age of 71 ; on quitting Spain he went to Naples, where he became Minister to Alphon*o V., on whose death he held the same post under Ferdinand II. ; (when Charles VIII. overran the Neapolitan territory,) he accompanied this unfortunate Monarch in his exile, and remained with him until his death, when he settled at Venice the Senate engaged him to assist in forming the treaty with Portugal re- specting the Spice Trade ; his numerous writings, are universally admired. 1509 The Jews banished from the Bishopric of Cologne. 1510 Persecuted, and many murdered, throughout Brandenburgh. Pope Alexander VI. wrote to all the States of Italy, to grant the exiles from Spain and Portugal the same privileges as resident Jews. The Jews, at the taking of Tripoli, were made captives, and redeemed by those of Naples and Rome. 1511 Daniel Bomberg established a Hebrew Printing Press at Venice. Samuel Alvarensi, a refugee from Spain, became the favourite of Abusaid, King of Fez, who having been killed, and his kingdom taken by the Cherifians, Alvarensi took the command of 400 of the late King's faithful vassals, and embarked for Ceuta, which was besieged by the Cherifians with his small * Historic der Joodcn, p 509. 1-24 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C.1E 1511 force he surprised and attacked their army of 30,000 men, and compelled them to raise the siege and return to Fez.* 1513 Joseph Amon appointed Physician to Selim I. Sophi Ismael persecuted the Jews of Media and Persia. 1517 Moses Amon translated the Hebrew ritual into Turkish, by order of the Sultan. R. Elias Levita ("W33), Professor of Hebrew at Padua, A. M. 5277, Gram- marian, Lexicographer, and an able Critic. 1519 Charles V. prevented by Cardinal Ximenes from permitting the Jews to return to Spain, for which they had offered him 800,000 Crowns. 1520 Moses, son of Joseph Amon, Physician to the Sultan Solyman. The first edition of the Talmud printed at Venice. 1521 The Jews, on the approach of the Turks, were ordered to quit Milan. 1522 Many privileges given to the Jews at Rhodes, on its being taken by Solyman. 1523 Achmet, who had revolted against Solyman, in Egypt, commenced plundering the Jews ; they were saved by Ibrahim subduing him. 1526 The Inquisition established in Portugal, by the impostor Saavedra.} 1527 The Plague having spread into Italy from the Grisons, and many Jews from Spain and Portugal having entered Italy by that road, they were accused of intro- ducing it, and banished from many Cities. 1529 Charles V.'s intention of ordering the Jews to quit Bologna, abandoned at the in- tercession of the Nobles. 1532 Andrew Doria made captives of the Jews he found at Sicily, Patras, Zante and Coron ; many were redeemed by the congregations of Italy. 1534 Benvenida, wife of the great Don Samuel Abarbanel, appointed by Don Pedro de Toledo, Viceroy of Naples, Governess to his daughter Leonora, who was afterwards married to Cosmo de Medicis, Grand Duke of Tuscany. The Jews banished from Sicily. 1535 Many employed at Court by the Emperor of Morocco. The Jews taken at Tunis made captives, 150 were redeemed by the congrega- tions of Naples and Venice. 1539 Attempts made to prejudice Pope Paul III. against the Jews of Avignon, to whom he had granted titles, honours, and many privileges. 1540 R. Joseph Caro, Author of the (-yny {nSffl )D1 n3) Compendiums of the Jewish Laws and Customs, flourished at Saphet, A. M. 5300. The Walls of Jerusalem re-built by Solyman. R. Guedaliah Jachiya, the Historian, Author of the Chain of the Cabala, or Tra- ditions (nSapn nbcW), flourished at Imola, A. M. 5300. 1541 The Emperor Charles V. banished the Jews from Naples. Andrew Doria made a treaty for eight years with the Jews of Milan. 1543 Oran taken by the Spaniards ; the Jews, plundered and sold for slaves. 1545 At Salonica, 5000 burnt, with their houses, Synagogues, and valuable libraries. 1548 Henry II. invited the Jews of Mantua to settle in France. 1550 Their Cemetery at Mantua taken from them by Margaret, the Duke's mother. Henry II., by letters patent, declared that Jews might purchase, inherit, and enjoy real estates, in France, as true denizens and subjects of the King. 1553 The Talmud burnt, throughout Italy, by order of Pope Julius III. At Pesaro, the Synagogues plundered, and the Books of the Law desecrated. R. Joseph Cohen wrote the Annals of the Kings of France, and the Ottoman Em- pire Omv >sSoS DCn nsn), a work much esteemed, A. M. 5313. 1554 The first Portuguese Jews going to Holland, driven by a storm to Embden, from whence they went to Amsterdam. 1556 Pope Paul IV. laid a tax of 10 Ducats on each Synagogue for the instruction of Catechumens ; he persecuted the Jews greatly, but repented on his death- bed, for he then said " Whilst I live I will never hate them nor molest them " as I have done." Jacob Cansino sent on various Embassies to the African States, and appointed * Nomologia, p. 30C, and Chronicas de los Xarifes. ! Memoirs concerning the Portuguese Inquisition, p. 15. $ Nomologm, p. 304. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 125 C.JE. 1556 Spanish Minister to the Court of Morocco ; his family retained the post for 77 years. 1558 All Hebrew Books seized at Prague, but returned the following year. 1560 Many Jews burnt in Germany, and banished from Prague on the accusation of causing the fires that took place in various parts of the Empire, but the in- cendiaries being discovered, they were recalled the same year by the Emperor Ferdinand. R. Moses Alshech, the great Commentator, flourished at Saphet, A. M. 5320. 1569 On Feb. 26, Pope Pius V. ordered the Jews, under penalty of confiscation of their property, and becoming slaves, to quit all the Papal dominions, except- ing Rome and Ancona. 1570 Selim II. took Cyprus, and granted the Jews many privileges. 1571 Solomon Roph6 sent by Selim II. to negociate a treaty of Peace with Venice. R. Asarias de Rubies, Author of (Dry niND) Light of the Eyes, flourished at Ferrara, A. M. 5331. 1574 Maximilian II. put a stop to the persecution of the Jews in Moravia, where many had been burnt. Muley Mahommed had the Synagogue which had been destroyed at Fez, rebuilt ; he appointed a Jew to be his Prime Minister and High Treasurer. 1575 The Regency of Henry III., of France, confirmed the priveliges granted the Jews by Henry II., and ordered the Magistrates to protect them against any out- rages of the populace. 1576 Permission given by Selim II. to establish Hebrew Printing Presses at Constan- tinople and Thessalonica. 1578 All the rights and privileges, enjoyed by the Jews in Poland, guaranteed to them by Stephen Bathori on his election to the throne. 1584 Abbas the Great, granted the Jews toleration in Persia, on paying a large sum, and fixing the period for the coming of the Messiah ; to obtain time, they fixed it at 70 years ; he then forced them to sign a treaty to become Moslems if it did not take place, engaging for himself and subjects to embrace Judaism if it did.* 1585 Pope Sixtus V. revoked all decrees against the Jews ; granted them many pri- vileges ; and admitted them into every City of the Ecclesiastical States. R. Meir obtained from him a Monopoly of the Silk Trade. 