■wumi^lfitmmm- v» .jl. ttAj?^'-.. . - ja: THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA '' - " '-''LES NOV 6 1972 EDUCATION - PSYCHOLOGY LISRARY I DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEKIOR, CENSUS OFFICE. ROBERT r. rORTER, Siiiicrintciulont. Appointed April 20, 1689; resigned Jul; 31, 1603. EEPOET CARROLI^ D. WRIGHT, ConiiiiiRsioiier of Labor iu charge. Appointed Uclobcr i, li'JJ. mm, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DOMB, AND BLIND IN THE UNITED STATES - '^r-^ ELEArE:N"TH CEN'SXJS: 1890. JOHN S. BILLINGS, M. D., DEPUTY SUKGEON-GENEEAL, U. S. ARMT, EXPERT SPECIAL AGENT, WASHINGTON, D. C: OOVEBNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1896. CO]^TENTS. Ed. - Psydl. LHirary 1553 rage. Letter of transmittal of tlie Commissioner of Labor in charge to tlio Secretary of tlio Interior li ANALYSIS. The insane, FEEBLIC-MINDEn, DEAF ANI> DUMIl, AND liT.IND !_(; Toe insa^k 7_Cg The feeble-minded 69-90 The deaf and dumii 91-1''6 The blind 127-154 OENERAL TABLES. THE INSANE. Table 150. — Insane, •witli distinction of sesr, color, and nativity, by states and lorritorips ._.. I57 Table 151.— Insane, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and ratios iier 1,000,000 of population, by states and territories: 1850 to 1890 158-161 Table 152.— Insane belonging to each county, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and number found in each county, by states and territories 165-205 Table 153. — Insane in cities containing 50,000 inhabitants or more, with ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by sex, color and "ati^ity • .'. '..... 206,207 Table 151. — Insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, and nativity 208-210 Table 155. — Insane by quinquennial ago periods, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 211-213 Table 156. — Insane in institutions for the insane, by quinquennial age periods, and by sex, color, and nativity 214 Table 157.— lus.ano by quinquennial ago periods when Insanity appeared, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers... 215-217 Table 158. — Katio of insane by quinquennial age periods when insanity appeared to 1,000 of total insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers, excluding those for whom the age period when insanity appeared was unknown 218-220 Table 1.59. — Insane affected with each of certain forms of insanity, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 221 222 Table IGO. — Insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, and number affected with each of certain forms of insanity by sex color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers _ __ 223 224 Table 161.— Ratio of each form of insanity to 1,000 of tot.al insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers, excluding those for whom the form was unknown 025 ooR Table 162.- R.atio of each form of insanity to 1,000 of total insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, nativity and birthplaces of mothers, excluding those for whom the form was unknown 227 228 Table 163.— Insane in institutions for tho insane, with number afl'ected with each of certain forms of insanity, by quinquennial age periods and by sex and color 229 '>30 Table 104.— Colored insane by forms of insanity and by sex, divided as urban and rural for geographical divisions, and by cortain groups of states 031 Table 105.— Insane in institutions for the insane, by quinquennial age periods, with quinquennial periods when insanity appeared, by sex and color " 030 033 Table 166.— Insane 15 years of age and over, by conjugal condition and by sex, with distinction of color and age periods 233 Table 107.— Insaue reported as to whether they had or had not insane relatives, and tho character of any such relationship, by sex, color, and nativity 234 Table 168.— Insaue and deaf and dumb, insane and blind, and insane and deaf and dumb and blind, with distinction of sex and color, by states and territories 235 Table 169.— Federal and Confederate iusane veterans of the civil war, with distinction of color and birthplaces of mothers, by states and territories 035 Table 170.— Deaths among the feoblo-mindod and insane, by age periods and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. 237-239 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. Table 171.- Feeble-minded, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 243 Table 172.— Feeble-minded, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by states and 1 territories: 18.50 to 1890 244-250 , Table 173.— Feeble-minded belonging to each county, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and number found in each county, by states and territories 251-291 iii iv INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 174. — Feel>le-mindoA in cities containing 50,000 inhabitants or more, with ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by box, color, snd nativity 292 293 Table 175. — Feeble-minded in institntions for the feeble-minded, by sex, color, and nativity 294 Table 17G. — Feeble-minded in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, and nativity 295-297 Table 177. — Feeble-minded by age periods, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 298 Table 178. — Feeble-minded in institutions for the feeble-minded, by age periods and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 299 Table 179. — Feeble-minded bctvreen 5 and 20 years of age, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mother8,.by states and territories 300-307 Table 180. — Feeble-minded by causes of idiocy, ■with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and age periods when defect occurred, by states and territories 308-407 Table 181. — Feeble-minded 15 years of ago and over, with distinction of color and age periods and congenital and noncougenital, by sex and conjugal condition '108-111 Table 182. — Feeble-minded by age periods when idiocy occurred, and by sex, color, and nativity 412 Table 183. — Feeble-minded reported as to whether they had or had not feeble-minded or insane relatives, and the character of any such relationship, bj' sex, color, and nativity 412 Table 184. — Feeble-minded reported as to whether they had or had not deaf or blind relatives, and the character of any such relationship, by sex, color, and nativity 413 Table 185. — Feeble-minded and deaf nnd dumb, feeble-minded and blind, and feeble-minded and deaf and dumb and blind, with distinction of sex and color, by states and territories 414 Table 186. — Feeble-minded who read and write, who read and do not write, and who neither read nor write, with distinction of age periods and whether idiocj' occurred under 5 or over 5 years of ago, by sex, color, and nativity 415,416 THE DEAF AND DUMB. Table 187. — Deaf but not dumb, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 419 Table 188. — Deaf and dumb, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 420 Table 189. — Deaf .ind dumb, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by states and territories: 1850 to 1890 421-427 Table 190. — Deaf and dumb belonging to each county, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and number found in each county, by states and territories 428-465 Table 191. — Deaf and dumb in cities containing 50,000 inhabitants or more, with ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by sex, color, and nativity 466,467 Table 192. — Deaf but not dumb in cities containing 50,000 inhabitants or more, with ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by sex, color, and nativity 468,469 Table 193. — Congenital deaf under 20 years of age and 20 years of age and over, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 470-474 Table 194. — Deaf and dumb, exclusive of the congenital deaf, under 20 years of age and 20 years of age and over, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 475-196 Table 195. — Congenital deaf and noncougenital deaf, with ratios per 100,000 of population, by states and territories 497 Table 190. — Deaf and dumb by quinciuenuial ago periods, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 498-501 Table 197. — Congenital deaf and dumb by iiuinqnoiinial ago periods, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 502-505 Table 198. — Noncougenital deaf and dumb by quinquennial age periods, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers.. 506-509 Table 199. — Deaf but not dumb by quinquennial ago periods, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 510-513 Table 200. — Deaf and dumb in iustitutions for the deaf and dumli, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 514,515 Table 201. — Deaf and dumb in schools for tlie deaf and dumb, by age periods and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 516, 517 Table 202. — Deaf aud dumb between 5 and 20 years of age, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories. . 518 Table 203. — Congenital deaf and dumb in schools for the deaf and dumb, by age periods and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 519,520 Table 204. — Deaf and dumb, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers and age periods when deafness occurred, by states and territories 521-570 Table 205. — Deaf and dumb in schools for tlie deaf and dumb, by age periods when deafness occurred, nnd by sex, color, nativity, aud birthplaces of mothers 571,572 Table 206. — Deaf but not dumb uudcr 20 years of ago and 20 years of ago and over, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity aud age periods when deafness occurred, by states and territories 573-594 Table 207. — Deaf l)ut not dumb, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, aud birthplaces of mothers and age periods when deafness occurred, by states and territories .'i'.)5-646 Table 208. — Deaf and dumb by ago jieriods when deafuess occurred, and by age nnd sex 647 Tabic 209. — Deaf and dumb by age ])eriods wlien deafness occurred, by causes of deafness, and by sex aud color 618,649 Table 210. — Deaf and dumb in sehools for the deaf, by ago periods when deafness occurred, by causes of deafness, and by sex nnd color 618,649 Table 211. — Deaf Iiut not dumb by age periods when deafness occurred, by causes of deafness, and by sex aud color 650, 651 Table 212. — Congenital and noncougenital deaf and dumb 15 yearsof ago and over, by ago periods, witli distinction of conjugal condition, sex, color, and nativity .' 652-656 Table 213. — Deaf nnd dumb males who read and write, who read and do not write, and who neither read nor write, by ago periods and by color 656, 657 Tabic 214. — Deaf and dumb females who read and write, who rend nnd do not write, nnd who neither read nor write, by ago periods and by color 650, 657 Table 215. — Congenital deaf ami dumb who read and write, who read and do not write, and who neither read nor write, by nge Jieriods and by color 058,659 CONTENTS. V Page. Table 21C. — Deaf and dumb males by occupations, with distinction of ago periods and color CCO Table 217. — Deaf and dumb fomalca by occupations, with distinction of ago periods and color OCO Table 218.— Congenital deaf and dumb males by occupations, -with distinction of age periods and color GCt Table 21fl. — Con^euital der.f and dumb females by occupations, with distinction of ago periods and color 661 Table 220. — Deaf aud dumb, reported as to whether they had or liad not deaf and dumb relatives, by sex, color, and nativity. . 6C2 Tablo 221,— Congenital deaf and dumb, reported as to whether they had or had not deaf and dumb relatives, by sex, color, and nativity 663 THE BLIND. Table 222. — Blind, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 6C6 Table 223.— Blind, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 667-673 Table 224, — Blind belonging to each county, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and number found in each county, by states and territories 674-711 Table 225.— Blind in cities containing 50,000 inhabitants or more, with ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by sex, color, and nativity 712,713 Table 220. — Blind by (luinquennial age periods and by sex, color, nativity, aud birthplaces of mothers 714-717 Table 227. — Congenital blind by quinfiuennial age periods, aud by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 718-721 Tablo 228. — Noucougcuital blind in institutions for the blind, by quinquennial ago periods and by sex, color, nativity, and birthpl.aces of mothers 722-725 Table 229. — Blind in institutions for the bliud, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 726. 727 Table 230. — Blind in institutious for the blind, by quinquennial age periods and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 728-731 Table 231. — Blind between 5 and 20 years of age, with distinction of eex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 732 Tablo 232. — Blind by ago periods wlieu blindness occurred, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 733,734 Table 233.— Blind in institutions for the blind, by ago periods when bliuduess occurred, and by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 735 735 Table 234. — Blind by causes of blindness, and by sex, color, and nativity 737 Table 235. — Blind by causes of bliudncss, with distinction of sex, color, aud nativity and age periods when blindness occurred.. 738,739 Table 236.— Congeuital and noncongenital blind 15 years of age and over, by age periods, with distinction of conjngal condition, sex, color, and nativity 740-743 Table 237. — C0ngeuit.1l and noncongenital blind males who read and write, who read and do not write, and who neither read nor write, by age periods and by color 744 Table 238. — Congenital and noncongenital blind females who read and write, who read and do not write, and who neither read nor write, by age periods and by color 744 Table 239. — Blind males by occupations, with distinction of age periods and color 745 Table 240. — Blind females by occupations, with distinction of age periods and color 745 Table 241. — Congenital blind males by occupations, with distinction of age periods and color 740 Table 242. — Congenital bliud females by occupations, with distinction of age periods and color 74 S Table 243. — Blind, reported as to whether they had or had not blind relatives, and the character of any such relationship, by sex, color, and nativity 747 Table 244. — Congenital blind, reported as to whether they had or had not blind relatives, and the character of any such relationship, by sex, color, and nativity 748 Table 245. — Blind in one eye only, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, by states and territories 749 Table 246. — Blind in one eye only in cities containing 50,000 inhabitants or more, with ratios per 1,000,000 of population, by sex, color, and nativity 750,751 Table 247.— Blind in one eye only by causes of blindness, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and age periods when blindness occurred , , 752-755 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. P»g«. Diagram 1.— Proportion of insane, feeblo-mindoiT, doaf and dumb, and blind, respectively, to each 1,000 of the total, by quinquennial ago periods 3 Diagram 2. — Proportion of insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind, respectively, to each 1,000 of the total, by birthplaces of mothers in 6 countries 4 Diagram 3. — Proportion of congenital white feeble-minded, congenital white deaf and dumb, and congenital white blind, respectively, to each 100,000 of white population, by states and territories 6 INSANE. Cartogram 1. — Proportion of insane to each 100,000 of population in the different states 9 Cartogram 2. — Proportion of insane to each 1,000 of population in each county in Alabama 11 Cartogram 3. — Proportion of insane to each 1,000 of population in each county in New Yorlc 11 Diagram 4. — Proportion of insane to each 100,000 of population of selected cities, 1880 and 1890 13 Diagram 5. — Proi)ortiou of white insane of certain ages to each 1,000 of whito insane of known ages, by sex 16 Diagram 6. — Proportion of native born white insane of native parentage and of certain ages to each 1,000 of white insane of kuown ages, by sex 16 Diagram 7. — Proportion of native born white insane having one or both parents foreign born and of certain ages to each 1,000 of white insane of known ages, by sex 16 Diagram 8. — Proportion of foreign born white insane of certain ages to each 1,000 of white insane of known ages, by sex 16 Diagram 9. — Proportion of colored insane of certain ages to each 1,000 colored insane of known ages, by sex 16 Diagram 10. — Proportion of insane of certain ago groups to each 100,000 of population of corresponding ago groups, by sex.. 16 Diagram 11. — Proiiortiou of insane affected with acute mania to each 1,000 of insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 21 Diagram 12. — Proportion of insane aflected with dementia and epilepsy, respectively, to each 1,000 of insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 21 Diagram 13. — Proportion of insane affected with chronic mania and paresis, respectively, to each 1,000 of insane in hos2>itaIs and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers 21 Diagram 14. — Proportion of insane atfectcd with acute mania, chronic mania, paresis, and monomania, respectively, to each 1,000 of insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by color and by certain countries for birthplaces of mothers. 21 Diagram 15. — Proportion of insane aflected with chronic melancholia, dementia, epilepsy, and acute melancholia, respectively, to each 1,000 of insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by color and by certain countries for birthplaces of mothers i 21 Diagram 16. — Proportion of insane in institutions for the insane affected with acute mania to each 1,000 of insane in institu- tions, by age aud sex 22 Diagram 17. — Proportion of insane in institutions for the insane affected with chronic mania to each 1,000 of insane in insti- tutions, by age and sex 22 Diagram 18. — Proportion of insane in institutions for the insane affected with chronic melancholia to each 1,000 of insane in institutions, by age and sex 22 Diagram 19. — Proportion of insane in institutions for the insane affected with dementia to each 1,000 of insane in institutions, by age and sex 22 Diagram 20. — Proportion of insane in institutions for the insane affected with epilepsy to each 1,000 of insane in institutions, by age and sex 23 Diagram 21. — Number of living insane who became insane in each quinquennial period preceding 1890, with corresponding line for 1880 28 Diagram 22. — Proportion of single, married, and widowed insane, respectively, to each 100 of total ins.ane and of population, respectively, by sex and color 31 Diagram 23. — Proportion of insane having or having had insane relatives to each 1,000 of insane for whom parental side was reported, by sex 34 Diagram 24.— Proportion of insane having insane parents, grandparents, uncles, or aunts to each 1,000 of insane having insane relatives, by sex 34 Diagram 25. — Proportion of insane having or having had specified insane relatives to each 1,000 of insane reporting insane relatives on the same paront.al side, by sex 34 Diagram 26. — Proportion of male insane in institutions for the insane affected with chronic mania and chronic melancholia, respectively, to each 1,000 of tot.al reported for each occupation 88 Diagram 27. — Proportion of male insane in institutions for the insane affected with acute mania and dementia, respectively, to each 1,000 of total reported for each occupation 38 vii Vlll INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Paga. Diagram 28. — Proportion of female insane in institutions for the insane afl'ected with chronic mania and chronic melancholia, respectively, to each 1,000 of total reported for each occnpation 38 Diagram 29. — Prop>rrtion of female insane in institutions for the insane affected with acute mania and dementia, respectively, to each 1,000 of total reported for each occupation 38 FEEBLE-MINDED. Cartogiam 4. — Proportion of fcchle-minded to each 100,000 of population in the different states 70 Cartogram 5. — Proportion of feeble-minded to each 1,000 of population in each county in Alabama 70 Cartogram G. — Proportion of feeble-minded to each 1,000 of population in each county in New York 70 Diagram 30.— Proportion of feeble-minded of certain ago periods to each 1,000 of total feeble-minded, for white males : 1880 and 1890 76 Diagram 31. — Proportion of feeble-minded of certain age periods to each 1,000 of total feeble-minded, for white females : 1880 and 1890 76 Diagram 32.— Proportion of feeble-minded of certain uge periods to each 1,000 of total feeble-minded, for colored males : 1880 and 1890 76 Diagram 33. — Proportion of feeble-minded of certain age periods to each 1,000 of total feeble-minded, for colored females : 1880 and 1890 76 Diagram 34.— Proportion of feeble-minded to each 100,000 of population of certain ago groups 76 Diagram 35. — Proportion of feeble-minded from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of feeble-minded for whom the causes were stated, by sex - 80 Diagram 36. — ^Proportion of feeble-minded males from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of feeble-minded for whom the causes were stated, by color 80 Diagram 37.— Proportion of feeble-minded females from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of feeble-minded for whom the causes were stated, by color 80 Diagram 38.— Proportion of feeble-minded from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of feeble-minded for whom the canses were stated, with distinction of those which occurred under 5 years of age and between 5 and 10 years of age. 80 Diagram 39. — Proportion of married and widowed in the congenital and noncongcnital feeble-minded, by groups of ages for 'vliite males and females 82 Diagram 40. — Proportion of feeble-minded to each 1,000 of the total having feeble-minded relatives, by sex 85 DEAF AND DUMB. Cartogram 7. — Proportion of deaf and dumb to each 100,000 of population in the different states 93 Cartogram 8.— Proportion of deaf and dumb to each 100,000 of population in each county in Alabama 94 Cartogram 9. — Proportion of deaf and dumb to each 100,000 of population in each county in New York 94 Cartogram 10.— Proportion of congenital deaf and dumb to each 100,000 of population in the different states 97 Diagram 41.— Proportion of deaf and dumb found in cities of 100,000 inhabitants and upward to each 1,000,000 of population. 95 Diagram 42. — Proportion of deaf and dumb in each decennial age group to each 1,000 of deaf and dumb, with distinction of periods when deafness occurred 98 Diagram 43.— Proportion of congenital colored deaf and dumb of certain age groups to each 1,000 of the total, by sex 99 Diagram 44. — Proportion of congenital white deaf and dumb of certain age groups to each 1,000 of the total, by sex 99 Diagram 45. — Proportion of white deaf and dumb of certain age groups to each 1,000 of the total, by sex 99 Diagram 46. — Proportion of colored deaf and dumb of certain age groups to each 1,000 of the total, by sex 99 Diagram 47. — Proportion of white and colored deaf and dumb, respectively, of certain ago groups to each 100,000 of population of corresponding age groups, by sex 99 Diagram 48.— Proportion of white and colored congenital deaf and dumb, respectively, of certain age groups to each 100,000 of population of correspond! ug age groups, by sex 99 Diagram 49.— Proportion in which deafness occurred under 20 years of age and between 20 and 50 years of age, with distinction of color and nativity and birthplaces of mothers for certain countries 107 Diagram 50.— Proportion of deaf and dumb from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of deaf and dumb, by sex 110 Diagram 51.— Proportion of deaf and dumb froiri each of certain causes to each 100,000 of deaf and dumb in institutions for the deaf and dumb: 1880 and 1890 110 Diagram 52.— Proportion of deaf and dumb from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of deaf and duuil): 1880 and 1890 111 Diagram 53. — Proportion of deaf and dumb from each of certain canses to each 100,000 of deaf aud dumb in 1890 and in schools in 1890 HI Diagram 54.— Proportion of deaf and dumb from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of deaf and dumb, with distinction of those which occurred under 5 years of age aud between 5 and 10 years of ago 112 Diagram 55.- Proportion of deaf and dumb from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of deaf and dumb, with distinction of those which occurred under r> years of ago and in schools under 5 years of age 112 Diagram 5G. — Proportion of deaf and diinib males from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of deaf and dumb, by color 112 Diagram 57.— Proportion of deaf and dumb females from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of deaf and dumb, by cidor.. 112 Di!it;ram 58.— Proportion of deaf but not dumb from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of tho total, by sex 114 Diagram .W.— Prci]>ortion of deaf but not dumb males from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of tli« total, by color 114 Diagram 60. — Proportion of deaf but not dumb females from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of the total, by color 114 Diagram 61.— Proportion of deaf and dumb and deaf but not dumb, respectively, from each of certain causes to each 100,000 of tho total of each class l^"* Diagram 62.— Proportion of deaf and dumb and deaf but not dumb, respectively, from 5 to 10 years of ago, from each of certain causes to each 100, (XX) of tho total of each class 115 Diagram 63. — Proportion of white congenital and noncongcnital deaf and dumb, respectively, reported as to illiteracy, by certain ago groups, to each 1,000 who could neitlier read nor write, by sex H^ Diagram 64. — Proportion of congenital and noncongcnital deaf and dumb, respectively, having specified deaf and dumb relatives to each 1,000 of total 1^3 ILLUSTRATIONS. IX BLIND. Cartogr.am 11. — Proportion of liHiid to c.acli 100,000 of popul.ition iu tho (lifTcruiit; Bt.atoa , 128 Ciuto^rain 12. — Proportion of liliiid to eacli 100,000 of population in each coiintj' in Alabama 129 Cartoijrani V^. — Proportion of Minil to each 100,000 of population in each county iu New Vork 129 TMaKrani (i5. — Proportion of Iilind in each age fjronp to each 1,000 of the total blind, by color 133 ]lia;;rani 60. — Proportion of blind in each age group to each 1,000 of the total blind, by sex 133 Piagram G7. — Proportion of congenital blind in each quimiucnnial ago group to each 1,000 of tho total congenital blind, by sex ? 13-t Piagrani 08. — Proportion of congenital blind in each quinquennial age group to each 1,000 of tho total congenital blind, by color 134 Diagram 09. — Proportion of blind at each of certain ago groups in tho United States in 1800 .and in Kngland and Wah's, Scotland, .and Ireland in 1891 135 Diagram 70. — Proportion of noncongenital blind over 45 years of age to pojjulation, by conjugal condition, sex, and color 115 Diagram 71. — Proportion of white congenital and noncongenital blind, respectively, over 45 years of ago to population, by fex .and conjugal condition .- 145 Diagram 72. — Proportion of white congenit.al and noncongenital blind who can neither read nor write to the total white blind, by sex and age groups 146 Diagram 73. — Proportion of total and congenital blind, respectively, having 8i)ecified blind relatives to the total blind 150 7176 Ins II LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPAETMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Census Office, Washington, D. C, December 5, 1894. Sie: I have tlielionor to transmit herewith the report upon the Insane, the Feeble-minded, the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind in the United States as returned at the Eleventh Census. This report was prepared by Dr. John S. Billings, United States army, expert special agent of the Census Ollico for Vital and Social Statistics, and the tabulations made by Mr. W. H. Oleott, chief of the Division of Special Classes. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Coinmistsioncr of Labor in charge. Hon. Hoke Smith, Secrctari/ of iha Interior, THE INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. The following report relates to the insane, the feebleminded, the deaf and dumb, and the blind reported as living in the United States on June 1, 1890. The information with regard to these classes of the population was collected by the enumerators and reported on special schedules, one for each class. In the census of 1H.S0, in aildition to those belouginc: to these classes reported by the enumerators, a considerable number of insane, idiots, and deaf-mutes were reported ujjon special schedules by physicians throughout the country, amounting to 17.2 ])er cent of the total insane, 29.2 per cent of the total idiots, 4.4 per cent of the total deaf mutes, and 0.9 per cent of the total blind reported for the Tenth Census. Such reports from physicians were not obtained in ISOO. and this is probably the chief reason why the proportion of each of these three classes to total population is reported as somewhat less in 1890 than it was in 1880. The Chinese, Japanese, and Indians of these classes are omitted from the text and tables of this report for 1890, except where it is specitically stated that they are iucluded; and in computing ratios or jjcrcentages for tables from which they are excluded the number of people of these races reported as a part of the population has been deducted from the total population that formed the base upon which the ratios or percentages weie computed, but the ratios for the census of 18S0, which are occasionally (juoted or referred to, have not been thus corrected, since the numbers are so small that the ratios would not be changed by such corrections except in the decimals. Table 1 is a summary of the results obtained for the insane, the feeble-minded, the deaf and dumb, and the blind in 1880 and in 1890, the Chinese, Japanese, and Indians being iucluded. Table 1. NCMBEB AND EATIO. Number reportedJune 1,1880 Number reported June 1, 1890 Eatioper 100,000 population, 1880 Ratio per 100,000 population, 1890 Insane. 91,959 106,485 183.3 170.0 Feeble- minded. 76. 895 95, 009 153.3 152.7 Deaf and dumb. 33,878 40, 592 67.5 64.8 Blind. 48,928 50,568 97.6 80.8 In 1890 certain data were collected relating to 80,610 persons who were so deaf as to be unable to hear loud conversation, but who were able to speak, and with regard to 9.3,088 ])ersons blind in one eye only. This gives a total of 467,858 per.sons suffering from well marked disorders or defects of intellect, of hearing, or of vision, the true number thus aftected being probably about 500,000. In addition to these, at least 1,000,000 persons were reported as being sick, deformed, crippled, or otherwise more or less physically disabled. Some of the figures relating to this last class will be given in the report on the vital statistics of the Eleventh Census; they are referred to here in order to call attention to the probability that" in a total i)o])u]ation of 62,622,250 at least 1,500,000, or 1 out of each 42 persons, or over 2 per cent, were mentally or physically defective. Table 2 shows for each class the number per 1,000 of population reported as living ou Juno 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and, for three of the classes, of the congenital cases. Table 2. SEX, COLOR, AXD NATIVITY. INSANK. FEEBLE MINDEP. DEAF AND DUMB. BLC-D. Total. Consen- itil. Total. Concen- Total. Conecn- ital. Total 1.70 1.67 1.74 1.53 1.65 1.40 0.69 0.77 0.60 0.65 0,70 0.59 0.27 0.29 0.25 0.81 0.88 0.74 0.07 0.07 0.06 Male WTiito 1.81 1.78 1.85 1.40 3.87 0,67 0.81 0.94 1.55 1.67 1.41 l.CO 1.00 1.42 1.55 1.28 0.68 0.75 0.60 0.70 0.28 0.75 0.88 0.62 0.68 0.73 0.63 0.73 0.46 0.42 0.48 0.36 0.27 0.29 0.26 0.29 0.18 0.25 0.28 0.21 0.79 0.80 0.71 0.78 0.99 0.95 1. 00 0.89 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.08 0.10 0.06 Male Colored Mile I'eiiialL' 2 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. It will be seen from this table that the proportion of the insane to population was greater than for any other class, being 1.70 jier 1,000, while for the feeble-minded it was 1.53, for the blind 0.81, and fov tlie deaf and dumb 0.G5 per 1,000. The reports for the blind are probably more complete than for either of the other classes. Among the insane the proportion of females was greater than that of males, in all the other classes the proportion of males was the greatest. The proportion of the insane, feeble-minded, and the deaf and dumb was greater among the white than among the colored. The proportion of the blind was greater among the colored than among the white. Tlie proportion of the insane was greater among the foreign born than amougthenatives, mainly because the foreign born included a much greater proportion of persons 35 years of age and upward, being the ages most liable to insanity. The proportion of the blind was greater among the foreign born. than among the natives for the same reason, the proportion of blindness to population increasing rapidly with advancing age. The proportion of the feeble-minded and of the deaf and dumb was greater among the natives than among the foreign born, mainly because the natives included a much greater proportion of persons under 35 years of age than did the foreign born, and feeblemindedness and deaf-mutism ai'C found in the greatest i)roporlion in this age group, as will be seen from Table 3 and Diagram 1, which show, for each class, the number in each of certain age groups per 1,000 of the total for whom the ages were reported. Table 3. AGE PERIODS. TTndcrS StolO , lOtolS 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 , 30 to 35 35 to 40 , 40 to 45 45 to 50 50 to 55 , 55 toCO 60 to65 05 to 70 70 to 75 75toS0 80 to 65 85 to 90 90 to 05 95 and over. Insane. 2. IG. 49. 85. 119. 123. 121. 117. 103. 70. G3. 45. 33. 19. 11. 5. 1. 0. Fooble- luiuded. {1.86 51.11 97.01 120. 32 119.93 69.91 85.44 72.67 65.70 nl46. 15 1)142. 10 Deaf and dumb. 23.46 111.44 130. 35 141.70 118.50 92.82 75.03 00.91 52. 75 40. 09 38.00 29.04 20, 33 19.14 14.22 10.11 5.59 2 12 0.77 C.37 Blind. a This group for this class is 45 to 60. b This group for this class is 60 and over. 15.31 28.51 41.52 44.51 41.44 40. 87 43.16 44. « 50. 32 61.58 65.01 63.05 78.38 77.93 80.00 78.30 09.85 36. 84 18.30 12.04 Table 4 shows for each state and territory and for each geographical division, and for the total, the number of the Chinese, Japanese, and Indians who were insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind, found on Juuo 1, IS'JO, with the corresponding ratios per 1,000 of the population of that class. Klcvt'iilh ( I'liMis ul" tin* I'nitcii Stfllrs. InHAiii*. Fwhli' minded. I>faf and diiiit)», luid Blind. INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table i. STATHS AND TKIIRITOKICS. Insane. Feeble- niindod. Deaf and dumb. Blind. BATIO TO POPin,ATIO!« PEIl 1,000. Insane. Fccblo- uiinded. Deaf and dumb. Blind. TIio United StfttOB 231 38 30 157 1.37 0.23 0.18 0.93 21 2 4 1 2.17 0.21 0.41 0.10 Araiiio Nc w IXampsliire 1 13.16 Vermont Srussaclmsotta Kljode Island 3 11.81 Connecticut 1 1.03 Is" ew Torlc 15 4 3.»4 1.05 Kcw Jersey Peunsylv.iuia 2 3 1 1 1 4 0.03 0.07 0.40 0.32 0.46 1.30 1 0.33 Delaware Maryland District of Ctdumbia. 2 1 2 10.00 2.38 16.00 Virginia ■West Virginia Iv'ortli Cariilina 1 1 1 0.C5 0.05 0.65 South Carolina Georgia 1 5.52 Florida North Central division 13 12 7 40 0.68 0.62 0.36 2.08 Ohio 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 2.51 2.21 3.53 0.35 0.76 0.50 2.51 Indiana niinoia 1 2 1 1 1 16 4 2 1.18 0.35 0.25 0.50 1.18 2.77 1.01 1.01 1 i 0.17 1.01 Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 1 1 1.85 1.85 North Dakota Soulli Dakota 2 2.03 Nebraska 2 3 9 10 1 10 0.04 3.00 1.48 5.15 1.20 1.65 Kansas , 1 i 1.20 O.CG 7 1.13 Kentucky 1 3 3 9.80 14.78 3.70 Tennessee 1 4 2 2 4.93 4.94 0.91 2.00 Alabama 3 , 3 3.70 1.37 Mississippi 1 0.46 Louisiana Texas Oklahoma 2 3 l.U 2.12 Arkansas 1 100 1 102 3.23 1.46 8.23 0.78 Western division 14 11 0.11 0.08 Montana 5 2 1 1 1.47 3.94 0.23 0.29 Wjnmin? 1 Colorado i New Mexico 3 22* 2 3 4 0.34 2.47 0.75 2.12 0.62 Arizona 5 1 8 1 4 22 142 1.86 0.71 1.24 0.46 0.53 2.03 1.67 Utah Nevada 2 0.31 Idaho 1 0.46 Washington 2 S S ei 0.28 0.69 0.46 0.72 Oregon 2 7 0.18 0.08 California 6 0.07 By comparing the ratios for the total of this table with those given in Table 2, it will bo seen that the proportion ot each of the defective classes, except the blind, was smaller among the Chinese, Japano.se, and Indians than among the rest of the popnlation. For the blind the ratio is a little iu excess. The ligures are, however, so email that the ratios derived trom them have very little siguilicauce. INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 5 shows for each of the special classes the number of the whites whose mothers were boru in certain countries, and for the deaf and dumb and the blind with distinction of the total and of the congenital. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHEES. UDited states England and Wales Scotland Ireland British America . . . France Germany Scandinavia Bohemia Hangary Italy Russia and Poland. Tabi.e 5. INSANE. FEEBLE- MINDED. DEAF AND DCJIB. BUND. Total. Total. Total. CoDgenital.^ Total. Congenital. 68,713 65,663 27, 192 11,094 31, 003 3,000 2,309 1,879 1,056 377 1,562 81 628 487 254 79 370 13 16, 703 5,415 2,229 845 4,290 121 796 1,190 925 320 730 00 356 297 146 69 206 14 8,523 6,985 3,833 1,437 3,509 250 2,733 1,246 665 289 566 58 333 179 113 47 88 6 192 133 105 41 64 5 349 58 52 23 64 7 467 217 241 119 127 9 Table 6 shows for eacli 100,000 of each class -whose birthplaces of mothers are given in the table the number of those whose mothers were born in each of certain countries. Table 6. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. United States England and Wales Scotland Iixil.Tntl British America ... France Germany Scandinavia Bobeinia Hungary Italy Kassia and Poland . Total. 63, 732. 58 2, 506. 40 681. 69 18. 131. 00 864.05 386. 44 9, 251. 66 2, 990. 53 361. 47 208. 41 378.84 506. 93 FEEBLE- MINDED. Total. 404. 52 243. 61 681.50 465. 75 420. 91 354. 63 340. 40 487. 78 213.73 158. 81 69.25 259. 11 DEAF AND DU.MB. 73, 869. 22 2,868.71 690. 01 6, 055. 25 2, 512. 84 396. 02 10,412.65 1, 806. 53 306. 97 285.24 141.26 654. 70 Congenital. 75, 264. 69 2, 557. 67 5:15. 96 5,732.70 2, 170. 96 468.11 9, 748. 98 1, 960. 65 318. 86 278. 15 156. 04 807. 33 Total. 72,829.99 3, 669. 34 869. 18 10, 077. 76 1,714.86 48:l. 92 8, 243. 09 1, 329. 61 206. 72 150. 34 126. £5 298. 34 Congenital. 82, 781. 46 2. 235. 10 358. 72 3, 338. 85 1, 055. 63 386. 31 6, 898. 46 1, 600. 44 105. 56 137. 97 193. 16 248. 34 In examining this table of ratios only the figures for one country, that is, those in one horizontal line, should be compareil with each other. For example, in cliildren of motlieis born in the United States tlie number of insane was below the average, while there was an excess of congenital blind, of feeble-minded, and of deaf and dumb. Among the children of Irish mothers the number of insane was niucli above the average, and the number of deaf and dumb was much below it, as was also the number of congenital blind. Among the children of German mothers the number of deaf and dumb was above the average. Among the cliildren of mothers born in Scotland the piopoition of deaf and dumb was very low as compared •with the proportion of the blind or the insane. Among the children of mothers born in Russia and Poland, nearly all of whom were Jews, the proijortion of deaf and dumb was decidedly higlier than that of the other classes, as it was also among tliose whose mothers were born in Canada. Diagram 2 indicates for the children of white mothers born in G countries the relative magiiitinle of the ratios of each of the defective classes to 1,000 of the total of such classes. It will be seen that that for Germany is the most nearly unilorm of all, that llie insane are in excess among the children of mothers born in Scandinavia, the deaf and dumb among the children of mothers born in Uritish America, and the blind among the children of mothers born in England and Wales. Although the returns for each class in the Eleventh Census are more or less incomidete and unsatisfactory, they furnish materials for some interesting comii.iiisons, as to age, sex, and race distribution, and, in a less degree, as to causes and as to relative i)revaleuce in dilleient localities. Kleveiilh ( Vnsiis of the rnlnni States. InHane. 1V*f))li< inind<*«l. Iit-af niMl diiriili. uikI Blind CLASS. BIRTHPLACE OF MOTHER Insane FeebleTnmded Deaf and Dumb Blind j Tohal ^^ Congenihal f Tol-al \ Congenihal IRELAND. Insane. FeebleTTii Tided. Deaf a-nd Dumb Blind r Tohal i Congeni|-aI j Tohal i Congenii-al GERMANY. Insane Feebleminded Deaf and Dumb | Blind ( Tohal Congenihal I Tohal \ Congenil-al SCANDINAVIA. Insane Feebleminded Deaf and Dumb Blind f Tol-al l Congeniha ( Tohai I Congenih r m I genihal ENGLAND AND WALES. Insane Feebleminded Deaf and Dumb Blind C Tohal a! igenihal \ Congenihal f Tohal t Congeni BRITISH AMERICA Insane Feebleminded fTohal Deaf and Dumb^ I Congenil-3.1 rToi-al k \ CongeniFal 1 Blind Eleventh Census of tlit* I'nitt-d States. Feeble iiiindeil. T)eaf ami out tlic same in the South Atlantic division. Of the 6,5;!5 colored insane, 5,440 were reported as black anil 1,095 as of nii.\e foreign born, the ratio having diniinislicd in each case. Ah has bwii Htati-d, the censust-s of 18.5((, JSOO, and 187(t were so tlefective as regards the insane that the ratios to population are not comjiarable with thoHe derived from llu« censuses of 1880 and 1890. We can, however, <-onii»are the results of tlie.se live eensii.ses with respect to tlie ])roportion of males and females, whiU- and «olore(l. native and foreij^n Ixtiii, among llie iiisani^ repoiled. Table 11 showH for each 1,000 insane the iiuinber of male and female, wiiite and colored, and native and foreign bom, respectively, aa reported at the last live censuses iu the United States and iu each geographical division. Elf venili IVnsus of the l"nited States. CARTOGRAM 2. .• • LAUDERDALE- • H i—r.n 18 colbelr 5i .l-.-x^LAWRENCEJ Vi' £1 FRANK LIN. '.7.'. ■.■.■.'.■ .'J MORGAN '- • ' 1.22 • • . I ^ Si <— ^i^-^ ^^ /-A ^de:kalb-'^V.\ marshall\".":8: •.".•/ • ■Er.irS J— BLOUNT V.'Vx. . . . . ^J 1--J t ^ '•WALK El R- •B LOU NT v.- -i. •v f /L*,'^_f»_«lFAY_tTTE [;_■. :; :_;.•/•.•.• .•.■.•^|S-CLAIRycALHOUN E :■::] " •y- M F? Y A ICLEBURNCi J6 ■ fPlCKElNS t TUSCALOOSA H I fa- .— irf r/^- f TTM.1 . . .1. , a! 1 — I Jo 1 ^^•- •■•■•••■•••■/■.•■•• A cv//T:-vvv\ iij i. . . 1 15 • • 1 /• ^ . . \ BIBB .51 .//;\GRC£Nrr-.-. •.•.Vr:-^^_ ^CHILTON N y COOSA I ICHAMBERSV n"ALLAPOOS>ij 5 7 _„a,/'' 1 ^r . . . V •O y •••]•• -.99 • • ■/ r r-ELMORE'-l , A •SUMTER •.85 • • »" • •" •' • •v •, ... LEE \ AUTAUGA j;.-;'.°v.-.-^ r::\ "' tJ..1 DALLAS C IMAREINGO [•'^^ ^^ ? \\^^^<^-'- ■ • ■»-a'-m'ac N- ■f-. :) ^. ■.■.'.■.".■ ; v ; : 'i^' / ..'russeli:* \M0NTGOMERY v_ . . ■ • ■ -J- • • 79 • • - |. . . e 2 • • •. — ' / • i ( • • \A/I LU .v^-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.v- ■.i?:T.v7.r 4-.-.-.-.-.-.I Zjbutler •! I LLl. '.7 l'.".".".'.\ I LOWNDES 1 1 BULLOCK r'7">// r. .■ w Ti h n X .• .• ."^n ! ^^- • • • V r, - _ J/ . • .• .7 •. .•.•. . . .i^/barbour-/ !• • PI K E • • •/ • •97 • • -l u: • 1.02 • • ■/.•.•/ .'.'.' A • .x^C LA R K El • t 7 . I ■/.■.■■?'.■.■.■. "j-M ON RO E-7'-.-i^ ^::?\ CRENSHAV ■.■;J " -^^'-^. ^-— ^--H • ••••;.. . f-" — r.- .- .- .• i«.2 • • • -I \ .6£ S- • -f} ^ i .«— ; -4-'.— T- '-T^'-T-.^-r- T-% T I y • t- . . .\ •••n_.uvnNniui-i| I I I a^^v:-:--.-;/^— --— -- ..■.•-■.•.•.■.•iij I V. '.■.'. 'A I I UNDER GENE.VA 1.59 \ E:22Z3.^5- .75 •I 25 1 75 I 75 225 2.25 AND OVER a o THE INSANE. 11 Taulk 11. SEX, COLOB, AND MATlVITr. 1S90 1880 1870 1800 1850 The United States: Male 502 498 936 04 6G6 334 483 517 933 07 714 286 487 513 951 49 700 300 493 507 968 32 759 241 506 494 959 41 869 131 Wliito Korth Atlantic division : Hale 407 533 983 17 603 397 516 484 757 243 889 111 515 485 980 20 029 371 490 510 786 214 920 80 660 340 959 41 447 553 452 548 935 15 655 345 480 nil 777 223 912 88 491 509 981 19 602 338 491 509 793 207 925 75 677 323 951 49 433 567 456 544 987 13 630 350 527 473 838 162 837 103 483 517 985 15 661 339 504 49G 833 168 900 100 711 269 957 43 421 579 470 530 987 13 710 290 494 506 901 99 925 75 490 510 991 9 738 262 556 444 908 92 905 95 773 227 989 11 425 575 490 510 985 15 834 166 530 470 887 113 956 44 521 479 986 14 854 146 528 472 895 105 934 66 696 304 1,000 913 87 Wbito i^oT.-v^n South Atlantic division: ilale .-- -- North Central division: Hale "While South Central division : ilale "W'hite - "Western division : Mile White It will be seen from this table that the variaTion in the proportion of the sexes of the insane has been nniniportaut during the last 40 years for the whole United States. The proportion of females is greatest in the North Atlantic division, and this proportion has been increasing in the South Central and Western divisions, as the proportion of females in the population has increased. The proportion of the colored insane has increased, which is probably due to a more complete count of this class. Table 152 shows for each state, by counties, the insane population on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, of native born with native born parents, of native born having- one or both parents foreign born, and of foreign born. In the compilation of this table the insane in institutions, as far as possible, have been charged to the counties to which they belong, care being taken to avoid duplication. The ratios of insane to population difler greatly in different counties in the same state, but the numbers are so small for each county that the ratios have little scientific value, and their differences appear to depend more upon the presence or vi(;inity of asylums for the insane than upon any topographical peculiarities. To illustrate these dift'erences. Table 12 for Alabama and Table 13 for New York are given, showing the number of insane per 1,000 of population in each county, respectively, with corresponding cartograins, Cartogram 2 for Alabama and Cartogram 3 for New York, indicating the difference in ratios by degrees of shading. 12 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Autauga 0.53 Baldwin 0.89 Barbour 0. 97 Bibb 0.51 Blount 1.32 Bullock 0.52 Butler 0.88 Calhoun 0. 74 Chambers 0.57 Cherokee 1.03 Chiltou 0.55 Choctaw 1.08 Clarke 0.97 Clay 1.21 Cleburne 1. 3C Coflfee 0.49 Colbert 1.54 Conecuh 0.82 Coosa 0.19 Covington 0. 53 Crenshaw 0. G5 Cullman 0.89 Albany 3.34 Allegany 2.38 Broouie (a) 2.53 Cattaraugus 2 .32 Cayug.i(n) 3.08 Chautauqua 2. 42 Chemung 2.99 Chenango 2.89 Clinton 2. 11 Col u inbia 2. 82 Cortland 2.23 Delaware 2. 37 Dutehess (a) 3. 75 Erie (a) 2.51 Essex 1.66 Franklin 1.50 Fulton 2.63 Genesee 2.28 Greene 2. 66 Hamilton 0. 81 Taulk 12. ALABAMA. Dale 0.70 Dallas 0.69 Dekalb 0.81 Elmore 1.06 Escambia 1. 18 Etowah 0.87 Fayette . 55 Franklin 1.22 Geneva 1. 59 Greene 0.41 Hale 0.91 Henry 0.60 Jackson 1.21 Jeflersou 0.80 Lamar 0. 99 Laud-jrdale 1. 18 Lawrence 1. 11 Leo 0.66 Limestone 0. 71 Lowndes 0. 35 Macon 1.03 Madison 1.63 a Insaue asylum in county. Table 13. NEW YORK. Herkimer 2.50 Jefferson 2.40 Kings (fl) 2.49 Lewis 2.79 Livingston 2. 80 Madis.m 2. 76 Monroe (a) 2.54 Montgomery 3. 00 New York(").8; Lynn, 23t.;i; Jersey city, 233.7; Chicago, 231.8; Fall River, 220.5; Newark, 214.4; Atlanta, 213.8; Itichinoml, 207.3; Columbus, 199.5 St. Paul, 188.9; Paterson, 188,2 ; Reading, 183.2; St. Joseph, 179.3; Des Moines, 179.2; Memphis, 174.9; Minneapolis, 107.8; Milwaukee, 157.6; Kan.sas city, 147.8; Evansville, 140.3; Camden, 140.0; Indianapolis, 127.9; Los Angeles, 88.8; Wilmington, 85.2; Denver, 70.4; Scranton, 54.4; Omaha, 44.6; Washington, 40.1 ; Lincoln, 32.8. The ratio of white native male insane having one or both parents foreigu born per 100,000 of population of the same class iu cities of 50,000 inhabitants or more was 69.7. For individual cities it was as follows : Lynn, 200.3 ; Buffalo, 172.9; Troy, 171.7; Syracuse, 160.7; Boston, 160.5; Rochester, 149.5; Newark, 145.7; New York, 137.1; Charleston, 136.5; Providence, 124,8; Columbus, 114.7; Jersey city, 110.3; Albany, 104.0; Des Moines, 101.7; 14 INSANE, FEEBLE-:MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Wilmingtou, lOl.G; Cambridge, 100.1; Xashvillc, 99.0; Detroit, 90.9; nartfcml, 85.5; Worcester, 83.5; Cleveland, 79.1'; ^lilwaiikee, 77.8; St. Paul, 77.7; St. Joseph, 72.2; Heading, 61.4; NewOrleans, G0.3; Camden, 5(5.0; Mempliia, 52.1; Lincoln, 51.9; Fall Kiver, 50.5; Minneapolis, 50.0. The average ratio of the white foreign born male insane per 300,000 of population of the same class in cities of 50,000 inhabitants and upward was 3C4.1. In individual cities it M'as as follows: Troj', 77(5.0; Charleston GG4.7; Allegheny, CGl.l; Dayton, G15.2; liichmond, G37.3 ; Columbus, 634.2; Eeadiug, G21.1 ; San Francisco 577.3; Louisville, 550.5; Albany, 549.6; New Tork, 521.8; St. Joseph, 493.1; Eoch ester, 481. G; Cincinnati, 473.2 Lincoln, 4GS.4; Trenton, 460.0; Jersey city, 454.4; Hartford, 441.1; Worcester, 422.8; Cleveland, 407.5; P.uflalo 390.2; Xashville, 394.5; St. Louis, 371.8; Brooklyn, 3G0.C; Los Angeles, 355.9; Baltimore, 352.8; IMinneapolis 347.7; Syracuse, 344.6; Evansville, 343.7; Philadelphia, 341.5; Newark, 332.5; Grand Eapids, 319.2; Boston, 31G.0 New Haven, 313.7; Milwaukee, 312.9; Camden, 289.9; Des Moines, 2SS.9; St. Paul, 285.4; Lynn, 259.5; Detroit. 257.8; Toledo, 253.1 ; Cambridge, 241.9; Indianapolis, 251. G; Chicago, 210.8; New Orleaas, 218.5; Kansas city; 217.9; Providence, 214.7; Lowell, 192.1 ; Paterson, 180.4; Memphis, 181.1; Atlanta, 179.4; Pittsburg, 165.1; Denver, 153.9; Fall Eiver, 151.2; Omaha, 144.7; Wilmington, 63.3; Washington, 41.3; Scranton, 29.3. The average ratio of the colored male insane per 100,000 of population of the same (dass in cities of 50,000 population was 144.1. For individual cities it was: Heading, 1,435.4; Troy, 802.1; Eochester, 746.3; Detroit, 526.0; Des Moines, 489.4; Worcester, 411.5; New York, 403.2; Columbus, 3C6.2; Dayton, 303.3; Milwaukee, 358.4; Brooklyn, 310.1; Eichmond, 274.3; Hartford, 270.3; Lynn, 270.3; Boston, 259.4; Newark, 249.1 ; Cleveland, 245.2; Allegheny, 220.9; Syracuse, 229.4; Trenton, 209.4; Providence, 208.6; St. Louis, 196.3; Nashville, 180.0; Chicago, 176.4; New Haven, 164.5; Philadelphia, 142.4; San Francisco, 141.1; Charleston, 141.0; Louisville, 134.9; Wilmington, 133.9; New Orleans, 131.3; Camden, 131.1; Kansas city, 127.6; Lincoln, 125.8; Cincinnati, 121.5; Minneapolis, 121.5; St. Paul, 112.1; Pittsburg, 100.6; Cambridge, 104.2; Baltimore, 80.1; Los Angeles, 81.1; Atlanta, SO.G; Omaha, 71.8; Memphis, 67.5; St. Joseph, 57.1; Indianapolis, 43.5; Evansville, 33.6; Washington, 11.8. For the female insane iu cities of 50,000 inhabitants and iipward the average ratio per 100,000 of i)opulation ■was, for the whites, 261.4; for native whites with native parents, 209.9; for native whites with one or both ])arents foreign born, 51.5; for white foreign born, 497.7. For the colored it was 177.7; for the colored females the higliest ratios occurred in Eochester, 9G7.7; Buffalo, 72G.0; Des Moines, 559.7; Evansville, 462.8, and Detroit, 401.0, all northern cities. For the foreign born female insane the highest ratios per 100,000 of population occurred in Hartford, 1,118.9; Troy, 939.5; New York, 730.2; Columbus, 720.5; New Haven, 700.1; St. Louis, 694.0; Memphis, 080.3; St. Joseph, 655.8; Louisville, 053.8, and Syracuse, 632.1. Table 154 shows the number of the insane found in hospitals and asylums for the insane in the United States in 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. In all, 74,028 were thus found to be inmates of asylums, being 097 per 1,000 of the total number of the insane reported. In ISSO the number reported iu asylums was 40,942, being 445 per 1,000 of the total number reported. Of the 74,028 in asylums, 38,330 were males and 35,098 were females, giving a ratio of 107 males to each 100 females. The whites numbered 69,729, being 699 per 1,000 of the total number of white insane reported. Of these, 30,250 were males and 33,473 were females, giving a ratio of 108 males to each 100 females. Of the whites, 39,G18 were native of native parents, being 084 per 1,000 of the total number of the insane of this class. Of these, 20,772 were males and 18,810 were females, giving a ratio of 110 males to each 100 females. Of the natives, having one or both parents foreign born, 3,710 were in asylums, being 573 per 1,000 of the total number of the insane of this class. Of those, 2,183 were males and 1,527 were females, giving a ratio of 143 males to each 100 females. or the foreign born insane found in asylums there were 20,401, or 748 per 1,000 of the total number of the insane of this class. Of tliis number, 13,301 were males and 13,100 were females, giving a ratio of 102 nmles to each 100 females. Of the colored insane found in asylums there were 4,299, or 658 per 1,000 of the total number of the insane of this class. Of these, 2,074 were males and 2,225 were females, giving a ratio of 93 males to each 100 females. Table 15 shows for eacli state and geographical division ami for the United States the number of the insane, the number in asylums, and the ratio per 1,000 iu asylums, with distinction of color. THE INSANE. 15 Tadle 15. STATES AMD TEKHIT0nlE3. KOMl'.nU OF ISBANE. INSANE IN ASVI.UUS. BATIO OF INMATES OF ASVLUMa TO 1,000 OF INSANE. White. Colored. White. Colored. White. Colored. Tlio Tlnitnfl Stjvtcs 99, 719 '6,536 69,728 4,299 699 GS8 i 40,815 092 28, 013 515 701 744 ilniiio 1,293 958 S21 0,047 7C8 2, 025 17, 5.-|0 3,015 8,302 8,807 C 2 2 50 24 31 275 118 178 2,840 6CC 342 480 4,020 040 1,519 13,212 1,070 0,118 0,904 G 469 357 585 665 833 750 753 550 737 779 1,000 New Httinpsliirc 1 34 20 25 222 03 139 2,103 500 007 833 806 807 576 781 740 Ehodo Island Conueclicnt Ken- York New Jersey Pennsvlvani.^ South Athintic division 152 1,426 1,353 1,073 1,027 1,315 470 1, 235 190 30, 128 45 220 223 733 52 410 442 500 155 706 105 1,272 1,289 1,177 813 742 359 1,034 113 23, 855 37 144 207 587 47 230 305 457 89 400 091 892 953 704 792 564 704 824 577 660 822 655 928 801 004 561 090 810 574 652 Msrylaiul "West Virginia North Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division Ohio 7,406 3,214 6, 534 3,675 3,490 2,197 3,102 3,272 221 307 925 1,719 8,274 193 70 104 48 14 7 35 145 4,829 1,753 4,691 2,731 1,372 1, 853 2,000 2, 340 200 229 037 1,208 5,35S 131 4,j 70 40 G 6 24 71 652 545 718 743 392 843 634 717 005 740 089 703 048 079 592 731 833 429 857 080 490 Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota 3 7 74 2,240 3 5 53 1,178 1,000 714 716 524 Nebraska Soutli Central division Kentucky 2,355 1,525 ■ 1,079 703 033 1,301 7 581 5,635 374 320 390 400 277 277 1,089 722 781 510 440 880 302 84 233 166 162 159 717 473 724 734 705 637 807 203 597 415 S85 574 Tenuossoe Alabama Mississinpi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division 208 51 318 4,999 72 1 43 5)7 887 340 843 Montana 182 38 310 05 57 104 175 . 82 . 375 010 3,571 5 167 23 . 231 6 916 605 . 731 1,000 Wyoming Colorado - 10 1 1 8 800 Now Mexico Arizona (i4 124 172 . 03 . 340 1 1,123 750 . 983 . 708 . 907 897 915 500 Utah Nevada Idaho Washington 1 8 23 1 1,000 875 913 Oregon California 547 7 jl " il Tabic 155 shows the iiuml.cr of in.sane in the United States reported in 1890, by qninqnennial a-e periods, n!l ./-'.T ' '*'''' '"''''' "^"'''*^' ""•^ birthphices of mothers. Of the total number „f insane reported (lOG, a4) the age was^not stated for 2,;3G8; between the affe.s of 10 and 15 there were 311; from 15 to 20, 1,091; from .0 to 2o, 5,lol; from 25 to 30, 8,803; from 30 to 35, 12,386; from 35 to 10, 12,857; from 40 to 45, 12,879; from, 16 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. 45 to 50, 12,207; from 50 to 55, 10,719; from 55 to 60, 7,931; from 60 to 65, 6,641; from 65 to 70, 4,708; from 70 to 75, 3.502; from 75 to 80, 2,055, aud 80 and over, 2,005. Of each 1,000 insane whose ages were known, 19 were under 20 years of age, 502 were from 20 to 44 years of age, incUisive, 361 were from 45 to 64 years of age, inclusive, and 118 were 65 years of age and upward. For the male insane alone the corresponding figures are: under 20, 21; 20 to 44, 534; 45 to 64, 339; 65 aud over, 106, aud for the female insane: under 20, IS; 20 to 44, 4G9; 45 to 64, 383; 05 and over, 130. Table 16 shows for each 1,000 insane the»number iu certain age groui)s, with distinction of sex and color. Table 16. AOE PEBIODS. Under 20... 20 to 30 30 to 40 40to50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 and over Total. Male. Female. White. Colored. 19 21 18 17 63 135 150 119 131 195 243 260 226 242 258 241 238 245 243 221 180 166 193 182 134 109 101 118 111 76 54 48 59 55 37 19 16 22 19 26 Diagrams 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 indicate the differences in the proportions of the insane at different age groups, ■with distinction of sex, for the total whites, the native whites of native parents, the native whites of foreign born parents, the foreign born whites, and the colored. Diagram 5 shows the number of insane white persons of certain ages in each 1,000 insane white persons of known ages, by sex. Diagram 6 sliows the number of insane native born white persons of native parentage of certain ages in each 1,000 insane white persons of known ages, by sex. Diagram 7 shows the number of insane native born white persons having one or both parents foreign born of certain ages iu each 1,000 insane white persons of known ages, by sex. Diagram 8 shows the number of insane foreign born white persons of certain ages in each 1,000 insane white persons of known ages, by sex. Diagi'am 9 shows the number of insane colored persons of certain ages in each 1,000 insane colored persons of known ages, by sex. The preceding diagrams merely indicate the proportion of the insane in diff'erent age groups; they .show, for example, tliat there are more insane between 35 aud 45 years of age than there are between 25 and 35 or between 45 and 55, but they tend to give the idea that the liability to insanity diminishes with advancing age, which is not the case, as will be .seen by Table 17, which .shows for each 100,000 of populr.tion of certain groups of ages the number of the insane of corresponding groups of ages, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, audi)arental nativity, excluding those under 15 years of age, Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. Table 17. BRX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY. Total. (0) IS to 20 years. 20 to 25 yeais. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 65 to 05 years. 05 years and over. Total 263 257 270 26 28 23 83 94 72 218 230 204 307 359 375 455 417 495 467 417 621 608 448 671 Male White 277 270 284 233 270 105 421 151 25 27 23 24 29 15 30 31 84 06 72 81 94 61 08 75 225 238 2U 214 245 132 203 148 883 374 392 345 374 207 483 220 480 442 621 400 425 246 629 229 489 440 642 415 420 251 627 220 631 473 692 488 408 322 620 269 Mule One or both parent* foreign Colored a Fifteen years and over, including unknown. Diagram 10 shows for each 100,000 of jKipulation of ccrlain groups of ages the number of insane of corresponding gron])s of ages, with distinction of sex. i'l-oiii tliis table and diagiam it will be seen that the proportion of the ins.ane steadily increases with advancing age, and that this i.s cspeiialiy the case among the females. This might bo due either to a smaller mortality ^moDg the insane of advanced ages than among the general population or to an increased liability to insanity in Eleventh Census of thi> rnliH.l States. Insane. AG£S MALES F ELM ALES o o ^ ^x o 1 Q CM O Nh N o CO 0) o 95 STOVER 90 95 1 85 90 II 80 85 ^SB. 75 80 !■■! 70 75 ^^^■^^^^1 65 70 HH^HII^^^^^H 60 65 IBH^^^I^^^^^^^^^I 55 60 ^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^1 50 55 I^^M^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I 45 50 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H 40 4-5 ^^^B^^^i^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 35 40 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H 50 35 ^■^^^^^■{^^^^^^■■MMil^^^^^^^M 25 30 ^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^1 20 25 ^^^^^^■^^^^H /5 20 Wm- UNDER 1 5 1 AGES MALES FEMALES o Q »-., 0) CO o 10 •0 ^1 o •^ o f) o 0) c:> CNJ 95 & OVER 90 95 L 85 — 90 1 80—85 ■Mi 75—80 imh^h 70 — 75 ^^^■^^^^1 65 — TO ^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 60 — 65 ^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^1 55 — 60 H^^^^^^H^^^^^^H^H 50 — 55 45 — 50 ^n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i 40 — 45 ^li^^^^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H 35 — 40 ^^^^^HI^^^^^H^^^^H^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^P 30—35 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^■^^^^^^ 25 — 30 (^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^H 20 — 25 ^^^^^^■^^^^H 15— 20 ^^■i^H UNDER! 5 II Klt'vfiilli ( Viisiis "I" 111.' I'liii.-.i SIntt'S. Tnfiane. AG£S MALES F ELM ALES o o o 0) o o o o o o o o o 0) o o o 10 o 10 o »0 o o o o •0 o ■0 o 10 <0 o 0) o o ■s. C5 o o o CM 35 & OVCR 90 35 85 90 Jl 30 35 II 75 80 111 70 75 ^■Hr 65 70 ^■U 60 65 ' -■Br 55 6 SO 55 45 50 I I - — — — - n ■ ■ I L ■ SBi ■ 8 m — — — — — — — — A-0 4-5 35 4-0 H ■ ■ ■ ■ n ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ B I L — ■ ■ ■ — 25 30 20 25 15 20 — — — — — — — — ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ L_ — - — — — — UNDER 15 TTTiiim _ _ _ _ L AGES MALES FEMALES o ►0 CM o o o O o o lo o o CM o o CM o ^ >0 o ^ o ^ o CM Q ^ 95 S, OVER 90 35 L S5 90 II 80 65 ■■ 75 8 ^■^H 70 75 _^ ^^■^^IH OO T U 60 65 1 ■ ■ ■ r 55 60 fz r\ K ^ 1 ^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^ ^ O (J So 45 50 ■ 40 45 1 ■ ■ 1 50 55 ■ J^^i^^^^^lH^^HIii^^H 25 30 20 25 ^^■^^1 15 20 H UNDER J 5 T THE INSANE. 17 advancing age, but the latter is probably the chief factor, for the death rate of the insane between 20 and 55 years of age is considerably greater than that of the total population of the same age group. Table loG shows the number of the insane in institutions for the same on June 1, 1890, by quinquennial age periods, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 18 shows for each 100,000 of the insane whose ages are stated, found in institutions, the number belonging to each quinquennial ago group, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 18. AOB PERIODS. 10 to 15.... 15 to 20.... 20 to 25.... 25to30.... 30to35 35to« 40 to 45 45 to 50 50 to 55 55to60 60 to 65 65 to 70 70 to 75 75 to SO 80to85 85 to 90 90 to 95 95 and over Total. 70 1,280 5,088 9,446 13,449 13, 759 13,480 12, 344 10, 261 7,364 5,629 3,585 2,375 1,087 527 182 U 4 Male. 67 1,344 5,695 10, 405 14, .572 14, 481 13,443 11,787 9,428 6,768 5,120 3,230 2,111 953 405 146 45 Female. 74 1,222 4,436 8,415 12, 241 12, 983 13, 521 12, 943 11,157 8,005 6,176 3,967 2,659 1,231 653 220 83 9 Total. Male. Female. 59 1,242 5,503 10, 231 14, 590 14, 360 13,441 11, 909 9,517 6,911 5,186 3,319 2,147 984 410 146 45 70 1,146 4,266 8,3C9 12, 112 12,858 13, 495 13,001 11, 307 8,147 6,286 4,071 2,724 1,246 661 219 76 6 Native born. Parents native. Male. Female. 89 1,64D 6,509 11,157 15, 607 14, 948 13, 146 10, 743 8,281 6,125 4,662 3,008 2,250 1,103 492 192 39 114 1,433 4,875 8,960 13, 252 14, 172 13, 649 12, 162 10, 261 6,797 5,616 3,660 2,680 1,405 675 212 71 6 One or both parenta foreign. Male. Female. 46 2,803 11,305 19, 485 23, 070 16, 544 9,743 7,031 4,228 2,252 1,471 873 597 230 230 46 46 132 3,362 10,811 17, 798 24,061 14, 502 10, 415 7,053 5,603 2,439 1,253 1,384 461 330 330 66 Foreign born. Male. Female. 15 351 2,979 7,256 11, 603 13, 084 14,513 14, 528 12, 313 8,906 6,615 4,209 2,246 924 313 92 63 479 2,634 6,274 9,091 10, 801 13, 637 14,888 13, 459 10, 732 7,826 4,968 3,052 1,128 680 247 93 8 Male. Female. 202 3,182 9,141 13,535 14,242 16,667 13, 485 9,596 7,828 4,192 3,939 1,616 1,465 404 303 152 51 141 2,407 7,079 10, 052 14,252 14,913 13,922 12, 034 8,825 5,805 4,483 2,359 1;652 991 613 236 189 47 Table 19 shows for each 1,000 of the total insane of certain age groups the number who were found in asylums or institutions for the same, with distinction of sex and color. Table 19. SEX AND COLOR. Under 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 65 to 65 years. 65 to 75 years. 75 years and over. Total 655 669 637 781 801 757 767 795 738 715 731 700 646 660 635 526 533 521 333 831 334 Male Female White 675 686 601 514 543 483 784 804 759 743 758 727 768 794 740 757 813 709 716 733 701 687 693 682 647 661 636 624 631 619 529 534 524 466 500 445 339 337 340 212 214 250 Male Female . . Colored Male It will be seen from this table that In general the proportion of insane in asylums to the total insane is less for the colored than for the white, and less for females than for males. Of those from 25 to 45 years of age, over 75 per cent are found in asylums, of those from 45 to 55, 71.5 per cent; of those from 55 to 65, 64.G per cent; of those from 65 to 75, 52.6 per cent, and of those 75 and upward, only 33.3 per cent. Table 157 shows by quinquennial periods the ages at which insanity is reported to have first appeared in the insane returned as living in the United States on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Table 158 shows the ratios derived from Table 157, deducting the uninber for whom the age when insanity appeared is unknown. Of the 106,254 insane reported, the age at which insanity first appeared is not stated in 26,980, or a little over 25 per cent. Of the 79,274 for whom the age of appearance of insanity was stated, 7,450, or 93.98 per 1,000, were under 20 years of age at the time of its occurrence. . In 1880 the corresponding ratio was 110.10 per 1,000. 7176 INS 2 18 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 20 is a condensation of Table 158, shoAving for each 1,000 of the insane in 1890, for whom the age at wiiich insanity appeared was stated, the number in whom it appeared in each of certain age groups, with distinctijn of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Table 20. SEX, COLOE, NATmTT, AXD BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Under 20 years. 20 to 45 years. 45 to 65 years. 65 years and over. Total 93.98 98.03 89.25 680. 29 636.37 674. 16 185. 94 177.09 194. S9 39.79 37.91 41.70 Male White - 90.97 95.34 86.48 123. 19 10,5.47 681.60 687.77 675. 30 075. 52 676.72 187.86 178.95 196.98 158. 38 174. 14 39.57 37.94 41.24 42. 91 43.07 Male •. Native born : Parents native !?:; One or both parent-s foreign... !?:: 148.24 175.01 763.87 739. 55 70.45 68.44 17.44 17. 110 JM.. 36.87 40.16 691. 60 662.20 237.42 256. 40 34.11 41.24 \f.. Colored !?:; 157.25 130. 61 661.49 657. 10 144.07 163.77 37.19 48.52 Black !?:: 156.95 659. 75 144. 06 39. 24 129. 14 648.04 169. 10 ,53. 12 Mixed blood birthplaces of mothees. Total In inntitutions Oatside ioBtit utious Total— male Id institntious Uuttiitle institatious Total— female In institut ion3 Outside iustitutioDs "White- male In institutions Outside iostitntioDS "White- female In insiimtions Out:*ide iustitutioDS ITative born- male In institutions Outside institutions Kative bom— female In inslitiltiiins Outside instilullons One or both parents foreign bom — male... In institutions Outside institutions One or botli parents foreign born— female In institutions — Outside institut ions Foreign born— male In institutions Oatside institutions Poreign bom —female In institutions Outside institutions Colored— male In institutions Outside institutions Colored— female In institutions Oatside institutions Blrtb|ilaces of mothers (white) : United States— male In institutions Outside instit ut ions TTnited States- female In institutions Outside institutions England and Wales— male In institut inns Outside institutions England and Wales— female In institutions Outside institutions Scotland— male In institntious Outside institutions Bcolland- female In institutions Outside institutions Ireland— male In iuMtit tit ions (Jutstdo institutions Ireland— female In institutions Outside institutions Britlsli America- male In institutions Outside institutions British America— female In innti lotions Outside institatious France — mole In Institutions Outside institutions France — female In institutions Outxide Institutions Germany— male In iimliiiiiions (Outside iijFititutions Germany— female In ioNtitiiiions Oulslde iijstiiullons Acatc. Chronic. 192.1 212.3 124.0 191.7 211.4 117.1 192.5 213.2 131.0 187.4 20C.2 IIC.O 189.2 208. « 130.7 192.7 214.6 113.1 199.1 2;;3. 1.11.2 153. 174. 164.0 183., 5 1J2. 3 185 5 198.5 124. 1 178.0 19U. 9 129. 3 273.0 311.5 130.5 246.2 289.2 135.3 191. 214. 111. 198. 222. 131. 188.1 214.1 129. 1 101<. 21)8. 05. 171. 213. 51. 153. 101. 134. 175. 184. 140. 101. 17(1. 132. ISO. 215. 100.1 149.' 152. 1 144.: 250. 2U». 101). 270. 301. 105. 143. < 158.: I(r7. I7:i. : 180. 147.: 230.3 279.8 90.8 224.6 261.0 87. 2 248.5 300.4 . 94.0 224.2 259.8 89.3 247.8 208.4 05.7 221.7 264.9 65.3 247. D 311.3 72.2 180.2 220.0 82.2 178.9 238.5 77.3 236.8 257.6 139.4 257.5 287.5 144.5 232.2 284.0 48.7 260.5 3:I4. 8 69.1 220.7 261.5 64.8 246.7 310.5 71.9 185.8 223. 8 09.4 197.5 259.0 82.0 194.7 235.5 70.9 222.2 200.0 83.4 220.0 240.0 143.1 249.8 270.3 153.5 109.7 231 I 33.6 100.7 215.8 76.9 202.1 2J3. 7 111.1 205.4 210.2 184.2 2:15. 278.0 12'J. 2,10. 2 201.3 130.1 WEL.iSCHOLIA. Acute. 25.1 30.3 7.8 24.7 29.3 7.0 25.0 31.3 8.5 25.3 30.1 7.1 26.4 32.3 8.6 25.0 30.1 0.3 25.1 31.6 7.2 27.2 34.8 11.0 35.1 48.8 11.7 25 5 29.3 7.3 27.0 31.4 10.4 12.4 14.3 5.9 13.1 15.0 8.3 24.9 30.1 6.5 25.2 31.8 7.2 19.3 20.5 3.0 33. 5 44.7 12.7 23.1 26.7 12.8 21.4 32. 9 24.8 29.2 7.5 25.3 29.8 9.0 20.9 30.3 37.4 47.4 19.2 21.3 20.3 17.9 13.5 20.3 24.7 31.0 7.2 30.7 40.2 12.6 Chronic. 130.2 128.6 135.4 122.7 122.1 125.1 137.8 135. 7 144.3 125.4 124.7 128.4 140.8 138.5 147.7 118.1 115.4 128.0 140. 1 13G. 151.5 148.2 155 5 132.4 178.9 183.5 171.0 132.7 133.7 127.8 130.4 136.9 134.7 71.7 73.2 00.3 89.6 87.3 93.3 118.3 113.4 128.4 140.3 136.7 150.4 130.2 137.8 132.5 165.2 148 100.8 118.8 102.2 106.7 158. 1 104.5 140.3 127.5 128.0 123.0 127 3 129. 1 120.0 141.0 132.6 159.7 149.7 173.7 103.8 138 3 104.5 27.8 133. 102. 2 70.0 148.0 15:1.2 135. U 161 107.0 158.0 Mono- mania. 24.8 20.2 40.2 25.9 22.3 39.6 23.6 17.9 40.7 26.6 23.0 40.0 24.1 18.4 41.5 23.8 18.9 41.4 24.6 17.6 43.8 31.0 28.2 37.1 25.5 17.2 39.8 30.1 28.4 38.2 23.4 19.5 37.7 14.2 8.8 33.1 15.4 10.2 29.0 24.0 19.0 41.9 24.7 17.6 43.9 29.4 26.5 36.2 31.3 22.4 47.6 80.3 20.7 64.1 34.2 46.0 12.2 27.8 26.7 32.2 22.4 18.8 35.0 28.7 37.9 8.4 44.2 42.1 48.1 53.2 62.0 55.5 44 40.5 52.0 27.0 10.4 4.5.9 21.5 12. 1 30.5 Paresis. 17.7 10.8 21.0 Dementia. 27.8 28 2 26. li 7.3 4.3 10.1 28 3 28.7 26.9 7.3 4.3 10.2 29.1 28.8 30.0 8.9 4.9 19.8 38.4 44.6 25.1 13.0 11.7 15.3 23 2 2ti. 21.5 4.2 2.7 9 8 r».i 17.6 21.4 7.0 4.3 13.8 29.4 29.2 30.1 9.0 5.0 19.9 48.8 53.0 39.2 13 4 13.8 12.7 00.0 75. 6 38 5 8.6 0.6 12.2 27.1 29.4 18.0 5.4 4.1 10.1 47.0 45.5 50.4 20.4 10.5 38.5 20.0 32.9 8.9 82.0 37.4 20.7 5.5 2.3 11.7 321.0 283.8 445.4 319.8 288. 9 436.7 322. 3 278.4 452.9 322.5 292. 1 437.3 324.2 281.3 453.1 315.5 282 437.0 302.6 231.4 444.6 340.5 289.5 449.4 3:)G. 1 28.^. 6 410.9 330 3(18 433.0 354.4 321.6 478. 2 270.0 220.2 423.0 290. 6 229. 2 448.9 316.1 281.9 438.2 303.6 251.9 445.4 325.7 280.8 427. 7 333.7 208. 451.0 303.7 200.7 410.2 3,59. 209. 7 524. 4 353.5 3;i3. 7 430.0 384.6 300 474.2 320.4 2li8. 45J.8 380. 9 330. 8 401.5 270.0 22:1. 7 SOU.C 258.9 202. 7 308.4 3:19.4 30:1. I 430. 3 3:i8. 5 280.5 432.7 Epilepsy. 45.1 21.9 122.7 50.6 27.0 139.4 39,4 10.3 108.3 48.2 23.7 133.6 37.4 15.7 102, C 62,0 34.8 161. 1 49.3 21.2 12T. 2 00.5 27.3 131,4 63 22.7 133,5 23.3 11.5 80. 1 15.9 91.8 5:1.4 2J1.7 73.0 26.8 192.0 02.5 34.9 160.0 49.5 21.1 127.3 51.5 29.1 102. 4 54.7 32.7 05.2 66.0 31.1 100.7 34.2 13.2 73.2 24.0 12.8 07.4 17.9 7.0 55.2 70.5 18.0 184.9 51.(1 21.1 103.8 81.0 C.d 138.0 63.0 Dipso- mania. 137.0 40.4 13.7 107.1 28.0 0.8 01.0 7.7 6.3 12.1 12.2 9.8 21.3 3.0 2.5 4.2 12.1 9.7 21.4 2.8 2.5 3.9 12.1 10.5 17.8 2.4 2.4 2.5 20.1 19.3 22.1 4.3 5.5 2.3 10.7 7.0 28.0 3.2 2.3 6.8 13.3 U 21.4 4.6 3.2 8.3 12.2 10.7 17.6 2.5 2.5 2.3 14.7 7.9 30.1 2.2 1.7 3.2 19.8 22.2 12.8 8.5 6.6 12.2 19.1 14.3 37.4 5.4 4.2 9.6 15.7 18.9 8.4 8.7 6.4 17.1 1.2 0.6 2.7 Eleventh Census of the Vnited States. DIAGRAM 11. S£X COLOR, /VATIV/TY AND aiR THPL A C£of MOTHLfi ACUTE M/iN/A ^ > 1 5i 5 1 N «> 5 1 IN ^ = < 1 1 1 1 SCOTLAND ^^^^^i^^^^^l^HlilHIH i MATrveOf HATIVCPAHCNTi ^^^HJ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H OV/ ox BOTH PA XI NTS l^_±_^__|^^^^^^^___^^_| ■^^■^^^^■^■■H 1 1 j SCAf^DWAV/A ^^^^^^l^^^^^^^HI^^^^^H DIAGRAM 12. Eleventh Census of the United States. DIAGRAM 13. In.sane. S£X COLOR, NATIV/TY AND BIRTHPLACE"' MOTHER T/lT'A / C///^ON/C MAN/A PA RES/ S ^ ^ > § § 1 ^ "N § § N ■5) 1 IN to % a •* o O 1 ^hT i Sf ?3 U/^/TED STATES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MH 1 ■■■^H ■ ■ r ■l^l^l ■ t % ■ El ^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^HIHM^H r 1 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■l^^^^H^H^I Eleventh Census of the United States. DIAGRAM 14. Insane. DIAGRAM 15 CHRONIC MELANCHOLIA EPILEPSY Q> "0 o ;^ o •0 «i "O c^ ■0 o •o Q ^ Qi 1 t\J "0 K. o l\l •o ►s Ci ^\J ^ K O ^\i 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c\j 1 A «\J to >0 1 1 DEMENTIA ACUTE MELANCHOUA O 10 O "0 ' (\, 10 K I . I 1 I'll o Q ^4 "0 <0 O "tl o Q <\ "0 CVl C\4 C\4 •0 CM o »0 o o o CS Q CM •0 V c\i H) to to •0 1 1 THE INSANE. 21 Making due allowance for the ignorance of those furnishing the information with regard to the form of insanity of the insane found at their homes, it appi'ars from this table that a greater jiroportion of those aflected with acute and chronic mania were found iu asylums, and that a greater proportion of those aflected with monomania, dementia, ei)ilcpsy, and dipsomania were found among those at their homes. The average ratio of cases of acute mania is 192.1 per 1,000 of all cases of insanity, and this is exceeded in native white females with native born parents, 199.1; in colored males, 273.0; iu colored females, 24G.2; in females whose mothers Avere born iu the United States, 198.5; in males whose mothers were born in Ireland, 175.G; in males whose mothers were born iu France, 2.10.0; and in females wliose nu)thers were born in France, 27G.8. The average ratio of cases of chronic mania, is 2;)fi..''> p(;r 1,000 of all <;ases of insanity, and this is exceeded in females, 248.5; especially in foreign born females, 257.5, and in colored females, 260.5. The average ratio of cases of acute- melancholia is 25.1 jier 1,000 of all cases of insanity, and this is exceeded in white females, 20. 4, and especially in white native females of foreign born parents, .'35.1 ; in females whose mothers were born in England and Wales, 33.5, and in females whose mothers were born iu Germany, 30.7. The ratio is low iu the colored: males 12.4, females 13.1. The average ratio of cases of chronic melancholia is 130.2 per 1,000 of all cases of insanity, and this is exceeded iu females, 137.8, and especially in females whose mothers were born in the United States, 140.3; in England and Wales, 105.2; in Scotland, 158.1, and in Germany, 164. C. The ratio is low in the colored: males 71.7, females 89.6. The average ratio of cases of monomania is 24.8 per 1,000 of all cases of insanity, and this is exceeded in foreign born males, 30.1; in those whose mothers were born in England and Wales, males 29.4, females 31.3; in Scotland, males 36.3, females 34.2; in British America, males 28.7, females 44.2, and iu France, males 53.2, females 44.6. The ratio is low in the colored: males 14.2, females 15.4. The average ratio of cases of jjaresis is 17.7 j)er 1,000 of all cases of insanity, and this is exceeded in males, 27.8, and especially in males whose mothers were born in England and Wales, 48.8; in Scotland, 66.0; in British America, 47.0, and iu Germany, 32.6. The ratio in colored males was 18.4, in white males 28.3, in white females 7.3, iu colored females 7.0. The average ratio of cases of dementia was 321 per 1,000 of all cases of insanity, being slightly higher in females, 322.3, than iu males, 319.8. It was highest in females whoso mothers were born in Ireland, 384.6, and in British America, 380.9, and lowest iu those whose mothers were born in France, males 276.6, and females 2.58.9. The average ratio of cases of epilepsy was 45.1 per 1,000 of all cases of insanity, being 50.6 in males and 39.4 in females. It was highest in the colored, males 94.8, females 73.0, and in males whose parents were born iu British America, 70.5; iu Scotland, 66.0, and in the United States, 62.5. The average ratio of cases of dipsomania was 7.7 per 1,000 of all cases of insanity, being 12.2 in males and 3.0 in females. It was highest iu males whose mothers were born iu Scotland, 19.S, and in Ireland, 19.1. Diagram 11 .shows the number of persons affected with acute mania in each 1,000 of the total insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthiilaces of mothers. Diagram 12 shows the uumber of persons affected with dementia and epilepsy in each 1,000 of the total insane in hosiiitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Diagiam 13 shows the number of persons affected with chronic mania and paresis in each 1,000 of the total insane in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Diagrams 14 and 15 show the number of persons affected with certain forms of insanity in each 1,000 of the total insane found in hospitals aud asylums for the insane, by color, and certain countries for birthplaces of mothers. Table 163 shows for the insane iu institutions on June 1, 1890, the number affected with each form of iusanity, by quinquennial age periods, with distinction of sex and color. Table 23 gives the ratios derived from Table 163, and shows for each 100,000 of the insane in institutions, for whom the age and form of insanity was stated, the number affected with each of certain forms of insanity, by quinquennial age periods, with distinction of sex and color. 22 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 23. AQB rm:iuus. ACUTE MANIA. CHRONIC MAilA. CHRONIC MELANCHOLIA.. MaIo. Female. ■Wliite. Colored. Male. Female. White. Colored. Male. Female. 305 2,253 7,733 12.581 14, 091 13,397 13, 131 ll,4fl 8.615 6,363 4,229 2.7U 1.515 593 290 53 13 138 2,395 7,199 11,186 13,939 13,294 13,108 12,020 9,C08 6,482 4,776 2,7?9 1,CD2 445 359 SO 14 Ill 2,220 7,318 11,742 14,351 13,067 13, 208 12, 142 9,168 6,615 4,639 2.812 1,628 547 340 74 15 381 3,622 9,533 14, 109 10,206 16,960 12, Oil 9,438 8,103 3,908 2,574 1,621 1,239 191 93 21 608 3,319 8,313 13, 307 15,271 14, 161 13,062 10, 810 8,238 5,997 3,276 2,209 971 277 139 21 10 449 2,551 6,939 11, 184 13, 265 11,263 14,204 12, 367 9,112 6,663 4, 592 2,002 1,123 470 123 51 10 17 498 2,831 7,575 12, 098 14. Ill 14, 101 13, 630 11,711 8,864 0,348 4,042 2,472 1,078 398 127 39 ' 1,013 4,512 8,379 14,273 16,433 13, 101 13.904 9,853 5,709 0,169 2,394 1,381 553 1,087 5,800 12, 096 10, 289 15, 292 12, 143 10,399 8,830 6,502 5,097 3,421 1,745 612 113 68 G4S 4.010 25 tu30 9 173 14, 034 14, 123 40 to 45 -....- 13,834 12, 787 11,361 T,4SS S,92S 3,408 1,900 55 to 60 75 to SO -- 780 80 to 85 - 379 35tugo . _..... 184 07 22 92 1 1 AGE PEBIODS. CHBONIC HELAK- CHOUA.— eonl'd. DEJIESTIA. EPILKPST. White. Colored. M.-ile. I'oniale. White. Colored. Male. 1 E'em.ilc. White. Colored. 48 1.092 5,109 9,804 14,585 13,909 13, 378 11,262 1 9, 128 6,306 5,312 3,960 • 3,062 1,507 792 270 126 44 026 3,650 0,473 10, 417 11,207 12,804 12,749 11,010 8,96S 7,410 5,023 4,200 2,365 1,362 545 229 22 48 951 4,448 8, 005 . 12,631 12,602 13, 109 12. 047 10,339 7,641 6,365 4,534 3,647 1,912 1.030 401 160 i 11 1 518 1 1,308 4.762 6,916 12,008 ' 10,841 14.182 j 12,336 16,253 I 16,822 16,336 14,760 10,870 11,215 8,799 i 8,598 0,901 ; 7,851 4,244 2,991 3, 623 . 3. 95."i 734 5,282 11, 225 13.420 16,508 13,461 10,858 9,244 6,897 3,962 3,889 934 734 440 293 73 1, 449 7,971 15,217 IStoSO 847 4,702 10, 780 15, 035 14,757 12,892 11,052 10, 182 7,164 5,596 3,493 1,858 720 244 70 12 1,379 10,090 13,448 18,621 13, 104 13, 104 ;3, 103 7,931 2,069 3,103 1,379 1,724 2,491 7,721 11,381 12,433 11, 197 13, 076 9,963 7,970 6,227 4,732 2,740 2,491 1,868 1,619 373 498 14,493 15,942 18,840 12,310 3,623 3Sto40 -....-...--. 3,623 2,174 2,174 725 932 621 518 310 103 935 935 187 374 725 75 to 80 345 725 85 to 90 1 1 Diajrrjiii IC> shows the number of insane persons in institutions for the same afifected with acute iminia iu each 1,00<) of the total in institutions, by ajj;e and sex. Diagram 17 shows the number of insane persons in institutions for the same affected with chronic mania in ea<-h 1,0(K) of the total iu institutions, by a^^e and sex. Diagram 1 years of age both in males and in females. For cluonic mania the. greatest number is found in the group between .'So and 10 years of age I'or the males and in that between 10 and 45 years of age for the females. For chronic melancholia (he ])roportiou under 40 years of age is greater for the males (lian the females, and tlie same is tlic case. Ihv dementia. The greatest proportion of the epilei)tie. insane is found among the females between 30 and 3.5 and aiiKUig the males between 3a and 40. It must be borne in mind tliat these ratios do not represent the relative liability to these forms of disease atdillrrcnt ages, but only th<^ pi'ojtortions of those of different ages found under treatment at one time. Table 21 shows the ioiiiil)er of insane per.sons of speeilied ages found ii> institutions for the same affected with certaiu forms of insanity in each 100,000 of the i)opulation of corresponding ages. Kli-vi'utli Cniians i)f tin- UnilKil Stnt<\s. DIAGRAM 16. InKaiii!. A6£S MALES FEMALES o o >* o o o o 0) o CD o o <0 o o o o o O o o o o ^0 O O 0) o o o o o St o 9S &OVER SO 95 85 — QO 80 — as 11 75 — 8 ■1 ro — 7S 1 ■■ 1 65 — ZO pt^M^B 60 — 65 1 ■ i^^Bm^^^h 55 — 6 w^^^^^^K^^^^^^^^ 50 — 5 5 1 ■ ■■^^^^1 4-5 — SO 40 ^5 H^^^^^Hi^^H^^^H^ 35 4-0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M ^^^^^^^B^W^— ^^M~ 30 — 35 ■ l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l ^^^BI^^^B^^B^^^B^^^BBWBWi — 25 — 30 J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l 20 — -25 1 ^^ ^^^mni 15 — 20 1 ■m H 1 'UNDER 15 T DIAGRAM 7. AGES MALES FEMALES O o o o o 0) o o <0 o o CM O o CM o o o K. O 0) o o o CM ? -^ o 95 STOVER 90 95 85 — 9 1 SO — S5 1 75 — 8 ■■L 70 — 75 1 1 ■ ElHI 65 ZO ^^■^^^™ 60 65 55 6 1 ■ i^m^^^MM^^m^m ■ ■ \ 50 — 5 5 45 5 35 — ^O 1 ^^^■^^■■^■{^^■i^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 30 — 35 25—^3 20—25 _^^^B^H| 15 — 20 li UNDER 15 Kleventh Census of the United States. DIAGRAM 18. Insane. AGES MALES FEMALES o o o C5 o o 0) •0 »0 o •0 o *0 o O 0) o o 5 o o o o 95 & OVER 90 95 85 90 80—85 1 75 80 II 70 75 J^H^H^ 65 ro 60 65 — — n ■ ^B^K ■ ■ 55 6 50 55 — 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 45 50 1 35 4-0 1 J ■ ■ L 25 3 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 20 25 15 20 - Mi UNDER 15 Diagram 19. AGES MALES FEMALES o •o -^ o o o 0) o o •0 o ►0 CM o C) c\) o >0 Q ^ >0 o K C5 0) o o c\i C5 !5 9 5 STOVER 90—95 1 85 — 90 11 80 — 85 Ml 75—8 ^M^^H 70 — 75 ^^^^^" OO f u 60 —65 1 ^^^■■■^■ii ■ r 55—60 50—55 1 4-0 — 4-5 1 ■ 35 — 4-0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^M 30 — 35 25 — 30 20 — 25 j^^^^^^^^^^l 15—20 Hli UNDER 15 T Elcventli 1 'iMisus uf the United States. Insane. DIAGRAM 30. AGES MALES FEMALES o K O O |0 o o o — 1 o o o 0) o o o o "0 o o to o o — o o o •0 o O 10 o <0 o K o (0 o 0) o o o o o o o o 95 & OVER 90 95 as 90 — 1 80 35 Jl 75 8 J k 70 75 J 65 70 ■■ eO 65 ^B^P 55 6 _ J — SO 55 4-5 50 — ■ ■ ■ H^^Hi^^^^^H^ — 4-0 ^5 35 4-0 30 35 25 30 ■ 1 20 25 15 20 — ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' UNDER 15 ■ r 1 1 THE INSiVNE. 23 Table 24.. AOB PERIODS. Acute mania. Chronic mania. Chronic melancholia. UomeDtio. Epilepsy. 11.2 39.2 54.7 60.6 50.8 31.0 5.2 3.S.8 77.4 95.7 92.0 03.1 4.0 2.1.0 05.0 38.2 35. S 23.2 8.6 41.6 71.4 85.8 86.6 93.8 2.0 4.0 5.7 4.5 3.6 1.5 65 and ovor In considering this table it must be remembered that it does not show the ratio of the number of cases of each form of in.sanity to the total population, but the ratio of the number of cases in asylums to total population. The proportion of cases of acute and chronic mania and of chronic melancholia iucreases up to the age of 55, while that of dciueutia increases to the end of life. The low proportion of insane reported among the colored (excluding Chinese, Japanese, and Indians), especially in the southern states, has given rise to doubts by those who have specially studied this subject as to whether there is not a decidedly greater deficiency in the enumeration of the colored insane than in that of the white, and especially as regards cases of paresis and dementia, and the following figures are given as data for the study of this question. Designating the residents iu cities of S,000 inhabitants and upward as urban and the remainder as rural, we find that of the 4,044 colored insaue in the United States for whom the residence and form of insanity was stated, 1,333 were urban and 3,311 were rural. In the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, ]\Ii.';sissippi, Xorth Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia there were 3,128 colored insane reported, of whom 543 were uiban and 2,585 were rural. In the rest of the United States 1,516 colored insane were reported, of whom 790 were urban and 726 were rural. Of paresis, 58 cases were reiwrted among the colored insane, 36 of these being urban and 22 rural. In the southern states named above there were 23 cases, 7 being urban and IC rural; and iu the rest of the United States 35 cases, 29 being urban and 6 rural. Of dementia, 1,287 cases were reported among the colored insane, 370 being urban and 917 rural. In the southern states named above there were 832 cases, 148 being urban and 684 rural, and iu the rest of the United States 455 cases, 222 being urban aud 2.33 rural. These and other figures in greater detail are given in Table 164. From this table has been computed the following table, showing for each 1,000 of the colored insane, with distinction of urban and rural in the United States, in certain geographical divisions, in certain southern states, and in the rest of the country, the number affected with each of certain forms of insanity. Tlie numbers in the Western division are so small that the ratios have no value. Table 25. OEOQRAPHIC.iL DIVISIONS. Acnte mania. Chronic mania. Acute melancho- lia. Chronic melancho- lia. Mono- mania. Paresis. Dementia. Epilepsy. Dipso- mania. The United States: 238. 56 274. 24 276. 82 231.65 20.26 9.97 81.77 81.24 17.25 12.08 27.01 6.64 277.57 276.96 48.01 99.67 12.75 0.95 North Atlantic : Urban . 179.06 158.10 284. 55 320. 19 266.33 201.66 194.61 238.77 239. 41 275. 05 237. 97 271.35 327.70 225.30 219.51 235.21 301.51 229. 17 311.38 229. 32 276. 24 241.78 277. 22 195. 59 27.03 11.86 20.33 5.44 35.18 10.42 5.99 14.97 7.37 10.06 20.11 9.04 97.97 94.86 95.53 91.77 40.20 90.28 74.85 62.25 82.87 71.95 81.01 114.33 16.89 7.90 28.46 8.84 15.07 27.78 2.99 14.18 5.53 8.90 25.32 26.17 54.05 11.86 20.33 5.41 20.10 0.94 17.97 7.09 12.89 6.19 36.71 8.26 277.03 454.55 254.06 213.46 266. 33 207.36 314.37 319.94 272. 56 204. 60 2S1.01 320. 94 13.51 31.62 58.94 109.45 40.20 02.50 68.86 112.69 82.87 115.67 24.05 42.70 6.76 3.95 18.29 10.20 15.03 13. S9 8.98 0.79 20.26 5.80 7.60 11 02 Exiral South Atlantic: North Central : Rural South Central; Kiiral Alab.'iin.l. Arknusaa, I'lorida, Georgia, ICrntiicliy, Louisiana, Mississipiti, North Ciirolma, Soutli Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia: Urban Kural The United States niiuus the states named above : Urban . Rural 24 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. It ■will be seen from tlie preceding table that for tlie TTnitcd States the ratio of cases of paresis to the total insane was about four times as great among the urban colored population as among the rural, but that in certain southern states it was only about twice as great among the urban population as among the rural. The proportion of cases of epilepsy was about twice as great among the rural as among the urban colored poiiulation. The proportion of cases of dementia was about the same in the urban as in the rural colored population for the United States, but in the North Atlantic division dementia occurred in nearly twice as great a ratio to the total number of cases of insanity among the rural as among the urban population. As will be shown in the succeeding section of this report, a cousiderable number of those reported as feeble-minded at ages above 40 are probably cases of senile or terminal dementia, hence the following table will be found interesting in this connectiou. Table 26 shows the number of feeble iniuded colored persons reported on June 1, 1890, living in cities of not less than 8,000 inhabitants (entitled "urban") and of those living iu the rest of the country (entitled "rural"), omitting cases where home residence was not given, iu the United States, in each geographical division, iu certain southern states, aud in other states, with distinction of sex. Table 26. GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. Total. Male. Female. UEBAN. HDKAL. Total. Male. remale. Total. Male. Female. 10,501 5,751 4,750 1,199 632 667 9,302 6,119 4,183 342 4,781 689 4,672 17 8,939 1,502 174 2,602 409 2,550 10 4.8G8 883 168 2,179 280 2,110 7 4,071 679 130 635 142 398 4 747 452 62 281 94 195 68 244 43 203 4 869 198 213 4,256 547 4,274 13 8,193 1,110 112 2,321 315 2,301 10 4,490 029 100 1,935 232 1,913 3 3,702 481 Alabama, Arkansas, Florida. GeorRia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caroliua, South Caro- lina, Tennesset', Texas, Virginia. The United States minus the states named above 378 254 It will be seen from this table that the number of feeble-minded living in the rural districts was much greater than the number of those living in cities, and that the difference is much greater in the southern states than it is in the rest of the country. Table 27 shows for the insane in institutions the age periods when insanity appeared, for each of certain forms of insanity, with distinction of sex and color. THE INSANE. Table 27. 25 AQB PEBI0D3 WHEN INSANITY APPEAHED. Total. Unknown. 10 to 15 IS to 20 sotose 25 to 30 SOtoBS 85 to 40 40to4G 45 to SO 71, 028 14,678 948 4,337 9,458 10,567 9,205 7,408 S.799 4,275 Mnlo 38, 330 35, 098 7,281 7,397 501 M7 2,422 1,915 5,«76 4,082 5,679 4,888 4,759 4,50S 3,762 3,C40 2,7KI 3,016 2.019 2, 2511 U, 8T2 2,387 198 1,006 2,069 2,255 1,967 1,587 1,201 029 7.180 6, 5SI7 500 540 19, COS 1,207 990 102 82 4,081 92 87 11 8 147 472 449 49 36 966 996 876 107 90 2,264 1,090 1,002 81 82 2,877 918 915 58 76 2,678 757 7l'« 49 55 2.072 547 581 42 31 1,G40 410 AV liito fciiialo 4.54 21 Colored ronialo ■■a 1, IG8 9,0.12 9,435 510 625 2 122 1,863 1,995 104 119 231 71 70 4 2 12 467 430 42 27 04 1,140 1,016 65 63 267 1,393 1, 293 95 90 361 1,240 1,281 67 90 297 903 1,045 59 65 202 710 835 34 61 211 478 631 16 43 ICl 1,047 1.021 20 28 9,010 107 117 5 2 1,583 7 6 44 45 1 4 347 142 116 5 4 1,058 185 165 6 5 1,354 156 138 3 90 106 2 4 940 97 1U8 2 4 m 75 Whito foiiinlo 82 1 3 43 1,199 627 4, 3.'!4 4,3R0 133 163 1,410 COS 860 22 35 290 14 29 177 157 6 7 39 600 401 24 27 115 098 600 27 23 194 586 576 14 23 208 455 461 10 14 176 330 422 9 16 130 261 348 9 9 8 106 800 5S1 19 1,170 154 120 3 7 177 1 21 16 1 1 5 69 45 116 77 1 133 70 4 1 160 107 66 1 208 66 59 2 3 204 57 44 2 1 31 3 90 144 939 137 32 8 19, 889 150 18 5 4 4,398 4 1 20 5 68 21 141 20 5 181 20 5 2 1,709 183 17 4 123 15 6 1 2,774 345 1,417 2,900 2,102 1,225 891 in, 157 8, 89:1 411 428 1,534 1.998 2,193 97 110 360 182 142 11 10 153 822 525 37 33 203 1.714 1,077 53 56 241 1,495 1,160 67 46 173 1,081 950 32 39 137 853 782 36 38 95 553 C2:l 26 23 66 434 AVhito ri'innlo . - 4.38 6 13 31 892 495 97 50 443 207 132 17 10 116 73 62 10 8 5 123 65 9 6 28 152 65 19 5 40 93 65 16 9 47 87 39 7 4 43 60 27 5 3 45 39 20 5 2 39 17 10 3 1 31 "Wliitc nialo ... 338 79 20 6 3,958 86 27 3 4 1 18 8 2 35 3 2 37 9 1 34 t 35 7 2 1 374 25 7 3 4 305 23 8 1,049 37 232 453 442 468 187 1,488 1, 8.S5 257 358 438 498 47 66 10 13 5 3 94 78 33 27 185 192 36 40 187 187 23 45 154 2;!7 36 61 129 190 22 33 89 168 17 32 58 S8 13 IS 26 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 27 — Coutiuucd. AOB PEItlODS vrnEN INSANTTT APPEASED— Continued. &0 toS5 55 to 60 COtoCS 65 to 70 70 to 76 73 to 80 80 to So 85 to go 00 to 95 95 and over. Total 2,934 1,744 1,210 602 391 134 80 30 6 a Tklale 1,489 1,405 006 , 838 002 548 358 334 191 200 89 95 38 42 12 18 3 3 a 568 332 201 102 45 16 5 3 1 "WHiito male 291 227 27 2S 773 178 136 S 10 446 107 82 6 6 264 60 35 4 3 147 24 20 1 8 8 4 1 1 2 1 39 18 ' 1 336 393 14 30 113 208 220 8 10 B2 130 121 3 10 46 03 73 4 7 22 18 19 1 1 8 8 10 4 3 Wliilp fcmalo 1 4 1 i 53 57 1 2 472 43 40 28 18 12 10 4 4 3 1 1 "While ft'iunlc 1 202 183 108 33 9 7 2 1 225 238 5 4 72 135 123 2 95 84 3 1 22 CO 44 1 3 11 17 19 1 1 G 7 2 1 6 1 1 ■\Vhiti remale 1 35 4 "WTiilcTnalo .. 32 39 1 24 11 11 9 5 G 3 3 1 3 2 14 PATOSis 91 36 8 2 'Wliit'* Tnalo 74 11 C 27 1 1 430 14 8 2 Colurod female C29 391 251 226 119 5G 21 4 1 308 295 13 13 30 213 195 9 13 201 171 10 9 14 113 128 7 3 6 101 111 5 9 2 53 58 1 7 25 12 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1« 8 2 1 31 6 6 1 1 10 11 1 2 3 3 1 1 I 1 1 2 5 1 25 3 o 1 170 10 1 4 1 i" 1 87 73 32 24 12 3 4 ■ Whitcnialii 60 M 5 21 28 40 r> 8 32 32 7 10 15 10 7 4 3 5 4 1 2 1 2 1* 2 4 2 1 Excluding the cases in which the age at which insanity first appeared was unknown, the figures rehite to SOjS.jO cases. In these in,'(); in 2,9;'>4 between 50 and 55; in 1,744 between 65 and GO; in 1,210 between CO and 05; in 092 between 05 and 70; in 301 l)etween 70 and 75, and in 302 at ages of 75 and iijiward, two-thirds of this last gnnij) ln-ing cases of senile dementia. It must be, borne in mind tliat this table relates to survivors only. Exeludinj; both the cases in wiiicli the age at which insanity lirst appeared, THE INSANE. 27 and those iu which the forms of insanity were unknown, Table 28 shows for each 100,000 persons in institutions for tlie same attect^'d with certain forms of insanity the number in whom the disease began iu each of certam iiLjo groups, with dislinctiuii of color and sex. Table 28. AOB FBBIODS WHEN INSAKITT APFEABED. FORiLS OK INSANITY. 10 to 20 Acuto mnnia : White Colored Male Female Chrouic mnnia: -White Colored Halo Female Chronic melancholia White Colored Halo Female Dementia: White Colored Male Female Epilepsy : White Colored Male Female 9,513 H,2S0 9,710 20 to 25 25 to 30 ',105 1,170 ■,T03 1,658 i,245 i,in9 1,213 ,290 24G 390 410 117 821 500 105 988 10, 190 21,366 17, 165 15,943 14,758 13,943 15,895 13,579 It, 010 21,339 10, 671 H, 732 IS, 783 17, 247 20, SiS IS, 144 20,706 20, 000 22, 353 17, 370 18,092 17,679 18,223 17,891 IS, 386 20,806 19,628 17, 481 18, 141 ' 20, 921 19,185 17,242 17,908 17, 880 18,435 17, 270 14,122 20, 834 14, 248 15, 881 80 to 35 35 to 40 40 to 45 46 to 50 15,852 14.534 15, 188 16, 356 17,257 17, 102 17, 240 17,254 16,166 15, -181 15, 877 16,420 13, 069 11,234 13,136 14.092 12,023 9,167 12, 288 10, 670 12,826 11,280 12,5*3 12, 890 13, 334 13, 508 12,090 13,969 12,744 to, 042 12, 305 13, 021 11,004 11,709 10,492 n,G84 8,302 6,667 8,497 7,444 9,755 7,917 9.106 10, 101 10, 570 10, 349 9,814 11,276 10, 462 10, 4C0 8,971 12,007 7,914 7,753 6,833 9,203 5,030 5, 833 5, 752 5,459 60 to 65 7,524 0,399 6,600 8,120 7,501 6,427 6,516 8,482 8,472 7,531 7,145 9,786 5, 869 3,006 5,193 6,426 2,576 3,333 2,614 2,729 4,480 5,423 4,949 4,12« 4,990 4,793 4,617 5,323 6,441 3,766 6,086 6,034 4,058 4,114 3,789 4. .•!S9 2, 570 2,500 2,745 2,233 56 to 65 66 and over. 4,350 3,254 4,653 3,802 4,648 3,377 4,004 4,543 1.418 888 1,603 1,139 1,355 1,525 1,293 1.433 6,107 2,212 2,511 2.510 0,218 2.329 5,7S7 2,111 5,249 4,300 0,487 6.171 5.110 3,741 5,529 S.Itt 2,290 954 3,333 833 2,614 784 1,985 1,241 From this table it appears that in the surviving whites acute mania first appeared in the greatest proiiortion in any qninqueiiuial age period between the ages 25 to 30, while in the surviving colored its first appearance was most frequent between the ages 20 to 2-5. The greatest number of cases of chronic mania fir.st appeared between the ages '2o to .".0 in both the white and tlie colored. For the whites this was also the case for chronic melancholia. The greatest number of cases of dementia began at the ages 20 to 25 in the whites and at the a^es 25 to 30 in the colored. The gi-eatest number of cases of epileptiform mania began in the early age groups of 10 to 20 and 20 to 25 in the white, and 10 to 20 and 25 to .30 iu the colored. Table 1(55 shows for 59,300 persons found in institutions on June 1, 1S90, the ages by quinqueauial periods and the ages when insanity appeared by quinqueunial periods, with distinction of sex and color. This table may be compared with Table xxiii, pages 96 and 97 of volume xxt of the Reports of the Tenth Census. Taking the two tables together, Table 29 has been prepared, showing for 1880 and 1890 the insane found in institutions classified according to the quinquennial age period iu which the first attack occurred. Table 29. AOE PEBIOD WHES IXSAKTrT ATPEARED. 10 to 15 (a) 15 to 20.... 20to25.... 25 to 30.... 30 to 35 35 to 40.... 40 to 45.... 45 to 50.... 50 to 55.... isao 39 790 3,138 5,704 8,123 8,182 7,930 7,287 6,036 isso 227 2,417 5,450 5,926 5,492 4,321 3,305 2,405 1,542 AGE PEBIOD WHEN INSAXlXr APPEARED. 55 to 60 60to65.... 65 to 70 70to75.... 75 to SO 80 to 85 85to90 90 to 95 95 and over 1890 4.310 3,261 2,066 1,343 632 310 102 38 3 ISSO 940 652 358 188 90 23 8 3 a In 1880 this ago period waa 12 to 15 years. 28 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 30 shows for the surviving insane in institutions for the same in 1890 and in ISSO the number reported as having become insane during each preceding year, with the diflerence between the two columns for each year. Table 30. TEAES IS Wmcn FIBST attack OCCtJKBEB. Total. 1890. ie«9. 1883. 18«7. 1866. 1885. 1884. ysta. 1882. 1881. 1880. 1879. 1878. 1877. 1876. 1875. 1874 . 1873. 1872. 1871. 1870. 1809. 1868. 186?. 18G6. 18«S. 1864. 1863. 1862. 1861. 18»6tolP91.. 11-81 to \fvi.. 1876 lo \i--l.. 1871 to 1876. ISiWto 1871. 18C1 tol8G6. In ISSO In ISOO 65,247 5,127 5,816 5,765 4,821 4,211 4,221 3,347 2,827 2,857 1,981 3,520 1,674 1,945 1,308 1,215 1,958 1,028 808 873 679 79,122 3,P09 G,SS2 6, 21)5 5,572 5,141 5,005 4, 6:!4 3,906 3. 5.10 2,806 3.821 2.278 2,590 2,031 1,802 2,172 1,653 1,414 1, 394 1,059 1,790 950 8J8 731 647 927 569 440 389 316 Differ- ence. 1,306 3,538 3,169 2,790 2,409 2,04D 1,694 1,413 1,463 922 1,730 724 1,097 577 568 1,031 459 368 484 363 TE.1BS m WHICH FIRST ATTACK OCCURRED. 1860. 1859. 1858. 1857 . 1856. 1855. 1854. 1853. 1852 . 1851. 1850 . 1849. 1848. 1«47. 1846. 1845. 1841 . 1S43 . 1842. 1841. 1840. 1839 . 18.38. 1837 . 1836. 1835. 1834. 1833 . 1832. 1831. SUMMARY BT QtJINQUENlflAL PERIODS. 25,740 15, 233 9, 662 5,346 27, 799 19. 947 12, 528 7,692 4,966 2,641 13, 212 7,541 4,696 2,705 1856 to 1861. 1851 to 1836. 1846 to 1851. 1841 to 1846. 1836 to 1841. 1831 to 1836. In ISSO In 1S90 .,780 631 574 625 477 879 373 312 337 276 693 2.19 233 181 180 292 KB 118 126 99 114 79 86 68 73 108 56 61 39 38 643 297 310 258 211 255 179 131 111 110 236 93 103 76 49 51 40 24 76 28 32 23 10 21 9 14 9 12 Differ- ence. 3,987 1,719 2, 2U7 789 1. 510 567 801 210 420 ]C9 802 65 1,137 334 264 207 266 634 194 208 226 166 457 164 130 113 115 216 120 67 86 75 38 51 54 45 63 87 47 47 30 20 2,268 1,418 979 564 251 237 In this table the diflerence column represents the loss by death and by discharge from the institutions, plus the number of cases in the institutions in 1890 who were not there in 1880. If these differences represented loss by death only, the di-scliarges and new admissions being supposed to balance each other, it would be possible to construct a life table for insane persons in institutions. Such an assumption is not warranted by the data at command, but the result, if not accurate, corresponds to a considerable extent with the ordinary law of mortality, as will be seen by Diagram 21, showing for the living insane the number who became insane in each quintiucnnial period preceding 1890, with corresponding line for 1880. For 74,182 of the insane, the number of attacks was reported as is shown by Table 31. F.lcwntli (Vnsiis of tlu' I'liilcl Slates. DIAGRAM 21. Y£ARS IN WHICH INSANITY OCCURRED suRmm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28000-"^ 27000-- 26 000-- 25 0OO-- 24000- - 23000- - 22000- 2/ OOO- 20000-- I9000-- J8000-- I7000-- 16000 — 15000- - J4000-- I3000-- 12000- - 1 1 000 - - I0000-- 9000-- 8000-- 7000-- 6000-- 5000-- 4000- 3000-- 2000-- 1 000 - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 / / 1 / / / / / / / o/ / ^^/ > ^/ r»/ / .^/ / / \ \ ^ / y \ \ i ^ ^ y 1 1 ' ^ ^ y^ ^ _^...--' X _^ — ^ - -' "^ THE INSANE. Table 31. 29 8EX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY. Total. NDMBEK or ATTACKS. One. Two. Thrco. Four. Five. Six to ten. Eleven and over 74, 182 37, 031 36, 251 63,390 7,127 1,829 730 300 405 401 ITalo 32,683 30, 707 3,500 3,507 886 943 344 386 135 165 163 242 160 241 "White: Male 35, 901 34, 054 20,549 19, 733 2,090 1,992 12, 722 12, 329 1,970 2,107 1,025 1,808 345 389 30,949 28,764 17,501 36,251 2,296 1,709 11.352 10,804 1,734 1,943 1,436 1,603 298 340 3,402 3,400 2,115 2,215 276 159 1,011 1, 026 158 167 128 139 30 28 846 906 679 598 56 60 211 248 « 37 31 28 9 9 335 373 210 249 22 20 73 104 9 13 7 12 2 1 125 155 80 113 16 13 2D 29 10 10 7 8 3 2 155 227 119 164 12 15 24 48 8 15 8 10 149 229 115 143 12 16 22 70 11 12 8 8 3 4 Tarenta native born : lliile Ono or both parents foreign born : Male Foreign born: Male Fenirilo Colored : Male Black: Male FfiiLole Mixed: Male Female 5 Tlie data contained in the above table may be compared with tho.se given in Table xiv of the Report on the Defective, Dependent, and Delinqnent Classes for the censns of 1880. (Reports Tenth Census, volume xxi, page 63 et seq.) Table 32 shows for each group the ratio i)er 100,000 of the total number of cases in which the number of attacks was reported, with the corresponding figures for the data of 1880. Tablk 32. NrMBEE OF ATTACKS. SEX, COLOB, AND NATIVITY. One. Two. Three. Fonr. Five. Six to ten. Eleven and over. 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 18S0 1890 1S80 1890 1880 85. 452 SO, 164 84, 707 80,918 80,621 81, 191 9,607 9,385 9,840 11,072 11, 604 10, 582 2,466 2,336 2.601 3,593 3,545 3,637 404 356 455 691 684 698 546 430 667 1,100 1,098 1,114 541 422 665 1,2U 1.108 1,311 Male 907 1,005 1,340 1,467 Female White: Male 86, 063 84, 406 84, 104 82, 354 85, 353 85, 793 89,231 87,631 88, 020 88,439 80,511 81,032 a79.505 78,990 82, 831 85, 445 9,460 9,984 10,292 11,225 10, 260 7,982 7.947 8,322 8,020 7,601 11,747 10, 784 11,579 11, 497 12, 135 9,244 8,079 6,914 2,352 2,661 2,818 3,030 2,082 3,012 1,658 2,011 2,031 1,684 3,575 3,671 3,976 4,098 2,051 2,747 2,943 3, 025 932 1,095 1,168 1,262 818 1,004 574 844 457 692 1,335 1,493 1,497 1,750 900 937 1,434 988 348 455 389 573 695 653 228 235 508 455 695 716 828 892 389 334 453 370 431 667 579 831 446 753 189 389 406 683 1,089 1,007 1,276 1,222 657 733 1,283 1,975 414 672 560 725 446 803 173 66S 558 M6 1,048 1.237 1.339 1,551 Female Parents native bom : Male One or both parents foreign born : Male Foreign bom : Male 377 560 2,340 2,654 Female Colored : Male Female 84, 074 a Nutivo white, including those of native and those of foreign parentage. It will be seen from the above table that of the total number of cases reported in 1890, a little over 85 ])er cent were first attacks, while in 1880 the proportion was about 81 per cent. In 1890 the proportion of males 30 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. affected with first attacks was greater tliau that of females in tbe ratio of 86 to 85. The proportion of tliose suffering from first attacks of insanity in 1890 was greater among tlie colored than among the white; in the white it was greater in the male than in the female, and greater in the foreign born than in the native born. In ISSO the proportion of first attacks was greater in the female than in the male, slightly greater in the colored than in the wh ite, and in the foreign born than in the native born. About 1 per cent of the total number of cases reported in 1890 had suffered over G attacks, while in 1880 the corresponding ratio was over 2 jter cent. The greatest proportion of the cases having over attacks was, in 1890, among the white native born females of native born parents. In 1880 it was greatest among the colored females. As a rule women are more likely to have repeated attacks than men. Table 33 shows for 13,705 insane persons in institutions in 1890 the number of the epileptic and of those with suicidal and homicidal tendencies, and their combinations, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. Tabu: 33. SEX, COLOK, ASD NATIVITY. Total. Epileptic. Suicidal. Homicidal. Epileptic ana suicidal. Epileptic a nil homicidal. Epileptic, suicidal, and homicidal. .Suicidal antl liouiicidal. Total . 13,705 4,023 3,763 4,759 90 275 52 743 Male . .. 8,096 5,C09 2,478 1,545 1,775 1,938 3,119 1,640 50 40 222 53 38 14 414 329 White: Mali) 7,714 5,302 4,721 3,422 515 334 2,448 1,006 382 247 2,293 1,431 1, 636 , 1,000 155 99 502 332 185 114 1,759 1,950 948 1,178 117 124 694 051 16 32 2,970 1,548 1.676 033 222 79 1,072 616 149 92 49 40 33 30 6 3 10 7 1 207 53 151 39 12 3 44 11 15 36 14 29 U 2 1 5 2 2 400 "320 248 211 3t 25 121 84 14 9 Tarcnts native born : Halo Female -. Ono or bolli parents foreign born : Male Female Foreign bom : Male Colored : Male It should be noted that the epileptic for Table 160 relates to the form of insanity and includes all cases reported under that head, while this table includes in addition all reporting "Epilepsy" under the head of disease, which will account for the apparent discrepancy. Table 34 shows the ratio of each of the above groups of the epileptic, suicidal, and homicidal insane per 1,000 of the total for the same in 1800, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, with corresponding ratios for 1880. Table 34. REX COLOB. AND NATIVITY. EPILEPTIC. 80U;iDAL. HOMICIDAJ.. EPn-KPTIC AND BUICUJAL. EPILEPTIC AND IIOMICIDAL. EPILEPTIC, SUICIDAL, AND HOMICIDAL. SUICIDAL A.ND HOMICIDAL. 1800 1880 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 1880 1800 1880 1800 1880 Total 293 306 276 364 359 871 275 219 354 236 192 304 347 385 292 313 358 2(4 6 7 9 9 8 20 28 25 34 n 4 5 S 3 3 4 54 51 59 62 60 62 62 57 75 49 52 37 36 50 45 58 Male •VThlto: Male 297 267 347 292 284 200 205 207 484 402 :i5i 305 270 293 521 552 228 365 201 341 215 371 284 407 42 130 199 310 247 339 a? 119 385 289 355 279 407 237 438 321 390 372 357 243 411 293 370 254 11 4 5 3 8 8 10 9 12 30 27 10 32 11 "o IS 7 39 ;i6 11 8 15 1 I I 1 6 3 4 3 2 1 6 3 4 1 46 59 Native parcnta; Male Foreign parents: Male Female..... ^oreicn bom : Male 40 67 18 30 Colored : Male Femtlo Eleventh <_Vnsiis of the United States. DIAGRAM 22, Insaim SINGLE- TOTAL POPULATION " INSANE WHITL POPULATION INSANE COLORED POPULATION INSANE MARRIED: TOTAL population INSANE WHITE POPULATION INSANE COLORED POPULATION " INSANE WIDOWED: TOTAL population '• INSANE WHITE POPULATION >> INSANE COLORED POPULATION INSANE MALE FEMALE Q Q O Q Ci Q lo "o ■* ^ ^^ "^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 ) <:i Q ci ) ■<^ If) vo 1 1 I mtltfttttttM^K^Kt/tt^ : : 1 V^^^^^^^^V ^^^^^V — ^^^I^^^H^^^H^H ^I^^H^V^^H^^^H^^^I — ' HPH|H|p^^l^^ \ — l^^^^^l ^^^^^^^H — 1 I^l ■ ^^ 1 in ■ — |j 1 THE INSANE. 31 The figures for the coniT)inatioii8 of epilepsy with suicidal aud homicidal tendencies for the foreign born and for the colored are too small to give much value to the ratios. It will bo seen from the above Uih\c that in 1S!)0 the proportion of the homicidal insane was greater than of either ejiilcptic or suicidal, while in 1S80 the proportion of the epileptic insane was the greatest. In IS'M the proportion of the epilei)tic was greater in the males than in the females; in 18S0 the reverse of this was the case. In both 1880 and IS'JO the proportion of suicidal insane was greater in females than in males, while the proportion of homicidal insane was greater in the males than in the females. The combination of the homicidal form of insanity with epilepsy is markedly more frequent than that of tho suicidal form with epilepsy. The epileptic forms of insanity ai-e markedly more frequent in the colored than in the white, aud still more so in the native than in the foreign born. Insanity with snicidal tendencies is comparatively rare in the negro, while the tendency to homicide is a little greater in the insane negro than it is in the white. Table 1G6 shows the conjugal condition of the insane 15 years of age and upward, as found in the United States on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and of certain age groups. The conjugal condition was not stated for 4,.31.S out of the 103,575 insane^ persons reported as being 15 years of age and upward; considering only the 99,257 insane whoso ages aud conjugal conditions were reported, we find that of the 4!>,4fi3 males, 29,793, or G02 per 1,000, were single; 16,227, or 328 per 1,000, were married; 3.010, or 01 per 1,000, were widowers; and 433, or 9 per 1,000, were divorced. Of the 49,794 females, 19,401, or 390 per 1,000, were single; 21,CG5, or 435 per 1,000, were married; 8,171, or 1G4 per 1,000, were widows, and 557, or 11 per 1,000, were divorced. The corresponding ratios for the total population reported as 15 years of age and upward and of known conjugal condition were, for males, single, 416 per 1,000; married, 542 per 1,000; widowed, 40 per 1,000; divorced, 2 per 1,000; aud for females, single, 318 per 1,000; nuirried, 5C8 per 1,000; widowed, 110 per 1,000, and divorced, 4 per 1,000. The ratio of unmarried among the insane was a little greater in 1S90 than it was in 18S0, being 495.G in 1890 and 480.4 in 1880 per 1,000 of all the insane with regard to whom the conjugal condition was reported. Of the 99,4G5 whites, 47,254 were single, 3G,055 married, 10,568 widowed, 974 divorced, and for 4,614 tho conjugal condition is not stated. Of the single, 28,632 were males and 18,G22 were females, giving a ratio of 154 males to each 100 females. Of the married, there were 15,.518 males aud 20,537 females, giving a ratio of 70 males to each 100 females. Of the widowed, 2,877 were males and 7,G91 were females, giving a ratio of 37 males to each 100 females. Of the divorced, there were 422 males and 552 females, giving a ratio of 76 males to each 100 females. Of the 6,478 colored, the conjugal condition of 650 waiS not stated; 2,643 were single, of which 1,588 were males and 1,055 were females, giving a ratio of 151 males to each 100 females. Of the married, there were 2,388, of whom 927 were males aud 1,461 were females, giving a ratio of 63 males to each 100 females. Of the widowed, there were 764, of whom 165 were males and 599 were females, giving a ratio of 28 males to each 100 females. Of the divorced, there were 33, of whom 18 were males and 15 were females, giving a ratio of 120 males to each 100 females. Table 35 show s for each 1,000 of the population and of the insane whose conjugal condition and ages were reported, the number of single, married, widowed, and divorced, with distinction of sex aud color. Table 35. SEX AND COLOR. SINGLE. MAERIED. WIDOWED. DIVORCED. Popnlar tiou. Insane. Fopala- tion. Insane. Popula- tion. Insane. Popula- tion. Insane. Total M3 410 318 496 602 390 535 542 568 382 328 435 74 40 110 112 CI 164 3 4 10 9 11 Male Wliite 371 418 321 349 398 301 498 603 393 453 588 337 555 541 571 551 .556 547 380 327 433 410 344 467 71 39 ■ 105 90 43 147 112 ■ 61 102 131 01 191 3 2 3 4 3 10 9 12 6 7 5 M:llo Male Diagram 22 shows for each 100 of the population and of the insane whose conjugal condition and ages were reported, the number of single, married, and widowed, with distinction of sex and color. 32 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. From the preceding table aud diagram it will be seen that among tlie in.sane tlie proportion of the single, of the widowed, and of the divorced is greater than it is among the general population for both males and females and for both the white and coh)red, wliile the proportion of married aimmg the insane is less than it is among the general population except for the colored females, among whom it is greater for the insane. Table 30 shows for each 10,000 of the population in the United States 15 years of age and upward, where ages and conjugal condition were reported, the number of insane reported for the corresponding age and conjugal condition, with distinction of sex, color, and of two age groups, the Ohiuese, Japanese, and Indians not included. Table 36. CONJUGAL CONDITION. • WHITE. COLORED. 16 to 45 years. 45 years and over. 16 to 46 years. 46 years and over. Single: Male 27.20 22.64 8.73 13.06 26.05 28.56 71.00 63.14 219. 72 213.77 25.29 38.55 43.66 41.93 118.33 138. 92 15.68 12.46 5.57 9.60 16.42 11.23 23.97 10.32 91.25 113.24 11.64 21.16 19.00 23.41 65.93 21.62 Married : ilalo Widowed: Male Divorced : Male The ratios given in this table are less than the true ratios in each case because the proportions of those of unknown age and of unknown conjugal condition are much greater among the insane tlian among the general population, the ratios being, per 1,000,000 of tliose 15 years of age and upward of general population, unknown ages 3,901, unknown conjugal condition 1,590; and of the insane, unknown ages 22,352, unknown conjugal condition 49,087. If, however, we assume that the deficiencies occur in the same proportion in each group, the ratios are comparable, and indicate that from 15 to 45 years of age the tendency to insanity is much greater among the divorced whites than among any other group. At ages above 41 the tendency to insanity is greatest for the whites among the single, and next among the divorced, the ratio being smallest among the married; while for the colored the ratio is greatest for the single, next for the divorced, and least for the married. The returns for the colored insane are probably so imperfect that the above ratios for this class have little value. Table 107 shows the number of the insane in the United States on June 1, 1890, concerning whom it was reported as to whether they had or had not insane relatives, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and for those who had such relatives the character of the relationship. In examining the figures of this table it must be remembered that the same person maybe reported in several relationships, that is, he may be at the same time a father, an uncle, a brother, and a cousin. The table shows that of 70,340 insane persons concerning Avhoiu it was rei)orted as to whether they had such relatives or not, 22,077, or 314 per 1,000, had such relatives. The corresponding ratio in 1880 was 590 per 1,000, but the returns related to only 0,520 per. sons. Of the insane reported as to relatives in 1890, 323 per 1,000 of the whites and 139 per 1,000 of the colored had such relatives. Of those for whom the insane relatives were reported by parental side there were of whites 7,388, of colored 111. Of these the number having insane relatives on the mother's side only was, of whites 3,808, of colored 83, being for the whites 524 and for the colored 589 i)er 1,000 of those for whom the insane relatives were reported by jiarental side. The corresponding figures for 1880 are, whites 433, colored 576 per 1,000. The number having insane relatives on the fat tier's side only was, of whites 3,103, of colored 51, being for the whites 428 and for the colored 302 per 1,000 of those for whom the insane relatives were reported by parental side. The corresponding figures for 1880 arc, whites 400, colored 384 per 1,000. The number having insane relatives on both the father's and the mother's side was, of whites .3.57, of colored 7, being for the wliites 48 and for the colored 50 [ler 1,(100 of those for whom tlie insane relatives were reported by parental side. The corresponding figures for 1880 are, whites 107, colored 40 per 1,000. The number having insane fathers was, of whites 2,483, of colored 18, being for the whites 785 and for the colored 941 ]»er l.(M)0 of those having insane relatives on the father's side only, or for the whites 115 and for the colored 100 jx-r 1,000 of the total having in.sano relatives. The number having in.sane mothers was, of whites 3,080, of colored 79, being for th(! whites 790" and for the colored 9.52 jier 1,000 of those having in.sane relatives on the mother's side only, or for the whites 143 and for the colored 105 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. TPIE INSANE. 33 Tlio number amonf? tlu^ wliitoa having; insane grandfathors on the fatlier's side was 80, hvAug 2.1 per 1,000 of nil liaving insane relatives on the father's side, and the number among the whites having insane grandfathers on the mother's side was 74, being 19 i^er 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on tlui mother's side. Tlio number among the whites having insane grandnu)thers was 793, for the colored 17, being for the whites .57 and for the colored 30 i)er 1,000 of the total having insane relatives; among tlie whites, 70 had insane grandmothers on the father's side and 109 had insane grandmothers on the mother's side, the first being in the ratio of 2-1 and the second of 28 per 1,000 of all having insane relatives on the father's and on the mother's side. The number Laving insane uncles was, for the whites 2,377, and for the colored 31, being for the whites 110 and for the colored 65 per 1,000 of tlie total havilig insane relatives; of the whites, 242 had insane uncles on the father's side, being 77 per 1,000 of all having insane relatives on the father's side, 20G had insane uncles on the mother's side, being 53 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on the mother's side. The number having insane aunts was, for the whites 2,002, for the colored 32, being for the whites 93 and for the colored 67 x>er 1,000 of the total having insane relatives: of the whites 178 had insane aunts on the fathers side, being 6G per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on the father's side, and 2^S had insane aunts on the mother's side, being 74 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on the mother's side. The number having insane cousins was, of the whites 1,075, of the colored 33, being for tlie whites 78 and for the colored 69 i^er 1,000 of the total having insane relatives; of the whites 104 had insane cousins on the father's side, being 33 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on the father's side, and 111 had insane cousins on the mother's side, being 29 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on the mother's side. The number having insane brothers was 3,542 of the whites and 88 of the colored, being for the whites 164 and for the colored 184 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. The number having insane sisters was, for the whites 3,618, and for the colored S6, being for the whites 168 and for the colored 180 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. The number having insane sons was, of the whites 445, of the colored 20, being for the whites 21 and for the colored 42 per 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. The number having insane daughters was, for the whites 461, and for the colored 19, being for the whites 21 and for the colored 40 i>er 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Table 37 shows these ratios and also corresponding ones, with distinction of sex, and of native and foreign born among the whites. Table 37. RELATIONSHIP AND RATIOS. Nnmber reported as to relatives Number haviD^ insane relatives Katio of number having insane relatives to l.OOOof total reported. Number for whom parental side is reported Number havinfi insane relatives on mother's side . . . Katio of number having insane relatives on mother's Bide to 1,000 of total for vrhom parental side is reported. Number having insane relatives on father's side Ratio of number having insane relatives on father's aide to 1,000 of total for whom parental side is reported. Number having insane relatives on both sides Katio of number having insane relatives on both sides to 1,000 of total for whom parental side la reported. Number having insane fathers Katio of number having insane fathers to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Katio of nnmber having insane fathers to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on father's side. Number having insane mothers , Katio of number having insane mothers to 1,000 of tlie total having insane relatives. Katio of number having insane mothers to 1.000 of the total having insane relatives on mother's side. Number having insane grandfathers Katio of number having insano grandfathers to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Number having insane grandfathers on father's nide. Katio of number having insane grandfathers on father's side to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on father's side. Number having insane grandfathers on mother's side. Ratio of number having insane grandfathers on mother's side to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives on motber's side. 7176 INS 3 Total. 1S90 70, 340 22, 077 314 7, 529 3,951 3,214 427 364 48 2,531 115 787 3,159 143 800 784 36 18S0 6,520 3,885 596 3,885 1,696 1,780 458 409 105 1890 66,894 21,599 323 7,388 3,868 3,163 428 357 48 1880 3,786 3,786 1,639 433 1,742 46U 405 107 2,483 |. 115 . 3,080 143 796 766 35 Colored. 1890 1880 3,446 478 139 141 83 589 51 362 48 100 57 576 38 384 Male. 1890 18S0 34, 501 9,987 289 3, 595 1,791 498 1. 022 451 182 51 1,288 129 1,425 143 407 41 1,770 713 403 870 492 187 108 Female. 1890 1880 35, 839 12, 090 337 3,934 2,160 1,592 405 182 46 1,243 103 781 1,734 143 ;i77 31 2,115 2,115 983 465 910 430 222 105 Kative. 1890 1880 47,208 17, 193 364 6,008 3,091 514 2.604 433 313 52 2.017 117 2,422 141 784 C57 38 68 26 21 3,530 3,530 1,532 1,615 458 383 108 Foreign. 1890 1880 ]9,G8G 4,400 224 ""256 1, 3S0 777 563 559 405 44 32 466 1U6 834 058 149 847 109 25 10 256 107 rj7 496 22 34 INSANE, FEEBLE-ZJINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 37 — Continued. SELATIONSHIP JlSD RATIOS. Ifiirobcr having insano grandmothers Batio of nnmlMT bavin-: insane jirjindmotbers to 1.UU0 9f the total having iDHane nihltivea. Uumber having insane grandmothers on father's eide. Batio of number having insane grandmothers on father's side to l.ooo ol the total number having insane relatives on father's side. Namber having insane grandmothers on mother's side. Kstio of number having insano grandmothers on mother's side to 1.000 of the total having insane rel.itives on mother's side. Number having insane uncles Satio of number having insano uncles to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Kumber having insane uncles on father's side Batio of namber having insane uncles on father's side to 1.000 of the total having insane relatives on father's side. Kumber having insane uncles on mother's side Batio of number having insane uncles on mother's side to 1.000 of the total having insane relatives on mother's side. Number having insane aunts Batio of numt><--r having insane aunts to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Kumber having insane aunts on father's side Batio of numt^r having insane aunts on father's side to l.ooo of the total having insane relatives on father's side. Number having insano aonts on mother's side Batio of numljer having insane aunts on mother's side to 1.000 of the total having insane relatives on mother's side. Namber having insane cousins Batio of number having insane cousins to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Number having insane cousins on father's side Batio of number having insane cousins on father's side to 1,000 of the total having insano relatives on father's side. Number having insane cousins on mother's side Batio of number having insane cousins on mother's side to 1,000 of the total having insano relatives on mother's side. Number having insane brothers Batio of namber having insane brothers to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Number having insane sist^^rs Batio of number having insano sisters to 1,000 of the total having Insane relatives. Number having insano sons Batio of number having insane sons to 1,000 of the ttfital having insane relatives. Number having insane daughters Batio of number having insane daughters to 1,000 of the total having insane relatives. Total. 1890 810 37 110 23 2,408 109 243 76 200 52 2,034 92 179 56 289 73 1,708 77 105 33 113 29 3,630 1C4 3,704 1C8 465 21 480 I 22 I ISSO ■WTiite. 1890 793 37 109 28 2,377 110 242 77 206 53 2,002 93 178 56 288 74 1,675 78 104 33 lU 29 3,542 164 3,018 168 445 21 461 21 ISSO Colored. 1890 ISSO S8 184 180 Male. 1S90 1880 373 37 52 1,242 124 827 83 138 77 1,754 176 1,432 143 181 18 155 16 Female. 1890 ISSO 437 34 21 1,166 96 114 63 1,207 100 115 72 151 70 987 82 1,870 153 2,272 188 284 23 325 27 Native. 1890 ISSO 1,891 110 213 82 178 58 1,704 150 58 1,382 2,719 153 2,791 162 297 17 311 18 Foreign. 1S90 ISSO 104 24 480 no 298 68 293 67 823 187 627 188 148 34 150 34 This table indicates that the ratio of insane persons who have insane relatives is {greater among females (337 per 1,000) than among males (289 per 1,000). It is also apiiarcntly greater among the wliitc than among the colored and among the native whites than among the foreign born, but much, if not all, of this difl'erenco is probablj' due to more dofectivo returns i^or the colored and for tlie foreign born than for the n.itivo whitc.'^. There is a decided difference between tlie ratios derived Irom the figures lor ISSO ami tiiosc for IS!Ut, but the latter are so much larger than the former that the ratios derived from them are probably much more nearly correct than those for 1880. Diagram 23 shows the number of insane persons who were reported as having or having had insane relatives in ea shows the number who were reported as having or having had specified insane relatives in each 1,000 of the fotal reporting insane relatives on the same parental side. Tlie differences between the projiortious of those having insano grandfathers and insane grandmothers on different jiarcntal sides are probably not greater than can be iM'tioiinteil for by tlii^ law of probable error in (wnnection with the small number of ca.ses involved, but the greater pi()))oi tioii of uncles on the father's side and of aunts on the mother's side indicated by the diagram probably indicates a real tendency to heredity of sex. Eleventh CeiimiM i>f ihp rnii>-il Statt-s Iniiaiie. DIAGRAM ?3. MALES. FEMALES. HAVING INSANE RELATIVES ON BOTH SIDES. m HAVING INSANE RELATIVES ON FATHERS SIDE. HA VI NG INSANE REL ATIVES ON MO THER S SIDE DIAGRAM 34 MALES. FEMALES. Q ■* •53 Q ^ ^ HAVm INSANE FATHERS. ^^^^^^^^^^■^^^■■^^H " MOTHERS. ^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^■^^^H " GMNOFATHERS. ^^M^M " GRANDMOTHERS. ^^■^^H " UNCLES. " AUNTS. DIAGRAM 25. THE INSANE. 35 As M'O liavo no data with ro^ard to tlio niunbcr and classification of insane relatives for persons not insane it is impossible to d(^lerinino the iiinoiint of I he inlluence exercised by heredity in tiie [)roduction of in-^anity. It shonid also be remembered that inherited brain abuoruiity may manifest itself in idiocy as well as in insanity, and it will bo found interestinj? to compiuo the above tables and diaffniins relating to insane relatives with the correspondinjj ones given in the section on the feeble-minded. Table 108 sliows the number of the insane who were also reported as being deaf and dumb, or blind, or deaf and dumb and blind, with distinction of sex and color, by geographical divisions and for the several states. Coni])aring this table with the corresponding table for the census of 1880 (Reports Tenth Census, volume XXI, i)ages 94, 95), wo lind that the total of the insane who were deaf and dumb rei)ortcd in 18S0 was IJOS, and in 18!)(), 409. The nnniber of insane reported as blind in 1880 was 528; in 1890, 582. The number of insane reported as deaf and dumb and blind in 1880 was 30; in 1890 it was 02. The lignres for both censuses are too small and the ])robabilities of errors in them too groat to permit of any deductions of value; nevertheless, it would appear that there Avas a very decided increase during the 10 years in the proportion of the insane who were also deaf and dumb, or deaf and dumb and blind, while there has also been an increase during the same period in the ])roportion of those who were insane and blind, and this increase in the proportion of the insane who were also deaf and dumb is probably a real one, since, as we have seen, the defects in the enumeration in 1890 for the insane are probably greater than they were in the count for ISSO. Table 38 shows the number of insane in institutions for the same on June 1, 1890, with distinction of illiteracy, giving the number of those who could read and write, who could read and not write, and who could neither read nor write, in the aggregate, and with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. From this table it appears that of the total nnmber, 74,028, the information as to whether they could rcaer 1,000, could both read and write; 1,084, or 26 per 1,000, could read and not write, and 11,833. or 182 per 1,000, could neither read nor write. Xabi,k 38. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. COLORED. Total. . Natire bom. Foreign born. Total. Black. UTEEACT. Parents native. Ono or both parents for- eign. Mixed bluod. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fe- male. Male. Female. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Total 74,028 38,330 35,698 36,^6 33,473 20,772 18, 846 2,183 1,527 13, 301 13, 100 2,074 2,225 1,707 1,860 387 naa 51, 362 1,684 186 11, 833 8,963 27, 713 766 91 5,441 4,319 23,649 918 95 6,392 4,644 27, 235 704 86 4,272 3,959 23, 283 866 92 5,011 4.221 15,909 338 32 2,036 2,457 14, 238 309 35 1,964 2,300 1,906 49 2 182 44 1 ''7*' 53 2 148 62 9,420 317 52 2,054 1,458 7,773 504 55 2,899 1,869 478 62 5 1,169 360 366 52 3 1,381 423 376 51 5 980 595 289 37 2 1,155 377 102 77 11 189 15 Eead, but unknown aa to ■write. If either Tea d nor write 1 228 36 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 39 shows for each 1,000 of the insane iu institutions, for \ybom the facts as to literacy and illiteracy •were stated, tbe number who could read and write, could read and not write, and who could neither read uor write, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 39. SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY. Kead and write. Head and not write. Neither read uor write. Total 789 815 762 20 23 30 182 100 206 Male -WTiitO: Male 843 790 869 861 891 802 795 692 279 203 266 195 338 241 22 30 18 19 23 36 27 45 36 29 36 25 36 47 132 171 111 119 85 100 173 258 682 760 694 779 626 708 Kative born : Parents native- Male One or both parents foreign- Male Foreign born: Male Colored : Male Black: Male Mixed blood: Male TVom this table it will be seen that the proportion of those who conhl read and write was greater among the males than among the females, that it was much greater among the whites than among the colored, and somewhat greater among those of mixed blood than among the blacks, and greater among the natives than among the foreign born. For the males the number per 1,000 who could neither read nor write was, for the native whites of native born parents. Ill; for the native whites having one or both parents foreign born, 85; for tlie foreign born whites, 173; for the mixed bloods, C2G; and for the black, C04; while the corresponding proportion of illiterate per 1,000 for the females was, for the whites, 171; blacks, 779; and for the mixed bloods, 70S. Table 40 shows for the male insane and Table 41 for the female insane whose previous occupations were reported, and who were found in institutions for the insane on June 1, 1890, the number pertaining to each occupation, with distinction of certain principal forms of insanity. occur ATioirs. Tot;il . Artists and iihotogrnphcrs.. Bakor3nii.Icoufeitiom;r3 Bookbinders Carpenters Cigar niakers Clergymen Clerks Editors Engravers and jewelers Farmers Fislienuen Gardeners Laborers Lawyers Hachinista jUannfacturera Aleebanies Herebants Mill and faetory operatives. Miners Painters rbysicians Printers r.ud compositors ... Railroad employes Sailors Shoemakers Soldiers , Stock raisers Students Tailors Teacbors All otbers OCCUPATIONS. Total . Artists and pbotographera. Bookbinders Clerks Dressmakers Fancy work and millinery. Farmers Housekeepers , Housewives Laborers , Laundresses , McrclLinli^ , Mill jind factory operatives. Missionaries Pl'.ysicians Seamstresses Servants Shoemakers Students Tailorcsses Teachers All others THE INSANE. Table 40. 37 Total. 2D, 465 75 228 53 1,102 231 130 1,C20 45 181 R, 133 108 180 3, C30 2U2 003 33 1,055 872 200 550 408 170 214 G4 370 009 355 118 139 373 263 .012 FORM OF INSANITY— MALE8. Acute mania. 0,249 2C 65 17 208 34 30 289 14 28 1,075 18 30 1,992 78 143 5 389 154 55 1G4 83 34 48 9 93 105 70 34 30 72 52 203 Chronic xnauia. Chronic niclan* cbolia. Dementia. 7,480 20 48 11 290 07 33 399 5 45 2,207 22 30 2,191 125 3 490 282 40 127 111 40 39 9 91 149 112 20 32 91 70 210 3,768 24 20 185 2 31 1,227 12 15 951 16 99 10 250 103 34 68 Gl 24 34 6 30 79 21 10 20 50 35 124 7,S58 9 60 302 70 25 424 13 43 1,909 40 34 2,049 59 138 9 648 232 38 111 141 40 50 28 103 180 112 28 47 110 71 200 All other forms. 4,100 11 41 19 192 10 10 332 11 34 095 10 71 053 62 98 272 181 33 90 72 38 34 12 47 90 34 14 10 44 35 215 T.VBLE 41. Total. 23,719 21 31 135 833 89 87 .174 ,251 362 263 40 379 17 11 45 050 31 32 128 002 132 FORM or INSANITY- FEMALES. Acnto mania. Chronic mania. Chrouic niol.in- cbolia. Dementia. All other fonus. 4,957 0,611 3,457 6,061 2,033 5 3 5 2 1 5 9 13 3 29 43 21 23 19 115 233 143 221 80 14 27 12 19 17 11 18 8 22 28 419 083 389 510 167 2,569 3,199 1,594 2,331 1.558 82 108 31 113 28 72 86 37 02 10 10 14 9 11 2 04 88 62 119 4C 3 3 1 6 1 1 4 2 15 13 8 5 i 1,328 1,808 994 2,372 548 3 9 2 12 5 14 3 2 8 5 23 35 26 39 5 124 190 82 139 67 23 30 13 39 22 38 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. From these two tables it appears tliat 29,4G5 male and 23,719 female insane persons were reported as having had some occupation. Of the males, 8,636 were laborers, 8,133 farmers, 1,955 mechanics, 1,629 clerks, 1,152 carpenters, 872 merchants, 609 shoemakers, 603 machinists, 550 miners, iOS painters, 373 tailors, 370 sailors, 355 soldiers, 292 lawyers, 263 teachers, 231 cigar makers, 228 bakers and confectioners, 214 printers and compositors, 206 mill and factory operatives, 181 engravers and jewelers, 176 physicians, and 136 clergymen. Of the females, 11,251 were housewives, 7,050 servants, 2,174 housekeepers, 833 dressmakers, 602 teachers, 379 mill and fiictory operatives, 263 laundresses, and 135 clerks. The relative tendency to different forms of insanity in different occupations is indicated to some extent by Table 42 for the male insane and Table 43 for the female insane, which show for eacli 1,000 insane persons of certain occupations found in institutions the number affected with each of the four ijrincipal forms of insanity. Table 42. OCCUPATICXS. Artists antl photosriiphors Bakers and confectiouers. Bookbinders Carpenters Cigar makers Clernjyiiien Clerks Editors Engravers and jewelers. . . F.-uincra Fiaiiemicn GartU-ners Laborers Lawyers Haebinists Hanutacturers FORM OF INSAKITT— HALES. Aciito mania. 347 241 321 180 147 2G5 177 3U 15S 200 107 101 231 207 237 151 Chronic mania. 207 211 208 257 290 243 245 111 249 279 204 193 254 204 207 91 Cfaronic melan- cholia. 120 105 113 134 165 191 114 44 171 151 111 81 110 55 1C4 303 Dementia. 120 263 203 329 184 200 289 237 242 370 183 295 202 229 273 OCCUPATIONS. Mechanics Merchants Mill and factory operatives Miners Painters Physicians Printers and compositors . . Eailroad employes Sailors Shoemakers Soldiers Stock raisers Stud*mts Tailors Teachers FORM OF INSANITY— MALES. Acnte mania. 199 177 267 298 178 193 224 141 251 172 214 288 210 193 198 Chronic mania. 251 232 223 231 237 227 182 141 240 245 316 220 230 244 266 Chronic melan- cholia. 131 118 105 105 130 137 159 94 97 130 59 136 144 150 133 Dementia* 280 266 185 202 301 227 276 437 279 295 315 237 338 295 270 Table 43. OCCUPATIONS. Artintii and photographers Bookbinders Clerks Dressmakera Fancy work and millinery Fanners HonAekcepcrs SoiiHewivcs Labon-rs LauiidrcKKea FORM OF INSANITY— FEMALES. Acat« mania. 238 32 215 174 157 120 193 228 227 274 Chronic mania. 280 161 318 286 303 207 314 2S4 Chronic melan- cholia. 143 290 150 172 135 92 179 142 86 140 Dementia. 238 420 170 205 214 253 237 207 312 198 OCCUPATIONS. Merchants Mill and factory operatives Missionaries Physicians Seamstresses Servants Shoemakers Students TailoresscB Teachers FORM OF INSANITY— FEMALES. Acnt« mania. 217 169 176 273 333 188 97 438 180 206 Chrouio mania. 304 232 412 91 289 257 290 04 273 310 Chronic melau. ckolia. 196 164 353 91 178 141 05 G2 203 136 Dementitk 239 314 182 111 336 S87 250 305 231 Diagram 26 shows the number of insane male persona in institutions for the same aifected with chronic mania and chronic melancliolia in each 1,000 of the total reported for each occupation. Diagram 27 shows the number of insane male persons in institutions for the same affected with acute mania and dementia in each 1,000 of the total reported for each occupation. Diagram 28 sliows tlie number of insane female persons in institutions for tlie same affected with chronic mania and chronic melancholia in each 1,000 of the total reported for each occupation. Diagram 29 shows tlie number of insane, fcniiile persons in institutions for the same affected with .acute mania and dementia in each l,00(t of the total rcportcil for eacii occn]):ilion. Table 169 siiows by geographical divisions and by states the number of insane males found on June 1, 1890, who were rejiortcd as liaving served in tlie United States or Confederate armies during the war, with distinctiou of color and birlhplace.-i of mother«. Eleventh Census of the United States. Insane. DIAGRAM 36 OCCUPATIONS. CHRONIC MANIA. CHRONIC MELANCHOLIA. O Q o o o c V^ O JO Q> JO c ' ~^ ~~- C\j C\J c 1 r 1 1 II > Q <5> Q C> Cl 5 to ^ >o <=> !fi S ' -- -: 0^ c\j «^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 MANUFA C TUNERS -^^^H r n/ TTs R c ^^^^1 flA/L ROAD EM PL YES - -^^^^^^B PRINTERS SrCOMPOSI TORS ^^^^^^^^^1 GARDENERS ^^^^K^^^^^ FISHERMEN -^^^M|^^^^^ ^^mn^^mi^g BOOKBINDERS ^^^^H^^^^H BAKERS s, CONFECTIONERS^^^^B^^^^^^ S TOCH RAISERS ^^^^B^^^^H MILL&FACTORY OPERATIVE^^^^g^^^^^^^ PHYSICIANS -^^^^^^^^^^S STUDENTS -^^^^^^^^^^1 MINERS -^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^m^^ ^^^^H^^^^^H CLERGYMEN ^^^^^^^^^^^ TAILORS ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ta^fl SHOEMAKERS SAILORS ENGRAVERS & JEWELERS MECHANICS LABORERS CARPENTERS LAWYERS TEACHERS APTISTS & PHOTOGRAPHERS FARMERS CIGAR MAKERS SOLDIERS ^^^^^^^^^^^^H Klevfiith (Viisiis of the United Slates DIAGRAM 27 IitKaii OCCUPA TIONS. ACUTE MANIA. DEMENT/ A. O C> Q c •o 5 <5 ^ 1 1 1 Vj c y c * ' -~- ^ C\j (\, CT) fT) ^). 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J RAILROA D LMPL YES - -^^^^^| CIGAR MAKERS ^^^|^^0 MANUFACTURERS -^^|^^B EN6RA VERS&JEWELERS^^^^^ GARDENERS ^^H^^H FISHERMEN ^H^^^M SHOEMAKERS -^^^^^^^ CLERKS -^^H^^H MERCHANTS ^^^^^■_ PAINTERS I^^H^^H^ CARPENTERS ^^^^^B PHYSICIANS TAILORS TEACHERS MECHANICS FARMERS SOLDIERS J TUDEN TS PRINTERS & COMPOSITORS LABORERS MACHINISTS BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS SAILORS CLERGYMEN ^^^^^^^^1 1 LAWYERS ^^^^^^^H i MILL&FACTORY OPERATIVES {^^^■i^^l 1 STOCK RAISERS MINERS EDITORS BOOKBINDERS ARTISTS Eleventh Census of the United States DIAGRAM 98. lDsan<>. OCCUPATIONS. CHRONIC MANIA CHRONIC MELANCHOLIA g ci Qi <: "^ ^ !? ^ ^ 1 1 ^ ^ ^ -^ cvj c\j c«) CO -♦ 1 1 J 1 J 1 PHYSICIANS -^^^1 »S TUDENTS H^B BOOKBINDERS ^^H^H FARMERS ^^H^^^^l MIU&FACrORYOfE/fArMS^^^^^^^^^^ SERVANTS ' -^^^H^^^^B TAILORESSES ^^^^l^^^^^fl -^^^^B^^^^M^ DRESSMAKERS -^^^^H^^^^^jj ARTISTSsPHOTOGRAPHERS^^^^^^^^^^^ SEAMS TRESSES ^^^^^|^^^^^^ SHOEMAKERS ^^^^H^^^^^j ^^^^h^^^^hI FANCY WORK&MILLINERY ^^^^^^^^^^^B MERCHANTS ^^^^^™^^^^^^ HOUSEKEEPERS ^^^^^^^^^^^^ TEACHERS ^^^^^^^^^^^j CLERKS ^^^^■^^^^^^■1 -^^^^^H^^^^^M ^^^^^H^^^^^^H^H ^^^^H^^^^^^^^H Eleventh tVnsus of the Uniteil States DIAGRAM 29. OCCUPATIONS. ACUTE 4ANIA. DEMENTIA. \ \ \ \ I ' ^ ^ ^ "v C\j CVj CT) C*5 sj. 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 BO OKBINDERS -| SHOLMAKERS H^H FARMERS IHHH^I FANCY WOm& MILUNFR y -jj^H^^H M/ii&FAcrofiyoFfffAni^fs^^^^^^^ DRESSMAKERS ^^^^^j MISSIONARIES ^^^^^tt 1 TAILORESSES ^^^^^^B SERVANTS ^^^^^^HI HOUSEKEEPERS--^^^^^^^ TEACHERS ^^^^^^H ^i/f/^/rj- ^^^^^^^^^1 MERCHANTS ^^^^^^^^^M LABORERS ^H^^H^^ri~ HOUSEWIVES ^^^^1^^^^ ARTIS TS&PHOT0GRAPH£RS^^^^^^^^^^^^ PHYSICIANS ^^^^I^^^^^B LAUNDRESSES ■^^^^^■^^■~ SEAM STRESSES --"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ S TUDEN TS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ^^^^^^^^^H TIII<: INSANE. S9 This table includes 2,877 United States veterans and C49 Confederate veterans. Of the 2,877 United States veterans, 2,80i were white and 73 were colored. Of the wliitcs, 1,808 were cliihlren of mothers born in tlie United States, 101 of mothers born in England, 367 of mothers born in Ireland, 247 of mothers born in Germany, and 221 of mothers born in other countries or of unknown birthplace. Of the whole number of United States veterans, 1)83 were found in the Nortli Atlantic division, the greatest numbers in single states being 3i)l in New York, 20C in Pennsylvania, and lli2 in Massachusetts. In the .South Atlantic division 214 were found, of which 109, or over one half, were in the District of Columbin, in the Government Hospital for the Insane. The greatest number is found in tlie North Central division, which had 1,431, being 381 in Ohio, 191 in Indiana, 178 in Michigan, 170 in Illinois, 123 in Iowa, and 110 in Kansas. Of the 122 found in the Western division, 73 were in the state of California. The greater proportion of the insane veterans of Irish parentage are found in the North Atlantic division ; of those of German parentage in the North Central division. Of the C49 reported as insane veterans of the Confederate service, GOl were of native parentage, IG of Irish, 9 of German, 1 of English, and 15 of other countries or unknown parentage. Of these, 290 were found in the South Atlantic division and 321 in the South Central division. Table 170 shows the number of deaths of the feeble-minded and insane reported as having occurred in the United States during the yesu- ending iSIay 31, ISOO, with distinction of sex, age, color, nativity, and birtliplaces of mothers. The data for this table were obtained from the returns from institutions and from the enumerators' returns of deaths coming from those states and cities which had no satisfactory registration of deaths, and also from a few of the registration records in which the fact of death occurring in an institution for insane or idiots was recorded. In the great majority of the I'egistration cities there was nothing in the record of a death to indicate whether the person was insane or feeble-minded. It is therefore impossible to calculate death rates from these data, either with reference to the insane and feeble-minded or to the general ])opulatiou, but the figures have some intrinsic value as indicating the i)roportion of deaths at different ages. The total number of deaths reported was 9,271, of whom 8,352 were white and 919 colored. Taking 38 of the largest insane asylums in the country, having in all an average of 27,803 patients during the year 1890, the number of deaths reported in that year in them was 2,375, or 85.4 per 1,000. The total number treated in these iustituticns during the same period was 36,517, which would give a death rate of 65.0 per 1,000. At first sight this might seem to indicate that the death rate of the insane is about five times as great as that of the average population above 15 years of age, but it must be remembered that the worst class of cases is sent to asylums, the milder cases being often kept at home. If we take the 7,875 deaths of insane and feeble-minded whites of known ages above the age of 15 by age groups, as shown in Table 170, and calculate the expectation of life at different ages from these data alone, we obtain the results given in Table 41, which shows also, for purposes of comparison, the corresponding figures for the population of Massachusetts in 1880, as shown by an approximate life table. Table 44. 15 yoara 25 years 35 years 45 years 55 years 65 years 75 years 85 years 95 years BXPECTTATION OP LIFB IH TGABS. Insane. 35.78 28. 51 23. 14 18.80 14.87 10.37 7.33 5.70 2.00 Population of Masaa- chusetts. 46.85 39.81 32.96 20.01 19. 02 12.95 8.31 5.82 This table does not indicate the true exi)cctation of life for the insane, which expectation for ages prior to 65 is no doubt much less than that shown in the table, the error being due to the fact that all do not become insane at the same age. 40 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. ASYLUMS FOE THE INSANE IN THE UNITED STATES. SUMMARY OF STATISTICS OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS FROM 1881 TO 1889, INCLUSIVE. ADMITTED. TREATED. EXPENDITURES. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Current. Building. Total 190,453 104,748 84,485 $100,258,600 $70,599,259 $18, 520, 547 Iggl 10, 617 17,095 18,031 19, 822 21,819 22,070 22,706 25,913 25,645 8,840 9,314 10. ISO 10. 580 12, 153 12, 158 12,544 14,450 14, 523 7,715 7,087 8,381 9,*50 9,455 9,736 10. 09o 11, 357 11,002 53,397 56,430 CO, 570 65.107 70,333 74, 080 79, 437 80, 010 90,918 27,416 29,210 31,200 33,513 30, 095 30, LSI 41,398 45,201 48, ICO 25,783 27, 020 29, 030 31,294 33.317 35,514 37, 835 40, 523 42,4CO • 8,322,430 9, 247, 819 9,838,109 10, 915, 050 10.701,281 12, 080, 854 11,907,489 13, .523, 111 13, 711, 863 6, 608, 163 7,196,504 7, 545. 735 7, 973, 791 8,434,923 . 8, ceo, 509 9, 213. 086 10,209,321 10, 593, 507 1,255,102 188'' 1,009,734 1883 1, 820, 587 1884 . 2,481,580 1885 . 1,760,066 1S88 . 2,813,181 18S7 2,047,085 1888 .. 2,533,507 2,199,705 The actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, was 227,461. In addition to the number admitted, given in tlie above statement, there ^vere 57 males and 62 females, a total of 110, in Queens County Insane Asylum, Mineola, N. Y., but the years can not be given, as it was imims.'^ible to obtain figures previous to 1S84. The Louisiana Retreat, New Orleans, La., lias a total of 1,22.5 admitted, but does not state sex, which will account for the api)avent discrepancy between the items and totals in the summary for the admitted, and also for the discrepancy between the items and totals in the summary for the treated. In all cases where institutions Lave made biennial returns the number has been equally divided in thia summary between the two years. Tiie Central Hospital for tlie Insane, Nashville, Tenn., is not included in table for treated. The following institutions are not included iu table for expenditures: Tho Loui.siana Retreat, New Orleans, La. The Hospital for llie Insane, C'atonsvillo, Md. The State Almshouse, Tewksbury, Slass. Tho Montana Insane Asylum, Warm Springs, Mont. The State Emigrant Insane Asylum, AVards Island, N. Y. Long View Insane Asylum, Carthage, Ohio. The following institutions do not state items of expenditures, Avhich will account for tlie apparent discrepancy between items and totals of same in the summary: TOTAL EXPENDITL'HES. Napa Asylum, N.ipa, Cal $1,660,267 Maine Insane Asylum, Angust.a, Me 1, 050, 273 State Lunatic Asylum No. 2, St. Jcseph, Mo 571,629 Hospital for Chronii^ Insane, Hasting.s, Nelj 130, 640 Kings County Lunatic Asylum, Flatbush, N. Y 1,489,764 North Texas Hospital for the Insane, Terrell, Tex 236, 227 Schedules were uot received from the State Hospital for the Insane, Knoxville, Tenn., nor from the State Lunatic Asylum No. 1, I'ulton, !\Io. The tables following show the number of patients admitted and treated in public institutions for the insane in the United States, with the expenditures for the same, for the years from 1881, or date of establishment of hospital, if subsequent to that time, to the year 1889, inclusive. THE INSANE. 41 ALABAMA INSAM', IKLsi'lTAr,, TUSCALOOSA. [Eslablishcd 1801.1 In lioBpilnl nt tliK beuinilillg of je»r. ADMITTED. TREATED. EXi-EKDITCRE6. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Current. Bolldlng. 2,074 1,015 1,059 $849,779 (718,844 *I29, 93S 18S1 402 417 417 497 630 692 733 774 957 143 117 187 26S 222 225 234 358 320 67 62 123 112 108 109 121 101 147 76 55 69 ir.6 114 110 113 197 173 545 534 604 705 852 917 907 1,132 1,277 281 275 337 394 417 446 471 551 001 204 259 207 371 435 471 490 581 670 82,251 77, OSl 77, 977 «0, 817 97, 725 101, 562 DT, 542 106,117 122, 717 76,003 69, 599 63, 835 72, W8 82, (JSa 85, 2.50 79, 0(12 90, 472 99, 473 0.248 1882 7 482 14, 142 ISSl 13,919 188') 15,073 1886 10.302 lgH7 .. 17.880 1S88 15. C45 1889 2:1,244 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,470 ; provions decade, 1,236 ; expenditures for previous decade, $704,557. TKKHITORIAL INSANE ASYLUM, PHENIX, ARIZ. [Established 1887.] 151 122 29 161,296 55,452 105,844 1880 100, 000 19, 943 20, ,^57 20,996 100,000 1887 92 25 1 34 76 20 26 10 5 8 92 95 99 70 78 78 16 17 21 17, 747 18, 526 19, 179 2,196 ]883 70 65 1,831 1889 1,817 Actual number of patients treated from 1887 to 1889, inclusive, 151. ARKANSAS STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, LITTLE ROCK. [Established 1883.] Total 1,107 579 528 668, 912 396, 626 272,288 188'' 110,499 94, 944 48,204 91, 370 103, 411 71,424 75, 615 73, 445 493 33, 733 47, 534 46, 755 60,679 71,424 68,300 67,702 110,008 1883 302 91 85 208 194 132 95 144 50 43 108 100 79 55 i5a"" 41 42 100 94 63 40 302 350 338 452 563 540 506 144 173 171 230 283 278 256 158 177 167 222 280 262 250 01,211 1884 259 253 244 369 408 411 670 1885 44,615 1880 42, 732 1888 7,309 1889 5,743 Actual number of patients treated from 1883 to 1S89, inclusive, 1,107. STATE INSANE ASYLUM, STOCKTON, CAL. [Established 1851.] Total 3,101 2,357 744 2,091,167 1,731,346 359,821 1881 1,116 1, 102 1, 095 1,184 1,215 1, 379 1,480 1, .5.';3 1,046 149 179 268 264 341 6U4 414 4(13 529 121 144 189 207 259 374 328 342 393 28 35 69 57 82 130 80 121 130 1,265 1,281 1,353 1,448 1,650 1,883 1,900 2.016 2,175 911 926 902 1,041 1,131 1,307 1,403 1,409 1,683 354 355 391 407 425 610 497 547 592 162, 413 254, 269 182, 573 320,689 196, 106 305, 891 209, 825 226, 413 232, 788 102, 413 165, 218 182, 573 ISl. 806 190, 100 190, 610 2U'J, 825 212,049 224, 746 1882 89, 051 ] 883 1884 i39, 083 1885 1886 109, 281 1K87 1888 . .... 14,364 1889 8,042 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inelnsive, 4,217 ; previous decade, 4,670 ; expenditures for previons decade, $1,865,554. THE NAPA ASYLUM, NAPA, CAL. [Established 1875.] Total 4,027 2,574 1,453 1,660,267 1 ) 1881 839 1,021 1,172 1,219 1,319 1, 409 1,430 1,451 1,469 563 544 463 5110 479 346 363 355 414 374 361 292 327 305 190 227 233 263 189 183 171 173 174 156 135 122 149 1,402 1,565 1,035 1,719 1,798 1,755 1, 799 1,809 1, 883 910 1,007 1, 020 1,082 1. 114 1, 052 1,074 1,110 1, 149 492 558 600 637 684 703 725 699 734 143,517 161, 080 170, 574 179. 810 195, 25.S 192. 581 194, 053 209, 071 208,323 1 1882 1884 1885 1886 . 1887 1888 « 1889. 1 Artnal number of patients treatedfrom 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 4,866; previous decade, 2,3 not given. I expenditures forprevioaa decade, $528,643. Items of expenditorM 42 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. STATE INSANE ASYLUM, AGNEW, CAL. [KstAblisbcd 1888.] In liospitol M i)ie be^iDuiDg of year. ADMITTED. TREATED. EXrENDITDRES. YE.tHS. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Temale. Total. CurroDt. Bnilding. Total 5M 375 169 $734,725 $190,339 $544,386 jppf^ , 55.200 140. 908 83, 245 227. 753 227,500 55.200 12, 542 17.087 34.010 120. 070 128. 420 06. 158 Ittf^' ' 276 26S 191 184 85 81 276 540 191 371 85 109 193, 712 272 100,890 Aetna! number of patients treated in ISSS and 1889, 544. COLOK.\DO STATE INSANE ASYLUM, PUEBLO. [Established 1679.] Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 744. THE CONNECTICUT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, ]«IDDLETOWN. [Est-iblished 1868.] Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 4,139; previous decade, 1,741 j expenditures for previous decade, $1,087,002. DELAWARE STATE HOSPITAL t^OR THE INSANE, NEWCASTLE. [Kstabllstaed 1889.] 744 537 207 499, 397 283, 312 230, 085 1881 48 27 60 84 85 103 105 106 136 37 22 30 55 07 78 79 72 97 11 5 20 29 18 25 20 34 39 48 46 75 139 159 194 215 232 293 37 37 48 86 113 130 147 l,iO 193 11 9 27 53 40 58 08 82 101 84,888 23, 433 107. 985 27, 838 28,279 29,464 78, 074 36.692 82,734 21.148 2;i, 433 24.838 27. 838 28. 279 20. 464 33. 074 36, 092 38,546 63,750 19 25 55 74 91 110 126 157 I8S3 83,147 15,;5 18J(7 45,000 1H88 . .. 44,188 .1 3,598 1,844 1,754 1, 671, 238 1,438.372 232, 866 1 IggI 511 750 &12 859 937 1,075 1,181 1,272 1,329 401 358 299 295 407 414 489 476 459 223 178 158 144 192 204 245 2,52 240 179 180 141 151 215 210 244 224 210 943 1,108 1,141 1,154 1,344 1,489 1,070 1,748 1,788 474 528 534 510 (ill 0S4 780 811 841 408 580 007 614 733 805 890 937 947 144,549 174, 909 181.798 1C4. !106 90. 007 207. 792 200, 309 243, 1)75 234,113 129, 749 1B3. 010 15.S. 1)25 150, 0^3 SS. 429 174. 103 181, 780 202. 023 185, 194 14,800 11.929 Ig83 26, 773 Igft4 23.883 Ig85 8.238 33. 089 18S7 18,583 xsiia 41,052 1889 48, 919 1B39. 166 70 166 96 14,000 125,000 GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE (,ST. ELIZABETH), WASHINGTON, D. C. [Established 16.i5.] Total 2,571 1,055 616 2,820,217 2,327,053 492,661 1881 897 925 942 094 1,14') 1,221 1.207 1,302 1,361 223 247 205 347 320 303 268 318 280 161 178 2(11 2HI> 229 234 206 217 213 62 69 64 01 91 69 02 71 07 1,120 1,172 1,207 1,341 1,400 l,r)24 1,535 1,620 1,641 852 878 910 1,04) 1,1)3 1, 100 1, )72 1,238 1,242 208 294 297 300 353 304 303 382 399 226, 147 23.V018 3.50, 719 3.19. 032 322, 232 292. 4.50 3 Li. OIK) 36,5. 087 352, 7.12 197. 176 213, isa 257, («;8 2.i7. K04 20i;. 341 209. (138 274.829 289, 720 300, 885 28.971 22. 432 1883 93 051 1884 102. 128 IBM J88« 1M7 55. 801 22, 812 40 171 75. 361 1888 51,847 Actual number of patient* treated Irom 1881 to 188>, inclaalvo, 3,M8i provlouB decade, 2,6391 oxponditures for piovioua decade, $1,457,231. THE INSANE. 43 FLORIDA ASYLUM FOR THK IN.SANE, CHATTAUOOCHEE. [KKtnbllKbcil 1877.] In hospital al ifio III sinning ol' year. ADMITTED. theatkd. EXPENOITUnCS. Total. Halo. Fomalo, ToUl. Ualo. Fomalo. Total. Current. Building. Total 692 420 260 «346,2S0 *Za>.7S0 •17.500 1881 94 110 130 143 169 186 205 221 24S 55 57 70 74 71 74 90 95 106 27 55 39 44 47 43 58 54 79 28 22 31 30 24 31 32 41 27 149 107 200 217 240 280 295 310 351 71 83 103 109 120 143 158 171 202 78 84 97 108 114 117 137 145 149 25,000 30,000 30.000 ' 37. 300 33. (JOO 5ri, UOU 35,000 35.000 08,750 25,000 25,000 30. 000 30. 000 33.000 33. OOU :;5.ooo 35,000 48,750 1882 S.OOO 18S3 J^i . .. 7,500 IrSj 18^6 15,000 1887 1888 1889 20.000 Actual unmbor of patients trcitod from 1881 to 1889. inclusivo, 786. STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, ASYLUM POST OFFICE, GEORGU. [Established 1842.] Total 3,398 1,827 1,571 1, 685,960 1,335,134 350,828 1881 880 9U0 979 1, 131 1,227 1.237 1. 238 1, 295 1,386 220 257 382 419 345 391 418 451 515 139 131 2U1 216 183 211 208 257 281 81 126 181 203 102 180 210 194 234 1.106 1,163 1,381 1, 5.-.0 1,572 1,628 1.056 1.746 1,9U1 575 608 687 779 779 797 790 842 935 531 557 074 771 793 831 868 9114 960 110,927 170. !36 200.-382 243.000 221. 967 177. 337 179. 267 188. 770 188, 154 108.527 128, 134 127,296 149. 362 153,712 152. 345 161.288 170. 842 183,628 2.400 18S2 48,022 IggU 73,086 93,638 1885 68,255 1886 21,992 1887 17, 979 1888 17.928 1889 4,528 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889. inclusive, 4,284. THE IDAHO INSANE ASYLUM, BLACKFOOT. [Established 1886.1 Totil 120 84 36 91,979 71,979 20.000 . .... 1880 29,000 34.904 17,753 19,322 20,000 1887 66 24 30 44 20 20 22 4 10 66 71 78 44 50 37 22 21 21 34,904 17.753 19,322 18&S 1689 47 48 '■'■'".'■'■-'.- Actual number of patlenta treated from 1886 to 1889, inclusive, 120. ILLINOIS CENTRAL HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, JACKSONVILLE. [Established 1851.] 2,704 1,471 1,233 1,483,679 1,1»4,338 289,341 J 636 642 636 031 632 800 920 917 923 244 266 247 228 388 387 257 285 443 139 140 137 116 197 188 142 l.W 260 105 125 UO 112 171 179 115 133 183 880 9U7 883 859 l.OOO 1,173 1,177 I. 2112 1,366 462 462 455 428 619 6113 595 618 710 418 445 428 431 481 ,'-,70 582 586 647 129,145 12-1,824 136.034 1911.957 187. 903 I'.tt. 326 189.218 186. 7C3 182. 3U9 117.948 121.276 113,731 119.514 134. 123 1.30. U34 149.111 154. 251 134, 350 11.197 1882 4.548 1883 22. 303 ]89« 71.443 53,780 1886 45.492 1H87 20. itr? 1888 12.512 1889 47,959 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 3,340 ; previous decid?, 3,184 ; expenditures for previous decade, $1,288,223. ILLINOIS NORTHERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, ELGIN. [Established 1869.] Total 1,087 577 510 1,105,857 936.336 169. 521 1881 525 507 520 .'.25 .^3 523 539 527 523 161 157 134 123 97 122 105 68 120 80 81 64 67 50 63 63 38 71 81 76 70 56 47 59 42 SO 49 6S6 664 654 648 630 645 644 595 643 347 330 324 320 319 325 333 .101 330 339 325 3:io 322 311 320 311 294 313 140. 348 134.233 127..;39 134.481 12li. 5.<7 136.305 IOC. .'.-25 90.381 M9,358 117.548 11U.0S2 106.127 109, 216 107.4i!7 115.022 90.453 73.124 161,272 22,800 1882 24,151 1883 . 21 212 1884 2.->, -'■5 1885 I'J IIM 1886 21.283 1887 10,367 1888 17.257 1889 8,088 Actual uuinbcruf p.-iticnt3 tioatod from 1831 to 1889, inclusive, 1,012; previous docuUu, 1,739; expenditures for previous decade, 11,341,760 44 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, DUNNING, ILL. [EstabUshed 1870.] In hospital at the beginning of year. ADMITTED. TEEATED. EXPENDITURES. TEABS. TotaL Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Current. linililing. Total 1,322 2,398 1,924 $1,748,279 $1,459,398 $288,881 402 3»4 453 551 527 581 710 822 940 270 370 495 526 521 516 551 596 177 146 204 237 311 293 294 297 344 272 121 166 258 215 228 222 254 252 205 672 754 948 1,080 1,048 1,100 1,261 1,418 1,117 297 359 421 565 503 550 614 692 687 375 395 627 515 485 550 647 726 730 162, 540 149, 524 153, 353 203, 050 393, 999 94, 523 231, 901 184, 517 172, 866 162. 540 149,524 153, 35-i 203, 050 240, 934 1 220,746 170, 302 150, 943 If^ ... . 1884 lSil5 153,065 isso <; 94, 523 lgS7 ) 5, 155 14,215 18«9 21,923 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 4,724. From 1870 to 1890, $71,011 was expended for artesian tvcIIs, right of way of railroad t» aeyluin, etc. ILLINOIS SOUTHERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, ANNA. [EstabUshed 1873.] 1,653 954 699 1,104,871 932,309 232,5621 501 474 500 534 595 637 634 618 630 130 174 155 220 167 172 145 114 376 73 101 72 143 111 109 76 64 205 57 73 83 77 56 63 69 50 171 631 648 055 754 702 809 779 732 1,006 335 350 335 113 447 479 448 423 675 296 298 320 341 315 330 331 309 431 132. 948 171,564 125. 074 144. 483 110.342 138. 242 132.941 9J, 312 112,965 88, 552 98, 181 103, 993 102, C,S9 109, 498 111,908 121, 102 87. 512 108,814 44,396 73. 383 lgS3 21,081 41,794 jgg5 0. 844 3S3G 26. 274 Ig37 11.839 2.80O IggO 1,151 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,154; previous decade, 1,135; expenditures for previous decade, $1,117,339. ILLINOIS EASTERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, KANKAKEE. [Established 1879.] 1,050 2,302 1,088 2, 569, 772 1,024,717 945,055 131 301 300 500 893 1,145 1,507 1,555 1,623 283 159 266 505 803 344 352 367 911 147 119 124 200 619 230 225 221 517 130 40 142 305 284 114 127 146 391 414 400 626 1,005 1, 696 1,789 1,859 1,922 2,534 278 317 378 549 971 1.041 l,ino 1,151 1,507 130 113 248 510 725 748 7.W 771 1,027 105, 437 188. 790 ISli, 449 479, S90 320. 213 373. noo 329, 028 280, 200 298, 159 72, 019 77, 531 95.917 118, 9.iS 234.3115 240. 000 255. 003 272, 210 251.982 32,818 1882 111,250 1883 90. ."32 1881 300. 9,32 1885 85,818 1886 129.510 1887 74,025 13,981 1889 16,177 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,181 ; previous decade, 116; expenditures for previous decade, $215,848. CENTRAL INDIANA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, INDIANAPOLIS. ^ [EstabUshed 1818.] 6,002 3,581 3,021 2,111,330 2,228,101 185,875 1881 1,010 1,005 1,083 1,114 1.404 1,409 1,587 1,513 1,520 728 702 098 000 774 775 706 079 571 121 415 391 401 453 109 398 353 337 307 347 304 603 321 360 308 320 237 1,738 1,827 1,783 2.020 2,178 2,244 2, 293 2,192 2,100 981 1, 033 1,020 1,019 1,107 1,101 1,093 1,002 992 751 791 763 1,001 1,071 1, 143 1,200 1,190 1,108 218.833 233, ,'•,20 239. 930 248. 594 310, 874 298. 0.39 280. 9t3 287. 000 283, 077 210,385 220, 029 225, 554 230, 517 201,739 2.38,012 271,948 272, 000 271, 077 8,118 7,191 14,382 1884 18. 077 1885 65. 135 1886 40,317 14, 1195 1888 15,000 1389 12, 000 Actual number of patienU treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 7,012; previous decade, 1,307; expenditures for previous decade, $1,420,077. NORTHERN INDIANA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, LOGANSPORT. [Established 1888.] 555 315 210 558, 5M 151,631 107,018 301 191 215 100 110 Bl 804 010 215 288 149 231 172. 610 80,031 08,742 82,789 103. 768 1889 828 3,215 ▲ctn*! oiunbci of patient* treatea in 1888 and 1889, 655. THE INSANE. 45 IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, MOUNT PLEASANT. [Eatablixliod 1861.] 1 1 1 In hospital nt the beginning ul ji'ar. ADUITTED. TBBATED. ■ EXrENDITCBCS. Total. Male. Female. Total. Hale. Female. Total. Carrent. BoilUiDg. Total 8,167 1,873 1,294 *1, 240, 743 *033, 165 «313,678 1881 492 545 536 498 468 597 677 739 672 292 330 328 335 404 358 364 397 359 171 197 201 199 2.'i4 221 207 237 186 121 133 127 130 150 137 157 ICO 173 784 875 804 833 872 955 1,041 1,136 1,031 463 496 487 4U6 .501 574 625 654 470 331 379 377 367 371 381 416 482 661 97, 108 102.586 86.122 188, 917 128, 786 210. 065 119.147 164, 722 149,290 87,317 lOO, 916 77, 551 91,422 92. 986 104,781 118.431 124,889 134,873 9,791 1,870 1882 )8ij3 8.571 1884 07,495 35.801 105.284 1887 718 J888 39.833 14,417 Actual number of patienta treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 3,059; previous decade, 2,847; expenditures for previous decade, $1,218,015. IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, INDEPENDENCE. [Established 1873.] Total 3,030 1,764 1,260 1,235,325 1,054,175 181,150 1881 481 639 550 669 638 713 718 811 693 300 268 308 340 331 325 370 384 398 181 164 196 201 198 170 211 221 210 125 104 112 139 133 149 159 163 182 787 807 858 909 969 1,038 1.118 1,195 1,091 424 457 495 521 549 579 629 691 574 363 350 363 388 420 459 489 504 517 92,686 116.650 107, 783 133. 183 139. 777 140, 242 195.918 168, 318 140, 768 90,850 94,579 102, 185 108. 157 115.962 127, 360 137. 302 148.844 128, 936 1.838 1882 22,071 1883 5,598 1881 25,026 1885 23,815 1886 12,882 1887 58. 616 1888 19. 474 1889 11,832 Actual number of patients treated from 1381 to 1889, inclusive, 3,511. INSTITUTION FOR THE INSANE, CLARINDA, IOWA. [Established 1888.1 Total 323 323 361,000 108,000 253,000 1884 75,000 75,000 51, 500 61. 500 54. 000 54,000 75,000 1885 75,000 1886 1 61,500 1887 51,500 223 100 223 100 223 321 223 321 54,000 54,0OU 1889 221 Actual number of patients treated in 1888 and 1889, 323. PENITENTIARY (INSANE DEPARTMENT), ANAMOSA, IOWA. [Eat.iblisbed 1889.J Total 37 37 37 37 68,519 ' 3,519 65,000 1887 27.500 1 27,500 3,519 27,500 1888 27.500 1889 37 37 37 37 3,519 KANSAS STATE INSANE ASYLUM, OSAWATOMIE. [Established 1666.] Total 1,214 693 621 967. 793 ! 771,618 196,275 1881 221 269 403 438 453 433 433 621 535 116 225 132 127 95 92 190 119 119 65 120 61 05 61 65 110 67 73 50 105 71 62 34 27 74 62 46 330 494 535 565 548 625 623 640 664 195 275 279 292 290 296 347 347 363 141 219 250 273 268 229 276 293 150.853 91.707 87. 360 105. 1.54 105. 195 130.817 97, 972 lIX). 837 97.893 50,144 73,944 85. 613 80. 802 M. 565 89. 73K 90. r«7 95.283 94,377 94.709 1882 17,763 1883 1 753 1884 1. '1.292 1885 . 110, 4.'i8 109, 825 99, 780 99. 401 106, 886 103,642 1,550 1882 .. 2 eott 1888 5,859 1884 2,008 1885 0.540 1888 25.000 1887 6,589 1888 18HS.. 7,583 9,728 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 10 1889, inclasive, 1,970; previous decade, 1,440; expenditures for pre^•ion8 decade, $1,054,782. WESTERN KENTUCKY LUNATIC ASYLUM, HOPKINSVILLE. [Established 1854.] Tfttal 1,160 643 517 * 740, 273 683,765 56,508 Jggl, 446 461 503 507 512 551 586 577 586 123 139 118 147 133 142 127 116 115 71 77 69 79 70 81 72 61 63 52 62 49 68 63 61 55 55 52 569 600 621 054 675 6J3 713 693 701 323 341 351 308 374 390 400 371 387 246 259 270 280 301 303 313 322 314 69, 360 75, 407 8.-), 070 82. 380 76, 658 79, 726 87, 655 93, 109 90,908 65, 108 70, 925 76, 765 76, 143 74, 002 77,128 74, 084 St., 941 82, 069 4,253 1882 4,482 8,305 6,23T 1885 ., 2,6B« 1888 2,598 1887 - -. 12, 9n 6,168 1889 8,839 Actual number of piitienta treated from 1881 te 1889, inclusive, 1,606; prorious decade, 1,100 ; oipenditures for previous decade, $642,398. CENTRAL KENTUCKY LUNATIC ASYLUM, LAKELAND. [Established 1873.] Total 1,670 1,056 620 1, 086, 118 1,059,417 26,701 462 536 553 527 583 058 713 748 777 ISO 173 174 20» 227 210 180 ISO 203 92 112 106 138 153 126 119 75 137 58 61 68 73 74 61 61 75 66 612 700 727 736 810 808 893 898 980 348 411 417 426 490 508 r.24 497 505 264 298 310 310 320 360 3UU 401 415 117,000 135, 023 140,402 87, 932 96, 191 138, 127 133,412 128,928 100,043 103, 000 135, 023 140. 402 87,932 96, 191 138, 127 124, 388 127,428 100,860 14,000 1884 IfUW 1887 0,024 1,500 1889 2,177 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, Inclusive, 2,138; provitos decade, 710; expenditures for previous decade, $531,812. INSANE A.SYLUM OV LOUISIANA, .JACKSON. [EsUbLUlUid 1848.] 1,777 018 8S» 557, 404 475, 164 82,240 — 1881 337 486 481 300 193 171 291 211 141 104 160 175 2T0 159 89 837 617 880 770 013 171 368 450 331 265 166 259 430 430 368 72,700 t 7W,T98 i 70,198 ( 101,088 \ 101,088 \ 05, 008 ( 65,068 68,830 M,348 no. 318 89, OKI 89, 081 02, 738 02, 738 13.870 1882 \ 151 390 470 420 19,8,50 1883 19,850 1884 12,005 1885 12,005 1888 2,330 1887 2,330 1 1 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, InolujlT*, 1,777; prevlOM dooado, 441; expenditures for provloua decade, $243,830. No report tf expenditures for 1888 and 1889 can bo obtained. TTII-: INSANE. 47 LOUISIANA RETREAT, NEW ORLEANS. [EsUbliahcd 1804.] TKARS. In lioapital at tliu bcKiiining of year. ADUITTED. TBSATED. KM . Total. Male. Fomale. ToUI. Uulo. Female. ToUl. Cumnt. DaildioE. Total 1,225 1 " "' • 1881 106 106 124 120 110 109 128 156 178 62 94 120 180 211 170 126 136 120 168 200 244 3U0 321 285 254 292 298 1882 1883 1 1 1884 1885 ... 1886 "• 1887 1 1888 188S Actnal number of pationta treated ftam 1881 to 1889, inclasire, 1,331. Keportsof rcx and expenditures not received. MAINE INSANE ASYLUM, AUGUSTA. [Eatablisbcd 1840.] Total 2,001 1,177 824 ♦1,050,273 1 1881 436 450 461 464 460 486 628 552 578 215 194 208 203 249 231 220 2.=;o 225 129 114 130 112 153 127 131 1,52 129 86 80 78 91 96 104 95 98 96 651 644 669 667 709 717 754 802 803 355 351 382 358 385 368 393 437 428 295 290 287 309 324 349 361 363 375 100.870 100. IDO lOH. 510 07. 389 I OS. 552 11 3. .IIS 128. 320 146.031, 146, 893 1 1882 1 1883 1 1884 1885 1886 i 1887 1888 ........ 1889 ' ' Actnal nnmber of patienta treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,437; previous decade, 1,868; cxpcDditnres for previons decade, $820,011. Itemn of expenditures not given. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, CATONSVILLE, MD. [Established 1834.] Total 1,084 1 609 475 i 1 1 i li i 1881 362 392 408 399 415 408 418 396 423 154 164 86 95 104 139 no 111 121 78 95 43 55 57 75 77 56 73 76 69 43 40 47 64 33 55 48 516 556 494 494 519 547 528 507 544 284 301 207 271 281) 301 300 270 302 232 255 227 223 1882 1 1883 , ii 1884 1885 239 246 228 231 1886 1 1887 1 1888 ! 1889 242 [ i Actual nnmbor of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,446; previous decade, 1,703; expenditnrea for previons decade *019 284 £xiienditnrcs for present return not given. ' ' BAY VIEW ASYLUM (DEPARTMENT OF CITY ALMSHOUSE), BAT-TIM0J;E, MU. [Est.ablisbed 1865.] Total 1,178 585 593 j 652.328 £584,991 $67,337 ' 1881 15« 142 55 87 298 126 172 1 63,000 65,757 59,677 69.P91 79. 995 79,994 79.996 79,993 81,920 53,9,'a 60. oat 59.004 55.022 C.3. 336 69,121 71,695 74.310 76, 521 1882 11.041 5. 7:.4 1883 170 202 185 224 264 278 290 115 105 190 188 108 140 130 38 32 110 107 94 Kt 66 77 73 80 81 74 57 64 285 307 375 412 432 418 420 108 102 183 207 220 214 195 177 jl 205 192 205 ( 212 1 204 I 225 1 1884 673 1885 4.909 1886 14.639 1887 10.873 1888 8.301 1889 5.688 5,3«9 Acttial nnmbor of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusivo (exclnsivo of 1882), 1,334. WORCESTER LUNATIC HOSPITAL, WORCESTER, MASS. [Established 1833.] Total 2,822 1,473 1,349 1.284.671 j 1,204,742 7»,B29 1881 633 888 681 731 749 786 758 694 770 249 310 275 252 318 323 315 389 391 145 180 122 117 170 157 188 205 209 lot 130 153 135 148 166 147 184 182 783 898 950 983 1,067 1,109 1,073 1,083 1,161 378 452 473 482 548 543 Ml 621 591 404 446 483 .501 519 :ak .'V42 .llVJ 570 129.129 1J5. 300 130.664 138.219 1 I5H. 114 V.S. 247 1|-.1,:47 146. Inn 142.1)01 109. 3K1 117,151 128. 5S9 134.391 147.811 I4II. 5;i2 142.218 143, tn9 140,728 , 1882 1883 1884 . . 19,766 8. v.a 2. .75 1885 3. 8-if 1886 s. :<■« 1887 1888 1889 l.M> Actual number of patienta treated from 1881 to 1889, inolssire, 3,355; previous decade, 3,891| expenditurea for proviooa decade, $2,257,033. 48 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. BOSTON LUNATIC HOSPITAL, BOSTON, MASS. [Established 1839.] In hospital at the bc^iuning of year. ADMITTED. TREATED. EXPEXOITCRES. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Current. Build in;;. Total 1,233 637 596 $565,518 $458,028 $107,490 ..... 1881 153 189 188 194 203 .229 231 160 178 115 106 121 117 93 118 105 185 273 53 55 68 66 46 61 57 .92 139 62 51 53 51 47 57 48 93 134 263 295 309 311 296 347 336 345 451 128 143 157 159 147 176 169 109 222 140 152 152 152 149 171 107 176 229 44,999 59, 999 S9, 571 59. 959 56, 555 CI, 743 C8, 189 01, 090 63,413 39,881 49, 320 49,772 49, 909 50, 595 54, 255 68, 938 55, 400 49, 952 5,118 JSSi 10, 673 1883 49. 799 1884 10, 0.50 1885 5,960 1886 7,488 1887 8,251 1888 6,C90 1889 3,461 A.ctaal number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,386; previous decade, 660; oxpenditurea for previous decade, $570,537. TAUNTON LUNATIC HOSPITAL, TAUNTON, MASS. [£st.ihlishcd 1864.] 2,497 1,328 1,169 1,162,793 1,072,718 80,078 1881 556 548 568 633 627 656 663 634 624 272 238 335 283 306 328 271 260 204 152 133 177 149 150 175 158 125 109 120 105 158 134 156 153 113 135 ■95 828 786 903 910 933 984 934 894 828 437 403 461 446 462 494 468 460 423 391 383 442 470 471 490 466 434 405 120, 746 135. 680 114,879 133,9-15 123, 9C8 133. 6.-8 139, 026 131, 721 129, 170 1 112, 358 lOS, 468 112, 379 122, 778 118,914 127, 158 132, 141 1 125, 006 112,916 8,388 1882 27, 212 1883 2,500 1884 11,167 1885 5, (154 1886 C, 500 1887 U,S85 1888 6,115 1888 10,251 Actual number of patients treated from 1831 to 1889, inclusive, 3,053; previous decade, 4,501 ; cipeuditures for previous decade, $1,160,910. STATE ALMSHOUSE, TEWKSBURY, MASS. [Established 1854.) Total 713 172 541 1 1 1881 223 201 275 252 t 307 303 375 349 352 85 116 24 92 44 121 77 90 64 49 15 36 101 24 92 44 62 63 78 41 308 377 299 344 351 424 452 439 416 95 87 20 18 14 70 75 67 74 213 290 279 326 337 354 377 372 342 1884 ;:;;;:;;;.....;;;::: 59 14 12 23 1887 .. 1888 ^Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 936. Expenditures can not bo obtained. NORTHAMITON LUNATIC HOSPITAL, NORTHAMPTON, MASS. [Established 1H58-] Total ... 1.318 666 652 824,255 740,147 84,108 1881 446 ■ 463 459 469 463 476 491 469 481 123 124 147 136 136 183 148 160 155 57 62 78 61 66 85 72 87 98 66 62 «9 75 70 98 76 79 57 569 587 600 605 599 659 039 IW5 636 280 291 307 291 295 320 316 311 330 289 296 299 314 304 339 323 324 306 88, 155 89, 815 89, 024 96,205 90,200 94,852 93, 512 87, 522 94,470 78,864 83,041 82, 805 80, 414 79,233 81,851 84,643 83, 623 85,773 8,281 1882 0,774 1883 6,719 1884 15.701 1885 10,967 1888 13,001 1887 8,868 1888 3,988 1888 8,087 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, Inclusive, 1,764 ; previous decade, 1,033 ; expenditures for previous decade, $925,250. DANVERS LUNATIC HOSPITAL, DANVERS, MASS. [Established 1873.] Total 4,235 2,118 2,117 1,336,778 1,293,680 43,088 1881 007 026 6S7 721 718 752 763 740 7.5 407 612 488 630 495 514 446 402 361 226 278 221 205 239 253 224 221 191 271 234 267 265 256 261 222 181 160 1,104 1,138 1,145 1, 2.M 1,213 1,266 1,200 1,142 1,060 627 674 r>30 599 687 634 603 595 537 .'.77 .164 600 6.'i2 026 632 000 547 529 157, 387 1.13. 070 143,401 140, 835 138, 943 149,887 148,870 l.'.l,638 146, 0J7 142,600 152, 487 130,483 138, 439 138,943 149. 887 143, 142 149,496 142, 307 14,881 1881 683 1883 7,008 1884 8,896 1885 1888.... 1887 6.728 1888 2.142 1888 4,36V Aotoal oombcr of paUeoU treated from 1881 to 1888, iaclulTe, 4,842; prOTiou* decide, 1,630; expenditure* fur previous decade, $1,810,664. THE INSANE. 49 WORCESTER INSANE ASYLUM, WORCESTER, MASS. [EsUbllslieil 1877 ] TBARa. In hospital at th.i beginning of year. ADUITTED. TREATED. BXPKMUITL-BCa. Total. Ualo. Fcumlo. Total. Mala. Fomalo. Total. Curreut. BollillDg. Total 500 310 190 ««28,at2 *SS»,000 100.042 1881 373 367 381 392 386 405 398 892 395 28 71 80 47 62 71 46 69 36 10 49 51 37 24 41 21 46 31 18 22 29 10 38 30 25 13 5 401 438 461 439 448 476 444 451 431 192 217 241 235 233 248 213 228 226 209 221 220 204 215 228 231 223 203 68,146 04.549 70, 510 72.984 69.500 72. .550 72. 834 72.466 65, 034 00. ow .'■'• -t r,l ..,'1 1'' ■ ' .' (■-'„', r'.V.) 6!!. X',9 63. »94 62.503 7.154 4.705 9. 490 0. ICl 8.701 9.711 9 496 1883 .'.. 1884 , 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 2.532 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclnsiro, 873; previous decade, 518; expenditures for previous decade, $188,884. WESTBORO INSANE HOSPITAL, WESTBORO, MASS. [EsUblished 1886.] Total 1,165 484 681 350,091 241,780 114,925 1887 432 333 400 148 154 182 284 179 218 432 642 806 148 251 335 284 391 471 109,518 147. 272 99,901 59.693 92.172 89, 901 49 825 1888 309 406 1889 10.000 Actual number of patients treated from 1886 to 1889, inclusive, 1,165. RETREAT FOR THE INSANE, DORCHESTER, MASS. -,':•;- [Established 1887.] Total 162 79 83 74,090 50.540 17.544 1887 84 77 1 43 35 1 41 42 84 161 135 43 78 69 41 83 66 7,205 36, 173 30,712 4,746 27.244 24,556 2.4.59 8.920 6,156 1888 84 134 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1887 to 1889, inclusive, 162. MICHIGAN ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, KALAMAZOO. [Established 1859.] *■ Total 1,854 1,039 815 1,711,783 1,443,956 267,627 1881 657 685 740 766 798 824 790 842 870 170 200 152 174 146 396 224 160 232 113 122 91 85 90 208 127 85 118 57 78 61 89 56 188 97 75 114 827 885 892 930 944 1,220 1,014 1,002 1,102 413 461 467 483 496 630 629 624 568 414 424 425 447 448 690 485 478 534 177, 109 202, 709 193, 580 184. 783 175. 529 215. 78.5 159. 159 205. 989 197,080 147, 633 170. 053 168. 940 168. 234 148.813 167. 029 115. .559 182.903 174, 792 29.476 32. 716 24. WO 10. 549 26.710 48. 7.56 43. 600 23.086 22.288 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,511; previous decade, 2,391; expenditures for previous decade, $1,609,983. EASTERN MICHIGAN ASYLUM, PONTIAC. [Established 1878.] Total 1,944 1,070 874 1,295,601 1,018,052 27" 549 1881 454 471 541 640 653 6C0 637 698 775 157 190 265 193 160 250 205 259 259 85 103 157 110 96 136 111 122 150 72 87 108 83 70 114 94 137 109 611 661 806 833 819 918 842 957 1,034 316 343 439 432 432 486 445 489 641 295 318 376 401 387 430 397 468 493 122, 149 175,618 121,187 131,619 140, 777 149, 776 103. 982 181. 104 169,489 100.312 1 00.728 109. 0.0 110.969 115.020 118.874 02. 335 133. 738 137,036 21,837 74.890 12.147 20. .550 25.757 30. 902 11.047 47.306 32.4&> 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,398; previous decade, 676; expenditures for previous decade, $221,060. 7176 INS i 50 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. MICHIGAN ASYLUM FOR INSANE CRIMINALS, IONIA. lEstablisbed 18S3.] In bospitol nt tbe bcsinnuig of year. ADiniTED. ISEATED. EXPKNDITUBES. Total. Male. Tcmalo. Total. Jtalo. Fomalo. Total. Current. Building. Xotal - 192 166 26 $192,303 $94,200 $98,097 1885 58 5S 19 28 32 53 45 16 26 26 5 10 3 2 6 58 113 114 134 267 S3 98 97 116 228 5 15 17 18 39 87, 005 21, 8:il a;; oon 24 479 32,328 6.744 19,140 21. 589 23, 4(il 23.272 1886 58 95 106 235 •> cgi 1887 5 071 1888 1 Old 1889 9,050 Actual number of patients treated Irom 1885 to 1889, inclusive, 102. NORTHERN MICHIGAN ASYLUM, TRAVERSli CITY. [Establisbcd 1885.] Total 1,02G 561 465 848, 248 311,072 537, 176 1882 23,413 77, 325 152. 260 9l>, 968 231. 102 72. 715 109,049 • 85, 810 23,018 77. 325 1883 ... 1885 333 208 154 174 157 170 115 84 96 96 103 93 70 78 61 333 540 016 072 740 170 284 324 365 403 163 250 292 307 338 10. 025 5::. 224 05, 3.59 99, 579 82,885 1K88 332 402 498 589 1887 1888 9 479 1889 2,925 Actual noniber of patients treated from 1885 to 1889, inclusive, 1,026. MINNESOTA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, ST. PETER. [Establisbed 18CG.] Total 2,405 1,462 943 1,400,509 1,177,895 282 014 1881) 612 036 800 874 439 595 080 691 249 361 448 401 190 231 232 290 1,051 1,231 1,480 1,5GS 520 717 881 940 531 514 005 625 C 153,729 \ 198. 593 ( 130.723 I 170 12S { 145, 739 } 139. nco 5 183. 237 ) 173.514 150, 280 ia'>.438 11 J, 101 91), 294 132. 040 143.440 135, 135 142 071 103, 796 152,508 48.201 1882 S 1683 1 85.432 40, 429 18*4 5 IS-,-, 1 44,082 2, 293 ISHO 1 1887 i 4,431 41.100 1888 5 1889 9,718 6,772 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,711; previous decade, 2,204; expenditures for ])reviou8 decade, $1,196,193. SECOND MINNESOTA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, ROCHESTER. [Establisbed 1878.] Total 2,068 1,215 8S3 1,177,463 816.967 360,408 1881 113 200 230 387 532 030 702 907 954 131 84 299 2B0 2.')9 213 410 293 107 29 40 199 111 135 115 312 203 71 102 44 100 1.55 124 93 104 90 30 244 284 535 0.^.3 791 849 1.118 1,2(10 1,001 142 147 321 337 399 425 055 72.i 055 102 137 214 316 392 424 463 475 400 07.310 114.441 122. i;30 142. 187 104. 744 1^8, 0.-.5 147. 423 1.57. 248 193,419 35, 834 40, 304 05. 429 07, 318 80. aio 101.0.-i5 112.004 130. 2118 101,885 31.476 1(B2 68 077 1883 57, 207 18S1 74,Kn9 l^lKj 17, 834 iNtO 27. 000 1887 31.4,59 1888 21 . 040 1889 28, 53i Actual number of intients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclnsive, 2,181. MIS.SISSIPPI STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, JACKSON. [EstabUabed 1855.) 980 446 534 004,145 S8<, 145 23,000 1881 442 416 443 440 439 417 439 438 442 lOS HI 122 120 80 lUO 96 106 125 CO 39 51 61 38 68 43 62 M ES 72 71 09 48 61 63 44 71 547 527 505 600 625 620 635 644 567 252 2» 240 231 214 227 227 247 246 286 304 325 329 311 299 3118 297 821 79.380 71, 301 71. :(27 75, 558 «1. 771 0^ 178 02 410 00, UUO 69, 744 09,380 71,891 71 327 B5, .558 81.771 02. 478 62. 4110 OU, 000 69, 744 10,000 1882 ]g(0 1884 10,000 1885 1886 J887 1888 1888 Actual number of pationta treated from 1881 to 1889, Inclusive, 1,422; previous decade, 1,201 ; expenditures for previous docadn, $480,091. THE INSANE. 51 EAST MISSISSn'PI STATE INSANE ASYLUM, BIERIDIAN. [KstabliHliful 1885.] In hoHpiUil at ifiu bi*;;iciitDS of j'«ar. ADUITTED. TIBATEU. EXPI2NDITCnE8. ToUl. Mala. Female. Total. Molo. Female. Total. Cnrrenl. Dnilding. Totnl 615 361 284 «I07.000 tiar.ooo 18B5 273 100 90 76 100 159 00 50 43 43 114 40 40 57 27S 313 321 3(16 3U 159 186 182 187 160 114 127 139 139 148 3U.0O0 45. 000 3il, OUO 31.000 31,MlO ao.uoo 45 (NX) 30, lUO ai.ouo 31,U0U 1880 213 2ao 214 1887 18«8 1889 Acinal iinmbcr of pationts trcatod from 1885 to 18S9, inclusive, C45. ST. LOUIS INSANE ASYLUM, ST. LOUIS, MO. [Establishcil 1809.] Total 2,175 1,211 96* 692. 057 052,699 «39,4SS 1R81 303 3«3 343 398 428 466 500 516 534 215 225 223 245 253 263 214 247 290 121 137 130 137 146 145 108 131 158 94 88 93 108 107 113 106 116 134 518 568 .WO G43 681 729 714 703 824 228 265 246 207 297 . 308 295 321 354 290 303 320 376 384 421 419 442 470 74.853 C7. 449 C-l. 1190 7:t. U90 77.0111 T-.l. :!94 k;. 0(4 81.821 84. 915 67^3 a;. 345 7:.'. T:;3 T.:.715 Tl. 8.19 78, 652 78. 180 77,099 7,200 3,U86 2,6l5 1.257 3. tW« .'.. 535 4..:02 3,041 7,816 1882 1883 1884 18P5 18H6 1887 Iftgg . . 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,478 ; previous decade, 1,463 ; expenditures for previous decade, $000,822. STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM NO. 2, ST. JOSEPH, MO. [Establisbed 1874.] Tot.-ll 1,674 913 661 571.629 J8S1 195 231 201 262 278 306 3B8 472 480 157 160 154 162 172 240 215 162 152 90 88 90 83 107 134 125 96 94 61 72 Ot 79 65 100 90 66 58 352 391 415 424 450 546 613 614 632 1!)8 214 237 211 227 284 330 343 350 154 177 183 213 213 262 283 291 282 43.513 47. 740 44, 5;'8 48,598 5S, 079 86. IU8 70, 073 86.312 80,608 1882 1883 ' 1684 1885 1886 1887 1888 i 1889 1 ■ 1 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,769. Items of expenditures not givon. STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM NO. 3, NEVADA, MO. [Established 1887.] Total. 1887. 188S.. 46 200 51 245 188 283 31 149 108 20 96 51 291 388 31 179 230 20 112 158 292, 331 149, OOO 57,861 85,470 1 08. 082 53.867 08, 3S2 149,006 1.994 17,038 Actual number of patients treated from 1837 to 1889, inclusive, 484. MONTANA INSANE ASYLUM, WAKM SPUINGS. [Established .] Total 564 470 »4 .-..1 L... !! 