UC-NRLF LIBRARY OF THE' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIKT OK Receive Accessions No. M* C*- Shelf No. A TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. [CONSTANTS OF NATURE: PART I.] NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. BY FRANK WIGGLESWORTH CLARKE, Chief Chemist, U. S. Geological Survey. PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Condon MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK. 1888. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. INTRODUCTION vii EXPLANATORY NOTES ix I. Elements 1 II. Inorganic fluorides 16 III. Inorganic chlorides 19 1st. Simple chlorides 19 2d. Double chlorides < 27 3d. Oxy- and sulpho-chlorides 29 IV. Inorganic bromides 31 1st. Simple bromides 31 2d. Double, oxy-, and sulpho-bromides 33 V. Inorganic iodides 34 1st. Simple iodides 34 2d. Double and oxy-iodides 36 VI. Chlorobromides, chloriodides, and bromiodides 37 VII. Ammonio-chlorides, ammonio-bromides, and ammonio-iodides 38 VIII. Inorganic oxides 39 1st. Simple oxides 39 2d. Double and triple oxides 55 IX. Inorganic sulphides 56 1st. Simple sulphides 56 2d. Sulpho-salts of arsenic, antimony, and bismuth 61 3d. Miscellaneous double and oxy-sulphides 64 X. Selenides 65 XL Tellurides 66 XII. Phosphides _ 66 XIII. Arsenides 67 XIV. Antimonides 68 XV. Sulphides with arsenides or antimonides 69 XVI. Hydrides, borides, carbides, silicides, and nitrides 69 XVII. Hydroxides 70 XVIII. Chlorates and perchlorates 72 XIX. Bromates _ 73 XX. lodates and periodates 74 XXI. Thiosulphates (hyposulphites), sulphites, and dithionates 74 XXII. Sulphates 75 1st. Simple sulphates 75 2d. Double and triple sulphates 88 3d. Basic and ammonio-sulphates 96 XXIII. Selenites and selenates 98 XXIV. Tellurates 102 (ili) IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. XXV. Chromates 102 XXVI. Manganites, manganates, and permanganates 105 XXVII. Molybdates 106 XXVIII. Tungstates 106 XXIX. Borates 107 XXX. Nitrates - 108 1st. Simple nitrates 108 2d. Basic and ammonio-nitrates 112 XXXI. Hypophosphites and phosphites 113 XXXII. Hypophosphates 113 XXXIII. Phosphates 114 1st. Normal orthophosphates 114 2d. Basic orthophosphates 117 3d. Meta- and pyro-phosphates 118 XXXIV. Vanadates 120 XXXV. Arsenites and arsenates 121 1st. Normal orthoarsenates 121 2d. Basic orthoarsenates 122 3d. Pyroarsenates and arsenites 123 XXXVI. Phosphates, vanadates, and arsenates, combined with haloids 124 XXXVII. Antimonites and antimonates 125 XXXVIII. Columbates and tantalates 125 XXXIX. Carbonates . 126 1st. Simple carbonates , 126 2d. Double carbonates 129 3d. Basic carbonates 130 XL. Silicates _._ 131 1st. Silicates containing but one metal . 131 2d. Silicates containing more than one metal 134 3d. Boro-, fluo-, and other mixed silicates 140 XLI. Titanates and stannates 141 XLII. Cyanogen compounds , 142 1st. General division 142 2d. Cyanides, cyanates, and sulphocyanates 143 XLIII. Miscellaneous inorganic compounds - 144 XLIV. Alloys 145 XLV. Hydrocarbons 157 1st. Paraffins 157 2d. defines 164 3d. Acetylene series 167 4th. Benzene series 169 5lh. Miscellaneous aromatic hydrocarbons 176 6th. Terpenes 179 7th. Unclassified 186 XL VI. Compounds containing C, H, and O 187 1st. Alcohols of the paraffin series 187 2d. Oxides of the paraffin series 196 3d. The fatty acids 199 4th. Anhydrides of the fatty acids 204 TABLE OF CONTENTS. V Page. 5th. Ethers of the series C n H 2n O, 205 6th. Aldehydes of the acetic series 216 7th. Ketones of the paraffin series 219 8th. Oxides, alcohols, and ethers of the defines 222 9th. Ethers of carbonic acid 225 10th. Acids and ethers of the oxalic series 226 llth. Acids and ethers of the glycollic series 230 12th. Acids and ethers of the pyruvic series 232 13th. Acids and ethers of the acrylic series : 234 14th. Derivatives of the acrylic series 235 15th. Acids and ethers, malic-tartaric group 236 16th. Acids and ethers, citric acid group 237 17th. Glycerin and its derivatives 239 18th. The allyl group 240 19th. Erythrite, mannite, and the carbohydrates 243 20th. Miscellaneous non-aromatic compounds 245 21st. Phenols 249 22d. Aromatic alcohols 251 23d. Aromatic oxides . 252 24th. Aromatic acids and their paraffin ethers 256 25th. Ethers of aromatic radicles 260 26th Aromatic aldehydes 261 27th. Aromatic ketones 262 28th. Camphors, essential oils, etc 262 29th. Miscellaneous compounds 265 XLVJI. Compounds containing C, H, and N 268 1st. Cyanides and carbamines of the paraffin series 268 2d. Amines of the paraffin series 269 3d. The aniline series 271 4th. The pyridine series 274 5th. Miscellaneous compounds 278 XLVIII. Compounds containing C, H, N, and O 281 1st. Nitrites and nitrates of the paraffin series 281 2d. Nitro-derivatives of the paraffin series 282 3d. Aromatic nitro-compounds 283 4th. Miscellaneous nitrates, nitrites, and nitro-compounds 286 5th. Miscellaneous amido-compounds 287 6th. Miscellaneous cyanogen compounds 289 7th. Miscellaneous compounds 1 290 XLIX. Chlorides, bromides, and iodides of carbon 291 L. Compounds containing C, Cl, and O 292 LI. Compounds containing C, H, and Cl 293 1st. Chlorides of the paraffin series 293 2d. Chlorides of the series C n H, n 01, 296 3d. Miscellaneous non-aromatic chlorides 298 4th. Aromatic compounds 301 LII. Compounds containing C, H, O, and Cl 305 LIII. Compounds containing C, Cl, N, or C, H, Cl, N 314 LIV. Compounds containing C, Cl, N, O, or C, H, Cl, N, O 315 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. LV. Compounds containing C, H, and Br 316 1st. Bromides of the paraffin series 316 2d. Bromides of the series C n H 2n Br 2 318 3d. Miscellaneous non-aromatic bromides 321 4th. Aromatic compounds 324 LVI. Compounds containing C, H, O, and Br 325 LVII. Bromine compounds containing nitrogen 328 LVIII. Compounds containing C, H, and I 329 1st. Iodides of the paraffin series 329 2d. Miscellaneous compounds 334 LIX. Compounds containing C, H, I, O, or C, H, I, N 335 LX. Compounds containing two or more halogens 335 LXI. Organic compounds of fluorine 339 LXII. Organic compounds of sulphur 339 1st. Compounds containing C, H, and S 339 2d. Compounds containing C, H, S, and O 342 3d. Sulphur compounds containing nitrogen 344 4th. Sulphur compounds containing halogens 346 LXIII. Organic compounds of boron 347 XLIV. Organic compounds of phosphorus 848 LXV. Organic compounds of vanadium, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth. 350 LXVI. Organic compounds of silicon 351 LXVII. Organic compounds of tin 353 LXVIII. Organic compounds of aluminum 354 LXIX. Organic compounds of zinc, mercury, thallium, and lead 355 LXX. Metallic salts of organic acids 356 LXXI. Salts of organic bases with inorganic acids 365 LXXII. Miscellaneous organic compounds 366 APPENDIX. Note on the specific gravity of woods 367 INDEX _. 369 INTRODUCTION. Early in 1872 I submitted to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, the late Joseph Henry, a manuscript entitled "A Table of Specific Gravities, Boiling Points, and Melting Points for Solids and Liquids." It was accepted for publication, and in February, 1874, the printed copies were ready for distribution. For years previously Professor Henry had had in mind the publication of a series of similar tables somewhat upon the plan long before suggested by Babbage, and accordingly my modest work was given the somewhat ambitious title of "The Constants of Nature" and made the first part of the proposed undertaking. Subsequently Parts II, III, and V were furnished by myself and Part IV by Professor G. F. Becker, and in 1876 I also published a supplement to Part I. The following tables form, in effect, a new edition of Part I, completely revised, rearranged, and brought down as nearly as possible to the date of printing. They are, however, modified by the omission of boiling and melt- ing points, except when such data seemed essential to the proper identifica- tion of a compound, on the ground that the magnificent tables of Professor Carnelley already supply that want. I have limited myself to specific gravity alone, following in the main the plan of arrangement adopted in my earlier work, with such changes as were made necessary by the later developements of chemical thought. Constitutional formulae have been used, not according to any fixed rule, but according to convenience, and their adoption has been governed, to some extent, by the limitations of the octavo page. All other details have been subject to the same limitations, and it is hoped that their absence will be compensated for by the almost uniformly full references to literature. Some data could not be traced back to their original sources, at least not without unwarrantable labor, and most of these formed part of an early table prepared nearly twenty years ago for my own private use. A few determinations are accredited to standard works of reference, such as Watts' Dictionary, Dana's Mineralogy, and the like, and many have been drawn from the Jahresbericht. Absolute com- pleteness cannot, of course, be claimed, and in some directions it has not (vii) Vlll INTRODUCTION. even been attempted. Among minerals, only those having approximately definite formulae are given, and indefinite substances have been excluded altogether. The tables aim at reasonable completeness only as regards artificial substances of definite constitution, and all else is gratuitous. A good many determinations of specific gravity have been unearthed from doctoral dissertations, school programmes, and similar foes of the bibliographer, and doubtless other data so printed have escaped my notice altogether. There is a weakness of human nature which, masquerading as patriotism, some- times leads men of science to bury valuable researches in obscure local pub- lications, and a compiler may never flatter himself that no such paper has eluded his vigilance. I shall be glad to receive notice of all omissions, and will try to rectify such or other errors in future supplements or appendices. A word in conclusion as to the extent of the table. They contain the specific gravities of 5,227 distinct substances and 14,465 separate determi- nations. The original edition gave only 2,263 substances, to which nearly 700 were added in the supplement. The increase is a noteworthy indication of existing chemical activity. F. W. CLAKKE. WASHINGTON, June 20, 1888. EXPLANATORY NOTES. In references to literature the following abbreviations have been used. In each case, as far as practicable, series, volume, and page are indicated, the page reference signifying, according to circumstances, either the first page of the paper cited, or else the actual page upon which the determination is given. The former rule applies to pages containing many data; the latter to cases in which the specific gravity datum is merely incidental. A. C. J. American Chemical Journal. A. C. P. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. A. J. S. American Journal of Science. Am. Chem. American Chemist. Am. J. P. American Journal of Pharmacy. Am. Phil. Soc. American Philosophical Society. x Ann. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Ann. Phil. Annals of Philosophy. Arch. Pharm. Archiv fur Pharmacie. B. D. Z. Die Beziehungen zwischen Dichte und Zusammensetzung bei festen und liquiden Stoffen. Leipzig, 1860. Bei. Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Ber. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. B. H. Ztg. Berg-und huttenmannische Zeitung. B. J. Berzelius' Jahresbericht. Bottger. Tabellarische TJebersicht der specifischen Gewichte der Korper. Frank- fort, 1837. B. S. C. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique. B. S. M. Bulletin de la Societe Franchise de Mineralogie. Bull, Acad. Belg. Bulletins, Academic Royale de Belgique. Bull. Geol. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique. Bull. Heb. Bulletin Hebdomadaire de 1'Association Scientifique de France. Bull. U. S. G. S. Bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey. C. C. Chemisches Centralblatt. C. G. Chemical Gazette. C. N. Chemical News. C. R. Comptes Rendus. D. J. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Dm. Schroder's "Dichtigkeitsmessungen." Heidelberg, 1873. Erd. J. Erdmann's Journal. I EXPLANATORY NOTES. F. "W. C. This abbreviation indicates the work of students under the direction of F. W. Clarke. G. C. I. Gazzetta Chimica Italiana. Geol. Mag. Geological Magazine. G. F. F. Geologiska Foreningar Forhandlingar. Gilb. Ann. Gilbert's Annalen. Gm. H. Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry. Cavendish Society edition. In. Diss. or Inaug. Diss. Inaugural or Doctoral Dissertation. Always prefixed by the name of the university from which the disser- tation was published. J. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. J. A. C. Journal of Analytical Chemistry. J. C. S. Journal of the Chemical Society. J. P. C. Journal fur Praktische Chemie. J. Ph.-Ch. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. J. E. C. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte * * * der reinen Chemie. M. C. Monatshefte fur Chemie. M. C. S. Memoirs of the Chemical Society. Mem. Acad. Belg. Memoires, Academic Royale de Belgique. Min. Mag. Mineralogical Magazine. M. P. M. Mineralogische Petrographische Mittheilungen. M. St. P. Sav. Et. Memoires de Savants Etrangers, St. Petersburg Academy. N. J. !Ne,ues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, etc. Nich. J. Nicholson's Journal. Of. Ak. St. Ofversigt af K. Vet. Akad. Forhandlingar, Stockholm. p. A. Poggendorff 's Annalen. For convenience, the second series under Wiede- mann is covered by the same abbreviation. P. des C. Pesanteur Specifique des Corps. Brisson, Paris, 1787. A German edi- tion by Blumhof appeared at Leipzig in 1795. P. M. Philosophical Magazine. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. Proc. Amer. Acad. Proceedings of the American Academy, Boston. Proc. Amer. Asso. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. P. E. S. Proceedings of the Eoyal Society. London. P. E. S. E. Proceedings of the Eoyal Society. Edinburgh. P. E. S. G. Proceedings of the Eoyal Society. Glasgow. P. T. Philosophical Transactions. Q. J. S. Quarterly Journal of Science. E. T. C. Eecueil des Travaux Chimiques. Schw. J. Schweigger's Journal. EXPLANATORY NOTES. XI S. W. A. Sitzungsberichte der K. K. Akademic der Wissenschaftcn. Wien. Thurston's Report. Keport of the Board on Testing Iron, Steel, and other Metals, Washington, 1881. U. N. A. Upsala, Nova Acta. V. H. V. Verhandlungen des naturhistorisches Vereines. Bonn. Watts' Diet. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry. Z. A. C. Zeitschrift fur analytische Cheraie. Z. C. Zeitschrift fur Chemie. Z. G. S. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Z. K. M. Zeitschriit fur Krystallographie und Mineralogie. A TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES FOB SOLIDS AND LIUUIDS. I. THE ELEMENTS. NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AtTTHORITY. Hydrogen. Liquefied .025 -( 00 I 11 11 .026 j .032 \ 23 - Cailletet and Hautefeuille. C. R. 92, 1086. " (Occluded bv .033 j .620 to .623 Dewar. P. M. (4), 47, 334. palladium.) Lithium .6781 CQQ f Bunsen. J. 8, 324. Sodium .9348 Davy. P. T. 1808, 21. 11 .97223, 15 _ Gay Lussac and Thenard. See t .985 Bottger. Schroder. J. 12, 12. t .97 Troost and Hautefeuille. C. R. i .9743, 10 1 78, 970. Baumhauer. Ber. 6, 655. i .9735, 13.5 j 1 .972 Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. 1 .7414, at boiling point Ramsay. Ber. 13, 2145 I .9725, ) I .9686, 16.9, m. of 3 [ Hagen. P. A. (2), 19, 436. 1 .9287, 97-6, fused J Potassium _ .865, 15 Gay Lussac and Thenard Ann ii .874 66, 205. Sementini See Bottser 11 .8427, fused Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 76. a .8750, 13 1 Baumhauer. Ber 6, 655 .8766, 18 / " " 11 .8642, \ u .8298, 62.l, fused j Hagen. P. A. (2), 19, 436. Eubidium 1.52 Bunsen J 16 185 Csesium 1.872) u 1.884 Ll5 Setterberg. A. C. P 211, 215 u 1.886 j Glucinum _____ 2.1 Debray J 7, 336 [384 u Wilson and Petterson Ber 11 u 1.85, 20 ._ Humpidge. P. R. S. 39, 1. Magnesium u 2.24, m.of 2 1.7430, 5 Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 73. Bunsen. J. 5, 363. i< 1.69) ,- n i ni X 17 Kopp. 1.71 I u 1.75 _ . _ Deville and Caron J 10, 148 u 1.77, 0_. H.Wurtz. Am. Chem..Mar. 187G. 1 s a TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Zinc 6.861 Brisson. P. des C. Berzelius. See Bottger. Ivarsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Plavfair and Joule. M. C.S. 3, 67. Bofley. J. 8, 387. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 59. Daniell. "Wertheim. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. [817. Roberts and Wrightson. Bei. 5, Kalischer. Ber. 14, 2750. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 76. Roberts and Wrightson. Ann. (5), 30, 181. Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. Spring. Ber. 16, 2724. Stromeyer. Schw. J. 22, 365. Children. See Bottger. Herapath. P. M. 64 (1824), 321. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Baudrimont. J. P. C. 7, 278. Schroder. P. A. 107, 113. Matthiessen. J. 13, 112. Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. Spring. Ber. 16, 2724. Vicentini and Omodei. Bei. 11, 769. Schulze. Hcallstrom. Gilb. Ann. 20, 403. Biddle. P. M. 30, 153. Kupffer and Cavallo. Joule. J. 16, 283. Mallet. J. C. S. 34, 27o. Brisson. P. des C. it 6.8*52 _ . ___ <( 6.9154 6.939, m. of 3 it 7.03 to 7.20 6.966\ 190 6.975 / ^ 7.21 u 11 (1 7.146 <( 6.895 (( 7.2 _ . " Ordinary _ 7.18121 Q0 " Crystalline. 7.1841 / 6.512, m. of 3 - " Fused ( 11 g'gl? 1 Two methods 6.900 \ (i it (i " Solid 7.119, J 7.142, 16) 7.153, 16 } 7.150, 16 J 8.6040 1 " Not pressed " Once " " Twice " Cadmium. Cast " Hammered n 8.6944) ~ 8.670 a 8.650 11 8.6355 " "Wire 8.6689 " Pure __ _. 8.540-j 1 8.566 I > < i u 8.667 J 8.648 j ' Commercial i 8.655, 11 i 8.627, ) ' Fused 8.394 J * 8.642, 17 1 8.667, 16 [ Not pressed ' Once " " Twice " u 8.667, 16 J 8.6681, ) 8.3665, 318, solid f- u (i 7.989, 318, molten] 14.391 Mercury. Solid 11 U 14.333, 40 \ (1 11 15.745 J ~~ 14.485, 60 (1 (( (1 (1 14.0, about (I 11 15.19 Cl It 14.1932 " Liquid 13.5681 (i 13.575 Fahrenheit. See Bottger. Muschenbroek. " " Criehton. P. M. 16, 48. Biddle. P. M. 30, 152. Hallstrom. Gilb. Ann. 20, 397. Scholz. See Bottger. [yurnmer. " " Kupffer. Ann. (2), 40, 285. 11 13.550 _ < 13.568, 15.5 t 13.613, 10 i 13.6078, I i 12.810, boiling j 13.586 : i i i 3.567 i i 13.5886, 4-! 3.535. 26 f (i < FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Mercury. Liquid __ __ 13.588597 - Biot and Ara^o. Biot's " Trait6 13.5592 de Physique." Karsten Schw. J. 65, 394. u 13.582, 5 10 ) it 13.570, 10 15 [ Re^nault. P. A. 62, 50. u 13.558, 15 20 J It 13.59599) *( 13.59602 lo Regnault. Ann. (3), 14, 236. u 13.59578 j (I 13.595, _ _ Kopp. J. 1, 445 <( 13.573, 15 Holzmann. J 13, 112 (1 13.603, 12 Schiff. 11 13.584, 16.6 Stewart. P. T. 1863, 430 11 13.5953, Volkmann Ber. 14, 1708 Cal^'urn 1.566) u 1.584 [ Matthiessen. J. 8, 324. tt 1.584 j [126. n 1.55 Lies-Bodart and Jobin J 11, a 1.6 to 1.8 Caron J 13, 119 Strontium 2.5041 Matthiessen. J 8, 324 2.580/ " tt 2.4 Franz J P C 107 253 Barium 4.00, about _ _ . Clarke. Gilb. Ann 55, 28 3.75 - Kern. C. N. 31, 243 [52 63 Boron.* Cryst. 2.68 _._ _ Wohler and Deville Ann (3) " Al B., 2.5345, 17.2, m. of 2) " C.ALB-,, 2.618, 13 I Hampe. A. C. P. 183, 85 and 96 n a 2.611, 20 J Aluminum. Cast _ ' 2.501 Wohler J. 7 327 " Hammered-- 2.67 j ' 2.583, 4 . _,__ Mallet. P. T. 1880 1025 u 2.688 Barlow. J. C S April 1883 " Com'l wire 2.8067 - A. P Corbit 1 Communicated " " foil 2.8075 W Bishop jby R B Warder Gallium . 5.935, 23 \ Boisbaudran. C R 83 611 ' ' 5.956, 24.45j Indium. In grains 7 1101 "4 y 20^ 4 7.147 J '" > Reich and Richter J 17 241 " Laminae 7.277 j 7.362, 15 Winkler J 18 233 it 7.421, 16.8 " J 20 262 Lanthanum 6.049 \ ( Hillebrand and Norton P A 6.163 J ~\ 156 473 Cerium 6.628\ ( Hillebrand and Norton P A " After fusion 6.728J" \ 156 471 Didvmium 6.544 Hillebrand and Norton P A Thallium- 11.862 _ 156, 474. Lamv J 15 180 ' Wire 11.8081 ..a De la Rive J 16 248 ' Cast 11.853 | 11.777 } Werther. J 17 247 11. 900 J ' Cast 11.81) ' Pressed. 11.88 [ . . Crookes J C S 1864 112 ' Wire. 11.91 * According to Ilampe, in the formulae given ab the so-called " crystallized boron " is never pure. Its composition is shown ove. TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Carb Silic ( Gem Zirco Tin it on Diamond 3.550 - Brisson. P. des C. Grailich. Bull. Geol. (2), 13, 542. Mohs. Min. 2, 306. Shepard. Berzelius. A. C. P. 49, 24?. Felouze. Watts' Diet. Thomson. Min. 1, 46. Schafarik. P. A. 139, 188. Schrotter. J. 24, 257. Schrauf. J. 24, 257. Dufrenov. J. 24, 258. Baumhauer. J. C. S. 32, 849. Breithaupt. See Bottger. Kenngott. S. W. A. 13, 469. Kegnault. Gm. H. Fuchs. J. P. C. 7, 353. Berzelius. A. t 1.84 it 1.80 Lamp-black 1.78 it 1.723 from kerosene] 1.780 from coal-tar | naphtha } 1.752 from natural gas j 1.773 from dead oil J 2.49, 10 11 tt >i n Graphitoidal u 2.493 it 2.004 ) 2.194 [ u ti 2.197 ) 2.337 u ' \damantine 2.48, m. of 6 unium 5.469, 20. 4 .. nium - 4.15 - 7.291 .._ 7.295 _. *Tho extremes of 29 determinations made on specimens from different localities. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Tin 7.2914 . Guyton. Nich. J. (1), 1, 110. 1! 7.278, 15. 5 Crichton. P. M. 16, 48. (1 7.2911, 17 Kupffer. Ann. (2), 40, 285. it 7.285 ) (( 7.600 [ _ . Herapath. P. M. 64, 321. 1! 7. 5565 j (1 7.2905 Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. " Wire 7.3395 Baudrimont. J. P. C. 7, 278. ii 7.306, m. of 4 Playfairand Joule. M. C. S. 3, 68. " Crystallized 7.178\ .. float 7 9Q3 i W. H. Miller. P.M. (3), 22, 263. (( 7.3043 __ . Kopp. A. C. P. 93, 129. " Cooled slowly 7.373) ( St. Claire Deville P. M (4) 11 " " quickly 7.2391 1 144. u 7.294, 13 Matthiessen. J. 13, 112. II 7.291 . . Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. " Reduced bv H. from } Sn ClJ / f 7.143] 1 7.166 I Rammelsberg. Ber. 3, 725. " Precipitated 7.195 f " Remelted 7.310 j [817 a 7.5 Roberts and Wri'htson Bei 5 u 7.267, __ Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. u 7.25 _ E.Wiedemann. P. A. (2), 20 232 " Allotropic __ _ < 5.809, 5.781, 19 "I 1 " Allotropic convert-") ed by heating. / " Allotropic _ < 5.802, 19.5 f 7.280, 15 1 7.304, 19 j i 6.020, 6.002, 19 } f Two lots. Schertel. J. P. C. (2), 19 322 " Allotropic after re- f conversion. / " Rhombic cryst 5.930, 12. 5 7.24 7.27 6.521 Trechmann. Z. K. M. 5, 625. " Ordinary .56 / 7.3871 f Richards Tr Atner Inst Min A 171; f \ " Not pressed 7.286, 10 ) " Once " 7.292, 10.25 f- .. Sprincr. Ber. 16, 2724 " Twice " 7.296, 11 J ii 7.3006, ) u 7.1835, 226, solid f- \ r icentini and Omodei Bei 11 u 6.988, 226, molten] 769 " Fused 6.934, m. of 3. Playfairand Joule M C S 3 75 a u 7.025 ) m , f It 1. fi 974 I vo metno( l 3 ( (5) 30 181 11 11 7.144 _. Quincke P A 135 642 Lead 11.445 . Muschenbroek See Bottler 11.352 Brisson P des C (i 11.207 Bockmann See Bottler i 11.1603 Guyton Ann 21 3 i 11.3303 Kupffer Ann (2) 40 292 i ' Wire 11.346, 15.5 11.3775 . Crichton. P. M. 16, 48. Baudrimont J P C 7 278 i 11.352 Herapath P M 64 321 i 11.3888 Karsten Schw J 65 394 a 11.231, m. of 4 Plavfair and Joule M C S 3 68 (i 11.370,0 ] (i 11 So'^j 18 j Reich. J. P. C. 78, 328. <( 11.395, 4.. Strene. J. 13. 187. TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Lead " Cooled slowly from fusion. " Cooled quickly from fusion. Electrolytic Electrolytic, fused and cooled quickly, Not pressed Once " . Twice " Molten Thorium*. Crystallized Non-crj'stallized. Nitrogen. Liquefied Phosphorus. Common Ked Crvst. 11.361, 70 11.2541 11.363 11.542 11.225 . 11.376, 14. 11.344, 4 \ 11.377,4 / 11.335, 0_. 11.4 _. Extremes _ 11.350, 14 11.501, 14 11.492, 16 11.359, 11.005, 325, solid 10.645, 325, molten 10.509, m. of 3 11.07 .. I. Two methods 10.952 7.657 \ 7.795; 11.230) 10.968; . 41 to. 44, 23 \ . 37 to. 38, f .4552, 146.6 .5842, 153.7 .83, 193 .866, 202 J .859] .886 ! 194.4, boiling .891 I point. .905J 1.77 .. 2.09 ... 1.800 .. 1.8261 1.840; 1.8262) 10. 10 C 1.823. 35.. 1.83676, 1.82321, 20 1.80681, 44 1.964, 10 ._ 2.089) ,.0 2.106; 4< - 2.14) 2.23 ) 2.34. 15.5_. Mallet, A. J. S. (3), 8, 212. St. Claire Deville. P.M. (4), 11, 144. Holzmann. J. 13, 112. Schweitzer. Am. Chem. 7, 174. Quincke. P. A. 97, 396. [817. Roberts and Wrightson. Bei. 5, Spring. Ber. 16, 2724. Vicentini andOmodei. Bei. 11,769. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 74. Mallet. A. J. S. (3), 8, 212. Roberts and Wrightson. Ann. (5), 30. 181. Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. Chydenius. J. 16, 194. Nilson. Ber. 16, 160. Compare earlier paper, Ber. 15, 2544. Cailletet and Hautefeuille. C. R. 92, 1086. Wroblevsky. C. R. 102, 1010. Olszewski. P. A. (2), 31, 73. Berzelius. See Bottger. Bottger. Watts' Diet. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 69. Schrotter. J. 1, 336. Kopp. A. C. P. 93, 129. Gladstone and Dale. J. 12, 73. Pisati and De Franchis. Ber. 8, 70 Schrotter. J. 1, 336. Schrotter. J. 3, 262. [330. Two preparations. Brodie. J. 5, Hittorf. J. 18, 130. * Nilson's determinations are the only ones having any present value. Chydenius' work h merely historical interest. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Phosphorus. Eed. Cryst. _ a a 2.34, "1 2.148,0, prep, at 265 1 a u 2.19, " 360 [ Troost and Hautefeuille. Ber. 7, 1 a 2.293,0 " 500 j 482. ' Molten 1.744 . Play fair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 76. i 1.88, 43 Schrotter. J. 1, 336. i 1.763 Gladstone and Dale. J. 12, 73. i 1.74924, 40 ~) 1C 1.G949, 100 ! Boils at 278.3. Pisati and De 1.6027, 200 f ~ it 1.52867, 280 j Franchis. Ber. 8, 70. 11 1 .4850, at boiling point Eanisav and Masson. Ber 13, 2147. It 1.833 Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. Vanadium 5.5, 15 Koscoe. P. T. 1869, 679. u 5.866) ,- 11 5.875 J Setterberg. Of. Ak. St. 1882,10,13. .Arsenic 5.7633 Brisson. P. des C. i< 5.766 Mohs. See Bottgcr. it 5.7633 Strom eyer. " " u 5.884 _ Turner. u 5.700\ n.niKnnrt R T 7 1 98 u 5.959 / a 5.672 Herapath. P. M. 64, 321. u 5.6281 Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. " Native 5.736 Breithaupt. J. P. C. 16, 475. it a 5.722) Breithaupt. J. P. C. 11, 151. 5.734 / " a 5.230.. _. Plavfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 72. a 5.395, 12.5 Ludwig. J. 12, 183. a 5.726\ ,, a 5. 728} U " After fusion 5 709, 19 Mallet. B. S. C. 18, 438. " Allotropic 4.710) n (n Bettendorff. J. 20, 253. 4.716 ( a a 4.6 to 4.7 Engel. C. R. 96, 498. " Compressed 4.91 _ _ __ Spring. Ber. 16, 326. " Allotropic 3.7002 to 3.7100, 15 _. Piiickoldt. A. C. P. 240, 215. Antimony 6.702 Brisson. P. des C. 6.712 . Hatchett. See Bottger. a 6.733 __ - Bockmann. " a 6.852 Muschenbroek. " a 6.860 . Bergmann. " a 6.646 Mohs. " a 6.6101 - _ Breithaupt. " a 6.7006 Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. i 6.715 Marchand and Scheerer. J. P. C. ( 6.705, 3. 75, m. of 3 ] [27, 193. 6.69871 -c, . >- Dexter. P. A. 100, 567. i 6.7102 [ Extreraes j t 6.713, 14 Matthiessen. J. 13, 112. ( 6.697 Schroder. P. A. 107, 113. II a 6.7022, m. of 6 ) 6.6957 ) - I Cooke. Proc. Amer. Acad. 1877 a aZfJt/i > Extremes f b. /O/O j a 6.620, Quincke. P. A. 155, 642. " ' Not pressed " Once " 6.675, 15.5 ) G.7SO, 15 V Spring. Ber. 16, 2724. " Twire " 6.740, 16 J TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Antimony. Amorphous 5.741 Gore J 13 172 " Molten 5.83 / 6.646 I Plavfair and Joule M C S 3 77 6.529J ~ ii ii 6.528 Quincko. P. A 135, 642 Bismuth. 9.67 Muschenbroolc See Bottler 11 9.822 Brisson. P des C ii 9.800 Leonhard. See Bottler ii 9.8827 Thenard " " ii 9.8827 Berzeliu* ii 9.831 . Herapath. P M 64. 321 ii 9.6542 Karsten. Schw J 65, 394 " Pure _ 9.799, 19 ) " Commercial 9.783 1 . Marchand and Scheerer J P C " Compressed _. 9.556 j 27, 193. " Crystallized 9.935 ) " Quickly cooled 9.677 1 .. C. St. Claire Deville. J 8 15 from fusion. J 9.823, 12 Holzmann. J. 13 112 11 9.713, m. of 3 Schroder P A 107 113 11 9.82 __ Roberts and TV r ri r htson Bei 5 ii 9.819, 817. Quincke P A 135 642 " Not pressed 9.804, 13.5 ) " Once " 9.856, 15 [ Spring. Ber 16 2724 " Twice " 9.863, 15 j ii 9.787, 0. ) ii 9.673, 270.9 s. I Vicentini and Omodei Bei 11 it 10.004, 270.9 1. j 769 " Molten 9.798 Plavfair and Joule M C S 3 10.039 \ / 75. Roberts and ^V^ri^htson Bv two ii ii infill i II K 9.709 Quincke P A 135 642 Columbium. (Niobium) 6.0 to 7.37*. Mari^nac J 21 214 7.06, 15.5 Roscoe C N 37 26 Tantalum 10.08 to 10.78 Rose J 9 366 Oxygen Liquified .9787 \ Bv two method* Pictet Ann 11 .8402 1 Pictet recalculated bv Offret .8655 | Ann (5) 19 271 ii .58, .65, .70.0 \ Cailletet and Hautefeuille C R ii ii .84, .88, .89, 23___ f .895 92, 1086. Wroblevskv C R 97 166 ii .899 130, m. of 12 Wroblevskv P A (2) 20 ([ . 7.355 129 .57") 867. ii .806 134. 43 i 01*zewski Ber 17 ref 198 ii 877 139 3 j ., , { Olszewski P A (2) 01 73 ii ii 1.137) mg point. } .6,_118 > ii 1 >T4 O00 f Wroblevsky. C. R. 102, 1010. Sulphur. Roll 1.9907 .. Brisson. P. des C. Probably the hydride, Cb H. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sulp] Solon tiur. Eoll _ 1.868 _. Bockmann. ~) Gehler. Fontenelle. , , , Bischof. Q? ote . d b j Breithaupt. Marchand -andScheerer. Thomson. J. P. C. 24, Mobs. 129 ' Dumas and Roget. Osann. J Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Marchand and Scheerer. J. P. C. 24, 129. Kopp. A. C. P. 93, 129. C. St. Claire Deville. J. 1, 365. Playfuir and Joule. M.C.S. 3,79. Brame. C. R. 35, 748. Miiller. J. 19, 118. Pisati. Ber. 7, 361. Spring. Bei. 5, 853. Spring. Bei. 5, 854. From Bul- letin de 1'Acad. Roy. de Belg. (3), 2, 83-110, 1881. Maquenne. Ber. 17, ref. 199. Schrauf. Z. K. M. 12, 325. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3,76. Flowers 2.08G Cryst. 1.898 From solution 1.927 Cryst. 1.989 Eoll 1.9777) 11 2.0000 / 2.072 Prismatic Native 2.086 A Soft 2.027 Native 2.0-5001 \ From fusion Prismatic 1.9889 J 1.982 "I 2.066 1 Native. From solution Soft _ 2.0518 { 1.957 J 2.069 Native Soft___ 1.919] 1.928 | 1.958 }- it Prismatic Native 2.070 | 2.063 J 2.010 ) 1.913 } From solution Crystallized Flowers __ Waxv 1.921 J 2.0757 \ Native, crvst. Soft 1.87 to 1.9319 J 1.87 1 i i Amorphous. Yellow. Amorphous. Brown. Crystallized _ 1.91 1.93 f " 2.0748, Insoluble _ 1.9556, "I 1.9496, 20 1.9041, 40 ii it 1C 1.9559, 80 I 1.9643, 100 J 2.0477, I 2.0370, 20 2.0283, 40 2.0182, 60 2.0014, 80 1.9756, 100 11 Cryst. from C S 2 . 11 ti 11 ti 11 From Sicily it u 11 11 11 Lamella? 2.0788, ] [ " 2.0688, 20 2.0583, 40 2.0479, 60 2.0373, 80 2.0220, ]00J J 2.041 2.049 Sicilian 2.06665, 16. 75 Molten 1.80i\ Extremes of 5 1 1.815 j determinates j 1.4794. m. of 5 ) , 1.45781 T? , U 1.5130J- Extremes j\ 4.3 to 4.32 ti u At the boiling point, 440. Ram- say. J. C/S. 35, 471. Berzelius. See Bottger. u u ium TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Selenium it t< a u it M a ( (( it u II 11 I i i i i u u ii u u u i i i i i u u u u u II u 11 Telluriui u i i i i i i i i 4.310 Boullay. See Bottler. Hittorf. J. 4, 319.' Schaffgotsch. J. 6, 329. Schaffgotscb. J. 6, 329. Mitscherlich. J. 8, 314. Neumann. P. A. 126, 138. Rathke. J. P. C. 108, 235. Rammelsberg. P. A. 152, 154. Spring. Bei. 5, 854. From. Bull, do 1'Acad. Roy. do Belg. (3), 2, 88-110, 1881. Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. Klaproth. Ann. 25, 273. Magnus. See Bottger. Berzelius. P. A. 28, 392. Lowe. J. P. C. 60, 163. Reichenstein. See Bottger. Spring. Bei. 5,854. From Bull, de 1'Acad. Rov. de Belg. (3), 2, 88-110, 1881". 4.808, 15 Cryst. fr. fusion _ " " Amorphous u Precip. Red u u Precip. after/ heat 'g to 50. \ Crystallized u II " from so- lution. u u Crystallized Black 4.805 \ I 4.796 j 4.2761 2()0 4.286 / " 4.245] 4.275 1 4.250 1 4.297 J 4.460 ) 1 4.509 } | 4.700) 4.760) i 15._ 4.788 j 4 406 21 4.801 1 u 4.81 | 2&\ Precip. .Red u u Gray 4.28 f - J 4.495) 4.514 4.77 4.79 4.86 4.418 " Granular _ Laminated, ( fromalkaline< selenides. ( Cryst. from C S 2 . u u u 11 11 11 Amorphous Melted 4.54 [ "" 4.59 4.27 4.34 4.29 4.36 4.7994,0 ) ) 4.7869, 20 I 4.7699, 40 ( 4.7526,60 f 4.7351, 80 | 4.7167, 100 J u Compressed u u u u i; Uncompressed _ 11 u u u u Fused 4.7312, ] | 4.7176, 20 | 4.7010, 40 1 4.6826, 60 ' 4.6623, 80 4.6396, 100 J J 4.2 . 11 __ 6.115 6.1379 . . 6 2445, m. of 5 6.180 6.343 Compressed i i i 6.2549, ) 6.2419, 20 i 6.2294, 40 6.2170, 60 f 6.2030, 80 1 6.1891, 100 J FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 11 XAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Tellurium. Uncompressed, a K n it a a 6.2322, 1 6.2194, 20 6.2052, 40 ! Spring. Bei. 5, 854. From Bull, de 1'Acad. Roy.^le Bel?. (3), 2, 88-110, 1881. Klein and Morel. Ann. (6), 5, 61. Bunsen. "Watts' Diet. Wohler. J. 12, 169. Loughlin. J. 21, 220. Bucholz. Nich. J. 20, 121. Debrav. J. 11, 157. Loughlin. J. 21, 220. D'Elhuyart. See Bottger. Allan and Aiken. " " Bucholz. Schw. J. 3, 1. Uslar. J. 8, 372. Bernoulli. J. 13, 152. Prepared by three methods, Zett- now. J. 20. 218. Roscoe. C. N. 25, 61. Waddell. A. C. J. 8, 287. Peligot. J. 9, 380. Peligot. A. C. P. 149, 128. Zimmermann. Ber. 15, 851. Faraday. P. T. 1823, 164. Balard.' Ann. (2), 32, 337. Lowig. See Bottger. Pierre. Ann. (3), 20, 5. Thorpe. J. C. S. 37, 172. Taken at the boiling point. Ram- say. Ber. 13, 2146. Van der Plaats. J. C. S. 50, 849. Gay Lussac. Ann. 91, 5. Billet. J. 8, 46. [4, 241. Plavfair. Proc. Rov. Soc. Edin. 6.1500, 60 f 6.13G6, 80 I 6.1640, 100 J 6.204\ a 6.215J 7.3 __ Chromium " Crvstallized 6.81, 25 " Red. by K Cy. Molybdenum 6.20 - 8.490) 8.615 V . u 8.636 J 8.60 it " Ked by K Cy 8 56 Tungsten 17.60 ___ a 17.22 (( 17.4 it 16.54) 17.50 [ u a 18.26 J 17.1 to 17.3 \ " Reduced by H_. " " C K 17.9 to 18.12 j 16.6 ) 17.2 } <( II 18.447, 17 J 19.261, 12 11 a 18.25 \ a 18.77 / - " 18.40 ___ _. TJranium a 18.33 u 18.685, 4, m. of 3 1.33, 15.5 Chlorine Liquefied Bromine 2.966 _ a 2.98-1 150 a 2.99 f 15 3.18718, 0___ a a 3.18828, \ 2.98218, 59.27 f 2.9483, m. of 4 ~) l9lol} ExtremeS J 3.1875, a a a a a 4.948 " Solid 4.9173, 40.31 ] 4.886, 60 4.857, 79.6 } 4.841, 89.8 4.825, 107 J 4.004, 107 ) }- a a a i ' Molten i 3.988, 111.7 j 3.944, 124.3 1 3.918, 133.5 f 3.866, 151 3.796, 170 j J 5.030 - i i a a " Solid __ 12 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Manganese 6.8611 Benrmann. Bachraann. See Bottger. John. P. M 2, 176 a 7.10 / -" "' 8.03 . _ u (i 8.013 ' Molten 6.88 " Molten steel 8.05 .. Nickel 7.807 it 8.279, cast- ) 8 (ilifi foraprl i i ' Cast . 8.3801 . 20 , 8 ')n c l ^ - < 8.932 12 5 i 8.477 \ 8710 / i 8.637 i 9.000 ' Reduced by H ( a 1 "Wire 7.861) 7.803 j " ~" 8.88, 4 _ ' Reduced by H t t 8.975) 9.261 / 8.900 Cobalt 8.710 it 8.485 K 9.152 < 8.500 t 8.5131 t 8.5384 t 8.558 ' Reduced by H i it i n 7.718) 8.260 J 8.957. in. of 5... FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 13 NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Copper 8.895 Hatchett. P. T. 1803, 88. Brisson. P. des C. Berzelius. See Bottger. Kupffer. Ann. (2), 25, 356. Herapath. P. M. 64, 321. Karsten. Schw. J. 65. 394. Baudrimont. J. P. C. 7, 287. [27, 193. Marchand and Scheerer. J. P. C. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Playfair and Joule. M.C.S. 3,57. Playfair and Joule. J. C.S.I, 121. O'Neill. Memoirs Manchester Philosophical Society, (3), 1, 243. Schiff. Whitney. J. 12, 769. Schroder. P. A, 107, 113. Dick. P. M. (4), 11, 409. Quincke. P. A. 97, 396. Hampe. C. C. 6, 379. .-gj. Eoberts and Wrightson. Bei. 5, Schutzenberger. J. Ph. Ch. (4), 28, 366. Playfair and Joule. M.C.S. 3,77. Eoberts and Wrightson. Bei. 5, 817. Brisson. P. des C. Biddle. P. M. 30. 152. " Bulled 8.878 \ " Ca*t 8.788 j 8.83 ) 8.9463 } - . _ it U ' Drawn " Hammered _ 8.9587 j 8.78 it 1C 3.900 (1 8.721 " Wire in several j different con- j ditions. " Hammered 8.62251 8.3912 j 8.7059 ! 8.8787 j " '"" 8.8893 I 8. 4525 J 8.940] 8.921 8.939 8.949 8.930 I- " Cast, slowly coolec " Crystallized " Cast " Various sorts of I wire. " Sheet- . _ 8.951 8.952 8.931 8.914 J 8.C67 . " Pressed " Electrolytic u " Finely divided u u < u ' Electrolytic. 8.428' 8.483 8.360 1 8.884 j ~ 8.941 8.934J 8.367 \ 40 f u 1 11 ' Finely divided i u 1 Hammered.. _ 8.41613 J 8.855] 8.878 8.879 i u Kolled i u 8.898 ' ' 8.884 8.896J 8.902, 12 ' Annealed II U it " Native _ 8.838 i 8.952 ) i 8.958] 8.91G] 8.958 1 1 Electrolytic, cast _ 1 U U " wire_ ii 11 1 Plate. 8-.8o3 1 " 8.733J 8.902,0 i 8.945, (in vacuo) \ 8.9565, 17 / - 8.8 i i ' Allotropic 8.0 to 8.2 " Molten 7.272 u 8.217 silver _ 10.472 u 10.362. 10 _. 14 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Silver 10.43 \ u 10.47/ u 10.4282 Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394 " Cast, slowly cooled 1 Same mass, rolled _ ' Hammered _- 10.1053] 10.5513 10.4476 Brittle 9.8463 }- Baudrimont. J P C 7, 287 ' Granulated - 9.6323 ' Cryst. in laminae-. ' Wire _ __ 9.5538 10.4913 J 10.434 _ Breithaupt. J. P. C. 11, 151 i 10.482 Karmarsch. J. P. C. 43, 193 i 10.522\ i 10.537; Cast -. 10.505 ] ' Pressed 10.5665 " Precip. powdery.. u u ii i 10.5532 10.6191 j- 10.5287, m. of 13 G. Rose. P. A. 73, 1. i 10.5237, m. of 4 i 10.5283, m. of 8 J i 10.468, 13 _ Holzmann. J. 13, 112 i 10.575 _ __ Christomanos. J 21, 272 1 After heating in 10.512 Duma. C. N 37, 82 vacuo. 10.412, 4 Zimmermann Ber 15 850 u 10.57 Roberts. C. N. 31, 143 u 10.021,0 Quincke. P. A 135, 642 " Molten 9.131 \ Plavfair and Joule M C S 3 78 t ' 9.281 j " " ii 9.4612 . Roberts C N 31 143 (1 9.51 ) m ., , f Roberts and AVri^htson Ann II 9 40 f Two methods. < (5), 30, 181 II 10.002 Quincke P A 135 642 Gold 19.258 Brisson P des C " Hammered 19.207 19.3 to 19.4 Elliot. Quoted by Rose. Lewis " " u " Pressed 19.3336, 17. 5 ] " Ppt. by oxalic acid " Cast and pressed, ") 16 samples differ- I ently prepared. J " Ppt. by oxalic acid _ 19.2981, 17.5 19.2881, 17.5,m.of37 19.2689, 17.5 ) EX- 19.3296, 17.5 / tremes. 19.4941 1- G. Rose. P. A. 73, 1. G Rose P A 75 403 19.265, 13 Holzmann J 13 112 " Before rolling 19.2945 \ ( Roberts and Ri^"* J C S (2) " Once rolled . 19.2982; \ 12 203 " Molten 17.099 Quincke P A 135 642 Ruthenium 11.0\ Hi } _ Deville and Debrav. J. 12, 234. u 12.261, Deville and Debray C R 83 928 Rhodium 11.04- - Wollaston P T 1804 426 u 11 *? Cloud Schw J 43 316 II 11.0 Hare A J S (2) 2 365 II 12.1 _ Deville and Debrav J 1 240 Palladium u no r W ollaston. See Bottger. 12.148 Lowry " " u 11.852 .. Lamnaclins. Wnfrta' Dirt.. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 15 NAME. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHOKITT. Palladium 11.8 Vauquelin. Ann. 88, 167. Cloud. Schw. J. 1, 362. Breithaupt. See Bottger. Benneke and Reinecker. See Bottger. Cock. M. C. S. 1, 161. Breithaupt. J. P. C. 11, 151. Deville and Debray. J. 12, 237- Troost and Hautefeuille. C. R. 78, 970. Lisenko. Ber. 5, 29. Quincke. P. A. 135, 642. Deville and Debrav. J. 12, 232. Deville and DebraY C. R. 82, 1076. Children. See Bottger. Eckfeldt and Bore, for Hare. A. J. S. (2), 365.* G. Rose. P. A. 75, 408. Deville and Debrav. J. 12, 242. Deville and Debrav. P. M. (4), 50, 561. Matthey. C. N. 40, 240. Borda. Quoted bv Marchand. J. P. C. 33, 385. Brisson. P. des C. Klaproth. Quoted by Marchand. Sickingen. " " " Berzelius. " " " Berthier. " Prechtl. " " " Faradav. " " " E. D. Clarke. " " " Thomson. " " " Scholz. See Bottger. Meissner. u " Wollaston. P. A. 16, 158. Liebig. P. A. 17, 101. Scholz. See Bottger. Marchand. J. P. C. 33, 385. Hare. A. J. S. (2), 2, 365. Rose. P. A. 75, 403. ii 11.041, 18 _ _ it 10.923 __ it 11.628 _ <( 11.301 " Hammered it 11.80) " 11.752 _ . u 11.4, 22.5 11 12.0 It 12.104 " Molten 10.8 _ _ Osmium 21.40 __ H 22.477 _ Iridium. Porous globule. 1C 18.680 21.78) ( u 21.83] ' " ~ ~ ~\ 18.6088 " Black 21.15 u 22.421, 17.5 U 22.38 Platinum 20.85 ) 20.98 [ K it 21.06 J 19.5 ) 20.3 I " Cast " Hammered " "Wire. 21.0 j 21.7 __ (i EX- [ Schroder Dm 1873 .1 a a 2.772 } tremes J it a 11 2.558, 14. 5 _ Clarke A J S (3) Potassium fluoride _- - KF.__ 2.454, 12 13, 292. Bodeker. B D Z a (i u 2.459 ) a it ii 2.476 1 Schroder Dm 1873 ii ii u 2.507 J ii ii u 2.096, 21. 5 Clarke A J S (3) it ii u 2.350, m. of 3. 13, 292. Schroder. Ber 11 Rubidium fluoride Rb F 3.202, 16. 5 _ 2018. Clarke. A J S (3) Ammonium hydrogen flu- AmH F 2 1.211, 12 13, 293. Bodeker. B D Z oride. Silver fluoride As F. 5.852, 15.5 . Gore. C N 21 28 Magnesium fluoride 31" F, 2.472 . . Schroder Dm 1873 ii 11 u 2.856, 12__. Cossa. Ber 10 295 " " Sellaite. u 2.972 Strfiver Dana's Zinc fluoride Zn F 2 4.612, 12"] Min., 2d App. ii a u 4,556, 17 11 ii Zn F 2 . 4 H 2 O 2.567, 10 j Clarke. A. J. S. (3), ii a 11 11 2.535, 12 13, 291. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 17 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Cd F 2 5.994, 22, m. Kebler. A. C J. 5, Calcium fluoride CaF 2 of 7. 3.183, m.of60 241. Kenngott. J. 6, 853. (1 It t< 3.150 Smith. J. 8, 976. < u 3.138 Schiff. A. C. P. u 3.162 ___ . 108, 21. Luca. J. 13, 98. " " Precip u 3.086 ) Schroder. Dm. 1873. " " Ignited 3.150/ " Strontium fluoride SrF a 4.202 \ u u 11 4.236 J i u ti 4.210 Schroder. P. A. 6 Barium fluoride BaF 2 __ _ 4.58, 13 ___ Erganz. Bd. 622. Bodeker. B. D. Z. U l( f 4.824\ II U >i 4.833 J Schroder. Dm. 1873. Lead fluoride PbF,- 8.241 it u Nickel fluoride Ni F* ... 2.855, 14 __ \ Clarke. A. J. S. (3), <( Ni P.. 3 H 2 O _- 2.014, 19 / 13, 291. Aluminum fluoride Al F 3 3.0651 , 00 it u u 3.13 / U Bodeker. B. D. Z. Ar e enic trifluoride 1 As F 3 2.73 TJnverdorben P. A. K u u 2.66 7, 316. Maclvor. C. N. 30, U (1 it 2.6659, \ 169. Thorpe. J. C. S. It It it 2.4497, 60.4 J 37, 372. [874. tl tt it 2.734 Moissan. C. R. 99, Bismuth fluoride Bi F, 5.32, 20 __ \ Gott and Muir. J. " oxyfluorido Bi OF __ 7.5, 20 . if C. S. 53, 137. Cryolite. Greenland Na 3 Al F 6 2.93.077 Dana's Mineralogy. " Siberia it 2.95 _ Durnew. J. 4, 820 " Colorado it 2.972, 24 Hillebrand and Chiolite Na. Al. F,,_ 2.72 Cross. A. J. S. (3), 26, 271. Hermann. J. P. C. it u 2.90 . 37, 188. Kokscharow. J. 4, u it 2.8422.898 820. Eammelsberg. P A Chodneflite Na 2 Al F 5 3.003 ) f 74, 314. Kammelsberg. P. A. tt u 3.077 f 1 74, 314. ii u 2.622.77 TV^orth. Dana's Pachnolite.* Colorado tt tt Prosopite. Altenberg tl 11 " Colorado Na Ca Al F 6 . H 2 O__ Ca A1 2 (F. O H) 8 ~II u u 2.965, 17 ,m. ) of 4. I 2.962, 22 __J 2.890 \ \ 2.89S/ j 2.880, 23 _. Mineralogy. Hillebrand and Cross. A. J. S. (3), 26, 271. Scheerer. Dana's Mineralogy. Hillebrand and Ralstonite _ _ _ NaMeALF,-. 3H,O. 2.4 Cross. A. J. S. (3), 26, 271. Brush. A. J. S. (3), 2, 30. According to Brand], paehnolite and thomsenolite are distinct species, but Hillebrand and Cross show them to be identical. 2 S G 18 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ealstonite NaMgAl 4 F 15 .3H 2 O. (MgNa,)AVF.OH) n 2H 2 O. Ce F,, ? 2.02 Nordenskiold. Da- na's Min.,3d App. Penfield and Har- per. A. J. S. (3), 32, 381. Berzelius. Dana's Mineralogy. Allen and Comstock. A.J.S.(3), 19,391. Berzelius. Dana's Mineralogy. Stolba. B.^S. C. 18, 309. Stolba. J. 17, 213. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Stolba. J. P. C. 97, 503. Schroder. Dm. 1873. /Stolba. J. P. C. I 97, 503. Schroder. Dm. 1873. Stolba. J. 20, 186. Preis. J. 21, 195. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Schroder. Dm. 1873. Stolba. J. 33, 239. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Stolba. J. 34, 285. Stolba. J. 18, 170. Schweitzer. Univ. of Missouri, spec- ial pub. 1876. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. /Stolba. J. E. C. i 5, 72. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Stolba. B. S. C. 26, 155. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. /Stolba. B. S. C. I 26, 155. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Stolba. J. 20, 299. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Topsoe and Christ- iansen. 2.560 Fluocerite 4.7 Tysonite -_ __ _ 4 CeFj. 3LaF 3 6.13, in mean Yttrocerite 3.447 Potassium borofluoride K B F-_ 2.51 I u u Lithium silicofluoride u 2.6 f ' " / 2.33 Li 2 Si F 6 . 2 H 2 O __. Sodium silicofluoride ti u K u u ii Potassium silicofluoride i u it u Eubidium silicofluoride Caesium silicofluoride Ammonium silicofluoride- ti i it 2.244 N"a 2 Si F 6 2.7547, 17.5__ 2.680, m. of 4-v 2.671i EX- [ 2.691 j tremes ) 2.G6551 ,^ 2.6649 / " - 2.655 1 2.698 [ i i i K, Si F B ._ ( i i 2.704J 3.3383, 20 3.3756, 17 1.970 Eb 2 Si F 6 Cs, Si F r _. Am 2 Si F 6 2.056, m. of 5-. 2.035i EX- [ 2.071 Jtremer) 2.6491 170 , 2.675 / 17 ' & - 2.254 (t u i Calcium silicofluoride ii i Strontium silicofluoride (I II Barium silicofluoride u Ca Si F 6 . ? K CaSi F 6 . 2H 2 O Sr Si F 6 . 2 H 2 O Ba Si F 6 2.988 1 2.999 / 4.2794, 21 ___ 4.2380, 22 1.7611 21OA C Magnesium silicofluoride- Mg Si F 6 . 6 H 2 O__. 7n fti "F fi TT O II 11 it tt 2.121 1 1?0 - 2. 1448 / " >0 1.858 II U u ti Mn Si F 6 . 6 H 2 o"I Manganese silicofluoride- _ Iron silicofluoride* Fe Si F 6 . 6 H 2 O Ni Si F,. 6 H, .. Co Si F 6 . 6 H 2 O it ti ii u 1.96115, 17.5_ 2.1091 Nickel silicofluoride Cobalt silicofluoride * 2.067 j 2.12111 lgo 2.1135; 2.585 K Copper silicofluoride*, it Cu Si F 6 . 4 H 2 O ___ Cu Si F 6 . 