GIFT OF Lawrence P, Brtggs A MALAY MANUAL Uniform with this Volume A POLISH MANUAL To be followed shortly by — EGYPTIAN-ARABIC—URDU, and others. The object of these Manuals is to furnish the beginner with an intro- duction to a language of which he is entirely ignorant. They are strictly practical, and written in simple language. Elaborate rules and lists of exceptions, which only confuse the learner, are omitted. The general arrangement of their contents is the following : — (i) An account of the alphabet, pronunciation, and phonetic laws of the language. These, when necessary, will be discussed at some length, although in some cases it is impossible adequately to represent certain foreign sounds by any system of English trans- literation. But even where the services of a native are not obtainable, it is believed that careful attention to the rules will enable the student to make himself intelligible. Where the written language employs a foreign alphabet, some account of this alphabet will be given, as an introduction to the study of the printed books. (2) A short grammatical sketch, containing only what is absolutely necessary. The simpler the sentences used at first, the more intelligible they are likely to be. (3) Simple English exercises or dialogues for translation and retranslation, the words used being restricted to those that are met with in everyday life. The acquisition of a foreign language being in the main an effort of memory, these exercises should be thoroughly mastered, so that no word shall be forgotten. Five hundred words perfectly known are of more use than five thousand imperfectly known. (4) Specimens of the written language, with notes, to illustrate the difference between the literary and the colloquial. (5) Two Vocabularies, one containing all the foreign words used in the Exercises, the other (English ) of about 2, 500-3,000 words. The learner should select the most useful and commit them to memory, gradually acquiring the remainder as necessity arises. A short list of books of a more advanced nature, likely to be useful to the student, will be suggested in the Preface to each volume. TRUBNER'S LANGUAGE MANUALS Edited by J. H. FREESE, MA. FORMERLY FELLOW OF ST JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMERIDGE A MALAY MANUAL WITH GRAMMAR, READING EXERCISES, AND VOCABULARIES l.J^ CJ -Ji . &•> SECOND IMPRESSION LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD. BROADWAY HOUSE, 68-74 CARTER LANE, E.C. •i : PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY THE EDINBURGH FRESS, 9 AND II YOUNG STREET, EDINBURGH PL5101 PREFACE This little book is adapted from A. Seidel's Praktische Grammatik der malayischen Sprache (2nd ed., Vienna and Leipzig). Consider- able alterations, however, have been made. The grammatical section has been somewhat enlarged, and additional exercises have been given. The English-Malay Vocabulary is in the main an independent compilation. Several English words will be found in it unaltered, which have been adopted and are well understood in the Straits Settlements. Much of the Reading Lessons in Malay has been omitted, and, while the account of the Arabic alphabet has been retained, as an introduction to the study of printed books, the Roman character has been used throughout. The following works have also been utilized : P. Favre, Grammaire de la langue malaise (Vienna, 1876) ; N. B. Denny s, A Handbook of Malay Colloquial, as spoken in Singapore (London and Singapore, 1878) ; W. E. Maxwell, A Manual of the Malay Language (London, 1911, especially valuable for its collection of idiomatic examples) ; F. A. Swettenham, English-Malay Vocabulary (Singapore, 1911) ; W. G. Shellabear, Malay-English Vocabulary (Singapore, 1902) ; J. Rijnenberg, Spreekt giy Maleisch t (Leiden, 1901). Other works that may be consulted are : W. Marsden, Grammar and Dictionary of the Malayan Language (1812) ; J. Crawfurd, Grammar and Dictionary of the Malay Language (London, 1852) ; W. G. Shellabear, Practical Malay Grammar (Singapore, 1899, the best for general purposes) ; E. Dulaurier, Ghrestomathie malaye (Paris, 1845) ; A. Mersier, Ghoix de textes malais (Paris, 1903) ; M128S47 vi PREFACE A. Meursinge, Maleisch Leesboek (Leiden, 1879) ; J. van Dissel, Maleysche Chrestomathie (Leiden, 1896) ; Kelly and Walsh, Hand- book of the Malay Language (Singapore, 1903) ; Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Handbook (Singapore, 1904) ; A. H. L. Badings, Hollandsch-maleische en maleisch-hollandsche samenspraken (Harder- wijk, 1883) ; H. Clifford and F. A. Swettenham, Dictionary of the Malay Language (1894, in progress) ; R. J. Wilkinson, Malay- English Dictionary (Singapore, 1901) ; H. van der Wall and H. N. van der Tuuk, Maleisch-nederlandsch Woordenboek (Batavia, 1877-1888) ; H. C. Klinkert, Nieuw nederlandsch - maleisch en maleisch-nederlandsch Woordenboek (Leiden, 1885-1898) ; A. Tugault, Dictionnaire malais-frangais (Paris, 1898). It may be added that a knowledge of Dutch is extremely desirable for the student of Malay. " It is not too much to say that any one aiming at a thorough knowledge of the language, literature, and history of the Malay people should commence his task by learning Dutch" (Maxwell). CONTENTS PART I PAGE Introduction ••...... 1 Alphabet and Pronunciation 2 Vowels ••••••... 3 Consonants 4 Accent ......... 4 The Arabic Alphabet . . . . . • 4 Euphonic Changes in Derivatives .... 10 PART II Grammar — Article 13 Noun 13 List of Nouns .15 Adjective 27 Some Common Adjectives 27 Pronouns ........ 29 Verbs 3j Derivative Verbs ....... 32 Active Voice 33 vii viii CONTENTS PAGE Passive Voice . . . • . . 34 To Be and To Have 34 Must, Let, Ought, Can, Would, Should . . 35 Some Common Verbs ...... 36 Interrogative and Negative Sentences . . 37 Numerals . ...... 37 Numeral Coefficients . . • . . . . 38 Manner of Expressing Time 40 Prepositions ........ 41 Adverbs 42 Conjunctions ........ 43 Interjections ........ 44 PART III Exercises (Malay- English and English- Malay) . . 45 Easy Reading Exercises 57 Conversations in the Vulgar Dialect ... 68 PART IV The Written Language ...... 64 Malay-English Vocabulary to the Exercises . . 72 English-Malay Vocabulary ,...♦* 86 MALAY MANUAL PART I INTRODUCTION The birthplace of the Malay language is the island of Sumatra. Thence it spread, in the thirteenth century, to the peninsula of Malacca, and subsequently, as the result of Malay immigration, over the greater part of the Eastern Archipelago. At the present day it is not only spoken and understood on the Malay peninsula, the Great and Little Sunda islands as far as the Philippines, but it is the general means of communication on the coasts of the whole of the Indo-Chinese archipelago up to the Chinese ports, and its influence extends as far as New Guinea and even beyond. Everywhere it has established itself over an extensive coast-line and driven back the original dialects into the interior. At the present day it is the language of four millions of people. From this point of view, when the commercial importance of the districts where it is spoken is considered, it is particularly valuable as a means of communication for trading purposes, to which it is specially adapted by its simplicity and the ease with which it can be acquired. Under Indian influence Malay adopted a large number of Sanskrit words, and later, owing to the advance of the Mohammedan religion and civilization, borrowed largely from Arabic, and, later still, from Western languages. Considering the extensive area over which it spread, it is not surprising that a large number of dialects is in existence. Their peculiarities, however, are comparatively small. The grammar 1 A . - • J --,»• ■ e % i. • • • ■ < MALAY MANUAL is not affected at all, the vocabulary only to a comparatively small extent, especially as regards the personal pronouns. Thus, the pronoun of the second person is in Batavia kweh, in Borneo kita, in Malacca awak, in Perak mika. But all these dialects follow the same grammatical rules, and, in the matter of vocabulary, exhibit a common nucleus, the knowledge of which renders the acquisition of dialectic peculiarities a tolerably easy task. The influence of these dialects upon the written and spoken language of the educated classes is trifling. The language of the less educated natives is certainly less precise in vocabulary, but follows the general grammatical rules. The dialect of the ports, of Malay - speaking Chinese and Indian artisans, tradesmen, and servants is a mixture of Malay, Dutch, Spanish, and Chinese, the grammar of which is extremely simple and the vocabulary extremely limited. ALPHABET and PRONUNCIATION Malay is a very melodious language. It contains twenty-three sounds, represented in writing by letters of the Arabic alphabet. It is probable that the Javanese was the alphabet formerly in use, and that it was displaced with the advance of Arabic civilization. The Arabic written characters are, however, ill adapted to re- produce the spoken sounds of Malay. The difficulty of reading Malay texts is increased by the fact that as a rule only the consonants are expressed, little attention being paid to the vowels. After the decline of Arabic power and commerce the maritime peoples of Europe strove to obtain possession of the richly endowed districts of the Malay archipelago, with the object of exploiting their wealth. At the present day the archipelago is divided amongst the Western peoples, with commercial ramifications extend- ing over all parts of the world. Throughout the entire polyglot district of Indo-China the medium of communication for trading purposes is Malay. Naturally, therefore, European merchants felt the need of freeing a language, in itself so easy and simple, from the trammels of Arabic, and of representing its sounds by the letters of their own alphabet. At the present day Roman Tetters are used by Europeans in all commercial correspondence, and are often employed in printed books. But the day when they will finally and completely displace the Arabic alphabet is still far distant. Malay national literature still uses the Arabic written signs, a knowledge of which is indispensable to the student who aims at a more thorough insight into the spirit of the language. Hence it will be necessary to devote some attention to the Arabic alphabet. ALPHABET AND PRONUNCIATION 3 The twenty-three sounds of the Malay language proper (excluding foreign elements) are the following — Vowels : a, e, i, o, u. Consonants : b, ch, d, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, ng, ny, p, r, s, t, w y 1. Vowels The vowels are, as a rule, pronounced as in Italian — a as in father i as in pique e as a in play o as in no u as in truth In words of purely Malay origin short a must never be pro- nounced as a in cat (rather as u in but) nor short u as in cut (rather as oo in book). There also exists in Malay what is called an "indeterminate" vowel, usually romanized as e. This is pronounced as short as possible ; indeed, in some systems of transliteration it is omitted altogether, or represented by an apostrophe : thus, berapa (how much ?) is very commonly written brapa or bWapa. R. J. Wilkinson 1 describes this indeterminate vowel as an attempt to omit the vowel altogether between two consonants which do not readily combine : thus, an attempt to sound the k in knee would give an indeterminate vowel sound between k and n. The vowels a, e, i 9 o, u, are nearly always long when they occur in an open (ending in a vowel) accented syllable : gdram, bekin, tima, roda, Ivku. They are short when they occur in a shut (ending in a con- sonant) syllable : tdmpat, bSr, chinchin, Idmbok, bumbu, se~kdrang. Unaccented vowels in open syllables are short, at the end of a word half-long (e.g. the u in kdlu), and before the accented syllable tend to disappear altogether. Thus, sekdrang is pronounced nearly as skarang (see the " indeterminate" vowel above). When a vowel in a shut syllable is to be pronounced long, it may be written twice or marked long (besaar, besdr). The short and half-long vowels a and 6, 6 and w, especially if unaccented, are frequently interchanged. Thus, lampu, anggur, s#karang are indifferently written and pronounced lamp5 i anggdr, sdkarang. 2 i Appendix to Malay- English Dictionary (Singapore, 1901). According to him, there are only three normal vowel-sounds, all others being exceptional. These sounds are — a intermediate between ar in bar and a in French facile e, i ,, ,, ai i} wait ,, ee „ sweet o t u ,, ,, oo ,, school ,, o ,, alone a It is important to remember this in consulting vocabularies and dictionaries. 4 MALAY MANUAL There are no diphthongs in Malay, and in the combinations ae, ai, ei, au each vowel is to be pronounced separately. 2. Consonants ch is pronounced as in church. g „ „ go (never as in gin). h „ „ hat. At the end of a word it is silent, and has the effect of shortening the last syllable. k n „ c in cat. At the end of a word it is silent, and has the effect of shortening the last syllable. It then represents a kind of catch in the breath, such as may be heard after "an" in pronouncing u an ice pudding" as dis- tinguished from "a nice pudding." It answers to the Arabic Hamza and the Greek spiritus lenis. ng „ „ ng in singer \ not as in finger, where a second g is heard : this second g, when necessary, is represented in Malay by a second written g (cp. ang-in and ang-gor). The combina- tion ang is pronounced like the first syllable in (h)ungry, not as in angry. Like ny, it is considered a siugle letter. ny n „ Hi in Spaniard, poniard : it is the Spanish n, or the French gn in campagne. It it con- sidered a single letter. The remaining consonants are pronounced as in English, but r should always be sounded clearly and with emphasis. Accent In radicals (which are mostly disyllabic), that is, words to which no prefixes or suffixes have been added, the accent is, as a rule, on the penultimate (the last syllable but one). This is always the case when the syllable is shut, and generally when it is open. Exceptions are indicated by an accent on the last syllable (seric). In derivatives the place of the accent is frequently altered. No definite rules can be given for the accentuation of foreign words. The Arabic Alphabet The Arabic alphabet being insufficient to express all the sounds of the Malay spoken language, the form of certain kindred letters as modified to denote g, ch, j, ng, ny, and p. ALPHABET AND PRONUNCIATION Form. Name. Equivalent. Isolated. Final. Medial. Initial. t *y & - J ta d a i* — — da (dal) n tii B> - i na (nun) k cS ^ £ <, ka (kaf) g A ulJ % g a ng i £ A H A J nga P ^j Ji A A 3 pa b LfJ «*- - j ba m t r ** s9 ma (mlm) 1 J J 1 \ la (lam) r ; • — — ra ch 5 (2 jS r>- cha J £ £ JS- s^ ja (jim) ny d> & V i nya y c^ L5 - J ya w 3 J — — wa (wau) s U" L^ AM «i sa (sin) h 1 a, •v « A ha 1 P and $r are very frequently written with one dot instead of three. MALAY MANUAL Remarks Arabic is written from right to left. With the exception of j, . and ., all the letters have slightly different forms, according as they occur at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word — the result of the attempt to combine the letters of a word in writing. The three letters t>, „ . do not combine with a following consonant. The forms in the first column of the table are those of the letters when standing alone. It follows from the preceding remarks that these forms are used — (a) at the beginning of a word only j, . and ., e.g., 4_j J (b) at the end of a word if j, , or . precede, e.g., cJjj (c) in the middle of a word only j, . and ., if one of these letters precedes, e.g., i* > *>. The forms in the second column are used at the end of a word if neither j nor . nor . precedes, e.g., l^^Lj. The forms in the third column are used when none of the three letters j, ., . precedes. The forms in the fourth column are used at the beginning of a word. As a rule the short vowels are not indicated. According to the Arabic grammarians the consonants are the essential part of a word. The vowels have no independent existence, but must always be attached to a consonant, which they follow. Where in English a vowel appears to stand alone, as at the beginning of a word, or where it forms a syllable (as in again), Arabic employs a special sign to indicate the absence of any other consonant. This sign, which is called Alif, 1 has the form \ when standing alone and the form [ in combination with a preceding consonant, e.g., L^JLl ampat, Jl api. When k stands at the end of a word it is represented by i 1 This Alif denotes the catch in the voice, indicated in Greek by the spiritus lenis, and referred to in the remark on the letter k. ALPHABET AND PRONUNCIATION 7 It is sometimes necessary to indicate the short vowels, as in the case of proper names, words with similar consonants but different vowels. The Arabic vowel-signs are then employed — t (above the consonant), Arabic fat-ha, Malay baris di-atas to express d and open £ : «3J , tada. — . (below the consonant), Arabic kesra, Malay baris di-bawah, to express I and shut 2 : jj, tKda. _£. (above the consonant), Arabic dhamma, Malay baris di- hadapan, to express d and u : &f tdda ; 5J ttdu. To indicate the long vowels the three consonants \, ^j, j are used, \ for a, ^ for I or e, • for w or 5, e.g., l> 6a", ^ 6i, 6e, y 5w, 6<5. In vocalized texts it is customary to add the sign for the corresponding short vowel, in which, as the Arabic grammarians express it, the consonants I, ^j, . rest, e.g., \j bd, j lb, be, J bu, bd. The inadequacy of the above is obvious. Not only is there no distinction between I and e, u and 6, but it is often very difficult to decide in each particular case whether the vowel -letter in question is quiescent or itself carries a vowel, e.g., y may be read bawa and bau as well as bu and bo. Au and at are written /, % *' % e.g., y, y, bau, £, < j i bai. The Malay vocabulary contains many words borrowed from Arabic and Persian. These words have preserved their original orthography, necessitating the addition of fourteen letters to the Malay alphabet. As a rule the native does not attempt to re- produce the original sounds, but uses the sounds of his own language that appear most nearly to resemble the foreign sounds. It should be observed, however, that educated natives do endeavour to re- produce the Arabic pronunciation, so that for a thorough knowledge of the language it is necessary for the student to make himself acquainted with the correct sounds of the more difficult Arabic consonants (such as Ain, often wrongly described as a vowel). The fourteen additional letters are shown in the following table (page 8). MALAY MANUAL Form. Name. Initial. Medial. Final. Isolated. i. J A C^s e^ tha :>- .S t r ha £*- JSL t £ kh — — i. 3 zal — — J j za a 4* A JUA A A shim 00 *a u* u° sad «P *d u* u* dlad y L ia J. ta \i b a i> tla & X t t ). t in Arabic z or an emphatic d : in Malay as tl * or Z. c in Arabic a harsh guttural, the sound of which can only be learned from a native : in Malay not pronounced ( = \ ). In the middle of a word it is generally indicated by a kind of hiatus or doubling of the vowel. c in Arabic a guttural r (like the Northumbrian r or the French r grasseye'e) : in Malay as g (=cLO- <_J in Arabic and Malay as/ (in the latter frequently as p). t in Arabic a guttural k : in Malay as an ordinary Jc ( = i , * < \ In addition to the vowel-signs the following are frequently used in vocalized texts : Jezm (° or c ), Teshdld (*), Wasl ("°), Hamza (*), Medda (~). (a) In vocalized texts Jezm is placed over all vowelless con- fa £ «* sonants : c^UJ, tampat. (b) Teshdld indicates the reduplication of the consonant over which it is placed : *%£ meddah. (c) Wasl is placed over the initial Alif of the Arabic article J \ (al\ which, together with its vowel, is then omitted in pronunciation. As the result of this the final vowel of the preceding word is closely combined with the I of the article: /JiJjiJ 1 ' . J, rohu 'llcudus instead of rohu elkudus. i Where dl, tl occur in genuine Malay words an indeterminate vowel has been omitted, e.g., dlapan (eight) = dilapan. 10 MALAY MANUAL (d) In Arabic Hamza regularly accompanies the radical Alif. Its position changes according to the nature of the i accompanying vowel : l— >1, <— H* In Malay Hamza is chiefly used as a mark of separation between two successive vowels. (e) Medda denotes the reduplication of Alif : j \ for ju, api. Further information on the subject will be found in P. Favre, Grammaire de la langue malaise (Vienna, 1876), pp. 7-30. Euphonic Changes in Derivatives The following rules are of great importance, and should be carefully studied. Radicals in Malay are, as already mentioned, with few exceptions disyllabic. Derivatives are formed — (a) by prefixes or suffixes or both together. (b) by reduplication of the radical. (c) by combining two radicals. The prefixes are — me-, pe-, her-, per-, ter-, bel-, pel-, leu-, Jcau-, ha-, 8a-, di-. The suffixes are — an, -i, -hah, -han, -ku, -lah, -mu, -nya, -tah. Prefixes. — When the prefixes me- and pe- are placed before a radical certain euphonic changes take place according to the nature of its initial letter. Before t and d the prefix becomes men-, pen- : t drops out, d remains. Before h and g the prefix becomes meng-, peng- : h drops out, g remains. Before p and b the prefix becomes mem-, pern- : p drops out, b remains. Before vowels and h the prefix becomes meng-, peng-. Before ch and j the prefix becomes men-, pen-, or, more rarely, meny-, peny-. 1 Before s the prefix becomes meny-, peny- : s drops out. Before y and w, n, ng, m, ny, I, r the prefix remains unaltered. 1 It must be remembered that ny is regarded as one consonant, not as two separate letters. ALPHABET AND PRONUNCIATION The following table shows the above rules at a glance. 11 me- mem- men- meng- meny- n ng ( s> ( J 00 g 00 m ch a *y J e 1 l r y u w h In foreign words the initial letters t, k, p, s are sometimes retained. If the initial letter of a foreign word is an element foreign to the Malay alphabet (see secona alphabet), the following rules are observed : — Before i^j the prefix is men- or meny- : in the latter case ij^j is dropped. Before ^ c, e, and * the prefix is meng-. Before ♦, J, :, \j* % ^, b, t, the prefix is men-. Before u-i the prefix is mem-; before .A meny-, sh being dropped. The remaining prefixes remain unaltered before the radical. Suffixes. — When the derivative suffixes -an and -i are added to a word, the last syllable of which is shut, this syllable becomes open and (as it at the same time becomes the penultimate) accented, and its vowel is lengthened : if the vowel of the now antepenultimate syllable was long, it is shortened : e.g., mengutyap, mengutydpi ; pengutyap, pengutydpan. In many of the vulgar dialects the above rule does not hold good ; and it should be observed that some scholars deny it altogether, maintaining that in derivatives the accent as a rule remains on the same syllable on which it stood in the root. When these suffixes are added to a word, the last syllable of which is open, this syllable becomes accented and consequently long ; the vowel of the penultimate, if previously long, is shortened : e.g., mengata, mengdtdi ; perkdtd, perkdtdan. 