1 1 1 i 1881 40 8 8 31 19 28 35 16 26 30 21 61 54 74 63 69 88 104 26 19 49 47 61 SO 59 71 88 4 2 12 7 13 13 10 17 16 70 29 09 85 93 91 104 104 130 65 25 57 74 70 71 S8 8-1 HI 5 4 12 11 17 20 16 20 19 1 1882 18S3 1 1884 1885 i 1880 1887 1888 ' ■■" 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1839, inclusive, 604. Expenditures not given. 52 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. NEBRASKA HOSPITAI.. FOR THE INSANE, LINCOLN. lEstablishcil 1871,] TE^BS. In hospital at the he.^nnJDg oC year. ADMITTED. TREATED. EXPEXDITCRES. Total. Male. Pemale. Total, Male. Female. Total. Current. Building. Total 1,719 1,031 088 $686, 861 $610,861 $76,000 1881 193 230 273 282 360 358 374 399 392 124 164 206 204 185 202 202 220 212 80 94 132 137 117 127 101 128 120 44 70 74 67 68 75 101 97 92 317 394 479 480 545 500 576 619 604 184 222 281 306 334 330 328 339 334 133 172 193 180 211 224 248 280 270 82,443 42, 942 58,112 61,801 07, 024 73,478 99, 991 89, 003 112,067 42, 443 42, 042 5S,112 61,801 62, 024 73, 478 93,991 89, 003 87, 067 40,000 1882 1853 1884 1885 5,000 1886 1887 6,000 1888 1859 25 000 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,912; previous decade, 655; expenditures for previous decade, $439,882. NORFOLK HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, NORFOLK, NEB. [Established 1888,] Actual number of patients treated in 1888 and 1889, 276. HOSPITAL FOR CHRONIC INSANE, HASTINGS, NEB. [Established 1889,] Total .. • 276 164 142,274 137,263 6,011 1888 152 124 83 81 69 43 152 248 83 150 69 98 65, 723 76, 551 63, 238 74, 025 2,485 2,526 ^889 124 1889. 65 136 65 130, 640 Items of expenditures not given. NEVADA STATE INSANE ASYLUM, RENO. [Established 1882.] Total 360 290 70 315, 207 263, 268 51 039 1882 139 27 51 55 57 37 108 17 45 48 49 29 31 10 6 7 8 8 139 166 202 215 218 204 108 125 160 170 172 160 31 41 42 45 46 44 1883 1 139 151 100 161 167 46, 328 43,604 <, 38, ,177 ) 38, 577 5 49, 075 I 49, 075 49, 881 38, 223 40, 888 34, 14.1 35, 305 34, 010 41,455 39, 183 8,106 2,806 1884 1885 1888 3 21 '^ 1887 1888 7 6"'0 1889 10 098 Actual number of patients treated from 1882 to 1889, inclusive, 366. NEW HAMPSHIRE ASYLUM, CONCORD. [Established 1842.] Total 1,210 643 673 769,931 601,704 108,227 1881 285 302 285 295 309 323 307 328 339 134 104 133 141 135 138 139 130 150 71 58 71 66 67 77 80 64 89 03 40 62 75 68 61 69 72 07 419 406 418 436 444 460 446 464 495 200 194 192 194 193 214 210 207 248 219 212 220 242 2.11 240 230 247 83, 530 87, 789 79, 126 77, 389 85, 585 85, 124 84. 230 89, 7,16 97, 402 64,810 74. 185 70, 407 08, 284 77,020 72, 435 71,988 79,741 82, 708 18,720 1882 1883 1884 9 105 1885 8,659 ]8>'0 1887 12, 242 1888 10,015 14, 634 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,501 ; previous decade, 1,551 ; expenditures for previous decade, $857,208. NEW JERSEY .STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, TRENTON. [Established 1848.] ToUl 1,021 848 773 1,405,759 1, 250, 169 155 090 1881 650 677 029 027 G03 eto 091 707 701 167 180 177 175 18.3 185 174 198 180 83 00 99 95 84 08 97 107 89 74 00 78 80 09 87 77 01 07 707 703 800 802 840 831 805 905 047 886 403 428 411 417 413 43l> 469 474 321 360 378 391 429 418 420 440 473 140,782 151,002 149, 081 1,17, 400 15,1, (»I8 155. 448 148,014 160, 359 176,389 129,330 135. 396 135, 3.17 141,000 141. 102 134.408 130, 358 160.930 151,508 17,402 J882 1883 13,724 |88t 1885 14,440 21 040 l^hn I8«7 17,006 15, 429 18K8 1889 23,821 Actual uumbor of patlonta treated from 1881 to 1889, Incloaivo, 2,171 ; previous docado, 2,603; expenditures fur previous ilooado, $1,637,192. THE INSANE. 53 STATE ASYLUM FOIi THE INSANE, MOKRIS PLAINS, N. J. [EatabliiiliFd 1876.] lu tioflitital at iho bc^innin^ of year. AOaiTTEO. TBBATBD. EXl-Clbll UBEg. YKAB8. Total. Male. Female. Total. Uale. Female. ToUl. Carrent. Ballillng. 1,S24 1,042 882 «1, 003, 267 »1, 875, 279 «227,9g8 Iggl 680 641 607 707 745 829 805 873 904 187 174 212 210 278 190 208 238 218 107 98 105 120 1511 93 115 131 in 80 76 107 84 122 106 93 107 107 773 BIS 870 917 1,023 1,028 1,073 1,111 1,122 884 408 426 456 627 608 639 565 674 38» 407 453 401 496 620 634 646 648 166.792 173. 496 187, 191 193, 942 220, 95« 238, 342 240. 020 229. 726 246,802 152,370 157. 673 167. Cfll 170. 289 203. H28 205. 974 201.057 199. 1-55 210,632 14.422 1882 - 15.823 1883 19.590 1884 17.053 17.128 Iggg 32,368 1887 44,963 1888 29.871 1889 30, 170 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,510. NEW YORK CITY INSANE ASYLUM, BLACKWELLS ISLAND, N. Y. [Established 1839.] 5,384 5,384 1, 510, 737 1,355.737 155,000 Iftfil 1,304 1,263 1,302 1,451 1,508 1, 005 1.709 1, 620 1,719 475 491 567 503 529 653 704 691 706 475 491 667 568 529 053 704 691 706 1,779 1,754 1,869 2.019 2. 037 2.258 2,413 2,317 2,425 1,779 1,754 1.869 2,019 2,037 2,258 2,413 2,317 2,425 152,268 121. 586 160, 527 146, 898 167, 281 152,287 141.020 234.665 234,205 117,268 121,580 145, .127 146. 898 142. 281 152. 287 141 (120 188.665 200.205 35,000 15.000 25,000 46,000 1 34,000 1 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 6,688; previous decade, 5,881 ; expenditures for previous decade, $1,104,000. NEW YORK STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, UTICA. [Established 1843.] 3,720 1,983 1,737 1 1,808,301 1,609,565 198,738 614 626 578 604 607 509 674 678 611 411 412 404 387 392 430 874 444 460 212 206 218 201 203 235 205 254 249 199 206 186 186 189 195 169 190 217 1,025 1,038 982 991 999 999 948 1,022 1,077 506 508 509 505 514 518 484 637 659 519 530 473 486 485 481 464 485 518 204. 122 197, 489 183. 724 179,289 I 200. 248 222, 539 183, 549 220, im 206,293 204,122 197,489 177. 612 170. 39) 176, 429 175,789 160, 783 177, 542 169.408 6.112 1884 8.878 1885 - - 29.819 1886 . 40.750 1887 27.70* 1888 42. .528 1889 30,885 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 4,334 ; previous decade, 4,977 ; expenditures for previous decade, $2,118,373. KINGS COUNTY LUNATIC ASYLUM, FLATBUSII, N. Y. [EstabUshcd 1855.] Total . 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887., 1888.. 1889., 1,100 1,170 1,157 1,231 1,329 1,351 1,475 1,525 1,062 3,973 472 463 420 479 377 446 389 424 603 2,005 247 216 202 225 206 230 207 219 253 225 247 218 254 171 216 182 205 250 1,672 1, 039 1,577 1,713 1,700 1,797 1,864 1,949 2,105 691 689 655 709 732 773 810 851 943 881 950 922 1,004 974 1,024 1.054 1,098 1,222 1, 469, 704 111,205 132, 511 142. 105 134, 482 14-1, 403 162, 704 175. 780 210, 188 276, 326 I Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 5,073; previous decade, 4,052; expenditures for previous decade, $777,669. Items of ; expenditures not given. MONROE COUNTY INSANE ASYLUM, ROCHESTER, N. Y. [Established 1857.] Total 822 451 371 298,903 255,935 42,968 1881 210 214 222 238 243 244 258 276 290 78 70 73 77 78 88 121 114 123 48 34 37 46 60 30 61 64 69 30 36 36 31 28 49 67 50 64 289 281 205 315 321 332 379 390 413 130 121 123 141 152 150 172 185 193 153 163 172 174 109 182 207 205 220 22. 221 2l! 250 22. 078 24. 857 27, 203 49. cei 31, 592 47.947 52,093 20,3,15 21.250 22. 07.1 23. 357 26. 203 2.1. 602 30. 3.50 39.317 47,363 1,886 1883 1884 1,500 1886 1,000 1880 24,000 1887 1.242 1888 8.630 1889 4,730 \ Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, Inclusive, 1,032; previous decade, 828; oxpondituro-i for pmviona decade. $1.15.044. 54 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. NEW YORK STATE ASYLUM FOE INSANE CRIMINALS, AUBURN. [Established 1859.] In bospitil at tliB bcgiuning of year. AIUUITED. TREATED. EXTEKDITDKES. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. ToL-il. Current. Baildiog. Total 487 469 13 $355,774 $312,936 $42,838 1881 149 134 141 147 15! 182 201 216 217 25 30 37 52 58 73 79 57 74 25 30 36 50 57 70 73 56 75 174 164 178 199 212 257 280 273 291 163 154 108 188 204 244 263 258 274 11 10 10 11 s 13 17 15 17 28, 373 28, 863 2S,S42 39, 733 42. 67« 41.909 45, 371 47. 703 52,104 27,010 27.898 27. 640 27. 890 29. 787 3fi, 119 41,:iS6 45, 726 49, 468 1,357 965 38S2 18S3 1 2 1 5 6 1 2 1, 196 1884 11,843 18SC 5,780 J887 3,983 18S8 1.977 Jg83 2,636 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1SS9, inclusive, 036; previous decade, 413; expenditures for previous decade, $237,269. WILLAUD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, WILLARD, N. Y. [EsUblisbcd 1869.] Tot.ll 2,113 1,099 1,014 2, 258, 974 2,120,610 138, 364 1881 1.628 1,735 1,774 1,758 1, 822 i.8:;g 1,S18 1,812 1,962 250 217 156 230 196 226 224 334 268 110 97 89 123 100 130 112 189 141 140 120 07 111 96 96 112 143 127 1,884 1,952 1,930 1, 994 2,018 2,062 2, 042 2,146 2,230 895 911 908 932 919 980 !IG2 1,039 1,086 989 1,041 1, 022 1,042 1,069 1,070 1,CB0 1,107 1,144 238. 287 247, 007 231.968 248, P05 238, 589 263, 584 2:12, 960 255, 210 275, 818 235. 984 242, 223 241.100 243. K!i4 220. 597 213, 401 214, 108 245. 001 236,212 2,283 1882 5,444 1883 . 13.808 IBSI 5,041 1BS5 11,992 18.S6 51. I,S3 1887 18,832 1888 10, 155 1889 19, 6U6 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, Inclusive, 3,741. HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. LEstablished 1871.J Total 2,357 1,290 1,001 1,460,630 924, 130 536,520 1881 251 273 219 308 301 389 425 419 470 179 211 277 284 249 281 278 300 298 94 109 142 155 132 155 165 175 169 85 102 133 129 117 126 113 123 129 430 484 4D0 .592 010 070 703 719 774 220 247 255 320 321 31:2 383 399 423 210 237 241 ' 272 289 308 320 320 346 91, 747 11.5. 075 S3, 831 103. 787 1I1.03S 137.453 2:17, 235 250, 037 335,225 84, 054 82, 789 77.984 9.5, ;!98 102. 364 106,787 116. .320 ; 127. 387 130,447 7.693 1882 32,886 1883 7,847 1884 10,389 1885 9,074 1880 30,668 1887 90, 735 1888 122, 4.30 188S 224,778 Actnalnumborof patients treated from 1881 to 1888, inclusive, 2,008; previous decade, 1,492; cxponditnrcs for previous decade, $1,732,338. NEW YORK CITY ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, WARDS ISLAND, N. Y. [Establisbcd 1871.) 5,293 5,293 2,215,548 1,750,223 465, 325 ■ 1881 . . . 1,140 1,225 l,2:t8 1,.304 1,509 1,6,32 1,691 1,706 1,017 512 461 515 510 575 612 668 724 710 513 461 515 510 f75 612 668 724 718 1,661 1,686 1,753 1,874 2,084 2,264 2,359 2,430 2,633 1,661 1.686 1.753 1,874 2,084 . 2,264 2,359 2,430 2,033 248,345 154. 215 165, 363 344, 201 221, 004 201, :«2 III 1,. 572 807.426 382,030 139,345 154.245 llij, 3G3 164, 236 198, .354 201,3112 191, r,Ti 263,866 271,730 109,000 168^ 179, DCS 18g5 22,500 43,800 Iggfl 110,300 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclutiro, 6,442; previous decade, 4,251; vxpeuditiircH fur iircviuiis decade, $794,039. STATE HOMEOPATHIC ASYLITM FOR THE INSANE, MIDULETOWN, N, Y, [KitablUbcd 1874.] Total 1,783 048 837 1,2.13,982 888,770 345,212 1881 180 216 240 2 HI12 77, 2»8 90,317 11.3. 9;\3 123, ,3.36 120. aSU 146, 160 99, 142 1882 12,524 1883 17. IKH 1884 17.7^17 1885 7, 297 1888 42, 493 1887 87,014 1888 38,218 1880 73,632 Actaal oamb^r of pationtji uoatod from 1881 to 1889, inolusivo, 1,003 ; pievloos docode, 804 ; ezpondilaros for previous decade, $888,435. Till-: INSANE. 55 nOMEOPATlIU; lIOSriTAL, WARDS I.SI,ANn, N. T. lEiitablUkulU7S.] Aotnal number of potionts troatod from 1881 to 18S7, inclusive, 261 . Diaooutinuoa in 1887. No oxpenditnros for building. NEW YOKK CITY INSANE ASYLUM, HARTS ISLAND, N. Y. [Established 1877.J Actual number of patients treated from 18S1 to 1889, inclusive, 1,060. BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOR TIU: INSANE, BUFFALO, N. Y. []!:stablisliodl830.] Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to ISSO, inclusive, 2,536. THE BIXGHAMTON ASYLUSI FOR THE INSANE, BINtiUAMTOX, N. Y. [Established 18S1.1 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,996. STATE EMIGRANT INSANE ASYLUM, WARDS ISLAND, N. Y. [Established ] In hospital at the bp'.;inning of year. AnMIITKD. TnEATID. BxrntoiTOHiui. TRAK8. Total. . Mala. Fomale. ToUL Malo. Fomals. Total. Camnt. Dullding. Ill Ill «U 1,107 •111. ; 17,4-:: : IT,...: IftOI 150 148 150 150 149 140 150 u 19 26 18 14 7 D IS 19 26 18 14 7 159 166 169 170 107 16:) 157 150 1G6 ua 17'J 167 103 157 •«•• 1 i:.. 772 1.5. 772 1.5. 878 12,571 15, 772 15,772 15.878 12,571 ............ 1 Total 1,362 255 1,107 708,699 STT.eW •131,000 298 432 431 432 405 406 GOO 1.086 1,087 158 45 39 128 32 IGli 577 07 150 :.... 158 45 39 128 32 91 412 59 140 436 477 470 560 527 662 1,177 1,153 1,237 4.56 477 470 560 527 590 952 9:12 1,013 38,827 30,739 45.X94 46, 236 41,432 94. on 07. 721 121. 808 221, 065 38,827 30.739 45.894 46.236 41.432 50,977 67,721 I2LS03 134,065 -..•...■*>» 72 105 S 10 72 225 221 221 41.000 1887 1889 87.000 1 Total 2,530 1,433 1,103 834,783 097, T20 107,083 IRRl 219 273 285 275 295 324 318 274 293 122 157 139 158 165 184 185 157 166 97 116 126 117 130 140 133 117 127 219 429 639 004 642 693 716 630 661 122 239 285 317 311 :'66 3-1 328 338 97 190 254 287 301 329 143 302 323 49.390 08,280 00.295 81. :i86 97. 453 109.077 104, GOG lOJ, 636 94,658 42,901 6.5,087 82, I9:i 73,817 75, 609 83,633 87,747 94, 147 90,496 0.480 1882 156 274 320 347 371 398 356 368 3, ISO 1883 18&t 1885 hi.rr-a 1886 : 1 I 1887 t 1888 ._ ; J 1889 4, 1C3 1,996 1,053 943 1,240,905 887,537 353,363 1881 1882 1883 1884 .... 275 425 580 707 n:i« 1,039 1,077 298" 211 243 283 319 272 206 104 162" 103 125 167 183 133 94 82 i'')6 108 118 116 137 134 112 82 t 298" 480 608 863 1,080 1,208 1,243 1.241 162 249 340 440 573 631 610 599 130 237 328 414 513 587 635 642 31,160 64, 334 09, li3 100.249 127. 1109 217. 4.S9 217,411 206, 244 193, 880 5,340 37,548 05, .506 81,381 104,718 123,014 146.240 154. eu 169, 156 25. K6 ■ ( 1885 J2.291 1886 94,475 1887 71.171 1888 51.610 1880 29,704 1,358 713 045 j.... 111 198 160 110 101 C7 86 I'Ji 6J __ 112 155 186 115 125 20 29 39 25 190 230 153 115 104 126 160 103 111 102 112 89 56 58 71 91 79 55 88 121 64 59 48 53 69 81 58 302 391 339 238 229 140 189 202 130 161 193 179 120 128 79 103 07 67 ' 1 i:::::::::;;:.. ....: i ::::..:::..:.. 1 1 i 1 ...•■>•••« 1488 1 .........««• I \ i Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,470. Expenditures not given. 56 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. QUEENS COUNTY INSANE ASYLUM, MINEOLA, N. Y. [Esteblisbcd 1882.J TEARS. In hospital at the hesiDniiig of year. ADMITTED. TBEATED. EXPENDITURES. Total. Male. Female. Total. tfale. Female. Total. Current. Building. Total 231 122 109 $139, 188 $139, 188 1882 16, 982 18, 302 17, 270 10,731 17, 225 10, 594 18, 395 17, 689 16, 982 18, 302 17. 270 lti,7;il 17, 225 10. 5!14 18. 395 17, 689 1883 1884 119 121 115 123 126 122 43 47 36 32 34 39 27 23 16 18 15 18 16 19 20 14 19 21 162 168 151 155 160 161 84 83 09 73 70 74 78 85 82 82 90 87 1885 1886 \sm 1888 1889 Actual number of patienta treated from 1884 to 1889, inclusive, 350. It yraa impossible to obtain figures as to inmates previous to 1884. NEW YOEK CITY ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, CENTRAL ISLIP, N. Y. [Established 1889.] Actual number of patients treated in 1889, 314. NORTH CAROLINA INSANE ASYLUM, RALEIGH. [Established 1857.] Actual number of patienta treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 970; previous decade, 688; expenditures for previous decade, $665,522. EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA INSANE ASYLUM, GOLDSBORO. [Established 1880.] Total 314 314 247,200 $247, 200 1883 25,000 25,000 1884 1835 1886 1887 59, 700 137, 500 25,000 59,700 1888 :::::; ;::;; 137,500 1889 314 314 314 314 25, 000 Total 697 363 334 507,096 439,521 67,576 IgSl 273 284 278 199 243 254 248 292 292 49 50 53 106 97 95 74 80 93 29 24 27 53 48 49 38 43 52 20 26 26 53 49 46 36 37 41 322 334 331 305 340 349 322 372 385 167 173 172 149 172 179 163 189 192 155 161 169 156 ]68 170 159 183 193 56, 575 68, 073 67, 094 52.864 65, 322 47, 880 04, 137 48. 400 56, 145 61.200 48, 680 42, 732 44,911 50. SU9 46. 077 52, 193 47. 9G8 54,940 5,375 1882 9 387 1883 24,902 1884 7,953 1885 4,513 1880 1,803 1887 11, 939 1888 438 1889 1,205 Total . 1881.. J882.. 1883.. 1881.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887., 1888.. 1889.. 642 02 30 89 45 86 63 110 81 144 80 155 70 16'J 61 180 86 lOi 120 321 14 15 40 37 50 33 41 44 47 321 16 30 23 44 36 .37 20 42 73 122 134 149 191 230 225 230 266 314 60 49 73 93 U.S 109 114 129 131 72 85 76 98 115 118 116 137 183 217, 980 10, 958 21,341 16, 361 22, 144 28, 058 23. 833 26, 600 30, 528 38, 157 10,448 14, 226 14. 244 15. 683 22, 338 23. 082 22. 448 22. 342 25, 140 48.10S 510 7,115 2,117 0,561 6,700 751 4,152 8,186 13,017 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, iniliiitive, 734. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA INSANE ASYLUM, MORGANTON. [Established 1883.] Total 032 440 483 644,448 374,564 269, 884 1881 40, 000 60, 000 70. 020 75. 732 38. 9(10 130. 195 00. 574 81,427 81,000 40,000 1882 60,000 1883 181 71 80 174 120 155 ,30 84 32 37 85 65 80 00 07 39 40 89 01 75 73 181 220 208 367 433 612 560 84 107 122 170 200 251 266 97 110 140 107 224 261 204 21,2:i6 40.732 an. w«) r.0. i'ji."> CO. 57 1 81.427 81,000 r,:,, 384 1884 1.55 182 103 807 3S7 421 35,000 1885 I8M 79,600 1887 188S J889 Actual number of patienta treated from 1883 to 1889, Inclaslve, S32. THE INSANE. 57 KORTII DAKOTA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, JAMESTOWN. [Eatabliabed 1885.] ^^=^===^^= In hospital at the bocinnlDg olj-car. ADMITTED. TBKATED. EXPEXDITCBES. Total. Mole. Femalo. Total. Halo. Fomalo. Total. Cmreiit. Building. Total 451 272 179 •S02.223 «ZS2,T17 •249,506 IftAJ \ 40.138 29.528 108, 434 48. 470 198. 503 68,000 49.138 ) 170 180 »5 110 98 64 66 82 31 170 310 256 no 181 150 66 135 106 29. 528 45, 746 48, 470 60, 1113 68.000 i i 130 161 62,088 1887 lass 137,680 Actual number of patients treated from 1885 to 1889, inclusive. 451. DAYTON ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, DAYTON, OHIO. [Establisbcd 1855.] Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,404; previous decade, 3,187; oxpenditurea forprevioua decade, $1,078,707, CLEVELAND ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. [Establisbcd 1855.] Actual cumber of patients treated from 1681 to 1889, inclusive, 2,959; previous decade, 2,912; expenditures for previous decade, $1,076,128. LONG VIEW INSANE ASYLUM, CARTHAGE, OHIO. [EstabUshed I860.] Total . 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 660 652 655 6G3 674 688 734 763 782 1,834 164 190 193 220 214 244 228 190 191 959 91 87 97 119 104 133 120 92 116 875 73 103 96 101 HO 111 108 98 75 834 842 848 8S2 8,H8 932 903 9«3 973 398 393 403 433 425 452 406 437 475 426 450 445 449 463 480 496 516 498 Total 1,812 •92 830 1,007,294 903,695 103,599 692 596 584 601 589 605 592 590 553 191 174 179 188 183 196 184 307 210 101 95 100 102 95 113 100 157 119 90 79 79 86 88 83 84 150 91 783 770 703 789 772 801 776 897 763 386 381 375 392 385 404 393 448 385 397 389 388 397 387 397 383 451 378 119.215 131. 492 12«. 6S9 114.313 100. 790 100.987 108. 230 104, 332 95,246 101. MI 1U8. 167 106. 038 107. 272 97, 4;i4 00,914 99, 336 97. 326 90.547 17,614 23,:«S 1883 20,651 1884 7,041 jgtio B.296 1888 5.073 1887 8.894 1888 7,0^i6 1889 4.699 Total 2,339 1,210 1,129 1,182,301 993.782 188,519 1881 620 622 622 625 617 635 626 652 625 224 226 244 220 253 282 274 340 256 112 lis 127 119 138 142 141 173 143 132 111 117 101 115 140 133 167 113 864 848 866 845 870 917 900 993 881 421 429 432 438 448 468 456 510 459 443 419 434 407 422 449 444 482 422 120, 766 128. 820 122.238 121, 124 119. 183 122. 2S6 118. 5P7 124. 923 201,368 108. 508 115.000 113.152 112.119 108. 054 589 585 .'■..83 512 569 B75 522 280 272 202 279 278 273 273 261 233 1 808 282 297 306 305 209 2% 314 289 150, 034 107. 893 182.313 183. 3.^.2 171.775 177.819 226, 074 190,007 192, 008 144,024 157,293 171, 7S2 170, OKf 163, 138 104,200 188, 110 188,198 181,385 12 010 18H2 10 600 J883 1S84 13 312 1885 11, 037 1888 13. (',13 1887 38, Mi 1888 8,479 U8B 10,683 Actual number of patlenta trotted from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,027; provions decade, 2,828; expoudlturoa for previous decade, fl, 870,651. THE INSANE. 59 PENNSYLVANIA STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, HARRI.SHURO. l£*UtbU*bcsd 1851.1 TCAIIS. In liiMiiital nl t!io boctnning of year. ADHirrBD, TBIATED. exprnDiTURn. Total. Male. Fomalo, Total, Malo. Femalii, Total. 1 *1, 146,809 Current. ;i ;l ./I «'.. 210 «S. «<4 ••1. :71 :■■ T13 11 ; j'lH 13'.',W)9 BiilldlDK. Total 1,567 776 791 ' 1881 333 363 412 398 425 430 461 497 665 100 160 104 128 130 145 150 272 210 54 75 83 71 79 82 77 125 130 145 85 81 57 00 63 73 147 80 532 623 576 ,526 SB4 575 611 769 875 206 229 250 251 288 294 309 372 439 7^ 1 ' ; : 1 112, IM VV.::-n Ul. 142 IT'., jr 2 1 1 , < •.' 1 1 "-''^"^1 7.183 1.K83 10. Oil 1S84 0.S88 1885 10 aa 1880 49.771 J887 B2,S0t 18H8 88.488 Actual number of p.itlonts treated from 1831 to 1889, inclusive, 1,900; iirorions decade, 2,079; cipondituros for proviotia dooado, $1,190,080. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, DIXMONT. [KatabUsbed 1862.] 1,860 1.086 824 1,2U.481 1.107,502 103,889 1881 SOS .593 51>1 408 510 537 687 GOO 636 208 173 100 189 203 206 208 243 270 102 94 02 111 95 12C 129 134 153 106 79 08 78 108 80 79 109 117 806 768 661 687 719 74S 795 843 906 441 438 375 404 397 418 459 469 510 365 330 286 283 322 S25 338 374 396 135. 9.13 140. 490 127.713 122. 8.-,0 116.770 120.228 lUO 553 116. 476 IGI, 400 123,144 138.8:KS 125. c;.5 116.815 113,494 107. 120 117.180 126. 895 130,383 10,788 18S2 7.654 2.020 1S84 0,005 3.276 13,108 18S7 13,373 19.581 1889 28,063 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 18^, inelnaiTe, 2,458; previous decade, 2,723; expenditures for previooa decade, ♦1,209,077. STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, DANVILLE, PA. [Establisbed 1868.] Total 1,842 1,100 842 1,095,688 923,086 172,802 1 1881 384 210 220 ;i27 412 746 816 794 805 97 75 175 201 147 250 208 261 238 65 75 79 98 215 1.50 110 164 138 32 481 285 395 528 S59 996 1,054 1,0.55 1,093 2«i 285 299 :h2 481 5.-.4 .578 597 631 193 1 7G. 75r, 71,901 04.700 7.5, 125 112.017 157, 305 171 487 178. 077 187,654 70.122 G5. 551 02.011 72. 633 101.932 132. 891 135, 4C0 l;-.3, 921 148,505 6.634 6. 350 1883 96 103 232 100 92 97 90 96 1«6 378 1 442 I 47« ' 458 462 2.755 1884 2,492 IgSo 10 083 1880 24,414 1887 :io.027 1888 44.756 1889 ,. 39,088 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, 2,326; previous decade, 1,263; expenditures for previous decade, $1,397,312. STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, SOUTHEASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, NORRISTOWN. [Established 1880.] ' Tot.ll 4,153 2,117 2,030 2,767,930 2,095,177 672,753 990 1.239 1.372 1,362 1.730 1,847 1,964 2,229 2,143 1881 546 791 951 1.006 1,114 1,420 1,496 1,673 1,726 444 448 421 3.50 616 427 468 556 417 236 238 225 192 301 199 247 283 193 212 196 164 315 228 221 273 219 531 660 719 725 877 910 955 1,104 1,071 459 579 633 037 853 937 1,009 1,125 1,072 180,851 370.946 219. 494 2.59.810 277. 373 328. 576 380,053 367.118 347, 103 138.010 188.473 165,7.^9 215. 476 23:1. 400 246. 113 277.902 301.717 328.237 42,841 1882 188,473 1883 83,705 1884 44,340 1885 4.1,913 18S8 . .. 82,463 102,731 1888 a5. 401 1889 18,868 Actual naml>er of patients tro.ited from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 4,C99. STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, WARREN, PA. [Established 1880.] Total 2,010 1,078 932 971,446 872.13) 99,326 1881 225 234 185 203 299 219 223 198 224 40 119 99 115 I 185 128 i 126 ■ 122 138 179 115 86 88 114 91 97 76 86 225 43:: .540 020 782 812 881 835 910 46 1.58 223 239 409 414 461 456 488 179 275 :ii5 :n7 :i-n 117 ::9:i 422 1.512 50. 0.56 8«. (>2.< MS. .525 1 i:i. -.'PI l;' ■ ■ 1 ,■:•:.■ 1.612 55.532 73.923 1 98. 291 ! 13S. 787 125, :iio iii.2i;i 131, .103 130. 241 1882 199 355 42:l 483 G23 rk.8 057 CSO 1,124 1883 6,105 1884 10.234 1885 10. 414 18.% 12,970 1887 33.705 1888 11,255 1889 , 13,519 Actual number of patient* treated from 1881 to 1880, inclusive, 2,010. 60 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. STATE ASYLUM FOE INCURABLE INSANE, HOWARD, R. I. [Established 1809.] In hospital at the betrinniDg of year. ADMIITED. ■^'km^ -- TREATED. EXPENDITDEE8. Total. . Male. rem ale. Total. Male. Female. Tot,-il. Current. Building. 1,107 618 439 $509, 341 $382, 446 $126,895 JggJ 245 282 305 300 314 370 425 446 476 97 74 69 90 142 177 148 162 148 59 49 46 53 66 95 75 »9 86 38 25 23 37 76 82 73 73 62 342 356 374 390 456 547 673 608 624 172 182 198 205 231 278 282 303 313 170 174 176 185 225 269 291 305 311 24, 759 31,857 33,514 60, 893 92. 220 63, 370 58, 719 91, 658 62, 345 24,759 31, 857 33. 514 33, 303 47, 964 55, 121 46. 054 51,710 58,164 1883 Igg4 17, 590 1885 44, 256 1888 8,255 1887 . 12, 665 1888 39, 948 1889 4,181 Actnal number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,352. ^f SOUTH CAROLINA LUNATIC ASYLUM, COLUMBIA. [Established 1828.] 2,247 1,159 1,088 928, .544 791,384 137, 160 420 508 550 610 643 620 605 678 709 223 247 239 298 216 237 229 253 305 115 132 125 142 104 108 117 137 179 108 115 114 156 112 129 112 " 116 126 643 755 789 914 859 857 894 931 1,014 318 307 378 441 412 405 427 465 536 325 388 411 473 447 452 467 466 478 112.909 76, 836 102, 038 136, 977 114,001 95, 372 94, 142 94, 205 100, 744 69. 726 73,810 86, 078 92. 585 8S, 772 — 91,262 - 94,142 ^ 94, 265 100, 744 43.183 1882 3,026 18.« 16, 560 1884 44,392 1885 23, 889 1886 4,110 1887 1888 1889 - - • . Actnal number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,667; previous decade, 1,417; expenditures for previous decade, $749,929. •HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, YANKTON, S. D. [EatabUshed 1879.] 789 509 280 459, 845 323, 110 136,736 1881 12 27 40 92 149 122 140 153 162 33 41 80 100 99 104 82 97 153 23 27 65 6C 67 69 50 63 89 10 14 25 34 32 35 32 34 64 45 68 120 192 248 226 222 250 315 30 42 73 120 155 143 133 153 185 15 26 47 72 93 83 89 97 130 17, 085 17,219 27, 589 03, 821 51, 167 53, 586 53. 996 56. 440 118, 942 11,428 13, 050 24, 440 26. 660 41,800 44 002 49, 509 51,731 59, 890 5,657 1882 3,569 3,149 1884 37,101 1885 9,307 9,584 4,487 1888 4,709 1889 59, 052 Actnal number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 801. CENTRAL HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, NASHVILLE, TENN. [Established 1852.] 1,103 562 541 674,449 616,447 58, 002 1881 105 100 111 111 134 140 122 124 144 65 54 67 56 68 72 02 62 76 50 62 84 55 66 74 60 62 68 71,190 71, 190 78, 730 78, 730 70, 899 70, 899 78, 289 78, 28D 76, 233 68,634 08, 034 09, 248 69, 248 06, Olio 66, 000 09, 345 69, 345 68, 673 2,656 •>, 556 9, 482 0,482 1885 4, 239 4, 239 8,944 8.944 7,560 Actnal number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,103, which does not include tho number in hospital at beginning of 1881; previous decade, 1,295; expenditures for previous decade, $590,301. WESTERN HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, BOLIVAR, TENN. [Establialicd 1889.] Total , 211 99 112 211 99 112 280,322 3,554 276, 768 1880 36,441 79,295 78, 453 86, 133 t 36,441 1 79, 295 1888 1 78, 463 1889 211 99 112 211 99 112 8,554 82, 579 TIIK INSANE. CI STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, AUSTIN, TKX. [Established 1861.] In hORpital .It thn boKiiiiiiiiK of }«ar. ADMITTED. TREATED. EXPEKDITCRU. TBABS. Total. Male. Female. ToUl. Male. Female. Total. Cnrrent. BalldlDK- Total 1,603 943 620 »1, 126, 001 »82? -rt J303, 187 1881 369 363 358 450 555 555 594 650 585 140 87 100 2,'-.7 208 222 liio 172 175 83 48 93 148 127 129 80 lU 125 58 39 73 109 81 93 50 01 60 600 460 524 707 703 777 730 728 760 293 252 289 389 420 428 302 4(12 4:!4 210 198 235 318 337 349 338 326 326 59,115 127.085 201. 751 131.782 121.750 114.707 112.900 132, 750 117,501 01. ill* 70. 440 114. 310 100. 109 100. 4115 108. 470 09. 359 100. 984 3,938 18H2 00. 137 Jg83 128. 305 1884 17.400 1885 24. 581 1886 8. 302 1887 4.490 33. 391 1889 16,517 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,932; previous decade, 773; expenditures for previous decade, $517,125. NORTH TEXAS HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, TERRELL. [Established 1886.] Total . 18K;. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1889. 112 267 372 403 1,283 112 330 343 259 239 705 61 177 197 137 133 51 153 140 122 106 112 442 010 631 642 61 238 326 325 332 51 204 284 306 310 230,227 53,258 40, 492 68,676 73, 8U1 Actual number of patients treated from 1885 to 1889, inclusive, 1,283. Items of expenditures not given. TERRITORIAL INSANE ASYLUM, PROVO, UTAH. [Established 1885.] Tot^ 229 127 102 244,358 100,727 143,631 1AB1 ... \ 51.920 74. 097 5,634 46.988 63.093 51.926 74,697 51 39 41 36 62 26 20 25 21 35 25 19 10 15 27 51 90 110 125 171 20 40 60 67 92 25 44 60 68 79 6.654 46.968 48.085 1888 51 09 89 109 1887 1888 17.008 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1885 to 1889, inclusive, 229. THE VERMONT ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, URATTLEBORO. [Established 1336.] 877 530 347 827, 914 757, 295 70, 619 Iggl } 447 441 437 450 468 188 180 184 212 107 111 117 112 122 08 77 69 72 00 39 635 627 621 602 575 844 357 351 371 325 291 270 270 291 230 179,792 178, 214 165,336 200.912 97.660 165,723 163,864 158, 336 185,312 84,060 14,069 1RH2 Ig83 14,350 1884 1885 7,000 188C 1887 1888 1889 n,600 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1880, inclusive, 1,100 ; previous decade, 1,521 ; expenditures for previous decade, $905,673. EASTERN LUNATIC ASYLUM, WILLIAMSBURG, VA. [Established 1773.] T„l.il 861 563 293 708,251 071,985 03,208 1881 331 354 377 447 451 417 402 400 302 95 115 159 131 102 68 80 60 71 04 64 86 70 04 63 73 44 61 31 51 74 61 38 8 7 6 20 420 409 536 578 553 475 482 450 463 239 257 282 295 284 261 288 264 265 187 212 254 283 269 214 194 180 198 50,975 85.881 83.927 102. 824 83. 306 114. 682 89.249 79,184 78,223 45,347 83.536 74,760 80,8-.i4 79. 434 76.832 84,070 74,379 75,183 5,028 1882 2.345 1883 9,107 1884 22.000 1885 3,872 1886 87,830 1887 . . 4,579 1888 4. 80S 1889 8,010 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,192; previous decade, 889; expenditures for previous decade, »622,"86, 62 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. WESTERN LUNATIC ASYLUM, STAUNTON, VA. [Established 1828.] In hospital at the besiniiiDg of year. ADMITTED. TREATED. EXPENDITDBES. Total. Male. Temalo. Total. Male. Female. Total. Current. Building. Total 1,150 636 520 $883,089 $807,576 $75,513 1881 448 492 508 534 559 610 627 632 610 218 131 129 138 164 166 86 63 61 82 87 72 87 89 97 ,52 34 36 136 44 57 51 75 69 34 29 25 666 023 037 672 733 770 713 695 677 293 304 323 351 376 398 300 351 340 373 319 314 321 357 378 347 344 337 81, 062 90, 238 119, 142 ion. 909 101. 598 98. 244 100, 080 90. 972 83,844 75, 262 86,309 102, 127 104, 106 89, 598 88, 403 89, 780 no, 750 81, 241 5,800 18S2 3 929 1883 17, 015 1884 2, 803 IPSo 12, UOO 19S6 9 841 1887 10. 300 1888 0.222 1889 7,603 , Actual numher of patients treated from 18S1 to 1889, inclusive, 1,G04; previoas decade, 1,139; cKpcnditurea for previous docade, $C84,875. CENTRAL LUNATIC ASYLUM, PETERSBURG, VA. [Estiblished 1870.] Total 1,340 705 035 764, 101 544.101 220, 000 1881 . , 326 351 381 409 373 408 436 434 507 128 165 184 119 141 121 101 206 175 57 83 98 01 74 69 50 108 99 71 82 86 58 67 62 45 93 70 454 516 505 528 514 629 637 640 082 206 242 267 247 245 257 272 317 345 248 274 298 281 269 272 265 323 337 52, 603 75. 105 149, 641 142, 971 5;i, 809 59. COO 90. 392 07, 210 72, 318 52. 603 60. 165 59,811 52, 971 53. 899 69, 090 65, 3>12 07, 210 72,318 1882 15.000 1833 90,000 1884 90, 000 1885 1887 25,000 1888 1889 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 1,606. SOUTHWESTERN LUNATIC ASYLUM, MARION, VA. [Established 1887.] Total 512 224 288 289, 196 125, 614 163.582 1885 47,006 105, 000 ;». 102 50, 350 60, 738 47,006 1888 105. 000 1887 102 174 176 59 76 89 103 98 87 102 313 371 59 121 150 103 192 215 23, 950 51.642 50, 022 6,152 1888 139 195 4,708 1889 TIC Actual number of patients treated from 1S87 to 1889, inclusive, 512. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, STEILACOOM, WASH. [Established 1871.] 950 727 223 406,301 287,577 118,724 1R81 69 105 115 128 148 172 196 232 268 49 60 77 84 08 96 109 150 225 36 50 59 03 77 75 78 114 175 13 n 18 21 21 21 31 42 50 138 101 192 213 246 268 305 388 493 107 130 154 101 189 200 234 284 370 31 31 38 51 57 62 71 104 123 24, 103 27, 900 27, 080 20, 778 28.861 131,778 35, 735 45, 233 58,233 23, 034 26,717 20, 883 26,778 28,801 31. 121 32, 900 33, 101 58. 196 1,069 ia'!2 ; 1,183 1883 817 18H5 1880 100, 657 18K7 2, 629 18K8 12, 132 1880 . . . . 87 Actoal nomber of pationta treated from 1881 to 1889. inclusive, 1,039; previous decade, 292; expenditures for previous docade, $141,593. WEST VIRGINIA IIOSl'ITAL FOR TIIK IN.SANE, WESTON. [Established 1861.] Total 1.064 888 770 i 927,364 759.481 107,888 1 IJ81 4«2 589 035 002 081 685 677 708 821 187 199 206 170 123 104 231 216 222 104 93 114 97 67 03 130 112 108 83 106 92 79 C6 41 101 101 114 079 788 841 838 807 789 008 984 1,040 305 410 440 438 423 411 476 .'.07 629 314 378 401 400 364 378 432 477 517 82. 089 81.279 104,01)7 97. 772 80, 529 112 941 108.401 132. 005 120,991 61,228 71, Ki.S 92, 333 80, 903 79. 100 80,031 80, CliS 99, 393 101,991 21,401 1882 10, 111 18H3 12,301 1884 10, 609 188} 7. 303 1886 2 267 109 90 130 139 137 142 149 178 164 770 650 677 708 778 753 783 792 715 402 339 309 383 426 410 423 450 430 388 317 308 325 352 340 360 342 309 120! .'^44 Bl. 8:17 95. 03S 94. 2U7 00,012 00, 290 00,292 1,038 175 488 1882 1S. 92 ISO 122 230 157 275 175 783 00 88 93 83 91 133 C4 73 100 515 583 615 646 671) 738 782 238 279 281 300 326 298 288 340 359 IIKRIIEUT HALT,, WORrE.STKK. MAS.S. [KaUblUlK'J 1873 I Tulal . 1881. 1882. 1K.4I. 1884. 1SK5. lH8lt IS"7.. 18'i8. 1889. In ' XVJBTTKK 111 , iiilal. Male. Peoete. Tetat I Male. < Female. 15 10 13 18 7 13 12 10 20 10 10 13 14 11 18 ■i" , 2 20 1 2:1 ; 2-1 •M 12 32 . 27 "1 11 la 2( 21 !• 21 24 •M 18 Actual number ot patlcnta treated from 1881 to 1889, inclniiive, 142. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, BROOKLINE. MASS. [EaUbtisbod 1879.] 277 300 334 340 I 357 410 382 398 423 I Total 67 29 38 1 1881 7 5 3 7 5 11 10 8 11 2 3 2 3 1 7 2 3 6 8 ' 5 1 J' 8 13 15 20 19 1 20| 2 4 3 4 3 7 7 10 5 I^S2 4 5 10 9 9 12 13 6 5 18.^1 . ... g 188,1 12 1880 11 J.'*87 la J888 13 1889 u Actual number of patienta treated from 1881 to 1889. iucluaivo, G7. ST. JOSEPH'S RETREAT, DEARBORN, MICH. Actu.ll number of patients treated from 1881 to 1680, inclusive, 2,158; Tioas decade, 1,405. McLEAN ASYLUM, SOMERVILLE, MASS. pre- [Establiabed 1818.] Total. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1889. lU 153 1S7 16.i 173 170 167 164 166 851 414 66 20 83 42 109 48 113 55 93 54 93 49 75 32 103 47 U3 58 220 237 270 278 270 203 242 269 270 96 105 122 125 133 120 lOU 121 134 124 133 1.54 153 137 137 i:i8 148 145 Actual utirabo Tious decade, 990 r of p.iticnts treated from 1881 to 1889. inclusive, 1,005; pre- RECEPTACLE FOR THE INSANE, IPSWICH, MASS. [Established 1843.] Total. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 85 54 31 43 2 62 6 70 32 8 80 53 6 72 47 3 04 42 5 04 40 1 55 35 Actual nnmbcr of patients treated from 1881 to 1887, inolusivo, 142. Closed' 111 1887. 7176 INS 5 [Established 16«0.) Total.... 1,078 623 455 1 1 1881 70 71 77 92 106 1 1U7 99 02 112 66 80 157 104 133 120 104 88 100 32 41 103 78 91 59 63 47 107 34 39 64 86 42 61 39 41 59 136 151 234 256 239 227 203 180 278 57 69 124 100 121 89 89 7« 137 7S 1882 83 1883 110 1884 IS« 118 188fi 138 1887 i 11* 104 1889 141 Actual numbcrof patients trcatcfl from 1881 to 1889, inclasive. 1.14S. ST. VLNCEiJT'S INSTITUTION FOR THE INSANE. ST. LOUIS, MO. [Established 1858.] Total.... 1,233 132 138 138 125 122 141 143 145 151 590 645 155 151 157 152 157 164 172 194 184 1881 73 65 71 50 49 76 68 68 70 67 75 1 73 63 75 77 81 287 289 293 277 1 279 3U5 315 339 335 148 157 157 1.36 138 153 151 164 158 I3S 18H2 132 I88;l 138 18*4 141 1883 141 188C 153 1887 164 1888 173 1889 177 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, incluaire, 1,390. DR. TWITCHELLS PRIVATE HOME, KEENE, N. H. [Ustablisbed 1879.] Total 30 1 10 2S 1881 3 8 3 7 8 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 i 1 2 6 3 5 i 2 2 3 II 7 4 5 6 7 8 2 1882 6 I8«;i 1 4 1R84 8 I8S5 1 2 3 4 5 2 1886 2 1887 3 1888 3 1889 6 Actual nnmber of patienta treated from 1881 to 188S, incluaiTe, M. 66 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM, NEW YORK, N. Y. [Established 1821.] In hospi- tal at the be^JDUiiig of year. 1881., 1882., 1883. 188i. 1885. 1880. 1887. 1888. 1889. 214 224 223 244 244 272 271 288 29C ADMITTED. Total. Male. Female, 1,423 129 106 141 136 170 177 202 187 109 732 70 47 64 70 85 80 112 104 100 691 Total. Uale. Female. 343 330 364 380 420 449 473 475 465 172 157 109 179 190 204 231 231 232 171 173 193 201 230 215 242 2U 233 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclasire, 1,637; pre- TiODS decade, 1,233. SANFOED HALL, FLUSHIXG, N. Y. [Established 1841.] Total. 1881., 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 18S7. 1888. 1889. 121 64 60 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1689, inclusive, 157; pre- vious decade, 197. BEIGHAM HALL, CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. [Established 1855.] Total. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 331 184 147 96 99 100 116 107 95 88 92 87 Actnal number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 394; pre- Tions decade, S77. PROVIDENCE KETREAT, BUFFALO, N. Y. [EstabUshed 1801.] Total.... 631 174 510 1886 93 224 137 126 258 125 150 145 41 42 46 42 211 83 110 103 353 349 293 271 67 73 71 70 286 1887 276 18fi8 222 1889 195 Actnal number of patienta treated from 1886 to 1889, inclusive, 77S. Impos- (Ible to obtain reports previous to 1886. DR. CnOATES HOME. PLEASAKTVILLE, N. Y. [Establiahcd 1870.] Total .... 16 10 36 1881 10 10 10 10 8 7 8 8 8 3 7 6 2 6 6 B 6 6 2 2 1 1 '■ i' 2 1 R 5 2 4 S 7 1 » 13 17 16 12 13 12 16 13 13 7 6 4 3 2 3 3 4 6 1882 11 1883 ]*' 1881 10 1885 10 1886 10 1887 13 ]888 10 uso 8 ST. TIXCENT'S RETREAT FOR THE IXSANE, HARRISON, N. T. [Est.iblishea 1879.] Total . In liost)i- tal at tlio beginning of year. 1881., 1882., 1883. 1884. 1885. 1860. 188(. 1888. 1889. Total. Male. Female. 217 247 Total. Male. Female. 31 50 79 89 78 71 86 85 85 :;:;::;: 31 50 79 89 78 71 86 85 85 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1839, inclusive, 202. DR. PARSONS' HOMF; FOR NERVOUS IXVALIDS, SING SING, N. X. [Established 1880.] Total . 1881., 1882. 1883., 1884. 1885., 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 38 10 28 Actual number of patients treated from 1831 to 18S9, inclusive, 41. LONG ISLAND HOME, AMITYVILLE, N. Y. [Established 1881.] Total 437 238 199 1886 76 S3 83 74 169 134 71 63 90 75 37 36 70 69 34 27 247 217 159 137 120 102 80 68 127 1887 115 1888 79 1889 69 Actual number of patients treated from 1880 to 1889, inclusive, 515. Impossible to obtain reports previous to 1880. 'DUNGARTHEL ", HILL VIEW, N. Y. [Established 1887.] Total 8 4 4 1887 2 5 1 3 1 2 2 2 5 1 I 2 2 Actual number of patients treated from 1887 to 1889, inelosive, 8. LOUDO.V HALL, AMITYVILLE, N. Y. [Established 1888.] Total 75 30 36 1888 38 87 18 21 20 10 38 46 18 24 20 1889 8 22 Actual sambor of patlouta treated from 1881 to 1869, Inclusive, 60. Actual number of patients treated in 1888 and 1889, 73. KICITII HOMIC FOR THE INSANE, BROOKLYN, N. Y. » [Established 1888.] 14 8 8 22 Hi Impossible to obtain reports for 1888. TIIK IXSANK. DR. COMBS' SANITARIUM, WOODHAVEN. N. T. [EaUblishcd 1S89.] BURN BRAE, CLIFTO.V nEIGHTS, PA. (EaUbliilird lg».] In )i08l)i- taint tliK bi'ifiDiiing of year. ADUITTXD. Total. H Mole. 11 Fcmalo. Total. 11 Hale. Female. Total . GLEX MAUY HOME, OSWEGO, N. Y. [Establisbed 1889.] 18S9. 3 3 18S1. 1«R2. 18X3. 1884. 188,5. 1886. 1887. 1888, 1889. Tnliofipl. tnl III (be b4*giiiiiiDi: of year. Total. 101 Male. SO Female. SI ToUL Mole. Femal& n a 22 19 18 24 20 18 It LOXG VIEW INSANE ASYLUM, CARTHAGE, OHIO. [Established I860.] Total. 1881. 188-i. 1883. 11*84. 1S85. 1886. 1887., 1888., 1889., C60 652 655 06:! 674 CS8 734 763 782 1,834 959 104 91 190 87 193 97 220 119 214 104 244 133 228 120 190 92 191 116 875 73 103 96 101 110 111 108 824 812 818 882 888 932 962 953 973 Actual Dumber of patienta treated from 1881 to 1889, inclnalrc. 128. ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL, INSANE DEPARTMENT, PITTSBURG, PA [Established 1865.] 398 392 403 433 425 452 466 437 475 426 , 450 I 445 449 463 480 4'JO 516 498 Actual number of patients treated from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, 2,494 j previous decade, 2,528. CINCINNATI SANITARIUM, COLLEGE HILL, OHIO. [Established 1873.] Total 1,292 919 373 1881 48 47 56 52 57 57 54 69 70 86 117 126 135 165 146 190 151 176 04 86 92 99 114 104 142 98 120 22 31 34 36 51 42 48 53 56 134 164 182 187 222 203 244 220 246 93 111 124 128 142 134 167 131 155 41 53 58 59 80 69 1882 .. .- ISS'-i I. lf«6. 1H,S7. 1888. 1889. U9 70 3 2 8 4 15 9 19 10 18 12 22 15 11 8 23 10 49 1 S 7 11 > 10 7 14 Actual number of patients treated from 1882 to 1889, inclusive, 119. MILWAUKEE SANITARIUM FOR NERVOUS DISEASES, WAUWA- TOSA, WI.S. [Established 1833.] Total.... 242 113 129 i88r> 43 39 53 45 62 19 16 25 23 30 24 23 28 23 32 43 56 63 62 79 19 20 28 29 41 24 1886 17 10 17 17 36 1887 35 1888 S3 1849 88 Actual number of patienta treated from 1883 to 1889, incloaire, 343. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. Tho total nnnibor of persona living in the United States June 1, 1890, and rci)orted ns being feeblomindod, was 9it,()0!t, iiuliidiiig Cliiiicse, Japanese, and Indians, giving a ratio of lo2.7 per 1(H),(MK) of living pojmlatioii at tliat date. The correspt)udiug ratio for the census of 18S0, in whicli this class was termed idiots, was 153JJ. The number of idiots reported iu 1880 was 76,895, but of this number over i'9 per cent was obtained from special returns made by physicians. In 1890 the i)hysicians did not mal^c any special reports for this chiss of tiio poi)ulation, so that the proportion of feeble-minded to total population returned by tlie enumerators is greater than it was in 1880. In both the Tenth and Eleventh Censuses a certain number of persons were reported as idiots, or as feeble-minded, who should {)roperly be reported among the insane, being cases of terminal or of senile dementia. It should also be noted that iu 1880 every case of insanity which was reported as having commenced under the age of 113 was reported as an idiot, while in this report the age limit is lowered to 10. For reasons given hereafter in discussing the statistics of the feeble-minded by age groups, it is probable that at least 1,'0.(M)0 feebleminded children under 15 years of age were not reported as such by the eiiumeratDrs in 1890, but this deficiency is proportionately no greater than that which occurred in the same age group iu 1880 or than that which exists in the leturus of idiots in other countries. It is not possible to determine definitely from any data in existence whether the proportion of feeble-minded jicrsons to total population has increased within the last 10 years or not, but it is probable that it has increased slightly, owing, in part at least, to the increased number of such persons who have been cared for in public institutions iu recent years and whose lives have thus been prolonged. The ratio of the feeble-minded under 10 years of age to the total number of feeble-minded was decidedly less in 1890 than it was in 1880, wiiicli is in jiart due to the fact that the proportion of persons under 10 years of age iu 1890 was less than it was in 1880. The remarks made in the previous section with regard to comparisons of the ratios of the insane in different countries apply also to a great extent to the figures for the feeble-minded. The data of the United States censuses previous to that of 1880 are entirely worthless so far as the calculation of ratios of numbers of idiots to total population is concerned. Attention is also invited to the remarks on page 7 upon the ratios for the insane and idiots together. If we take the feebleminded, or idiots, alone, the numbers per 100,000 of population reported in different countries are as follows: England and Wales, 1881, 135; Scotland, 1881, ICO, 1891, 125; Ireland, 1881, 107, 1891, 133; France, 1870, 80; Italy, excluding Campania, 1871, 67; Prussia, 1871, 137; Bavaria, 1871, 151; Baden, 1871, 158; Sax(my, 1875, 137; Wiirtemberg, 1875, 207; Hungary, 1880, 119; Belgium, 1850, 50; Denmark, excluding the islands, 1871, 80; Xorwaj-, 1805, 119; Iceland, 1870, 157; Argentine Kepublic, 1869, 242; Austria, 1880, 09; United States, 1890, 152.7, 1880, 153.3. The ratio of feeble-minded to population, according to these fig-ures, was greater in the United States than in England and Wales, Fiance, Italy, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and Austria, and less than in Baden, Wiirtemberg, Iceland, and the Argentine Eepublic. In Scotland and Ireland it was less iu 18S0 and greater in 1890. Table 171 shows tho number of feeble-minded reported in the United States in each geographical division and in each state and territory on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 172 shows the number of idiots, or of feeble-minded, reported at each of the last five censuses in the United States and in each state and territory, with corresponding ratios per 1,000,000 of the population, with distinction of sex, of color, and of native and foreign born. It will be seen from this table that the number of those reported as feeble-mindeil was less in 1890 than it was in 1880 in Delaware, Georgia, and Alabama. In each state of the North Atlantic division the ratio of tlie feeble- minded per 100,000 of poi»ulation is greater in 1890 than it was in 1880, the average increase being 12.4 per 100,000 of poi)ulation. The greatest increase is in Rhode Island, in which in 1880 the ratio of the feeble-minded per 100,000 of population was 84.0 and in 1890, 141.2, showing an increase of 50.0 per 100.000. The increase in the ratio in Maine is 30.5; in Connecticut, 30.8; in Vermont, 29.3; in New Jersey, 19.5; in Massachusetts, 16.9; in Penn.sylvania, 14.8; in New Hampshire, 4.3, and in New York, 2.6. In the South Atlantic division the ratio of feeble-minded to i)opulation increased in ^laryland, the District of Columbia, and Virginia, and diminished in Delaware, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, the average decrease being 10.9 per 100,000 of population. 69 70 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Ill the Nortli Central divisiou there -was an increase in the ratio of the feebleminded in all the states except Missouri. The average ratio for this divisiou was 1G3.5 in 1890 as against 157.0 in 1880, showing an increase of 6.5. In the South Central division the ratio decreased in all the states. For the ^yhole divisiou the ratio was, in 1890, 15:5.3, and in 1880, 174.-1, showing an average decrease of 21.1. In the Western division the ratio was, in 1890, G5.2, and in 1880, 65.1, or about the same. These differences in the ratios for 1880 and 1890 in the difl'erent states indicate that there has probably been some increase in the ratio of the feebleminded to the total population in the nortlicrn states. It would also seem from the figures that there has been a decrease in the proportion of the feeble-minded in the southern states, but it is probable that this may be due to a less perfect enumeration of the feeble-minded and idiots in these states in 1890 than in 1880, owing especially to the absence of reports from the physicians in those states. The highest ratios for the feebleminded per 100,000 of the population in 1890 are found in Vermont (271.0), Indiana (251.0), Maine (240.7), Xorth Carolina (222.4), and Ohio (218.8). Cartogram 4 shows by different shades the feeble-minded in each state per 100,000 of total population on June 1, 1890. The different proportions iu difi'erent states are due in part to ditferences in the con)])lcteness of the returns, which completeness is greatest where there are most institutions for the care of the feebleminded. Table 45 gives for 3 states the number of feeble-minded reported by the United States censuses of 1890 and 1880 and by the intermediate state censuses, with the corresponding ratios per 100,000 of population. Table 45. TTDited States. Michigan Rhode Island . Massachusetts FBXBLE-MINDED AND IDIOTS. 1800 ISSS 1880 95, 609 3,219 488 2,029 1,527 218 1,638 76, 895 2,181 234 2,031 RATIO PER 100,000. 1800 1885 152.7 153.7 141.2 130.8 82.3 71.6 84.3 1880 153.3 133.2 84.6 113. e From this table it will be seen that in each of the states of Michigan, Rhode Island, and INIassachusetts the number of per.sons per 100,000 of total population reported under the heading of " Feeble-minded and idiots" was less iu the intermediate state census than it was in either the United States census of 1880 or 1890, and also that in each of these states the ratio was greater for the United States census of 1890 than it was in that of 1880. It maybe fairly inferred from this that the United States censuses of both 1880 and 1890 were more complete as regards this class of the population tlian were the intermediate state censuses, and also that in these states there was an increase in the proportion of the feeble minded and idiots between 1880 and 1890. Table 173 shows the number of feeble-minded reported in each county of each state, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. The numbers for each county, as a rule, are not large enough to make the ratios to population reliable or valuable in attempting to compare the proportion of idiots present in different localities. Table 40 shows the number of feebleminded per 1,000 of population in each couuty in the states of Alabama and Now York, and these ratios are indicated graphically in Cartograms 5 and G. Kk-viMllli f.risM-; ..r 111.- Trilrr,! Sl/ll.-s CARTOCJAM 5, rr«*hlr» inltltleil. g 200 2.50 | ; ) ':|-; | ;j;-| 250 and over. o THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 71 Antanga 2. 13 Baldwin 1. 01 Barbour ....... 1.75 Bibb 2.10 Blount 1.60 Bullock 0.92 Butler 0.69 Calhoun 0.71 Cliambora 1.14 Cberokco 1.52 Chilton 0.62 Cho.-taw 1.43 Clarko 1.55 Clay 2.09 Clfiburjio ..... 1.66 CoflVe^ 3.20 Colbert 1.04 Couecuh 2.19 Coosa 1.89 Crenshaw ... 1.56 Cullman 1.71 Dale 2.38 Tadlb 46. ai.ajiama, Dallas l.GO Dekalb 2.42 Elmoro 1.61 Escambia..... 0.94 Etowah 1.78 Fayctto 2.03 Franklin 1.40 Geneva 1.96 Greene 1.09 Halo 1.16 Honry 1.41 Jackson 2.36 JeflVrson 0.88 Lamar 1.55 Lauderdale 0.67 Lawrence 1.79 Loe 1.22 Limestone ,. 1.32 Lowndes 1.84 Macon 2. 66 Madison 1.00 Marengo 0.88 Marion 0.88 Marsliall 3.38 Mol)ilo 0.74 Monroe i.sg Montgomery I.OO Morgan i.oo Perry o.89 Pickens 0.58 P'lie 1.76 Randolph 2.50 Russell J. 04 St. Clair 0.86 Shelby 0.8I Sumter 1. 89 Talladega 2.18 Tallapoosa l.gl Tuscaloosa 1.22 Walker 1.43 Wash iugton 1 . 01 Wilcox 3. 05 Winston 1. 98 Albany 1.40 Allegany 1.99 Broome .. .................. 1. 46 Cattaraugus . 1. 40 Cayuga 1.45 Chautauqua .. -. 1.54 Chemung 1.62 Chenango .. .. 1.91 Clinton 2.33 Columbia 2.21 Cortland 2.48 Delaware 2. 11 Dutehess 1.55 Erie 0.95 Essex 1.73 Franklin 1.76 Fulton 1.65 Genesee 1.68 Greene 2.15 Hamilton 2. 10 NEW YORK. Herkimer 2.00 Jefferson 2.15 Kings 0.50 Lewis 1. 95 Livingston 2. 49 Madison 2.55 Monroe 1. 10 Montgomery 1.68 New York 0.70 Niagara 1.52 Oneida 1. 76 Onondaga 1.68 Ontario 2. 13 Orange 1.28 Orleans 1.46 Oswego 2. 27 Otsego 2.77 Putnam 1.48 Queens 0.59 Rensselaer 1.31 Richmond 1.08 Rockland 0. 91 St. Lawrence 2. 74 Saratoga 2. 10 Schenectady 1. 31 Schoharie 3. 02 Schuyler 2.39 Seneca 1.98 Steuben 1.58 Suiitblk 1.91 Sullivan I.71 Tioga 1.74 Tompkins 2. 67 Ulster 1. 38 Warren 2. 84 Washington 1.71 Wayne 1.85 Westchester 0.72 Wyoming 2. 40 Yates 1. 90 Table 174 shows for each city of 50,000 iuhabitants and upward in the United States, and for their aggregate, the number of feeble-minded, including Chinese, Japanese, and Indians, reported at the census of 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and also the ratios per 1,000,000 of population with the same distinctions. Table 47 shows the number of the feeble-minded per 1,000,000 of total p9pulation in cities of 50,000 inhabitants and upward, the cities being arranged in the order of the magnitude of the ratios in 1S90, corresponding ratios being given as far as possible for the census of 1880. 72 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 47. Total . Albany, X.T Eransville, Ind Hartford, Conn Louieville, Ky Proviilence, R. I UashviUe. Tcnn Charleston, S. C "Washington, D.C- J^ew Orleans, La Toledo, Ohio Allegheny, Pa Troy, X.Y Indianapolis, Ind... Colnmbns, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Worcester, Mass Kowark, N.J Bcs Moines, Iowa. . . 1890 7<3 1,348 1,399 1,240 1,229 1,173 1,168 1,U6 1,133 1,124 1,117 1,102 1,017 1,005 998 994 992 979 958 1880 606 474 881 448 523 759 CSS 699 952 813 1,878 686 1,029 469 Lynn, Mass Baltimore, Md Philadelphia, Pa Richmond. Va Boston, Mass Atlanta, Ga Trenton. N. J Cleveland, Ohio Syracuse, N. T New Haven. Conn... Milwanbeo, Wis Camden, N.J ;.. Grand Rapids, Mich Pittsburg. Pa Memphis, Tenn Reading. Pa Wilmington. Del St. Louis, Mo Scranton, Pa New York,N.Y.... 1890 18S0 933 918 641 902 610 897 362 876 664 870 870 853 612 840 1,332 836 588 817 554 806 796 792 652 775 767 749 742 608 731 703 608 Cambridge. Mass... St.raul, Minn Fall River, Mass — Minneapolis, Minn. Kochoater, N.Y Buffalo, N.T Dayton, Ohio San Francisco, Cal. Lo>veU.Mass Detroit, Mich Brooklyn, N.Y.... Kanaaa city, Mo... Jersey city, N. J... Paterson, N. J Chicago, 111 Los Angeles, Cal... Omaha, Kcb St. Joseph, Mo Lincoln, Neb Denver, Colo 1S90 ISSO 456 659 650 612 006 595 902 688 559 333 553 483 520 E07 461 418 429 341 423 290 421 470 396 337 .*:.!!! 271 24S 218 216 .>...••. It will be seen from this tliat the general ratio for such cities in 1890 was 74.3 per 100,000 of population, while in 1880 it was 60.G. This ratio is very much less than the average ratio for the whole country, wliich was 152.7 in 1890 and 153.3 in 1880, indicating a much less proportion of idiots living in cities than in the smaller towns and in the rural districts. The proportion would seem to have increased in the large cities between 1880 and 1890. Table 48 gives the ratios for the male feeble-minded in 1890 per 1,000,000 of population in cities of 50,000 inhabitants and upward, the cities being arranged in the order of the magnitude of their ratios. Table 48. Total - Albany, N.T Evanaville, Ind Naab ville, Tenn Providence. R. I Washington, D. C Hartford. Conn Den Moines, Iowa Toledo, Ohio New Orleans, La Richmond, Va Indianapolis, Ind New llaven, Conn Charleston, S. C Newark, N. J ColunihuB, Ohio Lonisrille, Ky Allegheny, Pa Philadelphia, Pa 1890 1,448 594 1,412 1,412 1,384 623 1,369 717 1,307 1,264 1,247 759 1,190 743 1,176 441 1,166 868 1,138 8M 1,133 1,113 515 1,111 2,310 1,094 831 1,083 987 1,041 736 1880 Worcester, Mass Grand Rapids, Mich Troy.N.Y Cincinnati, Ohio Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Sjracnso, N. Y Lynn, Mass Trenton, N.J Scranton. Pa Cleveland, Ohio Milwaukee, Wis Cambridge, Mass Pittsburg, Pa Reading, Pa - Minneapolis, Minn ...... Camden, N.J New York, N.Y St. Paul, Minn 1890 1,011 1,030 1,014 993 989 980 964 955 948 927 911 906 873 848 844 790 753 736 720 «78 1880 1,072 1,031 821 851 731 1,743 736 487 480 720 706 St. Louis, Mo Dayton, Ohio Lowell, Mass Fall Rirer, Mass Menipbis, Tenn BuffalcN.Y Detroit, Mich Rochester, N.Y Jersey citj', N. J Brooklyn, N. Y San Francisco, Cal . . Los Angeles. C.ll Wilmington, Del Paterson, N . J Chicago, ni Kansas city. Mo Lincoln. Neb Omaha, Neb Denver, Colo St. Joseph, Mo 1890 1880 671 657 656 049 521 588 585 582 949 563 634 543 1,180 524 384 480 455 471 317 458 454 444 485 415 668 408 313 272 237 165 146 Table 49 gives the ratios for the female feeble-minded in 1890 per 1,000,000 of population in cities of 50,000 inhabitants and upward, the cities being arranged in the order of the magnitude of their ratios. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. Table 49. 73 Total Evansvillc. Ind... Louisville, Ky Albany. N.Y...., Hartford, Conn.. CliarU'stoD.S.C.. Allegheny, Pa... 2fow Orleans, La. "Wilmington, Del. Troy.K.Y Cincinnati. Ohio. Toledo, Ohio Providcuco. R. I., Memphis. Tcnn.- "Worcestor, Mass. Ifashville, Tonn.. Lynn, Mass "Washington, D.C Coliunbus, Ohio.. 1890 704 1,385 1.357 836 1,257 3«2 1,178 1, 158 1,120 423 1,000 773 1,045 1,020 879 994 555 987 558 977 201 909 044 988 941 919 919 355 881 1,420 1880 620 Camdon, N. J Baltimore, Md Newark. N.J Indianapolis, Ind . . St. Louis, Mo Trenton. N. J •Clovotand, Ohio ^stOD, Mass Philadelphia, Pa... Milwaukee, Wis... Aflanta, Ga Reading, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Syracuse, X. Y Fall River, Mass. .. New York, N.Y... Rochester. N.Y... . San Francisco. Cal. St. Paul, Miun Richmond, Va 1880 1880 873 803 452 851 426 847 759 814 661 812 799 488 793 603 769 651 762 019 761 745 736 578 730 959 724 686 513 677 660 673 363 660 649 293 Dca MoinpB, Towa. . numiio,N.Y Grand Rapids. Mirli SrrastoD, Pa New llavoit. Conn . Minnfuipolia, Minn. Cambridixe, Ma>48 .. Dayton, Oliio Dotroit, Mich LowcU, Majis Kanaaa city. Mo Brooklyn, N. Y.... Patcraon, N.J Chica*;o, 111 St. Joseph, Mo Jersey city, N.J... Omaha, Neb Denver, Colo Lo3 Angclos, Cal... Lincoln, Nob IBM 64C ao7 6S3 U3 538 532 530 521 497 473 454 444 399 370 360 321 315 283 207 155 18«0 858 333 434 38S 400 378 384 457 SOP 197 SEX AND EACE. Of the total feoble-niindod reported in 1890 the iiumber of males was 52,9G2, of females 42,G47, the ratios per 100,000 of population beiug for males 105.2, for females 139.C; 84,997 were white and 10,012 were colored, the ratios per 100,000 being for the whites 154.6, and for the colored l.'58.9; SG,.^! were native born and 9,105 were foreign born, the ratios per 100,000 of population being for the native born 102.1, and for the foreign born 98.4. Table 50 shows the ratio of males and females, of white and colored, and of native and foreign born per 1,000 of the total feeble-minded in the United States and in each of the geographical divisions in 1890 and in 1880. Table 50. GEOGBAPHICAL DmSIOXS. 1890 1880 OEOGRAPHICAI. DIVI8IOSS. 1890 1880 The United States: Male 554 446 889 111 905 95 589 411 875 125 948 52 North Central : Male 666 434 981 19 859 141 548 452 719 281 977 23 665 435 984 16 815 185 538 412 976 24 914 80 593 407 725 275 990 10 601 399 906 34 887 U3 Female White White Colored Native Foreign bom North Atlantic : Male Sonth Central: Male 648 452 980 14 883 117 543 458 672 328 985 15 584 416 987 13 934 66 594 406 676 324 994 6 White White Native Foreign bom Sonth Atlantic : Male Western: Male . . Female White White Colored Native Foreign bom..... It will be seen from this that apparently the proportion of females increased and that of males diminished among the feeble-minded between 1880 and 1890. In like manner the proportion of whites increased and that of colored decreased. The comparatively low proportion of feeble-minded among the foreign born is due mainly to the rehltively small proportion of children among this class. The low proportion of feeble minded among the colored may be due in part to more defective returns for this class of population than for the whites. Probably, also, the facts that comparatively few feebltMuiiuled colored children are ])rovided for in institutions, and that the mortality among these chihlren in their homes is very heavy, have some iulluence on the low ratio of colored feeble-minded to population shown by the census. 74 INSx\NE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Of the total 84,997 lybite feeble-minded reported as living on June 1, 1890, G5,6G3 were cliildren of mothers born in the United States, 6,985 were children of mothers born ia Germany, 5,415 were chihlren of mothers born in Ireland, 1,879 were children of mothers born in England and Wales, 1,246 were chihlren of mothers born in Scandinavia, 1,190 were children of mothers born in British America, 487 were chihlren of mothers born in Scotland, 297 were children of mothers born in France, 217 were cliildren of motbers born- in llussia and Poland, 179 were children of mothers born in Bohemia, 133 were children of mothers born in Hungary, 58 were children of mothers born in Italy, and 1,248 were children of mothers born in other countries or of nnknown ])arentage. Table 175 shows for each school, or other institution for the care of such persons in the United States, and for the aggregate, the number of the feeble-minded found on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. The total number found in institutions especially iatended for the instruction and care of the feeble-miuded was 5,254. The corresponding figures iu 1880 were 2,429, so that the number of feeble-minded children in institutions specially intended for their instruction and benefit more thjn doubled between 1880 and 1890. Of these 5,254, 5,203 were white and only 51 were cfolored. Of the whites 4,109 were native of native parents, 870 were native having oue or both parents foreign born, and 224 were foreign born. In 1880 there were but 13 colored idiots found in special institutions for persons of that class. Table 176 shows the number of feeble-minded found iu hospitals and asylums for the insane on June 1, 1890, for the aggregate and for each hospital and asylum, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. The total number of feeble-minded found in institutions for the insane was 2,409. In 1880 the number was 1,141, so that the number of feebleminded in such institutions more than doubled between 1880 and 1890. Of the 2,469 feeble-minded or idiots in insane asylums in 1890, 1,309 were males and 1,100 were females, 2,319 were white and 150 were colored. Of the whites 1,852 were native of native parents, 183 were native having one or both parents foreign born, and 284 were foreign born. In 1880 the corresponding figures were: males 673, females 468, whites 1,065, colored 70, native born 1,027, foreign born 114. Table 177 shows for the feeble minded found in the United States on June 1, 1890, the number iu each of certain groups of ages, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. The total number under 5 years of age reported was 912; from 5 to 10 years of age, 4.824; from 10 to 15, 9,157; from 15 to 20, 11,357; from 20 to 25, 11,320, and from 25 to 30, 8,480. These figures indicate a defective enumeration of the feeble-minded children under 15 years of age and a great deficiency in the group under 5 years of age. This deficiency is found in all enumeration of idiots in all countries. For example, in Scotland in 1881 there were reported 75 idiots under 5 years of age, 400 from 5 to 9 years of age, 585 from 10 to 14 years of age, and 681 from 15 to 19 years of age. In Austria in 1886 there were reported 230 idiots under 5 years of age, 926 from 5 to 9 years of age, 1,363 from 10 to 14 years of age, and 1,875 from 15 to 19 years of age. In Hungary in 1S80 there were reported 392 idiots under 5 years of age, and 2,470 from 15 to 19 years of age. Nothing is known as to the death rates of idiots as a class at different periods of age, but in childhood it is probably greater than that of other children. The approximate life table for Massachusetts for the 5 years ending June 30, 1SS2 (Reports Tenth Census, volume XII, page 775), shows that of 1,000,000 children born, 730,881 survived at the age of 5 years, 700,990 at the age of 10, 680,6.38 at the age of 15, and 663,724 at the age of 20. According to these ratios, and making no allowances for the occurrence of idiocy after the first year of life, if there were 11,357 idiots from 15 to 19 years of age in the United States in 1890, there should have been about 11,659 from 10 to 14 years of age, 12,029 from 5 to 9 years of age, and 14,553 under 5 years of age, which would indicate a deficiency in the count of the feeble-minded under 15 years of age of 23,348 persons. The assumption that all cases of feeble niindedness are either congenital or duo to causes acting in infancy is not correct; nevertheless the number of cases due to causes acting after tlie lirst year of age is really small, most cases so reported referring not to tlie time when the disability occurred but to the time when it was definitely recognized and admitted to exist. Parents are slow to admit that a child is an idiot, or even feeble niiiidcd,though they may say that it is a "backward child''. Ujjou the whole it is safe to say that at least 20,000 feeble-minded children under 15 years of age existed in the United States on Juno 1, 1890, in addition to those returned as such by the enumerators. On account of these deficiencies in certain age groups, as well as the fact, already referred to, that a nund)er of those over 45 years of age reported as feeble-minded were really cases of terminal or senile dementia who should be classed with the insane, the ratios derivable from Table 177 have little value for the age groups under 10 and over 45 years of age. Table 51 shows for each 100,000 of the total feeble-minded, whose ages are known, the number in each of certain age groups, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and of certain birthplaces of mothers, being the ratios of Table 177. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. Table 51. 75 AQB PEBIOOS. Under 5 — StolO 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 23to30 S0to3.'i 35 to 40 40 to 45 45 to 60 60andorer. Male. 974 6,264 9,974 12. 391 12,049 9,314 8,711 7,179 0,270 14,583 12,685 Femkle. 957 4,921 9,363 11,588 11.180 8,089 8.335 7,376 0,935 14, 655 16, 101 Total. Malo. 919 5,028 9,729 12,094 12,454 9,349 8,849 7,248 0, 374 14, 894 13,062 Female. 909 4,802 9,279 11,478 11,142 8,579 8,450 7,398 6,959 14, 889 16, lis Native born. ParoDta native. Male. 949 5,003 9.710 11,906 12, 209 8.882 8,842 7,450 0,508 15, 557 12.858 Female. One or both parenta foreign. Foreign bum. Male. Female. 990 1.311 4,844 7,279 9,161 13,638 11.246 17, 6M 11.203 10,999 8,228 13,025 8,383 10. 138 7,695 6,261 7,203 4, ISO 15, 366 5.927 15,-621 3,612 1. 7, 14, 18. 15, 12, 10, 6, 4, 5, 4. Male. 124 1.429 4,060 8.178 -.4.M 7,229 6,980 7,229 8,285 23,467 28,563 Female. UaU. 48 1,480 3,7<8 4,440 5,252 6,183 6,135 6,421 7,711 23,753 34,829 1,420 7,189 11,970 14.817 14.238 9,030 7.593 6,611 5,471 12,046 9,600 Femato. 1.33S 5.867 10.034 12.458 11.480 8.673 7.419 7.207 0.739 12,798 i5.se> AOI PEBIODS. BIRTHPLACES or IIOTHEBS (WHITE). United States. Male. Under 5 ,967 6 to 10 5,219 10 to 15 10,005 15 to 20 12,089 20 to 25 12,370 25 to 30 8,940 30 to 35 8,754 35to40 7,359 40to43 6,448 45 to CO 15.224 60andovcr 12,625 Female. 1,010 4,990 9,412 11,509 11,238 8,277 8,305 7,628 7,173 15.124 15,328 Fngland and Wales. Male. 1,033 2,911 6,103 11,268 11,043 9,390 8,451 6.854 0,573 17,840 17,934 Female. 125 3,513 8,030 8,030 10, 665 12, 296 7,654 0,023 7,634 15, 182 20,828 Scotland. Male. 355 3,546 6,383 11,702 10, 638 13,475 6,028 9,929 0,738 9.929 21,277 Female. 5,941 3,960 14, 330 12, 376 4,951 9,406 5,446 8,911 14, 356 20,297 Ireland. Male. Female. 572 3,146 6,507 11,012 13, 157 11. 047 10, 154 5,828 6.078 15, 231 17,208 313 2,072 6,802 11,024 9,969 8,718 8,092 6, 4!->0 0,099 15, 207 25,254 British America. Male. 1,198 7,335 10,617 I 15,419 I 14,521 1 12,276 6,437 5,389 4,641 8.832 7,335 Female. 971 5,437 1 13, 010 I 13,981 I 9,903 12,813 9,709 7,961 5,043 10,483 10,680 Germany. Mole. 516 4,131 8,727 11,955 12,833 10,999 9,579 7,281 6,197 13,501 14,278 Female. 454 3.099 9,020 11,810 11.713 10,156 9,993 6,879 6,003 13,790 16,483 Scandina^-ia. Male. 1.419 8,794 12.341 15,177 11,915 9,645 8,936 8.085 5,106 1 11.348 7,234 Female. 1.866 9.515 14.925 12.313 9.888 7.836 8.396 5.597 5.970 12.313 11,381 The ratios by birthplaces of mothers for those whose mothers were bom in Bohemia, Hungary, Italy, Bussia and Poland, and France are not given, since they are of no value on account of the smalluess of the iiun.bers in each age group. It will be seen from this table that the proportion of feeblc-iniiidcd under 25 years of age ia greater among the colored than among the whites, and greater among the white children of foreign born parents than among those of native parents. Table 52, for the males, and Table 53, for the females, permit of a compari.son of the ratios of feeble-minded found in certain age groups per 1,000 of the total in 1880 and 1890, with di.stiuction of color and of native and foreign born, which comiiarisons are also shown for the white and colored by sex in 4 diagrams. Table 52. COLOE AND NATivrrr. MALES. Under 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 30 years. 30 to 40 years. 40 to 60 years. 60 years and over. Total 1890.. 1880.. White 1890.. 1880.. Native bom 1890.. 1880.. Foreicn bom 1890. . 1880.. Colored 1890.. 1880.. 62.38 115.85 223.65 273.54 219.63 272.09 158.90 150.46 208.59 146.61 126.85 41.45 59.47 115. 33 64.55 121.03 15.53 24.14 86.10 119. 37 218.23 273.08 232.78 278.84 92.38 181.03 237. 93 276.65 218.03 270.44 226. 27 272.96 146. 85 230.17 232.68 283.12 160.97 150.73 163.15 140. 65 142.09 215.95 142. 03 148.61 212.08 148.22 200.56 141.69 317.52 252.59 175. 17 135.86 130.62 42.20 112.09 38.83 285.63 96.12 96 09 36.39 76 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 53. COLOR AXD NATTTITT. FEMALES. Under 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 30 years. 30 to 40 years. 40 to 60 year.s. 60 years and over. Total 1890.. 1880.. •WTiite 1890.. 1880.. Kaf ivo born 1890 . . 1880.. Foreign born 1890.. 1880.. Colored 1800.. 1880.. 68.78 124.36 209.51 294. 47 197. OD 242. 80 157.11 144.46 215. 9D 148. 07 101.01 45.84 57.11 123.96 62.38 130.30 15.28 24.05 72.07 127.37 207.57 294.07 223.42 301. 66 81.88 174. 38 224.91 297.40 197.21 244.01 207.65 244.80 114.35 231.51 201.53 233.64 158.48 145.33 162. 63 142.40 125. 57 190. 62 146. 26 137.91 218.48 148.00 206.36 140. 59 314.63 274. 81 195.37 144. 13 161. 15 44.03 137.50 40.19 348.29 104.63 159. 86 59.49 Diagram 30 shows comparison, 1890 and 1S80, of ratios of certain age periods to 1,000 of tlie total feeble- minded, after deducting the uuknown ages, for the white males. Diagram 31 shows comparison, 1890 and 18S0, of ratios of certain age periods to 1,000 of the total feeble- minded, after deducting the unknown ages, for the white females. Diagram 32 shows comparison, 1890 and 1880, of ratios of certain age periods to 1,000 of the total feeble- minded, after deducting the unknown ages, for the colored males. Diagram 33 shows comparison, 1890 and 1880, of ratios of certain age periods to 1,000 of the total feeble- minded, after deducting the unknown ages, for the colored females. From these tables and diagrams it will be seen that there were very great differences in the distributions of the feeble-minded by age periods in 1880 from those in 1890. The proportion under 30 yea*rs of age was less and that under 10 years of age very much less in 1890 than in 1880, with a corresponding increase in 1890 of the proportion of those 30 years of age and upward, and especially of those GO years of age and ujiward. These diflerences are probably due in part to the less complete enumeration of the leeble-uiiuded children in 1890 than was made with the help of the physicians of the country in 1880, and in part to the fact that certain children reported as feeble-minded or idiots in 1880 were reckoned among the insane in 1890. Table 51 and Diagram 3i show the number of the feebleminded in 1890 in each 100,000 of the populatioa of certain age groups. Table 54. AOB FEBtODS. AQOEEOATE. WHITE. Colored. Total. Male. Female. Total. Uale. Female. Kative bom. Kative parents. Ono or both jmr- ents for- eign born. Foreign born. All nces 153 166 140 155 1C7 141 1 160 184 110 100 142 Under 15 67 173 183 170 186 257 75 200 214 185 192 261 59 148 152 152 180 254 68 175 183 169 186 257 7.'j 200 212 184 191 263 60 I 150 154 152 180 250 68 184 207 201 227 300 74 204 230 218 239 313 53 141 15:: 157 171 233 67 84 63 60 77 156 63 164 185 176 190 264 15 to 20 20 to 25 25to35 35 to 45 In 1880 there were reported 9,177 feeble-minded childicn under 10 years of age, the survivors of whom should be found in the ago group 10 to 20 years of age in tlie census of 1890, in which age group we actually find 20,514. This indicates a great deficiency in the count of tlie feeble-minded under 10 years of age in 1880. In the age group from 10 to 20 years of age in 1880 tliere were 21,095 feeble-minded per.-^on.'J, the survivors of whom should be found in the age group 20 to 30 in the census of 1890, wliich age grouj) numbers 19,800. Leaving out of the question the changes occurring in numbers of this age group by immigration, and supposing that the counts of 1880 anil 1890 were cfiually coiiiph'te, this would give an average annual death rate of S.7 for the feeble-minded between 10 and 20 years of age, which is a higli death rate lor persons of these ages, but not liigher thau might bo expected for person.s of this class. Calculating in a like manner for the 19,997 feeble-minded between 20 and 30 years of age, reported in the census '>f 1880, their average annual death rate lor the next 10 years would bo 25.4 per 1,000, which is au enormous death Kli-v.>ntli ri'lKiiscif I 11' l-niu» 1 SUlU'K. DIAGRAM 30 F.- •i.i» mindful. AGES. 1890 1880 § -to >:5 to ■J 4> 60 & OVER «■■■ 40—60 ^^■^^^^■^^^■H 50—40 ^H^^^I^^^^^H 20 — 50 ^^^^^^^l^^^^^^^^^^l 10—20 ^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^B UNDER 10 IH^HH DIAGRAM 31. AGES. 1890 1880 C5 CM C5 C5 1 03 Q ^ Ci Nh C3 CM C5 <5> V5 CM ■v. <:5 CM CM Ci CM CM CM 606.0VER 40 60 (50 — 40 ^^^■^■^^^■H 20 — 30 ^^^I^^H^^^^^^^^H 10 —20 ^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^■1 UNDER 10 ^■^^^H Klt'vonth rriifluH "f tin- rrut'-A per 1,(M)0, and tlie death rato of tho blind from 20 to .30 years (tf apje wouhl bo 0.8 per 1,000. It is jirobalde, therefore, that the death rate of tho feebleminded for tho above mentioned ago gionps is not far from tlie rates above indicated. Table 178 .shows the number of feeble-minded found in institutions for the same on June 1, 1800, by sex and certain groups of ages, with distinction of color, nativity, and birthphn'es of iiiotliers. Of the total 5,2.") 1, 440 were between 5 and 10 years of ago and 2,822 were between 10 and 20 years of age; 4,207 were children of mothers born in the United States, 280 of mothers born in Ireland, 2.S0 of mothers born in Germany, and 100 of mothers born in England, and .51 weie colored. Table .!.■> shows for each 100,000 of the white feeble-minded found in institutions the numbci in each of certaio age groups, with distinction of sex and certain birthplaces of mothers, TAni,K 55. AQE FEKI0D3. Under 5 Male ... Female. 5 to 10 Male... Female. 10 to 15 Male... Feiuillo. 15 to 20 M.ll6 . . . Female. 20 to 25 Male... Female. 25 to 30 Male... Female. 30 to 35 Male ... Female. 35 to 40 Male ... Female. 40 to -15 Male... Female. 45 and over Male .. . Female. White. 73 177 10, ]5t 7,054 29, 974 22,713 29,754 28, 882 17, 39G 20, 453 0,142 9,539 3,751 0,078 1,030 2. 839 515 1,331 1,214 932 NATIVE nORN. Parents native. 168 9,8;)4 6,943 29, 359 21, 333 29, 739 28, 499 18, 052 20, 883 6,271 10, 246 3,800 6,327 1,045 3,079 570 1, 508 1,330 952 Oneorbotli parents tureigu. 402 275 12, 274 6,808 32,59« 28,571 30,382 33,510 15, 091 IC, 209 4, 628 7,143 3,219 5. 220 1,000 1,648 201 275 201 275 ForoJKn born. e,83S 9,615 29, 914 25,961 27,350 19,231 15, 385 27,885 10, 256 5,709 5,128 4,808 855 2,885 835 961 3,419 2,885 IimTUPI.ACES OF UOTHEB.S. Unileil Stated. Ireland. 162 10,096 6,981 29,604 21,807 29,630 28,G80 17, 903 20, 563 6,139 10,005 3,729 6,277 1,000 3,030 546 1,513 1. 273 920 7,534 5,839 27, 397 22,628 28.767 32,847 20,548 18,248 7,534 10, 949 5.480 6, 509 085 2,920 1,370 German V. 683 10,539 4, 202 35.404 30, 252 28,571 31,933 14,286 20, 1C8 4,909 6,723 3,106 5, 882 1,863 840 1,242 Table 56 gives the result of the comparison of Tables 177 and 178 for the white feeble-minded between 5 and 20 years of age, showing the number per 1,000 of the total of this group, who were found in institutions for the same. Table 56. NATIYITY AND BFETHPLACKS OF MOTBEBS. UXTTED STATES TOTAL. TOTAL LV LSSTlTUnONS. RATE PER 1.000. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 12, 502 9,504 1,900 1,322 152 138 Kativo bom : 9,221 2,760 515 9,828 578 901 7,012 2,147 405 7,465 509 756 1,451 374 75 1,525 93 120 1,014 251 57 1,062 84 79 157 135 146 155 161 125 145 117 141 142 165 104 BirthplacoB of mothers : United States Germany It will be seen from this table that of tho feeble-minded between 5 and 20 years of age, or those for whom instruction in institutions spcfially adapted for that purpose is of the greatest imiu)rtaiu-e, only about 15 per cent of the males and 14 per cent of the females arc in such institutions. For the native born whites of native born parents the ratio is a little grcat«r, being 157 per 1,000 for the males and 14.') per 1,(K)0 for tho females, and for children of Irish mothers the ratio was still greater, being IGl per 1,000 for the males and IGo per 1,000 for the females, while for the children of German mothers the ratio was decidedly below the average, being 12.") per 1,000 for the males and 104 per 1,000 for the females. For those belonging to other races, as indicated by the birthplaces of mothers, the numbers are too small to make ratios of any value. 78 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 179 shows the number of feeble-minded between 5 and 20 years of age in the United States and in each state and territory on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of motliers. The total number of this age group was 25,338, of whom 22,006 were white and 3,272 were colored. Of the •whites, 12,502 were males and 9,504 were females; 16,233 were native born of native parents, 4,913 were native of foreign born parents, and 920 wore foreign born. Of the colored, 1,938 were males and 1,334 were females; 2,714 were black, or full blooded negroes, and 558 were of mixed blood, mulattoes, quadroons, etc.; 17,293 were white children of mothers born in the United States, 372 of mothers born in England and Wales, 110 of mothers born in Scotland, 1,087 of mothers born in Ireland, 430 of mothers born in British America, 59 of motliers born in France, 1,717 of mothers born in Germany, 453 of mothers born in Scandinavia, GO of mothers born in Bohemia, 48 of mothers born in Hungary. 22 of mothers born in Italy, and 108 of mothers born in Russia and Poland. Tabic 57 shows lor the United States and for each state and territory the number of males and females, white and colored, native and foreign born, in each 1,000 of the feeble-minded between 5 and 20 years of age in 1890 and in 1880. Table 57. STATES AND TERRITORIES. The United States 1890.. 1880.. Al.ibama 1800.. 1880.. Arizona 1890.. 1880.. Arkatisas. ilalo. California 1890.. 1880.. Colorado 1890.. 1880.. Connecticut 1890.. 1880.. Dcl.iware 1890.. 1880.. District of Columbia 1890.. 1880.. Florida 1800.. 1880.. Georgia 1890. . 1880.. Id.-iho 1890.. 1880.. Illinois 1890.. 1880.. Indiana 1890.. 1880.. Iowa . Eannaa . 1890. 1S80. 1890. 1880.. Kentucky 1690. 1880.. Lonisinna 1890 1880.. Maine 1890. 1880. Maryland 1890. 1880. Uaiaacliniiirllii 1800. 1880. n nnliota territory, 1880: Kambcr per While, 162. 570 572 562 612 778 500 669 548 601 575 635 634 603 641 471 592 655 486 564 562 571 568 588 286 572 575 567 563 581 COS 549 S83 5j8 502 589 584 560 680 652 583 598 592 Fe- male. 430 428 438 388 222 SOO 431 452 399 425 365 360 395 359 529 408 345 514 436 438 429 432 412 711 428 425 433 437 419 392 451 417 442 408 411 410 434 414 448 417 871 871 554 584 7U9 703 986 971 1,000 951 080 970 843 842 038 514 513 000 530 545 1,000 1,000 987 988 979 985 996 991 969 040 879 861 677 504 1,000 1,000 700 095 Col. ored. 129 129 446 416 111 375 291 237 11 29 49 20 24 157 158 362 486 487 400 470 455 13 12 21 IS 4 9 31 60 121 139 423 406 234 305 17 402 083 17 906 408 098 2 I 911 ,000 of total between 5 and 20 Na- tive. 835 841 551 583 375 702 758 941 927 953 878 944 936 843 842 621 614 513 600 528 545 941 857 941 943 970 973 955 957 928 859 874 859 565 594 952 070 735 Tor- eign. 250 7 5 45 44 47 73 36 41 17 143 46 45 12 41 34 41 81 5 2 12 48 30 31 4 77 87 years o( STATES A2)D TERRITORIES. Michigan 1690.. 1880.. Minnesota 1890.. 18S0.. Mississippi 1890 . . 1880.. Missouri 1890.. 1880.. Montana 1890.. 1880.. Nebraska 1890.. 1880.. Nevada ' 1S90.. 1880.. New Hampsliire 1890.. 1880.. New Jersey.. ...1890. 1880. New Mexico 1890.. 1880.. New York 1890.. 1880.. North Carolina 1890.. 1880.. North Dakota 1890.. O1880.. Ohio. 1890.. 1880.. Oklahoma 1890.. Oregon 1890.. 1880.. Pennsylvania 1890. . 1880.. Khodo Island 1890.. 1880.. South Carolina 1890.. 1880. . Souih Dakota 1890.. al880.. Male. Tcnnossco 1890.. 1880.. age — males, 595; females, 405; white, 566 563 560 566 577 603 538 563 333 875 564 492 417 583 551 543 001 529 500 600 655 551 570 574 583 507 560 506 511 592 572 560 047 654 601 664 Fe- male. 434 435 434 434 423 397 462 437 667 125 430 508 583 417 449 457 399 471 500 400 445 449 430 420 433 440 494 489 408 428 440 453 446 423 309 436 White. 994 984 427 494 941 923 1,000 750 992 983 1,000 833 992 989 975 935 1,000 980 990 990 612 662 977 1,000 967 976 983 448 439 1,000 752 802 Col- ored. 12 11 6 10 573 506 59 77 107 8 11 25 45 10 10 388 338 17 33 24 15 00 12 552 511 248 198 Na- tive. 873 887 812 816 427 494 932 911 867 750 925 856 ,000 833 890 968 923 916 929 920 927 947 612 662 683 901 963 923 964 921 936 953 830 872 448 459 752 798 For- eign. lis 102 182 168 9 12 67 127 103 21 62 3> 71 60 63 43 SOO 18 19 30 43 40 ai 110 iia 183 892; colored, 108; native white. 730; foreign THE FKKI'.LlvMlNDKD. 79 Tadlb 57— Colli i (1. Fo- lualo. Col- ored. wniTB. F«. male. Col- urcd. wum. BTATKS AND TEBBITOEIKS. Mnlo. Whlto. No- tlvo. For- eign. STATES A.VU TKiatlTOUIKH. Mole. While. tire. For- •Ijfn. Toxiw 1890.. 660 420 713 287 092 21 WoaliiDRtoD 1890.. 447 553 1.000 8M 108 1880.. 000 400 017 383 017 1880.. 019 381 953 M >S2 rtoh 1890.. 007 333 1,000 800 200 Wc«t Virginia.. 1890.. 553 447 000 40 DM 6 1S80.. 555 445 701 209 078 23 1880.. 933 467 982 18 S80 t Vermont... 1800.. G40 400 1,000 983 17 Wisconsin 1890.. 505 435 908 2 886 iia 1880.. 603 397 1,000 014 80 1880.. 560 440 995 5 881 U4 Virginia... 1890.. 604 436 591 400 590 1 ■\Vyoinlns 1890.. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1880.. 580 414 1,000 000 40 1880.. 500 500 1,000 1,000 Table 180 shows for the feeble-minded found in the United States on June 1, 1890, the a.ssigned cau.scs of their defect as far as they were stated, with distinction of sex, color, niitivity, and of certain ajjc periods wlion tlie delect is supposed to have occurred. Of the total y5,.571, no cause was assigned for l[),-"»3(), and the age when tlie disability occurred was unknown for 7,801. The defect was reported as congenital for 42,805, The causes assigned for the cases not congenital include 4,950 cases due to general diseases,* such as fevers of various kinds, ]0,."i!iS due to diseases of the nervous system, 477 due to aft'ectioiis connected with the reproductive organs, and 5,!»i;7 due to accidents and injuries; 3,069 were attributed to fevers in general, of which 1,308 occurred under 5 years of age, 586 from 5 to 10 years of age, 309 from 10 to 15 years of age, 598 from 15 to 45 years of age, and 193 at 45 years of age and upward. Of the 1,480 cases attributed to scarlet fever, 743 occiured under 5 years of age and 451 between 5 and 10 years of age; 110 cases were attributed to diphtheria, 22 to syphilis, 179 to scrofula, and 71 to rickets. Of those due to diseases of the nervous system, 3,165 were attributed to epilepsy and 2,540 to convulsions. Of 477 cases attributed to diseases of the reproductive organs, 475 Avero among women and wore attributed to disorders of menstruation, 278 of those being in women between 15 and 45 years of age, and 122 in women 45 years of age and ui)ward; 3,327 were attributed to falls or blows on the head or spine, 711 to sunstroke or exposure to the sun, I.ISG to exposure and maltreatment, 478 to fright, and 138 to burns. These ligures are of little value as indicating the relative influence of the alleged causes in the production of feeble niiiulcdness or idiocy, and it is imjiroper to speak of epilepsy or convulsions as a cause of idiocy, as these are only symptoms of central brain disturbance, but the large proportions attributed to scarlet fever and to injuries of the head merit atteutiou as indicating remote consequences which may not be suiflcieutly borne in mind in the prognosis of tliese atiections. The cases attributed to disorders of menstruation would be more properly classed with insanity than with idiocy. Table 58 shows for each 100,000 of the feeble-minded in the United States in 1890, excluding the congeuital idiots, those for whom the defect was attributed to old age and tiiose for whom the cause was not stated, the number attributed to each of certain assigned causes, with distinction of sex, color, and of three age periods in which idiocy occurred. Table 58. Total genoral diseases Fover Scarlet fever Dil)b t heria Scrofula and rickets Total diseases of ncrvoos system Diseases of mcnstrnation Total accident 8 Falls or blows on the head Snnstrolic or exposure to sun Fright Total. 15, 470. 80 9, 584. 04 4, 640. 56 343. 51 780. 71 33, 096. 00 1, 483. 36 18, 509. 15 10, 389. 73 2, 220. 35 1, 192. 72 Male. 15,234.40 9, 455. 87 4,534.40 370. 02 763. 11 33, 178. 50 23, 025, 88 13, 652. 95 3, 323. 38 1,371.33 Female. 15,791.36 9, 750. 32 4, 778. 30 301. 33 803. 56 32, 938. 95 3, 407. 95 12,648.87 6, 155. 83 739. 21 1,650.17 Male. 15,410.69 9, 379. 65 4, 776. 07 404. 45 767. 26 33, 224. 29 22, 643. 19 13,287.34 3, 378. 34 3,350.09 Female. 16, 206. 95 9, 841. 05 5, 150. 38 319.46 740. 22 33, 629. 42 3, 373. 85 12,357.80 6,116.57 802. 50 1, 698. 61 Male. 12, 903. 23 10,464.20 1,337.53 708. 10 32, 572. 78 28, 038. 12 18, 489. 38 2, 590. 33 1, 573. 56 Female. 10, 960. 14 8, 695. 65 452. 90 90.58 1. 539. 86 25, 543. 48 3, 804. 35 16, 032. 61 6, 612. 32 634.00 1,086.96 ' AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCCBBKD. Under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 20, 128. 19 11.644.26 I 6,014.44 480. 73 1, 353. 16 43,096.23 14, 786. 79 10,339.03 094. 33 1,620.23 21,937.88 13,236.96 10,137.49 677.66 750.60 38, 739. 55 18,726.00 12, 702. 59 1,084.26 2,055.57 10 to 15 years. 19.644.24 11, 94a 98 0, 225. S3 502.71 839.40 35. 305. 48 2,049.50 21,577.73 14,335.15 1,503.12 1,701.47 Diagram 35 shows the number of cases of feeblemindedness attributable to each of certain causes per 100,000 feeble-minded not congenital for whom the causes were stated, excluding old age, and with distinction of nmlo and female. This diagram shows that while accidents and injuries, lulls or blows on the head, and sunstrokes caused a greater proportion of cases in males than in females, owing to the much greater liability of males than 80 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. of females to such accidents, tlie proportion of cases due to diseases of various kinds is about the same in tlie two sexes. Diagram 36 sliows tlie number of cases of feeble-mindednes-s in white and in colored males attributed to each of certain causes per 100,000 of the noncongenital feeble-minded for whom the causes of the delect were stated, excluding those attributed to old age. This diagram shows that accidents and injuries and falls or blows on the head caused a greater proi)ortion of cases among colored than among white males, while sunstrote and scarlet fever caused a greater proportion of cases among the white than among the colored. Diagram 37 shows the number of cases of feeble-mindedness in the white and colored females attributed to each of certain causes per 100,000 of the noncongenital feeble-minded for whom the causes were stated, excluding those attributed to old age. While in males there was little difference between the white and the colored as to the proportion of cases attributed to diseases of the nervous system-, among the females a much greater proportion of the cases are 'attributed to this cause among the whites than among the colored, and the same is the case as regards tbe general diseases. The ratio of cases attributed to fright is somewhat greater among the white females, 1,G9S.C1 per 100,000, than among the colored females, 1,086.90, while for the males it is somewhat greater among the colored, 1,573.50, than among the whites, 1,356.09. Diagram 38 shows the number of cases of feeblemindedness attributed to each of certain causes, with distinction of those which occurred under 5 years of age and those which occurred between 5 and 10 years of age, per 100,000 of the noncongenital feeble-minded for whom the cause of the defect was stated, excluding those for old age. It will be seen from this diagram tliat the proportion of cases due to diseases of the nervous system was nuich greater among those which occurred under 5 years of age, 43,090.23, than among those which occurred from 5 to 10 years of age, 38,739.55, jier 100,000, and that the same is true for those attributed to scrofula and rickets, while for all the other causes the proportion was greater for the cases occumug from 5 to 10 years of age. It will be seen by Table ISO that 1,211 cases of feeble-mindedness are attributed to old age, of whom 502 were males and 712 were females. These were undoubtedly cases of senile dementia. Table 181 shows the conjugal condition of the feeble-minded 15 years of age and upward, as found in the United States on June 1, 1890, with distinction of the congenital and noncongenital forms, and of certain age groups, by sex, color, and parentage. Of the 79,718 whose conjugal condition was reported, 43,875 were males and 35,843 were females. Of this number 6,047 were unknown when occurred, 3,380 males and 3,207 females. Of 39,322 white males, 31,305, or 790.1 per 1,000, were siugle; G,189, or 157.4 per 1,000, were married; 1,677, or 42.7 per 1,000, were widowed, and 151, or 3.8 i^er 1,000, were divorced. Of 31,929 white females, 22,945, or 718.6 per 1,000, were single; 4,923, or 154.2 per 1,000, were married; 3,863, or 121.0 per 1,000, were widowed, and 198, or 6.2 per 1,000, were divorced. Of 4,553 colored males, 3,505, or 769.8 per 1,000, were single; 828, or 181.9 per 1,000, were married; 207, or 45.5 per 1,000, were widowed, and 13, or 2.8 per 1,000, were divorced. Of the 3,914 colored females, 2,228, or 569:2 per 1,000, were single; 904, or 231.0 per 1,000, were married; 762, or 194.7 per 3,000, were widowed, and 20, or 5.1 per 1,000, were divorced. The proportion of married and widowed, therefore, was decidedly greater among the colored tliaii among the whites, and was greater among the females than among the males for the colored and greater among the females than among the males for the whites. Much the greater ])roportion of the feeble-minded reported as married, widowed, and divorced is found in those iu whom the mental defect was not congenital, among whom, as lias been pointed out before, there are probably reported a considerable number of cases of senile or terminal dementia, who were married before the defect occurred. Tbis will be seen by Table 59, which shows for the congenital and noncongenital feeble-minded, omitting those for whom the age at which the mental defect occurred was not reported, with distinction of certain age groups, and of sex, color, and nativity, the number per 1,000 of each age groniJ who were single, married, widowed, or divorced. KIcvfntli Ci'iisiis of tilt' I'liitt'*! State's. DIAGRAM 3S. K****!!!** iiiiria ^^_ 1 1 1 1 ^^ ^^ 1 ! ' """ I ^^ ! 1 II Elevcnrli Cfiisiis of ili.- fnll.'il Stat.-s DIAGRAM 37. F'v'hli* mlnihwl. CAUSES. Diseases oF nervous syshem. General diseases. Accidenl-s Fever. Falls or blows on l-he head . Scarlet- fever. Mensfruahion Frlgh^ Sunsbroke or exposure ^o sun Scrofula and RicKets Oiptheria DIAGRAM 38 CAUSES Oto 5 YEARS StolO YEARS. Drseases of nervous systervi General diseases. Accidents Fever- Falls or blowa onlheliead Sca»-let fever Fright Scrofula and ricUetS, Sunstroke or exposure to sun DiphtKeria 4200^ 4QOOO 35000 JOOOO ZiOOO 30000 iSDOO lOooo 4ooo Sooo lOOOo noon 20000 lipoo Mooe izooa *oooo ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^2 ■■ ^" "^ 1 ^ ^" " ^^ ^^ 1 ■Hi ^H ■ 1 1 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 81 Taulb 59. SEX, COLOK, AKIl NATIVITY, ■Wliile, male: Siii[;1o Married "Widowetl Divorced , WliUo, female: Single Married AVidowod Divorced I^ativc parents, Diale: Single Married , "Widowed Divorced Kative parents, fomalo: Single Married "Widowed Divorced Foreign parents, male : Single Married "Widowed Divorced Foreign parents, fomalo: Single Married "Widowed Divorced Foreign born, male : Single Married "Widowed Di vorccd Foreign bom, female : Single Married "Widowed Divorced Colored, male; Single Married "Widowed Divorced Coloi-ed, female : Single Married Widowed Divorced COHOimTAL. Total. 011.3 09. 5 10.4 2.8 870.1 78. a 47.0 4.0 902.9 7r>. 8 18.2 3.1 867.8 81.1 40.9 4.2 Ofin. 4 25.0 4.2 0.8 943.7 33.1 17.1 1.1 886.4 87.8 21.9 3.9 760.3 130.6 102.9 0.2 804. 5 III.O 23.3 1.2 745.1 142.6 109.4 2.9 IS to 30 years. 983.3 10.3 l.S 0.2 907.0 28.4 980.2 18.2 1.2 0.4 962.5 33.2 3.1 1.2 993.1 5.0 1.3 985.9 11.4 1.8 0.9 987. 7 12.3 969.0 27.6 3.4 962.9 34.8 2.3 914.2 72.5 12.1 1.2 30 to 45 years. 009.2 77.3 9.9 3.6 808. 9 100.6 25.3 5.2 901.1 84.3 10. 5 4.1 866.0 104.1 24.4 5.5 943.1 42.4 7.9 1.0 911.0 73.7 14.7 925. S 64.6 7. 2 2.4 826.7 109.6 51.4 10.3 803.6 110.3 18.0 1.5 680.4 204.1 111.4 4.1 45 to 60 years. 60 vears antf over. 813.8 151.8 27.8 O.C 789.9 142.7 71'. 3 9.1 800.7 ir.0.0 31.3 6.0 780.8 129.7 74.5 9.0 800.9 119.2 13.3 0.6 704.2 150.9 75.5 9.4 845.3 135. 9 7.5 11.3 634.2 245.4 111.1 9.3 660.9 281.1 58.0 557.0 244.7 194.1 4.2 008.4 100.4 103.9 7.3 COS. 7 132.3 254.2 4.8 707.4 181.8 103.0 7.8 635.3 123.8 236.1 4.8 7,'')0. 22-'. 2 27.8 KOHCII.vaBttTAL. Total. S89.8 76.9 333.3 632.4 237.9 124.3 5.4 454.0 195.4 314. 8 112.8 9 8 418.4 163.3 413.2 5.1 700.1 226.5 62.0 4.8 002. 5 215.0 174.3 8.2 705.7 226.8 62.5 5.0 613.4 205.8 171.7 9.1 875.4 98.2 25.0 1.4 815.5 110.9 68.0 5.6 528.3 361.6 103.2 6.9 356.3 354.1 283.3 6.3 051.8 271.4 71.1 5.7 422.3 308.5 262.1 7.1 15 to 30 ycani. 30tn4S ycani. 978.4 19.1 1.0 0.9 935.9 55.0 5.6 2.0 973.8 22.9 2.3 1.2 928*7 61.4 6.5 3.4 093.7 6.3 902. 5 33.2 3.4 0.9 975.6 24.4 917.2 79.5 3.3 922.7 69.5 6.5 1.3 788.2 175.7 29.5 6.6 830.7 149.5 14. C 5.2 702.2 238.7 47.5 11.6 830.7 146.8 17.1 5.4 605.1 242.9 49.3 12.7 8.'i7.3 106.0 4.0 2.7 799.0 157.9 30.3 12.8 752.8 226.9 12.9 7.4 608.9 327.9 60.9 2.3 679.8 230.5 71.4 12.3 372.2 456.0 156.4 15.4 4StoM year*. OU yenm auuoviT. 639. 7 394.2 67.1 9.0 458.9 359.3 107.3 14.5 550.6 377.0 57.8 8.6 506.5 318.0 159.1 15.8 572.0 351.7 72.0 4.3 491.7 331.5 ICO. 2 16.6 461.3 477.7 49.1 11.9 284.0 508.0 197.8 9.6 372.7 520.5 89.6 7.2 2(«.5 409.1 379.9 6.5 235.0 520.7 ail. 2 7.1 198.5 282.1 512.3 7.1 J18.5 S30.6 235.5 7.4 224.0 259.4 »09.3 7.3 2C5.0 507.7 251.3 6.1 167.9 242.4 569.7 230.4 518.8 244.4 6.4 128.3 3.12. 6 511.3 7.8 176.3 596.6 220.3 6.8 131.3 271.3 507. 4 717G INS- 82 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. This is also shown by Diagram 30, -which indicates the proportions of the married and widowed in the congenital and noncongenital feebleminded by 4 groups of age for the white males and females. This diagram sLould be compared with Diagram 22, showing the proportions of the difle.eut conjugal conditions among the sane and insane. It will be seen from this table that for the white feeble-minded males the nirmber of the married per 1,000 of those congenitally affected was 69.5, while among those not congenitally affected it was 22G.5. Among the white females congenitally affected it was 7S.0, among those not congenitally affected 215.0. It will also be observed that these marked differences between the congenital and the noncongenital are the greatest at the ages from 45 years and upward. Thus, of the white males between 15 and 30 years of age the ratio of the married is 15.3 per 1,000 for the congenital and 10.1 for the noncongenital, while for the age group 45 to GO there are 151. S per 1,000 for the congenital and 394.2 per 1,000 for the noncongeuit.al, and for the age group 60 and over 190.4 for the congenital and 526.7 for the noncongenital. Table 60 shows for each 10,000 population in the United States 15 years of age and upward the number of feeble-minded reported for the corresponding age and conjugal condition, where ages and conjugal condition were reported, with distinction of sex, color, and of 2 age groups, Chinese, Japanese, and Indians not included. Table 60. CONJUGAL CONDITION. WHITE. COLORED. 15 to 45 j-oars. 45 years and over. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. SlDgle : Male 33.29 33.51 2.49 2.70 8.70 9.62 25.50 23.30 170.91 164.38 11.63 10.28 27.48 23.92 42.42 49.93 36.10 2D. 00 3.90 5.56 16.73 13.64 20.97 16.05 ISO. 14 176. 25 12.43 14.68 26.26 30.20 33.50 32.43 Married : Male Widowed: Male Divorced : Mai© Table 182 shows for the feeble-minded in the United States in 1890 the ages when the defect is stated to have occurred, with distinction of sex, color, and nativitj'. Of the 87,770 persons for whom the age when idiocy occurred was reported, 42,805 were reported to have been congenital idiots, 16,242 to have become idiots under 5 years of age, 5,915 between 5 and 10 years of age, 3,563 between 10 and 15 years of age, 11,183 between 15 and 45 years of age, and 8,062 at 45 years of age and ujjward. Thefrreater number of the cases in which the defect is reported to have occurred after 45 years of age, and pome of tho.se in whom it is reported to have occurred between 15 and 45 years of age, are probably cases of dementia, senile or terminal, which .should be classed with the insane rather than with the idiots. Table 183 shows tlic number of the feeble-minded in the United States on June 1, ISOO, concerning whom it was reported as to whether they had or had not feebleminded or insane relatives, with distinction of se.x, color, and nativity, and for those who had such relatives the character of the relalionshi]>. In examining this table it must be borne in mind that the same person may be reported in different connections, as a father, a son, an uncle, a brother. The table shows that of 44,033 feeble-minded persons concerning whom it was reported as to whether they had insane or feeble-minded relatives or not, 24,844, or 564 jicr 1,000, had such relatives. The correspoiKling ratio in IMSO was 513 per 1,000, but the returns related to only 8,728 persons. Of the feebleminded leixirted as to relatives in 1890, .565 per 1,000 of the whites and 560 per 1,000 of the colored had relatives who were insane or feebleminded. Of tlio.se for whom the insane or feeble-minded relatives were re])orted by the i)arental side, there were, of the whites 6,274, of the colored 685. Of those having such relatives on tiic niolhei's siile only the nninlier was, of whites 3,104, of colored 393, being for the whites 495 and of the colored 574 ])er 1,000 of tlio.so for whom such relatives were rejiorted by the i)arental side. The coriesponding figures for 1880 were, white 133, colored .501 i)er 1,000. The number having iii.sanc or feebleminded nlativcs s. DIAGRAM 39. F«!l»|p miniltNl. WHITES. MALES. FEMALES. CONGENITAL. NON CONGENITAL. 200 100 100 200 300 400 500 WIDOWED. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 83 TPportod by tho parental side. The corresponding figureafor 1880 were, whites ICO, colored 90 per 1,000. The muiiber having insane or focblc minded fallicr.s was, of tho -whites 2,198 and of the colored L'lS, hcin;; for tho whites 9(> and for tho colored 112 of tho total having such relatives, or for the whites 010 and for the colored 020 of the total of tliose having insane or fect)!oiuiii(h>(l relatives on tlie father's side only. Tlio number having insane or fcebleininded mothers was, for the whites 2,885, for the colored 387, being for the whites 120 and for tho colored 198 per 1,000 of tho total having insane or feeblc-mimled relatives, or for the whites 929 and for the coltiri'd '.)Ao per 1,0(10 of those having such relatives on the mother's side only. These ratios arc therefore greatest on the mother's sitle. Tlio number having insane or feeble-minded grandfiithers was, for tho whites 028 and for the colored 54, being for the whites 27 and for the colored 28 per 1,000 of the total having feeble-minded relatives. Tiir- nnml)er having insime or feebleminded grandmothers was, for the whites 001 and for the colored 08, being for the whites 20 and for the colored 35 per 1,000 of those having insane or feeble-minded relatives. The proportion having insane grand lathers Avere, therefore, about the same as those having insane grandmothers. Tlie number having insane or feeble-minded uncles was, lor the whites 2,252 and for the colored 192, being for each 98 iier 1,000 of tho total having insane or feeble-minded relatives. The number having insane or feeble-minded aunts was, for the whites 1,735 and for the colored 140, being for tho whites 70 and for the colored 72 jtcr 1,000 of tiiose having insane or feeble-minded relatives. The proportion of tliose having insane or feebleminded uncles was, therefore, decidedly greater than of those having insane or feeble-minded aunts. Tlie number ha\-ing insane or feeble-minded cousins was, whites 2,017 and colored 147, being for the whites 89 and for the colored 75 per 1,000 of the total having insane or feeble-minded relatives. The number having insane or feeble-minded brothers was, for tho whites 5,510 and for tho colored 409, being in the ratio for the whites of 241 and for tho colored of 210 per 1,000 of the total having insane or feeble-minded relatives. The number having insane or feeble-minded sisters was, for the whites 4,203 and for the colored 282, giving the ratio for the whites of 180 and for the colored 144 per 1,000 of the total having insane or feeble-minded relatives. The number of males having insane or feeble-minded brothers was 3,570, or 250 per 1,000 of the total having such relatives, and males having feebleminded sisters was 2,541, or 178 per 1,000 of the total having such relatives. The number of females having feeble-minded brothers was 2,340, Gr2?3 per 1,000 of the total having such relatives, and of females having feeble-minded sisters there were 2,004, or 189 per 1,000 of the total having such relatives. These and other ratios are shown in Table 01. 84 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DExVF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 61. RELATIONSHIP AND RATIOS. Total. ■^Thile. Colored. Male. Female. WHITE. Native. Foreign. Number reported as to relatives: 9,375 44,033 5,128 24,844 547 664 4,451 6,959 1,986 3,497 443 503 1,778 -2,637 307 379 717 825 160 119 2,416 S7 916 3,272 132 936 682 27 28 11 10 3 672 27 16 6 35 10 2,444 98 67 26 68 19 1,875 75 61 19 66 19 2,104 88 69 22 46 13 6,919 238 4, 645 183 40, 516 3,487 24,928 19, 105 37,518 3,028 Num»K;r having feebfe-minded ormeane relatives: 22, 893 .... 1,952 14, 205 10, 579 1 21,769 1,123 Sotiu of xiuiubor having feeblo-minded or insane relatives to 1,000 of the total rejtitrted: 565 4,137 6,274 1,792 3,104 433 495 1,050 2,400 401 382 6S6 770 168 1-23 2,198 96 916 2,883 120 929 628 27 28 12 9 604 26 14 6 34 11 2,252 93 57 24 67 22 1,735 70 47 19 64 21 2,047 89 60 23 45 14 6,510 241 4,283 180 500 344 685 194 393 564 i 574 1 119 , 237 1 340 346 31 SS 90 80 218 112 920 387 198 985 54 28 572 2,818 3, 924 1,233 1,936 437 494 1,138 1,508 404 384 448 480 159 122 1,379 97 914 1,808 127 934 3S9 28 18 12 7 3 361 25 10 7 19 10 1,470 103 42 28 44 23 1,011 71 29 19 35 18 1,246 87 30 20 23 12 3,570 250 2,641 178 554 1.063 3,035 7.54 i 1,561 1 1 1 453 i 514 1 010 1,129 385 372 269 345 102 114 1,037 98 019 1,464 138 938 283 27 10 9 3 2 311 29 6 6 16 10 974 92 25 22 24 15 804 82 22 19 31 20 948 90 29 20 23 15 2,349 232 2,004 189 5S0 4,046 6,018 1,737 2, 964 429 492 1,630 2,298 403 3B2 679 7S6 168 1-J(i 2,100 96 ill* 2,751 1S6 928 588 27 26 11 9 3 571 26 14 6 32 U 2,162 99 50 24 66 22 1,670 77 I 21 01 21 1,988 91 65 45 15 8,175 238 4,010 184 371 Kumbcrfor whom parentid eido is reported: 1g^ 91 256 Number having feebleminded or insane relatives on mother's side : jySO ,. 55 ]g90 140 Katioof number bavins feebleminded or innane relatives on mother's side to 1.000 of the total for whom parental eide is reported : 6M jgjO • 547 NaioUer having feeble-minded or insane relatives on faiber'a side: 29 }fj90 102 Ratio of number having feeble-minded or insane relatives on father's side to 1,000 of Iho total for whom parental side is reported : Ifii^ 319 398 Nnmbcr having feeble-minded or insane relatives on both sides: J Kg!) . .. 7 jg^y . 14 Batioof number having feeble-minded or insane rclatii'ea on both sides to 1,001) of tho total lor whom parental side is report«d: lgS!( 77 169(> ., . 55 98 Katio of nuuilM^r having feeble-minded or insane fathers to 1,000 of the total having foeble-iDiudfd or insane relatives— 1890. Eatio of number having feeble-minded or insane fathers to 1,000 of the total having lV-fbh--mimled or Insane rt-lativcs on tlie father's side-lSOO. 87 861 134 Ealiuof nnmbi.r having fL-eblc-niinded or insrine mothers to 1,000 of the total having fueble-miuded or insane relatives — 1890. Ratio of number having feeble-minded or insane mothers to 1,000 of the total hiiving feeble-minded or insane relatives on mother's side— 1800. . Number having feebleminded or insane grandfathers — 1891) Ratio of number having fceble-mindc-d or insane grandfathers to 1,000 of tho total havin« feeble miudcd or insane relatives— 1850. 119 957 40 36 2 Ratio of number having feeble-minded or insane grandfathers on father's side to 1,000 of the total having feeble-minded or insane relatives on fath- er s side— 1800. Nnmber haWng feeble-minded or insane grandfathers on mother's side — 3800.. Ratio of number having feeble-minded or insane grandfathers on mother's side to 1.000 of the total having feeble minded or insane relatives on mother's 8ido-1890. 19 1 2 68 35 2 8 1 2 192 98 10 42 1 3 140 72 4 17 2 5 147 75 3 13 1 a 409 210 282 144 33 Ratio of number Iiaving fteblennnded or insane grandmothers to 1,000 of the total having feebleminded or insane relatives— 1800. Number having feeble-minded or insane grandmothers on father's aide— 1890.. }iatio of nnmbf-r having feeble-minde of niiiiibcr b.ivint; febblc-niiudi'd or insniio nunts on fatber's Bido to 1,000 of llio total liaxiiig feebleminded or insane relatives on fatbcr« liide-1890. 3 Eatio of number having fcebleniindcl or insano aunt« on iiiolbor's side to 1,0 of tlio total liuvin'; feeble minded or iUHano relatives on luotlicr's Bid.- )?-n. 22 61 llati' h.iving f<'«-h1e-niinde I ■ ^ feoblo-minded or insano relatives on father's side Ic'.'O. Ttnniber having; foeblo-minde*! or Insano cousins onmotlier's side— 1R0O iUtio of number havinK feoble-mindod or insano cousins on luotlicr's sido to I.fiooof tko total having feeble minded or insano relatives ou mother's sido-lROU. ^■nTIlher havur- f. iM. Miiri.I. .l..r in .mim- l.ri.lli. rs 1990 10 335 llniicK.r i,.i brothers to 1,000 of tho total having I- 298 253 Itatioof nunil» r bd.ijii; !• ebb -uiIimIi .1 ur insano sisters to 1,000 of tho total having fcoble-mindefl or Insano relatives— 1890. 225 a Tirpnrt of tho Tenth Ccniiu, Tolumo ZXI, page 200, footnote, states: tba mttUtmal side is not etativl " ' Xhero oro 047 addilional coses returned as ' licrodilary ', but whether on the patonuU or Klevfiiili I HMSiis of iljt* Unitf^d States. DIAGRAM 40. Feeble miiuled. MALES. FEMALES. § % ^ •* § HAVING FEEBLE-MmD FATHERS. ^^^^^^^^l^^^^^^^H " MOTHERS. I^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^l " GRANDFATHERS. ^■^r " GRANDMOTHERS. ^BB^ " UNCLES. {■^^^■■^^■^^^^^^^H " AUNTS. ^^^^^^^^^^^^B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^M THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 85 Diafrram 10 shows the number of feebleminded iu 1,000 of the total having feeble-minded relatives. It will bo Ibiiiid interestiiif? to compare tlio above table with the correspoiulinjj one given in the section relating to the insane, but in doing this it must bo remembered that the tabic for the insane gives the insane relatives onlj', whereas the above table includes both the feeble-minded and the insane relatives. As we have no data with regard to the number and classilication of insane and feeble-minded relatives jwssessed by persons who are not insane or feeble-minded, it is impossible to jiresent any comparisons which would indicate the amount of inlluence exercised by heredity in the production of mental defects. Table 184 shows the number of feeble-minded in the United States on June 1, 1890, who were rejioi-ted to have or to have had deaf or blind relatives, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Tliis table shows that of -18,450 feeble-minded i)ersons concerning whom it was reported as to whether they had blind or deaf relatives or not, 2,077, or 43 per 1,000, had such relatives. Unfortunately the chara<:ter of the replies to the question relating to this matter iu the special schedule did not permit the distinction of those who had deaf relatives only from those who hail blind relatives only, or both. Out of each 1,000 of the feebleminded having deaf or blind relatives, 08 had deaf or blind mothers, GO had deaf or blind fathers, 41 had deaf or blind grandfathers, 55 had deaf or blind grandmothers, 122 had deaf or blind uncles, 102 had deaf or blind aunts, 173 had deaf or blind cousins, 20;5 had deaf or blind brothers, and 157 had deaf or blind sisters. The remark made above with regard to the absence of information as to the number of mentally defective relatives jjossesscd by persons who are themselves mentally sound applies also in the consideration of these ratios. It is probable that they are greater than those which would be furnished by corresponding data obtained from soand people, but in the absence of such data this is little more than guesswork. Table C2 shows these and other ratios for the feeble-minded having deaf or blind relatives. 86 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 62. BELATIONSHIF Ah'D BATIOS. Kiimbcr reported as to relatives 1\ umber liavin;; deaf or biiud relatives Katio of number having deaf or blind relatives to 1,000 of total reported. Kuniber for whom parental side is reported Kmnber having deaf or blind relatives on mother's side Katio of nnraber having deaf or blind relatives on mother's side to 1,000 of total for whom parental side is reported. dumber having deaf orbliud relatives on father's side Katio of number having deaf or blind relatives on father's side to 1,000 of total for whom parental sido is reported. dumber having deaf or blind relatives on both sides Katio of number having deaf or bUnd relatives on both sides to 1,000 of total for whom parental side is reported. Knmber having deaf or blind fathers Katio of number having deaf or blind fathers to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind ri-latives. Katio of number having deaf or blind fathers to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives on father's side. INumber having deaf or blind mothers Katio of number having deaf or blind mothers to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives. Katio of number having deaf or blind mothers to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives on mother's side. Kuniber having deaf or blind grandfather.'* Katio of number having deaf or blind grandfathers to 1,000 of total having deaf or bliud relatives. Kumber having deaf or blind grandfathers on father's side liatio of number having deaf or blind grandfathers on father's side to 1,0U0 of total having deaf or blind relatives ou father's side. Xnrober having deaf or blind grandfathers on mother's side Katio of number having deaf or blind grandfathers on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives ou mother's side. Number having deaf or blind grandmothers Katio of number having deaf or blind grandmothers to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives. IC umber having deaf or blind grandmothers on father's side Katio of number having deaf or blind grandmothers on father's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relative.s on father's side. Kumber having deaf or blind grandmothers on mother's side liatio of number having deaf or blind grandmothers on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives on mother's side. Number having deaf or blind uucles lUtio of number having deaf or blind uncles to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives. Knmber having deaf or Wind tincles on father's side Katio of number having deaf or blind uncles on father's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives on father's side. Number Jiavingdeaf or blind uncles on mother's side liatio of number having deaf or blind uncles ou mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives on mother's side. Number having deaf or blind aunts Katio nf number having deaf or blind aunts to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives. Number having deaf or blind aunts on father's side lUtin of number having deaf or blind aunts ou father's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives ou father's side. Number having deaf or blind aunts on mother's sido Katio of number having deuf or blind auuts on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives on mother's side. Nnmberhavingdeaf or blind cousins KatiA tjf number having deaf or blind cousins to 1,000 of total having deaf or blinil relatives. Number having deaf or blind cousins on father's sido Itatiu of itumber having deaf or bliud cousins on father's sido to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives on father's side. Number having deaf or blind cousins on mother's sido Total. Katio of number having deaf orbliud consins on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind rt-latives on mother's side. Number having deaf or blind brothers Katio of ntimlier having deaf or blind brothers to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind n-latives. Nunil>er having deaf or blind sist^^rn Kalio of number liaving deaf or blind sisters to 1,000 of total having deaf or blind relatives. 48.450 2,077 43 345 162 470 103 472 20 58 144 09 141 68 870 80 41 115 55 253 122 5 31 5 31 211 102 4 25 6 37 X9 173 6 37 5 31 422 203 320 157 "White. 43,477 1,858 43 304 137 451 149 400 18 69 131 71 lie 02 74 40 3 20 98 53 227 122 4 27 37 195 105 4 27 6 44 335 180 G 40 30 370 199 294 158 Colored. 4,973 219 44 41 25 610 14 311 2 49 13 59 25 114 1,000 12 55 17 78 Male. 26 119 1 71 16 73 24 110 52 237 32 140 Female. 26, 969 1,157 43 192 91 474 86 443 15 78 75 05 67 857 54 47 2 23 1 11 61 S3 161 139 4 47 3 33 131 113 5 65 188 162 85 221 191 173 150 21,481 920 43 153 71 464 77 503 5 33 75 806 63 68 888 32 35 1 13 54 59 92 100 2 28 80 87 2 26 1 14 171 186 2 28 201 218 ].''.3 106 Native. 30. 224 1,758 45 282 129 458 136 482 17 60 120 63 883 96 55 4 31 220 rj5 3 22 39 183 105 3 22 6 46 325 183 G 44 5 39 339 193 279 159 Foreiirn. 108 61 69 39 4,253 100 24 3U 13 591 1 45 11 110 846 8 80 l.OCO 5 SO 2 20 7 70 1 77 10 100 1 77 10 lOO 31 310 IS 150 Table 185 shows the number of feeble-minded ■who vfeve reported as being also deaf and dumb, blind, or deaf and dumb and blind, in tbo United States, in each geographical division, and in each state and territory on June 1, 1890, -with distinction of sex and color. Table C.3 shows these data for the United States in 1890 and in 1880, together with the ratios per 1,000 of all the feebleminded in each groux^ THE FEKl^LK-MINDED. Table 63. 87 CONDITIONS. NDUBEK BEPOBTBD. BATIO TO 1. 000 OF rEKHLE-UI.NbltD. 1880 1880 1890 1880 Foeble-mindcd, Malo also deaf and dumb... 1,373 2,122 ■■•: 1 760 013 1.210 163 1,322 1,185 937 1,818 3M 1,186 14.4 14.4 14.2 15.4 26.2 29.7 27.0 31.7 White Feeble-minded M.ilo also blind 717 605 1,IU 208 137 6C1 525 1,058 128 217 13.5 14.2 13.1 19.7 14.6 16.6 15.7 13.4 Feeble-minded, Male also deaf, dumb, and blind 83 54 116 21 107 110 189 28 L6 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.4 3.5 2.8 2.9 ■\Vbito It will be seen from this table that the number of feeble-minded who wore also deaf and dumb, or deaf and dumb and blind, was reported as being absolutely less in 1890 than in 1880. The proportion of those affected with these comiilications of disabilities out of the total feeble-minded was but little over one-half as great in 1800 as it was in 1880. It is probable that a part of this dififercnce is due to a more defective enumeration of these coini)lJcate(l cases in 1890 than was made, with the help of physicians, in 1880. As regards the feeble-minded who were also blind, the difference in their proportions in 1880 and in 1890 is much less, and for the colored the proportion was greater in 1890 than in 1880. In this connection attention is invited to Table 7 and Diagram 3, indicating certain relations between the prevalence of idiocy, congenital deaf and dumb, and congenital blindness in the different states. Table 186 shows the number of feeble-minded persons in the United States on June 1, 1890. who were 5 years of age and upward, concerning whom it was reported as to whether they could read or write, with distinction of time of occurrence of the mental defect, of color, of nativity, and of certain age groups. The table includes 86,719 persons, of whom 48,296 were males and 38,42:5 females. Excluding 8.985 for whom the ability to read and write was not reported, we find that out of each 1,000 of the feeble-minded .5 years of age and upward 606 could neither read nor write, 59 could read but not write, and 275 could read and write. The proportion of illiterate was somewhat greater among the females than among the males, the number who could neither read nor write being 672 per 1,000 for females and C62 i)er 1,000 for males. Of those in whom the mental defect bad occiu-red before they were 5 years old there were 58,123, of whom 33,200 were males and 24,803 females. In this class, excluding those for whom the ability to read and write was not reported, out of each 1,000 total 785 could neither read nor write, the ratio for males beiug 782 and for females 789 per 1,000. Of those in whom the mental defect occurred after 5 years of age there were 28,590, of whom 15,030 were males and 13,500 females. For reasons previously given a large proportion of these should properly be classed with the insane rather than with tlic feeble-minded. In this class, excluding those for whom the ability to read or write was not reportpd, out of each 1,000 total 440 could neither read nor write, the ratio for males being 412 and for females 470 per 1,000. Table 04 shows for the native white of native parents, excluding those for whom the ability to read or write was not reported, that the number who could neither read nor write was 700 per 1,000 of those in whom the defect had occurred under 5 years of ago and 393 per 1,000 in those in whom the defect had occurred at the age of 5 years or upward. For the foreign born whites the corresponding figures were 70S per 1.000 of those in whom the mental defect had occurred under 5 years of age and 373 per 1,000 in those in whom the defect had occurred at 5 years of age and ujiward. Of the 8,664 feeble-minded colored, concerning whom the ability as to reading and writing was reported, 9.)3 per 1,000 of those in whom the defect had occurred under 5 years of age could not read or write and 831 per 1,000 of those in whom the defect had occurred at 5 years of age and upward could not read or write. 88 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table G4. Total. Total: Ecadand write Male Female Kead and not write Male Pemale Neither read nor write . . Male Female ■White: Kead and write Male Female Kead and not write Male Female Xeitherread norwrite. ., Male Female Native parents : Kead and write Male Female Bead and not write Male , Female Neither read nor write, Male Female 275 283 264 59 65 64 6C6 662 672 301 309 290 62 58 68 637 633 642 293 298 286 61 61 68 643 641 64G Occnrred ! under 5 years. Occnrred 5 years anil over. 163 489 167 526 15S 448 52 71 61 62 53 82 785 440 782 412 789 . 476 179 532 183 564 173 496 56 75 55 64 57 87 765 •393 762 372 770 417 176 632 ira 558 172 503 58 75 58 66 58 85 766 393 763 376 769 412 LITEUACT. Foreign parents : Kead and -write Male Female Kead and not write Male Female *. Neither read nor ■write. Male Female Foreign born '• Head and write -.. Male , Female Kead aud not write Male Female Neither read uor^-rite. ilale , Female Colored : Kead ami write Miilc , Female Kead and not write Male Female Neither read nor write Male Female Total. Occnrred nndcr 5 years. Occurred 5 years and over. 2G0 1C7 499 270 176 621 247 150 471 54 46 76 47 43 58 64 59 99 686 787 425 cs;! 781 421 6fi9 795 430 418 236 555 4.t3 249 622 376 219 483 65 5C 72 57 .I'-i 00 75 CO 85 517 708 373 490 698 318 549 T21 432 70 45 123 78 45 163 GO 44 87 29 22 43 27 22 39 31 23 46 901 895 909 933 933 934 834 798 807 Table C5 shows for the male feeble-minded 15 j^ears of age aud upward in whom the mental doficiency had occurred before they were 15 years of age, and for whom the occupation in whicli they were o!i;;agod on June 1, ISOO. was reported, the number eugaged in each of certain occupations, with distinction of color and of certain age groups. Table 65. Aggre- gate. WHrrE ILLLE. COI.OBKD MAI.n. O0CDFATION8. (a) Total. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 yeara. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 years aud over. tin- knowB. Total. 15 to 20 years. 28to25 years. 2Stot3 years. 35 -to 45 JCSIS. J « years TJn- ajid known, orer. 1 Total 14,961 12,898 1,934 2,164 3,256 2,373 8,005 186 2,II«3 3»6 408 470 326 439 1 -26 11 11 68 15 8 5 2,096 19 22 6,894 8 5 36 15 33 65 25 18 4 32 « 154 536 15 2,800 1 2 3 1 1 101 3 3 665 1 4 7 277 4 1,150 5 17 2 2 601 1 1,914 11 6 1 460 5 3 1,388 o 1 6 :i 4 10 5 3 1 6 31 3 410 1 30 2 3 1 733 1 9 1,694 6 4 16 C » 7 1 n a 46 6 6 398 Carpenters and cabiaetioakers 72 15 8 5 2,281 IS 2» 8,206 8 5 42 15 36 68 25 18 4 35 S 271 654 15 3,121 1 4 1 1 2 24 185 13 24 47 35 64 2 I*'iBhcrmc-n... ---.. 83 7 1,402 2 336 2 225 3 290 242 293 17 2 1 9 i 1 3 1 14 357 757 5 7 15 6 1 4 2 24 94 3 540 7 4 10 21 2 3 1 7 2 38 43 4 664 6 2 4 1 1 2 8 B 1 2 1 Kinm 1 1 Peddler* 1 3 1 2 1 27 117 18 13 16 21 1 23 25 33 1 8 Btndonta Tailon 25 315 112 63 61 36 39 1 a This table incladcs only thoso whoso occupations wore reported. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 89 It appears I'loin this table that of the male Iceblcmindcd 15 years of age and ui>\vard in wlioni the mental dcficieney had occurred before they were 15 years old, 14,901 were reported as having sonio occupation, 8,L'9(i were laborers, 2,281 farmers, and 271 servants. Of the 2,003 colored of this class reported as having some occui)ation, 1,102 were laborers, 1S."> farmers, and 117 servants. Table 00 shows for the female feeble-minded 15 years of age and upward in whom the mental deficiency had occurred before they were !."» years of afjo and for wlioiii the occupatiDU in which tliey were engagcil on June 1, 18"J(», was reported, the number engaged in each of certain occupations, witii distinction of color and of certain age groups. Table 66. Apjire- g-ite. WHITB FEMALE. COLOBED FEUALE. OCCCI'ATIONS. (a) Total. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 ycara. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 years and over. TTn. known. Total. 1 15to20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 years ami over. TTn- knows. Total 9,832 8,413 1,520 1,330 1,917 1,535 2,0M 87 1,419 282 226 305 263 321 22 3 12 9 96 « 503 1,209 595 112 21 31 3,281 3 344 8 3,597 3 12 9 65 6 458 1,0(0 165 40 21 31 2,942 3 336 8 3,274 1 5 18 14 31 5 5 7 333 3 236 1 864 1 3 9 1 45 61 23 6 4 6 470 1 1 4 9 3 87 193 36 13 10 7 731 1 4 1 10 1 93 268 33 9 1 . 6 . 610 1 Drcssiiiakera 4 33 1 207 489 37 7 1 5 773 2 31 2 4 7 7 10 1 8 15 3 47 169 430 72 3 2 88 6 8 15 83 7 3 4)) 100 17 12 48 71 16 21 52 80 26 t 8 Mill aud factory operatives 25 339 47 52 70 81 87 2 Stnilcnts 64 1 634 22 2 798 5 4 489 2 7 8 7 1 Tailoresscs Allothora 452 37 323 127 56 60 28 45 7 a This table inclades only tboso wboso occupations were reported. It appears from this table that 9,832 females over 15 years of age in whom mental defect had occurred before they were 15 years of age were reported as having some occupation, 8,113 of those being white and 1,419 colored. Of the whites 2,942 were servants, 1,040 housewives, 458 housekeepers, Hi."! laborers, 10 laundresses, 31 seamstresses, 21 mill and factory operatives, and 12 dressmakers. Of the colored 430 were laborers, 339 servants, 109 housewives, 47 housekeepers, aud 72 laundresses. THE DEAF AND DUMB. In accordance witli the recommendations of a special committoo of American instructors of the deaf, it was decided to collect information for the JOlevcntli Census with regard to all pL-rsons in the United States repoi ted as being so deaf as to be unable to bear loud conversation, whether they were able to speak or not. The total number of such persons reported as living on June 1, 18!10, was 121,178, of whom 80,010 were able to speak, bnt so deaf as to bo unable to hear loud conversation. Of this last number 521 were from o to 10 years of age, ;1,142 were from 10 to 20 years of age, 28,008 were between 20 and 50 years of age, and 48,227 were 50 years of age and over. Table 187 shows for the United States, for each geographical division, and for each state and territory the number reported as deaf but not dumb on Juno 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Of the total S0,G1C, 49,278 were males and 31,338 were females; 3,;?0S were colored, of whom 1,900 were males and 1,402 were females; 54,947 were native whites of native parents, and of those 33,087 were males and 21.200 were females; 7,408 were native whites having one or both parents ibreign born, and of those 4,2<)S were males and 3,200 were females; 14,893 were foreign born, and of those 9,417 were males and 5,470 were females. Table G7 shows for the United States, for each geographical division, and for each state and territory the number of the deaf who were not dumb per 1,000,000 of the total population in 1890, the Chinese, Japanese, and Indians excluded. Table 67. 8TATES A2«D TEBRIT0RIE3. The United States Korth Atlantic division Haine Xew Hampsliire Vermont Uassacliiisotta RliotU' Isluud Connecticut Nc w York Xew Jersej' Pennsylvania South Atlantic division Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolin a South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Deaf but not dnmb. 1,291 1,620 2,117 2,377 3,207 1,840 2,531 2,450 1,558 1,324 1,285 945 1,324 1,337 1,225 I.ICC 1,240 60C 1,092 1,448 1,869 1,780 1,235 1,834 1,186 989 STATES AND TEREITORinS. North Central division— Continued. Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South D.ikola. Nebraska Kansas Soath Central division . Kentucky .- Tennessee .. Alabama Mississippi . Louisiana... Texas Oklahoma... Arkaus,a3 Western divi.sion. Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico.. Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington.. Oregon California Deaf but not dumb. It will be seen from this table that the proportion of deaf but not dumb persons was excessive in Vermont and was also very high in Uhode Island, Connecticut, New ITainiishiro, and jNIaino, that it was highest in the North Atlantic division and lowest in the South Central division, and that, as a rule, it was only about half the average in the southern states. 81 92 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. No reports having been made in previous censuses as to deaf persons able to speak, it is impossible to make any comparisons as to changes in ratios at different periods. The census of England and Wales for 1891 reports the ratio for the deaf only as 444 for males and 502 for females per 1,000,000 of population, or less than half the ratio reported for the United States. Of those reported as being both deaf and dumb there were 40,592, including Chinese, Japanese, and Indians, giving a ratio of G4S per 1,000,000 of population. The corresponding figures for the census of 1880 were: total number of deaf and dumb, 33,878; number per 1,000,000 of population, G75. Over 4 per cent of the deaf and dumb in 1880 were reported by physicians who made no corresponding returns in 1890, heuce.the apparent decrease in the proi)ortion of deaf-mutes to population has no significance. The figures for the United States censuses previous to 1880 are worthless so far as the calculation of rates of the number of deaf-mutes to population is concerned, since the number of deaf mutes returned in these censuses was certainly far below the number actually present. The following (unfortunately in part of old date) are some ratios of deaf-mutes per 1,000,000 of population fw certain foreign countries : Knglanil .and Wales : 18C1, G09 ; 187!, 507 ; 1881, 511; 1891, 489. Scotl-inJ: 1871,621; 1881,573; 18U1, 528. Ireland: 1851,721; 1861,850; 1871,826; 1881,771; 1891,715. Prussia: 1871, 986; 1880, 1,018. Bavaria : 1871, 900. Baden: 1871, 1,220. Saxony: 1880,587. Hanover: 1856, 715. Wiirtemberg: 1861,1,110. Hesse : 1880, 796. Austria: 1873, 900; 1880, 1,190. Hungary: 1870, 1,342; 1880,1,270. France: 1872, 626; 1876, 579. Belgium: 1884, 528. Holland : 1869, 335. lUly: 1881, 537. Norway: 1865,922. Sweden : 1870, 1,023. Switzerland: 1870,2,451. Spain: 1860,696. It will be seen from these figures that the proportion of deaf-mutes reported for the United States is below the average, and it is undoubtedly below the true figure. Table 188 shows the number reported as deaf and dumb on June 1, 1890, in the United States, in each state and territory and in the geographical divisions, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 189 shows the number of deaf-mutes in the United States, in each geographical division, and in each state and territory found at each of the last 5 censuses, with the corresjjonding ratios per 1,000,000 of population, with distinction of sex, color, and nativitj'. In each 1,000,000 of iKjpulatiou in the United States on June 1, 1890, there were for the white C81 and for the colored, including Chinese, Japanese, and Indians, 412 deaf-mutes. In 1880 tlie corresponding figures were 706 for the white and 47G for the colored. In the South Atlantic division in 1890 the ratios per 1,000,000 of population were for the white 745 and for the colored idS, and in the South Central division for the white (!.-i9 and 394 for the colored. The ratio of omission in the returns wa.s probably somewhat greater for the colored diildi en than it was tor the white, but it seems fair to conclude that the ratio of deaf mutism is decidedly greater among the white than it is among the colored race. In 1890 the number of deaf-mutes in each 1,000,000 of population was for the native born 082 and for the foreign born 452. The corresjionding figures in 1880 were for the native born 702 and for the foreign born 505. In the Xortli Atlantic division the corresponding figures were 735 for the native born and 308 for the foreign born, and in the Korth Central division 751 lor the native born and 567 for the foreign born. No dcQnite conclusion as to the relative prevalence of deaf-mntism among native whites and foreign whites can be drawn from these figures, owing to the very great diUcreuce in the age distribution of the native and foreign born, the latter including comi)arativcly few children. Table C8 shows for the United States, for each geographical division, and for each state the number of deaf and dumb as rc)iortcd by the censuses of 1880 and 1890, with the corresponding ratios per 100,000 population, aud the amount of increase or decrease iu such ratios. THE DEAF AND DUMB. Tablic 08. 93 STATES ANI> Tl'.TlRITOniEH. Tho United States . Korlli Atlantic illvi.«iim . Mnilio New Hampshire Vorinont M;iiisaclinrti-ttH. . . Kliodu laluliU Connecticut Xow York ■Kew.Tvr.sry l\»nnBylvnnia. ... Soutli Atlantic division Delaware Mai-ylaud District of Cuhuubia. Virginia "W'cst Virginia Kurtli C;u'olina Sontii CaroLiua Georgia Florida Nortli Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan . . Wisconsin . Hiuiiesota . TOTAt. DEAF AND DUMB. 1800 1880 40, 592 11,350 627 321 ill 1, 539 163 ma 3,843 764 3,300 5,597 »S 750 124 1,190 600 1,108 6G8 800 190 16, 051 0,849 455 221 212 978 150 565 3,762 6-J7 3,079 4,975 2,055 1,837 2,480 1,649 1,310 857 84 671 169 998 620 1,032 601 819 118 12, 663 2,301 1, 76.1 2,202 1,160 1,079 500 RATIO PER 100,000. 1800 1880 65.3 94.8 85.3 72.5 68.7 46.0 66.9 04. 1 52.9 63.9 72.0 53.8 72.4 78.7 68.5 58.0 46.8 48.5 71.8 72.3 83.8 64.8 74.0 78.0 65.8 67.$ 68.0 70.1 63.7 63.8 54.8 54.2 90.7 74.0 46.6 71.9 65. 5 57.3 71.8 95.1 66.0 84.1 73.7 66.7 53.1 43.8 72.9 71.9 89.2 71.5 71.2 82.0 64.0 In- crease. 24.7 21.6 8.7 13.9 6.3 0.9 0.2 6.4 1.3 4.7 2.8 1.8 De- orcoae. 2.7 3.3 7.3 23.8 9.9 8.0 41.3 5.4 5 2 6.3 5.4 6.7 STATES A5U TKRimOKTO. North Central diTlsion - ("ontinued. Iowa Mis.fotiri North Dakota. South Dakota. Nebraska , Kansas TDTAL DEAr AND DL'Uli. 1800 1880 South Central division. Kentncky Tenncsseo Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas 1,313 1, 998 92 173 629 1,162 6,309 "Western division Montana "Wyoming Colorado New Mexico- Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington . Oregoit Caliiornia 1,363 1,116 794 5SS 639 1,163 26 760 1,279 40 16 205 80 15 108 13 31 118 157 496 1,052 1,598 \ (a) 287' 601 J. 275 1.108 693 606 524 771 BATin l-ER luu.ouu. 180O 68.7 74.6 'iO.4 52.0 59.4 80.7 I88« 64.8 73.7 (a) 63.4 65.4 57.5 61.3 480 I 825 9 11 85 70 7 US 10 7 24 103 382 73.3 63.1 52.5 43.3 48.2 51.6 42.0 67.4 42.2 77.3 71.8 53. C 55.7 48.4 30.3 28.4 49.7 52.1 25.2 5L9 28.4 30.7 33.8 50.0 41.1 60.9 46.7 23.6 52.9 43.7 58. S 17.3 82.0 10.1 21.5 32.0 58.4 44.2 Td- I D*. crcflM. crtsaM 3.0 0.0 a. 2 1.0 3.8 4.0 8.7 2.4 10.3 7.5 4.B 7.3 0.0 7.9 12.3 15.2 1.8 20.5 6.4 30.1 8.4 3.1 o Dakota territory in 1880 had 63 deaf and dumb persons, with a ratio of 46.6 to 100,000 of population. The relation of deaf-mutes to population in the different states in 1S90 isiiidicatcd by Cartogiam 7. From the above table and the cartogiam it will be seen that the proportion of deaf-mutes was greate-st in Maine, Xew Hampshire, Indiana, and Kansas, and lowest in the southern and western states. In the geogra))lii(!al divisions it was highest in the North Central, and lowest in the Western. These differences are in part dne to the differences in the completeness of the returns, in part to previous epidemics of such diseases as scarlet fever or ceri^bro, spinal fever in certain localities, and in part to heredity in certain families. This last influence is indicated in the geographical distiibution of the congenital deaf-mutes, to be referred to hereafter. Table G9 gives the figures for the deaf and dumb of the United States censuses of 1880 and 1890, and of the intermediate state censuses for 3 states, with the corresponding ratios per 100,000 of population. Tablk go. STATES. NUMBER OF DEAF AND DD.MB. RATIO PER 100.000 OP POPULATION. United states consnH, 1890. State census, 1885. United States census, 1880. United Stiiles census, 1890. State census, 1S85. United States census, 1880. 1,549 162 1,539 1,007 91 823 1,166 150 078 74.0 46.9 68.7 54.3 29.9 42.6 71.3 54.2 54.8 From this table it will be seen that in each of the 3 states, Michigan, Rhode Island, and ^lassachnsetts, the ratio of deaf mutes to tho total population was reported greater in tlie T.Tiiitcd States censuses of ISSO anil 1S90 than it was in the intt^rmediate state cen.sus of ISS.'), and it may therefore be fairly inferred that the United States censuses for these years were more complete as regards this class of tho population than was the intermediate state census in each of the states referred to. 94 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190 shows for eacli county iu each state the number of deaf and dumb found on June 1, 1S90, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. The numbers iu each county are generally too small to make the ratios derivable from them of any value. Table 70 and Cartogram S and Table 71 and Cartogram 9 show the ratios of deaf and dumb per 100,000 of population for each county of Alabama and New York, respectively, aud these may be compared with the corresponding tables aud cartograms showing the county ratios for these states for the insane, the feeble-miuded, and the blind, given in the sections of this report relating to these classes. Autauga --. 38 Baldwin 34 Barbour •IS Bibb '72 Blount W Bullock 59 Bntlcr 18 Calhoun 35 Chambers 68 Cherokee 88 Chilton 76 Choctaw 23 Clarke 27 Clay 51 Cleburne 61 Coffee 25 Colbert 40 Conecnh 34 Coosa 50 Crenshaw 32 Cullman 22 Dale 23 Albany 62 Allegany 93 Broome -. 54 Cattaraugus 84 Cayuga 60 Chautauqua 80 Chemung 77 Chenango 45 Clinton 73 Columbia 56 Cortland 77 Delaware 66 Dutchess 91 Erie 70 Essex 70 Franklin 186 Kultou 128 fjencscc 90 Greene 89 Hamilton 84 Henry . . . Jackson . Jcfierson. Lamar. .. Table 70. Dallas 43 Dekalb 52 Elraoro 46 Etowah 59 Fayette 86 Fr.ankliu 56 Geneva 65 Greene 50 Hale 84 32 , 39 36 28 Lauderdale 59 Lawrence 43 Lee 56 Limestone 57 Lowndes 89 Macon 16 Madison 55 Marengo 48 Table 71. Herkimer 66 JellVrson 93 Kings 39 Lewis Ill Livingston 87 Madison 117 Monroe 64 Montgomery 96 New York 46 Niagara 64 Oneida 116 Onondaga 70 Ontario 64 Orange 103 Orleans 52 Oswego 82 Otsego 07 Putnam , 34 Queens 36 Rensselaer 65 Marion gg Marshall 69 Mobile 43 Monroe 63 Montgomery 52 Morgan 71 Perry 27 Pickens 76 Pike 29 Randolph 12 Russell 50 St. Clair 40 Shelby 19 Sumter 149 Tall adega 106 Tallapoosa 79 Tu,scaloosa 13 Walker 75 Washington 113 Wilcox 68 Winston 76 Richmond 37 Rockland 68 St. Lawrence 83 Saratoga 102 Schenectady 57 Schoharie 117 Schuyler 78 Seneca 81 Steiilicn 87 SiilVolk 56 Sullivan 87 Tioga 67 Tompkins 85 Ulster 82 Warren 137 AV:ishington 83 Wayne 101 Westchester 73 Wyoming 87 Yates 43 Table 191 .show.s the number of the doaf and dumb, including Chinese, .Tapanese, and Indian.s, fouiul in the United .States on .June 1, 1890, iu eacli city containing "i(),00() inliabitants and upward, with the ratios per 1,000,000 of the population in the aggregate, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. The figures for each city inclndc not only the deaf mutes actually found by the enumerators iu that city, but also tho.se in schools aud inslitulions for llie same who were reported as belonging to that city. Taking all these cities together the number of deaf-mutes per 1,000,000 of population found in them was 487, being 527 for tlie males and 447 for the females. This is considerably below the rate for the whole country and indicates that there is no special tendciu;y to the aggregation ol' deaf mutes in large cities, but rather the reverse. The ratios vary greatly for the difl'erent cities, as will bo seen by Table 72. F.lerpntli Census of lli.' T'nitpfl Stnt<«:, I>i*uf anil tliirrih. CARTOGRAM fl \-lauderdale: — - ■■- -/ I -cbLBCRT- •';/.•.• \N /- FRANKLIN - ' ' • • • 85 >»NDOVER. C3 O EleveutU Census o( tlit* Uniteil States. DIAGRAM 41. Deaf aud duiii C/ r/cs or 1 00000 POPULATION AND up^/iud. DCAr AND DU MB. 100 200 300 ^00 500 600 700 1 1 INDIANAPOLIS 7 1 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H S-:- PAUL BUrFALO 63 4- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^n^^g^^^^^m^^^^ LOUISVILLE. S^ LOUIS MILWAUKEE 58 7 ^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^B CINCINNATI NEWARK MINNEAPOLIS ^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^■i BALTIMORE WASHINGTON S3R ^^^^^^^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^B PITTSBURG 5 3e ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ROCHESTER ^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^ KANSAS CITY ^^^^^^^M^^^M^^^^^^^^^M^^PI PHILADELPHIA ^ 71 ^^^^^^^^^^l^^^^^^^^^^H^H NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK PROVIDENCE ^62 ^^^^^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^iBp OMAHA 44 9 ^^^^^^■^^^^■^fl^^^^^^^^H BOSTON DE TROIT 4 37 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CHICAGO CL EVELAND 406 ALLEGHENY 389 BROOKLYN 38^ JERSEY CITY 344 DENVER 300 S/tN FRANCISCO 264 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 95 Total 487 C'olnmlnia, Ohio 998 r.vansville, Intl 94G C;iml(iiilj^e, Muss 914 S.ranton, Ta 8G4 G'raiKl Kapitls, Mich 796 Dayton, Ohio 784 IJoadiiig, Til 7()7 Atlanta, Ga 732 gyracusp, N. Y 7L'(; Indianapolis, Ind 711 ■\Vorcostcr, Mass 073 St. Paul, Minn G38 HulValo, N.Y 634 I.ynn, Mass 028 I.o\usvillc, Ky 621 St. Louis, Mo 000 All)any,N. Y 590 Milwaukee, Wis 587 Table 72. Cincinnati, Ohio 579 Pes Moines, Iowa 579 Troy, N. Y 574 Newark, N. J 561 Minneapolis, Minn 558 BaUimoio, Md 550 Washi^,^'ton, D. C 538 Pittsburg, Pa 536 Kochcster, N. Y .«. 530 Kansas city, Mo 527 Toledo, Ohio 510 AVilminp;ton, Pel 505 Phila.lilphia, Pa 471 Now York, N. Y 463 New Orleans, La 463 Piovidcncp, K. I 462 Low(dl, Mass 450 Omaha, Neb 119 Uoston, Mass 448 Detroit, Mich 137 Lincoln, N'ob 417 ChicaRo, 111 109 Clovelaud, Ohio 406 Los An-jeles, Cal 397 Alloghony, Pa 389 Itrooklyn, N. Y 384 Camden, N. J 3()0 Trenton, N. J 348 Jersey city, N. J 344 St. Jo.scph, Mo 314 Nashville, Tenn 341 Hartford, Conn 338 Charleston, S. C 328 Richmond, Va 307 Denver, Colo 300 PatiT8on,N. J 281 Fall Kiver, Mass 269 San rrancisco, Cal 261 Memphis, Tenn ; 2Gt New Haven, Conn 197 r)i:i£:ram 41 shows the ratio per 1,000,000 of deaf-mutes found in cities of 100,000 inhabitants and upward, arranged in the order of the magnitude of the ratios. Table 102 shows the number of the deaf but not dumb, including Chinese, Japane.se, and Indians, found in the T'nited States on Juno 1, 1890, in each city containing 50,000 inhabitants and upward, with the ratios per 1,000,000 of i)opulation, and with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Taking these cities together the number of deaf but not dumb per 1,000,000 of population was 830, being 840 for the males and 820 for the females. It is much below the average for the whole country, which was 1,201, and shows that the rule is the same for the speaking deaf as for the deaf-mutes, namely, that they are more frequent in small towns and rural districts than in the large cities. Table 73 shows the number of deaf-mutes and of deaf who were not mutes i)er 1,000,000 of population in cities of 100,000 inhabitants and upward, the cities being arranged in the order of the magnitude of the ratios of the deaf who were not mutes. Table 73. Providence, R. T Kansas city, ilo ... Atl.int.1, Ga AVasliington, D. C... Lonisvillo, Ky Rochester, N. T Baltimore, ilU IntiiaDnpolis, Ind Boston, Mass Detroit, Mich San Francisco, Cal.. Cincinnati, Ohio New Orleans, La ... Philadelphia, Pa De.nf hut not dumb. Deaf and dumb. 2,936 462 1,930 527 1,297 732 1,224 538 1,223 621 1,046 530 907 550 939 711 928 448 918 437 883 264 869 679 830 463 821 471 Newark, N. J Denver, Colo St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn .... Minneapolis, !Minn Milwaukee, Wis . . Cleveland, Ohio ... New York, N. Y Pittshuci;, Va Brooklyn, N. T... Chicago, 111 Omaha, Neb Jersey city, N. .1.. BulTalo, N. Y Deaf but act dumb. 797 778 770 759 710 709 C39 037 5G6 532 458 456 374 372 Doaf and dumb. 501 300 600 638 558 587 406 463 .WC 384 409 449 344 634 It will be seen from this table that there is no correspondence in magnitude between the ratios to population of the deaf who were uot mutes and those of the deaf-mutes in the several cities. SEX AND RACE. Among deaf-mutes the number of males is always greater than that of females. Out of each 1,000 deaf-mutes in the United States in 1890 there were r)~>2.~> males and 447.5 females, ami iu ISSO the corresponding figures were males 548.1, females 451.9. The following are the numbers of males and of females in each l,00t> deaf-mutes in certain other countries: England (1891), males 543.1, females 450.9; Scotland (IhOl), males 562.4, females 437.6; Ireland (1891), males 535.8, females, 404.2; Prussia (18S0), males 51.5.7, females 454.3: Austria (ISSO), males 554.5, females 445.5; Ilungary (1880), males 532.8. females i07.2j lielgium (18S4), males 539.9, females 4C0.1; Italy (1881), males 569.1, females 430.9. 96 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Fcr the colored deaf-nnites in the TTuited States the corresponding figures vrere, in 1890, males 5G8.9, females 431.1; in ISSO, males 557.7, females 442.3; for the native white deaf mutes in 1890, males 549.3, females, 450.7; for the foreign born ^Thite deaf-mutes in 1890, males 565. G, females 434.4. Among the deaf avIio were not dumb in the United States in 1890 the proportion of males was still greater, being 611.3 per 1,000, which is in accordance with the usual experience of otologists. On the contrary, the census of England and Wales for 1891 reports the females as in excess among the speaking deaf, being 524.6 per 1,000. Table 74 shows the number of the male and female deaf and dumb in each 1,000 of the total, and of the congenital and noncongenital, with distinction of color and of the whites whose mothers were born in the United States, in Ireland, and in Germany. Table 74. SEX, COLOB, ASD BIETHPLACES OF MOTHKKS. Total. Concen- ital. Noncon- genital. 651.2 448.8 5G8.9 540.4 450. G 570.7 556.6 443.4 559.3 431.1 429.3 440.7 Birthplaces of mothers: United states Male.... 643.5 530.1 550.4 Female.. 456.5 469.9 449.6 Ireland Male.... 563.9 565.7 569.0 Female . . 436.1 434.3 431.0 Germany Male... 587.8 583.9 592.1 Female.. 412.2 416.1 407.9 In the United States in 1890 in each 1,000,000 of population of the same sex there were 702 male and 695 female deaf-mutes. The corresponding ratios in 1880 were 728 males and 621 females; in England and Wales, in 1S91, 548 males and 434 females; in Scotland, in 1891, 015 males and 446 females; in Ireland, in 1891, 778 males and 655 females; in Prussia, in 1880,1,130 males and 910 females; in Austria, in 1880, 1,345 males and 1,032 females; in Hungary, in 1880, 1,374 males and 1,156 females; in Belgium, in 1884, 571 males and 486 females; in Italy, in ISSl, 610 males and 464 females. It will be seen that in every case the ratio of deaf-mutes to population is greater for the males than for the females. Of the total 40,502 deaf-mutes reported on June 1, 1890, 27,192 were children of mothers born in the T^nitcd States, 3,833 of mothers born in Germany, 2,229 of mothers born in Ireland, 1,056 of mothers born in England and Wales, 925 of mothers born in British America, 665 of mothers born in Scandinavia, 254 of mothers born in Scotland, 241 of mothers born in Russia and Poland, 146 of mothers born in France, 113 of mothers born in Bohemia, 105 of mothers born in Hungary, 52 of mothers born in Italy, and 636 of mothers born in other countries or of unknown birthplace. In cou.sideriiig the statistics of the deaf and dumb it is very desirable to separate as far as possible those cases in which the deafness was congenital, and therefore in most cases due to a defective organization of the auditory apparatus, from those in which the deafness occurred after birth as a result of disease or injury. The data which wo have at our command for this purpose for the United States are not very satisfactory, nevertheless they give some interesting results. Table 193 shows for the United States, for each geographical division, and for each state the number of persons deaf from birth, or congenitally deaf, found in the United States on Juno 1, 1890, with distinction of those under 20 years of age and tho.se 20 years of age and upward, and with the further distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and Table 194 gives the same information for those deaf-mutes who were not born deaf, with the further distinction as to age when tlie deafness occurred. Of the 40,562 deaf-mutes reported, 16,866, or 415.81 per 1,000 of the whole, are reported as congenitally deaf; 15,399, or 379.64 per 1,000, as not congenitally deaf but as liaviiig become deaf under 5 years of age; .'>,262, or 80.12 per 1,000, as haviug become deaf between 5 and 10; 1,319, or 32.52 jier 1,000, as having become deaf between 10 and 20, and 358, or 8.82 per 1,000, as having become deaf at 20 years of age and upward, while for 3,358, or 82.79 per 1,000, the age when deafness occurred is iinkiiowii. It is probable that a considerable projiortion of the cases in wliidi tlif lime when d(>afncss occurred is reported a.s unknown were cases of congenital deafncs.s, and cases in wliicli deaf-mutism is reported to have been the result of deafness occun-iiig afti-r 10 years of age must be considered as doubtful. Tlio ratio of congenitally deaf per 1,000 of all deafmutes in Ihc I'nitcd States, namely, 415.81, is a low one as compared with that found in other countries. For example, this ratio was, in Scotland, in 1881, 503; in Ireland, in 1881,809; in Prussia, in 1880, .568; in Bavaria, in 1858, 749; in France, in 1870, 753; in Belgium, in 1835, 7.SS; in Holland, in 1860, 665; in Norway, in 1886, 512; in Ilaly, in 1871, 822; in Austria, in JS8(;, lor those not in public institutions, 810, forfliosein public institutions, 37.3; in Saxony, in 1880,421; in Denmark, in 1886,392. The average of all these out of 100,326 deaf-mutes gives a ratio of 739 per 1,000. THE DEAF AND DUMB. y7 III ISSO, out of 22,*173 cases of deaf-mutism, 12,155 were reported an beiiiy eoiigetiitally deaf, giving a ratio of BW.ST per 1,000. The ratio of cougeiiitally deaf to tbo whole iu 1890 was: for males 40'J.17, for females 421.00, for white maU'S 393.09, for white females •110..'iS, for colored males r)9ii..")0, iuid for colored females o91.9(J per 1,000. Tliis indicates that the proportion of cougcnitally deaf is greater among tlie colored than it is among tiie white, and that among the colored the proportion of the congenitally deaf is slightly greater among the males than among the females, while among the whites it is slightly greater among the females tlian among the nudes. For the native whites of native parents the ratio is 403.11 jjcr 1,000 for the males and 423.(i9 for tlic females, while for the foreign born whites it is 397.79 for the males and 397.02 for the females, showing a slightly greater proportion of congenitally deaf among the native than among the foreign born. It should be noted, however, that the proportion of tliose with Miiom the deafness occurred at an unknown age is greater among the foreign born than among the native, and as a large proportion of these cases are no doubt congenital, there is no good evidence that there is any marked difference iu the ratios of the congenitally deaf native and foreign born whites. Table 195 shows for the United States, for each geographical division, and for each state the population, inimber of congenitally deaf, of noucongenitally deaf, and the ratios for the same per 100,000 of population. It will bo seen from this table that for ea(-h 100,000 of the population of the United States there were 27 congenital deaf mutes, and that the ratio was highest in the South Atlantic division, 35.0. In the South Central division it was 30.9, while it was 24.9 in the Korth Central division, 24.S in the Xorth Atlantic division, and 15.8 in the Western division. The highest ratios in the individual states were found in Xorth Carolina, 43.5; Virginia, 43.0; West Virginia, 40.8; Kentucky, 40.G, and Maine, 40.4. Cartogram 10 indicates by depth of shading the ratio of the congenital deaf-mutes per 100,000 of the population in the different states. The excessive proportion of congenital deaf-nmtes in certain states indicated by the above cartogram was not due to the considerable proportion of colored population which existed in all of the,;c states except JMaine, as will be seen by Table 75, showing for Virginia, West Virginia, JSTorth Carolina, Soutli Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and ]Maine the number of congenital deaf-mutes, with distinction of white and colored and with ratios to 100,000 population. Taisli; 75. Virginia West Virginia . Nortli Carolina South Carolina Kentucky Tennessee Maine CONGENITAL DEAF AND DUMB. White. Colored. S39 1T3 30C 5 535 168 193 200 675 79 451 128 267 II KATIO PER 100,000 OP roPCLATlON. White. Colored. 41.9 50.7 41.8 42.4 S3. 7 40.5 27. 2 15.3 29.9 29.0 29.5 29.7 From this table it appears that while the ratio of colored congenital denf-mntes to population was above the average for the United States (which was 24.8) in Virginia, Xortli Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee, it was below the average in West Virginia, and had no iniluence at all npon the ratio in Maine; moreover, the jjroportions for the white alone iu these states are C(nisiderably above the general average for the whites for the United States, which was 27.3 per 100,000. Table 190 shows the number of deaf and dumb in the United States on .hine 1, 1890, by (luinqueiinial age groups, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Tables 197, 19S, and 199 give the same information for the congenital deaf-mutes, the noncongeuital deaf-mutes, and the deaf but not dumb, respectively. Table 70 shows for the congenital and for the noncongeuital deaf and duml) whose ages were known tiie number in each quinquennial ago group, with distinction of sex, color, and the number in each age group per 1,000 of the total. 7176 INS 7 98 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Taule 76. AGE PEBIODS. WHITB. COIXlItKD. Male. Femalo. Male. Female. Congen- ital. Noncon- gcuital. Coneen- itul. Noncon. geuital. "^"X- "Xoncon- gouital. Congen- ital. Koncon- genital. Total 8,016 10,683 6,810 8,513 1,040 639 781 430 Under 5 215 1,981 1,912 1,314 969 727 477 416 20.82 217.51 238.52 101.17 120.88 90.69 59.51 51.90 167 2.461 3,163 1,878 1,192 836 524 462 15.63 230.37 29fi. OS 175. 79 11L58 78.25 49.05 43.23 229 1,784 1,540 1,119 820 609 391 318 1 33. 63 261.97 220.14 j 164.32 120.41 80.43 57.41 ; 46. 69 1 158 2,021 2,344 1,554 962 689 429 356 18.50 237.40 275.34 182.55 113.00 80.94 50.39 41.83 42 324 289 172 81 CO 32 87 40.39 311.54 277. 88 165. 38 80.77 67.09 30. 77 33.58 14 174 179 83 36 29 15 9 2.5. 97 322.82 332.10 153. 99 06.79 53.80 27.83 16.70 26 240 228 119 66 49 25 28 33.29 307. SO 291.93 152.37 84.51 62.74 32.01 35.85 16 126 145 69 34 17 13 10 37.21 293.02 237.21 160.47 79.07 39.53 30.23 23.26 5 to 15 15to25 «>5to35 351045 45to55 55to65 Eatio per 1,000— 5 to 15 15 to 25 25to33 35 to 45 55 to 65 It vrill be seen from tlii.s tabic that among tlie wliites the proportion of per.-ioii.s under 15 and over l^~> years of age is greater among tlie congenital than among the noncongenilal deaf-mutes. The greater i)io}M(rtion under 15 years of age exists also among the colored congenital deaf-mutes, and it is easy to see why this should be the case for both white and colored, because among the noncongenital are counted all those Avho became deaf and tlumb after 15 year.s of age. The greater proportion of tliose '63 years of age and upward among the congenital deaf-mutes indicates that these have a lower death rate than the noncongenital. The numbers of colored deaf-mutes in this age group are so small that the ratios have little significance. Tliis is also indicated by Table 77 and Diagram 42, showing for each 1,000 deaf-mutes the number in each decennial age group, with distinction of periods when deaftiess occurred. Table 77. AOE WHEN OCCUBBED. PBESKXT AOE PERIODS. tinder 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 30 years. 30 to 40 years. 40 to 50 years. 50 to 60 years. 60 to 70 years. 70 to 80 years. 80 to 60 years. 90 years aud over. Total 134.9 131.2 139.4 272.1 273.1 270.9 211.3 214.6 207.2 1.16.5 131.5 139.1 98.8 98.9 98.8 67.7 67.9 07.4 43.5 47.6 42.9 24.3 24.9 23.6 7.7 6.8 8.8 1.2 0.5 1.9 Halo Birtli 151.7 151.3 158.7 140.9 143.0 167.0 62.2 04.7 SO. 2 207.6 202.9 273.2 315.3 324.0 301.3 2J4.fl 211.0 248.8 193.8 198.1 188.6 221.9 220. 2 223.2 276.1 286.8 263.0 138.8 110.8 136.5 120.8 117.4 123.1 180.0 172.8 188.3 102.1 99.8 101.7 83.0 81.9 84.5 105.1 109.9 99. B 68.2 70.8 65.2 64.1 52.2 56. 5 68.3 71.0 06.2 45.7 47.6 43.5 32.3 33.8 30.3 40.5 33.8 48.4 22.4 22.9 21.9 14.6 16.5 12. 2 18.0 17.7 19.5 6.8 6.3 6.5 4.8 4.3 5.4 4.0 2.3 6.1 0.9 0.5 1.2 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 Male Male Femalo 5tol0 Male 1.4 It will be seen from the table and the diagram that the greatest luoiiortion of tlu' congenital deaf mules ia found in the age group between 10 aud 1!0 years, being 207.0 i)er 1,000 of tlic whole of tliis grou]), while the number uniler 10 years of age is only 151.7 ])er 1 ,000. It is clear, however, thai the number of congenital deaf mutes under 10 years of age must be much greater than of those between 10 and 20 years of age, aud henct; that the census enumerators have failed to record a large number of congenital deaf mutes under 10 veara of age. Kleveiith Cfiisns *>( tUo I'nitfii Slates, DIAGRAM 42. l)4*af mill . UT^derio I0^o^o soiojo jotnio aoft^o sofueo 60to70 70ho6o sorooo son B.^hh Under 5 yrs 5folO yrs. Eleventh Census of the United States. DIAGRAM 43. Deaf and dumb. AGES. MALES. FEMALES. ? 1 10 15 o "O 15 o 5 !0 15 o ^ § s -0 65 AN DOVER |I9 55 65 ■9 45 55 ^■^H 35 45 ^^■^^H 25 35 1 1 ^^^^■^^^^^H 15 25 IMMM^I^M^H^^^^^^^^^^H 5 15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^H UNDER 5 ■■- DIAGRAM 44. DIAGRAM 45. Eleventh Census of the United States. DIAGRAM 46 Deaf and dumb. DIAGRAM 47. AGES. MALES. FEMALES. 1 o K o lO O > •0 ^ Q ">^ <5i ^ ^ 65 AND OVER 1 " " 55 65 45 55 35 45 25 35 IK "> r ^ H g~ lO CO 1 _ • _ -1 1 UNDER 15 1 1 1 ! 1 1 WHI TC. COLOHCD. DIAGRAM 48. AGES. MALES. FEMALES. 35 30 25 20 15 /O 5 5 10 15 20 25 3 1 1 1 1 1 J 5 65 & OVER 55 65 45 55 35 45 B5 35 15 85 pi UNDER 15 1 1 — ' — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — ! — 1 1 WHITC. COLORCD. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 99 Of those who became deaf under 5 years of age the largest proportion is also found in the age group between 10 and 20 years, being 315.3 per 1,000, and in this gionj) also it is probable that there has been a considerable number of omissions of the deaf-mutes who were under 10 years of age. Of those who became deaf between 5 and 10 years of age the hugest proportion is found in the age group between 20 and 30 years of age, being 270.1 per 1,()()() of the whole of this cla.ss, and here again there must bo a considerable number of omissions of deaf mutes, not only under 10 year.s of age but between 10 and 20 years of age, since the number of this last age group should be higlier than in tiie age group between 20 and 30 years. After the age of 20 the proportion of tIio.se living in eacli dcceiiiii-.il age grou]) falls oil' with a fair degree of regularity in advancing age, but the curves do not become fully regular until alter the age of 45 years. Tlie diminution with advancing age is more rapid for the noncongenital than it is for the congenital deaf-mutes, as has been noted above. Diagrams 43 to 4'8, inclusive, show for the total white and total colored deaf-mntes, and also for the congenital white aud the congenital colored deaf-mutes the proportion found in each of certain age groups, with distinction of sex. Diagram 43 shows the ratios of the congenital colored deaf and dumb, by certain age groups, excluding the unknown age, to 1,000 of the total, with distinction of sex. Diagram 44 shows the ratios of tlie congenital white deaf and dumb, by certain age groups, excluding the unknown age, to 1,000 of the total, with distinction of sex. Diagram 45 shows the ratios of the white deaf and dumb, by certain age groups, excluding the unknown age, to 1,000 of the total, with distinction of sex. Diagram 4G shows the ratios of the colored deaf and dumb, by certain age groups, excluding the unknown age, to 1,000 of the total, with distinction of sex. Diagram 47 shows for the white deaf and dumb and for the colored deaf and dumb the ratios per 100,000 in the population of corresponding age liroups, with distinction of sex. Diagram 48 shows for the white and colored congenital deaf and dumb the ratios per 100,000 in the population of corresponding age group.s, with distinction of sex. Table 7S shows for the total deaf aud dumb the ratios per 100,000 of population for each of certain age groups. Table 78. BEX, COLOR, AND NATIVrrY. Total. Under 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 ye.irs and over. Total G4.3 09. 5 58.9 47.8 50.9 44.7 82.0 93.2 70.8 09.2 72.8 65.2 04.9 68.1 6L6 67.3 71.8 62.0 71.1 76.1 63.6 86.9 95.6 77.7 Male White 07.5 72.5 02. 1 71.9 45.3 41.2 47.0 35.0 50.4 53.2 47.6 49.3 77.0 32.4 37.3 27.5 85. 5 96.9 74.1 90.0 55.1 57.3 06.9 48.4 71.2 74.3 07.8 81.7 36.0 50.3 58.1 42 9 68.4 71.1 65.2 80.6 35.9 34.6 38.4 31.1 70.8 75.2 00.1 80.0 39.9 35.8 40.8 30.5 74.3 79.8 68.4 91.6 42.3 36. S 38.0 34.8 90.4 99.7 80.6 104.8 58.3 50.5 53.1 47.9 Male Female Native bom Colored M.ilo If those of unknown ages are distributed among those of known ages, the ratios are about as presented herewith : SEX, COLOB, AXD KATIVITT. Total. Under 15 years. 48.3 51.4 45.1 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55to65 years. 65 years auaover. Total 64.9 70.2 59.5 82.7 94.1 71.5 69.8 73.5 65.8 65.6 68.7 62.1 68.0 72.5 63.2 71.7 76.7 66.3 87.6 96.4 78.4 M.ilc ■Wlito 68.1 7.'i.2 62.8 72.5 45. 7 41.7 47.0 35.8 50.9 53.7 48.0 49.8 77.7 33.8 37.8 27.7 86.3 97.8 74.8 90.9 55.5 58.0 67.9 48.8 71.9 75.0 08.5 82.5 30.4 50.9 58.8 43.3 69.0 71.8 65.9 81.4 36.2 35,0 38.8 31.4 71.5 75.9 66. 8 80.9 40.2 36.2 41.4 30.8 75.0 80.5 69.1 92.5 42.7 30.7 37.8 85.4 91.2 100.5 81.4 105.7 58.8 50.8 63.8 47.7 Male Female Native born Colored Malo 100 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 79 shows for the congenital deaf and dumb the ratio.s per 100,000 uf popuhitioii for each of cei lain ago groups. Table 79. SEX, COLOR, A.ND NATIVITY. 1 Total. Under 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 ycirs. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years and over. 33.1 36.8 29.3 Total 26.7 28.4 24.9 ; 21.8 22.7 20.8 31.2 31.8 27.6 27.9 29.3 26.5 27.0 28.7 26.5 28.7 30.1 27.1 29.0 31.3 27.8 Male 27.0 28.5 25.5 28.S _ 17.9 ' 24.5 28.1 21.0 22.1 22.7 21.5 21.8 29.5 19.9 22.8 17.0 31.0 31.4 27.7 32.4 21.8 32.3 37.4 27.5 27.7 28.0 26.7 31.6 11.0 30.0 30.2 21.1 28.4 29.1 27.5 33.4 15.1 21. 2 24.4 18.1 28.4 30.0 27.9 36.1 15.8 21.8 23.3 20.2 30.4 32.2 28. 4 37.4 17.5 21.2 22. 1 20.2 33.3 37.0 29.5 39.5 19.0 30.7 34.5 20.8 Male Male If tho.se of unknown a;::es are distributed among those of known ages, the ratio.s are about as presented herewith : SEX, COI.OR, AND NATIVITY. Total. Under 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 yeara. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years and over. 27.0 28.7 25.2 22.0 23.0 21.1 31.5 35.1 28.0 28.2 29.6 26.8 27.9 28.9 28.8 29.0 30.1 27.4 29.9 31.6 28.2 33.1 37.1 29.5 Male ■White 27.3 28.8 25.8 29.1 18.2 24.8 28.4 ' "_ 22.4 23.0 21.7 22.0 30.0 20.1 23.1 17.2 31.3 31.7 28.0 32.7 22.0 32.7 37.9 27.8 28.0 28.8 27.1 31.9 11.9 30.1 36.0 24.4 28.7 29.4 33.7 15.3 21.1 24.0 18,3 29.7 31.2 28.2 30.5 10.0 23.0 20.5 30.7 32.5 28.8 37.8 17.7 21.5 22.0 20.9 33.7 37.3 29.8 39.8 19.9 31.0 35.3 20.7 Hale Male . Table 80 shows for the noncongeuital deaf and tlunib the ratios per 100,000 of jjopulatioii lor oaeh of certain age groujis. Tablk 80. SEX, COIX>K, AND NATIVITY. Total. Under 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 36.7 38.6 31.7 C5 to 15 years. 15 to 55 years. 55 to 63 years. 65 years and over. Total 32.4 35.3 29.4 35.0 38.0 31.8 37.5 22.3 13.0 14.5 11.5 23.1 25.0 21.2 45.8 52.8 38.9 31.7 33.1 29.8 31.2 33.1 29.1 3;i.o 33.5 31.5 10.5 19.5 9.2 11.3 7.0 31.4 33.2 29.5 34.7 38.2 31.0 Male 25.2 27.2 23.2 21.5 42.8 10.4 11.7 9.1 49.5 50.9 42.1 52.1 29.8 20.2 23.2 17.5 89.0 40.8 37.1 15.1 18.5 15.7 17.5 14.0 31.2 35.8 32.3 40.5 17.4 9.9 10.5 <>. ;i 33.1 35.1 ;ii.s 43.0 ,5.7 10.1 10.1 37.1 11. 1 33.0 42.8 21.5 9.0 8.4 9.0 Male Male Female If those of unknown herewith: ages are distributi'd ainoiig those ol' known a^^cs, the ratios arc about as presented •BZ, COLOR, AND NATIVITT. Total. Under 16 years. 15 to 26 years. 25 to 85 years. _ 30.9 38.8 34.9 30.3 41.0 37.4 46.4 18.0 16.7 17.0 13.9 35 to 45 years. 31.9 33.0 30.0 45 to 55 years. 31.3 33.3 29.3 55 to 65 ye«r<. 85y»are andover. Total 32.6 35.5 20.5 23.3 2.1.1 21.3 46.1 53.1 39.2 31.6 33.4 29.7 34.9 38.4 31.2 37.4 41.3 33.3 13.1 21.0 8.9 8.3 9.5 Mftle WhlK' 35.2 38.2 32,1 37.8 22.4 13.1 14.7 11.5 25.4 27.3 23.4 24.7 43.0 10.4 11.8 9.0 49.8 67.2 42.4 52.8 29.9 20.4 23.4 17.6 34.4 36. U 32.5 40.8 17.5 10.0 10.7 9.3 33.8 35.7 31.7 10.8 19.0 9.2 11.2 7.0 33.0 35.6 31.1 13.3 15,8 10.4 10,3 10,5 Male Male THE DEAF AND DUMB. 101 In 1880 there were reported 5,194 deaf-mutes as being iiii(l3..'>2. For each 1,000 of the tk-af mutes in the United States between 5 and 20 years of age, 400.30 were found in schools or institntions for the d<'af, the ratio for the males, 400.92, being greater than for the females, 388.50. For the white males the ratio was 431.84, for the ctilorcd males 201.98, for the white females 414.10, anil for the colored lemales 128.82. For tlio.se whose mothers were born in the United States the ratio was 398.04; for those whose mothers were born in England and Wales 487.80; for those whose mothers were born in Ireland 058.20; for those whose mothers were bori; in F.ritish America 34.'{.14, and for those whose mothers were born in Geriminy 450.()8 per 1,000. Less than one-half of those between 5 and 20 years of age were in schools for the deaf, but for tiie coloreil only about one-fifth. The greatest proportion of the children of .school age found in scliools for the deaf was among the Irish, being about CO per cent. 'I'^ble 2().J shows tlie number of the congenitally deaf and dumb found in .schools for the deaf in 1890, by certain age groiiiis, witii distinction of se.\, color, nativity, anil birthplaces of motliers. The total number of this class was 2,495, of whom 1,.329 were males aud 1,100 females; 2,307 were white and 128 colored; 285 were under 10 years of age, 1,837 were between 10 and 20 years of age, 340 between 20 and 50 years of age, 17 were .50 years of age and upward, and for 10 the age was unknown. Table 82 shows for each 1,000 of the congenitally deaf and dumb in the United States the niiiiiber found in schools in 1,S90 by certain age groups, with distiiK'tion of se.\, color, nativity, and of the cliildicn oT motliers born in the United States, ICnghmd and Wah-.s, Ireland, and Germany; tlie number of tliose having mothers born in other countries being so amall as to make the ratios derivable therefrom of no significauco. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 103 Taulk 82. BEX, COLOII, AND NATIVITY. Total MbIo... I'Vinalo . ilalo.... Funialo . Ntltivoborn. I'arenta liutivo. Male Fonialo One or botb i>arciit8 fnrcigu. Male Feiualo I'oroignboni. Male Fenialo .. Colored Male Female . . Black Male Female .. Miicd bloorl . Male Fomalo . . Birtliplacos of mothers (white) : ITjiitc'il States Male Female England and "Wales. Male Female Germany ... Male.... Female . Ireland Male.... Female . Under 6 yearH. 2.02 2.27 1.7:i 2.13 2.43 1.79 2.27 I.2G 4.93 8. 45 I. Til ].20 2.37 4.7G 7.35 5.24 9.35 SlolO years. 112. K> 107. 67 119.07 111.01 104.54 118.17 115.10 103.04 97. 72 109. 45 145. 45 138. 03 156.00 51. 95 32.97 79.36 148. 44 151.16 142.80 103.09 11.5.94 71.43 290. 32 294. 12 235. 71 1113.00 118. 32 IU9. 00 lUO. 07 214.29 115.38 138.10 102. 94 202. 70 125. 05 130. 84 119.05 10 In 20 yeulrt. 741.02 711. 07 740. 29 747. 77 752.81 742. 17 748. 29 7.JS. 79 752. 51 701. 93 720. 60 752.11 070. 00 740. 20 7.';3. 24 714.29 017. 19 581.40 090. 47 0.19. 18 579. 71 785. 71 548. 39 588. 23 500.00 702. 81 756. 00 768.90 048. 15 078. 57 015.39 723.81 772.06 035. 14 701. 57 710.28 690. 47 20 to 50 yearn 137.15 141.07 182.01 131.80 132.90 130.71 128.36 128.14 140. 80 115.07 128. 93 101.41 108.00 181.82 180. 81 174. 00 234.37 207. 44 166.07 257.73 301. 35 142. 60 101.29 117.05 214. 29 123. 90 135.49 112.50 185.18 107. 14 209. 23 128.57 110.30 102. 10 151.83 140. 19 106. 07 50 yeora and over. fl.8S 0.82 CM 7.23 7.29 7.16 5.92 8.17 8.88 7.46 25.97 21.98 31.75 7.75 8.39 7.11 4.76 7.35 15.71 9.34 23.81 It will be seen from this table that for the congenital deaf-mutes between 5 and 20 years of age a greater proportion of females than of males were found in schools, but above the age of I'O the proportion of males was the greatest. This excess of the pioiiortioii of females was decidedly greater among the colored than among the ■whites, and greater among the native whites than among the foreign born. For those whose mothers were born in Ireland it was greatest among the males. Besides the deaf-mutes, there were reported as being in schools for the deaf 721 deaf persons who were able to speak intelligibly. Of these the deafness was congenital in 115, occurred under 5 years of age in 270, between 5 and 10 years of age in 201, between 10 and 20 years of ago in 72, between 20 and 50 years of age in 2, and the period of occurrence was unknown for 31. One was under 5 years of age, 34 were between 5 and 10, 505 were between 10 and 20, 173 were between 20 and 50, 5 were 50 years of age and upward, and the age of 3 was unknown. Table 83 shows the distribution of these 721 deaf, but speaking, persons in schools by age periods when the deafness occurred, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and of certaiu birthplaces of mothers. 104 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 83. 6KS, COLOR, ASD KATITnT. ToUl. Un- known. Con- Si.- Un- der 5 j-eora. 5 to 10 years 10 to 20 years. 20 to 50 years. 1 SE-X, COLOR, ANT) XATITITy. Total. Un- known. Con- gen- ital. Un- der 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 50 years. Total 721 31 145 270 201 72 2 Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continui-d. Fngland anil Wales Male 3D 2 12 12 4 Male 372 349 16 IS 66 79 134 136 117 84 38 34 1 1 2 1 1 2 ■WTiito . . . . 17 13 8 1 1 1 5 7 3 9 3 2 2 2 2 7U 29 •144 267 198 71 Female Male Scotland 369 342 651 16 13 29 65 79 131 133 134 243 110 82 179 38 33 67 Female Male Native bom 4 4 57 1 3 Female 2 23 2 6 Parents native IreLind 1 9 18 418 24 89 154 108 41 2 209 209 233 14 10 5 35 54 42 76 78 89 58 60 71 25 16 26 Male Female One or both par- ents foreign. Male 33 24 19 1 5 4 6 11 7 5 13 10 7 4 2 1 British America Male 1 124 109 60 3 21 21 13 46 43 24 45 26 19 10 10 4 .... 10 9 8 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 1 Female Female . . . 1 Bussia .ind FuUmd Male Male .. 36 24 10 2 9 4 1 13 3 13 6 3 3 1 1 .... 4 4 97 3 2 1 21 1 3 41 1 Colored Germany 23 9 Male 3 7 461 2 25 1 95 1 2 170 1 2 124 Male 51 46 31 2 1 11 10 7 19 22 14 15 8 6 4 5 4 Female 1 45 2 Birthplaces of mothers (while): United States All other countries Male Male 233 228 14 11 37 58 85 85 69 55 27 18 1 1 17 14 5 2 6 8 5 1 1 3 Female Table 204 shows for tbe deaf and dumb in the United States and in each state and territory on June 1, 1890, the number in wlioiii the deafness occurred at each of certain age periods, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthphice.s of mothers. Of the total 40,502 the age when the deafness occurred was not reported for 3,358, for 1G,86(> it was reported as congenital, for 15,390 it was reported as having occurred under 5 years of age, for 3,i.'(i2 as having occurred between .5 and 10 years of age, for 1,319 as having occurred between 10 and 20 years of age, and for 358 as having occurred at 20 years of age and upward. For the great majority of those in whom it is reported that deafness occurred above 10 years of age it is probabhi that eitlicr the reports as to dumbness are incorrect or that both deafness and dumbness are the results of forms of brain di.sease, which would remove them from the class ordinarily spoken of as deaf-mutes. Excluding tlio.ii|>. although the niunbcrs arc (•om|)aratively small, il maybe jn-csiimed lliat the infjuiry as to age when the deafness occurred had been carefully made and the results accurately recorded. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 105 Table 84. BSZ, COLOB, ASD NATIVITY. Total Male Female "WTiite M.ilc Female Native bom Parents native Male Female One or both parents foreign. M.alo Female Foreign born Male Female Colored Male Female Black Male Female Miictl blood Male Female , Birthivlacos of mothers (white): United States Male Female , England and "Wales M.nle Female Scotland Male Female Birth. 453.34 447. 49 4G0. 51 436. 78 429.53 445.63 435.49 450. 58 442.30 400.29 384.34 377. 76 393. 30 447. 48 451.40 443. 46 654.41 658.98 648. 4S 662. 16 663. 17 653. 93 621. 27 615. 11 627. 91 441.72 435. 47 455. 64 391.89 378. 00 406. 93 354.26 392. 59 295.45 Under 6 years. 413.01 420.60 405. 70 429.80 437.42 420. 51 436.11 423. 90 432. .Il 413.79 477. 53 481.51 472. 10 377. 53 362. 10 371.09- 220. 85 222.57 218. 60 217.96 216. 44 220. 01 233. 21 251.60 213.18 429.81 430. 24 418. 67 440. 75 436. 00 445. 80 461. 88 437. 04 600.00 5 to 10 years. 87.68 86.13 89. 58 10 to 20 years. 88.59 87.40 89.05 86.43 81.82 80. 51 83.37 102. 06 103. 75 99.76 106.40 98.65 110.31 76.68 70.45 84.83 70.02 07.12 75.41 102. 61 86.33 120.15 81.74 80.10 83.50 108. U 114.00 101. 73 116. 59 111.11 125.00 35.45 35. 63 35.24 35.26 35.53 34.93 33.39 34.12 34. 35 33.84 30. 92 32.76 28.41 60.77 48.12 51.15 37.81 36.78 39.15 38.80 37.71 40.29 33.58 32. 37 31.88 34.31 35.10 33.39 44.70 54.00 34.63 49.33 44.44 56.82 20 yenrs mcl over., 9.62 10.15 8.W7 9.57 10.00 8.98 8.58 9.58 10.33 8.71 D.15 4.22 6.43 17.82 19.73 13.39 10.25 11.22 8.97 10.46 10.56 10.33 9.33 14.39 3.88 9.42 10.00 8.74 14. 55 18.00 10.82 17.94 14.82 22.73 I SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY. I Birth Birthplaces of mothers (while)— Continued. Ireland Male Female British America Male Female , Franco Male Female , Germany Male , Female Scandinavia , Male Female Bohemia M.ale Female , Hungary Male Female Italy Male Female Kussia and Poland Male Female All other countries Male Female , Unknown Male Female 414.22 412. 78 416. 10 373.83 387. 80 357.68 522. 73 554. 05 482. 76 400. 16 402. 78 411.00 465. 38 443. 48 492. 75 439. 25 485.29 " 338. 97 436.17 499.91 358.98 4.'i0. 98 363.64 611.11 521.93 518. 80 526. 31 505. 47 500. 00 513.23 361.35 361. 11 361.70 Under 5 years. 223.04 429.19 414.97 473. 13 446. 80 501. 20 250.00 256. 76 241.38 434.43 440. 71 425.43 431. 56 460. 87 394. 93 429. 91 397.06 487.18 446. 81 418. 18 487. 18 431.37 454.55 388.89 385. 97 375. 94 400.00 367. 61 384.33 343.92 443.38 500.00 361.70 5talO years. 116.07 111.40 123.58 107. 48 113.29 100. 78 143.94 108. 11 189.66 108.53 110. 90 105. 15 72.46 60.87 80.96 102.80 88.24 128.21 53.19 54.55 51.28 98.04 151. 51 78.94 90.22 63.16 89.72 8.->. 82 95.24 151. 26 97.22 234.04 10 to 20 years. 20 years ■nif over. 36.76 34.51 39.68 40.69 43.57 37.78 60. CO 67. 57 51.72 40.42 38.97 45.30 22.55 20.29 25.36 28.04 29.41 25.64 53.19 36.36 70.92 19.61 30.30 13.16 15.04 10.53 24.07 22.39 26.45 33.61 27.78 42.56 9.31 12.00 5. or 4.67 6.54 2.52 22.73 13.51 31.48 10.46 8.64 13.00 8.05 14.49 10.64 25.64 13.13 7.40 21. IG 8.40 13.88 106 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 85. , COLOB, AND KATTVITV. Total Male Female White aialc Female Native born Parents uative Male Female Oneor both parcnta foreign. Male Female Poreign bom Male Female Colored M.-Uc Female Black Male Female Mixed blood Male Female Birthplaces of mothers ( vhite) : United States Male Female England and AVales M.ilc Female Scotland Male Female Birth. 423. 89 309. 82 435. 11 41S.27 391.87 451.95 422.00 448. 08 413.42 490. 32 364.13 356. 29 375. 94 371. 08 368.42 375.00 663.88 565. 79 560.00 591.47 605.26 560.00 492. 06 447. 37 560.00 442.00 405.30 485. 45 400. 00 417.91 382.35 281.25 % 238.09 Under 5 years. 496.26 522 50 462. 14 504.86 533. 73 468. 03 501.72 478. 05 514. 82 435. 31 552. 49 563. 87 533. 34 544. 58 558.70 523. 81 281.04 289. 47 260. 67 298. 78 307. 02 280.00 238. 10 236. 84 240.00 5 to 10 years. 74.24 71.00 78.46 72.10 09. 04 70.00 71.51 07.10 63: 00 60.53 80.98 70.85 87.22 79.52 68.83 95.24 127. 75 111.84 160.00 91.46 61.40 160.00 422. 22 263. 10 160. 00 484.59 67. OC 522.41 65.54 439. 82 70.17 518. 52 81.48 522.39 59.70 514.71 102. 94 623.00 93.75 660. 67 95.24 545. 45 90.91 10 to 20 years. 5.61 6.62 4.29 4.77 6.30 4. 02 4.77 5.87 6.70 4.81 2.40 2.99 1.50 4.82 4.05 5.95 26.43 32.90 13.33 18.29 26.32 47.62 52.63 40.00 5.75 0.75 4.56 SE.\, COLOR, AND NATivrry. Birthid.icea of mothers (white) Continued. Ireland Male Fem.ilo British America Male Female France Male Femalo Germany Male I<''enialo Scandinavia Male Femalo Bolierain Male Female Hungary Male I'emnlo Italy Male Female Kussiaand Poland Male Female All other countries Male Femalo TJnknown Male Femnle Birth. 377. 21 368.00 383.89 366. 91 301.45 375.00 333. S3 200. 00 428. 37 34:!. 70 349. 01 333. 33 426. 47 383. 64 490. 57 330. 00 307. 09 428.57 444.44 560.00 181. 82 380. 95 230. 77 625.00 406.25 475. 00 291. 67 2S8. 89 371. 43 405. 40 272.73 300.00 214. 28 Under 5 years. 522. 59 5:i9.25 500. 00 575. 54 578. 31 671.43 500.00 600. 00 428.57 579. 38 578. 41 581.08 514. 71 600. 27 433, 96 500.00 461.54 571. 43 500.00 400.00 727, 27 571.43 092,31 375, 00 484, 38 425, 00 583, 33 500, 00 514,29 480, 49 659, 09 033, 33 714.29 5 to 10 years. 98,23 88,74 111,11 57, 55 60.24 53,57 166, 67 200, 00 142.86 70.37 66.84 70.58 58,82 48,19 73, 47 130,00 230, 77 53,50 40,00 90,91 47,62 70,93 10 to 20 years. 1.97 3.41 6.55 5.14 9.01 109,37 100,00 125, 00 111.11 1U.23 108,11 68.18 60,67 71.43 For the deaf in scliools, out of eacli 1,000 deaf, 423.89 are reported as congenitally deaf, 496.20 as having become deaf under ;"> year.s of age, 74.24 as having become deaf between 5 and 10 j-ears of age, and 5.G1 as having become deaf between 10 and 20 years of age. It will be .seen that the iiroportion of congenitally deaf is reported as smaller in the schools than it is for the general pojiiilation. Returning now to thcxiistinction by the birthplaces of mothers, and taking 1 he white males only, we find for the children whose mothers were born in the United States the number of the congenitally deaf per 1,000 of all deaf- mutes was 4.'55.47; for the children who,se mothers were born in England and Wales it was 378.00; for the children •whose mothers were born in S(;otland it was 392.50; for the children wh(),se mothers were born in Ireland it was 412.78; for the children whose mothers were born in France, 5.54.05; for the children whose mothers were born in Germany, 402.78; for the children whose mothers were born in Scandinavia, 443.48; for the children whose mothers were born in Bohemia, 48.5.29; for the childrenwho.se motiiers were born in TTungary, 499.91; for the children who.se mothers were born in Italy, 303.04; for the children whose mothers were born in Russia and Poland, 51S.80. The proportion of the congenitally deaf, according to these figures, is greatest among the French, Russians and Poles, Hungarians, and Rohemiaiis, and lowest among the Italians, English, and Scotch. Table 200 shows for the United States and for each state and territory the number of persons deaf but not dumb fouinl on June 1, 1S90, with distinction of tho.se under 20 years of age and of those 20 years of ago and upward, and of tlic^ i)eriod of age at which deafness occurred, with the further distiiution of se.v, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Table 207 shows for the United States and for each state and territory the number of persons deaf but not dumb in whom the deafness occurred at each of certain age gronjis, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 80 gives the ratios for Table 207, showing for eaeh 1,000 of the total deaf but not dumb in the United States the number in each of certain age groups in which the defect occurred, with distinction of sex, color, and birthplaces of mothers. Eleventh Census of the United States. Peaf aTiii iliitiil). DIAGRAM 49. Native whites of nafive parents. Native whites, one or both parents foreign, roreign born whites, tvlothers born in United States. Mothers born m Germany. Mothers born in Ireland. White males. White famales. Colored males. Colored females. UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE. 20 TO 50 YEARS Of AGE. 300 200 100 100 200 300 400 500 ^^^^ 1 ■ ^^^^ 1 1 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^" 1 ^^^^^ 1 1 ^^'''' 1 ^^^^1 ^^"J "^^^ 1 ^"^" ^^^^ ^^^" ^^^^ ^^^^ THE DEAF AND DUMB. Table 86. 107 SBX, COLOn, AND NATIVITV. Unilor 5 yeara. Total Miilc Fonmlo ■White Male Female Native born Parents native Male Fomalo Que or both parciit.-i foreign. Male Female 0.29 5. 05 8.27 0.47 5.19 8.51 7. 22 5.41 4. U 7.45 19.01 23.42 5 to 10 years. 78.77 70.18 92.40 78.12 09.92 91.21 81.91 78.74 70.79 91.42 120. 48 140. 25 10 to 20 years. 138.92 130. 07 152. 96 137.01 128.89 151. 60 147.04 138. 40 129. 73 132. 25 204. 2S 234. 87 20 to 50 years. 531. 27 548. 38 504. 12 533. 60 549. 99 507. 45 533. 07 536. 44 563. 08 509.80 512.82 528. 25 492.07 1)0 years nnd over 244.75 2JU. .32 242, 25 244.17 246. 01 241. 23 220. 56 241.01 242. 20 239.02 117.49 127.98 103. 39 SEX, COLOn, AN:> XATIVITV. White— Contlnueil. For^'ign bom ... Male Female Colored . M.ilo.... Female . Birthplares of mothers (nllito): Uniled States England anil Wales — Scotland , Ireliind British America Franco Germany Scandinavia Under S years. 3.22 i78 4. CO 1.86 1.29 2.05 5.70 4.05 6.64 G. 03 10.40 6 to 10 yc;ir8. 11.14 8.84 01. 120. 75. lOS. into 20 ycur.s. 9-1.89 91.78 100.32 171. 63 102.06 184.79 J-iO. 03 144.72 114.21 113.14 169.20 127. 60 128. 08 100.12 20t shows that in 53 jwr cent, or over one-half the cases of simple deafness, tlie dclVct occuiTod between tlie ages of 20 and ."iO years, the ])rai)ortion beinjj i;'re;iter for males (i34.8 per cent) than for fema.Ies (.")0.4 per cent), and for the whites (53.4 per cent) than for the colored (47.2 per cent). The defect occurred in a grreater proportion in females between 10 and 20 years of age (13.3 per cent) than in males (13.0 per cent), in the colored (17.2 per cent) than in the white (13.8 per cent), and in the native wliite of foreisn born parents (21.7 per cent) than in native white of native iKiicnts (13.8 ])er cent). Diagram 41) shows the proportions in which deafness occurred under 20 and between 20 and 50 years of age, with distinction of color and nativity and birthplaces of mothers for certain countries. The following are the ratios indicating the number in each 1,000 of the deaf in wliom deafness occurred under 20 or between 20 and 50 years of age, by color and nativity and birthplaces of mothers for certain countries: SEX, COLOB, AN-D NATIVITY. Pnder 20 years. 20 to 50 year*. 222.55 309. C8 147. 21 225.15 214.31 181.71 204. 00 251. 32 240.51 307. 69 530.44 512.82 533.31 535.20 549. 95 491. 17 549. 99 507.45 504. 