6 H 2 O _._ u u 2.1576, 19__. 2.207 u 2.182 According to Stolba, these salts contain 6J^ molecules of water. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 19 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Potassium titanofluoride__ (1 U K 9 Ti F fi . 2.0797, 12 Bodeker. B. D. Z. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. u (i 11 U Renault. P A it tt 1.4884, 15-20 j 62, 50 <( <( tt 1.4878,20 Haa<>-en P A 131 u it 1.49276 117. Mendelejeff C K <( it tt 1.522, 51, 97. Friedel and Crafts tt u n 1.52408,0 A. J. S. (2), 43, 162. \ Thorpe J C S 11 It it 1.40294, 57.57 j 37, 372 Silicon hexchloride Si. CL 1.58, Troost and Haute- Titanium tetrachloride TiCl 4 1.76088, feuille. Z. C. 14, 331. Pierre Ann (3) 1.7487, 5 10 20, 21. ) 1.7403,10 15 > Eegnault P A 1.7322, 15-20 j 62, 50 1.76041, 1 Thorpe. J. C. S 1.52223,136.41 j 37, 371. Germanium tetrachloride Ge C1 4 1.887, 18 Winkler. Ber 19 Tin dichloride Sn C1 2 . 2 H 2 O _ 2.759 ref. 655. Playfair and Joule u (i it 2.71, 15 5, s M. C. S. 2, 401. \Penny. J C S 4 it it it it 2.5876, 37.7,1 J 239 it ti a tt 2.634, 24 Bishop F W C Tin tetrachloride Sn C1 4 2.26712, Pierre Ann (3) " " ti 2.2618, 5 10 20, 19. } it it tt 2.2492, 10-15 > Regnault P A it it it 2.2368, 15- 9 J 62 50 it tt 2 234 15 Gerlach J 18 237 u tt 2.2328, 20 Haa^en P A 131 It ft tt 2.27875', 117. > Thorpe J C S U 11 1 97813,113 89 j 37 372 Nitrogen trichloride jsr CL. ? . 1.653 \Vatts' Dictionary Phosphorus trichloride - POL. .. 1.45 Daw. Watts' Diet a it u 1.61616, Pierre Ann (3) ti 1 6091, 5-10 20,9. ) tl 1 6001 10-15 1 Regnault P A it 1.5911,15 20 j 62, 50 tt 1.6119,0, m. tt of 2. 1.59708, 10 1 Buff. A. C. P. 4 [ Supp. Bd. 129. 11 1.47124. 76 Boil ing point, 76. * The chlorides, bromides, and iodides of carbon are assigned to a special division among organic compounds. 26 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Phosphorus trichloride P 01, 1.5774, 20 - Haao-en P A 131 It U a 1.61275, 117. Thorpe J C S a 11 a 1.46845, 75.95 J 37, 372 Vanadium dichloride V C1 2 3.23, 18, s Eoscoe. P T 1869 Vanadium trichloride V CL 3.00, 18, s 679. a a Vanadium tetrachloride V CL 1.8584, _ ) !( t( a 1.83G3, 8 I a a a u a 1.8159, 82 J ris Arsenic trichloride AsCl 3 2.20495, Pierre. Ann. (3) 20 (I 11 a 2.1766 _ Penny and ^Vallace it 11 a 2.1668, 20 J. 5, 382. Haao-en P A 131 It 11 a 2.20500, _ 117. \ Thorpe. J. C S a a a 1.91813, 130.21 J 37, 372 Antimony trichloride SbCl s 3.064, 26, s Cooke. Proc Amer a at [Kopp A C P 95 11 11 a 2. 6750 j 73 2 j 348 Antimony pentachloride SbCl 5 2.3461, 20 Haas^en. P. A 131 Bismuth trichloride Bi CL- 4.56, 11 117. Bodeker B D Z Sulphur chloride S, CL - 1.687 Dumas Ann f ) ii a 1.686 _._ 49, 204. Marchand. J P C a a a 1.6970, 5 10 22, 507. ) U II a 1.6882, 10 15 i Re^nault P A a 11 a 1.6793, 15-20 j 62, 50. U 11 a 1.7055, 1 Kopp. A. C P 95 u 11 a 1.6802, 16.7j 355. 11 u a 1.6828, 20 Haa^en. P. A. 131, a a a 1.4848, 138 _ 117. Eamsay. J. C. S. 35, a . a a 1.70941,0 463. \Thorpe. J. C. S a a a 1.49201, 138.12 J 37, 356. Selenium chloride Se, CL . 2.906, 17.5__- Divers and Shimose. Iodine monochloride I Cl 3.263, 1 Ber. 17, 866. a a i 3.222, 16.5_ a a ' . 3.206, 18.2_ a a i 3.180,30 __ a < i 3.176, 32 a i i 3.132,45 . a i i 3.127,48 __ 1 a i i 3.084, 60 _ f Hannay. J. C. S.(2), i i i 3.032, 72 _. 11,818. Melts at t i i 3.036, 75 __ 24.7. Boils at i i i 2.988, 86 __ 100.5 to 101.5. i c t 2.984, 90 __ i i i 2.964, 95 a i i 2.958, 98 J a a i 3.18223, 0___ \Thorpe. J. C. S. a <( i 2.88196. 101.3 f 37. 371. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 27 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Iodine trichloride i c;,- 3.1107 Christomanos. Ber Platinum dichloride Pt C1 2 5.8696, 11 10, 780. Bodeker. B D Z Platinum tetracbloride Pt C1 4 . 8 H 2 O 2.431, 15 U (I 2d. Double Chlorides. XAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ammonium magnesium chloride. Potassium zinc chloride Aro 2 Mg C1 4 . 6 H 2 O_ K 2 Zn C1 4 1.456, 10 2.297 Bodeker. B. D. Z. Schiff. AGP Ammonium zinc chloride Am 2 Zn C1 4 1.879 112, 88. u u ti a u it a 11 11 K u ti 11 1.1?} *r{ 1.77 Bodeker and Ehlers. B. D. Z. Romanis C N 49 Barium zinc chloride Potassium cadmium chlo- Ba 2 Zn C1 6 . 4 H 2 O__ K 2 Cd C1 4 2.845 2.500 273. Warner. C. N. 27, 271. Schroder Dm 1873 ride. Strontium cadmium chlo- ride. Barium cadmium chloride it it u 11 u 11 Sodium mercury chloride. Potassium mercury chlo- ride. Ammonium mercury chloride. U 11 Potassium iron chloride. _ Sr Cd 2 Cl 6 . 7H 2 O Ba Cd C1 4 . 4 H 2 O _. u II XaHgCl 3 . 2H 2 "6II KHgCl 3 . H 2 0____ Am 2 Hg 2 C1 6 . H 2[ 0__ Am 2 Hg C1 4 . H 2 O _. K 2 Fe C1 4 . 2 H. O _ 2.708, 24, m. of 3. 2.968 2.952, 24. 5 1 2.966, 25.2 / 3.011 3.735, m. of 3. 3.822 2.938 2.162 W. Knight. F.W.C. Topsoe. C.C. 4,76. W. Knight. F.W.C. Play fair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. u u u u u it Schabus. J 3 327 Potassium copper chloride 11 II 11 K 2 Cu C1 4 . 2 H 2 O ._ u 2.426 2.400 Plavfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2,401. Schiff A C P 112 It u 2.359 88. Kopp. J 11, 10 1C a 2.410 Tschermak S W u u it Rubidium copper chloride Ammonium copper chlo- u u u Kb 2 Cu C1 4 . 2 H 2 "6" Am 2 Cu C1 4 . 2 H 2 O. 2.358 ) 2.392 I 2.425 J 2.895 2.018 _ A. 45, 603. Schroder. Dm. 1873. Wyrouboff. B. S. M. 10, 127. Playfair and Joule ride. II 11 U it 1.963 M. C. S. 2, 401. Schiff. A C P 112 u it u u 1.977 88. Kopp. J 11 10 II *II U u 2.066 Tschermak S W A. 45, 603. 28 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ammonium copper chlo- ride. Potassium palladiochlo- Am 2 Cu C1 4 . 2 H 2 O_ K, Pd CL 1.984, 24 2.806 Evans. F. W. C. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. ride. Am 2 Pd C1 6 2.418 u u ride. Magnesium palladiochlo- ride. Zinc palladiochloride Nickel palladiochloride Potassium iridichloride Mg Pd C1 6 . 6 H 2 O__ Zn Pd C1 6 . 6 H. O .. Ni Pd CL. 6 H 2 O __ K, Ir CL 2.124 2.359 2.353 3.546, 15 u u U 11 11 (I Bodeker. B. D. Z. Ammonium iridichloride Am 2 Ir CL 2.856, 15 .... U 1! Potassium platosochloride K 2 Pt Cl t _ 3.3056, 20.3\ Clarke. A. J. S. (i u u 3.2909, 21 / (3), 16, 206. Ammonium platosochlo- Am 2 Pt C1 4 2.84 _ Romanis. C N. 49, ride. Sodium platinchloride Potassium platinchloride Na 2 Pt C1 6 . 6 H 2 O_. K 2 Pt C1 2 2.500 3.586, 15 273. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Bodeker. B. D. Z. (i <( u 3.694 Tschermak. S W u u 3.3, 17 \ A. 45, 603. Pettersson. U. N. i it it Twice " (i 3.112, 20__ J 3.498 Potassium triiodide K I,. Rubidium iodide Rbl 3.56J Caesium iodide Csl_. 4.537 Ammonium iodide Ami 2.498 11 it ii u 2.443 Ammonium triiodide lodammonium iodide Silver iodide Am I 3 3.749 N H.I,. 2.46, 15 Ag I .. 5.614 ii ii u 5.0262 ii ii u 5.500 it it u 5 5 ii ii it ii 1... ii 5.650 \ 5.718 / " " Cryst. (i 5.669, 14 .... FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 35 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Silver iodide. Crvst. Agl 5.470 > QO ] 5.544 f U " 1 5.687 f H.St.CkireDeville. P. A. 132, 307. C. R. 64, 325. Fizeau. Kodvvell. P. T. 1882, 1125. Breithaupt. Dana's Min. Domeyko. Dana's Min. Damour. J. 7, 870. J.L.Smith. J.7,870. Damour. Quoted, C. K. 64, 314. Twitchell. F. W. C. Bodeker and Gie- secke. B. D. Z. Kebler. F. W. C. Kebler. A. C. J. 5, 235. Six samples, prepared by differ- ent methods. Tem- peratures of weigh- ing, 10.5to20.4. Twitchell. A. C. J. 5, 235. Bodeker. B. D. Z. ( Kebler. A. C. J. \ 5,235. Two lots, ( 14 to 15.4. Twitchell. A. C. J. 5, 235. Boullav. Ann. (2), 43, 266. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Boullay. Ann. (2), 43, 266. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Schiff. A.C. P. 108, 21. Tschermak. S. "W. A. 45, 603. Owens. F. W. C. Rod well and Elder. P. T. 1882, 1143. (I ft (1 ti " " After fusion u " " Precipitated it 5.807, J 5.569 ' Ppt compressed. ' After rep. fusion. " After one fusion. ' From Ag in H I. ' Ppt. after fusion. " " At max. density " " Atmin. density. " " Molten _ ii it 5.675, 1 5.660, _ _ 1 it i 5.812,0 1 5.681, } 5.771, 163 _ 5.673, t t i i 5.522, 527 _J 5.645.67 " " lodvrite . _. it 20 \ 0. o> J (^ C. S. 53, 137 2d. Double and Oxy-Iodides. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Potassium cadmium iodide Potassium mercury iodide (I 1C ' (i Silver mercury iodide K 2 CdI 4 . 2H 2 . K 2 Hg 2 I 6 . 3 H 2 _. ii 2 As I. He I, _ 3.359, m. of 4. 4.254, 22 __ 1 4.289, 23. 5_ / 5.9984, Leonard. F. W. C. Owens. F. W. C. Bellati and Roman- u u u 3 AS I. Kg I, _ 5.9302, ese. Bei. 5, 179. u ii Copper mercury iodide 2 Cu I. He; I, _ 6.0956, 11 11 u ii u 2 Cul. 2HrL,-. 6.1507. 14 . Heitrhwav. F.W. C. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 37 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Silver copper iodide 2 Cu I. Ag I 5.7302 Rodwell. P. T 1882 a 11 ti 2 Cu I. 2 Ag I _. 5.7225 1160. i 11 ii i> 2 Cu I. 3 Ag I . 5.7160 -__ i a ii 11 2 Cu I. 4 Ag I _ 5.7064 _ i ii 11 a 2 Cu I. 12 Ag I 5.6950 i Silver lead iodide Pb I,. Ag I. 5.923, i Sodium platiniodide __ _ Na 2 Pt I 6 . 6 H 2 O _. 3.707 _. Topsoe C. C 4, 76 Potassium platiniodide K 2 Pt I 6 5.1541 , 00 ii 11 11 5.198 / iz Bodeker. B. D. Z. ii ii !< 5.031 Topsoe C C 4 76 Ammonium platiniodide Am, Pt I 6 - 4.610 i Magnesium platiniodide- Mg Pt I R . 9 H, O 3.458 i Zinc platiniodide Zn Pt I 6 . 9 H 2 O 3.689 i Manganese platiniodide Mn Pt 1 6 . 9 H 2 3.604 i Iron platiniodide Fe Pt I 6 . 9 H 2 3.455 i Nickel platiniodide Ni Pt I 6 . 6 H 2 O._ 3.976 i 11 ii Ni Pt I 6 . 9 H, O 3.549 i Cobalt platiniodide Co Pt I 6 . 9 H 2 O. 3.618 i 11 ii Co Pt I 6 . 12 H 2 O 3.048 i Schwartzembergite Pb, I, O, 6.3 Liebe J 20 1008 ii 5.7 Schwa rtzem berg Lead oxyiodide Pb n L O, n 7.81 Dana's Min. Cross and Su^iura J. C. S. 33, 406. VI. CHLOROBROMIDES, CHLORIODIDES, AND BROMIODIDES. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Embolite Ag (Cl Br)_ 5.315.43 Domeyko. Dana's Min. Breithaupt. J. 2, 781. Yorke. J. C. S. 4, 150. lies. A. C. J. 3, 52. Reynolds. C. N. 55, 223. Eeis and Kaymann. J. C. S. 44, 424. Menschutkin. J. P. C. 98, 485. \Thorpe. J. C. S. / 37, 372. Eodwell. P. T. 1882, 1140. Lasaulx. J. C. S. 36, 366. Eodwell. P. T. 1882, 1140. ii 11 5.806 " (Cl, Br,)__ ii 5.53 _ Lead chlorobromide Pb Cl Br _. 5.741 Silicon chlorobromide Tin chlorobromide _ Si Cl Br 3 . 2.432 Sn Cl Br 3 3.349, 35 2.059, Phosphorus oxychlorobro- mide. it ii P C1 2 Br ii 2.12065, 11 ti it 1.83844, 137.6 6.152, 0___1 5.5118,383 / 5.713, 18 6.1197, 0__\ 5.5673, 331 / Silver chlorobromiodide *_ 11 11 " (lodobromite) " f it it Agl. 2AgBr. 2AgCl a ii Agl. AgBr. AgCl_ ii * Rpdwell's chlorobromiodides may be regarded as alloys. For each of these the higher tempera- ture is the melting point. % 38 TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. Sr. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Silver ehlorobromiodide < i i i 2AgI. AgBr. AgCl ii 3AgI. AgBr. Ag 01 (i 4AgI. AgBr. AgCl t^ 6.503, 0,__\ 5.6971, 326. / 5.9717, 0__ I 5.6480, 354 f 5.907, 0___\ 5.G80, 380 _ / Kodwell. P. T. 1882, 1140. a 11 a ii VII. AMMOSTIO-CHLORIDES, AMMONIO-BROMIDES, AMMONIO-IODIDES. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Cadmammonium chloride N 2 H 6 Cd. C1 2 _ 2.632 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Cadmammonium bromide N, H 6 Cd. Br, 3.366 u 11 Dimercurosammonium N H 2 Hg' 2 . 01 6.858, m. of 2_ Plavfair and Joule. chloride. M. C. S. 2, 401. Dimercurarnrnonium chlo- N, H. Hg" Cl, 5.700 u u ride. 2 46 2 ***! Tetramercuram mo n i um N 2 Hg" 4 Cl 2 . 2H,0 7.176, m. of 2_ u u chloride. Cuprammonium chloride- N 2 H 6 Cu. C1 2 2.194 u u Copper ammonio-chloride CuCl 2 . 4NEL. H,0 1.672 u a Nickel ammonio-bromide Ni Br 2 . 6 N H 3 1.837 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Nickel ammonio-iodide Ni I 2 . 6 N H s 2.101 u u Purpureo-cobalt hexchlo- Co 2 (NK 3 ) 10 . Cl,--_- 1.802, 23 GibbsandGenth. A. ride. J. S. (2), 23, 234. u n n 11 L802 \ 15 1 Jorgensen. J. P. C. n u u u 1.808/ L \ (2), 19, 49. Purpureo-cobalt hexbro- Co 2 (N H 3 ) 10 . Br'II 2.483, 17.8-_ _ 11 11 mide. Purpureo-cobalt chloro- Co 2 (NH 3 ) 10 . Cl,Br 2 2.095, 16.8 11 11 bromide. Purpureo-cobalt bromo- Co 2 (NH 3 ) 10 . Cl 2 Br 4 2-161 ] no 11 U chloride. " " 2.1G5| " Luteo-cobalt hexchloride. Co 2 (N H 3 ) 12 . Cl, 1.7016, 20 GibbsandGenth. A. J. S. (2), 23, 319. Purpureo-chromium hex- Cr 2 (N H 3 ) 10 . Cl,- 1.687, lo.5._. Jorgensen. J. P. C. chloride. (2), 20, 105. Purpureo-chromium chlo- Cr 2 (NH 3 ) 10 . 1 2 B, V 2.075, 13.8 u u robromide. Purpureo-rhodium hex- Rh 2 (N H,) 10 . C1 6 2.072, 18.4 1 Jorgensen. J. P. C. chloride. " " __ u 2.079, 18 j (2), 27, 442. Purpureo-rhodium hex- Eh 2 (N H s ) 10 . Br,I"_I 2.643) 1?0 , } Jorgensen. J. P. C. bromide. " " u 2.650 } 17 '- ( (2), 27, 464. Purpureo-rhodium hexio- Rh 2 (N H 3 ) 10 . i 6 :::: 3.110, 14.8 \ Jorgensen. J. P. C. dide. " " _. u 3.120, 16.2 j (2), 27, 471. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 39 VIII. INORGANIC OXIDES. 1st. Simple Oxides. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Water* H, O _. 1.0000, 4.07 Standard of compar- ison. ' H 2 Oat3.78=1.0. Muncke. Mem. Acad. St. Peters- burg, 1831. C Stampfer. H 2 O at tt u .999889, u 11 .988433, 50 ._ .958737, 100 _ .999887, \ .992247, 40 / .999862, .99988, .95903, 95.8 _ .93078, 130. 8 .93123, 131 __ .93035, 131.l .90783-1 ,, fi0 7 .90811 1 1 '* ' 7 .90715, 157 .95892, 100 __ .999866, xide H, O,_. Lithium oxide _ Li 2 O _ _ . 2.102, 15 2.805 Sodium oxide _ !Na 2 O __. Potassium oxide K, O 2 656 Silver monoxide As, O._ 7.143, 16.6 7.250 it u it it it 8 2558 (i it tt 7.147 it u 11 7.521, m. of 2. 5.474 (impure) 2.967 Silver dioxide A?, O,_. Glucinum oxide Gl O i *} *- 3.083, powder 3.09 " __ 3.096, 12, ppt. 3.027, 10, ig- nited. 3.021,9,cryst. 3.016 _ i i i t i it t (i t <( u it 3.18,14,cryst. 3.674, periclase 3.750 " __ 3.642, 12 " Magnesium oxide M- u u ti (I (C i< U (( it 3 200 (1 11 u 3.644 I 3.650 j II (1 it (( 1 1 2.651, rose 2 653 " }- Breithaupt. Schw. J. 68, 411. (1 It ' I 2 658 " (( tl < 1 2 618 milky J 11 11 11 II 2.6354 I fBeudant. P. A. 14, 474. Extremes 11 11 It 2.6541 j of eleven experi- (t (1 1< 11 2 61 ments. jS^euinann P A (( (1 II 11 2.653, 13, m. 23, 1. Schaffo-otsch * P A It II 11 11 of 5. 2.656, crvst. 68, 147. 11 11 tl II 2.22, after fu- } Deville. J. 8, 14. II 11 II sion. 2.65259, 18 _. Miller. P. M. (4), 3, 194. *Soe the same paper for many determinations of the specific gravity of opaline minerals. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 45 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Silicon dioxide. Quartz _ Si 0,_. 2.6507. -) 2.6502; 5 2.6498, 10 2.6493, 15 2.6488, 20 }- 2.6484, 25 2.6479, 30 2.6460, 50 2.6409, 100 J 2.295 1 150 2.326 j 1& ~ lb 2.282, 18.5_._ 2.311) 2.317 I Artif. 2.373 J 2.30, 16, " 2.247 fDibbits. (Rock crystal.) Bei. 5, 81. Calculated from sp. g. de- terminations by Steinheil, data -{ for expansion of water by Reg- nault and Kopp, and the expan- sion of quartz as determined b y L PfaffandFizeau. (Vom Rath. J. 21. J 1001. G. Rose. Ber. 2, 388. Hautefeuille. P. M. (5), 6, 78. v. Rath. A. J. S. (3). 7, 149. Klaproth. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. | Rose. Mobs. See Bottger. Scheerer. P. A. 65. 296. Breithaupt. Kopp. Miiller. J. 5, 847. ) Ebelmen. J. 4, 15, and J. 12, 14. Hautefeuille. J. 16, 212. Lasaulx. J. 36, 1840. H. Rose. Breithaupt. J. 2,730. Rammelsberg. J. 2, 730. | Dumour. J. 2, 731. Whitney. J. 2, 731. Frodmann. J.3,704. Beck. J. 3, 704. Hautefeuille. J. 17. 214. Vauquelin. Mohs. See Bottger. Breithaupt. u i u u i u I i u 1 i u 1 i it 1 i u 1 i ii I " " Tridymite II 11 II II II II 11 II 11 11 " " Asmannite- Titanium dioxide Si O 2 . u u u II II 11 Ti O 9 _. 4.18 u u u 3.9311,artif.__ 4.253, powder 4.255, ignited 4.249 u u u ii ii u " " Rutile II II II II 11 11 II II II II II 11 11 11 Ii II II II i; u 4.2444.245- 4.250 } 4 291 j 11 u u 4.420, u 4.56 . u 4.26, artificial. 4.283 " 4.3 " 4.1734.278 II II II 11 U II II U II " " Brookitc- ii u u 11 ii u II II tl u u 11 II 4.128 ~| 4.131 4 165 l" ~~~~ II II 11 3.952, arkan- site. 3.892 | 8.949 j u u u u u u II U II u i u u i u u i u u i u 11 I 11 u i u " ll Anatase. u u u (1 U II 11 II II 11 4.03,arkansite 4.083 " _. 4.085 " __ 4 99 I , 1 I 4.20 1 4.1, artificial 11 u 3.826 11 3.75 46 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Titanium dioxide. Anatase it a H (( Germanium dioxide Ti O 2 3.82 Kobell. H. Eose. Darnour. J. 10, 661. Hautcfeuille. J. 17, 215. Winkler. Ber. 19, ref. 654. Klaproth. See Bott- ger. Sjogren. J. 6, 349. Berlin. J. 6, 350. Hermann. J. 19, 191. Nordenskidld. P. A. 114, 626. Knop. A. C. P. 159, 52. Knop. A. C. P. 159, 53. Nilson and Peters- son. C. K. 91,232. Herapath. P. M. 64, 321. 1 Ditte. Ann. (5), 27, 169. Allcrystal- |- line. Prepared by different meth- ods. Mohs. See Bottger. Herapath. P. M. 64, 321. Boullay. Ann. (2), 43, 266. Breithaupt. Neumann. P. A. 23, 1. Kopp. Daubree. J. 12, 11. H. Eose. Plavfair and Joule. J. C. S. 1, 137. Mallet. J. 3, 705. Bergemann. J. 10, G61. 1 ICassiterite from Bolivia. Forbes. P.M. (4), 30,139. Leeds. 3.890 | 3.912 j 4.06 3. 7, artificial ) 3.9 " j 4.703, 18 4.30 Ge O,_. Zirconium dioxide ZrO 2 .__ a (1 It a tt tl a tt tl a tl It a It II a (( (( a (( (( a (t a <( a (( (1 a ( (I a (( a II (( a tf 11 a a <( a < it a a (( a if a a a a a it tt a tt it a it tt t! it a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Sulphur trioxide. S. - SO, a a a a " " L. a 1 97 20 " " S a 1.92118) 1.90915 I 25 1. 90814 J 1.81958) 1.8105 [ 47 1.8101 J 1.940, 16 1.9365, 20 __. 3.9538 5 93 20 a a a a a a a a " " L. a a a a a a a a " " S. a a a a a Selenium dioxide Tellurium dioxide SeO 2 Te O 2 a a a 5.7559, 12.5\ 5.7841. 14 f a a a 52 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Tellurium dioxide Octa- Te O, 5.65 ~) ~] hedral " " u 5.67 >0 .__ u u u 5.68J " " Ortho- 11 5.88 1 rhombic. u u ti 11 L o 5.90 I Klein and Morel. C. R. 100, 1140. U It II 11 5.91 J " " Calcined 11 5.68, J Tellurium trioxide Te O, 5.0704, 14.5 ) u u u 5.0794, 11 I F. W. Clarke. A J 11 (1 II 5.1118, 11 J S. (3), 14, 286 Cr,O, 5.21, cry st. Wohler See Bott- a ii u 4.909 ger. Playfair and Joule u u (I 6.2, cryst M. C. S. 3, 82. Schiff. J. 11, 161 u u II 5.010 Schroder. P A 106, Chromic chromate Cr.O Q 4.0, 10 226. Geuther. J 14 242 Chromium trioxide Cr Ga- 2.676, m. of 2_ Playfair and Joule. !( U it 2.737, 14,cryst M. C. S. 2, 448. u u u 2.629, 14,after } Ehlers. B. D. Z. u u u fusion. 2.819, 20 Schafarik J P C u u u 2.775i EX- f 90, 12. Zettnow. P. A. 143, u u u 2 804 J tremes i 474 Molybdenum dioxide Mo O 2 5.67 Bucholz N J 20 u (i it 6.44, 16 _ 121. Mauro and Panebi- Molybdenum trioxide Mo O 3 3.460 anco. Ber. 15, 527. Thomson. See Bott- u ti u 3.49 ger. Berzelius. " " ti u u 4.491 {^Veisbach Dana's u it a 4 50 } natlve " Min ti it u 4 39 21 cryst Schafarik J P C Tungsten dioxide W O 2 12 1109 90, 12. Karsten Schw J Tungsten trioxide VV 0, 6.12 65, 394. D'Elhuyart Gm H II U II 5 274 16 5 Herapath P M 64 II II II 7 1396 321. Karsten Schw J II II It 6 302 ) 65, 394. !Nordenski6^d J 11 11 II J'^j cryst. 14 214 1C II u 7.16, amor- ") II It II phous. V 7.232, 17, J Zettnow. J. 20, 216. Uranous oxide Uranoso-uranic oxide. U O 2 u, o a ._ crvst. 10.15 7.1932 Ebelmen. J. P. C. 27, 385. Karsten Schw J <( it 11 7.31 65, 394. Ebelmen J P C 27, 385. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 53 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. TJranic oxid6 U O, _ 5.02 ) two f Brtumer and Watts. u (i ii 5.26 j lots. { P. M. (5), 11, 60. Chlorine trioxide. L CL O,- 1.3298 1 A0 f Brandau. Z. C. 13, (I (( U t< 1.387 } 47. Iodine pentoxide I, O* . 4.250 _. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, u II 4.7987, 9 415. Kammerer. P. A. u u u 4.487, _ 138, 401. Ditte. Z.C. 13,303. it u 11 5.037, _ ) Ditte. Ann. (4), 21, U II 11 5.020, 51 _ j 10. Mangranous oxide Mn O 4.7264, 17 - Herapath. P. M. X <( u 5.38 64, 321. Playfair and Joule. Moissan. Ann. (5), ii K i 5.09 j varieties J 21, 223. it ii i 5.21 1 artif. ( Gorgeu. C. K. 104, it 11 u 5.25 / cryst. \ 1176. Fe, O, 5.251 Mohs. See Bottger. it ii 5.261 . Breithaupt. ii ii u 5.959, 16.5, Herapath. P. M. 64, ii ii u ppt. 5.225 321. Boullay. Ann. (2), ii ii u 5.079, native _ 43, 266. Neumann. P. A. it ii u 5.121, 12.5 _ 23, 1. Kopp. it ii u 4.079 "I Playfair and Joule. .1 ii ii 5.185,ignit'd J M. C. S. 3, 80. i ii u 5.241 ) ,. i 11 u 5.283 } natlve - Rammelsberg. i ii u 5.191 ) i ii i 5.214 I " G. Rose. i 11 i 5.230 J 11 a i 5.169, ppt. {H.Rose. P. A. 74, ii ii i 5.037, ignited j 440 ii 11 i 3.95, yellow Tommasi. Les Mon- Nickelous oxide NiO 5.597 des, 1879. Playfair and Joule. ii ii u 5.745, furnace M. C. S. 3,81. ) it ii u product. 6.605, cryst. iGenth. J. 1, 444. it ii 11 6.398 J3er^ernann. J. 11, ii it 11 6.661 683. Rammelsberg. J. 2, a ii 11 6.8, crvst. 282. Ebelmen. J. 4, 16. Nickelic oxide _ NL O, _ 4.846, 16.5 Herapath. P. M. 64, ii ii u 4.814 321. Playfair and Joule Cobaltous oxide CoO 5.597 M. C. S. 3, 81. ) if it u 6 750, i 0 ,. ( M. C. S. 3, 81. Herapath P M. 64, it ii K 0093/ 16 ' 5 321 a 11 u 5.751 Karsten Schw J Go, 394. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 55 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Cuprous oxide Cu 2 5.75 Leroyerand Dumas. a 11 u 5.746 See Bottger. Playfair and Joule i. 11 u 5.300 ") M. C. S. 3, 82. ii u u 5.342 I Persoz J P C 47, u ti ii 5.375 J 84 Cupric oxide Cu O 6.401, 16 5 Herapath P M 64 (i u u 6.130 321. Boullay Ann (2), it ii u 6.4304 43, 266. Karten Schw J u u u 5.90 1 65, 394. Playfair and Joule u 11 u 6.414,ignit'd / M C S 3 82 u u u 6.322 Filhol Ann (3) u u u 6.130 ) 21, 415'. u u II 6.225 [ Persoz J P C 47 u u II 6.400 j 84 u u 11 6.451, furnace Jenzsch J 12 214 u u 11 product. 6.400 Hampc Z C 13 11 U II 6.25, melaco- 363. Whitney J 2 728 II U II nite. 5.952 " Ruthenium dioxide __ EuO 2 7.2 80, 287. Deville and Debray J. 12, 236. 2c3. Double and Triple Oxides. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sodium uranium oxide Delafossite Na, U. O 10 _. 6.912 Drenkmann. J. 14, 257. Friedel. C. E. 77, 211. Ebelmen. J. 4, 12. Breithaupt. Haidinger. Dana's Min. (Church. Geol. 1 Mag. (2), 2, 320. Jeremejew. J. 37, 1918. Ebelmen. J. 4, 13. G. Kose. Brush. A.J.S. (3), 1. 28. Cu' 2 Fe w 2 O 8 5 07, 25 Spinel. Mg AL O, 3.452, artif.__. 3.48, natural \ 3.52 " f 3.523 " __ 3.631 I 15.5, 3.715] nat. 3 77 u u u ii tt u Gahnite Zn A1 2 O 4 4.580, artif.- 4.317 { 4 Ref nault P A 1 2676 15 20 J 62 50 1.29312, ___ Pierre. C. R. 27, 213. 58 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GKAVITY. AUTHORITY. Carbon disulphide C S, 1.29858, ___ 1.27904, 10 _. 1.26652, 17 __ 1.227431, 46 _ 1.2661, 20 -_. 1.2665, 16.06_ 1.2176, 43 _ - H. L. Buff. A. C. P.4thSupp.,129. Haagen. P. A. 131, 117. "VVinkelmann. P. A. 150, 592. Eamsay. J.C. S. 35, 463. \Thorpe. J. C. S. / 37, 363. Schiff. Ber. 14, 2767. Nasini.Ber. 15,2883. Friedburg. C. N. 47, 52. Also values for other ts. Dreck- er. P. A. (2), 20, 870. Schiff. Ber. 19, 560. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Boullay. Ann. (2), 43, 266. Schneider. J. 8, 396. Ditte.C.K. 96,1791. Boullay. Ann. (2), 43, 266. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. .1 u Breithaupt. J. P. C. 11, 151. Playfair and Joule. J. C. S. 1, 137. Neumann. P. A. 23, 1. Tschermak. S. W. A. 45, 603. Schneider. J. P. C. (2), 2, 91. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 3, 89. Didier. C. K. 100, 1461. Chvdenius. J. 16, 195. Berthelot and Vi- eille. Ber.14,1558. Michaelis. Z. C. 13, 460. Dupre. J. P. C.21, 253. n it Isambert. C. K. 96, 1501. it a u tt n u tt it u 41 (1 u 11 11 ti li tt u tt It u 1.29215, 1.22242, 46.04 1.22331 4?0 1.2234 / *' " 1.2634, 20 ___ 1.266, 15.2._. 1.26569, 17.86 1.26446, 18.58 1.25031. 28.21 1.23863, 35.96 1.2233, 46.5- 4.8523 It It u It tt u It It u tl tl , u II (( u U (1 II (( It II It It II It It II tt It II Tin monosulphide Sn S_ II (( u 5.267 (1 (( u 4.973 (( <( u 5.0802, 4.415 Tin disulphide _ Sn S 2 tt tt u 4.600 Lead sulphide PbS 7.5052, artif 7.539 " " Galena u tt n II 6.9238, 4,pulv 7 568 " " Galena 11 < a (I 7 51 11 u 11 6.77, artificial. 6.335 Lead sesquisulphide Pb, S, Cerium sulphide Ce, S. 5.1 Thorium sulphide Th S 2 8 29 Nitrogen sulphide _ NS 2.22, 15 a u ii 2.1166, 15 1.8 _ Phosphorus monosulphide Phosphorus hexsulphide. PS PS. 2.02 Tetraphosphorus trisul- phide. P 4 S S . 2.00, 11 FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 59 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Vanadium disulphide V S 4.2, scaly Kay. J. C. S. 37, It u 4.4, powder 728. Vanadium trisulphide V S 8.7, scaly It U II 4.0, powder Vunadium tetrasulphide V, S. _ 4.70, 21 _ Schafarik. J. P. C. Vanadium pentasulphide V S 3.0 90, 12. Kay. J.C.S. 37,728 Arsenic disulpliide As, S, 3.5444 Karsten. Schw J. a u u 3.240, realgar 65, 394. Neumann. P. A. u u u 3.556 23, 1. Mohs. See Bottger. Arsenic trisulphide _ As,S, . 3.459 Karsten. Schw. J. u u u 3.48 65, 394. Haidinger. Dana's u u u 3.44 3.45 Min. Guibourt. See Bott- " " Dimorphite u 3.58 ger. Scacchi. J. 5, 842 Antimony trisulphide Sb 2 S,- 4.7520 Karsten. Schw. J. u i< 4.15, amor- 65, 394. Fuchs. Watts' Diet. u u u phous. 4.614, black II U 11 4.641, 16 " II U u 4.280, red L H. Eose. J. 6, 361. II << u 4.421, ppt. . 11 II 11 4.226,26.7,red ; 11 II 11 4.223,23, ppt. 4.228, 28,gray Cookc. Proc. Am. Acad. 1877 II II II 4.289,27 " 4.892 j Ditte. C. K. 102, 212. 5 012 J " " Stibnite. II 4.603 Neumann. P. A. u u ii 11 4.516 23, 1. Haiiy. Dana's Min. 11 II 11 11 4.62 Mohs. " ' Bismuth disulphide Bi, S, 7.29, m. of 5 Werther. J P C Bismuth trisulphide Bi, S,_. 7.591, 14.5 27, 65. Herapath. P. A. 64, u u u 7.0001 321. Karsten. Schw J u u ti 7.16, native 65, 394. Forbes P M (4) Selenium sulphide SeS_._ ... 3.056, \ 29,4. u u 3.035, 52 J Ditte. Z. C. 14, 386. Molybdenite MoS 2 4.591 Mohs. See Bottger u u 4.444 Seibert. " " Tungsten disulphide w, s,_. 6.26, 20 Schafarik. J. P. C. Chromic sulphide Cr, S, 4.092 90, 12. Playfair and Joule. U II u 2. 79, 10 1 . M. C. S. 3, 89. { Schafarik. J. P. C. 11 11 u 3.7719} two 90, 12. Manganese monosulphide. MnS preparations. 3.95 4.01 Leonhard. See Bott- Alabandite. ger. 60 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Manganese monosulphide Mn S 4.036 Bergemann. N. J. Alabandite. Hauerite MnS 2 3.468 . 1857, 394. Von Hauer. J. 1, Fe 2 S 5.80 1157. Plavfair and Joule. Iron monosulphide. Artif. Fe S 5. 035, m. of 2 M. C. S. 3, 88. Schroder. Dm. 1873. a 11 H 2.537) tremes ) Ammonium perchlorate Am Cl O, 1.885, 25 Stephan. F. ~W. C Thallium perchlorate Tl Cl O 4 4.844, 15.5 Koseoe. C. N 14 217. XIX. BROMATES. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sodium bromate __ __ Na BrO 3 -. 3.339, 17.5_. Kremers. J. 10, 67 Potassium bromate K Br O, 3.271, 17.5 ii ii it 11 a 3.218 Topsoe. B. S C 19 it ii i: 3.323, 19 246. Storer. F. W. C. Silver bromate Ag Br 3 5.1983, 16 1 K (i ii 5.2153, 18 J Magnesium bromate Mg Br, O fi . 6 H,O 2.289 Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, Zinc bromate Zn Br 2 O 6 . 6 H, O - 2.566 . _ 246. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Cadmium brcmate__ Cd Br 2 O 6 . 2 H 2 O 3.758 Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, Basic mercuric bromate Hg 2 Br 2 O r H 2 O 5.815 246. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Calcium bromate Ca Br 2 O 6 . H 2 O 3.329 - ii it Strontium bromate Sr Br 2 O 6 . H 2 O 3.773 ii ii Barium bromate Ba Br 2 O 6 4.0395, 17 \ it ii it 3.9918, 18 J Storer. F. W. C. it ii Ba Br 2 O 6 . H 2 O 3 820 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Lead bromate Pb Br 2 O 6 . H 2 O 4.950 it 11 Nickel bromate..- _ Ni Br 2 O 6 . 6 H, O 2.575 it 11 Copper bromate._ . Cu Br 2 6 . 6 H 2 O 2.583 it ii 74 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES XX. IODATES AND PERIOD ATE8. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Hydrogen iodate,*oriodic acid. " " HI O 3 4.869, ) Ditte. Ann. (4), 21, 22. Kremers. J. 10, 67. u u Ditte. Ann. (4), 21, 48. Clarke. Fullerton. F. W. C. u u Bishop. F. W. C. Fullerton. F. W. C. Schroder. Dm. 1873. Fullerton. F. W. C. u u u u u u Cleve. U.N.A.1885. it u ii 4.816, 50.8_ / 4.277, 17.5 Na I O... K I O 3 3.979, 17.5-_. 2.601 u u (( (1 ii 3.802, 18 Ammonium iodiite Am I O 3 3.3372, 12.5 I 3.3085,21 J 5.4023, 16. 5 \ 5.6475, 14.5/ 3.283, 13.6 ._ U 11 u Silver iodate. Precip " " Cryst. from ammonia. Magnesium iodate As I O, u Mg I 2 6 . 4 H 2 0_._ Ba LOg Barium iodate 5.2299, 18 6.209 ) 6.248 1 - Lead iodate Pb I, O R _. 11 it u 11 it ii 6.257 J 6.155, 20 3.6954, 22 11 it u Nickel iodate Ni I 2 O 6 . 6 H 2 O Cobalt iodate Co I, O R . H, O . 5.008, 18 it it Co I, O 6 . 6 H, O Di I O 6 . 4 H 2 O 3.6659, 18.5_. 3.755") o, n 3.761 / 21 "*- 3.793, 21.2 Didymium periodate 11 it u Samarium periodate Sm I O 5 . 4 H 2 O XXI. THIOSULPHATES,t SULPHITES, DITHIONATES. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sodium thiosulphate Na 2 S 2 O a . 5 H 2 O 1.672 Buignet. J. 14, 15. u u u 1.736, 10 Kopp. J. 8, 45. K II K 1.734 Schiff. J. 12, 4t. 11 11 (I 1.723 W. C. Smith. Am. Potassium thiosulphate K 2 S 2 O 3 2.590 J. P. 53, 148. Buignet. J. 14, 15. Magnesium thiosulphate _ Calcium thiosulphate u u Strontium thiosulphate Barium thiosulphate II U Mg S 2 3 . 6 H 2 0... Ca S 2 3 . 6 H 2 O it Sr S 2 O 3 . 6 H, O ._ BaS 2 O 3 . H 2 O u 1.818, 24 1.8715, 13.5 ) 1.8728, 16 j 2.1778, 17 3.4461, 16 I 3.4486, 18 j Oliver. F. W. C. Richardson. F.W.C. U II II II Cobalt thiosulphate _ Co S 2 O 3 . 6 H 2 O 1 935, 25 Oliver F W C Hydrogen sulphite or sul- phurous acid. H 2 S O 3 . 6 H 2 O 1.147, 15, cryst. Geuther. A. C. P. 224, 218. * For various hydrates of iodic acid see Kaemmerer, P. A. 138, 390. t Commonly called hyposulphites. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 75 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sodium sulphite _ _ __ Na 2 S 3 . 10 H 2 O __ Cu 2 S O 3 H 2 O 1.561 4.46 Buignet. J. 14, 15. Etard. Ber. 15,2233. it it Cuprous sulphite. Red " " White 11 3.83, 15 __ Hydrogen dithionate, or dithionic acid, lithium dithionate Ho S, O 4- aq 1.347 Gay Lussac. Gm. H. 2, 175. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Baker. C. N. 36, 203. Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. 1 1 tt Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. K ii Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Baker. C.N. 36,203. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Baker. C.N. 36, 203. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Stephan. F. W. C. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Baker. C.N. 36,203. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. ti ii ti (t it ii Li. S. O. 2 H, O 2.158 _ _ Sodium dithionate Na 2 S 2 O 6 . 2 H 2 O 2.189 (I It a 2.175, 11 2.277 Potassium dithionate .Ammonium dithionate K. S. O, 1.704 __ Silver dithionate Ac, So O-. 2 H, O 3.605 Magnesium dithionate Zinc dithionate M- S. O c . 6 H, O 1.666 Zn S 2 O 6 . 6 H 2 O 1.915 _ . Cadmium dithionate Cd S 2 O 6 . 6 H 2 O 2.272 Calcium dithionate Ca S 2 O 6 . 4 H 2 O 2.180 a it a Sr S 2 6 . 4 H 2 O 2.176, 11 2.373 Strontium dithionate Barium dithionate _ Ba S 2 O 6 . 2 H 2 O 4.536, 13.5_ it n Ba S 2 O 6 . 4 H 2 O 3.142 . ii tt Pb S 2 O 6 . 4 H 2 O 3.055, 24.5 3.245 _ Lead dithionate 11 1C II 3.259, 11 1.757 Manganese dithionate Iron dithionate Mn S 2 O 6 . 6 H 2 O Fe S 2 O 6 . 7 H, O _. 1.875 Nickel dithionate Ni S 2 O 6 . 6 H 2 O 1.908 Cobalt dithionate Co S 2 O 6 . 8 H 2 O 1.815 XXII. SULPHATES. 1st. Simple Sulphates. NAME. l FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Hydrogen sulphate, or H, S O, 1.857 Bineau. Ann. (3), sulphuric acid. 11 11 ii 1.8485 24, 337. Ure. Schw. J. 35, II tl a 1.854,0 1 444. 11 II 11 If it 11 1.842, 12 } 1.834, 24 J Marignac. J.6,325. 11 II it 1.857, Kolb. Z. A. C. 12, 11 tt ii 1.85289, 333. Mariarnac. Ann. (4), It (t tt 1.8354, 18 22, 420. Kohlrausch. P. A. * it It K 1.82730. 23 __ 159, 243. Nasini. Ber.15,2885. 76 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Hydrogen sulphate, or sulphuric acid. (( II II (( (( <( (( (( (( 11 (( H S (X 1.854, Schertel. Ber. 15, 2734. Lunge and Naef. Ber. 16, 953. Mendelejeff. Ber. 17, ref. 304. Mendelejeff. Ber. 19, 380. Perkin. J.C.S.49, 777. "VVackenroder. J. 2, 249. Mendelejeff. Ber. 19, 380. Perkin. J.C.S.49, 777. Watts' Dictionary. Mendelejeff. Ber. 19, 380. Perkin. J.C.S.49, 777. ii u Watts' Dictionary. Weber. P. A. 159, 325. Kremers. J. 10, 67. Brauner. P. M. (5), 11, 67. Troost. J. 10, 141. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Mobs. Quoted by Schroder. Breithaupt. Quoted by Schroder. Cordier. Quoted by Schrocter. Thomson. Ann. Phil. (2), 10, 435. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Plavfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2,401. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Kremers. J. 5, 15. Crystallized at dif- ferent tempera- tures. Schroder. P. A. 106, 226. u 1.8384, 15 .__ 1.83295, 19.02 1.8528, u ii u 1.83904, 15 1 1.83562, 20 I 1.83265, 25 J 1.784, 8 ii u (1 U << (( ( 11 <( U H 2 SO 4 . HjO it * 1.7943, 0.___ 1.77806, 15 1 1.77423, 20 I 1.77071, 25 J 1.62 u u (( 11 (( (i U U (( C (( It 11 U 11 (1 (I (1 U Hydrogen pyrosulphate ii Hj S O 4 . 2 Hj O u u u u H 2 S 4 . 3 H 2 O "II u 11 H, S, O. _. 1.6655, 1.65084, 15 ) 1.64754, 20 V 1.64467, 25 J 1.55064, 15 ) 1.54754, 20 [ 1.54493, 25 J 1.9 Hydrogen tetrasulphate __ Lithium sulphate. __ ELS O,-4- 3SO..__ 1.983 Li, S O--. 2.210 (i ii 2.21, 15 ii Li 2 S O 4 . H 2 O 202 (1 U u 2.052, 21 __) 2.056, 20 __ } 2.066, 20 __ J 2 462 11 (1 u (( U u Sodium sulphate Na 2 SO 4 _ 11 u 2.67 u II 2.73 11 <( 11 2.640 u u II 2.6313 u II 2.597 U 1C II 2.629 II (1 II 2.654 \ } 2.658 1 1 2.674 ) 2.684] J 2.693, m.of 3. II II II II II 11 U 11 11 41 U II FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 77 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sodium sulphate Na 2 S 4 2.681, 20.7_ 2.677} 1?0 ( 2.687} ll \ 2.66180, cryst. at 40. 2.66372, cryst. at 110 2.104, at the melting p't. 1.4457 1.350 Favre and Valson. C. K. 77, 579. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. LNicol. P. M. (5), 15, 94. Braun. J. C. S. (2), 13, 31. Hassenfratz. Ann. 28, 3. Thomson. Ann. Phil. (2), 10, 435. Playfuir and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Schiff. Buignct. J. 14, 15. Stolba. J. P. C. 97, 503. Favre and Valson. C. K. 77, 579. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Wattson. Hassenfratz. Ann. 28, 3. Thomson. Ann. Phil. (2), 10, 435. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Jacquelain. A. C. P. 32, 234. Kopp. A. C. P. 36, 1. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Playfair and Joule. J. C.S. 1,132. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Penny. J. 8, 333. Holker. P. M. (3), 27, 213. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 64. Schroder. P. A. 106, 226. Buignet. J. 14, 15. Stolba. J. P. C. 97, 503. Topsoe and Christ- iansen. It It u 11 11 11 It 11 u It 11 u 11 U ii <( l( Na 2 SO 4 . 10H 2 O__ ii u u (I (I ii 1.469, m. of 2. 1.520 1.465 1.471 u a a u 11 U u u 1.4608 \ it 11 1.4595 / 1 455 26 5 II U 11 U 1.485, 19__\ 1 492 20 J 11 II K, S O,_ Potassium sulphate 2.636 ii 11 u 2.4073 2.880 U U u S O 4 6 Hj O 2.373, 15 a 1.869, m. of 2.' 1 751 a a a 1.734, 15 Two modi- fications, a a a MeS (X. 7 H, O 1.6151 1 1.8981 j 1.6603 a a a a 1.751 1.674 1.660 ( a a a 1.6829, 4 1.751 a a a a 1.685 a a 1.675 a a a a a a a 1.636, 15.5 1.665, 15.5 1.701, 16 1.684,15.4 \ 1.691, 15.5 j 1.680 a a a a a a a 1 675 a a 1 632 (( a 1 678 15 Zn S O 4 3.681, m. of 2_ 3.400 a a 3.400 11 3.435, 16 FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 81 NAMK. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Zinc sulphate Zn S O 4 3.520 _- ) ii u 3.552 I Schroder. J. P. C. <( It ii 3.580 j (2), 19, 266. it (I ii 3.6235, 15 __ Thorpe and Watts. it tt Zn S O 4 . H 2 O 3.215, 16 J. C. S. 37, 102. Pape. P. A. 120, It 11 u 3.076 369. Schroder. J. P. C. It It ii 3.259 (2), 19, 266. Plavfair. J. C. S. II (( u 3.2845, 15 37, 102. Thorpe and Watts. 11 11 Zn S O 4 . 2 H, O _. 2.958, 15 J. C. S. 37, 102. it u 11 11 Zn SO 4 . 5 H 2 O 2.206, 15 u u 11 (I Zn S O 4 . 6 H 2 O 2.056 Playfair. J. C. S. It 11 u 2.072, 15 37, 102. Thorpe and Watts. II 11 Zn S O 4 . 7 H 2 O 1.912 J. C. S. 37, 102. Hassenfratz. Ann. 11 11 u 2.036 28, 3. Mohs. See Bottger. II II u 1.931, m. of 4 Playfair and Joule. 11 11 u 2.036 _ M. C. S. 2, 401. Filhol. Ann. (3), 11 II !< 1.953 21, 415. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, II 11 II 1.957 64. Buignet. J. 14,15. II 11 11 1.9534 Stolba. J. P. C. 97, II II It 1.976, 16.5 503. Holker. P. M. (3), 11 II II 1.901, 16 27, 213. Pape. P. A. 120, II II 11 2.015 374. Schroder. Dm. 1873. It II II 1.953 ) Schroder. J. P. C. II 11 II 1.955 J (2), 19, 266. II 11 11 1.961 W C Smith. Am. II 11 II 1.974, 15 J. P. 53, 148. Thorpe and W^atts. Cadmium sulphate Cd S O 4 4.447 J. C. S. 37, 102. Schroder J. P. C. a ii Cd S O 4 . H 2 O. 2.939 (2), 19, 266. Buignet. J. 14, 15. ii 1,1 3 Cd S O 4 . 8 H 2 O 3.05, 12 Giesecke. B. D. Z. Mfirnnrons snlphftt.fi Kg, S O, 7.560 Playfair and Joule. Mercuric sulphate Hsr SO, 6.466 M. C. S. 2, 401. u u Calcium sulphate Ca S O 4 2.9271 Karsten. Schw. J. it u 2 955 65, 394. Neumann. P. A. ti ii u 3.102 23, 1. Filhol. Ann. (3), " " Artificial It 2.969 21, 415. Manross. J. 5, 9. cryst. " " Anhydrite II 2.983 Schrauf. J. 15, 756. 6 S G 82 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Calcium sulphate. Anhy- drite. n Ca S O, . 2.92, 15. ._ Fuchs. J. 15, 765. Two lots. Schroder. Dm. 1873. Gorgeu. Ann. (6), 4, 515. Johnston. P. M. (2), 13, 325. Leroyerand Dumas. Mohs. Breithaupt. Schw. J. 68, 291. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Kenngott. J.6,844. Stolba. J. P. C. 97, 603. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Breithaupt. Dana's Min. Beudant. Dana's Min. Hunt. Dana's Min. Mohs. Kopp. Neumann. P. A. 23, 1. Manross. J. 5, 9. Schroder. P. A. Er- ganz. Bd. 6, 622. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Schroder. P. A. 106, 226. Schweitzer. Proc. Amer. Asso. 1877, 201. Gorgeu. Ann. (6), 4, 515. Breithaupt. Mohs. See Bottger. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Kopp. Neumann. P. A. 23, 1. 1 G. Kose P A 75 11 2.736 ) ) 2.759 } I 2.884 ) <( CC If (1 " " Artificial cryst. i> U 2.98 . 2 Ca S O 4 . H, O 2.757 ( ( Ca S O 4 . 2 H, O 2.322 . K 2.310 2.307 Cl (( ii 2.331 11 " Gypsum- tt tt K K 2.317,m.ofl5. 2.3057 " " Powder (i ii (i " " Splinters. if K it Strontium sulphate. Celes- tite. <( (i u ii << <( u II U U H It K " " Artificial cryst. c " " Ppt.._ it it tt n "Ppt. ig- \ " " nited. j " " unignited (C It It K It It " r Sr S O t 2.2745, 19. 41 2.3228, 18.2 i 2.3086, 18 2.3223, 18 J 3.973 ti 3.9593 <> 3.96 U 3.86 II 3.962, 15 3.955 {( II 3.927 II 3.949 . II 3.5883 II 3.770 _ II 3.707 11 3.66791 1Qy 4. 3962 \ ,. r 4.3967/ 14 ' 4.44 4.50 a ( a a i a " ' Ppt. ignited. " ' Ppt. dried at 95. " ' Ppt. _ (( a a a < < a a t t a a t a a f f a a ( i if " ' Artif. cryst Lead sulphate a Pb S O 4 6.298 ft a 6.1691 6.30 a a , 'i? z i. iy, zoo. UITIVEF. 86 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAMK. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Copper tt K ii (t u 11 u (1 II ( (( (( <( tt ( (( u II II II 11 11 11 (I II (1 II II u (I II u (( 11 Chromi u u sulphate Cu S O 4 3.606, 15 3.125, 16 3.235, 17.2 -) 3.239, 18.l V 3.246, 18 J 8.038 Thorpe and "Watts. J. C. S. 37, 102. Pape. P. A. 120, 370. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Playfair. J. C. S. 37, 102. Thorpe and Watts. J. C. S. 37, 102. Pape. P. A. 120, 371. Playfair. J. C. S. 37, 102. Thorpe and Watts. J. C. S. 37, 102. It U It II Hassenfratz. Ann. 28, 3. Gmelin. Breithaupt. J. P. C. 11, 151. Kopp. A. C. P. 36, 1. Plavfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Playfair and Joule. J. C. S. 1, 138. Buignet. J. 14, 15. Stolba. J. P. C. 97, 503 Pape. P. A. 120, 371. Favre and Valson. C. R. 77, 579. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Schroder. Dm. 1873. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Rtidorff. Ber. 12, 251. W. C. Smith. Am. J. P. 53, 145. Thorpe and Watts. J. C. S. 37, 102. Favre and Valson. C. R. 77, 579. Nilson and Petters- son. C. R. 91,232. Schrotter. P. A. 53, 513. u Cu S O 4 . H 2 O_ _ u it 11 u II it tt tt tt u ii CuSO 4 . 2H a O 3.206 3.289, 15 11 11 2.808, 16 . 2.878 \ It u u u 2.891 j u ii 2.953, 15 2.663, 15 ._. 2.648, 15 2.1943 It Cu S O 4 . 3 H 2 O._ 2 Cu S O 4 . 7 H 2 O tf ll Cu S O 4 . 5 H 2 O II u 2.2 " Native __ ii u it 2.297 2.274 tt u ii 2.254 it 2.286 , it 11 tt it 2.2422 ) 2.2781 } 4 2.2901 J 2.302 i t i i u II II II 11 u 2.2778 2.268, 16 2 248 18 9 t i i 2.286, 19.4 \ 2.292, 20 j 2 277 t t i 11 II 11 2.263 \ 2 29G J i t 2.330 ii II 2.212 u II Cr, (S O,), 2.284, 15 2.743, 17.2__. 3.012 1.696, 22 c sulphate _ u u it Cr 2 (S0 4 ),. 15H 2 0. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 87 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Chromic sulphate Cr 2 (S O 4 ) 3 . 15 H 2 0_ AL CS O,). 1.867, 17.2__. 2.7400 Favre and Valson. C. R. 77, 579. Karsten. Schw. J. 65, 394. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Favre and Valson. C. R. 77, 579. Pettersson. U.N.A. 1874. Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, 415. Favre and Valson. C. K. 77, 579. Nilson and Petters- son. C. R. 91,232. u u Pettersson. U.N.A. 1876. Nilson and Petters- son. C. R. 91, 232. CleveandHoeglund. B. S. C. 18, 200. Topsoe. Quoted by Pettersson. Pettersson. TJ.N.A. 1876. Nilson and Petters- son. O.K. 91,232. Pettersson. TJ. N. A. 1876. Nilson and Petters- son. C. R. 91,232. Cleveand Hoeglund. B. S. C. 18, 200. Pettersson. IT. N. A/1876. Nilson and Petters- son. C. R. 91,232. U 11 II 11 Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. Nilson and Petters- son. C. R. 91,232. Bniuner. S. W. A. June, 1882. Topsoe. Quoted by Pettersson. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. Nilson and Petters- son. C. R. 91,232. Aluminum sulphate (( u 2.171 it u u 2.672, 22.5.__ 2.710) 1?0 f 2.716 j 17 i 1.671, m. of 2_ (i ti n n K n u A1 2 (S 4 ) 3 . 18 H 2 O_ u u ( 1.569 (( ( I. In 2 (S0 4 ) 3 Sc, (S O,), 1.767, 22. 1 Indium sulphate Scandium sulphate 3.438 2.579 Yttrium sulphate Y, (SOA,_ 2.606, 19.4 ) 2.615, 15 [ 2.626, 19.3 J 2.612 ti u it u U 11 u u Y 2 (S0 4 ) 3 . 8H 2 0_. u 2.52 2.53 K it 11 U Wibel. Ber. 7, 393. 4 H, 0. J 2.65 j Glauberite Na, Ca (S O A ), 2.767 Breithaupt. Schw. (i n 2.64 J. 68, 291. Ulex. J. 2, 776. Syngenite K, Ca (S CM,. H, O- 2.603, 17.5 Zepharovich. J.25, it ti 2.252 1143. Rumpf. Dana's Dreelite __ Ca S O 4 . 3 Ba S O 4 - 3.23.4 Min., 2d Supp. Dana's Mineralogy. Polyhalite K, Ca. Ms (S CM, 2.7689 K (1 K rtifrit.fi 2H 2 0. K, Ca- Ms (S O,) e . 2.801 Precht. Ber. 14, Simonyite _ 2H, O. Na 2 Mc(SO,) 2 . 4H,O. 2.244 2138. Tschermak. J. 22, Loewite Kronnkite Na 4 Mg,(SO 4 ) 4 . 5H a O. Na 2 Cu(SO i ) 2 . 2H 2 O. 2.376 2.5 1241. Haidinger. J. 1, 1220. Domeyko. Dana's Min., 3d Supp. Potassium magnesium sul- K, Mg (S O,),_. 2.676 Playfair and Joule. phate. .( (( 1! u 2.735 ) M. C. S. 2, 401. Schroder. Ber. 7, <( ti u u 2.750 j 1117. 11 It U 11 II 11 1C (1 11 K s Mg(S0 4 V 6H 2 0. u 11 2.076, m. of 2_ 2.05319, 4 __. 1.995 Plavfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Plavfair and Joule. J'. C. S. 1, 138. Schiff. A. C. P. 11 (1 1< u 2.024 107, 64. Topsoe and Christ- U (1 <( u 2.034 iansen. Schroder. Dm. 1873. It U 11 11 11 1C u u 2.036 1 2.048 _ _ _ j Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Ammonium magnesiujn Am, Ms (S O.), 2.080 u 11 sulphate. 90 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMTTLA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ammonium magnesium sulphate. :I a Am, Mg (S 4 ) 2 - u Am,Ms(SOA,.6H,6 2.095 _. ._ ) 2.141 f 1.696 Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Gmelin it 11 it <( " " (i 11 It K " " " " Potassium zinc sulphate u u u it u K U K. Zn (S CM, 1.721 1.71686, 4 ... 1.680 1.762 .. 1.720 1.723 \ 1.727 J 2.816 Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Playfair and Joule. J'. C. S. 1, 138. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 64. Buignet. J. 14. 15. Topsoe and Christ- iansen. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Plavfair and Joule 11 If u 2.946 "] M. C. S. 2, 401. u n u 11 2.891 _ Various lots, dif- (I (C (( 11 3.027 I ferently treated. K 11 u 2.703 I Schroder. J. P. C. 11 11 11 11 2.733 J (2), 19, 266. U (( U K, Zn (S CM,. 6 H, O 2.153 Kopp. A. C P 36, 1 (1 U U t( K ft U U ft u u it 2.245 2.24034, 4 __. 2.153 _ _ Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Playfair and Joule. J. C. S. 1, 138. Schiff. A. C P 107, It 11 (( If 11 K 11 (1 (1 Ammonium zinc sulphate it u u Am, Zn(SCM, - 2.249 .. 2.235 I 2.240 j 2.222 . __ 64. Schroder. Dm. 1873. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Playfair and Joule. u u u u 2.258 . \ M. C. S. 2, 401. Schroder J P C 11 U 11 11 2.288 j (2), 19, 266. K U .1 It U U 11 11 11 11 11 It K 11 II Potassium cadmium sul- Am 2 Zn(SO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O u u it u K 2 Cd (S O 4 ) 2 . 6 H 2 1.897, m. of2_ 1.910 1.919 ) 1.921 I 1.925 J 2.438 Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 64. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Schiff. A C P 107, phate. Ammonium cadmium sul- Am 2 Cd(SO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O 2.073 64. II U phate. Potassium manganese sul- K, Mn (S CM, 3.008, m. of 2. Plavfair and Joule. phate. u ii u u 3.031 M. C. S. 2, 401. Schroder Ber 7, u u u u 2.954 1118. Schroder J P C II K II K 2 Mn(SCM 2 . 4H 2 2.313 (2), 19, 266. u u Ammonium manganese Am 2 Mn(S0 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 1.930 Thomson. Gm H sulphate. t! 11 11 u 1.823 } 1,71. Schroder J P C 11 11 it u 1.827 . j (2), 19, 266 Potassium iron sulphate. K 2 Fo (S 4 ) 2 3.042 11 11 FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 91 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Potassium iron sulphate K 2 Fe(SO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O_ 2.202 Playfair and Joule. u a ii Ammonium iron sulphate u 11 u It (1 li Potassium nickel sulphate it Am 2 Fe(S0 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O it it K, Ni (S O,),_. 2.189 1.848, m. of 2. 1.813 1.886 2.897, m. of 2 M. C. S. 2, 401. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 64. Plavfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 64. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Playfair and Joule. 11 11 11 11 11 11 u K 2 Ni (S O 4 ) 2 . 6 H 2 O 3.086 2.111 } M. C. S. 2, 401. Schroder. Ber. 7. 1117. 11 II I. II II II II II 11 Ammonium nickel sul- Am 2 Ni(SO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 6 2.136 j 1.921 \ 1.922 j 1.783 ) Kopp. A. C.P. 36, 1. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. phate. " "__ u 11 u Potassium cobalt sulphate K, Co (S CM,_. 1.915 [ 1.921 J 3.105 Kopp. A. C. P. 36, 1. Schroder. Ber. 7, u ii ii it u u u it Ammonium cobalt sul- K,Co(SO 4 ) r 6H,0 11 u Am 2 Co(SO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O 2.154 2.205, 16.8 \ 2.214, 16.6 j 1.873 1118. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 64. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, phate. II 11 U II U 11 U II II Thallium cobalt sulphate. u u u u u u Potassium coppersulphate. u u u Tl 2 Co(SO 4 ) 2 . GH.O. u u K, Cu (S CM, . 1.902, 18 \ 1.907, 16.6 J 1.893 3.729, 16.2 ) 3.769, 16 I 3.803, 16.4 J 2.797, m. of 2_ 64. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. Playfuir and Joule. u u u u 2.784, 20.5 _ M. C. S. 2, 401. Favre and Valson. u u u u 2.754 -) C. R. 77, 579. u u u ii 2.779 [ .. Schroder. Dm. 1873. u ti u u 2.789J ti u u u ii u i< u u K 2 Cu (S 4 ) 2 . 6 H 2 O u u 2.244, m. of 2_ 2.16376, 4 __. 2.137 Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Plavfair and Joule. J^ C. S. 1, 138. Schiff. A. C.P. 107, U II II It 11 II u u 2.186, 18.8 2.224 ._ . 64. Favre and Valson. C. R. 77, 579. Schroder. Dm. 1870. II 11 II Ammonium copper sul- u Am s Cu (S O 4 ) 2 2.221, 16 2.197, m. of 2_ Pettersson. U.N. A. 1876. Playfair and Joule. phate. u t u 11 u 2.348 M. C. S. 2, 401. Schroder. J. P. C. (2), 19, 266. 92 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ammonium copper sul- Am 2 Cu(SO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O 1.756 __ { Kopp. A C P phate. " " ( 1 / U K ( 1 ( ( < 1.826 1.85609, 4 ... 1.845, 12 1.839, 21 1 1.840, 21 1.841, 20.2 f 1.849, 21 J 1.807 } 36, 1. Plavfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. Plavfair and Joule. J" C. S. 1, 138. Schiff. A. C. P. 107, 64. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Schroder. Dm. 1873 ( ( ( i 1 ( ( I f ( 1 ( ( ( f (( 1 1 li < 1 (I 1 ( ( ( < I <( t( (( U U (1 Kubidium chrome alum <( (> ti U (( Cassium chromium alum ( ( < ( ( 1 I ( ( ( (I (( RbCr(SOJ 2 . 12H 2 0~ K (I Cs 0(80^. 18H 2 O 1.808 j ~~ ~~ 1.8278, 1 1.8273, 10 1.8269, 20 1.8265, 30 1.8260, 40 I 1.8255, 50 1.8223, 60 1.8044, 70 1.7456, 80 1.828, 20, not pressed. 1.823, 16.5, once pressed. 1.817 1.967 } 16 oof 1.969 j* 6 - 8 \ 1.946 2.043 . Spring. Ber. 15, 1254, and Bei. 6, 648. Also a series in Ber. 17, 408. 1 Spring. Ber. 16, 2724. Soret. C. K. 99, 867. Pettt'rsson. U. N. A. 1874. Soret. C. R. 99, 867. (i Ammonium chrome alum Am Cr (S O 4 ) 2 1.9943, 14 7 Pettersson U N (I U (( (i Thallium chrome alum U (( (1 !( U (( Potassium iron alum AmCr(S0 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 O TlCr(S0 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 6" it ii KFe(SO 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 6 1.738, 21 1.728,20 1.719 .. 2.392, 15 _. ) 2.402, 18 __ j 2.236 1.831 A. 1876. Schrotter. P. A. 53, 513. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Soret. C. K. 99, 867. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Soret. C. R. 99, 867. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. u tt M 1.819, 16.8 ) U ii ii 1.822, 17.5 [ Pettersson. U. N. (i (i (i 1.831, 17 J A. 1874. a 11 ii 1.806 Soret. C. K. 99, 857. Kubidium iron alum RbFe(SO 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 O 1.916 - (i (i Caesium iron alum CsFe(S 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 O 2.061 it 4 - u u 3d. Basic and Aramonio-Sulphates, NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Tetrabasic zinc sulphate Zn 4 S 7 . 4 H 2 O 3.122 . Plavfair and Joule. Mercuric orthosulphatc, He, S O fi 8.319 M. C. S. 2, 401. " > " or turpeth mineral. Tetrabasic copper sulphate u u u i Cu 4 SO. 7 4H 2 O ii 3.082, in. of2. 3.48 \ u u Maskelyne J 18 Langite. j u 3.50 _. / 901. Herrengrundite Cu. S, O,,. 7 H, O 3.132 Winkler. Dana's Urochantite* Cu,S, O,.,. 5 H, O _ 3.783.87 Min., 3d App. Magnus. P. A 14, u u 3.9069 141. G. Rose. Dana's " Warringtonite. u 3.393.47 Min. Mnskelyne. J. 18, 902. 'Composition uncertain, because of variations in the analyses. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 97 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. ATTTHORITY. Lanarkite _ _ _ Pb 2 S O 5 _ 6.36.4 Thomson. Linarite - _ __ Pb Cu S O 5 . H 2 O 5.43 Brooke. Ann. Phil Alumian A1 2 S 2 O 7 _ 2.702 1 (2), 4, 117. Breithaupt J 11 it u 2.781 j 730 Werthemanite AL S O fi . 3 H, 6 2.80 Raimondi Dona's Aluminite A1 2 S O 6 . 9 H 2 O 1.66 Min., 3d App. Dana's M.ineralojv Felpobanyite _ _ A1 4 S O q . 10 H 2 O 2.33 Haidiner J 7 863 Alunite K, AL S, O_. 6 H, O 2 481 Gautier-Lacroze J Lowicjite _ _. K 2 ALS 4 O 22 . 9H 2 O 2.58 1.6, 833. Romer. J 9, 877 Zincaluminite. - Zn.AI.&O... 18H,O 2.26 Bertrand and Da- Ettrirmte Ca, AL S, O,o. 32 H, O 1.7504 mour. Z. K. M. 6, 298. Lehmann N J Amarantite Fe 2 S 2 O 9 . 7 H 2 O 2.11 1874, 273. Frenzel. M. P. M. Raimondite _ Fe, S, O,,. 7H,O 3.190 } 9, 398. Breithaupt J 19, u U 3 222 J 952 Hohmannite Fe, S, O 1V 13 H, O 2.24 Frenzel. M. P. M. Copiapite . Fe 4 S 5 O 21 . 12 H 2 O _ 2.14 _ 9, 397. Borcher. Dana's Fibroferrite . Fe 4 S 5 O 21 . 27 H 2 O 1.84 Min. Smith. A. J. S. (2), Carphosiderite __ _ Fe R S, O,,. 10 H, O . 2.728 18, 375. Pisani. Dana's Min. K u 2.496 2.501 Breithaupt. Schw. it It 3.09 J. 50, 314. Lacroix C R 103, Jarosite K 2 Fe 8 S 5 O-jg. 9 H 2 O 3.256 ' 1037. Breithaupt. J. 6, TJrusite. Na 4 Fe 2 S 4 O n . 8 H 2 O 222 845. Frenzel J 32, 1195 Sideronatrite Na 2 Fe 2 S 3 O 13 . 6H 2 2.153 Dana's Min. ,3d App. Silver ammonio-sulphate _ Zincammonium sulphate Ag 2 S 4 . 4 K H s ___ Zn N 2 H 6 . S O 4 __ 2.918, m. of 2_ 2.479 Playfair and Joule. M. C. S. 2, 401. n tt Tetramercur am m o n i u m Hg 4 N 2 S O 4 . 2 H, O- 7.319 (1 K sulphate. Cuprammonium sulphate Cu N 2 H 6 . S O 4 2.476 K (I II (1 Cu]ST 2 H 6 . SO 4 . 3H 2 O 1.950 II K Copper ammonio-sulphate CuS0 4 . 4NH 3 . H 2 1.790 } II U 1 1 i < Roseocobalt Sodosulphate_ :i (( a Co 2 (NH 3 ) 10 (S0 4 ) 2 l" 2 (i 1.809 j 2.133, 24.3_._ 2.139} 2, 2.149 j * ' 6 - Evans. F. W. C. Wilson. F. W. C. NOTE. Botryogen, clinophseite, johannite, lamprophanite, pissophanite, plagioci- trite, and wattevillite, being of uncertain composition, are omitted. See Dana's Mineralogy and appendixes. 7 S G 98 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES XXIII. SELENITES AND SELENATES. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Hydrogen selenite, or se- H 2 Se O 3 3.123 Topsoe. C. C. 4 76 lenious acid, u u u 3.0066 Clausnizer. A. C. P Chalcomenite Cu Se O s . 2 H, O 3.76 196, 265. Des Cloizeaux and Mercurous selenite 3 Hg, 0. 4 Se O, . 7.35, 13.5 Damour. B. S. M. 4, 51. Kohler. P. A. 89, 149. Hydrogen selenate, or ss- H 2 Se O 4 2.524 \ Mitscherlich. P. A. lenic acid. " " 2.625 j 9, 629. ii u u u 2.627 . Fabian. J. 14, 130. Lithium selenate Li, Se O.. H, O 2.439 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. u 2.564, 18 \ Pettersson. U. N. A. u it u 2.565, 19.5 j 1874. Sodium selenate Na 2 Se O 4 3.098 Topsoe B S C 19, i u u 3.209, 17.2 \ 246. Pettersson. U. N. A. i u u 3.217, 17.6 j 1874. i u Ne 2 Se O 4 . 10 H., O 1.584 Topsoe. C C 4, 76. i ii u 1.612, m. of 5 j i u u > Pettersson. U. N. i u u 1.621J 17.9-19 J A. 1874. Potassium selenate K, Se O, _ 3.050 Topsoe C. C. 4, 76. u u 3.074, 18 ") u u u 3.077, 19 I Petterson U. N. A. U II 11 3.077, 21 J 1874. Sodium potassium selenate Nn 2 SeO 4 . 3K 2 ~Se6 4 - 3.095 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Rubidium selenate Rb 2 Se O 4 3.923, m. of 5 ) u u u [Pettersson. U. N. u u u 3.943J 18-19.8 j A 1874. Caesium selenate _ _ G's. Se O, . 4.31,15.2 \ Pettersson. UNA u 4.34, 15.5 j 1876 Ammonium selenate Am 2 SeO 4 2.162 ._ Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 2.197, 18 1 246. Pettersson. U. N. A. u u u 2.198, 18.8 j 1874. Ammonium hydrogen se- Am H Se O 4 _ . 2.409 Topsoe C C 4, 76 lenate. Silver selenate Ag, Se O, . 5.92, 17.2 ) Pettersson. U.N.A. it 5.93, 17 1874. Silver ammonio-selenate Thallium selenate Ag 2 Se 4 . 4 N H s __ T1 2 Se O 4 2.854 7.019, 18 } Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Pettersson U. N. A u u u 7.067, 18.2 j 1874 Glucinum selenate Gl Se O 4 . 4 H. O 2.029 Topsoe C C 4, 76 Magnesium selenate Mg Se a. 6 H, O 1.928 u u u ii it 1.955, 15.2- 1 Pettersson UNA. u u u 1.960, 15 8 j 1876 Zinc selenate Zn Se O 4 . 5 H 2 O_ 2.591 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Zn Se O 4 . 6 H 2 O _. 2.325 I! II Cadmium selenate __ CdSeO,. 2H, 0- 3.632 .. u FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Calcium selenate. Cryst u Ca Se O 4 2.93 Micbel. C. K. 106, 878. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Michel. C. B. 106, 878. Schafarik. J. P. C. 90, 12. Michel. C. K. 106, 878. Schafarik. J. P. C. 90, 12. Pettersson. U.N. A. 1874. Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Pettersson. TJ. N. A. 1876. Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. u it Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. it tt Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. ii it Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. II U Pettersson. U.N. A. 1874. Cleveand Hoeglund. B. S. C. 18, 289. Topsoe. Quoted by Pettersson. Pettersson. U.N. A. 1876. Topsoe. Quoted by Pettersson. Pettersson. U.N. A. 1876. Topsoe. Quoted by Pettersson. Pettersson. U.N. A. 1876. Icieve. U. N. A. J 1885. Pettersson. U.N. A. 1876. Ca Se O 4 . 2 H 2 O 2.676 Strontium selenate. Cryst. Barium selenate Sr Se O 4 ' 4.23 Ba Se O 4 4.67, 22 " " Cryst Lesd selenate it 4.75 PbSeO 4 _ 6.37, 22 u u 6.22, 18 -- \ 6.23, 18.2__ j 2.949 (i <( it Mfincriinesc selenate Mn Se O 4 . 2 H 2 O it < u 11 3.001, 15.8 \ 3.012, 16.6 j 2.334 __ _ it i < Mn Se O 4 . 5 H 2 O_ a t ii 2.386 1 lgo | 2.389 { L 2.073 . i u Iron selenate Fe Se O 4 . 7 H 2 O Nickel selenate Ni Se O 4 . 6 H 2 O 2.314 It 11 11 2.332, 14. 1 ) 2.335, 13.8 } 2.339, 13.8 j 4.037, 14.2 __ 11 11 .1 ti u Co Se O 4 11 It Cobalt selenate it a Co Se O 4 . 5 H 2 O 2.512 ii it Co Se O 4 . 6 H 2 O 2.179 u it u 2.247, 14.6 ) 2.248, 17 [ 2.258, 15. 8 J 2.135 it u it u Co Se O 4 . 7 H 2 O _ u it u u Copper selenate. *__ Cu Se O 4 . 5 H 2 O . 2.559 it u ii it Y 2 (Se0 4 ) 3 . OHjOl it 2.561, 19.2 ) 2.562, 17.8 j 2.6770, 18 2.780 I. 11 Yttrium selenate ti (i u u tt Er 2 (Se O 4 ) 3 . 8 H 2 O_ it it u 2.661, 12.8 3.516 Erbium selenate u u 3.501, 13.8 ) 3.510, 14 i. 3.529, 13.4 J 3 171 u ii 11 u U II Er, (Se O.},. 9 H, O Lanthanum selenate La., (Se O 4 ) 3 . 6 H 2 O_ Di 2 (Se0 4 ) s ii 3.48, 14.4 4.416 } 120 . 4.430 j " ' 5 4.460 lgo 4.461 ) 1 3.710, 13. 8 1 3.722. 13.3 Didymium selenate i i t i 11 i i u C I Di, (Se O 4 ) 3 . 5 H 2 O- u 1 100 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Didymium selenate Di 2 (Se O 4 ) 3 . 5 H 2 O. u 3.677, 15 1 3.685, 18. 3 j 4.077, 10 Clcve. U.N.A.1885. U 11 11 II II II Topsoe. B. S. C. 21, 121. u a Samarium selenate Sm (Se O.},,- Sm 2 (Se O 4 ) 3 . 8 H 2 O- u Sm 2 (Se O 4 ) 3 . 12 H 2 "6" u Th (Se 4 ) 2 . 9 H 2 b" 3.326) 130 3.329 j ld 3.009 3.010 j L 3.026 a u u a 1C K Thorium selenate Magnesium potassium se- lenate. Magnesium ammonium selenate. Zinc potassium selenate u a u Zinc ammonium selenate- MgK 2 (Se0 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 0. MgAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O ZnK 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 2H 2 0_ ZnK 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O- ZnAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O CdK 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 2H 2 O_ CdAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 2H 2 O CdAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O MnK 2 (Se0 4 ) 2 . 2H 2 O MnAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O FeAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O NiK 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O u u u NiAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 O u u NiTl 2 (Se0 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 6I Co K 2 (Se 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 u u Collb 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 ~6 11 u CoCs 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 .6H 2 "6 u CoAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 .6H 2 6 u u u CoTl 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 u CuK 2 (Se0 4 ) 2 .6H 2 "6 u II CuAm 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 . 6H 2 u 2.336 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. u ii a a a a a a a a Topsoe. B. S. C. 19, 246. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. a a a u I Pettersson. U. N. J A. 1876. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Pettersson. TJ. N. A. 1876. a a Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Pettersson. TJ.N.A. 1876. a a a a Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1876. a a Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Pettersson. U.N.A. 1876. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Pettersson. U.N.A. 1876. 2.035 3.210 __ 2.538 2.200 Cadmium potassium sele- nate. Cadmium ammonium se- lenate. II U (C Manganese potassium se- lenate. Manganese ammonium se- lenate. Iron ammonium selenate. Nickel potassium selenate 11 ( 11 II (1 11 11 U II Nickel ammonium sele- nate. a u x i it (i ii Nickel thallium selenate _ Cobalt potassium selenate (i u ii II U II Cobalt rubidium selenate . 11 11 U U II II Cobalt caesium selenate II U II ii a u Cobalt ammonium selenate " " " u u u 1! I< II Cobalt thallium selenate__ II 11 11 Copper potassium selenate u u u ii a u Copper&mmoniumselenate u u 3.376 _ 2.897 __ _ 2.307 3.070 2.093 2.160 2.539 2.580, m. of 5_ 2. 573 1 extremes 2.587 J 16.4-173 2.228 2.274, 15.8 { 2.279, 16 j 4.066, 13.3.-_ 2.514 2.531, 18.8 \ 2.543, 17.4 / 2.H37, 18.3 ) 2.838, 15.6 } 2.844, 18.6 j 3.050, 18. 5 ) 3.061, 16.7 I 3.073, 18.8 J 2.212 _ 2.225, 18.8 ) 2.229, 17 i 2.248, 15.8 J 4.047, 13.5 | 4.059, 16.5 j 2.527 2.556, 17 I 2.557, 16. 4 j 2.221 2.234, 17.2_. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 101 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sodium aluminum alum (! it (i it Potassium aluminum alum NaAl(SeO 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 O it ti KAl(SeO 4 ) 2 . 12H~6~ 2.061,21 ) 2.069, 20.8 I 2.071, 20.8 J 1.971 Pettersson. U". N.A. 1874. Weber J 12 91 (1 fi 11 (i (( a Ammonium aluminum it 11 Am AI (Se O 4 ) 2 1.998,21 1 2.004, 20.l j 2.3676, 20.4_ Pettersson. U.N.A. 1874. Pettersson U "N" A alum. << (i a (C II Kubidium aluminum alum (i (i (i (i it Caesium aluminum alum (i 11 (i Thallium aluminum alum (i (i Potassium chromium alum AmAl(SeO 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 U ft RbAl(SeO 4 ) 2 . 12H~6~ it CsAl(SeO 4 ) 2 .'12H 2 6~ K TlAl(SeO 4 ) 2 . 12H~6 it K Or (Se O 4 ) 2 1.892, m. of 4_ 1.889i extreme 1.895J 17-20.5 2.132, 17.2 ) 2.134,21 [ 2.135, 17. 2 J 2.223, 18.8 \ 2.225,20 j 2.492, 17.5 I 2.514, 17 j 2.5190, 20. 3 1876. { Pettersson. U. N. J A. 1874. if it if ' Pettersson UNA (( <( ft if K it Ammonium chromium KCr(SeO 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 O tt (i Am Or (Se O 4 ) 2 2.076, 17.6 ) 2.C77, 17 } 2.081, 17.2 J 2.3585, 15 5 1876. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. Pettersson UNA alum. a n ff (1 Kubidium chromium alum (1 11 (1 Thallium chromium alum AmCr(Se0 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 O U RbCr(SeO 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 6" it TlCr(SeO,),. 12H~6~ 1.980} 2QO f 1.984 j 2() { 2.214, 18.8 ) 2.223, 17 j 2.630, 20 . 1876. Pettersson. U. N. A. 1874. it it ii K Didymium potassium se- Di K (Se O,),-. 3.839, 13 Cleve. UNA 1885 l^nate. 11 (( 11 11 11 It Didymium ammonium selenate. " Samarium potassium sele- DiK(SeO 4 ) 2 . 5H 2 O DiAm(Se0 4 ) 2 . 5H~6L tt Sm K (Se QA,_. 3-174} 3.178 j J 2-957} , 2.961 j 1 4.098 ) 1rtn U U (f U nate. " " _ C| 4.129 j I it it K 11 it K Samarium ammonium so- lenate. a it it a 11 it a it tt Potassium selenate with SmK(SeO 4 ) 2 . 3H 2 O_ Sm Am (Se O 4 ) 2 SmAm(SeO 4 ) 2 . 3H 2 O U it K 2 SeO 4 . NiSO 4 . 6EL 3.566, 10 __ ) 3.540, 18 _. j 3.805, 14 .__. 3.277, 14 ) 3.263, 15 I 3.260, 18.6 J 2.34 U ti 11 a ii fi Gerichten. B. S. C nickel sulphate. 20, 80. NOTE. For the sp. gr. of some mixtures of sulphates and selenates see Pettersson, Ber. 9, 1676. 102 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES XXIV. TELLURATES. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Hydrogen tellurate, or tel- Hj Te O 4 . 3.425, 18.8 ~) luric acid. " " _ 4 - 1885. Ulexite Na Ca B 5 9 . 6 H 2 O 1.65 _ How. A. J S (2) Franklandite Na 4 Ca 2 B J2 O 22 . 15 1.65 24, 234. Reynolds. J. 80, TTyrlrobnrnp.itfl . , . H 2 O. Ms, Ca, B,. O, n . 18 1.9 1288. Hess P A 31 49 Sussexite H 2 0. Mg Mn B 2 O 6 . H 2 3.42 _ Brush. A J. S (2), Magnesium chromium Mir. Cr. B. O 01 3.82 46, 240. Ebelmen J 4 13 borate. Magnesium iron borate Me. Fe B, O 01 . 3.85 _ II U Luawigite __ Mg fi Fe"' Fe", H, } 3.907 } Tschermak. J 27, ii B, O, ft . 4.016 J 1278 Ehodizite A1 2 K B, O 8 3.38 Damour J 37 1927 Boracite _ Ms, B,,. O, n Cl, 2.9134 Karsten. J. 1, 1227. ii u 2.974 Mohs. See Bottler XXX. NITRATES. 1st. Simple Nitrates. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Hydrogen nitrate, or nitric H N O,.. 1.5543, 15. 5 _ Kirw'in Gill) Ann acid. II U II u 1.522, 12.5 __ 9, 266. Mitscherlich P A u i: ii u 1.503 18, 152. A. Smith J 1 386 u u ii u 1.552, 15 Millon. J. P. C 29 u u 11 H N 3 . H 2 1.486 337. A Smith J 1 386 i< it u H N O 3 . 3 H 2 O 1.424 11 u Nitric subhydrate 2 H N 3 . N 2 O 5 . 1.642, 18 "Weber. J P C (2) 6, 357. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 109 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Li X O, 2.334 Kremers. J. 10, 67. t( U it 2.442 Troost. J. 10, 141. NaN O 3 _ 2.0964 Hassenfratz. Ann. 41 It ii 2.096 . . 28,3. Klaproth. U ii 2.1880 Marx. See Bottger. (( (( ii 2.2256 Karsten. Schw. J. (( (( ii 2.200 65, 394. Kopp. A.C.P.36,1. (( ( it 2.182, m. of 4 Plavfair and Joule. U <( ii 2.2606,4 -_ M. C. S. 2, 401. Playfair and Joule. <( 11 it 2.26 J. C. S. 1, 137. Filhol. Ann. (3), 21, (( (( ii 2.256 415. Schroder. P. A. 106, t( 11 ii 2.265 __ 226. Buignet. J. 14, 15. it tt i 2.236 _ Kopp. J. 16, 4. ti II i 2.246, 15.5 Holker. P. M. (3), It II i 2.24 ) 27, 213. Page and Keightley. i 2.25 J. C. S. (2), 10, 566 II II i 2.148 W. C. Smith. Am. ** " Native it 2.18, 15.5 J. P. 53, 148. Forhes. P. M. (4), it it U ii 2.290 32, 135. Haves. it ii ii 1.878, at the Melts 314. Braun. 11 U U melting p't. 2.24 _ _ _. P. A. 154, 190. Brugelmann. Ber. ii ii Na N O.. 7 H. O _. 1.357, 0, !.._. 17, 2359. Ditte. B. S. C. 24, Potassium nitrate K N O 3 _ . _ . 1.9369 _ 366. Hassenfratz. Ann. ii ii it 1.933 28, 3. Wattson. it ii U 2.1006 Karsten. Schw. J. i< ii ii 2.058 . 65, 394. Kopp. A. C. P. ii it ii 2.070, m. of 3 36, 1. Plavfair and Joule. (1 U U 2.1078 ) , M. C. S. 2, 401. II 1C it 2.10657 U | Playfair and Joule. it ii ii 2.09584 J l J. C. S. 1, 137. " " Laree ii 2.109 1 crystals. " " Small ii 2.143 Grassi. J. 1, 39. crystals. " " After it 2.132 fusion, ii ii ii 2.100 Schiff. A. C. P. 112 ii ii ii 2.086 88. Schroder. P. A. 106, ii (i * ii 2.126 226. Buignet. J. 14, 15. ii it ii 2.105 . Kopp. J. 16, 4. 110 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Potassium nitrate K N O, .. 2.074, 15. 5 _ Holker. P. M. (3) i u 2.0845 \ 27, 213. Stolba. J. P C 97 (i (i 2.0904 j 503 2.059, Quincke P A 135 it it (i 2.06 642. Page and Kei U K u u u 3.6927 t ) Lead arsenite Pb As 2 O 4 5.85, 23 Schafarik. J. P. C. 90, 12. 124 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES XXXVI. PHOSPHATES, VANADATES, AND ARSENATES, COMBINED WITH HALOIDS. NAME. FORMULA. SP. G-RAVITY. AUTHORITY. Sodium fluo-phosphate* Na 4 (PO 4 )F. 12H 2 0. 2.2165 Brieo-leb J 8 388 Sodium fluo-arsenate* Na 4 (AsO 4 )F. 12H 2 O 2.849 Bries^leb J 8 330 TV agneri te Mg 2 (P O,) F _. 2.985 ) T co f Rammelsbenj P A it 11 3.068 j 64 251 it (i 3.12 Pisani. Z K 31 Artificial vanadium wag- Ca, (V O,) Cl 4.01 3, 645. Hautefeuille J C nerite. Herderite CaGl (P OJ F 3.00 S. (2), 12, 131. Hidden and Mack- (i 11 3.006 ) intosh. A. J. S. (3), 27, 135. Penfieldand Harper u u 3.012 j A J S (3) S' 107 Triplite CFe MnY, (PCX) F__ 3.617 Ber^emann J P C n u 3.833.90 79, 414. Siewert J 26 1185 Amblygonite Al Li (P O 4 ) F 3.118 Breithaupt J P C it (i 3.088 16, 476. Penfield A J S u 3.046 (3), 18, 295. Brush A J S (2) Durangite Al Na (As O 4 ) F 3.937 34, 243. Brush. A.J.S (3), Fluorapatite Ca. (P O,), F 3.166 3.235 11, 464. G. Kose P A 9 u 3.0913.216 . 185. Pusirewski J 15 11 u 3.25 763. Church. J C S Uhlornpfttitfi _.. .... ^,, Ca* (P OA, Cl 3.054, artif. 26, 101. Manross J 5 10 11 2.98 " Daubree "Etudes Pyromorphite Pb. (P O,), Cl 7,008, artif.- synthetiques." Manross J 5 10 ii u 7.0547.208 G. Rose P A 9 u 7.36 209. Fuchs J 20 1001 Vanadinite Pb. (V O,), Cl _ 6. 707, 12, artif. Roscoe Z C 13 it 6.886 357. Rammelsberg J 9 (i " Na 2 CO 3 . 8H 2 O__. 1.51 . 642. Thomson. Ann. . * For sp. gr. of silicates before and after fusion see v. Kobell, Bei. 6, 314. NOTB. As regards the natural silicates this table is far from complete. Only those compounds are included which admit of fairly definite chemical formulation, and onl}- a few typical determinations of specific gravity are given in each case. Furthermore, the arrangement is absolutely chemical, and is in no sense dependent upon mineralog- ical considerations. Thus, for example, all the magnesium silicates arc brought to- gether ; and so also are the numerous double silicates of aluminum and calcium, quite regardless of their classification as mineral species. Many micas, chlorites, scapolites, etc., are omitted altogether; but the omissions are not serious, for all the important data have been many times collected in the larger treatises on mineralogy, and are, therefore, easily accessible. 132 TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. \Villemite Zn 2 Si O 4 4.18 Levy B J 25 351 n 4.02 Hermann J 2 743 11 ii 4.11 ) K a 4 16 J Mixter. J. 21, 1006. " Artificial 11 4.25 Gorgeu B S C 47 Calamine Zn 2 Si O 4 . H 2 O 3.435 146. ' Hermann J I* (J K 33 98 K K II 3.43 3.49-. 3.42 Monheim. J.I, 1187. Schnabel J 11 710 (i 1' 3.36 Wieser. J 24 1156 (i 11 3.338, 21 Mclrby J 26 1175 "Wollastonite Ca Si O 3 2.884 Seibert See Bott- K i< 2.853 ger. v Rath J 24 1145 a ii 2.799 _ Piquet J 25 1104 " Artificial 11 2.7 Bourgeois Ann (5) (i ii 2.88 _ 29, 441. Gorgeu. Ann (6), Xonaltite 4 CaSiOy H 2 O 2.7102.718. 4, 515. Rammelsberg J 19 Okenite Ca Si, 0. 2 H, O__ 2.324 932. Schmidt J 18 889 it ii 2.28 Kobell Dana's Min K it 2.362 _ Connel. Dana's Min Rhodonite _ Mn SiO 3 3.63 Hermann. J 2 738 a a 3.63 Igelstrom J 4 768 a ii 3.65 Fino J 36 1891 " Artificial ii 3.68 Goro'eu Ann (6) 4 Hydrorhodonite Mn Si O 3 . H 2 O 2.70 515. En^ftrom Penwithite Mn Si O s . 2 H 2 O _ 2.49 Collins Z K M Tephroitc _ Mn 2 Si O 4 4.1 5, 623. Brush J 17 837 it ii 4.0 Mixter. S. 21, 1006 " Artificial . a 4.34 _ Gorgeu. C R 98 K II a 4.08 920. Gorgeu Ann (6) Friedelite Mn, H, Si. O,,_ 3.07 4, 515. Bertrand. C. R 82 Grunerite Fe Si O 3.713 1167. Gruner. C R 24 Favalite Fe, Si O, 4.138 794. Gmelin B J 21 200 It ii 4.006 Delesse J 7 821 " Artificial _ _ _ ii 4.4 Gorgeu. Ann (6), Chrvsocolla Cu Si O 3 . 2 H 2 O 2.0 2.238 4, 515. Dana's Miner< i lo o 'y Dioptase _ _ Cu H 2 Si O 4 3.314 | Kenngott. J. 3,732. 3.348 j ~ Kyanite ._ A1 2 O 2 Si O 3 3.48 Igelstrom. J.7,819. ii ii 3.661 Erdmann. B.J.24, ii a 3.678 311. Jacobson. P A 68. Andalusite Al. (Si O.). (Al O), _ 3.070 . 416. Rowney. J. 14, 982. ti 3.154 Erdmann. B.J.2-4 311. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 133 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Andalusite AL (Si CM, (Al O), _ 3.152 Kersten. J. P. C. <( u 3.160 37, 163. Damour. Ann. d. u u 3.073.12 Mines (5), 4, 53. Schmid. P. A. 97, Fibrolite <( 3.183.21 113. Damour. J. 18, 881. 3.239 Erdmann. B.J.24, u u 3.238 311. Dana. Dana's Min. :i u 3.232 Brush. " " Dumortierite Al, (Si O,), (Al O), _ 3.36 Damour. Z.K. M.6, Xenolite AL (Si O,)... 3.58 289. Nordenskiold. P. A. Kaolinite Al, O H (Si O,), H, 2.6 56, 643. Clark. J. 4, 786. (i u 2.42.63 Dana's Mineralogy. u 11 2.611 Hillebrand. Bull. 20, Pyrophyllite Al H (Si O,), 2.782.79 U. S. G. S. Sjogren. J. 2, 757. 11 it 2.81 Brush. J. 11, 707. u it 2.804 Genth. Z. K. M. 4, < u 2.82 384. Tyson and Allen. K 2.812 J. 15, 745. Genth. J. 36, 1903. Allophane A1 2 Si O 5 . 6 Hj 6 2.02 _ _ ___ Schnabel. J.2,756. u 1.851.89 Dana's Mineralogy. Szaboite FC'", (Si O,), 3.505 Koch. Z.K.M.3,308. Nontronite. Chloropal u u Zircon Fe'" 2 (Si O 3 ) s . 5 H, O it ZrSiO 4 1.7271.870- 2.105 4.047 Dana's Mineralogy. Thomson. Dana's Min. Damour. J.I, 1171. 4.595 _ _ Wetherill. J. 6,796. 4.602\ 4.625 / Hunt. J. 4, Too. 4.395 ) before -> 4.515 } heating. 4.438 ) after -Church. J. 17, 834. 4.863 J heating 4.709, 21 Cross and Hille- Cerium orthosilicate Thorium metasilicate - Ce 4 (Si0 4 ) 3 Th (Si O,),-. 4.9 5.56, 25 brand. J. 36,1839. Didier. C.R.19,882. Troost and Ouvrard. Thorium orthosilicate Th Si O 4 6.82, 16 _ C. R. 105, 255. it u Thorite. (Orangite) 2 Th Si O 4 . 3 H., ? 5.397 Bergemann. P. A. (i (i 5.34 82, 562. Krantz. P. A. 82, ( (i u 5.19 586. Damour. Ann. d. (i <> ( 4.8885.205 . Mines (5), 1, 587. Chydenius. P. A. " (Ordinary) 11 4.3444.397 119, 43. u u Eulytite Bi. (Si O,), 5.9126.006 _ Dana's Mineralogy. u u 6.106, 17 v. Rath. J. 22, 1209. 134 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 2d. Silicates Containing More Than One Metal. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Pectolito H ]S T a Ca 2 (Si O s ) 3 2.784 Scott J 5 866 u tt 2.7782.881 Heddle and Greg. J. (I n 2.873 8, 952. Clarke Bull 9 U Malacolite Ca Mg (Si 0,), . 3.37 S. G. S. Bonsdorff. Dana's 3.285 Min. Haushofer J 20 el (i 3.192 984. Doelter Z K M u H 3.2733.275 . 4, 89. Hunt. Dana's Min. Tremolite Ca Mg, (Si 0,)>_. 2.9303.004 _ Rammelsberg. J 11, i< it 2.99 694. Micbaelson. Dana's n tt 2.996, 22 _ _ Min. Konig. Z. K M. Hedenbergite Ca Fe (Si CU, _ 3.467, 25 1, 50. Wolff. J. P. C. 34, u it 3.492 236. Doelter. Z K M ]if on ti f'pl 1 i t.ft Ca Mg Si ft 2.667 . ___ J J. S. (3), 20, 266. Aluminum lithium silicate AL Iji Si K O 14 2.40, 12 . Hautefeuille. C R u u it Al Li Si. O 8 2.41, 11 90, 541. it it Albito Al Na Si 3 O 8 2.612 E^'^ertz Dana's Min. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 135 NAME. PORMULA. SP. GRAVITT. AUTHORITY. Albite - Al Na Si 3 O 8 2.609, 12 Streng J 24 1151 (4 u 2.59 Leeds J 26 1166 11 u 2.604 Genth J 36 1896 II u 2.618 Baerwald J 36 U u 2.601 1897. Lacroix Z K M " Artificial u 2.61 - 14, 112. Hautefeuille Z K Jadeite Al Na (Si O 3 ) 2 - . 3.263.36 M. 2, 107. Damour B S M ii u 3.33 4, 157. Damour Z K M u u 3.326 3.355 6, 290. Unpub- Hallock , lis k ed (i u 3.263.34 Hawes - data from u ii 3.35 Tavlor ' , Nephelite __ __ AL Na fi Si a O,. . 2.56 2.617 *"" National Museum. Scheerer P A 49 u ii 2.629 359. Kimball J 13 762 it u 2.6002.6087 Rammelsbersr Z u u 2.602.63 G. S. 29, 78. Lorenzen J 36 Analcite _ Al NaH 2 Si 2 O 7 2.2622 288 1884. u u 2.236 11, 711. 11 ii 2.278 6, 820. u Cl CO N) 4.514, 26 I i' II II it 4.531, 21.7 j Wittrnann. " Mercury potassium cva- K, Hg rc N), 2.4470, 21.2 \ nide " " ti 2.4551,24 [ Creighton. " (i ii II 2.4620, 21.5j Potassium chromocyanide K, Cr (C N). 1.71 Moissan. Ann. (6). Potassium man^anicya- K. Mn CC N). 1.821 _ 4, 138. Topsoe. B. S. C. nide. Sodium ferrocvanide Na,Fe(CN) 6 . 12H 2 O 1.458 - 19, 246. Bunsen. K Fe (C N) 6 3 H 2 O 1.83 Watts' Dictionary a a ii 1.86 . Schiif. J. 12, 41. i< ii Thallium ferrocyanide 11 Tl 4 Fe(C N) 6 2 H Z O 2.052 4.641 Buignet. J. 14, 15. Lianiv and Des Cloi- Ammonium ferrocyanide Am 4 Fe (C N) 6 . 1.490 zeaux. Nature 1, 142. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. with ammonium chlo- ride. Potassium, ferric 'anide__ 2 Am 01. 3 H, O. K, Fe Cv-- 1.8004 Sehabus. J. 3, 359. 1.845 Wallace. J. 7, 378. (i i a ii a (NO),. 4 H 2 0. j ii ii 1.716 j " ~~" 1.6S69, 25 ... 1.713 ) Dudley. F. "W. C. Schroder. Ber. 13, Potassium nickel cyanide a a it Potassium cobalticyanide_ K s Ni (C N)<. H, 6- ii K, Co (C N) 8 -_ 1.731 } 1.871, 14.6 ) 1.875, 11 1.906, 11. _ 1070. Dudley. F. TV. C. Bodeker. B. D. Z. ii ii II 1.913 Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. Potassium platinocyanide. ii ii Barium nlatinocvanide - K 2 Pt(CN) v 3H 2 0_. ii BaPt fC N^ - 2.4548, 16 ) 2.5241, 13 J 3.054 .. Dudley. F. TV. C. Sehabus. J. 3. 360. 144 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Samarium platinocyanide_ U 11 Thorium platinocyanide Sm 2 Pt 8 (CN) 12 . 18H 2 u ThPt 2 (CN) 8 . 16H 2 6 2.743 ) 2()0 g 2.745 f M ' b - 2.460 Cleve.U. N.A.I 885. Topsoe. B. S. C 21 118. Potassium cyanate.. K NO 2.0475, 16 ... Mendius. B. D. Z. 11 11 i. 2.056, 4 Schroder. Ber. 12, Silver cyanate Ag C N O 4.004, 16 561. Mendius. B. D. Z. ii u 3.998 Schroder. Ber. 13, 1070. Potassium sulphocyanide. K C N S 1.866 } ,, 11 11 u , on ,. \ 14 1.90o Bodeker. B. D. Z. u a u 1.891 Schroder. Ber 11. Ammonium sulphocya- Am CNS 1.299 1 , 2215. nide. " u 1.316 } 13 Dudley. F. W. C. <( u 1.316 Schroder. Ber. 11 Lead sulphocyanide- Pb (C N S) 2 -_ 3.82 2215. Schabus. J. 3, 362. Phosphorus sulphocyanide P (C N S) s _. 1.625, 18 Miquel. J. C. S. Potassium chromium sul- phocyanide. " " Potassium platinsulpho- K 6 Cr(CNS) 12 . 8H 2 O. K 2 Pt (C N S) 6 .-_ir 1.7051, 17.5 1.7107, 16 2.342, 18 _ 32, 872. Dudley. F. W. C. cyinide. " n 2.370, 19 . Potassium platinselenio- cyanide. u Titanium nitrocyanide K 2 Pt (C N Se), .... u Ti (C N) 2 . 3 Ti s N~~I 3.377, 10.2 1 3.378, 12.5 J 5.30 U It Wollaston. P. T It . 11 u 5.28001 1823, 17. Karston. Schw. J. Samarium sulphocyanide with mercuric cyanide. Sm (C N S).. 3 Hg \ (CN) 2 . 12 H 2 0. / 2.742,18 } 2,749, 18.4 j 65, 394. Cleve. U.N.A.1885. XLIII. MISCELLANEOUS INORGANIC COMPOUNDS. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Nitrogen chlorophosphide P, N, 01. 1.98 Glads to ne and Mercury sulphide with 3 3 O Hg S. Cu C1 2 . 6.29 . .. Holmes. J. 17, 148. Rasohig. A. C. P. copper chloride. Mercury chloride with am- monium dichromate. K (1 Mercury cyanide with po- tassium chromate. Hg C1 2 . Am 2 Cr 2 O 7 . ti u 2 Hg Cy 2 . K 2 Cr O 4 . 3.1850, 18 } 3.2336, 21 j 3.0824, 14 ... 3.564, 21.8 228, 27. Heigh way. F. W. C. Lan^onbeck. F. W. C.' H. Schmidt. F. W. C. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 145 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Potassium nitrato-sul- K 2 S O 4 . H N O s _ 2.38 _ Jacquelain. A. C phate. Potassium phosphate-sul- K 2 S O t . H 3 P O 4 2.296 __ P. 32, 234. (i a phate. Hunksite 4 Na 2 S O 4 . Na 2 C O 3 2.562 Hidden. A. J. S. Phos"enite Pb, C O, Cl, 6.305 (3), 30, 135. Rarnmelsbero r P Leadhillite Pb, S (X (C OA,- 6.550 A. 85, 141. Gadolin. J. 6, 846. ii 6.526 Kokscharow. J. 6, Bastnasite (Hamartite) _ (Ce La Di) (C O 8 ) F__ 4.93 846. JSTordenskiold. J. 22, M 5.185.20 1246. Allen and Comstock. Parisite (Ce La Di), (C O,),. 4.36 A. J. S. (3), 19, 390. Bunsen. Dana's Min. ii Ca iV Bi Sn 3 8.112, 14.2 Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. a 8.097 _ Kiche. J. 15, 112. Bi, Sn 8.017 u u Bi 8n 4 7.943, 20 . Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. Bi Sn.23 7.438, 19.9 <( U BISMUTH AND LEAD. Bi, Pb 9.844, 21. 7. Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. Bi,o Pb__ 9.845, 21.6_ U (( Bi. Pb 9.850, 21.3 _ _ Bi. M Pb 9.887, 20.6 ( 11 Bi, n Pb__ 9.893, 19.5 _. 1 (( Bi,. Pb 9.934, 21.l ( (1 Bi,, Pb 9.973, 15 _ ( (( Bi fl Pb 10.048, 10.7 1 11 8.6 E.Wiedemann. P. A. (2), 20, 240. Bi 4 Pb _ 10.235, 12.5_ Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. ii 10.232 Riche. J. 15, 111. it 9.73 E.Wiedemann. P. A. (2), 20,239. Bi 2 Pb_ . . 10.538, 14 Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. 10.519 __ Kiche. J. ?5, 111. ii 10.96 E.Wiedemswn. P. A. (2), 20, 239. Bi Pb 10.956, 14.9 Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. M 10.931 Riche. J. 15, 111. ii 11.03 _ E.Wiedemann. P. A. (2), 20, 237 BL PK 11.038 Riche. J. 15, 111. Bi, Pb, 11.108 (1 (1 Bi. Pb, 11.166 K u Bi Pb 2 . 11.141, 12.7 Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. ii 11.194 Riche. J. 15, 111. M 11.4 E. Wiedemnnn. P. A. (2), 20, 236. Bi, PK_. 11.209 . Riche. J. 15, 111. Bi Pb 3 11.161, 14.8 Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. ii 11.225 Riche. J. 15, 111. Bi, Pb._. 11.235 u <( Bi Pb. 11.188, 20.8 Carty. P. T. 1860, 177. Bi Pb 5 . ___ 11.196, 20.2 u u Bi Pb,,. 11.280, 22. 5 it u Bi Pb^ . 11.331,23 (( BISMUTH AND ANTIMONY. BLSb_ 9.435, 9.4 Holzmann. P T. 1860, 177. BLSb 9.369 Culvert and Johnson J. 12, 120. Bi. Sb 9.276 u u 9.277, 12.l Holzmann. P. T. 1860, 177. Bi, Sb 9.095 Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. Bi 2 Sb 8.859 u u ii 8.886, 14 Holzmann P T. 1860, 177. Bi Sb 8.364 Calvert and Johnson J. 12, 120. t< 8.392, 11 Holzmann. P. T. 1860, 177. Bi Sb,_. 7.829 .. Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. 152 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES ALLOT. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. BISMUTH AND ANTIMONY continued. Bi Sb, 7.864, 9.4 Holzmann. P. T. 1860, 177. BiSb 3 7.561 Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120 Bi Sbj 7.370 u d Bi Sb t . 7.271 d IRON AND TIN. Fe Sn 5 . Cryst. furnace 7.534 Rammelsberg. product. Pe Sn 2 7.446 Noellner. J. 13, 188 Fe. Sn 8.733 Lassaigne. IRON AND NICKEL. -.waruite Ni Fe 8.1 TJlrich. N. J. 1888, 209 COPPER AND ZINC.* Cu 10 Zn 8.605 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378 Cu Zn 8.607 u Cu Zn _. 8.633 _ <( Cu T Zn 8.587 ( Cu g Zn 8.591 Cu Zn 8.415 u U 8.673 Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120 Cu 4 Zn 8.448 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. it 8.650 Calvert and Johnson J 12 120 Cu s Zn 8.397 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378 d 8.576 Calvert and Johnson J 12 120 Cu Zn 8.299 Mallet. D J 85 378 (1 8.392 Croockewitt. J. 1, 394. u 8.488 Calvert and Johnson. J 12 120 Cu, Zn 2 8.224 Croockewitt. J. 1, 894 Cu Zn 8.230 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378 U 7.808 Calvert and Johnson J 12 120 Cu 3 Zn 6 7.939 _. Croockewitt. J. 1, 394 Cu Zn 2 8.283 __ Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. u 7.859 _ . . Calvert and Johnson J 12 120 Cu,, Zn.. 7.721 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378 Cu~ Zn,,, 7.836 Cu,, Zn, n 8.019 Cu Zn,* 7.603 Cu., Zn.. 8.058 ___ . .. CUo Zn 00 7.882 . 8 il Cu s Zn 7.443 Cu Zn 8 - 7.449 it 7.736 ___ Calvert and Johnson J 12 120. Cu Zn 4 7.371 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378 d 7 445 Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120 Cu Zn 5 6.605 Mullet. D. J 85 378 u 7.442 . Calvert and Johnson. J. 12. 120. See also the Report of the (U. S.) Board on Testing Iron, Steel, and other Metals. Washington Government Printing Office, 1881. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 153 ALLOY. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. COPPER AND TIN. Cug. Sn 8.564 Thurston's Report, 295. u u u Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. Thurston's Report, 295. Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. ii u Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Thurston's Report, 295. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Cnlvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. Riche. J. 21, 270 Riche. J. 23, 1100. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. u u Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Thurston's Report, 295. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Culvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Thurston's Report, 295. Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Calvert and Johnson. J. 12. 120. Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Thurston's Report, 295. <> u u Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Croockewitt.' J. 1, 394. Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Thurston's Report, 295. >i u u Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23, 1100. Thurston's Report. 295. II 1C ' II II Ik 11 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. Croockewitt. J. 1, 394. Calvert and Johnson. J. 12, 120. Riche. J. 21, 270. Riche. J. 23. 1100 Cu^ Sn 8.649 _ Cu - Sn 8.820 Cu Sn 8.694 Cum/i Sn 8.793 Cu Sn 8.825 u 8.84 tt 8.80 8.681 Cu 10 Sn 8.561 ii 8.832 . _. it 8.87 _ (i 8.83 Cu 9 Sn 8.462 Cu s Sn 8.459 11 8.84 <( 8.86 Cu. Sn 8.728 . u 8.72 <( 8.90 _. Cu 6 Sn 8.750 11 8.65 u 8.91 u 8.565 . _ ... 8.575 u 8.965 _. 11 8.62 _. .__ u 8.87 Cu Sn 8.400 u 8.948 (i 8.77 . ii 8.80 u 8.938 . Cu Sn 8.539 u 8.954 u 8.91 II 8.96 11 8.970 Cu gn 8.682 Cu 2 Sn 8.416 _ u 8.512 . u 8.533 u 8.15 ii 8.57 _ u 8.560 _ . Cu Sn 8.442 __ Cu. Sn - 8.06 u 8.30 _ 11 8.312 Cu. Sn, _ 8.302 Cu. Siu 8.182 Cu Su . . _ . 8.056 ___ u 8.072 u 7.992 u 7.90 u 8.12 .. 154 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES ALLOY. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. COPPER AND TIN COH- tinued. Cu Sn 8.013 Thurston's Report, 295. Cu 3 Sn 4 7.948 u u u Cu 3 Sn 5 7.835 It II It Cu Sn 2 7.387 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378 Cryst. 7.53 Miller. P. A. 120 55 7.738 Calvert and Johnson J 12 1 9 7.83 _ Riche. J. 21, 270. 7.74 Riche. J. 23, 1100 7.770 Thurston's Report, 295 Cu s Sn 7 . Furnace product. 6.994 Rammelsberg. P. A. 120, 54. Cu, Sn 7.652 . Croockewitt. J. 1,394. Cu Sn. 7.447 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378. 11 7.606 Calvert and Johnson. J 12 120 ii 7.44 Riche. J. 21, 270 u 7.53 _ Riche. J. 23, 1100. (! 7.657 Thurston's Report, 295. CuSn 4 7.472 Mallet. D. J. 85, 378 ii 7.558 Calvert and Johnson J 12 120 7.31 _ __ Riche. J. 21, 270. u 7.50 _- Riche. J. 23, 1100. u 7.552 Thurston's Report, 295 Cu Sn 7.442 Mullet. D. J. 85, 378 u 7.517 Cnlvert and Johnson J 12 120 ii 7.28 . _ Riche. J. 21, 270. u 7.52. Riche. J. 23, 1100. u 7.487 __ Thurston's Report, 295 Cu Sn 12 7.860 u u u Cu Sn 4g 7.305 II II (( Cu Sngg 7.299 it ii u COPPER AND LEAD. Cu Pb 10.375 Croockewitt. J. 1, 394. Ciu Pb. 10.753 u u COPPER AND ANTIMONY. Cu n Sb 2 . _ 8.829 \ ' Horsfordite 8.812 j 'Cu 4 Sb 8.871 Kamenski.* P. M. (5), 17, 274. Cu, Sb 8.339 11 u CuSb 7.990 Calvert and Johnson J 12 120 COPPER AND BISMUTH. Cu Bi 9.634 Calvert and Johnson J 12 120 SILVER AND TIN. Afr. Sn 9.953, 14. 8 Holzmann. P. T. I860, 177 AST Sn 9.507, 12. u u Ac Sn 8.828, 13.8.__ II U Atr Sn. . 8.223. 1G.3_. II II * Kamenski gives data for seventeen other Cu Sb alloys. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 155 ALLOY. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. SILVER AND TIN con- tinued. Ag Sn, 7.936. 19.3_ flolzmann. u ii Matthiessen. Levoh J. 5, Koberts. C. Holzmaun. Matthiessen. (C (I (( u u u Holzmann. u u P. T. 1860, 177. u M ( P. T. 1860, 177. <( i i 768. N. 81, 148. P. T. 1860, 177. ( f! ( (1 (| It U II II (I It P. T. 1860, 177. u (t it u .626, 14 627. Cahours and Demar- (i ii u .6267, 14 ?ay. C.R.80,1569. Lachowicz. A.C P 11 a u .624, 11.5 220, 191. Gladstone. Bei. 9, it ii u .6323, 17 249. Norton and An- Isopentane. (B. 30) lit .6413, 11.2 ) drews. A. C. J. 87 > ' Frankland. J 3 K it .6385, 14.2 J 481 u u .628, 18 Pelouze and Ca- II n .6375, 13 hours. J. 16, 527. Just. A. C P 220 11 u .6282, 13.7 I 153. Schiff. G. C I, 13 u u .6132, 30.5 j 177. 11 u .6402, 1 Bartolli and Strac- 11 u .6111,30 j ciati. Bei 9, 697 Normal hexane. (B. 69) .6745, 18 Williams J 10 418 u u u .669, 16 Pelouze and Ca- u u u .678, 15.5 hours. J. 15, 410. Schorlemmer J. 15, ii u 11 .6617, 17 5 386. Dale J 17 381 u u 11 .6645, 16 5 Wanklyn and Er- U II It .6630, 17 lenmeyer. J. 16, 521. Schorlemmer A C II II II .689, P. 161, 263. Warren J 21, 330. II II (1 .6641,18 } Thorpe and Youn" u u II .6620, 19 5 j A C P 165 1 (1 II 11 .667, 13 Cahours andDemar- II II II .6199, 60.8 cay. C.R.80,1570. Ramsay J C. S. 35, 463. 158 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Normal hexane (LH,.. .6753, \ .6129,69 __/ .6985, 14 .6681, 10.8 ) iaaf}**} .6603, 20 Zander. A. C. P. 214, 181. Lachowicz. A. C. P. 220, 192. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. Briihl. A. C. P. 200, 183. Bartoli and Strac- ciati. Bei. 9, 697. Norton and An- drews. A. C. J. 8,7. Wurtz. J. 8, 576. Warren. J. 21,330. Gladstone. Bei. 9. 249. a a Wislicenus. A. C. P. 219, 315. Schorlemmer. J. 20, 566. Riche. Ann. (3), 59, 426. Zander. A. C. P. 214, 181. Riche. Ann. (3), 59, 426. Schorlemmer. J.15, 386. Schorlemmer. J.16, 532. Dale. J. 17, 381. Schorlemmer and Dale. A. C. P. 136, 266. Warren and Storer. J. 21, 331. Cahours and Demar- 9ay. C.R.80,1570. Beilstein and Kur- batow. Ber. 13, 2028. Thorpe and Young. A. C. P. 165, 1. Wenzell. C. N. 39, 182. | Thorpe. J. C. S. j 37, 371. Lachowicz. A. C. P. 220, 193. Lachowicz. A. C. P. 220, 203. Lachowicz. A. C. P. 220, 204. (( U a (( (( U U (( If 11 It <( II U II U K 11 (( II .6950, - 1 .6343, 68 _. j .6745, 18 .7011, K U !< It It It Isohexane (B 62) II it 11 .676, Hexane B 48 62 11 .6317, 25.5 " B. 53 60 II .6413, 25 . Methyl-diethyl - methane. (B. 64.) Tetramethyl-ethane, or ) diisopropyl. (B. 58.) J U (( U (I (( u i .7567, 139 ( ( i .7571 ) , \ Schiff. G. C. I. c 13, 177. u u .8726, 15 5 Gladstone Bei 9 _ i .861, 24.5 249. u (i .8655, 20 6, 86. Briihl A C P n u .80588, 88. 8 235, 1. n u .80522, 89.3 II .78722, 108.3 u (i .78667, 108.7 Taken at different II .77483, 120. 5 pressures, each t. u II .77427, 121.8 being the boiling (( II .76639 1 ,< i- point at the press- u II .76647 j '* ure observed. II II .75799 } , non . Neubeck. Z. P. II .75795 } 138 - 1 C. 1, 656. (( II .75658) , (1 II .75685 I 139 ' 1 J II II .8812, _ 1 Pinette A C P II II .7567, 138.9 j 243 50 Paraxylene _ " 1.4 .8621, 19.5 u .7543 ) , A. C. P. 136, 303. ii M .7545 } 136 ' Schiff. Ber. 14, 2769. u U .8488, 16 Gladstone Bei 9 ii .854, 24. 5 249. u II .80215 { Q,. Q 6, 86. u U .80189 j bb ' y u (I .78341, 106.9 Taken at different ii u .78310, 107. 1 pressures, each u u .77292, 119 2 t. being the ii u .75968) 19QO boiling point at u .75983] the pressure ob- (1 II .75429 ) ,, served. Neu- u .75421 j ld7 a beck. Z. P. C. ic II .75306 ) 1, 656. II u .75303 j H * ' 4 ,( u .8801,0 ) Pinette A C P II II .7558, 138 J 243 50 Ethylbenzene C.H.. C, H._ .8664, 22.5 .8760, 9.9 A. C. P. 144, 277. <4 u .7611 ) ,, { Schiff. G. C. I. ,c u .7612 } 135 ' 8 J 13, 177. (i II .88316,0 { Weger A C P u II .7612, 136.5 j 221 61 it u .8673, 20 Briihl AGP Trimethylbenzene. Me- sitylene. C 6 H s(CH 3 ) s . 1.3.5- .863,13 235, 1. Schwanert. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 173 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Trimethylbenzene. Mo- C e H, (C H,), .8643, { " sitylene. ii .8530, 15 J Warren. J. 18, 515. it it ti u .8694, 9.8._ ) .7372, 164.5 j Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177 u ii .8558, 20 Briihl Bei 4 781 it ti .8632, 19 Gladstone Bei 9 " Pseudocumene " 1.3.4 . .8901, _ . 249. Konowalow Ber Orthomethylethylbenzene Metamethylethylbenzene. C 6 H 4 .CH,.C 2 H 5 . 1.2_ " 1.3_ .8731, 16 .869, 20 20, ref. 570. Claus and Mann. Ber. 18, 1122. WYoblevsky A C Paramethylethylbenzene _ tt >t it " 1.4_ (i ii u .8694, 11.3 ) .7393} 20 I .7394j lbJ j .864, 20 ._ P. 192, 198. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. Anschutz A C P Propy 1 ben zene .881, 235, 314. Paterno and Spica tt u .88009, Ber. 10, 294. Spica J C S 36 631 n u .8692, 17 it u .8702, 9.8 | A. C. P. 218, 380. Schiff G C I 13 it u .7399, 158.5 J 177. Isopropylbenzene. Cu- u .87 Pelletier and "Wai- mene. it t u .8792, ) ter. Ann. (2), 67, 269. (i t u .8675, 15 j "' Warren. J. 18, 515. n i u .87976, 1 U 1 u .85870, 25 It 1 u .83756, 50 I Pisati and Paterno II 1 u .81585, 75 J. C S (2), 12 686 K I u .79324, 100 J II 1 u .86576, 17.5 Liebmann Ber 13 II I u .8776, | 46. II 1 u .8577, 25 J Two preparations. II 1 II 1 it it .87798, __ ) .85766, 25 J [ Silva. B. S. C. 43, 317. II I u .8432, 12 _. Gladstone. Bei 9, Tetrametbylbenzene __ __ .8816, 9 249. Knublauch Tubin- Dimethylethylbenzene it u C 6 H 3 (CH 3 ) 2 C 2 H 3 . 