12 MALAY MANUAL When any of the remaining suffixes is added to a word, the last syllable of which ends in a vowel, the same rule holds good : added to a word ending in a consonant, they often cause the accent to be transferred to the syllable preceding them. Several suffixes are frequently added to a word, in which case the word as it appears before the last suffix is added is regarded as the radical : e.g., dikdta becomes dikdtdkan by the addition of -kan> dikatdkannya by the further addition of -nya, and finally dikatdkannydlah by adding -lah. Reduplication. — If one of the syllables of the radical is shut, no alteration takes place : ordng-orang. If both syllables of the radical are open, the vowels of the first member of the compound are shortened : e.g., kuda, kuda-kuda. Words accented on the last syllable, however, remain unaltered : e.g., s&rU) seru-seru. If a derivative formed by prefixes or suffixes is to be reduplicated, the chief rule is that only the radical, not the syllable of derivation, is repeated ; for the repetition of the radical the rules given above apply. It is to be further observed that — (a) the second part of the compound is altered by a derivative suffix in accordance with the rules given above : e.g., IdM, laki-nya, laki-lakl-nya (but IdM-ldki) ; (6) if the initial letters p, k, t, s are replaced, e.g.^ by ng after the prefixes me- and pe- y in reduplication the second member also begins with ng: e.g., karang, mengarang- ngarang. If the radical begins with a vowel and has the prefix me- or pe- (in the form meng- or peng-\ in reduplication the second member only begins with ng if the radical ends in a vowel : e.g., ada, mengada-ngada, but ugut, mengugut-ugut. Combination of two Radicals. — When two words are combined to form a new idea the same rules hold good as in reduplication : e.g., mdtd (eye), hdri (day), mdtd-hdri (sun). PART II GRAMMAR Article There is no article in Malay, nothing exactly corresponding to "a" or "the." Thus kuda may mean "the horse," "a horse," or simply "horse." In the case of persons the prefix si- is sometimes used for "the," while the numeral satu (one) or its abbreviated form sa often supplies the place of the indefinite article. Thus : si-laki-laki (the man), si-perampuan (the woman), ada sa-orang (there was a man), di-sini satu kareta (here is a cab). Itu (that), mi (this), and yang (which) are also used to specify particular objects. Noun Nouns are either — (a) Radicals, such as in their primitive form are substantives (rumah, house ; kuda, horse) ; or (b) Derivatives, formed by the addition of prefixes or suffixes, or both combined, to nouns or other parts of speech. Two prefixes, pe- and ka-, and one suffix, -an, are used in the formation of derivative nouns. Nouns formed by the prefix pe- and its modifications (see page 10) generally denote the agent or instrument of the action expressed by the verb, and may be compared with English nouns ending in -er (in French -eur, -oir) : churi (to steal), pen-churi (robber) ; ajar (to teach), peng-ajar (teacher) ; jaja (to peddle), penjaja (peddler) ; sapu (to sweep), peny-apu (sweeper, broom). Nouns formed by the suffix -an (1) have a passive sense, (2) denote quality or condition, (3) have a collective signification ; makan (to eat), makan-an (that which is eaten, food) ; minum (to drink), mmum - an (that which is drunk) ; dengar (to hear), dengar-an (that which is heard, noise) ; manis (sweet), manis-an 13 14 MALAY MANUAL (that which is sweet, sweetmeats) ; hampir (near), hampir - an (nearness) ; buah (fruit), buah-an (fruits, fruit generally) ; laut (sea), laut-an (seas, the ocean). Nouns formed by the prefix pe- and the suffix -an correspond to English verbal nouns in -ing : ajar (to teach), peng-ajar-an (teaching) ; Ian (to run), pe-lari-an (running, flight). The prefix often takes the form per- or pel-, especially when the verb from which the noun is formed has the prefix ber- (verbs of state or condition). The derivatives then generally have a passive, sometimes a local meaning (nouns of place) : buru (to hunt), per-buru-an (that which is hunted, game) ; ber-ulih (to acquire), per-ulih-an (that which is acquired, an acquisition) ; ber-prang (to fight), pe(r)-prang-an (field of battle) ; adu, ber-adu (to sleep), per-adu-an (sleeping place, bedroom). Nouns formed by the prefix ha- and the suffix -an have a passive sense. They are called by Favre "passive participles used sub- stantively," by Marsden " gerunds in form as well as in sense, being in fact a verbal noun applied infinitively in construction" : pukul (to strike), ka-pukul-an (he or that which is struck) ; datang (to come), ka-datang-an (the thing or place which is come to) ; tiada ka- tahu-an (not to be understood) ; matahari tiada ka-lihat-an (the sun was not to be seen). They sometimes answer to the English adjectives in -able, -ible : ka-lihat-an (visible) ; ka-datang-an (accessible). Formed from adjectives or verbs of condition the derivatives are abstract nouns, expressing the quality of the adjective or the condition of the subject : kaya (rich), ka-kaya-an (wealth) ; mati (to die), ka-maii-an (death). 1 Malay is also rich in compound nouns, many of which are very expressive {see Shellabear's Grammar). Gender, — In the case of living creatures gender is indicated by the addition, for persons, of laki-laki (male) and perampuan (female) ; for animals and plants, of jantan and betina : anak laki- laki, son (child male), anak perampuan, daughter (child female) ; sudara laki-laki (perampuan), relative male (female) ; kuda jantan (stallion), kuda betina (mare) ; lembu jantan (bull), lembu betina (cow). Number. — A noun, standing alone with nothing to define it, may generally be taken as plural : ada orang di-luar (there are persons outside). To restrict the number to one, satu, sa- must be used. In the case of persons or animate beings, when the whole class is meant the noun is often repeated to indicate the plural : orang- orang (all men, mankind), raja-raja (kings). Hence this method i For a full account of these derivatives, see P. Favre, Grammaire de la langut malaise (Vienna, 1876), pp. 60-68. GRAMMAR 15 of expression should not be used when the noun is accompanied by a definite or indefinite numeral. To prevent ambiguity the plural is often expressed by the addition of indefinite numerals, such as banyak (many), segala, samud (all), barang (some) : segala kuda (all the horses). Declension. — Malay, being a non-inflexional language, has no case- endings. The cases are expressed, as in English, by prepositions, the noun itself undergoing no alteration. The Genitive may be expressed in two ways — (a) by simply placing the governed after the governing noun : rumah raja (the house (of) the king), pintu rumah (the door (of) the house) ; • (b) by the addition of punya : raja punya (the king's). In this case the noun indicating the possessor stands first : raja punya rumah (the king's house), sahaya, sahya, (I), sahaya punya (of me, my), sahaya punya rumah or rumah sahaya (my house). This use of punya should be avoided, except in the case of the personal pronouns. The Dative is supplied by the prepositions ka, kapada, sama (to), akan (for) ; the Ablative by dengan (with), deri, deripada (from), ulih (by). The Accusative is the same as the Nominative ; as a rule it follows the verb. LIST OF NOUNS 1. The City, the Town Negri, city, town, country : the Jambatan, bridge ; membuat jambatan Malay equivalents are ill-defined ka-sabrang sungei, to build a bridge Orang negri, citizen, countryman over a river Kapala negri, capital, chief town Astana, mdligei, palace Kampong, quarter, village ; kampong Rumah bichara, bald ruang, town- China, the Chinese quarter hall, king's assembly -hall Kampong di-muka, suburbs Rumah makan, hotel, hotel ; rumah. Tampat yang berkulilmg, environs sopi, tavern Pintu gerbaug, city gate Rumah sakit, hospital Jalan, lebdh, ^reet ; jalan raya, main Greja, church road ; jalan kareta, carriage-road Pekuburan, burying-ground Lorong, lane, alley Skolah, maktab, school Jalan ayer, gutter Rumah jaga, guard-house Hamparan batu, pavement Masjid, mosque Meidan, public square Rumah soldado, tangsi, barracks Pasar, pekdn, market, market-place ; Kantor pos, post-office hari pasar, market - day ; pasar Prigi, well ikan, fish-market ; pergi ka-pasar t to go to market 16 MALAY MANUAL 2, 3. The House Rumah, house Bangunan, building A tap, bumbong, roof Ginting, tile (for roofing) Batu-bata* brick Tanda angin, weather-cock Pintu, door, gate Bandul pintu, threshold Surambi, porch, vestibule , staircase Kayu pemegang, handrail Anak tangga, step (of stairs) Tingkat, storey ; loteng, upper storey Halaman, courtyard Tembok, outside wall Chorong asap, tampat asap, chimney Kandang, stall (for cattle) Bangsal, stable (for horses) Rumah kareta, coach-house Orang sa-kampong, neighbour Yang ampunya rumah, tuan tanah, tuan rumah, owner, landlord Yang menyewa, tenant Bilik, kamar, room Bilik {kamar) tidor, bedroom Ranching, bolt, bar to fasten a door Langit-langit, ceiling Dinding,Yis\\ (partition) Kacha jandela, chermin window- pane Papan jandela, shutters Ponchuran, saluran, gutter Locheng, bell Jamban, watorcloset Bilik (kamar) makan, dining-room Tampat mandi. bath-room Klambu, curtain (mosquito) Tirei, tdbir, curtain (window) Kunchi, lock A nak kunchi, key Lobang anak kunchi, key-hole Lantei papan, floor Jandela, jindela, window (of Euro- pean), tingkap (of native houses) Bomba, pump 4-8. Household Utensils and Furniture Dapur, oven Kayu, wood ; kayu api, firewood ; puntung, a small log Api, fire ; pasang api, to light a fire Arang, charcoal Arang batu, coal Tampat api, fireplace Pengumbus, bellows Dian, lilin, candle ; dian lemdk, tallow-candle Kaki dian, kaki lilin, candlestick Gunting dian, snuffers Sumbu, wick Sepit api, tongs Chuchuk api, poker Sudok, sekup abu, shovel Pelita, lampu, lamp Lantera, lantern ; tenglong (Chinese) Minyak, oil Sapu, menyapu, to sweep Sampah, refuse, dirt, sweepings Serba rumah, perkakas rumah, furniture Meja, table ; meja bulat, round table ; meja ampat p.ersagi, square table ; m eja tulis, wrHing-table, desk Kauchi, sofa Peti, kopper, box Kain selimut, sheet Tilam, mattre as Tikar, mat Krusi, kwrsi % chair Almari, wardrobe, cupboard, chest of drawers Lachi, kotak sorong-sorong, drawer Permadani, hamparan, carpet Tampat ludah, spittoon Chermin muka, mirror Tampat tidor, bed KatU, bedstead Bantal, pillow ; sarong bantal, pillow- case Selimut, kambli, blanket GRAMMAR 17 Pasu chuchi muka, wash-hand basin Jag, water- jug Menchuchi diri-nya, to wash oneself Sabun, soap Permandian, bath ; permandian ayer sejuk, cold bath ; permandian ayer hangat, hot bath ; permandian, huajo, vapour bath ; permandian kaki, foot-pan ; mandi, to take a bath Sapu, penyapu, broom Ayer, water; ayer sejuk, cold water ; ayer sudm, warm, tepid water ; aw panas, hot water Tuala, sapu tangan, handuk, towel Menyapu muka, to wipe the face Brus, sikat, brush ; brus (sikat) pakeian, clothes-brush ; brus (sikat) gigi, tooth-brush ; bersugi, to brush the teeth ; brus (sikat) kapala, hair- brush ; brus kuku f nail-brush Sikat, sisir, comb Dapur, kitchen Serba dapur, perkakas dapur, kitchen utensils Oherek, keiel, kiri, kettle Kuali, frying-pan ; goring, to fry Tapisan, strainer, filter Ohorong, funnel Timba, bucket, pail Tukang masak, kuki, cook Kuali, kawah, pot, saucepan (iron) ; blanga, priuk (earthenware) Tutupan, tudongan, lid, cover Pachak, spit Ayak, sieve Antan, pestle Lesong, mortar Tong, cask, pail Bakul, kranjang, basket Botol, bottle Oedong makanan, larder Pipa, barrel Sumbat, prop, cork (of bottle) Penchabut sumbat, kunchi prop, korkskrew, corkscrew Perkakas meja, table service Kain meja, tablecloth Taruh meja, to lay the table Angkat meja, to clear the table Jaga meja, to wait at table Sendok, spoon Pisau, knife Mata, knife-blade Hulu, knife-handle Punggung, back (of a knife) Pinggan, dish Tuala, serbetta, table-napkin Piring, plate, saucer Tampat sup, soup tureen Tampat garam salt-cellar Tampat lada, pepper-box Tampat gula, sugar-basin Garfu, fork Qlas, glass (for drinking) 9, Food Makanan, food, eatables, a meal Makan, makan nasi, 1 to eat Buah-buahan, dessert Makanan pagi, breakfast; makan pada pagi, to breakfast Makanan tengah hari, dinner ; makan pada tengah hari, to dine Hidangan, course (at a meal) Kuah, sup, soup, sauce Daging, meat Daging lembu, sapi, beef Daging anak lembu, veal Daging biri-biri, daging kambing, mutton Daging babi, pork Daging anak biri, lamb 1 To eat rice, which is more idiomatic than the simple makan : so lulis surat (write a letter) for tulis alone. B Id MALAY MANUAL Bifstik, beef-steak Telor, egg ; telor baharu, fresh eggs ; teldr busuk, stale eggs ; tel6r goring, fried eggs ; telor masalc kras, hard- boiled eggs ; telor dadar, omelette Rampak-rampak, spices Lada, pepper Ghuka, vinegar Halia, ginger Kvlit manis, kayu manis, cinnamon Makanan malam, supper ; makan ma lam, to sup Sos, sauce IAdah, tongue ; lidah lembu, ox- tongue MaH, liver Paha (pahat) babi, ham, ham Daging perburuan, game Hayam, poultry Ikan, fish Nasi, rice (boiled) Ubi, potatoes Salada, salad Kobis, kol, cabbage Roti, bread ; roti putih, white bread ; roti kasar, black bread ; roti sa- putung, a slice of bread ; roti sa- buah, a loaf of bread Madu, ayer madu, honey Mantega, butter Keju, cheese Gar am, salt Sesawi, mastad, mustard Bunga chingkeh, cloves Gula, sugar; gula hitam, brown sugar ; gula pasir, moist (granu- lated) sugar Manisan, sweets Kweh, pastry, cake Minyak, oil Zait, olives 10. Drink Minuman, drink ; minum, to drink Anggor, wine ; anggor putih, white wine ; anggor merah, red wine ; anggor puf, sampani, champagne ; satu botol anggor, a bottle of wine ; satu glas anggor, a glass of wine Kopi, kahwah, coffee ; buah kopi, coffee - bean ; kopi dengan susu, coffee with milk ; tampat kopi, coffee-pot Ayer, water ; ayer minum, drinking water ; ayer baharu, fresh water ; ayer blanda, mineral water ; ayer soda, soda water Bir, beer Susu, milk Kapala susu, cream Sopi, brandi, brandy Ghokoldt, chocolate Teh, tea ; teh hitam, black tea ; teh hijau, green tea Sopi manis, liqueur 11-13. Clothing Pakeian, 1 clothing Pakei kain, to dress, put on clothes Buka kain, menanggalkan pakeian, to undress Kain, cloth, stuff Ranching, button ; lobang kanching, button - hole ; menganching, to button ; membuka, to unbutton Kain leher, shirt collar Kain ikat leher, necktie Kochek, saku, pocket Spatu, kasut, boot, boot, shoe ; meiigenakan, to put on, menang- galkan, to take off boots; sa- pasang spatu, a pair of shoes Gharpu, sandals (leather) ; trumpah (wooden) Baju, baju kot,jas, coat ; bajupanjang, frock-coat ; baju panas, overcoat Tangan baju, coat sleeve Alas, lining Seluar, chelana, trousers Ghelana dalam, drawers Tali seluar, braces Tapak, sole Tumit, heel Kvlit, leather 1 Pronounced pakvxn, GRAMMAR 19 12. Topi, kopxah, chapiu, hat ; memakei topi, to wear a hat ; buka topi, to take off the hat Chermin mata, spectacles Sarong tangan, gloves ; memakei sarong tangan, to wear gloves ; sa-pasang sarong tangan, a pair of gloves Orloji, jam, watch, clock ; kunchi orloji, watch - key ; rantei orloji, watch-chain ; memutar, to wind up ; jalan lekds, to be fast ; jalan lambat, to be slow ; berhenti, to stop Tampat surat, pocket-book Tongkat, walking-stick Pipa, pipe ; kapala, bowl ; batang, stem ; menghisap pipa, to smoke a pipe Chei^utu, cigar ; rokok, the native cigarette ; minum rokok, hisap rokok, to smoke tobacco Tembakau, tobacco ; tembakau meng- hisap (for smoking) ; tembakau hidong, snuff 13. Kain-kain, linen, washing ; kain kotor, dirty clothes ; salin kain, to change the linen Pembasohan, washing (act of) Dobi, binara, tukang viinatu, laundry- man Prahkan, to wring (clothes) Jemurkan, to dry clothes (in the sun) ; anginkan (in the air) Strika, an iron, to iron Kameja, shirt Sarong kaki, stockings, socks Guntmg, scissors Jahit, menjahit, to sew Jarum, needle Didal, sarong jari, thimble Bendng, thread Peniti, pin 14-16. The Human ody Tubuh, badan, body Muka, face Kapala, head Dahi, forehead ; kerut dahi, wrinkles Lidah, tongue ; hujong lidah, tip of the tongue Leher, throat (outside) ; krongkong (windpipe) Gusi, gums Janggut, beard Chambang, whiskers Misei, kumis, moustache Pelipis, temples Mv.lut, mouth Langit-langit mulut, palate Dagu, chin Baku, shoulder Blikat, shoulder-blade Rambut, hair (of the head) Pipi, cheek Utak, brain Mata, eye ; biji mata, eyeball ; bulu kening, eyebrow ; bulu mata, eye- lash ; bibir mata, klopak, eyelid ; anak mata, pupil of the eye ; pejdm, to shut the eyes ; chelekkan, to open the eyes Hidong, nose Lobang hidong, nostril Telinga, kuping, ear Bibir, lip Gigi, tooth Leher, neck Tengkok, nape of the neck 15. Langan, arm Tangan, forearm, hand Tapak, palm of the hand Siku, elbow Dada, breast ; susu (female) Prut, belly Pahat, thigh Jantong betis, calf (of leg) Jari kaki, toe ; ibu kaki, great toe ; klingking kaki, little toe Ping gang, waist Pangkal pahat, hip 20 MALAY MANUAL Pangku, riba, lap, bosom Kaki, leg (generally) ; betis (from knee to ankle) Jari, finger ; ibu jari, thumb ; jari telunjuk, forefinger ; jari hantu, middle-finger ; jari manis, third finger ; jari klingking, little finger Hujong jari, tip of the finger Kukujari, finger-nail Mata Tcaki, ankle Tumit, heel Genggam, fist Blakang, back Rusuk, side Tulang rusuk, rib Lutut, knee Kaki, foot ; tapak kaki, sole of the foot 16. Anggota, limb Peluh, perspiration Darah, blood Nodi, pulse Jantong, heart ; hati (as the seat of the affections) Kulit, skin Urat darah, vein Uratputih, nerve Nefas, breath Ayer mata, tear Muka puchat, paleness Kalemahan. weakness Ayer muka, complexion Sikap, figure ; sikapnya baik juga, he has a good appearance Tulang, bone Isiprut, intestines Parau-parau, lungs Prut, stomach Ludah, spittle Prijalan, walk, gait Hati, liver Rupa, appearance Kalelahan, weariness, fatigue Tidor, sleep 17-18. Sickness and Infirmities Kahidupan, nyawa, haiyat, life (opposed to death) Kamatian, maut, death Sakit gigi, toothache Sakit kapala, headache Sakit prut, stomach-ache Batuk kring, consumption Sakit berjangkit, infectious disease Batuk, cough 'Umur, age Nyaman, sihat, ' djiyat, good health Sakit, penyakit, illness Muntah, sickness (vomiting) Demdm kura, ague Buang-buang ayer, chirit, diarrhoea Sampar, plague, epidemic Selismah, cold in the head ; kend selismah, to catch cold Demdm, fever Ohachar, small-pox Buang-buang ayer darah, dysentery Semblit, constipation Luka, wound Puru, ulcer Bisul, boil Makanan ta' hajam, indigestion Pengsan, faintness, to faint Pusing kapala, giddiness Kudis, itch Bengkak, swelling Par at, scar Sembap, dropsy 18. Dukun, bomo, doctor (native) ; doktor (one who practises European medicine) Obat, medicine Tukang obat, chemist Kadei obat, chemist's shop Obat-obat, prescription Sakit, pain Tuli, pekdk, deaf Chapek, penchang, tempang, lame GRAMMAR 21 Ralsasa, giant Orang pendek-pendek, katek, dwarf Tabib gigi, dentist Qbat minum, draught Obat lumat, powder Penawar, cure, antidote Kasembuhan, recovery from illness Buta, blind Bisu, dumb Bongkok, hunchback 19. Time Waktu, mata, kola, tempo, time Sa-ratus tahun, century Waktu yang sekarang ini, present time ; waktu yang sudah lain, past time ; waktu yang kemdian, future time Bulan, month ; 1 bulan ini, this month ; bulan lalu, last month ; bulan dapdn, bulan datang, next month Pagi, morning Tengah hari, stengari, midday Jam, hour ; sa-tengah jam, half an hour ; sa-suku jam, quarter of an hour ; satu jam sa-tengah, an hour and a half Sa'at, minit, minute Sa-kej&p, sekdn, second Kotika, moment Oi-ang tuah, old man ; katuahan, old age ; brapa htmur tuan, how old are you ? Ming go, % jum'at, week Hari, day ; hari ini, to-day Malam, night ; tengah malam, mid- night Petdng, sore, afternoon Kelmarin, yesterday ; kelmarin dahulu, day before yesterday Esok, besok, to-morrow Lusa, day after to-morrow 20. The Universe Dunya, the world Langit dan bumi, the universe Khalaik, nature, created things Langit, sky, heaven ; shurga (as the abode of the blessed) Bintang, star Matahari, sun ; matahari naik or terbit, sunrise ; matahari masuk or turun, sunset ; chahaya matahari, sunshine ; sinar matahari, sunbeam Keldm, darkness Siang, daylight Bulan, moon ; chahaya bulan, moon- shine ; bulan baharu, bulan timbul, new moon ; bulan pernama, full moon Gcrhana, grahana, eclipse Teduh, shade Bayang, shadow Pri hawa, udara, climate Timur, east ; timur laut, north-east ; tang gar a, south-east Selatan, south ; barat daya, south- west TJtara, north ; barat laut, north-west Barat, west 21. Wbjlther and Natural Phenomena Hawa, udara, air, atmosphere Nyala, flame A sap, smoke A wan, cloud Ribut, storm Angin, wind Api, fire Bunga api, sparks, fireworks Huap, uwap, steam Musim, tempo, weather, season of the year Chuacha, fine weather Kabut, mist Ayer, water Titek, drop Salj, salju, snow 1 The names of the months, of the days of the week, and the method of expressing the hours of the dav will be found in the Oraminar. 2 Malays generally um tuju hari (seven days). 