82 420.17 Foreif'n born white Mothers born in United States Table 208 .shows for the deaf and dumb in the United States on June 1, 1890, with distinction of certain age groups, the number who became deaf at certain ])eriods of age, witli distinction of sex. Of the total 40,562, the present age was unknown for 48(>, and the period when the defect occurred was unknown for 3,358; 1(>,SG(> were deaf from birth, 15,30!) became deaf under 5 years of age, 3,202 between 5 and 10 years of age, 1,319 between 10 and 20 yeais of age, and 358 at 20 years of age and upward. Of the deaf children under 10 years of age there were 5,400, of whom 2,575, or 508.3 per 1,0(H), were deaf from birth, and 2,290, or 452.0 per 1,000, had become deaf under 5 years of age. Of the 2,905 males under 10 jears of age, the age at which deafness occurred was unknown for 194. Deducting these, 1,370, or 505.3 per 1,000, were congenitally deaf, and 1,228, or 453.0 per 1,000, had become deaf under 5 years of ago. Of the 2,501 females under 10 years of age, the period when deafness occurred, was unknown for 140. Deducting these, 1,205, or 511.7 per 1,000, were deaf from birth, and 1,002, or 451.0 per 1,000, became deaf under 5 years of age. Of the deaf-mutes between 10 and 20 years of age there were 10,905, and of these the period when the defect occurred was unknown for 642. Deducting these, 4,455, or 434.1 per 1,000, were congenitally deaf, and 4,817, or 469.4 per 1,000, became deaf under 5 years of age. Of the 6,045 male deaf mutes between 10 and 20 years of age, the period -when deafness occurred was unknown for 355. Deducting the.sc. 2,381, or 418.5 jier 1,000, were deaf from birth, and 2,771, or 487.0 per 1,000, became deaf under 5 years of age. Of the 4,860 female deaf-mutes from 108 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. 10 to 20 years of age, the age at which deafness occurred was unknown for 287. Deducting- tlieso, 2,071, or 4/53.5 per 1,000, were deaf from birth, and 2,040, or 447.4 per 1,000, heciime deaf under 5 j-ears of age. Of the deaf-mutes from 20 to GO years of age there were 20,013, of whom the period when deafness occurred was uuknowu lor 1,050. Deducting these, 8,372, or 441.5 per 1,000, were cougenitally deaf, and 7,374, or 3SS.9 per 1,000, had become deaf under 5 years of age, while 2,030, or 107.4 per 1,000, had become deaf between 5 and 10 years of age. Of the 11,419 male deaf-mutes between 20 and 00 years of age, the period when deafness occurred was unknown for 051. Deducting these, 4,014, or 440.S per 1,000, were cougenitally deaf; 4,064, or 390.1 i^er 1,000, had become deaf under 5 years of age, and 1,119, or 10G.9 per 1,000, had become deaf between 5 and 10 years of age. Of the 9,194 female deaf mutes between 20 and CO years of age, the age when deafness occurred was unknown for 099. Deducting these, 3,758, or 442.4 per 1,000, were congenitally deaf; 3,290, or 387.3 per 1,000, liad become deaf under 5 years of age, and 917, or 107.9 per 1,000, had become deaf between 5 and 10 years of age. Of the deaf-mutes CO years of age and upward there were 3,152, of whom the period when deafness occurred was unknown for 032. Deducting these, 1,245, or 494.0 per 1,000, were congenitally deaf; 794, or 315.1 per l,Ot)0, had become deaf under 5 years of age; 200, or 81.7 per 1,000, had become deaf between 5 and 10 years of age, and 172, or 08.3 per 1,000, had become deaf between 10 and 20 years of age. Of the 1,700 male deaf-mutes CO years of age and upward, the period when deafness occurred was unknown for 357. Deducting these, 091, or 490.4 per 1,000, were congenitally deaf; 408, or 332.2 per 1,000, became deaf under 5 years of age, and 94, or G0.7 per 1,000, became deaf between 5 aud 10 years of age. Of the 1,380 female deaf-mutes GO years of age aud upward, the period when deafness occurred was unknown for 275. Deducting these, 554, or 498.0 per 1,000, were congenitally deaf; 320, or 293.4 per 1,000, became deaf under 5 years of age, and 112, or 100.8 per 1,000, became deaf between 5 and 10 years of age. Of the 9,056 male congenital deaf-mutes whose ages were reported, 1,370, or 151.3 per 1,000, were under 10 years of age; 2,381, or 202.9 per 1,000, were between 10 and 20 years of age; 4,614, or 509.5 per 1,000, were between 20 and CO years of age, and 091, or 7G.3 per 1,000, were GO years of age and upward. Of the 7,.591 female congenital deaf-nuites whose ages were known, 1,205, or 158.7 per 1,000, were under 10 years of age; 2,074, or 273.2 i)er 1,000, were between 10 and 20 years of age; 3,758, or 495.1 per 1,000, were between 20 and 60 years of age, aud 554, or 73.0 per 1,000, were CO yeai's of age and upward. Table 209 shows for the deaf aud dumb reported as living in the United States on June 1, 1890, the assigned causes of deafness, with distinction of sex, color, and of age jieriods when deafness occurred. Of the total 40,562 cases of deaf-mutism, 1G,8GC were congenital, 10,769 were due to disease, 1,261 to accident, 147 to quinine, and for 5,518 the cause was not stated. Excluding the congenital deaf-mutes, and those for whom the cause was not stated, we find that in each 100,000 of the remainder the cause of the defect was reported as scarlet fever for 26,401, or over one-fourth of the whole nund>er. The ratio due to this cause was greater for the females (29,340) than for the males (24,076), and much greater for the whites (males 24,830, females 30,118) thau for the colored (males 7,159, females 9,772), and it was greater where the disability had occurred between 5 and 10 years of age (31,854) than where it occurred under 5 years of age (25,812). In 1880 the corresponding figures for the proportion due to scarlet fever were: total, 26,455; ni.ales, 24,974; females, 28,330; white males, 25,512; colored males, 13,902; white females, 28,943; colored females, 14,054 in 100,000. Next to scarlet fever, meningitis and hydrocephalus were the most frequently reported causes for deaf-mutism, being 18,309 per 100,000 for the total, 19,720 for males, 16,002 for females, 19,780 for white males, IS.L'45 for colored males, 10,005 for white females, 10,012 for colored females, 17,731 in whom the disability occurred under 5 years of age, and 23,2.54 for those in whom thedisabilityoccurred between 5 and 10 years of age. In 1880 the corresponding figures were: total, 28,054; males, 30,387; females, 26,462; white males, 30,765; colored males, 22,641; white females, 26,484; colored females, 25,946. Diseases of the throat and air passages were reported as the cause of deaf-mutism in 7,449 cases in 100,000. In 1880 the corresponding figure was 4,574. The number per 100,0'()0 of the cases reported as due to measles was, in 1890, 5,017; in 1880, 4,398; to malarial and typhoid fever, in 1890, 4,242; in 1880, 5,005; to diphtheria, iu 1890, 1,221; in 1880, 687; to mumps, in 1890, 583; in 1880, 501. These and other ratios are shown in Table 87, for 1890, with age periods, and Table 88, for 1880. THE DEAF AND DUMB. TAni.E 87. 109 CACSKS— 1S90. Total disenscs Inflammation and absceee of the car. . . Other diseases of the ear Smallpox Measles Scarlet fever Diphtheria "Whooping con^li Jlumpa Malarial and typhoid fover Paralysis Scrofula Mcningit is and hydrocephalus Other diseases of the brain Diseases of the throat and air passages All other diseases Total accidents Blows and falls Other accidents Quinine Total. 92,254 683 864 396 617 402 221 986 SS3 242 726 834 369 210 449 652 6,937 3,691 I 3,246 I 809 I Male. 91, 387 5,913 848 305 5,154 21,076 1,242 1,803 601 4,543 739 1,735 19, 720 1,114 7,352 10, 182 7,805 4.031 3,774 808 S^'cmalo. 93, 350 5,392 884 430 6,202 29, 340 1,196 2,217 560 3,861 710 2,005 10,602 1,332 7,572 14, 981 5.841 3,263 2,578 Uale. 91, 775 5,693 854 360 5,176 24,830 1,260 1,843 597 4,468 721 1,688 19, 786 1,163 7,330 15,998 7.618 3,994 3,624 Femalii. 93,655 5,374 880 427 6,189 30, 118 1,230 2,253 518 3,807 634 1,916 10, 663 1,373 7,549 14,722 5.684 3,211 2,473 661 Male. 82, 679 10,854 693 462 4,619 7,159 693 924 693 6,230 1,155 2,771 18,245 7,852 20, 323 12,009 4,850 7,159 5,312 Female. 85,668 5,863 977 651 6,515 9,772 326 1,303 1,029 5,212 2,606 4,235 16,612 326 8,143 21.498 9,772 4.560 5,212 AGE PKBIOD WnE.V OCCl-KnEL). Under 5. 92,710 6,811 959 449 5,852 25,812 1,248 2,413 411 3,592 600 2,108 17,731 1,240 7,998 15,478 6,537 3,737 2,800 S to 10. 93,893 2,545 654 310 4,541 31,854 1,238 860 1,033 6,607 378 1,135 23,254 1.170 4,197 14, 620 5,986 3,475 2,511 Table 88. CAUSES— 1880. Total diseases . Total. 84,578 M.allormatiou of the ear Intlamniation and abscesses Tumors Smallpox and variola Chicken pox Measles Scarlet fever Diphtheria Whooping cough Mumps Erysipelas Malarial and typhoid fever Fever, not malarial Syphilis Scrofula Consumption , Meningitis and hj-drocephalus Xervous afiV^ction Catarrh, catarrhal fever, and other inflammation of air passages. Teething Salt rlioum Total accidents . Fulls, blows, and contusions. Jioiscs, concussions Foreign bodie-s in the ear . . . . Water in ear .Sunstroke Stroke of lightning Fright Quinine Not stated : Diseases Accidents 20 3,465 108 461 98 4,398 20,455 687 1,914 501 353 5,005 3,740 20 i.iSo 10 28,054 1,669 4,573 530 29 5, 055 3,897 200 88 •.>40 206 98 314 76« 8,344 1,257 Male. Female. 83, 604 18 3.445 88 439 88 3,919 24, 974 580 1,052 439 264 5,589 4.007 18 1,205 30, 387 1,017 4,358 439 18 1,605 281 70 211 228 70 299 ,453 ,353 3,491 133 489 HI 5,004 28,330 823 2,246 578 467 5,620 3,402 22 1,312 22 26,462 1,735 4,848 645 45 C4 4, 138 1,002 111 111 289 178 133 334 Male. Female. 84.369 18 3,484 92 443 92 3,945 25.512 608 1,659 406 277 5,419 3,982 18 1,272 30,765 1.535 4,313 461 IS 5,567 200 134 4,442 240 55 203 240 74 313 603 8,184 1,272 86,155 23 3,502 139 464 116 4,963 28, 943 765 2,296 557 487 5,496 3,340 2S 1,252 23 26. tm 1.786 4.801 649 46 !,945 llli ik; 278 186 110 348 072 ,935 ,113 Male. 67,025 2,642 377 3.396 13. 962 1.510 1.132 9.057 4.528 1,132 22 642 2,264 5.283 Female. 77,8 3.243 1.081 5,946 14,054 2,163 1,081 1,081 8,649 4,865 2,703 25,946 540 5,946 540 n,.>ill ; .1, 405 7,925 1 ] 132 ' 4,325 377 ' ,283 13,902 3,019 540 540 1,081 14,054 1,623 110 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 210 shows for the deaf and dumb in schools for the same on June 1, 1890, the assigned causes of deafness, with distinction of sex, color, and of age periods when deafness occurred. Table 89 shows for each 100,000 deaf-mutes in schools, excluding the congenital forms and those for whom the cause was not stated, the number reported as due to each of certain causes. Table 89. Total iliscasos . Inflammation and abscess of the oar Other diseases of the ear Smallpox Measles Scarlet fever Diphtheria "Whooping coogh Mumps - Malarial and typhoid fover Paralysis Scrofnla Meningitis and hydrocephalus Other diseases of tho brain Piscascs of the throat and air passages All other diseases Total. 94.050 Total accidents. Blows and falls. Other accidents. Quinine 4,S16 702 2U 4,699 17.8S2 1.282 2,197 671 3,479 397 1.221 32, 987 1,709 .'i, 890 16,234 3,001 1,739 Male. 93,724 4.253 882 52 4,512 17,064 1.297 1,919 622 3,683 467 830 32, 521 1,452 5,913 18,257 5,809 3,734 2,075 407 Female. 94.515 4.892 445 445 4,907 18,977 1,260 2,594 741 3.188 297 1,779 33, 653 2,070 5,836 13.343 4,670 Male. Female. 93,891 ,180 911 3,410 1,260 502 417 340 929 643 376 429 857 315 501 895 59G 94,609 3,697 1,983 4,933 456 45C 5.011 19, 058 1,291 2,658 759 3,189 304 1,670 33.637 2. 120 5,923 13, 130 4,632 Male. Female. 6.452 1,613 4.839 6,452 1,613 12.903 1,613 38,710 3,417 1,215 759 6,451 8.U64 9,677 4,838 4,839 1,613 3,125 3,125 15,625 ACIE PEllIORS WHEN OCCU'BBBD. Undor5. »t,130 3,125 6,250 31,375 3,125 21.875 6.230 4,633 761 254 4.835 17, 240 1,100 2,353 507 3,659 471 1,268 32, SC2 1.067 6.159 10,268 3,125 3, 123 3,125 3,587 1,703 580 StolO. 93, 181 2,892 482 3,373 23, 373 2,169 964 1.205 2,169 1,203 34, 438 1,637 3, 8.'i5 17,349 4,578 3,373 1,205 III comparing the figures of the above table for deaf-mutes in schools witli tiie corresponding figures in the preceding tables for the deaf-mutes in the general pojmlation it will be seen that the]iroportion of cases attributed to meningitis and hydrocephalus is decidedly greater among those in schools, while for scarlet fever it is less. Table 90 and Diagram 50 show the ratios per 100.000 of the total cases of dcaf-nnitism in bS90 attributed to each of certain causes, with distinction of sex, the congeuitally deaf and the cases lor wlioiii the cause was not reported being excluded. Tablk 90. Scarlet fever Meningitis and hydrocephalas DiseaH:>s of tho throat and air passages Intlaiiimation and abscess of the car... Measles Mahiriul and typhoid fever Whoojiing cough Scrofnla liijdithoria Quinine Mumps Smallpox , Male. 1.070 >,720 :, 352 i,9l3 i. I.'i4 I, 543 .803 ,735 ,242 808 001 305 Fcm-ile. 29, 340 10. 063 7, 572 3, 392 6,202 3, 801 2,217 2. 005 1,190 809 560 436 It will be seen from the above table and the diagram that scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, scrofulii, and smallpox caused a greater jiroportion of the cases of deaf unitism aiiiong the females than among the males, whil(! meningitis and hydrocephalus cau.sed a decidedly greater itiopordon of cases among tlit^ males. 'lable 91 shows the number of cases of deaf-miitisni in institutions for the deaf and dumb in 1»9() and in IS.HO attributed to certain causes, and the ratio per 100,(MH) of eacii cause to tiie total, tiie congcnitaiiy deaf ca.ses where the cause was not stated being excluded. Tho proportions are also shown in Diagram 51. EU-vfiith Ci-iisus of 111.- Uuilfil States. DIAGRAM 50, Deaf and dumb. D/3£ASES. SMALLPOX. MUMPS. QUININE. DIPHTHERIA. SCROFULA. WHOOPING COUGH. MALARIAL & TYPHOID FEVER MEASLES. INFLAMMATIONS. ABSCESS or THE EAR. DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES. MENINGI TIS AND HYDROCEPHALUS. SCARLET FEVER. DIAGRAM 51. 1880. 1890. 80.000 60000 4aOOO 20.0011 20.000 iaooo saooo eo.ooo Total due to diseases. Meningitis, hydrocephalus and other brain diseases. Scarlet fever. Diseases of tfiroat and air passages. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ■ Total due to accidents. ■ ■ Measles ■ ■ Inflammation and abcess of ear. ■ ■ Fevers. ■ Whooping cough 1 1 Diphtheria. 1 Other diseases of ear. Mumps. Total due to quinine Smallpox All other diseases. 1 ^^l^^l Elevenlli Census of the United States. Deaf ami . OIAGQAM 53 DISEASES. I8S0. In SCHOOLS 1690. \ 1 1 i 1 1 1 i i i 1 SMALLPOX MUMPS QUININE DIPHTHERIA SCROFULA 1, WHOOPING COUGH Ji MALARIAL &TYPHOID FEVER ■1 MEASLES P! INFLAMMATION AND ABSCESS OF THE EAR ii DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES ■li MENINGITIS AND HYDROCEPHALUS ^^^HH^^^^^I SCARLET FEVER ^^^^■^^^1 THK di<:af am.) dumb. Ill Taiii.k ;»i. Total Total duo to (liacasoa Total (1 no to acciden t» Total duo to qiiinino Inflammation aiid abscess of tlio ear Other diseases of tlio car Smallpox Measles Scarlet fever Diphtheria Whooping cough Mumps Fevers Meningitis, hydroccphnlns, and other diseases of the hraln Diseases of throat and air passages All other diseases NUMBBB or CA8SS. 1800 3,277 3,082 175 20 1<8 23 7 5S5 ■12 lU 1,137 193 585 1880 2,8S4 2,685 144 25 101 5 8 124 521 28 49 16 282 1,360 132 07 BATIO PKB 100,000 or TOTAt. 1800 4,516 702 214 4,690 17,852 1,282 2,197 071 3,479 34,600 5,890 17,852 1880 04. 078 5,040 870 3,S39 175 280 4,345 13,300 981 J, 717 561 9,180 47,9(M 4,023 2,347 Table 92 and Diagram 52 show tlie ratios per 100,000 of tlic total cases of deaf-imitisni in 1S90 anrl ISSO attributed to each of certain causes, the coiigenitally deaf and the cases for ■whom the cause Tvas not reported being excluded. Taiile 92. Scarlet fever Meningitis and hydrocephalns Diseases of throat and air passages. Intiammat ion and ahscess of the car Mea-sles Malarial and typhoid fever , "Wliooping congh , Scrofula Diplilhcria Qniniuo Mumps Smallpox 1800 1880 26,401 26,453 18,369 28,654 7,44D 4,574 S, 083 3,465 5,017 4,398 4,242 5,003 1,986 1.914 1.854 1,286 1,221 637 809 T06 583 5U1 396 461 It will be seen from the above table and the balna DlneaRctt of On- throat and air passngcn. iDtlamniation and nbHcv«fl of tbooar — MeanliN Malarial ami typhoid fovrr Whoopiii;; i-ou^li Scrofula Ulplilhcrla Qiiini no UiitnpM Smallpox Wbite. Colored 24,830 10. 7fi« 7. .'WO 5. 093 5. 178 4,408 l,8ta 1.CH8 1,200 007 507 3S0 7,159 18,245 7, 852 10, 854 4,619 8,230 024 2, I f 1 003 5, 312 093 402 Kli'Vi'iilh ('.•nsiis of tli<' Iriilfil Stnti-s. DIAGRAM 54 I K'af and dumb. DISEASES. Total under 5. 5 TO 10. "0 C5 !5 C5 1 <5> MUMPS 1 SMALLPOX' QUININE DIPHTHERIA SCPOEULA 1 WHOOPING COUGH 1 MALARIAL « TYPHOID ELVER M MEASLES III INFLAMMATION AND ABSCESS OF THE EAR DISEASES OF THE THfiOAT AND AIR PASSAGES ■■ MENINGITIS AND HYDF^OCEPHAL US ^^■^^^^H SCAPLET EEVER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l Kleventh Census nf tin* rniti-il StatfS. DIAGRAM 55. I>('af and dumb. D/S£/^S^S. To TAL UNDER 5. Total in schools under 5. 1 1 1 •Si 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 i 1 «0 MUMPS SMALLPOA' QUININE DIPHTHERIA SCROFULA WHOOPING COUGH J 1 MALARIAL & TYPHOID FEVER J I MEASLES jn INFLAMMATION AND ABSCESS OF THE EAR ■■ DISEASES OP THE THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES ■1 MENINGITIS AND HYDROCEPHALUS ^^I^^^^^^H SCARLET FEVER ^^^^■^^9 EK'vi'ntli Census of the Uniteil Stntes. DIAGRAM 56. Doaf and dumb. DISEASES. WH/TE MALES COLORED MALES 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 i i i SMALLPOX MUMPS QUININE ■ DIPHTHERIA SCROFULA 1 WHOOPINGCOUGH r MALARIAL & TYPHOID FEVER ■■1 MEASLES ■■ INFLAMMATIONANO ABSCESS OF THE EAR ■^^1 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES ^■^1 MENINGITIS AND HYDROCEPHALUS ^^^^M^^^^B SCARLET FEVER ^^^^^■M Klt^vi'iilli Census of tlie Tainted States. DIAGRAM 57. Deaf nnri dumli. DISEASES. WH/TE F£MAL£ COLORED FEMALE <5> !5 <5) 1 <\4 i § ^ ^ SMALLPOX MUMPS L QUININE I DIPHTHERIA 1 SCffOEULA 1 I WHOOPING COUGH 1 r MALARIAL & TYPHOID PEVER I INF LAM MA TION&ABSCESS OF THE EAR ]■ MEASLES ■ DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES H MENINGITIS AND HYDROCEPHALUS ^■H SCARLETPEVER ^^^^^H THE DEAF AND DUMB. 113 Table 97 and Diagram 57 show the ratios per 100,000 of the total cases of deaf-mutism in females ia 1890 attributed to each of certain causes, with distiuctiou of color, the congenitally deaf and the cases for whom the cause was not reported being excluded. Tablk 97. Scarlet fevor Meningitis niid hydrocephalus Diseases of tho throat and air passages Measles , Inflammation and ahscoss of tho ear — Malarial and typhoid fever Whooping cough Scrotula Dip hth evia Quinine Mumps Smallpox FEMALES. White. Colored. 30,118 9,772 10, CCS 16,612 7,549 8,143 6,189 6,515 5,374 5,803 3,807 5,212 2,253 1,303 I.OIC 4,235 1,230 326 ceo 4,560 518 1,629 427 651 Table 211 show."? for tlic deaf but not dmub ia the United States in ISOO tbe assigned causes of deafness, ■nitb distinetiou of sex, eolor, and of age period wlien oci^urred. For tbe total of S0,G1G, tbe cause was reported as unknown for 24,730, as congenital for 145, as caused by dis(>ase in 40,.'»23, by accidents and injuries in 6,729, as resulting irom military service in 7,484, and ;is due to quinine in 1,005. Table 98 shows for tbe deaf but not dumb tbe number of eases attributed to eacb of certain causes of deafness per 100.000 total cases, witb distinction of sex and color, tbe congenitally deaf and the cases for which the cause of dcafaess was not stated being omitted. Table 98. Total diseases Inflammation and abscess of the ear — Otlier diseases of tho ear Smallpox Measles Scarlet fever Diiibtlieiia Wliooping eoiigh iliimpa Malarial and typhoid fever other fevers Paralysis Scrofula Meningitis Ilj'drocepbahis other diseases of the brain Diseases of the throat and air passages All other diseases Total accidents Blows and falls other accidents Kesulling from military service Qainino Total. 72, 699 033 C99 290 839 576 438 221 445 187 392 705 487 744 13 611 704 259 12, 072 2,562 9,510 13, 426 1,803 Male. 61, 598 1,014 1,500 290 3,422 5,792 235 172 442 3,692 3,881 C54 1,102 645 11 1,162 12, 494 24,184 15, 354 Female. Male. Female. 61,696 1,931 1,490 281 3,457 5,889 24D 166 433 3, 694 3,842 619 1, 072 631 13 1,140 12, 734 24, 023 15, 240 3,101 12, 253 21,470 1,578 1,662 4,932 2,179 3,051 12, 189 21,643 1,419 91, 690 2,375 2,002 289 4,526 10, 839 792 301 443 4,949 5,158 807 2,111 8GG 15 2,310 18, 816 35,088 6,333 1,578 4,755 Male. Female. 58, 599 1,274 1,547 728 2,366 2,821 91 301 728 3,610 5,095 819 2,002 1,092 128 753 501 75C 3T9 375 250 026 033 334 375 C28 003 I 1,820 3, 5, 095 I 7, 29, 117 I 31, 630 760 413 18,8:15 : 13,142 1,977 4,640 ! 14,195 I 16, 100 6,460 3,753 9,387 7,259 Table 99 shows for the deaf but not dumb, excluding the congenitally deaf and those for wlioni the cau.se of deafness was not stated, the number of cases attributed to each of certain causes per 100,000 of the total, with distinction of 5 ago periods when the defect occurred. 7176 INS 8 114 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablk 99. Total diseases Inflammation and abscess of the ear. Other diseases of the ear — Smallpox Measles Scarlet fever Dipbtheria Whonping cough Mumps Malarial and typhoid fever. . . Other fevers Paralysis AGE PEBIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCCBBED. Under 5. 96. 255 1,498 3,371 375 C,3C7 24,719 1,12J 749 1,124 2,247 3,715 375 StolO. 91,397 10 to 20. 78, 571 3,239 2,482 358 9,C45 33, 319 1,136 1,136 589 4,018 5,827 210 3,056 2,111 319 7,020 16,358 798 478 1,055 5,277 5,694 20 to 50. 1,717 1,522 334 3,020 3,054 351 66 358 4,476 4,267 507 50 and over. 1,745 1,483 136 868 814 72 45 127 2,975 2,960 1,827 Scrofula Meningitis Ilyilrocopbalus Other diseases of the brain Ilisc^ises of the throat and air passages. All other discises Total accidents. Blows and falls . Other accidonts- llosulting from military service. AGE PIIBIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCliBRED. Under 5. 1,498 22,846 375 8,989 3.745 13, 108 3,370 2,021 749 Quinine. 5 to 10. 2,882 3,029 21 2,124 7,008 14,914 7,078 2, SCI 4,817 10 to 20. 1,988 1,583 1,522 12, 075 18, 468 13,045 3,700 9,339 0,970 1,411 20 to 50. 1,157 191 7 1,370 10, 123 24,043 12, 670 2,245 10,425 22, 750 2,005 SO.ind over. 1,230 03 18 1,863 15,591 52,017 11,665 2,396 9,209 2,505 1,990 Table 100 and Diagram 58 show for the deaf but not dumb in the United States on June 1, 1890, the ratio per 100, 000 of the total cases of deafness attributed to each of certain causes, with distinction of sex. Table 100. Accidents and injuries Diseases of throat and air passages Malarial, typhoid, and other fevers Scarlet fever Measles InQ.immrttion, abscess, and other diseases of the car Quinine Scrofula Meningitis and hydrocephalus Mnmps Smallpox Diphtheria Male. 354 494 574 792 422 414 578 102 057 442 295 235 Female. 0,594 18, 393 10, 257 10, r>54 4, r.:i5 4, .■;90 2, 179 2,131 924 450 297 776 Table 101 and Diagram 59 show for the male deaf but not dumb found on June 1, 1890, with distinction of white :i!i(l colored, the number of ca.ses in which the defect was attributed to each of certain causes per 100,000 of the total of each class, excluding the congenitally deaf and tho.se for wiiom the cause was not stated. Taule 101. Accidents Diseases of throat and air passages Malarial, typhoid, and other fevers .Scarlet fever McaHJes Inflammation, abscets, and other diseases of the car Quinine Scrofula &!eniiii;itiH and bydroccplialns Mumps Stniillp..x Diphtlicrlu Whooping cough White. 240 734 .-■•nfl 8S9 457 433 419 072 043 4:12 281 210 166 Colored. 13.835 5,095 8, 735 2, 821 2, 300 2. 821 0, ICO 2. 002 1,092 728 72.? 01 .104 Table 102 and Diagram 00 show for the female deaf but not duml> Ibuml on .Iiiih' 1, 1S90, with distinction of white and colored, tiie nnmlier of cases in wliii'li tiie deroef was atlribnted lo eaili ;es per 100,000 of the total of each class, excluding the congenitally deaf and tLose for whom the cause was not stated. Eleventb TeiiBus of the Vnit*-*! Slfti*"* DIAGRAM 68. iHuit OJtfl (liiinb. CAUSES. MALES. FEMALES. Accidents and injuries. Diseases of throat and air passages. Malarial, typtioid oM otlier Fevers. Scarlet Fever. Measles^ Inflammation, abscess andother diseases of the eat Oumine ScroFula Meningitis. and hydrocephalus. Mumps Smallpox. Diphtheria. liOOO 12^00 iqOOO 7500 xoo zsoo ?500 iOOO 7300 lOCOO 12500 ISiOOO I7J500 1 ^ ^ ^ ■^^ 1 ^^ ^^^^^ M ' ^^^^_ ^l__ ^^^^ ^^ ^** m j^^^l ^H ^^^H II II DIAGRAM 59. CAUSES WHITE MALES. COLORED MALES. 17500 -SCOO U100 1O000 7rQ0 5000 2500 250O 3C00 '500 lOMK) I2fc00 iftcoa 'T500 Accidents. Diseoses of throat and air passages Malarial, typhoid and other fever^s Scarlet fever Measles. Inflammotion, abscess and other diseases of eor 1 ^^_ ^^_ ^^— ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^* ^^ ■ ^m ■ ^^^1 1 Outnlne Scrofula . Menincifis and hydrocephalus. Mumps. Smallpox. Diphtheria. Whooping cough. ^ B ^ HB I ■ ■ 1 DIAGRAM 60. CAUSES WHITE FEMALES COLORED FEMALES Diseases of throat and air passages Scarlet fever tvlalanal, typhoid and other Fevers Accidents Measles Inflammation abscess and other diseases of ttie ear Scrofula Ouinine Meningitis and hydrocephalus Diphtheria Mumps Whooping cough Smallpox 15,000 10,000 5000 5.000 10,000 15.000 ^ ■" ^z ^^ ^" "" p^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ■ ^^ s ^^ ^H HHl ^^* ^^ ^^H ■ ■ 1 • 1 1 1 1 Eleventh Census of the United States. DIAGRAM 61. Deaf and dumb CAUSES DEAF AND DUMB DEAF NOT DUMB Scarlei fever Meningilis and hydrocephalus Diseases of throat and air passages Inflammalion. abscess and other diseases of Ihe ear Measlfis Malarial, typhoid and other fevers Whooping cough Scrofula Diphtheria Oumine Mumps Smallpox 10,000 DIAGRAM 62. CAUSES. 5 YEARS TO 10 YEARS OF AGE. DEAF AND DUMB DEAF NOT DUMB. 30.000 JQPOO 10000 IMOO JOOno .TUOOO Scarlef fever. Meniijilis and hydrocephalus. Malarial and typhoid fever. Measles. Diseases of the ttiroaf and air passages. Inflammation, abscess and other diseases of the ear Diphtheria. Scrofula. Mumps. Whooping cough Quinine. Smallpox. ^^ ^^^ ^^ 1 ^^ ^^ 1 1 ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 I I 1 THE DEAF AND DTBIIJ. 115 TAUI.K 102. Discaam of throat and air imasngoa Scarlet fc\or Malaria], typhoid, and other fevers Accidcuta Measles Intlnniination, absccsA, and other diseases of the car Scrofula Qtiinino M on i n;;i lis and hydrocephalus Biphihcria M limps Whooping cough Smallpox FEMAI.C. While. Colored. 18. SIC 7.700 10, 8:il) 3, 379 10. 108 11.013 0, xa 13,141 4.520 4.750 4,377 4,881 2,111 2.028 1,977 7,25D 881 2,003 792 375 443 026 304 250 289 501 Table 103 and Diagram Gl show for the deaf and (hmib, and the deaf but not dumb, as found on June 1, 1800, the number attributed to eacli of certain causes i)er 100,000 of the total of eacli class, excludiug the cougcuitally deaf and those cases for whicli the cause was not reported. Taulk 103. Scarlet fever Meningitis and hydrof.epbalus Diseases of throat and air passages Indammation, abscess, and other diseases of the car Measles Malarial, typhoid, and other fovora Whooping cough Scrofula Diphtheria Quinine Mumps Smallpox Deaf and dumb. Doaf bnt uot dumb. 26,401 7,576 18, 3GD 757 7,449 14,704 6,547 3,782 .">, 017 3,839 4,242 8,579 l.SSO 221 1,854 1,487 1,221 438 809 1,803 583 445 390 29G Table 104 and Diagram 62 show for the deaf and dumb and for the deaf but not dumb found in the United States on June 1, ISOO, in whom the defect occuri^ed between 5 and 10 years of age, the number attributed to each of certain causes per 100,000 of the total of each class, excludiug* the cougenitaily deaf aud those for whom the cause of deafness was not reported. Table 104. Scarlet fever Meningitis and hydrocephalus Malarial, tj'pboid, and other fevers Measles Diseases of the throat and nir passages Intianimation, abscess, and other diseases of the ear Diphtheria Scrofula Mumps Whooping cough Quinine Smallpox , Donf and dumb. Doaf bnt nut dumb. 31. 854 33, 319 23,254 3,050 5.007 9,844 4,541 U, 045 4,197 7,008 3, 2U0 r yot 1,233 1,136 1,135 2,882 1, 032 589 800 1,136 619 926 310 358 Table 212 shows for the deaf and dumb in the United States in 1890 who were 15 years of ago and upward the miiiibor in each of certain age groups who were single, married, widowed, or divorced, with distinction of congeiiilal and iioiicoiigcnital deaf-mutes, and with the I'uither distinction of sex, color, aud nativity, excludijig those whose conjugal condition was not reported. 116 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Of the deaf-mutes 15 years of age and upward whose conjugal condition was reported tbe total number was 29 G21. of whom 1G.4C1 were males and 13,100 were females; 27.5o7 were white and 2,()(U colored; 11,013 were congenital deaf-mutes, of whom G,.52S were males and 5,385 females. Of the 5,844 white male congenital deaf-mutes 4,130 were single, 1,549 were married, 154 were widowed, and 11 were divorced. Of the 8,071 white male noneongenital deaf-mutes 5,412 were single, 2,458 were married, 181 were widowed, and 20 were divorced. Of the 4,8G0 white female congenital deaf mutes 3,300 were single, 1,252 were married, 2'J3 were widowed, and 9 were divorced. Of the 6,360 white female noneongenital deaf-mutes 4,007 were single, 1,935 were married, 402 were widowed, and 22 were divorced. Table 105 shows for each 1,000 of each age group, with distinction of congenital and noneongenital deaf-mutes, omitting those for whom the age when the disability occurred is unknown, the number single, married, widowed, and divorced, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. • Table 105. CONGENITAL. NONCONOENITAL • SEX, COLOE, NATITITT. AND CONJCGAL CONDITION. Total. 15 to 30 years. 30 to 45 years. 45 to 60 years. GO years aud over. Total. 15 to 30 years. 30 to 45 years. 45 to 60 years. 60 years aud* over. White— male: .';in;:lo SI arrnil 706.8 265.3 26.2 1.9 679.1 238. 3 60.7 1.9 071. 2 297.3 29.2 2.3 659.7 272.7 65. 3 2.3 854.6 135.0 10.4 932.1 67.5 0.4 607.8 371.5 17.6 3.1 572.2 383.2 40.9 3.7 578.9 398.7 18.8 3.0 538.0 4U.C 43.2 4.2 603.3 318.6 16.1 460.6 4f 4. 1 49.1 6.2 488.1 394.2 113.9 3.8 430. 5 6u9.9 53.0 6. G 487.5 389.4 118. 1 0.0 527.8 416.7 55.5 422.1 461.4 110.5 670.7 304. 4 22.4 2.5 629.7 3U4.6 63.0 2.7 626.3 34.'i. 7 25.2 2.8 601.5 329.2 66.0 3.3 822.1 172.2 5.1 0.6 757.7 209.0 30.9 2.4 637.9 319.4 38.5 4.2 575.1 324.4 100.5 910.8 80.9 2.1 0.2 832.3 158.6 8.5 0.6 D0I.2 96.0 2.4 0.4 812.9 177.2 «;'.. 471.7 506.4 18.3 3.0 451.6 499. 4 46.0 3.0 439.9 53!(.3 21.7 5.1 430.7 621.4 38.5 3.4 626.2 468.9 5.9 313.2 015.5 30. 8 4.5 373.4 480.7 13,-;. 4 7.5 326.4 63.1. 8 35. 3 2. 5 307.4 481.2 138. 3 10. 1 203. 8 6GC. 7 23.0 11.5 397.1 500. 102. 9 200.8 596.0 133. 2 10.0 White— female : 853.6 141.7 4.7 534.1 202.7 261. 2 2.0 405.8 478.3 115.9 418.2 257. 7 30.J. 5 5.6 Native parcDts— male : .Sinjrle 921 8 78.2 2.';2.8 e09.5 128.3 9.4 Kttive parents— female: 840.3 15;i.6 6.1 545.2 2U0.5 251.8 2.5 500.0 360.0 150.0 431.0 269.0 Widowed 292. 9 7.1 Foreisn parents— male: Sintifr 954.6 44.0 1.5 945.7 52.0 2.3 250.0 678.6 71.4 Foreisii parents- female: Single 174.7 194.7 29.3 1.3 705.4 262.2 29.9 2.5 670.0 250.2 73.2 880.5 117.3 2.2 675.8 287.7 31.9 4.0 887.2 295.2 13.2 4.4 627.1 333.3 39.6 466.7 40U.0 133.3 368.4 315.8 315.8 876.7 113.5 5.G 922.0 78.0 496.5 440.1 59.9 3.5 577.9 40.-.. 7 16.4 368.4 105.3 528.3 Foreiirn born -male: 941.4 58.6 560.9 392.5 32.2 5.4 500.0 413. 87.0 469.7 410.7 113.6 429.3 612.2 48.8 9.7 888.2 458.8 153. U 292.8 528.6 104.3 11.3 Foroim bom— female: Sinirle 890.5 109. S 517.7 188. 2 29). 1 831.5 161.3 7.2 474 8 464.5 70.7 373. 8 292.9 Widowed 333.3 Colored— male: 824.6 145.4 28.5 1.5 779.7 132. 87.7 933.5 58.8 5.1 2.0 880.0 00.3 20.1 770.3 202.7 27.0 533.4 873.3 93.3 584.9 301.0 113.2 778.1 19rt.B 23.1 924.4 75.6 047.9 323.9 28.2 342.9 671.4 85.7 250.0 502.5 187.5 1 Colored— female: 606.4 214.3 89.3 629.0 177.4 193.6 425.0 l.'iO. 425.0 7.57. D 129.8 105.3 7.0 888.3 101.1 5.3 5.3 631.6 193.0 157.9 17.5 272.7 181.8 515.5 388.9 160.7 444.1 It will be seen from this table that the proportion of the married among the noneongenital deaf-mutes was greater than it was among the congenital, being for the white males for tiie noneongenital 304.4 and for the congenital 205.3 per 1,000, but in this rlass tin; iiroiiortion of tlie widowed was greater among the congenital, being 20.2 as against 22.4 for the noneongenital. For the wliitt; females the ratio of the married was iiniong the noneongenital 304.6 aud among the congenital 258.3 per 1,000, and of widows, among Die noneongenital 03.0 and among tli<- congenital (iO.7 per 1,000. Among the colored the ratio of the married was iiiiicli lower, being for tlio male noneongenital dt-al'mutes 198.8 and for the eoiigcnital 145.4 per 1,000, aud lor the colored females lor the noneongenital 129.8 aud for the congenital 132.0 per 1,000. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 117 Table 100 shows for earli 10,000 of tlio poncral p ^1 ON FATHERS SIDE ^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^H ON MOTHERS SIDE ^^^^^■^^^■H ON BOTH SIDES ^■^1 HA VJNG DEAFMUTE FATHERS ^^H MOTHERS II GRANDFATHERS n GRANDMOTHERS If UNCLES ■■ AUNTS JB COUSINS ■^H BROTHERS ^^^^^■^^^^H SISTERS . ^^^^■■^^■^ THE DEAF AND DTMB. Tablk 113 123 OCCUPATIONS. Artists mill pbotogTapbnrii Bookbinders Cigar makers Dressmakers Fancy work and millinery. rarnior.s llonsekoopors House wives Laborers and farm laborers LauntlrcsAOS .- Manufacturers Mill and factory operatives Printers andcomi>o8itor3.. Seamstresses Servants Students Tailoresses Toacbers All otbors ARgro- gate. «. 1. 0. 17. :i. s. 03. 201. 40. 9. 0. 13. 0. 13. 233. ICO. 4. 124. Total. 0.85 1.70 0.85 18.00 4.24 3.30 cr>. 31 ais.33 11.03 5.37 0.85 1S.S5 0.85 15.27 232. eg 171.00 0.22 4.52 122.98 15 to 35 ycitni. 0.08 2.41 0.08 15.02 0.83 0.03 40.09 so:. 47 7.81 3.90 1.46 20.60 1.40 13.18 211.81 205.27 4.30 3.9U 162. 03 3.1 years udovor. 0.07 0.07 0.07 21. 51 0.07 0.72 98.70 473. 79 13.46 7.30 Total. 15 to 35 j'oars. 7.48 7.14 10. 9D 49.88 84.79 350. 01 47.38 8.74 17.86 32.14 C7.SC 407 14 SO. 00 18.14 201.42 2.02 8.74 5.38 09.22 239. 40 50.85 134. CO 137. 14 83.72 175. 00 35 years audover. 8.27 24.70 90.81 123.07 239.07 41.32 429.75 41.32 Table 220 shows the number of doaf-inutes in the United States ou June 1, 1890, concerning whom it was reported as to Avhether they had or had not deaf and dumb rchitives. with, distiiutiou of sex, color, aud nativity, and Table 221 gives the same information for the congenital deafnmtes. lu examining the figures in these tables it must be remembered that the same per.son may be reporteil in several relationshiiis; that is, he may bo reported as a father, uncle, brother, and cousin. Table 220 .shows that out of 25,471 deaf-mutes reported as to deaf-mute relatives lo,057, or 591 iicr 1.000 of the total reported, had such relatives. Separating the congenital from the noncongenital cases we find that of 14,0;'.!) congenital deaf-mutes rejiorted as to relatives 10,108, or 720 per l,00i), had deaf-mute relatives, while of 11.432 noncongenital deaf-mutes reported as to relatives 4,049, or 4.33 per 1,000, had deaf-mute relatives. The iiroportion having such relatives is, as might bo expected, much greater among the congenital than among the noncongenital deaf mutes. For the whites the number having deaf-mute relatives per 1,000 of the totiil reported as to relatives was for the congenital cases 7-13 and for tlio noncongenital cases 442; among the colored for the congenital cases -132 aud for the noncongenital 254. For the total males the numbers per 1,000 were 700 for the congenital and 419 for the noncongenital, and among the females 732 for the congenital and 449 for the noncongenital. The proportion having deaf and dumb relatives was therefore decidedly less among the colored than among the whites, and somewhat less among the males than among the females. The excessive ratio of deaf mute relatives for the congenital as compared with the noncongenital tleaf mutes occurs among those having such relatives (m the mothers side, 310 to 20C, aud on both sides, 130 to 81, also among those having deaf and dumb brothers, 320 to 2.")3, and deaf and dumb sisters, 300 to 220. On llie other hand, in each 1,000 having deaf and dumb relatives the noncongenital mutes have a greater ratio of such relatives ou the father's side than the congenital, C.~)3 to 500, they having also a greater ratio of deaf-mute father.'^, 102 to 71, deaf mute mothers, 42 to 40, deaf-mute grandfathers, 37 to 25, deaf mute graudmotliers. I'S to 17, deaf mute uncles, 75 to 53, deaf mut-e aunts, 62 to 44, and of deaf-mute cousins, 112 to OS. Tliese differences are indicated in Diagram 04. Tables 114 and 115 show for the congenital and for the noncongenital deaf mutes, respectively, the numbers having ccrtaia classes of relatives, with tlio correspondiug ratio per 1,000, with distinction of color, sex, and nativity. 124 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 114. KELATIOSSHIP AND RATIOS. Knmber reported as to relatives Number havjD<; cle.if and dumb relatives Rilio of number bavin;: de.if and dumb rel.itives to 1,000 of total reported , Number for whom jiarentai side is reported Number bavine deaf and dumb relatives on motber's side !..!."'....!!!!!'. Eatioof Dumber having deaf and dumb relatives on motber's side to l.OOOof total for whom parental side is reported. Numl'er having deaf and uuinh relatives on father's side Batio of number having deaf and dumb relatives on father's side to 1,000 of total for whom ]»arental side is reported. Number having deafand dumb relatives on both sides Katio of number having deaf and dumb relatives on both Bides to I'OOO of total for whom parental side is reported. Nnmher having deafand dumb fathers Katio of number having deaf and dumb fathers to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives. Katio of number having deaf and dumb fathers to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relative^ on father's side. Number having deafand dumb mothers Baiio of number having deaf and dumb mothers to 1,000 of total having deafand dumb relatives. Katio of number having deaf and dumb mothers to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives on mother's siile. Number having deafand dumb grandfathers Katiiiof number having deaf and dumb grandfathers to l.OOOof total having deafand dumb relatives. Number haWng deafand dumb grandfathers on father's aide Katioof number having deaf ami dumb grandfathers on father's side to l.OOOof total having deaf and dumb relatives on father's side. Number having deaf and dumb grandfathers on mother's side , Katio of number having de'if and dumb grandfathers on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives ou mother's side. NumlH»r having deaf and dumb grandmothers Katio of nnmber having deaf and dumb grandmothers to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives. Number having deaf and dumb grandmothers on father's side Kaiio of number having deaf and dumb grandmothers on father's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives on father's side. Numhi-r having deaf and dumb grandniotbers on mother's side Katio of number having deaf anil dumb grandmothers on motber's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives on motber's side. Nnmber having deaf anil dumb uueles Katio of number having deaf and dumb uncles to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives. Number having deaf and dumb uncles on father's side , Ratio of number having deaf and dumb uncles on father's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives on father's side. Number having deaf and dumb uncles on mother's aide Ratio of nnmber having doaf and dumb uncles on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives on mother's side. Number having doaf and dumb aunts Ratio of number having deaf and dumb aunts to 1.000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives. Number having deaf and dumb aunts on father's side Katio of number having deafand dumb aunts on father's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives on father's side. Nnmber having ileaf and dumb aunts on mother's side Ratio of number having de.tf and dumb aunts on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives on motber's side. Numln-r having deaf and dumb cousins Ratio of number having deaf and dumb cousins to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives. Number having deaf and dumb cousins on father's side Ratio of nuralx-r having deaf and dumb cousins on father's side to l.OOOof total having deaf and dumb relatives on fatlier's side. Number having deaf and dumb cousins on mother's side Kntiri of number having doaf and dumb cousins on mother's side to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb ndative.s on motber's side. Number having ileaf and dumb brotliers ICaiio of number having deaf and ilumh brothers to 1,000 of total haviug doaf and dumb relatives. Number having deaf and dumb sisters Ratio of number bavlog deaf and dumb sieters to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives, Nnmber having deaf and dumb sons Ratio of Dumber having deaf and dumb sons to 1,OOU of total having deafand dumb rela- tives. Number having deaf and dumb daughters Itatio of number having deaf and dumb daughters to 1,000 of total havinj; doaf and dumb relatives. Ratio of number having deaf and dumb relatives on both sides to 1,000 of total having doaf and dumb relatives. Total. 14, 039 10, 108 7'20 1,360 422 310 761 560 177 130 71 949 408 40 967 256 '25 171 17 638 53 446 44 682 68 22 29 3,290 326 3,020 300 200 20 lai 18 "WTiite. 13, 009 9.663 743 1,291 394 305 721 559 176 136 682 71 946 380 39 234 ■a 155 16 615 53 422 44 4 10 644 67 30 2 S 3,168 328 2,928 303 187 19 172 IB Colored 1,030 445 432 119 40 680 1 14 40 90 1,000 22 49 16 36 23 52 24 54 38 85 128 283 101 227 13 29 11 25 Male. 7.427 6, 265 709 035 123 194 420 661 92 145 402 76 118 22 960 145 28 77 15 2 16 295 50 230 44 2 5 1 374 7) i:i 31 1,767 336 1,571 208 100 20 88 17 Female. 6,612 4,843 732 725 299 413 341 470 85 117 320 66 290 60 111 23 94 19 243 50 5 15 3 10 216 45 308 04 9 26 1,629 316 1,458 301 94 19 20 17 Native. Foreign. 11,914 8. 979 7.';4 1,197 369 309 162 135 627 70 941 355 40 219 24 146 16 495 55 402 45 613 2,928 320 2,710 302 166 19 150 17 1,095 684 625 94 25 268 55 58} 14 149 65 80 1,000 25 37 1,000 15 22 9 13 20 29 20 29 31 45 240 351 218 319 21 31 16 23 21 THE DEAF AND DUMB. Table 115. 125 BEUlTIONSnir AKD BATIOS. Nnmber r(^port<»Iuiiihor hiivinff iU*af anil ilimib r<»lativ09 Rntiu of niiniliiT havinj; t\v:a' and ilunib relativea to 1,000 of total reported K umber for whom luirciital wide if* reported Kmnber having deaf and dumb relative* on motbor'a aide BAtio of number hftvinp deaf and dumb relatives on mother's side to 1,000 of total for wbom parental side is reporieil. Kuniber bavins: deaf and dnnib relatives on father's sida Batioof number liavin;; ileaf and duiub relatives un father's side to 1,000 of total for whom parental side is reported. Number having (leaf and dumb relatives on both sides Batio of number having deaf and dumb relatives on both sides to 1,000 of total for ivhoni parental side is reported. ■Number having deaf and rlumb fathers Kativi of number having de:Lf and dumb fathers to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives. Eatio of number having deaf and dumb fathers to 1,000 of total having deaf and dumb relatives ,700 were m.iles and 3,351 were females; 20,953 were native whites of native parents, and of these 1(1,345 were males and 13,G08 were females; 4,252 were luitive whites having one or both parents foreign born, and of these 2,458 were males and 1,794 were females; 0,140 were foreign born, of wiioin 5,471 were males and .">,G75 were females. Table 223 shows for the United States, for each geographical division, and for each state and teiTitory the number reported as blind, including Cliiiiese, Ja])anese, and Indians, at each of the lat>t five censuses, with corresponding ratios per 1,000,000 of population, with distinction of sex, color, and of native ami foreign born. In each 1,000.0(10 of whites in 1800 there were 788 blind; the corresponding ratio for the colored was 945, for the natives 775, and for the foreign born 902 per 1,000,000 of population. In the South Atlantic division the ratios were for the whites 817 and for the colored 058; in the South Central division, for the whites 80G and for the colored 805 per 1,000,000. Tlie i)roportion of blind, therefore, is probably a little greater among tlie colored than it is among the whites. Table IIG shows for the United States, for each geographical division, and for each state and territory the number of blind in both eyes as reported by the censuses of ISSO and ISOO, with the corx'esi)ouding ratios per 100,000 of population and the amount of increase and decrease iu such ratios. 121 128 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table IIG. I TOTAL BLI.VD IN F TH EVES. SUTES AND TEERITOBIES. 18S0 The United States 50.5C8 48,9L8 Kortb Atlantic division 13,521 14,067 Maine Kew Hampshiro. Termont , Masflacbasetts — Kbodc Ifibind Connecticut New Tort New Jersey Pennsylvania fionth Atlantic division. Delaware , Maryland , District of Columbia.. Virginia "West Virginia Nortb Carolina Sontb Carolina Georgia Florida Hortb Central division. Obio Indiana Illinois Michigan.. 'Wisconsin . Minnesota . 4jo ],84G 307 724 4,3S9 839 3,920 7,867 101 819 184 1,713 705 1,593 997 1.447 308 17,548 707 4v: 4fti 1,733 300 613 6,013 839 3,884 8,394 BATIOS FEB 101). 000 POPDLATION. 1890 80.8 77.7 127 91G 1C4 1,710 625 1,873 1,100 1.634 215 15,224 3,373 2,174 2,835 1,624 1,223 642 2,960 2.238 2,615 1,289 1,075 448 101.7 lUil, 9 131.8 82.4 83.9 97.0 73.2 58.1 74.7 88.8 59.9 78.6 79.9 103.4 92.4 93.5 86.6 78.8 78.7 78.5 91.8 99.2 74.1 77.6 72.5 49.3 18S0 97.6 97.0 122.8 118.7 146.3 97.2 108.5 98.4 98.6 73.3 90.7 110.5 86.6 101.2 92.3 113.1 101.1 133.8 U0.5 106.0 79.8 87.7 92.6 113.1 85.0 78.7 81.7 57.4 In- crease, Do. crease. 19.3 21.1 17.8 14.5 14.8 19.6 1.4 25.4 15.2 16.0 21.7 26.7 22.6 12.4 9.7 8.7 35.3 23.9 27.2 1.1 9.2 0.8 13.9 10.9 1.1 9.2 8.1 eTATE.S AND TF.KRITOKIES. North Central division Continued. Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division Kentucky , Tennessee , Alabama Mispissippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas "Western division Montana Wyoming , Colorado New Mexico Arizoua Utah , Nevada Idaho "Washington Oregon California TOTAL BLWD IN BOTH EYES. 1890 1.421 2,457 69 177 489 1,064 9,830 1880 1,976 1,817 1,380 1,017 857 1,591 35 1,157 1,802 189 322 28 133 14 30 111 LSO 779 1,310 2,233 a63 220 748 9,804 2,116 t 2,020 1,399 1,071 845 1,375 972 1,439 12 4 104 358 n~ 120 24 G 47 RATIOS PEE 100, 000 rOPULATION. ISOO ISSO 74.3 91.7 37.8 53.8 46.2 74.6 80.6 104.1 a46.6 48.6 75.1 89. 109. 9 100.3 102.8 91.2 78.9 76.6 71.2 60.6 102. G 128.3 131.4 110.8 94.6 89.9 S6.4 121.1 81.4 29.5 30.6 11.5 19.2 45.9 53.5 209.0 299.4 47.0 60.8 64. 87. S 30.0 38.5 35.6 18.4 31.8 62. 6 47.8 49.8 64.5 74.5 In- crease. De- crease. 12.4 2.4 0.5 20. J 22.0 28.0 19.0 15.7 13.3 15.2 21.9 1.1 7.7 7.0 89.8 19.8 23.5 7.9 17.2 30.8 2.0 10.0 a Dakota territory. The relation of the bliiul, inclii was less than in 1880 in tlie North Atlantic and in the Sonth Atlantic divisions and in the following states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama Mississip])!, New Mexico, and Nevada. The fliffcrences in the ratios in the several states are iu ])art due to diflerences in the ])roporlion of jiersons of advanced age in the population, in part tfj previous epidemics of eruptive fevers in certain localities, and in i)art, perhaps, to heredity in certain families. This last influeuco is indicated in the geographical distribution of the cfMigenital blind, to be refeiied to hereafter. Table 117 shows the number of the blind, including Chinese, Japanese, and Indians, reported by the United States censuses of 1880 and 1890 and by the intermediate state censuses for 3 states, with the corresponding ratios per 1,000,000 of population. Taulk 117. ■TATE". KimDEB or DLtKD. RATIO PIB 1,000,000 or POPULATION. United States census, 1890. SUlo ocnnufl, 1885. Unlled Stales census, 188U. Unlled Stales con HUH, 1890. State census, 1885. United Stales census, 1880. Michigan 1,624 307 1,840 1,224 246 3,682 1,289 300 1,7.>0 770 889 624 660 808 1,844 787 1,085 972 Rbo4lo Island MaanaclinnrMji o 3 in O ift o o oe ■♦ ^ A o a z u ^ ¥ ^ O •n o o o 3 -♦ « »^ O) Eleventh Census of the United States. Blind. CARTOGRAM IJ. -coffee: - w*. •.-.•.• .•.•:t 'Pr. CONE.CUH. .(• ^1 COVINGTON I 1 '- '■ HENRv' GELNCVA • 5C • • ■ o THE 15LIND. 129 It will be seen from this table tbat for Michigan and Rhode Island the number of blind reported by the United States censuses both in ISSO and in 1800 was in excess of that reported by the iuterniediate state censuses, but that in Massachusetts the number of bliiul reported by the state census of 1.S.S5 is nearly double that reported by the United States census of 1S90 and more than double that reported by the United States census of 1S8<». This would seem to indicate that for I^Iichi^an and Rhode Island the United States census was more complete than the iutermediato state census, and that for Massachusetts it was extremely incomplete for this class of persons. This result, as regards Massachusetts, is very difterent from that obtained for the insane, the feeble-minded, and the deaf-mutes, and is due to the fact that in the state census the term ''blind'' included all who "cau not distinguish forms or colors distinctly'", that is, not only the totally blind but those with defective vision, while iu the Uuited States census only those were reported as "blind" who could not count accurately the number of fingers of another person held up before them at a distance of 1 foot. Table 224 shows for each countj' in each state the number of blind found on June 1. 1800, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. The numbers in each county arc generally too small to make the ratios derivable from them of any value. Table IIS and Cartogram 12 for Alabama, and Table 110 and Cartogram i:i for Xew York, show the ratio of blind per 100,000 of population for each county, respectively, for these two states. The depth of shading on the cartograms shows the ratios. The remarks made relative to causes of the diflerences in state ratios apply also to these county ratios. Autauga 83 Bald win 34 Barbour 83 Bibb 109 Blount 73 Bullock 96 Butler 69 Calhoun 65 Chambers 72 Cherokee 103 Chiltou 82 Choctaw 80 Clarke 119 Clay 121 Cleburne 45 Coffee 82 Colbert &1 Couecub 55 Coosa 101 Crenshaw 104 Cullman 97 Dale 70 Tablk 118. Dallas 87 Dekalb 95 Elmore 74 Escambia 35 ]:tow.-jb 82 Fayette 117 Franklin 197 Geneva 56 Greene 82 Hale 135 Henry 129 Jackson 130 Jefferson 63 I.amar 63 I.antlerdalo 110 Lawrence 87 Lee 94 Limestone 94 Lowndes Ill Macon 92 Madison 97 Marengo 76 Marion , 71 Marshall I6t Mobile 104 Monroe 142 Montgomery 85 Morgan 79 Perry 75 Pickens 80 Pike 90 Randolph 61 Russell 112 St. Clair 46 Shelby 77 Suuiter 139 Talladega 102 Tallajioosa 51 Tuscaloosa i<9 Walker 106 Washingtiiu 151 Wilcox 104 Winston 92 Albany 87 Allegany 139 Broome 129 Cattaraugus 71 Cayuga 98 Chautauqua 93 Chemung 81 Chenango 130 Clinton 144 Columbia 80 Cortland 122 Delaware 97 Dutchess 89 Erie 53 Esses 121 Franklin 89 Fulton 101 Genesee 132 Greene 104 Hamilton 63 Table 119. Herkimer 114 Jefferson 131 Kings 32 Lewis 101 Livingston 100 Madison 173 Monroe 57 Montgomery 120 New York 50 Niagara 93 Oneida 98 Onondaga 112 Ontario 134 Orange 71 Orleans 110 Oswego 113 Otsego 144 Putnam 81 Queens 55 Rensselaer 83 Richmond 54 Rockland 77 St. Lawrence 122 .•Saratoga 113 .'Schenectady 44 Siludi:irie 120 Schuyler 1(>8 Seneca 89 Steuben 117 Suffolk 88 Sullivan 113 Tioga 73 Tompkins 118 Lister 87 Warren 120 Washington 94 Wayne ^ 101 Westchester 56 Wyoming 96 Yates 81 717G INS- 130 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 225 shows the number of the blind, including; Chinese, Japanese, and Indians, found iu tlic Unite! States on June 1, 1890, in each city containing' iiO.dOO inhabitants and upward, with distinction of sex. color, and nativity, with the coiTesx)onding ratios per 1,000,000 of ijopulatioii. Wherever found, those whose homes were in a given city were credited to that city. For the aggregate of these cities the nuinl)er of blind found iu them per 1,000,000 of i)opulatioii was r>.'ij, being decidedly below the average rate for the wiiole country, wliii'h indicates that, as is tiie case for the deaf-mutes, there not only is no tendency to the aggregation of the blind in the large cities, but that the reveise is the case, and that the greatest juoportion is found iu small towns and rural distrit;ts. Table 120 shows for cacli city of "tOjOOO inhabitants and upward tlie nuuibcr of the blind jicr 1,000,000 of population iu 1890. tlie cities being arranged iu the order of the magnitude of the ratios, and corresponding ratios being given as far as possible for ISSO. Table 120. Tot«l Hartford, Conn 3»ew Orleans, La £raiiaville, Ind Albany, X.Y SjracQso, K. T Charleston, S. C«.. IndianajM-lis, Ind... Wasliiugtuu. D. C. Pbiladi-lphio, Pa Louisville. K.v Worcester, Mass Baltimore, Md Columbus, Obio Jliclunond, Va Atlant.1, Ga }s'e^v navcn. Conn.. Providence, IJ. I Memplii.^, Tonn Kasbrille, Tenn Da}'ton,Obio Boston, Mass Caniilcii, K. J Tolido, Ohio San Traucisco, Cal.. Cincinnati, Ohio Beading, Pa Grand Bapids, Mich Kansas city, Mo MM 535 1,071 09G 939 9S5 009 904 OCl 8c;) 892 892 900 709 803 781 !!89 770 l.OJO •7C8 873 7.-.0 SOI 7» 891 749 1.110 732 713 588 704 782 007 650 033 638 744 G17 CU 239 579 037 559 589 540 531 527 287 1880 Fall Eiver, ^aas. . Kcw York, N. Y.. Lowell. Mass Ljnn.Mass Loa Augcles, Cal.. St. Lonis, Mo , rittsbiirg, Vi\ i*omiiton, Pa St. Joseph. Mo Cleveiaiul, Ohio KulTalo.N.Y Trcatoii. X.J Canibriil^c, Muhs . Ti-oy,2;.Y llochestcr, N. Y. - . ■Wilmington, Del.. K'ewark, N. J Dotroit, Mich Jei"3(;y city, N. J .. Milvraukco, "Wis.. Allegheny, Pa Minneapolis, Minn Patersou, K. J Dps Moines, Iowa. f'bicQgo. Ill lirooklyn, N. T... St. Paul. Minn Denver, Colo Lincoln, ^I'^ob , Omalia, Neb 180U 1880 524 497 SOS 189 G73 483 470 471 770 4C9 027 403 459 453 481 454 800 453 443 570 443 1,128 +11 710 440 434 740 423 510 393 389 381 5S0 380 572 340 332 086 310 305 433 30.". 533 240 ?10 103 157 Of the 50,411 total blind 4,207, or 85 per 1.000 of the total, were congeiiitally blind, the conesi)oiiding ratio.'i for certain other countries being as follows: England and ^Vales, 18S1, 85; Scotland, ISOl, IL'S; Ireland, KSSl, .'"lO; Bavaria, 1858,09; Prussia, 1880, 100; Austria, 188C, 1G3. In 18.S0 the congenital blind were 82 jier 1,000 of the total and 120 per l.ooo nC those Inr wlmin tlic age at tlio time when the defect occurred was reported. In the Uniteulation was (iS, being greatest in New IMe.xico, 304; North Oarolina, 152; Virginia, 144; Alabama, 108; Tennessee, IOC, and Kentucky, 102. It will be found inteiesting to compare iu difl'erent states the ratios of the congenilal blind with tho.so of th<^ congenital feeble-mindeil and efuigenital deaf-mutes, as shown in Table 7 in the llrst part of this report. Table 121 8howK for the United States, for each geographical division, and for e;ich state and territory tlio number of those blind from birth, or congenitally blind, found on June 1, 1890, with the ratios per 1,000,000 of Itopalation. THE BLIND. 131 . Tablk 121. STATES AKD TERniTORlKS. Tho TTnitcd Stntog. Kortli AUnstio diYision . JIaino Kow Haiupshiro. Vermont , ^rassnchnsotts — lihodo Island Couiu-cticnt Xcw York Xf\p Jersey Pt-nneylvaiiia South Atlantic divi.sion. rtclnwaro Jilaryland District of Culambia. VirgiDia "West Virginia Xortli Carolina South Carolina Georgia riorida North Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan .. VTisconsin . Minnesota . Congoni- lallv blind. 4,207 941 57 2!) 20 108 20 52 270 60 307 79 5 239 76 215 104 154 37 1,300 227 176 210 99 85 53 Kntio ]>or 1,000.000 of popula* tion. 54 77 78 48 75 70 40 42 58 107 3C 141 100 152 90 84 95 58 62 55 47 51 41 .STATKS ANll T|:1UX1T<>R1I-::^. Korth Central division— Continued. lowiv Uissonri North Dakota Sonth Dakota Kebraska Kansas South Central division. Kentucky .. Tennessee . . Alab.ania . . . Mississippi . Louisiana... Tex.is OkLahoma .. Arkiin.sas... "Western division. Montana Wyoming Colorado KcTv ilexico. Arizona Ut.ih ^Tevada Idaho ■Washington . Oregon Califoniia ConReni- lullv bliuil. 97 208 4 17 41 83 190 187 164 112 71 141 14 44 Ratio per 1,000.000 of pnpitlA- tiun. 51 78 22 02 39 58 SO 102 106 108 87 64 63 32 G9 .14 301 13 38 12 40 39 35 SEX. Among the blind tlie number of males is usually greater than that of the females, and the ratio to population is also greater for the males than for the females. Of each 1,000' blind in the Uniteil States in 1890 there "were 555 males and 445 females, and in 1880 the corresponding figures were: males 547 and females 453. For the congenital blind in 1890 the figures were: males 550, females 450. The following arc the number of males and females in each 1,000 of the blind in certain other countries: England and Wales, 1891, males 523, females 477; Scotland, 1891, males 507, females 493; Ireland, 1891, males 482, females 518; Prussia, 18S0, males 500, females 500; Austria, 1880, males 532, females 408; Ilungarj-, 1880, males 491, females 509; France, 3876, males 545, females 455; Belgium, 1856, males 607, females 393; Holland, 1869, males 540, females 454; Denmark, 1870, males 462, females 538; Sweden, 1870, males 460, females 540; Norway, 1865, males 473, females 527; Italy, 1881, males 555, females 445; Spain, 1860, males 547, females 453; Argentine Eepublic, 1869, males 543, females 457. Table 122 .shows for the United States and for certain other countries at certain dates tho number of blind and the number per 1,000,000 of population, with distinction of sex. 132 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablk 122. COOTiTRIKS. United States Englanil and Wales Scotland Ireland Prassia Bararia Baden Saxony 'Wiirtem berg Saclisen-Weimar Oldenburg Braunsrhweig Sacbsen-Mc'iningon Sacbsca-AUenbnrg Sacbseu-Coburg-Gotba Anbalt Scbwarzburg-Rndolstadt Scliwarzburg-Sondersbatisen Waldeck Bremen Lubcck Elsass-Loibi-iugen Austria Hungary Franco Belgium Holland Denmark Svretlcn Norway Finland Iceland Italy Spain Kewfoundland Nova Scotia Jamaica Barbadocs Argentine Bepublic Tear. 1890 1891 1891 1891 1880 1871 1871 1875 1861 1871 1871 1871 1875 1871 1871 1871 1871 1671 1871 1871 1871 1871 1880 1860 1870 1856 1869 1870 1870 1805 1873 1870 1881 1800 1871 1871 18G1 1871 1869 iSale. 28,080 12, 281 1,417 2,572 11,343 1,947 423 1,069 042 170 99 140 101 78 93 67 40 34 41 32 20 790 8,430 10, 242 15, 526 2,229 878 577 1,546 1,098 1,276 116 12, 147 9, 503 40 93 ,')58 125 1,910 Female. 22,488 11,180 1,380 2,769 11,334 2,051 343 995 550 180 110 131 93 75 67 78 50 36 44 37 39 581 7,421 10, 597 12, 965 1,440 715 672 1,813 1,222 2,615 65 9,751 7,876 5S 93 076 127 1,613 RATIO OF BLIND TO 1,000.000 POPU- LATIO.V. Male. 876 873 729 1,109 845 822 593 790 773 1,219 631 901 1,059 1,120 1,102 670 1,249 1,040 1, 753 5:!9 1,035 1,039 779 1,329 845 981 493 655 766 1, 313 1,514 3,604 851 1,225 529 501 2,613 1,701 2,134 Female. 730 748 602 1,160 817 822 457 706 034 1,223 687 837 938 1,029 744 753 1,292 1,C42 1,474 58G 1,441 739 055 1,331 C99 040 393 743 842 1,411 2, 937 1,773 086 990 817 556 2,908 1,433 1,907 It ^vill be .seen from this table, tliat the proportion of bbiul anions the males iu flic United States is jirobably abont the average at the present time, while the proportion of blind amonj; the females is decidedly below the average. In all countries for which we h.avo succe.ssive records for a .scries of decades witli regard to the blind, the ratio of this class to the total jiopulatiou appears to be diminishing, whicli is probably due to a general increase of knowledge as to the ueces.sity for eare iu treating the ophthalmias of receutly born infants and the proper means of doing thi.s. KACE AND AGE. Table 22G shows the luimbcv of the blind in the United States on .lime 1, 18;)l), l)y (iuini|neiiMial ago groups, with distinction of se.x, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Of the total r»0,-{n, the ago was unknown for r>ir>, KM) were under I year of age, (! yt^irs of ago 1,421 from r, to 10, l-VXiiJ from 10 to 15, 13,1'j;} from l.j to ir>, i:5,187 from 15 to 05, and l.S,!)();i were (!5 years of ag(3 and upward. Of the whites, .31,003 were children of mothers born in the TTniled States, 4,2no of mothers born in Ireland, 3,509 of niothois born in Germany, ],.")(>2 of molhers born in England an! of mothers born in Italy, and 7.H2 of mothers born in oilier countries or of unknown biitlii>laco Table ]2;$ shows the, number in each (luiiKpiennial age period per 1,000 of the blind living on .June 1, IH90, whoso ages were reported, with distinction of sex and color. Eleventh Census of the T'nited State's. DIAGRAM 65 Blind. AGES. to 5 5 .. 10 10 ., 15 15 ., 20 20 ,. 25 25 ., 30 30 ,'. 35 35 „ 40 40 .. 45 45 ., 50 50 .. 55 55 „ 60 60 ,. 65 65 ., 70 70 ,. 75 75 ., 80 80 .. 85 85 „ 90 90 „ 95 95 and over. WHITE. COLORED. 80 70 -SO SO AO 30 20 10 10 20 30 AO 50 60 70 ao 1 1 ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ "" 1 ^^ ^^ "^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^"^ ■ ^^ ^^ ^^ " ^^ """" "^ ^^ """ "^ ^^ ^^ ^^ "^ ^"" ^^ ^^ ^"' ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ""' ^^ ^''" ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^"" ^^ ^"^ ^^ *" ^^ ^^ """ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^"" ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ DIAGRAM 66. AGES, to 5 S .. 10 10 ,. 15 IS .. 2 2 .. 2 5 26 ., 30 30 .. 35 35 .. 40 40 „ 45 45 ., 5 5 .. 5 5 55 .. 60 60 .. 65 65 .. 70 70 ,. 7 5 7 5 .. 8 8 .. 8 5 85 .. 90 90 .. 95 9 5 and over MALES FEMALES. 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 ^0 50 60 70 80 1 ^^^ ^^ ^" ^^ ^^^ ^^1 ■ ^^ ^"l ^^\ ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ^^ ^^ "^^ ^^ ^""^ ; i ^mm 1 ' 1 ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ 1 1 ' 1 ■ 1 ' 1 F "T"" ^^^1 BI^^^B^H 1 THE BLIND. 133 Table 123. AGE FEUIODS. TJndcrS 5tol0 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35 to40 40 to 45 45 to 50 50 to 55 55to60 CO to 65 «5to70 70 to 75 75 to 80 80 to 85 85 to 90 90to95 95 and over Total. Male. 14.51 28. 54 39.68 43. 60 40. CO 41.90 44. 31 40. 34 55.02 72.93 74. oa 69.85 81.57 79.51 84.90 71.23 00.81 29.84 13.24 7.45 Female. 16.31 28.48 43.93 45.56 42.40 39.52 41.73 42.04 44.48 47.45 55.07 59.08 74.40 70.06 87.37 87.10 81.11 45.56 24.60 17.73 ■White. 14.82 27.73 40.68 43.90 40. 2C 40.91 43.34 44.48 00.89 62.00 06.61 67.50 78.87 60.85 87.91 80.31 C9.76 37.05 15.94 6.17 Culurcd. 18.36 33.25 40.70 48. 29 48.72 40. 62 42. 07 44. 09 40.84 08. 99 59.42 49.88 73.32 60.14 74.17 65.78 70.41 35.56 32.90 48.43 "Diagram 65 shows the number of the blind in each age group per 1,000 of the total for the white and for the colored. Diagrajta OG shows the number of the blind in each age group per 1,000 of the total, with distinction of males and females. It will be seen from the preceding table and diagrams that the proportion of the blind rapidly increases up to the age of 20, yet between the ages of 20 and 30 there is either no increase or an actual decrease, but after the age of 30 the increase goes on slightly until the age of 45, after which it is very rapid up to the age of 75. This diminution in the proportion of the blind between the ages of 25 aud 35 exists in the white and in the colored, in the males aud in the females. It is also seen in the statistics of the blind in England and Wales in 1801, where the numbers per 1,000 of all ages Avere, under 5, 23.4; 5 to 10, 27.0; 10 to 15, 39.4; 15 to 20, 4().,J; 20 to 25, 43.4; 25 to 35, 80.0; 35 to 45, 100.1; 45 to 55, 123.8; 55 to 05, 151.3; 05 to 75, 174.3; 75 to 85, 142.2, and 85 and over, 35.5. It is probably due to the fact that the number of persons who became blind between 20 and 40 is proportionately small. Table 227 shows the number of the congeiiitally blind in the United States on June 1, 1890, by quinquennial age grou])s, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Of the total 4,2()7, the age was unknown for 52, 378 were under 5 years of age, 470 were from 5 to 10, 500 from 10 to 15, 2,041 from 15 to 45, 539 from 45 to 65, and 215 were 65 years of age and upward. Table 124 shows for each 1,000 of the congenitally blind the number in each quinquennial age group, with di.stiuctiou of sex and color. Tabi-k 124. AGE PERIODS. Total. Male. Female. White. Colored. Under 5 . . , 89.68 112.93 134. 28 127.64 101.31 84.22 j 68. 09 1 57.41 i 45.55 40.57 38.43 20.10 22.78 18.03 10.91 6.64 ; 8.07 4. 75 1.42 1.19 87.42 120.15 134. 80 129. 63 99.48 82.20 60.29 60.72 46. 51 43.50 45.22 24. 55 22.83 16.80 12.00 ,3.45 6.89 1.72 1.29 0.43 92.45 104. 07 ;33.65 123. 20 103. 54 86.03 77.65 51. 35 44.37 36.98 30.11 28.00 22.72 19.55 9.51 10.57 9.51 8.45 1.58 2.11 87.89 112.33 131.01 124.14 99.97 84.59 72.78 fiO. 42 40.42 43.12 38.73 27.74 21.70 18.40 11.26 6.32 7.42 4.67 0.27 0.82 101.04 116.72 155. 05 149.83 109. 70 81.88 38.33 38.33 40.07 24.39 30.59 15.68 29.62 15.68 8.71 8.71 12.19 5.23 8.71 3.48 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35to40 40 to 45 45 to 50 50 to 53 55 to 60 60to65 65 to 70 70to75 75to80 80to85 85 to 90 90to95 95 and over 134 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUIMB, AND liT.IND. Diagram 67 shows as a whole and with distinction of sex the number in each 50 Wlo55 55to60 60lo65 65lo70 70)o75 75lo80 e0lo85 85lo90 90b95 95»«,cr /P^ . /■ ~ ' /,' -vj-. li- — -■^Si -^ / ( \ \ \ / / ' '/ ' ii-r \\ fn— \ Y 7? -v\v /- J \ \ -4- >^* — f- \v ^ V' A^ \\ 'v v"^ V - \ \ ' \ '- V \ \ \ \ \ \ \— - ^_ V\ N^ A 0. o-^^ '-:\- ^■■ -. -K.^^ — \-\ v__^ \ '"•^ ^, — > ~ ^<; ~?rs^ *^. ^^^ — ^r-^^^ ' — — 1 -^ — o~^ -^ v — — '"^■-7 ir>JM.^ =;=; — -TOTAL MALE -FEMALE DIAGRAM 68. AGES. to 5 5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 2i5 30 30 35 35 40 40 45 45 50 50 55 55 60 60 65 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 85 85 90 90 95 95 and over WHITE. 150 125 100 75 to 25 COLORED. 25 50 7S 100 125 i50 Eleventh Census of the Tnited States. DIAGRAM f9 United S»at<» 1690 ScoHond 1691 England and Wales 1691 Ireland . 1691 THE BLIND. 135 Tablk 126. COUNTRIES. England and Wales, 1891 Scotland, 1891 Irolan.l, 1691 Unilcd States, 1890 (o)... Under 15 years. 20.8 15.2 9.1 19.3 15 to 25 years. 37.7 29.6 24.1 34.0 25 to 35 yean. 46.1 45.1 54.8 43.3 35 to 45 years. 74.8 68.9 105.7 67.9 45 to 95 yeam. 116.4 99.0 186.6 126.9 SStoSS years. 05 years and over. 214.3 173.0 298.0 230.8 602.0 503.7 753.0 789.9 a Unknown ages distributed among the knovn. Diagram 6!) shows the proportion of blind at each of certain age groups in the United States in 1S90 and in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland in 1891. It will be seen from the table and the diagi'arn that the pi'oportion of blind was less in the a;;(' group under 1.5 in the United States than in England and Wales and greater than in Ireland and Scotland; tliat for tlio.se from 25 to 55 the jiroportion was greatest in Ireland, and for those 05 years and upward it was greatest in the United States, next in Ireland, next in England and Wales, and lowest of all in Scotland. Table 127 shows the ratios of the congenital blind in each of certain age groups per 100,000 of population in each of those age groups living on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 127. SKX, COLOR, AND SATIVITr. Total. ' Under ' 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years and over. Total 6.8 7.3 0.2 6.4 ' 7.0 5.7 7.6 8.4 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.2 6.8 5.5 6.6 7.9 5.2 6.6 6.8 6.4 8.9 8.0 9.8 Male White ... 6.0 7.0 6.3 7.5 2.5 9.5 5.D 6.3 6.8 5.9 6.4 3.8 1 6.7 8.7 4.8 7.3 8.0 6.7 8.0 3.0 9.3 11.4 7.3 6.5 6.3 6.8 7.9 2.0 7.1 8.8 5.5 6.2 0.7 .i.6 7.7 2.1 6.4 7.6 5.2 6.6 7.5 5.6 8.7 2.3 7.0 11.7 2.1 6.3 6.6 6.0 8.6 2.0 9.7 9.0 10.5 8.1 7.5 8.8 9.9 4.1 17.0 14.0 20.1 JIalo Male If those of unknown ages are distributed among those of known ages, the ratios are about as presented herewith : SEX, COI.OK, AND XATIVITY. Total. Under 15 years. :5to25 years. 25 to 35 year.s. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 05 years. 65 rears and over. Total 6.8 7.3 6.3 6.5 7.1 5.8 7.7 8.5 6.9 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.2 6.8 5.6 6.7 7.9 5.3 6.6 0.8 6.5 9.0 8.1 ■ 10.0 Male 6.7 7.0 6.3 7.5 2.5 7.8 9.7 6.0 6.4 0.8 5.9 6.5 3.8 6.9 8.8 4.9 7.4 8.0 6.8 8.0 3.1 9.4 11.6 7.4 6.6 6.3 6.9 7.9 2.0 7.3 9.0 5.6 6.2 6.7 .'■).6 7.8 2.1 6.3 7.5 5.2 6.6 7.5 5.7 8.8 2.S 7.2 12.0 2.1 6.4 6.6 6.1 8.7 2.0 9.6 8.9 10.5 &2 7.5 8.9 10.0 4.1 17.4 13.9 21.0 Male _ Male . In the age group 65 and upward the ratio of the blind females to population, 9.8 per 100.000, is greater than of the males, 8.0, and the proportion of the colored, 17.0, is more than twice as great as that of the whites, 8.1. Table 228 shows the number of noncongenital blind in the United States on June 1, 1890, by iiuinquennial age periods, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Of the total 40,354, the age was unknown for 301, 332 were under 5 years of age, 808 from 5 to 10, 1,293 from 10 to 15, 9,081 from 15 to 45, 11,331 from 45 to 05, and 10,008 were 05 and over. Table 128 shows the ratios of the noncongenital blind in each of certain age groujjs per 100,000 of population in each of those age groups living ou June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. 136 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 128. SEX, COLOR. AND NATTVITT. Total. TTnder 1 5 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years aud over. Total 64.3 69.7 58.7 10.9 11.3 ia5 22 8 24.6 21.1 31.3 35.0 29.4 53.0 60.1 45.2 103.7 127.7 78.0 195.4 220.2 168. 6 688.0 685.5 690. 7 Male 63.4 69.1 67.4 59.1 84.0 71.2 74.5 68.0 10.9 11.1 10.6 10.8 13.0 11.5 12.7 10.3 22.3 23.8 20.7 23.5 14.0 26.8 30.7 23.1 30 33.4 26.2 34.8 14.3 43.5 50.9 36.4 51.2 56.9 44.9 58.3 32.6 09.1 91.6 47.8 100.6 124.0 75.4 115.3 70.7 131.9 160.9 101.1 189.5 214.7 102.4 205. 3 160.4 258. 3 276.3 237.1 652.6 666.6 637.9 690.0 569.2 1,057.2 883.4 1,236.0 Male Colored .. •Male If those ot imliiiown ages are distribnted among those of kno\\-n ages, the ratios are about as presented herewith : SEX, COLOR. AND NATIVITY. Total. Fnder 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 43 years. 45 to 55 years. 53 to 65 years. 65 years and over. Total 64.8 70.1 58.9 11.0 11.4 10.6 23.0 24.8 21.2 31.5 35.2 27.4 53.3 00.4 45.4 104.2 128.3 78.3 196.3 221.3 169.1 091. 3 C88.9 693.8' Male 63.6 69.4 57.6 59.4 84.8 71.8 75.0 68.5 10.9 11.2 10.0 10.8 13.0 11.6 12.8 10.4 22.4 23.0 20.9 23.6 14.1 27.0 30.9 23.3 30.1 23.5 26.3 34.8 14.3 43.8 51.3 36.7 51.5 57.1 45.1 58.6 32.6 69.6 92.3 48.2 101.0 124.6 75.6 115.9 70.8 133.0 162.4 101.8 100.3 213.7 162.8 206.4 ICO. 5 200.0 278.4 23^5 035.3 669.7 640.3 093. 5 r.70. 2 1,064.9 890.2 1,244.5 Male Colored jjalc Female It will be seen on comparing these tables that the proportion of the congenital bliiul rt'inaius about the same in each of the age gi-oups, except in that of Go and over, in wliicli it slightly incieases, wliich indicates lliat the death rate of the congenital blind is about the same as that of the rest of the population until the age of 05 is reached, when it becomes somewhat lower than the average. The increase in the proportion of the blind with advancing age occurs entirely among the noncongenital Mind, and is due to causes acting in all ages to destroy vision. Table 229 shows for individual schools and institutious for the blind in the United States the minilici and 20 years of age per 1,000 of the total of that age group, with distiuctiou of sex, color, nativity, and birthiilaces of mothers. 138 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 130. SEX, COLOR. ANI» NATIVnT. Total Male Femalo ,. ■\Vhile Male Female Native l»oru Pan-utj* native Male... Female. Ooe or both parents fon*i^ Male ... Female. Foreign born Male Female Colored Male , Female Binbplaces of uiotbers (wliite) : Uninnl States Male . . Female England and AValea Male.. Female Total blind 5 to 20 years of age. 5.708 3,090 2,61? Total blind in echools 5 to 20 years of ace. 1,105 4,821 2.S96 2 225 4.590 l,Sg6 1,C72 582 450 231 128 103 887 494 393 2,011 1,772 70 57 654 l.u:)ri S78 457 081 3G6 308 179 128 54 33 21 70 46 24 403 336 20 23 li.itio per 1,000 of num- ber iu pchools to total blind. 29.7 29.7 32.7 32.1 33.4 38.2 29.1 30.2 95.6 103.1 11.9 12.2 11.4 11.8 14.6 8.7 30.8 32.0 25.9 50.5 Katio j>cr 1,000 of number j in scliooU 5 to 20 to total 5 to20yeni8 uf liirc. 193.6 201.9 183.7 214.7 222.7 205.4 213.7 194.1 184.2 307.0 234.4 233.8 257.8 203.9 78.9 93.1 61.1 200.4 189.6 285.7 403.5 SEX, COLOn, AND NATIVITY. Birthplaces of mothers (white) — Cou' tinuod. Scotland Male ... Female. Irolnud Mule ... Fom.ile. British Aiuorica Male ... Female. Frauro Male ... Female. Germany Male ... Fomalc. Scandinavia Male . . Female. Bohemia Male . . Female Hungary Male ... Female. Italy Male .. Female Russia and Polaiul ilalo .. Female. All ot her countries Male . . Female, Unknown Malo .. Female Total blind 5 to 20 years of ago. 15 14 121 105 57 45 6 3 176 123 49 33 9 3 4 14 15 47 32 11 8 Total blind in schools 5 to 20 years of ago. 48 31 8 9 1 1 54 33 14 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 10 3 10 4 Katio per 1,000 nf niiui- bcr iu schools to total blind. ratio per 1,000 of nnmlwr in schools 3 to 20 to total 5 to 2 to I'O yeans of ai,^i' a little over 10 per cent were in .schools or institutions for the blind, the iiroportiou being a little greater for males than for females and more tlian twice as great for the white as for the colored. Out of each 1,0(10 blind from 5 to 20 years of age there were in .schools, 0 bet nine blind within the next 10 years, or that there was a considerable addition to the blind of this age; group by iinmigiation, or thai there was a deficiency in the count of the blind under 10 years of age in 1880. In the ago group from 10 to 20 years of ago in 1880 there were 5,503 blind, the survivors of whom should be found in the, age group 20 to 30 in the census of 18!»0, which numbers 4,102. Leaving out of the question the additions occiirriiig to persons in this age group by immigration and of jiersons becoming blind from disease or accidents, this would give an average annual death rate of 20.7 for the blind between 10 and 20 years of age, which is a very high death rate for persons of this age, yet is probably rather below than above the true death rate. The corresponding death rate for the deaf-mutes of the same age group was 18.2, and for the feeble-minded of the .same age grou]* 8.0. Calculated in like manner, the death rate for the 4,837 blind between 20 and 30 years of age found in 1S80 was 9.8, but this is certainly considerably below the true death rate. Table 2.'t2 shows for the; blind in llie United States on Juno 1, 1800, the number iu whom the blindness oeciirred at each of certain age period.s, with distinction of sc.\, color, nativity, and birthplaces of niothers. Of the total .50,411, the ago when the bliixlness occurred was not reported for 5,790; for 4,207 it was congenital; it occurred under I year of ago in 1,.'5S1 ; between 1 antl 5 years of age in 2,,110; between 5 and 10 years of age in 2,5sii; between 10 and 20 in .'{,812; between 20 and 50 in 13,075, ami at 50 years of ago and upwartl in I(i,034. In each 1,000 of the blind for whom the age when tho loss of vision occurred was reported, the defect was congenital in 95.03; it occurred under 1 year of ago in 30.95; between 1 and 5 years of ago iu 56.92; between THE BLIND. 139 5 niul 10 years of agro in 57.87; between 10 and 20 in SO.IO; between 20 and 50 in 293.02, or over one-fourth, and at tlio age of 50 and upward iu 379.51, or over one-third. In tlic colored the ratio in which the delect occurred under 1 year of age was less than in the whites, being for males 13.91: and for females 15.41 per 1,000, while the corresponding ratios for the whites were, males 00.98, females 30.58. Blindness was i'ei)orted to have occurred under 1 year of age iu a greater proportion among females (33.01) than among males (28.81). Among nuUes, grou])ed by birthplaces of mothers, blindness occurred under 1 year of age in each l,OfK> blind ill the following proportions: mothers boi'n in Ilungary, 70.92; iu Russia and Poland, 53.57; in Bohemia, 47.02; in British America, 43.93; in Scandinavia, 35.03; in the United States, 34.35; in Itnlv, 31.25; in England and Wales, 29.38; in Germany, 22.02, and in Ireland, 10.00. Probably the majority of the cases reported as having occurred under 1 year of age, and some of the cases reported as congenital, were dno to oi)hthalmia neonatorum, but the pro])ortiou of cases due to this canse can not b6 above G per cent, which is nnu'h lower tlian that reported by oplithalniologists, or than that derived from data furnished by schools or institutions for the blind, which contain a large proportion of the blind under 20 years of age. Table 131 shows for each 1,000 blind for whom the age when blindness occurred is known, the number iu which it occurred at certaiu ages, with distinction of sex, color, nativitj', and birthplaces of mothers. Tabu: 131. SEX, COLOn, AND KATrVlTY. Birth. Under 1 year. lto5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Total 95.63 94.92 96.51 30.95 28.81 33.61 58.92 54.58 59.83 57.87 55.67 60.59 86.10 88.69 82.89 293.02 337.11 238.28 379. 51 240. 22 428.29 Male Female ■White 95.18 92.12 99.04 33.40 30.98 36.58 57.25 54.27 61.00 59.11 55.60 63.46 85.12 87.24 82.45 292.21 336. 04 237.00 377. 67 343. 69 420. 17 Male Native born : Paren ts nati re ..Male.... 106. 00 33.26 50.18 56.39 92.18 320.08 329. 91 Female.. 108. 05 37.25 59.91 62.68 81.91 233.68 413.92 One or botli ]>aronts foreign- - • ...Male.... 143.91 52.73 100.91 111.36 132.27 297.27 139.55 Female. . 151. 01 74.28 124.62 132.60 136, 89 184.78 195. 82 Foreign born ...M.nlc... 24.44 13.90 26.75 27.60 51.19 384.66 471. 40 Female. . 36.07 14.92 32.96 31.41 56.90 276. 12 551. 62 Colored ...Male.... 114.07 13.94 56. 72 55.77 98.54 344.42 316. 54 Female.. 80.97 13.41 52.67 43.00 85.63 246. 15 476. 17 Birthplaces of motliers (white) : United States ...Male.... 100.43 34.35 57.34 57.28 92. 03 325. 49 327. 08 Fem,ale.. 109. 36 39.13 60.94 61.09 82,20 231.64 412.64 England .ind Wales ...Male... 48.00 29.38 51.41 44.06 84.46 365.97 373. 76 Female.. 71.68 38.46 40.21 54.20 85.66 260. 49 449.30 Scotland ...Male.... 20,27 4.88 53.00 58.54 87.80 356. 10 40:l. 73 Female . . 57. S5 33.06 41.32 99.17 60.12 231.41 471.07 Ireland ...M.ilc... 30.12 16.00 29.65 49.41 67.29 407.06 400. 47 Female . . 36.20 15.27 52.16 53.44 85.24 394.53 403.10 British America ...Male.... 95.01 43.93 74.93 64.00 100.77 330. 75 2S9.41 Fem.'Ue.. 83.03 28. 8S 101.08 72.20 111.92 270. 7G 332. 13 Franco ...M;»le.... 81.08 9.01 81.03 54.05 18.02 306.31 450. 45 Female.. 64.93 25.97 77.92 12. 9W 90.91 233.77 493. 51 Germany ...Male.... 70.49 22.02 51.03 46.29 88.37 333.51 387.09 Female.. 93.87 33.06 01.16 . 09. 42 79.34 214.87 446.28 ...Male .... 114.63 111.03 35.03 M. 76 63.70 96.45 54.11 50.70 66.88 60.91 280.62 182.74 378. 98 440,70 Female.. Bohemia ...Male.... 110.03 47.02 119. 05 93.24 23.81 285.71 309. 52 Female.. 27.78 83.33 55.56 83.33 27.78 222.22 500. 00 Hun gary ...Male.... 70.93 70.92 51.28 23.04 23. 64 487. 18 250.41 Italy Female.. ...Male... 117.65 150.23 235.29 31.25 117. 05 62.50 117.05 31.25 294. 12 437. 50 117.64 250. 00 31.25 Female.. 133. 34 200. 00 133. 33 131. 33 266.67 133. 33 Kussia and Poland ...Male.... 53.57 53.57 53.57 89.29 71.43 42S. 57 250. 00 Fem.ale.. 122. 45 81.63 102.04 122. 45 81.63 201. 08 285.72 All other countries ...Male.... 78.86 23.24 53.03 94.04 53.63 331. 23 302. 77 Female.. 90.91 30.36 C3.18 68.18 90.91 222.73 422.73 Unknown Male 103. 90 80.00 38.96 100. 00 25.97 40.00 51.95 60.00 272.73 ISO. 00 500. 49 520.00 Female.. 20.00 140 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLINR Table 233 shows for the blind in institutions for the same in the United States on June 1, 1890, the number in ■whom tbc blindness occurred in each of certain age groups, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Of the total 1,499, the age when blindness occurred was not reported for 87; for 350 it was congenital; it occiured under 5 years of age in 482, between 5 and 10 years of age in 295, between 10 and 20 years of age in 242, between 20 and 50 years of age in 42, and at 50 years of age and upward in 1 case. Table 132 shows for each 1,000 of the bliud in institutions for the same, for whom the age when blindness occurred was reported, the number in which it occurred at certain ages, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and of those whose mothers were born ia the I'nited States, in Ireland, and in Germauy, the nuiubers of those whose mothers are born in other countries being too small to make the ratios of any value. Table 132. SEX, COLOR, XXD NATIVITT- Birth. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to SO years. 50 year.'i and over. Total 247. 88 247.44 248.42 242.09 247. 93 341. 36 312. 82 376.58 208. 92 207.09 210.44 171.39 183.33 156. 65 29.74 47.44 7.91 0.71 1.28 ^ale Wbite Male.... 320. 50 373. 65 204.95 216. 53 185.09 153. 72 45.39 8.27 1.38 Female.. Native born: Male.... 277. 27 250.64 340. 91 403. 10 193. 18 180. 88 154. 55 100. 21 34.09 5.17 Female.. One or both parents foreign Male ... 198 20 292. 79 238. 74 220. 72 49.55 Female. . 248 59 327.68 299. 44 112.99 11.30 Foreign born Male.... 153.85 270.92 169. 23 27». 92 107.09 15.39 210.51 • 292.68 195. 12 268.29 24. 39 Male.... 320.76 259 "6 207.53 444.45 245.28 74.07 150.94 222. 22 75.47 Black Male 333 33 222 22 244 45 111 11 88.89 333. 33 380. 95 95.24 190. 48 MiTf>i1 lilnml Male ... 250. 00 125. 00 660. 07 250.00 375. 00 333. 33 BirtUplaces of mothers (wliite) : United states Male.... 260. 87 347.82 196. 69 161. 49 33.13 Female . . Male... Fcni.ile.. Male.... 254 12 397 65 181 18 16'> 35 4.70 IreluDi] 159 4** 188 41 oQo 87 275 36 115 94 122.45 219. 51 285 71 448 98 142 66 German V 268. 29 231.71 207. 32 60.98 12.19 Fem.ole.. 250. 00 346. 15 230. 77 173.08 It will be .seen from this table that the ratio of those in whom the blindness occurreil under 5 years of age was 3n.3G per 1,000, and those in whom it occurred from 5 (o 10 years of age 208.92 per 1.000, tliesc ratios being very much greater than those shown in Table 131, which relates to the total blind. Table 2:54 .shows for the blind in the United States on June 1, 1890, the assigned causes of blindness, with distim-tion of sex, color, and nativity. < M' the total 50,411 cases of blindness, the cause was not reported for 14,4.50, and the defect was congenital in 4.207. For the remainder, 31,088, 7,134 were reported as due t,'10S were males and 20,312 were females; ;j!t.424 were whites, of whom 22,i;j2 were males and 17,292 were females; 0,320 were colored, of whom 3,270 were males and 3,050 were females. Table 130 shows for each 1,000 of the blind 1.") years of age and upward, in the aggregate and for ea<'h of four age groups, tho number who were single, married, widowed, and divorced, with distinction of congenital and noncongenital, and of sex, color, and nativity. Taulis 136. SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY. White— male : Single Married... AVidowod . Divorci^d.. White— feni.ilc: Sinltle Married.... Widowed .. Divorced — Kative ]>arouts— m.ile : Single M-irried Widowed Divorced Kativo parents— female : Sin.cle Married Widowed Divorced Foreign parent.^— male : Single Married Widowed Divorced Foreign p.ircnts- female: Single Married Widowed Divorced Foreign born— male; Single Married Widowed Divorcfil Foreign born— female: Single Married Widowed Divorced Colored— male : Single Married — Widowed . Divorced . . Colored— female : Single Married Widowed . ... Divorced COXOEN'ITAL. Total. 751.5 216.2 :io.8 1.5 824.4 lao.o 01.1 4.5 732.3 229. 3 36.4 2.0 822.0 122.3 r>1.7 ::.4 908.1 91.9 917.2 62.1 13.8 6.9 C56.6 313.1 30.3 710.0 ]««.0 100. 10.0 778.3 179.2 42.5 751.7 117.3 131.0 15 to 30 years. 949.7 48.0 I 1-7 30 to 45 years. 932.7 I 01.5 1.!) 3.9 937.9 59.9 2.2 928.4 66.5 2.0 2.5 982.8 17.4 10.6 1,000.0 885.7 114.3 950.0 50.0 947.4 52.0 654.3 325. 7 17.1 2.9 808.7 107.8 16.8 6.7 620. 6 348.2 18.5 3.7 80.1. 4 170. 9 21.4 4.3 814.8 185.2 45 to 60 vears. 868.4 131.6 576.9 884.6 38.5 769.2 192. 3 800.0 171.4 28.6 800.0 186.7 33.3 573.9 Ti43. 5 78.3 4.3 718.5 209. 6 65.9 0.0 567. 7 3,'i8. 6 88.5 5.2 728.6 200.0 64.3 7.1 769.2 230.8 777.8 222. 2 520.0 440.0 40.0 611.1 277.8 111.1 441.2 411.8 147.0 545.5 272.7 181.8 60 years .ondover. 398.4 479.7 121.9 504.9 129.8 305.3 407.8 456.3 135.9 594.3 122. 7 283. 333.3 666.7 500.0 353.0 586. 2 58.8 428. G 100.5 380.9 347.8 621. 8 130.4 2.50. 178.0 571.4 NOKCONQENITAL. Total. 260.0 560. 8 107.1 6.1 250. 5 • 333. 8 405.1 4.6 248.9 082.0 162.4 6.7 25C. 1 331!. 6 405.4 4.9 479.5 410.2 106. 3.7 493. 5 268.7 233. 5 4.3 211.3 682.1 201.3 5.3 167.2 359.3 469.9 3.6 238.2 054. 5 181.8 5.5 180.4 258.5 555. C 5.5 15 to 30 years. 879.6 114.5 5.4 0.5 a.io. 3 140.1 9.6 864.0 127. 2 8.1 0.7 825.1 165.4 9.5 930. 7 69. 3 917.9 71.8 10.3 807.6 132.4 873.0 119.1 7.9 831.0 155.1 11.1 2.8 750.0 191.2 55.1 3.7 30 to 45 years. 45 to 60 years. 430.0 528.3 33.9 7.8 466.7 444.0 81.9 ; 7.4 I 404. S 549.3 37.1 8.8 451.6 450.8 89.0 8.0 563.1 409.3 20.9 549.0 392.2 51.0 7.8 402.2 557.8 33.3 0.7 466.2 458.6 71.4 3.8 352.7 538.3 102.1 G.9 371.3 430.1 176.5 22.1 192.5 705.0 95. 3 7.2 228.0 512.4 251.7 7.9 180.0 72:i.9 89.0 7.1 229.7 .521.9 240.9 7.5 204.8 C72.4 112.6 10.2 .306.7 466. 3 208.0 18.4 224.6 660. 3 108.4 6.7 201.6 406.0 295. 9 0.5 168.4 710.9 112.2 8.5 107.9 451.9 431.5 8.7 60 years and over. 105. 3 613. 275.4 6.3 03.1 289.4 013.8 3.7 91.8 625.2 272.7 7.3 617.2 4.2 95.6 599.1 303.0 2 3 75.6 305. 3 619. 1 128.8 589. 6 276.7 4.9 73.8 319.9 603.3 3.C 90.4 605.6 299.8 4.3 .57.4 194.6 746.0 2.0 Tables 137, 138, and 139 show the number of the total blind, of the cougenital blind, aud of the noncongenital blind leported as single, married, widowed, or divorced in each 10,000 of the total population of similar conjugal condition, with distiuction of sex, of color, and of those between 15 and 45 years of age, and those 45 years of age and upward. Table 137 shows the number of blind persous reported as single, married, widowed, or divorced in each 10,000 of the population of similar conjugal condition, by specified ages, sex, aud color. 144 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabi-K 137 CONJUGAL COXDITIO.N. WUITE. COLORZn. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. 51.96 51.10 22.04 13.08 63.77 89.18 40.19 24.74 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. Single: Halo 5.10 5.78 3.00 1.64 6.59 4.67 10.89 4.51 7.36 6.40 4.02 1.93 14.90 5.13 11.98 8.03 76.43 63.96 27.36 17.71 72.89 66.36 55.93 32.43 Married ; Male Widowed : Male Divorced : Male Table l^iS sLows the number of persons coiigeiiitally blind reported as single, married, widowed, or divorced ia each 10,000 of the population of similar conjusal foiiditiou, by specilied ages, sex, and color. Table 138. CONJl'iiAI. CO.NDITION. WHrrE. COLOllED. 15 to 45 years. 45 years aiid'ovor. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. Single: Male 1.09 1.38 0.24 0,11 0.42 0.16 0.48 1.00 4.76 6.40 0.35 0.18 0.60 0.35 0.46 0.48 1.76 1.53 0.16 0.10 0.30 0.08 7.74 6.16 0.02 0.32 1.38 0.94 Married : Male Widowecl : Male Divorced : Male Female Table 139 shows the number of persons noncongenitally blind reported as single, married, widowed, or divorced in each 10,000 of the population of similar conjugal condition, by specified ages, sex, and color. Taiii.k 139. OONJl-HAI/ CONDITION. WHITB. COLOKED. IS to 45 years. 45 years and over. IS to 45 years. 45 years and over. Single : Male 4.01 4.40 2.76 1.53 6,17 4.51 10.41 3.51 47.20 44.71 21.69 12.90 .'.3.17 88.83 30.74 24.26 5.00 4.87 3.86 1.83 14. 60 5. OS 11.98 8.03 68.69 57.80 20.74 17. :i9 71,51 65.42 55.03 32. 43 Married : Male Widowed : Male Female Divorced : Male Eleventh Census of the United States. DIAGRAM 70. Blind. NoN- Congenital 45 yrs. and over. CONJUGAL CONDITION. WHITE. eO 50 40 JO 20 10 COLORED. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 SINGLE Male. " Female. MARRIED Mole " Female. WIDOWED Male. ■> ' Female. DIVORCED Male. " Female. 1 1 III ^■^■" 1 ■ ■ • ^ ^^^^^^ 1 1 1 1 DIAGRAM 71. White:-45 years AND over. Conjugal conditions Congenital Non CONGENITAL 5 10 20 30 40 50 SINGLE Male Female MARRIED Male Female WIDOWED Male Female DIVORCED Male Female 1 1 1 1 1 ^^ ^^^■1^1 ' i ^^^ 1 1 DIAGRAM 72. Can NEITHER READ NOR WRITE.. AGE AND SEX. 5 to 15 Male " •' "• Female. 15 " 25 Mole. • ♦ " • ' Female. 2 5 " 35 Male. • • " » • Fe mo I e 35 " A5 Male. • < > . • • Female 45 1. 55 Male ' • »» « * Female. 55 »' 65 Male. »i »» »» Female. 65 and over Mole. • • " '» Female. CONGENITAL NON -CONGENITAL 700 eoo SOO AOO 300 2O0 100 "1 r 100 200 SOO 400 SOO eoo 700 THE BLIND. 145 These tables show that the proportion of innrriid, widowed, .and divorced was much proator aniongr the noncoiigeuital tlian aiiioii},' tlio coiifjenital blind, tiiat ainong both tho coiifjcnital and the nonconfjciiital l)lind a greater proportion of males thau of females were married, and also a greater proi)ortioa of males tiian of ffnialea were widowed. lictweon tho ages of 15 and 45 years for the whites the ratio of widowed among the males, 0.59 in each 10,000, is greater than among the single, 5.10, and among the married, 3.(t0. The highest ratio of blind males in any class is found among the divorced, 10.88. For the white females between 15 and 45 years of age the highest ratio of the blind is found among tho single, 5.78, as against 4.07 for tho widowed, 4.51 for the divorced, and 1.04 for tho married. For the white males 45 years of age and upward the highest ratio of the blind is found among the widowed, 5.'?.77 in ea(!h 10,000, as against 51.00 for the single, 40.19 for tlie dis-oreed, and 2-.04 f<»i- tlie married. Among the white females 45 years of age and upward the highest ratio of blind is found among the single, 51.11, as against 39.18 for the widowed, 24.74 for the divorced, and 13.08 for the married. The ratio of the blind at all ages and for both sexes is less among the married than among the single. Among the colored males from 15 to 45 years of age the highest ratio of tho blind to population is found among the widowed, being 14.90 in each 10,000, as against 11.98 for the divorced, 7.36 for tho single, and 4.02 for the manied. For the colored females between 15 and 45 years of age the highest ratio of the blind occurs among the divorced, 8.03 in each 10,000, as against 0.40 for the single, 5.13 for tlie widowed, and 1.93 for the niarried. Among the colored males 45 years of age and upward the greatest ratio of tho bliiul occurs among tlie single, being 70.43 in each 10,000, as against 72.89 for the widowed, 55.93 for the divorced, and 27.30 for the married. Among the colored females 45 years of age and upward the greatest ratio of the blind occurs among the widowed, being 00.30 in each 10,000, as against (i3.9(; for the single, 32.43 for the divorced, and 17.71 for the married. At all ages and for both sexes, therefore, among the colored as among the whites, the proportion of the blind is least among the married. Diagrams 70 and 71 show the proi>ortion to the population of the congenital and noncongenital blind over 45 years of age, by sex and color. Table 237 shows for the male blind in the United States on June 1, 1890, 5 years of age and upward, the number concerning whom it was reported as to whether they could read and write, could read and not write, or could neither read nor write, or could read and unknown as to writing, with distinction of color and of certain age groups, and with the further distinction of the congenital and noncongenital cases. Table 238 gives the same information for the female blind. Of the 1,737 congenital male blind 5 years of age and upward, with regard to whom the facts as to literacy or illiteracy were reported, 527 could read and write, 120 could read and not write, 1,083 could neither read nor write, and 7 could read but it was unknown as to writing. Of the 18,342 noncongenital male blind 5 years of a.ye and upward, 8,140 could read and write, 520 could read and not write, 9,631 could neither read nor write, and 45 could read but the condition as to writing was unknown. Table 140 shows for each 1,000 of the blind of certain age groups, with distinction of congenital and noncongenital, the number who could read and write, could read and not write, and who could neither read uoi write, with distinction of sex and of color. 7176 INS 10 146 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DU:\rB, AND BLIND. Table 110. SEX, COLOR, AND AGS. BEAD AMi Congenital. Total Male. female.. WTiit© M.ale ITemale.. Colored Male Female.. 5 to 15: ■White Malo..t. Female.. Colored Male .... Pemale.. 15 to 25: Wliito Male.... Female.. Colored Male. Female.. 25 to 35: Whit« Male .. Female Colored Male Female.. 3Sto45: ■WTiite Male Female.. Colored Male Female.. 45 to 53: White ilale... Female.. Colored Male Female. S5toG5: ■\VUite Male ... Female. Colored Male ... Female. 65 and over: White M.ile... Female. Colored Male Female 303.8 3S2.3 340.7 395.2 9G.5 47.3 Noncou- genitHl. RKAD AND DO NOT Wlilllt. KCiXnSR HEAD NOS ivniiE. 232.7 249.1 03.3 24.4 446.8 522.2 128.2 40.0 320.5 470.8 90.9 100.0 389.2 346. 1 142.9 58.8 329. 441.2 83.3 444.8 374.9 496.4 430.0 93.0 57.4 370.4 258.1 100.0 225.3 291.1 71.4 292.4 332.8 120.0 73.7 567. 7 555.4 200.0 181.2 519.6 550.6 152.4 154.8 505.7 455.4 137.0 58.8 520.8 465.4 98.9 57.4 511.4 426. 4 67.4 39.5 484.0 390.3 40.1 28.6 Congenital. 70.0 71.5 77.6 81.5 27.0 112. 1 109.9 25.3 Nonron* genital Congenital. 72.7 60.1 81.2 58.4 48.6 115.4 47.6 59.2 83.2 80.1 28.2 76.0 28.6 45.1 29.8 49.4 20.2 20. S 108.4 125.4 56.0 94.7 51.7 01.3 45.2 50.0 28.8 30.6 28.6 19.4 27.3 48.8 14.8 13.1 23.2 33.1 19.8 23.9 25.0 41.5 17.6 23.7 22. 3 48.1 9.7 e.9 626.2 576.2 581.7 523.3 876.5 952.7 655.2 641. 911.4 975.6 480.5 417.7 871.8 960.0 598.3 470.8 787.9 840.0 562.2 538.5 800.5 911.2 611.8 470.6 916.7 1, 000. 543.2 661.3 900.0 1,(*0. 746.5 632.9 928. 6 1,000.0 Noncon- genitol. 526.6 580.0 473.8 520.6 886.8 922.1 599.2 541.8 824.0 831.6 380.6 383.3 748.8 7G8.8 451.6 418.8 819.0 825.8 467.0 495.8 818.2 923.1 456.0 501.5 831.3 913.7 463.0 532.1 915. 936.8 493.7 561.6 050.2 961.5 Diafrram 72 .show.s for the white blind 5 years of age and upward, reported as to illiteracy, with distiuctiou of conKC'iiital and uoncongcuital, the proportion who could neither read nor write tor each of certain age groups, with distinction of sex. Table 2.'30 shows for the male blind 15 years of age and upward in the United States on June 1, 1890, the nuiiibiT reported as engaged in each of certain occui)ations, wilh distinction of wliite and colored and of certain age griiup.s. Tal>le 240 gives the same information for the female blind. Tahlf 241 gives the same inforiiiatioii for the male congenital blind. Table 212 gives llie same inlbrmatinii I'm- tlie leinale congenital blind. In these tables only those persons are included whose occuiiations were given. For the total male blind oecn])ati()ns were r(M)oit((l for 17,l.'i4, of whom (!,(i(t."> were farmers, 2,075 laborers and farm laborer-*, .'iOS students, 410 carpenters ami cabiiietmaUer.s, 407 mereliants. ;j>Sl meclianics, 25!) teachers, 235 miners, 107 clergymen, 190 peddlers, IG-t shoemakers, 105 i)hysiciaus, 02 painters, 48 lawj-ers, l.J editors, and 7 artists and photojiraiihcr.'!. For the male congenital blind oricnpations were reported for 875, of whom 159 were farmers, 131 laborers, 97 stiuU'iits, 40 teaeliers, 20 clergymen, 10 luerchauts, 10 ijcddlers, 5 carpenters and cabiuetniakers, 4 mechanics, 3 lawyers, and 3 painters. THE BLIND. 147 Of ll.'122 female blind 15 years of age and npwrard reported aa having occupations, 5,212 were housewives, 1,110 servants, ild") lioiisi-keepers, 4.")7 stndwits, lidt teachers, 81 laundresses; 7(J were engaged in fancy work and millinery, 38 seamstresses, L'7 dressmakers, 10 tailoit-sses, 5 ministers, and 3 physicians. Of the 646 congenital female blind 15 years of age and upward reported as having occupations, 128 were housewives, S3 students, 04 servants, 41 housekeepers, 8 milliners, and 3 dressmiikers. Table 141 shows for each 1,000 of the male blind in the United States in 1890, with distinction of white and colored, and of those from 15 to 35 years of age and 35 years of age and upward, the number engaged iu each of certain specified occupations. Tablk 141. OCCCrATIONS. Artists and photographers Bakers ami conftictioiicra Bookbiiidora Carpenters and cahiiictmakurs. Cigar makers Clergymen Clerks Coopers Editors Engravers and jewelers Farmers Fancy work and millinery Fishermen Gardeners Housekeepers Lawyers Laborers and farm laborers Machinists Manufacturers Mechanics Merchants Mill and factory operaliyea Miners Painters Ped dlers Physicians Printers and compositors Kaihoad employe's Sailors Servants Shooraakera Soldiers Stndcnts Tailors Teachers All others Aggre- gate. 0. 3. 0. 24. ]. 11. 4. 3. 0. 0. 335. 0. 1. 121. 3. 4. 22. 23. 3. 13. 3. U. C. 2. 3. 4. 3. 9. 0. 33. 4. 15. 263. TotaL 0.40 3.74 0.J6 25.74 1.91 9.08 5^45 3.81 0.85 1.05 395. 75 0.20 i.ra 2.70 0.20 3.02 107. 24 4.14 4.86 23.13 23. S-i 4.01 15.04 3.81 11. IC C.57 2.43 3.81 5.12 1.51 10.05 0.72 34.87 5. 00 1G.62 257. 04 15 to 35 years. 0.37 2.02 7.48 1.87 7.85 7.10 1.12 0.37 0.37 110. 19 0.37 0.37 0.73 2.62 120.37 3.36 8,97 C.3G 17.57 4.49 10.47 3.30 11.59 1.50 1.-87 6.35 0.75 1.50 1.50 192. 52 1.87 42.24 389. 91 35 years and over. 0.48 3.98 0.32 29.04 1.91 10.44 5.10 4.38 0.90 1.20 450. 21 O.IG 1.91 3.35 0.08 3.U 104. 4S 4.30 3.98 26.77 27.72 3.80 16.01 3.90 11.07 7.05 2.55 3.27 6.05 1.51 11. 87 0.88 1.27 5.74 11.15 228. 73 Total. 10.36 1.73 23.59 1.73 295. 17 4.03 243.33 1.73 13.23 4.60 L72 2.88 1.15 14.96 2.88 4.03 1.72 18.41 5.18 20.14 1.72 2.30 323. 36 15 to 35 years. 5.81 2.91 34.88 119. 18 276.16 2.91 5.81 2.91 2.91 5.81 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 31.98 2.91 90. 12 5.81 398. 25 35 years and over. 11.48 1.44 20.80 5.02 235.29 2.15 15.78 4.30 1.44 2.87 17.93 2.87 4.30 1.44 15.07 5.74 2.87 2.15 1.44 304.88 Table 142 shows for each 1,000 of the female blind in the United States in 1890, with distinction of white and colored, and of those from 15 to 35 years of age and 35 years of age and upward, the number engaged iu each of certain specified occupations. 148 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 142. OCCUPATIONS. Agire- gate. ■wmTE. COLORED. Total. 15 to 33 years. 35 years and over. Total. 15 to 35 years. 35 years and over. 0.26 2.30 6.62 13.96 79.07 456.99 16.90 7.07 0.35 1.32 0.35 0.53 0.26 3.36 97.77 40.28 1.41 17.93 252.61 0.30 2.63 7.58 12.73 82.23 477. 62 7.68 2,63 0.40 1.52 0.40 0.61 0.30 3.03 95.57 44.04 1.62 20.20 239.01 1.00 2.51 14.07 5.03 33.67 229.15 3.52 2.01 0.13 2. 65 5.94 14.67 94.43 540.02 8.72 2.78 0.51 1.39 0.25 0.76 0.38 3.03 92.43 2.02 1.90 11.51 216.46 22.49 ei.84 314. 13 81.52 37.95 10.95 21.90 213. :i3 94.89 69.34 25.24 71.37 337. 69 78.33 30.40 Mill and factory oporatives 2.01 1.00 1 Peddlers 1 Phvsicinna 1 3.02 108.01 211. 06 0.50 54.77 328.64 5.62 113. 14 14.05 3.05 120.44 69.34 6.09 111.40 0.87 Students TailoresBCS 2.11 S47.15 7.30 386.86 0.87 337.68 Table 143 sliows for each 1,000 of the cougeuitally bliud males in the United States in 1890, with distinction of white and colored, and of those from 15 to 35 years of age and 35 years of age and upward, the number engaged in each of certain specified occupation.s. Table 1-13. OCOITPATIONS. Aggro- gate. WHITE. COLOHED. Total. 15 to 35 years. 35 years and over. Total. 15 to 35 years. 35 years and over. Carpenters and cabinetmakers 6.79 28.94 181.71 3.47 150. 46 4.63 18.52 3.47 3.47 18.52 3.47 5.79 112. 27 46.30 413.19 6.59 22.40 188.41 3.95 134.39 5.27 21.08 3.05 2.64 18.43 3.93 2.63 115.94 52.70 417.05 2.66 15.35 8L84 5.11 150. 89 2.56 5.11 5.11 10.87 29.80 SOL 03 2.72 116.85 8.15 38.04 2.72 3.44 24.46 8.15 2.72 5.43 61.63 391. 30 76.19 133. 33 90.91 54. 55 220. 00 200.67 iM.ii 280. 00 9.52 19.05 18.18 Peddlers 12.79 40.00 2.56 219. 95 53. 'il 442.40 28.57 85.72 30.38 163.64 20.00 380.95 381. 82 380.00 Table 144 shows for each 1,000 of the congenitally blind females in the United States in 1800, with di.-^tinction of white and colored, and of tliose from 15 to 35 jears of age and 35 years of age and upward, the number engaged in each of certain specified occupations. Taulk 144. occurATio.vs. Aggro, gulo. WHITE. COLOBED. Total. 15 to 35 years. 35 Teara and over. Total. 15 to 35 years. 36 yenra and over. 3.12 12. SO 4.69 61.06 196.88 20.31 100.00 120.69 84.06 404.69 3.S2 14.00 6.28 06.90 205.09 8.80 90.83 140. 85 72.18 885.50 6.83 n.66 2.02 43.73 146. 77 11.00 87.46 233.24 T5.80 381. 03 17.78 8.89 102. 22 297.78 4.44 111.11 noiisokcepeni 41.67 125.00 111.11 125.00 41.67 100.00 233.34 133.33 133.33 Uouvwives 47.63 05.24 119.05 71.43 Laburrrs and farm laborers Studeut* Tcnrheni 06.67 301.11 r All others 565.65 006.66 400.00 THE BLIND. 149 Table 243 shows the number of the blind in the United States on June 1, 1800, concerning whom it was reported as to whether they had or had not blind relatives, with distii-ction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 2-14 gives the same information for the {'ongenital blind alone. Table 243 shows that out of 43,320 blind reported as to blind relatives, 8,342, or 193 per 1,000, had such relatives; of 4,156 congenital blind reported as to relatives, 1,C0S, or 387 per 1,000, had such relatives. The proportion having blind relatives was, therefore, about twice as great among the congenital as among the total blind. Table 145 shows for the total blind the numbers having certain classes of relatives, with the corresponding ratios per 1,000, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Table 145. BKLATIONSBIPS AND RATIOS. Nnmbor reported aa to rel;»tivc3 NnniluT bavin <; blind relatives Pati<' of number havin;x blind relatives to 1,000 of total reported. ^umbtT tor whom parental side is report*'*! Kumber having blind relatives on mother's side Katioof number having blind relatives on mother's side to ],0C0 of total for whom parental side is reported. Number having blind relatives on father's side Katiu of number having blind relatives on father's side to 1,000 of total forwhom parental side is reported. l^umber having blind relatives on both sides Katio of number having blind relatives on both sides to 1,000 of total for whom parental side is reported. Number having blind fathers l^tio of number having blind fathers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Eatio of number having blind fathers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on father's side. Number having blind mot hers Katio of number having blind mothers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Itatio of number having blind mothers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on mother's side. Number having blind grandfathers .* ■Ratio of number having blind grandfathers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives , Number having blind grandfathers on father's side Katio of number having blind grandfathers on father's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on father's side. Number having blind grandfathers on mother's side Katio of number bavii.g blind grandfathers on mother's side to 3,000 of total having blind relatives on motbei 's side. Number having blinrl grandmother.^ Katio of number having blind grandmothers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Number having blind grandmothers on father's side Katio of number having blind grandmothers on father's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on father's side. Number having blind grandmothers on mother's side , Katio of number having blind grandmothers on mother's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on mother's side. Number having blind uneles Katio of number having blind uncles to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Number having blind uncles on father's side Katio of number having blind uucles on father's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on father's side. Number having blind uncles on mother's side Katio of number having blind ancles on mother's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on mother's side. Niuuber having blind aunts - Ratio of number having blind aunts to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Number having blind aunts on father's side Katio of number having blind aunts on father's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on father's side. Number having blind aunts on mother's side Katio ot number having blind aunts on mother's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on mother's side. Number b.iving blind cousins Katioof number having blind cousins to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Number having blind cousins on father's side Katio of number having blind cousins on father's side to 1,000 of total having blind rela- tives on father's side. Number having blind cousins on mother's side Katio of number having blind cousins on mother's side to 1,000 of total having blind rela- tives on mother's side. Number having blind brothers Katio of number having blind brothers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Number having blind sisters Katioof number having blind sisters to 1,000 of tetal having blind relatives Number having blind sons Katio of number having blind sons to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Number having blind daughters Katio of number having blind daughters to 1.000 of total having blind relatives Katio of number having blind relatives on both sides to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Total. 43. 326 8,3-12 193 1,880 962 512 470 34 18 807 97 913 895 107 930 363 44 14 10 10 11 399 48 12 18 19 600 73 23 26 19 20 57 13 15 10 10 578 69 15 17 10 10 1,90G 228 1,680 201 324 39 271 33 4 White. 37, 843 7,560 2u0 1.665 852 512 784 471 29 17 717 95 915 790 105 927 319 42 11 14 8 9 358 47 11 18 21 560 74 20 25 17 20 437 58 12 15 9 H 529 70 13 17 12 1,740 231 1.558 206 288 38 229 30 4 Colored. 5,483 7K2 143 215 110 512 100 465 5 23 90 115 900 105 134 955 44 56 3 30 2 18 41 52 1 10 46 59 3 30 18 42 54 1 10 49 63 2 20 160 205 122 156 36 46 42 54 6 Male. 23.788 4,236 178 903 459 508 433 480 11 12 400 94 924 423 100 922 186 44 6 14 174 41 4 358 85 14 32 10 22 208 49 5 12 6 13 306 72 4 9 11 1,075 254 815 192 158 37 122 29 3 Female. 19.538 4, 106 210 977 503 515 451 462 23 23 407 99 902 472 ! 115 938 177 43 8 18 3 6 225 55 8 10 20 248 60 20 9 18 271 66 8 18 4 8 272 66 11 24 831 202 885 211 166 41 149 36 Native. 30.446 6,916 227 1,507 510 711 472 27 18 651 94 916 713 103 299 43 10 14 7 9 32,1 47 8 16 21 516 75 15 21 58 11 16 491 71 13 18 10 1,617 234 1.424 206 256 37 194 28 4 Foreign. 7.397 644 87 158 83 625 73 462 2 13 66 103 !l04 77 120 928 20 31 1 14 1 12 33 51 3 2 24 44 68 2 27 1 12 34 53 1 U 38 59 2 24 129 20O 134 208 32 SO 35 54 150 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 146 shows for the congreuital blind the numbers having certain classes of relatives, with the corresponding ratios per 1,000, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. Tablb 146. BELATIOXSIIIPS ASD K.VTIOS. K umber rcportc*! a-s tn relatives >*' limber having bliml rclalives Katiu uf mini er bavin;: i lintl relatives to 1,000 of total reported. IC umber for whurn paiental sido i:i reported 2{ umber baling bliud relatives uli itiotber'sside Patio of number having lilind t«lativc3 on mother's sido to 1,000 of totitl fl>r whom parental Bide is reported. Kumber having blind relatives on father'-* side Hatio of )>uiuber baving blind relatives on lather's side to 1,000 of total fur whom parental side is rejHirled. Climber having blind relatives on both sides liatio t>f number having blind relatives ou both Bides to 1,000 of total for whom parental side is reporleil, Ifnniber having blind fathers Rat oof number having blind fathers to l.OOO of total having blind relatives Hatio of number having blind lathers to 1,OUO of total ha\ing bliuU relatives on father's eide. Kumber having blind mothers — Katio of number baving blind molbers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Batio of nnmber having blind mothers to 1,000 of total baving blind relatives on mother's side. Kuiiiber having blind grandfathers l^tio of number having bl:nd > randfathera to 1,000 of total having blintl relatives }( umber having bl ud Kr^"d fathers ou father's side Batio of number having blind grandfathers on father's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on father's side. Kumber baving blind gr.>ndfatliora on mother's side Batio of number baving blind graudlatliers on mother's side to 1,000 of total having blind r»-Uitives on mother's s.de. Kumber having blind grandroolhors Batio of nuralier having idind grandmothers to 1,000 of total having blind relatives dumber having blind uncles Batio of number having blind uncles to 1,000 of total Iia'ving blind relatives *. If umber having blind linrle^ ou father's side Batio of number having blind iiuulca ou father's sidoto 1,000 of total having Ijlind relatives on father's aitle. Kumliei baving blind aunts Batio of number having blind aunts to I, OOO of total having blind relatives Nnmber having blind annts on father's side ., Batio of uiimlter having blind aunts on father's side to 1,000 of total having blind relativos on father's side. Kumber baling blind cousins ., Batio of number having blind roiisins to 1,000 of total having blind relatives 2!uujber baving blind cousins on father s side Batio of number having blind cousins on Catber's side to 1,000 of total having blind relatives on father's side. Ifumber liaviug blind cousins on mother's sido Batio of nuiiilier having blind cousins on mother's side to 1,OUO of total having blind relatiies ou mother's side Kuiii)K-r having blind brothers Batio of number having blind brothers to 1,000 of total baving blind relatives li umber having blind sisters Batio of number having blind sisters to 1,000 of total having blind relatives Uumber liaviog blind suns ,. Batio of niiinUT having blind sons to 1,000 of tot.il having blind relatives liiinibiT having blind ilangliiere Batio of n limber having blind ilaugbters to 1.000 of total having blind relatives Batio of number having blind relatives on both aides to 1,0U0 of total having blind relatives . Total. 4,150 1. OOS 387 •at 97 414 i:!l SCO G 26 126 7S B62 93 .•.8 959 1 8 51 32 102 63 1 82 51 Gt SU 320 438 272 24 15 10 12 4 ■White. 3.648 1,474 404 203 83 409 111 502 109 7+ 956 SO 54 44 30 1 9 1 13 46 31 97 66 1 9 1 92 63 2 477 324 407 276 22 15 17 12 4 Colored. 503 134 364 31 14 17 548 17 l'J7 1,000 13 97 U 82 5 37 5 37 45 Male. 37 270 31 232 •i 15 2 IS 2,256 881 391 118 49 415 07 568 2 17 63 72 940 4T 53 40 1 15 1 21 2.S 32 G3 1 15 39 44 54 Gl 1 20 298 MS 227 258 Vi 13 13 15 Female. 1,000 727 383 116 48 414 04 553 4 34 63 87 984 46 63 20 28 1 21 23 32 33 SI 43 59 44 61 1 a 216 287 211 290 13 18 6 8 5 Native. Foreign, 3,433 1,413 413 197 79 401 112 .IliO G 30 107 76 955 70 54 43 30 1 9 42 30 60 1 9 89 63 18 460 :!'J4 393 276 30 14 15 II 4 215 50 •-'60 U 4 667 2 333 2 36 1,000 4 71 1,000 I 18 3 53 3 53 17 304 15 30 Diagram 73 shows for the total and for the congenital blind having blind relatives the pioportitm Iiaving snch relatives of certain cla.sses or degrees of relationship. In examining the figures on these tables it should be remcrabored that the same per.son may bo reported in several relationships, that is, be may be for one person a father, for another an uncle, a brother, or a cousin. Table 147 sliows the number of the blind wlio were also insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, insane and deaf and dumb, and feebleminded and deaf and duml) on June 1, 18!to, and on Juno 1, 1880, with distinction of sex and color, and with the corresponding ratios per 1,000 of the total blind. Elfvi'iith Ci'lisiis of 111.' I'liili'cl States. DIAGRAM 73. Having Blind Relatives On moHiers Side On Fal"he'rs side On boHi sides Having Bund Tahhers Mofhers Grandfathers Grandmohhers Uncles Aunhs Cousins Brol"hers Sishers THE IJLIND. Tabi.i: 117. 151 Blind nud insiuio : Male Pemalo AVhito Colored BUnd and feoblomiudod : Malo FomKlo White Colored Blind aud deaf and dumb : Malo Fenialo Wliite Colored Blind, insane, and deaf and dumb : Male Female AVhito Colored Blind, feeble-minded, and doaf and dumb: Male Teniale White Colored NrjIDKB UEPOIIl'Uli. 1890 S98 284 4» 717 COJ 1,114 208 126 133 232 27 39 23 6S 4 83 54 110 21 18S0 245 283 4G3 65 6G1 525 ,058 128 112 134 191 53 16 14 25 5 107 no 189 28 BATIO I'Kn 1,000 BLI.MU. 1800 10.65 12.00 12.32 0.80 25.62 26.08 25.70 29.40 4.50 5.93 5.35 3.82 1.39 1.03 1.34 0. r>7 2.97 2.41 2.68 2.07 1880 9.10 12.70 11. 22 8. SO 24. 71 23. C7 25.03 17.33 4.19 0.01 4.03 7.45 o.co 0.C3 0.01 0.08 4.00 4.90 4. .18 3.79 It -will be seen from this table tliat tlie ratio of those both blind and insane among the males was a little greater in 1890, 10.G5, than in 1880, 9.1(5; that it was about the same for the female.^, 1'2M'>, in 1890, than it was in 1880, 12.7G, aud that it was a little greater for the whites in 1890, 12.32, than in 1880, 11.22, and greater for the colored in 1880, 8.80, than in 1890, G.80 per 1, 000. The proportion of those who were both blind and feeble-minded was greater in 1890 than in ISSO. For the remaining groups the tigures are so small that the ratios have little signiiicauee. Table 215 shows the number of persons blind in one eye only living in each state and territory and in each geographical division iu the United States on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. The following statement shows the number of the blind in one eye i)er 100,000 poi)ulation in the United States on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity: Total 150.5 Malo 2U.S Femalo 83.2 White— m.ile 221.0 White— fcmiile 82.3 Native bom : Parents uativo — male 2,50. 8 Paieut3 uative — female 91.0 One or liotli parents foreign — male 112.5 One or both iiareuts foreign — female 42. 3 Foreign born — male 242.4 Foreign born— femalo 90. 1 Colored— malo 168.2 Colored— female 89.3 The total number blind in one eye was 93,988, of whom 68,605 were males and 25,383 females, the number of males being con.siderably more than twice as great as that of the females. Of the whites thus affected t»2,;537 wore males and 22,041 were females; 68,017 were native born, males 50,3.53, females 18,281, and 15,761 were foreign born, males 12,001, females 3,757. Of the native born, 59,693 were children of native born parents, males 43,828, females 15,865, and 8,924 had one or both parents foreign born, males 6,.50.5, females 2,419. It will be seen from this statement that the proportion of those blind in one eye was more than twice as gi-eat among the males as among tlie females, that it was much greater among the white males than among the colored males, while it was slightly greater among the colored females than among the white females, that it was greater 152 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. amon.s: the natives than among the foreign born, and that it was greater among the natives having native parents than among those having foreign born ijarents. Table 246 -shows the nnmber of those blind in one eye only living in cities in the United States having ;")0,(I00 inhabitants and upward, with the corresponding ratios per 1,000,0UU of p()i)iilation, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity. This table shows that in cities of this size, containing an aggregate population of 11,720,782, there were 8,827 persons blind in one eye, or 753 jier 1,000,000 of population. Table 148 shows for the blind in one eye only the number attributed to each of certain causes per 1,000 of the total for whom the causes are known, in the aggregate and for the right and left eye separately, with distinction of Bex, color, and nativity. Table 148. Congenital Disease of eye itself Injury Cataract Scrofula and other blood diseases. Smallpox General fevcre Scarlet fever Meacles Diseases of the brain Glaucoma Cancer All others Besnltof military service CAUSES. Congenital Disease of eye itself Injury Cataract '. Scrofula and other blood diseases. Smallpox General fevers Scarlet fever Measles Diseases of the brain Glaucoma Cancer All others Besnltof military Borvic« CAUSES. Concenital Disease of cy6 lt«elf Injury Cataract Scrofula and other blood dlHCaaos SmuU|iox General fevers Scarlet fever MoasleH Diaeases of the brain Glaucoma Cancer All others lioault of military sorvico AGOREQATE. Total. 42.45 87.01 531.98 83.77 36.07 12.91 27.21 10.28 19.54 i2. 14 1.91 5.46 62.14 37.07 White. Native born. Male. Female. 34.79 64.62 77.01 125.51 590.11 328.45 70.79 120.72 24.18 62.67 11.86 16.32 23.02 38.44 7.02 22.50 16.82 29.36 29.94 79.72 1.45 3.73 4.88 8.75 48.94 99.21 53.19 Native parcuts. 45.82 90.67 504. 29 84.93 39.81 9.23 30.45 10.92 21.94 50.91 2.26 6. 23 55. 25 41.29 Foreign parents. 55.74 73.44 565.71 69.74 22.45 17.17 22.59 19.28 21.66 28.60 1.32 3.44 67.50 31.30 Foreign bom. 21.32 70.54 596. 77 80.19 18.29 25.11 15.97 6.28 11.63 18.84 1.55 5.89 83.56 38.06 Colored. Male. 37.84 f.2. 49 653. 51 60.12 38.66 11.19 27.67 3.26 11.60 25. &4 0.81 0.81 50.03 19.74 Female. 52.90 88.17 411.83 124. 01 88.17 14.50 34.48 4.70 21. 55 60.35 0.78 3.13 94.83 RIGHT ETE. 40.60 86.84 537. 07 82.52 36. 05 12.74 26.43 10.01 19.48 42.30 1.88 5.53 59.95 38.00 32.51 76.73 600.57 69.65 23.48 11.86 22.80 7.08 17.06 29.56 1.30 5.09 47.73 54.68 63.46 127.36 335. 38 118. 98 04.91 15.04 36.31 21.56 28.71 81.78 4.02 8.83 93.06 42.90 95. 55 510.86 84.41 40.31 9.-58 29.05 11.13 21.59 51.17 2.12 6.67 61.80 42.80 55.33 75.57 674. 90 70.18 17.64 16.74 21.86 17.00 22.40 26.99 1.62 2.43 66.40 31.04 21.78 74.51 595. 74 80.66 18.94 23.30 17.68 5.68 12.47 19.42 1.74 6.68 84.77 37.67 38.91 658.64 08.59 37.71 10.03 28.08 2.81 10.03 25.67 1. 20 0.40 40.53 20.00 49.41 7n 22 431. 37 117.65 87.81 15.09 28.24 3.14 23. 71 58.82 1.57 104. 31 44.29 87.18 620. 30 85.02 36.09 13. 13 28.00 10.54 19.69 41.90 1.06 t.39 04.33 3«. 14 37.05 77.29 691.07 71.93 24.88 11.87 23.24 6.90 i«.r>« 30.31 1.60 4.68 60.13 61.81 65.78 123.67 321.56 122. 44 60.44 17.00 40.56 23.44 30.00 77.07 3.44 8.67 106. 33 48.76 97.80 407. 07 85.44 39.30 8.89 31.80 10.70 22. 29 60.05 2.41 6.79 68.73 39.71 58.13 71.39 656. 01 69. 32 27.10 17.59 23.28 21.47 20.95 30.26 1.03 4.40 08.55 31.66 20.87 66.71 697.78 01.63 17.07 20.80 11. 32 0. «5 10.81 18. 28 1.37 6.00 82.39 38.5.1 30.75 53.67 Oia. 22 C3. 63 39. C) 12.39 27. 25 3.72 13. 21 25.00 0.41 1.24 61.01 19.41 60.38 97.10 392. 33 131.50 88.49 13. 31 40. 72 0.20 20. 30 01.80 1.57 4.70 85.36 THE BLIND. 153 Table 247 shows for the blind in one eye onlj- loiiiid in the United States on June 1, 1800, the number of cases attributed to each of certiiin causes of blindness, with the distinction of sex, color, nativity, and of certain age periods, and with the furtlier distinction of the eye afl'e<-te:i,'.)M in tiie k-tt eye. Of the 25,383 cases in females, 12,800 were in the right eye and 12,577 in tlie left eye. The number of cases of blindness in the left eye was slightly greater in the native males of foreign parents, right eye 3,225, left eye 3,280. and in the foreign born males, right eye 5,097, left eye (),()07. In the colored males there were 3,205 cases of blindness in the right eye and 3,003 in the left eye. There were 41,416 cases due to injury, being 53.2 per cent of the total for which the causes were known. Tlie number of cases due to this cause in the right eye was 20,890, or 53.8 per cent, and in the left eye 20,520, or 52.0 per cent of the total, due to known causes for each eye, respectively; 0,522 cases, or 8.4 of the cases for whom the causes were reported, weie due to cataract, 3,207 of these cases being in the right eye and 3,315 in the left eye; 3,305 were congenital, 1,578 being in the right eye an02 1,815 272 317 573 10 443 146 1.344 1,416 2,711 49 2.004 750 1,728 1,768 3.149 347 3, 235 261 27 33 52 8 55 5 341 138 430 49 242 237 595 530 868 257 1,107 18 252 308 495 05 473 87 125 79 177 27 131 73 nl, 179 636 543 1.088 01 1,114 65 1850 2,521 1,224 1,297 2,487 34 1,879 642 189 I'JO 370 9 317 32 1,9U 980 034 1,865 49 1,550 355 1,432 1,269 2,396 305 2.583 118 38 30 48 20 05 3 299 247 477 09 487 59 23 14 9 13 10 20 3 O070 526 444 804 106 950 20 BATIO PER 1,000,000 or mrOLATIO!!. 1800 2,975 2,773 3,175 2.904 3,924 2,072 5,521 2,003 2,315 2,180 2,440 1,703 3,836 1,613 1,589 1,638 1,613 1,640 1,318 3,154 1,322 1,309 1,275 1, .180 871 1,204 6,205 1,100 1,250 1,085 1.085 1,583 1.062 2.431 1,579 1. .582 1,576 1,725 1, 019 1. 382 3,503 6,840 10. 878 3,195 8.740 2. 972 4.470 33, 071 1,451 1,432 1,475 l.OJO 1,154 1,410 6,334 1880 2,705 2,470 3,052 2.7a3 2,917 2,003 5,202 2,126 2.045 2,206 2.128 2,097 1.589 4,330 1,039 1.864 2,013 1,938 1,991 1,603 3,641 1,511 402 529 ,917 868 410 773 295 407 248 S15 232 063 1,987 1,871 2,098 2.205 1,232 1, 892 2,959 5,281 8,387 2,520 0.898 2,080 3,065 26,048 1,504 1,570 1,017 1,951 1,095 1, .143 6,805 1870 1,251 1,043 1.448 1.522 088 2,704 1,013 005 1,120 1,020 554 790 1, a'i8 1. 105 1,106 1,102 1,301 940 :,oio 777 S37 720 1,040 332 717 2,823 575 465 567 307 483 9S5 956 022 1,093 403 850 1,678 3,637 5,483 1,083 4,871 1,128 2,090 14,581 913 097 S44 1,220 501 914 1,309 1800 1,112 1,022 1,202 1.111 1,202 809 1,813 812 on 886 031 807 1,180 050 924 075 951 860 810 1,756 652 043 060 108 022 1,6U6 535 476 SS4 574 370 534 546 739 959 380 1,122 3. .521 1.9S6 2,913 1,886 2.0M .5,848 739 1.0:19 168 927 3,511 I860 814 781 818 816 093 770 979 77* 770 795 374 808 534 628 839 817 826 914 776 1.170 577 611 543 650 lOt 565 1.125 743 827 C58 675 9S2 753 571 937 1,023 850 1,141 418 016 1,152 445 .179 327 343 727 428 610 683 7.13 631 906 201 670 870 a Including ■West 'Virgmla. 160 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 151.— IN'SAXE, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Continued. KmiBER OF INSANE. EATIO PEE 1,000,000 OF POPULATION. IS90 ISSO 1870 rseo 1850 1890 ISSO 1870 1S60 1S50 Pocth Atlantic diviaion— Continued. 1,079 982 374 1,415 1,568 810 533 546 1,027 52 980 99 1,723 477 503 9(5 37 880 90 2,028 198 176 303 9 336 38 779 1,306 1,466 1,407 1,389 1,317 5,243 1,066 1, .517 1,661 1,595 1,427 1,476 5,230 1,449 888 803 861 501 791 2,223 727 1 1 ' 1 660 510 665 687 "Mold 735 970 1,315 410 1,713 12 912 858 1,170 1,591 437 2,023 5 1,112 380 399 670 109 775 4 333 334 320 570 84 056 4 317 254 250 467 43 603 7 249 943 1,185 1,246 729 1.001 3,241 792 1,247 1,044 1,834 821 1,449 1,336 1,117 733 723 988 277 726 1,320 472 674 656 914 232 063 1,213 450 589 384 ■^Iiil© .. 844 136 UTative 581 2,712 373 Male 46C 446 470 442 • 880 20 1.815 503 609 C5I 1.077 35 1,097 158 175 238 95 321 12 634 78 239 297 20 313 4 491 130 119 224 23 232 17 324 814 771 1,017 6U 774 4,147 988 1.026 1,205 1,664 763 1,090 4,534 1,100 459 484 822 228 460 1,486 535 225 670 1,020 48 451 401 464 394 351 TVIiite 816 63 Kativo 352 1.952 35S Male 830 985 1,255 560 1,785 30 351 817 880 1,280 411 1,602 35 253 309 323 6115 129 622 12 29 261 230 447 44 409 22 25 lot ICO 291 30 313 9 11 902 1,074 1,281 632 978 2 472 897 1,071 1,129 1,574 567 1,085 3,313 038 534 537 791 237 530 1,078 154 490 438 750 94 449 1,885 178 359 35S •White 561 78 Kati vo 351 1.387 12S Male 109 1S2 190 135 322 29 86.847 110 134 163 85 238 13 29,811 13 14 18 11 28 1 10.672 15 lU 17 8 24 1 5, .555 7 4 9 2 11 837 961 871 931 874 1.265 1,648 1,038 1,059 1,649 1, .597 1.265 3,371 2,070 872 1,007 1,178 070 917 1,514 1,717 159 130 187 120 153 201 822 203 148 219 128 173 302 611 153 96 White 191 50 KatiTO 130 2,610 483 Male 18. 987 17,860 36. 128 719 21. 101 13, 680 7,000 14. 010 15, 173 29, 251 538 19, 742 10, 069 7,2S0 5.158 5.314 10,512 100 7.051 3. 621 3.414 2.721 2,832 5,504 51 4,101 1.454 2.293 1,3.59 1,251 2,573 37 2,228 382 1,317 1,023 1,818 1,725 1,380 1,366 3,452 2,278 703 880 828 506 062 1, 552 1,281 574 C50 018 259 5«3 912 080 483 483 "VHilte 488 273 Xatire 469 587 Ohio 60S Male 3,670 3,930 7,400 194 6,553 2,047 3,291 3,454 8,8:i2 7, 121 102 5,113 1,973 3,548 1,612 1, 802 3, .141 73 2. 503 UU 1,504 1.108 1.185 2, 275 18 1,050 037 1,035 68^1 C34 1,303 1,099 218 563 1,978 2,103 2,000 2,217 1.728 4,437 1,501 2,140 2,419 2,285 2,021 1,895 4,996 1,793 1,688 1,004 1,795 1, 721 1,596 4,307 1,205 1, 357 1,284 1,133 1,092 2,440 89S 931 1,031 088 49U 821 1,941 706 672 Female 658 Wlilte e«( Colored 554 TCatiro 024 Foreign 099 570 Male Femalo 1,611 1.660 3,214 77 2,720 371 1.705 1,843 3,480 08 2,027 021 748 750 1,480 18 1,223 281 493 542 1, 025 10 886 149 284 279 356 7 520 43 1,458 1.546 1,497 1.686 1.329 3, 90S 872 919 897 720 795 1,987 705 832 760 853 719 1,280 555 583 Whtt« 500 623 Native 557 Foreign 774 THE INSANE. 161 TAnin 15I.-INSANE, WITH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 Of POPULATJO.V, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Coutinucd. STATES AX!) TEKKITORIES. NUUDER OP INSANE. BATIO PEE 1,000,000 OF POrCLATIOX. 1800 1 ISSO 1870 1800 1850 1 1890 i0 Kortli Central division— Continued. 932 450 28 5 880 993 228 173 AfalA 492 440 5)5 417 1,794 245 205 446 4 250 200 ■ 1,000 17 11 28 2 5 859 905 884 582 001 2,059 1,257 983 1,009 992 1,516 704 2,053 1,004 241 209 229 119 248 174 10 18 131 3 2 10 108 580 359 133 315 93 AJlDSaS - Male 1,008 786 1,719 75 1,303 491 10, 524 r,n 469 901 39 759 211 11,211 67 64 123 3 90 41 3,852 8 10 1,340 1,164 1.249 1,484 1.019 3,321 959 989 1,021 1,009 888 857 2,189 1,257 331 395 370 106 285 847 699 135 42 94 7 3 2,173 74 236 377 1,596 371 S,153 5,371 8,274 2,250 9,687 837 2,729 5,506 5,705 8,889 2,322 10,368 843 2,764 1,942 1,910 3,204 G48 3,466 386 1,245 1,209 964 1,974 199 1,967 206 623 843 753 1,429 167 1,490 106 527 921 999 1,105 646 909 2,601 1,468 1,220 1,295 1,506 769 1,199 3,074 1,0S9 692 595 758 291 559 1,656 942 407 344 529 98 355 896 539 382 360 WTiite 508 Colored 112 358 775 536 Male 1,491 1,233 2,355 374 2,455 274 1,845 1,492 1,292 2,439 345 2,482 302 2,404 672 573 1,143 102 1,082 103 923 335 288 588 35 549 74 640 236 241 502 25 497 30 407 1,582 1,352 1,481 1,395 1,364 4,616 1,044 1,792 1,583 1,771 1,271 1,562 5,074 1,559 1,009 874 1,040 459 860 2,571 735 566 511 639 148 501 1,237 577 569 Female.... •• S02 White 659 113 523 935 Tenncasce.. 406 816 1,029 1.523 320 1,784 01 1,469 1,149 1,255 2,040 364 2,336 08 1,521 450 475 806 119 900 25 555 358 282 609 31 622 18 257 213 194 380 27 403 233 915 1,175 1,141 743 1,021 3,010 971 1,491 1,623 1,791 902 L.'-.Sl 4,071 1,205 722 748 801 369 726 1,294 556 636 615 737 no 571 848 267 422 389 502 Colored 110 Kativo 406 354 302 Malo 689 780 1,079 390 1,417 52 1,104 719 802 1110 411 1,475 46 1,147 275 280 431 124 830 19 245 156 101 223 34 246 11 272 119 114 201 32 227 6 129 910 1, 032 1,294 574 946 3,519 850 1,155 1,253 1,676 085 1,177 4, 720 1,014 563 551 827 201 543 1, 907 290 319 213 421 78 258 890 344 303 301 Wliltfl 471 Colored 93 XatiTO 297 799 218 614 590 703 401 1,052 52 BIO 521 020 715 432 1,107 40 1,002 118 127 153 r2 236 9 451 154 118 230 36 233 19 169 07 62 105 24 127 2 200 791 922 1,290 538 821 0,539 814 919 1,109 1,491 062 986 4,344 1,000 285 306 400 207 289 804 020 379 306 607 82 323 2,220 239 215 I'ciDalo 210 'While 355 77 Kative . . 211 Foreign 418 380 Mnlo 433 477 6:i:i 277 7R4 120 443 5.09 698 304 8.14 108 220 2.11 323 123 324 127 80 89 125 44 103 C4 08 102 144 60 139 01 774 853 1,134 494 7.14 2,533 915 1.186 1,534 627 942 3,103 007 033 892 351 487 2,054 210 263 350 126 107 790 357 Fomalo 419 Wliite 504 Colored 214 Nntlvo 309 Foreign 8M THE INSANE. 163 Tablt: 151.— insane, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF I'Ol'ULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Continuod. NUHBEB OF IHSAITE. BATIO PEE 1,000,000 OP POI'L-IJITIO.V. 1800 1880 1870 1860 1850 1800 18S0 1870 1880 18&0 South Central division— Contimioil. 1,070 1,564 270 125 37 747 083 330 207 174 llftlo 834 1,301 1.428 242 7 807 757 1,258 306 1,358 206 129 lU 211 59 229 41 72 53 112 13 107 18 20 17 37 713 785 797 570 680 1, 582 113 063 1,004 1,0.50 776 919 1,797 30S 357 373 232 303 657 225 186 266 71 191 414 179 172 •White 240 Kat i ve 33 1 109 226 1 \rn1n 3 4 7 86 148 119 1 : , 5 2 790 85 730 700 789 161 87 63 983 332 200 300 371 419 581 209 762 28 5.876 373 414 629 160 776 13 3,550 78 83 137 24 1S9 2 1,384 54 33 81 6 85 2 525 40 23 60 3 62 1 23 633 772 710 075 684 1,963 1,941 901 1,072 1,063 758 980 1,256 2,008 314 351 378 196 332 398 1,397 237 159 250 54 197 556 »18 364 230 TVliite 370 63 297 680 129 3,679 1,997 5, CMS 241 2,626 3,250 192 2,403 1,147 3,375 175 1,537 2,013 59 984 400 1,325 59 582 802 2 406 119 519 6 223 302 16 7 23 2,176 1,604 1,963 1,532 1,164 4,216 1,453 2,246 1,644 2,093 1,126 1,212 4,026 1,506 1,615 1,049 1,455 736 859 2,559 97 963 603 943 88 507 1,687 122 148 ■WThito 130 Native . 21 2 138 74 153 39 182 10 79 113 40 53 6 57 2 23 31 4 1 1 2 1,741 881 1,430 2,040 887 2,622 659 1,881 5(6 1,611 530 1,013 2,691 192 60 261 109 1 2 159 1 25 IS 38 2 23 17 326 4 635 702 641 1, 399 502 1,140 791 283 1 "White 4 206 2 2 09 134 342 509 12 301 212 114 316 10 208 118 66 59 40 91 8 66 33 153 7 5 12 864 683 781 1,294 634 1,405 430 457 614 476 2,499 427 829 1,279 282 332 306 :::.:.:;:: 11 1 60 331 152 544 28 11 299 ' 171 28 38 65- 1 59 7 75 78 149 4 136 17 28 22 50 13 15 23 7 i 11 337 539 455 92 ■115 022 1,163 1,416 1,370 309 1.220 2,112 594 492 554 205 338 338 221 134 179 Native 4S 2 27 1 11 .'■..'■)6 356 311 149 1S5 foieiga 164 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 151.— INSANE, AVITH DISTIXCTION OF SEX, COLOK, AND XATIVITY, AXD RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATIO^i, BY STATES AXD TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Continncd. NCMBGR OP DIS,4:7E. BATIO PER 1,000,000 OP POPULATION. 1S90 1880 1870 1860 1850 1890 1880 1870 ISSO 1850 WestGm division— Coutiuued. G4 21 1 1,073 519 104 Male 48 IC 57 7 20 38 1C6 IG 5 19 2 9 12 151 1 1.313 094 1.028 1,733 037 2,022 798 567 408 .540 379 309 748 1,049 145 \rhite 1 104 1 25 172 288 15 5 372 439 M;ile S3 83 164 2 C4 102 183 73 78 149 2 58 93 31 10 15 25 10 5 15 2 3 5 751 852 797 997 413 1, U22 3,599 980 1,123 1.040 1, 299 580 2,114 497 227 3.'il 291 494 250 374 331 562 441 10 15 2 W 5 4 1 178 488 47 363 392 428 489 143 40 17') 8 54 1J9 ^2 'a 30 1 15 16 10 1 1 2 4,895 2,417 4,478 1,198 1,739 H,772 984 524 444 560 113 410 624 490 31 99 51 ..) "Whit© 1 I 1 1 I...:..:.!:.:.::: 1 lOG 07 1 Idaho . •. . 1 Male 55 28 82 1 52 31 380 13 3 IG 1 1,072 846 J.OCO 422 777 1,770 1,088 liOG 1 82 278 AVhite 1 .,. 8 8 135 353 802 1,797 1 23 127 9C0 3 2J9 272 108 37.1 5 194 18C 610 101 34 131 4 68 G7 378 17 G 23 2 1 3 1.250 819 1,101 563 748 2,067 1 2,040 2,197 1,107 1,949 505 1,140 4,2»0 2,103 1,134 669 1,030 237 318 269 •White 1.1 8 122 3 792 1,592 1,342 355 23 5 438 376 Male 443 197 GIO 30 374 26C 3,730 264 114 301 17 264 114 2,5C3 83 39 110 G 88 34 1,146 15 8 23 5 2,436 1,493 2,021 2,498 1,458 4,641 3,092 2.554 1,597 2,214 1,454 1, 830 3, 737 2,895 1,562 1,032 1,334 1,502 1,109 2,931 2,045 475 384 441 605 While 5 382 Nativi- . ... 20 3 450 4 1 2 422 S8S l.'OO 326 978 Califorsia 22 2,417 1,319 3, .571 ](tS 1,493 ■ 2, 243 1,723 780 2,308 135 883 1,020 835 311 1,093 53 408 738 360 90 450 6 163 293 2 3,453 2,590 3,212 1 1,711 1.774 6, 123 3, 325 2,251 3, 087 1,384 l,.-.44 5,5:11 2,389 1,470 2.188 871 1,104 3,517 i,3;m) 844 I,. 392 106 698 2,000 23 White 2 22 Fon-ifin 2 28 THE INSANE. 165 Tablk 152.— IXSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY. WITH DISTINCTION OV HKX, COF.OU, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATKS AND TEKKITORIES: ISW). AI^ABAMA. Fonn 2 2 2 is' 1 1 i 52 3 2 3 7 2 i 3 1 1 1 5 3 7 3 2 G 1 ...... 2 5 8 1 4 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 25 1 1 1 i' 4 2 39 2 2 1 2 \ 25 2 2 5 1 6 2 21 4 1 23 1 17 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2' 1 1 4 2 1 Clear Cre^-k 1 1 :::::'.ii::;::: Costilla 1 1 1 1 '.'.'.'.'.'.. 1 1 1 1 K, 1.. 1 1 li>.rt 2 5 7 3 2 i 1 8 2 S 1 4 10 2 3 1 2 3 6' 1 2 7 1 4 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 10 1 r 1 4 2 2 ,. ., 1 . . . 2 1 i' 1 4 1 ....... 2 1 Kifiwa Lake 1 6 1 i 1 1 4 1 1 La Plata 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2' 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Park » 1 PhillinH 1 2iO. 1 3 IS 1 1 11 1 7 1 2 11 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4" 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 %V<'I(1 2 1 . a Three Chinoso not included. b Ono Indian not Included. e Ono Chinese not included. THE INSANE. 169 Table 152.— INSANE BELONOING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND Nt'iinEB FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. CONNECTICUT. Found iu county. BBLOKODia TO COUNTY. Total. Malo. Female. Wlilte. Colored. COUNTIES. Total Native born. Forci^bom. Total. Black. Parents na- tive. One or both parent* foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 1 The State 2,092 2,050 896 1,160 880 1,145 536 584 46 46 298 515 16 1 3 ....„ 4 3 1 15 4 3 2 5 1 16 14 1 95 264 82 1,402 127 65 29 28 351 452 154 209 512 221 73 81 148 IBO 50 124 203 104 29 39 206 262 95 85 309 117 44 42 147 187 50 120 199 101 28 39 202 259 03 85 304 116 44 43 106 115 36 61 109 64 17 28 109 103 60 54 143 62 26 27 7 11 4 8 9 7 6 8 5 2 12 8 4 1 34 61 19 61 81 30 11 11 87 148 28 29 149 46 14 14 1 3 * 3 1 4 2 2 1 Hertford :::::; i 1 S ' DBL.AWARE. 177 197 107 90 81 71 50 47 15 8 16 16 26 19 21 17 5 3 Kent 12 157 8 25 162 10 14 88 5 11 74 5 11 68 2 11 56 4 8 40 2 10 33 4 1 14 8 2 14 1 15 3 20 3 "'is' 1 3 15 3 16 1 5 3 1 1 DISTRICT OF COLCriBIA. 1,510 1,578 1,191 385 1,075 278 521 196 4 2 550 80 116 107 107 105 9 3 'Washington (6) 1,540 2 4 1 1 2 10 4 1 5 3 I Duval 1 2 I 1 2 1 3 9 1 HilUlioro 1 M 1 i 3 6 ... 1 1 3 6 3 6 3 6 1 I.afavette Lake 4 7 2 6 1 1 12 7 1 i 1 1 1 Lee 1 1 10 9 7 9 3 1 3 4 2 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 1 1 I 2 1 d3 3 1 1 1 d2 1 1 3 1 6 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2' B 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 2' •> Polk 5 2 3 3 I I 1 3 1 I 8 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 :'.:'.'.". Suwannee 2 2 i 2 1 n Inclinlinfi 82 inninto.1 1 2' 10 12 8 10 « E 2 4 7 11 1 2 20 2 15 8 33 4 1 1 1 1 Baker 1 1,494 1 2 1 I 2 8 ...... 3 19 ...... 9 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 '"e 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 2 2 8 14 1 12 1 13 3 12 2 14 5 14 4 13 1 12 1 12 3 12 2 14 5 13 4 1 Banks 1 3 19 Bibb 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 2 Brooks Bulloch 1 3 15 4 9 2 7 15 5 1 55 3 S 11 12 3 5 3 23 2 8 9 7 4 2 10 10 4 5 12 2 1 1 3 5 1 2 3 13 7 6 GO 8 2 12 12 6 4 6 7 9 8 4 e 17 5 7 G 3 2 C 10 3 ■■■■-- 2 6 7 3 2 4 ...... 2 2 8 3 3 2 6 1 " 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 s' 8 6 40 1 '.'.'.:y.'. 8 10 5 8 5 3 2 1 5 a 6 3 5 1 6 n 5 1 31 3 8 9 8 1 3 3 19 1 4 5 3 4 2 5 9 4 3 1 1 3 4 1 2 2 10 6 4 29 8 2 4 8 » 6 4 G 3 5 4 2 3 G 8 5 7 6 3 2 6 10 3 2 3 5 I 6 11 5 ....... 1 9 1 4 1 1 4 1 10 3 G t Botts Cftlboiin ... .- 3 5 ::::::: ::::::: CbarUitn 1 1 13 30 2 5 7 3 2 4 ...... 2 2 8 3 3 2 2 fi 1 ""'i 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 7' 8 G 38 1 s' 6 10 B 8 6 3 2 1 5 3 21 3 8 9 8 1 3 3 19 1 4 5 3 4 2 5 9 2 4 3 2 I 1 3 4 1 2 2 10 S 4 20 8 2 4 8 S 4 5 » C 4 2 3 8 7 9 23 1 24 1 2 4 2 2 23 1 ""3 1 22 2 2 8 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 Cherokee Clarke 3 1 * Clav Clinch Cobb 7 2 4 1 4 4 4 2 ...... 1 4 1 4 4 3 CoiTec! 1.... 2 j Coweta 1 1 Crawforil....... 1 1 2 2 2 1 Dado j Decatnr ' 5 1 2 1 9 ....„ 2 ...... 8 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 8 I Dekalb Dodeo j>t>orv 3 3 4 2 8 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 DoneliiH Early EcboU £fHDj;haia 1 * Elbert 1 Emanuel ":::•• Fannin 4 Fnyctto 1 3 2 1 21 ....„ ...... 10 I 3 2 1 20 Flovd 8 2 2 7 8 1 4 Franklin 1 11 Fulton 2 3 1 X Gllincr Glaacock Glynn 2 1 4 2 1 3 4 8 ...... •J 2 6 4 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 ...... 2 ...... 2 8 2 4 8 Gordon 8 4 1 1 1 Greene Gwinnfttt nal>erftliiUD 1 Hall 1 8 2 G 4 1 8 Hancock 6 Haralson « i Hanis a Hart U.'ard s 2 8 Henrv 4 8 ** Houaton ;:::::: :::::::i >•■>«■ THE INSANE. 171 Table 152.-INSANE BELOKGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINX'TION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMISER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, IJY STATES AND TEIJKITORIES: l«yo— Coutiuiicd. <; K O KC; I A -CoDtlnacd. Found in county. BlLoNanta to cooimr. Total. Male. Female. While. Colored. 00TOTIE3. Total. Native liorn. Foreign bom. 1 ToUI. Illack. Pnrentu na- tive. One or 1 both parents , foreign. 1 Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Uale. Fe- male. Male. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. mole. 1 Male. male. 1 16 11 9 1 15 C 2 9 2 12 11 10 1 9 8 , 7 11 4 1 9 18 ' 10 39 20 5 1 3 n 17 21 20 11 1 7 13 77 8 8 14 9 27 16 7 2 ! 10 9 11 25 5 30 4 4 7 22 20 12 1 ■ 10 11 2 7 10 14 10 13 6 ii' 7 4 1 10 1 i 1 4 3 3 1 5 6 3 4 1 1 8 4 9 3 17 11 1 8 3 1 2 9 15 8 2 1 6 3 37 2 6 5 2 9 7 i 4 7 5 18 4 U *> 6 9 9 3 6 4 8 4 4 8 3 1 5 4 5 5 5 o 5 1 8 8 7 Y 5 2 I 8 »' 1 2 2 * t 2 1 2 3 1 6 8 4 7' 5 2 1 8 3 1 2 1 4 4 4 3 2 2 4 i 2 1 ...... 4 2 a2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 G 8 4 2 1 3 ' 4 2 1 3 4 ...>.* 1 T 1 i4 ' ' ^1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 2| 3 ...... ...... 1 1 2 1 1 I 4 2 1 1 5 2 2 .1 3 * 3 4 2 4 7 3 1 8 10 2 10 7 22 9 4 14 4 2 B 6 12 9 i' 10 40 6 9 7 18 9 5 1 6 2 G 7 1 19 2 5 16 11 3 5 2 3 2 10 6 5 3 1 4 2 o 1 1 7 2 5 3 14 10 1 7 3 1 1 7 15 5 i 6 3 27 1 5 4 2 1 5 i' 2 5 3 13 4 7 1 2 1 6 6 5 3 4 2' 7 4 3 6 3 3 ; c 3 1 3 8 f G 14 4 3 G 4 7 4 7 4 i 6 22 r. 2 7 3 10 6 3 1 4 2 4 4 1 14 1 2 5 1 1 6 3 1 2 1 10 5 4 3 1 4 2 1 1 fi 5 3 14 10 1 7 3 1 1 14 5 i 6 3 26 1 5 4 1 s ■J 2 4 G 3 1 3 8 1 1 2 1 Miller 1 1 1 5 2 2 3 1 8 5 1 8 ....... 2 3 1 1 ...... 5 2 2 3 1 8 5 1 7 1 1 1 2 4 . •1 1 i 13 1 1 7 6 14 4 3 6 4 2 1 IFuscogee 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 ...... 2 5 5 1 2 ""3 2 >>■••• 'Pitft 3 6 1 2 7 4 7 4 1 1 5 5 Polk 1 1 3 2 1 . 1 .. .. 2 11 1 6 20 5 2 7 3 10 6 4 18 1 ....„ 4 8 3 2 ...... 1 1 1 ""s 2 2 4 17 1 1 2 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 8 3 2 ■ •) li 1 3 1 1 2 8 2 2 Talbot 1 1 1 2 i 1 1 2 2 2 5 2 2 3 2 i 1 Telfair 5 3 13 4 7 1 2 1 6 G 4 3 4 7 4 3 3 2 4 4 I 14 1 2 5 15 5 1 6 3 1 2 1. 10 5 4 3 1 2 i • 2 5 2 3 1 I 2 1 1 4 1 5 1 4 1 5 1 2 4 1 ,j 1 ...... 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 ""3 4 ...... ■■"a" 1 WilkiT 1 1 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 Wilton 1 3 4 1 AVare [ 1 I 2 ; 2 1 1 2 2 1 While 1 ■Wilkp•^ 1 2 1 1 X 3 1 1 .." 4 1 !*" |. ...... i i 1 a One foreign bom incloded. 172 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.- INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COLTS'TY, BY STATES AND TERKITOKIES: 1890— Contiimed. IBAJaO. Found in county. BELOKOINO TO COUKTT. Total. Male. Female. WTiJte. Colored. Total. Native bom. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents na- tive. One or both piirents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 82 82 54 28 54 28 30 18 2 2 22 8 Ada 1 14 11 4 al8 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 4 7 4 2 6 10 1 16 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 8 1 3 2 2 i 3 i' 5 1 1 6 10 1 16 1 1 4 1 2 3 2 3 1 8 1 3 2 2 5 G S 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 4 1 8 1 2 1 65 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 4 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 T.Minfti 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 ILIilNOIS. The State 6,572 GS 4 5 7 4 31 4 18 G 23 11 10 19 13 6 1,217 2 5 27 19 7 4 20 1 18 10 5 5 18 2 13 7 11 17 4 8 29 18 4 3 7 5 28 4 698 1,049 4 28 21 31 6,638 3,442 3,196 3,384 3,150 1,670 1,577 281 202 1,433 1,371 58 40 54 37 4 8 Adama 142 25 23 24 15 57 12 37 19 70 35 20 .33 20 Ol,879 10 10 52 23 19 27 36 6 30 33 31 24 60 14 42 23 23 67 13 18 81 57 32 25 21 60 17 117 a573 22 83 54 72 72 15 14 13 10 32 8 2G 10 39 16 12 13 12 7 034 5 29 13 12 14 20 2 17 10 19 12 24 5 25 13 10 32 7 9 46 27 18 6 13 11 21 8 00 3.M II 30 28 38 70 10 9 11 5 25 4 11 9 31 19 8 22 16 13 945 4 23 10 7 13 IG 4 W 17 12 12 35 9 17 10 13 25 9 35 30 14 4 12 10 35 67 222 11 44 20 3t 70 14 14 13 10 31 7 20 10 36 16 12 13 11 7 920 6 5 28 13 12 14 20 2 17 16 18 12 24 5 25 13 10 32 7 9 40 27 17 5 13 11 21 H 58 34r> 11 39 W 38 09 9 9 11 5 25 4 11 9 31 19 8 22 14 13 931 4 5 23 10 7 13 10 4 13 17 12 11 35 17 10 13 25 6 9 35 29 13 4 12 10 34 U 56 218 11 44 20 34 32 9 9 7 9 23 2 18 3 24 14 11 12 3 7 282 5 5 10 12 3 19 9* 13 3 11 19 4 20 5 10 21 7 5 18 17 15 6 10 4 8 8 28 188 7 16 18 14 39 3 8 6 5 15 2 G 7 22 10 7 20 5 10 207 4 3 11 7 6 9 14 4 7 13 4 10 28 11 4 12 16 C 19 14 12 4 10 5 17 29 127 7 17 13 17 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 51 2' 27 4 4 4 24 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 'Rmim 1 •> 3 1 1 2 37 7 4 5 4 9 2 1 1 G 5S7 1 9 2 5 2 7 c 1 1 1 1 Carroll ■ 3 3 I'Iat 1 7 1 627 1 M 1 2 Coles Cook 14 14 13 13 1 1 i' 1 2 i I>ekalb 17 3 12 1 4 1 1 1 2 i 9 1 2 3 3 13 1 1 4 7 Kdgar 5 2 1 1 5 3 8 1 a 1 ...... 1 Pratiklin 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 5 1 8 i'r Ti Iv 1 1 10 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 27 7 1 2 13 12 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 I 3 4 10 1 6 11 ll .... 1 8 10 1 3 8 10 4 13 3 5 4 22 141 3 20 7 1 14 23 78 4 24 R 13 1 * 2 6 1 3 1 I X<-Ddall ::::::i:::::: :::::::::::. :i I^illlO 1 1 !i a One Thlp'-.^e nit Includol. Mncludlng 490 Inmates of the Illinois Eastern Insane Iloiipital; bomo residences not given. THE INSANE. 173 Taiiii- 152.-INSANR belonging to each COITNTY.WITII DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOH, ANO NATIVITY, AND NIMIiKR FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITOEIES: 1W»0— Contiuiip.l. II. IjINOIS— Continued. Fonnd in coontv. Lawrence 6 34 20 29 U 10 42 7 26 51 7 12 9 4 2t 7 14 962 8 28 73 7 Loo Li V in j;stou Ln;T;il| H i" Uonuugb Xladison Marion Marshall MuuarU Monltrie gei<>: Peona Piatt Piko 40 1 3 1 6 1 49 25 4 Gl 13 1 15 3 10 45 591 23 3 17 6 "1 39 ' 1 37 1 4^1 12 Pill nam ltan(li)lph llicbland Kock Island St. Clair Schuyler Shelby Stark Stophpuson Tazewell Waviie AVhito Will Woodford nELOXOIKO TO COUSTT. Total. 19 68 47 61 40 44 90 31 64 89 31 23 27 23 17 47 22 44 144 IS 54 125 26 8 IG 13 4 38 20 6U2 lUG 13 122 I 33 12 19 I 12 47 32 70 13 40 33 33 22 70 106 23 85 23 Ualc. Fomnlc. 8 30 19 35 17 24 44 21 32 44 18 17 C 13 29 12 22 83 8 28 49 14 3 3G 9 10 3 21 12 49 58 6 57 21 8 5 2 24 41 17 36 9 21 15 18 13 36 72 12 35 14 11 38 28 26 23 20 46 10 32 45 13 10 10 17 4 18 10 2^ 61 7 26 76 12 5 30 7 3 1 17 8 63 48 7 65 12 4 14 10 23 30 15 34 4 19 18 15 9 34 34 11 50 WhlU). T.ital. Malo- ^^a-ie. 11 38 28 25 23 20 46 10 32 43 13 16 10 16 4 18 10 21 58 7 26 33 11 50 9 Katiro bom. Farenta na. tiro. Ono or botli p.irents forcisrn. Uale. Fo. male. Malo- m^ato. 1 3 2 1 6 5 7 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Colored. Foreign born. ToUl Male. ^?' ^^ male. 13 Ulack. I 1 14 12 13 1 7 19 I 2 7 19 2 6 2 2 1 12 30 M"!*!^. Male.^,. nalc* ' nuilff. Uixcfl blood. INDIANA. The State . Adams Alb-n Bartholomew. Ucnton Blackford .... Soono Urown Carroll Casfl Clark Clay Clinton — Crawfonl . Daviesn . . Ue^rboru, 3,265 3,290 25 1,631 1,659 1 17 18 12 52 112 54 58 29 51 20 31 9 18 9 9 11 14 6 8 ! 15 30 16 14 ' 10 11 5 G . 2-? 33 22 11 1 400 74 37 37 21 43 22 21 1 24 47 20 21 ■ 24 36 19 17 13 18 9 a , 8 19 10 9' 22 50 31 25 1,601 1,613 1,235 1,271 80 58 28G aincladiug 94 inmates of llUoois Central lusauo Hospital ; borne residences not giren. 284 30 46 U J :. A One Indian not inclnded. 174 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.-INSANE BELOXGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITOKIES: 1890— Continued. IN DIAIVA— Continued. COITKTIES. Decatur . . lifknlb... Dtluware. Dubois ... Elkhart .. Fayette .- Floyd .... FoUDt.lJQ. Frankha . Fulton ... Gibson — Grant Greene — Hamilton . Hancock . . Harrison Hendricks .. Henry Howard Huntinirtou . Jackson .... Jasper Jay JetTerson . . . Jenningfl... Johnson . . . Knox Kosciusko . La^^ango . . Lake Laporte ... Lawrence. MadiHon . . Uarion (6). Hardball . . Martin ....... Uianit Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Kewtou . Is'oblo .. Ohio ... Orange .. Owen ... Parke . . Perrv . . Piko ... Porter . Pose v.. Pnlaski ... Putnam ■ .. Ranilfdph . Bipley Boah .St. Joseph . Bcotl Hh.lby .... Spencer ... btarko — Btcnben BuUiran 8wit7.erlxind . TipIH-caiiijo . TIplon TTnlon Taiidi-rburg. Vennllion.... Vigo TVabaKh "Warren ■Wamrk WuliiogtoD . Foimd in county. 7 7 11 17 13 17 1 15 12 IG 5 12 1,527 18 4 11 14 9 15 8 7 9 5 6 14 5 S 12 12 6 25 18 32 12 BEIXJSOISO TO CODNTT. Total. 35 34 28 21 26 26 10 oo 40 24 29 14 37 19 22 48 12 39 486 40 12 rt2 28 25 32 15 24 15 10 20 29 17 19 31 37 10 30 32 41 33 Male. Female. 10 12 17 16 16 16 12 i:i 13 15 5 14 16 13 16 6 23 15 21 7 20 228 25 5 19 12 8 17 8 11 4 8 10 20 9 7 12 20 3 10 12 17 12 28 G 12 4 S 13 8 49 22 4 32 8 33 18 7 13 19 13 9 17 12 27 10 22 26 19 11 11 11 13 21 10 19 18 10 8 13 11 5 8 30 11 13 8 14 10 7 27 5 19 258 15 7 13 10 17 15 7 13 11 8 10 9 8 12 19 17 7 17 20 24 21 27 7 12 14 ■White. Total. Male. 14 15 13 16 6 23 9 IS 20 7 20 221 25 5 19 11 8 17 8 11 4 8 10 20 9 7 12 19 3 19 12 17 12 28 5 9 12 4 Fe- male. 13 9 16 12 27 10 21 26 19 11 11 11 13 21 10 18 16 16 8 13 11 5 8 28 11 13 8 14 10 7 27 4 19 247 15 ' 7 12 15 17 15 7 13 11 8 10 8 12 19 16 7 16 20 24 19 20 7 12 14 Native born. Parents na- tive. Male. 22 9 21 7 20 8 18 17 10 8 5 9 11 IB 14 12 13 11 10 11 B 4 10 12 a 14 5 20 7 13 20 143 20 4 17 11 10 7 11 :i 8 8 18 7 7 Fo. male. 13 7 11 9 4 12 4 18 183 11 7 10 15 17 15 One or both parents foreign. Male. Fe. male. Foreign born. Male. Fe. male. Colored. Total. Black. Male. Fe- male. 17 10 10 Male. Fe. male. Mixed blood. Male. Fe. male. 12 10 a I'oreijrn bom. (. Ini liiding ■■■M inmates of the Central Indiana Iniune Hospital; homo residences not given. e One Indian not included. THE INSANE. 175 Taiii.1! l.'iS.-lNSANE BELONOINCi TO KACII COfXTV, WITH DISTINCTION- or SKX, COLOR, AM) XATIVITV, AND M'MHER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, UY STATES AND TEKKITOKIE.S: 18'J0-Coiitiniif.l. INDIANA -Continued. Found 111 county. ... __ : — ^ — . Dl:U>NGIXO TO COUKTT. T.ilal. Male. Foninlc. While. Colored. CODNTIKS. Total. Native bom. Forel{;n bom. Total. Black. Parents na- tive. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Wavno 24 20 7 7 59 29 15 22 32 16 9 13 27 13 6 9 SI 16 13 25 13 6 8 29 15 9 11 20 11 6 8 2 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 ■Wells 1 While •.-•... 2 i IOWA. The Stato 3,279 3,197 1,727 1,470 1,702 1,460 884 753 208 159 610 548 25 10 10 7 ( Adflir 9 1 32 5 1 11 15 18 805 3 8 6 2 8 25 11 5 20 9 4 35 35 4 9 19 13 9 45 16 12 .'•.0 •JO t: 45 34 33 25 05 17 24 17 22 33 43 : 23 14 37 IC 10 62 85 12 21 33 25 23 83 3 141 5 26 22 13 17 15 13 23 17 23 28 90 20 11 9 24 51 39 43 01 31 25 8 104 74 37 20 5 11 32 10 1 1 J9 13 13 17 40 9 14 15 10 15 20 12 8 21 6 G 30 40 7 11 17 14 12 34 2 70 2 12 12 5 12 8 5 11 15 4 11 11 58 9 G 4 14 28 28 22 40 10 12 7 53 34 21 11 2 5 6 24 10 5 26 21 20 8 25 8 10 2 12 18 23 11 6 10 10 4 32 45 5 10 16 11 11 49 1 71 3 14 10 8 5 7 8 12 2 2 12 17 32 U 5 5 10 ; 23 11 21 21 15 13 1 61 40 16 9 3 11 6 32 IG 1 19 13 13 17 39 9 14 15 10 15 20 12 8 21 6 30 40 7 11 17 14 12 34 2 C9 2 12 12 5 11 8 5 11 15 4 11 11 55 9 6 4 14 28 28 22 40 16 12 7 49 33 21 10 2 5 5 24 10 5 26 21 20 8 25 8 10 2 12 18 23 11 6 10 10 4 32 45 5 10 10 U 11 49 1 71 3 14 10 8 5 7 8 12 2 2 12 10 30 10 5 5 10 23 11 21 21 15 13 1 51 40 16 9 3 9 C 7 14 14 6 7 6 10 ^ 6 6 11 11 7 3 9 5 4 14 2 8 14 14 8 12 1 14 ...... 9 1 9 6 8 1 U 8 28 4 3 2 11 17 24 18 19 8 8 3 23 20 10 8 I 4 3 r 7 4 14 9 6 3 13 4 7 2 3 12 10 7 4 7 8 2 13 12 1 9 It 8 15 1 24 1 10 3 5 4 2 1 9 2 1 1 1 2 13 I 1 10 8 14 i 4 3 Adnnis 1 1 Allninukoo 7 6 2 18 2 1 2 5 6 5 20 5 5 6 4 1 8 3 4 5 1 3 14 19 4 1 2 Appuiiuoso Benton 3 2 2 4 Ulackbawk Boom* Brt'iii vT 6 3 4' Buohiimiu 1 1 Bnenn Vista Butler 2 3 3' 1 2 1 ] 1 12 7 1 2 i 1 i' 1 4 2 i" 1 i 6 1 1 Calhoun Carroll 8 5 9 2 2 8 1 2 15 27 3 1 1 Caas Ccdnr Corro ordo Cherokee 1 ChicUas:nT Clarke Clay Chiyton Clinton Crawlonl Dallas Davia 2 2 1 15 2' 3 2 1 8 2 20 2' 26 Dos Moines Dnbnqiie 86 1 8 9 3 G 4 8 9 2 8 1 'i 1 40 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 6 3 2 2 21 4 3 2 2 6 4 3 13 4 2 3 14 7 6 2 1 39 1 4 4 1 5" 5 1 1 1 Favotto Flovd Fraukliu ' ' Fremont 1 ___ __ 1 Greene Griindv 1 i 2 2 1 Gnthrin Hamilton i r Hancock I 5 8 3 2 4 4 6 2 4 11 3 2 :;::i:;::::! 4 802 5 8 10 19 6 3 i' 6 1 1 3 1 ...... ...... 2 1 .......-•-. Henry («) — -i-i J 3 1 1 1 nuinboliU Ida : 1 ii • Iowa !• [ 39 20 17 ;i9 }^ 5 61 34 19 11 e' 14 8 17 8 10 10 1 22 21 11 5 2 i 5 1 8 4 2 1 12 6 M 3 1 2 2 1 6 6 11 1 '1 1 Jasper 1 ;■■ ■ '• 1 J ::::::."".:: :::.;: 1 Keokuk :::::: :;::: ..... 1 Kossuth S3 13 G 4 1 4 1 41 1 Louisa Lyon 1 i :::::: i ■[ a lucladiag 36 inmates of tho Iowa Insane Hospital ; home residences not ^v 170 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTIXCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERKITORIES: 1890— Continued. lO W A— Contiiiucd. ■Ponnd in county BELONOIXG TO COUNTY. Tnt.,1. Male. Female. White. Colored. Total. Native boru. Foreig n boru. Total. lilaik. Parents na- tive. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Hale. Fe. male. Hale. Fe- male. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Madison 17 li* 1 21 31 1 3 6 4 8 12 2 3 303 3 1 1 59 13 6 5 7 142 li 8 9 17 1 7 24 34 9 24 2 4 28 14 5 3 23 35 41 65 25 21 12 24 22 43 4 3 91 8 15 8 115 74 25 12 IS 136 20 19 22 34 11 17 42 51 21 35 17 31 13 5« 46 9 11 13 18 24 42 21 12 4 9 14 22 2 1 77 5 10 4 05 30 16 C 9 03 7 12 10 18 7 12 20 29 12 17 9 12 8 39 28 5 5 10 17 17 23 4 9 8 15 8 2) 2 2 14 3 5 4 GO 44 9 6 9 73 13 7 16 4 5 22 22 1^ 8 19 5 17 18 4 a 13 18 24 41 21 12 4 9 14 22 2 i 74 5 10 4 62 29 IG 6 9 63 7 12 16 18 7 12 20 27 10 17 9 12 8 38 28 5 S 10 17 17 23 4 9 8 15 8 21 1 14 3 ' 4 57 43 9 6 9 72 13 7 G 16 4 5 22 22 9 18 8 19 5 17 G 11 14 16 20 17 4 4 5 9 12 «> 1 39 3 1 32 8 12 6 5 20 4 2 6 8 ? 16" 15 8 12 7 4 1 13 13 9 13 9 13 3 3 4 'i 10 1 1 7 2 1 37 15 2 4 G 19 3 7 i I 1 4 (1 7 ; Maliaak;i 2 2 1 1 I 2 2 3 1 1 1 I 5 1 1 Uaraball 1 ! 1 Mills Mitfliell 5 3 3 2 6 I *■■"* Wonroe O'Brien 1 6 3 3 2 16 18 2 2 1 3^ 2 7 5 1 1 1 5 in 33 1 7 1 13 10 3 3 1 3 Palo Alto Pocahontas Polk 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 Pottawattaiitie 1 T « fSac 4 29 3 10 n 1 5 1 111 2 5 2 6 5 20 13 4 3 1 1 5 4 5 Scott 25 6 2 2 10 I 15 17 9 '\ 2 1 5 8 14 i" 8 2 1 1 *■■"' Sliilbv ""■*■■ Storv .::::: :::::: Tama 1 1 1 1 i Ta V lo r Union 5 s" 1 13 2 12 8 3 2 3 2 4 Wapello 2 2 2 2 2 AVavno Wfl)Stor 2 2 5 2 1 4 2 2 i' 1 1 1 "Woodbury ' Worth ii Wrifht 2'' '! ii""' ...... 1 KAKSA8. The State . Alltn 15 Karlitr 2 1 11 Urowa y Cluuio 7 Clumtaoqaa ,, 7 Chcrokw 10 CIlfVCDUO riiirk Clay i' A CloQil CofTcy g Comanche ., 1 Crawford T»irkIniioii 8 Edwardn Sik U i.7;i:: ] nii- T80 967 752 24 10 14 10 13 23 14 9 13 8 47 22 25 20 24 10 5 S 5 5 9 5 4 5 4 ' 45 26 19 24 18 1 21 10 U 10 n : 23 15 8 15 7 14 5 9 5 9 .7 6 11 6 11 31 20 11 20 11 4 3 1 3 1 4 S 4 s 12 7 S 7 5 26 10 IS 10 15 20 11 9 11 7 4 3 1 2 1 17 10 7 10 7 2.1 10 13 10 13 4 3 1 3 1 22 10 3 10 3 25 11 U 11 14 ' 41 24 17 23 1« 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 20 lU 10 10 10 1 11 8 11 12 7 9 10 1 .'. 5 C 10 1» . 1 '. 3 .1. iM Gi!. 1 'I 7 l!. 10 35 290 201 40 34 31 33 1[ 1 i'l!!;!!! a Including G.% inmatcH oT intititutiouiii homo rexidt nri-N nut given. THE INSANE. 177 Tahi-r 152.— insane BKLONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH PISTINCTrON OK SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUSIIIEE rOUND IN KACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TElilUTOlilES: 1890— Coi.tiniio.l. KANMAM — Continued. Found in oouuty. ^^^- . 1 1 EMS ui:i.o.Noi:.'o to codstt. ToUl. Male. Female. White. Colored. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. TMid. Black. Faienta na- tive. Onsor botli pnrnit* fortjigu . Mii<.>* •>•-•••••• 2 16 5 2 6 1 7 3 5 10 4 2 11 4 6 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 Metcilfo Monroe 1 1 Mnlilenberg*..... 2 1 2 1 i' ""2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 ....„ 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Ohio 1 Oldham 1 1 3 2 1 1 Perry riko 2 4 2 14 3 3 C 8 4 7 7 1 3 11 4 5 6 17 8 3 5 16 2 6 1 Powell i 3 ""z 1 3 27 1 4 5 7 2 7 10 3 1 1 2 Rockcastle Ensscll Scott 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 ....„ 4 3 3 4 ■■■'2' I 2 4 3 1 1 1 Shelby 8 1 1 1 Taylor 2 1 3 Todd 9 8 s Trigg 2 1 1 Trimble 1 7 14 6 8 2? 2 4 1 2 1 1 10 2 2 2 1 10 2 2 6 1 "Warren 3 1 WaaUiugton 1 "Wayne "Webster 1 2 6 2 4 "Whitley 1 "Wolfe ■ffoodford 3 S 1 S 1 180 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.-INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. 1.0i;i8IAIV'A. Fonnd in parish BELONGING TO PAItlSII. Total. Male. Female White. Colored. Total. Native bom. Foreign born. ToUl. Black. Parents na- Ure. One or both parents foreijiu. Mixed blood. Male Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. 899 910 433 477 305 328 234 222 25 28 46 78 128 149 117 134 11 IS 5 9 3' 6 5 3 4 458 13 12 7 14 20 2 G 4 12 9 16 21 4 18 1 12 8 12 4 S 7 14 13 2 8 10 22 479 10 7 13 5 3 7 6 3 8 2 13 2 9 2 6 9 12 1 4 3 2 13 1 2 6 6 G 7 4 7 9 2 3 2 5 1 9 10 4 12 7 5 9 2 4 4 7 5 6' 4 6 217 7 1 6 3 2 I 5 1 5 2 5 1 4 4 7 7 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 7 5 3 7 11 3" 2 7 8 7 11 f)' 1 5 3 3 2 1 3 7 8 2 2 C 16 262 3 6 7 2 1 4 1 1 2 3 4 3 3 3 5 2 3 2 4 8 G 1 7 5 4 3 4 « ■ 3 S 9 i' 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 4 7 3 1 5 5 4 3 4 5 1 2 4 1 4 4 2 I ...... 6 2 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 Avoyelles 3 5 1 1 1 I 5 2 5 7 1 1 1 2 5 2 2 ■■■■5' 1 1 2 1 ...... 4 1 2 3 8 53 2 4 3 1 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 4 3 5 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 ""e 2 2 33 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 3 1 1 1 4 3 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 I 12 5 2 1 3 5 7 6 1 4 2 8 270 6 2 1 1 6 4 7 1 2 2 4 2 4 1 2 2 1 3 5 4 1 6 4 7 1 2 2 4 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 a* 1 2 3 8 a4G 1 4 3 1 6 2 3 39 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 178 5 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 I 209 1 2 4 1 1 3 2' 2 2 3 118 4 3 I 1 1 4 1 3 3 7 114 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 72 i 6 23 23 37 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 i 1 1 1 |. ...... 1 2 2 2 8 1 5 1 1 2 6 2 2 1 ■"■«■ 1 5 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 ""4 ...... 6 3 i 8 1 5 2 2 2 S 2" 2 10 J 9 8 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 5 1 4 1 1 1 3 i St. Mary 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 i' 2 s i 2 3 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 6 3 -,"' 'V,. -.-.......-- 1 2 1 2 1 1 12 3 2 ...}.. S 1 4 1 I 3 1 3 i::::;: 1 3 \t LUU 5 ....>• a One foreign bom Included. THE INSANE. 181 Table 15*2.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DI.STmCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUilliEE FOUND IN EACU COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEUKITORIES: 1890— Continued. MAINB. Found in county. BELONalNO TO COnifTY. Total. Male. Female. White. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. Kutivo born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parents na- tive. One or both pnrenta ibroi^. Mixed blood. Male. Fc- male. Uale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc male. Male. Fe- male. M.e. Fe- male. Male. F^ nulo. Tho Stftto 1,292 1,299 589 710 584 709 500 601 26 22 68 86 6 1 5 1 58 20 96 14 35 690 41 28 40 70 8 12 41 34 39 60 91 43 196 S2 66 161 84 46 58 145 19 30 64 66 74 124 40 2^1 83 15 42 62 43 IS SI 60 10 IG 33 31 25 S3 51 19 113 17 24 99 41 31 27 79 9 14 31 35 40 71 40 24 82 15 42 61 43 15 31 65 10 14 33 31 25 S3 51 19 113 17 24 98 41 31 27 79 9 14 31 35 49 71 24 18 67 14 38 57 39 15 30 49 10 13 32 29 16 49 36 14 80 15 21 91 40 30 •-•7 64 7 13 28 31 39 65 2 2 5 2 2 4 14 4 10 1 1 2 4 13 3 29 2 3 6 1 1 1 1 Haucock S 2 1 1 A 1 1 Oxford 1 12 "^ 4 7 8 2 1 2 3 6 6 1 1 Piscataqnia 1 i' 5 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 Waldo York 1 niARiri^AivD. The state 1,785 1,646 816 830 731 695 551 485 31- 23 149 187 85 135 SO 125 5 10 Allegany -. 54 13 1,351 72 2 3 23 18 13 9 87 9 13 8 6 16 7 7 7 5 38 5 12 57 34 145 872 10 7 41 20 20 25 103 16 38 25 14 35 13 17 12 24 21 55 17 20 33 19 75 430 a 3 22 10 7 11 61 7 23 11 S 17 10 11 6 12 7 21 10 10 25 15 70 442 4 4 19 10 13 14 52 9 15 14 9 18 8 6 6 12 14 34 7 10 31 13 69 404 4 3 21 8 6 9 41 7 21 10 4 14 8 7 4 6 4 20 8 9 23 9 64 384 2 2 19 8 10 7 44 9 13 11 7 13 2 5 2 5 10 31 6 9 17 11 53 266 4 3 21 7 6 8 40 7 19 9 4 7 6 4 5 4 19 8 9 13 8 51 216 2 2 17 5 10 7 41 9 7 10 7 12 2 5 2 5 10 29 6 9 2 1 3 20 2 1 16 12 1 13 118 8 1 12 152 1 6 6 26 2 2 6 6 58 2 2 ...... 3 7 8 1 t 6 25 2 ...... ...... 2 8 2 5 6 58 2 2 1 2 Calvert Carroll 2 1 1 2 1 2 10 CecU 2 1 1 3 5 8 2 1 Charles 1 1 2 2 3 Garrett t Harford i" 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 3 2 4 2 6 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 5 6 1 4 7 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 4 2 6 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 Kent 2 1 5 G 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 St-Marv 1 ... Talbot i ' 2 1 Worcester ..... I IHA8SACIIC78ETTS. Tbo State 6,065 6,103 2,763 3,340 2,733 3,314 1,522 1,557 339 268 872 1,489 30 26 25 21 6 5 Barnstable 39 61 779 7 1,055 50 141 618 834 4 99 166 443 1,846 86 165 408 12 790 100 315 171 1,234 10 250 310 1,473 779 39 83 197 8 399 49 132 82 442 7 107 ISS 679 851 47 82 211 4 391 51 183 89 792 3 143 122 794 428 30 82 195 8 398 49 131 82 440 7 107 179 667 349 46 82 210 4 391 51 181 89 789 3 143 119 780 426 34 50 113 8 216 39 72 51 248 7 69 114 307 194 36 41 117 4 204 36 80 67 321 2 76 86 271 226 4 10 24 2 8 18 1 22 58 8 33 75 ...... 2 I ...... ...... 2 1 IJriBtol 1 Dukes 64 4 16 9 34 44 3 13 6 45 118 6 43 22 158 143 12 88 26 423 1 49 22 425 184 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 Korfrtllc 12 11 120 81 18 11 84 16 26 54 240 124 Plymouth (a) 9 12 2 3 14 2 8 c9 1 3 at 3 M 3 1 SnlTolk 6 a Tncliidinc 08 inmates of the state farm; home residences not given. 6 Foreign born. e Three foreijrn bom included. d Quo foreisn bom included. 182 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. mcniGAN. The State . Alcona . . AUepin . Alpena. . Antrim.. Arenac. . Baraca ■ Barry ... Bay Behzte .. Berrien Branch Calhoun Cass Charlevoir . Cheboygan . Chippewa . Clare Clinton . . . . Crawford . . Delta Eaton Emmet Gene-'Mie Gogebic Grand Traverse (6). Gratiot Hilladalo.. HoQgbton . Huron Ingham ... Ionia Iosco Iron Isabella . Jacktson . Kalamazoo . Kalkaska . . Kent Keweenaw . Lake Lapeer Leelanaw .. Len.'tww) ... I.ivin;;t;ton. Mackinac .. Macomb ... Manintee... Manitou ... Uarquctto . MasoD Mecosta Men'.minoe. Miillanil ili.-^Maukco .. Munruo Montcalm MontmorcDcy . Maskegrin Kewavco Oakland Oceana OC'iniiw ... OnlJinagoa . 0»ceba 1 ..■••■• a Quo Cliiuoso not included. THE INSANE. 185 Table 152.— INSANE BELONGINO TO EACH COUNTY, WTTH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, AND NATIYmf, AND NUMIiEB FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKIJITOKIES: 1890— Coutiuued. mSHINHIPPI— Conthiuml. Fonnd in connty. OELONOUIO TO CO0STT. Total. Male. Female. White. Colonxl. Total. KatiTO born. Foreign bom. Total. BUck. Parents na- tive. One or both parcnta foreign. Mixed blood. - Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc- Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- uiale. 3 3 2 4 1 1 5 3 3 i 5 1 2 3 1 3 2 16 6 8 2 45 11 2 11 7 3 6 15 8 17 14 14 2 « 12 7 7 18 17 1 4 11 2 10 10 SI 23 12 13 75 17 9 17 9 10 20 33 4 9 8 6 3 fi 6 3 11 10 i' 4 1 2 3 12 13 4 8 33 I 10 3 6 6 12 2 8 6 9 2 8 7 2 4 7 7 1 3 7 1 8 7 19 10 8 5 42 8 6 7 G 4 14 21 2 3 7 4 3 2 5 3 8 9 1 2 S 4 2 1 5 1 2 5 6 2 3 6 4 3 2 e 3 8 8 1 2 5 4 2 1 5 1 3 5 6 2 6 1 1 1 6 1 5 2 1 1 1 6 5 I 1 1 3 Pparl Uirnr 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 l*iko 3 3 1 1 ....„ 3 1 2 1 1 1 i' 1 2 2 11 11 1 7 19 2 1 9 1 6 5 ■> 2 6 i 2 6 1 1 i 1 2 4 G 19 10 2 4 14 3 4 6 2 3 11 12 2 2 11 10 1 7 13 2 1 9 1 5 5 4 4 6 18 9 2 4 12 2 4 5 2 3 9 11 ...... 2 Tato 1 1 2 3 1 14 7 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 6 1 28 5 2 1 4 1 3 9 3 ...... 1 1 4 1 26 5 1 1 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 i 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 i 4 1 7 ...... 2 3 3 inissovBi. The State I 3,456 Adair Andrew Atchison Auilrain Barry Barton , Bates Benton Bollinger Booue Buchanan Butler , Caldwell Callaway Camden Cape Girardeau Carroll Carter Cass Cedar Chariton Christian Clark Clay Clinton Cole Cooper Crawford Dado Dallas Daviess Dekalb Dent 1 Douglas 5 Dunklin Franklin 1-* Gasconade 2 Gentry 6 Greene 24 Qnudy 3 3.417 23 20 18 21 14 28 24 6 38 lie 7 17 53 26 13 22 39 10 i 1,754 13 9 11 15 G 3 12 13 3 22 1,603 10 II 7 6 3 11 16 11 3 16 56 3 13 18 2 10 11 1 15 21 3 9 8 I 14 ' 5 11 1 j 6 IS .M 2 7 10 5 13 17 7 1,609 13 9 10 15 6 3 12 13 3 20 59 4 4 30 3 1,603 10 10 7 11 16 11 3 16 56 3 13 16 2 10 11 1 15 9 17 3 9 8 14 5 10 1 6 2 IC 8 "z 7 10 5 13 16 7 1,180 11 14 5 3 9 10 3 18 35 4 2 27 3 1 18 3 7 7 8 3 8 8 10 19 11 7 12 8 21 3 2 4 4 S 3 8 19 7 991 9 6 7 6 3 9 14 10 3 10 34 3 8 11 2 6 10 1 11 9 14 3 6 7 12 2 9 1 4 2 15 G 3 2 11 11 6 81 408 20 60 51 17 I 18G INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEE FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutinued. miSSOUBI— Continned. Found in county. BELONGIKO TO CODNTY. Total. Male. Female. White. Colored. C0CST1E3. Total. Native bom. i Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents na. tive. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fo. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. F«. male. 7 13 3 8 C 8 11 119 25 12 5 3 2 8 20 14 4 1? 6 20 4 2 10 11 3 1 5 30 5 5 5 15 10 2 2 1 2 5 9 18 20 7 20 18 12 17 190 55 21 25 11 22 42 28 18 19 19 C 30 5 8 43 21 6 5 9 21 22 10 6 20 43 S 13 1 3 10 32 8 29 28 20 S 21 25 al 19 4 23 18 8 13 31 al,113 39 19 8 17 11 9 IS 1 10 29 11 10 7 10 13 10 9 5 12 14 5 10 105 28 13 17 7 4 11 20 15 9 13 12 5 18 1 7 20 12 3 3 4 12 14 3 2 10 24 2 i 13 12 6 15 20 13 3 1^ 12 13 3 3 13 10 7 7 17 485 25 4 4 7 7 9 9 10 9 3 7 4 5 8 17 2 8 4 7 85 27 8 8 4 2 11 13 9 7 1 18 4 1 23 9 3 2 5 9 8 I 10 19 3 7 1 2 3 20 2 14 8 13 2 4 12 9 1 3 10 8 1 14 028 14 10 5 4 10 G 2 f 13 5 7 4 9 2 8 10 8 5 12 13 5 10 96 26 12 17 7 4 10 20 14 8 12 12 5 18 1 7 10 12 3 3 4 13 13 3 2 10 21 2 i' 13 U 15 19 13 3 17 12 11 12 3 3 12 10 7 7 10 459 19 9 4 4 9 1 9 10 8 2 7 4 5 8 17 2 8 4 7 7 74 27 8 8 4 U 22 12 9 6 7 1 17 4 1 20 9 3 1 5 8 8 7 4 9 19 3 7 1 2 3 20 2 12 7 13 2 4 12 9 C 1 3 8 8 1 5 14 005 13 10 5 4 10 4 2 7 13 4 7 4 9 2 8 10 8 5 12 5 10 64 22 15 5 4 9 18 14 7 9 H 5 13 1 5 11 10 3 2 3 12 10 3 1 8 19 2 3 i 10 4 13 10 13 3 10 11 6 10 3 3 8 9 4 4 204 17 4 4 5 9 1 9 13 3 8 2 U 4 S 1^ 1 7 4 7 6 43 24 7 7 3 2 10 21 10 7 G S 1 12 4 '"'ii' 9 3 1 5 7 4 4 3 8 17 3 5 1 2 3 15 1 9 7 13 2 4 11 5 1 3 6 7 5' 5 201 9 9 5 3 4 2 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 Holt 6 1 1 1 1 Howell 1 28 2 1 1 I 4 2 2 1 3 1 28 2 4 1 2 9 2 1 11 9 1 1 11 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 i' 1 1 I^wis 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 McDonald 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 MUler 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 ...... 1 ...... 1 3 1 :;:::;i::-:-; . 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 Ozark Pemiscot 3 4 1 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 Piko 10 11 18 2' 1 ...... 2 1 ...... 1 1 1 platro Polk PuUaki 10 12 10 4 2 5 20 4 3 12 1,174 11 7 4 3 3 8 1 1 8 280 2 4 3 12 3 13 3 Balls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 Itaj- 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 St. Clair I U 229 1 St. FraDooiii 1 "'23' 1 1 17 1 StLouiii 1 20 1 1 30 i 8 308 4 1 20 St IxmlBcity 10 1 9 7 tScotland Scott 1 gbolby 1 1 "*i" 1 "'i' Stoddard 1 Stono ' i I BuUlran TftaeT 7 12 1 5 4 8 2 7 Vcmon 3 2 1 3 2 1 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 1 Warre "Wobalur 1 1 Worth •Wright 1 a One Cblsoio not Included. THE INSANE. 187 Table 152.-INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OI' REX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEURITOHIES: 1890— Continued. nOIVTAIVA. ^=^== ■ ; Found in county. "= ~ '- '~~~ • .—~~.— n DELOItOINa TO COU.VTT. Total. Male. Female. White. Colored. COtJNTIES. Total. Xatlve bom. Foreign born. Total. Black. Panm tana- live. One or both i)arontB foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. re- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo- maltL let 187 150 37 149 33 43 16 11 2 95 IS 1 4 1 4 1 12 3 a6 4 630 15 3 37 5 1 a2fi 7 <;34 2 9 3 C :i 25 1 13 3 31 4 1 20 2 28 1 3 i 5 1 6" 1 h' 5 6 1 n 3 c 3 20 1 13 3 31 3 1 20 2 28 1 2 i 4 1 2 i' 2 a' 1 i 3 2 1 1 7 1 3 3 18 1 6 2 19 1 1 12 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 172 1 1 1 ■ 1 i' 2 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 10 2 2 2 1 ...... 1 1 1 6 6 5 1 6 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 IVEBKA8KA. Tho Stato 913 932 492 440 488 437 225 204 38 41 225 192 4 3 3 » 1 156 3 1 3 1 11 4 1 15 5 1 28 11 7 8 3 30 15 C 27 12 6 fi 27 7 9 19 5 5 9 8 27 117 4 22 '5 2 5 22 1 4 4 11 11 9 2 1 11 10 5 9 n 5 3 6 CC IS 7 4 3 1 13 8 3 16 7 3 3 12 S 6 10 5 4 6 5 10 55 3 15 4 2 2 12 1 4 4 4 5 4 2 7' 5 5 4 3 5 2 2 33 13 4 3 5 2 18 7 3 11 5 3 3 15 2 3 9 i' 3 3 11 02 1 7 4 3 10 7' 6 5 1 4 5 5' 8 i' 4 29. 15 7 4 3 1 12 8 3 16 7 3 3 12 5 6 10 5 4 6 5 10 53 3 15 4 2 2 13 1 4 4 4 5 4 2 7 5 5 4 3 6 2 2 31 13 4 3 5 18 7 3 11 5 3 3 15 2 3 9 i 3 3 11 60 1 6 4 3 10 7 6 S 1 4 5 5' 8 i' 4 23 S 2 3 1 3 1 9 2 2 1 6 6 3 3 2 1 7 5 1 9 1 3 3 7 10 7 i 1 ; 3 1 g 2 1 2 2 ) 1 1 i 2 3 i 2 2 6 3 1 2 6 5 2 5 1 \ 2 8 30 2 6 1 1 1 7 14 2 3 5 1 1 1 3 9 35 1 9 2 1 2 1 1 2 6 1 2 Colfax 2 5 3 3 4 3 5 19 1 3 1 1 5 1 4 1 1 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 9" 7 i 1 1 4 17 2 2 2 2 5 41 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 X 2 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 9 2 6 1 4 ,-, " 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 Hall 4 3 4 1 2 3 1 Htri'm 1 3 2 Holt 4 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 \ 1 1 3 1 2 30 1 3 2 1 I 1 2 6 ...... 1 , 1 1 313 1 3 16 ;^- i ...■■■ Itsncaster 12 1 1 1 a One Indian not included. b One Cliinese not included. Two Cliiuoso not included. 188 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND- Table 152.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUJTTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. NEBRASKA— Continued. Fonnd in coonty. BELONQINO TO COUSTY. Total. Ifale. Female. 1 ■White. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. JTativo born. Foreig n born. Total. Black. Parents na- tive. One or both parents foreign. Miicd blood. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Halo. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male Lincoln ' 6 3 18 9 4 17 6 25 12 6 2 13 14 4 18 4 26 7 32 12 6 4 1 4 IS 1 7 13 2 9 15 5 3 12 3 2 4 2 16 7 5 2 6 4 2 12 2 12 4 15 7 2 1 1 1 6 2 8 1 6 6 1 6 6 2 13 4 9 5 1 7 10. 2 6 2 14 3 'I 3 3 3 9 1 5 S 1 3 9 5 3 12 3 2 4 2 .15 7 5 2 6 4 2 12 2 12 4 15 7 2 1 1 1 6 2' 8 1 6 8 1 e" G 2 13 4 9 5 1 2 3 7 2 2 1 2 10 4 3 1 3 1 182 2 1 5 3 4 4 1 ^ 1 2 2 8 1 G 2 1 S 1 5 3 1 1 2' 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 5 3 3 2 2 3 2s uckoUs 1 1 Phelps Platte 7 3 2 2 2 10 4 8 4 2 2 7 10 2 6 2 14 3 17 S 3 3 2' 6 2 9 3 5 G 2 1 3 1 2 1 6 2 5 4 2 1 1 1 i" 1} « 1 3 Polk i 1 1 1 6 Rock 2 1 9 1 7 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 5 3 9 1 5 5 1 3 9 4 i 4 1 2 3 1 2 2 Valley 6 2 1 3 1 1 4 3 2 ■ 2" 2 i 3 3 5 6 5 2 2 Xork 1 2 NEVADA. The State 175 175 136 39 136 39 44 8 2 90 .11 1 ._ Churchill 1 1 3 1 10 4 3 1 5 10 M27 1 2' 1 9 4 2 4' 8 106 1 1 i' 1 1 1 11 21 1 2" 1 9 4 2 4" 8 106 11 21 1 1 Eiklrr^::::::;::::::::::::::: 2 1 2 I 2 i' 3 82 Eareka 1 7 3 Hnmboldt I.andcr 1 1 3 4 73 1 8 18 1 Storey 2 ol72 1 3 3 1 1 * "White Pino NEW HAiVIPSHIUE. The Stat* 982 960 422 538 422 D3G 371 453 7 8 44 75 2 1 1 23 88 44 28 90 158 892 108 02 30 38 49 90 33 Cl33 226 97 149 03 52 12 28 39 20 68 97 47 00 39 22 26 21 51 13 75 129 50 80 54 10 12 28 30 20 58 87 47 60 39 22 26 21 61 13 75 129 49 88 64 30 11 28 38 15 50 79 42 67 32 19 22 21 40 9 68 91 in 78 42 27 1 1 8 Carroll ChoNhtro i" 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 7 10 4 1 7 3 4 3 5 34 3 8 12 3 COOH ■"" Grafton JIHUlKiro ^* . I. ...... 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 a Tnrliuliiii; 120 InmntoH of tho Kovada Stato Insane Aqylum; homo roKidencos not gircn. b Ki(;ht ChinrHM uut ini-lnilcd. e Ouo Indian not iucludcd. THE INSANE. 189 Tablk 152.— insane BELONGIXO TO EACH COUNTY, WITir DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NLMBEB FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEUKlTOlilES: ISiX)— Continued. NEW JERMKV. Found iu county. BELONGINO TO COtTSTT. Total. Male. Female ■WTiito. Colored. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parents na- tive. One or both parorts foreign. Mixed blood. Hale. Fe- male. Uale. Fe- male. Hale. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe. male. 3,115 3,163 1,487 1,076 1.444 1,601 777 780 125 95 542 720 43 75 30 04 7 11 Atlnntic 10 10 69 127 7 8 533 16 405 19 a911 20 21 872 4 6 16 9 23 12 17 60 92 144 155 18 76 593 08 539 94 229 170 148 145 34 125 51 73 55 209 90 24 43 56 70 7 43 255 32 267 42 119 79 74 67 21 61 25 43 25 86 48 26 49 88 85 11 33 338 3G 272 52 110 »1 74 78 13 64 26 35 30 123 42 22 43 52 07 7 42 247 31 266 42 114 70 69 66 20 61 21 40 25 85 48 25 45 84 77 9 30 328 33 268 61 104 87 69 75 12 63 23 32 29 115 42 14 27 37 62 7 85 84 26 62 35 74 39 58 38 18 25 19 23 23 47 34 16 18 62 52 8 29 97 23 54 36 00 42 49 52 8 32 20 21 23 62 32 2 2 2 3 3' 3 2 1 6 14 13 12 9 21 19 23 2 ""4" 3 1 4 4 8 2 3 10 3 4 1 6 4 5 3 1 1 3 3 1 8 1 "'4' 3 1 8 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 '"'2' 3 " i 1 4 4 3 2 2 7 3 4 1 4 4 5 3 1 1 3 3 1 8 1 g 7 106 5 160 7 40 35 11 25 2 32 2 17 2 32 14 1 193 10 190 15 42 40 19 19 3 30 3 11 5 57 7 1 8 1 5 3 5 1 1 '"'l' 3 ...... 1 57 38 t 44 24 2" 3 4 2 5 1 4 1 1 2 Mitldlenex 4 2 e" 1 6 3 NEW MEXICO. The Territory 61 06 28 38 27 38 24 33] 1 3 4 1 1 11 1 4 3 1 4 6 14 2 I 12 1 4 3 2 4 6 14 9 2 3 « 6 3' 2 2 1 3 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3' 3 9 8 2' 4 6 3" 1 2 1 3 5 1 2 1 2 6 1 1 1 3' 3 9 8 2" 4 6 2 5 1 1 Colfax IVnna Ana 1 1 1 Grant 1 I 1 Xiiucoln 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 7 San Mignel -- 1 1 1 Santa Fe Socorro Tao3 2 4 Yalencia NE\« ' TOKK. The State 17,747 17,831 8,242 9,589 8,118 9,438 3,557 3,591 981 785 3,580 5,062 124 151 80 M 44 &7 Albanv 60 29 1,190 124 270 173 25 25 66 35 54 32 633 1,017 22 17 33 42 37 550 103 159 141 201 182 144 109 98 130 64 108 292 810 c55 c57 99 76 84 4 114 )65 «2,0S5 83 106 nstitntio d. 257 49 86 71 107 86 07 44 43 60 32 35 135 396 20 80 47 33 85 4 55 76 884 50 46 U9; horn 293 54 73 70 94 96 77 65 65 70 32 73 157 414 35 27 52 43 49 69 89 1,201 33 60 e residon 254 43 85 71 106 86 05 44 43 57 30 35 135 396 20 30 46 33 35 4 54 75 869 50 46 291 54 73 69 94 96 77 64 55 66 31 71 154 410 35 27 50 43 47 58 88 1,182 33 59 116 38 56 46 67 .54 35 39 29 44 19 31 84 102 13 17 32 21 30 4 37 50 S34 26 35 98 39 SO 48 57 60 51 57 18 48 25 53 93 98 22 15 38 24 41 35 3 7 6 14 10 10 5' 4 3 2 19 96 3 4 7 2 1 45 2 3 9 5 7 1 3 12 4 I 4 13 63 4 2 4 2 2 103 7 » 22 19 25 22 20 5 9 9 8 2 32 198 4 9 7 10 4 148 13 20 12 32 29 25 4 25 14 S 14 48 249 9 10 8 17 4 3 1 1 — ... 2 ....„ 1 1 1 ...... 1 2 1 Cattaraujni3 1 1 1 ■""■2 1 ...... I Chenango 1 Clinton. -.. Columbia.... 3 2 ...... 4 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 I 1 2 1 1 1 -•••-f Erie fr3 Kssex .. Franklin Fullon 1 2 1 2 Geneaco 2 1 1 \ \ 75 93 1,205 59 93 ates of 1 Q include 3S 54 279 23 5.1 4 5 70 9 6 8 10 126 3 X 13 20 465 15 5 ded. 17 24 7T7 7 » 1 1 15 1 1 IB 1 1 1 /« (U Kincs /8 /13 I 1 olnoluilinR 14 inn ft Two foreign bor ces not given. e One Indian not incln d Foreign born. e One Chines f One foreign not ii bom i icUldiMl ucludet . i. 190 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, AVITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. NEW ¥ORK— CoQtinned. HadisoD MoDroe Montgomery . New York Kiagara Oneida — Onondaga . Ontario ... Orange Orleans ... Oswego Otaego Putnam Qoeena Kensselaor . Richmond Rockland St. Lawrence. Saratoga , Schenectady . Schoharie . Schuyler. . Seneca Steuben . . . Suffolk.... Solliran... Tioga TompkiuH. Uliler Warren ... Washington.. Wayne Westchester . Wyoming Tatea Found in county. 77 391 61 3,932 22 I.IU 174 91 702 19 132 42 7 160 152 43 16 g6 42 15 29 29 1,974 82 1,308 57 24 27 96 13 42 78 1,254 36 11 BBLOSaiNQ TO COtlKTT. Total. 118 481 137 a5, 878 6157 493 382 148 237 77 182 107 31 272 515 lU 68 179 «138 66 75 72 fll3 243 221 83 38 96 241 49 /98 108 409 Male. Female 55 237 68 1,693 223 183 60 143 29 88 44 13 132 220 82 29 88 61 27 27 43 64 127 96 40 24 39 130 26 39 48 200 24 17 63 244 6» 3, 185 82 270 199 88 144 48 94 63 18 140 295 62 39 91 77 3S 48 29 49 116 125 43 14 57 111 23 59 60 209 28 • 37 White. Total Male. 54 235 67 1,649 73 221 181 58 139 28 44 13 127 216 81 29 88 59 26 27 43 62 126 40 24 38 127 26 36 43 196 23 17 Fe- ll ale. «3 241 67 3,138 82 267 196 88 139 45 S4 63 18 128 294 59 37 91 75 48 29 43 113 118 43 14 56 108 23 59 60 203 28 37 Xative born. Parents na- tive. Male. 34 82 38 616 38 138 8C 33 05 24 59 35 9 52 8r. 35 14 53 37 13 27 42 46 83 52 23 21 32 91 19 25 31 94 19 11 Fe- male 42 74 38 506 41 160 83 57 87 30 53 52 12 54 114 17 21 47 4a 20 38 27 33 80 70 26 10 49 71 11 38 40 77 One or hoth parents foreign. Male. 2 44 9 392 4 22 23 29 19 2 11 10 2 9 4 2 3 2 Fe- male. 3 23 5 217 3 Foreign horn Male. 18 109 20 1,641 31 61 66 18 33 4 20 7 4 66 101 36 10 22 19 10 Fe- male. Colored. Total. Male. 18 144 24 2, 355 38 84 94 31 42 13 37 8 4 05 151 33 14 26 22 17 9 1 12 23 45 14 1 7 27 9 18 18 114 3 I 10 Fe- male. Black. Male. 1 1 1 636 Fe- m.ile Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. a 'iia NORTH CAROLINA. 1,710 1,725 755 970 598 717 588 711 1 3 9 3 157 253 141 217 16 36 7 3 1 9 8 10 8 16 479 6 1 3 21 6 6 28 22 21 14 11 8 42 24 20 10 10 7 14 20 21 11 10 3 16 10 21 3S 4 20 15 17 IS 10 4 3 10 8 8 4 8 5 •15 6 7 8 4 1 7 8 8 7 S 2 7 6 12 18 1 & 7 8 3 11 2 3 16 14 13 10 3 3 27 18 13 11 6 6 7 12 13 4 5 1 5 17 3 15 8 16 10 4 3 8 8 4 1 6 5 14 S 5 8 3 1 6 8 4 7 1 2 6 4 6 17 1 4 6 8 2 7 2 3 13 14 7 6 1 3 22 18 13 11 6 5 5 11 11 4 4 1 7 3 4 14 3 14 6 6 11 10 4 3 8 8 4 1 6 5 14 5 4 8 3 1 6 7 4 7 1 2 6 4 6 17 1 4 6 8 2 7 2 3 13 14 7 t 2 22 18 13 11 5 5 11 10 4 4 1 7 8 4 14 3 14 11 4 4 2 3 2 2 I 4 3 2 6 4 2 4 3 2 5 4 1 X 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 5 1 Cald well . 1 1 Cartcrot . 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 i 2 1 Catawba 1 1 4 4 1 3 1 1 Clay ... .... .. .... Cleveland 8 3 a 10 1 8 8 7 1 1 7 1 2 2 5 3 1 1 7 1 2 2 5 . 3 Cravi-ii Cnrritufk I 1 1 2 3 6 1 "'i' 1 2 8 4 I>avln 1 1 Dnplin Dnrham 1 1 a Kiicbt CliInoAo not inclmle'l. b Ki^'bt foroiga born Included. e Ono forolpn born fnclitilcd. d Xhroo foruigu bortx includod. e Ono IiKliuu not iiirln*• Ono Indian not Included. b Two Chinofe not tncludod. e Oao Cbiooso not iacludod. li Foiirtoon Chinoao and 1 Indian not iuciudod. Foreign l>onu THE INSANE. 195 Table > 52.— INSANE BKLONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINrTIOX op SEX, COLOR, AND NATTVTTT, AND NI'MKER KOUNU IN EACH COUNTY, BV STATES AND TlOKlilTOKlES: 1«;K»— C'ontiiiiiorl. PKlV.XJtVI.VAmiA-Conlln.icil. Founil in county DELO.ioiso TO cotnrrr. ToUJ. Male. Fcmalo. White. Colored. commits Total. Nntiro born. Foreign born. ToUl. '1 Black. Parents na- tiTO. One or bnth parents forel;;n. HIzM blood. Halo. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Uale. Fe. male. Halo. Fo. mole. 1 \rn1e. Fc male. Uale. Fe. male. Ualo. Fe- male. 130 17 18 37 31 19 13 12 10 15 1,803 657 30 27 10 1,575 6 8 82 8 23 3 23 36 21 29 735 63 16 03 7 31 186 63 56 06 249 1 73 02 58 31 33 434 36 109 88 28 12. 577 11 22 194 16 32 15 79 90 35 84 d76 95 1?? 26 119 98 35 23 28 161 37 27 30 14 20 208 17 56 44 12 1,215 6 10 08 10 24 6 41 38 20 40 42 45 30 62 14 68 88 28 33 38 88 36 35 28 17 13 226 19 53 44 16 1,362 5 12 96 « 8 9 38 52 15 44 34 50 28 59 12 51 95 35 23 28 160 35 27 30 14 20 197 10 56 44 12 1,189 6 10 97 10 24 6 39 38 20 40 42 45 30 62 14 07 87 28 33 38 88 34 33 28 16 13 218 18 53 44 16 1,317 5 12 95 6 8 9 38 52 15 44 34 49 28 58 12 48 79 28 19 22 87 23 18 23 14 15 110 9 45 30 12 705 2 9 53 10 22 » 27 27 20 33 34 32 19 49 12 63 78 25 32 29 36 28 18 24 13 12 127 14 36 33 16 647 3 7 46 6 7 G 28 36 14 31 22 38 12 41 10 40 i' 2 16 4 4 68 9 8 6 7 3 1 G 49 3 13 3 3 1 77 4 15 10 3 1 3 1 Lehigh 5 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 ' 1 2 Morcer - Mirtlin 1 .... 1 1.. 1 3 14 « 84 7 11 13 11 1 8 1 11 1 8 I , \ ::::::: "2 1 1 1 1 Philadelphia 34 1 1 7 20 1 1 3 450 3 '"'37' 650 1 * 40 26 45 c26 44 \ 1 Pike Potter , Schnvlkill 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 • iS 1 2 13 1 4 1 i" 1 4 3 1 StiRqiielianna a 2 8 10 9 10 4 13 13 5 13 15 2 7 "Washington 2 3 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 . To"rk 1 1 ^ 2 1 1 RHODE ISI^AND. TheStato 832 792 343 449 331 437 176 198 47 44 108 195 12 12 7 3 5 Bristol 7 9 15 773 28 29 38 73 f585 d68 15 20 36 241 31 14 18 36 344 37 15 19 33 236 28 12 18 35 338 34 9 15 22 106 24 12 23 128 28 1 2 41 1 3' 2 38 1 5 2 9 89 3 5 3 10 172 6 ...... 3 S 3 2 ...... G 3 ...... 2 3 3 1 Kent ■■■■5' 1 1 2 1 ^ 801X11 CAROI.IIVA. alnrlndin;; 249 inmaten of institatiOD3; bomo residoncos not given. b One Chinese not included. C One f urei^u born included. d One Indian not included. e Two Indians not included. J' Foreign bom. TheStato 906 912 466 446 236 234 217 223 i 3 3 16 8 230 212 219 207 11 6 Abboville 4 7 5 17 8 15 16 3 5 10 8 8 6 5 4 28 21 30 38 21 27 125 20 12 25 25 22 34 21 14 14 10 9 23 10 11 61 6 6 14 14 14 15 11 9 14 11 21 15 11 16 64 14 6 11 11 8 19 10 5 6 5 5 11 3 41 2 4 6 3 7 7 6 3 8 G 13 7 2 2 29 7 6 4 16 3 1 6 6 5 10 3 27 2 4 6 3 7 7 5 3 8 6 13 6 2 1 25 5 5 2 6 4 10 3 1 8 5 4 12 10 8 20 4 2 8 11 7 8 5 G 6 5 8 8 » 14 35 7 t 4 10 10 8 20 4 2 8 10 6 7 5 6 8 4 7 8 14 c34 7 1 1 ...... 1 AndorBon 1 1 1 Beaufort Herkelov 1 3 1 1 3 1 11 1 1 Chester Chesterfield i i 9 5 4 c3 7 4 ( 1 1 1 Edgefiild 1 1 Vlorcnce 1 ....„ 196 INSAKE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND BVMB, AND BLIND. Table 152.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEB FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. SOCTII CAROLINA— Continued. Georgetown.. Grwnrille Baniiitun Horrv Keranaw Lancaster L^tiircDH LexiiifTton — Uarion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Ontiiceburg... Pickens Richland Spartanburg . Sumter Union Williamsburg Tork Found in county. 1 6 3 8 3 6 5 7 9 4 i 2 8 3 676 8 6 4 6 16 BELONGING TO CODNTY. TotaL Male. Female. ■VThite. Total. Male. Fo- Qiale. Native born. Parents na- tive. Male. Fe- male. Oue or both parents foreign. Male. Fe- male. Foreign bom. Male. Fe- male. Hale. Colored. Total. Fe- male. Black. Male. 23 Fe- male. Mixed blood. 2 5 2 3 2 1 3 3 5 3 2 3 5 1 20 Male. Pe- male. ...... 1 1 1 ....-, 1 1 SOL'TH DAKOTA. The State 303 310 173 137 171 136 68 56 12 17 91 63 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 7 12 5 16 6 I 3 3 16 3 4 6 4 4 3 4 4 2 9 6 6 1 9 5 4 8 4 23 11 14 2 3 1 25 2 5 3 8 8 8 IB 20 3 4 7 2 7 5 1 2 3 6 i 4 3 1 3 3 3 2 5 1 2 1 5 2 2 4 if 6 8 1 2 1 16 1 2 3 5 4 4 10 11 1 3 6 3 1 i" i« 3 3 2 1 3 i' 1 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 6 ' 6 1 1 6' 1 3 3 4 4 8 3 4 7 .1 7 5 1 3 6 i' 4 I 3 3 3 2 5 1 2 1 4 2 o 3 ■■■■- 6 8 I 2 I 10 I 3 5 4 4 10 11 1 3 5 3 9 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Beadle 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 5 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 ...... 3 3 2 1 3 i' 1 1 2 4 ...... 1 1 1 1 Clark .... Clav G 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 ... 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 X*ay 3 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 TaW River 1 Faulk 3 5 4 4 3 2 4 4 6 5 6 1 1 4' 1 3 3 i' 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 Hanil 1 1 3 3 1 1 Hvd© 1 3 b" 3 3 i' 2 6 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1. tllT .".'.'.'.:: ;■;■ 2 8 3 r, i 2 1 3 2 ■ 3 1 1 1 Mrf'ook 2 Uarnhall 1 1 6 e 1 2 1 1 I 10 6 1 VnodT 2 1 2 Pot ter 3 2 2 3 3 6 .. 3 4 4 8 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 4 8 gnink 4 g 8 235 1 1 1 3 2 2" 6 2 4 4 TUt^: INSANE. 197 Tabus 152.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AXD NATIVITY, AND NUMIIEB FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKKITOEIES: 1890— ContinacU. VENNKMHKB. Found in cooDty. nSLONOINa TO COC.^TY. Total. Hale. Female. White. Colored. OOCNTIES. Total. Native burn. Foreipi bom. Total. Black. Parcnta iia- tivo. One or bolh iian--nta IbreigQ. MIXMI blocML Male. Fc- njalo. Male. Fe male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. F. male. 1 Male. Fe. male. 1 Male. Fe. nialo. 1,832 1,845 816 1,029 684 841 C51 791 8 14 2S 36 132 188 110 158 22 (0 6 17 4 3 " 18 6 12 7 9 12 29 G 5 14 28 8 17 18 12 5 12 26 7 12 20 10 2 198 10 IG 7 11 2G 1 22 32 27 14 23 4 18 25 8 25 12 29 25 20 1 25 15 G 13 4 3 25 21 59 13 18 2 36 6 IB 15 5 27 12 17 38 8 12 45 8 2 28 16 6 3 10 6 11 3 1 4 12 4 5 9 4 2 4 17 4 4 11 4 1 87 4 9 4 6 8 1 8 17 IS 6 9 1 6 12 5 11 5 14 9 8 11 10 1 5 1 7 12 29 G 7 is' 3 s 8 1 14 3 5 20 3 S 14 S U 3 2 3 5 6 18 3 4 10 IC 4 12 9 8 3 8 9 I 9 6 1 111 6 7 3 5 18 14 15 12 8 14 3 12 13 3 14 7 15 16 12 14 5 5 8 3 1 18 30 7 11 2? 3 14 7 4 13 9 12 18 5 G 31 3 2 14 13 4 5 6 9 3 1 4 11 4 5 8 4 2 3 n 4 4 11 3 1 63 3 9 4 5 5 1 8 13 13 5 8 1 6 12 5 11 5 14 5 8 11 10 1 5 1 2 5 12 2G 5 5 ....... 3 4 8 1 12 3 4 14 3 5 9 4 12 3 2 3 5 6 15 3 3 9 16 4 12 9 8 2 6 9 2 7 7 . 5 1 71 5 7 3 4 12 11 13 12 8 13 3 11 7 3 12 7 15 10 12 12 5 4 7 3 1 13 9 26 7 10 2 18 3 13 7 3 11 8 9 10 5 a 13 3 2 12 13 4 s" 6 9 3 1 4 10 4 5 8 4 2 3 17 4 4 11 3 1 50 2 9 4 5 5 1 8 13 13 5 8 1 G 10 5 11 5 14 5 8 11 10 1 5 1 2 5 12 23 5 5 '"'is' 3 4 8 1 11 3 4 14 3 5 8 4 12 3 2 :i 6 6 IS 3 3 9 16 4 12 9 7 2 G 9 2 7 7 5 • 1 57 S 7 3 4 12 Hpilford 2 8 2 3 l{cntll 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 CIit'8lcr 8 22 3 C 14 9 1 474 9 9 4 4 13 1 12 13 12 8 11 ^ 1 Clniborno Clav 1 1 1 2 .1 ...... 1 1 1 1 Coffee i 1 Crockett 1 Davidson 3 3 10 1 11 ! "i t 40 1 20 1 31 1 4 B Dekalb Dver 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 Favette 5 1 Franklin 10 13 12 8 12 3 11 7 3 12 7 15 9 12 12 5 4 4 I 13 9 24 7 10 2 18 3 13 7 3 10 8 9 10 1? 3 2 12 13 4 1 3 2 ... j 3 Gibson 4 2 1 1 Giles v i 1 Grccnu |.„/ li 1 1 , . 1 Ilanibli^n 14 i;( 5 242 . 18 12 9 14 10 1 8 3 1 6 '.'.'..v. 1 4 2 s ll.inrork Hardeman 2 2 1 4 S 3 4 1 a JItMKlerMIU 2 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 2 1 17 15 250 2 8 2 20 2 12 4 2 8 8 10 "22 fi 7 34 2 2 5 2 5 Knox 1 2 2 3 1 2 4 ...... 