1588 The Jews plundered at Bonn, by the Dutch, under General Schenk. R. Liva Bitzleer, received the public thanks of the Emperor Rodolph II., for the gallant conduct of the Jews in the defence of Prague. 1589 A Fire having broken out in the Jews' Quarter at Constantinople, the Janisaries extinguished it ; but not receiving the exorbitant demand they made for their services, they again set fire to it, and 3000 Houses were burnt, with property to the value of 50 Millions of Crowns, t 1591 The learned R. Solomon Loria, (Sunnc) of Poland, the great Cabalist, flourished A.M. 5351. Elias Montalto, Physician to Mary de Medicis, publicly allowed the free exer- cise of his Religion, at Paris. 1592 Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick, at the instigation of his Counsellors, ba- nished the Jews from the Duchy ; but recalled them shortly after. 1593 Clement VIII., renewed the edict of Pius V., allowing them only to reside in the Cities of Rome, Ancona, and Avignon. 1594 In consequence of the frequent disputes between the Custom-House Officers and the Jews, Pope Clement VIII. appointed Consuls to arrange such differences. 1595 The Jews of Amsterdam being suspected of Catholicism, were surrounded by an armed force at their House of Prayer on the day of Atonement ; but Hebrew Books being found instead of Crucifixes and Relics, they were authorised to remain, under condition of praying every Sabbath for the prosperity of the United Provinces. Maynard's History of the Jews, p. 610. I Histoire Ecclesiastique, torn. 36, p. 300. ]26 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE C.JE. 1598 About this time Jews were first admitted at Hamburgh ; they were from the Portuguese Congregations of Amsterdam. 1603 The Jews permitted to build a Synagogue at Hambro', although the Catholics were not allowed to erect a Church. 1613 A Conspiracy formed to destroy the Jews, discovered and frustrated by the Magis- trates of Frankfort ; but 6 months after, it was renewed. The Jews' Quarter was burnt, and they were obliged to quit the City ; the Authorities subse- quently sent for them, repaid their losses, (175,900 florins) and brought them back to the City with a military escort and music.* The Philanthropic and generous Mordecai Maizel, of Prague, created a Baron of the Roman Empire, by the Emperor Mathias.t 1615 Owing to a Rebellion that broke out at Berlin, the Jews were also driven from Worms and Frankfort ; they were well received in the Palatinate ; the Re- bellion being put down, the Duke recalled them. 1616 R. Isaac ben Abraham, published his celebrated Work, (ruiCK plffl) The Defence of the Faith, at Cracow, A. M. 5376. Samuel Palache, Ambassador from Muley Sidan, to the United Provinces, died at the Hague ; he was buried with great pomp and honor, Prince Maurice and many Noblemen follownig the Corpse. 1625 Jacob Batseba, created a Baron of the Roman Empire, by the Emperor Ferdi- nand II. i 1634 Jews permitted to settle in Switzerland. 1637 Bagdad taken by Amurath IV., who granted many privileges to the Jews. 1640 Samuel Castoel, Governor of Cochin, succeeded by a namesake.^ 1641 R. Isaac Aboab and R. Raphael Moses De Aguilar, with about 600 Jews, went to the Brazils, in consequence of the Dutch Government granting toleration in that Colony. Many New Christians residing there, returned to the religion of their Ancestors. 1642 R. Meuasseh ben Israel, who was a much esteemed Writer, on the 22nd May, delivered a Complimentary Address to Her Majesty Henrietta, Queen Consort of Charles I. of Great Britain, and the Prince of Orange, on their visit to the Portuguese Synagogue, at Amsterdam. 1643 R. Jacob Judah Leon, of Amsterdam, published his Description of the Temple of Solomon, of which he had previously made an exact Model, A.M. 5403. 1646 Christina of Sweden, employed J. Senior Teixeira, as her Agent at Hamburgh. 1647 John IV. appointed G. Nunes Da Costa, Portuguese Consul, and subsequently Agent and Resident at the Hague ; and was honored by him with Letters Patent of Nobility. The services he rendered the United Provinces were so highly appreciated by the States General, that they presented him with a Gold Chain and a Medal set in 1648 The persecutions in Poland under John Casimir, the Jesuit Cardinal King. 1650 The cultivation of the Sugar Cane first introduced into Martinique, by Benjamin Da Costa.f 1653 The Jews settle at Surinam. R. Jacob Abendana translated the Mishna with the Commentaries of Maimonedes and Bartenora, into Spanish ; his original manuscript is in one of the Li- braries at Cambridge. L 1654 On the Portuguese obtaining possession of the Brazils, the Jews were ordered to quit, but every indulgence was granted them; they were allowed to take away their property ; and 16 Vessels were furnished them by Govern- ment to convey them wherever they chose, furnishing them passports and safe- guards. Christina of Sweden, after her Abdication and changing her Religion, resided for some time at Hamburgh, with her former Agents the Teixeiras. 1655 R. Menasseh ben Israel, came to England with other Jews, at the invitation of Mr. Secretary Thurloe,** when he presented petitions to Cromwell and the Parliament, in behalf of his Brethren. * Jost's Geschite der Israeliten, Bd. 8. t Menaaseh ben Israel, (SsHV HlpO) $ Barrios' Historia Universal Judaica, p. 3. 11 Gregoire Cultes Religieuses, torn. 3. * Petition of Thomas Violet to Parliament Jt Leti's Comptndio delle virtu Eroiche, part 2, p. 123. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 127 C. JE. 1655 A Council was held at Whitehall, the 4th Dec., to which were summoned the Lord Chief Justice Glynn, the Lord Chief Baron Steele,the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs of London, sundry Merchants, and Divines, to take into consideration the proposals made by R. Menasseh ben Israel, in manner following : " These are the graces and favours which, in the name of my Hebrew nation, I Menasseh ben Israel do request of your most Serene Highness (whom God make prosperous and give happy success to, in all the enter- prises as your Serene Highness could wish and desire.) l8t. That our Hebrew Nation be received and admitted in this puissant Commonwealth, under the protection and safeguard of your Highness, even as the natives themselves. And, for the greater security in time to come, I supplicate your Highness to cause an oath to be given (if you should think fit), to all the Heads and Generals of armies, to defend us on all occasions. 2nd. That it please your Highness to allow us Public Synagogues, not only in England, but also in other places under the power of your Highness, and to observe in all things our Reli- gion as we ought. 3rd. That we may have a place, or Cemetery, out of the town, to inter our dead, without being troubled by any. 4th. That we may be permitted to deal in all sorts of Merchandize the same as others. 