1.2.4. " 1.3.5. u u .8783, 20 .8644, 20 .861, 20 _ gen Inaug. Diss., 1872. Ernst and Fittig. A. C. P. 139, 192. Jacobsen. B. S. C. 24, 73. WVoblevsky. A. C. u Diethylbenzene Metamethyl propylben- " 1.3.4- C 6 H,(C 2 H 5 ) 2 . 1.4.. .8686,20 .8707, 15.5 .63, 16 . _ P. 192, 217. Anschutz. A. C. P. 235, 324. Fittig and Konig. A. C. P. 144, 285. Claus and Stuesser. zene. Ber. 13, 899. 174 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITI1CS NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Metamethylpropylben- C 6 H 4 .CH S .C 3 H 7 . 1.8. .8728, Spica. Ber. 16. 792. zene. 11 it u .864. 9.8___\ Schiff. G. C. I. 13, u i u .7248, 175.4 / 177. Paramethy Ipropylb en- " 1.4. .860, 14 Gerhardt and Ca- zene. Cymene. hours. A.C.P. 38, 345. " i (t .857,16 Nond. A. C. P. 63, 281. (i ____ (I Cl .8778,0 ... \ Kopp. A. C. P. 94, u ____ (I II .8678, 12.6 j 257. u If If .8660, 15 Mendelejeff. J. 13,7. u (I ff .8664,20 Williams. J. C. S. 15, 120. <{ (( It 869" "> {From cummin oil. ii ____ (( II .8724' 1 Warren. Mem. u (1 II .8592] 14 __ j Amer. Acad. 9, <. 154. u i (I II Cl II .8705,0 ___) .8544 20 __ 1 f From cummin oil. j Louguinine. Ann. (i u tl II (( II '.8302] 50 II \ .7893, 100 j i (4), 11,453. Other j values given for [ intermediate t. ii a II II (I II .8732,0 ___) .8574, 20 ' fFrom camphor. Louguinine. Ann. ____ II II .8333^ 50 _ . [ -j (4), 11, 453. Other II II .7919', 100 J values given for [ intermediate ts. u 1C II .8708, {From two sources. (t Cl If .8572, 20.2 ) .8732,0 _ j Beilstein and Kupffer. J. C. S. (2), 12, 152. u --_- 1C Cl .8707,0 Beilstein and Kup- ffer. A. C. P. 170, 295. ii II CC .86 Gladstone. J C S. (2), 11,699.' f Ext. of 8, from dif- u II II .8424 1 ferent sources. u CC Cl .8438 j Gladstone. J. C. [ B: (2), 11, 970. i 1C Cl .858, 16 Orlowskv. B. S. C. 21, 321. (t u i II C CC C II .87446, __ } .85457, 25 .82352, 50 }- From cummin oil. Pisati and Pater- (i C II .81409, 15 no. J. C. S. (2), u IIII I C .79307, 100 J 12, 686. ii CC < .87227 ' U u CC C .85258', 25 .82352, 50 From cymyl alcohol. Pisati and Pater- II Cl I .81209, 75 no. J. C. S. (2), IIII CC I .79129, 100 12, 686. m <">il of nnt-Tipcr It 17,1. K u _B 1670 11 .8527 I U " " " B.164 II .8454, 25 _ 1 Gladstone. Bei. 9, " " " B 178 (( .8480, 27 j 249. From oil of parsley u .8732, 20 Gladstone. J. C. S From oil of parsnip II .865, 12 17,1. Gerichtcn Ber 9 From Ptychotis ajowan II .854, 12 259. Stenhouse. J. 9, 624 From oil of rosemary it .8805, 20 Gladstone J C S From oil of sage B 155 u .8635* ) ( 17, 1. Three isomers. Sigi- ' ' ' B 167 u .8866 [ 15 \ ura and Muir. J ' ' ' B 165 11 .8653 J ( C. S 33, 292 1 ' ' B. 170 II .8653 ) ,, f Muir. J. C. S. 37, 1 ( ( U (1 .8667 } 15 1 682. ( < I (( .8632, 24.o_. Gladstone. J C S (I .855, 15 49, 623. Jahns Ber 15 819 From oil of thyme (1 .8635, 20 -. Gladstone. J. C S. Thymene ll .868, 20 17,1. Lallemand. J. 9, .<( II .8635,20 616. Kanonnikoff. Bei. (( .8565, 20 7, 592. Gladstone J C S Cajeputene B 165 (1 .850, 15 17, 1. Schmidl. J. 13,481 Isocajeputene B 177 u .857, 16 _ . Schmidl. J 13,482 Caniphene 11 .8481,47.7 ") it 11 .8387, 58.9 ! it 11 .8211, 79.7 Eiban. B. S. C. 11 .8062, 97. 7 J 24, 9. ii 11 .8345, 99.84__ Spitzer. Ber. 11, Ciimphilene u .87 _. 1815. Watts' Dictionary. Cftoutchin It .855, ) Bouchardat. B. S. a It .842, 20 __ j C. 24, 109. (t 11 .842, 20 Williams. J. 13, 495 Cicutene It .87038, 18 Van Ankum. j. 21 , Cinaebene It .878 794. Hirzel. J. 7, 592. Cynene B. 174.5 11 .825, 16 Volckel. A. C. P. it It .8500, 15 _ ) 89, 358. ii 11 .8238, 50 _ V Hell and Stiircke. u u .7851,100 Ber. 17, 1972. : Misprinted 0.8435. Corrected in later paper. 184 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Cynene. B. 182 __ .85384, 16 \Vallach and Brass From cyneol. B. 179 u .85652 | A. C. P. 225, 291. U (( .85959 j <> 1C Follandrene__ _- - (1 .8558, 10 Pesci G C I 16 Gaultherilene U .8510, 20 225. Gladstone J C S Geraniene Ii .842 | ona f 17,1. Jacobsen Z C 14 K (C .843 1 20 -- 171 Liicurene 1. .835, 18 Mori n J C S 42 Macene (I .8529, 17.5 737. Schacht J 15 461 Olibene u .863, 12 Kurbatow Z C 14 Safrene u .8345,0 201. Grimaux and Ru- Tolene. _. - (( .858, 10 otte. J. 22, 783. E. Kopp J 1 737 Polymer of isoprene u .866,0 { Bouchordat Ber 8 {( it 11 .854, 21 . j 904 Polymer of valerylene It .8?6, 15 it a From oil of calamus .9180 1 Ofk0 f Gladstone J C S u (( .9275 } 20 { 17, i a (C .942, Kurbatow A C P From oil of cascarilla U .9212,20 ._. 173, 1. Gladstone J C S From oil of cedar It .9231, 18 17,1. Gladstone Bei 9 From oil of cloves It .918, 18 249. E til ing Watts' K U .9016, 14 .. Diet. Williams J 11 442 (( It (( .9041,20 Gladstone J C S (( (( (I It .905, 15 17, 1. Church JOS From oil of copaiva u .91 ___ ___ (2), 13, 115. Posselt J 2 455 < it (1 .881 { < (i (( .885 _ j itaine Gm H ( (C U (1 .8978, 24 Levy Ber 18 3206 From oil of cubebs (t .915) t (i it u .930 } . Schmidt i n n 11 .938) t u a (( .9062, 20 Gladstone J C S K (( (i 11 .9289, 17,1. Oglialore Ber 8 Cedrene n .984, 14.5 1357. Walter. Ann. (3), ii It .915, 15 1, 501. Muir. J.C S 37 13 (I .9231, 18 Gladstone J C S From Drybalanops cam- (( .900 } ono f (2), 10, 1. Lallemand J 12 phora " " (( .921} 20 "{ 503 From gurgun balsam It .9044, 15 Werner J 15 461 From oil of hemp ( .9292, _ . Valente J C S 40 From Laurus nobilis . tl .92-3, 15 _. 284. Bks. J. 18. 569. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 185 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. From Ledum palustre C,= H,,_ .9349, \ Rizza. Ber 20 ref (i u i .9237, 19 J 562 From maracaibo balsam _ i .921, 10 Strauss J 21 795 !Metatemplene _ i 1.037, 4 Fliickiger J 8 646 From Myrtus pimenta _ _ i .98, 8 Oeser. J 17 534 From oil of patchoulu i .9211 1 it a u t .9255 I 20 < Gladstone. J. C. S. it it u i .9278 j 17,1. II (( It i .946, 1 Mont"olfier Ber (1 l( (( it .937, 13.5 / 10, 234 From oil of rosewood u .9042, 20 Gladstone J C S From oil of sao'e u .9198 "I 17,1. u t( 9137 12 u u 11 .9072, 24 [ Si^iura and Muir. (; II .8970, 41 J. C. S. 33, 297. From oil of sandal wood it .9190 Gladstone J C S Sesquiterpene (I .921, 16 (2), 10, 1. Wallach A C P From oil of vitivert II .9332 238, 85. Gladstone J C S From copaiva oil .892, 17 (2), 10,. 1. Brix Ber 14 2267 From miniak-laeram oil _. II .923, 15 Haussner. Ber 16 From oil of poplar u .9002 1387. Piccard C C (3) From tar-cumene " ? .8850, 22 6,4. Jacobsen AGP Diterebene _ II .94 184, 203. Watts' Dictionary Metaterebenthene II .913, 20 Berthelot J 6 524 Colophene II .9391,20 Gladstone J C S u 11 .94 9 17, 1. Deville P A 51 Difellandrene 11 .9523, 10 439. Pesci G (J I 16 Heveene (1 921, 21 225. Bouchardat A C Tetraterebenthene .977, P. 37, 30. Riban C R 79 391. 186 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 7th. Unclassified Hydrocarbons. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Heptanaphtene* .7778,0 1 Milkowsky Ber 18 a 11 .7624, 17.5 j ref. 186. Octonaphtene _ _ .7649, . Markownikoff. Ber it 11 .7503, 18 _ j 18, ref. 186 Isooctonaphtene 11 .7765 ) nn ) a 11 .7768 j u I Putochin Ber 18 11 11 .7637, 17.5 j ref. 186. Nononaphtene _ .7808, Markownikoff and a 11 .7808, ) Ogloblin. Ber. 16, 1877. Konowaloff. Ber. 11 11 .7652, 20 __ j 18, ref. 186. Dekanaphtene r H .795, Markownikoff and Endekanaphtene .8119,0 Ogloblin. Ber. 16, 1877. u u Dodekanaphtene .8055, 14 11 It Tetradekanaphtene .8390, II II Pentadekanaphtene .8294, 17 II (1 Nononaphtvlene - _- V 9 \T-~- .8068, Konowaloff Ber. Menthene .851, 21 18, ref. 186. Walter A C P 11 ii .814, 15 32, 288. Moriya. J. C. S., .8226, 1 March, 1881. .8145, 10 _ I .8073, 20 _ }- Atkinson and Yo- .7909, 40 shida J C S .7761, 60 j 41, 49 From oil of calamus .8793, Kurbatow J C S From turpentine chlorhy- ii .852, 19 (2), 12, 259. Montgolfier Ber drate. Cymhydrene .8046, 12 12, 376. Gladstone J C S. Teruilene hydride 11 .8179, \ 49, 616. Mont^olfier. C R ii it 11 .8060, 17.5 j 89, 103. Ethyl co,mphene _ _ _ .8709, 20 Spitzer. Ber. 11, Isobutyl camphene .8614, 20 1817. Spitzer. Ber 11, Camphin .827, 25 1818. Claus. J. P. C. 25, Diterebenthyl .9688, 18 269. Kenard C. K. 105, Diterebenthylene .9821, 12 866. Renard C R 106, Dicamphene hvdride .9574, 19 856. Montgolfier. C. R 87,840. * According to Konowaloff, the "naphtenes" are identical with the hexhydrides of the benzene series. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 187 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Didecene C* TT .9362, 12 Renard. C. R. 106, Caoutchene C, H s .65, 2 _. 1086. Bouchurdat. A. C. Tropilidfne C, H fi . .9129, P. 37, 30. Ladenburg. A. C, From copper camphorate .793 P. 217, 133. Moitessier. J. 19, From decomposition of 1.012, 17.5, s. 410. Roscoe. J. C. S. 47, phenol. Euciilyptene .836, 12 669. Cloez. J. 23, 588. Anthemene _ .942, 15 . . Naudin. B. S. C. 41, Puranicene 1.24 483. St; Evre. J. 1, 532. Lekene .93917 Beilstein and TVio- Konlite - (C f H-") . .88 gand. Ber. 16, 1548. Trommsdorf. A. C. Hartite (C, H.) 1.046 P. 21, 126. Haidinger. P. A. From petroleum (C-HJ . 1.096, 15 54, 261. Prunier. Ann. (5), Carbopetrocene_ __ (C in H,) or(C,,H,) 1.235, 10 17, 5. it XLVI. COMPOUNDS CONTAINING C, H, AND O. 1st. Alcohols of the Paraffin Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl alcohol CELO- .798,20 Dumas and Peligot. u .807,9 . Ann. (2), 58, 5. Deville. (( 11 u .813 U (I u .82704, Pierre. Ann. (3), u .7938, 25 15, 325. Kopp. A. C. P 55, u tt .81796,0 j 166. u u u .80307, 16. 9 J Kopp. P. A. 72, 53. <( u u .8065, 15 Mendelejeff. J. 13,7. u u ii .8052, 9.5 Delffs. J. 7, 26. <( u u .8142, } Kopp. A. C. P. 94, u tt u .7997, 16. 4 j 257. ii it 11 .7973. 15 Graham. it It .7995, 15 __- Duclaux. Ann. (5), U II 11 .8574, 21 __ 13, 86. Linnemann. J. 21, ti u n .81571, 10 _ 681. Dupre. P. A. 148, (C (( Ii .7964, 20 .. 236. Landolt. 188 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl alcohol _ CH 4 O__ _._ .7997, 15 Grodzki and Krs- (i u .7984, 15 mer. Z. A. C. 14, 103. Kramer and Grod- C( (( K .8098, zki. Ber. 9, 1929. Vincentand Deltich- u Ii .8014,14 _ anal. J. 1880, 396. DeHeen. Bei 5 105 (( (( 1 .7475 ) n f Schiff. G C I 13 (( 11 1 .7477 } 61 " 8 - { 177. ( (( i .7953, 20 Briihl. Bei 4 781 l( ( , .8111,0 ) Zander A C P II (( 1 .7483, 66.2 j 224 88 <( (( I .810, 15 Re^nault and Ville- <( (I II .7961, 18 jean. C. R. 99, 82. Gladstone Bei 9 (1 (( || .7923, 20 249. W^nkelmann. P. A (1 (I l< .7931,20 (2), 26, 105. Traube. Ber 19,879 (( II .8612, Pagliani and Bat- ( ({ II .78909, 22. 94 telli. Bei. 10, 222. Values ijiven for (I (( cc .7135, 100 - every 10 from 80 II (1 11 .6494, 150 . }- to 238. 5 Ramsay (I l( 11 .5525, 200 and Young P T u u II .3642, 238.5_- J 178, 313 Ethyl alcohol* C.H-O-. .7924, 17.9 Gay .Lussac. (I (( ii .7915, 18 _ . Dumas and Boullay. i. a .8095, P. A. 12, 93. Darling. u ii .7996, 15 Kopp. A. C. P. 55, (( U u .8150, 5 10 166. ) (i u .8113, 10 15 > Re^nault P A. (i u .8072, 15 20 j 62, 50. (( U a .81087 ) no "I (( (( ii .8095 j U (( U ii .79821, 14 Kopp. P. A. 72, 62, (( (( u .7990, 14.8 J II (( u .8151,0 Pierre. Ann. (3), (( (( u .7938, 15.5 15, 325. Fownes. P. T. 1847, U II ii .7897 ) . ( 249. ^Vackenroder. J 1, (1 1C u .7905 j { 682. II II u .79381, 15.6_. Drinkwater. J. 1, II (1 u .809, 5 _. 682. Delffs. J. 7, 26. II {( u .8194, 19 Wetherill. J P. C. II II u .7947,15 60, 202. Pouillet. J. 12, 439. II II u .7958, 15 Mendelejeff. J.13,7. II II u .8083,0 ... ) MendelejefT J 14, II 11 ii .7157, 99.9 20. * For this compound there are so many determinations of specific gravity that absolute com- pleteness with regard to them has not been attempted by the compiler. FOE SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. C,H R O .6796, 130.9-_ .7946] j, f .7947J 10 i .80625,0 I .80207, 5 Mendelcieff. J. 14, 20. Baumhauer. J. 13, 393. Mendelejeff. J. 18, 469. Linnemann. J. 21. 413. Linnemann. A.C.P. 160, 195. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 260. Erlenmeyer. A.C.P. 162, 374. Pierre. C. N. 27,93. Winkelmann. P. A. 150, 592. Ramssiv. J.C.S.35, 463.' Vincent and Dela- chanal. J. 1880, 396. DeHeen. Bei.5,105. f Bedson and Wil- < Mains. Ber. 14, [ 2550. ischiff. G.C.I. 13, J 177. Nasini. G. C. I. 13, 135. Briihl. Bei. 4, 781. {Also intermediate values. Drecker. P. A. (2), 20, 870. Schall. Ber. 17, 2555. Squibb. C. N.51,33. Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Pa^liani and Bat- telli. Bei. 10,222. ' Intermediate val- ues given. Eam- sav and Young. P.'T. 1886, 129. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 276. u u u 11 t( u U (I u It 11 u 11 11 11 .79788,10 .79367, 15 < .78945,20 .78522,25 .78096, 30 J .8086, 19 .8090, 17 u u u U It u u u u 11 11 II II 11 u It (I u <( (( 11 .822, 20 11 (I u .79481,11 .- .815. 5 ) .80214,1 { .7946, 16.03- .7339, 78 .8120,0 _ u a u u u (I i: u u ii u u (I U il ii u u .7995, 14 u u u .8019, 20 _. \ .7976, 25 __ j .7381 ] 7 o .7382 j /b ' z - .7402) 7g03 .7405} ' 8 - d - .7968, 20 .8000, 20 u (I u 11 u u u u u . " " ii u u u u u 11 u i( u u u u .79603, 17. 86} . 77616, 40.90 .7882, 25. 3 \ .7899, 23.4 j .79326, 15 11 u u II U u u u u u u u U 11 u .7906, 20 .79175,0 .70606, 110 ) .5570, 200 } .3109, 242.9j .8198,0 _~| U II u (( (I u u u u 11 II u Propyl alcohol C 3 H 8 O u u u .8125, 9.6__ | .7797,50.! .7494,84 __J 1! II u II II u 190 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Propvl alcohol -__. C S H 8 O .813, 13 Chancel. A. C. P. 151, 302. Chapman and Smith. J. C. S. 22, 194. Saytzeff. Z. C. 13, 107. Rossi. A. C. P. 159, 79. Linnemann. A. C. P. 161, 26. Pierre. C. N. 27, 93. Briihl. Ber. 13,1529. DeHeen. Bei.5,105. Naccari and Pag- liani. Bei. 6, 88. Values given at several interme- diate ts. Zander. A. C. P. 214, 181. Pagliani. Bei. 7,450. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. "Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Traube. Ber. 19, 881. Linnemann. J. 18, 488. Siersch. A. C. P. 144, 141. Linnemann. A. C. P. 161, 18. Briihl. A. C. P. 203, 1. Duclaux. Ann. (5), 13, 89. Zander. A. C. P. 214, 181. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. Trau.be. Ber. 19, 882. Linnemann. A. C. P. 136, 40. u ti baytzeff. Z. C. 13, 108. Lieben and Eossi. A. C. P. 158, 137. n u .812, 16 n 0 w .7270} Ho ' .8032, 18.5 U 1 II U I (( 11 I 11 Isobutyl alcohol. B. 108- u 4 (. u " . .7813. 25 __ 192 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Trimethylcarbinol. CL H 1(l O __ .7802,26 Briihl A C P B. 82.o. Hydra teoftrimethylcarbi- nol. Normal amvl alcohol. (C 4 H 10 0) 2 .H 2 0- C. H,, O .8276, .8296, 1 203, 1. Butlerow. Z. C. 14, 273. " "" B. 137- u .8168, 20 1 (i u II .8065, 40 _ 1 Lieben and Kossi. It U II .7835, 99. 15 J A. C. P. 159, 70. It It If .8282, { Zander A C P It II II .7117, 137.85 } 224, 88 11 II II .8299, _ Gartenmeister A Amyl alcohol.* B. 131.5_ 1C .8184, 15 C. P. 233, 249. Cahours. AGP ii it II .8137, 15 30, 288. Kopp. A C P 55 u u 1 .8271,0 _. 166. Pierre. J. 1 62 u u 1 .8185, 15 Kieckher. J 1 698 u u 1 .8253, "I u u 1 .8144, 15.9 u i< 1 .8127) ,,. A Kopp. P. A. 72, i u 1 .8145 } 16 ' 4 227. i u II .818, 14 Delflfs. J 7 26 i u II .8248, ) Kopp A C P 94 i u II .8113, 18.7 J 257. i u II .819, 18 Schiff ti ci II .8142, 15 Mendelejeff J 13 7 u u u .8148 ) , , ) ( From two sources. u u II .8199 | < Schorlemmer. J. K u II .826, ___ ( 19, 527. Pierre and Puchot it u II .8204, 15 Ann. (4), 22, 336. Graham u u II .8148, 15 . Duclaux. Ann (5), u u II .8135, 20 13, 91. Landolt. u u II .8244,0 1 u ti II .8144, 15 I Two products. Er- ti u II .8102, 21.5 J Ilenmever and u u tl .8263, j Hell. A. C. P. u u u .8123, 19.7 j 160, 257. u u II .8253, . \ Pierre. C N 27 II (1 u .8146,15 _j 93. II II II .8255, Pierre and Puchot " " Ordinary it .817 ) B. S. C. 20, 370. u * Less active II .816, 15 _- I Ley. Ber. 6. 1362 u u More " II .808.15 __ J u u II .8123, 20 Briihl. Bei. 4, 781. u u II .8075, 14 DeHeen. Bei. 5, 105. u u ll .8238,0 Balbiano. Ber. 9. 11 II II .8104, 20 __ ) 1437. Two lots. Briihl. u u II .8103, 20 . j A. C. P. 203, 1. u u II .8256, _. ) Flawitzky. Ber. 15, u u II .8085, 23 _. 11. * Ordinary, inactive, and unspecified. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 193 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Amyl alcohol a H,, o ._ 7221 ) 12 qoo .7223 } 1ZJJ - 2 .7154, 130.5_ .8063, 26. 1 | .7729,66 J Schiff. Ber.14,2768. Schiif. G. C. I. 13, 177. Schall. Ber. 17, 2555. Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Traube. Ber. 19, 883. Pagliani and Bat- telli. Bei. 10, 222. Wurtz. Z. C. 11, 490. Le Bel. Z. C. 14, 471. Bielohoubek. Ber. 9, 925. {Wagner and Say tz- eff. A. C. P. 179, 320. Winogradow. A. C. P. 191, 125. Wischnegradsky.A. C. P. 190, 340. C Wagner and Say tz- \ eff. A. C. P. 175, ( 368. ( Wagner and Saytz- \ eff. A. C. P. 179, (. 320. Wurtz. A. C. P. 125, 114. Ermolaien. Z. C. 14. 275. Flawitzky. A. C. P. 179, 349. Wischnegradsky.A. C. P. 190, 384. Munde. Ber. 7, 1370. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. Pelouze and Ca- hours. J. 16, 527. Buff. J. 21, 336. Franchimont and Zincke. C. N. 24, 263. Lieben and Janecek. J. K. C. 5, 156. Frentzel. Ber. 16, 745. 1 Zander. A. C. P. 1 224, 88. U ( u 11 1 u (( 1 u 11 ( u 11 t u .8114, 20 11 II u u .8121,20 .8252, U <( Methylpropylearbinol. B. 119. a u .8249 I Q0 f .8260} U -i .833, u u it u it u .8239, ___ I .8102, 20 _. J .827, .. ._ | .815, 18 __. j .8308, ___ { .8219, 19 j u II ft It Methylisopropylcarbinol. " B. 112. u II II II .833, ) .819, 19 J if II Diethylcarbinol. B.116.5 u If .832, I .819, 16 .__ j .831,0 .. . ) .816, 18 ___ ) .829, If ff II II II Dimethylethylcarbinol. B. 102. 5. it ft II .828, II .8258, ___ ) .810, 19 __. J .827,0 j .812, 19 j (i 11 u 11 a II u II .827, 17 u II .7241, 101.6_- .820, 17 Normal hexyl alcohol. B.157 . 11 u u C fi H u . u .813, II U U u .819 (1 II u .8333, ___ ) .8204, 20 __ I .8107, 40 J II II u (I II u II U u .813, 17 II U u .8312 ) Q0 .8327 j U .0958 1 15?0 .6982 167 " 11 II ii 11 U u ( It it 13 S G 194 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Normal hexyl alcohol Methyldiethylcarbinol a (i it Methylpropylcarbylcar- ) binol. B. 147. j ti (i Methylbutylcarbinol, or "j secondary hexyl alco- > hoi. B. 136. J a it 11 Methylisobutylcarbinol __ 11 Ethylpropylcarbinol. " B. 134_ (t R H,, .8349, Gartenmeister. A.C. P. 233, 249. Reformatsky. J. P. C. (2), 36, 340. Two lots. Lieben andZeisel. M.C. 4, 32. WanklvnandErlen- meyer. J. 16, 621. Two samples. Hecht. A. C. P. 165, 146. Wislicenus. A.C. P. 219, 310. Kuwschinow. Ber. 20, ref. 629. Volker. Ber. 8, 1019. Oechsner de Co- ninck. C.E.82,93. Faget. J. 6, 504. Kobig. A. C. P. 195, 102. Prianichnikow. Z. C. 14, 275. Pawlow. A. C. P. 196, 122. Romburgh. J. C. S. 52, 228. Friedel und Silva. J.C.S.(2),11,488. Wills. J. 6, 508. Stadeler. J. 10, 361. Cross. J. C. S. 32, 123. Zander. A. C. P. 224, 88. Gartenmeister. A. C. P. 233, 249. Four products from different sources. Schorlemmer. A. C. P. 136, 257. Kurtz. A.C. P. 161, 205. Ustinoff and Savtz- eff. J. P. C."(2), 34, 470. Munde. Ber. 7, 1370. u .8237,20 __1 .8194, 25 ._ ! .8143, 30 _. f .8104,35 J u u u i .8396, i .8244, 23. 7 .8375, i i .8257, 17. 6 .8327, ___ } .8209, 16 __ i .7482, 99 __ J .8266 | Q0 f .8306 j{ .8307, 18 .8271,0 _ \ .8183, 17 __ j .8335,0 ) .8188,20} - .83433, __ \ .81825, 20 j .833,0_.\ t (i it 1C ( 1 1 i ( 1 1 K 1 Isohexyl or caproyl alco- hol. B. 150. " " - 11 u (i Dimethylisopropylc a r b i - nol. B. 117. ii a Hethylethylpropyl alco- hol. Trimethylcarbylme th y 1- carbinol, or pinacolyl alcohol. B. 120. 5. Normal heptyl alcohol. B. 175.5. t < < < i i < Isoheptyl alcohol. ? " B.163-168- 11 1 1 .754,100; " .8295, 15 .8364, , 11 u .8387, _ 1 It .8232, 19 __ J .829, 15 u u .8347,0 _. C, H,. O __ .792, 16.5 .819, 23 II u .838, ) .830, 10 } .824, 27 J .8342, ___ { .6876, 175.8 j .8356, I 1 1 1 II .8291,13.5 1 .795, 15 .__ 1 II ( .8479, 16 __ " .8286, 19.5 .814, 25 u u I Dipropylcarbinol. B. 150_ I I .81882, 20 ) .81064, 30 } .80677, 35 J .8323, 17 u ( (i (t Diisopropylcarbinol. B. 131 132. (I FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 195 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethvlisobutylcarbinol. C, H, R O_ .827, E Wagner B S B. 147.5. Methylamylcarbinol. u .8185, 17 9 .5 C. 42, 330. Rohn A C P B. 149. Triethylcarbinol. B. 141_ (( .8593, 190, 310. Nahapetian Z C ii (( .83892, 20 | 14, 274. {Barataeff and Sayt- it u .82992, 30 J zeff. J. P. C. Meth vlethy Ipropylcar b i - (1 .8233, 20 (2), 34, 465. Sokolow Ber 21 nol. Normal octyl alcohol. Co H ia O _. .830, 16 ref. 56. Zincke Z C 12 B. 196.5. (t (( 11 K .8375, 1 55. Zander A C P (1 (I (I M .6807, 195. 5 j 224, 88 (( U 11 (( .8369, Garten meister A C Methylhexylcarbinol, or capryl alcohol. U M u .823, 17 .826, 16 P. 233, 249. Bouis. J. 7, 581. Pelouze and Ca- u .823, 16 hours. J. 16, 529. Neison J C S (2) (( II .6589, 181 13, 207. Ramsay J C S 35 (( l( .8193, 20 463. Briihl A C P ( [( .6781 1 , 203, 1. f Schiff G C I 13 II 11 .6782 j ' 177 (( 11 .817 Duclaux. Ann (5) " Octylene hydrate " 11 .811 1 13, 92. 11 (1 t ,79o, 23 Clermont. A. C. P. Primary isooctyl alcohol. t .841,0 "1 149, 38. ' B. 179.5 1 .833, 12 < U 1 .828, 20 t u I .821, 30 } Williams. J C S i <( 1 .814, 40 1 35, 125 i K II .807, 50 < II .867, 100 1 Secondary isooctyl alcohol. u .820, 15 "I " B. 161.5_ II .811,30 1 1 .801,40__ f it I .793,100 J Methyldipropylcarbinol _ I .82357, 20 ) Gortaloff and Saytz- 1 .81506, 30 I eff J P C (2) M 1 .81080, 35 j 33, 202 Diethylpropylcarbinol 1 .83794, 20 Sokolow Ber 21 Isodibutol. B. 147 II .8417, ref. 56. Butlerow J C S Nonyl alcohol. B. 187 C H O ._ .835, 18.5 34, 122. Lemoine. B. S. C Normal nonyl alcohol ._ ii .8415, ") 41, 161. u K II .8346, 10 __ i Krafft. Ber. 19,2221. <( K ii .8279,20 __J Ethyldipropylcarbinol u .83368, 20 ) Tschebotareff and it u .82583, 30 I Saytzeff. J. P. C. u .82190. 35 (2). 33. 193. 196 TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethylhexylcarbinol. C, H, n C) . .839, ) ^Vagner. Ber. 17, " B. 195 u .825, 20 I ref 316 Normal decyl alcohol __ . C, n H,,O-_ .8389, 7 (I 11 1C .8297, 20 V Krafft. Ber 16,1714 It U It .7734, 98. 7 J Decyl alcohol. B. 200 __ .858, 18.5 Lemoine B S C Isodecyl alcohol. B.203 . .8569, 41, 161. Borodin. J 17, 338 Propylhexylcarbinol. .839, E Wanner B S C B. 210. Methylnonvlcarbinol. C,, H,, O .8268, 19 42, 330. Giesecke Z C 13, B. 228. Normal dodecyl alcohol C,, H M O- . .8309, 24 ) 431. l( It II it .8201,40 I Krafft Ber. 16, 1714. (I U il u .7781,99 J Normal tetradecyl alco- C,, HM O .8236, 38 ") hol. " " II .8153, 50 I u .( 11 U II .7813, 98.9 J Isomer of myristic alco- j II .8368, 15 1 hoi. B. 270 275. J u 8301 30 I Perkin Jr J C a (I it II .8279, 35 J S 43, 77 Normal hexdecyl alcohol C,. H,, O .8176, 49.5 1 (( 11 It !< .8105, 60 11 11 II II .7837, 98.7 J- Krafft. Ber. 16, 1714. II II II Cetyl alcohol. II .8185, 49.5 J Normal octodecyl alcohoL C lft HO._. .8124, 59 _. ) ii ii u ii .8048, 70 __ I u u ii u u ii .7849, 99.l J 2d. Oxides of the Paraffin Series.* NAMK. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl ethyl oxide C H s . C 2 H 5 . O .7252, ) Dobriner A C u u u u .7127, 10 8 \ P 243 1 Ethyl oxide, or ether u u u (C 2 H 5 ),0 .7119, 24.8 .713,20 Gay Lussac. Dumas and Boullav. u u u u .733, 12.5 Ann. (2), 36, 294. Muncke M St P u .73568, 1 Sav. Et. 1, 1831, 249. Kopp P A 72 u .72895, 6. 9 } 231. u .7297, 5 10 ) u .7241,10 15 i lie^nault. P. A. u .7185,15 20 J 62, 50. u .73574,0 Pierre C. R 27, u u u u f .728, 7 - 213. Delffs. J. 7. 26. *A11 of Dobriner's ethers represent normal paraffins. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 197 NAXB. f FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethyl oxide or ether (Co HA, O .73644,0 1 Intermediate val- ues given. Men- delejeff. A. C. P. 119, 1. Matthiessen and Hockin. Ramsay. J. C. S. 35, 463. Briihl. Ber. 13, 1530. Buchan. C. N. 51, 94. Squibb. C. N. 51, 67 and 76. Oudemans. Ber. 19, ref. 2. Also values for every 5 from to 193. Ramsay and Young. P. T. 1*78, 85. Ramsay and Young. P. M. 1887, 458. Dobriner. A. C. P. 243, 1. Briihl. Bei. 4. 779. Dobriner. A. C. P. 243, 1. Markownikoff. A. C. P. 138, 374. Dobriner. A. C. P. 243, 1. Zander. A. C. P. 214, 181. ft 1C Lieben and Rossi. A. C. P. 158, 137. Saytzeff. Dobriner. A. C. P. 243, 1. Wurtz. J. 7, 574. Schiff. Bei. 9, 559. Mendelejeff. J.I 3, 7. Reboul and Truchot. J. 20, 582. u ti Kondakoff. Ber. 20, ref. 549. Dobriner. A. C. P. 243, 1. fi ( 11 it : ' .63987, 78.3_. .60896, 99.9_. .55958, 181.6 .51735, 157 _. .7271, 10.2 1 .7204, 15.8 ] .6956, 34.5 .7157, 20 11 i t < i ' t< i i u i ( ( i it u u ti it u << ( U .7197, 15 .73128, 4 __j .71888, 15 J .73590,0 1 ( U ft ( ( I ( tl .7304, 5 .7248, 10 _. .7192, 15 __ .7135,20 | 1 ( U ( ( I ( ( ( ( .7077. 25 .7019, 30 __ .6960, 35 J i ( (1 I ,11 ( < (( ( ( If .( 1 It tl ( It Methyl propyl oxide .6704, 50 ] .6105, 100 .5179, 150 .3030, 193 .2463, at crit- ical t. .7471,0 .__ | .70415, 38.9j .7386,20 .7545, __ \ i i C H,. C. H T . O__ 11 U 11 Ethyl propvl oxide C~ H.. C, H T . O_ 11 it U M 11 11 11 It .6871,63.6 J .7447,0 _ Ethyl isopropyl oxide ti Methyl butyl oxide CH,. C. H,. O _ .7635,0 _.._ } .6901,70.3 J .7633,0 _. 11 U U (( Propyl oxide (C, H-). O_ u ii it .6743, 90. 7 .7435,0 _ Isopropyl oxide it ti 11 u .6715, 69 Ethyl butyl oxide _ C. H 5 . C, H 9 . O- .7694,0 __. .7522, 20 __ I .7367,40_.j .761,0 _ 11 u u u 11 K u tt .7680,0 1 .6785, 91.4 J .7507,0 _ _ it it Ethyl isobutyl oxide ti Alethyl amvl oxide __ C H,. C, H n . O . .6871,91 .8036, 14.7_~ .764, 18 . Ethyl isoamyl oxide C 2 H 5 . C 5 H u . O u it it it C. H.. C, H 9 . O- U 11 11 Tertiary ethyl am yl oxide- it u u * it it 11 u ti Propyl butyl oxide .759, 21 _ .7785,0 __. | .751, 18 __ . j .7773,0 ___ ) .6638, 117. 1 J U II tt it 198 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Butyl oxide - (C. H fl ), O. . .784, __ _ ) II It .7685, 20 _ I I .6055, 261.9 243, 1. Hoptyl octyl oxide .8182, ___ u u u u .6038. 278. 8 (C H,A> O .8035 \ Moslinger Ber 9 u u 11 .8050, 17 - j 1001. 11 II U u .82035, __ ) Dobriner. A. C. P. U II U II .5983, 291.7 j 243, 1. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 199 3d. The Fatty Acids. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Formic acid C H, O,.. 1.2353 Liebig. Gm. H. Kopp. P. A. 72, 248. Landolt. P. A. 117, 353. Semenoff. Ann. (4), 6, 115. Petterson. U. N. A. 1879. Briihl. Bei. 4, 781. ) Zander. A. C. P. I 224, 88. Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Liideking. P. A. (2). 27, 72. Schiff. Ber. 19, 560. Traube. Ber. 19,884. Perkin. J. C. S. 49, 777. Mollerat. Ann. (1), 68, 88. Sebi 11 e- Auger. Watts' Diet. Mohr. A. C. P. 81, 277. IPersoz. Watts' } Diet. 1 Regnault. P. A. J 62, 50. Kopp. P. A. 72, 253. Delffs. A. C. P. 92, 277. Mendelejeff. J. 13, 7. f Koscoe. J. C. S. 15, 1 270. Landolt. P. A. 117, 353. Oudemans. Z. C. 1866, 750. Linnemann. A. C. P. 160, 216. Landolt. Ber. 9, 907. Kohlrausch. P. A. 159, 240. Kamsay. J. C. S. 35, 463. Duclaux. Ann. (5), 13, 95. 1 i- Petterson. U.N.A. 1879. 11 1C u 1.2227, __ \ 1.2067, 13.7 I 1.2211,20-. 1.2211} f 1.2165} M | 1.24482, 11 (I 1C 11 11 II it II II 1( 11 1C (1 II II II II 11 1.2188, 20 II II 11 1.2415,0 11 11 11 1.1175, 100.8 1.2191, 20 II II u II II II 1.2182, 22 __. 1.1170, 100.3 1.2190, 20 II II 1C II II II II II II 1.22734, 15 __ 1.0630, 16 Acetic acid C, H.O,- a ii II 1.0622 it ii II 1.0635, 15 ii 11 II 1.100, 8. 5, s. 1.0650,13,!. 1.0647, 5-10 1.0591, 10-15 1.0535,15 20 ii ii II ii 11 11 a ii II 11 ii II u ii 1C 1.08005, I 1.06195,17 J 1.0635, 10 __. 1.0607, 15 ii u II u u II u ii II u u II 1.0563} 1.0565 ) 15 <& 1.0514.20 u u 1C u u II u u 1C 1.05533, 15 u u u 1.0626, 20 ___ 1.0502 11 u 11 u u 1C 1.0490, 18 u ii Cl .9325, 113 __. 1.0635, 15 U II 1C II 11 II 1.1149,0, s. II 11 1C 1.0576, 12.79 1.0543, 15.97 1.0503, 19.03 II 11 1C II 1C " 200 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Acetic acid. _ C,H,0 2 - 1.0559, 20 ___ 1.0495, 20 Bedson and Wil- liams. Ber. 14, 2550. Briihl. Bei. 4, 781. Zander. A. C. P. 224, 88. Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Ludeking. P. A. (2), 27, 72. Perkin. J. C. S. 49, 777. Kopp. A. C. P. 95, 307. Landolt. P. A. 117, 353. Linnemann. J. 21, 433. Linnemann. A.C.P. 160, 195. Pierre and Puchot. B. S. C. 18, 453. Briihl. Ber. 13, 1530. Zander. A.C.P. 214, 181. i Zander. A. C. P. J 224, 88. Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Ludeking. P. A. (2), 27, 72. Traube. Ber. 19,885. Kenard. C. K. 103, 158. Perkin. J. C. S. 49, 777. Chevreul. Pelouze and Gelis. P. A. 69, 625. Pierre. C. R. 27, 213. Mendelejeff. J. 13, 7. Landolt. P. A. 117, 353. Bulk. A. C. P. 139, 62. Linnemann. A. C. P. 160, 195. Linnemann. Ann. (4), 27, 268. Graham. A. (J. P. 123, 99. Briihl. A. C. P. 203, 1. Landolt. Bei. 7, 845. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. 11 a u it 1.0701,0 \ u u .9372, 118.l } 1.0532, 20 ___ 1.0465,22 U 1( u (I (( (i (I (( tt 1.05704, 15 __ Proj/ionic acid _ C.H.O,- 1.0161,0 __ \ .9911,25.2 j .9963, 20 .992, 18 (( U (i U (( (i (1 U <( (( ( .9961, 19 1.0143, _. ) .9607,49.6 j. .9062, 99.8 ) .9946, 20 (( {( (I <( ( 11 It u 11 (( (I (1 u 1.0199, __ \ .8657, 140. 7 j 1.0133,0 .8589 | , 4 00 t- .8599 j 1 tU ' & .9939, 20 .9902,25 .9956, 20 (( (I t ( i (( 11 i ( c (( i t (( <( U u u 1.0089, __ ) .9904, 18 _ j (( (( " .9331, 19.6 j ^ Hell. A. C. P. B. 172. 5. J (1 !( >( <( .938, 24 ( 160, 257. Saur. A. C. P. 188, 11 U U <( .917, 15 275. Ley. Ber. 6, 1362. (( U U .941,21 Pagenstecher. A. C. (( <( 11 II .948, 14.5 P. 195, 118. Lescoeur. J. C. S. U (1 M .9405, 17 31, 589. Schmidt. Ber. 12, Trimethyl acetic acid U .944, .. ._ 1 257. Butlerow. Ber. 7, <( U tt .905, 50 ___ J 728. Normal caproic acid. CH,,O, .922,26 Chevreul. " " B. 205. 11 .931, 15 Fehling. A. C. P. u U .9449, I 53, 406. U U .9294, 20 __ tt 11 .9172, 40 __ f Lieben and Eossi. it U .8947, 99. 1 A. C. P. 159, 70. U II .9438, ) II (I .928, 20 [ Lieben. A. C. P. 170, 1 * (( .9164, 40 J 89. t II .933, 23 Cahours and Demar- II .9446, _ _ \ 9ay. C. K. 89,331. Zander. A.C.P.224, ( II .7589, 205 j 88. ( II .9449 \ no f Gartenmeister. A.C. ( (I .9453 -- P. 233, 249. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 203 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. I^ocaproic acid B 199 C a H 10 0, .9252,20 .9237, 20 .925, 27 Landolt. P. A. 117. 353. Briihl. Bei. 4, 781. Sticht. J. 21, 522. Schnapp. Ber. 10, 1954. Saytzeff. Ber. 11, 512. II 11 Liebermann and Scheibler. Ber. 16, 1823. Liebermann and Kleemann. Ber. 17, 918. Komburgh. J. C. S. 52, 232. Rombunjh. J. C. S. 52, 228. Stadeler. J. 10, 360. Landolt. P. A. 117. 353. Franchimont. A. (J. P. 165, 237. Grimshaw and Schorlemmer. A. C. P. 170, 137. u u Mehlis. A.C.P. 185, 362. Liebenand Janecek. J. R, C. 5, 156. Cahours and Demar- 9ay. C. R. 89, 331. Briihl. Bei. 4, 781. Zander. A. C. P. 224, 88. Gartenmeister. A.C. P. 233, 249. Hecht. A.C. P. 209, 315. Poetsch. A. C. P. 218, 56. Fehlins?. A.C.P.53, 401. Perrot. J. 10, 353. Fischer. A. C. P. 118, 307. Cahours and Demar- 9ay. C.R.89,331. Zander. A.C. P. 224, 88. it ti Diethylacetic acid. B. 190 K u u 11 u .945 u 11 u .9355, 1 u a u .9196, 18 J Methylpropylacetic acid. " B.193 a (( (1 U Methylisopropylacetic acid Methylethylpropionic acid Denanthic acid. B. 223__ u u u .9414,0 ) .9279, 18 1 .9231,25 .9286, 15 II II II II .928, 15 II .930, 15 C.H..O, .9167, 24 .. .9179, 18 __ ) .9175, 20 j u K i. II U 11 11 .9212, 24 u 1 11 .9345, ] (1 1 u .9278, 8. 5 (1 ( u .9208, 16 __ " .9110, 28 __ .9359,0 ) .9348,9 \ __ .9235, 28 J .916, 21 K I 11 11 1 II It I 11 11 1 II K 1 II It 1 u .935, ") K 1 II .9198, 20 _. I .9084, 40 __ j .924, 21 1 II 11 1 u U 1 Cl .9160, 20 II 1 II .9313,0 1 II 1 II .7429, 223.2 J .9333, 11 i II Isoheptylic acid. B. 211. 5 u u u .9305, ) u .9138,21 I u u II .8496, 100 j .9260, 15 .911,20 Isoamylacetic acid. B.217 Caprylic acid. B. 236.5 u u it C S H,,O, 11 .905, 21 u u 11 .901, 18 u it 11 .923, 17 U 11 It .9270, 1 U ( II .7264, 236. 5 204 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY AUTHORITY. Caprylic acid C a H 1( .O, .9288, Gartenmeister A C Isooctylic acid. B. 219 a .926, P. 233, 249. < it .911,20 < u .903, 30 t It .893, 40 Williams. J. C. S. i (1 .885, 50 35, 125. < 11 .846, 100 j Dipropylacetic acid. u .9215,0 Burton. A C J B. 219.5. Pelargonic acid. B. 253_ C Q H, a O, .903, 21 3, 389. Perrot J 10 353 (I U u .9065, 17 Fninchimont and (( ( a .90656 1 Zincke. C. N. 25, 57. ( u .90638 From six different ( u .90630 sources Berff- ( u .90639 { u .90621 Pharm 22 331 < u .90609 J 1 ii .9109, 12. 5 " I it .9068, 17 5 , Krafft Ber 15 1687 c 11 .9433, 99.3 1 11 .9082, Gurtenmeister A Isononylic acid. B. 245 11 .90325, 18 C. P. 233, 249. Kullhem. AGP Rutylic acid .930, 37, 1. 173, 319. Fischer A C P Laurie acid _ _ .883, 20, a. 118, 307. Goro'ey A C P Stearic acid 1.01,0, 8.-. 1 66, 306. Saussure TVatts' U .854, 1. Diet. (i II al.OO, 9 Kopp J 8 43 it (i 11 .8521, 69.5 Schiff AGP 223, 247. 4th. Anhydrides of the Fatty Acids. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Acetic anhydride C^ H- O, 1.073, 20.5 Gerhardt J 5 451 1.0969,0 \ Kopp A C P 94 1.0799, 15.2 j 257. 1.075, 15 Schlagdenhauffen 1.0793,15 . Mendelejeff. J 13 7 1.0787, 20 _ Nasini. Ber 14 u u u 1.0816.20 1513. Briihl. Bei 4 782 Propionic anhydride C. H, n O, 1.01, 18 Linnemann J 21 u u u 1.0169, 15 __. 433. Perkin. J. C. S. Butyric anhvdride... Co H 0... .978, 12.5-. (2), 13, 11. Gerhardt. J.5.452. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 205 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Jaobutyric anhydride CoH,.O,-. .9574, 16.5 __ Toennies and Sto.ub. Valeric anhydride .934, 15 Ber. 17, 851. Watts' Dictionary. Oenanthic anhydride. .91, 14 Malerba. J. 7, 444. (1 U K .932,21 ___ Mehlis. A. C. P. 185, 371. 5th. Ethers of the Series C n H 2n O x . NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methj u (1 II (( 14 U U It (I Ethyl u i i < i i ii u (1 n it u (C u u u II u It II u 11 II 1 formate _ C H 3 . C H O 2 _ .9984, ___ -) .9776, 15.3 } .9766, 16 _. J .9928, Kopp. P. A. 72,261. Volhard. A. C. P. 176, 135. Kraemer and Grodz- ki. Ber. 9, 1928. Kamsay. J. C.S. 35, 463. DeHeen. Bei.5,105. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. Elsosser. A. C. P. 218, 302. Gehler. See Bottger. Liebig. Quoted by Kopp. Kopp. P. A. 72, 266. U II Pierre. O.K. 27, 213. Lovvig. J. 14, 599. Ramsay. J. C.S. 35, 463. Bruhl. Ber. 13, 1530. DeHeen. Bei.5,105. Several intermediate values given. N&c- cari and Pagliani. Bei. 6, 89. f Schiff. G. C. 1. 13, { 177. Elsasser. A. C. P. 218, 302. Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Gartenmeister. A.C. P. 233, 249. 11 u ii u u M u 11 .9797, 15 u' u .9482, 33 .9767, 14 u K u u u it .9566, 32.3 II .99839, __ } .95196, 32.3 j .9157, 18 11 formate C 2 H 5 . C H O 2 __ u u .912 u u .94474, ._ { .92546, 15. 7 j .9394,0 \ .9188, 17 / .93565, it u 11 u ii u u u u II .917 . ii II .8649, 55 .9064, 20 u II 1C u .9214, 14 u II .9367, "] i II .9238, 10.84 .9122, 20.03 .8959, 32.79 ! .8865, 40.02 .8740, 49.76 .8707, 51.94J .8730 ) 30 , .8731 } b6 A ~ .93757, | i II i II i II t II i II i 11 i II i 11 i u .86667, 54.4 j .9194 | 2 f .9152} 2U .9445, i II i II i u 206 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Propyl formate C, H,. C H O, .9197, ) Pierre and Puchot. Z. C. 12, 660. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 288. De Heen. Bei. 5, 105. Elsasser. A. C. P. 218, 302. Winkelmann. P. A. (2), 26, 105. Gartenmeister. A.C. P. 233, 249. u u Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 319. De Heen. Bei. 5, 105. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. Elsasser. A. C. P. 218, 302. Gartenmeister. A.C. P. 233, 249. Delffs. J. 7, 26. Kopp. A. C. P. 96. Mendelejeff. J.13,7. DeHeen. Bei. 5, 105. Schiff. G. C. I. 13, 177. Briihl. Bei. 4, 782. ) Elsasser. A. C. P. j 218, 302. Frentzel. Ber. 16, 745. Gartenmeister. A.C. P. 233, 249. ii ii 11 U Dumas and Poligot. P. A. 36, 117. Kopp. A. C. P. 96. Kopp. P. A. 72,271. Pierre. C.E.27,213. Grodzki and Krae- mer. Z. A. C. 14, 103. Briihl. Ber. 13,1530. DeHeen. Bei. 5. 103. (i u u .877, 38.5__ i .836, 72.5__ J .9188,0 _._) .8761,88.5 [ .835, 72.5__ J .9026, 14 .91838, I .82146, 81 j .9023 ) 2QO 1 .9125) M { .9250, __. { .8270, 81 __ j .9108,0 ..\ K u <( u II a u II u II u u II i II i II < II i (i II < II i: < u Butyl formate C 4 H 9 . C H O 2 it it u .7972, 106.9 j .8845,0 ___ .850, 34 _. Isobutyl formate u (i u II U 11 II .8224, 59.8 .7962, 83.4 .8650, 14 1C (1 14 <( II (i (( (( (( .7784, 98 .88543, __ } .78287, 97.9 j .9018, ) (1 (I u (( (( u Normal amyl formate u u u Isoamyl formate C.H,,. C HO, u .7692, 130. 4 j .884, 15 . u u .8945, { .8743,21 } .8809, 15 .8816, 14 .7554, 123.5-_ .8802, 20 .. .894378, _._ .77027, 123.3_ .8495, 17 .8977, \ u u u u (i it u Normal hexyl formate U 11 11 It II (I Normal heptyl formate II II Cl Normal octyl formate u u u Methyl acetate __ C R H... C H O... ii u .7484, 153. 6 j .8937,0 .__ ) .7308, 176. 7 j .8929, ___ ) .7156, 198.l j .919, 22 . _ C 7 H 1S . CHO 2 _. || C 8 H 1T . CH0 2 11 C H.. C, H, O,_. u ii u .9328, \ .9085,21 j .9562, __. \ .937S5, 15.6 j .86684, U II u II II u II II it II II u II II ii 940 II II ii .9039, 20 . (1 II u .9319, 14 .. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 207 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl acetate C H,. C, H, O, .8825 j ,. f Schiff G C I 13 u it u .8826 j &0 177 u (i u .95774, 1 Elsasser A C P u u it .88086, 57. 5 j 218, 302 <[ U ii .9424, TV'inkelmann P A u u .9238, 19.2 (2), 26, 105. Henrv C K 101 i (i II .8942, Frankland and Dup- ll !< 11 .89957,0 _ pa. J. 18, 306. ] Elsasser. A. C. P. u it II .76940, 119.9 j 218, 302. u u II .9004, Gartenmeister. A. Ethyl isobut'vrate II .90412, ) C. P. 233, 249. u u u .89065, 13 j Kopp. P. A. 72, 287. u u II .890, . . 1 ii c 1C it i a i 1C II 1C .882306, __. .71148, 178.6_ .873, 10 ii i K ( Amyl isobutyrate .8769, 1 II 11 (I 11 1C K ^6 H 13- C 4 H 7 O 2 C 7 H 15( . C 4 H 7 2 i: C 8 H 17 . C 4 H 7 O 2 1C C lfi H 33- C 4 H 7 O 2 C H 3 . C, H 9 2 _ .8264, 55.4 .7839, 100.2 ' .7446, 139. 5 .875965, ___ .70662, 168.8- .8825, ___ { .6963, 205. 1 j .8827, ___ .6869, 225.2 .8794, ___ .6751, 2420.2 .856, 20 11 U CI (1 Normal hexyl butyrate (1 II *U Normal heptyl butyrate__ 11 11 Normal octyl butyrate U 11 (1 Cetyl butyrate Methyl valerate .895, 17 it it u .9097, _... } 7767, 127.3 { 8960,0 { 8806, 16 j 901525, ) 88687, 15 I 88662, 15.3J 9005,0 _..] 8581,41.5 8343, 64.3 7945, 100. IJ 8908, 16 885465, 17 11 1C 11 Methvl isovalerate _ 11 U 11 .c ii U 11 U ii It U U u a u II it (i II u u u u u 11 u cc 11 II 1C II u ci CI 8795, 20 90085,0 77518, 116.7_ 894, ) 8765, 20 __ I 8616, 40 _. . ii 1C u u u Ethyl valerate C,H.. aELO, . u u II U K FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 213 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethyl valerate .878, 18.5 .8939, ___ } .7443, 144. 7 j .894, 13 Cahours and Demar- 9ay. O.K. 89, 331. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766. Otto. A. C. P. 25, 62. Berthelot. J.7,441. Kopp. A. C. P. 96. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 353. Briihl. Bei. 4, 782. \ Elsasser. A. C. P. I 218, 302. Kenard. Ann. (6), 1, 223. Franklandand Dup- pa. J. 20, 396. FriedelandSilva. J. C. S. (2), 11, 1127. Butlerow. B. S. C. 23, 27. Israel. A. C. P. 231, 197. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766. 1 } Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 297. \ Elsasser. A. C. P. j 218, 302. Silva. Z. C. 12, 508. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 330. ) Elsasser. A. C. P. j 218, 302. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766. Kopp. A. C. P. 94, 257. Mendelejeff. J.13,7. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 346. Balbiano. Ber. 9, 1437. Kenard. Ann. (6), 1, 223. Lev. Ber. 6, 1362. it u u it u Ethyl isovaleratc u ii u .869, 14 _. <( (i .8829, 1 .8659,18 J .886, "I .832, 55.7 1 .7843, 99.63 j .7582, 122.5J .8661,20 . _ n u u u it u II u u u II ii II .88514, i (1 .74764, 134.3_ .8743, 16 .8882, . ) ( II ii <{ ii (1 .87166, 18 J .8773, __. \ .8535, 25 __ j .875, Ethyl trimethylacetate ii t'l (1 (1 Ethyl methylethylacetate Propyl valerate u (1 (( II .877, 15 C, H,. C K H Q 0, .8888, -_. \ .7264, 167.5 J .8862, ii it it Propvl isovalerate 11 it u .8387, 50.8__. .7906, 100. 15. .7755, 113.7- .880915, .727405, 155.9 .8702, \ .8538, 17 j .8847, __. 1 .7095, 185. 8 j .8884, ___ 1 .8438, 49.7 .7966, 100 .7428, 155.8J .873599, it u ii u it u ti 1C Isopropyl isovalerate. II tl !> 11 Butyl vhlerate C, H . C K H O, ii ii u Isobutyl isovalerate u ii ii u it (t it u ii u ii it u ii ii it .70549, 168. 7 .8812,0 ) Normal amyl valerate ti it it Amvl isovalerate C s H,,.CH a O,- ii .6982, 203. 7 j .8793,0 j .8645, 17.7 J .8596,15 .874, "I u u i ii it t u ii < u ii i ti .832, 50.67 .787, 100 _. [ .740, 149.5 J .8700, u i it u < ii " ' Inactive- ii (i u (i .8633, 16 .8'39, 15 _. I u ii 214 TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Amyl isovalerate .8658, 20 Briihl Bei 4 782 u u .863, 10 De Heen Bei 11 Normal hexyl valerate 11 U (( C 6 H 13 . C 5 H 9 O 2 u .8797,0 .__ ) .6823, 223. 8 j 313. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766 Normal heptyl valerate _. 11 a 11 ^7^ 15 . C 5 HgO 2 II .8786,0.__ ) .6708, 243. 6 j ii u Normal octyl valerate u 11 a C 8 H 17 .C 5 H 9 O 2 .8784, ___ { .6618, 260.2 J u u Octyl isovalerate u .8624, 16 Zincke J 22 371 Cetvl isovalerate .852, 20 _. . Dollfus. J 17' 518 Methyl caproate -- .8977, 18 Fehlin^ A C P u u u .889, 19 53, 399. Cahoursand Demar- u u u .9039, __ } 9ay. C. R. 89,331. Gartenmeister Bei u u u .7536, 149.6 j 9, 766. Ethyl caproate .882, 18 _ Lerch A C P 49 u u u .8765, 17.5. . 212. Franchimont and (i .8898, . ) Zincke. A. C. P. 163, 193. u .8732, 20 __ [ Lieben and Rossi u .8594,40 _J A. C. P 165 118 u .8898, ._ ) u .8728, 20 I Lieben. A. C P II .8596, 40 __ J 170. 89. u .878, 19 Cahours and Demar- II .8888, _ \ cay. C.R. 89, 331. Gartenmeister. Bei. II .7269, 166.6J 9, 766. Ethyl isocaproate .887,0 ) u 11 .8705, 20 __ I Lieben and Ro^si u u .8566,40 _J A. C. P. 165, 118. Ethyl diethylacetute .8822, Franklandand Dup- II U .8826,0 ___\ pa. J. 18, 308. Saytzeff. Ber. 11, II II Ethyl methylpropylacetate it u II II .8686, 18 __ / .8816,0 \ .8670, 18/ .8841,0 512. U II Lieben and Zeisel Propvl caproate - C, H-. C H,, O,-_ .8844,0 _ M. C. 4, 26. Gartenmeister. Bei. u u i. .7097, 185.5/ 9, 766. Butvl caproate .8824,0 __. \ u u ii .6978, 204. 3 / Hexvl caproate .865 Franchimont and Mcthvlethylpropyl me- u .867, 15 Zincke. (J. N. 24, 263. Rom burgh. J C S thylethylpropionate. Normal heptyl caproate__ ." " " Normal octyl caproate u u u Methyl oenpnthate _ C 7 K 15- C 6 H ll 2 u c 8 H 17 .c 6 H u o 2 :::: u .8769, __. \ .6594, 259.4 / .8748,0.-\ .6509, 275. 2 / .889, 19 52, 228. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766. 11 U Cahoursand Demar- cay. C.R. 89,331. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 215 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Alethyl oenanthate .8981,0 1 Gartenmeister Bei u u ii .7325, 172.1/ 9, 766. Methvl isooenanthate u .8840, 15 Poetsch A C P u a ti .8790, 15 218, 56. Hecht A C P Ethyl oenanthate .874, 24 _ 209, 324. Franchimont A C It <( K .8735, 16 P. 165, 237. Grimshaw and ( U II .871,21 Schorlemmer. A. C. P. 170, 137. Mehlis A C P (( U K .877, 16.5 185, 366. Cahoursand Demar- u 11 .8879, 1 9ay. O.K. 89, 331. u II .8716, 20 } Liebenand Janecek u II .8589, 40 _ j J. R. C. 5, 156 (I 11 .871631 , 1 .87199] 4 It .86477") nen Perkin. J. P. C. t II . 86487 j (2), 32, 523. ; II .8861,0 1 Gartenmeister Bei 4 II .7105, 187.1J 9, 766 Ethyl isooenanthate II .8720, 15 Poetsch A C P a u If .8685, 15 { 218, 56. Hecht A C P 209 il (( 11 .8570, 27 j 324 Propyl oenanthate .8824, ) Gartenmeister Bei u u II .6965, 206. 4 J 9 766 Propyl isooenanthate Isopropyl isooenanthate II II .8635, 19 .859, 19 Hecht. A. C. P. 209. 324. Hecht. A. C. P. 209, Butyl oenanthate .8807, ) 325. Gartenmeister Bei U 14 It .6839, 225 1 j 9 766 Normal heptyl oenanthate C- H 15 . C, H n O 2 - .870, 16 Cross. J. C. S. 32, ;( K K 11 U (( (i (i it u it ti Normal octyl oenanthate . It 11 11 Methyl caprylate _ ii u u u C 8 H 17 . C 7 Hi 3 O 2 u .86522, 15 \ .85933, 25 / .8807, __ _ \ .6839, 225.l / .8757,0 ___\ .6419, 290.4 / .882 123. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 32, 623. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766. u u Fehling A C P a K it .887, 18 53, 399. Cahoursand Demor- u it u .8942, \ 9ay. C.R.89,331. Gartenmeister. Bei. it ii u .7163, 192.9j 9, 776. Ethyl caprylate P H P TT O 8738 15 Fehling A C P 53 u u u 8728 16 399. Zincke J 22 373 u tt u .878, 17 Cahours and Demar- II tt 11 8842 \ c;ay. C.R.89,331. " " . u .6980,205 8j 9 766 216 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Propvl caprylate __ _ C, H,. C s H,- O, .8805, ) Gartenmeister Bei (i ii .6867, 224 7 j 9 766 Butyl caprylate .8797, (( U U .6745 240 5 Normal heptyl caprylate _ It <( Normal octyl caprylate (1 U (1 U U 11 Methyl pelargonate CT H 15" C 8 H 15 ^2 U c 8 H 17 . c 8 n 15 o 2 :::: it a .8754, ___ .6405, 289.8 .8625, 16 .8755,0 ___ } .6318, 305.9 j .8765, 17.5 u Zincke. J. 22, 371. Gartenmeister. Bei. 9, 766. Zincke and Franchi- Ethyl pelargonate C, H.. C H,. O, .. .86 mont. A.C.P. 164, 333. Cahours. J 3 401 U (I U .8725, J5.5 Delfts J 7 26 U U U .8655, 17.5 . Zincke and Franchi- (( (1 (( .86307 "I mont. A.C.P. 164, 333. U (( .86231 _._ 1 TVith acid from six (( (( .86503 . I sources. Berg- U (( II .86402 1 mann. Arch (( (1 U .86376 _._ Pharm. 