3 1 2 3 1 Lawrouco 1 Lewis I-incoln 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 Lotidou ilcM inn .J 1 1 1 1 lIcNairy Mflox>n 1 2 I 1 8 ...... 5 1 3 1 3 7 MadlMon 1 1 J- 2 2 ilarion Marshall 1 « Maury 1 1 Meip8 1 Monrmi 1 6 1 ""is" 1 S 1 1 1 1 IC 3 Muoro Morgan Obion 17 11 G 2 G 2 2 2 2 Perry . Pickett il .... . 1 Polk 4 1 1 ; ......'- ..••• 198 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 158.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COFNTT, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOE, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. TEIVXESSEE— Continued. Found in connty. BELOSGIXa TO COUNTY. Total. Male. Female. ■White. Colored; Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents na- tive. One or both parents tbrcign. Mixed blood. .Male. Fo male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male , Male. Fe- male. 4 4 10 5 23 2 i' 40 5 4 10 11 5 7 6" 14 6 10 5 7 15 8 12 11 7 15 2 4 D 54 9 n 7 14 37 2 7 G 1 8 19 3 14 10 20 4 4 5 5 17 2 2 31 4 4 10 10 18 « 5 7 5 14 6 10 4 4 12 8 11 10 5 11 2 4 5 39 8 7 11 20 1 7 G 1 8 17 3 14 G e 18 4 4 (^ 4 17 2 2 23 4 4 10 9 18 6 4 7 5' 14 10 4 4 12 8 11 8 5 11 2 4 5 20 8 7 11 19 1 7 6 1 8 17 3 14 C G 18 8 ll IG 15 21 4 , 12 •J4 1 3R :::::;■ 1 1 2 4 '■'■5' '""3' 1 - 1 1 1 2 4 . 6 3 1 3 4 4 7 94 ■ 14 10 17 25 81 8 12 13 1 14 33 9 24 11 17 35 i Shelbv 26 C 2 14 17 G6 3 6 9 2 5 G 14 9 1 15 1 4 1 13 1 5 2 Smith 1 1 26 3 17 1 1 25 16 1 ...... 1 Tipton 1 1 1 6 19 4 11 7 8 22 ....... 1 ...„. 1 ::: :: 2 AVhite ' 1 1 3 3 ....„ 2 1 3 3 4 . TEXAS. 1,664 1,668 835 833 715 676 543 552 39 ■ 17 133 107 120 157 87 120 33 1 " 8 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 9 17 1 3 1 1 10 4 4 1 8 12 3 1 3 G 5 13 2 23 a59 1 10 5 3 20 13 12 3 15 1 2 3 6 22 "2 10 2 22 7 7 11 21 12 SO 9 18 13 2 7 1 5 1 i' 4 3 8 2 13 28 5' 3 1 6 3 8 2 7 1 2 3 3 9 7 ii' t s s 14 29 7 g 8 1 8 7 2 1 2 2 5 ii' 31 1 5 2 2 14 10 4 1 8 2' 13 2 9 2 11 3 2 « 7 6 21 2 B 6 1 4 1 4 1 i 3 3 5 12 25 4 1 5 3 7 7 1 2 2 2 8 '"'ii' 3 5 5 14 6 28 7 9 7 1 3 5 2 1 2 2 2 5 ""io 23 1 5 1 2 9 10 4 1 1 i 1 2 5 1 10 12 5 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 ":::r::::: Aransas 1 1 i' 1 1 1 Austin 1 2 4 1 1 1 I 3 3 Bee 1 1 8 Bell 9 13 1 5 2' 1 8 1 1 3 ...... 1 3 Bexar 6 2 Blanco Basque - 3 1 2 2 2 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ■5' 1 1 1 1 1 6 8 4 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 5 1 1 Caldwell 1 2 ^ Calhoau 1 Ctllalian 2 Cameron 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 6 2 10 2 7 G 14 2 7 4 1 4 1 1 8 6 ""ii' 1 4 13 4 27 7 A 5 1 3 1 7 2 6 2 9 1 2 « 10 2 7 2 1 3 1 ...... 1 S ca«» ;.:;:::::::::"":; 9 1 11 2 12 3 2 7 3 17 7 G S 1 Chambers Clioroke© 1 3 1 a Collin ... 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 Colorado 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Gonial 2 Comanche Cookn i Corrcll Daltaii 1 4 1 7 1 1 DelU 1 1 i 1 "i' 2 Dewitt 1 2 1 1 Dimmit £a«tland 2 1 1 ■otor 1 ::;::; ::;:;.i '.'.'.'.'.'. .....J a One Chinese not included. TITK INSANE. 199 TABir. 852.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITV, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coiitinue 2' 4 a 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 s i' 1 1 2' 1 3 1 2 Dsria OarQcld I 1 1 i' 1 1 4 1 3 1 28 8 2 1 i' 4' jiub 2 1 a 1 3 I 1 Kane ,. Millard 2 1 U 2 1 1 RirJi Salt Lnko 3 3 2 2 ::::::: 11 3 1 1 20 I 1 1 Kanpcto 2' i 1 Humtoit 4 .-•>••• a Ouo Chinese not iucludcd. THE INSANE. 201 Table ISa.— insane BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND Nl-MUEE FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKK1TOKIE8: 1890— Contiuucd. VTAH-Continued. Fonnd in couuty. DRLONOINO TO COUTTT. Total. Male'. Female. WlUlo. Colored. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. ToUL Black. Fa^<^nt■ na- tive. One or botli parents foruigu. MliM blood. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo- male. Male. F. male. Male. Fc- malo. ^'"•"'nf^e. ! 1 1 7 1 27 2 S IS 3 1 13 1 2 11 ii' 1 1 4 8 1 13 1 2 11 4 1 2 1 U 1 2 8 4 1 "CTinta 1 Vmu 130 14 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 9 1 1 AVasatcb ......I...... 1 "Weber 5 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 VBBnO.'VT. The State 856 ; 823 413 410 411 410 337 321 11 20 63 69 2 2 22 24 20 42 7 32 1^ 11 57 33 510 41 n\ 01 10 30 67 37 123 or. 90 85 20 23 27 44 8 27 4 14 29 16 61 36 54 50 24 25 26 44 i 7 • 34 G 16 38 21 62 30 42 35 20 22 27 44 8 27 4 14 29 16 60 36 54 50 24 25 26 44 7 34 6 16 38 21 02 30 42 35 18 18 24 33 8 18 3 13 28 13 43 31 43 44 17 22 17 22 "5 27 6 13 34 IS 45 26 37 32 i' 1 4 1 2 4' 1 1 2 3 2 7 9 1 1 1 3 16 4 9 5 G 1 9 18 1 6 1 1 . ... 1 1 3 3 3 10 2 5 3 1 1 2 1 7 2 1 1 Windham (a) VIBGI.'VIA. The State 2.377 2,406 1,179 1,227 818 855 735 826 9 5 74 24 361 II ?>G ' .7 z 2 7G 4 15 2 17 66 27 9 11 20 10 77 9 41 15 19 20 3 26 64 16 30 9 24 29 15 4 29 15 1 69 09 » 18 32 17 15 1 12 43 13 14 9 9 12 10 30 18 3 8 8 6 42 8 14 8 5 12 1 11 22 8 14 4 12 17 8 2 14 5 1 41 57 3 7 17 8 11 6 21 S 7 8 7 36 9 6 3 12 4 35 1 27 7 14 8 2 15 42 S 22 5 12 12 7 2 15 10 28' 13 6 11 15 » 4 G 22 8 7 4 6 4 7 24 12 3 4 6 4 35 7 11 8 5 8 1 7 16 2 13 1 8 13 8 2 7 3 1 10 53 2 6 14 8 8 4 21 5 3 3 2 6 4 28 5 S 2 11 4 33 1 20 7 11 3 2 12 28 3 22 1 8 3 5 2 11 8 6' 2 5 10 13 9 2 4 10 8 1 4 6 4 6 22 10 3 4 6 4 31 6 10 8 5 8 1 7 16 2 13 1 8 11 7 2 G 3 1 10 27 2 5 13 8 8 4 14 6 3 3 2 6 4 27 4 2 '\ 29 1 19 7 11 I 10 % 22 1 8 8 S 2 11 8 1 2 2 i' 1 1 3 6 G 2 2 7 1 3 » 4 1 1 1 ...... ....„ 4 ""3* 2 •> c 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 573 1 13 2 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 3 i' 1 1 2 Bath iJedford 6 1 3 ....„ 1 6 2 * 4 12 2 21 2 2 5 4 2 7 2 4 G 6 1 3 4 4 3 14 5 '"* 4 9 2 5 G 1 1 2 2 3 12 5 1 1 1 2 Carroll Charlex Citv 4 4 6 2 2 1 1 Cheaterfiold 1 i 8 Clarke 1 7 2 4 2 G 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 53 5 7 3 6 3 1 16 4 6 2 5 9 13 9 2 4 18 \ 4 a 1 ...... 31 4 1 1 3 22 10 1 1 2 26 3 I 1 1 IG 9 1 1 1 6 1 S Elizabeth City 1 1 1 1 3 1 Plovd 3 2 2 2 3 ? i 2 1 1 1 6 1 Giles 4 2 1 2 4 1 I 2 4 ...... 3 1 : Greene 1 :::::::i;;;;:;; '....^ a Inctuding 19 inmates of the Vermont Insane Asylum; home residences not given. 202 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table Isa.-INSAirK BELONGnCG TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY. AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, I5Y STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutiiiucd. VIBGINIA-Continuea. Groenavillo Halifax Hanover — Heorico Henry Higlilani] I»le of Wiaht . . . Jamea City King and (juo«n. King George King ■William . Lancaster Lee Loadoon LouUa Lunenburg — Madison Mathows Mecklenburg . Middlesex Montgomrry . TCansemond . . Nelson Kew Kent Korfolk Kortbampton Korthumuerlaud . Kottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania ... Powliatan Prince Kdward. Prince George.. Princeas Anno.. Prince William. Pulaski Rappahannock . Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge .. Rockingham . Rnjsell Scott Shenandoah... Bmyth Soutbamptom . Kpottiivlvauia . bUffuril BuTiy .... Siuux... Tazewell . Warren . . Warwick. Waahington WcatmorclaDd WUe Wrtho York City of Petersburg. Found in county. BELONOraO TO COUNTT. 1 382 1 Total. 12 37 24 227 25 8 5 22 11 7 1 5 7 34 32 21 8 13 12 10 17 17 16 5 121 10 (i8 Male. •J '■' 10 18 45 03 7 12 5 28 2 10 3 10 2 8 6 16 7 17 1 4 22 32 7 34 13 SO 7 16 3 15 6 18 239 22 25 7 29 8 12 4 2 9 5 23 1 12 3 24 50 4 11 7 16 8 29 3 11 588 33 White. Female. Total. 7 25 15 129 13 4 1 5 8 1 2 5 14 17 16 ^0 9 2 9 3 7 Male. Fe. male. Kative born. Parents na- tive. Hale. Fe- male. 2 5 13 9 13 2 5 3 2 One or both parents foreign. Male. Fe- male. Foreign born, Male. Fe. male. Colored. Total. Male. Fe- male. Black. Male. 2 3 1 3 1 1 a 3 1 1 10 1 1 2 2 Fe- male. 22 MixetT blood. Male. Fe- male. 16 a One Indian not included. THE INSANE. 203 Tablk 153.— insane BKLONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COI.OR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMUKR FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKUITOItlES: 1890-Continuod. WANniNGTON. l-'iMind in iiounly. DELONOINO TO COCMTY Total. Male. Female. ■WTiito. Cok>nxl. COUNTlIiS. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Paronla na. live. One or both parents forolKn. Mlz«I blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. molc. Male. Fe- Male. The State 376 376 268 108 267 108 S6 49 38 12 135 47 1 1 Chobnlis 4 2 20 8 2 3 3 16 072 7 14 6 l.i 6 5 1 G 048 1 16 ::3 1 21 2 n26 9 ol2 G 4 2 10 5 6 2' 3 12 55 7 11 S 13 3 5 4 39 1 7' 20 1 15 1 16 8 9 5 io' 4 2 2 1 1 4 17 3' 1 2 3 i 2 B 1 1 9 13 6 1 10 1 3 1 4 2 10 S 6 2" 2 12 53 7 10 5 13 3 4 39 1 f 20 1 15 1 16 8 9 6 2 1 2 4 I 3 1 1 „ Clnllnni 1 1 Clnrko 2 i 10 4 2 2 1 1 4 17 3' 1 2 3 i' 2 9 1 1 9 13 6 1 10 1 3 1 21 13 3 2 1 1 1 4' 3 i' 7 1 1 1 ' 1 Cowlitz t Friuiklin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 8 28 6 4 3 7 1 4 3 12 8 t . „ Kittitna 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Klickitat 1 2 Lewia h' 2 1 1 2 4 ... < "III Pacitic 3 18 1 1 rierco 343 8 2 3 1 Skftcit 11 1 3 9 4 5 2 2 2 3 11 4 4 Spokane Thurston 3 1 1 5 4 1 6 4 3 1 I 1 1 1 .. ■VTalbwalla 2 2 2 S i' 1 3 3 "Whatcom 1 3 i ( Whitman 1 1 Yakima 1 IVESX VIRGIIVIA. The State 1,069 1,079 533 S46 509 518 455 461 6 6 48 51 24 28 1 3 23 35 Barl)onr 2 5 2 1 11 32 8 16 15 29 7 1 14 21 10 12 ll 8 13 50 21 31 55 1 '*'> ' 1.5 7 10 37 40 35 12 17 32 13 B 4 Ofi 9 2 12 4 4 7 17 3 5' 13 6 3 9 28 14 16 29 17 9 4 7 23 20 17 8 7 16 6 A 49 2 9 20 4 12 8 12 4 1 9 11 4 9 12 9 4 22 7 15 26 27 6 3 3 14 20 18 4 10 10 7 3 2 47 7 2 11 4 4 7 16 3 5' 10 6 3 8 2 2 9 28 14 13 27 16 9 4 6 23 10 16 8 7 14 4 5 2 48 1 9 18 4 10 8 12 4 1 9 10 4 8 11 ^ G 4 22 7 9 23 27 6 3 3 14 19 17 4 10 14 6 3 2 46 7 2 11 3 1 4 4 13 3 5' 10 5 3 7 2 2 9 23 13 12 25 14 9 4 6 22 17 15 8 7 14 4 4 2 32 1 8 15 4 10 7 11 4 1 8 10 4 7 11 8 6 4 22 7 8 20 26 6 3 3 11 15 10 4 7 13 6 3 2 32 1 3 Berk rlcy 1 2 1 1 1 Boono 1 Braxton 2 3 Brooke 3 3 1 Cabell 7 1 1 1 Clav T)0(\dridgo 2 2 1 4 5 4 1 4 13 4 4 10 869 2 1 10 1 6 G 7 3 11 1 Fayette 3 1 3 1 Gilmor 1 Grant 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 Greenbrier 1 1 1 1 II.irdv Harrison 1 4 1 1 2 2 .TackBim JeflV-raon 1 3 1 3 2 1 6 3 1 I 1 5 Knnnnba 1 Lewi.'i Lincoln Lognn Mcllowill 1 1 j Marion 1 1 3 3 1 \.. Marsball 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I I Mnsnn i Mercer TifilifTfll 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 X 2 1 1 1 Morgan 1 Uichol.ia 1 9 2 Ohici 1 1 15 13 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 Pendleton a One Ckineso not included. 204 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 158.— INSANE BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKRITOEIES : 1890— Coutinued. WEST VIIHSIXIA— Continacd. Fonnd in connty. DELONQISO TO COUNTY. Total. Male. Female. White. Colored. OOCNTIES. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents n.a- tivo. One or both i)arents foreign. Miied blood. Msae. Fe- male. Hale. Fe- male. Kale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 5 11 8 32 14 11 11 14 13 10 33 4 12 20 16 4 23 13 51 4 4 4 15 6 8 7 7 7 6 19 2 3 17 7 1 7 8 24 3 7 4 17 8 3 4 7 C 4 14 2 9 9 ? 16 5 27 1 4 4 15 6 8 7 7 7 6 18 2 3 17 6 1 7 8 24 3 7 3 17 7 " 4 7 G 4 13 2 9 9 9 3 16 5 25 1 4 3 13 5 8 7 7 6 6 18 2 3 17 6 1 6 C 19 3 6 3 15 3 3 4 7 G 4 11 1 9 9 3 12 5 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 4 I 1 Kaltigh 5 4 3 i 1 5 7 3 i 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 11 I i" 2 1 1 5 2 3 2 2 1 wiscoivsj.'v. The Stat© 3,521 3,510 1,853 1,657 1,844 1,652 596 493 237 223 1,011 930 9 5 6 3 3 2 6 12 8 15 6 111 29 11 13 42 15 82 31 230 98 23 5 ts 43 S 51 1 125 77 28 71 27 120 45 38 27 85 38 1 'J 98 29 33 9 4.14 I 44 39 2 alU2 34 4 7 6 10 5 59 15 6 6 27 5 29 22 124 46 16 4 26 21 3 23 1 73 43 11 39 16 00 25 18 12 BO 20 4 4 55 14 19 20! 27 20 2 00 18 2 5 2 6 1 52 14 5 7 IS 10 53 9 106 52 7 1 29 22 2 28 62' 34 17 32 11 00 20 18 15 35 18 6 ii' 15 14 7 230 17 19 42' 10 2 7 5 10 5 59 15 6 6 27 5 29 22 124 48 16 4 20 20 3 23 1 73 43 11 39 10 eo 25 18 12 60 20 4 4 65 14 19 2 201 27 20 2 00 18 2 5 2 5 1 61 14 6 7 15 10 53 9 100 62 7 1 29 22 28 5 1 3 -2 2 2 2 4 1 25 10 4 4 5 3 24 7 62 38 5 1 19 12 1 18 i' 2 10 4 38 7 4 5 19 3 13 10 81 28 10 1 1 5 1 7 7 6 1 10 10 34 14 3 2 8 s' 92 10 G 4 24 8 64 7 630 91 5 1 38 3 8 2 1 1 10 7 24 ""'29' 5 2 10 1 9 14 1 2 1 2 1 6 2 9 6 3 2 1 1 18 2 2' 5 2 15 9 1 1 l^liarL- • 4 19 U 3 n 1 29 18 2 19 9 29 11 9 8 39 7 1 36 10 17 1 140 11 15 1 15 10 1 ' . '. I 1 j.ti H Litre - 28 4 1 132 80 9 S3 10 91 27 13 15 58 3 4 2 108 8 19 2 425 24 22 90 4 52 33 17 32 11 00 20 18 IS 35 18 " "ii IS 14 7 210 17 10 '"'ii' 10 2 34 18 9 5 25 13 4 2 8 10 3 1 2 2 2 ""•'ii' 12 4 1 90 5 1 21 13 7 3 3 10 IB 7 1 8 7 3 5' 4 1 2 24 10 6 10 7 ....... 1 1 5 2 3 3 5 3 1 8 3 3 4 1 4 2G 17 9 21 5 41 1 5 12 1 1 K.rM.^ha 7 3 1 ' -' "'*' 1 17 2 i' 30 4 1 " "io" 4 3 """ii" 2 1 20 iS 6 m 1:1 3 2 1 il.M.r.«. 28 1 2 3 1 12 IS 1 ' 1 ()/ ..ii.<-« Feiiin ■■""I I Ouo Indian not included. THE INSANE. 205 Table 152.— INSANE BELONGIXO TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OP SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUSIUEB FOUND IN KACa COUNTY, BY .Sl'ATKS ^VND TEKKITOHIES: ISao— Contiuucd. WIMCONMIN-ConUuuod. Foil lid ill couuty. BELONOINO TO CODSTY. Total. Male. Female. WUlte. Colored. OOUKrlKS. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parentfl na- tire. One or bolh pareuta I'uieigu. MIxpd blood. Male Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe. mule. """•im^le. Male. Fe- mala. Piprce 18 19 14 a38 32 34 1 93 24 al21 35 32 1 12 40 10 35 79 121 5 30 73 44 22 204 13 17 14 20 1 47 11 07 21 16 1 10 20 5 14 46 72 4 11 29 24 9 125 10 21 18 14 «' 13 »4 14 18 2 2G 5 21 33 49 1 19 44 20 13 79 3 17 14 20 1 47 11 67 21 16 1 10 20 5 14 46 72 4 11 29 23 9 122 10 21 18 14 7 8 7 9 4 1 1 4 3 i 9 5 8 1 27 3 25 11 7 1 8 14 5 12 23 17 3 9 16 11 3 71 5 11 9 Polk Portago Pri.ii. HO 11 83 1U 10 46 13 54 14 16 8 g 42 6 9 6 10 31 4 5 12 8 32 3 20 6 7 K0 823 40 870 50 861 37 830 24 764 21 909 4 323 1 88 22 1,539 15 1,479 3 2,126 Des Moinc«, Iowa ...Insane.. Ratio... 99 1,976 48 1,896 51 2,058 43 1,822 48 1,980 28 1,792 33 2,176 5 1,017 5 938 12 2,889 10 2,605 3 4,894 3 6,697 Detroit, Mich ...Insane.. ISaUo... 456 2,215 218 2,152 238 2,276 209 2, 099 231 2,246 09 3,218 74 3,445 37 969 39 966 103 2,578 118 2,878 1 9 5, 260 7 4,010 Eransvillc, Ind ...Insane.. Ratio... 80 1,676 31 1,216 49 1,940 30 1,3.H2 37 1,632 15 1,403 18 1,728 2 249 2 224 13 3,437 17 5,082 1 1 336 13 4,628 FallBivcr Mass ...Insane.. Ratio 97 1 304 40 1,287 64 2,127 94 3,613 51 1 319 46 1 291 51 1 322 13 12 1 871 6 605 6 487 27 1, 512 i 32 3,192 33 1,063 1 Grand Kaiiida, Mich... Insane.. Katio 139 2,306 230 4,321 75 2 485 64 2,150 92 3,639 75 2 509 32 *> 991 39 3 658 2 201 34 3,671 1 1 Hartfonl, Conn Insane.. Ratio... 136 4,998 134 5,057 55 5,347 42 3,994 7 855 7 835 30 4,411 85 11,189 2 2,703 3 2,801 Indianapolis, Ind Insane.. Ratio . . . 132 1,252 59 1,128 73 1,374 57 1,195 69 1,420 36 1,279 40 1,386 2 167 1 78 19 2,510 28 4,060 2 435 t 879 Jemoy city, N. J ...Insane.. Ratio... 410 2,552 209 2,547 207 2,557 209 2,584 203 2,542 49 2,337 38 1,845 36 1,103 20 599 124 4.544 145 6,601 4 3,093 Insane.. RaUo... 172 1,290 97 1.365 75 1,210 88 1,375 65 1,180 68 1,478 36 1,068 4 312 3 241 26 2,179 20 2,088 9 1,276 10 1,403 . ..Insane.. 62 20 885 20 1,009 38 1 672 25 20 1,033 38 7 14 2 519 10 4,084 21 3,559 12 3,991 17 3,429 75 0,538 1 1,258 losAngolcs, Cal Insane.. a'2 34 1,297 200 2,544 32 1,347 182 2,789 11 20 1 104 2 811 LonlsTlllc, Ky ...Insane.. Ratio... 422 2,619 222 2,090 178 2,040 112 3,605 99 3,100 4 180 4 108 60 6,505 18 1,349 44 2,871 I«w«ll,Mais ...Insane.. 151 58 1,036 04 2,334 93 2, 202 70 2,685 58 93 2,209 76 2,720 24 2,471 34 2,343 32 5 13 29 48 2,485 22 3,078 Iijnn, Mass Insane.. Katio... 140 2,512 63 2,329 40 2,761 12 2,003 14 2,221 17 2,595 1 2,703 a Including 1 mole Chinese. THE INSANE. 207 Tahle 153.-INSANE IN CITIES CONIAININO 50,000 INHAHITANTS OR MORK, WITH RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POrULATlON, liY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 18'J0— Coutiiiucd. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. OOLOBCD. Total. KatlTO bom. Foreign bom. Male. CITIES. Farcnta native. One or both parents foreign. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Mmii'lii" Tcmi . .Tnsnno.. Katio... 85 1,318 38 1,170 47 1,408 29 1,514 38 2,288 31 1,749 18 1,788 2 021 5 1,255 6 1,811 14 6,803 S 075 B US ..Insane., liatio... 301 1,912 186 1,846 205 1,977 185 1,841 205 1,981 21 1,576 21 1,509 30 778 43 844 128 3,129 141 3,650 1 3,584 Mihvniikro. Wij ..Insane., totio... 278 1,688 180 2,034 98 1,271 179 2,002 98 1,280 48 1,678 34 1,343 12 500 7 281 119 3,47' 67 2,108 1 1,215 Miiimnimlis, Miiiu Kash\illc, Tcnn ..Insane.. Katio... 187 2,455 79 2,146 108 2,746 55 2,341 68 2,922 44 2,386 55 2,995 3 1190 3 945 8 3,045 10 5,754 24 1,800 40 2,491 ■V*«wark V .T ..Insane. . 462 2, .141 202 2,270 200 2,800 197 2,265 254 2,804 58 2,144 66 2,297 47 1,457 32 ; 938 ■ 92 3,325 156! 5,626 5 2,491 S 2,650 Ratio... New Haven, Conn ..Insane.. K.-itio . . . 240 2,952 88 2,176 152 3,720 86 2,193 148 3,740 45 2, 912 61 3,934 5 407 7 550 36 3,137 80 7,001 2 1,645 4 3,108 yew (ii'li'irns, La. ..Insane.. Katio... 4C2 1,909 211 1,860 251 1,952 173 2,047 198 2,133 116 3,493 108 2,904 21 603 23 602 36 2,185 67 3,844 38 1,313 53 1,483 N.-« Vork.N.Y ..Insane-. Katio... ar>,8B3 3,884 2.700 3,612 3,185 4,149 2,649 3,004 3,138 4,158 616 4,581 566 4,161 392 1,371 217 733 1,641 ,1, 218 2,355 7.302 51 4,032 47 3.608 Om:iha. Xib ..Insane.. Itatio . . . 111 790 062 58 961 56 1,397 51 660 51 1,346 56 958 56 1,409 18 446 18 1,882 15 530 27 2,655 4 236 4 307 1 66 29 1,447 29 40 2,688 28 2 718 3 1,067 Ptttcraon, V.J ..Insane.. Katio... l,3Ce 1,332 72 1,894 1,775 ■■:::: PbilaiU-lphia.Pa ..Insane.. Ratio.. - 62, 578 2,462 1,216 2,379 1,362 2,542 1,189 2,410 1,317 2,560 703 3,489 047 3,048 34 213 20 121 450 3,415 650 4,762 27 1,424 4S 2,101 rill-lmrs. I'a ...Insane.. Ratio... 379 1,588 173 1,390 206 1,804 168 1,403 202 1,821 97 2,728 101 2,998 5 113 7 159 66 1,651 94 2.833 5 1,066 4 1.225 ri-ovi(ltiu-o, li.I ...Insane.. Ratio... 321 2,429 124 1,951 197 2,873 120 1.946 191 2,920 55 2,358 79 3,156 24 1,218 18 887 41 2,147 97 4,593 4 2.086 3 1,400 ...Insane.. Katio... 132 2,250 64 2,197 68 2,302 61 2,109 68 2,317 42 1, 832 01 2,533 2 614 1 305 17 6,211 6 3,026 3 14,354 Kcailinj:. I'a KItlimijuil, Va ...Insane.. Katio... 215 2,642 92 2,405 123 2,852 53 2,204 70 3,041 40 2,073 67 3,280 1 349 1 331 12 6,373 8 5,171 39 2,743 47 2,591 E.iolw'stor, N. Y ...Insane.. Ratio... 391 2, 920 196 3,041 195 2,808 55 2,199 194 3,023 192 2,777 63 j 3, 233 ' 29 1 1,793 47 2,295 33 2,335 33 1,495 4 722 17 602 1 93 4.816 19 128 6,268 21 2 7,463 I 3 9,6n St. J»i?*ppli, Mo ...Ins.ane.. Ratio... 2,064 1,940 2, 034 2,385 175 4,931 6,558 571 Si. I.KiiiB, Mo ...Insane.. Ratio... 1,113 2,464 485 2,120 028 2,808 459 2,136 605 2,883 204 3,395 201 3,427 26 279 36 367 229 3,718 308 0,910 20 1,963 23 1,6«4 St. Paul, Minn ...Insane.. Ratio... 286 2,148 133 1,912 153 2,400 132 1,922 151 2,398 31 1,889 30 2,466 18 777 12 492 83 2,834 103 4,293 1 1,121 2 3,165 San Francisco, Cal ...Insane. Ratio... c958 3,204 544 3,204 414 3,204 508 3,521 11 288 410 3,243 17 464 162 4,848 135 4,699 4 440 13 244 2 130 4 74 333 5,773 271 6,192 12 36 1,411 i 1,434 S4:(Do A'*^ Inni, Afnif"', f'al CoIorailnSiatnIiisan*? A«vlnin,Pnehlo,C'olo. ConDfCtuiit H<)!»pital lor the Inaaue, Mid- dleiown. Conn. Connecticut Ketreat for theXnaane, Qartr ford. Conn. Cromwell Hall, Cromwell. Conn Spring Hilt Institntmi, I.itchlield, Conn... Delaware State llospiUl fur the Insane, Furnlinrst. I)-l GoToriiTiienlHospital for Insane, Wasbing- ton. 1».C. Florida A»3*lam for Insane, Cbattaboochee, Fla. Georsia Lnnatic Asyltttn.Milled£*?vil]e. Ga Idaho Innaiie Aaylum. r.iaot, Idaho.. Hellevne riar*", Kalavia. Ill Cook Count J Uo8|iital for the Insane, Dan- oin?. IIL Ulinois Central Hospital for tbe Inaane, Jackaonville, 111. Ulinoiq Eastern Hospital for the Insane, Kiinkakco. III. niiriMin Norlbem Hospital for tbe Insane, EIlmii. Ill- IlliDi'is Southern Hospital for the Insane, Anna, 111. Oak L;twn Retreat for Ibo Insane, Jaok- Konvillf. III. Ct-ntnil Imliana Hospital for tbe Insane, Indianapolis. Ind. Dr. W. D. Kletcher'a Sanitarinm, Indian- apoliM, Ind. Korthem Indiana Hospital for Insane, Lo- ganM"((rt. Ind. Iowa HoHi'iial for tbo Insane, Independ- ence. I'jwa. lowaHotpiLal for the Insane, Moant Plcas- aut. Iowa. Institution for tbe Insane, Claruida,Iowa.. St. Elizahetb'fl Female Inaane Asylum, Dav nporl. Iowa. Sfc Jolin"Mln»taneA«jlum. Davenport, Iowa. St. Jo.M*.ph's Eemal« luwaue Asylum, Dav- enport, Iowa. St. Joseph 'h Insane Asylum, Dubnquo, Iowa, Kansas State Insane Asylum, Osawatomie, Kan. Usplowood Insane Asylum. Leavenworth, Kan. Private Insane Asilnm. Atrhfnon. Kan . ... Topika Inimn*) A-ylnm. Topck:!. Kan Cenlml Keuluiky'Lunalic Aaylum, Lake* lunil. Kv Eutern Kentucky Lnnatic Asylum, Lcx- in^Mou. Ky. "Weiitrrn Kentucky Lunatic Asylum. Hop- kinNVilliT. Ky. Innano AkvIuu of Louisiana Jarkoon. La.. I ItetreHl, lle,irl«.rn, Mii h 3; (;ck. iFe. malo Ml 1,1 BJSmTTIOSS. Farenta na- tive. One or both parents fjrcign. ne-I ...1 Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male 1 Male. Ire. male. Danvtrs Lunstir Hosiiitnl. DaiiTcrs. ^r«im. . Fiiniilv Homo for Iiisano. Winclienduo. 744 10 53 73 163 457 16 147 06.3 455 280 801 959 925 119 639 129 929 930 223 459 501 440 466 200 538 272 172 155 305 182 172 342 15 897 832 295 61 48 6 8 578 13 1.095 688 81 30 324 8 361 1,815 1,664 1,146 702 120 359 5 18 82 220 5 VI 327 171 177 386 504 4S9 101 341 29 554 527 123 197 265 203 199 66 329 162 141 77 168 117 135 159 10 456 416 133 29 21 2 6 328 '380 358 42 15 149 2 361 1,664 199 342 30 385 S 35 61 81 237 11 eo 3:iu 281 103 415 455 4C0 18 298 100 3-5 403 100 262 23C 237 207 134 209 no 31 78 137 65 37 183 441 41G 162 32 27 4 250 13 715 330 39 15 175 C 1,815 947 3C0 90 350 18 82 219 5 67 324 169 171 384 489 457 96 340 29 552 525 80 155 200 193 136 66 309 162 140 76 165 117 135 159 10 4.33 412 133 29 21 6 327 "300' 354 42 15 148 2 343 1,041 194 337 80 384 5 35 51 81 236 11 79 328 282 100 414 446 461 15 298 100 375 401 63 223 2.35 K!0 2.^0 131 209 no 27 77 137 Oo 37 183 5 414 402 162 32 27 : 247 13 701 327 39 15 174 G 1,785 933 357 90 183 5 6 7 73 126 5 23 194 90 69 221 175 320 52 100 13 144 114 70 130 202 87 92 20 261 137 38 45 69 42 43 143 10 303 239 84 27 10 2 1 140 " 98 16-1 32 3 50 2 42 319 50 178 10 179 5 14 73 91 10 20 142 108 19 223 170 345 10 125 48 106 113 56 210 181 78 96 23 177 90 14 29 70 29 7 157 5 292 218 119 14 3 1 122 11 103 93 22 4 42 6 202 93 171 32 es 47 110 1S8 ' 1 1 2 1 . Mass. Lawrrnro Tnn.ino Asvlum. T,;iwrcncc. Mn««. 12 12 5 «7 29 27 7 125 1 45 145 155 75 177 205 114 5 111 43 242 287 1 11 .53 148 , 160 66 1 32! 17 1 12 48 57 26 30 26 I.0W0II lii«aiH' As\liiin. Lowell. .Ma.Hs Mcl.i'aii Asvlvim lor Insuuu, SomcrTiUo, 3 i 26 10 1 20 ...... Mass. Nortliainpton Lunatic Hospital, Korlhamp- 1 1 I 1 ton. M.T*s. Privalo Ilaipital for Mental Diseases, lirnolilini'. Mass. nctirat tor In.^niio. Boston. If ass 28 41 20 30 19 92 1 14 41 19 C 71 2 16 89 60 72 144 222 136 44 237 13 356 :-94 7 24 50 106 90 26 42 14 93 30 63 90 1« ...... 2 6 2 15 2 5 1 1 8 3 1 9 5 3 ...... 5 1 9 3 1 5 2 3 1 4 3 1 Taunton Lunatic Hospital. 'I'annton, l!a.'»3. "Wostliorougli lusano liosiiitul, Westboro, 3 SIbss. "Worcester Insane Asylunj, ■VTorccstcr, Mass. Woriostcr Lunatic Ilospital, Worcester, Ma.s8. Eastern Miehiinn Asylum. Pontiac. Mich. .'»!irliij:an Asvlum for tlio lusanc, Kala- mazoo. Mioli. ^lichican Asylum for Tnsano Criminals, loDia, Midi*. Xortliem Micbiiian Asylum, Traverse, 1 I C 2 2 1 5 1 3 3 3 52 17 3 1 8 2 9 27 1 1 2 1 Mirl,. fviint. Joseph's Ketreat. Dearliorn, Mich Sceonil Minnesitta lIo6])it:il for the luaanc, 2 43 42 5 10 13 1 2 42 39 1 11 11 2 2 19 Rochester. Miiin- Minnosota Hospital for the Ins.ano, St. 2 37 IVter. Minn. i:aatMississippiInsaiioAsj-lnni,Mcridian, iliss. Mississippi State Lunatic Asyluni, Jack- 24 42 2 ""i 5 39 i 6 son, Misa. State Lnnatir Asvlum Xo. 2. St. Joseph. Mo. 3 10 5 1 19 5 St. Louis Insane Asylum, St. Louis. Mo ... Saint Vincent's Institution for the Insane, 4 29 6 11 9 1 12 12 3 1 "■'ioi 1 10 1 1 St. Louis, Mo. State Lunatic Asylum, Fnlton. Mo State Lunatic Asvlum No. 3. Nevada. Mo... 20 18 2 Montana Inaanu As^-lnm, Warm Siirings 1 1 3 4 1 4 Mont. Hospital for Chronic Insane, Hastings, Neh. 1 1 Nehraska Hospital f^-r the Insane, Lincoln, Neb. Xorfolk Hospital for the Insane. Norfolk, 1 Ncl.. Nevada State Insane Asylum. Kcno. Nev.. New Hampshire Aaylura, Concord. N. H... .Tones' Trivato Asylum, Mcrchantville. N.J. Now Jersey State Lan.atic Asylum, Tren- ton, N.J. State Asylum for thclnsane, Morris Plains, 2 17 1 4 4 66 1 1 12 ...... 2 1 1 46 1 10« 3 128 156 48 2 1 121 172 43 9 11 23 4 27 14 17 4 23 14 « 2 N.J. Bloomingdale Asvlum, New York, N. T... Brigliam Hall Insiiuo Hospital. Canandai- gna, N. Y. Brunswick Home. Amitvville. N. Y Clifton Springs, bauilarium, Cliflou, N. Y. . . Dr. Combs' Sanitarium, 'Woo-. Y. Now Yt.rk City Asylum for Insane, Cen- tral Islip, N.Y. New York Citv Asvlum for the Insane, lilackwells lil.-uid.'N. Y. New York Citv Asylum for the Inaane, ■\Var.U Island. N.V. New York City lu.iano Asylum, Barta 34 207 2 80 147 26 73 272 1,653 142 79 20 1 1,376 814 113 58 13 23 5 5 30 14 3 11 IS 6 4 19 1 1 14 3 S U l,sl.and,N.Y. New York State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, N.Y. Providence Retreat, Buffalo, N. Y I 1 717C ixs- -It 210 INSANE, FEEBLE-mNDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 154.— INSANE IN HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS FOR THE INSANE, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890— Contmued. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLOKED. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Mi bio IKSmCTIONS. Parents native. One or botbparentJi loreigu. sed 0(1. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Mole. Fe- male. Male. Fe- mole- Male. Fe- mola. Queens Connty Insane Asvlum, Iloinp- stead. X.Y. Sanfora Uall. Flnshing.N.T Saint Vincents Ketreat for the Insane, Harrison. N.Y. 96 24 57 7 4U 221 5154 1,067 1,944 273 230 469 200 84 891 774 584 678 1,115 798 36 554 28 95 81 695 393 905 853 1,756 713 738 105 495 664 232 354 220 232 431 614 124 473 8 588 381 237 558 341 800 14 257 068 18 3 518 23 45 11 3 209 204 293 505 908 138 95 218 110 47 449 378 286 340 562 373 23 390 12 40 48 333 171 455 495 874 372 420 72 227 341 133 168 100 113 215 344 02 265 6 295 204 89 280 2.")1 441 14 120 348 '{ 302 14 51 13 57 4- 202 17 271 562 1,036 135 135 251 90 37 442 396 298 338 553 425 13 164 16 55 33 362 222 450 358 882 341 318 93 208 323 99 186 120 119 216 270 (12 208 3 293 177 148 278 flI) 419 "'137' 220 4 2 21G 9 43 11 3 206 196 291 500 885 138 45 13 57 4 201 15 267 547 1,016 135 24 5 3 88 48 192 275 587 137 23 10 8 3 88 5 179 247 584 133 19 4 22 2 26 1 72 8 55 249 431 1 2 6 2 6 2 1 23 BafTalo State Asylnm for tbo Insane, Bof- falo.N.Y. Kew York State Asylum for Insane Crim- inals. Aubiirn.N. "t. State Ilnnienpatliir Asylum for the Insane, Mi.l.ilrtovm. N.Y. ■ The liin;;hamton Asylam for tbo Insane, Binf;1iatiiton. N. Y. "VS'illard Asylum for the Insane, "Willard, N. Y. Korth Carolina Insane Abj'lum, Kaleigb, N.C. Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum, 63 70 44 38 1 41 2 33 51 1 1 65 78 55 187 297 1 3 8 2 5 23 1 2 4 15 20 6 2 4 1 1 1 4 12 2 i i 2 1 1 22 8 18 95 135 89 123 6 12 Goltlsboi o, N. C. *We'»tern Xorth Carolina Insane Asylnm, 218 110 47 439 363 264 337 554 361 23 39U 12 40 48 326 171 444 488 845 370 415 72 215 177 131 130 100 113 189 296 62 204 S 1 204 89 280 2.'.0 418 14 120 344 14 1 002 14 251 90 37 431 389 285 335 548 403 13 157 16 55 32 354 222 430 347 850 339 314 93 250 182 98 140 120 119 169 232 02 208 3 ....... 148 278 00 395 213 31 41 305 298 194 154 403 174 22 215 12 37 38 207 148 206 320 554 295 295 57 98 100 53 125 96 105 158 210 9 210 4 1 182 88 257 «5 874 249 25 31 330 347 223 195 396 168 13 104 15 52 30 297 190 171 214 462 241 223 79 80 174 42 134 116 102 164 188 12 167 2 5 73 4 85 62 50 128 144 184 2 57 5 51 42 46 98 152 231 Morganton.N. C. Korth Dakota Uospital for the Insane, Jamo-^tomi, N. 1). Cincinnati Sanitarium, College Hill, Ohio 6 2 49 3 20 55 7 3 1 1 8 1 44 16 42 ...... Columbus Asylum for llio Insane, Colum- bus. Ohio. Athens Asylom for the Insane, Athens, Ohio. Dayton Asvlum for the Insane, Dayton, Ohio. Cleveland Asylum for the Insane, Cleve- land, Ohio. Toledo Asylum fortheTnsane, Toledo, Ohio. Long View Innano Asylum. Carthage, Ohio. The Oxford iCetreat, Oxford. Ohio 10 15 22 3 8 12 11 7 13 3 5 22 2 10 18 3 8 11 1 7 13 3 5 18 8 5 4 10 1 4 Oregon State In^nne Asylum. Salem. Ore... 2 174 51 1 3 2 57 30 258 131 387 95 89 9 149 7 47 5 4 14 15 42 41 40 7 1 6 Friends' Asylum for iho Insane, rhiladcl- phia. I'a. Lanca8t«r County Insane Asylum, Lancas- ter. Pa. 3 10 58 20 230 168 280 73 110 11 79 15 70 4 4 7 30 02 38 47 7 1 8 7 1 8 1 3 2 ...... 2 4 4 38 2 8 2 1 2 1 3 5 31 1 9 1 risbiirg. Pa. Philadt-lphia. Ta. Blockb-v AlmshoiiReand Philadelphia Hos- 11 7 29 2 5 20 11 32 2 4 11 6 29 1 5 20 32 ...... pital. Philadelphia. Pa. State Hospital for the Insane, Danville, Pa.. StatA! Hospital for the Insane, Korristown, 1 2 Pa. State Hospital for the Insane, Warren. Pa. . Western Pennsylvania Hospital for the 1 2 InH:ine. Dixniont, Pa. Butler Hospital for the Insane, Providence, R.I. Stato Asvlum for Iscurablo iDsano, How- »r.l. It.'l. Soath Carolina Lnnatic Aiiylum, Colombia, S. C Hoflpit.'il forTnuano, T.inkton.S. D 12 164 2 38 8 141 1 40 9 163 2 31 5 141 1 33 3 1 3 Central lioHpital lor tliu Idmuiic, XashviUe, Tplin. 7 13 Teiin. ■Wphl.fm UoBpitol for the iDsanc, Bolivar, 24 15 3 2 1 1 Tenii. Norlh Texaa Hoapital for tbo Insaoe, Ter- rell. 'IVx. Btate Lnnalio Asylum. Aiintin.Tei Tcrrit'frial Innane AHViuni. I'rovo. Utah 26 48 47 38 18 29 34 25 8 19 13 13 Tlio \*cnuoDt AHyliim Oir the loHano, Brat- 1 1 tl.l.oro.Vt. J^akf) View Kotrcat, IlurlinBton, Vt Central Lunatic Aflvlum, PclernhurK. Va... 294 203 238 232 58 61 Eaatcrn Lunatic Aayluiu, Williamnburi', 173 US 205 42 350 l""T t ' 1 21 1 20 131 44 79 215 3 4 3 11 39 39 Va. *" Sonthwintrm Lnnalic AHvlntn. Marlon. Va. Wfntrrn I.iinalir ABvlum. Slamiton, Va 34 2 1 23 '24,' 1 TVcat VIrcinia Ho-i.ital. WeBt^m. W. Va 23 24 Aloiian lirolhi-ni Ilonjiilal. (Mhkoab, Vis.. MilwaiiU'o Hospital for thu Innune, Waa- 29 35 "'si' 18 137 210 4 2 215 12 94 10 1 129 4 16 62 1 2 01 6 DO 139 1 w.ilosa. \VI«. ICortlieni lionpltal for tbo Insane, Winno- bago. Wis. Oalcwood Ketreat. Lake Geneva. Wis 4 1 2 1 2 Oliver Wcndoll Holmen Sanitarium, llud- •'.n. Wis. Vlwer.nsln Ktftte Hospital for tbo Insano, 21 32 152 U 02 3 1 1 Monilcil.i. Wl<. Territorial Insane Asylum, Evanston, Wyo. ""1 THE INSANE. Table I55.-INSANE BY QUINQirENNIAL AGE PERIODS, AM) UY SEX, COLOH, NAT MOTHEKS: IS'JO. 211 , AND niRTnPLACES OF BBZ, COI>OE. NATIVITY, AMI BIBTUPLACKS OK MOTllEBS. Tulal. Unknown. 10 to 16 years. 16 to 20 years. 20 to 26 years. 2S to 30 years. 30 to 36 yearn. 86 to 40 years. 40 to 46 years. 46 to to years. Total 100, 254 !>3. 264 S2, 090 2,368 311 1,691 5,131 8,863 12,380 12,857 12.879 12.207 Miilo 1,185 1,183 101 150 018 773 2,909 2,222 4,912 3.051 0,801 5,585 0,762 0,095 0,428 0,461 6.954 0,263 ^^it(» 99,719 2,064 254 1,418 4,682 8,197 11,618 12,017 12,123 11.507 jialo . 50,251 49, 468 04,419 57. 942 1,048 1,016 1,501 1,460 136 118 213 201 772 646 1,202 1,018 2,623 1,950 3,681 2,998 4,549 3,648 6,104 4,998 0,438 5,180 8,404 7,06« a, 365 5,M2 8,227 7.243 «.10l e,022 7,548 0,872 5,687 &,!'00 0,701 0.252 Male 29, 323 28,619 0,477 714 746 41 108 93 42 570 442 244 1,745 1,253 683 2,806 2, 192 1,10« 3,889 3,177 1,333 3.768 3,475 984 3,434 3,438 070 3,040 3,212 One or both parenta foreign 449 Mnlo 3,023 2,854 35,300 21 20 563 20 22 11 130 114 156 396 287 901 626 480 2,093 771 567 3,214 581 403 3,790 368 308 4,575 258 191 4,88< 17, 305' 17,995 0,535 313 250 304 8 3 57 66 90 273 482 419 549 1,117 976 666 1,778 1,436 768 2,006 1,784 840 2,299 2, 276 756 2,380 2,497 620 Mule 3,013 3,622 5,440 137 167 233 25 32 48 140 127 226 286 263 454 363 303 563 363 405 626 407 433 703 327 429 617 267 353 Black 508 Male 2,504 2,936 1,095 99 134 71 22 26 9 125 101 47 246 208 95 308 255 103 294 332 142 336 367 137 268 340 139 21« 292 iia Male 509 586 58,713 38 33 1,463 3 6 214 21 26 1,047 40 55 3,079 55 48 5,097 69 73 7,155 71 66 7,327 59 80 6,956 51 61 Birtliplncps of roothors (white) : 6,323 Male 29, 718 28,995 2,309 717 746 20 115 99 4 592 455 25 1,788 1,291 88 2,861 2,236 146 3,933 3,222 231 3,819 3,5U8 287 3,476 3,480 259 3, 082 3,241 262 Male 1,244 1,065 628 9 11 4 2 2 . 9 16 8 52 36 15 87 59 35 116 115 64 167 120 71 152 107 74 132 130 71 Male 345 283 16, 703 3 1 212 6 2 129 9 6 513 21 14 1,120 33 31 1,515 43 28 1,626 46 28 2.079 46 Female 28 12 2,2»» Male 7,104 9,599 796 104 108 14 7 5 5 66 63 17 261 252 60 • 657 563 88 754 761 98 773 853 109 876 1,203 98 968 1,328 British America 89 Male 440 356 356 10 4 4 3 2 10 7 2 33 27 13 53 35 U 53 45 32 59 60 49 55 43 48 49 Female 40 France S> Male 222 134 8,523 3 1 109 2 6 7 368 10 4 682 22 10 1,048 27 22 979 30 18 1,025 u IS 12 96 1,021 Male 4,564 3,059 2,755 60 49 53 6 3 44 52 22 212 156 144 361 321 334 623 425 491 544 435 433 566 459 359 548 476 298 Male 1,592 1,163 33 20 U 8 93 51 195 139 304 187 263 i;o 208 151 178 Female 3 130 212 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 155.— IXSANE BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, AND BY SEX. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIKTHPLACES OP MOTHERS: 1890— Continued. RHT, COLOB, XATIVrrr. AND BIBTHPLACES OF MOTHEBS. Total. Unknown. 10 to IS years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 ye.irs. 25 to SO years. SO to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. — a 45 to 50 years. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Cont'd. 333 8 G 15 U 47 41 47 Male IBS 168 192 4 4 3 1 5 8 10 5 14 28 18 34 33 14 23 24 17 21 23 24 34 13 30 19 Male 143 50 349 277 72 407 2 1 9 4 4 5 10 4 20 28 6 27 20 3 39 16 8 71 25 9 55 13 6 37 Male 7 2 5 2 3 14 .11 9 45 20 7 74 28 11 74 62 9 69 45 10 60 30 7 2 43 Male 274 193 1,528 941 587 6,067 3 2 25 I 1 2 6 8 17 20 25 68 42 32 128 22 216 36 33 211 35 23 201 30 13 172 Male 20 5 135 2 10 22 47 21 140 90 :i8 374 136 80 585 127 84 720 117 84 828 102 70 608 Male 3,223 2,8U 73 62 9 13 71 69 198 176 331 254 395 325 447 381 468 398 SSX, COLOlt, :■ . . :riirLACES OF MOTHi:iiS. 60 to 55 years. 65 to 60 years. 60 to 06 years. 05 to 70 years. 70 to 75 yeai-s. 76 to 80 years. 80 to 86 years. 85 to 00 years. 90 to 95 years. 05 years and over. Total . 10,719 7,931 0,641 4,708 3,502 2,055 1,225 540 174 68 >rale 4.942 5,777 3,701 4.230 3,069 3,572 2,102 2.548 1,603 1,899 906 1,149 552 073 223 317 59 115 17 19 ^^Ixite -. 10,193 7,621 6,344 4.530 3,367 1,963 1,158 SCO 148 35 Male 4,711 5,482 5,CG0 5,333 3. .570 4,051 4.146 3,938 2,94.'-. 3, 399 3,5:11 3,4U '2,090 2,434 2,024 2,527 1,547 1,620 2,104 2,026 S72 1,091 1,378 1,329 527 631 818 781 212 288 359 346 52 96 103 97 10 25 25 23 Male 2.471 2,802 327 1.B99 2.059 183 1,607 1,807 117 1.170 1,348 97 943 1,083 78 593 736 49 362 419 37 152 ]!I4 13 31 66 6 17 Unoorboth ]iarciita foreign Male 158 1C9 4,533 95 93 3,475 60 57 2,813 45 52 1,900 48 32 1,203 21 28 585 20 17 340 4 9 141 3 3 45 10 Mnlo 2.082 2,451 528 1.576 1,899 310 1,278 1,535 297 872 1,034 178 558 705 135 258 327 92 145 195 67 50 85 40 18 27 26 Colunil 31 Male 231 295 430 131 179 270 124 173 2J8 112 138 50 79 U8 34 58 84 25 42 57 11 29 38 7 19 24 Fumale "i Black 28 Male 100 213 87 109 J 61 40 104 144 49 57 101 20 47 71 17 32 52 8 21 36 10 11 27 2 7 J7 2 Fumale 20 Mixed blood Male 35 52 6,398 22 IB 3,990 20 29 3,442 11 2,553 8 2, 045 2 6 1,353 4 6 793 Ffioale 2 353 2 08 M BtrtlipLicpH of mntboni (white) : UDitcd SjUU'ii 25 Male 2.404 2,gu« 237 1,912 2,078 202 1,817 1,825 •200 1.196 1,358 127 951 1.091 101 603 7.W 54 368 423 44 li)4 201 19 32 68 2 I 1 19 £Dg1aDd and Wales Male 120 I'la 10« 192 108 92 61 60 60 41 30 24 21 23 7 12 Female THE INSANE. 213 T.Mii.K 155.— INSANE RY QUINQUENNIAL AGE rEKIODS, AND liV SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND KTRTIIPLACES OF MOniliWS: IS'JO— ContiiiuiMl. BBX, COI.on, NATIVITT. ASD nmTIIPI.ACE8 UP MOTIIKI18. tOtnliS yuarH. SKInOO eo to OS yuarH. •6 t<> 70 ytiarH. 70 to 7Ji yeum. 7S U> HO yearn. ttntn Hi ycam. 8£Ui90 yfUM. MtoU yiura. uiil uvcr. BirtliplAc™ of mothuM (whito)-Confd. 72 56 SI 32 as 21 12 7 31 41 2,215 25 31 1,023 32 19 1,327 17 15 003 18 17 GOO 9 12 202 6 7 171 3 5 60 34 14 20 2 4 M nio 861 1,354 63 034 989 44 490 837 38 351 552 20 218 388 17 87 175 20 64 107 3 20 40 5 1 a 30 33 43 24 20 31 23 15 23 13 13 23 13 5 14 8 13 5 1 2 2 4 1 2 1 Mnin 23 20 937 15 16 704 19 4 559 18 5 402 8 6 292 3 3 123 n 1 OS 30 5 s 482 455 237 385 379 159 274 285 93 207 195 64 147 145 34 BO 63 15 29 39 n 17 13 1 5 2 125 112 28 81 78 24 43 50 14 24 40 11 19 15 7 8 5 2 Fcmalo 5 MntA 8 20 14 9 15 6 6 8 4 6 5 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 U 3 39 4 1 20 3 1 15 1 2 5 3 1 1 2 :i 2 1 1 31 8 27 19 1 21 13 2 9 3 2 8 2 if 6 2 1 1 7 1 1 1 Malt^ 18 9 152 13 8 125 4 5 97 3 5 52 4 32 6 1 13 1 1 3 1 14 84 68 731 78 47 567 58 39 472 36 16 321 17 15 177 8 5 85 10 4 35 2 1 13 5 1 Jtnln 384 347 271 286 255 217 181 100 85 92 47 38 18 17 6 7 S 2 1 214 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 156.— IX.SANE IX INSTITUTIONS FOR THE INSANE, BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, AND BY SEX, COLOR, AKD NATIVITY: 1890. SKX, COLOB, A>-D NATTVITr. Total. Unknown. 10 to IS years. 15 to SO years. 20 to 35 years. S5 to 30 years. SO to 35 years. 85 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to oO years. Total 74,028 1,530 61 932 3,689 6,848 9,750 9,975 9,773 8,949 Male 38,330 33,698 771 759 25 26 505 427 2,139 1,559 3,908 2,940 5,473 4,277 5,439 4,536 5,049 4,724 4,427 4,523 TThite 69,729 1,330 44 818 3,338 6,367 9,166 9,329 9,2U 8,504 Male 36,256 33,473 43,328 39,618 677 653 964 947 21 23 42 39 442 376 710 598 1,938 1,400 2,627 2,217 3,640 2,727 4,605 3,911 5,191 3,975 6,470 5,603 5,109 4,220 6,218 5,638 4,782 4,429 5,546 5,176 4,237 4,267 4,675 4,415 Male 20,772 18,846 3,710 461 486 17 18 21 3 335 263 112 1,322 895 410 2,266 1,045 694 3,170 2,433 867 3,C36 2,602 560 2,670 2, 506 370 2 182 2,233 260 One or both parenle foreign Male 2,183 1,527 26,401 7 10 3CC 1 2 61 51 108 240 164 731 424 270 1,762 602 363 2,696 360 220 3,111 212 158 3,065 153 107 Foreign born 3 829 Male 13, 301 13,100 4.299 209 157 200 2 46 62 114 390 341 331 9.'i0 812 481 1,619 1,177 584 1.713 1,398 646 1,900 1,765 662 1 902 1,927 445 7 M.-«le 2.074 2. 225 3,567 94 IOC 149 4 3 7 63 51 97 181 150 281 268 213 408 282 302 479 330 316 541 267 295 449 140 Female 255 Black 365 Male 1,707 1,860 732 63 86 51 4 3 54 43 17 156 125 50 MO 178 73 '230 249 105 275 266 105 214 236 113 150 Female...................... 215 Mixed blood 80 Male 367 365 31 20 9 8 25 25 38 35 52 53 55 50 53 60 40 SEX, COLOB, AST) KATHTTr. 60 to 65 years. 55 to CO years. 60 to 05 years. 65 to 70 years. 70 to 76 years. 75 to 80 years. 80 to 85 years. 85 to 90 years. 00 to 95 years. 95 years and over. Total 7,439 5,33» 4,081 2,599 1,722 788 382 132 46 3 M.ilo 3.541 3,898 2,542 2,797 1.923 2,158 1,213 1,380 793 929 358 430 152 230 55 77 17 29 White 7,097 5,133 3,908 2,517 1,658 759 363 124 41 2 Male 3,366 8,711 3,743 3,560 2.459 2,674 2,578 2,492 1,845 2,063 2,029 1,978 1,181 1,336 1,323 12,83 764 894 969 940 350 409 492 482 146 217 234 224 52 72 80 78 16 25 22 21 2 Kative bom I Male 1,682 1,884 177 1,244 1,248 86 917 1,031 51 611 672 40 457 492 20 224 258 10 100 124 10 39 39 2 8 13 1 Female I One or both parents foreign Male 92 85 3,354 49 37 2,555 32 19 1,879 19 21 1,194 13 7 689 5 6 267 6 6 129 1 1 44 1 Female 19 I Male 1,C!2 1,742 342 1,160 1,389 206 806 1,013 173 551 643 82 294 395 61 121 146 29 41 88 19 12 32 B 7 12 6 1 1 Colorol ... Male 155 187 281 83 123 179 78 95 • 144 32 .'>0 71 29 35 68 8 21 27 6 13 11 3 6 7 I 4 4 BUck 1 Male 127 154 61 70 109 27 04 80 29 28 43 11 25 33 « 7 20 2 6 13 4 1 1 3 1 "i Mixcl blood Male 28 33 13 14 14 15 4 7 4 2 1 1 Female ;.., 1 1 215 TIIK INSANE. „^. ,v«»viTY APPEARED. DY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, nx COLOR, SATrmr. and omTiirLACES Total. Total. Miile... Feuiole. ■White. M»lo . . . Female . Kiitivc lioi-ii Parents native . ilttlo . . . Female. Black . Male . . . Female. MUcd blood Male Female Birtliplaccs of motliera (white) : United States Male Female F.ngland and Walca . Male Female Scotland Male Female Ireland... Male .. Female . British America Male Female Franco . Male... Fenialo. Germany Male.... Female. gcandiiiaT ia .' — Male.... female. 100, 2M &2,990 ■Dnknown. 26,080 13.370 13.610 10 tn 15 years. 15 to SO yoain. 1,548 5,902 One or both parr nts foreign Male Female Foreign bom Male Female Coloreil Male... Female. 09,719 SO, 251 49,468 04,410 r;7,942 20, 323 28,619 6.477 25,042 12,481 12,661 15,807 14,374 772 770 1,388 3,623 ■J, 854 85.300 ,305 ,995 7,439 6,035 1,433 6,535 3,013 3,522 5.440 2.504 2, 936 1,095 509 586 58, 713 29,718 28,995 2,300 1,244 1,065 345 283 16,703 7,104 9,599 796 440 356 356 222 134 8,523 4,564 3,059 2,755 1.592 1,163 687 701 1,214 1,047 3,163 2,730 5,405 20 (o 25 years. 11,035 6,008 5, 327 11,164 S6 tn 30 jears. 13,001 6, BX 0,235 2,014 2, 401 3,036 6,229 4,035 8,587 7,433 513 534 107 2.183 1,753 756 677 9,235 4,286 4,949 1,938 889 1,049 1,604 720 884 82 85 174 02 82 160 343 296 830 129 388 442 497 4.156 3,277 098 456 2,577 12,815 6,462 5,853 8,526 7,396 SO tn 86 years. 11,017 6.731 5,880 8Sto40 years. 0,63« 4,655 4,881 40 toft years. 7,781 3,833 3,563 1,130 10,909 6,459 5,540 0,919 0,157 8,043 1,375 1,202 771 635 495 3,789 160 165 14, 559 68 61 31 1,069 249 248 416 212 204 81 370 392 638 324 314 1,994 1,705 746 2,923 3,234 762 430 323 4,080 4,439 4,604 5,180 4,713 3,602 4.218 UtoM years. 7,378 2,219 2,494 467 3,388 3.991 4,045 3,758 1,652 2,106 287 269 198 3,863 149 138 3,334 2,097 1,083 618 1,951 1,912 364 382 617 7,530 7,029 521 281 240 140 518 551 37 44 4,011 2 227 1,784 7,530 13 16 4.213 3, 317 189 299 318 129 272 346 510 1.587 1,747 402 65 64 7,496 224 286 108 216 277 416 184 232 174 228 327 48 60 6,231 3,879 3,617 263 42 37 70 61 4,577 103 33 125 138 2,965 3,266 256 77 32 45 4,777 1,380 1,715 2,862 187 113 74 72 48 48 19 243 270 2,128 1,142 621 24 19 356 710 679 80 48 32 34 17 17 29 34 1,780 863 917 106 130 120 40 '.•9 2,251 2,528 249 146 181 75 3,810 1,677 2,133 1.754 142 107 7« 87 76 41 35 1,667 52 54 33 065 08 724 943 31 23 1,512 53 45 45 355 266 58 40 10 10 170 186 486 346 324 186 138 23 10 991 529 402 453 280 167 29 16 1,014 37 40 52 604 008 58 572 472 406 245 161 35 17 824 445 379 310 39 20 33 19 14 S,7«T 2,«0 8.187 6.611 183 127 385 338 11« 90 2,483 3, 018 2.758 1,227 1,531 1C2 73 2.591 1.177 1.414 278 107 1«8 233 87 140 43 to 23 2.788 1.240 1.546 150 75 75 63 31 33 1,181 468 718 48 21 25 8 15 .-.M 271 278 121 £8 216 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabix 157.— mSANE BY QUCQITENNIAL AGE PERIOOS WHEN INSANITY APPEAUED, BY SEX, COLOR, NAIIVITT AND BIKTUPLACES OF MOTHEKS: 18U0— Continued. BEX, COLOR, NAXrVTrT, AN1> BIRTHPLACBS OF MOTHERS. Total. TJoknown. 10 to 15 years. 15 to SO years. S0tcS5 years. 25 to 30 years. SO tn 35 yfars. 36 to 40 years. 40 tn 43 years. 45 to 60 years. Birthplaces of motners (white)— Cont'd 333 73 1 16 40 62 3? 40 28 IS Mile 165 163 193 35 38 44 1 5 11 11 22 18 28 35 17 30 21 17 26 19 21 22 10 18 13 3 12 7 142 50 349 36 8 105 7 4 8 22 6 23 22 8 31 18 8 54 15 7 47 9 4 34 S 1 Italy 24 If ale 277 72 467 274 193 1,528 77 28 115 5 3 23 14 9 68 26 5 73 48 6 63 37 10 42 29 5 31 23 2 5 20 71 44 337 2 3 18 7 16 51 46 22 137 40 33 216 38 25 220 24 18 159 17 14 133 12 8 99 5Ialo 941 5»7 6,067 218 119 1,563 9 9 24 32 19 144 87 60 457 138 78 728 132 8S 695 104 55 701 «4 69 573 65 44 423 Male 3,223 2,844 779 784 12 12 63 81 253 204 415 313 373 822 382 319 301 272 224 199 8EI, COLOB, ^•ATI^^TT. AXD BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. 60 to 55 years. 65 to 60 years. CO to 65 years. 65 tn 70 years. 70 to 75 years. 75 to 80 years. 80 to 85 years. 85 tn 90 years. 90 to 05 ye,irs. 95 years aud" over. Total 4,271 2,658 2,024 1,275 931 539 262 109 26 12 If ale 2,0M 2,207 1.339 1.319 1,062 902 636 639 451 480 244 295 120 142 49 60 9 17 3 9 4,047 2,511 1,930 1,198 881 500 247 99 19 S Male 1.!1C4 2,033 2,173 2.080 1,283 1,258 1.300 1,314 1,019 9U 1, 131 1.090 601 597 734 606 427 454 604 664 234 272 365 349 110 131 179 170 46 53 74 72 7 12 14 12 2 S 3 3 Mal#» »73 1.107 93 07C 0:8 55 590 50O 41 380 330 38 293 291 20 3. 13 198 10 85 85 9 34 38 2 7 5 1 3 Ooo or both parentd forei^ Hale 38 1,874 35 20 1,172 23 18 799 23 15 464 14 6 277 8 8 141 6 4 68 25 5 2 Male 93fi 224 r.-2 suo 117 400 393 94 213 2.'>2 77 120 157 50 73 08 33 20 15 12 13 10 1 7 1 1 Male 100 )24 191 so HI 101 43 61 70 35 42 70 24 28 46 10 28 29 4 11 12 3 7 9 2 5 6 1 6 IJlacV 7 M«]e 83 106 33 49 62 10 38 41 15 30 40 7 23 24 4 20 4 3 3 3 6 1 2 4 1 1 FrnulA 6 Mlicd blood Male 17 1« 2,103 7 9 ),32« 5 10 1,100 6 •i 700 2 2 .'.95 1 3 353 1 2 172 1 73 1 13 Birthplflon of motheni (white) : VniUai Slate* 3 Hale tn 1,121 142 083 043 92 GOO 601 09 371 315 43 :ioo 295 34 165 108 21 85 87 35 38 3 7 6 1 Kenato 2 KnfflAnd ftnil Wulrn Main Dl CI 61 41 40 29 21 19 20 14 12 1 6 1 2 Femalo THE INSANE. 217 TAM-r; 157.— INSANE BY QmNQTTF.NXTAT. AfiE PriflODS WIIKN INSANITY ArPEARED, BT SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND UIUTHPLACES 01' MOTHERS: ISltO— Coutinuwl. BEX. CO!.Oa, NATIV!TT. A?n> BntTRPLACCS OF MOlllEKS. «0 to AS sfi ineo j-cai9. tOUtM M lo 70 ytiirs. 70 lo ;« yearn. 76 toM yoarn. W to8S ycun. M toM }e«r». 90 to9« >cani. M yuan ami u%rr. Blrthplnwa of motherw (whit*)— Cont'd. 27 17 2S 7 10 6 8 Mnlo 15 12 819 13 S 535 14 11 412 3 4 213 2 8 122 4 1 71 1 2 87 U a % Mnlc 3(!3 450 26 230 305 17 175 237 15 78 135 8 40 70 4 29 42 6 13 24 4 T 11 1 2 1 1 Mnlo 17 9 26 9 8 7 9 6 13 4 4 7 2 4 3 1 • 4 3 1 >f nlo 15 11 390 2 262 11 2 5 2 98 2 1 65 i : :: .. 25 9 3 Male 195 i;>5 80 139 123 37 79 55 26 48 50 18 28 27 10 13 12 1 4 5 1 3 Mnlo 38 42 15 10 21 7 13 13 6 7 11 1 5 5 1 1 1 Mal<» 5 10 3 4 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 j j 2 1 1 1 , Male 2 1 12 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 Ital}- 3 3 Male 11 1 12 3 1 2 2 1 1 5 3 3 3 1 1 8 4 67 1 1 IS 6 2 1 6 1 3 45 1 3 ":::.'.'."'. 14 8 1 Male 43 24 325 27 18 189 11 4 108 74 3 2 86 5 3 13 2 1 11 1 3 Mnlo ... 179 146 103 86 62 46 43 31 15 21 10 3 7 4 2 i 218 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 15§.— EATIO OF LXSANE BY QUIXQUEN>'IAL AGE PERIODS WHEN INSANITY APPEARED TO 1,000 OF TOTAL INSANE, BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, EXCLUDING THOSE FOR WHOM THE AGE PERIOD WHEN INSANITY APPEARED WAS UNKNOWN: 1890. 8FT COLOB, KATmTY, XKD BIBTHPIACES OF MOTHEBS. 10 to IS years. 15 to 20 years. SO to 25 years. Si to 30 years. SO to 35 years. 85 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. Total 19.53 74.45 150. 55 164.76 146.54 120.29 98.15 73.00 53.88 Male 19.35 19.70 79.28 69.55 165.64 135.27 171.10 158.33 143.66 149.47 116.68 123.95 89.29 107. 14 65.17 80.93 51.74 56.04 TVliit* 18.59 72.38 149.50 104.91 147.29 121.09 98.81 73.80 54.19 Male 18.19 18.99 24.97 M.03 77.15 07.49 94.11 90.34 164.92 133. 71 176.64 170. 61 171.09 158. 59 175. 39 169. 76 144. 53 150. 11 142.33 141. 32 117.53 124.75 106. 56 108. 18 89.70 108. 14 83.21 86.26 66.00 81.77 60.07 63.30 52.00 Female 56.44 44.70 47.74 Male 23.44 24.63 33.11 99.75 80.84 126.68 189.91 151. 13 228.79 175.15 164.31 224.03 133. 57 149. 14 151.07 101.40 115.02 92.59 75.49 97.12 56.90 56.07 70.61 33.12 44.46 51.05 18.44 Male 28.60 39.04 6.68 119. 64 135.97 31.84 243. 46 209. 46 98.87 221.49 227.38 145.37 153.12 148. 37 156.53 93.83 90.95 148.21 51.97 63.39 127.91 31.04 33.53 99.40 19 18 17 46 71.90 Male 7.07 6.28 34.80 29.86 33.68 108. 11 105. 61 92.14 167.72 153.16 137.59 162.28 161.07 152. 00 134.44 149.86 146.60 107.24 121. 90 133.91 87.45 90.41 108.39 60.04 71 89 Female 71.90 Colored 48 73 Male 40.02 30.33 33.63 117.23 100.28 108.45 178. « 158.51 166.32 171.37 154. 47 160.84 128.06 139. 91 132.95 101.70 112.01 108.45 81.92 92.20 85.25 50.33 68.34 60.74 47 08 50.14 Black 49.7* Male 38.12 29.73 40.74 118.83 99.41 106.44 181.61 153. 02 174.77 167. 60 154.97 169.51 125.66 139.38 141.92 103. 14 113. 06 101.18 81.84 88.21 98. 55 48.77 71.15 56. 51 46.52 52.63 Uixed blood 43.36 Male 50.00 33.25 24.21 108.82 104. 51 90.84 161.76 185.27 170.54 191.18 152. 02 169.77 141.18 142.52 141.12 94.12 106. 89 108. 19 82.35 111.64 86.29 68.82 54.63 63.10 50.00 Female 38.00 Birtbplncea of inothera (wliite): 47.03 Male 23.35 25. 08 1C.22 100. 37 81.22 44.18 189.88 151.01 105. 70 174. 82 164.66 147. 09 1.13. 63 148.69 143.18 101. 45 115.00 139. 26 75.58 97.11 91.16 55. 89 70.38 83.89 44.26 51.03 79.42 Male 13.50 19.39 10.39 43.61 44.85 57.38 106. 96 104.24 67.62 129. 80 167. 27 129. 10 141.22 145. 46 141.39 147.46 129.70 155.74 90.34 92.12 110. 65 77.88 90.91 120. 10 94.50 61.82 55.33 Male 22.56 9.01 7.93 50.39 08.56 42.31 82.71 49.65 114.55 109. 02 163. 15 146. 79 150.38 130. 63 144.65 154.13 157. 60 137. 47 110.54 103. 60 121.69 116.54 144. 14 97.64 56.39 54. OS 07.54 Male 8.91 7.12 31.20 45.09 40.03 70.61 131.75 100.79 131.36 160. 14 136.11 174. 06 146.41 143. 24 160.92 134. 35 139. 97 126.44 112. 08 134.78 06.88 80.47 106, 58 75.53 07.36 07.69 Britlah America 42.60 M.-JO 27.52 35.46 3.52 73 40 07.38 24.65 140.79 113.48 119.72 159. 02 191.49 110.20 102.08 159.57 158.45 113.15 141.84 183.10 119.27 70.92 110. 20 04.22 88.65 80.08 51.90 31.92 Pmnco 91.58 Male 5.81 11.03 44.64 65.67 98.84 151.78 130.10 133.72 89. 28 154.07 108. 60 142.86 103.25 203. 49 151.79 128.85 110.47 12.M'0 113.21 46.51 133. 93 86.01 87.21 98. 21 Oftnoany -. 15.32 60.90 Male 16.95 13.45 9.37 49.08 02.56 53.89 142.02 110. .38 151.83 IH.M 155.40 212.28 167. 15 158.78 100.25 130. 04 127.48 145.27 112.51 114.03 99.34 79.19 93.85 56.70 56. 98 65.69 BcaodiDavia , 37.49 Male 8.08 11.15 58.21 47.94 150. 30 153.85 231.20 180. 18 108.06 179.49 147.94 ' 141. 58 93.78 107. 02 47.70 69. 12 30.72 Female 48.83 Tin-: INSANE. 219 Taule 158.— KAIIO 01' INSANK BY QUINQUICNXIAL AGK PKKIOD.S WHKN INSANITY AITKAKKD TO 1,(KXJ OF TOTAL INSANE, HY SHX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND lilKTUri.ACES 01' XIOTIIICKS, KXC'LUUINCJ TIIU.SE I'OU WHOM THE AGE I'EUIOD WHEN INSANITY Al'l-EAKED WAS UNKNOWN: 1890— Coiitiiniod. 6KX, COLOB, NATIVITT. AND BIRTBPLACI8 OF MOrnEBS. 10 to 15 yeara. IS to 20 years. 20 to 26 yean. 26 to SO years. SO to 36 years. S6to40 yeara. 40 to 46 yeara. 46 to 60 }-cara. 60ta6A yean. BirtlipIiicM of mothcre (while)— Continucil. 3.85 61.54 153. 85 200.00 146. 15 153. 8S 107.60 57.60 BT.ai "Mnlo 7.S9 38.40 84.61 74.32 109.23 138.46 189. 19 209. 23 130.77 202. 70 161.54 130.77 175. 67 140.16 161.54 148.65 76.92 138.46 87.84 23.08 02.31 47.30 3&4S 76.n 20.27 Mnl6 66.04 95.24 32.79 207. 55 142. 86 94. 26 207.65 190.47 127. 05 169.81 190.47 221.31 141.61 186.67 192. 62 84.01 95.24 l.W. 34 66.60 23.81 9a 36 18.87 23.81 Italv 40.18 Mftlo 25.00 68.18 C5.34 70.00 204.55 193. 18 130.00 113.64 207.38 240.00 136. 36 178. 98 185.00 227.27 119. 32 145.00 113.64 88.07 110.60 45.45 50.82 55.00 22. 73 14.21 34.00 lI;ilo 9.85 20.13 15.11 34.48 107.38 42.82 226. 60 147.65 115.03 197.05 221. 48 181.36 187. 19 167. 79 184.72 118.23 120. 81 133. 50 83.74 93.96 111.67 59.11 53.69 83.12 39.41 20.85 50.26 12.45 19.23 5.33 44.26 40.60 31.97 120. 33 IOC. 84 101.46 190. 87 100. 67 161.63 182.57 188.03 154.31 143.83 117.52 155.64 88.52 147.43 127.22 76.07 94.02 93.92 59.48 51.23 72.18 Male 4.91 5.83 25.78 39.32 103.52 99.03 169. 80 151.94 152. 02 156.31 156. 30 154.85 123.16 132.04 91.65 96.60 73.24 70.87 8KX, COLOR, NATIVITT. AND BinTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 to 70 years. "Oto75 years. 75 to 80 yeara. 80 to 85 years. 85 to 00 years. 00 to 05 years. 9."> yeara and oTer. 33.53 25.53 16.08 11.74 6.80 3.31 1.38 0.33 0.1S Male 33.56 33.49 26.62 24.43 15.94 16.23 11.30 12.19 0.12 7.49 3.01 3.61 1.23 1.S2 0.23 O.U 0.08 0.23 34.03 25.81 16.04 11.80 6.78 3.31 1.32 0.25 0.07 Mftle ... 33.97 34.09 28.10 30.16 26.98 24.08 23.27 25.02 15.91 16.18 15.10 13.97 11.30 12.30 12.43 13.40 6.20 7.37 7.51 8.01 3.07 3.55 3.68 3.90 1.22 l.U 1.52 1.65 0.19 0.32 0.29 0.28 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.07 Male 30.89 29.42 10.90 26.98 23.06 8.13 16.73 15.22 7.53 13.39 13.42 3.96 6.99 9.04 3.17 3.88 3.92 1.78 1.55 1.75 0.40 0.32 0.23 0.40 0.05 0.00 12.21 9. 19 44.90 8,02 8.27 30.05 8.02 6.89 17.80 4.88 2.76 10.63 2.79 3.67 5.41 1.75 1.84 2.61 0.92 0.96 0.92 0.19 0.08 43.04 45.99 25.45 31.18 30.12 20.45 10.28 19.32 16.75 9.22 12.03 10.88 5.61 5.21 7.18 2.00 3.22 3.20 0.92 1.00 2.18 0.08 0.38 1.52 0.08 Colorotl i.sa Male 20.37 24.07 20.33 20.24 20.63 20.59 16.48 16.98 18.25 11.30 10.51 11.99 4.71 9.30 7.56 1.88 4.45 3.13 1.41 2.83 2.35 0.94 2.02 1.56 0.47 2.4* Black 1.82 Male 27.47 25.34 21.03 21.30 19.98 19.71 16.82 19.49 9.20 12.33 11.70 5.26 5.05 9.75 5.26 1.68 4.39 3.94 1.68 2.92 1.31 1.12 1.95 1.31 0.68 2.02 MiTml hlnml 20.59 21.38 30.03 14.71 23.75 24.91 14.71 4.75 15.99 5.88 4.75 13.48 2.94 7.13 7.99 2.94 4.75 3.90 2.38 1.05 2.38 0.29 0.07 Male 30.78 29.27 51.45 27.00 22. 81 38.59 16.72 15.25 24.05 13. 52 13.43 19.02 6.99 9.01 11.75 3.83 3.96 3.36 1.58 1.73 1.68 0.31 0.27 0.04 0.00 52. 96 49.70 41.64 35.15 24.92 23. 03 20.77 16.97 12.46 10.91 1.04 6.00 1.04 2.42 Female 220 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 158.— RATIO OF IXSANE BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS WHEN INSANITY APPEARED TO l,fH10 OF TOTAL INSANE, BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, EXCLUDING TIIOSK FOR WHOM THE AGE PERIOD WHEN INSANITY APPEARED AVAS UNKNOWT|J: 1890— Continued. BEX, COLOB, XA-nVrrr. AXD BraTllFLACKS OP MOTDEKS. 6S to 60 years. 00 to 65 years. 65 to 70 years. 70 to 75 years. 75 to 80 years. 80 to 86 years. 85 to 00 years. 90 tn 05 years. 96 years and over. Birthp!arp9 of mothers (white)— Contiuncd. 34. S4 51.23 14.34 20.49 10.25 6.15 Male il. 11 22.62 44.12 52.63 49.55 33.98 11.28 18.02 17.57 7.52 36.04 10.06 15.04 4.51 5.86 3.76 9.01 3.05 1.48 0.16 0.16 Male 42.08 45.27 27. 91 ' 32.47 35.18 24.63 14.47 20.04 13.14 8.54 11.28 0.57 5.38 6.23 9.85 2.41 3.56 6.57 1.30 1.63 0.19 0.30 1.64 0.15 M.-iIe 27.52 28.37 24.05 27. 52 21.28 45.77 12. 23 14.18 24.65 14.' is" 10. 5(1 6.12 14.18 0.17 3.55 3.55 Male 29.07 17. S6 40.97 63.95 17.86 20.95 29.07 17.86 15.32 11.03 8.93 8.00 1 ::::::::::::i:::::::::::: 3.91 1.41 0.47 40.62 41.37 17.34 23.09 18.50 12.18 14.03 16.82 8.43 8.18 9.08 4.09 3.80 4.04 0.47 1.17 1.68 0.47 1.01 Male . 12.93 23.41 20.92 10.51 14.49 23.07 5.66 12.26 3.85 4.04 5.57 0.81 1.12 3.85 30.77 23.08 6.76 23,08 23.08 13.51 7.09 7.69 13.51 6.76 6.70 6.70 Malo 9.44 9.43 23.81 12.30 9.43 23.81 8.19 9.43 9.43 23.81 Italy 12.30 12. 30 15.00 6.00 45.45 S.68 5.00 22.73 14.21 15.00 8.52 8.52 2.84 2.64 Mnio 4.93 6.71 12.59 24.63 9.85 6.71 4.20 4.93 20.13 37.78 0.71 2.52 ;::::::;:::; :::::::: 11.76 6.72 0.84 37. 34 38.46 41.96 15. 21 8.55 23.98 13.83 8.55 10.43 4.15 4.27 7.99 6.92 6.41 2.89 2.77 2.14 •.j.-u 1.38 0.07 Mnle 42.14 41.75 25.37 22.33 17. 59 15.05 6.14 10.19 4.09 1.46 2.87 1.94 11.83 0.49 THE INSANE. 221 Tari..: 159.-INSANE AFFECTED WITH EACH OV CERTAIN FOIJM.S OF INSANITY, BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY AND BIKTHPLACES OF MOTUERS: 1890. ' SEX. ll>I.OR, SATIVITV, AXD DIRTIIPLACKS Or Totol. MANIA. UELARCIIOLIA. MoDO- maulu. Farenis. Do- mcDlia. Epllejuy Uliwo- Diaoia. koowo. MUTIIKIIS. Aonte. Chronio. Acuu. ChroDic. T.ital 100,254 17,481 21,511 2,280 11,847 2.258 1,015 29.218 4,104 m 19, an Mnlo i-Vinalp 53,264 52, 990 8,870 8,611 10,393 11,118 1,141 1,145 5,680 0,167 1,200 1.058 1,289 328 14.801 14.417 2.340 1,7m 1 60S 1 ITi 0.085 1,252 Vliito 99,719 10, 207 20,295 2,223 11,448 2,185 1,554 27.830 : C23 Mnlo I'Vinalo 50,251 49,408 04,419 57,942 8,234 7,073 10, 442 9,581 9. 852 10, 443 12, 448 11,472 1,112 1,111 1,391 1,225 6,513 5,935 7,178 6,302 1,167 1,018 1,338 1.183 1,240 3U8 1,092 942 14, 172 13,604 16, 972 15, 132 2.110 1.575 3,009 1 2,733 &.t4 120 435 362 0,303 7,321 M:.lo 29. 323 28, 619 0,477 4,810 4,735 861 5,577 5,895 976 628 597 166 2,971 3,331 870 598 684 156 731 211 150 7.930 7.198 1,840 1.601 1,172 336 301 S8 73 1 4,171 M.ilo 3, 023 2,854 35,300 17,305 17, 995 6,535 481 380 5,765 503 413 7,847 85 81 832 463 413 4,270 97 59 847 120 30 402 1,064 776 10, 804 180 147 025 1 81 10 219 498 545 Male 2,907 2,858 1,274 3, 712 4,1^5 1,210 399 433 63 2,079 2,191 399 472 375 73 335 67 61 5,172 5,692 1,382 369 1 107 256 52 410 43 1 Colored 1 l.SUO M.ile 3,013 3,522 5,440 63G 638 1,042 541 675 999 29 34 53 167 232 306 33 40 60 43 18 46 629 753 1,114 221 189 346 » 31 ; 12 33 883 1,441 Male 3,504 2, 936 1,095 530 512 232 438 561 217 25 28 10 125 181 93 28 32 13 35 11 15 502 012 268 192 154 64 24 10 605 836 173 Male 509 5S6 58,713 106 126 9,661 103 114 11,556 4 1,240 42 51 6,387 5 8 1,204 8 7 965 127 la 15,354 29 35 2,782 7 3 371 78 9S 9,193 t'emalo Birtliplaco.'* of niotbers (white) : M.ilc .... ... 29,718 28, 995 2,309 4,888 4,773 356 5,023 5.033 379 634 6uU 51 3,013 3,374 298 ; 611 593 60 749 216 65 8,033 7,301 653 1,592 1,190 105 311 60 18 4.244 4.949 326 Male 1,244 1,065 628 345 263 16, 703 205 161 88 202 177 111 21 30 12 148 148 73 32 28 19 53 12 22 354 299 176 SO 49 28 10 3 8 157 109 91 Scotlauil Male 52 36 2,555 59 52 3,614 7 5 382 38 37 1,940 11 8 377 20 2 223 92 84 5,655 20 8 312 2 171 42 49 1.474 Male 7,104 9,509 796 1,142 1,413 113 1,434 2,180 114 161 221 19 829 1,111 98 181 196 24 176 47 24 2,288 3,357 237 156 150 43 124 47 6 603 871 119 M.ilo 440 356 356 09 44 78 65 49 61 8 11 S 54 44 41 11 13 IS IS 6 125 112 81 27 15 12 67 02 56 Female 222 134 8,523 4,5Ct 3, 959 i 2, 755 1 1,592 1,163 47 31 1,123 33 23 1.680 4 2 198 2B 15 1,112 10 6 175 5 I 145 52 29 2.423 6 250 34 23 Female Germanv 38 ],37S Male 559 564 478 917 769 656 98 100 90 55 85 570 1 536 404 240 104 1 105 70 57 127 18 15 1 1 1 1.321 1.102 046 157 03 38 34 4 7 073 703 383 Female ScandiiiaTia M.-ilo 246 232 383 273 35 ' 22 , 397 249 28 10 S n 188 17B Female 222 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 159.— INSAJfE AFFECTED WITH EACH OF CERTAIN FORMS OP INSANITY, BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1890— Continued. BBX, COLOB, NATITTTT, AND DIBTIIFLACES OP Total. UAlOk. MELA^'CHOLU. Mono- mania. Paresis. De- mentia. Epilepsy. Dipso- mania. =s Un- MOTHERS. Acute. Chronic. Acut«. Chronic. known. Birthplao<>s of mothers (white)— Continued. 333 48 72 10 61 4 1 81 1 4 61 Male 105 les 192 21 27 47 37 35 29 6 4 5 32 29 33 2 2 1 1 41 40 45 1 i 20 4 5 2 18 Male H2 50 349 32 15 90 20 9 67 4 1 10 27 C 40 i 4 30 9 101 2 3 2 n 7 Italv 5 9 27 Male 277 72 467 67 23 90 54 13 76 6 4 23 32 8 82 5 9 89 12 140 15 12 1 10 5 6 1 34 Male 274 193 1,528 51 39 312 48 28 265 10 13 35 51 31 196 7 3 68 5 83 57 408 4 2 38 1 Female 20 12 7 Male 941 587 6,067 198 114 1,168 104 102 1,608 23 12 144 125 71 685 35 23 173 12 254 154 1,836 25 13 75 7 Female 98 57 21 Male 3,223 2,844 657 611 808 800 77 67 324 361 118 55 62 5 977 859 45 30 18 3 153 TIIK INSANE. 223 Tahle 160.-INSANC IN HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS FOK TIIF, INSANE AND NUMIIER AFl'KCTKD WITH EACH OF CERTAIN FORMS OF INSANITY, BY 8EX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1890. BEX, COLOR, NATIVIIY, AND DIRTDPLAOES OF Total. UAKIA. UELAKOnOLIA. Mono- mania. ruroniii. Drnien- tia. Kpllcpiy. Illpno. mania. , -a I-n. MOTHEBS. Acute. Chronic. Acute. Chronic. known. 74,028 14,872 19.608 2,122 9,010 1,416 1,178 10,880 1,634 443 I.«H Malo 38, 330 35, 698 7,735 7,137 8,548 10,000 1,073 1,040 4,467 4,543 816 000 1,031 145 10.508 9,321 989 646 3SA as 1 745 2.2IJ W^liito 69,729 13,766 18.467 2.008 8,714 1,381 1,130 10,050 1,387 417 3.au JSale 36, 256 33, 473 43,328 39,618 7,169 6,597 8,778 8,139 9,032 9.435 11.490 10,662 1,017 1,021 1.291 1,146 4,334 4,380 5,249 4, Oil 800 681 700 681 999 137 760 054 10. 157 8,6»3 10,989 9,953 893 495 1.146 1,055 338 70 298 249 1 488 1. 856 2 55* 2 428 Male 20,772 18,846 3,710 4,231 3,908 039 5,222 5,440 828 594 652 145 2. 275 2.376 598 373 308 85 568 86 112 6,560 4,393 1,036 685 370 91 207 42 49 1.0S7 1.371 127 2,183 1,527 20,401 372 267 4,988 481 347 6,077 74 71 777 331 267 3,465 60 25 013 06 17 370 616 420 8,001 33 241 41 8 119 6S 72 788 Mnlo 13, 301 13, 100 4,299 2,566 2,422 1,106 3,329 3.048 1,141 379 398 54 1,728 1,737 290 367 248 35 336 31 40 3.981 4,080 839 149 92 147 90 29 26 376 413 616 Male 2,074 2,225 3,567 560 640 904 516 62.1 942 26 28 47 133 163 220 16 19 27 32 28 411 428 681 97 60 123 20 « 21 257 358 Black 594 Male 1,707 1,860 732 4C9 435 202 417 625 199 23 24 7 102 118 76 12 15 8 24 4 12 315 346 178 83 40 24 17 4 6 245 349 21 Male 367 365 39, 954 97 105 8,190 99 100 10, 732 3 4 1,158 31 45 4,704 4 4 688 8 4 669 96 83 10,045 14 10 1.067 3 2 258 13 ( Birthplaces of mothora (wliito) : United States 2,443 Half 20. 954 19, 000 1,403 4.263 3,927 283 5,201 5.471 320 598 560 46 2,296 2,408 190 377 311 33 581 88 48 5,600 4.439 368 095 372 41 213 45 7 1.064 1,379 07 Male 789 014 390 162 121 73 169 151 98 20 26 11 104 86 48 20 13 13 40 8 18 212 156 101 22 )9 9 6 1 t 34 33 13 Male 233 157 12, 321 48 25 2, U8 53 45 3,134 6 5 355 23 25 1,548 6 7 207 17 1 180 CO 41 4.188 7 2 118 5 1 103 8 t 310 Male 5.291 7,030 463 954 1,164 86 1,243 1,891 102 151 204 17 664 884 68 138 129 18 152 28 14 1,724 2.464 135 C6 62 9 74 29 5 125 185 British America 9 Male 270 193 235 57 29 63 61 41 50 8 9 5 35 33 37 10 8 U 12 5 71 01 49 5 4 1 5 < Fomalo 3 9 Male 158 77 5,123 41 27 840 34 16 1,397 4 1 174 25 12 785 8 3 80 6 31 15 1,403 1 6 a 109 69 10 200 M.1I0 2,880 2,2-13 2.083 440 400 436 773 624 617 88 8lj 84 426 359 338 64 26 * 47 104 5 13 843 620 443 38 21 12 15 1 2 90 i'cmalo 101 •1 Male 1,246 837 227 209 303 254 51 33 209 129 29 18 12 1 295 148 9 3 2 a Femalo 41 224 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 160.— INSANE IN HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS FOR THE INSANE AND NUMBER AFFECTED WITH EACH OF CERTAIN FORMS OF INSANITY, BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1890— Coutinuod. BEX, COLOE, NATIVITT. AKD BIBTHPLACES 0» Total. UAKU. MELANCHOUA. Kono- mania. Paresis. I>emen. tia. Epilepsy. Dipso- mauia. XJn- MOTHERS. Acnte. Chronic. Acute. Chronic. knomi. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continued. 237 42 66 10 47 3 1 59 1 2 It-ile 120 in 135 19 23 39 35 31 24 6 4 5 28 19 25 2 1 2 1 31 28 30 1 2 3 1 1 Male 106 29 305 29 10 83 17 7 62 4 1 9 22 3 37 2 3 24 G 91 1 1 3 Italy 5 D Kale 249 56 396 63 20. 85 62 10 73 5 4 21 29 8 76 5 9 81 10 120 6 6 2 1 jSale 247 149 1,153 46 39 289 46 27 246 10 11 34 48 28 162 6 5 79 41 300 1 1 11 1 43 11 2 55 jlalo 75« 395 5,531 188 101 1,134 148 98 1.546 23 U 139 114 48 649 31 12 165 11 202 93 1.658 11 2 28 27 51 56 14 119 Male - 2,949 i.iS2 632 602 777 769 73 66 311 338 112 53 47 4 895 763 35 21 12 2 SS M THE INSANE. 225 TaBLK 161.— R.\TI0 of EAOn FORM OF TN.SANITY TO 1,000 OF TOTAL 1N8AKE, BY SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND BliniU'LACK.S OF MOTUKliS, EXCLUUIXG THOSE FOU WHOM THE FOKM WAS I'.NKNOWN: IWK). 8»X, rOLOH, NATIVITY. ANH BIRTHrLACKS 0» MAXIA. mUUCCBOLIA. Mono, mania. Parmla. Dementia. Bpiteixy. Di|»o. MOl'IIUHB. Acuta. Chronic. jLcnto. Chronic. manU. 192.1 236.3 25. 1 130.2 24.8 17.7 321.0 il.1 T.T 191.7 102.5 224.G it4a5 24.7 2S.e 122.7 137.8 25.9 21.6 27.8 7.3 310.8 322.3 50.6 30.4 12.3 8.0 ^]j{f^ lg&2 235. 7 25.8 133.0 25.4 18.1 323.3 42.11 7.8 Mal(» 187.4 189.2 192.1 195.8 224.2 247.8 229.0 234.5 25.3 26.4 25.0 25.0 12.5.4 140.8 132.0 128.8 26.6 24.1 24.0 24.2 28.3 7.3 20.1 19.2 322.5 324.2 313.2 300.2 48.2 37.4 56.4 55.9 12.1 2.8 8.0 7.4 Malo 192.7 199.1 158.5 22L7 1 247.9 179.6 25.0 25.1 80.6 118.1 140.1 161.2 23.8 24.0 28.7 29.1 8.9 27.6 315.5 302.0 338.6 02.0 49.3 61.8 12.1 2.4 1X4 Male l.'iS.O 104. G 18L7 180.2 1 17a 9 1 247.3 i 27.2 35.1 2C.2 148.2 178.9 134.6 31.0 25. 5 26.7 88.4 13.0 14.5 340.5 33B.1 342.4 60.5 C3.6 19.7 20.1 1.3 6.9 Male 185.5 178.0 258.9 236. 8 ' 2.i7.5 1 1 247.1 25.5 27.0 12.8 132.7 136.4 81.1 30.1 23.4 14.8 25.2 4.2 12.4 330.0 354.4 280.8 23.5 15.0 83.3 10.7 3.2 8.8 jAa\c 273.0 246.2 260. G 232.3 280.5 249.8 12.4 13.1 13.3 71.7 89.6 76.5 14.2 15.4 13.0 li<.4 7.0 11.3 270.0 290.0 278.0 94.8 73.0 86.5 13.3 4.6 8.2 Male 279.1 243.8 251.0 230.7 207.2 235.4 13.2 13.3 10.8 65.8 86.2 100.9 14.7 15.3 14.1 18.4 5.2 10.3 264.4 291.4 290.7 101. 1 73.3 09.4 12.6 4.3 10.8 Male 245.0 256.6 195.1 239.0 232.2 233.4 9.3 12.2 25.0 97.4 " 103.9 129.0 11.6 16.3 24.3 18.6 14.3 19.5 294.7 287.2 310.0 67.3 71.3 50. 3 16.2 6.1 Birtlipla<-**^s i»f mothers (white) : United Stales . 7.5 Male 191.9 198.5 179.5 220.7 246.7 101.1 24.9 25.2 25.7 118.3 140.3 149.3 24.0 24.7 30.3 29.4 9.0 32.8 316.1 303.6 329.3 62.5 49.5 52.9 12.2 2.5 9.1 Male 188.6 168.5 103.9 185.8 197. S 200.7 19.3 33.5 22.3 136.2 165.2 135.9 29.4 31.3 35.4 48.8 13.4 41.0 325.7 333.7 327.8 51.5 54.7 52.1 14.7 2.2 Sootl.iud 14.9 Male 171.6 153. 8 167.8 194.7 222.2 237.3 23.1 21.4 25.1 118.8 158.1 127.4 36.3 34.2 24.8 06.0 8.6 14.6 303.7 339.0 371.3 66.0 ;«.2 20.5 19.8 8.5 Ireland 11.3 Male 175.6 161.0 106.9 220.0 249.8 168.4 24.8 25.3 28.1 127.5 127.3 144.8 27.8 22.4 35.4 27.1 5.4 35.4 353.6 381.6 350.1 24.0 17.9 62.0 19.1 5.4 British America 8.9 Male 180.1 149.7 260.0 169.7 166.7 203.3 20.9 37.4 20.0 141.0 149.7 136.7 28.7 44.2 50.0 47.0 20.4 20.0 326.4 380. B 270.0 70.5 51.0 40.0 15.7 Male 250.0 270.8 157.1 202.1 205.1 235.9 1 21.3 17.9 27.4 138.3 133.9 155.5 53.2 44.6 24.5 26.6 8.9 20.3 276.6 258.9 3.39.0 31.9 53.0 35.0 Germany S.S Male 143.6 173.2 199.8 235.6 236.2 274.3 24.7 30.7 37.6 148.0 164.6 10«.9 27.0 21. 5 23.8 32.6 5.5 0.7 339.4 338.5 270.1 40.4 2S.0 15.9 19.9 10.1 8.7 1.8 2.9 Malo 175.2 234.8 272.8 276.3 39.2 35. 6 170.9 166.0 24.9 22.3 10.7 1.0 282.8 252.0 3.6 Female XO 7176 INS 15 226 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 161.— RATIO OF EACH FORM OF INSANITY TO 1,000 OF TOTAL INSANE, BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ANB BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, EXCLUDING THOSE FOR AVHOM THE FORM WAS UNKNOWN: 1890— Continued. BEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AXTJ BIRTHPLACES OF MANIA. MSLAXCHOLIA. Mono- mania. Parc3i3. Dementia. EpilepBy. Dipno- UUTUEES. Acute. Chronic. Acuta. Chronic. mauia. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continued. 170.2 255.3 35.4 216.3 14.2 3.6 287.2 3.6 14.2 Male 144.8 197.1 270.1 255.2 255.5 160.7 41.4 29.2 28.7 220.7 211.7 189.7 13.8 14.6 23.0 6.9 282.7 291.9 258.6 6.9 27.6 23.0 28.7 11.5 Male 244.3 348.8 279. 5' 152.7 209.3 208.1 30.5 23.3 31.1 206.1 139.5 124.2 30.5 30.5 271.8 209.3 313.7 15.3 69.8 15.3 Jtaly 15.5 27.9 Male 255.7 383.3 207.9 206.1 216.7 175.5 22.9 66.7 1 63.1 122.1 133.3 189.4 19.1 34.4 339.7 200.0 323.3 23.1 11.5 13.9 2.3 Male 196.2 225.4 234.2 181.6 161.9 199.7 i 38.5 75.1 20.3 196.2 179.2 147.2 26.9 17.3 43.5 19.2 319.2 329.5 306.3 15.4 11.6 28.5 3.8 9.0 5.3 Male 234.9 233.1 202.5 194.5 208.6 278.8 27.3 24.6 25.0 143.3 145.2 118.8 41.5 47.0 30.0 14.2 301.3 314.9 318.4 29.7 26.6 13,0 8.3 9.9 3.C Male 213.6 189.9 262.7 297.3 25.0 24.9 105.3 134.2 38.4 20.4 10.9 1.9 317.6 319.2 14.6 11. 1 5. a 1.1 THK INSANE. 227 Table 162.— KATIO OF EACH FORM OF IN.SANITV TO 1,000 OF TOTAL INSANE IN no.SPITALS AND ASVI.fMS FOR TIFR INSANE, HY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, EXCLUU1N(; THOSE FOR WHOM THE FORM WAS UNKNOWN: 1890. fax, COLOR, NATIVITY. AND BinTHPLACM 09 MANIA. UEI.AKCBOLIA. Monoma- ni*. Fareals. Demeatla. Epilepiy. DIpMHS*. MOTHERS. Acute. CbroDlo. Acuto. Chronic. Xotal 212.3 270. » 30.3 128.6 20.2 16.8 283.8 21.8 a.s Malo 211.4 213.2 261.0 800.4 29. a 31.3 122.1 135.7 22.3 17. » 28.2 4.3 288.0 278.4 27.0 16.3 B.I *■' 207.4 278.2 81.1 131.3 20.8 23.0 18.4 18.8 18.3 17.1 286 9 20.9 6.3 },\ti\e 200.2 S08.0 210.3 218.8 250.8 208.4 281.8 280.7 30.1 32.3 31.7 30.8 124.7 138.5 128.7 125.1 28.7 4.3 18.8 17.6 292.1 281.3 269.5 267.6 2S.7 15.7 28.1 28.4 9.7 16 7 3 Malo 214.0 223.6 • 178.3 204.9 311.3 231.1 30.1 31.6 40.5 115.4 130.0 166.9 18.9 17.6 23.7 28.8 4.0 31.3 282.0 251.4 289.1 34.8 21.2 25.4 10 S 2.4 13.7 Malo 174.8 183.5 191.7 220.0 238.5 272.4 31.8 48.8 30.3 155.5 183.5 135.3 28.2 17.2 24.0 44.6 11.7 14.5 289.5 288.6 314.7 27.3 22.7 9.4 19. a 5.6 4.7 Mftlo 198.5 190.9 300.2 257.6 287.5 309.7 29.3 31.4 14.7 133.7 136.9 80.3 28.4 19.5 9.5 ■26.0 2.7 10.9 308.0 321.6 227.7 11.5 7.2 8».0 7 2 8 311.5 304.1 284.0 334.8 316.8 14.3 15.0 15.8 73.2 87.3 74.0 8.8 10.2 9.1 17.6 4.3 e.4 226.2 229.2 222.3 53.4 26.8 41.4 11 3 2 7 1 320.8 287.9 284.1 285.2 :U7. 5 279.9 15.7 15.9 9.8 69.8 78.1 106.9 8.2 9.9 11.3 16.4 2.6 16.9 215.5 229.0 250.3 56.8 28.5 33.8 11 6 2.6 7 273.2 295.0 218.3 278.9 280.9 286.1 8.5 11.2 30.9 87.3 126.4 125.4 11.3 11.2 18.3 22.5 11.2 17.8 270.4 230.4 267.8 39.4 28.1 28.5 8.5 6 6 Blrtli places of raothera (white) : Uiiitori States 6 9 Malo 214.3 222 9 211.8 264.5 310.5 239.5 30.1 31.8 34.4 11.5.4 136.7 142.2 19.0 17.6 24.7 29.2 5.0 35.9 281.9 251.9 275.5 34.9 21.1 30.7 10 7 2 5 5 3 Male 214. G 208.3 193.0 223.8 259. 9 260. 26.5 44.7 29.2 137.8 148.0 127.3 26.5 22.4 34.5 53.0 13.8 47.7 280.8 2C8.5 267.9 29.1 32.7 23.9 7 9 15 > Male 213.3 1M.5 176.3 235.6 290.0 260.9 26.7 32.9 29.6 102.2 164.5 128.9 26.7 46.0 22.2 75.6 6.6 15.0 266.7 269.7 348.7 31.1 13. t 9.8 2« J 6 6 8.6 Male 184.7 170.1 189.4 240.6 276.3 234.7 29.2 29.8 37.4 128.6 129.1 149.8 26.7 18.8 39.7 29.4 4.1 30.8 333.7 360.0 297.4 12.8 7.6 19.8 14 3 Female 4.2 11 Male 215.9 152. 300.9 231. 1 215.8 221.3 30.3 47.4 22.1 132.6 173.7 103.7 37.9 42.1 48.7 45.5 10.5 22.1 268.9 336.8 216.8 18.9 21.1 4.4 18. B 209. 7 170.6 223.7 216. 2 283.8 26.3 13.5 35.3 164.5 162.2 159.5 52.6 40.5 16.3 32.9 223.7 202.7 297.2 6.6 22.1 12.0 3 t 158.2 186.7 218.0 278.0 291.3 809.7 81.6 40.2 42.2 153,2 167.6 169.7 19.4 12.1 23.6 24 2 22. 6 37.4 2.3 6.S 303.1 289.5 222.4 13.7 9.8 6.0 5.4 0.6 1.0 189.0 202. 303.3 819.5 42.6 41.5 174.6 162.3 10.(1 1.2 246.5 186.2 7.5 3.8 LT Femiile ...■■••••*•• 228 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 162.— RATIO OP EACH FORM OF INSANITi' TO 1,000 OF TOTAI. mSANE IN HOSPIT.\XS AND ASYLUMS FOR THE INSAN'E, RY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTUEES, EXCLUDING THOSE FOR WHOM THE FORM WAS UNKNOWN: 1890— Continued. t — SBX, COLOE, NATIVITT, AKD BIRTHPLACES OF KANIA. HELASCHOLIA. Monoma- nia. Paresis. Dementia. Epilepsy. Dipsoma* MOTHERS. Acute. Chronic. Acute. Chronic. nia. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continued. 181.8 285.7 43.3 203.5 13.0 4.3 255.4 4.3 8.7 Male 1.12. 21T.0 300.0 280.0 292.5 184.6 48.0 37.7 38.4 224.0 179.2 192.3 16.0 9.4 15.4 8.0 24a 264.2 230.8 8.0 16.0 Female • .... 23.1 7.7 7.7 Male 281.6 370.4 280.4 165.1 259.3 209.5 38.8 37.0 30.4 213.6 111.1 125.0 19.4 29.1 233.0 222. 2 307.4 9.T 9.7 Italv - 16.9 30.4 Male . - . 258.2 384.6 218.5 213. 1 192.3 187.7 20.5 76.9 54.0 118.8 153.9 195.4 20.5 36.9 3.32.0 192.3 308.5 15.4 12.8 5.1 2.6 Male 190,1 265.3 263.2 190.1 183.7 224.1 41.3 74.8 31.0 198.4 190.5 147.5 24.8 20.7 326.4 278. 9 273.2 4.1 6.8 10.0 4.1 39.2 10.0 1.8 Male 257.5 274.5 200.5 202.7 2G6. 3 285. 7 31.5 29.9 25.7 150.2 130.4 119.9 42.5 32.6 30.5 15.1 276. 7 266. 3 306.4 15.1 2.7 9.4 10.3 2.8 Malo 218.4 199.4 268.5 305.4 25.2 26.2 107.5 134.2 38.7 21.1 16.2 1.6 309.3 303.0 12.1 8.3 4.1 0.( THE INSANE. 229 Table 163.-INSANE IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE INSANE, WITH NIIMIIKi: AlFECTKD WITH EACH OF CERTAIN FORMS OF INSANITY, IIY tjlUNtiUENMAL A(iE I'EKIOUS, AM) 15Y HEX AND COLOR: 18'JO. FORMS or INSANITY. Total. TTn. ItUOWD. 10 to IS years. IS to 20 years. 20to2S years. 26 to 30 years. SOtoSS yean. SStolO year*. 40 to 45 years. 4Stto Mto 7fi !«0 1 fa years, years, yean. 1 1 H.'>la|90 to «0 OA y«an.brcan. yt-srs atiCY SUCH RELATIONSHIP, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. Total. Male. Female. wnrra. COL< Total. Native born. Foreign bon. 3BBD. BELATIONSHIP. Parents native. One or both par- ents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Total reported as to insane relatives. 70,340 34,501 35,839 32,036 33,958 20,415 21,566 2,896 2,331 9,625 10, 061 1,565 1,881 Total having insane relatives 22,077 9,987 12,090 9,787 11,812 7,072 8,579 787 755 1,928 2,478 200 278 784 810 2,408 2,034 1,708 2,531 3,159 3,630 3,704 465 480 361 48,263 3,214 407 373 1,242 827 721 1,288 1,425 1,754 1,432 181 155 162 24,514 1,622 377 437 1,166 1,207 987 1,243 1,734 1,870 284 325 182 23, 749 1,592 398 364 1,227 819 700 1,263 1,390 1,718 1,399 173 152 178 23, 149 1, 590 368 429 1,150 1,183 969 1,220 1,690 1,824 2,219 272 309 179 22, 146 1,567 326 293 887 626 546 908 966 1,177 983 118 105 137 13.343 1,161 297 358 863 932 735 889 1,193 1,278 1,536 162 191 145 12, 987 1,153 21 22 79 75 54 126 133 131 116 6 4 20 2,109 163 13 16 62 71 47 94 130 133 156 11 11 11 1,576 127 51 49 261 118 106 229 291 410 300 49 43 21 7,097 272 58 55 225 180 187 237 367 413 527 99 107 23 7, 583 287 9 9 15 8 15 25 35 36 33 8 3 4 1,365 26 9 8 16 24 18 23 44 52 Sisters - 53 12 16 3 1,603 Insane relatives on father's side 25 Fathers . - .- 2,531 80 70 243 179 105 3,931 1,283 40 42 138 64 50 1,791 1,243 40 34 105 115 55 2, 160 1,263 40 42 138 64 49 1,755 1,220 40 34 104 114 55 2,113 908 i ""^ 33 103 47 1 39 1,238 889 26 28 84 87 39 1,527 126 6 5 17 7 166 94 5 2 9 9 8 160 229 3 4 18 10 8 351 237 9 4 11 18 8 426 25 23 Uncles - --- 1 36 1 1 Insane relatives on mother's side 47 3, 159 74 110 206 289 113 6,269 ' 1,425 37 52 92 138 47 2, 870 1,734 37 58 114 151 66 3.399 1,390 37 53 92 138 46 2,816 1,690 37 57 114 150 63 3,329 966 33 40 71 100 28 2,153 1,193 30 48 03 119 44 2,587 133 3 8 13 9 181 130 3 3 8 10 146 291 4 9 13 25 9 482 367 4 G 15 23 11 590 35 41 1 Uncles 1 54 1 1 70 630 624 1,959 1,566 1,490 330 279 1,012 625 624 300 345 947 Oil 860 321 270 997 617 Oil 291 338 932 919 849 262 220 713 479 479 241 283 G8C 726 052 15 14 54 55 43 5 11 •17 54 29 44 36 230 83 89 45 43 199 139 108 e 9 15 8 13 9 7 IS Aonta 21 CooBios 17 THE INSANE. 235 Table 168.— INSANE A\D DEAF AND DUMB, INSANE AM) HI, INI), AND INSANE A\n PEAK AXD DUMB AND BLIND, WITH DlSTINCriON (JF SEX AND CULUU, BY STATES XSD TEKKITUKIES: Itf'JO. LNBANB AND DCAT AND DUMB. UfBiUtB AXD BLIITD. DHAXB AXD DHAT AXD DVMB AXD BLOtD. Total. Male. Fomnle. White. ColorodJ Total. 582 224 Malo. Female. White. Colored. Total. Uale. Feiul& White. Cotond. 40» 232 55 177 3M 43 208 284 634 48 «2 at 8 H 4 103 48 101 2 113 111 217 7 28 20 17 1 4 5 3 n 3 10 35 12 20 69 1 2 1 6 1 6 21 4 13 40 3 2 2 6 2 4 U 8 7 29 4 5 3 11 3 ID 34 11 20 46 1 1 23 8 3 1 87 2 3 115 21 34 69 4 3 20 2 56 e 19 32 4 1 17 2 1 69 12 15 37 8 3 1 36 2 3 113 18 33 44 1 2 2 1 1 8 2 I 1 1 2 2 1 9 Now York 2 3 1 23 14 11 3 13 1 12 8 4 12 3 5 3 12 1 5 29 7 4 155 3 2 8 1 2 19 3 2 84 3 3 4 3 10 4 71 3 3 10 1 4 15 6 4 149 2 3 2 1 14 1 6 2 8 1 14 2 16 6 17 3 204 1 6 1 7 1 4 2 7 3 109 1 2 7 1 12 4 10 95 2 6 1 8 2 12 S 7 1 202 2 1 1 1 6 4 1 10 2 2 4 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 4 1 4 1 Georgia 1 10 1 4 1 10 18 21 28 9 18 10 16 16 1 1 5 12 59 8 8 19 5 9 10 6 1 1 2 9 35 10 13 9 4 9 4 C 10 3 3 24 17 21 28 9 17 10 16 14 1 1 5 10 47 1 1 2 48 15 24 21 31 13 10 27 25 9 10 13 19 5 8 12 23 C 14 8 13 8 2 15 47 15 24 21 31 13 9 27 1 ........ 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 2 Itlichicau 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Nort h Dakota South Dakota 2 12 8 7 64 4 4 30 4 3 34 8 7 51 13 1 10 I 7 3 1 Soath Central division a 11 8 13 5 i 3 8 4 11 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 10 5 12 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 1 20 11 2 S 15 7 3 1 5 4 4 9 2 4 13 9 5 3 1 5 2 2 2 1 2 6 1 1 4 1 I 2 2 4 2 1 Oklahoma 15 2:1 8 18 7 5 11 23 4 10 21 4 14 7 10 20 1 1 2 1 1 ( *Mon*nnft 2 1 1 2 Wyoming Colorado 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 Now Mexico 1 Arizona UtJih 3 2 1 3 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nevada 1 1 1 7 9 5 7 2 2 7 9 3 8 3 4 4 3 8 California 2 2 2 236 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 169.— FEDERAL AND COXFEDERATE INSANE VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR, WITH DISTINCTION OP COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1S90. FEDERAL. CON-FEDERATE. Total. ■White. Col- ored. Total. •White. STATES AXD TEUniTORlES. Birtliplacca of mothers. Birthplaces of mothers. Col- 0nit«l States. Ens- land. Ire- laud. France. Ger- many. Other coim- tric3. TTn. known. United St.ates. Enc- land. Ire- laud. France. Ger- many. Other coun- tries. 1 Un- ! known.' The Tnited States.... 2.877 1,868 101 867 7 247 99 115 73 649 601 1 16 1 9 10 4 7 ITortb AtlaQtic division..^. 983 610 41 171 73 28 11 19 3 2 1 34 21 28 162 28 38 391 75 206 2U 8 1 12 , 309 1 58 20 1 , 2 27 19 21 99 15 24 234 47 134 99 1 4 2 2 2 3 2 Xew ILmipsUire 4 3 2 17 12 2 2 5 48 7 7 80 3 1 5 36 10 18 21 3 2 1 1 1 1 Connecticnt ■ ■ ■ 1 c::: t 14 1 2 7 1 2 5 26 9 3 5 6 1 1 20 52 1 South Atlantic diriaion 290 280 2 1 2 2 3 4 10 33 30 19 1 2 .'J 2 1 1 1 23 3 5 1 2 36 14 1 9 11 5 151 5 63 21 24 19 28 148 5 61 18 22 18 22 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 1.431 2 984 1 140 1 SO 1 Korth Ceutral di^ion 53 107 5 66 24 2 2 2 381 191 176 178 96 275 158 101 121 41 15 2 7 4 11 4 2 2 20 4 21 14 14 3 10 3 2 1 1 1 10 IC 29 13 20 10 13 1 9 1 8 11 3 5 6 29 3 7 12 3 3 2 Z 6 3 3 2 4 3 6 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 TVisconsin 1 i '^0 1 18 1 i 1 1 11 1 ........... 123 89 1 7 40 110 127 83 05 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 South Dakota 3^ 80 90 3 2 2 3 1 3 5 1 11 5 3 1 1 2 24 7 4 2 321 22 67 100 49 9 49 2 291 Booth Central division 1 11 8 4 C2 28 3 4 5 10 3 12 122 47 15 3 1 3 10 2 9 (3 1 1 4 1 1 1 8 11 20 65 87 46 9 40 ...... 1 2 6 1 1 Alabama 1 1 4 1 1 MiKAinHippi 2 1 1 1 2 1 J 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 25 7 21 1 3 32 1 9 11 11 1 MoDtana ■ 10 3 2 4 1 1 10 1 2 2 ' 2 ' 2 1 1 .":::::;.::.:::: 1 1 2 1 ' 1 1 Utah 1 1 1 lioToda 1 Idaho 2 IS 73 1 4 1 =" 1 2 1 4 1 WashtDgtoo 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 M 1 1 Califuniia 22 1 7 11 THE INSANE. 237 Tabi.1! I70.— deaths AMONG THE FEERLE-MINDKD AND INSANE. BY AGE PERIODS AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND UlliJIIPLACES OF MUTUEUS: 1800. Total. AQC AT Wnicn DK/Tn OCCCBBED. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY. AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTllEKS. Under I ji'Or. 1 2 3 « 6 to 10 lOtolfi I&toSOSOtflSS ZStoSO SOtoSfi (.-, to to ToUl 9,271 23 18 2S 12 13 00 129 27S 498 041 702 S4a 6,211 4.060 16 7 14 4 10 IS 3 9 7 « Bl 39 62 67 158 117 209 229 319 322 409 293 478 I'Vinolo 371 "VThito 8,352 19 10 20 10 10 75 111 22S 415 561 629 368 261 463 151 767 jAnlff 4,738 3,eu S,458 2,305 14 S 19 13 12 4 15 10 7 13 18 13 3 7 10 8 4 6 8 6 42 33 71 54 49 62 108 74 133 02 1P8 109 229 166 330 130 289 272 403 146 443 ■.124 KO 172 }^]ilo 1,275 1,030 481 9 4 2 7 3 3 a 7 2 2 2 2 4 1 27 27 10 31 43 20 «9 40 35 78 52 70 Tl 75 71 80 71 66 102 70 53 265 210 2,672 o 3 i" 3 1 1 1 1 7 3 7 11 14 23 12 54 37 33 130 33 38 191 43 23 246 24 29 4 2 295 1,59,1 1,074 2,466 3 r 1 1 1 1 6 1 3 5 g 2 33 21 21 69 61 68 110 81 134 147 99 140 179 3 1 116 2 211 1,356 1,U0 428 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 14 36 32 17 67 07 19 79 61 26 121 1 1 " 90 30 244 184 919 1 1 18 1 5 50 9 8 83 8 11 80 19 7 73 17 1 15 19 Colored 4 2 5 2 3 83 473 446 3,1*4 2 2 17 2 12 3 2 19 i" 10 3 9 9 74 13 5 97 25 25 159 40 43 214 30 50 226 41 32 217 35 47 Birtliplftf PS of mothers (white) : 353 JUtilG 1,712 1,472 209 " 9 3 9 10 2 8 5 4 1 40 34 46 51 2 96 63 3 123 91 13 96 130 17 111 106 13 137 115 27 177 122 81 1 2 1 2 2 7 6 2 9 8 8 8 S 5 13 1 14 3 Wale SI 30 1,037 1 1 15 i" 40 S 3 52 2 3 62 3 1 1 3 1 2 4 87 Male 486 551 127 1 2 1 3 1 1 t 7 19 21 10 23 29 7 36 26 10 4« 3 1 41 1 1? 1 Male 69 58 46 1 1 i" 5 2 1 4 6 1 3 4 1 8 2 3 5 8 1 ) " 27 19 796 1 I 2 58 i::::::: 1 12 1 3« I S7 1 1 2 1 1 2 • 71 Male 485 311 203 117 86 I 2 1 i' 1 5 4 1 7 5 4 20 10 19 31 26 34 33 25 38 U 1 77 ) 1 1 1 24 1 I.'.'..'.'.'. 1 1 1 11 8 19 15 20 6 11 i'omaie ::;;;;::i:::;:;:: ;::;::: i 1 4 13 238 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ItO.— DEATHS AMONG THE FEEBLE-MINDED AND INSANE, BY AGE PERIODS AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF SIOTIIEKS: 1890— Continued. TotaL AQB AT WHICH DKATH OCCnRRED. MOTHEBS. Under 1 year. 1 2 3 4 6 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 1 ! SS to 30 so to 35 35lu40 Birthplace of mothers (white)— Continned. 23 1 1 5 1 14 9 8 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 5 ■J 31 1 1 2 1 2 S XtA]y 2 5 Male 21 10 40 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 5 Male 22 18 89 1 2 2 4 1 4 3 2 5 1 2 1 4 1 10 Male 58 31 3,307 2 1 229 4 1 289 9 1 7 15 1 67 4 156 1 4 2 3 1 348 Male 1,967 1,340 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 ^ 6 9 37 30 82 74 129 100 179 no 204 2 SIX, COLOR. NATIVITY. XHV BIBTHPLACES OF MOTUEB8. AOB AT WHICH DEATH OCCUEBBD. 40 to 45 45 to 60 50 to 55 oS to 00 60 to 65 65 to 70 70 to 76 76 to 80 80 to 86 86 to 00 00 to 95 95 and over. TTn- known. Total 757 845 715 597 622 630 602 447 287 140 49 31 274 Male 440 317 671 482 363 758 406 309 334 263 369 253 368 262 350 252 259 188 157 130 72 68 18 31 8 23 153 122 ^^ite - 649 562 584 591 565 431 270 128 44 22 216 3'Jt 277 409 126 437 321 455 173 372 277 376 157 314 248 310 131 344 240 319 142 316 248 337 158 327 238 353 160 251 180 303 146 151 119 103 94 68 00 84 43 17 27 29 16 3 19 18 6 121 95 134 64 Male 67 59 24 101 72 27 84 73 14 71 60 12 90 52 13 91 65 10 91 72 ■ 10 80 66 11 68 36 10 18 25 4 6 10 3 5 1 31 33 7 Male 14 10 259 12 15 255 9 5 205 7 5 167 5 8 164 6 4 171 4 6 177 7 4 140 8 2 59 2 •> 37 10 i' 12 4 3 Biribplaoos of pftroDtA nnkiiowii 63 Male 161 85 219 154 101 204 123 82 214 95 72 221 90 G8 235 103 68 227 nil Ul 192 90 50 101 33 26 90 21 13 40 4 12 3 9 4 39 Kemale 24 31 Male 124 95 43 149 lis 39 139 105 29 121 100 31 133 102 30 125 102 30 99 93 20 64 40 24 44 46 17 21 19 4 4 8 3 i" 19 la 51 Mule 25 18 86 21 18 87 17 12 66 20 11 35 20 10 38 21 9 36 14 6 37 10 14 10 8 9 17 3 1 12 1 2 5 9 28 23 Colored 53 Male 46 40 45 42 84 82 20 15 25 13 22 14 23 14 8 8 6 11 4 8 1 4 S 4 31 remale 37 THE INSANE. 239 Taiu-E 170.— deaths among TITE EEI.ni.l-.MINnEll AM) INSANi;, BY ACE PERIODS AXD HY SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND lUUTIU'l.ACES OK MOTIIEKS: 1890— Continiira. AOK AT WnlOB DBATQ OCOUIIBKD. 8KX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND IIIUTIirLACKS Or UOTIIKBS. 40to4S 4Gto&0 1 GOtoSS fi5to00 ] 60(0 OS 1 86 tu 70 70lo Ohio 8,035 5,568 5,249 3,218 2,402 1,451 3,319 3,681 135 285 959 2,039 10, 809 4,460 3,201 2,952 1,858 1,325 836 1,885 2,162 84 167 558 1,177 9,208 3,575 2,367 2,297 1,360 1,077 615 1,434 1,719 51 118 401 862 7,601 4,352 3,129 2,909 1,834 1,324 633 1,879 2,034 84 167 555 1,150 6,034 3,515 2,330 2,203 1,354 1,077 015 1,429 1,601 50 118 399 842 5,461 3,255 2,578 1,912 1,001 379 225 1,160 1,660 18 09 304 851 6,080 2,589 1,905 1,438 782 206 149 878 1,272 9 45 206 635 5,051 728 353 577 441 667 297 456 226 24 49 120 175 344 594 283 421 297 416 229 327 199 17 41 115 115 239 369 198 420 302 378 311 263 142 42 49 131 124 210 332 142 386 275 363 237 224 130 24 32 78 02 171 108 72 43 21 1 3 6 128 60 87 32 6 5 118 1 75 44 32 12 1 3 6 107 39 28 27 2 33 28 11 12 21 Iiid iana 9 g Micliigan 4 Wisconsin Minnesota 4 96 1 1 , 21 22 North Dakota South Dakota 3 27 2,574 2 20 2,140 1 24 2,215 1 14 1,810 2 3 359 Kan.^a3 South Central division 330 3,635 3,590 2,187 1,756 1,173 2,763 34 1,671 1,961 1,955 1,967 1, 159 991 613 1,547 21 925 1,105 1,680 1,623 1,028 765 530 1,216 13 746 856 1,084 1,561 706 451 380 1,154 20 078 1,095 1,492 1,285 617 339 318 859 13 538 849 1,547 1,507 669 441 284 044 19 649 044 1,375 1,2.59 605 330 237 712 13 520 487 95 39 12 7 59 111 1 20 252 69 16 7 5 44 85 42 15 5 3 37 99 48 8 5 * 37 62 271 406 453 540 263 393 1 247 10 188 338 411 426 212 357 208 7 229 337 400 487 215 336 1 210 5 155 292 350 366 163 305 42 69 S3 53 48 57 3S 40 01 60 49 Texas 52 Oklahoma 11 199 199 7 163 179 6 37 6 29 % 52 14 192 127 13 183 22 55 140 283 880 32 10 119 73 11 110 12 32 70 113 487 20 73 54 2 73 10 23 64 140 393 31 10 117 10 110 12 32 75 143 483 20 4 72 54 2 73 10 23 64 140 387 17 5 84 61 6 27 10 19 53 111 252 10 50 48 2 22 6 12 37 103 197 7 1 16 4 4 39 1 5 15 17 143 4 18 4 18 4 6 18 19 108 17 44 15 83 6 4 4 2 33 1 1 "Wyoming 2 1 1 1 1 1 New Mexico 1 Utah Nevada Idaho 5 9 18 82 "Washington 1 1 Oregon 4 6 2 4 2 a 244 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 172.— FEEBLE-MIXDED, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OP POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890. (o) STATES AND TERRITORIES. Tho United States . Male... rem ale . White... Colored. . Kative .. Foreign . Horth Atlantic division . Male... Female. ■Wliite... Colored.. yaliro .. Foreign . Maine. Male . . . Female . ■Wliito... Colored.. Kative . . Forei^ . Kew Hampshire.. Male... Female. TTliile... Colored.. Native .. Foreign . Vennont. Male... Female. ■White... Colored.. Native .. Foreign . Uusachosetts . Hale.... Female.. White... Colored . Native .. Foreign . Kbodo Island . Male... Female . Willie... ColoreU . Native .. Foreign . CoDDeetlcat.. Male... Female. White... Colitrwl . Notlvo , . Farolpi . mniBER OP FEEBLE-UINDISD. IS90 95,609 S2.9fi2 42,647 84.907 10. 012 8C,SM 9,105 14,0.1* 11,585 25,268 ojI 2.993 907 6li4 1,584 7 1,511 go 779 437 312 733 46 901 501 400 899 2 850 45 1,647 1,282 2,897 il2 2,607 422 488 270 2U 471 17 381 107 696 614 1,189 20 1,0.11 Via 1880 76,895 45. 309 81,5e6 67.316 9,579 72,888 4,007 19,550 11,409 8,141 19, 290 260 18,261 1,289 1,325 764 561 1.323 1,273 62 398 305 698 5 678 25 803 482 321 800 3 747 56 1,220 811 2,017 14 1,861 170 142 92 223 11 210 24 604 313 802 IS 707 50 1870 24, 527 14,485 10, 042 21. 324 3, 203 22,882 1,645 7,092 1860 18aO 18,!I30 15,787 4,511 3,151 7,592 lUO 7,039 653 628 371 257 627 1 613 15 198 127 313 12 325 213 112 299 26 494 284 771 7 716 70 47 119 4 114 9 191 160 333 8 316 11, 080 7,850 10, 952 1,9T8 17,809 1,121 6.859 4,024 2,835 6,752 1117 6,334 625 659 650 3 611 18 197 139 330 320 10 263 I.IO 104 262 1 252 11 261 7(13 9 604 4H 02 39 207 148 119 201 9,149 6.638 14.257 i,k;o 15, 187 600 6,870 3.541 2.429 6.883 87 5,650 320 577 346 231 575 2 565 12 351 215 136 350 1 350 1 299 182 117 297 2 294 5 404 327 759 32 71 43 110 4 113 1 287 184 283 4 RATIO TEE 1,900,000 or POPULATION. 1890 1,527 1,652 1,396 1.540 1,389 1,621 984 1,472 1,617 1,328 1,476 1,256 1,674 770 2,727 2, U82 2,403 3,840 2, .590 1, 013 2.342 1,800 2,002 5,797 :,4io 630 2, 9.i9 2, 453 2.713 1,992 2,969 1,021 1,514 1,114 1,308 1,358 I. CM 042 1,007 1,228 1,394 2,223 1,693 1,0U7 1,881 1,304 1,621 1,660 1,808 801 1880 1,533 1,776 1,282 1, 551 1,419 1,677 600 1.348 1,693 1,108 1.351 1,113 1,562 458 2,042 2,358 1, 727 2,045 960 2,157 883 2,026 2,334 1,728 2,010 0, 562 2.255 540 2,417 2,888 1,941 2,415 2,809 2.564 1.367 1,138 1,421 877 1,144 725 1,389 ;ia3 1,007 641 820 1,069 1,0.17 1,048 1,313 1,257 1,657 385 1870 es6 743 627 635 645 694 295 747 507 627 651 720 259 1,002 1,185 819 1,004 475 1,C60 307 1,021 1,272 781 1,023 1,084 405 9S3 1, ;.«5 079 1.055 651 534 702 377 634 493 649 175 725 417 601 779 704 162 720 651 631 808 740 220 ISCO 602 689 511 or.o 438 662 271 C47 764 532 647 685 739 259 1,049 1,214 881 1.040 2,262 1,085 481 1,533 836 1,068 478 835 1,001 665 833 1,272 892 330 578 750 411 .'i7C 934 684 185 737 431 603 1,259 707 107 680 656 608 678 691 067 ITJ ISSO 773 683 729 420 725 267 692 816 667 694 581 774 241 1,163 809 1,475 1, 025 377 1,104 1,376 841 1,103 1,923 1,152 70 952 1,137 709 948 2,785 1.048 148 795 950 <>46 798 652 914 196 773 785 1,090 914 43 774 1,003 661 779 620 863 IM I Iiii'luding Cliinea*, Japanese, and liidinns. THE FEEBLE-I^riNDED. 245 Taule 17'i.— KEEBLE-MINDKD, WITH DISTINCniON OF SEX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS I'Elt 1,000,000 OF rorULATlON, BY STATES AND TEUKITOUIES: 1850 TO 1S90— Coiitiuued. 6TATB9 AKX> TEnniTOBtKS. nOKBBB or FEEOLE-HIHDED. KATIO PCB 1,000,000 OF POPOLAHON. 1890 1880 1870 1800 I860 1800 1880 1870 18M 1860 North Atlantic division— Continued. 7,337 6,084 2.486 2,314 1,665 1,223 1,1B7 887 ». Eas Mnlo 3, 929 8,4(18 7,274 03 6,2:19 1,098 1,631 3,512 2, 572 8,023 61 5,565 529 1,056 1, :iB7 1.099 2,462 24 2,179 307 436 1,347 967 2,288 26 2,057 257 365 970 «95 1,644 21 1.504 181 419 1,330 1,128 1,228 852 1,409 699 1,129 1,402 998 1,201 913 1,435 437 934 841 495 509 457 672 270 481 097 407 697 529 714 257 543 819 ■Wliito 539 Native . ... 610 245 856 Male 801 770 1.570 65 1,440 191 8,754 608 448 1,011 45 977 79 6,497 256 180 417 19 399 37 2.250 230 135 343 22 350 16 1,842 260 159 406 13 406 13 1,407 1,194 1,063 1,128 1. l:i7 1,290 581 1,663 1,793 1,531 1.071 1,376 1.702 1,000 1,053 1,0«0 7«4 926 1,151 1,074 356 1,517 1,769 1,260 1,523 1,211 1,676 517 1,762 509 394 470 619 G!lfl 190 039 086 401 530 868 637 122 634 1,«60 051 872 541 945 217 635 4,787 3,967 8.003 151 7,908 846 14.644 3,77!) 2,718 6, .393 104 6,103 304 13. 368 1,355 895 2,213 37 2,090 160 4,460 1, 04.". 797 1,807 35 1,094 148 3,853 849 618 1,432 35 1,376 91 3,520 771 508 640 566 702 293 760 718 &49 034 615 684 344 718 727 540 634 063 685 752 7,930 6,714 9,845 4,799 14,422 222 220 7.957 5,431 9,044 4.314 13. 302 86 269 2,6.12 1.818 2.950 1,600 4,423 27 69 2,302 1,551 2.819 1,034 3,824 29 67 2,004 1,516 2,657 863 3,491 29 92 1,795 1 512 1,761 1,469 1,667 1,0U5 1,306 2,118 1,415 1,943 1,476 1,792 494 1,835 918 608 812 670 778 102 S52 857 579 833 502 735 178 697 855 049 "WTiit© 943 464 703 276 1,005 109 111 190 30 212 8 1,549 165 101 214 5.1 263 6 1,319 39 30 48 21 67 2 362 40 27 53 14 67 46 46 74 18 88 4 391 1,274 1,339 1,357 1,055 1,365 608 1,486 2.226 1.434 1,7«1 2,080 1,918 634 1,411 623 481 47U 921 578 219 464 706 486 585 047 650 l.OOI 1.009 1.040 884 1.020 701 305 444 E71 8S8 711 1,212 337 1,426 123 261 806 513 959 360 1,287 32 107 218 144 239 123 349 13 50 178 127 174 131 295 10 27 222 169 275 116 381 10 13 1,625 1.350 1,460 1,501 1,604 1,3W 1,133 1.744 1,083 1,323 ) 712 1,510 386 602 566 304 393 701 500 156 380 522 367 337 763 484 129 360 759 581 ■WTiito 658 Colored 703 716 195 253 130 111 158 103 240 21 3,090 1.C81 l.4(;9 2. 021 1,009 3,074 Hi 69 38 54 63 97 10 2,794 38 12 20 30 47 3 1,130 15 12 20 7 21 6 ol,279 5 8 10 3 12 1 al, 182 1,369 919 1,021 1,301 1 1. 134 1,119 1,866 820 404 453 889 604 384 1,847 Oil 173 227 691 407 185 922 423 303 329 489 335 481 801 207 291 White 264 218 257 203 831 1,710 1,084 1,839 955 2. 787 691 439 , 708 422 1, 121) 1 770 509 1,009 270 1,2-2 7 083 497 891 291 1, 175 7 2.039 1,694 1.9S1 1,081 1,877 871 2.293 1,413 2, OSS 1,512 1,801 476 1, l.';7 699 994 822 932 73 955 644 963 492 815 200 954 706 "W'hito 996 652 INativo 840 Foreign 305 a Including West Virginia. 246 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 172.— FEEBLEOriXDED, WITH DISTINCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR. AND NATIVITY. AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 18D0 TO 1800— Contmued. KUMBEB OF FEEBLE-MDi'DED. KATIO PEB 1,000,000 OF POPULATION. ISOO ISSO 1870 ISOO 1850 1890 18S0 1870 1860 ISSO South Atlantic division— Contiuued. 1,430 1,307 427 1,875 2,210 960 1 jiaic ei6 GU 1,387 43 1,402 •28 • 3, 598 815 552 1,326 41 1,355 12 3,142 266 161 405 22 420 7 976 2.001 1,048 1,900 1,314 1,885 1,483 2,224 2.591 1,816 2,238 1,582 2,258 057 2,245 1.194 735 955 1,224 988 410 911 \\n,ite Colored 980 704 987 914 Male 1,910 l,i;88 2.440 1,158 3,597 1 1,805 1,835 1,307 2,134 1,008 3,142 558 418 665 311 976 566 414 708 272 978 2 403 451 343 615 179 792 2 348 2,390 2,062 2,312 2,058 2,228 270 1,568 2,668 1,836 2,461 1,893 2,251 1,076 756 980 792 914 1,142 833 1,124 750 989 606 573 1,047 783 Whito 1,112 566 914 775 1.588 465 1,595 659 521 Male 971 834 846 959 1,801 4 2,191 924 664 806 782 1,581 7 2,433 279 186 285 180 465 229 174 270 133 401 2 724 191 157 249 99 346 2 664 1,697 1,441 1,831 1,392 1.573 638 1,192 1,884 1,314 2.061 1,2U1 1,600 911 1,573 811 614 984 433 607 659 488 927 322 578 200 685 570 463 907 Colored 251 Native 524 230 871 736 733 Male 1,191 1,000 1,331 860 2,186 5 500 1,412 1.021 1,499 934 2,420 7 369 488 383 517 354 870 1 100 467 257 635 189 723 1 68 379 285 515 149 663 1 36 1,295 1,090 1,360 1,001 1,198 412 1,277 1.851 1,310 1,835 1,288 1,584 663 1,369 843 033 809 649 742 00 633 878 489 904 406 C9I 86 484 830 634 987 387 737 154 Florida 412 • Male 264 236 260 240 484 16 36,553 221 148 213 156 364 5 27,255 65 45 63 37 100 37 31 50 18 67 1 4.737 25 11 28 8 34 2 3,307 1,307 1,246 1,156 1,442 1,313 698 1,635 1.620 1. 112 1.494 1.229 1.402 505 1,570 582 483 656 404 647 !)07 459 643 287 489 302 521 544 265 593 Colored 190 403 723 7,698 593 029 Halo 20, 671 15, 882 35,845 708 31.414 5,139 8,036 16,026 11. 229 26. 599 656 24. 914 2. 341 0,460 4.515 3,183 7,503 195 6.838 860 2,338 2.754 1,983 4,619 118 4.236 511 1,788 1.953 1,444 3,328 69 3,188 209 1,361 1,783 1,475 1,636 1,572 1,716 1,266 2,18S 1,778 1,345 1.508 1.029 1,724 803 2,020 672 508 .191 690 612 369 877 58l' 456 •■■.lO 600 659 331 764 604 558 632 500 Colored Xalive 071 321 687 Ohio Male 4.461 3.575 7,867 169 7,334 702 5,S«g 3.737 2,723 0,307 153 0,163 307 4,725 1,345 093 2,271 67 2,174 164 1,360 1,010 709 1,748 40 • 1.035 153 007 758 003 1,344 17 1,277 84 038 2,404 1,968 2,195 1,931 2,283 1,528 2,G40 2,315 1,719 2.023 1,909 2,195 777 2,388 1.000 748 873 1.058 048 440 800 856 GG9 7110 1,090 813 400 072 745 626 687. 673 725 385 049 Wllilo Colored Native Indiana Male 3,201 2,367 5,459 100 5,228 340 2. 789 1,030 4,043 82 4.550 176 790 570 1,346 14 l,28:i 78 530 377 800 11 854 C3 545 303 025 13 890 30 2,863 2,204 2,543 2,387 2. .'>55 2,320 2,700 2,000 2. 395 2. 070 2.481 1,214 921 603 813 605 833 651 758 570 000 039 093 448 1.005 825 917 1,154 064 703 Colored Native Foreign \ [][[ THE FEEHLK-MINDED. 247 Table 172.-FEEBLE-MINDED, WITH DISTIXCTIOX OF SKX, COLOR, AXD NATIVITY, AND KATIOS I'KIi 1,000,000 OP POl'ULATiUN, 15V STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Continued. NTHBER OP FBEBLE-MDTDED. BATIO FEB 1,000,000 or FOrOLATIOlt. STATES AXD TEttBITOBIKS. 1890 1880 1870 1800 ISfiO 1800 1880 1870 18«0 18S0 Hortli rentral divioion— Continncd. Illinois 5,249 4,170 1,244 583 303 1.372 1,355 400 343 436 T^Jj|]q 2,952 2,207 5,17i 75 4,443 806 3,219 2,451 1.719 4, 123 47 3,764 406 2,181 754 490 1,228 16 1,068 176 613 350 232 588 218 145 361 2 340 23 189 1,497 1,239 1,373 1,29« 1,480 957 1,537 1,545 1,153 1,380 1,006 1,509 696 1,332 573 401 489 550 527 342 SIS 394 287 345 48S 300 427 368 Xntivo 508 60 333 360 246 445 4M 206 475 j^IjiIp, 1,859 1,360 3,18« 31 2,550 669 2,406 1,287 894 2,134 27 1,863 318 1,785 377 236 606 7 517 90 560 171 162 332 1 271 62 257 110 79 186 3 172 17 94 1,703 1,357 1,538 1,470 1,645 1.230 1,426 1,492 1,154 1,334 1,207 1,492 819 1,357 610 417 519 417 564 358 531 433 457 451 77 452 410 331 524 421 ■\yi,ito 471 1.161 502 311 308 Malo 1.327 1,079 2,401 5 1,663 743 1,451 1,025 760 1,776 9 1,374 411 729 • 328 232 559 1 404 156 134 162 95 257 61 33 92 2 72 22 1 1.517 1. 329 1,429 780 1.424 1,431 1,115 1.507 1,190 1.350 1,531 1.510 1,014 934 002 455 532 301 685 428 305 398 258 332 370 235 302 3.150 Native - ■ 177 80 31 355 289 180 369 199 165 836 615 1,448 3 903 548 3,319 442 287 717 12 538 191 2,314 79 55 134 17 14 31 1,202 1,0U 1.117 529 1.082 1,173 1,736 1,055 794 923 330 269 300 183 177 183 1 1 424 166 3,080 89 45 533 21 10 289 1 1,049 714 1,434 319 280 446 185 170 428 214 94 489 1,885 1,434 3,308 11 2.832 487 3,882 1,411 903 2.300 14 2,096 218 3,372 310 217 533 176 113 289 47 47 94 1,896 1,563 1,740 1,018 1.784 1.503 1,449 1,6« 1,163 1,424 1,398 1,538 833 1,555 505 382 449 496 353 429 46C 516 490 l^ative 464 69 779 248 41 523 87 7 357 469 337 453 436 387 M2 508 334 523 Male 2,163 1,719 3, 035 247 3,610 272 135 1,985 1,387 3,130 242 3,247 125 (0) 442 337 699 80 715 64 (a) 311 213 457 CO 496 27 (0) 214 143 325 33 340 17 1.561 1,328 1,438 1,639 1,761 1,332 1,547 1.663 493 409 436 677 477 288 5U0 379 430 557 486 168 593 441 549 355 Native 1,477 1,659 1, 158 591 5C2 222 739 1 Male 84 51 134 1 69 66 285 827 629 736 1,678 681 810 807 1 1 1 White 1 1 1 1 Native ■ 1 i !>80 63 M ... 592 212 207 Male 167 118 285 48 32 73 7 56 24 1 2 3 1 926 794 871 583 605 548 3,448 072 113 377 233 358 1 388 204 81 3 8.18 890 320 Foreign 1 463 1 564 1 a See South Dakota. b Dakota tenitorj. 245 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablt 172.— FE£BLE-MJXDED, ^VITH DISTINCTION OF .SEX. COLOR. Am) NATITITr, AXD RATIO.S PEE 1,000,000 OP roPL'EATION, UY STATES AND TEKKITOlilES: 1850 TO ISUO— Coutinuei STATES MXt> TEEHITOJUES. BUMBEB OF rEEBLEMI>'DBD. BATIO FEB 1,000,000 OP POPDLATIOS. 1890 18S0 18<« 1869 1S60 IS90 ISSO 1870 1860 1850 Korth Central division— CoDtinaed. J^'f'bmftkft , , 981 356 25 3 908 787 203 104 Male 558 4U3 954 7 752 209 A 042 202 154 352 4 290 66 1,083 19 6 25 974 829 911 582 878 1,032 1.431 810 758 783 1,516 817 678 1,087 270 114 205 Ff^niyln 3 3 248 105 "WTiii© Colored 1 K&tiTe - 21 4 109 2 1 17 1 228 130 299 89 157 ISO Male 1,178 864 1,992 50 1,826 216 16,818 649 434 1,024 59 983 100 15. 551 64 45 99 10 101 8 4.464 U 6 17 1,566 1,280 1,447 969 1,427 1,461 1,533 1,209 945 1,075 1,343 1,109 908 1,744 310 277 2SG 555 320 163 694 186 125 160 , 'W'hite •• Colored - ..- 14 3 3.379 14B 236 586 2,844 661 9.212 7,606 12, 095 4,723 16, 4.T3 385 3,635 9. 225 6,320 11,271 4, 280 15,390 161 3.513 2.664 1,800 3. 009 1,395 4,396 68 1,141 1.933 1.446 2.660 719 3,333 46 1,058 1,014 1,230 2,333 511 2,805 39 907 1,647 1,414 1,015 1,355 1,543 1,196 1,956 Z043 1,436 1,910 1,418 1,780 587 2,131 826 561 726 632 709 292 864 651 516 713 352 602 200 915 731 687 830 343 285 923 1,955 1,680 3,176 459 3,545 91) 3,591 2,0S3 1,430 3,026 487 3,495 18 3,533 670 471 937 204 1,124 17 1.091 693 465 892 lOB 1.046 12 881 512 395 796 111 903 4 846 2,074 1,834 1,997 1,712 1,970 1,516 2,032 2,502 1,752 2,197 1,794 2,199 302 2,291 1,000 719 853 918 814 2M 807 1,0CI 825 970 703 954 201 794 1,018 823 1,045 502 KatiTe 950 127 8(4 1.968 1, 623 2,846 745 3,507 24 2,191 2,084 1,449 2,817 710 3,518 15 2,223 624 467 832 259 1,087 4 721 4P9 393 727 154 876 5 637 468 378 756 90 844 2 470 2.207 1,853 2.129 1,729 2,041 1,198 1,448 2.7^ 1,874 2.474 1,774 2,306 898 1,761 1,001 733 8R9 8U3 877 207 723 869 717 878 544 803 236 557 028 758 White 999 366 84S 354 617 1,160 1,031 1,323 868 2,181 10 1,758 1.344 879 1, 354 869 2,217 6 1,579 418 303 425 290 720 1 485 313 224 398 139 634 3 279 278 198 343 133 470 6 222 1.531 1,365 1.587 1,278 1.456 677 1,363 2,l.'-.9 1.374 2.045 1,448 1,770 616 1,395 855 590 815 622 729 lOU 530 640 472 317 SCI 243 353 709 S22 804 Colored 385 615 799 lOuiiuiDDl 366 991 767 790 068 1,749 9 1,17S 064 015 801 778 1.577 2 1,053 205 190 239 240 484 1 2B0 164 115 192 87 279 128 94 136 86 220 2 174 l,.'i25 1,199 1,450 1,300 1,305 1,132 1,050 1,700 1,000 1,671 1,193 1.405 217 1,120 714 4.''<8 024 553 593 811 393 404 208 543 199 356 411 319 -While 400 277 360 418 XfODbfUlA 247 349 336 045 s:io 608 477 l.ino 75 618 435 M7 4011 1,0.15 18 185 101 130 147 280 MO 98 1.TS 112 237 10 101 73 106 08 153 21 1.153 918 1,250 851 I 1,029 II 1,508 1,318 923 1,290 961 1,168 332 511 277 384 403 421 97 403 290 378 820 «7« 123 808 300 W'|iit« 416 Colunrd 259 Katirs 340 Voniai 808 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 249 r*T\l.r. ir».— FEEBLE-MrVPrm, with distinction of SKX, color, and nativity, and R.\TI0S PKR 1,000,000 OP PUPUL.UIO.N, HY !STAT1:3 AND TERKITOEIKS: 1«50 TO ISiW— Coutinued. mniDm or riEBLE-MiNDED. RATIO FEB 1,000,000 or POPin.ATIOK. 18M 18M 187* 1880 18G0 1800 1880 1870 18«0 18«0 South Central division— Continued. 3,763 2,276 461 201 104 1.236 1.430 651 » MB Mnln 1,547 1.216 2,013 750 2,002 161 l.KI »55 1,6.10 640 2,180 S6 2«1 1(0 273 178 412 «9 123 78 164 37 185 16 63 41 93 11 100 4 1.319 1.144 L153 1.532 1.249 1,053 550 1..'.77 1.207 1.366 l,62-.i 1,476 838 087 405 483 7U1 545 «25 284 276 380 3-10 368 S64 416 'White . 604 188 Vative 513 226 ^A]0 21 13 33 1 34 605 480 501 332 575 "While - - . Vatire 1,071 1.374 289 176 U5 1.481 1.712 597 404 548 Male K?5 746 1,219 455 1,«5 IB l,9r75 1,115 860 1,944 31 1,609 366 53 fll 503 1.050 324 1,388 6 1,151 181 108 224 G5 289 102 74 152 24 176 64 51 103 12 U5 1.579 1,375 1,485 1,470 1.486 1,122 652 1.948 1.458 1.775 1.536 1,727 580 651 72!) 457 619 531 603 448 35« 4^9 21S 408 583 510 ess Colored ... . . .-- 252 Katire 552 223 102 S6 225 165 313 692 459 1,112 39 1,021 130 15 133 90 210 13 186 37 1 67 35 102 37 19 56 626 691 677 197 713 475 401 «47 658 «90 251 805 260 383 218 236 231 162 275 118 49 ISA 177 185 281 403 "VThite 315 ITative 92 10 53 3 209 56 349 111 33 20 61 2 40 13 14 10 5 13 2 14 1 2 376 452 401 406 449 302 231 35.1 455 367 530 507 87 96 1 Female 1 1 263 55 Colored 1 79 Foreign 1 10 1 14 1 1 2 254 1K7 23G 71 151 103 1 ... Female ■WTiite Colored i 1 Native 6 8 192 119 73 180 3 171 21 130 2 1 1 131 406 134 Foreign 1 1"":::"'" Colorado 77 3 396 75 49 2 28 1 75 9 485 437 467 388 521 250 846 379 429 392 625 472 lUl 1.020 81 66 76 Female TVTiite Colored 2 73 4 122 3 90 Foreign 1 46 40 44 SOI 428 7U5 74 5t! 120 4 121 67 55 113 9 117 6 25 21 44 2 42 1 26 14 40 28 16 44 891 794 8K3 368 850 799 1,039 999 1,039 830 1,049 621 530 469 487 1.350 487 712 530 315 482 882 637 "White 71S Colored Native 39 1 44 449 149 741 Foreign 250 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabi-K 1»2.— FKEBLK-MINDED, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1850 TO 1890— Coutinued. NUMBER OF PEEDLEMINDKD. KATIO TEB 1,000,000 OF POPCLATION. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1890 1880 1870 1860 1860 Wcstorn division— Continoed. 13 11 218 272 Male ... 11 2 12 1 12 1 . 183 7 4 8 3 7 4 148 301 87 216 248 294 53 880 248 327 228 568 287 249 1,028 "WTiite 1 Utah 23 S 1 265 124 88 Male 110 73 183 86 62 148 10 13 23 4 1 5 1 990 749 889 1,154 893 1,039 227 305 267 197 50 125 165 yemale Wbito 1 83 106 77 22 105 43 18 15 8 2 4 1 685 1,451 481 1,050 977 2S9 267 261 47 145 78 1 48S 12 10 22 10 8 18 18 2 23 1 1 2 411 60J 563 238 395 299 230 437 78 705 31 99 51 ^\-lMc 21 1 56 1 1 1 670 68 664 42 53 67 Foreign Idaho 33 23 55 1 42 U 140 17 6 23 013 C95 671 422 628 802 401 779 556 793 1 1 355 91 White Is'ative 18 5 47 1 795 501 026 141 5 209 " ■ ■■ I Male 76 64 139 1 124 16 285 29 18 44 3 46 1 181 3 2 6 349 485 408 113 478 178 908 631 618 655 379 770 63 1,036 200 223 225 White 4 1 55 211 199 605 Foreign Oregon 15 4 286 301 144 141 283 2 252 33 887 103 78 177 4 172 9 607 36 19 54 1 49 6 87 9 6 15 4 792 1,009 938 167 983 576 734 996 1,093 1.085 342 1,192 205 680 078 503 021 250 018 517 155 285 287 288 48t Female While 4 306 Kative 15 3 1 7 317 214 978 42 111 76 493 394 870 )7 714 173 313 194 493 14 451 G6 56 31 77 10 70 17 28 11 42 4 3 7 704 775 783 170 848 472 604 500 043 144 789 191 160 147 154 104 209 81 102 131 130 47 Female 428 White 76 Colored 84 8 6 1 146 55 85 46 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 251 Taiilk 173.— Fi:i".HLK-MINDEl) liFLoNGINU TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMItER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEURITOUIE8: 1890. AIiABAMA. I'onnd in county. — : 1 0EIX>N01Na TO COCNTr. Total. Male. To. male. Wliito. Colored. CO UNTIES. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parent ^ native. One or 'both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male Fc. male. Male Fe- male. Male Fe- mula. Tho Stato 2,180 2,187 3,159 1,028 706 817 689 605 12 7 5 5 453 411 400 350 53 CI 28 9 61 29 35 25 15 23 30 29 9 23 34 .•13 21 39 21 32 30 24 23 41 79 GO 35 7 39 26 13 20 24 31 35 GO 78 20 15 37 32 28 57 47 38 29 10 64 34 29 M 24 26 12 42 42 25 15 16 56 64 46 74 23 7 94 13 28 9 61 20 35 o25 15 24 30 31 9 25 35 33 22 39 21 32 30 24 23 41 79 51 35 8 39 26 15 21 24 32 35 66 78 22 16 37 35 28 58 49 38 29 10 64 MS 30 56 24 26 13 43 43 25 15 17 56 64 46 37 23 8 94 13 14 4 32 15 15 11 12 20 19 15 6 12 10 15 IG 21 10 23 15 15 40 30 19 6 29 13 9 14 15 22 28 39 6 8 20 20 13 29 20 20 16 8 31 20 14 30 12 13 9 23 10 16 9 12 31 32 26 26 11 6 42 5 14 5 29 14 20 14 3 4 11 16 3 13 19 18 6 18 5 9 15 9 15 19 39 21 16 2 10 13 6 12 10 17 13 38 39 10 8 17 15 13 29 29 18 13 2 33 18 16 20 12 13 4 20 27 9 6 5 25 32 20 u 12 2 62 8 6 2 17 11 14 6' 14 14 13 5 11 15 13 19 10 9 12 15 8 17 9 23 10 6 27 12 9 9 1 G 19 23 29 6 6 12 12 11 5 5 13 2 6 29 14 10 G 10 2 3 15 15 2 6 7 6 16 21 14 10 4 10 5 8 2 11 11 20 5 i 9 14 3 7 8 35 14 3 5 8 7 14 10 6 19 3 2 6 12 6 12 3 5 8 33 32 13 3 12 7 10 3 G 9 2 2 33 10 11 5 10 5 2 15 20 3 5 2 6 10 18 10 11 2 15 8 6 2 17 11 14 5 14 14 13 5 7 n 15 13 19 10 9 12 15 8 17 G 25 10 4 26 12 9 U 1 6 19 22 6 6 12 12 11 5 5 13 G 29 8 10 6 10 2 3 15 15 ? 5 16 21 14 10 4 10 s 8 2 11 11 19 5 8 2 15 4 1 11 6 5 2 1 5 S 6 3 18 3 9 3 ....„ 2 8 1 15 4 1 10 6 5 G 2 4 3 16 2 ...... 1:;;::: t 1 Bibb 1 BulliH-k 7 3 ""2 2 1 1 Butler 1 ...... 1 3 8 14 3 7 8 13 G 14 3 5 8 7 14 16 4 19 3 2 6 12 G 12 3 5 8 .■13 31 13 3 12 7 10 2 G 9 2 2 33 'I 10 5 2 15 28 3 5 2 6 16 18 10 11 2 16 8 1 Cbanibers Cherukoe Chilton 1 G 11 3 4 2 4 7 2 1 3 33 2 13 5 5 ...... 2 5 13 3 G 2 Clarke 3 1 Clay Cleburue 3 2 6 14 3 Coffee 4 2 4 6 2 Colbert 1 1 CoDecoh - Coosa 1 Crensbaw Cnllman 1 1 2 Dale 5 31 5 9 2 30 4 9 2 31 2 12 3 1 1 Dallas 2 2 1 Uckalb Elmore 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 3 1 "l 1 rayitte I'rankliii Geneva Greene 13 9 3 5 10 7 12 5 5 7 3 5 5 8 5 20 23 9 11 '"s 5 21 2 8 2 6 1 G 1 3 19 16 2 1 1 ■■■37' 13 5 2 4 10 ...... 5 7 1 22 13 5 13 2 2 6 3 22 1 10 6 7 1 11 3 5 21 15 5 10 5 11 3 4 5 3 4 5 8 4 24 22 8 9 1 1 a 1 a 1 2 Halo Ilenry 1 Jefferson 1 Liraar Lauderdale 2 8 8 2 24 IS 7 14 2 2 6 4 24 2 11 G 8 1 14 3 5 25 16 5 12 1 2 32 ...... 1 1 2 2 2 1 I Lawrence Leo Limestone 1 a 1 1 a Lowndes 1 Macon Madison Marengo Marion Marsball Mobile 5 2 1 2 5 3 16 1 7 2 4 1 6 1 3 14 13 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 8 a 6 1 1 Monroe Montgomery Morgan Perry Pickens Pike 1 1 Kandolpb Kussell 3 .St.flnir Shelby Sutiiter 1 1 4 1 B S Talbidega Tallaimosn TnacaloDsa 2 1 Walker I "Wasbin^ton 2 27 "Wilcox 31 5 6 Winston ■■**■■ 1 11 a D003 not include 1 ladian. b Boos not iucludo 3 Indians. 252 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MDTDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKRITORIES: 1S90— Continued. ARIZONA. Fonnd in count;. BELONGI^-G TO CODKTT. ToUL Umle. Fe- male. ■WTiito. Colored. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Black. "'"? bluod. Mole. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. mule. The Territory 13 13 U Z 10 2 6 2 4 1 1 1 Apache 2 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 4 2 i i' 2 i' 1 4 2 i' i' 1 i' 1 i' 1 Co hise GrBham ...................... 1 1 Pima 1 Piu.ll 3 1 Xavapai 2 1 AKKAIV8A8. 1.670 1,671 925 746 678 538 649 520 20 11 9 7 217 208 210 179 37 29 Arkansas .................... 9 33 20 C2 17 15 19 16 25 33 38 15 24 24 34 14 26 5 5 15 9 24 18 28 16 12 9 15 24 10 18 41 13 21 «9 S4 12 l.'> 15 6 S 88 16 20 4 14 17 23 12 22 11 IS 13 46 8 6 21 19 27 88 9 33 20 62 17 15 19 18 25 34 39 15 24 24 34 14 28 5 5 16 9 24 18 28 16 13 9 IS 24 10 18 42 13 22 70 34 15 15 15 6 S 38 16 20 4 14 17 24 12 23 II IS 13 4S 8 6 21 IB 27 75 3 23 10 33 8 9 8 9 12 19 20 10 13 13 19 9 14 2 3 7 4 14 10 19 9 5 6 6 9 S 12 30 8 10 43 15 10 8 8 2 2 21 8 13 1 4 10 6 10 10 29 9 6 11 7 13 15 19 5 11 11 15 5 12 3 2 9 5 10 8 9 7 8 3 10 15 5 6 12 5 6 27 19 5 7 7 3 3 17 8 7 3 10 6 12 6 10 6 7 2 25 3 io' 12 16 85 2 14 10 33 8 6 4 8 1 12 20 10 9 6 IS 9 13 6 7 10 29 5 ^? ii 19 5 9 5 7 5 12 2 13 10 32 8 6 4 8 1 11 20 10 9 6 14 D 12 C 7 10 29 9 5 10 6 1 9 1 A^hlev 1 3 9 3 Baxter 1 BraiUey 3 4 1 11 7 1 1 3 4 1 1 Callioau....... Carr.ai 1 i 13 4 11 6 13 4 Clark 11 19 5 8 5 6 1 1 1 4 7 4 2 6 8 4 6 4 2 5 8 1 1 1 1 Crawfurd...... 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 9 3 ...... 1 1 2 • 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 6 7 19 9 4 6 6 8 4 10 26 8 10 13 14 5 8 2 2 19 6 13 1 8 4 4 6 10 6 6 8 2 6 S 10 7 8 12 2 6 s' 6 8 7 7 3 10 5 6 i 6 6 19 4 7 i' 2 16 6 7 3 6 4 6 6 7 6 8 I 3 8 io' 10 8 17 2 5 1 5 6 17 8 3 6 4 3 4 10 25 8 9 12 14 5 8 2 2 17 6 13 3 4 4 5 9 6 6 8 2 6 S 10 7 8 8 e Dallas .. . 3 6 5 2 1 1 2 9 3 3 4 4 1 Dr«-w 5 6 6 7 7 3 10 5 5 4 9 S 6 6 17 4 7 1 FatilkDer 1 2 1 2 1 FultOQ 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 4 10 6 9 ...... 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 l7..inl 1 1 « 30 1 6 ■■ji' 5 28 "ii' 1 2 1 1 1 s 1 1 5 1 l^tHi 6 2 7 2 1 1 2 5 2 ...... 1 7 2 1 I 2 1 1 2 16 6 6 3 6 4 6 7 5 3 1 3 3 1 1 ...... 1 2 2 1 1 1 Mlllrr 1 7 8 I 8 4 2 7 ...... 1 7 7 1 3 4 1 7 ...... 1 1 3 1 Jit*'witin 2 3 19 4 1 22 2 2 17 4 1 21 Prrrv 1 1 1 2 PhUhps 1 PIko Potnwlt ..................... 1 1 1 1 Polk 10 10 8 IS —j- 8 18 1 PofMl , .... 2 Prnirin 3 28 3 1 24 7 1(1 i""4' 1 Pokakl •■•■ •• 4 » 9 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 253 Tablb 173.— FEEBLE-MIXDEP BELOXfilXG TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOU, Ai.lt NATIVITV, AND NUMBEU FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEUKITORIES: 1890— Continuwl. A UK AN8AS— Contioaed. FOTlDd in comity. BBLONOINO TO CODNTV. Totol. AUle. male. White. Colored. OOPNTLE8 Total. Kative bom. Foreign bam. Total. Black. Parents native. 1 Onoor botli parents iOTtiigli, MlTo.1 bluuil. Male. Fe- male. Uale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male Male. Fc male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Mnlo. Fe- miilA RAndnlph 25 Zi 16 18 10 m 17 19 27 8 89 43 27 22 25 24 16 18 10 63 10 17 19 28 8 59 44 27 22 17 12 8 9 5 43 5 13 10 13 5 S3 25 14 14 8 12 8 9 6 20 5 4 9 15 3 20 19 13 8 16 4 8 8 5 35 4 13 10 12 S 33 24 7 12 7 6 8 9 6 18 8 4 9 6 3 25 19 5 6 16 3 8 8 5 33 3 13 10 12 5 33 24 7 17 9 5 3 21 18 5 6 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 1 4 Saline 1 Sniti , ...... 1 1 1 Searcv '.'.'.'.' J :::'.: Sebastian 1 1 1 1 8 1 2 S 1 si 2 :::::: : :::■ 1 If) 1 10 1 1 1 "■"«■ 2 ...... 1 1 Wiiitt, 1 7 2 " 5 1 I 3 Yell 2 1 CAL.IFORIV1A. The State -. 872 880 487 393 483 387 252 197 143 108 88 82 4 6 2 4 2 2 AJameda 54 4 7 8 13 9 5 22 17 5 16 3 36 7 4 5 1 2 1 11 27 20 16 11 6 7 8 16 19 134 46 16 10 22 117 10 5 3 5 32 40 9 9 11 1 14 6 7 7 8 o57 4 8 9 13 10 5 22 18 5 17 3 38 8 4 5 il 2 1 11 21 20 616 11 6 10 9 20 22 167 42 616 11 624 63 10 5 3 5 32 47 9 lu 11 1 16 6 ID 8 cS 35 4' 7 10 6 4 14 8 4 6 2 25 5 2 S 1 1 7 15 12 9 4 3 3 6 13 13 80 22 10 6 9 36 4 2 3 4 16 25 6 6 6 8 5 5 2 6 22 4 4 2 3 4 1 8 10 1 11 1 13 3 2 4' 6 8 7 7 3 7 3 7 9 87 20 6 5 15 27 { i 16 22 3 4 5 1 8 1 5 6 2 35 4' 7 10 6 4 14 8 4 6 25 5 1 5 1 2 1 7 15 12 9 4 2 3 6 13 13 80 22 10 6 8 36 4 2 3 4 16 25 6 6 6 8 4 5 2 6 21 4 2 2 3 4 1 8 10 1 11 1 13 3 2 11 2' 6 3 2 9 4 2 5 1 12 1 1 3 8 3 1 2 2 2 6 3 ID 1 10 i' 17 7 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 7 6 1 , 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 LaVe 2 3 1 4 1 ' 1 1 1 2 M "ntT'^y . . . , < 4 5 8 7 7 3 7 3 7 9 87 20 6 5 15 25 6 3 3 7 7 6 2" 1 5 11 9 32 17 5 1 3 24 2 1 1 3 1 7 1 3 3 1 4 8 24 11 5 3 10 9 4 2 1 1 5 ...... 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 I 1 i ! 1 Placer 1 ! "'::: 1 1 3 25 2 3 5 3 7 2 1 3 1 5 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 "'is.' 6 ...... 4 10 2 1 1 ....„ 1 23 3 2 1 1 1 1 41 3 1 Santa Itarbara ., 2 5 1 6 1 1 2 — 2 Siskiyou .-...,.... 1 16 22 3 4 5 1 8 1 5 6 2 2 5 17 5 4 5 1 8 16 2 2 3 ...... 6 1 2 2 1 1 6 5 5 Sutler Tehama Trinity 7 2' 2 3 8 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 . 1 Yiilo 3 1 Ynba 1 1 a Does not include 1 Chinese and 1 Indian. b Does not include 1 Indian. e Soea not include 1 Cliiucse. 254 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-lirNDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITT, AND NUMBEE FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. COLOBADO. Fonnd in oonnty. BELONOINO TO COUNTY. ToUl. Male. Fe- male. White. Colored. C0X7^*TISS. TotaL Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Miied blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. The Stat« 191 192 119 73 117 72 84 SO 16 18 17 4 2 1 2 1 29 3 6 3 3 4 2 1 2 8 3 1 7 7 4 7 1 1 5 13 4 2 3 3 3 2 4 5 2 22 4 6 2 1 3 8 2 35 3 7 6 2 3 4 2 1 3 8 4 2 7 1 5 ■ 5 14 4 3 3 4 3 2 4 5 3 11 4 6 2 1 3 9 2 19 3 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 4 2 2 5 2 4 1 I 9 1 3 3 1 1 1 I 3 7 4 4 2 1 3 7 2 16 3 3 1 1 1 3' 4 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 ."i 3 3' 2 1 2 2 4 2' 2 19 3 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 4 2 2 5 4 1 1 3 8 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 7 4 4 1 1 3 7 2 16 2 3 1 1 1 3' 4 2 2' 1 3 3 1 1 2 5 8 3 2 1 2 2 * 2' 11 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 6 10 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 PhftfffiA 1 1 npar rVftek 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 Flhrrt 1 3 i 1 5 El Taao 3 1 2 2' 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 8 3" 2 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 5 2 I ake 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 I'ark 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pueblo 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2' 1 3 6 ■\VeId 2 1 1 1 1 1""--" I COIVNECTIC'ITT. 1,226 1,208 695 513 688 501 609 353 88 81 91 67 7 12 6 10 1 2 Fairfield 228 197 277 117 153 132 SI 71 240 224 189 97 181 M44 56 77 139 130 109 52 113 80 33 39 101 94 80 45 68 64 23 88 138 130 108 52 108 80 33 39 98 92 80 43 66 01 23 88 99 85 90 41 72 67 26 29 64 68 59 37 43 43 19 30 16 23 C 8 19 9 2 5 17 19 U 3 13 11 2 S 23 22 12 3 17 4 5 6 17 15 10 3 10 7 2 3 1 ...... 5 3 2 2 3 1 "i 4 3 2 M idill.-Bi-i 1 1 3 1 1 Kcw ri.ivcn 1 Tolland Windham DKI.AWARE. The Bute Kont Nowcaiitio Suauz 216 220 61 101 68 109 111 102 85 19 UINTRICT OF COI.ViniBA. ThoDlatrInt 236 261 150 111 87 71 67 SI 11 8 9 12 63 40 63 S3 10 T 236 2«1 ISO 111 87 71 67 SI U 8 S 12 63 40 63 33 10 1 a lacludlnj; 33 inmaUs of the Connecticut School for Imbocilosj homo resldoncca not given. b Ilue.H uot fDcludi^ 1 Indian. THE fkeble-:minded. 25;- TAni,it 173.— FKKHLE-HriNDKD UKLONGING TO KACII COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OK SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMllKK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKIUTOUIES: 1890— Continued. FI^ORIDA. Fonnd in county. BELONOIKa TO COUKTT. Total. Male. Fe- male. ■White. Colored. OOUNTIM. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. i Total. Black. Parents native. One or both parents lorcign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 489 500 284 236 139 121 123 112 9 4 7 6 125 115 105 93 20 23 21 8 6 1 22 8 G 1 1 5 7 14 5 37 14 8 33 13 2 18 4 20 39 2 5 44 12 1 16 4 26 12 22 8 6 6 13 8 7 2 16 2 4 7 10 10 9 3 1 1 1 1 » 12 3 13 8 2 16 7 1 12 2 14 15 1 4 27 7 1 7 4 19 8 10 2 5 4 5 7 3 2 6 1 2 1 5 9 13 5 6 4 4 2 2 24 6 6 17 6 1 6 2 6 24 1 1 17 5 9 7' 4 12 C 1 3 8 1 4 io' 1 2 6 5 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 7 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 5 S 4 2 1 2 11 3 3 4 5 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 7 3 3 3 2 3 3 5 5 3 10 3 8 1 5 7 10 5 32 14 6 75 13 2 14 3 19 39 2 6 37 11 4 2 1 2 9 2 4 5 1 6 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 5 13 3 3 13 1 1 7 5 "io" 3 1 3 10 3 3 9 1 1 2 3 1 1 12 4 1 3 2 1 4 9 2 7 4 1 2 4 6 1 2 4 9 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 1 1 4 9 6 4 7 1 4 4 2 5" 2 3 5 1 2 6 1 3 i' 1 2 4 3 1 9 2 7 4 1 2 4 5 1 2 4 9 5 2 4 7 1 7 11 2 17 1 "'is' 1 6 10 2 22 1 2 14 1 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 23 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 Liberty 14 4 26 12 21 6 6 5 11 16 1 4 6 9 8 2 5 7 5 « 1 Uariun 5 10 3 6 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 9 1 5 al 2 al C 1 ol 2 2 3 2 1 4 1 3 4 2 3 2 3 1 1 4' 9 3 5 1 2 6 1 3 3 3 1 1 Polk 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 4 2 1 3 6 2 5 1 1 Tavlor 1 1 1 ...... 2 1 1 1 ■Wakulla 2 1 1 1 ll OEOBGIA. 2,189 2,191 1,191 1,000 726 605 715 595 8 8 3 2 465 395 406 346 69 49 6 1 123 16 34 IG 29 5 U 30 10 10 C 20 27 21 40 2 20 6 2 53 18 37 16 33 9 5 11 32 10 10 6 20 27 21 47 3 21 3 2 33 10 18 9 21 4 3 19 5 5 12 13 15 25 2 9 3 26' 8 19 7 12 7 1 8 13 4 5 1 8 U 6 22 1 12 3 2 9 7 13 I 1 4 1 I 2' 7 10 15 13 3 6" 5 13 6 10 4 4 3 3 1 8 12 6 8 3 2 9 7 12 8 8 1 4 1 5 2" 7 10 13 9 3 Baker 6 5 13 e 9 4 24 3 5 1 13 1 14 3 6 1 2 3 1 4 10 1 4 1 2 23 3 2 1 8 1 ...... 12 4 3 5 3 13 3 3 1 1 3 1 4 10 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 Bibb 1 5 1 Bulloch 3 3 3 1 1 2 12 1 5 3 5 3 Burke Buttfi 1 1 Campbell 8 12 6 S . ... 2 1 3 ...... 1 1 Clmtli.im 1 12 2 1 14 1 3 12 2 1 13 1 3 i Chattooga 8 9 8 9 1 a Foreign born. 256 INSANE, FEEBLE-MIXDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. -T^x^T^ nv, nTCPTXr TO EACH COUXTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SESL, COLOR, ASD NATiriT7, T^x. ^^^'-^^l^;^l^^'l^SSiS'^^^^^^^^^^ BtItES and TEKRITOIUES: X89<^ont,nue 19 2 15 26 3 8 6 12 1 22 17 9 11 33 12 13 9 38 11 9 20 14 14 23 21 13 10 3 27 11 20 4 14 25 27 19 2 16 28 3 8 6 13 1 22 17 9 10 18 7 8 5 18 4 5 7 9 6 11 10 12 2 4 1 11 9 12 3 8 15 16 11 2 6 16 2 6 5 9 1 10 9 8 1 17 5 6 4 20 5 8 11 11 1 6 6 2 16 2 8 1 6 10 11 8 io' 12 1 2 1 4 12' 8 3 2 4 6 8 7 3 3 4 7 2 5 4 6 1 1 7 9 9 5 4 6 2 8 6 1 6 4 1 3 5 1 G 6 1 2 4 2 4 6 8 5 3 3 4 7 2 5 4 6 1 1 7 9 9 8 12 1 1 12 1 f> 1 5 4 5 2 7 C 1 6 4 1 3 5 1 6 G 1 6 2 4 11 I V 1 a Quiiiuan 5 11 1 2 3 2 4 6 6 6 1 3 1 4 2 12 1 3 7 1 7 8 6 ...... 10 5 10 1 3 2 4 C 5 5 1 3 1 4 2 10 1 h 7 7 ^ 1 2 1 1 a t '.'.'.'.'.'. 1 ...... 1 1 Talbot 1 1 Tattnall 1 Terrell 1 1 Tortus I 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 i 1 Twif:"3 1 I 8 10 13 5 2 2 6 1 4 5 9 1 3 7 5 I ID G 1 5' 5 1 1 1 4 3 6 8 10 13 5 2 2 6 1 4 5 9 1 3 7 5 G 5 10 G 5 3 6 5 1 2 5 2 4 5 1 1 Walk«?r 1 2 Walton 1 5 5 1 1 1 4 4 ID 1 2 S 7 ...... 4 10 1 2 *i 1 , "Webster „ 1 • 1 "Wliitc "Wliitiicld \ "WilcoT: - "Wiikea 3 6 2 7 2 1 9 2 1 G 2 1 9 1 2 i 1 1 "WorLk 1 1 ..-. 1 IDAHO. Tho State 55 55 1 32 23 32 23 19 12 5 6 8 5 1 1 1 1 Ada 7 5 5 8 1 3 9 3 2 1 5 2 4 7 5 5 8 1 3 a9 3 2 1 5 2 4 6 3 2 4 1 5 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 2 2' 1 6 3 2 4 1 5 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 Latah 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ItiLIIVOIS. The State 5,224 5.249 2,952 2,297 2,909 2,205 1,912 1.458 577 421 420 386 43 32I 1 i 32 27 11 S 143 ' 8 ' 2S 2.S 1 23 61 ' 5 22 20 143 1 ■ IV 29 21 C2 6 77 g 17 13 16 39 3 12 17 C2 68 3 15 11 8 23 3 10 12 31 75 6 17 18 16 39 3 12 17 G2 68 2 15 11 8 23 3 10 12 31 34 5 n 10 13 23 1 9 12 48 37 2 12 4 G 14 3 S 8 24 23 1 5 3 3 7 2 3 2 10 20 18 11 2 2 2 . 2 1 Bond 1 3 2 C 1 5 2 4 Erown 9 1 1 1 , 2 2 3 1 1 Cass a 4 2 4 1 Champaign ::::::i :::::: J ....— 717G iN.g- -17 aI>ocs not include 1 Cliincso. 258 IJs^SANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MINDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITU DLSTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERKITOKIES: 1890— Continued. IL.L.INOIS— Continued. •z ■ ■■ ^^^^ Fonnd in county. BELONOISa TO COCKTT. Total. Male. Fe- male. ■White. Colored. OOUSTKS. Total. Kative bom. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents native. One or bothp.-u-ents foreign. Mixed bluud. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc- Malo. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 40 44 32 22 42 435 32 24 36 31 25 31 61 34 30 41 20 33 75 33 20 37 25 32 8 27 72 40 32 20 44 36 61 43 84 C2 12 90 33 89 18 44 69 486 44 47 124 31 58 52 48 26 21 22 18 34 15 40 04 21 51 23 25 S3 44 »1 18 40 36 80 74 22 70 38 46 46 33 31 SO 560 34 24 40 32 29 30 G6 35 33 SO 27 35 83 34 31 38 27 35 10 29 75 46 39 22 45 42 68 45 87 54 13 99 35 98 24 49 70 CI 47 49 130 40 61 U S4 28 24 27 25 37 19 42 SO 21 08 58 20 27 SO 45 :!5 18 37 92 80 22 (•5 41 27 31 21 21 34 278 20 14 23 22 13 24 46 16 17 35 11 16 43 21 25 25 16 18 4 18 41 24 21 15 25 20 41 26 43 29 11 58 18 53 18 S3 42 .■12 23 24 69 27 34 30 30 16 13 13 17 22 13 10 84 12 35 »4 12 10 20 20 25 8 24 25 45 36 12 44 24 19 15 12 10 10 282 14 10 17 10 16 12 20 )9 16 10 10 19 40 13 6 13 11 17 6 11 34 22 18 7 20 22 27 19 44 25 2 41 17 45 6 16 28 29 24 25 07 13 27 22 24 12 11 14 8 15 23 25 33 24 14 8 30 16 10 10 30 12 47 44 10 41 17 27 31 20 21 34 275 20 14 23 22 12 24 40 16 17 33 11 16 •J3 21 25 25 16 18 4 18 41 24 20 14 25 20 40 26 43 29 11 67 18 62 18 33 42 32 23 24 08 27 34 38 28 10 13 12 17 22 13 19 34 12 35 34 12 10 29 27 11 8 23 25 45 36 11 42 24 19 15 12 8 10 279 14 10 17 10 15 12 2U 18 16 15 16 16 39 12 5 13 11 17 C 11 3D 22 IS 7 20 22 20 19 43 25 2 41 17 45 10 28 29 24 25 GO 13 27 22 24 12 11 12 8 15 23 25 9 33 24 14 8 30 16 4 10 29 13 47 44 10 41 17 22 28 19 9 30 114 19 14 10 20 11 12 39 8 13 28 4 15 38 19 20 11 16 13 3 13 17 14 15 12 24 14 14 25 19 13 5 42 5 23 16 16 19 23 19 11 52 24 23 22 26 13 10 12 16 13 4 13 ■ 25 10 20 18 10 15 27 25 10 12 20 13 13 11 30 19 17 14 9 4 15 97 14 10 9 8 13 6 10 4 11 12 11 16 36 12 4 6 U 13 6 8 17 3? 7 16 17 9 19 25 15 28' 9 22 6 10 13 20 18 14 50 12 18 8 22 8 10 10 7 8 2 10 18 8 19 11 9 27 15 4 17 u 18 13 10 35 14 3 2 1 9 2 80 1 2 1 1 2 65 2 1 ...... 2 81 c^tr^^ 2 2 1 117 1 ...... 1 2 fV>lA« 3 3 3 3 Dekalb 4 2 1 5 6 4 1 5 3 1 1 2 4 7 6 3 2 2 TlMV^ff 2 4 "'io' 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 7 1 4 3 2 i 2 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 i ObI latin 1 2 1 7 5 5 1 4 14 G 5 1 1 2 20 1 12 10 6 10 9 19 2 12 13 6 3 8 8 2 5 12 1 2 3 ...... 3 8 2 6 1 3 7 2 3 2 ...... ....„ 4 11 16 1 3 3 9 3 1 10 4 7 3 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 8 1 ....„ 6 1 1 1 1 10 8 2 6 3 7 12 6 8 2 1 1 6 4 10 7 5 16 1 i 1 X^aAolle. 1 1 I^ec 4 11 3 3 7 9 1 7 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 4 2 10 4 2 8 1 5 10 3 1 S 8 1 6 4 1 1 2 4 6 3 4 7 1 1 1 1 ■w ^ 2 8 1 2 Ifulinou 1 2 1 2 IMarnliull 1 2 1 2 e 1 4 4 1 ...... 3 3 3 S 1 4 4 1 Oslo Pooriii Plait Flko "^ Popo . 2 2 14 2 6 Puiaaki 1 1 7 20 2 1 21 7 3tand-.l|)h 3 2 22 11 1 1 1 1 Ttlrlilniiil Rock Inland St. Clair 1 2 1 2 4 6 5 3 2 •■■•-• 1 " 6«buyl(ir ....^ THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 259 Tablk 17a.— FEEBLK-MINDED BELON'OINO to each COITNTY, WITH DISTINCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUilBKIi FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKUITOEIES: 18'JO— Coutiuuod. 1 1. 1.1 NOIS— Continacd. Foanil In county. BBLONOINa TO COUiCTY. Total. Male. Fe- male. Whlto. Colored. OOCNTIES. ToUl. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. BUck. Parents native. One or bolh parents loroign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Mole. Fe- mole. Male. F«- mals. 13 67 30 84 56 82 «:i 22 33 24 28 33 65 107 33 48 41 15 73 32 87 60 50 70 22 34 25 32 36 69 112 38 62 46 8 36 21 49 43 25 42 11 16 16 21 19 37 69 25 29 21 7 37 11 ■ 38 17 25 28 11 18 11 17 32 43 13 23 25 8 36 21 48 43 23 42 11 16 16 21 19 37 69 25 29 21 7 37 11 38 17 24 28 11 17 9 11 17 32 41 13 23 24 8 31 17 15 24 20 37 9 12 7 19 18 32 30 23 11 9 7 34 8 27 8 22 23 10 U 2 10 16 18 11 13 9 12 4 3 21 6 1 2 1 2 7 1 1 3 19 2 9 6 3 1 9 5 2 3 1 1 5 1 1 9 10 1 1 12 13 2 3 1 2 2 1 St irk" 2 2 4 ""2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 \V"mte 2 20 5 20 "Will 2 2 9 9 6 8 3 1 1 INDIAIVA. The State . Adams Allen Bartholomew. Eentou Blackford.... Boone . . Brown . Carroll . Cass Clark... Clay Clinton Crawford . I>avir-s3 . . . Dearborn. Decatur... Dekalb.... Delaware. Dubois Elkh.irt... Favette.. Floyd Fonntain. Franklin . Fulton ... Gibson — Grant Greene — Hamilton . Hancock . Harrison . . - . Heudricka... Henry Howard Huntington. Jackson.. Jasper ... Ja.v Jeffcr.'; 47 35 30 63 65 7« 50 6i 35 74 73 13 40 52 06 71 51 25 64 39 44 CO 33 72 SU 356 45 50 37 SB 42 56 53 58 18 53 16 46 61 06 4G 45 47 35 30 64 CC 78 CI 35 74 73 12 40 53 57 71 54 25 84 39 44 SO 33 72 80 355 45 51 37 37 24 29 33 38 8 29 8 20 30 39 27 30 35 25 15 27 43 47 33 37 18 40 44 6 25 30 33 48 33 15 46 19 29 38 22 44 45 190 19 30 24 18 18 27 20 20 10 21 8 20 25 27 19 15 12 10 15 37 23 31 17 27 17 34 29 15 23 21 23 21 10 38 20 15 22 11 28 35 159 20 21 13 35 24 27 33 36 8 29 8 25 30 39 27 30 35 25 15 27 41 47 32 37 18 40 43 6 25 29 31 48 32 15 36 19 27 38 22 44 45 189 19 30 24 18 18 25 20 20 10 21 8 19 24 27 19 15 12 10 15 37 23 31 16 27 17 34 27 6 15 23 24 23 21 10 31 20 14 22 11 28 35 158 20 20 13 33 21 20 32 30 8 25 23 35 37 18 27 20 21 9 26 37 30 27 28 17 36 33 3 22 26 29 31 28 13 13 15 21 33 20 35 44 172 18 25 20 13 17 21 19 19 8 23 7 17 21 21 11 15 C 7 7 34 22 23 11 17 17 33 19 5 13 22 22 15 17 9 12 39 11 18 10 23 31 114 25 18 13 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 ! 1 lliaiui 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 M<»r^in r. . ...... 1 1 5 2 5 3 2 1 3 12 3 6 1 3 S ...... 2 14 1 16 2 4 5 1 7 11 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 G ""3 2 6 2 -...„ 2 4 2 2 2sewton 1 1 Ohio 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Owen 1 Parke 2 4 1 10 1 4 ...... 5 2 3 2 2 1 Perrv Pike 3 1 2 1 1 3 6 Poscv Palaski Randolph 2 2 liililty Itush. 1 1 1 1 St. Joseph S<-nlt S^litlbv 1 4 1 2 1 2 6 3 1 12 ■■""2' 4 I 1 10 1 2 3 3 1 4 1 2 1 2 Starke Stenben ...... Sullivan.. 1 2 1 1 1 Tippecanoe 3 1 1 7 2 2 2 1 1 1 Vanilerhurg..., 10 1 1 10 4 8 4 2 A'f.niiiiiou Yiiru 2 1 ............ VTabash 1 2 ] 6 ■Warri.k 3 'Wai^hin^on. -. : :: Wavne (a) 4 1 7 1 4 1 3 WclU AVLile 2 2 3 1 1 Whitley IOWA. The State 3,341 3,319 1,885 1,434 1,879 1,429 1,100 878 456 327 263 224 • « K 1 „ . 1 1 8 , . , . Adair 27 23 32 23 8 5:1 25 20 19 6k 10 14 27 21 12 54 J3 7 18 14 11 «1 24 44 33 24 38 30 10 58 20 34 23 47 U 16 29 23 20 S7 IB e 22 18 11 s< 0:1 ! 25 1 50 IG B 21 14 8 20 13 21 18 23 3 7 15 17 14 3S 12 12 8 4?. M II 30 17 15 17 10 32 13 13 5 24 8 14 22 2 10 10 4 22 2.". ]« 20 16 9 21 13 8 20 13 21 18 23 3 7 IS 17 14 35 12 7 12 8 7 42 38 9 30 17 15 17 16 2 32 13 ]3 5 24 8 14 U 6 22 2 10 10 4 22 25 16 20 15 6 ;10 4 10 6 15 11 13 1 5 6 7 11 27 11 S 4 7 5 12 14 4 25 14 10 7 16 1 24 8 10 3 10 3 6 8 2 S IS 5 2 4 10 2 8 8 5 17 1 :) 5 1 1 1 3 2 i ...... 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 2 1 5 2 3 G 1 6 4 4 ; i .;....!! 1 ■ 5 3 3 1 6 2 2 2 2 « 3 2 3 5 ...... 4 8 .... I'.Urkhairk IV..110 IIr<-tniT - I 8 I 4 2 1 4 Bufna Vinta r.uil.T * '.Ald'uin < .ri.,11 * ,,h., C. .l.ir 3 I 2 i'-rr-t Oordo «:(i.'ol«x- 4 2 1 2 Clarke Clay 2 20 19 3 3 2 8 2 e 8 9 > ID 6 2 2 Clilil'ill .'.'. ImUw ■ '. ■\ a lacladlng 268 Inmates of the Indiana Sobool for Feeblo-mlndod Youth ; homo rcnidxn.via snt eivnn. ,' THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 2G1 TAni.i: irS.-PEEBLE-MINnEn I5EL0N0ING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX. COLOR AND NATIVITY AND NIJMIiEK EOUXD IN EACH COUXTY, BY STATES AND TERKITOEIES: 1890-Contiuuc.l. 1 W A— ConUuuod. Saris l>ecatnr IXJuwaro Dickinson... Dnbuquo. 1-^niniet ... J'nvetle .. Floyd . . . . Franklin . Frrmont. . Grtrno Grundy ... Gullirie . . Hamilton . Hancock . . Hnrtlin Harrison .. Henry Howard . . . Hnmboldt . Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson . Johnson . . Jones Xeokiilc . . Kossuth.. Leo Linn Louisa . Lucas . . Lyon... Madiaon ... Mahaska... Marion Ifarsliall ... Hills (a) iritchcU Monona Monroo Montgomery . Mnscatino . . . O'Brien ... Osceola — l*ago Palo Alto.. Plymouth . Pocahontas Polk Pottawattamie . Poive.a]iiek Ringgold Sac Scott.. Sli(ll)y Siiiux*.. Story. . Tama Tayhir Union VanBiircu Wajicllo Warrrn 'Washington. Wavnc \S^ebsti'r "Wiuiieb.ljro.. Winnt'shiok. "Woodbury .. ■Wotlh WrijUt Found in county. 16 30 27 38 19 16 C 45 55 39 37 S3 40 25 10 52 70 20 19 11 25 48 05 53 45fi 19 Total. 43 37 14 22 2G 21 32 16 17 28 30 43 20 20 7 51 57 48 80 27 23 12 30 49 07 59 62 D 13 20 25 07 8 9 38 14 17 13 89 60 35 23 21 05 18 18 29 41 37 35 49 4C 39 4.'i 30 41 27 DELO.NOIKO TO COONTV. Male. 14 3 27 30 23 22 28 21 18 10 33 50 12 19 5 n 26 39 32 31 5 9 19 13 40 3 8 24 11 9 Fe- male. 14 19 10 8 C 4 24 21 20 17 30 25 12 1 27 30 15 4 7 19 23 28 27 31 4 4 7 12 27 5 1 14 3 ■White. Total. Male. 17 22 17 41 3 58 1 23 21 8 13 13 12 10 11 12 14 20 27 12 14 3 27 36 28 28 21 18 10 33 5!1 13 18 5 11 20 39 32 31 Fe- male. C 4 24 21 20 17 30 25 12 1 20 30 15 4 7 19 23 28 27 31 4 4 Katiro bom. Parents native, Male. 16 31 10 14 3 20 28 28 27 1 8 16 3 19 1 5 15 2 3 3 38 22 20 Fe- male. One or both pareutA foreign. Male. 18 20 10 7 3 2 3 4 1 3 4 4 4 3 G 3 1 5 13 1 4 11 1 2 4 13 16 2 Fe- male. Foreign bom. Male. Fe- malo. 17 19 Colored. Total. Black. Male. Fe male. Male Fo. male. Mixrd blood. Male. Fe. male. o Including 14 inmates of the Iowa InstituUon for Feeble-minded CbUdron; homo residences not given. 2Q2 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MINDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTmCTION OP SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITT, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. KAIV8A8. Fonnd in county. nELO.VGI.NO TO COUNTT. ToUl. Male. Fe- male. White. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. Xativo bom. Foreign born. Total. Black. Tarenta native. One or both parents foreit;n. Mixed blood- Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. The State 2,033 2,039 1,177 862 ' 1,150 842 851 635 175 lis 124 92 27 20 24 14 3 6 ^Ucn 21 23 17 12 15 44 19 37 23 27 56 6 5 28 37 26 3 155 25 15 29 23 25 4 22 8 7 4 5 25 1 10 4 7 1 6 2 23 3 12 28 2 18 46 19 30 5 18 8 42 1 35 11 31 2 21 38 27 35 3 37 35 36 It I 20 23 12 11 21 25 19 12 16 45 23 40 24 29 53 6 5 26 43 29 3 59 28 17 31 25 27 4 7 6 6 29 2 11 4 7 1 6 2 23 3 13 31 2 6 18 46 21 30 18 8 45 1 a44 11 81 2 22 39 27 87 3 33 37 80 17 1 21 23 12 11 14 17 14 7 7 24 15 25 15 20 33 5 4 13 22 15 2 33 15 10 10 13 10 4 ID 4 5 3 4 20 2 5 1 1 1 i^' f 20 1 3 8 25 10 13 5 11 5 33 1 17 3 13 2 13 23 19 20 2 20 20 22 10 19 11 8 B 7 8 5 5 9 21 8 15 9 9 23 1 1 11 21 14 1 26 13 7 15 12 11 S 4 2 3 2 9 o" 3 1 5 2 8 3 6 11 1 3 10 21 11 17 7' 3 12 27' 8 18 10 8 17 1 13 17 14 7 1 2 12 4 a 14 10 14 7 7 22 15 25 15 20 32 5 4 15 22 15 2 32 15 10 16 13 15 4 IS 4 5 3 4 19 2 5 1 1 1 17' 7 20 I 3 8 23 10 13 5 11 5 30 1 17 3 12 2 12 23 Ul 21) 20 20 20 U io' 11 8 B 7 8 5 5 9 19 8 15 9 8 24 1 1 11 21 14 1 26 13 7 15 12 11 9 4 2 3 2 8 8' 3 1 5 2 8 3 11 1 3 10 19 11 17 7' 3 12 26 8 17 10 13 9 7 » 18 13 18 8 15 30 2 4 10 16 13 1 29 14 6 13 10 12 12 3 4 3 3 10 2 4 1 5 1 1 12' 5' 10 1 •i 23 8 4 10 23 1 8 2 9 6 5 4 5 19 7 11 8 8 24 i 8 10 10 1 23 12 6 12 9 5 7 i 3 6 3 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 7 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Satler ....„ 2 3 Chase 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clark Clav 4 6 3 2 2 1 '""i" 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 ...... 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 Elk . 1 2 1 1 1 Ellis ' Kllaworth 1 Ford 1 4 1 ■"'s' 1 2 1 1 1 1 narfifld 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 5 2 5 1 5 8 1 3 7 10 9 14 2 ...... 4 "'i' 3 3 1 1 2 1 6 Baskell 1 2 2 "4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 ■J 5 3 12 1 2 KJown 2 3 3 3 18 8 12 C 1 3 2 2 2 4 3 7 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 10 8 17 1 11 17 14 7 1 2 12 4 10 13 4 13 2 18 12 20 13 11 4 7 4 4 13 I 7 11 13 4 1 9 2 2 fi ""i" 1 1 8 11 4 7 4 8 Uamliull Mcoile Miami ...... 4 4 2 1 2 I 1 U itch ell 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 I _^ 8 ...... 1 ...... 3 "i' 2 2 VCM SorUm 1 a Baca not include 1 luUlau. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 263 Tahi.e its.— FEKBLE-MmDED nELONGINO TO EACH COUNTV, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATn'ITV^ AND NUMIiEIi l^OUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutinued. KANSAS-CoDtinned. Found in county. BELONOINQ TO COUMTT. Total. Male. Fo- malo. Whlto. Colored. COUMTIBS. Total. KatiTO born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parents native. One or both parents luruigD. Mixed blood. Male. Fo male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- Male. ^•- male. O^a 27 25 21 3 15 25 14 10 33 22 17 16 18 8 10 27 3 31 3 59 1 4 23 15 4 24 18 6 23 3 27 2 13 12 41 28 25 21 3 15 o27 15 10 35 22 17 17 19 9 10 28 3 33 3 O50 1 4 24 15 4 28 18 « 25 3 30 2 13 14 60 14 U 14 1 10 18 9 7 19 14 9 10 9 4 4 15 1 20 34 1 4 10 e 2 18 11 2 12 2 16 2 8 8 35 14 14 7 2 S 11 6 3 16 8 8 7 10 5 6 13 2 18 1 18 ii' 6 2 10 7 4 13 1 14 5" 6 15 14 11 14 1 10 16 9 7 19 14 » 10 8 4 4 15 1 20 2 31 1 4 10 9 2 18 11 2 12 2 16 2 8 8 27 14 14 7 2 5 11 6 3 15 8 7 7 10 5 5 12 2 18 1 15 11 9 13 1 7 7 9 5 14 11 6 6 8 1 3 9 1 18 2 21 10 13 4 1 3 8 2 12 5 5 4 9 3 3 5 2 10 1 12 2 2 5 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Pawni-e Phillin** 3 4 .... 1 Prfttt . ..... 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Kilev 1 1 1 6 RussfU .... 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 6 1 1 6 3 4 3 1 3 1 14' 6 10 7 4 12 14 5 6 13 3 5 9 2 16 8 1 5 1 13 2 7 3 14 ii" 5 2 8 5 3 9 8 2 1 1 St-iflbrd 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 Tr»"'o 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 "Wilson 4 6 8 1 1 5 8 5 4 1 8 2 7 2 1 . KEIVTITCKV. 3,634 3,635 1,955 1,680 1,684 1,492 1,547 1,375 95 69 42 48 271 188 229 155 42 33 Xdair 27 25 18 20 49 22 14 21 30 27 19 23 30 45 11 30 31 30 03 2 12 42 40 55 24 19 18 27 15 29 28 25 16 . 21 49 23 14 25 32 30 22 26 31 4C 12 31 31 30 GO 2 12 43 40 47 28 20 18 27 15 32 14 19 9 10 25 13 8 14 17 12 10 16 16 33 7 18 15 18 27 2 7 23 22 23 18 14 7 16 8 18 14 6 7 11 24 10 8 11 15 18 12 10 15 13 S 13 16 12 33 5 20 18 24 10 6 11 11 9 14 11 18 8 8 18 12 6 11 9 10 6 15 16 25 7 18 12 17 27 2 6 18 22 9 11 12 7 14 5 17 14 6 7 9 18 9 7 10 7 16 9 ID 15 10 5 10 14 11 33 5 19 17 11 8 5 10 10 8 14 11 16 8 8 18 12 8 10 9 8 5 11 18 24 7 18 12 17 13 2 5 18 22 9 11 12 7 13 5 16 14 5 7 9 18 9 7 10 G 16 8 15 10 5 10 14 11 14 3 3 1 2 7 1 ""2 1 1 1 8 2 3 3 2 1 2 7 ...... 5 2 1 Allen 1 1 BalHrd 1 5 1 1 ""g 1 3 i 1 Bath Bell 1 3 8 2 4 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 Bovd 1 1 1 1 1 Boyle 3 2 1 8 3 8 3 Bullitt 3 2 ...... 1 2 2 1 1 Calil well 3 1 Calliiwav 10 14 4 6 4 19 17 11 8 5 10 10 8 13 1 1 1 S 13 1 2 ■■"ii' a 1 ""2 ...... 10 4 1 1 1 3 1 14 7 2 1 I 1 I Clark Clay 1 2 1 1 1 1 Daviesa 1 1 1 a Does not include 1 Indian. 2G4 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabi.?: 173.— feeble-minded BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, ^^^TH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. KE WT CCKir— Continood. Found in connty. BELONGIKQ TO COCNTr. ToUl. Hale. Fe- male. ■WTiito. Colored. CODKTIKS. 1 Total. Xative laom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. ^^'^■I^l. Male. Fe- male. ' Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. 31 12 15 55 41 12 188 7 !• 11 28 54 42 18 11 31 52 10 34 43 29 M 17 39 32 21 e 20 20 65 9 21 19 27 38 19 4 14 23 48 23 26 8 34 a 49 12 43 23 S 47 37 18 32 10 15 42 20 44 38 18 44 15 38 12 89 10 80 10 47 15 28 22 24 40 33 32 12 15 50 47 12 36 10 10 12 31 50 43 20 13 32 66 11 35 44 32 35 21 42 32 230 22 26 71 9 21 30 38 19 4 16 24 49 25 29 8 35 11 53 32 46 25 5 49 39 18 33 19 15 44 20 45 40 18 4» 1» 42 12 41 11 40 10 48 15 28 22 24 40 36 10 7 9 29 23 4 21 7 4 4 16 34 23 10 6 19 32 6 14 28 23 21 12 17 15 99 U 13 32 5 11 9 19 24 10 3 10 10 32 15 14 19 5 25 5 24 10 3 25 24 7 18 12 7 29 )2 31 IS 9 25 12 24 6 16 6 15 4 27 8 15 14 14 28 24 22 5 6 21 24 8 15 3 G S ' 15 22 20 10 7 13 24 5 21 16 14 9 25 17 131 11 13 39 4 10 13 U 14 9 1 G 14 17 lU 15 2 16 6 28 7 22 9 2 24 15 11 15 7 8 15 8 14 22 D 24 7 18 G 25 5 26 21 7 J3 8 JO 12 12 9 7 9 2.! 21 4 18 6 3 4 15 29 23 9 6 19 28 6 13 22 18 17 12 13 15 81 8 13 32 5 U 9 19 23 10 3 10 10 24 14 U 5 13 5 20 6 18 10 3 20 21 7 15 11 7 21 12 27 13 8 25 11 23 10 15 3 27 8 IS 14 14 23 17 22 5 6 16 24 8 13 2 C 8 15 21 20 10 6 12 21 5 21 14 9 12 9 21 17 118 G 13 38 4 8 12 11 14 8 1 6 14 11 10 14 1 11 6 23 7 20 8 2 21 12 11 10 5 8 14 8 13 17 7 23 6 15 5 25 5 25 21 7 13 8 10 7 t 9 7 9 19 19 4 17 6 3 4 11 29 22 9 6 18 27 6 13 21 15 17 12 12 15 47 8 13 10 5 11 9 16 23 10 3 10 20 12 11 4 10 6 18 6 16 10 3 18 21 7 15 11 7 21 12 26 13 8 24 11 22 6 14 15 3 27 8 \] 14 23 16 22 5 6 10 21 8 13 2 6 8 15 21 20 10 G 12 20 5 21 14 12 8 23 17 70 13 IS 4 8 12 n 14' 8 1 14 10 9 13 1 9 5 22 7 18 8 38 12 11 10 5 8 14 8 13 10 7 22 "5 15 6 23 S 25 21 7 13 8 10 7 8 1 1 4 2 a 2 5 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 5 ...... 1 5 1 y, ' f.'" 1 1 "l 1 3 1 1 1 1 J ....„ 1 3 1 4 1 . .. 1 6 5 4 1 1 1 3 2 5 5 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 24 25 10 23 18 3 13 5 12 2 11 3 G 1 8 2 17 8 5 12 1 1 2 2 T rf} 3 1 1 Leo 1 1 I^slie T^etcber ... i 2 2 2 ...... 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 7 1 3 1 4 ...... & 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 V in 1 2Jk<'nK'ken 3 2 2 1 1 * 5 1 1 2 1 G 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 S 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 >ffAile ;";;'.i. . 3 1 5 2 3 1 i 1 "'..'., 1 M(«iciiir« 1 8 1 7 1 1 1 ...... 4 r, i I 2 1 1 3 1 4 5 1 ...... 1 1 S 1 1 1 3 1 1 Ohio 1 1 1 1 Owen 1 Ownlnv ::::::l:::;: 1 a 1 Pii7 PowaII 1 1 PulflMki Scott 5 7 S 3 D 4 "» 2 ""a 1 Sliolby i 1 1 THE FEEBLE-3IIXDED. 2G5 TAnr.K 173.— FKKRLK-MIXDED liKLONGIXG TO EACH 0011X1^-, WTTn DISTINCTION OP SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AXIJ NLTMUEK FOUNO IN' KACII COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEEIUTOUIES: 1830— Coutiuucd. KE KTCC'KT— CoDtisuad. Found in county. BELONOINO TO COUSTT. Total. Halo. malo. White. Colored. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parents natiro. One or both parent* Ibroign. Mix> niAINE. 1,582 1,591 907 684 902 682 803 603 58 40 41 39 5 2 2 ' 2 74 65 171 50 112 145 83 D5 96 168 40 37 85 100 123 133 75 65 173 56 115 144 80 95 97 169 40 38 86 100 123 135 39 37 100 36 59 60 46 49 55 100 26 22 54 57 C4 83 36 28 73 20 56 64 34 46 42 69 14 16 32 43 59 52 39 37 98 36 59 80 45 47 55 100 26 22 54 57 64 83 36 28 73 20 56 64 34 44 42 69 14 16 32 43 59 52 33 21 80 3i 55 75 42 46 54 83 25 21 50 57 48 79 27 15 65 19 55 59 33 43 42 58 14 12 28 42 40 61 1 11 12 5 8 5 5 5 « 2 3 2 1 4 5 3 1 1 2 ...... 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 9 3 1 Kennebec i 2 1 2 2 2 4 8 1 7 1 2 "is 1 4 1 1 7 1 2 3 3 3 12 York.... i MABVIiAIVO. The State 1,544 1,549 838 711 656 556 496 426 102 65 58 65 182 155 155 132 27 23 63 27 110 413 14 32 58 43 26 73 106 22 37 38 24 35 61 46 28 40 44 112 19 67 63 30 110 399 14 32 61 44 27 75 107 22 38 32 26 37 62 60 28 41 48 117 19 87 31 20 05 202 8 20 32 25 20 42 57 11 28 19 17 22 34 23 13 22 21 57 8 41 32 10 45 197 6 12 29 19 7 33 50 11 10 13 9 15 28 27 15 19 27 60 11 26 31 15 56 171 3 17 29 23 10 28 49 10 22 17 10 14 18 16 6 12 8 G4 5 82 32 6 38 166 4 8 28 18 3 23 41 11 10 13 3 10 15 15 9 11 17 54 6 18 10 14 31 91 3 17 23 18 10 26 47 G 19 12 10 14 15 16 6 12 7 62 5 32 18 5 24 89 4 8 25 15 3 23 37 9 8 7 2 10 15 15 9 11 17 49 5 18 13 10 8 1 10 27 4 ....„ 43 ^nne Amndel 5 9 31 5 3 3 2 10 14 8 1 6 2 7 8 16 7 7 10 13 3 3 5 7 31 2 4 1 1 4 10 9 4 8 26 5 2 2 4 7 22 2 4 1 1 6 1 15 53 7 34 Bal*imorocity g Calvert Caroline 1 1 3 3 1 ""i Carroll 4 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Cecil 1 7 13 8 2 9 8 2 Dorchester 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 ...... 1 1 Frederick 1 Garrett llarfurd ....„ 6 6 13 12 U 8 10 6 6 8 6 1 5 7 11 7 6 10 13 3 3 3 4 1 . i 4 10 13 8 9 6 8 1 2 1 6 Kent 2 Montjioniery 1 2 1 3 St. Mary 2 Talbot 1 2 ""2 1 8 M'iMjniico I THE FEEBLE-SriNDED. 267 Tatii.k 173.-FKKnLE-MINl)lCI) ]iELONGlNG TO KACII COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMUE14 I'OUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEIUUTOKIES: 1890— Coutinued. IflASHACHUSBTTS. Found in county. BELONQINO TO COmiTT. Total. Male. Fe- male. While. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. Kativo born. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Tho Stato 3,018 2,929 1,647 1,282 1,625 1,272 1,030 759 386 897 203 216 22 10 18 9 4 1 96 119 194 le 412 92 112 l:!2 6U0 7 120 193 281 592 9S 130 ■^06 20 444 101 133 112 468 7 138 208 413 453 56 77 120 10 233 54 78 57 272 6 82 134 221 245 40 53 86 10 211 47 55 55 19G 2 50 74 189 208 56 73 120 10 230 53 78 57 269 5 82 130 221 241 40 52 83 10 208 47 55 55 194 2 58 74 189 207 54 44 80 10 155 46 46 38 157 4 57 107 104 134 37 37 48 10 134 39 28 41 109 2 32 59 68 115 1 17 25 3 9 16 1 12 15 6 19 4 1 3 4 1 8 47 5 20 15 78 1 21 12 83 «1 33 6 15 8 69 28 2 12 4 34 41 2 12 6 26 3 1 3 3 1 03 Uitldk'Aox 3 2 a3 1 1 14 7 66 61 4 11 34 46 10 8 55 31 4 3 4 i a3 2 2 "l 1 1 2 Sutlolk . inicniGAiv. 3.229 3,218 1,858 1,360 1,834 1.354 1,001 782 441 297 392 275 24 6 12 2 12 4 1 1 101 7 8 10 3 67 37 9 101 37 97 71 18 14 67 6 52 3 5 46 12 105 2 3 24 42 G4 24 39 42 58 14 24 1 71 70 11 2 7 57 17 117 70 2 10 G2 14 1 1 52 4 4 5 3 36 24 4 59 20 50 45 14 12 4 5 27 1 5 29 6 59 1 1 14 26 36 13 28 25 23 G 18 1 37 39 8 CO 1 5 30 12 61 48 2 C 31 8 1 49 3 4 5 31 13 5 42 17 47 26 4 2 3 I 25 2 if 6 40 1 2 10 16 28 11 13 17 30 8 6 34 31 3 47 1 2 27 5 56 22 4' 31 C 1 1 51 4 4 5 3 36 24 4 66 20 60 42 14 12 4 5 27 1 5 29 6 59 1 1 13 26 36 13 20 25 27 18 1 3G 39 8 06 1 6 30 12 59 48 2 6 31 8 1 Alm-r 1 99 8 8 9 3 04 36 9 93 37 89 71 17 13 C 6 52 2 4 46 U 101 3 50 44 63 22 39 40 59 13 24 1 15 49 3 4 S 26 36 5 2 10 4 8 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 2 5 1 9 3 7 1 7 3 1 3 "a 4 1 10 3 5 4 1 1 2 2 5 10 7 1 3 2 2 7 2 2 3 Baraga 31 13 5 42 17 47 24 4 2 3 1 25 2 17' 6 46 1 2 10 16 28 11 13 17 30 8 6 29 9 3 40 16 40 39 5 2 1 3 20 2 22 2 32 1 24 3 3 26 13 39 18 2 i' 1 20 2 is' 4 30 1 1 1 6 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 ^ , 3 2 3 1 I 4 1 1 7 2 16 3 2 ""■i ...... 2 i| " 2 11 2 8 2 5 5 7 3 3 8 6 3 1 2 2 C 15 2 3 2 C 1 S 4 1 16 10 18 31 2 15 20 2 10 7 8 21 1 1 13 20 1 1 1 6 3 7 9 8 4 2 2 1 3 2 3 9 1 2 2 2 1 I TTilUdilA 1 1 1 70 130 11 114 2 IG 117 07 2 10 61 13 34 31 3 47 1 2 27 5 55 22 4" 31 6 26 25 5 28 30 26 2 22 5 10 2 22 1 3 4 "is" 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 Lako 1! 6 42 34 2 3 11 1 2 2 12 39 15 2 13 7 3 4 6 10 U 5 2 10 5 10 3 6 2 2 1 a2 1 2 13 3 2 10 3 1 8 2 1 10 3 1 6 1 llanistee 1 a One foroiga bum included. 6 Does not includo I Indian. 268 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MIXDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NXMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES ANT) TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. nilCniGAIV— Con tinned. Fonnd in county. ^ = :=; r BELOMQDiQ TO COUNTY. Total Ulle. Fe- male. "WTiitc. Colorcil. courtTiEs. 1 Total. Kativo born. Foreign bom. TotaL Black. ! Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 19 29 26 15 13 4 101 C8 2 51 44 121 23 1 3 26 1 78 5 132 96 63 47 49 SI 38 116 177 8 20 30 26 17 14 4 102 70 2 55 45 99 25 2 3 27 1 81 5 140 103 66 47 52 51 38 115 100 10 15 15 17 10 11 4 63 35 1 26 21 ?i 1 2 12 1 58 2 75 66 46 30 28 30 20 70 100 6 5 15 9 7 3 39 33 1 29 21 47 12 1 1 15 23 3 65 37 20 17 24 21 18 45 84 4 15 15 17 10 11 4 63 33 1 26 24 52 13 1 2 12 1 58 2 74 66 44 30 28 30 20 69 100 6 5 15 8 7 3 39' 35 1 29 21 47 12 I 15 23" 3 65 36 20 17 24 21 18 45 83 4 2 5 10 3 9 4 33 29 12' 18 34 7 1 s" 1 2 1 7 3 3 3 1 2 3 5 2 2 6 8 4 4 1 3 4 2 3 -- " 1 1 26 23 1 g 16 36 4 20 3 1 7 1 10 6 5 4 8 1 8 8 2 2 7 3 6 4 1 1 4 7 1 5 8 1 13 2 6 4 Ha If 1 an (1 1 . 1 2 4 5 1 21 8 3 3 Xrff -'* ' 9 23 8 1 17 12 4 3 8 6 2 8 25 14 2 24 30 4 16 4 2 26 13 "io' 1 28 16 37 4 16 15 18 32 31 4 22 11 16 4 15 12 16 26 29 3 22 20 3 10 8 9 2 23 32 2 1 1 1 al 2 6 4 1 14 U 37 23 1 6 1 1 1 5 1 \V«Tfnn1 \' [ MIIV:VKSOT-l. The State 1,458 1,451 836 615 833 615 225 149 297 229 311 237 3 .. j^noka 5 32 9 3 37 14 1 27 1 g 10 9 I 2 23 11 27 14 42 19 48 70 29 1 3 8 2 16 G 1 17 2 B 15 • 10 8 13 10 3 48 22 2 29 1 < 11 10 1 7 4 28 14 27 15 51 21 09 8 135 37 2 3 10 2 18 fl 6 1 28 2 7 10 < 13 4 9 5 2 22 14 1 20 S 7 2 6 2 20 9 13 8 31 10 31 3 83 U 1 3 7 1 11 6 4 1 18 2 4 S 8 S 4 4 5 1 26 8 1 9 1 3 4 8 1 1 2 8 5 14 7 20 11 28 6 52 10 1 3 1 7 1 2 io' » 7 3 7 4 9 5 2 22 14 1 20 3 7 2 C 2 20 9 13 8 31 10 31 3 81 18 1 3 7 1 11 4 1 18 2 4 a 6 4 4 5 1 26 8 1 9 1 3 4 8 1 1 2 8 5 14 7 20 11 28 5 63 19 1 3' 1 7 •J 3 2 i 10 4 2 i' 3 ""3 2 1 7 3 1 12 2 2 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 8 3 1 9 2 5 7 1 3 1 2 7 1; ■. 1 1 4 2 3 Ii 2 3 1 ::;:;:i';::::: CUv 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 5 8 8 7 1 3' 1 1 7 1 8 1 4 13 3 4 3 14 ...... 2 8 2 7 3 10 1 13 6 1 ""l 5 2 7 9 7 IS 3 18 8 5 4 6 7 10 4 21 8 1 1 1 34 4 18 B 29 5 1 1 1 2 1 » ; 1 2 2 1 4 1 7 4 1 1 5 1 Jtukmu 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 I 1 1 ...... 1 1 Kittiio'ii ;":::;ii::::::i;::::: 2 1 !l i . I^ko 10 4 4 9 2 2 8 4 2 1 3 7 3 7 1 8 >■ 1 1 1 i 3 3 3 2 S 8 itclj-ii\ 1'" Ifanball Martla , 4 3 3 I: 1 II 1 ••>••• a Foruiioi bora. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 289 Tahle 173.— FEEBI.K-MINDED BELONOIXG TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEU FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKRIT0RIE8: 1890— Contioiiod. mN!VE!<«OTA— Contioaod. Found in county. BELONOINO TO COCNTT. ToUd. Uale. Fe- male. ■WTuto. Colored. Total. Xativo bom. Foreign '' bom. 1 Total. 1 lilark. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blo,.d. Male. Fe- male. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe malt; — Mcokor 20 3 12 14 5 40 n 8 44 43 5 S'J 12 48 7 7 342 G 9 13 9 25 31 9 3 9 11 1 17 2 11 11 8 8 39 32 16 23 4 13 16 6 25 13 8 21 54 5 48 12 100 9 9 58 7 12 23 9 26 42 12 S 10 17 1 20 4 16 16 10 8 4G 35 18 11 3 8 11 4 14 10 3 14 33 3 20 4 61 5 4 37 6 5 12 8 20 17 5 6 11 1 9 3 9 13 4 5 27 21 8 12 1 5 5 2 11 3 5 7 21 2 22 8 49 4 5 21 1 11 1 6 25 5 4 6 ii 1 7 3 6 3 19 14 10 11 3 8 11 4 14 10 3 14 33 3 26 4 51 5 4 37 G 5 12 8 20 17 6 5 G 11 1 9 3 9 13 4 5 27 21 8 12 1 5 5 2 11 3 5 7 21 2 22 8 49 4 5 21 1 7 11 1 6 25 5 t 4 2 4 2 5 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 6 6 1 12 1 18 2 1 11 2 1 9 3 9 7 2 3 5 2 S 5 2 ...... ililU'lrtca ""2 2 2 7 I 2 4 2 3 2 ao 1 ....„ ■"■3" 9 ...... 13 4 3 ...... 5 2 7 4 2 1 18 1 13 3 16 3 2 14 1 3 2 1 9 4 2 1 1 6 1 4 2 3 7 2 4 8 4 4 i ""2 Mower 1 Murray -. Kirollot 4 4 2 2 2 3 I| '.„.„ Nobles Norman (i Olmsted 7 9 1 1 n' 1 12 3 1 1 4 2 6 2 1 5 9 3" 1 8 1 1 6 i 1 4 1 ""s Pipestone 1 1 Popo Ramsey 5 21 2 4 9 1 3 1 1 4 8 1 1 i lied wood 1 J ... — j Rico ' Rock "" I'.'.'.'.V. I 1 1 ::::::: i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ^ 3 .,-..-'—«« 1. .. 1 11 1 7 3 6 3 19 14 10 2 1 2 3 1 4 1 3 3 1 4 2 S 1 8 5 5 4 \ t i 4 3 1 1 11 4 4 3 1 3 2 2 G 3 I »■■■■■ 1 ... \ 1 1' ! i 5 13 9 3 2 1 r ' 1 [ li ' OOSSISS32PPI. The State 1,756 1,756 991 765 451 339 441 S30 7 5 3 4 S40 «3G ■IS7 r ssr- -.T eo , 27 49 14 27 43 19 12 32 21 13 S6 22 34 46 22 63 9 12 17 21 8 31 39 10 14 12 30 23 3 32 27 49 15 28 43 19 12 34 21 13 37 22 34 47 22 6i 9 12 17 21 8 28 42 10 14 12 30 23 3 17 17 27 11 18 24 10 6 25 14 7 14 13 12 27 14 42 7 9 G 14 4 15 25 4 9 10 13 2 15 10 22 4 10 19 9 6 » 6 23 9 22 20 8 22 2 3 11 7 4 13 17 6 7 3 14 10 1 1 11 11 5 9 8 3 8 10 2 6 ii' 9 9 3 7 9 3 4 3 1 6 7 4 2 1 9 10 2 2 2 7 2 6 4 1 8 2 5 10 7 5 1 3 3 G 4 3 G 7 2 3 2 1 1 11 11 5 9 S 3 7 10 2 6 14' 9 8 3 6 9 3 3 3 1 < 6 7 5 4 2 1 9 16 2 2 2 7 2 5 4 1 8 2 5 10 7 5 1 3 3 4 4 2 6 16 6 16 6 9 24 2 3 17 4 5 8 13 12 13 S 33 4 2 4 5 1 11 22 3 1 2 10 14 1 6 2 8 17 2 4 4 3 5 15 7 17 10 1 17 1 ...... 1 15 C 12 9 22 I 3 17 4 2 7 13 10 12 5 32 3 2 « l:. 2 1 s 1 ' 13 2 4 4 3 ....... 6 14 10 1 16 1 •t 3 1 ■■■7 1 1 2 1 3 1 i s Clnrko Clnv 1 3 1 } 1 1 6 "> 1 1 al 1 5 Hinds 1 ' 10 11 6 10 17 3 9 9 6 1 3 6 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 8 1 I 1 11 6 1 1 loust 1 i:":::i;:;:.. ] aPoroigabom, 270 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MINDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AKD NUMBEIi FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKRITOKIES: 1890— Coutiuued. MISSISSIPPI— Conlinaed. Found in county. BELOXQLNO TO COUNTY. Total. Male. Fe- male. ■WTiite. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents native. One or botli parents lureign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 12 21 C5 11 23 29 18 28 18 32 15 55 30 18 18 80 23 16 48 3 5 31 9 37 13 21 14 2 9 15 13 7 21 21 23 16 15 40 30 21 41 9 22 16 42 12 22 46 11 a 23 30 18 28 19 32 15 55 30 18 al8 30 23 10 48 3 5 31 9 1 37 13 23 14 3 9 17 13 -21 21 23 16 15 50 :!0 21 41 23 17 43 8 15 23 6 11 17 10 18 8 22 10 28 20 10 8 21 11 8 34 1 3 19 7 19 9 13 8 2 7 9 i 6 5 15 10 11 6 7 22 13 8 20 4 16 8 26 4 7 23 5 12 13 8 10 11 10 5 27 10 8' 10 9 12 8 14 2 2 12 2 18 4 10 6 1 2 S 7 2 6 11 12 10 ■8 28 17 13 21 5 7 9 17 4 12 12 4 G 8 3 12 1 2 8 14 12 9 8 15 2 3 'I 1 10 4 17 1 7 3 5 1 1 7 8 11 1 5 C 1 7 14 ii 2 9 1 3 12 4 8 5 1 6 1 8 4 9 4 4 8 6 1 3 8 2 1 3 2 15 2 4 1 5' 1 5' 9 12 1 8 5 3 11 13 1 7 6 3 4 11 12 4 6 8 3 12 1 2 7 13 12 9 8 15 2 3 13 1 1 10 4 17 1 7 3 5 7 1 1 7 8 11 1 5 5 1 7 14 ii 2 8 1 3 12 4 7 5 1 4 1 3 4 9 4 4 8 C 1 3 8 2 1 3 2 15 4 3 11 2 5 9 7 6 7 20 2 14 8 1 3 4 11 1 4 8 7 4 10 7 1 18 6 4 2 3 11 5 6 3 2 11 2 5 8 7 6 20 2 &13 8 1 5 8 4 18 3 2 9 1 4 7 6 4 10 6 1 1 1 2 3 Leake 1 Lee 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Marshall 1 17 4 3 1 2 11 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 6 9 5 21 1 1 "PAnrl "Rivor 2 9 3 2 8 C 5 2 2 2 5 4 8 2 1 9 ...... 4 8 2 ...... 3 6 1 2 2 8 2 2 7 4 5 2 2 2 5 4 8 2 1 7 ...... 3 6 2 Pike ... 1 1 a 1 2 1 2 4 1 a * 1 3 5 2 1 1 1 Smilh 5 1 1 Tallabatcliio 5 9 12 1 8 5 3 10 13 1 7 5 3 Tippah 1 5 2 16 12 1 4 5 6 17 9 "'23' 14 2 8 4 ■""■4" 14 5 n 11 10 1 5 3 5 6 IG 9 1 17 13 2 7 4 5 2 6 1 Wayne 1 1 1 1 4 12 1 1 2 niissovBi. The Stat© 3,883 3,831 2,162 1,719 2,034 1,601 1,606 1,272 220 199 142 130 128 118 107 96 21 23 Adair 25 45 19 30 45 15 40 25 46 44 24 :i4 :m 20 20 44 G 39 10 20 45 19 30 45 15 51 25 6 47 40 a25 34 33 20 27 44 G 30 17 17 36 11 23 25 29 18 4 29 20 11 20 21 13 IS 23 1 20 8 9 8 7 20 9 22 7 2 18 20 14 14 12 7 12 21 4 10 9 17 36 11 19 25 28 18 4 28 20 11 19 18 13 15 21 1 18 8 9 8 6 20 9 21 7 2 15 16 14 12 12 7 12 20 4 17 9 17 31 10 15 23 5 24 10 4 28 ID 10 18 10 13 11 17 1 18 7 9 8 3 18 8 20 7 2 15 14 13 10 11 7 G 19 3 10 9 . 4 1 1 1 1 2 ;::::::::::: 3 2 ""2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 Barry 1 1 1 1 1 S 4 3 8 1 ...... 1 2 1 1 1 1 liiiller Calilwdl 2 1 1 8 2 1 3 2 1 ....„ G 1 4 1 2 ...... Carroll 2 1 2 1 Carter Cau . .. "'i' 1 2 2 2 2 Oodar a Doca not include 1 Indian. b One foreign born included. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 271 Tadi-e ITS.— FEKHLK-MINDKD nKLONOIXG TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, ANI> NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STAPES AND TEKRITOIJIES: 1H90— Continued. miSSOVRI— Continued. Fonnd in county. BELOKOIKO TO COUNTT. Total. Italo. Fo- malo. White. Colored. COtJNTIKS. Total. Xatire liorn. Foreign born. Total Black. Purente native. One or bothparonts foreign. Hiiod blood. Malo. Fe- male. Malo. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Malo. Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. Male. Fc. male. Male. Fo- luale. 60 18 24 18 28 29 35 16 34 20 42 41 20 23 15 C5 20 21 45 25 41 38 8 43 41 24 15 104 69 41 45 24 19 33 28 44 23 51 50 38 61 18 13 33 39 32 23 32 47 30 25 15 55 42 G 19 24 17 14 41 41 CO 11 52 11 37 33 52 34 9 S8 13 33 23 60 18 24 18 28 29 33 16 34 20 42 41 20 23 15 65 20 21 45 25 41 38 8 43 41 24 17 106 71 41 45 24 19 35 28 45 23 51 49 38 61 18 15 33 39 32 23 32 47 36 23 15 63 43 6 ID 24 17 15 41 42 70 U 52 13 33 33 52 34 5 38 15 33 24 33 10 14 6 20 16 20 6 13 13 25 21 13 13 9 41 8 11 28 12 19 22 5 21 20 11 7 60 38 23 24 17 7 20 17 25 15 29 23 18 44 10 5 15 18 20 17 18 34 21 12 7 29 27 3 12 U 10 5 19 23 43 7 32 17 18 27 16 6 3 27 10 11 20 27 8 10 12 8 13 15 10 21 7 17 20 8 10 6 24 12 7 17 13 22 16 3 22 21 13 10 46 33 13 21 7 12 15 11 20 8 22 26 20 17 8 10 23 21 12 6 14 13 15 13 8 26 16 3 7 13 7 10 22 19 28 4 20 6 21 13 25 18 3 2 11 5 22 4 28 10 13 4 18 15 15 6 13 13 23 21 9 12 9 36 8 14 26 12 19 22 '5 21 16 10 7 52 37 26 23 17 6 18 17 22 13 29 23 18 44 10 5 14 18 20 12 17 23 14 12 4 29 27 3 12 11 9 5 19 23 33 7 32 6 17 16 22 15 > 3 23 10 11 19 25 8 10 10 8 10 12 10 21 7 16 20 8 10 6 24 12 7 16 13 22 16 3 22 13 13 9 36 32 12 20 7 11 14 11 18 7 19 25 20 17 8 10 19 21 12 5 13 7 13 13 5 26 16 3 7 13 6 8 20 17 22 3 20 6 21 11 23 15 3 2 11 5 21 i IS 10 11 4 12 12 13 5 13 13 22 18 9 12 9 10 13 23 12 19 22 5 18 15 10 6 39 34 17 22 11 5 14 14 18 10 26 23 17 37 9 4 11 17 19 11 12 28 12 ! 25 23 3 9 11 7 2 18 18 33 7 32 6 15 13 21 13 6 3 8 10 u 17 7 7 8 7 4 9 10 20 C 14 18 7 10 6 10 4 6 16 13 15 15 3 18 13 13 9 29 23 8 17 5 11 11 9 14 6 17 20 18 11 8 9 14 20 11 5 7 6 11 G 4 24 15 3 3 12 6 1 15 14 20 3 20 6 20 11 19 11 3 2 4 5 13 3 6 ...... 5 1 2 4 3 6 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 6 ""2 3 3 1 2 2 1 4 Plnv 2 5 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 ...... 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 14 4 1 3 9 ...... 12 2 5 8 5 5 1 2 1 1 X 1 3 1 4 ^. ., -' . Holt * 3 1 2 2 4 1 8 ...... 10 1 1 1 4 1 ....„ 1 2 1 4 1 1 8 2 7 1 4 1 8 G 2 3 2 1 5 1 2 ""2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 3 8 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 I '"'"i' 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 X-iun 3 2 3 1 1 4 1 ...... 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 ;Uj{l(>r 1 ...... 5 1 6 7 1 1 6 2 4 1 5 6 1 1 6 2 ^ 3 ...... 2 ...... 2 3 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 '. ■ 3 3 3 1 s 1 2 Nodawjiy ■ 1 ....„ 2 1 4 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 I 2 2 2 6 1 ....„ 1 2 2 2 5 1 1 7 '4 2 1 1 1 i Pctlia 1 1 1 '""*' Phelps Vikc 1 1 piatto Polk ■ 2 1 Ealls 1 1 I 3' 2 3 5 1 t 2 3 2 3 1 2 I ...... 1 3 ...... 1 2 Riplev St. (;ii.arlc3 13 3 3 4 4 4 St. rl.iir 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 I ...... 1 .... * St-l'Vancois 272 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MIXDED BELOXGIXG TO EACH COUNTY, VnTK DISTINOTION OF SEX, COI.Ol?, AXD XATIVITT, AXD XUMBEK FOUXD IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEURITOKIES: IS'JO-Contiuucd. XHSHOVRt—ContianeiL Fotmd in ooimty. St. Louis St. Louis city Salloe Schuyler Scotland Scott Shannon Shelby Stoddard Stone Sullivan Taney Texaa Vernon AVarren ■Washington. ■Wayne Webster ■Worth ■Wright , 269 Ul 63 24 27 10 11 27 13 7 29 11 32 61 18 24 2j 39 14 33 BKLOXQI.NQ TO COUNTY. Total. Male. 39 335 64 25 27 10 11 27 14 7 26 11 33 49 j 18 !( 24 25 3D 14 33 26 153 33 20 11 4 7 19 11 7 14 10 19 29 11 13 IC 22 10 15 To- umlo. 13 182 31 a IC 6 4 8 3 ■^'hito. Total. Male. 21 142 29 20 11 4 7 18 11 7 14 10 19 29 11 13 10 22 10 15 Fe- male. 11 171 27 5 16 Xative bom. 1 . |i One or I I Parents native. [ bothparcnt.s Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo- raalc. F'»reign burn. Male. Fe- male. Colored. Male Fe- male. Black. Male. Fe- male. Mixed bluod. Male. Fe- male. MOIVTAIVA. The State.. Beaverhead , Choteau Custer Dawson Deerlodge Gallatin Jefferson I^wis and Clarke Madison Meagher Missoula Silverbow Vellowstone 32 20 NEBK.tSKA. The State 957 959 558 401 555 399 304 206 120 315 131 78 D 1 1 , , 1 , 1 I 22 15 3 1 10 18 7 12 29 12 10 3 S S 2 18 lU 16 20 ■ 12 2 2 7 8 19 17 3 1 10 18 7 17 29 16 'I 5 6 2 20 10 17 20 4 f 9 ! 14 13 2 1 S 10 3 10 10 12 12 2 3 3 2 12 S 10 11 4 8 2 2" S 5 4 1 5' 8 4 7 13 4 C 2 2 a 8 7 9 4 1 6 4 14 13 2 1 5 10 3 10 14 12 12 2 3 3 2 12 5 10 11 4 8 2 2' 6 5 4 1 5' 8 4 7 12 4 6 2 2 3 8 S 7 9 4 1 2 ft 4 8 9 2 1 3 9 3 7 8 5 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 Antelope Hannt-r 1 1 1 Blaine 1 1 Boone 3 6 1 5 2 3 1 1 ...... 4 3 1 1 •1 2 2 1 8 2 1 1 2 1 i 1 , Boxbulte 1 Brown 1 ...... Buffalo Burt 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Butler Cass Cedar ■'I Chas* 2 n 2 1 •J 1 6 1 2 ( Cherry 1 Chcyouso Clay 2 1 8 7 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 4 1 3 2 2 6 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 Colfoi 1 CuMer DakoU Dawes ■..-.. 1 1 II II Dawson I 1 DeuFl i' 3 1 1 1 1 ( Dixon PoAgc 1 ! >■•>-•• o Uovn Dot inoludo 1 Indian. THE FEKP.LE-MINDED. 273 Tabm: 173.— FKEnLE-MINDED BELONGING TO EACH CUUNTV, WJTII IlISTIXCTIO.V OK SEX, COLOK, AKD NATI\ ITT, AND NUMHEIt FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEUJ{ITOKiES: 1890— Continued. NBBUASKA— CoDUnnod. Found ID oouDty. BEIX>NaiNa TO COUNTY. TotaL Male. Fe- male. White. Colored. OOUNTIBS. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. BUck. Parents native. 1 One or bolkparoDta foreign. MiTcd bluod. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- mala. 80 17 11 4 8 140 2 1 11 18 14 11 4 5 13 11 17 9 9 2 3 1 13 43 7 1 2 19 14 8 12 IG 8 1 1 4 17 7 9 16 5 20 2 26 1 10 3 4 3 48 18 12 t 36 2 1 11 20 15 13 5 5 14 13 17 11 10 3 3 1 a3 49 8 1 3 19 14 8 13 10 20 10 2 1 4 17 9 10 18 5 24 2 29 1 10 4 6 3 1 22 1 1 8 16 5 27 3 IS 25 10 8 4 6 20 1 1 5 10 6 8 4 3 11 5 10 6 4 2 2 8 30 5 1 ii' 5 4 10 1? G 1 2 12 6 4 H 2 18 2 10 5' 3 2 1 12' 1 5 9 3 19 2 9 23 8 4 4 18 1 6' 10 9 5 1 2 3 8 7 5 G 1 1 1 5 19 3 r 9 4 3 4 9 4 1 1 2 5 4 6 3 6 13' 1 5 1 4 2 1 10 i 3 7 2 8 1 6 25 10 8 4 5 20 1 1 5 10 6 8 4 3 11 6 10 5 4 2 2 8 30 5 1 ii' 5 4 10 6 11 6 1 2 12 5 4 11 2 18 2 16 5 3 2 1 12 1 5 9 3 19 22 8 4 4 16 ], 6 10 9 5 1 2 3 8 7 5 6 1 ] 5 19 3 3' 8 9 4 3 4 9 4 1 1 2 5 4 6 3 « 14 7 4 3 4 15 i' 8 6 2 5 3 1 6 2 8 i 2 1 10 3 2 7 2 2 8 2I 4 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 9 1 1 1 2 ' 7 4 1 i 5 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 5 2 1 1 ...... 2 1 1 5 1 1 i 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 3 3 5 2 Hall ..... 1 2 1 "2 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 ""•i 1 1 1 1 1 Keyapflba 1 1 ....„ 2 2 15 4 1 4' 2 3 7 5 8 4 1 i 2' 5 3 6 1 2 6 4 1 2 8 ' 1 i 1 rT n 2 4 5 3 2 3 S 3 1 1 I 1 1 4 2 ...... 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 I 2 XrrknlU 1 1 1 3 ...... ::;:::.:..:: 1 10 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 2 4 3 1 3 3 1 ...... 1 2 — jiock 9 ■ 4 1 8 1 o 13 1 5 1 4 2 1 10 i 3 7 2 8 1 6 6 4 2 1 1 5' 1 3 6 3 12 1 4 7 1 3 1 3 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ::;:::.:::::: IS 1 1 6 IS 5 22 3 9 7 1 2 1 ......i 1 2 2 1 6 1 3 1 ...... 1 3 1 I 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 i::.. ...:;::: York 4 2 1 i..„.. 1 " a Boea not iuclade 2 Xjadians. 7176 INS- -18 274 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-JIINDED BELONGmG TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERKITORIES: 1890— Contiuued. NEVADA. Found in county. DELONGISO TO COCKTT. Total. Male. Fo- malo. White. Colored. conrriEs. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Miied blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 20 22 12 J 10 12 10 10 6 1 4 1 1 5 5 1 1 2 1 6 5 1 1 1 3 4 1 3 2 1 i' i' 3' 3 1 3' 1 3 2 1 i i 3' 3 1 3" 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 >• ; J • 1 3' 1 ""'i 2 1 1 NEW HA.^IP8IIIRE. The State 772 779 437 342 435 340 376 305 29 19 30 1 16 j 2 2 1 2 n 51 65 77 38 93 133 102 106 51 56 55 66 80 38 97 135 91 108 53 56 30 33 44 20 55 80 51 60 31 33 25 33 38 18 42 55 40 48 22 23 30 33 44 20 54 80 50 60 31 33 25 33 36 18 41 55 39 48 22 23 29 32 38 18 60 60 46 54 22 29 24 33 30 14 38 46 35 45 19 21 Carroll i 2 2 3 10 2 4 4 1 5 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 1 10 2 2 5 3 2 1 Coos Grafton i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stratronl I""""' NEW JERSEY. Tbe State Atlantic £er;:en BnrliiiKton Camden Cape M:ij' Combcrl.ind F.«8ei Gloucester EuuHon Hunterdon Mercer MiddlcM.x Moninoulh Morriit Ocean Fauaic Salem Somerset Suaiifx Union Warren 1,560 43 48 13G 62 27 151 189 48 107 59 117 81 104 90 51 43 52 34 44 34 40 1,631 47 52 148 70 27 76 229 59 135 64 115 80 60 52 57 41 46 51 45 SGI 26 28 76 27 15 35 124 28 77 29 48 51 62 50 29 28 27 25 23 28 25 21 24 72 43 12 41 105 31 58 35 40 38 53 SO 31 24 30 16 23 23 20 833 25 26 74 24 14 32 118 27 77 29 47 51 59 SO 29 28 25 23 22 28 25 743 21 21 09 37 11 40 101 31 57 35 39 38 51 SO 31 24 27 15 23 22 20 518 127 93 08 3 1 G 8 3 8 1 2 3 22 16 3 19 27 2 27 I NEW MEXICO. 126 127 73 64 72 64 01 48 4 4 7 2 1 1 15 3 12 11 G 11 1 30 4 G 10 13 al6 3 13 11 G ail 1 30 DoM not include 1 Indian. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 275 Tablk 173.— FEKBLK-MTXDED lilOLONC.rNr, TO EACn COUNTY, WITH DISTIXCTIOX OF Sr.X, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AxND NUMliEli FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEliUITOUIES: ISDO— Coiitiuuod. NEW^ YORK. Found in county BSLONOINO TO COUNTT. Total. Male. Fe- male. White. Colored. COCNTIES. Total. Native born Foreign bom. Total. Black. Parent* native. One or bothpiirents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Kale. Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male Fe- male 7,297 7,337 3,929 3,408 3,901 3,373 2,500 2,139 851 686 550 548 28 35 22 24 a 11 Alban v 207 73 107 80 87 95 47 63 97 77 63 82 116 250 47 56 53 53 64 10 83 129 318 40 91 103 173 B3 906 64 172 656 89 126 42 143 132 18 65 115 47 28 221 103 31 83 30 169 110 214 47 49 82 103 70 67 353 78 72 31 231 80 92 85 93 116 78 72 108 102 71 96 121 308 57 67 62 56 08 10 91 118 416 53 94 109 208 77 1,065 95 216 246 103 125 45 163 141 22 76 163 56 32 233 121 39 88 40 .lO 129 119 53 52 83 120 79 78 92 105 75 40 120 40 48 47 56 53 44 46 49 49 36 53 59 159 28 39 34 35 36 7 53 91 220 29 62 56 102 34 538 52 103 152 51 62 28 89 74 15 45 91 30 23 114 63 24 51 13 30 81 69 34 31 49 76 43 41 51 62 40 19 111 46 44 38 39 63 34 26 59 53 35 43 62 149 29 23 28 21 32 3 38 57 196 29 32 53 100 43 527 43 113 94 52 63 17 74 67 7 31 72 26 1 9 119 ^1 37 27 26 48 50 19 21 39 4i 36 37 41 43 35 21 119 40 48 46 56 53 44 46 48 47 36 53 56 159 28 39 33 35 36 7 53 91 219 29 62 56 102 34 533 51 102 151 51 60 28 89 73 15 44 90 29 22 114 63 24 51 13 .SO 81 68 34 31 49 75 43 41 51 62 39 19 110 46 44 38 39 62 34 26 58 51 35 43 59 149 29 28 27 21 32 3 38 57 193 29 32 53 106 43 519 43 113 93 51 01 16 74 65 7 31 72 25 9 119 57 15 35 27 25 48 50 19 20 39 44 36 37 41 41 35 21 72 36 39 35 47 40 33 40 22 32 32 40 42 68 22 23 26 18 32 5 45 66 87 15 44 50 51 23 200 28 66 98 35 48 22 62 64 13 15 57 11 14 63 61 20 50 13 19 73 51 22 29 47 62 31 31 35 38 28 14 08 42 35 28 25 49 28 23 31 43 30 39 40 69 24 13 25 14 29 1 32 41 81 17 22 45 54 30 182 22 72 01 34 46 U 49 63 5 19 47 15 7 62 36 15 35 25 18 39 43 12 18 35 36 28 29 26 29 26 16 24 3 6 9 7 5 4 5 17 6 3 7 7 52 3 12 2 11 3 2 5 8 66 7 U 3 34 7 216 19 21 35 7 7 3 18 "'io' 22 9 5 33 8 2 23 2 3 6 10 9 3 2 17 2 2 3 9 41 4 9 1 3 1 1 5 11 50 7 7 5 30 6 196 14 28 12 10 4 9 2 2 4 11 4 1 38 11 23 1 3 2 2 8 2 1 9 9 1 6 7 39 3 4 5 6 1 3 17 66 7 4 3 17 4 117 4 15 18 9 5 3 9 5 2 13 11 9 3 19 4 2 1 ...... 4 3 4 1 1 1 4 6 3 15 ...... 19 3 6 4 4 4 3 1 10 6 3 1 10 39 1 6 1 4 2 1 1 5 62 5 3 3 22 7 141 7 13 20 7 11 2 16 1 1 1 I Allrgjinr Broume 1 1 Cajiiga. Chaiitnnqua 1 1 Cln'niiinjj Chenango Clinliin 1 2 1 2 1 1 Columbia 2 2 Cortland Dutchess 3 3 3 3 Erie Essex Frank liu Fulton 1 1 1 1 Gnnespo Greene Hamil ton Herkimer JertersoD Kind's 1 3 1 1 2 Lewis Livingston Mailison Mi>nriie Moni'jiinicrv New York 5 1 1 1 ....„ 8 3 7 2 1 1 Niagara Oneiila ...... 1 2 1 1 1 Ononilnjra 1 Ontario 1 1 Orange 2 1 1 Orleans Oswei^o Otse:;.! 1 2 1 1 ...... Putnam Queens 8 14 6 1 19 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rensselaer 1 Rockland St. Lawrence Saratoga 1 J Schonoctaily Schoharie 2 1 1 Schnvlor ""e 4 14 8 1 1 12 8 4 13 9 11 4 1 4 7 6 3 1 4 2 6 5 8 6 8 4 1 3 2 1 4 1 Seucea 1 1 Stenhen Suflolk 1 1 Snllivan Tio^'a 1 1 Tompkins Ulster 6 2 3 7 C 1 1 1 1 Warren Washington Wavne ...... 2 2 1 rites.... '276 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MINDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITT, AND NL'MBEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKKITORIES : 1890— Continued. NOKXII CAR01.IIVA. Found in county. BELONGING TO COUNTY. Total. Hale. Fe- male. White. Colored. OOUXTIES. Total. Native born. 1 Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents native. One or botli parents lureigu. Mixod bluod. M&le. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Mide. Fe- male. 3,596 8,597 62 16 10 54 49 37 23 22 20 71 38 27 36 7 32 44 41 69 11 2 19 36 39 25 37 20 7 45 34 60 51 89 30 62 18 33 44 22 60 95 27 29 ai 27 14 61 16 75 12 44 30 41 25 43 21 62 37 45 51 70 34 50 14 42 20 24 21 ID 22 40 1,909 1,688 1,282 1,158 1,274 1,151 7 7 1 627 530 507 443 120 87 62 16 16 53 49 37 23 22 20 70 88 27 36 31 44 41 69 11 2 19 36 39 24 37 19 7 45 34 50 61 89 36 62 18 33 . 42 22 60 04 27 20 24 27 13 51 16 74 12 44 30 41 2.'; 43 21 02 37 45 51 70 34 69 13 42 20 24 20 19 22 40 29 8 6 32 28 15 13 13 7 43 17 17 21 5 18 21 23 36 9 2 11 20 24 14 20 10 3 25 21 25 31 87 19 27 9 IS 25 9 29 45 15 19 17 19 10 33 8 85 5 22 20 17 13 21 14 82 10 22 80 41 17 32 28 12 12 18 33 8 10 22 21 22 10 9 13 28 21 10 15 2 14 23 18 33 2 1 8 10 15 11 17 10 4 20 13 25 20 52 17 35 9 18 19 13 31 50 12 10 7 8 4 19 8 40 7 22 10 24 12 22 7 30 18 21 29 17 27 8 14 8 12 12 13 13 22 14 7 6 15 27 7 5 6 7 40 15 13 18 4 9 12 18 20 9 1 9 18 16 2 13 8 3 23 12 13 22 16 14 IG 7 8 15 5 26 13 12 18 17 7 7 25 7 29 2 8 16 13 13 21 4 20 19 20 20 25 7 13 4 18 10 4 2 2 7 1 7 23 8 8 14 20 18 5 6 9 25 18 8 15 1 6 12 15 20 2 6 12 12 2 11 7 4 17 10 12 16 15 16 21 8 9 11 10 25 9 9 10 3 2 18 8 33 5 9 23 12 22 2 20 18 18 10 22 7 J2 7 11 7 e 7 u 14 7 6 15 27 7 5 6 7 40 15 13 18 4 8 12 18 20 9 1 9 17 16 2 13 8 3 23 12 13 22 16 14 10 7 8 15 5 26 13 12 17 17 7 7 25 7 29 2 8 15 13 12 21 4 19 19 20 20 25 7 13 4 18 10 4 2 2 7 7 22 8 8 14 20 17 4 t 25 18 8 15 1 6 12 15 20 2 15 1 n "'i' 8 1 4 5 3 4 3 3 2 ...... 8 11 3 13 11 1 '""is" 1 S 6 6 ■■■"2" 1 3 3 1 6 8 5 11 9 4 2 2 6 17 1 8 8 4 Z 1 1 1 4 4 3 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 1 9 9 5 16 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 11 2 11 1 3 1 ■■5 1 1 2 1 2 2 8 12 7 2 2 4 3 9 6 3 1 2 1 5 12 4 2 6 12 12 2 11 7 4 17 10 12 16 15 10 21 7 11 10 25 9 9 10 3 2 18 8 33 5 9 9 23 12 22 2 19 18 18 10 22 12 7 11 7 9 U 7 9 13 2 4 3 8 5 3 1 1 3 ■■3" 1 1 2 9 12 9 21 5 11 2 7 10 4 3 32 3 1 8 3 13 4 87 1 14 1 9 8 3 6 41 3 ...... 5 2 1 ...... 2 13 1 1 2 8 12 7 19 4 8 2 7 9 3 3 26 2 1 ...... I 6 3 13 8 4 3 2 13 2 37 1 11 1 8 7 3 6 32 8 1 1 1 I '' ! 2 : 1 : 3 2 8 1 ...... 1 1 1 6 1 • I 1 3 2 1 12 8 7 1 C 3 U 4 4 5 1 2 ..>>>• i 7 I 12 1 ...... 1 1 y , 1 1 1 1 10 12 5 10 8 11 a 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 16 10 19 2 10 2 8 7 4 2 U 5 5 7 10 15 1 3 1 3 6 4 > I 8 10 10 17 2 7 8 7 1 2 10 4 5 « 7 10 1 1 1 2 5 4 9 1 1 6 "'i' 1 8 1 S t 3 a '""3" 1 Vofiilor I Pfrrqil ini2U.1 rcrmiu riu |...... ....■a 1 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 277 Tablk IT3.— FEEnLE-MINDED BEr.OXQING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOK, AND NATIVITy, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, IIY STATES AND TEKUlTOltlES: ISaO— ContinuecL IVORTII CAROL.l.'VA— Continued. Fouud in county. BELONQINQ TO COUNTY. Total. Male. Fe- male. IVbitc. Colored. OOnNTIES. Total. Native bom. Foreign boro. Total. Black. Parents native. One or both iiarenta foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. MalcL Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Mole. Fe- male. Tolk 9 62 56 63 DO 1 57 30 84 37 39 37 9 19 6 11 27 IGO 40 33 17 53 78 47 27 11 9 62 67 65 50 57 30 85 37 39 37 a'J 19 G 12 27 161 40 33 17 44 78 47 27 11 S 21 28 40 26 35 21 44 21 28 20 7 11 3 7 18 95 15 17 14 22 35 23 7 6 G 41 29 25 24 22 9 41 16 11 17 8 3 5 9 66 25 10 3 22 43 24 20 5 2 21 14 23 19 21 21 27 21 24 19 7 10 2 5 5 49 3 8 11 17 35 11 6 6 6 38 18 15 18 15 9 20 16 11 16 2 8 1 5 28 9 6 2 13 41 11 19 5 2 20 14 23 19 21 21 27 21 21 10 7 10 2 5 5 49 2 8 11 17 35 11 6 6 38 18 14 18 13 9 20 16 11 18 2 8 1 2 5 27 9 6 2 13 41 11 19 5 1 ...... 11 10 6 7 1 "is' 9 5 12 1 2 10 8 6 7 ...... 8 2 2 1 14 17 7 14 1 1 2 17 15 14 12 3 8 4 1 1 4 1 1 ^■wftin 1 1 2 13 46 12 9 3 5 '"'i' 3 4 38 16 10 1 9 2 13 1 1 ...... 10 32 8 8 3 5 1 ""» 1 1 Tyrrell 2 3 2 28 11 8 1 5 2 11 1 1 3 14 4 1 2 1 10 1 S 2 4 12 1 * 2 '^'"^ 1 NORTH DAKOTA. 134 135 84 51 84 50 18 9 24 17 42 24 1 1 5 6 18 5 C 6 20 6 1 2 1 8 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 4 2 10 1 2 9 12 2 1 4 2 6 14 1 4 5 13 6 1 1 4 i' 3' i 3 2 5 2 6 8 1 3 2 3 10 2 2 1 4 5 13 6 1 1 -i i' 3' i 3 2 5 2' 8 1 3 2 3 10 2 1 6 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 6 5 1 2 Cass 2 6 2 .„ 1 1 Dickey 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 3 1 5 4 5 1 2 9 11 2 1 1 4 3 1 Grigcs 1 . .. 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ) 3 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ...... 1 1 3 1 1 ... .| 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 ::::::::::;:;;;::: 1 3 4 1 1 1 3' 4 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 I ( Stork 1 Steele . ... 4 11 14 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 Traill 1 4 ...... 3 3 1 I ■Walsh 1 "Ward 1 1 a Does not include 1 Indian. 278 INSANE, FEEBLE-3IINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1?3.— FEEBLE-MIXDED BELOXGIKG TO EACIT COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AXD NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1890— Coutinuea. OHIO. The Stato . Adams Alien Ashland ... Ashtabula . Athens Anglaize . Belinout.. Brown . . . Batler Carroll... Champnizn . Clark Clemiont Clinton Columbiana . Coshocton. Crawford . . Cayalioga. Darke Defiance. . . Delaware. Erie Fairflclil . rayetto . . Franklin . Fnllon .... Gallia Geauga Greene — Gaerusey . Hamilton.. Bancock . . Hardin.... Harriiton .. Henry Highland . Hocking .. HolmCH ... Huron Jackson . . . Jefferson . . Knox Lake I.awn;nce . Lickin,;... Logan Lorain Lucas UadlKon Habouiug.. VarioD. Medina. Meigs.. Mercer . Miami.. Monroe Mohlgomery . Morgan Morrow Muttkingum.. KoWp OtUnra Paulding Perry Ftckaway ... Pike Portage PrHdo , Putn.ini XUcLUod BELONCrNG TO COtrSTT. Found in coouty. 8,032 06 I 64 42 KIO 76 45 112 38 112 33 29 85 38 101 53 385 74 42 52 45 59 48 64 87 50 71 65 21 73 80 63 70 150 03 111 37 8,035 43 144 75 72 104 111 54 65 121 141 104 108 72 85 250 308 121 41 77 76 121 35 180 33 88 48 107 58 454 81 49 53 54 67 80 165 98 115 44 01 55 58 207 237 66 76 CO 05 123 131 54 67 43 45 52 58 82 87 07 77 35 37 84 89 81 84 68 89 1 72 81 1 Male. Fc male. "White. Colored. Total. 1 2s'':itive horn. Foreigii- honi. Total. Black. Parents native. 1 One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Uale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 4,400 3,575 4,352 3,515 3,255 2,589 728 504 369 332 108 60 75 39 33 21 54 43 31 16 50 43 22 77 33 29 24 34 42 44 29 52 GO 35 130 OU 20 28 21 40 17 84 15 43 25 33 35 208 34 23 23 27 27 28 31 47 27 39 20 8 32 30 37 41 79 45 69 24 21 35 16 64 25 79 34 28 01 28 28 30 44 29 18 48 29 34 42 54 47 27 94 30 19 105 28 49 24 30 54 03 35 89 48 50 171 03 21 40 55 72 17 90 18 38 23 : 06 23 235 47 26 29 27 39 22 89 43 42 34 41 10 51 59 29 39 84 48 50 19 40 .12 23 52 33 140 42 37 69 29 17 27 42 47 19 37 54 K 30 43 30 16 50 42 22 77 30 29 24 31 41 43 29 52 GO 35 134 50 20 27 20 44 15 81 15 41 25 30 35 204 34 23 23 27 25 28 31 47 20 38 29 8 32 30 36 40 70 41 58 23 21 34 16 62 24 70 33 28 60 28 27 29 44 20 17 48 20 34 42 52 34 21 79 26 16 94 22 35 17 34 38 50 29 74 42 32 64 52 13 37 20 01 15 05 15 35 21 60 21 104 30 21 26 19 37 18 26 26 37 31 34 9 47 56 25 23 35 40 35 9 29 44 15 44 24 99 38 35 67 27 9 25 33 45 15 25 49 43 31 39 24 13 43 35 13 09 24 21 16 28 34 34 28 42 47 19 48 66 17 25 9 38 14 53 12 37 24 26 34 83 25 21 21 IS 24 24 23 27 20 29 25 5 27 22 30 27 35 35 38 18 15 33 13 45 13 69 30 22 51 23 7 2< 33 20 16 35 20 2i 25 ■ "9 10 3 3 7 5 7 6 2 7 9 5 11 4 14 69 10 9 10 8 1 17 1 ...... 5 2 91 10 4 3 6 1 3 7 12 6 3 6 5 4 3 2 10 33 2 11 6 G 7 4 6 12 4 1 8 2 6 1 7 1 4 10 3 7 8 3 4 3 5 5 9 6 4 6 7 2 4 7 1 6 10 8 39 3 3 2 8 4 '"22" 2 3 1 1 1 65 7 ...... 6 ...... 6 15 4 7 3 1 4 3 4 9 25 4 10 4 3 I 6 6 14 8 4 8 10 3 6 8 2 4 1 2 47 1 I 27 94 5 1 2 2 1 32 19 2 1 1 1 1 110 4 1 7 1 "'9' 4 1 4 2 4 48 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 8 47 S 4 ■■"■3" 5 4 32 49 2 1 24 38 02 67 36 89 48 50 172 04 21 40 53 75 18 96 18 45 23 74 23 240 47 26 30 27 39 22 39 44 43 S5 41 16 65 59 30 39 86 53 56 20 40 54 2 8 4 1 3 1 1 1 8 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ....„ 2 1 1 3 ""3 1 6 1 1 2 2 3 2 ...... 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 3 1 8 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 .....:::::: 1 '""2 i 2 7 2 4 1 3 1 1 3 8 3 6 3 02 40 1 1 ...... 1 1 6 5 ...... 2 I 16 6 10 4 2 2 1 4 i 35 50 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 5 2 2 1 2 1 5 2 4 10 2 10 1 3 ...... 6 11 4 8 3 3 1 1 1 2 ■ 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 5 1 1 1 '"'l' 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 i 2 1 ...... 1 2 1 21 1 62 2 1 ...... 2 33 1 148 42 1 1 i 37 1 4 ...... 1 2 1 2 2 2 10 ....„ 1 3 2 4 6 70 1 2 1 2 29 17 ...... I 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 28 43 1 48 19 1 37 10 1 6 12 2 2 6 K> 1 '.'.'.'.'.'J 1 1 65 39 1 :::::: :::;;:i I I I I I a One foreign boru included. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 279 Table 173.— FEEBLE-MINDED liEI.ONGING TO EACH COITOTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTV, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. OniO— ContiDUCiI. Rosa Sandu.sky ... Scioto SoniM-a Shelby Stark , Sinnnnt Trumbull . . Tuscarawas Itdiou Van ^Vort . . Vinton "Warrrn ■VV'n.sbingtou "Wavno Williams... ■\Voral Wyanilut... Found in county 10( 91 109 KIO CG 70 ij 71 124 90 77 77 53 Total. 92 C4 81 96 70 141 108 115 145 71 78 46 76 aie2 98 87 97 60 Mole. Fo. male. BELOKGIKa TO OODNTV. Total. Malo. Fe- male. TVIiito. Native born. rureuts native. Male. Fe- male. One or bolliparents foreign. Male. Fe- male. Foreign bom. Male. Fe. male. Colored. TotaJ. Male. Fe- male. Dlack. Male. Fe- male. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. OK I. Alio. II A. The Territory. 33 34 20 13 19 13 ORE«OI¥. The State 282 283 143 140 143 140 111 103 17 19 15 18 5 5 16 4 2 11 16 2 5 2 10 5 5 20 24 1 67 4 20 6 4 7 16 5 11 13 4 6 6 17 6 2 al4 3 19 3 5 2 13 S 5 21 25 1 12 4 31 7 4 13 16 5 all 17 10 4 3 3 1 11 2 11 2 3 2 8 4 3 7 14 5 13 1 3 5 9 3 5 8 5 2 3 11 3 1 3 1 8 1 2 5' 1 2 14 11 1 7 2 18 6 1 8 7 2 6 5 4 6 3 1 11 2 11 2 3 2 8 4 3 7 14 5' 2 13 1 3 5 9 3 5 8 5 2 3 11 3 1 3 1 8 1 2 5' 1 14 11 1 7 2 18 6 1 8 7 2 6 9 5 3 2 4 2 1 7 2 9 2 2 1 8 2 3 6 13 3' 1 10 1 1 5 8 3 3 5 4 2 1 1 ...... 3 6 1 1 3 1 8 1 2 "4 1 2 11 11 1 5 2 8 4 1 8 4 2 5 3 5 CIiicU;iina3 2 4 1 2 Cool 2 2 Crnnk . 11,111. las 1 1 (lilliani * 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 ■ 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 6 2 Polk Sherman 2 I'matilU 1 2 1 ■ "Wallowa Waseo 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 Yamhill a Boos not inclade 1 Indian. 280 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED. DEAF. AND DUMB. AND BLIND. Table 17S.— PEEBLE-MINDED BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. rEIVIVSirii VANI A. Fonnd in county. BELONGING TO CODNTT Total. Ualo. Fe- male. ■White. Colored. Total. Xatiro bom. Forei^ born. Total. Black. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. JCale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. ilalo. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 8,879 8,753 4,786 3,967 4,708 3^895 3,661 2,992 695 509 452 394 78 72 64 00 14 12 113 518 124 GS 94 277 107 146 200 111 94 88 102 169 91 07 84 61 138 121 187 819 12 128 i53 20 134 23 121 47 74 51 43 130 32S 05 111 140 179 08 30 182 72 03 291 100 102 IVJ li 35 210 72 I2.-. 19 93 150 59 80 05 138 42 140 31 107 110 a533 133 74 101 310 115 148 207 115 102 3 93 106 192 08 77 88 69 150 126 162 129 13 139 150 20 140 25 125 50 75 56 43 142 344 63 111 15K 213 108 33 187 75 07 215 30 IRO 11.'. i; 36 230 74 129 21 97 154 07 93 44 140 47 150 37 2U4 57 286 72 42 54 103 66 79 107 54 62 1 60 49 87 48 41 48 39 98 70 93 74 10 70 78 10 02 15 65 28 41 31 24 82 174 3S 59 91 114 57 22 101 47 41 117 IS 101 80 49 533 7 18 133 47 70 12 53 88 37 50 27 92 29 84 24 113 59 247 01 32 47 147 49 09 100 t 01 40 2 35 57 105 50 30 40 30 52 SO 69 55 3 69 78 10 78 10 00 22 34 25 19 CO 170 32 52 67 99 51 11 80 28 26 98 21 85 65 41 412 10 18 97 27 59 9 44 VO 30 43 17 48 18 06 13 91 56 282 72 40 5J 161 65 79 104 54 62 1 60 49 78 48 41 48 30 98 70 92 03 10 70 77 10 01 14 65 26 41 30 23 82 173 35 59 91 114 67 22 101 45 41 111 14 101 80 48 513 7 18 133 47 70 12 r>3 88 37 50 27 91 29 84 24 IDS 59 237 01 32 47 147 49 63 98 61 39 2 35 57 97 50 36 40 ,-.0 52 64 08 40 3 69 77 10 75 10 57 21 33 25 19 OO 105 30 51 GO 99 51 11 86 28 26 90 21 83 05 40 400 10 18 97 27 69 9 44 00 30 43 17 47 18 «5 13 00 51 95 67 26 48 146 54 09 93 41 39 1 34 46 66 41 27 36 30 82 69 88 42 5 42 70 9 57 11 04 25 34 27 23 37 153 29 54 71 70 43 14 77 45 39 92 12 79 08 48 289 1*5 00 46 68 S5 77 30 41 IS 70 20 79 21 04 58 91 47 22 46 144 46 CO 90 41 21 2 27 49 83 41 28 34 26 40 53 63 33 2 45 67 6 72 8 56 20 28 no 19 27 143 25 50 58 59 38 6 58 27 25 77 19 08 65 39 225 n 10 64 20 49 7 32 52 30 34 11 39 10 60 12 75 4 90 2 10 4 4 10 4 10 10 1 67 10 6 1 1 2 4 5 14 10 1 91 3 4 1 ""'79' 4 4 1 4 "'io' 1 3 ■ 8 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...... 1 ■" i 1 Ueafonl 1 Berks 11 2 5 1 4 7 3 3 6 ...... 2 2 1 Biair Bradford 1 2 ^ 1 Batler 7 B 1 1 14 6 12 ...... 2 5 2 3 5 2 3 7 4 4 1 Chester - 7 T 9 8 7 8 2 5 9 10 11 1 3 14 5 IS 4 1 1 2 1 5 4 5 4 7 1 3 8 Clearficltl 1 Clinton 5 2 1 ...... 10 2 1 1 9 1 7 2 5 I 10 4 2 1 11 1 Elk Eric 14 6 2 3 2 1 10 3" ""3 1 1 1 1 1 Forest 1 1 3 ...... 1 1 "i" 1 ...... 1 2 1 1 ...... 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 ...... 1 1 3 2 2 24 13 3 1 10 22 10 3 7 12 1 15 5 140 2 3 45 1 10 4 11 8 1 8 10 8 4 3 8 13 13 3 o 20 10 3 19 1 8 1 8 4 1 99 3 2 2> 1 5 2 7 21 7 3 4 10 22 4 5 17 20 9 2 1 6 20 3 2 9 1 1 5 ? 1 ...... 5 2 1 1 1 ifcKcan ^lifHia 2 1 1 1 7 1 7 7 1 11 1 7 G 6 1 2 ""2 6 1 2 1 1 1 Terry PhUailelphia Piko 1 19 1 12 1 1 78 1 70 1 18 12 VolttT ScbuykiU 28 14 SnTder 2 2 7 3 S 3 7 Tioya .... 4 5 3 13 1 1 6 1 1 3 2 3 6 2 War^n 1 1 1 1 "Wnynii 1 1 Vork 7 4 ' 1 4 I 1 k^ \ a D008 uot include 1 IiidUu. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 281 Table 173.— rEEnLK-JflNrtED BELOXGINP, TO EACH COUNTY, WITK DISTINCTION OK SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AUJD M;M15Elt Jt'OUNU IN EACH COUNTY, ItY STATES ANU TKICKITOKIKS: IBUO-Coutinucd. KIIOUK IMI^AND. ronml in couuty. BELONOINO TO COUNTY. Total. Male. Fo- male. Whilo. Colored. O0U7ITIES. Total. Native born. Foreign boru. Total. Block. PiirentH nalivo. One or botliparcuta foreign. Mixed blood. MiUe. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Maie. Fe- male. The State 478 488 270 218 203 208 154 121 52 37 57 50 7 10 6 7 1 3 19 117 45 20 30 60 333 55 12 16 26 180 30 8 14 24 153 19 12 IS 26 174 36 7 12 23 WO 17 13 19 78 35 6 21 70 17 2 1 3 40 1 2 2 32 1 1 4 SO 1 1 2 1 4 2 ""q 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 iNowport 47 G 1 2 SOUTH CAROI^INA. The State Abbeville Aikun Anderson Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Cliarle.st<>n Chester Chesterliold Clarendon Colleton Darlington Eilpelleld Fairiield Florence Georgetown Greeiivillo Hampton Horry Kershaw Lanenstcr Laurens Lexington Miu'ion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Oraugebui-g Piekeus Eichland Spartanburg ... Sumter XInion "Williamaburg.- York 1,804 48 101 00 48 S4 59 44 30 47 40 60 82 .=)9 30 18 51 C3 37 28 27 47 27 37 33 40 41 57 33 121 1,805 74 61 102 64 49 84 64 48 31 50 40 01 83 61 40 18 54 05 38 30 30 48 29 38 33 44 44 00 33 54 93 70 45 31 46 971 834 446 400 436 3 o 20 14 11 18 17 12 9 9 3 13 13 15 12 8 10 10 4 5 9 8 19 15 5 7 11 15 20 6 38 30 8 9 8 14 5 7 11 15 20 50 B7 SOUTH DAKOT.l. 283 285 167 118 167 118 69 45 40 41 49 32 7 15 4 2 7 5 1 3 12 3 10 4 7 1 7 3 3 5 7 15 5 2 7 5 1 3 12 3 10 7 4 7 2 1 8 3 3 5 4 9 1 4 3 1 8 8 ;i 3 2 1 1 7 1 3 3 3 6 3 1 3 2 i" 4 1 8 4 1 5 1 i" 2 4 9 2 J 4 3 1 2 8 2 8 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 6 3 1 3 2 i' 4 I 8 4 1 5 1 2 6 2 2 1 2 2 IJeadlo 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Brnlo 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 Clark Clav 3 1 3 1 i , 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2' 4 1 1 i i" 2 1 Vrtii Itiver 1 1 2 2 1 Grant 1 \ 282 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAE AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.— FEEBLE-MINDED BELOXGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continacd. Fonnd in county. BELOSOINQ TO COC>TT. Total. Male. Fo- nt ale. ■ViTiite. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. PareDt8 native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fo- malo. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male, 5 6 3 17 1 5 13 4 9 9 9 3 1 5 17 1 4 5 1 4 11 5 6 3 17 1 5 13 4 10 9 9 3 2 5 18 12 11 2 9 4 5 2 13 1 3 6 2 6 4 3 2 1 5 11 3' 3 1 1 7 1 3 6 1 5 1 1 1 4 2 2' 7 2 4 5 6 1 1 7 1 1 2 3" 5 4 6 1 4 4 5 2 13 1 3 6 2 6 4 3 2 1 5 H 3' 3 1 1 7 1 3 C 1 5 1 1 1 4 2 2' 7 2 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 9 Hand 1 1 2 ""i" 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 Hyde 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 ""4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 ""2 1 1 5 1 McCook , Marshall 2 1 4 3 1 Miner 2 1 1 1 2 * 7 1 1 2 6 2 3 Moody 3 1 Potter --- 2 2 1 3 5 4 5 1 4 1 4 1 4 3 2 gpink 1 3 2 Sully Turner 7 10 2 16 1 2 • 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 "Walworth 1 3 Xankton ............... 2 2 TEIVIVESSEE. TheStato 3,590 3,590 1,967 1,623 1,561 1,285 1,507 1,259 39 18 15 8 406 338 337 292 69 33 41 14 21 47 36 29 20 47 45 10 11 40 9 48 17 20 14 167 11 20 28 20 00 10 34 64 68 B2 58 7 35 03 31 31 38 68 43 ;i7 32 33 41 14 21 47 36 29 26 47 45 20 11 040 50 17 20 14 183 11 26 29 26 66 10 34 55 08 52 58 7 35 63 31 25 38 58 43 37 32 22 27 7 14 25 18 16 14 30 27 12 6 27 5 30 11 98 5 16 20 16 40 3 23 28 36 26 27 6 18 35 16 12 21 25 21 16 16 11 14 7 7 22 18 13 12 17 18 8 5 13 4 20 11 5 65 6 10 10 26 7 11 27 32 26 31 1 17 28 15 13 17 33 22 21 16 21 22 7 14 25 17 16 13 23 27 11 3 27 5 28 6 6 9 04 3 15 10 14 7 3 18 17 21 25 27 5 10 30 15 5 20 24 a 15 8 11 10 7 6 21 17 13 12 15 18 8 5 13 4 18 g 6 5 37 5 9 8 9 5 7 8 21 15 25 29 1 16 22 14 10 15 31 7 10 15 20 22 7 14 25 17 10 13 23 27 11 3 27 5 28 6 5 9 67 3 15 13 14 7 3 ,7 10 21 25 27 6 10 27 15 5 20 28 B 15 8 11 10 6 20 17 13 12 14 18 8 5 13 4 18 9 5 4 33 5 9 8 5 7 8 21 11 25 29 1 15 10 14 10 15 31 7 10 15 1 1 5 ■■■■4" 1 4 Bedford 4 1 Sen ton 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Blount 1 Bradley .................... 1 1 7 ....„ 1 7 Carroll '.'.'.'.'.'. 1 2 1 3 1 1 Cbentcr 2 Clav Cocke 2 2 2 3 2 ''4' 2 2 3 -I'-c— Crockett .............. .... 1 ....„ 1 1 1 6 1 2 3 34 2 1 4 2 33 26 1 1 1 1 21 24 1 1 4 2 82 24 1 10 1 « Bokalb 1 l>iclcson 2 1 1 1 20 Fayelto 1 1 Franklin 1 5 11 1 3 17 1 2 ...... e 1 3 2 2 15 2 1 5 3 14 3 4 12 1 Gib«on 1 8 1 1 Gllc* 1 » Oninttv 1 2 6 1 7 1 1 15 8 1 1 5 '"'i' 1 1 1 5 1 "i' 2 2 2 . 5 1 1 14 1 8 1 2 1 13 2 1 i Hanlin IfAwktnii 1 1 "i' 1 % Henry .••••• aDooii not include 1 Indian. THE FKEIU.K-Ml N 1 )ED. 283 Tablk 173.— FKr.r.r-E-Mi\ni:n nKLONoixf; to kacii cofntv, with distinttion of sr.x, color, and nativity, ANU NUMUKU I'DUNU IN EACH COINTV, 15Y STATES ANU TICKKlTolUES: IhOO— Coutiinioa. TKMNE.SMEE-Contlnncd. Found in county. BBLOMOINa TO COUNTT. Total. Male. Fo. malo. White. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. Native born. Foreign lom. Tout BUick Parents native. 1 One or | both parents foreign. MiXMl blood. • Male. Fo- nialo. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 1 Male. Fo. mal» 23 8 25 45 10 56 25 100 14 22 23 7 08 23 42 39 32 51 32 45 94 23 44 44 1 18 29 70 18 , 6 12 35 42 43 37 77 17 1 37 109 40 24 45 54 81 4 5 ■ 39 6 24 55 20 53 25 103 58 23 8 25 45 17 57 25 02 14 22 23 7 eg 26 42 39 32 51 32 45 05 23 44 44 1 18 29 70 18 6 12 35 42 43 38 79 18 1 37 113 40 24 46 64 81 4 5 39 G 24 55 26 54 25 103 58 8 4 11 20 C 37 18 44 10 17 13 3 30 9 23 22 18 32 24 30 53 11 24 20 12 12 38 10 4 20 20 21 17 44 13 23' 61 24 15 27 31 44 3 2 20 2 14 17 14 33 17 53 37 15 ': 4 14 25 11 20 7 48 4 5 10 4 17 10 17 14 19 8 15 42 12 20 24 1 6 17 32 8 2 G 15 22 22 21 35 5 1 14 C2 16 9 19 23 37 1 3 19 4 10 28 12 21 8 50 21 8 3 11 20 C 34 18 40 10 10 3 27 G 22 19 17 17 22 20 34 !l 21 IS 14 25 11 19 6 43 4 4 10 3 25 16 13 10 14 7 7 14 24 11 19 14 8 3 11 20 6 32 18 36 10 5 9 3 27 G 20 18 17 10 20 34 9 21 12 11 4 14 25 11 19 G 43 4 4 9 3 23 15 13 10 14 7 7 13 24 11 19 12 — - 4 4 1 1 Jumcs 2 3 1 1 5 3 ...... 1 1 5 3 1 4 1 j,akf 1 11 3 1 "'i' 7 1 6 1 ""12 1 1 18 1 1 10 1 8 2 ""0 2 1 2 1 13 2 6 16 1 3 5 1 ...... 6 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 9 3 1 3 1 15 2 10 19 2 3 5 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 al7 1 1 10 1 2 3 ilurshall 1 4 3 1 • 1 1 2 2 12 lU 38 G 4 C 19 18 IS 14 23 13 22' 22 18 13 27 28 18 1 2 20 2 13 15 13 30 16 35 33 15 31 7 2 G 15 19 21 17 22 5 1 11 19 J2 7 17 18 15 1 3 19 3 10 38 11 21 '7 29 17 9 10 38 G 4 G 19 10 17 14 23 13 22' 16 17 13 24 28 18 1 2 20 2 13 15 13 30 15 32 33 6 15 ^^ 2 G 15 19 21 17 22 5 1 10 14 12 6 17 18 15 1 3 19 3 10 38 11 21 7 29 17 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 Perry 4 3 1 i Polk 1 2 3 3 21 ....„ 1 4 13 1 2 2 2 19 2 1 3 1 2 10 1 1 2 3 3 Scott ...... 1 1 3 i 29 6 2 3 43 4 2 2 S 22 1 4 3 1 3 SboUiv 2 2 23 3 1 ...... 26 2 37 4 2 2 5 21 e 1 Sullivan 3 3 26 2 1 Tipton 1 Tro«B(lalo Van liiirt-n 1 ...... ...... 21 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 18 4 1 1 1 3 '"ie" 3 "Waaliinglon : 1 1 t : 1 2- 2 5 1 s' 8 3 8 1 1 18 13 2 9 5 1 4 7 4 11 7 1 10 1 10 1 3 1 31 10 2 10 18 9 28 9 20 3 8 2 2 1 18 9 12 17 20 22 2 3 11 2 11 4 1 10 30 4 10 10 2 1 5 f lu ) : I 11 ) 1'. 5 1 1 . 5 10 I 3 7 2 2 9 18 2 13 5 2 3 1 1 6 2 8 5' 3 7 2 8 17 7 4 10 14 4 29 8 10 6 2 1 3 1 8 10 8 12 10 13 1 2 2 1 fl 1 34 1 1 5 8 2 fl 11 1 C : 21 1 5 5 . S 2 4 1 . i ..... 4 Angelina Aransas 7' ' 1 3 7 1 1 15 2 1 5 5 1 4 7 3 11 7 1 4 . 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 2 11 5 ■■'c' 1 "'i' 1 1 ..... . 1 ""2 ' ..... "i' ' "i' ..... . ..... AuSU .....II 1 1 14 25 14 24 1 ' i 2 . 6 5 1 . S 1 . 3 4 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 4 7 7 ..... '"i" 4 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 4 7 7 3^ _ 1 2 1 1 ^^ V. '. 2 3 1 1 5 2 => 1 .p 1 S M-n 1 11 4 11 ""■i 4 ..... '"'i' Callahan 7 4 "'i' 3 4 3 9 ■■""4' ... ^ 11 1 ...... 11 ""'2 3 7 "'i' 6 1 '"'3' 1 Camerou Camp 1 10 1 2 29 1 io' 15 9 25 9 18 5' 1 2 1 17 8 12 15 20 6 2 3 11 2 3 i 10 2.1 4 7 8 9 2 1 \ I 1( 1' s' 2 7 2 8 16 1 io 12 4 20 8 10 1 2 3 1 7 6 8 11 10 6 1 1 i 1 e 31 1 1 3 8 2 i 11 1 '""i' 10 2 ... . 1 2 7 1 "'i' ...... 1 2 ...... ■■■■4' 7 CoUin 2 1 ""2 5 2 ...... 1 1 "i "'"3 7 "'i' 1 Cooke 2 7 1 CorytH 2 1 1 2 1 "Delta 1 '"z 1 3 8 ""3 3 7 6 4 1 2 3 1 2 5 3 3 IKwitt Dimmit 1 i "'i' 1 "i 1 ■""■3" ...... ....„ ...... V^IwatiIh . .- 3 1 12 4 7 4 1 1 2 8 7 7 ...... 7 ""2 1 4 fl 3 1 7 1 1 £|i|l(ll 2 1 9 7 8 1 8 Ya\\B . G 1 10 7 1 ""i 1 i 1 Fort Ilend 2 8 Froeetono Frio ■■■'•i 1 2 3 ■"0 3 ..... 2 2 1 10 1 7 5 8 3 fl 7 1 7 5 6 15 1 fl 1 fl 6 1 2 e 29 3 2 2 1 2 i CiraywD 70 Or»KS 28 ..... 1 2 " "i 7 1 1 27 18 . ..... 1 1 5 i ■■■3 18 1 1 4 . ..... 1 9 ..... i llardrrlnao Hardin < 17 . ...... i 10 1 c 1 it 4 2 G 1 "i 2 1 . ""i 4 . 20 3 3 . '""i 1 2 2 i 44 Ilfty») •..•->>•• 11 1 2 IltncliTMill Illilalgo Jljll 24 1 4! 2 S 1 1!".. . ■■•>>■ Hood 2 i 8 " 1 ' • .... THE FEEBLlvMINDED. 285 Tahle 173.— FEEBLE-MINDEn BICLONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTIOX OF SEX, COLOli, AND NATIVITT, AND NUJIllEU FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, UY STATES AND TEKKITORIES: 1890— Continued. TEXAM— Continnod. ■ Found in county. BBLONOINO TO CODNTY. Total. Male. malu. ■White. Colored. Total. Ifativo born. Forclen bom. Total. Black. Parents native. One or i>oth parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fo- male. Hale. Fe- male. Halo. Fe- malo. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Malo. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. ye 14 1 31 1 8 14 6 2 C 45 4 29 4 4 1 4 1 50 9 22 29 21 7 49 5 38 8 8 4 15 \ 1 20 3J 20 3 11 30 31 2 7 2 iH 16 41 11 1 1 31 1 25 5 5 18 8 6 12 1 19 2 8 42 4 8 7 35 9 7 2 40 89 14 1 31 1 8 14 6 2 6 46 2 4 26 4 4 1 4 1 60 9 22 29 21 7 50 5 2 38 8 8 4 15 3 9 1 26 14 20 3 11 30 31 2 2 7 2 15 10 41 11 1 1 31 1 25 6 5 18 8 6 12 1 20 3 8 42 4 8 7 35 9 7 2 33 24 4 i?' 3 5 2 2 4 35 2 3 10 4 2 1 2 1 29 5 17 ]8 13 6 1% 3 2 18 4 4 4 9 3 7 is' 7 11 1 8 19 21 2 1 3 1 10 12 21 6 1 1 15 12 5 3 14 8 4 7 12' 1 4 22 3 6 4 20 4 6 1 17 15 10 1 14 1 6 9 4 2 11 i' 10 2 2' 21 4 5 11 8 1 23 2 26" 4 4 6' 2 1 13 7 15 3 11 10 i' 4 1 5 4 20 5 io' 1 13 2' 4 5 2 5 1 8 2 4 20 1 3 3 15 6 1 1 16 17 1 Yl' 3 3 1 2 2 83 2 3 8 4 2 1 2 1 21 5 15 11 9 1 21 3 2 13 3 3 4 1 3 7 s' 7 11 1 13 11 1 3 io' 5 21 3 1 1 g 6 5 3 10 2 1 2 i2' 3 10 3 & 4 18 4 3 1 14 11 5 1 11 1 5 3 2 11 i 14 17 1 \h' 3 3 1 1 2 31 2 2 8 11 5 1 11 1 5 2 2 7 3 4 6 1 4 4 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 « 2 2 1 4 1 » 1 1 ! 2 2 2 , 1 .1 j 1 2 2 1 . 10 1 1 1 -,-***" 1 14 1 1 2 2' 1 2 1 1 3 Kerr Kinihln 2 2' 16 4 4 10 3 15 2 \ 2 2 2 1 1 1 21 5 12 5 9 1 21 2 12 3 2 2 2 2 1 14 4 4 10 2 2 8 5 C 4 2 1 Lavaca 3 2 2 7 4 5 6 1 1 5 1 8 2 C 2 2 G 1 1 5 8 '"'i' 2 3 ...... ^ Liberty ] 14 2 ....„ 1 " 1 10 4 1 i' 1 5 1 1 10 ...... 2 5 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ...... 8 4 8 4 3 1 Aledlna ■ 2 1 10 7 14 1 1 7 G i 3 1 \ 17 2 3 5' 7 11 1 6 U 10 1 1 8 7 14 1 1 7 6 3 1 1 - '' 1 5 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 2 4 9 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 6 10 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 io' 5 19 3 1 5 3 17 2 1 1 :::::j;.; .1 7 1 3 3 7 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 13' 1 5 2' 2 4 1 1 1 7 2 3 6 1 3 3 12 5 1 1 9 1 8 13 7 3 7 3 X G 4 3 10 1 1 1 5 i' 2 2 1 1 6 8 C 8 1 1 3^11 sk 4 1 3 5 2 1 1 4 4 2 4 1 1 1 2 ...... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 t 1 12 3 15 3 7 2 3 5 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 6 1 1 C gholby ." 1 12 1 1 1 Sturr 5 1 3 3 17 4 2 3 11 4 1 Tarrniit 1 ...... 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 Titue - . . . 3 3 1 2 1 Travis 10 7 4 3 7 3 6 i 286 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table I'S'S.— FEEBLE-MINDED BELONGING TO EACH COLTsTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOE, AND NATIVITY, AND NUilBEE FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. TE X AS— CoDtinned. Foimd in county. BELONGIXO TO CODNTY. Total. Malo. Fe- male. "White. Colored. COUNTIES. Total. Native Ijoru. Foreign born. Total. Black. Parents native. One or botliparents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Malo. Fe- male. 3 22 26 4 3 21 11 19 9 44 15 11 4 8 34 15 46 24 11 8 1 3 22 26 4 3 21 11 19 9 44 15 11 5 8 34 15 46 24 U 8 1 3 12 11 3 2 11 8 7 4 25 7 5 4 3 26 11 21 10 7 5 io' 15 1 1 10 3 12 5 19 8 6 1 5 8 4 25 14 4 3 1 3 8 8 3 11 6 2 ii' 7 7' 10 1 1 10 2 4 2 6 8 3 8 8 3 11 3 2 4' 1 10 1 1 9 1 4 2 4 1 4 3 3 5 4 2 3 5 1 "Uvalde 1 ■■■■2" 1 1 1 1 2 5 4 13 1 8 3 13 2 5 4 12 1 8 2 13 ...... 1 3 2 1 3 5 4 1 5 Wobb TVhnrton 5 « 3 6 2 4 3 21 20 7 5 1 1 5 8 3 25 12 4 3 1 3^ 20 5 20 9 7 1 5 S 3 25 12 4 1 1 1 2 3 5 2 I 1 '"'i' 3 2 1 1 1 2 TVilson 2 "Wiao 2 2 2 3 Zavalla rXAH. The Territorv 183 183 110 73 110 73 27 22 39 18 44 33 C 12 18 5 3 1 3 3 1 6 2 2 48 13 4 5 3 28 7 12 19 3 1 3 4 1 2 2 49 15 4 5 4 19 1 1 10 3 10 12 4 3 1 2 3 5' i 28 5 1 2 3 11 i' 15 4 2 7 2 i' 1 1 1 2 1 21 10 3 3 1 8 1 4' 3 10 12 4 3 1 2 3 5' i 28 5 1 2 3 11 i 15 4 2 7 2 i 1 1 1 2 1 21 10 3 3 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 i 3 1 3 7 1 3 ■■■3" ...... 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 Davia 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Uillanl 2 2 1 2 Piute Eich 1 8 2 1 15 3 3 2 1 1 5 8 1 1 i' 2 10 10 7 2 1 Sor/er 1 1 4 2 Tooclo Utah 4 2 2 1 'Wasatch 1 19 1 6 Avebtr.^. ..:::::::::::::::::: 4 4 2 6 2 VERmOIVT. Xbo state 894 00! 601 400 400 400 407 322' 71 54 21 24 2 1 1 AddiAon 65 60 56 78 18 84 12 30 89 40 09 77 87 85 06 56 66 73 18 88 12 30 00 40 103 77 80 86 89 35 34 40 11 48 4 17 44 24 54 87 64 61 27 21 22 24 7 40 8 22 40 25 40 40 35 34 30 35 34 40 11 47 4 17 U 24 63 37 54 61 27 21 22 24 7 40 8 22 40 25 40 40 35 34 30 31 29 32 10 30 2 13 .■19 10 45 31 10 20 18 13 4 22 5 19 40 19 40 35 31 31 8 2 4 13 1 11 2 3 5 3 3 4 6 ...... 2 7 3 2 1 2 1 4 6 8 1 2 2 1 11 Cah--(loiiia Cblltcnilun Ebbcx franklin 1 1 l^ainoillo 1 1 Orang*) 5 3 4 3 2 2 1 ....„ Rntlanil 1 1 Wn»tiiii{:loD Windlinm ■Windsor 2 I THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 287 Taulk 173.— FEKBLF.-MTNnF.n HKLONGINO TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF REX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY', ]!Y STATES AND TEKUITOlilES: IsyO— Coiitimic-d. viicrjiixiA. The State . Ace jmac Albemnrlo Aloxundria All.-cluiny Amelia Anili'Tst Avpiniiitttox Aiijiusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Bucliiuiau Buckiugbam Campbell Caroline Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Cbrko Craig Culi)e!>er Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Elizabeth City.. Essex Fairfax Faunnier Floy.l FiuVaiina Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Groenesville Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isluof Wight... James City King and Queen. King iieorgo King William JLaneaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mattiews Mecklenburg Mi0— Continued. wvoiTiiNc;. Fonnd in county. 8EU>KaiNa TO COUNTY. Total. Male. Fe- male. White. Colored. Total. Native bom. Foreljtn born. ToUl. BUck. ForentB native. Ono or bothi)aront8 foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe. male. 1 Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Tho state 14 14 10 4 10 4 5 1 4 4 Albany 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ¥ 3 1 1 1 1 I 2 2 3 2 Converso 1 1 Crook Ijaramio 1 Ifatioral Park Reservation... 1 Natrona i' 1 2 SbfTiflan Uinta 2 1 i 292 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table IT*.— FEEBLE-MINDED IN CITIES CONTAINING 50,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, WITH RATIOS I'KR 1,000,000 OP POPULATION, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. (o) Total Feeble-minded . Ratiu Albany. N. T Feeble-minded. Katio AUcj^bcny, Pa Feeble-minded . Ratio Atlanta, Ga Feeble-minded. liatiu Baltimore, Md Feeble-minded . ICatio Boston, Ma£B Feebleminded . Katio Brooklyn, K. Y Feeble-minded . . Rstio Buffalo. X. Y Feeble-minded.. Ratio Cambrid^re Mass Feeble-minded. Ratio Camden N. J Feeble-minded. Ratio Cbarleston. S. C... ..Feeble-minded. Ratio Chicago, HI Feeble-minded . Ratio Cincinnat i, Ohio Feeble-minded . . Ratio Cleveland. Obio Feeble-minded . . Ratio Columbus. Ohio .Teeblo-mindcd. Ratio Darton, Ohio Feeble-minded. Ratio Denver Colo Feeble-minded . Ratio De« Moines, Iowa Feeble minded. . Ratio Detroit, M Ich Feeble-minded . Ratio Total. 8,703 7-KJ Male. 4.570 781 EraoHVille, Ind Feeble.mindcd. . Ratio Fall River, Mass Feebleminded . . Ratio Grand Rapids, Mieh. .Feeble-minded.. ICatio Ilan ford. Conn Feeble minded . . Ratjp Indianarioliii, Ind Feeble-minded. . Uaiio Jeraey city, N.J . Feelilenilndcd. Ralio KansaaellT. Mo Fecblc-mindod. lUiUo Lincoln, Neb Feeble-minded . . Ratio Los Angeles, Cal Feeble-minded . Ratio LoniaTlUe, Ky Feeble-minded. Ratio Lowell, Mass . .Feeble-minded. . Ratio LvDn, Mam Foebltvniluded Ratio I2S ' 1,348 ' i 110 ; 1, 102 ll 57 870 399 918 393 STO 372 4«1 152 59j 48 685 47 80G 6'J 1,140 436 396 295 994 223 853 36 588 23 2 IS 48 958 109 529 71 I 1,399 49 659 48 790 60 1,240 ion 1,005 09 423 B7 429 12 218 17 337 198 1,229 43 S5:i 52 933 66 1,448 57 1,083 31 989 202 980 210 964 ISD 480 75 582 29 848 21 736 29 1,133 236 415 144 993 120 906 50 1,111 20 656 10 165 32 1,204 57 563 36 1,412 21 588 31 1,030 34 1,307 01 1,106 43 524 29 408 12 458 80 1,094 23 Female. 4, 133 704 62 1,257 .W 1,120 26 761 197 8g:i 183 793 77 007 19 530 26 873 34 1,158 200 376 151 994 103 799 38 881 16 521 13 283 16 046 497 35 1,385 28 724 17 563 32 1,170 45 8i7 26 321 28 454 4 155 5 207 112 1,357 20 473 Total. Male. 4,271 774 171 566 207 971 189 486 28 842 19 724 9 788 234 418 141 1,013 119 909 40 1,095 19 647 10 172 30 1,215 53 532 26 1,155 21 589 31 1,042 34 1,345 54 1,132 43 532 21 328 8 280 12 605 70 1,073 23 052 Female. 3,852 26 20 918 I VI» B24 a lucludiog Cblnene, Japanese, and Indians, Native bom. Parents native. Male. 1,909 1,049 61 1,249 57 1,103 14 758 100 873 183 807 180 443 77 610 19 547 23 847 18 1,440 200 381 140 1, 021 101 793 36 887 16 539 13 292 15 019 51 496 31 1,367 27 700 17 569 31 1,170 40 823 25 313 21 383 4! IDS 6 213 100 1,488 20 475 26 031 82 1.964 10 848 15 91G 91 1,020 93 1,379 67 620 27 921 U 991 18 1,050 5 001 40 1, 228 36 1,176 24 998 7 436 Female. 1,642 908 21 1,131 14 859 89 913 06 966 73 638 26 944 453 14 1,628 76 724 56 1,385 34 1,095 16 G'J4 6 371 One or botb par- ents foreign. Male. 1,382 719 16 876 23 1,212 53 976 81 1,111 894 24 451 14 1,274 3 1,305 69 338 61 956 42 853 14 1,235 7 836 127 130 1 20 1,004 10 059 15 699 098 1 11 1,029 10 1 060 |l 5 848 ,. 1 780 14 1,309 6 1 563 20 1,944 14 l,:i31 26 924 21 ' 728 17 8U 4! 194 1 12 300 Ml 416 281 1 54 6 484 4 323 38 1,223 57 1,788 S 515 10 870 20 1,378 13 807 ' Female. 2 407 14 367 589 8 885 D I,001> 12 1,000 6 408 1 259 4 731 23 1,030 800 5 834 1,125 561 18 34 590 61 845 48 300 23 410 9 795 4 723 3 1,219 Foroiim born. M.ile. 980 552 IS 1,735 18 1,337 27 807 33 453 62 482 24 524 3 269 1 204 1 out Female. 50 240 71 299 51 731 31 873 28 554 41 803 14 1,197 8 1,208 8 899 5 1,008 10 885 1 70 3 563 2 482 18 446 21 601 12 1,347 7 1,851 5 406 9 504 7 702 698 10 1, 103 5 735 13 1,013 1 1« ; 2.118 11 329 1 » 330 483 3 251 2 547 1 293 :i:i9 24 1,007 9 751 5 438 9 , 5UU a 052 1 i::::;::; 1,085 632 Male. 299 911 15 1,263 18 1,425 43 1,224 54 644 59 447 28 646 5 403 1 093 74 349 42 1,173 6 1,029 2 434 16 1,290 31 1,063 3 649 Female. 2 533 18 439 2,091 17 857 4 4.12 7 921 870 10 380 I 115 1 333 10 I.6J0 7 070 1 1,042 2 874 20 1,410 2 235 52? 1 613 4 1,332 1 90S 2 3,263 4 2,338 10 3,359 1,521 8 ! 1,134 1 10 1,100 1 2,703 281 825 1 2,070 2 1,635 12 764 31 813 51S 3 1,139 16 950 338 2 1,425 3 Tse 1 574 4 1,543 1 10, 870 1 1,401 B ],oas 1 1123 7 1,023 12 783 THE FEKBLK-MINDED, 293 Table 174.— FEEBLE-MINDED IN CITIES CONTAINING 50,000 INHAIUTANTS OR MORE, WITH RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATI\ITY: 1890— Coutiiiiieil. McmphiB, Tenn Fcoblo-miiidctl . . K:ilio Milwaukee, Wis Fooblo-mhided. Kiitio Ulnneapulis, il iiin Froble-miiuled. Katto KaahTille, Tenn Feolilc-miudoil. Katio Newark, X. J Freble-miuded. . Katio Kew Haven, Codu Fet'blo-niindcd. Halio Kew Orloans, La Feoble-mindcd . . Itatio New York,N. Y Fi'rblo-mindcd. Itatio Omaha, Kcb.... PatersoD, N. J. .Feebleminded. Katio Feeble-minded . . Katio ' Philadelphia, Pa Feeble-minded.. l{atio Pittaborg, Pa Feeble-minded. Katio Providence, K. I Feeble minded.. Katio Beading, Fa Feeble-minded. Ratio Bichmond, Va Feeble-minded. l^tio Bochester, N. T. .Feeble-minded. Katio St. Josepb, Mo Feeble-minded. Katio St. Louis, Mo Feebie-minded. l^atio Bt. Paul, Minn Feeble-minded. Katio Ban Francisco, Cal Feeble-minded- . IJatio Scranton, Pa Feeble-minded. Katio Syracuse, N. T Feeble-minded . liatio Toledo, Ohio Feeble-minded - Katio Trenton, N. J Feeble-minded. Ratio Troy.N.T. -Feeble-minded.. Kalio Washington, D. C Feeble minded . Katio Wilmington, Del Feeble-minded . Katio Worcester, Mass Feeble-minded . . Ratio TotoL 792 155 1,173 45 707 73 897 82 612 13 248 335 742 89 6C8 167 559 55 731 74 840 9t 1,117 02 1,017 281 1,133 84 992 60 776 167 817 107 650 89 1,108 178 979 08 836 272 1, I2i 1,006 703 38 271 33 421 944 902 Mole. 19 685 88 873 60 753 62 1,412 99 1,113 46 1,138 133 1,190 538 720 19 237 17 444 632 1,041 103 844 1,384 45 1.176 35 643 4 146 153 671 47 676 RO 471 35 911 41 955 51 1,247 29 1,014 150 1,369 14 454 44 1,041 Fomalo. 79 702 41 632 37 941 79 851 638 137 1,066 627 686 19 315 16 399 412 709 84 736 67 977 22 745 28 649 47 677 9 360 182 814 42 660 87 673 20 643 33 1 730 I 40 987 1 23 812 33 1, 020 111 919 32 1,045 40 044 Tot.ll. Male. 14 731 88 876 35 1,489 94 1,081 115 1,360 533 725 19 246 17 449 513 1,042 104 869 85 1,379 33 1,372 35 545 4 156 142 661 47 684 554 35 915 41 965 51 1,205 27 959 28 987 87 1,148 14 517 44 1,053 Female. Native born. Parents native. Male. 9 642 41 535 17 730 75 828 20 505 108 1,163 519 688 18 308 16 403 400 778 80 721 0.1 948 760 19 47 680 5 217 17] 815 42 607 87 688 20 545 I 32 7U 40 1,000 22 798 33 1,029 71 899 I 30 1,125 40 955 8 600 10 750 28 079 29 1,873 37 1,368 27 1,747 42 1,205 200 1,487 12 297 289 1,430 42 1,800 20 872 25 1,296 13 668 3 185 899 16 975 32 958 13 1,113 24 1,452 17 1,210 15 1,139 14 1,606 67 1,280 II 069 17 1,124 Female. 473 11 791 13 SI4 14 762 32 1,114 15 972 44 1,183 182 1, 338 8 282 4 393 225 1,060 21 623 30 1,198 21 872 17 832 16 781 i 283 70 1,104 7 479 24 835 6 660 16 913 12 884 15 1, 112 17 1,702 51 928 19 1,171 12 770 One or both par- eoto foreign. Male. 4 1,042 37 800 22 917 4 1,320 37 1,147 488 42 1,205 210 755 355 307 146 922 37 837 23 1,190 6U 6 2,092 13 511 44 472 16 690 25 470 14 909 9 603 22 1,484 8 1,052 10 858 11 802 Female. 3 508 18 1,306 2 502 20 392 11 441 1 316 29 830 2 157 31 811 190 662 7 469 362 99 598 21 477 1 I 305 17 002 1 175 59 601 10 637 408 5 319 16 1,013 4 533 7 545 8 S28 8 1,303 15 1,133 Foreign bom. Male. 41 1,002 14 409 20 723 10 871 31 1,882 117 372 1 50 7 457 78 692 39 970 20 1,047 1 363 2 1,062 9 466 1 260 44 714 15 616 23 399 8 586 12 1,047 4 611 4 501 9 930 9 668 Female. 972 48 1,242 17 M7 2 1,151 14 605 Mule. 5 375 3 263 33 1,893 141 437 3 202 7 444 76 557 38 1,143 18 832 2,430 17 1,275 5 2,491 3 2,467 20 691 5 396 19 1,002 1 213 3 1,564 1,293 14 6S6 12 844 42 792 41 937 9 £01 12 1,128 454 >l 972 12 1,358 Female. 11 830 1 4,310 63 1,862 22 1,428 20 1,245 4 1,767 3 1.354 29 812 614 1 634 12 9«0 4 1,225 4 1,875 496 4 2,037 11 T9« 1 2,320 1 1,287 40 935 2 507 294 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 173.-FEEBLE-MINDED IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE FEEBLE-MINDED, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. msTinTTioNB. In iDstitntions . California Home for the Care and Training of yecble-minJed Children, Santa Clara, Cal. Connecticut School for Imbeciles, Lalioville, Conn. Illinois Asvlmn for Feeble-minded Children, Lincoln, lU. Indiana School for Feeble-minded Toath, Richmond, Ind. Iowa lustitution for Feeble-minded Children, Glenwowl, Iowa. State Inihecile Asylnm. 'Walnut, Kan Fueble minded Institute. Frankfort. Ky Trainiuj; School I'or Feeblc-mindeil Children, Owinss Mills, Md. Private lustitution for Feeble-minded, EUi- cott city, Md. Private Institution for the Education of Feeble-minded, Barre, Mass. Hospital Cottage for Children, Baldwin.-iville, Mass. Masisaihusetta School for Feehlcmindod, Waltham, Mass. TVilbur School for Feebleminded, Kalamazoo, Mich. School for Feebleminded, Faribault, Minn.. Kebraska Institution for Feebleminded Youth, Beatrice, Keb. If ew .Jersey Home for the Education and Care of Feeblo-niindod Children, Vineland. X.J. Kew Jersev Stat« In.'^titulion for Feeble- minded W'^omen, Viuelaud. N. J. Trainiuj; School. Uadilontield, K.J School for Feeble-minded, Kandalls Island, N. T. School for Feeble-minded Children, New York, N. y. New York State Asylum for Idiots, Syracuse, NY. New York Stat« Custodial Asylom, Newark, N. Y. Ohio Institution for Feeble-minded Tonth, Coltunbus, Ohio. Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble- minded Children, Elwyn, Pa. Total. 5,254 Mole. 2,876 Fe- male. 2,378 83 al29 441 272 423 106 154 30 13 97 43 267 26 300 115 75 30 11 334 460 274 848 713 48 78 246 146 250 59 80 13 9 74 29 149 16 168 70 57 7 213 524 427 35 51 N5 126 173 47 74 17 4 23 14 118 10 132 45 18 30 8 124 3 247 274 324 286 Total. Male. Fe- male. 2,846 48 78 245 142 248 26 149 16 166 70 57 2,357 3 210 514 420 35 51 194 125 173 13 117 10 132 45 16 30 8 123 3 215 273 323 277 Native born. T. . II One or Parents na- bothparenti t'^o- I foreign. Hale. 32 73 240 133 234 Fe- male. 1,887 107 445 316 21 48 193 117 168 194 258 289 215 Male. 504 Fe- male. 101 Foreign bom. Male. Fe male. 1V> 104 Total. Male. 30 23 24 13 Fc male. 21 Black. Male 25 Fe- male. 19 Mi^ed blood. Male. Fe- male. a One inmate of Connecticut School for Imbeciles, Lakeville, resident of Halifax, N. S., not counted. THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 295 Table 176.— FEEBLE-MINDED IX IIOSPITiVLS AND ASYLUMS FOR TUI2 INSANE, BY SEX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY: 18D0. HJBTrnrnoss. Total. In inatitutions 2, 4C9 Alftliaraalnsnno Hospital, Tnf»caloofla, Ala... Territorial Insane Asylum, riirnix, Ariz ArkMiiHOH Stale Luiiatio Asvlum, Liltlo I{.)rk, Ark. State Insane Aavlam, A^ncw, Cal Kapa State Intano A3ylupi, Napa, Cal State Insane Asvlum. Stockton, Cal Colorado Stale riisnuc Asylum. Vui-blo, Colo. Spring Hill Institution. Lit* htii'M, Conn CouncrtltMit Hospital fur the lusauo, Middle- town. Conn. Connecticut Ketrcat for lasane, Hartford, Conn. Delaware State Hospital for thelnsane, Faru- liurst, Del. Government Hospital for Insane, AVasbing- ton. 1). C. Florida Asylum for Insane, Chattahoochee, I'la Georgia Lunatic Aeyluni. MiUedgeville. Ga Illinois Southern Hospital fur lusauo, Anna, III. Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane, Jacksonville, 111. Oak Lawn lietreat for the Inaane, Jackson- ville, III. Illinnin Kastem Hospital for the Insane, Kankakee. HI. Illinois Jv'ortbern Hospital for Insane, Elgin, III. Cook County Hospital for the Insane, Dun- ning, 111. Dr. W. R. Fletcher's Sanitarium, Indianapo- lis. Incl. Central Indiana Hospital for Insane, Indian* apnli.-*, Ind. Kortliern Iniliana Hospital for Insane, Lo- gauHiiort. Ind. Iowa Hospital for the Insane, Monnt Pleas- ant, Iowa. St. .rose|)h's Female Insane Asylum, Dav- enport, Iowa. St. Jolin'slnaane Asvlum. Davenport, Iowa. Iowa Hospital for the Insane, Independence, I<.wa. St. Joseph's Insane Asylum, Dubuque, Iowa. In.stitution for the Inaane. Clarinda, Iowa.. . Topoka Insane Asylum, Topeka, Kan , Kansas State Insane Asylum, Osawatomie, Klin. Maplowood Insane Asylum, Leavenworth, Kan. Central Kentucky Lunatic Asylum, Lake- l.Mld, Kv. EustLO)! Kentucky Lunatic Asylum, Lexing- ton. Ky. ■Western Kentucky Lnnatic Asylum, Hop- kiusvillo, Ky. Louisiana Retreat for Ins.ane, Kow Orleans, La. Insune Asylum of Louisiana, Jackson, La.. Maine Ina:ine Asylum, Augusta, Me Conrad's Sanitarium, St. Denis, Md Kay View Asylum, lialtimoro, Md Monnt HopoKetreat. Mount Hope, Md Marvland Hospital for the Insane, Catona- viil.'. Md. Bo.4ton Lunatic Hospital, Boston, Mass Danvers Lunatic Hospital, Danvors, Mass., Korthampton Lunatic Hospital, Norlhamp- tou, Mass. Ketreat for Insane. Boston, Mass Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Taunton, Mass. "Worcester Insane Asylum, Worcester, Mass. "Worcester Lunatic Hospital, "Worcostor, Ma.ss. TrVe-Htliorough Iiisano Hospital, "Westboro, Mas4. 15 Male. Fe- male. 1, 369 1, 100 Total. Male. 1,272 Fe- male. 1,047 Native bom. 18 Paronta na- tive. Male. 1,034 30 Fe- male. 818 18 One or both parents foreign. Male. 101 Fe- male. Foreign boru. 82 Male. Fe- male 137 147 ToUl. Male. Fe- male. 97 63 18 Black. Male. 90 18 male. Mixed blood. Male. 45 Fe- rn ala. 296 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 176.— FEEBLE-MES'DED IN HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS FOE THE INSANE, BY SEX, COLOR, ETC.— Continued. ISSnTCTlOKS. Eastern Micbigfln Asylnni. Pontiac, Micb... l^'orihtm Michigan Asylnra, Traverse city, Mio 56 44 248 53 41 243 26 19 155 19 19 79 8 3 9 3 3 5 2 2 4 1 1 1 91 JJ Male W 150 98 1,697 146 97 1,680 98 57 1,017 42 37 556 6 3 107 4 1 17 3 12 1 ITew Vork 6 Male 7t< 941 756 40< 934 740 396 674 443 237 297 259 138 63 41 21 7 10 10 5 7 8 2 3 2 27 2fl Male 2t 244 102 1,927 236 100 1,880 142 95 1,413 82 56 390 12 9 77 8 2 47 6 2 42 2 M n 6 Male B2 1,140 787 8.877 1,113 767 2.395 834 579 2.276 239 151 102 40 37 17 27 20 1,482 25 17 1,244 2 8 238 n Male 2,183 1,694 51 1,299 1,096 43 1,236 1,040 37 58 44 6 6 12 881 698 8 738 606 8 146 92 M 87 88 88 40 24 27 384 18 25 291 15 22 220 3 3 50 e 2 90 2 76 Marvland 12 14 Male 4] 212 172 58 155 139 ; 37 1 119 107 20 33 23 7 3 9 1 57 S3 21 46 30 15 11 3 8 42 Male 44 IK 38 20 785 25 12 464 21 B 456 4 3 7 13 «• 321 9 6 259 4 2 62 1 1 4)1 Virginia Male . . .... . .. 47 443 342 248 216 243 213 5 2 195 126 165 104 40 FeniAlo i THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 301 SF.X, COLOB, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTUEBa. Fnitcl Stntes. Dnglnnd nnd Wales. Scotland. Ireland. Brltixh America. Fruice. Gorman;. Scandi- navia. Bohemia. EIuDgary. Italy. Kauia nnd Puland. 108 Other couuirice. Vn- known. 17,293 372 110 1,087 430 50 1,717 453 60 48 22 2S0 67 1 9, 82fi 7,465 3. 906 216 156 1G2 61 49 43 .178 609 6S1 203 167 203 28 31 9 961 750 400 256 197 23 36 24 2 27 21 20 13 9 8 01 47 28 149 101 33 25 32 21 3 S 2.353 1,G43 256 94 08 27 IB 1 353 328 5 126 77 25 5 4 223 177 1 11 12 1 1 12 8 5 3 18 10 16 17 10 11 6 7 U6 110 04 1 1 1 1 2 3 i 14 11 17 fl 1 8 1 10 11 12 50 U 150 1 2 2 6 11 6 15 1 3 13 80 70 396 1 2 27 3 3 200 10 5 78 1 14 IS 14 22 5 2 1 1 5 4 16 2G0 . 136 51 16 11 7 7 7 101 99 25 49 29 6 9 13 1 i 2 3 2 2 2 1 17 1 1 1 18 .. 28 23 166 5 S 2 12 13 44 4 2 13 1 1 1 ?C 1 1 1 ?.l 1 1 8 1 3 r> 105 61 1,105 3 2 41 22 22 215 10 45 5 3 195 1 1 -n 1 10 1 5 1 10 1 3 9 ■,'4 13 6 20 7 W> 623 4S0 259 18 23 13 8 2 5 112 103 55 26 19 2 2 3 1 106 89 43 6 4 1 7 6 2 3 2 1 13 7 1 1 10 5 3 ?A 27 ••s 15S 101 1,519 11 2 6:) 3 2 10 27 28 127 1 26 17 130 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 6 6 2 1 6 Kit 2 30 2 5 2 6 31 901 618 2,314 38 25 4 6 4 5 72 55 17 2 2 76 54 37 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 * 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 ■tn In 4 2 1 '14 3.1 1,260 1.054 40 2 3 2 11 6 2 2 2 1 1 10 21 1 1 1 3 2 1 I 1 :i 36 1 37 38 39 16 24 247 1 1 9 1 1 3 3 24 * 3 1 Un _ 135 112 31 1 1 2 6 3 2 1 2 9 15 2 1 3 1 2 1 41 1 1 42 1 1 1 !48 1 1 21 10 461 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 \** 1 r . 1 >ti 2 Us I 1 240 215 1 1 1 1 !" 1 ::;::: i i • '48 302 INSANE, FEEBLE-]\riNDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 179 FEEBLE-MINDED BETWEEN 5 AND 20 YEAllS OF AGE, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, STATES AMD TEEKITOEIES. Aggregate. WHITE. COLOEED. Total. Native parents. Foreign parents. Foreign born. Total. Black. Mised blood. 1 South Atlantic division — Continued. 351 337 322 13 2 14 11 3 Male ? 194 157 925 187 150 566 178 144 564 8 5 2 1 1 7 7 359 6 5 287 1 2 72 ^ 4 Male fi 527 398 540 313 253 242 313 251 237 214 145 298 165 122 270 49 23 28 fi 2 5 Male ... R 299 241 027 124 118 332 123 114 329 1 4 2 175 123 295 104 100 254 11 17 41 fl in 1 Male 11 358 269 150 ^ 186 146 80 183 146 76 2 1 172 123 76 147 107 64 25 16 12 1? n 4 H 88 68 10, 175 43 37 9,976 41 35 0,672 2 2 2,787 45 31 199 40 24 148 6 7 51 ^'i 1A 517 Male 17 5,744 4,431 2,097 5,618 4,358 2,049 3,773 2, 899 1,566 l,6!i2 1,235 430 293 224 33 126 73 48 91 57 35 36 16 13 1R 1A Ohio ?n 1,190 907 1,410 1,154 895 1,380 890 076 1,189 246 204 ■ 178 18 15 13 36 12 30 25 10 19 11 2 11 71 »•> Male n 800 (ilO 1,436 778 602 1,418 674 515 989 96 82 362 8 5 67 22 8 18 13 6 15 9 2 3 ?) •") Illinois *>() 821 615 850 811 607 840 559 430 435 212 150 307 40 27 98 10 8 10 7 8 3 3 ?7 ?8 7 Male ?» 481 369 644 474 366 643 247 188 160 179 128 403 43 60 72 7 3 1 3 4 3 lU) m 1 Male ip 364 280 510 363 280 513 88 78 130 230 175 289 45 27 91 1 1 292 224 993 289 224 989 86 46 642 153 136 300 51 43 41 8 3 »n Female 37 4 3 1 !W 677 416 1,017 575 414 957 376 267 797 176 130 151 24 17 9 2 2 60 2 1 49 30 1 11 tn Miasouri M»le 41 647 47U 60 617 440 69 4.16 361 14 70 75 27 6 4 18 30 30 1 25 24 1 5 6 4« 43 North Dakola 44 35 25 100 86 24 lot 6 30 16 11 60 10 8 20 45 Fcinalit 1 1 46 South Dakota Male 47 69 60 60 60 24 15 24 20 11 9 48 Female THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 303 COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTIIPLACKS OF MOTHERS, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1800— Continued. DIllTnrLACKS OF MOTIIRIIS. TTnitcd Stiitcs. En|;1and niul •\VuIc8. Scotland. Ireland. Ilritinh ,&niorlca. Franco. Germany. Scandt- navia. Bobomla. Hungary. Italy. I^""!" other Un. koown. 322 1 2 3 C 1 2 1 s 178 lU 501 2 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 313 251 238 5 1 1 2 U 1 1 7 123 115 332 1 A 1 2 9 1U 180 146 79 II 12 1 n 42 37 7,292 1 14 15 162 52 322 205 39 1,159 412 55 23 4 75 150 26 16 4,114 3,1?:' 1,086 95 67 39 26 20 8 177 145 66 121 81 9 17 22 11 049 510 208 234 178 2 32 23 11 12 2 1 3 1 41 34 4 83 02 U 12 11 17 18 19 953 733 1,262 •24 15 2 C 3 39 27 10 8 1 2 1 7 2 106 102 80 1 1 2 2 3 1 8 3 6 20 1 2 2 21 22 718 544 1,070 2 1 2 6 10 42 2 1 1 8 43 37 173 2 3 3 11 23 3 9 2 3 24 24 10 44 3 1 25 608 471 505 11 13 27 3 3 9 20 10 41 7 3 92 5 3 5 102 71 101 28 16 10 3 2 1 7 2 9 G 8 27 2 1 7 26 27 3 1 ?R 286 •il9 15 12 U 4 5 4 21 23 27 52 40 13 3 2 2 60 41 222 6 4 84 2 1 16 S 4 7 17 10 27 3 4 1 ?9 1 3 30 1 31 119 103 16D 9 5 6 1 r tt 8 5 35 1 1 135 63 31 145 9 7 11 1 2 3 4 3 6 13 14 18 I" 3 2 14 31 1 2 90 84 1 1 1 33 34 107 02 701 4 2 19 1 1 5 14 17 39 15 20 14 48 36 120 70 09 43 5 6 8 2 1 5 3 3 1 13 5 30 1 as 2 1 ■10 3 ?7 407 294 841 11 8 6 1 4 1 25 14 23 12 2 3 07 53 73 27 16 1 3 5 1 4 1 19 11 3 2 1 1 38 1 4 1 T) 40 457 3ii4 15 2 4 2 1 8 15 2 2 1 9 3 1 41 32 5 1 2 1 41 1 17 1 3 42 1 5 M 9 6 49 2 2 7 2 5 3 2 8 9 8 23 2 3 11 1 2 44 1 2 45 4 1 ^ 1 1 46 i :u) 2 2 2 2 3 4 M 1 1 5 9 1 47 19 i 4 1 ■» 1 f- 1 1 1 1 l48 304 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1 79,— FEEBLE-MINDED BETWEEN 5 AND 20 YEAES OF AGE, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, STATES AND TEnBITOEIES. Aggregate. WHITE. COLOKED. Total. Native parents. Forei;m parents. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Mixed blood. 1 North Central division — Continued. 374 371 207 139 25 3 1 2 Male •f 211 163 CC9 210 lUl G48 125 82 498 69 70 123 16 9 1 2 21 1 1 3 A 1 18 4 Male R 3G7 302 4,92G 353 295 3,439 261 237 3,204 75 48 201 17 10 34 14 7 1,487 12 6 1,241 2 1 246 K Female 7 Sonth Central division Male li 2,836 2,090 1,002 1.969 1,470 933 1,820 1,378 871 124 77 57 19 15 5 867 620 129 731 510 101 136 110 28 9 Female 10 Kentuck v Male 11 533 460 910 512 421 684 474 397 671 36 21 13 2 3 81 48 226 66 35 185 15 13 41 ^?. Female 13 Teuuesseo -. Male 14 547 1 303 «19 407 277 343 399 272 337 8 5 4 140 80 276 112 73 239 28 13 37 15 16 2 Male 17 348 271 494 197 no 211 193 144 209 3 1 2 1 1 151 125 283 130 1U9 255 21 16 28 18 10 Male TO 285 2U9 331 117 94 191 116 93 154 1 1 33 163 115 140 156 99 110 12 16 30 !!1 r> Louisiana 4 Male n 195 136 919 113 78 055 89 65 558 21 12 78 3 1 19 82 58 264 65 45 213 17 13 01 '1 "i Texas Male 2« 27 28 533 386 13 392 263 12 334 224 11 47 31 1 11 8 141 123 1 117 96 1 24 27 Male 29 30 31 6 7 578 5 •. 7 410 4 7 393 1 1 1 ArUanfiaa U 4 168 137 31 Male 32 33 34 329 249 632 226 184 027 217 176 381 7 6 207 2 2 39 103 65 5 84 53 2 19 12 3 Male ».'> 364 208 13 302 265 15 213 ■ 168 8 126 81 5 23 16 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 30 37 Malf an 5 10 3 5 10 3 2 3 2 8 ■■ 1 1 iW 40 Male 41 3 3 3 47 Ft'malo 41 8S 85 S7 24 4 Male 44 54 31 28 54 31 28 38 10 24 14 10 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 4^ 40 Mnio 47 14 14 i 14 1 u 12 1 1^ 48 FomuU' Till'] FEEBLE-MINDED. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIETHPLACE8 OF MOTUEKS, BY STATES AND TEREITORIES : 1890-Continuod. 305 IIIRTUrLACES OF MOTHERS. TJniU-d SUtOB. Encluntl niid VTalcs. Scotlud. Ireland. llriliuli America. Fnmoc. GoruiaDy. Scandl- uavia. Bolicmia. Biineary. lUly. *"3^ Other Un. known. 235 10 5 14 6 1 48 26 10 2 1 4 9 1 ]30 9a 628 s 13 4 1 6 10 4 14 2 4 7 21 27 37 13 13 15 7 3 3 1 3 1 13 & 4 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 n 3 1 281 247 3,272 11 3 21 4 3 3 22 15 82 5 10 2 3 1 2 2 9 4 1 2 3 s 3 9 4 2 2 33 n 2 5 1 7 1.664 1,4U8 886 4 5 4 17 4 8 2 1 3 3 1 SO 32 32 1 1 2 2 4 1 I 1 A 1 1 9 10 483 4o;i 678 2 2 6 2 2 20 12 1 1 11 1 1 1 12 1 1 13 402 276 339 2 1 1 1 14 1 2 15 2 16 191 145 2.0 1 a 2 17 1H 1 19 ! 316 94 1 1 70 21 ifift 1 ID 2 a 3 1 22 - 95 9 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 36 j 3 1 23 71 6,9 1 24 1 2 2 2 1 29 25 347 232 12 1 1 23 13 1 1 2 2 IS 14 26 1 1 1 27 28 f^ 29 7 30 1 1 3 1 1 31 440 1 1 1 ,2 39 1 1 32 180 419 1 15 1 3 33 35 10 46 10 1 2 5 31 5 34 237 182 21 14 o 5 5 20 20 12 3 2 1 23 16 10 6 1 1 2 3 2 24 7 2 2 3 35 36 37 ^ 1 1 2 38 8 3 - 39 40 S 1 41 1 i 42 01 1 5 S 3 1 3 43 40 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 I 44 1 3 4S 24 1 3 48 1 1 1 47 12 ; 1 < 1 1 1 2 48 7170 iNS- -•20 306 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 179.— FEEBLE-MINDED BETWEEN 5 AND 20 YEARS OF AGE, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, 6TATES iND TEBRITCIBIES. Aggregat*. WHITE. COLOnED. Total. Native parents. ForeiRU parents. Foreign born. Total. Black. Mixed blood. 1 Western division— Continued. 9 8 5 3 1 1 3 3 7 45 6 2 45 3 2 13 3 1 1 23 9 1 5 6 7 30 15 12 30 15 12 8 5 9 • 17 6 3 5 4 8 9 10 5 7 17 7 17 6 4 11 3 5 1 ! Male 1 11 12 13 10 7 47 10 7 47 8 3 25 2 3 17 1 5 Male 14 15 16 21 26 83 21 26 83 12 13 66 7 10 14 2 3 3 Male 17 18 19 42 41 288 42 41 284 33 1 33 100 8 C 111 1 2 13 4 2 2 20 21 173 115 172 112 69 71 72 39 11 2 1 3 1 1 Female". !i!!I.'ll"r."I!Ii!/...i.^ 2 THE FK VML K-^flXl )KD. COLOR, NATIVITV, AND mnTIIPLACES OK MOTUKRS, HY STATKS AND TKKRITOUIES: 1890— Coniiniiod. 307 BIRTIIPLACIS or UOTIIEII8. SUilos. England uimI Scotland. Ireland. Brltiah America. France. Germany. Snandl- naTia. Itohcmla. Ittinfjary. lUily. RonaU and Poland. Other couotriea knows. s 3 1 3 2 IS 3 S 1 4 12 3 1 6 1 g 9 6 9 7 2 1 1 4 : 1 1 8 2 6 a 7 3 1 1 S 4 11 ( 1 8 9 10 3 1 2 1 1 1 8 3 27 3 n 1 2 1 8 1 12 13 1 4 3 1 13 U 72 4 3 S S 1 2 J 1 " ... 1 1 1 1 IS 18 1 3 ■■ 1 36 36 182 1 3 3 20 1 17 34 1 13 3 9 3 4 1 1 4 11 19 106 76 8 4 3 17 17 6 3 2 1 13 7 3 1 1 1 2 10 1 '0 2 ?1 1 308 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTrNCTION OF SEX, COLOR, THE UNITUD STATED. fiFX, COLOB. XATmTT, ANT> AOB PERIODS WHEN OCCIBBED. Aggre- gate. Un- knoTTn. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- ous. GENKKAI. DISEASES. NERVODS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Dilih- theria. Syph- ilia. Scrof- ula. Rick- els. Ante- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 9S,571 19,530 42,805 1,214 10,064 4,956 3,009 1,480 110 22 179 71 19 10, 598 3,165 402 Mnio ■> 52.940 42, G31 9,8.19 9, 091 24,515 18,200 502 712 5.163 4,901 2.755 2,201 1.710 1,359 820 660 68 42 12 10 93 80 45 26 7 12 6. 000 4,598 1.806 1,359 221 181 3 Female ■Virhite i 84,997 17,084 37,200 1,046 9,246 4,671 2,840 1,464 109 19 154 70 15 9,902 6,586 4, 316 9,154 7,534 2,923 378 ITalo 5 47, 152 37,845 75,910 63,205 35,061 28,144 12,705 8, (MO 8,444 14,474 12,2ei 21,234 15, 966 34,038 28,864 465 6U1 772 706 4,827 4,419 7,628 6,441 2.591 2,0S0 4,326 3,464 1,577 1,263 2,600 2,115 803 601 1,372 1,047 68 41 103 77 10 9 16 15 8.5 60 152 140 44 26 70 61 4 11 13 9 1.662 1, 201 2,719 2,267 203 175 368 314 n 7 8 Parents native Male () Black Male 'I 4,872 4,018 1,684 1,029 1,044 373 2,757 1,954 891 34 95 19 279 412 127 133 92 60 110 74 45 13 2 7 ]" 1 1 1 6 13 6 1 2 1 1 117 83 42 17 4 3 r* "•I Mixed blood Male fi 9IG 768 7,801 4,080 3,721 42,805 170 203 6,193 524 370 3 10 57 70 643 31 29 137 23 22 75 4 3 42 1 2 4 8 1 71 50 545 27 15 253 1 2 Iff 7S Female ?(l Agoperioda when occurred : 5 6 1 Male 'T 3, 175 3,018 334 309 0.5 72 40 35 15 27 2 3 3 3 5 3 304 241 113 120 8 8 Tfl 1 "•D 42,805 Male W 24.515 ]8,2!K) 16,242 5,009 24,615 18, 290 11 !>•> Under 5 2,470 2,201 1,308 751 555 586 743 54 2 97 55 2 4,841 2,781 2,058 1,715 1, 009 700 013 1,172 265 MbIo ss 9,287 6,055 5,015 2,714 2, 295 1,488 1, 455 1,015 779 1.304 957 1,104 428 315 451 33 21 30 1 1 1 53 44 27 36 19 8 2" 1 688 484 700 415 291 421 143 122 69 40 29 21 l« T. 5 to 10 Male 1(1 3,450 2,450 3,563 1,992 1,471 11,183 6,765 5,418 8,002 :i. 842 4,22U 848 04U 077 44S 333 554 607 497 508 320 200 309 248 203 101 21 9 13 i 2 13 14 18 4 4 5 \_ •|7 IK 20 Ui 15 Mn|p rin 483 494 3,059 312 242 3,124 281 227 733 177 132 508 83 78 84 8 5 8 1 1 8 9 9 28 3 2 3 4 512 401 1,445 770 075 1,139 230 191 511 281 227 102 16 5 25 40 41 15 t/j45 Male 4T 1,630 2,029 2,201 1.405 1,659 2,494 401 332 213 332 266 103 43 41 5 4 4 I 3 13 IS 1 2 1 2 2 It 12 13 6 43 Female 44 1,214 Mftle 4S OHO 1,215 .502 712 1,151 1,343 97 116 88 105 3 2 2 1 4 7 622 517 56 46 3 4K 1 THE FEEJJLE-MINDED. 309 NATIVITY, AND AGl': PEKIODS WIIKN DEFKCT OrCfRRIM), RY STATES AND TEHRITORIES: 1890. YUK LNITED STAIEM. NEBVous srsTEM— contlnaod. BEPKODL'CTIVE. ACCIDUfTS A!CD MJOBIKa. ■^ Panil. yais. Cnta- l«li»y. Cho- n-i(. liiflnni- umlion iif bruhi. At). (Ml licud. Hydro- (-(*pha' lus. Convnl. BlOOS. Spinnl fttli'-C- iii>iiH. (N. S.) Brain trnubln. (N. B.) Total. riii- muMis. M«n. Mtrnal diHur- dura. Total. Falls. hinwa UU llt'Ul *ir spiuo. Inln- rli'nat birtb. Snn- "triike Iiimiiru to HUO. .Stroke fif U^l.t- uiug. Ex- poaiire iiial- tnal- IIICDI, ovi.r. work. Plight. Duma 1,293 2 1Q« 1,382 69 200 2,540 1.4.11 1,089 789 650 477 2 475 5,927 8,327 22 711 SS 1.186 478 248 230 )38 65 73 1 698 1 1 44 62 806 570 38 31 123 77 416 373 396 254 475 2 '"'475' 4.164 1,763 5.393 2,469 858 20 2 601 110 41 24 720 4«e 2 3 1,216 2 IDS 1,319 63 189 2. .123 771 613 435 2 433 3,019 21 S71 SB 1,070 446 108 4 6r.2 5M 1.05(i 910 1 1 2 2 43 62 93 74 770 549 1,228 987 35 28 69 52 no 73 172 122 1.321 1.0U2 2.187 1.707 404 307 747 6<1 360 244 523 458 2 433 363 325 2 2 "'"433 361 323 3.807 1,586 4,555 3,607 2.2.34 785 2,024 2,054 19 2 19 14 568 103 S02 394 38 2U 62 45 605 4U5 8«1 741 228 218 367 278 55 S3 100 81 S 7 8 4ns 146 1 1 31 43 19 572 415 241 30 22 7 68 54 SO 970 731 480 :'.36 305 106 206 192 65 2 323 38 2 '"'323' 38 2.548 1,059 948 1, S"2 522 570 12 2 5 329 65 108 30 IS 7 458 150 143 135 89 44 37 10 a 10 11 .18 160 n 10 12 148 93 91 5 2 4 30 14 17 203 217 136 69 47 24 44 21 00 649 299 838 396 174 395 5 2 93 15 169 4! . mia. NEEVOCS SYSTEM. 16 15 32 15 Total. 228 127 101 Epi. lepsy. Monin gitis. 11 164 164 161 44 82 61 I 31 14 18 33 58 28 10 18 18 23 15 17 . 6 • I.'J_ 19 41 29 I 20 12 _J THE feeble-:mtnded. AN1> AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, BY STAPHS AND TKIMU TOIMKS: ,890-Co..tin,>c<1. 311 AI^ABA.TIA. HSRVODS BV8TEM— continued. nurnoDrcTiVK. i ACCIDKim AKD vuvutta. roral- ( j»is. 1 cp»y. 1 I ho- n ca. 1 nflam- latinn of jrain. Ex. ., F»1U, Son- gt„^„ pcure, Ab. ny.|r«.e„„.,a.»^B™.n y,,, . ^^n. ^.ta,. o^n'S K. T;-;" „^^, .'".".'; FHgbt. noxn.. IE "'-'■ •""■'• (•i^.'a, (S^siTp-""- """"• r/; .;iL. ''"^"- r.r '''-^- 2 21 . 25 . 3 06 10 w 1 - 1 UG 69 . 8 3 17 18 1 1 * 9 . 11 . U ■ 2 1 32 34 8 11 18 13 . 3 S . ...... . 1. i' 77 3S 78 48 . 21 - 48 . 7 1 . 6 8 3 9 8 12 10 . 8 10 ...... 13 . = - t IB . 8 . mill III- 10 . 11 . 2 1 3 3 10 25 41 40 7 11 7 - 2 Q 1. 52 28 74 08 35 - 13 . 45 39 4 1 . 4 4 3 3 3 6 6 12 12 4 6 10 10 6 a 11 . 19 . 18 . 7 21 1 '1 18 1 1 8 21 . 1 11 1 10 . 11 . 2 1 IS 25 1 7 11 7 2 44 24 6 28 11 6 3 1 3 6 6 4 • 10 U 1 I 1 5 1 4 5 1 3 1 13 U 2 1 1 4 1 1 25 1 7 1 1 3 1 38 2 1 21 1 3 5 8 1 18 17 18 19 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 10 9 23 1 1 6 1 7 i' 1 i' 1 25 13 32 20 12 13 8 18 3 zz. 2 5 3 2 5 3 1 1 20 'l 1 1 2 2 1 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.... 15 8 2 1 6 1 i i' 7 3 2 2 3 1 22 23 . 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 11 2 1 7 3 3 1 24 25 2 26 2 1 7 4 5 2 2 1 i 28 2 r:::::: 1 1 2S 7 11 1 28 11 7 i '",'..'. 49 27 1 2 2 6 12 8 1 30 31 2 S 3 4 7 4 1 13 15 13 4 7 S 2 1 17 11 9 8 1 3 1 4 1 1 31 . 35 3 2 S - 5 8 8 1 1 8 3 12 6 2 10 1 1 ;'i 1 1 1 . 3« . 37 5 . 38 1 i ] 4 1 * 1 e 1 1 6 6 24 S S 13 i I . .19 . 40 1 4 i: 3 1 < . 41 1 8 2 . i i I 1 E L ] 3 : ' 1 1 ! i H 1 « 1_ i I : 1 ] I . 43 8 J I - 44 3 5 1 2 I i J" ! ' :::::::: S 4 i » L '. ! L i"!""'- :" 312 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1 §0.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ARIZONA. BES, CX)LOR. KATinTT. JLHD A9E TERIODS WHEN OCCCBBED. Afigro- gate. TJn- known. Con- genital. Old •ge. Mis- celljme- oiu. GENERAL DISEASES. NEUVOCS SYSTEM. TotaL Fever, gen- eral. Scjirlct fever. Bipll- tberia. Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Rack- et!,. Anje- niia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Mpnin- 1 13 2 8 2 1 2 11 2 1 1 8 1 1 1 i i 12 2 7 J 2 1 1 5 6 7 10 2 11 7 1 1 2 2 7 1 1 2 2 1 Feniile 7 3 1 1 Parents native Male 8 9 5 2 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 Odp or both parents for>-i::n. Mile 4 11 12 4 4 14 1 Male* 15 16 17 1 1 1 1 MMo 18 1 1 20 21 22 23 ttfiTPfl hlnnil 1 1 Male 24 25 26 1 1 Agejporimla wlien occurred : 1 1 Male 27 28 29 1 1 1 1 8 8 30 31 32 8 8 3 1 2 1 33 34 35 I 2 1 1 1 1 ' Main 3« 37 38 ' 1 Main 1 39 40 41 1 1 \f iln 1 1 42 43 44 1 -1 1 1 '■ ' 1 ^^ 1*" 1 1 45 4« 1 1 ^^ li 1 1 1 1 —. .— . THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 313 AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued, ARISONA. NERVOUS SYSTEM— continuod. RKPRODUCTIVK, AC0IDE»T8 A^a> INJUBIE8. Paml y.i.. CaU- lup»y. Cho- rwi. Infliuii- liiatKiu 111 bruin. All- (Ml houtl. Il.vilrn. icplm- lua. Convul- Biuus. Spliinl tioiis. (N.a.) Brain Irniihlo. (N. S.) Total. rhi- Rioefa. Ifxn Htruul itiKor ders. Total F«JU, (in head (ir niiino. Injo rii'Mjit birth. SlID- ■troko or vx- piiHiiro lu (tun. Striilia (if lielit- Ding. Ex. pOMiire, 1111)1- In-Ht^ iiient, ovur- wurk. Fright. Burnfl. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ f i 1 1 I . t 1 1 4 1 1 1 fi 1 1 1 n 7 !''" B \ 9 1 1 - 10 11 1 1 11 1!l 1 i ' 1 u 1 t 1 1 IS 1 10 1 i 17 1 1 1 IR 1 IV ■ ?0 1 1 n n n ! 1 1 1 74 1 rs 7A 27 1 i ft i 1 1 Ml 1 SI 1 mt ( m 1 M Vi 1 m " (7 1 1 SR I" 1 1 1 n 1 M 41 1 1 1 47 1 1 1 t 1 1 45 46 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 314 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED/DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TABLK 180.-FEEBLE.MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY. WITH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ABKANSAS. EEX, COLOn. XATIVITY, AKD AOE PERIODS WHEN OCCCBBED. AgRre- gate. Total. 12 13 I 14 17 20 23 Male... Female. 1,671 Un known. Con- genital WTiite. Male... Female. Native bom Parents native . Male... Female.. 925 740 1,210 678 538 1,200 1,169 649 520 428 204 224 288 One or Imtli parcntB foreijrn. Male Female Foreign born. Male . . . Female. Colored . 139 149 284 278 134 144 oia ago. 2S Mis celiane* one. GKSEKAI. DISEASES. 147 369 251 Male.... Female. 29 BLick . Male . . . Female. Mixed blood. 31 247 208 210 179 262 177 434 424 12 11 Total. 252 172 126 Male.... Female. Age periods wbon occurred: Unknown Malt . . . Female. 181 57 M 3 181 107 74 148 Congenital 620 148 Maio Female... 32 40 Under 5 . Male... Female. > to 10. 369 251 122 189 138 Male . . . Ft-male . 10 to 15. Male... Female. ID to 4.'). Male.... Female. 45 and over. 369 251 Male... Female. 240 102 138 25 14 14 118 115 109 104 87 Fever, gen- eral. 84 71 Scarlet fever. 24 10 14 Diph. theria. .Syph. Scrof. ilia. ula. Kick, eta. Anae- mia. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. 120 100 Epi. lepsy. Menin- gitis. 46 26 DO 20 25 97 88 184 182 87 10 19 13 10 29 101 It THE FKKBLE-MINDED. 315 ANPAGK PEKIODS WHKX DKI'I'.CT OCflTUUF.I), IIV STATKS AM) TERHITOKIliS: 1«U0— Continued. AUKANdAH. KRRVOCS SYSTEM— continiiwl. ACCIDUm AXD DUUUIItl, Parnl- ysis. Cata- Ippny. Clio- reii. Inflam- mntioii of bruin. Ab- head. Hydro- c«'|iha- lus. Convnl- Aiona. Spinnl alloc- tionit- (N. S.) Drnln trouble. (N.S.) Total. Phi- moais. Mon- nlrual dinor- dcrs. Total. Falln, blown oil brjid or ■I>iue- Injii- ricH itt birtb. Siin. stroke or ox- jHjfturo lo aau. Stroke of liEh^ ninie. Ex- po*nr«, mal- tn-at- mi-Dt, over- work. Fright. noma. It 1 se 4 3 33 24 7 15 IS Ill 65 2 7 1 24 1 4 1 11 8 30 20 i 3 21 12 12 12 4 3 83 28 54 11 2 7 i' 13 U S 8 2 3 1 15 IS 13 1 48 4 2 29 23 6 8 8 79 46 1 6 1 16 6 8 7 5 12 13 20 1*2 47 47 O 18 11 12 23 23 3 3 6 62 17 78 70 40 6 45 45 1 6 i' 1 1 9 7 10 16 5 1 4 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 4' :.i 11 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 2 2 29 28 1 1 6 7 5 25 22 2 17 11 1 11 12 I «0 10 2 30 6 1 6 i' 9 7 4 2 1 2 1 4 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 8 1 4 1 1 7 7 32 19 1 1 8 2 I 1 4 3 3 4 4 7 1 3 1 3 1 1 21 11 27 14 5 18 1 1 4 4 6 2 2 1 1 7 7 ■, 1 1 1 70 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 18 9 5 14 4 1 3 3 2 2 1 ?! 7 7 T" 4 ' 1 'n 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 i' 6 1 1 1 1 ?i •n 1 1 1 Tff " ■■ 1 1 •>T 1 1 ?8 ■ n 1 ... 1 1 ?n 1 '. . . ill 11 ... 32 3 2 19 11 3 22 15 1 1 6 m 7 4 1 10 13 13 3 1 2 1 13 6 4 7 2 3 17 5 10 13 2 9 1 3 2 4 n i 1 M 2 2 Vi 1 8 5 4 i 1 4 2 7 \ . 1 12 1 4 7 3 7 2 1 2 2 "W 1 1 2 4 2 n 1 1 m 2 2 3 4 4 1 5 4 M 5 2 23 19 1 2 1 19 1 2 40 1 5 1 U 1 14 1 5 41 1 2 1 5 2 3 1 36 19 4 5 1 S 9 10 3 2 41 ] 1 1 14 1 11 41 3 1 2 1 I 7 1 4 1 3 n 1 1 46 1 316 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED BT CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, cae,ifor::via. BBX, coLon, N-ATivrrr, asd AQE PEniOU.< WHEN OCCCKEED. Acffre. gale. Un- known. Con- genital. Old age. Mis. cellane- ons. GENBKAI, DISEASES. KEETOUS SYSTEM. Total, Fever, g*-n- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof. ula. Eick- eta. Ana* mia. Total. Epi. lepsy. Monin- gitia. 1 880 212 291 124 39 23 U 5 102 25 9 Male ^ 4S7 393 107 1U5 1G2 129 64 60 19 20 15 8 3 8 1 4 67 35 17 8 4 5 1 i 870 207 288 39 23 11 5 102 2.-. 9 Mnle p * i ft 4m 387 700 449 106 101 147 90 360 128 262 156 64 59 87 6C 13 20 31 17 15 8 19 8 3 '8 8 5 1 4 4 1 67 35 90 67 17 8 24 17 4 5 9 6 A Female. ... 7 ft Pareuts native SlnlB A 252 197 251 41 49 57 81 72 106 40 26 21 6 11 14 4 4 11 1 3 1 3 47 20 23 12 5 4 2 3 in 11 Oup or both parents foreign. Jliile 1-f.l 108 170 37 20 GO 50 47 20 ;:::::: 11 10 36 8 8 7 4 4 1 2 3 14 9 12 5 2 1 3' 1 Male i^s 88 62 10 28 32 5 17 9 3 23 1 5 3 4 1 2 6 6 1 1 1 Male !■ 1 1R 4 G C 1 4 2 1 2 1 ! 1 1 1 1 li '*0 Black Male 1 1 [ ?1 2 4 4 2" 3 1 1 1 ; 1 1 li 1 ?^ Female -. 1 ' 1 1 ■n MixeUlilood M»le 1 ■>! 2 2 140 1 2 119 1 vs Female ■•« Agejperio 38 14 7 4 3 53 11 7 Male T1 102 7a SI IS 16 11 23 15 8 6 8 11 4 8 8 1 3 3 1 2 3.'! 15 14 10 1 6 3 4 »4 Ti 6 to 10 Male ;in 28 84 6 5 8 5 3 4 C S 7 5 3 3 ] 2 3 1 _ 7 7 2 4 3 87 Female 10 to 15 ;;::::: ;::::::i:::::::: m 1 Male m 21 13 101 7 1 31 3 1 27 4 8 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 10 1 4 1 ift 1 41 Uto45 Mnle *?. 57 44 78 in 15 11 IS 12 30 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 5 13 2 2 i' 43 44 ^ Mall- 45 44 34 4 7 17 22 2 2 10 3 46 1 THE feki51j:-mini)i;d. 317 AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCUURKU, RY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. CAI.IFOBIVIA. NERVocs 8YSTEM— continued. nErnonucTivE. ACOIDEHTH AJID INJCRIEH. Pnml- yi.i«. Cam- Icpsy. Cho- rea. Tnflnni- matlon Ul brain. Al.. nrt-MA on head. Hydro- ci>phu- lU8. Convul- siuus. Spinal alloc- tionn. (N.S.) Brain tnitilde. (N.S.) ■lotal. Phi- moMlH, Hen- fltrual disor- dora- Totnl- Fulls, lllflWH on lioad or •pine. Tnjn- ricnnt birth. Sun- elrokn fir fx- IioHiiru to HUU. Strolco of light- ning. Et- pnniire, nul- triat- mi'nl, OVIM- wurk. Fright. Duma. 12 17 2 1 22 6 g 10 10 m 03 6 S 18 8 2 1 8 4 12 5 1 1 1 15 • 7 3 2 6 3 68 64 42 21 s 11 7 3 b I 1 n 10 :o R 12 IT S 1 22 S 9 10 10 101 02 6 s 18 8 2 4 B 4 7 5 12 S 16 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 7 20 14 3 2 4 3 3 8 8 07 84 78 4« 41 21 49 27 6 5 11 7 14 IS 3 S 3 I 1 2 2 R 10 5 4 10 5 « 5 3 2 7 8 3 2 2 8 5 3 1 11 3 6 2 1 34 15 29 19 8 22 3 2 7 5 2 2 1 3 1 1 • 4 1 4 1 10 1 2 11 1 8 S 1 2 4 2 1 14 15 23 19 4 10 12 13 2 1 1 4 1 2 4 " 12 1 5 1 5 13 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 14 3 2 1 2 12 1 1 1 3 3 1 IS 1 1 1 5 5 2 IS 17 ) 1 1 1 1 IB IS 1 1 20 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 21 22 « » ■■ 25 1 1 1 5 3 2 TA 1 1 5 3 2 27 1. - . 1 28 20 i 1 30 1 1 81 2 8 I 1 ]7 4 2 38 19 19 17 9 8 7 <• 3 24 28 3 3 3 1 32 ■| 2 5 1 1 11 G 1 3 1 1 2 15 13 13 3 1 2 1 i' 1 n 3 2 M 1 "■""■. " 35 j 1 7 B 4 1 1 1 i' 1 SS 1 1 1 ^ 87 2 1 1 38 1 1 3 1 7 1 1 2 8i 1 2 1 7 1 7 1 40 2 3 5 41 1 I « 1 1 t 20 4 11 C 1 8 3 5 5 2 3 1 1 «2 7 2 7 2 €8 1 1 44 1 5 1 1 3 1 11 8 3 1 45 1 1 1 " i 2 2 4S 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 318 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1§0.— FEEBLK-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, COIiOBADO. BEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, AND AOE PERIODS WHEN OCCUBBED. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- uue. GENEBAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Svph- ilj8. Scrof- ula. Eick- ets. Anse- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 192 40 68 24 12 7 2 1 2 25 3 8 Mai© 2 3 119 73 19 21 43 25 14 10 8 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 10 1 2 2 1 4 189 39 67 24 12 7 2 1 2 25 3 3 2 1 3 3 iLTalA 5 6 7 8 117 19 20 33 22 42 25 01 49 14 10 23 21 8 4 9 9 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 15 10 24 20 1 3 2 72 1G8 134 1 1 Parents native Mai© 9 10 11 84 50 31 12 10 11 29 20 12 13 8 2 C 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 7 4 1 1 1 2 1 ::::: One or both parents foreign. 12 13 14 16 18 21 3 8 6 8 4 6 1 3 1 2 1 :::::;;.:::::::: 1 3 3 15 16 17 17 ■ 4 3 4 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 . .. ValA 18 19 20 2 i 3 i' 1 1 :::::::: ::::;;:;i Black Male 1 1 21 22 23 2 1 1 1 1 ...J 1 Male 21 25 20 Ageperiods when occurred : 31 22 1 1 1 5 27 28 29 17 14 68 9 13 1 1 1 4 1 68 Main 30 31 32 43 25 47 6 43 25 VAfnfllA 9 9 4 n 1 2 14 o 3 Male 33 M 35 30 17 11 { 4 i 2 6 4 3 6 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 « 4 2 1 2 1 Male 86 37 88 8 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 i' 1 1 1 1 10 to in Male 3 6 20 1 1 6 1 1 40 41 3 & 1 1 IS lo 45 Male 1 15 5 7 4 1 3 3 3 1 43 44 Malo 1 a 1 1 1 3 46 i THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 319 AND A(iH TKRIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, HY STATES ANM) IKKKI TOWIES : I8!m— fontiuucd. t'OI.OHADO. HRBVOU8 STBTEM- con tinned. BIPSODCCnVB. ACCIDKIfTS AND liMUBIKS. rnrnl. ysls- lopsy. Clio- rca. Tnflftm- mntiou of brain. Ab- 8Ce8S on bead. Hydro- copba* lus. Conrul- siona. Spinal ftfll'C- tiona. (N. S.) Brnin .rouble. (N.S.) Total. I'lll. inoaiii. Mrn- Htnial dlsor* dera. Total. Fallii, blown onbead or spine. Injn- ritM at birtb. .Sun- ntroke or ox- poRuro to BUU. Stroke of lipbt- nmg. Ex- posure, mal. trcat- IllliUt, over- work. F-Hght. nams. 3 1 4 1 1 7 2 23 15 2 2 4 1 3 2 2 i" 1 n 2 I 1 20 3 13 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 s 3 I 1 I 1 7 2 22 14 2 2 4 4 8 2 4 3 i' 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 * 1 1 2 2 19 3 18 13 12 2 10 10 2 2 3 1 4 1 K 1 1 1 « 3 n 2 2 2 7 B 3 2 1 1 i 1 3 1 2 1 I 11 2 5 8 2 2 1 B 1 10 2 3 11 1 1 1 4 1 4 2 2 1 12 1 13 4 14 .... 1 1 4 4 15 1 1 ::::::: 1H 1 1 17 1 1 18 :::::::;: -:-.i 19 1 1 1 W 1 21 1 «? m 1 1 1 94 1 :::::::: "::::::r:::::: 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 SS 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 27 1 m . 29 .to 31 2 3 5 9 6 1 2 33 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 I 7 2 1 4 2 1 1 2 33 1 1 14 35 ^ 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 37 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 38 1 1 41) 1 8 4 2 1 1 41 1 7 1 2 4 2 1 *1l 1 1 41 2 44 1 1 I 2 2 4n 40 1 1 320 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TABLK ISO-FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, SEX, COLOR, NAimTT, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCUBEED. Aggre- gate. Total. U 17 Slale... Female. ■White. M.nle ... Female. 1,208 G95 513 Kative bom Parents native . Male ... Female . One or both parents foreiia'. Male Female 1,189 686 501 1,031 Foreign born. Male ... Female . Colored . Male... Female. Black . Male..., Female. Mixed blood. 2C 29 32 38 Male ... Female. Age periods when orcnrred: Unknown Male... Female. Congenital . Male . . . Female. Under 5 . Male .. Female. Male..., Female. 10 to 15 . Male... Female . 15 to 45 . Male ... Female. 45 and over. Male . . Female. Un. known 509 353 Con- genital. 338 Old age. Mis cellane- ous 202 154 347 198 149 289 213 233 155 382 230 152 359 291 126 GENERAI. DISEASES. Total. 142 101 81 158 91 67 185 106 23 6 10 I 215 133 82 388 174 105 233 155 187 SO 71 23 16 388 233 155 37 8G Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet tever. Diph- theria. 30 Syph. ills. Scrof- ula. Rick. cts. Anae- mia. NERVOUS SYSTEM. 16 25 Total. II ^P^. 123 123 113 94 Menin- gitis. 45 19 13 32 13 10 29 28 22 < TIIK FKK1U>K-AIIN1)KI). 32] AND AGK PEKIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. CONNBC'TICDT. , KERVOCs STSTEM— continued. KEi'BouucrrvE. ACCIDKTra A.VD I.VJl'RIKS. rnrnI C»t.a- lopsy. Cho- rea. Inflam- matif)n ol bmin. Ah- BCesB on licail. Hydro- cppha- lU8. Convul- BiODS. Spinal atl'pr- ttonH. (N. S.) Hr»in troiiliir. (N. S.) Total. riii- moain. Mcn- (.tniat dinur- dt.T8. ToUI. FallK, binWH on liead or Bpinc. In.in- rit'snt liirtli. Sun- Btroko or ox- poBuro lu BUD. Stroke of liplit- niug. Ex- pOBoro, raul- Ircat- incnt, over- work. Fright. Boms. ;i 1 1 1 1 U 2 15 4 4 93 67 14 15 7 1 12 9 1 1 2< 20 1 ml 74 19 50 7 13 1 7 8 4 3 7 a I 1 1 5 4 4 3 21 12 U in 15 1 1 1 1 U 2 15 4 4 93 67 14 15 4 1 1 24 20 43 35 1 1 2 2 10 5 13 74 19 74 OS 60 7 49 43 13 1 S 6 7 8 13 11 4 3 5 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 • 1 1 1 7 S 10 1 1 19 10 8 1 1 7 4 2 52 13 9 38 5 6 C 5 2 2 3 1 g 5 4 i i 2 ^ 10 1 11 1 o 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 8 ] 19 C 1 1 2 1 12 13 2 2 2 8 8 1 It ; 1 2 14 5 C 7 1 1 15 2 2 2 2 2 1(1 17 1 ■ IK 19 m 71 } n ?3 1 1. . 74 75 1 2 1 1 11 8 1 1 1 2)1 1" 1 . ..1 2 1 1 9 2 7 1 1 1 ll 27 1 1 1 TR 79 1 1 1 1 10 ::;:::::r:::::::i:::::::i::::::: :::::::: 31 2 1 16 23 18 1 1 3 3S 1 1 1 3 20 3 10 17 1 8 1 2 i 33 1 7 11 1 1 34 1 3 1 35 1 2 i 1 5 « 9 1 2 2 9 1 8 8 1 30 1 37 1 3 5 3* 1 "1 1 1 s 1 1 2 29 3 3 aa 4 6 2 5 40 2 2 a 13 9 2 41 2 1 3 3 19 10 12 9 4 7 9 1 4 2 41 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 43 13 1 1 9 2 M 7 6 7 2 11 1 6 1 2 2 . 1 40 1 1 a a 40 1 717C INS- -21 822 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TAiii.K J§0. -FEE1 [5LE-M lADKLJ Ul I 1 ,ES. COLOR. NATIVITY, AND J^g^g. Vn- Con- AGE PEKioi.s WHEN ~^_ known. geuital. OCCOBliED. 1 0''1 c. [ISO. GENERAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. s Mia- ou's"*' a. . , ^'^''^^- Scarlet Dipli- Syph- Scrof. Rick- Anffi- Total. 0U8. Total. gi-a- f J. ti,„,.ja. jija. ula. ets. mia. oral. Epi- Mciiin- cpsy. gitis. 1 Total 220 70 87 3 18 e 2 2 2 . 17 2 . 2 8 Malo...-- remiile 100 111 27 43 52 . 35 ""3 8 10 5 1 1 1 .. 2 2 2 . 2 . lll^i =^ = ::::::: _ 8 . 9 14 2' 2 . 4 White 190 88 102 182 164 I 62 23 39 59 49 73 41 . 32 72 65 3 ■""3' 3 3 15 j 6 9 5 1 1 2 2 . 6 8 13 13 2". 2 . 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 13 6 1 7 8 Parents unlive ■]^I,,]p 13 6 1 79 85 19 30 10 30 29 ■"■3" 6 7 5 1 1 1 . 2 2 6 7 2' 10 Female Onn nrltoUi parents Mall' 1 11 12 13 7 11 8 2 6 30 3 4 7 3 2 1 3 1 14 15 10 17 ■ Foreign born 1 2 8 1 14 ^' i' 3 Coloretl 3 15 19 2« 21 22 Mnlo 21 9 ■ 28 4 4 8 11 14 2 1 3 2 1 2 Ulack ^f (l],! 19 9 o 4 4 11 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 23 24 25 Mnlo Fcmalo Ageiwrimlfl wlicn occurred: 31 28 1 1 1 27 28 •\[t\^ 12 19 10 18 87 1 1 29 30 31 82 Malo Fenialo 35 38 21 19 52 35 5 5 2 1 2 4 1 33 Main t 11 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 i 1 34 85 Feinalo 5 to 10 17 10 4 « 31 8i Mnlo I'*euiulu 1 lOtolS 1 I ) 2 1 1 ;::: '. 2 I i 31 4 4 41 < ) Mnln } Feuiiilu '. 8 1 1 t 1 . ! > t Mnl« S FcinalB 4 45 and over 1 2 i S 4 1 2 . 1 J ..... 1 ! , I 8 1 7 7 3 2 1 " 1 1 i ■• 4 M Fwualo 1 5 3 TIIK FKKI5LE-MINDED. 323 AND AGE nCKlOllS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1890— Conlinacd. KUBVOL-8 EYSTEU— CantiUlKMl. DEPRODCCTIVB. ACCIDENTS A.VD LXJCklCa. Paral- ysia. r»ti»- loi»y. Clio- ri'H. Inllniii- niiiliou bruin. Ab- nil Ileal). nyi\rn- i'l'lilm- lua. Cimviil- Mioim. Siiliml adlHi IHIII.*. (N.S.I nrnin Irimlili'. (N.a.l TotBl. riii- niimiH. Men- ntninl HiHrir- (lorH. Totttl. FnllK. Iitovvn UUliI'lIll or oiiiuo. Iiijii- rif'f^nt liirlh. Sun- lit i-iiko iirt-x- I'liHuro tu mo.- stroke of liulii^ uing. Ex- posure, null, tnnt- iiii'nl, ovi-r- work. Fright. Doma. 2 3 2 8 1 3 3 10 8 1 S 2 1 2 3 1 7 2 1 1 4 1 3 2 2 3 3 » 1 2 2 «l 1 8 3 14 G 1 5| 2 4 2 3 1 7 7 13 12 4 2 5 4 ' 1:-:::::: 1 4 5 5 I S 1 2 2 2 3 C 3 3 8 3 3 3 1 2 2 « 2 1 1 1 1 7 6 8 2 3 1 7 S 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 » 2 3 3 3 10 1 1 11 12 1 1 1 1 13 1 14 i 1 IS 1 1 1 2 1 2 It 2 17 2 2 2 lA 1 1 19 1 1 1 70 1 1 1 1 SI 1 1 ' . n 1 1 1 28 1 1 1 ?* 2S 1 1 1 M . 1 27 1 1 ?S a 1 1 as 81 2 1 S 3 1 1 3S 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 38 ... ... 1 1 1 St 1 85 1 1 1 86 1 1 1 2 1 87 2 38 1 1 1 1 2 3 88 40 1 3 1 2 2 S 2 1 » 1 «1 1 2 ' 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 43 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 48 2 1 44 1 1 1 1 40 2 1 1 1 1 48 324 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabu: ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, DI8TRI1CT OF COI.l'inBIA. SEX, COIX)!:, yATIVlTV. AXD AGE I'ERIObS WUE.S OCtUBKED. Affgre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Olil age. Mis- ctUane- 0U3. OENEBAL DISEASES. KEBVOl-S BYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fevei-. Dipli- thcria. ^^: Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Ana;- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 261 50 IDS 25 15 9 5 1 37 23 1 Male s 130 111 26 70 38 10 15 8 7 2 7 5 I 21 16 15 8 1 3 A 158 S3 63 14 8 G 1 1 1 25 14 1 Male f, 87 71 137 118 07 51 19 15 17 26 22 42 21 67 54 6 8 10 G 3 5 8 7 1 5 6 5 1 1 12 13 23 19 8 6 13 12 1 1 1 fi 1 1 1 1 f; rareut-s nntiro Male 1 9 10 12 4 36 18 3 3 3 4 2 5 1 s' 1 1 1 10 9 4 7 5 1 1 10 11 On? or Ijolh parents M:ile 1' 11 8 21 12 103 4 G 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 13 U 1 Male IS 1 5 18 5 1 45 2 2 11 16 2 12 1 9 17 7 3 4 Male 18 63 40 86 53 33 17 9 9 17 28 17 35 4 7 10 5 •i 5 1 2 1 4 9 3 10 7 2 7 in W Black 4 Male ?1 9 8 1 22 13 10 4 6 1 4 1 2 i' 2 4 7 3 2 5 2 2 n Female 73 Mix^il blood Male ?4 10 7 47 i' 30 C 4 1 1 \ 2 2 Vfi 1 8 m Agcpi-rioilx wlicnoccarred: 5 1 Main [ n 24 23 108 10 14 2 2 3 ?8 1 W) 108 Miile an TO 38 47 6 70 38 81 m 6 5 2 2 1 19 16 llalB n 20 18 22 12 10 13 2 4 5 5 1 2 3 2 C i' 3 2 1 12 7 5 11 5 3 M I-Vninlo 1 to 10 a*) 3 Male .. 88 2 3 2 1 1 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 4 1 6 2 1 3 1 87 1 88 Male 8t 5 8 11 1 1 5 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 40 2 1 2 1 41 15 to 4S Half 4? 6 S 13 2 3 2 1 1 48 1 6 44 1 1 2 45 4 1 1 I 4 tf 1 1 2 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 325 AND AGE I'KRIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCI'lv'h'KD, l!V STATES AND TKKIMTOUIES: 1890— Continued. niMTKIt'T OV <:Ol.t'.1IKI.t. NERVOUS SYSTEM— continued. BXPBODDOTIVE. ACCIDEilTS AHD INJlTBIEa. Parnl. ysis. Cnta- lepa.v. (•1.0- rou. Inflnm- liiatinii (.f brain. Ab- on head. Hydro- ci'phii- lus. Convnl- BiOUS. Spinnl JlllVc- tionH. (N.S.) nrnln (roublu. (N.S.) Total. I'bl- inosis. M«n. Rtnntl diHor. dors. Total. Falls. blow8 on lii^ad or spino. Injn- rii-Hftt birth. Son. Htroko or ox- pofltiro tOBUD. Stroke of liKht. Ding. Ex- pOBHTO, mul- tront- mcnt, over, work. Fright. [lunu. 2 3 1 4 3 26 IS 1 1 6 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 17 •0 11 4 1 i' 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 i 2 16 1 4 2 2 1 3 4 ■ 3 9 7 13 10 a 4 3 6 3 8 6 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 o 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 10 1 1 11 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1? 1 1 13 1 1 1 11 1 2 10 1 IS 1 1 1 1 2 10 1 1 6 1 1 17 1 1 8 2 9 5 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 1A 1 1 19 1 1 1 ?«» 1 1 7 1 5 1 1 1 1 71 ■ ••• i' ... ?? 1 f3 1 .... 1 1A 1 ?f> 1 1 2 4 1 » ?fl 1 1 1 4 1 3 n 1 I 2R 79 ■ 1 t 1 1 m 1 1 HI 1 2 11 8 I 2 32 1 1 7 4 4 6 2 3 1 1 1 33 2 1 1 34 1 35 1 1 1 3 1 2 36 1 37 1 1 38 30 1 1 40 4 2 2 41 3 1 3 2 I 1 I 1 42 :""....::::.. 43 1 1 1 1 44 2 1 1 1 1 4fi 1 ................ 1 1 4A 1 1 1 326 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TABLK iSO.-FEEBLE-mNDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR. NATIVITy. FI'ORIDA. BBX, COLOR. NATIVITT, AND AOE PERIODS WHBN OeCUKtiED. Agfrre- gate. Un- I Con- known, geuital Old age Mis oellaDe- uus, GENERAL DISEASES. Total. Male... Fumalo . 4 I ■WTiite. 5 6 Malo..- I'dualo. 500 281 230 20J U 14 17 20 23 Native bom Parents n.ative . M.nlo-.- Temalo . One. or both parents foreijzii Male Female 139 121 248 235 135 123 112 13 Foreign born. Male... Female. Colored Male.... Female. 56 218 121 97 122 118 111 Blaclt . Male.... Fern ale - Mixed blood . 29 Male.... Fouialo- 240 125 115 irC) 93 85 Ago periods wbcii occurred: Uji known Male... Female. Congenital . Male Female 218 9 U I Under 5 . Male... Female. 121 97 82 ts 41 44 ito 10. M.il... Feniale. 10 to 15. 50 85 33 11 M:i1"... !''< male. 15tu45. Mai".... Female. 45 and over. 45 Male ... Female. 27 23 4 .... 3 .... 121 07 .... 5G Total. 15 Fever, gen- eral. 12 Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. 13 19 Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Eick- Ante- mia. NEBVODS SYSTEM. Total. 43 Epi- lepsy. 10 10 Menin- gitis. 15 TTTE FEEBLE-MINDED. 327 AKP AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, HY STATES AND TEIMUTORIES: 1890— Continued. Pi.oiiinA. KEUVOUS SYSTEM— continiiixl. BErHODDrTIVB. ACciDurrs mm ixivuua. rnrnl- y..i». 7 CntR- lejtHV. Clio- Iliflnnt- matiiiu III bruiD. Ab- Bt-t'HH on bviid. Hydro- ro))liu- liis. Crtlivill- HtUllH. Spinal Illliri:- lirillft. (N.S-) Itrniii troiiblu. (N.S-) ToUl. I'hl. muHis. Men- Hiriial 8 8 5 1 4 2 1 1 3 2 2 13 1 1 1 1 1 14 Foreign bom Male 1 15 3 2 860 1 i' 12 1 1 48 ' 1 ir> Female 1 17 Colored 220 472 18 15 2 1 58 18 4 Male 1R 465 395 752 105 115 106 270 202 411 6 6 10 17 31 41 13 5 13 11 4 12 2 33 25 51 13 5 17 2 4 19 1 1 ?fl Black Male ?1 400 346 108 59 49 183 95 101 2* 234 177 61 4 6 2 14 27 7 11 2 5 11 1 3 29 23 7 12 5 1 2 2 Tf Fcm.ilc 1 1 ?1 Mixeil blood 2 Male ....... 74 10 14 155 36 25 2 3 4 C 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 11 1 ■a 7(1 Age periods when occorred : Unknown * 1 Male 27 «0 93 3,133 75 80 3 3 3 1 1 1 5 G 2 2 1 28 Female W Congenit.'tl 1,133 Male M 660 473 260 120 C60 473 31 32 UnderS 24 34 27 6 1 GO 15 3 Male 33 152 108 1 1 121 70 50 40 13 11 21 19 15 14 16 12 12 4 2 2 39 21 31 10 6 11 2 1 3 34 Female 1 35 5tol0 Malo 3(1 73 48 79 23 17 20 10 11 10 7 7 12 6 11 1 1 22 9 22 2 12 2 1 1 37 3JI 10 to 15 1 Male 3S 40 30 262 13 7 107 4 07 11 1 10 11 11 11 sa 15 21 6 10 i' 40 Female 1 41 llto45 15 M.1I0 42 101 161 153 83 74 48 24 43 31 14 17 10 6 4 3 1 10 3 4 1 43 Female 44 45 and (n-cr 20 " 1 Malo ^ II 1 li |! 4.1 66 87 18 30 9 20 ? 46 Female 1 "i 1 __ 1 TTTK FKi:i'.Lr.-:\nxi)i:r). 329 AJND AGE PKRIOnS WHEN DEFECT OCCUUUKl), liV STATES AND TKIHMK IRIES: 1890— Continued. GEORGIA. NCUVOl'S SYSTEM loill lllMI'll. llEPHODCCTIVE. ACCIDENTH AKD I.VJURIB8. Pnral Cfttn- ri-a. Inflnin Ah- nmtion flfc»H v( 1 on bruin. Iii-utl. Ilvdro- Cl'ItllH- lU8. Cnnviil- Biuns. Spinal nllre. tixnii. (N.S.) lirain trnnblc. (X. S.) Total. Phi- mollis. Men. ntrtial disor dors. Total. Folia. blnn-H on head or spino. Injn- ricn .nl birth. 8nn- Htroko UT ox- poHoro lu nun. SIrnko of lleht nlng. Ex- pnaun, tual- treat- nient, o\'pr- work. Fright. Hams. 35 2 15 3 2 39 16 IS 17 17 03 00 2 11 7 4 1 24 11 2 8 7 1 2 1 1 22 17 7 6 10 65 28 45 15 ::::::: 7 2 1 1 6 S 2 2 2 f 17 17 3 28 2 12 2 1 23 12 11 13 13 65 39 7 2 7 7 3 4 20 8 27 27 19 8 2 7 1 S < i' 1 1 15 8 23 23 4 8 12 12 3 8 11 U 44 21 05 63 28 11 39 38 5 2 7 7 I 1 2 2 3 4 7 7 S 2 7 7 2 1 3 2 n 13 13 13 13 13 13 (1 2 2 12 12 2 2 7 8 2 7 5 1 1 i 15 8 4 8 8 8 """is ia 44 19 28 10 1 5 2 • 1 1 3 1 4 5 2 2 1 9 10 11 n 2 1 : 1 13 1 14 1 1 n 1A 3 1 1 16 4 4 4 * 28 21 2 ^ 1 17 1 4 3 5 1 2 3 i 1 1 7 9 U 3 1 4 2 2 3 21 7 20 17 4 20 2 2 2 4 13 4 4 4 4 1 1 13 1 70 3 2 2 1 1 2 -1 7 2 3 1 1 2 1 19 7 2 10 4 1 1 2 2 ?I '" '1 1 1 4 4 1 n 1 n 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 •n 2 6 ?s 1 1 8 7 1 .- ?fl 4 6 2 5 1 1 "T 1 1 :::": |------ '>8 ?S 1 1 30 31 6 8 2 19 C 1 22 11 11 15 14 1 1 1 3 2 T> 5 1 4 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 12 7 4 4 2 1 7 7 13 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 31 1 1 4 1 1 34 2 3^ ■■ 3 1 1 2 3 1 5 I 1 2 2 11 4 12 4 8 1 1 33 1 2 1 17 3 3 I 1 1 1 33 1 4 1 4 10 26 19 7 10 7 1 14 1 1 1 i 3ft 1 2 8 1 8 4 3 10 3 10 40 1 4 7 1 41 3 3 18 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 6 2 13 1 4 4 2 6 2 4? lU 3 10 3 1 43 1 4 44 12 6 1 1 1 5 8 4 3 1 1 1 4S 1 1 3 3 43 330 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabuk 180.— feeble-minded I3Y CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, IDAHO. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITT. AND AOU I'BRIUUS WHEN OCCUUUED. Aggro- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Olii ago. Mi«- cellano- OU8. Q£NERAL DISEASES. NEEVOnS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- oral. Scarlet lever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Kick- eta. An». mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 a'ota\ 55 11 2? 15 2 2 5 1 WalB « 32 23 5 6 13 9 10 5 2 2 1 2 3 H 1 ■\7)iito 4 S5 11 22 :. 15 2 2 5 1 Male R 32 23 42 31 5 G 8 5 13 9 21 10 19 5 7 G 2 2 2 3 4 3 n Female 1 1 1 7 2 1 2 1 R Ptircnt^ imtivo Mule 1 19 12 • 11 5 6 13 3 2 3 9 7 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 I* 11 Feiualo 1 Odo or both pareute lureigii. lL,li- 1 1 111 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 n 1 8 1 1 ij J*orci;in born Male 1!> 8 5 1 2 1 S 3 1 Ifi Femalo 17 Coloroil Male 1R 19 ■ ■ ?fl JJlack Male 1 ?1 1" IVinale n Mixt^l lilood Main 1 V4 ?s 7A Ago periods wlien occurreil : Unknuwu .... 2 2. Main ?7 2 2 ?s Pciiialo 7(1 22 22 Mall w> 13 9 9 5 13 9 'A] m 1 1 1 2 Male m 4 6 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 2 iffi S to 10 1 1 ■ Main M 2 2 1 1 1 1 117 1 Mi lOlolJ Malo m 40 «> 15lo45 12 2 7 - 3 1 Main «2 6 e 1 1 1 4 3 B 1 2 «a Ftiuiilu 1 «t 45 and over M ' «A 6 1 C 1 M Fuiimlu ' TIIK FKKHI.K-^IINDKD. 331 AND AGE PERIODS WHKN DEFECT OCCURRED. 15Y STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. IDAHO. NK11VOU8 BY8TEM— continued. bepsodu(;tive. ACCIDEKTB AND IHJCRUa. Paral ynis. i lo|in}. Cho- n-u. Tnflnm- iniiti»n III bruin. Ah- nn hluid. n.v 1 U 1 . ...... 1 IS " ■ 18 IT - 18 18 98 1 1 21 i 1 21 2S 1 24 25 27 2A 1 1 1 . ' 1 * » 1 30 31 2 • SJ ■ ■ 1 1 1 ,.z 3i 1 1 34 SS *i w 1 1 1 1 1 311 1 1 1 ' ' . .1 37 1 !1 1 38 **' ' 1 i 1. . 39 ::..:i : 40 1 1 1 41 1 — '- 1 1 \ ;2 1 i i;i 1' 44 — 1 I 1 45 i ■•••::.: i:::;::: j 4ft 1 1 1 1 ii Ii i""' 1 1"" 1 332 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. tabuv i§o.— feeble-minded by causes of idiocy, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, It,L.INOIS. BEX, COLOR, NATIVITV, AXD AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCl-BBED. Aggre- gate. Vn- kuowo. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- oua. i GENERAI. DtSEASBS. KEttVOCS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Dipli- theria. S.vph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Eick- ots. Anoc. mia. Total. Spi- lepsy- Menin- gitis. 1 Total 5,24',' 1 :■"■ 1,872 00 607 340 220 102 4 9 2 3 660 131 44 Male 2 8 2.9."i2 2,297 076 009 1,070 790 28 32 330 277 182 158 114 106 59 43 4 3 6 2 3' 365 301 75 56 28 16 4 5,1'4 1,262 1,843 •CO 001 337 218 101 4 9 2 3 660 130 44 Male 5 6 7 8 2,909 1 2,265 4,308 3,370 060 596 991 786 1,0C0 783 1,657 1,268 28 32 35 30 326 275 460 340 179 158 303 218 112 100 192 146 58 43 93 •58 4 3 6 9 7 2 2 1 3' 3 2 362 298 605 475 75 55 114 101 28 10 44 38 4 4 Parents native Male 9 10 11 1.912 1,458 998 432 354 205 727 541 383 15 15 5 193 147 120 117 101 85 81 05 46 28 30 35 4 3 1 1 2 1 254 221 130 59 42 13 25 13 6 4 2 One or both parenta foreign. Mile 12 13 14 577 421 800 104 101 271 229 154 192 2 3 25 70 50 141 49 30 34 13 21 3 22 24 26 26 9 8 1 i' 75 55 55 7 16 3 3 I'Vniale 2 Male ) 15 IS 17 420 380 75 130 141 23 104 88 29 11 14 03 78 6 9 17 2 4 4 1 1 .... 83 22 9 7 1 Halo 1 18 19 20 43 32 59 10 13 18 10 13 23 4 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 5 1 1 1 2 2 1 Male 21 22 S3 32 27 10 8 10 5 12 11 6 2 2 2 2 2 . . . 1 2 3 1 1 1 Mixed blood 1 1 Mnlo 1 1 24 25 2« 11 5 037 2 3 510 4 2 2 1 1 1 ycnialo Age jwriiMld when occurred: 52 13 9 3 1 32 10 7 3 1 l' Malp 27 28 29 349 288 1,872 274 230 1 28 24 8 7 4 6 1 2 1 18 1 1,872 Main 1 to n >2 1.070 790 1,183 305 1,070 790 Under 5 194 150 105 42 2 1 365 190 175 113 53 33 Male 13 >4 M OOG 517 400 200 165 »8 02 80 48 118 76 43 91 65 88 61 44 48 26 16 30 2 2 4 3 31 22 29 21 12 10 1 1 S to 10 Main M 17 S8 245 155 184 20 17 30 47 41 31 22 26 19 23 13 12 1 2 1 70 43 35 18 11 14 7 3 10 lo 15 Male N 93 01 826 18 30 171 23 13 194 11 20 43 7 12 82 4 8 8 20 15 75 8 17 in Fenmlo i\ 15 t«45 1 1 Male 47 351 274 348 93 87 107 88 24 10 9 17 15 7 6 4 1 1 47 28 40 8 9 8 Inle B 518 432 100 1,031 700 231 285 259 83 158 129 SO 115 80 34 34 23 18 7 11 3 2 3 i' 398 280 110 76 31 6 8 1 10 11 Female Onp or both parents Male 3 2 1 1? :B3 283 aio 01 39 101 127 104 87 87 46 89 30 26 17 18 16 12 10 8 2 1 1 2 2 61 49 20 18 13 6 i' n J'tjuialo u 1 Jtale IS 1!)S 142 109 53 48 32 57 30 38 40 43 15 10 7 5 9 3 4 1 1 13 7 8 5 1 5 111 Female 2 1 1 17 Male 18 72 37 72 18 14 21 25 13 25 11 i 9 4 1 3 4 5 3 6 • 3 2 3 IV 1 "•n EUck 3 Male ?i 44 28 37 10 11 11 10 9 13 5 4 C 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 2 T? n 2 1 1 Male 1 74 28 630 8 3 493 9 4 1 1 17 1 1 1 37 1 1 17 2 ?'i Female 1 1 ?(l Ago poriwls when occurred : 60 7 3 Male ?7 300 270 2.090 294 199 24 42 11 5 2 1 2 24 13 11 2" 28 79 V 1 2,090 Mnlo "1 tn 1.240 85G 1.13C 291 1.240 856 m .... fl7 Under 5 Male 173 170 101 48 2 15 4 382 72 7 Tl 047 489 388 163 128 03 97 70 63 92 78 78 65 40 67 29 19 15 6 2 2 1 210 163 144 42 30 51 2 6 4 M 2 ^ 6 to 10 Male 1M 225 103 248 30 33 44 32 31 44 47 31 26 36 21 20 10 5 3 1 4 2 92 62 82 S4 17 34 8 1 (T 1 M 10 to 15 - 1 Male n 140 108 651 22 22 183 22 22 191 16 10 01 14 64 1 2 6 1 1 1 40 30 103 18 10 43 1 40 1 41 IS to 45 1 Male 47 371 280 41S 21H 201 81 102 109 lil 70 194 35 20 13 30 24 12 5 52 51 68 22 21 7 i' 43 Fcmalo 1 1 1 44 Slalo 4K DO 4D 83 111 a 7 « 6 44 24 6 2 4» FeniaJn 1 T 1 1 K F !■: E liLE-MI N T) K D. 335 &m) AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURHED, UY STATES AND TKKRlTORiES: 1800— ConlinnccL IWDIANA. MBIIVOUS BY6TEJI- -continued. IIEI'HODiII.TIVB. ACCIDK.M1I AND INJCIIIIW. Pftral- Clio. Inflnm- maiiim brjiu. (III llt-ail. Hydro- cf|tlia- lim. ConTul- siuna. S;.ln!il tititiM. (N.S.) Bmiii Iroitlilo. (N.tj.)| Total. Phi. niosU. Men- striiiil Hi-iir- (lorH. Total. Falls, bio VII on licsd or SplDO. Inlil- ri< n nt birth. Snn- iiiiMko «jr tt- [tuHlirQ toauD. .Slmlio i.r Ilrht- u.ii):. Ex- pimttrr, ninl- trn:. ltii-iit, i»vi*r. nork. Frigbt. Baroi. 81 40 •J2 3 18S S 6 ISl 117 80 25 25 352 175 2 30 7 93 27 1 1 a 108 77 3 2 ii 1 m 68 72 45 10 11 2.13 99 133 42 2 35 4 5 2 59 34 10 II 3 7 25 25 3 80 ....... s 184 6 6 ISl lie 3D 25 25 341 171 2 38 6 89 27 8 4 48 32 70 G6 1 2 3 3 108 7(i 180 154 3 2 5 6 5 1 e 5 8! 08 151 126 71 45 111 101 1!) 11 20 23 15 8 6 244 97 317 263 120 42 161 138 2 2 34 4 32 20 4 2 6 6 32 86 70 10 11 22 17 2 6 8 S ft 25 23 21 25 23 21 S 7 8 27 10 1 a 88 UC 26 3 4 1 1 73 53 25 M 37 10 188 75 54 103 35 23 2 22 4 6 4 2 45 25 16 12 5 5 2 4 2 9 21 2 21 2 10 11 5 5 4 18 g 4 1 in 15 4 5 3 3 1 37 17 24 17 10 ' 6 9 7 3 3 2 S 2 1? 2 2 2 2 n 6 14 4 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 19 5 n 9 1 4 3 1 4 1 IS 2 2 Iff 1 I 1 4 n i 1 ' 9 2 s' 4 1 1 2 2 3 1 18 i 1 19 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 ■n 1 Tl 1 1 73 * 1 1 3 1 1 1 74 1 ?f> 3 3 7 5 3 3 14 S 4 5 ?* 3 1 3 4 3 3 2 12 2 5 4 3 2 '>7 3 3 ?H n 1 '» "n 24 110 3 4 81 07 8 120 67 2 5 2 29 7 S 17 12 12 3 65 SI 32 2 1 1 3 1 47 34 33 42 25 15 4 4 3 70 44 40 44 23 25 2 5 1 1 1 17 12 3 4 3 10 3 5 33 It 2 1 % 2 1 1 1 1 1 23 9 10 16 17 15 10 5 11 3 ai 16 47 15 10 30 1 1 1 2 6 4 e 30 1 1 tl 3 5 5 3 18 10 6 14 1 8 7 11 5 10 3 7 34 13 97 25 5 35 -'■■■•■• 2 1 17 3 4 4 39 3 3 » w 1 10 1 6 16 5 10 «) 1 5 5 40 5 g 4 1 5 6 4 7 3 5 9 82 15 34 32 3 13 16 1 9 3 1 29 10 9 2 1 1 1 *"} 16 1 16 1 43 1 44 27 13 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 5 25 S 12 1 -- 7 f 5 4 1 i 45 4« ' 1 836 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED; DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED 15Y CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOE, NATIVITY, ■ OWA. 8KX, COLOR. NATIVITY, AND AOE PEBIODS WHEN OCCL'BHEU. AgRTe- gate. Un- teown. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- ous. GENERAL DISEASES. KERVOUS STSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ills. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. AniD- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 3,319 597 1,535 41 361 188 132 45 5 4 2 386 82 21 Male 1 1,85.1 1,434 315 282 894 641 18 23 176 185 111 77 72 60 30 15 5 2 2 2 224 162 51 31 13 8 "WTiite . ...- i 3.308 595 1.529 41 360 186 130 45 5 4 2 386 82 21 Male n 1,879 1,429 2,821 2,038 1,160 878 783 313 282 473 337 891 038 1,303 998 18 23 26 24 176 184 272 188 110 76 168 121 71 59 116 81 30 15 42 31 5 2 2 4 4 2 224 162 347 242 51 31 71 51 33 20 13 8 21 17 7 4 3 2 2 8 Parents native Male 9 174 163 136 671 427 367 15 9 2 100 88 84 75 40 47 47 34 35 21 10 11 3 2 2 2 139 103 105 10 7 4 10 u One or both parents foreign . 1 4->fi 327 487 20.1 221 11 6 5 10 6 4 1 70 00 122 218 149 104 2 15 45 39 88 25 22 18 17 18 14 7 4 3 1 60 45 39 11 » 11 3 1 1^ 14 1 Male ■[^ 63 59 2 102 62 3 12 31 57 1 10 8 2 7 7 2 2 i 1 25 14 7 4 Iff ;;;;:;: Male 18 19 20 2 2 3 3 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 22 23 1 MiTf'fl hlnml Male 24 25 2« 1 252 130 110 1.535 190 1 Agepcriods when occurred : 28 6 5 1 14 2 Male 27 28 2» 99 91 15 13 2 4 2 3 9 6 1 1 1 1,535 Male 80 n 8? 891 041 707 211 894 Oil Female 145 89 00 20 3 4 2 204 29 16 Male m 398 309 187 118 93 85 79 00 89 50 39 39 30 30 18 13 7 10 a 2 2 115 80 44 28 16 33 17 12 10 9 7 2 81 Female ts 2 Male M 17 127 00 92 61 41 302 2i 12 14 24 16 12 28 11 22 13 5 18 13 4 2 10 6 15 1 1 2 88 10 to 15 !Malf' fQ 9 S 00 8 4 90 14 8 29 15 14 a 11 7 28 3 1 1 15 18 58 8 7 18 2 « Male 43 48 44 102 170 184 44 02 61 35 01 38 14 14 3 1 37 21 33 13 5 2 1 a and over. MuIp 41 4E 87 •7 22 2S 18 23 15 23 2 1 2 1 20 13 2 1 48 TTIK FKKI'.LK-MINDKD. 337 AND A(;i: I'KKMOns WIIKN DKl'ECT OCCURRKD, HY STATES ANI> TKRIMTORIKS: 18!)0— Continued. IOWA. NERVOUS SYSTEM— contlnaed. REPRODOCTIVK. ACCIDEinS ASO IltJCBIES. Parol- ysia. 47 Catn- leiwy. Clio rca. Inflnni- Illation of brain. All- scons on head. ITvilro ci>i>tia- lU8. ;;onviiI- eiuns. Spinal all'cc- lionH. (N.S.) Drain roiilihs (N.S.) Total. Pill motili). Men. strual ilisor- ders. ToUl. Fallii, blown on liiuid or spine. Inju- ricnat birth. Sun- Hlroko or i?x- jioHiiro to nuu. Stroke of lljjht- ulug. Ex- poiinro, mal- treat- Tni-tit. over- TTOrk. Fright. Uumt. 8 79 2 7 78 42 22 13 15 ,9, 107 38 4 42 5 23 24 47 1 6 54 25 1 1 4 3 41 37 21 21 15 7 147 40 78 29 27 11 3 1 30 0» 3 2 15 15 C 79 2 7 78 42 22 1 IS 15 196 107 38 27 11 27 18 4 42 5 23 24 37 25 1 5 3 2 25 72 54 1 1 2 1 4 3 C 41 37 75 45 21 21 42 :12 15 7 18 147 49 159 lis 78 29 90 70 .10 20 20 3 1 4 4 36 33 23 3 2 5 3 IS 11 10 15 11 10 11 14 12 37 17 18 1 1 3 3 25 20 30 14 13 10 5 4 9 86 32 41 13 5 9 3 1 19 4 10 1 2 2 2 1 10 1 10 1 4 8 10 13 5 7 14 16 3 7 3 8 1 4 32 9 37 10 4 17 5 4 11 1 9 2 1 3 1 1 I 4 1 1 4! 8 2 1 2 4 3 1 2 1 2 2 29 8 12 5 2 8 4 4 ::::::;: 1 1 1 22 23 1 [ 24 1 1 1 25 8 1 4 1 2 2 12 11 1 4 5 3 2C 27 28 3 3 4 1 1 4 4 1 3 1 1 o 2 1 21) 1 1 1 3» \" 31 11 1 49 1 4 58 29 58 49 5 1 2 1 32 6 5 e 33 16 7 i 3 1 1 30 28 7 14 15 2 3 3 2 36 22 39 31 IS 21 3 2 4 i' 1 1 1 3 1 33 1 1 1 34 1 35 1 3 3 2 5 2 5 1 4 3 4 2 2 24 « 11 17 4 C 2 2 2 1 3 1 36 1 1 37 4 2 1 3R 1 1 4 1 13 5 73 3 3 21 2 S» 1 2 4 8 4 4 2 21 I 28 40 1 1 5 7 7 3 41 2 4 16 1 1 7 6 1 1 i 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 9 CI 12 12 17 4 18 3 1 25 3 5 1 2 42 7 6 7 6 4S 44 8 8 1 2 1 3 10 2 4 1 45 1 6 1 M 1 L. 717G INS- 338 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, •=" BEX, COLOR, KATtViry, ASD AOE I'tniODS WUKS OCCt'KUEU. Agsrc- gato. TTn- known. ( Con- genital. Old age. Mis- joUane. 0U8. GENEtlAL DISEASBS. KEHVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. S,vph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Anfe- mia. 1 Total. Epi- lepsy. UoDin- gitis. 1 Total 2,039 1,177 862 329 733 22 245 102 123 29 3 1 4 1 1 343 85 62 33 18 2 3 180 149 417 316 16 6 138 107 93 69 72 61 17 12 2 1 ...... 1 3 1 i' 191 152 337 10 S l'"c-ii«le * ■Whit* 1.992 318 711 '20 210 1C2 123 29 3 1 4 1 1 84 18 S 6 7 8 ■^lalo 1,160 842 1,776 1,480 173 145 26S 223 400 3U5 652 541 18 4 17 13 134 100 200 106 93 69 147 116 72 51 110 89 17 12 27 18 2 1 3 2 i 1 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 i' 1 1 187 150 311 272 51 33 78 01 10 8 17 14 Parcnta native Male S 10 851 035 290 175 115 210 120 302 10 3 4 90 70 34 65 51 31 50 39 21 12 9 13 12 6 9 1 1 1 i' 1 3 1 i 145 127 39 41 23 11 6 8 S 103 239 Ono or both parents foreign. 45 111 11 29 16 50 05 •16 59 4 3 19 15 40 18 13 15 5 4 2 1 25 14 26 7 7 6 3 1 U I'V-rujile li 1 124 92 47 24 20 11 39 20 22 2 1 2 19 21 5 10 5 10 3 1 17 9 C 3 3 1 1 2 ..: i » 27 2U 38 7 4 8 11 11 18 2 1 4 1 5 4 2 5 1 ' ID 20 1 XfnlA 21 24 14 9 6 2 3 9 9 4 i 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 iU 24 3 6 135 1 2 89 o 2 i 1 1 17 26 Ago TOTi'Kls wlicii occarrc*! : 14 5 5 2 27 28 21 78 57 733 40 43 8 C 4 1 4 1 11 6 1 1 733 Mnle 80 81 82 417 316 491 272 219 173 102 417 310 VndcrS 00 81 62 12 3 3 1 170 31 12 Mnl« 81 57 45 28 54 30 21 40 41 28 31 31 17 5 7 11 2 1 1 2 1 93 75 OS 21 10 29 6 6 88 87 88 118 55 10( 20 8 18 14 7 10 .21 7 20 13 4 15 8 3 5 43 25 28 18 11 S S 2 1 10 to ]5 Mali- 88 M 41 65 49 270 5 U 67 9 7 72 12 8 23 9 20 8 1 15 13 37 4 4 13 1 ]& to 4& 1 1 Malo 157 113 133 28 29 35 36 36 32 14 9 5 13 7 4 1 17 1 20 j 23 6 7 2 43 44 1 1 22 1 Mnio 45 80 53 24 11 10 6 17 15 1 ■ 2 2 1 10 13 « «« 1 1 THE FEEULE-:MIN1)ED. 339 AND AGE PKRIODS WHEN EN DEFECT OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1800-Continnea. KANSAS. MEnvous BYBTEJf— continued. BEPnODUCTIVB. ACCIDEjrrS AKU ISJCBIH*. n : ; : i T" nnu. I >aral. ( ysid. I :ntB- c lio- in b lltim ilioii ( rain. Al.. I, ceaa . on ica;;ly° Convnl. ";'.'""' .^JZ, Total. lu» """"• l^""l] (N.S.) Kx- Fall". S""- Strnko P""","' Men. bli.wa In.|n- Btniko '',,,' nnil- „,,.,, rill- "trual xotol. uu li.-a.l rl.!» nl <>r .x „,. treat- Fright. B munis. £ 11 1 . 38 3> 2 _ -^— ^ . 1 2 ( i ] 5 3 i 3 1 5 '.'.'.'.'.'. .; 1 1; 3 7 1 1 ! I 3 ! 1 J 1 1 J .... . 40 1 6 1 41 5 2 . 42 2 16 1 1 4 2 1 i" 2 3 1 2 2 1 10 3 3 ;! i 6 3 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 5 i 3 1 . 43 .. U 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 •■ \ ::::::::l 3 i" '.'.'.'.'. ::5 11 .... 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 340 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEKBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SF.X, COLOK, NATIMTIl', KENTUCKV. RFT, COLOR. NXTIVITT. AXD AGE I'ERU'DS WHEN ^ OCCrBBED. igere- gate. Cn- Con- ulo^Tn. genital. Old ^'^■ P'f ccllane- "««• 0U8. GEKEKAL DISEASES. ij KEBVOCS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- oral. Scarlet fever. Dip!)' tlicria. Svph- Scrof- ills. ula. Rick- ets. Anae- mia. Total. Epi lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 3.635 6U 2,072 40 1 225 143 112 17 1 3 10' ... 1 ^ 1 1 312 102 16 Male FemaU 1,955 l.MO a, 170 320 324 1,154 918 14 26 99 126 76 ; 67 1 130 1 58 54 12 ! 2I 41 1 ' 1 fl 1 169 143 59 43 8 8 2 1 8 a , . - 1 1 4 502 280 282 541 515 1.798 r- 33 195 101 IG 1, L. 10 28G 1,12 134 1 275 251 92 14 j[a!e 5 6 7 8 1.6S4 1,49:2 3,086 2,922 979 819 1,775 1.G94 14 19 27 2G 83 112 182 175 67 03 127 116 50 57 11 51 50 99 91 11 5 10 13 ll 4 62 40 90 84 6 8 14 13 1 l' 0| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 Parents native Male 1,547 1,375 164 262 253 26 023 T71 81 10 16 1 74 101 7 47 44 8 8 5 3 1 ::::::: ::::::::! 132 119 24 46 38 5 8 1 10 1 1 One or l>otli parents M;iU- 11 1 1 95 63 90 42 48 459 271 188 384 13 13 21 49 32 23 i' 6 3 4 13 6 6 3 3 5 2 3 1 1 13 11 11 4 2 2 1 1 i 5 16 82 7 IC 274 4 2 7 6 7 30 2 1 13 1 1 11 1 t 7 4 26 2 1 17 1 1 1 10 2 18 19 20 40 42 70 175 99 221 7 7 16 14 28 9 4 12 7 4 11 i 1 1 17 9 21 7 3 8 2 1 1 1 "hlaXe 21 22 23 229 155 38 :i2 12 143 81 50 7' 10 12 2 8 4 1 7 4 1 14 5 3 2 14 C 2 2 i 1 1 1 24 25 2t 42 33 113 2 lU 72 32 18 1 1 1 1 7 1 4 2 15 1 Ag« piTi'»!M when occurred: 4 4 1 Ma'o 27 28 20 66 47 2,072 37 35 12 3 2 2 2 2 10 4 6 1 2 2 Female CoDgoni'.al Male 2,072 1 1 30 31 82 1,154 918 558 241 1,154 918 Female T'inli.r 1 ' 1 53 G8 49 14 5 ,37 32 6 Male 1 33 >4 8S 304 254 182 130 111 61 24 29 17 41 27 29 15 14 8 29 20 22 10 4 3 2 3 3 1 7n B2 47 24 23 S3 19 13 20 4 2 1 1 1 1 8« >7 38 107 75 132 CI 71 366 17.-. ISl 212 38 23 55 8 9 20 11 11 7 2 1 2 1 11 9 19 i' 1 1 1 38 40 41 21 34 152 9 11 73 4 4 22 3 4 20 I . 1 19 14 55 10 21 1 4 15 to 45 2 Mule 42 65 87 63 28 45 47 11 11 12 11 a 10 1 26 20 26 12 9 3 1 3 43 44 Feniftle * 1 45 and over Male 40 2 4S 48 88 124 20 1 ^ It 2b 18 29 3 9 2 8 1 1 1 16 11 2 1 ■■■ "..1 1 1 1 THE FF.EBLK-MINDED. 341 AND Afl n: PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRKD, HY STATKS AM. IKUKITOKIKS: ISM-ContinneJ. kB.>TL'(!KV. 1 — ■— KEBVOC8 STSTBM-COntiDUOd. BErRODVCTIVB. ■ ACCIDENTS AND IXJfBIEg. Para) < ysie 1 :;atB. c epay. i I ho- ir ea. I itlnm alion of >raiD. U jn^ «,'••- .ion.. tK.0. ,^,,, otal. 18 . 1!.. Men. a loin ^kc ^^'^^^^ ^T'^ ^, „ _ rill- 1*1 ro»l Total, oil licailri<-« at 1 1 S 3 1 1 4 4 22 6 1: 21 4 1 ; i sr 1 1 1 1 - 38- 1 8 1 1 *i - ' 1 L 3 1 1 9 3 '. i 11 4 11 i 6l 2 1 1 30 . 1 Q. 1 ! 1 ' ; , . 40* 3 :L.. 1 : 1 ) 10 J L _1 1 1 1 1 ■ I 1 . 41 .. 42: 2 1 9 1 2 7 '.'.'.'.'.. 1 i ( 1 L IS ..... ! i '.'. ii s 4 2 ) 1 2" 1 1 1 2 3 1 Si 1 43- 6 1! « •, ' I45. 1.... 3 ...... i' '.'.'.'.'.'. 1 ! > 1 1 "■■■■•"•■ '1 ' 9 2 5 6 2 :: 51 1 |i» 1 i 1 342 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDKD BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITT, 1.0i;iSIAI«A. = SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY. AND AGE PERIcas WUEN OCCCRKED. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. 01(1 ago. cellanc- ou». OEKERAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. S,vpli- ilis. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. AnID- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Mrnin- gilia. 1 1,1-3 243 581 17 131 SI 46 3 1 1 SO 34 2 T^filo 6«3 530 129 114 328 253 7 10 66 C5 32 19 29 17 1 2 1 1 40 34 19 15 1 1 3 . 4 698 153 313 " 97 30 32 2 1 1 51 21 1 1 5 6 7 e 380 ai8 624 521 80 73 134 113 170 137 294 251 6 4 8 C 50 47 73 62 22 14 34 20 20 12 31 23 1 1 30 21 48 39 10 11 20 16 i" 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Parents native Milo 9 10 11 2S4 237 103 55 58 21 145 100 43 3 3 2 33 29 11 15 11 8 13 10 8 1 1 21 15 9 n 7 4 i' 1 One or both parents foreign. Mil** 12 13 14 59 44 74 14 7 19 23 20 19 2 1 5 6 21 6 2 G 2 1 4 5 3 1 3 1 Femalo 1 Milo 15 16 17 37 37 475 n 8 90 8 11 268 i 8 12 12 34 1 1 15 1 14 2 1 29 1 1 1 13 1 Malo 18 19 20 2C3 212 378 49 41 73 152 lie 220 2 6 4 16 18 24 10 5 10 9 5 9 1 10 13 23 14 9 6 4 U 1 1 ::::; 1 Male 21 22 23 215 163 97 41 32 17 127 93 48 2 2 4 12 12 10 5 5 5 4 5 5 1 7 4 2 1 Malo 24 25 26 48 49 50 8 25 25 23 4 4 6 8 5 5 1 L..... 2 4 8 2 :::::. :i Age perifKls when occurred: 1 4 4 7 27 28 29 25 25 581 14 11 4 4 2 2 2 2 5 3 5 2 581 Malo 30 31 32 328 253 134 1 C.'.'.'.'.'.'. 56 328 253 21 18 13 5 ! 9 13 30 12 2 Male 33 34 35 78 00 101 34 22 39 12 18 33 D 7 15 15 19 4 8 8 1 1 IVtolO .... 2 Male 36 37 88 01 40 48 27 21 108 24 15 17 10 8 15 5 4 5 4 3 4 1 ! 1 13 6 7 e 2 4 10 to 15 Male 1 39 40 7 10 70 9 45 4 1 12 8 4 3 4 10 5 2 12 3 1 1 1 1 Malo 4** 81 84 91 32 38 30 23 22 24 4 3 1 1 4 I 44 17 ]^n]o IS 40 18 18 7 10 R 10 1 2 2 i u 3 8 j 1 THE FEEBLE-JIINDED. 343 AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. LOVISIAPIA. KEBVous SYSTEM— continued. BEPRODDCnVB. ACCIDENTS AND INJUBIEa. Tim]- Cata- lopsy. Clio- rua. Inflani- Ul.llitill ol broiu. Ab- scess cm lic;id. Hyilro- crpliu- lua. CoilTUl- HiOUB. Spinal alliH-- tinlis. (N. &) Brain tr.mblo. (N.S.) Total. riii- mosis. Mon- Rtnifll disiir- dora. Total Falln, 1 blowH on bead i»r spiuo. Injn- rieM at birlb. 8nn- ■trokr. or ex- posure to Bun. Stroke of lisbt- iiiiig. Ex- pomiro, nial- tri!.it- nit-ut, ovor- wurlc. Fricbt. Burna. 7 17 7 7 7 7 63 37 1 3 2 t 8 3 1 C 1 4 2 6 n 6 1 4 3 35 28 27 10 i' 3 1 1 3 e 1 7 3' a 3 7 7 5 G G 6 G 33 IS 1 2 1 6 4 S 4 2 C 4 1 s 6 6 6 3 4 2 6 S 17 10 28 19 12 G 14 10 i' 1 1 2 1 1 5 6 S 1 4 4 1 s 6 7 8 6 5 S G 5 S 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 5 3 2 3 2 1 9 10 g 6 4 4 i' 2 1 4 1 S 10 u 5 5 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 5 4 1 4 1 i' 1 2 1 12 13 14 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 30 3 1 19 IS 16 17 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 11 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 c 9 18 12 23 15 4 10 1 i" 1 2 1 2 18 19 20 :;:;;::' ;::::;:; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 5 4 2 14 9 7 12 4 1 ...... 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 3 22 1 4 3 5 3 1 ?i i 2 1 1 3 2 25 26 2 1 1 27 28 29 1 5 2 1 2 ! 1 1 30 31 33 ... 3 2 8 2 1 9 7 1 1 3 1 1 2 5 3 3 1 1 2 4 5 16 4 3 9 33 34 35 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 9 7 3 7 2 2 i' 1 1 1 i 2" 1 88 37 38 1 I '"***,"" 1 1 2 1 24 2 1 as 40 41 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 » 2 1 12 10 2 1 2 5 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 15 9 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 43 43 4* 3 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 . ...•.■■ 1 1 1 5 1 4I 45 46 1 1 1 '1 1 - 1 344 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table BSO.— FEKBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, SEX, COLOR, .VATIVITV. AND AOE PEIIIODS WHEN OCCUBBED. ACCTC- gate. rn- kuown. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- ous. OEKERAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. 'ilS'- Scrof- ula. Rick, ets. Anoi- niia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 1,591 238 889 35 107 61 23 24 C 2 6 177 35 Male f 907 6S4 120 109 513 376 13 22 58 49 35 26 13 10 13 11 4 2 2 3 3 106 71 12 23 s TVliito 4 1, 5S4 237 883 33 - 107 01 23 24 6 2 G 177 35 Male M2 C82 S 128 109 220 205 500 374 852 790 13 22 31 29 58 49 96 92 35 26 59 57 35 22 2 13 10 22 21 13 11 21 23 4 2 5 5 2 3 3 6 106 71 169 157 12 23 35 33 1,504 1,400 803 G03 08 2 8 Parents native Itale 112 U3 15 459 337 50 11 18 2 48 44 4 13 8 1 13 10 1 4 1 2 3 3 94 63 12 12 21 2 10 11 One or both parents foreign. Male .... 12 13 14 58 40 10 5 17 34 22 31 1 1 4 3 1 11 5 7 g 2 2 1 1 1 2 80 1 Male -|i; 41 39 7 C U 1 16 15 6 1 3 7 4 7 1 16 17 2 1 1 1 Male 1R S 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 19 Vf) Black Male 1 ?1 2 1 , •*? m Mixed blood S 5 i j M.ile 71 3 2 23 17 3 2 1 1 ' '*'» •^r. Ageperiods when occurred : Vokuoflrn 2 4 2 M.ile 1 ?7 13 12 880 8 9 2 1 3 1 1 1 ?« "t 889 ; Male j 1*0 s:3 376 240 143 103 79 81 513 376 1 1 B1 1 _. T" Under 5 26 ! 1 34 11' 15 2 2 4 81 10 Male n 44 37 18 10 8 20 15 11 11 1 " 1 13 11 8 3 3 C 4 2 2 2 1 50 34 22 J3 9 15 7 8 20 5 5 5 A4 2 3 Ti D to 10 Male J M 40 30 50 8 8 8 5 6 3" 1 1 3 4 3 1 2 3 7 ir? il8 10 to 15 1 Male M 34 13 7 53 2 37 3 8 7 i' s 2 2 1 1 2 5 5 40 Feujalo 22 41 I5t<> <5 138 1 Male 43 77 01 158 78 80 28 25 40 18 10 23 4 3 3 3 2 3 I 12 8 32 2 3 4» Keinsle I 44 45 and over Male 35 4.S 20 ' 23 13 22 9 14 2 1 2 1 21 11 40 Fenudo 6 1 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 345 AND ACE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, UY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890-Continned. HAINB. RSRVOCS SVSTEM-COBliuUed. BEPRODUCrn-S. ACCIDENTS AND DIjrBIES. > Paral- ( 3aU- C opsy. I ;ho- n roa. nflam- ontion uf brain. ■*''■ Hydro- o , ^"^r""^ B'-ain "•'•"» cepha ^"r"^ ,". T '"•"•'">• Total. ,^"d. >". •">-• ,rs'.-, <^-s-) Phi- mosis. Ex- ,, 1 Falls. San- cf-.i,, po«nr«, M''n- 1 blow. Tnjn. ulrokc "",»*• mat. strual Total, on head rloH rit or .x- ,;„,', treat- Fright. Bunu. ■''«"■■• 1 or birth. po8urB 'V „ ment, ders. gpine. toiun. "'"S- over- work. 21 Z7.' 1 11 3 — 3 83 2 19 2 . 2 82 4t . 1 16 8 1 k 15 6 . 10 1 11 1 2 S 1 2 52 30 . 2 13 . 6 53 29 82 35 . 11 . 6 3 . 9 1 1 8 8 16 2 7 . 9 1 1 a- 1 2 2 21 . 1 3 82 2 10 2 . 2 4« . * IS 6 19 19 10 1 10 8 1 2 • 3 3 1 2 3 3 52 30 ■ 79 72 2 2 2 13 t 17 16 ••••j . 1 1 2' I 1 53 29 70 69 35 . 11 43 39 6 3 . 9 8 1 1 1 8 8 13 12 ? ....u 5- 1 1 1 9 8 1 1 T S 2 1 2 1 2 47 25 7 2 10 6 1 44 25 7 29 10 4j 5 3 1 1 « 2 1 • 10 13 6 1 1 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 1 3 4 3 1 2 1 1 5 2 6 3 1 3 3 1 1 i' 12 17 3 1 14 15 2 1 !!"!"".' 2 1 i' i' 2 2 1« 17 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1» 19 20 1 :::::::: 21 22 28 1 2 2 1 '.'.'.'.'.v. '."'.'.'.'.'. 1 ::::::: 24 25 28 77 1 1 '.'.'.'.'. 2 1 1 1 2 i 1 28 29 1 1 "\\ 1 y....... s 3 54 ::::::: 1 1 !'" ...... i 21 15 1 3 1 1 1 30 31 32 S3 3 6 1 !:::::: J 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 35 19 13 1 1 17 2 2 1 1 2 34 35 1 - 2 8 13 4 7 2 21 10 2 5 2 1 2 1 3S 37 I 1 i 1 5 5 1 1 38 1 i 3 J ! 1 7 4 10 ; i 1 9 1 1 . S9 . 40 . 41 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 6 1 11 2 ! 15 6 g 1 ! ! i 4 1 6 3 S i 4 v.'.'.'.'. . 42 . 43 . 44 1 , 1 i ■| . i 5 7 7 1 M 3 1 I S 1 ■ 3 . 45 !.i::::: 1 1 S 1 1 __I 34G INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— PEEBLE->UNDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, IHARVE.AND. AGE TERIOnS WHEN OCCUUEED. Ass™ gate. Fn- known. Con- genital. Old ago. Mis- celtane- ous. OENEBAL DISEASES. NERVOrS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Svph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Kick- tts. Anai- mia. Total. Epi. lepsy. Menin- <;ili3. 1 Total 1,540 711 299 760 39 140 74 47 23 1 2 142 47 2 Male y 141 158 433 3-i7 6 33 75 65 38 3U 21 20 15 8 1 1 1 84 58 27 20 1 1 <) "Wliite 4 1,212 232 574 30 121 57 33 20 1 2 123 40 2 Mttio f, 650 550 1,089 922 107 125. 203 170 327 247 534 458 5 25 17 14 08 53 105 81 29 28 54 40 14 19 31 23 13 7 19 15 1 1 1 1 2 2 72 51 111 95 23 17 39 32 1 1 2 2 K 7 8 Parents native JIalc 9 4% 420 107 8:1 93 27 251 207 70 3 11 3 48 33 24 22 24 8 11 17 3 10 5 4 1 1 57 38 16 10 13 7 1 1 ID 1 1 11 One or both parents fi.reisD. Male 1? 102 65 123 13 14 29 51 25 40 1 13 14 10 16 6 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 8 8 12 4 3 1 1!) 14 Male IS 58 65 337 11 18 07 23 15 180 1 12 S 6 10 19 1 2 17 1 1 14 7 5 19 in 1 3 1 7 II 17 Colored .- Male Ifl 182 155 287 34 33 62 ion 80 152 1 8 8 7 12 15 9 8 16 7 7 14 2 1 2 12 7 16 4 3 6 -•-•• It (D Black Male 1 ?l 155 132 SO 32 30 5 8") 07 34 1 7 1 6 9 i 9 7 1 7 7 2 ID 6 3 4 2 1 m n Mixed bloonio ?3 200 194 196 43 48 40 33 27 24 57 20 i 40 19 11 9 29 10 29 C 3 2 1 90 03 01 41 21 30 3 1 M m 6 to 10 1 Mali- w 130 «0 IDS 20 17 29 14 10 15 24 10 20 5 4 8 17 12 1 1 47 14 25 27 9 1 13 1 H7 B8 10 to 15 1 1 1 Malo TO 48 67 275 12 17 74 82 6 14 11 2 6 3 2 1 10 15 30 S 8 12 40 1 1 41 15 til 4S Miilo 47 144 131 300 27 47 61 40 42 83 2 4 1 8 4 1 1 17 13 36 8 4 2 41 ... 44 08 M.io 4K 133 107 23 41 30 W 33 30 4 4 1 20 10 2 40 1 I THE FKKBT.K-MINDKD. 349 AND AfiE I'KRIOOa WHEN DEFECT OCCIIRUEI), IJY STATES AND TEKUITOUIES: 1890— Continncd. MASSACIIUMBTTN. NBBVOl'S SYSTEM— COUtluUOlI. nKPnODlCTlVK. ACCIPEMI! AND INJCniCS. Paral ysis. Cnta- ll'ps.V. Clio rcn. Inflnin- 111!) lion of brniii. Ah. arcsH on bend. ifydro. ccpli.i. Ills. roiiviii- Bionti. tlOlls. ,„ u . (U.S.) '^■''■> Total. riii- inoHiii. Men. Rtruiil illsor- » 1 14 82 10 23 7 7 220 136 1 27 48 8 4 24 la 33 20 1 3 4 3 7 ]:; 18 10 1 1 1 7 7 11 3 53 29 75 53 4 10 15 8 20 18 152 68 183 129 91 45 115 74 1 1 1 25 2 22 21 ■X, 2 8 1 5 S 7 8 7 4 3 7 4 3 19 39 32 14 r.' 1 1 3 7 8 1 1 2 8 33 20 22 4 2 4 11 7 2 94 35 54 54 20 41 1 19 2 1 1 19 13 1 9 10 11 3 1 3 1 7 5 r, 1 7 4 4 1 3 3 14 8 7 2 2 3 34 20 37 2.1 18 21 1 1 4 1 2 l** 1 1 3 1 3 1 13 14 5 9 4 1 1 2 C 1 1 1 21 13 1 14 7 5 4 S 1 1 15 IS 17 3 1 3 3 1 |... . i 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 13 19 20 i i 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 21 23 23 1 C.'.'.'.'.'. ! 1 24 25 2S 1 2 1 1 3 2 5 12 7 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 I 3 2 10 2 1 I 1 27 28 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 11 5 5 2 10 10 12 8 U 1 2 1 1M 1 4 IT n . 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 .. . . 1 m 1 3 2 D 1 11 6 74 9 2 29 1 3 28 1 30 1 1 1 2 G 1 1 1 40 2 4 4 17 - 41 1 3 1 20 9 11 3 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 10 58 10 32 25 4 17 15 2 7 :::::::: 18 10 8 411 1 4 3 4 3 it 44 1 1 2 1 4 23 12 5 7 4 4f> ' t 3 3 4 4)1 1 1 1 1 350 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ITIIt'lIICIAIV. BEX, COLOE, NATIVITT, AXD AGB PERIODS WHEN OOCUBBED. Aprsre- gate. Un. known. Con- genital. Old ago. Mis- cellane- ous. GENEEAL DISEASES. HEKVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, Ben- cral. Searlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Eick. els. Aiia)- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin. gitis. 1 Total 3,218 460 1,432 427 145 76 50 3 1 3 3 515 1C4 13 Jlaio ? 1.858 1,3(>0 3,188 254 200 835 597 245 182 72 73 33 43 31 28 2 1 1 2 1 3 308 2u7 98 66 8 6 R Female Wliite 4 458 1,410 423 145 76 59 8 1 3 3 510 164 13 Male 5 l.SM 1,354 2,521 1,7R3 252 206 332 244 822 594 1,152 774 243 ISO 311 238 72 73 127 84 33 43 64 41 31 23 53 34 2 I 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 304 206 430 318 98 IX 139 105 8 6 13 10 fl female 7 8 3 3 Parents natire Male 1,001 7S2 738 131 113 88 437 337 378 131 107 73 37 47 43 17 24 23 13 21 19 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 191 127 112 65 40 34 6 4 3 10 n One or both parents fort-igu. Male T> 441 29» CG7 4G 42 120 236 142 261 44 29 112 26 17 18 10 13 12 15 4 C 1 64 48 80 19 15 25 2 1 Tl 14 Male IS 3tl2 275 30 75 51 2 149 115 16 68 44 4 9 9 G 3 3 49 31 5 14 11 16 Female 17 Colored Male 1R 21 C 14 2 1 13 3 5 2 2 4 4 1 2 1Q Female 1 '>fl Black Male '1 12 16 1 1 5 2 2 2 V' ?T 1 11 3 Miile Tl 10 4 124 1 92 8 3 2 1 10 ?"> Female ?A AgeperiodH when occurred; Unkuowu 14 3 2 1 3 Mole '>7 72 52 1,432 51 41 12 2 1 2 1 1 5 5 ?8 1 3 ?fl 1,432 Male ltd 835 C13 143 82 01 47 835 597 RI Female fl' Under 5 103 63 26 33 1 1 2 243 03 8 Mule R^ 361 252 236 70 33 20 30 03 34 8 13 16 19 14 15 1 2 147 96 83 40 23 42 5 3 2 M 1 2 11^ 5 to 10 1 Mai.. M 145 01 145 78 67 327 26 21 30 16 JO 27 18 16 16 7 9 20 7 9 9 8 7 7 2 55 33 44 27 15 22 2 1 ST Female »« JOto 15 Male !)« 16 14 88 14 13 03 5 4 15 2 5 8 24 20 67 13 9 20 1 1 40 Fctualo 41 ir, to45 1 1 Male 4-' 173 154 341 40 48 60 48 45 104 11 II 9 8 7 8 1 1 1 1 37 30 63 13 13 8 1 1 4n 44 4:>nrid over Mulo 4.'. 104 147 SB 21 85 79 5 4 4 4 1 40 23 5 3 1 4« Female THE FEEBLlvMTNDED. 351 AND AGE PERIODS WHE^f DEFECT OCCUEKED, BY STATES AND TERKlTOltlES: 189ft-Continncd. micnioAN. NERVOl'B 8YSTIUI— continned. BBPnOUUCTIVE. AcoiDEirra akd i.kjobies. Pnrnl. ysi9. Tnln lopsy. Clio- Tiiflnm- nm:i(iii 111 brain. Ab- HCC88 on n.vdro- C4'phli- lus. Convul biuiis. Splnnl jiflVf- tii'iiH. (N.S.) Drain troiibli>. (N.S.) Total. Phi- mtlniH. Men- Htntal cliHMr. dura. Total. Pnlln. 1 blowH on lii-fld or spine. In.|n- riin at birlU. Sun- 8Trol(o or ox- poHuro tU HIIU. Strnko of light- ning. Ex- pomire, uiul- tri-at- iiionl, OV 13 13 40 352 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, IWIKCVESOTA. SES, rOLOR. XATIVITT. AND AGE PEKIODS V.nES OCCCBHED. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Old ago. Mis- cellane- ous. GEKEBAL DISEASES. KEKVOrS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilia. Scrof- ula. Eick- ets. Anffl- mia. Total. Epi. Icpsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 1.451 232 624 20 187 94 65 26 2 1 166 48 7 Male ? 836 «13 128 101 3B4 260 9 17 08 89 46 48 34 31 10 10 1 1 1 109 57 32 10 6 1 s 4 1,448 231 C23 2G ISO 94 46 48 68 21 65 20 2 1 166 48 7 Male S 8W 615 000 127 104 116 01 303 260 42D 100 17 8 07 89 90 45 34 31 44 13 10 16 21 8 1 1 2 1 ion 57 115 53 32 16 32 13 6 1 4 5 n Frninlf 7 1 R Parents native ! 374 1 1 •) XIali! 225 149 S2G 33 28 55 98 62 209 3 5 1 20 19 45 11 10 47 22- 25 26 7 6 31 4 4 13 38 15 62 10 2 3 in Female 11 One or both parents Itirrij.'a. JIalc 2 1 19 2 I' 297 229 048 30 25 115 155 114 ISl ...... 17 23 22 96 15 16 21 5 8 5 1 1 1 33 27 51 30 13 12 7 10 2 3 n 14 Forcijxu biirn Male IS 311 237 3 04 61 1 110 84 1 11 48 48 1 13 13 12 9 1 4 10 6 2 1 Iff 17 Colored Male 1 1R 3 1 1 1 r in I'Y'male ■'0 Black 3 1 1 1 Male -- 1 -- "1 3 1 l' 1 1 1 ?? Kciiialo 1 1 ■>T M ixe J Lilootl Male 1 1 ?4 1 1 Vl Female f 1 ?« Age periods when occurrwl : 73 50 10 3 2 1 2 1 '7 3 1 Malo 1 r? 47 20 624 30 20 1.. .. 7 3 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 w 1 ?» 624 Male m 304 200 228 71 304 200 ill 3? I'nder , 68 55 36 18 1 90 24 6 Male 1 m 194 134 104 OS 39 44 41 30 28 1 44 24 20 24 31 13 18 18 8 5 13 3 1 63 30 27 10 8 11 4 1 1 »4 3"> 5 to 10 Malo 1 1 ;ifl 20 8 13 14 6 7 7 5 2 14 3 5 4 2 1 3 1 21 10 8 3 4 1 OT 1 m 10 to 15 Male m 28 10 178 8 5 40 1 50 4 13 1 2 1 4 17 2 2 4n ii 15lo4j Mole 47. 93 85 100 17 29 24 27 29 27 7 7 2 7 2 1 JO 7 6 4 2 43 44 45 and ttvoT . 20 Male 41) 45 55 12 12 9 17 13 14 2 2 3 3 4A ycnialu TJiK i'j:i:i'>i.i:-.minded. 353 AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURKED, RY STAIK.S AND TERRITOIMES: 1890— Continued. miNNEMOTA. NEBVOCS SYSTEM— continneil. REPRODUCTIVE. ACaOENTS AXD l.tJUBIB*. Pnral- ysi». CaU- It'I>»y. Clio- rc.i. Iiidam- luatidU or brain. Al> SCPSS on head. Ilyilro- ct']ilia- |U!I. Convul- aions. Spinal ntlcL- tioitx. (N.S.) Brain iroultlo. (N.S) Total. I'lii- musiH. Men- Hlrnal (linor- dera. Total. Falls, blows on lit'ad or spiuo. Inju- rioN at birth. San- strolcc or ex- |)ufluro toauo. Stroke or licbt- ning. Ex- posure, mal. treat- ment, over- work. Fright. Bums. 10 8 24 4 58 3 3 4 118 04 21 19 13 1 1 13 3 3 16 8 S 1 35 23 1 2 82 3G 47 17 18 3 11 8 6 8 1 1 3 4 R IC 3 24 4 58 3 3 4 118 04 21 19 U 1 4 13 3 8 3 16 8 10 7 3 1 4 35 23 43 20 1 2 3 1 82 36 72 23 47 17 42 13 18 3 9 6 11 8 11 4 5 8 9 2 1 1 It 3 1 1 4 1 1 A 3 1 7 R 5 3 1 1 4 3 9 15 5 23 1 2 16 9 47 11 2 29 4 2 3 ........ 1 3 7 S 1 1 1 2 1 in 2 4 11 1 2 5 4 8 3 1 10 13 15 32 15 40 20 22 10 3 5 2 8 3 4 4 1 IS 2 13 7 2 3 3 12 14 7 7 1 10 6 34 12 ....... 11 1 5 3 2 2 IS 2 3 3 IS 17 1 18 19 ?0 1 71 n 23 '4 i TO 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 ?0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ?7 1 ?a ?B 30 31 5 1 10 4 46 3 1 35 25 1 1 7 1 32 4 1 2 2 1 fll 3 1 28 18 7 1 2 22 13 16 17 8 9 1 3 4 2 1 33 4 I 1 2 34 3 35 1 5 1 S 2 1 12 4 8 7 2 1 1 3 1 1 38 87 1 2 1 M 2 2 8 7 1 8> 1 3 .1 3 40 4 1 1 1 44 16 14 U 3 41 3 2 2 1 1 2 32 12 12 12 4 6 13 1 3 6 6 2 1 2 1 43 i 1 i 1 3 43 1 44 3 1 C 6 3 8 3 1 46 1 1 1 3 s 2 1 1 46 I" 1 i 1 7176 INS- -23 354 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, IfllSSISSIIPPI. BEX, COLOR, NATtVITT, AKD AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCL'UKED. Asere- gate. TJn- Con- iLuowu. gcuital. 1 "SO- OUS. GENERAL DISEASES. NERVOCS SY.STEM. Total. 1 Fever, cral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Eick- ets. AnsB- mia. Total. Epi. lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1,750 286 004 34 163 68 51 1 1 5 185 102 7 991 7U5 145 141 538 3«G 10 24 79 33 25 31 20 V!4 12 30 36 2 3 99 86 55 47 4 3 1 1 790 97 390 12 84 24 14 38 38 1 1 109 01 5 451 1 783 771 47 50 97 95 235 161 392 387 5 7 12 11 50 34 83 81 , 57 52 108 107 33 28 00 59 3 2 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 Parents native 10 u 441 330 12 40 49 2 230 157 5 C 1 47 34 2 24 14 24 12 50 51 1 32 27 1 3 2 1 1 One or both parents furu gii. M:.l.- 1 12 13 14 5 7 1 1 4 1 4 i 2 1 1 1 1 1 15 1« 17 3' 4 900 540 428 853 189 1 3 503 1 1 1 22 79 20 15 1 4 70 42 34 64 41 2 18 U 20 98 91. 171 303 205 445 5 17 18 34 45 74 9 11 18 7 8 14 2 2 3 19 35 1 1 1 1 1 : Hale 1 21 22 23 487 306 113 88 83 18 277 168 03 5 13 4 30 44 5 9 9 2 7 7 1 1 2 1 1 35 29 12 19 16 6 1 1 1 Male 24 as 20 53 00 42 10 8 10 20 37 4' 4 1 10 1 7 5 11 3 3 i' 2 2 1 1 1 1 Age perioda when occurred : Mai ft 27 28 29 18 24 901 3 7 5 6 1 1 1 4 7 3 3 1 904 30 SI 32 538 3G0 219 70 538 360 33 18 17 1 75 36 4 33 84 35 127 92 100 45 31 35 20 13 10 11 7 11 8 38 37 20 17 19 19 2 2 1 1 6 to 10 i 30 87 88 02 38 75 20 15 23 4 12 8 13 2 12 15 11 17 10 9 11 2 1 1 10 to 15 1 ^" 3« 40 U 47 28 302 11 12 109 9 8 77 8 5 12 7 e 9 1 14 3 44 10 1 26 1 1 1 Fenialt; 15 to 45 1 1 1 Main 42 48 44 144 158 114 44 06 33 87 40 21 5 7 4 6 4 4 21 23 12 13 13 4 1 1 1 1 34 Main 45 40 OS SO 22 11 10 24 12 2 2 2 2 7 5 2 2 TIIK FKKi'.TJ'.-ArTXDFD. 355 AND AGE PRRIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCITRKEI), IIV SIAIIOS AM) TLKiaiOUIKS: W90— ContinncU. mtmiiMippi. NERVOUS eYSTKM— COUtluUOd. UEIT.ODUCTIVB. ACCiDEtrrs AND rxjuuu. Pnral- Cnta- Cho- rea. Inflani- mni ion ul' brain. Ab. HOIKS tin boad. Hyilro- cc|>lia- lua. Convnl- slons. .Spinal MlIVC- tiuus. (N. S.) Brnin iriml.le. (N.S.) Total. Phi. nioais. Hon- ntriinl (liKiir- (lera. TotiiL Foils, blown ou head or Bpiuo. In In rlc-. birlL Pitti. Flrnl,,. Bx- pn..ir«, 1 t. work. Fright. Dnms. 20 25 2 15 7 7 19 19 107 78 S I« 4 4 I 7 17 8 1 1 8 5 2 3 4 82 25 87 11 4 1 G 10 3 2 2 3 19 19 17 IS 1 « 4 11 11 43 30 5 G U n 17 15 IS 4 2 G 6 2 2 4 4 33 10 42 41 30 30 35 3 2 S S 1 1 1 11 u u 11 11 11 2 1 1 G 11 e 4 2 2 2 33 8 1 30 5 1 3 2 1 11 ■ 'll 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..1 . ... 1 1 64 1 2 4 3 10 n 11 1 3 8 8 42 5 11 1 1 2 3 8 2 9 " 1 1 2 7 7 10 1 1 1 2 3 49 15 57 37 5 37 4 1 5 3 8 11 2 1 3 1 3 8 G 8 8 20 1 1 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 2 43 14 7 32 5 5 4 1 3 8 I 3 n G 2 6 2 n 1 1 23 1 3 1 2 C 1 9 5 1 i' 24 2 4 2 4 25 1 2 5 28 1 1 5 5 27 1 2 4 4 • 28 7» » 31 6 12 1 10 5 1 17 U 1 1 1 31 4 2 4 C 3 2 1 1 13 4 20 12 2 IS 1 3 33 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 34 1 35 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 17 3 10 14 1 9 1 2 1 3S 1 37 1 1 3R 2 1 C 1 5 5 48 4 S 31 1 at 40 r 1 2 1 2 14 14 » 10 2 41 1 1 i G :i 3 3 1 I 1 1 1 87 9 29 2 4 2 1 1 s 5 4 1 1 43 2 1 14 1 14 1 43 44 1 1 5 4 3 1 1 1 3 « i 1 ' ... 4« 1 1 1 1 356 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1§0.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITT, mSSOITRI. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ASD AGE PKBIODS WHEN OCCUKREU. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- ccllano- UU8. ' GEKEKAL DISEASES. NEBVOOS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph. ills. Scrof- ula. Kick- ots. Anso- niia. XotiJ. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 3.881 595 1,796 47 380 203 172 22 8 534 135 59 2 2.162 ' 1,719 317 278 1,010 780 10 31 200 180 110 87 101 71 10 12 5 3 280 248 76 59 30 29 4 3,035 501 1,055 :;s :;co 190 165 22 8 517 125 58 Male Female Native burn Parents native Male Female One or both parents forci^in. Mile 5 C 7 8 2.031 1,U01 3,36.1 2,938 297 261 494 418 940 709 1,581 1,389 14 24 28 24 190 170 307 261 112 84 180 168 100 68 18 97 68 156 142 10 5 3 8 8 276 241 498 442 69 56 121 . 108 29 29 57 51 12 21 17 9 10 U 1,660 3,272 425 220 199 272 224 194 76 795 594 192 11 13 4 140 121 40 87 65 14 B 5 3 244 198 56 57 51 13 28 23 6 9 4 1 12 13 14 30 40 07 103 89 74 1 3 10 29 17 53 10 8 10 8 9 2 1 24 32 19 9 4 4 1 5 1 Male 15 Ifi 17 142 130 "40 128 lis 2U3 lo- go i'.l 21 22 107 37 30 34 48 26 141 2 8 21 32 20 2 8 7 2 7 7 8 11 17 3 1 10 i' 1 1 18 19 20 1-4. 30 70 71 113 2 7 8 10 10 19 4 3 5 2 3 2 4 3 5 10 7 14 7 3 8 1 1 ' 21 22 23 10 11 4 68 55 28 2 6 1 9 10 1 2 3 2 8 6 3 6 2 1 MiTnl hlrtnil Male 1 24 25 20 1 3 57 12 16 i' 1 2 2 2 1 13 1 1 5 2 AgoperiuOA ivhpnoccarred: 18 2 2 Male 27 28 29 54 53 1,790 26 31 9 9 2 2 7 6 4 1 1 1 Ff!iial« Congenital Male 1,790 ' 1,010 780 755 198 1,016 780 31 HO 116 108 92 11 6 263 49 26 23 30 39 22 17 13 Male rll 420 151 129 _m 105 68 513 100 98 02 73 43 21 70 38 47 61 31 35 6 5 10 3 2 2 130 124 104 ?4 11 5 to 10 Male 1A 35 27 30 13 8 38 20 27 12 15 20 10 3 7 1 2 49 65 52 17 19 18 12 6 23 ■1 9 3 2 1 1 in ifl 10 to 15 1 Male M 23 13 158 23 15 120 4 8 30 8 7 30 1 38 14 G8 40 1 41 15 to 45 Mole 47 280 233 264 87 71 84 SO 73 58 10 11 4 19 11 3 34 34 34 15 8 4 1 1 41 n 47 1 Molo 4K 127 137 40 38 1« 31 20 82 1 8 1 2 19 16 2 2 i* «6 ' THK I'KI'.r.IJ ".-MINDED. 357 AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCLKKEP, ItV .ST.\li;s AND IKKIMTOUIE.S: 1890— ContinueU. iniMMOL'KI. NERVorM RYsiTKM— continued. niPBODL-CTIVI. ACCI0EXT8 AKD IXJUUU. rami Cntn lopsy Clio- ma. Inflnin- luntioli of brain. Al. on bead. Hydro. cepbu- lUII. Cnnmil. siona. Spinal nffec- tioiiR, (N. S.) Brftin troulile. (N. S.) ToUl. Pbl- roosia. Men- atrunl diHor. dlTS. Total. Falla. blowa on bead or •pine. Injo- ricNat birtb. Snn- Btroko or ex- poaiiro to aim. Stroke of liclit- niug. Ex- poll 11 re, mat- Iroai. mcnt, over- work. Fright. Bum*. U 1 5 89 2 9 95 04 21 40 40- 286 163 39 4 4t IS 12 1 27 27 1 3 2 41 48 2' 6 8 55 4U 35 29 12 9 211 75 127 36 34 5 3 1 33 16 7 12 1 40 40 3 SO 1 5 87 2 93 64 21 39 30 269 154 36 2 47 18 12 i 20 21 45 38 1 1 1 3 2 5 5 40 47 82 70 i' 1 1 C 3 g 8 S5 40 94 82 33 29 64 61 12 9 19 17 199 70 237 200 119 35 139 120 32 4 31 29 2 2 1 33 14 40 34 6 12 14 11 - 5 11 11 S 39 32 30 39 32 30 6 7 8 21 17 7 1 3 2 36 34 12 i 5 3 1 50 32 12 33 28 3 10 7 2 152 54 31 92 23 19 23 4 2 1 1 24 10 6 4 7 3 5 8 30 2 30 2 10 11 "" 2 5 S 4 S 1 4 8 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 23 8 32 14 5 13 2 1 4 2 7 2 1 4 1 12 'Vi : :; 2 7 13 1 7 3 14 3 2 4 . . 1 1 1 24 8 17 13 2 9 5 5 2 2 i' 1 1 15 5| 1 1 7 1 7 1 1A 3 2 17 1 3 * 1 I 1 12 S 13 8 1 6 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 If) 1 1 1 1 1» 1 20 i 1 3 i ' 1 9 4 4 5 1 3 2 1 1 I 2 1 21 1 1 22 1 .. 23 1 1 3 1 13 3 1 1 1 . . 24 " 1 .1 1 Ki 1 1 4 2 2 7 2 5 1 26 1 1 3 10 5 I 2 3 2 1 27 1 2 2 1 28 ?S 1 1 .. ..1 30 ■ 31 20 1 2 50 2 5 51 35 9 70 48 2 5 7 8 32 1 11 9 5 1 2 24 15 1 4 20 25 21 18 17 12 5 4 1 44 26 49 31 17 35 2 2 3 2 3 4 4 6 3 3 BB 2 1 1 S4 4 1 35 1 4 5 7 8 7 12 9 H 7 5 6 1 37 12 21 32 3 15 1 3 2 i' 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 36 1 1 37 1 4 4 38 2 3 5 1 S 2 15 1 10 1 10 5 1 G 17 4 103 12 3 43 2 2 1 28 1 30 4 4 23 4 23 40 2 2 26 2 3 1 41 2 3 18 5 10 1 1 1 5 5 2 4 2 1 1 3 7 84 21 26 37 8 13 24 2 3 2 1 SO 8 6 Z 3 1 ....... 42 2 23 11 23 11 43 44 1 1 10 8 1 2 i 6 2 19 7 10 3 3 1 5 1 1 45 .;";"!...;. 1 11 1 11 3 i 46 1 P 1 858 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.-FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, lUONXANA. i EX, coLOB. NATivny, AND Aeere- TJn- Cod- age FERiODS WHEN ^^ known. genital. OCCUKUED. Old ^, age. GENERAL DISEASES. KEKVOCS SYSTEM. E Mis. ol^^" -p^., ^^^"' Scarlet Diph- Svph- Sorof- Kick- ""=• Total. gt-n- f iij„ria. ills. ula. eta. eral. in£B- mia. T«.»i Epi- Menin- ^°*^- lepsy. gitia. 1 2 8 Total Male rcmale 52 ' 32 20 5 4 1 26 . 17 . 9 . 1 7 4 1- 2 1 2 2 . 2" mil 1 .ZLll- 7 3 - 4 1 i 1 i' i S e White Jfnle 51 31 20 3S 27 I 5 4 1 5 3 25 . 10 . 9 . 20 . - 7 4 3 3 2 ""'2 ' 2 1 2 . 2 '. 1. 1 7 3 . 4 7 4 1 i' ' 1 1 i 1 1 7 8 1 1 Parents native 15 3 1 9 10 » Male n ! 10 : 11 2 1 2 11 4 5 2 1 i' 1 1. i' 1 1 '.'.'.'... ■C-----'' 3 3 1 1 One or both parents 12 13 foreign. Miilo Female 7 4 13 2 3 5 4 i' i' 1 2 1 i' U 13 16 Male Female 1 1 2 2 1 ..1 i 1' n u Male Female 1 1 1 2t) 21 22 Malo Female 1 1 1 24 2S 26 Male Female Age "periods when occurred: Unkiiowu 1 4 i"- 3 1 1 1 :::::::: 27 Male 3 1 26 3 i" i 29 80 81 82 S3 34 8: « 26 Male 17 9 6 17 9 4 1 yemalo Male Female 2 4 1 :;::::: ::::::: 1 3 1 i Male Female 1 1 2 '■■■■■■■ 1 1 1 1 Male i Feualo 1 1 1 I S 1 1 ; i 1 i 2 Mnl« 1 Female S J ( J I 1 5 ( 1 ) 1 ".'.'.'.'.'. : ::::'.: B Male e Fimolo 2 1 :::::: "i ■ ' i "1 . THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 359 AND AGE I'KUIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, HY STATKS AM) Ti;i;UH < >ltir..S: 1800— Continued. mONTANA. NEltVOUS 8YSTCU — COlltiUUcd. BEPIlODfCTlyB. ACCfDIUmi MUD IKJURIEfl. raral Cat ft- K5 'W Ageperiwls wlieu occurred: 14 6 2 1 •»7 29 24 420 12 15 8 6 3 3 1 1 i 28 20 420 234 186 218 3D 2.34 186 11 a? 51 35 20 13 2 09 13 3 Male . . B*? 124 94 90 18 21 9 31 20 26 23 12 25 13 7 14 8 5 9 2 38 31 20 10 3 11 i' RS 2 M-iIf. flfl 00 30 35 6 3 8 13 13 12 20 5 5 11 3 1 7 2 4 2 12 8 4 5 2 37 flB Male 80 M 10 •2 4 4 25 « 38 4 1 5 1 i 3 1 2 2 8 1 1 2 1 40 41 ]5io4S Male •? 62 80 SI 17 B 1 ' 24 14 28 4 1 1 4 1 1 3 6 8 1 1 i' 48 44 45 and over Mall- 4^ 30 21 1 13 15 2 4ft 1 1 1 THE FEKBLK-jriNDED. 361 AND A(iK PKRIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, liV SPATES ANM) TKRIMTORIES: 1890— Continued. NKItKANKA. 1 1 — 1 s y»i». Cnla- Icpsy. Cho- rea. IiifiAm- matiuD of brain. Al>. BCL'89 on heatl. Hydro- ccplia- liu. Conviil- hIods. Spinal nrtiic- tion». (N. S.) Brain trouble. (N. S.) Total. Pbl- mosU. Men Htnial iliiior- dcrs. ToUI. FallB. blows on bL'ail or spine. Inju- ries nl birtb. SUD. Stroke or ex- posure to sun. 1 K.. '"'■ , ovcr- ■■■.rlc. Frifbt. Boma. 13 1 23 28 9 69 34 13 a 13 6, 1 1 1 i 14 10 12 3 4 2 Bl 18 25 1 »! U 2 1 1 8 6 5 1 1 1 13 1 23 28 C 08 34 13 2 12 6 1 9 4 g 6 L....I 14 9 20 IS 16 12 25 14 3 6 9 8 4 2 3 2 50 18 43 35 25 9 25 ^ 11 2 6 6 1 1 1 1 7 S 7 6 5 1 1 1 T :. 3 ' 1 '1 5 1 12 8 5 7 7 11 2 1 2 23 12 8 16 4 1 1 i" 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 6 3 10 1 1 n 1 4 3 7 4 3 1 1 7 1 25 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1? 1 13 7 3 g 7 1 3 14 1 . 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 20 5 1 6 3 6 1 1 4 I 1 3 IK 1 16 17 1 1 18 ::::::::i:;::::: 19 1 1 an 1 1 1 1 n ::::;:;:i ::::: 1 m m ..- . 1 1 1 .... 1 ?4 1 1 ?.■> 1 2 6 2 3 1 ?« ■| 1 1 1 1 C 2 3 1 W 1 28 » 1 1 t m 1 1 81 3 1 15 21 9 4 24 16 2 3 2 1 81 2 1 8 7 6 13 8 3 3 6 2 2 1 14 10 10 10 6 7 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 33 1 84 85 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 1 6 6 1 3 1 2 36 1 :" 37 2 1 !» 1 1 1 I 16 1 1 39 1 1 > 1 1 40 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 2 41 1 1 1 1 1 14 2 7 3 1 3 2 2 2 41 1 8 1 1 48 3 1 44 6 2 1 . 1 5 2 3 i' 1 1 ■ 48 1 1 40 1 1 1 362 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 18©.— FEEBLE-JIINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, NEVADA. 4 - SEX, COLOR. NATIVTTT, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCCKBKD. Aggre- gaUj. Un- known. Con- genital. Old ago. MiB- cellane- oua. OENEHAL DISEASES. NEEVOCS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Snarlot fever. Dipb- tberia. Sypb- iliti. Scrof- ula. Eirk- ela. Anse- niia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 22 4 13 2 2 1 1 1 12 10 1 3 8 5 1 1 1 1 i 1 2 i i 22 4 13 ....... 2 2 1 1 12 10 21 10 1 3 3 1 8 5 13 11 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 i' 1 1 6 7 1 1 Parents native tt 1 Q 10 n 10 c 5 i 2 7 4 2 I 1 1 1 One or both parents loitiijjii. 1 1 12 13 1 \ i 1 2 1 1 1 1 Feuiulo 1 1 1 1 Male 1 Jo 1« 17 1 1 Mile IB 19 20 1 Male a 22 23 ■ ' 24 25 28 Age "perioda wlica occurreil : Unknown 1 1 1 • 27 28 29 1 13 1 1 13 30 31 82 8 2 8 5 1 Male 38 8* as 2 1 5 to 10 2 2 Male 80 87 88 2 1 2 10 to 15 1 1 Mule 30 1 1 1 2 1 2 Mulo , 43 1 1 1 j 1 44 1 Uale 4A 40 1 1 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 363 AKD AGE PERIODS WHE?T DEFECT OCCURRED, «Y STATES AND TEKUITOEIES: 1890— Continued. NKVADA. NEnvocs SYSTEM— continued. nEPBODfcrrvE. ▲cciDEirrs Alio iicjcaiEa. rnrol- yais. Cnta- Cho- rea. Inflam. m.'itiun of brain. Ab- BCOM on bead. Hydro- ct^pba- luD. Convul- sions. Spinal tinnH. (N.S.) Brain niiiblo. (N.S.) Total. Plii- mo»i8. Uon- strual 4li*(ir- dora. Total. Fall*. blows on hfwl or spino. rnjn. rioHat birth. Son- stroke or vx- Itimliro tu aun. Stroko ltf;lit- niug. Ex. [KlBUrV, iiiiiJ- tn-iit- inrnt, over- work. Fright. Bnma. 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 ) 1 1 10 11 n IS u ....... » .. . !• 17 IS ...... 19 a 1 a ..... . 1 a a M i"" 9B a 1 n 1 a a a 1 n 1 1 a 1 1 1 a M a r a 1 ST a 1 a • a , 41 MI1IKK. NBRVOUS 8VSTEU- -continued. ItKPItODUCriTI. AcciuKim iUTD njcunu. Paral Cala- lepsy. Cho- rea. Inflnm- mat ion or braiD. Ab. Hcr«a on bead. Hydro- ccplia- luH. ^onvul- uionH, SpinnI Btluc- tioua. (N.S.) Brain ronlilo. (N. .S.) Total. Phi. moaia. Mod- ■Irual disor. dcrs. Total. Falla, blowa on bfad or epino. Injn- ri<'M al birth. San- atroko or *'x- jioaurr to auD. .Stroke of Ueht- uiiig. Ei- poaure, mal- treat- ment, over- work. Fright. Dumi. U 5 1 1 30 13 2 2 41 22 2 11 3 3 1 6 a 1 3 2 1 1 18 12 5 8 27 14 17 5 2 8 S 1 2 1 2 t 1 .1 2 2 n 1 11 1 6 1 1 30 13 2 2 41 22 2 11 3 3 « 1 5 G 8 1 3 4 3 1 1 18 1 5 8 11 11 27 14 38 34 17 5 22 20 2 6 5 U 10 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 K i 12 30 27 2 2 2 2 2 2 S 1 1 1 1 1 7 8 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 11 3 4 7 24 10 4 16 4 2 1 6 4 1 1 2 1 S 2 2 10 1 11 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 12 I 2 1 13 1 2 1 2 14 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 IR 2 16 17 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 :' ■■■ 1» M 1 71 I n n M »> 1 1 1 2 1 I 7A 1 1 1 1 1 77 1 1 1 7« 1^ 30 i::::::::i":"::" 1 31 3 2 1 19 1 C 3 82 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 13 i 1 4 5 7 3 3 4 1 2 33 "■■:::i::::: 1 34 1 2 1 .35 1 1 1 3 2 1 6 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 3« 1 87 2 1 3 80 1 1 1 4 3 1 SS 3 40 1 2 2 2 9 3 1 3 2 41 1 1 " 2 1 1 2 G 4 10 2 1 S 1 2 1 4 41 1 5 2 2 2 43 8 1 44 3 2 1 1 7 7 3 4 1 1 2 o 46 4« 1 ■■■■ 1 S66 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, IM: \V JRRSEV. [ SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. ASD AGE PElHOnS WBEM OCCDBBED. Afsre- gate. 1 570 ; 1 1,3S5 ; 1,093 Ud- know-n. Con- genital. Old age. Jlis- collane* 008. GE.N'ESAL DISEASES. KERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fover, pon- eral. Scarlet fovor. Diph- theria. S,Tph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Anro- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. I Total MMc Fcm.iU' ■miite M.nlo Feuialo 727 C3 143 Ill 42 CI 4 3 1 173 77 2 409 318 20 43 62 81 03 48 24 18 32 29 3 1 3 1 91 82 37 40 4 4 7 JBl 138 110 41 61 ■ 4 3 1 169 70 6 5 124 146 2,8 185 393 304 050 502 20 41 46 45 60 78 108 81 63 48 97 74 23 18 34 26 32 29 55 42 3 1 4 2 3 1 88 81 155 124 36 40 73 C3 4 5 7 3 3 1 1 8 Parents native ■Male 9 575 518 292 81 104 33 288 214 148 17 28 1 36 45 27 43 31 23 13 13 8 24 18 13 2 3 1 62 62 31 29 34 10 2 3 1 One (»r both parents foreign. Male 2 I' 165 127 191 19 14 52 80 68 47 i' 15 13 14 30 10 13 13 5 3 7 4 9 6 1 1 19 12 14 4 C 3 i 13 14 Male Ifi 93 98 55 24 28 9 25 22 30 3 12 2 11 19 6 9 4 1 6 2 1 4 2 7 7 4 3 in 17 Colored 1 Male It 28 27 47 4 5 9 16 14 26 2' 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 •^ Black 1 1 1 1 Male 'l 24 23 8 4 4 120 4 5 13 13 4 i' 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2'> 23 Mixed blood 1 Mate 24 84 3 1 i' 1 1 8 ?■> 1 17 VA Ago periods when occurred : 4 4 10 Male ?7 03 57 727 42 42 6 2 1 3 1 3 9 8 4 ?H 727 Male 80 40!) 313 204 49 409 318 81 32 Under 5 ....... 81 40 26 14 31 13 23 2 2 54 28 2 Male 88 115 89 110 24 25 27 15 16 6 8 5 6 14 9 24 2 2 32 22 27 16 12 18 2 2 84 35 5 to 10 1 M:i)() 80 69 51 70 38 32 200 15 12 18 4 2 15 16 14 3 3 5 12 12 7 15 12 21 10 8 15 1 1 1 37 1 1 88 10 to 15 1 Male 88 5 13 06 6 4 03 10 4 18 3 2 14 S 2 3 1 1 10 11 20 5 10 4 i' 1 40 41 J5 to 45 .. 1 Male 47 105 101 101 28 38 85 19 34 8« 11 7 4 1 10 4 4 1 11 9 34 1 S 2 1 43 Fi'in:ilo 45 tntl over - 8 44 03 Main 4^ 72 122 14 21 20 43 18 18 1 14 29 1 1 49 4 4 1 1 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 367 AND AGE TEniOnS WHEN DEEECT OCCURUED, »Y STATES AND TEUUnORIES: 1890— Continued. NKW .IICKMEV. NEKVOl-S 8T8TKM— CODtinuctl. miriiotiLCTivK. ACCIDENTS A.ND IKJOIIIBt. Cala- luii»j'. Cho- Innnin- iiiutiuu or briilu. Al> Oil bund. riydro- ii'phtt- lua. ConTiil- BiuU0. Srinnl nlU'c- liiilin. (N..S.) Brnin ti-otihle. (N.S.) Total. Phi. mosis. Men- ntvufil illKor- ders. Total. Folia. bti'wn ou iM-nd or spiiio. Inin- rl.-» 111 birth. .Snn- Hlrolie or p\- IKiNiiro to auD. Strnko of litht- ulng. Ex- po itnm, mill- Ir.iil- iiH-nt, over- work. Fright. Burns. • 37 3 14 4 2 8 13 126 66 31 2 IB 7 2 1 19 18 2 1 S 2 2 1 1 7 2 4 4 8 88 38 45 21 25 1 1 12 3 4 2 3 9 8 37 3 12 4 2 8 8 13 9 9 122 65 30 2 16 7 2 « 19 IS 32 "5 I 2 2 8 4 10 2 4 4 1 1 2 1 8 5 4 4 7 4 8 5 11 9 86 36 103 74 41 21 64 87 25 6 28 20 1 1 2 2 11 5 13 10 3 4 4 4 2 2 1 6 9 8 8 8 8 1 8 12 7 2 4 2 4 '- i 1 3 3 2 3 S 2 8 s" 48 20 29 23 14 17 15 5 8 1 1 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 > 10 U ,1 5 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 24 5 19 13 4 11 8 2 1 S 1 12 IS 1 1 1 2 8 " 3 1 1 2 1 1 14 5 4 8 3 1 2 3 1 2 15 1 1 1 1 1« 1 1 2 XT 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 » 1 1 19 1 1 ao ' 1 2 2 1 1 1 21 1 •u 1 28 1 [ 24 1 1 1 25 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 ae 2 2 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 27 1 1 1 28 28 30 81 4 1 e 2 2 G 1 2 3U 23 S 1 1 88 2 3 1 5 1 2 1 1 d 1 2 18 12 19 13 10 10 4 1 3 1 38 1 3 1- 1 1 a 84 3 85 2 1 1 1 10 9 8 4 5 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 36 1 1 81 1 2 1 88 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 5 1 1 1 38 1 1 40 6 1 4 O 1 2 1 2 2 47 21 15 1 t 1 41 ' 3 2 22 D 13 2 2 2 2 8 1 3(1 11 10 11 5 17 4 3 13 7 6 a 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 6 1 1 a u i 1 3 B 3 4 8 ::::::::i 1 S 1 6 1 -^ 368 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. T.\nLE 190.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITT, WEW illEXICO. SEX, COLOR, KATIVn-T. AXD AGE PERIODS WUE.N OCCUBBED. Aggro- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Old age. Mis. collanc- ous. OEK-ERAL DISEASES. KEEVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Dipli- theria. Svph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Kick- ots. An.'D- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. Total 127 40 70 10 3 2 Hale 73 54 27 13 40 30 1 9 3 2 "^^Tiite 12C 40 CO 10 3 2 Male 72 Hi 117 100 27 13 37 37 39 30 64 S9 1 9 10 10 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 Parents native JL-ilc 1 1 1 1 61 48 8 24 13 34 1 9 2 1 1 1 . 1 1 10 25 5 1 , 11 Olio or both parents 1 1 ! 1 12 Hale i 4 9 1 3 2 3 5 1 1 1 13 Female :::::::: 14 1 1 ■ 1 i 15 U.i'.e Female 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 IS :::.;. ■■■:"":::i :'i 17 Colored 1 Male 18 1 1 19 1 '" 20 i : Black ' 1 1 Male 1 Female ■1 "■ " 21 1 1 J 22 • ii 23 Male 1 24 2i> Female 1 M 1 Age perioilswlien occurred: i 'i Inknowu 1 'I Uale 1 27 li 1 2S Female Ij 1 1 » 70 70 Male 1 li 80 40 30 8 D 40 30 1 81 Female 1 82 Under 5 1 1 1 Ualo 1 S3 4 1 1 1 84 Female 1 9 1 3S 5 tolO 1 1 Male 1 1 88 5 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 87 Female .... 1 . 80 10 to 15 Male 1 1 1 88 8 1 22 8 1 13 40 41 15tt.«5 s 1 ] 1 Male 1 • 42 13 7 « 7 1 7 1 1 1 43 Fcnialo "■■■::: :::::::i:::::::: 44 Ualo 45 3 S 2 4S 1 1 1 1 1 THE FEEHLE-MINDKD. 369 AND AGE I'ERIODS \VII1;N Dr.l'ECT OCCURRED, HY STATI'.S AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. NKW niBXICO. KRnvnrs bysteu— continued. RIPRODCCnVB. AcciOEm Aim i.tjmrn. rural- J-Bia. Cnta- lopiiy. Cho- ron. Inflnm- IllAtluU of brain. Ab. aie»» on bond. Hyilro- lU8. Convnl- sions. SplniU nflV-c- tlollH. (N.S.) llrnln trrtiiblo. (N. S.) Total. Phi. mosis. Han- Htriial dlHor- Uora. Total. Fall!, blowa on bead or spiuo. rli-H at birth. 8an> lit roko or ox- poHura toauD. stroke or li^ht. nliig. Ez- PMore, niol- Irfat- mint, ovor* work. Fright. Biima, 4 1 1 1 1 * 2 2 1 1 2 1 8 4 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 g 1 1 7 g s 1 3 L -. . 1 10 m 1 1 1 u 2' 1 1 1 la .■::::::::.:::: 1 u u 1 1 15 IC IT 1 IS U 20 1 1 "l 2i 2S 28 " i 1 - •>! 1 j 25 1 1 .1- ■ *', 1 "Kl 1 1 " 1 30 1 1 1 88 1 1 33 I 1 1 2 1 84 1 1 35 I 1 1 ' 1 . 36 ( 1 37 38 1 1 1...... 39 40 41 1 . . J 42 ""..:.':::;::: 43 • 1 1 44 1 1 1 1 4S 48 7176 INS 24 870 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1 80.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTIbfCTION OF SEX, C0IX5R, NATn'ITY, BEX, COLOR, HATIVrrY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCUURED. Aggro- gate. TTn- known- Con- gODital. Old ago. Mis- cellane- ous. GENERAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Dii)b- thoria. %t Scrof- ula. Eick- etH. An»- juia. Total. Epi- lepsy. ilonin- gitis. 1 Total 7,337 2,453 2,360 952 322 113 177 9 1 6 15 1 769 427 342 215 11 Halo •> 3,929 1 3,408 1,12B 1,327 1,380 980 526 426 161 161 56 55 87 90 3 1 3 3 9 6 i 121 94 4 7 <) TVhito . ......-..- 4 7,274 2,430 2,344 944 320 112 176 9 1 6 15 1 759 211 11 Male S 3,901 3,373 6,176 4,639 1,118 1,312 1,937 1,436 1,371 973 2,146 1,609 523 421 736 620 161 159 290 197 58 54 92 54 87 89 166 119 3 6 9 6 1 1 1 3 3 6 6 D 6 15 11 i' 1 421 338 673 508 120 91 181 134 4 7 9 6 7 8 Parents native ilalo n 2,500 047 955 654 537 339 281 116 109 88 93 33 21 38 63 56 47 3 3 3 1 3 3 6 5 4 1 282 226 165 81 53 47 1 5 3 10 2,139 789 1,537 |] 501 u One or both parents foreign . Miilo 12 851 686 1,098 254 247 493 305 232 108 72 44 208 38 55 30 16 22 20 19 28 10 3 1 i' 08 07 86 28 19 30 2 1 2 1? 3 U Male IS 16 17 550 548 03 217 276 '*3 111 87 10 112 96 8 14 16 2 9 11 1 5 5 1 41 45 10 n IB 4 1 1 Male ; IS 9 3 5 7 1 6 i 1 3 4 :;:. i:. 7 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 20 Black 40 \' 18 9 Male 1 oi 22 1 8 24 ! 10 6 3 7 3 4 1 1 3 8 4 1 3 2 1 1 n Ma3o . 3d 6 U 1,776 5' 1,612 3 4 8 1 S9 ?'i 1 72 26 Ago periods when occurred : 11 3 6 2 27 Male ^ 826 950 2,360 736 870 45 27 7 4 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 24 35 11 10 ?fl 3S 2,360 • 1,380 980 1,065 295 1,M0 980 ::::::.::::: 117 179 146 40 90 3 1 11 1 322 74 Male Oil 610 455 410 157 138 04 100 73 64 78 68 88 24 16 22 47 43 60 7 4 3 i' 190 132 106 39 35 8 6 U Female 3 3 1 K 5 to 10 1 45 1 Male 116 226 184 108 50 44 42 39 25 33 42 46 24 10 12 8 20 31 13 2 1 1 1 2 1 62 44 47 29 16 21 I 37 m 10 to 15 1 Male IN 110 88 680 23 IS 178 21 12 103 10 14 41 3 & 28 5 6 8 1 1 21 26 116 10 1 «) 1 2 11 44 1 41 IS to 41 1 2 Male 47 377 »03 848 74 104 282 114 79 411 39 22 n2 14 14 12 3 S 1 1 1 69 47 119 29 15 4 i' 411 2 44 4I» uud over Mole 4I> 400 448 80 146 201 210 r> 7 B 7 61 58 3 1 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 46 THE FEKliLE-MlNDED. 371 AND AGK PEEIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCUKRED, BY STATICS AND TERKIT0RIE8: 1890— Continued, NSUVOCS SYSTKM- -continued. KEPnODUCTIVE. ACCIDEATS AHD DCJimiES. rnnil (.'Ufa- li|)8y. Cho- rea. Inllnin- innlioii i.f brniii. All- Kt't-lW III! Iicad- n.vdri) f-oplia- liu. Couvul- sioDS. Spinal nlVoc- tloilH- (N.S.) Brain trouble. (N. 8.) Total. riii- moiiis. ]k(on- atrual dinor- dtTS. Totol. FaUa, blown on Ill-ad or BlliliO. Injn- rlcHnt Llrtli. Ban- lit roko or ox. ponnrc to HUU. Stroke lil.l,t- Ex- poauro, nial- trent- inrlit. over- work. Fright. Uuma. 119 GO 59 4 54 4 24 240 28 63 23 23 458 230 » 58 ' 121 M 7 1 2 2 87 17 4 15 9 133 11« 17 34 29 300 149 157 73 1 50 8 i' 7J 60 24 12 8 4 f 23 28 s 118 4 53 4 24 240 25 03 23 23 454 227 ^ H 1 120 80 7 « 69 07 80 o 2 3 1 30 17 4C 28 4 4 4 15 9 22 14 131 115 232 173 16 9 24 10 34 29 65 50 307 147 376 253 155 72 197 133 4 1 4 4 50 8 43 20 i 1 71 49 93 08 21 12 31 20 3 4 6 2 5 23 18 10 23 18 16 6 7 8 37 13 17 18 10 18 4 8 8 90 79 57 11 5 8 26 24 5 168 85 123 87 40 04 3 1 23 3 19 1 41 27 23 11 1 1 8 1 2 10 2 10 2 10 U 10 7 ;i 2 14 4 7 C 2 2 28 29 14 5 3 1 3 2 8 84 39 78 45 19 30 1 10 3 13 i' 15 lu 27 7 4 5 1 2 2 12 2 5 2 5 13 1 U 12 U 1 4 3 1 1 1 ' i 1 5 3 55 23 4 23 7 3 1 11 2 15 12 1 4 1 1 1 15 1 5 5 16 17 1 ' 1 o 1 2 2 4 2 1 18 • 1 1 19 20 2 2 2 2 1 ' 1 21 ■■ 1 a 1 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 24 1 16 2S 7 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 21 12 1 8 2«l 4 3 2 2 1 2 6 10 14 7 8 4 1 5 3 27 1 1 1 1 28 2» 1 30 31 13 1 33 2 19 145 15 6 123 93 5 6 1 2 13 8 a 10 8 3 1 27 C 2 13 C 3 82 63 42 9 e 3 4 2 3 79 44 58 59 34 32 4 1 3 3 4 i 1 1 12 11 2 8 1 2 2 33 34 680 2,096 . 370 93 78 9 2 . 1 250 62 12 1 2 3 Male ■ 1.909 Female 1 1.688 325 355 1,169 . 927 . 155 215 45 48 39 39 3 6 1 . 1 . 2 . 2 . 137 113 35 27 7 4 ■White 2,«0 1 462 1,399 . 262 70 58 9 2 . 1 . 172 47 9 5 6 Male 1,282 1 1.158 [ 2,439 2,425 1,274 1,151 U : 7 1 1 223 239 461 758 - 641 1,399 122 140 262 259 37 33 70 70 32 26 58 58 3 6 9 9 1 . 1 . 2 . 2 1 . 88 84 172 171 87 84 1 25 22 47 3 G 9 1 1 7 47 9 Parents native Male g 458 1,394 1 222 236 3 755 639 5 120 139 3 37 33 32 26 3 6 1 1 1 25 22 3 6 9 10 One or botb parents foreign. Male 11 12 13 14 3" 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 Female Foreign bom 15 16 Male Female Colored 1 1,157 1 218 097 108 23 20 3 78 15 3 17 1 18 Male •-■-■ 627 530 950 102 116 186 411 286 671 33 75 83 8 15 13 7 13 12 1 2 1 49 29 66 10 5 11 2 1 3 19 Black 20 21 Male 507 443 207 85 101 32 329 242 126 24 59 25 5 8 10 5 7 8 i' 2 .. 1 41 25 12 7 4 4 2 1 22 Mixed blood 23 24 Male 120 87 70 39 31 2,096 17 15 48 82 44 9 16 13 3 7 1 2 6 1 1 8 4 6 3 1 3 25 26 1 Age- iipriods when occoire*!: I nknowu Male Fi'malo 27 21 7 6 1 4 2 1 2 1 •11 28 29 30 31 2,096 1 1 Male Female Under 5 1,169 927 437 219 198 159 ::::::: 1,169 927 44 32 24 5 1 9 92 19 7 3? 'i 231 ; ; i 119 > 112 52 23 21 28 16 16 18 13 11 15 2 3 1 1 1 1 55 37 47 11 8 14 2 5 1 •ii 34 1 1 5tol0 35 30 37 3e 31 4t 4 Male S4 28 21 37 IS 9 9 r- 15 8 7 13 i 2 1 23 24 32 6 8 11 1 2 Female 10 tfl 15 75 103 13 11 Mnlo <5 23 W 21( 8 6 9 21 5 8 20 1 1 28 s 8 3 11 3 1 Female 1 lSto45 38 447 3 143 ] 39 4 4. 4, I Mnlo ise 7 13 • 10 51 s: 131 13 e c 1: I ( 1 18 21 ( £ 1 1 ( Female 251 28. 1 34 4 4 5 Mnl>^ 1 Female 12. 1«< -1 > : 4 ) 6 1 5 ) I 1 I 5 .::::;:; 14 20 )\ r J ' 1 8( ! TJiK i'ki;hli:-mi\I)KD. 373 AND ACE PKRIOnS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, UY STATES AND TKKKITORIKS: 1890— Continned. iVOKTII CAKOI.I.'VA. KKHVOl-S SYSTEM— COIltlimnl. REPRODUCTIVE. ACOIDEHTS AMI I.tjt-RIRII. Paral- ysis. 35 lopsy. Clio, roo. 1 Inilain- matioii of braiu. 20 Al.- BCOSS on licad. Hydro' coplm- lua. ijonnil-: sionn. ' Fpliial ad'iM'- tinlis. (N.S.) Brain trouble. (N.S.) Total. Phi- moBla. Men. Atrnal (liaor- dera. Total. Falla. blows on brad or splDO. Injn- birth. Snn- Btroko or I'X- noHiiro ioaiin. Stroko of liebi- iilng. Ex- poaure, ■nal- trt-at- IUf!Dt, over- work. Fright. Bums. 3 101 10 108 U 2 2 33 9 8 1 U 21 22 10 12 21 1 11 il . 3 57 41 7 3 4 2 73 30 44 10 2 1 1 22 11 3 2 1 8 .^.^. 1 10 3 00 10 4 73 38 1 23 8 4 I 8 8 3 20 31 60 60 7 3 10 10 2 2 4 4 54 21 73 73 38 D8 1 14 8 22 21 2 8 7 8 R n 1 1 3 8 1 1 T 10 s 12 1 1 8 3 29 ' 2 2 53 20 2 31 7 1 13 8 1 2 5 1 B 8 31 3 I 10 11 ! i 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 13 14 1 1 15 18 13 4 10 4 41 2 33 16 1 2 11 1 2 17 3 1 3 28 13 37 2 21 D 31 13 3 16 I 1 1 2 8 3 9 1 1 i' 2 18 . 10 2 1 20 ' 21 2 8 3 2 1 1 26 2 23 8 2 13 3 1 1 1 7 2 2 1 ... . 11 4 i::::;::; 2l22 '23 24 25 ' 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 ?(l '27 28 1 ;=» 30 31 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 7 7 3 40 7 2 38 22 6 4 6 2 5 1 C 1 3 24 16 20 5 2 1 2 20 12 14 15 7 6 . 4 2 3 1 3 6 .134 1 c 3 1 1 2 1 35 1 1 !38 I 1 5 1 12 8 17 i' 2 1 9 5 8 ■ 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 37 5 ' 38 39 1 1 11 17 5 3 4 1 17 1 2 1 40 5 5 1 IS 41 3 2 21 3 2 1 11 5 27 7 12 15 « 4 1 . 10 6 8 '1 42 43 1 1 1 44 1 4S 1" 8 13 1 1 3 ' 2 1 10 2 4 1 1 1 " 1 ■ 1 374 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.-FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOE, NA'.nVITy, NORTH DAKOTA. ■■■-I SEX, COLOn, NATIVITY, AM) AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCUBKLD. Con- %nital. «, , Mis- "S^- ou». GENERAL DISEASES. NEBVO0S SYSTEM. ; i.ggre- Vn- gate, known, i TotaL F"^"' Scarlet Diph- llieria. %^,^- Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. AniD- ! mill. 1 Total. Epi- Mcnin- lepsy- gitis. Total 133 18 66 1 15 8 4 4 . 13 2 1 1 Male Female 84 51 11 40 1 1 9 6 6 2 i i 5 8 2" 1 2 2 |! ! 3 .o|. 4 134 i 1- 05 1- 15 8 4 4 1 13 2 1 Main 84 50 68 27 11 40 ! 1 9 6 9 5 6 2 4 1 4 1 1 2 2 3 5 8 8 5 2' 2 2 1 1 1 6 Female 7 4 3 25 36 9 1 1 V Native born Parents native Male 1 8 18 9 i 41 ! 1 2 1 7 2 27 4 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 10 Female One or both parents foreign. Male Female 3 3 11 12 13 u 24 17 66 1 14 16 11 29 1 2 2 6 1 2 4 3 1 2 1 z. 2 1 5 Male Female 42 1 9 5 17 12 1 1 3 3 4 3 1 2 3 15 16 18 19 20 Male Female Black i' 1 i' 1 __ :::::::: !" 21 22 23 Male Female Mixed blood - i '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. i' 24 25 26 27 28 Male Female Agoperioila when occurred: i ! Male Female ' CO 40 26 31 06 1^ 30 31 82 Male Female Under 5 4 40 26 6 7 3 4 8 1 1 83 84 8ri Male . .. 20 11 1 3 2 ■■--•■ 4 2 1 5 2 3 i , 2 2 4 4 1 i 1 Female S to 10 88 37 Male Female lOtolS 3 3 3 1 1 1 •■•-••• i 1 1 3S 40 41 Male Female IDlo^.O 2 1 20 10 5 1 1 :i:::::: i 1 i 4S 41 i ! Male Femcle 1 4San4lover 14 6 9 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 i 2 1 S Male 3 Female 5 4 i ::::::: 1 2 1 ::::::: 1 1 4. 4 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 375 AlfD AOE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCUlMtKU, BY ST.Vri:.S AND 1 r.KKlTOUlES: IS'JO— Continued. .■VOUTU VAJKOTA. .WEBVOrs SYSTBH- -continued. IIKPBOlll'CnVB. ACCIUKNTM AM) IXJCBIU. Pnrnl- Cat* li-iwy. Clio- rt-a. Tiiflnni- mntiun of brain. Ab. HCCMS 111) head. Hvilro- rcplin- his. COQTUl- siona. Spliial nlleo- tioni*. (N.S.) Brnin tmuMo. (X.S.) Total. Phi- mollis. Mob- ■Iriul diHor. ilers. 1 Total. Foil*, blawR on lii'jiil or ■pine. rii-M .^t birtli. Sun- stroko or ex- pos tiro to suu. Slroko liulit- Dim;. Ex- IMMilr», mat' tn-iit. nu'Ul, ovt-r- work. Fright. liarns. 2 1 2 i 1 1 1 13 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 12 1 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 13 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 12 1 * 8 2 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 » S 3 1 1 m 1 ...... _ _ 1 ...1 4 3 1 1 1 2 1 ::::::::;::::::: \tt ! 1 1 2 2 11 1 1 1 2 2 2 1? 1 1 11 2 1 7 3 1 2 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 d 1 3 1 2 i' 1!i 1 :::;:.. 1A i 17 IR IB .' "m 1 ■ 1 1 m n 1, 1 7> ^ 1 ' f I t4 «S ^. TH rt •w i 1 ; ?• i 1 m . 1 Al 1 4 1 1 6 4 2 n 1 1 2 2 1 e 4 o n 1 1 1 34 1 • 2 1 1 311 , 1' ■ ■ 1 2 1 1. .. M 1 1 it? 1 > SB 1 1 1 a 1 1 3B 40 1 - 1 1 2 2 41 1 2 2 47 \ 1 1 1 41 1 1 1 44 1 1 1 1 1 1... 1 4!> ! 1 1 1 4A 1 1 1 1 li 1 " 1 1 1 376 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, -NATIVITY^ OHIO. < SEX, COLOR. NATIVITT. AXD AGE PERIODS WBES OCCURRED. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- ous. GEKEBAL DISEASES. NERVOnS STSTEM. 1 / Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria, Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Anae- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 8,035 1,679 3,599 198 719 419 249 128 15 - 5 12 10 932 263 15 Male 7 4,460 3.575 7 .^07 872 807 2,025 1,574 102 96 363 356 231 188 133 116 72 56 11 4 3 2 7 5 5 5 534 398 140 123 5 10 3 Female White Male 4 1,640 3,513 194 709 413 245 126 15 5 12 10 919 263 15 5 4,352 3,516 7,166 5,844 3,255 2,589 1,322 845 795 1,462 1,266 1,968 1,545 3,321 2,682 101 93 123 110 357 352 604 495 228 185 389 319 130 115 230 187 72 54 119 97 11 4 15 12 3 2 3 3 7 5 12 11 5 5 10 9 526 393 860 661 140 123 246 209 5 10 15 12 e 7 8 Parents native Male g 655 611 196 1,526 1,156 639 58 52 13 244 251 109 176 143 70 102 85 43 53 44 22 8 4 3 1 2 7 4 1 5 4 1 382 279 199 119 90 37 4 8 3 10 U One or botli parents- foreign. Male 1? 728 594 701 90 100 176 345 294 192 6 7 71 59 50 105 36 34 24 10 24 15 14 8 7 3 1 118 81 59 17 20 17 1 2 13 Female 1 1 H 2 Male 15 369 332 168 108 60 114 94 84 39 97 95 86 37 34 4 54 51 10 16 8 6 9 6 4 5 2 2 2 26 33 13 4 13 Id 17 Colored Male ■ ■' 1R 27 12 29 57 29 62 1 3 2 6 4 6 3 3 2 3 1 1 8 5 6 10 Female 2 1 ?n Black Male ?i 75 39 54 20 9 10 40 22 24 1 1 2 5 1 4 1 1 4 1 3 1 4 2 7 n. 1 1 "a Male 1 M 33 21 909 7 3 739 17 7 2 1 3 79 2 2 12 2 ■ 1 4 3 02 1 m Female 1 3 1 ?f. Age periods when occnrred : Unknown 2 3 32 Male 77 481 428 3,599 2,025 1,074 1,2S1 730 501 414 238 178 200 162 128 803 407 332 35 44 7 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 21 41 6 26 ?8 29 Congenital 3,599 Male 1 to 888 2,025 1,574 1 ai Female 82 Under 5 192 185 102 83 89 107 58 5 7 8 411 84 11 Male 33 200 188 77 105 87 58 57 60 42 32 26 42 4 1 4 3 1 6 3 1 249 162 139 53 31 56 3 8 M 3^ 5 to 10 • Male M 41 36 74 32 24 41 47 42 48 28 20 01 22 20 26 23 19 17 2 1 3 80 69 73 32 24 41 1 1 37 -•*•••• 1 1 1 1 38 10 to 15 Male !l» 1 33 41 280 1 21 20 181 14 12 47 11 6 7 3 38 35 121 20 21 41 :::;:::: 40 Female 1 1 41 15 to 45 •> 2 Male 47 443 380 720 383 848 120 131 141 02 02 187 34 27 24 25 22 23 4 3 1 1 1 1 1. 3 62 50 120 22 19 1 1 43 Female 44 45 and over - 108 Male 4.'> 02 70 102 00 78 80 13 11 12 11 1 84 42 7 2 48 Fomalo THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 377 ANT) A(iK I'KKIODS WHEN DKKECT Of'CUK-Hi:)), ItY STATICS AND TEHRITORIES: IHUO— Continued OHIO. •s KEnVOl-S BT8TKM— continued. < .!■'.■ BKPnODl'CTIVE. ACCIUE.VTil A.NU I.VJCBIIS. r«r«i ysjs. rmn. opsy. Tnfliun- Cho- mat inn roa. or brain. Ab- srOAH on 1 brad. H-V-l-Convnl-fafc' 0.;;-.- ...„,. u^^ Drain rimlilo. (N.S.) Total. Pbl- raoBis. Men- Htrual dlBor. dera. Total. FaUa. blowa on bead or spine. I^Jn. rii-B Ht birth. Snn- Htroku or VI- porturo to sun. ,,"[, treat- "'"8 ov?^ *• over- work. Fright. Bnnu. 131 12 125 5 14 230 73 53 44 44 445 248 46 4 99 38 10 1 81 SO 4 74 5 51 2 3 10 4 147 1 35 02 ! 40 1 30 17 333 112 180 50 42 4 3 1 70 20 25 13 4 6 % 44 44 8 125 12 1 123 5 It 235 j 74 53| 44 44 435 244 46 4 95 36 10 4 77 48 110 94 4 8 12 8 72 51 112 77 2 3 4 3 10 4 13 G 145 35 1 3« 17 46 34 827 108 375 285 185 59 214 160 42 4 37 25 3 1 4 3 09 26 77 63 24 12 34 2« • 4 a 9 8 ^ 90 223 152 SO 73 CC 44 32 26 44 32 28 T 8 53 41 23 3 5 * 48 29 33 M 58 71 30 30 7 23 11 12 214 71 00 121 39 54 22 3 12 2 1 1 47 16 14 18 8 8 4 4 1 9 1 1 7 26 « 26 6 11 9 1 3 18 17 11 i 1 4 3 47 24 12 4 3 1 7 5 7 68 ' 22 60 43 11 30 11 1 1 9 S 18 4 4 2 i' 1 If 6 12 6 12 13 14 4 6 6 5 4 8 4 I c.\ 45 15 1 10 21 9 4 9 13 5 4 2 ........ 2 i' 15 1 1 1 1 12 12 16 17 4 2 5 2 2 2 1 ... 1 4 7 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 18 1 .. 19 3 30 ... 3 2 1 1 4 3 3 3 I 2 1 SI 1 1 33 2 3 1 1 23 t 1 2 1 2 7 2 1 13 1 I 34 1 5 1 4 2» 10 2 3 1 2 2 2 5 4 1 1 38 6 4 2 1 1 3 4 2 3 1 1 11 4 4 1 4 1 2 2 i7 o 2 2 1 1 26 38 1 30 1 81 31 2 75 1 11 151 38 7 115 82 4 5 17 7 83 20 U 5 1 1 2 1 8 3 95 60 35 18 20 9 1 4 74 41 53 54 28 34 3 1 2 1 3 2 5 10 7 10 4 3 I 33 34 24 1 35 4 1 3 12 12 8 1 1 23 12 13 3 6 3 3 1 4 36 17 51 23 11 38 2 1 2 9 1 4 i 1 36 1 1 1 3 6 37 8 3 1 88 1 2 1 14 5 3 11 7 e 2G 3 4 11 42 9 156 35 3 64 '.i t 1 58 2 2 7 i' 38 1 4 3 21 3 21 1 26 40 3 1 a S 8 68 2 2 1 7 4 1 2 1 15 11 7 3 6 11 5 » 25 126 30 55 54 10 25 24 2 9 1 43 16 21 4 3 42 21 18 21 18 43 44 *l 43 25 J . 1 3 1 4 8 2 17 8 44 11 19 e 1 16 1 45 1 18 18 1 ' I a ' 1 378 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1 80.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, OKE.AHOIVIA. SEX. COLOR. NATnTTY. AND AGE TKRIODS WHEN OCCUKKED. 1 Aggrc- liate. TTn- Con- known, genital. 01(1 age. Mis- (sellane- 0U8. GEXERAL DISEASES. 1 NERTOnS SYSTEM. Total. Fevor, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof. ula. Eick- cts. i i Anto- mia. TotaL Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 34 3 15 3 3 2 S 1 21 13 1 2 9 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 a lemalo White 1 4 33 3 14 ....^. 3 3 2 5 1 21 1 13 33 32 1 8 ft 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 4 1 1 « Female 1 3 3 14 14 1 1 '; Parents native ti 19 13 1 1 2 8 G 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 id One or both parents foreign. 1 12 13 14 1 ' 1 15 la 17 1 1 Male 1 1 19 20 Black 1 1 Male 1 1 22 23 24 23 2S Ago neriodn when occurred : 1 Male 27 2» 29 1 15 9 G 9 15 Male 1 30 31 32 ( J 9 ......... 1 2 1 1 4 1 Male 5 33 34 35 i 1 1 T " i 1 3 1 1 ii i' 1 2 1 1 i 36 37 38 1 1 1 1 1 39 40 41 1 5 1 15 to 45 2 1 1 Male 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 44 ... 1 Malf 45 1 1 46 THE FKERLK-MINDED. 379 AKD AOI^ PKRIons WHEN DEKECT OCCURRED, HV STATES AND TERRITORIES: IH'.iO— Continiic.I. OKi,Ano:ti A. hi: -Kiiitl • il\ r.. ALi IllK.NT.-i AMI lifJVmtBB, rural- y»i». Cnta- It-iMiy. CIio- roo. Inflam- niatiim uf brain. Ab. 4111 licatl. Hydro- cepha- lus. Convnl- ■ioiia. Spinal nirrc linnn. (X.S.) Brain Iniuhln. (N. S.) Total. Phi- moaia. Men- atnial disor- ders. TotaL Knlls, Mows on head nr spine. Injn- rlniat birth. 1 Son- Btmko or i-\- pOHiiro to BUU. Stroke of lisht- DlOg. Ex- poauro, mal. trciit- nu-nt, over- work. Krigbt. Bums. 1 1 2 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 4 1 1 I 1 3 S 4 1 ~ 1 1 1 2 2 6 4 1 1 I I 1 5 5 4 4 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 ' 4 1 t 10 1 11 1 1 1' .. 13 ,. 14 1 IS 1 1 ::::::::::::::: ■ in , 17 Id 19 ■ "•n * •n n n *>! ^ 1 1 28 1 X J 1 . .1 77 9f| "t |iha- lus. Convnl- sioua. Spinal allcc- tions. (N. S.) Drain trouble. (N. S.) Total. Phi. moHls. Men- fitrnal ilUor- tlcm. ToUl. Fallii. binwit on head or siiinc. Injn- rlt-H al birth. Snn- fltmko or ex. pofluro to aun. Stroke of IlKht- ntog. Ex- pos n re, nial- t real- men t, over- work. Fright. Bam*. 3 7 3 2 1 3 3 10 7 3 7 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 13 6 4 3 3 5 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 7 2 2 1 8 3 19 7 3 7 i 1 2 3 3 3 4 7 6 ] 1 2 1 13 15 13 4 3 6 3 5 2 6 5 1 1 2 1 :::::: 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 3 1 1 4 2 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 ■ 2 1 1 1 U i 1 1 U 1 1 u 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 13 2 2 1 2 u 1 4 1 2 1 15 2 2 16 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 IS ;::::::: ..............|......... ...... 19 a> ■ ■ 1 1 21 22 23 1 1 1 1 .... 1 24 1 25 2 1 1 as 1 2 1 1 1 27 ::::::::!: : 1 28 » 1 1 I ( _ _.. .... i 1 80 1 :::::::::::: "■::::■: I 1 81 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 SS 1 1 " ■ 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 83 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 84 1 S 5 86 1 1 2 3 2 3 8fl 1 1 87 1 88 1 ■"■"! 1 1 1 SB 40 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 41 1 "■ i 1 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 4 42 1 1 1 2 1 2 t 43 1 44 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 8 1 I 46 1 2 2 i 46 1 1 1 1 1 382 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-SHNDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, KATIvmr, PE NNB Vf i TANI A. BEX, COLOR, KATiriTY. AND AOE PERIODS WHES OCCDEBED. li Con- genital. Old age. Mis- celUne- 0U8. OKN-ERAI. DISEASES. NEKTOCS STSTE5I. Agere- gate. TTn- Imown. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fover. Diph- theria. Svph- ills. Scrof- ula. Kiok- ets. Anse- luia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- t'Uis. 1 Total 8,753 1,635 3,758 209 876 600 272 290 9 3 1« 4 1,043 442 31 2 3 4.786 3.967 700 2.110 1 100 109 450 426 341 259 153 119 109 127 5 4 1 2 11 5 2 2 587 ' 450 2.16 206 24 7 K!9 1,648 •WTiitot jfale 4 8,603 1,592 3,696 209 862 591 266 293 9 3 16 4 1,034 438 31 4.708 3,893 7,757 C,533 781 8U 1,324 1,149 2,071 1,025 3,504 3,000 100 109 148 132 44n 419 737 629 334 257 503 450 149 117 247 183 160 127 284 238 5 1 1 4 ; 2 11 5 10 15 2 583 451 960 786 234 204 415 24 7 31 G 7 8 2 : 9 8 3 3 4 3 Tarenta Dative.. Male 335 ! 25 10 U 3.561 2,992 1,204 549 600 175 1,673 1,327 504 73 59 16 322 307 108 239 191 113 109 74 64 132 106 46 4 4 1 1 2 11 4 1 2 1 428 358 174 177 19 158 6 80 6 One or both parents forei^. 1 12 13 14 695 509 846 4 12 61 59 49 125 62 51 28 13 15 9 31 33 19 30 16 9 1 105 69 74 43 5 37 1 23 82 268 205 192 1 1 13 16 17 452 394 150 139 129 43 99 93 62 23 38 62 63 U 9 6 4 5 3 50 24 9 'i\:.:::::: 4 1 IB 78 124 15 28 37 39 23 60 7 7 13 7 2 7 4 2 5 3 4 5 5 2 2 2 IllacU . 21 22 23 64 60 20 12 23 6 32 18 12 6 7 1 5 2 2 3 2 1 2 • 3 2 4 2 MiTMl lilnnti 1 2 i 24 23 14 12 617 3 3 423 7 5 1 2 1 1 1 3 103 1 2 1 Ago periods when occurred: 53 17 7 9 1 66 1 Male 27 28 as 328 289 3,758 217 206 24 29 I 4 3 4 5 1 60 37 41 25 1 3,758 Male 30 a at 2,110 ],C48 1,531 384 2,110 1,048 228 302 120 153 3 1 13 3 460 179 23 Male ' S3 u s» 900 625 478 204 180 115 135 93 43 186 116 113 79 60 42 95 58 70 2 1 1 i 9 4 1 2 285 184 134 no 83 81 20 3 2 Male as >7 244 234 319 S3 52 ' 75 24 19 42 54 S9 63 20 22 19 34 36 38 63 71 75 36 45 44 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 Mole a» M «i 170 140 1,102 36 30 304 21 21 299 36 27 85 10 55 23 IS 26 2 i 2 1 42 33 137 25 19 60 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Malp *2 «3 44 697 565 888 217 244 139 160 211 47 88 20 31 24 20 13 13 1 1 1 1 60 71 125 31 29 12 1 1 1 209 MaIo 1 4t 422 406 99 145 100 109 107 104 g 11 11 1 05 60 7 5 i* THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 383 ^ AGE PERIODS WIIEN DEFECT OCCURRED. 13Y STATES AND TERKITOKIES: l«00-Co„tinucd. PBSNByiiVANIA. 384 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUSIB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, RHODE ISI^AKD. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, AND AOE PERIODS WHEN OCCCBBED. Aggre- gate. ■Un- known. Con- genital. Old ago. Mia- celhiue- ous. GEN-ERAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SrSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph. theria. Syph. ills. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Anso- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 488 1 iu 92 20 6 13 1 72 27 1 ' 2 8 2(0 ■' 47 ' 100 44 48 13 7 2 4 11 2 35 37 12 IS 218 '.7 .-.< 1 White 4 471 87 101 90 19 S 13 1 70 26 Male 6 6 7 8 2(n 208 304 275 154 121 89 52 37 107 45 42 67 54 105 ' 56 133 101 42 4S 59 50 13 6 17 11 2 3 5 2 11 11 9 33 37 56 39 11 15 21 14 1 1 Parents uativc Male 9 10 U 29 25 13 G5 30 32 20 30 9 7 4 6 2 3 7 2 2 20 19 17 8 6 7 One or both parents foreign. Male 1 12 13 5 8 20 23 9 28 7 2 31 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 6 12 14 1 6 5 1 :::;:::::;:;:; 14 57 50 17 7 10 13 6 7 4 11 9 1 7 17 11 3 15 16 2 2 2 8 2 2 3 1 17 1 1 Male 1R 2 5 5 1 2 3 2 2 1 19 1 1 1 1 ?n Black 2 « 1 1 Ma If 01 2 2 1 2 2 ^ 1 1 ?? 1 1 "^ 1 Male fi 1 3 72 1 75 2 55 ?(t Age periiids when occarrc.y. Cho- rea. In flam- matiuti oi brain. Ab- on head. Hydro- , ccpba- 1 lua. Jonvnl- aioDS. Spinal nirc-c- 1iilU'>. (N.S.) Brain Tonblo. (N.8.) Total.' rhi. niosia. Men- alrual diaor- ders. ! Total. ' Falla. blowa 1 on hoad «r spina. Injn- rlcMBt birtb. San- atruko or ox- [H>N un- to 8UU- Stroko of llahi- uiug. r.5 poaora, mal- troat- nient, over- work. Frlrfht. noma. 13 2 7 2 11 » 46 21 Zt 1 6 13 4 2 1 3 7 S 2 1 1 4 7 8 11 lu 1 S 7 1 3 ...... 2 4 2 10 2 2 11 13 44 19 1 6 13 __ 3 7 7 6 4 1 1 2 1 4 7 11 8 10 3 8 i 2.'-. 10 32 20 11 8 14 7 1 5 7 11 B 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 t 1 4 2 1 3 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 3 G 2 1 13 7 12 .1 2 7 1 2 5 3 3 2 1 10 2 1 1 U . 1 '"'i' 1 1 2 1 1 8 4 12 5 2 5 1 1 2 2 1 la 1 IS 3 4 2 V 2 u ...... . 1 3 2 3 ' 1 .Jt 4 8 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 - „ 2' u 1 M 1 U 1 1 18 ■ 2 1 2 1 ( 19 20 21 1 I 1 1 23 1 21 1 24 1 1 1 1 25 1 1 2S _ _ 1 1 1 '21 1 1 i 28 30 1 ,n 2 1 3 2 9 1 10 10 1 ..„ 2 3 la 1 1 1 o! 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 8 7 3 C 4 3 1 1 1 2' 13 1 34 1 n 1 1 1 ...1 1 2 5 1 2 2 36 1 ST 1 3 38 ) 30 1 3 :::::;;. 5 13 2 4 3 7 40 1 1 3 2 41 i ■■ 3 3 10 3 9 3 1 1 2 S 2 3 43 1 S 1 1 a 8 3 Z 44 1 1 t 1 5 3 4 3 2 1 46 1 3 .41 1 ... 7176 INS 25 y 586 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, SOUTH CAROI.INA. BEX, COLOR. KATtVlTY, AND A6E PERIODS WHEN OCCL-RRED. Aggro- gate. TTn. known. Con- genital. Old ago. Mis- cellane- ous. OENERAI. DISEASES. KKKVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet lover. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Anae- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 1.805 364 997 47 155 47 37 6 3 119 42 3 Male 7 971 834 169 195 583 414 15 32 70 85 25 22 30 20 17 4 6t 55 18 24 2 1 ^ 2 3 ■Wljjte . 4 846 446 400 842 820 173 443 20 71 24 5 68 27 2 Male n 71 102 171 I 170 2.-.9 184 442 437 9 • 11 20 20 35 36 70 67 17 13 30 29 16 13 1 13 11 24 24 3 33 35 08 06 11 ll n o 5 5 1 10 27 27 1 2 2 7 8 Parents nntivo Male 1 430 300 16 70 100 1 230 181 5 9 11 33 31 3 13 11 3 2 1 32 34 2 11 16 1 1 10 11 1 :::: One or both parents foreign. Male 1 ( i T* S 8 4 1 : i' 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 ._L„ 1 1 1 13 14 Male 1 Ti 2 2 S59 1 \ 191 1 « |.... 1 ' 1 84 ' ... 17 551 27 17 13 1 3 51 15 1 Malo 1 1R 525 434 813 4CC 377 116 i 98 93 102 324 230 492 21 20 35 49 75 8 9 16 7 6 12 1 31 20 1 1 46 7 8 15 1 1 3 3 20 Ulack 1 Male 21 86 76 29 291 201 62 6 20 1 30 45 9 8 8 1 7 5 1 1 1.. . 29 17 7 8 1 3 1 23 Malo 1 "I 59 57 55 12 17 42 33 29 i" 5 4 6 2 3 3 '?'» 1 1 1 26 Ago perioda wheu occurred : 1 2 Malo 1 1 77 20 29 997 20 22 3 3 i ' 1 1 2 Ofl .■:::::;: 1 1 1 2 20 997 Malo 1 1 ^0 5S3 414 214 112 102 08 103 SS3 414 Til 33 12 9 6 3 4 8 1 15 9 3 44 16 1 Mall" in 51 52 48 19 14 14 4 5 7 2 i 1 23 21 23 8 8 11 i ii 1 Male 3fl SI 47 40 30 218 24 24 30 8 6 7 5 2 4 1 11 12 10 5 7 rr Female 10 to 15 1 ilR Male fW 15 IS 98 6 2 02 3 1 12 7 19 4 3 4 2 41 15 to 45 1 ' Male 47 91 127 143 40 68 43 19 43 33 6 7 S 1 11 8 14 1 3 o 2 43 Female 2 44 45 and over 47 1 Malo 4ff 68 85 10 24 15 32 10 17 4 2 3 2 1 9 5 » a THE FEEBLE-MINDKD. 387 Aim AOE PERIODS WREN DEFECT OCCURRCn, HY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Con tinned. SOUTH CAROI^INA. NEKvons ErsTEM— continnerl. BEPBODUCTITE. AcciDDrm Ateo uucrim. r«rnl ysis. Cnta- lpp.»y. Cho- rea. Inflam- luution of brain. Ab- si'oas on hond. Hydro- cepba- lU9. Convnl siunn. Spfnnl aflof- lions. (N.S.) lirnin trouble (N.S.) ToUl. Phi. niofils. Mod iitrual illnor. dors. Total. Fall*. blows on bc:icl or splno. Injn- rn-Hal birth. Son- stroke or ox- posuro to sun. .Stroko of liEbt- nlng. Ex- posure, inal- trcst- luent, over, work. Fright. Bums. 16 n 3 34 6 4 8 8 68 41 S S 4 I 1 9 7 1 7 4 20 14 4 2 4 45 23 29 12 7 2 5 4 i' 2 S 1 3 8 8 1 13 1 10 1 D 4 2 G 6 35 24 6 3 1 i 1 7 n 11 1 i 10 10 4 5 9 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 22 13 35 32 16 8 24 24 3 2 ■ 5 4 1 1 2 2 i' 1 1 K I 1 1 1 6 5 6 5 A 7 1 R 1 6 3 1 G 4 5 2 2 2 20 12 3 10 8 2 2 1 1 i s i 4 1 1 5 1 16 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ! 1? ! i 1 1 1 n 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IS 1 1 16 3 1 2 25 2 2 2 2 1 1 33 17 4 7 2 3 17 2 1 1 16 9 21 2 1 2 23 13 4 IG 4 4 3 4 2 ...... 2 18 •_> 2 2 2 2 2 10 24 16 1 2 2 2 •>o ! 1 1 15 2 2 16 8 9 12 4 1 2 2 2 3 'I 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 ■n 2 •^l i 1 1 1 7 2 2 1 2 2 I 2 2 i '4 1 •"S 1 1 ?n r 1 1 2 2 27 28 29 ■■ 1 1 1 ' 1 1 __i 10 1 . .. 1. 1 ... -- 31 33 2 6 2 15 1 1 22 18 1 3 ) 1 4 8 7 9 1 1 13 9 4 13 5 4 .... 1 'n 2 2 2 1 1 3 14 35 1 1 1 C 3 4 2 12 2 2 7 16 2 2 1 17 1 2 1 1 3 2 88 1 2 2 2 3 8 4 20 5 2 8 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 69 2 1 2 1 4 1 4 46 G 1 7 i1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 IS 5 8 . 6 1 1 2 1 i' 1 41 4 4 2 4 2 1 :::::;; 2 2 4^ 2 1 4 2 a 44 5 1 1 2 1 5 8 1 1 1 ^ ! l 8 1 120 2 1 5 1 1 120 Male 1 30 31 32 66 51 78 24 08 M 17 10 C 2 n 14 3 Malo 1 33 34 3& 49 29 21 4 10 7 5 4 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 9 5 8 1 2 3 1 1 . .. Male as 37 38 13 8 8 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ae S 3 31 1 2 1 1 4 1 i 1 1 8 7 Main 4? 20 U 18 7 1 3 4 B 1 2 2 1 1 i' ::::::: 1 44 Main 1 1 45 12 \ 2 3 1 i ' II 1 1 TIIH FEEBLE-MINDED. 389 ANT) AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERKITORrES: 180O— Continued. nOVTII DAKOTA. KKnVODS 8TSTEU— contlDued. BEPHODUCnVI. ACCiOCmS AHU IXJCBIU. ' Taral- Cata C!ho- Mil. Inflnin- niution ol brain. Ab- »CCJ*S UD he ltd. nydro. ct'pha- lua. Convul- siona. SiiinnI ntlec- tioiitt. (X.S.) Dntln trouble. oauro to aim. Stroke of liuht. Ding. Bz- poBuro, nial- Ircat- ment, over, work. Fright. Duma. 27 1 47 2 54 21 17 13 13 103 109 6 2 49 U 11 1 1^ 13 1 29 18 33 21 10 14 6 11 124 00 88 21 5 1 2 10 S3 S 8 5 a 2 13 13 3 24 1 41 2 i» 22 la U 11 14S 79 5 2 40 IS 7 4 13 U 23 2a 1 2(1 15 41 37 25 12 4 28 20 48 40 8 14 22 21 5 11 IS 18 go 53 140 142 01 51 4 02 17 78 75 5 2 IS 25 39 38 8 8 16 16 4 3 7 7 5 2 2 2 11 11 10 11 11 10 6 1 1 4 4 2 2 7 8 12 1 20 20 2 7 &I 58 17 3 4 2 15 23 1 8 8 4 3 9 11 . 2 14 1 U 10 1 10 1 10 11 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 3 3 13 i I 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 14 1 2 1 44 1 1 15 1 9 16 3 C 2 1 2 2 30 1 4 17 I 2 3 1 3 6 S 1 S 2 1 28 IC 35 20 4 25 1 8 6 1 3 3 18 2 1 2 1 1 1 .... .. .. 19 2 1 20 1 1 2 3 3 5 2 1 23 13 g 21 4 5 1 5 3 21 1 1 1 1 1 3 22 1 1 23 " 1 3 1 5 1 24 1 1 1 1 3 25 1 1 n i 1 1 ■1 1 1 27 78 29 I 1 1 I 30 i 31 7 31 28 10 3 50 1 28 1 8 6 7 31 3 4 G 18 18 10 8 5 5 4 1 2 1 27 23 29 20 8 21 1 1 7 4 3 3 1 2 S 3 33 13 34 1 35 1 4 2 1 4 2 4 5 3 7 1 3 1 20 9 18 'I 11 1 3 4 i' 3 2 1 36 37 1 1 38 3 1 4 5 2 7 13 5 70 11 1 3 26 1 2 5 1 39 1 11 1 11 40 4 10 2 S 8 38 6 1 41 2 2 1 4 3 3 2 3 5 I 5 50 20 19 32 11 4 1 1 1 9 17 7 3 2 1 41 '"'"j:.::. 2 11 1 11 1 43 44 1 ' R 11 1 2 3 2 3 13 8 3 I 4 3 1 45 3 1 1 46 1 1 392 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1S«.— feeble-minded BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, -WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, TEXAS. 6ES, COrX>R, NXTTTTTY, AND AGE PEllIODS WHEK OCCCKKED. gace- Un- knoim. Con- geniul. Old age. Mis- cellane- ous. OENERAL DISEASES. SERV0D8 STSTEM. Total. Jiever, gen- eral. Srarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Eick- ets. Anjo- mia. TotaL Epi- lepsy. llenin- gitis. 1 2,703 465 1,25G 34S 153 139 10 3 1 339 93 21 t s 1,547 1,216 246 219 732 524 167 178 87 66 81 58 5 5 1 2 188 ISl 56 87 12 9 I \fliite 4 2,613 319 844 278 131 118 9 3 1 295 78 18 5 6 7 8 1,154 859 1,852 1,656 171 148 288 263 500 338 784 669 143 135 235 ! 220 75 66 128 125 69 49 115 113 5 4 9 8 1 2 3 3 icr, 130 283 262 48 SO 73 65 11 7 18 18 1 1 1 Parents native 9 10 11 944 712 196 141 122 25 401 268 115 110 110 15 71 54 3 66 47 2 4 4 1 1 2 145 117 21 43 22 8 11 7 1 One or lioth parents , 12 IS 14 111 85 161 17 8 31 63 52 60 6 9 43 3 2 1 12 9 12 2 6 5 3 3 15 16 17 99 62 750 13 18 146 42 18 412 27 16 67 1 2 22 1 2 21 8 4 44 3 2 15 3 female. — .■-.. 1 VnlA IR 19 20 393 357 641 75 71 126 226 186 343 24 43 63 12 10 17 12 9 17 23 21 40 8 7 13 1 2 2 1 Black Mai A 21 22 23 336 305 100 64 62 20 187 156 69 24 39 4 10 7 5 10 7 4 21 19 4 6 7 2 1 1 1 \tix-Ml lilnnri 1 24 2S 2t 57 S2 46 11 9 20 39 30 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 8 2 3 i' 4 12 1 Agft periods when occurretl : Mule 27 28 29 32 14 1,250 12 8 9 3 « 2 3 1 1 Cunf;(^Dital 1,256 :!0 31 32 732 524 558 169 732 524 XTnderS 70 65 75 6 3 1 180 87 10 Male 33 319 239 1*7 95 74 SS 45 25 26 53 32 27 48 27 24 4 2 3 1 2 81 OS 18 19 22 ? 3 1 3$ 5 to 10 yxtiWs 3« 37 38 111 60 125 35 21 13 13 10 11 16 12 10 14 12 1 2 38 28 34 13 9 15 2 1 ...t . lU to 15 73 52 «28 21 17 140 8 8 144 6 6 24 U 23 20 14 51 U 4 15 1 41 15 to4S 1 Mall' 41 209 2)9 153 1 1i 82 61 79 42 62 82 77 15 9 « 15 8 4 32 19 U 10 6 1 1 1 1 44 45 «n'l 0V4:r Malo 22 20 BO 47 2 2 2 2 7 7 1 i' 4(1 THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 893 AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCUKHED. IIV STATES AND TEUKITOEIES: ISOO-Continuod. TKXAH. NERVOUS SY8TEU— continued. BEPRODCCTIVS. ACCIDBNTS A.SD INJCOIU. Paral- j-.i«. Cat.1- Ippsy. Cho- rta. Intlnni' nutlioD of brain. Ah- BL-OJIS on liead. Hydro, ci^plia- 1U8. Convul. aiouB. Spinal iillti;. lions. (N. S.) lirnin trouljlo. (N.S.) Total. Pl.i. mosia. Mon- strual diaor. dora. TotaL FallH, blowa on lirnd or ■pine. Injn- rii>a at birtli. Sun. atroke or I'X* poHuro toaun. Stroks of liKlil. nuig. Ex- poauro, mal- treat- ment, over- Kork. Krigbt. Bums. 32 2 52 4 G 72 80 22 13 1 12 192 117 1 14 39 17 4 I 12 20 1 1 27 25 3 1 3 2 41 81 19 17 14 8 1 12 1 iz' 126 60 83 84 1 10 4 20 19 9 8 3 1 1 • 28 2 48 4 4 57 35 21 10 1 9 136 93 43 124 107 84 1 13 24 13 1 4 13 10 28 2fi 1 1 2 25 23 4G 40 3 1 4 3 2 2 4 * 31 26 54 SO 19 IG 35 31 13 8 19 17 1 9 10 10 1 1 1 9' 9 61 23 79 71 1 1 1 10 3 U 7 13 11 21 IG 7 6 11 11 1 I 1 6 6 7 8 n 15 2 1 1 21 22 2 1 1 2 2 27 23 4 15 IG 4 9 8 2 1 9 1 9' 75 32 17 52 19 8 1 6 1 4 8 8 5 7 4 1 • 10 11 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 10 7 12 4 4 5 3 1 2 a 2 3 1? It 2 2 2 14 1 1 4 2 1 15 2 8 4 56 5 1 2 1 15 15 1 1 2 4 3 Ifl 1 1 1 3 3 33 1 17 ....', 1 2 2 4 1 10 5 15 i' 1 1 1 33 23 49 22 11 30 7 8 13 2 2 1 3 18 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 19 1 ■"O 2 2 1 10 5 i 1 30 10 7 19 11 3 6 2 2 2 2 1 »! 3 1 3 3 1 ?H 73 1 3 4 5 3 '4 1 2 1 2 3 2 n 1 1 1 2 "ti 1 1 I 1 5 2 3 •n 1 78 ?9 1 1 1A 11 14 1 20 ■ 1 4 35 22 10 68 43 1 4 10 7 3 3? 4 10 5 1 12 14 14 1 2 2 21 14 10 11 U 3 a 4 2 41 27 22 27 10 18 1 1 3 1 6 4 1 3 4 a 3 33 7H 1 Vi n 9 5 9 8 8 4 2 1 4 1 1 14 8 22 18 61 12 6 19 1 1 1 2 3A 2 1 1 37 2 8 3 1 38 1 1 2 4 5 2 2 2 15 2 2 4 15 4 31 1 1 2 Sfl 9 3 8 1 3 7 40 2 1 19 4 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 3 1 n 3 1 1 7 2 1 r 2 38 23 14 «3 8 4 8 7 12 < 2 2 2 i 41 2 7 \ 43 2 M 1 :i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 4 4 1 4 2 1 1 45 4 1 1 1 1 2 i 2 1 t a 1 1 1 1 _ '394 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINTDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, rxAn. SEX, COLOn, XATIVITV. AND AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCUCHED. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- ous. GENERAL DISEASES. NEEVOCS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Svph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Eick- eto. An»- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 183 23 93 7 19 11 7 4 12 • 2 110 73 13 12 60 33 5 2 10 9 G 5 11 4 3 2 2 5 7 i 183 25 93 7 10 7 4 1 12 1 1 110 73 106 49 13 12 11 3 00 33 G3 27 5 4 2 10 9 9 7 G 5 8 4 4 3 6 4 2 2 2 5 7 5 i 1 7 g Parents native 1 ' 14 13 36 2 2 3 i 2 3 1 4 3 1 2 2 2 1 22 T 11 Ono or both parents foreijrn. Male 57 8 2 T 39 18 77 4 4 14 27 9 30 2' 3 2 10 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 . . 1 1^ 1 7 14 Male IS 44 33 7 7 19 11 3 5 5 1 2 i 1 1 3 4 10 17 Malo IR T> 1 ?0 Black Male 1 71 ?? 11 Mixed blood Male 74 ft ?fl Age periods when occurred : 3 1 1 Malo 77 3 1 1 ?8 ■>« 93 93 Male nn eo 33 31 13 60 33 ill 1 r> 3 6 4 2 , 6 Malo 3:1 17 14 14 9 4 5 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 ;i4 Female za 5 U) 10 Malo M 8 6 8 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 il7 Felnalo i)R 10U',i 2 1 1 Malo 1 30 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4A 1 :::::::: ■.:::::: 41 15 io40 3 8 Malo 42 6 11 17 1 2 3 4 4 3 43 Female 1 1 44 45 ttDil over 7 1 Malo 1 45 10 7 1 2 6 2 1 2 1 4A Fetiialo 1 i 1 TllK FICKBLE-MINDED. 305 AMI AGE TKUIOUS WIIKX nKKKCT OCCURIIKI), UY STATES AND TERIMTOniES: 1890— Continued. UTAH. f 1 ■• 1 a- 1 NEnVOUa BTSTEM— cootinuou. 1 1 rnnil. }»ia. Ciitn- lopsy. Clio- TiM. Inflam- iiiatioD of brulD. Ab- 8CUSS OH hoad- nycli-o- ccplia- lua. CoDTUl- siuna. Spinal nrtec- tioanro, nial- tnat- luent, over- work. Frlebt. Burna. 3 1 2 4. 2 10 4 2 1 1 2 1 3 11 S 7 2 4 1 1 1 ? 1 1 2 " ' I 1 3 1 . _ 4 3 1 2 4 2 IG 4 ■ 1 1 1 2 2 o 2 1 3 1 1 11 6 2 7 2 5 1 4 1 6 1 2 2 1 2 I 1 1 e 7 R 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 B 1 1 X 10 4 11 1 i 4 1 17, 1 1 ■ 13 1 1 2 3 10 4 4 2 14 1 I •> 6 4 2 4 1 1 15 1 3 2 2 1 ))l 17 ........ 1 1 1 1 1 18 :: i 1 I 19 70 1 1 i 1 1 1 n 1 ' . •n r\ 1 1 1 1 74 1 1 ... 1 1. .. 2.'> 1 1 ?(l t 1 1 1 """ 1 L. 1 1 1 . 1 77 1 n TD 1 1 1 1 30 31 1 1 2 2 i 1 3 3 .13 1 ' ( 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 S3 1 2 2 ■""";; 31 1 i . 1 .tit 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 36 1 i 37 1 2 ■ 2 2 38 1 1 > 1 1 1 2 2 1 38 i" "* 1 40 5 1 1 2 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 42 :;::;;:;i |...— -|----. - 1 1 2 1 43 1 2 44 I 1 1 8 1 1 2 45 46 1 1 1 1 1 .... 1 1 S96 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table ISO.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, SEX, COLOR, NATIVITT. AKD AGE rEHliiDS HHK» OCCUUBED. I Aggre- gate. Vn- known. Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- ous. GENERAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. 1 Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Sypli- lbs. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Anae- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 901 97 492 23 84 48 19 18 2 3 5 1 113 31 2 Male 2 S 501 400 48 49 278 214 11 12 50 34 20 28 7 12 7 11 1 1 1 2 4 1 i 65 48 22 9 1 1 t S"99 97 490 23 84 48 19 18 2 3 5 1 113 31 2 Italo 5 6 7 8 499 400 854 729 48 49 91 82 276 214 473 397 11' 12 20 20 50 34 80 68 20 28 45 35 7 12 17 13 7 11 IB 14 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 4 1 5 4 i' 65 48 104 92 22 9 30 24 I 1 1 1 Pareuta native Male 9 10 U 407 322 125 37 45 228 169 76 10 10 41 27 12 15 20 10 5 8 4 6 8 4 1 1 3 1 1 51 41 12 10 8 6 1 2 1 One or both parents foreign. Male 12 13 U 71 54 45 7 2 6 41 35 17 3 6 6 4 6 5 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 9 3 9 5 1 1 1 :.:::;:;:: 1 Male IS 16 17 21 24 2 4 2 7 10 2 1 2 3 1 5 4 1 i' 3 2 1 jjale 18 11 20 2 2 Black 1 1 Male 21 22 23 1 1 1 1 Male 2« 2S 26 1 1 1 Age pf-riods when occarred ; 7 4 1 Male 27 28 2S 6 1 492 3 1 i 1 492 Male itn 278 2U I3S 1 41 278 214 ?i 32 20 22 8 6 1 2 5 42 27 15 15 8 1 Male Tl 70 60 59 17 24 10 14 6 15 11 11 11 3 5 2 2 4 8 1 1 1 4 1 7 1 5 i' 11 Kcmalo US 5 to 10 1 Main tfi 34 25 21 7 3 5 8 7 3 5 6 7 2 4 3 5 3 11 4 7 5 17 l''cnialo 1 fifl 10 u> 15 5 1 Mole iW 13 11 88 3 2 23 2 1 20 4 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 19 2 3 8 1 M 41 15 to 45 Male " 47 43 45 95 9 14 14 18 13 10 6 13 30 4 4 5 43 2 6 1 4 1 44 4j anr.ri:CT OCClIUliKU, UY statics and TIOKUITOKIES: 1890— Continiicl. VKBmONT. NKRVous SYSTEM— continued. nErBODUcmrE. xcciomrm Axo ouvnaa. PnriU y»U. rata- I© I lay. Clio- roa. [ntlnm- nmtiuti of braiu. Ab- HrfHS on lioul. Hydro coplia- lUH. Convul- HiunH. Spinal iili'i'*'- (ionn. (N.S.) Brnin rouble. (N.S.) Total. Thl- moaia. Mon- atnial diaor- t ilura. Total. Falls, blown on head or spine. Inju rirjt at birlb. Bnn- stnike or ex- pOHiire to BUD. Stroke of lillbt- ning. Ex- ponura, nial. lr<•a^ mcnt, OVIT- irork. Fright. Rums. 22 1 5 3 35 1 IS 1 1 43 29 3 9 2 1 9 13 1 2 3 2 1 19 10 i' 9 4 29 14 18 11 3 3 2 8 1 1 S 23 1 5 3 35 1 13 1 1 43 59 14 41 35 28 3 9 2 4 13 19 18 1 2 3 5 5 2 1 3 2 m 18 33 29 1 1 1 9 4 n 11 18 11 28 22 3 G 3 8 8 2 6 1 1 1 8 1 1 3 3 2 2 7 8 7 11 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 IS 14 4 i' 8 3 25 10 6 14 8 3 2| B 2 lU U 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 B 1 13 13 3 2 1 ' 1 14 I 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 IS 1 1 1 ........'.... 14 H 1 U 1 19 24 1 1 • i 1 ' 21 ■ 1 22 • 23 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 24 ■■■" 2S 2 1 1 2C 1 1 2 1 1 27 1 28 29 1 i 34 1 ........ 31 3 1 8 2 22 2 U 4 8 9 1 1 3S 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 U 8 C 1 1 5I 1 1 m 4 8 34 2 1 34 1 1 1 1 !______ ll 1 3 3 1 3 5 2 3 5 1 34 1 S7 1 38 . i 39 2 14 1 10 1 3 40 4 1 1 1 1 1 41 1 1 3 14 12 2 C I 1 2 1 4 4S 1 1 10 1 1 tt 1 1 44 5 8 2 ' 5 i ' 1 3 1 1 45 a 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 398 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, AVITH DISTIKCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, VIROI.MA. SEX, COLOR, NATmrr, AND AOE PERIODS WHEN OCCUBBED. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genital. Old ago. Mia. ccUane- ous. GENERAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SVSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Svph- ilia. Scrof- ula. Kic'tf- ets. Anjc- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total Malfi Female 3,090 583 1,804 72 199 101 64 17 5 15 . 205 56 5 ■> 1,6S1 i 1 ! n 275 1,043 761 25 47 95 101 58 43 39 25 8 9 3 2 8 7 109 90 32 21 1 4 T ^ ;;GJ 1,171 43 130 72 46 16 6 145 42 5 >rale S 1,103 919 2,003 1,975 1,074 901 30 177 186 355 350 656 515 1,168 1,157 • -17 25 41 39 71 68 ■ 138 135 28 72 70 30 16 40 45 7 10 10 3 4 2 5 82 63 145 140 26 IB 42 41 1 4 5 a. ft • ^ Tarents native Male 1 1 -| 1 168 182 5 648 500 10 23 2 00 66 3 42 28 2 29 16 1 7 9 _ 3 1 80 60 5 26 15 1 1 3 1 T) 11 One or Itolh parents iortMgn. Male 1 1" 18 12 10 10 1,009 4 1 8 5 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 I 1 . 1 . ._ 2 3 H Ffuiale .... 1 1 14 Foreign boru Male IS 5 3 220 2 1 633 1 Ifi 1 30 1 60 1 17 Coloreil I 20 14 15 24 18 1 60 14 Male 18 579 490 881 98 122 173 387 240 523 8 22 28 24 36 51 n 9 14 1 1 1 4 5 8 27 33 47 6 8 10 19 70 Black 1 J[alo 1 ?l 472 4U9 1S8 81 47 310 210 104 7 21 2 20 31 9 n 13 5 7 4 1 3 18 29 13 4 6 4 ">? 1 rt Mixed blood 1 Malo ?4 107 81 88 17 30 72 68 36 1 1 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 9 4 6 2 -1 ?,.=) Female 2 2 ?« Age jierioay. Oho- ri-a. Inflam- maliou of bruin. Ab. 8CCSS on Iioad. Hydro- copba. lus. ;3onvul- 8ious. S])inal nllVe- i ions. (N.S.) w Total. Phi mosis. Men Htrunl disor- dcra. Total. Faun, blows Injn- on beiul rIcH at or birlb. spino. Sun- htroko or ox- poHurc to sun. .Stroke of llKbt- ning. Ex- posure, iiial- treat- ment, over- work. Fright. nnm*. 43 3 12 3 4 68 8 13 8 8 118 03 » 26 10 10 1 20 21) I 2 8 * 2 1 3 ns 1 1 7 9 4 76 42 40 17 7 2 14 12 2 8 1 1 26 8 8 3 33 2 10 2 3 S3 8 7 7 7 82 48 1« 5 4 17 10 33 31 8 2 10 10 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 20 13 33 32 1 7 8 8 5 2 7 7 65 27 79 77 37 11 46 45 4 9 7 15 16 1 4 5 4 r> 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 6 « T 8 15 10 2 2 8 1 1 3 20 12 1 1 7 5 2 51 26 2 34 4 2 8 7 3 1 3 1 9 2 7 7 11 1 10 11 \ 1 I 1 1 3 1 1 12 .............. 1 1 13 2 1 14 1 3 2 1 15 Iff 10 1 2 1 1 25 6 1 1 36 13 3 10 3 S 17 3 7 8 1 1 i' 1 12 13 23 4 2 3 21 15 28 6 14 3 5 S 7 3 2 1 4 4 IB 2' :. 2 1 1 1 1 19 1 20 - 2 G 10 13 2 2 1 3 1 16 12 8 8 6 1 1 4 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 21 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 2 23 " 1 1 1 1 li ...1 li 2 2 1 1 1 5 3 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 i" 21 1 25 1 1 1 1 2 28 1 1 1 ] i' 1 1 4 2 2 27 j 1 1 «8 2> 1 1 1 r" ■ 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 30 1 1 .. 1 1 31 12 2 5 1 3 22 3 23 18 1 1 3 33 1 G 5 1 4 1 I i' 2 1 13 9 10 . ..1 - -- 16 7 22 15 3 10 1 5 3 3 .13 2 3 i 2 34 1 2 35 i i ._..._. 3 1 1 1 11 5 ' 12 10 19 7 3 10 2 3 2 3 38 2 7 37 1 2 1 i 1 1 2 m 1 1 1 1 2 3 12 1 1 1 1 12 7 35 7 3 19 2 3 4 7 38 1 3 3 1 3 1 5 1 6 40 1 1 2 4 3 41 1 4 19 3 1 1 4 8 2 i 1 2 1 7 2t 11 15 13 6 4 2 4 3 7 3 1 2 1 1 43 5 1 5 1 43 1 3 44 1 9 10 1 1 1 i 5 2 8 7 2 2 1 2 5 2 41 1 1 1 1 4« ■ 1 ,,^ 400 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TABX. ,8«.-FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. ■WASHIWGTOIV. [S COLOn. NATIVTTT. ASD j^ AGE PERIODS WHEN OCCUBEED. " Total j >ii- Old ., jutal. ago. 59 4 30 4 — - ' GENERAL DISEASES. ! HEBVOCS SYSTEM. SI 1 2£^e- TTn- ' ate. kiio\yn. ge 140 16 76 a 1 Mi3- 1 Uane- pevcr, ; „„^,gt niph- Svpb- Scrof- Kick- Anx- ^otal ,^'''' "-Sf" 0°^. Total. : gen- Sf^™* ^^S. ilia. ula. oia. mia. ^o**'" lepsy. gitia. 15 71 1 i ^ « * 1 . 13 3 3 10 6 5 ".::;.... 12 5 1 2 3 4 "1 5 6 Fcmiile Thito Male 64 139 75 64 123 90 8 16 8 8 14 10 20 . 58 29 29 . 54 37 L 4 , 4 4 3 5 15 10 5 10 9 7 6 1 6 6 . 5 . 1 . 5 . 5 . .^^^^. r lllLl 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . "1 1 1 23 13 12 8 3 5 4 3 1 1 3 2 22 8 1 1 16 7 8 Parentfl native 9 Male 53 37- 33 6 4 A 19 18 . 17 3 1 8 1 - 1 - 6 5 1 1 . 8 6 i 1 1 1 One or both p.ireuta foreigu. 11 12 13 15 18 4 9 8 4 1 i' 5 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 i' 1 10 7!" 2 14 15 16 2 1 3 1 2 3 .. i' .'.'.'.'.'.'.J.'.'.'.'.'.. 1 1 9 1 17 1& 19 Colored Male Female 1 1 -.■•::::; ! .. 1 ! 20 21 22 Black Male Female 1 1 23 24 25 Mixed blood Male Female Age periods when occurred: Unkiiown ^I]il(j 1 1 26 1 4 * 1 1 ' .1 4 59 1 29 30 31 3^ Male Female UnderS 30 29 35 i ] _ 6 30 29 7 5 ; 4 ! 1 13 i 4 3 33 34 31 Male Female 5 to 10 21 14 11 4 2 1 5 2 2 5 1 4 I 1 ■| * 7 3 1 L 3 ) Male Female 6 *" i' !""". 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 3 1 3 3 31 8 ■.' i ■ r:;:::;:;l:;:::: 1 1 3 a ] 3 B Aiaio 2 1 IS to 45 1« 4 t 2 Male 3 Female 4 45andovcr 5 Mnlo 6 yciiialo I t 1 ( ^ *"*(' i 2' ..'.'.'.'.'.'. 4 4 1 4 4 4 r 8 •• 4 1 ,. ...... . I ' THE I'EEBLE-MINJJED. 401 AKD ACE PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCITRKED, JIY .STATES AND TEKKITOEIES: 1890— Con tiuuo.l. VK ASKINO TON. .vesvous SVDTEM— contlnuod. nETBODUCTIVB. Paml yBJ». OoU- U:i.»y. Cho- rea. Inflftm umtioii rf bnuD. Ab eccaa uu head. Hydro- c-t-plia- lus. Conrnl- sious. ToUl. Plil- moaiti. Men- strual iliHor- ders. Total. FallR. blowM ou liead 1 "■' 1 SpiDC. Inio- rifsat birtli. .?"k. Stroke "■■•■x- ,1,1.. toaun. * i Ei poaorr. mul- trcat- inent. ovi-r- work. Fri^t. Barns. 3 8 2 1 4 4 10 6 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 -y 1 4' 4' 5 G 4 1 i".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 1 2 8 'l 3 3 i 3 1 4 4 10 5 1 J 1 4 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2" 1 1 1 S ( 8 5 4 1 4 3 \ 1 1 i i' 2 1 1 1 5 *"'"••* 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 6 7 ft .... 1 1 1 1 1 J 3 2 4 3 1 1 I 2 1 4 4 ._.... 1 1 1 10 11 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 . 1 i' 1? 1 1 1 1 •—*••• i n ._... 1 1 — u 1 1 1 IS ":.■.■::..::;:.. 1 ..... 1 i: ****"•" "-"*•"*" in — ..... _.....„ ..^ .-..„. IT 1 1 w 1 — ■ n w 1 1 ) 1 ?i T* T^ 1 — — 1U 1 *fi 1 » 1 ?7 1.... ;..::;:::: 1 W yt 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 '.'.'S.'.'.'. 1 W 1 1 i ...1 • ^1 1 -..».. 2 3 1 4 2 I> 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 HI 1 2 1 1 i 1 11 1 1 1 i 1 I Ti 1 ^ 3 1 2 j" 1 M 1 T7 1 1 1 1 m ; 1 1 1 1 , 1 M 1 2 1 2 1 *D 1 2 1 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 4» 2 1 1 2 1 1 411 2 1 44 ' ' ... 2 1 1 1 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 7170 i.\s 26 402 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Taule 180 FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVIXy, ^VEST VIRGINIA. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITT, AND AGE PEB10U3 WHEN OCCDBSED. Aggre- gate. Un- known. Con- genitaL Old age. Mis- coUane- ous. OENEBAL DISEASES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. I>iph- theria. Syph- ilia. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Ante- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 1,430 179 817 20 86 83 50 24 1 8 123 24 1 ilale ' 816 6U 93 86 479 368 15 B 43 43 49 34 29 21 10 8 4 4 79 44 18 6 1 3 1 WTiit* 4 1,387 175 816 20 86 81 48 24 1 8 119 23 1 Ifalo S 793 694 1,359 1,293 00 8S 166 159 402 354 806 768 .15 6 20 20 43 43 84 81 49 32 80 75 44 31 5 4 1 1 29 19 47 44 16 8 24 22 4 4 8 8 76 43 110 109 18 5 23 20 1 1 1 R Female 1 1 1 7 S Parents native Male 1 734 559 CG 82 77 7 429 339 38 15 5 41 40 3 20 18 3 14 8 2 4 4 72 37 7 17 3 3 1 in 1 11 Odg or both parents foreign. Male T?. 42 24 28 4 3 D 11 10 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 n Female 14 Foreign bom Male 1 1 15 17 11 43 4 5 4 7 3 31 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 Hi Female 17 Colored 2 2 1 Ma'e IK 23 20 37 3 1 4 17 14 28 3 1 3 19 2 2 1 ?fl Black Male '1 21 16 6 2 4 15 3 1 15 13 3 3 ?? Foma' n Mixed blood 2 2 1 1 Male ?4 12 2 1 ?/> 2 2 1 2 1 . 1 ?« Ago periods wben occurred : UokDowu 1 Male '7 4 U 817 479 368 187 3 9 1 1 1 ll 1 m 1 •n Congenital 847 Male 30 60 479 368 31 1? UnderS 18 35 23 9 3 51 7 Male m 113 74 73 34 26 U 13 5 7 20 15 24 15 8 8 4 5 13 1 2 3 32 19 19 5 2 7 1 M ai 5to 10 Male an 47 25 56 t 17 4 3 6 16 8 8 3 6 4 11 2 2 1 13 6 13 5 2 4 1 37 Female.... 3R 10 to 15 1 Mai.- 3» 34 22 154 6 11 33 4 2 37 6 3 13 3 1 12 1 1 1 10 6 28 3 1 5 40 Feiii.ile 1 41 15 to 4 J 1 Male 42 85 60 00 18 15 43 17 20 17 8 3 8 4 3 18 10 8 4 1 43 Fcmalo. 1 44 45 and over 20 -Male 4!> 64 45 24 IB 15 5 6 12 6 3 48 Female 3 3 __ TllK FEKJJLK-.MIXDKD. 403 AND AGK PERIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, HY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890-Continnod. WRS'I' VIRCIIVIA. _ ■ HBRVOUS BTSTKM— coiitinned. BBPBODUCrm. ACCIDE.ITII ASD IXJURin. rornl- ; ysis. e C«t«- ep»y. Cho- rea. nflsTn- mntloD of brain. Ab- sco«s on head. [lydro- , c.i>ba- * Ilia. Jonviil- slona. Spinal mice- , tiona. (U.S.) Brain rimitlo. (N. S.) Tot»l. rhi- muala. Mcn- Hlrnal iliKor- dors. ToUl. Fnlla, blown ju liead or apine. Injn. 'iea at birth. Snn- ntroir. SEX, COLOR. N.iTrv-rrr, axd AGE PEUIODS WHES OCCCKKED. Aggre- gate. XJn- 'knoHii. Con- gesiital. Old age. Mis- cellaue. ous. GENERAL DISEASES. KERVOCB STSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- tberia. 'sr Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. Ana!- mia. Total. Epi- lepsy. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 2,402 387 1,179 320 130 Gl 58 8 2 1 212 47 5 Male ? 1,325 1,077 195 192 676 163 157 65 So 30 31 28 30 5 3 3 117 93 27 20 2 3 3 503 1 WTiite Halo i 2,401 387 1,178 320 130 fil S8 8 2 1 212 47 S S 1,324 1,077 1,658 195 192 lf»0 075 503 Q17 163 157 105 87 65 65 107 41 30 31 48 15 28 30 49 20 5 3 7 2 2 117 95 170 81 27 20 41 23 2 3 4 2 r> 1 1 2 1 8 Parents native Malo 675 >- 322 1. 1 379 1 41 1R5 52 35 78 22 22 63 9 6 33 11 15 23 1 1 5 1 46 28 80 12 11 18 1 1 2 10 290 9S3 41 108 137 595 11 Onp or both p.ironta iorvi'zn. M:ile 1 1 1? 567 416 56 S.1R 1 44 34 155 32 31 23 11 12 1 15 18 13 13 10 9 3 2 1 1 49 37 42 12 6 6 2' 1 1H ' 52 'AM 1 U 743 . jT "Gl Malo 1 -| 11 378 1 98 365 1 99 134 127 1 67 88 6 7 4 5 1 1 22 20 3 3 1 1(i Female 17 Colored 1 Malo 18 1 1 19 Feraalo ' ■H) Black 1 1 1 ?1 Malo 1 1 •» Female I _. i 1 n Mixed blood Male n . ?7i Female tn Age periods wlien occurred : 40 39 3 3 2 Male 77 •'1 3 w Female i;i 10 3 2 M 1,179 1,179 Malo 30 070 SOS 418 102 6T6 503 31 3? Under 5 83 58 23 ■ 31 2 2 118 22 3 Male 33 233 185 163 40 53 50 51 82 20 31 27 36 D 14 1 13 IB 12 17 1 1 G 2 09 40 32 16 »' 2 34 Female 3,1 510 10 3fi Male 88 25 75 ■-M 14 7 17 19 21 6 7 in 4 2 19 13 17 5 4 5 a 37 Female 38 lOtoli 07 30 12 « Male 30 52 45 247 24 15 09 5 2 7 9 7 1 8 1 7 10 24 1 4 8 4V 41 15 to 43 1 Male 42 J27 120 252 28 41 88 40 50 111 5 4 4 3 1 14 10 18 5 8 1 43 I 41 45 and over Ma!r- '"" 1 4.1 122 130 40 42 44 07 S 1 5 1 8 10 4S I'riiialc 1 ■; j 1 1 1 Til !•: Fi: KBLE-MIN DE I). 405 AND AGK I'KKIODS WHEN DEFECT OCCURRED, IJY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 18D0— Continued. wiMConrsii*. HKRVoi-g SYSTKM— continued. 1 1 lIKPnoDnCTIVE. AcciDcirra axd injdbies. Pnrnl. ysin. Cnta- li'lisy. Cl.o nn. Iiiflftin- mntion of brain. Ab- on bi'n 1 1 1 N 1 1 1 1 77 1 78 ?B 1 1 ' I 1 1 1 1 30 1 1 ■■■ 1 1 ;::;:::.i 1 31 5 20 4 56 4 4 57 38 4 t B 1 81 I 2 3 .... 1 .. 12 8 2 2 2 33 23 17 3 1 1 I 3 S3 24 25 23 18 I.i o 5 6 4 4 1 1 33 1 2 34 1 1 1 3 35 1 1 1 10 7 9 13 12 13 9 6 1 ! 1 1 3 3 1 38 1 2 1 2 1 n 2 38 e 4 4« 5 2 10 1 1 13 1 2 1 4 SB 3 6 2 1 40 D a 3 3 10 a 1 i 1 4 2 2 1 s! 2 1 3 34 13 2C 10 3 7 111 2 1 7 4 3 1 3 48 ( 1 s 2 1 1 3 8 3 3 48 7 1 1 44 3 4 ,! 1 1 1 1 1 ' < 2 1 19 7 7 G 1 ' 4 5 2 1 4S 1 " 3 3 !4a 1 1 1 1 1 !_ 406 INSAISE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 180.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY CAUSES OF IDIOCY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, WK09IINC SEX, COLOR. N-ATIVITY. AND AOB PEMiOUS WUEN OCCCBBKD. Aggro- gate. Un- known Con- genital. Old age. Mis- cellane- oua. OENEBAL DISEASES. KEEVOUS SYSTEM. Total. Fever, gen- eral. Scarlet fever. Diph- theria. Syph- ilis. Scrof- ula. Rick- ets. AnsB- mia. Total. Epi- lepsj-. Menin- gitis. 1 Total 14 3 4 4 2 1 Male 1 9 10 4 1 2 3 1 4 1 1 3 1 White * 14 3 4 1 4 2 1 Main S 10 4 6 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 ........ 4 1 1 1 1 6 Female 1 7 1 1 f! Parents native M.nlo « 5 2 1 1 10 11 One or both parents foreign. Male 1 1 12 1 1 13 ITemale 14 8 2 2 3 1 1 M.-ilo IS 4 4 2' 1 1 3 III Female 1 1 17 Colored Male 18 1» ! m Black Male i 21 n Female 23 Mixcdlilooil Male 24 1 JS Female 26 Age periods when occurred : 1 Male ; 1 w 1 1 i 28 2!) 4 4 Male 1 30 3 1 1 3 1 1 31 Female ::;::::1 32 1 Male 1 33 1 1 M Female as 5to 10 2 1 1 1 Male S(l 1 1 2 1 37 Female 1 1 1 m 10 to 15 1 Male 30 1 1 1 1 40 Female 1 1 41 15 10 45 Male 42 43 Female 1 3 1 1 ................ 44 45 and over 2 Main 4S 3 1 2 U Feoialo TIIH FKKBLK-MINDKD. 407 aST) AGE PERIODS Wnr.N' DEFECT OCCtrRRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 180O— Continued. wvomiNo. KEBVOCS 8TSTBM— continued. nErnoDocTivB. ACCiDnm AXD cuDKna. Parnl. ysi.H. Cnt«. k-i>»y. Chn- rott. Innnm- Dial ion (If br.iin. Ab- on licud. Hyilro- (.>(>|iltn- lua. Convnl- aioua. Spinal lltlVc- tiiins, (N.S.) Brnln trotiMo. (N.S.) Total. Phi- nioaia. Men. Rtrual dlHor. den. ToUI. Falla, blown on head or epine. Injn. rir-n nt birth. Snn. Mtroke or ex- Itomiro to mm. Stroke of llsht- niog. Ex. po«iire, nial. tn-at- meiit, over, work. Fright. Bunu. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f t 1 ■■ ■■ 1 1 1 1 1 4 t 1 1 1 1 5 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 fl 1 1 .._ 1 1 ■.:::::::::::;: 10 11 1 1 1 1 1? 1 11 u IS in 17 18 10 ■"0 ?1 ?7 •n 71 n ■ 1 1 ?A 1 1, 1 1 77 ::::;:::::::::: 1 ................ ft 'rO 10 HI n •n M Kit ■ Rfl 37 If) 1 1 1 89 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 1 ' 1 i 408 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 181.— FEEBLE-MINDED 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND [AU cases vrhere the conjugal coiidilion 6BX, COLOB, AKD CONJCGAL CONDITION. Aggregate.' AGE PERIODS. Congenital. Total. Unknown. 16 to SO so to 45 46 to 60 80 and over. 1 Total 79,718 34,028 569 15,398 9,704 5,266 3,031 Mole 1 43, 873 35,843 19. 450 14, 578 321 248 9,014 6,384 5.601 4,163 2. 9:!4 2,332 1,580 1,451 I 4 71,251 29,714 488 13,277 8,634 4,664 2,631 Male R 39,322 31,929 62,814 " 53,000 16,921 12,793 27,443 23,224 27D 209 465 422 7,721 5,550 12,579 9,846 4.9.16 3,678 7,924 6,813 2..'i89 ?, 095 4,203 3,946 1,376 1,255 2,272 2,197 II 7 1« ative bom R Parents native Male 4 29.219 23,781 9,814 13,185 10, 030 4,219 238 184 43 5,717 •4,129 2,733 3,902 2,911 1,111 2,173 1.773 257 1.135 1,042 75 in 11 Ono or both parents forci^ Male T 5,576 4,2.18 8,437 2,445 1,774 2,271 2G 17 23 1,596 1,137 698 630 475 710 151 106 481 36 39 359 n ycmale 14 Male IS 4,537 3,910 8,407 1,281 980 4,314 15 8 81 408 290 2,121 418 292 1,130 265 216 582 185 174 400 16 17 1 Male 1H 4,553 3,914 2,529 1.785 42 39 1,293 828 645 485 343 237 204 196 19 f JK 1 ■m 59,983 30.055 489 14, 970 8,589 4,080 1,927 1 Male 1 34,810 25,173 54,250 17,599 12, 455 20,541 283 206 420 8,837 0,133 12,908 5,063 3,520 7,702 2,335 1,745 3,720 1,C81 646 1.725 ■w Female -. - •*1 White Male 31,305 22,915 49,530 40,751 15,413 11,128 24,658 20,612 247 179 413 370 7,592 5,376 . 12, 2St 9,578 4.500 3,190 7,073 6,037 2,107 1,013 3,359 3,148 961 704 1,329 1,479 nSf VJ Parents native Main '*R 23,322 17,429 8,783 11,900 8, 712 4,016 210 160 43 5.604 3,974 2,706 3.5IG 2, 621 1,0.10 1,733 1,395 211 817 062 50 •**) Female in One or both parents foreign M.-ile 31 5,102 3,683 4,714 2,371 1,675 1,883 26 17 13 1,121 084 003 433 029 130 81 301 27 23 106 Tj Male 34 2,881 1,833 5,733 1,142 741 3,514 11 2 63 403 281 2,002 387 242 887 224 137 360 117 79 203 't^ "fi Male 3,505 2,228 12,844 2,186 1,328 2,730 36 27 SG 1,245 757 381 557 330 927 228 132 847 120 82 519 IS Male 40 7,017 5,827 11,112 1,463 1,205 2.102 33 23 43 163 218 276 458 469 753 490 337 692 321 108 428 11 40 White Male 41 e, 189 4,023 8,753 8,029 4,504 3,465 724 1,183 1,009 1.944 1,815 27 10 34 34 118 158 2«3 241 383 370 694 632 393 299 003 .'.00 262 106 350 330 Kemale 4^ 4A Male 47 1,005 810 129 23 11 101 137 22 320 303 02 330 230 34 210 120 11 40 One or both parcnta foreif^ Hair M 381 343 2,359 82 87 248 n 13 13 27 35 59 18 It 89 8 8 78 *>! 5? S Male f>1 1.244 1,115 1,733 116 132 638 t 5 13 5 8 105 27 S2 174 36 53 155 44 34 91 M m Male M 828 904 282 25« S 7 45 ou 75 99 07 58 E9 23 n Fvmalo THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 409 AOK PERIODS AND CONGENITAL AND NONCONGENITAL, BY SEX AND CONJrOAI. CONDITION: 1890. iraa not roporteU are oxoludud.) == AOB PERIODS— cnntlnucd. ■ Koncongcnltal. Unknown. Total. UDknown. UtoM •OtoM 46 to 00 60 and over. Total. Unknown. IfitoSO SO to 45 45 to 60 OOandoTor. 89,043 248 13,208 9,688 7,120 8,779 «,64T 2S0 2,342 1,440 1.163 1.444 1 21.045 17, 998 1 141 107 7.604 5,004 5,195 4,493 3,853 . 3, 267 4,2.52 4,527 3.380 1 3,267 130 111 1,200 1,138 670 773 600 502 745 35,438 214 11,836 8,828 0,533 8,027 a, 099 223 2,155 1,338 1.064 1,818 19. '.'M 10, 153 124 90 6.841 4,995 4,789 4,030 3, 574 2.009 3. 957 4,070 3.110 2,983 124 99 1.IU4 1,051 620 718 Oil 4J3 657 602 30,456 201 11.084 7, 859 5.239 6,073 4,915 199 1.995 1,130 757 831 25,533 185 8,326 0,487 4,822 5,713 4, 243 191 1,015 954 697 786 13.907 11,02« 104 81 4.806 3,620 3,502 2,985 2.606 2,156 2, 829 2,884 2,127 2,110 102 89 803 812 427 527 399 298 396 390 10 4.923 16 2,758 1,372 417 360 672 8 380 170 00 48 24 24 U 2.771 2,152 'I 1,585 1,173 745 627 236 181 195 165 360 312 5 3 210 170 83 93 38 22 IS u 4.982 13 752 969 1,294 1,954 1,184 24 100 208 307 485 237 248 u 2.«07 2,375 10 3 4.W 302 542 427 672 622 933 1,021 629 555 17 7 91 09 110 98 174 133 15 16 3.605 34 1,372 860 587 752 548 27 187 111 98 125 17 1,760 1,845 17 17 763 609 406 454 279 308 295 457 264 284 15 12 102 85 50 55 49 4S 42 83 18 10 25,293 178 12,532 7,259 3,454 1,850 4,635 210 2,241 1,093 603 462 20 14,774 10, 619 J 08 70 7,397 5,155 4,254 3,005 2,033 1,421 982 868 2,437 2, !98 122 94 1,169 1,072 539 654 336 247 251 231 21 23 23,368 161 11, 308 6.814 3,287 1,738 4,341 200 2,089 1,033 568 451 23 13,626 9,742 96 65 6.693 4.675 3,978 2,830 1.929 1.358 930 808 2,266 2,075 112 88 1,077 1,012 501 532 337 231 239 212 24 25 21,140 150 10. 052 6,140 2.800 1,302 3,738 184 1,935 896 420 303 26 16,958 135 1,948 4,984 2,576 1,315 3,181 176 1,568 758 394 283 27 9.820 7.138 79 56 4,079 3,209 2,909 2,075 1.484 1,092 669 046 1,602 1,579 94 82 786 782 347 411 230 164 145 140 28 29 4,182 15 2,704 1,162 224 77 557 8 367 138 26 18 30 2,428 1,756 9 6 1,575 1.129 661 501 135 89 4A 31 305 252 S 3 203 164 09 69 18 8 10 8 31 32 2,228 U 716 668 487 346 603 16 154 137 148 148 33 1.380 848 8 3 439 277 408 260 310 177 215 131 359 244 13 3 88 66 85 52 89 59 84 C4 31 35 1,925 17 M84 445 107 112 294 16 152 60 35 31 36 1,148 777 12 5 704 480 276 169 104 63 52 60 171 123 10 6 92 «0 38 22 10 16 12 19 37 38 8.882 51 570 1,983 2,746 3,532 1,232 18 80 289 404 435 39 4,842 4,U40 29 22 •184 386 812 1,171 1,567 1,189 2,260 1,272 710 522 11 7 .33 53 127 162 261 143 278 157 40 41 7,834 40 410 1,680 2,472 3,232 1,086 10 58 254 363 401 42 4.364 3,470 24 10 131 279 710 964 1,409 1,003 2,084 1,148 642 444 6 4 26 32 112 142 238 125 260 141 43 U 6,054 39 375 1,417 1.835 2,388 755 6 52 196 241 260 « 5,544 38 326 1,239 1,B92 2,240 670 6 40 166 215 243 46 3,152 2,392 22 16 110 216 514 725 1.005 687 1,501 748 407 263 t 16 24 76 90 146 70 166 77 47 48 510 49 178 143 139 85 47 38 331 12 30 26 17 49 272 238 1,780 10 39 35 79 99 263 83 60 637 99 40 844 7 5 6 13 17 58 16 10 122 11 6 141 "tO M 4 52 940 840 1,048 !.. 11 24 160 123 140 303 321 316 274 484 360 300 138 143 146 2 2 8 3 3 28 23 35 35 77 45 41 83 58 34 53 54 11 55 478 £70 5 C 53 107 96 207 148 126 176 124 68 78 5 3 7 21 IS 20 23 18 18 16 6< 67 410 INSANE. feeble-:jiinded, deaf and dumb, and blind. Table 181.— FEEBLE-MIKDED 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND AGE [All caaos where the conjugal condition BEX, COUjn, AND CONJUGAL COKDITIOH. Aggregate. AGE PKBIODS. Congenital. Total. Unknown. 16 to SO SO to 45 43 to 00 00 and over. } 'Widowed 6,509 1,138 24 38 208 302 566 Malo 1,884 4,625 5,540 336 802 884 5 19 19 12 26 25 61 147 142 92 210 230 166 400 462 Male 1,677 3,863 4,228 3,945 278 606 755 715 5 14 18 18 9 16 24 20 49 93 124 112 72 164 210 200 319 379 365 Male 1,215 2,730 283 240 475 40 5 13 7 13 4 41 71 12 68 132 10 119 246 14 10 u Male 13 13 U 85 198 1,312 10 30 129 2 2 1 5 7 18 2 8 26 1 13 83 1 Male 15 377 935 969 28 101 254 3 15 66 2 24 66 23 60 104 1 5 1 13 17 Male 18 207 762 382 58 19G 105 3 10 9 12 54 40 20 46 37 23 81 19 5 Male 21 22 23 164 218 349 50 55 97 2 7 8 19 21 37 17 20 36 12 7 16 Male 2i 25 26 27 151 198 297 275 47 50 86 82 2 6 8 7 18 19 33 32 17 19 31 20 10 « U 14 Female Male 28 28 118 157 22 40 42 4 , 2 5 1 16 16 1 13 10 2 5 Male HI 8 14 52 2 2 11 1 1 1 5 H? Female 1 fli 4 2 Malo ill 25 27 33 5 6 8 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 US ^ Colored 1 Male TT 13 20 3 6 1 2 2 1 IB 1 i TiiK fi:i:iuj:-.mindki). 411 TERKIDS AND COXOP:NITAL AND NONCOXGIONITAL, HY .SKX AND CONJUGAL CONDITION: 1890— Continued. VM nnt rcpurtod nro pxcluilod.] AOB PEnious— continiiod. KoDcongeuital. Unkoown. Total. nnknowu. IS Iu30 SO to 4 J 46 to 00 GO and oror. Total. Unknown. loloSO 30 tu 4.'i 4{ta60 00 and ovrr. 4.021 1. :i27 3,291 4,012 18 62 363 Ml 3.838 7S0 IS 13 B8 142 S22 1 3 IS 12 IS 46 39 99 263 262 220 012 099 080 2.358 3,000 221 529 644 5 10 12 4 t 6 7 51 42 37 105 122 1S8 354 402 8 S 4 1.203 2. 809 a, 071 2. 856 8 9 11 11 11 28 38 34 70 102 229 207 204 41l5 543 407 915 2,085 2,250 2,107 196 448 402 374 5 7 8 8 1 5 6 5 4 38 31 24 30 92 88 81 l.'.6 306 269 250 S s 7 8 86.1 1,901 215 2 9 11 23 4 60 147 22 154 343 40 638 1,469 143 110 264 28 3 5 1 4 1 2 22 7 20 61 7 81 172 13 B 10 11 09 146 9tl 3 19 33 17 29 156 49 94 750 22 242 3 4 34 3 10 193 n 4 1 1 7 11 n 1 4 14 2CB 672 609 1 7 26 100 33 123 142 228 522 338 80 162 106 2 2 3 2 9 16 7 27 20 69 124 60 IS 1 23 16 e 7 17 124 4S5 247 5 18 24 29 71 84 25 117 79 65 273 60 25 81 30 3 4 2 3 13 9 7 13 13 12 48 5 18 6 1 3 1 U 20 102 145 224 1 7 17 19 30 54 72 34 45 75 30 29 57 12 18 28 1 I 9 6 7 11 2 3 5 ?1 2 2 7? 1 1 23 92 132 191 175 1 C 13 19 18 25 47 67 57 32 43 61 57 28 29 43 42 12 16 20 18 1 3 6 7 6 6 5 8 7 2 3 2 2 74 2 2 2 75 1 1 1 1 26 27 70 105 10 1 ■ C 12 1 19 38 10 23 34 4 21 21 1 8 10 2 1 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 •»8 2 ?» 30 1 4 12 33 1 2 8 5 1 3 14 1 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 V 14 8 2 3 3 11 1 1 1 18 15 23 1 4 1 12 8 6 4 6 8 2 2 6 2 1 2 2 1 3 M 1 2 35 5 1 36 10 13 1 4 5 7 2 2 2 37 2 ... I 2 38 1 412 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1§2.— FEEBLE-MINDED BY AGE PERIODS WHEN IDIOCY OCCURRED, AND BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Native bom. Foreign born. 1 1 Total. Black. Mixed blood. AOB PEBIODS WHEN miOCT OCCCREED. Parents natiTe. Ono or both parents foreign. Hale. Pe Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Total 95,571 52. MO 42,631 47,152 37,845 35,061 28,144 7,216 5,489 4,875 4,212 5,788 4,786 4,872 4,018 916 768 Unknown 7.B01 42.803 16,242 5,915 3,503 11,183 8,002 4,080 24,515 9,287 1 3,439 ' 1,992 ' 5,765 3,842 3,721 18,290 6,935 2,456 1,571 5,418 4,220 3,764 21,234 8,555 3,120 1,752 5.107 3,500 3,393 15,906 6,433 2,247 1,384 4,070 3,752 2,001 10,455 0,347 2,274 1,313 3,011 2,460 2,414 12, 409 4,774 1,634 1,039 3,289 2,585 490 3,335 1,678 670 268 701 174 402 2,439 1,258 413 227 573 175 673 1,444 530 270 171 855 926 577 1,118 401 198 118 808 992 316 3,281 732 339 240 598 282 328 2,324 522 209 187 748 468 273 2,757 023 283 202 494 238 281 1,954 421 170 150 6U 398 43 524 109 54 38 104 44 47 370 Under 5 years 5 to 10 Tears 101 39 37 104 45 years and over 70 Table 183.— FEEBLE-MINDED, REPOKTED AS TO WHETHER THEY HAD OR HAD NOT FEEBLE-JIINDED OR INSANE RELATIVES, AND THE CHARACTER OF ANY SUCH REL.