5th. That (to the end that those who shall come may be for the utility of this nation, and may live without bringing prejudice to any, and not to give offence) your most Serene Highness will make choice of some person of quality to inform himself of, and receive the passports of, those who shall come in, who upon their arrival shall certify him thereof, and oblige themselves by oath to maintain fealty to your Highness in this land. 6th. And (to the intent that they may not be troublesome to the Judges of the Land, touching the contests and differences that may arise betwixt those of our Nation) that your most Se- rene Highness will give license to the Head of the Synagogue to take with him two Alm- onerg of his Nation, to accord and determine all the differences and process according to the Mosaic Law, with liberty, nevertheless, to appeal from the said sentence to the Civil Judges, the sum wherein the parties shall be condemned, being first deposited. 7th. That, in case that there have been any Law against our Jewish Nation, that they may, in the first place, and before all things, be revoked, to the end that, by these means, we may remain with greater security under the safeguard and protection of your Serene Highness. Which things you most Serene Highness granting to us, we shall always re- main affectionately obliged to pray to God for the prosperity of your High- ness, and of your most illustrious and most sage Council ; that it will please Him to give happy success to all the undertakings of your most Serene Highness. Amen." * The Council met again on the 7th, 12th, and 14th, on which day The Jews were admitted into England. " Now were the Jews admitted."! On the 18th Dec., the conference concerning the proposals about the admission of the Jews, ended without further adjournment or coming to a decision. The Judges declared there was no law which forbade the Jews' return into England. As the Divines were much divided in opinion, some asserting that the Scriptures promised their conversion, Cromwell declared that, since there was a promise for their conversion, means must be used to that end, which is the preaching of the Gospel, and that can- not be had, unless they are admitted where the Gospel is preached; in conclusion the public admission was laid aside, as a thing decried by the Clergy, but after hearing the debates, Cromwell and his Council did give a toleration and dispensation to a great number of Jews to come and live here in London,5f and granted them permission to build a Synagogue.** 1C56 The FIRST PORTUGUESE SYNAGOGUE in King-street, Duke's-place. The Burial-ground at Mile-End, where the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Hos- pital now stands, taken on a lease for 999 years. The expulsion of the Jews from Switzerland prevented by the opposition of some of the Cantons. The following Advertisement appears in the Mercurius Politicus, 7 14th Feb. " A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Tongue (the like never before published) " by John Davis. Sold by Humphrey Moseley, Prince's Arms, St. Paul's " Churchyard." * Public Intelligencer, 17 24th December, and Mercurius Politicus, 20 27th December, 1655. t Evelyn's Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 283. Burton's History of Oliver Cromwell, p. l.ifi. It Thomas Violet's Petition. * Bishop Burnett's History of his own Time, Tol. 1, p. 17. 128 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C.JE. 1656 Louis XIV. confirmed the Letters Patent of Henry II. (1550), to the Jews. 1657 Isaac Britto, the first interment in our Burial-ground. 1C59 The Dutch West India Company granted a Charter to David Nassy, and other Portuguese Jews, for the Colonization of the Island of Cayenne.* 1660 January 18th, Thomas Violet, a Goldsmith, petitioned the King and Parliament to order the Jews to quit England, and to confiscate their property. 1662 Thomas Greenhalgh visited the Portuguese Synagogue, where he found upwards of 100 men, apparently of affluence, and the Ladies very richly attired.}: 1664 Cayenne taken by the French ; the Dutch inhabitants and Jews obliged to quit ; the latter went to Surinam. In consequence of threats having been made to the Jews as to the security of their persons and properties, they petitioned the King (Charles II.), who by order in Council of Aug. 22nd, declared that " As long as they demean themselves peaceably, and with due submission " to the Laws, they may promise themselves the effects of the same favour " as formerly." 1665 The British Government, at Surinam, by proclamation, dated Aug. 17, confirmed all former privileges of the Jews ; guaranteed to them the full enjoyment, and free exercise of their Beligion, Rites, and Customs, and added that, any summons issued against them on their Sabbath or Holidays, should be null and void ; that, except on urgent occasions, they should not be called on to do any public duties on those days ; that civil cases, not exceeding the value of 10,000 Ibs. of Sugar, should be decided by their Elders, the Magistrates being bound to execute the sentence ; and that they might bequeath their property according to their own Law of Inheritance. Ten acres of land were also given to them for the erection of a Synagogue, and such other buildings as the Congregation might require. To induce foreign Jews to settle there, it was also declared, that Jews coming from any Country, should be considered as British born subjects. For which they were bound to obey all decrees of the King of England, pro- vided they did not infringe on their privileges.^ 1666 The Impostor Sabbathai Zevi pretended to be the Messiah. The persecution of the Jews, in Persia, commenced, and lasted three years. 1667 Muley Archey granted many privileges to the Jews of Morocco, in return for having succeeded in his rebellion by the money (400,000) he plundered from a Jew. Surinam being taken by the Dutch, the privileges of the Jews confirmed to them and they were to be entitled to all the rights of Dutch born subjects. The States General of Holland presented Joseph Athias with a Gold Chain, for his correct and beautiful edition of the Hebrew Bible. R. David Cohen de Lara, of Amsterdam, published a part of his Rabinical Talmu- dical Lexicon (nJV"O "U"O), with the meaning of each word in the Chaldean, Syriac, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Saxon, and English languages ; after 40 years' labour, he had, at his death, only completed as far as the tenth letter ( ) Yod. 1669 The Jews banished from Vienna, by Leopold I., on suspicion of having shot his favorite Mistress, a Jewess, named Esther, while crossing the Bridge of Leopoldstadt. Banished from Oran. 1670 Surinam being finally ceded to the Dutch, many Jews quitted with the English ; they settled at Jamaica and the other West India Islands. The privileges they enjoyed at Metz, confirmed by Louis XIV. Liberty of Conscience and Toleration granted them in Persia. Emanuel Belmonte, accredited agent for Spain to the United Provinces ; the Spanish Ambassador had orders to consult him on all matters of moment : for his ser- vices, he was created Baron de Belmonte, by Charles II. of Spain ; and was much esteemed by all the Allies, whom he rendered great assistance.! * Essai Historique sur la Colonie de Surinam, p. 113. t Manuscript in the Harleian Collection, i Essai Historique sur la Colonie de Surinam, p. 123. f Lcti's Compendio dolle virtu Eroiche, pt. 2, p. 124. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 129 C. JE. 1670 F. Lopes Suasso, also for his services in the same cause, was created Baron D'Averna, by Charles II. of Spain.