22, 331. (( (1 .86209 j (( (I It .87033, 15 ) Perkin. J. P C. (( (( (C .86407, 25 j (2), 32, 523. Ethyl isononylate .86406, 17 . Kill (hem. A C P Ethyl rutylate .862 173, 319. Rownev J 4 443 Ethyl laurate .86, 20 _ _ Gorgey. J. 1, 561. U (i (1 .8671, 19 Delffs. J. 7, 26. Ethyl myristate .864 Ployfair. A C P 37, 153. 6th. Aldehydes of the Acetic Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Acetic aldehyde. B. 20. 8 CTJ n .7900, 18 Liebig. A. C. P. 14, (1 U .79442, 5. 1 ) 132. (( (( el .79388, 5.6 \ Kopp. P. A. 72, U II .80092, ) 235. ( (( a .80551,0 Pierre. C. R. 27, cc u .796,15 ... 213. Guckelberger. J. 1, 1C (( u .8217, 5 10 848. ) (C (( u .8173,10 15 > Re^nault. P. A. CC (C (t .8130,15 20 j 62, 50. ( (C it .7771,21 Ramsay. J. C. S. (( U n .807,0 _ _ 35, 463. \Vurtz. U \t .7932, 10 Landolt. (1 U u .7799, 20 .. Bruhl. Bei. 4. 782. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 217 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Acetic aldehyde C, H, O._ .79509, 10 1 .79138,13 .78761, 16 J .81312, 5 ] Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 32, 623. Perkin. J. C.S. 51, 808. Kekule and Zincke. Z. C. 13, 560. Two lots. Briihl. A. C. P. 203, 1. { Schiff. G. C. 1. 13, { 177. Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Louguinine. Ber. 19, ref. 2. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 32, 523. Bauer. J. 13, 436. Guckelberger. J. 1, 848. Michaelson. J. 17, 336. Rossi. A. C. P. 159, 79. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 298. Linnemann. A.C.P. 161, 23. Briihl. Ber. 13, 1527. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 32, 523. Chancel. C. E. 19, 1440. Michaelson. J. 17, 336. Bruhl. A. C. P. 203, 1. Guckelberger. J. 1, 849. Pierre and Puchot. Z. C. 13, 255. Urech. Ber. 12, 1744. Linnemann. Ann. (4), 27, 268. Bruhl. A.C.P. 203,1. JFossek. M. C. 4, 662. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 32, 523. Urech. Ber. 12, 1744. Trautwein. it tt it it .80561,0 __ .80058, 4 _. .79520, 8 tt ii it .78826, 13 .998, 15 .9943 I ( .9971 j M \ 8737) ]2403 .8739 j 1J4 >d .9909, 19 Paraldehyde. B. 124 (C, H, O), i ii < ti i it it i ii ci tt .9982 (i <( .99925, 15 1 .99003, 25 J 1.033, it ii Isomerofaldehyde. B. 110 Propionic aldehyde. B. 49.5. it (Co EL O) n . C 3 V-- .790, 15 ii .8284,0 (i ii .804, 17 (C (1 11 .832,0 -) .8192, 9.7 I (( it (1 11 it .7898, 32.6 j .8074,21 .8066, 20 .80648, 15 1 .79664, 25 j .821, 22 II (( ii II It it i u .7888, 90.9 j Myristone. M. 76. 3 .8013, 76.3 ) u u .7986, 80.8 f- u (i u u .7922, 90. 9 J Palmitone. M. 82.8_ __ .7997, 82.8 u u .7947, 90.9 Stearone. M. 88.4 .7979, 88.4 u M .7932,95 __ 222 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 8th. Oxides, Alcohols, and Ethers of the defines. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethvlene oxide C, H,. .8945, Wurtz J 16 486 Propylene oxide C, H.. O __ .859, Oser. J. 13, 448. Butvlene oxide C. H R . .8344,0 Eltekow. J. C S. B. 56. 5. Isobutylene oxide .8311,0 44, 566. Eltekow Ber 16 B. 51. 5. C* H, n . O .824, 397. Bauer J 13 451 u .8293, Eltekow Ber 16 B. 75.5. Methylpropylethyleneox- C H,,. .8236, 13.8_ _ 397. L. Henry Ann (5) ide. B. 110. <5 Hexylene oxide. .8739, _- - 29, 553. Lipp. Ber. 18, 3284 B. 103 104. Octylene oxide B 145 C H,*. O .831, 15 - _ De Clermont Z C Diamylene oxide .9402, 13, 411. Schneider. A. C. P. B. 185. Diethylene dioxide C. H a O, 1.0482, 157, 221. Wurts. J. 15, 423 B. 102. Ethvlene ethylidene di- 1.0002, _ Wurtz. J. 14, 656. oxide. B. 82. 5. Ethylene glycol B 197 C, H,. (O H), . 1.125,0 Wurtz. Ann. (3), i ii u .9444, 195 _ 55, 410. Ramsay. J. C. S. 11 it u 1.11678, 15 | 35, 463. Perkin. J. P. C. ii ii (i 1.11208,25 j (2), 32, 523. ii u u 1.1072,20 _. Briihl. Bei. 4, 782. Trimethylene glycol. C, H. (O H),- 1.053, 19 . . Reboul. C. R. 79, B. 216. it 1.0536, 18 169. Freund. J.C.S. 42, u u ii 1.0625,0 __ I 156. Zander. A. C. P. u u u .9028, 214 j 214, 181. Propylene glycol. B. 188 u 1.051,0 ) U II ii 1.038,23 j Wurtz. J.10, 464. II U u 1.054,0 Belohoubek. Ber. 11 II .. 1.047, 19 12, 1873. Loebisch and Looss. II II 1.0527, . \ J. C. S. 42, 377. Zander. A. C. P. II ll u .8899, 188.5 J 214, 181. Butylene glycol B 183 5 C, Ho. (O HL 1.048,0 Wurtz. J. 12, 499. Dimethylethyleneglycol. B. 207. 5. u 1.0259, Wurtz. C. R. 97, Ethylethylene glycol. " " B. 19P.5 u 1.0189,0 _. ) 1.0059, 17.5 J 473. {Grabowsky and Saytzeff. A. C. Isobutylene glvcol. B.177 ,, 1.0129,0 __ \ P. 179, 333. NevolS. C. R. 83, u u u 1.0003,20 67. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 223 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY AUTHORITY. Amylene glycol B 177 C, H, n . (0 H), .987, Wurtz. J. 11, 424. ("Wagner and Sayt- zeff. A. C.P.I 79, 309. Flavitsky. A. C. P. 179, 353. Wurtz. J. 17, 516. Sorokin. B. S. C. 81, 72. Wurtz. J. 17, 513. Lipp. Ber.18,3283. Linnemann. J. 18, 315. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 32, 523. DeClermont. J. 17, 517. Kurtz. A. C. P. 161, 205. Wurtz. J. 16, 489. (i Methyl ethyl carbonate. B. 104. " " " B. 115. Ethyl carbonate C H 3 . C 2 H 5 . C 3 ___ u (C, H K ),. C O, 1.0372 1.0016 .975, 19 2080. u u II i K Ettlin^. A C P u u .9998, | 19, 17. Kopp A C P 95 (i u u .9780, 20 j 307 K u .9762, 20 Briihl A C P u u .9735 203, 1. Schreiner. Ber. 13, 2080. 15 S G 226 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethyl propyl carbonate Propyl carbonate. C 2 H 5 . C 3 H 7 . C O 3 __ (C. H 7 ),. C O, _ .9516,20 .968, 22 _ Pawlewski. Ber. 17, 1607. Cahours. C K 77 (I U U .949, 17 746. Rose Ber 13 2418 Butyl carbonate (a H Q ),. c o, _ .9407, 1 a n 11 .9244, 20 I Lieben and RosM ti a it .9111,40 j A. C P 165, 109 Isobutyl carbonate a .919, 15 _ Rose. Ber 13 2418 Isoamyl carbonate (CL H,,),. C O, . .9144 Aledlock J 2 430 a a \ J 11'- O It .9065, 15. 5 Bruce J 5 605 a a H .912, 15 Rose Ber 13 2418 Ethyl orthocarbonate (C, H.U CO,. .925 Bassett. J. 17, 477 Propyl orthocarbonate (C, H,),. C O, _ .911,8 Rose. Ber 13, 2419 Isobutyl orthocarbonate (C, Ho),. CO,. .900, 8 a a 10th. Acids and Ethers of the Oxalic Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Oxalic acid C, H, O. _ 2.00, 9 Husemann B D Z a C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O 1.507 Richter a a 1.622 Plavfair and Joule a a 1.629 M. C. S. 2, 401. Bui^net J 14 15 a 1.63, 9 Husemann. B D Z a a 1.680 Schroder. Ber 10, <( a (C 1.531 _. 851. Riidorff. Ber 12 a 1.57 251. "W. C Smith. Am a a (( 1.653, 18.5_ - J. P. 53, 145. Wilson. F. W C Succinic acid C A H. O. _ 1.55 Richter. a a a 1.529,9, sub- ) a a a limed. 1.552,9,cryst. > Husemann. B. D. J z. a a a 1;567 Schroder. Ber 10 Ethyl oxalic acid a 1.2175, 20 _ 851. Anschutz Ber 16 Pyrotartaric acid - _- a H S o. . 1.408 _ 1 2412. Schroder. Ber 13 a a II 1.413 j 1070. jVfethvlisopropylrnal o n i c C* H,, O, .990, 15 Rombure;h J C acid. Sebocic acid 1.1317, fused . S. 52, 232. Carlet. J. 6, 429 Methyl oxalate a H. o. . 1.1566,50 __ Kopp. A. C. P 95 a a a 1.1479, 54 . 307. \ We^er. A C P a a a 1.0039, 163.3 221, 61. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 227 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl ethvl oxalate- _ __ C, H a O, _ 1.27, 12 Chancel J 3 470 11 (i a u 1.15565, (Wiens. Konigs- (i K u . 94693, i73.7j < berglnaug. Diss. Ethvl oxalote C fi H, n O, 1.0929, 7. 5 ( 1887. Duma* and Boullay u a it 1.086, 12 P. A. 12, 430. Delffs J 7 26 it u u 1.1010,5 10 <( (i If 1.0953, 10 15 [Eegnault P A 62 (i (1 1.0898, 15 20 j 50 (i u K 1.1016,0 { Kopp A C P 94 If (( It 1.0815, 18 2 J 257 (( If 1.0824, 15 Mendelejeff J 13 7 (( It (( 1.0793,20 Bruhl. A C P (( It tl 1.10231 203, 1. tt <( (t 1.1029 1 I Weger. A. C. P. 221, a u tl 1.1030 j 61. U (1 II 1.08563, 15 ) Perkin J P C 11 It U 1.07609,25 J (2), 32, 523 Propvl oxalate C s H,, 0, 1.018, 22 Cahours Les Mon- (i K u 1.0384, -i des, 32, 280. (Wiens. Konigs- U (( u .80601, 21 3. 5 j berglnaug. Diss. Butyl oxalate 1.002, 14 1887. Cahours C C 5 20 i ii ii 11 U .98 L. Henry. B. S. C. Amyl diethyloxyacetate _ .93227, 13 .__ 19, 212. Franklandand Dup- Ethyl amylhydroxalate Co H lfi O Q - .9449, 13 pa. P.T. 1866,309. Franklandand Dup- Ethyl ethylamylhydroxa- .9399, 13 pa. J. 18, 382. Franklandand Dup- late. Ethyl diarnyloxalate C U H M O,-. .9137, 13 pa. P.T. 1866, 309. Frankland and Dup- I pa. J. 18, 383. Ethyl acetoHycollate C fi H in O. 1.0093, 17 Heintz. J. 15, 292. Ethvl acetolactate . _ _ C, H 19 0, . 1.0458, 17 _. Wislicenus. J. 15, Ethyl propionoglvcollatc a 1.0052,22 300. Senf. Ber. 14,2416. Ethyl butyrogly collate. _ C a H,. O. 1.0288,22 11 U Ethyl isobutvroglvcollate 1.0240, 22. 5 II U Ethyl butyrolactate C Q H, fi O. 1.024,0 Wurtz. J. 12, 295. ii a n 1.028,0 Wurtz. J. 13, 273. Lactyl ethyl lactate C s H,. O. 1.134,0 Wurtz and Friedel. Ethvl diethvlglyoxylate _ C s H 1R O. .994, 18 J. 14, 377. Schreiber. Z. C. 13, Oxvbutyric lactone C, H, O, 1.1441,0 __ 1 168. Saytzeft' Ber. 14, .1 K ii 1.1286, 16 j 2688. 11 11 ii 1.1302,20 Friihling. Ber. 15, << ii 1.1295, 10 -*.- 2622. Henrv. C. E. 101, 1168. 232 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethylbutyric lactone C R H, n O,_. 1.0348, 16 Chanlaroff A C P Heptolactone C. H,, O 9 .9818, 4 226, 339. Amthor BCT 14 a .992, 16 1718. Younsf A C P 216, 41. 12th. Acids and Ethers of the Pyruvic Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Pyruvic, pyroracemic, or acetyl-formic acid. 11 (i (i 1C (( Propionyl-formic acid C. H, 0. _ 1.288, 18 1.2792 Volckel. J. 6, 426. Berzelius. Claisen and Shad- well. Ber.ll, 1567. Claisen and Shad- well. Ber. 11,621. Claisen and Moritz. Ber. 13, 2122. Conrad. Ber. 11, 2178. ii u 1.2403 { ii 1.2600 } ii 1.2415 C. H ft O, . 1.2000, 17. 5_. 1.135, 15 /?. Acetyl-propionic, or laevulinic acid. C. H s O, L Methyl pvruvate _ C\ H., O, _ 1.154,0 Oppenheim. B.S. C. 19, 254. Brandes. J. 19, 306. Geuther. J. 18, 303. Briihl. A. C. P. 203, 1. Elion. Ber. 17, ref. 568. Schiff. Ber. 19, 560. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 32, 523. (Emmcrling and Oppenheim. Ber. 9, 1097. Conrad. A.C. P. 186, 231. Brandes. J. 19, 306. u u (Grote, Kehrer, and Tollens. A. C. P. 206, 221. u i u Methyl acetacetate C K H a O, 1.037,9 Ethyl acetacetate C H ln O, 1.03, 6 it 11 u 1.0256,20 ( ii u 1.030, 15 1.0465,0 1 .9880, 55. 8 1 .9644, 79.2 }- .9029, 135.5 .8458, 180 1.03174,15 ) 1.02353,25 j .979,0 } .932, 23 ___ J .954, 10 . Isobutyl acetacetate C 8 H,. O,. . ii u U Amyl acetacetate Co H lfi O, Methyl methylacetacetate Ethyl methylacetacetate__ Methyl laevulinate 1.020, 9 C, H in O,._ .995, 14 C H,. O, . 1.0684, _. ) 1.0519,20 j 1.0325, _. ) 1.0156, 20 j 1.0103, __ I u u 11 Ethyl laevulinate C. H,, O,_. u u ii Propyl laevulinate 1 __ ii ii C a H,, O,_ ii .9937, 20 _. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. 1.009, 6 Geuther. J. 18, 303. ii ii James. A. C. P. 226, 202. Frankland and Duppa. Burton. A. C. J. 3, 385. Conrad. A.C.P. 186, 232. Frankland and Duppa. J. 18,309. {Hellon and Op- penheim. Ber. 10, 701 and 861. Israel. A.C.P. 231, 197. Saur. A. C. P. 188, 275. Frankland and Duppa. J. 20, 395. Jones. A. C. P. 226, 288. Rohn. A. C. P. 190, 307. Israel. A. C. P. 231, 197. Burton. A. C. J. 3, 386. Jourdan. Ber. 13, 434. Guthzeit. A. C. P. 204, 3. Mixter. Ber. 7, 501. Jourdan. J. C. S. 38, 314. Claisen and Stylos. Ber. 20, 2189. Elion. Ber. 10, 1369. Elion. Ber. 16, 2762. James. A. C. P. 226, 202. Duisberg. Ber. 15, 1387. Claisen and Mat- thews. A. C. P. 218, 173. Matthews. Ber. 16, 1372. Isbert. A. C. P. 234, 195. Isbert. A. C. P. 234, 194. Ethyl ethylacetacetate it 11 a 11 Propyl ethylacetacetate __ C H,, O, .998, 12 11 .981. 16 K .9834, 16 Co H 1(! 0,-. . 981,0 _ .937, 26 Ethyl dimethylacetacetate Ethyl propionylpropionate it 11 U (1 Ethyl methylethylacetace- tate. Ethyl isopropylacetacetate Ethyl methylpropylacet- acetate. Ethyl isobutylacetacetate. Ethyl ethylpropionylpro- pionate. Ethyl dipropylacetacetate Ethyl heptylacetacetate Ethyl octylacetacetate Ethvl diisobutylacetace- tate. Ethyl diheptylacetacetate Ethyl acetopyruvate C fl H 1A O, .9913, 16 ii .9948, ___ ) .9827, 15 _ j (i .9870, 15 Co H,, O. .974, 22 _ ii 98046, .9575, 17 .951, 17.5._-- .966, 15 ii ii C,, H-, O, .9585,0 .9324 .9354, 18.5 ii .947, 10 .8907, 17.5__. 1.124, 21 C, H, n O- Ethyl diocotylacetate C a H,, O, 1.044, 15 1.1, 15 . 11 ii ii a Ethvl carbacetacetate ii ii 1.064, 15 1.136,27 1.0225, 15 .9612, 15 C a H, n 0, Ethyl ethylideneacetace- tate. Ethyl amylideneacetace- tate. Ethyl ethoxylmethylacet- acetate. Ethyl ethoxylethylacet- acetate. C,, H, a O. Co H, fi O, .976,22 , H ia O_ .957, 22 234 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 13th. Acids and Ethers of the Acrylic Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methylacrvlic acid C, EL O, 1.0153, 20 Briihl Ber 14 2800 ft. Crotonic, orquartenylic u 1.018, 25 Gouther. J P C (2) a'cid. Pyroterebic acid C H, n O, 1.01 3, 442. Rabourdin A C P u u 1.006, 26 _ 52, 395. Mielck. A.O P 180 Methyletbylacrylic acid 1C .9812, 25 52. Lieben and Zeisel. Hydrosorbic acid (( .969, 19 _ M. C. 4, 71. Barrinijer and Fit- Amyldecatoic acid C in H, a O, .9096, tig. Z. C. 13, 425. Borodin. '' Moringic acid C 1R EL fl O 9 -- .908, 12.5 Walter. C. K. 22, Oleic acid .808, 19 1143. Chevreul. Methyl acrvlate. B. 80. 3 C. H. O, .977, ) Ivahlbaum. Ber. 13, (i <( u .961, 19.2 j 2349. u u u .97388,0 __ Weger. A.C.P. 221, (( !< .87194, 80.3 61. Liquid polymer of methyl (C, H. O,) . 1.140,0 __ Kahlbaum. Ber. 13, acrylate " " u 1.125, 18 2349. Solid polymer of methyl u 1.2223, 15.6 Hcrylate. " " u 1.2222, 18.2 Ethvl acrylate. B. 98. 5 _ C R H a O, _ .9252, __ Caspary and Tollens. U (I it .9136. 15 _ B. S. C. 20, 368. ' it u ii .93928, ) Weger. A.C.P. 221, u it u .81970, 98. 5 j 61. Propvl acrylate. B. 122.9 .91996, _ ) II U u .7847, 122.9 J Methyl crotonate C EL O, .9806, 4 Kuhlbaum. Ber. 12, Ethyl crotonate .9188) 344. 11 ti .9199 [ 20___ Briihl. A.C.P. 235,1. i u .9237 J u u .92680, 15 \ Perkin. J. P. C. 11 U .91846, 25 J (2), 32, 523. Ethvl ft crotonate .927, 19 Geuther. J. P. C. Ethvl angelate C, H 10 O, .9347, (2), 3, 444. Beilstein and Wie- Ethyl tiglate u .926,21 gand. Ber. 17, 2261. Geuther nnd Froh- U 11 u .9425,0 lich. Z.C.13,549. Beilstein and Wie- Ethvl ethvlcrotonate .9203, 13 gand. Ber. 17, 2261. Franklundand Dup- Methyl oleute .879,18 pa. J. 18, 384. Laurent. Ann. (2), Ethvl oleute... Con Hoo.Oo -- -.871,18 .. 65, 294. u u FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 235 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethyl oleate OHO .87589 ) , co ^ u K u .87525) * 11 If .87041 ) oco f Perkin. J. P. C. tt u 11 .86991 j ) (2), 32, 523. Methyl elaidato .872, 18 Laurent. Ann. (2), Ethyl elaidate .869, 18 .. 65, 294. U (I 14th. Derivatives of the Acrylic Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Acrolein, or acrylaldehyde C, H, O_ .8410, 20 Briihl. Bei. 4, 780 Metacrolein (C, H< O) . 1.03, 8 _ Geuther. J. 17,334 Acropinacone C H lft O, . .99, 17 Linneniann. J 18 Acrolein ethylate C K H, n O, .936, 4 317. Taubert J C S 31 Acrolein diacetate 1.076, 22 296. Hiibner and Geu- Crotonaldchyde C, H. O _ 1.033, ther. J. 13, 307. Roscoe and Schor- Diacetate from crotonalde- 1.05, 14 _ .. lemmer's Treatise. .Lagermark and El- hyde. Tiglic aldehyde, or guajol . a H fl o .871, 15 tekoff. Ber. 12, 694. Volckel. J. 7, 611 (3. Angelictilactone C s H- O, 1.1084,0 Wolff. A. (J. P 229 Methylethylacrolein C fi H, n O __ .8577, 20 257. Lieben and Zeisel. Amyldecaldehvde O in H 1Q O .862,0 } M. C. 4, 18. ii .848, 20 j Borodin. Ber. 5, 480. u u .861, O 3 . ) Gass and Hell. Ber. u u .851, 14 8, 372. Hexylpentylacrylic alde- C,, H, e O _ .8494, 15 1 hyde. " " _. .8416, 30 i Perkin, Jr. Ber. 15, 1C 11 u .8392, 35 J 2804. 11 11 II .8504, 15 . . Perkin, Jr. J. C. S. Hexylpentylacrylic alco- CTT n .8520, 15 __ ) 44, 81. hol. " " _. II .8444, 30 I Perkin, Jr. Ber. 15, U 11 u .8418, 35 . J 2810. Hexvlpentylacrylic ace- .8680, 15 _ ) tate. " " .8597, 30 _ i Perkin, Jr. Ber. 15, U II u .8568, 35 __ J 2809. 236 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 15th. Acids and Ethers, Malic-Tartaric Group. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Mtilic acid C, H fi O, 1.559,4 Schroder Ber 12 Turtaric acid C A H fi (X. 1.75 1611. Richter u 1.764 Schiff J 12 41 1C 1.739 Bui"-net J 14 15 <( II 1.754 Schroder Ber 10 it i< II 1.77 851. W C Smith Am it u II 1.7617 ._ I J. P. 53, 145. ( Wiedemann a n d " " Amorphous II 1.6321 . J I Liidekinsr. P. A. (i II 1.7594, 7 ( (2), 25, 151. Perkin J C S 51 Racemic acid C 4 H 6 O 6 1.7782,7 ... 366. u it u c, H. O-. H, o__ 1.75 Pasteur. J 2 309 (i <( II 1.69 . Buignet. J. 14, 15. II 11 II 1.6873, 7 ... Perkin. J. C. S. 51, Laevotartaric acid u 1.7496 366. Pasteur Ann (3) 28, 72. Methyl maleate _ C. H. O. . 1.1529, 14 Anschiitz Ber 12 ii II 1.16029, 11.8 2283. T u 11 1.15532, 16. 6 it II 1.15172,20 M u 1.15060,21 - Knops V H V II 11 1.14562,26 __ 1887, 17. II II 1. 14211, 29.4 II tt 1.13827, 33 Ethyl maleate _ C a H,, O, 1.06917,20 u u Propyl maleate _ C, n H,. O, 1 02899, 20 u u Ethyl fumarate cVV" 1 106, 11 Henry A C P 156 u i( II 1.0522, 17.5 178. Anschiitz Ber. 12, u u II 1.05199 20 2282. Knops V H V. Propyl fumarate 1.02732, 14. 3 1887, 17. 1 ii u 1.02447, 17.4 u II 1.02203, 20 u II 1.02127, 20. 8 . ii ii u II 1.0169 1,25.5 u (I 1.01352, 29.l u II 1.00978,33 Methyl tartrate C H in O fi 1.3403, 15 Anechiitz and Pic- Ethyl tartrate C fl H,, O fl 1.1989 tet. Ber. 13, 1177. Landolt Ber 9 910 u u II 1.2097, 14 Anschiitz and Pic- it ii II 1.2097, 15 I tet. Ber. 13, 1177. Perkin. J. C. S. 51, u u ll 1.2019. 25 363. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 237 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY AUTHOKITY. Ethyl racemate C fi H., O. . 1.2098, 15 1 Perkin. J. C. S. 51, U <( u 1.2019, 25 j 363. Propyl tartrate 1.1392, 17 _ - Anschiitz and Pic- Isopropyl to.rtrate __- 1.1300,20 __ tet. Ber. 13,1177. Pictet. Ber. 15, 2242. 16th. Acids and Ethers, Citric Acid Group. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Citric acid 11 U C 8 H 8 7 u 1.617 1.542 Kichter. Schiff. J. 12, 41. it li a 1.553 Buignet. J. 14, 15. U u 1.557 W. C. Smith. Am. Itaconic acid C H fi O, _ 1.673 .. 1 J. P. 53, 145. Schroder. Ber. 13, (( U u 1.632 j 1070. Citraconic acid it 1.616 1 U <( H 1.618 j Citraconic anhydride Cc H, O. 1.247 Watts' Dictionary. ii 1.25360, 12.4 1 u 1.24894, 16.6 1.24518, 20 __ 1 u 1.24405, 21 _. (Knops. V. H. V. 1.23920, 25.4 1887, 17. u 1. 23501, 29.2 it 1.23073,33 __ Triethyl citrate C,, H, n O, 1.142,21 Malaguti. A. C. P. U (( u 1.1369,20 _ _ 21, 267. Conen. Ber. 12,1653. Tetrethyl citrate p TT r\ 1.1022,20 _. tt u Ethyl aconitate P U TT * O 7 1.074,14 __. Watts' Dictionary. U 11 ti 1.1064 Conen. Ber. 12, 1653. Ethyl isaconitate _ _. _. it 1.0505, 15 _ . Conrad and Guth- Methyl itaconate C, H, n O, 1.1399, 14.7 zeit. A. C. P. 222, 255. Anschiitz. Ber. 34, 1.13195, 12 - 2787. 1.12410, 18 1.12182, 20 __ 1.11882, 22. 5 - Knops. V . H. V . 1. 11421, 27.l 1887, 17. 1. 10847, 32.4 Polymer of methyl itaco- (C, H, n O.) 1.3126,20 ti 11 nate. Ethyl itaconate C H,, O, 1.051, 15 Anschiitz. Ber. 14, it a i 1.04613, 20 __ 2787. Knops. V. H. V. Polymer of ethyl itaconate CC. H,. O.). . 1.2549, 20 _. 1887, 17. 238 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl citraconate C, H in O.- 1.1168,15 | Perkin. Ber 14 u u 1.1050,30 j 2541. u cc cc 1.2636, 15 1.26949, 6. 7 . 106, 95. Mendelejeff. J. 13,7. { Mendelejeff. A. C. < 11 1.26244, 16.6- } P. 114, 165. Cl 1.2609 _ Godeffroy. C. C.(3), " " Cryst. cc 1.261,15.5 - 6, 34. Roos. C. N. 33, 39. c< u cc 1.2688,0 Euio. Bei. 6, 663. ii II 1.2590, 20 _ Briihl. Bei. 4, 782. (( 1C cc 1.262, 17.5_ _ Strohrner. Ber. 17, cc cc cc 1.2653, 15 ref. 206. Gerlach. Ber. 17, ref. (( C( cc 1.26241, 15 \ 522. Perkin. J. P. C. 1C (( Cl 1.25881,25 J (2), 32, 523. Hexyl glycerin C- H,, (O H),_ 1.0936, Orloff. A. C. P. 233, Tricthvl diglycerin C,, H, a O. 1.00, 14 359. Reboul and Louren- Glycerin ether .1 ._ (c, HO, o,_. 1.0907, 18 _ _ 90. J. 14, 675. Gesjerfeldt. J. 24, (I CC cc 1.16, 16 401. Zotta. A. C. P. 174, 1C CC 1C 1.1453, 87. Silva. J. C. S. 40, Glycide__. 0, H fl O, . 1.165,0 1122. Hanriot. Ann. (5), Ethvl glycide C. H in 0, al.OO 17, 62. Reboul. J. 13, 465. 1C CC Cl .94, 12 Henry. B. S. C. 18, Amvl Erlycide _ C a H O, .90, 20 232. Reboul. J. 13, 463. Aceto-glyceral Cc H in O, 1.081,0 Harnitzkyand Men- Valero-glyceral . 1.027,0 schutkin. J. 18, 506. Cl CC Trimethvlin _ C. H,, O, .9483, Alsberg. J. 17, 495. Diethylin C, H, O. .92 Berthelot. J.7,450. Triethylin Cg Hy O, 8955, 15 Alsberg. J. 17, 495. Triglycerin tetrethvlin 1.022, 14 Reboul and Louren- Ethvlamylin .92 90. J. 14, 675. Reboul. J. 13,465. Monamvlin CQ H 18 Og .98, 20 Reboul. J. 13, 464. Diamvlin. .907, 9 __ Reboul. J. 13, 465. Monoallylin cX V" 1.1160,0 __ I Tollens. A. C. P. Cl a 1.1013,25 J 156, 149. Diformin C- H q O, 1.304, 15 __ Van Romburgh. Monacetin __ C. H, n 0,_. 1.20 _. Ber. 14, 2827. Bertbelot. J.6,455. 240 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Diacetin C, H,, O . 1.184 - Berthelot J G 455 a it 1.148,23 Laufer. J 1876 843 Triacetin C Q H,, O. 1.174 Berthelot J 7 449 Epiacetin C. H fi O, . 1.129,20 Breslauer. J. P. C Polymer of epiacetin (C. H R O,) _. 1.204, 20 (2), 20, 188. 11 u Monobutvrin C 7 H u V n 1.088 - Berthelot. J. 6, 455 Dibutyrin 1.081 1 1.084 j Tributyrin 1.056 Berthelot J 7 449 Monovalerin 1.100 ... Berthelot. J. 6, 454 Divalerin 1.059 u ii Cocinin .92, 8, s Brandes. Tristearin _ _ .987, 10 Kopp. A. C. P. 93, .9872) "I 194. .9877 I 15 .9867 J .9600, 51.5 1.0101, 15 _. 1.0178 ) , ."! } Three modifica- 1.0179 | tions. Duffy. J. 1.009, 51.5 [- 6, 510. .9931, 65.5 | .9746, 68.2 J Liquid .9245, 65. 5 Monolein _ .947 __ Berthelot. J. 6, 454 Diolein P HO .921,21 u u Ethyl glycerate C 6 n u u , .,;, > 20 1.822 I Valerylene diacetate C Q H 1fl O, .963 _ Guthrie and Kolbe Conylene diacetate .988, 18.2 __ J. 12, 365. Wertheim J 16 Amenyl valerone 0,, H, 8 O .836, 7 438. Geuther, Frohlich, Linoleic acid .9206, 14 and Loos. Ber. 13, 1356. Schiiler. J 10, 359. Ricinoleic acid .940, 15 _ Saalmuller J 1 ii .9502, 15 . 562. Norton and Richard- Distillate from linoleic .9108, 15 son. A. C. J. 10, 57. u u acid. Distillate from ricinoleic u .912 ___ it U acid. Furfurane _ C, H. O__ .9644, _.._ 1 Henninger. Ann. U .9444, 15 __ J (6), 7, 209. Dihvdrofurfurane C, H fi O._ .9663 ] A0 1 u u .9684 } u L u u <( it .9503, 15 __ J Erythrol. (Crotonylene CiHaO,- 1.06165, 1 " elvcol). u 1.04653,20 J o J J Furfurol C.H,O " 1.1648, 15.6_. Stenhouse. J.I, 732. u it 1.1636, 13.5_. Stenhouse. J.3,513. u u , 1.168, 15.5__ Fownes. P. T. 1845, it u 1.134 ) . 253. u u , 1.150} ' Volckel. J. 5, 652. u 1.1006,27 ___ Stenhouse. P. M. it ii .9310, 162 _ (3), 18, 124. Ramsay. J. C. S. ( u 1.0025 ) 160. 5 35, 463. f Schiff. G. C. I. u u 1.0026 J bp. { 13, 177. u u 1.1344, 19 ___ Gladstone. Bei. 9, (i ii 1.1594,20 _ 249. Briihl. A. C. P. Ethylfurfurcarbinol C, H in O,.. 1.066,0 _.._ | 235, 1. Pawlinoff and Wag- ii 1.053, 15.5 J ner. Ber. 17, 1967. Furfurbutylene C a H in O . .9509, 14.5_ Toennies and Staub. Fucusol C K H, O, 1.150, 13.5 Ber. 17, 852. Stenhouse. J.3,513. Ethyl pyromucate C. H R O, 1.297, 20 Malaguti. J. P. C. Triethylpropylphycite C a H, n O<.. .976, .. ._ 1 41, 224. Wolff. A. C. P. u u .96051, 16.5 j 150, 56. 249 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GEAYITT. ATJTHOKITT. Acid from petroleum .982,0 j Hell and Medinger. 11 .969, 23 __. j Ber. 7, 1218. Ethvl ether of the above C H O .939, _L I "" " " acid. 11 .919, 27 j " From epichlorhydrin and C- H, n O, .9931,21.5 _ Kelly. Ber. 11,2226. chlorocarbonic ether. 21st. Phenols. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Phenol _ _ _- . C B H,. H . 1.062, 20 Runge. P.A.32,308. ii ti 1.065, 18 Laurent. Ann. (3), it ii 1.0627 3, 195. Scrugham. J. C. S. ii a 1.0808, 0, 1. } 7, 237. Kopp. A. C. P 95, ii 1.0597, 32.9 j 307. 11 1.0554 _ Duclos. A.C.P. 109, ii ii 1.068 135. Church. J. C. S. 16, 11 V ' - 2 11 1.296 II 1611. 22d. Aromatic Alcohols. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Benzyl alcohol C R H v C H, O H 1.059 Cannizzaro J 7 u 1.0628,0 I 585. Kopp A C P 94 ii 1.0507, 15.4 J 257 u 1.0465, 19 ___ Kraut. A. C P u 1.0429, 20 152, 134. Bruhl Bei 4 781 u 1.0412, 22 Gladstone Bei 9 Benzylcarbinol CgH.. CH 2 . CH 2 OH 1.0337, 21 249. Kadziszewki Ber Phenylpropyl alcohol u u Orthoxylyl alcohol C-. He. C H . C Ho. C H 2 H u C 6 H 4 . CH 3 . CH 2 OH 1.008, 18 1.0079, 20 1.08, s. ) 9, 373. Ruecheimer. A. C. P. 172, 126. Bruhl. Bei. 4, 781. Colson Ann (6) u u u 1.023,40, 1. j 6, 86. Metaxylyl alcohol u .9157, 17 Radziszewski and tl U (i 1.036, Wispek. Ber. 15, 1747. Colson. Ann. (6), Ethylphenylcarbinol_ G\.H,. CHOH. C!I Q ) 1.016,0 I 6, 86. TYagner. Ber. 17, u " C H, | .994, 23 J ref. 317. Cymyl alcohol. 1.4 _ C C H.. C a H,. CH,OH .9775, 15 Kraut. A. C. P. 192, 224. 252 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Saligenin _- C 6 H 4 . OH. CH 2 OH 1.1613,25 ___ Beilstein and Reel- Methylsaligenin. 1.2 C 6 H 4 . OCH 3 . CHjOH 1.1200, 23 1 heim. J. 14, 765. ( Canni zzaro and (I 11 (i 1.0532, 100 J < Koerner. B. S. Anisic alcohol. 1.4 ii 1.1093,26 ) ( C. 18, 132. u u 1.0507, 100 j Acetophenone alcohol C a H a O, . 1.013 Emmerling and En- Cinnamic alcohol Co H, n O 1.0402, 24.8 gler. Ber.6,1006. Nasini Bei 9 331 i 1.04017, 24.8_ ! Nasini and Bern- u 1.03024, 36. 1. heimer. G.C.I. f 1.0027, 77.3__ 15, 50 c 1.0318, 13 _ Gladstone Bei 9, (i 1.0440,20 1 249. u 1.0354,31 1.0346,32 Briihl. A. C. P. 1.0338, 33 J 235, 1. Ethylphenylacetylene al- C ]n H,, O... .985, 19 _ _ Morgan. J. C. S. cohol. Orthoxylene glvcol C H, (C H, O H), 1.138, 75 (3), 1, 163. Colson. Ann (6) Metaxylene glycol K 1.161, 18, sur- 6,86. u u fused. 1.135, 53 11 Paraxylene glycol _ ii 1.094,135 __. u Mesitylene glycol CH,.CH,.fCH,OH), 1.23, 15 Robinet and Colson. o o o V i. / i, C. R. 96, 1863. 23d. Aromatic Oxides. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Phenyl ether C. H s . 0. C a H s _ 1.0904 Gladstone and Tribe U ( ii 1.0744, 24 \ J. C. S. 41, 6. Gladstone Bei 9 !( 11 u 1.0712, 25 j 249 Phenyl methyl oxide. Ani- C B H. O. C H, _ .991, 15 Cahours. J. 2, 403 sol. (1 (1 11 (( u .8607 ) , { Schiff G C I 13 (1 II (I U it .8608 j 1 177 II U II II ii .98784, 21.8__ Nasini and Bern- 11 II II II u 1.0110,0 \ heimer. G. C. I. 15, 50. Pinette A C P 243 11 II II 11 ii .8604, 154. 3 j 32 Phenyl ethyl oxide. Phene- C H. O. C, H._. .8196 ) , | Schiff. G. C. I. 13, tol. " " " u .8198 } 171 " 5 177. (i u u M .973, 15 liemsen and Orn- dorff. A. C. J. 9, 393. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 253 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Pheny 1 ethyl oxide. Phene- C fi H. O. C, H. .9822, ) Pinette. A.C.P 243 tol. " " " u .8169, 170.3 j 32. Phenyl propyl oxide. C, H,. O. C, H._ .968, 20 Cahours. Les Mon- a ii MendelejefF J 11 1.227, 27, 1. j 274 1.0838, 121.4 Kopp J 8 35 1.337, sublimed Kiidorff Ber 12 251 1.288 ) , 1.291 \ 4__ \ Schroder. Ber. 12, 1.297 J 561. 1.0800, 12P.4 Schiff A C P 223 Methyl benzoate C. H. (X _ 1.10,17 247. Dumas find Peligot <( 1.1026, _ } Ann. (2), 58, 50. Kopp. A C P 94 u 1.0876, 16.3 j 257 11 1.0921, 12.3 Mendel ejeff J 13 7 u 1.0862, 20 __. Briihl. Bei 4 782 1.100, 10 De Heen Bei 10 u u 1.103, 15 313. Stohmann, Rodatz, Ethyl benzoate C H, n O,_. 1.0539, 10.5_ and Herzberg. J. P. C. (2), 36, 1. Dumas and Boullay u a ' u 1.06, 18 P. A. 12, 430. Deville. Ann (3), 3, 1.049, 14 188. Delffs. J 7, 26 1.0657,0 __ } Kopp. A. C. P. 94, 1.0556, 10.5j 257. 1.0517, 14.1__ MendelejeiF J.13,7 1.048, 20 Naumann. Ber 10, u 1.0473,20 . 2016. Briihl. Bei. 4, 782. u 1.0502, 16 __ Linnemann. A. C. it u 11 1.160, 10 P. 160, 195. De Heen. Bei. 10, U (( u 1.050, 15 313. Stohmann. Rodatz, Propyl benzoate 1.0316, 16 and Herzberg. J. P. C. (2), 36, 1. Linnemann. A. C. u a It 1.0248, 15 ___ P. 161, 29. Stohmann, Rodatz, Isopropyl benzoate 11 1.054,0 I and Herzberg. J. P. C. (2), 36, 1. ii 11 1.013,25} " Silva. Z. C. 12, 637. Butyl benzoate 1.000, 20 Linnemann. Ann. (i u II 1.002, 10 (4), 27, 268. De Heen. Bei. 10, Isobutyl benzotite II 1.0018, 15 ___ 313. Stohmann, Rodatz, and Herzberg. J. P. C. (2), 36, 1. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 257 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. C,, H 1R O,_. 1.0039, . } Kopp. A. C. P. 94, ('( U u .9925, 14.4 j 257. u u i: 1.002, 10 ___ De Heen. Bei. 10, u u 11 .9916, 15 313. Stohmann, Rodatz, .99846, 17 _- and Herzberg. J. P. C. (2), 36, 1. Frentzel. Ber. 16, 745. C 6 H 4 . OH. COOH. 1.2 1.443 Riidorff. Ber. 12, 251. 11 14 u 1.482] , ( Schroder. Ber. 12, II U u 1.485 Jl 1611. " 1.3 1.473,4 u u Paraoxybenzoic acid " 1.4 1.460 ) A0 U II u 1.476 j * Methyl c alicylate, oil of Co H a O, 1.180,15 Pettigrew. Am. J. Betula lenta. Propyl sulicylate o o o C in H,, 0, 1.021, 21 P. 55, 385. Cahours. Les Mon- Methylsalicylic acid. 1.2__ II U C 6 H 4 .OCH S .COOH i 1.18, 10 1.1845,15 __ des, 32, 280. Cahours. Ann. (3), 10, 327. Mendelejeff. J. 13,7. U 11 u u i 1.1969,0 __ { 1.1819, 16 j Kopp. A. C. P. 94, 257. ii ii i 1.1801,20 ___ Landolt. Bei. 7, 847 Anisic acid. 1.4 i 1.364-) , u ii u 1.376 1 4 _ \ Schroder. Ber. 12, u u u 1.385J 1611. Ethylsalicylic acid. 1.2 C.H,. OC,H K .COOH 1.097 Baly. J. C. S. 2, 28. U ' II u 1.1843,10 . Delffs. J. 7, 26. Ethyl ethylsalicylate f 1 TT O 1.1005 Gottig. Ber. 9, 1473. Ethyl ethylmetaoxyben- u 1.0875, _ { Heintz. A.C.P. 153, zoate " u 1.0725,20 J 332. Methvl isopropylsalicylatc u 1.062,20 Kraut. J. 22, 566. Protocatechuiu acid _ C 6 H 3 (O H) 2 . C O OH 1.541 , ( Schroder. Ber. 12, u u u 1.542 { 1611. Gallic acid _ C fi H,(OH) v COOH 1.685 , U 11 (( 1.703 " Phenylacetic, or alpha- toluic acid. u u u u Methyl phenylacetate C 6 H 5 .CH 2 . COOH_ i i i i C q H 1(l O,- 1.3, solid) 1.0778,83 I 1.0334,135 J 1-220 } 40 f 1.236 P { 1.0847, 76.4__ 1.044, 16 Moller and Strecker. J. 12, 299. Schroder. Ber. 12, 1611. Schiff. A. C. P. 223. 247. Eadziszewski. Z. C. Ethyl phenylacetate _ 1.031 _ 12, 358. i: u Propyl phenvlacetate C H 0* . 1.0142, 18 . _ Hodgkinson. J. C. Phenylpropionic, or hy- drocinnamic acid. Methyl phenylpropionate C 6 H 3 . C 2 H 4 . COOH_ .I 1.07115, 48.7. .8780, 279.8__ 1.0455,0 \ S. 37, 483. } Wearer. A. C. P. 221, 61. Erlenmeyer. J. 19, U '1 u 1.018,49 __ j 366. u it It 1.0473,0 _ _ { Weger. A. C. P. II >l 11 .83824. 236. 6 221, 61. 17 S G 258 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AtTTHORITY. Ethyl phenylpropionate 1.0343, } Erlenmeyer. J. 19, 367. Briihl. Bei. 4, 781. ) Weger. A. C. P. j 221, 61. [ a a Erlenmeyer. J. 19, 367. Fritzsche. Ber. 12, 2178. a a Saarbach. J. P. C. (2), 21, 156. Schroder. Ber. 13, 1070. ] Three prepara- Itions. Schmal- zigaug. Inaug. Diss. Erlangen, 1883. See also Graebe, Ber. 16, J 861. ITwo preparations. Schmalzigaug. Inaug. Diss. Er- langen, 1883. Colson and Gautier. C. K. 102, 689. E. Kopp. J. P. C. 37, 280. Schabus. J. 3, 392. Schroder. Ber. 12, 1611. Weger. A. C. P. 221, 61. E. Kopp. C. K. 21, 1376. } Weger. A. C. P. } 221,61. E. Kopp. C. K. 21, 1376. Marchand. A. C. P. 32, 269. H. Kopp. A. C. P. 95, 307. Weger. A.C.P. 221, 61. Briihl. A.C.P. 235,1. Kahlbaum. Ber. 16, 1491. Weger. A.C.P. 221, 61. a u if C 6 H,. (COO H) 2 _. a 1.585 _. .. \ 1.593 J a a Methyl phthalate 1.2001 ) 1.2022 Il3.5_ 1.2101 J 1.1958-) 1.1974 1 16 _. 1.2058J 1.1953) 1.1938 U8 1.2031 J 1.1816 ) 120 5 1.1321 \ iZ - b - 1.1294 * , g 1.1295J 15 ' 5 - 1.404 a >< a a ii a a a ( a ( a i a Ethyl phtha ate < a , a i a Orthophenyleneglyoxylic acid. Cinnamic, or phenylac- rylic acid. a ( a ( a < ' a ( Methyl cinnamate C 6 H 4 .COH. COOH C 6 H 5 .CH.CH.COOH 1.245 1.195 1-246 j 40 f 1.249 j { 1.0565,133 ) .90974,300 j 1.106 a a 1.0415, 36 .85888, 259.6. 1.126,0 a a a Ethyl cinnamate a << a 1.13 a a 1.0656,0 ._ { 1.0498, 20.2 j 1.0653 ) 1.0658 U 1.0662J .82143, 271 J 1.0490,20 1.0465 __ a < a a a a a Propyl cinnamate a C,, H,. O, a 1.0435, _ 1 a .7917,285.! j FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 259 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRATITT. AUTHORITY. Methyl a methylorthox- 1 yphenylacrylate. j a u C,, H,, O, 1.1404, 15 ) 1.1277, 80 j 1.1465, 8.5_ . Perkin. J. C. S. 39, 409. Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Perkin. J. C. S. 39, 409. Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Perkin. J. C. S. 39, 409. (i u Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Perkin. J. C. S. 39, 409. u it tt ti ii Schroder. Ber. 12, 1611. u u Watts' Dictionary. Will. A. C. P. 37, 198. Claisen. Ber. 12,629. Hodgkinson. J.C.S. 37, 481. Conrad. Ber. 11, 1056. ii it Conrad and Bischoff. A. C. P. 204, 203. Conrad and Bischoff. Ber. 13, 595. Claisen and Crismer. A. C. P. 218, 132. Conrad. Ber. 11, 1058. Keichenbach. Pastrovich. M.C.4, 183. u Methyl 8 methylorthox- 1 yphenylacrylate. j 11 1! Ethyl a ethylorthoxy- j phenylacrylate. j Ethyl 8 ethylorthoxy- ) phenylacrj'late. j Methyl a methylorthox- j yphenylcrotonate. J Methyl /3 methylorthox- yphenylcrotonate. Methyl a methylorthox- yphenylangelate. Methyl /3 methylorthox- j yphenylangelate. j Mandelic acid u 1.1486, 15 I 1.1362,30 j 1.1556, 9.5 . u 11 1.084, 15 __ \ 1.074, 30 __ j 1.090, 15 u ii u 1.090, 10 1.1112,15 } 1.1061,30 j 1.1279,15 1.1136,30 1.1044,15 1.0882, 30 1.1100, 15 } 1.1008,30 j 1.355 ) . f 1.367 j 4 -\ 1.156 j 40 1.169} * 1.637,8.5 C 19 H,, O,_. u u u r FT o 11 11 11 C 6 H 5 . CHOH.COOH u (i Cuminic acid C 6 H 4 .C 3 H 7 .COOH_ 1! u u Quinic acid C. H T9 O Ethyl veratrate _ __ 1.141, 18 1.121, 17.5 1.0861, 16 _ - Ethyl phenylglyoxylate Ethyl phenylacetacetate Ethyl benzylacetacetate c H ; o 1.036, 15.5 1.046, 23 Ethyl methylbenzylacet- acetate. Ethyl benzylmalonate Ethyl benzylmethylmalo- nate. Ethyl benzylidenemalo- nate. Ethyl benzylacetosucci- nate. Monoinethyl propylpy- } rogallate. Picamar. j 1.077, 15 1.064, 19 1.1105,15 1.088,15 1.10 II 1.10288, 15 __ 260 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 25th. Ethers of Aromatic Radicles. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Phcnyl acetate C a H B O, 1.074 Boughton J 18 Kresyl acetate. C 9 H, n O 9 -. 1.0499, 23 530. Gladstone Bei 9 Benzyl acetate . 11 1.057, 16.5 249. Conrud and Hod" 1 - a i Aleta'antonid u 1.046 u it Parasantonid u 1.1957 II U u u 1.2015, 20 Nasini. Ber. 14,1513. Santonic acid r TT o 1.251 Carnelutti and Na- Parasantonic acid _ u 1.2684 _ _ __ sini. Ber. 13, 2210. i i Methyl santonate C lfi H,, O, 1.1667 _ i i Methyl parasantonate a 1.1777 < i Ethvl santonate _ C,, H,, O,-. 1.1481 i i Ethyl parasantonate __ _ u 1.153 i i Propyl santonate _ _ _ _ C ia H, 0, 1.1185 < i a u u 1.125,20 Nasini. G. C. 1. 13, Propyl parasantonate u 1.153 165. Carnelutti and Na- Isobutyl santonate C, H, a O, 1.1181 sini. Ber. 13,2210. *u u Allyl santonate 1.1434 u u Stvracin c H 6 o r 1.154 } Schroder. Ber. 13, M II 1 159 J 1070. Pirnaric acid _ 1.047, 18 Siewert. J. 12, 510. Sylvic acid 11 1.1011.18 u i< Tropilene. C, H, n O 1.01,0 Ladenburg. Ber. 14, u u 1 0091,0 2130. Ladenburg. A. C. Cinacrol _ C,n H, a O. 1.05 ) P. 217, 139. Hirzel. Watts' Dic- u 11 1.15 j tionary. Colophonone C n H ia O__ .84 Schiel. * J. 13, 489. Apiol _ _ 1.015 Lindenborn. Ber. 9, Calophyllum resin 1.12, cryst. 1478. Levy. C. K. 18. 244. Antiar resin C H 1.032 Mulder. A.C. P. 28, Tannin from Persealingue C 17 H 17 O,.. 1.352, 10 . . 307. Arata. Ber. 14, 2251. From Sequoia gigantea _ 1.045 _ _ Luncje and Stein- Turmerol C, Q H ofl O 9016 17 kauler. Ber. 14, 2205. Jackson and Menke. Guyaquillite Hartin ^20 ^26 ^3 1.092 1.115, 19 A. C. J. 4, 371. Dana's Mineralogy. Schrotter. P. A. 59, Resin from rosewood- . 1.2662, 15 _ 45. Terreil and Wolff. Cardol __ .978, 23 J. C. S. 38, 559. Stadeler. J. 1, 577. 268 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ivaol - CLgH^O- .9346, 15 Plant a-Ileichenau . Cholesterin CM H,, O__ 1.03, melted _ Z. C. 13, 618. Hlasiwetz. A. C. P. it 1.046 ) OAn f 106, 354. Mehu. J C S (2), <( n 1.047 20 13, 247 "Waldivine C,. H.O O, n . 6 H, O _ IM ......... Tanret. J. Ph. C. Cochlearin C H, O,. ? ._ 1.248 (5), 3, 61. Maurach. Watts' Aloisol _. __ C fi H R O,. ? __ .877, 15 Dictionary. Robiquet. "Watts' Xanthil C, H in O.. ?__ .894 Dictionary. Couerbe. Picrolichenin 1.176 Alms. A. C.P.I, 61. Phycic acid _ ._ ? . .896 _ Lamy. J. 5, 675. XLVII. COMPOUNDS CONTAINING C, H, AND N. 1st. Cyanides and Carbamines of the Paraffin Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl cyanide, or aceto- C H,. C N ,8347, ) Kopp A C P 98 nitril. " " __ n .8191, 16 __ j 367. (( (( U t( .8052, Vincent and Dela- a (i .7155, 81.2___ chanal. C. K. 90, 747. Schiff. Bei. 9, 559. Methyl carbamine ii .7557, 14 Gautier. lioscoeand Ethyl cyanide, or propio- C, H.. C N .7017, 97 Schorlemmer's Treatise. Ramsay. J.C.S 35, nitril. it (i .80101,0 463. I Thorpe. J. C. S. i< .70098, 97.08 37, 371. u (i .7862, 19 Gladstone. Bei. 9, Ber. 18, 2680. Gladstone. Bei. 9. Dimethyltoluidine. 1.2 QH,. CH,. (CH.)oN .9324 249. Hofmann. C. N. " 1.3.__ " 1.4 a 11 .9368 .988 27,1. u u u tt Propylaniline C, H v C, H. H N__ .949, 18 _. . Pictetand Crepieux. Ethvltoluidine. 1.3 _ C 6 H 4 . CH 3 . C 2 H 5 HN .869, 20 _ Ber. 21, 1106. Wroblevsky. J. C " " 1.4 ii .9391, 15.5 S. (2), 13, 455. Morley and Abel. J. Cumidine C B H,. C, H.. H, N_ .8526 4, 497. Nicholson. J. 1, 664. Pseudocumidine. C fi H, (C H,), H, N .9633 __ TFTnfnriftTiTi. Cf. N. Diethylaniline C B H, (C 2 H.) N . .939, 18 27, 1. Hofmann. J. 2, 399. Isobutylaniline. C 6 H*. C 4 H 9 H N . .9262, 15 Giannetti. Ber. 14, 11 ii .940, 18 1759. Pictetand Crepieux. Dimethylxylidine _ C.HJC H.UC HA, N .9293 Ber. 21, 1106. Hofmann. C. N. Tetramethylaniline C fi H (C HAH.N .978, 24 _._ 27,1. Hofmann. Ber. 17, Isoamylaniline C R H.. a H,, H N _ .928, 15 1912. Pictetand Crepieux. Diethyltoluidine. 1.4 Dimethylmesidine. C 6 H 4 .CH 3 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 N O.HJCH.UCHA.N .9242, 15.5 .9076 Ber. 21, 1106. Morley and Abel. J. 7, 498. Hofmann. C. N. Methylamylaniline Cfi H v C= H,. C H, N .906, 20 27,1. Claus and Kauten- Dipropylaniline C, H. (C, H,), N .9240, berg. Ber. 14, 622. Zander. A. C. P. 11 u .7267, 245.4 214, 181. Diisopropylaniline ii .9338, a u .7504, 221 Trimethvldiethylaniline C fi .(CH,),(C,H.) 9 H,N .971 Ruttan. Ber. 19, Allylaniline :__ 18 S Q C 6 H 5 . C 3 H 5 H N _. .982, 25 2384. Schiff. J. 17, 415. 274 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Diallylaniline _ _ C H- fC, H.), N .9680, } Zander A C P 214 it .7667, 244 181 Diphenylamine ._ N H. (C H-), 1.156 ) f Schroder Ber 12 u it 1.161 | 561 u .8293, 310 Ramsjiy J C S 35 Methyldiphenylamine Dibenzylamine N. (C 6 H 5 ) 2 C H 3 __. N H. (C. H.), 1.0476, 20 ___ 1.033, 14 463. Briihl. A. C. P. 235, 1. Limpricht J 20 Amidobenzylamine C r H, n N. _ 1.08, 20 510. Amsel and Hof- Metamidodimethylaniline C B H,, No _ .995, 25 mann. Ber. 19, 1288. Groll. Ber 19 200 4th. The Pyridine Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Pyridine C w N .9858, Anderson J 10 397 it .924, 22 Thenius J 14 502 .8617, 117 Kamsav J C S 35 u It .9802, . _ 463/ Kichard. Ber. 13 it (( 198. it isle } 115 - Schiff. Ber. 19, 560. tt 11 1.0033,0 IJadenburg. Ber 21, a Picoline C. H. N__ .955, 10 . . 289. Anderson A. C P <( .9613, 60, 93. Anderson J 10 397 it .933, 22 Thenius. J. 14, 502. a it .8197, 134 __ Kamsay. J. C. S. 35, (C u .9560, 463. Eichard. Ber 13, (( it .96161,0 198. { Thorpe J C S (( tt .83258, 183.5 1 37, 371. <( it .94093, 23.6__ Gladstone. Bei. 9, II n .96559, 249. Lange. Ber. 18, (( tt .96477, 4 3436. Diirkopf and (( tt .9656, Schlaugk. Ber. 20, 1660. Ladenburg. C. K. /J Picoline (( .97712, __ ) 103, 692. Hesekiel. Ber. 18, ii .94965, 30 j 3091. <( .9771,0 Ladenburg. C. R. 103, 692. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 275 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. C fi H. N_ .9708,0 Lange. Ber.18,3436. it u .9708, Ladenburg. C. R. .9742,0 103, 692. Ladenburg. Ber.21, C, H N .928 287. Williams. J. 7, 494. u .9467, Anderson. J. 10, 397. 11 u .945, 22 Thenius. J. 14, 502. (i u .9467,0 Williams. J. 17,437. <( u .7916, 154 Ramsay. J. C. S. 35, tt .9377,0 463. Richard. Ber. 13, it u .9545,0. .- 198. Ladenburg and " a- Y u .9503,0 Roth. Ber. 18, 52. Ladenburg and it a a ti .9424,0 Roth. Ber. 18,913. Ladenburg. C. R. u .9555,0 103, 692. Williams. J. 17,437. u it .9593,0 Coninck. C. R. 91, tt .9495 ) f 296. Ladenburg. Ber. 20, ii it .9498 J 1 1653. Y Ethylpyridine u .9522, ) Ladenburg. Ber. 18, u ii .9358, 20 _ j 2963. a Collidine C H,, N _ .921 _ Anderson. J. 7, 490. H it .9439, __ _ Anderson. J. 10, 397. 11 M .953, 22 Thenius. J. 14, 502., 11 .943 . _ Wurtz. Ber.12,1710. U U .7839, 173 _ _ Ramsay. J. C. S. 35, <( u .9291, 463. Richard. Ber. 13, (1 11 .917, 15 . 198. Hantzsch. Ber. 15, (1 II .9286, 16.8 _ 2914. Weidel and Pick. 11 II .9224, 15 S. W. A. 90, 972. Mohler. Ber. 21, P Collidine ti .9656, _ 1014. Coninck. C. R. 91, Aldehvde collidine If .9389, 4 _ 296. Diirkopf. Ber. 18, a Isopropylpyridine II .9342, 920. Ladenburg. C. R. Y Isopropylpyridine __ _ u .9408, _ 103, 692. Ladenburg and u 11 .9439, Schrader. Ber. 17, 1121. Ladenburg. C. R. Y Propylpyridine II .9393, ) 103, 692. a Propylpyridine tt .9411,0 ) i Two lots. Laden- u It .9306, 10 J J burg. Ber. 17,772. Parvoline - C a H,, N .966, 22 Thenius. J. 14, 502. (i ii .916, 14 Engelmann. J.C.S. 50, 259. 276 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Parvoline C a H,,N_- .94185, 0_. \ (Diirkopf and u .92894, 16 J Schlaugk. Ber. Coridine C, n H,. N _. .974,22 __ 21, 832. Thenius. J. 14, 502. Rubidine C,, H,, N _. 1.017, 22 it u Viridine C,, H, ' N 1.024, 22 u u Allyl pyridine C H Q N .9595. Ladenburg. Ber. 19, 2578. Piperidine. Frompiperine C K H,, N_ .8810, . ) Ladenburg and " Synthetic u .8814, 4 Roth. Ber. 17, 51 3 u (( .7791 ) ,, (t .7801 1 105 Schiff. Ber. 19, 560. u 11 .7810J a Methylpiperidine C. H,, N .8601, Ladenburg and it .860, Roth. Ber. 18, 47. Ladenburg. C. R. 8 Methylpiperidine it .8686, 4 103, 747. Hesekiel. Ber. 18, .8684, 910. Ladenburg, C. R. a a Dimethylpiperidine C, H.. N__ .8492, 4 _ 103, 747. Ladenburg and a "f Dimethylpiperidine .8615, Roth. Ber. 18, 54. Ladenburg. C. R. a Ethylpiperidine ' .8674, _. 103, 747. Ladenburg. Ber. 18, i f Ethylpiperidine .8759,0 2963. Ladenburg. Ber. 18, Methyl-a-ethylpiperidine p fT TJ .8495,0 . . 2964. Ladenburg. C. R. a Propylpiperidine. Coniin .89 103, 747. Geiger. tt .878 Blyth. J. 2, 388. l( II tt .846, 12.5 ___ Petit. B. S. C. 27, u it .886 337. Schorm. Ber. 14, II (( it .913, ) 1767. U 11 .899, 15 L (1 (I 1( .842, 90 J Two preparations. (I 4 II .886, _ ) Schiff. A. C. P. II U II .873, 15 I 166, 88. U it 11 .911, 90 J (( (I II .863 Ladenburg. Ber. 17, tl It .875, _ 774. Ladenburg. Ber. 17, (1 ti .8626, 772. Ladenburg. Ber. 19, Y Propylpiperidine 11 .870, 2580. Ladenburg. Ber. 17, c Isopropylpiperidine II .8660, 772. Ladenburg. Ber. 17, 14 .8676, 1676. Ladenburg. C. R. 103, 747. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 277 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAYITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl -a f - isopropylpi- C H 10 N__ .8593, Ladenburg. C. E. peridine. Copellidine C a H,- N._ .8653.0 .. 1 103, 747. Diirkopf. Ber. 18, it .8546, 15 _ j 920. Methylcopellidine C q H, Q N_ .8519,0 ) it ii .8440, 13 J Dimethylcopellidine C, n H 9 , N .7816, 25 u u a, Pipecoleine CV N- .8801, Ladenburg. Ber. 20, v Pipecoline C H,, N .8674, 1646. Ladenburg. Ber. 21, a Isopropylpiperideine _ Co H,e N__ .8956, 288. Ladenburg. Ber. 20, Hydrolutidine a f C, H,, N .8615,0 1647. Ladenburg and Hydrotropidine C s H,. N._ .9366, ___ ) Kotb. Ber. 18, 919. Ladenburg. Ber. 16, <( ii .9259, 15 j 1409. a Coniceine H .893, 15 Hofmann. Ber. 18, Paradiconiine C,, H,. N _. .915, 15 10. Scbiff. A. C. P. 166, 88. Quinoline or cbinoline. __ C a H T N 1.081, 10 Hofmann. A. C. P. ct 1.1081,0 _) 47, 79. ii 1.0947, 20 i Skraup. Ber. 14, a 1.0699, 50 j 1002. u 1.1055,0 { Coninck. J. C. S. 44, it 1.0965, 11.5 j 89. i< 1.096 ) , no f Gladstone. Bei. 9, ii 1.1021} 10 249. u .9211, 234 __ Schiff. Ber. 19, 560. Lepidinc_ C ln H Q N 1.072, 15 Williams. J. 9, 536. Orthomethylquinoline II 1.0852, ) u II 1.0734,20 i Skraup. Ber. 14, ii ( 1.0586, 50 j 1002. Metamethylquinoline 1 1.0839, __ ) ii 1 1.0722, 20 i Skraup. Ber. 15, 11 I 1.0576, 50 J 2255. Paramethylquinoline __ _ I 1.0815,0 __) M 11 1.0671,20 I Skraup. Ber. 14, 11 II 1.0560, 50 J 1002. Dimetbvlquinoline C n H,, N . 1.0752,4 . Berend. Ber. 18, " a f _ 11 1.0611, 15 3165. Beyer. J. P. C. (2), Metadipyridyl C in Ho N, 1.1757,0 ) 33, 402. Skraup and Vort- u II 1.1635, 20 I mann. M. C. 4, a II 1 1493, 50 J 593 ' Isodipvridine C, n H, n N, 1.08 Eamsay. P.M. (5), (1 1.1245, 13 6,29. Cahours and Etard. Dipicoline 1.12 Ber. 13, 777. Kamsay. P. M. (5), II 1.077 6, 31. Anderson. 