22 MALAY MANUAL Panas, kapanasan, heat Dingin, kadinginan, cold Rebia, spring, spring Musim panas, summer Musim buahbuahan, kharif, autumn Musim dingin, winter Hujan, rain; musim hujan, rainy season ; hujan lebdt, heavy rain ; hujan rintek-rintek, light rain Musim panas, kamarau, dry season Hujan batu, hail Embun, dew Gumpah burnt, earthquake 22. The Earth Kumi, arth Buttub, pole Binatang (twelve animals), signs of the zodiac Tanah besdr, mainland Batu taut, rock Khatt istivxi, equator Darajat, degree Pantei, tepi laut, shore, coast Pulau, island Danau, kolam, tasek, lake, pond Paya, swamp Ounong, mountain Kamunchak, top (of mountain) Kaki, foot (of mountain) Gunonggunongan, mountain -range Padang, plain (open country as opposed to jungle) Pasir, sand Seldt, strait Tebing, tepi, bank (of river) Arongan, ford Tambangan, ferry Ampang, dam Guah, cave Belantara, desert Ombak, wave Karang, reef, coral Bahagian bumi, zone Laut, sea Lautan, ocean -4ycr Sim**, ebb Ayer pasang, flow Hutan, utan, forest, jungle BuHt, hill ,/ato sempit, pass Gunong berapi, volcano Tanah, land ; (tom< (opposed to water) Teluk, bay, gulf Sungei, river Kuala, mouth (of river) Jfata ayer, source, spring Ayer terjun, waterfall Lembah, valley Debu, lebu, dust 23. The Family Bapd, father lbu, mak, mother Sudara laki-laki, brother Sudara perampuan, sister Kakak, elder sister Adek, younger sister Anak laki-laki, son Anak perampuan, daughter Kaum kalurga, sanak, relatives Mak muda, mak sudara, aunt Bapa sudara, mama sudara, uncle Anak sudara, nephew Anak sudara peramvuan, niece Sudara sa-pupu, cousin Ipar, brother - in - law (by sister) ; biros (by wife) Ipar perampuan, sister-in-law Anak, child Kanak-kanak, small child, infant Kahwin^ marriage, to marry; ber- istrikan (of the man), berlakikan (of the woman) Wasiat, will, testament Waris, yang mendapat pusaka, heir Pusaka, inheritance Nenek laki-laki, grandfather Nenek perampuan, grandmother Chuchu laki-laki, grandson Chuchu perampuan, granddaughter Mentua laki-laki, father-in-law Mentua perampuan, mother-in-law Bapa tiri, step-father lbu tiri, step-mother Laki, suami, husband Bini, istri, wife Piatu, yetim, orphan Janda laki-laki, widower Janda perampuan, widow Orang gaji, pelayan, servant Sa'is, kusir, groom, coachman, GRAMMAR 23 24. Instruction Pengajaran, instruction Guru, pengajar, teacher Pdajar, murid, pupil Huruf, letters of the alphabet Baris, vowel mark Kartas, paper ; kartas sa-lei, sheet of paper; kartas suratj writing paper ; kartas kembang, blottiug- paper Muka, page Salin, to copy ; salinan, copy Skolah, maktab, school Kata, word, to say Kdimah, sentence Eja, syllable Sebutan, lidah, bunyi, pronunciation Pembacha-an, reading Tulisan, writing Tinta, dawat, ink ; tampat tinta, ink- stand Kalam, penna, pen, pen Patlut, pensil, pencil 25. Amusements, Art Permainan, amusement, games Main bola, billiards Main dadu, dice-throwing Permainan undi, casting lots Untong, laba, winnings Rugi, loss Tari, dancing Main chatur, chess ; raja, king ; mantri, queen ; gajah, bishop ; kuda, knight ; tir, caatle ; bidak, pawn ; sah, check ; mat, mate Dam, choki, draughts Rumah wayang, theatre ; wayang, performance ; main wayang, to act Bunyi-bunyian, music Nafiri, trumpet i llmu, hikmat, art, knowledge Pandei memahat, pengukir, carver, sculptor Penults, pandei menulis gambar, painter Gambar, picture Tulis, to draw, sketch ; tulisan, drawing Bangsi, suling, flute Nyanyian, song ; nyanyi, to sing 26. The State Bangsa, nation, people Orang asing, foreigner Orang sa - negri, native, towns- man Orang dusun, countryman (opposed to dweller in town) Raja, king Raja perampuan, queen Karaja-an, kingdom Makhota, taj, crown Orang bangsawan, nobleman (by birth) Parentahan, government Mantri, minister ; perdana mantri, prime minister I si negri, anak ray at, inhabitants Negri bapa, fatherland Hamba, patek, slave Maharaja, emperor (great king) Putra, prince ; putri, princess Raja muda, heir apparent Takhta, singgahsana, throne Jawat, office, post ; penjawat, official Gubernur, governor Daira, jajahan, province Polis, police ; mala-mata, policeman ; rumah pasong, police station Dusun, kampong, village Chukei, tax, toll Orang minta sadakah, beggar 27. Justice, Law Ka adilan, justice Aniaya, injustice Hakim, judge ffukum judgment, sentence Tuduhan, accusation Penuduh, accuser Pembunuhan, murder ; pembunuh^ murderer 24 MALAY MANUAL Kachurian, theft Orang penchuri, thief Pertanda, executioner Tiang gantungan, gallows Undang-undang, law Tampat hukum, bichara, law court Penangkapan, arrest ; tangkap, to arrest Dosa, salah, crime, offence Orang salah, criminal, convict Penulung bichara, advocate Bunuh diri, suicide Rachun, poison Siksa, punishment Ampun, pardon Panjara, jel, prison 28. Travelling Kapal, ship Naik kapal, to embark Turun darat, to disembark Prahu, boat Kurung, kamar, cabin Kareta, kreta, coach, cab Rumah chukei, custom-house Peti, hopper, box, trunk Jalan besi, railway Rd, rails Kapal api, steamer Pelayaran, voyage Karam, shipwreck Perjalanan, journey Sampei, to arrive Jalan, berangkat, to set out Surat kareta api, ticket, ticket Barang-barang, luggage Surat pass, passport Kareta api, locomotive, train 29. Tradb Bemyaga, mennyaga, trade, commerce Orang dagang, sudagar, merchant Borong, wholesale Jagalan, retail Barang, goods Kira-kira, bill, account Surat betul, resit, receipt Surat, letter Sarona surat, envelope Kapaia raja, stamp, stamp Bilik tulis, kantor, ofis, office Kadei, shop Jualan, sale Lelong, auction Blian, purchase Bayaran, payment Pekerja-an, pencharian, occupation, trade, means of livelihood Tukang, workman, artisan Kerja, work Perkakas, tools Tukang l kareta, carriage maker Besi, blacksmith Paku, nail maker ; paku, nail ; paku skrup, screw Pisau, cutler FaktUr, invoice Blanja, expenses Lak, sealing-wax Wang yang disimpan, savings ; sim- pan, to save, put by Tukang wang, cashier Tukang tulcar wang, money-changer Timbangan, scales Hutang, debt Pihutang, credit Wang, money ; wang kechU, change ; wang kartas, paper money, cheque A ma's, mas, gold Perak, silver Tembaga, copper, brass Tradbs Spatu, shoemaker Jahit, tailor Kacha, glazier Kayu, carpenter Almari, joiner Tong, cooper Besi kuda, farrier ; landasan, anvil ; pemukul, martil, hammer ; pengum- ous, bellows TenUn, weaver 1 Tukang, answering to the termination -er (painter, baker), is to be supplied before all the remaining nouns in this section, GRAMMAR 25 Samak, tanner Topi, hatter Chukur, barber Roti, baker Pengilinggan, miller Priuk, potter Chap, printer Orloji, jam, watchmaker Chat, painter Daging, butcher Bir, brewer Amds, goldsmith Minatu, washerman Kabun, gardener Jilid buku, bookbinder Jual buku, bookseller 81. Agriculture Perusahan tanah, agriculture Orang dusun, countryman, peasant Tenggala, plough Penuwe - an, harvest ; menuwe, menabes, to reap Jerami, straw Kawan, herd Gombala, herdsman, shepherd Pemburuan, hunting ; orang pemburu, a hunter Kabun, garden, plantation Baja, manure Benih, biji, seed Sabit, sickle Bang sal, shed Padang rumput, meadow Kandang, stall (for cattle) ; bangsal kuda, stal, stable (for horses) Pagar, hedge, fence Changkul, hoe (large, used for digging) Penggali, spade Sikat tanah, meradu, rake, harrow 32, 33. Animals, Birds, Fishes, Insects Binatang, animal Kvlit, skin Munyet, kerd, monkey Bruang, bear Anjing, dog Kuching, cat Earimau, tiger Tikus, rat, mouse Landak, porcupine Oajah, elephant ; gading, tusk, ivory ; belalei, trunk Babi, pig Onta, camel Kambing, goat Bulu, hair Tkur, ekor, tail Klawar, bat Kluang, vampire Ghirg, wolf Singa, lion ; bulu tengkok, mane ; kuku, claw Kwelu, hare Tupei, squirrel Badak, rhinoceros Kuda ayer, hippopotamus Kaldei, ass Rusa, stag Kuda, horse ; kuku, hoof ; bulu tengkok, mane Lembu, sapi, ox Biri-biri, domba, sheep Ikanpaus, whale 33. Burong, bird ; sarang burong, bird's nest ; sayap, wing ; paruh, beak ; bulu, feather Mtrpati, pigeon (tame); punai (wild) Eayam Blanda, turkey Onta, ostrich Bangau, stork Undan, crane Itek, duck Ikan, fish ; tidang, bone ; tel6r t roe ; sisek, scales Belut, eel Ular, snake Penyu, katung, turtle Kura-kura, labi-labi, tortoise Buaya, crocodile Pengail, fisherman ; kail, mmgail, MALAY MANUAL to fish with a rod, menjala (with a net) ; kail, hook ; tali kail, line ; joran, rod ; umpan, bait Kumbang, beetle Leb&h, bee ; singat, sting ; madu, honey ; indok madu, honeycomb Krawei, tabuan, wasp, hornet Helang, lang, hawk, falcon Raja-wali, eagle Hantu, pungguk, owl Nuri, parroquet Pipit, sparrow Gagak, crow Hayam jantan, cock ; kukuk, to crow ; hayam betina, hen Angsa, goose Kupu-Jcupu, butterfly Hulat bulu t caterpillar Nyamok, mosquito Agas, gnat Lalat, fly Kala-jenking, scorpion Unam, snail Hulat, ulat, cJiaching, worm Chichek, lizard (common house) Katak, kuduk, frog Hudang, shrimp Hudang gala, lobster Ketdm, kapiting, crab Tiram, oyster Semut, ant ; awei - cmei (white) ; kerangga (large red) Bilalang, locust Laba-laba, spider ; sarang laba-laba, spider's web Hulat sutra, silkworm 34. Plants Tumbuh-tumbuhan, tanaman, plants Pokok, tree ; batang, trunk ; akar, root ; kulvt t bark ; dahan, chabang, branch ; daun, leaf ; bung a, blossom ; buah, fruit Pokok yang berbuah, fruit-tree Pisang, banana Dalima, pomegranate Ara, tig Sukun, bread-fruit Pinang, betel- nut Kayu manis, cinnamon Bambu, bamboo Jagong, maize Rotan, rattan Ubi Jdadi, yam Bayam, spinach KacJiang, peas, beans Lobak, radish Tembikei, water-melon Klapa, coco-nut Khurma, date Limau asam, lemon Limau manis, orange Limau nipis, lime Mangga, mango Badam, almonds Sagu, sago Tebu, sugar-cane Padi, rice (in the husk) ; bras (un- husked); nasi (boiled) Pala, nutmeg Kapas, cotton Ubi, potato Kobis, kol, cabbage Bawang, onion Chendawan, mushroom Tarum, indigo (plant) ; nila (dye) Apiun, ajiun, madat, opium Kapur barus, camphor Kayu arang, ebony Gandum, trigu, corn ; berkas, shea 35. Minerals Galian, mine Perak, silver Baja, steel Timah hitam, lead Tembaga Joining, brass Besi berani, magnet Batu berani, loadstone Jntan, diamond Yakut, ruby, hyacinth Rapur, lime ; Jcapur mati, slaked Ujae ; Jcapur tohor, quicklime Sendawa, saltpetre Tanah liat, clay Tembaga merah, copper Timah putih, tin Timah sari, zinc Raksa, ay er perak, quicksilver Batu, stone Zamrud, emerald Pualam, marmar, marble Baler ang, sulphur Tawas, alum. GRAMMAR 27 Adjective Adjectives follow the noun, and are indeclinable : rumah besdr (the large house) ; but segala (all), banyak (many), lain (other), sedikit (little) precede the noun. The comparative is formed by prefixing lebih (sometimes la^i) (more), and kurang (less) : lebih manis (sweeter) ; kurang besdr (smaller). " Than " is rendered by deri (deri-pada) : lebih manis deri madu (sweeter than honey) ; ini kurang besdr deri itu (this is not as big as that) ; or (as in Hindustani and Turkish) the object with which the comparison is made may be put in the ablative, the adjective remaining unchanged and preceding the objects compared : besdr kuching deri tikus (the cat is larger than the mouse). " As . . . as" is expressed by sama . . . dengan : tuan sama pandei dengan sahaya (you are as clever as I am). In contrasting two comparisons makan . . . makan is used : makan lama . . . makan jahat (the longer . . . the worse). The superlative is formed : — (1) By prefixing ter- : ter-besdr (very large, largest). (2) By placing banyak, amat, terlalu, sang at before the adjective, or sakali after it. More than one of these words are often used with the same adjective (cp. the most highest in English). (3) By reduplication, sa- being usually prefixed : tinggi-tinggi (the highest), sa-adil-adil raja (the most just king). (4) By the use of the comparative construction : thus, " this is the best of all" may be translated as "this is better (good) than all," baik ini deri samua. Some Common Adjectives Tidal ada, ghaib, absent Hitam manis, brown Takut, afraid Lalei, careless Marah, angry Wang tunei, kontan, cash, in ready Jahat, bad (wicked) money Tidak baik, bad (not good) Tantu, certain Botak, gundul, bald Murah, cheap Tang berhenti bayar, bankrap, bank- Nasrani, Christian rupt Bersih, bresih, clean Pahit, bitter Sejuk, dingin (of weather), cold Hitam, black Betul, correct, true Buta, blind Kurang brani, penyakit, cowardly Biru, blue Bcngkok, crooked Tumpul, kurang tajam, blunt Olap, dark Brani, brave Math, dead Lebar, broad ' Tuli y dea.f 28 MALAY MANUAL Mahdl, dear (not cheap) Dalam, deep Susah, payah, difficult Kotor, dirty Masak, done (of food) Kring, dry Bisu, dumb Wolanda, Dutch Siang, early Mudah, easy Kosong y empty, hollow Inggris, English Bohong, tiada betul, false Meshhur, famous Jauh, far Lekds, fast Oemdk, tambun, fat Perampuan, female Harus, patut, fitting, suitable Bodoh, foolish A sing, foreign Bebas, free Baharu, bharu, fresh Penuh, full Baik, good ffijau, green Klabu, grey Bogus, handsome, beautiful Kras, hard Brat, heavy Tinggi, high Panas, hot Lapar, hungry Malas, idle Bebdl, ignorant Sahit, ill Rajin, industrious Besdr, large Lambat, late JTwr, left Rengan, light (not heavy) Trang, light (not dark) Sa-rupa, rupa sama y like Hidup, living Panjang, long (in space) Lama, long (of time) Kwat, loud Rendah, low 6ri7a, mad Laki-laki, male Malayu, Malayan Telanjang, naked Sempit, sesak, narrow Dekdt, near Harus, wajib, necessary Baharu, bharu, new Bangsawan, berbangsa, noble (by birth) Tuah, old (aged) Lama, old (of things) Terbuka, open icm, other, different Puchat, pale Meskin, papa, poor TJngu, purple Sedia, ready Merah, red Kaya, rich Kanan, right (of direction) Masak, ripe Kasap, rough Bulat, round Chetek, shallow Tajam, sharp Pendek, short Tertutup, shut Chondong, slanting Mengantok, sleepy Lambat, perlahan, slow KechU, small Lichin, smooth Lembut, soft Asam, masam, sour Lanchong, spurious (money) Ampat persagi, square Busuk, stale (of food) Lurus, trus, straight Kwat, strong Chukup, sufficient Manis, sweet Te&dZ, thick (not thin) Nipis, thin (of substances) Kurus, thin (lean) Haus, thirsty Leldh, tired Kurang bagus, huduh, ugly 2Va MsaA, unnecessary Muda, unripe Berguna, useful Tiada berguna, useless Adat, usual Indah-indah, valuable Berwarna, variegated Lemdh, weak ifcu&, well Basah, wet, damp Putih, white Kuning, yellow Muda, young GRAMMAR 29 Pronouns Personal There are many equivalents of the pronouns I and You. Their use depends partly upon locality, partly upon the rank of the speaker or the person spoken to. I : Sahaya (sahya), aku, hamba, hamba tuan, patek, teman, beta. Of these sahya is the form generally used by Europeans and the upper class of natives ; aku chiefly in writing and by natives of equal rank ; hamba (slave), hamba tuan (master's slave), by inferiors to superiors, or politely by persons of rank ; patek and teman by natives, the former by inferiors to their social or official superiors, the latter between persons of equal rank. Beta is con- fined to the written language. In a direct statement "I" is frequently omitted, and the sentence made impersonal, e.g. : hendak hujan rupa-nya (I think it will rain ; lit., it will rain, it seems) ; khabar-nya (the news is) instead of sahaya dengar (I hear). You (singular) : tuan or angkau (to inferiors). Kau, ang, hang, mika, kita, kwe, awah are local forms. Tuan (master, sir), nonya or mem (madam), nonna (miss) are the ordinary moaes of addressing Europeans. Angkau should be avoided where possible, and, generally speaking, pronouns of the 2nd person may be omitted unless absolutely necessary. In speaking to servants the name of the person addressed is frequently substituted for the pronoun. Various terms are used in addressing persons of different social status. 1 The proper use of these different equivalents and modes of address can only be learnt by practice and intercourse with natives. The European should confine himself to sahya, tuan, and angkau (to inferiors, when necessary). We : kita (kita orang), and kami (kami orang), the latter excluding the person addressed. You (plural) : the same as for you (singular), usually with the addition of an indefinite numeral to denote the plural ; kamu (kamu orang), in addressing inferiors. He, she, it : dia (less commonly ia). They : dia orang. Marika - itu is confined to the written language. 1 See Maxwell, Manual qf the Malay Language, pp. 50, 75. 30 MALAY MANUAL Possessive The possessive pronouns are generally expressed by the simple genitive construction — Kuda sahaya, my horse Kuda kita, our horse Kuda tuan or angkau, your (sing.) horse Kuda kamu, your horse Kuda dia, his or her horse Kuda dia orang, their horse The construction with punya (see Declension) is also used : sahaya punya kuda (my horse) ; tuan punya kuda (your horse). The first method is preferable, except in translating " mine," etc. " Your " is frequently omitted in conversation. Certain suffixes are also used to express the possessive pronouns singular — Kuda-ku, my horse Kuda-mu, your horse Kuda-nya, his, her (its), horse. Of these -hi, -mu are confined to the written language, but ~nya is in common use (especially in the passive construction) for plural as well as singular. Substantive possessive pronouns are expressed as follows : herta ini herta hamba (these things are mine ; lit., things these things of me). Demonstrative This, these, ini : that, those, itu 9 more correctly placed after the noun. Ini and itu are frequently added to adverbs and pronouns : sekarang ini, (just now) ; aku ini (I myself, it is I). Interrogative Who? siapa 1 — kuda siapa 1 (whose horse?) sama siapa 2 (to whom?) ulih siapa? (by whom?). What ? apa ? — Apa (tuan) mau ? (what do you want ?). Apa is often used to introduce an interrogative sentence : apa tuan minta itu? (do you want that?) The adjectival interrogatives, which ? what ? what sort of ? are also expressed by siapa (of persons) and apa (of things). Siapa orang itu ? What sort of a man is that ? Siapa nama orang ini ? What is the name of this man ? A pa nama negri ini ? What is the name of this country 1 Mana (properly meaning where ?) is also used to express the adjectival interrogative pronoun. GRAMMAR Si Relative Who, which, is yang, placed after the word to which it refers : raja yang adil (a king who is just). An idiomatic relative con- struction (found also, e.g., in Arabic and Modern Greek) should be noticed. When in English the relative is in the possessive case or governed by a preposition, a corresponding personal or possessive pronoun must be added at the end of the sentence in the case required for the relative. Thus, "the king whose kingdom is very great" should be translated, raja yang terlalu besdr karajaan - nya (the king who very great his kingdom) ; " the man to whom the king gives money," orang yang raja kasih wang sama dia (the man who the king gives money to him) ; " the man of whom I speak," orang yang sahaya kata deripada-nya (the man who I speak of him). Reflexive "Self" is expressed by sendiri (kendiri), dirt. They are used with or without the personal pronouns in the sense of myself, yourself, etc. Dm precedes, sendiri follows the pronoun, and is always used when the pronoun refers to the subject of the sentence : ia pukul ia sendiri (he strikes himself). Instead of diri sahaya, diri dia, etc., the possessive suffixes -ku, -nya, etc., are frequently used : anak diri-mu (your own child). Indefinite Other : lain. Some : bebrapa, barang -barang. Something : barang apa, satu apa Any : barang ; anybody, barang siapa ; anything, barang apa. Every (each) : sa-sa-orang, masing-masing, sa-satu. Every one : segala orang, sa-barang orang. Some one : sa-orang, barang sa-orang. One, they (German, man ; French, on) : orang, orang-orang. Nothing : tiada apa, satu pun tidak. No one : sa-orang tiada, sa-satu tiada. Whoever : barang siapa. Whatever : barang apa, barang sa-satu, barang yang. Verbs The verb in Malay undergoes no alteration to denote mood, tense, number, or person. It is radical, originally a verb (makan, to eat) ; or derivative, formed from verbs, nouns, adjectives, by means of 32 MALAY MANUAL prefixes or suffixes : jalan (a road), menjalan (to travel), bini (a wife), ber-bini (to have a wife, be married), buta (blind), mem-buta-kan (to make blind). The verb is generally translated by the infinitive, although its meaning is really indefinite, and is defined by its position in the sentence, or by particles placed before or after. The tenses (where necessary) are denoted by auxiliaries, and the persons need not be expressed. Derivative Verbs The chief derivative particles are the prefixes me- (with its modifications mem-, men-, meng-, meny- : see page 10), ber-, ter-, and the suffixes -lean and -i. Derivatives are extremely frequent in the written language and in polite conversation, but far less common in the language of the lower classes. Me- (mem-, men-, meng-, meny-) prefixed to verbs and other words, forms verbs which express an action as opposed to a state or condition. As a rule, when the verb has a possible transitive application, the derivative is transitive. As a general rule, in the written language, every Malay radical prefixes me-, whenever it takes an object, but this does not hold good in commercial or ordinary colloquial language : minum (to drink, meminum (to drink water, etc.) ; jaga (to watch), menjaga (to guard) ; luka (a wound), melulca (to wound) ; dekat (near), mendekat (to approach) ; habis (finished), menghabis (to complete) ; balik (behind, back), membalik (to return, give back). Ber-, on the other hand, forms intransitives, denoting a state or condition, which therefore never have an object. They are really adjectives to which " to be * must be supplied : suami (a husband), bersuami (having a husband, to be married) ; habis (finished), berhabis (to be finished) ; pukul (to beat), berpukul (beating, to beat). 