* 1673 Re-admitted at Vienna, the Assassins of Esther having been discovered. Indicted in London for meeting for Public Worship ; they petitioned the King, that during their stay they might remain unmolested, or that time should be given them to withdraw from the Country : on the llth February, the King in Council ordered " that the Attorney-General stop all proceedings, and that they receive no further trouble in this behalf." 1683 The Jews ordered to quit the French Colonies. 1684 Joseph de Toledo, concluded a Treaty with the United Provinces for Muley Ismael. 1G85 37 Jewish Merchants arrested on the Exchange, on Writs obtained under the Statute 23rd of Elizabeth, for not attending any Church, they petitioned the King for his protection and for the free exercise of their Religion ; and on the 13th Nov. the King in Council, 25 Noblest being present, ordered, "that the " Attorney-General do stop all the said proceedings, His Majesty's intention *' being that they should not be troubled upon this account, but they should " quietly enjoy the free exercise of their Religion, whilst they behave them- " selves dutifully and obediently to his Government." Pope Innocent XI. obtained from the Republic of Venice, the release of the Jews who had been made prisoners in the Morea by General Morosini. All Jews found in the French Colonies ordered to be seized and their properties confiscated. L687 The Jews excluded from Russia by Peter the Great. 1690 The petition of the Council of Jamaica, to order the Jews to quit the Island, re- fused by William III. 1692 The FIRST GERMAN SYNAGOGUE in London, in Broad-court, Duke's-place, on the site of the present Great Synagogue. 1696 The Jews in England at this period must have been numerous, for an Almanack was printed at Oxford in this year, having a daily Christian Calendar on one side, and the Jewish on the opposite. 1697 Alexander Nunes da Costa succeeded to his father's posts and honours, although the most powerful interests had been used by various parties to obtain the high offices he held. 1701 The learned R. David Neito, (author of the p HBO) appointed Chief Rabbi of the Portuguese Congregation, of London. 1709 Levin Joseph, the celebrated Engraver, at Berlin ; engraved on a Diamond, of 25 Carats, the Royal Arms of Prussia, surmounted with the Crown, for Fred. I. 1712 The Marquis of Langallerie proposed, that an island of the Archipelago should be given to the Jews, for the establishment of an Independent State. 1723 Louis XV. confirmed the rights of Jews, to hold real estates, and added, " without " their being obliged to take out letters of naturalization." First acknowledgement, by Act of Parliament, of Jews being British subjects : " Whenever any of His Majesty's subjects, professing the Jewish Religion, " shall present themselves to take the Oath of Abjuration, the words ' on the " 'faith of a Christian,' shall be omitted out of the said oath, and the taking " of it, by such persons, professing the Jewish Religion, without the words * Lti's Compendio delle virtu Eroiche, pt. 2, p. 124. ! Present: THE KING'S MOST EXCELLNET MAJESTY. H. R. H. Prince George. Archbishop of Canterbury. Bishop of London. The Lords Chancellor, Treasurer, Privy Seal, and Chamberlain. The Dukes of Ormond and Queensberry. The Earls of Huntingdon, Bridgewater, Berkeley, Nottingham, Plymouth, Craven, Peterborough, Middleton, Sunderland, Morray. Viscounts Fauconberg, Preston, Molfort. Lords Dartmouth and Godolphin. And the Chancellor of the Exchequer. t Gregoire* Cultas Reltgieuses, torn 3. 8 CHRONOLOGfCAL TABLE. aforesaid, in the manner as Jews are admitted to be sworn to give evidence in Courts of Justice, shall be deemed a sufficient taking." 1730 Moses Lopez Pereira created Baron d'Aguilar by the Emperor Charles VI., and appointed Treasurer to the Empress as Queen of Bohemia. 1735 Susz Onpenheim, Finance Minister to Charles, Duke of Wirtemberg ; his oppres- sive conduct towards the people caused the Jews to be ill-treated. 1736 The Duke of Ripperda proposed, that an independent establishment should formed for the Jews.* 1738 Christian VI., King of Denmark, having opened all trades to the Jews, those of Copenhagen established a Society for giving premiums to all who learned trades. 1740 The Jews invited by Charles II. to return to Naples and Sicily. An Act of Parliament passed, " that those Jews who had already resided in the American Colonies, or who have served as Mariners during the war, two " years in British ships, are become natural born subjects of Great Britain " without taking the Sacrament." 1749 M : J. Pereira, Interpreter at the Royal Library, Paris, on the llth of June, ex- plained his method of Instructing the Deaf and Dumb, since successfully adopted by 1'Abbe" I'Epe'e. 1750 Tobias Mayer, Professor of Mathematics at Gottingen, invented the repeating re- flecting circle, to rectify astronomical observations. The Great Philosopher, Moses Mendelsohn, flourished. A Jew sent as Ambassador to Denmark by the Emperor of Morocco. Toleration granted to the Jews in Prussia by Frederick II., on the most intolerant conditions. The Thanks of Government, and two Silver Cups, presented to Moses Naar and Gabriel de la Fatte, for their zeal in suppressing a revolt of the Negroes in Surinam. J 1753 Restrictions and a Capitation Tax laid on the Jews by the Duke of Lorraine. The Naturalization Bill passed in England. 1754 Repealed, owing to the petitions of the City of London and other places. The provisions of the Marriage Act not to affect Jewish Marriages. 1200 left by Elias de Paz for founding a Jesiba, confiscated to the Crown, (being deemed for superstitious purposes) and given by George II. to the Foundling Hospital. 1762 Catharine of Russia granted Toleration to the Jews : those of the Crimea and the Ukraine had been long protected by Government. 1772 An Act passed that Jews, on a residence of 7 years in any of the Colonies, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of British subjects. 1778 Colonel David Franks confidential Aid to General Washington. 1780 The Jews of Metz sent Deputies with a petition to Louis XVI., to repeal all or- dinances against them. The Emperor Joseph II. opened the Schools and Universities of the Empire to the Jews ; granted them the privilege of taking degrees in Philosophy, Medicine, and Civil Law ; allowed them to follow any trade or establish manufactories (except of Gunpowder) ; subjected them to the same laws as Christians, and allowed them to attend Fairs in towns where they were not domiciled. 1781 A Gold Medal given by the States of Holland to J. d' Almeida, for his gallant conduct in an action off the Doggerbank, on Aug. 5. 1783 Zalkind Hourwitz, Interpreter at the Royal Library, Paris, invented a Universal Language, considered superior to the Pasigraphy : he gained the prize at Metz, for a memorial in favour of the Jews. 1784 Louis XVI. revoked the oppressive laws of Lorraine against the Jews. 1788 Malesherbes appointed President of a Commission to re-model, on principles of Justice, all Laws respecting the Jews. * Gregoires Cultes Religieuses, torn. 3. I Ewai Historique sur la Colonip de Surinam, p. 123. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 131 C.JE. 1789 The privileges of Corporations opened to the Jews in Denmark. Elias Levy made Minister to the Emperor of Morocco ; disgraced, and sold to a slave-dealer at Tunis ; he was subsequently redeemed, and reinstated in his post of Minister. 