^TIONSHIP, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. Total. Male. Fe- male. wniTB. COLO Total. Native bom. Foreign bora. 1 RED. BBT.AT10N8HIP. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Total reporting as to insane or feeble-minded relatives. 44,033 24,928 19,105 22,933 17, 613 17,918 13,901 3,332 2,317 1,633 1,395 1,995 1,492 Total reporting insane or feeble-minded relatives 24,844 14,265 10. 579 13,119 9,773 10,923 8.235 1,598 1,013 598 525 1,146 806 682 672 2.444 1.875 2.194 2,416 3,272 5.919 4,545 825 19, 189 2,037 2,416 28 16 67 51 59 3,497 399 301 1,470 1,011 1,246 1,379 1,808 3,.'i70 2.541 480 10,663 1,508 283 311 974 864 948 1,037 1,404 2. 349 2,004 345 8,526 1,129 360 321. 1,352 930 1,102 1,259 1,584 3,311 2,388 446 9,814 1,378 262 263 900 805 885 939 1,301 2.199 1,875 324 7,840 1,022 283 205 1,109 781 1,027 1, 07.1 1.305 2, G.';3 1,974 389 0,995 1,170 220 241 761 705 772 805 1,102 1,798 1,532 209 5,066 875 62 41 136 120 104 132 212 463 278 50 1,784 154 21 24 '■^ 83 88 1.32 2C1 226 18 1,304 99 19 15 47 29 31 52 07 193 130 7 1,035 54 21 13 43 1 36 30 46 07 140 117 7 870 48 33 40 118 81 84 120 224 259 153 34 849 130 21 28 74 59 63 FathcrH 98 163 150 128 21 686 Insane or feebleminded relatives on fatber'« side — 107 1,379 18 10 42 29 30 1,936 1,037 10 K 25 22 29 1,S61 1,239 18 10 36 26 20 1,707 939 10 4 21 21 27 1,397 1,075 13 6 30 24 22 1,402 805 • 9 4 17 19 21 1,181 132 4 4 6 2 6 235 88 52 1 46 1 120 98 2 Uncles 3 146 > 6 3 1 229 4 1 1 70 70 9 Innne or feebje-mlnded relatives on motber's side. . . 164 3,272 10 35 68 00 46 7,421 1,808 7 19 44 35 23 4,230 1,464 3 16 24 31 23 3,191 1,584 6 18 43 33 23 8,889 1,301 3 16 24 31 22 2,950 1,305 5 15 35 24 18 1 3,335 1,102 2 13 22 2:1 19 2, .350 212 1 2 7 8 5 418 132 1 2 2 6 3 203 07 67 224 1 1 1 2 163 1 1 1 1 i' Un< U-s 1 Parental side not BtAted 136 143 341 236 044 621 2, :ino i,7r>H 2,089 374 332 1,384 947 1,193 270 289 02.1 811 890 842 293 1,273 871 1,110 249 203 855 753 830 [ 207 1 244 1.104 733 987 209 224 722 003 732 57 35 123 110 93 20 22 91 56 74 18 14 40 28 30 20 17 42 34 30 32 30 111 70 83 21 (iraiidmotbert rn, RKPORTKO AS TO WIIKTIIF.I! TIIF.Y UAH OU TIAn NOT DEAV OK HLIM> KI.LATIVES, ANO Tin: t'lIAKACTKK OF ANY SUCH liKLA IIUNSIIU', HV SliX, COLOK, AND NAIIVITV; IH'M. Total. Male. Fo- nmle. WHITE. Total. Natiro bom. Foreign born. 1 COUtEBD. nBLATIOSSniP. ParenU native. One or bolb paruiita foreign. Uolo. Fc male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. Total reporting as to deaf or blind rolatiroa 48,450 20,909 21,481 24,207 19,270 17,826 14,281 4,001 3,026 2,290 1,963 2,762 124 2,2U 2,077 ),157 020 1 1 033 825 849 686 125 98 59 41 9S 80 lis 253 211 359 144 141 422 320 20 46, 373 1C3 54 01 181 131 188 75 78 221 173 15 25,812 86 32 64 92 80 171 69 03 201 153 5 20,561 77 45 49 148 120 175 69 63 107 153 14 23,174 79 29 49 79 75 160 63 53 173 141 4 18,445 70 41 42 131 95 154 53 50 149 123 11 16,977 60 24 40 60 03 143 54 40 138 lis 3 13,595 59 2 7 12 lu 14 10 7 29 23 3 3,96fl 11 2 7 11 8 14 3 11 23 19 2 s' 7 6 6 19 3 3 2 2 4 3 5 2 12 7 1 1,922 5 9 12 13 11 13 15 24 20 1 2,638 7 3 5 ITnclcs I.T 5 11 7 M„tlit'r8 ., 10 28 12 1 2,928 2,231 6 R 2,116 7 144 3 1 5 4 6 162 75 2 4' 2 3 91 69 1 1 1 2 3 71 69 2 3' 2 3 76 62 1 1 1 2 3 61 53 2 i' 1 3 59 54 1 1 1 10 3 6 5 7 1 :::;:::: f ::::;: 1 2 T 2 46 11 1 13 A 2 15 10 141 1 4 5 6 5 084 78 1 1 3 5 3 671 63 3' 2 1 2 413 63 1 1 3 5 3 514 53 3' 2 1 2 376 50 1 1 2 3 2 447 40 7 11 6 2 ! 1.'> 1 in 3 1 1 1 325 Uuelea 1 1 49 1 1 37 ::::": Hot stated as to parental sido 18 14 57 37 firiiid fit hers 82 110 243 201 348 51 60 154 124 182 31 50 89 77 166 42 48 142 113 169 28 45 76 72 155 38 41 128 91 149 23 30 64 62 140 2 7 10 17 13 2 7 10 6 12 2 4' 5 7 3 2 2 t 9 12 12 11 13 3 s 13 g 11 I THE FEEBLE-MINDED. 415 TAni.R ISe.-KKl'.nr.E MINOEI) Wiro KKAD AND WlUTi:, WHO la.Al) AM) DO NOT WRITE, AND WHO NF.ITHKie KKAD NOK WKITi:, Willi DISTINCTION Ol' AGK I'KKIODS AND \VH1:;THHU IDIOCV OCCl'KKKD LNDKK 5 OK UVKK 6 YKAKS OF AGK, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. AcgTC* Bute. OCCUBBKD tTHDIB E TliBll Or AOI. OOOUBBBD B TCAKa Or AOB AND OTIB. UTERACV ANl> ILLITKRACY. Total. Present age periods. TotaL Present ago periods. Un- dor 6 6 to V) 10 to 16 16 to 20 20 to 26 26 to 86 86 to 45 46 and over. 6to 10 10 to 16 16 to 20 SO to 26 26 to S6 86 to 46 46 and over Total 80,719 48.296 38,423 21, 370 58,123 852 4,210 7,368 8,499 8,026 10,866 7,875 10,427 28,596 15,036 ■ 13,560 13, 035 254 1,115 1,959 2,425 4,488 4,209 14,088 Mnl(^ 33, 260 24,863 8,335 4,877 3,458 2,6C9 480 372 2,397 1, 813 112 4. 165 3,203 785 4,902 3,597 1,342 4,760 3, 366 1,212 6,375 4,491 1,602 4,437 3,438 1,283 5,744 4,683 1,039 102 102 30 029 486 224 1,105 854 610 1,407 1,018 885 2.4.58 2.038 1,871 2,174 2.095 1,998 7,111 0,077 Bead anil writo 7,417 Male 12,277 9, 093 4,560 68 44 48 470 315 285 764 678 352 rj7 475 346 995 667 535 749 534 431 1,0!>4 845 672 7,400 5,635 1,900 18 12 8 126 98 76 306 244 122 521 361 145 1.055 816 313 1,083 915 309 4.228 3.18S Read and do not writo. 927 Male 2,369 2,200 51,795 1,504 1,165 40, 079 430 24 24 2,571 181 104 5,350 198 164 5,921 214 132 5,707 304 231 7,633 225 206 5,501 358 314 6,966 805 1,035 11,716 S 3 147 48 28 684 60 62 1,075 75 70 1.202 148 165 1,973 143 108 1.604 386 641 Neither read nor write. 4,941 ^lalo 28,642 23,153 296 22.840 17,239 1B6 242 188 1,436 1,135 10 2,975 2,375 26 3,434 2,487 38 3,363 2,344 24 4.462 3,171 33 3.092 2,409 20 3,836 3,130 46 5,802 5,914 100 90 57 380 304 5 601 474 3 698 604 6 1,069 004 8 812 882 26 2,152 Female Read and unknown as to writing. Male 2,789 61 159 137 8,089 109 87 6,844 422 7 3 1,469 12 14 922 23 15 846 l.'i 9 737 19 14 1,003 12 8 640 21 24 805 50 50 1,843 919 926 69 2 3 126 2 1 149 2 4 187 5 3 321 18 8 242 21 31 Not stated 761 Male 4,849 3, 840 3.930 2,914 238 184 862 607 527 335 483 363 431 306 595 408 339 281 435 370 39 30 73 53 76 73 108- 70 181 140 118 124 324 427 White 76,948 51,400 719 3,609 6,455 7,424 7,059 9,761 7,061 9,312 25,548 209 925 1,653 2,114 3,995 3,800 12,846 Male 42,903 34, 045 20, 766 29,313 22,087 8,074 404 315 5,035 1,574 108 3,629 2,826 748 4.266 3,158 1,283 4,156 2,903 1,171 5,707 4,054 1,601 3,987 3,074 1,250 5,129 4,183 1,911 13,590 11,958 12, 692 124 85 27 514 411 205 925 728 566 1,236 878 824 2,237 1,758 1,790 1.966 1.840 1,947 6.588 Female Kead ami write 6,268 7,333 Male 11,907 8,859 4,319 4, 722 3,352 2.539 1.428 1,111 34, 601 67 41 43 447 301 252 734 551 327 710 461 323 960 641 518 730 520 419 1,074 837 057 7,185 5,507 1,780 16 11 6 116 89 69 332 234 106 487 337 134 1,014 776 286 1,053 894 288 4,167 3,16« Read and do not write. 891 Male 2.241 2,078 43, 985 361 19 24 2,175 163 89 4,622 187 140 5,041 196 127 4,903 293 225 6,714 219 200 4,800 351 306 5,988 813 967 9,381 5 1 116 41 28 544 56 50 860 72 02 992 137 149 1,623 136 153 1,339 368 525 Neither road neir writo. 3,907 Male 24, 383 19,002 279 19, 638 14, 966 184 203 158 1 1,207 968 6 2,541 2,081 22 2,908 2,135 36 2,874 2,029 23 3,903 2,811 33 2,705 2,005 20 3,299 2,689 44 4,745 4,636 95 71 45 300 244 4 474 380 3 584 408 914 709 8 063 676 23 1,739 Female 2,168 Read and unknown aa to writing. Male 61 147 132 7,699 4,22o 3,374 69, 185 57,443 100 84 5,999 358 4 2 1,277 10 12 811 21 15 735 14 9 639 19 14 895 12 8 572 20 24 712 47 48 1,600 60 2 2 103 2 1 118 2 4 158 5 3 288 16 7 209 20 31 Not stated 664 Male 3,425 2,574 47, 957 39, 332 201 157 709 509 738 539 3,498 2,692 468 343 6.172 4,744 418 317 7,124 5,425 362 277 6,709 5,261 532 363 9,072 7,190 321 251 0,429 5,034 383 327 8,244 7,811 800 80O 21,228 18,111 .33 28 200 161 56 48 889 686 61 57 1,554 1,155 91 67 1,945 1,474 167 121 3,617 2,776 98 111 3,250 2,765 296 368 Native bom 9,773 9.094 Male Female HeaA ami write 32, 050 23,393 15, 153 22.419 16,913 6.124 3,547 2,577 2,034 309 260 1,520 1,172 81 2,070 2,068 553 3,130 3,295 949 3.065 2,196 887 4, 2:'.3 2, 963 1,170 3.168 2,400 903 4,318 3,493 1,521 9,631 8,480 9,020 99 62 19 382 304 158 645 510 401 856 018 536 1,540 1,236 1,211 1,416 1,349 1,385 4.693 4.401 5,298 Male 8.605 6,548 3,305 50 31 36 333 220 193 538 411 253 533 354 242 093 477 404 552 411 346 848 673 560 6.038 3,971 1,271 12 7 6 92 66 64 232 169 83 324 232 101 663 546 202 737 648 214 2.996 Female I^oacl and do not 3,303 8U JIalo 1,751 1,534 33,303 18,521 14,782 184 1,155 879 26,644 280 17 19 1,042 121 72 3,431 149 104 3,694 149 93 3,681 235 169 4.961 180 106 3.853 304 250 5,100 2,828 2,272 35 590 675 6, 6.i9 4 I 91 30 21 405 41 42 594 58 43 707 101 101 1,140 108 106 1,016 2S4 Female Neither read nor 358 2,697 Male 15,113 11,531 127 65 63 4,403 1.^2 128 916 1.893 2,133 1,561 25 2,120 1,552 13 2,902 2,039 20 2,160 1,693 17 3,408 3,251 57 61 30 224 181 4 330 264 2 407 300 2 K4 495 5 502 514 13 1.230 Female Rcadand unknown as to writing. Male 726 4 1,538 13 1.487 81 93 91 5,498 289 2 2 929 4 534 18 9 504 8 5 438 9 H 641 9 8 453 17 18 595 28 29 1,095 46 2 2 65 1 1 76 1 1 108 3 2 209 7 6 137 14 Female 17 456 Male 3,080 2,418 2,539 1,864 157 132 535 394 325 229 294 210 246 192 394 247 267 186 321 274 541 S34 22 24 34 31 41 34 66 42 117 92 C2 75 199 Female 258 416 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 186.— FEEBLE-MINDED WHO READ AND WRITE, WHO READ AND DO NOT WRITE, AND WHO NEITHER REAo) NOR WRITE, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE PERIODS AND WHETHER IDIOCY OCCURRED UNDER 5 OR OVER 5 YEARS OF AGE, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890— Continned. Assre- gate. OCCtJRBKn CXDEn 5 TEABS or A<3E. OCCtTRRED 5 TEARS OP AGE AND OVEB. ITTEEACr AST) n.UTERACT. Total. Present age periods. TotaL Present age periods. Un. dsrS 5to 10 10 to 16 IS to SO aoto SB Soto K Soto 45 4a and over. Sto 10 10 to 15 IS to SO 90 to as SSto 3S SSto 45 45 and over. White— native born— Con't- One or both parents for- eign. Male 11,742 8,625 140 806 1,428 1.699 1,448 1,876 795 433- 3,117 39 203 399 471 841 485 G79 C.692 5,050 2.679 4,9.11 3,674 1,238 88 52 454 352 26 801 627 164 965 734 289 861 587 234 1,080 790 293 458 337 145 244 189 97 1,741 1,376 1.441 21 IS 7 113 90 39 223 176 134 279 192 201 485 356 395 245 24U 259 375 Female Bead and write 3U4 406 Male 1.5S9 1,090 S3S 7.10 488 336 i 1 16 10 4 100 64 48 168 121 62 134 90 65 177 116 87 91 54 41 64 33 29 (09 602 220 4 3 1 19 20 10 79 55 22 117 84 24 243 1.12 68 142 117 40 235 Female Ec.-i'ot slated 6 38 1 < 19 Mole 221 182 e.7:r! 2C1 l.-iS 106 130 70 54 2,27a 1 fir, 4 2 133 21 17 601 31 23 913 28 21 1,075 27 16 067 36 37 1,105 26 30 814 48 36 1,115 137 151 3,048 ""i' 45 4 2 190 9 10 S06 6 10 311 17 14 491 18 20 463 Ooloreil 1.242 Male 70 57 1. 1 862 239 4 536 877 37 636 439 67 664 363 41 668 437 61 450 364 33 615 50U 28 1,446 1,602 343 28 17 3 115 75 19 180 126 44 171 140 61 221 270 81 208 255 51 523 719 84 Bead and write Mole 1 3 E 23 14 80 • 27 2i 27 14 S3 35 28 17 19 14 12 20 8 IS 215 128 120 2 1 2 10 9 7 34 10 16 37 24 11 • 41 40 27 30 21 21 61 23 36 Bead and do Dot write . Male . FcDial. 5 18 15 728 11 14 880 18 5 804 11 C 910 6 701 387 314 7 8 978 52 68 2.335 ""2 SI 7 140 4 12 215 3 8 810 11 16 ISO is:. 195 7 14 355 140 200 3 20 16 1.034 Keitber read nor vrrilc. 09 39 80 64 .17 27 1 800 229 107 4 Mate Female Bead and onknnw.. n. 434 291 4 S2R 352 489 316 1 1 55!) 300 r.37 441 I.O.W 1,278 6 10 12 80 60 1 ir? 88 lU 06 413 G21 1 to wriiinj;. Male 3 1 102 124 68 2 2 111 2 1 3 2 245 119 126 2 1 33 1 Female a 1 23 Kot ■fali'd .11 es 46 te 108 68 03 Si 20 17 12 S3 87 Male 69 29 63 46 38 80 CO 43 7 3 18 C 15 16 14 19 20 13 28 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 717G INS 27 417 i THE DEAF AND DUMB. 419 Tabi-k 187.-DEAF DUT NOJ DUMIi, Willi DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, BY STATICS AND TEURIT0KIK8: 1890. ■TATEH AND TBRBITOBIES. Tho United States. Korlh Atlantic division . . Maine Now Hampshire . Vermont MaAsachusotts . . . Ithode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Sontli Atlantic divi.sion Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Virginia Wost Virginia , Nort li Carolina Soutli Carolina Georgia Florida Nortli Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan ■Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Miasonrl North Dakota . South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas South Central division. Kentucky .. Tennessee . . Alabama Mississippi . Louisiana... Texas Oivlahoma .. Arkansas... Western division. Montana "Wyoming Colorado New Mexico . . Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho W.asliington . . Orrgon California Total. 80, OIG 28,179 1,398 895 1,066 4,118 874 1,827 9,337 1,91'J 6,752 8,369 223 1,393 282 1,930 946 1,252 803 1,113 427 32, 353 861 902 723 829 996 286 452 371 157 338 1,063 2,355 8,632 2,086 1,597 1,073 811 606 1,617 38 804 3,083 91 46 401 145 34 206 48 20 216 201 1,510 Malo. 49,278 15, £83 818 487 623 1,952 424 929 5,231 1,044 male. 31.333 12, 790 580 408 443 2,166 450 898 4,100 808 2,877 21,341 4,400 2,641 2, 981 2,4,-i3 1,205 860 i,615 2,341 108 238 749 1,0:,4 5,655 1,307 1,013 663 502 334 1,083 31 562 1,995 111 003 130 758 304 503 319 468 160 11,012 2,455 1,261 1, 742 1,370 731 420 807 1,030 49 100 334 701 3,077 719 581 410 309 Total. Male. 47,372 15,283 818 480 622 1,937 413 921 5,203 1,033 3,845 4,264 9D 711 128 1,014 634 628 331 519 200 21, 163 4,349 2,619 2,955 2,447 1,202 859 1,612 2,295 108 238 746 1,043 4,678 1,285 892 482 283 235 981 29 483 Fe- male. 29,936 12,702 05 26 33 13 265 136 86 59 26 8 142 124 ;i2 10 21 8 J 82 61 191 70 952 564 ' 1 65 33 264 82 20 142 32 21 182 101 910 579 404 442 2,152 442 892 4,085 853 2,853 2,776 107 547 113 608 303 405 193 383 117 10, 901 2,422 i.aio 1,732 1,368 730 420 800 992 49 100 331 090 044 493 283 185 187 400 26 13 135 50 8 124 10 8 0-1 70 560 Native bom. Parents native. Male. 33,087 11,073 737 425 613 1.440 279 704 3,403 738 2,623 3,089 Fo. malo. 21,200 9,205 o 612 371 372 1,585 267 710 2,670 616 2,102 2,440 79 510 73 925 559 607 294 482 160 13, 720 3, 121 1,976 1,809 1,485 477 302 1,014 1,678 46 129 483 1,194 4,042 1,105 837 446 246 147 787 23 451 3U 21 187 71 17 40 15 12 119 136 616 34 412 76 535 265 397 178 332 91 6,926 1,756 D46 1,023 802 299 152 4B5 705 17 39 202 49a 2,113 529 452 269 173 in 371 202 570 10 10 85 47 4 28 7 4 43 39 293 One or both paronta foreign Male. 4,268 1,327 28 19 33 117 33 48 563 81 405 454 238 332 270 160 101 185 ;:02 9 38 77 173 240 Fe- male. 3,200 1,214 10 2 20 3 3 15 6 3 19 23 119 21 11 20 166 33 47 478 82 350 13 60 21 12 21 5 9 19 11 1,479 290 154 254 177 107 70 118 147 7 21 50 Foreii^ born. Malo. 9,417 2,883 53 43 76 374 106 109 1,237 214 612 300 Fe- male. 14 115 42 63 45 15 2-1 17 21 173 4 13 6 1 10 11 105 771 405 814 086 625 456 443 415 53 71 183 276 390 103 24 24 13 47 140 6 18 536 19 10 51 3 6 87 11 6 44 33 311 5,476 2,283 Total. Malo. Fe- male. 40 22 44 401 142 135 937 155 401 159 16 11 17 3 12 15 2,498 370 146 455 389 321 204 193 140 25 40 82 128 3 29 7 4 83 3 3 11 20 162 1,906 100 1 1 16 6 8 28 11 30 740 13 79 24 158 8 121 153 120 53 877 82 121 181 219 99 93 2 74 1,402 94 llUck. 4 1 14 8 « 21 15 24 589 4 56 17 150 1 98 126 83 52 Male. 1,549 12 70 21 12-1 4 97 125 108 41 127 75 91 122 124 85 74 29 07 98 155 181 83 83 2 69 Fe. malo. 1,0M 4 15 15 20 460 Mixed blood. Male 357 20 4 511 13 111 1 75 100 63 40 82 59 77 103 07 03 CI 26 138 144 Fe- male. 301 a 128 23 26 20 12 10 3 3 114 16 14 19 27 22 13 420 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 188.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. Total. Uale. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. ToUl. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. Mised STATES AND TRRRITOEmS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Halo. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Maic. Fp- niule. Male. F. male. The United States .. 40,562 22, «1 18,151 20,639 16,808 14,013 11,846 4,268 3,151 2,358 1,811 1,772 1,343 1,466 1,065 306 278 Korth Atlantic division. . . . 11,352 6,196 5,156 6,135 5,102 3,854 3,352 1,508 1,094 773 656 61 54 51 38 10 la 027 321 241 1,539 162 499 3,839 764 3,360 5,596 346 180 133 792 82 274 2,124 415 1,850 3,058 281 141 103 747 80 225 1,715 349 1,510 2,538 346 180 133 784 79 272 2,105 402 1,S34 2,259 281 141 408 742 77 220 1,700 342 1,491 1,908 300 143 100 454 44 191 1,094 247 1,281 2,097 234 114 80 466 43 161 935 234 1,082 1,775 16 16 23 192 16 49 712 97 387 106 10 10 10 137 21 28 518 58 290 90 30 21 10 138 19 32 299 58 100 56 31 17 12 139 13 28 247 60 119 43 Kew Hampshire 8 3 2 19 13 10 799 5 3 5 15 7 19 630 5 3 2 14 11 16 680 3 2 4 10 7 12 512 3 5 119 2 1 1 KewTork 5 7 Sooth Atlantic division.... 118 98 750 124 1,199 600 1,107 668 860 190 16,044 57 416 69 665 334 592 358 456 111 8,971 41 334 55 534 266 515 310 404 79 7,073 53 354 50 500 323 460 178 277 G4 8,845 39 290 46 400 260 399 160 266 48 6,999 38 280 35 486 300 457 178 265 58 5,213 33 230 29 393 240 390 158 256 40 4,320 7 48 13 9 15 10 4 2,301 2 39 15 4 15 2 2 8 3 1,711 8 26 5 8 3 4 21 2 3 5 1 4 62 19 165 11 132 180 179 ; 47 126 2 44 9 134 110 150 138 3; 74 4 51 17 130 8 110 162 155 37 100 2 37 6 100 5 90 127 121 24 48 11 2 35 3 16 18 24 10 26 7 District of Columbia . . . 3 Si North Carolina 26 23 2 2 1,331 2 5 968 17 7 Korth Central dirision 28 Ohio 2,655 1,837 2,479 1.547 1,313 856 1,313 1,998 92 171 629 1,152 6,302 1,417 1,017 1,378 828 786 522 792 1,090 61 97 349 644 3,455 1,238 820 1,101 719 529 334 521 908 41 74 280 608 2,847 1.390 990 1,304 823 785 521 789 1,046 51 97 348 629 2,672 1,219 809 1,096 716 528 334 519 888 41 74 278 497 2,265 973 703 755 383 191 125 442 812 9 39 209 482 2,441 875 651 648 358 145 91 301 072 12 31 101 375 2,069 291 149 411 256 383 209 220 170 17 26 68 95 150 223 119 306 195 243 140 149 108 8 25 65 70 125 132 51 198 164 211 187 121 64 25 32 71 52 81 121 39 142 163 140 103 69 48 21 18 62 52 71 21 21 14 5 1 1 3 44 19 11 5 3 1 2 20 12 18 12 2 8 8 4 9 3 2 3 1 11 3 lUiQois I 3 1 1 3 37 Iowa 2 10 7 4 North Dakota South DakotA Xebra^ka 1 15 783 o n 582 1 14 633 2 8 46< 1 ISO 3 118 Eontb Central division 1,362 1, 112 791 559 539 1,153 26 700 1,268 737 S91 430 305 288 676 14 408 731 625 521 355 25< 251 477 12 352 637 650 467 280 157 200 500 13 339 728 565 433 242 135 183 391 12 304 534 593 442 208 149 168 491 12 318 408 515 417 235 128 141 331 8 204 330 45 14 9 29 37 1 203 30 8 4 4 33 39 3 4 131 12 11 3 2 9 32 12 117 20 8 3 3 9 21 1 6 73 87 124 150 . 148 82 116 1 69 3 60 88 113 119 68 86 66 94 135 127 63 87 48 71 97 92 51 67 21 30 21 21 19 29 1 8 1 17 10 27 17 19 Miaalsiippi 48 3 61 2 40 1 8 2 \rMU)m diviaion VoDtana 30 10 205 80 15 108 11 31 no 157 4B0 22 11 115 47 a 58 7 17 04 90 291 17 5 00 33 6 50 4 14 02 07 199 22 11 113 47 9 58 7 17 04 00 290 17 6 00 33 SO 4 14 52 00 197 12 7 72 41 5 15 6 10 45 02 133 8 2 71 29 4 15 1 8 35 45 112 5 1 27 5 2 24 2 13 10 108 5 3 10 18 2 3 14 57 5 3 14 1 19 1 5 6 12 40 4 Wyoming 3 2 2 1 1 Now Mexico Arizona Utah 17 1 3 3 12 28 Nevada Idaho Waahlngton Oregon ................ 1 2 1 1 California 1 1 I THE DEAF AND DUMB. 421 Table 1S9.— DEAF AND IHMli, WITIT DISTINCTION OK i^V.\, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND KATIO.S I'EU 1.000,000 OF rori'LATIO.N, BY STATICS AND TKKKITOUIKS: ISJO-IS'JO. (a) HUMBIR OP DKAr AKO DDHB. BATIO m 1,000 000 OP POPOUUIOM. 1880 1880 1870 1800 1860 1800 1880 1870 1800 1860 40,692 83,878 16,205 12,821 9,803 648 075 420 408 4a jfnlc 22, 5, i:.7 ii,;:i7 nil 9,027 1,429 C27 5.3SJ 4, 505 9. 801 88 8. 692 1,257 455 2.824 2,317 5.007 44 4.032 509 299 2. .'iO» 2,1101 4,574 50 4, 138 492 297 2, 211 1,709 3,000 40 3,703 297 206 714 591 650 426 735 368 948 752 021 691 377 743 447 701 404 373 421 242 471 202 447 488 387 438 358 483 24:1 473 514 413 407 207 .wr Foreign 22t 450 34« 2S1 027 258 197 454 1 428 27 221 ir.s 141 299 100 131 297 104 Ui2 205 1 200 6 102 1,040 855 951 700 006 702 480 723 459 037 505 449 479 523 421 474 551 Feiiialo White 357 455 7J7 5r.o 61 321 289 10 170 292 5 103 972 773 853 500 205 534 494 134 500 472 ISO 509 180 141 321 125 90 219 201 20 212 92 78 170 93 70 103 88 74 102 905 742 834 733 544 033 2, 025 668 432 038 591 480 535 .582 421 501 563 457 ■Wbito 510 Native Foreign 2S3 38 2n 158 12 148 ir.7 144 100 148 930 523 725 547 405 418 515 287 457 527 140 471 13.1 1(18 241 114 08 212 78 70 148 74 70 144 78 70 147 1 141 7 358 7a.-. 662 727 081 593 040 471 425 440 466 448 458 487 454 469 1,393 210 22 1, 539 194 18 978 137 11 538 l.;2 12 427 760 499 087 COO 439 548 483 233 309 407 366 347 503 203 Maasacliusott s 3C0 792 747 1,52G 13 1, 2G2 277 162 524 454 969 9 806 172 ITiO 3M 235 533 5 401 77 04 243 1S4 "E 380 41 56 196 102 356 330 28 05 728 049 089 552 798 422 409 010 491 .■►19 400 002 388 542 431 312 309 352 418 218 294 407 290 343 519 308 138 321 401 320 Whito 361 221 397 171 441 «2 80 ]5« 6 130 32 499 K.-. 05 145 5 114 30 505 40 24 62 2 55 9 475 32 24 55 1 48 8 395 35 30 62 3 60 5 404 488 451 402 785 543 301 009 039 453 537 758 sc:i 487 907 3S2 213 292 39U 340 102 884 380 203 322 252 S-IO 214 658 486 :98 Whit/' 431 817 485 209 1.090 274 225 492 7 439 00 318 247 559 505 00 207 208 470 5 4,';7 18 229 100 393 37.-. 20 220 184 398 380 18 741 5''7 071 540 1 780 1 327 1,040 779 915 503 l,02.i 462 1,007 764 891 505 1,078 133 1,013 709 870 231 988 248 1,198 933 1.090 780 1.162 i'orcign 467 a lueltiding ChiiiL-se, JajiHiieHO. ami Indians. 422 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 1§9.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DI.STINCTIOX OF SEX. COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OP POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITOKIKS: 1850-1890— CoutinueU. KTJMBEB OF DEAF AKD DUMB. KATIO PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATIOS. 1S90 ISSO 1870 1800 1860 1S90 ISSO 1S70 1800 1850 Korth Atlantic division— GoDtiDocd. 3.813 3,702 1,783 1,579 1,263 041 710 407 407 403 jfilo 2,127 1,716 3.S05 38 3, 297 51G 764 1,998 1,764 3,730 20 3, 168 094 527 984 799 1,768 15 1,554 229 231 869 710 1,557 22 1,313 266 212 099 564 1,250 7 1,127 136 ISO 715 508 042 1 514 745 348 529 798 684 745 389 818 490 406 455 360 408 2«5 479 201 255 449 305 40G 4tS 450 260 315 440 369 White 412 143 Xntive 462 207 386 Mal« 413 349 744 20 C56 108 3,360 265 202 520 7 456 71 3,079 125 106 222 9 207 24 1,433 112 100 207 5 181 31 i,:;;7 115 74 184 5 182 7 1,145 576 482 ■ 533 414 588 328 039 473 439 476 179 501 320 719 278 232 254 293 289 127 407 334 297 320 197 330 253 467 469 303 Wliito 395 208 Katire 424 U7 495 Jlslo 1,850 1,510 3, 325 35 3,075 283 0,597 1,097 1,382 3,047 32 2,820 250 4,975 777 650 1,425 8 1,314 119 2,536 751 006 1.330 21 1,254 103 2,239 636 509 1,130 15 1,057 88 1,902 694 583 640 319 097 337 632 794 644 726 373 763 441 655 442 372 412 122 441 218 433 510 417 469 309 507 239 417 544 445 Wliite 280 528 290 South Atlantic division 400 Malp 3.0.'i8 2,539 4,167 1,430 5, 497 100 98 2,729 2,246 S,514 1,461 4,882 93 84 1,451 1,085 1,921 615 2,492 44 61 1.224 1,015 1,762 477 2,201 38 56 1, 029 873 1,546 356 1,876 26 51 692 572 745 438 030 480 582 720 585 755 496 6r.s 634 573 506 363 528 277 438 204 483 456 379 533 232 423 231 499 439 374 White 519 1<>1 410 248 Dftlaware 590 Male 57 41 92 C 80 13 750 39 45 72 12 80 4 671 34 27 54 7 59 2 384 32 24 54 2 55 1 237 28 26 48 6 51 3 261 600 494 6,i7 211 554 912 720 520 621 r99 454 583 422 718 543 433 528 307 .509 219 492 564 432 506 02 534 109 345 OOP 570 Whit*- 074 295 Katlvo 591 Foreigu 571 Uarjland 448 Main 410 334 644 106 703 47 124 3G6 305 515 156 629 42 169 229 155 311 73 362 22 134 132 105 177 60 221 10 47 1.34 127 197 61 250 11 10 807 634 779 491 741 498 G38 792 645 711 742 738* 007 051 .195 392 514 416 519 264 1,017 .387 303 343 351 361 2U6 620 458 ■WhiK- 471 Native 470 215 Slatrict of Columbia 3S8 Main 69 03 00 28 120 4 1,109 005 534 000 209 i,l91 8 121 48 133 30 162 7 008 92 42 108 26 120 8 534 21 20 40 7 40 7 a810 7 12 17 2 18 1 a642 030 4.%S 621 370 507 213 724 1,448 510 1, 127 004 1,009 409 660 1,479 004 1,223 599 1,091 492 430 592 057 058 489 639 560 511 290 Whit/. 448 Xalivr 385 Virginia 452 Malo 544 451 70.-. 293 092 298 230 401 133 532 2 447 309 670 110 807 351 201 540 102 030 1 3 1 807 «I2 882 470 727 435 730 602 800 404 002 408 499 ;i7fl .563 259 439 115 55ri 407 645 255 517 257 489 413 Whit.. 003 Colored 194 Nal IvB 457 t'orciga 131 a Including Weat Virginia. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 423 Tabi.TJ 189.— Dl'.Al' AM) DlMIt, WITH DISTINCTION' OV SKX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND KATIOS PKR 1,000,000 CP POPULATION, ny SIATI'.S AND I KlMvMIOUIES: 1850-18'JO— Contiiiiicd. STATES AND TEKBITOIIICS. Soiitli Atlantic ilivisiou— Continued. West Virginiii ■ Malo . . . Female. White... Colored . ■Nnlivo .. Foreign . Iforlh Carolina. Male..., Female. White.. Colored. Native .. Foreign . Sontli Carolina . Male... Fomalo. White.. Colored. Native . . Foreign . Georgia . Malo... Female. White... Colored . Native .. Foreign . Florida M.ilo... Female . White... Colored.. Native .. Foreign . Vorth Central division Malo... Female. Whit«... Colored.. Native . . Foreign . Ohio . Malo . . . Female. Whito.. Colored. Native . . Foreign . Indii Male... Femalo. White... Colored.. Native -. Foreign . KUMilEK or UHAV ASO UOHB. ISOO •266 583 17 567 13 1,1C8 6B2 .^16 85n •249 1,104 4 GC8 358 I 310 338 330 668 860 456 404 543 317 856 ' 4 190 111 79 112 78 182 8 16, 051 973 073 844 2C7 740 30-2 2,655 417 238 ,615 40 1,402 253 1,837 1,017 8-20 1, 805 32 1,744 93 1S80 620 295 2-25 510 10 1,032 678 454 724 303 564 297 267 301 263 420 399 499 320 812 7 55 63 III 7 7.011 5,652 12,443 2'20 10. 030 1,733 2,301 1,227 1,074 2, 255 46 2,0S2 219 1,704 967 797 1,7.39 1,609 95 1870 125 03 214 4 212 358 2C1 442 177 212 118 94 122 00 210 326 168 158 237 89 324 2 48 29 19 32 10 .5,643 3, 0S3 2,550 5,561 82 4,940 703 1,339 709 630 1,323 IG 1,218 121 872 467 405 805 7 824 48 1800 1860 4G8 272 196 354 114 4C6 2 203 108 9j 142 Gl •200 3 200 183 304 84 24 Ij 471 257 •214 389 82 467 4 165 100 (>5 134 31 1G3 2 137 129 208 58 204 24 3,713 15 13 11 24 2,343 2.106 1,607 3, (MO 73 3, 25G 457 541 418 045 14 851 108 000 335 265 35 1,279 1,064 2,307 36 ,191 152 486 429 005 10 856 59 537 BATIO FEB 1,000,000 iir I'Ul-CLATION. 1890 ISSO 1870 1800 1850 787 856 714 709 620 841 741 814 443 S84 1,080 S30 D38 740 801 386 850 547 737 835 578 7.38 1,336 626 536 732 479 463 493 440 555 4G0 33U 485 550 417 498 469 494 349 718 GOB 529 770 435 566 651 493 SCI 4'24 499 351 S78 G90 472 051 451 300 343 260 421 21G 301 •248 275 .159 I 512 I 611 I 441 I 530 663 290 2G1 371 16J 276 180 230 774 657 723 460 751 567 304 233 533 4 523 14 764 682 729 457 748 551 909 763 841 701 a52 636 SOG 3G8 386 497 428 706 729 677 734 546 757 594 760 078 723 574 743 655 957 823 897 633 910 699 307 204 333 174 2G3 435 461 407 438 290 464 301 530 475 508 253 531 325 544 492 ■tr, 535 339 471 nut 394 562 314 471 000 311 267 487 148 268 300 37G 358 .114 18'J 371 IG.-. 178 IK) 144 175 45.'. 361 410 381 423 329 542 506 488 703 253 .'•39 ),6;c 247 SOT IM 7J 247 •220 30.1 2-,7 399 151 293 3Ucl 27* n27 217 273 283 454 4il 4.38 '2G5 4CI 234 478 445 4G.1 396 4M 270 44! 543 • 479 407 5M 489 444 427 545 35$ 4.59 296 661 253 424 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AXD DU:\IB, AND BLINa;. lABLE 189 — DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OP POI'ULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850-1890— Continued. KUMBKB OF DEAF AND DDUB. RATIO PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION. 1890 1880 1870 18G0 18S0 1890 1880 ISJO ISfiO 1860 • Kortli Central division — Continued. 2.4S0 2,202 833 743 356 648 715 328 434 418 Mnlo : 3,:i7S 1. 1(12 2,4C0 ;;o 2,1-10 340 1,239 903 2,179 23 1,870 326 1, IGO 484 349 823 10 703 130 455 426 317 741 658 85 277 202 154 354 337 19 125 609 594 653 346 717 404 740 781 046 719 492 752 559 712 368 285 328 347 384 472 392 4:i5 261 474 ''.62 370 451 382 418 368 ■White Colored 314 Halo 830 719 1,539 10 l,2no 319 1,316 C37 629 1,152 U 929 237 1,079 258 197 454 1 360 89 459 152 125 274 3 235 42 313 65 60 124 1 114 11 69 760 717 742 476 774 642 780 739 683 714 626 744 610 820 418 348 389 60 400 332 435 385 353 372 231 392 282 403 310 320 314 Colured 387 332 201 226 Male 786 530 1,313 3 9(!5 351 857 622 457 1,074 5 810 200 500 276 183 459 180 127 312 1 225 88 33 40 29 69 898 653 781 468 826 076 658 915 719 820 850 890 664 640 507 359 437 456 345 403 457 451 318 192 243 206 "Wliito 226 338 121 166 48 21 49.1 332 378 246 190 Male 522 335 855 2 007 290 1,313 297 203 500 99 07 105 1 117 49 519 18 15 33 751 552 660 353 679 621 687 709 501 644 421 328 376 69U 419 3U5 460 193 190 195 Colored Native ... . . 327 173 1,052 25 8 252 637 646 648 221 136 373 59 307 Male 792 521 1,308 5 1,123 100 1,998 5S2 470 1,046 893 159 1,598 315 234 5-lS 1 471 78 790 138 114 252 30 29 59 796 568 688 463 707 58S 740 086 605 648 599 0-.5 608 737 .503 412 461 172 476 381 459 389 350 374 297 female 318 White Colored XatiTO 217 35 408 54 5 282 381 :«o 421 458 380 423 4U5 437 824 315 HiMOnri Male 1,000 903 1,934 C4 l,8ti5 113 92 872 726 1,523 75 1,501 97 (0) 380 401 751 39 738 52 (a) 285 213 450 48 446 52 152 130 20:! 19 259 23 787 702 705 425 771 481 504 774 697 753 515 767 458 434 486 468 33U 492 234 425 Wljite 444 Xaliro 4*^3 Kortli PikotB 1 Male 01 41 92 502 505 GOi Female Wliite Xstivo 40 40 173 4.54 565 520 Foreign Booth Dakota a03 04 406 282 Main 97 70 123 SO 37 20 02 1 32 31 2 2 4 538 512 522 1,318 517 549 450 402 460 493 3M 590 22.i 377 310 Foiimlo While Coloral Kalive 4 427 Ir'arulgn .... ...•»• a Korth Dakota and South Dakota comiiriacd the lirrltorj- of Dakota previous to census of 1690. THK DEAF AND DUMB. 425 Table 1S9.— DEAF AND DUMH, WITH DISTINCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, HY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850-1890— Continaed. XimBER or DBAF AND DUMB. RATIO PKB 1,000,000 or POPCLATIO.V. 1800 isso 1870 1860 1860 1800 1880 1870 I860 18S0 Korth Central iliTision— Continueil. 829 287 55 11 6M 634 447 381 349 280 626 3 5116 123 1,152 159 128 284 3 228 59 651 22 33 55 5 11 600 570 598 250 591 607 807 038 63U 631 1. 137 642 IMi 654 312 628 450 358 414 383 51 4 121 8 3 27 553 y.V) 332 350 472 2.52 644 508 1,126 2« 1,048 104 0.309 372 279 629 22 583 08 5,460 72 49 114 7 110 11 2,033 19 8 27 aw 733 818 514 819 703 575 693 607 061 501 an 018 613 356 302 329 388 348 227 409 321 107 254 'White 20 1 2,122 275 79 308 1.517 353 'S\a\o 3. 4.19 2,850 •1.937 1,372 0,157 152 1,363 2.063 2, 51,13 4, 0.16 1,410 5,340 126 1,275 1,412 1,221 2,081 552 2,578 55 723 1,146 976 1, 7f 5 337 2,073 49 052 852 665 1,282 235 1,497 20 563 018 530 659 394 578 472 733 656 508 687 407 618 459 773 438 380 492 250 416 236 547 38« 349 473 175 374 213 504 386 318 'Whito 456 158 359 146 573 Malo 737 02U 1.215 148 1,331 32 1,115 6l>9 606 1,107 108 1,248 27 1,108 365 353 634 89 711 12 570 320 332 574 78 639 13 430 294 209 .107 56 559 4 377 782 683 764 552 740 5:19 631 804 743 f04 619 785 454 718 548 540 577 400 565 189 453 540 589 624 330 583 217 393 .185 561 Wliito . 666 253 5Jati vo .188 127 376 Male 5M 522 flOO 215 1.09G 19 794 599 509 868 240 1,093 10 C93 304 266 476 94 566 4 401 236 200 361 75 433 3 275 210 167 334 4:1 376 1 210 665 596 673 499 627 949 525 779 658 762 595 720 599 549 488 419 508 292 457 207 402 419 366 437 265 398 141 285 417 335 Wliito 441 175 Natiro 377 1T7 272 Male 438 350 522 272 788 « 559 383 310 405 288 684 9 606 205 190 262 139 393 8 245 161 114 207 68 273 208 119 91 151 .'J9 206 4 107 578 471 026 400 526 406 433 615 484 612 480 546 925 536 419 386 503 292 398 803 296 329 240 393 1.15 287 162 263 303 240 White 354 171 Kative .. . 270 533 176 Male 305 254 202 ■!:i;7 5.^4 5 539 320 286 317 289 004 2 524 145 100 134 111 241 4 197 124 81 152 50 200 2 239 64 43 79 28 106 1 117 469 397 5.36 359 432 629 482 564 507 661 443 538 217 557 351 241 249 295 357 271 305 218 4M 128 263 234 338 205 Fciiialo 146 267 90 Nalivo 176 200 226 288 251 3S9 150 521 18 296 228 328 196 505 19 105 92 154 43 189 8 120 119 198 41 231 8 79 38 82 35 109 8 515 449 697 268 487 362 031 484 721 404 570 351 290 252 425 118 284 128 324 353 554 117 368 S» 288 156 "WTiito 321 Culorul 133 242 ForeigD m 426 INSxVNE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AKD DUMB, AND BLIND. TaIile iS9.— deaf and Dl'JlB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND KATIOS PEE l.noo.dOO OP POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850-1890— Continued. ^-CMBER OF DEKF AND DUMB. RATIO PER 1,000,000 OF roruLATiox. 1S90 ISSO 1870 1860 1850 1890 ISSO 1870 ISOO 1860 Boath Central division— Continued. 1,153 771 232 181 59 516 481 283 300 278 Male 076 477 931 202 1,100 53 26 447 324 614 157 718 53 146 8G 185 47 214 18 111 70 157 24 ICl) 21 39 20 49 10 57 2 577 449 545 413 528 347 420 534 430 513 398 480 402 345 218 328 185 283 288 347 240 373 131 285 484 343 202 TVliito 318 Colored 171 Xative 292 113 14 12 25 1 25 1 760 403 443 425 332 423 365 674 White 1 1 1 489 265 131 84 609 547 301 400 Male 403 352 643 117 742 18 1,279 249 240 417 483 6 825 142 123 236 29 204 1 252 74 57 110 15 131 47 37 80 4 84 697 649 785 378 606 1,262 422 598 621 705 341 610 580 467 572 521 652 237 ."■.51 199 254 325 274 358 135 303 428 Kemale 370 Wliit© . . . 493 84 Kativo 403 117 41 189 229 Male 740 !J39 1,262 17 1,084 195 40 460 345 787 38 663 162 9 136 116 247 5 227 "25 5 79 38 ll.T ni 20 27 14 41 415 433 440 108 480 253 303 449 495 488 244 523 324 230 223 304 271 62 335 81) 243 187 192 209 29 207 145 205 Fonale 297 White 231 Native 39 257 Foreign 74 Malo 23 17 39 1 31 9 16 8 1 9 1 4 4 1 3 2 262 384 306 205 348 209 261 284 91 198 530 326 60 1,040 219 437 2.38 251 219 •White Colored Foreign 11 529 1 Male 11 5 10 8 3 11 2 280 234 270 56u 452 566 277 Female White 1 1 1 1 4 115 2, .551 178 285 100 Colored Native 13 3 205 10 1 85 284 201 497 669 171 437 Foreign 1 Male lis SO 203 2 188 17 80 44 41 84 1 74 11 70 1 3 4 460 539 502 259 573 202 341 620 440 313 479 270 685 40 199 102 While CoIohmJ Native 4 120 Foreign 1 VewMeiico 48 35 34 522 374 552 M.1I0 47 33 80 40 30 58 66 4 80 18 48 18 17 35 21 13 34 560 468 .'>ei 620 515 .533 1,107 592 497 030 402 531 367 383 422 662 430 White 553 Colored Native 77 3 46 2 30 6 34 541 266 533 356 346 74 i fiTS Foreign rilK DKAF AND DUMli. 427 T......;: I89.-DK-VF AND DITMB, WITH DISTINCTIOX Ol' .SI'.X, ('()I,(H{, AND NATIVfTV, AND RATIOS PICK 1,000,000 OF " POrbLATlON, liY STATES AND TEUUITUKIES: 1850,-1830— Continued. NUUDER or IIEAF AND DCHD. RATIO PKB 1,000,060 or POP0I.ATIO:*. STATES ANI> TKUUITOIUliS. ISOO 18S0 1870 1880 I860 1800 1880 1870 1800 18S0 Western division— Continncil. A ri zona 15 „ 252 246 200 270 173 9 6 15 1 7 - 213 82 199 n 108 (1 1 118 318 106 519 240 62 820 1 Utah 18 7 207 174 53 50 108 60 58 118 4 14 18 3 4 7 525 513 525 805 335 820 01 328 209 148 200 174 72 30 13 00 49 10 10 8 4 4 3 465 678 284 690 1,114 101 178 201 M 145 235 Mnlo 9 4 11 H 31 8 9 1 9 1 7 2 4 308 242 281 300 354 130 307 190 99 168 115 246 39 215 62 198 103 Whit© 4 109 1 67 17 14 31 3 4 7 1 331 423 378 I 138 371 241 82 1 94 23 8 118 5 24 1 344 458 338 2:1 201 320 141 6 3 250 250 C5 53 110 2 100 ■J 157 15 21 3 1 2 3 2S9 402 341 225 420 100 500 326 1 200 118 035 269 509 357 335 270 22 '2 102 2 i 15 371 127 5S4 317 237 3J8 286 23 2S3 urOp, u Male no 07 150 1 ];i3 21 400 50 46 07 5 87 15 3S2 13 10 22 1 22 1 141 11 4 15 495 508 517 83 519 419 i 411 542 644 595 428 003 402 442 245 265 253 250 277 86 232 348 192 2«8 'Ftttniilv White Native 15 317 i 57 7 150 76 Male 2D(i 200 4S7 414 82 232 150 305 17 300 70 79 02 130 KIO 11 40 11 55 40 17 6 1 7 423 394 438 03 492 224 448 433 476 174 515 259 226 294 278 33 371 62 168 103 170 35 171 lie 70 143 White 76 Native 5 2 71 Ct * 428 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. ..^r^wr^Twn Tn PAPFT rOUNTY WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, T.B.K .eO.-DBAr A^D ^^-^f^^'^^ZonfovS^^Bil^^^^^^^ AND TEKHITOHIKS: 1.00. AL.ABA31A. C0UNTIB3. Tb8 Slate AoUnea Balilwin — Barbmir liibb Bluunt Bullock Boiler Calbiinn CiiambiTB Cberoke© ■ CtailtoD Cliclaw Clarke Claj- Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh CooNa - Creusliaw Cullman Dal- DiiU.iB l).W:ilb Elmore Etowah Favelte frauklin Gtneva Greene Hale Hei.rv Jni-ks«in Jeflunion Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence L"e Limestone I^wndea Macnn Mailiaon Marengo Marion Marahall Mobile Monroe M"Ut|;ouiery M'-rcan Perry Flckcna Pike Randolpli Ruaiu'll 8t. Clair Shelby Sutiit«'r 'ryllii'lt'i;;! Tallapoosa Tuncalooaa Wulkfr AVnuhlngton "Wilcoi 'Winston Foand in county. Xotal. Male. Fe- male. 15 4 11 18 18 10 4 C 3 8 3 8 5 3 4 lU 9 10 12 11 7 11 23 8 n 29 4 14 9 16 10 22 i| 3 18 8 10 12 21 10 25 17 4 17 7 1 12 6 * 42 93 18 12 21 6 436 5 3 IC 10 14 in 4 12 18 18 11 4 6 S 3 8 5 8 5 3 4 { 21 10 ' 13 U I 6 7 11 23 8 U 32 4 14 10 12 28 { 3 21 IG 10 13 022 12 29 17 8 17 7 2 12 7 4 44 31 20 13 12 21 6 Tot,ll. Male. 3 13 13 G 5 14 5 15 8 3 1 10 4 2 20 18 12 n 8 7 11 g 2 4 4 2 6 2 4 4 2 1 4 4 1 4 5 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 280 10 5 7 Fe- male. 242 Ifative bom. Parents native. Male. 268 1 2 2 Fe- male. 235 One or ] both parents foreign. Male. Fe- I male. 2 2 7 2 5 « 1 2 1 1 1 1 Foreign born. Male Total. BUck. Fe male. Male. 156 1 ■■•7 Fe. I male. Male. 113 135 Fe- male 97 Miied blood. Male. Fe- male. < '51' 10 u "4 2 3 5 3 ■•"i" 21 IS 1 5 I 10 i'l" '2 a Three Indiana not incladod. tup: dI':af and dumb. 429 Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB HELONGING TO KACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUM15EU FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEUEITOKIES: 1890— Continned. ABIZONA. S^== = Found in county. Total. Male. F.V mole. WIIITI. COUIBEP. Total. KatireborD. Foreign born. Total. Black. 00DNT1E9. Parenta native. One or both fia rents (QTviga Mixed blood. Malo. Fe- male. Malo. Fe- male. Malo. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- malo. Male. Fe- male. ^-■m^?.. IS 15 C S 4 2 2 2 , 6 2 3 3 1 6 2 a 3 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 Mariropa 1 1 1 2 i I'litnl 1 1 1 ! 1 1 "*''"' 1 1 ABKANSAS. 763 700 408 SS3 330 304 318 294 4 12 6 09 48 Gl 40 8 8 4 9 10 15 8 5 4 ; 1 : 12 7 1 8 14 12 21 2 4 7 G 9 'i 8 5 3 17 8 3 34 8 10 17 12 3 9 G 3 4 12 12 15 5 9 10 16 » 7 C 7 1 1 1 12 ; ?l 7 1 8 15 13 25 2 5 7 G 10 15 9 10 8 IJ 4 17 10 5 3G 10 13 19 15 3 9 7 3 5 14 15 19 1 4 10 10 i '« 4 5 8 30 8 ' 3 ll 12 30 3 6 5 8 5 4 2 2 1 u 4 C 5 4 8 9 11 3 4 4 8 9 5 4 3 4 4 7 4 2 18 6 7 11 8 3 4 5 2 2 7 11 8 1 1 2 9 6 11 2 1 4 16 4 2' 9 (i 1 17 2 3 5 8 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 8 5 4 1 2 2 2 5 8 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 7 5 4 1 2 2 5 8 3 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 C'lrrvU 1 1 ""2 1 6 10 2 2 4 7 4 14 5 4 G 4 4 6 9 11 4 10 T, \ 4 4 4 14 5 4 G 4 4 4 9 11 4 10 2 2 4 3 4 14 2 1 1 1 2 1 ' 3 2 3 2 2 ' "i' ...„. 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 G 4 6 5 io' 6 3 18 4 G 8 7 1 4 3 9 5 4 3 4 4 5 4 2 18 G G G 8 2 2 2 1 5 4 6 5 2 8 G 3 17 4 6 3 7 4 3 G 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 2 17 G 6 C 7 2 2 1 1 5 4 C 4 2 1 ...... 1 Dallas 1 1 2 1 Faulkm^r 2 1 1 1 p 7 6 3 16 4 C 3 C 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 ....„ 1 4 5 1 1 1 » 3 5 2 1 3 7 4 11 3 4 1 4 5 2 4 4 14 4 3 5 a 6 13 4 2 2 2 8 8 1 1 1 1 6 9 2 4' 5 4 y 9 4 12 S 2 11 2 ii 1 4 3 2 10 4 2 2 8 8 1 1 1 1 6 9 2 4 2 4 i' 8 4 9 4 1 Lee » 2 1 1 1 2 2 ...... 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 G 2 11 1 3 1 1 1 :::'.'.:'.:..:. 3 5 8 4 10 4 4 7 27 8 5 11 12 122 2 3 1 4 3 2 1 4 2 4 3 5 3 4 10 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 ' 1 3 1 Pliillips 3 2 11 10 11 8 3 1 1 ' i 1 Polk 1 1 1 i 1 Prairi.- Jfalaski 1 5 2 1 3 1 I i i 2 1 1 i 430 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AXD DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, 'WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND ' NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contmued. ARKAIVSA8— Continnod. Found in county. Total. Male. Fe. male. WHITE. COLOBKD. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. OOUKTIES. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Miied blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. "»'«'• m^^e. 9 4 3 .■; 5 11 12 7 10 5 5 15 18 11 6 11 4 3 5 6 11 14 8 11 5 5 15 21 12 10 3 3 2 1 3 7 7 3 7 2 4 7 12 7 S 8 1 1 4 ,S 4 7 5 4 3 1 8 9 5 5 3 1 1 1 3 7 6 3 7 2 4 7 11 5 7 1 1 4 3 4 7 4 4 3 1 8 9 5 5 2 1 1 1 3 6 5 3 7 2 4 7 11 G 5 6 1 1 4 3 4 7 4 4 3 1 8 y 5 5 1 1 ....„ 1 1 1 St. Francis 2 Saline 1 Scott Searcy Sebastian 2 Sevier 2 ...... 2 1 Stone Union Washington * VTUitt i 1 1 1 Woodruff TeU j I I CAI^IFORIVIA. 491 490 291 199 290 197 133 112 108 57 49 28 1 2 1 1 111'. 1 Alameda 159 2 4 5 6 6 64 2 o5 5 6 13 33 2 4 3 3 31 i' 2 3 4 32 2 4 3 3 31 i' 2 3 4 11 1 4 1 3 2 15 16 1 10 5 1 1 Amador Butte 1 Calaveras 2 2 1 2 Colusa 1 1 *'""" Contra Costa 6 2 1 Del Xort« "■"" 2 8 7 1 3 2 10 7 1 4 1 45 1 1 a4 4 9 13 7 6 8 1 8 4 S 14 70 16 6 r. 23 13 4 G 1 :i ci 9 4 c» 1 21 2 1 10 di 2 7 4 1 2 1 23 3' 5 7 6 3 5 2" 4 7 G 55 10 16 11 2 3 i 3 4 6 4 1 12 2 1 6 3 3 3 2 22' 1 1 4 1 4 6 2 3 3 1 6 2' 8 24 6 3 3 7 7 2 3 I 2 2 6 3 2' »' 6' 2 2 7 4 1 2 1 23 3' 5 7 5 3 5 2' 4 7 53 10 3 2 10 11 2 3 i' 3 4 6 4 6 1 12 2 1 S 3 3' 3 2' 1 5 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 Freeno ""2 1 Humboldt Inyo , tAo 1 7 1 Lassen Los Angeles 40 1 1 4 4 7 13 7 6 5 1 5 4 14 43 12 .'i S 18 13 3 5 1 3 3 5 S 4 8 1 17 1 1 8 5 21 1 1 4 1 4 6 2 3 3 1 6 7 21 3 3 7 7 2 3 1 2 2 6 3 2" " "."9" 7 14 3 1 D 4 1 61 '",'"3 2 2 2 6 i' 3 5 4 9 4 2 1 10 1 3 1 4 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 i' 5 5 1 1 G 2 2 3 Mendocino ■ >«• 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 liapa Nevada Plumas *"'■** 1 1 ...... 30 3 ""a 4 1 1 2 San Kcnito 1 2 16 1 1 1 3 2 1 10 3 1 1 San Dirco 1 i 3 1 1 Ban Mato't 1 1 2 1 ••■■•■ Santa Cruz ShaatA Sierra 1 Siskiyou 1 2 4 5 1 4 1 5 1 2 2 2 2' 1 j Solano 1 1 ■■•""• Sonoma 1 2 1 3 1 Blanislaiui 1 Sutter 1 1 1 • >• Tehama 1 Trinity 1 Tulare 7 6 2 1 1 1 1 Taolunino I Ventura S 2 1 4 1 Yolo 2 1 1 2 ""2 2 i Tab. 1 ■ 1 a Odd Indian not included. b Foreign born. Ono Cbinoso not tncludod. d Two Chinese not incladed> THE DEAF AND DUMB. 431 Tabi.k 190.— DKAF and dumb BKLONGING to each COITNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NIMHKK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continuea. COLiOBADO. 1 1 :^ Found ill county. Total. Male. Fo male. WHIT«. COLOBED. Total. Native bom. Foreign born. ToUl. Black. OODKTICS. Parents native. Ono or botlipnrenta foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fe- male. Halo. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe male. Male. Fe. male. Male. 204 205 115 90 113 90 72 71 27 16 14 3 2 1 1 19 2 1 3 S 38 2 1 4 e 1 2 6 1 9 1 25 4 1 4 6 7 3 4 4 1 6 19 1 3 1 4 1 2 2 15 26 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 4 M 1 2' 2 3 1 1 2 1 4 10 1 2 1 3 1 10 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 12 1 2 2 11 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 2 2 9 i' i' 2' 5 2 3 1 4 1 2fl 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 4' 14 1 2' 1 3 1 1 2 1 4 10 1 1 1 3 1 2' 10 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 12 1 2 2 14 1 1 i 1 7 3 6 ■■ : liaia Bouldor 2 1 2 1 1 Chaffed 1 2 Cherenne 1 2 4 1 9 1 3 1 5 1 11 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 Tostilla 1 Delta 4 ii' i 1 3 i 4 1 10 1 1 1 X)oncIa8 TAViuM 83 2 3 1 1 2 Gartiold 3 3 C 2 4 2 1 3 4 1 3 2 1 1 Jefl'erson 1 1 Lake 2 Lal'lata 1 3 11 1 1 Larimer 2 9 i' 2 10 1 1 2 9 1 Las Animas 2 1 4 1 2 9 1 4 1 1 1 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 At or^.iu 1 n 5 2 i i' 7 1 2 1 Olir;tv riiiiiips 1 1 Pitkin 1 Puililo 4 3 1 Rio Blanco 1 1 1 1 ■■■■ Routt 1 i ; Saguache 1 1 Summit 3 1 4 1 1 3" 1 1 2 1 2 1 Wasliiuirton 1 ■WeW . 2 1 "' "* Yuma 1 i COIVIVKCTICUT. The State 566 499 274 225 272 220 191 104 40 28 32 28 2 5 2 4 1 91 204 43 18 76 7D ■-'0 20 09 108 43 18 91 81 28 29 57 59 26 9 48 43 17 15 42 49 19 9 43 38 11 14 56 58 26 9 48 43 17 13 40 48 18 9 42 38 11 14 35 44 23 7 21 33 13 12 31 37 14 7 23 31 8 13 13 5 1 17 n 3 2 3 6 9 4 2 1 8 9 1 1 7 4 1 1 6 5 1 2 10 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Iliulf.ird Lit.liiii-ld Miildlcsex New Haven 1 1 New London Tolli.nil Wiudliam I»ei>AWABE. The State 94 98 57 41 53 39 38 33 7 2 8 4 4 2 4 2 Kent 18 50 26 21 61 26 13 33 11 8 18 15 11 31 11 8 16 15 11 18 11 8 12 13 2 2 ....„ 2 2 ...... Newcastle 7 2 8 2 2 1 * Sussex 1 1 1 DISTRICT OF COK.I7iriBIA. ThoDistrict 157 124 69 55 50 46 35 29 13 IS 2 2 19 9 17 6 1 2 P 8 Washington 157 124 69 55 60 46 35 29 13 IS 2 2 19 17 6 2 a 432 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Taele 190.— deaf and DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND N>ATIVITT, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: IS'JO-Coutinnod. FI.ORIDA. ■ — 1- — =— Foaad in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLOBED. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. COUNTIES. Tareuts native. One or butli parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. The State 189 190 Ill 79 C4 48 58 40 4 3 2 5 47 31 37 24 10 7 13 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 20 2 g 2 1 8 2 9 3 1 17 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 2 25 2 9 2 1 8 2 10 3 IG 11 11 3 2 8 2 3 1 4 1 1 16 5' 2 1 5 1 S 3 1 3 5 3 9 2 9 2 1 t 3 2 1 3' 1 1" 1 9 2 i' 2 1 2 1 9 2 4 1 2 3 1 4 1 1 9 3 6 2 i 1 1 2' 1 G 1 3 1 2 3 1 4 i' G 3 5 2 1 7 3 C 2 1 Bakir Bre\*ard 1 1 1 1 1 Bade 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 Duval 3 1 7 8 1 1 6 ...... 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Hills buro 3 1 s 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 3 1 i 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 i' 4 1 1 1 1 7 2 2 2 2 1 8 i 2 1 i' 1 Lake 1 4 1 X^eoa - 7 3 1 4 1 13 4 9 2 1 G 2 5 22 1 1 11 1 1 3 2 1 5 i' 1 5 2 2 4 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 Miiilisou 3 3 1 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 2' 1 1 3 2 2 i' 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 i 1 3 6 1 G 1 4 ""2 1 3 (tl S 1 3 3 1 2 Kasaau 2 1 2 1 ... Polk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sumter 1 I 1 3 1 1 5 1 4 1 -WakiiUa 1 1 1 Walton _ 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 f I GEORniA. TI1C state 854 860 456 404 277 266 265 use 10 8 2 2 179 138 153 121 2t 17 3 1 1 12 8 18 1 I 10 7 2 5 11 3 3 IG 1 10 10 3 13 4 5 1 9 4 15 8 20 1 2 11 7 2 11 3 3 22 1 12 10 6 s 14 4 3 I 2 3 8 10 ] 4 « 4 5 3 14 fl 7 4 5 3 4 3 2 7' 1 9 io' 2 1 2 3 4 7 G 1 f 8 1 2 3 4 7 5 1 1 1 1 1 Baldwin 3 1 8 1 3 1 2 Uanka Bartow 2 1 4 1 1 3 2 1 '"'i' 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 Bibb 8 1 2 Bolliicb 7 2 a 1 8 1 4 8 1 1 3 10 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 Burke 3 1 4 Botta 1 2 4 4 3 B 2 5 1 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 5 Carroll 1 1 1 1 Cliarlton 1 1 Cliatham 3 '! 1 5 t 5 ...... 5 1 4 ('li:itf.ilioo('heo (')ialUMi;.'a 7 7 4 3 « 7 4 3 1 1 1 Clarke 4 4 1 1 1 I 3 3 4 ...... ...... 2 3 1 1 Clay 1 2 S 3 1" 7 1 1 3 3 1 Clavton 1 7 1 1 Colib Coffee • •*•■.« a ForciiiD boru. THE DEAF AND DmfB. 433 Table I90.— DEAF AND DITMR nELONfiING TO EACH COUNTY, WITK DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER EOUND IN EACH COUNTY, HY STATES AND TERKITOKIES: 18'J0— Continued. OEORCIA— ContioiMd. Found in , countv. ToUl. Male. Fe- rnolo. WHITE. COIABSD. Total. Native born. Foreigji bom. Total. Black. COINTIKS. ParcDts native. Ouo or liotli parents fore 1(01. Miird blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- ColqtliU 2 7 15 1 ' 8 1 4 4 5 10 4 2 7 17 1 9 11 4 4 6 2 13 4 1 5 2 S 31 C 4 56 4 2 5 7 3 13 4 17 4 4 13 4 6 5 11 1 4 2 S 5 1 2 6 10 2 3 9 4 6 2 17 2 4 27 1 9 5 21 9 C 3 C 6 5 10 8 3 5 S 25 2 .1 4 3 3 2 2 7 4 7 2 3 4 2 10 3 1 4 1 14 5 2 27 3 1 3 5 8 8 2 1 4 3 3 5 5 i 3 5 1 2 2 6 1 1 4 2 4 1 U i' 3 is' 5 3 1 3 2 3 6 5 3 3' 13 3' 1 2 1 5' 10 1 5 4 2 1 2 2 4 7 1 i' 5 1 4 3 2 2 e' 4 7 1 1 5 1 4 3 2 2 1 4 S 3 1 4 3 S Crawlonl Uaiio 1 1 ...... I ...... ...... 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 Dekalb 1 3 2 2 2 3 I)u4l::c 1 1 1 Diinlv 2 1 2 1 3 1 i' 2 4 17 1 2 29 1 I 2 3 5 4 owitt 1 3 1 2 1 Kitwnnln Efliugham 4 4 1 3 1 a Quo Indian not Inchidcd. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 435 Tadlk 190.- -Ur.AF AND niTMH BKLONOINO TO EACH COUNTV, WITH DISTINCTION OF REX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMUi:i£ lOUNlJ IN EACH COUNTY, UY STATES AND TEUKITOKIES: 181)0— Contiuucd. ILI^INOIS— Contlnaod. Fonnd in county. Total. Male. Fe- malo. WUITK. COIAIIKU. Total. Katiro bora. Foreign born. Tout. Block. OOUKTlEa. Paronta natire. Onoor both parontJ) foreign. Mixed Muud. 1 Male. Fe- male. Malo. Fe- male. Male. Fo- malo. Malo. Fo. malo. Male. Fe. male. Malo. Fo malo. Male. Ko- •Halo. 15 8 22 40 10 11 11 5 17 3 4 21 14 7 12 12 11 17 7 36 21 7 22 19 35 9 9 21 3G 17 15 38 14 21 28 3 8 13 10 4 14 5 24 447 10 11 36 9 4 28 12 10 2 12 11 24 50 19 44 12 4 32 9 23 18 13 24 7 10 9 13 15 26 33 19 ■Jfl 13 17 10 23 46 13 14 11 5 24 3 5 23 IG 11 16 13 11 19 8 46 25 7 25 21 50 10 11 22 39 23 15 48 21 25 4U 8 8 16 10 7 15 10 29 5G 16 18 43 10 6 41 12 10 3 16 14 29 GO 19 61 14 4 33 10 24 23 13 27 7 11 14 16 17 26 37 21 29 17 S 5 15 27 6 C 4 ' 4 17 3 14 8 7 8 8 5 13 5 28 17 G 13 13 27 G 4 11 16 10 » 22 11 15 25 6 11 5 5 11 3 14 28 8 5 30 3 5 21 8 5 2 7 7 18 35 12 34 5 2 10 it 15 15 4 6 8 8 9 14 21 10 18 12 12 5 8 19 7 8 7 1 7 1 2 9 8 4 8 6 6 3 18 8 1 12 8 23 4 7 11 23 13 6 26 10 10 15 3 5 5 5 2 4 7 15 28 8 13 13 7 1 20 4 5 1 7 11 "1 27 9 2 17 G 10 " 7 12 3 5 8 8 12 16 11 11 5 5 5 15 27 6 6 4 4 17 2 3 14 8 5 8 8 5 13 5 28 17 G 13 13 27 6 4 11 16 10 9 21 11 15 25 5 3 11 5 5 11 3 14 28 8 30 3 5 21 8 3 2 7 7 18 35 11 33 5 2 16 4 14 15 6 15 4 6 8 8 9 14 21 10 18 12 12 5 8 19 7 8 7 1 7 1 2 9 8 4 8 5 6 3 18 8 1 11 8 23 4 7 11 23 13 G 2G 10 10 15 3 5 5 4 2 4 7 15 28 8 13 13 7 20 4 5 1 9 7 11 25 7 27 9 17 6 10 8 7 12 3 5 8 8 12 10 11 II 5 3 4 15 19 G 5 1 4 12 2 3 10 3 3 6 7 2 2 5 10 5 1 7 3 8 6 1 5 13 8 2 13 8 8 13 5 6 5 3 G 1 9 21 6 3 17 3 5 .18 8 3 1 2 6 11 12 11 13 3 2 14 4 6 6 13 3 4 3 8 8 10 7 10 8 1 8 2 8 18 7 5 4 1 B 1 1 4 4 4 7 5 3 2 3 4 2 6' 3 6 4 2 10 16 10 1 20 9 8 6 3 1 4 4 2 3 3 10 20 7 8 5 6 2 3 ...... 1 ! Fortl 1 Friiiikliii 1 8 1 1 1 2 2 1 ...... 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 '4 4 2 1 2 10 1 a 3 ...... 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 9 11 4 3 8 15 13 S ""2 5 11 9 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 Lakt> Lo« 3 4 1 2 5 5 2 4 10 3 1 7 1 4 5 1 2 7 ....„ 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 McTIiiirv Mc Lean" 1 1 2 ■■ 2 5 3 1 1 1 i 1 2 2 3 2 5 3 2 10 1 4 S 7 1 5 7 1 1 ' Mnn t somery 1 4 1 1 Ogle Peoria 3 1 Perr J- Piatt 1 1 Piko 17 4 5 1 6 5 5 S 7 18 8 2 15 6 6 5 7 10 2 4 1 8 8 9 5 11 6 1 3 3 Pope PuUaki 2 2 Putnam 1 1 5 1 6 20 3 1 5 12 1 1 3 1 1 8 Rock Island St. Clair 1 1 1 1 10 1 7 1 5 1 2 Scolt Shelby 1 1 1 1 Stark". Stoiiheiiaon 5 6 1 3 3 3 3 *■• Uii iiin Veriuilion 1 1 5 2 1 AVjibash 1 1 1 * ■Wnrrcu 4 AVhilo 1 3 9 1 8 1 S 2 3 "Will "\\ iniiohago 7 5 3 4 3 6 2 ■Wuodfurd •■■■•* 436 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AXD DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, -WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITT'; AND NUMBER FOLTsD IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. IITDIANA. Fonnd in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign bum. Total. Black. COUNTIES. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. ^"'o-m^^e. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- nial*. Tho State 1,829 1,837 1,017 820 996 809 793 651 149 119 54 39 21 11 18 8 3 S A<1aias 22 38 14 C 9 21 2 22 U 17 31 18 13 G 28 17 26 22 14 43 7 31 17 21 13 18 22 18 15 22 18 20 9 13 21 11 12 14 12 9 21 31 15 9 12 40 13 16 347 17 13 12 11 18 20 4 G 2 14 9 18 8 25 9 12 15 15 13 15 15 23 4 19 2a 7 25 43 15 G 10 23 3 32 IS 22 34 24 13 7 33 18 28 22 15 45 8 33 18 25 17 20 25 21 18 22 19 23 12 14 20 13 12 16 16 12 22 32 17 14 IS 47 16 22 112 19 10 19 13 28 22 C 8 3 It 9 23 13 28 10 IS 18 15 II 10 J7 84 4 22 35 8 15 23 11 3 7 13 1 17 10 14 24 11 8 5 12 8 17 13 8 28 7 19 8 15 9 11 14 10 8 10 10 14 5 10 10 9 7 7 11 S 11 14 11 8 C 30 9 11 GO 13 8 11 6 10 13 3 6 1 8 6 10 7 11 4 7 10 11 7 8 U 18 2 12 10 8 10 1 3 3 10 2 35 5 8 10 13 5 2 21 10 11 9 7 17 1 14 10 10 8 9 11 11 10 6 9 9 7 4 10 4 5 9 5 7 11 18 7 17 7 11 46 8 8 7 12 9 3 2 3 13 6 17 8 8 4 7 8 16 2 10 19 S 15 23 11 3 7 13 1 17 10 11 24 11 8 5 11 7 17 13 8 28 7 38 8 15 11 12 10 8 10 10 14 5 9 10 9 7 7 10 5 11 14 11 K 30 11 60 13 8 10 10 13 3 1 »■ 10 ■ 7 11 4 7 10 11 7 8 11 18 2 12 14 a 10 20 4 3 3 10 2 15 5 8 9 13 5 2 20 10 11 7 17 1 12 10 10 8 9 11 11 10 6 9 9 7 4 10 4 5 9 5 7 11 18 6 17 , 7 11 40 8 8 12 a 3 2 2 « 3 13 6 17 G 8 8 4 7 8 1« 1(J 18 5 10 12 fl 3 7 13 1 12 6 4 22 10 8 5 11 6 14 11 5 24 5 12 8 11 8 10 11 10 8 13 6 12 5 9 15 8 G 5 4 10 11 9 7 14 9 39 13 8 10 r. 15 13 3 3 1 H U 8 11 o' 7 10 II 8 10 12 10 3 6 14 1 3 3 10 2 34 5 8 12 5 1 8 1 3 5 1 4 3 1 1 1 2 Allen Bnrtboloinew Beuton Blucklortl 1 liruwn - 4 4 7 2 1 1 Ca»8 Clark 2 3 1 2 1 1 Clay 1 Clinton 1 1 Crawford 2 2 2 2 Dearborn 18 8 9 9 7 15 1 7 8 ^ 7 11 11 10 7 8 4 9 3 3 8 2 6 9 16 5 6 1 12 7 11 29 4 8 6 6 10 8 3 2 1 G 3 13 3 17 3 8 4 ? 2 S I 14 5 1 2 1 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 I>ekalb 1 1 Dubois ■ lllkhart 1 ...... 1 1 1 2 ■" ■2" 1 1 1 Fayette Flivd ...... 1 2 1 2 "'■ FuuuU)iu Fraukliu -. Fulton 1 Gibson ...... 2 Grant 2 2 Crcrno Uanjilton 3 3 1 ■ IlarriRon 1 I 1 1 1 1 ■ H*'Dn" Hon-ard 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 5 10 1 1 1 Jacksou Jaapcr 2 Jav 1 8 1 Jetterhou i 1 1 JcmiingB 1 Jobniwn 2 Knox 2 1 1 KoHcitihko 1 Lako 3 2 1 2 3 ..... 1 Laporto Lawrence * il ailiKun i 17 ...... 1 1 3 1 3kIarion 3 1 7 7 Murahall 1 Martin ] 1 31 i:ini i 1 2 1 i ....... 1 1 '** Mon ro*- 1 Montpmu-ry 2 Mor;:Bn 1 1 KcwtoD ■■■■| Noblo 2 ...... 1 1 Ohio ' I ...... Oraogo 1 1 Owen Parke 1 1 ....„ 1 Perry Pike .. Porter 3 1 I 1 2 8 3 1 1 2 Po«y Pulaski 1 1 2 3 Piitnsrn ]Uudol|ili '* Ripley e 1 Hiuli 1 4 8t. JoM'ph 3 6 Scott Bhclby 2 1 3 ** Spcncor 2 1 2 1 2 1 ■*•" Surks THE DEAF AND DUMB. 437 Tabli: 200.— deaf AND DUMB BELONGINO TO EACH COtTN TV, WITH DISTINCTION OF 8EX, COLOR, AND NATrVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERHITORIES : 1890— Continued. INDIANA— Conlinaeil. Found in couuty. Total. Male. Fo- male. wniTB. COLOBKD. Total. Ifativo bom. Forei|^ born. 1 Total. Blaek. COONTIES. ParcntH native. Onoor both pn ran ta forvlgn. Mixed blood. Mnlp. Fc male. Mnlo. Fc male. Ualc. Fe- male. Male- m^ali. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. ^«'«-|nSk 13 22 11 18 11 2 53 19 20 12 10 22 9 25 2 12 IS 25 12 24 12 2 5« 20 20 13 11 23 10 32 * 25 a 18 4 2 25 11 9 8 8 6 23 2 16 4 8 9 8 14 6 3i' 9 11 5 5 15 4 9 2 6 4 8 16 4 10 C 2 25 11 9 8 7 6 23 16 4 8 9 8 14 C 28' 9 11 5 5 15 4 8 2 C 4 7 13 3 10 4 2 10 10 7 8 6 5 4 21 2 15 4 8 8 6 8 5 1 3 1 ...... 1 2 4 1 2 9 9 9 5 5 12 3 7 2 5 4 12 17 3 1 2 =■ 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■Wells '.--... 1 1 5 1 8 ! r lOVVA. 1,310 1,313 792 521 789 519 442 301 220 149 121 CS 3 ,, 1 I Ail.iir 13 22 2i 10 12 10 17 8 9 17 4 9 G 16 10 8 G 3 6 2 2 25 20 3 21 7 14 12 IG 2 49 14 13 7 12 8 4 11 6 6 7 10 10 6 4 1 14 15 13 9 14 23 23 13 16 12 20 13 10 21 5 11 8 19 11 10 7 4 5 3 26 22 4 25 8 15 13 19 2 GO 23 13 8 14 10 4 13 7 6 8 12 12 7 4 4 18 22 10 11 9 14 11 7 8 8 14 6 C 10 4 7 5 10 8 7 3 1 3 2 1 16 15 2 15 4 7 8 10 1 31 16 10 r 5 5 1 8 4 5 5 8 < 6 2 3 8 17 8 3 5 » 1 12 6 8 4 6 7 ■1 11 1 4 3 9 3 I 3 3 ■J 2 10 7 2 10 4 8 5 9 1 29 7 3 3 : 9 ' 5 3 : 5 3 1 3 4 C 1 2 1 10 s 8 8 9 U 11 6 8 8 14 G C 10 4 7 5 10 8 7 3 1 3 2 1 16 IS 2 15 4 7 8 10 1 31 IG 10 5 5 5 1 8 4 5 5 8 G 2 3 8 17 8 3 5 9 12 6 8 4 G 7 4 11 \ 3 9 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 10 7 2 10 4 8 5 7 1 29 7 3 3 9 S 3 5 3 3 4 6 1 2 I 10 5 8 8 8 10 2 5 4 4 7 2 3 G 3 3 4 5 7 5 1 i' 2 1 4 4 13' 4 7 7 3 5 7 3 5 G 1 4 4 2 9 1 a 2 4 2 2 4 L 2' 1 4 1 2 9 4 8 4 4 ... .1 ^ 1 2 3 1 2 6 1 1 3 4 4 2 2 1 3 2 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 ::;;:;i::":: 3 1 1 3 1 3 ...... 2 2 2 1 ItliU'khnwk 1 1 1 ::::::::::-; .;;::;i:::::: 1 1 t llntlcr 1 1 1 ...... 2 1 1 1 i:""!:::::: Carroll 5 "'i' 1 2 4 1 1 !. Cass 1... J Cedar 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Clarke '■■■■■■i"""' .. . 1 Clav f 1 5 2 I' 1 7 7 1 1 1 4 ...... 5 4 ; Crawfoni ■■;:::|i Dallas i Davis 1 ■■■ " 1 ...... 1 22 5 2 2 3 1 1 1 21 3 1 1 1 3 i 4 ii Des Moines 2 ^ 1 =" .... Dubaqiic 8 3 3 5 2 4 3 2 1 8 2 2 3 5 4 1 Flovd ::;;: ;;;.;:;;::;"::::: Franklin 1 1 Greene 1 3 Gntlino 7 3 3 4 4 6 4 4 1 1 1 Hannltun ] 2 2 ...... ;::.. 1 1 1 1 ...... ""•i Hardin 2 2 6 1 2 ...... 2 1 2 10 3 1 2 2 Henry 1 1 I.I.-1 2 G G 3 2 1 4 «' 4 6 4 : « 1 2 1 teSstaou 438 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table J»30.— DEAF AND DUSIB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITT, AND NUJIBEE FOUND IX EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. IOWA— Continued. Fonnd in couniy. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITB. COLOEED. Total. Native horn. Foreign bom. Total. Black. COtrSTIES. Parenta native. One or both parents foreign. ilised blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Jobnson 11 15 :i 14 35 7 U 7 8 7 8 13 15 10 10 2 9 12 12 5 15 16 19 8 3 21 44 10 16 g 8 10 9 16 20 13 13 2 10 13 14 8 10 I 10 7 41 52 20 14 7 23 7 9 21 8 6 5 13 19 4 14 5 21 2 13 25 6 2 8 12 5 2 11 26 C 9 5 4 9 7 9 12 8 9 1 7 8 11 11 6 4 31 32 8 5 17 4 8 17 3 4 4 8 15 3 11 4 12 1 4 14 5 2 8 7 3 1 10 18 4 7 4 4 1 2 7 8 5 4 1 3 5 3 2 5 1 4 3 10 20 12 8 2 6 3 1 4 5 2 1 5 4 1 3 1 9 1 9 11 1 8 12 5 2 11 20 9 5 4 7 7 9 12 8 9 1 7 8 U 6 11 6 4 31 32 8 6 S 17 4 8 17 3 4 4 8 15 3 11 4 12 1 4 14 5 2 8 7 3 1 10 18 4 7 4 4 1 2 7 8 5 4 1 3 5 3 2 5 1 4 3 10 20 13 8 2 6 3 1 4 5 2 1 5 4 1 3 1 9 1 9 11 1 4 9 3 2 7 13 5 9 1 4 4 4 6 11 1 6 1 3 6 7 2 G 4 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 Keokuk 1 2 7 "■ Lee 6 8 4 7 3 4 1 2 5 8 5 3 1 3 3 4 3 8 1 5 1 3 3 liUCaa 1 4 '* Mahaska 2 2 3 1 3 3 ...... 1 1 1 2 2 Marshall 1 Mills Mitchell 1 4 Monona 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 '" i 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 M uscatino O'Brieu 1 1 Page Pafii .\Ilo Plvmoulh 7 7 27 287 17 13 6 21 ? 15 3 4 10 15 2 13 2 12 2 11 22 5 1 2 2 18 28 2 5 2 5 3 3 10 3 2 7 « 1 7 4 6 2 5 15 «. 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 1 9 3 3 1 1 10 1 3 4 2 1 1 7 2 1 4 I 3 Polk 3 3 1 Pottawattaoiio Powfshick Kinggold Sac 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 * Scott Shelby Sioux 2 3 1 Story 1 1 Tpm^ • ••> Taylor Tnion 2 3 M'apello 2 Warren 2 1 ■Wavne ■Webaler 4 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 5 2 2 AVinnohago "Winneshiek 1 8 i' 2 5 1 2 4 3 3 1 "Worth "Wright / I i KA>-.i4A!4. The State 1,150 1,152 C44 508 029 497 482 375 95 70 52 52 15 11 14 8 1 3 Allen IC J2 10 8 12 12 10 9 3 4 14 6 10 21 19 8 14 21 15 15 13 15 14 11 3 5 15 1 7 10 19 26 23 8 10 8 12 10 8 3 7 8 7 2 2 8 5' 12 13 12 4 9 i 9 5 7 4 8 4 1 3 7 1 2 4 7 13 11 4 7 4 12 10 8 3 9 7 7 7 2 2 8 b' 12 13 12 4 U 4 8 5 S 4 8 4 1 3 7 1 2 4 7 13 11 4 7 3 11 7 3 3 5 7 6 1 7 4' 5 8 12 10 4 5 1 7 5 5 5 2 G 4 1 1 3 n 1 1 3 12 G 3 i 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Barber 1 1 2 "'i' 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Brown I 2 1 1 Butler Cha«o 1 1 Chevenno Chiy 1 1 2 1 1 |""3' 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 CoBey 2 Cowley Crawninl I 2 Dwaliir •* lli.kiiiH.iu 1 Doniphan • 1 1 •••••■ THE DEAF AND DUMB. 439 Tabi.i: 190.— DKAF AND Dl'MH RKLOXGIXC TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DIS IINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBKK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEUUITOUIES: 1890— ContiniioU. KANSAH-ConUnuDd. Found in county. TotiU. Mklo. Fo- male. WniTE. COLOttXD. Total. Native bom. Foreign born. TotaL Black. OOUNTIES. Panntt native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe. male. Ualo. Fe- male. Mole. Fe- male. Male.' ^•■ Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. To- mate. mfttoa 22 4 10 5 5 4 14 2 3 1 s 14 10 7 1 8 10 14 240 1 16 2 17 30 6 10 2 7 14 9 18 2 18 19 23 10 18 8 3 6 10 9 13 3 9 17 8 1 17 11 8 5 2 7 5 12 20 32 8 3 5 5 28 4 1 12 2 13 14 10 26 25 5 12 S 6 4 2 16 3 3 1 S 17 10 9 2 10 15 14 41 1 18 2 22 35 9 IS 2 7 19 10 24 2 19 20 28 13 21 9 3 6 20 11 16 5 10 25 10 1 22 12 10 7 2 8 5 13 26 39 11 3 7 34 4 1 18 3 13 16 13 38 17 3 8 3 3 4 1 8 3 2 1 3 10 5 5 2 8 5 10 16 1 10 1 13 20 6 11 4 11 5 8 2 11 11 14 7 11 . 3 1 3 16 5 5 3 S 11 9 1 10 5 5 1 5 4 7 16 17 7 1 3 C 21 2 1 10 2 7 8 7 24 8 4 2 2 i' 8 i' i' 7 5 4 2 10 4 25 a 1 9 15 3 4 2 3 8 5 16 s' 9 10 6 2 3 4 G 11 .1 14 1 12' 3 5 2 1 3 1 ! 6 10 22 "4 2 3 1 13 S 1 c 8 14 17 3 8 3 3 4 1 7 3 2 1 2 10 5 5 2 8 5 10 14 1 10 1 13 18 6 11 "4 H 5 8 2 U 11 14 7 11 3 1 3 16 5 5 3 5 U 8 1 10 9 5 5 1 5 4 7 16 16 7 1 3 21 2 I n 8 7 19 8 2 4 2 2 i' 7 i' 2' 7 5 4 2' 10 4 24 16 2 8 1 2 3 1 5 3 2 1 2 8 5 3 2 5 3 8 14 6 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 Elk Illi.. 1 ••••j" 1 1 2 Ellsworth i' s 1 1 1 1 1 Geary 1 1 1 1 1 Grftot 2 7 5 3 1 1 2 2 i 2 9 3 21 1 1 1 ...... ""2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Kenmv • 8 1 8 14 3 4 2 3 8 5 16 s' 9 14 6 10 6 2 3 4 11 2 5 14 1 13' 3 5 2 1 3 1 G 10 21 4 2 3 1 13 2 7' 1 6 8 6 13 8 1 12 11 4 10 i' 8 1 6 1 ft 8 13 5 8 2 3 11 4 2 2 4 4 8 1 8 C 4 3 1 1 3 5 1:1 11 4 1 2 6 20 8 1 7 8 2 3 1 3 5 2 12 7" 6 12 4 6 6 2 2 2 4 10 2 3 11 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 ...... 1 I 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ...... 2 3 ....„ 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 Maraliall Meade 1 1 1 1 2 ::::::i:::::: Mitchell 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 JCemalia 1 Norton ""3 ...... 1 ""4" 1 2 1 Oaa f;o 2 1 2 t)st>orno 1 1 Phillips 1 1 1 3 1 2 Pottawatomie Pmtt 1 1 Eeno 10 3 4 2 1 4' 7 15 3 1 2 1 9 2 3 1 2 2 Rice 1 Kilev Hon lis 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 ■ 1 Enssell 1 1 1 1 4 1 Seil-wick 1 1 1 1 Sherman 1 1 Smith 1 1 Stall'onl 1 *■■■"* 1 2 3 1 2 ( Thomas Tretio 1 7 2 5 7 5 10 ■\Val)aunso6 t 3 R G 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wallace 2 I 1 3 3 ■V\'il?*on ■Wnuilson ...... 1 2 S 1 5 ...... 440 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. T.T^»v Avn T1TTA[B BELOXGI>'G TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NXtIVITY, T^.. ^^^'-^^^^ ^^^I'foSi^ilcn COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890-ConUnued. KENTUCttV. Found in county Total. The State . Adair Allen liallard Ban-en Bath Bell Boone — Bourbon . Bovd Boylo ..-. Bracken Breathitt Brecliinridge- Bollitc Butlei Caldwell .... Calloway Campbell Carlisle Canoll Carter Casey Chriatian. .. Clark Clay Clinton Crittoudcn -. Cumburland. Daviess Kdmou3on — Elliott .. Estill.... Fayetto . Fleming. Floyd ... Franklin . Fulton . - - Gallatin.. Garranl . . Grant — Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Uarlon Harrison . . . Hart Hendoreon . Henry — Hickni:iti . Hopkins . Jackson .. JelTcrson . Jessamine... Johnson Kenton Knolt Kdox Larue Laurel Lawrence . . . Loo Leslio Let^rlior Lewis Lincoln Livingston . Logau Lyon Mc'Jracken . Mel.e.-in Msdisnn ... llsgoOin ... 1,363 Male. Fe- male. WHITE. Total. C 11 6 7 C G 10 11 5 181 11 3 9 12 14 26 1 10 8 1 28 1,362 C U 10 10 6 3 6 4 15 3 13 4 12 15 i 4 10 5 2 5 10 20 14 10 7 10 20 i 7 1.1 i:i 12 16 1 107 " I 27 2 i:i la 20 4 3 7 17 8 2 » 7 10 14 7 17 8 8 20 4 9 13 17 29 1 12 9 1 33 10 11 3 6 4 16 I 3 13 4 13 18 (14 U 5 2 5 19 27 7 20 15 14 17 I 1 17 I 5 120 \ a » 1 27 2 ! 15 .5 23 21 4 3 S 10 22 G 2 11 10 10 7 737 625 3 5 6 2 10 5 4 14 2 4 10 8 22 4 3 10 3 5 3 8 5 3 5 1 1 4 10 13 7 a 15 3 12 6 G 10 .... *_> GO Male. 650 8 I 1 I 5 13 1 Fe- male. Native bom. Parents native. 1 2 10 11 7 6 5 1 15 3 12 6 5 565 2 4 5 3 2 3 5 G 5 Male. 593 One or both parents foreign. Foreign born. " " 4 11 2 4 9 8 10 ■■■5 Fe- male. 615 2 4 5 3 2 3 4 G Male. Fe- male. Male. 30 12 Fe- iiale. 20 COLORED. Total. M, 1. I Mixed Black. blood. Male. Fe- male. 6G 48 ""2 ""2 2 Male. Fo. male. 21 12 15 1 I 4 I. 1 i ... 1 'i' ■"■■5' 1 'i' ""1 1 10 7 3 1 ::'. a One Indian not included. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 441 Taui.k too.— DICAF AND DlIMIl III'.LONGING TO EACH COUNT V, WITH UISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMUICR FOUND IN KACU COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKUITOKIES: 1B90— Continuod. KKNTUCKV-Continiud. Found Id county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WniTB. COLORED. Total. Katiro bom. Forelcn bom. Total. Black. C0UNT1B3. Parents native. One or both pnrents foreign. Miied bluod. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc- male. Mole. Fe. male.' Male. Fe-I male. Male. Fe- male. Marion 14 7 2 7 H I 10 12 4 11 11 10 3 8 2 11 8 13 5 15 3 7 6 4 11 13 4 14 4 13 C 5 13 23 15 3 11 7 1 7 16 8 2 9 13 2 7 12 12 4 12 14 22 10 : I 2 15 8 14 S 17 3 10 6 4 11 . 16 4 14 5 13 7 5 14 24 17 3 15 10 2 8 « 1 5 8 1 G 5 8 3 6 8 8 12 9 3 G 2 10 3 11 3 9 3 3 1 5 9 2 4 R 4 4 16 8 C 1 4 7 4 1 4 s 1 1 7 4 1 6 14 4 1 3 5' 5 3 2 8 3 7 3 3 6 7 2 7 1 5 3 5 10 8 8 1 7 4 1 4 8 4 1 4 8 1 5 5 7 3 G 7 G 9 , 1 4 2 4 9 7 7 1 7 4 1 2 8 4 1 4 1 4 5 7 3 C 7 S 9 9 3 5 2 9 3 11 3 7 2 3 1 5 7 :i .... 4 12 S ') 6 4 1 4 6 1 1 7 4 1 G 5 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Marshall Martin 1 1 Meado 1 Monifeo 1 1 1 ..-- Molcalfo 1 1 Monty;omfrv 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 I 2 1 1 X Ohio ...... 3 1 1 1 4 5 3 2 8 3 7 3 3 5 1 1 PeiTy Piko Powell Pulaski 1 1 1 1 1 . Kussell 1 Sholbv r 2 2 2 1 1 l^vlor 1 4 2 4 G 7 ! t i 3 3 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 Toild 1 1 1 1 ' Trimbie ' 2 I I 1 3 1 2 1 1 i 1 1 8 : T 4 1 I Whitley "Wollo 1 Woodford 1 2 1 ' 1 IiOL^ISIANA. The State 536 S39 288 251 206 183 ICA 141 2» '1 '1 82 CS 19 1 17 13 7 3 2 5 8 12 5 4 13 10 G I 77 r> 5 2 2 G 7 1 9 5 13 13 G 7 3 2 7 8 13 G 4 13 10 6 1 03 5 5 2 2 « 7 1 9 13 4 S 3 1 1 8 4 3 G 7 6 1 30 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 11 9 1 4 2 1 2 5 2 1 7 3 4 4 3 5 3 n 3 I 9 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 S 2 3 4 3 9 I 2 * 1 .1 1 1 I 1 1 I ■\ 2 2 1 """.j::::;; T ' 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 2 G 3 3 3 1 ' 1 1 1 Caddo >i ' 1 2 1 4 , 1 Caldwell ■.:::::i:;:":." 1 1 ... . 1 ( 1 1 1 2 , 1 1 4 C 1 2 2 1 ....!.. 1 i Do Soto 1 1 . 1 ::;::::;;::; 33 3 2 2 3 4 1 I 2 28 31 28 30 ; 1 1 2! 3! Eiwt Carroll 1 1 i' li 5 4 1 1 i' •2 T 10 li 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 ■ ■■"■:''::::::i 1 Franklin 1 1 1 i ; ;i 2 3 2 j 3! 2 1 s i 1 2' s 1 t 1 1 ....„ 2 1 1 1 ...... Idifuiircbe •••••• 442 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. li O DISI AN A— Continaed. Fonnd in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WUITE. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. COTJKTIES. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 13 3 3 8 107 8 18 8 G 2 4 6 5 2 13 3 4 8 113 8 18 8 6 2 4 fi 5 2 4 7 17 12 19 6 8 3 10 9 12 3 4 3 1 2 1 7 3' 3 57 5 8 6 3 1 3 4 3 2' 3 6 4 13 3 3 2 4 7 9 3 2 3 1 2 6 3 1 5 54 3 10 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 11 8 C 3 5 1 G 2 3 2' 6 i 2 51 1 8 4 3 2 3 1 2' 2 3' 11 2 1 3 3 3' 47 i' 3" 1 i' 2' 2 3 1 6 5 2 4 6 i 2 23 1 6 4 3 2 3 1 2' 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 a UadisoD 2 1 6 4 1 2 3 2 2 ...... 3 '"'i' 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 3 15 21 24 7 8 a 1 6 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 ""2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 St. Charles 1 1 2 2 3 St.Jamea St. John the Baptist 7 • 17 12 19 C 8 3 10 8 12 3 4 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 2 2 1 ID 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 ""2 2 2 ■• 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 St. Martin 3 9 1 1 5 5 2 3 "■"2" 1 1 I 1 1 1 Tensas • . .... 1 2 4 I 3 2 2 3 2 3 2' 4 3 7 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 "Went Feliciana 1 1 1 The Stat© . Androscoggin . . . Aroostook Ciuubcrland Franklin Hancock Kennebec Knox Lincoln Oxford Penobscot Piscataquis Sagadahoc Somerset Waldo Washington York 616 027 346 281 346 281 300 234 52 52 34 18 34 18 27 12 30 30 21 21 9 12 4 84 86 42 44 42 44 30 39 15 10 11 5 11 5 10 5 35 37 20 17 20 17 20 17 39 40 21 19 21 19 21 18 37 37 19 18 19 18 19 18 13 13 10 3 10 3 10 3 30 . 30 18 12 18 12 18 12 78 ' 82 43 39 43 39 35 33 11 11 5 5 4 6 10 10 3 7 3 7 2 C 38 38 22 16 22 16 17 10 37 38 23 15 23 15 23 14 23 23 8 15 8 15 5 9 84 64 46 38 46 38 41 28 10 16 31 niARVI.AIVD. 754 750 416 334 354 290 280 230 48 39 26 21 62 44 51 87 11 7 30 10 03 215 6 6 22 11 7 24 124 10 25 4 18 40 23 70 240 25 12 7 26 42 11 27 4 19 24 15 50 125 3 2 n 8 4 12 23 6 17 2 11 10 8 20 115 3 4 13 4 3 14 19 5 10 2 8 23 9 47 115 1 1 12 2 11 10 6 16 2 10 10 3 18 107 2 2 12 4 2 12 10 5 U 1 7 20 9 34 Gl 1 1 12 G 2 11 19 lU 2 10 14 3 17 61 2 2 11 3 2 12 18 5 7 1 7 2 1 2 1 6 3 10 2 1 ....„ 2 8 1 2 1 ...... 2 1 4 3 8 2 1 ""2 1 1 4 4 2 6 1 2 1 2 1 5 37 1 30 8 14 "i'e 2 1 1 1 Cecil 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 Frederick 1 Ilarford 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 ....„ ....„ 1 1 Kent 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 443 Tahi.k lOO.— UKAF AND DUMU llKLONaiNHi TO KACU COl.MV, WITH DISTINCTION' OF SKX, COI.OH, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMHKK FOUND IN KACII COUNTY, UY STATICS AND TKUUITOKIES: 1890— Continued. MARVLAND— Contlnuod. Found in county. Xotal. Malo. Fo. malo. WlllTK. 1 COUIBED. ToUl. Kallve born. Foreign born. ToUI. BUck. OODHTIES. Parents native. One or both parent* forolgn. Mixed blood. Malo. Fe- male. Male. Fo- mule. Malo. Fe- male. .Malo. Fe- male. Male. Fn- malo. Male. F«. male. Mole. Fe- 15 23 19 9 23 13 31 16 18 20 27 21 26 15 35 21 18 13 19 13 2 10 11 15 8 11 7 8 8 7 10 20 13 7 10 8 10 1 9 8 13 8 7 4 4 5 4 Ij 3 2U 11 6 10 8 10 1 9 7 13 8 7 4 2 B 4 15 3 16 11 5 3 11 3 1 1 3 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 ""i 2 2 6 3 1 1 3 J ....„ 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 S 1 X 1 1 Qui'on Anne St. Mary Tnlliot '""■i 2 2 2 4 inASSACBVSETTM. 1.501 1.S3D 702 747 784 742 454 466 192 137 138 139 S 6 S 3 3 * 2G 70 79 22 243 32 25 139 273 1 79 66 198 248 27 73 86 24 242 32 79 47 288 1 83 70 221 266 8 39 42 13 130 19 38 21 149 1 38 36 110 14a 19 34 44 U 112 13 41 26 139 45 34 111 118 8 39 42 13 130 19 37 20 148 1 38 30 100 147 19 34 44 11 112 13 41 26 139 45 33 109 116 6 21 21 12 80 17 23 9 85 1 25 23 47 84 16 27 22 10 73 13 24 21 78 "ii' 10 1 26 2 10 6 44 2 6 7 1 18 2 11 1 1 15 ItcrkHhiro DiikM Essex 24 21 2 34 19 11 3 27 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kurfolk 29 27 49 77 7 7 37 31 9 4 31 17 6 23 32 7 2 29 22 ...... 1 1 2 2 ...... 1 1 1 1 Sn'tl* ilk 3 1 I i»iicuicA>>r. Tho state 1,548 1,547 828- 719 823 716 383 358 256 195 184 103 S 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 25 4 7 4 1 20 49 3 53 23 32 12 3 10 1 4 17 3 2 36 4 08 3 12 17 20 17 34 20 30 16 3 14 35 37 4 76 1 3 2 1 13 1 3 1 8 28 2 20 14 17 1 6 1 ii' 2 2 20 3 33 1 5 10 10 9 20 12 15 11 3 7 20 19 2 48 3 i2' 2 6 1 i2' 21 1 33 9 15 3 2 4 4 1 16' 1 33 2 7 7 10 8 14 8 ■ 15 5 7 15 18 2 28 2 1 13 2 1 3 1 8 28 2 20 14 10 C 1 \ ii' 2 2 20 3 33 1 5 10 10 9 20 12 15 11 3 7 20 19 2 48 3 12' C 1 1 1 8 1 Ali;i-r AIle"au "3 G 3 ] 19 42 3 40 20 29 12 3 fi 1 3 10 3 2 30 3 303 2 n 15 18 15 26 13 25 13 2 14 31 33 4 09 3 7 4 1 1 1 3 ...... 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 Itara^a 12 21 1 33 9 15 3 •i 4 4 C 1 ie' I 33 2 7 7 10 8 14 n 15 5 7 15 17 2 28 8 4 1 11 11 15 3 1 1 1 10 9 5 24 8 10 3 1 'ii' 4 3 1 1 3 3 8 Hav 10 8 1 Beuzio Borricn 6 5 ...... 1 1 3 1 3 "" 3 Clarn 2 5 " "i 1 '.'.'.'.'.'. 1 1 Clinton 1 1 1 1 S T)i-lln 1 17 1 17 1 1 8 7 1 2 9 12 2 1 12 17 24 Katou 13 25 2 1 10 2 3 2 1 G G 2 3 I Kraniot (Jencrtee 4 2 a Gogebic Grand Traverse 2 5 8 « 11 3 fl' 12 14 2 11 2 2 6 9 2 2 8 1 2 2 HillsiUlc 1 3 9 i 1 1 2 1 1 12 2 1 2 8 Hougli ton 1 1 Liubolla 1 G 1 1 12 1 3 1 ....„ Kaluniazoo 2 1 1 Kalkaska Kint IS Kowconaw ■••••• 444 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND- NATIVIIT, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continncd. miCUIOAN— CuBtiDued. Lake Lapeer ■Leiiawfo . . . LivingDtuii . Lxic** Mackinac . . Macomb ... Maniateo. .. Marqaetlu . irason Mecosta Meiioniiiu-e . Midlaml Moiirno , Montcalin Moutiiioreucy Miiskeyiou Kewuv^io Oaklaud Oceana Ogciuaw . . . Ouloua;;ou . Osceola Ofictxla Otae-o Ottawa Prcsquo I»l©. Koscoruniou . . Saginaw ... St. Clair »t. .losejih . Sanilac Schoolcraft. SliiawasAce.. Tufwola Van Iturcn.. "Waslitenaw . "Wayne "Weitford Found la Total. county. 2 4 20 25 10 10 31 33 14 14 2 2 7 9 27 30 9 13 i:t 10 12 13 U 3 31 12 ■i : 12 ;i u :: 28" IB I 1 1 3 7 1 18 1 49 59 i ;;o <' 1 16 20 21 23 1 2. 24 26 2ti 31 17 19 '12 M Hale. 139 8 miKNESOTA. The .State 852 853 522 334 621 334 125 91 200 140 187 103 1 1 1 1 2 9 4 5 1 18 11 2 8 1 3 1 4 18 9 H 7 fl 8 10 2 83 8 5 8 a a 6 2 13 4 5 1 25 12 3 10 1 3 2 2 1 20 10 9 7 12 10 23 3 118 13 8 8 6 » 2 8 3 3 1 18 8 6' 1 1 2 4 2 12 6 5 4 8 4 15 73' 10 5 S & 1 8 5' 1 2 7 4 3 4 2 i 8 4 4 3 4 8 ;i 45 3 3 4 a 4 2 8 3 3 1 18 8 6' 1 1 2 4 2 2 12 6 5 4 8 4 IS 72' 10 6 5 fi 1 3 2 3 3 "i ' 1 5 1 2 7 4 3 4 2 i' 1 6 2 1 3 2 li.ikir 2 2 . Blue Earth 3 5 4 1 7 4 3 2 ' 1 .. Carl lou 3 1 ( 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 li 2 ; ChUut^o 1 1 1 3 1 Clav 1 2 1 1 9 3 1 1 3 1 Crow WiDg 8 4 4 3 4 8 3 45 3 3 4 3 4 6 1 2' 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 Dakota 4 2 ""2 2 ""5 2 17 3 3 ""2 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 6 '"20 1 2 1 ...... 1 I 1 Dmljic l-iinl;aillt lilliui.ro 4 i 13 FreelHim Grant 22 2 15 1 24 7 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 Jacknon 1 1 2 I 1 Kandiyohi KittAOD ; L^iTqul Parlu 1 4 a One Indian not included. TUK DKAF AND DUMB. 445 Tabi.b I»0.— UEAF and Kl'Mlt I!KLON(iIN(i TO KACII COUNTY, WITH DISTINfJTIOV OF SKX, COLOR, AM) NATIVITY. AND NIIMBKR FOUND IK EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TKRieiTOKIES: 1890— Continaod. nty :v KMOTA— Contlnned. ■ =^ — = Fonnd in coiiuty. Totnl. M»lo. Ko- mala. WIIITK. COIX>UO. Total. Nut I vo born. ForeiKn bom. Illaek. OOCKTIKS. Faronta natWo. One or 1 botliparunU foreign. 1 ToUI. Miird bl<>.d. Mule. Fe- male. Mnlo. Fe. inalu. Male. Fo. 1 inalo. M-'-'^o^l.. Male. Fo-! male. MaIp. Fo- male. Male. Fe. loalo. 4 2 1 S 1 7 :i 3 10 8 6 9 3 3 12 26 7 4 1 5 4 9 4 » 13 11 6 13 4 3 15 28 1 3 22 4 86 1 13 36 4 29 11 16 27 7 3 3 6 3 16 6 6 a23 5 5 10 15 1 ' 5 4 3' 2 7 2 1 9 4 4 7 3 2 7 15 1 3 16 4 53 7' 21 3 18 (> 1 9 18 3 2 2 4 2 •J 3 13 2 2 10 11 2 i' 2 1 2 2 2 4 7 2 U 1 1 8 13 6' 33 I 6 15 1 n 5 1 7 9 4 1 1 2 1 6 2 3 10 3 3 6 4 3 S 4 3' 2 1 9 4 4 7 3 2 7 15 1 3 IC 4 53 7 21 -.1 IS n 1 n 18 :i 4 2 10 4 3 13 2 2 10 11 2 2 ■ 3 ■ ,1 tT , 4 1 2 1 1 ...... 1 a ....„ 2 1 1 1 . . 2 2 4 7 G 1 8 13 6' 3 3' 1 2 2 1 i 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 G 1 1 2 3 """i" 1 2 4 ....„ 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Mower 3 JlODUS 1 1 10 4 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 5 3 18 3 88 1 13 194 4 22 7 1 15 20 2 2 3 G 3 12 G 4 21 4 3 11 11 3 2 G 1 IG 1 1 8 3 2i) 5 1 33 1 6 15 1 11 5 I 7 U 4 1 1 2 1 G 2 3 10 3 3 6 4 3 17 in 10 1 3 4 1 " Kedwood lienvillo .. j » 1 8 1 8 4 1 5 4 1 3 G 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 i 2 2 3 2 1 6 3 1 5 2 1 S 5 I 1 •i 2 1 2 1 10 1 5 5 1 5 > 1"' 1 1 Scott Sliorburnc ' 1 1 1 1 3 9 1 1 3 1 1 i 4 1 2 9 • j 1 1 i 1 1 2 3 3' 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 G 1 3 8 1 1 , ■ 1 1 ::.::?::::.. Waaecji " "2'! 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... ! 1 l| : 1 I 1! I ?. 5 1 1 1 5 1 2 • ... 1 !L_1 :::::.'i:"::: 1 1 1 1 1 .llli^iail.HistlPPl. The State . Adania ■ Alciirn . .Amite. Attala., llvntoii. Bolivar CaUuiun Carroll Chicka-"*aw . Choctaw . . . Clailiomo . Clarke Clay Coahoma . . Copiah . . . . Covington. UeSoio Prankliu .. Urenaihi Hnncock . . Harrt>on . . Hm.U llolnics ... Iwaqurna. 5G0 5 4 12 8 5 11 8 7 16 4 559 8 C 12 lU 8 14 10 7 13 4 5 4 10 3 18 1 15 4 2 7 12 2 :;o 16 21 305 2 G 4 2 8 4 :i 7 5 3 G 8 4 1; 4 3 7 11 3 1 3 3 1 « 4 1 2 11 7 1 12 3 1 3 4 3 3 9 1 1 13 17 10 G 1 1 157 135 149 9 I G 2 (I 3 7 I " 1 1 ll. ■'! ' 21 27 1 I a Onn Indian not Included. 44(3 1NSA^'E, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablk 190.— deaf and DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND 'NATIVITY, AND NUMBEE FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. mi 8SIS8IPPI— CoQtiimed. Found in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITB. COLOnED. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. C0UKTIE3. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe. male. 8 1 6 10 6 5 8 1 1 2 3 4 7 15 4 15 11 5 9 7 9 4 '\ 3 14 2 4 1 3 3 2 1 1 5 7 9 6 3 18 12 8 3 3 9 8 15 9 1 G 11 2 6 9 10 1 2 5 3 4 7 15 4 18 11 7 9 8 12 4 11 1 3 16 2 4 1 5 3 2 1 1 6 7 10 G 4 20 13 8 3 3 9 10 18 8 1 4 7 5 4 7 2' 2 3 1 2 13 3 C 5 5 5 1 5 8 ■2 7 1 3 6 2 1 4 2 i' 1 3 4 7 5 10 3 2 3 2 G 1 2' 4 2 1 5 3 1 3 3' 5 2 1 12 G 2 4 3 4 2 4 8 1 3 2 4 3 1 2' 2 1 1 5" 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 1 i' 1 2 "'4 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 5 4 2 3 1 2 1 8 1 3 2 3 2 1 2' 2 1 1 5' 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 1 Jackson ■ 1 1 2 3' 2 1 1 5 1 3 1 5 1 3 Jones Kemper 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "i G 1 1 1 1 Lafayette 1 Xawrenco Leake Lee 2 1 1 Leflore 2 2 3 2 1 1 e 4 2 3 1 2 1 Lowndes 2 8 1 3 1 1 1 8 2 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 ...... 2 2 1 4 ...... 2 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 Madison Marshall 7 1 1 N es h o ba 1 1 1 2 ...... Oktibbeha 1 1 Panola 3 1 Pearl River Perrv io' 2 2 2 4 2' 7' 2 2 4 2' Pike 7 2 1 3 Pontotoc Prentiss 2 ...... 3 2 Quitman 1 4 Eankin 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 10 10 6 1 3 4 9 2' 1 1 2 I 1 1 Scott Sharkey ' 2 2 Simpson 1 1 1 2 6 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 s 1 1 1 2 G 1 2 1 1 2 2 Smith Sunflower 3 3 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 ■■3' Tallahatchie ••••j" 1 1 Tippah 1 Tuiiiia \ Union 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 8 2 7 8 1 1 8 2 ...... 1 r, 1 • 2 3 "Washington Wayne Webster 1 2 i 1 1 Winston 6 ^3 3 2 2 G 4 2 3 2 2 Yali>husha 2 G 2 7 2 2 1 1 ; missotTRi. The State 1,993 1,998 1,090 008 1,016 888 812 072 170 108 04 43 44 20 37 1« 7 4 Adair 15 8 U 15 19 13 2.1 r, 4 23 38 7 4 297 6 9 17 1 12 5 17 10 l.l 20 SO 17 32 7 4 32 40 7 B3 7 11 19 1 17 5 « 9 11 10 24 fi a 17 21 a 2 43 7 s 12 ii 4 8 4 G 9 10 8 8 2 1 15 10 3 5 10 7 1 1 9 C 9 11 10 9 23 5 3 13 20 2 40 7 5 11 ii 4 8 4 9 10 8 8 i 13 19 » 5 9 G 1 1 8 4 7 10 9 9 19 4 3 13 10 2 38 7 4 9 1 'I 8 4 9 8 7 2 I 13 ]9 3 4 8 1 1 And rcw 2 1 Atrbiton 2 1 ... Audr.'iin 1 Barry 1 1 1 1 Barton Bates 4 2 1 1 BinloM 1 ItoU iu^er Boone 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 Buchanan 4 8 1 Bullcr I'M1! HKLONGlMi 1(1 KACll COUNTY, Willi I ilSTINCTION OF REX, COLOR, ANU NATl'. IIT, AM) NI'MHKK FOUND IN KACll COUNTY, HY STATKS ANU TKKKITOIilK.S: 1890— Coiitiiiiieil. miflSOtlRI-Coiitiuuod. Foiinil ill county. Total. Male. Fc niolo. WniTK COU>«ID. Total. 1 ^'aliToborn. Forelini born. Total. BUck. OOUNTIES. PoroDU native. One or bothparenta forei^. Mtxad blood. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fc male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male! J'"- molo. 15 7 11 12 10 15 7 17 13 10 9 14 )2 G 24 11 11 23 14 IB 17 4 g 8 3 8 82 65 14 14 4 13 18 22 10 15 9 33 10 15 16 11 7 9 10 11 G 27 16 8 8 8 1 8 21 11 10 7 28 3 21 10 23 23 3 4 11 9 IC 10 7 10 12 20 21 9 20 13 13 10 14 13 C 24 13 12 26 16 19 20 14 10 3 14 89 01 14 16 5 13 25 29 13 19 10 18 9 3G 7 12 10 16 11 7 9 13 15 6 G 27 21 8 10 » 1 9 24 U 21 9 30 3 2« 11 28 27 3 4 13 10 17 11 3 9 5 ! " 11 2 13 8 5 C 9 2 3 2 13 12 5 10 7 8 13 4 8 5 1 8 48 27 7 5 4 11 13 17 6 11 5 10 5 19 3 7 10 15 7 3 4 10 7 5 4 IS 12 2 6 4 1 5 14 5 10 17 1 18 5 15 18 1 1 7 G « 10 5 4 7 7 7 10 7 7 5 8 4 5 11 * 4 11 1 7 16 9 11 7 3 6 5 2 G 41 34 7 11 1 2 12 12 7 8 5 8 4 17 4 5 6 1 4 4 5 3 8 1 2 12 9 6 4 S 4' 10 11 3 13 2 8 6 13 9 n « 4 71 11 3 9 5 13 9 2 13 7 5 6 9 2 3 2 10 12 S 9 7 7 13 4 8 5 1 7 47 27 a 5 4 11 11 17 5 10 5 9 5 19 3 7 8 15 7 1 4 9 7 5 4 14 12 2 6 4 1 5 H 5 10 17 1 18 5 13 17 1 1 6 6 10 3 4 7 7 7 10 7 7 5 8 t 11 3 4 11 1 7 10 9 11 7 3 G 4 2 41 34 7 11 1 2 U 12 6 I 4 15 4 5 6 1 4 3 5 2 8 1 12 9 G 4 5 4 10 10 3 13 8 G 13 9 2 3 S 4 7' ! 13 7 2 9 5 6 « 1 3 2 4 5 4 7 12 2 6 4 1 7 27 22 1 5 3 11 8 16 4 9 5 9 5 17 3 6 6 13 6 1 2 8 G 4 4 14 9 2 4 1 3 13 4 9 4 17 1 17 5 13 15 1 i' G 1 8 3 4 G 7 G 5 3 4 3 8 4 3 10 3 4 7 1 7 16 7 10 5 3 3 4 2 3 27 30 11 1 2 8 10 G 7 3 8 4 14 4 5 1 4 3 2 2 5 1 1 10 G 5 2 4 1 1 2 2 CliriHtiau Clark 1 Clav 1 2 ...... Cliutuu 1 4 2 2 2 Cole ...... 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 i I Dado 1 Dallas 1 . . DavicfiA Drkalb 2 1 1 1 1 1 Doiii 1 1 i 1 4 5 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Holt ..: 1 1 3 1 1 Howell • "'is' 4 5 2 11 3 1 ■■5' 1 1 3 1 1 1 ;;;■■; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 * 1 1 ' 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 ........... .^ Miller 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 "'i' 1 ""2 3 1 3 1 2 1 '" i 1 1 Oregou 1 Ozark l*cni iscot ^ Perrv 1 9 6 9 1 12 2 8 « 10 8 2 2 4 4 7' "'i' 2 2 1 1 PettU Phelps -: 1 1 I'ilio '"'i' 1 2 1 1 ....„ 1 1 1 Polk ... . Putnam.. 1 Kails Kaiiilolph ...... 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Kav 1 Kijilev ...... I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUi. <'n*neviev6 1 2 •••••• 448 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB BELOXGIXG TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND ' NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEURITORIES: 1890— Continued. miSSOVBI-CnQtinaed. Fonnd in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Kative bom. Foreign bora. Total. Black. .COUNTIES.' Parents native. One or bothp.arents foroign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- malo. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo- malo- Male. i:{..\^^'- Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. St, Louis 30 245 22 7 G 7 5 8 5 18 3 11 13 7 5 11 7 7 g 33 271 2G 7 7 8 5 9 9 5 19 3 11 16 7 6 13 8 10 9 21 126 16 4 4 5 2 5 6 11 5 7 2 1 10 2 3 4 12 145 10 3 -3 3 3 4 3 5 8 1 6 9 5 5 3 6 7 5 21 120 16 4 4 5 2 .") 6 11 2 5 7 2 1 10 2 3 4 11 142 10 3 3 3 3 t 8 1 9 5 5 3 G 7 5 10 39 16 4 3 3 2 4 5 10 2 4 7 1 1 10 2 3 4 4 48 9 3 3 2 4 3 5 7 1 8 2 5 3 5 5 5 9 58 6 73 1 2 23 1 21 ■ "fl 1 3 ""3 I 1 3 a2 SaliDo 1 t Scott 1 2 ...... 1 1 1 Shelbv -.. Stoddard ::::!. ::: 1 1 i 1 t 1 Vernon "'i' 1 3 ■■ 1 ii 1 1 "Wayne Webster 1 2 1 "Worth 1 "Wright i ..1 i;;;::;! ;;:::!;..::; 1 i 1 1 1 !1 1 MOIVTANA. The SUte . Caster DawAon . . . Doerlodgo . Fergua GalbiUn J ellerson Lewis and Clarke . Madison Meagher ... Missoula .. Park Silverbow. 35- 68 1 2 2 6 1 1 10 2 3 22 12 li': 1 ! NEBRASKA. The State . Adams . . . Antelope. Blaine Uoouo Iloxbatte. Brown . Buflalo. Burt ... Butler.. Cans Cellar Chaso Cherry Cheyenne . Clay Colfax... Cuming . i'uster... l>akota.. Uawea. . . DttWHOD . . Deuel . . . . Ulxon.... DfMlge Douglas . . Diindy ... Villniore. , l-'rnnkjin . Frostier.. IfuiLMa... 625 3 3 S US 2 7 S 1 630 349 280 348 278 20D C s 2 4 2 3 1 » 1 4 2 2 2 ll lii I 1 I i\ .!l. 2, a 0ns foreign bom included. 60ne TiMliun not included. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 449 Tadlk 190.— mUF AND DIIMII BKLOXGING TO KACH COUNTV, WITH HISTINCTION OK SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ANU NIIMUER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, IIY STATES AND TEUUITOUIES: 1«U0— Continued. NEBRAMKA— Contlnned. Fonnd ill county. 1 Total. Male. Fe- male. wniTK. 1 COLOUO. Total. Native born. ^ I'dn-igu born. XoUl. Illock. Parunta native. One or Iwtli pnrrnta foreign. Miied COITJTIES. blood. Halo. Fc male. Mole. Fe. male. Male. Fe.l malo.^ 4 Male. Fe- male. Male Fo. malc- M-'-'m^'ai;. '1 Uale. Fe- male. 17 2 3 4 11 7 2 19 I 6 13 8 3 1 15 B 10 8 8 1 3 G 3 3 7' 4 4 11 i' 2 7 5 i' 8 1 8 3 1 3 3 3 7' 4 4 10 i' 2 7 5 i' 8 1 6 a 8 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 I (iiiti]>er 1 . 1 4 4 — j- 1 1 1 ii,.ii 2 2 1 i lltilt 11 5 9 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ::::: 1 4 1 1 33 3 3 4 2 3 13 7 9 4 4 G 1 7 7 12 2 18 5 15 10 7 2 1 6 1 9 5 2 4 18 1 1 42 4 3 4 2 3 15 10 12 G 4 G 2 7 12 8 12 2 'I \l 7 2 1 8 1 U 5 2 6 19 3 \ 23 2 2 3 1 1 12 4 7 4 4 2 1 2 G 4 7 1 13 3 14 4 4 1 5" 1 5 1 2 6 13 8 19 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 4 1 5 4 5 1 8 5 4 3 1 1 3 o' 4 i i ' 3 1 1 23 2 2 3 1 1 12 4 7 4 4 2 I 2 G ^ 1 13 3 14 4 4 1 5 1 5 1 1 2 13 3 19 2 1 1 1 2 3 C 5 2 4 1 5 G 4 I 5 4 6 3 1 1 3 6 4 2 1 1 7 1 2 2 1 1 10 4 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 : ...! ) 12 1 1 1 5 3 11 1 4 1 .,, iL|,.]>i,,.rqnii 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 4 1 i' 1 ""2 ""2 1 1 -V- \^' Viifknlln :::::: 1 1 1 1 2 ■■■ "i 1 1 2 ....„ 2 3 2 4 ""3 3 2 Polk 3 4 3 1 4 1 7 2 4 1 5' 1 3 i 4 10 1 2 1 1 [["['_ 1 1 Ko.k 1 3 4 4 2' 2 3 1 3 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 G 1 4 1 3 3 1 :::::: ;:.:: 1 ^inllT 1 3 j ...' 3 3 5 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ■■ "1 " ■■ 1 NEVADA. 10 11 7 4 7 4 1 2 1 1 Flko 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 al 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 i' i 1 i' 1 1 1 2 2" i i 1 i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 2 1 1 : 1 1 a Two Indians not included. 7176 INS- -20 450 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEA.F A?rD DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTmCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKKITOEIES: 1890— Coiitiuued. Fonnil in county. 23 11 20 15 42 62 30 47 19 Total. 1 1 Male. Fo male. TfHITE. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign born. TotAL Black. COVKTSBB. Parents native. One or botb parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 321 23 13 27 15 42 66 39 49 24 23 180 141 160 141 143 114 16 10 21 17 12 10 13 7 25 37 20 29 14 13 li- 3 14 8 17 29 19 20 10 10 12 10 13 7 25 37 20 29 14 13 11 3 14 8 17 29 19 20 10 10 9 10 10 5 23 25 13 25 12 11 8 3 10 7 15 24 16 16 7 8 8 3 3 2 ■■""2' 2 8 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 \ 1 IVEW jrEBSE:^^. 757 764 415 349 402 342 247 234 07 53 58 50 13 7 11 7 2 Atlantic 13 39 42 35 12 30 108 20 50 34 132 16 34 38 23 25 14 li 38 31 IS 21 49 43 12 34 130 22 82 38 40 18 37 39 24 31 14 25 14 41 35 11 16 27 20 6 22 G6 10 43 27 21 13 17 15 8 15 7 17 18 4 5 22 17 6 12 64 12 39 11 19 5 20 16 17 16 6 10 7 24 17 11 15 24 26 5 22 65 8 43 26 20 13 15 23 7 15 8 14 7 17 18 4 5 20 17 5 12 02 12 39 11 19 19 16 17 16 6 10 7 23 17 7 9 21 16 6 17 23 5 11 24 10 9 13 17 7 V 7 7 7 14 4 3 18 10 5 9 23 10 14 11 18 3 15 15 16 9 U 5 7 13 15 1 4 2 5 ....„ 1 2 3 2 1 5 ...... 5 1 3 ""'2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 29 2 22 1 3 2 2 4 5 1 17 1 18 "■■■2" 1 1 2 3 13 1 10 1 1 2 ....„ 2 17 1 1 2 2 £ftRex 1 2 2 1 1 2 Glouct's ter 1 1 1 1 1 MiddleHex 2 1 2 1 5 I 5 Salem ..... 4 4 1 1 1 6 3 4 2 4 1 e 1 1 Warreo 1 NEW ITIEXICO. Tbo Territory 78 80 47 33 47 33 41 29 5 2 1 2 * 6 5 S 1 12 11 12 2 3 7 5 9 7 1 6 12 11 8 2 3 10 4 2 S 4 6' 7 3 3 2 2 10 2 8 4 3 1 1 5 8 6 i 4 2 6 1 b' 7 3 3 2 2 10 2 3 4 3 1 1 B 8 6 i 4 1 4 4 3' 7 2 2 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 8 S Colfax 1 1 1 1 Donna Ana 1 1 Grant Lincoln Hora 2 ......... San Miguel 1 1 Santa Fe Socorro Taos 1 Taloncia I TTIK DEAF AND DUMB. 451 Table 1»0.— DEAF AND DUMB HELONGINfi T(^ KACII COUNTY, WITH DlSTINCriOX OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMHER FOUND IN KACII COUNTY, BY STATES AND TKRIUTOUIES: 18!t0— Continued. NEW VOKK. Tho State . Albany AUi';.;niv Hl.K.ll..-." ninnt.innun. (^hiMiiiiiig ClHMI.^IigO CliuKin Cuhiuibiii Corllnnil. l>ola\var«. Dulcht'sa Krio Bssex Franklin . I'llllliU ... Gcncsco.. Greono ... Hiuuilt«u . Herkimer .. JoIUtrou K-iii;53 Lewi.-* Livingston . Vndison JInnroc M"m(i;oniery . l*t'W Vork Kia{;.lrii Oneida Onondaga . Onturio Onini;" Orleans . . . Oswego Otsego I'nlnani Qnpfiis Ki-u8>olaer . Kirlimnnd Korkland St. Lawrence. Saratoga Sclienectady.. Schoharie . fichnyler .. .Scncc-.i Stciilten ... Sullolk.... Snllivan... ■ Tioga Tompkins. tTl,tcr SVairun ... ■Washington.. "WaVDP ■Wp.ilchcster. W'voming Tates Fonnd in conuty. 3,800 123 38 28 20 3 200 30 28 41 176 38 7S8 30 237 83 20 88 13 41 %1 18 20 55 54 14 2!) 13 20 05 35 23 20 25 02 29 34 44 188 24 B ToUI. 3,830 102 4U 34 01 30 37 17 34 20 22 30 71 226 23 o71 48 30 28 4 30 S4 320 33 50 132 44 702 40 143 103 31 101 10 50 34 5 46 81 19 24 75 69 17 34 13 23 71 M5 27 20 28 71 38 38 SO 105 27 Unlo. 2,124 B4 25 21 20 26 32 20 7 21 16 11 15 39 122 42 22 17 22 4 11 30 160 20 23 32 72 20 387 23 06 S3 17 50 11 31 18 5 31 44 To- male. 1,715 48 15 13 22 13 28 17 10 13 10 11 15 32 104 14 29 26 13 6 19 34 160 13 10 18 50 24 315 17 77 50 14 42 5 28 16 Total. Uale. 53 24 21 20 24 '32 20 7 21 16 11 13 39 121 17 22 * 11 30 163 20 23 32 72 20 382 23 06 53 17 59 11 31 18 5 30 44 Fo- male. 1,700 48 15 13 22 13 20 17 10 13 10 11 15 32 103 14 29 26 12 6 Katiro boro. 19 34 100 13 10 18 50 24 310 10 77 50 14 41 5 28 16 Parents natlvo. Uale. 1.094 Fo- malo. 035 One or bothparentfl' lureigu Halo. 712 Fe- male. S18 Hate. Foreign bom. Total. MIxad l>laod. 20S 1» 12 2 1 149 70 1 Fe- male 247 7 Male. Fe- male. 10 IS Fe- Fe- male. a Three Indiana not included. b One Indian not iuoladed. 452 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AND DUSfB BELONGING TO EACH COXJNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOK. AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITOKIES: 1890— Coutiuued. IVOKTH CAROI^INA. Found in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLOKED. Total. Kative born. Foreign born. Total. Black. COUNTIES. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc. jiale.i Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fc. male. The State 3.104 1,107 592 015 460 399 457 396 2 3 1 132 116 116 90 16 1 2S 15 '1 19 13 11 8 9 1 18 9 8 10 10 3 11 25 2 i5 s 9 19 2 1 12 3 14 12 25 9 12 9 5 2 8 3 20 19 11 11 5 8 21 7 18 7 5 13 5 8 12 30 10 10 16 18 10 14 3 10 7 e 6 2 11 13 10 8 23 16 18 2 19 13 11 8 10 2 19 9 11 16 11 3 14 28 2 2 21 S 9 20 2 1 14 4 14 14 26 n 12 9 5 2 8 3 21 19 11 11 7 8 6 24 7 21 7 5 11 13 S R 12 38 16 10 22 18 14 10 5 11 7 9 S 7 2 11 13 12 8 25 8 7 1 8 9 4 3 4 is' 2 4 10 8 2 11 10 2' 13 5 5 7 8 1 8 15 7 7 C 2 1 5 ii' 14 4 6 S 7 3 8 4 11 4 1 7 7 8 2 5 10 12 4 10 14 e 12 1 5 2 5 1 4 3 1 3 s 7 7 4 IS 8' 11 1 11 4 7 5 6 2 1 7 7 U 3 1 3 18 2 8 3 4 13 2 1 3 5 11 4 5 3 3 1 3 3 7 5 7 5 2 I 3 16 3 10 3 4 4 6 2 7 7 22 4 6 12 4 8 4 4 a 5 1 s 3 4 4 2 6 6 4 10 5 7 1 8 9 3 2 4 ie" 1 3 10 8 1 8 7 2" 13 3 4 5 1 .'■> 5 11 5 4 4 i' 3 io 4 3 6 4 3 3 4 11 1 1 7 7 :i 3 8 12 4 « 9 3 9 1 4 5 2 3 1 2 5 I 4 11 7 11 1 8 4 6 2 5 2 1 6 5 3 3 14 1 8" 3 2 7 1 1 6 3 2 4 9 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 6 5 2 3 13 3 10 3 4 2 7 12 4 6 11 2 8 3 3 3 1 1 3 4 1 4 2 4 1 S 5 7 1 8 9 3 2 4 ie' 1 3 10 8 1 8 7 2' 13 3 4 4 C 1 5 11 5 4 3 i 3 io' 4 3 6 4 3 3 4 11 1 1 7 7 3 3 8 12 4 9 9 3 9 1 4 2 5 2 3 1 2 S 3 5 4 11 7 11 1 8 4 2 5 2 1 6 6 5 3 3 1 2 1 AUeghaiij' 3 3 Ashe Beaufort 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 Bertie !.. .. 2 1 1 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Caldwt'll 1 3 3 1 "4" 1 1 3 3 1 3 14 1 Chatham 2 1 2 Clav Cleveland 8 3 2 7 1 1 3 2 4 9 3 3 2" 1 1 1 3 5 2 6 5 2 2 1 2 ...... 6 1 1 1 ....„ 4 1 1 2 Dare 2 2 . .. 4 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 " "i' 1 1 1 i Fursvth Franklin G^etoD 1 Gates 2 2 2 2 Guillnrd 1 4 10 1 1 3 1 4 9 1 3 1 Halifax 1 1 1 4 ....„ 1 Hertl'ord 1 Hvdc 3 13 3 10 3 2 4 2 7 6 12 4 11 2 8 3 3 3 3 IredeU 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 ....„ 3 1 1 M«l>owell , 2 8 1 10 2 8 1 5 6 Mitchell ;":::':::::: 1 5 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 5 3 3 ...... 1 ...... '"'4' 2 ...... 1 2 JCunh 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 Oranjio 1 3 2 1 1 rut 1 Polk 1 2 3 i 1 4 2 ; i 1 7 i 1 fio^vao 4 1 TIIK UEAF AM) DH.MIi. 453 Table 190.— UKAF .\M> IUMK ItKLONCINli TO KACII COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMUEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, HV STATES AND TEKIMTOUIES: 18i»0— Continued. NOBTII VABOLINA— Coutiuiied. r. m •■ ■ Found in couuty. Total. Male. Fe- male. WBlTBi i 1 • ..I.. .iti:l'. Total. Native horn. 1 Total. niack. COUNTIES. '' One or rareula nutivc. 'both parontii 1 funigD. Forci^i bom. Mixed blood. Ualc. To- male. Mole. 11) 10 5 3 8 2 ■1 ^■j- Main, mole. Fe- male. Mole. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 1 Uale. Fe- male. i «»'•• ^ 18 33 7 9 15 3 1 1 10 6 125 13 6 14 13 18 8 9 4 18 83 7 9 10 a3 1 1 12 6 59 13 6 15 13 18 9 9 4 11 21 5 5 9 2 8 3 30 7 3 10 5 9 6 5 2 7 12 2 4 7 1 1 1 4 3 29 3 5 8 9 3 4 2 10 16 5 3 8 11 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 ....„ 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ' 2 . ""^ Tvrrell 11 1 1 1 , 2 1 ...... 5 3 1 } 1 4 1 1 8 2 23 4 1 9 3 9 5 5 2 3 2 23 i 5 G 8 2 4 2 I 23 3 1 3 9 5 5 2 3 2 23 4 2 5 8 1 4 2 1 . A'ni ■> : ii 1 7 3 2 1 2 W'n\iQ 1 1 2 ...... 1 1 3 I 1 ; 1...... 2 1 1 1 2 AVilUe't 11 1 ti 1 1 1 1 i ....II ""'^'^ II 1 NORTH DAKOTA. Thd State Barnes Ifottineau ("nsrt Cava'.ioi" Dicki-y Foster (Iraiiti Forks ... Losan SlcHenrv Mt'Iutosl) Morton Nelson Oliver I'emliina Picree llamftey Kaii.suni Uichl.iixl SiLtlu Slutsmnn Tnwiu-r Trnill ■Walsh , 90 92 3 8 1 1 12 12 9 9 1 1 2 2 13 13 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 7 9 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 4 4 1 1 7 7 9 9 1 2 1 5 7 4 5 1 o 8 5 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 6 3 1 2 1 1 41 12 17 1 .1 1 Ti: 25 I OHIO. 2,648 2,655 1,417 1,238 1,396 1,219 073 875 291 223 132 1 2 121 11 ' ., 8 9 u 14 59 14 25 18 21 34 21 31 15 15 47 20 9 27 22 29 lOU 34 13 14 68 16 26 21 23 44 23 38 15 16 49 25 9 34 25 32 135 37 16 10 43 7 15 12 15 19 16 22 6 14 25 14 4 18 13 15 71 20 12 4 25 9 11 9 10 25 7 16 9 2 24 11 S 16 12 17 64 17 4 10 42 7 15 12 15 19 16 22 G 14 21 13 4 17 13 15 71 19 12 4 25 9 11 8 10 25 7 16 U 2 22 11 5 16 12 17 63 17 4 D 33 5 11 10 13 14 14 15 5 14 19 11 3 13 10 9 14 13 5 4 23 5 9 7 G 20 6 11 2 19 4 12 8 9 19 15 4 ■ ■ 1 Allin 7 2 2 1 2 3 2 7 1 2 , 3 3 1 K 1 1 Asliluiid ;i 1 A ■'ilitaliiila 2 1 — -j" 1 t 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 I'.rown i:___ __ BulliT . . ... 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 34 4 3 2 1 1 1 t 20 ...... 1 l| 4 i J ,; 1 1 , 3 i 3 1 il 1 1 ! , 1 1 Clinton ; 3 1 4 23 2 4 1 5 |. ...... ...... 1 1 1 r-v\ ■ 1 1 DoBanco 1 1.::;:: o Oov Indian not included. 454 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabi^ 190.— deaf AKD dumb BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITT, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutumed. OH I O— Continued. Delaware. Erie Fairfield.. Fayeito .. Franklin . Fulton ... Gallia Geauga... Greene . . . Guernsey Hamilton. Hancock . Hard in ... Harrison . Henry Hiirhland. Hocking . Euluies... Huron Jackson . . Jefferson . . Knox Lake Lawrence . Licking . . . Logan Lnniiu Lncas Siadison. .. Huhoning . Marion.. Medina . Me'gs... Mercer.. Miami. . Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Morrow Muakiugum.. Noble Ottawa Paulding.. Pirrv..... Pickiiwav . PIko Portace . , Prel.l.. . . . rtitn:im . . KicblaDd. ROBB Kandiihky . Sciiilo Iv'nw;a ShiJby .... Stark 8uiuinft Truiirliull ... TuHcaniwaa. TJiiioQ Van Wert... Viiilou AVarrcn 'WiiBbingtou . "Wnyne , 'WiDiams ■\Vo«l Wjandot ronnd 17 23 14 8 475 11 14 10 30 14 182 47 12 C 11 27 3 12 18 13 IG 13 13 33 34 17 25 45 19 23 13 22 12 19 23 28 59 17 14 26 13 15 22 30 15 13 16 34 24 28 2S Total. 15 10 141 14 20 10 34 16 216 ■50 17 8 13 31 4 12 22 to 19 14 15 38 38 21 28 63 22 26 Male. u^ ■lu 27 33 84 37 28 31 20 22 15 17 24 25 28 35 17 17 11 15 25 29 17 18 110 22 Fo- male. 4 4 71 5 7 3 19 8 106 28 10 1 3 10 1 5 11 6 8 6 C 17 23 10 13 33 11 10 ID 12 G Total. Male. Fe- male. 5 7 3 18 8 103 27 10 1 3 10 1 5 11 Native bom. Parents native. Male. Fe- male. One or both parents foreign Hale. Fe- male. 11 Fi)reign born. Male. Fc male. Male. Total. Fo malo. Black. Male. Fe- male. Male. Mixed blood. Fe- male. OKI^AIIOnA. TlioTeiTll■•• 2 1 1 1 J:u■U^on i' 1 6 1 3 1 7 1 i 1 l.aiH" 1 ...... 1 1 8 s i 5 1 s toll 1 Ll.ill 2 2 3 rmntiUa 1 1 "«"allo«:i 3 1 1 .. .. ....„ 1 2 VHTTlhill 2 1 1 1 The St.ato . A»lftTii-'. AlKslu'iiy Ai-ni--iiiin^ Ueiivir... Bedford Berks Eliiir Bradford Buck-i Butler Cnmbri.-^ Cameniu Carbon Center Chester Clarion Cleartield , Olintou Columhia Crawford Cnmberland Pauphin Delaware Elk Erie Favetto Fonyt Franklin Fulton Greene IInntin;;don Indian;! JelliT.sun Juniata Laekawanna ... Lancaster X-awrenco I.elianon Lehigh Luzerne Lveomlns AfeKoan Merfer llllllin llouroe PEIVK8VIiV.«;VIA. 3,351 23 378 36 21 29 101 00 54 32 33 42 1 26 21 39 12 34 17 28 39 31 72 39 9 67 8 23 20 16 122 22 54 61 41 13 23 297 45 27 29 113 56 56 34 43 45 1 33 28 45 13 41 19 30 41 32 81 43 13 83 37 3 38 8 23 19 28 24 23 124 128 10 29 74 91 49 21 27 18 18 1,850 12 177 30 16 16 65 31 26 19 23 25 1 23 13 4 10 37 19 14 13 8 8 1,510 11 120 15 11 13 SO 25 30 15 20 20 '""io 15 23 8 I 17 9 13 19 13 48 19 7 12 ii'l 4 13 I 1,834 12 177 30 15 16 64 31 26 19 23 19 33 23 6 41 24 3 22 4 9 »l 63 10 37 39 30 7 14 10 10 19 17 15 71 4 10 37 52 19 14 13 8 8 1,491 11 120 15 10 13 29 15 20 10 13 19 8 17 9 13 19 13 46 19 7 39 14 4 13 12 9 7 8 53 19 37 39 29 7 13 10 10 1,381 10 79 24 9 IG 61 29 18 16 15 17 1 17 11 13 18 8 13 18 18 31 14 3 25 17 3 21 16 14 13 28 64 2 8 35 20 10 9 7 8 8 1,082 11 46 12 8 13 40 20 20 14 14 10 8 14 18 6 13 8 13 13 39 10 10 is' 3 13 12 9 4 8 19 50 5 19 33 24 27 11 10 10 1 1 34 2 2 1 14 2 3 4 290 24 106 119 1 18 1 2 2 10 19 10 10 12 456 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR. AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutiiiued. PKNNSiiri-VANIA— Continued. QOXTSTIES. Montgomery . ... Montour Northiimi'ton ... NorthuiubiTlaml Perry Philadelphia Pike PottCT Schnylkill Snyder Somerset Salliviin SusquehauDii . . . . Tioga TTDion Venango "Warren TVaabington "VTaync "^VL•8Imo^elund -. "Wyoming York 10 10 10 12 30 55 41 46 22 24 •lA!VD. The State 101 G 10 17 110 9 162 82 -I 79 77 44 43 16 21 19 13 3 3 3 2 1 6 10 17 120 9 2 G 12 58 4 4 4 5 62 5 2 5 10 58 4 4 4 5 CO 4 1 2 7 33 2 1: i> 30 4 1 1 ...... 3 12 1 1 2 ■"'io' 1 Kent . . 1 2 ...... 1 1 2 I"" "■ * 1 14 1 20 2 1 sovTia caroijINa. The State . AtboTillo Aiken Anderwin Barnwell Beaofurt Berkeley CbarlcHton Chester ChfcHterlii'M ClarinUou Colleton DarliDfton 3Cdceli.Id FaTrlltM Florence Georgetown Greenrillo Hampton Horrv Keraiiaw LnnroHter Laurertfi Lexingti.tu Marion. Marlboro >»cwl>err>- Oc4iDeo OranKi'hur^ Plrkrnii Kicblaud Spartanburg Knmter Tnion 'Williamnburg... York 670 668 358 310 178 IGO 178 22 23 10 13 S 6 5 17 IR 12 6 5 3 5 38 42 19 23 14 17 14 16 16 7 9 4 1 4 23 23 10 13 1 1 2C 28 15 13 4 3 4 17 20 6 14 1 3 1 16 16 6 10 2 3 2 10 11 5 6 2 4 o 12 12 10 2 3 1 3 20 20 14 G 7 4 7 18 20 13 7 7 7 26 26 10 10 8 4 8 10 13 3 10 1 3 1 23 24 10 14 6 11 G 9 9 8 I 1 1 1 13 16 11 5 7 4 7 14 14 10 4 2 1 2 10 16 C 10 5 10 5 10 19 14 5 12 3 12 10 16 10 3 22 22 13 9 4 5 4 1 1 1 1 ]« 16 10 6 7 6 7 7 7 3 4 1 2 1 9 11 C S 2 2 o 12 13 6 7 5 4 5 4 5 2 3 1 1 1 ID 4 3 2 3 33 42 27 13 14 8 14 100 73 « 41 28 34 28 2» 24 14 10 3 2 » 12 13 » 4 S 1 5 11 12 U 4 a 4 17 " 8 4 4 4 158 162 3 3 2 2 7 7 I 8 18 3 5 11 8 4 3 2 3 5 3 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 457 Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB HELONGINO TO KACII COUNTY. WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, MY STATES AND TEKKITOKIES: 1890-Contuiucd. SOVTII DAKOTA. FouDd in couuty. i 1 Total. Male. IV luulo. 74 wniTE. COLOBEO. TotBl. Native born. Fnreign Ixjrn. Total. Black. CX>UNTlEa. Parent* native. Ono or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Mala. Fo- mole. Male. Fe- male. Mule. Fo- male. Male. 32 Fr- male. M.1C.J-. Male. Fe- male. 1 Male. Fc male. 176 171 97 7' 5' 8 i' 3 1 2 1 1 i 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 2 9 4 2 97 74 39 31 20 ...... 25 1 1 18 1 1 3 a 1 9 9 9 4 1 2 S 3 2 1 3 9 2 9 10 B 4 1 a 5 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 3 12 3 11 7 3 (a) 3 20 7 2 3 8 2 4 8 2 I 4 7' 5' n 3 2 2 4 4 1 4 ■ ,1 ....„ 1 a i' 5 2 1 1 2 1 J 1 ItiuoUiii);!! 2 1 4 2 1 "i' 2 2 ...... 1 2 1 2 1 8 ' 1 ,- . Caniiilivll /»»,.. ,.1,.^ \|iv 8 . Clark 3' 2 i 2 1 i' 2' 9 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 i' 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 2 4 2 2 ■■■■j- ......1 .--..- 3 2 1 2 2 1 i 2 2 1 i 1 2 1 ..: Do'iiylas Eilniiiiula 1 3 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Faulk, 1 1 3 I 3 3 8 1 8 7 3 1 2 1 II'IikI 1 Hai'Hon I 1 2 1 i 3 1 I 2 2 1 Lak(* 9 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 6 ...... 1 1 1 1 McCook G I 1 1 1 I Marshall 3 40 7 2 3 3 8 4 1 12' 3 2 2 a 8 4 i 12' 3 2 4 i' 8 2 1 1 1 I 3 2 1 1 1 1 . 1 SyJly 3 8 2 3 2 5 4' 3' 2 2 5 4' 3" 2 1 2 1 3 ...... 2 1 1 1 1 2 TE!VIVE8MEE. The State 1,110 1,112 591 521 407 433 442 417 14 8 U 8 124 -.-1 94 71 SO IT 5 6 1 7 8 11 7 7 10 9 8 4 G 11 10 C 8 4:! 8 11 :i 10 5 G 6 1 7 8 12 8 8 23 12 8 4 G e 13 11 8 52 9 14 6 15 10 G 2 3 d 4 5 3 5 22 3 4 2 2 4 8 I 4 26 3 S 3 ? 3 4 3 1 1 4 7 5 3 1 9 4 2 4 2 5 3 3 4 26 6 3 6 3 3 2 6 4 4 4 11 3 4 2 3 8 8 3 4 16 3 4 2 8 3 4 2 1 1 3 7 4 3 1 9 4 I 2 S I I 17 6 8 3 4 3 1 6 4 4 2 4 11 3 4 2 2 3 8 6 3 3 11 3 4 I 2 3 4 2 1 1 3 7 4 3 1 9 4 2 3 2 5 2 3 4 10 8 3 4 2 3 I ]!,.,] J,, I'll 3 1 1 1 2 Bloiiiit 1 ...... 1 1 llriillAr 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 6 5 ■ •• t'hi-slir 1 ...... 1 Clay 1 2 1 ...„. 1 1 1 4 ■ 4 1 3 10 9 7 6 3 8 Dckalli 1 1 1 5 ""2 1 ...... 1 4 1 1 Pver 1 1 ...... 1 ...... Fentress ••«•■• a Oda Liiilian not included in tho laMe. 458 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEE FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEERITOEIES: 1890— Coutinuod. TENNESSEE— Continued. Found in county. Total. Male. 1 Fe- male. WHITE. COLOEED. Total. Xative born. Foreign born. Total. Black. co^^-TIEs. Parents native.! i One or jotli parents foreign. Mixed blood. Mnle. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fe- male. 1 Male. Fe- male. 7 26 27 12 11 1 5 19 4 9 10 18 10 lU 8 1 G 7 7 3 12 G 184 2 11 n 11 3 G 11 5 17 U 8 20 ri 7 H 4 1 15 17 5 3 .■v 15 IG 9 14 5 1 13 35 12 7 10 1(1 8 5 11 7 27 30 14 13 1 r 22 4 9 13 22 12 11 9 2 6 7 7 3 12 aa «! 612 11 11 5 9 16 5 18 14 8 24 7 9 15 G 4 15 21 C 3 C 19 21 12 15 5 1 16 30 15 R IB 10 10 5 5 It 1 1? S IS 11 21 20 3 14 18 9 8 1 3 11 2 5 7 12 8 5 5 4' G 3 1 8 5 32 2 5 7 2 2 3 9 4 12 8 7 15 5 G 10 4 2 11 4 2 3 4 13 8 7 8 2 1 18 5 3 8 G 2 2 1 5 0' 7 2 7 3 8 4 13 12- 5 5 2 11 2 4 G 'I 4 2 2 1 4 2 4 1 32 4 9 3 G 7 1 G 6 2 9 2 3 5 2 2 4 15 2 ] 3 C 13 5 7 3 7' 21 10 5 10 4 8 3 4 C 1 3 4 3 8 8 13 U 1 9 10 9 8 1 3 8 :>, 4 6 10 3 4 4 4 3 1 8 n 28 2 2 6 1 1 R 8 4 7 7 G 12 5 G 8 3 2 10 C 4 2 3 4 8 3 6 V 2 1 8 7 5 2 7 3 1 1 1 S 7' G 2 7 3 G 4 9 C 5 4 1 8 16 9 8 3 9 G 5 4 1 2 5 2 ""■"4" 6 2 4 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 !l 2 3 C 8 2 G 4 1 2 1 4 2 I 29 2' 4 7 1 C 7 1 5 5 1 8 3' 3 2 2 4 15 1 1 3 2 G 12 4 3 g' 11 9 4 10 2 G 3 4 G 1 3 4 3 7 8 7 3 7 i 6 10 2 4 4 4 G 3 1 8 .■J 27 2 2 I 1 3 8 4 G G G 12 6 5 G 3 2 9 2 3 C 9 2 C 4 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 G 1 1 1 ...... 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 ...... 1 1 I 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 27 1 1 1 4 3 3 8 1 Lake 2 • 4 7 1 G 7 1 5 5 1 8 3 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 i 1 G 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 :MnrsbuU i Mci"^ 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 9 4 2 3 4 n 2 G G 2 1 8 7 5 2 7 3 1 1 1 5 7 3 4 7 4 15 1 1 3 2 G 12 4 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 Pi tket t polk Patmun j Ebea 4 G 1 2 ...... 1 2 ■i •1 1 2 1 1 1 2 i Scott G 8 9 4 10 2 U 3 4 ? 3 4 ? 8 7 1 11 2 10 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 i 2 1 (jlietbv 1 1 3 Smith' StAK-nrt 1 1 3 1 1 ! Kiillivaii 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 Ti|>t«ii ( 1 Trouiwlulo Union 11 10 6 13 10 21 20 2 1 2 'WiuhuigtuD. 1 ■Wiivm- ■\Vc.ikli-.v 1 1 Whit.-.; %V i II laiuHun 1 3 2 6 2 2 2 2 1 WUmii a Two Indian* not Inoludod. b One Indian uut included. I THE DEAF A\T> l)r>rB. 459 Taivm: IOO.— deaf AND DUMH IlKLOXGING TO KACn COUNTY, WITH IHSTIXCTION OF fiF.X. COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND MIMliliU rOUM) IN KACH COUNTY, IIY STATKS AM) IT.UKITOKIES: 1890— Contiiiiio.1. TKXAM. Found in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. waiTB. '■- — -■ ^m 0OU>BBD. To 4ll. KatiTO born. ForolKn bom. Total. lilark. COUNTIES* I'arenU native. One or ' both pan^nin foreign. MUm) blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male ' »■■ ■ ' ... ! ,-.. Tl'C Stato 1,154 11 1 5 8 2 4 4 12 11 4 5 1 10 1 ^t 4 4 1 3 9 1 9 1 C 10 21 2 G 2 10 16 4 40 10 19 6 1 1 2 13 4 2 14 10 17 9 1,153 670 477 500 391 491 331 3- 39 32 21 110 88 87 «7 20 U IS I s 8 9 4 5 10 11 4 C 2 13 2 7 13 7 I 3 10 1 11 ' 6 11 24 2 7 2 1) 22 7 44 10 22 1 1 3 15 4 2 18 11 19 15 1 1 4 6 13 3 3 1 3 52 5 IS 14 3 S 1 9 7 2 3 15 1 14 4 17 C 22 11 1 3 5 8 2 3 13 5 4 3 1 4 1 2 S 6 2 1 3 d" 3 2 17 2 4 2 6 IS 5 25 4 13 4 1 1 1 7 1 2 10 4 10 10 i' 2 .1 t 2' 29 3 11 8 1 5 i' G 1 3 13 1 12 3 9 3 10 4 2' 3 2 1 2 2 4 6 3' 1 9 1 5 8 1 2 1 2 7 1 G 1 3 9 7 3' 5" 7 2 19 6 9 2 2 8 3 8' 7 9 5 1 2 3 5 i' 1 I 23 2 4 « 2 i' 8 1 1 3' 2 1 8 3 12 9 1 3 G 2 3 11 5 4 3 1 4 1 2 5 3 2 1 3 3' 3 2 15 2 2 2 6 14 5 23 3 13 4 1 1 1 7 1 2 10 3 10 7 i' 4 i' 1 2 2 2 3 5 2' 9 1 3 4 2 2 ! 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 I 2 a 11 1 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 Buvlttr 1 2 3 4 1 jj^i, ....'. 1 1 1 I 1 Uexnr 2 2 1 2 1 1 G 1 1 & 1 3 1 2 8 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 3 9 8 2 5' 7 2 17 G 9 2 4 1 2 5 3 2 1 3 3" 3 2 14 2 1 1 6 14 5 18 3 J2 1 1 2 1 2 8 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 9 6 1 1 Ilri «-ii 3 3 CuMiv.U 3 2 1 I 1 ..... CIhtu' fc 1 2 2 1 2 1 Cliildress 2 Collin 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 7 2 15 6 9 1 1 1 ...... DaUaa 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 ' Dtltfl 1 1 2 Jk^witt 1 1 1 2 7 3 1 7 1 2 5 2 '""2 1 2 1 1 1 yi riiHd Kralh 8 5 8 5 1 9 3 10 5 i' 8 5 8 2 1 Falls 1 2 1 1 ...... 2 1 1 1 I 3 1 Flovd 1 S 6 11 2 3 1 3 46 5 10 13 3 4 1 5 G 3 15 1 10 3 17 6 20 Fort Bond 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 i 24 1 4 4 1 4 i 3 1 2 9 1 12 3 9 3 10 3 3 1 1 20 4 2 i' 7 1 1 2" 3 6 3 i' 22 '1 3 2 1 4 i 2 i 2 8 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 19 1 5 2 7 4 1 1 ...... 2 1 3 2 4 2 4 2 6 4 i 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 • 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 S Hav« 1 3 ...... ..... 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Hill 2 1 8 2 12 11 3 9 3 10 2 1 8 2 12 1 1 Hunt >••••• 460 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablk 190.— deaf and DUMB BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY^ AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutiuucd. TEXAS— Coutiuued. ' Found in county. j Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Tolal. !K"atiTO born. Foreign born. Total. Black. COCNTIES. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. ^■"«- I 1 3 1 i 1 1 ' 1 5' 2 1 .' 1 ... 1 ■..::"" 2 1 1 1 '1 1 t ii VJERITIOIVT. 1 228 1 14 15 1 li I 2' 1 10 17 3 8 18 : 14 17 12 33 28 241 1 133 108 133 108 100 80 23 IG 10 12' '■ 1 1 10 18 15 28 n 'I 8 Ifi 14 18 15 .14 28 12 10 12 8 5 1 5 9 n 7 18 16 4 8 5 10 3 12 3 7 S I 10 12 12 10 10 12 8 5 1 5 9 9 11 7 18 16 4 8 5 16 3 12 2 3 7 5 7 8 16 12 10 8 8 7 G 3 3 7 4 10 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 •■■■4" 1 3 2 1 1 ...... 1 2 1 :i 1 1 5 9 6 G 3 15 U 3 7 2 4 8 16 9 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 ""2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 i 1 I .. 1 ....1 1 __ 1 VIKOINIA. The StAto 1,197 21 19 8 5 1 3 ID 12 in 1,199 665 534 500 400 4fG 393 4 i 5 3I 165 134 ,30 100! 4 - I « 31 1 - \ - \ 26 23 8 6 3 11 14 57 1 16 11 2 4 1 4 9 29 1 12 10 12 2 2 5 28 io' 13 8 2 4 2 9 26 1 11 8 8 3 2 5 3 25 i6" i;; 8 1 4 2 9 25 1 11 8 8 3 2 2 5 3 24 il 3 3 2 4 3 l( 1 1 j 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 i' 1 1 2 3 1 1 ... Augusta 1 1 3 1 1 Bedford 20 9 1 1 1 :;:... i ...••• 462 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 190.— DEAF AND DUMB BELONCxING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IX EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continue.l. TIK«jnfIA— Continued. Fonnd in county. 1 U 10 7 21 8 15 9 S ir, 7 1 7 8 1 7 13 10 6 IG JO 5 G C 9 G 22 "5 33 la. 3 I 9 5 5 4 7 12 14 17 4 12 12 7 8 7 9 4 28 1 2 G 4 11 11 24 4 23 2 4 5 3 10 2 26 27 40 16 18 Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. COUNTIES. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Bland 1 18 9 10 9 25 9 15 9 8 15 7 1 7 8 1 7 7 oo ~S 14 10 17 12 G 7 C 9 G C 24 10 37 19 6 3 5 9 5 5 4 7 12 15 17 4 12 12 7 8 7 10 4 31 1 2 G 4 14 11 26 4 26 2 5 6 4 11 2 26 31 44 18 18 1 13 4 2 8 5 7 4 4 9 1 2 5 5' 3 14 4 8 7 1 11 8 4 5 3 7 4 Vi 8 19 12' 2 1 4 4 2 2 5 10 11 7 1 7 3 4 5 8 2 15 2' 2 10 17 2 J7 1 4 1 3 4 2 12 14 22 il 9 5' .5 i 7 17 4 8 5 4 C 1 r. 3 1 i 8 4 G 3 r, 6 4 2 3 2 2 G 12 2 18 7 4 2 1 5 3 3 2 4 2 4 10 3 5 10 4 4 2 2 2 10 1 2' 4 2 9 2 9 1 1 b 1 7 14 17 22 S B 1 10 3 6 1 4 4 7 2 2 5 1 3' 3" 2 8 3 5 7 1 9 7 4 1 g' 2 g 5 15 6 2 2" 4 1 2 3 8 5 5 1 5 1 4 2 8 7 4' 2 4 6 12 2 8 i" 4 1 3 2 1 2' 2 4 5 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 10 5 4 2 4 3 1 1 4 1 2 2 5 g 3 4 2 2 2 8 1 10 3 g 1 4 4 7 2 2 5 1 3 3' 1 8 3 5 7 1 9 7 3 1 6 g' 4 11 G 2 2' 4 1 3' 5 5 1 i 4 2 8 7' 4 2 4 6 12 2 8 3 1 1 3 1 1 ■"■"2" 2 1 1 Buckiu'^baiii 1 4 1 1 5 2 1 3 1 1 4 Campli"!! 1 1 Caroline 1 Carroll " Charles Citv 2 2 3 1 5 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 Charlotte . ." 1 3 1 Choi>JcrfieUI 1 1 1 Clarko Cmiy i 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 Dickenson 2 1 6 1 3 2 2 G 2 1 3 2 1 4 Elizabeth City 2 2 4 5 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 1 ...... 1 1 1 Fairfax 1 2 1 Flovd FluvnBDa 3 2 1 ■j' 2 1 1 ""'i' 1 2 1 Frederick Giles 1 Gloucester 4 3 1 2 '"'i' ""'2' 4 3 B 2 3 2 1 2 ...... 2 4 5 ....„ 1 1 Goochland. 1 2 4 2 ...... 2 Greenesvillo 2 9 7 5 4 2 ... Halifax G 3 4 6 3 1 ...... 1 1 1 Henrico 1 3 2 1 Henrv Hiehland iBle of Wight i 2 ...... 1 2 1 1 1 ....„ ""2 Janica Citv 1 1 1 King and QiiecD 4 3 1 1 4 1 2 7 2 5 G 3 4 2 2 2 8 1 Kin;: ■William 1 1 1 2 IrfO 1 2 G 2 1 2 3 1 2 6 2 1 1 3 1 Louisa 1 Lunenbn re MathewR 2 1 3 2 ...... Murklcnhurp.. 4 1 1 2 3 X Montgomery 3 2 1 Js'fcUon Hew Kent 2 8 ....„ 1 2 7 Norfolk 8 1 1 Northampton Nort huniberland 2 2 1 10 9 11 1 9 1 3 1 3 4 2 e 12 20 10 2 4 2 5 4 1 I 4 1 4 12 14 22 4 9 2 2 1 10 9 11 1 1 3 1 3 4 9 12 10 10 9 Kottoway 4 1 4 1 2 4 2 5 Page Patrick PittHvlvanin G 1 8 4 2 5 5 1 6 4 3 J Powhaljin 4 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 ...... 1 Prince William 1 Pitlflhki Rapjiahnnnm-k 3 2 Kichmond Roannki' 11 14 22 4 9 1 3 2 1 2 3 ...... 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 t g Kockbrtdce KockincUam 1 Kurnwll 1 Scott '",111 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 4G3 Tabi.k I»0.— UF.AK AKD dumb BELONGING TO EACH COUNTV, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITV, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTV, 15Y STATES AND TEKUITOBIES: 1890— Continued. VIRGINIA— CoDtlnasd. Shf nninloah Sln-.lli , Smim: :i;i ■ jirmi ^]i 1 Monroe 1 1 i 2 2 1 1 5 4 2 4 6 10 1 S 4 7 4 U i' 1 12 1 4 2 1 4 C 4 2 C 5 6 G 3 r. 7 1 1 4 1 1 Obio 5 7 4 1 Peodletou Pleasant^s Pociliuutas 2 1 2 1 1 Balcigli 1 1 Kit<:hk' 1 1 Tavlor 1 1 Tucker Tyler t Upshur- 1 Waviio Webster Wetzel 1 1 Wirt Wood 1 2 1 1 1 1 Wyominj; 1 1 IVISCONSffN. The State . Adams . . . AHliland . £aiT»n ... BiiytieUl.. Brown . . . Baffalo Bnrnett ... Calumet... Chippewa . Clark Columlnn. Crawloni. Dune Doiige Door Doiif;;Iaa Dunn Kaiiclairo Florrinco . ... FouUdu Lac. Foro«t Grant Green Green Lake . Iowa Jarkffon ... JplTt-rmin .. Jiin<*aii K<^niit«l>a . . Kewaunee. 1,313 1,315 H alu 14 IM ! 8 11 23 24 14 18 45 B3 30 81 7 7 4 4 22 25 20 2» 1 1 25 31 1 1 2G 32 30 33 19 18 11 12 11 12 1 28 36 13 14 11 ID 19 785 528 3S3 243 a One Indian not included. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 4G5 •Tablk 190.— deaf and dumb BELONGING TO EACH COUNTV, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COI-OH, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEIt FOUND IN EACH COUNTy, BY STATES AND TEItKITOlMKS: 1890— Continued. WISCONSIN— Cuntinuod. Found in county. Total. Mole. Fe- male. WHITE. COLOBID. Total. NatiTO born. Foreign bom. 1 Total. BUck. OOUNTIES. Forenta natlro. f>De or botlipnrcotii foreign. Mixed bloOf and dumb. Eatio Cambridge, MaBs De»f and dumb. Eatio Camdon.X. J Deaf and dumb. Eatio Cbarlestou, S. C Deaf and dumb.. Eatio Cliicago, 111 Dcnf and dumb. E.atio Cincinnati, Ohio.. .De.nf and dumb. Eutio Cleveland, Ohio Deaf and dumb. Eatio Columbus, Ohio Deaf and dumb. Eatio Dayton, Ohio Deaf .and dumb . liatio Denver, Colo Deaf and dumb. . Eatio Total. DesHoinefl, Iowa Deaf and dumb. Eatio Detroit, Mich Denf and dumb. . Eatio IZvansville, Ind Deaf and dumb. . Eatio Tail Eivor, Mass Deaf and dumb. Eatio Grand Eapida, Mich. . .Deaf and dumb.. Italio BArtford, Conn Deaf and dumb. . Katio Zndiannpolia, Ind Deaf and dumb. liatio Jeracy city, If . J Deaf and dumb.. Eatio Kansas city, Mo Deaf and dumb. E.ilio Lincoln, Nob Dejif and dumb. Italio Loit Angelo.1, Cal Deaf and duml). Eatio Louisville, Ky Deaf and dumb. Eatio Lowell, Mass Deaf and dumb.. Ealio Lynn, MaAs Deaf and dumb. Ealio Itemjilila, Tonii Deiif and dumb. Italio 487 56 590 41 389 48 732 239 550 201 418 310 384 162 634 61 914 21 360 18 328 450 409 172 579 106 406 88 998 48 784 32 300 29 579 90 437 48 916 20 269 48 796 18 338 SO 314 70 527 23 417 100 U2I 35 450 Male. 3,084 527 35 028 ll 17 204 20 570 28 532 124 602 102 468 85 6C0 30 877 13 456 255 449 88 607 59 445 38 844 24 787 21 830 21 824 10 280 27 897 15 577 46 879 30 36S 35 493 12 408 54 087 17 480 18 056 7 215 Female. Total. 2,625 447 30 008 J3 Ml 24 702 115 504 99 429 157 381 34 949 13 443 195 367 84 553 INativo born. Male. 4' 365 50 1,159 2,973 539 24 781 10 218 32 306 27 1,069 10 259 21 696 3 110 29 046 20 321 35 568 11 427 n 455 46 557 18 420 17 601 10 312 25 556 12 633 114 G44 99 465 150 386 84 655 29 872 13 495 254 454 59 451 38 904 24 817 22 379 21 ^0 21 933 10 281 27 907 15 593 43 901 30 371 34 531 12 420 44 074 17 482 18 665 4 209 Female. 2,530 457 30 614 13 253 14 758 107 503 93 432 157 386 76 602 34 978 8 295 4 320 195 371 83 46 361 49 1,207 23 775 10 224 8 330 32 311 24 1,059 10 259 21 702 29 597 26 320 35 038 11 437 11 469 40 505 18 427 17 608 5 801 Parents native. Male. 1,156 635 4 212 10 611 « 718 41 608 32 296 24 822 19 1,712 8 467 1 132 74 626 31 777 10 327 24 998 15 934 12 382 13 832 11 513 10 930 1 170 13 1,215 13 1,264 8 382 19 484 4 188 3 242 25 805 10 1,030 11 758 4 333 Female. 1,062 587 18 1,026 5 269 13 797 61 628 43 630 47 411 14 508 17 1,542 5 281 3 349 58 551 34 841 12 387 36 1,561 10 090 8 346 4 264 372 9 864 2 313 8 750 18 021 23 083 7 379 9 720 20 027 8 704 10 090 4 879 One or both parents foreign. Male. 1,249 C50 11 602 21 1,107 1 081 30 663 37 503 87 35 658 7 637 2 377 100 490 44 689 29 589 9 794 9 1,071 1,017 11 1,367 3 2r)3 5 653 C44 14 1,166 18 552 11 858 15 875 478 4 Female. 951 474 7 360 1 699 30 521 74 463 41 741 1 ISl 1 406 82 394 36 516 17 337 7 598 1 188 12 297 13 1,459 5 406 1 100 Foreign bom. Male. 11 857 12 359 10 80S 2 517 12 503 4 350 3 470 1 251 568 320 1 96 3 223 1 897 14 419 21 288 31 241 3 269 80 337 13 306 20 302 3 722 18 451 330 9 898 4 147 4 335 S 1,756 4 334 2 132 3 458 Female. 617 301 5 421 3 237 16 455 27 322 36 273 21 484 8 615 Male. Fom,-Ue. Ill 338 95 279 1 1,520 1 55 209 13 303 17 370 1,029 12 968 10 343 3 049 3 582 1 1,013 1 1,042 3 800 12 25;i 698 3 151 12 1,205 2 665 6 311 4 560 4 282 1 118 3 052 1 142 10 749 3 225 10 036 8 210 1 253 1 1,815 g 531 1 712 1 393 1 939 3 1,157 t 1,401 6 392 6 a Including Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 467 Tabi.B lOI.— deaf and dumb in cities containing r.0,000 IMIAHITANTS OR MORE. WITH RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OP POPULATION, BY SKX, COLOR, ANl; NAJ'lViTY: ISDO— <.;outinnucl. 3. Total. ' Male. Female. ymin. COIX To lal. XatlTC bom. Forelg Q bom. BSD. crrii! Paronta native. One nr both parents foreign. Uale. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fomala, Milwuukep, Wis . .Donf and dumb.. 120 587 92 558 26 341 102 561 16 197 112 463 702 403 63 449 22 281 493 471 128 536 61 462 45 767 25 307 71 530 18 344 271 000 ■ 85 638 79 204 65 864 04 720 42 516 20 318 35 574 124 538 31 505 57 073 68 075 5B 628 18 489 54 007 8 108 57 502 387 018 29 302 10 261 270 528 81 051 33 519 27 927 14 300 45 098 10 366 126 552 51 7.13 55 324 37 963 37 862 15 307 12 412 17 595 69 030 17 552 26 015 62 501 87 480 8 203 48 517 8 100 55 428 315 410 34 563 12 299 223 416 47 412 28 408 18 609 11 255 26 374 e 320 H.") 0t8 37 535 24 180 28 701 27 597 27 000 8 282 18 556 55 455 14 457 31 731 08 677 64 022 10 420 63 009 8 204 51 003 382 520 28 362 10 261 265 538 81 670 33 535 26 890 12 499 45 701 9 352 120 558 51 743 55 381 37 907 37 871 14 347 12 420 17 599 60 060 16 591 20 622 62 502 37 483 2;8 46 508 7 177 46 495 310 411 33 504 12 302 217 422 47 424 28 421 18 013 5 200 20 370 8 347 142 077 34 540 24 190 28 703 27 003 26 650 8 290 18 561 46 583 13 487 30 710 075 15 524 7 380 18 665 4 259 23 693 87 617 12 297 3 314 147 728 30 844 18 772 24 1,047 8 415 15 771 7 433 39 040 17 1,036 9 269 6 652 20 1,210 6 427 9 684 10 1,147 35 660 8 487 17 1,124 8 575 13 514 8 163 22 766 33 718 18 750 2 660 26 806 3 244 21 603 225 787 7 414 4 307 81 612 43 973 1« 520 2 614 1 349 25 984 2 361 58 022 16 090 36 077 24 1,559 13 871 4 270 2 263 7 601 13 048 4 678 5 379 24 471 12 481 1 315 11 322 e 472 24 628 149 503 10 655 2 145 62 374 23 522 8 394 2 610 1 331 10 351 2 349 73 744 14 575 16 297 12 765 8 499 11 086 20 030 21 014 1 493 325 1 87 7 425 70 223 9 449 3 196 37 281 8 200 5 262 20 518 12 456 2 1,151 13 409 1 88 8 459 68 211 5 330 2 127 31 227 10 301 4 189 1 504 2 1.203 5 245 1 312 21 396 10 417 3 69 8 673 6 534 4 376 Hinni-a;tolift, Minn . . . .'Ponf and dnnib.. Itiitio 1 1,215 8 600 1 498 Nashviile, Ti'nn .llraf and dumb.. '2 125 2 883 1 Newavk.N.J . .r>raf and dumb.. Now Haven. Conn. . . .Deaf and dumb.. Itatio 777 Now Orlrans. I.a ..Deaf and dumb.. IJatio 14 376 93 684 18 635 8 787 124 584 11 416 16 639 15 023 2 98 11 537 5 357 48 818 10 685 5 174 8 880 13 742 11 810 8 593 .7 701 29 528 10 616 18 1,163 6 207 5 395 1 359 2(2 5 184 I 634 Kew Vork.N.T . . Deaf and dumb . . Omnlia, Xcb .Deaf and dumb.. Patorson. X. J .Deaf and dumb., liatio 1 Philailelphia.ra .Deaf and dumb., l^tjo 5 264 6 280 Pittsburg, ra . -Deaf .and dumb. . lUtio Providence, R,I .Deaf .and dumb.. Itatio 1 Eradin^, Po .Deaf .and dumb.. Ilatio 1 4,785 2 141 Kiclimitnd, Ta ..Deaf and dumb.. 3 1,593 5 239 331 Eoclicslor.N.T ..Deaf and d:tmb.. Kalio St. .loBi'ph, Mo ..Deaf and dumb.. Katio 1 571 « 453 St. T.ouia, Mo ..Deaf and dumb.. 23 373 18 619 10 173 512 4 303 4 319 1 135 3 217 St. raul.llinn ..Deaf and dumb.. Katio San Vrancisco, Cal. . . ..Deaf and dumb.. Uatio Scraiiton, Pa .Deaf and dumb.. Itatio I Svrarnso, N. Y .Deaf and dumb.. Itatio Toledo, Ohio .Deaf and dumb.. Katio 1 1,799 1 1,890 Trenlon, N.J -Deaf and dumb.. Itatio Troy, N.T ..Deaf and dumb.. KaUo 8 623 15 900 1 163 9 680 3 324 2 228 3 404 3 223 'Wasbington,D.C.... ..Deaf and dumb.. Katio 2 207 4 844 4 297 19 562 1 268 S 216 1 264 1 Wilmington. Del .Deaf and dumb.. Katio Worcester, Mass ..Deaf and dumb.. Kutio 2.0U 468 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabm 192.— deaf but not DUMB IN CITIES CONTAINING 50,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, WITH RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. (a) Total. Male. Female. WHrrE. COLO >» Total. Native born. Foreign born. KKD. CITIES. Parent-s native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Total Deaf.. Katio.. Deaf.. Kutio.. 9,726 830 4,910 840 4,810 820 4,713 854 4,610 833 2,160 1,187 2,163 1,196 737 383 838 443 1,816 1,022 1, 559 908 197 600 206 605 Alb-iny, N.T 76 801 28 CI4 48 973 27 601 47 902 11 675 28 1,590 7 383 8 412 9 868 11 926 1 1,520 1 2.070 Allegheny, Pa Dr.if .. Katio 73 693 37 703 • 36 683 37 721 35 680 17 901 19 1,024 37 2,270 12 633 11 643 8 594 5 396 1 818 Atlanta, Ga Deaf.. Katio.. 85 1,297 34 1,084 51 1,492 28 1,477 43 2,329 25 1,527 1 681 4 2,795 2 1,794 2 2, 732 6 484 8 .-•.OS Baltimore, Md Deaf.. Katie. 420 067 205 995 215 942 195 1,102 199 1,046 98 1,099 109 1,119 45 829 47 816 52 1,565 43 1,224 10 343 16 420 Boston, Mass Deaf.. Katio.. 416 928 164 753 252 1,092 ICl 755 248 1,091 90 1,334 134 1,962 16 220 32 429 55 766 82 978 3 649 4 1,009 Brooklyn, X. T Deaf.. K.->tio.. 429 532 202 513 227 551 200 514 224 551 77 712 96 839 39 250 39 244 84 053 89 074 388 3 518 Bnffalo.N.Y Deaf.. Katio.. Deaf.. Ratio.. 95 372 82 1,171 40 310 38 1,111 55 434 44 1,228 40 312 36 1,083 65 436 43 1,237 10 342 22 1,983 19 690 28 2,539 7 132 5 455 11 199 6 530 23 602 9 806 25 577 9 725 Cambridge, Mass 2 2,083 1 937 Camden, N.J Deaf.. Katie 90 1.543 44 1,542 46 1,544 43 1,639 41 1,510 33 1,926 35 1,969 3 666 3 542 7 1,845 3 780 1 437 5 1,899 Cliarleston, S. C Deaf.. Katio. . 76 1,383 41 1,601 35 1,193 22 1,927 22 1,700 9 1,190 16 1,861 6 2,731 4 1,625 4,230 2 1,386 19 1,339 13 772 Chicago, 111 Deaf.. Katio.. 504 458 254 447 250 470 251 448 245 467 74 626 78 743 36 176 53 256 141 594 114 537 3 353 5 787 Deaf .. 258 {■00 139 959 119 783 135 969 116 795 44 1,102 37 916 31 486 33 473 60 1,600 46 1,285 4 695 3 Katio.. 606 Deaf 167 639 64 720 89 672 33 733 78 005 31 719 89 680 77 604 35 1 143 34 1 095 20 406 12 238 34 666 31 676 1 Eatic. Deaf .. 712 30 714 29 714 20 831 19 824 3 266 7 698 7 1,057 3 515 3 999 2 Katio-. 786 Deaf.. 70 1,241 46 1,509 30 976 45 1,631 30 1,011 25 1,657 16 990 8 955 8 899 12 2,419 1,302 1 908 Katio.. Denver, Colo Deaf.. Katio.. 83 778 51 840 32 696 50 861 31 696 30 956 15 649 8 646 8 708 12 830 8 789 1 370 1 709 Des Moines, Io\ra Deaf.. Katio.. Deaf .. Katio.. 32 639 189 918 23 909 95 938 9 363 94 899 23 931 94 944 9 371 92 895 11 704 31 1,446 6 396 24 1,117 4 814 16 419 375 17 421 8 1,926 47 1,176 1 207 51 1,244 Detroit, Mich 1 584 2 1,147 EvanBrtlle, Ind Deaf.. Katio.. 04 1.852 53 2,079 41 1,623 50 2,221 30 1,323 22 2,058 10 900 7 870 8 898 21 6,563 12 3,587 3 1,008 11 4,243 Fall Klver, Mass Deaf.. Ratio.. Deaf.. Ratio.. 29 390 93 1,643 12 330 63 2,094 17 44 U 30 994 12 337 63 2,117 17 441 30 1,003 2 339 38 3,652 6 930 17 1,095 1 84 3 332 1 81 6 601 9 504 22 2,195 10 604 R 804 Grand Rapids, Mich Hartford, Conn Dejif .. Kutio 103 2,874 99 939 01 374 6.3 2,421 S8 1,109 31 378 90 3,307 41 772 30 371 63 2,492 57 1,196 31 383 88 3,321 41 844 30 370 62 5 065 64 6 086 4 488 4 477 7 1 029 20 2,633 2 2 801 Indianapolis, Ind Deaf.. Ratio.. Deaf.. Kutio. . 30 1,380 11 525 26 901 8 380 417 5 153 11 807 9 270 13 1,721 15 550 4 680 13 502 1 217 Jericy city, K. J Kansas city, Ho Deaf.. Ratio.. 257 1,930 166 2,190 101 1,038 149 2,328 93 1,008 96 2,421 60 1,781 25 1,951 17 1,368 29 2,430 16 1,839 7 992 8 1,169 Lincoln, Veh Deaf.. Katio 53 901 78 1 548 30 1,021 47 1,792 98 1,247 23 893 29 1,014 45 1 894 23 914 24 1 125 14 767 2 519 4 1 094 3 878 1 063 1 1,268 Los Angeles, Cal Deaf.. Uatio 31 1 283 31 1 322 26 2,018 34 1,094 22 1,776 8 1 462 4 656 12 2,034 34 2,836 6 1 009 Rn LonUvillc.Ky Deaf.. Ratio.. 197 1,223 09 1,200 80 1,220 84 1,250 37 1,161 12 640 21 881 26 2,266 18 1,349 IS 979 Lowell Mam Deaf.. Ratio 102 1 313 48 1 354 54 1,278 41 48 1 361 54 1 282 31 3 192 23 2 023 6 478 4 350 12 795 27 1,308 Lynn, Mass Deaf.. 711 1,418 71 1,101 38 38 1,404 23 1,201 40 26 1 794 4 668 052 9 1,374 8 1, 119 1 2, 778 Memphis, Tenn Deaf.. Ratio.. 35 1,077 36 1,125 23 1,385 13 1,083 17 1,609 3 782 3 763 7 2,113 3 1,458 12 900 13 844 a Including ChiDOSo, Japanoso, and Indians. TIIK DEAF AND D I'M II 469 Taisli. loa.— i>i:ak hut not dumb in cities containing 50,000 iniiaiutants ok Moni:, with hatios per 1,000,000 01' population, by sex, COLOli AND NATIVri'Y: 1890— Contiim.d. Milwaakw, Wis Doaf .. liiiiio.. llinnoapolis, MiDD Pcnf .. Katio.. >*a-*hvino. 'Vi'iiu Denf .. Katio.. Ken ark, N.J Deaf .. Katio.. ICcw Haven, Conn Deaf .. Katio.. Kew Orleans, I.a Deaf .. Katio.. Kew York, X. T Deaf.. Batio.. Omaha, Keb Deaf.. Katio.. Pate rson, N.J Deaf.. Katio.. Fliiladclphia, Ta Deaf .. Katio.. Pittsburg, Pa Deaf.. Katio.. ProTidcncc, K. I De.if . . Katio.. KoaUiiig, I'a Deaf . . Katio.. Eichmiind. Va Deaf . . Katiu.. Eochestcr, N. T Deaf.. Katio.. St. Joseph, Mo Deaf .. Ratio.. Bt. Loiiia, ilo Deaf .. Katio.. 6t.l':ml,Minn Deaf .. Katio.. San Francisco, Cal Deaf.. Katio'.. Bcranton, Pa Deaf . . Katio.. Byracnsc, N. T Deaf . . Katio.. Toledo, Ohio Deaf .. Katio.. Trenton, N. J Deaf.. Ratio.. Troy,N. T Deaf,. Ratio.. ■Wasliington, D. C Deaf . . Ratio.. Wilmington, Del Deaf Ratio.. Worcester, Mass Deaf .. Katio. Total. 145 709 117 710 39 512 145 797 90 1,107 201 830 965 637 » 45G 40 511 863 821 135 566 388 2,936 92 1,568 73 897 140 1,046 54 1,032 348 770 101 759 264 883 52 691 142 1,611 75 921 54 940 48 787 282 1,224 109 1,774 119 1,406 Male. 80 794 77 870 22 697 46 1,138 467 625 37 462 22 675 403 788 72 679 181 2,847 51 1,751 43 1,124 73 1,133 31 1,135 211 025 65 791 135 795 31 807 1,538 48 1,174 28 962 20 700 152 1,387 49 1,690 59 1,396 Female. 65 627 40 619 17 432 77 829 44 1,077 113 879 498 649 27 447 18 449 460 858 63 552 207 3,019 41 1,388 30 696 67 965 23 920 137 613 46 723 129 998 21 671 76 1,681 27 917 28 865 130 1,076 60 1,960 60 1,415 Total. Male. Female. 79 786 77 887 14 596 68 782 44 1,122 72 852 461 627 37 479 22 580 399 811 72 001 176 2,855 51 1,704 30 1,248 73 1,137 28 1,095 204 049 55 801 134 929 31 810 66 1,553 48 1,190 28 994 20 705 128 1,690 67 1,364 65 628 40 522 13 559 75 828 44 1,112 02 991 492 652 27 462 18 453 453 881 62 559 202 3,040 41 1,397 19 760 67 969 22 954 120 015 46 731 120 997 21 573 76 1,697 27 675 26 943 28 873 113 1,431 56 2,099 60 1,432 Native Lorn. Foroots native. Male. Female. 25 1,876 33 1,163 8 434 30 1,100 32 2,071 22 663 119 883 20 496 8 837 200 990 25 703 110 4,715 4C 2,007 24 1,244 19 977 14 866 55 915 18 1,097 33 11 1,196 33 1,997 23 1,637 21 1,693 14 1,606 73 1,394 31 40 2,645 14 1,000 16 632 24 835 30 1,945 36 941 138 1,014 10 353 12 1,180 240 1,131 18 634 114 4,664 36 1,495 14 685 20 1,270 10 708 36 614 17 1,164 32 1,114 9 990 46 2,626 13 957 18 1,335 11 1,101 76 1,383 37 2,281 42 2,714 One or both parent* foreign. Male. Female. 10 210 2 83 3 990 7 217 3 244 16 459 104 364 3 177 3 230 81 612 17 386 18 936 4 722 2D 311 10 432 22 414 3 195 5 335 4 270 1 132 13 948 3 228 19 373 2 80 3 945 11 322 4 314 21 549 108 365 7 459 90 543 21 477 21 1,035 2 610 1 331 11 390 8 1,397 43 438 33 612 4 265 10 623 6 316 3 402 5 390 21 1,386 U 1,791 6 878 Foreign boro. Male. Female. 44 1,070 42 1,227 3 1,479 31 1,120 34 2,064 238 757 30 750 48 2,513 1,096 6 3,186 37 1,910 10 2,595 120 1,918 27 928 79 1,369 17 1,244 28 2,539 21 1.833 812 4 601 42 4,339 10 2,111 14 1,039 32 828 22 837 1 575 40 1,443 10 875 30 2,066 246 763 10 672 123 901 23 693 67 3,172 3 1,513 4 2,686 30 1,409 4 1,249 50 913 12 5U0 61 1,394 8 673 20 1,781 846 5 757 12 1,296 16 1,811 13 986 Male. Female. 1 3,684 8 600 1,645 16 653 C 474 4 211 5 2,607 13 914 3 1,713 528 1 '33 24 709 4 1,071 2 4,116 4 249 21 688 S 4S1 7 327 1 SOS 5 2,3M 11 606 1 5U 8 579 8 1,075 17 40« 4 1,015 470 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 193.— CONGENITA!, DEAF UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OYER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. Total. Hale. Female. wniTE. COLO Total. STutivo bom. Foreign born. RED. AGE PERIODS. Porenta native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. ' 1 Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. The United States . ... 16,806 9,170 7,696 8,113 6,901 5,653 5,019 1,522 1,163 938 719 1,057 795 Age: 7,030 9,617 219 3,751 5,305 U4 3,279 4, 312 105 3,230 4,786 97 2,880 3,930 91 2,190 3,387 76 2,120 2,828 71 830 685 7 595 561 7 210 714 14 105 541 13 521 519 17 399 882 14 4,311 2,355 '1,956 2,328 1,933 1,478 1.2S8 541 398 309 247 27 2S Age: 1,478 2,802 31 267 800 1,537 18 152 678 1,265 13 115 792 1,518 18 152 673 1,247 13 116 435 1,029 14 133 413 863 12 100 285 254 8 198 200 72 235 2 11 02 184 1 11 8 19 5 18 MninA 4 Age: 77 188 2 126 47 103 07 30 85 47 103 2 67 30 85 41 91 1 53 24 76 3 6 2 2 3 7 1 8 4 7 59 59 47 6 5 7 Age: 20 98 2 102 11 55 1 55 15 43 1 47 11 55 1 65 15 43 1 47 9 43 1 45 10 30 1 36 6' 2 3 2 6 3 4 7 7 3 4 Age: 27 74 1. 508 11 43 1 311 16 31 11 43 1 307 16 31 8 30 1 170 10 26 2 6 6 1 2 1 3 257 253 149 76 50 55 54 4 4 Age: 164 401 3 07 81 228 2 31 83 173 1 26 81 224 30 82 170 1 25 32 143 1 18 30 113 36 40 30 20 13 41 1 8 16 37 1 5 4' 1 3 10 4 4 1 1 Ago: 17 39 1 221 8 23 9 16 1 103 8 22 8 16 1 101 2 16 82 4 11 1 73 3 1 3 1 3 5 1 4 i" 1 Xnt Htit^^ 1 118 117 22 13 13 15 1 a Age: 69 150 2 1,898 37 80 1 709 32 70 1 020 36 80 1 761 32 08 1 621 20 61 1 330 22 50 1 347 12 10 4 9 4 9 6 9 1 a ITcwTork 251 186 120 88 8 8 Ago: G35 857 6 283 J02 178 3 1,289 298 467 4 148 237 300 2 135 298 459 4 139 237 382 2 133 120 267 3 82 123 222 2 90 154 • 96 1 35 101 85 24 96 13 75 20 v*'-ir« and over.. 8 8 28 22 15 9 2 Ago: 48 99 1 704 64 79 2 585 45 03 1 700 S3 78 2 979 22 DO 1 409 S4 54 2 430 18 17 IS 13 5 17 4 11 8 6 1 1 132 101 69 48 4 6 Ago: Under 20 yearn 401 817 11 259 439 6 202 378 5 255 4:i» 6 200 374 G 181 313 6 ir.o 275 5 67 74 1 30 65 17 52 U 34 4 2 4 HolsUitod THE DHAF AND DUMB. 471 ,..„« ..r MV \M. •■(. YF.AHS OF A«E AM) OVEK. WITH DISm'CTION Unilor 20 yoara 20 years aud over NotsUtcd 472 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 193.— CONGENITAL DEAF UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OTER. AVITII DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. Total. Malo. Female. WHITE. Total. Native horn. Foreign horn. COLOEKD. AGE PERIODS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Korth Contral division— Continued. Indiana 608 317 291 304 284 232 212 41 52 31 20 13 7 Age: Under 20 years 252 350 6 856 122 191 4 463 130 159 2 393 117 184 3 458 125 157 2 390 101 129 2 237 97 113 2 227 15 20 24 28 1 29 1 84 4 16 6 7 1 5 6 2 Isot stated 137 108 55 3 Age: Under 20 ypars 370 481 5 510 206 254 3 273 164 227 2 237 203 252 3 271 162 226 2 237 100 128 3 116 102 123 2 118 81 56 52 56 16 68 8 47 3 2 2 1 Not stated Michigan 84 62 71 57 2 Age: Under 20 years 206 294 10 495 97 172 4 301 100 122 6 194 97 170 4 300 109 122 6 193 33 82 1 49 47 70 1 41 48 35 1 165 40 19 3 94 16 no 20 years and over S3 1 sq 2 No't stated 2 86 2 58 1 I Age: Under 20 years 206 278 11 336 12S 171 6 201 81 107 6 135 125 170 6 201 80 107 6 135 17 32 43 18 20 3 37 88 74 3 84 48 46 20 64 2 74 14 41 3 42 i' 1 Ko't stated MinriAPOta , . . 56 Age: Under 20 years 174 158 4 428 100 98 3 250 74 60 1 172 100 98 3 256 74 60 1 171 22 20 1 130 21 10 67 27 40 16 21 51 2 51 13 28 1 33 20 years and over KotBtated Iowa 95 69 43 1 Age: 168 254 G 724 103 150 3 401 65 104 3 323 103 150 3 375 65 103 3 315 54 79 3 305 39 65 248 36 33 51 24 18 1 62 13 38 19 2 30 1 15 1 Not statct 8tat*'ii 6 « 4 58 Age: 283 270 17 490 137 151 260 146 128 11 224 102 118 4 149 118 10.-. 4 ISl 96 114 4 144 113 102 4 146 3 3 i 3 \ 2 35 33 2 117 28 23 7 73 5 4 1 Ago: 232 •]D2 C 354 127 134 5 18G 105 118 1 168 73 74 2 94 70 74 1 87 70 72 2 89 74 71 1 82 I 2 2 54 60 3 02 » 44 1 Kot stAtod 5 2 1 3 SI Age: 173 17S 3 347 187 163 1 632 92 92 192 81 80 1 155 50 44 44 42 1 113 47 42 44 28 3 2 1 42 48 2 57 37 44 2 2 1 2 135 114 GO 16 15 5 42 Age: 98 93 1 290 89 «0 09 65 1 225 08 45 63 5U I 191 CO 36 10 8 7 29 28- 21 21 5 2 l^o't Slated Texas 23C 185 153 20 18 14 U 71 51 Asa: 307 220 S 8 1GG 120 1 3 141 91 4 5 128 97 105 70 4 5 101) 82 2 91 53 4 2 14 10 6 S 4 10 38 32 1 1 36 15 K vearK and over 1 ICot stated Western di\ ision 267 189 149 119 76 M 42 26 Ago: I'ndcr 20 yenra 210 234 120 139 3 7 93 95 3 4 125 1^9 3 7 92 94 3 4 .W 91 1 5 59 67 i 3 j 1 56 20 28 16 12 23 2 2 5 21 1 1 1 Kot staud Mod lana 1 2 Age: I'ndiT 20 vrara 3 8 2 5 I 3 2 5 1 3 1 4 1 I 1 J 2 Kotstatod 474 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUjMB, AND BLIND. Table 193.— COV'^EXITAL DEAF UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITII DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1880— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. Total. Kative bom. Foreign bom. COLORED. AQE PERIODS. ParentB native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Hale. Female. Male. Female. Mole. Female. Male. Female. Weetora diviBion— Confinucd. 7 C 1 6 1 5 1 1 Age: 2 S 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 20 venrs and over 1 1 1 ^ot stated 7* 39 35 38 35 27 27 7 7 4 1 1 Age: 42 32 20 19 22 13 19 19 22 13 13 14 17 10 4 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 Xot stated 4fi 30 16 30 16 28 15 2 1 Age: Under 20 years 24 22 14 16 10 6 14 16 10 12 10 9 6 2 1 20 vcars and over l^ot stated Arizona 2 2 2 1 1 ...*.. Age: Under 20 rears 20 years and over 2 2 2 1 1 Kotstated Utah 39 20 19 20 19 1 6 10 7 G Age: Under 20 years 10 23 12 8 4 15 12 8 4 15 1 1 5 8 2 3 4 3 C 20 vears and over C Kot sUted Kevada 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 Age: Under 20 years 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 20 vearaand over 1 kotstated * HaJin 10 4 6 4 3 3 1 2 1 Age: Under 20 yearn 2 7 1 28 2 3 1 9 3 1 9 3 13 1 1 1 D i 1 1 20 years and over 4 4 1 Kot sUted WaabingtoQ 19 19 3 3 3 1 1 Age: Under 20 years 17 11 11 8 6 8 11 8 6 8 8 4 1 • 3 2 1 20 years and over 3 1 Kotatalud 67 40 27 40 26 29 19 7 3 4 4 1 Ago: Under 20 years 26 41 IS 25 11 16 15 25 10 16 g 20 8 11 6 2 2 1 1 3 1 20 yearn and over 4 NotaUlod California 171 99 72 09 71 30 43 46 17 17 11 1 Ago : Under 20 years 84 82 S 4» 47 3 35 35 2 40 47 3 35 34 2 12 23 1 19 22 "5 34 12 12 5 3 12 2 4 7 20 yearn and over NotsLatud 1 TlIK DKAF AND Kl'MB. 475 Taiji.i! I»1.— DKAF AND Dl'MH, KXCUISIVK Ol' TllK CONCKMTAI. Dr.AI'. I'NPKU 2<1 YKAKH OF AfiK AND 20 YEAK8 OF AUL AXU OYER, WITU UISTINUTION OF SliX, COLOU, ANU NATIVITY, IIY.STATKS AM) TEUJilTOKlKS: IKX). KOt rKUIODS. The 1'nitoil Statos. rrt'sont apo: Under -0 yoara — £0 years n'lul uvcr. . Kot stated I>CBfiies years and over K ot stated Deafness oeenrred 10 to 20 years — I'reseiit a;;e: Under U'O years 2i' years aiid over Not staled ... Deafness oecurred 20 years and ovcr- I'n-sent a;;e: 20 years and over N o t 8 ta t od Deafness occurroil not stated — Present age : Under 20 years 20 years and over Hot stated Korth Atlantic division . Present ago: Under 20 years.... 2U ye.ir8 and over. Kotslated , Deafness occnrrcd under 5 years — Prejwnt :ige: Under 'M years 20 years and over Kot stated Deafness oeenrred 5 to 10 years- Present aye : V nder 20 years 20 yeai"a and over KotHtateil Deaf ni>s9 oecurred 10 to 20 years- Present sj;e: Un«ier 20 years 20 ye;irs and over Not utated Deafness occurred 20 years and over- I'reseiit a;;e: 20 yrars and over Not slated Deafness occorred not stiited- l*r<'s»-nt ago: Under 20 years 20 ye;irs and over Not staled Uaine. Present ago: Under 20 years... 20 years and over. Niit stated Deafness oecurred undcrSyears- Presenl age Undrr -0 years , 20 years and over Not staled Deafness oecurred 5 to 10 years — Present age; Under 20 years 20 years and over Kot stated TotiU. 23,89(1 9.281 14. 148 267 002 ,2J3 28 200 1, 102 17 354 4 983 2,282 94 2,342 4,030 09 1,831 2,510 30 241 G99 9 43 325 3 227 1,028 20 67 281) i 53 141 1 Male. 13,241 6,109 7,880 102 3,999 4,552 68 534 1,213 18 117 COI 12 206 549 1,3U8 62 3,841 1,307 2,497 37 1,031 1,330 20 123 380 5 22 162 1 131 679 10 194 40 152 2 Female. 10,455 4,082 6,208 105 3.108 3,016 56 458 1,029 10 83 501 5 148 433 974 32 3,200 1,035 2,133 32 800 1,171 10 118 319 4 21 163 96 449 10 27 137 2 Total. Male. 12,526 4,851 7,527 148 3, 786 4,412 04 482 1,155 15 101 559 11 188 2 482 1,213 56 3,807 1,292 2,478 37 1,020 1,331 20 121 370 102 1 10 40 Female. 9,007 3,818 6,988 101 2,949 3,507 56 408 970 08 468 5 137 2 393 900 29 3,109 1,025 2,112 32 792 1,169 16 118 317 4 21 159 2 94 436 10 160 27 137 2 Native bom. Paronta native. Male. 8,360 »,125 5,117 118 2.448 3,031 49 277 744 8 56 373 10 131 1 344 838 50 2,376 087 1,060 29 538 900 14 57 231 4 12 108 1 80 392 9 30 135 2 Female. 2,575 4,172 80 1,999 2,470 43 241 061 7 43 322 4 292 026 24 562 1,478 24 449 817 10 48 212 " 3 9 114 2 56 312 9 18 114 2 One or both parcnis foreign. Mole. 2,740 1,418 1,309 19 1,117 812 11 159 254 5 103 133 t 3 967 497 463 7 Female. 1,088 093 984 11 707 020 9 127 167 1 81 U2 1 351 339 261 224 5 51 Foralsn bom. Male. 1,420 308 1,101 11 221 500 4 4« 157 2 35 242 3 461 108 355 1 79 156 1 11 117 19 Female. 1,003 250 832 10 183 417 4 40 148 1 20 162 4 409 112 295 82 128- 1 Male. 348 14 213 140 4 18 Femala. sa 204 280 4 159 109 69 6S 1 15 83 40 74 8 31 10 21 S U 476 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 194.— DEAF AND DTJJIB, EXCLUSIVE OF THE CONGENITAL DEAF, UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX. COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. wnn-E. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. COLORED. AOB PEIUODS. Parents native. ' One or both pai'euts foreign. Uale. Female. Male. Female. ' 1 Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. North Atlantic division— Maine— Cont'd. Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: 18 9 9 9 9 9 7 2 Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present flge: 5 4 1 4 1 3 1 1 Deafness occurred not stated — Preseut Pge: 8 81 3 195 C 39 2 113 2 45 1 82 C 39 2 113 2 45 1 82 4 33 2 90 1 30 1 67 2 4 1 2 3 1 1 10 5 13 10 Present age: 37 155 3 32 88 2 3 12 21 90 2 17 48 2 3 9 16 65 1 15 40 21 90 2 17 48 2 3 16 03 1 15 40 13 76 1 11 41 1 1 8 11 65 1 11 32 3 6 1 3 4 1 1 4 5 8 4 6 Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present ago: 1 4 3 3 3 4 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present a^e: 2 3 3 3 I Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years— Prese-Dt ago : 8 7 1 7 1 4 1 3 SeafnrBB occurred 20 years and over- Present age: 2 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 Deafness occurred not stated- Present ago: 2 1 l.iO 1(11 . 33 73 2 2 13 1 25 1 20 1 01 1 23 1 20 1 61 1 22 5? 1 2 18 1 44 1 2 78 78 16 » 7 8 " Prosent age: 20 57 1 18 40 1 I 10 41 1 15 33 1 1 7 20 57 1 18 40 1 1 G 16 44 1 15 33 1 1 7 10 45 8 36 8 7 1 7 4 1 S 3 1 5 3 1 2 5 3 5 Deafnenn occurred under ycara- Prewut ago: 9 32 8 25 1 2 * 5 .... DcifneiiS r.EED. ACE PKBIOSS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mole. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fcm.ile. Male. Female. Male. Female. ITortli Atlantic division — Connecticut — Cont. Dcaluess occurrctl 10 to 20 years— Present a^c: 2 21 1 6 1 15 1 G 1 14 5' 1 1 2 ! i 1 i 1 l>onfness occorred 20 years and over— 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 Dearneita ooooxred not 8tat4ul— Pre^'ieiit ase: 3 22 1 2,441 3 11 3 11 h' 1 704 1 6 2' 1 i 11 1 1,355 11 1 1,344 4 4 Not stated 1.086 1,079 588 461 332 179 159 11 7 Present agt*: 929 1,493 10 730 846 10 95 230 3 16 104 1 20 523 822 10 414 456 6 40 132 2 8 54 406 671 9 316 390 4 40 104 1 8 60 1 7 520 814 10 411 451 6 46 130 8 54 403 067 9 313 300 4 49 104 1 8 50 1 229 400 9 176 252 6 21 03 1 4 30 9 188 393 7 149 231 3 15 63 250 210 1 205 128 21 47 1 3 15 175 156 1 133 98 1 20 28 41 30 71 40 118 1 31 61 3 8 3 i Deafness occurred under 5 years- l*r*-sent nge: 3 5 8 Deafness occorred 5 to 10 years- Present ngc: Under ilO Tears 4 20 8 23 1 20 rears nnd over 1 " Pcarnofts occurred 10 to 20 years — Prescn r ago : 4 31 1 3 4 10 1 9 Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Preseut ngc: 2o \'ear8 and over-. 13 13 1 1 3 4 Xot stated Deafness ocoarred not stated- Pn-M-iitage: "♦ 88 287 5 481 65 167 2 207 33 120 3 214 55 166 2 263 33 116 8 209 28 112 2 105 20 75 3 144 21 19 12 20 35 1 21 1 4 02 30 30 sr, 4 A Present age: 155 323 3 104 138 1 14 41 87 180 68 143 3 47 09 1 4 21 86 177 66 138 3 47 59 1 4« 119 51 45 97 2 31 42 33 29 23 13 U 15 1 9 8 1 1 3 7 29 9 26 1 3 i Deafness orcarrcd under S years- I'rescnl iim-: 57 77 .'.7 71! 7 12 7 1 Deafne-H uccurrud 5 to 10 years — Pn?ifiil agi- : 10 20 10 20 7 13 3 13 3 5 2 3 } Ik ol stated Dcafnf->>H occurred 10 to 20 years- Present agi;: 4 27 2 U 2 10 2 11 2 15 2 8 1 13 i' 1 2 2 1 Kot stated T' ' 1 1 rrcd 20 years and over— 4 33 115 2 2 18 70 2 15 46 2 2 17 OB 2 15 43 2 2 10 45 2 10 27 2 :... Mai«i Deafni-An oeeunrtl iKit atAt«ll — l*IT»r-nl age; Cmler 2'> vnarn 7 10 3 * is' 2 12 1 2 3 Mo'taUMl I i THE DEAF AND DUMB. 479 tji-Dl.K 191.- -DEAP AND DUMB, EXCLUSIVE OP THE CONGENITA!^ DEAF, TINDER 20 YEAR.S OP AGE AND 20 YEARS OP AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Continued. 'Jotal. Slalo. Female. waiTE. cou Total. Kntivo bom. Foreign bom. )aBD. AGB PBBI0D8. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Malo. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Femola. North Atlantic division— Continued. 2,071 1,146 925 1,134 912 782 052 255 189 07 71 12 13 rrosent afio: 751 1,291 29 592 079 14 73 227 4 10 89 2 19 1 76 277 8 2,445 423 707 10 334 355 7 42 120 7 47 1 7 1 40 172 5 1,330 328 534 13 258 321 7 31 101 2 3 42 1 12 415 703 10 328 355 41 125 2 7 47 1 7 1 39 109 5 1,007 323 576 13 2.^.5 324 7 31 101 2 3 40 1 12 277 492 13 216 256 5 22 84 2 35 1 5 1 33 112 4 911 211 432 9 171 237 4 17 81 2 29 I 10 117 135 3 95 74 2 16 23 85 101 3 62 67 2 11 14 21 76 17 25 3 13 27 43 1 22 20 1 3 6 8 4 6 8 Dnafnoss occurred under 5 years— ripsMiit ace: a 3 DoftfncKs occurred 5 to 10 years— i'ri'.scnt ago: 1 1 Deafnosa occurred 10 to 20 years- Present a^e: 1 1 5 6 6 2 Not stated Denfiieas occurred 20 years and over- IVfsi'nt age: 2 2 1 ^'i>*t stated Dearness occurred not stated — rrcscnt nso: 36 105 3 1,115 34 99 3 801 21 75 2 777 5 23 1 6i 11 13 1 56 1 32 2 li 1 3 2 6 32 28 323 254 Present age: 1,029 1,372 44 090 703 13 129 217 5 23 135 3 GO 1 182 257 22 54 527 707 30 348 402 9 07 105 4 15 82 3 38 502 605 8 342 301 4 02 112 1 13 63 367 613 27 265 343 38 90 3 7 57 3 30 369 485 7 267 2.')5 4 35 87 1 6 37 344 642 25 251 309 32 72 2 50 3 25 55 86 14 22 343 427 7 245 229 ~4 33 72 1 5 34 10 47 1 8 20 25 81 7 24 1 6 8 1 27 100 154 9 ai 59 3 29 15 1 8 25 133 J20 1 75 46 Deafness occurred under 5 years- rrt'^cnt age: 21 17 1 9 Not stated Denfiiofls occnrre*) 5 to 10 j-c.irs — rresciitnge: lTlitler2U vr.lrs 5 13 1 1 3 i5 1 5 27 25 5 Not stated Deafness oceurrcd 10 to 20 years — rresent age: Under 20 years 1 1 7 IS 4 2 Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present ago: "l 85 117 2 26 21 1 61 85 1 24 16 1 60 70 1 22 *> 5 3 8 1 Not stated Deafness occurred not stated — Present aco : 97 140 20 28 57 93 15 28 5 1 1 40 47 5 24 32 1 3 1 3 8 Not stated Delaware 3 2 Present ago: Under 20 Tears 21 33 9 19 12 14 9 19 11 13 8 14 11 11 1 1 1 3 2 Not stjited Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present a<;e: Under 20 Tears 10 12 4 8 4 4 8 r, 4 4 5 4 1 20 Years aiid over 1 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Pre.*»ent apo : Under 20 years 3 8 3 4 3 4 5' 3 3 4 4 1 1 Hot stated 480 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 19-1.— DEAF AND DUMB, EXCLUSIVE OV THE CONGENITAL DEAF, UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OP ' AGE AND OVER, WITH ni\ OF SEX, COLOR, ANM NATIVITY, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WHITK. Total. Kative born. Foreign bom. COLORED. AGE PEBIODS. Farects native. One or both parents Ibix-ign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Soath Atlantic division— Delaware— Cont'd. l)eafiit?-3 ocvurrefim. aiiKO. AOB PERIODS. raren ts native. One nr both parentH foreign. Male. Female. Hale. Female. Uale. Female. Male. Female. Hale. Female. South Atlantic division— C'ontimicd. 487 230 252 5 147 183 3 33 32 1 4 15 1 8 257 230 193 168 187 163 4 2 2 8 04 e2 Present ago : 112 142 3 71 79 1 19 14 1 2 9 1 7 118 110 76 54 2 14 18 73 117 3 48 07 1 13 13 1 1 7 1 6 81 82 65 44 8 13 72 112 3 48 65 1 12 13 1 1 7 1 5 83 78 2 55 42 2 7 11 i 1 1 1 1 30 2S 34 28 3 Dcnfneen ocruriccl under 5 i, ears— rr»*8ont ajjc: 23 12 21 2 2 10 DenfnesH occnrrcd 5 to 10 yoars— Present ago: 1.::::::: 1 1 1 1 6 1 s 1 5 De.Tfnesrt orciim-d 10 to 20 yoais— Present i»ge : 2 C I 1 4 1 2 1 2 Deafness occurred 20 years and ovvr — Present ajic : 1 1 1 1 1 Present a^e: Under liO \'6ar8 4G 64 20 t 33 26 31 11 24 20 20 11 22 20 20 9 9 g 2 u Not stated 2S!) lOfl 180 3 95 98 151 138 144 133 132 110 6 11 3 7 6 Preaent age: 53 95 3 47 57 53 85 49 93 2 44 57 52 81 46 84 2 41 50 45 74 6' 7 4 5 4, 2 1 3 1 4 3 Kotstatcil Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present ago: 48 41 47 39 40 35 5' 7 2 3 2 I 2 2 Slot slated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present age: G 3j 3 U 3 21 2 14 3 21 14 3 18 1 20 years and over 1 i 1 1 1 Kot stated 1 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: Undt-r 20 years 1 'I 7 1 8 1 5 1 7 1 5 1 1 5 20 years and over 10 9 » 1 1 1 Kot stattd Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present age : 2 2 2 Not stated 1 Deafness occurred not stated- Present ago : Under 20 vears 4 22 2 404 175 218 11 114 321 1 15 31 2 11 227 11 2 10 1 182 2 10 2 9 1 181 2 10 1 1 1 45 1 Not staled 177 142 142 1 35 Present age: 94 123 10 58 05 1 6 15 81 95 I 56 56 78 94 10 53 54 1 5 12 65 76 49 48 78 93 10 53 64 1 5 11 65 76 I 49 48 ' 1 16 29 IS 20 years and over 1 19 Not stated 1 Deafness occurred under 5 years — Present ago: Under 20 years 1 5 U 7 20 venra and over 8 " Deafness oceuiTed 5 to 10 years — Present ago: Under 20 vears 9 10 7 10 7 10 1 3 2 20 vrurs and over 1 e Not stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: Under 20 years 4 27 1 1 17 1 3 10 1 14 1 1 8 1 1 8 a 1 > 1 Not stated 1 1 7176 INS 31 482 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 194.— DEAF AND DI'MB, EXCLUSIVE OF THE CONGENITAL DEAF, UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OP AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Coutiiuiod. TotaL Mole. Fomalo. wniTE. COLO TotaL Native born. Foreign bom. CED. AGE FEIU0D3. Parents native. One or both parents fon-i^ii. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. 1 Female. ; Male. Female. 8oDtb Atlantic division— North Carolina — ContinutHl. I>eafiie»8 oiyiirrod 2Q years and over— Preseut agf ; 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 Dcafne 10 5 2 1 1 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present affe: 4 41 1 17 3 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Present nge: 11 12 3 Not stated Deafness occurred not stated- Present ape : 65 58 2 192 43 58 10 Ul 4 72 3 8 1 16 2 2 1 10 Not stated Ohio 134 Present ape: T7ndor 20 vears 019 l.a.io 4C9 C41 70 173 325 687 17 2.10 302 6 88 93 294 463 5 219 279 3 32 80 322 574 17 249 356 6 37 89 287 400 5 210 278 3 30 80 244 385 12 191 238 3 25 62 221 320 5 165 202 3 22 B3 09 120 3 52 3 10 13 51 83 69 2 S 35 15 57 3 13 7 3 Not stateil Deafness occurred nnder 5 years- Present ago: 41 46 10 30 I 6 8 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present ago: Under 20 years 5 18 2 14 3 9 1 * a 20 years and over Mot stated 484 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 194.— DEAF AND DUMB, EXCLT'SIVK OF THE CONGENITAL DEAF. UNDER 20 YEAKS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OP AGE AND OVEK, WITH DISTESCTION OF SEX, COLOE, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Coutiuued. ■■ Total. Male. Tcmaie. WHITE. Total. Native bom. Forcitjn born. COLOEED. AQS PERIODS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Hale. Female. Male. Female. Hale. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Kortli Central division— Ohio— Continnod. Dearncss occurred 10 to 20 years- Present »ee: 20 81 6 29 1 60 126 6 1,229 11 48 S 18 1 26 66 5 700 9 33 1 11 11 47 5 17 1 25 65 5 692 8 ■ 32 1 11 1 7 29 9 7 19 1 7 4 10 1 7 i 1 6 S 1 5 1 1 7 1 DearuenH occurred 20 years and over — Present :ij;e: 3 4 1 Deafuess occurred not stated— 34 60 529 33 69 1 525 21 47 5 561 27 39 1 439 3 11 I 1 11 1 1 1 1 Kotfltnted ... 108 67 23 19 8 4 Present ace : 486 725 18 397 450 8 43 128 3 11 62 1 20 273 420 7 224 271 1 21 70 1 38 1 9 213 30,1 U 173 179 22 53 2 4 24 269 417 G 220 269 1 21 70 1 7 37 210 304 11 170 179 7 22 :8 2 4 24 218 339 4 178 228 15 49 4 30 185 244 10 153 144 6 17 47 2 2 18 49 57 2 41 31 1 5 10 1 I 23 44 2 21 2 16 1 1 11 1 1 3 4 3 1 4 2 8 1 Xo*t stated DeafnfSR occurred under 5 years- Present a^c: 16 24 1 10 8 DeafncFs occurred 5 to 10 years— Prfftent ago: rnd ears and over Deafness occurred not stated — Pre-si'ut ago: 18 2U 1 883 11 14 7 12 1 343 11 14 7 12 1 348 C 1 3 G 3 5 5 3 5 1 4 1 36 530 533 306 206 157 106 70 3 1 Present age: 364 510 11 277 327 6 S3 91 217 312 7 1C5 197 2 29 55 147 198 4 112 130 4 24 36 215 311 7 163 197 2 29 55 147 107 4 112 129 4 24 36 131 171 4 102 110 2 10 ■M 80 122 4 CO 83 4 10 20 78 77 2 56 50 58 48 6 03 1 5 37 9 2 1 1 Deafness occurred under 5 years— Prosentnse: 44 28 8 18 2 1 Deafnesd occnrred 5 to 10 years- Present -.lilll: i:i 15 13 13 io' 1 3 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: 10 35 8 25 2 10 8 24 lij 3 12 2 8 [J 8 2 4 1 Deafnc-ss occurred 20 years and over- Present ago: 19 16 3 10 3 8 1 2 C 2 Deafnrgs occarrcd not stated— TrestBit age: 24 38 5 1,274 15 19 5 689 9 19 15 071 9 19 10 11 2 507 8 10 4 2 119 1 5 1 6 1 43 4 Itiasouri 685 573 421 116 33 18 12 Present aRc: 548 714 12 417 422 4 56 127 2 7 33 307 374 8 235 210 33 CC 1 4 17 241 340 4 1R2 212 2 23 01 1 3 16 299 365 7 229 208 2 32 02 1 4 17 236 334 3 178 2U8 22 00 225 275 7 177 102 2 22 45 1 1 13 177 244 3 131 161 2 13 40 62 67 53 63 12 33 6 27 8 9 1 6 2 5 1 DeafocAs occurred under 5 j'eors — PrcHent aRe: 44 33 44 36 8 13 3 11 4 4 "^ Not stated ' Pre«MfneKH fK-cnrred 10 to 20 years — PrewKt jige: 3 16 3 13 3 2 3 2 Deafnfftn occurred 20 years and over — Present np»: 11 7 4 7 4 5 3 1 1 1 KuL ntAtul ^Deafn''»» orrnnrd oot atatMl — 68 121 ~_ 6 3S 74 C 33 47 1 M 71 1 4 33 46 1 25 BU 4 30 27 1 8 3 10 3 13 1 3 1 9 1 Jiot nluled THE DEAF AND DUMB. 487 Tablb 194.— deaf and DUMB, EXCLUSIVK OF TIIK CONOKNITAL DKAF, UNDER 20 YEARS OF AOE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVEK, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Contiuucd. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. Total. Native l)om. Foreign bom. COLOBID. AaB PEBI0D8. Parents native. Ono or both parents foreign. Malo. Feinalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Fomalc. Male. Female. North Conlr.ll division— Continued. 07 43 24 43 24 6 9 14 3 21 12 Vre.sent ngo: 27 40 20 23 7 17 20 23 7 17 3 5 4 5 9 D 3 8 13 20 years and ovor 12 DoafnesA occurred under 5 yoara — Present flpo : 21 29 14 IG 7 13 14 18 7 13 2 4 4 4 8 3 3 4 g Deafue.ss occurred 5 to 10 years— rresn.tacc: 3 7 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 20 years aiid over 3 3 1 1 2 Dearucss occurred 10 to 20 yoara— rrosintnge: 2 2 i o 1 1 1 1 i' 20 yiars aiid over 1 1 Deafness occnrrod 20 years and over- Present nj;e: Dcafnesfl occurred not staled— Tresi-ut age : 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 20 years aiid over 120 0.9 57 09 57 28 24 20 20 21 13 Present age : C3 01 43 35 29 38 2 17 21 34 23 20 14 29 38 2 17 21 34 23 14 14 10 8 9 10 1 6 5 12 8 14 1 4 8 6 7 Deafness occurred under 5 years— Present ajXO; 20 14 7 8 12 4 10 G 4 4 20 yeiiFH and over ^ Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present aee: 7 14 1 4 3 10 2 1 4 4 3 10 2 1 4 4 3 4 3 1 \ 3 1 1 2 3 1 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: 4 4 » 1 Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present age; , Deafness occurred not stated — Present ago: 12 6 8 7 4 1 8 7 4 1 4 '2 1 2 2 2 n 3 1 1 410 237 179 237 177 150 111 46 41 41 25 a Present ape: Under 20 years !... 157 256 3 119 147 2 15 31 1 89 147 1 69 80 1 8 17 G8 1(19 2 .lO 67 1 7 14 1 89 147 1 09 80 1 8 17 67 108 2 50 60 1 7 14 1 56 93 1 45 57 1 4 9 47 63 1 35 35 1 7 10 22 24 17 13 16 24 1 11 17 11 30 4 21 1 1 Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present ago : 7 10 4 14 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Present ago: 2 5 2 3 2 1 2 Mot stated 488 INSA>sE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 194.— DEAF AND DUMB, EXCH'SIVE OF THE CONGENITAL DEAF, UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OP AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Continued. ToUl. Ualc. 1 Female. WHITE. COLC • Total. Xativc bom. Foroig n bom. RED. AGE PERIODS. Parents native. One or both paronts foreign. Hale. Female. Male. Female. Uale. Female. Ualo. Female. Male. Female, Horth Central division— Nebraska— Cont'd. Dt-aliicHs occurred 10 lo 20 years— Vreet-iit ajie: 4 23 3 13 1 9 3 13 1 9 2 7 1 7 1 3 3 2 1 Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Tresent age: 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 . De.ifncss occnrred not stated— rrescnt ace: 19 t>3 9 35 10 18 9 35 9 18 5 19 4 10 3 2 5 5 1 14 1 3 803 4CG 337 457 329 362 264 61 36 31 29 D t Present ago: 334 472 7 200 317 3 33 66 183 279 4 154 185 2 11 4U 141 193 3 106 132 1 22 26 177 270 4 150 184 2 n 39 138 189 2 105 129 1 20 26 145 214 3 126 142 1 6 29 119 145 20 38 12 23 1 9 20 1 1 2 6 24 1 5 17 1 i' 7 21 1 A C 3 4 1 8 4 X Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present ago: 91 98 19 25 I 1 Deafness occnrred 5 to 10 years- Present see: 18 20 6 9 1 4 i' a D<»afnc«i8 occurred 10 to 20 years— l*resent age: 7 33 C 20 1 13 4 20 1 13 3 17 1 10 1 2 20 years and over 3 1 2 :: ■.■.".'■"I ::: Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Presen t a gc : 17 11 6 11 5 7 5 4 1 ::::::::: DcAfness occurred not stated- Prejtent age: 24 39 4 2,910 13 23 2 1,662 12 16 2 1,24« 12 22 2 1,373 12 16 1 1,028 10 19 2 1,242 9 12 2 1 2 .*,' 1 4 1 33 20 rears and over "Not stated -. 1 289 1 flMith Central division 933 79 62 52 220 Present age : ** "Under 20 Tears 1,317 1,503 30 981 680 14 132 252 3 32 142 750 897 15 564 511 8 72 140 3 18 78 567 660 IJ 417 369 go 112 COS 753 12 468 4r.i 7 54 111 1 12 64 466 548 14 353 322 42 88 555 675 12 429 409 48 KK) 1 9 67 435 484 14 329 291 6 39 79 46 33 27 35 7 45 4 29 142 144 3 96 60 1 18 29 6 14 101 20 years and over 118 1 DeafncKR occurred under 5 years — Priwnt age: 36 19 21 21 3 23 3 10 C4 47 Prt sent age: 3 7 3 3 *> 4 o' 18 24 Ko't stated Drafiiriiii orriirrcil 10 to 20 yc«r»— Pr<»»nt 0K<-: 14 7 52 7 40 3 4 7 3 7 la II irred 20 years and over— 39 21 18 13 10 9 10 1 3 8 8 DMfnrix iMTiirrccl not aUtcd— Prrwnt nt:'': I'mliT 2*1 vmrn .....•..••... 172 250 13 06 147 4 76 103 9 74 114 4 04 70 8 08 100 4 60 04 8 4 2 3 2 12 1 22 33 It Z7 Hot (laud I THE DEAF AND DUMB. 489 Tabmc 194.— deaf ANP DUMB, KXCHTSIVE OK THE C0N01:nITAL DEAF, UNDEK 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OP AUE AND OVER, WITH DISTINUTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Continned. Total. Male. Female. wnrns. Total. Native bom. Foreien born. coijOBm. AOB PERIODS. Parent s native. One or liol li parents foreign. Mole. Female. Male. Female. Uale. Female, Hale. Female. Hole. Female. Soiitl) rontrni divinion — Continued. eos 355 253 314 220 270 202 29 15 • 41 27 Proeont ngo: VTuder 20 vcarfl 263 337 8 200 190 5 21 58 156 195 4 115 114 2 13 34 107 142 4 »4 85 3 8 24 135 175 4 102 105 8 29 97 125 4 86 70 3 6 17 115 157 4 85 97 2 8 25 90 108 4 79 70 3 6 14 19 10 9 1 8 1 8 21 20 10 17 Nut stated Drafnrs!) wcnrrcd nnder 5 jeare— Pivsent H^e: ■; G 1 3 1 13 9 8 « DcaTnrss noenrred 5 to 10 years— rreseiit ;ii:o: 5 5 a 7 20 voar« jind over 2 1 2 2 Kot alated D.'cfncsa orcnired 10 to 20 years- Present a^e: I'nder 20 vf ars 8 34 7 19 1 15 1 6 18 1 4 15 ll 2 1 1 3 :::::::;; ' 1 Nii't stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Prrsi'lit age: -It \ cars and over 5 3 3 1 2 1 1 ^"t stated :;:::;:::::::;:;: Deafness occurred not stated — Present ago; 25 41 3 533 21 20 2 297 4 15 1 1 1 230 ! 1 19 21 2 243 4 13 1 206 18 19 228 4 11 1 198 1 2 S 20 years and over 9. 2 3 Not stated X*nne«see 8 2 7 6 54 30 Present age : Under 20 Tears 244 281 8 1S4 160 4 16 45 1 3 32 140 154 3 114 81 9 29 1 1 18 104 127 j 5 1 1 80 79 '» 1 " 7 1 16 , HO 131 2 91 75 2 8 21 93 i 108 1 5 71 , 71 2 .1 1 104 122 86 70 2 7 21 90 103 5 69 69 6 15 5 1 3 I 1 6 2 4 30 23 1 23 6 11 19 20 years and over Not stated Deafness occurred under 5 years — Present age: I'ntler 20 vears 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 8 Not stated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Present age : Under 20 years 1 1 8 1 1 1 20 years and over 1 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years — Present ago: 2 1 14 i 1 13 2 10 1 12 9 j 1 1 5 4 Not 8tateearneNK #»<■< urr»»d 5 to 10 year*— Pri-»a'iit a:;o: 3 12 1 7 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 I 2 S De^fnenK ocrnrrcd 10 to 20 jcnrfl- I'n-nint niiv: 2 10 1 10 1 1 G 1 4 1 7 2 3 2 1 * 9 Dearoi-Nit ocrurTwl 20 years and oror- Prf»nrit (igf: 4 4 1 1 3 JirMfnrm* itrcurred not ntatcd— Prr»> nT njin: 20 20 1 10 13 10 7 1 10 14 1 fl 10 12 4 1 2 1 1 3 t 1 1 lioi«t«l4Mi •••■■•••a THE DEAF AND DUMB. 491 Tablb 194.— DEAP and DmiB, EXCI-IISIVK Ol' Till; C:()Nai:NITAI. 1)I:AI\ IJNDKK 20 YEAUS OF AGE AND 20 YEAIW OP AUE A>L> OVKK, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOK, AND NATIVITV, i;TU.— Coiitiuuod. Totel. MAln. Fenuklo. WBTTK. Total. Natire boni. Foreign bom. COIOBED. AQB PEIUOOS. TaroDtj) native. One or Imth imreiit. fon^tgn Mole. Female. Male. Female. Mule. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Booth Contrnl diviaion— Continued. C21 298 320 3 225 1»7 1 31 47 1 9 20 380 • 241 335 206 300 178 17 21 18 7 45 as Present aj^: 172 205 3 IM 134 1 15 23 1 5 10 128 115 146 180 1 118 124 107 0« 130 169 1 109 111 93 85 12 5 13 8 3 15 1 27 16 2 16 10 1 5 2 1 3 1 IS 18 DoAfuisft occurred undorS yeara— rn-ftillt lltfO: 01 03 80 58 69 52 9 4 10 5 9' 1 1 11 5 Deafiit'ss occurred 5 to 10 years— Preaeut aj;o: 16 24 10 21 13 20 9 20 11 17 2 1 1 1 3 2 4 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years— Present UKu- 4 10 2 9 2 8 1 D 7 1 3 1 3 Xnt stated DeAfbcsa occurred 20 years and over— Present ago: 3 1 2 1 1 3 Deflfuess occurred not suited- 33 53 18 18 37 1 11 15 16 15 34 1 11 12 13 U 29 1 10 U 9 2 1 1 1 2 4 3 3 8 3 3 7 7 6 1 1 Preaent ago: 10 8 4 7 n 1 4 7 1 4 a 5 1 i 1 • ^'ot stated Deafness occurred under 5 yoara- Present age : G 7 2 6 4 2 6 4 1 5 3 1 i 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present ago: 1 1 1 1 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years— Present ago: 1 1 1 1 Nutstated . . .... ;■; Deafness occuiTod 20 years and over- Present age: Deafness occurred not staled — PrcHrnt age: 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 432 234 198 205 174 190 1G9 " 3 9 2 29 24 Proaont age : 102 236 4 139 123 2 31 40 118 115 1 87 C6 1 17 16 74 121 3 52 r.B 1 14 24 107 97 1 79 69 1 10 13 66 105 3 48 62 1 11 23 104 85 1 1 78 54 1 15 12 65 101 3 47 49 1 11 23 1 5 1 2 2 7 11 18 8 2 16 Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present age: 2 1 1 3 8 7 4 3 T Not Atatod Deafncsfl occurred 5 to 10 years— Presvut a;;c; 1 1 3 a 1 1 Hot stated 492 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 194.— DEAF AXD DUMB, EXCLUSIVE OF THE CONGENITAL DEAF, UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OP AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, ETC.— Continued. Total. Hale. Female. WHITE. Total. Xativc bora. Foreign bom. COLORED. AGE PEBIODS. Parents natiro. One or both paniits foreign. Uale. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 6ootb CoDtral division— Arkansas— Cont'd. Doafueas occurred 10 to 20 years— PrMcnt :i:;e: 2 18 1 11 1 7 1 7 8 1 6 1 2 9 1 I Deafoes«t occnrred 20 years and over— Preaent age: 14 6 8 6 6 4 G 1 1 2 DeafnesA ofcurrcd not stated- Present ape: 20 39 2 KI9 .%9 433 295 • 234 5 40 65 13 10 7 23 2 346 12 10 1? 2 345 11 7 239 6 17 2 L'll 1 1 6 1 a ... 8 463 461 127 87 75 " 2 1 Present age: 216 244 164 140 2 31 36 153 189 4 131 114 3 2? 214 244 3 163 140 2 30 30 1 133 188 4 1 1 131 113 3 9 29 114 143 2 82 81 1 17 26 9.'-. 113 3 83 72 2 3 19 87 30 1 71 26 1 11 5 50 37 13 62 8 38 1 C 24 1 1 2 JCo't stated 1 Deafness occnrreil under 5 years— Present age: 17 10 33 1 1 DeafneAs occurred 5 to 10 years- Present ace: S * 2 1 I Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: 4 38 2 18 2 20 2 18 2 20 1 10 1 8 1 1 1 7 3 Deafnc«s occurred 20 years and over— Present age: 18 14 4 14 4 8 2 •> 2 4 1- I>eafDe.«9 occurred not stated — Present age: 30 58 28 19 30 1 15 11 22 1 13 10 36 1 15 11 22 1 13 14 18 1 7 6 12 1 7 4 5 4 S 1 13 1 5 1 5 4 3 2 1 Present age: 16 11 1 13 1 2 1 8 6 1 5 2 1 2 1 S 5 8 S 1 5 I o 1 8 5 5 2 3 4 3 1 1 3 1 1 i 3 1 »■ - Not stated DeafDe.sA occurred under 5 years— Present uge: 8 4 8 4 2 3 3 3 1 i' 2 1 Denfi ■ '•! Sto lOyeara— It I .,,ril 2 1 i:;:::;'i::::" ■;: 1 I>rofiM"*f ocrurretl 10 to 20 ycar»— I*pr«rnt ;i:;r ; I'li'I'-r 2 J vram . . ::::::;:: l*t!ii ''t 20 yoani Olid over — ::::;:::: 1 I :;;:;:::::::::::: Dtafi nrrtd not iitat«. AGE PBniODS. Parents native. One or bolli parents foieign. Male. JTomale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Western ciivision— New Mexico— Cont'd. Dealiie.'.s occurred 10 to 2u years — Pre.s4'nt nge; 20 vears and over 1 1 1 1 Not slated ) Deafncs!* occurred 20 years and over — present a^e: 20 veai s and over 2 2 2 2 i No't stated Deafness occurred not stated- Present age: 3 7 1 13 2 4 1 3 1 6 2 4 1 3 1 C 2 3 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 KotsUted Ari"^'*i* - ■ - 7 7 2 2 1 Present age: Indcr 20 voars 9 4 5 2 4 2 .5 2 4 2 4 2 2 1 1 2 20 \ear« and over 1 Kot stated Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present age: U nder 2U vears 7 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 20 vears :)nd over Deafness occoirod 5 to 10 years — Present ace: Under 20 vears No't stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: . .. 1 1 1 1 " Kol stated Deafness occuned 20 years and over— Present ago: - Kot stated " Deafness occurred not stated- Present age: Uu'ler2o years 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 20 vears and over 1 1 1 1 No't stated Utah CO 38 31 38 31 14 9 U 11 10 11 Present age: Under 20 years 30 39 10 22 14 17 le 22 14 17 5 9 5 4 8 8 3 3 7 I 10 Nut stated Deafness occurred under 5 yearB- PrejM'ht age: UndT 20 vears 22 29 13 16 9 13 13 10 9 13 3 9 2 3 7 4 7 2 3 3 8 Nut stated DoafnesH occurred 5 to ID years— Prej*4:nt ago: Unilcr 20 veari 4 & 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 i' 1 1 20 vears anduvor 1 1 Nut stated Deafness occnrrud 10 to 20 years — Present ago : Under 2'J vears 20 vears and over 1 1 1 i Nuisuted Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Presont Ago: 20 years and over Nui suted Daafneu occorred not stated— PrwM'iii ftgo: UtmI. r 211 years 4 1 3 3 1 1 8 8 1 2 1 1 1 20 vc:irsand over 3 HotaUtod •• I THE DEAF AND DUMB. 495 Table 1»1.— DEAP A^T) DrMR, KXCT.TTSIVE OK THK t'()N(;KNITAI. DKAI', UNDKR 20 YEARS OF AOE AND 20 YEAKS OF ACiE AJSU U\KK, WITH JJ1ST1>CT10.\ OK 8EX, VOUAi, A>'L> NATIVITY, E'lC— Coiitiiiuoci. Total. Male. Fomalo. wiirrK. Total. Xallvt born. Forvicn Inm. COUtttCD. AOB PEIUODS. Faronta native. 1 Olio or lioth porr'nta foreign. Mulo. FouuUo. Male. Fetnolo. Male. Fomolc. Male. Female. Male. Fi'tnmle. ■Weateni division— ContliuicJ. 7 S 2 5 2 5 1 1 1 n6va4ia.......... ....... Prcacnt ago : 3 4 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 Deftfnes'^ oronrred under 5 yoars — S 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Deafness occnrred 5 to 10 yeiurs— 1 1 1 1 i:*.";::;! 1 De«fne**8 occnrred 10 to 20 years— Pri'seiit njro: « 1 1 Dcafnrs.• Deafneaa occurred not stated— l*reaeut ago: 1 1 1 1 88 4S 43 45 43 32 30 10 11 S 2 present age: 87 50 1 33 25 1 3 10 20 24 1 17 15 1 2 t 17 2C 20 24 1 17 15 1 4 17 26 13 18 1 13 12 1 12 18 7 3 5 6 3 2 Notatateil Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present age: IG 10 16 10 12 7 4 2 4 2 1 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — rreaont ace: 1 G 1 6 2 1 4 5 1 Not stated ....... .- 496 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 194.— DEAF AND ULMI5, EXCLUSIVE OF THK CONGENITAL DEAF, UNDEU 20 YEAliS OF AGE AND 20 YEAKS OP AGE AND OVER, WITH. DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITV, ETC.— Coutinuoil. Total. Male. Female. WUITE. TotJlI. Native bom. Foreign boru. COLORED, AOB PERIODS. Parents 1 native. One or both Iiaients foreign. Hale. Female. Kale. Female. Male. Femali-. ! Male. Female. Male. Female. Western division— 'Wnshington—Continaeil. Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years— Present ase: 1 8 1 2 1 2 1 6 « » 3 3 1 1 Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present ago; 1 •, 1 1 1 i i 1 Deafness occurred not stated— Present age : G 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 90 SO 40 SO 40 33 26 9 1 C 8 8 aProfient nge : V ndcr -'0 years .-. 37 53 19 31 18 22 19 31 18 22 13 20 11 15 6 3 6 8 1 7 1 I 1 Deafness occurred under 5 years— Preaeut age : 24 2G 10 14 14 12 10 14 14 12 5 10 10 8 5 1 3 ^ 1 1 1 4 1 1 ' " 1 DeafncAR occnrred-S to 10 years— PrCiicnt nge: G 9 G G 5 5 4 X i 4 4 2 I t 1 1 DeafDCSs occurred 10 to 20 years— Present age: 1 5 1 3 1 3 j 1 1 2 2 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Present afiC; 2 2 2 2 , 1 Deafness occurred not slated- Present axe: 6 11 3 8 3 3 3 8 3 3 1 3 4 1 3 i' 2 3 319 192 127 191 126 97 43 53 30 31 4 9 GO 1 02 40 32 B 27 IT 3 14 1 1 Present age: 130 178 2 114 114 1 10 25 91 100 1 74 62 48 78 1 40 S2 1 4 12 90 100 1 7,1 G2 48 77 1 40 51 1 4 12 25 43 1 22 32 1 1 7 42 20 20 SO 1 1 "Kat stated :; DcafncM occurroeiifiieftr4 occtirretl 5 to 10 years— Pr«*8»*nt nge: 12 13 1 1 12 13 6 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 DenfliesB oiiurred 10 to 20 yiMirs— Prem-nt «Ke: • 14 1 8 8 4 1 5 i " 2 1 Deifncud oecvirnMl 20 yearn nnd over— Prcti'iit tiiiv: !l 1 7 2 7 2 2 1 2 1 3 I}et^ftlm^ orrTinrd not stated — r. 1 ir« g JO 1 6 12 I 4 4 6 12 1 4 4 3 7 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 ^ol r.t.,|..l I I THE DEAF AND DUMR 497 Table 195.— CONGKNITAL DEAF AND NONCONGKMTAI. DKAF, \VIT1[ RATIOS PEK 100,000 OF POPULATION, BY STATES AND TEBBlTOiUKS: 1890. STATES AMI TEBHITOBIES. Population. Con);enltal dMf. Ratio nr the roDK'Tiitnl deaf t« 100.000 of populutiOD. Xonroiif;«nltAl deaf. RaIIo of the noiirontcfiiltal deaf to lua,000 of jwpulatioD. 62,453,930 16,868 27.0 20,338 B2.« 17,301,887 4,311 24.8 5,7tl« 33.3 060, 4S3 267 40.4 205 40.1 370, 451 120 33.5 147 39.0 332. 355 102 30.7 133 40.0 2, 237, 517 508 23.4 708 34.3 345,252 67 16.5 99 2&7 745,740 221 29.6 252 33.8 5,004,014 1,398 23.3 2,061 34.4 1,444,210 283 19.0 331 22.9 6, 255, 853 1,289 24.5 1,710 32.5 8,851,830 3,151 35.6 1,984 22.4 168, 452 44 20.1 38 22.6 1,042,150 342 32.8 337 32.3 230, 207 48 20.8 59 25.6 1,055,560 712 43.0 377 22.8 702, 707 311 40.8 261 34.2 1,610,400 703 43.5 318 19.7 1,150,042 393 31.1 211 18.3 1,837,172 497 27.1 318 17.3 391, 129 101 25.8 65 16.6 22, 343, 039 5,553 24.9 9.394 42.0 3,071,918 9C4 26.3 Is 499 40.8 2,101,951 608 27.7 1.123 51.2 3, 825, 500 850 22.4 1,483 38.8 2, 088, 107 510 24.4 947 45.4 1,C82.017 495 29.4 720 42.8 1, 299, 842 330 25.8 475 30.5 1,911,771 428 22.4 818 42.8 2,678,642 724 27.0 1,079 40.3 182, 496 25 13.7 04 35.1 327, 831 45 13.7 106 32.3 1,055,801 213 20.2 344 32.6 1, 420, 203 349 24.5 736 51.6 10,900,827 3,392 30.9 2,475 22.6 1,858,533 754 40.6 539 29.0 1, 767, 315 67U 32.8 459 20.0 1,512,207 490 32.4 250 16.5 1,287,410 351 27.5 162 12.6 1,117,588 317 31.0 145 13.0 2,234,100 532 23.8 534 23.9 61, 799 8 12.9 15 24.3 1, 127. S69 328 29.1 371 32.9 2, 897, 338 459 15.8 713 24.8 128, 701 11 8.5 23 17.9 60, 197 7 11.6 9 15.0 «10, 683 74 18.0 120 29.2 144, 675 40 81.8 23 15.9 56,937 2 3.5 9 15.8 200,487 39 18.9 61 29.5 39, 320 4 10.2 6 15.3 82,219 10 12.2 20 24.3 342,115 28 8.2 83 24.0 302, 944 67 22.1 73 24.1 1, 122, 994 171 i;. 2 293 26.1 Tho United States Korth Atlantir division. Maino K^ew Hampabire Vermont MassachuBette Rhode Island Connecticut New York Now Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division.. Delaware Maryland Districtof Columbia Virginia "West Virginia Korth Carolina South Carolina Geor^ria Florida , Horth Central division. . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan "Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division.. Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana , Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division , Montana "Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington , Oregon , California 7176 INS- -32 498 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabie 196.— deaf and DUMB BY QUIKQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, AND FFX, COLOB, SATITITT, AKD BIBTHPLACES OF UOTBEBS. Total. Unknown. Cniier 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 15 yejirs. IB to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to SO years. 1 HO. 562 486 940 4.46G 5,224 5,681 4,749 3,720 "Malo - I s 22.411 18. 151 276 210 485 455 2.420 2,046 2,837 2.387 3,208 2,473 2,696 2,053 2.055 1.065 i 37,447 437 836 4,005 4,759 5,179 4,332 3,420 Male s e 7 8 20. aio 10,808 33, 278 25. 859 245 192 389 345 423 413 817 037 2.144 1.861 3,831 2.863 2,570 2, 1S3 4,389 3,236 2. 9?.8 2,241 4,809 3.274 2.449 1,883 3,910 2,728 1,888 1,538 3,021 2.222 2[a1e 9 10 u 14,013 11, 848 7,419 194 151 44 323 314 180 1,491 1,372 908 1.701 1,535 1,153 1,800 1,474 1.535 1,519 1, 209 1,182 1,180 1,036 799 Halo IS u u 4,268 3,151 4,169 20 18 . 48 91 89 19 550 409 174 078 475 370 920 015 370 697 485 422 470 329 405 lI^lo 15 16 J.7 2,358 1,811 3,115 25 23 49 10 104 94 80 461 197 173 465 218 152 502 233 189 417 232 173 294 18 19 20 1,772 1,343 2,531 31 18 35 62 42 88 270 185 376 201 204 379 270 2:!2 408 247 170 332 167 127 222 Male SI 22 23 1,466 1,065 584 25 10 14 54 34 16 225 151 85 216 103 80 217 191 94 195 137 85 135 87 72 Mixed blood Male 2S 26 306 278 27, 192 6 8 350 8 8 675 51 34 3,086 45 41 3,494 53 41 3.542 52 33 2,910 32 40 2,315 Birthplsroa «f mothers (white) : ;^Iale 27 28 2S 14,778 12, 414 1,050 197 153 8 342 333 20 1,013 1,473 06 1,850 1, 044 93 1.977 1,565 128 1,623 1,287 124 1,245 1,070 103 Malo 80 81 82 sr.o 500 254 6 2 2 8 12 2 36 30 22 ■17 40 20 66 62 30 71 53 21 54 49 24 Male 83 M 152 102 2,229 1 1 13 14 8 136 i:i 7 227 16 14 424 11 10 347 14 10 251 2 12 Male l,2.i7 072 925 7 6 9 8 4 19 79 -67 113 126 101 122 242 182 173 213 134 142 143 108 79 m MkIo n 503 422 146 7 2 1 11 8 4 63 00 11 60 58 11 101 72 8 77 65 16 44 36 16 4ft 11 Male 47 82 64 3.833 3 1 62 8 3 320 5 494 3 6 676 7 8 584 10 6 470 41 1 33 44 llnlo 4f) 2,253 1,680 0S5 10 17 8 24 28 22 195 125 BO 293 201 109 850 219 113 331 253 65 2ilO 180 62 id 47 Scanillnnvla ,,,,, Mnlo 48 374 291 113 8 6 IS 9 4 46 44 26 «8 41 17 00 53 20 30 29 17 33 29 7 4» M) Main HI 72 41 2 2 10 8 11 1,'> 5 12 6 t i n Fouialo I I TTTi: DKAF AND DUMB. 499 BT SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1800. yoara. 8» rn 40 yuuni. 40t4>4S yvara. 4&ta60 ycUFB. MtnGS years. Uto60 yoan. 00 to es youra. 66 In 70 yt'ara. 70U.7S yeara. I&U.80 yBur«. W>U>8t yvarv. 86ioM years. y 00l«0& yuan. Oi ycam anduvur. 1J.031 2,441 2,114 1,847 1,847 1,164 1,055 767 570 406 224 n 11 U 1 i,«4a 1,385 1,831 1,110 1.188 940 1,021 826 8&4 693 648 61« 58S 407 465 3U2 323 247 228 177 115 IM 35 OU R 28 4 11 S * 2,837 2,308 2.002 1,705 1,450 1,118 1.003 740 039 385 207 81 28 10 I 1.037 1,3UU 2.510 1,038 1.255 1,053 2,002 l,«3fl 1,112 890 1,687 1,441 975 790 1,435 1.299 795 055 1.1S3 1,097 623 495 90.'; 805 558 445 792 758 449 291 577 658 305 234 429 412 217 108 320 310 107 luo 173 101 32 4» 62 57 7 21 23 22 4 6 8 7 6 6 7 > 1.044 891 578 883 753 366 810 634 243 713 586 130 613 484 86 481 374 50 412 346 34 338 220 10 226 180 17 168 142 10 79 82 12 22 35 5 6 16 1 4 3 1 10 11 304 274 321 200 lOU 306 136 107 315 73 63 330 37 49 267 25 25 213 20 14 211 8 U 163 10 7 110 6 4 65 5 7 34 3 2 19 11 1 5 1 2 IS 14 180 104 172 134 133 166 149 112 189 141 82 145 122 97 117 90 46 126 85 52 103 60 27 31 43 22 20 23 11 17 7 12 4 I 4 3 1^ 2 5 16 17 109 85 162 76 07 112 56 50 93 46 S6 65 59 33 79 25 21 42 30 22 42 16 11 25 18 13 28 n 9 18 8 9 15 3 1 3 1 2 3 18 5 4 19 20 97 cr. 32 67 45 21 47 40 19 35 30 17 61 28 18 24 18 4 27 15 10 16 9 2 ir, u 3 10 8 2 7 8 2 2 1 1 1 2 ?1 4 1 23 12 20 2,013 9 12 1,682 9 10 1,490 11 1,331 8 10 1,113 1 3 871 3 7 772 3 1 1 312 1 1 16i 1 ?4 2 564 1 8 w 418 60 22 26 1,074 939 94 909 773 77 836 654 76 730 601 02 620 493 61 487 384 39 423 349 43 n40 28 230 188 22 108 144 7 80 84 2 24 30 2 6 10 4 4 1 27 28 95) 52 42 25 41 36 32 37 39 15 38 24 16 32 29 15 15 24 8 22 21 6 13 15 7 12 10 2 5 2 6 1 1 1 DO 2 1 11 Tl 18 7 190 20 12 140 7 8 117 12 4 100 7 8 71 4 4 43 3 3 47 6 1 35 1 1 30 5 1 20 m 1 6 M 12 2 15 94 102 67 75 65 67 65 52 41 52 48 26 32 39 21 23 20 19 24 23 9 28 7 7 20 10 4 15 5 7 5 3 3 3 6 1 1 2 16 17 18 33 24 15 36 31 10 22 19 14 14 12 14 10 11 6 11 8 7 6 3 7 3 4 1 2 6 3 3 2 3 1 S TO 2 40 41 9 6 309 6 4 210 7 7 173 6 8 IBO 3 3 110 3 4 97 6 1 85 8 2 43 2 42 1 72 41 20 20 3 1 44 1S3 126 50 119 91 48 93 80 26 87 63 27 57 03 13 58 39 7 5U 35 10 45 27 9 25 18 1 16 10 1 13 7 3 2 1 1 4S 1 46 4T 27 23 S 20 22 7 13 13 1 16 11 4 10 3 1 6 2 1 7 3 1 7 2 1 1 1 O 1 48 1 49 1 1 50 2 S 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 * 51 1 1 1 i '5S 500 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 196.— PEAF AND DUMB BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, AND 8KX, COLOB, NATIVITT, ANTJ BIRTHPLACES OK MOTDEBS. Total. Unlcnown. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. SO to 35 years. 25 to 80 years. 1 Birthplaces of moUiers (white)— Continued. 105 10 28 18 10 10 Male 3 3 61 44 62 8 2 16 13 15 11 11 7 11 6 4 2 6 5 1 4 Italv 3 Male n 33 19 241 1 2 13 e 7 43 8 3 50 9 2 47 1 1 28 1 A 7 7 28 Male ft 138 103 496 5 2 4 7 6 9 25 18 69 28 22 66 29 18 62 17 11 65 14 14 43 9 Male 11 2!)3 203 140 2 2 2 4 B 1 37 22 8 35 31 17 36 26 28 35 20 12 25 18 12 1? n Male . 14 87 63 1 1 6 3 12 5 17 11 9 3 5 7 11 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. iOl BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 180O— Continued. 30 to »S yoara. 3fi to40 yeara. 40 to 4S years. 4fito60 years. SO to 8S years. S& to 00 years. 00 to 05 yeara. 66 to 70 yoara. 70 to 76 76 to 80 years. yeara. 80 lofts yeara. 86 to 80 years. BO to 96 yeara. OSyaan ■DOUTOr. 10 5 6 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 5 2 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 3 8 2 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 S 2 C 1 10 6 1 1 7 4 « 37 4 17 4 2 32 1 1 g 1 23 1 13 1 .- 22 21 1< 10 1 3 1 1 1 10 24 13 li 10 7 5 20 12 6 12 11 7 15 7 13 14 7 3 9 7 8 6 8 2 7 3 1 2 1 n 1 2 I 1 13 1 13 10 4 3 6 1 4 3 e 7 2 1 « 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 15 . , 502 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF xVND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 197.— CONGENITAL DEAF AND DUMB BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, BKX. COLDB, NATIVnr, AKD DIETHPLACES OF HOIBEBS. Total. nnknown. Under 6 years. 10 10 years. 10 to 16 years. 15 to 20 years. SO to S5 y.ara. SotoSO years. 1 1 ToUl M»1o 1G,8G6 219 512 2,003 2,269 2,186 1,783 1.443 71 9,170 7.«9« 114 105 2.'>7 255 1,113 950 1,195 1,074 1.180 1,000 1.015 768 779 064 ■\VTiite 1 15,014 188 444 1,774 1,994 1,898 1,554 1,265 Male 5 8,113 G,D01 13.357 10,872- 97 91 101 147 215 229 434 339 939 635 1,700 1,283 1,045 949 1,850 1,421 1,031 867 1,739 1,202 881 073 1,400 1,027 674 591 1,118 851 (t 7 ( Male « 5,053 5,019 2.085 76 71 14 104 175 95 060 628 418 717 704 435 049 013 477 575 452 373 440 411 267 20 U Ifalo 12 ],.';22 1,163 1,657 7 7 27 47 43 10 241 177 08 256 179 138 2R0 191 159 226 147 154 151 116 147 U U Male IS 938 719 1,852 14 13 31 4 6 68 38 30 289 72 06 275 86 63 288 80 74 229 83 04 178 It 17 lA i.c-j 795 1,519 17 14 21 42 20 58 174 115 232 150 125 229 155 133 239 134 95 194 105 73 135 19 20 Black Main 21 886 633 333 14 7 10 36 23 10 144 83 57 126 103 46 127 112 49 111 83 35 84 51 43 22 Z3 Male 24 171 162 11,094 3 7 148 6 4 350 30 27 1,360 24 22 1,615 2S 21 1,341 23 12 1,079 21 23 870 a 28 Blrthiilacf^s of mothers (whit^) ; M.ilo 27 5,881 5,213 377 70 72 2 170 186 16 701 059 27 769 740 39 702 639 40 6or. 474 45 450 420 28 28 IS Male M 189 183 79 2 5 11 1 17 10 5 20 19 6 21 19 7 24 21 7 13 15 7 >1 13 1 Malo n .13 20 845 1 4 1 59 S 5 2 126 5 2 114 3 6 97 ;i 1 7 u 3 92 Mall. 3« 478 307 320 2 1 3 1 7 35 24 50 48 44 40 71 55 59 75 39 37 66 41 23 17 Ketoalo ts Mall. » 178 142 60 2 1 4 3 3 17 33 20 17 4 30 23 1 17 20 4 18 7 10 40 41 Franco Molo 42 41 28 1,437 8 S 1 145 3 2 174 1 3 186 7 8 160 43 Feinalo 1 104 44 17 29 4S B30 098 289 7 10 6 14 15 13 89 BO 41 105 09 46 118 78 50 100 80 32 90 70 23 44 47 Scanilinaria MaV jviii:,!,. !!!!!.".'!!!.'.'.'.'." U 40 U J 53 130 47 3 8 7 2 18 23 11 20 16 23 27 17 15 7 12 11 8 VnU tl 33 14 1 1 10 1 8 a 3 C 2 3 u F«m»iB ;;;■■ TTIK DKAF AND DUMB. 503 AND BY SKX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND niRT>iri,ACE8 OF MOTHERS: 1800. SOtoU yrars. 3tia4« yuiira. 40I0 4& year*. 4& to &• yojre. yei.ni. 6StoB0 yeur*. OOtflOi ytuni. OfitoiO yoara. 70 to 76 years. «.'l T'l HO yojr« 80 10 Hi yuara. MioOO your*. Oil ymin. 1 1,2S3 1,028 Oil 738 057 479 416 315 SIS 138 78 It 8 • 1 5 1 709 S74 4C3 487 424 417 371 870 287 271 . aog 238 30« 103 122 130 W 71 •7 39 • 10 4 « S t I 170 043 846 732 604 450 418 296 215 130 08 la 6 3 4 1.0:2 777 515 42S 811 C75 454 3U2 717 G27 389 343 607 557 3.-)8 200 493 463 215 195 359 343 222 196 334 316 180 110 231 224 123 92 179 173 66 04 114 110 30 32 58 54 7 « 12 II 3 3 5 4 1 2 2 3 • T 8 423 ■Mi 245 303 312 342 285 90 294 263 50 269 194 30 106 147 16 165 151 18 134 90 7 93 80 6 5S 55 4 29 25 2 9 ■ I S I 1 1 2 • 10 11 132 111! 148 76 60 132 44 46 129 23 27 125 9 21 111 4 12 91 9 84 4 3 65 4 2 3e 3 2 IS I t« 2 12 1 1 It 4 1« 07 Cl 113 70 56 85 63 61 65 72 53 56 60 51 53 53 20 29 48 36 28 4! 23 19 2t5 10 20 9 7 8 7 5 10 1 S 3 IS 1 2 Ttl 3 17 87 4G 9.t 51 34 71 33 32 54 28 28 46 32 21 42 10 13 26 16 12 22 13 6 17 13 7 17 5 3 7 3 7 8 2 1 3 1 1 3 18 3 3 la 20 58 35 20 46 25 U 27 27 11 23 23 10 23 14 11 15 U 3 15 7 6 13 4 2 10 7 3 4 3 I 2 2 2 1 1 1 71 3 22 9 11 807 5 9 6S3 6 5 613 5 5 507 4 7 408 1 2 3 IS 1 5 320 3 I 1 1 54 24 2 226 2S 174 111 12 4 3 26 434 373 33 369 319 30 347 296 26 299 268 15 270 198 21 196 152 11 169 151 21 136 90 9 94 80 9 65 56 29 25 6 3 1 I 2 27 28 29 22 16 10 13 17 15 13 13 3 7 8 5 9 12 4 5 6 2 10 11 2 4 5 5 4 5 30 31 33 1 1 103 10 5 59 2 1 49 2 3 40 3 1 25 1 1 18 4 1 15 33 2 21 34 12 4 I m 51 52 22 . 37 22 25 29 20 11 19 21 6 7 18 9 8 13 8 8 10 5 12 3 11 1 1 3 1 1 3K 1 2 37 4 1 38 15 7 8 17 8 7 5 6 3 4 2 7 5 4 2 5 3 4 3 2 5 2 I 3 39 1 3 1 1 1 40 1 41 ( r, 4 121 4 3 83 1 2 71 4 3 64 1 1 45 2 2 41 4 1 37 1 1 15 1 1 42 1 28 1 .. 43 12 8 I 41 71 50 20 50 33 20 33 38 11 37 27 10 25 20 7 29 12 2 19 13 3 18 10 5 12 3 7 5 3 5 2 4S I 48 47 10 10 3 9 11 5 6 6 4 2 6 2 2 3 4 1 1 1 48 . 1 49 1 1 GO 2 1 1 2 1 1 ' 51 1 2- 1 i ;;::;;;;;;;:i;:::::;::;i;;;:;;:;;;i:::::::;;.i.; U 504 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 197.-C0XGEXITAL DEAF AND DUMB BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, SKI, COLOR, KATIVrrT, AKD BIBIHPLACES OF JIOTBEBS. Total. UnknoTrn. Under 6 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 16 years. 16 to SO years. SO to 25 years. 26 to 30 years. 1 BirtlipUces of moUiere (tUU)— Continued. 41 7 10 9 3 2 M»le « 27 14 23 7 3 7 3 2 6 3 1 1 ItjJv 1 8 2 ^^le 6 e 7 12 11 119 1 4 4 22 1 2 21 4 22 1 1 15 5 3 IS Mile I 10 69 &0 231 3 2 4 3 13 9 28 12 9 29 14 8 27 10 5 21 7 8 10 5 2f ale u u u 134 97 43 2 3 1 4 1 17 11 6 15 14 5 19 8 7 10 11 2 11 8 S Uale 14 19 28 17 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 1 a Till': DEAF AND DUMB. AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND IiIRTlIPI,A('ES OF MOTHERS: 1890— Continued. 505 80 to 35 years. 8Sto40 years. 40 to 4fi years. 46 to 60 years. 60 to 66 years. 66 to 00 yojirs. 00 to as years. 06 to 70 years. 70 to 76 years. 76 to 80 years. 80 to 86 years. 86 to 00 years. 00 to 96 years. 96 va*n andorer. 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 S t ::::::::::;::::::::::::: 1 4 1 n 1 3 1 8 6 6 1 7 2 4 22 6 8 2 17 1 — B 9 14 13 11 6 2 1 1 10 U 8 4 3 8 1 10 7 4 8 6 1 9 4 S 7 4 1 4 2 % * ■ 2 3 1 1 1 ^ n 1 . 11 18 4 4 1 3 6 1 It 1 I 16 1 50(5 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 198.— NONCONGEKITAL DEAF AND DUMB BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, SSS, COUJE, ^■ATrVITr, asd bibtiitlaces o» hothbrs. Total. Unknoini. Unilcr a years. aU>10 years. 10 to ID years. 16 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 2a ID 30 yeiirs. 1 »fotjj 20,338 173 355 2,130 2,646 3.162 2,609 2,042 Jf^jp 11,322 9,1)10 100 73 181 174 1,100 976 1,475 1,171 1,834 1.328 1.508 1,161 1,140 9U2 3 I 19,360 164 325 1,996 2,486 2.987 2.520 1.947 S 10, 775 8,585 17, 3U 13,013 92 72 150 124 167 158 317 248 1,079 917 1,902 1,403 1,382 1,104 2,275 1,000 1,741 1,216 2,797 1,808 1.422 1,098 2,261 1,514 1,090 857 1,710 1,235 7 8 7.128 5.885 4,301 68 56 26 126 122 69 743 6UU 499 877 729 009 1,036 7?2 989 859 685 737 005 570 434 11 }^.,]q .. 11 13 2. .WT 1,794 2.0i6 16 10 14 36 33 8 290 209 94 393 276 211 595 394 190 427 310 239 293 191 228 Mnlo - ]i^ 1,1« 000 978 8 6 9 5 3 30 46 48 140 112 99 160 110 80 175 136 103 149 132 96 95 IR 047 431 775 8 1 6 14 10 25 81 69 117 93 07 124 93 82 141 80 03 114 50 45 09 20 jjlact Male 440 335 203 13 12 5 64 53 23 73 51 36 06 34 66 48 35 41 28 26 22 TT Mixpd Itlootl 3 Male «>4 107 98 13,852 2 1 128 1 4 268 17 1,543 20 16 1,760 18 10 1,981 20 15 1,663 9 17 1,304 M Birtbplacos of mothers (wbite) : Vh1c» VJ 7,024 6.228 585 71 57 8 139 129 3 818 725 35 906 794 48 1,148 80 734 71 711 093 69 » Main W 311 27* 144 2 1 1 1 1 18 17 17 24 24 14 41 39 22 41 30 13 38 31 15 f1 T* Scotland Mb1« tn 82 C2 1,195 10 7 68 8 125 11 11 279 5 7 210 10 5 137 HI 1 9 1 4 us Mnlo itn 680 515 B30 4 5 6 1 3 U 39 29 54 69 50 72 160 119 107 125 85 88 80 67 49 in AA Main itt) 281 255 63 5 1 1 7 4 1 30 24 1 35 87 00 47 7 48 40 11 24 25 6 411 n Male 47 33 30 2,101 1 4 290 3 4 862 6 303 3 3 270 43 1 10 1 18 44 158 Mnlo iti 1,244 857 332 t 2 7 11 90 62 45 178 118 57 231 1:11 l>4 203 IGO 32 173 103 38 4(1 47 M«ln «« 192 140 eo 1 1 3 1 24 21 14 34 2:1 11 33 21 10 19 13 9 20 18 8 49 Fenialo 60 SI 85 25 « B 8 3 8 2 3 2 1 ta Foiuttln ,,, 1 TTTK 1M:\F and DUMB. 507 ANP nv SKX, COLOn, nativity, and birthplaces of MOTIIER.S: 1890. S0I«36 SSIn40 years. 40 to 46 years. 46 lo60 yrars. 60 to 66 yean. 66loe0 years. 00to«6 years. 06 to 70 years. 7010 76 years. ;sto8o youm. H0tng6 i tUloOO years. yeum. yeiirB. .thii ».vi-r. 1,542 S'.'l 721 1,485 7sa «U7 1,340 1,040 1,220 1,004 804 707 543 438 325 212 108 100 08 83 30 9 1 1 071 541) 557 447 4»3 381 3S2 325 292 251 B47 1»1 192 133 118 94. 43 16 2 7 2 39 3 1 1, IfSl 073 815 080 532 421 322 191 131 252 240 203 110 93 104 15G 161 70 37 1 4 051 6'JO 1,031 83S 511 432 819 682 47! 