1 The suffix -kan forms the so-called Gausatives, which, if transi- tive, in good style also take the prefix me-. Colloquially this meaning is generally expressed by other verbs, suruh (order), bekin (make), kasih (give). Buat (to do), buat-kan (to do something to somebody, -kan being really a shortened form of akan) ; ada Sto be), mengadakan (to create) ; datang (to come), mendatangkan to 'make any one come) ; What (to see), melihatkan (to make any one see something) ; kaya (rich), mengayakan (to enrich) ; anugrah (a present), menganugrahkan (to make a present of something). The suffix -i (generally with me- verbs) forms transitives : kras (hard), krasi (to treat hardly) ; baik (good), membaiki (to make good, i Without an object. " To beat him" would be translated by memukul or pufad dia. GRAMMAR 33 improve) ; anugrah (a present), menganugrahi (to make some one a present) ; datang (to come), mendatangi (to reach a place) ; naung (shade), menaungi (to protect). It also forms doubly transitive verbs when added to a verb already transitive : buka pintu, open the door ; buka-i hamba pintu, open me the door (with double accusative). Active Voice A number of auxiliaries are used (where necessary) to express tenses or various shades of meaning. Ada : is, are ; tiada : is not, are not, will not. Habt) was > did > has > had ' Akan \ Mau \ will, shall, would, should. Hendakj Jadi : is, was, became, become. Daptt} can ' could ' may ' might * Patut : ought. Biyar : let . These and other similar words precede the verb, but may be placed either before or after the subject of the sentence. The tense of the verb standing alone is indefinite, but if it is clear from the context that present, past, or future time is intended, the auxiliaries need not be used : thus, I went yesterday, I shall go to-morrow, can be simply rendered, I go yesterday, to-morrow. Present. — If it be desired to lay special stress on the fact that a person is engaged in doing something, that an action is going on (I am breakfasting, they a*re sleeping), the particles ada, lagi (still), sekarang (now), may be used : sahaya ada tidor, lagi tidor, tidor sekarang (I am sleeping). The Present Participle may also be expressed by lagi (lagi tidor, sleeping), or by sambil, serta (while), or seraya (at the same time). Imperfect. — May be expressed in much the same way : apabila dia datang, sahaya ada tidor (when he came, I was sleeping). Sometimes -lah is added to the verb, which then precedes the pronoun : diam-lah dia oVang (they were silent). Perfect. — Sudah, habis, lalu, teldh (written language) may be inserted before the verb ; sahaya sudah tidor (I slept or have siept). C 34 MALAY MANUAL Pluperfect — Expressed like the perfect, sudah habis being often used together. Future. — Expressed by mau, hendak, nant% akcm : dia mau jual (he will sell) ; nanti sahaya chart (I am going to look for). Past Future. — Expressed, like the pluperfect, by two particles : nanti sahaya sudah makan (I shall have eaten). Imperative. — Expressed by the radical standing alone, or -lah may be added for the sake of emphasis : masuk didalam ! (come in ! ) ; lalu ! (get out of the way ! ) ; halau rnau pergi, pergilah ! (if you want to go, go ! ). It is often introduced by sila, minta, choba (please) ; silakan duduk diatas krusi (please sit down, lit., on a chair). It is negatived by jangan : jangan lupa (don't forget) ; jangan pergi (don't go) ; suruh dia jangan pergi (tell him not to go). "To" before the infinitive (e.g. } he came to ask for money) is not expressed. Passive Voice The passive is denoted by the prefix di-, the me- prefix of the active being dropped. The noun or pronoun expressing the agent is as a rule simply placed after the verb ; dian sudah habis dimakan tikus (the candle has been eaten by the mice) ; rumah dimakan api (the house was consumed by fire) ; sahaya dipukul orang (I was beaten by men). The use of the suffix -nya (by him, by her, by them) is also common in this construction : ditangkapnya churi f (the thief was seized by him) ; dilihatnya sa-ikur kerd (he saw a monkey) ; disuruhnya (he ordered ; lit., it was ordered by him). A sort of passive participle is formed from transitive verbs by the prefix ter- : tertulis (written) ; terpukul (struck) ; terlihat (seen). A substantive passive participle is formed by prefixing ka- and suffixing -an: kalihatan } that which is seen (see on "Derivative Nouns "). to be and to have When "to be" is a simple copula, it is generally omitted : rumah banyak besdr (the house is very large) ; kartas ini kasar (this paper is coarse). But if it is used in an impersonal sense, "there is," " there are," it should be expressed by ada : ada banyak orang didalam rumah (there are many people in the house) ; duini ada satu karda (here is a cab). GRAMMAR 35 Ada, by itself or with a preposition, is also the usual way of expressing " to have M : tuan ada kuda bagus, or ada kuda bogus pada (sama) tuan (you have a fine horse). MUST, LET, OUGHT, CAN, COULD, WOULD, SHOULD Must, harus (it is necessary) : harus tuan turut dia (you must obey him) ; mau-lah : mau-lah bayar tunei or kontdn (you must pay cash) ; to? bulih tiada buat (you must, lit., cannot not do it) ; misti, musti (vulgar) : sahya misti tulis surat (I must write a letter). Let, biyar (permit) : biyar sahaya dengar (let me hear) ; kasih (give) : kasih sahaya lihat (let me see) ; bri (give) : kalau sudah sedia, bri tahu sahaya (when you are ready, let me know). Ought, patut : tidak patut buat ini (you ought not to do this). Can, bulih (to be able) : apa sahaya bulih dapat kamar ? (can I have a room ? ) ; tahu (know how to) : dia tahu bacha ? (can he read ? ) ; lalu : sahaya ta } lalu buat (I cannot do it). Could, Should, Would : apa rnau buat, kalau bulih? (what would you do, if you could ? ) ; sahaya mau juga buat, kalau bulih (I would do it if I could) ; belum juga dia mati kalau sudah angkau buat dahulu (he would not have died, if you had done this before) ; kalau tuan datang (if you should come) ; patut ada sa-puluh (there should have, ought to have been ten) ; sahaya suka juga bli, kalau ada wang sahaya (I would buy it, if I had money). In ordinary conversation, however, long compound sentences should be avoided ; thus, instead of "If I had had money, I should have gone yesterday," it is better to say, " I wanted to go yesterday, but I had no money." Much is left to the imagination, and the simpler and more elliptical the form of the sentence, the more idiomatic and intelligible it is likely to be. One of the chief difficulties of Malay is the use of different words to express special shades of meaning in the case of such common verbs as go, take, strike, see, speak, carry, where in English the one word can be used indifferently. These can only be learnt by practice (see Maxwell, Manual of the Malay Language, p. 120). 36 MALAY MANUAL Some Common Verbs The prefix me- and its modifications, usually found in the written language, are here omitted. Tertawa, laugh Blajar, learn Tinggalkan, leave Bri pinjam, lend Bri sewa, let (for hire) Biyar, let (permit) Suka, like Hidup, live Hilang, lose Bulih, may Hams, dapat tiada, (misti), must Unjuk, offer Buka, open Berhutang, owe Bayar, pay J5W tujfen, sukakan, please Janji, promise Taruh, put Bacha, read Tarima, trima, receive, accept Sambut, receive (in the hands, a guest) Ingat, recollect Sahid, jawab, reply, answer Kata, say Lihat, see Chahari, chart, seek .TwaZ, sell Kirim, send Chukur, shave Duduk, sit Tidor, sleep Hisap (minum) roko, smoke (tobacco) Chakap, tutur, speak Berhenti, brenti, stop Ambit, take ; 6awa pergi, take away Trima kasih, thank Pikir, kira, think Jabat, touch Satin, terjamah, translate Berjalan, travel Ohoba, try Mengarti, understand Nanti, tungguh, wait Berjalan-jalan, makan angin, pasear, take a walk Hendak, mau, want, wish Basoh, chuchi, wash Bekerja, buat kerja, work ZWif, write Sampei, arrive Tanya, ask Mandi, bathe ^4c?a, be •/arfi, become Perchaya (akan), believe, trust (in) Midai, begin Minta pinjam, borrow Pechdh, patah, break Bawa, bring /Si&a£, brush 2#i, buy Panggil, call Bulih, can, be able Tukar, change (money) Salinkan, change (clothes) Pikul, carry (on back) Suchi, chuchi, bekin bresih, clean Tutup, close, shut Datang, come Masak, cook Putting, cut Pm7* {pigi), depart Hendak, desire ilfatfi, die .Bwa^, bekin, do, make Pakei kain, dress Minum, drink Makan, eat Masuk, enter Nantikan, expect, wait for Jatuh, fall i^asa, feel lsikan, fill Dapat, find Ztofft, tfcu*, follow Larang, forbid Lupa, forget Ampunkan, forgive Dapat, get 2?W, & as brapa banyak, a considerable amount Brat, heavy, difficult Bresih (bersih), clean Bri, to give, allow ; bri ampun, to forgive; bri hormat, to honour; bri mohon (pohon), to give leave ; bri tahu, to let know, inform ; bri tulung, to help ; bri hatang, to lend ; brikan, to give, present Brus (Eng.), brush ; bruskan, to brush 1 For the nature of compounds with prefix ber- t see Grammar. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 75 Buah, fruit ; buah pala, nutmeg ; numeral co - efficient of houses, towns, ships, islands ; buah-buahan, fruits, fruit generally Buang, to throw away Buat (vulg.), in order to Buat, to do, make ; buat jaga, to wait upon Bubuh, to put, place Budi (Sk.), wisdom, prudence Buka, to open Bukan, no, not (emphatic negative), is not, are not Buku (Eng.), book Bulan, moon, month ; bulan baharu, new moon ; bulan pernama, full moon ; bulan perbani, the first or last quarter Bulih, to be able ; used to express, "can," "may," "might," "will" ; itu bulih, that will do Bulu, feather, plumage Bunghar, unpack Bunyi, sound, noise ; bunyi sural, the contents of a letter; to cause to sound, to pronounce Burong, bird Busuk, rotten, stinking Chabut, to pull out, dig up ; chabut setop (vulg., better penchabut sempal), corkscrew Chahari (chari), to seek, look for Chakap, to speak Chara (Sk.), style Chaivang (chabang), branch Chelaka, misfortune ; wretch Chelana, trousers, drawers Cheritrakan (Sk.), to narrate, tell a story Chemdu, cigar China, China ; orang China,) China- man Chinchang, to chop up Chinchin, finger ring Chita (Sk.), feeling ; chita rasa, agree- able taste CJwba, to try ; often used like "please" in giving orders Chokoldt, chocolate Chonto, pattern, sample, specimen Chuacha, fine weather Chuchi, to clean, wash Chukei, tax, duty ; rumah chukei, custom house Chukur, to shave ; tukang chukur, barber ; pisau chukur, razor Churl, to steal Coat (Eng.), coat Corkscrew (Eng.). corkscrew Dagang, foreigner, merchant Daging, meat ; daging babi, pork ; daging lembu, beef ; daging biri- biri, mutton Dahulu (vulg. ,dulu), previous, former; before (adverb) ; dahulukcda, zaman dahulukala, in ancient times Daku—aku Dalam, the interior ; deep, depth ; in, inside ; also used (in court language) of the palace, the royal household Dan, and Dapat, to get, procure, be able ; dapat kombali, to get back ; dapat- ka,n, to search for, hunt up a person Darat, dry land, as opposed to water Datang, to come, arrive ; slamat datang ! welcome ! Datang, up to ; deripada . . . datang, from ... to ; datang kapada, up to Daun, leaf Dawat (Ar.), ink Dekdt, near Demi, by (in oaths), when, as soon as Demikian, so, in this manner Dengan, with ; dengan tiada, without Dengar, to hear ; kadengaran, 1 it was heard, came to the ears of any one Deri, from ; deri kechil mula, from childhood ; expresses ' ' than " after a comparative ; deri atas, from above Derimana? whence? Deri-pada, from, on account of, since ; like deri, expresses " than " Derma (Sk.), alms, goodwill; der- mawan, charitable Di, in, at, on Di-, prefix which forms the passive Dia, pronoun of the 3rd person, singular and plural Dlam, to be silent, dwell, live Di-atas. above, upstairs 1 For words thus formed, see Verb in Grammar. t»-bL*U -zzMrtP 76 MALAY MANUAL Di-bawah, below, downstairs Dikau = angkau Di-luar, without, outside Di-mana I where ? Di-perharriba (the slave), I Diri, self ; diri-ku, I myself ; diri- mu, you yourself ; diri-nya, he himself ; sa-orang diri, alone, by oneself ; pekerja-an diri-nya, their, one's own affairs Di-sana, there Di-sini, here Di-sisi, close by, at the side of Di-situ, there Blaif(Av.), weak Do ( a (Ar.), prayer Dobi (Hind.), washerman Doktor (vulg.), doctor ; doktor kuda, veterinary surgeon Bras, quick, fast Duduk, to sit down, dwell ; duduk kareta, to go for a drive Duit, money (a small copper coin) Dulu, see Dahulu Dunya (Ar.), the world Durhaka, traitor Dusta (Sk.), false, lying Dusun, village ; country, as opposed to town Eja, ija, to spell Ekor, see Ikur ^Elmu (Ar.), knowledge, learning, science Entah, see Antah Esok, esok hari, to-morrow » Faham 1 (Ar.), understanding Fatihah, the first sura (chapter) of the Koran Fedluli (Ar.), to trouble oneself about Fikir (Ar.), to think, reflect ; Jikiran, thought, idea, opinion Gaji, wages ; orang gaji, servant Gampang (Jav.), easy Gantang, a measure of capacity, about a gallon and a quarter Garam, salt Geddng, storehouse Gelombang, large wave, breaker Gendang, a kind of drum Gendi, jug, water glass Gigi, tooth Gila, mad Glap, dark Glas, drinking-glass Goring, to fry, roast Gosok, to rub ; gosokgigi, tooth-brush Goyang, to ring (a bell) Grak, to move (intrans.) ; grak-kan, to move (trans. ) Gula, sugar Guna(Sk.), use Gunapa I why ? Gunong, mountain Gunting, scissors ; guntingkan, to cut with scissors Guruh, thunder Gusung, reef Habis, finished, to be at an end ; like sudah (with which it is often com- bined), it is used in expressing past time ; habiskan, to finish Habshi, an Abyssinian Hadap, to present oneself to some one, to visit or interview some one ; hadapkan, to introduce ; hada- pan, presence ; di-hadapan, in the presence of Hadlir (Ar.), hadir, present Hak (Ar.), right, justice Hakim (Ar.), judge Hakim, wise man, philosopher Hal (Ar.), state, circumstance; hal ahwal, circumstances, everything connected with the subject Hamba, slave; used for "I" when speaking to superiors Hampir-hampir, almost Handuk (vulg.), towel Hangat, hot (of artificial heat) Hangus, burnt, consumed Hanya, only, except, but Hanyut, to drift ; hanyutkan, to set adrift Harga (Sk.), price Hari, day ; ini hari, to-day ; esok hari, to-morrow ; hari A had, Sun- day Harimau (vulg., arimau), tiger Harip, sleepy, tired Harta (Sk.), herta, property, goods; harta benda, goods and chattels Harus, necessary ; it is necessary 1 In words from the Arabic / is frequently pronounced p [fikir as pikir, faham as paham). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 77 Rata (Ar.), an expletive; may be rendered "now," "and so" Hati, the liver, heart (as seat of the feelings) Haus, thirsty Rei, used in calling some one, as English 4 ' hi ! " Heiran (Ar.), to wonder Relang, generic name for birds of the hawk tribe Hempaskan, to throw, hurl Hendak, wish, intention; to wish, intend ; auxiliary used in express- ing the future ; hendakkan, to desire (trans.); kahendak, wish, will, intention Ridup, life ; living ; to live ; hidupi, to save a person's life Rilang, lost, to be lost, to lose ; hilangkan, to cause to be lost ; kahilangan, deprived of, having lost Ringga, until, as far as Ring gap, to perch upon Rintei, to watch for, spy, lie in ambush Hitam, black, dark (of colour) Ritung, to reckon, count, calculate Horloji (Port.), watch Hotd, hotel Rujan, rain ; to rain Hukum (Ar.), judgment, sentence Hukur, menghukur, to measure Rulurkan, to lower (a rope) Ruruf(Ar.), letters of the alphabet Rutan, forest, jungle Rutang, debt, loan; jual bri-bri g, to sell on credit la, commonly used in the written language for dia Ia-itu, that is to say, namely ; that one 'Ibadat (Ar.), worship ; berbuat Hbadat akan Allah, to worship God Ibu, mother lkan, fish Ikat, to bind Ikur, ekor, tail : numeral co-efficient of animals ; sa-ikur harimau, a tiger Ikut, to follow, overtake ; terikut, overtaken i Rmu : see '■Elmu In (Ar. ), if ; in sha AUah (inshallah), God willing Indah, magnificent, valuable Ingat, attention, to take care, pay attention to (akan), to remember ; ingatan, thoughts, attention Inggris, English Ini, this, these Insaf ( Ar. ), justice Intan, diamond Isi, filled ; the contents of a thing ; isi negri, the inhabitants of a city ; isi surat, the contents of a letter Istimewa, especially, all the more Istri(8k.), wife Itek, duck Itu, that, these Itupun, thereupon, then, therefore Jadi, to become, come into being, happen, suffice ; itu jadi-lah, that will do ; jadikan, to create Jaga, to be awake, watch, wait upon Jahat, bad ; kajahatan, badness Jahit, to sew Jajahan, district Jalan, way, road, street ; to walk, go on, go (of a watch) ; jalani, to journey, visit (places) ; slamat jalan! good-bye ! (to a person going) ; jalan besi, railway (iron road) Jam (Pers.), clock, watch, hour Jamu, to entertain (a guest) Jandela, jindela (Port.), window Jangan, the negative of the impera- tive, ■ ' do not ; also used in indirect negative sentences ; jangankan, far from, not only Janji, agreement, contract, promise ; to agree, stipulate Jantan, male (of animals) Jatuh, to fall ; jatuhkan, to let fall, drop Jauh, far, distant Jawab (Ar.), answer Jenis (Ar.), kind, sort Jika, jikalau, if Jindela, see Jandela Jua, see Juga Jual, to sell ; jvalan, for sale Juga, also, likewise, just ; with an adjective intensifies the meaning Jumad d-awal, the fifth month of the Mohammedan year Juru, a skilled workman, like tukang ; juru batangan, custom house official 78 MALAY MANUAL Ka-, to (usually of places, answering the question ''whither?"); also a derivative prefix Kaampat, fourth Ka-atas, on to, above, upwards Kabaikan, goodness Kabajikan, virtue, good deeds Kabanyakan, number Kabar 1 (Ar., khdbar), news, informa- tion ; kabarkan, to relate, inform ; apa kabar ? what is the news ? how goes it ? the usual greeting among Malays, answered by kabar baik, the news is good, very well Kachela-an, blameworthy ; fault Kadar-nya, in proportion to (their means) Kadli, Kadi, judge, cadi Kadua, second, both -kah, an interrogative suffix, which may be added to any word in the sentence Kahadapan, to the presence of, before Kain, cloth, clothes Kaki, foot; leg Kakurangan, want Kalaik (Ar.), created beings, nature ; kalik, the creator Kalakuan, behaviour Kalam (Ar.), pen Kalau (vulg., kalu), if, in case that ; kalau-kalau, perhaps Kali, time (Fr., fois) ; brapa kali? how often ? Kalu, see Kalau Kaluar, out (motion to outside) ; to go out, get out ; pergi kaluar, to travel Kamanaf where ? whither? (of motion to a place) Kamar (vulg.), room; kamar tidor, bedroom ; kamar mandi, bathroom Kamarau, fine, dry weather Kamari, here Kameja (Port.), shirt Kami, we Kampong, to assemble ; quarter of the town, village Kama, you Kamurahan, generosity, beneficence Kanak-kanak, infant, small child Kanan, right (opposed to "left"); ka-kanan, to the right Kanching, button Kandong, pocket Kantor, office Kapada, to (used to indicate the dative), in, on (of time) Kapal, ship ; kapal api, steamer (fire ship) Kapala, head, chief Kapan, if, when, when ? Kapujian (Sk.), that which is praise- worthy, virtue Karatan, rust Kareta, kreta (Port.), carriage ; kareta sewa, hired carriage, hackney coach, cab Kama (Sk.), because Kartas, see Kertas Kasar, coarse, rude Kasih, favour, gift, love ; to give, love ; also used in the sense of " let," " make " : kasih bangun, wake (trans.) ; kasih kluar (vulg.), put out ; kasih lihat, show me ; kasih tahu, let me know, inform me Kasudahan, the end ; kasudah-suda- han, finally Kasut, shoes; tukang kasut, shoe- maker Kata, a word ; to say, speak ; kata- nya, he said ; katakan, to say, tell (something) Katiga, third, the three Kau, short for angkau Kaum (Ar.), people, nation Kay a, wealth, rich Kayu, wood KechU, small ; wang kechU, change (small money) Kejut, startled, frightened Kelamarin, kelmarin, yesterday Kemarin, see Kelamarin Kembang, to expand (as liquids in absorbent material) ; kertas kem- bang, blotting-paper Kemdian, after; kemdian deripada itu, after that Kenal, to know (be acquainted with a person) Kenapa? why? Kentang, potato Kerd, monkey Kerja (Sk.), work, business, calling ; kerjakan, to carry out i In Arabic kh is a strong guttural, like ch in loch ; in Malay generally pronounced as k. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 79 Kertas, kartas (Ar.), paper ; kertas sa- lei, sheet of paper; wang kertas , bank note (paper money) Ketok, to knock Khobar, see Kabar Khalaik, see Kalaik Khalasi (Pers.), sailor Khidmat, kidmat (Ar.), service, office, to bow to Khiyanat, see Kiyanat Kikir, stingy, avaricious ; hikiran, avarice Kilat, lightning Kinchang, strong (of wind) Kira, to calculate, think, suppose ; kira-kira (1) accounts, (2) nearly, about ; kira-nya, be kind enough to Kir i f left ; ka-kiri, to the left Kirim, to send Kisah (Ar.), story, narrative Kita, we, us Kitdb {At.) t book Kiyanat (Ar.), deceit, treachery Klambu, mosquito net Klass, class Kombali, to return, come back ; again ; kombalikan, to give back Kopi, coffee Kopper (vulg.), box Kotika, time, moment Kras, hard, obstinate, strong (of tea, etc.) Kreja, vulg. for kerja Kring, dry Krusi (Ar. kursi), chair -ku possessive suffix of the 1st person Ku, short for aku Kuasa (Sk.), power, 'might Kuda, horse Kulawarga(kalurga), family, relatives Kuli, porter, coolie Kulit, skin, bark, shell ; kulit sabut, coco-nut shell Kunchi, to lock Kuning, yellow Kunun, certainly, surely Kurang, less, insufficient ; often ex- presses the opposite of the adjective it precedes, as kurang baik, bad ; kurangkan, to diminish (trans.) Kusir (vulg.), coachman Kwat (Ar. kuwat), strength, strong ; kwat-kicat, loudly Kwe, kweh (vulg.), you Lagi, more, yet, still -lah, an expletive joined to any word to emphasize it : itu-lah suami hamba, that is my husband ; it is especially common with the im- perative and past tenses Lain, other Laki, husband Laki-laki, man (as opposed to woman) Laku, to sell well, be in demand, be current (of coins) Lalu, to pass, past ; then, thereupon Lama, long ; length (of time) ; sabulan lama-nya, a month's time ; brapa lama-nya? how long ? bebrapa lama- nya, some time Lambat, slow, late Lanchong, bad (of money) Langir, cosmetics (used in the bath) Langit, sky Lantera (vulg. ), lantern Lapar, hungry, hunger, to be hungry Larang, to forbid, oppose ; larangan, prohibited Lari, to run ; larikan, to cause to run, run away with Laut, sea ; lautan, ocean Layer, sail ; belayer, to set sail ; pelayeran, voyage Lebih, more ; before an adjective gives it a comparative meaning ; lebih suka, to prefer Lei, numeral co-efficient used of leaves, hair, sheets of paper, thin or flat objects Lekas, quick, fast (of a watch) ; quickly, at once ; sa-lkas-lkas, as soon as possible Lembu, ox Lepas, loose, free ; lepas-kan, to set free Leskar (Pers.), army, soldier, sailor Letdk, letakkan, to place, put down, lay down Lihat, to see ; kalihatan, there was seen (impersonal), visible, as seen ; kalihatan bulan, phase of the moon Lilin, wax, candle Limau manis, orange; limaujambu, jambua, guava Littenan (vulg. ), lieutenant Lizat (Ar.), pleasure, enjoyment, agreeable taste, agreeable to the taste Lobang, hole Locheng (Chin.), bell Losen (Eng.), a dozen 80 MALAY MANUAL Lupa, to forget Luruh, to fall off (as leaves) Lurung, lorong, street Lusa, day after to-morrow Ma'af (Ar.), pardon; ma'af kan, to pardon Mabuk, intoxicated ; mdbuk laut, sea- sick Macham, kind, sort Machis (Eng.), matches Madat, opium Maghrib (Ar.), the west, sunset Mah&l, dear Maka, an expletive, which may be translated "and," "then," "so" ; it is rarely used except in the written language, and then chiefly at the beginning of a sentence, or to mark the apodosis Makan, to eat, cut (of a knife) ; makan angin, to go for an airing (eat the wind) ; makan pagi, to breakfast ; makanan, food (a general term for any meal) Maksud (Ar.), intention, wish Malam, night Malay 'u, a Malay, Malayan Maligei (Tarn.), palace Mana? where? which? how? (short- ened form of bagimana) Mandi, to take a bath Mandur (Port.), landlord Mangkok, cup Manis, sweet Manusia (Sk.), mankind Marah, angry, to be angry (with, Mari I come here ! Marika-itu, they, them Mas, see Amas Masa, time Masak, ripe, cooked, well done Masehi, Christian ; tarikh Masehi, the Christian era Masing-masing, each, one by one Masuk, to enter, set (of the sun) ; masukkan, to cause to enter, in- corporate Mata, eye, blade (of a sword or knife) Matahari, sun (eye of day) Matang, well done (of food) Mati, dead , to die Man, to wish, want; an auxiliary used in expressing the future ; mau . . . mau, either ... or ; mau ta mau, whether