1790 The Jews of France claim rights of citizenship. Solomon Hassan, Spanish Consul at Tetuan, beheaded by order of the Emperor of Morocco, for informing his Government of the intended attack on Ceuta. 1791 All distinctions between Jews and other citizens abolished in France. The celebrated Letter of M : Berr-Isaac-Berr, of Nancy, published. 1792 Six Battalions of Jews formed part of the Army cantoned at Praga, for the de- fence of Warsaw.* 1794 A Regiment of Cavalry, composed entirely of Jews, fought under Kosciuszko, for the Independence of Poland. J. H. Sumbal came to London as Envoy from the Emperor of Morocco. 1T95 The Batavian Republic gave the Jews the same rights as other citizens. 1796 Levy Myers, Esq. Member of the Legislature of South Carolina, The Public Schools at Dessau opened to the Jews. 1798 M : Da Costa Athias, President, Dr. Lemon and M : C. Asser, Members, of the National Convention of the Batavian Republic. 1800 The Universities and Public Schools, in Denmark, opened to the Jews. 1801 A Society of Dutch Jews proposed a plan for a General Congress of Representa- tives from all the Congregations in Europe, to meet at Luneville. M : Israel Jacobson, Privy Counsellor to the Duke of Brunswick-Lunenburg, es- tablished a Hebrew College at Seezen, in Germany. 1804 Prohibitory laws against the Jews renewed in Switzerland. M: J. D. Meyer, made Judge of the Tribunal de Premiere Instance, at Amster- dam, and Member of the Provincial States. The Jews of Poland prohibited acting as Pedlars. 1805 Aaron Cardozo, Esq., sent as Envoy by the British Government to the Bey of Oran, with whom he concluded a treaty, Nov. 5. The Emperor Alexander of Russia allowed the Jews to exercise handicraft Trades. 1806 May 30th. The Emperor Napoleon convoked a Meeting of Jewish Deputies from the French Departments. July 26th. The First Meeting held : the Minister, on finding that he had inad- vertently fixed it on a Sabbath day, proposed an adjournment, which was declined by the Deputies who stated, that their Laws commanded a prompt obedience to the orders of their Sovereign. Sep. 18th. A Grand Sanhedrin proposed by the Minister, and that the Syna- gogues of Europe be invited to send Deputies. 26th. An invitation given to the Synagogues of Europe to join the Sanhe- drin at Paris. Dec. 9th. Consistories established in France ; since adopted in many other countries. The Prince of Parma and Piombino placed the Jews on the same footing as his other subjects. 1807 R. Abraham Cologna decorated with the order of the Iron Crown, by the Em- peror Napoleon. M : M. C. Asser made Referendary to the Council of State. Ezekiel Hart, Esq., returned a Member of the House of Assembly, in Canada : the French party, to gain an additional Partizan, moved his exclusion on ac- count of his Religion, which was carried. The House having been dissolved by the Governor, he was again returned to the New House. 1808 M : Israel Jacobson, Privy Counsellor to the Duke of Mecklcnburgh, made a Knight of the Westphalian Crown ; through his representations, many of the States of Germany rescinded the Capitation Tax. Many Jews, in Westphalia, admitted to public offices, and various restriction! on them removed. * Gregoires Cultei Religleuses, torn. 3. | 3 2 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. i jr? 1808 * The Royal Dukes visited the Great German Synagogue, in Duke's-place, Dr. Bloch's valuable Cabinet incorporated with the Museum of Berlin, his work on Ichthyology is much esteemed. M : Nahum Funkalstein, of Sklow petitioned the Russian Government for per- mission to establish Colonies in Nicolajow ; to encourage it the Government exempted the settlers from all taxes and military service for 20 years : they built several villages, to which they gave Hebrew names,* and are indus- triously employed in agriculture. 1809 The Grand Duke of Baden relieved the Jews from all Disabilities. Dr. Cappadoce and M : D. Meyer knighted by Louis, King of Holland ; the Legion of Honour conferred on them by the Emperor Napoleon, and the Bel- gic Lion by the present King of the Netherlands. 1810 Moses Myers, Esq., Member of the Legislature of South Carolina. Henry Jacobs, Esq., being returned a Member of the Legislature of North Caro- lina, a motion was made to refuse him on account of his Religion, it was unanimously rejected. 1812 The oppressive laws against the Jews, in Prussia, repealed by Frederic III., who admitted them to Civil Liberty. The Duke of Mecklenburgh-Schewrin and the Prince-Primate of Frankfort also relieved them from Disabilities. 1813 The King of Bavaria admitted the Jews to Civil Rights, opened all professions and trades to them, and exempted them from any particular imposts. Mordecai M. Noah, Esq., Consul at Tunis for the United States of America. M : A. M. de Leon and M : J. D. Meyer, appointed Members of the Commission for Preserving Tranquillity at Amsterdam, on the revolution, in favour of the House of Orange. Native Jews of Westphalia permitted to possess land free of Seignorial rights. All schools opened to them. But Foreign Jews not to be admitted, unless to establish manufactories. Masahod C. Macnin, Esq., appointed Envoy from Muley Soliman, Emperor of Morocco, to the British Government. 1814 Civil Liberty given, and every restriction removed from the Jews in Denmark. The Free Cities of Lubeck and Bremen compel the Jews to quit their jurisdictions. M : A. Mendes de Leon elected Alderman for the City of Amsterdam. M : J. de Meyer appointed Secretary to the Commission for forming a New Code for the Kingdom of the Netherlands ; the Order of the Belgic Lion conferred upon him. 1815 The following shows, that the Illustrious Members of the Congress of Vienna were not unmindful of the Jews : ARTICLE XVI. " The Congress will consider the best possible means of effecting a uniform ' amelioration of the followers of the Jewish Religion throughout Germany, ' and particularly of granting them the enjoyment of Civil Rights in the Al- ' lied States, in return for their taking on themselves all Civil Duties. Mean- ' while it guarantees to the professors of that Faith, the rights already ' granted them by single States of the Alliance. 1817 M : C. Meyer made a Knight of the Belgic Lion, and Referendary to the Ministry of Justice. 1818 An attempt made to prevent Jews attending the Fair of Leipsic. 1819 M. M. Noah, Esq. elected Sheriff of the City of New York. 1820 The Jews admitted, and Toleration granted to them, at Lisbon, by John VI. Judah Benoliel, Esq., of Gibraltar, appointed Consul by the Emperor of Morocco, with power to appoint Vice-Consuls wherever he might think fit. 1822 Nathan Meyer Rothschild, Esq. appointed Austrian Consul, and created a Baron of the Austrian Empire, by the Emperor Francis I. ; his Brothers also re- ceived the same honour. \v> nrroony 1 Jost's Geschite der Israelite!), Bd. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 133 1824 Louis XVIII. conferred on Aaron Cardozo, Esq., of Gibraltar, the Knighthood of the Legion of Honour. M : J. Boas, appointed one of the three Magistrates of Amsterdam. 