278 TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Nicotine C in H,, N, 1.033, 4 1 it 1.027,15 i[ 1.018, 30 __ I Barral. J. 1, 614 u 1.0006,50 < .9424, 101.5J 1 1.01837, 10.2 ) I 1.01101,20 __ \ Landolt. A. C. P 1 1.00373, 30 J 189, 241 ( 1.0111, 15 Skalweit. Ber. 14, Hydronicotine C, n H lft N, .993, 17 . 1809. Etard. C. R 97 Dipiperidyl .9561, 4 1218. Liebrecht Ber 19 a Stilbazoline C,, H lft N _. .9874, 2591. Baurath. Ber. 21, Dihvdro-a-stilbazol C,, H,, N _. 1.0465, 818. a 5th. Miscellaneous Compounds. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Dimethyl hydrazin C, H a N, .801, 11 _ Renouf Ber 13 Ethylene diamine _ C, H, (N H,),_ .902 2171. Rhoussopolos and Propvlene diamine C, H, (N H,) 9 .878, 15 Meyer. J. C. S. 42, 940. Hofmann. Ber 6 Pentamethylene diamine C. H, n (N H,)... .9174,0 310. Ladenburg. Ber 18 P Methyltetrameth y 1 e n e u .8836, 20 . 2957. Oldach. Ber 20 diamine. Ethylene cyanide C, H. CO N), 1.023,45 1655. Simpson J 14 654 Pyrotartronitril _ __ _ C, H (C N), .9961, 11 Henry. Ber. 18, ref Crotonitril C.H.N .8389, 12 330. ^Vill and Korner u u .8491,0 ) Rinne and Tollens u u .8351, 15 __ j A. C. P. 159, 105 Allyl carbamine __ _- C, H.. C N .812,0 .. Lieke. A. C. P. K u .794, 17 _. 112, 319. Allylamine C, H v H, N .864,15 Oeser. J. 18, 506 u u .7754, 10.5 "I \ It .7775, 11 __ u ti .7693, 17.5 Foursamples. Glad- 11 II .7684, 19 stone. Bei.9,249. It It .7261, 56 Schiff. Bei. 9, 559 Triallylamine re, HO, N .8206, } Zander. A. C P u .6826, 155.5 j 214, 181. Propylallylamine__ C, H,. C, H v H N . .7708,18 Liebermann and Isoamvlallvlamine. an,,. C.H.. HN__ .7777, 18 .. Paul. Ber. 16, 523. 11 (I FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 279 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Pvrrol C> H. N _ 1.077 Anderson. J. 10, 399. Kamsay. J. C. S. 35, 463. Weidel and Ciami- cian. Ber. 13, 71. Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Bell. Ber. 10, 1866. Bell. Ber. 9, 936. Bell. Ber. 10, 1862. Bell. Ber. 10, 866. Petersen. Ber. 21, 290. Oldach. Ber. 20, 1155. Claisen and Stylos. Ber. 21, 1143 and 1147. Claisen and Stylos. Ber. 21, 1148. u K Tanret. B. S. C. 44, 104. U 11 Morin. Ber. 21, ref. 188. Wallach and Schulze. Ber. 14, 424. Goldschmidt. Ber. 14, 1846. Wallach. Ber. 16, 535. Kadziszewski. Ber. 16, 487. Wallach. Ber. 15, 650. Wallach and Striek- er. Ber. 13, 512. Eadziszewski. Ber. 16, 487. . u u a u Wallach and Schulze. Ber. 14, 424. Kadziszewski. Ber. 16, 487. Wallach. Ber. 15, 651. Radziszewski and Szul. Ber. 17, 1291. u u u u u u u .7276, 133 _ ii u .9752, 12.5 .9606 u 1C JMethylpyrrol _ C 5 H T N _. .9203, 10 . .8881,16 Ethylpyrrol C. H 9 N . u C4 .9042, 10 .8786, 10 .879, . } .871, 10 j .8654, A. m yl pyrrol C Q H,. N__ Pyrrolidin C, H. N ii it Methylpyrrolidin C. H,, N _ Methylphenylpyrazol ti Ethylphenylpyrazol 1.0851 1RO f 1.081 } 1 | 1.064, 15 1.0435, 15 _ u C,, H,, N, Propylphenylpyrazol a Glucosine C,, H,, N, C R H a N, 1.038,0 8 Glucosine C T H lft 1ST, . 1.012, u u .9826, 12 1.0363 TVfpth yl Sjl ynvfll i n C\ H. N, it 1.0359, 23 _ . Ethyl ""lyoxalin C 5 H 8 N 2 .999 Oxalmethylethylin u 1.0051, 11 _ . Propylglyoxalin C fi H in N, _ .967, 16 Oxalethylethylin u .9820 _ 11 u .980 Oxalethylpropylin C, H,, N, .9813 Oxalpropylethylin i. .9641 _ .__ Oxalpropylpropylin C a IL, N, .9520 - . u u .951 Amylglyoxalin u .940, 18 . _ Oxalethylisoamylin __ _ C 9 H 16 N 2 C, n H, fl N, . .9291, 193.6 .9149, 18 . _ Oxalpropylisoamvlin _ _ Oxalisobutylisoamylin Oxalisoamylisoamylin C H N! .9048, 16. 1 C,, H M N, .9029, 19 280 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Oxalmethyloenanthylin __ C in H ia N, .9282, 16.5 .. Karcz. Ber. 20, ref Oxalethyloenanthylin 0,, H, n N", .9210, 16.5 474. a K Oxalpropyloenanthylin C H N .9192, 17 <( u Bcnzonitril C R H v C N 1.0073, 15 Fehling. A. C. P. u 1.0230, } 49, 91. Kopp. A. C. P 98, u (( 1.0084, 16.8 j 367. <( it .8330, 192 ___ Eamsay. J. C. S. 35, (i u 1.0052, 18 463. Gladstone. Bei. 9. Benzyl cyanide, or a tol- C 7 H T . C N 1.0155, 8 249. Radziszewski. Ber. uic niti'il. l( U 11 u 1.0146, 18 _ 3, 198. Hofmann. Ber. 7, Phenylpropionitril C 8 H 9 . C N 1.0014, 18 ___ 519. Hofmann. Ber. 7, Orthoxylyl cyanide u 1.0156, 22 __ 520. Radziszewski and Metaxylyl cyanide it 1.0022, 22 Wispek. Ber. 18, 1279. (i Paraxvlyl cyanide 11 .9922, 22 u u Cumonitril _ C Q H,,. C N _. .765, 14 Hofmann. J. 1,595. Azobenzene _- C,, H in N,._ 1.180") u 1.196 40 f Schroder. Ber. 12, u 1.202 f 561. u u 1.223 J (( ft .8256, 293 ___ Ramsay. J. C. S. 35, Phenyl hydrazin __ C H a N... 1.091, 21 463. Fischer. A. C. P. <( It 1.097, 22.7_ _ 190, 82. Fischer. A. C. P. Chinttldin C in H a N _ 1.0646, 20 _ 236, 198. Kiisel. Ber. 19,2249. Piperyl hydrazin a H,, N, .9283, 14.6. Knorr. A. C. P. 221, Diethylaniline azylin 1.107, 15, s.~ 301. Lippmann and Methyl indol C H N _ 1.0707, Fleissner. Ber. 16, 1417. Lipp. Ber. 17, 2511. Cyanoconicine C H,, N, .93 E.v.Meyer. B.SC. Ptomaine C B H n N__ .9865, 39, 124. Coninck. C. R. 106, "Acetylamine. ?" C, H.N". ?_. .975, 15 859. Natanson. J. 9, 527. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 281 XLVIII. COMPOUNDS CONTAINING C, H, N, AND O. 1st. Nitrites and Nitrates of the Paraffin Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. !Mthvl nitrite C H 3 . N O 2 .991 Strecker. J. 7, 521. Ethyl nitrite C 2 H 5 . N O 2 _ .886, 4 Dumas and Boullay. u u <( .947, 15 Ann. (2), 37, 19. Liebig. A. C. P. 30, <( (i it .898 . 143. Mohr. J. 7, 561 u (( .900, 15.5 Brown. J. 9, 575. Propyl nitrite C, H.. N O, _ .935, 21 Cahours. Les Mon- Isopropyl nitrite u .856,0 1 des, 32, 280. it .844, 24 J Silva. Z. C. 12, 637. Isobutyl nitrite C 4 H g . N O 2 .89445, __ ) Chapman and u <( .8771, 16 __ J- Smith. J. C. S. (i ft u .82568, 50 J 22, 153. Trimethylcarbyl nitrite u .8915,0 Bortoni. Ber. 19. ref. Amyl nitrite C e H,,. N O, .8773 98. Kieckher. J. 1, 699 If ti u .9020 \ Hilger. Am. Ch. 5, (I It ii .9026 J 231. It (( (i .8734,21 ___ Gladstone. Bei. 9, Dimethylethvlcarbyl ni- u .9033, . __ 249. Bertoni. G. C. 1. 16, trite. Octvl nitrite _- C R H,.. N O, .862, 17 512. Eichler. Ber. 12, Methylhexylcarbyl nitrite u .881, 1887. Bertoni. G.C.I. 16, 512. Methyl nitrate C H,. N O, 1.182, 20 Dumas and Peligot. Ethyl nitrate C 2 H 5 . N O 3 1.112, 17 Ann. (2), 58, 39. Millon. Ann. (3), 8, * i 1.164 } 40 1.173 j * 1.519, 14 1.552 1.6613, active. 1.6632, inactive ii u ii ii Dimethyloxamide _. C- H a N, O, " ii Diethyloxamide 11 C 6 H 12 N 2 2 u Asparagine _ C, H 8 N 2 0,. H 2 _. u CL H. N O- ii Amidosuccinic, or aspartic acid. " " _ (I 288 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Allylsuccinimide C 7 H 9 N O 2 1.1543,0 1 (C u 1.1432, 12 ti II 1.1112, 50 Moine. J. C. S. 52, u 11 1.0677, 100 J 489. Ethyl amidoacetacetate C fi H,, N O, _. 1.014, 30 Duisberg. Ber. 15, Ethyl amidopropiopropio- C H,* N O, .9774, 15 1386. Israel. A. C P 231, nate. TVTunamidfi C R H,, N, 0. _ 1.589, 13. 5 197. Malaguti. C. K. 22, 854. Benzamide N H 2 . C 7 H 6 O 1.338 ) . f Schroder. Ber. 12, u ii 1.344 } 4 " { 1611. Amidobenzoic acid NH,. C.H.O, . 1.506 ) A0 <( II 1.515 j Amidomethylphenol C- H 9 N O _. 1.108,26 Brunck. J. 20, 620. Dimethylanisidine C 9 H 13 N O 1.016, 23 Muhlhauser. A. C. Ethyl orthoamidophenetol C in H,. N O 1.021, 18.3__. P. 207, 249. Forster. J. P. C. (2), Methylformanilide C 8 H 9 N O 1.097, 18 21, 347. Pictetand Crepieux. Ethylformanilide C Q H,, N O . 1.063, 16 Ber. 21, 1106. it It Propylformanilide C, n H,, N O 1.044, 16 11 It Isoamylformanilide C ia H,. N O . 1.004, 16 It U Acetanilide C 8 H 9 JST O ___^ 1.099, 10. 5 _ "Williams. J. 17, 424. u a 1.205 ) . f Schroder. Ber. 12, u 1.216 ( 1611. Benzanilide C,, H,, N O _ 1.306 { . <( u 1.321 j 4 Oxethenaniline C a H,, N O._ 1.11,0 Demole. J. C. S. (2), a Ethylbenzhydroxamic C Q H,, N O, 1.209 _ 12, 77. Giirke. Ber. 14, 258. acid. /3 Ethylbenzhydroxamic u 1.185 . Giirke. Ber. 14, 259. acid. Ethyl ethylbenzhydroxa- C,, H 1K N 0, 1.0258, 17 _ . Giirke. Ber. 14, 257. mate. Ethyl a dibenzhydroxa- C 1fl H 1K N O, 1.2433, 18.4_. Giirke. Ber. 14, 258. mate. Ethyl /? dibenzhydroxa- (i 1.2395, 18.4 _ u u mate. Tyrosine C Q H,, N O. 1.456 Siber. Ber. 17, 2837. Carbamide, or urea C H 4 N 2 O 1.35 Proust. u it it 1.30, 12 Bodeker. B. D. Z. n it II 1.35 Schabus. 11 (( II 1.323 { , ( Schroder. Ber. 12, U (( 11 1.333 j 1 561. Ethyl carbamide C. H B N, O 1.209 _ 1 (Two samples. 11 11 K 1.213,18 J Leuckart. J. P. Diethyl carbamide C K H,, N, O 1.040 } C. (2), 21, 11. Schroder. Ber. 13, U II u 1.043 j 1070. Benzyl phenyl carbamide C,,, H,, N. O .9168, 18 Gladstone. Bei. 9, Ethyl carbamate, or ure- C, H. N O, . .9862, 21 249. Wurtz. J. 7, 565. thane. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 289 6th. Miscellaneous Cyanogen Compounds. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. .Ethyl cvanate C 2 H 5 . C N O 1.1271,15 .8676, . Cloez. J. 10, 386. Brauner. Ber. 12, 1875. Chautard. O.K. 106, 1168. Henry. C. K. 102, 768. a a Moritz. J.C. S.40, 13. Erlenmeyer. A. C. P. 191, 276. Haller and Held. Ber. 15, 2363. Held. J3. S. C. 41, 330. Henry. B. S. C. 20, 186. Norton and Tscher- niak. Fritzsche. Ber. 12, 2178. Volckel. P. A. 62, 444. Lipp. A. C. P. 205, 26. Erlenmeyer and Sigel. A. C. P. 177, 107. Bauer. A. C. P. 229, 163. Schlieper. A. C. P. 49, 19. Henry. C. K. 102, 768. n it Kossignon. A. C. P. 44, 301. Tertiary butyl cyanate Cvanaldehyde C 4 H 9 . C N O C 2 H 3 O C N .881, 15 C. H- N O, 1.0139, 13.5 Ethyl cyanacetate a H T N o,_. 1.0664, 13.5 Diisobutyryl dicyanide Ethylene cyanhydrin Ethyl acetylcyanacetate_. Ethyl methylacetylcyan- acetate. Ethyl ethylacetylcyanac- etate. iathoxyacetonitril C,A H,, N, O, .96 C 2 H 4 . H. C N__- C, H N O, 1.0588, __- 1.102, 19 C H,, N O. .996, 20 C H, a N O, .976, 20 C< H 7 N O .918,6 M it .9093, 20 Phenoxyacetonitril C a H, N O 1.09, 17.5 _ ilandelic nitril H 1.124 _ Hydroxisovaleronitril C 5 H 9 N O .95612, .9048, 17 . Hydroxycaprylonitril Triethoxyacetonitril C a H, N O . C a H 1S N Oo _ 1.0030, 15.5__ Valeracetonitril C,, H,- N, O, .79 Acetoxvacetonitril C, H K N O, 1.1003, 13.5 Acetoxypropionitril C, H, N O, 1.077, 13.5 Cyanoil C. H,, N O 1.009 19 S Q 290 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 7th. Miscellaneous Compounds. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethyl carbimide (\ EL N O .8981 Wurtz J 7 564 Phenyl carbimide C- H- N O ._ 1.092, 50 Hofmann. P E S Ethylmethyl acetoxim _ C, H 9 1ST O .9195, 24 19, 108. Janny. Ber 15 2779 Trimethylene diethylalkin C. H 17 N O .9199, 4 _ Berend. Bcr 17 510 Tetrethylallylalkin C,, H,. N, O .9002, 4 U II Methylphenylethylalkin _ C"H U N b__ 1.08065,0 ___ Laun. Ber. 17, 676 Piperpropyltilkin . ___ __ C 8 H 17 NO ___ .9456,0 Laun. Ber. 17, 680 Hydroxypicoline C fi EL N O 1.008, 13 . Etard. J C S 40 C oil i dine monocarbonic C,, H.. N O, . 1.0315, 15 .__ 1046. K. Michael. A. C. P ether. Collidine dicarbonic ether C,. H 10 N (h _ 1.087, 15 225, 121. Hantzsch. Ber 15 Nitroxylpiperidine C R H in N, O . 1.0659, 15.5 2913. Wertheim. J. 16, Acetpiperidid C, H,, N 1.01106, 9 440. W^allach and Ka- Acetylcopellidine C, n H, a N O . .9787, _. \ mensky. A. C. P. 214, 238. Dvirkopf. Ber. 18, u .9660, 21 __ j 924. Parachinanisol . C 10 H 9 N O 1.1665,0 __) (i 1.1542,20 i Sknmp. Ber. 18, u 1.1402,50 J ref. 631. Base from ethylamine cam- C,, H,, N, O 1.0177, 15 ^Tallach and Ka- phorate. Uric acid _ _ a H. N, o, 1.855 } mensky. A. C. P. 214, 245. Schroder. Ber. 13, u u u 1.893 - - j 1070. TTippnrin ftoid Co H Q N O, 1.308,s. Schabus. J. 3, 410. Ethyl hippurate C,, H,, N O, 1.043,23, s.__ Stenhouse. A. C. P. Ethyl glycocholate C, H,, N (X _ .901 81, 148. Springer. A. C.J.I, Indigotine C lfl H in N, O, 1.35 181. Weltzien's "Zu- Creatine hydrate C. EL N, O,. H, O 1.34 ) sammenstellung. " Watts' Dictionary. 1.35 j " Caffeine C a H, n N, O,. H, O 1.23, 19 Pfaff. "Watts 'Diet. Piperine C,, H 1Q N O, 1.1931, 18 "W ackenroder. Strychnine _ C,, H N, O, . 1.359, 18 Watts' Diet. F. W. Cly.rke. M u 1.13 Blunt. J. C. S. 50, Morphine. LJ 1T H 19 N O 3 . H 2 O 1.317 \ 1047. Schroder. Ber. 13, K u 1.326 __ j 1070. Morphine butyrate C,, H,, N (X 1.215, 13 Decharme. J. 16, Morphine oxalate C. c H, s N., O Q . 2 H, O 1.286, 15 445. u u Morphine lactate Con H NO. 1.3574 U 11 Codeine C, H 01 N O .. N, O 1.300 Hunt. J. 8, 566. e( 1(3 ^1 VI 11 1.311 _ __ \ Schroder. Ber. 13, it 11 1.323 .. 1070. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 291 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Thebaine C, Q H,, N 0, 1.282 I Schroder. Ber. 13, C, H. Cl (X . u .9925, 144.5_. 1.1722,8 1.301, 12 1.29 (t C. H. CL O,.. u (C 1.2821,20 1.0918 ) 15707 1.0915 } 167 - 7 1.3217, 10.6 1.104, 15 1.3826, 20 It u It Dichlorethyl acetate It (1 Ethyl trichloracetate C. H e CL O, ti 1.1650 j 16?0 l 1.1651 } ibl - 1 1.200, 15 1.216, 15 _- (i u Monochlorethyl dichlor- acetate. Dichlorethyl monochlor- acetate. Trichlorethyl acetate K <( i u (t u 1.367 tt 1.35, 20 Passavant. C. N. II 1.2354, 99.9 J.C.S.(2),11,158. 310 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Trichlorvinyl ethyl oxide C, H. CL 1.3322,19 . - Godefroy C R 102 jVIethylene aceto-chloride C, H. Cl O, 1.1953, 14.2 869. Henry B S .C 20 Ethylene aceto-chloride C, H. Cl O, . 1.1783,0 448. Simpson. J. 12, 487 a H 1.114,15 __. Franchimont J C Ethylene butyro-chloride C H,, Cl O, 1.0854,0 S. 44, 452. Simpson J 12 489 Ethyl idene oxychloride C, H a CL O 1.1376, 12 . Lieben J 11 291 it u u 1.136, 14.5___ Laatsch. A. C P Ethylidene aceto-chloride C 4 H 7 Cl O 2 1.114,15 218, 13. Riibencamp A Ethylidene propio-chlo- C. H ft Cl O, . 1.071,15 P. 225, 267. U (( ride. Ethylidene butyro-chlo- C H,, Cl O, 1.038, 15' U (( ride. Ethylidene valero-chloride C, H,. Cl O, .997, 15 U (( \ldehvdemethyl chloride C, H. Cl O . .996, 17 II 11 Trichlordimethyl acetal C, H, Cl, O, 1.28 . Magnanini G C I Trichlormethylethyl ace- C* Ho CU O, 1.32 16, 330. u u tal. Chloraoetal C. H,,, Cl 0, 1.0195 _ _ Lieben. J 10 437 it u 1.0418,0 _) Paterno and Mazza- u u 1.0416, 26.3 \ ra. J.C.S. (2), 11, c( u .9315, 99.9 J 1217. u 11 1.026, 15 Klien. J. C. S. 31, Dichloracetal C. H, 9 CL O, . 1.1383, 14 __ 291. Lieben. J. 10, 436. Trichloracetul C a H,, CL O., 1.2813,0 _ _ {Paterno and Pisati H u 1.2655, 22.2_. J. C. S. (2), 11, It ii 1.1617, 99.96_ 258. It u 1.288 Bvasson. C. N 38 Trimethylene chlorhydrin C, H, Cl O 1.132,17 "46. Keboul. C. R. 79, Propylene chlorhydrin u 1.1302,0 _. 169. Oeser. J. 13, 448. it ti u 1.247 Oppenheim. J. 21, Chlorbutylene chlorhydrin a H.ci.O . 1.0335,0 340. Oeconomides. Ber. Hexylene chlorhydrin C H,, Cl O 1.0143 } , 14, 1568. it i u 2.10006, 17. 5 221, 133. {Angelbis Frei- II U u 2.08905, 20. 5 burg Inaug. ii U u 2.10297, 15 ) Diss. 1884. Perkin. J. P C it a u 2.08540, 25 J (2), 32, 523 ii ii u 2.05545, 20 TVeegmann Z P Trirnethylene bromide ii u ii u u ii 11 II u u II I! Propylcne bromide CH 2 Br.CH 2 .CH 2 Br CI II II II ll II C H 3 . C H Br. C H 2 Br 2.0177, 1.9839, 13.5_- 1.9228 2.0060, _. 1 1.7101,165 j 1.98236.15 1 1.96836; 25 I 1.7 C. 2, 218. Geromont. A. C. P. 158, 370. Reboul. J. C. S. 36, 127. Freund. Ber. 14, 2270. Zander. A.C.P. 214, 181. Perkin. J. P. C.(2), 32, 623. Reynolds J 3 495 ii u 1.974 Cahours J 3 496 it ii 1.955, 9 Reboul Z C 13 u ii 1.954, 15 j 200. Linnomann A C u u 1.950, 16 J P 136 53 u u acetate. E th y 1 8 bromacetopro - C 7 H,, Br O, . 1.439, 15 Conrad and Guth- pionate. Ethyl brompropiopro- C 8 H 13 Br O 3 1.337, 15 zeit. Ber. 17,2286. Israel. A. C. P. 231, pionate. Ethvl dibrompropiopro- C a H 19 Br, O,_. 1.611, 15 197. u pionate. Bromallyl alcohol C 3 H. Br O 1.6, 15 Henry. B. S. C. 18, Bromallvl acetate C. H. Br O., 1.57, 12 232. 11 Allyldibrompropionate./?- (i c Dibromallyl oxide _ C 6 H 8 Br 2 2 a C fi H 8 Br, O _ 1.843,0 ) 1.818,20 _. j 1.7,17 . Munderand Tollens. A. C. P. 167, 222. Henry. B. S. C. 20, Brommethvlallvl oxide C 4 H 7 Br O 1.35, 10 _. 452. Henry. B. S. C. 18, Bromethylullyl oxide C- H a Br O 1.27, 12 232. Henry. Ber. 5, 186. Monobromhydrin C 3 H-. Br (O H), __ 1.717,4 Veley. C. N. 47, 39. Dibromhvdrin C 3 H 5 . Br 2 OH 2.11, 10 _ _ Berthelot and De it 11 2.11,18 Luca. J. 8, 627. Berthelot and De (i 11 2.02, 18.5 Luca. J. 9, 601. Zotta. A. C. P. 174, Epibromhydli n C 3 H. Br O 1.615, 14 87. Berthelot and De Bromdi ethyl in C, H-. Br fOC, H-), 1.258, 8 Luca. J. 9, 600. Henrv. Ber. 4, 701. Diethyl brommaleate C fi H n Br O._. 1.4095, 17.5 Anschiitz and Asch- Dibromoleic acid C 18 H 3 , Br 2 O 2 1.272, 7.5 man. Ber. 12, 2284. Lefort. J. 6, 451. Bromcitropyrotartaric an- C 5 H 3 Br U 3 1.935, 23 Bourgoin. J. Ph. C. hydride. Ethyl cS brompvromucate C. H, Br O, . 1.528,0 26, 234. Hill and Sanger. A. C. P. 232, 52. Orthomonobromphenol C. H. Br O._. 1.6606,30 . . Korner. J. 19, 574. Paramonobromphenol n 1.840, 15 Hand. A. C. P. 234, 133. 328 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GBAYITT. AUTHORITY. Brommethylphenol C T H T Br O _ 1.494, 9 Henrv Z C 13 Bromparakresol u 1.5468, 24.5__ 247". Schall and Dralle Brommethylparakresol 8 H 9 BrO 1.4182, 24.5 Bcr. 17, 2531. a Bromisopropylphenol . _ C a H,, Br O ._ 1.981,0 ) Silva. B.S. C , Jan U 1.957, 12.5 J 1870 Bromallyl phenol ether C 9 H 9 Br O 1.4028, 11 ._. Henry. Ber. 16, Brommethyleugenol __ _ C,, H,, Br O, _. 1.3959, 1378. W^ssermann. C K. Benzoyl bromide C, H. O. Br 1.5700, 15 88, 1207. Claisen Ber. 14 JVfoTio'hrom^ftTnpho''' C in H,. Br O._. 1.437 } 2473. Schroder. Ber. 13, u u 1.449 j 1070. Santonyl bromide 1.4646 Carnelutti and Na- sini. Ber. 13,2210. LVII. BROMINE COMPOUNDS CONTAINING NITROGEN. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Brompicrin C Br s N Oj _ 2.811, 12.5 Bolas and Groves. <( <( 2.816, 13 Z. C. 13, 414. Gladstone. Bei. 9, Tetranitroethylene b r o - C, (N O,). Br, _. 1.25, 14 249. Villiers. J. C. S. 42, mide. Bromonitric glycol C 2 H 4 Br N O s 1.735,8 815. Henry. Ann. (4), Bromallyl nitrate _ C 3 H 4 Br N O 8 1.5, 13 27, 243. Henry. B. S. C. 18, Nitrobrbmtoluene. B. 269 C T H 5 Br N O 2 1.612, 20 232. Wroblevsky. Z. C. " B. 256 it 1.631, 18 13, 240. Wroblevsky. Z. C. Bromtoluidinc. B. 240 _ C 7 H 8 Br N 1.510, 20 . 13, 166. Wroblevsky. A. C. " B. 255-260 ii 1.1442, 19 P. 168, 147. Wroblevsky. A. C. Brompyridine C K H, Br N _. 1.645, P. 192, 203. Ciamician and <( 1.646, Dennstedt. Ber. 15, 1174. Danesi.Ber.15, 1177. u 1.632, 10 Hofmann. Ber. 16, 589. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 329 LVIII. COMPOUNDS CONTAINING C, H, AND I. 1st. Iodides of the Paraffin Series. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl iodide C H 3 I 2.227, 22 Dumas and Peligot. (( U it 2.19922,0 .. Ann. (2), 58, 30. Pierre. O.K. 27, 213. (i it 2.2636, 20 ___ Haagen. P. A. 131, K u 2.269, 25 117. Linnemann. Z. C. U (1 <( 2.2905, 16 . 11, 285. Sigel. A. C. P. 170, (i (i ti 2.1905, 42 __ 345. Kamsay. J. C. S. 35. 11 < ti 2.28517,15 ) 463. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), U K u 2.25288,25 J 31, 481. <( K u 2.3346, _ ) Dobriner. A. C. P. (i K (i 2.2146, 42.8 j 243, 23. Ethyl iodide C, H. I .. 1.9206,23.3__ Gay Lussac. Ann. <( u (i 1.92, 16 (1), 91,91. Marchand. J. P. C. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), it i It 1.92431,25 j 31, 481. 11 i 11 1.9795, __ ) Dobriner. A. C. P. it i II 1.8156, 72.5 j 243, 23. Propyl iodide C, H, I _ 1.789, 16 Berthelot and De ii K it 1.7012, 21 _._ Luca. J. 7, 452. Linnemann. J. 21, 433. 330 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Propvl iodide C, H. I _ 1.7343, 16 ___ 1.782,0 Chapman and Smith. J. C. S.22, 195. Kossi. A. C. P. 159, 79. Linnemann. A. C. P. 160, 195. Linnemann. A. C. P. 161, 25. Linnemann. A. C. P. 161, 34. ] j- Brown. J. C.S.32, 837. Briihl. A. C. P. 203, 1. DeHeen. Bei.5,105. Zander. A. C. P. 214, 181. Chancel. B.S. C.39, 648. Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Pierre and Puchot. Ann. (4), 22, 286. Perkin. J.P.C. (2), 31, 481. Dobriner. A. C. P. 243, 23. Linnemann. J. 18, 489. Erlenmeyer. A. C. P. 126, 309. Simpson. A. C. P. 129, 128. Wurtz. See A. C. P. 136, 43. Linnemann. A. C. P., 3d Supp., 265. Linnemann. A. C. P., 3d Supp., 267. Erlenmeyer. A. C. P. 139, 229. IH.L.Buff. A.C.P., 4th Supp., 129. Linnemann. A. C. P. 140, 178. Siersch. A. C. P. 140, 142. Linnemann. A. C. P. 161, 18. I Brown. J. C. S. 32, 837. a (i ii 11 u ii 1.7472, 16 it K it 1.7877,23 it it it 1.7610, 16 1.78635, . (i it a K II it 1.75035, 19.27 1.74772, 20. 79 1.74628, 20.91 1.7427,20 _ II II 11 II II it (I II ii K II tt 1.7483, 14 It II 11 1.5867, 102.5_ 1.7838, 1.7508, 16 II K ii II II 11 It It (! 1.7842,0 1 1.7674,9.! 1.6843, 52.6 [ 1.6373, 75.3J 1.76732, 10 1.75853, 15 1.7829, __ 1.585, 102. 5 1.70, 15 II II 11 It II tt * II II 1 (I II , II II I 11 II I II 11 1 Isopropyl iodide _ It 11 ii II 1.714, 16 1.73, it 11 11 it it It 1.725,0 -__ it it 11 1.69, 15 it ti II 1.71,15 it ti II 1.735,0 ___ \ 1.711,17 _. ] 1.71732, 17 _. 1.562442,93 1.70, 18 it a II ii ii II ti i. II it ii II it it II 1.715, 15.5 1.7109, 15 _ . ii ii II ii 11 [1 1.744,0 ii 11 II 1.70526, 19. 8 1.70506, 20.14 1.70457, 21.09 it 11 11 ii 11 11 FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 331 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. C 3 H. I _ 1.7033,20 __. 1.5650, 89 __ Briib.1. A. C. P. 203, 1. Zander. A. C. P. 214, 181. Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 31, 481. Lieben and Rossi. A. C. P. 158, 137. Linnemann. Ann. (4), 27, 268. Bruhl. A. C. P. 203, 1. DeHeen. Bei. 5, 105. { Dobriner. A. C. P. J 243, 23. De Luynes. J. 17, 499. Lieben. J. 21, 439. Wurtz. A.C.P. 152, 23. Wurtz. J. 7, 573. Wurtz. J. 20, 573. Chapman and Smitb. J. C. S. 22, 156. Pierre and Pucbot. Ann. (4), 22, 317. Linnemann. A. C. P. 160, 195. Linnemann. Ann. (4), 27, 268. Erlenmeyer and Hell. A. C. P. 160, 257. Brauner. A. C. P. 192, 69. Brflhl. A. C. P. 203, 1. Gladstone. Bei. 9, 249. Schiff. Ber. 19, 560. Perkin. J. P. C. (2), 31, 481. }Two lots. Puchot. Ann. (5), 28, 546. Lieben and Rossi. A. C. P. 159, 70. u 11 (i K u u 1.7157, 14 _ 1.71630,15 } 1.70049,25 j 1.643,0 ) 1.6136, 20 V 1.5894,40 ) 1.5804,18 _ (i u u It U u Butyl iodide C, H q I .. K U 11 u u U 11 u It It u 1.6166,20 ___ 1.6172, 14 _ It (1 u 11 U II 1.6476, . (I (( II 1.4308, 129.9 1.632,0 ") Secondary butyl iodide u 11 11 11 (( 11 11 Tsobutyl iodide II II 1.600, '20 __ I II 1.584, 30 ) u 1.6263,0 _1 II 1.6111,10 1.5952, 20 1.5787, 30 1.634,0 II u <1 II 1.604, 19 1.643,0 u u II u u II 1.6301,0 _ 1 u u u 1.6032, 16 I 1.54816,50 ) 1.6345,0 __ l.G'214, 8.3 1.6387, 56.4 " 1.464, 98. 8 1.6081, 19.5.._ 1.592,22 1.6433, __ ) 1.6278, 10 I 1.6114,20 ) 1.6401,0 __ ) 1.6050, 20 j 1.6056,20 u u u u u u i u u u u u u ii u u u u u u u u ii u u u u u u u it u 11 u u II u u u u u u 1.5982 u u II 1.4335, 114.5. 1.61385, 15 1.60066. 25 1.587,0 .__ ' 1.501,50.! 1.571,0 ._ u u II u ii II Trimethylcarbyl iodide. ?_ u u II 11 u u II u u 11 1.479, 53 _. 1.5435,0 __ ) 1.5174. 20 Normal pentyl iodide C. H n I u u 11 332 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Normal pentyl iodide C. H,, I 1.4961,40 . Lieben and Rossi (i 1.5444,0 A. C. P. 159, 70. } Dobriner A C K i 1.3128, 15P.7 j P. 243, 20 Amyl iodide < 1.51113, 11.5 Frankland J 3 478 i 1.5277,0 Frankland. U I i 1.4936, 20 .__ Grimna. J. 7, 543 i ( 1.4676, __ I Kopp. A. C P 95 u < i 1.4387, 22.3 J 307. (i i i 1.5087, 15. 8 Mendelejeff. J 13 7 II 4 it 1.4734, 20 ___ Haagen. P. A. 131, II 1C n 1.5005,14 . 117. De Heen. Bei 5 (1 <( u 1.5413,0 j 105. Flawitzky. Ber. 15, (I (( 1C 1.5084,23 J 11. (( Ii 11 1.5048, 14 __ Gladstone. Bei 9 U 11 1.3098, 148 249. Schiff. Ber 19 560 11 ( (1 1.5100,15 \ Perkin. J. P. C (2), II ( 11 1.49811,25 j 31, 481. " " Active (( 1.54, 15 LeBel. B S C 25 ' 1.5425, 16 __- 545. Just. A. C. P. 220, Methylpropylcarbyl iodide 11 1.537,0 ) 150. i< 11 1.5219, 11 J Wurtz. J. 21, 446. <{ 11 ,( 1.539, _. _ 1 C Wagner.ndSavtz- (4 11 II 1.510, 20 __ j < eff. A. C. P. 179, II ( II 1.499, 15 ( 318. Romburgh. Ber. 16, Diethylcarbyl iodide 1.528,0 _) 392. [ Wagner and Say tz- II 1.505, 16 __ J < eff. A. C. P. 175, Regnault. P. A 53, u u u .8356,15 20 j 60. u u ii .83907,20 Nasini. Ber. 15, Butyl mercaptan a H O . s H _. .858, . ) 2882. (Grabowsky and u (i II .843, 16 J Saytzeff. A. C. Isobutyl mercaptan H .848, 11.5 P. 175, 851. Humann. J. 8, 613. u u II .8299, 17 ___ Reymann. J. C. S. u u {( .83573, 20 __. (2), 13, 141. Nasini. Ber. 15, Amyl mercaptan .835,21 2882. Krutzsch. J. P. C. u u II .8548, __. } 31 2 Kopp. A. C. P. 95, ii u II .8405, 16. 9 j 307. u u <{ .83475, 20 _. Nasini. Ber. 15, Hexyl mercaptan .8856, 2883. TVanklyn and Erlen- meyer. J. 17, 509. Carbon tetramercaptide C (S C, H R ), 1.01 _ Claesson. J. 1877, Ethvlene mercaptan C, H, (S Hi, 1.123, 23.5 520. Werner. J. 15, 424. Methyleno dithioethylate. C H,. (S C, H), . . .987, 20 . ._ Claesson. J. P. C. Ethylene dithioethylate E f -hylene thiovinylethy- late. " Derivative of dithioglycol C,H 4 . (80,11,),- C 2 H 4 .SC 2 H 5 .SC a H s u .98705, 15.5-_ 1.01921, 15.5_ 1.0167, 19-20 1.037, 22 123, 176. V. Meyer. Ber. 19, 3266. [ u u Mansfeld. Ber. 19, Amylene sulphide C 5 H 10 S .907, 13 2662. Guthrie. J. 14, 665. Vinyl sulphide (Co Ho), S 1.015, 13 __ Semmler. A. C. P. Allyl sulphide . ( C, HA, S ._ .8544, 11 241, 93. Gladstone. Bei. 9, u u ii .88765, 4 249. Nasini and Scala. Allyl trisulphide 1.012,15 _ Bei. 10, 696. Lowitt. J. 13, 399. Fusvl sulnhide a HS .880. 13 .. Guthrie. J. 12, 484. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 841 NAME. FOBMXTLA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHOBITT. Trisulphhydrin - C 3 H 8 S, 1.391, 14.4 Carius. J. 15, 455. Methyl trisulphocarbonate Ethyl trisulphocarhonate _ Amyl trisulphocarbonate . Ethylene trisulphocarbon- ate. Propylene trisulphocar- bonate. IButylene trisulphocarbon- ate. Amy lene trisulphocarbon- ate. Allyl trisulphocarbonate _ 1.169, 18 . 1.152 Cahours. Ann. (3), 19, 162. Salomon. J. P. C. (2), 6, 433. Hiisemann. J. 15, 410. Husemann. A.C.P. 123, 87 Husemunn. J. 15, 434. ii ( Husemann. J. 15, 410. .877 _. C. H, S. 1.4768 G. H,, S. 1.31, 20 1.26, 20 1.073 _ .943 f(L H.L S 1.119 ___ Stenhouse. J. 18, 532. Otto. J. P. C. (2), 37, 209. Beckmann. J. C. S. 36, 37. Gabler. Ber. 13, 1277. Vogt. J. 14, 630. Marcker. J. 18,543. Schepper. J. 18, 558. Holtmeyer. J. 20, 708. Flesch. C.C.4,619. Fittica. A. C. P. 172, 326. Bechler. Leipzig In- aug. Diss. 1873. 11 Schertel. J. 17, 533. Phenyl tetrasulphide Phenyl ethyl sulphide Ethyl paratolyl sulphide _ Phenyl mercaptan fC. H e L S, 1.297, 14.5___ (C 6 H 5 )(C 2 H 5 )S._. (C T H 7 )(C S H 6 )S.. C H. S H 1.0315, 10 1.0016, 17.5_. 1.078, 14 .__. 1.058, 20 1.036, 13 C 7 H r S H Xylyl mercaptan C 8 H 9 . SH Mesitylene mercaptan Cymyl mercaptan __ 1.0192 C, n H,,. S H__ .9975, 17.5 .989 (i .995 Methylcymyl mercaptan _ Naphtyl mercaptan C u H 15 . S H .986 1.146, 23 Thiophene a H, s 1.062,23 1.08844,0 "I 1.0769, 10 1.0651, 20 1.0533, 30 1.0413, 40 1.0291, 50 1.0169, 60 1.0045, 70 .9920, 80 .98741,84 J 1.05928,4 V. Meyer. Ber. 16. 1471. Schiff. Ber. 18, 1605. Nasini and Scala. Bei. 10, 696. , 342 TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Thiophene an, s 1.07387, 11.8- 1.06835, 16.5_ Knops. V. H, V. 1887, 17. J Meyer and Kreis. Ber. 17, 788. Demuth. Ber. 19, 1858. Griinewald. Ber. 20, 2586. Messinger. Ber. 18, 1637. Zelinsky. Ber. 20, 2017. Meyer and Kreis. Ber. 17, 1558. 11 Schleicher. Ber. 19, 673. Meyer and Kreis. Ber. 17, 1558. Muhlert. Ber. 19, 634. Schweinitz. Ber. 19, 644. Krekeler. Ber. 19, 3271. 1.06466, 19.7. 1.06432, 20 _. 1.06045, 23.4_ 1.05662, 26.6. 1.05332, 29.2_ 1.0534, 32 ___ 1.0194, 18 .9777, 21 Thiotolene a H. s _ Orthothioxene C H B S II .9938, 21 . .9755, 17.5 Metathioxcne (( it M II .9956, 20 .... .990, 24 Ethylthiophene Normal propylthiophene- Isopropylthiophene-_ _ _ C, H. n S__ .974, 16 11 .9695, 16 Normal butylthiophene __ Diethylthiophene .957, 19 11 .962, 14 Octylthiophene .8118, 20.5___ .9938, 19 P Methylpcnthiophene C H s S _. 2d. Compounds Containing C, H, S, and O. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl sulphite (C HA, S O. 1.0456, 16.2__ 1.0675, 18 ___ 1.085, 16 1.10634,0 _ . Carius. J. 12, 86. Carius. A. C. P. Ill, 103. Ebelmen and Bou- quet. Ann. (3), 17, 67. Pierre. C. R. 27, 213. Carius. J. P. C. (2), 2, 285. Nasini. Bei. 9, 324. Dumas and Pelicjot. Ann. (2), 58, 33. Bodeker. B. D. Z. Claesson. J. P. C. (2), 19, 244. Perkin. J. C. S. 49, 777. Methyl ethyl sulphite Ethyl sulphite u (CH 3 j(C 2 H 5 )S0 3 _ (0 2 H 5 ) a S0 3 (i u 11 K 1.1063,0 _) (i 1.0926, 12.7 j 1.0982, 11 __. 1.324,22 (( 1! u Methyl sulphate fC H,), S 0. ii u 1.385, 13 _. 1.327,18 1.33344,15 ) 1.32757,20 I 1.32386,25 it u ii u u {< u FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 343 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethyl sulphate CO, H) S 0, 1.120 Wetherill. J. 1,692. it it 1.1837, 19 __. Claesson. J. P. C. u 11 u 1.167 _ (2), 19, 258. Stempnevsky. Her. Ethyl sulphurous acid Ethyl sulphuric acid C 2 H 5 . H. S 3 C. H K . H. S (X 1.3 1.319 15, 947. Kopp. A. C. P. 35, 343. Vogel. Gmelin's it 11 ii i< 1.315) , co f Handbuch. Marchand. G m e - it it K tt 1.317 } 16 { 1.215 _. lin's Handbuch. Duflos. Gmelin's Ethyl ethylsulphonate C. H 1n S O, . 1.1712,0 __ 1 Handbuch. Carius. J. P. C. (2). ii 11 u 1.1508, 20.4j 2, 269. it ii u 1.14517, 22 __ N as i n i . Ber. 15, Isoamyl ethyl sulphone C, H lft S O,_. 1.0315, 18 ___ 2884. Beckmann. J. C. S. Diisobutyl sulphone _ C 8 H 18 S O 2 _. 1.0056,18 _-_ 36, 38. u ii Methyl methylxanthate a i< Ethyl methylxanthate CH 3 0. CS. CH 8 S- u CHgO. CS. C 2 H 6 S 1.143, 15 1.176, 18 1.12, 18 Cahours. Ann. (3), 19, 160. Salomon. J. P. C. (2), 8, 114. u ii a ii Methyl ethylxanthate ii ii Ethyl ethylxanthate _ u C 2 H 5 O. CS. CH 8 sI u C, H0. CS. C,H R S_ 1.123, 11 1.129, 18 . 1.11892, 4 1.0703, 18 ___ Chancel. J. 3, 470. Salomon. J. P. C. (2), 8, 114. Nasini and Scala. Bei. 10, 696. Zeise. A. C. P. 55, it ii u 1.07 310. Debus. A. C. P. 75, ii ii u 1.085, 19 125. Salomon. J. P. C. Methyl propylxanthate Ethyl propylxanthate Ethvl butylxanthate C 3 H 7 0. CS. CH 3 S. C 3 H 7 O. CS. C 2 H 5 S. C 4 H 9 O. CS. C 2 H 5 S 1.08409, 4 1.05054, 4 1.003, 17 (2), 6, 433. Nasini and Scala. Bei. 10, 696. u u Mylius. B. S.C. 19, Butyl hutylxanthate C,H 9 O. CS. C 4 H 9 S_ 1.009, 12 221. u u Ethyl dithioxycarhonate _ ii a Ethyl thioxycarbonate Ethyl dioxythiocarbonate u it Ethyl butyl thioxycarbon- ate. u u u Ethyl dioxysulphocarbon- C 2 H 5 S. CO. C 2 H 5 S. ii C 2 H 5 0. CO. C 2 H.S_ C 2 H 5 O. CS. C 2 H 6 O. ii C 2 H 5 S. CO. C 4 H 9 0_ CjELO. CO. C 4 H 9 S_ C c H, n S, O, _ 1.084,20 1.085, 19 1.0285, 18 1.032,1 1.031, 19 .9939, 10 .9938, 10 1.26043, 4 _ Schmidt and Glutz. J. 21, 575. Salomon. J. P. C. (2), 6, 433. u u Debus. J. 3, 465. Salomon. J. P. C. (2), 6, 433. Mylius. Ber. 6, 312. II U Nasini and Scala. ate. ? Propyl dioxysulphocar- 1.19661,4 Bei. 10, 696. II 1C bonate. ? 344 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Xanthurin _ __ C, H S O, 1.012 Couerbe A C P Thiacetic acid - C 2 H 4 S O __ 1.074, 10 ___ 40, 297. Ulrich. J. 12 355 Ethyl ethylthioglycollate C. H,. S O,._ 1.0469,4 ' Claesson. B S C Ethyl amylthioglycollate Co H, a S O, .9797, 4 23, 445. Claesson B S C Ethyl phenylthioglycol- C in H,, S O, _. 1.136, 4 __ ) 23, 446. Claesson. B. S C late. " U 1.1269, 15 j 23, 443. Disulphamylene oxide 1.054, 13 Guthrie. J 12 483 Disulphamylene hydrate 1.049, 8 ii Aldehyde with sulphalde- hyde.* Diheptylene sulphoxide C 2 H 4 O + U 2 H 4 S- fC, H,A,SO_. 1.134 .875, 23 . Weidenbusch. J.I, 550. Schiff. J. 21, 724 Monosulphhydrin b, T H 8 sb. 1.295, 14.4 Carius. J. 15, 453 Disulphhydrin C 3 H 8 S 2 O 1.342, 14.4___ Carius. J. 15, 454. Ethyl thioxalate C. H 10 S O,. 1.1446,0 Morley and Saint Oxypnlph<">}> fi n7i (i 14 1.1889, 100 J 171. Thiophene aldehyde a H- so__ 1.215,21 . Biedermann. Ber Acetothienone C.H.SO 1.167,24 .. 19, 1853. Peter. Ber. 17,2644. Acetoethylthienone Co H, ft SO_. 1.0959, 20 _ _ Schleicher. Ber. 19, Acetylthioxene (I 1.0910, 17 _ 660. Messinger. Ber. 18, 2302. 3d. Sulphur Compounds Containing Nitrogen. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Methyl thiocyanate N C. S C H 8 _ 1.115, 16 _ Cahours. Ann. (3), u 1.08794, 18, 261. Pierre. C. E. 27, 213 it ii (( 1.06935, 4 ___ Nasini and Scala. Ethyl thiocyanate N C. S C 8 H 5 1.020, 16 Bei. 10, 696. Cahours. Ann. (3), it < al.OO 18, 265. Lowig. P. A. 67, <( i 1.033,0 101. 1 it : 1.01261,19 __ 1 K i 1.00238,22 __ [- Buff. Ber. 1, 206. u i .870135 { ,, fi0 ii i .869367 j j a i 1.00715,4 _. Nasini and Scala. Bei. 10, 696. Pinner's formula. Weidenbusch calls it " sulphhydrato of acetyl mercaptan," and writes the formula C 12 H 2g S 7 . FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 345 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. N C. S C 8 H T _ .989,0 ) a * 14 .974, 15 1 " Gerlich. Ber. 8, 651. 11 a .963,20 L. Henry. J. 22, N C. S C H,, .905, 20 _ 361. O.Henry. J. 1, 700. Hexyl thiocyanate Allvl thiocyanate N C. S C 6 H 13 NC. S C S H 6 .922, 12 1.071,0 ) Pelouze and Ca- hours. J. 16, 526. 11 it u 1.056,15 j Gerlich. Ber. 8, 653. Methyl thiocarbimide C S. N C H s 1.06912, 4 ___ Nasini and Scala. Ethyl thiocarbimide CS. N C 2 H 5 1.01925,0 _. Bei. 10, 696. 1 i (C .997525, 21.4_ < 11 .997235, 22 _. j- Buff. Ber. 1, 206. (I .87909 I-.OOQ o 1 < (( .873513} 133 ' 2 j < ( 1.0030, 18 ___ Gladstone. Bei. 9, (( (c II .99525, 4 249. Nasini and Scala. Tertiary butyl thiocarbi- C S. N C 4 H 9 .9187, 15 _. ) Bei. 10, 696. Rudneff. Ber. 12, mide. " " Schroder. Dm. ii ii u 1.885/ 11. j 1873 ii ii u 1.875 j Schroder Ber 14, u it II 1.890 j 1609. Didymium acetate Di (C, H, O,),_. 2.125, 13.5 } Cleve. U. N. A. i u 2.190, 16.5 j 1885. i Di CO, H. O,),. H, 2.230 ) nnn i u 2.244} 20 i Di (C, H, O,),. 4 H, O 1.881 ) 100 e i u 1.884} 13 ' 5 - Samarium acetate Sm CC, H, OJ. 2.208, 18. 3 ii (i i Sm(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 3 . 4H 2 O 1.942, 14. 5 } i u 1.938, 15.5 } Calcium copper acetate _. CaCu(C 2 H 3 2 ) 4 .8H 2 1.4206 Schabus. J. 3, 393. Lithium uranyl acetate Sodium uranyl acetate _ _ Li U 2 (C, H s 2 ) 3 . 3H 2 Na U O, (C, H, 0,), 2.280, 15 __ 2.55, 12 Wyrouboff. B. S. M. 8, 118. Bodeker and Gie- Sodium uranyl monochlor- acetate. NaU0 2 (C 2 H 2 C10O 3 ' 2H 2 2.748, 14 secke. B. D. Z. Clarke. A. C. J. 2, 331. Silver propionate Aff C EU O, 2.714 Schroder. Ber 10, Barium propionate Ba (C, H. O,), . 2.067, 22.3 1872. Stern. F. W. C. u ti i< 1.970 Schroder. Ber. 11, Didymium propionate i Samarium prop onate Di(C 3 H 5 2 ) 3 DifC.HsO.VSH.O 1C Sm (C, H. O,). 1.861, 12.5_-- 1.741, 12.5 } 1.742, 13 _. } 1.894, 14 2129. Cleve. 17. N. A. 1885. u ii i i i i Sm(C 3 H 5 2 ) 3 .3H 2 u u 1.784) 1.786 U3.2__ 1.788 J b - 1.794 ) Geppert. F. "W. C. Schroder. Ber. 11, 2130. Cleve. U. N. A. 1885. It CC Schroder. Ber. 11, If 11 Bo,rium propylsulphate U 11 11 K Potassium isobutylsul- Ba(C 3 H 7 SOJ 2 . 2H 2 1C K C, H Q S O... 1.831 ) 1.839 | 2()0 , 1.844 j 2() ' 6 - 1.844 1.472 ___ { 2020. Geppert. F. W. C. Schroder. Ber. 11, 2130. Schroder. Ber. 11, phate. " U 1.486 _ j 2020. Barium isobutylsulphate _ 11 'it u a ii u u u Potassium amylsulphate u u Ba(C 4 H 9 SO 4 ) 2 . 2H 2 O 1C It II 11 Kc 5 H u so 4 :: u 1.714, 22 1.743,24.3 } 1.778, 21.2 J 1.727 ) 1.758 j 1.401 I 1.418 J Whetstone. F.W.C. Schuermann. F.W. G. Schroder. Ber. 11, 2130. Schroder. Ber. 1 1 , 2020. Barium amylsulphate II U It II K II Potassium methylxanthate Ba(C 5 H n SO 4 ) 2 . 2H 2 O u u u K C H 3 C O Sj " 1.623, 21.2 I 1.632, 22 __ j 1.638 { 1.641 j 1.6754, 15.2 I Whetstone. F.AV.C. Schroder. Ber. 11, 2130. U II Potassium ethylxanthate - K Cj H 6 C S 2 I" 1.7002 j 1.558, 21 Bishop. F.W. C. Geppert. F. W. C. 11 II u 1.5564, 18. 2 K U u 1.5576, 21.5 H. Stallo. F. W. 0. Potassium isobutylxan- thate. K C 4 H 9 C S 2 u 1.3713, 15 1.3832, 14. 5 1C U 560 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITT. AUTHORITY. Lithium oxalato Li. C 2 O 4 _. 2.1213, 17.5 Stolba J 1880 283 Sodium hydrogen oxalate- Na H C 2 O 4 . H, O _ 2.315 Buign^t J 14 15 Potassium oxalate K 2 C 2 O 4 . H 2 O 2.104, m. of 2 2.08 - M. C. S. 2, 401. Schiff J 12 16 Potassium hydrogen oxa- K H C. O< . 1.965, m. of 2 Playfair and Joule late. (( 1C It u 2.030 M. C. S. 2, 401. Schiff J 12 16 it n 2.088 Buignet J 14 15 Potassium quadroxalate K H. (C. O 4 ) 2 . 2 H, O 1.817 Playfair and Joule H, O. 3.998, 16.5 ") it tt ii 4.001, 17.5 V it ii tt it ii 4.037, 17.7 J Potassium tartrantimo- 2KC 4 H 4 SbO r H 2 O 2.5569 Pasteur. Ann. (3). nite, or tartar-emetic ti it 11 it a Ammonium tartrantimo- it ii ii 2 Am C 4 H 4 Sb O r H 2 O 2.607 2.588 2.597 2.324 28, 86. Schiff. J. 12, 16. Buignet. J. 14, 15. Topsoe and Christ- iansen. Topsoe. C. C. 4, 76. nite. Silver tartrantimonite Ag C 4 H, Sb O. 3.4805, 18.2_. Evans. F. W. C. Thallium tartrantimonite 2TlC 4 H 4 SbO 7 . H 2 O 3.99 Lamy and Des Cloi- Barium tartrantimonite Potassium borotartrate Ba (C 4 H 4 Sb O 7 ) 2 . 2H 2 O K C,, H, B O T 3.112, 19 1.832 zeaux. Nature, 1, 142. Joslin. F. W. C. Buignet. J. 14, 15. Potassium racemate K, C\ H. O c . 2 H, O 1.58 ___ __ Mitscherlich. Potassium hydrogen race- K H C, H, 0,, 1.954 Wyrouboff. B.S.M. mate. Potassium lithium race- K Li C, H, O. . 1.610 6, 311. Wyrouboff. B. S. M. mate. Potassium sodium race- K NaC 4 H 4 O 6 .3H 2 1.783 ___ 6, 53. Wyrouboff. B. S. C. mate. .Rubidium racemate Eb, C- H, O. 2.640 45, 52. Wyrouboff. Bei. 8, Eubidium hydrogen race- Eb H C, H, 0. 2.282 24. Wyrouboff. B. S. M. mate. Rubidium lithium race- Eb Li C, H, O ft 2.192 _ _ 6, 311. Wyrouboff. Bei. 8, mate. Ammonium rnp.fimatfi Am, C, H, O. 1.601 24. Wyrouboff. B. S. M. Ammonium hydrogen Am H C 4 H 4 O 6 1.636 9, 102. Wyrouboff. B. S. M. racemate. Ammonium sodium race- Am Na C 4 H 4 O 6 . H 2 1.740 _ 6, 311. Wyrouboff. Ann. mate. Silver rucemate _ Ag, C. H. O. 3.7752 (6), 9, 221. Liebig and Eedten- Thallium racemate Tl, C. H, O R . 4.783 1 , bacher. A. C. P. 38, 139. (Two varieties. Wy- it 11 II 4.803 j rouboff. B.S.M. ii it 2 T1 2 C 4 H 4 O 6 . H 2 O 4.659 9, 102. Lamy and Des Cloi- Thallium hydrogen race- Tl H C, H, O. _. 3.494 zeaux. Nature, 1, 142. Wvrouboff. B. S. M. mate. Thallium lithium race- Tl LiC 4 H 4 O 6 .2H 2 O 3.144 __ 6, 311. Wyrouboff. Ann. mate. Thallium sodium racemate TlNaC 4 H 4 O 6 2H 2 3.289 (6), 9., 221. K K 364 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Potassium racemantimo- 2KC 4 H 4 SbO T . H 2 O 2.4768 Pasteur. Ann (3) nite. 28, 86. Potassium citrate* K, C H s (X. H, 1.98 W C Smith Am Trisodium citrate 2Na s C 6 H.O 7 .llH 2 O 1.857, 23.5 I J. P. 53, 145. < a 1.859, 24 _ j Blakemore. F.W.C. Diammonium citrate Am 2 C 6 H 6 O 7 1.479,22 ... 11 2 .4H 2 O 2.518, 20 zeaux. Nature, I, 142. Post and Mehrtens. Lead picrate Pb(C 6 H 2 N 3 7 ) 2 . H 2 O 2.831, 20 Ber. 8, 1552. u u Samarium picrate Sm( CfiH.N.O. ),.8H.O 1.954, 18.5. _ Cleve. TJ. N. A. 1885. Ammonium benzoate Am C 7 H 5 O 2 1.260 ) , f Schroder. Ber. 12, < a 1.264 ( * 1 1611. Smith gives this salt under the name " potassii citras," and assigns no formula. FOR SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 365 NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Silver benzoate Ae C. H O. 2.258 Schroder. Ber. 9, 1889. Schroder. Ber. 12, 1611. Schroder. Ber. 12, 561. u Kenngott. Calcium benzoate Ca(C 7 H 5 2 ) 2 . 3H 2 O. u Ba(C 7 H 5 O 2 ) 2 . 3H 2 6 it Ag C Q H. O, 1-435) 40 f 1.457 j 4 -( 1-792 ) 4 o f 1.808 j i 2.073, 4 (( n Barium benzoate (i 11 Silver cinnamate _ __ _ Mellite A1 2 C 12 O 12 . 18 H 2 O- u 1.636 } it 1.642 j " LXXI. SALTS OF ORGANIC BASES WITH INORGANIC ACIDS.* NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Tetramethylam m o n i u m iodide. " u 11 Tetrethylammonium io- dide. " " (( U Tetramethylam m o n i u m mercury iodide. u u Ethylamine platinchloride U 11 Ethylamine aurochloride. Diethylamine aurochlo- ride. Triethylamine aurochlo- ride. Guanidine carbonate N (C H.)* I 1.827, 17 __ } 1.831, 19.5 J 1.838 ) 40 f 1.844 j 4 1 1.556-) 1.559 y 4 1.561J 3.968,24 __T 3.971,24 _. 3.976, 23.5 4.003, 23.2 2.250) 1QO f 2.255] * 2.824 _ Owens. F. W. C. Schroder. Ber. 12, 561. u Owens. F. W. C. Clarke. A. C. J. 2, 175. Topsoe. S. W. A. 73, 97. u u Schroder. Ber. 13, 1070. Schroder. Ber. 12, 1611. Beamer. F. W. C. Schroder. Ber. 12, 1611. u it Evans. F. "W. C. Riidorff. Ber. 12, 252. Berthelot and Vieille. Bei. 5,573. Clarke. A. C. J. 2, 174. a a N (C~H R ), I._ N (C H 3 ) 4 I. Hg I 2 __ ti u u (NC.^. HCl) 2 PtC~l~ it NC 2 H 7 . HC1. AuCl~ NC 4 H U . HC1. AuCl 8 NC 6 H 15 . HC1. AuCl 3 (C H K N,), H, C O, 2.436 _ 2.197 1.238 ) 1.251 j 1.201 ) ( 1.216 } 4__ ] 1.227 J 1.480, 15 1.356 ) 40 | 1.360 J * 1 1.377, 4 11 Cl u C 6 H 7 N. H Cl II u Aniline chlorhydrate u u u u Aniline iodate (1 C 6 H 7 N. H I O,._ C 6 H 7 N. HNO S __- ii (C 6 H 7 N) 2 . H 2 S 6~I C.H 7 N. C 4 H 5 SbO 7 _ C, n H 10 N,. H Cl Aniline nitrate u u Aniline sulphate Aniline tartrantimonite _- Rosaniline chlorhydrate Diazobenzene nitrate Berbcrine chlorhydrate Berberine platinchloride__ 1.890, 18 1.220 C, H, N,. H N O,_. 1.37 C^^NO,. HC1-. (C 20 H 17 N0 4 . HC1) 2 PtCl 4 1.397, 19.4_ 1.758,19. *Aniline tartrantimonite is included in this table for reasons of convenience. 366 TABLE OP SPECIFIC GRAVITIES NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Strychnine platinchloride Cinchonine chlorhydrate _ Picolinic acid platinchlo- ride. Nicotinic acid platinchlo- ride. Triethylphosphin plato- (C 21 H 2 ,N 2 2 .HC1} 2 . G 20 H 2 , N 2 0. H C1-- (C 8 H.N 2 . H 01), Pt CL. 2 H 2 (C 8 H. N 2 . H 01). 5 Pt C 2 H 2 Pt CL. (C H 1K P), 1.779, 13.5 1.234 2.0672, 21.8 2.1297, 21.8__ 1.5, 10 Clarke. A. C. J. 2, 174. Hesse. J. 15, 371. Weidel. Ber. 12, 1989. (i 11 Cahours and Gal. sochloride. Z. C. 13, 437. LXXII. MISCELLANEOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. NAME. FORMULA. SP. GRAVITY. AUTHORITY. Ethyl selenite (C, H.), Se O, _. 1.49, 16.5 Michaelis. A. C. P. Glucose with sodium chlo- ride. " " Cane sugar with sodium 2C 6 H 12 O 6 .NaCl.H 2 O <( 2 C 12 H 22 O u . 3 Na I. 1.55} 10 1.59J l 1.854 241, 159. Bodeker. B. D. Z. Gill. J. C. S. 24, iodide. Ferrous sucrocarbonate 3H 2 O 3 C,, EL 0,. 2 Fe CO. 1.85 269. Tanret. J. C. S. 40, Salt from lead acetate and Pb B K s C M H K/ 0, a I,, 3.084 157. Johnson. C. N. 37, potassium triodide. Chloraurotrieth y 1 p h o s- Au Cl P (0 C, HJ, . 2.025 110. Lindet. C. ~R. 103, phorous ether. 1014. APPENDIX. NOTE ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF WOOD. Although wood is a substance which does not come within the scope of these tables, the following references to literature are given as a matter of convenience. ASCHAUBR. Dove's Kepertorium, 1, 142. BRISSON. Pesanteur Specifique des Corps. ESTRADA. Cuban woods. Van Nostrand's Magazine, 29, 417. 1883. Hon. Beiblatter (Wiedemann's), 2, 534. IHLSENG. Amer. Journ. Sci. (3), 17, 125. KARMARSCH. Dove's Kepertorium, 1, 141. KOPP. Dove's Repertorium, 7, 171 ; also Ann. Chim. Phys. (3), 6, 380. MENDENHALL. Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College, Report for 1878. OSBORNE. "Report on Class III," Melbourne Exhibition of 1861. Many data for Australian woods and essential oils. SHARPLES. Vol. IX, Reports of Tenth U. S. Census. Complete as to woods of the United States. SMITH. Journ. Chem. Soc., June, 1880, p. 417. WILEY. Purdue University (Indiana) Report, No. 2, 1876.- Many figures are also given in Bottger's " Tabellarische Uebersicht." (367) INDEX. A. PAGE. Abies Reginae-Amaliae, oil from 179 Abietene 158 Absinthol 262 Acanthite 57 Acenaphtene 179 Acetal 224 Aeeto.mide 287 Acetanilide 288 " Derivative of 310 Acetic aldehyde 216 Acetic anhydride 204 Acetobutyl alcohol 245 Acetocblorhydrin 312 Acetocinnamone 262 Acetodichlorhydrin 312 Aceto-ethyl nitrate 286 Acetoethylthienone 344 Acetoglycferal 239 Acetone 218 Acetonitril 268 Acetonitrose 286 Acetophenone alcohol 252 Acetopropyl alcohol _ 245 Ace^oihienone 344 Acetotrichlorethylidene acetic ether 311 Acetoxyacetonitril 289 Acetoxypropionitril 289 Acelpiperidid._ 230 Acetyl, Chloride 3U8 " Iodide 335 " Thiocyanate 346 Acfctylamine 280 Acetyl camphor 264 Acetylchloral ethylate 309 Acetylcopellidine._ 290 Acetylene.- 167 " Bromiodide 338 " Chloriodide 338 " Chlorobromide 336 " Dibromide 322 " lodids 334 " Tetrabromide 321 " Tetrachloride 299 Acetyl thioxene 344 Acetyltrimethylene 216 Acetyl valeryl 245 Acliillea ageratum, oil of 264 Acid, Acetic 199 " Acetylformic 232 " Acetylpropionic 232 " Allylacetic 242 " Allyloctylic 242 24 s G PAGE. Acid, Alphatoluic _ 257 " Amidoacetic _ 287 " Amidobenzoic 288 " Amidocaproic 287 " Amidosuccinic 287 " Amyldecatoic 234 " Amylglycollic 230 " Amylnitrophosphorous 349 " Anisic 257 44 Arsenic 49 " Arsenious 48 " Aspartic 287 " Benzoic 256 " Boric 107 " Bromisobutyric 326 " Bromobutyric _ 326 " Bromostearic 326 " Butyric 200 " Camphoric 264 " Caproic 202 " Caprylic.. 203 " Chloracetic 305 " Chloric 72 " Chlorisobutyric , 305 " Chlorobutyric 305 " Chloropropionic 305 " Chlorosulphonic 30 " Chromic _ 52 " Cinnamic _ 258 " Citraconic 237 " Citric 237 " Columbic 49 " Crotonic 234 " Cuminlc 259 " Cyanic 142 " Cyanuric 142 " Diallylacetic 242 " Diamylphosphoric 349 " Dibromacetic - 326 " Dibromoleic 327 " Dichloracetic 305 " Dichloroleic 312 " Diethylacetic 203 " Diethylcamphresic 265 " Diphenylarsenic 350 " Diphenylphosphinic 349 " Dipropylacetio 204 " Dithionic 75 " Ethylbenzhydroxamic 288 " Ethyleamphoric 264 " Ethylmothylacetic 202 " Ethyloxalic 226 " Ethyloxyisobutyric .. 