you like it or not Mayit, corpse Mekak, Mecca Meja (Port.), table Melainkan, on the contrary, but, except (after a negative) Melanchong (vulg.), to go for a walk Mendideh, to boil Menengar (for mendengar), see Dengar Mengantok, sleepy Mengapa? why? Mengarti, to understand Menjahit, to sew; tukang menjahit, tailor Mentah, raw, uncooked ; mentah sedikit, underdone Mentega (Port.), mantega, butter Merah, red Meskin ( Ar. ), poor, wretched Minatu, see Tukang Minggo (Port, domingo), a week ; hari minggo, Sunday Minta, to ask for ; used like our "please"; minta do'a (Ar.), to pray Minum, to drink ; to smoke (tobacco) Misti (vulg. ), musti, must Mu=kamu, the 2nd personal pro- noun, usually plural ; as a suffix it has the meaning of the possessive pronoun Muatkan, to load a ship Muda, young Mudah, easy ; mudah - mudahan, perhaps, if possible Muka, face, front (of a house) ; di muka, in front of, at Mula,^ beginning ; mulai, to begin, beginning Mulut, mouth Murah, cheap, generous Murka (Sk.), angry, anger Musim (Ar.), season, weather Na'amat (Ar.), pleasure, favour Naik, to go up, get up ; naik darat, to go ashore ; naik kareta, to go for a drive Nakhoda (Pers. ), captain of a ship Noma (Sk.), name Nanas, pineapple Nanti, to wait ; auxiliary used in ex- pressing the future ; nantikan, to wait for MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 81 Nardka (Sk.), hell Negri, town, city, country Nenek moyang, ancestors Nis-chaya (Sk.), certainly Nomhor (Eng.), nommor, number -nya, pronominal suffix of the 3rd person singular, his, her ; after prepositions it represents the ac- cusative of the personal pronoun of the 3rd person ; added to verbs, it is usually found in the passive construction, and is equiva- lent to "by him," "by her," "by them " Nyadar, deep (of sleep) Nyamok, mosquito Nyata, plain, obvious Obat, medicine ; obati, to cure Ombak, wave Orang, person, man ; orang kaya, rich man (title of Malay chiefs) Pada, at, on, to Pagi, morning ; pagi-pagi, early in the morning ; slamat pagi ! good morning ! Pahala (Sk.), reward Pahit, bitter Pakei, pake, to put on, wear, use ; pakei-an, pakean, clothes Panas, hot, heat Pandang, to look, look at Panggang, to roast, roasted Panggil, to call Panjang, long, length Panjara, prison Papa (Sk.), poor, wretched Papan, plank, board ; papanjandela. shutter Paras, face, features Paruh, beak (of bird) Pasang, to put together, put to (horses) ; a pair Pasar (Pers.), market Pass, swat pass, passport Patah, to break (trans, and intra ns.) ; dua patah kata, two words Patut, right, proper ; used to express "ought" Payong, umbrella Pechah, to break (trans, andintrans.) Peduli, see Fedluli Pekerja-an, work, business, affairs Pelayaran, voyage Pelupa, forgetful Pen, pen Pendek, short Pengail, fisherman Penuh, full Penunggu, watchman, doorkeeper Penyumbat, cork (of a bottle) Perak, silver Perampuan, female, woman Perbuat, see Berbuat ; perbuatan, act, work, construction ; perbuatkan, to cause to make Perchaya (Sk.), to trust, have con fidence (in, aJ:an) Pergi (vulg., pigi, pegi), to go, go away Perhamba-an, slavery Perhentian, resting-place, station Perhiasan, ornament, decoration Perhimpunan, assembly, crowd Perkakas, tools, materials ; perkakas rumah, furniture Perkara, circumstance, affair, man- ner ; kadua perkara, in the second place Perkata-an, word, speech Perlahan-lahan, slowly, gradually Permissi (vulg. ), leave, permission ; minta permissi, to ask permission Permula-an, beginning Persambah, persambahan, a present (to a superior) ; persambahkan, to make a present, to inform (a superior) Pertakuti, to instil fear of (deripada) Pertama, the first, firstly Perulih, see Berulih Petting, afternoon ; makan petang or malam, dinner Peti, box Pichah, see Pechah Pigi, see Pergi Pikir, pikiran, see Fikir Pikul, to carry (a load on the back or shoulder) ; measure of weight = 1331b. Pilih, to choose Pinjam, to borrow Pinta, see Minta Pintu, door, gate Pipa, pipe (for smoking) Pisau, knife Plahan-plahan, plan-plan, slowly Pohon, tree Pos, post (for letters) Potong, ^o cut, cut off ; piece Prahu, putung, boat 82 MALAY MANUAL Pri, manner, way Priksa, to examine, enquire Puff, anggor puff (vulg.), champagne Pukul, to strike ; used in reckoning time (see Numerals in Grammar) Pula, again, anew, still Pulang, to get back (to the starting- point), to go home Pulau, island Pun, an expletive particle, "now," "so," "also" Punya, to possess ; used in express- ing the genitive (see Grammar) Pur (vulg. ), in order to Pusing, to turn round (intrans.), revolve Putih, white Putus, torn, broken ; tiada-lah ber- putusan, uninterruptedly Rabbi (Ar.), my Lord (God) Rahim (Ar.), compassionate Rahmat (Ar.), mercy ; rahmatu 'llahi *aleihi 1 the mercy of God be upon him ! Raja, king, prince Rambut, hair (of the head) Rebus, boiled, to boil Rendahkan, to abase Resit (Eng.), receipt Riba, lap ; meriba, to take on the lap Ribut, storm Rindukan, to long for, cause to long for Ringgit, dollar Rokki (vulg.), coat Rokok, roko, (native) tobacco, cigar- ette ; minum roko, to smoke Roshom (vulg.), to groom (a horse) Roti (Hind.), bread Rumah, house ; di-rumah, at home ; rumah chukei, custom - house ; rumah makan, hotel ; rumah mandi, baths ; rumah sakit, hospital Rumput, grass ; rumput kring, hay Rupa (Sk.), form, appearance ; rupa- nya, it seems, apparently Rupiah, Dutch guilder, Indian rupee Rusak, to be destroyed, fall to the ground ; rusakkan, to destroy Sa, see Satu Sa-bagimana = bagimana Sa-barang, any, anything Sabda, speak, command (of kings) Sa-belum t before (conjunction) Sa-bentar, sebantar, a moment, at once Sa-bermula, further, now ; generally (in writing) indicates the transition from one subject to another, or the resumption of a previous subject Sa-besar, more emphatic than besdr Sa-blah, side (of anything divided) Sabrang, to cross Sabun (Port.), soap Sabut, fibre, husk of the coconut Sahabat (Ar.), friend; bersahabat, to be. friends Sahaja, saja, only Sa-halei, numeral co- efficient (see Grammar) of thin, flat objects ; sa- halei rumjout, a blade of grass Sa-hari-hari, daily ; sa-harian, the whole day Sahaya, sahya, say a, slave ; the word most commonly used by Europeans for the pronoun of the 1st person, Sahingga, until Sahut, answer ; to answer Sakali, once, very ; after an adjective gives it a superlative meaning ; tiada sa-kali, not at all Sakalian, all Sa-kampong, of the same village, neighbour Sa-kira-kira, about, nearly Sakit, ill, illness, to be ill ; kasakitan, attacked by illness Sa-kurang-kurang, at least Salah, wrong, guilty ; fault, error ; to be in error Sa-lalu, throughout, always Salam, peace ; l aleihi as-salam I on him be peace ! Sa-lama-lama-nya, al ways Salasa (Ar.), three; hari salasa, Tuesday Satin, to copy, translate, change (clothes), pour in (vulg.) Sama, the same, like ; with, for ; often used colloquially with the direct object ; sama dengan, the same as ; sama-sama, together with Sambah, to do homage, greet respect- fully, answer (a superior) Sambar, to seize and carry off (as a bird of prey) Sampani, champagne Sampei, sampe, to arrive, reach ; sufficient ; until, up to (conjunction and preposition) MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 83 Sampir, to hang (intrans.) Samud (Sk.), all Sanat (Ar.), year Sangat, very, exceedingly _ Sa-orang-orang, one at a time Sa-penuh-penuh, fully, completely Sapu, to sweep, brush ; $apn tangan, handkerchief Sarong, case, cover, the skirt worn by men and women ; sarong kaki, socks, stockings Sa-sa-orang, every man Sa-sungguh-nya, truly Sa-teldh, when, after that, as soon as Satu, suatu, one ; sometimes used for the indefinite article ; satu apa, something; pukul satu, it has struck one Saudagar (Pers.), sudagar, merchant Sayur, vegetables Seodb (Ar.), cause, reason ; for, because ; sebab itu, therefore ; apa sebab? why? Sebut, to pronounce ; sebutan, pro- nunciation Seddng, while, as Sedia, ready ; sediakan, bekin sedia, to get ready Sedikit, a little Segala, all Segrd, sigrd (Sk.), speed ; at once ; dengan segra, quickly Seilan, Ceylon Sejuk, cold, cool Sekarang, skarang, now ; skarang ini, just now Selatan, south Selimut, bed covering ; kain slimut, sheet Sella (vulg.), saddle Seluar (Ar.), trousers Sembleh, kill (usually with religious ceremonies), sacrifice Sembunikan, to conceal Sen, cent Senang, contented, at leisure, con- tentment ; tidak senang, busy Sendiri, self Seperti, as, like as Sepit, to pinch Serdh, serahkan, to hand over, deliver Sevang, head boatman Seraya, and, together with ; seraya kata-nya, at the same time she spoke Serta, with, when; serta kata-nya } saying ; serta dengan, together with Serutu, cigar Sesdk, tight Sewa, rent, hire ; to let, hire Shah (Pers.), king; shah alam, king of the world Shahaddn, thereupon, besides Shaikh, shaikh (Arab) Shirk (Ar.), fear of God Siang, daylight ; siang-siang, very early Siapa? who? Sikat, comb, brush ; sikatkan, to brurih Siksa (Sk.), punishment Sila, to sit cross-legged, to ask a person to sit down ; sila duduk, please take a seat Singgah, put in, call (of a ship) Sini, here Situ, there Slamat (Ar.), health, safety, peace Snapang, gun Sopi (vulg.), brandy Sore ( Jav. ), afternoon ; ini sore, this evening (vulg.) Sotong, cuttle-fish Spatu (Port.), shoe; spatu tinggi, boot Stat (vulg.), stable Stamp, stamp (postage) Stengah, sa-tengah, half Strika (Hind.), to iron Suami (Sk.), husband Suara (Sk. ), voice Suatu, see Satu Sudah, to be past, finished, at an end ; auxiliary used in expressing past time, often combined with habis ; beliim sudah, not yet ; sudah lama, a long time ago Sudara (Sk.), brother, sister Suka (Sk.), pleasure ; to wish, like ; lebih suka, to prefer Suku, a quarter Sumpit, sack, bag Sungguh, real, true ; sungguh-sung- guh, really, truly Sup (vulg.), soup Supaya, in order that ; supaya . , , jangan, in order that . . . not Surat, anything written, letter, book, character (reference) ; surat pass passport Swruh, to order 84 MALAY MANUAL Susah, troublesome, trouble, annoyance Susu, milk annoying ; Ta\ short form of tidak ; to? bulih tidak, without fail Ta'dla {At.) ; Allah Ta'dla, God, the Most High Tabek (lit., salutation), the ordinary greeting between Malays and Europeans when meeting or taking leave Tada, see Tiada Tadi, just now -tah, interrogative suffix; apa-tah? what? how? Tahan, to endure, restrain ; tahani, to detain Tahu, to know ; katahui, to know a thing, be aware of ; bri tahu, to inform Tahun, year Takdir (Ar.), will or decree of God Talam, a large metal tray, cymbal Tali, string, cord, rope Tampat, place ; tampat yang lain, another place ; tampat orang, any one's abode ; tampat dawat {tinta), inkstand ; tampat tidor, bed, bed- stead Tanah, land, country Tangan, hand Tanggalkan, to remove, take off (as clothes) Tangguh, to adjourn, wait for Tangkap, to seize, catch Tantu, certainly Tanya, tanyai, to ask (a question) Tapak, palm of the hand, sole of the foot Ta' pernah, never Tapi, see Tetapi Tarek, to draw, pull ; tank layer, to hoist sail ; tarek api, lucif er match Tari, to dance Tarikh ( Ar. ), date, era Tarima {trima), to accept ; tarima kasih ! thank you ! Taruh, to place, put ; menaruh meja, to lay the table Tatkala, time, at the time when; tatkala dahulu, before, earlier Teduh, to abate Teguh, firm, steady, lasting Teh, tea Telaga (Sk.), well, pond Teldh, past, already, after ; teldh itu, thereupon Telor, egg Tembako, tembakau (Port.), tobacco Tempo (vulg.), time, weather Tengah, middle, half ; tengah hari, midday Tenggalam, to be submerged, sink Tengok, to look at Terbang, to fly Terbayar, paid Terbii, to rise (sun, moon) Terbuka, open Terdampar, aground, stranded Terikut, see Ikut Terlalu, very, exceedingly Terlebih, more, most, very Tersebut, mentioned, aforesaid Tertawa, to laugh Tetapi, but, nevertheless Tiada, not ; there is not Tiap-tiap, each, every Tiba-tiba, suddenly Ticket, ticket Tidak, no, not; tidak apa, never mind Tidor, sleep, to sleep ; tidorkan, to send to sleep, put to bed ; slamat tidor ! good night ! Tikus, rat, mouse Timbul, come to the surface Tinggal, remain, dwell ; tinggalkan, to leave ; slamat tinggal ! good- bye ! (said by a person going) Tinggi, high ; tinggikan, to elevate Tingkap, window (of native houses) Tinta (Port. ), ink Titahkan, to order Tobat (Ar. ), repentance Tongkat, stick (walking) Topi, hat Tra, trada= tiada Trang, clear (of light) Tren (vulg.), train Trima — tarima Trus, through, straight ; trus saliaja, straight on Tuah, old Tuola (Port.), towel Tuan, master, sir, Mr ; the polite expression for " sir," " you " Tuang, to pour out Tukang, a workman ; one who deals in certain articles or exercises a certain trade, equivalent to " -er " MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 85 in "painter," "printer," "bar- ber ; " tukang minatu t washerman ; tukang roti, baker Tukar, to change (trans. ) Tulisy to write ; luliskan, describe Tulung, to help, assist (used as English " please ") ; help, assistance Tung gang (vulg. ), to ride Tunggu, to watch Tunjuk, tunjukkan, to show Tu?itun, to lead Twun, to get down, disembark, land, set (sun), be descended from Tutup, to shut, cover Ubi, potatoes Ujar, to say, speak JJlar, snake Ulih, by, through, by means of 'Umur (Ar.), age Unjuk, to stretch out, pass (at table) Upah, wages, pay ; to engage a servant Upaya (Sk.), means, resources Usahy necessity ; to be necessary ; tra (ta) usah, never mind Utara (Sk.), north Utas, workman Wah, exclamation of pain, surprise ; wah beta ! what a misfortune ! Waktu (Ar.), time, period ; when Wang, money ; wang kartas, bank- note (paper money) Warna, colour Wayang, performance (theatrical) Weranda, verandah Ya, yes, oh ! (in addressing any one) Yang, who, which ; yang lalu t last Yas (vulg.), coat Yogia (Sk.), sa - yogia - nya, it is necessary Yonges, jonges (vulg.), servant Zamdn (Ar.). time ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY Me- and its modifications, generally prefixed to active verbs in the written language, are as a rule omitted in the conversational style, and are not given here. n. =noun ; adj. = adjective ; v. =verb ; trans. = transitive ; intrans. = intransitive ; lit. = literally ; prep. = preposition ; conj. = con junction. The lists in the body of the Grammar should also be consulted. A, an, satu, sa, often used in con- junction with one of the numeral co-efficients : sa-biji telor, 1 an egg ; sa-ikur kuda> a horse Abate (wind, storm), teduh Able to, expressed by bulih } to be able About, (concerning), deripada, fasal ; (more or less), lebih kurang, kira- kira ; (round about), berkuliling ; (about to, going to) — expressed by mau or hendak (to wish, intend) Above, ataSf di - atas ; more than, lebih; above all things, hubaya- hubaya Abroad, luar, di-luar Absent, tidak ada Accept, tarima } trima Accompany, ber-sama, ber-kawan According to, seperti Account (money), kira-kira, bill ; on account of, deri sebdb Accuse, tuduh ; accuser, penuduh Accustomed to, biasa Acheen, negri A cheh Acquainted with, to be, kendl (of persons) Across, go across, lintang ; to the other side, ka-sabrang Act (n.), buatan; (v.) buat Add up, jumlahkan Address (of a letter), 'alamat ; what is his address? dia tinggal mana {lit.y where does he live?) Advocate, penulung bichara Affair, hal, perkara Afraid, takut After (prep.), kemdian deripada, lepds ; after that (conj.), sa-teldh Afternoon, petdng, tengah hari lalu Afterwards, kemdian Again, lagi sakali, pula ; further, dan lagi pula Against (opposed to), lawan Age, '■umur : how old are you ? brapa l umur tuan t Agent, wakil Ago, sudah, lalu; five months ago, sudah lima bulan ; some days ago, the other day, sudah brapa hari Aground (of a boat), sangkut Ague, demdm kura Ahead, di-hadap, di-dapan Air, Jiawa, udara; to air (clothes), anginkan - Alike, sa-rupa, sama All, samud (samua), segala, sakalian; all right, balk - lah ; all over (finished), sudah, habis Allow, biyar, bri izin, (kasih p>ermissi) Almanac, takwim Almond, ketapang, badam Almost, hampir, dekdt Alms, sadakah i Special attention should be paid to the accent on the last syllable, which has the effect of making the preceding vowel "indeterminate" (see Grammar). 86 ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 87 Aloes-wood, gaharu Alone, sa - orang sahaja ; lonely, sunyi Along, turut, ikut ; along with, sama Alongside of, di-sisi, di sa-blah Aloud, kwat-knvat Already, sudah Also, pula, juga, jua, pun; I also, sahya pun Alter, ubah (intrans.) Although, meski pun, jikcdau sa-kali- pun, sungguh-pun Altogether, blaka Alum, tawas Always, sa-lalu, sa-lama-lama-nya Ambassador, utusan Amber, ambar America, negri Merika; an Ameri- can, orang Merika Among, antara Amount (total), jumlah Amuse (oneself), main Anchor (n.), sauh ; (v.) labuhlcan And, dan Aiiger, angry, marah, murka Animal, binatang Aniseed, ados manis Ankle, mata kaki Another (different), lain ; one more, satu lagi Answer (n. and v.),jawab; (v.) sahut; answer a letter, balas surat Ant, semut ; white, anei-anei; large red, kerangga Anvil, landasan Any, barang; anybody, barangsiapa; anything, barang apa ; anyway, sa-barang ; anywhere, barang di- mana; at any time, barang bila ; any one will do, mana-mana satu pun jadi-lah Aperient (purgative), obat buangayer Appear (seem), rupa ; it seems, apparency, rupa-nya ; he has a good figure, appearance, sikapnya baik juga Approach (v.), hampir Arabia, negri '■Arab Arm (body), tangan; fore - arm, tangan ; weapon, senjata Armpit, ketiak Army, tantra, lashkar (laskar) Arrest, tangkap Arrive, sampei Arrow, anak panah Arsenic, warangan Art, c ilmu, hikmat As (like), seperti, bagei ; since, because, karna sebab ; as long as (length), sa-panjang, (time), sa- lama; as many as, as much as, sa-banyak ; as soon as, sa-teldh; as soon as possible, sa-lekds-lekds, sa-lekds-nya ; as if, sa-akan-akan Ascend, naik, (a river) mudik Ashamed, malic Ashes, abu Ashore, di-darat ; to go ashore, naik darat Ask (a question), tanya ; (to ask a person to do something), minta Asleep, bertidor Ass, kaldei Assembly, perhimpunan Assist, tulung Astern, di-blakang Asthma, sesdk dada Astonished, terchengang At, di t pada ; at first, mula-mula ; at last, akhir, habis; at least, sa- kurang - kurang ; at most, yang terlebih ; at once, dengan segrd ; at present, sekarang ini Attempt, choba Attentive, rajin Auction, lelong ; to sell by auction, lelongkan Australia, negri Strelia Autumn, musim buah-buahan, kharif Awning, chetri Axe, kapak, bliong Baby, kanak-anak Back (again), kombali ; go back, pulang ; send back, pulangkan Back, (body) blakang; (of the neck), tengkok Backwards, ka-blakang Bacon, daging babi Bad, tidak baik; (of food), busuk; wicked, jahat Bag, karong, saku, bag Bail, jamin Bait, umpan Bake, panggangkan; (bread), buat roti Baker, tukang roti Bald, botak, gundul Ball, bola ; to play at ball, main bola Bamboo, bambu } buluh Banana, pisang 88 MALAY MANUAL Bank (river), tebing, tepi; (money), kantor bangk Bankrupt, yang berhenti bayar, bank- rap ; to become bankrupt, jatuh Bar (to fasten a door), kanching Barber, tukang chukur Bare (leafless), gundul Bark (of a tree), kulit kayu ; to bark (as a dog), salak Barracks, rumah soldado, tang si Barrel, tong, pipa Basin, mangkok Basket, baktd, kranjang Bat (animal), klawar Bath, to take a, mandi ; bathroom, tampat mandi ; bath-tub, tong mandi ; hot, cold bath, permandian ayer hangat, sejuk Battle, prang Bay (of sea), teluk; (horse), merah Be, ada, jadi Beach, pantei Beak (of bird), paruh Beans, kachang (bonches) Bear (animal), bruang Bear (carry), pikul (on the back or shoulders) ; endure, tahan Beard, janggut Beat (strike), pukul ; (of the heart), dabar. For other equivalents with different shades of meaning, see Maxwell, Manual of the Malay Language, p. 120. Beautiful, bogus, elok Because, sebdb, karna Become, jadi Bed, tampat tidor ; bedroom, bilik (kamar) tidor; bedstead, katil; to go to bed, pergi tidor Bee, lebdh Beef, daging lembu ; beefsteak, bifstik Beer, bir Beetle, kumbang Before (in time past), dahulu, dulu; (of place), di-hadapan; before that, sa-belum "Beg, minta sadakah; beggar, orang minta sadakah; (religious mendi- cant), fakir Begin, mulai ; beginning, mula Behaviour, kcdakuan Behind (place) di-blakang Believe (trust), perchaya (in, akan) ; (think) fikir Bell, locheng, genta Bellows, pengumbus Belong : that belongs to me, itu sahya punya Below, di-bawah Bench, bangku Beside, at the side of, di-sa-blah Besides, lagi-pun, dan lagi Best, terlebih baik, yang baik sakali {see, Grammar) ; to the best of my ability, sa-bulih-bulih Betel-nut, pinang Better, lebih baik : see Grammar Between, antara Beyond (the other side of), di-sa-blah Bible (New Testament), injil Bicycle, kreta lereng Big, besdr Bill (account), kira - kira t surat hutang, bill, rekenin Billiards, main bola Bird, burong ; bird-cage, sangkar ; bird's nest, sarang burong Birth, kajadian, beranakkan Birthday, harijadi, beranakkan Biscuit, biskot Bit (piece), sa-krat ; (horse) lagam, kang Bite, to, gigit Bitter, pahit Black, hitam Blacksmith, tukang besi Blanket, selimut, kambli Blind (adj.), buta Blinds (sun-blinds), bidei Blood, darah Blossom, bung a Blotting-paper, kartas kembang Blow (n.), palu Blow, to (of the wind or mouth), tiyup Blue, biru; dark blue, biru tuah ; light blue, biru manis Blunt (of a knife), tumpul, kurang tajam Boar, babijantan Board (wood), papan ; (of floor) papan lantei; to go on board, turun kapal Boat (Malay), prahu ; (Chinese) sampan; (English) boat; boatman, anak dayong Body, tubuh, badan Boil, a, bisul Boil, to (trans.), rebus; (intrans.) ber- didih Bolster, bantal panjang ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 89 Bolt, a, Jcanching ; bolt, to, kan- chingkan Bone, tulang Book, kitdb, buku ; bookbinder, tukang jilid kitdb ; bookcase, sarong (tampat) kitdb; bookseller, tukang jual kitdb Boot, kasut, boot Borrow, minta pinjam Both, kadua Bottle, botol Bottom (lowest part), bawah Bough, dahan Bow (weapon), panah ; (of a boat) haluan ; to bow, tunduk Bowels, perut {prut) Bowl, batil, bukur Box, peti, kopper Boy, anak laki-lahi Braces, tali seluar Brain, utak Branch (tree), dahan; (road) sem- pang Brandy, brandi (sopi) Brass, tembaga kuning Bread, roti ; white bread, roti putih, black bread, roti kasar ; fresh bread, roti baharu ; stale bread, roti basi Bread-fruit, sukun Break, pechdh, patah Breakfast, makan pagi Breast, dada, (female) susu Breath, nefas Breathe, tarek nefas Brewer, tukang bir Brick, batu-bata Bridge, jambatan, (of nose) batang hidong Bridle, tali kang Bright (clear), krang Bring, bawa Broad, lebar Brooch, krusang Broom, penyapu Brother, sudara laki-laki, (elder) abang, (younger) adik Brow, kening Brown, hitam manis Brush (n.), brus ; clothes' brush, brus