1825 Nathan Levy, Esq., appointed American Consul to the Island of St. Thomas. Sardinia having sent a fleet against Morocco, the differences were settled by Judah Benoliel, Esq., Consul at Gibraltar. 1826 The Chevalier Gamba relates, that he met near Kouba, in Southern Russia, with a Jewish village, that had existed from time immemorial. The celebrated Advocate Cre"mieux (the defender of M : Guernon de Ranville, ex-Minister of Charles X.), successfully defended his co-religionaries from a ceremonial oath on the Books of the Law, which had formerly been exacted from them in France. The Advocate Ouliff, also a Jew, procured, at Metz, the reversal of a sentence for a Client, who was condemned solely from not having taken the above oath. 1827 Restrictions laid on the Jews at Rome, by Pope Leo XII. Mordecai Myers, Esq.. Member of the Legislature of Georgia. Meir C. Macnin, Esq., appointed Envoy from the Emperor of Morocco, Muley Abda-rahman, to the Court of St. James'. 1828 Various Regulations respecting the Jews made by the Emperor Nicolas. Baron N. M. de Rothschild appointed Austrian Consul-General. 1830 April 5th. A Bill to remove all Civil Disabilities, passed the first stage in the House of Commons by a majority of 18. May 17th. Lost at the Second Reading, by a majority of 63. The Chamber of Deputies in France, by a majority of 140, voted that the Jewish Clergy be paid by the State. Also Voted by the Chamber of Peers, by a majority of 52. Moses Myers, Esq. Collector of the Customs, at Norfolk, Virginia. M : J. Mendes de Leon, Alderman of Amsterdam, made a Knight of the Belgic Lion. 1831 Jews admitted to the Freedom of the City of London. Alexander Bravo and Philip Lucas, Esqs. appointed Magistrates and Assistant Judges in Jamaica. 1832 Jacob de Pass and Abraham Isaacs, Esqs. appointed Magistrates and Assistant Judges in Jamaica. Samuel Judah, Esq. Member of the Legislature of Indiana. M. M. Noah, Esq. appointed Surveyor of the Port of New York. M : Brandon Mondolpho, 1st Lieutenant of Artillery, Decorated with the Military Order of William of Holland. Chapman Levy, Esq. Member of the Senate of South Carolina. Died of the Cholera, aged 21, Arthur Lumley Davids; who at the early age of 15 completed a Turkish Grammar ; he was well acquainted with the Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, French, Italian, and German Lan- guages ; his admirable Lectures on the Philosophy of the Jews, delivered when only 18 years of age, procured for him, from some highly Literary Characters, the cognomen of the Modern Mendelsohn. 1833 April 17th. A Bill for the Relief of the Jewish Disabilities again brought into the House of Commons. May 22nd. Second Reading, carried by a majority of 137. June 26th. At the Third Reading, Four Amendments were moved by its Op- ponents, which they lost by majorities of 93 95 84 91. August 1st. Rejected by a majority of 50 in the House of Lords. 1834 May 28th. A Bill again introduced, and passed the various stages in the House Commons. June 23rd. Lost at the Second Reading in the House of Lords, by a majority of 92. M : B. Fould, Elected Member of the Chamber of Deputies, for St. Quintin. 1835 D. Salomons, Esq. Elected Sheriff of London and Middlesex. Louis Philippe, King of the French, demanded satisfaction of the City of Mul- hausen, for refusing to register Landed Property bought by a Frenchman in its Territory, because he was a Jew. 134 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. C.JE 1835 The King of Piedmont, prohibited Jews holding Landed Property without his Special License. Sheriff Salomons, chosen Alderman for the Ward of Aldgate, by the Suffrages of his Fellow-citizens. Jacob Montefiore, Esq. appointed a Commissioner for the Colonization of South Australia. Louis Philippe conferred the Order of the Legion of Honor on M : J. D. Myers, of Amsterdam. 1836 M : J. de Castro, Alderman of the Hague, had the Knighthood of the Belgic Lion conferred on him by the King of the Netherlands. M : J. Teixeira Nunes, made a Member of the Equestrian Order of theProvince of Holland. May 31st. The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved to go into Committee, to consider the Laws imposing Civil Disabilities on His Majesty's subjects, professing the Jewish Religion. June 1st. Resolution reported : " That it is expedient to remove all Civil Dis- " abilities at present existing, with respect to His Majesty's subjects " professing the Jewish Religion ; with the like exceptions, as are " provided with respect to his Majesty's Subjects professing the " Roman Catholic Religion." 13th. Bill presented ; and read the First time. Aug. 3rd. Read a Second time. Agreed to in Committee, the 12th. 15th. Read a Third time ; and passed the House of Commons. Presented, and read a First time in the House of Lords. 19th. Second Reading postponed by the Marquess of Westminster. M : B. Fould, re-elected for the Third time, Member of the Chamber of Deputies, for St. Quintin. The Government of Hesse, proposed to the States, the Emancipation of the Jews. Jews prohibited Cultivating Land in Prussia. In Prussia, all Contracts with Jews, ordered to be made in the presence of a Magistrate. In Russia, Jews taking Degrees in Medicine, declared eligible to be employed in the State. Colonel M. J. Cohen, appointed Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Maryland. Lieutenant Urriah Levy, made a Captain in the Navy of the United States. 1837 Jan. 1st. 5000 Jews perished at Saphet and Tiberias, by an Earthquake. The Jews Emancipated by the States of Hanover, during the Vice-Royalty of H. R. H. the Duke of Cambridge. M. Montefiore, Esq. Elected Sheriff of London and Middlesex. J. J. Sanguinete and D. Hart, Esqs. Elected Members of the House of Assembly, Jamaica. Sheriff Montefiore, Knighted by Her Majesty Queen Victoria. 1838 M : J. M. de Leon and M : F. Asser, Members of the College for nominating the Delegates of Amsterdam, to the Provincial States of Holland. Alexander Bravo, Esq. made a Member of Her Majesty's Council, Jamaica. D. Salomons, Esq. appointed a Magistrate for the County of Kent. The Municipality of Ofen, in return for the munificent Charity of the Jews to the Sufferers by the late Inundation, declared them free to become Landholders and Citizens. The Hereditary Title of Baron, recognised by the British Government, to Lionel, Eldest Son of the late Baron N. M. de Rothschild. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 135 1838 Charles John, King of Sweden, published the 13th of August an ordinance dated 30th June, abolishing all distinction between Jews and other Sweedisb. subjects, except that they may not purchase landed property in the country without his license. That they should not interfere in anything respecting the Church, and that they maintain their own poor. -Another regulates on a popular and equitable basis the government of their congregations. _ -A conspiracy to extirpate the Jews in the Russian Empire, discovered by tht Government, Many persons implicated were arrested in Lithunia and imprisoned at Wilna. Fifty Elders of Stockholm having petitioned against the ordinances, the King of Sweden without rescinding them, ordered, That no Jew, without his permis- sion, should be allowed to settle in Sweden, except ia Stockholm, Gottenburg, Cartsorona, or Nockioping, 1839 David Salomons and Joseph M. Montefiore, Esqrs., appointed Magistrates for the County of Sussex. To avoid the conscription a vast number of Jews emigrated from the Southern provinces of Russia to Austrian Galicia, where they were kindly received by the Governor General, the Archduke Ferdinand of Este; he ordered the authorities to furnish bread and l|d. a day to all who had no means of sub- sistence, to employ them on the Crown lands in agricultural pursuits and to find employment for them. A proposal to emancipate the Jews, submitted to the States of Denmark, negatived by 32 against, 30 for. D. Salomons, Esq., appointed High Sheriff of Kent. The Emperor of Russia ordered the Minister of the Interior to grant to Jews who are worthy of it from personal merit, or who had rendered services to the State in the Arts, Sciences, Manufactures or Trade, the title of Citizen of the first class, not previously allowed. 1840 The building of a Lutheran Church at Rosenberg, in Prussian Silesia, being stopped for want of funds the Jews of the town furnished the amount required for its completion. The Diet of Hungary voted the entire emancipation of the Jews in that country and its dependencies, Croatia, Sclavonia, and Dalmatia, making them eligible to all employments, to be enobled at the pleasure of ihe Crown kees of Worship, Schools and Hospitals, the same as to other religious sects. The right of Citizenship voted by the States of Hungary, 26 for, 21 against. 1844 A Ukase of the Emperor of Russia, by the advice of the Senate, relieving Jew Agriculturalists who cultivate their land by persons of their religion, from the conscription for 20 years and from taxes for 50. All others employing from 100 to 200 Jews in agriculture t3 become nobles, and above 200, to enjoy the rights and privileges of hereditary nobility. Sir Moses Montefiore made a Magistrate for the Cinque Ports. David Salomons, Esq., chosen Alderman for Portsoken, the election again de- clared void by the Court of Aldermen. The Jews of Mogador plundered by the Kabyles after the bombardment by tha French. The Queen of Portugal created Sir L. L, Goldsmid, Baron, with title of Baron de Goldsmid e Palmeiza 1845 A bill, admitting the Jews to every municipal office without swearing on the faith of a Christian, received the Royal assent. 1846 Various cruel Ukases agaiust the Jews of Russian Poland. CHROXOLONICAL TABLE. 137 C.yE. Sir Moses M out efiore went to Russia and obtained a relaxation of the Ukases from the Emperor. On his return, as a mark of Her Majesty's approval of his exertions in behalf of his persecuted brethren, the Queen created him a Baronet of the United Kingdoms. 1846 Daniel Weisweller, Esq., of Madrid, had the order of Charles III. given him by the Queen of Spain ; the first Jew honoured by the Spanish Crown aiuce the expulsion. An act passed enabling Jews to hold Municipal and Corporation offices. Baron Anthony de Rothschild created a Baronet of the United Kingdoms. At Salonica the Jews quarter destroyed again by fire. The Ghetto at Rome inundated by an overflow of the Tiber, the Pope rendered effectual assistance in money and food to the Jews. 184" The States of Prussia conferred many privileges on the Jews. Baron L. de Rothschild elected M. P. for London. D. Salomons, Esq., elected Alderman for 18-18 M. Cremieux, on the revolution in Francs was elected one of the Provisional Government. R. Joseph Manheinaer elected Jrepres^ntative for Brody to the Austrian Diet, which appointed him its President. Second reading in the House of Commons the llth February, of a bill for re. moving Jewish disabilities ; 75 majority iu favour. 4th May, third reading, majority 61. 25th May, lost in the House of Lords by a majority of 35 against it. 1849 Second reading of a bill for Jewish emancipation, carried ia tne House of Com- mons by a majority of 93. 1850 Motion for Baron Rothschild being sworn in the Old Testament, supported by a majority of 54. Alderman Salomons returned M.P. for Greenwich. Motion by the Attorney General, that the House pledges itself to adopt a Jewish relief bill next sessions, majority for 32. JS51 First reading of that measure, carried by a majority of 54. Alderman Salomons took his seat and Toted. The Queen of Spain with a flattering letter sent to M. E-nille Lean, of Bayonne, a decree dated 25th March, appointing him a Commander of the Royal Order of Isabella la Catolica, for the services rendered by him to the Spanish emi- grants during their residence in France. 1852 Third reading of the above bill, carried without a division. Alderman Salomons fined on a private information, for voting without taking the oaths. M. Fould appointed Minister of State by Napoleon III. 1953 A measure similar to the preceding passed the House of Commons by a majority of 58. 1854 Judah Truro, of New Orleans, bequeathed 50,000 Dollars for the amelioration of the state of the Jews ct Jerusalem. Great distress in the Holy Land, ar\ appeal made to the public by Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart, and the Revd. Dr. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 1855 Subscriptions to about 20,000 received. Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., accotn- pauied by Lady Montefiore went to the Holy Land, to administer the relief- fund ; received with ovations in every city he passed. The Sultan conferred on him the Order of Medjid. Cypriano Ssq. Montesino moved in the Spanish Cortes, the re-admission of the Jews and removal of all civil and religious disabilities, lest by a majority of only 3. Alderman Salomons elected Lord Mayor of London. 1856 The Jews in Turkey placed on an equality with all other Turkish subjects. Dennis Samuel, Esq., created a Portuguese Baron. Alexander Leon, of Bordeaux, received the Spanish Order of Chirks III. 138 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. JE.C. Lord Mayor Salomons entertained the King of Sardinia, who, on his return to Turin sent his Lordship a valuable Gold Snuff Box. A complimentary address presented to him by the bankers and citizens at thee expiration of his Mayorality. The oath of abjuration altered in the Commons by a majority of 49, thereby admitting Jews into Parliament. Lost in the House of Lords by a majority of 32. Isaac Pereira, of Paris, received the orJer of the Iron Crown from ibe Emperor of Anstria. Holland obtained satisfaction from the Venezulian Government, for the losses the Jews of Curasao suffered at Cozo. Sampson Godshaux, of Schibismucut, decorated with the Legion of Honour, and received from the Grand Duke of Luxembourg the cross of Chevalier du Chene. Baron Solomon de Rothschild received from i\e Queen of Spain the Order o f Charles III. Jahosaphat Ettlinger, Consul at Odessa, created a Knight of St. Lazare by the King of Bavaria. 1857 June 16th, The Oath's Bill, by which the words on Ike faith of a Christian would be omitted when taken by Jews, passed the House of Commons. Four amendments to defeat it lost by 280, 125, 141 and 135 ; ultimately carried by a majority of 123. B. S. Philips, Esq., elected Alderman for Farringdon Within. The Oath's Bill lost in the House of Lords, for it 139 against 173, majority 34. Alderman Salomons created a member of the Legion of Honour, by the Emperor Napoleon. Baron Lionel de Rothschild resigned his seat as M.P. for London, 23rd July ; re-elected the 28th. The Bey of Tunis issued a decree, placing all his subjects on an equality. The Emperor of Russia ameliorated the condition of his Jewish subjects, by a Ukase repealing the exceptional recruiting, forbidding the forcible enlistment of Jews under age. Closing the Ghetto. Jewish Physicians and members of other learned bodies may enter the civil and military services and enjoy all the advantages attached thereto. Young Israelites who have distinguished the mselves in the Grammar Schools may continue their education in the Universities, at the expense of the Crown. Permission to reside in villages and former military colonies. To establish colonies and carry on any trade, except in spirituous liquors, Jews near the frontiers, by paying 300 silver roubles may free themselves from military service. An annual pecuniary grant for establishments for the education of Jewish females '858 Alexander Oppenheim had the order of St. Stanilaise conferred on him by the Emperor of Russia. A new Oath's Bill, confined solely to Jews, introduced in the House of Commons the 16th March, carried by a msjority of 93, Passed the House of Lords, with amendments. The amendments not being accepted by the Commons a conference appointed. Baron Lionel de Rothschild named one of the Committee. Lord Lucan gave notice that he should introduce a bill authorizing either House to admit Jews by resolution. July 3rd. Read a second time, majority for, 46. ,, 12th. Read a third time, when there was a majority of 21. it 16th. Read a second time in the House of Commons, majority for, 91. ,i 19th. Committed, an amendment was moved and lost by a majority of 131. ,, 21st. Past the third reading by a majority of 74. 23rd. Received the Royal assent. 26th. Baron L. de Rothschild took his geat, nnd sworn on the Old Testament 1 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 139 C.M. Baron MejZ'.rde Rothschild returned M.P. for Hythe. Alderman Salomons returned M.P. for Greenwich. At Bologna a child named Mortara furtively baptized by a servant, forcibly taken from its parents and refused to be returned to them by the Ecclesiastical "authorites. The French Ambassador endeavoured to obtain its restoration, but in vain. 1859 Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., weut to Rome for the same purpose; Pope Pius IX declined seeing him. The persecutions at Gala/.t Alderman B. S. Philips elected Sheriff of London. War being declared by Spain against Morocco, a vast number of Jews in indigent circumstances 10 avoid the atrocities committed by the lawless hordes of Arabs, fled from Tangiers to Gibralter, where they were most hospitably received bV the Governor, Sir W. Codrington, and kindly assisted by him and their brethren. An appeal to the public in their behalf, Vas most libe- rally responded to, and a large amount received from all parts and all sects. A number sought refuge at Algesiras and Tarifa, whither they were conveyed in Spanish vessels, the local authorities afforded them every assistance and gave them gratuitously medical advice and medicine. The Spanish Government ordered two reals a day to he paid to adults and a real to children under 14 years of age, and allowed them to follow their religion. 1560 Sir Francis H. Goldsmid returned M.P. for Reading. An Imperial decree authorizes Jews to hold and possess landed property in Lower Austria, Bohemia. Moravia, Silesia, Transylvania, the Tremech Banest, Illyricaand Dalmatia. It is left to the representatives to grant the same privilege to the Jews of the Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper Austria, Corinthia and Carniola. Oa the surrender of Tetuan, the Jews plundered by the Moors and protected as far as possible by the Spanish Generals and their forces. Henry M. Hyams, Esq., elected Lieutenant Governor of Lousiana, by which he is President of the Senate of tha State. M. Godefroi made Minister of Justice, by the King of Holland. Frederic Carini received from the King of Sardinia the insignia of Knight of Maritues, for services rendered the State. An act passed the House of Lords, 16th July, rendering the resolution of the House of Commons for the admission of Jews into tha: House, a standing order. Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., originated a subscription for the relief of the per- secuted and suffering Christians in Syia. A large sum subscribed. An influential committee formed, of which he was appointed chairman, and Baron L. do Rothschild, M.P. and Alderman Salomons, M.P., member*. M. Cremieux, of Paris, invited the Jews of France to subcribe for the same purpose. The Chief Rabbi and Consistory of Bourdeaux preseuted the Archbishop Cardinal Donuet with a sum, subscribed by the Jews of that city. In the horrible massacre perpetrated at Damascus, the Jews' quarter burnt. M. Welhoff, by Imperial decree appointed Judge of the Tribunal of the firt instance at Weissemburg . Sr. Solomon Sindgaglia, of Turin, had the Order of St. Maurice e La*ar, conferred on him by the King of Sardinia, for his jucccrs in the rrimifacturo of silk. CONTENTS. Pane, Explanatory Introduction 1 The Jewish Year 5 The Lunar Months Days on which the 1st day of Passover cannot happen, and the causes .... 7 Days ou which New Year cannot fall ,, The Time of New Year 8 Table of Cycles of the detailed Calendar 9 Rule to find if the Year is Ordinary or Embolismic, with Example Rule to find the time of the New Moon, or Conjunction, from one month to another with Example 10 Rule to find the same from one year to another, if an Ordinary year, with Example 11 if an Embolismic year, with Example from one Cycle to another, with Example Rule to find if the year is perfect, imperfect, or common, with Example .... To find the day on which the Prayer for Rain commences 12 Table shewing the annual difference during a Lunar Cycle between the Solar and Jewish years 31 The Festivals and Fasts, their origin, &c. ; where to be found in Scripture ... 14 The Hours at which Prayers commence at the Portuguese Synagogue .... 17 Table of the Sections of the Law and Prophets, as read in the Synagogues every Sabbath during the year 18 Detailed Calendar, with Notes, from 5599 to 56C2 19 The Hours at which Prayers commence at the German Synagogues 83 The Hours at which Sabbath terminates during the year 84 The Days on which the ordinary Penitential Service is not said Tables for continuing the Hebrew Calendar from 5663 to 6000 A. M 85 directions for using them 86 To find the Christian JEra. by the Jewish year Instructions for using the Christian Almanacks . Tables of Cycles from 5663 to 6000 A. M 87 of Ordinary years 90 of Embolismic years .93 A Christian Almanack for the 20th Century 96 21st do 97 22nd do 98 from the year 2200 to 2240 99 Hours for taking Sabbath at New York, Sydney, Bengal, Jamaica, and other parts of the Globe 100 Religious and Charitable Institutions of the Jews in London 101 Chronological Table 105 -Tc University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. OCT17199' JUN 091994 - - UTHERN REGIONAL UBRARYFAaL TV III I II H HIM HI"" '" A 000 046 688 8 'wafts? Wv -){y Wiblmiv v >j > v ^ , KfHv?5H^h?i^?>hH?l?.vr.w-aift?Si