230 (369) 370 INDEX. PAGE. Acid, Ethylsalicylic 257 " Ethylsulphuric ;M:J " Ethylsulphurous 343 " Formic 199 " Gallic 257 " Glycollic 230 " Hippuric 29(1 " Hydrochloric 19 " Hydrocinnamic _ 257 " Hydrocyanic 142 " Hydrofluoric 16 " Hydrosorbic 234 " Hydrosulphocyanic 142 " Hypophosphorous 113 " lodic 74 " Isoamylacetic 203 " Isobutyric 201 " Isocaproic 203 " Isoheptylic 203 ' Isohexic, derivative of. 312 " Isononylic 204 " Isooctyiic_ 204 " Isovaleric.- 201 " Itaconic ... 237 " Lactic 230 " Laevotartaric 236 " Laevuliuic 232 " Lauric_ 204 " Linoleic 248 " Malic 236 " Mandelic 259 " Metachlorbenzoie 313 " Methylacrylic _ 234 " Atethylethylacrylic 234 " Methylethylpropionic 203 " Methylglycollic 1.... 230 " Methylhexamethylenemonocarboxy- lic 247 " Methylisopropylacetic 203 " Methylisopropylmalonic 226 " Methyl pentamethylenemonocarboxy- lic 246 " Methylpropylacetic 203 " Methylsalicylic 257 " Molybdic 52 " Moringic 234 " Naphtylphosphinic 349 " Naphtylphosphorous 349 " Nicotinic, chloroplatinate of 366 " Nitric 108 " Nitrobenzoic 285 " Nitrocaprylic 282 " Nitrolactic 286 " Oenanthic 203 " Oleic 234 " Orthophenyleneglyoxylic 258 " Oxalic 22G " Oxybenzoic 257 " Paraffinic _ 291 " Parasantonic 267 " Parasorbic 248 " Pelargonic 204 PAGE. Acid, Perchloric 73 " Pheuylacetic 257 " Phenylacrylie 258 " Phenylarsinic 350 " Phenylphosphinic 349 " Phenylpropionic 257 " Phosphoric 114 " Phosphorous _ 113 " Phthalic _ 258 " Phycic 268 " Picolinic, chloroplatinate of. 366 " Picric 285 " Pimaric 267 " Platoaoxalic 361 " Propionic 200 - Propionylformic 232 " Protocatechuic 257 " Pyroracemic 232 " Pyrosulphuric 76 " Pyrotartaric 226 " Pyroterebic _ 234 " Pyruvic _ 232 " Quartenylic _ 234 " Quinic 259 " Racemic 236 " Ricinoleic 248 " Rutylic .' 204 " Salicylic 257 " Santonic 267 " Sebacic 226 " Selenic 98 " Selenious 98 " Stearic 204 " Succinic _ 226 " Sulphhydric 56 " Sulphuric 75 " Sulphurous _ 51,74 " Sylvic 207 " Tannic 206 " Tantalic 50 " Tartaric 236 " Telluric 102 " Tetramethylenemonocarboxylic 246 " Thiacetic 344 " Trichloracetic 305 " Trichlorphenomalic 313 " Trimethylacetic 202 " Tungstic 52 " Uric 290 " Valeric 201 Acmite 139 Acrolein 235 " Diacetate 235 " Ethylate - 235 Acropinacone 235 Acryl aldehyde 235 Adamite 122 Aikinite 63 Alabandite 59 Alaskaite 63 Albite 134 Aldehyde 216 INDEX. 371 PAGE. Aldehyde with sulphaldehyde 344 Aldehyde collidine 274 Aldehyde methyl chloride 310 Aldol , 246 Alexandrite 56 Algodonite 67 Allaktite 123 Allemontite _ 68 Alloclasite 69 Allophane 133 Allyl, Acetacetate 242 " Acetate 242 " Alcohol 240 " Bromide 322 " Carbamine 278 " Chloride 299 " Dibrompropionate 327 " Formate - 242 " Iodide .. 334 " Nitrate 286 " Nitrite 286 " Oxalate 243 " Oxide 241 " Santonate - 267 " Sulphides 340 " Thiocarbimide 345 " Thiocyanate 345 " Trisulphocarbonate 341 Allylamine 278 Allylaniline - 273 Allylanisoil 254 Allylbenzene 176 Allyldiethylcarbinol 241 " Derivative of 168 Allyldiisopropylcarbinol 241 Allyldimethylcarbinol 241 " Acetate 242 " Derivative of 168 Allyldipropyloarbinol 241 Acetate 242 " Derivative of. 168 Allylene, Bromide 323 Dihydriodate 334 " Hydriodate 334 Iodide 334 " Tetrabromide 322 " Tetrachioride 299 Allyleugenol 265 Allylidene, Chlorides 259, 300 Allylmethylpropylcarbinol 241 Allyl pyridine 274 Allylsuccinimide 288 Almandite 138 Almond oil 261 Aloisol .. 268 Altaite 66 Alumian 97 Alumina 42 Aluminite 97 Aluminum 3 " Alloys of. _ 146 " Ammonium selenate 101 PAGE. Aluminum, Ammonium sulphate 94 " Amylate 354 " Barium silicate 138 " Borate 108 " Bromide 32 " . " with aromatic hydrocar- bons 354 " Butylate 354 Csesium pelenate 101 " " silicate 136 " " sulphate 93 ' Calcium phosphate 118 " " silicates 136,137 " " sulphate _ 97 " Chloride, with aromatic hydro- carbons 354 " Copper arsenate 123 " Cresolate 354 " Ethylate 354 " Fluorides 17 " Fluosilicate 140 " Glucinum silicate 138 " Hydroxides 71 " Iodide 36 " Iron silicates 138, 139 " Lead phosphate 118 " " silicate 138 " Lithium fluophosphate 124 " " silicates 134 " Magnesium phosphate, 118 " " silicate 138 " sulphate 96 " Manganese phosphate 118 " " silicate 138 " Mellitate 3C5 " Methylamine sulphate 94 " Oxide 42 " Phenolate 354 Phosphates 115, 116, 117, 118 " Potassium borate 108 " " selenate .. 101 " " silicates 135, 136 " sulphates 92,97 " Propylate 354 " Rubidium selenate 101 " " sulphate 93 " Silicates 132, 133 " Sodium carbonate 130 " " fluoarsenate 124 " " selenate 101 silicates 134, 135 " " sulphate 92" " Strontium silicate 137 " Sulphates 87,97 " Thallium selenate 101 " " sulphate 94 " Thymolate 354 " Titanide '. 70 " Zinc sulphate 97 " Zirconide 70 Alums.. 92, 93, 94, 95, 9fi, 101 Alunite 97 372 INDEX. PAGE. Amalgams 145 Amarantite 07 Amblygonite 124 Amenyl valerone 248 Amidobenzene 271 Amidobenzylamine 274 Amidodimethylaniline 274 Amidomethylphenol 288 Ammonia 70 Ammonium. Aluminum selenate 101 " sulphate 94 " Arsenates 121 " Benzoate 364 " Bromide 31 " Cadmium selenate 100 " " sulphate 90 " Chloride 21 " Chromate 103 ' Chromiodate 104 " Chromium selenate 101 " " sulphate 95 " . .Citrate 364 " Cobalt selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Copper chloride 27 " " oxalate 361 " " selenate 100 " " sulphute 91 " Dichromate 103 " " with mercuric chlo- ride 144 " Didymium sulphate 96 " Dithionate 75 " Ferrocyanide with ammonium chloride 143 " Ferroxalate 361 " Formate 356 " Gallium sulphate 96 " Hydrogen carbonate 129 " " fluoride 16 " " malate 361 " " oxalate 360 " ' racemate 363 " '" selenate 98 " " sulphate 89 " tartrate 362 " Indium sulphate 96 lodate _ 74 " Iodides 34 " Iridichloride 28 Iron selenate 100 " " sulphates 91,95 " Lithium sulphate 89 " Magnesium chloride 27 " " chromate 104 " " phosphate 115 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate 89 " Malate 3fil " Manganese selenate 100 " sulphate 90 " Mercury chloride .. 27 PAGE. Ammonium. Molybdates 105 " Nickel selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Nitrate 110 " Oxalate .'. SCO " Palladiochloride 28 " Perchlorate 73 " Phosphates 114 " Platinbromide 33 " Platinchloride 28 " Platiniodide 37 " Platosochloride 28 " Platoxalate 361 " Potassium chromate. 104 " " sulphates 89 " " tartrate 362 " Quadroxalate 360 " Racemate 303 Samarium sulphate 96 " Selenate 98 " Silicofluoride 18 " Sodinm arsenate 121 " " phosphate 115 " " racemate 363 " sulphate 89 " " tartrate 3G2 " Stannibromide 33 " Stannichloride 29 " Stannifluoride 19 " Stannochloride 28 " Succinate 361 " Sulphate 78 " Sulphocyanide 144 " Tartrantimonite 3G3 " Tartrate ... 362 " Tellnrate 102 Uranoxyfluoride.. 19 " Uranyl sulphate 96 " Vanadium vanadate 120 " Zinc bromide 33 " " chloride 27 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate 90 Amyl. Acetacetate 232 " Acetate 208, 209 " Alcohols 192, 193 " Amylphosphitc 348 " Arsenite 350 " Benzoate. 257 " Borate 347 " Bromide 318 " Butyrate.. 212 " Capryl oxide 198 " Chloride 294 " Diethyloxyacetate 231 " Disulphide 340 " Ethylacetacetate 233 " Formate 20G " Iodide 332 " Isobutyrate 212 " Isovalerate 213 " Mercaptan 340 INDEX. 373 PAGE. Amyl, Monochloracetate 307 " Nitrate 281 " Nitrite 281 " Oxalate 227 " Oxide 198 " Phenylpropionate 258 " Propargyl oxide 242 " Propionate ~ 210 " Sebate 229 " Silicate 352 " Sulphophosphate 350 44 Thiocarbimide - 345 Thiocyanate 345 " Trisulphocarbonate 341 " Valerate 213 Amylamine 270 Amylbenzene 175 Amyl camphor 264 Amyldecaldehyde 235 Amyldimethylbenzene 175 Amylene 164 " Chloride 297 - " Dithiodichloride 346 " Glycol 223 " Oxide 222 Sulphide 340 Thiodichloride 346 " Trisulphocarbonate 341 Amyl eugenol- 265 Amyl glycide 239 Amyl glyoxalin _ 279 Amyl monochlorhydrin 312 Amylnapthalene 179 Amyl pyrrol 279 Amylphosphorous chloride 349 Analcite 135 Anatase 45 Andalusite 132 Andesite 137 Andradite 139 Andrewsite 117 Anethol 255 Angelica lactone 235 Angelica, oil of 181 Anglesite _ 83 Angostura, oil of. ... 264 Anhydrite 81 Aniline 271 " Salts of 365 Anise, oil of- 182 Anisic alcohol - 252 " aldehyde 261 Anisol 252 Anisyl chloride 313 Ankerite 130 Anor'.hite 136 Anthemene _ 177 Anthracene 17U Anthraquinone 266 Antiar resin- 267 Antimony i 7 " Arsenide 68 PAOB. Antimony Bismuth alloys 151 " Bromide^ 32 " Chlorides 26 " Copper alloys 154 " Hydroxide- 71,72 " Iodide 36 " Lead alloys 149, 150 " Organic compounds 351 " Oxides 49 " Oxychloride.- 30 " Oxysulphide 64 " Potassium chloride 29 " Sulphides 59 " Tartrates 363, 365 " Telluride- 66 Tin alloys... 149 Apatite 124 Apiol 267 Apophyllite 140 Aragonite 127 Arctolite 138 Argentite 67 Argyrodite 64 Arkansite 45 Arsenic 7 " Bromide 32 " Chloride.. 26 " Fluoride 17 " Iodides 36 " Organic compounds.. 350, 351 " Oxides- 48,49 " Selenide_ 65 " Sulphides- 59 " Sulphobromide 33 Arseniosiderite 123 Arsenopyrite 69 Asarone.- 267 Asmannite- 45 Asparagine 287 Atacamite.- 29 Atopite 125 Augelite - 117 Auribromides - 33 Aurichlorides 28, 365 Australene ?. 180 Austrapyrolene 181 Autunite 116 Awaruite 152 Axinite 140 Azobenzene - 280 Azurite .... 130 B. Barceniie 125 Barite 82 Barium 3 " Acetate 357 " Aluminum silicates 138 " Amylsulphate 359 " Benzoate .... 365 374 INDEX. PAGE. Barium Bromate . 73 " Bromide 32 " Butyrate 359 " Cadmium bromide 33 " " chloride 27 " Calcium carbonate 129 " sulphate 89 " Carbonate 128 " Chlorate 72 " Chloride 23 " Chromate 104 " Chromoxalate 361 " Copper formate 357 " Dinitrophenate 364 " Dithionate 75 " Ethylsulphate 359 " Feldspars 133 " Fluoride 17 " Formate 356 " Hydroxide 71 " Hypophosphite 113 " lodate 74 " Iodide 36 " Isobutylsulphate 359 " Isobutyrate 359 " Manganate 105 " Manganite 105 " Methylsulphate 359 " Molybdate 105 " Nitrate Ill " Nitrophenates 364 " Oxalate 360 " Oxides 42 " Picrate 364 " Platinbromide 33 " Platinchloride 28 " Platinocyanide 143 " Propionate 358 " Propylsulphate 359 " Pyrophosphate 119 " Selenate 99 " Silicofluoride 18 " Succinate 361 " Sulphate 82 " Tartrantimonite 363 " Tartrate 363 " Tellurate 102 " Thiosulphate 74 " Titanate 142 " Tungstates 106 " Uranyl phosphate .. 116 " Zinc chloride 27 Barn hard tite 64 Barrandite 118 Barytocalcite 129 Bastnasite 145 Bay, oil of 182 Bayldonite 123 Beegerlte 63 Benylene 168 Benzaldehyde 261 Benzamide 288 PAGE. Benzanilide 288 Benzene 169 " Hexbromide 325 " Hexchloride 304 Benzil, isomer of 266 Benzocinnamic anhydride 266 Benzocuminic anhydride 266 Benzodichlorhydrin 313 Benzooenanthic anhydride 266 Benzoic anhydride 266 Benzoicin 240 Benzonitril 280 Benzoyl. Bromide 328 " Chloride 313 " Thiocyanate 346 Benzoylglycollic ether 266 Benzyl. Acetate 260 " Alcohol , 251 " Benzoate 260 " Benzylacetate 260 " Benzylbutyrate 260 " Benzylisobutyrate 260 " Benzylpropionate 260 " Bromide 324 " Butyrate 260 " Chloride 302, 303 " Cinnamate 261 " Cyanide 280 " Dichloracetate 313 " Dimethylbenzylacetate 260 " Iodide 335 " Isobutyrate 260 " Mercaptan 341 " Monochloracetate 313 " Oxide 253 " Phenylacetate 260 " Propionate 260 " Trichloracetate 313 Benzylamine 271 Benzylanisol 254 Benzylcarbinol 251 Benzylcymene 177 Benzylene 177 Benzylethylbenzene 177 Benzylidene dichloride 303 Benzylidene tolylene 177 Benzylnaphthalene 17 Benzyl phenyl carbamide 288 Benzyltoluene 177 Berberine. Chlorhydrate 365 " Platinchloride 365 Bergamot, oil of. 181, 313 Bergenite 244 Berlinite 115 Berthierite 63 Bertrandite 131 Beryl 138 Beryllium, see glucinum. Berzelianite '. 65 Berzeliite 122 Betula lenta, oil of. 257 Beyrichite 60 INDEX. 375 PAGE. Bindheimite 125 Binnite 61 Birch tar, oil of 182 Bischofite 22 Bismuth 8 " Amalgams 146 " Antimony alloys 151 " Arsenate 123 " Arsenide 68 " Bromide 32 " Cadmium alloys 150 " Carbonates 130 " Chloride 26 " Copper arsenate 123 " Fluoride 17 " Gold alloys 155, 156 " Hydroxides 72 " Iodide 36 ' Lead alloys 151 " Nickel sulphide 64 u Nitrates 112 ' Oxides 49 " Oxybromide 33 " Oxychloride 30 " Oxyfluoride 17 " Selenide 65 " Silicate 133 '' Sulphides 59 " Tellurides 60 " Tin alloys 150, 151 " Uranyl arsenate 123 " Vanadate 120 " Zinc alloys 150 Bismuth triethyl 351 Bismuth trimethyl 351 Bismuth triphenyl 351 Bismutite 130 Bismutopphserite 130 Blende 57 Bobierrite 115 Boltonite 131 Borncite 108 Borickite 117 Bornite C4 Borofluorides 18 Boron 3 " Bromide 32 " Chloride 24 " Oxide 42 Boron triethyl 347 Botallackite 29 Boulangerite 62 Bournonite 63 Braunite 53 Breithauptite 68 Brochantite 96 Bromacetone 326 Bromaeetyl. Bromide 325 " Chloride 337 Bromal 326 Bromallyl. Acetate 327 " Alcohol ... 327 PAGE. Bromallyl. Chloride 337 " Nitrate 328 Bromallylphenol ether 328 Bromamylbenzene 325 Bromamylene 323 Brombenzene 324 Bromcamphor 328 Bromcitropyrotartaric anhydride 327 Bromdecylene 323 Bromdibenzyl 325 Bromdiethylin 327 Bromethyl oxide 325 Bromethyl allyl oxide 327 Bromethylene 321 " Bromacetin 326 " Bromhydrin 326 " Dibromide 321 Bromhexylene 323 Bromine 11 Bromiodethylene 338 Bromiodomethane 338 Bromisopropylphenol 328 Bromkresol 328 Bromlite 129 Brommesitylone '. 325 Brommethyl allyl oxide 337 Brommethylchloroform 336 Brommethyleugenol 328 Brommethylkresol 328 Brommethylphenol 328 Bromnaphthalene 325 Bromochloral 337 Bromochloroform 336 Bromoform 321 Bromonitric glycol 328 Bromotrichlormethane 292 Bromphenol 327 Brompicrin 328 Brompropylene 322 Brompyridine ; 328 Bromtolucne 324 Bromtoluidine 328 Bromtrimethylcarbinol 325 Bromxylene 324 Brongniardite 63 Brookite 45 Brucite 70 Brushite 115 Butallylmethylcarbin oxide 243 Butallylmethyl pinakone 243 Butane 157 Butenylanisoil 255 Butenyl chlorhydrins 312 Butenylphenol _ 251 Butidene diethyl ether 224 Butyl. Acetate _ 208 " Alcohol 1W> " Benzoate 256 " Bromide 317 " Butylxanthate 343 " Butyrate._ 211 " Caproate _ 214 376 INDEX. PAGE. Butyl. Caprylate- 216 " Carbonate 226 " Chloride 294 " Cyanate 289 " Cyanide 268 " Dibrompropionate 326 " Formate _ 206 " Heptyl oxide.. 198 " Iodide 331 " Malonate -27 " Mercaptan 340 " Monochloracetate 307 " Octyl oxide 198 " Oenanthate 215 " Oxalate 227 ' Oxide 198 " Propionate 210 " Sebate 229 " Silicate 362 " Sulphide 339 " Thiocarbimide 345 " Valerate 213 Butylamine 270 Butyl-amyl 160 Butylanisol 254 Butylbenzen" 175 Butylchloral 309 " Hydrate 309 Butylene 164 " Bromide 320 " Glycol 222 " Iodide.. 334 " Monacetate 225 " Oxide 222 " Trisulphocarbonate 341 Butylpheny] acetate 260 Butylphosphorous chloride 349 Butylthiophene 342 Butylthymol 254 Butyric aldehyde .. 217 " anhydride 204 Butyro-dichlorhydrin 312 Butyrone 220 Butyrone pinakone 223 Butyronitril .. 268 Bntyrylacetophenone 262 Butyryl chloride 308 C. Cabrerite 122 Cacoxenite 117 Cadmammonium bromide 38 " chloride 38 Cadmium 2 44 Acetate 367 " Amalgam 145 " Ammoniobromide 38 " Ammoniochloride 38 41 Ammonium selenate 100 44 " sulphate 98 PAOE. Cadmium. Arsenide 67 " Barium bromide 33 " " chloride 27 " Bismuth alloys 150 14 Bromate 73 44 Bromide 31 14 Carbonate 127 41 Chloride 22 44 Dithionate 75 " Fluoride 17 44 Formate 356 41 Hydroxide- 70 44 Iodide 35 14 Lead alloys 149 44 Magnesium sulphate 92 " Nitrate no 44 Oxalate 360 44 Oxide 41 44 Platinchloride 28 44 Potassium chloride 27 44 " iodide 36 44 " selenate 100 " " sulphate 90 41 Selenate 98 44 Selenide 65 41 Strontium chloride 27 44 Sulphate 81 41 Sulphide.. 57 44 Telluride C6 44 Tin alloys _ 147 Csesium 1 44 Aluminum selenate 101 " " silicate 136 41 " sulphate 93 Bromide 31 Chloride 21 Chromium sulphate 95 Cobalt selenate 100 Indium sulphate 96 Iodide 34 Iron sulphate 95 Selenate 99 Silicofluoride 18 Stannichloride 29 Sulphate 78 Caffeine 290 Cajeputene 183 41 Hydrate 263 Cajeputol 263 Calamine 132 Calamus, oil of. 182, 184, 186 Calaverite 66 Calcioferrite 117 Calcite 127 Calcium 3 44 Aluminum phosphate 118 44 " silicates 136, 137 44 " sulphate 97 44 Antimonate 125 44 Arsenates 122 " Barium carbonate 129 " " sulphate 89 INDEX. 377 PAGE. Calcium. Benzoate 3G5 " Borates 108 " Borosilicates 140 " Broinate '3 " Bromide 32 " Carbonate- 127 " Chloride 23 " Chlorophosphate 124 " Chlorosilicate 141 " Chlorovanadate _ 124 " Chromium silicate 139 " Copper fecetate 358 " " arsenate 123 " Dithionate 75 " Fluophosphate 124 " Fluoride 17 " Formate.. 356 " Glucinum fluophosphate 124 " Hippurate 364 " Hydroxide 71 " Iron arsenate 123 " " oxide 56 " " phosphate - 115 " " silicates 134, 139 " Magnesium borate 108 " " carbonate 129 " " silicates 134 " Manganese carbonate 129 " " phosphate 115 " " silicate _ 134 " Mercury antimonate _ 125 " Nitrate 110 " Oxalate.. _ 360 " Oxide 41 " Phosphates- 115, 116, 117 " Potassium chromate 104 " " sulphate 89 " Selenate- 99 " Silicates 132 " Silicofluoride 18 " Silicophosphate 141 " Sodium borate 108 " " carbonate 129 " " silicate > 134 " " sulphate 89 " Sulphate 81 " Sulphide 57 " Thiosulphate .. 74 " Tin silicate - 13s " Titanate 141 " Titanic-silicate 139 " Tung tate 106 " Uranyl arsenate 122 " " phosphate 116 " Zinc alloy 145 Callainite 115 Calophyllum re,sin 267 Camphene 183 " Acetate 264 Oamphilene 183 Camphin 186 Camphor 262, 263 PAGE. Camphor, oil from 180, 182 Camphoric anhydride 264 Camphorogenol _ 2R4 Camphrene 205 Campnryl chloride 304 Cane sugar 243 " " with sodium iodide 366 Caoutchene 187 Caoutchin - 183 " Hydrochlorate 304 Capraldehyde 218 Caprone _ 221 Capronitril 269 Caproyl alcohol 194 Capryl alcohol 195 Caraway, oil of 182 Carbamide 288 Carbon 4 " Bromide 292 " Chloride 291 " Dioxide 43 " Iodide 292 " Oxychlorides 292 " Sulphides 57 " Sulphobromide 292 " Tetramercaptide 340 Carbonyl. Chloride 292 " Thioamyl chloride 347 " Thioethyl chloride 347 Carbopetrocene _ 187 Cardol _ 267 Carminite.. 122 Carphosiderite 97 Carrollite 64 Carvacrol 250 Carvene 182 Carvol 265 Caryinite. 122 Cascarilla, oil of 182, 184 Cassiterite 46 Castorite 134 Cedar, oil of- 184 Cedrene 184 Celestite 82 Cellulose 244 Cerargyrite 21 Cerium . 3 " Chloride 24 " Dioxide- 47 " Fluocarbonates- 145 " Molybdate 105 " Phosphate 116 " Silicate- 133 " Sulphate 88 " Sulphide 58 " Tungstate 107 Cerotene 167 Cervantite- 49 Cetene I 66 Cetyl. Acetate 209 " Alcohol 196 " Butyrate 212 378 INDEX. PAGE. Cetyl. Chloride 295 " Isovalerate 214 " Nitrate 281 Chabazite 137 Chalcomenite 98 Chalcophanite 72 Chalcophyllite 123 Chaleopyrite 64 Chalcopyrrhotite 64 Chalcosiderite 117 Chalcostibite 63 Chalk 127 Chenevixite 123 Childrenite 118 Chinaldin 280 Chinoline 277 Chiolite 17 Chiviatite 63 Chloraeetal 310 Chloracetic anhydride 308 Chloracetone 308 Chloracetonitril 314 Chloracetyl bromide 337 " chloride 308 Chloracetyl chloral 309 Chloral 308 " Derivatives of 309 Chloraldehyde 308 Chloralide, derivative of 309 Chlorallyl. Alcohol 312 " Iodide 338 " TTuocarbimide 347 Chloramyl chloride 297 Chloramylene 300 Chloranethol 313 Chloranilines 314 Chlorapatite 124 Chloraurotriethylphosphorous ether 366 Chlorazol 315 Chlorbenzenes .' 301 Chlorbenzotrichloride 303 Chlorbutylene chlorhydrin 310 Chlorbutyronitril 314 Chlorbutyryl chloride 308 Chlorchinolines 314 Chlorcrotyl alcohol 31-2 Chlorcymene 304 Chlordiallyl 300 Chlordimylene chloride 300 Chlordinitrobenzene 315 Chlorethylacetylenetetracarbonic ether 312 'hlorethylbenzene 303 Chlorethylene dichloride 298 dithiodichloride 346 Chlorethyl oxide 305 Chlorethylphenol 312 Chlorhexylene 300 Chlorine _ n " Trioxide 53 Chloriod-ethyl acetate 338 Chloriodethylene 338 Chloriodobenzene 338 PAGE. Chloriodoform 137 Chloriodomethane 337 Chloriodotoluene 333 Chlori^obutylene 300 Chlorisopropyl benzoate 313 Chloritoid -139 Chlorkresol 312 Chlormethylphenol 312 Chlornaphthalene 304 Chlornitrobenzene 315 Chlornitromethane ! 315 Chlornitrotoluene 318 Chlorobenzylethylate 313 Chlorobromal 337 Chlorobromethyl acetate 337 Chlorobromhydrin 337 Chloiobromhydroglycide 337 Chlorobromiodethane 338 Chlorobromiodhydrin 333 Chlorobrommethane 336 Chlorobrotnnitrin 337 Chlorobromoform 336 Chlorocarbonylphenylorthophosphoric chlo- ride 350 Chlorodibromethane 335 Chlorodibromethylene 336 Chlorodibromhydrin 337 Chlorodibromnitromethane 337 Chlorodracylic chloride 313 Chloroenanthic ether 307 Chloroform 298 Chloronicene 300 Chloropal 133 Chloropropionyl chloride 308 Chlorotetrabromethane 336 Chlorotoluidines 314 Chlorotribromethane 336 Chlorovaleral 309 Chloroxalethylin 314 Chloroxalmethytin 314 Chloroxalpropylin 314 Chloroxethose_ 293 Chlorphenol 312 Chlorpicoline 314 Chlorpicrin 315 Chlorpropylene 299 Chlorsalicylol 313 Chlorstyrolene 304 Chlortoluene 302 Chlorxylene 303 ChodnefBte 17 Cholesterine 268 Christophite 64 Chrome alums 94,95, 101 Chromite 56 Chromium 11 " Aluminum alloy ., 146 " Ammoniochloride 38 " Ammoniochlorobromide 38 " Ammonium selenate 101 sulphate 95 " Caesium sulphate 95 INDEX. 379 PAGE. Chromium. Calcium silicate 139 ' Chlorides 24 " Chromate 52 " Magnesium berate 108 " Manganese oxide 56 " Oxalates 361 " Oxides 52 " Oxychloride 30 " Phospliide 60 " Potassium chromate 103 " " selenate 101 " " sulphate 94 " " sulphocyanide 144 " Rubidium selenate 101 " " sulphate 95 " Sulphate 86 " Sulphide 59 " Thallium selenate 101 " " sulphate 95 " Zinc oxide 56 Chrompicotite 56 Chromyl dichloride 30 Chrysoberyl _ 56 Chrysocolla 132 Cicutene 183 Cinacrol 267 Cinaebene 183 Cinchonine chlorhydrate 366 Cinnabar J>7 Cinnamene 176 Cinnamic acetate 261 " alcohol 252 " aldehyde 261 Cinnamyl chloride 313 Cirrolite 118 Citraconic anhydride 237 Citraconyl chloride 312 Citrene 181 Citron, oil of. 181 Citronellol 262 Citron terpene 181 Citrus, oils from 181 Clarite _ 61 Clausthalite 65 Clinoclasite 122 Cloves, oil of. 184 Cobalt 12 " Acetate 358 " Ammoniochlorides 38 " Ammoniobromide 38 " Ammonium selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Arsenates 122 " Arsenides 68 " Caesium selenato 100 " Chloride 24 " Dithionate 75 " Formate 35C " Hypophosphite .. 113 " lodate 74 " Nitrate 112 " Oxalate :}6d PAGE. Cobalt. Oxides 54 " Oxyhydroxide 71 " Phosphide 67 " Platinbromide 33 " Platiniodide 37 " Potassium selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Pyrophosphate 119 " Rubidium selenate 100 " Selenate 99 " Selenide 65 " Silicofluoride 18 " Stannifluoride 19 " Sulphate 85 " Sulphides 60 " Thallium selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Thiosulphate 74 Cobaltite 69 Cochleariu 268 Cociuin 240 Codeine 290 Coeruleolactite 117 Coerulignol 206 Colemanite 108 Collidine 275 " Carbonic ethrrs 290 Colophene 185 Colophonone 267 Coloradoite 66 Columbite 125 Columbium 8 " Aluminum alloy 146 " Hydride .. 69 " Oxide _ 49 Columboxyfluorides 19 Coniceine 277 Conichalcite 123 Coniine - 276 Conylene 168 " Bromide 323 " Uiacetate 248 Copaiva, oil of 184, 185 Copal, oil of 182 Copellidine - 277 Copiapite 97 Copper 13 " Acetate 358 " Aluminum alloys 146 " " arsenate.. 123 " Ammoniochlorides__ 38 " Ammonionitrate 112 " Ammoniosulphate ... 97 " Ammonium chloride 27 " " oxalate 361 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate.. 91 " Antimonate 125 " Antimony alloys 154 " Arsenates 122, 123 " Arsenides.- 67 " Barium formate- 357 380 INDEX. PAOB. Copper. Bismuth alloys 154 " " arsenate 123 41 Rromate 73 " Bromide 32 " Calcium acetate 358 " " arsenate 123 " Camphorate, hydrocarbon from 187 " Carbonates 130 " Chlorides. 24 44 Chloride, with mercuric sulphide ... 144 " Columboxyfluoride 19 41 Formate 356 " Gold alloys 156 " Hydroxide 71 " Iodide 36 44 Iron arsenate _ 123 " " phosphate _ 117 44 " sulphides 64 44 Lead alloys 154 44 " arsenate 123 " " chromate 104 " " sulphate 97 41 " vanadate- 118 44 Magnesium sulphate 92 41 Mercury iodide 36 44 Nitrates. 112 41 Oxides 54, 55 44 Oxychloride 29 " Phosphates 117 41 Phosphides 67 44 Platinchloride 28 44 Potassium chloride 27 44 " oxalate 361 44 " selenate... 100 44 " sulphate 91 44 Rubidium chloride _ 27 41 Selenate.. .. 99 44 Selenide 65 41 Selenite 98 44 Silicates 132 44 Silicofluoride 18 41 Silver alloys 155 44 " iodide... 37 44 Sodium sulphate 89 44 Strontium formate 356 " Sulphates- 85, 96 44 Sulphides _ 60, 61 44 Sulphite 75 44 Tin alloys 153, 154 " Titanofluoride 19 41 Uranyl arsenate 122 44 " phosphate 116 44 Zinc alloys. 152 Coquimbite 84 Coriander, oil of 262, 203 Coridine_ 276 Cornwallite 123 Corundum_ 43 Corynite- 69 Cosalite. 03 Cossaite 135 Coumarin ... 265 PAGE. Covellite 61 Creatine hydrate 290 Crocidolite 139 Crocoite 104 Crookesite C5 Crotonaldehyde 235 CrotonitriL 278 Crotonylenedichloride 300 " glycol 248 Cryolite 17 Cryptolite ne Cryptopine 291 Cubanite 64 Cubebs, oil of 184 Cumene 173 Cumidine 273 Cuminic aldehyde 261 Cuminol 261 Cummin, oil of 182 Cumonitril 280 Cumyl chloride 313 Cuprammonium chloride 38 " sulphate 97 Cuprite 54 Cyamelide- 142 Cyanaldehyde 289 Cyanoconicine 280 Cyanogen 1 142 44 Chloride 142 44 Iodide 142 Cyanoil 289 Cymene 174 Cymhydrene 186 Cymyl alcohol - 251 " mercaptan 341 Cynene 183 Cyneol ; 263 Cystic oxide 346 Daleminzite 57 Danalite 141 Danburite 1-10 Darcet's alloy 156 Datolite 140 Daubreelite 64 Daubreite 30 Dawsonite - 130 Decane 160, 161 Dechenite 120 Decyl. Alcohols 106 " Chloride 295 44 Iodide :5 Dekanaphtene I8'i Delafossite W Demantoid \'-'u Descloizite 1211 Dextrin 244 Diacetin 2-)o Diacetochlorhydrin 312 INDEX. 381 PAGE. Diacetone alcohoL 245 Diacetonephosphorose-chloride_ 348 Diacetylchloral hydrate 309 Diallyl 167 " Diehlorhydrin 312 " Dihydriodate 334 " Hydriodate 335 " Monohydrate 241 Diallylaniline - 274 Diallylcarbinol ... 241 Diallylcarbyl. Acetate 242 " Ethyl oxide 242 " Methyl oxide 242 Diallylene 167 Diallylethylcarbinol 241 Diallylisopropylcarbinol 241 Diallylmethylcarbinol 241 Diallylmethylcarbyl acetate 242 Diallylpropyk-arbinol 241 Diamyl acetal 224 Diamylamiue , 270 Diamylene 165, 166 " Oxide 2-22 " Thiocyanates 345 Diamylin 239 Diamyl ketone 221 Diamyl valeral 224 Diaphorite 62 Diaspore 71 Diazobenzene nitrate 365 Dibenzyl 178 Dibenzylamine 274 Dibenzyltoluene 177 Dibromacetone 326 Dibromallyl oxide 327 Dibrombenzene 324 Dibromchlorpropylene 337 Dibromcymene.. 325 Dibromdiallyl 323 Dibrom-ethyl acetate .. 326 Dibromethylene 321 Dibromhexchlorpropane 292 Dibromhexyl alcohol 325 Dibromhydrin 327 Dibromiodethane 338 Dibrompropyl alcohol 325 Dibromtetrachlorechane 292 Dibromthiophene 347 Dibromtoluene 324 Dibromxylene 324 Dibutyrin 240 Dieamphene hydride 186 Dichloracetal 310 Dichloracetone_ 308 Dichloracetonitril 314 Dichioracetophenone _ 313 Dichloramyl nitrite 315 Dichlorbenzenes 301 Dichlorbenzo-trichloride 303 Dichlorbenzyl chloride 303 Dichlorbenzylene dichloride 303 Dichlorbromethane ... 336 Dichlorbromethylene . 335 Dichlordibromethane 33$ Dichlordibrom-ethyl acetate 337 Dichlordinitrobenzene 315 Dichlordinitromethane 315 Dichlorethoxyethylene 310 Dichlorethoxylacetonitril 315 Dichlorethyl. Acetate 306 " Alcohol 305 Dichloracetate 307 " Formate 306 " Monochloracetate 306 " Oxide 305 " Propionate M 307 " Sulphide .. 346 Dichlorethylamine 314 Dichlorethylene 299 ' Thiodichloride 346 Dichlorhexyl alcohol 305 Dichlorhydrin_ 311 Dichloriodhydrin 338 Dichlorisobutoxylacetonitril .... 315 Dichlormethoxylaeetonitril 315 Dichlormethyl acetate 30ft " oxide 305 Dichlormethylsulphurie chloride _ 346 Dichlormononitrin 315 Dichlornitrobenzene 315 DichlornitrophenoL 315 Dichlornitrotoluene .. 316 Dichlorpropionitril 314 Dichlorpropoxylacetonitril 315 Dichlorpropylene 300 Dichlortoluene 303 Dichlor-vinyl methyl oxide 309 Dichlorxylenes 304 Dicinnamene 176. Dickinsonite 115 Didecene 187 Didymium 3 " Acetate 358. " Ammonium selenate 101 " " sulphate 96 " Borates 108 " Bromide 32 " Carbonate 12& " Chloride 24 " Ethylsulphate 359- " Formate 357 " Gold bromide 33 " " chloride 28 " Metaphosphate 118 " Molybdate 105 " Nitrate 112 " Nitroxalate 361 " Oxides 43 " Oxychloride_ 29 " Periodate 74 " Phosphates 116 " Platinchloride_ 28 " Potassium selenate 101 " Propionate 358 382 INDEX. PAGE. Didymium. Selenate 99 " Sulphate 88 " Tungstate 107 " Vanadates 120 Diethoxyl ether 245 Diethyl acetamide 287 Diethyl acetone 221 Diethylamine 269 " Aurochloride 365 Diethyl amyl borate 348 Diethylaniline 273 Diethylaniline azylin 280 Diethylbenzene 173 Diethylbrommaleate 327 Diethyl carbamide 288 Diethylcarbinol 193 Diethylcarbyl acetate 208 " chloride 294 " iodide 332 Diethyl diamyl silicate 332 Diethyl ethyl oxide 198 Diethylene alcohol 223 " dioxide 222 Diethyl formamide 287 Diethylglycollic ether 246 Diethylin .' 239 Diethyl ketone 219 Diethylmonochlorbenzene 304 Diethylmonochlorhydrin... 312 Diethyloxamide 287 Diethyl phenylphosphin 348 Diethylpropylcarbinol 195 Diethylthiophene 342 Diethyltoluidine 273 Diethyl valeral 224 Difellandrene 185 Difluobenzene 339 Diformin 239 Diheptylene sulphoxide 344 Dihexyl ketone 221 Dihexylene 166 Dihydrite 117 Dihydrofurfurane 248 Dihydrostilbazol 278 Diiodhydrin 335 Diisoamyl 160 Diisoamylbenzene 175 Diisobutyl 159, 160 Diisobutylene 165 Diisobutyl ketone 221 Diisobutyl sulphone 343 Diisobutyryl dicyanide 289 Diisopropyl 158 Diisopropylamine 270 Diisopropylaniline 273 Diisopropylcarbinol 194 Diisopropylethylene 165 Diisopropyl ketone 220 Dill, oil of 182 Dimercurammonium chloride 38 Dimercurosammoninm " 38 Dimethoxyldiethyl acetone 245 PAGE. Dimethyl acetal 223 Dimethylacetamide 287 Dimethylaniline 272 Dimethylanisidine 288 Dimethylarsine oxide 350 Dimethylbutylene glycol 223 Dimethylbutylmethane 159 Dimethylcopellidine 277 Dimethyldiethylmethane 159 Dimethyl diethyl silicate , 352 Dimethylethylbenzene 348 Dimethylethylcarbinol 193 Dimethylethylcarbinolamine 270 Dimethylethylcarbyl chloride 294 " iodide 332 " nitrite 281 Dimethyl ethyl phosphate 348 Dimethylethylene glycol 222 Dimethylhydrazin 278 Dimethylisopropylcarbinol 194 Dimethylisopropylcarbyl chloride 295 " iodide 333 Dimethyl isopropylethylene 165 Dimethyl ketone 219 Dimethylmesidine 273 Dimethylmethylene bromide 320 " chloride 297 Dimethyl naphthalene 178 Dimethyloxamide 287 Dimethylphenylphosphin 348 Dimethyl piperidine 276 Dimethylpropylbenzene 175 Dimethylquinoline 277 Dimethylresorcin 255 Dimethyltoluidine 273 Dimethyl valeral 224 Dimethylxylidine 273 Dimorphite 59 Dinitrobenzene 283 Dinitrobutane 282 Dinitrocymene 284 Dinitroethane 282 Dinitrohexane 282 Dinitropropane 282 Dinitrotoluene 284 Dioctyl 162 Dioctylene 166 Diolein 240 Dioptase 132 Dioxyisoamylamine 287 Dipentenylbenzene 177 Diphenols 250 Diphenyl 177 Diphenylamine 274 Diphenylarsine chloride 351 Diphenylcarbyl acetate 260 " ethyl oxide 254 Diphenylmethylphosphin 348 Diphenylphosphin 348 Diphenyl phosphochloride 349 Diphenylphosphorous chloride 349 Diphenyl propane 177 INDEX. 383 PAGE. Dipicoline 277 Dipiperidyl 278 Dipropargyl 1G8 " Bromide 313 Dipropylanoine 270 Dipropylaniline 273 DipropyScarbinol 194 Dipropylcarby! acetate 209 " iodide 333 Dipropyl ketone 220 Dipyridyl 277 Disulphamylene hydrate 344 " oxide 344 Disulphhydrin 344 Disulphuryl chloride 30 Diterebene 185 Diterebenthyl 186 Diterebenthylene 186 Dithioglycol, derivative of 340 Ditolyl 178 Ditolylethane 176 Divalerin 240 Dixylylene 178 Dixylylethane 176 Docosane 163 Dodecane 161 Dodecyl alcohol 196 " chloride 295 Dodecylene 166 Dodecylidene 168 Dodekanaphtene 186 Dolomite 129 Domeykite 67 Dotriacontane 163 Dreelite 89 Drybalanops camphora, oil of 184 Dufrenite 117 Dufrenoyfite 61 Dulcite 243 Dumortierite 133 Durangite 124 Dyscrasite 68 K. Ehlite 117 Eicosane 163 Eikosylene 168 " Chloride 300 Ekdemite 124 Elder, oil of 182 Elemi, oil of 182 Eliasite 72 Embolite 37 Emerald 138 Emplectite 63 Enargite 61 Endecylene 166 Endekanaphtene 186 Endlichite , 124 Enstatite , 131 Eosphorite its Epiacetin 240 Epiboulangerite r>2 Epibromhydrin 327 Epichlorhydrin 311 Epidibromhydrin 323 Epidichlorhydrin 300 " Derivative of. 337 Epiiodhydrin 335 Erbium, Columbate 125 " Oxide 43 " Selenate 99 " Sulphate 87 Erechthidis, oil of 182 Ericinol 262 Erigeron, oil of 182 Erinite 122 Erythrene hexbromide 323 Erythrite _ 122, 243 Erythrol 248 Ether 196 Etherol 166 Ethidene ethers 223, 224, 225 Ethoxyacetonitril 289 Ethoxybromamylene 327 Ethstannethyl compounds 354 Ethyl. Acetacetate 232 " Acetate 207 " Acetocitrate 238 " Acetoglutarate 230 " Acetoglycollate 231 " Acetolactate 231 " Acetomalonate 229 " Acetopyruvate 233 " Acetosuccinate 229 " Acetylcyanacetate 289 " Acetyltetramethylenecarboxylate 246 " Acetyltrimethylenecarboxylate 246 " Aconitate 237 " Acrylate 234 " Adipate 229 " Alcohol 188 " Allylacetaeetate 242 " Allylacetate 242 " Allylmalonate 243 " Allyloctylato 242 " Allyl oxide 241 " Amidoaeetacetate 288 " Amidopropiopropionate 288 " Amylhydroxalate 231 " Amylideneacetacetate 233 " Amyl oxide 197 " " sulphide 339 " Amylthioglycollate 344 " Angelate 234 " Arsenate 350 " Arsenite 350 " Benzoate 256 " " Derivative of 313 " Benzylacetacetate 259 " Benzylacetosuccinate 259 " Benzylchlormalonate 313 384 INDEX. FACE. Ethyl. Benzylidenemalonate . 259 " Benzylmalonate 259 " Benzylmethylmalonate 259 " Borate 347 " Bromacetaetate 327 " Bromacetate 32G " Bromacetopropionate 327 " Brombutyrate 326 " Bromethylacetacetate 327 " Bromethylmethylacetate 326 " Bromide 316 " Bromisobutyrate 326 " Brompropionate 326 " Brompropiopropiouate 327 " Brompyromueate 327 " Broravalerate 326 " Butenyltricarboxylate 247 " Butylmalonate 229 " Butyl oxide 197 " Butylsuccinate 228 " Butylthioxycarbonate 343 " Butylxanthate 343 " Butyrate 211 11 Butyroglycollate 231 " Butyrolactate 231 " Camphocarbonate 265 " Camphorate 264 " Camphresate 265 " Caproate 214 " Caprylate 215 " Capryl oxide 198 " Carbacetacetate 233 " Carbamate 288 " Carbonates 225, 226 " Chloracetacetate 311 " Chloracetate 306 " Chloracetopropionate 311 " Chlorbutyrate 307 " Chlorcrotonate 312 " Chloride 293 " Chlorisobutylmalonate 311 " Chlorocarbonate 306 " Chloroenanthate 307 " Chlorolactate .. ~ 310 11 Chloromaleate 311 " Chloromalonate 311 " Chloropropionate 307 " Chlorosulphonate 346 " Chlorperthiocarbonate 346 " Cinnamate 258 " Citraconate 238 " Citrates 237 " Crotonate 234 " Cyanacetate 289 " Cyanate 289 " Cyanformate 289 " Cyanide.. 268 " Diacetylacetato 233 " Diallylacetacetate 242 " Diallylmalonate 243 " Diallyloxyacetate 242 " Diamyl borate- 348 Diamyloxalate 231 Dibenzylhydroxamate 288 Dibromacetacetate 327 Dibromethylacetacetate 327 Dibrompropionate 326 Dibrompropiopropiormte 327 Dicarboxylglutaconate 247 Dichloracetacetate 811 Dichloracetate 306 Dichlorbenzoate 313 Dichlorethylacetacetate 311 Dichlormethylacetacetate 311 Dichlorpropionate 307 Diethylacetate 214 Diethylchloracetacetate 311 Diethyldichloracetacetate 311 Diethylglycocollate 287 Diethylglyoxylate 231 Diethylrnaloaate 229 Diethyloxyacetate 231 Diheptylaoetacetate 233 Diisobutylacetacetate 233 Dimethylacetacetate 233 Dimethylacetosuccinate 230 Dimethylacetylenetetracarboxylate.. 247 Dimethylethenyltriearboxylate 247 Dimethylmalonate 228 Dimethylsuccinate 229 Dioctylacetacetate 233 Dioctylmalonate 229 Dioxysulphocarbonate 34:i Dioxythiocarbonate 343 Dipropylacetacetate 2 3 Disulphide 340 Dithioxycarbonate 343 Elaidate 235 Ethenyltricarboxylate 247 Ethidenemalonate 230 Ethoxylethylacetacetate 233 Ethoxylmethylacetacetate 233 Ethylacetacetate 233 Ethyiacetosuccinate 230 Ethylacetylcyanacetate 289 Ethylamylhydroxalate 231 Ethylbenzhydroxamate 288 Ethylchloromalonate 311 Ethylcrotonate 234 Ethylglycollate 230 Ethylideneaeetacetate 233 Ethyllactate 231 Ethylmalonate 228 Ethylmethylacetate 213 Ethyloxybenzoate -J."i7 Ethyloxybutyrate 231 Ethylpropiopropionate _'.;* Ethylsalicylate 207 Ethylsuccinate iiJ!> Ethylsulphonate 343 Ethylthioglycollate 344 Ethylxanthate 343 Formate 205 Fumarate ..., ... 236 INDEX. 385 FACE. Ethyl. Glycerate 240 " Glycoeholate 290 " Glycollate - 230 " Heptylacetacetate 233 " Heptyl oxalate ~ 227 " " oxide 198 " Heptylsuecinate 228 " Hexyl oxide 198 " Hippurate 290 " Hypophosphate 348 " Iodide 329 " lodpropionate 335 " Lsaeonitate 237 " Isoallylenetetracarboxylate 247 " Isoamyl oxide 197 " Isobutenyltriearboxylate 247 " Isobutylacetacetate 233 " Isobutylmalonate 229 " Isobutyl oxide 197 " Isobutyrate 211 " Isobutyroglycollate 231 " Isocaproate 214 " Isononylate 216 " Isooenanthate 215 " Isopropylacetacetate 233 " Isopropylmalonate 229 " Isopropyl oxide 197 " Isovalerate 213 " Itaconate 237 " Lactate 231 " Lactosuccinate 230 " Laevulinate 232 " Laurate 210 " Maleate 236 " Malonate 227 " Mercaptan 340 " Mesaconate 238 " Metachlorbenzoate 313 " Metasilicate 352 " Methenyltrioarboxylate 247 " Methoxyldial^'lacetate 242 " Methylacetacetate 232 " Methylacetoglutarate 230 " Methylacetosuceinate 230 " Methylacetylcyanacetate 289 " Methyl benzylacetacetate 259 " Methyldehydrohexonecarboxylate ... 247 " Methylethenyltricarboxylate 247 " Methylethylacetacetate 233 " Methylethylmalonate 229 " Methylglycollate 230 " Methylisopropylmalonate 229 " Methyllactate 231 " Methylmalonate 228 " Methyloxybutyrate 231 " Methylpropylaeetacetate 233 " Methylpropylacetate 214 " Methylxanthate 343 " Monochloracetate 30G " Monochlorethylacetacetate 311 " Monochlormethylacetacetate 311 " Mucate 1 248 25 s 6F PAGE. Ethyl. Myristate 216 " Nitrate 281 " Nitrite 281 " Nitroaeetate 282 " Nitrocaprylate 282 " Nitroglycollate 286 " Nitrolactate 286 " Nitromalate 286 " Nitromalonate 286 " Nitrotartronate 286 Octylacetacetate 233 Octyl oxide 198 Oenanthate 215 Oleate 234 Orthocarbonate 226 Orthoformate 245 Oxalate 227 Oxide 196 Oxyisobutyrate 231 Oxyphenylacetate 258 Oxyphenylacrylate 259 Oxyphenylpropionate 258 Paracamphorate 264 Parasantonate 267 Pelargonate 216 Phenylacetacetate 259 " Derivative of_ 266 Phenylacetate 257 Phenyl carbonate 261 Phenylglyoxylate 259 Phenylpropionate 258 Phenylthioglycollate 344 Phosphate 348 Phosphite 348 Phthalate 258 Propargyl oxide 241 Propionate 210 Propionylglycollate 231 Propionylpropionate 233 Propyl carbonate 226 " malonate 227 " oxide 197 " suceinate J 228 Propylethenyltricarboxylate 247 Propylglycollate 231 Propylmalonate 229 Propylxanthate 343 Pyromucate 248 Pyrophosphate 348 Pyrosulphophosphate 350 Pyrotartrate 228 Racemate 237 Rutylate 21ft Santonate 267 Sebate 229 Selenite 366 Silicate 352 Silicoacetate 352 Silicobenzoate 352 Silicopropionate 352 Suberate.. 229 Suceinate 228 386 INDEX. PAGE. Ethyl. Succinosuccinato 230 " Sulphate 243 " Sulphide 339 " Sulphite 342 " Sulphophosphite 350 Tartrate 236 Terebate 238 Tetrabromaeetacetate 327 Tetramethylenedicarboxylate 246 Tetramethylsuecinate 229 Thioarsenite 351 Thiocarbimide 345 Thiocyanacetate 346 Thiocyanate 344 Thioxalate- 344 Thioxycarbonate 343 Tiglate 234 Triamyl silicate 352 Tribromacetacetate 327 Tribromethylacetacetate 327 Trichloracetate 306 Trimethylacetate 213 Trimethylenedicarboxylate 246 Trimethylenetricarboxylate.. 246 Trisulphocarbonate 341 Valerate 212 Vanadate 350 " Veratrate 259 Ethylacetamide 287 Ethylamidobenzene.. 272 Ethylamine... 269 " Aurochloride 365 " Camphorate, base from. 290 " Platinchloride 365 Ethyl amyl 159 Ethyl amylin 239 Ethyl amyl pinacolin 221 Ethylaniline 272 Ethylbenzene _ 172 Ethylborneol 264 Ethylbrombenzene 324 Ethyl butyl pinacolin.. 221 Ethylbutyric lactone._ 232 Ethylcamphene 186 Ethylcamphor 264 Ethyl carbamide 288 Ethyl carbamine 268 Ethyl carbimide 290 Ethyldiacetamide 287 Ethyl diacetone carbonate- 245 Ethyldimethylethylene.. 165 Ethyldipropylcarbinol 195 Ethyldipropylcarbyl acetate 209 Ethylene... 164 Acetate 224 Acetochloride 310 Acetonitrate 286 Bromhydrin 326 Bromide_ 318 Bromiodide 338 Butyrate 224 Butyrochloride 310 PAGE. Ethylene. Chloride 296 " Chloriodide 337 " Chlorobromide 336 " Chloronitrin 315 " Chlorothiocyanate 347 Cyanhydrin 289 Cyanide 278 Diamine 278 " Hydrate 287 Diethyl ether 223 Dinitrate .. 286 Diphenate . 255 Dithiodichloride 346 Dithioethylate 340 Ethylidene dioxide 222 Fluoborate .. 348 Glycol 222 " Iodide 334 Mercaptan 340 Monethyl ether 223 Mononitrate 286 Nitrosonitrate 286 Oxide 222 Propionate 224 Thiodichloride 346 Thiovinylethylate 340 Trisulphocarbonate 341 Ethylene stannethyl. 353 Ethylethylene glycol 222 Ethyleugenol 265 Ethylformamide 287 Ethylformanilide 288 Ethylfurfurcarbinol 248 Ethyl glycide 239 Ethylglyeollic chloride 310 Ethylglyoxalin 279 Ethylhexylcarbinol 196 Ethylhydroxylamine... 287 Ethylidene. Acetochloride 310 " Bromide 319 " Bromethylate 326 Bromiodide , 338 Butyrochloride- 310 Chloride 296 Chlorobromide 336 Iodide 334 Oxychloride 310 Propiochloride 310 Valerochloride _ 310 EthylisobutylcarbinoL 195 Ethylmethylacetoxim 290 Ethylmethylethylene 164 " Bromide 320 " Glycol 223 Ethyl monochlorhydrin 310 Ethylnapthalene 178 Ethylorthoamidophenetol 288 Ethyl paratolyl sulphide 341 Ethylphenetol 254 Ethylphenol 250 Ethylphenyl acetate 260 Ethylphenylacetylene 176 INDEX. 387 PAGE. Ethylphenylacetylene alcohol ~.~. 252 Ethyl phenylcarbinol 251 Ethylphenylpyrazol '279 Ethylphosphorous chloride.. 349 Ethylpiperidine 276 Ethylpropylacetylene 168 Ethylpropylbenzene 175 Ethylpropylcarbinol 194 Ethy I propylcarbyl acetate 209 Ethyl propyl ketone 220 Ethylpyridine 275 Ethyl pyruvyl ether 247 Ethyl pyrrol 279 Ethylsilicic chlorhydrins > 353 Ethylsulphonic chloride 346 Ethylsulphophosphorous chloride 350 Ethylthiophene 342 Ethylthymol 254 Ethyltoluidine 273 Ethylvinyl acetate 242 " alcohol 241 Ethylvinylcarbinol 241 Ettringite 97 Eueairite 65 Eucalyptene 187 Eucalyptol 264 Eucalyptus amygdalina, oil of 182 " oleosa, " 263 Euchroite 122 Euclase 138 Eucryptite 134 Eudnophite 135 Eugenol 265 Eulytite 133 Euodyl aldehyde 218 Eusynchite 120 Evansite 117 F. Fairfieldite 115 Famatinite 63 Faujaaito 137 Fauserite 92 Fayalite 132 Fellandrene 184 Felsobanyite 97 Ferberite 106 Fibroferrite 97 Fibrolite 133 Fillowite 115 Fischerite 117 Fluoaniline 339 Fluobenzene 339 Fluobrombenzene 339 Fluocerite 18 Fluouhlorbenzene 339 Fluonitrobenzene 339 Fluorapatite _ 124 Fluorite ~. , 17 Fluor spar .. 17 Fluotoluene 339 PAOE. Forbesite 122 Formamide .......... 287 Forsterite 131 Franklandite 108 Freieslebenite 62 Frenzelite 65 Friedelite 132 Fuchsine 865 Fucusol 248 Furfurane 248 Furfurbutylene 248 Furfurol _ 248 Fusyl sulphide 340 Gahnite 55 Galbanum, oil of .-182 Galena 58 Galenobismutite 63 Gallium 3 " Alums 96 " Chloride 24 Gaultherilene 184 Gaylussite 129 Gehlenite 136 Geocronite 62 Geraniene 184 Geraniol 263 " Hydrochlorate 304 Gerhardtite 112 Germanium 4 " Chloride 25 " Oxide 46 Gersdorfflte 69 Gibbsite 71 Ginger, oil of 264 Glaubarite ~. 89 Glaucodot 69 Glaucopyrite 69 Glucinum 1 " Aluminum silicates 138 " Calcium fluophosphate 124 " Oxide 40 " Selenate 98 " Silicates 131 " Sulphate 79 Glucose 244 " With sodium chloride 366 Glucosine 279 Glycerin 239 " Cinnamate 240 " Stvlicylate 240 Glycerin ether 239 Glyceryl trinitrite 286 Glycide 239 Glycocoll 287 Gmelinite 137 Gold 14 " Amalgam... 146 " Arsenide 68 " Bismuth alloys 155, 156 388 INDEX. PAGE. Gold. Copper alloys 150 " Didymium bromide 33 " chloride 28 " Diethylamine " 365 " Ethylamine " 365 " Hydrogen nitrate 112 " Lead alloys 155 " Phosphide 67 " Samarium bromide.- 33 " " chloride 28 " Silver alloys 156 " " sulphide 64 " Telluride 66 " Tin alloys 155 " Triethylamine chloride 365 Gothite 71 Graminin 245 Grape sugar 244 Greenockite OT Greenovite 139 Grossularite 136 Grunerite ~ 132 Guadalcazarite 64 Guftiacol 251 Gnajol 235 Guanajuatite 65 Guanidine carbonate 365 Guanovulite 89 Guarinite 139 Guayacanite 61 Guejarite 63 Guitermannite 61 Gum 244 Gummite 72 Gurgun balsam 184 Guyaquillite 267 Gypsum 82 H. Haidingerite 122 Halite 20 Hamartite 145 Hanksite 145 Hannayite 115 Harmotome 138 Hartin 267 Hartite 187 Hauerite CO Hedenbergite 134 Helvite 141 Hematite 54 Hemp, oil of. 184 Heneicosane 163 Hentriacontane 163 Heptachlor-ethyl acetate 307 Heptachlorpropane 299 Heptocosane 163 Heptadecane 1G2 Heptane _ 158, 159 Heptanaphtene 186 Heptidene 168 PAGE. Heptolactone .... 232 Heptyl. Acetate 209 " Alcohols 194, 195 " Bromide 318 " Butyrate 212 " Caproate 214 " Caprylate 216 " Chloride 295 " Cyanide 269 " Formate 200 " Iodide 333 " Octyl oxide 198 " Oenanthate , 215 " Oxide 198 " Propionate 210 " Succinate 228 " Valerate 214 Heptylene 165 " Bromide 320 " Chlorhydrin 310 " Chloride 297 Heptylthymol 254 Hercynite 66 Herderite... 124 Herrengrundite 96 Hesperidene 181 Hessite 66 Hetaerolite 56 Heterogenite 71 Heulandite 136 Heveene 185 Hexadecylidene 168 Hexane 156, 158 Hexbrom-ethyl methyl ketone 326 Hexchloracetone 293 Hexchlorbenzene 292 Hexchlorethane_ 291 Hexchlor-ethyl acetate 307 Hexchlor-ethyl formate 292 Hexchlorhexane 300 Hexchlor-methyl acetate... 292 Hexchlor-methyl oxide 293 Hexchlorpropane 299 Hexchlortetrabrom-ethyl oxide 337 Hexdecane 162 Hexdecyl alcohols 193, 194 Hexethyl silicate 352 Hexhydrobenzene 177 Hexhydrocumene 177 Hexhydrocymene 177 Hexhydrotoluene 177 Hexhydroxylenes 177 Hexine bromides 323 Hexmethyl silicate 352 Hexoylene 167 Hexyl. Acetates. 209 " Alcohols 193, 194 " Benzoate 257 " Bromide 318 " Butyrate 212 " Caproate 214 " Chloride ... 295 INDEX. 389 PAGE. Hexyl. Formate 206 " Iodide 332 " Mercaptan.. 340 " Thiocarbimide_ 345 " Thiocymate 345 " Valerate 214 Hexylamine 270 Hexylene 164 " Acetochloride 310 " Bromhydrin 327 " Bromide 320 " Chlorhydrin 310 " Chloride 297 " Diacetate 225 " Glycol .'. 223 " Oxide 222 Hexyl glycerin 239 Hexylpentylacrylic compounds 235 Hiddenite., 134 Hitchcockite 118 Hoernesite 121 Hohmannite 97 Homilite 140 Hopeite... 116 Horbachite 64 Horsfordite 154 Howlite 140 Hubnerite 106 Rnntilite 67 Hureaulite 115 Hyalotekite._ 134 Hydroboracite.. 108 Hydrodolomite 129 Hydrogen 1 " Chloride 19 " Fluoride 16 " Oxides 39, 40 " Sulphides 56 Hydrogiobertite 130 Hydrolutidino 277 Hydromagnesite 130 Hydronephelite 135 Hydronicotine 278 Hydroquinone.. 