374 682 600 865 315 551 S03 286 246 448 418 238 183 348 333 97 64 131 128 41 38 70 63 15 22 27 24 2 7 7 T It 1 6 7 It 5.54 402 294 460 379 195 379 303 137 333 273 76 269 234 48 228 lao 30 182 151 15 148 92 12 85 71 8 74 51 3 32 31 7 D 15 3 1 « t 10 11 ISII 141 145 108 87 147 84 53 1S4 45 31 163 24 24 129 18 12 84 11 4 73 4 8 70 I 45 2 1 30 4 3 1 2 10 12 13 14 2 1 S4 01 57 83 64 39 78 76 31 93 70 19 7** 57 27 40 44 11 45 28 17 39 31 3 25 20 3 21 9 7 5 4 3 5 5 1 1 I IS IS 17 1 2 33 24 48 20 19 33 10 15 24 12 7 13 17 10 21 6 5 to 9 8 13 1 2 3 2 1 3 3 4 7 2 1 3 1 18 19 20 2 1 30 18 9 17 16 6 13 11 7 7 6 G 14 7 6 6 4 1 7 4 1 2 1 3 4 1 21 23 23 1 1 1 3 G J, 087 3 3 869 3 4 T09 5 1 625 3 3 511 2 2 343 L_., 1 24 25 26 1 429 1 214 160 129 66 26 7 571 516 43 478 391 38 399 310 43 34-1 281 40 27.1 238 35 234 195 24 189 154 13 148 96 16 83 72 10 74 55 5 33 33 10 16 1 1 6 27 28 29 1 26 11 22 16 15 20 23 11 25 15 6 19 16 11 9 15 2 7 6 2 7 9 1 6 4 4 1 1 30 31 32 2 1 1 9 3 87 in 68 5 57 4 7 37 1 1 15 1 1 13 1 1 1 10 1 33 34 36 49 12 7 3 4 1 41 46 32 34 31 34 31 20 27 26 23 16 23 14 11 11 4 10 8 10 2 6 6 4 2 7 1 2 2 2 1 16 87 ?8 5 1 16 16 4 14 20 2 15 12 10 9 7 6 4 7 3 5 5 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 39 40 4t o 1 160 1 1 107 4 88 ,1 4 71 2 1 50 1 o 36 1 2 1 17 42 43 44 32 31 11 7 2 05 63 25 01 43 2t 47 41 12 43 28 IS 27 29 5 17 19 4 21 11 5 16 15 3 7 10 G 1 5 2 2 46 48 47 1 12 13 2 11 5 7 5 1 9 6 2 5 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 48 48 SO I 1 2 1 1 1 51 2 i 1 508 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 198.— NOXCOXGENITAL DEAF AND DUMB BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, BEX, COL0&, NATnTTY, A^D DIBTHPLACES OF UOTHEBS. Total. TTnloion'n. Under S years. StolO years. 10 to 15 years. IS to £0 years. 20 to £5 years. 25 to 80 years. 1 Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continaed. S3 3 IC 9 6 Male 28 25 28 1 2 8 9 7 8 4 5 5 3 3 Itaiv 1 Male 21 7 109 5 3 19 1 28 5 1 6 » 2 23 13 11 Male 1A U IS 228 2 3 2 3 10 9 28 15 13 31 15 8 29 7 6 33 6 5 24 Male 134 93 78 2 1 18 10 8 18 16 11 12 17 19 24 9 9 14 10 8 12 2 Male 11 46 30 1 1 3 7 10 9 « 3 5 3 IS I TTIE DEAF AND DUMB. 509 AND HY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND HIIfTUI'I-ACES OF MOTHERS: 18nO— Continiio50 yoan. fiOtoSS yoara. 65 to SO ycara. 00 to 66 yoara. 66 to 70 yoara. 70 to 76 yoara. 76ta80 yean. 80 to 86 yoan. 86toM yoan. 90 to 06 yoara. 96 yrara and over. =. 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 ■■■| 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 , 1 2 2 14 3 1 10 .... 10 12 8 6 7 7 2 1 1 g 5 7 4 3 9 3 2 4 4 s 2 1 4 2 1 3 4 2 2 5 1 2 1 1 11 13 1 1 13 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 14 3 510 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tarle 199 DEAF BUT NOT DUMB BY QUINQUENJflAL AGE PERIODS, SIX, coix>n, KATmrr, asd bibthplaces of uothkbs. Total. Cokno-nn. Under G yeare. 6 to 10 years. lOtolfi years. Id to SO years. 20 to 35 years. 25 to SO years. 1 80,616 717 1 521 1.363 1,779 2.191 2.884 UjiIo 3 S 49. 2TR 31.338 471 240 ! 279 242 757 606 900 783 1. U6 1.045 1.501 1.383 4 77. 308 058 1 471 1,237 1,030 2,007 2,661 Malo S « 7 8 47. 372 2a. 9;iB 02.415 54.947 435 223 668 522 1 252 219 451 342 094 543 1,106 887 919 711 1,517 1,090 1,007 040 1,827 1,345 1,377 1,284 2,358 1,728 1 1 M.nle 9 10 11 33, (IB? 21, 200 7,468 343 179 4G 1 1S2 100 109 493 394 279 626 464 427 721 024 482 902 826 030 il„lp .. . 1! 13 1« 4, jns 3,200 14, 893 29 17 90 01 48 20 153 121 71 224 203 113 245 237 ISO 300 330 303 Malo 15 10 17 9.417 5,470 3.308 - 03 " 59 9 11 50 43 28 126 69 44 149 101 79 181 175 128 223 18 19 l.Dna 1.4U2 2,648 36 : 23 • - 41 ■ 27 23 41 03 . 63 100 ' 77 72 122 79 105 151 124 99 173 r.lack Malo OJ 1,549 1,099 060 27 - 17 'i 15 . 23 18 9 50 50 26 69 U3 27 05 86 33 102 71 50 22 23 Mixed blood Malo 3.')7 303 56. 950 9 530 4 5 377 13 13 054 18 9 1,177 14 19 1,435 22 28 1.825 '*'i I'V-iualo 2« BirOiplaren of motbors (white) : 1 Malo 77 34. 8T3 22, 0T7 3,878 348 182 1 26 1 204 173 14 511 423 35 672 505 58 773 062 88 949 870 106 ?H "V Kngland and "Wales Malo nn 2.305 1,573 856 18 8 5 5 9 4 21 14 2 32 20 39 49 9 57 49 35 ai Femalo T> Scotlantl « Main ai 500 350 5,103 1 4 27 3 1 10 1 1 51 3 102 5 4 138 22 13 109 T\t I'uiualo M Ireland Malo 3(1 2.807 2,206 1.193 17 10 5 7 12 28 23 34 47 65 52 67 71 43 74 95 78 37 Femalu iW Male 31) 727 406 378 B 2 4 5 7 1 19 15 4 32 20 9 26 17 1 44 34 11 4n <1 Malo 4? 203 115 0,751 2 2 40 1 2 101 6 4 147 1 7 4 334 43 44 27 211 Mnln tr, 4,376 2,375 778 32 14 14 13 .58 40 18 81 00 27 114 07 40 106 108 36 40 l-'i'malu 47 M»li. 40 480 292 07 4 6 4 12 3 10 n 6 20 20 3 20 10 6 49 l.u.aln H 1 M.lo SI 50 41 L 2 2 3 6 1 2 4 3 as Fuumla [[[[[[[[WV. TTTE DKAF AND DUMB. 511 AN1> I!Y SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ANT) BIKTIU'I.ACES OF MOTHERS: 1800. SO in 36 jiMini. 36 to 40 yciin. 40 to 46 yutrs. 4a to SO years. 60 to &S ycura. 66 to 00 yuars. 00 to OS yew*. 05 to 70 y«Rra. ;0 In 76 your*. 76 to SO H0to8.'> 86 to no ybarii. year*. yuan. 00 to 06 05 yrin autluver. » 4,1?' S, 115 5,952 7,735 7,091 7,330 7,095 7,153 fl,,'.70 5,311 3.023 1,703 610 220 1 2.071 2,080 2.679 2.43S 3. 393 2,569 5.210 2.510 5,250 2,741 4,713 2.024 4,935 2,700 4,M4 2,509 4,208 2,371 3, 4^ 1,000 2,199 1,424 0116 717 318 298 108 112 2 3 3,901 4,910 5,710 7,400 7,732 7,111 7,445 0,005 0.305 5,171 3.499 1,645 504 150 4 1,B» 1,970 2 5R7 2. 32;i 3, 273 2,443 6.030 2,424 5.090 2, 042 4,r.52 2, 559 4. 774 2,071 4,480 2,425 4.087 2.278 3, ,308 1,863 2,125 J, 374 062 093 2S3 271 35 74 6 • 3, f.-JS 4,272 4,S0C 0,232 8,180 5,468 .5,484 5.102 4,789 3,968 2,802 1,337 436 119 7 2,707 3,441 4,151 5,483 6,587 5,063 6,144 4,810 4,529 3,735 2,009 1.2S9 401 107 8 1.305 1,342 i,8r. l.GUU 2,361 1,790 3, 742 1,741 3 696 1,891 3,203 1 800 3,279 1,865 3,096 1,720 2,909 1,620 2,372 1,363 1,581 1,028 731 528 192 2U9 57 SO S 10 813 831 655 749 599 406 340 286 200 233 193 78 35 12 11 4;;g 407 424 378 277 504 245 405 194 207 130 221 119 185 lUl 160 100 144 80 124 69 43 35 24 11 7 6 13 13 430 038 910 1,228 1,646 1,042 1,961 1,803 1,576 1,203 697 308 128 40 14 2:m 103 345 293 534 376 790 438 989 557 1.0S2 1,2T4 087 l,lf9 6U4 1,018 558 792 411 420 277 178 130 77 51 21 19 IS 16 170 205 236 275 259 225 250 248 21 J 140 121 58 52 61 17 SO 81 92 113 120 116 183 92 160 99 100 05 161 89 164 84 121 93 97 43 74 60 34 21 2-. 27 23 38 li 19 124 157 187 212 198 175 200 206 181 110 110 46 49 56 20 58 73 84 97 90 147 05 123, 135 60 131 69 135 71 103 78 83 33 69 41 29 17 23 26 19 37 21 22 46 48 49 63 01 60 50 42 - 33 24 14 12 3 5 23 2.) 20 10 29 23 20 36 27 37 24 35 15 30 20 29 13 18 15 14 10 5 9 5 7 2 1 4 1 24 25 2,822 3,599 4,320 5,093 5,764 0,212 5,294 4,947 4,037 3,841 2,699 1,207 413 113 2e 1,417 1,405 1,9119 1,690 2. 463 1,857 3,870 1,817 3.819 1,945 3. 3fl5 1,907 3,373 1,921 3,181 1,766 2.970 1,607 2, 438 1,4U3 1,034 1,065 749 618 200 213 61 52 T 2& 101 217 299 353 400 381 413 389 366 255 154 62 28 5 20 92 99 127 120 168 131 220 138 249 151 233 152 2.-i4 159 248 141 217 149 161 94 105 49 37 25 21 7 2 3 31 31 31 41 73 77 73 78 110 80 81 77 47 13 10 1 32 15 16 10 25 41 32 47 30 46 27 52 26 72 38 44 36 52 29 45 32 23 19 8 5 8 33 1 34 247 285 291 439 481 449 507 454 491 399 276 127 68 23 35 118 129 135 150 151 140 262 177 274 207 267 182 347 220 279 175 289 205 252 147 157 119 72 65 38 30 14 9 36 37 91 109 98 129 105 106 82 85 67 52 20 13 3 3 38 44 47 50 53 68 40 80 49 60 39 05 41 61 21 CO 25 39 - 28 36 16 19 7 10 3 2 1 2 1 38 40 16 33 23 41 34 49 35 34 31 25 16 8 1 2 41 9 20 13 447 15 8 475 29 12 540 21 13 052 40 9 638 25 10 716 27 7 710 22 9 517 18 12 6 1 1 1 43 4,') 432 400 193 94 28 5 44 220 212 210 207 2S5 190 395 145 456 196 449 189 480 227 601 207 399 148 277 123 120 78 53 41 22 6 3 2 45 48 M 62 50 58 69 79 71 67 44 40 23 11 3 47 20 28 7 34 28 9 39 17 34 24 4 47 60 23 9 45 20 10 40 21 10 31 28 14 7 1 1 4R 48 5 10 6 2 2 50 2 6 3 6 1 3 4 1 7 2 4 G 4 6 4 2 1 1 61 1 2" 1 163 512 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DU^fB, AND BUND. Tahi.e 199.— deaf but NOT DUMB BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS, AND EKX, COLOR, NATIVITV, .IND UIUTEl'LAC. - ' 94 \ iiknown. Under 6 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. IS to 20 years. SO to SG years. 25 to 30 years. 1 Birthplocos of mothers (white)— Continued. 2 4 5 5 8 3J|J^ G9 25 40 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 6 2 5 i 4 1 S c 7 SO 10 92 1 1 1 7 1 3 4 1 6 1 2 7 4 ^^g 8 • 10 58 34 825 2 4 3 16 4 3 26 1 3 20 3 3 32 1 2 2 11 12 13 529 296 273 2 1 1 1 8 8 3 12 14 4 10 10 7 17 15 10 4 ^alo 14 15 197 76 4 1 3 2 2 4 3 4 6 1 TIIK DEAF AND DUMB. BV SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OK MOTHERS: 1890— Coutiniiod. 51S 80 to 35 yourn. 3S to 40 jeara. M to 4S years. 4fi to no ywirs. 60 to SS yours. SS to 00 years. 00 to 06 years. 06 to 70 years. 70 to 76 years. 76 to 80 years. 80 to 86 years. 86to«0 years. 90 to OS years. 06 yi-arB onduver. 6 7 b 13 7 e 8 4 2 1 4 3 6 1 3 6 1 4 8 2 3 9 i 3 5 2 8 3 3 8 G 1 3 1 2 2 T 8 4 4 1 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 11 1 2 11 1 1 S 2 1 10 3 1 8 1 1 4 1 n (t G 4 3 1 7 3 3 43 3 1 48 1 1 48 10 1 77 8 3 89 2 3 77 8 2 103 4 4 80 2 1 56 2 2 42 1 11 g 30 11 4 7 10 24 19 12 28 20 17 28 20 20 6« 19 25 «4 25 33 60 21 16 C9 34 25 57 29 23 38 18 23 28 14 18 19 17 19 6 S 7 2 6 2 5 11 13 18 8 4 8 9 15 5 19 6 26 7 1 20 5 14 9 18 5 15 3 14 4 3 3 8 14 16 717G INS- -33 514 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 200.— DEAF AND DUMB IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE'CEAF AND tSSTITCTtOSa In iiiBtitutions. Alabama Institution for the Deaf, Talladega- Arkansas Deaf Mute Inslilution, Little Kiick California Institution for thf Dcnf, Piunb, an'l Blintl. Berkeley Colorado Institution for the Deaf and Blind, (.'olnradoSprinirs Anji-ricau Asylum for Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb, Uartford, Conn. CoUimbitt Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 'Washington, D. C. (o) Florida Institution for the Deaf and Blind, St. Augustine GeMr;:ia Institution for the Education of tho Deat and Dumb, Cave Spring. Dliuois InstitatioD for tho Education of the Deaf and Dumb, Jack- sonville. Indiana Doaf Mute Institution, Indianapolis TouO. lona Institation for the Education of tbe Doaf and Dnmb, Council Blufl'a. Kansas Institute for tho Education of tho Deaf and Dumb, Olathe... Kentuiky Institute for the I'caf Mutes, Danville ■., Deaf, Du'ml", and Blind Inntitute, Baton Uouge, La Maryland School for the Deaf and Dumb, Frederick Maryland School for Colored Blind and Deaf, Baltimore Clarke Institution for Deaf Mutes, Northampton, Msss Kew I-InL:land Industrial School for the Deaf, Beverly, Mass Sarah Fuller Home for Deaf Children, West Medfurd", Mass Evanpelical Lutheran Deaf and Dumb Institute, Korris, Mich. (6) , Michigan School for the Deaf, Flint Institution for Deaf ilutes, St. Paul, Minn Minnesota School lor the Deaf, Faribault Mississinpi In^tilution for the Education of tho Deaf, Jackson Missouri School for tho Deaf and Dumb, Fulton Convent of Onr Lady of Good Counsel. St. Louis, Mo £i*ebrask;t Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Omaha Xew .Jersey School for Deaf Mutes, Trenton New Mexico School for tho Deaf, S'-uita Fo Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, New York city, N. r. (c) Jleiv York Institution for tho Instmction of Deaf and Dimib, "Wash- infrton Heights, (d) St. Jo.HcpIi'a Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mules, Female Department, Fordham, K. T, St. -Ji'seph's Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, Male Department, Westchester. N. Y. St. Joseph s Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Kings County, N. Y Albany Home School for the Deaf, Albany, N. Y Northern New York Institution for Deaf Mutes, Malono Central New- York Inslitntinn for Deaf Mute.-*. Home Wesleni New York Institutiiui ft>r Deal* Mute.s, Iioclie.*ter Le Couteulx St. M.'irv's Institution for Inii>roved Instructions of D.-af Mules, Bullalo', N. Y. (^) North Carolina Inslilutiou for Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, Italeigh Ohio Institution for the Education of Uie Deaf and Dumb. Cnluinbus Pennsylvania Institution for tho Deaf and Dumb, Philadelj)hia 'We-te'm Pennsylvania Institution for tho Deaf and Dumb, Wilkins- burg. Oral School for tho Deaf Dnnmore, Pa South Carolina Institution for the Education of Doaf, Dumb, and Blind, Cedar Springs. 47 I ' Mute School. Sioux Falls 4g '' af ami Dumti Si-bnnl, Knoxville. 4D 1 "luted 1)<-af and Dumb School, Knoxville. SO 'i'exiin Dc-iit Mute Institute. Austin (e) . Gl Texas Deaf and Dumb Institution for Colored Youth, Austin. Deaf Mule D<:partnient of tbe University of Deserot, Salt Lake city, I'lah. \'ir -iiiKi Iiisi;tMti<.ii for Iieaf, Dumb, and Blim!, Staunton ' 1 ffir D(-fecllve Youth, Vancouver '■I for tlie Deaf ami Blind, Ilomucy \ , li.r the Deaf, Delavan bl. John ■Calhuliu Deaf UutolDstitnt«, St. Francis, WiB 6,153 84 101 125 G:| 114 261 209 171 70 92 17 4G 3G 10 12 244 3:i 1G8 290 97 109 54 4 83 122 82 122 304 404 llii 40 (i:i 3n ir. 2(1 13:i 42 0.5 29 «2 170 24 Male. 3,470 143 117 108 36 48 10 27 22 7 133 22 95 39 160 3 55 47 193 Fo. male. 49 05 49 02 42 184 220 89 20 33 47 15 31 119 17 2,683 41 54 40 20 40 118 CO 34 44 7 19 14 3 111 II 73 33 101 17 43 51 2 36 43 18U 184 Total. Male. 3,307 37 8 33 237 113 83 30 48 133 22 9,'i 25 151 3 65 47 109 48 05 49 02 42 184 210 88 82 47 15 31 119 17 Fe- male. 11 4 28 173 118 103 19 14 3 110 U 73 29 100 17 43 50 2 30 54 2 34 67 32 CO 43 175 182 72 14 23 61 Native born. Parents native. Male. 2,022 28 7 33 113 125 102 93 70 34 45 48 23 21 121 25 145 103 52 16 78 Fe- rn lUo. 1,748 4 27 99 110 05 78 51 33 42 One or both parents foreign. Foreign bom. 19 34 15 14 43 151 128 39 8 23 43 Male. 1, 028 78 Fe- male. Male. 257 Fe- male. 25 175 10 10 at>ne resldi-ntof ('anada In this institution not counted. t One mideut of Uutario in this institullun not counted. c One resident of England in Ibis institution not counled. d One resident of Canada and 2 of West Indies not counted. THE DEAF AND DUMB. DUMB, BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1800. 515 COLORED. nmTIIPLACKS OP UOTIIERB (WniTB). ToUl. Black. Mixed blood. Fnited States. Eoclnnd nml Waloa. Scot- land. Ire- land. BritiKh Amonca. France. Ocr many. Srnndl. naria. Bohe. mil. Bnn. pary. Italy. Riixnia and Poland All ollior coun- triea. TTn- kDown. Mule. 1 Fp. male. "■^o- ^^,. Male. Fe male. 163 80 122 51 41 29 4,029 MO 34 S18 140 13 626 143 21 38 21 65 76 48 1 i 88 g« 54 47 1 f S I 1 3 5 1 ....„ 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 19 1 19 2 3 2 8 2 1 19 4 5 4 1 5 4 1 1 IS A 4 5 16 2 2 2 4 25 2 3 6 1 4 12 4 3 13 2 2 2 4 17 2 1 5 1 38 12 60 361 241 169 177 129 09 87 2 7 2 3 2 1 f) 1 20 3 28 3 9 14 2 3 2 2 13 1 57 12 38 6 6 1 27 3 2 2 6 5 1 1 3 10 11 8 1 1 9 4 1 3 1 2 2 1 5 1? 2 10 ...... 2 2 13 •••#^- --- 1^ 1 2 3 Iff 10 1 7 6 1 4 4 3 17 21 21 4 2 118 7 51 53 217 9 6« 59 6 23 103 60 33 13 4 52 81 48 30 85 311 302 102 29 48 16 109 1 1 1 18 8 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 W 10 30 12 35 1 10 "1 1 1 8 2 19 6 41 4 11 2 2 1 43 7 2 2 13 1 09 6 i 4 n 2 1 7 '4 14 9 4 1 11 8 1 1 3 1 3 og 2 1 3 7 13 15 2 1 1 1 3' 3 6 1 2 1 i' '»C 1 1 1 1 4 i' 1 8 12 4 1 1 1 3 'ft 1 1 1 ■>» 10 1 19 1 3 1 8 1 2 46 26 56 28 27 75 5 9 7 1 8 4 1 2 3 2 10 13 1 5 3 3 81 5 1 4 1 1 1 72 rt 4 2 1 1 1 34 1 IS 16 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 i' 9 17 5 50 17 4 2 1 11 17 29 1 17 1 2 18 I 1 1 1 19 1 2 40 41 1 5 2 ...... 1 2 2 3 8 H 14 4 5' 1 5 35 17 2 28 20 20 3 1 2 8 1 2 3 9 19 2 1 3 1 1 11 1 1 ^^ 1 4S 8 7 5 4 3 3 46 4 4 3 9 3 2 1 47 .. . 18 10 4 11 2 5 2 49 125 1 « 1 ■in 27 15 17 9 10 6 SI 1 93 22 SO SO 6 6 1 1 7 1 =i1 2 11 1 3' 14 1 1 4 2 62 11 1 •n 1 Vi 3 1 1 22 1 4 6 7 3 ■iA 2 S7 t One resident of Mexico in this institation not counted. 516 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TAm- 201 -DE\r AND DITIB IX SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB, BY AGE PEEIODS AND BY SEX,. COLOR, ■ " KATI\aTY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHEES: 1890. SEX, COLOB, NATIVlXr, JJfD EffiTIIPUlCES OF MOTHEBS. Total. Unknovra. UndorS years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to SO years. 20 to 50 years. 60 years and over. Total 0,153 48 6 580 4,461 1,031 28 Male Female 3,470 2,683 30 IS 3 3 317 2«9 2,495 1,960 613 411 13 16 \^Jiite •-•- • 5,910 47 6 5C0 4,300 909 28 Male Fimale 3. .107 2, COS 5,478 3,770 29 18 4fi 38 3 3 6 4 298 202 530 335 2,393 1,907 3,989 2,701 572 397 884 010 12 16 23 Paxeotfl native ■ 22 Male Female ; One or bolh parents foreign 2,022 1,748 1,708 24 14 8 1 3 2 1G6 100 195 1,463 1,298 1,228 358 252 274 10 13 1 1,028 CSO 432 5 3 . 1 2 114 81 30 751 477 311 150 118 85 Male- 1 6 Male 257 175 243 18 12 26 179 132 161 58 27 55 2 3 1 )63 80 173 1 19 7 14 102 59 119 41 14 40 BlacV 122 51 70 11 3 12 79 40 42 32 8 15 Female Vixed blood 1 41 29 4,029 1 39 5 8 4 303 23 19 2.961 9 G 639 Female 22 2,181 1,848 140 25 14 2 3 184 1,588 179 1,375 15 94 374 265 30 10 12 England and Wales 1 70 70 34 g 49 7 45 7 25 13 17 Mole 1 Female 21 13 518 5 10 2 9 54 308 Female Zreland 3 90 S 209 219 140 2 1 1 35 207 54 36 27 1 a Female 15 97 83 57 13 1 7 57 40 7 18 9 3 Female 1 2 a G20 1 3 4 448 1 2 115 Female 1 i' 1 I 00 1 3DR !28 143 50 1 31 20 13 20fl 162 104 60 46 25 1 Female Beandmavi.i Femala 1 1 1 .::::::::::■ 10 3 58 40 18 7 I I J I THE DEAF AND DUMIJ. 517 TAtiLE 20I.— DEAF AND DUMB IN 8CII<)OI.« FOR THE DKAI' AND Dt'MH, 15Y AGK PERI0D5? AND RY RFX, rOl/)R, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1890— Coiitiniicl. 8KZ. COLOB, NATIVITY, AND DIHTUPLACES OF MOTHERS. ToUL Unknown. ITndor G yoarg. StolO yearii. lOtoSO ysan. 20 to 60 ye»n. SO rean and over. Dirtliplapon of mothers (white)— Continncd. jtuht'iiiiu 21 a lii 2 I Malo 13 8 ns 1 2 11 4 80 1 1 2 Miilo 28 12 21 G 18 12 14 2 i*'eiMnU» Italv 7 t Mah' 13 8 65 8 G 10 4 50 Kuflsia ami I'oland a Malo 41 24 76 3 3 6 82 18 51 6 3 19 Male 38 38 46 2 4 3 25 26 30 11 8 6 1 Male 32 14 1 25 11 5 1 1 518 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablk 202.— deaf AND DUMB BETWEEN 5 AND 20 YEAES OF AGE, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, BY STATES AND TERRITOKIES: 1890. STATES iSD TERBITOBIS8. The United States Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Coloratlo CouBCctiont I)elaware District of Columbia Florida Georpa Idafao Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Lonisiana Maine Uarrland MassachnRetts Michigan Hinn^'sota Mississippi U issouri Montana ICcbraaka Kevada New Hampshire Kow .Irrsey Kew Mexico JJew York Korth Carolina Korlh Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pcnnsyh-ania Rhode Inlanil Sonth Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas TJtah Vermont V)ri.^nla Wathington •West Vlrcinlft Witwonsin Wyomln;; Total. 15,371 332 7 334 209 108 12t 35 47 73 367 9 993 690 505 450 554 242 133 233 410 572 377 265 804 18 233 G 59 250 35 1,420 424 30 911 14 50 1.162 57 318 68 491 544 42 61 48t 52 214 537 6 Male. 8,465 176 3 188 135 61 71 19 30 39 195 3 590 367 303 242 313 126 80 125 213 295 220 145 454 10 125 3 30 132 18 801 204 18 467 5 29 658 23 IGO 37 205 312 26 31 248 30 114 321 6 Fe- male. 6,006 156 4 146 74 47 53 16 17 34 172 6 403 323 202 208 241 IIG 53 108 203 277 157 120 350 8 108 3 29 118 17 019 220 12 444 9 27 504 34 158 31 220 232 10 30 230 22 100 210 1 Male. 7,658 115 3 155 134 59 70 18 20 18 106 3 583 353 302 232 268 93 80 102 211 293 220 73 439 10 123 3 30 128 IS 798 153 18 464 4 29 646 22 77 37 203 255 20 31 161 30 100 321 Fe- male. 6,285 109 4 125 74 47 53 15 15 16 110 6 401 316 202 202 215 89 53 94 202 277 157 63 341 8 107 3 29 117 17 616 165 12 433 9 26 497 31 70 31 189 185 10 30 172 22 98 215 1 Native bom. Farents native. Male. 4,992 150 54 33 41 15 16 15 100 2 304 294 171 183 241 81 66 91 83 115 52 70 337 6 76 2 20 66 15 337 153 3 331 4 20 442 5 77 17 192 222 4 18 J55 20 102 74 2 Fe- male. 4,381 107 2 123 40 39 36 13 10 15 106 4 240 265 113 104 204 77 39 82 88 111 44 62 261 3 62 1 19 77 15 291 165 4 340 6 17 339 14 69 15 181 161 5 17 169 15 89 62 One or botli parenta foreign. Mole. 2,157 232 61 112 44 25 12 6 8 97 140 119 3 86 3 30 3 50 3 397 5 113 8 167 11 7 25 16 10 3 10 4 200 1 Fe- male. 1,499 3 1 137 45 78 28 10 75 114 87 1 73 3 34 2 3 27 2 272 5 73 3 8 119 15 1 9 4 19 10 9 3 7 125 1 Foreign born. Male. 509 64 Fe- male. 405 Total. Male. 807 61 53 28 Fe- male. 621 47 21 57 11 Black. Male. 058 Fe- male. 19 Mixed blood. Male. 149 F«- ranle. lis IS 1 U s 10 18 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 519 Jabi-e 203.-C0Nt!KNITAL DKAI' AND IHMI! IN 8(1I()0I-S I'OU TIIi; DKAT AND DUMB, IIY AGK I'EKIODS AND BY SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND BIUTIIl'LACES OF MOTIIEKS: 1890. 8KX. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND DlATIirLACES Or MOTHEBS. Total. UnkDOwn. Undor 6 years. 6 to 10 ycara. 10 to SO ye«r». SOtoCO years. 60 rears andurer. 2,4D5 10 6 280 1.837 340 IT Mnlo 1,329 1,100 9 7 3 2 142 138 970 858 187 153 B 8 2,307 10 5 201 1,758 310 17 Male 1.243 1 1,124 2,213 ' 1,006 9 7 10 14 3 G 2 129 132 253 1C5 929 829 1,044 1,208 164 140 282 204 8 13 13 795 811 607 7 7 2 77 88 88 593 615 430 111 93 78 7 2 3 6 357 250 154 2 3 49 39 8 267 ■ 169 114 36 42 28 4 Male . . . 91 63 128 3 5 19 69 45 79 17 11 30 t a 86 42 97 13 C 10 29 62 23 7 25 jjlack -. . 69 28 31 g .J 9 40 22 17 21 4 5 17 14 1.692 5 4 174 10 7 1,280 2 3 208 Birtliplnc'^R or mothers (white): 14 3 13 841 851 54 7 7 1 2 82 92 9 631 649 35 113 95 10 7 6 .... Malp 28 26 6 3 2 19 16 5 3 7 2 5 4 192 1 1 24 4 1 134 2 29 1 1 3 108 84 51 1 1 U 10 7 76 58 30 15 14 8 1 3 30 21 4 * 3 4 22 14 2 5 3 2 1 3 210 1 1 152 1 2 27 1 29 1 130 74 58 1 14 15 3 105 47 45 15 12 9 1 1 32 26 1 2 1 24 21 5 Feiuulo 520 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 203.— COXGKNIT.AX. DEAF AND DUMB IN SCHOOLS FOK THE DEAl^ AND DUMB, ]iY AGE PERIODS AND BY SEX, COLOK, NATrS'ITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF JIOTHERS: 1S90— Continued. SEX, COLOB, SATIVITT, AKD BIBnlPLACfES OF HOTflEBS. Total. Unknown. Under 6 years. fitolO years. 10 tn SO jxars. £0 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Birtlipl.icM of motlicra (wbito)— Continocd. 7 6 1 ^folc i 3 16 3 3 10 1 i 2 llalc . U 2 8 4 8 2 5 2 Ila]y . 3 i Male 3 1 2 1 2 3 20 5 26 i 5 >fj)1e - :9 7 28 16 i 19 3 2 6 , 1 3 13 15 12 1 2 2 10 9 9 2 4 1 Fenialo Male 9 3 1 1 8 1 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 521 Taulk 20-1.— DEAK AND UUMH, WITH IJI.STINCTIOX OP SKX, COLOU, NATIVITV, AXI) liliniirLACrCS 01' MOTIIKRS, AND AGE PEKIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. THE VNITED 8TATEN. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITT, AND DIRITIPLACES OK MOTHltBS. Total. CdUdovii. Blrtli. DnrliT r, ywirs. 6 to to yearn. 10 lo 20 ye»r«. 20 Tcari an U 178 142 GO 200 199 33 52 40 19 20 15 8 3 1 3 82 04 3,833 8 G 295 41 28 1,437 19 14 1,537 8 384 5 3 143 1 2 37 Malo 2, 2.53 1.580 fi«5 170 125 44 839 598 289 9)8 019 2G8 231 153 45 77 66 14 18 IB S 374 291 113 72 41 105 20 15 G 153 130 47 159 109 4C 21 24 U 7 7 3 t Mnle I 4 11 33 14 41 07 19 42 G 5 5 r 5 1 11 ale 01 44 52 5 1 1 27 14 23 23 19 22 1 3 2 5 2 3 1 1 Itn^v 33 10 1 12 11 15 7 5 1 f emalo i i 522 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 20I.-DEAF ANO DUJIB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. THE V.XITED STATES-Continued. SKX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIBTBPLACES OP MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Birth. Under 6 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 yeara. 20 vcirs and" over. Birthplace.s of mothers (white)— Continncd. 241 13 119 88 18 3 138 103 496 5 8 39 69 50 231 50 38 168 12 G 41 2 1 11 t y[i\o 293 203 140 25 14 21 134 97 43 103 65 53 23 18 18 6 5 4 a 4 1 Male ... 87 53 15 6 26 17 36 17 7 11 2 2 1 AE.ABAinA. Xolal 791 51 490 188 35 18 g Male 436 355 25 26 266 224 107 81 26 9 7 11 S 4 \y^t« . ;. . . . 522 40 300 144 23 13 2 M.ile 280 242 516 503 19 21 39 39 149 151 299 290 87 57 141 137 17 6 23 23 7 6 12 12 1 1 t 1 Male 268 235 13 19 20 144 146 9 80 67 4 17 6 7 5 1 1 One or both. parents foreign Mall- .- 9 4 6 5 4 1 4 1 1 3 1 Male 3 3 269 3 1 U 1 190 1 5 Oolorelaceii of mothers (white) : L'nil**d States 39 S Male 209 236 1 19 20 145 147 1 80 57 17 7 5 1 1 ycmale England and Wales Main 1 1 1 1 Scotland Male 1 1 5 1 1 3 Hale 4 1 8 1 8 1 Oermany 3 4 I S 3 2 1 2 2 4 Female 1 Bangary Malr 1 1 1 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 523 •^ABI-K 201.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOH, NATIVITY, AM) lilKTIIl'LACES <>1' MOTIIKKS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCUKKED, BY STATES AND TERUITORIES: 1890— Continued. ARIZONA. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND DinTIIPLACES OF MOTHERS, Total. Unknown. llirlh. Un.lcr S j'onra. 6 to 10 years. 10 to SO youra. 20 years and over. 15 4 2 8 1 lifftle B 6 3 1 2 3 5 1 IS i 2 8 1 jl^lf, > 6 13 9 S 1 4 3 2 3 8 5 1 1 1 jjjile . . - 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Black .' Male Male Birthplnces of mothers (Trhite) : 9 3 1 5 5 4 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 Male .... 1 1 1 1 Male 1 4 1 1 ... 1 1 1 Male 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 KANS.IS. Total 760 61 328 266 71 20 u Male 408 352 29 32 174 154 154 112 33 38 12 8 ^ffliite 643 47 264 240 63 17 12 Male 339 304 625 012 22 25 44 43 134 130 257 253 139 101 2:u 230 29 31 62 61 9 8 17 15 X'enialo Native born 11 10 Male 318 294 13 18 25 1 128 125 4 133 97 4 27 34 1 8 7 2 One or both parents foreign Main 4 18 1 3 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 i'finalo Foreign born 3 1 Male 12 6 3 3 4 4 2 1 Female ,,^ 524 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND BVSIB, AND BLIND. Table S04.— DEAF AXD DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTIIPLACES OF ATOTUERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERITORIES: 1890— Continued. AKKAt'ySAS— Continncd. ATIVITT, ASD DIBTHPLACKS OF MOTHEES. ToUU. Untuown. Birth. Under o years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 years and over. ,^. 117 14 04 20 8 3 3 89 48 101 7 7 13 40 24 54 15 11 23 4 4 7 3 3 3 1 81 40 16 7 G 1 3.1 19 10 13 10 3 3 4 1 3 1 1 8 i 6U 5 5 253 2 1 231 1 1 44 1 BIrtbpIarfs nf mntlicra (irliitc) : 61 15 10 Male 319 29S 1 19 23 128 125 l.« 08 27 34 1 8 7 4 6 >fiile 1 1 Smtlanil . . 2 1 1 Hak< 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 Male 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Malp 1 1 1 1 11 1 5 4 1 Male n - 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 Male Female 2 Italy 1 1 Main 1 1 . 1 Ratula an«1 r'>ln>Ml 1 1 Male • 1 1* eouile All otbcr cotitilriua ^ 4 2 1 Male c 3 1 2 I Feinulu 1 1 1 ■ 1 (AriFORiVBA. ToUl 4S0 20 171 229 41 14 Mair 291 IM 18 8 OB 72 130 93 25 10 6 8 7 White 487 20 170 227 41 14 9 Male 290 197 410 243 18 8 21 15 ug 71 142 79 135 92 mo 123 25 16 35 21 8 8 10 5 7 2 Ketuale Pari-Dtii native ■. 3 Male 133 112 185 II 1 36 43 03 G7 74 11 U 14 4 1 2 1 •I One or both [larenta furel^SD Mala 108 57 1 46 17 40 25 8 2 1 Foniala '.[..[I'.'.VMVMIWI'.'.V. s" THE DEAF AND DUMB. 525 Tabik 204.— IJKAl' AND DUMU, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND UIRTHPLACES OF MOTIIKKS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1890— Continued. CALIFORNIA— Continnod. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND DUITHPLACES OP MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Birtb. Undor 6 years. e toio years. 10(0 20 yean. 20 .\ earn anil ovvr. ■Whito— Contiiineil. 77 6 28 31 e 4 8 M:,l,. 49 2g 3 4 1 17 U 1 19 12 2 4 2 2 2 S ]^[},]f« . 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 'K\nr'\r » 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 274 1 SG Binliplacea of inollicrs (wliite): 10 138 • 20 5 3 Jtiilo 153 121 38 11 5 42 44 17 79 59 14 15 11 2 4 1 2 3 1 a M;,l,. 25 13 12 11 6 3 8 6 S ' 1 1 1 3 2 1 7 5 53 2 1 14 4 1 20 1 2 1 1 5 2 2 Hale 29 21 10 1 10 4 2 14 12 2 3 1 2 2 1 Male 5 5 7 1 1 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 Male 5 2 49 4 1 23 1 1 1 18 3 3 2 Hale 35 U 7 2 1 10 7 14 4 7 3 2 1 Male 4 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 Ttnlv . . 10 3 5 2 Male 9 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 All other countriea 26 3 16 5 1 1 If ale 15 11 1 ! 3 9 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 i 526 IKSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DKAF AND DLMIi, vnni PISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIKTHPLACES OF' MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. COI^OBADO. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITV, AND BIBTHPLACES OF MOTHEES. Total. TJnknoivn. Birth. Under fi years. & to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 years and over. 205 11 74 93 18 6 3 Male 115 90 6 5 39 35 49 44 14 4 5 1 ^jute • 203 11 73 93 17 6 jiale 113 90 186 143 6 5 10 6 38 35 68 54 49 44 85 64 13 4 16 13 5 1 S 5 M.ilc- _. 72 71 43 4 2 4 27 27 14 27 37 21 9 4 3 4 1 27 IG 17 1 3 1 7 ' 7 5 16 5 8 3 1 1 14 3 2 1 4 1 1 6 2 r 1 Colored . . . 1 Male 2 1 1 Black . . 1 1 Male 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 Birthplaces of motliers (whitDI : 'United States .... 153 78 75 11 7 56 70 14 5 1 Male 4 3 28 4 31 39 6 10 4 1 4 1 1 £Dgland and Wales 7 4 2 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 Female ^ Scotland , Male 1 1 7 1 Female 1 1 Ireland 3 2 1 e 1 5 1 1 2 1 Female 1 4 Male 3 2 11 1 2 2 7 1 1 1 Male 8 3 7 1 6 1 1 1 1 Scandinavia 6 1 Male 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 Female 1 Hangar; Male 1 1 Female Romilaand Poland 2 2 Male 1 1 2 1 1 Fcmolo AU other countrlea 1 1 Male 2 1 I Female T7nknown 2 1 1 ■ ■ Male 2 1 ' Female THE DEAF AND DUMB. 527 Table 901.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF M0TUEB8, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 18iH)— Continued. CONNECTIODT. SEX, COLOB, NATIVITY, AND IIIBTnrLACES OF MOTUEBS. Total. Unknown. Birth. Under 6 years. C to 10 year*. 10 to 20 years. — 1 20 ynara and over. Total 499 26 221 192 34 23 t Mnlo 274 225 12 14 118 103 120 72 15 19 7 10 1 1 ^flii^ 492 26 218 189 34 22 1 Male 272 220 432 355 191 184 77 12 14 18 13 117 101 190 155 119 70 178 147 15 19 26 23* 7 15 17 14 a t ( 1 jf al c 6 7 5 82 73 35 88 59 31 8 15 3 5 9 3 1 1 49 28 60 2 3 8 22 13 28 21 10 u 3 1 2 5 8 Malo 32 28 7 4 4 13 15 3 10 1 3 4 4 1 4 1 Male 2 5 G 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 Black 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Mixed blood Male 1 364 1 151 Birthplaces of motliors (white) : 13 159 23 15 8 Male 194 170 15 6 7 1 83 76 8 8D 62 3 8 15 2 6 9 1 3 1 10 5 8 1 4 4 2 3 2 1 3 1 ... . 2 Male 4 4 56 1 1 1 20 1 1 18 1 2 2 8 8 35 21 11 2 6 1 14 7 U 4 3 5 3 2 Male 8 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 25 1 17 7 Male 15 10 1 1 9 8 S 2 1 Female 1 1 1 Hungary 1 Malo Female 1 3 1 1 1 1 Female 3 4 1 1 1 All other countries 4 Malo 4 4 Female ::::::;:::::i:;:::::;:::: 528 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablk a04.— deaf and dumb, with DISTINCTION' OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AXD TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. CON.'VECTICOT— ContiDtied. SE.X, COIjOE, XATIVITT, AXD BIRTHPLACES OF VOTilEBS. Total. UnkDO\ni. Birth. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to SO years. 20 ye.-irs and* over. Birthplace* of mothers (white)— Continaed. 3 3 1 Milo 1 2 1 2 »EI.A^'ARE. Total . Male.... Female . White . Male... Female . Kativcbom Fareuts native. Male... l*>!uaK' Odc or both parents foreign . Male... Female . ToreiCT) bum . Male.... Female . Colored. Male.... Female . Black . Male.... Female . Mixed blood . M.ile.... Female , 57 41 53 39 80 71 38 33 12 10 29 15 40 12 10 15 14 25 15 33 27 16 11 21 12 9 20 19 10 4 I 2 5 2 1 I 1 Birlh|ilai;e6 of mothers (white) ; United States Male.... Female . England and Waleii Male... Female . IrcUind . Male.... Female . ItrilUh Amcrira . Male.... Female . Germany Halo... Female . 72 39 33 17 11 10 9 9 2 3 1 L. 6 1 1 I 1 .. 1 1 THE DKAF AND DU.MB. 529 TAniK 204.-1)I:AF AJfO DUMB, Wixn DISTINCTION OK SKX, COLOR. NATIVITy, AND IURTHPLACES OF M0T1IKR8, AND AUK PKRIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED. «Y STATES AND TERiaTOKIEH: 1890— Coiitiiiucil. DISTRICT OF COIiVnUIA. Pi:X, COLOR, NATIVITV, AM> IllRTMI'lACES OV MOTIIKEi*. Tolnl. Uuknown. Blrtb. Unilrr fi years. S to to yrurH. 10 to SO yfnm. SO yran oikI over. 124 17 48 40 12 4 * 60 65 12 5 23 25 22 18 8 4 2 2 3 1 _ . 98 15 32 83 11 3 9 SO 46 92 64 10 5 15 14 15 17 30 21 1« 17 83 22 7 4 U 4 I 2 2 a 1 1 1 1 jjjj](» . 35 29 28 9 5 1 11 10 9 IS 10 11 2 2 7 1 2 J3 15 4 1 3 « 2 4 7 5 2 1 1 2 2 28 1 1 10 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 Unlo W 9 23 2 8 8 12 G 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 J7 G 5 2 7 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 73 1 3 25 1 Birthplaros of mothers (Tvliitc) : 11 25 6 2 1 JfjJ(V 39 34 S 9 5 12 13 1 14 11 4 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Mnlc 1 1 7 3 3 1 2 5 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 , 1 1 . 1 ..• 1 1 i 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 Malo 3 I 1 1 2 1 Ttftlr 1 1 1 I 1 PoiDalu i 1 1 1 1 1 1 717G INS- -31 530 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tadlf. 204.— PEAF AND DUMB. WITH DISTIXCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF-MOTHEBS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAJ^'NESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutinued. FLOKIDA. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AXD BIBTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. IJirth. Vniler 5 years. S to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 yMrs and "over. 190 24 101 47 12 2 4 111 79 U 10 58 43 31 16 6 6 1 1 1 S V^JtQ . 112 12 58 34 3 2 8 '\f.j]Q ..,. 48 105 98 G a 12 12 35 23 54 50 21 13 33 30 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 S 3 3 58 40 7 6 6 32 18 4 18 12 3 1 1 1 1 3 "^Inlf 4 3 7 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 5 78 1 3 43 1 1 9 1 12 13 1 ^(alo 47 31 61 8 4 7 23 20 36 10 3 10 5 4 7 1 jjlack -■ 1 Mftio 37 24 17 4 3 5 20 10 7 7 3 3 5 2 2 1 Mal(. 10 7 99 4 1 12 3 4 51 3 2 2 Birtbplflcefl of mothers {white) : 30 2 a M.alD 59 40 2 G G 33 18 1 18 12 1 1 1 1 1 3 Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 Malo 1 1 1 • 2 1 1 "■| Male 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 Male 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 1 Feiiialo 1 4 2 1 1 Male 4 2 1 1 OEOBGIA. Tol«I 860 45 407 226 62 20 11 Mole 45G 404 23 22 256 241 124 102 27 25 17 12 9 2 ■Wlilto G43 25 310 IGO 30 10 Main 277 ■JOG 039 7 18 25 152 158 307 02 08 150 15 15 30 10 a Kfttlvaborn THE DEAF AND DUMB. 531 Tablk 904.— deaf AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OV SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: ISaO-Contiuucd. OEOBOIA— ContlDued. 6KX, COLOR, NATlVnV. AND llIltTltl'lJ^CES OF MiiTllKItS. Total. Vnknown. Birth. }'cars. r> to 10 yoora. 10 to SO year*. 20 years and ovnr. Wh.*te — "^Cntive born— Continued. S21 25 301 149 29 • S Jfftlo 265 250 18 7 18 148 153 6 80 03 10 14 ]5 4 5 1 • 1 Male 10 8 4 3 3 3 5 5 1 1 1 Malo 2 2 317 1 2 187 1 Colored 20 66 22 19 8 Mftlo 179 138 270 16 4 18 104 83 102 32 34 55 12 10 20 12 7 19 t Black 1 Mrtlo 155 121 41 14 4 2 90 72 25 20 29 11 11 2 12 7 S 1 24 17 529 271 258 2 2 14 11 302 5 154 1 1 30 1 Birthplaron of mothora (white): 25 10 s Male 7 18 148 154 2 90 C4 15 15 5 5 6 2 Male . ... 2 6 2 3 3 Malo 3 3 2 2 1 1 I 2 ■ 1 ifalo 1 1 2 i 1 i" 1 1 jmie 2 1 1 1 1 Male . . . 1 1 1 1 JIalo 1 1 ' 1 ■' IDABO. Total 31 1 10 14 2 3 M.ale 17 14 1 4 6 10 4 1 2 2 Wiite 31 1 10 14 2 3 Kalo 17 14 23 18 1 4 6 9 6 10 4 8 7 1 2 3 2 Female 2 1 1 1 1 Parents natire Male 10 8 1 3 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 Femalo 1 Male 2 3 1 2 1 1 Temale 1 I 532 rN'SANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TABLr: 20».— DZAK AXD DUilTl, WITH PISTIXCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OP MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED. BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Con tiuued. IDAHO— Continned. SEX, COLOB, KATIVrrr, and BIKTHPUU-ES OF MOTBEES. ToUl. I-'iiknown. Birth. TTndt'r 5 years. fitolO years. 10 1« 20 years. SO years and over. THiito— ConI inncd. 8 1 6 1 5 3 5 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 VivAil lilrwwl 1 i 1 1 1 1 i Birthplflre-s of mothers (Tchitc): 18 1 « 7 1 2 1 >fnlo ... 10 8 C 1 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Male 2 I 3 2 1 1 2 1 Male 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 1 1 ' 1 lEiIilNOIS. Total 2.470 110 E5G 1,150 183 105 45 Male J,37S 1,101 8G SI 463 303 009 4S1 85 08 53 SO 20 • 25 VUte 2,4C0 13G 818 1,144 663 479 1,019 606 183 105 Male 1.364 1,09« 2,120 1,403 82 51 112 El 453 330 70D 464 83 98 153 09 55 50 91 «1 IS 25 Ifativo bom 84 29 Male 7D3 018 717 SO 23 23 2:!7 227 245 372 291 353 48 51 50 27 31 SO 15 14 One or both parcnta furclKn 5 Mule 411 aoG 310 IM 113 la 14 6 IS 13 15 21 l.'!7 108 13« 215 138 125 25 3t 23 20 10 U 1 M»lo . .. 13 11 4 84 55 8 78 47 6 12 10 8 C g 7 Oblored 1 1 Male « S 3 7 4 2 S \ Fomala BUrk 4 Main 12 4 8 4 5 2 1 3 2 1 Kuuialo lUzMl blood 1 Mole 2 1 1 i Fetu»l« 1 , THE DEAF AND DUMB. 533 Taule 204.— DKAF and DTTMB, WITH DrSTINCTION OF SEX, f'm-OK, NATIVITY, AND niRTHPLACEfi OF MOTHKItS, ANDAOE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCUKRED, HY STATES AND TEUUrnjKlK.S: ISUO— Luiiiiiiiiixl. IL.L.INOIM— Continuc yeurt. GtulO yuarH. 10 Ki SO yuMni. in venni antl'over. Birt''pl'*>''o« of mothers (white): 1,S39 88 499 74« 109 66 n jIhIp 841 W8 W «0 28 2 257 242 38 42 Viimlc 11 ^liilo . 1.805 106 588 846 174 72 U JIhIo 990 809 1.712 1.444 57 49 102 92 304 284 537 444 490 356 822 709 92 82 164 130 44 28 69 54 B 10 18 15 Male . . 793 651 208 SI 41 10 2; 12 212 93 400 303 113 64 66 34 34 20 15 6 S M nic 149 2 8 41 62 73 40 22 12 8 7 8 fomale 534 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TiBLE 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OP MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contiuuca. INDIAKTA -Continued. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AXD BIRTHi»LACES OF MOTUEUS, Total. Unknown. Birth. Under o years. StolO years. 10 to SO years. 20 years and" over. White— Continued. 93 4 51 24 10 3 1 M.Mc 54 39 32 4 31 20 20 11 13 9 6 4 2 1 2 1 1 Colored Male 21 11 26 13 7 16 6 3 7 2 Female 1 1 Black 2 Male IS 8 6 11 5 4 5 2 2 2 Female 1 Mixed blood.... ' M,ile 3 3 1,508 2 2 464 1 1 742 Female Birthplaees of mothera (white) : 94 134 59 15 Male 830 678 18 51 43 1 239 225 7 429 313 6 67 67 4 38 21 6 9 Epf^l^^pd s^Tl'l Wnlftd 1 Male 5 13 4 1 2 5 2 1 5 1 1 3 1 Female , ..... Male 2 2 47 1 1 10 1 1 1 23 1 tl»lanil 3 7 2 3 Male 28 19 6 2 1 4 6 2 15 8 3 4 3 1 1 1 2 Male 4 2 7 2 2 1 2 Femalo 1 1 France 4 Male 4 3 190 3 1 85 1 1 59 Female 1 26 7 11 2 Male 108 82 4 2 S 1 44 41 1 37 22 2* 19 7 5 6 1 1 Scandinavia Male 2 2 6 1 1 Femalo 2 1 RuwLa and FoUnd 5 3 3 11 3 2 6 Femalo 1 5 All other countries Male 7 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 T7nknon-n Male 3 1 1 1 2 Female IOWA. Total 1,313 07 428 010 144 45 U Milo 792 521 SO 28 2S0 172 364 246 84 60 83 12 It a •While 1,308 07 427 007 144 44 u Male 789 ul9 1,118 39 28 55 250 171 343 303 245 539 84 60 130 32 12 40 18 8 u Femalo Katlre bom THE DEAF AKD DU.MB. 535 Table aoi.— DKAF and niTMH, WITH DISTINCrridN OK SKX, COLOR, NATIVn V, AM) lUKTIIPLACKS OK iiUTUKliU, AND AllE I'KKIODS WllKX UKAFNKS.S OCCUKKED, UY STATKS ANlJ T1;KUIT0IC1I;S: IX'JO— Con tinned. I O W A— CoQtluucd. HEX, OOLOBf NATniTT, AND DlBTHPUkCES OF HOTHRRS. Total. Unknown. Birth. Under t years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to SO years. £0 Tear* and over. White— Nfttivc liorn— Continncd. 743 41 231 361 76 25 t Jf qJo 442 301 375 23 18 u 136 93 112 214 147 178 46 30 54 15 10 15 S 1 2 Male 226 149 190 8 6 12 69 43 84 100 7;i 68 28 26 14 13 2 4 2 8 V ale 121 69 5 8 51 33 42 26 3 10 4 4 6 2 1 l^{]ilo .,.,......■....--... 3 2 5 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 I 1 Malf» t 1 1 \ 1 Birthplaces nf mothers (white) : 791 42 239 392 80 28 10 >Inle 477 314 39 24 18 2 141 U8 9 237 155 23 48 32 2 18 10 3 g 1 21 18 8 1 1 4 5 3 1 1 1 3 1 ilnle G 2 90 3 1 2 30 1 1 4 29 15 - 4 a 56 34 24 2 2 2 17 12 10 25 11 8 7 8 4 3 1 a Male 14 10 8 2 5 5 5 3 5 1 4 1 2 4 4 213 3 2 74 1 1 26 1 92 13 5 3 Male 130 S3 72 7 6 2 47 27 37 53 39 26 17 9 3 5 1 a 1 3 42 30 24 2 22 15 11 15 U 8 3 3 4 1 1 Male 12 12 1 8 3 2 6 1 2 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 . ... i:::::::::::: 2 1 1 Male 2 34 1 9 1 5 1 16 3 25 9 2 1 6 3 12 4 1 3 2 1 3 Male 1 1 1 1 1 • 536 IXSAXE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DKAK AXD DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BlRTirPLACKS OF MOTHERS; AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BV STATES AND TERRITORIES: lt>90— Coiitiuucd. KAKSAN. T!\TrT, AXD BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHEBS. TotaL UnkuowD. Birth. Under o years. 6 to 10 yeara. 10 to so years. 20 years andoTer. Xotal 1,152 67 349 580 99 40 IT M.ile Mi 508 37 30 178 171 341 239 51 48 26 14 U 8 1.126 66 340 571 90 38 19 Mnle 629 497 1,022 857 30 29 57 62 172 168 296 231 336 235 532 458 50 46 90 73 24 14 35 31 5 12 Mal(» 482 375 165 3] 21 5 120 111 05 20!) 189 74 35 38 17 20 n 4 7 5 Male 95 70 101 3 2 8 31 34 44 44 30 39 14 3 3 1 3 4 52 52 26 2 6 2 21 9 23 lU 9 1 5 3 1 2 2 4 Colored 1 Mnlc 15 11 22 1 1 2 3 8 5 4 7 1 2 2 2 1 Black 2 1 Main 14 8 4 1 1 6 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 Mnl« 1 3 895 1 1 481 Female 1 242 1 75 Birthplnrf A of mrithcrs (n-hitc) : United States 52 32 12 502 393 32 32 21 4 126 no 15 279 202 7 37 38 4 21 11 1 7 6 1 Male 16 IS 8 9 3 6 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 4 Male 8 3 4 1 Ireland 25 2 8 10 3 3 Male 18 2 a 6 7 8 2 8 2 1 1 s Britinli America..... 1 1 Malo 11 S 2 3 73 3 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 I Prance . .. 1 Male 1 2 25 1 1 30 3 3 47 20 18 1 2 1 14 11 25 11 7 5 1 3 2 K.'nialo Male B 9 4 I 3 4 1 3 1 2 Bohemia Male I 3 1 1 3 1 Female Honsarr.,... ,. 2 I Male . 4 ;::::::::::: I 2 ! 1 Ittly 1 Male Female ::::::;;:::: ;:::;;;;:;:. THE DEAF AND DUMR 537 TAnLE aoi.— UEAF AND DUMB, WITH MISTIN'CTIOX rt. NATivnv, AM* ninriirLACiLS op wotiikb8. Tout. Unknown. Birth. Unilw fi year.. fi l<> 10 ycnn. lOtniO yean. SO yrani and itvvT. BirthplncoBu: uinihcrs (white)— Continued. 10 12 « 1 Male (1 10 18 7 & 11 1 5 i 1 1 All otbcr cuuD trios 1 » Male 8 10 7 5 6 2 2 3 * 1 • 1 1 Male 4 3 1 1 3 1 1 KICNTVCKV. Total 1,362 69 754 413 79 42 t Mnle 717 «25 49 20 382 »72 231 183 47 112 26 16 2 8 1.215 CO 675 377 60 3» 4 Male RIO 5li5 1,1«3 1,108 42 18 58 55 336 339 661 030 209 1(J8 369 336 37 2:1 56 53 24 15 36 31 2 2 3 8 Male 5.03 515 75 39 16 3 317 313 31 184 152 33 33 20 3 19 12 5 1 2 Fonialo ■ One or bcith parents foreign Male 45 30 32 1 2 2 16 15 14 21 12 8 1 4 5 Feni:Uo 3 1 Male 12 20 147 2 3 Jl 79 4 4 36 2 19 1 3- 9 1 Male ^ 87 7 4G 33 C7 22 14 29 10 9 10 2 I 2 Female 1 1 Black 60 1 " Male 66 48 33 4 1 4 39 28 12 18 11 7 4 6 9 1 1 1 1 Uixed blooii Male 21 12 1,121 3 1 55 39 16 1 7 5 636 4 3 3B 6 3 53 1 Birtlipl-icea of mothers (white) : 31 S 6ni 520 6 321 315 2 188 155 33 20 2 1? 1 2 1 Female Male 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2" 1 . Scotland Male 1 1 Female Ireland 15 9 4 1 1 Male 7 8 3 2 7 3 1 o • 1 1 British America 1 Male Foiualo 3 2 2 1 I Franco 1 i Male 1 I 59 1 1 25 Germany 3 21 4 6 Male S2 27 1 2 9 12 1« 9 2 4 Female [[[[ „^ 538 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, ^VITH DISTINXTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, A\D BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, XSD AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutinned. KENTUCKY— Continaed. SBi, coLOB, NiTivrrr, and bibthplaces of mothebs. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continued. Kussi.i and Poland Male... Female . All othercountries. Male... Female . Total. Unknown. Birth. Under 6 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to SO years. 20 years and over. XiOnSIANA. 539 47 347 88 32 21 4 Male 288 251 23 24 192 155 41 47 17 15 H 10 4 389 40 248 64 22 14 1 ^lale 206 183 371 309 19 21 39 36 135 113 241 210 30 34 61 44 14 8 13 11 7 7 10 7 1 1 I Male 168 141 62 19 17 3 114 90 31 22 22 17 7 4 8 5 2 3 1 Male 29 33 18 16 15 7 7 10 3 6 2 3 3 1 3 4 Male 9 9 150 5 2 99 1 2 24 1 2 10 2 2 7 1 7 8 Male 82 68 114 4 3 6 57 42 78 11 13 17 3 6 4 3 6 8 BlAcV 1 Male 63 51 36 3 3 1 44 34 21 10 7 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 MixMl blood 3 Male - 19 17 326 1 13 8 220 1 6 49 1 3 12 1 a 37 7 1 Male 175 151 5 19 18 118 102 2 25 24 2 7 5 1 5 2 1 Male 1 4 2 1 1 o 1 1 1 Male 3 U 1 1 1 4 S 4 2 7 7 12 3 2 2 2 2 1 4 3 5 2 8 4 28 4 1 10 8 1 1 5 2 Germauy 1 S Main 15 13 1 7 1 2 4 4 1 1 Italy Male ]"■ 1 THE DEAF AND DUMli. 539 Taiuk tiOl.— DEAK and DUMI!, WITH DISTINCTION OI' SKX, COLOU, NATIVITY, AND BIRl III'LACICS OF MOTIIICRS^ AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continuc.l. liOViaiANA—Cou tinned. &BX, COLOB, NATIVIIT, AND niBTHPt^CSS OF MOTIIBRS. Total. Unknown. Birth. rnilcr G yean. Gto 10 years. 10 to to yeori. 10 v:tn. and ovor. Birthplarra of molhora (white)— Continaed. 1 1 7^fj^],> 1 1 niAIIVE. Total 627 95 207 193 4T 18 6 Male 346 281 47 48 152 115 107 88 27 20 9 4 1 ^^ito 627 95 267 193 47 18 5 Mnlo 346 281 566 534 47 48 82 77 152 115 245 233 vrt 88 177 165 27 20 42 39 9 9 10 16 4 1 4 4 Malo 300 234 32 39 38 S 133 100 12 95 70 12 21 18 3 9 7 8 1 Malo 16 16 61 a 3 13 8 4 22 4 8 18 2 I 5 2 1 Male 30 31 6 7 11 11 8 10 4 1 1 2 Male Blaok Male 1 Male 1 1 544 79 237 167 41 16 4 Malo 307 237 10 40 39 1 136 101 5 96 71 4 23 18 9 7 3 1 >ralo 3 7 1 1 2 3 4 1 ScolKlnd Male 1 18 1 3 6 7 1 1 R 10 53 2 4 9 2 5 18 2 1 19 1 1 5 2 Male 27 26 1 4 3 12 6 8 11 1 3 2 2 ScaniliDavia 1 1 Female 540 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204 PKAF AND DUXB, WITH DISTINXTION OF SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND lURTHPLACKS OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERKITORIKS: 1«90— Coutinued. iriARTLAiVD. SKX, COLOE, SATIVITV, AXt> BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Toul. Unknown. Birth. Under 5 years. 5tnie years. 10 to 20 years. 20 years jtud a\ er. Total 750 71 342 220 76 24 17 Male 416 334 39 32 191 151 115 105 45 31 16 8 10 7 6(4 57 2S6 193 66 20 17 Male 9M 290 597 510 31 26 46 42 ini 125 273 245 100 98 186 155 39 27 61 43 13 7 18 13 10 7 IS 12 Fciu.ile PareDta native .. .... . M.ile 2»0 230 g7 28 16 4 136 109 28 79 76 31 23 20 18 9 4 5 7 6 1 Ono or both parents foreign M.nle 48 39 47 2 2 11 16 !?• 12 6 5 3 2 2 12 13 16 12 1 4 2fi 21 106 3 8 14 9 56 6 6 22 4 1 10 1 1 4 3 1 Feiualo Colored .' Male 62 44 88 8 6 12 30 26 49 15 7 19 6 4 G 3 1 2 Female Black M.ile 51 37 18 6 6 2 20 23 7 13 3 4 2 4 2 2 Male 11 7 527 2 4 3 251 2 1 163 2 2 44 1 1 U Birthplaces of mothers (while) : United States 43 12 Male 2S7 240 7 20 17 139 112 3 82 81 2 24 20 1 9 5 1 7 S Englaml and Wales M:.le 5 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Scotland M.le Keniale 1 23 1 7 Ireland 2 9 4 1 Male 14 9 1 1 1 6 3 3 4 3 1 1 Prance Male 1 1 Female 70 12 19 21 16 4 4 Male 41 35 1 4 8 11 8 10 11 11 5 n 2 3 1 1 Bung.nry ...... ....^.. 1 Female '{ ;..!'".!!!!!!!! 1 Italy 1 1 Miile 1 1 ...'..'. 1 Biuutla and l*oland 2 1 1 2 1 2 i Femalo 1 1 Unknoirn n 1 MMe 4 1 2 1 1 , TiTF. di:af and dumb. 541 Table 204.— DEAV AND DTIMn, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, NATIVITY. AND RIIITHPLACKS OP MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, HY STATES AND TEURITOKIK.S: 18U0— Coiitiinitd. inACiSACnVSKTTH. eUX, COLOIl, NATIVITY, AXU UinXni'IJlCES or MOTIIKI18. Total. 1,S39 riikriowii. lilrth. Under 5 yearn. litnlO yi%irM. 10 tn to yuara. SO year* and over. Total 203 568 573 127 n 13 M«lo 762 747 95 108 311 257 294 278 01 60 26 31 5 7 f^hite 1,526 202 580 570 125 S7 U Mnlp 784 742 1,240 020 95 107 150 139 307 253 451 323 292 278 501 350 59 66 95 63 20 31 42 34 6 7 10 ( MnlK 454 466 329 61 78 11 176 149 12C 168 182 151 31 32 32 14 20 8 4 5 1 192 137 277 8 3 52 76 60 109 87 64 60 17 IS 30 4 4 15 i 2 Male 138 139 13 26 26 1 55 54 8 37 32 2 11 19 2 8 7 1 1 Mnio 8 5 8 4 4 5 2 2 1 1 Black 1 1 5 3 5 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 Main 3 2 950 1 2 Das 1 1 BirthplflccA of mothers (wbito) : United Stjitoa 139 3G8 69 35 10 Main 475 484 CO 61 78 6 183 155 19 178 100 26 34 35 5 IS 20 3 4 1 34 26 15 6 8 U 8 IB 10 4 1 4 2 I 2 1 Female Scotland 1 Malo 6 9 266 4 4 103 1 3 94 I 1 8 Feiiialo 1 34 27 145 121 173 16 13 15 «0 43 73 .52 42 57 13 14 20 1 8 FtMualo , Male 97 70 1 8 7 41 32 33 1 9 11 4 4 1 Female 1 22 1 10 1 Germany 1 7 2 1 1 Male 12 10 3 1 s 1 4 6 2 2 1 1 , M»le 2 1 7 1 1 1 4 1 Female I Italy 3 Male i 3 * 1 2 3 I 1 3 9 1 1 1 Fimali. 2 4 Ill other couu tries 2 2 M.llr 3 • 3 1 female , .,.,,.., ,.,.. ■■......•• 2 1 2 ••*••• 542 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF ^lOTKEKS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contiuucd. iriASSACIIUSETTS-Continued. SEX, COLOE, NATn-mr, and bibthplaces op mothebs. Total. Unknown. Birth. trnder 6 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 ye.irs and over. Blithplaccs of mothon (white)— Continued. 7 4 2 1 5 2 3 1 1 1 1 ' iniCIIIGAtV. Xotal 1,547 90 510 719 169 52 T Male 828 719 59 31 273 237 381 338 83 86 28 24 i 8 1,539 90 508 714 168 52 7 Male - 823 710 1,192 741 59 31 66 38 271 237 380 234 378 336 581 362 83 85 122 76 28 24 38 26 4 8 5 5 Malo 383 358 451 22 16 28 116 118 146 193 16» 219 35 41 46 14 12 12 s 3 Male 256 195 347 21 7 24 84 62 128 117 102 133 26 20 46 8 4 14 Female s Male 181 163 8 16 8 71 57 2 68 05 5 22 24 1 6 8 1 1 5 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 Black 1 2 1 1 Uised blood 6 1 4 1 Male 3 3 845 1 262 2 2 421 1 83 Biithplace-s of mothers (white): 43 28 5 4,33 412 76 26 17 130 132 28 222 202 37 37 40 8 15 13 2 Female , 2 Male 39 37 21 14 14 6 17 20 9 6 2 4 1 1 Foniaio Scotland Male 13 8 68 4 2 25 6 3 25 o 12 ITeinalu Ireland 3 Male 39 29 185 14 14 11 61 13 12 90 9 3 14 6 Female Male 95 90 10 10 36 25 6 40 60 2 6 8 1 3 3 . . Sfalo 6 4 221 4 2 75 2 Female 16 1 31 Gennaoy - 90 9 Male 138 83 21 11 46 29 m 31 17 14 6 5 4 Female Scandinavia 1 Male S 15 2 4 3 1 5 1 4 1 Female Bohemia ...... ..•■•• Main B 1 3 I 2 Female •••••.* Til 10 DEAF AND DUMB. 543 Tahik aOl.-l'KAl- AM) DUMK, WITll DISTINCTION OK SKX. COI.OU, NATIVITY, AND IlIRTIIPLACES OF MOTHEltS, AND AOE PKKIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCUKIii;i), ItV STATES AND TEKKITOEIES: 1800— Coutiuiicd. nilCHIGAN— CoDtiDuod. BES, COLim, NATIVITY, AND IIIIITUI'LACES OF U0TIIKII.1. Tout. UuknoWD. Birth. Unilor e }'ur*. fi tolO yum. 10 to CO aud uver. Blrtliplacoa of mothers (white)— Contiaued. 4 1 3 Mnlc 2 2 1 1 1 2 Italv . -. 1 Mnlo 1 1 22 1 14 S 1 1 Mnlo 13 > 43 1 8 6 IS 3 2 17 1 1 a 2 2 1 Male 23 20 16 2 7 8 6 10 7 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 8 Male 10 6 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 .mivivEnoTA. Total 856 45 336 374 «8 25 8 Male 522 334 25 20 201 135 234 140 46 22 12 13 4 Female 4 855 46 336 374 87 25 8 Male 521 334 585 216 25 20 31 12 201 135 220 80 234 140 252 98 45 22 46 19 12 13 U 3 4 4 s 4 Male 125 91 3i9 8 4 19 43 37 140 58 40 154 12 7 27 1 2 8 8 1 1 Male 209 140 290 9 10 14 84 56 lie 92 62 122 19 8 21 5 3 14 1 8 M.-ilc 187 103 1 8 6 74 42 84 38 14 7 1 6 8 t 8 Colored Male 1 1 Block 1 1 Male 1 1 iVnialo Mixed blood Male Female Birthplai-eji of mothers (white) : 262 16 lOO 117 20 5 4 Mnlc 154 108 27 9 7 57 43 13 72 45 9 12 8 4 1 4 1 s 1 Male 20 7 10 9 4 4 7 2 4 3 1 1 Female Scotland 1 1 Male 5 5 48 1 3 1 15 1 4 26 Ireland 4 1 2 Male 29 19 1 3 6 « 19 7 1 2 544 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DE.U-" AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AaU AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contiuued. MIIVIXESOTA— CoDtinuL-d. K ■= BEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OK MOTHEES. Total. Unknown. Birth. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 years and over. Birthplar*'8 of motliers (white)— Contiuued. 5S 2 23 27 5 1 Itale 32 27 1 13 10 15 12 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 Male 1 1 176 8 71 70 17 8 2 MmIo 107 «9 202 6 2 9 45 28 81 42 28 90 11 6 13 2 6 6 1 1 Male 120 82 12 4 5 49 35 3 64 36 3 9 4 1 4 2 Male 10 2 2 1 4 7 1 3 1 Female . - J 1 6 3 18 3 1 7 2 1 9 1 1 1 2 1 Mnlc 14 4 29 j 5 2 11 8 1 11 1 1 2 All 01 lipr '•"nntrfp-^ . , * 1 Male 21 8 2 1 * 8 3 1 8 3 1 1 1 Feiualo 1 1 ! Male 2 1 1 Female ' 1 1 ■ ItllSSIS.<^IPPI. To'.aI 559 43 354 126 28 8 Male 305 254 24 19 1R6 168 70 50 13 15 6 2 Female White 292 17 181 77 13 4 Male 157 135 287 IJfl 128 10 C 4 J 207 8 9 10 15 94 87 178 171 43 34 70 74 8 5 13 13 * Female Native bom 4 4 FareDta native M.nle .. . 7 8 1 82 7 41 33 2 8 5 4 Funialo One or bolli pai onta foreign Male 5 2 3 1 1 1 Female 1 1 7orci{;n born ... ••■>■•• Male 1 I Female 3 173 Otlored 20 IG 10 49 13 4 Male I4K 119 319 127 92 *S 21 27 92 81 139 33 16 43 5 10 12 2 2 2 Fonialu Black Male u 9 ■■> 2 1 78 01 34 14 20 29 14 5 7 3 1 1 Female Mlied Mood Male I I 1 remale 3 THE DEAF AND DU:^[B. 545 Tabi-k aot.— ih:af and dumh, wiik distinction ok si:x, color, nativity, and hirtiiplacks of MoTiiiiBS, AND AGK I'KIMODS WIIKN DKAFNKSS OCCUKRKD, HY STATliS AND TERUITORHi.S: 1890— Continiicl. n ■ MNI MMI PI*I— Contioucd. 8SX, COLOR, NATIVITT. AXD lURTUPLACKB Or MOTHKSfl. ToUl. 28i TTnlinowii. Birtb. Under S yoan. StolO jeers. 13 10 to CO yeara. 4 CO yean eail over. BirthplnrpR of mothers (white) : 16 178 70 VbIp 153 131 2 7 « 92 83 2 42 34 8 S .. ....... 4 f ■\|j,jp 1 3 4 3 3 1 1 •\(^]p 8 1 2 1 2 1 1 ' 1 1 i 1 ]^ln]j» . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 raiHSOURI. ],W8 195 724 843 18S 40 11 ]jiilo 1,090 908 114 81 401 323 447 39« 100 «5 21 19 7 4 1,034 189 G90 827 177 40 11 ^lale 1,040 888 1.822 1,484 109 80 164 137 375 315 C56 553 439 388 702 635 95 82 162 121 21 19 38 30 7 4 10 8 Male • 812 672 338 79 68 27 305 248 103 341 294 157 68 53 41 14 16 8 5 3 2 170 168 112 64 48 64 14 13 25 51 52 34 77 80 35 22 19 15 5 3 2 1 1 1 16 9 19 15 34 21 14 10 5 10 8 2 1 44 20 S3 S 1 3 26 8 29 8 8 14 5 3 7 Black jfale . , 37 1« 11 3 22 7 5 7 7 2 5 2 1 Mtrtxl Itlood 3 7 4 1,570 2 1 145 4 1 581 1 1 078 1 120 Birtliplac-ea of mothers (white) : 32 8 ■Male 856 714 20 83 62 3 319 262 9 3e:< 315 7 70 56 5 16 16 2 6 3 Male . . 10 16 9 1 2 4 5 2 1 6 5 2 3 2 2 6 3 en 2 2 3 25 2 6 21 5 2 1 Male 27 33 7 4 2 1 9 12 2 10 15 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 Male 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Uale 2 1 ?.. 1 ;;;;;;;;....! 7176 INS 35 546 INSANE, FEEBLE-mNDED, DEAF AND DUAIB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF ANT) DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHEE3, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutinued. MISSO V RI -Continned. 1 SEX, coijor, NATivrrr, akd birthpiaces of mothebs. Total. Unknown. Birth. TTntlor 5 J- 1* sirs. 6 to 10 yeura. 10 to 20 years. 20 years and over. Birthplaces of mothors (white)— Continned. 212 24 62 89 32 3 8 jlale 121 91 8 15 9 2 34 28 2 63 30 3 10 16 1 1 2 3 jfale •-•• 1 7 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3^ql(j 1 1 1 1 1 XUkly 1 1 1 1 4 i 3 1 2 2 20 2 1 8 1 1 5 5 1 Male 1? C 1 3 2 2 2 6 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 ::::: ..:.:.::.:. MOIVTAI¥A. 39 5 11 20 3 Male 22 17 4 1 7 4 8 12 3 ■^p^t« 39 5 11 20 3 Male 22 17 30 20 4 1 3 3 7 4 7 6 8 12 17 8 3 3 3 Male 12 8 10 1 5 1 1 2 C 9 3 Malo 5 5 9 5 4 3 1 1 4 2 1 Male 5 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 Male Hale Femulo Mixed blood 1 Malo Female fiSrthplaren of mothers (white) ; Uullcil Suioa 23 3 10 3 Male 13 9 1 2 1 6 1 3 7 1 3 Female ***"" angUudand Waloa Male Vemals "i i" THE DEAF AND DUMB. >-t7 Tabi-K 20'I.— deaf ANP DtTMR, WTTn IHSTINCTION OK HEX, COLOR, NATIVITV, AN'H niKTHPI-ACKS OF MOTHKIUJ, AND AUK I'KKIOUS WHEN DEAFNESS OClUJKKEU, BY .STAl'K.S ANU TEKKI I'UUIES : IftUO— Coiitiuuod. nOiXTANA— CoDtlnuod. SEX, eoLon. nativitt, and DinnirtJLcis or MornERs. Total. Uuknowo. Itlrth. OncliT S 6 to 10 yeur*. 10 in SO yaar*. tOrmr* •oil uT«r. Blrlli|>liti'<'A of inotbors (white)— Contln'iod. 3 1 2 Mnlo 2 1 2 1 4 jfnlo 1 1 1 1 8 3 1 jfnlo 1 2 1 2 1 I 1 IVICBR.4NKA. TotAl 029 72 213 268 47 26 1 Mnlp . 349 280 44 28 112 101 150 118 25 22 16 10 1 1 C2G 71 212 267 47 26 3 Male 348 278 003 370 44 27 53 38 111 101 155 109 150 117 232 174 25 22 40 30 16 10 20 17 a 1 3 ] Miilft 209 101 133 24 U 15 59 50 46 103 71 68 13 17 10 8 3 1 1 1 T\ralii 68 G5 123 5 10 18 22 24 57 30 28 35 7 3 7 3 1 6 Male 71 52 3 15 3 1 30 27 1 17 18 1 5 2 4 2 Mnle 1 2 3 1 ' 1 1 1 1 Block 1 1 Malr- 1 2 1 i 1 Mixed blood 1 Male 1 1 1 Bfalhpl.icoB of mothers (white) : United States 393 43 117 188 30 17 1 Male 221 177 20 27 10 6 63 54 7 107 81 7 13 17 9 8 1 1 Male 12 8 2 5 1 1 2 S 5 2 1 ^ _' „ 1 1 Male 1 1 43 1 1 1 5 19 16 2 1 Male 23 20 8 1 4 1 12 7 3 8 8 S 1 Female 1 Male 2 1 2 1 S 1 female 548 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. NE BBA8KA— Continued. NEVADA. SKX, coLOB, .VATirmr, axd biethpi.aces of motuers. Total. Unknown. Birth. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 years and over. Birtliplaccs of mothers (white) — Continued. 2 1 1 Male 1 1 70 1 Female 1 5 26 27 8 4 Male .. 43 31 5 15 11 13 14 13 9 5 3 1 3 1 o 6 Male 13 18 10 4 2 1 2 11 6, 5 4 5 1 1 1 2 2 Male U 5 9 1 4 2 6 3 3 1 1 2 Male 7 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 Italy Male 1 S 1 1 4 Male 5 16 1 1 4 9 All other coantrics 4 2 Male 7 5 4 5 2 1 3 2 2 I'euiale .... 1 1 Male 4 1 2 1 1 1 " Total 11 1 4 5 1 Male 7 4 2 2 4 1 1 Female 1 1 White 11 1 i 5 1 M.ile 7 4 9 7 2 2 3 1 4 1 5 5 1 1 Kati vo born 1 1 Parents native Male 6 1 1 4 1 1 One or both parents foreign 2 Male Female 2 2 2 1 Foreign b 9 2 9 1 2 2 1 1 Black 1 Male 11 2 3 2 7 2 1 2 1 Male * 2 2 I'eniale Birthplaces of mntbcrs (wbite) : 607 97 58 39 5 182 161 38 25 4 Male 263 244 28 87 95 15 84 77 7 22 16 1 10 15 2 EoglluKl aod Wales Male 16 12 D 1 4 3 10 5 4 3 4 1 Scotland 2 1 Male. 4 5 74 2 1 10 2 22 Female 2 7 Irclaoil 34 1 M.ile 42 32 1 6 4 1 17 17 14 8 5 2 1 Male 1 1 Fciualo Franco 3 1 1 1 Male 1 2 94 1 1 32 1 3 21 34 4 Mole 61 33 3 14 7 1 21 13 22 10 2 1 2 3 1 i emalo Scandioavis Male 3 6 1 2 2 2 1 M«l« 2 3 1 1 1 1 FeinaJo 2 2 lUly 2 1 Male 4 c 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 Male JTcmalo 8 1 2 1 1 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 551 Tatii.e SIOI.— deaf and DITMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, NATinTY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTIIEKS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAENESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TEIMMTORIES: 1800— Continucil. NKW JKRHKV— Contliiiii'il. SEX, CX)LOn, NATIVITY, ANT) IimTliri.ACI'UI OP HOTnUW. Tolal. Unkouwu. Jllrth. TToiIer 6 yearn. ttolO yrar». 10 In SO yem. SOTran uiuovor. Birth nliu'ia nf ni.illiorn (wliitu)— Cnntinuod. 1 & XIiIa ... 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 NKW IHE.XICO. 80 11 40 17 3 1 3 47 33 S 30 10 11 2 1 1 a ^^T^jt^ 80 11 40 T7 3 1 a Mil<* 47 33 70 5 9 8 30 10 40 43 11 10 13 2 1 3 3 1 a 1 1 2 a J,l'i](S . 41 7 5 3 1 28 15 3 3 10 2 1 1 a Jl^lg 5 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 J^f Jl]() 1 2 1 2 3]j^ck - 1 1 jI-iIb 1 Eirthplncos nf mutlicrs (white): 72 8 45 13 3 1 a J1.110 43 29 1 5 3 30 15 3 10 1 2 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 jit&\e 1 1 1 1 1 M.i1p 1 1 5 2 1 2 Male ... 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 "1 1 552 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTIOK OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutmue.l. N£TV YORK. SEX, COLOB, XATIVITT, ANP BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Birth. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 yo.irs and over. 3,839 380 1,398 1,586 334 121 20 jf ale 2.124 1,715 224 150 769 629 876 710 160 154 62 59 13 7 3,803 375 1,382 1,575 332 121 20 ^^e 2,105 1,700 3,259 2,029 223 152 312 240 761 621 1,174 737 868 707 1,382 817 178 154 276 153 62 69 102 70 13 7 13 13 ^alc 1,094 935 1,230 142 98 72 390 347 437 434 383 565 85 68 123 34 36 32 9 8 1 Male 712 518 54C 40 32 63 251 186 208 333 232 193 69 54 50 18 14 19 1 7 3^Q]e 299 247 34 41 22 5 120 88 16 101 92 11 24 32 2 10 9 3 4 Male 19 IS 24 1 4 3 8 8 12 8 3 8 2 3]acli 1 14 10 10 1 2 2 6 6 4 6 2 3 1 1 5 5 2,209 2 2 792 2 1 906 1 2 248 173 77 IS Male 1,193 1,016 137 147 101 23 421 371 38 480 426 68 96 77 14 39 38 3 10 3 1 Male 72 65 39 14 9 3 10 19 13 32 26 17 6 8 4 1 2 2 1 Scotland Male 20 13 679 1 2 13 4 235 11 6 222 4 1 1 18 59 1 Male - 342 237 119 25 18 6 138 97 37 140 82 60 29 30 11 9 9 4 1 1 1 Male 61 68 19 3 3 3 19 18 4 25 85 6 9 2 4 4 1 2 Male 10 9 549 2 1 37 3 1 199 3 3 241 1 3 60 1 1 13 t Male 310 230 15 22 IS 1 113 86 8 140 101 i 27 29 2 7 6 1 1 Male 10 6 6 1 5 3 3 4 2 2 Vain * 1 26 2 1 9 2 1 14 1 1 Male 16 10 12 1 8 1 7 7 7 4 1 1 1 Main 7 6 B 3 1 1 •••• TTTi: DEAF AND DI'MI?. 553 Tablt. 901.— DEAK and DUMli, WITH DISTrNCTION OK S1>K, COI.OK, NATIVITV, AND ]iliniirLA(K8 OK MOTIIKRS, AND A(!K I'K.mODS WIIliN DKAKNKS.S ()(;CUI:K1:D, UY STATICS AND TKUKIIOKIKS: 18'JO— ContinuccJ. NlOW \'OKK— Contiuucd. BEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BinTllPrAOKS OT UOTDERS. Total. Unknown. Birth. Uiidrr 6 yemra. StalO jrcan. 10 to to ymn. to yean •oil over. Birtlipl:u*c8 of inothorR (wbito)— Coiitinnea. 41 2 12 22 S Xf„lrt 22 19 36 1 1 4 7 6 19 10 12 12 4 1 1 \f-i_ 20 16 10 3 1 4 11 8 6 < 8 7 1 1 1 1 12 7 3 1 3 3 5 2 1 1 NORTH CABOI.IIVA. •J-Qt^l 1,107 86 703 230 46 32 4 592 515 62 24 365 338 124 112 21 25 IS 13 859 60 535 205 34 25 ^.jIo 4C0 399 855 853 40 16 56 56 278 257 532 530 108 97 205 203 17 17 33 33 16 9 25 25 457 39fi 2 40 IG 270 254 2 108 97 10 17 10 9 3 3^^]g 4 2 3 1 3 1 S18 2 1 168 1 30 31 12 7 ^{jiIq 132 116 206 22 8 30 87 81 136 16 15 22 4 8 11 3 4 7 Black 116 90 42 22 8 70 60 32 12 10 9 3 8 1 3 4 HfiTPil lilnnH ... 16 26 853 11 21 530 4 5 205 1 56 33 25 4 l^tale - 457 390 1 40 16 276 254 1 108 97 16 17 16 9 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 Male . 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Mftlo 1 1 1 1 I 1 t 1 Male 1 ! 1 1 1 1 554 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AXD DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTILEES, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. NORTH DAKOTA. SEX, COLOR, NATTVITT, A>T> BIRTHPLACES OP MOTHERS. Total. Dnknown. Birth. UDder 6 years. 5 to 10 ye.TTa. 10 to 20 ye.irs. -^ : -^ 20 yrara ;»ij(l over. ^ojal ..- .....,- 92 3 25 50 10 4 ^A]q 51 41 3 8 17 30 20 7 3 3 1 92 3 25 50 10 4 T^fnlo 51 41 46 21 3 8 17 12 4 30 20 23 14 7 3 5 2 3 1 1 9 12 25 1 3 8 C 8 14 1 1 3 1 17 8 45 3 5 13 11 3 22 3 3 5 3 jf^lc 25 21 3 4 9 13 9 3 2 2 1 1 Black yfnic Birtltplaccs of motbere (white) : 23 5 15 2 1 Male 10 13 2 1 4 1 7 8 1 1 1 1 jjalo " 2 1 1 2 1 1 Male 1 1 7 1 1 5 2 Male 5 2 14 3 7 2 1 4 1 1 Mnlo 8 12 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 1 GemuiDy 1 2 Mnli> 6 27 1 2 2 U 2 1 4 9 1 2 1 jlal,. 15 12 1 1 G 4 8 e 1 1 2 Mule 1 1 1 1 Mnlo 1 1 Fciiials BiUila and rularid 8 1 o Mnlo 3 1 2 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 555 Tablk aOI.-UEAF AND DUMB, WITK DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND IlIUTHPLACKa OF MOTIIICRS, AND AQE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCUHKICD, IIY STATES AND TEUUITOUIES: 18U0— Coiitlmicrt. OUIO. r—^ a= — - ._-^^_;_^ SKX, COU)R, NATIVITV, AM* niUTIIl'LArKfl OK MO'tllKIIH. Total. Unknown. Ilirtli. tJnder A yeiirt. t In 10 yuara. lOlotO yeam. SO yean nud over. Total 2, (US in MM 1,1U 243 lOT 30 Malo 1.417 1,238 488 476 018 Ml 1.11 112 43 10 11 ^Tllltn 2.015 188 >M 1,108 23S 101 28 MbIo . .. . . l.SIW 1,21S 2,362 1,848 1)5 93 108 140 4«3 407 810 661 en 497 1,027 802 120 110 208 162 61 41 87 67 18 n 23 IS Main 973 875 514 73 07 28 3.12 329 188 432 370 225 87 75 40 40 27 20 9 7 7 Mall' 291 223 253 14 14 20 1)9 SO 101 138 87 81 23 23 28 14 6 17 > 4 s Foreign born M.llo 132 121 40 8 12 4 52 49 14 41 40 11 16 12 7 9 8 3 e ColoroU 1 Miilo 21 19 20 2 2 2 5 S 7 4 S 5 2 I 2 I 1 Black 1 Ulalp 12 8 20 2 2 3 9 3 2 4 1 1 1 2 2 9 11 1,049 3 098 4 2 849 1 1 1 73 2 145 Birthplnooft of mothers (wliite) ; 167 18 Male i.ons 911 62 7« 09 5 3.'i2 340 30 468 381 31 89 78 G 44 28 7 3 Male 35 47 8 2 3 1 11 19 2 11 20 4 5 1 1 3 4 8 Male 5 3 80 1 34 3 1 32 1 Ireland 3 12 2 3 Male 50 30 11 20 14 1 21 11 7 G G 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 Male 5 6 23 1 2 6 3 1 1 1 10 3 3 3 1 Male 9 14 387 1 3 7 US 2 1 150 1 2 36 3 3 20 " i 19 a Male 209 178 1 1 12 U 79 69 1 80 70 19 17 11 8 3 Scanilinavia Male 1 1 4 1 >fale 4 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 Hungurv 1 Mule 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 556 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, ANT) AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1800— Continued. OniO— CoDtlnuca. SEX, COLOR, XATrVITT, ASD BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Birth. tTnder 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 years and over. Birthplncos of motliera (white)— Continued. 7 1 4 2 5 2 35 1 2 2 17 2 1 14 3 Male 22 13 16 10 7 3 9 5 4 3 1 1 6 1 1 Male 10 C 1 3 3 1 1 5 1 1 OKL.AIIO.TIA. Total 20 3 8 13 1 1 Male 14 12 2 1 3 5 8 5 1 1 25 3 ■ 7 13 1 1 "i^aXe 13 12 24 20 2 1 3 3 2 6 6 4 8 5 13 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male ... 12 8 4 2 1 2 2 7 4 2 1 1 ^a\e 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 Male . ... . 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 Black Male Miied blood 1 1 Male 1 1 BlrthpLiccs of mothers (white): United States 22 3 4 13 1 1 Male 13 9 3 2 1 2 2 8 8 5 1 1 Male 3 3 OREOOIV. Total 157 17 67 50 15 6 2 Male 90 87 U 6 40 27 24 28 n t 2 4 While 150 17 CO SO 15 C Male DO 66 132 107 11 6 14 11 40 26 68 48 24 26 i2 33 11 4 12 11 2 4 4 2 Male C2 i6 7 4 29 U 15 18 9 2 female 2 Tin: DEAF AND DUiMB. 557 Taiiuc a04.— DKAT and Dr.MH, WITH DISTINCTION OI' KKX, COI,OI!. NATIVITV, AND IlIKTIIPI,ArF..S OF MOXnERS, AND A(iK rr.UIODS WHKN DKAIWIISS OCClIltKKD, BV STATKS AND TKRKITORII'S: 1890— C'outiniicd. ORKCiON— CouUuuod. SK\, COLOR. NATIVITY. AM) illliTiirLACBS OV UOTIIERS. ToUI. tTnknown. Birth. Under S yean. ttolO years. 10 to 20 year*. to yean and over. "Wliito— Xotivo liorn— rontinnwl. 25 3 10 9 1 2 M:ilr 10 9 1 2 3 7 3 8 3 8 1 1 1 2 S Male 12 12 1 8 * * 1 a 5 1 2 1 1 Male i 1 1 Blaok 1 Male 1 Fciimlo ' 1 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 111 1 48 Birtbplarrs of iimtliers (wbito) : 12 36 11 2 a 9 5 1 29 19 3 17 19 3 I a Fe-.iialu 2 2 Malo 5 i 1 3 1 2 1 1 i 1 Mnlr 1 1 1 1 Foiualo 1 L. .."■;;;" 2 1 1 1 1 " Male 1 1 3 1 ! 1 2 1 1 Male 1 2 18 1 1 6 1 1 1 " 9 2 Male 9 9 2 5 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 Main 2 1 1 1 1 1 • ••• Male 1 ' Female 1 1 Male I 3 1 Knsfiia and Poland 2 1 Male 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 Male 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 yemalo Unknown Male 1 ' :.:::::::: ;;;:;:::::::i 1 1 1 558 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 201.— DKAF AXD DOTIB, AVITH DISTES^CTION OF SEX, COLOE, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHEES, AHV AGE PEIUODS WHEN DEA1'"NESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. PENNSVJLTAIVIA. .SEX. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND GIBTHPLACES OP MOTHERS. Total. Unkuown. Birth. Under 5 years. 5 to 10 yeara. 10 to 20 years. 20 years and over. 3,360 301 1,289 1,285 304 101 20 Male 1. «.")0 1,510 217 144 704 585 090 589 170 134 65 46 8 12 3 325 349 1,270 1,276 302 99 20 Uile 1,S34 1,491 3,040 2,363 213 130 303 247 700 679 1,102 929 090 586 1,191 889 168 134 277 208 55 44 87 74 8 12 20 16 Jl.nlr- 1. 261 1, 082 077 149 08 56 499 430 233 477 412 302 108 ICiO 69 42 32 13 6 10 i jr.iio 387 290 283 31 25 46 133 101 117 171 131 85 44 25 25 7 12 2 2 Halo 1C6 119 35 33 13 12 09 48 10 42 43 9 10 9 2 6 6 2 Male i IG 19 23 4 8 10 4 8 3 8 2 2 Blacfe 2 if ale . 10 13 7 4 6 2 4 4 2 2 1 2 L . 2 7 2.501 2 257 2 969 1 957 2 78 Birthplncea of niotliers (wliire) : 224 16 Male 1, 307 1,134 142 154 103 16 r,02 447 49 519 438 03 121 103 11 45 33 3 6 10 Male ... 73 09 20 8 8 8 25 24 33 30 13 5 6 2 1 Main 20 282 6 2 28 5 1 112 8 5 104 1 1 31 6 1 M.ile 151 131 IS 10 1 65 47 1 48 50 IS 13 2 2 4 1 Male 5 1 12 1 2 2 Kciualo 1 5 France 1 4 2 Male 8 4 293 1 3 2 113 3 1 100 1 1 25 34 12 3 Main 1K3 110 7 23 11 1 69 44 2 65 41 2 18 7 2 6 6 2 BcaDiliDaria Male 2 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Male l-'umale 1 1 2 llungary 1 3 Male 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Italy M.il.' 2 1 1 1 1 Female >•..••.••>•• TlIK DKAF AND DUMB. 559 Taulk 20I.— dkap A\n •niiMii, wirii distinction oi' sex, color, nativity, ano T?iRTirPLAcr:s or motitkrs, AND AGK rKKIODS WIIKX Dl^AKNESS OCCURItED, HY STATES AND TERRITORIES: l«aO— Coiitiiiiicl. PKNNNYIiVAIVIA— Coutluuul. SBX, COLOB, NATIVITY, AKD nfTtTRl^LACEH OP MOTHIinS. Totnl. Unknown. Birth. Under 6 jonra. StolO jcorn. 10 to 80 yearn. SO yp*rt and ovor. Blrtbptnroa iif inotltrrn (whito)— Continuml. 22 1 12 8 1 Miil(> n 11 c 7 S 2 3 6 3 1 1 1 2 1 15 2 1 10 2 3 1 1 1 MjiIi' •• 7 8 2 1 r 1 1 KRIODE IMI.AND. Totfll 162 57 70 18 3 2 Malp 82 SO 6 1 31 20 37 39 6 12 1 2 s \7'hito 150 5 53 73 18 3 s Mnlo 70 77 111 87 4 1 1 1 30 25 42 34 36 37 03 39 6 13 14 9 1 2 2 2 3 2 Parents native 3 JIiilp 44 43 37 1 13 16 8 18 21 24 5 4 5 2 2 Halo 10 21 S2 4 4 13 11 13 10 1 4 4 IV'nmlo 4 1 Male 19 13 6 3 1 1 8 5 2 7 3 3 1 4 Male 3 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 S Pcinal© Black 1 Mnli> 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 "XTivi'il lilfinfl 1 Male Female 1 00 1 34 Blrtliplnoos of mothers (white) : 1 42 2 a Male 46 44 13 1 18 10 4 20 5 4 3 2 2 1 Male '. 7 5 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 t 2 Female Scotland Male 5 3 2 Feinalo , 23 3 4 15 1 .... Male 11 12 21 2 1 2 2 8 7 B 9 Female 1 3 British America 1 Male 12 3 4 4 1 4 6 1 3 2 Male 1 2 1 1 2 All other conntrien 1 Male Female 1 1 •■>••• 560 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 804.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCFRRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contiiiueil. SOl'TII t'.4KOI.I.\A. HOl'TII DAKOTA. f lUKTill'LACKi* OF JIOTHKIW. Total. Uuknowu. llirth. I 1 .'> yean. yearn. 10 tuSO yeati. tOynn ami uvrr. 1 1 I ■\(,jj» 1 1 i Xfrtl-, 1 1 Birthplncps of niotlicra {white) : 79 1 7 18 39 11 4 41 : 3S 7 1 2 11 7 1 IG 21 o 7 4 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 4 2 2 G 5 I 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 = 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 1 2 12 1 1 11 6 28 1 2 I 8 1 1 Scaudinavift » 13 2 17 U 2 i 3 1 1 e 1 G 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 4 G 2 1 Malo C G 8 j 2 2 4 ' 3 3 1 ' 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 ■■■ ■ ii 1 1 1,112 ! 74 579 358 62 35 i Mnlo 591 ' 521 1 39 35 291 285 187 161 39 23 19 16 3 1 Vhite 000 58 451 3l> 50 28 3 Male 4G7 433 881 1 859 , 30 28 W 02 224 227 445 433 IG3 144 305 298 29 21 50 49 14 12 24 21 3 1 3 3 Male Ponialo 442 ' 417 1 iii 214 219 158 140 28 21 13 U a I 717G INS- -3G 562 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablb 204.— deaf and DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, A^^) BIETUPLACES OF MOTHERS, ASD AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Con tinueil. TEIVNESSEE — Continued. SEX. COLOR, NATniTT. AXD BIBTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ToUl. Unknown. Birth. ■Under 6 years. BtolO years. 10 to SO years. 20 years and over. "Vriute^XatiTO bom— Conlinued. 22 2 12 7 1 1 Mai© 14 8 19 1 1 4 6 6 6 1 1 => jjale .. 11 8 212 2 16 4 2 128 4 3 46 1 1 9 12 1 Male 124 88 165 9 7 13 70 53 99 29 17 85 10 10 5 4 7 1 Black ....— - 1 Male 94 71 47 6 7 3 54 43 29 21 14 11 8 o 4 3 2 1 Mixed blood Male 30 17 800 3 16 13 435 8 3 303 2 1 1 24 Birthplaci's of mothers (wbite): 52 49 3 Hale 4-17 419 4 27 1 25 215 220 1 162 141 3 28 21 13 11 2 1 1 3 1 C 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 Male 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 15 5 6 2 1 1 Male 8 7 4 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 Scundinn^'In . 1 1 3 i 1 2 3 1 1 1 " 1 Mole 3 1 3 1 TEXAS. Total 1,153 87 532 423 79 29 8 Male 6-0 477 56 SI 296 230 269 154 8ft 40 15 14 1 a Female Wblta 951 75 410 380 • 64 21 1 Male 580 391 898 822 60 25 60 01 225 185 382 344 242 138 369 341 31 33 60 67 11 10 21 19 1 t'emalo Natl ro httm Par«Dta natiro Male 491 331 78 41 20 5 191 153 38 220 121 28 29 28 3 10 9 2 Kenuile Uneor both parenta forelen Male 37 39 63 3 2 B 20 18 28 13 15 11 1 1 Femalo 3 4 Foreign Imm 1 lUlo 32 21 8 3 14 14 9 2 2 2 1 rtmab .■..■!■.";.!!■.■.!;■."!■■.!.■;;;!;;.■.■.■ TIIK DKAF AND DUMB. 563 Taiii.k 204.— deaf AXD PTTJin, ■\VITII DISTINCTION OF SE.\, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND RIRTnPLACE.S OK M0THEH8, A_Nt) AUE TEKIOUS NVIIEN UEAJ'NESS OCCUKKED, UY STATES AND TElilUTORlES: 1»U0— Coiiliuucd. TKXAS-ContlnuiuI. SKX, COLOR, NATIVmr, AND DIBTHPLACKS OF MOTBtnS. Total. UDknown. Birth. Undort year*. 6 to 10 yean. 10 to 10 yean. tOrcan auu over. Colorcil - 202 12 122 43 IS 8 1 Jifrtlo - . lie 86 IM 6 6 10 71 Bl 03 27 16 35 8 7 4 4 S 2 Black 2 Malo 87 87 48 5 5 2 S3 40 20 22 13 8 5 4 6 2 3 3 2 Male 29 19 853 1 1 64 18 11 359 5 3 351 3 3 58 2 1 21 BIrthpIncoa of mothers (white) : Unitift Sintoa Tkf ftlo 503 350 9 42 22 1 196 163 2 225 120 6 29 29 11 10 Mnlo 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 i 2 1 1 Irelaiiil 1 Malo .... 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 ■ 4 Mrtlo . . . S 2 32 1 I 13 16 3 20 12 3 7 y'2 13 3 1 1 2 2 1 8 2 1 1 j 1 5 1 5 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 Italy 1 Malo 1 2 1 2 .::... Malo 2 33 2 20 8 4 1 Male 22 11 1 6 2 14 1 1 3 1 Unknown Male 1 1 . (jTAn. Total 108 8 39 51 t 1 Malo 58 60 4 4 20 19 29 22 5 4 1 " ■While 108 68 50 8 39 61 9 1 Male 4 i 20 19 29 22 S 4 Female 1 ••■■•••••■•• 564 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. rXAH— Contin-.ird. VEKMOXT. SEX, COLOE, NATIVITT, AVD BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. tInlino^vIl. Birtb. TJmler 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 ycara aiul over. TV h i t e— Con tin ued. 72 30 3 o 24 7 37 17 7 3 1 1 jialo 15 15 12 I 17 12 5 20 2 1 4 1 2 1 ■ 1 ■Male . 21 18 3C 1 10 7 15 11 9 14 «7 2 2 1 1 5 Male 19 17 2 9 C G 8 1 1 1 Male 1 1 Elaili 1 1 1 Malo F(»nialo 1 Male I'emale Birthplorcs of molbera (wbite) : 30 3 12 20 3 1 Main 18 21 33 1 2 4 2 10 U 13 7 13 2 1 1 i Male 18 15 8 I 1 10 4 1 5 8 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 " Male 5 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 Fciualo 1 1 1 1 1 ■ Male 1 1 1 1 - . 1 1 • ! 7 4 2 1 Malo 2 5 19 1 3 7 1 1 10 1 I'cmale 1 2 1 : All uther countries 1 Male U 9 1 5 2 7 3 1 2 *■■• 1 ""* * ...^•-- -.....•• M«lo 1 Fenude 1 1 1 ' 1 Total 241 <• 102 108 15 9 1 Mal« 133 108 .'V5 47 59 49 7 8 5 4 1 >'«3lalo '*""■ White 241 102 108 IS 1 Male 133 108 219 180 65 47 9S 81 50 40 05 74 7 8 13 12 5 4 9 7 1 Female Katiri'Uom 6 1 1 Parrnla native Male Feraalo 100 80 30 6 4S se 14 41 33 21 S 7 1 3 4 2 » One or bolU pan-ntu rnrclgn 1 MiJ« 23 10 1 7 7 12 9 1 2 ...... .■•■•* TTTK DKAF AND hi 'MR 565 Table 201.— DEAF AND PUMR, WIVII niSTINCTION OK SKX, COt-OtJ, NATIVITY, AND IlIirrill'LACES OK MOTIIKKS, AND AOK I'KKIODS WIIKN DK.AKNKSS OCClJUKin:), HY STATICS AM) TKUKITOIMKS: IX'.IO— Contiuucil. VKK.nONT— CoDUliiieil. SEX, COI.OB, NATIVITY, AND BIRTIIPLArsS OF HOTHEBS. Total. Unknuwo. BIrlb. years. u tn 1 M jcnni. III K.iu yun. SO yrara ■ml over. WliitP— Ciinllnued. 22 « ' 13 t Jlnlo , 10 12 S 8 7 1 1 F»ui:ili< llnlo Mnlc Mnlo 1 1 1 BirtliplncoA of inothors (n^hite) : UuitCil States 187 5 82 80 12 7 1 104 83 7 5 40 30 1 44 36 G .1 7 1 3 4 1 Male i, 3 U 1 2 3 7 1 3 1 6 5 33 S 2 15 1 3 14 1 2 1 Male 18 15 1 1 7 7 1 8 7 1 1 1 Franco ■. 1 1 1 1 Female 1 1 1 j Male 1 1 1 1 1 Malo 1 1 VIRGINIA. Total 1,199 110 712 283 66 20 g Malo CC5 534 53 67 408 304 151 132 34 32 12 8 Female White 900 75 539 217 48 14 Male 500 400 892 879 35 40 75 73 307 232 536 529 116 101 215 213 27 21 46 44 S 14 14 Parents native . .- Male 486 393 13 33 40 2 299 230 7 114 90 2 26 18 2 9 5 Ono or both parents foreign Male 4 8 2 5 2 3 2 Fcmalu 2 2 ... Foreign bom .- 2 1 Male 5 3 299 3 1 1 18 1 3 60 35 173 6 1 Malo 165 134 18 17 101 72 85 31 7 11 8 3 X Female )66 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF AND DUMB, WITH DISTIXCTIOX OF SEX. COLOK, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PEEIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCDKKED, BY STATES AND TEKP.ITOUIES: 1890— Coutinued. %'l RC 1 IV I A— Continttcd. SEX, COLOB, NATIVITV. AND BUTDTLACES OF SIOTHEBS. Total. ViikDown. Birth. Umlcr 5 years. 5 to 10 yc.irs. 10 to 20 yi-ars. 20 years auil over. Colonel— Continued. 230 26 134 51 13 5 1 Male ... . 130 100 09 13 13 9 78 !>« 39 29 22 15 7 6 5 2 3 1 1 Mixed bloud Mile 35 34 885 5 4 73 23 16 532 6 215 1 5 45 £irlhplac&t of niotlicrs (white): H 6 M.iK- '. 490 395 4 33 40 1 301 231 1 116 99 1 2« 19 1 9 5 5 1 If alo 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Scotland Male 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 M.-ilo 3 1 3 I 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 Feiualo 1 1 i WASailVGTO.'V. Total no 28 59 13 9 1 M.ilp 52 3 3 19 9 33 26 G 7 S 6 1 While IIG G 23 59 13 9 1 Malf 64 52 107 80 3 3 5 3 19 9 21 18 33 20 57 45 6 7 12 9 3 6 8 4 1 1 1 Male 45 35 27 1 2 2 13 5 6 26 19 12 4 6 3 1 8 4 Fenialo 1 One or both parenia foreign Male 13 14 9 1 1 1 3 3 4 6 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 Male G 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 Fomalo 1 Colored Main FvRialo Black Male Female .. ..>■• lUlr.1 1,1.K<.1 Male Fcojalo !.!.!!!. THE DEAF AND DUMB. 567 Tadlk aOl.-DKAr AND DTTMH, WITH DISTINCTtON OF SEX, « <>l,.,li, NATIVITV, ANO niRTHin.ArES OF MOTHKRS, AND AGE I'ERKJDS WIILN DKAi'NESS i ICCUKKKI), UY STATES ANU TEKIMTOIMES: 1890-C.mtiiiiio!iur« of motbcm (n-liitc): 401 30 Ill 2C0 43 14 r llnio 230 171 61 21 t 7 81 50 18 114 8« 16 23 20 4 8 4 > t Mai.- 37 14 12 6 2 14 4 4 11 S 4 4 3 1 3 3 1 Mnlo * 8 85 2 2 34 1 a 40 1 2 7 I ' 1 52 33 45 2 1 5 23 11 12 20 20 18 1 s 1 1 20 16 G 3 2 8 4 4 14 4 1 4 5 1 1 3 3 484 2 2 203 1 1 183 38 42 14 i 288 196 101 23 15 6 121 82 SI 103 80 35 31 11 7 8 2 2 2 63 38 13 5 1 1 32 10 5 21 14 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 6 7 8 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 ^ 1 1 3 ! ■ 1 Mole 3 5 29 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 12 1 12 I 1 18 11 64 1 2 4 8 4 32 7 5 19 1 1 ] G 2 , 1 Male 41 23 14 1 3 2 22 10 4 14 5 7 4 2 1 1 2 1 11 3 1 1 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 • 1 WYOItlINC Total 16 7 8 1 ■* Male 11 5 6 1 4 4 1 White 16 7 8 1 "M'tle 11 5 13 B 6 1 6 5 4 4 7 4 1 1 1 I \ Male 7 2 4 5 2 2 3 1 1 :": : i i 1 1 1 i T^falo 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 M.i1p * 3 ............ 1 1 1 female 570 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 204.— DEAF A\D DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIKTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAP^NESS OCCirRRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 18'JO— Coiitiuued. SEX. COLOR. NATmxy, AM) BIUTHrLACES OP MOTHERS. Total. Uuknown. Uirtli. Undor 5 years. S to 10 years. lOioSO years. 20 years aufl uver. Mivpil lilntul ^alo ... Birthplaces of mothers (white) : 9 5 i Male 7 5 2 2 2 :::::::::::::::::::::::: Male 1 1 1 1 1 Femiile ." . 1 peuialo 1 1 1 1 BritiBh Arocrica Mnlo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 gfrniHinavia Male 1 1 1 1 Mole 1 1 TFTK DKAF AXl) DUMB. 571 Tabij! ao5.— deaf and miMis tn snnooi.s foij tiik deaf and ntrMn, nv Ann rr.RTons when deafness OUUt'RliKD, AND IIY SEX, COLOU, NATIVITY, AND mUTlU'LACES OF MOTIUilW: 1800. s — — 6KX, COLOlt, NATIVITV, AM> blUTlU'LACEa OK MOTIiKIIS. Total. Cnkuunm. CuuKi'uital. UihUt & J earn. a tn 10 i earn. 10 tn SO yearn. SO yran auil' liver. Tolnl 0.IS3 207 2,405 2.021 437 n Mule 3.4-0 2.083 140 121 l,32U 1,180 1.737 1,184 2.ia 201 2? 11 _ \flilto S,D10 251 2,307 2,837 408 27 Male 3.M7 2.C03 5,478 3,770 135 110 234 193 1,243 1,124 2,213 1,608 1,603 1,164 2,031 1,710 210 180 375 »0 17 10 25 21 Male 2.022 1,748 1,708 09 04 41 79:. 811 007 090 720 021 i25 115 135 13 8 4 Male 1,028 6S0 432 2(1 15 17 357 250 134 505 356 226 58 33 3 1 2 Male 2S7 175 243 10 7 16 91 63 128 138 88 &1 17 16 29 1 1 8 Colored . jialo 163 80 173 11 5 9 86 42 97 44 20 49 17 12 15 S 1 3 Male 123 51 70 8 1 7 69 28 31 35 14 15 7 8 U 3 3 Jfalo 41 29 4,029 3 4 201 17 U 1,092 9 8 1,855 10 4 250 22 Birtliplaci's of mothers (white) : Male 2,181 ],848 140 106 95 5 841 »51 54 1,0R4 771 70 136 1>3 11 14 8 N Male 70 70 34 3 2 2 28 26 « 35 35 20 4 7 3 Male 21 13 518 4 192 14 6 206 2 1 50 2 9 1 Male . ..... 299 219 140 6 3 1 108 81 51 158 103 80 26 24 8 1 Male 83 67 13 3D 21 4 48 32 6 5 3 2 1 1 Male 5 8 626 1 3 210 3 3 354 1 1 43 1 15 4 Male 398 228 143 9 6 T 130 74 58 225 129 70 26 17 8 2 2 1 Male 87 68 4 a 33 28 47 23 4 i 572 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 205.— DEAF AXD DUMB IN SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND DrMl!. BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1890— Contiuued. SEX, COLOB, KATlVirr, AND DICTUPLACES OR MOTHERS. Birlbplacos of mothers (white) — Continued. Bohemia italc... I'Vnialo . Hungary. Male.... l-'emalo . Italy. Male.... FttUlalu . fiussiaand Poland. Male.... Female . All other coon tries . Male.... Female . XTnkoowD. Male... Female . Total. Unknown. Congenital. Under 6 years. fitolO years. 10 to 20 years. 20 y.ara and over. 21 1 7 10 3 13 « 38 4 3 16 6 4 18 3 1 2 2 26 12 21 1 1 14 2 8 10 8 12 1 1 1 13 8 65 3 5 26 9 3 31 1 1 7 41 24 76 1 10 7 28 17 14 36 4 3 8 4 38 38 46 3 1 2 13 15 12 18 18 29 4 4 3 32 14 2 9 3 10 10 2 1 TUK DKAK A\]) DI'MI?. 573 Tabie 206.— deaf TirT NOT WSUl T:M)I;R 20 VKAIfS OK A(iK AND 20 YEAKS OF AOK AND OVIcn, WITH DISTINCTION OF .Si:X, fOLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND A(iE I'KKIOD.S WIIKN DKAFNKS.S OCCUKKKI), HY STATK.S AND TEKRITOUIES: 1890. xaz PEBioos. The United states. Preaenf .nge: ITinlor 20 yoara. .. 20 vc.iiB aiiil over. Xot ^tate^l Deafnoss occurrod under .1 rresent njije; Uu.Ici-2a years... 20 years aiid over. Not stated D«ofne.s9 ooeurred 5 to 10 yeara — Present aj:o: Under 20 years 20 yeai-.s aiid over Ko't staled Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- l're.«ent age: Under 20 years 20 years and over Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present age: 20 years and over Not stated Deafness occurred not stated- Present ago: V nder 20 years 20 years aiid over Not stated ITorth Atlantic division . Present nje : Under 20 years... 20 J' ears and over. Not stated Deafness occurred under 5 years — Present ace : Under 20 years 20 years and over Not stated Total. 80,610 »,6G4 76, 235 717 Male. 49,278 312 |l 105 I 1,696 3,881 43 1.014 8,810 88 55,027 343 012 8,412 211 28,179 1.00* 20, 975 200 165 34 2,033 40, 774 471 107 5:i 1 949 2,097 26 573 5,062 59 34, 559 344 5,003 155 Female. 31,338 1,631 29. 461 246 15,383 535 14,733 115 15 747 1,784 17 441 3,748 29 20,408 113 2G8 3,400 80 12,790 469 12 242 "''85 70 19 i I Total. Male. 47,372 1,860 45,071 435 165 53 1 891 2,037 24 514 4,872 56 33. 392 216 29(1 4,717 138 15, 283 532 14, 639 112 15 Fomalo. 29.936 1.473 28,240 223 173 51 I 681 1,715 10 390 3, rm 19, 094 104 229 I 3,190 73 12, 702 4M 12, 155 83 Nativo born. Parents native. I One or liotli parent-* foreign. Male. 33,087 1,302 32.042 343 614 1,470 10 .375 3,503 42 23,8fifi 100 IfS 3, 1.58 115 11,073 317 10, 662 94 Foreign iHiro. Kentalo. , Male. Female. Male. I Fetnalo. Male. { Feniale. 1.402 21. 2i-' 1.018 20,063 179 103 37 1 495 1,222 13 261 2,595 25 14,080 85 159 ,123 55 9,205 272 8,865 443 3,790 20 190 250 4 lOSi C50 S 2,435 16 80 449 4 1.327 170 1,149 8 372 2,811 I 17 1 121 9,233 ! 03 83 6,360 27 107 1,703 30 158 2J5 3 31 311 1 107 542 3 31 719 9 1,645 8 7,091 34 53 308 3 18 no 28 248 22 453 1 3,963 11 2,283 157 1,051 I 29 5 i 45 ,828 10 35 2,239 9 59 190 3 1,167 14 48 286 17 100 158 1.221 23 r« 69 1 51 158 39 219 13 94 5 87 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Present ape: Under 20 years 20 .years and over Not stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 j-ears- Presentage: Under 20 years 20 years and over Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present age : 20 yeara and over Not staled Deafness occnrred not stated — Prest-nt age : Under 20 years , 20 years and over Not stated 444 1,393 13 207 2,944 27 19, 794 97 128 1.810 03 Uaiue. Present age: Under 20 years... 20 yejirs aiid over. Not stated 24 1,370 4 Deafness occurred tinder 5 years- l*resent ace : Under 20 years 20 years and over No'tstalc*! 239 695 8 M3 1,513 17 11,021 54 04 1,489 30 818 205 698 124 1,431 10 8,773 43 84 1,321 27 580 238 690 8 142 1, 504 16 10,951 53 04 1,479 35 818 203 693 5 122 1,-I22 10 8,721 42 64 1,301 20 579 151 523 8 98 ; 1.0S8 I 12 I 8,008 40 S3 971 28 12 803 3 12 567 1 12 893 3 12 560 1 725 3 129 498 4 71 1.051 0,476 32 30 829 23 00 42 190 51- 503 1 620 4 20 133 1 21 220 2 175 1 2. 163 1, 025 3 6 4 8 ■• 365 i 339 |i 10 5 2 1 1 53 53 52 1 20 1 574 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 206.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATrV'lTY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. COLORED. AGE PERIODS. Parents native. One or liotb parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. North Atlantic division— ilainc— Continued. Deafniss occurred 5 to 10 years— I'rt'sc'.it ai^e: H 07 1 2 172 8 34 1 1 100 33 8 34 1 1 100 6 83 7 32 1 oo' 3 26 1 2 3 2 1 4 -•• Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present aae: 1 72 1 71 1 58 1 4 8 6 1 Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Prestul .ige: 1,005 1 6 120 - 895 18 S72 s 3 1 593 412 1 3 50 593 3 76 2 • 480 412 1 3 50 533 2 70 2 425 374 1 2 45 16 44 32 Deafnejis occurred not stated— Pr«*.sput ago: 3 76 2 487 1 5 1 1 1 i 408 404 371 19 11 42 22 1 i Present age: 8 474 5 2 1 10 398 8 473 & 2 1 10 394 5 416 4 2 1 8 363 1 17 1 1 10 2 40 1 21 1 4 Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present ate: 1 1 1 Deafue.Hs occurred 5 to 10 years— Prest-nt .nge: 8 30 4 17 4 ■ 19 4 17 . 4 18 I 15 4 16 1 2 2 1 1 1 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years— Progciit age: 83 1 37 5 45 1 37 5 45 1 32 4 42 ' 1 2 1 1 ! 4 De&fne<8 occurred 20 years and over— Preaeiit age: CSl i 1 72 1 l.OGC 386 4 1 33 1 023 295 386 4 1 32 1 622 293 339 2^ 1 513 269 16 1 8 1 31 10 3 Deafness occurred not stated- Present age: i 89 38 30 3 2 1 1 443 442 372 33 26 76 44 1 1 Present age: 25 1,035 4 15 0o2 c 2 10 433 IS 601 6 2 10 432 8 001 •4 2 6 300 5 27 1 4 22 2 73 1 44 1 1 Not ntated 1 Deafii'-sH occurred under 5 years — l*rr»i-r.t age: 2 2 1 1 ! :::::::::ii:::::::: NotBtated ! ■; ': "1 1 De«fni i!H occurred S to 10 jcam— I'fpHt-nl iiyo : 11 71 1 7 81 7 38 1 6 40 4 33 7 38 1 S 46 4 33 3 34 1 2 37 4 27 3 1 1 3 20 ycar« and oTcr 3 3 DeafiH^i occurred 10 toZO years— l'r< .. tit Bce: I'li'i'T 'JO j'ears 2 85 2 85 2 5 2 2 1 4 32 1 Mot.littod D' ' red 20 yearn and over — I 'lover .'>ul„li.U.l 838 6 3 45 480 S 1 32 352 485 6 1 82 351 403 3 1 27 296 10 1 2 10 0.1 1 39 1 1 t Dnrneni occurred not stated— I»rp.i'iit oKc: If ihI't Ifu vrnm 2 13 2 13 1 11 1 1 ) 3 1 WolsUtC'd TIIK DKAF ANT) mJMB. 575 Tahi.p. 20«.— deaf BUT NOT DUMH irNDER 20 YKAKS OF AfiE ANP 20 YEAKS OF AOR AND OVER, WITir DISTINCTIOIT OF SEX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAi'NESS OCCURRED, ETC.— CoDtiuueU. 1 Total. Molo. I'Vnialo. WIIITB. Total. ] NuliTo born. Foreign born. COU>UD, AOB PEBtODS. Por^nta oativo. 1 Ono or both poronti Ibroign. Mole. Femato. Male. Female. Uale. Female. Mnlc. Female. Male. Female. Ksrtli Atlnnlic division— Cootinncd. 4,118 1,952 2,166 1,937 2,152 1,44G 1,583 117 106 374 401 15 14 Trescnt apy-. 135 3,9B0 23 j 34 1 03 1,877 12 19 72 2.08:) 11 15 1 03 1,803 12 19 71 2,070 11 13 1 31 1,404 11 fl 31 1,543 H. 9 1 22 95 1§? 10 363 1 3 12 389 is' 1 •JU vt-ars aiiil over 13 Deafnoss occurred uutlor 5 years— 10 ' 3 Doafucss occurred 5 to 10 years— Prt'seiit age: ITiiiIor '-'0 years 218 31 469 a 2, 052 11 320 7 874 32 838 4 1 ■J 29 io:i 13 204 1 1,420 7 2 141 4 424 34 ll.'i 2 18 205 1,:>2:! 4 5 17!) 3 450 12 4:m 4 1 29 102 13 203 1 1,419 7 las 418 33 115 2 18 264 1,514 4 5 170 442 18 86 7 1.54 1 1,066 7 98 3 279 11 75 2 8 193 1,153 4 3 122 3 267 5 10 1 13 18 6 7 22 i 1 Dcafncps occurred 10 to 20 years— I'rofioiil ago: 5 20 8 29 1 29 2 42 1 1 Deafness oicuired 20 years and over— Trest'iit ajje: 55 78 298 284 10 9 Deafness occurreolh parents foreign. Hale. Female. Male. Female. Vole. Female. Hale. Female. Mole. Femal*. Korth Allnnlic division— Continued. 6,752 3,875 2,877 3,845 2,853 2,828 2,102 405 360 612 401 30 14 Pre .SOD t ago: 286 1 6, 392 74 6 4 163 3,671 41 6 4 123 2,721 33 160 3,645 40 5 4 121 2,609 33 123 2,671 34 3 3 88 1,985 29 30 372 3 33 313 4 7 602 3 2 3 26 1 1 a 401 22 Deafness occurred under 5 years— I'resont ajro: 20 years aud over ".!!'.!!!!.' 1 1 1 Deafnt'83 occurred 5 to 10 years- Present nse: 150 352 4 108 797 1 9 4,614 34 22 625 27 8,369 85 171 59 421 7 2,734 16 13 341- 10 5,001 65 181 2 49 376 2 1,880 18 9 284 11 3,365 84 169 2 58 418 7 2,715 15 13 339 16 4,264 64 181 2 48 1 374 1 2 1,866 18 9 278 11 2,776 66 124 2 46 306 S 2,005 14 8 233 13 3,689 49 138 1 33 284 ' 2 , i 1,371 15 : 192 1 U ' 2,440 15 24 11 59 1 252 1 4 36 1 215 15 31 1 15 56! 3 21 1 2 1 12 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present ape: 1 53 1 458 1 3 1 34 a Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Present age: 190 3 3 36 305 19 1 1 14 Deafness occurred not stated— 3*rcsent ajie : 1 70 2 360 50 2 6 177 159 740 S89 Present as©: 420 7,850 99 5 4 232 4,705 67 1 188 3,145 32 5 2 160 4,051 53 2 122 2,638 : 16 5 2 147 3,491 51 ■ i" 112 2,315 13 5 2 11 204 7 170 2 356 2 * 3 153 3 72 654 i " ! C8 507 18 Deafness occurred under 5 years— l*resent ajje: " i i 1 1 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present a»e : 179 366 6 138 876 8 5,628 38 98 976 47 223 ' 96 201 1 ^ 81 497 7 3,423 27 55 582 30 112 8.1 165 3 57 379 1 2,205 11 43 394 17 m 73 177 3 54 422 5 2,984 21 33 406 24 99 59 139 3 36 317 1 1,866 6 22 314 6 107 69 156 3 49 374 5 2,571 20 29 389 23 79 56 122 „ 3 32 280 1 1,638 5 19 267 4 84 3 8 2 12 1 13 1 5 1 23 { 24 24 26 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: Under 20 years 4 31 2 21 I 17 10 27 75 , 2 439 1 6 i 22 1 116 ' 6 13 11 SI Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present age: 143 112 270 1 116 1 339 5 Deafness occurred not stated — , Present age : 1 4 21 3 25 21 56 14 22 10 80 U 6 13 4 Present age : 4 218 1 S 1 110 1 3 108 98 1 3 104 79 3 81 1 12 6 13 13 1 10 4 Dcafncdd occurred under 5 years- Present age : 3 3 3 Under 20 years 20 years aud over 1 "" Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present a^e : 20 years and over Not stated 5 j:z:! 2 8 2 3 1 1 .! 7176 INS- 578 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TaBIE 206.— deaf but NOT DUMB UKDEE 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 0AT:R, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. ■ - Total. Male. Female. 1 WHITE. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. COLOBED. AGE PERIODS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Fcm.ale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. South Atlantic diriftton— I>elauarfr_Cont'd. BtratiiesH.s occnrre*! 10 to SU ycara — Pivseiit 11 ge : 25 13 12 11 11 10 11 1 2 1 Deafoe&s occurred 20 years and over— PrivHenl age: 137 69 68 62 68 50 52 4 9 8 7 7 Deafness occurred not stated— Preseol ago: 1 51 1 1,393 1 25 1 790 1 3 26 22 1 711 23 16 17 I 3 5 1 115 3 8 603 547 510 412 86 CO 00 79 68 Present age : 78 1,300 9 60 733 7 28 573 2 89 666 6 81 525 1 .12 473 6 15 397 7 79 5 61 "'iii' 1 1 67 1 1-1 67 1 7 48 1 20 yean* anil over DcafocHB occnrred under 5 years — Pre-enl a;^: 20 vi*arrt aud over. Koi stated Deafne8}» occurred 5 to 10 years — PnK.iit ane: 33 78 22 39 11 39 19 30 11 35 17 27 8 27 2 6 2 5 3 1 3 3 3 4 Deafnens occurred 10 to 20 years— Prewiit ani'.: UmlfT 20 vears 28 161 20 85 8 76 15 77 5 71 13 67 5 60 12 8 8 6 8 5 e Deafner«!4 occum-d 20 years and over — Pr«->.ciit aj;c: 936 C 17 131 3 282 538 5 8 71 2 152 898 1 9 CO 1 130 493 5 5 60 1 128 366 1 5 53 344 4 2 45 1 73 274 56 40 93 1 .S2 1 45 33 Not stated Deafness occurred not stated — Prenellt HJIO: UndiT 20 venr« 2 36 3 5 3 10 3 11 1 24 4 7 1 10 7 Koi stated District of Columbia 113 76 13 21 42 16 IT PrcHt'Dt ajrc: V nder 20 voters 11 269 2 1 i 4 147 1 7 122 1 1 2 4 123 1 i' 6 107 3 69 1 i' 6 70 1 12 X 21 42 16 24 15 1 Not staUnl DcafneMH occurred under 5 years — l^rt^i'iii aeo: 1 2 1 2 2 1 >'ol (Slated DeafncMN o<«urred 5 to 10 year* — Pn»i^nt Hire: Under 'JO vearn G 15 2 10 8 6 2 8 2 6 2 s 2 3 1 20 Vi'.'irn anil over 2 8 2 Kot 4tal«l Doafneiw occurred 10 to 20 yeani— Proi»»-nl nee; FniW-r 20 veiim 2 83 1 18 1 17 1 13 1 16 1 11 I 12 2 2 1 3 » Not alii tr4>nrrr4l not stAtod — Pr.— Ill »i;i- I'ikIt 'M \rar« 3 S4 2 1 20 1 2 2S 1 1 23 1 2 21 i'j' 1 2 16 1 4 20 xcitr-t And «»vi!r Vo'lsUttil ;„'.'.' 2 7 3 6 4 1 THE DKAF AND DUMIJ. 579 Table 90«.— OHAF BUT NOT DUMB UNDKR 'JO YKAU8 OK ACK AM) liO VKARS OK ACK AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTIOM UK SKX, COLOR, AUD NATIVITY, AND AUK I'EKIODS WilliN DEAKNESS OCCLRKED, ETC.— Coutlnucl. Tot»l. Male. Fomalo. worn. TotaL Nativo Iwni. Foruign bon. OOLOKUb AGB PEmODe. PorcnU iiativo. Ono or lintli parcuta luruij^n. Male. FomiUo. Male. Fcmalo. Malo. Female. MoSo. Fnnole. Uale. Fomale. Sontb Atlnntic divfaion— Continiiod. 1.030 1,172 758 l.OM GOS 923 683 26 12 63 11 IM UO Prcsonl fige: 87 1, 822 21 43 1,113 16 44 709 5 20 073 12 2« 078 4 28 8X5 12 25 05(1 4 1 25 1 10 14 140 4 18 12 63 131 1 Deafno!)H occuitciI ander 5 years — rrr8»iit aL'e: Uiiilcr 20 voars 20 yi-'ars umi ovor Not statfil DenTnesfl oorurrert 5 to 10 years— Prosint a^e: t^mlt-r "JO v''nrs 39 85 3 214 3 1. 3.13 11 15 190 4 046 19 47 1 IS lin 3 811 8 8 115 4 042 20 38 2 17 104 13 44 1 12 93 2 740 5 4 90 4 034 13 34 2 9 86 13 42 1 11 86 C75 5 4 82 4 559 13 33 2 8 80 I 7 20 vpars anit over 1 2 4 DeafiiPSH oornrrtd 10 to 20 years — Pri'sent aire: Umlcr '-"O vrars 1 3 1 2 4 17 1 101 3 4 10 g 3 4 19 Deaf^rfls occurred 20 years aod. orer— ProRcnt atie: 402 3 7 75 399 2 4 60 3M 2 4 58 20 7 45 7 88 1 3 Deafnenn ocrnrred not stated — 2 1 12 1 15 Kot stated West 'Vir"'inia. 304 303 2C3 30 21 45 17 8 1 Present age: 58 832 G 38 6UI 3 20 281 3 37 594 3 20 280 3 33 523 3 18 245 2 2 28 1 20 2 43 1 15 1 7 1 Kot stated Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present ago ; Under 'JO vrars Not stated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 j-ears — Pn-^ent ago: TJnd.T 20 veara 27 40 1G 77 1 6C0 1 15 105 3 1.252 17 21 1 in 54 10 19 17 21) 1 10 54 446 1 10 74 1 628 10 19 15 1« 1 8 49 395 1 10 C3 1 007 10 17 1 1 I 3 20 ve;irs ami over 1 1 1 Not stated Deafncsa occurred 10 to 20 years — Pr»'j»**nt a^e : 6 23 1 208 6 23 207 4 20 183 1 3 1 3 I 2 1 20 voar.-* and over Not stated -. Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present ng**: 452 1 11 74 1 749 20 12 31 12 « 1 Not stated Deafness occurred not stated — Present nco: UndiT 21) vears 4 31 2 503 4 31 2 40S 1 4 25 1 397 I 2t) ve;ir8 and over 4 4 7 2 1 3 " Not stated Sfortb Carolina 6 5 15 121 88 Present age: Undor20 vears 57 1,173 22 25 710 14 32 463 8 15 COl 12 19 383 3 15 580 12 19 375 3 in 109 2 13 80 6 20 vearw and over 6 *i 15 3 Not stated Deafnesn occurred under 5 years — Pretwiit age: Under 20 vfars 20 vpar>*and over Not stated Deafness ocmrred 5 to 10 years- Present HgC: Un)l«-r'Ji) rt*nrs 28 45 12 27 16 18 7 24 10 l!.i 7 24 10 10 6 3 t 20 vfar.s ami over 1 7 Uot8Ut«d 680 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 206.— DEAF BUT NOT DU3IB UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, Vv'ITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WIIICN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Hale. Female. WHITE. COLC Total. Native born. Foreign bom. BSD. AQE FEBIODS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Bonth Atlantic division— North Carolina- Continued. Deafness occnrred 10 to 20 years- Present nee: 1.1 115 1 861 8 14 152 13 803 8 71 1 611 5 5 101 8 484 7 44 4 57 1 440 4 4 80 7 331 5 41 4 60 1 422 4 4 78 7 2a4 5 40 4 14 3 1 1 •-»■•••--- 8 Deafness occnrred 20 years and over — Prost-nt age: r 350 3 9 51 5 319 290 2 4 35 1 193 291 4 34 1 178 3 12 2 71 1 1 21 1 153 S4 1 Deafness occurrcu not stated— Prespnt age: 5 1 2 18 i 12 9 25 12S Present age: 57 735 11 35 440 9 22 295 2 10 307 8 9 182 2 16 270 8 9 107 2 19 133 1 13 12 » 25 6 113 Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present ace: Deafness occnrred 5 to 10 years- Present nie: 13 28 1 25 74 1 520 19 113 3 1,113 9 16 4 12 1 9 31 4 11 8 'I 218 4 4 47 3 519 1 I 13 4 1« 8 28 1 192 4 4 40 3 482 1 7 12 5 5 S 20 years anil over 1 1 4 Deafness occnrred 10 to 20 years- Present age: 16 43 1 308 6 s'- 10 73 3 645 8 12 8 20 years and over 3 1 18 Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Pn-sent age : 212 1 j 9 40 138 1 2 23 120 1 S2 7 7 19 5 BO 1 20 74 Deafness occurred not stated — Present age: 7 2 1 5 17 QtOTgia 408 3.83 352 20 19 17 12 126 8! Present age: 51 1,053 g 27 012 24 441 3 10 500 3 13 370 10 403 3 13 339 11 11 20 19 17 12 71 8 Deafness occurred under 5 years- PffHentnE'": . . . Deafness occnrred 5 to 10 years- Present age: 27 46 1 13 130 2 760 2 11 121 11 20 1 7 78 2 446 10 20 9 21 1 4 04 1 872 10 10 9 20 1 4 00 1 345 10 15 2 5 6 20 years and over 1 1 i Deafnoxft occnrred 10 to 20 years — Prewnt at'e; 62 2 43 2 39 3 14 1 74 4 4 3 1 • Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present ftEo: 310 2 2 59 1 200 238 13 13 14 9 50 a Dfafness occnrred not stated— Present ace: 02 a 3 43 1 1 51 3 38 1 1 47 10 2 1 2 2 3 2 s KoisUtcd 1 TTTE DEAF AND DUMB. 681 Tadi-K 200.— DKAK hut not DlMIi KXnKR JO VEAKS OK AfiK AN'I) 20 YKAK.S OF ArJK AND OVV.U, WITH DI.STIN'CTION Ul" SEX, COLOU, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE TEKIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCUKBED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WniTB. cou Totiil. Native born. Forelifn born. CiRED. AGE PEUIODS. ParcnUi native. Onn or botli paronta forufgo. Ualo. Female. Male. Female. Mole. Female. Uale. Female. Hale. Female. Bouth Atlantic diTi«ion— Continued. 427 258 109 200 117 160 01 IS 11 34 U 68 61 Present nge: l*n<\i'r 20 Yonrfl 17 392 18 1 239 10 8 153 8 1 4 169 6 109 3 1 4 140 7 4 85 2 1 io' 1 10 6 SO 8 1 24 14 1 Deafness occurred iimlerS years — Tresentn^e: 1 1 2 2 Deafness occuired 5 to 10 yeara— Prrsenl ajro: 7 24 4 13 3 12 2 10 2 9 2 9 2 1 3 1 Not ittateU DeafnesB occurred 10 to 20 years— Present age : Under 20 years 6 47 3 27 3 20 22' 2 15 17 1 12 '3' 1 3 3 S 1 6 2 >'ot slated DMfncsa ocrnrred 20 years and over— Present age: 262 4 3 59 14 32,333 168 3 2 32 7 21,341 94 1 1 27 7 11,012 136 2 2 21 5 21,163 68 103 2 2 IS 5 13, 720 52 12 16 10 32 1 28 1 1 10 4 lU Not stated Deafness occurred not stated— 17 3 10, 901 12 2 0. 920 1 1 5 4 1 2,406 11 2 178 No't stated 2, 245 1,479 5,198 Present age: 1,473 30, 577 303 130 41 2 720 1,572 16 401 3,712 38 ■ 22,108 161 222 3,144 86 6,861 841 20,292 208 63 20 1 417 874 12 234 2,283 25 15, 103 117 127 2,010 53 4,400 032 10, 285 93 67 21 1 303 698 1 4 , 167 1,429 13 7,003 44 95 1,134 33 2,453 835 20, 126 2U2 63 20 1 414 864 12 232 2,204 25 14,988 113 126 1,990 51 4,349 620 10, 187 94 GO 21 1 290 091 4 l.i5 1,410 13 6,952 44 93 1,113 32 2,422 554 13,022 144 39 12 1 282 561 7 154 1,504 18 9,736 76 79 1,209 42 3,121 ■111 0,43((- 74 30 14 1 203 445 2 107 019 n 4,357 39 08 703 21 1,750 , 2, 60:1 18 16 167 1,303 9 18 6 83 5,005 40 8 30 2,446 11 12 1 6 168 6 18 98 1 1 20 years aiid oyer Not stated Deafness occurred under 5 years — Presi-nt ape: No*t stated ... Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Present aj;e: 107 127 4 67 362 2 1,284 11 38 230 1 454 82 lis 2 49 260 2 758 3 18 155 2 290 25 170 1 21 398 5 3,908 20 9 551 8 771 11 128 3 10 7 7 Not state*! Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: Under 20 years 22S 2 19 3 IB 20 years and oyer Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present ape : 1,837 2 7 255 370 117 4 1 20 2 57 51 Not stated Deafness occurred not stated- Present offo: Under 20 years 3 21 1 33 Not staled Ohio Present age: 244 6,559 58 9 2 138 4,234 34 3 1 100 1 2,325 24 1 138 4,177 34 3 1 104 2, -29* 24 1 113 2, 9.<3 20 2 1 79 1,058 19 3 1 20 429 5 22 272 2 1 5 763 3 1 3 364 3 2 57 3 31 20 years and over Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present age: 20 years and over Not stated 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present age: 123 278 3 69 145 2 54 133 1 69 143 a 53 131 I 65 103 1 42 94 1 13 23 1 11 27 1 17 20 years and over 10 2 S Notstated 582 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 200.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB UNDER 20 YEARS OP AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. Total. Kative born. Foreign born. COLOBED. AOB FEBIODS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Fomalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Ifortb Central division — Ohio — Continued. De.lfuesa occurred 10 to 20 years — Present npe: 77 682 11 4,927 25 35 070 19 3,902 45 398 5 3,284 15 21 4UU 12 2,641 32 284 6 1,643 10 14 264 7 1,261 45 392 5 3,243 15 21 398 12 2,619 31 276 6 1,633 10 14 253 7 1,246 37 292 4 2,330 10 19 209 11 1,976 22 208 5 1,170 9 12 179 4 946 6 64 292 1 50 8 41 1 173 1 2 31 2 36 621 1 1 89 1 405 1 27 e' 1 8 l^o't slated Dcifness occurred 20 years and over — Presiut age: 284 41 10 Kot stated Deafncis ocenrred not stated- Present a;:e: V nder 20 years 43 3 146 8 U 1^01 stated.. 238 154 22 15 Pre.sent ase : Under 20 Tears 210 3,639 53 20 9 1 102 103 2 60 503 4 2,670 29 22 294 17 4.723 119 2,484 38 13 1 58 92 2 35 325 3 1,863 21 13 198 11 2,981 91 1,155 15 13 3 118 2,463 38 13 G 1 57 92 2 33 322 3 1,847 21 13 190 11 2,955 88 1,143 15 12 3 108 1, 832 30 12 4 1 52 74 2 31 248 3 1,362 20 13 144 10 1,809 70 8G3 13 11 3 7 231 17 137 3 400 2 1 143 2 1 21 3 12 20 vears aiid over Xut stated Deafne.=«s occurred nndor 5 years — Present age: 1 1 1 1 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Present ase: 44 71 42 70 32 53 3 9 9 13 2 9 1 4 1 a 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years — Present aj^e : 25 178 1 807 8 9 96 6 1,742 25 178 1 796 8 9 96 6 1,732 20 132 1 508 8 7 77 4 1,023 3 46 5 36 1 28 10 3 Is'ot sttited Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present age: 157 82 328 1 116 18 u Kot stated - Deafness occnrred not stated — Prohent age: Under 20 vears is' 2 6 20 vi'iirs and over 34 1 814 13 2 455 2 Kot stated Dlinois 332 254 20 10 Present age: Under 20 vears 281 4,413 29 38 13 168 2,796 17 21 6 113 1,617 12 17 8 105 2,773 17 21 5 113 1,807 12 17 8 98 1,699 12 12 3 79 934 10 8 7 54 278 8 2 23 230 1 1 13 790 5 1 11 443 1 3 3 23 10 Kut stated Deafness occurred under 5 j'cara — Pn'MMit age: Kot slated Deafness oceurrcd 5 to 10 years— Pres<;nt age: Under 20 years 122 244 77 130 45 108 77 134 4,'> 107 49 88 35 68 20 24 20 8 22 3 19 20 vears iinil over 2 1 Not staled Dcafne.s ncenrrcd 10 to 20 years- Present age: 74 581 5 3,127 15 47 448 9 47 352 4 2,031 7 21 272 27 229 1 1,096 8 24 178 a 45 350 4 2,015 7 22 209 6 27 220 1 1,090 8 24 173 8 21 219 2 1,230 6 16 l,''i9 6 18 130 1 817 7 18 100 2 20 01 3 64 4 07 2 623 2 81 1 1 39 2 2 Kol stated Dwifness orrnrrod 20 years and over— krcHent nge: 102 26 122 1 2 33 351 10 e deafness nerurrcd not stated — Prwenlaiin: 4 34 1 3 t Kolstaied THE DEAF AND DUMB. i83 Tabm 206.— deaf nUT NOT DTHtn imPKR 20 YKARS OK AfJK AND L'O YllARfl OF AfiF, AND OVTR, WITH DISTINCTION Ol' SICX, COLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND Al.ii I'KUIUDb WIIKN DKAINKWS 0(X.UKl;i;D, KTC— Couiuiu.mI. Tot^ Male. Female. WD 1TB. COU Total. 1 Natlvo bom. , Forei^ bom. >sn>. AQfi rsnioDs. Pnracta native. One or l>oth i parents loreli^n. ' Hale. Famole. Male. Fomolo. Male. Female. Mole. Female. MoJe. Femala, North Central division— Continued. 3,82D 2,4S3 1,376 2,447 1,868 1,485 802 270 177 886 389 8 1 rreaontiigo: 161 3,613 25 25 5 95 2,342 16 12 2 66 •1,301 13 3 04 2,337 16 12 66 1,293 13 3 49 1,424 12 g 1 27 768 7 3 1 32 243 1 2 1 28 147 2 4 2 n 670 3 4 II 378 1 5 s Denfnrss occurred under 5 years — PreM'iit ngo: 6 Deafness occurred 5 tolO years— Pre.sciit !t:;c: 72 180 2 38 439 2 2,606 16 26 413 5 1,996 41 110 1 21 263 1 1,705 12 21 262 2 1,265 31 70 1 17 170 1 001 4 5 151 3 731 40 109 1 21 263 1 1,702 12 21 261 2 1,262 31 69 1 17 173 1 899 4 5 149 3 730 20 63 15 43 15 12 13 8 1 9 24 1 92 5 34 1 1 59 1 492 1 3 85 3 18 } 1 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age; 15 158 7 107 1 5 46 1 42 t DeafneRs oernrrcd 20 years and over- Present nge: 1,055 10 8 147 2 477 534 4 2 83 3 299 155 1 10 29 273 3 * Deafness occurred not stated — Presoiit ace: 21 1 45 1 ] 160 107 623 324 3 t Present age: 80 1,905 11 9 3 1 36 105 50 1,208 7 3 1 30 697 4 1 14 56 50 1,205 7 3 1 22 49 30 696 4 6 2 1 14 66 14 461 2 14 2S2 3 3 28 131 1 1 15 92 8 613 4 1 I 322 3 1 Peafnca~ occurred imderSyears — Prftsfiii nco: 3 2 '.'.:""'.'. 5 14 1 6 20 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present npe: 22 49 U 12 8 17 3 23 • w Deafness occnrred 10 to 20 years- Present npc: 25 178 1 1,431 6 10 188 3 1,286 16 118 1 926 5 9 114 1 660 9 00 16 118 1 923 5 9 114 1 859 9 60 8 58 5 30 5 22 1 85 3 12 3 38 1 18 Not stated Deafness occnrred 20 years and over— Present ase : 605 1 1 74 2 426 604 1 1 74 2 426 351 1 1 38 1 302 200 1 51 487 4 1 63 253 3 1 Deafness occnrred not stated — Present neo: Under 20 vears 7 11 1 10 32 1 152 32 1 204 Not stated Minnesota 101 70 456 1 Present aic: tTnder 20 Tears 69 1,213 14 7 1 27 819 1 32 394 27 818 14 1 32 394 3 293 11 141 18 82 1 1 15 55 6 443 7 6 198 1 Nut stated Deafness occnrred under 5 years- Present a;:o: 6 1 6 1 3 1 2 1 Not stated Deafness occnrred 5 to 10 years — Present nfie: Under "Ju vears 33 66 17 37 16 29 17 37 16 29 2 13 e 8 13 6 ........ 8 5 2 20 2 16 20 years antl over Not stated ■•••••••• 584 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 206.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB UNDER 20 YEAES OF AGE AND 20 YEAES OF AGE AND OVER, AMTII DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOE, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. ll.ile. Female. WHITE. COL' Total. Xative bom. Foreign bom. )RBD. AGS PEBIODS. Parents native. One or botU parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Hale. FemalOb Korth Central division— Minnesota— Cont'd. Deafnt'ss Dccurred 10 to 20 years — Present ajje: Under 20 years 12 151 2 836 11 7 159 1 2,452 C 83 2 592 11 3 107 1 1,G45 6 68 6 83 2 591 11 3 107 1 1,642 6 68 1 32 2 215 4 2 23 2 14 3 20 3 37 1 25 Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present ago : 244 244 87 48 1 2 15 19 328 1 58 1 443 138 1 Kot stated ' Deafness occnrrcd not stated- Present ase: 4 52 4 52 2 11 2 19 31 22 * 807 800 1,014 495 185 118 193 3 1 Present afje: Under 20 years 97 2,314 41 6 58 1,559 28 1 39 755 13 5 58 1,558 26 1 39 71)4 13 5 30 964 20 1 28 458 9 5 25 159 1 8 108 3 435 5 3 188 2 1 1 Deafness occuiTCd under 5 years- Present age : 20 years and over Deafness occnrrcd 5 to 10 years- Present a^o: Under 20 vears 43 123 5 25 284 6 1,613 18 23 294 12 3,371 28 70 3 14 175 3 1,126 14 15 188 8 2,341 15 53 2 11 109 3 487 4 8 106 4 1,030 28 70 3 14 175 3 1,125 13 15 188 7 2,295 15 63 2 11 109 3 487 4 8 105 4 992 13 45 2 lo:i 2 700 10 9 116 6 1,078 10 34 1 7 65 3 299 3 C 60 705 14 10 1 6 30 4 6 1 2 29 1 15 1 13 Deafness occnrrcd 10 to 20 years- Present age: 1 42 1 334 3 1 44 1 415 2 15 Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present age: 91 59 129 1 1 1 Deafness occnrrcd not stated- Present age: Under 2U years 5 28 202 2 14 1 147 31 1 140 i 46 1 Hltlin^T\ 88 Present age: 172 3,171 28 4 1 03 2,225 23 3 1 79 946 S 1 93 2,183 19 3 1 75 913 4 1 77 1,587 14 2 1 59 642 4 14 184 4 1 16 131 2 412 1 4 20 vears and over 140 42 4 33 Not stated 1 Deafness occurred under 5 years— Pr*'>*c.-nt age: 1 ^*ot stated l*rficnt age; es 177 1 43 375 3 2,301 10 30 317 8 62 08 1 20 219 3 1,693 13, 12 214 6 43 79 52 93 1 26 213 3 1,007 10 12 209 6 41 77 40 71 31 62 6 16 1 3 29 10 10 3 6 5 5 2 DeafncNs occurred 10 to 20 years- Present ago : Under 20 years 17 156 17 148 21 100 3 1,210 7 8 145 4 14 107 3 27 2 24 14 6 8 Not atal«d Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Pn-Hent age: 008 3 18 103 2 589 3 16 99 1 403 3 14 70 1 113 2 4 26 1 77 844 1 109 26 3 It Deafneon orcnrrcd not stated — Present agi- : 2 17 1 9 38 12 6 1 4 I MUaUted THE DEAF AND DUMB. 585 Table aO«.— DKAP RUT NOT DITMI! IINDKK .'0 YIOAItS oi' A(1K AN'I) L'O VKAHS OI" A(il'. AND OVF.R, WITH DISTIN'CTIOM OF SEX, COLOli, AND KAl'IVITV, ANU AUK I'EUIOJJS WllKN DKAl'NKSS OCCUUUEU, KTC— Continued. Total. Mslo. Female. wniTS. XoUl. Natlro born. Foreign bom. COUilED. AOE TEntODS. FarcnlK nallTO. One or lioth jiiirviitn lurelgn. 1 Uile. Femalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Mole. Female. Uab-. Female. Forth Central lUvision— Continued. Kurlh Dikkotn 157 108 49 108 40 48 17 7 63 25 rresout age: 146 2 4 ]o:i 1 43 1 4 103 1 S 43 1 1 45 1 16 1 8 2 5 2 SO 1 2 22 1 Doafno8ft nceiirrotl uiiilorO years— I'leHoiit nge: 1 1 I 1 ... . Deafness omirred 5 to 10 years— rre.Hfitt ace; 5 12 2 5 n 7 2 S 8 7 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 4 1 DoafiiosB occnrreil 10 to 20 years- Trosent a^e; 2 26 2 6 26' 2 U 7' \ 1 4 20 5 1 8 Deafne*!8 ocoiirroil 20 year.s ami over — I'rosent a;;e: 98 1 2 1 338 71 1 2 6 27 71 1 2 6 238 27 33 13 3 2 35 1 1 2 12 T'nilor20 venra 1 3 1 100 3 1 100 4 1 2 1 40 Boutli Hakota 238 129 39 38 21 71 Present age: I'^mlcr 20 years 20 315 3 2 2 15 221 2 2 1 5 94 I 15 221 2 2 1 5 94 1 7 122 I 1 2 36 1 7 29 2 1 3 18 1 70 40 Deafncsa oocurretl luidor 5 years- Present Sl^O.: Tender 20 years 1 1 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present age: 10 19 7 12 3 7 7 12 ? 3 4 2 3 4 3 1 5 4 Deafness ocenrred 10 to 20 years- Present aeo: 6 53 1 223 2 2 18 B 33 1 102 1 1 13 1 20 5 33 1 162 1 1 13 1 20 2 IG 2 9 1 15 1 1 5 1 8 6 9 Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present ago: 61 1 1 5 01 1 1 6 95 1 6 24 1 13 52 2S Not stated Deafness occurred not stated- Present nge: 1 1 3 2 5 1 Not stated 1,083 749 334 746 334 48C 202 77 50 183 83 3 Present n^e: Under 20 years SO 1.027 6 3 3 32 712 S 3 1 18 313 1 31 710 5 3 1 18 3IS 1 21 403 " 3 1 12 189 1 5 72 a 44 5 175 3 1 2 20 ve^irs and over 82 Not stated Deafness occurred under r» years- Present n;:e: Vnder 20 >'eara 2 2 i 1 1 Not slated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 j-cars— Prosrnt aRi' : 20 72 10 43 10 20 18 43 10 29 15 26 7 20 2 G 3 3 1] 1 6 Not staled 586 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 2«6.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB UNDER 20 YEARS OP AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLiOK, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Coutiniied. AQB PERIODS. Korth Contral division— Ncbra-sVa— Cont'd. Deafness occurred 10 to '20 years — Prt^sen t ajie ; Under '^0 yp.nrs 20 years and over Ko't stated ■ Bearness occurred 20 years and ovcr- Prmeii t age : 20 years and over Kot stated DeafoesA occurred not stated— Present aj;o: Under "0 years 20 years and over Not stated Kansas . Present ace: Under 20 years — 20 yearn aiid over. l«ot stated Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present a<:o; X' rider 20 years 20 years and over--. JCot stated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present affc: VnilerUO years 20 years and over Not stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years — Pre-sent age: U nder 20 years 20 yeaniand over K o"t s I a t ed Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present a*;*): 2') years and over Kot stated Deafness occurred not stated- Present ace: Und»T 20 year-* 20 year.s :ind over Not stated iBoatb Central division. Present age : Under 20 years-.. 20 years anil over. Noitstated Deafness occurred under 5 ycars- Piosent a'.re: Utider 20 years 20 vears and over Kot stated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Present ner-: Under 20 years 20 years and over Not stal ed Deafness occurred 10 to 20 ycars- l*resi'nt aL'e: Under 20 years 2n years and over Not staled Total. 12 1«9 1 2,355 no 2 2.'J2 "33 60 3 27 291 l.r.r.n 19 12 2.-.4 g Ualo. 1,654 1,589 23 017 7, 924 91 Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Pres4'nt nge : 20 years and over Nolslattid Deatness occamyl not stated- Pr«"'-iit a;:o; Uufler 20 yearn 20 years and over Bo'lBlaiml 273 392 7 175 913 11 40 i:i8 ! 1,140 33 12 201 1 1,130 14 4 174 5,555 351 5,144 Female. 307 48 613 10 417 5 3,077 266 2, 7H0 31 l.'-,4 240 2 3, CM 2C Ufl 152 74 350 4 1,625 14 Total. Male. Female. 510 3 1,643 43 1,578 23 12 2U0 1 1,126 14 4 174 4,078 206 4,305 47 123 219 440 8 73 471 7 3,096 23 207 C»6 45 641 10 415 5 2,477 1(11 2,259 27 IS 86 121 4 43 289 4 Native born. Parents native. Mi^e. Female. 342 1 3-! 1,1-17 14 9 153 1 813 8 3 nl 3 245 3,758 30 116 180 1,409 II ao 343 67 410 2,661 21 4S.-, 13 120 490 286 3 One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. 177 1,914 83 110 4 43 219 3 1,271 9 30 277 6 48 163 3 240 IS 220 155 1 DO 157 10 146 1 Foreign bom. Male. Female. 120 2 270 2 26S C 19S 4 3 3S1 6 20 57 128 1 126 1 15 207 4 199 4 Male Female. 143 85 770 13 534 3 138 THE DEAF AND DUMB. i87 Tablb 906.— nr.AF RUT N(1T nUMR I'NDKR 20 VKARS nV AfiT AND 20 VKAHS OF AOK ANT) 0\'T;II, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, fOLOK, AND NATIVITY, AND AliK I'KKIODS WHICN DKAFNKHS OCCUUKKD, KTC— Contiiiiic.l. Total. Male. I'Vnialo. WlllTB. oou Total. Nativo bom. Foreign bom. >BBD. AOB PRRIODS. Parents ualivo. Ono or bntli parenia rorolen. Hale. Fomalo. Male. Fcnialo. Male. Female. Malo. Femalo. Male. Fenwia. 8onth Cnntrnl diTieion— Continiiod. 2,088 1,807 719 1,285 044 1,109 529 72 50 108 05 82 n Proflont iige: ir.4 1,903 19 90 1, 257 14 68 040 5 8« 1, m> 14 50 083 77 1,015 13 5t 471 4 05 1 2 47 1 8 106 10 72 11 a 05 DenTnrHH orourrcil under 5 ycara — rrtirti'iitnuo: Ult \fnrf* tiiiil ovtT 1 1 1 1 Uot 8taU'il Drafiii«H.<4 occnrrod D to 10 ycara— I'ri'Ki-nt jij;**: I'luIlT L'O V('«n* 79 89 39 54 40 35 35 53 34 33 32 43 33 29 3 5 1 3 i 1 s 6 1 s Not 8tl\tCtent nj;e: 354 3 12 83 5 410 309 2 8 68 5 288 288 1 7 GO 3 269 20 1 12 18 1 » 1 1 3 2 8 63 5 25 1 181 46 1 4 Deafness ocrurred not stated— Prewent a:;e: 3 5 4 1 24 16 Not stated Alabama 12 11 la Present nee; Untler 20 vears 89 1,000 4 3 2 39 621 3 1 2 30 876 1 2 26 454 2 1 2 1!) 268 25 420 1 i' 19 250 1 11 IS 167 1 u no 1 11 23 1 8 Deafness orenrred under 5 years — Present aire; 2 2 1 20 vears and over Not stated Deafness oernrred 5 to 10 years — Present aire: 32 59 1 18 30 14 23 1 13 24 6 19 13 24 n 17 5 12 8 4 1 20 vears anil over '.'.'.'.'.'.v. 2 Mot stated ::;:::;i:::::::: 588 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 206.— DEAF BIT NOT DUMB UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAi^NESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. COL Total. Native born. Foreign born. QRED. AQE PERIODS. Parent s native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Eemale. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. 8onth Central tliTision— Alabama— Cont'd. Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years — Trrsent a^e: Under 20 years 18 109 11 62 7 47 6 45 5 36 6 42 5 31 5 17 S u 2 2 1 3 Kot staled Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Present age: 722 1 IG 103 2 811 459 1 9 02 2 502 203 331 1 6 52 1 283 181 306 1 6 46 172 8 4 17 5 128 82 Deafness occurred not stated — Present ace: 7 46 6 33 6 30 3 10 1 219 1 13 20 vears and over 1 3 5 1 18 Kot stated 309 185 246 173 19 7 5 124 Present ape: TTndHr 20 voars 75 723 13 5 1 38 457 7 4 1 37 266 6 1 17 201 5 4 1 12 169 4 1 16 225 5 3 1 12 157 4 1 1 18 21 190 2 25 97 2 7 18 5 'Sot slated Deafness occurred uTider 5 years- Present aeo: 1 20 vears and over * Kot stated :':;" Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present ajro: Under 20 years 26 12 19 14 12 5 16 5 5 5 16 5 5 7 3 8 20 years and over 7 Not stated 1 1 Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: 20 97 2 477 10 24 ":| GOG 10 S6 1 300 5 12 75 1 334 10 41 1 171 5 12 42 3 35 1 170 3 5 39 1 235 3 28 1 145 3 5 35 1 147 7 21 20 years and over 20 1 114 3 6 24 25 1 105 3 G 22 5 1 2 16 Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present age: 20 years and over Not staled 11 5 14 4 136 2 7 36 57 2 Deafness occurred not btated— Present ace: 2 i" 2 1 18 Not stated ZiOnisiana 0-9 187 111 41 29 47 47 99 85 Present age: Under 20 years 26 674 17 312 5 9 262 1 9 224 2 4 182 1 6 140 1 3 107 1 3 38 • 1 28 8 88 3 S 80 20 years and over 46 1 47 Not stated DeafnesH occurred under 5 years— Prosent age: Under 20 years 20 years and over . . . Not stated :::::::;;::::::::: Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years— Pn'Hentago: Undergo years 6 W 4 8 2 U 2 7 1 6 2 4 1 4 1 1 1 6 3 2'! i Deafness occurred 10 lo 20 years- Present Hge: Under 20 yenrs 12 63 1 347 1 8 145 4 7 30 1 180 1 70 3 5 27 4 28 1 135 1 20 3 19 1 10 1 6 3 8 4 4 3 1 30 7 Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Pn'scnt age: 1S8 113 82 00 23 14 33 54 1 3 25 46 Not staled DeafbesH occurred not stated- pH'senl age: U iider 20 years 2 66 1 3 M 1 2 43 1 1 35 1 1 21 1 2 1 10 20 yearn and over 18 Kot stated "J Till': T)i:af and dumb. 589 Tahi.k a06.— DKAF BUT NOT I)T:MB UNDKR 20 VKARS OF AGE AND 20 YKARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PElilODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Mole. Female. Wlllii: Total. Native born. Foreign bora. COI>r,E£D. AOE PERIODS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Hale. Female. Uale. F«malo. Male. Female. Hale. Female. Hole. Femals. Sonth Central division— Continued. 1,617 1,083 534 081 460 787 371 61 35 14fl 54 90 U Pro.-Ariit age: 110 l,48r. 16 15 12 64 1,010 9 4 6 52 475 7 11 6 51 928 5 4 45 408 7 11 6 45 739 3 4 5 37 328 9 6 45 5 30 "144' 2 3 50 1 13 82 4 i 1 7 07 Not dUtwl DrafnMsoorurred under S years— I*r«-sent rtKP: ITndtT 'JO voftrfl i' 2 UO vfara aud over 1 N KAF BTTT not dumb IINDER 20 YKARS OF AOE AM) 20 yKARS OF AOE AND OVER, ■WTTH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AOE TEKIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. I TotjU. Mole. Female. wnrrK. Total. KatlTo bom. Foreign bom. COLOBSD. AGE PEIU0D8. ParoDta uative. 1 Ono or Imth pareuU furotgo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Main. Female. Male. Female. Mais. Femaia. Wmipiti division— ContiDuod. 46 33 13 33 13 21 10 2 10 » PivHt'iit ncp: 2 43 1 1 31 1 1 12 1 31 1 I 12 26 1 1 9 1 9 2 3 P«vafnesa occiirrod uuder 5 years — I'ri'MMit nee: Prafiioss fM-^-urrod-e to 10 years— 1 3 1 1 2' 1 1 i 1 1 20 yvATA aiid over 2 1 Deafness occnrred 10 to 20 yoara— pH'SPiit a^e: 1 7 5 2 5 2 3 1 2 1 DeafnoRs occurred 20 years aud over— rrt'rtiut ago: 29 20 » 20 9 14 7 1 5 Deafness occurred not statod— 1 4 1 401 1 4 1 205 1 4 1 2M 1 1 2 1 187 i 136 135 85 28 21 5, 29 1 1 Present ope: 22 374 5 2 4 10 250 5 1 3 12 124 10 249 5 1 3 12 9 174 4 1 3 10 75 1 25 2 19 SO 1 29 1 1 Deafness occurred under 5 years— Presrnt aj;e : 1 1 1 1 1 1 DeefneHH occurred 5 to 10 years — Present ape: 15 31 7 20 8 11 7 20 8 11 6 18 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Deafness occnrrvd 10 to 20 years — Prr.Hi-nt :ice: 5 49 1 253 2 2 29 1 17« 2 3 20 2 29 1 175 2 3 20 2 17 1 123 2 2 11 S 1 4 20 ye.irrt and over 4 5 Deafness orcnrrcU 20 years and over — Pn-seut ngu: 77 76 ... 45 IS 12 37 19 1 1 De-afne«9 occurred not stated — Present age: 37 2 145 22 2 86 15 22 2 82 15 13 1 71 10 2 2 7 1 8 S S9 S6 i7 3 2 7 4 I Present ace : Under 20 yenra.. 136 2 4 80 2 3 SB 4 76 2 3 53 4 65 2 3 41 3 3 8 7 4 t Deafness ocoiirred under 5 years— Prnai-nt age: 20 years antl over 1 1 1 I DeafneAA orcnrrod 5 to 10 years — Prtv««nt. tt-ie. 4 4 1 S 1 1 1 s 8 1 1 1 3 3 I 1 1 3 MotSUUMl 592 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table a06.— DEAF BUT NOT DUJIB UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. Total. Native bom. Foreign born. COLOBED. AGE rEBIOD3. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Western division— Now Mexico — Continaed. Deafness occarred 10 to 20 years- Present a;:e: Under 20 years 3 10 1 1 2 9 1 1 2 8 1 1 7 1 1 Kot stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present age: 113 74 39 72 38 62 32 3 1 7 5 2 1 Kut stated Dcifucss occurred not stated- Present age : Under 20 years i 8 1 34 4 1 26 4 2 1 26 3 1 1 17 1 i'.V.'.'.'.'. 1 1 * 1 2 1 Not stated Arizona 8 8 4 , 3 6 4 Present age ■ 1 33 1 25 1 25 1 2 20 years and oyer 8 8 17 4 6 4 Kot stated Deafness occnrred nnder 5 years- Present age : 20 years and over Ko't slated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years — Present ago : 1 1 1 1 1 I 20 years and oyer 1 1 1 Ko"t stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years — Present age : Uniler 20 years 5 4 1 4 1 3 1 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present ago: 20 15 5 15 5 9 3 1 5 2 Deafness occurred not stated — Present age: Under 20 years 7 C 1 6 1 5 1 1 Utah 266 142 124 142 124 40 28 15 13 87 83 Present age: Under 20 years 14 252 7 135 7 117 7 135 7 117 1 39 4 24 5 10 2 11 1 86 1 82 20 years and over JTo't stated Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present age: 20 years and over 1 1 1 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present age ; 7 12 8 6 4 7 3 6 4 7 1 2 1 3 2 2 3' 1 4 20 years and over Not stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years— Pn.-»ent age: Under 20 years...... 3 35 3 16 8 16 2 1 1 11 19 19 4 4 5 10 Not stated ....I!. Deafness occurred 20 years and over— Present age: 104 SI 73 01 73 24 15 8 3 59 05 - Not stated Deafness occurred not stated— '. . -. I'resent age: 4 40 1 23 3 17 1 23 3 17 9 3 1 1 1 8 13 13 Vu'tsUtcd THE DEAF AND DUMB. 593 Table 206.— DEAF BUT NOT DITMB TTNOER 20 YICAIiS oK ACK AN'D 20 YEARS OF AOE AN'D OVF.R, WITir DISTIXCTION OK SEX, COLOR, AND XATIVITV, AND ACiE PERIODS WHEN DEAl'NESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Coiitiiiiiml. Total. Male. Female. wiirm. - — i Total. 1 Native bom. CO LOBES. AOK PERIODS. Parents native. One or both parcntH forei;;n. ForeiKii bora. Male. Female. Male. Fomalo. Male. Female. Ualo. Female. Ualo. Fcmala. Wealcrn division— Continued. 48 32 16 32 16 15 7 6 »l 11 1 Present ngo : 3 45 3 13 32' 3 13 is' 2 5 e 1 5 1 ( 32 n| 3 r Not alatcd ' 1 Doafncfls occurred under 5 years— I'resi'nt ape: I'luItT *J0 j'o.ir« 1 ......... 1 1 1 i- Deafnena occurrod 5 to 10 years— Prt»aent ai^Q: 2 2 2 ^' 2 2 i' 1 1 4 1; !■ 2 1 Deafness orciurcd 10 to 20 years— Present ftRc: 1 5 1 2 ='■ 1 9 2' 1 2 3 1 :::::::.T"::"::: Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present aso: 30 22 8 22 8 11 2 4 *t 7 2 Not stated Deafness occurred not stated— 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Kot stated Idaho 29 21 1 8 21 8 12 4 3 1 6 3 Present age : Umler 20 years 29 21 8 21 8 12 4 3 1 6 3 Deafness occurred under 5 years- Present age; Under 20 years :::::::::: ::::::i Deafness occurred 5 to 10 years- Present age: TTmlor 20 years 1 1 1 ■1 3 3 3 2 1 1 Not stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present age: Under 20 years 5 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 Deafness occurred 20 years and over — Present aj;e: 18 13 5 13 5 8 2 2 1 =» 2 1 Deafness occurred not stated — Present a;:e: Under 20 years 3 3 3 1 2 No"t stated 246 182 64 182 61 119 43 19 10 44 11 Present age: 8 236 2 5 175 3 Gl 5 175 2 3 61 3 lis 1 3 40 2 17 10 43 1 11 Not stated Deafness occurred under 5 yeare— Present ape: 1 1 1 1 : Not stated Deaftaess occurred 5 to 10 years- Present ace ; 6 9 4 6 2 3 4 C [ i 2 2 n 2 1 3 Not suited c::::::. .:.;;:;. 7176 iNS- -38 594 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 308.— DEAF BUT NOT DUJrB tTNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE AND 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, WITH DISTINCTIOH OP SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, ETC.— Continued. Total. Male. Female. WHITE. Total. Native bom. Foreign bom. COLOBEa). AGE PEItlODS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Western ilivision— ■Washington— Contiuued. Deafnei^g occnrred 10 to 20 years— 1 31 1 151 1 9 22" 1 115 1 9 is' 1 76 1 6 22 1 115 2 2 7 1 Deafness occurred 20 yoara and over— rresenlnge: 36 36 23 12 5 27 8 Kot stated Deaftiess occnrred not staled— Present :ige; 1 44 1 261 1 :ii 1 191 1 191 1 24 13 13 9 1 2 1 33 2 1 70 70 135 39 23 11 20 1 Present age: 11 246 4 6 182 3 5 64 1 6 182 3 1 5 64 1 6 127 2 2 37 22' 1 3 1 33 20 1 Deafness occnrrcil under 5 years- Present ai:c : 1 1 Deafness occurred 5 to 10 3-ears — Present ago ; 6 15 5 7 1 8 5 7 1 8 4 1 1 6 2 1 1 Xot stated Deafness occurred 10 to 20 years- Present at;e: 4 40 1 165 2 1 26 1 1,516 1 25 1 132 1 3 15 1 25 1 132 1 is" 1 946 3 15 1 1 20 1 10 i 14 2 3 5 i ................. Deafness occurred 20 years and over- Present age: 33 1 1 8 33 1 1 8 97 1 6' 1 516 17 5 1 21 11 Deafness occurred not stated- Present ago : 1 4 • 18 1 052 4 1 8 3 •564 560 293 119 105 311 162 4 Present age : Under 20 years 76 1,430 10 8 1 37 007 8 1 1 39 523 2 7 36 902 8 1 1 39 519 2 7 15 4 MTATEM. SIX, CXILOII, NATIVITt, ASD BIBTnPLACRS OF UOmEBS. Total. Unknown. Under 6 years. KtolO yean. 10 to SO, yoan. SO to SO yoan. 60 yean audovar. Total 80,010 0,205 449 B,020 9,012 37,807 17, m Mall' 40,278 Ul,33g 5,502 3.7tHI 221 228 3.072 2,518 5,004 4,218 24,006 13,001 10,783 S,«W White 77,308 8,0411 444 5,304 0,451 30,040 10, 7M Miilo 47. 372 2t), 9M 02,415 54,947 5.151 3,492 0,703 5,808 210 225 402 SCO 2,952 2,412 4,725 3,860 5.442 4,0U0 8,210 0.801 23.221 13,419 29,690 26,360 10,387 6,379 12,608 11, U3 Malo 33, r.87 21, 2U0 7,468 3,471 2,337 957 125 141 136 2,130 1,730 850 3.920 2,831 1,415 16,712 9,048 3,339 7,320 4,523 7«S Male 4, 203 3, 2U0 14,893 533 424 1,878. 71 05 42 450 400 639 703 652 1,235 1,973 1,368 0,941 478 Poroi;;iiliorn 4,158 9, .117 5,470 3,308 1,147 731 622 23 19 5 361 270. 256 759 476 461 4,536 2,405 1,267 2,589 1,5«» 697 Male 1,900 1,402 2,048 351 271 .';07 2 3 4 120 130 190 252 209 358 785 482 997 301 586 Elnck Stale 1,549 1,099 060 293 209 115 1 3 1 91 105 CO 197 161 103 030 387 270 332 251 lU Male 357 303 56,950 63 62 6,044 1 29 31 4,079 55 48 7,108 155 115 27, 245 64 47 Bixtbplacos (if mothers (while) : 290 12,184 34, 873 22.077 3,878 3,006 2,438 423 137 153 14 2,254 1,825 210 4,098 3,010 500 17.247 0,C98- 1,903 7,531 4,653 822 MaV 2,305 1,573 850 241 182 103 8 5 110 100 43 276 224 86 1,144 759 398 £il. Male 500 350 5,103 61 42 728 4 1 29 26 17 271 48 38 495 23.1 165 2,162 134 87 ■ Irolantl . 1,418 Malo 2,897 2,200 1,193 • 383 345 141 17 12 11 125 140 127 260 235 178 1,325 8o-7 531 631 185 italp 727 466 378 87 51 49 6 5 08 59 19 112 66 42 335 216 170 110 66 98 Male 263 115 6,751 32 17 825 9 10 445 31 11 759 117 53 3,259 Pemalo , 04 CO 1.S97 Jlalo 4,376 2,375 778 515 310 99 34 32 25r> ii>'o 455 'Mi 113 2,185 1.U74 339 I'Viualo 465 148 486 292 97 64 35 12 2 4 42 30 9 61 52 15 210 ! ra : 41 ! 48 Bohemia 20 56 41 M 8 4 15 5 4 6 11 4 16 19 ' 22 1 38 j 13 Female 7 Hungary 4 IS Male 69 25 40 11 4 10 2 2 4 2 I 14 2 5 25 , 13 ] 19 13 Female 2 Italy 3 30 10 7 3 1 1 1 5 15 4 ' I l^emalo a 596 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. THE ITIVITED STATES— Continued. SEX, COLOB, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OP MOTH>.t.6. Total. TJnkno-wn. Under 6 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. SO to SO j-cara. 50 years and'over. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continued. 92 25 7 C 10 33 11 Male 58 34 825 19 6 96 3 4 C 5 1 61 G 4 99 20 13 381 5 g 182 Male 529 296 273 84 73 5 1 4 37 24 9 52 47 25 260 121 101 111 71 61 Male 197 70 53 20 2 2 5 4 13 12 80 ■ 21 44 17 A LAB. 4.1(1 A. Xotil .. 1,073 126 5 92 127 500 223 ilalo 663 410 73 53 3 2 54 33 73 54 309 191 151 72 770 98 5 02 92 353 155 Male 482 288 738 715 59 39 92 88 3 5 4 37 23 62 60 51 41 88 84 230 128 343 335 102 53 118 144 Male 446 269 23 52 36 4 2 2 1 37 23 2 48 36 4 213 122 8 94 50 4 Male .- .. . .. 12 n 32 1 3 C 1 2 2 4 5 3 15 3 2 1 7 Male 24 8 303 1 3 35 12 3 142 5 2 Colored 28 30 68 Male 181 122 258 155 103 45 14 14 25 17 13 25 22 13 29 79 03 122 49 19 Black 57 Male 13 13 3 14 11 16 13 72 50 20 41 IS Mixed blood -. 11 Male 26 19 728 2 1 91 3 2 60 6 7 13 338 8 8 Birthplaces of mothers (white) : 5 87 147 Male 454 274 14 53 38 3 3 2 37 23 60 37 4 215 123 6 96 51 1 Male 8 6 3 2 1 1 1 3 S 1 1 1 1 1 Male 3 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 6 « Male 2 4 1 1 .. 4 1 3 i Female 1 1 1 Male 2 2 8 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 Male 4 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 Male 1 Ifuualo "*. ■••••••••■a* THE DEAF AND DUMB. 597 TAI1I.K a07.— DHAK HKT NOT 1>UMI!, WITH KISTINCTION OK SKX, COLOli, NATIVITV, AM) IUKTIIPI>A(JF..S OK MOTHKR8, AND BY ACiK PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURKED, IIY STATES AND TEKKITOKIES: 1890— Continued. AEiAB Am A— Continued. ARIZONA. SEX, rOLOIl, NATIVITT. ANMl IIIKTIII'I.ACBS OF MOTHKItS. Total. Unknoirn. Undfir 6 jcarn. tloIO ycun. 10 to 20 yean. 20 10 60 yeari. SO year* and over. BIrthplaroa of mothi-rii (nhit«)— Continued. 1 1 Mnlo I 1 t Total 34 7 2 5 IS 6 Malo 2« 8 1 1 ] 4 1 13 2 ^^ite Si 7 - r. IS Male 20 8 24 21 1 5 5 1 1 1 4 1 5 * 13 2 11 10 1 Male 17 4 3 S 3 1 1 8 2 1 1 Malo 3 1 1 1 Komale 10 ; 2 1 4 t Male 4 1 1 4 1 3 1 ** Male Black . ... I'V'iralo Mixed blood ............ M.ile t ::;;;:;;:::::"":■■■■■■■■ B]rihp1acct4 of mothers (white) : "United States 21 5 4 10 S Male 17 4 3 . 5 3 1 8 2 2 1 1 Sngland and Wales 1 Male 2 1 2 2 1 Ireland 1 1 1 1 Male 2 1 1 Franco 1 i 1 > Male 1 1 1 ..:..:::::;.--::::- Gomianv 2 1 1 M-ile 1 1 5 1 rcniale 1 1 1 3 Malo 3 2 1 1 1 I 1 s i i 1 598 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MtlTHEES, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. AJBKAN8A8. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Under 5 years. otolO years. 10 to 20 years. SO to 60 years. 50 years and over. Total 804 127 5 77 102 368 125 Male 562 242 91 30 4 1 46 31 61 41 273 95 87 38 WTiite . .. 701 1 102 5 68 90 326 HO Male 488 213 676 C5?> 71 31 97 90 4 1 5 5 42 26 67 64 54 36 87 84 240 86 314 303 77 33 106 101 Male 451 202 23 C6 30 1 4 1 39 25 3 49 35 3 223 80 ■ 11 70 Female .' 31 5 Male 19 4 25 1 1 1 2 1 3 9 2 12 5 5 4 18 7 103 4 1 25 1 3 8 4 42 2 2 9 12 16 Male 74 29 85 20 5 22 4 5 6 7 12 33 9 32 10 5 Black 13 Male 59 20 18 18 4 3 2 4 3 7 5 23 U 10 9 4 2 Male 15 3 663 1 97 2 1 66 10 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers (white): 5 85 307 103 460 203 6 2 67 30 1 4 1 40 26 50 35 1 227 80 5 72 31 1 Malo 1 1 3 2 I 2 Male 2 2 10 2 7 1 Male 6 4 2 2 4 3 X 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 3 Male ... . 5 3 2 7 1 1 4 1 Male 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 Male 1 1 1 1 ' 1 Male 1 1 Fenialo 1 1 Malo 1 1 1 1 Malo 1 I Female THE DEAF AND DUMB. 599 Table a07.— DEAF BUT NOT DIISIH, WITII DISTINCTION' OK SlOX, COI.OK, NATIVITY, AND UIRTIirLACES OF MOTHERS, AND liY AGK TEIilODS WIIKN DEAFNESS OCCIJHUED, BY STATES AND TEHltlTOKlE.S: 1890— Continued. SEX. COLOB, NATIVITT, AND DinTDPLACES OF M0TUBB8. Total. Unknown. Under 6 yearn. u to 10 years. 10 to io years. SO to 50 years. 60 year* and over. Total 1,516 180 101 183 723 3ie 952 117 69 2 7 62 40 102 80 403 250 216 100 l.SOO 180 101 180 710 311 Malo 040 &60 1,033 809 117 09 112 75 2 7 9 4 52 49 81 50 100 80 ISO 100 461 258 401 405 214 97 187 ICO jf alo r,18 224 50 25 87 20 30 28 54 40 50 207 138 86 119 4 5 50 18 - Male 119 105 473 18 19 74 2 3 U 14 17 23 27 30 46 40 228 16 2 124 311 102 10 49 25 12 5 23 7 2 148 80 3 79 45 ■ ■■ 6 j[^le c 4 ' 2 i 2 2 3 Black 2 2 Male 4 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 862 1 1 1 1 2 Birthplaces of mothers (white): United States 81 61 no 428 176 Male 543 ai7 138 53 28 15 1 5 28 33 9 .59 51 10 280 118 76 124 53 28 Male 72 6G 42 10 5 4 5 4 3 3 7 5 39 37 17 15 13 13 Hale 28 14 175 2 2 38 3 3 2 18 12 5 77 8 5 10 32 Halo 103 67 27 22 10 1 3 2 10 8 5 54 23 15 19 13 1 Male 18 17 1 2 4 1 3 9 6 2 3 2 2 4 Male 8 9 146 2 1 1 5 1 2 13 I 5 62 3 1 25 2 37 98 48 19 12 13 4 1 1 5 11 4 1 40 22 8 29 Femalo 8 4 t Male 14 5 3 4 2 2 1 1 S 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 "Frtninlft Italy 8 4 1 1 1 1 Male 6 2 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bnssia and Poland 1 O 1 Male 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 JFoniale 600 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIKD. Tabif 90y -DE^F BUT NOT DXJilB. WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, I\D By'aGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: lS90-Contiiined. CAI-IFOKIVIA— Contimiecl. SEX, COLOR, KATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Birthplacos of mothers (white)— Continued. All oilier countries Male... Female . UnUnnwu. Male... Female . Total. 30 20 12 2 Unknown. TTnder S year's. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and' over. C0X..0RA1>0. Totil 401 39 6 4G 55 208 47 265 13G 24 4 27 19 32 23 145 U3 83 14 Female 15 - 399 39 46 55 200 47 Mul? Fc:uale 264 135 319 2T2 24 15 28 24 4 2 C 6 27 19 42 39 32 23 40 33 144 (j2 159 133 33 14 33 37 187 SO ; 47 14 10 4 4 2 24 15 3 20 13 15 99 34 20 25 11 1 Male 26 21 80 2 2 11 1 2 4 8 5 9 15 11 47 i Female 9 Male 51 ! 2D 2 8 3 2 2 4 5 30 17 2 7 3 Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male Female ''''.'.....?....■■■■■■ Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male UnitoU States i" 2S2 1 [["""""C" 24 41 34 i" 139 33 100 02 13 20 U 14 10 G 4 2 24 17 1 21 13 5 101 38 17 2» 12 3 Male 3 3 2 i" 2 3 2 5 12 4 2 1 1 2 Male 6 5 ] £5 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 17 2 2 10 9 2 1 3 1 11 5 2 BrUinh America 1 1 1 5 4 3 i' I 1 2 3 2 1 Female 1 Malr- Feniali! 3 25 2 1 2 1 10 21 4 6 2 2 1 3 3 1 15 1 2 Ffmnle Bcnofliiia^ la 1 « 2 1 2 • 1 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 601 Tahi-K aor.— IIKAF nUT NOT Ul'MH, WITH DI.STINC'TION OK SKX, COI.OK, NATIViTV, AND lUinHI'LACES OF MOTHERS, AND UY Ai;K TEKIODS W11E5 UKAINESS OCCl'KUKD, IJV STATES AND TEltKITolME.S: l»;t«)-CoDtiiiuo.l. ycnn. 1 ^U yean. to to 60 yaara. aoil over. BIrlliplarcA or tnotliors (wliito)— C'uiitlnticil. 1 1 Malt* 1 1 All oth'T ruxin trios 2 1 1 Mr.li> 2 1 1 Ki'iualc 3 3 Malo 2 1 2 1 C'Of«(>EC:'riCIJT. Tola! 1,827 ICl 8 120 120 841 517 MhIo 920 898 91 70 2 .W OS 90 0) 89 90 1» 134 438 403 253 261 1,813 159 7 SS 63 HO 94 833 515 M:i'i, 921 892 1,509 1,414 90 09 129 113 2 5 7 7 433 40O 702 666 252 203 405 400 704 710 95 07 46 16 2 5 44 SO 16 59 75 22 341 325 36 191 299 5 Malo 48 47 204 7 9 30 6 10 10 IS 7 23 17 19 131 110 Male IfiO 1 135 14 16 U 2 5 15 8 1 75 56 8 55 52 2 1 Male . 8 11 1 1 1 1 5 3 8 1 1 1 1 Blnck 1 >tnlo 7 4 3 1 1 5 3 1 ' 2 Male 1 2 1,430 1 1 1 403 1 115 :;;;:;:::; • Uiiitc(l Stales 7 97 135 673 Male 710 720 90 67 48 12 2 5 45 52 5 60 75 8 344 329 38 192 211 27 ^ Male .. 60 40 23 12 11 179 6 1 3 2 2 5 3 3 20 18 12 16 U 5 Jla.i 1 I 1 r.' 2 1 23 4 8 64 4 1 58 Kfln IIO Irel.iiul .--- 1 ; 20 Ma't no 89 I! 3 > 10 1 1 9 ir. 10 2 35 27 SI 8 Vciiialo Mm<< 2 I 1 2 1 7 2 1 1 Franca 1 ( Mall- 4 5 57 1 4 S 27 1 1 1 18 7 4' Malt- 37 20 n 4 1 ^. 18 11 loinalo 602 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DU:\rB, AND BLIND. Table 20J.— PEAF BUT NOT DUJIB, WITH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. COWNECTICPT-Con tinned. SES, COLOB, NATmTV, AKD BIRTHPLACES OF JIOTHEES. Total. rnknown. Under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to SO years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Sirthplaces of mothers (wiiite)— Continncd. 5 2 1 2 Male 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male 1 3 1 2 1 Malo 2 1 5 1 1 4 1 Male 5 1 4 1 T DEI.AWARE. Total 223 53 3 D 25 92 45 Mnlo 112 111 27 20 3 2 13 12. 43 49 26 3 19 206 46 3 5 22 86 44 Male 99 107 182 163 23 23 37 33 3 o 5 4 11 11 22 21 37 49 74 65 25 3 3 3 19 41 37 Male 79 81 19 16 17 4 3 1 1 10 11 1 27 38 9 23 3 n 4 Malo : 6 13 24 1 3 9 1 3 6 12 1 3 Male 14 10 17 6 3 7 7 5 6 \ Colored 3 1 Male 13 4 16 4 3 7 2 1 3 C 1 Black 5 I Malo 12 4 1 4 3 2 1 S I Mirod blood 1 tloln 1 1 Femalo Blrtliplaci-s of mothers (white) : 171 3D 3 4 21 69 39 Malo 82 89 7 17 18 2 • 3 1 10 11 28 ■11 3 3 15 2 Male S 2 3 1 1 3 I 1 Scotland 1 1 1 Hale 1 2 10 1 Fitnialo 1 10 1 Irolan d S 1 Mai- S 11 i 1 4 3 Kunialo 1 German V 2 Male 3 3 1 1 1 a Bohemia 1 Main 1 1 Vemale THE DEAF AND DUMB. G03 Tadlk aor.-DEAF nUT not dumb, with DI.STINCTION of .sex, COLOK, NATIVITV, and niRTHPLACES OF MorUERS, ANU 15V AUK I'ElilODS WHEN UEA1NES.S OCCKKIiEU, ItV STATE.S AND TEUKlTdKIES: l»»0— ContiuuoU. UEI.AWARB— ConttnUFd. 1 : ■ ■ — 8KX, COLOR. NATIVITY, A.ND DIRTIIPIJICKS Or MOTIIHUS. Total. Unknoira. ITiidc-r 5 yimni. StolO ye«r«. 10 lu SO yeaiB. SOtoM jreara. SO yoira auQ uvrr. JBlrtlipluiKu of motlirra (white)— Contliiuwl. 2 2 Malo 2 2 ! 1 DI8TBICT OF COL.U.tlBIA. 282 SO 5 20 as 100 51 132 130 31 28 2 3 12 8 17 18 6T 42 23 31 2U 48 5 17 30 It :■') jlulo 128 113 183 ' 149 2S 23 38 31 2 3 S 4 10 7 14 12 14 16 29 ' 2S s« 35 60 55 21 29 31 32 Mile 73 76 34 13 18 7 1 3 1 7 5 2 12 13 4 31 24 11 9 13 9 13 21 98 42 16 41 5 2 10 1 2 2 4 7 25 1 2 3 8 19 7 3 11 3 21 4 18 11 1 s 8 3 4 24 17 34 6 S 2 1 3 3 3 11 7 IS 2 2 « 21 ! 13 7 C 3 2 2 1 3 8 7 3 2 2 2 3 4 ISO 3 2 32 2 27 4 13 ss 26 ]jnlc 77 S3 U 14 18 1 7 G 13 14 33 25 7 9 17 2 1 Malo 2 4 2 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 *■ 1 3 31 1 1 11 1 1 4 2 14 20 H 2 3 1 1 1 7 4 9 S Franco 1 1 Mile 1 1 22 1 1 1 4 1 2 8 6 13 9 2 3 1 1 2 1 6 2 2 8 1 1 7 1 1 3 i 4 6 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 604 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB. WITH DISTIXCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. AND BIRTIirLACES OF ilOTHERS, AND BV AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. FI^ORIDA. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITV, AXD BIRTBPLACES OP MOTHEES. Total. Unknown. Uuiler o years. 6 to 10 3'ears. 10 to 20 ' yeiirs. 20 to 50 years. GO years ami over. Total 427 76 1 31 53 191 75 258 1C9 41 35 16 15 30 23 - 128 03 43 1 32 317 48 1 23 39 152 54 Milo 200 117 ; 278 251 28 20 33 36 1 1 1 1 12 11 22 22 22 17 37 30 10* 48 131 117 34 20 49 45 Male 160 91 27 22 14 2 11 11 17 13 7 84 a3 14 26 1 19 4 Male .. . 16 n 39 1 I 10 3 4 2 9 5 21 3 1 1 5 24 15 110 5 5 28 1 2 11 10 39 5 8 14 21 Male 58 52 81 13 15 20 4 4 C 8 6 9 24 15 29 9 12 Bla^k 17 Male 41 40 29 8 12 8 3 3 5 4 5 19 10 10 6 11 * Male 17 J2 259 5 3 37 1 1 22 3 2 31 5 5 121 3 1 Birthplaces of niotlic-s (wliite): United Slates . 1 47 Male 164 95 18 22 15 3 11 11 1 17 14 80 35 7 28 Female ..... .... 1 19 1 Male 11 7 3 2 1 4 2 4 3 3 1 ' Male 3 1 3 Feiiialo I 8 3 3 2 Male 5 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Male 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Female 1 1 1 Male 2 1 I'eiuale g 1 2 5 1 1 Male S 4 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 Kemalo Scandinavia 1 Male 2 1 1 >i*mulo 1 1 Male 1 1 Fenialo All utiier countries 12 1 9 2 Male 5 3 G 2 1 j 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 005 Table aO».— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND niRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY ACiE PERIODS WIIF.N DEAFNESS OCCUItRKD, BY STATES AND 'lEKIMToKIES: isao— Coutiuued. IDAHO. GBOBGIA. SEX, COLOR. KATIVITT, AND HIRTIirLACES OF MOTIIEnS. Total. Coknown. Under 6 yoara. StolO yo»n. 10 lo SO jrean. tOtoM jem. CO TMn and over. Xftinl . 1,113 130 74 148 601 IS1 Vfnin (46 408 74 62 09 88 30 87 68 2S3 too 164 lOS 002 57 114 427 205 'Male 510 383 873 S34 47 62 01 00 31 20 67 55 00 45 113 ion 24<1 181 412 397 12a 79 197 188 2{b1c 482 352 39 42 48 4 30 25 2 GS 41 7 229 168 15 lis 70 11 20 10 29 2 2 5 ♦ 1 1 4 3 1 8 7 15 S Female e 8 Mile 17 12 211 3 2 87 9 « 74 5 ' 1 31 3 17 52 jfale 120 83 173 27 10 33 7 10 16 18 13 24 46 28 53 28 24 45 Male 108 05 08 26 2 7 9 1 17 7 34 19 21 24 21 7 Male ... . - 18 20 852 1 1 92 1 6 109 12 9 402 4 1 5G 8 193 Male 493 359 15 43 49 2 31 25 CO 43 3 233 169 9 120 73 1 7 8 2 1 1 n 1 4 5 1 1 1 ■Male . 2 1 1 1 15 2 2 8 8 6 9 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 6 1 ifalc 3 2 1 12 3 1 7 1 5 7 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 1 Italy . . . . . Male 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Total 29 3 8 5 15 • Male 21 8 3 3 3 3 12 8 1 8 ^p^ite 29 3 3 6 IS 8 Male . 21 8 20 . ' 3 2 3 3 12 3 11 1 s Katlvoborn 1 3 s 606 IXSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 203'.— DEAF BUT NOT DmiB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEA-FNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: ISyO-Coutinueil. IDAHO— Continuecl. ^v ^' ^.^TOR, yx-nvrrTy and birthplaces of mothers. Total. Unknown. Under S years. StolO years. 10 to 20 years. £0 to 60 years. 50 years and" over. Wliite — Xativf b*>ni— CoDtiouctt. 16 1 2 3 8 a jf alo 12 4 4 1 2 1 7 1 1 1 1 Male , 3 1 9 1 2 1 2 2 ] "Slalti . C 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 ■Vlalft 31ack Vixf'd hlood .... Male ) Birthplacc-i of mothers (white): 16 1 2 ^ 8 a Male 12 i 9 1 2 1 1 7 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 Mftlo 1 2 1 1 1 ■ - -■- 2 1 1 I'Vmalo 1 1 Malo Female 1 1 1 1 IX.I>IIVOI8. Total 4,723 504 51 366 660 2,162 980 Male 2,D81 1,742 301 203 20 25 213 153 403 257 1,404 758 631 Kelualo .. . 346 ^Hijte 4,687 497 51 363 856 2,146 074 Male 2,955 1, 732 3,418 2,832 297 200 373 300 26 25 47 30 211 152 311 240 399 257 513 397 1,304 752 1,572 1,331 628 Female :il6 572 S28 Male 1.809 1,023 SSO 180 120 67 15 15 17 137 103 71 242 155 146 894 437 211 341 187 One or both paroDts forut^i 44 Malo 332 251 1,269 32 35 121 10 7 4 44 27 52 84 02 113 135 106 574 27 Female 17 Foreign bom 102 Malo 8U 455 36 85 39 1 3 30 22 3 73 40 4 305 209 16 260 Female 142 Colored a Malo 26 10 4 8 2 1 4 10 8 Female ,..., THE DEAF AND DUMB. G07 Tahlh sot.— r>EAF BUT NOT DimB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, AND niRTUri-ACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEA.l'NE8S OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1«90— Continucil. ■I 10 12 53 3 9 4 25 53 5 U 22 a M.1IC 09 85 14C 30 23 39 3 6 11 11 17 26 25 42 27 20 Black 43 Male 83 63 38 IG 22 2(>1 li-.J IIU 3 3 1 2 25 14 U 2 3 * 7 10 5 24 18 11 25 18 Uixcd blood 4 Male 5 9 0; 1 3 4 1 4 7 123 2 3 Birthjflnrrs of niotliers (wliitr) : U 1 42 38 Male 41 26 6 5 1 1 24 18 1 1 69 54 5 3 2 2 22 10 2 Male 1 1 Beotlaod 1 Male I Vanule 1 I THE DKAF AND DUMB. G13 Tadi.i: 207.-I)H.\1' IUJT NOT DUMll, WITH IlISTINCTIOX OK SKX, COLOR, XATIVITV, AND HIItTHPLACKS OK MOTIIKKS, ANU UV AGIi rKKlOll.S WIIKX UEAl'NliSS OCCIinKICU, UY SI'ATKS ANIJ TKIiUri'OlClKS: l«yO— Coiitiiiuwl. I.OVIMIANA-Coiiliauca. SKX, fX»I.OR, NATIVITV, AND lUKrill'l.ACKS OK MOTIIKIU). Totiil. Uuknown. Un.l.r S yam. 6 t» 10 yeur«. 10 I.) M yc«r» S0ta60 yeani. 60 ynxn an J over. Birdtplnrttt of mothers (wliito)— Continued. 31 6 S U 6 j^lii],, 10 21 1 3 3 2 3 5 10 1 s 1 1 17 1 « I ^I})lo 8 9 65 1 5 20 33 3 FiMiialc 1 1 1 i 8 Male 33 32 1 8 12 1 4 18 14 2 6 1 MiiIp . .-. 1 1 ' 1- 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Male . 2 1 1 10 3 6 1 9 1 1 3 1 1 6 i 1 ;::: 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAi.VK. Total 1,308 818 580 _ 1,.197 818 579 1,298 1,249 7:17 ' 512 49 134 2 .. 174 649 357 Male ■- 81 53 43 3D lot 73 390 2S« 203 2 154 131 - ■- 173 649 357 Mnlp 81 53 129 121 4.1 39 75 69 101 72 162 149 399 259 (500 583 203 2 2 2 154 330 325 If alo 71 47 8 40 29 6 00 59 13 316 :;:i7 17 187 2 133 S Jfalo 28 21 09 53 46 1 1 C 2 5 1 5 5 8 U 15 2 40 1 4 27 MaW> .... 1 4. 2 5 C 5 1 29 20 15 12 Male ... . 1 1 Milo 1 1 M:ilo .... i'emale 1 1 1 614 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, D-EAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Taplf. 207.-DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION QF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AXD BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. ' MAI :VE— Continued. SEX, COLOB, NATn-TTT, AXD BlKTaPL,ACES OF UOTUEBS. Total. Unknown. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Birthplncps of mothers (white): Unilcil States 1,268 124 2 70 154 591 327 llalc 746 522 41 77 47 1 40 30 2 90 64 8 352 239 17 187- 140 13 2 Male 22 19 8 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 11 6 4 6 8 1 Female ScotliLiid 1 Male 6 2 32 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 18 1 ycmale Irelanil ; 2 ' 6 Male ;.. 20 12 43 1 1 1 « 2 2 5 13 5 17 4 1 B Ft-malo 3 6 Male 22 21 1 2 4 1 5 4 1 10 7 1 5 4 Female Trauoe -. 1 1 1 Male 1 1 Female 2 1 3 Male 1 1 1 1 1 Female 1 All other countries 1 Male Female i 1 1 1 Male 1 Female 1 1 1 1 IflASSACnrSETTS. Total 4,118 334 35 283 503 1,915 1.048 Male 1,952 2,166 147 187 19 16 132 151 218 285 034 981 503 548 Female White 4,089 328 35 281 501 1,903 1,041 Male : 1,937 2,152 3,314 3,031 144 181 256 229 19 16 29 16 131 150 2-10 102 217 284 427 365 928 975 1,526 1,415 498 543 838 8U ITati ve bom Parents native Male 1,446 1,585 283 101 128 27 6 10 13 104 88 48 162 203 62 680 735 111 393 421 23 Female Male 117 IGG 775 12 15 72 10 3 6 15 33 41 25 37 74 45 66 377 10 12 205 Foreign bom Male 374 401 29 .11 41 3 3 12 29 30 44 2 203 174 12 9S 110 7 Female Colomd Male 15 14 23 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 10 4 F emale a Black a Male 13 10 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 4 MUcdbloorl 1 a 1 M.lt. I 2 Fvuialo 1 2 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 615 Tablk aOT.-DKAF BUT NOT DIIMI!, WITH DISTINCTION OK SKX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND ItlUTIirLACKS 01' MOTIIKKS, AND I5V A(iK I'lMJloDS WllKN DKAKNKSS OCCUKUKl), I!Y STATKS AND TKKHITolUKS: 1890— Continncil. .'nANMAfllUMETTM— Continuml. SKX, COLOB, NATIVITY, AMD BIRTUPLACBS 09 HOXnBllS. Total. TToknown. Under 5 >eura. 6 lo 10 years. 10 to SO years. SOIofiO years. 50 years and* uver. Birtbpliicos of molhera (white) : 3,000 232 18 190 375 1,43« 830 1,470 1,011 180 104 128 18 8 10 2 108 01 12 109 208 23 688 748 B7 402 424 S4 if nit? 06 00 42 11 7 3 1 1 4 8 3 11 12 6 49 48 23 » 14 22 20 408 1 2 37 2 3 58 17 213 3 51 8 131 208 290 101 16 35 15 5 3 4 7 30 29 22 36 31 103 105 91 SO «1 21 ]^lnie . 80 102 8 8 7 3 1 10 I'J 12 10 43 48 6 13 4 4 38 3 3 10 4 1 6 23 15 11 3 1 2 1 1 5 2 13 6 6 5 6 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 .. . 1 6 • 2 "\f -^]jH 3 5 12 1 5 3. 2 3 2 1 3 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 iriABYIiAND. 1,393 151 Ill 189 647 295 >[alo 790 603 81 70 61 50 . 105 84 371 276 172 ... 123 1,258 124 101 1C8 593 272 711 547 1,074 922 66 58 107 86 55 46 91 79 92 76 155 135 333 260 512 439 163 107 200 183 510 412 152 48 38 21 44 35 15 70 «S 20 239 200 73 109 74 23 Male 86 66 181 8 13 17 8 7 7 14 « 13 43 30 81 13 10 M Mnle 115 69 135 10 7 27 3 4 10 8 5 21 51 30 54 43 23 Oolored 23 Mnio 79 56 IS 13 6 t 13 8 38 16 7 i'emalo u 616 IKSAXE, FEEBLE-MIXDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT BUMS, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BV AGE PERIODS ATHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. ' HI ABIT L. AND— Contrnnod. SEX, COLOK, .NATIVI-nr, AND BIBTHPLACES OF MOTUKBS. Total. Unknown. Under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 jenra. 20 to SO yciirs. GO years and'ovor. Colore*!— Continued. ^lat-k 121 23 10 19 46 23 ifale 70 61 14 13 10 4 6 4 \^ 32 14 8 7 ^ 16 Mixed blood ifalc t 005 2 2 97 1 I 139 6 2 457 Birtbpbicps of motbers (white) : 81 191 Male 533 432 40 52 45 C 44 37 1 74 05 251 206 18. 112 ' Male 29 11 7 2 4 1 1 1 1 14 4 5 n 2 Scotland 1 Male 4 3 65 3 31 I 1 7 8 6 18 Male 37 28 1 5 3 1 2 4 3 4 19 12 8 Male I'V'malo 1 1 1 France -... 1 1 1 Male 1 1 1 Fi-male German V - .-.- 171 12 13 18 75 53 Male 93 73 1 ^ 8 5 13 .39 36 1 Female 21 1 ' Male 1 1 1 Female Italy 1 1 Male 1 1 1 Female 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 .......... ITnknowu 4 1 3 Male 4 1 3 1 1 mic-niGAN. Total 3,829 444 30 254 479 1,829 793 Mule 2,453 l,:iTrt 3. Sij ' 2fi5 1 y.\ 1« 10 152 102 28S 194 1,195 034 622 271 White 4a 30 251 470 1,826 791 Malo 2,447 1,308 2,740 2,287 1,485 802 453 284 157 307 245 14 10 20 11 150 101 lOO 141 285 191 372 287 1,193 033 1,322 1,117 621 270 629 486 Hatlrc born Male 157 88' 02 7 4 9 83 58 49 173* 114 85 743 374 205 322 43 One or both [tareuta foruigu Malo 270 177 1.075 39 23 134 3 10 27 22 01 SI 31 104 128 79 504 30 13 262 yrmalo Voraipi bom Male 680 380 88 46 4 8 40 21 01 43 324 180 109 n 7«nale '...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. I TIIK DKAF AND DUMB. 617 Table SO?.— DI'.AF ntIT NOT DUMH, WITH DI.STrNCTloN OV SKX, COKnU, NATIVITV, AM) III RTII PLACES OF MOTHKHH, AND HY AGK I'KISIODS W IIKX DKAKNKKS OCCTIJKKD, BY 8TATK.S AXU 'IKKKITOKI KS; IH'.JO— n, WATIVITY, AND BIBTHPLACBS OF MOTllKRS. Total. UndOTfi yeitra. (to 10 year.. 10 to SO MtofiO yoAn. 60 >. aril •ud uvur. 14 8 3 3 a ■\fnle 8 » 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 I 3 1 Black 1 Male 4 s 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Mivi'il hltUMl a 1 Mulp s » 2,422 1 1,179 1 308 1 Birtliplncrs nf mutliers (while) : 260 12 161 502 Mnlo ],S71 350 109 91 35 8 4 96 OS 10 185 123 38 779 400 171 334 108 87 Mnlo 224 126 74 22 13 8 11 8 2 27 n 9 105 66 34 50 28 21 Mule 4G 28 202 5 3 27 1 1 10 7 2 18 21 13 87 12 9 60 Alnlo 132 70 237 19 8 35 8 18 9 9 58 29 117 38 22 2 24 Mnlo 144 93 28 21 14 6 2" 10 8 3 25 IC 1 48 9 • 19 5 9 ifillH 18 10 361 4 2 47 • 3 5 4 174 6 1 43 3 12 29 56 Male 232 129 17 27 20 4 4 8 18 11 1 24 ID 2 120 54 5 39 17 5 MnW 8 9 1 4 1 1 1 4 2 1 3 1 Male 1 1 1 3 1 1 Hungary 1 1 1 Male 3 1 1 1 Ruflsia aiul I'ohiiiil 10 1 1 5 3 ■Male s 5 63 1 1 1 3 35 1 Feinalo 2 9 2 7 11 19 Male 48 35 27 6 3 B 1 1 1 3 4 1 6 5 5 2S 12 9 10 3 Male 16 11 5 3 1 4 9 1 1 ' S 618 lis SANE, i^'EEBLE-MlNDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DE^VF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contiuued: miKXKStOTA. s — ■ — ■ — SEX, COLOR, NATIVITV, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. rnkuown. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 yeara. 10 to 20 years. 30 to 50 years. 50 years aud over. Total 1,286 167 8 99 165 605 243 Male 800 426 111 56 1 7 54 45 91 74 433 172 170 72 \y^t^ . .. . 1,285 167 8 99 165 C04 242 Male 859 426 625 454 111 66 86 56 1 7 4 54 45 59 28 91 74 99 00 432 172 294 234 170 72 80 72 Malo 302 152 171 34 22 30 14 14 31 35 25 39 170 64 60 '49 4 3 23 g 101 70 060 17 13 81 1 2 1 18 13 40 16 23 66 42 18 310 7 1 Porei^ boro -..-, 162 Male 456 204 1 00 21 22 18 40 26 220 90 114 1 48 Colored Male 1 . . . Black 1 1 Mixed blood 1 Malo Birtbplaeca of niotbera (wbite) : United Stales 487 62 4 30 63 250 76 Malo 322 165 69 38 24 9 15 15 7 37 28 4 180 70 36 62 4 24 13 47 22 31 8 1 7 5 2 1 4 21 IS 13 9 4 Scotland 4 6 M:iIo 24 7 lU 4 3 12 1 3 1 9 10 3 63 6 Female 5 32 78 :« 48 9 3 7 2 3 4 3 6 8 4t 9 20 20 12 BritUli A merica 9 Male- 35 13 4 5 2 2 4 4 4 17 3 1 e iM-nialu 4 1 Male 4 2 1 1 1 257 32 4 26 36 114 45 Malo 175 82 220 24 8 27 1 3 10 16 21 22 14 32 81 33 03 87 8 47 129 01 4 14 13 13 8 15 17 .19 3 28 ID Bohemia 1 Malo 2 2 7 2 1 2 Ft'iimli) 1 1 ' 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Female SituUnnd I'oUnd 1 M»l« 1 1 Veaulo ll.llIIJJ ■•■••••••■•• THE DEAF AND DUMIJ. C19 Taiilk «o7.— i>kai' iu p Nor urMii, Willi nisTiNcrnoN of .si:x, color, nativitv, and niinni'iiACES op motmkus, AND HY A(;i; TEKIODS WIIKN DKAKNKSS OCCURUKO, HY states and TEKKITORIES: 1890— Contiuucd. niWNEHOTA-Coutfuuotl. S«X, COI.OK, NATIVITV, AMI llIUTHIM.ArE.S OK HDTIIKIUI. Tot«l. ITiiknown. Cniler S yean. 6 lo 10 yo«ri. 10 lo CO jrvnn. 20 lo SO i>an. to .v«r» anil uTor. Sirtliiilaccii of iiiotlisrii (nlilto)— Contlnuctl. » S 3 « U B MiiU> 21 8 17 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 11 3 S 6 l'\*!ualo S Male 15 2 i 2 4 1 6 Feiiinlo ... .. MIHSIHSIPPI. Tolal 811 142 6 57 110 342 145 Maid 502 309 88 54 5 1 81 2S «r . 82 118 1» M 47 \7Tiit„ m 75 31 60 203 87 Male 283 185 445 419 45 30 72 69 5 1 6 5 21 10 31 31 39 27 64 58 117 86 192 180 SS 31 60 76 Male 246 173 26 41 28 3 4 1 1 21 10 32 26 G 100 80 12 48 K 4 Male 19 7 23 2 1 3 1 5 1 ■ 2 8 4 11 3 1 7 Male 18 5 313 2 1 67 2 2 139 2 58 Colore*! 26 53 Male 219 124 281 43 24 5S 10 10 21 28 23 44 »6 43 111 42 Black 47 ilalc 184 97 62 39 19 9 8 13 5 22 22 9 81 30 28 13 Male 35 27 430 4 5 69 2 3 31 6 3 59 15 13 188 g Birtliplaees of niotliers (white) : 5 78 Male 234 170 9 41 23 1 4 1 21 10 33 26 4 106 82 2 29 2 England and AValcs Male 6 3 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 Scotland 1 Male 5 1 1 3 **** 9 2 3 4 Male C 3 10 3 2 2 Germany 1 2 2 3 Male 8 2 1 2 .1 ^ 8 2 1 Scandinavia Male 1 1 Female " 1 AU other countriea 1 1 1 1 Male 1 1 1 1 Ucknown 3 1 3 1 Male 2 1 2 1 Ft male 1 620 INSAXE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table a07.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND lilRTIIl'LACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAl'NESS OCCL'RRED, BY STATES AND TESKITOKIKS: 1890— Continued^ i*ii!i!^orKi. SEX, COLOII, KATIVnr, ANT) BHtTHPIjlCES OF UOTHEBS. Total. trnknowo. Under 6 jeara. 5 to 10 years. 10 to SO years. 20 to 50 years. 60 years and over. 3,371 355 5 273 421 1,702 615 lisle 2,341 1,030 232 123 4 1 151 122 248 173 1,261 441 445 170 3,287 312 5 264 407 1,665 604 ^alo 2. 295 892 1 2,732 2,383 220 116 292 242 4 1 5 3 146 lis 253 210 242 105 367 305 1, 2::8 427 1,353 1,192 439 165 462 431 ^tale 1,678 705 310 157 85 50 S 117 93 43 184 121 02 900 292 161 817 114 2 31 jfnle 202 147 555 31 19 50 1 1 23 20 11 32 30 40 94 07 312 21 10 142 Male 415 140 84 38 12 13 6 5 9 20 14 14 244 OS 37 101 41 11 40 38 ' 65 6 7 11 5 4 6 6 8 9 23 14 30 6 9 35 30 19 t 2 2 4 3 4 5 5 19 11 7 4 5 11 8 2,469 3 5 :iis 4 3 1,232 2 2 251 Birllipbces of mothers (wUilel : 5 222 441 Male 1,726 743 107 ICt 87 17 4 1 123 99 7 Wl 127 10 020 312 50 324 117 17 Stale 77 36 23 13 4 1 4 3 2 38 12 10 12 5 10 Male 15 8 128 2 7 3 75 e 1 10 4 2 13 28 Male 85 43 13 7 3 2 4 9 2 51 24 8 21 7 1 3 Mate in 3 17 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 3 1 4 M:rl,. 12 5 491 1 2 51 - 1 C 3 '240 4 Ftmalc 20 46 88 Malo 315 136 U 85 16 11 15 1 26 20 2 182 58 7 61 Knuulo 27 1 Mnlo 8 3 4 2 5 2 2 1 Keiiiolo 1 1 ■ 1 Mule 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 4 I I 1 1 Frinala SmRia mj rolnnd 4 1 2 1 Unle I a 1 I'cnulo 1 TIIK UKAF AND DCMH. 621 TAnu: 207 — DF.AF RUT NOT nUMH, WITH IIISTINLTION OF SKX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND IIIRTIII'I.ACK.S OF MOTHERS, AND IIV AUE I'KKIOUS WllKN DKAFNKSS I >CCUKKELt, HY 8TATK.S A.NU TKIiUITUKlKS: IS'lO-Coiilinm-.I. .IIIHMOUKI-CodUuuoI. stx, coLOK, NATivrrr, and bibthplacbs or motiiebs. ToUl. CnknowD. Under & yean. 6 to 10 yMn. 10 to SO year*. MtaM yean. 60 yean ana over. 3irllii»I;Mi'«of TUKthern (whito)— Conlinuod. 41 2 1 4 « s Mnlo 28 IS 15 1 1 4 1 2 2 a IS 8 4 Male n 3 1 3 1 3 mONTANA. Total 01 2 1 11 13 S6 a Mal« 65 2« 2 10 3 42 14 4 1 4 ^liile 91 2 1 11 U » 8 Mnlo . . fiS 20 66 46 2 3 12 8 42 14 • 38 28 4 i 1 4 1 1 S 2 Mnlo 30 16 20 1 2 2 4 IB » 10 1 1 1 8 Male 16 4 25 2 3 1 1 a 1 18 2 1 1 1 2 a Male 19 6 1 2 1 U 4 1 ] t 1 Male |t female • 1 Black Male Female 1' 1 1 Uiicil blood " M.-ilo Female 53 1 8 » 31 4 Mnlo 35 18 1 4 4 1 7 2 21 10 8 ] 2 £Dg1aD(l ;uiil Wales 1 I 1 Male ? 3 1 6 2 2 1 Female 1 ScotlaDil 1 Male 2 1 8 1 1 1 S 2 Male 1 5 2 S 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 « Female i:::::::::::: 1 1 Male 1 1 1 7 5 2 I 1 1 4 1 1 Male 1 4 ".::::::::.: I 1 I ■ Male 1 I :::;::;:;;;; 622 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB. AND BLIND. Table 20T.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX. COLOR, NATIVITY. AND BIRTHPLACES OF kOTHERS, AND BY AGE PEKIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutinued. ', MONTANA— Continued. SEX, COLOB, NATIVnT, AND BIBTUFLACBS OF MOTHEES. Total. Unknown. Under 5 years. C to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. SO to 50 years. 50 years and over. BirlhpLice.s of niotlicra (white)— Continued 2 " ' 2 2 2 NEBRASKA. 1,083 88 6 101 102 572 151 740 334 60 28 4 2 62 39 104 58 415 157 104 50 1,080 87 6 100 161 572 154 746 334 815 688 59 28 64 54 4 2 6 5 01 39 82 68 103 58 122 98 415 157 434 364 104 50 107 99 Tif alo 486 202 127 37 17 10 4 1 1 41 27 14 61 37 24 275 89 70 68 31 8 }jale ... 77 50 205 7 3 23 8 6 18 14 10 39 43 27 133 5 1 3 47 ■\Jylg 183 82 3 15 8 1 12 6 1 28 11 1 97 41 31 16 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Vale .. » 1 1 1 Vale TTnitcd States 723 56 5 71 108 383 100 V-ile 510 > 213 70 38 18 6 4 1 1 44 27 6 07 41 11 289 94 32 68 32 14 Male 47 23 14 4 2 1 5 1 9 2 1 23 9 8 10 1 4 I Male 9 5 5i 1 6 3 34 a 1 * 5 1 Irelan d 6 1 6 31 20 14 5 1 1 4 • 2 1 20 14 11 i 1 1 Male 11 3 3 2 1 8 3 2 France 1 2 1 137 1 1 1 70 10 12 22 23 Mole 01 40 24 7 3 4 10 2 2 12 10 4 48 22 11 B 8 10 8 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 8 3 8 2 Male 1 1 4 1 4 4 TlIK DKAF AND DIMIJ. 623 TaBLK 207.— DKAF BUT NOT DIIMH, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COI/)K, NATIVITV, AND ItlUTIMT.ACES OF MOTUKIJS, AND isy ACK I'KIMODS WIIKN DEAFNKS.S OCCUUKED, UY STATES AND TKlililToKIKS: 1890— CoiitiniKcI. NKBHAHKA— CoDtinuod. BKX, COU>R, NATIVITT, AND DIHTUPLACEg OF UOTIIER8. ToUl. UnkDown. Under S years. SloIO years. 10 to to years. to to 60 years. «0 yrart sod over. Blrtlipl:i"f» of niotbcra 2 1 1 Blrthplacos of mothers (white) : United States 1,405 138 5 87 186 873 310 Ifulo 702 103 70 68 8 3 2 40 47 3 104 83 1* 293 59 165 151 19 54 49 15 4 4 4 i 30 23 6 9 3 10 3 Male 8 , 7 1 102 2 2 24 1 1 1 IS 4 2 GO 1 2 1 9 SO 78 81 . 3 12 12 1 3 1 9 9 30 30 1 21 1 29 M«1b 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Male 2 2 1C2 a 1 8 1 90 21 1 7 35 Main 105 5'v 1 12 » 1 5 2 6 2 59 SI 22 13 Scanilinnvia 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Male 1 1 Italy 2 I 1 2 1 I 22 1 1 5 13 3 Malo 14 8 1 1 3 2 7 1 Female 7176 I^•s- -40 626 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB. WITH DISTIXCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF JVIOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES A\D TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutiuucd. NEW JERSEY— Contioued. SEX, COLOR, SATrVlTY, AXD BIRTHPI.ACES OF MOTHEBa. Total. Uukuo-wTi. ITntier 6 years. 5 to 10 yi-arj. 10 to 20 20 to 80 years. years. 50 years and over. Birthplaces of mothers (while)— Continned. 6 3 1 9 Male 4 2 2 1 1 1 I IVElt' MEXICO. Total 145 9 1 9 13 55 58 Male 86 59 5 4 5 4 2 11 36 19 1 20 ^Hiite 138 6 1 9 12 53 Male 82 50 123 118 3 3 4 3 5 4 9 9 10 11 11 35 18 46 42 27 15 4 i 7 1 1 1 20 Parents native 52 Male 71 47 5 2 1 1 5 4 2 9 35 Female 1 17 Male 3 2 15 1 2 1 6 Male 8 7 7 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 Colored Male i 3 2 2 1 2 1 I 1 1 Black M.ilo 2 2 Mixed blood 5 1 1 2 1 Male 2 3 119 1 1 43 1 1 3 1 11 BirtliplaccB of mothers (white) : 1 9 52 72 47 1 2 1 5 4 2 9 28 15 1 35 1 17 EDgland and Wales 1 1 Female Ireland 5 3 3 Male 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 Female ■ i I Male Female 1 1 1 Franco 1 Male Female 1 4 1 4 Male 4 4 Female All other coimtries 7 2 1 1 8 Male 2 S 1 1 1 Female 1 1 8 THE DEAF AND Dl'MB. 627 Table aor.-PKAF RI'T NOT DT'MH. WITIF niSTINCTION or SKX, COI.OR. NATTVTTV, AND niRTIIPLArKS OK MOTIIKKS, AND UV AliK l-KKIOUS WIIK.N DKAl'NKSS OCClIKKr.D, HV STATICS ANU TKKklTOKIK.S: IhltO— C'outiiiuf.l. NKW VOKK. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND IimTHPLACEB OR UOXniRS. ToUl. Unkaown. Under 6 yean. SlolO yean. 10 to SO yean. SO to to yean. to yean antl over. 0,337 1,294 126 659 048 4.m J.2» Miilo 6.231 4,106 686 «08 64 C2 303 26S 507 441 2,343 1,778 1,328 061 ^hito 9,288 1,284 125 656 045 4,008 2. .-no 1,772 3,251 2,818 2.280 Mnic 6,203 4,085 7,114 0,073 683 601 877 701 64 61 117 67 302 254 407 347 506 439 795 G20 1,322 058 1,607 1.630 Male 3.403 2,670 1,041 382 319 176 25 32 60 193 154 120 330 290 175 1.574 1,244 433 890 631 77 Mftlo 563 478 2,174 92 84 407 32 28 8 68 52 89 88 87 150 239 194 847 44 33 873 >raic 1,237 1 937 49 209 108 10 7 1 1 41 48 3 88 62 3 613 334 23 379 294 8 Mnlo 28 21 38 > 3 7 8 1 2 2 1 2 3 17 6 18 6 1 1 3 Black . . 8 Mnle 23 15 U 3 5 2 1 2 IS 3 5 4 1 2 1 a 8 Male ,1 6 6.290 I 2 3 2.001 3 2 744 1 Birtliplacra of mothers (white) : TJiiiti'il States - .. 66 378 653 1,561 3,533 2,763 544 405 339 56 28 38 6 211 167 29 350 303 67 1.624 1,277 256 915 639 131 Male 302 242 157 26 30 23 4 1 2 13 16 3 25 42 11 151 105 64 83 48 54 Male 78 79 1,100 14 9 229 2 1 2 64 6 5 97 28 36 400 27 27 16 294 Male 548 552 192 85 144 22 10 6 2 34 30 18 65 42 17 219 181 83 146 149 50 121 71 53 1 13 9 10 1 1 9 9 3 12 5 7 56 27 20 '30 20 13 Male 36 17 765 8 2 158 1 2 49 5 2 72 13 7 317 9 4 Germany 18 151 474 291 20 108 50 5 10 8 2 55 2* 2 42 30 1 195 122 4 94 57 6 Male 15 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 S 1 1 1 1 2 26 [ 1 1 6 1 11 4 2 8 Male 12 14 12 3 3 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 7 6 Italy 1 9 3 4 1 1 4 1 iVuialo , , i 628 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUilB, WrrH DISTINCTION OP SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOXHERS* ^VND BY AGE PERIODS WBEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. NEW XORK— Continued. SI ' SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Under S years. 5 to 10 jears. 10 to '20 j-L-ars. 20 to 50 J- ears. BO years aud over. Birthplaces of mothers (wliite) — Continued. 18 6 U 1 4 1 If ale . 12 6 68 6 2 4 3 1 3 1 23 1 11 5 11 15 Jlnlp 44 24 34 5 G 8 3 4 1 2 S 6 4 19 4 9 8 7 1 10 Male 18 16 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 6 3 6 5 NORTH CAROLINA. Total 1,252 170 73 131 542 327 Hale 749 503 1,033 lU 65 39 34 80 51 324 218 192 135 131 S£ 103 476 268 l£ale 628 405 1,015 1,004 91 40 129 128 31 21 51 51 62 4U 107 106 288 183 467 463 1.56 110 261 256 If ale 607 397 U 89 39 1 31 20 61 45 1 279 184 4 147 109 5 Male .. 5 18 2 2 9 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 Male 15 3 219 2 1 ■ ■ 7 6G 6 I 21 Colored . 48 23 61 Jr.ile 121 98 172 23 25 37 8 13 18 18 5 ID 36 30 49 36 25 Black 49 Male 97 75 47 20 17 11 8 10 3 14 5 4 27 22 17 28 21 Uixed blood 12 Male .. . 24 23 1,0U 3 4 8 466 8 8 128 3 51 4 Birtliplaren or mothers (wliite) : United Stat4M} 108 260 Male GU 400 11 89 39 1 31 20 1 01 45 2f0 180 4 150 110 5 Miilp n 2 1 3 1 2 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 Feioalo Ireland , 3 1 1 1 1 1 Malo 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Male I 1 Femala Germany 5 3 2 1 1 3 M.iIo 1 2 1 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 029 Taalb 207.-ni:AF nUTNOT DL'MH, WITH DISTINCTIOX OF Sr.X, COr.OR, NATIVrrV. AND HIRTHI'LACKS uK MUlllEIUj, AND BY AGK I'KKIUHS WHION UEAl'NK.SS OCCliUKKl), Ity (STATES ANU TEKKlTUUll-.S; 18U0— CouIiuulmI. NOICTII DAKOTA. Ill . == — --^ 8KX, COLOR, KATIVITT, AND BIIITHPLACD Or MOTDEIU. Total. Unkoowa. Cniler 6 yann. 6 to 10 yaan. 10 to SO yean. SOtnSO jtmn. 60 \eani And over. Xotal . .. -•• 157 12 1 17 28 n 20 Mole 108 40 8 4 I 7 10 20 S 57 21 IS s yrute 157 12 I 17 28 70 n Mnio 108 49 79 63 S 4 S 5 1 7 10 7 3 20 K 15 57 22 43 88 la 5 8 «... 8 Male .... 40 17 10 4 1 1 2 1 4 7 « 27 11 reniale 2 Male 9 78 1 .1 1 13 3 2 38 4 10 « 1 51 25 3 3 1 5 5 8 5 27 9 1 Male Black I" " Male 1 1 Male 1 ' 1 ;:::;;;;:::: I i Birthplnros of motlicrs (white) : Ud iteil Suites 70 5 4 12 89 10 51 19 Vi 4 1 3 I 2 10 2 27 12 7 7 3 1 Male 7 C 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 1 1 Scotlaud Male 2 1 12 2 1 9 Female .... ... Tr^if^Ti'l 1 2 Male 8 4 7 7 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 2 16 1 1 1 2 1 1 Fem.ilo 1 3 1 « 3 2 Male 13 3 32 1 1 1 7 5 1 * 3 o 4 14 3 19 2 2 2 5 I 3 11 3 1 3 Boliemia 1 " Male 1 I Hungary 1 ^ Female All otUci* countries 1 Male 1 1 Unknown 1 1 Feiiialo 1 1 1 630 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BIT XOT DUMB, WITH DISTIN'CTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. onio. SES, COLOB, NATITITT, A>-I> BlnTHPLACES OF MOTHEBS. Total. TTnkno-mi. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 30 years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Xotal . . 6,861 724 11 404 770 3,448 1,504 M.ilo 4,406 2,455 439 285 4 7 216 188 448 322 2,328 1,120 971 533 ^^^it(> 6,771 705 11 399 765 3,403 1,493 Male 4,348 2,422 5,630 4.880 431 274 568 484 4 7 8 7 214 185 371 296 442 313 088 568 2.293 1,115 2,858 2,493 5**3 1 137 1 0''7 M.ile 3,124 1,766 750 289 195 84 3 4 1 159 137 75 333 235 120 1, 091 807 300 110 Mnlo 4.04 296 1,U1 51 33 137 37 38 28 70 50 07 002 138 5.-0 1 3 30 356 771 370 90 91 46 19 1 2 18 10 5 39 28 15 380 170 40 242 114 n Main 57 33 60 8 11 13 2 3 2 6 9 12 35 5 25 6 5 8 BLick Male 37 23 30 5 8 6 6 6 3 22 3 15 4 4 3 3 Main 20 10 5,092 3 3 508 2 1 324 13 2,592 3 592 1 1,068 Birthpl.ices of motburs (white) : 8 3,246 1,846 299 300 208 34 3 5 176 118 13 3(8 241 38 1,717 813 147 672 396 07 Male 189 110 35 1? 16 3 9 4 1 22 10 4 92 55 17 4? 19 Main 23 12 316 2 1 36 1 2 23 11 C 139 7 Fflnalo 3 Ireland 13 105 Malo 215 101 28 29 7 7 7 6 14 9 5 93 46 9 72 tfinalo 33 British America 5 >r«lo 16 12 50 5 •J 3 1 4 1 4 5 4 24 MalB 37 13 8.39 2 1 87 4 19 5 433 12 ■J 40 5 3 80 Mnlo 534 305 2 52 35 2 1 2 19 21 43 37 287 146 132 Kemalo 61 1 1 7 1 1 2 Fi'iualo 1 2 a Mnlo 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 lUlv 2 2 Rmm in a ml Poland 1 1 Malo I'oiualo 1 1 THK DKAF AND DUMB. 631 Tabm: a07.— nr,.\K hut not DUMH, with ni.STINCTIOX or .sex, color, nativity, and UIRTMPLACK8 OF MOTHERS, AND HY A(iE PEKIODS WHEN DEAKNES.S OCCtlKKEI), BY STATES AM) TEKIilTOHIES; 1890— Conlinned. OlllO-Continiicd. BEX, CQIJOU. NATIVITV, AND BIRTHPLACES OP MOTIIEBfl. Total. ., 72 Unknown. Unilor S }oar«. SloIO ycom. 10 to 20 ycar». ycac». SO year* auil uv«r. Birtlnilnrcftof niothors (irbttc)— Continiiod. 11 t 7 38 . U Mnlo B3 19 28 2 12 2 2 4 3 2S 7 7 9 5 9 Mftlo 27 1 n 1 1 7 9 :;:;;;::::!:::;;:::::::i;;:::;:::;:: 1 1 OKliAHOniA. Total 38 4 2 7 23 2 Male 31 7 9 1 2 1 18 5 2 Feraale ^ While 30 3 2 7 22 2 Malo 20 7 30 20 2 1 3 3 2 8 1 6 17 5 10 18 2 Feamlo 1 1 1 1 Mnlo 23 C 1 2 1 1 5 1 14 4 1 1 Femalo Ouo or both parents foreign Male 1 1 :::::::::::: ::::::::::i:::::::; ::;::::::::::: 6 1 1 3 t Male 5 1 2 2 1 1 I 1 1 Feinalo Colored 1 1 1 Malo 1 1 Black 2 1 1 Male 2 1 1 Miieil blooil Male 1 Female Birtliplaci's of motliera (white): 30 3 1 e 19 Male 24 6 2 2 1 1 s 1 1 IS 4 J 1 Male 2 1 1 1 Malo 1 1 Femalo Germany ... 2 2 Male 2 2 I 1 Male I 1 1 632 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEx\.F AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contiuiied. OREGO:V. SEX, COLOR, NATIVrrT, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Under o years. StoIO years. 10 to SO years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Total 201 28 21 45 130 37 Hale 191 70 19 9 12 9 27 18 100 30 4 261 28 21 45 130 37 Male 191 70 208 174 19 9 17 12 12 9 19 15 27 18 37 32 100 30 104 85 33 4 31 30 Male . 133 39 34 7 5 5 9 6 4 21 11 5 71 14 19 27 3 1 Male 23 11 53 4 1 11 2 2 3 2 8 U 5 20 1 6 33 20 8 3 1 1 3 5 15 11 6 Male Black Mate . . Male 1 1 Birthplaces of motliers (•white): United States 179 12 16 32 89 30 Male 138 41 20 7 5 3 9 ■ 7 3 21 11 3 74 15 10 G 4 5 27 3 1 Male 11 9 8 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Scotland 1 Male C 2 7 1 5 1 2 1 Ireland 1 4 Male 1 6 10 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 Male 6 4 4 1 3 1 I 3 1 Mnl© 4 1 3 Germany 20 5 11 t 10 7 1 2 3 7 4 4 1 1 Main ; 1 3 1 All otlior countricN 2 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 • Mnln 3 2 1 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 633 TABUt SOT.— HKAI' HI'T NOT DUMII, WITH DISTINCTION OI' Si;X, COLOIJ, NATIVITV, AND HIKTHPLACKS OF MOTIIEI£8, AM) liV AUE i'KiaOD.S WUKN DKAINKSS OCCTKltKI), 15Y .STATKS AND TKliKI loKlKH : lh90— Contiuued. PKIVniH¥L.VA.MA. 8KX. COU)II, NATIVITT, AND DIKTHTULCSS OP MOTUBBS. Total. Unkaown. Under fi year*. StolO yun. 10 to 20 yean. 20 to fiO yean. 60 y«are uid over. 0,752 074 10 604 •14 I.24I i.*n Malo 3.875 2,877 370 104 10 258 248 487 427 1.019 i.aa 831 IViuiUo M9 6,038 COS 502 M7 8.221 1,393 Male .. 3. MS 2.853 6,085 4,930 308 208 643 463 2.-.5 247 466 380 483 42 1 818 G76 l.OOfl 1,315 2,741 2,394 824 549 7 1,110 1.011 Miilo J 2,M8 2,102 755 254 20D 80 6 102 lis 8« ri7 319 142 1,424 970 347 5!I5 Ft'iooie 416 1 w jljilo . 405 350 1,013 41 39 123 1 3!) 47 30 71 71 89 192 153 460 81 38 2 283 ^lalo . . . 612 401 54 73 SO 8 2 24 12 4 55 34 7 290 190 20 108 115 1 U "St tie 30 24 42 2 6 6 1 3 1 2 4 3 4 13 7 17 7 7 Ulack, . 1 13 Malo 22 20 12 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 10 7 3 7 6 2 5 2 Male 8 4 5,163 2 2 1 2 717 3 2 Blrthplncps «f mothers (white) : 487 6 398 2,490 1.050 2.960 2.203 347 2K2 225 39 201 197 26 391 336 5« 1.481 1,012 150 636 433 1 69 M.-Ue 180 161 42 17 22 8 1 15 11 3 33 23 4 78 78 19 42 27 8 Male 23 19 5U 6 2 70 2 1 29 2 2 S3 9 10 223 4 4 1 138 Malp 273 241 17 42 28 1 1 13 18 2 27 28 1 ni 102 4 « 07 1 8 14 3 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 17 7 1 1 2 t 18 6 524 1 1 62 14 3 27* S 1 40 1 52 98 329 195 14 34 18 1 ?3 17 31 31 178 90 9 63 33 4 9 5 1 1 6 4 1 8 1 1 1 2 3 1 6 i ' 1 2 1 1 5 1 4 1 4 ' i ^a Fomale , 1 1 634 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 'JOr.— UEAF BUT NOT DUMB. WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, XSD BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Contiuucd. r E NXSr I, V AIVI a— ConUnncd. f EX, COLOB, NATIVrrr, AND BIttTHPLACKS OF MOTHEBS. Total. Unknown. Under 6 years. 6 to 10 yeara. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Coutinaed. 22 1 2 4 10 5 Male 14 8 19 1 2 3 3 8 2 6 3 2 1 2 6 3 llalo 13 7 4 2 1 3 3 3 1 RHODE ISK,AND. Total ... / 874 79 3 63 104 373 252 'Male 424 450 41 38 30 33 60 54 183 190 120 3 132 "Vfhite 860 78 3 61 100 366 252 T^fale . 418 442 C12 510 41 37 50 45 29 32 54 45 48 52 74 57 180 186 268 235 120 3 1 1 133 165 163 Mnle 279 267 66 28 17 5 19 26 •' 29 28 17 121 1)4 33 83 1 81 2 Male 33 33 248 2 3 28 10 7 26 13 20 98 1 2 87 Male 100 142 14 11 17 1 2 ; 9 17 4 46 52 7 37 50 Male 6 8 9 2 3 3 4 * 1 1 Black Male 4 5 5 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 Ulied blood 1 Male 2 3 557 1 2 1 241 46 1 58 47 1 164 Male 283 274 83 28 19 10 20 26 3 20 29 11 124 117 38 82 Female 1 82 21 Male 35 48 18 4 3 1 2 3 8 4 16 22 7 11 10 1 3 Male 7 11 156 1 2 15 2 2 19 3 4 55 I 1 1 2 7 59 Main 69 87 26 7 8 4 3 4 11 8 6 21 31 13 23 1 36 3 Male 15 11 1 4 3 3 6 7 1 2 1 Male Female 1 10 1 G Gcrniany 2 1 1 Male 6 4 3 1 1 .I 1 2 Female 1 1 Scandinavia 1 Male 1 2 1 1 f ezoaln i" TlIK DEAF AND I ) I'M 15. 635 Taiilk aor.— nr.Ar iut mvi' di'mi!, wnir distinciiox oi-sr.x, colow, nativity, an'd niuTm'i.AOK.s or mothkks, AND 15Y A(iK l'Eia<)l).S WIIKN DKAI NKSS occrUHKIt, ItV STATKS AM) TKUHITOKIKS: IM'.K)— Continued. ItllUUI': IMIiA.'VD-Conllniictl. BCX, COLOB, KATIVrrr, AHD DIBTUPMCia or MOTUKBS. ToUI. ITnknovD. Undor S S to 10 year*. 10 lo 20 y«ir.. tOtoM ytmn. SO yaan and over. Birtliplnrrs of inothoni (wliitO— ContlniKMl. 4 1 I I ■J 2 1 2 ;;:;:;::::::.... 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ! ' HOUTIE C'AROIillVA. 1 fQjnl 803 1 135 42 100 338 188 ]^j^)p 484 319 8G 40 23 17 60 40 203 135 110 78 ... . 524 70 25 M 230 US Mnlo 331 193 493 472 54 25 74 71 15 10 21 23 40 19 58 55 148 91 229 219 48 108 Hale 294 178 21 47 • 24 3 14 1 37 18 3 135 84 10 6t 43 i Mnio 12 9 31 25 279 2 1 5 3 4 6 10 1 1 U 1 1 1 Mfilo S 1 9 1 99 10 i 6t i 41 50 32 24 47 17 Xtalo 151 120 225 10 7 12 20 21 34 55 44 75 38 30 ST Black Male 125 100 54 27 20 9 6 16 18 7 44 31 24 32 2S • Mixed blood Male 28 26 483 5 4 72 4 23 4 56 11 13 225 4 S lOT Male 301 182 10 48 24 14 9 38 18 1 137 88 4 84 43 S Male 6 4 6 I 3 1 s 1 Female I 1 1 Male 3 3 7 1 1 2 1 1 I'Viualo 1 Irol.ind 2 « Male 5 2 1 2 1 ::.::: British America 1 1 Male 1 1 1 13 1 2 1 1 2 3 5 Male 12 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 Female X Hungarj- 1 . 1 1 1 " 'i 1 Male 1 1 1 1 Female ::::::::: 1 | . ..-••- Bussia and Poland 2 1 2 1 Male 2 t 2 1 :::::::::::: 636 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Taisle 207.— deaf BDT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, ANT) BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Cou >,inued. SOUTH CAROI^IIVA— Continued. SEX, coioB, KATirrry, a.vd biethplaces of motheks. Total. Unknown. Under 5 years. 6 to 10 10 to SO years. years. £0 to 50 years. 60 years and over. Birthplaces of mothers (white) — Continued. 1 1 Male 1 i 1 Female - 1 1 SOIJTII DAKOTA. Xotal - - 338 20 4 29 CO 107 23 Male 2.18 100 14 6 3 1 19 10 39 21 148 49 15 13 \71ute '. 338 1 20 4 29 CO 197 28 Male 2.18 lOO 227 168 14 6 14 10 3 1 3 2 19 10 20 12 30 21 42 24 ln8 49 l.'!2 100 15 13 16 14 Male 129 39 59 7 3 4 2 7 5 8 18 G 13 S3 21 2G 10 4 2 1 Male . 38 21 111 2 2 G 1 7 1 9 12 6 IS 15 U 63 1 1 1 M.nle 71 to 5 1 5 4 9 9 48 17 4 8 1 Colored r Male 1 1 BUck 1 r 1 1 ^lixed blood 1 1 i Male Sirthpliices of mothers (white) : 181 10 7 3 2 2 14 30 113 15 IJO 44 29 2 9 5 1 21 7 8P 19 10 5 Female England and Wales Male 19 10 6 2 1 4 3 12 7 5 Scotland 1 Male 4 2 21 4 1 14 2 1 2 MalK 17 4 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 J 2 4 2 BrilisU America 1 Mall- 7 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 Female 1 1 France 1 1 Male 2 1 40 1 1 1 1 5 Germany 3 1 7 23 1 32 8 29 2 1 2 1 6 G 3 7 •18 5 13 1 i-'viitalo Scandinavia 1 2 4 Mnlo 12 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 7 1 1 Bol..n,ia Male ' JTomolo '..'.'.'.'.'.'.. '.". 1 I Tin-: DKAF AXD DUMB. G'M Tablb sot.— DKAF BUT NOT IIKMH. WITH DIS IINCTIO.V Ol" SKX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND IIIKTIIPLACI.S OK MOTIIKUS, AND liV A(iK I'ICKIODS WIIKX DKAFNKSS OC'(;irKKr,I), ItV 8TATKS AND TKUUlTf lUIlOS: IHiH)— foiitiiiuud. SOVrn UAKOTA-L'iiiiUiiiK.I. BEX, COLOK, NATIVITir, AND DlttTUriJ^CRa OP UOTHERS. ToUl. Unknown. Under i ye«r». 6tnlO yem. lOUiSO yemn. to lo <0 yoan. 80 > .■•r» •nil ciTLT. BirtlipInccH of tnothoni (white)— Continued. 3 1 1 1 Mjilo • ••• 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 2 3 a Mnjo 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 TENNESSEE. 1,597 249 5 133 184 664 3(0 Male 1,013 58t 149 100 2 3 80 65 115 89 441 223 226 13t 1,385 199 4 118 151 591 324 Mali' 8n2 493 1,341 1,289 118 81 188 180 1 3 4 3 73 43 115 110 98 55 148 143 3S7 194 571 549 207 117 315 304 Male 837 452 52 110 70 8 1 2 1 C8 42 5 04 49 5 370 179 22 194 110 11 Male 31 21 44 3 5 11 5 2 3 3 IS 7 20 6 1 5 1 B Male 20 212 5 G SO 12 8 73 7 1 19 3 33 2 1 36 Male 121 91 175 31 19 44 1 7 12 15 19 14 22 44 29 C4 19 17 Black 30 Male 98 77 37 29 15 8 a 9 4 11 11 11 37 27 9 15 15 1 8 Male 23 14 1,313 2 4 184 1 1 3 113 8 3 144 7 2 558 4 2 Birthiilaces of rantbers {white): United States 4 310 Malo 852 481 18 111 73 1 1 3 71 42 2 94 SO 1 378 180 10 197 113 4 9 3 • 1 1 1 6 5 2 s 1 2 1 1 Male 1 2 20 1 2 8 Iroland 3 4 5 lliile 13 7 1 1 2 I 6 2 s 1 t .. _ Malo 1 . 1 Jfemalo :::;:::;::::i::;:::::::::i:::::::::;:; 638 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 20».— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTKCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. TENNESSEE— Continued. SEX, COIX)E, NATIVnr, AND BIRTHPLACES OP MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Under ft yeara. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to .50 years. 50 years and over. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— ContiDucd. 1 1 ' Male 1 1 24 8 1 1 12 2 Male 13 11 1 3 5 1 1 7 5 1 I Male 1 1 1 1 Male 1 3 1 1 1 1 Male I 2 1 1 1 TEXAS. Total 1,617 1S4 27 116 221 759 Male 1,0K) 534 122 62 10 17 78 38 137 84 521 238 215 "^Tluto 1,444 163 27 103 193 C84 274 Male 984 460 1,244 1,158 107 56 143 133 10 17 27 24 70 33 92 85 123 71 173 159 478 200 593 552 197 77 216 ''05 Mnle 787 371 86 . 85 48 10 9 15 3 55 30 7 103 56 14 383 169 41 152 11 Male . . . . " ^ 51 35 20O 9 . 1 20 1 2 5 2 11 4 10 20 27 14 91 5 6 68 Male 146 54 173 13 7 21 10 1 13 15 5 23 68 23 75 40 18 36 Male 90 74 146 15 6 19 8 5 10 15 13 20 43 32 58 18 18 Black 33 ilalo SS 01 27 13 6 2 6 4 3 15 11 34 21 17 17 16 Mixed blood 3 Mah- 14 13 1,181 2 2 1 87 9 8 503 1 2 162 2 Blrthplartw of mothers (white) : 135 25 209 Male •. 797 384 23 87 48 2 9 16 SO 31 1 103 50 5 389 174 8 153 50 e 10 6 11 1 1 1 1 3 2 7 1 B 4 2 1 1 3 Male 7 '4 37 1 1 3 19 3 1 7 1 1 2 7 Male 20 8 4 6 1 1 10 3 2 7 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 fenialo 2 TIIK DKAF AND DUMB. 639 Taiiu; 207.-DE.\r HI'T N'OT DUMM. WITH DISTIN'CTTON OK SKX, COLOR, XATIVITV, AN'H im{THPr..\Ci:.S OF MOTHKR.S, AND IIY AUE I'KKIODS \V1IK.\ UliAl'NKSS OCCUKUKU, HY .STATES A.NU TEKUITUKIKS: 18'J0— Contiuiicd. TKXAS— Continnnl. DTAB. BEX, COLOR, NATlVrer, AXD DIBTBPLACK8 Or HUTniRfl. Total. UnkDown. Under* yean. ttolO yean. 10 to SO yeara. COtoM yean. tOrran amlorer. Birtlii»lnc<'ii of mothers (whit©)— Conlintml. « 1 a a Male 8 1 M 1 1 3 1 7 I 11 90 }kl,ilo .' 70 26 3 4 3 1 4 5 41 t 2 IS • Male 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 2 1 M:ili' 4 1 5 « 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 Mnlo 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 Male 2 1 1 C« 8 8 7 27 u 41 25 6 7 ■ 1 1 7 1 1 4 3 10 11 1 7 • S 5 1 1 1 a 1 1 Total 260 44 1 19 38 107 ST il.nle 142 124 24 20 8 11 19 18 ea 45 28 » Female 1 26G 44 1 19 38 107 S7 Male 142 124 96 88 2( 20 18 13 8 11 11 7 19 19 IG 8 62 45 32 22 29 28 18 17 1 1 1 Mal« 40 28 28 9 i 5 3 4 4 - 4 4 8 15 7 10 8 1 1 Male 15 13 170 2 3 26 2 2 8 3 5 23 7 3 75 1 Female 3g M.ilo 87 83 13 13 3 5 12 10 40 35 IS 20 Stale Black 1 1 Male 1 1 1 Male 1 1 Sirthiilarcs of mollicrs (white) : ' 74 14 1 8 8 25 18 Male 44 30 lis 10 4 19 4 4 5 4 4 21 17 8 51 1 9 Soglaiid and ^Valcs 20 Male 68 53 9 10 3 2 10 11 26 25 10 romalo u 640 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BY AGE PEIUODS W JEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. ' CTA U— Continuod. SEX, COLOR, .SATI\Trr, A.ND BIRTHTUACKS OF MOTHERS. Total. Unknown. Untlor 5 years. & to 10 years. 10 til 20 years. 20 louO years. 50 years aud over. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continued. 20 S 1 4 7 S 8 13 5 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 2 1 1 8 Mile 4 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 t/ljiio . 2 2 4 1 1 ■ 1 3 1 1 "Male 3 1 25 1 3 1 5 3 3 10 i Slalo 13 12 17 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 7 3 7 4 7 Male 9 8 1 5 2 4 fAmTiV 1 1 1 8 1 Male 1 1 1 1 1 VERUIOIVT. Total 1,066 48 4 83 83 516 327 Male . ... 623 443 33 15 2 2 46 37 51 37 295 221 198 131 White - 1,004 48 4 83 88 515 328 Male .. . 032 412 914 88S 33 15 44 40 2 4 3 40 37 76 60 51 37 82 71 294 221 41U 430 198 130 Nativcljorn 277 272 Hale 513 372 59 2S 12 4 2 1 1 38 31 r,9 32 11 239 191 31 167 105 One or both parents foreign 6 Male . .. 33 2fl 120 2 4 7 4 6 n 14 54 s 1 3 Foreign born 49 Male 76. 44 3 1 5 1 38 1« 1 28 28 Colonel 1 * Male 1 1 1 1 Female 1 BUck 1 Male 1 ■ 1 ..................... Mixed blood 1 1 1 Male Femalo 1 905 1 Blrthplare* of mntbem (white) : United Stales 41 3 72 73 442 274 Male .121 381 27 28 13 1 2 1 41 31 1 41 32 1 243 199 12 169 Female 105 ZngUmI and Wales 13 Male 14 13 13 1 8 4 8 Female I 1 1 1 BooUand Male 8 6 1 1 2 Vemale '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ^^J TlIK DEAF AND DUMB. G41 I'XBLE aOT.-DEAr BUT NOT DUMB, WITH PISTINCTION OK .SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIHTIIPLACES OF MOTHERS, AND BV AGE PEKIOU.S WHEN DEAFNESS OCCUURED, BY STATES AND TKKRITOKXJiS: 1S90— Contiuucd. VKRnONT-Cuutlnuod. VIBOINIA. BEX, COLOn, NATIVITV, AND BlRTUrl^AOBH Of HOTIIBIU. ToUl. Uoknown. Under S years. filnlO years. 10 til SO years. SOtoM years. to v«ini anil over. Birthplaces of motbera (white)— Continned. 51 2 I S 18 25 j^( .||f, ... 35 16 63 2 1 3 2 16 3 32 M 11 British Anurii-a 4 1 8 • 38 25 1 3 1 3 S 7 2 20 12 1 » 1 « 1 1 Scamlina via 1 1 1 1 i 1 Tlolt- ^ t 1 1 1 ; ::. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' ! 1 1,930 209 , 1 127 250 831 513 J^f^^ 3,172 758 127 82 67 60 129 121 520 302 320 193 1,622 1,014 COS 1,548 1,510 168 107 291 728 420 104 64 155 152 58 49 103 104 107 94 194 187 473 233 688 672 272 148 406 395 925 585 38 90 62 3 56 48 1 99 88 7 427 245 16 253 142 11 26 12 74 2 1 13 4 3 7 11 38 9 1 2 3 U 63 11 30S 12 1 41 2 4 3 49 35 3 105 10 4 20 93 XInle 158 150 235 124 111 73 23 18 32 11 14 22 27 38 56 49 80 48 45 Block 78 j^iiie 19 13 7 6 15 18 16 43 37 25 40 3< MWnl lilnml . 17 34 1,528 4 5 15i 2 4 104 7 9 191 13 12 678 8 » Birlliplares of inothera (white) : 401 936 1 592 ■ 18 91 63 56 48 101 90 4 430 248 13 258 Itt 1 1 Male ■ 13 5 6 3 1 1 10 3 1 I i * 1 Male 4 2 1 ■ Female i X Ilia iNs- -41 642 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 207.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISliNCTION OF SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, AND BIKTHPLACES OF MOTHERS^ AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1S!)0— Coiitiuued. TIKGINI A— Continued; SEI, COLOB, KATIVrrl, AXD BIRTHPLACES OP HOTHEBS. Total. Unknown. Under 6 jenrs. 5 to 10 years. 10 to SO years. SOtnSO years. 60 years and over. Birtbplnces of motbcrs (white)— Continued. 30 7 2 14 7 ^dle 27 3 1 7 1 1 " 5 2 1 ^fl]0 ^ 1 1 30 5 3 2 17 3 Itale 25 5 1 5 2 1 1 1 15 2 2 1 1 jfalo 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 Male . . 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Fcma'o fTASHINGTOIV. Total 246 46 1 15 33 128 23 Mnle 182 64 33 13 1 10 5 23 10 »4 34 21 2 'White 246 46 1 15 33 128 23 Male 182 64 191 162 33 13 37 34 1 10 5 12 7 23 10 25 21 94 34 99 83 21 2 Native bom 1 1 17 16 Male 119 43 29 25 9 3 1 3 4 S 14 7 4 62 21 16 14 2 1 Male 19 10 55 1 2 9 4 1 3 2 2 8 11 5 29 t 6 Male 44 11 7 2 3 7 1 21 8 6 Colored Male Kt'iuale BUck Male HIird Wood " Main Feinalo Birtliplarrii of mntliera (wblto) : l^ulled .SUloa 174 36 1 9 24 87 n Malo 12H 46 18 26 10 2 1 5 4 16 8 4 65 22 11 u ji Feinalo EDglaridand Wales 1 Male 15 8 4 2 4 8 8 8 1 Fsnialn SootUnd 1 Halo 1 8 I 2 1 TTTK DEAF AND DUMH. 643 Tabik 2or.— nKAF BUT NOT Dir.Nfn, WITH DisriNcrnoN ok sex, coloh. nativity, and hirtiiplacks of motiieus, AND IIY AUK PEUIOUS WllHN DICAFNE.SS OCCi;i£l£i;i), UY STATIi.S AN1-) TKUklTOKIIiS: ISiW— CoiUiuiicd. WAt«UIIV4JTO.'M— Continuotl. 1VE8T TIROIIVIA. BBX. OOLOU. NATIVITV. AXD BIBT1II'UACB8 OT HOTnRltS. Total. Unkuown. Under S yuan. 6 to 10 yuan. lOtniO yuiUB. to to to yean. to nan aiiuovsr* Dlrthpliu'oA of motliora (white)— CoDtiniiiHl. 10 3 2 4 1 Mftio 1 7 =• 1 1 4 1 1 1 6 Xf lilo 4 » 1 1 3 2 1 1 Mnle 1 1 10 1 2 2 D J Mulo 11 5 11 I 2 « 3 7 2 2 2 2 10 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 a 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 " ToUil .... .. 946 123 08 94 439 222 Male 642 3U1 8S 37 3D 29 • 64 30 310 129 143 79 937 122 07 94 433 S2t Male 034 3U3 875 824 85 37 112 104 38 29 62 59 04 30 90 82 304 129 407 387 143 Puiuale 78 204 193 Male 539 265 51 74 30 8 32 27 3 57 25 8 273 114 20 123 69 U Male 30 21 02 4 4 10 2 1 5 4 4 4 14 6 26 s IT Malo 45 17 9 7 3 1 4 1 1 3 1 17 9 6 14 8 1 Male 8 1 5 1 1 1 Black 1 3 1 Male 4 1 4 1 3 Female i Mlicd blood . 1 3 Malo 4 1 3 Blrthplaros of niotlicra (white) : 843 107 59 82 390 19« Male 571 13 73 32 1 32 27 57 25 3 281 118 7 128 70 S Male 8 S 1 1 2 1 4 8 2 a Sootlaiul . ^ 1 1 Male 4 1 1 1 1 1 I female 6U INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. TABI.E 207.— DEAF BUT XOT DUMB, WITH DISTlNCTIdX OF SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MoTIIKRSj AND BY Ar.E PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCIIKRED, BY STATES AND TEitRITORIES: 1890— ContinueIIA— Coiitiimed. REX, OOLOB, NATIVITV, AND BIBTHPIACES OF MOTUKKS. Total. UnknOTni. TToder 6 yeara. fitolO yeai-8. 10 to 20 years. £0 to 60 years. 60 yrnrs .imluver. Birthplaces of mothera (white)— Contim:cO. 28 4 2 1 9 12 18 10 2 a 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 fi 6 Brilisb Aiucriea 1 \j nic i 1 1 ■ 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 ' \ 1 ■■' Male ' 1 1 1 1 88 ! 9 2 7 13 7 Male 2G 12 1 5 4 2 4 8 5 1 7 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ilali* 1 3 1 d i 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 wisco.'vso'. Total 1.09C 201 i;4 77 13 141 £04 B75 462 Male Female l,2C.