pakeian; hair-brush, brus rawibut, brus kapala ; nail - brush, brus kuku ; tooth-brush, brus gigi Brush, to, sapu; (teeth, boots) gosok Bucket, timba J3ud, kutuvi Buffalo, kerbau Build, buat, bangunkan } ikat rumah Building (n.), bangunan Bug, pijat, kutu busuk Bull, lembujantan Bullet, peluru Buoy, boya Burn, to, bakar, hangus Bury, tanam, kuburkan Bushes (thicket), semdk Business, kerja, pekerja-an Busy : I am busy, sahya ta' sendng But, tetapi, tapi; (except) melain- kan, hanya Butcher, tukang daging Butter, mantega Butterfly, kupu-kupu Button, kanching ; button - hole, lobang kanching ; to button, men- ganching Buy, bli By, ulih ; by boat, dengan prahu ; by land, darat By and by, sabentar lagi Cabbage, kobis Cabin, kurung i kamar } kamra Cage, sangkar Cake, kweh, penganan Calf (animal), anak lembu ; (of the leg) jantong betis Calico, blachu minyak Call, panggil ; call in (at a place), singgah Calm (tranquil), teduh; (water) tendng Camel, onta Camphor, kapur barus Can (be able), bulih; (bucket) tong Canal, parit Candle, lilin, dian Candlestick, kaki lilin Cane, rotan, (walking stick) tongkat Cannon, mariam Cannot, ta' bulih Canoe, jalur, kolek Cap, kopiah Cape (geog.), tanjung Capital (funds), modal; (of a country) kapala negri Capsicum, chabei Captain, kapitan, nakhoda Care (n.), ingat ; to take care of, jaga; to be careful, jaga, ingat- ingat ; care for (like), suka ; I (Jon't care, sahya ta' feduli (peduli) 90 MALAY MANUAL Careful : be careful ! baik-baik I Carefully, jaga baik Careless, lalei Cargo, muatan Carpenter, tukang kayu Carpet, permadani, hamparan Carriage, kareta, kreta Carry, bawa, pikul (on the back or shoulders). There are many other equivalents with different shades of meaning:, see Maxwell, Manual of the Malay Language, p. 121 Cart, pedati Case: in case, kalau-kalau ; in that case, kalau bagitu Cash (ready money), wang tunei, kontdn ; to pay cash, bayar tunei ; to cash a cheque, tukar surat wang Casting-net, jala Castor oil, minyakjarak Cat, kuching Catch (get hold of), tangkap ; (a cold) kend selismah, kend sardi Caterpillar, ulat (hulat) bulu Cause, sebdb Cave, guah Cayenne pepper, lada merah Ceiling, langit-langit Cemetery, tampat kubur, pekuburan Centre, pusat ; right in the centre, sama tengah Certain (sure), tantu ; a certain person, Mr so-and-so, sianu Certainly, tantu Ceylon, negri Seilan Chain, rantei Chair, krusi, kursi Chalk, kapur blanda Champagne, anggor puf, sampani Chance : he went by chance, jatuh- lah ia pergi Change (small money), wang kechil; to change : (money) tukar, (alter, intrans.) ubah, (trans.) vbah-kan, (clothes) salin, (place of abode) pindah Character (disposition), prangei, pekerti, (reputation) nama Charcoal, arang Cheap, murah Cheat, to ; tipu Cheek, pipi Cheese, keju Chemist, tukang dbat Cheque, surat wang, check Chess, 1 chatur, main gajah ; chess- men, buah chatur ; board, papan chatur Chest (body), dada, (hox) peti Chew, mamah Chicken, anak hay am, hay am kechil Chief (headman), penghulu, orang besdr Child, anak Chili (red pepper), lada China Chimney, chorong [tampat) asap Chin, dagu China, negri China ; Chinaman, orang China Chisel, pahat Chocolate, chokoldt Choke (intrans.), lemds, (trans.) chekSk Cholera, muntah berak Choose, pilih Chop, to, chinchang ; a chop, daging chinchang Christ, nabi l Isa Christian, nasrani, sarani Church, greja Chutney, chatni Cigar, cherutu y serutu Cigarette, roko kartas Cinders (embers), bara Cinnamon, kulit manis, kayu manis Circle, bulat Circumcise, circumcision, sunat Citizen, orang negri Citron, limau, jerulc City, bandar, negri. The Malay words for "city," "town," etc., are ill-defined Civil (polite), supan Class (sort), jenis, wucham, Claw, kuku Clay, tanah Hat Clean (adj.), bersih, bresih> (v.) cMichi Clear, trang ; (of liquids) hening, jerneh Clerk, krani, juru tulis Clever, pandei Climate, haira, udara Climb, panjat Clock, jam; what's o'clock? pukul brapa? Close, to, tutup i The names of the pieces are : raja, king ; mantri, queen ; gajah, bishop \ Iffada, knight ; tir, castle ; bidak, pawn (check, sah; mate, mat). ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 91 Close to, dekdt Cloth, kain Clothes, pakeian (pronounced pakian) Cloud, awan Cloudy, redup Cloves, hinga chingkeh Coachman, sa'is, kusir (D.) Coal, arang-batu Coarse, kasar Coast, pantei, tepi laut Coat, baju, baju kot Cock, hay am jantan Cockroach, Upas Coco-nut tree, nyiur, Jclapa; coco- nut, buah klapa Cod, ikan kayu Coffee, kopi, kahwah; coffee-bean, buah kopi ; coffee-mill, pengiling- gan kopi ; coffee-pot, tampat kopi Coffin, kranda, long Cold, sejuk; (of the weather) dingin ; cold in the head, selismah Colic, mulas, chika Collar (shirt), kain leher Collect (gather together), himpun (intrans.), himpunkan (trans.) Colour, warna Comb, sikat, sisir Come, datang; come here ! mari- lah / come back, pulang, kombali ; come in, masuk ; come out, kaluar; come up, naik Comfort, kasenangan; comfortable, sendng Command, to, suruh, Utah (of a king) Commerce, bernyaga Companion, kawan Compass (mariner's), paduman; pair of compasses, jangka Compel, krasi, paksa Complain, adu ; complaint, peng- aduan Completely, sa-habis-habis Complexion, ayer muka Compliments : give my compliments to, kasih tabeh sama, Conceal, sembunyi Condemn (sentence), hukumkan Conduct (behaviour), kalakuan Confectionery, penganan Confess, mengaku Consequently, bagini Consider (think about), timbang, Jikirkan Constantly, santiasa Constipation, semblit Consumption (disease), batuk kring Contagious, jangkit Contain, muat, berisi Content, puas Contents, isi Continue (keep on), expressed by pula or lagi ; he kept on walking, dia jalan pula Contraband, lardngan Contrary to, berlawan deri Cook (n.), tukang masak, kuki, (v.) masak Copper, tembaga ; coppersmith, tukang tembaga Copy (n.), salinan; (v.) salin; (imi- tate) tiru Coral, batu karang Cord, tali Cork (stopper), sumbat, prop Corkscrew, penchabut sumbat, cork- screw Corn (grain,) gandum, trigu, (Indian corn, maize) jagong Corner, penjuru Correct (adj.), betul Cost, harga Cotton (raw), kapas, kapuk; (thread) bendng Couch, kauchi Cough, batuk Count, to, bilang, hitung Counterfeit, lanchong Country, negri, (opposed to town) dusun Courtyard, halaman Cover (n.), tudungan, tutupan, (v.) tudung, tutup ; dish-cover, tudung saji Cow, lembu betinu, sapi betina Coward, penyakut, kurang brani Crab, ketdm, kepiting Crane (bird), undan; (windlass) putaran Cream, kapala sum Crew, anakprahu Crocodile, buaya Crooked, bengkok Cross, to (pass over), menyabrang; cross-legged, bersila Cross-road, sempang Crow (n.), gagak, (v.) kukuk Crowd, perkumpulan Crown (king's), makhota, taj ; (of the head) ubun-ubun Cruel, cruelty, bengis Cucumber, timun 92 MALAY MANUAL Cup, manghoh, chawan Cupboard, almari Cure (n.j, penaicar, (v.) sembuhkan Current (of water), harus Curry, gulei, kari Curse (n. and v.), sumpah Curtain (window), tirei, tcibir Cushion, bantal Custom, i adat Custom (tax), chukei; custom-house, rumah chukei Cut (with a knife), putung, (with scissors) guntingkan; cut in two, blah; cut off, krat ; cut down (trees, shrubs), tebdng, tebds Cuttlefish, sotong Dagger, kris Daily, sa-hari-hari Dam (dyke), ampang Damp, basah, lembap Dance {n.),jogat t (v.) tari Danger, bahaya; dangerous, 6er- Dare, brani Dark, glap; darkness, kagalapan, keldm Date (time), hari bulan, tarikh; (fruit) khurma Daughter, anak perampuan Day, hari; every day, sa-hari-hari; every other day, slang sa-hari; midday, tengah hari; all day, sa-panjang hari; first day of the month, sa-hari bulan; daybreak, dini hari; daylight, siang ; day and night, siang malam; day before yesterday, kalamarin dahulu; day after to-morrow, lusa Dead, mati Deaf, tuli,pekdk Dear (beloved), kakasih; (expensive) mahdl Death, kamatian Debt, hutang ; in debt, berhutang Deceive, tipu, perdayakan Deck (of ship), dek Deep, dalam; (of colour) tuah; (of sleep) leldp Deer, rusa Defeat (trans.), alah-kan ; to be de- feated, alah; defeat (n.), alahan Defendant, yang kend adu Deliver (set free), lepaskan; (hand over) serdh Demand (n.), perminta-an y (v.) minta Dentist, tabib gigi Deny, sangkal Depart, pergi, berangkat Descend, turun Descendants, katurunan Desert (n.), padang belantara, (v.) tinggalkan Desire (n.), kahendal % (v.), hendak Desk, meja tulis Dessert, buah-buahan Destroy, bindsakan Destruction, binasa Devil, the, iblis, sheitan Dew, embun Diamond, intan Diarrhoea, buang-buang ayer y chirit Dictionary, kamus Die, mati (also of wind dying down) Difference, beda Different, lain Difficult, payah, susah Dig, gali Diligent, rajin Dim, kabur Dine, makan petdng; dining-room, bilik makan; dinner, makanan petdng Direct (straight), trus, lurus Directly, lekds, dengan sigrd-nya Dirty, kotor Discharge (dismiss), lepaskan, pechat- kan; (gun) pasang Disease, penyakit Disembark, turun darat Dish, pinggan; (course) saji ; dish- cover, tudong saji Dislike (v.), ta' suka Distance, distant, jauh District, dairah } jdjahan Ditch, parit Do, buat; (suffice) jadi; that will do, itu-pun bulih; it won't do, ta' jadi; how do you do ? apa khabar? Do not, don't, jangan (with impera- tive) ; jangan pergi, don't go Doctor (native), bomo, dukun; (one who practises Western medicine) doktor Dog, anjing Dollar, ringgit Done (finished), sudah; (of food) masak Door, pintu Double (two-fold), ganda ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 93 Doubt, shak Doubtful, tiada tantu Down (below), bawah; downstairs, di-bawah; downwards, ka-bawah Dozen, losen, dusen Drag (v.) tarek, hela Drain (n. ), parit Draught (medicine), obat minum Draughts (game), dam, choki; draught-board, papan dam Draw (pull), tarek, hela; (tooth) chabut ; (water) timba ; (sketch) tulis Drawer, lachi, kotak sorong-sorong Drawers (dress), chelana dalam Dream, mimpi Dress (n.), pakeian, (v. )pa,kei kain; dressed, memakei; dressing-room, tampat pakeian Drink (n.), minuman, (v.) minum Drive : to go for a drive, duduk kareta; drive away (trans.), halau Drop (n.), titek; (v.) jatuh (intrans.), jatuhkan (trans.) Dropsy, sembap Drought, kamarau Drown (intrans. ), mati lemds Drum, gendang, rebana Drunk, mabuk; drunkard, peminum Dry (adj.), kring ; (v.) anginkan (in the air), jemurkan (in the sun) ; the dry season, musim kamarau Duck, itek Due (exactly) : due west, barat tepdt Dumb, bisu, kelu Dung, tahi, baja During, sa-mamtara, sa-lama, sa-lagi Dust, debu, lebu, habuk Duty (tax), chukei Dwarf, orang pendek-pendek, katek Dye (v.), chelup; dyer, tukang ehelup Dysentery, buang ayer darah Each, masing-masing, tiap-tiap; each other, satu sama lain Eagle, raja-wali Ear, telinga Early, siang-siang, pagi-pagi Earn (money), chari wang Earrings (drops), anting - anting, (buttons) krabu Earth (soil), burnt, tanah, (opposed to water) darat Earthquake, gumpah bumi Ease oneself, buang ayer bestir, berak East, timur Easy, mudah, gampang, senang Eat, makan nasi (eat rice, which is more idiomatic than makan alone) Ebb, ayer surut Ebony, kayu arang Eclipse, gerhana, grahana Edge (knife), mata Eel, belut Egg, teUr; egg-shell, kulit tel6r ; white, putih telor; yolk, merah telor ; hard-boiled, masak kras ; fresh, baharu; stale, busuk Either : either ... or, atau . . . atau-pun, mau . . . mau Elbow, siku Elephant, gajah; (tusk) gading ; (trunk) belaid Else (otherwise), kalautida; (besides) lagi ; anything else, lain apa-apa Embark, naik kapal Emerald, zamrud Emetic, obat muntah Empty (adj.), kosong ; (v.) kosongkan End, kasudahan Endure (put up with), tahan Enemy (common), musuh, (personal) setru Engage (a servant), upah Engaged (busy), ada kerja Engine, jentra, (locomotive) injin, kreta api English, Inggris ; Englishman, orang Inggris; England, negri Inggris Engrave, ukir; engraver, tukang Enough (sufficient), chukup; that's enough, sudah-lah Enquire, tanya, (investigate) priksa Enter, masuk Entertain (a guest), jamu Entirely, sakali Entrails, isiperut (prut) Envelope, sarong surat Epilepsy, gila babi Equal, sama Especially, istimua Europe, negri Iropa Even (adv.), pun, juga ; (adj.) rata, datar (level) ; gendp (of numbers) Evening, petdng, sore Ever, pernah; for ever, sa-lama- lamanya Every (each), masing-masing, tiap- tiap, (all) samud, segala ; every- body, sa-barang orang ; every day, sa-hari-hari ; everything, segala 94 MALAY MANUAL barang ; every where, di - mana- mana Evil (ad j . ), jahat, (n. ) kajahatan Exact, exactly, betul Examine, investigate, priksa Except that, melainkan, hanya Exchange (v.), tukarkan Excuse (n.), daleh; to make excuses, berdalehdaleh Excuse (v.): excuse me, ampunkan sahya, mtfafkan sahya Executioner, pertanda Expect, nantikan Expenses, blanja, ongkos Explain, nyatakan, bri tahu Export (v.), kaluarkan Extinguish, padam Extremely, terlalu, sangat Eye, mata; eyeball, biji mata ; eye- brow, bulu kening ; eyelash, bulu mata; eyelids, klopak, bibir mata; pupil of the eye, anak mata Eye-glass, chermin mata Fable, cherita Face, muka Fade (of leaves), layu, (of colours) berubah Fail (in business), jatuh; without fail, tiada bulih tidak Faint (weak), leteh, (v.)pengsan Fair (just), betul; a fair wind, angin baik; fair weather, chuacha Faith (religious belief), imdn Fall (v.), jatuh. For other equiva- lents with different shades of meaning, see Maxwell, p. 121 False (untrue), bohong, dusta, (of money) lanchong Family (generally), in rumah, kaum kalurga, (wife and children) anak bini Famine, kalaparan Famous, meshhur, ternama Fan, kipas F&r, jauh; as far as, hingga, sa-jauh; far from getting it, we did not see it, jangankan dapat, melihat-pun tidak (not only did we not get it) Fare (on boat or ship), tambang y (of cab) penyewa Farewell ! slamat ting gal I Fashion (in dress, etc.), chara Fast (quick), lekds, (of a clock) dras; (abstention from food) puasa Fasten, ikat Fat (adj.), gemdk, tambun, (n.) lemdk Fate, kismat, nasib Father, bapa Fathom (n.), depa Fault, salah; that's not my fault, itu bukan sahya punya salah Favour, kasih Fear, takut Feather, bulu Features, paras Feeble, lemdh, letih Feed (trans.), bri makan Feel (touch), raba, jamah, rasa Female (of human beings), peram>- puan, (of animals) betina Fence, pagar Ferry, tambangan ; ferry-boat, prahu tambangan ; ferryman, tukang tam- bangan Festival, hari besdr y hari ray a Fetch, pergi ambil, pergi bawa Fetters, bdunggu Fever, demdm; intermittent fever, demdm kura; typhoid fever, demdm kapialu Few, sedikit Field (cultivated), ladang (dry rice fields), as opposed to sawah (wet rice fields) Fig, ara Fight, to, kalahi, (of animals) laga File (n.), kikir Filter, strainer, tapisan Fill, isikan Finally, akhirnya Find (v.), dapat Fine (adj.), halus (not coarse) ; fine weather, chuacha ; money fine (n.), denda Finger, jari; forefinger, jari ielunjuk; middle finger, jari hantu ; third finger, jari manis ; little finger, jari klingking ; finger nail, kuku Finish, habiskan ; finished, sudah Jiabis Fire (n.), api; (v.) pasang (a gun) ; fire-place, tampat api; fire-wood, kayu api; fire- works, merchun t bunga api Fire-fly, kelip-kelip First, pertama ; firstly, mula-mula Fish (n.), ikan; (v.) panching, kail (with rod and line) ; menjala (with a net); fish-hook, mata kail; line, tali kail; rod, joran; fisherman, pengail ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 95 Fist, genggam Fit (n.), pitam; (v.) patut (of clothes) ; this does not fit me, ta' betul ini dengan badan (body) Fitting, patut, harus Flag, bandera, panji, tunggul Flame, nyala Flannel, kain panas Flat (smooth), pipeh, (level) rata Flavour, rasa Flea, kutu anjing Fleet (ships), angkatan Flesh, daging Float (v. ), hanyut Flock (n.), kawan Flood, ayer bah Floor, lanteipapan Flour, tepong Flow (n.), ayer pasang (of the tide) ; (v. ) leleh, (of a river) alir Flower, bunga Flute, bangsi, suling Fly (n.), lalat, (v.) terbang Foam, buih Fog, kabut Fold (v.), lipat Follow, ikut, turut Food, makanan Foolish, gila, bodoh Foot, kaki; footstep, footprint, jejak, bek&s kaki Footstool, alas kaki For (prep,), akan, pada, sama ; (conj.) karna (because) Forbid, larang Ford (n.), arongan Forehead, dahi Foreign, asing, dagang ; foreigner, {prang) asing, dagang, kaluaran Forest (jungle), hutan Forget, lupa Forgive, ampunkan, ma'afkan Fork, garfu Formerly, dahulu, dulu Fort, kota Fortnight, dua minggo Founder (of a ship), karam Fountain (spring), mata ayer Fowl, hayam France, negri Fransis ; Frenchman, orang Fransis Free (adj.), bebas Freeze, baku Freight, muatan Frequently, kerdp Fresh (food), baharu, (water) ayer tawar, (milk) susu mentah Friend, sahabat Frighten, bri takut Frog, katak, kuduk From, deri, deripada Front, hadapan; in front, di-muka, di-dapan; at the door, di-muka pintu Fruit, buah Fry (v.), goring; frying-pan, kuali Full, penuh Funnel, chorong Furniture, perkakas rumah, serba rumah Further (distance), jauh lagi, lebih jauh, (besides) dan lagi Future (n.), waktu yang kemdian; (adj.) yang nanti datang Gain, laba Gale, angin kenchdng Gallows, tiang gantungan Gamble (v.), judi; gambler, orang berjudi Gamboge, getdh kamboja Game (amusement), main, permai- nan, (food) daging perburuan Gaol, penjara, jel Garden, kabun; gardener, tukang kabun Garlic, bawang putih Gate, pintu Gem, permata General (army), panglima prang, gendrdl Generally, sediakala, krap kali Gentle, lembut Germany, negri Jerman; a German, orang Jerman Get, dapat; get back (recover), dapat balik: get down, turun ; get in, masuk; get out, kaluar ; get up (ascend) naik, (from bed) bangun, (to a standing posture) bangkit t (of wind, storm) turun Ghost, hantu Giant, raksasa Giddy (dizzy), pening, pusing kapala Gift, pembrian, hediye Gimlet, gerdi, grudi Ginger, halia Girl, anak perampuan Give, bri, kasih; give back, komba- likan Glad, suka chita 96 MALAY MANUAL Glass, kacha, (drinking-glass) glas Gloves, sarong tangan Glue, perkat Gnat, agas Go, pergi; (as a clock) berjalan; go away ! nyah-lah, pergi-lah ; go back, pulang ; go down, turun; go in, masuk; go out >, per gi luar ; go up, naik Goat, kambing God, ^Zte/i, Tuhan Going to (about to), ramft Gold, amas, mas Gone, sudah pergi, sudah jalan, (dis- appeared) sudah tiada Gong, chanang, gong Gonorrhoea, sakit kenching Good, baik; good-bye, slamat tinggal; good-day, tabek; good-morning, slamat pagi Goods, barang-barang Goose, angsa Gospel, injil Gourd, labu Governor, gubernur, gebenur Gradually, perlahan-perlahan, plan- plan Grain, biji-biji Grandfather, nenek, bapa bestir Grandmother, nenek perampuan, mama bestir Grapes, buah anggor Grass, rumput Grasshopper, belalang Grave (n.), kubur Gravel, batu kelikir Gravy, kuah Great, bestir Greece, negri Grika Green (colour), hijau, (unripe) muda Grey, klabu, (hair) uban Grief, duka Grind (sharpen), asah Groom, sa'is Ground (soil), tanah; (reason) sebtib Grow (as plants), tumbuh, (increase in size or number) tambah Guard (v.), jaga, (n.) jaga-jaga, kawal Gu2lv&, jambu biji Guess, agak Guest, jamu Guide (v.), menunjuk jalan (show the way) Guilt, kasalahan, dosa Guilty, bersalah Gulf, teluk Gum, getah, ay er perkat Gums, gusi Gun, senapang, bedil Gunpowder, obat bedil Gutter, saluran, panchuran Habit, 'adat Hail (frozen rain), hujan batu; to hail (greet), bri slamat Hair (of body), bulu ruma, (of head) rambut; hair-brush, brus ranibut; hair-pin, chuchuk-sanggul Half, tengah; one and a half, tengah dua Ham, paha babi, ham Hammer, pemukul, martil Hand, tangan; left-hand side, sa- blah kiri ; right-hand side, sa-blah kanan; left hand, tangan kiri; right hand, tangan kanan; back of the hand, punggung ; palm, tapak Handful, sa-genggam Handkerchief, sapu tangan, handuk Handle (of a weapon), hulu, (of a vessel) telinga Hand-rail, kayu pemegang Handwriting, bektis tangan, khat Hang (intrans.), bergantung, (trans.) gantungkan Happen, jadi Harbour (anchorage), pelabuhan Hard (not soft), kras Hare, kwelu Harness, pakeian kuda Harrow, sisir tanah Harvest, penuwe-an, menoibes Has, had : see Grammar Haste, gopoh ; make haste, bersigrti Hat, topi (especially a sun hat), kopiah, chapiu; hat-box, peti topi; to wear a hat, memakei topi; to take off the hat, buka topi; hatter, tukang topi Hate (v.), benchi Have, ada [see Grammar), berulih Hay, rumput kring He, him, she, her, dia, ia Head, kapala; headache, sakit kapala; head wind, angin di- muka Health, nyaman, sihat t ''afiyat Heap (n.), timbunan Hear, dengar Hearing (sense of), penengaran ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 97 Heart, jantong, (as the seat of the affections) hati Hearth, tampat api Heat, panas, (artificial) hangat Heaven (sky), langit, (home of the blessed) shurga, surga Heavy, brat, (of rain) lebdt Hedge, pagar Heel, tumit Hell, naraka, (Mohammedan) jehen- nam Helm, kemudi Help, tulung ; there's no help for it, apa bulih buat (what can be done ?) Hen, hayam betina Hence (from here), deri sini; (for this reason) sebdb ini; (from this time forth) deripada waktu ini Herd, kawan Here, sini, di-sini Hereafter, di-blakang ini Hiccough, sedu Hidden, tersembuni Hide (v.), sembuni, sembunyi Hide (skin), kulit High, tinggi ; high water, ayer pasang pentih Highway, jalan ray a Hill, bukit Hilt, hulu ■ Himself, dia sendiri Hinder (v.), teg ah Hindustan, negri Hindi Hip, pangkal paha Hire, rent (n.), seica ; (v.) upah, mengupahkan (engage a servant) His, her, dia punya or dia following the noun Hit (v.), kend Hither, ka-sini, ka-mari Hitherto, sampei sekarang Hoe, changkul (large, used for digging) Hoist (sail, colours), angkat, naik Hold (of a ship), petdk ; to hold, take hold of, pegdng, (contain) muat Hole, lobang Holiday, hari raya Holland, negri Blanda, Wolanda Hollow, kosong Holy, kudus Home : at home, di-rumah Honey, ayer madu ; honeycomb, indok madu Hoof, kuku Hope (n. and v.), harap Horizon, kaki langit Horn, tanduk, (of rhinoceros) sumbu Horse, kuda ; horseshoe, besi kuda ; horsewhip, chabuk, cliamti Hospital, ruinah sakit Hot, panas, hangat {see Heat) ; pun- gent, pedds Hotel, hotel, rwmah makanan Hour, jam House, rumah How, bagimana; how long? brapa lama ? how many ? how much ? brapa banyak? how much? (of price), brapa harga? how often? brapa kali ? However, tetapi Hunch-back, bongkok Hunger, lapar; hungry, lapar; to be hungry, lapar Hunt (v.), bum Hurricane, tufan, ribut Hurry (n.), gopoh Hurt (v.), sakitkan Husband, laki, suami Hut, pondok I, sahya (commonly used by Europeans), aku (by Malays) Ice, ayer baku, ayer batu Idiot, gila Idle, malas Idol, berhala If, kalau, kalu, jikalau; even if, jikalau sa-kali-pun Ignorant, bebdl 111, sakit; I feel ill, sahya rasa sakit; illness, penyakit Imagine, sangka Imitate, tiru, turut Immediately, sigrd, sekarang ini Immortal, kakdl, baka Impertinent, muka papan, sumb&ng Import (goods), to, masukkan Important, besdr, brat Impossible, ta' bulih, mustahU Imprison, kurongkan, penjarakan Impudent, muka papan In, dalam; (at