250 Hydrorhodonite 132 Hydrotalcite... 72 Hydrotropidine _ 277 Hydroxycaprylonitril 289 Hydroxyisovaleronitril 289 Hydroxypicoline 290 Hydrozinche .. 130 Ice 39 Idocrase 136 Ihleite 84 Ilesite 92 Illicitim religiosum, oil of. 182 Ilmcnite 142 Indigotine 290 fndium 3 PAGE. Indium. Ammonium sulphate 96 " Csium " 96 " Oxide 43 " Rubidium sulphate _ 96 " Sulphate 87 Inosite 2V4 Inulin 244 lodacetone 335 lodaldehyde 335 lodallylene _ 334 lodammonium iodide 34 lodbenzene 335 lodbrom toluene 338 lodchinoline 335 lodchlorhydrin 338 lodethylene 334 lodethyl oxide 335 lodhexylene 334 lodhydrodiglycide 335 Iodine _ 11 " Chlorides 26,27 " Pentoxide_ 53 lodobromite 87 lodoform 334 lodtoluene 335 lolite 138 Iridichlorides_ 28 Iridium- 15 " Phosphide ..._ 67 Iridosmium .. 156 Iron 12 " Aluminum phosphate 118 " " silicates 138, 139 " Ammonium oxalate 361 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate 91, 95 " Antimonate 125 " Arsenatea - 122, 123 " Arsenides 68 " Caesium sulphate 95 " Calcium arsenate 123 " " borosilicate _ 140 " " oxide 56 " " phosphate 117 " " silicates 134,139 " Carbonate 128 " Chlorides 24 " Columbate 125 " Copper arsenate 123 " " phosphate 117 " " sulphides 64 " Dithionate - 75 " Hydroxides 71 " Iodide 36 " Lead silicate 134 " Lithium phosphate 115 " Magnesium borates 108 " carbonate 129 " sulphate 92 " Manganese phosphates 115, 116 " silicates 134 " tungstate 106, 107 390 INDEX. PAGE. Iron. Nickel alloy 152 " Nitrate - 112 11 Nitride 70 " Oxides 53, 64 " Phosphates 115, lie " Phosphides 07 " Platinehloride 28 " Platiniodide 37 " Potassium chloride 27 " " sulphate 90, 95, 97 " " sulphide 64 " Rubidium sulphate 95 " Selenate 99 " Selenide 65 " Silicates 132, 133, 139 " Silieide 70 " Silico carbide 70 " Silicofluoride 18 " Sodium oxalate 361 " " silicates 139 " " sulphates 97 " Sucrocarbonate 366 " Sulphates 84, 96, 97 " Sulphides 60 " Tantalate 125 " Tin alloy 152 " Titanates 142 " Tungstate 106 " Zinc oxide 56 Isoamyl. Acetate 208 " Carbonate 226 " Chlorocarbonate 306 " Cyanide 269 " Formate- 206 " Orthoformate 245 " Succinate 228 " Sulphide 339 Isoamylallylamine 278 Isoamylaniline 273 Isoamylbenzene 175 Isoamylene bromide 320 Isoamyl ethyl sulphone , 343 Isoamylformanilide 288 Isoamylidene chloride 297 Isobenzpinakone 266 Isobutyl. Acetacetate 232 " Acetate 208 " Alcohol 191 " " Derivative of. 312 " Benzoate 256 " Bromide 317 " Butyrate 212 " Carbonate- 226 " Chloride- 294 " Chlorocarbonate- 306 " Cyanide 268 " Formate- _ 206 " Hypophosphate 348 " Iodide 331 " Isobutyrate 212 " Isovalerale 213 " Mercaptan 340 PAGE. Isobutyl. Nitrate 281 " Nitrite 281 " Orthocarbonate 226- " Orthoformate 245 " Oxide igg " Propionate 21O " Santonate 267 " Succinate 228 " Sulphide 339 Isobutyl acetal 224 Isobutyl aldehyde, derivative of 245 Isobutylamine 270 Isobutylaniline 273 Isobutylbenzene 175 Isobutylcamphene 186 Isobutyl carbamine 269 Isobutylene. Bromide 320- " Chloride 297 " Glycol 222 " Oxide 222 Isobutyleugenol 265 Isobutylidene chloride 297 Isobutyl phenyl ketone 262 Isobutyric aldehyde 21T " anhydride 205 Isobutyryl chloride 308 Isocajeputene isa . Isoclasite 117 Isodecyl alcohol 196 Isodibutol 195 Isodipyridine 277 Isoeugenol 265 Isoheptane 159 Isoheptyl. Acetate '209 " Alcohol 194 " Chloride _ 295 Isohexane _ 158 Isohexyl alcohol 194 Isohexylbenzene 175 Isooctonaphtene 186 Isooctyl. Alcohol 195 " Chloride 295 " Cyanide 269 Isoprene 167 " Bromides 323 " Bichloride 30O " Hydrochlorate 300 " Polymer of 184 Isopropyl. Alcohol 190> " Benzoate 356 " Bromide 317 " Butyrate _ 211 " Chloride 293 " Chlorocarbonate 306 " Iodide 330 " Isooenanthate 215 " Isovalerate 213 " Nitrate 281 " Nitrite 281 " Oxide - 197 " Suecinate 228 " Tartrate 23T INDEX. 391 Isopropyl. Thiocyanate _ 345 Isopropylacetylene 167 Isopropylallylbenzene 176 Isopropylallyldimethylcarbinol 241, 242 Isopropylamine 270 Isopropylbenzene 173 Isopropylbrombenzene 325 Isopropylbutenylbenzene 176 Isopropyl carbamine 268 Isopropylethylene 164 " Glycol 223 Isopropyl isobutyl ketone 221 Isopropylkresol 250 Isopropylnaphthalene 178 Isopropylphenol 250 Isopropylphenyl. Acetate _ 260 " Ethyl oxide 254 " Methyl " 254 Isopropyl phenyl ketone .-> 262 Isopropylpiperideine 277 Isopropylpiperidine 276 Isopropylpyridine 275 Isopropylthiophene 342 Isopropylvinylbenzene 176 Isoterebenthene.. 180 " Hydrochlorate 305 Isoterpene 180 Isotolyl chloride 303 Isotriehlorhydrin 299 Isovaleric aldehyde .. 217 Isovaleronitril 268 Isovinyl bromide 323 " chloride 300 Ivaol.... .... 268 J. Jacobsite 56 Jadeite 135 Jalpaite 64 Jamesonite... 62 Jarosite 97 Jeremejewite 108 Joseite 66 Julianite .. 61 Iv. Kaneite... 68 Kaolinite 133 Karpholite 138 Kauri gum, oil from.. .' 182 Kentrolite 134 Kermesite 64 Klaprotholite 63 Knebelite 134 Kobellite 63 Koninckite 115 Konlite 187 Kottigite 122 Kreosol 251 PAGE. Kresol 250 Kresyl. Acetate 260 " Allyl oxide , 255 " Butyl " 253 " Ethyl " 253 " Heptyl " 253 " Methyl " 253 " Octyl " 2K:, 254 " Oxide 253 " Propyl oxide 253 Kronnkite 89 Krugite 89 Kyanite.. 132 L. Labradorite 137, 138 Lactose 244 Lactyl ethyl lactate 231 Lanarkite .. 97 Langite 96 Lanthanite 128 Lanthanum 3 " Carbonate 128 " Oxide 43 " Selenate 99 " Sulphate 87 Laudanine 291 Laumontite 137 Laurel camphor 262 " .turpentine 182 Laurene 175 Laurone 221 Lauronitril 269 Laurus nobili", oil of. 184 Lazulite 118 Lead 5 " Acetate 357 " Aluminum phosphate 118 " " silicates 138 " Amalgam 145 " Antimonates 1?5 " Antimony alloys < 149, 150 " Arsenides 67, 68 " Arsenite 123 " Bismuth alloys 151 " Borates 108 " Bromate . 73 " Bromide 32 " Cadmium alloys 149 " Carbonate 128 " Chlorate 72 " Chloride _ 24 " Chloroarsenate 124 " Chlorobromide 37 " Chlorocarbonate...... 145 " Chlorophosphate 124 " Chlorovanadate .' 124 " Chromates 1"4 " Copper alloys 154 " " arsenate_ 123 " " chromate 104 392 INDEX. PAGE. Lead. Copper sulphate 97 " " vanadate 120 " Dinitrophenates 304 " Dithionate 75 " Feldspars 138 " Fluoride 17 " Formate 356 " Gold alloys 155 " Hydroxides 71 " lodate 74 " Iodide - 36 " Iron arsenate 122 " " silicate 134 " Manganese silicate 134 " Molybdate 105 " Nitrates- Ill, 112 " Nitrophenates 364 " Oxalate SCO " Oxides- 47 " Oxychloride 29 " Oxyiodide 37 " Palladium alloy 156 " Picrate 364 " Platinbromide 33 " Platinchloride....: 28 " Platinum alloy 156 " Selenate 99 " Selenide 65 " Silver alloys 155 " " iodide 37 " Succinate 361. " Sulphates 83,97 " Sulphatocarbonate 145 " Sulphides 58 " Sulphocyanide 144 " Tartrate 363 " Telluride 66 " Tin alloys 147, 148, 149 " Tungstate 106 " Zinc vanadates 120 Lead diethyl 355 Leadhillite 145 Lead tetramethyl 355 Lead tetraphenyl 355 Lead tetratolyl 355 Lead triethyl 355 Ledum palustre, oil of. 185 Lehrbachite ~- 65 Lekene 187 Lemon, oil of 181 Lepidine 277 Lepidolite 140 Leucine 287 Leucite 135 Leucophane ~ 140 Leucopyrite 68 Libethenite 117 Licarene 184 Licari kanali, oil of 263 Lievrite - 139 Lime 41 Limnite 71 PAOK. Limonite 71 Linarite 97 Lintonite 137 Lipowitz' alloy 156 Liroconite _ 123 Litharge 47 Lithiophilite 115 Lithium i " Aluminum fluophosphate 124 ". silicates 134 " Ammonium sulphate 89 " Bromide 31 " Carbonate 126 " Chloride 19 " Dithionate 75 " Fluoride 16 " Formate 356 " Iodide 34 " Iron phosphate 115 " Manganese phosphate 115 " Nitrate 109 " Oxalate 360 " Oxide. 40 " Perchlorate 73 " Picrate 364 " Potassium racemate 363 " Rubidium " 363 " " tartrate 362 " Selenate 93 " Silicofluoride 18 " Sulphate 76 " Thallium racemate 363 " " tartrate 362 " Uranyl acetate 358 Livingstonite 62 Loewite 89 Lolingite 68 Lowigite 97 Ludlamite 117 Ludwigite 108 Luteocobalt chloride 38 Lulidine 275 Luzonite .. 61 M. Macene. ........ .....~. ._........ ........ ... 184 Magnesioferrite 56 Magnesium 1 " Acetate 357 " Aluminum phosphates 118 " " silicates 138 " * sulphate 96 " Ammonium chloride 27 " chromate 104 " phosphates 115 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate 89 " Arsenates 121, 122 " Borates 108 " Bromate 73 " Cadmium sulphate 92 INDEX. PAGE. Magnesium. Calcium arsenate 122 " " berate 108 " " carbonate 129 " " silicate 134 " Carbonate 126, 130 " Chloride - 22 " Chromate 103 " Chromium borate 108 " Columbate 125 " Copper sulphate 92 " Dithionate 75 " Fluophosphate 124 " Fluoride 16 " Hydroxide 70 " Hypophosphite 113 " lodate 74 " Iron borate 108 " " carbonate 129 " " sulphate 92 " Manganese borato 108 " " sulphate 92 " Nitrate 110 " Oxide 40 " Palladichloride 28 " Phosphates 115 " Platinbromide 33 " Platinchloride 28 " Platiniodide 37 " Potassium chromate 104 " " selenate 100 " sulphate 89 " Pyroarsenate 123 Pyrophosphate _ 119 " Selenate 98 " Silicates 131 " Silicofluoride 18 " Sodium sulphate 89 " Stannichloride _ 29 " Sulphate 79 " Thiosulphate 74 " Titnnates 142 Vanadates 120 " Zinc sulphate 92 Magnetite _ 53 Malachite 130 Malacolite 134 Mandelic nitril 289 Mangancolumbite _ _ 125 Manganese 12 " Acetate 358 " Aluminum alloy 14G " " phosphate 118 " " silicate 138 " Ammonium selenate 100 " " sulphate 90 " Arsenate 123 " Arsenide 68 " Calcium phosphate 115 " Carbonate 128 " Chloride 24 " Chromium oxide 56 " Columbates t ... 125 PAGB. Manganese. Dithionate 75 " Garnet 138 Hydroxides _ 71 " Iron fluophosphate 124 " phosphates 115, 116 " " silicate 134 " . " tungstates 106, 107 " Lead silicate 134 " Lithium phosphate _ 116 " Magnesium borate 108 " sulphate 92 " Nitrate Ill " Oxalate 360 " Oxides 53 " Phosphide 66 " Platinbromide 33 " Platinchloride 28 " Platiniodide 37 " Potassium selenate 100 " " sulphate 00 " Pyroarsenate 123 " Pyrophosphate 119 " Selenate 99 " Silicates 132 " Silicofluoride 18 " Stannifluoride 19 " Sulphate 83 " Sulphides 59, 60 " Tantalate 125 " Tungstate 106 Manganite 71 Manganocalcite 129 Manganfantalite 125 Mannite 243 " Derivative of. 248 Maracaibo balsam _ 185 Marcasite 60 Margarite _ 137 Marialite 141 Marjoram, oil of. 182 Martinite 115 Mascagnite 79 Matlockite 29 Meionite 136 Melaconite 55 Melaleuea, oil of 263 Melanotekite 134 Melene 167 Melezitose 244 Melilite 136 Melinophane 140 Mellite 365 Mendipite 29 Meneghinite 62 Mentha pulegium, oil of. 262 Menthene 186 Menthol 264 " Derivatives of 183, 263, 286 Menthone 263 Mercaptan 340 Mercury 2 " Acetate 357 394 INDEX. PACK. Mercury. Ammoniochlorides 38 " Ammonionitrate 112 " Ammoniosulphate 97 " Ammonium chloride 27 Bromate 73 Bromides 32 Calcium antimonite.. . 125 Chlorates 73 Chlorides 22 Chloride with ammonium dichro- mate 144 Chlorocyanide 143 Chromate 103 Cyanide 143, 144 Hexyl mercaptide 355 Hydrogen bromide 33 Iodides 35 Nitrates 110, 112 Organic compounds 355 Oxides 41 Oxychloride 29 Oxycyanide 143 Potassium bromide 33 " chloride 27 " cyanide 143 " iodide 36 " Selenide 65 " Selenate 98 " Silver iodide 36 " Sodium chloride 27 " Sulphates 81, 96 . " Sulphide 57 " " with copper chloride 144 " Telluride 66 Mesitite 129 Mesityl. Acetate 260 " Oxide 245 Mesitylene 172 " Acetate 261 " Glycol 252 " Mercaptan 341 Metabrushite 115 Metacinnamene 176 Metacrolein 235 Metasantonid 267 Metasantonine 267 Metatemplene 185 Metaterebenthene _ 185 Metaxylene _ 172 Methane _ 157 Methoxylmethyl ethyl acetone 245 Methyl. Acetacetate 232 " Acetate 206 " Acrylate 234 " Alcohol 187 " Allyl oxide 241 " Amyl " 197 " Arsenate 350 " Arsenite 350 " Benzoate 256 " Borate. 347 41 Brombutyrate _ 326 PAOE. Methyl. Bromide 3is " Butyloxide 197 " Butyrate 210 " Caproate 214 " Caprylate 215 " Capryl oxide 193 " Carbonate 225 " Chlorbutyrate 307 " Chlorcrotonate 312 " Chloride _ 293 " Chloroearbonate _ 305 " Chlorpropionate 307 " Cinnamate 258 " Citraconate 238 " Crotaconate 238 " Crotonate 234 " Cyanide, 268 " Dibrompropionate 326 " Dichloracetate 306 " Dichlorbutyrate 307 " Diethyl borato 347 " Diethylmethylethenyltricarboxy- late 247 " Diethyloxyacetate 231 " Dimethylsuccinate 228 " Dinitrophenate 285 " Elaidate 235 " Ethyiacetacetate 233 " Ethyl carbonate 225 " Ethylglycollate 230 44 Ethyl oxalate... 227 " Ethyl oxide 196 " " succinate 228 " Ethylsuccinate 228 " Ethyl sulphite 342 " Ethylxanthate 343 " Formate 205 " Glycollate 230 " Heptyl oxide 198 " Hypophosphate 348 " lodbutyrate 335 " Iodide 320 11 lodpropionate 335 " Isobutyrate 211 " Isooenanthate 215 " Isopropylsalicylate 257 " Isovalerate 212 " Itaconate 237 " Lactate 231 " Laevuliuate 232 14 Maleate 236 ," Malonate 227 " Mesaconate 238 44 Methylacetacetate 232 " Me'.hylglycollate 230 44 Methyloxyphenylaerylate 259 44 Methyloxyphenylangelate 259 44 Methyloxyphenylcrotonate 259 44 Methylpropylpyrogallate 259 44 Methylxanthate 343 44 Monochloracetate 306 44 Mucate.... ... 248 INDEX. 395 PAGE. Methyl. Naphtyl oxide 266 " Nitrate 281 " Nitrite 281 " Nitrophenate 285 " Oenanthate 214 " Oleate 234 " Orthoformate 245 " Oxalate 226 " Oxyphenylacetate 258 " Parasantonate 267 " Pelargonate 216 " Phenylacetate 257 " Phenylpropionate 257 " Phosphate 348 " Phthalate 258 " Propargyl oxide 241 " Propionate 209 " Propylglyeollate 231 " Propyl oxide 197 " Propylxanthate 343 " Pyruvate 232 " Salicylate 257 " Santonate 267 " Sebate 229 " Silicate 352 " Silicopropionate 352 " Suberate 229 " Succinate 228 " Sulphate 342 " Sulphides 339, 340 " Sulphite 342 " Tartrate 236 " Thiocarbimide 345 " Thiocyanate 344 " Trichloracetate 306 " Trichlorpropylcarbylacetate 307 " Triethyl silicate 352 " Trinitrophenate 285 " Trisulphocarbonate 341 " Valerate _ 212 Methylacetone 219 Methylal 223 Methylamine alum 94 Methylamylaniline 273 Methylamylcarbinol 195 Methyl amyl ketone 220 Methyl amyl pinacolin 221 Methylaniline 271 Methyl benzyl ketone 262 Methylborneol 264 Methylbromacetol 320 Methylbutylcarbinol 194 Methyl bjityl ketone 220 Methyl butyrone 221 Methylcarbamine 268 Methyl caprinol 221 Methylchloracetol 297 Methylehlorallylcarbinol 312 Methylchlorphenetol 312 Methyl-;opellidine 277 Methylcymyl mercaptan 341 Methyldehydrohexone.. 247 PAGE. Methyldiethylbenzene 175 Methyldiethylcarbinol 194 Methyldiethylcaibyl acetate 209 Methyldiethylcarbyl ketone 221 Methyldiethylmethane 158 Methyldiheptylcarbyl ketone 221 Methyldipropylcarbinol 195 Methyldipropylcarbyl acetate 209 Methyldiphenylamine 274 Methylene. Acetochloride 310 " Bromide 318 " Chloride 296 " Dithioethylate 340 " Ethers of 223, 255 " Iodide 334 Methylethyl acetal 224 Methylethylbenzene 173 Methylethylcarbinol 191 Methyl ethyl ketone 21!> Methylethylpiperidine 276 Methylethylpropyl alcohol _ 194 Methylethylpropylbenzene 175 Methylethylpropylcarbinol 195 Methylethylpropylethylene _ 1G5 Methylethylpropylmethane 159 Methylethylpropyl methylethylpropionate... 214 Methyleugenol 265 Methylformamide 287 Methylformanilide 288 Methylglyoxalin 279 MethylhexylcarbinoL 195 Methylhexylcarbyl chloride 295 " iodide 333 " nitrite 281 Methyl hexyl ketone 221 Methylindol 280 Methylisoamylbenzene .. 175 Methylisoamylcarbyl acetate .-... 209 Methyl isoamyl ketone 220 Methylisobutylcarbinol 194 M ethyl isobutylcarbyl acetate 209 Methyl isobutyl ketone _ 220 Methylisocrotyl acetate 242 " alcohol 241 Methylisopropenylcarbinol 247 Methylisopropylacetone 221 Methylisopropylbenzene 175 Methylisopropylcarbinol 193 Methyl isopropyl ketone 220 Methylisopropylpiperidine 277 Methylnaphthalene _ 178 Methyl naphtol 266 Methyl naphtyl ketone _ _ 266 Methylnonylcarbinol 198 Methyl nonyl ketone 221 Methyl octyl ketone SJ21 Methylpentamethylene methyl ketone 247 Methylpenthiophene 342 Methylphenylcarbyl acetate 260 Methylphenylethylalkin 290 Methyl phenyl ketone 262 Methylphenylpyrazol 279 396 INDEX. PAOE. Methylpiperidine 276 Methylpropylallylene 168 Methylpropylbenzene 173, 174 Methylpropylcarbinol 193 Methylpropylcarbyl acetate 208 " chloride 294 " iodide 332 Methylpropylcarbylcarbinol 194 Methylpropylethylene glycol .. 223 " oxide 222 Methylpropylethol acetate 209 Methyl propyl ketone 219 Methylpyrrol 279 Methylpyrrolidine 279 Methylquinoline 277 Methylsaligenin 252 Methylsilicic chlorhydrins 353 Methylsulphonic chloride 346 Methyltetramethylene diamine 278 Methylthymol 254 Methyltoluidine 272 Methyl tolyl ketone . 262 Methyluracil, chloride from 314 Methyl xylyl ketone 262 Miargyrite 62 Mica 136 Milarite 137 Milk sugar 244 Mitlerite 60 Mimetite 124 Minium 47 Minjak-lagam oil 185 Mint, oil of. 182 Mixite 123 Molybdenite 59 Molybdenum 11 " Oxides 52 " Phosphide 67 " Sulphide 59 Monacetin 239 Monallylin 239 Monamylin 239 Monazite 116 Monimolite 125 Monobromcamphor 328 Monobromhydrin 327 Monobromthiophene 347 Monobutyrin 240 Monochlorbenzene 301 " Derivative of 304 Monochlordinitrin 315 Monochlorethyl dichloracetate 306 " trichloracetate 307 Monochlorhydrin 311 Monochlortoluene 302 Monochlor-vinyl ethyl oxide 809 Monolein 240 Monosulphhydrin 344 Monovalerin.. 240 Monticellite 134 Morenosite 85 Morphine 290 PAOE. Morphine. Salts of 200 Mottramite 120 Mucamide 88 Muscat nut oil, derivative of 305 Muscovite 130 Myristic acetate, isomer of 209 " alcohol, " 196 " aldehyde, " 218 Myristicol 262 Myristone 221 Myristonitril 269 Myrtle, oil of. 183 Myrtus pimenta, oil of. 185 Nadorite 125 Namaqualite 72 Nantoquite 24 Naphthalene 173 " Dichloride 304 " Hydrides 178, 179 Naphtol 266 Naphtyl mercaptan 341 Narcotine 291 Natrolite 135 Naumanuite _ 65 Nephelite 135 Neroli, oil of. 181 Newjanskite 156 Ngai camphor 263 Niccolite 68 Nickel 12 " Acetate 358 " Aluminum alloy 146 " Ammonio-bromide 38 " Ammonio-chloride 38 " Ammonium selonute.. 100 " " sulphate 91 " Arsenates 122 " Arsenides C8 " Bromate 73 " Bismuth sulphide 64 " Chloride 24 " Dithionate 75 " Fluoride 17 " Formate 356 " Hydrocarbonate 130 " Hypophosphite 113 " lodate 74 " Iron alloy 152 " Nitrate 112 " Oxalate 360 " Oxides 54 " Oxyhydroxide 71 " Palladiochloride 28 " Phosphide 67 " Platinbromide 3:i " Platiniodide 37 " Potassium selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Pyrophosphate 119 INDEX. 397 PAGE. Nickel. Selenate 99 " Selenide .' 65 " Silicofluoride 18 " Sulphate 84 ' " with potassium selenate.... 101 " Sulphide 60 " Thallium selenate 100 " Tungstate 107 " Zircofluoride 19 Nicotine 278 Niobium, see columbium 8 Nitranilines 285 Nitroanisol 285 Nitrobenzene 283 Nitrobromtoluene 328 Nitrocymene 284 Nitroethane 282 Nitrogen., 6 " Chloride 25 " Chlorophosphide 144 " Oxides 48 " Oxybromide 33 " Oxychloride 29 " Sulphide .. 58 Nitroglycerin 286 Nitroheptane 282 Nitroisobutylanisol 285 Nitromannite 286 Nitromethane 282 Nitronaphthalene 284 Nitrophenols 285 Nitrosodiethylin 282 Nitrosodipropylamine 282 Nitrosyl bromide 33 Nitrotoluenes 283, 284 Nitrous oxide 48 Nitroxyl chloride 29 Nitroxylenes 284 Nitroxylpiperidine 290 Nonane 160 Nondecane 163 Nononaphtene 186 Nononaphtylene 186 Nontronite 133 Nonyl. Alcohol _ 195, 196 " Chloride 295 " Iodide 333 Nonylene 165 Nosean 141 Nutmegs, oil of 183 O. Octaceto-diglucose 245 Octaceto-saccharose 245 Octadecane 163 Octane 159, 160 Octochlorpropane 292 Octodecylene 167 Octodocylidene 168 Octonaphtene 186 Octyl. Acetate .' 209 PAGE. Octyl. Alcohols 195 " Bromide 318 " Butyrate 212 " Caproate 214 " Caprylate 216 " Chloride 295 " Cyanide 269 " Formate 206 " Iodide 333 " Isovalerate 214 " Nitrite 281 " Oenanthate 215 " Oxide 198 " Propionate 210 " Sulphide 339 " Valerate 214 Octylamine 270 Octylene 165 " Acetate 209 " Acetochloride _ 310 " Chlorhydrin. 310 " Glycol 223 " Hydrate 196 " Oxide _ 222 Octylphosphin 348 Octyl thiophene 342 Octylthymol 254 Oenanthic aldehyde 218 " anhydride 206 Oenanthol 218 " Derivative of. 245 Oenanthone 221 Oenanthonitril 269 Oenanthothialdin .'... 345 Okenite 132 Oldhamite .. 57 Olibene 184 Oligoclase 137, 138 Olivenite 122 Orange, oil of 181 Orangite 133 Orcin 251 O'Rileyite 68 Orpiment 59 Orthoclase 135 Osmiridium _ 156 Osmitopsis, oil of 263 Osmium 15 Ouvarovite 130 Owenite 139 Oxalethylethylin 279 Oxalethylisoamylin 279 Oxalethyloenanthylin 280 Oxalethylpropylin 279 Oxalisoamylisoamylin 279 Oxalisobutylisoamylin _ 279 Oxalmethylethylin _ 279 Oxalmethyloenanthylin.. 280 Oxalpropylethylin 27i> Oxalpropylisoamylin 279 Oxalpropyloenanthylin 280 Oxalpropylpropylin _ 279 398 INDEX. PAGE. Oxamide 287 Oxethenaniline 288 Oxybutyric lactone 231 Oxygen 8 Oxyisoamylamine 287 Oxyphenyl mercaptan 344 Oxypropylpropylamine 287 Oxysulphobonzid 344 P. Paehnolite 17 Pacite 69 Palladiochlorides 28 Palladium 14 " Lead alloy 156 " Phosphide 67 " Sulphide 61 Palmitone 221 Palmitonitril 269 Pandermite 108 Papaverine 291 Parabromalide 326 Parachinanisol 290 Parachloralide 309 Paradichloraldehyde 308 Paradiconiine 277 Paraffin 163, 164 Paragonite 135 Paraldehyde 217 Paranicene 187 Parasantonid 267 Parisite 145 Parsley, oil of 1*3 Parsnip, oil of 183 Partschinite 139 Parvoline 275 Patchouli camphor 264 Patchouli, oil of. 185 Pectolite 134 Peganite 117 Pelletierine 291 Pentabrom propane 322 Pentachloracetone 308 Pentaehlor-amyl formate 306 Pentachlorbenzene 302 Pentachlorethane 299 Pentachlor-ethyl oxide 305 Pentachlornitrobenzene 316 Pentachlor-propylene oxide 310 Pentadecane 162 Pentadekanaphtene 186 Pentamethylene diamine 278 Pentane _ 157 Pentanitrolactose. 286 Pentatriacontane 163 Pentethylmonochlorbenzene 304 Pentlandite - 64 Pentyl. Bromide 317 " Chloride 294 " Iodide 331 Penwithite .... ... 132 PAGB. Peppermint, oil of. 183 Perchlor-ethyl acetate 292 Perchlor-ethyl oxide 293 Periclase 40 Persea lingue, tannin from 267 Petalite 134 Petit grain, oil of 181 Petzite 66 Pharmacolite 122 Pharmaeosiderite 123 Phenakite 131 Phenanthrene 179 " Hydride 179 Phenanthrene quinone 266 Phenetol 252 Phenol 249 Phenoxyacetonitril 289 Phenoxyldiphenylphosphin 349 Phenyl. Acetate 260 " Allyl oxide 255 " Borate 348 " Butyl oxide 253 " Carbimide 290 " Ethyl oxide 252 " " sulphide 341 " Heptyl oxide 253 " Isobutyl " 253 " Isopropyl " 253 " Mercaptan 341 " Methyl oxide 252 " Octyt " 2.53 " Oxide 252 " Phosphite 349 " Propargyl oxide 255 " Propyl " 253 " Sulphides 341 " Thiocarbimide 345 Phenylacetic aldehyde 261 " chloride 313 Phenylacetylene 176 Phenylarsine bromide 351 Phenylbutylene 176 Phenylcymene 177 Phenyl hydrazin 280 Phenylpentylenea 176 Phenylphosphin 348 Phenylphosphorous chloride 349 Phenylpropionitril 280 Phenylpropyl alcohol 251 Phenylsulphonic chloride 346 Phenyltoluene 177 Phenyltolylethane 176 Phenylviuyl ethyl oxide 254 Phillipsite 137 Phlein 245 Phlogopite 141 Phloretol 250 Phlorol 265 Phloryl ethyl oxide 254 Phoenicochroite 104 Phorone 246 Phosgenite 145 INDXX. 399 PAGE. Phosphenyl chloride 349 , " ether 349 j " oxychloride 349 ! " sulphochloride _ 360 Phosphorus 6 " Bromide 32 " Chlorides 25 " Oxybromide 33 " Oxychloride 29, 30 " Oxychlorobromide 37 " Pentoxide 48 " Sulphides 58 " Sulphobromide 33 " Sulphochloride 30 " Sulphocyanide 144 Phthalic anhydride 266 Phthalyl chloride .. 313 Phycite bromodiehlorhydrin _ 337 Picamar 259 Picite 117 Picoline 274, 275 Picrolichenin 268 Pinacolic chloride 295 " iodide 333 Pinacoline 220 Pinacolyl alcohol 194 Pinakone 223 Finite 243 Pinnoite 108 Pinus, oils from 179, 180, 304 Pipecoleine 277 Pipecoline 277 Piperidine 276 Piperine 290 Piperpropylalkin 290 Piperyl hydrazin 280 Pistomesite - 129 Plagionite 62 Planerite 118 Platinbromides 33 Platinchlorides 28, 365, 366 Platiniodides 37 Platinum 15 " Boride _ 70 " Chloride 27 " Hydride 69 " Lead alloy 156 " Phosphide 67 " Potassium sulphide 64 " Silicide 70 " Sodium sulphide 64 " Sulphides 61 Platodiamiue platosoxalates 361 Platosochlorides 28 Plumbogummite 118 Polianits 53 Pollucite 136 Polyargyrite 62 Polybasite 62 Polydymite 60 Polyhalite 89 Poplar, oil of. '. 185 PAGE. Potassium..... 1 " Aluminum borate 108 " " selenate 101 " " silicates 135, 136, 137 " " sulphates 92, 97 " Ammonium ehromate_ _ 104 " " sulphate 89 " " tartrate 362 " Amylsulphate 359 " Antimony chloride 29 " Arsenate 122 " Borate 108 " Borofluoride 18 " Borotartrate 363 " Bromate _ 73 " Bromide _ 31 " Cadmium chloride 27 " " iodide 36 " " selenate loo " " sulphate 90 " Calcium chromate 104 " " sulphate 89 " Carbonates 126, 129 " Chlorate 72 " Chloride 20 " Chlorochromate 104 " Chromates 102, 103 " Chromate with mercuric cyanide. 144 " Chromiodate 104 " Chromium selenate 101 " " sulphate 94 " sulphocyanide 144 " Chromocyanide 143 " Chromoxalate 361 " Citrate 364 " Cobalt selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Cobalticyanide 143 " Columboxyfluoride 19 " Copper chloride 27 " " oxalate 361 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Cyanate - 144 " Cyanide 143 " Dinitrophenates _ 364 " Dithionate 75 " Ethylsulphate 369 " Ethylxanthate 359 " Ferricyanide 143 " Ferrocyanide 143 " Fluoride 16 " Formate 356 " Gallium sulphate 96 " Hydrogen oxalate 360 " " racemate 363 " " sulphate 88 " " tartrate 362 " Hydroxide 70 " lodate 74 " Iodides 34 " Iridichloride.... ,. 28 400 INDEX. PAGE. Potassium. Iron chloride 27 " " sulphates 90, 95. 97 " " sulphide 64 " Isobutylsulphate 359 " Isobutylxanthate 359 " Lithium racemate 363 " Magnesium chromate 104 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate 89 " Manganese selenate 100 " " sulphate 90 " Manganicyanide 143 " Mercury bromide 33 " " chloride 27 " cyanide 143 " iodide 36 Metaphosphate 118 Methylsulphate 359 Methylxanthate 369 Nickel cyanide 143 " selenate 100 " sulphate 91 Nitrate.. 109 Nitrato-sulphate 145 Nitrophenates 364 Oxalate _ 360 Oxide 40 Palladiochloride 28 Perchlorate 73 Permanganate 105 Phosphate 114 Phosphate-sulphate 145 Picrate 364 Platinbromide 33 Platinchloride 28 Platiniodide 37 Platinocyanide 143 Platinum seleniocyanide 144 " sulphide 64 " sulphocyanide 144 Platosochloride 28 Platoxalate 361 Propylsulphate 359 Pyrophosphate 119 Pyrowulphate _ 78 Quadroxalate 360 Eacemate 363 Raeemantimonite 364 Selenate 98 Silicofluoride 18 Silver carbonate 129 Sodium alloy 145 " carbonate 129 " phosphate 115 " selenate 98 " sulphate 89 " tartrate 362 " tungstate 106 " vanadate 122 Stannate 142 Stannibromide 33 Stennichloride 29 PAGE. Potassium. Stannifluoride 19 " Stannochloride 28 " Strontium chromoxalate 361 " Sulphate 77 " Sulphide 56 " Sulphocyanide 144 Tantalofluoride 19 " Tartrantimonite 363 " Tartrate 362 " Thallium sulphide 64 " Thiosulphate 74 " Thorium phosphate 116 " Titanofluoride 19 " Triacetate 357 " Tungstates 106 " Uranoxyfluoride 19 " Uranyl sulphate 96 Vanadium vanadate 120 " Zinc chloride 27 " '' selenate 100 " " sulphate 90 " Zircofluoride 19 Zirconium phosphates lie " " silicate 139 Pregrattite 135 Prehnite 136 Priceite 108 Propane 157 Propargyl. Acetate 242 " Alcohol 241 " Bromides 323 " Chloride 300 " Iodide 335 Propidene acetic acid.. 246 Propidene dipropyl ether 224 Propionamide 287 Propione 219 Propionic aldehyde 217 11 anhydride 204 Propionitril 268 Propionylacetophenone 262 Propionyl bromide ; 325 " chloride 308 Propyl. Acetate 207 " Acrylate 234 " Alcohol 189 " Benzoate 256 " Borate 347 " Bromide 317 " Butyl oxide.. 197 " " succinate 228 " Butymte 211 " Camphorate 264 " Caproate ...... 214 " Caprylate 216 " Carbonate 26 " Chloride 293 " Chlorocarbonate 306 " Cinnamate 258 " Cyanide 208 " Dibrompropionate 326 " Dioxysulphocarbonate 343 INDEX. 401 PAGE. Propyl. Ethylacetacetate 233 " Ethylglycollate 230 " Formate 206 " Fumarate 230 ' Glycollate 230 " Heptyl oxalate 227 " " oxide 198 " Hypophosphate 348 " lodacetate 335 " Iodide 329 " Isobutyrate 211 " Isooenanthate '215 " Isovalerate 213 " Laevulinate 232 " Maleate 236 " Malonate 227 " Methylglycollate 230 " Monochloracetate 307 " Nitrite 281 " Octyl oxalate 227 " " oxide 198 " Oenanthate 21ft " Orthocarbonate 226 " Orthoformate 245 " Oxalate 227 " Oxide 197 " Parasantonate.. 2G7 " Phenylacetate 257 " " Derivative of 266 " Phenylpropionate 258 " Propionate 210 " Propylglycollate 231 " Salicylate 257 " Santonate 267 " Silicate 352 " Succinate 228 " Sulphide 339 " Tartrate 237 " Valerate... 213 Propylacetal 224 Propylallylamine 278 Propylamine 270 Propylaniline... 273 Propylbenzene 173 Propylene. Acetate 224 " Bromide 319 " Bromiodide... 338 " Chlorhydrin 310 " Chloride 290 " Chloriodide 338 " Chlorobromide 330 " Uiamine 278 " Dinitrate 286 " Dinitrite 286 " Ethylphenylketate 266 " Glycol 222 " Iodide 334 " Oxide 222 Trisulphocarbonate 341 " Valerate 225 Propyleugenol 2C5 26 s Q PAGE. Propylglyoxalin 279 Propylhexylcarbinol 196 Propylidene chloride 297 Propylisopropylbenzene 175 Propylkresol 250 Propylnaphtol 266 Propylphenol ...... 250 Propylphenyl acetate 260 Propyl phenyl ketone 262 Propylphenyl methyl oxide 254 Propylphenylpyrazol 279 Propylphycite trichlorhydrin 312 Propylpiperidine 276 Propyl pyridine _ 275 Propylsilicic chlorhydrins 353 Propylthiophene 312 Propylthymol 254 Prosopite 17 Proteine, derivatives of. 316 Proustite 61 Pseudocumene 173 Pseudohexylene acetate 225 " glycol 223 Pseudomalachite 117 Ptomaine 280 Ptychotis ajowan, oil of. 183 Pucherite .. 120 Pulegium micranthum, oil of. 263 Purpureochromium. Chloride 38 " Chlorobromide 38 " Chloronitrate 112 Purpureocobalt. Bromide 38 f Bromonitratc 112 " Chloride 38 " Chlorobromide 38 " Chloronitrate 112 Purpureorhodium. Bromide 38 " Chloride _ 38 " Iodide 38 Pyrargyrite 62 Pyridine 274 Pyrite 60 Pyrocatechin 250 Pyrogallol 250 Pyrolusite 53 Pyromorphite 124 Pyrophosphoric chloride 30 Pyrophyllite k 133 Pyrosmalite _ 141 Pyrrhotite CO Pyrrol _ 279 Pyrrolidine 279 Pyrotartronitril .. 278 Pyruvic acetate _ 247 Quartz 44 Quercite 243 Quinoline - 277 Quinone 266 402 INDEX. PACK. Raimondite 97 Ralstonite 17 R&mmelsbergite 68 Realgar 59 Reddingite 115 Reinite 106 Resorcin 250 Retene 179 Rezbanyite 63 Rhabdophane 116 Rhagite 123 Rhodium 14 " Ammoniobromide 38 " Ammoniochloride 38 " Ammonioiodide 38 Rhodizite 108 Rhodonite 132 Ripidolite -138 Roemerite 96 Romeite '. 125 Rosaniline chlorhydrate 365 Roselite 122 Rosemary, oil of 183 Roseocobalt iodosulphate 97 Rose's alloy 156 Rosewood, oil of. 185 " resin from 267 Rubidine 276 Rubidium 1 " Aluminum selenate 100 " " sulphate 93 " Bromide 31 " Chloride 21 " Chromium selenate 100 " " sulphate 95 " Cobalt selenate 100 " Copper chloride 27 " Fluoride 16 " Gallium sulphate 96 " Hydrogen racemate 363 " " tartrate 362 " Indium sulphate 96 " Iodide 34 " Iron sulphate 95 " Lithium racemate 363 " " tartrate 362 " Platinehloride... 28 " Quadroxalate SCO " Racemate 363 " Selenate 98 " Silicofluoride 18 " Sodium tartrate 362 11 Sulphate 79 " Tartrate 362 Ruby 42 Ruthenium 14 " Dioxide 65 Kutile 45 S. Saccharose 243 Safrene 134 Safrol 266 Sage, oil of. 1S3, 185 Salicin 267 Saligenin 252 Salicylol 261 Saliretin 266 Salt 19 Sal viol 263 Samarium. Acetate 353 " Ammonium selenate 101 " " sulphate 96 " Borate , 108 " Bromide 32 " Chloride 25 " Ethylsulphate 359 " Formate 357 " Gold bromide 33 " " chloride 28 " Metaphosphate us ' Metavanadate 100 " Molybdate 105 " Nitrate na " Oxide 43 " Oxychloride 29 " Periodate 74 " Phosphate ne " Picrate 304 " Platinchloride 28 " Platinocyanide 144 " Potassium selenate lot " Propionate 353 " Selenate 100 " Sodium molybdate 105 " Sulphate 88 " Sulphocyanate with mercuric cyanide 144 " Tungstate '. 107 Sandal wood, oil of 185 Santonid 267 Santonine 267 Santonyl. Bromide 323 " Chloride 312 " Iodide 335 Sapphire 43 Sartorite- 61 Satureja, oil of 183 Scandium. Oxide 43 " Sulphate 87 Scheelite 100 Schwartzembergite 37 Scolezite 137 f-'corodite 122 Scovillite 116 Selenium 9 " Bromide 32 " Chloride .. 26 " Oxychloride 30 " Dioxide 51 " Sulphide 59 INDEX. 403 Sellaite 16 Semseyite 62 Senarmontite 49 Sequoia, oil of. 180, 207 Serpentine 131 Sesquiterpene 185 Sideronatrite 97 Silica. 44 Silicofluorides 18 Silicoheptyl compounds 351, 352 Silicon . 4 " Bromide 32 " Chlorides 25 11 Chlorobromide 37 " Organic compounds of. 351, 352, 353 " Oxides 44 " Pyrophosphate _ 119 Silver 13 " Acetate 357 " Aluminum alloys 146 " Amalgam ... 146 " Ammonio-chromate_ 103 " Ammonio-ferricyanide 143 " Ammonio-selenate 98 " Ammonio-sulphate 97 " Antimonides 68 " Arsenides 67 " Benzoate : 365 " Bismuth glance 63 " Bromate 31 " Bromide 73 " Butyrate 359 " Caproate 359 " Caprylate 359 " Carbonate 126 " Chlorate 72 " Chloride 21 11 Chlorobromide 37 " Chlorobrom iodide 37, 38 " Chromates 103 " Cinnamate 366 " Copper alloys 155 " " iodide 37 " Cyanate 144 " Cyanide 143 " Dinitrophenate 364 " Dithionate 75 " Fluoride 16 " Gold alloys 156 " " sulphide 64 " lodate 74 " Iodide 34 " Iron ammonio-cyanide 143 " Isovalerate 359 " Lead iodide 37 " Malate 361 " Mercury iodide 30 " titrate 110 " Nitrophenates 304 " Oxalabe S60 " Oxides 40 " Phosphate t 115 PACK. Silver. Phosphide 66 " Picrate 364 " Potassium carbonate 129 " Propionate 858 " Pyrophosphate .. 119 " Racemate 363 " Selenate _ 98 " Selenide 65 " Succinate 361 " Sulphate 79 " Sulphide 57 " Tartrantimonite 363 " Tartrate 362 " Telluride 66 " Tin alloys 154, 155 " Vanadate 120 Simonyite 89 Sipylite 125 Sisserskite 156 Skutterudite 68 SmaKite 68 Sodalite 141 Sodium i " Acetate.. 1 . 357 " Aluminum carbonate 130 " " selenate 101 " " silicates 134, 135, 137 " " sulphate 92 'f Ammonium arsenate 121 " " phosphate 115 " " racemate _ 363 " " sulphate _ 89 " " tartrate 362 " Antimonites .. 125 " Arsenates .. 121 " Borates 107 " Bromate _ 73 " Bromide 31 " Calcium borates 108 " " carbonate 129 " " silicate 134 " " sulphate 89 " Carbonates 126, 129 " Chlorate, _ 72 " Chloride 19 " Chromates 102 " Chromiodate 104 " Citrate 364 " " Derivative of. 293 " Copper sulphate 89 " Dithionate 75 " Ferrocyanide 143 " Ferroxalate 361 " Fluoarsenate 124 " Fluophosphate 124 " Fluoride 16 " Formate 356 " Hydride 69 " Hydrogen oxalate 360 " " sulphate 88 " Hydroxide 70 " flypophosphates 113 404 INDEX. PAGE. Sodium. lodate 74 " Iodide 34 " Iron sulphates 97 " Magnesium sulphates 89 " Manganese phosphate 115 Mercury chloride 27 Metaphosphate 118 Metasilicate 131 Nitrate 109 Nitroprusside 143 Oxide 40 Phosphates 114 Platinbromide 33 Platinchloride 28 Platiniodide 37 Platinum sulphide 64 Platoxalate 361 Potassium alloy 145 " arsenate 121 " carbonate 129 " phosphate 115 " racemate 363 " selenate 98 " sulphate 89 " tartrate 362 " tungstate 106 Pyrophosphates 118, 119 Rubidium tartrate 362 Samarium molybdate 105 Selenate 98 Silicofluoride 18 Sulphantimonate 62 Sulphate 76, 77 Sulphite 75 Sulphide _ 56 Tartrnte 362 Thallium racemate 363 " tartrate 362 Thiosulphate 74 Thorium phosphates 116 Triacetate 357 Tungstates 106 Uranium oxide 55 Uranyl acetate 358 " monochloracetate 358 Vanadates 120 Zirconium phosphates 116 " silicate 139 Sonomaite 96 Sorbite 243 Sphserite 118 Sphene 139 Spinel 55 Spodumene 134 .Stan nil iromidos 33 Stannichlorides 29 Stannifluorides 19 Stannochlorides 28 Stannorganic compounds 353, 354 Starch 244 Stearin 240 Stearone 221 PAGE. Stearonitril 269 Stephanite 62 Sternbergite 64 Stibiconite 71 Stibioferrite_ 125 Stibiohexargentite 68 Stibiotriargentite 68 Stibnite 59 Stilbazoline 278 Stilbene 179 Stilbite 136 Stolzite 106 Strengite 115 Stromeyerite 64 Strontianite 127 Strontium 3 " Acetate 357 " Aluminum silicates 137 " Bromate 73 " Bromide 32 " Cadmium chloride 27 " Carbonate 127 " Chlorate 72 " Chloride 23 " Chromate 103 " Chromoxalate 361 " Copper formate 356 " Dithionate 75 " Feldspars 137 " Fluoride 17 " Formate 356 " Hydroxide 71 " Iodide. 36 " Molybdate 105 " Nitrate Ill " Oxide 41 " Platinbromide 33 " Potassium chromoxalate 361 " Selenate 99 " Silicofluoride 18 " Sulphate 82 " Tartrate 362 " Thiosulphate 74 " Titanate 141 Struvite 115 Strychnine 290 Styracin 2G7 Styrolene 176 Styrolyl ethyl oxide 254 Succinyl chloride 3U " " Derivative of. 293 Sulphocarbanilide _ 346 Sulpho urea 345 Sulphur . 8 " Bromide 32 " Chloride 26 " Oxides 51 " Oxychloride 30 Sulphuryl chloride 30 Sussexite 108 Sylvanite 66 Sylvestrene 181 INDEX. 405 PAGE. Syngenite ~ 89 Szaboite 133 Szaibelyite 108 Szmikite 83 T. Tagilite 117 Talc 131 Tallingite 29 Tannin 267 Tansy, oil of 2B3 Tantalite 125 Tantalofluorides 19 Tantalum 8 " Aluminum alloy 146 " Pentoxide 50 Tapalpite ^- 66 Tellurium 10 " Oxides 51, 52 Tennantite fil Tephroite _ 132 Terebangeline 182 Terebene 180 " Acetate 264 Terebenthene 180 " Acetate 264 " Hydrochlorate 304 Terpane 263 Terpene 180, 181 Terpilene 181 ' Acetate 264 " Formate 264 " Hydride 18C Terpilenol 263 Terpinene 181 Terpinol 263 Terpinylene 181 Tetrabromethane.. 321 Tetrahromglycide 322 Tetrabromhydrocamphene 3*5 Tetrabromoxysulphobenzid 347 Tetrabrom propane 322 Tetrachloracetone_ 308 Tetrachloracelic anhydride 308 Tetrachlorbenzene 302 Tetrachlorbenzyl chloride 303 Tetrachlorbenzylene dichloride 303 Tetrachlorethane 299 Tetrachlor-ethyl acetate 307 Tetrachlor-ethyl oamphorate 313 Tetrachlorethylene 291 Tetrachlor-ethyl oxide 305 Tetraehlor-ethyl sulphide.. 340 Tetrachlorglycide 299 Tetrachlor methyl ethyl oxide 305 Tetrachlor-methyl formate 292 Tetrachlor-methyl mercaptan 34G Tetrachlor-methyl oxide 305 Tetraehlornitrobenzene_ 310 Tetrachloroxysulphobenzid 347 Tetrachlorpemane . 300 PAGE. Tetrachlorpropane 299 Tetrachlortoluene_ 303 Tetracosane ion Tetradecane 1<;2 Tetradecyl alcohol 196 Tetradecylene 166 Tetradecyl idene 168 Tetradymite 66 Tetrahydrotoluene 177 Tetrahydroxylene 177 Tetraiod-methyl oxide 335 Tetraiodoxysulphobenzid 347 Tetramercurammonium chloride 38 " sulphate 97 Tetramethylallylene 168 Tetramethylammonium iodide- 365 " mercury iodide 365 Tetramethylaniline 273 Tetramethylbenzene 173 Tetramethylbutane_ 159, 160 Tetramethylethane.. 158 Tetramethylethylene 164 Tetramethylpentane 160 Tetramylene 167 Tetranitroethylene bromide 328 Tetraphenylethane 176 Tetraterebenthene 185 Tetrethylallylalkin 290 Tetrethylammonium iodide 365 Tetrethyl citrate 237 Tetrethylmonochlorbenzene 304 Thallium 3 " Aluminum selenate 101 " " sulphate.. 94 " Amylate 355 " Bromides 31 " Carbonate 126 " Chlorate 72 " Chlorides 22 " Chromium selenate 101 " " sulphate 95 " Cobalt selenate 100 " " sulphate 91 " Ethylate 355 " Ferrocyanide _ 143 " Hydrogen oxalate 360 " Hydrogen racemate 363 " " tartrate 362 " Iodide 35 " Iron sulphate 96 " Lithium racemate 363 " " tartrate 302 " Nickel selenate. 100 " Nitrate 110 " Oxalate 360 " Perchlorate 73 " Phosphates 115 " Picrate 364 " Platinchloride 28 " Potass-ium sulphide 64 " Pyrophosphate 119 " Racemate 363 406 INDEX. PAGE. Thallium. Selenate 98 11 Sodium racemate 363 " " tartrate 30^ " Sulphate 79 " Sulphide 57 " Tartrantimonite 303 " Tartrate 362 " Tellurate 102 ' Vanadaies 120 Thaumasite... 141 Thebaine 291 Thermonatrite 126 Thialdin 345 Thiocarbonyl chloride 292 Thiocyanacetone 346 Thionyl chloride 30 Thiophene 341 " Aldehyde 344 Thiotolene 342 Thioxene _ 342 Thomsonite 1S7 Thorite 133 Thorium.. 6 " Metaphosphate 118 " Oxalate 361 " Oxide 48 " Platinocyanide 144 11 Potassium phosphates 116 " Selenate 100 " Silicates 133 " Sodium phosphates 116 11 Sulphate 88 " Sulphide 58 Thrombolite 125 Thuja terpene 180 Thujol 263 Thuringite 139 Thymene 183 Thyme, oil of. 183 Thymol 250 Thymyl acetate 260 Tiemannite '. 65 Tiglic aldehyde._ 235 Tin 4 " Aluminum alloys 146 " Amalgams 145, 146 " Ammonium chlorides 28,29 " Antimonides 68, 149 " Arsenides 67 " Bismuth alloys 160 " Bromide 32 " Cadmium alloys 147 " Calcium silicate 139 " Chlorides 25 " Chlorobromide 37 " Copper alloys 153, 154 " Fluorides 19 " Gold alloys 155 " Iodide 36 " Iron alloys 152 "Lead " 147,148,149 " Organic compounds of 353, 354 PAGE. Tin. Oxalate 361 " Oxides 46 " Phosphides 66 " Potassium chlorides 28, 29 " Pyrophosphate _ 119 " Selenides 65 " Silver alloys 154 " Sulphides 58 " Telluride 66 " Zinc alloys 147 Titanofluorides 19 Titanium. Bromide 32 " Calcium silicate 139 " Carbide 70 " Chloride 25 " Dioxide.. 45 " Nitride 70 " Nitrocyanide 144 " Pyrophosphate 119 Tolene 184 Toluene 170 Toluic aldehyde 261 " nitril 280 Toluidines 271, 272 Toluyl chloride 313 Tolyl phenyl ketone 262 Tolylpropyl aldehyde 261 Topaz 140 Torbernite 116 Tourmaline 140 Tremolite 134 Triacetin 240 Triallylamine 278 Triamylamine 270 Triamylene _. 166 Triamylstibine 351 Tribromchloracetone . 337 Tribromethylene 322 Tribromhydrin 322 Tribromisobutane 323 Tribrom propane 322 Tributylamine 270 Tributyrin 240 Trichloracenaphtene 304 Trichloracetal 310 Trichloracetic anhydride 292 Trichlor-acetic anhydride 308 Trichloracetic dimethylamide 315 Trichloracetonitril 314 Trichloracetophenone 313 Trichloracetyl bromide 337 " chloride 292 " cyanide 315 Trichloramylene thiodichloride 346 Trichlorbenzene 302 Trichlorbenzyl chloride 303 Trichlorbenzylene dichloride 303 Trichlorbutyl acetate 307 Trichlordibromethane :i"6 Trichlordimethyl acetal :uo Trichlordinitrobenzene 315 Trichlorethane ... 298 INDEX. 407 PAGE. Trichlor-ethyl acetate 306 Trichlor-ethyl alcohol 305 Trichloretbyl chloracetates- 307 Trichlorhexane 300 Trichlorhydnin 299 Trichlor-methyl amyl sulphite 346 Trichlormethylethyl acetal 310 Trichlornitrobenzene 315 Trichlorpentane 300 Trichlorpropane 299 Trichlorpropylene 300 Trichlortoluene - 303 Trichlorvinyl ethyl oxide - 309 Tricosane - 103 Tridecane - 102 Tridecylene - 166 Tridymite 45 Triethoxyacetonitril 289 Triethoxylpyrophosphorsulphobromide 350 Triethylamine 209 " Aurochloride 365 Triethyl amyl orthosilicate 352 Triethylarsin* 350 Triethylcarbinol 196 Triethyl citrate 237 Triethyl diglycerin 239 Triethylene alcohol 223 Triethylin 239 Triethylmethane 159 Triethylmonochlorbenzene _ 304 Triethylphosphin 348 " Platosochloride 366 Triethylpropylphycite 248 Triethylsilicol 352 Triethylstibine 351 ' Bromide 351 " Chloride 351 Triglycerin tetrethylin 239 Triisobutylamine 270 Triisobutylene 166 Trimethylamine 269 Trimethylbenzene 172 Trimethylcarbinol 191 Trimethylcarbinolamine 270 Trimethylcarbyl. Bromide 317 11 Chloride 294 . " Iodide 331 " Nitrite 281 Trimethylcarbylmethylcarbinol 194 Trimethyldiethylaniline 273 Trimethylene. Bromhydrin 327 " Bromide 319 " Chlorhydrin 310 " Chloride 297 " Glycol - 222 " Iodide 334 Trimethylenediethylalkin 290 Trimethylethylene 164 " Oxide 222 Trimethyl ethyl orthosilicate- 352 Trimethylin 239 Trimethylstibine ; 351 PAGE. Trinitrolactose 286 Trinitrophenol 285 Triphenols 250 Triphenylbenzene 177 Triphenylphosphin._ 348 " Oxide 349 Triphenyltrisulphophosphamide 350 Triphenylstibine 351 Triphylite 115 Triplite 124 Triploidite 117 Tripropylamine 270 Tristearin 240 Trisulphhydrin-. 341 Tritolylstibine 351 Trivalerylene 168 Trdgerite 122 Troilite 60 Trolleite 117 Tropilene 267 Tropilidene 187 Tungsten 11 " Aluminum alloy.. 146 " Oxides 52 " Phosphide- 67 " Sulphide 59 Turgite 71 Turmerol 267 Turpentine 179 " Hydrate- 264 Turpeth mineral 96 Turquoise- 117 Tyrolite 123 Tyrosine 288 Tysonite 18 Ulexite 108 Ullmannite 69 Undecane _ 161 Uranium 11 " Arsenate 122 " Barium phosphate 116 " Bismuth arsenate 123 " Calcium " 122 " " phosphate - 116 " Copper arsenate - 122 " " phosphate 116 " Hydroxides .. 72 " Lithium acetate- 358 " Nitrate 112 " Oleate - 364 " Oxalate 361 " Oxides 52 " Sodium acetate 358 " " monochloracetate 358 " " oxide 55 " Sulphate 88 Uranocircite 116 Uranospinite 122 408 INDEX. PAGE. Uranoxyfluorides 19 Urao 120 Urea - 288 Urethane 288 Urusite 97 V. Valentinite 49 Valeracetonitril 289 Valeral. Derivatives of. 245, 309 " Polymer of 218 Valeric anhydride 205 Valeroglyceral 239 Valerone 221 Valeronitril 268 Valeryl chloride 308 Valerylene 167 " Diacetate 248 " Polymer of. 184 Vanadinite 124 Vanadium 7 " Chlorides 26 " Oxides 48 " Oxybromide 33 " Oxychloride 30 " Sulphides 59 Vanadium-wagnerite 124 Variscite 115, 116 Vauquelinite 104 Venasquite 139 Veratrol 255 Veszelyite 117 Vinyl. Bromide 321 " Ethyl oxide 241 " Iodide .1 334 " Sulphide 340 Vinyl-auisoil 254 Viridine 276 Vitivert, oil of 185 Vivianite 115 Volborthite 120 Voltzite 64 W. Wagnerite 124 Waldivine 268 Walpurgite 123 Warringtonite 96 Water 39 Wavellite 118 Wehrlite 65 Werthemanite 97 Whitneyite 67 Willemite 132 Wittichenite 63 Wolfachite 69 Wolfram 107 Wollastonite 132 Wood 367 Wood's alloy 156 Wormseed, oil of 203 Wormwood, oil of 133 Wulfenite 105 X. Xanthil 268 Xanthoconite 61 Xanthurin 344 Xenolite 133 Xenotime ne X onal tite 132 Xylene 171, 172 " Bichloride 304 " Glycols 252 " Tetrachloride 304 Xylenol 250 Xylidines 272, 273 Xylyl. Acetate 260 " Alcohols 251 " Bromides 324 " Cyanide 280 " Ethyl oxide 254 " Mercaptan 341 " Phosphochloride 350 " Phosphoroxychloride 350 Xylylene bromides 324, 325 Y. Ytterbium. Oxide 43 "" Sulphate 87 Yttrium. Oxide 43 " Phosphate ne " Selenate 99 11 Sulphate.... 87 Yttrocerite . is Z. Zaratite 130 Zepharovichite 116 Zeunerite 122 Zinc 2 " Acetate 357 " Aluminum alloy 146 " " sulphate 97 " Amalgam 145 " Ammonio-sulphate 97 " Ammonium bromide 33 " " chloride 27 " " selenate 100 " " sulphate 90 " Antimonides 68 " Arsenates 122 " Barium chloride 27 " Bromate 73 " Bromide 31 11 Calcium alloy 145 " Carbonates 127, 130 " Chloride 22 " Chromium oxide 56 INDEX. PAGE. Zinc. Copper alloys 152 " Dithionate 75 " Fluoride 1C " Formate 356 " Hydroxide 70 " Hypophosphite 113 " Iodide 35 " Iron oxide 56 " Lead vauadates 120 " Magnesium sulphate 92 " Nitrate 110 Oxalate 360 Oxide 41 Oxysulphide 64 Palladiochloride 28 Phosphate 115 Phosphide 66 Platinbromide 33 Platiniodide 37 Potassium chloride 27 " selenate 100 " sulphate 90 Pyroarsenate 123 Pyrophosphate 119 Selenate 98 Selenide ^. 65 Silicates ._ 132 PAGE. Zinc.Silicofluoride 18 Sulphate 80, 96 Sulphide 57 Telluride 66 Tin alloy 147 Titanate 142 Zircofluoride 19 Zincaluminite 97 Zinc amyl 355 Zinc ethyl 355 Zincite 41 Zinc methyl 355 Zinc propyl 355 Zinkenite 62 Zircofluorides 19 Zircon 133 Zirconium 4 Oxide 46 Potassium phosphates 116 " silicate 139 Pyrophosphate 119 Silicate 133 Sodium phosphates 116 " silicate 139 Zoisite 137 Zorgite 65 Re