-> 731 1,993 4 » 71 "0 017 314 148 "White 201 13 141 28i 0T3 Male 1,2«2 730 1,04.3 770 12-t 77 102 73 4 D 12 4 71 70 BG 45 i: S r.i 101 ci:. ■.l:,i .'■.11 401 249 132 IIS 74 44 454 :U3 170 153 Male 477 267 40 33 29 19 26 :i5 43 4 8 49 One or botb imrcntn foreign 18 Male 160 107 (I4D 18 11 99 3 5 1 20 25 45 2S 15 60 11 Female 7 Foreign born 290 Mali: 0-2.i 324 4 «G 33 1 20 19 41 19 292 102 2 199 91 2 1 Male 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 Black 2 1 Male 2 1 1 1 I 3 Fcnjale i Uixed blooil ! 1 1 1 t Mall- .-. 1 • 1 Kvinalo ... , Blrtliplar.li of iiiotlicTa (wbilo): t'liitcil Stat4m 820 70 * 40 20 29 5 10 J 14 424 162 Male .WO . 314 177 42 31 •21 205 159 97 109 4 63 KogUnd anil Walnii 40 -— -- Male 110 i 13 8 1 60 28 14 25 Scollanil . 20 19 • 3 10 Mai.- 3 8 1 6 ; 7 Jfeuiale 1 1 8 THE DEAF AND DUMB. C45 TADf^ 807.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX. COLOR, NATn'ITY, AND BIRTIII'I-ACES OF MOTHKRS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. WiaCONMIN— Contioued. SEX, COLon, NATIVITY, AND DIRTIII'LACES OF SUITIIUBS. Total. rDknown. tTfidiT 6 jearii. 6 to 10 yoari. 10 to to yearn. 20 to SO ytan. 40 yc«ra and over. BlrtliplncoB of motliora (wliito)— CoDtiuncd. iU 14 7 5 68 W Mnlo 05 9 5 C i S 7 3 za 20 :7 41 19 British America 1 Malo 41 15 19 3 3 2 1 S 2 I S 1 3 It 8 6 8 1 « Foniale FraiK'c Mnlo 525 : 1 so 1 3 4 1 248 4 119 7 68 42 Male 326 IDO 103 35 21 11 3 4 1 29 2J s 30 12 16 148 98 48 81 35 23 Scandiaavia Male 00 1 37 33 9 2 2 5 7 8 3 27 21 12 18 6 13 1 3 20 13 7 ' 2 1 2 3 S 7 3 « i 2 1 1 1 Malo 5 2 7 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 M.ilc 3 ■ 4 69 1 1 2 2 30 ...................... 1 8 5 20 Malo 47 22 7 5 1 1 1 4 5 3 23 7 5 13 7 UQltno^n 1 i C 1 S 1 1 .. .. 1 1 1 ^V*0.11IN«. Total 40 6 4 7 26 3 Mnlo 33 13 « 2 2 5 2 17 9 Whit« 46 6 4 7 26 3 Male 33 13 33 31 6 2 2 3 3 5 2 4 4 17 9 20 19 3 Foiualo i 3 a s Male 21 10 2 3 1 2 3 1 12 7 1 2 Ono or both parents roreipn 1 1 Male 2 1 1 1 Female 13 2 1 3 6 Malo ; 10 3 2 1 2 1 t ] Female Colored Malo 1 1 i 1 BUck i ^ 1 Malo 1 1 Foiu alo Mixed blood ... Malo 1 1 ._._ Female 1 1 1 ;:: .■."■.■.::::.:i....:" i : 646 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 20y.— DEAF BITT XOT DUMB, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. AND BIKTIIPLACES OF MOTHEBS, AND BY AGE PERIODS WUEN DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1S90— Continued. WVO."»IlI\"«— Continued. SFT, COLOB, KATIVITY, JlSD BtETHPLACES OF MOTHEBS. Total. trnknown. Under 5 years. etoio years. 10 to 20 yoiirs. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and orer. Birthplaces of motbers (white) : 31 3 3 4 19 2 21 10 4 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 12 7 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 "^sde 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 Italy . yiaXe .--. -. 2 2 THE DEAF AND DUMB. 647 Tablk «08.— deaf and DUMB BY AGK PKKIODS WHEN DKAFNES8 OCCURRED, AND BY AGE AND SEX: 1890. PRKSUrr AOB rEBIOOI. AOB WIIKN DSATSX38 OCCURRED. Tolol Un- kuuVTD. Unr accident*. 100 771 132 337 3.278 61 220 1,354 2,845 1,201 071 500 147 5,519 1 01 461 310 76 57 170 Itt 1,002 1,31< 30 22 113 107 740 008 1,042 1,203 792 409 400 202 383 307 82 OS 3.004 2,425 1 > OS 58 40 8 728 119 312 3,149 00 210 1,205 2,091 1,179 030 543 no 4,090 t 434 294 43 70 49 13 lU 148 25 1,884 1,265 129 38 22 1 113 100 1 712 583 59 1.554 1.137 154 740 439 fl2 388 248 35 352 191 47 59 51 37 2.813 2,184 623 i 9 7 3 S 8 27 10 4R 5 8 8 12 13 4 78 51 105 1 3« 25 74 88 6C 172 52 30 1 21 14 31 282 241 2.587 8 a 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 1 7 41 12 0. 1 30 472 103 73 17 80 11 9 13 11 277 33 20 3 2,274 673 202 24 50 3 2 163 34 ir. 1 1,051 122 81 24 2 2, 034 425 167 40 1 859 174 104 57 5 491 101 49 9 3C8 73 55 48 5 00 18 18 2,238 3.^1 220 83 10 DEAFNESS OCCURRED, BY CAUSES OF DEAFNESS, AND BY SEX AND COLOR: 1890. DISEASES — contiaued. ACCIDE.VTS. Quinine. Kot sUted. Mumps. Malnrial aud Paraly- tvplioid 818. fevers. Scrof- ula. Menin- gitis. Hydro- cephalus. Otlier diseases of the brain. Diseases of the throat and air passage. All other diseases. Total. Blows and falla. Other accidenta. 22 114 13 40 1,062 19 56 193 532 175 118 57 20 381 1 12 10 71 43 9 4 10 24 614 448 13 6 28 28 114 79 352 180 112 63 72 46 40 17 9 11 213 ICg 1 S 22 105 12 38 1,028 18 56 188 520 167 114 53 18 300 4 12 10 03 42 9 8 4 1 16 22 2 591 437 34 12 C 1 28 28 110 78 847 173 12 106 61 8 69 45 4 37 16 4 8 10 2 198 162 21 5 7 B 1 23 U 22 1 4 1 5 6 7 10 6 2 7 3 1 3 3 1 4 1 1 3 15 193 8 1 4 2 2 10 14 5 1 101 9 13 35 5 889 142 9 18 1 46 7 3 170 16 2 449 72 1 146 19 3 99 14 2 47 5 1 10 1 161 22 5 12 13 11 IS 1 1 1 650 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 211.— DEAF BUT NOT DUMB BY AGE PERIODS WHEN DII'AFNESS ^ 8KI, OOLOB, AXD AGS PEBIODS. Asere- gate. Con- genital. DISEASES. Total. Inflamma- tion anfl abscess of the ear. Other diseases of tlieear. Smallpox. Measles. Searlet fever. Dipli- theria. ■\Vli Doping coiigb. 1 80,G16 145 40,523 1,161 947 165 2,140 4,223 244 123 Male s 3 49,278 31,338 66 79 21,472 19, 051 067 494 523 424 103 62 ],193 947 2.019 2,204 82 162 60 63 WTjit^j 4 77, 308 141 39,243 1,130 908 153 2,076 4,165 240 117 47.372 29,930 3,308 65 79 1 20,828 18,415 1,260 653 477 31 500 402 39 95 58 12 1,107 909 64 1,9S8 2,177 58 81 159 4 56 61 6 7 Male 1,906 1,402 9,265 145 304 5,620 9,912 37,907 17,463 1 044 036 2,239 14 17 07 17 22 46 8 4 10 20 33 105 31 27 271 1 3 13 4 2 4 9 10 U U U 14 15 10 Ago periods wben deafnc33 oc- curred: 145 257 4. 345 0.403 18. 008 9,271 4 154 249 494 193 9 118 172 438 164 1 17 26 96 15 17 430 021 871 96 fill ],5K4 1,333 879 90 3 64 65 101 8 54 39 19 E Tin-: DEAF AXI) DT\UI{. 651 OCCURRKO, BY CAUSKS OF DKAKNESS, AND RY SEX AND COLOR: 1890. DBBASKs— contlnnsd. AOoiovmv. Resulting from military serrlca Quinine. Cn- knowo. Hompa. Mnlnrinl ami tyiilioid fevers. Other foreni. Paroly- ■la. Scrof- ula. Monin- giilB. Hyilro. ccphulus. Other diaennea nf tho brain. Piapiwea of I ho Ihnmt and air jiaatOKO. A 11 other diaoaaea. TotaL Blotri nod falls. Other acci- dent*. 248 2,334 2,448 393 829 415 7 898 8,196 15, 752 6,729 1.428 6,301 7,4g4 1,005 24,730 1 154 94 l.!87 1,047 l,SJi3 1,093 228 165 384 445 225 190 4 3 403 493 4,355 3,841 8,430 7,322 5,852 1,377 1,081 347 4,271 1,030 7,484 550 455 14.354 10,376 1 t 235 2,241 2,333 381 780 387 7 849 8,078 15,157 0,417 1,347 5,070 7,307 870 23,321 4 146 89 13 1,247 904 93 1,297 1,038 115 219 182 12 362 424 43 213 174 28 4 3 .IRS 404 49 4,299 3,779 118 8,110 7,017 593 6,145 1,272 312 1,030 317 81 4,115 955 231 7,307 479 397 129 13.548 9,773 1,400 S 177 7 8 S 14 40 U 90 58 59 141 9 3 20 22 21 67 12 16 19 20 29 47 50 62 502 3S0 275 832 207 105 356 51 30 72 156 75 284 177 71 58 48 806 603 6,530 B B 10 1 92 3 28 86 103 14 6 191 4.!0 1,!K8 .129 10 277 464 1. 2->S ■S2i 1 10 14 14C •J02 4 137 102 333 136 01 144 129 55 7 1 1 24 101 124 390 206 10 330 984 4,640 1.724 35 709 1,505 6.919 5,752 9 365 1,063 3.C46 1,290 7 130 302 V Male ■•s 0,548 5,266 4,061 2,723 2,308 1,415 41 46 11 1,520 1,236 1,027 646 510 313 325 293 47 196 223 17 7» 30 One or both parents foreign M.ile 31 2.422 1,039 2,211 829 586 985 5 17 029 398 420 165 148 267 19 28 175 10 7 106 32 33 FeTiiale Foreign burn Main 34 1.292 019 1,697 573 412 963 8 9 13 241 179 631 156 111 192 106 69 79 02 44 48 3.-P 36 Colored JIale 37 924 073 8,447 559 404 2,977 9 4 47 305 266 524 114 78 1.100 40 39 627 31 17 419 3» Female 39 Married Male to 4,785 3,662 8,112 1,052 1.325 2,801 25 22 36 190 328 474 021 539 1,106 501 320 788 309 110 307 «1 42 White Male 43 4. .582 3,530 6,092 0,060 1,540 1,252 2,432 2,154 19 17 31 29 173 301 437 355 ,591 515 980 838 473 315 658 019 203 104 320 313 44 Foinole 45 411 Male 47 3,4.'-l> 2,607 020 1,200 048 278 IG 13 2 120 220 82 445 393 142 385 234 30 231 82 13 48 40 One or botj parents foreign Male M 473 453 1,120 130 148 360 29 63 37 70 03 120 15 24 130 7 6 71 51 5 U Foreign Ijorn Male 63 050 4-0 335 213 156 170 3 2 11 15 22 SO 67 59 54 73 67 39 65 Ifl M Feni ale U Colonel Main t» 203 132 103 73 s 23 27 80 24 28 11 le • U FeiMlo ;.'.■.■ 'IMIK DKAF AND DUMl?. 653 AOK TEKinnS, WITH DISTINCTION OK CONJIKMK CONDITION, SKX, (;OLOI{, AND NATIVITY: 1890. wai* not ri'iMH ti-- 1 11 ro (>liiilt(*i).| kam PEnioua— contlnui'd. Nonron grnitnl. Unknown. Totul. il I'uknown. 15 to 80 yonra. S0t4>46 yean. 4SloOO ye«r». 60 years ami over. Total. 'CnkDOwn. I&toSO yeara. 80 to 46 yt»n. 4Stoeo yean. t0yr»T9 and over. 15. 078 ' 8.426 6,052 1 4.437 1 8.07, ' 0. 3U0 ! 131 7,834 3,741 2,102 1.270 2,630 •1 867 SU 605 613 1 77 M 4.455 3,37» 2,032 1,709 1,148 054 714 650 1,S07 1,123 36 23 497 360 830 264 801 ao4 343 270 1 122 7,421 3,613 2,045 1,230 2.410 S2 759 SU 478 585 4 69 ! 53 i 4.230 3. 1'.>1 1,961 1,652 1,113 D32 698 538 1,386 1,030 30 22 437 322 308 236 283 193 328 257 5 a 12,720 112 6,770 3,171 1,670 997 1,993 ; 46 . 680 458 372 437 7 9, 673 : .i,.na) 4. 344 1 87 4,571 2,550 1,515 950 1.684 , 496 368 352 425 8 47 40 2,551 2, 020 1.380 1,170 821 691 5.10 420 904 1 720 24 10 284 212 212 156 214 138 230 195 9 10 3,047 i 1.775 1 272 25 2,199 621 155 47 309 3 184 90 20 12 11 10 9 1,307 892 337 284 87 68 28 19 171 1 138 3 108 76 45 45 11 » 4 8 12 13 ..- j 967 1 750 ' 10 CJl 442 375 239 423 6 79 86 104 148 14 6 4 372 •J79 214 198 2^ 170 140 99 251 172 8 3 45 34 51 35 58 46 94 64 16 16 041 b65 286 413 128 07 34 214 9 98 50 29 28 17 8 1 223 188 71 57 33 23 10 18 121 93 6 3 60 38 22 28 18 11 15 13 18 19 9,910 82 c.soa 1,733 748 418 1,374 42 752 299 158 123 20 5.086 4,224 49 33 4.rs6 2, STJ 971 782 394 351 186 232 811 503 27 15 455 297 177 122 89 69 63 60 21 22 9.410 ! 77 C,534 1.C71 7=0 407 1.231 37 665 270 146 113 23 5.412 ! 4.007 43 3,878 2,650 925 740 382 348 182 223 720 ; 511 ' 23 14 401 264 160 110 81 65 55 58 24 25 8.37a 73 5, 939 1.430 570 323 I.e.')! 33 595 229 110 84 26 5,948 3,337 2.611 51 3,941 1.118 523 315 830 30 431 178 108 83 27 29 22 2,299 1,012 007 511 2ra 235 134 181 4S3 347 18 12 254 177 109 69 63 45 39 44 28 29 2,425 1,460 965 1,046 22 2,018 318 53 U 221 3 104 51 2 1 30 14 8 1,236 782 177 141 20 27 7 7 133 88 180 1 » 103 61 26 26 41 1 31 2 ,32 575 235 141 01 154 78 1 * 70 36 29 33 615 431 5 34^, 23:; 88 . CO 41 37 104 1 76 2 2 44 20 23 16 18 18 15 14 34 35 491 5 375 82 18 11 143 S 87 29 12 10 8« 274 217 t 208 1B7 40 36 12 4 7 91 52 1 1 51 33 17 12 8 4 8 2 37 38 4,502 37 884 1.853 1,016 830 1,157 572 968 1.-, <> '.I 100 ;(-,! 295 294 39 2,530 1.972 25 1 12 359 526 705 452 425 147 603 365 41 5.) 119 196 99 215 79 40 41 4,393 2,458 1,935 i =.-. 848 1.618 1,133 560 918 11 92 219 283 283 43 22 12 342 500 993 825 685 448 416 144 575 343 4 7 no 50 140 lOJ 186 97 209 74 43 44 3,838 28 774 1.029 950 457 722 10 83 203 226 1S8 45 3,269 1 20 003 1,346 858 436 043 19 64 167 209 193 46 1,R<2 1,427 10 245 358 730 010 .'•22 338 323 113 411 232 4 6 30 34 90 71 140 69 141 52 47 48 SG9 2, 171 283 02 21 79 10 38 17 5 49 SOS 264 555 3U 244 2 C8 103 74 158 125 189 58 34 183 10 2 103 38 41 190 6 14 9 19 44 11 t 57 8 2 85 SO 61 6 ' 62 4 2 29 45 99 00 105 78 74 29 126 70 1 8 25 19 35 65 20 fill 1 64 109 3 36 34 24 12 50 4 8 15 12 11 SS 72 87 3 17 18 23 11 20 4 9 S 28 22 2 2 5 3 5 10 10 2 6 6 68 a 654 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 219.— CONGENITAL AND NONCONGENITAL DEAF AND DUMB 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BT A(/E 6ES, COLOR, AND COXjrOAL COSDITIOS. Acprre- guto. AOE PBUIODS. Congenital. Total. Unknown. IS to 30 years. 80 tu 45 years. 45 to 60 yeara. CO years ami over. 1 1,417 516 11 19 97 158 231 y[ti\f, 3 8 4 453 964 1,200 1T5 341 447 5 6 3 10 11 32 Co 83 55 103 139 80 151 208 Whito Mfllo.. 6 « 7 8 421 8BD 1.061 074 154 293 378 346 3 3 5 5 1 10 11 9 28 55 73 62 48 91 121 111 74 134 168 159 Male B 10 U 321 633 90 120 226 32 3 2 21 41 11 40 71 10 56 103 9 9 2 Male 12 13 U 19 71 226 10 22 C9 1 1 4 7 10 2 8 18 3 6 40 1 15 1fi 81 145 127 24 45 69 3 7 14 G 12 19 15 25 23 1 5 17 8 18 19 32 95 74 21 48 21 2 3 2 1 4 10 10 7 12 9 6 17 1 21 22 8 37 37 09 12 9 20 1 s 5 10 6 3 9 1 1 "W^itc . .. Main 14 36 33 61 56 11 9 18 17 5 5 9 8 3 8 8 1 1 1 T7 Main tfl 28 28 5 9 8 1 4 4 1 5 3 09 1 Kt Ono or both parcmts foreign Male i 1 01 H' Kemalo 1 2 1 1 m Poreign bom 1 Mnio M 2 1 1 Sh >'emalo 38 Colored 1 1 Malo 87 1 1 88 Female THE DEAF AND DUMB. PERIODS, wnri DISTINCTION OP CONJUGAL CONDITION, SliX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 18D0— Contlnnwl. C55 AQK nuioDS— ooDtlnuoa. None oiigoultal. Unknown. 1 Total. Unknoirn. 15 In 30 years. 80 in 4S yciirfl. 4.') In 00 yi'jiri*. 00 ycam uiitl ovur. Tolal. Unknown. 16 to SO >vars. 30 In 4& 4r. to 00 60 yp.ini aiid'ovvr. 632 7 37 123 m 270 279 4 S 28 49 103 131 180 1 mo 583 3 4 6 « 30 38 85 112 44 141 170 90 174 2.'>9 88 181 260 3 1 4 1 4 2 7 21 23 IS M 45 IRl 471 422 4 6 5 9 27 34 20 30 70 ill 75 41 129 134 125 93 100 203 191 80 174 215 206 3 1 3 3 7 10 23 22 15 3u 35 34 61 125 152 no 2 2 1 247 49 2 3 I 6 20 8 30 45 10 29 116 9 88 123 12 00 140 2 1 7 15 1 10 24 1 47 99 1 1 10 u 4U 112 3 5 2 2 17 18 2 7 30 2 10 60 u 13 U 1 9 45 1 1 1 10 6 3i 1 37 75 39 4 14 11 10 20 15 23 33 11 20 25 19 1 S 5 4 14 20 7 IS U IT 1 1 3 5 9 30 44 1 13 3 12 12 3 8 10 2 17 9 1 2 I 3 18 10 20 1 4 5 3 4 3 5 20 24 42 ] 3 3 7 12 5 7 12 7 3 10 5 4 7 1 2 2 1 3 2 8 21 23 23 5 5 3 20 22 38 31 1 2 3 1 7 5 12 U 5 7 10 9 7 3 8 8 5 2 5 5 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 3 24 25 26 27 5 5 S 3 3 15 19 4 1 7 4 1 2 7 1 5 3 4 1 I 3 28 28 80 s 1 o 1 3 4 1 1 31 3S 33 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 2 I 14 3S 30 1 1 2 1 1 1 ... 37 n 2 1 1 2 1 1 656 INSAXE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND ULIXD. Table 213.— 1>KA1' AND DUMB JLVLES 'WHO KKAD AND WRITK, WHO ]?EAD AND V)0 NOT [All cases not reported Table 211.— DKAF AND DUMB KEMALKS WHO HEAD ANJ) WJHTi: WHO UK AD AND DO NOT [All oasns not reported LITERACY BY COXOEMTAL AND XONCONGENITAL. Ae;sre- gatc. WHlTl;. Total. 5 to 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to S5 years. 35 (0 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 65 to 05 years. 1 Total 14, 993 13, 978 2,335 3,935 2,648 1,873 1,360 871 2 3 10, 730 321 3,921 21 10, 4!18 298 3, 103 19 1,597 05 072 1 3,228 08 038 1 2,071 24 553 1,402 37 428 6 970 45 342 3 623 27 219 2 4 6 "WTien deafnefls occurred : CoDgenital 0,105 5,583 1,027 1,461 1,031 791 555 333 7 8 3.988 113 2,050 8 7, Ml 3,874 100 1,590 7 7,300 6C0 27 339 1 1,171 1,146 19 200 739 8 284 565 13 206 2 933 312 20 162 1 668 226 5 121 1 408 g 10 11 2,254 1,471 12 5,928 183 1,523 7 1,187 5,835 108 1,290 7 1,095 858 • 34 279 1,912 40 295 1 220 1,2» 14 233 730 16 180 ) 149 920 22 124 2 137 312 18 78 13 14 15 111 137 146 110 17 16 19 20 8U 25 342 789 24 277 5 79 4 54 170 3 47 108 2 30 107 3 36 3 108 3 20 85 4 20 1 1 THE DEAF AND JJlMli. 657 WPITK, AND Will) NKITIIKR HEAD KOK WIMTK, 1!Y A(ii; I'lCRIOUS AND MY COLOH: 1800. aa to litvrncy omitted.] WHITE— continued. • I1I.OUEU. ™* OS jcnrs nnil over. Unknown. ToUl. 6 to IS years. Ifi to SS years. SS to 36 ycnn. 35 lo 45 years. 45 tn SS years. 65 to 05 years. 05 yeora and over. Unknown. 1,060 ISl 1,323 273 408 240 120 01 52 48 1> 1 7«I 27 274 4 112 3«6 35 001 1 87 10 170 174 15 279 75 2 109 27 3 90 12 2 77 2 43 1 2 3 I IS 2 8 4 S 48 1 40 882 03 772 ICO 200 152 78 52 :;.! ::■' :; « 21.'i 40 190 15 561 40 G 108 80 6 108 30 15 1 02 S 3 2 23 2 7 8 9 10 n Ml :;:i '• ii;t 47 30 8 U9 03 «20 00 103 70 88 20 14 8 5 339 14 94 •i 225 53 148 18 259 1 125 32 4 CO 09 8 8e 27 2 47 10 1 27 18 2 2 1? 1 13 U IS 18 10 n 1 8 35 17 45 18 10 13 10 4 1T7 7 39 2 19 42 2 81 9 19 1 25 9 1 7 1 1 1 18 19 20 15 1 8 9 12 7 10 1 s ! 1 1 1 "WRITE, AND WHO NEITHER READ NOR "WRITE, BY AGE PERIODS AND BY COLOR: 1890. as to literacy omitted.] THrTE— continued. COLORED. 05 years and over. Unknown. Total. 6 to 15 years. 15 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 ye.irs. 45 lo 65 years. 65 to 65 years. 05 years and over. Unknown. 8oe 150 1,015 213 355 180 100 GO 38 41 14 1 605 20 268 i 102 3 43 2 232 23 758 2 69 8 147 1 105 7 243 41 4 140 1 11 2 87 10 2 1 35 1 3 1 10 1 3 4 S 50 40 280 79 582 127 199 100 69 43 21 23 10 • 150 128 1 343 46 2 30 1 52 114 7 460 1 341 39 2 86 47 2 160 15 2 82 1 65 4 7 3 55 36 21 23 7 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 18 76 130 31 17 12 9 1 236 17 88 2 177 43 1 7 1 19 93 15 233 19 6 61 46 5 79 18 2 45 7 2 22 2 1 15 11 9 1 92 12 26 21 10 6 6 9 3 119 5 62 1 13 23 1 05 1 1 12 8 1 1 1 3 1 1 17 18 19 20 10 1 14 13 10 5 8 2 t 717U INS 42 658 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 215.— CONGENITAL DEAF A^V DUMB WHO READ AND WRITE, WHO READ AND DO LITEEACV BY 6EX. Total Read and writ* lio.id and not wriio , Noitbor read nor write iicad, aod unknown as to writing Male Head and writ© "Re-A and not write Keither read uor write Kead.aud unknown as to writing Female Head and write Head and not write If either read nor write ICead.aud unknown as to writing Agpre- gate. 13, 638 9,023 217 4,371 27 7,473 5,035 104 2,315 19 6,165 3,988 113 2,056 Total. 12,284 8,713 195 3,350 26 6,701 4,839 89 1,751 19 5,583 3,874 106 1,596 7 StolS years. 2,157 1,350 66 750 1 1,130 29 411 660 27 339 1 15 to 35 years. 3,279 2,554 42 680 3 1,818 1,408 23 384 3 1,148 19 296 S5 to 35 years. 2,289 1, 715 14 550 10 1,258 976 6 266 10 1,031 739 8 2S4 S5 to 45 years. 1,712 45 to 55 years. 1,287 1,246 27 433 681 9 227 ""4 791 565 18 206 829 32 373 3 682 487 12 181 555 342 20 192 1 65 to 66 years. 790 538 9 242 312 4 121 353 22s 5 121 1 THE D1:AF and T)UMB. NOT WHITE, AND WHO NEITHER READ NOR WRm:, BY AUK PERIODS AND BY COLOR: 1890. 659 ifnrnt— ooDtlsaed. OOU>BKO. Ao yenm aud'ovor. Tliiknown. Total. GlolS years. IS to So yearn. S.-> to 3S yonrs. 8S to 4S yoam. 4S to 6S yoara. 65 to OS yeam. OS ynara and o\er. Uoknowa. 678 142 1,354 287 460 252 187 95 51 53 20 I 39S 13 2tS9 1 88 3 63 1 810 22 1,021 85 8 IN 133 8 818 M 2 105 1 10 1 117 12 8 2 40 4 1 15 If 3 83 53 4 nos 03 772 100 200 152 78 62 30 SO 10 6 24,'. li 141 40 100 15 601 46 6 108 80 1C8 89 16 1 02 5 3 2 25 2 7 n 23 113 47 30 8 • 10 2SG 79 582 127 199 100 69 43 21 23 10 11 150 7 128 1 40 2 30 1 114 7 4C0 1 39 2 80 47 2 150 15 2 82 1 4 7 2 1 7 1? n 65 30 21 23 14 i 660 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablb 216.— deaf and dumb MALES BY OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE PERIODS AND COLOK: 1890. [All cases where occapation is not stated are omitted.] ^. Agere- gate. wnrrE. : ■ J COU>KED. OCCUPATIONS. Total. TTn- knoTTD. 15 to 20 years. SO to 26 years. 25 to 85 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 years and over. Total. Un- known. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 36 to 45 years. 45 years and over. Total 14,474 13,459 151 2,658 2,135 3,024 2,109 3,382 1,015 21 239 209 236 125 185 29 26 18 9 653 113 18 113 GO 13 41 3,3J6 22 52 3,708 12 41 64 181 84 137 74 1C8 33 16 277 15 10 89 503 2,404 140 93 2,022 29 26 18 9 547 113 18 113 GO 13 41 3,207 18 47 3,154 12 41 64 181 84 129 74 168 33 16 274 15 10 40 490 2,296 140 93 1,886 1 1 6 4 6 1 73 30 13 5 7 3 114 49 4 38 10 4 12 789 5 7 915 4 10 14 44 15 36 22 59 8 5 6 2 97' 17 7 18 14 2 6 670 4 14 662 4 5 12 44 21 26 9 44 11 5 29 6 7' 87 6 18 30 321 5 3 8 3 237 5 7 30 11 1,358 6 24 713 4 18 24 03 42 19 15 29 9 11 27 2 5 10 162 G 36 22 445 1 , 3' 1 1 23 11 Cari)eiit«rs and cabinetmakers C 1 1 - a Plftvka 1 11 •. 1 15 10 36" 36' 3 84 1 351 9 270 2 '"'574' 129 4 5 654 3 i' 11 13 2 15 30 1 1 140 19 1 72 49 3 108 125 89 2 i' 2 a 8 4 8 21 6 28 17 22 2 1 1 1 1 :::::;:;i::"::" 3 1 20 8 13 3 8 4 1 2 1 3 30 77 3 9 69 548 20 10 287 99 4 2 n 144 67 49 30 422 3 2 1 lUilroad employes 1 3 32 i' 27 1 3 25 1,637 11 """334' 1 49 13 108 3 1 3 1 CO 9 3 30 14 2 4 S 6 1 IS 1 136 2 42 17 31 19 2S Taui-E 217.— deaf and DUMB FEMALES BY OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OP AGE PERIODS AND COLOR: 1890. [AU cases where occupation is not stated are omitted.] Aggre- gate. WHITE. . COLORED. OCCUPATION S Total. Un- kuown. 16 to 20 years. 20*0 25 yc-iro. 26 to 86 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 ye.irs and over. Total. Un- known. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 35 ye.irs. 85 to 45 years. 45 yeari and over. Total 9,969 9,239 110 1,954 1,378 2,100 1,511 2,236 GSO 9 193 120 155 89 114 13 21 « 6 232 41 ,58 657 3,281 278 69 73 3 13 111 2,051 3 1,647 00 60 1,275 13 21 8 6 228 41 44 621 3, 221 62 40 73 3 13 109 1,885 3 1,690 60 00 1,179 8 8 1 2 41 10 5 72 238 5 11 24 4 10 4 1 71 12 7 119 968 17 12 26 1 3? 624 49' 17 25 189 2' 1 37 4 6 123 792 15 8 6 i' 21 347 1 8 13 15 113 1 2 i' 7 36 1 2 1 1 1 25 6 2 30 32 U B 1 62 3 23 273 1,155 14 8 G 2 4 1 1 * 14 33 GO 216 29 i 2 2 1 2 2 52 6 4 5 10 68 6 4 5 20 69 12 1 K 12 24 2 4 u 14 21 g 6 18 332 2 342 17 5 220 2 21 3 189 28 472 6 106 2 17 1 33 31 2 85 48 20 s' 13 1,170 6 ■■"468 3 13 10 170 57 44 8 4 1 TcJiclum AUotheni 00 2 51 11 Iti 10 t J THE DEAF AND DUMR. 661 Tabi.e 918.— congenital DEAF AND DUMB MALES HY OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE PERIODS AND COLOR: 1890. [All cuea wbcro oconpatlon is not ulatcil aro omitted.] Aggre- gftlv. WIIITB. COLOUED 0CCCPATI0N8. Total. Un- known. 15 Id 80 yoara. 20(0 yours. 2.-) to ycard. S6to 46 years. 46 years and over. ToUI. Un. knows. IS to SO years. SO to 26 yoow. Silo 86 years. S6to 46 yean. yars and over. Total S,C3I 6,023 G6 917 742 1,151 821 1,32G toe 10 143 108 148 82 117 Artists and photoprflpliorn 10 8 179 40 7 31 17 3 11 1,241 31 20 1,783 73 18 88 33 67 12 84 20 14 4S 211 811 56 34 646 G 10 8 170 40 7 31 17 3 11 1,170 27 15 1,434 2 23 4 73 18 85 33 67 12 84 IG 14 13 202 752 56 32 582 1 1 3' io' 8 5 1 1 ?.8 •n 2 11 4 1 4 2CS 8 1 406 1 3 - — llnkor.H find ('ouft'etioiiurfl 5 1 36 7 1 3 5 i' 250 3 278 1 5 2 13 18 2 17 9 5 2' 33 7 90 1 5 73 1 4 G 2 3 513 7 11 35a 1 i' i 9 CariH'iittTs ftud cabinctumkors 3 1 1 Cigiir makers 1 Clerks 1 3 5 ■*' Coopers ,•-...... Editors 1 lZ 1 30 3 2 03 3 *"" 71 4 5 349 3 i 4 5 1 7 18 1 1 100 2 47 23 Gardenors 3 1 " 144 233 71 G9 Mftohinista 1 2 3 10 2 21 9 14 5 15 5 3 5 5 63 1 13 8 142 1 .. |.. ...... Hecli;inic3 2 3 14 1 18 10 26' 4 2 4 29 160 10 3 E9 18 2 23 13 22 4 33 4 7 2 65 10 21 12 132 .... 1 Arorcliaiils 1 Alill uud factory operatives 2 1 10 4 2 1 13 3 2 1 1 Minora I'eddlers 1 Railroad emplov^'S * 1 1 1 1 Sailors ." 35 9 59 1 2 1 42 4 16 10 3 1 G 4 13 1 14 C 539 5 Tailors Teachers 2 04 1 9 is' 1 12 Allothers... 11 118 18 12 Table 219.— CONGENITAL DEAF AND DUMB FEMALES BY OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE PERIODS AND COLOR : 1890. [All cases ■where occupation is not stated are omitted.] Aggre- gate. WHITE. COLOnED. OOCCPATIOHS. Total. TJn- knov™. 16 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 26 to 35 years. 85 to 46 years. 45 years and over. Total. Un- known. 16 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 26 to 35 years. 36 to 46 years. 46 years uud over. Total 4,003 3,596 59 766 487 790 625 863 407 6 Ill 70 93 52 6» 3 6 4 67 15 21 255 1,176 183 40 3 55 3 67 933 644 22 16 500 3 G 4 64 15 13 234 1,141 39 20 3 55 3 57 836 620 22 16 445 1 i' 1 4 2 16 7 2 45 334 8 4 2 19 1 17 230 24 6 5 70 i 17 1 3 46 290 13 6 1 1 Cig.ir makers 1 1 3 15 i' 8 2 8 5 15 3 1 1 1 7 102 415 10 5 8 21 35 144 20 i' 1 1 1 1 2 1 36 6 3 4 8 36 3 1 3 10 42 6 4' 8 13 3 8 7 7 18 2 15 12 5 1 6 24 75 3 4 if 2 7 126 114 2 2 97 9 4 Scam.st resses 3 13 12 16' 3 78 467 2 1 165 6 169 3 6 7 49 21 220 7' I 64 97 24 1 19 17 S 6 20 1 21 81 Studonts 56 1 29 11 9 8 t 662 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 290 DEAF AND DUMB EEPORTED AS TO WHETHER THEY HAD OR HAD NOT DEAF AND DUMB RELATIVES, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1S90. J 1 Total. Mnlo. Fo. male. WHITE. Total. Kativo Irorn. Foreign born. COLOnED. ttELATIVES. Parents n.itive. One or both p.arcnts foreign. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Total reporting as to deaf and dnmb relatives 25,471 13,719 11,752 12, 832 11,073 9,333 8,221 2,303 1,871 1,196 981 887 879 15, 057 7,904 7,153 7,558 6,918 5,854 5,401 1,134 1,019 570 498 316 235 438 311 BIO 753 1,238 1,221; 613 4,550 4,145 333 298 242 10,414 1,282 261 151 •509 397 670 COO IKl 2, 402 2,155 174 141 128 5,815 718 177 157 401 356 KCS 53li 450 2, OSS 1,990 159 157 114 4,599 504 242 147 489 380 640 658 149 2,349 2,076 168 135 125 5,274 686 169 146 387 342 540 510 427 2,034 1,939 146 152 114 4,155 544 203 118 415 314 537 519 130 1,715 1, 564 130 107 102 3,479 544 144 114 333 279 404 420 338 1,515 1,4.50 121 129 S8 2,620 446 24 24 51 44 73 79 13 445 3J3 13 10 10 1,109 82 13 22 38 46 51 02 56 352 335 15 10 14 852 64 15 5 23 22 30 CO 7 189 169 25 13 7 626 CO 7 10 16 17 31 .34 33 167 148 10 .13 12 4S3 31 19 7 20 17 30 32 14 113 79 6 6 3 541 32 8 11 14 14 22 yatliers 20 - 23 54 51 13 5 No deaf and duinl) relatives 444 20 1,226 4 2 8 6 36 634 690 2 2" 2 22 172 536 2 2 6 4 14 462 658 2 2 22 158 516 2 2 6 4 14 439 519 2 2 19 137 420 2 2 6 4 12 340 79 62 CO 34 32 20 Aunts Consins - 3 14 2 60 7 33 14 23 Mothers 613 2 4 4 5 6 3,573 163 1 3 1 1 3 1,954 450 1 1 3 4 3 1,619 149 1 3 1,861 427 1 1 3 4 3 1,550 130 338 12 1 1 56 1 1 7 33 14 S3 i 1 3 1,555 3' 3 2 1,300 Uncles Aunts 211 1 1 169 Cooains..... ,, ITot stated as to parental side 95 81 93 69 432 305 898 742 1,196 258 151 506 394 645 174 154 392 343 551 239 144 486 377 615 166 143 378 334 629 201 116 412 311 515 142 112 324 272 450 23 23 51 44 70 17 21 38 45 48 15 5 23 22 30 7 10 18 17 31 19 7 20 17 30 j4 Annta .......-...--.--..........„.,.,.... j4 I THE DEAF AND DIJMR 663 TABLKtftil.- -CONGENITAL DUAFAM) Dl'Xin UKPOIJTKI) AS TO WIlKTIir.K Tm.Y HAU OR HAD NOT DEAF AND DUMB KELATIVIIS, BY SEX, COLOlf, AM) NATIVITV: 1800. Total. - Malo. Fn. male. wuin. oou> Malo. To ul. Native born. ! l-"orci;4n born. MMO. BXLKTIVVS. raronis catlre. Ono or both , paroutsforuign. Mala. Fe- male. Male. Fb- male. Male. Fo. male. Male. Fe. male.! Fe- mala. ToUl roportiDgaa todonf nnd dumb relatives 14.030 7,427 0,012 e,83S 6,174 5,110 4,719 1,114 1 065 605 490 1 1 592 438 10,103 5,265 4,843 5,002 4,001 104 a5 234 204 291 305 273 1,488 1,418 84 90 85 1,513 320 3,885 3,048 753 003 30t 320 203 183 2S0 171 r.;i8 440 082 7-.>i 408 3,298 3,020 2U0 183 177 3,931 761 145 77 295 230 374 402 118 1,707 1,571 108 88 92 2,162 420 111 04 ^13 210 308 320 290 1,529 1,453 94 95 85 1,769 341 130 70 281 218 353 377 1117 1,CK0 1.510 103 82 91 1,833 395 107 55 247 170 303 1 302 03 1,235 1,141 79 08 70 1,231 318 84 03 202 170 2.33 249 210 1,119 1,074 72 70 68 1,071 268 14 12 23 20 34 43 9 317 246 9 7 10 361 45 14 14 23 24 23 33 37 257 249 6 5 8 272 35 3 11 10 10 32 5 128 123 15 7 S 241 32 10 15 23 20 112 95 6 9 S 170 23 15 7 14 12 21 25 U 87 61 3 6 1 329 25 7 » B 12 17 Fntlnira 15 Idnthors 17 41 40 10 S 258 IS FatlnTt . 722 4 2 5 22 422 402 2 i 2 13 123 320 2 2 5 3 9 299 377 2 i 2 13 112 305 2 2 5 3 9 282 302 2 i' 2 11 96 249 2 2 5 3 7 222 43 33 32 23 25 16 1 2 11 2 40 5 20 11 17 M«thor9 408 2 3 3 4 2 2,040 118 1 2 i' 1 1,098 290 1 1 3 3 1 942 107 1 2 i' 1 1,029 273 1 1 3 3 1 688 93 210 9 1 1 37 1 1 5 20 11 17 1 r 1 872 3' 2 1 749 1 108 93 49 46 69 M 250 166 529 437 058 142 75 294 227 SCO 108 91 235 210 298 127 68 280 215 339 101 82 228 198 281 103 54 246 176 291 83 63 194 165 245 13 11 23 29 32 13 13 23 23 21 9 3 11 10 16 6 6 9 10 15 15 7 14 12 21 7 9 9 11 17 1 THE BLIND. CGo 666 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 222.— BLIND, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATWITY, BY STATES AND TEREITOEIES: 1890. RATES AM) TEBBITOBIE3. The United States Korth Atlantic division Maine Kew nampshiro Vermont Massachusetts Bhodo Island Connecticut Kew Tork Kew Jersey Pennsylvania Booth Atlantic division Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia "West Virginia ICorth Carolina South Cai-olina ..?... Georgia Florida Ifoitb Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan "Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missonri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division . . Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississijipi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division Montana "Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona DUh Nevada Idaho "Washington Oregon Colifoniia Total. 50,411 13, 520 672 3S0 438 1,81G 307 724 4,389 839 3,925 7,803 101 819 182 1,713 705 1,502 997 1,446 308 17,508 3,373 2,174 2,834 1,608 1,219 640 1,421 2,457 69 177 473 1,063 9,820 1,970 1,617 1,377 1,014 857 1,588 35 1,156 J, 700 39 7 189 300 20 130 10 30 100 145 718 Male. 27,983 7,439 388 208 235 978 145 395 2,370 458 2,262 47 405 97 912 401 777 504 707 167 10, 207 2,006 1,274 1,C49 926 723 394 831 1,331 42 102 295 634 5,258 1,036 088 763 533 451 855 17 615 1,062 26 4 122 170 16 74 10 17 03 80 474 Fe. male. 22,428 0,081 281 172 203 868 162 329 2,019 381 1,603 3,846 54 414 85 801 304 815 493 739 141 7,301 1,367 900 1,185 CS2 496 246 590 1,126 27 75 178 429 4,562 940 829 614 481 406 733 18 541 638 13 3 07 124 10 50 13 43 05 244 Total. Male. 24, 274 7,302 388 208 235 900 142 384 2,336 435 2,208 2,416 40 297 54 514 387 4C9 199 346 9,908 1,927 1,236 1,617 912 721 390 823 1,243 42 102 292 603 3,602 882 746 422 234 214 638 15 451 1,046 26 4 122 175 16 73 17 61 80 403 Fe- male. 19,077 5,928 283 170 - 202 S52 154 321 1,976 349 1,C21 2,321 40 291 46 463 S86 539 196 400 60 7,039 1,315 879 1,160 072 496 246 585 1,048 27 75 178 408 3,107 770 627 341 207 189 534 18 421 032 07 122 10 56 13 43 65 241 Native born. Parents native. Male. 10, 345 4,388 320 170 167 570 76 271 1,198 265 1,351 27 198 25 478 339 459 187 330 70 0,103 1,258 971 957 479 219 no 502 936 7 46 103 455 3,174 794 717 396 210 129 493 13 413 10 2 74 1J8 4 16 4 7 38 59 205 Fe- male. 3,653 241 151 149 487 87 227 1,040 209 1,062 2,125 30 203 27 447 260 530 192 385 51 4,663 932 713 727 391 135 74 373 867 8 35 101 304 2,793 330 199 110 420 14 410 C 1 49 111 7 30 61 109 One or both pai-cnts foreign. Male. 2,458 23 11 22 118 19 32 352 54 283 0,125 210 104 2»1 121 124 54 96 109 14 40 43 Fe- male. 1,794 684 30 271 45 215 156 76 141 77 79 38 75 85 3 18 31 45 119 150 79 5 2 1 20 10 7 2 1 10 3 2 Foreign born. Male. 5,471 2,000 45 27 46 278 47 81 786 110 574 208 2,080 459 161 450 312 378 226 225 198 29 42 89 105 254 45 14 11 9 59 93 1 22 329 20 11 41 3 7 17 15 175 Fe- male. 3,675 28 10 38 287 GO 64 665 95 344 £27 00 292 204 282 134 137 90 10 >>o 43 195 40 4 52 81 1 3 170 Total. Male. 12 3 11 34 23 54 l.COl 7 108 43 368 14 308 305 361 87 299 1,658 154 242 341 299 237 217 o 164 16 Fe. male. 3,351 43 32 42 1,525 14 123 39 338 18 276 297 339 81 212 1,455 170 202 273 274 217 199 120 Black. Male. 1,446 95 35 325 9 271 236 338 80 1,485 135 218 310 273 209 194 2 144 12 Fe- male. 2,915 126 1 1 1 11 6 7 37 30 32 1,331 13 108 31 287 16 240 272 291 67 171 1,284 150 176 2o0 248 180 107 113 Mixed blood. Male. 417 171 Fe- mala. 43t 27 5 a 1 6 3 10 191 1 15 8 61 2 30 25 48 11 11 13 1 6 5 171 20 20 23 26 87 33 THE BUND. r,G7 TAnn- 22a.-MLIND, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX.'COLOR, ANP NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OK POPtTLATION, BY STATES AND TKKIUTOKIKS: 1850 TO 1890. (o) " NnuDKn or dund. lUTio run 1,000,000 or ropDijinoif. STATES AND TEBI11TOB1K9. 1800 18S0 1870 1800 18S0 1800 1880 1870 1800 18S0 Thn Untli'il Stilton 50. .WS 48.928 20,320 12,058 0,701 808 076 527 na 423 ;Male 28.060 22.488 43. 3S1 7,217 41,300 0.178 26. 748 22. 180 41.278 7,000 40,500 8,329 11,343 8,977 10,9GG 3, 354 17,043 3,277 7,2S7 S.431 10. 729 1.929 10. 874 1,784 6,455 4,330 7,978 1,810 8,093 801 3.S4S 876 736 788 015 775 002 1,018 000 951 1,133 934 1,247 582 449 461 471 304 SOS 300 075 427 517 398 580 431 1 382 408 490 420 357 13, 521 14,007 6,150 4,400 777 070 411 Male 7,440 0,081 13,2.111 201 9, 923 3.598 072 7,824 «0,243 13,714 353 10.237 3,830 797 3, .579 2, 571 5.995 155 4.. '•.52 1,598 324 2, 075 1,785 4, 295 105 3, 505 955 233 2.000 1,455 3,417 128 3, 003 450 198 857 697 773 1,041 731 025 1,017 1,093 850 961 1.511 875 1,361 1,228 5KU .008 482 413 495 854 486 034 517 335 411 1,050 409 47? 371 330 ■White 403 855 Kfttivo 424 330 340 • Malo 388 284 071 1 599 73 380 455 342 794 3 703 94 412 2U7 117 323 1 297 27 200 138 95 231 2 220 13 142 110 82 198 1,167 865 1,018 540 1,029 925 1,009 1, 404 1,033 1,227 1,440 1,191 1,590 1,187 601 873 517 475 514 552 647 435 305 368 1,502 372 347 435 .390 287 340 187 11 134 .379 346 421 Mftlo 208 172 378 2 343 37 438 232 180 410 2 373 39 486 118 88 203 3 jRri 20 ■ 189 68 74 141 1 131 11 1C5 70 64 132 2 127 7 140 1,115 905 1,006 2,899 1,128 611 1.318 1,360 1,020 1,184 2,625 1,240 842 1,463 758 641 639 4.975 644 675 572 425 445 433 2,024 429 525 524 448 306 416 3,840 Native 418 491 440 jlale 235 203 437 1 354 84 1.840 251 235 434 2 379 107 1,733 123 66 18D 107 58 165 93 47 139 1 129 11 463 1,388 1,245 1,319 006 1,228 1,005 824 1,504 1,421 1.461 1,8T3 1,301 2,612 072 742 400 573 674 371 525 581 305 444 Colorod 1.383 jTati ve 161 28 761 150 15 498 568 594 522 531 458 403 460 326 466 978 868 1,818 28 1,2TS 568 307 944 789 1,700 33 1,240 493 300 432 329 744 17 547 214 121 296 202 492 C 402 96 85 275 188 457 420 43 67 899 754 821 1,188 8C8 864 889 1,100 853 964 1,710 926 1,112 1,085 614 437 516 1.198 495 000 557 490 318 403 023 414 369 487 563 372 ^WTiite 464 662 j?"fttiTe 506 262 454 1 Male 145 162 290 11 200 107 724 151 149 287 13 210 90 013 66 55 114 7 05 20 252 49 36 81 4 69 10 176 37 80 61 6 63 4 186 863 913 876 1,438 836 1.007 070 1,135 1,038 1,063 1,072 1,037 1,216 984 630 488 537 1,363 587 469 469 . 582 398 475 1,007 M3 428 382 513 398 424 Colored 1.035 Native 510 1G7 502 395 329 70.'i 19 579 145 318 295 589 24 497 1 116 198 114 241 11 218 34 107 G9 106 lU 160 10 112 74 174 12 182 4 1,069 ST3 961 1,482 1,029 790 1,010 931 964 2,013 1,009 892 520 419 457 1,111 514 280 473 29S 368 1.157 422 m 610 390 W^hito 479 1,560 .548 Foreign 104 a IncludiDg Cliincse. Japanese, and ludians. 668 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 323.— BLIN'D, WITH DISTIXCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION^ liY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Coutiuued. STATES AXD TEKRITORIES. KCMDKR OF BLIND. RATIO PEn 1,000,000 op POPULATION. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1890 1880 1870 1800 1850 North Atlantic division— Continued. 4,38D 5,013 2,213 1,768 1,181 732 986 505 450 381 Male 2,370 2,019 4,312 77 2,936 1,453 839 2.766 2,247 4,909 104 3,300 1,707 829 1,295 918 2,168 45 1,464 749 317 1,081 687 1,697 71 1,294 474 208 711 470 1,137 44 968 213 207 790 60S 72S 1,442 603 925 681 1.104 872 979 1,556 8.S4 1,409 733 599 414 501 856 451 658 350 569 353 443 1,445 4^9 473 310 "White 395 325 423 l^fale 458 381 784 65 627 212 3,926 482 347 765 6'4 813 216 3,884 _ 178 • 139 291 26 247 W) 1,767 116 92 187 21 169 39 1, 185 123 84 191 16 969 635 520 561 1,137 502 644 747 861 607 701 1,637 674 974 907 396 205 332 847 344 370 502 340 273 289 829 308 318 408 501 344 "Whito ... 382 Colored 1 205 445 207 419 2,263 1,663 3,829 97 3,007 919 7,867 2.K5 1,«59 3,776 W8 2,916 968 8,394 1,022 745 1,722 45 1,337 430 3,750 713 472 1,135 50 910 275 2,568 553 416 941 28 828 141 2,513 849 642 744 884 682 1,087 888 1,041 773 900 1,258 789 1,647 1,105 681 422 498 6S9 449 789 641 490 325 398 878 368 639 479 473 364 ■Wliito 417 5''2 412 465 4,019 3,848 4,737 3,130 7,551 316 101 4,178 4,216 4,921 3,473 8,061 333 127 1,920 1,830 2,200 1,550 3,596 154 68 1,291 1,277 1,610 958 2,474 94 42 1,256 1,257 1,520 993 2,428 85 39 910 867 847 958 873 1,515 599 1,112 1,098 1,057 1,180 1,086 1,911 866 670 612 605 099 632 923 544 480 477 487 405 476 578 374 536 Female 638 \Vhito 539 534 531 810 Delawaro 426 47 54 80 21 85 16 819 60 67 101 26 107 20 946 26 42 42 26 58 10 427 25 17 32 10 40 2 298 14 25 25 14 39 549 651 671 739 547 1,216 786 810 921 841 983 780 2.112 1,012 415 673 411 1,141 601 1,095 547 441 306 353 402 388 218 434 305 549 White OSg 453 Maryland 323 554 Male 405 414 588 231 691 128 184 477 409 694 252 818 128 104 219 208 323 104 368 59 78 155 143 19G 102 267 31 47 170 153 215 108 292 31 24 785 786 711 1,070 729 1,367 799 1,032 992 958 1,199 960 1,546 923 569 525 533 693 528 707 592 455 413 380 696 438 400 626 582 626 White 514 654 649 605 District of Colambia 464 Male 98 SO 100 84 152 32 1,713 80 84 82 82 139 25 1,710 43 35 20 58 73 5 895 27 20 29 18 40 7 a789 13 11 15 9 "2 0881 894 712 646 1,110 718 1,705 1,034 957 893 695 1, 375 866 1,460 1,131 691 504 227 1,336 632 308 731 761 505 477 1,257 639 561 494 538 Female 400 White 395 Colored 655 470 Foreign 407 Tireioia 620 Male ni2 801 1,007 700 i,o.'-.ri J8 859 851 897 813 1,682 28 455 440 486 409 875 413 370 520 269 771 18 405 470 497 384 868 13 1,100 063 987 1,110 1,011 3,157 1,152 1,110 1,018 ;.287 1,123 1,905 762 701 682 797 1,454 512 476 497 490 494 . 613 564 670 White 555 Colored 729 621 For«lga 568 O IncIudiDg AVcBt Virginia. THE BLIND. 069 Table a!i3.— HLIND, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS TEE 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, BY STATES AND TEUUITOKIES: 18D0 TO 1890— Continued. r ...--■ 1. , — -. ._.., KOIDEIt or DLIND. BATIO PER 1,000,000 or POPCLATIO^f. 1890 1880 1870 1800 18G0 1800 1880 1870 1800 1850 South Atlnntic division— Continued. 705 625 ICg 024 1,011 seo Ifalo 401 301 C73 32 601 44 1,503 360 265 697 28 681 44 1,873 05 73 147 21 153 15 835 1,027 810 022 078 889 2,330 085 1, 145 1 42« 872 ! 333 1 1,008 i 347 1,080 1.168 Whito 908 2,409 1,338 300 878 770 681 601 585 640 Male 778 815 1,008 685 1,580 7 997 903 970 1,101 712 1,804 9 1,100 429 406 640 295 831 4 451 203 318 372 209 670 5 291 275 286 379 182 551 10 298 974 995 OSS 1,040 983 1,891 866 1,31» 1,363 1,339 1,337 1,335 2,405 1,105 827 7,351 796 761 778 1,321 639 531 640 S9I 570 582 1,510 4U 038 C53 ■\\'Iiito CSS 670 638 3.871 M6 Halo 604 403 395 602 990 7 1,447 603 597 434 666 1,070 30 1,034 232 219 188 263 434 17 740 145 146 161 130 279 12 484 172 120 150 148 279 19 357 881 862 856 874 865 1,116 788 1,026 1,182 1.110 1,102 1,083 3,903 1,060 075 605 649 632 622 2,106 625 417 410 553 315 402 1,202 458 523 372 W'liito 510 37C 423 2,182 3M Male 707 740 740 701 1, 435 12 308 821 813 861 773 1,004 30 216 370 364 410 324 724 10 88 240 238 285 199 407 17 30 188 109 224 133 350 7 30 709 807 763 816 786 989 787 1,076 1,043 1,054 1,066 1,047 2,810 798 649 601 651 594 617 1,438 469 462 433 482 427 447 1,457 256 412 378 429 348 380 1,070 1 343 Male 167 141 140 168 290 12 17, 648 115 100 94 121 190 19 15,224 45 43 38 60 80 8 6,853 17 19 15 21 34 2 8,056 19 11 15 15 27 3 1,729 827 744 622 1,009 803 623 785 843 752 659 954 755 1,917 877 476 461 396 545 438 1,611 451 233 282 193 335 248 604 336 414 265 ■\Vhilp 318 373 319 1,083 320 Male 10,231 7,317 16, 997 051 13,260 4,282 3,373 8,703 6,521 14,730 494 11,841 3,383 2,960 3,337 2, 516 6,613 240 4,621 1,232 1,366 1,820 1,236 2,955 101 2,463 693 899 1,013 716 1,659 70 1,609 220 642 882 680 776 1,223 725 1,055 918 965 497 781 401 868 ' 442 1,227 1 849 384 281 :!:i2 513 326 384 384 300 Fotnalo ■White 277 315 518 Jfativo 820 1,160 926 434 528 613 317 338 324 Male 2,006 1,367 3,242 131 2,687 686 2,174 1,675 1,285 2,874 86 2,340 620 2,238 772 594 1,318 48 1,102 264 991 629 370 880 19 721 178 530 371 271 630 12 669 73 353 1,081 753 904 1,497 836 1,494 992 1,038 811 922 1,073 836 1,570 1,131 577 447 607 758 481 709 590 444 322 382 518 358 542 302 386 281 AVhite 323 475 323 335 357 Male 1,274 900 2,115 69 1,923 251 1,226 1,012 2,181 67 2,002 238 54.1 450 962 29 880 lOS 310 214 522 8 468 «2 204 149 341 12 327 2S 1,139 838 985 1,292 940 1,717 1,213 1,046 1,125 1,443 1,092 1,637 631 U7 681 1,169 676 743 452 329 390 683 380 524 399 313 "Wliito ^ 349 1,066 351 Kativo Toroiiiu 468 670 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 223.— BLIND, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COI.OK.AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PEE 1,000,000 OF POftJLATION, BV STATES AND TEKRITOKIES : 1850 TO 1890— Continued. KDMBEE OP BLIND. RATIO PEB 1,000,000 OF POPULATION. isao 1S80 ISJO 1860 1S50 1890 1880 1870 ISCO 1850 Horth Central dirision— Continued. 2,835 2,615 1,012 170 264 741 850 410 278 SIO Male 1,640 1,186 2,777 68 2,087 748 1,021 1,662 1,053 2,573 42 1,978 637 1,289 599 443 1,031 8 780 262 418 295 161 475 1 381 95 255 163 101 259 5 221 43 125 830 610 737 1,002 699 S83 770 985 706 819 899 793 1,092 787 455 302 412 278 385 500 :i53 327 224 279 131 275 203 310 364 251 •\71,it© 30» 920 299 384 314 Male • 9« 690 1,584 40 1,108 616 1,223 713 510 1,242 47 903 386 1,075 202 156 899 19 295 123 409 117 108 251 4 215 40 220 75 50 125 855 689 704 l.OOf 715 919 725 862 705 709 2,100 723 991 817 424 275 342 1,133 322 159 388 372 305 311 308 358 208 284 357 266 White 316 Natire 113 12 63 329 219 208 Male 723 498 1,217 6 663 600 642 641 434 1,069 6 524 651 448 219 160 409 136 81 220 41 22 63 819 613 724 936 482 1,271 493 943 633 810 1,021 570 1,359 571 457 311 3S9 334 228 285 249 156 207 NMive 207 202 103 112 lOS 23 35 28 300 554 234 224 390 131 180 253 Malts 395 247 636 6 282 380 1,421 270 178 439 9 239 209 1,310 69 41 103 11 9 23 508 407 191 1,059 338 770 713 644 492 565 2,311 466 7S1 806 251 215 235 150 111 136 Colored . . . . - ..... Nativo 01 42 405 15 8 192 219 261 389 132 136 284 50 260 Halo 831 590 1,403 13 1,059 302 2,467 770 640 1,298 12 997 313 2.258 288 197 462 3 309 06 901 115 77 191 1 165 27 41B 28 22 50 836 013 711 1,203 667 1,117 917 908 695 801 1,198 731 1,190 1,041 428 347 389 510 373 469 525 324 210 283 882 290 255 379 277 241 261 (jolored Kativo 42 8 232 245 382 8M Male 1,331 1,126 2,291 166 2, 16.1 291 68 1,209 1, 019 2,0R2 170 1,990 202 (o) 503 401 797 107 779 125 (a) 259 189 3S0 08 375 73 131 101 191 41 202 30 901 870 900 1,101 885 1,252 378 1,073 1,007 1,029 1,209 1,020 1,238 r.oi 186 497 906 520 562 416 338 357 674 367 455 366 312 323 Colored 45S Kativo 331 392 Horth Dakota Mai" 42 27 69 413 333 379 Colored Kativo 24 40 177 237 552 538 603 (<6 M06 1353 Male 102 75 177 37 20 CO 3 37 2S i) 2 S 666 SOS 54 1 450 492 451 1,478 411 602 338 877 396 Colored Kativo 113 64 4 1 475 703 427 208 VonlfiD a Sco South Dakota. I> Dakota torritoty. THE BLIND. 671 Tablk aas.-BLiND, wrrn distinction or sex, color, and nativity, and ratios per 1,000,000 of population, BY STATK8 AND TJiKKITOKIES: 1800 TO 1880— Continued. HUMBEB or OLIXD. 1 =3 BATIO PRK 1,000,000 or rOPULATIOR. 1800 1880 1870 1880 18S0 1800 1880 1870 1800 18M Kortli fiMitn.l tliviaiun— Continued. 480 220 22 3 402 480 170 104 Mnlo 307 182 470 10 357 132 1,004 134 80 217 3 101 59 748 12 10 22 2 1 3 530 374 440 1,580 417 052 740 638 423 482 1,137 454 606 751 170 100 180 U« 83 10& AVhiU^ Kfttivo . 18 4 128 2 1 10 195 130 351 M 157 03 JIiilo 685 429 1,011 63 900 164 9,830 435 53 «04 84 9,804 60 69 102 26 120 8 4,123 7 3 10 844 630 734 1,049 704 1,109 896 812 079 730 1.200 749 703 1,090 141 804 294 1,443 380 105 641 118 04 KaUvo 9 1 2,334 05 70 405 1,900 443 Mnlo 5,205 4,565 0,709 3,121 9,374 450 1,970 5, 152 4,652 6,684 3,120 9,415 389 2,110 2.214 1,909 2,727 1,390 3, 933 190 978 1,234 1,050 1,631 703 2,231 103 674 1,027 879 1,281 625 1,860 46 552 941 849 890 895 880 1,117 1,063 1,141 1,056 1,133 1,034 1,089 1,418 1.283 686 595 645 033 C34 815 740 433 875 437 345 403 448 683 465 420 450 419 ITativo 446 330 (82 Male 1,036 940 1,052 324 1,891 85 1,817 1,0S5 1,031 1,777 339 2,027 80 2,020 515 463 779 199 941 37 876 • 327 347 510 158 638 30 554 308 244 419 133 538 14 474 . 1,059 1,020 1,039 1,208 1,051 1,432 1,023 1,303 1,203 1.290 1,249 1,270. 1,495 1.314 774 707 709 895 74S 584 090 5.52 610 561 600 582 602 499 613 509 .550 002 Uativo 560 MB 473 lAalc 9S8 829 1,373 444 1,794 23 1,380 1,048 978 1,542 484 2,001 25 1,309 444 432 COG 210 8G0 16 Gil 308 240 432 122 547 7 318 241 233 383 91 471 3 296 1,108 940 1,027 1,030 1,027 1,148 912 1,302 1,205 1.354 1,199 1,312 1,497 1,108 712 080 711 651 694 828 013 547 450 623 431 502 330 330 478 467 506 370 472 531 884 Malo 76.T 010 703 017 l,3frt 10 1,017 740 659 755 644 1,382 17 1,071 344 267 348 263 596 15 474 174 144 198 120 314 4 204 153 143 156 140 290 1,010 814 915 908 910 1,0S3 789 1,189 1,030 1,140 1,073 1,103 1,746 946 704 525 007 553 604 1,500 573 356 303 an 274 330 324 334 390 377 360 Colored . 400 387 205 338 Malo 482 441 570 1,004 13 857 653 518 468 603 1,057 14 845 254 220 212 262 460 8 447 144 120 147 117 260 4 230 114 91 112 93 204 1 214 623 753 809 773 783 1,635 760 975 918 970 025 942 1,520 899 014 531 554 589 571 715 615 355 311 415 267 333 467 325 306 309 379 290 Mativo 339 209 413 Malo 451 406 403 454 743 114 362 366 470 769 86 262 185 178 269 387 00 140 84 102 128 211 19 116 08 72 142 194 20 806 726 722 810 695 2,292 1,030 768 804 988 857 1,588 723 507 492 737 582 970 395 249 285 365 337 235 422 Femalo..... 403 White 282 541 Kative 431 Foreign 298 672 INSAKE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 223.— BLIND, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OF POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Continued. STATES AXD TEKniTOElES. NOIBEK OF BLIND. KATIO PEE 1,000,000 OP POPULATION. 1890 18S0 1870 18G0 1860 1890 1880 1870 ISOO 1850 South Central division— Continued. 1,691 1,375 404 150 73 712 804 494 248 313 Male.. 8r.7 731 1, 172 419 751 624 1,017 358 1,2-8 147 229 175 274 130 354 60 98 62 119 31 120 SO 47 26 61 12 68 6 731 691 671 856 079 1,151 5CG 896 828 849 907 831 1,233 641 443 4&5 512 40.'? 801 306 183 2R3 169 214 091 413 263 398 205 319 283 Femalo "VThitc Colored 176 Oklahoma 115 Male 17 489 064 501 663 558 730 1,020 Femiile 18 33 2 S3 2 1,157 vriuto Colored - Kativo Foreign 1 i 072 333 144 92 1,211 687 331 438 Male 010 511 872 285 1, 130 27 1,802 493 4S0 759 213 961 11 1,439 165 167 270 63 329 4 444 87 67 117 27 141 3 240 48 44 78 14 89 3 101 1,052 997 1,065 921 1,014 1,893 595 1,182 1, 213 J,2S3 1,010 1,213 1,063 814 669 707 746 515 6,S6 796 448 382 274 361 213 327 833 388 437 440 4S1 293 427 2,039 Weatem divisioii Male 1,125 677 1, f.78 124 1,276 520 sni 618 1,229 210 1,045 391 293 151 431 13 341 103 157 S3 238 201 39 63 32 101 631 514 685 788 505 683 295 833 785 702 1,331 824 788 306 481 396 473 102 ,504 329 372 420 432 29 457 218 624 "VtTiite Colored Native 101 665 Foreign Montana ■■■ 1 1 Male 20 13 39 7 5 11 1 11 1 296 294 306 248 455 311 205 398 87 192 1. 1 1 ir.lliro 23 ID 7 233 371 115 ■Wyom ing 2 219 , Male 4 3 6 1 5 2 2 4 2 102 140 101 699 109 134 459 141 301 206 277 1 2 223 Native 2 2 104 134 342 535 357 Colorado 2 189 26 052 Malo 122 73 32 I'^l 91 10 18 8 20 24 2 497 401 467 4C6 429 2,096 558 491 514 60S 251 2.994 725 632 063 721 803 1,731 67 18D 153 Colurtd Native ^ New Mexico 3G 322 140 08 ^ 1,593 Male )!)fl 215 132 143 104 65 J 57 •i 154 6 97 53 147 2 148 87 31 98 2,288 1,871 2.081 2,290 2, 059 2,676 3,334 2,597 2,842 4,519 3,031 2,484 2,206 1,229 1,737 1,344 1,785 890 1,970 1.171 1,773 189 1,717 2,111 Colured ..." 2J 2113 29 4» 338 20 NatWo 08 Foreign .....'. THE BLIND. G73 T'able aas.— blind, with distinction of sex, color, and nativity, and katios tkr 1,000,000 of population, BY STATES AND TEURITORIES: 1850 TO 1890— Continiud. NOUDEB or DLIXD. BATIO PES 1,000,000 or rOPITUlTIOX. 1890 1880 1870 1860 18S0 1880 1880 1870 18M 18(0 Weatcrn division— ContinncU. 28 27 1 47D 668 104 Malo 12 20 2 9 19 133 17 10 to 1 13 14 120 1 1 438 621 468 495 220 1,011 640 603 817 739 180 633 872 875 145 Wliit* 1 104 1 29 ..::::::::.—.::::. 172 334 0tah 17 2 422 1*6 Malo 75 58 129 4 to 97 14 06 00 122 4 49 77 24 17 12 29 7 lu 17 1 1 2 S79 605 627 1,994 297 1,640 306 886 864 857 2,597 490 1,750 385 385 281 337 340 500 165 187 ■^Vhito 177 Nat i ve 9 20 4 5 12 2 160 181 2U 651 941 94 Halo 11 3 9 5 n 3 30 14 10 9 15 21 3 6 2 2 4 377 181 230 333 494 168 1,722 574 117 184 62 198 103 i 749 3 1 4 354 204 356 127 53 267 Idaho 17 13 30 4 ' 331 393 366 183 185 207 164 711 377 2 2 4 19 11 111 5 1 47 3 1 5 284 630 318 221 100 626 422 127 209 :":;::::;:::: 173 Male . ... 66 45 104 7 88 23 150 29 18 39 8 40 7 87 4 1 5 1 1 2 303 341 305 789 339 256 478 631 618 580 1,010 674 443 498 267 112 225 118 318 180 4 1 35 1 1 9 211 118 199 318 385 172 ••• Male 82 08 145 5 127 23 779 47 40 81 6 78 9 644 23 12 34 1 28 7 179 7 2 9 451 515 481 416 495 401 645 435 560 497 813 641 295 745 433 318 391 250 353 603 320 222 96 173 "White .... 7 2 63 148 300 160 California 1 U Molo 616 263 704 75 602 277 418 220 618 126 394 250 120 69 169 10 114 65 45 18 63 1 737 518 633 778 596 756 807 652 675 1,292 689 851 343 280 338 164 325 310 165 169 193 11 1 u Native 39 24 1 167 164 M 7176 INS 13 674 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 224.— 15I.IXD BKI.OXGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. AI.ADAItlA. Found in county. Total. Male. Fe- mule. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Kative born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. OOUKTIES. Paronta native. One or both parents foreij;n. Mixed bicod. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. M:ale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Thft State . .. . 1,376 1,377 763 614 422 341 396 330 15 6 11 5 341 273 310 250 31 23 11 3 2n IS i:. 26 15 22 10 21 11 H 18 G 10 18 8 16 11 3 2!) lb 20 ir. 22 19 21 12 14 27 19 10 19 8 16 5 1 12 7 14 13 7 14 12 7 8 8 15 10 4 7 10 6 14 6 • 2 17 8 2 13 8 8 7 14 4 C 12 9 3 9 2 2 1 6 6 14 ¥ 14 8 6 5 3 4 9 4 6 6 1 8 1 1 7 5 2 6 3 4 12 4 5 4 8 2 1 7 2 1 2 1 6 14 7 14 8 C 5 3 4 9 4 6 I 8 1 1 7 5 2 G 3 G 4 11 4 5 4 8 2 1 7 2 1 3 5 1 10 3 3 4 1 1 6 1 C 1 9 2 1 jjilil, 1 13 7 5 2 3 2 ...... 8 1 13 1 1 6 11 1 7 5 2 a 2 ....„ 7 4 1 3 5 11 1 1 1 2 Clurke 1 Cliiv 1 1 4 5 G 2 2 '""i' 1 4 5 5 2 2 CoH»«Tt Cnm<-uh 1 1 10 11 12 43 18 10 3 17 15 21 18 37 30 3G 54 8 23 18 27 19 3d 17 36 25 8 31 62 25 47 19 22 18 21 11 27 8 14 41 68 12 30 17 12 32 6 10 13 12 43 20 16 3 18 15 21 C 18 37 32 33 SG 9 26 18 27 20 35 17 37 25 8 31 a53 27 48 19 22 18 22 11 27 8 16 41 3D 13 80 17 12 32 6 8 6 24 12 9 1 12 5 3 4 11 22 13 19 33 6 14 8 14 10 22 11 21 12 6 22 35 15 27 10 12 10 12 5 10 5 8 21 16 7 17 10 9 17 3 10 5 6 19 8 7 2 6 10 18 2 7 15 19 19 23 3 12 10 13 10 13 6 10 13 2 9 18 12 21 9 10 8 10 < 11 3 8 20 14 13 7 3 15 3 4 8 4 3 10 7 7 5 4 4 8 3 4 7 4 3 10 7 7 5 4 4 8 3 2 3 2 3 1 D;il,- 2 21 2 2 1 2 15 4 2 2 21 1 2 1 2 13 4 """i a Dekalb Elmoro 8 EUinall 12 4 2 4 2 6 1? 21 5 10 2 7 5 3 2 10 1 4 20 20 11 7 7 4 a 5 s 5 4 7 9 6 10 9 3 8 3 G 8 16 1 1 3 13 16 21 3 9 C G C 1 1 9 4 1 9 9 4 5 9 1 1 5 5 3 3 5 4 9 4 7 7 3 2 U 4 2 4 2 6 7 17 10 5 10 2 7 5 2 2 10 1 4 20 7 11 6 7 4 3 5 4 6 4 7 S 7 6 10 V 3 8 3 6 8 16 1 1 3 13 IG 21 3 9 6 6 G 1 1 9 4 1 9 3 4 4 9 1 1 5 4 3 3 5 3 9 4 7 7 3 2 2 1 \ 2 2 1 6 12 C 3 2 ...... 4 7 4 13 5 7 9 1 ...... 8 1« ....„ 7 5 1 8 ...... 16 6 2 "'is' 1 1 ...... 15 « 2 11 1 3 4 7 5 18 8 9 11 2 1 12 4 18 2 r> 7 7 11 1 1 11 s I 7 1 S 9 2 1 1 G 11 G 2 2 Fraukliu 1 9 16 12 1 4 6 7 5 19 9 11 11 2 2 15 4 20 3 8 7 7 H.ile 1 1 Ili-nrv 1 1 2 3 Laiiilrnlalu 1 3 6 4 10 5 6 9 1 ...... 8 16 ""9 7 5 1 8 1 2 2 1 Lawreuco 1 Limf-'Hlnne LhpU'I«Io» 1 1 1 2 3 MiK-l.Tl M:.ilim.n 1 Miirt-ngo WHrinn Mnr-httll 1 3 Jb1,.l.ili- 5 2 8 4 a Montgomery 1 1 2 1 8 Pirrv Pif-ki-nii Plk. JUndulph 1 1 KlIKMSlI 11 1 1 IS 7 1 7 1 9 fit. Clair St.i-ll.v 3 16 4 2 * SniMl.r I 2 1 4 2 Talludcgi 1 Tallnpoona Tn..al.KiHa \V .Ik.r ■\\';iHi.ini'ton ""u 1 i 1 a Three Indiana not included. 1 THE BLIND. 075 Tadlb 9a4.— BT-TND BELONGrVQ TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF RKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY ST.VTF,.S AND TKURITORIE8: 1890— Continued. ARIZONA. Fonnil in couuty. Totul. Male. uioIb. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Nativo bom. Fnr«i(ni burn. Total. BUek. 00DKTIC9. Paronta nnlivo. Onftorbnili ]>arfDlii lbrcij;Q. Uixed blood. Unle. Fe. male. Male. Fo. niulo. Male. Fp- iiialti. Male. Fn. male. Mule. Fb- niaio. Male. Fe male. Male. Fe. malew 20 2e 10 10 IG 10 4 2 1 11 8 1 3 G 1 11 G 1 3 1 9 aC i. 2 b i' i i" 1 1 B 1 2 5 4 4 i 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 ' 1 i 3 1 1 1 4 2 ' 4 3 1 1 ARK A. '%'.<« AM. Tho State 1,150 1,156 615 Ml 451 421 413 410 16 8 22 3 IGt 120 ,U 113 20 7 7 9 12 r.i .-! 8 n:i u 18 ir G 6 g 2i) 11 25 }2 10 14 23 17 17 12 24 C 10 10 s 31 G 14 30 19 11 14 9 4 n 21 14 16 4 12 6 15 14 13 22 11 5 26 5 S .1 28 13 46 7 9 12 .11 25 3! 8 , 34 13 18 17 8 9 20 11 25 12 10 7 14 23 17 17 12 21 9 10 10 8 31 G 14 30 19 11 14 9 4 9 21 14 16 4 12 15 14 13 22 11 5 26 5 5 5 28 13 45 4 7 G 30 15 5 15 8 12 8 2 5 5 10 5 ]« 8 C 3 10 11 12 7 7 18 3 t 3 3 14 3 b 22 6 6 5 5 3 5 11 6 6 2 6 1 10 8 16 8 3 11 3 4 3 14 8 23 3 2 C 21 10 1 3 19 5 C 9 4 3 4 10 6 9 4 4 4 4 12 5 10 5 6 3 5 5 7 5 17 3 9 14 13 5 4 1 4 10 8 10 2 C 5 S 7 6 G 3 2 IS 2 1 2 14 6 22 3 5 6 30 15 1 " 10 8 2 2 4 6 5 14 2 3 1 1 3 10 7 15 3 4 6 2 2 13 3 3 8 6 5' 1 1 11 3 6 2 5 7 5 16 2 3 1 3 4 3 12 « G 3 2 G 21 10 1 1 10 1 6 9 4 2 2 10 5 8 1 2 2 4 3 10 5 6 2 ? 4 14 3 7 3 13 2 9 2 10 10 2 1 4 2 7 3 6 1 2 12 3 U 3 3 6 29 14 1 4 11 io' 8 2 2 4 5 13 2 3 1 1 3 8 C 7 11 3 4 4 2 2 11 3 3 7 6 5' 1 1 10 6 2 4 6 4 14 2 2 1 3 4 3 11 6 S 3 1 .■; 20 9 1 1 18 1 G 9 4 2 2 10 5 8 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 , 1 1 1 8 2 ...... ....„ I 1 1 6 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 Clark Clav 1 CU^vobinil 3 1 4 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 4 8 2 3 1 4 ••"2 5 2 2 8 68 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 M 1 CrawfnnI 1 2 G 3 2 9 8 2 I 1 1 I Dallas 1 4 3 10 5 4 2 5 2 7 4 14 3 7 3 13 2 2 ...... 1 Frankliu , 1 4 1 3 "i 2 ...... 1 1 3 1 3 ...... 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 14 2 11 1 U 2 11 1 1 3 6 3 J^Be ! 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 10 G 9 2 1 4 2 7 3 6 1 2 2 2 1 1 i 8 2 1 2 a 1 Miller 6 1 5 5 1 3 < 1 6 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1! 3 2 1 6 2 4 2 2 > rhiliips 1 " 13 10 13 Pike 1 1 Polk 2 12 3 10 1 2 t 17 2 2 11 2 a 14 2 1 10 .. .„ 1 Pulaaki 1 i 1 a Two Indiaus uot includttd. b One foreign bom includetL 676 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 221.— BLIND BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKKITOKIES: 1890— Continued. ARKANSAS— Continued. Found in county. Total. Hale. Fe- male. WHITE. COLOEED. Total. Xative born. Foreign born. Total. Black. CODKTIEB. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 1 Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 31 5 10 8 10 47 6 18 11 5 8 41 29 21 18 31 5 10 8 10 o47 6 18 11 S 8 41 29 21 18 12 3 7 4 6 26 2 7 4 3 6 26 14 10 6 19 2 3 4 4 21 4 11 7 2 2 15 )5 11 12 12 7 4 - 6 23 2 7 3 3 6 25 14 3 6 18 2 3 4 4 20 4 U 7 2 15 13 3 11 11 7' 4 6 19 2 6 3 3 6 22 14 3 5 18 2 3 4 4 19 4 11 7 2 2 15 13 3 11 1 ...... 1 St. Francis 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 Sburp 1 1 1 XJnion 2 1 1 "'i' 8 1 1 ...... TVhite 2 6 1 * Woodruff 7 1 3 Tell 1 CAl,IFOR:>riA. 710 718 474 244 463 211 205 109 83 47 175 85 11 3 9 1 2 3 124 684 '^>8 c9 4 3 69 7 'I 7 n 652 (d) 3 A4 3 «3 6 11 t20 64 11 £40 2171 624 3 617 86 9 AS 1 5 13 21 alO 4 60 m3 15 f>8 6 7 6 56 28 53 27 15 8 12 7 26 12 3 1 o3 1 Alpine 8 9 2 9 4 3 9 G 7 1 7 3 4 00 3 4 3 3 5 11 20 4 7 13 2 11 40 148 23 9 3 17 35 3 1 i 13 21 9 4 6 3 14 7 6 7 G 5 6 7 3 3 6 4 6 1 6 2 3 33 3 3 1 2 1 3' 3 1 i 2 1 19 5 6 2 7 3 3 5 4 G 1 6 2 3 33 3 3 1 2 1 3 S 1 4 1 2 2 2 1 ...... 1 1 1 2 1 limio Calaveras 1 Colusa 2 2 2 2 Del Xorte i 2 1 "'i' 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 Invo K.rn 1 2 1 18 3 1 1 21 2' 10 1 1 2 1 l.akf 1 4 4 9 1 1 M ;irin il.iripnsa 3 3 1 3 2 9 11 1 10 1 6 25 in 17 8 2 12 24 4 3 1 3 7 10 6 2 4 2 6 6 6 6 i' 2 3 2 9 3 2 4 1 5 15 60 V 1 1 6 12 6 2 2' 6 6 4 2 2 1 » 3 2' 3 3 1 3 2 9 10 1 7 9 1 6 25 109 17 6 1 12 24 4 3 1 3 7 16 6 4 2 6 5 a 6 6 i' 2 3' 2 9 3 2 4 1 5 15 60 7 1 1 11 5 2 1 3 1 1 2 5 3 1 6 8 i" 1 i' 7 3 1 2 Mrntlncino * Merced 1 .......... 1 1 1 2 2 2 Kapri 3 1 1 6 K«vada 1 1 Plarcr 1 2 1 1 8 CO 6 1 1 2 Sacramento 4 2 1 1 3 18 1 1 1 ...« San lii-nilo San Hcrnardino 5 13 23 8 4 8' It 1 2 4 9 13 5 i 2 5 3 1 " ■;■ 26 3 1 1 3 2 San Diego 3 29 1 1 2 c2 San J (*a<) u ! n •■■>•• 2 1 1 1 1 San Mateo "■■■•• Santa Mar bara 1 ...... 4 7 1 1 2 1 1 "*■■* 6ant.-i Clara 1 1 Santa Cruz Shaata Sierra 1 1 ...... 1 Siskiyou 6 6 4 2 2 1 9 3 2 1 3 30 5 2 2 1 2 1 5 3 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 4 1 4 I Bolano Sonoma BUnisIaus * Butter lobxima 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 Trinity Tolaro 9 2 Taolumns 3 Tentora ""■■* Tolo 2 • ••• Tub. 2 a Onnlmlinn not Inrlmlfnl. b Onci ('hlriCK(« not Iriflncloil. e One f■! n«*i;. Black. C0URT1I8. Poren t« natlro. Onoorkotli narenu i forelen. 1 Ulxad blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. lUle. Fo-I male.l 1 «•"'■ Ilic) M"'"- I^J i 180 27 4 2 3 6 7 4 1 1 1 2D G 2 4 3 1 14 4 1 2 4 \ 17 3 G 2 2 1 1 3 1 8 1 2 1 1 2 1 180 122 07 12J 67 74 40 20 10 28 8 ' 1 37 4 « 2 4 7 7 4 1 1 2 C G 2 4 3 I 15 5 1 2 4 1 7 21 ? 2 2 1 1 3 1 8 1 2 1 1 2 1 27 4 6 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 1 5 4 I 1 3 13 1 4 1 i ) 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 1 t 10 i' 3 4 1 1 2 4 i" 2 1 10 1 1 1 1 i' 6 2 3 1 2 i 1 2' 1 27 4 G 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 1 5' 4 1 3 1 3 15 1 4 1 i" 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 1 10 i' 3 4 1 R 3 5 1 2 3 3 1 1 4 10 4 9 1 1 j\acH i' 3 4 1 1 1 1 ; ; ::: 1 i f»n*Iili'» ! 1 1 1 1 t .,..; 1 1 \ ; 1 2 4 i" 2 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 4 1 1.... 1 PI pnao 1 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... 1 3 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 '< ^ 1 1 1 Lake 3 1 1 1 1 I'Ht.i . 4 2 3 1 2 i 1 2 15 1 2 i" 1 1 1 6 1 3 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mes'i 2 1 .... 1 1 I Park Pitkin 1 1 1 3 , Kio HLinrn 1 1 1 2 1 1 ■Weill 2 1 1 COSf.-VECTIClTT. Thp State 707 724 303 32D 384 321 271 227 32 30 81 64 11 8 8 7 8 1 145 156 71 38 1S5 83 31 48 140 161 71 40 140 83 32 48 91 81 35 25 69 49 18 27 58 80 30 15 71 34 14 21 87 80 31 25 67 48 18 27 58 80 35 14 65 34 14 21 68 47 27 20 40 32 15 22 40 49 28 10 44 26 12 18 6 1 1 10 6 ""2 « 9 3 2 4 4 2 13 27 3 4 J7 11 3 8 12 22 4 2 17 4 i 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 it4-litif>lil 1 1 C 4 2 1 1 S 1 3 1 1 1 DELAWARE. 98' 101 47 54 40 40 27 30 2 '6 11 5 7 U 7 13 1 19 47 32 20 IS 32 12 26 9 8 23 23 9 23 8 6 19 15 8 11 8 5 10 15 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 2 4 8 S 3 1 2 1 ^ n S 3 8 1 :l 1 1 DISTRICT OF COE.VnBIA. The District 173 182 87 85 54 46 25 27 9 1 '1 20 12 43 39 35 31 1 8 8 173 al82 97 85 54 40 25 27 9 7I 1 20 12 43 39 35 31,1 8 8 a Two Indians not included. 678 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 224.— BLIXD BKLONGLN'G TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AKD NLMUKK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. FL.ORIJOA. Fonnd in county. ToOO. Wale. male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. COUKTIB8. Parents native. One or both parents loreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. The State .............. 308 308 167 141 80 60 70 51 4 8 6 C 87 81 80 67 ' 11 23 4 1 1 5 5 1 1 23 16 IS 3 1 C 3 15 22 I 31 G 2 10 5 25 10 ]6 3 3 3 4 4 6 4 5 2 1 2 3 3 23 4 I 1 5 I 1 23 10 18 3 1 8 IG 22 7 5 31 C 2 10 5 25 10 17 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 2 1 2 3 3 18 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 U 10 10 1 1 4 8 11 6 U 2 e 2 15 5 8 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 f 1 2 5 2 3" 2 9' 8 2 6 • 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 4 3 2 6 1 3 1 12 2 12 i Br-idliird .. 1 1 CrlH V 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Dartfi 1 4' 1 1 2 1 5 3 4 1 2 9 6 10 1 1 5 5 7 ...... B 4 10 1 1 3 2 C 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 8 n 1 5 17 4 2 4 3 10 5 9 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 i' ] 1 4 4 2 5 1 3 3 1 1 4 4 2 5 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 B 1 5 10 ...... 16 1 2 3 4 8 1 "'"ii' "■"5" 5 8 1 3 Lafavetie Lake 5 15 1 2 2 " 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 11 1 1 2 7 4 2 i 1 1 3 3 2 i' 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 7 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 5 1 1 8 1 6 6 1 5 7 1 4 6 1 2 1 4 ...... 1 3 1 3 2 a 1 1 3 pnlk 1 3 2 1 gl J<,lin 1 1 2 i" 3 3 2 J 1 2 1 2 1 2 Volusia 1 TVakiilla 1 1 1 ""i' 1 1 Walion 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' GEORCIA. 1,448 1.446 707 739 346 400 330 385 9 10 7 5 361 339 338 291 23 48 Applinc 6 2 15 G it 4 85 17 2 5 30 6 5 6 22 G 2 43 3 14 19 » 3 23 7 2 15 6 25 4 38 17 2 5 30 G 5 R 26 6 2 44 4 14 19 23 9 3 24 3 2 10 2 10 2 16 7 1 15 4 1 1 25 4 8 6 13 4 1 13 4 3 2 3 2 2 1 G 1 7 5 ...... 4 1 3 2 11 2 1 1 r.^v.r 2 4 1 4 2 12 3 5 4 15 n 22 10 1 l.l 4 fl 17 3 19' 6 13 10 6 2 11 6 1 C 4 4 1 2 2 1 f 3 1 4 1 8 4 i 1" B 3 3 9 1 15 6 1 3 3 1 1 3 13 3 3' 4' 13 7 1 1 7 G 1 6 i 3 1 2 1 3 3 9 1 14 6 1 3 3 1 2 1 5 }laiik> Barlow 1 i 1 Bibb 1 G 5 1 1 1 BroiiLa 1 Bulloch 13 3 1 1 2 12 1 3 2 4 12 8 1 1 1 12 1 3 2 4 1 Biill« 1 Cariiftboll ., 7 2 1 1 1 8 4 4 i' 8 3 13 2 Carroll 1 r:ii'.,».T 1 1 ( 1 )i.,n 1 21 3 "ie' ....„ ...... 4 1 4 1 20 3 2 7 4 CI. f., ,in 2 1 3 11 1 6 Clinllo"i;a 4 12 6 1 1 7 2 ...... 1 2 8 4 f:i..ii !,«> 1 8 4 1 4 1 ( 1 .-. C'U> Ion Cobb 1 4 i THE BUND. 079 Tablb 394.— blind UELOXOINQ TO KACn COUNTY, Willi DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBliK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, UY STATES AND TKKUITOUIES: 18U0— Coutiuuca. UEOBOIA— CooUuuoil. Found in county. ToteL Halo. To- mala. WHITE. COLOBCD. Total. Nattro born. Foreign Iwru. ToUl. Black. OOUHTIKS. ParoDts natlTO. 1 One or both, parcnta foreign. Miied blood. Malo. Fe- male. Mala. Fe- male. Halo. Fe- male. Male. Fe. mule. Male. Fo- malo. Male. Fe. male. Male, Fe- mala. 4 3 17 18 8 2 14 14 5 13 14 4 :i 3 30 5 8 60 13 4 14 7 21 2.'. 3 17 12 29 5 4 12 15 2 8 4 11 1 7 1 10 11 10 9 4 13 7 13 G 13 1 6 3 ID 6 9 8 35 7 6 14 5 5 10 1 8 13 5 8 4 8 17 18 8 2 2 15 14 S 12 14 4 3 8 3 2 31 5 8 69 13 15 7 21 25 3 17 11 12 29 5 4 12 15 3 7 ' 13 1 7 1 10 11 10 9 4 13 8 13 5 14 1 6 3 10 6 9 8 39 7 6 14 G G 2 17 1 8 13 S 8 1 8 10 7 1 5' 5 2 5 5 3 1 6 3 6 17 3 4 34 6 C 13 2 10 9 1 9 5 3 14 7 e 2 5 5 9 1 3 1 8 5 G 8 2 7 2 9 4 1 6 1 3 2 7 4 4 4 13 3 4 8 1 2 2 8 5' 7 2 6 3 3 9 8 1 1 2 10 9 3 7 9 1 2 3 i' 2 14 2 4 25 7 2' ■ 5 11 16 2 8 6 9 15 5 4 5 9 1 2 4 4' 2' 6 5 1 2 6 6 4 2 4 8 1 3 7 4 1 i 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 1 1 2 3 9 2 5 1 3' 4 1 i' 3 1 3 I 4 a 1 1 1 3 8 2 S Colnuill 5 3 3 5 6 6 8 8 4 8 1 1 1 Patio 1 4 2 1 2 5 1 7 ...... 2 « 1 4 3 2 4 1 i 4 Seknlb I Da 1 1 8 1 1 ...... 1 1 D...1k1;i» 2 1 1 5 » 3 3 19 6 3 2 4 8 1 7 3 9 3 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 i' 1 7 1 4 12 1 4 3 10 2 8 2 9 G 5 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 B 8 3 2 17 G 3 2 4 8 1 7 2 3 9 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 Xflinuliam 2 2 Elbon g 1 1 S 1 1 1 1 7 1 4 10 6 Kftvotto i 7 1 "u 1 '"a 1 14 1 6 1 9 1 1 1 2 1 15 1 1 10 1 1 • G i liiMT GlflHrock Glynn 1 4 3 15 2 8 2 9 6 5 3 2 1 1 10 1 1 8 10 ....„ 1 1 1 7 Goriliin GrtMino C 1 1 Gwinnett 1 }1i))u-r.H]iani Hull 2 3 4 2 3 4 H..ral>on Harris 5 5 8 1 H.iil Hcanl 1 3 8 ""2 4 4 3 1 2 2 a 1 2 8 Henry 4 3 1 2 3 6 1 1 Jackson 2 4 1 J enVrs on Joni-s 2 2 2 2 I I Laurens Lee 8 2 3 2 1 8 8 2 3 5 3 1 2 LibertT 3 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 1 2 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3' 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 4 I 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Lincoln j ...... 1 Lowiiiles Lumpkin WcUiiflJe 5 1 S 5 5 3 1 4 5 ...... 4 1 5 ...... 1 1 S S 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 i 3 4 1 2 Miller lIMton 3 1 3 5 4 26 4 2 6 4 3 9' 1 3 6 3 3 1 2 4 4 1 4 8 1 3 4 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 13 2 1 1 4 2 4 1 2 4 4 1 4 7 1 3 3 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 11 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 Wit.llell Monroe 3 2 I 4 3 8 2 1 4 Montgomery Morcnn 3 M tirra V 1 1 1 5 2 1 4 13 2 I 6 4 2 I 2 10 2 1 3 1 S Newton Oeoneo Oclethorpo 1 3 t Piikena 1 I J*ierce Pike 4 4 5 1 S 6 1 4 5 Polk 1 Pulaski 2 1 1 i' i 2 3 2 1 g' 3 6 2 3 « 2 3 6 1 PiiTnaai 1 2 3 Quit mull Babun 1 680 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 224.— BLIND BELOXGIXG TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND XUMBEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. G E O ROI A— Contmned. Fonnd in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. COCSTIES. ! Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. re- male. Male. re- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 8 44 2 4 13 14 8 23 12 6 5 13 2 8 16 3 15 10 10 8 15 10 5 11 21 4 6 6 20 15 7 9 45 2 4 al3 14 8 23 12 6 6 13 2 8 16 3 15 11 10 8 16 12 5 11 22 4 6 6 20 15 7 5 20 i 6 9 2 14 8 2 4 7 1 4 7 3 3 6 3 4 4 4 t 10 2 3 2 6 10 4 25 2 3 7 5 6 9 4 4 2 6 1 4 9 12 5 7 4 12 8 1 9 12 2 3 4 15 a 2 7 '"•'i 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 a 8 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 4 2 6 i' 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 13 4 17 1 1 5 3 3 C ■■■3' 1 2 4 3 10 4 16 7 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 1 7 1 11 5 1 1 6 1 3 5 1 5 3 3 G Scn-vin". 6 7 1 11 5 1 1 1 3 5 1 Talbot 3 Tflttnnll ... 2 1 2 3 Terrell 1 2 3 1 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 5 2 5 2" 3 7 3 12 5 1 1 8 2 2 4 6 3 3 1 2 3 1 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 6 2 5 1 2 3 7 3 11 5 1 1 8 2 2 4 G 3 3 2 3 10 2 2 8 2 i 2 4 1 4 1 1 TTalker 1 1 2 1 7 1 3 ""s 4 ""1 1 2 1 7 1 1 3 7 4 1 "Whito 1 TTilkes 3 5 4 9 2 3 5 4 8 2 1 TVorlh 4 1 3 1 IDAHO. 30 30 17 13 17 13 7 7 3 2 7 4 1 . Ada 2 2 2 5 1 1 4 5 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 1 1 4 5 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 2 i' 1 1" 2 1 1 3" 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 2 i' 1 i' 2 1 1 3' 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . .1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Latah 3 i 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 i i""" II.I.IINOIS. 2.833 2,834 1,649 1,185 1,017 1,160 957 727 204 141 456 292 32 25 23 20 9 It 87 10 22 15 15 27 12 10 21 34 81 48 20 32 30 90 12 23 15 15 28 12 10 22 35 32 48 21 32 20 64 5 14 7 12 17 10 5 12 22 n 84 10 20 10 26 I 8 3 11 2 S 10 13 21 14 11 12 4 62 2 14 7 12 17 10 5 12 22 11 34 10 20 15 23 5 8 8 3 11 2 5 10 13 21 14 11 12 4 80 2 10 4 8 9 7 4 7 15 7 31 8 9 12 9 2 5 6 3 7 2 3 8 10 16 14 10 10 4 7 6 26 8 3 1 2 3 S 2 1 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 X 3 1 2 2 1 2 4 4 Bureau 4 3 ...... 1 2 2 1 5 2 1 B Callioiin Carroll 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 4 6 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 4 Ciuii ChrlitUn Clark ' Clay Clinton 2 Coles 1 1 a One Indian not included. Tin-: BLIND. G81 Table SS*.— BLIND BELOXGINO TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMIJKR FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, llY STATICS AND TKUIMTORIES: 1890— Conlinncil. IE.E.lXOI«t— CuoUiiuol. Cook Crawford — ('unilH*rland. Di'knlb Dcwilt Doiif;1»fl Dupage IMuar I'M wards KdiugUam... Fayette Ford Frnnklin Fulton Gallatia Greene Grnndy Hnmiltoti . . . llau.oik.... BardiD Henderson . . Honry Irontioia JaoKson Jasper Jefleraon Jersey Jo Daviess . . Johnson Kane Kankakee... Kendall Kdox Lake Lasallo Lawrence . . . Lee Livin^istou . . Lo^an McDoDongh. McHenry ... MeLean". Itacon Macoupin ... Madison Marion Marsliatl Mason Massac Menard Xfercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle I'eoria Perry Pialt J'iko Pope Pulaski l*utnani Kandol])h ... Riobland Kock Island. St. Clair Saline Sangamon — Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson. . Xazowell Found in county. 353 15 25 16 12 19 12 M 12 12 17 11 32 50 18 33 9 18 19 20 10 31 22 23 16 42 28 22 16 33 24 I 44 19 26 27 17 16 25 41 13 26 51 31 5 17 13 12 14 9 26 145 11 27 SO 16 12 25 17 21 8 28 19 24 41 16 44 19 13 35 4 27 13 Total. 373 16 27 10 12 21 14 80 12 13 18 12 82 51 18 34 10 21 20 13 35 22 24 20 44 028 22 16 33 16 11 41 24 45 20 26 27 13 17 25 44 14 31 55 32 6 17 13 12 14 10 26 44 11 28 52 17 12 25 17 21 8 28 20 26 44 16 48 20 14 37 4 28 18 Male. 207 10 16 8 Fe- male. 166 6 It 1 11 20 12 20 7 3 12 11 3 14 7 « 21 7 23 < 9 10 1 11 7 Total. Male. 205 10 16 Fe. male. KbUto born. 162 6 II 11 5 12 I 7 I 5 9 5 13 19 Parents nati\'c. Male. Fe. male. Oneorlxtth parents furcign. Male. 42 Fo. male. Male Fonlgn bora. Fo- ° male. Male. 125 104 ToUl. 10 Ffl. male. BUck. Mole. Fe- male.' Mlied bluod. Male. Fe- a One Indian not Included. 682 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 221.— BLIND BELONGING TO EACH COL^TY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY; AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITOKIES: 1890— Continued. II.KiINOIS— Continaed. Found in county. Total. Male. Fe- m-ile. WniTB. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. 00DBTIE8* Parents native. Ono or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. M.ale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. mala. ■„ IC t] 13 15 25 32 27 55 30 19 13 16 45 17 13 16 26 35 27 57 30 19 13 11 23 8 11 10 13 14 16 31 15 15 7 5 22 2 6 13 21 U 26 15 4 G 10 23 8 11 ■ 10 13 14 15 30 15 15 7 5 22 2 6 13 21 11 26 15 4 G 10 20 7 8 4 12 11 9 7 11 6 2 5 19 9 1 1 12 21 7 8 15 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 ■\Vab.i»U i 3 1 3 1 8 1 3 1 1 1 4 6 ...... 5 15 3 6 5 4 12 1 1 1 1 "Will 1 2 1 INDIANA. 2,174 2,174 1,274 900 1,236 879 971 713 104 76 161 90 38 21 32 17 G i 14 42 38 6 4 34 14 11 24 44 20 24 25 16 38 26 16 50 16 32 10 35 23 21 11 20 13 28 28 23 29 25 20 13 14 31 11 16 20 18 20 46 22 10 7 27 15 30 170 27 20 26 3U 19 16 15 43 39 6 4 35 14 11 25 44 27 24 25 16 40 27 16 51 18 32 10 37 24 21 11 28 13 28 28 24 29 20 27 13 14 31 11 18 22 18 21 47 22 11 7 27 18 30 121 27 21 27 30 21 16 10 29 20 2 24 8 « 13 25 15 13 13 8 27 18 8 35 13 18 5 24 14 12 5 17 G 13 14 13 24 18 17 8 10 22 7 10 13 10 13 20 15 7 6 10 9 10 71 18 10 22 10 14 7 5 14 19 3 4 11 6 5 12 19 12 11 12 8 13 9 8 10 5 14 5 13 10 6 11 7 15 14 11 5 8 10 5 4 9 4 8 9 8 8 21 7 4 1 11 9 14 50 11 5 14 7 8 10 29 20 2 24 8 6 13 24 15 13 12 7 27 17 8 35 13 18 5 20 14 12 5 17 13 14 13 24 18 14 8 10 22 7 10 13 9 13 20 15 7 6 15 9 10 61 18 10 21 15 14 7 5 14 18 3 4 11 C 5 12 18 12 11 12 8 13 9 8 16 5 14 5 12 10 9 G 11 7 14 14 11 5 8 9 4 4 9 4 8 9 7 7 20 7 4 1 11 14 43 11 5 14 7 8 7 14 15 2 22 8 G 12 IC 11 13 10 6 18 14 5 32 7 12 3 12 11 10 4 13 12 13 10 22 17 9 8 8 17 7 10 9 7 10 24 11 3 10 9 13 30 17 10 18 15 12 7 2 8 15 1 4 10 5 4 11 18 8 10 11 8 7 G 16 3 14 5 9 10 r G 8 7 12 14 10 4 8 8 4 4 8 4 7 ft 7 18 7 3 1 7 8 13 27 7 7 S 13 7 8 1 6 2 2 1 2 2 9 3 1 5 1 2 AlleTI 1 1 Ttlock ford 1 ...... 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carroll Clark 7 2 3 1 ...... '""i 1 1 1 1 Clftv 1 2 1 2 ...... 5 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 » 4 3 ...... 3 2 2 1 ...... ....„ 1 1 DekaUi DiiUiirt 1 Elkhart Flovd 1 4 1 4 1 2 2 2 Fulton 3 1 Grant 1 1 ...... 2 1 1 1 Hancuck 1 2 1 1 Ilarrirton 1 Ilendi'ickB 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 Ilowjir*! Jiuutinulou 1 1 1 4 Jaclcflon 1 Jay 1 2 1 •IcticrKon 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * JoliiiKon 2 1 2 ""l Knox 1 ]>a;:raiii'u 1 l.«ke..^ 1 4 1 1 Law r'-riro "'i' 12 ""i' i I 9 1 1 MailiHim 2 13 1 ....„ MATlnfl 7 1 3 ...... 10 7 8 4 2 8 Marnlioll Mariin Miami 1 1 1 1 M'furufl Monti:omcry 2 Kurgan .. THE BLIND. G83 Tablb S«4.— blind BELONr.INO TO EACH COIJNTY, Wl lU DISTrNCriON OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMliKU I'OUNU IN KACH COUNTY, HY STATKS AND TKltUITi >KIES: 18!10— ConliiiuMl. I .>' Ol A M A— ContiDDcd. * Fonnil III COUUtj'. ToUL Male. Fo- molo. WIIITB. 1 COLORKD. ToUl. KnttTe bom. Foreign boni. TolaL 1 niiek. OOUWTIM. rarcnUnatiro. One or both' liiirciilfl foruign. Hiied blood. Malo. Fo- mnlo. Male. Fe- male. Male. male. Uale. fJ male. Male. Pr- mule. Male. Fe. male. H"'i. 5 14 5 15 12 15 18 19 14 2j) 11 22 28 18 20 19 )8 27 25 2 15 32 21 19 17 5 54 23 34 45 19 31 27 43 21 12 10 5 IS 5 15 12 16 19 20 14 29 12 23 28 18 20 21 18 27 27 2 16 33 21 19 17 5 55 23 34 47 19 34 28 43 2"' 12 10 5 11 5 5 6 8 11 SI 8 15 6 10 17 11 14 12 11 17 15 2 12 21 12 14 11 2 24 12 23 23 8 17 14 25 12 10 4 « io' G 8 8 11 14 7 13 11 7 G 9 7 10 12 4 12 9 5 G 3 31 11 11 24 11 17 14 18 10 2 6 5 11 5 5 G 8 11 9 8 15 5 9 17 11 14 12 11 10 14 2 12 20 12 14 11 2 19 12 23 23 8 IG 14 23 11 10 4 i' io' G 8 8 11 6 14 7 13 11 7 G 9 7 10 11 4 12 9 5 6 3 29 11 11 23 11 16 14 18 10 2 6 3 4 6 G 5 6 8 5 13 2 8 16 G 11 10 15 9 2 11 19 9 S 11 1 8 11 14 19 8 14 14 18 10 7 3 2 1 2 6' 5 8 4 10 1 11 4 11 10 3 6 4 7 10 9 1 1 2 2 2 ...... 1 1 ....„ Oif niT -*— •• 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1.. •..•!«••••« 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 1 1 3 3 ! ....»• 3 ( •■■•j 1 1 '"'i' i 1 2 1 4 11 7 4 3 13 10 9 21 11 14 13 9 6 1 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 i j 1 2 6 1 1 10 1 1 C 2 4 1 2 2 12 5 s 4 2 1 3 2 1 i 1 1 2 1 2 ...... B 4 1 2 1 1 1 » 1 3 3 2 1 CI!!' 2 1 ■\^,tj(g WllllO 1 1 1 1 1 lOfl'A. The State 1,424 1,421 831 S90 823 583 502 373 96 75 225 ,37 8 5 8 4 2 1 ■ 10 8 18 25 G 81 9 15 11 12 3 10 4 9 22 8 6 6 12 8 8 20 14 6 16 13 18 IS 30 2 10 9 20 25 6 27 10 15 11 11 4 10 5 13 24 6 G 14 9 8 20 16 7 16 13 18 15 37 2 6 6 14 15 13 5 5 9 7 3 G 2 6 13 G 5 2 10 S 5 12 9 S G i 10 11 21 1 4 3 G 10 4 14 5 10 2 4 1 4 3 7 11 3 1 4 4 4 3 8 7 2 10 8 8 4 16 1 6 G 14 1,1 2 13 5 I 7 3 6 2 G 13 G 5 2 10 5 5 12 9 5 G S 9 11 21 1 4 3 G 10 4 13 5 10 2 4 1 4 3 7 11 3 1 4 4 4 3 8 7 2 10 8 8 4 16 1 5 4 2 14 1 10 2 1 4 5 1 4 1 2 11 5 4 1 G 1 2 G 6 2 2 3 10 2 7 2 3 ...... 4 1 2 1 i 4 1 2 I 1 8 " "i" 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 S ...... .»>•• i 1 1 1 2 2 ...... ...... ...»• Ap|iannt>3e •■■■•• 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 ...... 1 1 Klu-khawk ......... !!!!!! ....•• .■»•• 1 2 1 2 7 6 2 i ...... .•..** 2 ...... 1 1 1 1 ....•« 1 , -- o 2 4 3 3 1 ...... 2 ...... I 2 ...... 2 1 Cli)< kanuw >...«• Ctnv Clayton 4 4 2 G 5 7 5 9 1 10 7 7 2 9 1 "'i' •I 3 1 1 ...... D(M"itiir I 1 4 2 G ....«• Dill Moilio.'i Dickiu3uu 1 1 >••••• 684 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DU.MB, AND BLIND. Tablk 224.— blind BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVl^T, AND NtTMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERKITORIES: 1890— Continued. IOWA — Cuntiniied. ~ Found in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. win IK. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. COUNimS. Parents native. One or both ' parents luroign. Mixed blood. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Dubuque 32 32 1 13 8 10 19 16 13 18 9 3 •JO IG 17 12 2 5 17 23 33 1!) IS 12 '_'.) 4 37 29 17 14 20 27 25 19 8 9 7 8 6 22 15 2 10 8 6 5 30 19 1.1 11 12 20 4 9 10 8 16 21 32 26 17 iO 9 3 10 29 10 23 5' 5 6 15 8 8 12 4 3 14 12 8 5 '• 1 2 14 ! 11 ; 19 11 11 7 13 3 1 22 15 ' 11 10 2 1 * 18 1 11 13 5 I 4 5 15 G 1 4 5 5 i 1 1 21 11 9 S 1 17 2 5 5 3 S S 14 17 14 12 11 7 1 1 14 14 6 6 9 1 8 3 4' 4 8 5 6 5 i2' 4 9 7 1 3 3 12 14 8 7 5 12 1 15 14 6 4 11 9 14 G 3 4 1 4 1 7 9 1 6 3 1 4 15 4 3 6 9 2 4 5 6 1 11 7 15 12 6 6 2 2 S ID 4 23 5' 5 6 14 8 8 12 4 3 14 11 8 5 1 2 14 11 19 11 11 7 13 3 21 15 10 10 2 9 16 11 12 5 .'■> C 4 5 15 6 1 4 5 5 1 21 11 9 8 6 17 2 5 5 3 5 S 14 17 14 12 11 7 1 14 14 6 1 9 1 8 3 4 4 8 5 6 5 7 2 3 1 1 1 13 6 10, 19 . 16 13 17 7 3 26 15 20 12 2 5 IT 23 33 18 17 10 23 4 34 29 16 14 2 15 27 2J 22 9 9 7 7 6 22 15 2 9 8 5 4 34 18 13 11 11 20 4 8 10 8 10 20 28 2< 15 14 • 3 19 28 e 10 4 4 13 6 4 9 1 :i 2 1 4 1 5 ...... 1 4 1 2 ...... 4 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■;■ 12 4 8 7 1 3 3 12 14 8 7 5 12 1 14 14 6 4 8 7 7 3 i" 5 5 10 7 4 5 10 2 9 12 8 9 10 4 s 2 1 1 2 G 9 3 3 5 10 8 11 8 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 Ida 1 7 S 2 1 4 2 T ■• :::::: :::::;i 3| 4 .i 2 6 i 4 5 1 3 10 i 2 i } 1 1 ' 3 4 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 ::::::!:;:::: 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 Lee 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 11 8 14 5 3 4 1 4 1 7 9 1 6 3 1 4 15 8 4 3 6 U 2 4 5 5 1 11 7 15 12 6 5 2 2 5 15 4 8 12 G 8 4 3 4 4 5 9 4 1 3 2 1 17 G 8 7 4 9 2 10 7 9 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 1 .1 2 1 1 9 5 4 3 3 4 1 MahaJika 1 4 1 I : - 1 2 1 MarsbriU 1 1 1 1 Mills Mitchell 1 1 MontKoniPry . 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 O'Brien OftceoU Pago ...... 1 1 2 1 I 2 3 ' 2 Palo Alio 3 5 1 1 3 3 Polk Pt ttawal taiiiie Powi-nlii.k 1 1 1 Sm 2 1 1 7 1 4 1 Scott Shelby Sioux 1 2 3 . ... Story 5 1 i TamA 2 3 8 10 9 13 11 9 2 4 7 1 2 3 1 7 8 10 5 6 2 1 1 7 I 1 1 3 5 1 I 1 ] 5 2 Tavlor 1 1 1 3 ....„ ...... Union 2 1 4 2 Van Iluren Waprllo Warrrn ^VallhinKtoD AVrl.M^r ! i Wiiifii'bago 1 2 3 1 ...... ^Vl^f|rAbiok 8 4 5 1 4 7 W(M»*lbury AVorib... Wright 3 3 1 THE BLIND. 685 Table aa-i.— BLIND BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBEK FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEURITORIES: 1880— Continii<-> 1- 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 Hk KUi3 1 2 1 2 1 J-flV,! ..■••• 1 1 1 3 2 larj 2 1 1 1 Cray Gn»cley 1 4 2 1 1 5 4 4 4 1 2 5 4 1 6 1 5 2 1 5 5 4 5 3 1 6 ...... 1 1 1 ...'.'.'. Harvov 4 2 1 ...... ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 2 1 • 1 1 v-^ « 1 1 3 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 3 ...... 3 1 1 2 2 2 10 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 ••■■«■ 1 " 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 4 4 3 1 2 3 S ....„ liar ion Marshall 1 1 iLlitrliiOl . 1 1 1 1 1 3 £ 1 1 1 ...... ....•• ' "i' 2 2 1 ...>•• S 6 4 3 1 3 5 2' 13 6 2 2 3 2 5' 4 3 5 3 4 3 <)»:'2- 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 I'awniT 1 2 1 S 7 2 io' 6 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 " "i' 1 1 ^ ] 2 9 4 2 1 1 1 Xt'. 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1' ..•••• i i ' 1 1 Kush ....:. ::::::i:;;::; :::;:;; V Odo Indian not includoU. 686 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 224.— BLDCU BELOXGIXG TO EACH COITXTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NAIIVITY, AND NUilBEK FOUIvD DJ EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKJKITOKIES : 1830— Continued. KAXS.4S— Continued. Found in county. ToL-a. Hale. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Kativo born. Foreign born. TotaL Black. ooTJimEa. Parents native. One or both pareuta I'oreigu. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Uale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. Male Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. 8 10 1 13 34 2 3 10 b 1 1 15 2 3 IS 1 9 16 7 33 8 10 1 13 31 2 3 10 5 1 1 15 2 3 16 1 9 16 7 32 6 8 1 8 14 i 4 1 1 1 4 1 3 8 8 10 4 17 2 2 5' 17 2 2 G 4 ii" 1 1 s 1 1 6 3 15 6 7 1 8 11 i 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 7 s 10 4 12 2 i 5 12 2 2 6 4 5 6 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 9 2 1 5 3 1 2 1 i 3 3 5 2 4 1 1 1 1 I i i 1 1 11 1 1 8 1 1 6 3 15 . 8 4 9 11 1 5 1 1 6 2 12 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 "Wjlnon 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 5 KEIVTVrKV. 1.976 1,976 1.036 940 882 770 794 704 43 26 45 40 154 170 135 150 19 20 ^dair 10 15 4 13 16 12 3 11 IC 18 15 12 16 17 5 29 14 12 22 3 9 29 4 28 14 9 10 20 11 38 18 14 15 42 22 10 2a i« 3 ,0 19 30 16 7 11 16 27 » n 1* 10 15 4 13 16 12 3 12 18 18 15 12 16 17 5 29 14 12 23 3 9 29 4 30 14 9 10 20 11 39 18 14 15 41 23 10 25 16 3 11 19 41 18 8 11 16 28 8 13 17 8 7 2 7 10 7 3 7 19 13 9 S 7 10 17 5 6 16 1 3 14 2 16 6 3 2 6 13 10 11 5 28 10 B 16 8 2 19 12 S 6 7 13 2 7 U 2 8 2 6 6 5 5' 8 5 6 7 9 7 6 12 9 6 7 2 6 15 2 14 8 6 8 11 6 2« 8 3 10 16 13 6 9 7 1 « 11 22 » 9 IS 1 6 • 7 7 2 7 9 6 3 a 5 13 5 5 7 9 17 4 16 1 3 14 2 13 S 3 2 9 10 10 11 5 13 8 5 14 1 3 8 18 12 .1 D 7 11 2 7 10 1 7 2 5 6 4 4' 6 5 6 7 9 5 4 12 7 6 7 2 6 15 2 8 6 5 8 8 4 18 8 3 10 8 11 5 8 6 1 3 10 18 5 2 6 13 1 C B 7 7 2 6 8 6 3 6 2 10 4 4 7 9 17 4 (i U 1 3 13 2 12 4 3 9 10 10 11 5 10 7 5 1:1 1 3 R 18 11 3 r 7 11 7 10 1 7 2 5 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ballard 1 1 1 1 "i" 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 * Bath 1 Bell 4 3 4 6 6 4 4 12 U 2 2 5 15 2 7 5 8 8 3 18 8 3 10 8 10 5 7 5 1 : 18 5 2 6 8 11 1 5 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 5 1 4 i 3. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ...... Boyd Brai:kpn 1 Broathitt "* 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 Bnllilt Cal.lwell 1 2 1 1 1 Callownv CamplMll 4 2 3 3 Carroll 1 C»rt«r 1 Can«.v Cbrintfan 1 1 3 1 U 2 1 3 1 4 2 t CUrk 1 a«T 1 Clinton Crliii-nilrn 3 1 8 ....„ 3 1 6 Ctimbfrlaod 1 ...... Uarinu % Eflmnnaoo Klli.iil F-iIill '■**■ Faifita 3 ...... 15 2 8 2 14 1 8 2 1 1 Fleioinc 1 *'"■** FloTil Franklin 1 1 2 1 2 ...... 1 4 1 1 2 ...... 2 ...... 1 1 ••■■•• Ftilt/in 1 (ialUtln ... . 2 Garrard 3 1 4 1 1 Oraol , 'Jra.r. 1 OravMin 1 Omen 2 Grcasnap ••■••• TIanrock 1 2 IUr.llB 2 2 2 1 1 Harlan ,,.,,. Ifarriaon 1 1 "'i' 1 1 lUrt 1 >■•••• THE BLIND. 687 Tadlr a«*. -lii.ixn nKi-oNorNo to iNUMBEIi KOUNl) IN -) EAril COUNTY, WITH niSTINCTIOV OV RKX, COLOR, AMI NATIVITY, AND KACH COUNTY, BY STATKS AND TKKHI TOIUKH: l«yO— Conliniud. KKNTUCKT-CoQlluutxl. u Found ' tn 1 coiiuly. ToUl. Mnlo. = malo. wnm. COUIRCD. To «I. Nntivo born. Fnraiini bum. ToUI. niuk. OOUNTnS. PnrcDtA native. Oimnrbolh furul(;D. Miied blood. M»lo. Fo- iiiiile. Ualo. Fo- ninlu. Mala. malt!. Male. F«- mail:. Male. Fo. male. Male. Fr- male. Male. Fo. raala 28 14 9 14 10 202 28 15 42 3 5 4 11 17 10 8 9 19 24 4 20 10 in 8 21 13 15 G 2 24 2r) 7 12 7 11 21 8 20 10 10 35 8 15 5 17 3 21 8 31 8 14 11 4 18 32 13 2« 12 13 12 11 14 26 14 18 28 20 10 9 28 15 10 14 10 153 28 15 43 3 5 4 12 17 10 8 "J 21 24 5 28 11 12 8 22 13 15 C 2 25 20 7 12 7 11 22 8 20 10 16 35 8 1« 5 17 3 21 8 32 8 16 11 4 19 32 13 28 13 15 12 11 15 28 14 10 28 24 10 9 11 9 "fl 70 m c 21 2 3 2 5 10 G 4 5 14 10 1 12 5 C 9 9 7 1 2 13 10 6 7 3 7 15 5 9 5 7 19 2 9 3 7 l5 4 15 5 5 4 4 . 13 20 6 16 7 12 9 7 7 10 5 8 10 11 3 4 17 6 8 3 77 9 9 22 "I 2 7 7 4 4 4 7 8 4 14 C 2 13 4 8 S 12' 10 2 S 4 4 7 3 11 S 9 la 7 2 10 2 8 4 17 3 11 7 6 12 7 12 6 8 3 8 12 9 11 12 13 7 7 8 4 4 7 55 13 6 18 3 2 5 10 5 4 S 13 13 1 10 3 5 G 7 9 G 1 2 11 10 5 G 3 G 11 5 9 3 5 19 1 e 3 7 1 13 4 15 5 5 4 4 10 U 5 15 4 6 8 7 5 11 2 8 12 11 3 1 10 5 r 8 3 59 4 9 17 1 2 2 7 7 4, 4 4 7 8 3 10 3 5 2 10 4 3 5 10 2 3 2 4 5 3 11 3 G 13 2 e 2 8 1 8 4 17 3 11 7 7 6 5 4 2 2 4 7 7 7 11 12 13 7 4 5 7 4 :i 7 24 12 6 8 2 3 2 5 10 5 4 5 13 13 1 10 3 3 C 7 9 5 1 2 7 10 5 5 3 C 10 S 9 3 5 U 1 8 3 7 1 13 4 14 4 5 4 4 9 1:! 5 12 ! i 8 6 5 11 2 8 12 11 3 1 S n 8 3 28 4 10 1 2 2 7 7 4 4 4 G 8 3 9 3 4 2 10 4 3 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 7 1 3 1 1 2 7 1 1 H rii r y 1 1 1 17 1 S 14 22 21 18 5 16 18 G 6 5 1 B « 3 6 2 3 1 S L-tiiri*l Lee 1 1 Lenliri 1 .- 1 I 3 ...... 4 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 T ii • 111 " * 1 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 Lvnii 2 1 W.I..nn 2 S 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 4 1 iLf arfiliall ■Mn n 9 10 2 3 2 4 5 3 11 3 G 13 2 6 2 S 1 8 4 17 3 11 7 4 2 3 2 8 Mt-ntr 1 1 . . (• 1 2 2 2 1 ...... 4 2 2 UntrtHn 1 4 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 Olfllinm 1 1 1 Ow.-ii 2 1 2 1 2 1 Piko' Powell i 1 1 .. 1 Si-BK0. Tola!. Kativo born. Foreign bom. ToUI. Black. corsTics. FaionlsnatlTO. Ono or both narpnU furelgD. Mixed blood. Male. lualo. Male. Fo. mole. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo- mule. Ualo. Fn. male. Male. F«- 1 mole! 1 »'»'«-!nfn'l.. Tho State OGG 672 388 284 388 283 320 ail 23 14 45 28 , 32 35 73 24 87 68 41 31 45 76 8 21 30 61 37 67 82 35 72 24 38 S8 41 31 45 78 8 21 33 62 37 67 IS 19 42 14 29 42 29 15 19 41 4 7 17 33 23 36 14 16 30 10 16 12 10 26 37 4 14 16 19 14 31 18 19 42 14 29 42 29 15 10 41 4 7 17 33 23 36 14 16 29 10 9 16 12 10 26 37 4 14 10 19 14 31 10 6 35 U 27 36 26 15 18 33 3 6 15 31 13 29 11 5 23 8 16 12 14 20 32 4 13 14 19 8 27 2 10 4 3 1 2 1 8 8 5 2 1, 4 ....!.||;;::;:|....^ 1 1 1 4 2 ""i' 3 ...... Knox 1 I 1 5 1 1 1 4 1 ...... 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 8 « 4 3 York :"...ii II IHARVI.AND. 832 819 405 414 297 291 198 203 28 81 71 57 108 123 95 108 13 15 22 16 64 354 3 11 31 21 15 25 41 6 30 5 13 27 26 21 11 15 10 30 18 18 22 18 55 320 3 11 32 23 15 25 42 6 31 7 13 27 27 U 16 10 30 10 19 9 9 32 156 1 5 16 14 10 11 22 6 20 2 8 13 12 11 4 3 9 15 9 8 13 9 23 170 2 6 16 9 5 14 20 ii' 5 5 14 15 11 7 13 10 15 10 11 9 4 26 118 1 5 14 12 5 4 17 6 20 2 3 7 5 9 1 2 3 14 6 4 11 5 20 124 1 4 10 8 2 6 14 io' 6 3 8 9 6 3 8 3 13 7 G 5 3 16 48 1 6 13 11 4 4 12 5 17 2 3 7 5 8 1 2 3 13 6 4 7 4 14 69 1 4 13 6 1 5 14 ...... 2 21 1 ...... 21 4 ""s 49 8 1 4 44 ...... 6 38 2 4 3 46 1 2. ...... 3 ...... 8 33 ...... 2 4 7 3 1 1 2 S9 1 2 ...... 3 5 1 a 1 7 Carroll 1 1 2 1 1 ...... 1 1 2 2 5 7 6 I 9 5 Chnrlra 1 5 1 1 2 1 8 3 3 8 9 6 3 7 3 ^? 6 2 ...... 2 1 1 Kent G 6 7 2 3 1 « 1 3 4 2 6 5 4 5 7 2 3 5 6 6 7 2 3 1 C ""3 4 2 5 5 G 4 5 7 2 3 G 1 ::::::::::: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MASSAC' II ITSETTS. Tho State 1,898 1, 846 978 868 066 852 570 487 118 78 273 287 12 16 11 11 ' 1 1 6 32 107 147 13 239 55 72 61 277 7 08 90 418 273 32 108 150 13 246 65 74 66 294 7 101 99 313 282 19 60 79 5 132 37 34 37 159 3 66 60 167 130 13 48 77 8 114 18 40 29 135 4 45 39 146 152 19 57 78 4 130 37 34 37 157 3 50 60 165 129 12 45 74 8 113 18 39 28 133 4 45 38 143 152 17 33 43 4 82 30 10 26 85 3 33 48 68 79 11 21 40 8 75 16 17 16 74 4 30 ■ 35 45 95 1 7 8 1 7 1 17 27 1 3 3 ...... 1 18 27 3 1 1 2 3 ...... 2 8 1 1 Uristol 1 -1 3 15 2 2 2 23 10 ■■"0" 1 7 33 G 13 49 28 2 16 11 52 1 |--2- 1 1 2 1 1 MitUlUst'x 62 al I Norfolk . .. 7 2 37 12 3 1 21 15 16 10 60 38 12 2 77 42 1 ...... 1 I 8 "2 1 I 3 717G INS- -U a Foreign bom. b One foreign born included. 690 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. T r. «o^ BLIND- BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY,' AKD TABLE ***--™j3^| i"oUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKEITORIES: 1890-Cont.nued. MICniCiAIV. a Two IndlaiM (not Includod In the Ublo). b Two lodtani not Incladed. e One Indian not Included^ d Tbroo Indians not included. THE BLIND. 691 taiilb aai.— BLmo nELONoiNa to kach cotmrv. with distinctfon of skx, color, and nativity, and NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, ItY STATICS AND TERIJITORIES: 18nO— Continued. mNNESOTA. *■"" FoaDd lu jouuty. Total. Mulu. Fo. male. WIIITK. - ■ — - . .- ^ OOUIBSD. Total. II Natlvo born. Foreign bom. Total. i Black. COUICTIES. Parcnta natlvo. Onoorboth narenta foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fn- mall}. Male. F«- malo. Male. Fo- ul alC! Halo. F«. male. Malo. fJ male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- mala. 641 040 394 246 380 246 110 74 M 38 226 134 4 1 S AUIrin 1 6 1 2 5 9 8 15 2 2 G G 5 12 2 9 G IG 11 14 6 C3 16 3 4 4 3 4 G 10 3 10 3 9 4 6 10 iJ 5 19 20 2 1 12 5 31 4 8 63 5 5 8 4 21 5 2 4 4 10 5 19 1 2 29 10 3 1 6 6 1 2 S 12 9 2 16 2 2 6 6 S 14 4 12 6 17 11 alS 6 74 16 3 4 4 3 5 6 16 3 2 10 3 3 9 4 8 10 1 G 5 16 21 5 1 12 6 35 4 10 18 r, ag 8 5 21 5 2 4 6 10 a 21 1 2 31 10 3 2' 6 1 2 4 10 6 1 11 3' 2 5 4 8 2 9 1 5 7 10 4 M 11 3 4 3 3 3 2 11 3 1 6 I a 6 5 1 3 1 8 9 4 S 5 21 5 9 1 S 7 2 17 3 2 3 5 4 3 15 1 1 14 7 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 & 2 4 1 2 C 2 3 12 4 5 „o '5 i' 2' 4 5 i' 4 1 3 2 5 3' 1 3 8 12 1 1 4 1 14 2 5 9 4 3 1 3 4 2 i' 1 6 3 1 17 3 1 2' 5 1 4 10 r. 1 u 2 5 4 7 9 I 5 7 10 4 r»2 11 3 4 3 3 3 2 9 3 1 6 2 i 6 2 6 5 1 3 1 2 8 9 4 8 5 20 2 5 9 1 5 7 2 17 3 2 3 5 4 3 15 1 1 14 7 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 5 2 i' 1 2 1 2 1 2 ! 2 4 2 i Becker 1 1 3 1 1 1 "1 2 5 4 2 3 1 3 2 J-, , 2 11 2 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 8 2 26 9 Cliiv 4 1 2 3 5 12 4 5 2 22 5 1 2 1 2 4 3' 3 2 2 10 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...... ...... 1 1 3 1 1 Douglas 1 2 4 3 4 1 8 5 1 3 11 10 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 4 5 1 1 3 3 '.'".'.'. 1 6' 1 1 '"'i' 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 3 2 5 1 4 MrT ftu\ 3 1 2 1 1 1 Marshall 1 : i 1 2 1 i" 3 1 2 1 1 2 Me.k.r MiUelaca 1 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 ... *, ..'. Kirnllot. 3 1 3 8 12 1 1 4 1 14 2 9 4 3 1 3 4 2 i" 1 6 3 6 i' 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 8 Koblcs 2 4 5 2 Olninfed 3 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 Pilir 1 3 1 7 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 Polk 2 5 1 3 1 1 6 2 13 1 5 5 2 1 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 i 2 St I oil 19 1 I 2 4 S 2 13 S I 1 Sib lev 2 1 2 1 Steele 1 2 3 3 I 6 1 i' 1 1 ..... 1 1oiU\ I 1 ...... 1 1 2 1 4 3 4 :::".::i:::": 1 17 :i 1 1 1 8 1 ...... 2 1 1 7 4 8 9 Wriclit 2I I 1 * a Quo Indian not incladed. 692 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tajile 224.— JiLIN'D BELOXGIXG TO EACH COUKTY, WITH DISTIN'CTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, 'AOT) NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITOKIES: 1890— Contiuued. ItllSSISSIPPI. Fonnil in couni; Tr.--,V Hale. Fe- male. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Xativo bom. Foreign bom. Total. Black. O0D^TIBS. Parents native. One or both parents foreign. Mixed blood. Hale. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 1,012 1,014 533 481 234 207 219 199 6 4 9 4 299 274 273 248 26 26 23 15 19 11 8 24 9 8 18 17 3 11 28 11 7 23 4 5 12 3 3 54 25 9 11 14 4 15 15 31 4 10 16 5 13 17 21 5 35 21 11 8 12 21 9 31 2 8 23 11 8 3 13 U 1 G 3 7 11 8 14 10 9 8 27 32 « 18 14 6 10 2S 23 16 19 13 8 21 9 18 17 3 11 26 18 24 7 23 4 5 12 3 3 29 25 9 7 8 11 15 4 15 17 29 5 10 20 5 13 17 24 5 35 21 11 08 t>12 22 9 31 2 11 23 11 8 3 13 12 I « 3 7 11 8 14 10 8 27 32 4 19 14 1? 27 12 9 12 8 2 14 5 3 9 9 1 5 17 9 14 4 11 2 2 7 2 2 19 17 5 4 6 7 10 2 G 9 14 3 2 11 2 5 8 18 2 17 8 G 4 8 10 3 15 5 13 7 i 10 8 2' 4 s 4 6 1 1 3 11 18 2 14 8 4 7 14 11 7 7 S 6 10 4 6 9 8 2 9 9 10 3 14 2 3 5 1 1 10 8 4 3 2 4 5 2 9 8 15 2 8 9 3 8 9 3 IS 13 4 4 12 G 16 2 6 10 4 3 2 3 4 1 4 3 3 4 8 9 8 S 10 14 2 e 6 2 4 13 1 . 6 3 3 2 3 4 3 4 9 1 2 4 3 4 6 1 4 4 3 6 1 1 5 3 3 2 2 4 3 4 8 2 2 4 3 4 5 1 4 4 3 C 1 11 3 9 5 9 3 4 1 1 9 ....„ G 2 1 6 9 9 G 8 3 7 5 9 1 3 1 3 ""2 ^1 1 2 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 ...... ...... 17 8 4 2 6 2 1 5 9 8 6 5 1 1..;::: 1 Cbirke 3 17 9 5 1 1 Clav 1 1 1 9 4 4 1 2 2 1 2 8 4 3 7 2 2 1 i" 4 8 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 8 e 4 2 7 2 2 1 1 1 7 1 7 ...... 4 1 7 1 ...... 1 6 i 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 1 Iliuils 11 11 5 6 8 4 10 9 5 6 8 3 1 2 1 4 5 4 1 2 4 7 G 1 2 7 3 2 2 1 2 2 5 8 2 8 5 4 5 4 1 2 4 7 5 1 2 7 3 1 2 1 2 2 5 8 2 8 S 1 1 3 9 ...... 4 i 3 9 2 4 1 Kcnipcr 2 2 8 2 7 3 7 2 1 8 2 7 2 3 1 1 1 4 l.avr^^nro I«ake 1 Leo 4 2 3 7 14 1 10 5 3 4 3 3 7 6 '""io' 8 1 3 2 2 6 14 1 10 5 2 4 3 3 7 6 1 Lfdore Lf DCollI 1 4 1 7 3 3 4 7 3 2 2 5 9 5 4 [ 3 8 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 6 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 7 3 3 4 7 3 2 2 5 9 5 4 5 2 1 1 3 G 4 4 4 2 2 1 5 1 n 1 3 3 Uarah.iU 2 10 C 1 1 ...... 2 lCc«boba 1 7 1 13 2 10 5 10 1 ...... 1 13 2 10 4 9 1 1 KhxuIkm* OkUbbcUa 1 1 1 rear! Hlvcr Perry Piko 1 4 2 1 1 8 4 8 1 ....„ '""z 1 4 2 1 1 7 2 ...... 7 1 1 Pontotoc ProDtiiu Quitmiin 2 ...... 1 lUnUiD 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 i^nlt % Sli.irkey Si:ti|itMta 1 1 1 2 S 1 3' 4 2 12 1 2 4 4 4 3 2' 2 7 G 1 5 1 i' 4 1 2 2 a 1 1 1 2 4 1 3' 3 1 12 i' 8 4 4 3 1 Smilh Siinfltiver 3 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 7 3 2 2 1 1 3 4 2 1 2 7 Tullalialclilo 2 2 7 1 S i' 4 1 2 2 8 2 '1.!. 1 1 I TuilK-Jt 1 Vnliin Warton 1 1 ...... 1 7 10 •2 2 7 2 3 10 U 14 1 1 S ....„ 10 4 15 2 2 7 2 3 10 13 13 1 1 4 3 . 1 1 1 WaAhlnKloD W»ynr Welwlor Wilklniwn 1 1 1 1 Wlpalmi Y«lob.i«l.» 2 Yuoo 1 a Odo IndioD nol includod. h Two Indiana not iucluded. THE liLlNI). no3 Taiilk 221.-IiLINI) ]ii;LONf!IN-(! TO KACII (JOrXTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SKX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AM) NlJ.MliKU FOUND IN KACH COUNTY, ItV STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. miMBOVBI. Fonnd in county. Total. Male. Fe- male. vniTB, COLOBSD. Total. Kative born. Foreign born. Total. Black. OOUKTIBS. Forenta native. One or both itiircntft rorcicn. Uixed blood. Male. Fo- nialo. Malo. Fc male. Male. Fc male. Mole. Fe- male. H-o-m^aU. UoIp. 70 Fe.| mole. 1 Male. » F«. mole. 2,457 2,457 1,331 1,126 1,243 1,048 eat 807 109 85 U8 OS S8 78 «B 9 16 15 15 9 30 13 23 25 21 22 42 15 15 25 12 18 11 28 27 24 14 16 15 23 14 16 20 17 22 19 9 27 10 15 38 17 18 20 16 24 24 5 20 21 13 12 102 67 21 28 13 12 24 36 29 29 17 25 R 27 12 26 24 12 12 16 19 11 15 11 21 18 8 9 17 17 15 9 30 13 24 20 21 22 44 16 15 li 23 11 29 27 24 14 16 15 23 14 16 20 18 22 21 9 27 19 17 18 21 17 24 25 5 22 21 1 !■' 1 12 102 67 21 23 13 12 24 37 29 30 18 26 8 27 7 12 27 25 12 12 16 19 11 15 12 21 18 8 ft 11 12 8 15 5 11 14 12 9 19 8 8 16 a 14 5 19 21 13 9 10 3 10 6 9 10 9 10 11 8 11 11 10 17 7 13 8 14 17 6 14 9 9 4 67 34 13 14 7 6 11 20 17 14 9 14 5 15 8 8 17 9 7 5 8 10 6 6 7 10 9 3 8 6 6 7 3 15 8 13 12 9 13 25 8 7 9 4 9 6 10 6 11 5 6 12 13 8 7 10 9 12 10 1 16 8 5 24 10 9 8 9 10 8 8' 12 4 8 45 33 8 14 6 6 13 17 12 16 9 12 3 12 4 4 10 IG 5 7 8 9 5 9 5 11 9 5 1 10 11 8 G 15 5 11 14 12 G 18 8 8 15 8 11 5 18 21 11 9 10 3 10 5 6 10 8 10 11 8 11 11 10 16 7 9 10 8 14 16 5 14 7 9 4 47 84 12 13 7 6 10 20 17 12 7 13 S 14 2 7 13 9 6 4 8 9 5 5 10 3 8 6 5 7 3 15 8 13 10 3 10 22 8 7 9 4 9 5 10 6 11 5 G 12 11 7 5 10 9 12 10 1 16 8 5 21 10 9 7 9 10 8 s' 8 4 8 39 33 8 13 G 10 17 10 10 8 10 3 11 4 4 7 16 S 7 8 S 5 9 5 9 9 6 g 9 8 5 14 5 s 12 11 5 14 6 8 15 8 8 5 10 20 B 9 7 2 10 5 4 g 5 9 8 8 11 10 10 5 6 9 10 7 10 14 4 7 9 2 30 32 10 4 G 7 20 12 9 7 10 4 12 2 7 8 7 4 6 7 3 5 5 8 4 3 7 6 5 6 3 13 7 13 9 9 10 19 8 6 7 4 7 4 10 11 5 4 12 11 1 5 4 9 8 13 10 1 15 8 5 15 3 7 7 7 8 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 ___^ 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 8 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 Callawny 1 1 2 2 1 ...... 3 ...... ...... 3 ...... 1 5 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 ...... 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 "'i' 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 T»*>L-nll> Deut "i' 1 - 1 4 9 2 5 3 2 1 3 1 3 -•■>«• 3 1 1 1 2 ...... 1 3 1 1 ...... 2 1 4 I 1 1 ...... 1 1 lienry G 8 4 8 20 28 5 11 6 6 9 IG 9 12 7 « 3 3 4 6 10 4 7 8 4 6 3 1 1 1 ...... 2 4 1 * i 1 6 I 1 1 '"'h' 5 1 2 1 11 1 4 2 1 8 10 6 10 5 1 2 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 ...... I ...... 2 ...... 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 2 ...... 2 2 2 1 1 i 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 — Y J 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 ...... 2 :; '....,, ....„ 2 1 i 1 ^ ...... Oregon i » 0»«so i 1 694 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table aS4.— BLIND BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND KATIVIT\-, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. miSSOCni— Continncd. Ozark Poxntscot . Perrr Fettis Pfaelpa ... PJko PUttc... Polk Pubuki . Putnam . Ball" Bantlulph. Kay Kevtiolfls . Kipley.... St. Charles Sl.flnir Sle. I iinoviovo . St. KnuK-ois St. Louis St. Lonis city . Saline Sclniyler GeoUiwd Scott Bfajui&oxi . Shelby ... StodiUrd . Stono Snllivan.. Taney Texan Venjon , Warren 'WaahiDgton. ■Wavne . . , Webster. Worth .. Wright.. Found Tot»l. Hale. 17 17 9 9 » 9 20 1 21 27 27 25 2S 11 11 .W 53 18 17 21 21 9 9 26 27 20 26 2 2 G 7 14 " i 17 17 1 r.i 13 r. C 18 18 254 2U :)i 31 8 8 8 8 4 5 8 S 15 15 17 17 1) 9 123 22 "7 5 3 3 8 10 2 17 1 16 23 Fe. male. Total. Male. 12 4 2 9 115 19 7 5 3 3 8 10 2 17 1 16 23 9 13 8 20 2 10 Fe. jnale. Native born. Parents native. Male. Fe. male. One or both parents foreign. 26 G 11 4 11 10 1 3 1 4 1 2 2 i 24 G 1 Male. Fe- male. Foreign born. Male. Fe. male. Total. Male Fe- male. Male. Fe. male. Mixed blood. Male. Fe. male. IHOIVTANA. The State 38 39 26 13 26 13 10 « 5 2 11 5 1 2 1 1 S 2 3 9 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 S 2 3 10 2 1 2 S S 8 1 i 4' i' 8 2 2 3 *> 2 2' i' 1 2 2 2 i' i' 1 1 .....1 4 i" 8 2 2 3 2 2 2' i' 1 2 2 2 i i' 1 1 2 Chtit4.'BU 1 Cuati-r 1 .. .. Daerlodge 1 i' 1 1 i 1 2 1 1 2 ** Gallatin 1 1 JefffTKon 2 9 1 1 ' MailiMD linel>< i 2 2 C 1 C 2 5 4 3 3 2 3 2 7 3 2 2 7 2 4 1 3 3' 4 T 5 S 4, i' 5 7 4 4 4 2 2 i 3 3 23 2 7 4 6 7 1 2 5 6 3 2 S 4 1 4 5 2 1 G 3 7 1 3 3 3 8 10 5 1 3 3 1 I 1 4 9 4 3 I i" s 1 1 2 1 1 s i 3 1 2 3 1 2 .... .. Chase i 3 1 I 2 Choyi'uni' Plnv 3 3 1 4 2 i' i' 5 1 6 1 5 2 1 4 1 4 i' 4 2 1 3 2 2 2' 6 1 1 6 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 B i 5 4 4 5 1 4 6 1 I 2 2 2 1 i 1 I 2 I 3 1 1 Colftix ••■- 1 1 Cu8l.r Daw»-s 1 1 2 DlMU'i D{'^oji 1 i 3 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 4 1 I 10 ..---- J 1 2 t 2 1 2 3 1 ::;::: i ::. ::: ( 2 1 2 1 Grpclcy Hall =• 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 HitVlicock 1 1 1 Holt 3 1 1 3 1 ....1. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 ( .. Kimball 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 ....„ 1 1 4 1 3 Iionp Mndinon C 2 5' 2 4 3 3 2' 3 7 3 2 7 2 4 1 3 2 1 2 7 r 3 I 1 3 3' 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 ...... Morrin M .• M 4 6 1 1 5 4 12 8 2 1 1 4 1 G 4 2 3 10 i 3 9 M* ' '-■i'nbarg 1 i Miiili.ll Monicomcry """i' 1 'i' 8 8 30 1 3 2 1 3 3 ""& 1 ....„ G 3 4 I 1 11 ! 8 2 1 1 4 1 6 3 ■■■■■ 3 8 Uouri: 1 7 8 fi 2 1 1 Null 1 Kcw llanover 1 Nort hnmpton 4 On-l'.n- OrauL-" I'jiniliro I'an'infitnnk 1 Peniirr 2 2 ■■5' 1 ...... 1 1 1 Per(|nlriianfl Pernou Pitt Polk Itandolph 2 8 4 10 8 Itii'l)iM»nd 3 4 3 2 1 2 1 2 Roll, ■on }Co4'ki[iKbaui Bowau ...... THE BTJND. 099 Tabus 224.— KLIND BELONfilNG TO EACH COTINTY, WITH DISTIXCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMUEU FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, IJY STATES AND TEIMtlTOIUES: 1890— Contiiiuod. NOUTH CAnOI^INA— Coutlnuoil. Found iu county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WniTH. COLOUD. Total. Native born. born. TotaL BUck. OOONTIES. Forcnta native. Ono or both iiarents turclgo. Mixed bI'Md. Male. Fe- male. Mole. Fe- male. Hale. Fe-I male. ifalo. Fe- male. Mole. Fe- male. Mole. Fe. male. Male. Fe- male. 22 22 14 10 20 5 3 3 8 17 85 17 11 6 14 22 34 29 10 23 24 14 10 21 aS 3 3 8 17 48 17 n 6 14 22 35 20 10 15 13 4 5 6 2 5 11 21 14 S U S 10 16 15 5 8 11 10 r> 15 3 1 1 3 6 27 3 6 : 19 14 S n 10 4 5 5 2 4 11 & 9 11 13 4 7 4 5 14 3 1 1 2 2 17 1 2 5" 10 11 'I U 10 4 5 6 2 2 2 2 4 9 5 2 5 2 9 11 12 4 7 i 9 S 14 3 1 1 2 2 16 1 2 4 3 1 7 1 4 3 1 7 1 Stokoa 1 1 1 1 ""^^ Transylvania Tyneil 3 7 10 9 3 1 3 1 5 2 1 1 4 10 2 4 ...... 2 8 3 3 6 9 7 3 1 2 ■ 's' 2 1 1 4 10 2 4 Y'. , 1 ] 2 1 1 1 "WnrrtMi Waviie" 6 10 11 11 D « 1 8 2 1 1 "Wilkes 1 Yadkin 1 1 *'""'^ IVORTn DAKOTA. The State . BaTne.1 Burlriyh CasH Cavalier Dickoj* Eddy Foator Grand Forks- GrisKS Lamouro Lo^iin. . . . Mclntosli Mo Lean.. Morton... Nelson . . . Femhina . Pierco. . .. ItaniHoy . . UanRoni . . Kichland . Sargont . . . Steele StutMinau . Traill WalaU 42 42 27 29 16 OHIO. The State Adums Allen Asliliind A.shtalitila Athens Ansl.ii/.o Belin'cmt Brown Bntlor Carroll Champaisn Cliirk Clorniiint Clinton Columbiana Coshocton Craw lord Cuyalioi^a Darko.."^. Sefiauco 3,372 3,373 138 37 14 12 I 13 49 51 37 37 :!fi 1 1 37 15 ! 15 24 38 .36 27 43 27 23 140 37 17 21 1,367 1,927 1,315 1,253 210 158 459 S2 1 5 20 13 a One Indian not included. 700 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND Table 224-— BLIND BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Coutiuucd. OHIO— Continued. Found in countv. Total. IJolawaro ... Eric Fairticlil Favetle Fraaklin Fnlton Gallia Gcaiipn Grot'uc Guemecy ... Hamilton ... Hancock Hani in Harrison Henry Hicliland ... Hoiking .... Holmes Huron JackaoD Jefferson Knox Lake Lawrence ... Lickinf; Logan Lorain Lucan Madieon Ualioning... Marion Medina Heig6 Morccr Miami Monroe Montgomery Morpin Morrow Muskingam. Noble Ottawa Paulding Perry Pickaway . . . Pike Portaco Prt-ble Putnam Bicblaud.... Boitt SanduhUy ... Scioto Sen<«a ttbolby fitark 8uniiiiit TruNiltull . .. Tui^c'irawaa. tluiuu Van Wert... Vlnlon Warnii WanbingtoD TVavne Winianu.... W'ockI Wyandot.... 39 42 21 23 25 29 17 18 190 80 18 19 31 33 21 21 37 38 27 27 240 253 21 24 31 33 15 15 21 23 33 34 30 31 23 25 33 35 35 36 24 27 26 27 17 17 62 50 46 47 34 34 29 29 77 77 22 22 43 45 19 1 19 25 25 43 44 31 32 41 43 27 28 188 190 31 32 44 45 55 58 20 21 12 12 24 24 15 16 34 34 22 22 22 22 32 34 24 24 31 33 52 63 25 27 40 47 41 43 21 21 41 41 33 38 43 44 30 35 12 12 70 70 31 31 27 27 43 44 32 83 20 21 81 82 17 17 Hale. 14 19 21 13 43 14 22 8 21 13 140 11 21 11 16 24 22 24 20 157 17 29 32 11 8 15 10 18 17 12 18 13 17 35 15 25 21 11 19 22 21 22 7 52 10 14 24 21 13 20 13 Fe- male. 28 4 8 5 37 5 11 13 17 14 107 13 12 20 10 19 8 33 15 16 24 10 4 9 10 Total. Male. 13 19 19 13 38 14 19 8 16 13 130 11 21 11 16 22 22 21 20 153 17 29 32 11 7 13 10 18 15 12 10 13 10 32 15 25 20 10 19 19 21 22 7 Fe- male. 20 4 8 5 35 5 9 13 10 14 100 13 12 6 11 18 13 10 12 14 6 10 13 17 18 9 12 36 12 19 Kativo born. Parents native. Male. Fe- male. One or both parents Ibreign. Male. Fe male. 2 4 1 1 3 5 4 10 1 1 1 3 1 2 Foreign born. Male, Fe. male. Total. Male. Fe- male. 51 Black. Male Fe- male. Mixed blood. Male Fe- male. OKLAnonA. Tho Territory. 85 18 15 18 13 14 TITE P.TJND. 701 Table 221.— BLIND BKLOXGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH L)lbTlxN( TluN OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND MSlIlKli rOlNIl IN EACH COUNTY, IIY STATES AND TKKHITORIES: 18'JO— Continiud. OHHaON. Found in county. ToUl. Male. To- male. . WniTE. COU>BBO. Total. Native born. For»i(;n bom. Total. Blaclc. 1 OOUNTIBS. r.ircnl» native. One or liotli parents foreign. lilood. Male. Fe- male. Uale. F6- male. Halo. Fe- male. """>■ m j;. Uole. Fo. male. male. Mole. Fe- mala. The Stnto 145 145 80 65 80 65 59 51 6 6 15 8 3 4 11 1 2 9 1 1 12 1 3 1 10 2 10 12 1 10 11 8 1 2 4 4 3 2 7 7 3 4 11 1 2 9 1 a\ M2 1 3 1 &10 2 10 12 61 10 2 11 8 1 2 4 4 3 2 7 7 1 1 4 1 S 1 1 8 1 1 1 7 1 5 4 1 8 1 7 5 2' 1 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 7 2' 4 4' 2 3' 1 5 8 2' 1 4 3 1 3' 2 1 4' 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 7 1 1 2 2 3 5 2 2 1 .... 2 4 i 2 3' 1 5 8 1 1 1 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 6 5' 4 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 5 8 1 1 1 5 2 1 4 3 1 3 2 1 4 3 3 3" 5 i 2' 2 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 ...... 2 1 2 2 1 Polk 1 1 3 I 1 2' 1 1 Wasi-o 1 2 1 Yamhill 1 PE>NSVr,V.*>IA. The State 1 3,940 ; 3,925 2,262 1,663 2,208 1.621 1,351 1,062 283 215 574 344 5t 42 47 32 7 U 46 264 31 34 32 106 42 51 69 45 33 1 26 33 80 35 31 33 19 73 53 CO 32 G 66 49 4 63 25 21 33 28 10 78 125 18 51 78 127 46 273 33 35 33 108 43 52 73 45 35 1 26 34 83 35 32 33 19 74 53 C2 37 6 66 51 4 03 6 25 21 36 28 11 82 128 19 62 81 130 22 169 22 19 18 66 26 26 42 27 21 1 19 24 48 21 22 19 13 43 38 37 20 2 35 34 3 41 3 15 12 26 21 7 49 62 7 29 51 87 24 104 11 16 15 42 17 26 31 18 14 7' 10 35 14 10 14 6 31 15 25 17 4 31 17 1 22 3 10 9 10 7 4 33 66 12 23 30 43 22 164 22 19 18 65 26 26 42 27 21 1 19 24 47 21 22 18 13 43 33 36 19 2 35 33 3 38 3 14 11 26 21 7 48 68 7 29 51 87 24 99 11 15 15 41 17 26 31 18 14 7' 10 30 14 10 14 6 31 15 23 16 4 31 17 1 22 3 10 9 10 7 4 33 65 12 22 30 42 22 48 18 12 17 62 10 23 33 15 12 1 11 21 36 16 11 12 10 30 32 30 9 1 17 22 3 31 3 12 8 21 15 6 45 3 27 30 32 17 38 11 10 12 36 14 21 25 11 8 "'36' 2 5 1 1 6 6 24 ....„ ""so 2 2 1 37 Alleebenv 5 5 4 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 6 4 3 3 1 1 Beilford Berks 1 2 12 10 3 6 11 8 1 1 1 1 Blair Brad ford Bncks 3 1 1 2 4 3 Butler 2 10 26 11 9 10 5 21 15 22 11 2 17 IC 1 21 2 .10 8 10 5 3 8 51 10 21 27 19 8 2 8 8 8 4 3 6 6 Center 1 3 2 3 2 -...„ 1 2 1 ....„ ...... 2 1 S 2 3 1 S 1 5 Clearfield 2 1 1 5 5 1 1 ""2 1 4 1 1 ...... 4 9 1 13 7 1 4 2 8 1 1 1 1 Elk 6 6 1 1 5 ""2 1 3 2 ...... 6 3 ....„ 2 1 3 S ■ "ii:::::: 1 1 1 ...... U 7 2 2 2 4 1 33 7 1 2 12 39 1 2 :::::: 1 14 7 1 4 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 2 17 1 1 3 16 1 6 Luzerne 1 > aTwo Indians sot included. bOne Indian not included. 702 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 221.— BLIND BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, A^Xy NATIVITT, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. PErVJVSVI^VANIA— Continued. Fonnd in coiinij. Total. Mftle. Fe- male. TVniTB. COLORED. Total. native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. COCKTIKS, Parents native. One or botll pa^ent^ foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 45 24 44 a 10 90 21 87 48 23 918 10 20 107 11 19 8 42 33 21 36 31 67 26 57 13 87 45 27 47 11 16 92 21 91 51 23 a817 11 20 111 14 21 8 42 31 21 36 35 07 27 58 15 90 17 20 33 2 14 50 13 49 29 11 413 8 13 69 5 13 3 23 17 11 23 22 33 18 31 7 CO 28 7 It 9 2 36 8 42 22 12 404 3 7 42 9 8 5 17 17 10 13 13 34 9 27 8 30 17 20 33 2 14 54 12 49 29 10 398 8 13 08 5 13 3 24 17 10 23 21 32 18 31 7 SO 26 7 14 8 2 36 8 42 22 12 387 3 7 42 9 8 5 17 17 10 13 13 31 9 20 8 30 15 12 10 2 12 42 8 32 24 9 163 5 9 25 5 U is' 15 9 17 17 20 10 23 7 61 15 3 8 8 2 24 4 31 19 12 179 21 9 6 3 13 12 10 11 7 23 6 18 7 24 5 C 1 5 2 3 12 5 3 1 2 2 „ 1 1 9 4 7 4 1 140 2 2 30 3 " io 1 5 1 2 7 3 9 3 127 2 1 2 1 Perrv 1 15 1 84 1 2 13 81 1 ....„ 17 1 15 12 s Piko SchnvikiU 14 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 i Sallivnu 4 2 1 2 2 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 Xio-'U 1 1 '"e ...... 1 2 4 2 5 6 7 2 2 3 5 1 1 1 3 1 3 "Wovne 1 1 York ...°;::.;::::;:::;::;;.' 5 4 4 i ^ BUODE ISLAND. The State 289 307 145 162 142 154 76 87 19 7 47 CO 3 8 3 6 a Bristol 18 23 29 183 30 19 23 30 197 38 9 12 16 91 17 10 11 14 106 21 9 12 14 90 17 9 11 13 103 18 5 7 12 40 12 5 10 6 47 17 4 4 2 33 4 4 1 4 60 1 1 1 1 ""i¥ 1 6 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 SOdTII CAROK.IIVA. TheStat« 998 997 504 493 199 196 187 192 6 3 1 305 297 286 272 19 25 Abbeville 42 23 40 37 31 43 49 25 10 10 28 ■.a 39 20 17 28 30 33 22 35 20 20 13 25 25 23 17 8 as 45 25 49 37 32 43 52 26 n 16 29 31 41 20 17 28 32 33 22 36 30 20 13 25 25 23 « 17 8 81 22 10 23 22 18 18 28 15 5 11 20 17 19 12 10 10 15 13 11 21 7 14 6 n 12 13 a 6 I Z3 23 15 26 15 14 25 24 11 6 5 17 22 14 7 12 17 20 11 15 23 12 7 14 13 10 4 7 8 9 4 13 13 2 7 5 3 4 3 4 11 3 4 2 8 6 S 11 1 9 2 7 3 8 i' 1 7 H 10 13 6 1 8 1 3 2 3 8 8 3 2 1 11 9 10 7 7 3 3 1 3 1 7 4 13 12 2 3 5 3 4 2 4 10 3 4 2 8 5 5 10 1 I) 2 3 7 i' 1 7 11 10 13 2 13 6 10 9 10 18 21 10 2 7 17 13 8 9 14 7 8 C 10 n 5 4 4 9 6 2 7 12 5 13 9 14 24 10 10 3 3 8 9 14 11 5 11 14 2 9 13 5 ""s 7 7 1 R 4 7 12 5 10 9 16 18 17 10 2 6 13 11 H B 5 13 C 8 6 9 5 4 3 9 R 2 7 "'io' 12 5 10 9 14 23 11 10 3 2 6 8 14 'I 10 6 12 2 7 13 4 1 1 Aiken Antlrrnon s BaruwiU 1 B«aulurt Berki'Icy 1 5 1 3 3 a 8 3 2 1 11 9 G 10 7 7 S 3 a 1 a 1 . •••■;• 1 2 2 2 1 s Chci«!*T Cbentfrfleld 1 2 2 1 CoTIrlon 1 l>arl>iiclon 1 Kderltl-lil .... 1 FairQelil ...... 1 1 1 Flonriifo I ljro4*nvillo a 1 1 a T.an'*a«lfr L.tir.n4 1 * l..eiii<*lon WalM.n 1 7 7 1 7 4 7 1 1 Marlboro 1 Kowlicrry 1 t Ori»n<-0 Orati;;nburg 1 Pl.krnii BlsbUnd 10 ■••*•• a One CUneae not included. THE PTJND. Tabik »««.— BT.INn BELOXOINO TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTIOX Of RICX, COLOR, AND NA NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TEKWITORIKS: 18tK)-Continuc 2 1 .1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 5 1 i' 1 1 2 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 MAr••••• 704 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 224.— BLFSD BELO^•GI^•G TO EACH COUNTY, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. TE>"XE SSE E— Continued. 1 Fonnd in county. ToiJ. Male. Fo- nale. WHITE. COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Black. OOUKTIES. Parents native. OneorTjoth parents foreign. Mi.xed blood. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo. male. Male. Fe. male. fjoffee 19 19 10 104 5 23 17 11 30 8 29 28 29 16 21 4 19 39 17 21 34 29 19 18 31 19 2 9 13 8 32 10 64 6 16 15 2 21 8 28 16 10 11 17 23 63 11 12 24 10 7 18 25 6 7 3 7 8 14 16 43 3 1 12 86 41 17 13 24 20 2 1 19 1 31 19 19 10 102 5 23 17 12 30 8 29 28 29 16 21 4 19 39 17 21 34 29 19 18 31 19 2 9 13 8 32 10 64 6 16 15 2 21 8 28 16 10 11 17 23 63 11 12 24 10 7 18 25 6 7 3 7 8 14 10 43 3 1 12 87 41 17 13 24 20 2 1 19 1 21 15 6 6 51 i 16 9 7 16 4 20 16 18 7 10 2 10 23 8 12 18 17 7 7 14 8 2 3 3 6 19 5 37 2 8 5 1 10 7 15 8 5 10 12 38 7 7 16 7 2 10 8 4 4 2 6 8 7 7 30 1 1 8 51 21 8 8 15 11 X 1 D 12' 4 13 4 51 1 7 8 5 14 4 9 12 11 9 11 2 9 16 9 9 16 12 12 11 17 11 6 10 2 13 5 27 4 8 10 1 11 1 13 8 5 2 7 11 25 4 5 8 3 6 8 17 2 3 1 2 5 7 9 13 2 1 4 86 20 6 9 1 16' 1 9 13 4 6 31 4 15 7 5 7 4 10 7 10 2 10 18 C 18 30 1 7 13 6 2 2 3 5 18 5 33 1 4 5 1 7 6 14 8 4 5 8 8 18 7 6 4 7 I 8 4 3 1 4 3 7 6 18 1 s" 12 19 8 e i' « io' 4 6 4 24 7 7 4 6 4 8 8 6 7 10 2 9 8 8 14 13 3 7 13 10 6 2 13 4 24 4 5 10 1 7 1 11 6 3 1 7 10 14 4 4 6 3 5 3 17 2 3 1 2 5 7 4 9 2 1 8 10 38 8 5 4 7 1 io' 1 7 13 4 G 26 3 15 7 5 7 4 14 9 30 7 10 2 30 30 7 G 38 10 1 7 13 G 2 2 2 5 18 5 30 1 4 .'» 1 7 G 12 8 4 5 8 8 IS 7 6 4 7 1 8 8 4 3 4" 7 6 37 1 8' 8 18 6 8 9 5 i' io' 4 4 4 22 7 7 4 6 4 8 8 6 7 10 2 9 7 4 8 14 11 3 7 13 10 2 2 ■"Y 2 2 2 7 1 1 1 4 1 20 27 1 ...... 1 8 18 1 2 2 9 19 1 2 8 Dekalb 1 2 2 9 1 1 8 xajeiio G 7 8 1 4 5 2 1 4 7 7 1 4 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 5 1 6 8 4 1 2 1 9 4 4 1 4 1 5 ...... G ...... 8 3 1 1 1 9 3 4 1 1 "i' Hancock 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 " Hiiniphrt'ys 6 9 2 13 4 22 4 4 10 1 I 10 6 3 1 7 10 14 4 4 3 5 2 17 2 3 1 2 4 7 4 8 1 1 3 7 18 7 6 4 1 1 ...... ...... ...... 1 " "i' 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 Lake ; 1 3 Lewis 3 1 1 4 ""2 2 2 1 ...... 11 3 1 1 " "i 4 2 4 39 3 1 McMiuD . . 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 McXairv 1 4 2 4 20 iliirHball 1 10 1 1 Uc*i;;8 Monrtio 1 1 12 1 2 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 Obi'in 1 2 S 1 5 1 rickctt 1 1 1 1 1 1 Polk ' Piitnuu ■■■""J "":: ICIioa 1 1 ............ 1 32 6 4 1 9 4 3 3 Kuthrrfdrd 1 1 \ ScoU 1 Hi 9 U 11 9 41 15 76 23 2 6 13 9 3 2 7 7 21 18 17 10 IS 23 8 17 20 11 10 7* V, u 7 20 48 15 25 7 20 ! 33 16 i 10 39 1 22 3 15 41 23 15 10 15 28 9 4 14 3 4 23 G5 17 19 20 14 13 24 30 2 15 9 12 11 9 42 15 78 23 2 13 9 4 2 « 9 21 Id 17 10 15 23 8 18 20 11 10 74 i " 1 IS ! Id 20 60 16 25 7 8 19 11 4 10 10 26 1 11 14 15 2 7 15 10 5 4 10 13 3 2 8 2 13 01 7 6 12 9 4 12 21 8 3 « 3 3 24 10 42 12 2 3 2 1 3 4 iS 9 a 7 12 3 9 11 4 7 27 1 3 8 14 V) 12 3 12 14 5 3 5 10 6 13 ii 1 9 13 1 8 20 13 10 6 5 15 6 2 6 1 2 10 4 10 13 8 5 9 12 9 2 7 6 « 8 6 18 5 36 11 4' (i n 2 1 3 5 12 9 8 4 8 11 5 (1 9 7 3 47 1 3 7 4 5 S 2U 13 4 4 8 9 ........ 4 4 20 1 5 ii 3 2 3 7 7 5 3 8 2 3 2 3 53 2 1 6 1 8 19 i' 6 3 o 14 5 19 4 4 2 1 i 3 1 3 4 I 2 8 8 2 2 7 8 2 1 2 4 10 4 1 6 3 1 3 15 4 9 4 2 12 3 2 4 1 2 3 1 9 3 4 « n 7 2 6' 4 1 13 2 25 7 i" 4 4 2 1 3' 8 4 6 1 6 2 fl 1 4 14 4 7 8 1 4 IG 1 5 io' 3 '2 3 G 7 5 2 3 8 1 3 2 3 15 i 5 7 1 8 15 3 g' 3 14 5 15 4 2 3 2 1 i 3 BELONGING TO EACH COUNTY, WITH PISTINCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND NUMBER FOUND IN EACH COUNTY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. 'tVEST TIRCi:VIA— Continued. Fonnd in county. Total. Male. 3?e- malo. wniTE. : J=3 COLORED. Total. Native born. Foreign bom. Total. Black. OOUhTIBS. Parents native. One or botb parents foreign. Mixed blood. Male. Fo- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- mal'i. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fe- male. 8 S 18 30 S 5 27 19 12 49 18 10 13 14 24 23 18 7 10 14 10 4 4 31 4 5 2 11 27 6 11 11 8 11 13 11 10 27 5 8 2? 4 8 5 18 6 5 5 27 21 12 49 16 M 13 15 24 25 18 7 10 15 10 4 4 35 4 6 2 12 28 7 12 11 8 11 13 11 10 28 5 8 6 20 5 1 16 5 1 1 13 16 4 34 8 6 8 8 13 14 5 5 8 4 1 2 21 4 4 7 18 3 6 5 C 7 7 7 7 17 2 5 3 15 5 3 4 2 1 4 4 14 5 8 15 10 4 5 7 11 11 » 2 5 7 6 3 2 14 2 5 10 4 fi 6 ! 4 3 11 3 3 3 11 1 5 1 12 4 1 1 13 16 3 31 8 8 8 13 14 n 6 5 8 4 1 2 21 4 4 6 18 3 6 6 G 6 7 7 7 17 2 5 3 15 5 3 3 1 1 4 2 11 5 5 12 9 4 5 G 10 11 9 2 5 7 6 3 " 5 10 4 6 6 I 6 4 3 11 3 3 3 10 1 5 io' 4 1 1 12 13 3 26 8 6 8 8 11 10 8 5 3 8 4 2 8 3 4 5 18 3 6 4 6 7 4 17 2 4 3 13 5 3 3 1 1 2 2 11 5 5 11 8 4 5 G 10 10 8 2 3 7 G 3 1 G 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 Hflrdv 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 8 2 3 1 1 1 Lewift 1 Mcbowoll 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 Uarsliall 1 Uaaon 1 Mineral 1 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 4 Ohio 8 1 4 Pendleton 2 2 5 9 i 6 6 2 4 G 11 3 2 3 8 1 Porali'jntas Prejiton 1 1 1 1 Baleigh ■■ Bitchie 1 " ^ 1 Taylor Tyler TJpBbnr 3 Wayne Webster ■Wetzel 1 1 Wirt Wood 2 2 1 1 Wyoming .......--. WISCOIV.SIIV. 1,219 1,219 723 496 721 496 219 135 124 79 378 282 2 1 1 Adams 2 5 33 19 1 14 13 11 33 21 f^ I'l; h 1 n 26 2 40 1 33 28 U 10 8 S 2 35 19 1 16 al4 11 33 ■ir, B 1 !< 27 2 41 h\ .15 28 11 )0 8 5 1 2 21 10 1 8 7 18 10 27 11 G 4 1 4 14 9 s' 7 2 15 G 19 IS 2 1 2 8 io' s 11 7 10 2 6 1 2 21 10 1 8 7 8 18 16 27 11 6 12 19 2 22 1 30 17 4 6 e 4 1 4 14 9 1 2 1 2 2 1 "is" 5 1 2 4 3 6 G IG 8 6 2 AsbUnd Barron 2 4 2 2 4 1 2 5 * Brown 4 3 1 3 Buflalo ■• Bnmett Calumet 8 7 2 15 6 19 15 2 ] 2 8 19' 3 2 4 8 4 2 1 1 1 9 1 7 1 :i 1 2 U 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 4 5 1 G 3 10 11 2 1 1 4 Chippewa CbJk Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door Douglas : Dann i 12 19 ' 2 22 1 ' 30 17 4 6 6 3 12 1 1 1 9 6 1 13 14 7 ...... 2 EaucUIro 3 1 Florence yond dii Lac 3 3 8 8 ' romt Oraat 5 11 7 10 2 10 7 4 1 2 1 6 2 3 2 6 ...... 2 " "i' 4 4 7 Onm Grrcn Lake Iowa Jaclciuin •••«•• a Two ludiuDH uot included. b Quo TndiiLn not iucladod. THE HLIXI). 711 Tadlb aai.— hi.ind iielonoing to each countv, wnii i)i.siin( tion oi' skx, color, and nativity, and NUMUElt FOUND IN KACH COUNTY, IIY STATES AND TElfKITOUIES: 1890— Continued. WIMCOIVHIN-Contlnuod. Fonnil In county. Total. Male. Fe- male. WUITK. OOLOBCD. Totil. Native born. Foreign bora. ToUI. Black. oouwTiiia. Parents natiTo. One or both parontJi lorelgu. MUM blood. Mulo. Fo. male. Male. male. Male. Fe- male. Male. Fo. mule. Male. Fo. mole. Male. Fe- male. Male. F*. iiuUa* 22 24 7 20 21 17 5 7 61 11 5 12 09 18 6 32 13 6 10 4 13 1 19 20 86 18 21 9 24 3 16 25 17 17 23 26 23 37 17 24 24 7 21 23 18 S 7 53 all 6 13 102 17 7 32 13 6 12 4 14 1 20 21 40 19 22 26 3 16 25 19 17 26 26 24 36 19 9 17 3 13 17 13 2 1 30 7 8 68 12 3 23 9 3 5 4 » 7 9 21 11 U 4 14 2 10 14 10 12 10 17 11 23 14 15 7 4 8 5 3 22 4 s' 34 6 4 9 4 3 7 5 1 13 12 19 8 11 5 12 1 6 11 9 5 16 9 13 13 5 9 17 3 13 17 13 •> I 30 7 S 8 08 12 3 23 9 3 S 4 9 7' 9 20 11 11 4 10 14 10 12 10 17 U 23 14 15 7 4 a G 5 3 22 4 1 7 2 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 ...... 3 4 1 2 I 2 1 1 1 4 ...... 1 1 2 8 7 1 12 8 12 2 1 26 4 2 4 40 8 8 1 ...... 3 S 3 e 4 4 2 3 18 4 ""2 23 3 3 C i 1 4 i' 1 2 ...... 2 3 2 16 1 2 3 1 1 1 5 34 5 4 9 4 3 7 5 1 13 12 19 8 11 5 12 1 6 11 9 5 16 9 13 13 5 2 12 3 1 n 2" 2 1 2 3 7 1 2 1 2 2 OzaukfO -,r»^ 3 1 Polk 3 4 2 1 D 2 9 5 5 3 4 1 4 5 5 5 11 5 7 G 2 p . " li ' 2 8 12 1 5 3' 2 10 6 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 "'i' 1 2 4 2 4 T>:^1.i^,,,i Kock 4 3 2 1 2 1 i "■"2" 7 6 4 3 11 1 7 5 1 11 4 7 3 ID 8 1 1 3 9 7 1 4 3 4 6 8 9 4 3 4 6 5 2 "Waupac a 4 2 2 1 1 wromiivo. The State 7 7 4 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 i' 1 1 i" 1 i' 1 i' 1 1 i' 1 1 1 1 i " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '' 1 ■ a Ono Indian not included. 712 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUxMB, AND BLIND. Table 225.— BLIND IN CITIES CONTAINING 50,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, WITH RATIOS PER 1,000,000 OP POPULATION, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890. (a) Total Blind.. Katio.. Albany, IC.T Blinil.. K:ilia.. Allegheny, Pa Blind.. Kaliu.. Atlanta, Ga Blind.. Kutio.. Baltimore, Md Blind.. Kutio.. Boston, Mass Ulind. . Katio.. Brooklyn, X.T Blind.. liatio.. Enffalo, X. Y Blind.. Ratio.. Cambridge, Mass Blind. . Itatio.. Camdon, X.J Blind.. Katio.. Charleston, S.C Blind.. Katio. Chicago, 111 Blind . . Katio.. Cincinnati, Ohio Blind . . Katio.. Cleveland, Ohio Blind . Katio. Coltmibns, Ohio Blind . JCatio.. Dayton, Ohio Blind. Katio. Denver, Colo Blind. Katio. Dcs Moines. Iowa Blind. Katio. Detroit, Mich Blind. Katio. Evansville, Ind Blind. Katio. Fall River, Mass Blind. Katio. Grand lEapids, Uich Blind . Initio. BaKfonI, Conn Blind. Katiii. Indianapolis. Tnd Itlind. Katio. Jersey city. X.J Blind. Katio. Kansas city. Mo Blind. JUtlo. Lincoln, Xcb Blind. iCatio. Los AngvlcA, Cal Blind. itatio. LouIsTllle, Ky Blind. Katio. Lowell, Maas Blind. Jtallo. lyon, Mna* Blind. Katio. ToUl. Male. 6,272 035 3,342 571 330 320 750 286 638 244 3U3 116 451 31 U3 36 617 49 892 335 305 106 559 119 455 40 G53 23 210 16 319 87 423 50 985 39 524 32 531 57 1,071 94 S4 393 70 627 9 1G3 1>24 470 124 770 38 489 27 486 I 51 1,119 30 570 27 861 156 757 150 689 126 320 67 520 20 585 19 666 26 1,015 185 325 100 690 77 581 41 911 22 722 19 313 9 356 46 454 24 941 20 500 10 5:;2 29 1,11.) 57 1,090 28 341 34 479 M4 534 Female. 23 049 18 050 2,930 41 831 10 190 21 614 170 745 136 6S9 118 2SG 49 386 11 307 17 671 23 784 150 282 C6 435 42 326 25 580 18 586 7 282 41 392 28 1,029 19 492 16 630 28 1,029 36 445 36 684 4 165 10 414 02 761 16 355 9 318 Total. Male. 3,024 648 51 1,135 29 565 10 844 118 667 148 694 124 319 66 515 19 572 17 648 6 625 183 327 88 632 76 581 36 857 21 715 19 327 9 3G4 42 422 19 844 20 601 16 638 28 1,108 48 1,006 28 346 28 438 4 140 13 647 44 674 23 062 17 628 Female. 2,633 476 Kative born. 41 839 9 487 124 052 133 687 116 285 49 388 10 288 15 552 8 040 146 278 61 418 42 330 23 587 17 673 4 90 7 289 39 379 24 1, 059 19 493 16 635 28 1,057 31 638 36 451 32 584 4 169 10 426 47 699 15 356 9 322 Parents native. Male. 543 Female. 12 •737 G 318 14 855 48 538 56 830 40 370 17 682 811 10 583 24 601 13 , 425 I 22 014 10 623 6 191 7 448 13 606 8 749 848 11 1,009 28 995 286 10 408 4 188 9 727 21 7 721 11 758 978 541 10 570 4 215 7 429 59 60U 43 630 30 314 545 4 303 25 238 17 421 12 387 10 619 4 2G1 10 4UG 13 1,248 One or both par- ents foreign. M.ale. 780 4 375 13 1,230 19 659 14 680 19 664 4 216 404 21 669 3 264 642 334 Female. 10 547 1,361 21 387 34 4GG 29 191 20 376 3 273 39 191 21 329 12 244 3 358 1 203 9 236 1 124 2 168 4 488 9 750 13 398 4 312 14 030 4 382 494 246 1 699 21 3G1 18 241 8 145 3 265 1 ISl 81 J 29 139 18 25S 9 178 4 342 1 112 1 188 5 124 2 224 325 1 100 6 468 7 210 5 402 Foreign born. Male. 8 336 2 175 4 008 ' a Including Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. 483 6 Including 1 Chineaft. 1,394 785 29 2,796 15 1,114 49 1,465 58 797 55 427 29 633 7 1,845 n 1,208 lOG 446 43 1,211 6 906 1,613 1 241 20 501 10 2,644 13 728 6 599 1,911 11 1,456 9 330 A 670 Female. 4 678 751 2 306 1,161 676 25 2,105 3 237 1 i,3(;c 44 1,253 72 858 26 600 3 242 6 1,500 1 693 92 434 26 720 21 458 343 1,302 Male. 1 766 11 887 533 24 585 9 2,691 10 604 11 1,188 10 1,316 15 579 8 919 38 1,303 2 432 1 1,618 1 1,042 2 874 20 1,410 235 12 2,084 1 013 1,064 1 908 Female. 3 eos 18 1,669 10 518 280 4 2,338 5 1,G80 1 1,351 9 1,956 861 1 1,258 406 18 1,349 1 2,703 297 872 I 818 12 764 48 1.203 3 757 2 348 1 937 2 760 15 890 4 G30 5 844 2 780 1 93» 2 I, 147 2 771 8 1,318 4 586 15 9T> TITE BLIND. 713 Tadlk aa5.— blind in cities containing 50,000 INlUniTANTS OR MriRK, TtlTH HATIOS I'KR l.OOO.OT'ft OP POPULATION, BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890— Continued. Totkl. Uale. Female. wnmt. COI Total. Katlve born. 7oreJ^ born. jaiiED. CITIES* ParsnU natlra. One or «Dta both par- foreicn. Male. Femalo. Male. Female. Male. Female. Uala. Female. Mala. Female. Mempliis, Teiin niind.. 43 667 78 381 57 S46 50 656 79 434 58 713 241 990 7.';3 497 157 26 332 0818 781 112 469 93 704 32 546 61 1 749 1 59 i 441 24 1 459 1 214 474 32 240 6173 579 35 463 85 964 50 614 26 (53 27 443 dl84 799 27 440 65 768 23 708 49 486 38 434 29 787 46 517 20 643 115 1,014 378 606 3 37 12 314 a414 810 67 538 44 602 21 721 33 862 30 465 12 439 123 539 19 273 0112 660 19 495 41 955 27 660 11 878 9 815 t98 694 12 380 30 710 20 625 20 280 19 246 21 534 33 855 32 783 120 980 375 488 1 19 315 14 34'J 404 754 45 394 49 715 11 372 28 649 29 418 12 480 91 407 13 204 OOI 472 16 1 433 1 44 1 973 ' i 23 567 15 529 18 556 ese 712 1 15 490,1 35 826 8 418 49 488 38 438 15 638 45 617 25 637 78 023 370 603 3 39 12 317 393 809 63 526 43 697 20 692 17 707 30 467 12 469 115 535 IS 262 109 755 19 497 41 965 26 643 10 355 9 817 51 713 12 443 29 694 4 241 20 280 19 248 887 33 364 29 733 90 969 861 478 19 825 14 352 887 7.52 42 379 46 692 11 375 20 800 29 419 ' 9 390 79 376 13 206 60 475 16 430 , 42 938 23 575 14 508 18 561 1 46 583, 12 1 450 1 1 35 835 4 333 8 600 13 454 12 651 15 554 13 777 14 422 50 416 2 60 1 105 168 631 14 394 15 643 16 698 14 726 7 360 8 495 16 206 5 305 23 688 3 326 12 720 10 712 7 532 3 344 25 4T8 4 243 20 1,323 2 189 7 503 10 395 8 436 11 383 25 1,621 26 699 64 470 =4? 7 688 179 843 13 386 26 1,039 8 332 19 930 7 343 6 425 24 409 2 137 13 453 3 330 21 1,199 9 663 519 4 400 27 4»1 493 20 1,293 2 621 14 803 375 2 eM 27 6«0 16 468 3 l,47g 21 759 8 697 46 2,792 1 215 684 1 SO 7 457 140 1.108 36 900 16 838 4 1,461 3 1,593 18 932 3 779 72 1,169 11 378 60 1,040 11 805 24 2,176 M 1,135 2 271 5 626 20 2,068 7 l,47r 9 668 2 072 18 46* 8 304 1 575 16 577 3 2,3 47 2.687 217 673 9 605 5 317 127 •30 17 512 19 900 3 1,513 64^ 18 881 15 1,125 16 1,039 liulio.. niind.. Uilw-aukco, Win 4 78 1 40 liatio.. mind.. Katio.. niind.. lUlio.. Hlind.. Katio.. Pllnd.. Katio.. Klind.. liiilio.. ....lUind.. Katio.. mind.. Katio.. mind.. 1 Uinneapolis Miun 1 1 Kanlirillc, Teun 14 1,050 1 498 1 822 37 1,279 8 632 12 747 Kowark. X.J 9 279 1 5 407 18 516 99 346 4 307 84 630 13 294 12 624 6 176 1 79 80 270 3 m 2 145 81 489 12 272 1 49 Kow Haven, Conn Kow Orleans, La Kow York, X. Y Omalia. Neb 3 2,831 3« 1.008 14 1,075 Patcraon.X. .7 Kalio.. Blind.. Katio.. 7!lind.. Katio.. r.lind.. liatio.. Blind.. Katio.. Klind.. Philadelphia, ra PlttsburR.ra Providence, K.I Keadiug, Pa al6 844 853* 1 621 1 4.785 16 1.125 17 794 3 919 3 1,406 1 Bicbmond. Va 8 441 Katio.. mind.. Katio. . mind.. Ratio.. Blind.. Katio.. Blind.. Eochestor, X. T 5 197 1 181 27 290 2 86 26 489 5 325 5 335 3 202 1 132 1 86 9 656 1 169 4 142 3 524 19 194 4 164 18 3.14 4 255 7 436 3 1»0 3 402 S 890 7 462 2 326 9 680 8t JosodIi.Ko 3 1 1 542 St. Louis, Xro St Paul, Minn 36 679 7 292 29 663 9 757 14 1,246 11 1,034 4 60S 9 972 12 1,358 2 464 6 455 8 604 1 1,121 03 U8 13 868 E,itio.. ....Blind.. K.atio.. ....Blind.. San Francisco, Cal Scranton, Fa el 358 Katio.. ....Blind.. Katio.. ....Blind.. Syncnse, N. Y Toledo, Ohio 1 1,799 1 1,047 1 4.S40 Katio.. ....Blind.. Katio.. ....Blind.. Katio.. ....Blind.. Katio.. ....Blind.. Katio.. Blind ........•• Trenton. N. J TroT.X.Y 1 1,M7 .... M'ashineton, D. C WUmington, Del Woroester, Maas •44 1,801 1 2.058 HO KS t Ratio.. ~ • Including 1 Clilnese. b Including 2 Cbineae. c Chinese. d Including 2 Indiana. Including 1 Indian. 714 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 226.— BLIND BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS AND BY SEX, COLOE, >ATITrrT, AND DIRTH- PLACES OF MOTHERS. TotaL UnknOTm. Under 1 year. 1 to6 years. 6 to 10 yeara. 10 to 15 years. 15 to SO years. SO to 35 years. S6 to SO years. 80 to 35 years. 1 Total 50,411 575 100 663 1,421 2,069 2,218 2,065 2,037 2,151 Male 27,983 22,428 339 236 56 44 345 318 789 632 1,094 975 1,207 1,011 1,124 941 1,160 877 1,225 926 43, 351 432 85 551 1,191 1,746 1,884 1,728 1,756 1,860 Male 24,274 19,077 34,205 29,953 257 175 362 336 44 41 85 64 275 276 538 425 659 532 1,150 914 915 831 1.669 1,305 1,022 862 1,771 1,339 935 793 1,579 1,170 988 708 1,583 1,260 1,066 794 1,650 1,290 7 8 Male ( 10,345 13,608 ■4,252 202 134 26 34 30 21 215 210 113 495 419 236 674 631 364 717 622 432 632 538 409 692 508 323 710 580 360 10 11 One or both parents foreign. Male 2,453 1,794 9,146 15 U 70 10 11 55 58 13 137 99 41 202 162 77 243 189 113 212 197 149 189 134 173 229 131 210 u Male 5.471 ;i, 675 7,060 40 30 143 5 8 112 27 14 230 39 38 323 62 61 334 91 58 337 107 66 281 127 83 291 IS Mala 1R 3,709 3,351 0,207 83 61 J29 12 3 9 70 42 88 130 100 188 179 144 281 185 149 300 189 148 285 172 109 231 159 132 254 Black Male 3,292 2,915 833 75 54 14 8 1 6 61 27 24 111 77 42 156 125 42 163 113 68 159 126 52 145 86 50 140 114 37 23 Mixcil blood Male 417 436 31,003 7 7 342 4 2 66 9 15 453 19 23 974 23 19 1,378 32 36 1,431 30 22 1,249 27 23 1, 302 19 18 1,335 "It Birthplaces of mothers (white): Male 16, 920 14.083 1.562 208 136 10 38 30 1 230 223 5 531 143 21 720 668 44 760 671 62 675 574 58 710 592 61 740 59o 61 Td '?9 Male 928 634 370 6 4 3 2 3 3 15 6 3 23 21 12 32 30 14 29 29 6 43 18 13 36 25 17 11 1 1? Scotland Mole n 231 139 4,290 2 1 29 1 2 31 5 7 76 9 6 119 2 4 147 8 5 127 11 6 143 M 3 14 m Male VI 2,470 1.814 730 14 15 6 8 6 16 17 14 30 39 37 43 65 54 29 77 70 37 75 52 30 89 54 1 40 ST IB Uritiifb America Male m 427 303 200 4 1 ■ 11 5 3 17 13 3 25 18 3 15 14 3 23 14 5 18 21 7 23 17 13 40 41 Krauco Male 41 127 79 3,509 1 2 41 3 3 3 2 141 3 4 148 10 3 174 43 3 09 44 25 60 140 Male 4K 2.140 1.303 SOO 347 219 15 10 4 14 27 7 39 21 23 65 44 32 82 58 27 74 07 27 93 65 28 111 03 23 4« 17 Hcindinftrla .... Main a 3 1 8 12 U 19 13 18 B 17 10 . 18 10 14 • it ITomale tiil: blind. BEX, COLOR, NATIVnV, AMJ lUlCTUPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1890. 715 86 to 40 yoar«. 40lo45 yeiir8. 4S to 60 yoiim. 60 to 66 ywiri*. 66 to 00 yiiirB. 00 to 06 yearn. 06 (o 70 yi'ars. 70 to 76 yi-nni. 76 to 80 yfAm. 80 to 86 yrar«. 86 to 90 yeam. 00 to 06 yean. 06 yean aod over. 2,214 2,508 3,060 3,270 8,243 3,00« 3,888 4,286 3,002 3,481 1,836 Oil aoo 1 1.281 033 1,521 087 2.016 1,053 2,048 1,222 1.931 1,311 2.255 1,651 2,198 1,688 2,317 1,930 1.000 1.033 1,081 1,800 825 1,011 366 516 208 104 1 1 I.SOO 2,184 2,881 2,860 2,807 3,385 8,470 3,773 8.447 2,«M 1,600 8RI 266 4 I.0K8 821 1,643 1.359 1.317 8«7 1.741 1.514 1.750 911 2.114 1,909 1,794 1,065 2,137 1.941 1,7IS 1.182 2.105 1,U68 1,080 1.405 2,308 2. 107 1,050 1,514 2,380 2,233 2,105 1,668 2,072 2,518 1.772 1,675 2.474 2,333 1,400 l,4»5 2.293 2,133 730 860 1,217 1,107 292 392 532 484 115 150 1»« 186 a 1 751 6U8 2M 890 624 227 1,243 666 205 1,103 748 196 1,127 839 139 1.2.18 029 141 1,204 1,029 153 1.355 1,163 154 1,165 1,168 HI 1,048 1,085 160 489 618 110 100 288 48 75 lit 10 10 U 174 110 2C6 141 80 443 136 69 547 136 61 722 85 54 792 07 44 1,077 84 69 1,084 87 67 1,101 67 74 973 83 78 701 65 55 373 10 20 152 4 8 60 u 13 14 163 103 305 286 157 324 371 176 408 466 256 411 503 289 345 645 432 521 668 416 416 663 438 513 540 433 455 369 332 487 186 187 246 77 75 228 36 33 335 U 10 17 1B3 112 265 204 120 284 266 142 367 254 157 359 216 129 307 275 246 462 242 174 372 242 271 465 197 258 401 182 305 445 05 151 225 74 154 215 01 244 300 IS 10 10 164 101 40 176 108 40 249 118 41 ?20 139 52 190 117 38 254 208 59 220 152 44 221 244 48 176 225 54 170 275 42 139 21 70 145 13 88 221 26 21 23 2S 29 11 1,411 28 12 1,561 17 24 1,960 34 18 1,981 26 12 2,006 21 38 2,227 22 2,304 21 27 2,589 21 33 2,390 12 30 2,206 9 12 1,143 4 9 503 3 23 ISO 34 2S at 786 625 67 916 MS 94 1,274 G80 96 1.225 758 123 1.148 858 113 1,276 951 128 1.239 1,065 149 1.388 1,201 134 1,103 1,197 134 1,081 1,125 07 507 636 72 203 300 27 70 113 5 27 28 20 47 20 11 59 35 18 72 24 21 73 50 31 68 45 27 77 51 28 88 61 39 80 54 33 69 65 34 54 43 31 39 33 IS 14 13 9 2 3 2 30 31 3S 7 4 179 14 4 206 12 246 23 8 337 21 6 320 17 11 476 27 12 445 19 14 471 19 15 392 20 11 289 9 6 137 3 6 71 2 33 14 34 35 98 81 36 119 87 32 154 92 44 213 124 49 195 125 55 275 291 48 274 171 51 275 196 43 219 173 57 149 14U 29 63 69 28 35 36 7 17 IT 8 38 3? 38 23 13 6 24 8 11 32 12 11 30 19 11 34 21 13 34 14 19 26 25 18 28 15 29 25 20 11 18 13 12 16 13 4 3 2 5 3 2 30 40 a 3 3 130 9 2 168 6 5 194 5 6 228 10 3 253 16 3 314 9 359 19 10 337 13 7 292 5 8 228 6 7 120 1 1 45 2 43 48 9 U 81 49 25 112 56 20 141 53 28 153 75 28 167 86 36 195 119 40 225 134 36 208 120 47 160 132 54 127 101 31 67 53 25 22 23 7 4 6 6 45 40 4T 18 7 17 12 23 6 19 26 10 24 16 10 17 32 15 30 24 15 16 11 14 5 2 o 4 48 4S 716 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AKD DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 226.— BLIND BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS AND BY SEX, mrr, color, xATrvnT. and bikth- pulces of mothers. Total. Unknown. TTnder I year. ItoS years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 1 Birthplaces of mothers (white)— CoutiinuM. 88 2 2 8 4 4 5 2 4 Male 50 38 64 2 1 1 4 4 1 3 1 4 2 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 4 3 4 1 Milo *3 21 54 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 Italy 1 1 7 Male 38 16 127 1 1 3 4 6 3 2 8 1 1 15 1 2 13 8 7 Male 1\ 69 58 621 3 3 19 1 7 28 10 5 32 7 6 33 6 2 14 3 4 29 2 1 7 6 Male 14 371 250 161 4 3 4 4 2 11 8 5 14 14 10 22 10 4 20 13 4 8 6 3 17 12 10 35 1 16 Male 17 101 60 1 3 2 3 7 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 6 4 1R THE BLIND. COIiOU, NATIVITV", AND BIRXnPLACES OP MOTHERS: 1890— Coutiiiaod. 717 SS In 40 years. 40 lo 4fi 46 to AO yvurt*. £0 Ui AS years. fi&tnOO years. 00 to 05 yours. 05 to 70 yearn. 70ta7u yearn. 75t«H0 yeum. 80 to H5 M In 00 yi*am. ^L'^irs. OOtoOi yours. Oft yoani aiiil it\i'r. 4 4 4 t 8 t 8 7 6 4 1 4 2 2 S 3 1 4 3 3 S 5 3 4 8 3 2 2 4 8 3 4 3 2 3 1 i t 2 7 1 2 4 1 1 3 C 1 5 6 3 3 4 4 1 6 2 2 2 4 2 1 3 1 1 1 K 1 1 :"":;;;:;;""::::" fl 7 3 1 7 3 3 3 G 4 3 2 10 1 1 2 1 R 1 4 1 B 9 9 8 5 6 3 1 10 7 2 23 S 2 31 5 3 32 3 1 43 C 4 59 41 3 2 63 4 2 39 4 3 45 1 2 17 11 6 44 1 G If 9 13 13 22 11 9 7 8 17 15 5 31 12 9 28 10 9 36 23 19 30 11 40 23 9 21 18 IG 23 22 12 5 12 2 4 8 4 5 1 14 IS 16 2 s 8 3 2 8 3 7 2 14 5 3 6 3 12 4 G 6 4 3 7 3 1 17 111 718 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tablk 227.— congenital BLIND BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS UOTHEBS. Total. Unknown. Usder 6 years. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 16 years. 15 to SO years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to SO years. SO to 35 years. 1 4,267 52 378 476 566 633 427 355 287 ^a.\e ^ 2,346 1,921 24 28 203 175 279 197 313 253 301 237 231 196 191 164 140 147 t "WTiite 4 3,661 40 320 409 477 452 364 308 265 Male R 1,986 1,695 3,449 2,882 17 23 37 3i 166 154 315 249 237 172 398 318 253 224 465 378 250 202 432 341 194 170 341 260 159 149 285 246 130 135 248 204 ft 7 R ^f ale Q 1,549 1.333 567 14 20 3 130 119 66 181 137 80 196 182 87 184 157 91 141 119 81 130 116 39 99 105 44 10 II Malo 1? 321 246 232 2 1 3 34 32 5 48 32 11 53 35 12 57 34 20 44 37 23 15 24 23 22 22 17 IS 14 Male IS 116 116 586 1 2 12 2 3 58 8 3 67 5 7 89 11 88 9 14 63 14 9 47 9 8 22 Iff Female Male in 360 226 483 7 5 11 37 21 43 42 25 45 60 29 78 51 35 73 37 20 50 32 15 37 10 12 17 ?n Black Male ?i 302 181 103 5 1 32 • U 15 29 16 22 53 25 11 48 30 13 28 22 13 28 9 10 7 10 5 ""I Miiod blood Male •>! 58 45 3,000 1 5 10 262 13 9 336 7 4 396 8 5 360 9 4 282 4 6 252 3 2 207 ri TA Dlrtbplaces of mothers (white) : United States 34 Male IP 1,011 1,389 81 14 20 137 125 3 190 146 8 207 189 4 194 160 16 153 129 9 134 118 5 101 106 9 Td r) Male no 40 41 13 1 2 1 5 3 1 3 2 7 9 3 3 6 2 3 1 B 4 8 XI Feoiale J? Scotland Male SI) 6 7 121 3 1 1 2 11 M 1 7 2 15 im 2 6 10 17 13 Male m 64 87 00 1 10 4 2 6 9 6 13 11 5 7 7 10 6 4 9 2 8 8 5 »7 2 1 M TlritiMb A"nerira Male n 87 23 14 1 8 2 2 5 1 1 7 4 3 5 1 2 2 3 2 40 Female 2 41 Male 42 5 250 1 2 2 4« Female 2 23 2 20 44 Gennany 1 28 32 27 23 17 Male 45 134 no 58 1 8 15 21 7 10 14 12 7 20 12 7 11 IS 10 13 7 10 7 4 4« Female 47 Scandlaaria Male 48 30 22 1 2 4 1 4 a 3 G 1 8 1 «• Female 1 Till-: 15LTND. AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ANU BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1800. 719 SIS 1^40 yours. 40 to 4S yvTu. 4fi to M 50 t« 65 jcnni. 65 In 60 yoarn. BO to 66 yi<••« and orer. US 102 171 163 110 8< 7< 4« X M 10 6 • 1 141 101 108 84 101 70 105 57 57 53 53 43 39 37 28 18 8 20 16 18 4 16 1 3 1 4 1 a 220 16i> 157 141 101 79 87 41 23 27 17 1 1 « 127 03 200 174 g« 73 I&3 134 go 67 139 127 86 55 125 118 63 48 92 88 44 85 68 66 32 35 60 59 25 16 32 30 5 18 21 19 16 11 21 20 4 13 15 15 I 1 2 2 2 (1 T ( 100 7* 28 75 5» 10 73 54 12 73 45 7 46 43 4 37 29 2 28 31 1 20 10 2 6 14 2 12 8 1 4 11 1 1 t It U 1 16 10 20 14 5 16 6 18 4 3 16 3 1 9 2 1 1 11 2 9 2 2 1^ 11 7 6 2 1 1 14 11 9 22 7 9 23 11 7 14 9 7 21 4 S 9 5 6 17 3 4 9 5 4 5 3 3 7 1 16 2 5 2 3 1 2 18 5 17 1« 8 18 12 11 22 11 3 14 19 2 18 4 5 7 9 8 16 7 2 9 3 2 5 3 2 5 2 3 3 If 7 7 3 3 2 12 « 1 11 11 1 11 3 16 2 3 3 4 2 9 7 1 7 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 *?i 7 3 2 23 2 2 176 1 3 1 1 88 1 1 24 7ft 1 68 138 131 121 61 31 20 20 IS 2 Iff 101 75 8 77 61 2 74 57 6 74 47 5 46 42 1 38 30 3 29 32 20 11 1 5 15 12 8 1 4 11 1 1 rt ?R Yt 5 3 1 1 2 5 1 1 4 1 1 2 m 1 1 1 ^1 n 1 T1 2 4 81 10 3 6 1 4 3 1 1 1 Vt 3 7 4 3 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 M i 37 1 38 2 2 2 1 1 1 nt 1 40 =• 1 1 41 3 1 4t 1 3 41 14 17 12 5 10 2 4 2 3 I 41 10 4 i 11 6 2 5 7 2 3 5 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 ■ 1 3 I 1 4.1 2 1 1 48 47 3 1 1 1 1 1 411 1 1 1 a 720 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 5827.— CONGENITAL BLIND BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE PERIODS AND RFT, COLOE, KATIVrry, AND BIBTHFLACES OF UOTUEBS. Total. Unknown. Under 6 years. fitolO years. 10 to 16 yeara. IS to 30 years. SOtoSS years. 25 to 30 years. SO to 35 yeara. 1 Birthplaces of zaotbcrs (white) — Continaod. 6 1 2 1 2 ilale S 1 S 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 7 1 2 1 1 1 Italv 2 4 5 2 2 2 2 3 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 u 12 13 3 6 45 . 1 2 6 1 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 5 9 6 j[ale 14 25 20 12 2 1 3 3 1 4 1 4 3 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 1 16 1 ililo 17 18 8 4 1 4 2 1 1 1 TIIK r.I.lN'D. 721 BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, ANIJ lUUTIU'LACES 01" MOTltKKS: 1890— ContiuuocL 8Sto40 yeara. 40 to 45 yvan. 45tou0 yeara. fiOtoSS yeara. fiStoOO yeara. 00 to OS yeara. ostoio yeara. 70 to 78 yean. 78 to 80 yeara. 80 to 88 yean. RSIoOO ytmn. y^,r,. MW'J UMlT. 1 1 1 1 ::::.. .::...i;::;;:..:;::i...;;:;.:::.i;::;;:;:;;:; 1 ' ' 1 I 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 II 1 1? i 2 1 1 1 1 i 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1A 1 1 1 n 1 1 . 1 1 7170 iNS- -4G 722 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 22S.-N0NC0NGENITAL BLIND IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE BLIND, BY QUINQUENNIAL SEX, COLOB, NATITITT, AND BIBTHPLACES OP MOTHEBS. Total. ! "Unknown. Under 5 yeara. 6 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to SO years. SO to So years. 25 to SO years. 80 to 35 years. 1 lotal 40,354 301 332 808 1,293 1,460 1,440 1,472 1,584 Ifale 3 22,370 17,984 189 112 175 157 430 378 075 618 777 683 783 063 834 618 926 C58 ■White 4 34,993 236 272 631 1,114 1,259 1,218 1,267 1,367 t 19, 574 15,419 27,262 24,000 153 83 205 189 136 136 26S 204 360 321 654 516 580 534 1,053 804 667 592 1,170 873 656 562 1,099 802 729 538 1,136 883 809 558 1,210 933 7 8 Male 13, 004 10,936 3,262 124 65 16 103 101 61 265 251 138 416 388 249 400 413 303 429 373 297 493 388 253 531 402 277 U Malo 12 13 U 1,879 1,383 7,731 10 6 31 30 31 7 78 CO 27 133 116 01 100 143 83 150 14T 119 151 102 131 182 95 157 Male 15 1A 4,031 3,100 5,361 19 12 65 3 4 60 17 10 127 31 30 179 47 36 201 77 42 228 83 48 205 93 01 217 17 ColorcU Male 18 It 20 2,790 2,565 4,746 36 29 61 39 21 45 70 57 113 95 84 155 110 91 155 127 101 197 125 80 171 117 100 194 Black Male 21 23 23 2,494 2,252 615 33 28 4 31 14 15 66 47 14 81 74 24 87 08 40 110 87 31 104 07 34 100 88 23 Min-d blood Male 24 25 302 313 24,838 3 1 193 8 7 221 4 10 553 14 10 854 23 23 941 17 14 857 21 13 914 11 12 972 "6 Birthplaces of mothera (white) : United Stat«a Male 13, 526 11,312 1,308 127 66 8 113 108 2 288 265 10 440 408 37 490 451 40 450 398 43 505 409 50 550 416 47 n 29 Hnglandand "Wales Male 777 531 313 6 3 1 1 1 1 9 1 2 21 16 10 21 19 9 23 20 36 14 11 28 19 12 tl 92 Scotia nd Male m 199 114 3,576 1 1 1 25 5 5 51 5 4 94 2 4 119 7 4 100 8 4 115 14 Female 1 7 fll 13 Male M 2,001 1,515 604 9 4 1 3 4 10 13 12 22 25 26 30 49 45 19 64 55 31 63 37 34 73 43 30 17 IB Male 19 350 254 174 1 4 2 10 12 2 19 11 1 10 9 3 18 13 . 3 17 17 7 IB 11 10 40 Female 41 France Malo 41 102 72 2,801 I 1 10 2 3 1 2 104 3 4 110 7 8 120 49 Feraalu 1 05 u 13 27 101 Male 411 1,707 1,0U 453 7 6 1 7 12 7 15 12 11 30 29 21 SO 45 18 57 47 10 73 37 20 85 41 17 4A 47 Scandinavia Mnir 4( 278 175 1 4 3 7 4 13 11 13 5 9 7 II 10 7 40 Ft-mulo TT1I-: 15LIND. 723 AGE PERIODS AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND lUKTIIPLACER OF MOTHERS: 1890. 8K (n 40 yourn. 40 to 45 jourH. 4K (0 SO yearn. 60 to AS yiiim. 66 to GO yourn. eu i<> fl.'i yoiin*. OA 1.. 70 yonrH. 70 to ;s yoiir». I.) lo NO ycarii. NO to Hi ycom. HfitoM yean. OOtoM year*. 9t yrmn and over. 1.000 2,023 2. 513 2,716 2,770 3.333 1,924 1,400 3,303 3.705 3,477 3.083 1.023 m 600 1 080 710 1,227 790 1,050 863 I,C84 1,031 1,653 1,117 1.804 1.400 2,062 1.703 1.702 1,715 1.400 1.587 720 894 . 1.410 640 704 1.084 080 324 473 176 324 S S 1.4SS B31 I.2i3 l.OM 1,776 2,189 2,380 2,404 2,010 B,020 . 3,343 3,002 2,077 007 221 « 1.008 707 1. 413 1.232 1,430 750 1.743 1,574 1.481 899 1.707 1.597 1,475 1,010 1.813 1,092 1.702 1,214 1,089 1,804 1.691 1,320 2,085 1.954 1.804 1,470 2.397 2,203 1,503 1,400 2,226 2,105 1,343 1,334 2,063 1,922 259 348 408 430 99 122 163 156 t a 7 8 r.50 406 2.11 725 507 181 1,024 650 169 975 622 170 974 718 121 1,055 809 125 1,051 003 131 1,219 1,044 134 1,000 1,045 121 040 982 141 42S 660 98 174 260 38 02 93 8 ■ 10 11 143 88 M2 110 71 362 112 57 446 114 56 013 72 49 681 87 88 927 68 63 035 70 65 940 50 02 806 73 68 014 40 4B 320 IS 23 139 4 4 58 12 13 14 125 77 241 233 129 248 303 143 324 392 221 335 429 252 276 560 367 417 572 363 343 566 380 422 474 392 385 330 284 406 171 155 213 70 09 190 33 26 270 15 10 17 15fi 85 210 l.'-.9 89 216 211 113 287 203 132 293 178 98 251 222 195 367 203 140 301 198 224 384 169 216 338 153 253 372 83 130 195 65 125 181 77 202 200 18 U 20 13t 76 31 137 79 32 195 92 37 175 118 42 161 80 25 203 164 50 182 119 42 181 203 38 150 188 47 144 228 34 76 119 18 62 119 9 78 184 19 21 23 23 22 1.067 22 10 1,273 16 21 1,618 28 14 1,628 17 8 1,728 19 31 1,920 21 21 2,013 17 21 2,326 19 28 2,153 9 26 1,990 7 11 1,015 3 6 446 1 18 156 24 26 28 ,187 480 48 747 526 80 1,052 56G 74 1,001 627 111 992 736 101 1,092 828 115 1,081 932 127 1,250 1,076 118 1,084 1,069 117 971 1,019 88 441 574 64 181 265 26 03 93 3 27 28 2S 33 15 10 49 31 13 53 21 18 62 40 25 61 40 24 70 45 26 75 52 34 70 48 28 58 69 32 51 37 29 37 27 13 13 12 7 1 2 2 30 31 31 7 3 145 12 1 174 9 9 200 19 6 285 19 5 279 16 10 391 23 11 382 16 12 391 17 15 341 19 10 244 8 6 123 3 4 61 2 33 M 30 36 82 63 20 100 74 29 127 79 38 175 110 42 165 114 47 227 164 46 233 149 47 226 165 38 190 151 51 128 116 23 61 59 24 29 32 7 17 13 7 88 37 38 17 9 5 2 3 lOi 2i 7 7 27 11 10 26 16 11 29 18 9 32 14 16 24 23 14 25 13 28 21 30 20 9 16 11 10 14 U 4 3 2 4 3 2 39 40 41 S 2 131 5 5 151 5 6 194 7 2 212 13 3 278 6 8 311 18 10 297 13 7 260 3 8 205 6 6 103 1 1 41 2 41 it • 44 63 41 19 87 44 22 116 35 26 132 62 23 141 71 29 177 101 37 102 119 32 182 115 39 141 119 50 117 88 28 00 43 23 19 22 7 4 6 4 48 a 47 14 S 13 9 21 6 15 8 22 7 22 16 10 18 28 U 28 22 14 14 10 13 5 2 2 2 48 48 724 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 288.— NONCONGENITAL BLIND IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE BLIND, BY QUINQUENNIAL SEE, COLOE, XATmTT. AM) BIKTHPLACES OF SIOTUGBS. Total. Unknown. Under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 16 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 35 years. So to SO years. 30 to 33 years. 1 Birthpliccs of mothers (white)— Continued. 72 1 8 3 3 2 1 2 o 37 35 51 1 4 4 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 ^ 1 1 1 n - Male 6 6 7 36 15 40 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 Italy . 3 1 27 13 06 1 2 2 2 6 1 10 1 11 11 5 5 3kf ale J" 53 43 492 . 1 1 11 1 5 21 6 5 18 5 6 21 5 2 3 20 12 ]3 3 3 12 Male 14 15 292 200 115 1 2 2 1 2 7 4 4 8 13 5 12 e 13 8 3 5 2 14 6 C Male j7 09 46 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 IF 2 Till-: IJLTND. 725 AGE PEUIODS AND BY SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, AND llUtllll'LACEd OF MOTnEES: 1800-.f-..,.;.,,ind. So to 40 yeur». 40 I0 43 yeurtt. 4S to 60 yeiira. SO to AS ycurs. SS ro 00 ycarB. 60 to (15 >ear«. 66 in TO yeurrt. 70 to 76 ycjiM. 76 to 80 years. 80 to No yeum. h!, u, 00 ycuTH. 00 to 05 yearn. 05 ,rr«ni ■ ud ovvr. 4 4 4 « 5 t 6 7 4 4 1 4 2 2 S 8 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 4 s 3 4 3 2 2 1 4 a 2 e .. .. 1 1 3 6 1 4 6 3 3 4 8 1 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 - ... 3 7 3 2 2 7 3 2 1 6 2 2 10 1 1 2 5 a « 3 5 6 2 10 5 1 17 5 21 2 25 38 6 4 61 36 3 2 64 3 2 85 4 1 37 1 1 16 11 40 I-* < 7 13 D 8 3 i:i 8 4 14 11 4 27 U 5 25 IS 7 32 19 15 26 10 6 34 20 7 20 IS 15 19 18 U 5 11 10 2 4 6 8 4 1 U 15 18 1 2 4 2 2 4 1 6 1 10 5 3 3 5 2 11 4 6 5 4 2 3 1 17 U 72G IXSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND, Table 329.— BLIND IN INSTITUTIONS FOK THE BLIND, pY SEX 27 DiSTITCTIOXa. In institntioDS Alnbamn Academy for the Blind, TallndPsa Califonii.l Institution for the Blind, Berkeley Ciilnradi* Institution for tlio Blind, Colorado Springs Florida Institntion for tlio Blind. St. Augustiuo Georgia Academy for the Blind, Macon Illinois Institntion for the Education of the Blind, Jacksonville Indiana Institution for the Education of the Blind, Indianap 833 CS7 1 1 SO 46 267 297 2fl» 131 131 38 35 11 11 ff ^hit^j i 1,41« 1 1 94 4G3 478 255 71 22 Slalp fi 773 1 638 1,307 887 1 1 52 42 87 65 247 216 442 305 279 199 452 304 128 127 224 145 37 34 59 37 IJ 11 19 15 7 1 1 1 R llalp 1 476 411 420 I 36 29 22 156 1J9 137 174 130 148 74 71 79 19 18 22 6 9 in 11 1 Jlale \1 235 185 lOS I 12 10 7 78 59 21 89 59 26 38 41 31 9 13 12 3 1 3 13 fmuiUe - U Male- . . n fi7 42 83 4 3 12 13 8 30 16 10 28 16 15 7 9 3 2 2 1 ifi iLuiale.. 17 Male 18 54 29 8 4 20 le 18 10 3 4 1 1 1» Female ?0 Blaek Male 1 21 Tf. yemale ?.1 Jlale 7t t JJ >'cinale 1 M Birthplaces of mothers (white) : 971 1 1 72 330 337 158 1 *" 16 Male V7 521 450 56 1 1 40 32 2 171 159 21 192 143 20 79 79 9 211 20 1 7 9 1 ?8 I'emale V» England and Wales Male 3<) 24 32 14 1 1 12 7 7 13 5 2 7 2 1 31 female 1 32 Scotland Male 33 7 7 120 2 5 31 4 1 44 1 1 31 U M 4 7 1 Mi.lc it 73 53 27 4 18 13 D 26 18 6 14 17 8 2 5 1 1 87 38 British America 2 1 Male 39 15 12 4 4 5 1 4 2 1 6 2 1 1 4U J-'eiiialc 2 1 1 41 Franco 42 1 3 136 1 43 >'elliulu 1 37 1 32 1 12 44 Germany 6 44 > Male 45 8t 52 31 3 3 4 21 10 8 30 14 7 18 14 8 4 5 1 4e K<-maln 47 Scandlnaria M.I.. M 21 lU 2 a 7 1 5 2 3 4 4 1 4S l-'ouiaJo , ■•••••■••■•a THE BLIND. PERIODS AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OP MOTIIEKS: 1800. 729 86 In 40 40 la 4S 46 lu AG &0 Ut AS i S» In 00 yoiim. 00 tn A,> yt'dri*. •K lu ;o yMUH. ;o i<> ;s ><>iirN. HO lo Dfi 1 MloM >i:.r». 1 MtoM yt'urN. Mrnn ■na orer. U 10 8 2 3 1 3 1 1 i S 7 a S a a 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 11 1 1 a 1 2 4 1 5 10 s a 6 3 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 • 7 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 3 8 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 9 10 u 1 ■""*■"*•*""* 3 1 4 2 1 3 1 11 IS M 1 1 1 ........ .. .... 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 IS la n 1 '"I 2 1 1 . .....^ 1 2 1 18 19 ao 1 ' ' 1 1.... 1 ' 1 1 21 23 23 ' 1 1 1 1 1 24 25 28 1 > 1 1 i 7 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ! 27 28 29 1 1 1 30 31 33 1 ) 83 34 38 S 2 1 1 ! 5 2 1 1 3« 37 38 .. .. ' 1 39 40 41 .:":;: i :::::"::■ 1 42 43 44 1 2 1 2 1 1 _. 1 _ 45 48 47 1 :;:;::::::;;i:::;::::::::i:::::":::: :i"::::::"' 1 1 1 ' 1 48 48 ::::::::::::i::::::::::::i;:::;;;;:::; L. ;::;::;::: 730 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 230.— BLIND IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE BLIND, BY QUINQUENNIAL AGE SEX, coLOK, KATirrrr, and biethplacbs of UOTHEBS. Total. Unknown. Under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 ye.ar8. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 85 years. BirtliplacM of mothers (whit*)— Continued. 1 1 2 3 1 C 1 Hnniiarr 2 2 2 5 6 7 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 8 9 10 2 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 ■ 11 12 1 i 18 1 2 5 1 8 1 2 1 1 14 15 16 13 5 18 3 2 9 7 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 17 18 13 5 1 1 7 2 2 1 2 1 1 TliK 15LIND. PERIODS AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND lUKTHPLACES 01' MOTHERS: 1890— Coutlnnod. 731 8S tn to yi'ura. 40 to 45 yciira. 45 to 50 yoara. 50 to 55 yonro. 55 to 00 years. no l'> 05 ycora. 05 to 70 yoara. TO tn 75 yean. -J . 75 tnSO yoara. 80 to 85 yoara. N5 to DO ycora. 00 to St yoara. 05 Toara audoTor. 1 1 :::::::::;:::::::::;:::;i:::::;:;;::: t 4 ft :::::;:;:::::::;:::::::: « T 1 8 : ! 9 10 11 12 1 ia 14 1 15 1(1 i 1 17 18 1 1 732 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 231.— BLr^•D BETWEEN' 5 AND 20 YEARS OF AGE, WITH DISTIXCTIOX OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. SIAIBB AND TEBBTTOBIES. The United States. Alabama Arizona Ark.iDsaB Califuruia Coloratlo CoDDeeticat Delaware District of Colambia. Florida Georgia Idaho niinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Kebraska Nevada Xew Hampshire Kew Jersey Kew Mexico Kew York Xorth Carolina Kortb Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsvlvania Bho'lo Inl.'ind Sonth Caiolina Bouth Dakota Tennessee Texas Uuh Vermont Virginia 'Washington Weal Virginia Wisc-onniu Wyoming Total. 5,708 182 I 2 186 68 47 56 9 12 27 222 6 324 2U4 127 139 271 81 48 93 178 129 74 120 277 7 86 2 28 90 45 392 207 3 279 S 19 439 36 149 32 227 275 9 22 237 12 103 122 Male. 3,090 103 1 103 42 27 29 4 8 13 117 4 181 109 71 67 146 4G 30 52 97 74 47 68 131 4 42 2 18 48 25 208 114 2 151 1 6 233 19 89 15 112 147 6 12 125 7 C3 71 Fe- male. 2,613 79 1 83 26 20 27 5 4 14 105 o 143 95 56 72 125 35 18 41 81 65 27 52 146 3 44 10 42 20 184 93 1 128 4 13 206 17 60 17 115 128 3 10 112 5 40 51 Total. Male. 2,596 59 1 76 42 27 26 4 6 79 4 175 108 70 63 119 24 30 30 97 73 45 33 120 4 41 2 18 44 25 206 76 2 144 1 6 228 19 35 15 80 109 6 12 72 7 61 70 Fe- male. 2,225 4G 1 68 25 20 24 4 3 7 58 2 142 92 55 68 102 22 18 31 80 S3 27 24 143 10 40 20 180 67 1 124 4 13 196 17 24 17 83 89 3 10 70 5 37 51 Kative bom. Parents native. Male. 1,886 58 73 20 14 11 4 2 6 79 3 109 90 39 66 111 21 25 23 39 33 12 32 102 1 25 1 12 26 21 115 70 105 1 6 153 8 34 4 78 94 1 8 71 20 Fe- male. 1,672 46 100 85 33 64 98 17 15 26 35 26 5 24 120 5 27 19 93 65 1 95 3 g 130 9 24 9 84 73 1 3 07 3 35 18 One or both parents foreign. Male. 582 Fe- male. 450 Foreign born. Male. 67 128 Fe- male. 103 Total. Male 494 44 53 Fe male. 33 42 Black. Male. 420 22 43 Fe- male.! Mixed blood. Male 74 10 Fe. mule. 78 6 THE r.LIND. 733 Tabu: asa.— BLIND BY AGE PERIODS WHEN BLINDNESS OCCURRED, AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIKTlll'LACES OK MOTllEItS: 18110. •EX, COLOB, MATrVITY, AND UIBTIIPLACKB Or MOTaBOS. Tot«l. Birth. Under 1 year. llnS yean. 6 to 10 year*. 10 ycai". _\ian». ami ov«T. 1 •- IJOWH. Total 60,411 4.207 1,381 2, .MO 2,582 3.842 i:: 1 l,i-t<» 5.790 Male 27. 9a-i 22,428 2.340 1,021 712 009 1,349 1,191 1,370 1,200 2,280 2. i:i; 1 ... i 3, .:j1 1 . . ll.aui 7,245 4,050 8,587 7,0.32 (V'hito «,D51 3,681 1,294 2,214 4, 077 M)»le 24,274 IB, 077 31, 205 2!), 953 1,980 1,095 3,449 2,882 808 020 1,180 943 1,170 1,041 1,081 1,550 1,200 1,080 2,054 1.593 1. 881 1,411 2,800 2,352 7.410 7,11)0 10,594 9.924 2.714 l.MS 3.494 3,071 Mnle 16,345 i:i, U(I8 4,252 1,549 1,333 567 486 457 237 821 735 42S 824 709 461 1,347 1,005 514 4.7BS 2.867 955 4.821 5,103 070 1,732 1,339 423 Male 2,458 1,794 »,146 321 246 232 110 IL'l lU 222 203 233 245 210 232 291 2::3 420 654 301 2.7U 351 319 4.012 ITeiualo 11.5 1.1S3 5,471 3,673 7,060 110 116 586 66 48 87 127 100 320 131 101 296 243 183 550 J, 820 888 1,774 2.238 1,774 2,328 724 459 1,113 Coloreil Mnlo 3,709 3,351 360 220 44 43 170 147 170 120 311 2JU 1,087 687 999 1,329 560 Black M.tIc Feinule Mjxcit blood Male Birthplaces of mothers (white) : Uiiitvd States .- 31,003 3,000 1,017 1,W2 1,081 2,437 7,869 10,192 3.165 Male 16.920 14, 083 1,502 1,611 1,389 81 520 497 46 868 774 65 867 814 07 1,393 1,014 118 4,927 2, 942 418 4,951 5,241 504 1.382 173 Male 928 634 370 40 41 13 24 22 5 42 23 16 30 31 24 69 49 20 299 149 101 307 257 141 Scotland 44 Male 231 139 4,290 C 7 121 1 4 58 11 5 145 12 12 189 18 8 277 73 28 1,328 84 57 1,579 18 593 Male 2,478 1,814 730 64 67 60 34 24 25 03 82 57 inr. 84 45 143 134 70 865 463 203 851 728 204 351 Male 427 303 206 37 23 14 17 8 3 29 28 15 25 •JO 7 39 31 128 75 52 112 92 88 40 26 France 18 Male 127 79 3,509 9 5 250 1 2 83 9 6 171 6 1 172 7 264 34 18 894 50 38 1,277 16 2 398 Male 2,146 1,303 SCO 134 110 58 43 40 21 97 '* 39 88 84 27 168 90 33 634 260 126 737 540 207 245 Fomalo 153 ftrAniliTinvin .,.,,,, B5 Male 347 219 30 22 11 10 'J II 17 10 21 13 90 86 119 88 33 i'eiuale 23 734 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tabls «32 -BLDTD BY AGE PERIODS WHEN BLINDNESS OCCURRED, AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS : 1890— Continued. BBS, COLOE, SATIYITT. AKD BIBTHPLACES OF MOTHKBS. Total. Birth. trnder 1 year. ItoS years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. SO to 60 years. SOyears and over. Unknown. Birthplaces of mothers (white)— Continncd. Bohemia 88 6 5 7 7 2 20 31 10 50 38 S 1 5 2 3 3 5 2 6 4 3 S 1 1 3 12 8 24 13 18 12 Hungary 43 21 54 3 2 7 3 2 4 3 1 2 4 1 2 1 19 5 IB 10 2 10 Italy 4 Male 38 16 127 5 2 9 1 3 7 1 2 8 2 2 11 1 14 4 34 8 2 28 Female Bnfisia and Poland 8 a 69 68 621 3 6 45 3 4 16 3 5 32 5 6 45 4 4 37 24 10 154 14 14 208 IS 84 ^aJe •••- 371 250 161 25 20 12 8 8 1 17 15 8 30 15 4 17 20 7 105 49 30 115 93 65 54 30 Unknown 34 101 60 8 4 3 5 2 2 4 3 21 9 39 20 24 1 10 THE BTJND. 735 Table 933.— BLIND IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE IlMNP, nv AOE PKRIOns WHEN ULINDNERS OCCURRED, AND BY 8KX, COLOR, NATIVITV, AND lUIMlll'LACES OF MOTHERS: 1890. 8KX, COLOR. HATIVITT, AKD BIBTHPLACBB OF MOTHERS. ToUl. TTnluiewii. Birth. Under 6 yoan. StolO yean. lOlafO yaua. (OloCO ymn. tOyeanasd o»er. Total 1.4M 87 850 483 295 243 43 1 jlalo 832 M7 63 85 183 1S7 244 238 162 133 143 08 37 6 1 1 41S 84 328 459 280 228 n I ^alo 778 038 1,307 887 61 33 81 60 178 190 307 219 233 220 429 306 149 131 261 155 138 93 199 130 13 5 30 17 1 478 411 420 36 24 21 122 97 88 150 156 123 85 70 106 68 62 09 15 2 13 285 185 lOB 13 B 8 44 it 19 65 58 30 51 53 19 49 20 29 11 2 8 1 67 42 83 2 1 3 10 9 24 18 12 23 11 8 15 18 11 14 7 1 4 1 Male 54 29 eg 1 2 2 17 7 22 11 12 18 13 2 13 8 6 9 4 1l1«^1r 4 46 22 15 1 1 1 15 7 2 10 8 5 11 2 2 5 4 5 4 ... 8 7 971 2 1 4 337 2 3 2 147 1 63 Blrthpli<*«^s of mothers (wliito) : 234 172 18 521 450 56 38 25 3 126 108 10 168 169 21 95 77 10 78 69 11 16 2 1 Male 24 32 14 14 7 4 3 7 4 6 5 4 1 3 1 10 1 7 7 126 1 1 3 27 1 3 40 4 .... 17 TMilftnri 8 26 8 73 53 27 4 4 1 11 6 7 13 14 8 18 22 7 19 7 3 8 1 15 12 4 1 5 2 1 3 5 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 136 1 1 31 1 40 1 26 3 31 5 1 ^ Mnle 84 52 31 2 18 13 9 22 18 9 19 12 5 17 9 4 5 1 1 3 21 10 1 5 4 5 4 4 1 4 I Female ••••■• 736 INSANE, FEEBLE-]MTNDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 283.— BLIXD IN IXSTITUTIONS FOR THE BLIND, BY AGE PERIODS WHEN BLINDNESS OCCURRED, AND BY SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS: 1890— Continued. BKT, COLOB, KATTVITT, AND BIBTHPLACES OF UOTHEBS. Total. Unknown. Birth. Under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. 20 to 50 years. 50 years and over. Birthplaces of motJiera (white)— Continned. 1 1 'Sl'xXe 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Mule 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 Male 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3£a\e 1 i 18 1 ! ! 1 4 1 5 1 4 1 3 2 Male 13 S 18 4 * 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 9 1 13 5 2 1 7 2 2 1 2 1 1 TTIK HLIND. Table 834.— BLIND RY CAUSES OF BLINDNESS, AND BY SEX, COLOH, AND NATIVITY: 1890. 737 Total. Malo. Fonialo. wnm. Total. Native bom. Foreign born. COU>ISD. CAUSES. Farenta native. One or holh par* entH foreign. Male. Female. Uale. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Total 80,411 27,983 22,428 24,274 10,077 16,345 13.608 2,458 1,704 6,471 3,675 8,700 S,1S1 Unknown 14,456 4,267 5,455 7,134 4,870 1,822 448 1,213 658 889 2,360 209 158 82 6,738 743 7,623 2,348 2,973 5,6)8 2,447 835 269 037 253 476 1,000 90 121 42 2,504 743 0,833 1,921 2,482 1,610 2,428 987 179 676 303 413 1,300 119 37 40 3,234 6.265 1,088 2,713 4,917 2,199 707 238 642 245 430 014 84 114 40 2,175 705 6,420 1,695 2.287 1, 249 2,13G 874 152 490 295 378 1,227 116 33 34 2,603 4,110 1,640 1.978 2,8«8 1,488 604 137 413 160 358 660 55 67 34 1,356 623 3,792 1,333 1,748 783 1,459 733 71 361 185 268 078 91 21 24 1,759 1 607 321 245 594 144 51 40 44 59 48 131 C 13 2 201 62 402 246 101 100 152 57 30 45 77 67 116 G 7 5 227 ],S30 116 490 1,435 669 92 61 85 26 26 123 23 34 4 618 130 1.22S 116 348 300 625 82 61 84 S3 41 133 19 6 *l 707 1,358 SCO 260 701 248 128 31 OS 8 46 02 • 7 2 329 38 1.4U 228 105 2«7 202 113 •n M Injury Cataract Scrofiilaand other blooddiseoscs. Smallpox Brain diAoaso 133 8 4 s Disenso of one oyo following in- jury of other eye. All nt hers Besultiug from military service. 1 1 7170 INS 47 738 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 235.— BLIND BX CAUSES OF BLINDNESS, WITH DISTINCTION OF SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN BLINDNESS OCCURRED: 1890. WHBN BLIXDXESS OCCUEHED. Total. Un. known. Con- genital. Disease of tbe eye iUoU. Iiyury. Cata- ract. Scrofn- la and nlliiT bliHid dis- eases. Small- pox. General fevers. Scarlet fever. Ueasles. Brain disoa^^o. Glan- oonia. Disease of one eye fol- lowin;^ iujiiry of other eye. Can- cer. All others. Kesnlt- ing fri>m niiU- tary service. Xotal 50.411 14.456 4,267 5,4.^6 7,134 4,875 1.822 448 1,213 556 889 2,366 209 158 82 5,738 743 Con^eDJtal Tiiderl year 1 t4 1.393 1,111 3,792 1,549 1,333 153 108 124 211 790 479 107 1,748 42 135 212 410 1,201 700 128 783 31 35 37 70 246 992 75 1,459 32 70 36 68 205 128 25 735 1 21 12 23 60 10 10 71 13 67 43 01 133 87 19 301 5 04 44 31 11 3 2 185 5 43 33 no 174 31 14 268 24 62 CO 48 200 220 34 978 03 70 69 83 311 631 139 1,759 2 5" 11 30 1 91 7 7 14 17 21 1 21 1 1 2 6 19 5 24 10 Ui20vcani 20UiSU yiar« SO years aud over 17 374 71 61 Hstire parents— female. . Conccitital 1,333 4.'i7 735 709 1.0115 2. 867 5.103 1.330 2,458 '"'ios' 147 164 215 782 1,499 880 607 1,333 821 X?niliT I year 1 t«»r*y<-ara 6r2iyrar» 20l4 351 258 24' 37 37 42 112 81 174 321 23 25 20 41 88 32 10 12 29 88 123 251 71 20 4 12 3 9 30 68 « 8 5 7 13 6 8 6 10 5 1 4 1 8 6 9 18 3 1 4 24 21 5 3 2 2 10 7 9 10 2 2 8 25 25 20 30 17 1 24 30 21 14 42 54 16 3' 1 1 2 8 3 6 ...... '"'i' 2 37 60 y*':ir*alirl over Dbknawo 8 « THE P.IJND. 739 Tabls a35.— blind BY CAUPKS OF BLrNnNEfiS, WTTH DISTINtniON OF REX, COLOR, AND NAXrviTY, AND AGE rEiilODS WHEN BLINDNESS OCCUEUED: 181)0— Couliiiueil. OCCUUKlilJ. Total. TTn- known. Con- Ccnilul. Dlnenno of tho ove ilKeir. Injury. C«t«- raut. Scrofu- la mid other lilood dla- eoseft. Kmnll. pox. Oencnil Searlct lover, fever. MeaBlM. ttniln dlteiuio. Gl.i COIJi . Dlaeaui of ..n- ,1 .Ml,, r oyo. ' "nn- ■T. All olbem. lUaalt. in, fn.m anil. ■ervloo. Foroi;nipnrent«— fcmfUo . 1,704 402 240 101 100 152 67 30 4S 77 67 110 8 7 6 227 240 121 2ua 216 2j:i HO! inn 22" 34 41 30 77 82 nu 1,C30 240 110 .34 20 18 35 41 28 IS 490 U 31 32 30 38 17 7 1,435 B 7 13 22 84 12 SCO 3 8 7 15 tl 14 1 92 2 8 8 8 3 i' 01 2 4 14 9 6 1 85 4 20 39 5 20 ;■ 20 14 12 11 4 2 20 8 13 27 21 31 » 4 123 23 81 IH 27 61 •5 13 618 i" 6 2 2 1 1 " '2 2 1 }(.) to *J4I VClirH 60 yi'iir.-* atitl OTcr Foreign born— male 23 31 4 130 iin OR 127 131 21S I.SJB 2,2:18 724 3,075 22' 31 32 4C 33:1 073 SUO 1,220 lie no 10 12 12 28 220 174 28 348 7 14 30 82 7S4 422 90 300 1 7 10 114 393 29 525 2 8 1 3 33 40 4 82 2 14 17 •t 51 2 S 1 8 29 36 6 84 2 5 6 6 7 I 1 10 8 2 4 1 { 3 8 S 49 61 5 133 9 25 11 :t2 13U 363 48 707 5' 18 IS « 3 10 s ...„. 2 5 30 to2(i vcarw liOtc SOvo.irrt fiO your.-* ami over • 01 ai 10 Joroign born— female 33 41 lie 48 100 JOI 183 8«R 1,774 459 3,709 io' 32 10 43 257 555 310 1,358 110 360 15 8 15 23 121 151 15 260 1 13 IS 22 114 115 17 701 3 4 17 107 3.5:1 35 248 1 3 n 28 39 5 128 3 14 3 7 15 6 3 31 1 3 7 11 35 26 1 95 2 4 9 11 8 2 10 7 8 6 6 2 46 I 1 4 9 43 60 92 6 14 17 20 111 441 63 329 1 1 10to20venrs 1 7 11 1 2 1 ...... 3 2U t'» fJO yenrs BOyt'jirsan'Jover 6 7 2 88 SCO 44 179 176 311 1,087 999 553 3,351 13' 48 5:i 7il 336 429 400 1,413 300 226 11 14 25 23 123 44 20 195 8 28 31 100 317 173 44 267 4 14 5 12 09 122 22 292 4 16 15 25 40 11 8 113 1 15 10 14 25 23 4 133 3 17 8 15 70 173 37 641 4 4 7 9 3 4 27 14 14 18 35 8 6 86 1 3' 4 8 8 11 10 9 5 3 37 10 to 20 vfiirs 1 S 3 4 20 to 50 v'Hra 5 1 1 4 ...... 1 6 2S 50 yenrs and over 6 8 'Coloroil— female 220 43 147 120 239 6R7 1, 32!) 500 12' CI 42 81 280 633 404 220 9 12 11 22 83 42 16 1 21 15 35 75 103 17 1 14 8 18 69 177 15 8 13 20 SS 18 11 3' 2 10 8 3 1 3 6 9 n 24 24 1 1 2 1 2 1" 2 8 4 7 7 4 5 6 9 10 49 43 10 7 7 3 17 58 379 70 2 1 1 2' 1 1 2 1 20 to 50 years 60 yeart* unci over !!I!IIII 740 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tadle 236.— congenital AND NONCONGENITAL BLIND 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY AGE [All cases where the cosjagal BEX, COLOE, KATITITY, KSD COSJCOAL CONDITION. Aggregate. AGE TEKIODS. Congenital. Total. Unknown. IS to 30 years. 30 to 45 years. 46 to 60 years. 60 years and over. Total 45,750 2,818 45 1,313 713 442 305 Male It 25,408 20, 342 1,533 1,285 21 24 717 596 3?.:< 328 264 178 146 159 T i 39,424 2,450 34 1,117 648 397 254 Male 5 22. 132 . 17,292 30,484 26,990 1,315 1,135 2,249 1,916 15 19 32 29 597 520 1,051 842 350 298 596 504 230 167 354 332 123 131 216 209 7 8 Male 14, 755 12, 235 3,494 1,028 888 333 12 17 3 451 391 209 270 234 92 192 140 22 103 106 7 10 Male T> 2,040 1,454 8,040 187 146 201 1 115 94 66 54 38 52 13 9 43 3 4 33 13 14 Male IS 5,337 3,603 6,326 100 101 368 1 1 31 85 196 26 20 65 25 18 45 17 21 51 in 17 Male Ifl 3. 276 3,050 218 150 6 5 120 76 35 30 34 11 23 28 19 vn 13,431 2,208 37 1,238 522 273 138 Male ?1 7,573 5,856 11,801 1,158 1,050 1,923 16 21 20 631 657 1,052 257 265 470 147 126 252 67 81 123 "P n Male 0| 6,599 6,202 9,873 8,043 987 936 1,785 1,482 10 16 24 22 567 485 990 786 229 211 435 358 132 120 228 211 49 74 108 105 '^'t Oft 77 Male ?R 4,293 3,750 1,830 751 731 303 7 15 2 423 363 204 170 188 77 109 102 17 42 63 3 ?9 10 Male HI 1,060 770 1,928 170 133 138 2 113 91 62 44 33 35 10 7 24 1 2 15 a? I'fmale in Foreign bora...................... 2 Male Xl 1,246 682 1,830 66 72 285 1 1 11 31 31 186 15 20 62 13 11 21 6 9 15 :t5 8n Male 117 974 656 19,910 171 114 477 6 5 7 114 72 71 28 24 175 15 6 131 8 7 93 DR DO Married Male 40 13,672 6,238 17,421 324 163 422 6 2 7 35 36 61 120 55 161 93 88 114 71 22 70 41 Female 47 WUte Male 41 11,064 D,467 13, 149 12,013 286 136 373 346 5 2 7 6 29 32 67 53 114 50 149 134 79 35 98 93 59 17 62 60 411 411 Parciita native Male 47 8,100 3,847 1,130 238 108 27 6 1 1 27 26 4 94 40 15 65 28 S 47 13 2 411 49 Male M 775 861 4,272 17 10 40 2 2 4 10 6 15 3 2 10 2 61 1 62 14 Male a 3,023 1,24S 31 U 10 6 11 6 10 i u Foinalo 4 TIIK ]{LIND. 741 TERIOnS, WXTIT DI.STIXCTIOJT OP CONMUGAT. CONDITION', SEX, COLOR, A\D NATIVITY: 18!10. condition was not reported arc omitted.] AOB PERIODS— continued. • Koncon genital. Unlinown. Total. Unknown. 15 tn 30 years. SO to 45 yenm. 45 loflO yean. 60 ynnrn and over. ToUI. Unknown. IS to SO j-cari. 80 to 45 years. 46 to 80 yean. 00 yrara and'uver. . 37,648 243 4,336 6,283 7,880 19,898 6,286 183 617 839 1,109 2,538 1 20,892 16,754 146 97 2,387 1,949 3,117 2,100 4,889 2,097 10.353 9,645 2,983 2,303 94 89 352 266 497 312 722 387 1,318 1,220 1 * 82,677 182 3,703 4,S8D 6,055 17,257 4,297 125 406 698 »2S 2,050 1,1-1 1,38 J 1,268 4 18, 319 14,358 25,080 22,286 114 68 154 139 2.020 1,677 3,373 2,521 2,080 1,894 3,864 3,179 4,301 2,054 6,298 4,842 9,192 8,065 12,391 11,005 2,498 1,799 3,166 2,788 03 62 92 EU 287 209 400 359 413 285 551 463 614 314 £69 612 S 6 T 8 12, H8 10,138 2,794 87 52 15 1,360 1,161 852 • 1,806 1,373 685 2.966 1,870 450 6,929 6,676 786 I 1,579 1,209 367 43 43 6 187 102 101 265 193 91 392 220 57 r«2 113 » 10 u 1,624 1,170 7,597 10 S 28 462 390 330 430 255 716 293 103 1,657 429 357 4,866 229 138 1,142 3 3 33 ca 33 36 55 46 36 11 144 259 57 65 670 u u 14 4,517 3,050 4,969 17 11 01 204 126 633 450 266 703 1,042 015 931 2,834 2,o:!2 2,641 690 452 989 17 16 53 22 14 121 93 61 la 176 83 181 382 288 488 IS 18 17 2,573 2,396 32 29 361 272 431 272 588 343 1,161 1,480 485 604 31 27 65 56 84 67 108 73 197 291 18 19 9.557 "5 1 3,712 2,292 1,569 1,909 1,666 64 520 405 308 373 20 5,433 4,124 ' 8,460 44 1 2,082 31 1, 030 61 3,208 1,307 985 2,039 927 042 1,433 1,073 836 1,719 982 684 1,418 26 28 43 310 216 429 230 176 350 203 105 275 213 160 321 21 22 23 4, 703 3, 09-J 6,988 5.031 "5 i 1,782 -6 1,420 54 2,921 40 2,133 1,155 884 1,734 1,351 828 605 1,075 965 968 751 1,204 1,136 844 674 1,100 930 19 24 35 30 233 176 403 316 200 150 274 227 186 89 192 174 180 135 196 183 24 25 28 27 3,030 2,601 1,357 28 1,175 18 958 8 788 731 620 3gX 834 431 110 562 574 68 512 418 170 12 18 6 177 139 87 124 103 47 112 62 18 87 96 13 SO 779 578 1,472 I 1 430 358 287 243 140 305 CO 50 358 41 27 515 111 59 818 2 3 8 60 27 26 27 20 76 15 3 S3 7 6 125 31 31 38 959 513 1,097 2 5 14 177 110 504 181 124 253 234 124 136 365 150 190 221 97 248 5 3 11 16 10 97 49 27 55 59 24 33 92 33 52 34 35 88 065 432 17,222 9 5 113 300 204 575 152 101 2,009 99 37 4,966 105 85 8,960 138 110 2,211 7 4 67 67 40 82 30 25 376 17 16 015 27 25 1,071 37 38 39 11,811 5,411 15, 181 84 29 93 288 287 467 1,651 958 2,260 3,450 1,516 4,392 6,338 2,622 7,969 1.637 674 1,818 47 20 45 39 43 61 242 134 311 443 173 614 766 305 887 40 41 48 10,387 4,7i>4 11,435 10,455 69 24 76 71 232 235 425 305 1,419 841 1,887 1,611 3,032 1,360 3,399 3,126 5,635 2,334 5,048 6,282 1,291 527 1,341 1,212 30 15 31 30 32 29 62 39 200 111 252 217 373 141 385 354 656 231 621 572 43 44 45 48 7,071 3,384 980 52 19 5 173 192 00 992 619 270 2,147 979 273 3,707 1,575 366 857 355 129 20 10 1 20 19 13 136 81 35 250 104 31 431 141 49 47 48 49 66G 314 3,746 i 4 1 17 32 28 42 170 lOO 373 197 76 903 257 109 2,321 92 37 477 1 7 6 9 23 12 59 20 5 129 35 14 266 50 51 14 62 2,650 1 1.0»S 1 " i 4 27 U 251 122 6i8 306 1,671 650 342 136 9 6 6 « 41 18 97 32 190 76 53 64 742 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table 236.— CONGENITAL AND NONCONGENITAL BLIND 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVEK, BY AGE BEX, COLOB, KATmTT, ASD COSJUGAI. COKCmOX. Aggregate. AQE TERIODS. Congenital. Total. UnltnoTi-n. 13 to 30 years. 30 to 45 years. 45 to 00 years. 60 years and over. 1 Marriod— Continued. 2,489 55 10 11 17 17 a s 4 1,708 781 12, 177 38 17 128 6 4 2 6 5 13 14 3 36 12 6 74 1 ^q]4j 4,082 8,155 10,004 49 77 98 1 1 2 7 6 11 23 13 29 18 56 55 b 1 1 V Male 8 9 3.448 6,550 7,303 6,787 40 58 83 83 1 1 • 2 2 6 5 10 10 18 11 20 26 15 40 46 44 1 1 1 10 11 JJiti\f, 2,205 4,582 51G 37 46 2 1 1 5 5 17 9 14 30 2 1 u Male 15 16 17 199 317 2,701 2 13 2 9 1 3 1.044 1,657 2,173 3 10 28 1 1 1 8 19 i» 2 'M Male 674 1,599 232 9 19 7 1 1 3 5 2 2 3 16 23 2 ■\f ale 2S 141 91 198 2 5 7 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 JJ3I0 27 121 77 159 147 2 5 6 5 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 28 29 2 2 1 Male 31 91 58 12 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mfilo 84 6 39 ^S 1 1 1 u 1 Male 87 88 88 24 15 34 1 1 Colored .... -. Mnlo in 20 14 II THE BLIND. PERIODS, WITH DISTINCTION OF CONJUGAL CONDITION, SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 1890— Continued. 743 ARK ncnnms— oontinoed. XoiirongenUul. Unknown. Total. UnkoowD. lEIoSO J-eara. 80 In 45 Jems. 45 In 00 yeitn. 00 vcurs uuff over. ToUl. Unknown. ir>io30 i years. S0ln4t 45 to 60 J- ram. COTraia aD0 17 5 00 7 14 7 4! 23 70 11 183 no 7« 1.084 1 1 4 a.S23 7,139 8.858 18 35 26 15 1 31 27 135 203 240 476 . 616 1,078 2,870 6.054 7,481 450 030 1,048 10 41 85 2 S « 23 32 W 74 100 137 132 752 8U 5 t 7 3.033 5.805 6.515 0,069 ],W!6 4.103 446 10 16 21 21 n 16 26 22 01 155 212 190 4M 668 783 716 2.531 4,950 5,471 5,120 355 693 703 035 12 23 24 24 2 4 4 13 28 27 18 ' 54 83 00 82 274 5«0 557 507 8 10 11 7 14 2 11 11 07 123 22 2W 452 67 1,017 3,503 351 202 413 08 • 15 S 13 29 63 159 348 50 12 4 1 13 14 173 273 2,343 I I 3 9 13 34 33 34 295 130 221 2,010 26 42 345 1 5 4 e S 3 47 15 35 277 15 4 1 16 11 1 17 914 1,420 1,804 2 1 27 15 19 92 113 182 214 7«4 1,220 1,452 127 218 341 3 8 25 I 3 6 19 20 27 46 100 177 250 18 1 19 10 1 20 470 1,334 ao5 8 19 2 4 15 3 44 48 44 66 148 60 348 1,104 96 95 246 20 7 18 2 10 9 3 20 20 3 58 192 10 21 1 3 22 21 125 80 178 2 1 1 24 20 35 30 24 52 03 33 88 14 6 13 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 7 3 8 24 2 2 25 2 26 111 B7 142 131 1 21 14 31 27 31 21 41 35 58 30 68 67 S 5 11 11 2 1 1 2 2 5 3 « 6 27 2 1 1 1 1 1 28 1 1 2 2 29 30 81 50 11 1 16 11 4 21 14 6 43 24 1 8 3 2 1 1 5 1 31 1 1 .•« 33 6 6 36 2 2 4 3 3 11 1 34 ::::::::::::i.. X5 1 20 2 2 36 24 12 27 3 1 9 7 4 8 14 6 8 .17 1 2 7 2 S 38 2 2 2 1 30 14 13 1 1 3 6 5 3 5 3 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 40 41 i 74A INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Table «87 —CONGENITAL AND NONCONOENITAL BLIND MALES WHO HEAD AND WKITE, WHO READ AND DO NOT WRITE, AND WHO NEITllEK READ NOR WRITE, BY AGE PERIODS AND BY COLOR: 1890. [AU CAses not reported aA to literacy omitted.] Amto- gale. WHITE. COLORED. UTZIUCT BT CONOE-VITAt. ASD >05CO.X0EXITAI. ~ Total. 6 to ! " years. 16 to So years. Sato S& years. seto 4S years. 46 to 55 years. 55 to 05 years. 65 years over. TTn- kuown Total. 6 to 15 to 15 25 years, years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years and over. Un- known Total 22,641 «,S48 722 12,011 to 19.597 1,153 1,675 1,672 1,914 2,887 3,053 7,083 ISO 3,044 227 319 279 336 438 417 965 63 9.CM> 056 9.323 56 321 124 705 S 891 94 683 7 814 64 786 8 946 57 904 7 1,500 71 1,317 9 1,569 80 1,399 5 3,441 1,09 3,403 18 76 64 1 288 80 2,688 2 21 12 193 1 61 10 248 40 11 228 51 5 280 43 8 387 33 8 375 1 38 10 917 1 Ii»*.l atnl n-l write Neiilier rcA lot 468 26 356 21 145 485 52 528 21 147 619 44 667 8 171 770 76 961 12 207 2.223 274 3,108 26 643 27 2 32 55 123 44 1,999 1 415 7 9 79 29 8 123 24 3 128 9 2 142 12 5 192 10 6 237 32 11 1,075 23 1 UakBovo 32 84 28 32 37 48 184 20 Il'-.^l kr>>1 m r .'f 29 10 47 63 4 41 1 69 6 m 1 72 7 68 82 5 84 93 12 102 269 20 348 20 1 34 29 11 875 6 2 24 6 2 20 6 3 2 3 2 43 3 4 177 i J . . ._. „ 22 20 35 u "I.Uug. Tni-: BLIND. 745 Tabm: aa».— nUND males by occupations, WllM DISTINCTION OF AGE PERIODS AND COLOE: 1800. [All cases wbcro occupation is Dot slatoU aro omltt«- ^^. IS to 30 years. 20-to 25 years. So to S3 years. 35 to 46 years. 43 ytsars aud over. Total. Un- known. 13 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. So to »5 years. S3 to 45 years. 43 years nud over. Total 87S 768 9 116 103 172 U2 216 107 2 23 15 17 14 36 Ovpcotcn and csliinetmakcrs 5 9 1S0 3 131 4 16 3 3 16 3 »7 to 363 5 18 14.5 3 103 4 16 3 o 14 1 i s 1 1 4 1 2 3« 24' 10 3 9 75 1 19 1 4 1 2 6 2 i' 11 81 1 5 1 19 1 4 23 1 21 2 B 14 •2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 8 • ^ 1 U 28 6 4 4 5 9 1 .......................... 1 a " 1 2 1 O 3 3 1 1 1 8 63 1 1 2 8i 40 322 1 5 15 97 4 9 1 7 i" 2 1 I 67 24 6 44 s 32 41 1 8 7 C 3 » t Table «4«.— CONGENITAL BLIND FEMALES BY OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGK PERIODS AND COLOR: 1890. [All casea whoro occnpation ia not stated are omitted.] 1 WHITE. COLORED. OOCtJPATIO.VS. AuKte- gate. Total. TJn- luiovs. 16 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to H5 years. Soto 46 years. 46 yiars nud over. Total. Un- known. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 33 to 45 years. 45 years and over. Total C46 574 6 103 84 156 85 140 72 14 10 18 10 20 3 8 3 41 128 13 64 83 42 261 3 8 3 3S 119 S B5 80 42 221 1 2 4 1 9 40 3 13 7 18 69 5' 21 i¥ 4 2 18 46 1 13 • > i' 3 3 1 8 48 2 37 3 9' 24 6 35 3 9 8 9 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 6 1 2 3 1 i a 8 39 7 49 40 8 a ii ' 2 If THE BLIND. 747 Tablr 343.— blind reported AS TO WHETHER THEY HAD OR HAD NOT BUND RET.ATIVES, AND THE CHARACTER OF ANY SUCH KKLATlONSHIl', BY SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY: 181)0. BELATIONSnir. Tot.ll reporting as to bliml relatives. Total reporting blind relatives . firandfiitlicrs.. Crnndmolliers. Viidos Aiinls CouHinn y.-itlicra Mothers lirotliers Sisters Sons Daughters Both sides Uo blind relatives. Blind relatives on father's side . Fathers Graodfathers. . Grandmothers. Unclt^s Annts Cousins tfBUnd relatives on mother's side. llothers Graudfat liors . . Grandmothers. TjQcies Aunts Cousins ( Kot stated as to parental side Grand Withers-. Grandmothers. Uncles Aunts Cousins Total. 43,828 8,342 303 399 60fi 479 5-S 807 89r, 90G (SSU 324 271 54 34,9S4 884 807 14 12 23 13 15 895 10 18 19 10 10 2,281 Mole. 339 369 564 456 653 23,788 4,23C 186 174 358 208 306 400 4'.'3 1,075 815 153 1-22 11 19, 552 4C0 6 4 14 5 4 459 423 7 8 10 6 5 1,163 Female. 173 102 334 197 297 10,538 4, IOC 177 225 248 271 272 407 472 831 865 166 14D 23 15,432 451 407 11 503 472 3 10 9 4 5 1,118 166 207 230 259 256 TolAl. Male. 20,8SS 3,851 lU 151 330 189 285 356 385 981 751 144 106 9 17,007 386 418 385 5 8 10 1.056 153 140 308 179 276 Fe- male. 18,985 3,709 155 207 230 248 244 361 405 765 807 144 123 20 13,276 301 5 8 8 7 9 434 405 3 10 7 4 5 1,018 147 189 215 237 230 Kativo born. Parents native. Male. M,381 3,221 145 130 285 103 247 298 311 808 618 124 83 9 11, 160 325 298 6 3 10 4 4 341 311 5 8 7 5 5 913 134 119 208 IM 238 Fo- male. 12.300 3,155 141 177 108 218 222 308 342 Lysa, Maaa ..Blind, iwatio. .Blind, itetiu. .Blind. ICiitio. .Blind, llatiu. ..Blind. iCaiio. .Blind. Itatio. .Mind. ICaliu. .Blind.. Batio.. .Itlind. IvJiiiu. .Blind. ILtiiu. ..Bliad. Ifalio. .Blind.. ICalic. .Blind.. Balio.. .Blind. Baliu. .Blind. Kaliu. ..Blind. Bat ill. .Blind. Jiutin. .Blind. Balio. ..Blind. ICatiu. .niiiid. But ill. .Illind.. Untio.. ..Blind . Italiii.. ..Blind.. lUlio.. ..Blind.. Kailu . ..Blind.. ICaUo.. ..mind., itatio.. ..Blind.. Kailu.. ..Itlind.. lUllo.. ..Blind.. Uallu.. ..Blind . Uatlii Total. 8,827 753 76 8U1 108 1, UU'O 125 1,907 4IS 958 342 783 222 275 124 485 70 1,000 47 800 108 1,929 497 452 322 1,085 181 603 94 1,066 227 3,7U8 51 94 1,877 119 678 91 1.793 22 296 95 1,576 68 1.2:7 181 1,717 08 417 251 1,M>1 38 MM l,IUI 272 l.OW GS 750 46 (C'l Male. 6,9in I. Oil 53 1,163 78 1,483 81 2,584 245 1,189 204 937 138 350 80 621 41 1,199 32 1,122 2,343 328 577 213 1,4C9 123 928 65 1,444 193 6,330 39 6*2 73 2,884 75 740 2,351 13 361 06 2,193 44 1,691 130 2,600 46 561 IBI 2,688 28 953 M7 1,702 182 2,315 3ff 1,100 no I !. ore ^"•'"■^J- ii-. if. Cata- ract. Scrofula and olhcr blood diseases. ,SmaU- poi. General fevers. Scarlet fever. Measles. Brain disease. Glau- coma. 1 Total 1 47,453 8,689 1.578 S,S75 20,896 3,207 1,401 495 1,027 389 757 1,644 73 f Unknoira Male 3 3U5 i V57* ' . ... 1,578 s « 6 t 1 t 9 1,967 1 'lies 7.757 ' 3.01.T 1 181 414 434 745 2,086 1,295 3,434 180 273 240 493 1,424 566 103 229 2,054 2,752 4,137 8,155 2,157 1,412 71 120 132 294 1,084 1,269 231 56 201 144 223 498 215 64 28 72 56 88 205 19 27 43 172 155 101 346 89 61 13 145 119 63 26 4 19 15 134 121 180 233 24 51 32 94 84 143 806 402 83 i' 4 5 24 34 5 10 C3,605 34,047 C,009 947 2,134 17,344 1,992 708 335 666 192 471 837 37 11 2.010 1,122 947 Sll ....... 236 2il8 488 1.59U 777 2,509 2,580 947 631 If 106 168 122 271 1,001 341 123 1,241 120 1,402 2,020 3,499 7,311 1.805 1,175 3,552 41 67 71 173 731 754 155 1,215 21 101 72 90 270 115 33 893 16 42 34 54 104 8 17 160 28 91 93 103 248 50 47 301 5 73 59 25 19 1 10 197 7 58 67 99 185 17 38 286 21 53 47 TO 411 186 49 807 3 1 14 15 4 36 n 4.774 5. MT 10. 45:. 11 StolOvtwrs -.-. 1^ 17 1R 20 tn 50 j'cara 50 year8 mid over UnknowD 27. r.'G 9,385 7.886 25,383 i;i,ii:i 4.501 4,414 12,800 IS CoDf^Di'tal TO 1,295 845 2,»g3 2,913 3.583 0,501 4,4:to 2,773 02,337 631 424 1,487 1,427 1,779 3, 28.-> 2.273 1,500 31,442 7o' 178 136 257 490 518 925 5,297 631 850 ?1 80 105 118 222 423 225 68 2,000 103 o.';2 726 638 844 352 237 15, 702 30 59 61 121 3S3 515 76 1,821 33 100 133 100 31 614 12 30 22 34 41 11 10 310 15 81 02 58 98 33 14 59G 8 72 60 38 3 9 185 8 76 54 81 47 7 13 446 11 41 37 73 395 216 34 773 i' 1 4 10 19 1 34 •n n 5 to 10 vpnr* -..--. 74 "^ T7 50yearaandaTcr TR White male CoDc^nital TC 1,624 1,025 4,369 5,251 0,411 24, 819 8,713 0,922 22,041 850 502 2 222 21672 4.016 12,460 4,2U0 3,800 11,141 M 205 850 W) Under I voar ......... ioi 153 114 253 943 329 113 1,140 109 1, 291! 1, 8:J5 3.150 6, C4« 1.638 1.028 3,002 3D 55 64 152 053 713 145 1,005 20 86 53 73 240 108 28 581 16 41 34 49 148 7 15 140 25 86 80 90 210 52 41 325 r 71 56 21 18 1 10 193 7 54 64 90 178 16 37 257 21 49 45 01 379 175 43 732 i' ii' 15 4 36 II V 5 to 10 vcarn 253 -- - n 10 to "X veani 429 1,419 702 2,190 2,190 568 fi 20 to 50 Vpara 50 yea.*^ aud over Unknown tt Wbil&— female Coneenital M 1,160 772 2,087 2,50* 3,o;i5 5,60« 3,933 2,254 A 828 1,404 740 3.174 3,834 0,843 17,289 5,001 4,553 63« 1,M0 \.m 2.213 4,117 2,8S0 l.Ui 6,60J 242 150 l tTntlt-r 1 year 80 113 80 201 727 228 83 870 83 978 1.305 2,248 4,2.'l4 1,095 676 2,071 29 38 38 113 490 643 77 787 17 76 46 67 186 92 20 506 3 8 13 27 113 6 8 62 18 72 01 77 175 35 29 • 261 r ;■ 17 36 34 54 331 145 37 628 i' io' 13 2 27 49 48 41 18 17 e' 142 36 44 75 159 i:i 29 181 ftl 6 lol'"' \. .-ir^ 101 u 61 H »' SO.i- .r Uiikiwwii H Katire parcnta— female . . roDgrnllal VnArr 1 year H S7 ii no 00 101 321 320 610 600 430 120 m' 72 83 101 301 155 50 171 63' 448 447 375 439 101 118 1,754 20' 37 34 08 215 368 45 163 32' 79 46 85 171 71 22 33 o' 12 1- 13 17 5 36 io' 66 45 35 74 25 61 6' 62 41 30 5 6 30 6' 49 30 60 32 6 8 44 T 29 30 54 318 165 25 68 i' 2' 9 14 1 a M 5t.. 1 ..-. •0 •1 •1 •> 10 ». ■ 5c . .r M FutrlgD panmla-nale r.,r • « 6' 21 28 47 100 1 »« 120 « M W M n n ii II 51. 10 : »i B0»... ,,, CakoowB 12 23 11 32 67 25 U 10 100 262 475 073 58 101 7 10 10 21 57 41 U 3 4 3 3 17 o 1 3 5 u 4 12 a' 3 6 10 12 12 1 7 io' 10 6 i' 1 10 6 12 o' 4 2J 8 4 i' 1 ■ •■■•••' THE BLIND. 753 OP SEX, COLOR, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PEUIODS WHEN liblXDNESS OCCURRED: 1800. CACSB or DLi.NDN'css— continued. Bight eyo— Continued. Left cj ■c. , Can- dor. All others. Military survicc. Total. Un- known. Con. genital. Sineaso oft bo ovo Itself. Injury. Cata- ract. Scriifnla and oilier Itlood disc,i8C9. Small- pox. General fevcra. Bcarlot fevor- Meoalea. Brain diHcaso. Glan. coma. Can- cer. All Others. unitary scrrice. 215 2,330 1,^77 46,535 7,540 1,727 3,309 20,620 3,316 1,407 612 1,001 111 704 1,037 76 210 2,508 1,108 1 1,727 999 3,842 4,3U4 7,096 16,781 6,9«1 4,745 '""182' 433 448 743 1,98S 1,227 2, 525 1,727 ...... 5 5 53 118 20 114 221 150 253 KI9 670 183 181 247 271 518 1,438 .'.50 188 204 1.830 2. C(j6 4,111 8,163 2, 323 1,224 57 145 154 319 1,001 1,308 241 53 216 106 243 400 200 70 24 87 78 109 170 16 2b 40 196 1,52 189 378 80 14 16 151 114 78 20 4 20 31 141 121 108 240 27 30 25 106 73 184 781 394 73 3' 1 3 18 43 8 1 11 6 7 60 IOC 16 117 274 173 2!IB 862 614 170 . 152 1, 128 72 125 120 1,097 77 109 8 131 1,8C4 1,477 33.858 5,316 1,063 2,162 17,125 2,046 750 312 677 192 168 859 43 128 1,151 1.109 10 1, 063 578 2,340 2,878 5, 202 13, 605 4, 824 3,472 12,577 62' 275 271 511 1,481 7li:! 1, 823 2,300 1,063 11 4' 6 2 29 79 15 81 62 133 72 130 614 335 112 966 106 138 137 308 1,014 341 118 1,237 163 1,222 1, 032 3,480 7.359 1,048 1,021 3,396 39 88 87 190 710 7S2 140 1,270 32 07 76 118 26S 120 41 657 14 56 41 74 132 12 13 170 34 115 74 113 256 60 25 417 G 77 57 36 8 1 7 219 10 73 53 102 101 16 17 296 18 52 43 84 400 212 41 778 2 2 10 21 5 33 1 G 2 1 37 74 5 84 67 145 105 117 635 364 08 1,057 1? 11 14 152 1,128 72 125 126 1,097 77 109 15 16 17 18 18 664 421 1,490 1,480 1, 804 3, 270 2, l,->7 1,273 30,895 96' 158 177 232 r.07 434 702 4,605 664 974 '0 '"'i' ""a, 24 39 11 133 88 78 117 325 2;i5 71 1,248 75 109 134 210 424 215 70 2,032 101 608 673 031 804 375 203 15,555 18 57 07 129 ::81 520 02 1,891 21 118. 90 125 194 80 29 004 10 31 37 36 38 4 16 312 15 81 78 70 122 26 19 Oil 9 74 .57 42 21 8 13 183 15 68 68 66 55 11 13 13G 7 r4 . ?2 100 S72 182 31 797 60 129 68 161 327 250 72 1,DI8 21 22 23 ?4 1 1 1 8 10 3 42 8 1 2^ 32 11 123 '>S ?ff 77 1,427 1,362 28 974 523 2,147 2,582 4,763 12,359 4,513 3,(KS2 10,900 84 218 230 442 1,307 710 1,572 1,900 974 592 •>q ...... * 2 29 79 15 78 60 122 09 121 477 298 101 633 03 127 127 288 O.'iS 330 109 1,118 142 1,131 1.750 3,137 0.704 1,800 802 2,894 36 79 74 174 040 754 134 1,102 30 84 57 93 241 116 33 641 13 56 38 08 114 11 12 153 34 102 Hi 100 233 55 23 3Gb 6 72 55 34 8 1 7 211 14 09 40 95 181 16 15 270 18 18 30 74 3S5 195 38 699 2' 2 9 21 5 31 1 2 1 31 74 6 78 53 133 M 135 183 33.5 86 M8 ^0 r! 146 1,094 67 120 133 1,063 77 101 33 35 30 592 395 1,332 1,270 1.5,14 2.829 1,927 1,021 21, 608 80' 134 143 169 420 366 562 3,232 602 759 ...... ...... 24 38 10 108 49 81 73 1C2 283 188 57 812 68 96 116 189 383 201 60 1,566 91 6.34 581 621 688 318 161 10,383 17 52 55 I'M 313 487 74 1,333 20 39 64 97 170 75 19 532 10 27 30 30 31 4 12 102 15 78 67 64 105 19 17 106 9 72 50 39 20 3 12 126 14 02 02 CO 51 10 11 371 7 40 28 00 330 171 24 663 58 121 58 145 286 224 56 873 1 i" 8 18 3 31 7 1 5 21 Rl 10 91 40 41 40 4S 1,074 987 46 759 373 1,540 1,868 3,442 8.C24 3, 034 1, 9r.9 7,805 53 104 170 316 953 506 1,010 1,323 759 453 47 ...... 3 2 24 64 12 59 33 03 40 82 319 206 58 486 73 99 87 240 751 237 79 605 98 820 1, 205 2, 2IJ5 4,348 1, 009 548 1,988 29 52 r.i 1:12 449 547 73 701 20 60 49 79 191 91 24 445 3 13 17 35 S3 5 6 59 26 84 51 87 186 44 18 296 4 47 41 26 4 4 140 8 46 41 79 169 14 14 183 12 31 27 70 339 157 27 596 2 2 7 21 2 26 1 2 1 23 65 3 53 10 86 07 84 319 228 19 587 4B 49 115 817 47 95 86 799 30 72 SI 52 53 54 453 269, 948 901 1.113 2,032 1,378 711 3,280 53' 97 97 133 302 257 384 430 453 122 Sft ""2 ...... 20 26 8 C 32 35 39 03 163 118 36 136 75 98 140 302 l.'iO 46 191 64 383 . 417 373 436 200 115 1,822 12 36 37 75 212 301 53 172 18 79 58 83 139 55 13 48 1 6 16 11 18 4 3 30 13 08 50 53 84 14 14 55 8 48 37 27 11 2 7 39 8 33 37 46 11 9 9 36 5 43 22 84 283 140 10 64 31 76 30 86 181 148 35 131 1 7" 15 3 2 6 2 2 16 23 5 8 59 60 fn fn 115 1:2 64 122 90 328 414 075 1,113 225 313 io' 20 34 59 80 37 162 123 65 1 1 1 S 15 31 8 14 42 14 12 14 18 30 24 74 22 8 27 165 279 486 701 73 92 5 15 13 25 63 48 13 8 6 9 14 5 2 7 6 10 14 5 15 10 8 13 1 3 2 16 13 4 2 3 11 G 16 10 3 15 11 3 6 31 14 14 38 21 11 67 6ft 13 93 4 5 14 7 20 88 3 11 60 i' 1 5 8 70 2 1 73 7176 INS i8 754 INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED, DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. Tadle 217.— BLTNT IN OXE EYE ONLY BY CAUSES OF BLINDNESS, WITH DISTINCTION OP mXE» BUXDXKSS APPEjLBCD. CAUSE OP BLINDNESS. ■Agcro- gate. TTn. known. Eight eye. Total. Con- genital. Disease of the eye itself. Iiynry. Cata- ract. Scrofnla and other blood ditieases. Small- pox. General ferere. Scnrlet fever. Tkleasles. Brain disease. G Ian- coma. 1 Foraien parents— female ... 2,419 1,214 234 ES 109 376 97 32 26 30 27 39 42 4 IJO I ■JO 4:c 388 407 446 190 250 12,004 83 59 207 182 206 236 95 1«4 5,997 10 37 19 23 33 21 91 1,117 85 '.'.'.'.'.'.v. 85 1 7 15 11 26 30 15 5 817 20 70 93 76 77 14 26 3,219 4 11 9 17 21 24 8 330 1 5 3 12 10 1 2 5 6 9 3 4 7 5 6 7 i2' 10 2 1 1 10 9 13 5 7 3 4 10 10 i' 2 i 8 9 10 6c > iju « uu J over 1 96 1 78 2 12 1 42 77 61 6 11 13 11 14 15 1« 17 IB 178 126 559 633 1.237 5.311 2.302 1,638 3.757 85 6« 289 333 609 2,689 1,048 878 % 1,807 16 33 37 CO 300 194 475 412 85 53 9 17 17 20 159 76 19 155 10 149 208 427 1,689 485 231 555 3 7 10 18 106 129 57 181 10 28 12 18 23 1 4 52 4 8 9 7 29 16 5 34 4' 5 1 1 1 24 8 11 9 7 3 37 6 4 3 43 14 7 43 4 5 3 25 22 2 62 3 1 5 &tl Twirs and over ]» Foreipi born— female 30 2t 33 23 97 1 110 315 344 415 1,133 893 450 «,268 53 51 156 181 195 546 439 246 3,205 12' 12 19 33 77 94 165 712 53 97 1 10 10 12 18 58 40 7 128 11 69 84 73 191 93 34 1,642 3 8 9 12 60 80 9 171 4 11 8 7 12 4 6 25 1 7 8 3 1 1 1 7 ' 1 2 4 13 19 4 94 4 8 7 7 5 3 70 14 8 9 6 4 20 26 3 64 i' 4 3 35 M S7 S8 BO v^hT* and over 25 to SI 186 97 405 593 1,044 2,307 672 »f4 3,342 97 42 206 297 617 1,161 361 624 1,665 12' 31 43 69 171 73 319 S90 97 C3 5 15 8 18 68 12 12 101 17 106 191 349 663 167 147 630 2 12 7 21 78 41 10 150 1 13 19 17 30 7 6 112 i' 5' 16 1 2 20 3 8 13 7 32 4 6 36 2 3 1 1 4 4 3 9 7 1 1 29 4 9 33 n G 75 2' 1 f3 tl ss ver 1 tr Colored frtnile Corcmital !• .1- •■ -. •' ti 135 73 296 409 548 885 497 518 <3 47 132 193 278 418 2«J7 2*7 7' 19 29 40 65 77 153 63 10 9 8 12 17 34 15 6 19 63 102 114 137 54 59 3 3 9 24 54 43 14 2 15 21 32 28 9 5 2 1 5 9 2 1 1 4 4 10 10 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 7 9 4 1 4 1 11 35 13 6 '.'.'..'.'.'.'. 11 11 44 4ft •ver THE BLIND 6EX, COIyOK, AND NATIVITY, AND AGE PERIODS WHEN BLINDNESS OCCURRED: 1890— Continned. 755 CACSB or BLI.VD.NESS- continued. ^ KigU eye— Continued. Left oyo. Can- cer. All others. Military service. Total. Un. known. Con- genital. DisoMO of the eye itself. Injnry. Cata- ract. Scrofnla nnil otlier blood disoasea. Small- pox. General fevers. Scarlet fever. Measles. Brain disease. Clan, coma. Can- cer. All others. Military strvice. 3 no 1,205 193 95 85 331 06 B7 29 35 " 45 S3 2 S 131 1 95 07 225 208 201 210 05 106 0,007 if 21 25 28 30 16 56 947 95 93 S S 4 ""■>' ...... 19 8 20 13 16 30 9 8 30O 6 10 9 21 25 9 5 275 17 83 89 67 43 13 17 3,350 3 10 14 15 24 21 6 386 2 14 5 7 21 6 3 74 2 5 8 9 3 111 ii' 11 6 5 1 1 60 i 16 12 6 5 1 3 18 1 10 14 8 5 2 J 5 25 7 4 70 IS 31 14 28 22 16 4 311 2 1 1 7 2 1 4 24 1 29 9 238 253 10 93 60 270 300 648 2. 0-.'2 1,254 7U0 1,890 12' 28 32 67 205 173 370 384 93 44 11 12 3 17 12 23 15 23 116 78 31 237 6 10 10 24 133 71 21 163 17 136 206 447 1,655 637 252 575 2 12 10 17 138 159 48 215 2 7 3 5 33 20 4 42 8 36 15 23 17 6 6 65 3 3 3 5 34 10 2 34 9' 1 4 2 1 1 27 3 12 5 2 5 2 . 7 10 13 37 126 86 20 230 1^ 1 2 1 31 27 8 50 }l 18 IW 16 20 16 175 44 18 !■; 2 2 2 3 16 2 16 16 17 42 10 44 59 159 163 220 587 454 204 3,063 ie" 16 21 28 88 93 122 641 44 89 70 ...... 12 1 1 9 20 21 33 90 61 13 116 8 11 9 28 56 42 9 130 10 68 75 81 207 103 29 1,570 2 6 4 14 77 102 10 154 7 16 12 10 13 7 30 , 5 13 11 6 S 1 1 32 11 11 14 31 83 60 17 133 ?I 6 1 7 10 15 3 96 1 6 5 16 4 2 66 8 7 6 4 2' 9 1 r> 2 1 22 24 1 62 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 I 3 "n ?4 7S '6 ?7 50 47 28 89 55 199 290 5U7 1,146 3U 440 1,677 8 27 35 69 174 77 251 400 89 72 "Ml ...... 2 2 11 3 15 37 37 11 133 13 11 10 20 66 11 9 124 21 101 183 343 655 139 129 501 3 9 13 16 70 28 15 168 2 13 19 25 25 4 8 113 1 3' 6 18 1 1 17 2 4 7 7 10 5 12 11 12 52 29 12 109 rIA 13 10 13 23 5 2 52 5 2 2 4 4 10 24 17 3 79 31 ^•> 6 34 5 5 4 35 33 1 3 34 3t 8 2 26 8 3« 2 6 87 72 26 164 216 270 447 230 262 4' 24 34 43 87 68 140 72 .1 ._._ 38 ...... 1 3 7 5 13 42 47 14 7 13 18 21 41 14 10 10 74 92 110 • 116 67 42 1 5 12 25 68 39 18 1 19 26 28 24 5 10 1 6 6 6 4 1 2 2 8 10 6 41 28 16 30 4 1 5 4 3 3 11 12 17 7 2 2 1 3 1 ' i 5 4 10 42 11 7 i" i 1 ...... 2 1 1 40 41 4? 4.3 44 4.'! 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