home) di-mimah; in order to, supaya; in my opinion, pada fiTriran sahya Inch, inchi Increase (n.), tambahan; (v.) tambah (intrans.), tambahkan (trans.) Incur, kend; used in many idiomatic phrases {see Maxwell, p. 90) Indebted, berhutang G 98 MALAY MANUAL Indeed (really, truly), sungguh; as an interrogative = really ? bagitu- kah (is it so ?) India, negri Hindi; an Indian, orang Hindi Indiarubber, getdh Indian corn, jagong Indigestion, makanan ta' hajam Indigo (dye) nila, (plant), tarum Industrious, rajin Infant, kanak-anak Infectious, berjangkit Infidel, kqfir Inform, bri tahu Inhabit, diami, duduki Inhabitants, isi negri, anak rayat Inheritance, pusaka Injustice, aniaya Ink, dawat, tinta; inkstand, tampat dawat Inland, hulu Insane, insanity, gila Insect, binatang Inside, di-dalam Instance : for instance, mesalnya Instant (n.), sa l at, sa-kejdp Instead of, ganti Instruments (equipment), perkakas, alat Intend, mau, hendak Interest (on money) bunga ivang Interior, dalam, (of a country), hulu, udik Interpret, bri arti, mengartikan Interpreter, juru bahasa Interval, seldng Into, ka-dalam Introduce, bawa masuk Invite, jemput Invoice, faktur, surat barang Inwards, ka-dalam Iron, besi; (n. and v.) strika (for laundry work) Is, ada; is it not? ia-kah? Island, ^mfcm It, dia, itu ; it is, itu ada ; it is not, bukan-nya Italy, negri Itali Itch (n.), kudis, (n. and v.) gatal Ivory, gading Jackal, srigala Jacket, baju Japan, negri Japun Jar (large), tempayan, (smaller), g, gusi Jaundice, membang Java, tanah Jaiva Jaws, rahang Jesus Christ, ' Isa el-meseh Jetty, pier, jambatan Jew, Yahudi Jewel, per mata; jewelry, mata benda Jeweller, juhari Join (put together), hubongkan; (meet), jumpa Joiner, tukang almari Joints (of the body), sendi Journey (by land), perjalanan; (by sea), pelayaran Judge, hakim Judgment, hukum; day of judgment, hari kiamat Jug, buy ong t jag Juice, ayefi* Jump (v,), lumpat; jump down, terjun Junk, wangkang Just (adj.) i adil; just now, tadi, seka- rang ini; just so, betid bag itu; just the same, samajuga Justice, ka- c adilan Keel, lunas Keep (take care of), simpan Kettle, cherek, ketel, kiri Key, anak kunchi; key-hole, lobang kunchi Kick (v.), tendang (of a horse) Kidneys, buah ping gang Kill, bunuh Kind (sort), jenis, macham, bagei King, raja Kiss (v.) chium Kitchen, dapur Kite (bird), lang ; (paper) layang- layang Knead (make dough), adon, ramas Knee, lutut Kneel, berlutut Knife, pisau; pen-knife, pisau kechil Knock, pukul, ketdk Knot, simpul Know, tahu; (be acquainted with), kendl ; I don't know, kurang priksa (I have not enquired enough) Knowledge, Hlmu Knuckle, bukujari Labour, kerja ; labourer, kuli, orang gccji Lace, renda Ladder, tangga ENGLISH.MALAY VOCABULARY Ladle (made of coco -nut shell), gayong, chebok (with no handle) Lady (European), madam, mem Lake, danau, kolam, tasek Lamb, anak biri Lame, chapek, penchang, tempang Lamp, lampu, pelita ; lamp - glass, chimney, chorong ; lamp-oil, min~ yak lampu; lamp- wick, sumbu Land, tanah, (opposed to water), darat; to land (go ashore), naik darat Landing place, pangkalan Landlord, tuan rumah (tanah) Lane, lorong, jalan kechU Language, bahasa Lantern, lantera, tenglong (Chinese) Lap, pangku, riba Larboard, kiri Lard, minyak babi Larder, gedong makanan Large, besdr ; as large as, sa-besdr Last (v.), tahan; (adj.) gang biaka (of place) ; lalu (of time) ; last month, bulan lalu; last night, sa- malam; at last, pada akhir-nya; lastly, penghabisan Latch, kanching Late, lambat Lately, baharu ini t baharu tadi Laugh, tertawa ; laugh at, tertawakan Laundryman, dobi, binara, tukang minatu Lavatory ( W. C. ), jamban Law, hukum, undang-undang Lawyer, wakil Lay (set down, place), taruh; (eggs), bertelor; (table), pasang mej a, taruh meja; (a wager), bertaruh ; lay down, baring/can Lazy, inalas Lead (metal), timah hitam; sounding lead, prum, batu duga; lead-pencil, pensil; to lead (the way), membaiva jalan, (show the way), tunjukkan Leaf (tree), daun ; (paper), halei, lei Leak (v.), bochor Lean (adj.), kurus ; (v.) sengit (incline) ; lean against, bersandar Leap, lumpat; leap down, terjun Learn, blajar Least, yang Icechil kechU; at least, sa-kurang-kurang Leather, kulit Leave (n.), izin (permission); (v.) tinggalkan (abandon); ask leave, minta izin; give leave, bri izin; take leave, minta diri Leech, lintah Leeward, di-bawah angin Left (not right), kiri; (remainder), baki ; to the left, sa-blah kiri; left-handed, kidal Leg (generally), kaki; (lower leg, from knee to ankle), betis Leisure, sempat Lemon, limau asam Lemonade, ayer manis, sherbat Lend, bripinjam Length (distance), panjang Leprosy, kusta Less, kurang ; less than, Jcurang deripada Lest, supaya jangan, agar jangan Let, to (allow), biyar; let go, lep&s ; let off (fire-arms), pasang ; let (for hire), bri sewa, kasih sewa Letter (postal), surat, (of alphabet), huruf (pi.) Level, rata Library, tampat buku Lick, jilat * Lid, tudongan, tutupan Lie, bohong Lie down, baring Life, kahidupan y hayat Lift (v.), angkat Light (not dark), trang ; (not heavy) rengan; (of colour) muda ; day- light, siang hari; to light (kindle), pasang Lighthouse, rumah api Lightning, kilat Like (in the style of), chara; like as, sama, seperti; to like, suka; whether you like it or not, mau ta' mau Lily, bakong Limb, anggota Lime (fruit), limau nipis; (chemistry), kapur ; quick-lime, kapur tohor Line (string), tali; (row), baris Linen, kain rami; (washing) kain-kain Lining, alas Lion, singa Lips, bibir Liquid, chayer List, daftar, list Listen to, dengarkan Litter (for carrying a person), tandu Little, kechll a* 100 MALAY MANUAL Live (be alive), hidup, (reside), ting- gal, diam, duduk Liver, hati Lizard, chichek; (gecko), tekik Load (n.), muatan, (v.) muatkan Loaf (of bread), roti sa-buah Lobster, hudang gala Lock (n.), kunchi, ibu kunchi; (v.) kunchikan Locust, bilalang Log (small), puntung kayu Loins, pangkal paha Lonely, sunyi Long (in space), panjang, (of time), lama; long ago, sudah lama; as long as, sa-lama (time), sa-panjang (space); don't be long, jangan lambat Look, look at, pandang, tengok, lihat (see Maxwell, p. 121) ; look for, chari, chahari; look out, jaga ; (to appear), rupa-nya sakit (he looks iU > . • Looking-glass, chermin Loose (not tight), longgar; (slack, of ropes), kendor Lose, hilang^ ; (a battle), alah, kalah Loss (financial), rugi Lot, undi ; cast lots, buang undi Loud, loudly, kwat-kwat Love (n.), kasihan, (v.) kasih Low (not high), rendah; (in price), murah; low water, ayer surut Luck, untong ; good luck, untong baik; bad luck, untong malang Luggage, barang-barang Lumbago, sengal ping gang Lump, gempal Lungs, parau-parau Machine, injin, jintra, pesawat Mad, gila Madam, mem Maggot, hulat, ulat Magic, hikmat Magistrate, tuan majistret, tuan polis Magnet, besi berani Maize, jagong Make, buat y bekin Malaria, dem&m Malaya, tanah Malayu; a Malay, orang Malayu; Malay language, bahasa Malayu Male (human being), laki - laki, (animal) jantan Man, orang , laki-laki Mane, bulu tengkok Mange, kudis Mango, mangga Mankind, manusia Manner, chara ; in this manner, demikian ini Man-of-war, kapal prang Manufacture, buatan ; made in Europe, buatan Iropa Manure, baja Many, banyak ; as many, sa-banyak ; so many, sekian; very many, ter- lalu banyak Map, petd Marble, pualam y marmar Mare, kuda betina Mark, tanda; (seal, stamp), cliap Market, pasar, pekdn ; market-place, tampat pasar; to go to market, pergi pasar Marriage, kahwin Married (having a husband), ber- suami, (having a wife), berbini Marrow, utak tulang (brain of bone) Marry (intrans.), kahwin; (give in marriage), kahwinkan, nikah Marsh, pay a Mason (stone), tukang batu Mast, tiang Master, tuan Mat, tikar Matches, tarek api, korek api, machis Matter (affair), perkara ; no matter, tidak apa, tiada mengapa; what is the matter with him (of illness)? apa sakitnya, apa kurang Mattress, tilam May, bulih Me, sahya, sama sahya Meadow, padang rumput Meal (food), makanan ; (flour), tep6ng ; to take a meal, makan nasi (eat rice) Mean (adj.), hina (base), kikir (stingy) ; to mean (intend), hendak ; (signify) : what does it mean ? apa arti-nya Meaning, arti Means (wealth), ka-kaya-an; (way, method), jalan; by means of, dengan Meanwhile, dalam antara iiu Measles, champak Measure (length), hukuran, (capacity) sukatan; (v.) hukur, sukat Meat, dag'mg ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABP£A&tf 101. Medicine, obat Meet (v.)jumpa, temu Melon (water), tembikei Melt (trans.), lebur, (intrans.) leburkan Memory, ingatan Men, orang-orang Mend, membaiki Mention, sebut Merchandise, dagangan Merchant, dagang, sudagar; mer- chantman (ship), kapal dagang Merely, soja Message, pesanan Messenger, penyuruh Mew (of cat), mengiau Middle, tengah Midnight, tengah malam Might (n.), gagah, kuivat; (could), bulih Mild (gentle), manis Mildew, lapuk Mile, batu (stone), mil Milk, susu Mill, penggilingan ; miller, tukang penggilingan ; mill - stone, batu kisaran Mince (chop fine), chinchang Mind (understanding), l akal; to mind (look after), jaga, (care, heed), ingat ; never mind, tiada apa, ta' usah Mine, galian; miner, tukang gali; (belonging to me) sahya punya Minute (n.) sa'at, minit; (fine, small), halus, seni Miss (n.), missi; (v.) tiada kend (not to bit the mark) ; silap jalan (miss the road) Mist, kabut Mistake, salah, silap; to make a mistake, buat salah Mister (Mr.), tuan, si- in B.N.B. Misunderstand, salah mengarti, salah dengar Mix (trans.), champur Moment, sa 'at, sa-kejdp, sa-bentar Money, wang ; money - changer, tukang tukar wang ; ready money, wang tunei Monkey, munyet, kerd Month, bulan ; last month, bulan lalu ; next month, bulan dapdn, bulan datang; this month, bulan ini Moon, bulan; full moon, bulan per- nama; new moon, bulan baharu, bulan timbul Moonlight, bulan trang More, lebih, lagi; more than, lebih deripada; a little more, sedikit lagi; once more, sa-kali lagi; the more . . . the more, makin . . . makin Moreover, lagi-pun Morning, pagi Morsel (mouthful), sa-suap Mortal, /and Mortar (for pounding grain) lesong ; (cement), kapur Mortgage (v.), gadeikan Mosque, masjid ; (private) surau, mandarsah Mosquito, nyamok; mosquito net, klambu Moss, lumut Most, terlebih banyak, terlalu banyo.k Mother, mak, ibu; mother-in-law, mentua ; step-mother, mak tiri Mother-of-pearl, indong mutiara Mould (earth), tanah ; (mildew), lapuk; mouldy, lapuk, basi Mount (v.), naik Mountain, gunong Mouse, tikus Moustache, misei, kumis Mouth, mulut ; (river), kuala Mouthful, sa-suap, sa-mulut Move (intrans.), gerdk, bergerdk, aleh; (trans.), gerakkan, alehkan Much, banyak; too much, terlampau; how much ? brapa banyak ; how much is this ? ini brapa harga Mud, lumpur Mug (small earthenware jar), kendi Mumps, bengok Murder (n.), pembunuhan ; (v.) bunuh; murderer, pembunuh Muscle, urat Mushroom, chendawan Music, bunyi-bunyian Musk, kasturi Musket, snapang Muslin, kain khasa Must, patut, misti Mustard, sesawi, mastad Mutton, daging kambing , dagingbiri- biri My, sahya punya preceding or sahya following the noun : see Grammar Nail (carpenter's), paku ; (finger), kuku ; nail-brush, bins kuku, Naked, telanjang j02 MALAY MANUAL Name, nama Nape (of neck), tangkok Napkin (table), tuala, serbetta Narrow, sempit Nation (people), bangsa Native (of a country), anak negri; native land, tanah ayer Nature (disposition), tabi l at ; .(created things), khalaik Navel, pusat Near, nearly, dekdt, hampir Necessary, harus, patut, wajib Neck, leher ; necktie, kain ikat leher Needle, jarum; needlewoman, per- ampuan tukang jahit Needless, ta' usah Neglect (n.), lalei; (v.) laleikan ; neglectful, lalei Neighbour, orang rumah sa - blah, orang sa-kampong Neither . . . nor, pun tidak . . . pun tidak Nerve, uratputih Nest, sarang Net (casting), jala; (seine), pukat; (landing) sauh-sauh; (also for birds or animals), jaring Nettle, jelatang Never, ta y pernah ; never yet, belum pernah; never mind, tidak apa Nevertheless, tetapi New, baharu New Guinea, Papua News, khabar Newspaper, surat khabar Next (in place), yang dekdt ; (in time), kemdian Nice (pleasant to the senses), seddp Night, malam ; all night, sapanjang malam; last night, sa - malam, malam tadi; late at night, jauh malam ; midnight, tengah malam ; to-night, malam ini, malam sekar- ang ; day and night, siang malam; to pass the night, bermalam Nightingale, bidbul Nitre, sendawa No, tidak, tada Nod (v.), anggok kapala Noise, bunyi, gaduh None (not one), satu pun tidak, (not any), tiada Noon, tengah hari North, vtara; north-east, timurlaut; north-west, barat laut Nose, hidong Nostril, lobang hid Not, is not, tidak, "bukan; do not (with imperative), jangan Notepaper, kartas surat Nothing, satu pun tidak Notice (n.), notis Notwithstanding, tetapi Now, sekarang ; now and then, kadang-kadang ; just now, tadi Nowhere, tidak dimana Number, angka, nomber, nommer Nurse (n.), pengasuh; (v.) asuh (children) Nut, buah kras kulit Nutmeg, buahpala Oar, dayong Oatn, sumpah; to break one's oath, makan sumpah Oats, bras blanda Obey, turut Object (thing), bamng, (aim, pur- pose), kahendak; to object, oppose, melaioan Oblige (force), paksa ; (do a favour), tulung Observe (take notice of), perhatikan; (look at), pandang : see Maxwell, p. 121 Occupation (business), pekerja - an, (means of livelihood), pencharian Occur, jadi Ocean, lautan Odd (of numbers), ganjil Offer (v.), unjuk Office, qfi,s; (employment), jjegangan Officer, pegawei Official, penjaivat Often, sa-lalu, krap kali Oil, minyak Old (aged), tuah; of old, deri da- hulu ; how old are you ? brapa tuan puny a l umur? Olive, zait Omelette, dadar telor Once, -sa-kali; once more, sakali lagi One, satu; one another, satu sama lain; one by one, satu-salu; one more, lagi satu; in the sense of "people" (Fr. on, German man), orang One-eyed, mala sa-blah Oneself, sendiri Onion, bawang Only, sahaja, hanya ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 103 Open (v.), buka, (the eyes) chelekkan ; (adj.), terbuka, chelek Opinion, fikiran (pikiran) Opium, madat, chandu, qfiun (apiun) Opportunity, sampat Opposed to, melawan Opposite, di - dapan, di - hadapan ; (facing) tentang Or, atau Orange, limau manis Order (v.), suruh ; (n.) aturan (arrangement), petdn (commission), paagkat (class) ; by order, dengan perentah Ostrich, burong onta Other, lain; the other day, sudah brapahari; every other day, seldng sa - hari ; otherwise, melainkan, kalau tida Ought, harus, patut, mau : see Grammar Our, ours, kita punya Out, luar ; outside, di-luar ; out- wards, kaluar Outward (opposed to inward), dlahir Oven, dapur Over (above), di-atas ; (more than) lebih deripada; (ended), sudah; over and over again, ulang-ulang Overcoat, baju panas Overflow (v.), limpah Overseer, mandur Owe (money), berhutang Owl, burong hantu Own: my own, sahya puny a; to own, ampunya Owner, tuan, yang ampunya Ox, lembUj sapi Oyster, tiram Pace (step), langkah Pack (things up), kemaskan Paddle (n. and v.), kayuli Padlock, kunchi mangga Page (of book), muka surat Pail, long Pain, sakit, rasa sakit Paint (n.), chat, (v.) sapu chat, tulis gambar (to paint pictures) ; painter, tukang chat, penults Pair (of gloves and the like) sa- pasang ; (of horses), jori Palace, astana, maligei Palate (roof of the month), langit- langit Pale, puchat (of colours and the complexion) Palm (of the hand), tapak tang an Palm-branch, pelpah Palsy, tepok Pane (window), kachajlndela Paper, kartas ; a sheet of paper, kartas sa-lei Paralytic, lumpuh Parasol, payong Parcel, bungkus Pardon, ampun, ma l af; I beg your pardon, sahya minta ampun Parents, ibu-bapa Parrot, parroquet, nuri, bay an Part (n.), sa-kerdt ; to part (divide), bahagi; (to separate from), cherai Pass (mountain), jalan kechil, jalan sempit ; to pass, lain; (as coin), lakit; to pass by, berjalan lalu Passage money (on a ship), sewa kapal, tambang Past, sudah Paste, perkat Pastry, kiceh; pastrycook, tukang kweh Path, lorong kechil Patience, patient, sabar Pattern (sample), chonto Pavement, hdmparan batu Paw, kaki Pawn (v.), gadeikan; take out of pawn, tebus gadei; pawnbroker, orang pajak gadei Pay (v.), bayar; payment, bayaran Pea, kachang Peace, damei Peacock, merdk Pearl, mutiara Peasant, orang dusun, orang ka- banyakkan Peat, tariah api Pedlar, orang penjaja Peel (rind), kulit ; to peel, kupas Pen, kalam, pen Penalty (fine), denda, (punishment), siksa Pencil, patlut, pensil Penknife, pisau kechil, plsau pen People, orang-orang Pepper, lada Perfume, baubauan Perhaps, barangkali Period, masa, uaktu Perish (go to ruin), binasa, (die), mati 104 MALAY MANUAL Permanent, kekdl Permit (v.), bri izin, biyar ; a permit, license, surat leisen Perpetual, yang tiada berkaputusan Person, orang Perspiration, peluh Pestle, antan, alu Petition, perminta-an Phlegm, dahak Pick (flowers), petek; pick up, pungut Pickles, achar Picture, gambar Piece, sa-keping, sa-kerdt Pier, jambatan Pierce, chuchuk : see Maxwell, p. 120 Piety, 'ibadat Pig, babi Pigeon (tame), merpati, (wild) punai Pile (stake), panchang, (heap), tambun Pillar, tiang Pillow, banted; pillow-case, sarong bantal Fin, peniti; hairpin, chuchuk sang yul Pineapple, nanas Pink, merah muda (pale red) Pipe (smoking), unchui,pipa; bowl, kapala ; stem, batang Pirate, perumpak Pistol, pistol Pit, lobang Pitch (n.), gala-gala; to pitch (roll, as a ship), golek Pitcher, buyong Pity (n.), belds ; (v.) belaskan; what a pity ! kasihan Place (n.), tampat; (y.) taruh, bubuh Plague, sampar Plain (n.), padang ; (adj.), trang (clear, evident) Plaintiff, pengadu Plan (method), jalan ; (diagram), petd Plane (carpenter's), ketdm Plank, papan Plant (n.), tanaman, pokok, tumhuh- tumbuhan; (v.) tanam Plantation, kabun Plate, piring, (large) pinggan Play (n.), permainan (game), mayong, wayang (theatrical) ; to play, main Please, bri suka, sukakan : if you please sila e.g. sila masuk, please come in ; in giving orders choba, minta are used like our " please e.g. choba bawa krusi, please bring a chair ; as you please, suka hati tuan, mana suka tuan Plough, tenggala, bajak Pluck (flowers), petek Pocket, kochek, saku Pocket-book, tampat surat Poetry, sh'a Hr Point (n.), hujong, (promontory), tanjong ; (v.) tunjuk Poison, rachun; (from the upas tree), ipoh Poke, chuchuk; poker, chuchuk api Pole, kayu, (for native boats), galah; (of sky), kuttub Policeman, mata - mata ; police-sta- tion, lock-up, rumahpasong Polite, bastari, adab, sopan Pomegranate, dalima Pond, kolam, danau Pool (deep place in river or sea), lubok Poop (ship), buritan Poor, meskin, papa Porch, surambi Porcupine, landak Pork, daging babi Porpoise, lumba-lumba Porridge, suji Port (on board ship), kiri; (harbour), pelabuhan Porter (carrier), kuli, (at a gate), penunggu pintu Portugal, negri Portugis; a Portu- guese, orang Portugis Possess, ampunya Possibly, barangkali ; ada konun (it is reported) Post, pos ; post office, tampat kirim surat Posterior (anus), burit Pot (earthenware), priuk, Manga, (iron or earthenware), kuali, (flower-pot), pasu Potato, ubi Pour, tuang Powder, serbuk; gunpowder, obat bedil; (medicine), obat lumat Pox, small, chachar, katumbuhan Prawn, hudang Pray, minta do l a; pray for, do l akan; prayer, do l a Precipice, terjal Prefer, lebih suka Prepare, sediakan Prescription (medicine), obat-dbat Present (n.), pembrian; (adj.) ada, hadlir (not absent) ; yang sekarang ini (of time) ; (v.) bri Presently, sabentar lagi ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 105 Press (squeeze), apit, (press down e.g. with the hand), tekdn Presume (imagine), sangkal Pretend, pura-pura, buat-buat Pretty, bagus, chantek Prevent, tegdh, larang Price, harga; fixed price, harga mati Prick (v.), chuchuk Priest (Mohammedan), imdm, (Chris- tian), padri Prince, putra ; princess, putri Print (v.), chap; printer, tukang chap ; printing office, tampat chap ; printing-press, apitan Prison, panjara, jel Private (adj.), sunyi; private parts, kamaluan Privy, jamban, perlindongan Probably, barangkali Procession, perarakan Proclaim (issue a proclamation), bri tahu khabaran Profit, untong, laba,faidah Prohibited, larangan Promise (n.),janji, (v.) berjanji Prone (face downwards), tertiarap Pronounce, sebut, bunyikan; pro- nunciation, sebutan, bunyi Proof, kanyata-an, katrangan Proper, hxvrus, patut Property (goods and chattels), herta benda Prophet, nabi Proportion, Icadar ; in proportion to, sa-kadar Prosecute, mendahoa, (accuse), tuduh; prosecution, da'wa, (accusation), tuduhan Prostitute, sundal, jalang Proverb, perumpama-an Province (district), daira, jdjahan Provisions, bekdl Publish (a book), kaluarlcan Pull, tarek; pull down (blinds), tumnkan Pulse, nadi Pump, bomba Pumpkin, labu Punish, siksakan; punishment, silcsa Pupil (eye), anak mata; (scholar), murid Pure (clean), suchi, (unadulterated), tiada berchampur Purple, ungu Purpose (intention), kahendak; on purpose, sengaja; to no purpose, chuma-chuma Purse, pundi-pundi Pursue, kejarkan Push (v.), tolak, sorong Pat, taruh, bubuh; put away (put by), simpan; put down, letakkan; put on (clothes), pakei; put out (fire, light), padam; put off (defer), tangguh Quail, puyuh Quality, si/at Quantity, banyak Quarrel (n.), perbdntahan ; (v.) bantah Quarter (fourth part), suku ; (of a town), kampong; in that quarter, sa-blah ini Quay, bagan Queen, raja perempuan Question, sual Quick, lekds, chepdt Quicksilver, raksa Quiet (silent), diam Quill, bulu; quill pen, kalam bulu Quilt, kain selimut Quit, tinggalkan Quite, sakali; not quite, tidak chukup Quiver (n.), terkas Rabbit, kwelu, terivelu Race , bang sa; (sport), lurribah; horse- race, lumbah kuda Radish, lobak Raft, rakit Rags, kain burok Railway, kreta api; railway station, persinggahan, station Rain (n.), hujan ; heavy rain, hujan lebdt; light rain, hujan rintek- rintek; (v.), hujan Rainbow, palangi Raise, angkat Raisins, kismis Rake (garden), sisir tanah Ram , biri-biri jantan Range (of mountains), gunonggu- nongan Rank (station), pangkat; (rancid), hanyir Ransom (n.), tebusan, (v.) tebus Rapids (in a river), jerdm Rare (not common), jarang 106 MALAY MANUAL Rat, tikus Rather (somewhat), sedikit; I would rather, sahya lebih suka Rattan, rotan Raw (not cooked), mentah Ray (of light), sinar Razor, pisau chukur Reach (arrive at), sampei Read, bacha Ready, sedia, siap Real, betul, sungguh; really, sungguh- nya Reap (cut rice), ketdm, tuwei Reason (cause), seb&b, (intelligence), l akal, budi Rebel (n.) yang derhaka, (v.) derhaka Receipt, surat trima, resit Receive, trima Recently, baharu brapa hari Reckon (calculate), bilang, hitung Recollect, ingot Red, merah Reef, karang Reflect (think), fikir ; reflect upon, fikirkan Refuse (in trans.), enggan, (trans.) enggankan; (n.) sampah (sweep- ings) Regular (in order), teratur ; regularly, sa-lalu Reins, ras Relate, cheritrakan Relatives, kaum kalurga Release (v.), lepaskan Religion, agama Remain, ting gal Remainder, baki Remedy, penawar, obat Remember, ingat Remind, ingatkan, bri ingat Remove (intrans.), pindah, (trans.), pindahkan Rent (n. and v.), sewa Repair (mend), membaiki Repay, bayar hutang Repeat, ulang Reply (v.) sahut,jawab Report (rumour), khabar ; to report, khabarkan; it is reported, ada konun Request (v.), minta Require, niau, hendak Reside, ting gal, diam, duduk Resin, damar batu Resist, lawan Respect (n.) hormat (v.) hormati; with respect to, fasal Rest (n.), perhentian; (remainder), baki; (v.) berhenti (stop), baring (lie down) Restore, kombalikan, pulangkan Result, kasudahan, akhimya Return (intrans.), batik, pulang, kombali Revenue, hasil Revolver, revolver Reward, pahala Rheumatism, sengdl Rhinoceros, badak Rib, tulang rusuk Ribbon, pita Rice (in the husk), padi; (husked), berds ; (boiled), nasi; (roasted in the husk), bertih Rich, kaya ; riches, kakaya-an Ride, tunggang, kendara, naik kuda Right (correct, proper), betul ; (not left), kanan; to the right, sa-blah kanan Rim, tepi, bibir Rind, kulit Ring (n.), chinchin (finger) ; to ring (bell), goyang Riot, gempar Ripe, masak ; over-ripe, ranum Rise (to a standing position), bangkit; (from bed), bangun ; (of the sun), terbit River, sungei Road, jalan; main road, jalan ray a ; cross road, sempang jalan Roast (n. and v. ), panggang Rob (steal), churi; robber, penchuri Rock, batu laut Roe (fish), teldr ikan Roll (intrans.), guling, (trans.), gulingkan ; (as a ship), golek Roof, bwnbong Room, bilik t kamar; make room, bri tampat Root, akar Rope, tali Rose, mawar Rotten, busuk Rough (not smooth), kasap Round (not flat), bulat ; round about, kuliling Row (disturbance), gadoh, pergado- han, (line, series), baris ; in a row, berderet; to row (with an oar), berdayong ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 107 Rub (when cleaning), gosok, (with the hands), urut Rubbish (refuse), sampah Ruby, dalima Rudder, kamudi Rude (uncivil), kasar Rule (carpenter's), hukuran ; to rule (govern), perentah Rump (anus), punggung, buntut Run, lari ; run after (pursue), kejar Russia, negri Rusia Rust, karat, tahi besi Sack, karong, guni, saku Sacrifice (v.), sembleh Saddle, palana, sella Safe, safety, slamat Saffron, kunyit Sago, sagu Said : it is said, kata orang Sail (n.), layer ; (v.) berlayer Sailor, anak prahu, khalasi, mdtros Saint, wali Sake: for the sake of God, karna Allah Salad, salada Salary, gaji, upah Salt (n.) garam; salty, asin Salt-cellar, tampat garam Salutation, saldm, tabek Salute (v.), bri saldm Same, sama, sa-rupa ; this is the same as that, ini sama dengan itu; it's all the same, it makes no difference sama juga Sample, chonto Sand, pasir Sandals (leather), charpu; (wooden), trumpah Sap, getdh Satin, siten, atlas Satisfied, puds; satisfy, puaskan Sauce, saus, kuah Saucepan, Manga, priuk Saucer, piring Sausage, sosis Savage (ferocious), buas, (not tame), liyar Save (put by), simpan Saw, gergaji Say, kata: that is to say, artinya ; see Maxwell, p. 121 Scales (for weighing), timbangan, naracha ; (of fish), sisek car, parut carce, jarang Scarlet, merah tuah Scatter, tabur Scent, bau-bau-an School, skolah Scissors, gunting Scorpion, kala-jenking Scrape, garuk, kikis Scream, triak, jerit Screen, tirei, tabir (curtains, of cloth), bidei (hanging screens of split cane) Screw, paku skrup Sculptor, pandei memahat. pengukir Scurvy, saratan Sea, lautan; sea-shore, pantei ; sea- sick, malmk laut Sealing-wax, lak Season, musim Seat (chair), krusi ; to be seated, duduk Second (time), sa - kejdp, sa - kelip, sekon ; second, yang kadua ; secondly, kadua perkara Secret (n. and adj.), rahsia Secretary, juru tulis Secure (firm, fixed), tetdp Security (bail), jamin See, lihat : see Maxwell, p. 121 Seed, benih, biji Seek, chahari, chari Seem : it seems good, rupa-nya baik (its appearance is good) Seize, tangkap Seldom, jarang Select (v.), pilih Self, sendiri : see Grammar SelLitM? Send, hirim; send for, panggil Sense (understanding), l akal; (mean- ing) arti; the five senses, lima perrasa-an Sentence (judgment), hukum; (v.) hukumkan Sentry, orang jaga Separate (adj.), asing, (v.) asingkan Sepoy, stpahi Serpent, ular Servant, orang gaji, pelayan ; to serve (wait on), layan Set (place) taruh, bubuh; set out, berangkat; set sail, berlayer Several, banyak ; of several kinds, anika-anika, berjenis-jenis Sew, jahit Shade, naung, teduh Shadow, bayang 108 MALAY MANUAL Shake (intrans.), goyang ; (trans.), goyangkan; shake hands, berjabat tangan Shallow, tohor, chetek Sham, pura-pura Shame, malu Shape, rupa Share (n.), bahagian; (v.) bahagi Shark, ikan yu Sharp (of a knife), tajam, (of flavour), masam Shave, chukur She, her, dia, ia Sheath, sarong Shed, bangsal, pondok Sheep, biri-biri Sheet, kain sdimut; of paper, kartas sa-lei Shell (sea), siput; (nut), tempurong ; (bomb), priuk api Shepherd, gombala Shield, prisei Shin, tulang kering Shine, sinar Ship, kapal Shipwreck, karam Shirt, kameja Shiver (tremble), gentar Shoe, kasut, spatu ; shoemaker, tukang spatu Shoot (firearms), pasang bedil; (with a bow), panah Shop, kadei, gedong ; shop-keeper, orang berkadei Shore, pantei Short, pendek Shoulder, bahu ; shoulder - blade, blikat Shout (cry out), seru; (for joy), surah Shovel, sudok, sekup abu Show (v.), tunjuk Shrill (of sounds), nyaring Shrimp, hudang Shut (v.) tutup; (the eyes), pejdm; (adj.), ter tutup Shutters, papanjindela Sick (ill), sakit; to be sick (vomit), muntah; sickness, penyakit Sickle, sabit Side (of body), rusuk; (of position), sa-blah; right side, sa-blah kanan; left side, sa-blah kiri; both sides, kadua blah; at the side of, sa-blah Sieve, ayak, nyiru (for winnowing grain) Sift, ayakkan Sigh (n. and v.), keluh Sight (sense of), penglihatan Sign (mark, token), tanda; to sign (one's name), turuh tanda tangan Signature, tanda tangan Silent, diam Silk, sutra ; silkworm, ulat sutra Silver, perak Similar, sama, sa-rupa Simple (easy), sendng, mudah Simply (merely), sahaja, chuma Sin, dosa Since, deripada waktu; long since sudah lama Sinew, urat Sing, nyanyi • Singapore, Singapura, Slat Single (sole, only), tunggal ; a single man, sa-orang Sink (v.), tenggalam (intrans.) Sir, tuan Sister, sudara perempuan, (elder) kakaTc, (younger), adek Sit (sit down in a chair), duduk; please be seated, sila duduk: for native methods of sitting see Maxwell's Vocabulary s.v. Size, besdr-nya (its bigness) Skin, kulit Skull, tengkorak Sky, langit Slack (loose, of ropes), kendor Slanting, chondong Slate (for writing on), papan loh Slave, hamba Sleep (n. and v.), tidor Sleepy, mengantok Sleeve, tangan Slice (n.), sa-keping, sa-putung ; (v.) hiris Sling (n.), ali-ali Slip, gelinchir ; slippery, lichin Slippers, chinela Slow, lambat Small, kechil Smart (v.), pedih Smell (n.), bau, (v.) chium; (sense of), penchium Smile (n. and v.), sennyum Smoke (n.), asap ; to smoke (tobacco), minum, hisap Smooth, lichin Snail (land), siput darat; (sea), unam Snake, ular Sneeze, bersin ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 109 Snore, dengkur Snow, salj\ salju, thalju Snuff, tembakau hidong Snuffers, gunting dian So (in this manner), bagini, bagitu ; (accordingly), sebdb itu; so many, so much, sa-kian So-and-so, sianu (Mr. So-and-so) Soap, sabun Sofa, kauchi, krusi panjang Soft, lembek, lembut Soldier, soldado Sole (of foot), tapak Some, sedikit; some one, barang sa- orang ; sometimes, ada kala, kadang - kadang ; something, sa- barang Son, anak laki-laki Soon, lekds, sabentar lagi; as soon as, serta, sa-teldh Soot, arang para Sore (ulcer), puru ; (adj.) sakit, pedih Sorrow, duka Sorry for, to be, sayang Sort (kind), jenis, macham; what sort? apa macham; of all sorts, anika-anika, berbageibagei Soul, jvwa, semangat Sound (n.), bunyi Soup, sup Sour, masam, asam South, selatan ; south-east, tanggara ; south-west, barat daya Sow (animal), babi betina; to sow (seed), tabur Space, tampat Spacious, luas, lebar Spade, penggali Spain, negri Spanyol ; Spaniard, orang Spanyol Spark, bunga api Sparrow, pipit Speak, chakajJ, tutur : see Maxwell, p. 121 Spear (light), lembing, (heavy) tombak Spectacles, chermin mata Spell (magic), l azimat; (v.) eja, heja Spend, blanjakan Spices, rampak-rampak Spider, laba-laba; spider's web, sarang laba-laba Spill, tumpah Spinach, bayam Spine, tulang blakang Spirit (soul), jiwa, semangat ; spirits (alcohol), ( arak } ayer kras Spit (v.), ludah; spittoon, tampat ludah Split (v. ), beldh, blah Spoil (v.), rosak Sponge, lumut {bunga) karang, span Spoon, sendok, sudu Spread (trans.), hampar, bentang (carpet, cloth) ; (intrans.) jangkit (as fire, disease) Spring (season), rebia, spring; (of water, mata ayer; (v.), lumpat (leap) Sprinkle, perchek, rechek, renjis Spur, pachu Spurious, lanchong, falsu {palsu) Spy (n.), sulu Square (four-sided), ampat persagi; (public place), meidan Squinting, juling Squirrel, tupei Stab (v.), tilcam Stable (for horses), bangsal kuda; (stall, for cattle and sheep), kandang Stag, rusa Stairs, tangga ; to go upstairs, naik tangga ; downstairs, di-baiuah ; up- stairs, di-atas Stake (post), panchang; to wager, bertaruh tikam Stale (mouldy), basi, (bad, of food), busuk Stalk (of flowers or fruit), tangkei Stammer, gagap Stamp (postage), stamp Stand (v.), berdiri Star, bintang Starboard, kanan Starch, kanji Start (set out), berangkat ; (in alarm), kejut Starve, mati lapar State (condition of life, rank), pangkat; (of affairs), hal ahwal; (grandeur), kabesaran ; (kingdom), karaja-an Station (rank), pangkat; (railway), station kreta api, per sing go.han Stay (live), tinggal; (wait), nanti Steal, churi Steam, huap, uwap ; steamboat, kapal api Steel, baja Steep (adj.), churam Steer (intrans.), pagang kamudi steersman, juru mudi 110 MALAY MANUAL Step (of ladder, stairs), anak tangga; (pace), langkah (n. and v.) Stern (of ship), buritan Stick (n.), tongkat (walking stick) ; (v.) lekdt (adhere) ; sangkut (of a boat) Sting (n. and v.), singat Stink (n.), bau busuk Stockings, sarong kakl Stomach, perut, prut ; stomach-ache, sakit prut Stone, batu Stool, bangku Stop (intrans.), berhenti ; (trans.), tegdh (prevent), larang (forbid) Store (shop), gedong Storey (of house), tingkat; upper storey, loteng Stork, bangau Storm, ribut Story (tale), cheritra Stove, dapur Straight, trus, lurus Strain (v.), tapis ; strainer, tapisan Strait (sea), seldt Strange, pelik Stranger, orang asing, orang dagang Straw, jerami Stream (river), sungei, (current), harus Street, jalan > leboh Strength, kuwat Strike, pukul : see Maxwell, p. 121 String, tali Strong, kuwat; (of tea and the like), kras; (wind), kinchang Study (v.), blajar Style (manner), chara Subject (matter), perkara; (citizen), ra l yah Substitute, ganti Suburbs, kampong luar kota (quarter outside the fort) Succeed (take the place of another), gantikan; (prosper), beruntong Such, sa-rupa, sa-macham : such as this, sa-macham ini Suddenly, tiba - tiba, sa - kunyong - kunyong Suet, lemdk Sufficient, chukup Sugar, gula; moist sugar, gula pasir Suicide, bunuh diri Suit (of clothes), pakeian sa-lengkap (law), da 'iva; to suit, jadi, paint pada Sulphur, balerang Sumatra, pulau Percha Summer, musim panas Summit, punchak, kamunchak Sun, mata hari; sunrise, mata hari terbit; sunset, mata hari masuk Supercargo, chinchu Supper, maka>i malam Suppose, Jikir, sangka, (imagine a thi ng) , sangkakan Sure (certain), tantu Surf, pechahan ombak Surprised, to be, heiran Surround, kepong Swallow (bird), layang-layang ; to swallow, teldn Swamp, pay a Swear, sumpah Sweat, pe.luh Sweep (v.), sapu, gosok Sweet, mauls ; sweetmeats, manisan Swell (waves), alun Swelling (n.), swollen, bengkak Swim, rendng, bernang Swing (n.), ayunan ; (v.) ayun Sword, peddng, golok Syphilis, sakit perampuan Syria, negri Sham Syrup, ayer gula Table, meja; table-cloth, kain meja; to lay the table, taruhmeja; clear the table, angkat meja; wait at » table, jaga meja Tack (v.), berpalpal (of ships) Tail, ekor, ikor Tailor, tukang jahit Take, ambll ; take away, bawa pergi ; take care, jaga baik-baik ; take off (clothes, hat), buka, tanggal Tall, tinggi Tallow, lemdk; tallow candle, dian lemdk Tamarind, asam jawa Tame, jinak Tanner, tukang samak Tar, minyak tar Taste (n. and v.), rasa; (sense of), perrasa lidah Tax, chukei Tea, teh; (leaf), daun teh; (beverage), ayer teh, teh; tea-cup, mangkok teh; tea-pot, tampat teh Teach, ajar Teacher, pengajar } guru ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 111 Tear (n.), ayer mata ; (v.) koyak, charek Telegram, surat taligrap, kawat (wire) : to send a telegram, pukul taligrap, pukul kawat Telescope, tropong Tell (inform), bilang, khabarkan, bri tahu Temples (forehead), pelipis Tenant, yang menyewa Tender (of meat), lembut Tepid, sudm Test, uji Testicles, buahpelir Than, deri, deripada : I am taller than you, sahya lebih tinggi deri tuan Thank, trivia kasih That, those, itu The : see Grammar Theatre, rumah wayang Their, diapunya Then (at that time), tatkala .itu, ivaktu itu; (afterwards), kemdian Thence, deri sana, deri situ There, di sana, di situ Therefore, sebdb itu Thereupon, sa-teldh They, them, dia orang Thick (not thin), tebdl; (of fluids), kental, pekdt; (muddy), kroh Thief, penchuri Thigh, paha Thimble, didal, sarong jari Thin (not thick), nipis ; (lean), kurus ; (of fluids), cha'ir Thing, barang Think (meditate), fikir, pikir; (sup- pose), kira, saagka Thirst, thirsty, haus This, these, ini Thorn, duri Though, sungguh-pun Thought, fikir an Thread, bendng Threshold, bandul pintu Throat (outside), leher ; (windpipe), krongkong Throne, takhta, singgahsana Through, trus Throw, lempar t lontar ; throw away, buang ; see Maxwell, p. 121 Thumb, ibujari Thunder, guntur t guruh Thus, bag ini Ticket, ticket Tide, Iiarus; ebb-tide, ayer surut ; flood-tide, ayer pasang Tie (v.), ikat; tie up (animals, boats), tambat Tiger, hariinau Tight (of anything tied), terek; (tight- ntting), ketdt Tile (for roofing), ginting ; (flooring) batu rubin Till (until), sampei; till now, sampei sekarang Time, waktu, ?iiasa, kala, tempo; what's the time ? pukul brapa ; I have no time, sahya tiada senang Tin, timah, tin Tinder (touchwood), rabok Tip (of the tongue), hujong lidah ; finger-tip, hujong jari Tired, leldh, peudt To, pada, sama; (with motion), ka Toad, katakpuru Toast, rod panggang Tobacco, teinbakau ; (for smoking), tembakau menghisap To-day, hari ini Toe, jari kaki; great toe, ibu kaki ; little toe, klingking kaki Together with, sama-sama, serta Tomb, kubur To-morrow, esok, besok; day after to-morrow, lusa Tongs, penyepit. sepit api Tongue, lidah Too (excessively), terlalu, terlampau; (also), lagi, juga Tools, perkakas Tooth, gigi; tooth-ache, sakit gigi; tooth-brush, sikat gigi, brus gigi; tooth-pick, chungkil gigi; tooth- powder, abu gigi Top (of hills, nouses), kamunchak ; (lid), tutupan; (toy), gasing Torch, damar Torn, koyak Tortoise, kura-kura; tortoise-shell, sisek penyu Total, jumlah Touch (v. ), jabat, jamah Tough (of meat), kras Tow (v.), tunda Towards, sa-blah, arah Towel, tuala, sapu tangan Town, negri; town - hall, rumah bichara, balei ruang Trace (impression), bekds ; traces (harness), jut 112 MALAY MANUAL Trade (v.), bernyaga Train (railway), tren Tram, kreta api Translate, satin Trap (generally), perangkap Travel (v.), berjalan Tray, (wooden) dulang ; (of metal and larger), talam Treaty, perjanjian, triti Tree, pokok, pohon Trial (law), bichara Tribe, bangsa, suku Trouble (distress), kasusahan ; diffi- culty), kasukaran ; to trouble, Trousers, seluar, chelana True, bendr, betid, sungguh Trumpet, nafiri Trunk (box), peti, kopper; (of tree), batang ; (of elephant), belalei Trust (have confidence in), perchaya akan Try, choba Tub, tong Tumbler, glas besdr (large glass) Turkey, hayam Blanda Turn (n.) gilir ; in turn, alternately, bergilir, berganti-ganti ; to turn round (intrans.), pusing, (trans.), pusingkan ; turn over (intrans.), batik, (trans.), balikkan ; turn up- side down, balikkan Turtle, penyu, katung Tusk (elephant's), gading Twig, ranting Twilight, senjakala Twine, tali kechil Twist (v.),pulas Ugly, kurang bagus,jelek (vulg.) Umbrella, payong i Unable, tiada bulih Unbutton, membuka Uncertain, tidak tantu Uncle (paternal), bapa sudara, (maternal), inarm sudara Under, bawah ; underneath, di-bawah Underdone (of meat), kurang masak Understand, mengarti Undress, buka pakeian, tanggal pakeian Unequal, ta' sama Unexpectedly, sa-kunyong-kunyong Universe, 'alam, bumi dan langit Unjust, tiada betid, tiada l adil Unless, hanya, melainkan Unload (cargo), punggah Unpack, bungkar Unripe, muda Until, hingga, sampei ; until now, sampei sekarang Up, atas; upon, di-atas ; up to, sampei Upas-tree, ipoh Upright, berdiri Upset (v.), balikkan (trans.) Upsidedown, terbalik Upstairs, di-atas, loteng Urinate, buang ayer kechil, kinching Use, guna; useful, berguna ; useless, ta' guna; what is the use? apa guna ; to use, pakei Usually, sediakala Vaccinate, tanam chachar Vain, kachak; in vain, sia-sia, chuma Valley, lembah Valuable, berharga Value (n.), harga; (v.) nilei (make a valuation of), indah-kan (think highly of) Variegated, berwarna Various, berjenisjenis, berbageibagei, macham macham Vary (intrans.), ubah, (trans.), ubah- kan Veal, daging anak lembu Vegetables, sayur Vein, urat darah Velvet, baldu, bludu Verandah, weranda, branda Very, terlalu, sakali, sangat; very many, tedebih banyak ; very well! baik-lah Vest, baju dalam Victory, jaya, kamenangan Victuals, makanan, rezeki Village, dusun, kampong Vine, anggor Vinegar, chuka Visit (v.), lawat; visiting-card, surat melawat Voice, suara Volcano, gunong berapi Volume, jilid Vomit, muntah i The negative prefix un- may generally be rendered by tidak, tiada, ta\ ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY 113 Voyage, pelayaran Vulgar, hina Vulture, burong nasar Wages, gaji, upah Waist, pinggang Wait, nanti ; wait for, nantikan; wait a little, nanti sebantar Wake (intrans.), bangun; (trans.), bangunkan Walk (v.),jalan, (go on foot), berjalan kaki; go for a walk, makan angin, ambit angin; (gait), prijalan Walking-stick, tongkat Wall (inside a house), dinding, (out- side), tembok Want (deficiency), kakurangan; to want (desire), hendak, man War, perdng Wardrobe, almari Warehouse, ged&ng Warm (naturally), panas, (arti- ficially), hangat Was, ada (very frequently omitted) Wash, chuchi, basoh ; washer-man, tukang chuchi, dobi, binara, tukang minatu (Batavia) ; wash - hand basin, pasu chuchi muka; wash- stand meja chuchi muka Wasp, krawei, tabuan Waste (v.), buang wang (money) ; wasteful, Mirus Watch (n.), orloji, jam ; watch-chain, rantei orloji; watch-key, kunchi orloji ; watchmaker, tukang jam; to watch, jaga Water, ayer; water-bottle, botol ayer; fresh (not salt) water, ayer tawar ; salt water, ayer masin ; mineral water, ayer Blanda ; soda-water, ayer soda Watercloset, jamban, perlindongan Waterfall, ayer terjun Water-melon, tembikei Waterpot, buyong Waterspout, puting bliong Wave (n.) ombak, gelombang (breakers) ; (v.) lambei Wax, lilin; sealing-wax, lak Way, jalan We, us, kita kami Weak, lemdh Weapon, senjata Wear (clothes), pakei Weather, musim ; fine weather, chuacha Weather- cock, tanda angin Weave, tentin Week, minggo, tuju hari Weep, tangis Weigh (v.), timbang; how much does it weigh ? brapa bratnya ; to weigh anchor, bungkar sauh Weights (for scales), buah timbangan Welcome (n.), slamat datang ; (v.), bri slamat Well (n.), telaga, prigi ; (adj.) baik ; are you well ? tuan ada baik Well-done (meat), masak West, barat; north-west, barat laut; south-west, barat daya Wet, basah Whale, paus Wharf, jambatan What? apa ; what for? apa sebdb ; whatever, barang apa, barang yang, mana mana yang Wheat, gandum, trigu Wheel, roda When ? when, bila Whence ? deri mana Whenever, mana kala, barang bila Where, mana, dimana Wherefore ? sebab apa Wherever, mana-mana, barang di- mana Whet (sharpen) asah; whetstone, batu asah Whether, kalau Which, yang, which ? yang mana Whichever, barang mana, yang mana; whichever you like, mana suka While, seddng ; (as long as), sa-lama Whip, chabuk, chamti Whiskers, chambang Whisper (v.), bisek Whistle (v.), did White, putih Whither? ka-mana Who, whom, yang, who? whom? siapa; whoever, barang siapa, barang sa-orang Whole, sa~gendp, samua-nya (all of it) ; (total), jumlah Wholesale (of trade), borong Whose? siapa puny a Why ? apa sebdb, mengapa Wick, sumbu Wicked, jahat Wide (broad), lebdr ; (roomy), luas Wife, bini, istri 114 MALAY MANUAL Wild (not tame), liyar Will (n.), kahendak (desire), wasiat (testament) ; (v.) maw, (intend), nanti (sign of future : see Grammar). suka (be willing to, like to) Win (victory) meriting; (money), laba Wind, angin; windward, di - atas angin; to wind, lengkar ; wind up a watch, kunchikan Window, jindela, tingkap (of native houses) Wine, anggor Wing, sayap Winter, musim dingin Wipe, sapu, menyapu Wire, kawat, dawei Wisdom (learning). Hlmu; (sense) 5 *akal Wish (v.) hendak, mau; (n.) ka- hendak With, dengan, sama, serta Wither, layu Within, di-dalam Without, di-luar; (not with), tiada dengan Witness, saksi Wolf, gurg Woman, perampuan Wonder (v.), heir an Wonderful, heiran, i ajaib Wood (timber), kayu ; (forest), hutan Wool, bulu biri-biri Word ,perkata-an Work (n.), kerja ; (v. ), bekerja ; work- man, tukang World (the inhabited world), dunya; (universe) bumi dan langit Worm, ulat, hulat i chaching Worn out, burok Worse, kurang baik ; worst, terlalu ta' baik Worship (n. and v.), sembahyang Worth (value), harga Wound (n.) luka; (v.) lukakan Wring (linen), prahkan Wrinkles, kerut Wrist, buku tangan Write, tulit, tulis surat (write a letter), which is more idiomatic: see Eat Wrong, salah Yam, ubi kladi Year, tahun ; new year, tahun baharu ; this year, tahun ini; last year, tahun lalu, d'hulu ; next year, tahun yang datang ; for a year, sa- tahun lanmnya Yellow, kuning Yes, ya Yesterday, kelmarin; day before yesterday, kehrmrin dahulu Yet : "no word in Malay properly expresses the English yet : has he come yet? is rendered sudah tiba- kah belum i.e. has he arrived or not yet ? In the sense of however it may be rendered by tetapi (but) " 1 You, tuan, angkau Young, muda Your, tuan punya preceding or tuan alone after the noun ; is this yours ? tuan punya-ka ini ? Zinc, timah sari 1 F. Swettenham, Malay Vocabulary t s.v. Printed at The Edinburgh Press, 9 and 11 Young Street. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 - HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing the books to the C Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW WN 5 J984 , tfTD otc19 1983 ^fclH fJCT 1 2004 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ©s U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD47DDmaM M128347 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY