TUE BEST ilEADIXG HINTS OX TIIK SKLKCTION OK Bts of the he*t French, German, SjHtnigh and Italian Literature EDITKO DY FKKDKKIC liEECIIKR rKllKLXS XrW YORK G . P . r r T N A M ' S SONS IS J K I y T II A V r \' I- r 1>77. 4 Copyright. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 1877. COXTKXTS. Preface ;} CIa.<2-2'.i.") Italian " " " 290-21)8 JuvcniU* Bh 2l)y-iiO;3 I'Airr SECOND. Readings on Reading 30'>--'J18 Suggestions f»ir Courses of Reading ^lO—'i;!.*) On Owning Rookfi liG-V^MO IIiot« OQ Book Clube a40-y4;J v\i i:f A( E. The reviser of tho pro.s.^m edition of ••'llie Best K>'ailincj" hno<>ks. For this puriH\se it names the best books usually now in tiie market, in the cliief departments and on the leading topics of current and general literature, with their editions and retail prices. This description of course excludes rare books and, as a rule, tho.si" that are out of print, a.s well as most of tho.se of great cost The fol- lowing cla.Hs«»s of books, with the exception of a few leading works of a general character, an* also exchuleil by this plan : 1. Polemic the- ology; 'J. Law l>ooks; 3. Sunday-.school Ixwk.s; 4. Technic.il works in 8cienc«>s, arts nml trades; '». Sciiool and similar text-l>ooks; G. Many insignificant novels. It ha.f also been intended to exclude what Mr. Jame.4 Uu.-fraine«l fronj with s«'lf-»lenial. The bibliographer will appreciate the unsatisfied wi.sh to include rar** books, fir^t eililifins, public.itions of printing clubs, privately print<'d workit, etc., ami to sp^'cify ami d'^scribe in cletail. The scholar will understand the di.Htincl temptation to fill out under each topic a solec- VI Preface. tion of authorities, whether purchasable or not, in the order of their importance, with brief specifications of the scope and merit of each, so as to furnish 525 courses of reading, instead of 525 (or thereabouts) topics with a few authorities under each. The scientific classification- ist will miss the only philosophical system, viz., his own. It would be odd if he did not; for system, in that worthy gentleman's sense, has been diligently avoided. The sole rule followed has been to make it easy to find a book. As to extent, a fully appointed library for theology alone must con- tain at least thirty thousand volumes; five hundred would by no means constitute a complete collection on chess ; ( Oettinger's Bibliotliek des Scliachspleh enumerated in 1844, over thirty years ago, more than that number of works and editions, among them 44 of Vida's poem alone), and two million titles would not include nearly all that have been printed. To make out full courses of reading would have re- quired an impracticable mass of labor. Even to insert single-line valuations or descriptions of each book would have doubled the size and cost, and more than doubled the labor, of the list. Thus, instead of instructing professed collectors, or critically estimating authorities, or recording all the books there are, all that has been attempted is, to name the price of the principal good books that can be got. This, it is believed, has been in some measure accomplished. It is almost unnecessary, were it not for the satisfaction of discount- ing a certain possible sort of criticism, to observe that no two persons would make out alike either such a list of topics or the books named under them. To point out, therefore, that too few books or topics are mentioned in this list, and also too many; that some are named in it, and that others are not, is simply to say that the ari-angement made is not another arrangement that has not been made; that the critic did not do the work; that an elephant is not a brick; that opinions differ; and perhaj is, after the manner of Goldsmith's art critic, that " the pictui'e would have been better if the painter had taken more pains." All these assertions, even the last, are however granted. Nobody can know the deficiencies of such a piece of work half as well as they who doit; but imperfect as it is, it is confidently believed that this list is a safe one to purchase books by; and that, while a library containing all the books named in it would indeed not be com- plete in any one general or special department, it would nevertheless be an uncommonly comprehensive, instructive and readable collec- tion, either for a citizen or for a town. No radical changes have been made in the present edition, for expe- Preface. vii rit'nce has iiulicat«-(l that thi» phin of tlio work was a ijootl oiio. Many titles of suit^tblu books previously adinittod, ami of otlicrs siihsc- quently puhlisihod down to August, 1S7«J, have hofu added in their pr>ii>er plaws. A certain number of otiiers have bi-eu ilropped, mostly because tliey were judg'-d imt of perinau<'ut value. Tliu tiireo nlphabi'ts of topies of the hust edition liave been tlirown into one. and tlie sub-alphabet injj lias been revisiid. The nomenclature of topics has been somewhat cleared, and a liberal number of cross-references added, .so that the present alphabet of subjects is believed to be lucid in arrangeujent ami easy of reference. Under a few heads the classi- fieation .shows S'-parately the works on two sides of a question, and similar indications have been jjiven in a few titles of v'orks elsewhere; btit if the arrangement shows what the reviser's belief is on those subjects, or any other, it is a failure. Short lists have been adiled of French. (Jerman, Spanish and Italian book.s, with tiie intention of jxMnting out cheap editions of such standard writers, and su<-h e.isy and amusing introduct*)ry books as can probably be procured at any time, and as are most likely to be useful to students. And the list has Iwen read over with the view of correcting any oilier errors or omissions. Witlj a few exceptions, titles of books are entered but once. In tJie list of " Con)[>lete Works," however, and in that of " Libraries," ond similar collection.s, the titles of course cover many works whieh api«Mr elsewh'-re uncler a topic. Thus, Burke on the Sublime, which is umler '• -llsthetics," and Milton's I'aradi.su Ix>st, which is under '* Toetry." are included under their names in " Complete Works," and the like is true of the iuilividual books in the '' (Jolden Treasury Series, the ** Library of Wonders," etc. The topics chosen have usually been as specific as was practicable, 1. ■ iiise these are most likely to be looked for, and therefore t« save ; lalKir. Thus, one who wants Inxiks alH)ut the horse, will fmd liii-m uniler '* Ilors"," and is not exjx'cted to re.i.son about Domestic Animals, or M.immali.i, or Zoology, or Natural History. If he w.inta ;t book on Chemistr>' he need not search under " Natural Science." If he want« one on Abyssinia, he nee«l not search Africa; and so on. The cross-references will, it is b«dieved, prevent any jwrplexity fnnn exceptions to this rule. The t.i>k of indicating in any adequate manner '• the best books" on any one .Mibject is obviously a delicate and diiricult one. In some departmlntA wo do not att(>inpt it at all. But in others, for the conve- nience of purchasers, and without any purix}.so of critical judgment^ viii Preface. beyond Avhat is supposed generally established, a certain number of ] books have been marked which are supposed to be on the whole the j best of those named on the subject. Thus : a means that the book I so marked is considered the book, or as good as any, at a moderate cost; I b means in like manner, the best of the more elaborate or costly.books , on the subject. In the department of Fiction a more precise classifi- ! cation has been attempted, in which a general idea of the relative I importance of the authors is indicated by the use of the letters a, & i and c, and of the relative value of their several works by the aster- ; isks * and **. A fuller explanation of the classification of Fiction ' will be found under the heading itself. The Editions quoted are by preference American, where there are ! such; but English ones are given when there is any reason for it. , The Prices given are the " long " or full retail prices for copies bound in cloth. Lower prices for copies in paper are sometimes added. The additional net cost of good library " half binding" (for which mo-, rocco or " goat " is decidedly the best), is for duodecimos from 75 cents to S2 per volume : for octavos, from ^1.50 to §3.50 per volume. Li- . braries and other buyers can, where purchasing in quantities, usually i be supplied at a considerable reduction from the catalogue prices here ! quoted, and such a reduction is offered by the publishers of this work. American currency is most commonly given, but where only an : English price is found, it may appear in sterling. These sterling , prices may be estimated in federal money at present, including all ' expenses, at 50 cents to a shilling. Incorporated institutions are how- ever entitled to deduct the duty from this rate ; and no duty is charged on imported books printed twenty years ago or more. The prices of books change so much from year to year, that it is ; impossible to guarantee that works can always be obtained for the ; sums quoted. Occasionally a book will be out of print and cannot \ for the time be obtained at all. Li most cases, however, where prices ■ have changed they have lowered; many books reported " o. p." by the ' publishers can with a little care be picked up at the list prices or less: and an estimate of the cost of a dozen or a hundred or a thousand ; volumes at " The Best Reading " prices, will be found pretty nearly | correct. This tabular record of books now in the market is supplemented by i a brief selection from the wise words of good men, on the general ] subject of books, libraries, and systematic reading, which are better i worthy of consideration than any suggestions of our cwn could be. j i < ) <'J^:nU Abbreviations. The SIZES of books are usually indicated thus: 4° or Quarto. — The sheet folded in 4 leaves. 8°, Octavo, cr. 8°, Crown Octavo. ] Sheet folded in 8 R. 8°, or imp. 8°, large size Octavo. {" or 16 leaves. 12°, Duodecimo. — Sheet folded in 12 or 24 leaves. 18°, Octodecimo. — Sheet folded into 18 or 36 leaves. 24°, and 32°.— Sheet folded into 24 and 32 leaves. ABBREVIATIONS. Alb. — Albany. Bohn — Bohn's Libraries (pub- lished in London. Bost. — Boston. Camb. — Cambridge. Chic. — Chicago. Cin. or Cine. — Cincinnati. Ed.— Edited. Edin. — Edinburgh. Glasg. — Glasgow. 111., or Illus.— Illustrated. L., or Loud. — London. L. & N. — London and N'ew York. L. & B. — London and Boston. L. & P. — London and Bhiladel- phia. [The three preceding lines indicate books usually printed in Loudon, and imported in "qnantities and issued by puljlishers in New York. Boston or Philadelphia, usually with their im- print.] Trans. — Translated. Vol., or V. — Volume. Wash. — Washington. TITE P,1-:ST Rlv\ni.\G: A CLASSIKIi:!) LIST /■ ^ KNIJLISII AM) AMKKUAN. 1/ NOW sri'lX)SKI> TO UK IN TIIK MAI;KKT. K(4 mettnt to ineUidt tfchnieat vorki on I^iir, Mtdifiiif, Cnntt»rrrsinl Thti>lnfftj. EtrlHiirr alto, of mmt of tki- Schoot Text lUtnk*, Sumlnij Schml JSooki, I'oputiir l: 'i 1..HJ lUKikt, unimportaHt ll'orks of Ficlinii, ami mtrily Icmjx^rary or occvwionui jt'i ' i-'itioiu. Abyssinia. h. B.'ikn. Altyssiiiia nwl its I't'oplf. IIiiti'liin.y.s.sinian Kx|ieilition (of 18G9). I'arkyiH. Lift' in Abyssinia. ri'Wil'n. Travi'U in Alnssinia. a. Kiis.sfll. Nubia and Aby.ssinia. Accidents. Kir^t II'-lp in Arrir Conifs. b. How.'. Kni'Tij'-ncit's an 12° ri.il. 1 0(1 12° X. Y. •)- 12^ X. Y. 8° X. Y. :\ rxi 12^ X. Y. 1 :a) Iti" N. Y. 7.'» S^ I^^nd. a« 0// 12° X. Y. 1 rto 12^ X. Y. 2 oo 12- X. Y. 2 00 Actors. — Africa. 12° N. Y. S 45 1-2° Lond. 17s M 8° Loud. 12 00 12° Bost. 03 ipicrecks. 18° X. Y. 75 8° Lond. 12s 12° Lond. OS 8° Lond. 5s 12° Loud. 5s Actors, Acting. See Criticism ; Drama ; also under Biography. Addresses. See Orations. Adulteration of Food, etc. Cotter. Adulteration of Liquors. b. Hassall. Adulteration Detected. Food and its Adulteration. Hoskius. What we Eat: Common A. Adventures and Perils. See also Buccaneers ; Sliipwrccls. Barrow. Mutiny of the Bounty. Belclier, Lady. Mutiny of the Bounty. Bernard. '\\'onderfid Escape.s. Bruce. Book of Adventures and Perils. Herbert. Great Historical Mutinies. Aeronautics. See Ballooning. .ffisthetics. See also Criticisin ; Fine Arts. Alison. On Taste. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Bell. Expression: its Anatomy and Philosophv.l2° X. Y. 1 25 Burke. Sublime and Beautiful. "^ 12° X. Y. 150 Day. Principles of ^Esthetics. 12° X. Y. 1 25 ILay. Science of Beauty. 8° Edin. 10s M Hojpkins. Strength and Beauty. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Longinus. The Sublime. Tr. by Giles. 18° Loud. 2s Gd Moffat. Introd. to Study of .Esthetics. 12° Cine. 1 25 Ruskin. True and Beautiful. 12° X. Y. 1 25 Schiller. iEsthetical Essays and Letters 12° Bohn 1 40 Affghanistan, etc. P.urnes. Residence in Cabul, 1842. 8° Lond. 18s Elphinstoue. Kingdom of Cabul. 2 vols. 1819. 8° Lond. 28s Honigberger. 35 Years in the East. 2 vols. 8° Lond. oOs Sale, Lady. Disasters in Affghanistan. 1813. 8° Loud. 2s Qd Africa. Ancient History, see History, Ancient. See also name of each country. 1. Travels, etc., Gexerally, Grant. "Walk across Africa. Hunting Scenes in the "Wilds of Africa. Kingston. African Travel. Park to Stanley. IMeriam. Home Life in Africa, ^lurray. Discovery and Adventure in A. Reade. African Sketch ]5ook. 2 vols. Stanley. Coomassie and Magdala. 2 8° Lond. 15s 12° Phil. 1 75 8° Lond. 7s Gd 12° Lond. 5s Lond. 24s 8° X. Y. 3 50 Africa. '2. Ckxtral and Eastern. a. Bak'T. Albert N'Vaiiza. 12<' Phil. e2 50 b. limailia. 8° N. Y. 5 00 b. Barth. Travels in N. and C. Africa. 3 vols. b« X. Y. 12 00 a. Same. Al>riil :,'»•« 1. 12° Phil. 1 75 a. Burton. I^k«- K»';,'i<>iis of Central Africa. 8° X. Y. 3.-^ 6. l)u Chaillu. Kxplonilions in K«iuat'i. Af. 8° X. V. .') (M) b. J'mnn-y to Axiiuni^o Laml. 8= X. V. :> 00 Krapf. 'Ir.iveU in Ka>t Africa. 8° I>ond. 2U Livin;^>ti>ti>*. 1.4»>t Journals. 8« X. Y. 500 '.Sa: : :s. 8° I^nd. 2Ss New. ^^ - anJ Labors in Eastern A. 8° I^nd. 105 (M ,; ■■ ' ' 1 Life. 16° X. Y. 75 1 Africa. 8° Lond. 10* /. ^ .;..!. il ■" • ''■■■•■■ '2 V. 8° X. Y. 800 / - 1 (Irant N\:. 8° X. Y. 4 iX) n -V ! ■ ^ ....... 8° X. Y. 5 00 i ' i. X. Y. 1 50 1 _. . - in r.iitral Africa. ^- Lntld. 7s Gd 3. X«»RTII Cooke. ( .:i. n ia Nurth A. 12'= Kdin. 5.« Ditson. ' 1 Otisadts. 12= X. Y. 2 50 Htxljjkin. Jwun. V i . 8° I^nd. 21« Najih'-;ryi. (ihanlai.i: the Sahara. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Ki'li.ir'ison. Travi-ls in in •• >.iiiara. 2 v. 8° Ix.nd. 30.« a. Iiu>' -il. llistiir}- c.f Ilarbarv States. 18° X. Y. 75 M. Joim, Adventur.-:* in Libyan Desert 12° Ix.nd 24 TrUtram. The Great Sahara. 2 vols. 8° I>ond. 15. 4. S<-»rTii. Alexajj-Kr. Exp'n into So. Africa. 2 vols. a. Aii'l '■''•::. 8° X. Y. 1 50 Boyle. Tot; U. p . 8° I^nd. Hi Chapman. '1 r.i. - :n :^i;iii Airica. 2 V. 8° Lond. 32* Cuinniinff. Five Years of Hunter Life in S. A , 2 vols. 6« X. Y. 3 00 Diamond Fields of South Africa. X. Y. 1 50 ft Ijvi- -• ■ \t .-; , ... iniveU in S. A. 8= X. Y. 4 50 b. — 8° X. Y. 5U0 a. — :; 1 s. A. 8° Ix)n.l. and X. Y. 3 no a. South Afrl. :a : P.-pular Elfr. Tr.iv.-.n a, >..uth .Vfrica. 12^ X. Y. 1 50 Wiilmot & Chase. ilisL of Cap« Colony. 8° Loud. 15« Africa. — Agriculture. 8° Lond. 32s 8° Loud. 25s 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 21s 18° N. Y. ^1 50 12° Lond. 21s 8° Lond. 2 Is 8° N. Y. 4 00 8° Lond. 5 00 12° N. Y. 150 8° N. Y. 160 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° K Y. 175 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° K Y. 100 12° N. Y. 150 12° N. Y. 75 5. "West. Allen. Expedition to the Niger, 2 vols. Burton. Abeokuta and the Cameroons, 2 v. Two Trips to Gorilla Land, 2 vols. Forbes. Missions to Dahomey, 2 vols. a. Lander. Travels in Africa, 2 vols. Mouteiro. Angola and R. Congo, 2 vols. Poole. Sierre Leone and the Gambia, 2 vols. h. Reade. Savage Africa. Valdez. Six Years in Western Africa. a. Wilson. AVesteru Africa. Agricultural Chemistry. Boussingault. Rural Economy. Caldweil. Agricultural Chemical Analysis. h. Johnson. How Crops Grow. h. How Crops Feed. a, Johnston. Agricultural Chemistry. a. Elements of Agricultural C, etc. a. Liebig. Agricultural Chemistry. Natural Laws of Husbandry. a. Norton. Scientific Agriculture. Agriculture. — See also Botany ; Gardening ; Domestic Animals; Drain- ing j Fruit J Poultry: and names of Crops , Animals, etc. a. Allen. New American Farm Book. Buell. Farmer's Companion. Farmer's Instructor, 2 vols. Clift. Tim Bunker Papers. Copeland. A., Anc. and Mod., 3 vols. 6. Copeland. Country Life. Ilhis. Darlington. American Weeds and Useful Plants Emerson. Manual of Agriculture. Enfield. On Indian Corn. a. Farming for Boys. Flint. Grasses and Forage Plants. (laylord & Tucker. Husbandry, 2 vols. Grant. On Beet Root Sugar. Greeley. What I Know about Farming. h. Johnson. Farmers' and Planters' Cyclopedia, h. Loudon. Cyclop, of Agriculture. Mitchell. My Farm at Edgewood. a. Rural Studies. a. Our Farm of Four Acres. Stephens. Book of the Farm, 2 vols. Waiiklyn. Milk Analysis. a. Waring. Elements of Agriculture. A Farmer's Vacation. Sq. h. Handy Book of Husbandry. 12° N. Y. 2 50 12° N. Y. 150 18° N." Y.' 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 R. 8° Lond. 28s 8° Bost. 5 00 . 12° N. Y. 175 12° Bost. 125 12° N. Y. 100 12° Bost. 150 8° Bost. 2 50 18° N. Y. 1 50 12° Bost. 125 12° N. Y. 150 . R. 8° Phil. 6 00 8° Lond. 12 00 12° N. Y. 125 12° N. Y. 175 16° N. Y. 60 R. 8° Lond. 60s 12° N. Y. 100 12° N. Y. 100 8° Bost. 3 50 8° N. Y. 3 50 Alaaka. — Alphabeta. 12° Lon.l. 3s G'/ 8° LoikI. 12s 12° Lon.l. 2s Gd 8° Loud. 8i 8° Lend. Is 12° IJost. 1 00 12° Load. lsU(/ Alaska. h. D.iil. Ahi.ska :iiid its l^•>.>u^ce.^. K, 6- Utory of Waldenses. 8° X. Y. 2 50 Ik'ckwith. l.,ile and Labors among Wal- k of (^uint'M's.sonce. FA. by Furnivall. Iliti-lu-ook. .\li-li<'Uiy and tho Alclit'inists. a. IVpfHjr. Half Hours with the Alchemists. Alcohol. — .sV'rlM'rt, Lady. S<'ai if unil r Fiction. Alphabets, Lettering, Monograms. Ii.H.k of M..noi;rains. R, 8° N. V. 7 50 Copl.-v. AI|.hab.t.s. ()bI.l°X. Y. 100 Handltook of Iihiiiiinate«l Initial Letters, Gth to iHih ('<'nturv. Lond. 12.< IlandlxMtk of ^LS., Missal and Ornamental AI- phaUts. Obi. 8° I^nd. 1 50 Jone.nd. 70.« 7(t2 Minnnfranis in Colors. 8° I»nd. 5* Lillie. AlpliaUt of .Monoi^ram.H. F* Lond. Jw Gst. 8° Lond. 10s 0,/ 12° Lond. 2.V 12" Lond. 7s C),l 12° N. Y. 1 ;50 8° Lond. Ms i'id s° Lund. Os 12^" I'hil. 1 75 b° Loud. 12s Alps. — America. Shaw. Alphabets, Numerals and Devices. Handbook of Alphabets. Medifeval Alphabets, etc. Standard Sign Writer. Alps. See also Switzerland. Ball. Guide to Western Alps. h. Brockedon. Passes of the Alps. Berlepsch. The Alps. Forbes. Tour of ]\lt. Blanc and Mt. Eosa. Theory of Glaciers of Savoy. Freshfield. The Giisons, etc. 1862. Girdlestone. High Alps without Gui( a. Jones. The Regular Swiss Roiuid. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers, 2 vols. a. Same, cheaj) edition. Smith, Albert. Story of Mont Blanc. a. Tyndall. Glaciers of the Alps. a. — — Mountaineering in the Alps. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. a. Whyraper. Scrambles among the Alps. Amazon River. See Brazil. America. See also Arctic Regions, and separate Countries; United- States, etc. R. 8° Lond. SlsGd 8° Lond. 15s R. 8° Lond. S7 50 4° N. Y. 12° Lond. 7s 6d 4° Lond. 150s 8° Lond. 10s 16° Lond. 1 50 8° N. Y. 3 00 12° Lond. 10s 6^/ es. 8° Lond. 7s 6d 8° Lond. 7s Qd R. 8° Lond. 15 00 12° Lond. 2 00 12° X. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 14s 8° Lond. 7s 6d 8° N. Y. 2 00 8° Phil. 2 50 1. Antiquities. Baldwin. Ancient America. 12° N. Y. Squier & DaAds. Autiq. and Discoveries in the West. 2. Discovery. a. Abbott, J. Discovery of America, 3 vols. 16° N. Y. Beamish. Discovery of America by Northmen in 10th Century. 8° Lond. De Costa, Columbus and the Geogi'a]3hers of the North. Hartf. Pre-Columbian Discovery of America. 12° Alb'y. Davis. Spanish Conquest of New Mexico. 8° Doylest Eden. First Three English Books on America. Edited by Arber. 4° L. & N. Y. 9 00 a. Irving. Columb. and his Companions, 3 vols. 12° N. Y. 6 75 3 vols. 18° 3 75 ; abridged, b. Ir\nng, T. De Soto in Florida. 12° N. Y. Kohl. Discovery of America, 2 vols. 8° Lond. Leland. Fusang. Discover}^ of America in 5th Century. 12° N. Y. Smith, J. T. Discovery of America by North- men. 8° Lond. 6 2 00 4° Sm. Inst. 10 00 2 25 1 75 1 00 2 50 3 00 1 50 2 00 16s 1 75 6s America. — Aiicieut History. n. KaIM.Y AXn flKNF.KAI. IIlSTOUY. Churl.'voix. Now Fiancf ; hv Sh»'a, 3 vols. 8«> N. Y. 81.". 00 DomtMU'cli. St'ven Years iu Deserts of Nurtli America, "J vols. S" Loud. (!■< «i. iV'Vcre. Kiiiiianoe of Ainerioaii History. IL"^ N. Y. 1 .'lO anisii CoiKiuests in .\iui'iir;i. fvols. 12° X. Y H 00 /i. I'arkinan. Discovery ol the (ueat West. 6° Host. li .'»0 f). .lesuits ill Nort^j America. S° Host. 'J '»() /(. Pioneers of France in tlie New World. H'^ IJo.st. "J ftO UoU-rt.sou. History of America. b° X. Y. "J 'Jj I. Ckxtkai.. Froehi'l. Travels in Central .\nicrica, «'tc. 8° Lond. IS.* Mor.-l.-t. Travels in Central Anjerica. 8° N. Y. L' 00 \orn»an. Knincd C'itits of YncaUin. 8° X\ Y. r.itt'rHon, ^V. Central .\merica, from a MS. in IJritish Mu.seum. 8° Lond. '2< CI h. .Sini'T. NoU's on Central America. 6° N. V. 1 oo Niearasjna. 8° X. Y. t oo II.Mulunw. 8° X. Y. L'0> M|s. Travels in Central America. 8° X. Y. L' (»o n. .stepli.Mis. Central America, etc. 2 vols. 8° X. Y. . SiMTII. I'.iN -y. What I saw on W. Coast .S. Am. 8'^ X. Y. 3 .'.0 i;>Mi .}.. liHMi .Miles Walk across S. .Vmerica. 1 '2'= Host. 1 oO drinisliaw. History of .South .Vnx-rira. 12^ Phil. loo llassauri'k. Four Years among .Spanish Amer- icans. 12° X. Y. 1 T.'i n. HumlHildt. Equiiioc. South America, 3 vols. l?ohn. Hutchinson. R<'Collections of South -America. f>. Marcoy. Travels across .S. America. 2 vols. U. Mv. I-*. Tropics of Soutli Ain<'ric;i. !■■. Trav.'ls in South ami Ci-ntral America. \\ .il-rton. Waudt-rinj^s in South .Vmerica. Americanisms in Language. Hartl.'tt, Dictionary of Americanisms. l)f Ycre. Americanisms. Amusements. S^e Athletic Sports ; GumfS and Amusements; Gym- misrir.t. Analysis. Chemical. See Chrrniotrif. Analysis, Grammatical. See Grammnr ; Language. Anatomy. S-'e I'hysiJitgtj anil Anatomy. Anclcut History. See llulory. 8° Lou.l. 21.« 1° N. Y. 1.') 00 12° X. Y. 2 (Ml 8° X. Y. :i 00 12° Lond. M 8«> Rost. 2 no 12° X. Y. 2 00 Anecdotes. — Angling. Anecdotes. Anecdotes of Clergy in America. 12° Pliil. -"^l 50 Anecdotes, Literary and Scientific. R. 8° Loud. 5s a. Arviiie. Cyclopedia of Literary Anecdotes. 8° Bost. 4 00 a. Moral and Religious Anecdotes. 8° Bost. 5 00 a. Bigelow. Anecdotes of Bench and Bar. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Book of Modern Anecdotes. Lond. Ss Qd Book of Blunders. 12° Lond. Is Qd Clerk, Mrs. G. 'Ilam-en-lSras ; Hist. Tales and Anecdotes. From the Arabic. P. 8° Lond. 7s Gronow. Celebrities of London and Paris, 2 vols. 12° Lond. 2 50 Hood, E. P. Lamps, Pitchers & Trumpets. 12° N. Y. 1 75 b. The World of Anecdote. 12° Lond. 4 00 b. World of Moral and Kelig. Anecdotes. 12° Lond, 4 50 ■ AVorld of Anecdote Library, 4 vols. 12° N. Y. 6 00 Jackson. Curiosities of the Pulpit. 8° Lond. 2 00 Jay, C. The Law— What Ihave Seen, etc. 12° Lond. 7s Gd Jeaffreson. Book about Lawyers, 2 vols. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Book about Doctors, 2 vols. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Book about Clergy, 2 vols. 12° X. Y. 2 00 b. Kirkland. Cyclop. of'Commerce. A., 2 vols. 8° N. Y. 8 00 Mair. Scotch Anecdotes. 50 Neal. Great Mysteries and Little Plagues. 16° Bost. 1 50 New Cyclopaedia of Illustrative Anecdotes, Re- ligious and Moral. 3 00 Nimmo. Anecdote Library, 6 vols. 18° Lond. ea, 1 25 a. Percy. Anecdotes, abridged. 8° N. Y. 2 00 Same, 2 vols. 12° Lond. 3 50 Same, complete, 20 vols. 16° Lond. 20 00 b. Proctor. Bench and Bar of N. Y. 12° N. Y. 5 00 Railway Anecdote-Book. paper, 12° N. Y. 50 a. Ramsay. Remin. of Scottish Life and Char- acter. 12° Edin. Is 6d Rogers. Traits and Stories of Scottish People. 12° Edin. 8s 6d Spence. Anecdotes of Books and Men. 12° Lond. 3 00 Timbs. Century of Anecdotes. P. 8° Lond. 3s 6c? Doctors and Patients. 2 vols. P. 8° Lond. 21s Walpole. Anecdotes of Painters. 12° Lond. 2 50 Angling. See Fish ; FisJiinr/. a. Davy. Salmonia. 16° Bost. 1 50 Hall'ock. Tlie Fishing Tourist. Tllustr. Cr. 8° N. Y. 2 00 b. Herbert, Fish and FishiuQ- in New York. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Moffatt. Secrets of Angling. 12° Lond. 3 00 a. Norris. American Angler's Book. 12° Phil. 3 00 b. Roosevelt. Game Fish of North America. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Superior Fishinsr. 12° N. Y. 2 00 b. Scott. Fish and Fishing in America. 8° N. Y. 3 50 a. Walton & Cotton's Angler, by Bethune. 12° N. Y 3 00 Anglo-Saxon Language. — Antiquities. i-j° host. 82 w 1'2-^ N. Y. ■.i (Hi 12° 1 r*o JOO 1 2.". .s-^ Loud. kV . 1 .*,() \2^ iJust. 1 2.'> 1-J^ X. Y. 00 12^ X. Y. 1 no 8° X. Y. •) :>() 12° X. Y. 8° Lond, &r . -.i 00 . 8° lAJud 7.x Cxi Saino. IlIustrato-.S.ixoi» Koot NVoriLs. b. IJusworih. Amjlu-Saxoii Dictionary. C'ariHMitiT. Intro, to Anglo-Saxt)n. a. Corsoa. ILin-.Saxon Granini:ir. a. Mari'li. Ani,'l<>-.Saxon (iraniniar. Shut*'. Man'l of Anplo-Saxon for Hoijinnprs. 12° X. Y. Tlior|>«». Anglo-Saxon Vera, of the (io.si)ol. I'ot'ins ol IJeowulf . I ftjiglo-Sajcons. See aho England ; Ilistnrif. .\iitjIo-.*Naxon Chrouicle, edited by Thorpe, 2 vols. Karle. Two Saxon Chronicles. b. Kenible. Saxons in Knpland, 2 vols. Miller. IlistoPt* of Ani^lo-Saxons. a. I'alijrave. History of the A n,i,'lo- Saxons. 111. Thrup[>. .\ni;lt>-.Saxon IIoni<'. b. Turner. History of Anglo-Saxons. 3 vols. &jiimal Magnetism. -Vshl'urner. .-VniMi'l Mag. and Spiritualism. !>•• Vere. Mo4lern Magic. (Is^laile. Mi'snierisin in India. Ia^\ Animal Matnietisni. Ki'ichi-nbach. I'liysico-riiysiol. Research. TowiKshend. On Mesnu-risin. &.nimala. Sre Dartcinixm ; Dnmfstic Animah : Instinct ; Natural lli.r>f. anil its sultordinale heads ; and names nf Animals iLntaxctic Regions. See Arctic, etc. (Anthropology. See Darwinism ; Ethnnlogij : Pre-hisloric Man. A.ntiquities. ,^ee also Clastical Dictiunnries ; and uniltr names of countries, etc. a. Itmnd. Popular Antirjuities, 3 vols. 12° Hohn. 7 r>0 Hucke. Ruins of .Vncif-nt Cities, 2 vol.s. IH" X. Y. 1 50 a. ChamlM^ni. Ifcw.k of D.iys. J v..!s. R. 8° I>ond. fcP. 8 00 roo|>«'r. .\rchaic Dicliimarv, Riog. Hist, and Mythol. ' 8° Ixind. I'm a. Fairholt. ArclLTology and .\rt. 8'^ IxmuI. 12j Fosbrookc. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 2 vols. R. 8= I^jnd. 35* A 'J 8° Lond. Ms 8° Oxf.I. \(\s 8° I... 11.1. 2S.V 12"^ Loud. 2 .-)() 12^ Lond. 2 50 8° Ix)nd. 12« 8° Lond. 3Ga 8° Lond. \1s n,/ 12° X. Y. 2 (M) 8° Lon.l. i\s Gd 10° Lond. 4s 8^ Lond. (h r,d 12° 1 25 Apparitions. — Archipelago. King. Antique Gems. 8° Lond. 42s Paliiser. Historic Devices, Badges, etc. 8° Loud. 28s Rich. Dictionary of Romau and Greek Anti- quities. 8° N. Y. $4 00 Stephens. Flint Chips. _ 8° Lond. 15s Stephens. Monuments of Scandinavian Eng- land. 2 vols. F° Lond. 100s Temples, Tombs and Monuments. Illus. 12° Edinb. 1 50 h. Westropp. Hand Book of Archseology. 8° Loud. 7 50 Apparitions. See also Demonology ; Dreams; Spiritualism; Super- naturalism ; Superstitions. Crossland. Essay on Apparitions. 12° Lond. 2s M a. Crowe, Mrs. The Night Side of Nature. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Hibbert. Philosophy of Apparitions. 8° Edinb. 12s Jung- Stilling. Theory of Pueumatology. 12° N. Y. 75 Aquarium. Butler. Family Aquarium. ^ 16° N. Y. 75 a. Hibberd. Book of the Aquarium ; Marine. 16° Lond. 3s M Same. Fresh Water. 10° Lond. 2s Edwards. Life Beneath the Waters. P. 8° Lond. 7s Qd h. Gosse. The Aquarium. 8° Lond. 17s a. Hughes. Marine Aquaria. 8° Lond. 2s M Jones. Aquarian Naturalist. 12° Lond. 18s Sowerby. Marine and Fresh Water Aquarium. 12° Lond. 5s Wood. Common Objects by Seashore. 16° Lond. 50 Arabia. Blackburn. Artists and Arabs. 8° Lond. 7s Burckhardt. Travels in Arabia. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 24s Burton, Lieut. Pilgrimage to INIecca, &c. 12° N. Y. 1 50 o. Crichton. History of Arabia, 2 vols. 18° N. Y. 1 50 Laborde. Journey through Arabia. 8° Lond. 18s Lowth. Wanderer in Arabia. 2 vols. Lond. 21s Maughan. Alps of Arabia. 8° Lond. 6s h. Palgrave. Joui'ney through Arabia. Cr. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Taylor. The Heart of Arabia. Illustrated 12° N. Y. 1 50 Arboriculture. — See Trees. Archaeology. — See Antiquities ; P^e-historic Man. Archery. Ascham. Toxophilus. (Arber Reprints.) 16° Lond. Is Essays on. Illustrated. 8° Lond. 4 50 Archipelago. — See Greece; Mediterranean. 10 Architecture. rchitecture. — See aUo Cathedrals ; Fine Arts. 1. lIlSToKY. Ar«.-li;t«'cture of tho Victorian Age. 4° Ix»nd S12 00 Kiustlakf. History of (lotliic Revival, R. 6° Loud. 'i\s i'ul . Ffrgus.soii. lli>t«iry of Arcliitfcture. 4 vols. 6° >i. Y. ea. 1*J IK) Vols. 1 aiui L' (.\nciuiit Arch.) Separ- nt«*ly. Vol. 3. Indian and Kastem Arch). S<'i>aratt'ly. Vol. 4. (Modern Arcli.) S«'parately. Ix'fevri'. Ik-autios of ModL-rn Ariliiti-cluro.R. 8° X. Y. GOO Archit^'c. Instructor, 11 i.^lory, &c. 4° \. Y. If] 0nd. Sharjje. Seven IVriods of Cliristian Arch. b° Ix)nd. lOs Viollet-le-l)uc. Di.-^coui-ses on Arch. Ilhist. W.L. h° Host. b 00 2. DicTioxAitiES, Tk.xt-Books, etc. Amlerson. Strength of Materials & Structures. 12° Ix)nd. S'* 0is of (Jothic .\reh. 2 vds. 4° Lond. (S\s Horton. ArehiU'ctuD' ft-r (Jenf-ral Readers. lti° N. Y. 1 50 . I)ownini,''s \Vi-ht\viek"s Hints to Arch. b^ N. Y. 2 00 Ea.ssie. H.althv Hou.ses. \'1° N. Y. 1 00 Field. WalU*r. 'Stones of the Temple. 111. 12° 2 50 . (iwilt. Kncycloptedia of Arch. By Papworth and Jewitt. 8° Lond. 52a 0ks to Cathedrals of England, &c. 8 vols. 12° Ix)nd. Ol.* . Hatfield. American House Carpenter. b° N. Y. .'J .JO Hohbs. Architecture. S° Phil. 3 tM) H'.Ilv. Church Anhitecturo. Large 4° Hartf. 10 (K) Hull. Build, and On.am. Stones of G. Brit. 8° N. Y. 4 50 J.iek-«on. Mod.'m (Jothir .\rchitecture. 8° Lond. 5.« Monekton. National Builder. 12 00 Nicholson. Prineipl.'s of .\ rchitecture. 8° Ix)nd. 31< •>'/ Otis. Sacr.>d and Con.strurtive Art. 12° X. Y. 1 2) . Park»'r. (Ilossan* of 'IVmis in An hitecture. P2° Lond. 3 7.') . Intro, to St'iidv of (;f.thic Arch. 8° I/>nd. 2 50 Pugin. (Jlojw. of l'>cle«. Ornament. 4° Ix)nd. 12«l« Rxamplf^ of (;.ithic ,\reh. 3 vols. 4° Ix)nd. 12«J.« Poiuti>nd. l.V* Rogers. Siw •• f„r IVactical Arch. 8° I-onrl. 15« Ru.Hkiii. Th .\rrhitecture. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Timhs. AM. ,. • v Ane. HalU. 3 v. P. H" Ix)nd. en. 3* <3d Vitnivius. On A . (Weale's ed.) 16° Ix)nd. 5« W.Mlta Dictionary . . 1«}° Lond. \$ 11 Arctic and Antarctic Regions. 3. Designs for Churches and Residences ; Construction ; Fittings, etc. See also School Architecture. BickneU- Village Builder. 4° N. Y. $10 00 Same witli Supplement. 4° N. Y. 12 GO Birch. Laborers' Cottages. R. S° Loud. 3s Qd Burn. Stoue, Brick, and Slate Work. (Elem. Sci. Series.) 2 vols. 10° N. Y. ea. 75 Timber and Iron Work. (Elem. Sci. Series.) 2 vols. 16° X. Y. ea. 7-5 — ' Same. (Adv. Sci. Ser.) 4 vols. 12° N. Y. 8 00 h. Cleveland & Backus. Cottage and Farm Arch. 8° N. Y. 4 00 Cummings and Miller. Modern Amer. Arch. 4° X. Y. 10 00 a. Downing. Architecture of Country Houses. 8° N. Y, 6 00 a. Rural Arch, and Landsc. Gardening. 8° N. Y. 6 00 Elliott. Book of American Interiors. lilustr. 4° Bost. 10 00 Field. City Architecture. R. 8° N. Y. 2 00 Gardner. Homes and How to Make them. 12° Bost. 2 00 Grammar of House Planning. 12° Lond 2 50 Hallett. Specifications for Frame Houses. Pap. 1 75 h. Hibberd. Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste. 8° Lond. 9 00 Designs for Country Seats. 8° N. Y. 5 00 6, Loudon. Ency. of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture. 8° Lond. 15 00 Nicholson. Carpenters' and Builders' Guide. 4° Phila. 4 50 Richardson. Housebuilding. Illustrated. 8° L. & N. 3 50 Riddell. Designs for Model Country Resid. F° Phila. 15 00 h. Sloane. Constructive Architecture. 4° Phila. 9 00 h. Citv and Suburban Architecture. 4° Phila. 15 00 b. Homestead Architecture. 8° Phila. 4 50 a. Todd. Country Homes. _ 12° X. Y. 1 50 Varin. Picturesque Architecture of Switzer- land. Heliotypes 4° Bost. ^2 00 Habitations of Man. Tr. 8° Bost. 5 00 a. Vaux. Villas and Cottages. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Viollet-le-Duc. Story of a House. S° Bost. 5 00 Weidenmann. Beautifying Counti-y Homes. Illustrated. 4° N. Y. 15 00 Wheeler. Choice of a Dwelling. P. 8° Lond. 7s M a. AVheeler. Homes for the People. 12° N. Y. 3 00 Rural Homes. 12° K Y. 3 00 Withers. Church Architecture. Illustrated. 4° ^ 20 00 Woodward. Landscape, Gard. and Rural Arch. 12° N. Y. 100 National Architecture. 4° N. Y. 12 00 a. Suburban and Country Homes, 3 works, each 12° N. Y. 1 50 Arctic and Antarctic Regions. a. Barrow. Voyages in Arctic Regions. 18° N. Y. 1 00 Back. Journey to Polar Sea. 8° Loud. 30s 12 Argentine Republic. — Armenia. BraJfonl. Arctic Rt'gioiis, with riiotographs. Uoy. lnuudsiili'. Ciii:«)u)liii, Mrs. IVrils in Polar Soas. rajwr. Franklin. Voyaijfs to I'olar Sea. i vols. Hall, t'tc. K.\i'l«)ralions in Arctic Scaa. Ilarlwig. I'olar WorM. lUustratcil. llayt'S. Lantl of Df.Mjlation. a. Ojx-n I'olar .St-a. a. Arctic Hoat Journoy. «j. Kane. KxiM-tlitiuu in Pursuit of Franklin, u. Sccouil -\rctic Kxin-tlitiou. 2 vols. KoUk'Wt'v. North Gorman Polar Fxi>cilition, lSiil>-7(>. I.aniont. Yachting in Arctic Soa.s. '(. Loalie. I'iscuvury and Adventun-s in Polar Uogiona. McC'lintoc-k. Fato of Sir .1. Franklin. ^larkhaui. Whaling Crui.se to liatiin's liay. Threshold of tlie Unknown Uegion. Milton and th.adle. N. W. Pa.-^.sage l.y Land. ( )>lK)rn. l)i.scovery of the N. W. Pa.ssagu. A. Parry. Voyages to Polar .Sea.s. 2 vols. Kichardson. .\rctic Kxpedition. The I'olar Kt-gion.s. 2 vols. .Scoresby. Tho Franklin Kxix-dition. Smith. 1). M. Arctic ExiK.'ditions, to 1875. 13 parts. Snow. Cruise off Terra del Fuego and Falk- land Islatxl. 2 vols. Thirty Yi-ars in Arctic l{egion.s. I'vson. Vovage of the Polaris. \\\-lls. (Jatewav to the Polynia. Wilkt's. U. S. Exploring Exi»<'dition. 5 vols, Same, 't vols. roy a. Wrangell. P3xiH.'dition to Polar Sea. Argentine Reptiblic. King. T\v"'iity-Four Years in. Pa-.:*'. La Plata and .\rgontine Confedoration. n. Sanuiento. Life in Argentine Uepublic. Arizona. Cozzpns. Tlie Marvelloua Countr>' ; Arizona and New M.-xim. * Cr. 8*' Bost. McCorniick. Arizona, its Condition and Prospoctfl. R° N . Y. Maury. Arizona. 12° N. Y. Loud. 52iM 8° 1 d. Gs 18° Lond. 2().< 8° N. V. .') 00 8" N. Y. 1(1 :.() 12° N. Y. 1 To 8° N. Y. :5 7.') 12° Po.st. 2 ."() 8° N. Y. 1 :.(> 8° Phila. ;') (K) 8° Lond. ;}.-).« 8° Lond. 18.V 18° N. Y. 7r> 8° Lonnd. 21.S- 12° Phila. 1 7.-. 8° N. Y. 1 (•() 8° I^n.l. tls 4° Phila. . 8° Phila. 18° N. Y. 75 12° N. Y. 1 (III 8° N. Y. 5 (K) 8° N. Y. 2 1H) 2 50 1 .'.o Armenia. a. Curzon. Armenia and Erzoroom. 12^ N V 13 Arms. — Asia Minor. Dwight. Reformation in Armenia. 8° Lond. 5s Southgate. Armenia and Kurdistan. 2 vols. b° Lond. los Arms — Armor. Demmin. Arms and Armor. (Illustrated Library of Wonders.) 12° N. Y. SI 25 Hewitt. Ancient Armor & Weapons. 3 vols. 8° Oxford. 50s Jervis. Engines of War. 8° Lond. G.s _ a. Lacombe. Arms and Armor. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Meyrick. Ancient Armor, (expensive.) 3 vols.F°. Loud. Arts and Trades. — See Fine Ar's ; Mechanics; and Names of Separate Ai'ts, etc. Artillery. — See Arms. Ashantee. Boyle. Through Fanteeland to Coomassie. _ 12° Lond. lis Brackenbury. Ashanti War. From Official Documents. 2 vols. 8° Loud. 255 Asia. — See also East; also Names of Countries. Belle w. Lidus to Tigris. 8° Lond. 14s Kashmere and Kandahar. 8° Lond. 16s Forbes. Empires and Cities of Asia. p. 8° Lond. 5s b. Gordon. Roof of the World. (Tibet, Pamir, etc.) r. 8° Edin. 3ls Gd b. Heeren. Asiatic Nations. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 24s Henderson. Lahore to Y''arkand. 8° Lond. 42s a. Hue. Travels in Tartary and Thibet. 12° N. Y. 75 Knox. Overland through Asia. 8° N. Y. 3 50 Malcolm. Missionary Travels in S. E, Asia. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 16s Polo, M. Voyages and Travels. 18° X. 1". 75 Book of, by Yule. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 42s Prejevalsky. Mongolia, Tangut Country. Tr. by ]\Iorgan. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 42s a. Purapelly. Across America and Asia. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Schuyler. Turkistan. Notps of a Journey. 8° N. Y. a. Taylor. Lxlia, China, and Jajian. 12° N. Y'. 1 50 Thomson. Straits of Malacca, Li do-China, China. 8° N. Y^ 4 00 Torrens. Empire in Asia. 8° Lond. 14.s- Vambery. Travels in Central Asia. 8° N. Y. 4 50 Vincent. Land of the White Elephant. 8° N. Y. 3 50 a. Wilson. The Abode of Snow. 8° N. Y. 2 25 Wood. Journey to the Source of the Oxus. 8° Lond. 12s Shore of Lake Aral. 8° Loud. 14s Asia Minor. Fellowes. Excursion in. 12° Lond. 9s 14 Assassins. — Astronomy. Ilainilton. K»-sfarclu's in. '2 vols. 8° Ix>ii«l. ;JSj L.';ik.'. Tnivols in. b" LdiiiI. 1S.« V;iii Lenut'p. Truvt'b in. 2 vuls. 8° Loud. 'J Is Assassins. il iiiiiii'T-rurjjstall. Hist, of tlje Assn-ssins. li** Loud. 7.< Gorjj«' A. .\.ssyrian EjH)uyin t'auou, Solouiou to N'fltucliailu<'/.zar. 8° Ix>ud. Os riiald<>au Accouut of GfUcsis. 8° I.,ond. I'l.v Kxploralions and l)i.scovorii'.s in .\. 6° Loud. i6s History of Assurbauipal. (Assyrian and Kuglisli.) Imp. 8° Loud. 28* Astrology. Astrolojry a.s it is. 12° Loud. (l* Od a. Lilly. lutriMliiction to Astrolo£jy. 12^ IJuhu. 2 2J Zadkii-1. (irauimar of .Astroloi^y. 2 vols. 12'' Loud. 7s Hand liook of Astrology. 1 vol. 12° Lond. 3s Gd Astronomy. See also Cosmology. Airy. Popular A.stronomy. 10° N. Y. 1 50 Arasjo. Astnmomy. 2 vol.s. 8° Loud. 4."m Harllftt Si.h.'rifal Astrouomy. 8° N. Y. .'» 00 h. iJouvit-r. >lanual t)f .Vstrouomy. 8° I'liila. ;j (tO Urt'w>t«'r. Mon; Worlds than ()u(^. lfi° L<>ud. 1 ITt a. I).'nis Lackland. Meteors and Aerolites. Lardner. Astronomy. Leach. God's Giory in the Heavens. Lewis. Astronomy of the Ancients. Lockyer. Elementary Astronomy. J. Contributions to Solar Physics. Lyle. What are the Stars? Illustrated. Miller. ll;jmance of Astronomy. a. Mitchel. Popular Astronomy. b. Planetary and Stellar Worlds. b. Astronomy of the Bible. eison. The Aloon and its Surface. NicIiDl. Architecture of the Heavens. Stellar Universe. Solar System. System of the World. b. Norton. Treatise on Astronomy. b. Olmsted. Introduction to Astronomy. Plummer. Astronomy. (Elem. Sci. Ser.) Proctor. Borderland of Science. Essays on Astronomy. Expanse of Heaven: Essays. a. Half Hours with the Telescope. a. " " " Stars. Hand Book of the Stars. Elementary Astronomy. • The Moon. Other Worlds than Ours. Our Place among Infinities. h. Saturn and his System. Strange Disc, llesp. Aurora. The Sun. Sunviews of the Earth. h. Rambosson. Astronomy. Illustrated. Rosser. The Stars; How to know them, etc Schellen. Nebute, Comets, Meteoric Showers. Watson. Theoretical Astronomy. E. Whewell. Astronomy and Physics. Plurality of AVorlds. Whitall. Planisphere of Heavens, 2 parts, each Zurcher and Margolld. Meteors, etc. 16° N. Y. $1 50 12° Loud. 4a" ijd 16° Loud. 8° Lond. 15s 12° N. y. 1 75 8° N. Y. 10 00 4° Lond. 5s 12° Lond. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° X. Y. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 75 8° Lond. 15 75 8° 16s 8° Lond. 5s6fZ 8° Lond. 10s M 8° Lond. 10s Qd 8° N. Y. 3 50 8° N. Y. 3 00 16° N. Y. 75 12° N. Y. 4 00 8° N. Y. 4 50 12° N. Y. 2 00 16° N. Y. 1 25 4° N. Y. 2 50 12° Lond. 2 00 12° N. Y. 75 8° N. Y. 5 00 12° N. Y. 2 50 12° N. Y. 1 75 8° Lond. 6 00 8° Lond. Jo 5 50 4° N. Y. 3 00 8° 2>r. Y. 6 00 . 8° Lond. 7s 6d Bost. 25 . 8° Phila. 19 00 12° Lond. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 i\x 3 00 12° K Y. 1 50 Atheism. See Infidelity; Rationalism. Athens. See also Greece. J. Boeckh. Pub. Econ. of Athens. 8° Lond. Bulwer. Athens, its Rise and Fall. 2 vols. 8° Lond. Dyer, T. II. Ancient Athens. R. 8° Lond. I. Leake. Topog. of Athens. 2 vols. 8° Lond. Mueller. Athens and Attica. 8° Lond. 16 IBs sued 25s 80s Qs Athletic Sportt^.— Atlases. Stuiirt & UcVftt. AuluiuiUfs vi AUicuj*. 12^ IajihI. ^"J 50 Wuiii:i\vorlii. Atlitui uud AlUca. 1-"^ Luiui. on Athletic Sports. See also /'iW (W I'hyaieal Kducation. IJ^ t)xt. •_' j.j revi-relly. AnK-ncau l'aj>time8. ll"^ N. V. :,' .jU a Walker. Manly Kxereises. l-'"^ Lond. •_' ij.j Deii-nsive Kierci^fs. ll'-' J^ond. L' UO Walsli (^.Sloni'lien.:;e). Athletic Si>oits, etc. Ib^ N. V. 1 iM Westhall. Mom nlwn.'). L«ip. \ N. Y. 4 50 a. Bn-c*. The Studi'nfii Atlas of Phy<»iral (;.- ograpby. Imp. S" N. Y. 2 50 Collins. Physical Atlaa. 4" Ia)u«1. 17 OS Australia . — Autography . Johnston. Atlas of Physical Geography. 8° Ediu. 7.s Gd Larger work. " fo ' ^g- ^^^ 3. Historical. a. Gage. IModern Historical Atlas. 8° N. Y. 3 50 b. Koei^pen. Atlas of the Middle Ages. 4° ]S'' Y*. 4 50 a. Putuain's Historical Atlas, 1(J Maps. 8° n! y! 1 i^O fcjpriiuer. Atlas Aiitiquus, 31 Maps. Leips. & n! y! 13 75 " toHist. Europe, 73 Maps. Leips. & K Y. 27 50 " " Asia, Africa, America and Australia, 18 Maps. Leips. & N. Y. 8 50 b. Stieler. Hand Atlas, 84 Maps. Gotha & N. Y. 23 00 Australia and Tasmania. Bouwick. The Tasmanians. 8° Lond. 12s 6d Last of the Tasmanians. 8° Lond. IQs Forrest. Explorations in A. Ports, and Maps. 8° Loud. IGs Kennedy. Four Years in Queensland. 16° Lond. 5s Gd Lang. Hist., etc.. Account of Xew South Wales. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 21s Ranken. Dominion of A. : its Foundation. 8° Lond. 12s Sturt. Explorations in Australia. 8° Lond. 3 75 Warburton. Journey across Western A. 8° Lond. IGs Austria. See also Germany ; Prussia. b. Coxe. Hist, of House of Austria. 3 vols. Lond. 5 25 Hozier. Seven Weeks' War. 1867. 2 vols. S° Lond. 28s Hutchinson. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. Illustrated. P 8° Lond. 8s Kelly. House of Austria, Francis L to 1848. 12° Loud. Kohi. Travels in Austria. 8° Lond. 3s Gd b. Michiels. Secret Hist, of Austrian Gov't. 8° Lond. 10s Gd Newman. Crimes of the House of Austria. 8° Loud. Is b. Vehse. Iilemoirs of the Court of Austria. 2 vols. R. 8° Lond. 21s Ward. House of Austria. 12° Loud. 4s Authorship. Jacox. Aspects of Authorship. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Jefferies. Reporting, Editing, and Author- ship: Practicarhints. 12° Lond. Is Pebody. Authors at Work (Biographical Sketches). P. 8° Lond. 10s Gd Autobiography. See under Biograplvj. Autography. See also Penmanship. Autographic Album — i70 Fac-similes. 4° Lond. 6 00 Autographic INIirror. 4 vols. F'^' Lond. ea. 21s Chabot & Twistleton. Handwriting of Junius, etc. 4° Lond. 63s 18 Aztecs. — Baiika. & N. \. ?j r.i) ■1- LoM.l. •ji.« 4*^ Loinl. l.M 4'^ Loii.l. 4Jv 4° Loii.l. 11 00 Lumloy. Character from Ilniulwritincf. IMatis. 84]. IJ^ Ix)iul NftluTclift. Aiito;jraph Miscfllany. Imp. \ Sims. llaiiiUK)4)k of Aiituijraph.s. Sm. Sims. Aiilt\c'ai'iru' Snuvcuir (L.k of U..xl.urirh.' Ballads. Kd. by Collier. 4° Loud. 10.« Book of Brave Old Ballads. 12° Loud. Tw Caltiii and i'lantation Son:"?. Pap. N. Y. 4o a. Child. Kmjlish and .S<'otch Ballads. 8 vols. 18° Bo.st. 8 00 ft. Hall. Book of British Ballads. lUus. Mor. K. S^ Loud. I'i .")0 Hayes. Ballads of Ir.dand. VJ'^ N. Y. I OO I^khart. Ancient Spanish Ballads, 1(5° Bost. 1 ."tO a. ^Lioaulay. Lays of .\nci«'nt Homo. 12° iJost. 1 oo Monro. Son ITS of American Kfvolution. 12° X. Y. 1 7.') a. IVrsonal an.l Political Ballads. :{2° N. Y. 1 Oi) Ilfhtd Uhynii'S and Khaj>sodi--'.s. 32° N. Y. 1 (M) a. ral.:ravt'. Culdcn Trcas. of SoncTs and Bal. 1(5° Caml). 1 ;'>() ft. I'.r.y. Kdi.ju.w of Old Eng. Poetry. 1 vol. 8° I'liila. 3 oO Sam.*. :} vols. * 18° Lond. K.print from tho ^^S. 3 vols. 8° l^)nd. 42.« Roln-rt-s. L«'i;endary Ballads. 8° Lond. 7.< GJ Kimhault. Book of .Sonijs an.L'irioii. Wond-rful B.illoon .A.scents. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Turni>r. Astra Castra : Kxwrimeuta and Adventures in the Atmosphere. 4° Lond. 42i Baltic Sea. Hill. Travels on ih" Shores of. LpttiTs fnim .Shor<'.s of. Willn>r. Its (Int'^.s, Shores, and Cities. Banks ; Banking. Sf^f also Finanrr : Monfy. a. Francis. Ilistorj' of Bank of Euglaml. 8- X. Y. 3 00 19 12^ Lond. a«Ot/ 12° I>iml. 2.« 12^ Un.l. ia« 0./ Barbary States. — Beloochistan. 12° N. Y. 81 50 8° Lond. 95 12° Load. 10s 8° Phila. 5 00 8° Loud. 6.9 8° Loud. 75 Gd 8° Loud. 5 00 Loud. 2s dd 4° Loud. OS 12° L. cSc N. Y. 3 75 8° Loud. 30s 16° Loud. 3s Gd 12° N. Y. 3 00 :n. y. 1 25 Gibbons. Banks of New York, etc. a. Gilbart. History of Banking. b. Logic of Banking. a. Treatise ou Banking. Haukey. Principles of Banking. Lawsou. Hist, of Banlis in Great Britain. Lewiug. History of Savings Banks. Loudon Banks, Credit, Discounts, &c. McCulloch. Money and Banks. a. McLeod. Elements of Banking. Tiieory and Practice of Banking. 2 vols. Martin. Stories of Banks and Bankers. Price. Handbook of London Bankers and their Predecessoi's. Seyd. London Banking and Clearing House. Barbary States. See Africa, North. Basque Provinces. Russell. Biarritz and Basque Countries. P. 8° Lond. 6s Stephens. The Basque Provinces. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 21s Battles. See also under United States (Rehellion') ; Waterloo. Allen. Battles of British Navy. 2 vols. 12° Bohn. 10s Battles of America by Sea and Laud. 111. 4° N. Y. 13 50 a. Creasy. Fifteen Decisive B. of World. 12° N. Y, 1 50 Grenville. The last Fight of the Revenge at Sea. (Arber Reprints.) 16° Lond. Is Macfarlane. Battles of British Army. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Beautiful, Beauty. See ^Esthetics ; Physiology. Bees. Bee Keeping. By " The Times' " Bee Master. 12° Loud. 2s Gd h. Huber. Natural History of Honey Bee. 12° Lond. 6s b. Langstroth. The Honey Bee. 12° Phil. 2 00 Pagden. $3.50 a year by mv Bees, etc. 12° Best. 25 Pettigrew. Handy Book of Bees. 12° Lond. 2s Gd a. Quinby. Bee-keeping Explained. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Belgium. See Holland and Belgium. Belles-Lettres. See names of its Departments ; also Literature. Bells. Ellacombe. Belfries, Ringers, and Chiming. 8° Lond. 3s Gatty. The Bell. 16° Loud. 3s Mauusell. Clnirch Bells and Ringing. 12° Oxf. Is Beloochistan. See Afghanistan, etc. 20 Bermudas. — Bible. /y. i . _ ^ ^^ .^ Bermudas. • / ' ' S Joiu's. Tin- Naturalist in Ronwml.i. li' ' JauiiL ^ J 75 Qd \ Bible. * \ "a j 1. Knirioxs. The numerous usim! ,,l!il 110 (i,-e omiltttl. '•! Aiwcrypha. Separate. -lo j.i,i| .1 OO & 2 'a) '1 iJi.lii's Kour Cosi^'ls. 132 Etchiii;.,"* ; 1 vols. V^ N. V. ] lo oo \ lJhuik-i>;i;,'ttl (Ktf.rrnco.s, etc. ami alttriiate I I>ai;«s riiK'tl fi>r iioti's.) t*" N. "\'. ,s ."lO Caulb^ill^'.• TaraLjiapli Hil.lf. IW Scrivener. i'^S.W i:. on C'oniprflu-nsive liibic (t inches (>lank margin for not.vs.) .10 Lon.l. !2s | Kxaot Ut'print of King James' version of | I'ill. Sm. 4^ N. Y. ]() III) j Hanlume Kilition. 11 vols. Incase. ;',:."- N.\. •> (jo j Mutlfrn I'olyj^lot IJible, (eigl.t Ianf;uauMs, ; II<'I>., (Jr., Lat., Kn., Fr., Ger., ^l>an.. I Ital.) 2 vols. Cr. F'^Lond. ]20« j Same. 12 part.s ; stiff vvranper, la. lO.v 0,1 I Human C'atiiolie iJil.l.-. ( Ken rick's etl.) 5 vols. 8° IJalt. 2.') 00 1 Same : New Testament separate. 3 {>(] I IIolv liil.le. X. Y.b" 1 UO ; 12° 1 .'0; I'ocket, 1 25 I Snuillest llil.le. lb'= (Jxf. 2 00 I 2. CoXCOKDAXCES. I a. Crmlen. Coiici>rilance. R. 8° X. Y. 2 7.") . K.liti..n l.v Ka.lie. 12° I'liil. 1 T.") ! I'ock.-t K.liti.)n. 82° I'liil. 1 '^o I b. Ka«li>'. Analytical Concordance. 8° I5<'.st. 4 (M) | King. Concordance. 12° UosU 1 75 | 8. DicTinN.^niE.s Axr> Excyclop.edias. ] Al»»»ott & C.mant. Die. of Relig. Knowledge. 8° N. Y. (5 00 j Atir'i'«. Bit.l.' Hand IW>k. 1*-'° I«->»*1- 1"* ,\^r. Tr.-a.surv of Mil.!.. Knowledge. l^*" N- Y. :'. 00 K.iiilMirn. Inip. UiM.- Dictionarv. 2 vols. K. ^"' Lend. 72.'' Kr.-man. llandlw-.-k of llil.l.- Man. and Cu-s. 12° N. V. 2 .'0 , Indis. Til.' Hil.I.' T.-xt Cvdoiwdia. 8° 1 I'ila. ^ •»<• ' h. Kitto. Biblical Kncvclopadia. :i vf.l^. H. ^^ I.ond. 24 dO ft. Popidar Cvcloiwdiaof Hible Lit. 8° lU)st. 4 00 ft. M.-C!ii.t..rk &' Stronjf. Bibl. and Tli.ol. C v.l..pa>dia, n vols. K. s^ X. Y. oa. 5 00 ft. Mannder. Tren.surv of Rible KnowLdg'*. \^^ X. Y. 4 00 R..bi„Hnn. Calmr-fs Die. of th- Rible. R. S° I'.ost. «J 6. Smith. ^V. Dictionary of the Rible. Kd. by H.ickott, etc.. 4 volii. ' s-^ X. Y. 20 00 I Abri.li:.-d in 1 vol. 8"' X. Y. 5 00 London edition, 3 vols. 8® 18 00 21 8° L. & X. y.§i 00 8° Loud. 3 00 8° A', y. 5 00 Bible. a. Concise Dictionary. Smaller Dictionary. Another edition. 4. History and Axtiquities. See also Church History; Huhj Land, etc. Anderson. Annals of the Eng. Bible, 2 vols. 8° Lond. \os a. Abridged by Pi-ime. 8° X. Y. 2 50 Baker. Manual of Bible Historv. 12° Loud. 2s M Bissell. Historic Origin of the JBible. Large 12° 2 50 Blunt. Plain Account, of the English Bible. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Conant. Historv of English Bible. 12° N. Y. Cotton. List of ""editions of English Bible. 8° L. & X. Y. 4 00 Eadie. English Bible, (translations of), 2 vols. 8° LoncL 285 Ginsburg. iNIoabite Stone. 4° Lond. 10s Qd Gleig. History of the Bible, 2 vols. 18° N. Y. 1 50 Prideaux. Connections of Sacred and Pro- fane History. 2 vols. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Kanyard. The Book and its Story. 12° N. Y. 1 50 a. Rawlinson. Hist. Evidences of Truth of Bible. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Smith, T. Eo-yptian Ant. and Hist, of Joseph. 12° Lond. 4s h Smith. W. Hist, of the Old andKew Test.,<'j. 8° X. Y. 2 50 Stowe, C. E. Origin and History of Books of the Bible. New Testament. 8° Hartf. 3 50 Stuart. History of Old Testament Canon. 8° Andov. 1 75 I. Tischendorf. Origin of Four Gospels. 10° Lond. 3s GJ AVestcott. The Bible in the Church (forma- tion of canon.) 16° L. & X. Y. 1 25 History of Canon of Xew Test. 12° L. & X". Y. 3 50 History of English Bible. 12° L. & X. 1\ 3 50 "Walden. Eng. Bible and its seven Ancestors. 12° Lond. 1 25 5. Geography axd Xatural History. See also liobj Land. Barrows. Sacred Geography and Antiquities. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Clarke. Bible Atlas. 4° Lond. 15 00 Kitto. Physical Geography of Palestine. 18° Lond. 1 25 Scripture Lands. Colored maps. Lond. 3 75 I. Bitter. Geogr. of Palestine, Tr. by Gage, 4 vols. 8° X. Y. 14 00 b. Robinson & Smith. Biblical Eesearches in Palestine, 4 vols. 8° Bost. 10 00 a. Physical Geogr. of Palestine. 8° Bost. 3 50 Thomson. ILandbook of Bible Geography. 10° X. Y. 1 25 Tristram. Xatural History of Bible. 12° L. & X. 1^ 1 50 Wood. Bible Animals. 8° N. Y. 5 00 6. Commentaries. Abbott, Lvman. Old Testament Shadows of Xew" Testament Truths. 12° X. 1'. 3 50 Alford. How to Study the Xew Test., 3 vols. 18° Lond. 10s Qd h. Xew Test. Commentarv, 4 vols. 8° Lond. 16 00 22 12° \. Y. §J 0(1 \'J- Host. 1 :>•) , li. ti^ X. V. uu b^ N. V. :; (Ml 8« N. Y. •1 .-.(» 8° N. Y. I'l .".(» h^ N. Y. 11 (to 1-'^ N. V. 1 :.(! :_'° N. Y. 1 :.o 8° IJost. a (H) 12° An.lov. li 'J.J 8° \. Y. m. .') 00 vols. 8^N. Y. 1>> 00 and rj^ N. Y. 1 T.'i Bible. b. Alexaiiil>r. Tlu' IVnlins ; 2 vols., ij.'i ; I.saiah, •J \ol.s., §1 ; Mutthfw and Mark, fiilirts, 5 vols. h. (.'ix>sl>y. Xfw Tt'stanwnt \\ ith NoU's. l>. Dull. ' Thf .Study of tlu- UiLl.'. llarkett. C'oniiui'utary on tin* Acts. Ilulcy. Allt'ijfd l>i.scrfi>anc;i-s of IJ. '■. I.au'^f. iiibiic-al ("oniiufutary, l!( vols. njsliau.siMK t'onmii-nt. on Xi-w Tfst., (5 Owi-n. C'oinnu-nUry on Mark, Luko Jolin, each Portal>l«>l"oniuu'nt. on Old an J New Test. liy Janii.-son, etc.. 2 vols. ' SM'...st. Coo Ril»l<'V. Xot«'s on (ios|H'ls. Act.s, lloiu. and 'll.'b.. 4 vols. 12^ Host. :. :.") ♦' .*i-akiT*s ", (The) Com. on the \V\h]>\ Lari:.' s ' N'.V. p. vol. ."> oo Tholiick. Conniient. on fJosp^d t>f ."^t. Jolin. ^ \. Y. ;! oo a. Trench, .'^tuilit's on the (;o>ih'1s. 1^'-' N. V. 1 ■_'•'» TyuLj. Lijjht in the Dwelling : Coninientary " on (JosjKds. 8° X. Y. 2 50 7. OtIIKK AiI>S. Srf also liisplrntinn t,/ Ilihlr. Uihl- Kducator. Edited by Pluniptre. 1 vols. NY. IJ i)(» .Sanje, 2 vols. " 8° X. Y. lo oo a. lUunt. Key to the Knowl.and Use of Bible. 12° I'liil. 1 oo IJoardinan.' Hible in th.« Family. 12° I'liil. 1 oo Ilible in Conntinc; IIousi'. ' 12° 1 "(i Coleii.so. (Kationalist.) Pentateuch and Moabite Stone. 8° I.ond. 12< i. Conylx'are & llow.son. Life and Kpistlca of St. Paul. 2 vol.s. in one. 8" N. Y. :? >. .Studies oi Character from the Old T.-st. 12° X'. Y. 1 .'><» n.irk<'tt. Illustrations of Scri|>ture. 12^ llo-t. 1 ""O JIal.vy. Lit«Tary attractions f)f the Ilible. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Ilon^st'-nborg. Genuineness of tin* Pentateuch, 2 vnls. 8° Kdin. 21.« Horn.'. Iiitnxlurtion to thi. Pible, 4 vols. 8° F.«>nd. 20 IK) Hunt. P. X..t.sforDai!v K.'.id.rs2v..Is. II. 8° X. Y. 7 (K) A.u.x. rii inct.'rand lilchh-nt in B. SUivy. P. 8° I^iul. K" <»'/ .F.lli... (•i..\%.lsof th.« Pible. 12° b.nd. 2« «k/ ft. Kip. Th<» rniiotic.-d Thim.'s of .Scripture. 12° X. Y. 1 •'•<► 6. Kitto. Daily Pible IlluHtralions. 8 vols. 12° X. Y. U 00 Lcatlies. Structure of the Old Testament : Popular Hssa\s. 12° Ix)ihI. 4j 23 Bible. — Biography, Collective. Liber Librorum : Its Structure, Limitation and j)urpose. 18° K Y. S^l 50 Matthews. Bible and j\Ien of Culture. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Schatf , Lightf oot, Trench and Ellicott, on revi- sion of New Testament. 12° N. Y. 3 00 Scott. Moses and the Pentateuch ; Reply to Colenso. 12° Lond. 3s Qd Spring. Obligations of the World to Bible. 8° N. Y. 2 00 \Vestcott. Introduction to Study of Gospels. 12° L. & N. Y. 3 50 Bible and Science. See Science and Religion. Bibliography. h. Allibone. Dictionary of Authors in English Language. 3 vols. R. 8° Phil. 22 50 Berjeau. Early Printers' Marks. E. 8° Lond. 10s M b. Brunet. Manuel de Libraire. ^.fi-^s. S , ' 8° Paris 70 00 Collier. Rare Books in Eng. Literature, 4 vols. 8° N. Y. 12 00 Darling. Cyclo. of Biblical Litera., 2 vols. R. 8° Lond. 62s Gd Dibdin. Library Companion. 8° Lond. 8 00 Graesse. Tresur de Livres Rares et Pre'cieux. 6 vols. 4° Dresden 80 00 Halliwell. Dictionary of Old English Plays. 8° Lond. 12s Index Expurgatorius. Reprint. 18° Lond. 5s Kelly. Amer. Catalogue. 1861-1871. 2vols. 8° N. Y. 10 00 Low & Co. Eng. Catalogue, 1835-71. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 75s Annual Catalogues, 1872-3-4-5. 8° Lond. ea. 5s Index of Subjects to English Catalogue, 1837-75. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 50s a. Lowndes. Bibliographer's IManual, 6 vols. 12° Lond. 13 50 Sabin. Dictionary of Books relating to America — parts 1 to 42 now out. N. Y. ea. 2 00 Billiards. Phelan. Game of Billiards. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Biography. Collective. 1. Dictionaries. Allen. American Biog. Diet. Bayle. Die. Historical and Critical. 5 vols. Beeton. Dictionary of Universal Biography. Biographical Supplement to English Cyc. Gates. Dictionary of General Biography. Cooper. New Biographical Diet., (medical.) Drake. Dictionary of American Biography. a. Godwin. Cyclo. of Biography. By Shepard. b. Haydn. Index of Biography. Hawks. Biographical Dictionary. a. Hole & Wheeler. Brief Biog. Dictionary. Imperial Diet, of Biograpliy, 3 vols. R. 24 8° Bost. 3 50 Lond. about 50 00 8° Lond. 3 50 Lond. 15s 8° Bost. 6 00 8° Lond. 21s 8° Bost. 5 00 12° N. Y. 3 50 8° Lond. 7 50 8° N. Y. 5 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° Loud. 18 00 Biography, Colleotlve. SI (K) (i 00 :u.v 1!./ :>() 00 • 1 .'id 1.-) 00 2 .")() Mauntler. HiKin-aphical Tri-iisury. 18** N. Y. a. Mon of th.> 'liiiu'. 8° L..n.I. Phillips, Diet, i.f IJio?. U.f. for 100.000 names. S^ Loud. b. Siuilli. Diet, of (Jri'i'k ami Horn. IJ., 3 vols. s^ I.oinl. a. Same, al)riil},'e«l. 12^ N. \. I). Thoiua.s. Cvclo. of IJiograpliy (Lippincott), •2Lvol. K. 8^ riula. Wheeler. Noted Names of Fiction. TJ^ lJo^t. 2. Amkkkan. Al'lM)tt. American Pioneers and Patriots. 1'2° X. Y. ca. 1 50 It.irr.tt. S,r Sooville. U.-lkn.ip. American Hi(><;ra|>liy, 3 vols. lb° N. Y. 2 25 b. IJrvaiit. Oratiitns and Addresses on Irving, tV)oiH'r. Cole, etc. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Kllett. Women of the Revolution, 3 vols. 12^ N. Y. 5 25 Kmiii'-nt Imlividuals in .\m. llist., -i vols. 12"^ N. Y. 4 50 Flanders. Lives of Chief Justices of I'. S. 2 vols. 8° N. Y. 5 00 llamersley. Livin? Officers of U.S. Navy. 8° Phila. 5 00 ll-'.uUev. Washington uud his Generals, 2 vols. 12° N. Y. 3 50 Homes of .\merican Statesmen. 8° Ilartf. 5 00 Hi.u','h. American Hiop. Notes. 8° All>. 5 00 l.anman. Diet, of Compress. S° Ilartfd. 1 00 a. Lossiiiij. Kmineiit .Vmericans. 8° N. Y. Liv.'s of the Sii^nors. 12° Phil. 1 50 Parker. Historic Americans. 8° iJost. 1 50 Itaymond. Women of tlie South, 2 vols. Phila. 00 Sal'»ine. Loyalists of Am. Kevol., 2 vols. l{oMi of our Time.M. 8° Ilarlf. 3 .")0 Thatcher. Indian Bioijraphy, 2 vols. 18° N. Y. 1 50 3. .\ktist«. lUanc, Ch. Hist, of Paint.rs of ail Nations. F° Ix^nd. 00 IJryan. Dietionarj- of Painters (chiefly in- cluded in S|»mnpr). ' K. 8° Lond. 20 00 *• Supplement to do. Liv. Artists. H. H^ J^.nd. 5 25 '•owst. (;reat Tone-poets. 12° N. Y. 2 50 ' iimintcham. Lives of Paint««rs and Sculp- tors ♦} voU.. IK^ Lond. 2\s: or 3 vols. 1 a. Jameson. Li%e» of Italian Painters. J.rvi< Tales of the Uoyhood of Cfreat Paiiif.'rs. 6. Lanzi. History of Painting', etc.. 5 vols. 11 18° N. Y. 2 25 lOo Bost. 1 50 12° Lon.l. 3««W 12° Hohii. 8 75 Biography, Collective. Milizia. Lives of Aixhitects. Tr. by Cresy. 8° Loud. .?4 .50 Perkius. Tuscan Sculptors; their Lives and AVorks. 2 vols. 4° Bost. 22 50 Italian Sculptors ; their Lives and Works. Imp. S° Bost. IG 00 Kedgrave. Dictionary of Artists of the Eng- lish School. 8° Lond. IGs Rimbault. Gallery of Great Composers. Heliotypes. 4° Bost. 10 00 b. Spooner. Diet, of Painters, Sculptors, etc., 2 vols. R. 8° 10 00 Tuckerman. Book of the Artists. 8° X. Y. 5 00 Illnst. Ed. R. 8° X Y. 30 00 Tytler. Musical Composers. 12° Bost. 2 00 Lrbiuo. Princes of Art, Painters, etc. 12° Bost. 2 00 b. Yasari. Lives of the Painters, 5 vols. 12° Bohn 8 75 "Walpole. Anecdotes of Painters, 3 vols 8° Lond. 7 50 4. Literary. Besant. The French Humorists. 8° Bost. 2 50 a. Bric-a-Brac Series, 10 vols. _ Sq. 12° X. Y. ea. 1 50 Brougham. Men of Letters and Science, Time "of George III. 8° Lond. ox Castelar. Lord Bvrou, etc., 12° X. Y. 1 00 Cm-wen. History of Booksellers. ^ Cr. 8° X. Y. 3 00 Sorrow and Song (Literary Strug- gles), 2 vols. 8° Lond. 15s a. De Quiucey. Biogi-aphical Essays. 12° Bost. 1 50 Edwards. French Academy ; Biog. Hist. of. 8° Lond. 6s Fenelon. Ancient Philosophers. 18° X. Y. 75 Fields. Yesterdavs with Authors. 12° Bost. 2 00 French Authors at Home, 2 vols. 12° Lond. 2 00 Gostwick. English Poets; Twelve Essays. 8° X.Y. b. Grote. Plato and the Companions of Socrates. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 18 00 Hall. Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age. 8° Lond. 10 00 b. Homes of American Autliors. 8° X. Y. 5 00 b. Howitt. Homes and Haunts of British Auth- ors, 2 vols. 8° X.Y. 3 50 Jeaffreson. 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Hy Hrewster. 12° I^.nd. \s 0,/ I'riv.-ite Life of. 12° H.»t. 1 .'x) (;ariKd.li. Hv himself ; Kd. by T. Dwight. 12° X. Y. 1 'x) (i.ini k. Hy Vit/.jj.Tal.l. 2 vols. 8° L<.n.|. i:> (X) (;. iili-. .Mm-', fie. .Memoirs. 2 voU. 8'' I^.n.l. le« (l-r.;.- II. of Kntrland. 3 vols. 8" Lond. 2U (;.'..r,'.- III. Hv Wali-olo. 1 vols. 8- b.nd. 42.« C;.t.r-.' IV. Hv Coblx'lt 12*' L'.nd. 10.« 0-/ Hy Croly." Is- X. V. 7.'» (fibU>n ; .Vutobioifraphv an.nd. 50 *. Godwin, Wm. Hv Paul. 2 vola, 12° LomL 28j 37 g, ^jf- ■ ~t, iy Ossiasri- Ijsmi. %.m ■-—:.:.:- -,,.', -.'-.r^ 25^ XT- 1 fi - *^I_tXX i V — ,^^ •J^ Leaid. 5 :.u '5. 12^ 3r. X. 2^ «=^Lc*d. 2b '^ser Jraoi^ Itese&SessaGise. 12-- T T. r.. ^- 175 - -. J- 4 >•• ^- ' T. § 5... " 7*> ie. 5 «& j;:;- j^--.''-:*.. 2 ^i^» •^«sft, S Tf/^ i^S.T, 22 'j35*d. 42« -'. . , .-.v.'i*. ir- *su 4* * 4^ i -tfsi. i^ lAm'L « '.„ 4* ■ %,f.'^ .jvXfgSfr.or?.. ir- 3f , T, 4 f/* - - '— Wojfijg, 1»)^ X T, *5» 75 ir- X T. ? (/)> ir- Lr^j.! 3 75 .'. ^. ffiiwiflft- ir> 3r. r. 2 y'J w- -%. r. 75 3^'" T^M,. v^- " r 2 50 -'>!».. 3.' '■ 30* - • iiy Lcflsd JPnf «a(it. li^'" Jy-'wi, 2 25 'f. jiT- >-. r. 2 50 AAMk, ir' K, y. 1 20 l^^" T&. T 1 00 fit JLK- 1 V-r. 1 wnis. H ■• ■ . E E •^ JL BHm'T. ■ei£ 4C 1^ V 2T5. Biography, Individual. Ireland, W. H. Confessions. Intro, by R. G. White. Irving, W. By his nephew. 4 vols. a. Condensed. 3 vols. h. Irving, Rev. E. By Mrs. Oliphaut. 2 vols. Jackson, A. By Cobbett. By AValker. b. By Parton. 3 vols. Jackson, Sir G. Bath Archives. 2 vols. Jackson, " Stonewall." By Cooke. By Dabney By Randolph, b. James t. of Eng. By Aikin. 2 vols. James II. of Eng. By Mackintosh, Sir J. Jay. John (Ch'f Justice). By AV. Jay. 2 vols. By Hamilton and Renwick. Jefferson, T. Domestic Life. Illus. Character. By Dwight. a. Life. By Parton. b. Life. By Randall. 3 vols. By Randolph. By Sclimucker. Jenner, E. By Baron. 2 vols. Jeffrey, Lord. By Cockburn. Jerdan, AV. Autobiography. 4 vols. 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Is 8° 8s6.Z 12° Bost. 90 12° Lond. 10s Gd 12° Edinb. 21s 8° Phila. 3 00 8° Lond. 7s Gd 12° Bost. I 25 Biography, Collective. b. Sk-huyl'T, (i»'Ti. Hy I/)>siiiLj. '2 vols. Scott. Sir \V. I5y (.'iKiiuliors, 2 vob. Saint*. 1 vol. Hv (Jiltillaii. b. liy lA)ckliart, Si vols. .Same, H vols. Sauif. t'riil»-nary i-d. 2 vols. l?y .Mol..o(l. a. IW Mackt'iizii'. Kiiitome of lA)ckh.irt's Life. By Jenkiii- iiOII. A Day With. By .lom.l.l. Scott, (ti'ii. \V. Autobiogruj'iiy, 'J vols. Hv ll.-aai.'v. Uy .MaiistiI-1.1. Seati.ii. W. W. Hv his Datiijhtor. Sotliiwiek. .Miss I .".M. l\\ Dewey. S<5vi.,'iie. Min<'. lie, & C'uiitemiKnarips, 2 vols. Sewaiil. W. II. .Memorial .Vdtlress. l{y Adams. M.'inoir. Ily Baker (tl. 11 2.-> 12° r >t. i; 7.') 12° i;..->t. 2 .'H) 12° N. Y. 1 2.> 12° Biwt. 2 00 8° L<»nd. C* SO Bost. 2.'> 120 N. Y. 4 (10 12° N. Y. 1 MO 12° N. Y. 1 7.J 12° Bost. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 00 Lond. aoi 12° N. Y. 25 12° X. Y. 1 50 8° Lond. 2S« 8° X. Y. 8 00 JOO I.OI.d. OS 120 Lond. 1 75 12° X. Y. a 00 8° X. Y. 5 50 8° Lond. 25.« 12° X. Y. 1 00 12° X. Y. 1 .-.0 8° Lond. ;i 50 12° X. Y. 5 tMJ 12° X. Y. 1 25 12° ridla. 1 75 8° X. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 3 IH) l,s° X. Y. 1 no l(i° Lond. 1 25 8° Bu>t. 2 .')0 8° X. Y. 2 IK) 8" I'hila. 4 00 J. JO X. Y. •t no 1.;^^ N. Y. 1 .-.0 12° Bost 1 .50 10 = I/.nd. OO 8° X. Y. .T ) JOO X. Y. 1 .'.0 8° 8 (X) b° Bust. 5 00 47 Biography, Collective. Cr By Chan- 2v Stothard. By Bray. Strafford, Earl of. By Cooper. 3 vols. Strauss, Life and Writings. By Zeller. Stuart, C. (" Young Pretender. ") By Ewald 2 vols. Sumner. Eulogy. By Schurz. Life. By Kason. Swedenborg. By White. Same. Emanuel. Swetchine, ]\Ime. By Falloux. a. Swift. By Forster. (Only vol. 1.) Taney. INIemoir. B}' Tyler. Tappan. Memoir. Bv L. Tappan. Tasso. By Milman. 2 vols. Taylor, Jeremy. By Bonuey. Telford. By Smiles. b. Thackeray. By Taylor. Thompson. See Rumford. Thoreau, With Memorial Verses. ning. h. Thorvaldsen. By Plon. By Thiele. a. Ticknor, G. Life, Letters, and Journals Titian. By Northcote. 2 vols. Tocqueville. By Beaumont. 2 vols. b. Todd, Rev. J. The Story of his Life. Tooke. By Stephens. 2 vols. Trenck, Baron. Autobiography. Trumbull, John. Reminiscences. Jona. By Stuart. Turner. By Thornbury. Tureime. By Cockayne. Tycho Brahe. Brewster. Velasquez. By Stirling. Vespucius, Americiis. By Lester and Andrews. Vidocq. By himself. 4 vols. Same. Vinci. See Da Vinci. Voltaire, By Bungener. By Espinasse. 3 vols. a. By Morley. Wagner. Life. By Hueffer. Walpole. By Coxe. 2 vols. Warburton, Bp. By Watson. Warren, John, M. D. The E. Warren, ^LD. Warren, Gen. Life and Times, ingham. a. Washington. By Irving, 5 vols. 48 4° Lond. 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 12° Bost. 12° Bost. 8° L. & P. 12° Phila. 12° N. Y. 12° Bost. , 8° N. Y. 12° N. Y^ 12° Lond. 12° Lond. 12° L. & P. 12° N. y. 2 vols. Life and Voyages. 1G° Bost, 8° Bost. 12° N. Y. 8° Bost. 8° Lond. 16° Bost. 12° K Y^ 8° Lond. 12° Lond. 8° N. Y. 8° Bost. 8° Lond. 16° Lond. 12° Lond. 12° Lond. 8° N. Y^ 16° Lond. 12° Phil. 12 Life of. By By Froth- 12° Edin. 8° Lond. ea. N, Y, 8° Lond, 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 8° Bost. 8° Bost. 12° N, Y. 21s 30s 5s 28s 1 00 2 00 00 50 75 00 50 00 00 12s 12s 00 00 2 00 4 00 6 00 21s 3 00 2 75 24s 6s 3 00 3 00 30s Is 4s 5s 6d 2 00 5 00 1 50 5s 16s 2 3 25s 18s 5 00 3 50 11 25 Biography, Collective. 5 vol. e'>...*'>. 1 vol. It 8° X. Y. 5 (X) Con.l.'iis.>.l. 1 vol. 1-."' \. Y. 2 Ca) Hv HaiuToft. 1J° ri.il. 1 .'.-> Hv Kv.ntt. IJ \. Y. 1 -Ai Hv (Jiiizot. Hi'" N. Y. 1 ixj Hv Marsliall. 3 vols. 8° Thila. Hv Paul.ling. 2 vols. 18° N. Y. 1 ru) Hv W.-.in.s. IJ^ I'liilu. 1 •_'.-) b. ami writiiiirs. Hy Sparks. 12 vols. hMJost. LM no b. Wavlaii.l. Hv his Sous. 2 vols 12° N. Y. J im) Watt. Hv .M'uirla'ad. 12° .\. Y. 2 (M) Sam'.-. 8° Loii.l. ;{ UO WfWr. Hv C. L. Von Wcl)er. 2 vols. 12° Lonud. IJ.x "What.'ly. Hy Miss What.dy. 2 vols. Lou.l. l.'w Lif« and coiTt'S|HJud»'Uot>. 8° Loud. '>i 75 Whewfll. .Vccouut of writings aud corres- I«.ud.'u<-,'. Hv Todhunter, 2 vols. 8° Loud. 4 oo Whit.-ti.'ld. Hv (lillies 12° I'hiia. 1 .-.0 Hv (il.flstone. 8° L..M.1. 1 Ix Hv Marsha- 12° I'liila. 2 .V) Lif... X. Y. 1 25 Tortraiture. etc. 12° X. Y. 1 25 a. Wiclif. Hy L.- Ha.s. 18° X. Y. 75 WillMTforc. Hy hi.s .snn.s. 5 vols. 8° I>»ud. 21« Xrw Kditiou. Condensed. 8° Loud. (is .\l.ridtri-d. 18° X. Y. 75 Wilki.-. Hv Cunninirhani. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 7 50 W : !. Kmina. Lif.-. Hv rx)rd. 12^^ X. Y. 2 (M) W I iMis Hv Prof. <;.-miu'ill. 12° IWx^t 1 25 WiUin. Henn-. Hv Mauu. V&i. Ailvi-iituri's atnnnij tho Dyaks HriKiko. U;ij;kh: Kvfiit.s in Honifo. 2 vol.s Tfii Y«'.irs ill ."^aruwak. *J vols a. Kei»jH»l. Kxiicdition to Borueo. Boston. r»i)ston illii^tratod. pn l>rak«'. Old Laiulinarks of. 2 vols. History ami Anticiiiitifs of. Frothinirliain. Sifui> of Hoston. . Shurtlt'fF. l)t',.scri[>lion of. Botany. ^ 8° I.nn.|. l.-.t vols. LoikI. :{2.« 12° LoikI. 12° N. Y. 1 (Ml ■r 50c. ]OD Host. 1 00 ,S° Itost. fa. 2 00 8° Host. 12° n..st. 3 .10 R. 8° IJost. ."> 00 Balfour. First Book in Botany. 50 a. Svst.'iiiatio ami Kcon. Hot. (Elcin. Sci. S.-;i.-s.) 10° X. Y. 7.J .'^vst'inatic and Eoon. Bot. (Adv. Sci. S.Ii.'.s.) 12" X. Y. 1 50 a. Vt'ijft. .Vnat. and Physiolog)*. (Elcm. .Sci. .^^••ri.'s.) " 1<;° \. Y. 75 Vojjet. Anat. and I'liysiology. (Adv. Sci. .Scri.'s.) 12° X. Y. 1 50 Chapman. Flora of Soutlioni U. S. Illus. 8° X. Y. 6 (JO Cookf. Microscopic Funt^i — Rust, Smut, Mil- dew. Mould. ^ 8° Lon.l. Os Darliy. ."vnith.-in Botan;y-. 8° X. Y. 2 00 Movfiii-iits and habits of climbintj plants. 12° N. V. 1 oO I)ar>\iii. FtMtilizatioii of Orchids by in.sccts. 8° Loud. H.* Insectivorous plants. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Fi-uier. Th.« V.>--iable World. Illus. 8° Loud. 1 .')0 (heap .'.lition. 12° X. Y. ;j .'.0 a. Gray. Botanical Text B«v)k. 8° .\. Y. .{.'<> Botany for Younij Beople. 7'> a, First l^^'ssons in Botany. 12" X. Y. 1 '■)'> How I'lants Behave. Sm. 4° X. Y. T.'i a. How IMants (Irow. 12° X. Y. 1 12 a. Mnmial of Botany of Xorthem States. -s^^ .\. Y. 2 2.') Manual of Botany with .Moss>'S, i-tc. >>^ X. Y. '■) ~'t b. Structural and .\v.Htcinatic Botany. 8° X. Y. 'A .'*<> Grindon. I'h.'noiiMnn'of IMaiit Lif.'. " 12° Bust. 1 00 IlibWrd. IIaiid\-liook for tho Rambling Bot- anist. ' 1*. 8° I^nd. fi« R«/ Karr. Tour round mv flanlen. 8° I.ond. 2 .Vl Ko.'hIer. I'ractical B.')tany. L. 12° X. Y. JJ (XJ I^' .Maoiit and 1)« Caisne. (tencral System of Botany. U. 8° Boat. 25 00 b. Lindh'y. .1. Veijffal»|e Kin^tlom. 8° fx>nd. .'lO* and .M...,r.-. 'IV.aHurv of Bnil. \'>a 1\.'a\. Koin:iritio L.-ir-iid vi Sakya-Hu.ldlia. 1_"^ Lon.l. I'Jt UuiUIIiai^liosliii's l'anil>l<'s; and tliu Dhainiiia- iKida or I'atli of Viriiu-. Tr. and cd. by Ko;,'irs iSc Mulhr. ' ,s^ Lund VJs Cl. IJuddliism. Historical, as.>;y to Court of Ava. 2 vols. 8° l^nd. 3'2s (toug'T. Two Years' Imprisonment in Bur- ' mall. I'J^ Lond. 12s Palmer, d. W. I'p and down the Irawaddy. 12° N. Y. Business. 1. MoU.M.S, PRINTin.FS, FTC. o. Eij^leston. How to Make a Living. (Ilantlv Bk. S«>r). VJ'X.Y. 7.') a. Frooili,>y. Trcati.'ie on Businp.ss. 12° I'hila. 1 2.> Hillard. Dangers and Duties of Mercantile Pursuits. 12° Bo.st. 25 h. M-dlwry. Men and Manners of Wall Street 12° Bost. 2 00 2. Manuals, Statistics, f.tc. Anderson. Pnic. Merc. I.,etter Writer. 12'' \. Y. 1 2."i Busin<-.s. By ft Merchant. 12^ Kdin. 7s tiU Colw«'ll. Wavs and Means of Pavmont ; Cred- it, etc. ' ' 8' Pliii.i. 5 00 I)e Veit«'II55-1763. a. ]\Ioodie. Roughing it in the Bush. 54 "^ * 7 50 3 00 8° L. & N. y. 32 00 8° Lond. 25 00 8° Lond. IsSd 7 00 2° Lond. 7s Gd 8° N. y. 3 00 2° L. & N. 2 00 2° Lond. 6s 30 50 2 50 6^ 12° Bost. 1 00 12° Phila. 1 75 12° N. y. 2 00 paper 2 00 4° N. y. 2 50 8° N. y. 5 00 12° N. y. 1 50 16° Camb. 12° N. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 14s . F° Lond. 21s 12° Lond. 2s 6d 8° Lond. 2s Gd 8° Lond. 2s Gd 8° :Montreal 5s 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 2 50 8° L. & P. 3 50 8° ]Montreal 10s Gd 12° N. y. 1 25 Canada. — Cat. Life in tho C'learinijs. 12" I^>iiil. Morris. C'siiiailu ami Iut Uosourcca. S'^ Muiitiv.il Murray. Hist. .\y Popular Caricatures of 2.'> years. S° Lond. Tenniel. Cart4H)ns fn)m Punch. -1° Lond. Thack<>ray. Oqthan of Pindi<*o, etc. 4° Jj. (k N'. Wriijht. Caricature History of the Georges. 12° X. V. History uf Caricature and (Jrotesque, etc. 12° N'. Y. Carthage. l)avis. Carlhaijo and it.s Rcniain.s. 8° N'. Y. P' rry. Cartliaijje anil Tunis. 8° Prov. Carving, Fret "Work, etc. Bomrose. .Manual of Wood Car\"ing. 4° Phila. Uogers, .Art of WckmI Can'injj. Sawyr. Fn-t Sawinij anil Wood Carvinjj. Sm. '1° H<»st. Senton. Manual of Fnt Cutting and Wood Carvinp. Lt>nil. Williams. Ornamental Designs fnr Fr-t Work. Cat. UN 0,/ 1 .-.(» •J .')(» 2 00 •J 00 1 00 21s 7s 6il GO 00 •M 00 ;} no 10 r)0 7 50 :j 00 :3 (»o 1 (K> 1 5U 1 -.0 Wilii.iiii- P..H.kof Cat^. ( its nil* I Cat Life. Aii.ii iny of th« Domestic C. 12° Ix.nd. Is Oil 12° F^.ml. 7ji Text 8° I'lates 8° 00 Cathe dr als. — Charities. 8° Lond. 18s 8° Lond. 18s 8° Lond. 1.5s 8° Lond. 18s 12° Lond. 5s 12° X. Y. 8° Lond. lis 8° Loud. 28s Cathedrals. Essays on Cathedrals. Ed. by Howsou. 8° Lond. 9s lland-Books of Cathedrals of England and ^Vales. 8 vols. 12° Lond. 91s Stanley. Historical Memoirs of Canterbury. bth edition. i". 8° Lond. 7s Qd Walcott-Mackenzie. Traditions aud Customs of Cathedrals. 2nd edition. P. 8° Lond. 6s Cattle. See Domesiic Animals. Caucasus, Circassia. Cunynghame, A. T. Eastern Caucasus, etc. Freshfield. Caucasus and Bashan. Grove. The Frosty Caucasus. Ilaxthausen. Trans-Caucasia. Tribes of the Caucasus. Kennan. Georgia and the Caucasus. Mounsey. Caucasus and Interior of Persia. Spencer. AVestern Caucasus. 2 vols. Caves. See Mammoth Cave : Pre-historic. Celibacy. a. Lea. History of Sacerdotal Celibacy. 8° Phila. Central America. See America, Central. Ceylon. a. Baker. Eight years in Ceylon. Forbes. Eleven years in Ceylon. 2 vols. Hoffmeister. Travels in Ceylon. Pridliam. History of Ceylon. 2 vols. Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. b. Tennent. Histoiy of Ceylon. 2 vols. Charities. See also Pauperism. Bureau of Charities. Charities of Xew York. 12° Cammau and Camp. Cliarities of Xew York. 8° Cliurcli. Philosophy of Benevolence. a. l)e Liefde. Charities of Europe. Howson. Deaconesses. Jameson, ]Mrs. Sisters of Charity. Jerrold. Signals of Distress. Jones. Una and lier Paupers ; a ^Memorial. a. Low. Charities of London. ]\Iaylie\v. Loud. Labor and Lond. Poor. 3 vols. Potter. Sisterlioods and Deaconesses. Sieveking. Principles of Charity Work. Stallard. London Pauperism. Stephens. Service of the Poor, Sisterhoods, etc. 12° Lond. 56 12° Phila. 1 50 8° Loud. 21s 12° Edin. 10s 8° Lond. 28s 12° Phila. 2 00 8° Loud. 50s 12° X. Y. 25 8° X. Y. 5 25 12° X. Y. 1 25 12° Lond. 5s 16° Lond. 5s 12° Bost. 12° Lond. 7s 6^ 12° L. & X. 2 00 16° Lond. 3s Qd 8° Lond. 7 50 12° X. Y. 1 50 12° Lond. 4s 8° Lond. 12s Chemistry. Chemistry. 1. CiK.vKUAi. Works. h. l{K>x;iJu. ()rj;iinic uiul Inorganic Cliomistry. S° Ixiiul. l«i.* l>oi>tli v\ .Mi>rlil. Eiu'ycli)|Mi'tli;nif C'lu'iiiistry. b° I'liila. .'j (Kj iVuwiuaii. I'nictiral I lu-nii.stiy. 12"' I'liila. "J •»,"! r.iMti. I.' & Taylor, tlicini.stry. 8° I.on.I. 12^(1// (I. (••Iv--. I'riiuipk'.s ut" C. I'liilo.sKphy. 8° IJo^t. ~J .'•() l>.irl>y. T«'.\t liook of L"h«.'inistiy. yo >; y j - - 1 ).iy. (."hfiuJstry in its rulutiuus to lliysiology, t'tc. 8° Lnii.l. A 7.') H.»war. Orijanio ( hemi.stry. (.\tlv. Sci. Ser.) 12° N. V. 1 .'.D I'.lliott & Ston-r. Manual of Inoisjanio C. 8° X. Y. 2 7.» I'aratlay. Kcsfarclics in Cht-nnstry. 8° Lf>n(l. I'w Fownt-s. .Manual of C'iu'nustiy. 12° Lonk of C'lifnii.str>'. l.lvols. H° I,< nd. 17S.< 0// (iraham. Kkni»iit.s of Cluinistry. 2 vols. .s^M-nn«l. 10 U<) Inorganic C'in-nii.stry. ,s° I'liila. ."» "><) (InMjory. ( )r{janio and Inorganic Choniistry. 8° N. Y. ea. '2 50 IIotTnian. Introihu'tion to C'ljeinistr}-. Howard. Tractical C'lu-nustry. (Eleni. Sci. •S'ric.x.) 1U° N. Y. 75 KtMush.-ail. W. II. Inorganic Cliomistry. (Elem. Sci. Sorif.H.) Knapp. C'liomical Torhnology. 2 vol.s. Li»'l>ig. Cornplfto Work.s on C'hcmi.stry. .Milli-r. C'lu-niical I'liysics. b. Organic and Inorganic Clitnii.stry. 2 vs. b. Mu-spratt. ('ht-mistry ; 'Ilit'orttical. Practical, and .\nalytical. 2 voI.h. R. b. N'aquot. Principles of C'li«'nii>try. X rrn.mdy. (hi-mical .\t!as and Dictionary. I' i.'''\ Fornv. (Jon. X'otion.s of C'licniistry. 12 {' :■ r. Princfi>I'"' of Cliomistry. I' I. :i>n. Til" Clii'inical Forces. l: 1a-11. IJirtli of Ch.inisfry. (Xatur. Si-r.) 12 llosco«\ I>',<«.sons in Kl'-nn-nUiry Chemistry. Inorganic and ()ri;anic. Stockhart. Agricultural Chemistry. Piincipli-s of Clirniistrj'. .Manual of Chomislry. >illiman. Chemistry. II. Thorp<«. Inorganic Chemi.stry. (.\dv. Sci. S«T.) 2 voLs. r • itn. Clioinittrv M.-idi- V,tx'*y for Farmers. \ ;T. lland-ll-. 12^ X Y 1 CO C2 ' '•'' 12^ X. Y. 7.") .s-^ Phi la. (] 00 8° Phi la. 2 00 8° X. Y. 1 00 8= X. Y. !(} 00 8° Lond. 20 00 8"^' Li.nd. 7 50 ■1^ l.ond. 2Ss 12" Phil.i. 1 75 N^ X. Y. 2 00 12^ X. Y. 3 00 12>^ X. Y. 1 00 1 .-.0 12° Hnhn. 2 50 12° HoIiM. 2 50 12° Phil.i. 2 75 12° X. Y. 2 avi-<. History of C'. !> vols. hs^ .\. Y. 1 .".u C. Durinij and after tlie War. 2 vols. lU-" X. Y. l)e C'arno. Travels in Indo-C. and the C. Em- pire. 8° Lnnd. !•;>• Doolittle. Vocabnlary and IIand-l)Oi.k. 'J viils.12^ X. V. .'i (i(> /'. Doolittl*', Rev. J. Social Customs of the C. 2 voKs. 12° X. Y. 5 00 I'ortuni'. Tt'a Countries of C. 8° Lond. (Int/iaff. Cliint's*' Ili.story. 2 vols. 8° Lond. Ciiina OiH-ned. 2 vols. Ix)nd. L'li J'^^'iJg''- Chint'se Cla."isies ; witli Trans., Notes, etc., 5 vols in 8 parts, (to be 7 vol.s.) per rart. U. 8° Lond. lb Same. Kntjli.sh tran.s. only, with Essays ami Notes. Vols. 1 and 2, Confucius and MiMicius ; vol. :i. The Kinj». 8° Ix)nd. ca.lOxG'/ Looniis. Confucius and Cld. Cla.ssics. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Mayrs. Chin«'>«' Ucailfr's Manual. 8° Shantfiiae. .Martin. China. Political, etc. 2 vols. 8° Lond. \\h 'Ihorntoii. IIi.Hti>rv of China. 8° Lond. lij.< W.d.st.T. War with C. in ISC.O. 8° Lond. a. Williams. The Middle Kingdom ; History, etc. 2 vols. 12° 1 00 2. — Tl! \VEL8. Conwidl. ^^^ly the Cliinos.^ Emiirratp. 12° Rost. 1 .'0 Howning. .Stranger in China. '6 vols. 8° L«ind. 21.< Forlw's. Five Yi-ars in China. 9° Lond. 1">< n. Ilua Journey through the Cliiuese Empire. 2 vol.s. 12° X. Y. 1 00 I.<>ch. IVrson.-il Xarrative. .M.iraulay. Kathay. 1S.'.L 12^ X. Y. 1 (JO Margarv. Journt-y from .shanghac to Uhamo. vU'. 8° Lond. :{ .V) MedhufHt, W. II. Far Cathay. L. & X. IVl Til.' Int»'rior of Chin.-i. 8° Lond. .*» il*/ X.-vins. ( hina and th- Chine.sp. 12° X. Y. lo<) h. Oliphant. Ixird Elgin's Miviion to C. and Japan. 8° X. Y. .\ 50 llounie. Tekin and tlie rekineae. 2 vob. Loud. 59 China. — Christ. a. Smith, Rev. G. The Consular Cities of Ch. 12° N. y. 1 50 Williams, Mrs. Year in China. ^ 12° N. Y. 1 50 "Williamson, Rev. A. Journeys in Xorth China. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 21s 3. — Rebellion. Gallery & Yvan. Insurrection in China. 12° X. Y. 75 Meadows. The Chinese and their Rebellion. 8° Lond. 18.9 b. Tai Ping. The Chinese Rebellion. Illus. 2 v. r 8° Lond. 8 00 Chivalry. a. Addison. History of Knights Templar. 8° Lond. 2 50 a. Bulfinch. The Age of Chivalry. 12° Bost. 3 00 Burke. Orders of Knighthood. 8° Lond. 42^ Digby. Broad Stone of Honor. 4 vols. 8° Lond. ea. Ss Doran. Knights and their Days. 12° L. & N. 1 75 Hord. The Days of Chivalry. 8° Lond. 5s a. James. Chivalry and the Crusades. 18° N. Y. 75 b. Mill. History o'f Chivalry. Scarce. 2 vols. 8° Lond. Vance. Romantic Episodes of Chivakic and Mediaeval France. 12° Lond. 10s 6d Christ. Abbott. Life of Christ. Hlus. 8° N. Y. 3 50 Andrews. Life of our Lord. 8° N. Y. 3 00 b. Beecher, H. AV. Life of Christ. Vol. 1. 8° X. Y. 3 50 Brooke. Christ in Modern Life, 2 00 Bushnell. Character of Jesus. 12° N. Y. 1 00 Crosby. Life of Jesus. 8° X. Y. 4 50 Ecce Dens Homo. The Work and Kingdom of Christ. 12° Phila. 1 50 Eggleston. Christ in Art. 100 Plates. 4° N. Y. 5 50 Ellicott. Life of our Lord, Historical. 12° Bost. 1 75 b. Farrar. Life of Christ. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Fleetwood. Life of Christ. 12° Phila. 1 75 Gethsemane ; the Last Hours of Christ. 12° Bost. 1 25 Hanna. Our Lord's Life on Earth. 6 v. in 3.12° N. Y. 4 50 Krummacher. Tlie suffering Saviour. 12° Bost. 1 75 Lange. Life of Jesus. 6 vols. 8° Edin. 35s Liddon. The Divinity of our Lord. 12° Lond. 2 50 March. Walks and Homes of Jesus. 12° Phila. 2 50 Neander. Life of Christ. 8° N. Y. 2 50 a. Parker. Ecce Deus. The Life and Doctrine of Christ. 18° Bost. 1 50 Plum]itre. Christ and Christendom. 8° Lond. 12s a. Presscnse. Jesus Christ. His life and Work.l2° Lond. 5s Renan. Life of Jesus. 12° N. Y. 150 Schaff. The Person of Christ. Reply to Renan, etc. 12° X. Y. 1 25 Schenkel. Character of Jesus. Traus. by Furuess. 2 vols. S° Bost. 4 50 60 Chriat— Chris tma«. Scott. 'Ihf Christ of tli»» Ajkis. Cret'il. S* X. Y. .'{ (M) a. S'l'ley. Kor.' lloriio. 18° Host. 1 .'K) Stier. The Words of the Ix)ril Jesus. S'^ Kdin. S4« - S;ime. :J vols. R. yo >; y. & I'h. :\ 00 StrauH.s. N'fw Life of .Ii'siis. 'J vols. 8° Ix)inl. L'l.v Stmiul. Physical Cause of the Death of Clirist.ll'" N. Y. 1? 00 T«)\viiseuil. I'hlhoril. Mo.1. l{e|. resent, of Life of .Iesu.s. l(j° Host. 1 DO Vaughan. Christ the Li.i,'lit of tlie World. ]i]^ Lond. & N. 1 :,{} Cliaraet»';- of Clirisfs Teachin^^. KP Loiid. & X. 1 .')() YiMiii,:,'. Tlie Clirist of History. 12'^ I.^ind. & X. 2 00 Chriatiawlty. — Ste aito Bible: liioijraphi/ (lolleclive rc'ufiius) ; Christ , C h list inns : Church lliitori/ ; Devotion ; I'^rrtes. I'oli ij ; JCciil's of Christiaiiili/ ; Future Stale; Ilenthenism : llolij Laml ; Jn- Jidelity : Jnsfiiration of Bible ; Missions ; Mifslicisin ; Mi/thol- ogij ; yntural Theology ; Prayer ; I'rcavheis ; Ilatioiiaiism ; Jie/unnati'in : lit^iii/ion ; lloman i'atholir Hooks ; Jloiiianism ; Science ami Jtelii/ion ; Scniions ; Sujifnialuralism; Siipirsti- tions ; Stceiienboryianisnt ; Theoloijy. Fur Christian Art, see under Fine A rts, I'ainting, etc. Ante-Xicene Cliristian Library. Transla- tions of til.- Fathers to A. I). ;J2."), 21 vols. S° Edin. I2{js Booth. rri>l>l''ni of the WorUl and the Churcli KiToiisiih-rt'd. 8° lx)nd. fw Bryant. C. vt the .Stoic School. 12° Lond. 2* Cul Cljristianity Irres|vctive of Churches. 12° Lond. 'Js Gin.l. 5* Thuri>e, Yulo Tide Storiea. 12° Ix)ud. 5< * 61 Chronology. — Church History. Chronology. Blair. Chronological Tables. 12° Bohn. 5 00 Bond. Haudy-book for verifying dates. 12° Lond. 7s 6c? a. Same, new ed. " 12° Loud. 16s Halsey. Bible Chart of Genealogy and Chro- nology to A. D. 100. Bost. 1 2.J Hawes. Synchronology. S° Bost. 2 50 h. Haydn. Dictionary of Dates, Amer. Supple- ment. 8° Lond. & N. 9 00 Condensed. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Hume. Suppl. to Haydn's Diet, of Dates. 75 Nicholas. Chi'onology of History. 16° Lond. 3s Qd a. Putnam. The World's Progress, a Dictionary of Dates. ^12° X. Y. 3 50 Tegg. Dictionary of Chronology. 12° Lond. 2 00 h. Townsend. Manual of Dates. 8° Lond. 8 00 Woodward and Cates, Eucyclopsedia of Chro- nology. 8° Lond. 8 00 Church and State. See Ecclesiastical Polity. Church History. — See also Christianity ; Missions ; Reformation ; Romanism. 1. General. Butler. Eccl. History. 8° Phil. 3 75 Blunt. Christian View of Christian History. 16° Lond. 7s Gieseler. Eccl. History. 4 vols. 8° X. Y. 9 00 Hagenbach. History of the Church. 2 vols. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Hardwick Hist, of Christian Church. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 5 00 Hase. Hist, of Christian Church. 8° N. Y. 3 50 Jones. Hist, of Church of God. 8° X. Y'. 3 50 Lea. Studies in Church History. 8° Phil. 3 00 Marsh. Eccl. History. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Mosheim. Eccl. History. 2 vols. 8° X^. Y. 4 00 Xeander. Hist, of Chr. Church. 6 vols. 8° Bost. 24 00 Robertson. Hist, of Chr. Church. 8 vols. 12° X^. Y. 18 00 Schaff. Hist, of Chr. Church. 2 vols. 8° X\ Y. 7 50 Smith. Henry B. Hist, of Ch. of Christ, in Chronoi. Tables. 8° X. Y'. 6 75 2. Early. Bingham. Antiq's of Chr. Church. 2 vols. Pt. 8° Lond. 1 1 00 Coleman. Apostolic and Primitive Church. 8° Phil. 2 00 Crake. Churcli under Roman Empire. 12° Lond. 7s 6^ Dollinger. First age of Christianitv, etc. 8° Lond. 6 25 Elliot._ Hist, of Early Christians. '2 vols 8° Lond. 4 50 Eusebius. Eccl. History. 12° X^ Y. 1 75 King. The Gnostics. Illustr. 8° Lond. \os Mahan. Cliurcli Hist., 1st seven centuries. 8°L. &X. Y. 4 00 Mansel. Gnostics of 1st and 2d centuries. 8° Loud. 10s M 62 Church History. Miall. M.'inorials of K:irly Cliristianity. 12' Host. 1 50 n. Milmiui. llist. of Christianity. 3 vols. S^ .\. Y. .'» 25 (I. Latin Chri.stiaiiity. H vols. H^ N. Y. 1 ( (N» N«'uli'. Hist . of Kasi.rii Clmrcli. 4 vols. «^ L. iodor.'t and Kvajjrius. Eccl. Ili.st. 1l'° Hoim. 2 .'.0 3. Othkk I'KUions a.nd i'akts. Bt'«le. Ecclesiastical History. Trans. 12- Uoliii. 2 50 IJunjfener. llotuo and the Council in the lOth Century. 12"- Lon.l, .-.,« History of Council of Trent. 12-M^ond. ;3 oO Till- I'riest and Huguenot — Persecutions time lA)uis XV. 12° iiost. a 00 Chryw>.'»tom . Church and Empire Ith Cent. 8'^ I^)nd. l.'i* ColHer. Ecclesiast'l Hist, of (it. Hrit. 1 vol.s. 8" Lond. Ob ^] Felt. Ecclesi;istical Historv of New England. 2 vols. ' 80 Bost. fiagarin. Kn.0 n.H. rdwick. History of Christian Church. Mid. A^re. 8° L. &X. .T 00 b.U-irh'. Historyof Church Councils. 8= E. & X.Y. ca. (J 00 HojH', Mrs. Conversion of Teutonic Race, ed. hy Dalirairns. 8° Lond. C.« St. Itoniface and Conversion of (Jcrmanv : aS»-.|uel. P. Ro T/ind. C« Jnnus. The Pope and the Council. 1S° Host. 1 '>0 .lervis. History of Church of France. 2 vol.s. 8° Lond. 2Sjf Jones. History of th'- Church f'urini; Period of K.'v.dation: V. 1. Old T.-stament. So X. Y. 3 rA) Macduff. St. Paul in Home. etc. 12° IxmlI. •»« 0*/ Miall. Ilritish Churches ami British People. 8° I>md. 4.« Xeale. .ran'«enist Church. .f Holland, etc. 8°L.\N.Y. 3 00 Xewman. Arians of the Fourth {Vntnr\'. P. 8° I..«)nd. Os Palmer. Macariu.i of Antioch, Patriarcli and the Tsar. .Tvol.H. S* T/>nd. ea. 12« fc. IVrrv. Hi.Ht.of Chef En-I.ind. 2 vols. S" Ix>ml. 12 50 Prcsa-ns.:. 'pi,,, Church during the French Rovolutiou. 10* Lond. CO Church History. — Classics. Pusey. Councils, Jerusalem to Constanti- nople. 8° L. & X. Y. 3 50 Rule. Councils, Ancient and ]Modern. 16° Loud. Is Qd Short. Sketch of History of Church of Eng- land. 12° Lond. 7s Qd Skeats. Hist, of Free Churches of Engl'd. 8° Lond. 16s Smedlev. Reformed Religion in France. 3 vols. 18° X. Y. 2 25 Soames. Anglo-Saxon Church. 12° Lond. 2 00 a. Southey. Book of the Church. 8° Lond. 5 00 b. Stanley. Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland. 8° L. & X. 2 50 Stevens. History of Methodism. 3 vols. 8° K. Y. 5 25 Stoughton. Ecclesiastical History of Eng- land. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 25s Thompson. Church and State in the U. S. 16° Bost. 1 50 Tyerman. The Oxford Methodist. Cr. 8° X. Y. 2 50 Vaughau. Ritualism in Ch. of England. 12° Lond. 4s Qd Circassia. — See Caucasus. Civil Engineering. — See Engineering . Civilization. — See Ethnology ; Manners ; Preidstoric Man. 6. Buckle. History of Civilization. 3 vols. 12° Bost. 8 00 Draper. Intellectual Development of Europe. 2 vols. 12° X. Y. 5 00 6. Guizot. History of Civilization. 4 vols. 12° X. Y. 6 00 Abridged. 1 vol. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Harris. Civilization as a Science. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Mackinnon. History of Civilization. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 7 50 6. Marsh. Earth as INIodified by Human Action. 8° X. Y. 4 50 Ozanam. Civilization in the 5th Centmy. 2v. 12° Lond. 21s a. Tylor. Primitive Culture. 2 vols. 8° X"'. Y. 5 00 Classical Dictionaries. Anthon. Classical Dictionary. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Lempriere. Classical Dictionarv. 8° Phila. 3 75 Smith. W. Dictionarv of Greek and Roman Biography and INIvthology. 3 vols. 8° L. & B. 30 00 h. Dictionarv of Greek and Roman Geog- raphy. Hf. calf. 2 vols. _ 8° L. & B. 20 00 h. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiqui- ties. 8° L. & B. 10 00 h. Classical Dictionary of Bioorraphy, Myth- ologv, and Geograpliy. Condensed. ^ 8° L. & B. 6 00 a. Smaller Classical Dictionary. 8° X. Y. 2 50 o. Smaller Dictionary of Antiquities 8° X. Y. 2 50 Classics. See under Libraries; also Literature (Classical). 64 Climatology.— Collectious. Climatology. See also Mtleorology. l{l...l:,'«tl. CliniiiUiloi^- of the Uniti'tl. States. U. 8° I'liila. :'. (mi Ma.Men. Cliuiigo ol C'liiiiate. l«o Ldh,]. 7* Vnl Clocks and Watches. iJt'ckflt (loriu. rl\ lKiii>.>ii). C'lorks, Watches, niul H.-lls. ■ 12° Phila. 1 7.'. a. BtKith. Clink aiitl WatchmakiMs' Manual. iL"^ N. V. 2 (JO K.-i.l. Clock aiis. System of Mlniin,' Coal. 12^ Pliila. Smyth. Coal and Coal Mining. 12° I.oml. Sweet. S|>««cial UeiK)rt on Coal. 8° X. Y. a. Taylor. Stati.^tics of Coal. 8° Phila. Coffee. Keen. Coffeo Cultivation in Ceylon. 12° I^ond. Laacelles. Naturi; and Cultivation of Cofifee. 12° Loud. Coins. Si-i^ Sumismntirs. CollectioDB, Entertaining. Honihaugh. (il<'aniritp» for the Curious. Paper 1 2."). 12^ X. Y. 2 00 Lit^-rature f.f Kissini;. 12° Phil. 1 7.") a. ChamU-rs. Mi.Hcellany of Entertaining Tracts. 10 vols. 12° K. kV. 10 00 Information for the People. 2 vols. U. H"" Phil. 8 00 h. Paprs for th.* People. vols. 12^ K. & P. 9 «K) b. Pi^-k.-t .Mis«-i Many. 12 vol.s. is^ K. & P. (H) *. Ikxik of Davs. 2 vols. IL s^ K. \ P. S 00 b. Doraii. Tahlo Traits. K^ X. Y. 1 7.'> IlabitH and Men. S* X. Y. 1 7.'» Knichts and their Day*. 8° X Y. 1 7.'i b. Monarehs U.-tind from HuHinesa. 2 voU. 8° X. Y. .'» .V) Hone. Every Day iV>ok. 2 vols. b° I^jud. 9 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 7.'C lOi (J./ Collections. — Common Schools. 8° Lond. 4 .50 8° Lond. 4 50 . 8° N. Y. 2 00 4° N. Y. 'l2° Lond. 2.'; 1U° Lond. Is 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 3 00 16° Lond. 5.-: 12° N. Y. 3 00 12° Lond. 2s Gd 12° Lond. 2s Gd 12° N. Y. 1 lb 12° Lond. 5s 12° Lond. ca. 2 00 Hone. Table Book. Year Book. Kaines. Last Words of Eminent Persons. Cr liosenberg. Wonders of the World. Russell. Book of Authors. (Criticisms, Notes, etc.) Tegg. \\ ills of their Own, Curious, etc. Sq. Ten Thousand Wonderful Things. Timbs. English Eccentrics, etc. Entertaining Half Hours. Notabilities, Curious, etc., Facts. Popular Errors Explained. Something for Everybody. Things not Generally known. Things to be Remembered. • Y'ear Book of Facts in Science and Art. 1839-70. Colleges and Universities. Alexander. Princeton College in the la Century. o 50 Arnold. Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. lOo ]^_ y. 2 00 Blake. American Colleges and Scliools. 12° Lond. 1 75 a. Bristed. Five Years in an English University. 12° jST. Y. 2 25 Everett. On the Cam. 16° Camb. 1 75 Four I'ears in Yale. 12° N. Y'. 2 50 a. Hart. German Universities and American Colleges _ 100 N. Y. 1 75 Huber. English I niversities. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 30*' Newman. Historical Sketches of Universi- ties. 2 ser. joo y^o^d. ea. Gs a. iorter. American Colleges. l'>° N Hav 1 50 Rogers. Education at Oxford. 16° Lond. * 65 SchafP. Universities of Germany. 12° Phila. 1 25 Ten Brook. American State Universities. 8° Cine' Colonization. See Emigration. Color. See Painting. Colorado. Groatorex. Summer Etchings in Colorado. 111. 4° N. Y. 3 00 Taylor, Bayard. Colorado ; a Summer Trip. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Comedies. See Drama. Comic. See Humorous Works; Poetry, Humorous. Commerce. See Business. Common Schools. See Education. 66 Commnnism. — Constitution of the United States, etc. Communism. S^e Co-operation , Sociology. Complete Works. See List at end oj J'rincipal List. Composition. See also Letter- Wriliny ; Ithetoric. a. AbUdt. K. A. How to writi' cloarly. Built, l utii(K^sition niul Klietoric. Day. Lii;;lisli C'oiiii><>.siUuii. I'lirkiT. Auis to Kiiglish (.'omposition a. bpi'UctT. rhilu:M>pliy of Myie. Conchology : Molluscs. Ail.ims. !?• .uitiful SlicUs. i;ical Manual (colored, 30s), Concholoijical Illustrations. G vols. Swainson. Kxtitic Concholopy. Woo«l\vard. Manual of the ^ioUusca. Concordance. Concordance to BiMe. See under Bihle. To Constitution of U. S. See under Con- stitution. To Dick.-ns. Bv Pierce. (Dickens Dic- tion.irv.) ' 12°Bost 3 00 To Miftoii. Bv Ch'av.land. 8" Loud. «.« To Poj*'. ByAhlH.tt. 8« N. V. 4 00 To .'^llake^p«•an^ .sVc under Shakespeare. To Tenny.son. By Bri-htwell. 8° Ixjnd. 8 00 Constitution of the United States, and of States. Bavard. On the Cn-ititution. 12° Phil 75 Curtis. Dn t!i.« Cf^n^titution. 2 vols. SoN.l. « "0 KHi.tt. p.l.it.Hon theF.-d.'rnlCon.st. 5voU«. 8° Phd. 2<» «»0 F.irr.ir. M.ii-ril of the Coimf itution. R° I'""*- 'J ''O Federalist. Kdited hv Dim - ;. 8*^ N. ^ . •» «J0 h. Edit.Ml In- .r. C. H wn!- ;. H° Phil. » '^j fc. Hou-h. Am.-ri.an Constitutions. 2 vols. 8<» .Xlh.^ !•' '^' Pomerov. Constitutional Law of V. S. 8® N. Y 3 •' 67 10° Bost. (10 P2° N. Y. 1 75 P2° N. V. 1 .-.0 12^ N. V. 1 25 12° .\. Y. 50 12° Lond. 1 GO 8° Bost. :J00 8° L<.nd. &.» 8° Lond. ll>- 8° Lond. G« F° Bost. 55 00 4° N. Y. 8° Lond. 21.<» 8° Loud. 5G.V 12° Lond. 7.« Cut 8° N. Y. «S 00 12° Lon.l. 7.< G./ 8° Lond. ISv 8° Lond. 150y 4° LoiuL 52.-( (id 12° Lond. GjOJ Constitution of the United States, etc. — Cookery and Food. a. Prince. Articles of Confederation. 12° X. Y. 1 00 a. Stearns. Concordance to Constitution. 12° X. Y. 1 50 b. Story. Commentary on the Consti. 2 vols. 8° Bost. 10 00 a. Same, abridged. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Towle. Hist, and Analysis of Constitution. 8° Bost. 2 00 Constitution of England. Bagehot. The Euq-lish Constitution. 8° Bost. 2 25 Creasy. English Constitution. 12° N. Y. 1 50 a. De Lolme. On the Constitution of England. 12° Bohn. 1 75 a. Freeman. English Constitution. Cr. 8° N. Y. 2 00 b. Hallani. Constitutional History of England. 8° X. Y. 2 00 b. Hallam & May. Consti. Hist, of Eng. 3 vols. 12° X. Y. 5 25 Smith's"' Student's Hallam. 12° 2 00 May. Const. Hist, since Ace. of George HI., 3 vols. 12° Lond. 18s Russell, Earl. Histoiy of English Govern- ment and Constitution. 12° Lond. 3s Qd b. Stubbs. Const. Hist, of England. Vols. 1, etc. 8° Lond. ea. 16s Conundrums ; Puzzles, etc. See also Games, etc. Book of 500 Curious Puzzles. Charades and Riddles. Ploward. Conundrums and Puzzles. Wheatley. Anagrams ; History, etc., of. Conversation. See Table Tidk. Cookery and Food. See also Adullerations ; Chemistry {applied); Health. Beecher, C. E. Receipt Book. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Beeton. Every-day Cookery Book. 1 50 a. Bellows. Philosoiihv- of Eating. 12° X. Y. 1 50 a. Beard. Food and Diet in Health and Disease. 12° X. Y. 75 a. Blot. Hand Book of Cookery. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Brillat-Savarin. Hand Book of Dining. 12° X. Y. 1 00 Physiology of Taste. 16° Phil. 1 00 Same. 12° X. Y. 1 00 a. Cornelius, Mrs. Yonng Housekeeper's Friend. 12° Bost. 1 50 Delamere. Wholesome Fare ; the Doctor and the Cook. S° Lond. 1 50 Dobell. Diet and Regimen in Health and I^isease, ' 12° Lond. 5s Francatelli, C. E. INIodern Cook. Ulus. 8° Phil. 5 00 Royal Confectioner. 12° Lond. 1 50 h. Gouffe. Royal Cookery Book. Illustrated. R. 8° Lond. 21 00 Lankester. ()n Food. 12° Lond. 1 50 Leslie. Receipt Book. Cookery. 12° Phil. ea. 1 75 Letheby. Lectures on Food. 12° Lond. 6s Our Food. 2 50 68 16° X. Y. 50 12° Lond. 2s M 16° X. Y. 50 12° Lond. 6s Cookery- Corrcspoudouce. a. rufiKiin. U.-ci'ij.t Il<«>k. IJ \ V. 1 :.*> Smith, K«l\v(l. Fo<«l.s. Ij N. V. I 7.j Maci«. History of n Mouthful of nreod. 12® N. Y. 1 75 Mann. C'hristiauitv in the Kit.-h.-n. !•_»'=' Host. 1 'J.') IVrt'ira. Km..| an.!* Di-t. K.lit.-.l l.v L.v. IJ^ X. V. 175 ii.t 1J.«> Foods. Sioyt-r. Culinary Campaign in Crinii'.in War. S^ Lond. ;'> Cookorv. >»^ Lon IIouschoM. ]'2^ N. Y. 1 7') i. Wariif. Modi-l CiH>kiTV ami lluu.sckt'i'ping. \'2° IahuI. ;J 7."» Sam<' ; cheap edition. l'J° Ix)nd. 1 75 a. What -shall we Eat? A Manual fur llouse- k.eiH^Ts. Il2« 75 Co-operation of Labor. Cai r. Patrons of IIu.sbandry on tho Pacific Coast. S^ .Sail Fr. 4 50 Constitu.. etc. of Co-operative Build. A.sso. liP N. Y. 15 Co-o|H'rative Stores. Iti' \. Y. 50 (Jrant, Co-ojx'ration ; Attractive Industry. lU^ .N. Y. 50 o. Ilolyoake. Co-operation in England ; Pioneer Peri.Ml. 12° Phil. 2 00 Sdf-H»»li> by the People; Co-operation in K.Khdai.-/ Pt. 1. P. 8° Lond. l.* Somers. Thf Trailf I'nions. 12° Kdin. 5.v Thurlow. Trades' rnions Abroad. 8° Lond. Ds Wriglev, E. liow to Manage Building Asso- ciations. 12° 2 00 Copyright. (arty. Letter on Internation.il Copyright. 8° X. Y. 50 Complete Collection of Copyright Cases. 8° X. Y. International Copyright Asso. ; Sj)eeche3 and L'tters. ' " 8® N. Y. Law. La\v of I'atents and Copj-right. h. Morgan. Law of Literature, 2* vols. 8° X. Y. 12 00 Short Laws relating to Literature and Art. 8° Lond. 12 50 Corals. Dana. .1. I). Corals and Coral Islands. B° N. Y. 00 Corporal Punishment. Cobb. .S. Corjwiral Punishment 12o X. Y. 1 00 Cooper. Hist of the Hod in all Countries. 8° Ix)nd. 5 00 Correspondence; Collections of Letters, etc. See also liiognphy ; /.. tlf r-irriliiiij Y.W'xn. r/«tten» IIIiLstrativc of Kng. llisL .1 »eri«>.-, h^ N. Y. •J :a) ll»° Ii..llM. 2 :k) 1_'° IJosl. •_' IM) S° Lmi.l. !»;>• V2' N. V. 1 iV) 1-J^ h..i„l. 1 -.11 12° N. V. 2 (MJ Cosmology — Cottou Manufacture and Tiade. niiml>oI(U. A-'iMM^t^ of Nature. 2 vols. a. Cii.snio.<». (.') vol.s. Itoliii.) .1 vol.s. AIcl'o.sli. Tvpical Forms in C'ri-atiou. Oorsttvl. Soul in Naturi'. Ramsay, (I. M. t'<)sinoli)try. Uitelii'". Pyuamical Tlu'orica of Formation of Karth! a. Vostigi's of tho Natural Hist, of Creation Warriui;ton. 'J'h-' Week of Creation. h. Wincluli. Sketches of Creation. Costume . Toilet. iJook of Costume. Ry a La.ly of Rank. 8° Lnnd. 21 >• Coolev. The Toilet iii .Vnit.\sc Moil. Times. 12° Loud. 1 7.'» llan.llMH)k of Toilet. 12° Phila. 1 iA\ Corset and Crinoline. Mist. of. By a Lady. 4° Loiitl. 7.s 0sl>rooke. .Synopsis of Anct. Cost. 4° L«)nf th'* Cotton .Manufac. !. Ani'-rican Cotton Spinners' Guide. I ' 1 -11. Histor\' t)f Cotton. Kliison. Hind liook of the C. Trade. n. (eld.irt. H.ind ll«Mik of Cotton Manufac Hyde. Science of Cotton .^spinning. Montgomery'. On Cotton Spinning. b. Ure. Cotton Manufactures of (ireat Britain. 2 vol.1, Watt«. Fart.s of the Cotton Famine. Wheeler. Madras vs. America 12° Host. r^o 12° N. Y. 1 50 N. Y. 1 ->o S^ Lon.l. l.-..t 12° Thila 1 lA) lO (M> 8° Ix)nd. 7v tul 12° N. Y. 2 .'KJ H° Manch. 5 2.-| 8° (;i.isg. 0.* «n.l. 1 ',() 8° I^ii.l. 2 'lO 12° L. & N. 00 71 Cremation — Criticism. 8° Bost. 8° Loud. 8s 6d 12° Lond. 1.9 16° Loud. Cremation (of the dead). Adams. Cremation and Burial. a. Eassie. Cremation. Haden. Earth to Earth. Thompson. Cremation. Crete. Howe, S. G. Cretan Refugees and American Helpers. 12° Bost. 1 00 Pashley. Travels in Crete. 2 vols. 8° Camb. 42s Skinner. Roughing it in Crete. 12° Lond. 10s Gd Spratt. Travels in Crete. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 40s a. Stillman, ^y. J. The Cretan Insurrection. 12° N. Y 1 oO Cricket. See also under Gaines, etc. Chadwick. Manual of Cricket and Lacrosse. 16° N. Y. 50 Hand-book of Cricket. 16° N. Y. 25 Pycroft, Jr. Cricket Field. 10° L. & B. 3s 6d Crimea; Crimean "War, b. Chambers. History of the Russian AVar. R. 8° Edin. 6 00 a. Kinglake. Invasionof the Crimea. V. 1,2&3. N. Y. ea. 2 00 Koch. Crimea and Odessa. 8° Lond. 10s 6d Olyphant. Russian Shores of Black Sea. 12° N. Y. 75 Russell. Todleben's Defense of Sebastopol. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Slade. Tu)key and the Crimean AVar. 8° Lond. 12s Crimes and Punishments. See also Capital Punishment ; Jurispru- dence ; Laic ; Prisons. Bassett. Criminal Indictments. 4 50 Hill. On Suppression of Crime. 8° Lond. 16s On Juvenile Delinquents. 8° Lond. 6s Pierce. Half Century \vith Juvenile Delin- quents. 12° X. Y. 3 00 Criticism; Literary. See also Essays ; Fiction, History of; Poetry (History and Criticism). Adams. Famous Books. a. Arnold. Essays in Criticism. Essay on Heine. Paper. Calvert. Goethe's Life and Works. b. Coleridge. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols. b. Dallas. The Gay Science. 2 vols. a. De Quincey. History and Critical Essays. vols. Fitzgerald. Comedy and Dramatic Effect. b. Godwin. Critical Essays. Gosson. The Schoole of Abuse. (Arberrepr'ts.) 16° Lond, 72 12° X. Y. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 16° X. Y. 25 16° Bost. 1 25 12° X. Y. 3 00 8° Lond. o 28s "12° Bost. 3 00 8° Lond. 12s 12° X. Y. 2 00 ) 16° Lond. 6d Criticism Cmn-ncy 80 N. V. 1 75 1. 4° lAmd. S« 0«l HP II. .Hi. 1 fio 1-' lu.,t. 1 So h' \x>tul. vi-li.st,s. I^>ml, a. Kami's. Elemeiits of Critu-ism. KuowU'S. Lfctun-s on I >rainnt. Lit. ; Macbeth. «. Lossinij. K.iocoon: Tr. by Krotlunijhain. Ma.>i.son. liiitish XoVflist.s andtlnir Stylos. riirco Dovils, ami otlx-r i-ssays. Worilswoitli, Slu'lli'v, etc. Ossoli (Marij. Fnllor). f'apcrs on Lit<'raturo ami Alt. Poo. I,it«'rati anil Marpinalla. Saint"-Heuvt'. Knt^li.sh Portraits. b. Sc\\U'rr,-\. Dramatic Art ami Literature. Stt'plnMi. Hours in a Library. SaniP. 2ml .scr. /». Taiiii'. Knclish Literature. 2 vols, Wallace. Litt^rary Criticisms. Crochet. Ste Needle-Work. Croquet. l'riM[Uft (Xt'wiKirt Clul) Rules). .\. V. 25 (Philadelphia Club Rules. 18« I'hila, 20 Fellow. Crwiuet. 12^ X. Y. W Koutlcilge. Game of Croquet. 1<3" X. Y. JO Crusades. See afso Chivnlnj. a. Chronicles of the Cru.sa- vizea, (Jeoffrey de Vinsauf. Joinvillo.) 12" IWin. 5» Cox. The Crusade.s. (Ki>ochs of History.) 10° .N'. Y. 1 00 Edjjar. Crusades and Crusaders. 18° lU>»t. 75 (Jrny. Chihlren's Crusade in \M\\ Ccntur)'. 12° X. Y. I 00 Hutton. Ilercws of the Crusand. l'>« Mill. History of the Crusaijr!a ; Dictionary, Oriental. Currency. See lioni:* ; Finance; Money. 78 12» X. Y. 1 M 12^ X. Y. 1 M 10= It.vst. 1 25 lO'' Itost. 1 25 12° I>nnd. 7j 0./ 12° Phila. 1 75 Cyclopedia* — Dair winljini - Bo«t, 12'- y. Y. 1 (X) 12'> N- y. a^ N, Y. 3 00 12' N. y. r/^ 12^ N. y. 1 .v(J 12^ >'. y. 7 '3 fAt- 12'" N. Y. t:j Dairy. )'TifA.i»audry. „ J . 4 .t ,.< ;>,,,,■,,,., ; , , ' xU'iOU. fi.\'..., 1>., ... -J. .'lyu' fit S'yd'jty, Diujte. VmiWn Comwly. The H*ll. Tran*. by Rcw*- i»HtJ- Fcap. 8' 1 % Viv'w'AOjrsinmliA. Traim, by lyonjffdlow. 3 v, ft'-' Bowt. 15 00 Baf/je. VP limi. e 00 JjHviiji; (>jiifl'?^fJy. TraoK. by Wright. 1 40 hiif.rn<}. Tran- 1.vT'.,r»fji>«. R, 8^ B fX) VmuH. Trfj . Jlltw. 12<> N. Y. 1 r/> Hmm. ' t ioji, !(}«" N, Y, ) 25 Vita Nuova. 'li^i'r>. hy Norton. R. 8* Bust, 5 W 2. C'>MMKKT(», r.tc. X/jis^n^i. IJi'>gTaj4i)cal Guiries to Divina Com- RcrtisKftti, J>. G, I>atii«; and hii9 Circle. V. W Ij'jmt J4» R/i^ssiixdtJ, M, K. A S)ia^Mn of Mr, Darwin. P. 8» Lon'l 14* Ck»bb<', Panviuinim in Mx]rral», aii'3 'jtlj<;x, ll<;W'. .N[()rt» C'l iliiiMus on Darwin. Oiiijiii of SjK- ik. ltriti>ii Will Flowi-rs and Insoots. M 1. iii'-n. -Vri;nni'nt-s for anJ ug;iinatDarwiu. b. .Mi\.nt. (tmesis of S|i«hmi'S. I.«'s.sons fn>in Natnrt>. M.m an«'s. Illustratod. .\Iorris, Ditru-nltii-H of Darwinism. Mtillrr. Fart.H anw. Cranial .MRnitios of Man and Ajh\ a. W .i.!.i.<'. Natnral S.l.'otion. Hi'viow of Di'.stv'iit of .Man. ^Vilst^n, D. Caliban ; the Mis-sing Link. Cr. Death Penalty. See Capital Punishment. Decorative Art. See aUo Alphabets; Carving; ii'i/jf/. ( • ii.c. M<''C«^rativi' IX'sii^. I'rinciplcs of I>«>i'<^rativo IVsifpi. Ki«'lil. Coliirinij for D<'<'»)rativ«' Tainting, (iinm-r. Fp-soo DtHM>rations in Italy. Htilni'-. rriiicij>l>'S of OrnainiMital ,\rt riu.ts; Natural (Jrowth and Ornamontal In . anient. h. Jones, (irammnr of Ornament. b. Same. '2H parts. Imp. K.i.iiet. Polyelin>matio Ornament, llX) riat«>H. Kii-km The Two I'atlis (iK-corative and In- •Inntrial Art). Shaw. |)«t^>rative .\rt.s of Mi° n.ila. 1 00 I J- N. V. 1 2.'> IJ^ .\ V. .'.0 12° N. Y. 1 (N) \'2^ N. V. 1 :*\ 1.'- Lond. IJ- N. V. 2 tK) 12° N. Y. 2 tN» 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° I^.n.l. 6« 12^ \. Y. 1 :k) r."-' Lond. liosl. 2:» 12° Loud. 2 00 8° 2 00 Furniture , Illumiti' 4° Host. !.■. 00 8° Lon.I. 21* 4° b.nd. 7«rt«/ 12° I^.nd 2.«(W f° I»nd. 1UH« 4° \jou<\. '2:m f° I^.nd. 2 b b.nd. lOs 4° N Y. ea. 1 25 4° I.ond. I2ra 12° \. Y. 1 25 4° b.nd. 42j 4° I-«»nd. 25* 8° I»nd. 4° Ix.nd. I......1. l.AJud. 50* 2 M Democracy. See Government. Demonolo^ and Witchcraft .^V/- alao .AppnrUions ; Mogic ; Spirit* uiiiitm : ."^uprruiirumlLom : Superftition. Craik. MoL^ni Palmijitrv ; liookof the lIaiiJ.12° N. Y. 1 75 a.Deudy. Philosophy of My«Ur)'. ^-' ^ ^.. ^^ Demonology, etc. — Devotion. 12° Bohn 2 2.5 12° N. Y. 80 12° Lond. 1 75 12° Lond. 7s 12° N. Y. 2 00 18° N. Y. 75 8° Bost. 7 50 h. Ennenioser. History of Magic. Godwin. Lives of the Necromancers. Gould. Book of Were Wolves. Michelet. La Sorciere (in English). a. Salverte. Philosophy of Magic. 2 vols. b. Scott. Letters on Demonology and Witch- craft. b. Upham. Hist, of Salem Witchcraft. 2 vols. 8° Bost Whittier. Supernaturalism of New England. 16° Bost. Denmark. Donne. Denmark and its People. 12° Lond. Is Dunham. Hist, of Denmark, Sweden, etc. 3 vols. 18° N. Y. 2 25 Gallenga. Invasion of Denmark in 1804. 2 v. Lond. 21s Gosch. Denmark and Germany since 1815. 8° Lond. lO.s- 6rf Griffin. My Danish Days. 12° Phil. 150 a. Laing. Social and Political State of Denmark. 8° Lond. 5s Sinding. History of Scandinavia. 8° Lond. a. Wheaton. History of the Northmen. o. p. 8° N. Y. Development Theory. See Biology ; Cosmology ; Darwinism. Devotion. See also Hymnology ; Mysticism; Poetry; Prayer; Heli- gion . Augustine, St. The City of God. Tr. 2 vols. Letters. Tr. by Cunningham. a. Baxter. Saints' Rest. Bayne. The Christian Life. Beecher. Morning and Evening Exercises. b. Boyd. Graver Thoughts. Bunyan. See under Fiction. Carter. Answering Waves. Christian Daily Treasury. Cowles. Rosary for Lent. Doddridge. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. b. Fuller. Good Thoughts in Bad Times. b. Holy and Profane State. Gasparin. Near and Heavenly Horizons. a. Goull)urn. Tlioughts on Personal Religion. GreenwL'll. Patience of Hope. Present Heaven. Two Friends. Hare. }tIission of the Comforter. a. Kempis, Thos. a. Imitation of Christ. Var. Lacordaire. God and JNIan. Conferences in Paris. P. Larcom. Breathings of a Better Life. Martineau, Jas. Endeavors after a Christian Life. 12° Bost. 1 00 76 8° Edin. ea. .3 00 8° Edin. 10s M 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° Bost. 1 75 12° N. 1^ 2 00 12° Bost. 1 75 16° N. Y. 1 25 12° Bost. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 I 12° N. Y. 1 25 16° Bost. 2 00 16° Bost. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 75 16° N. Y. 1 00 16° N. Y. 1 25 16° N. Y. 1 25 16° N. Y^ 1 25 12° Bost. 1 75 eds 25c. upwards . 8° Lond. 6s 4° Bost. 2 50 Devotion— Dlctiouariea. !•_»= X . Y. 2 25 IJ' \ V. 1 75 75 1 75 16- N. V. I M 10° liust. 2 50 10° 1 50 1S3 I/Ollll. 2« 0./ IJO Host. 2 50 1 25 JOO N. V. 1 50 ;j-i° Loi.,1. 1 25 :\-j'^ Loiiii. 1 25 KP Host, ea. 1 :k) l-jo Host. 1 50 Host. 1 50 t>. r.'isoul. Tlioutjhts on U''li;.,'ioii. a. rn-iitiss, K. Sl<'i'|>in.j IltMVfii\v;inl. IViiiu*. Walking with utliij:it<'. (tone H«'fori'. Swftchiin'. Wiitintjs. Tiiylor, .ItTcniy. Tin* (Jolden Grove. a. llolv Livin;; and Dying. 2 vols. Kach voUinii* st-parat*'. Same, togi'thcr, 1 vol. AVilson. Sacra I'livatx Instruction for the Lord's Supper. Zscliokke. Iloursof .Me-xicon. Vest I'ocket Lexicon. Johnson. English Dictionnry, (hy Latham). I^tthani. K. (f. E'lglish Dictionary, 2 vols. N'nres. (llossarv 111. Engli.sh Authors, by llalli- W.11& Wright, 2 V. rhillipps (llalliwell). Dirt, of Provincial words fn>m 1 ith Century. 2 vols. Hicharilson. English Dictionary, 2 volt. Stratniann. Dictionary of Old English. Trench. Glos.Harv of Knglish words. /). Websl-r. In >!,,;. |,^F,.,i Dictionary. Illust. Nr -rial Dictionary. R. a. R<'_. • ; Im|MTial Count. JiouHe fi Kain. Dictionark*. Imp. School & i'ucket Dictiuuary (\aiiuu.i). n 8° Bost. 2 50 8° I. & N. 15 00 10° 1 00 12' Phil. 2 50 1 rx) 90 8° I^nd. Us 12° I^.nd. i'>i nd 1 25 01° riiil. 75c P L. 1 1().« 8° I>ond. 21i 8° I^n.l. l.-M 1° b.nd. 01 « 0*/ •1° I^nd. 3i« ]ii^ b.nd. At •1° Spring. 12 00 8° Spring. 5 00 8° .\. V. ea. 5 00 12= N. Y. a 50 Dictionaries. "Wedgwood. Diet, of Eng. Etym. Ed. by- Marsh. Imp. 8° X. Y. 3 00 b. Worcester. Dictionary of Euglish Language. 1° Best. 10 00 a. Same, Abridged. H. 8° Best. 5 00 Comjn-ehensive Dictionary. 8° Bost. 1 80 Wright. Diet, of Obsolete and Provincial Euglish, 2 vols. 8° Loud. 10a' 2. French. Bellows. Bona fide Pocket Diet. French and Euglish. 32° Lond. lOs 6d Hamilton & Le Gros. French and English, English and French, 4to. Littre. D. de la Langue Fran^aise. 2 vols. Paris, 42s Masson. Dictionary. French, English. 80N.Y. &L. 3 00 Mole. Fr. & Eng. and Eng. Fr. Dictionary 8° L. & X. 2 00 h. Spiers & Surenne. Fr. & Eng. and Eng. Fr. R. 8° N. Y. 6 00 a. " " " " Students' ed. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Surenne. » » 4. Igo x. Y. 1 25 Weller. French and Euglish Dictionary. 8° Phila. 4 00 3. German. a. Adler. Ger. Eng. & Eng. Ger. (Abridg'd. 2.50)R. 8° K Y. 6 00 James " " " " 8° L. & N". 2 00 a. Oehlschlager " " " 18° Phila. 1 50 Tech. Terms, Die. Germ. Eng. French. 3 v. 9s & 12s 4. Greek. Drisler. Greek & Eng. and Eng. Greek D. R. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Liddell & Scott " " " R. 8° N. Y. 6 00 Pickering. " " « R. 8° Phila. 6 25 Abridged. 8° Oxf. 4 50 5. Italian. Graglia. Eng. Ital. and Ital. Eng. 18° L. & X. 1 50 Meadows. " " " " 16° X. Y. 2 50 Millhouse. " " ♦' " 2 vols. 8° X. Y. 6 00 6. Latin. h. Andrews. Lat. Eng. and Eng. Lat. R. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Ainsworth. " " a. Anthon. " " Leverett. " " Riddle & Arnold White. 8° Phila. 3 75 8° X. Y. 3 50 8° Phila. 6 25 8° X. Y. 5 00 8° Bost. 4 50 i. ^^ hite & Riddell. Lat., Eng. 2 vols. 4° Bost. 28s 7. Oriental. Gesenius. Hebrew Lexicon. 4° Lond. 21s Hepburn. Japanese and English. Sm. 4° Loud. 12s 6J 78 Dictionaries — Domestic Animals. 4«> Loud. l"" Loud. .S'o;iu«'. Sp. Kni;. & Eng. Span. R, <) Cusliin:.? i'naty ol Wa.shington. 2 iX) Fox. .Mi>s. to Ku.ssia in ISGO. Cr. 8° X. Y. o 00 Malnie.sbnry, Karl. Diaries ami Cor. 4 vols. 8° Lond. iJ.i Ottley. Lrror» and Miscliiei's ol" Foreign Diploniacy. 1'. 8'^ Lond. I* Tredcolt. Diplomacy of tho Revolution. 12'^ N. Y. 1 75 Ward. Kx|wrienc»'s of a Diplomatist : Recol- lections of Germany. 8® Lond. 105 iid Disease. See Health and Disease. Divorce. S>e Marriage and Divorce. Dogs. R rj'MU. Varieties of Dogs. 'y2 plates. 4*^ Lond. 0.< Od IViirjIev. Stf)rie3 nbont Dogs. 12° Lond. 2s a. Dinks." Mayliew & Ilntehinson. On tlio Dog. 12^ X. Y. 3 00 Dog. Vh(^ : It.s Varietie.s, and Management. 12° Lond. 1< I)og Lift\ Xarrativfs, etc. Illustrated. 4° Lond. "xv Do- an.l Cat. Sq. H! L.-nd. 'Js iid HrlHTt. Tho Dog. 12' X. Y. Ilntehinson. On I)og Broaking. 12'^ I d. O." n. .l.-^s.'. .Vnecdotes of Do-s. Illustrat.vl. 12° I^md. 2 25 Mayhew. Dogs and their .Management. 12° Lond. 1.*. (id. Morris. lV>gs and their Doings. Illu.st. 4'^ X. Y. 1 75 Richard.^on. On the Dug. 12° X. Y. 00 Tavlor. On the Dog. Walsh. (Stnn.henge). Tho Dog, in Health anr KviTV Man his Own Cattle Doctor. Hv Armatair^. 8« I/^nd. 00 Coir. Th- Vefrinarian. 12° X. Y. 75 Dun. Veterinary Medicines. 8° Edin. I2< 7U Domestic Animals — Drainage. 8° Lond. 105. 12° N. Y. GO 12° Bost. 8° N. Y. 10 00 12° N. Y. 1 75 Gamgee. Our Domestic Animals, 4 vols. 12° Edin. 6s. McChire. Dis. of Horses, Cattle and .Sheep. Morton. Manual of Veterinary Pharmacy. Richardson. On the Hog. Sturtevant. The Dairy Cow. Wood. Veterinary Medicine. Y''ouatt. On the Hog. Domestic Architecture. See Architecture ; Furniture. Domestic Economy. See also Cookery ; Decorative Art ; Furniture ; Health. Bazar Book. 16° N. Y. 1 00 Beecher, Miss C. E. Domestic Economy. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Receipt Book. 12° N. Y. 1 50 1). and Mrs. Stowe. American Woman's Home. Illustrated. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Beecher. Principles of Domestic Science. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Beecher, Mrs. H. W. Motherly Talks with Young Housekeepers. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Beeton. Book of Household Management. 12° Lond. 3 75 Cooley. Cyclopedia of Receipts. 8° N. Y. 1 50 De Voe. The Market Assistant. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Diaz. Domestic Problem ; Work and Cul- ture, etc. Paper 50 cents. 12° Bost. 1 00 Dick. Encyclopredia of Practical Receipts, $5, SO, and S° N. Y. 7 50 Draper & Croffut. Helping Hand, for Town and Country. 8° Cine. 4 25 Ellett, Mrs. Practical Housekeeping. 8° N. Y. Haskell. Housekeeper's Cyclopedia. 8° N. Y. 1 75 Howard. Fifty Years in a Maryland Kitchen. 12° Bait. 1 50 Mason. The Young Housewife's Counsellor and Friend. 12° Phil. 1 50 Six Hundred Dollars a Year. 10° Bost. 85 a. Stockton. The Home. Where it Should be and AVhat to Put in it. 12° N. Y. 75 h. Stowe. House and Home Papers. 10° Bost. 1 75 Warren. How to Live on £200 a Year. 12° Bost. 50 Comfort for Smalllncomes. 12° Bost. 50 How to Furnish a House on Small Means. loo >f y. 50 h. Webster. Cyclopedia of Domes. Economy. 8° N. Y. 5 01) Widdifield. New Cook Book. 12° Phil. 1 75 Youmans. Diet, of Every-Day Wants. 6 00 a- Household Science. 12° N. Y. 1 75 Drainage. See also Public Health ; Seicerarje. a. French. Farm Drainage. 12° N". Y. 1 50 Waring. Draining for Health and Profit. 12° oST. Y.' 150 Sanitary Drainage of Houses and Towns. 12° N. Y. 2 00 SO Drama. Drama. I'nr Crilici.sm, setf under Crittcitm ; for llioijrapht/, iet under liiiMjraphif ; for ShaL.yifitrf, ste ShaLfpearf. 1. IIlSTOUY. V2° Prov. 8° N. Y. Hlnke. Hi.story of tho Providence Stage. Hrown. History of tli«« American Stage. C'lapp. lli.-itory i»f Hald"3 liriti>h Theatre. Doilslev's Old Plays. New H vols. French, .'^tandard and Minor Drama. N De Witt. Acting Plays. X I^cy. .Vcting I'iays. X Lamlt, Cha.s. .SjH'cirnrns of Dramatic Poets. 12° X Sariji-nt (Kp'-s). Actint: I'lay.s. Kettie. W ork.s of Hrit. Dramatists. 8^ Edin. 8. Parlor Dham.vs. Baker. .Amateur Drama. .\ Pak''r's Dozt-n. Dra%\ini:-U>M)m Stage. Mimic Staij". The .Social .Stage. Cftlil'-r. .S I'i-avs. •. ..Kschvlu.H. Literal Trans. .\. Y., 91.50. Hy Pott«T. Uv Coplestnn. Arifltophnnt'-s. Translated, 2 vola. Pailli.>. I. B«'>aumont h FI«'tchor. 2 vols. Selections by Leigh Hunt. d2 Oul of print and scarce. 12° Lond. ta, lOs Gd Y. ea. Y. ea. Y. ea. Y. 15 I.-) 25 10° Post. 1 50 COc & 1 00 1 50 10° Post. 1 .50 10° Post. 1 .50 00c «: 75 12° Post. 1 00 12° Post. 1 25 12° post. 1 50 10° X. Y. 1 50 12° Pnhn. 1 75 lh° N. Y. 75 12° 1 00 P.hn. 5 00 8° I^md. 2N 8° r>Mid. 10 00 120 Pohn. 1 75 81 Drama. Boker (with Poems). 2 vols. 12° Best. 3 00 Bulwer. See Lvtton. Calderon (SpaiiLh). 12° Lond. 4^ Qd Chapman. Fhiys. Ed. hj Shepherd. 12° Lend. Coiigreve, Farquhar, A'^anbrugh. b° Lond. 5 00 Dekkei-. Dramatic Works, with Illustrations. 4 vols. Large paper. 8° Lond. os Qd Dryden. (In his works.) 2 vols. 8° N. Y. 4 00 5 vols. 18° Bost. 6 25 h. Euripides. Trans. 2 vols., Bohn. |5 ; 3 vols. 18° N. Y. 2 25 Farquhar (with Congreve, etc.). 8° Lond. 5 00 Fielding. (In his works.) 8° Lond. 5 00 Ford. Dramatic AVorks, by Gifford. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 36s (With Massinger.) 8° Lond. 5 00 h. Goethe. (Bohn.) 12° Lond. 1 75 Guarini. 12° Lond. 7s M Hertz. King Rene's Daughter. 16° N. Y. 1 25 h. Johnson. Complete Works. 8° Lond. 5 00 Knowles. 12° N. Y. 3 00 Lessing. Nathan the Wise. 16° N. Y. 1 50 jNIiuna Von Barnhelm. Trans. 12° N. Y. Lytton. 12° Lond. 12s Dramas and Poems. 16° Bost. 1 25 Lady of Lyons. Paper. N. Y. 15 Duchess de la Valliere. Paper. N. Y. 15 IMoney. Paper. N. Y. 15 Not so Bad as We Seem. Paper. N. Y. 15 • Richelieu. Paper. N. Y. 15 Marlowe. 8° Lond. 4 50 Marston, W. Dramatic and Poetical Works. 2 vols. 12° Lond. I. Massinger. (With Ford, 85.) 12° Lond. 3 50 Metastasio. Trans, bv Hoole. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 1 25 ]\Iilmau. (With Poem's.) 3 vols. 18° Lond. 18s Moliere. By Van Laun. 4 vols, ready. 8° L. & X. Y. ea. 7 50 Otway. Rowe. Both scarce. Plautus. Trans. 2 vols. 12° Bohn. 5 00 Racine (in French). 12° Paris. i 25 The Suitors. Trans, by Browne. 12° N. Y. 1 00 Rhodes. Bombastes Furioso! 16° Lond. 3s Qd 6. Schiller. Trans, by various hands. 4 vols. 12° Bohn. 7 00 Shakspeare. See Skakspeare. b. Sheridan. Dramatic Works. 12° Lond. 1 75 AVorks. 8° Phila. 3 50 a. Sophocles. Trans. 12° Lond. $1 75. 12° N. Y. 1 00 Swinburne. Queen Mother and Rosamond. 16° Bost. 2 00 Talfourd. 12° Loud. 6s Taylor. Edward the Fair, Ph. Van Artevelde. 2 vols. Lond. ea. 5s Tennyson. Queen Mary. Yar. Ed. Bost. 75c. to 1 50 82 Drama — Drawing. Teronco & riixvlnia. Trans. 12° liohn. 2 SO I'dall. KoistcrDoisUT. (Arbor Uoprints.) I.<>iii|. l.i (W Vanl>rui;li, (.onijn'Vf, Wychi-rlfy. !S"^ L. \ N*. .') oo V»'j;ji. lU WilT.-n. IJ" l.oii.l. \Ji Villiors (Dukf of ltiickiiii;li:un). Tlic K.-- luMisal. ( AiIp. T Kt'prinbi.J Loiul. '.in Draughts. Scatf»'ri;ooil. (tain<» of Draughts. IS" X. V. ;-,<) «. Si>a\tli. (ianu' of Dfjiuv'lit.s. V2^ .\. V. 1 TM) Ain.-ric.in l)raui,'ht I'layer. 12^ X. Y. 8 00 Drauglit.s fur IJcginiK'rs. 12° X. Y. ITy Dra'wing. i. Api'lt'toii. Cyclopedia of Drawing (Mi'cli.) K. n N. V. ]() 00 Arnniigauil, t'tc. Practical Draughtsman's H«K)k. 4° i'hila. 10 00 Avery. How to Draw. 2 part.s. 50c. & 00 Barry. How to Draw. 10° Host 50 Burn, lllu.strat.'.l Drawing Book. 1. \ X. 1 50 Illustrat«'il ,\rch. ami Kngin. and M<'ch. Drawing Bi>ok. I.. \ X. 1 '>() Ornamental and Architectural Drawing BtM)k. " L. \ X. 1 .■)<) Figure and IVrspoctive Drawing Book. L. \ .\. C 00 Carter. Plant Forms ()rnam«'ntally Treated. f° Host. 5(1 (M) a. Cave. New M.tliod of L.-arniiig to Draw. 12° X. Y. 1 (H) Chapman'.H American Drawitjg Book. -1° X. Y. »! 00 KlfUjentary Drawing Btmk. X. Y. 1 50 Claudi> Lorraine. I-iber Veritatis (autotype). ;i vols. f° I.ond. 10 00 Pplamotte. .*Nketching from Nature. f° J.ond. (;;i.< Duncan *c Callow. >iarine Drawing. With in.structions. -1° Loud. 2jj C*/ Figure Draw ing, with In.stnictions by Eminent Arti.Ht-s. * 1° Lon.l. 2.< CI Foster. Complete Course of Drawing. 12 parts. ' Ol.l. S° Lond. r„. l.« 0,/ n. IIodiTf. Oil Pi-rspective. (Jlas. iSc X. Y. 7'> Kru.ti. Manunl.s. 2 vols. 1 50 Met/.. Dr.iwing Book of Human Figure. ]'2^ X. Y. 7 54) Iblinifie. (Jeonv'trical Drawing. '^ V. Y. I 00 Same. Abrid-T'-d. iJ \ Y. 2 00 0'\.-ill. fuiid.' to I'ictorial Art. 1^01. v I...nd. P.-lI.-.'iiii. r.in.Mr Pfrs|>.'ctiv.\ 1<. \. Y. 100 Ku.Hkin. Kl'-ment.H of Persi>rctiv>'. 12- N. Y. 1 00 h. Smith, ^VaIt••r. Drawing Copie.'* for ScliooU. •I part."*. 8® Bost. ea. 5 00 b. Art K^ L.n,|. 30« h° ]Anu\. 10a H'^ Lnn.l. 18a 1J° b.n.l. 8° N. Y. •2 50 18)1 o 50 '.h :h nu l.M 7 50 •l.« Gironniere. 20 yonrs in Phillippino.H. Jukes. V«>3'a>:i' m Kastrrn ArcliijH-laijo. Mount. .AiKiiUuan Ishuids. KalH'-s. lli.story vl .J;iva. St. .lulm. liiilian .VifliiiM'l;ii:fO. '2 vols. h. Wall.iof. K.tsiern Arcliii>elai;o. Eastern Cburcb. See Church Ilistori/. Eating. See Cookenj ; Health ; Domestic Economy. Ecclesiastical History. See Church Ilistori/. Ecclesiastical Polity. b. (ilatlstone. State in Relations with Church. -' vols. S^^ I^ii.l. IIotTiu.iii. Ecclo.s. Law in X<'W York. 8° N. Y. i. lIiM.k.T. 11. Kocl.'.sia.stii-al Tolitic. 2 vols. 8° Oxford. Sani" ; Analysis of 5tii Hook, l>y Starkoy & Ow.n. ■ ■ Ijo j^,„j Stanley. Church and State. 8^ Loud. TyU-r. Anu-rii-an Kcch'sia-stical Law. 18° .\lhany. Vauphan. Church and StaU- Que.stion. 1_*° Lond." "Warhtnton. Alliance between Church and State. so Lund. Education and Instniction. See also Colleges and Universities; ('inponi> J'tiiti.i/imfnt Education o/ Wmnen ; School A rchitec- ture : Object Teaching; and Xaines of Studies, etc. Abhott. r.cntlo Moa.siiros for Training the Youn?. l--?° N- V- Adani/t. Vroc Schnd. a. Cald'T-.vrwid. Te.irhiug ; it.<< Kiids anil M<'ans. 12° N. \. Cha\ a**-!". Aphori.sMis on Menial Training of a Child. 12° Lond. Clarke. Buildini: of a Brain. 1«!° Hont. Conil>«». Ia'c. on popular Education. Edin. a. E;:;:l'xf'>n. How to rAlucatc Yourself. (Handy I{.M.k S-r.) \ Y Farrar. Essays on Liberal Education. 8° Ix*nd. 85 1 7<'> Vs 1 50 •) 00 \s o 50 1 1 1 no (10 o 50 Education and Instruction. — Egypt, etc. a. Hart, J. M. German Universities and Ameri- can Colleges. 12° N. Y. 1 75 Hill. True Order of Studies. 16° N. Y. 1 25 Japan, Education in. Letters to Arinori Mori. 12° 1 50 Kav. ' Social Condition of Ed. in Eng. 12° K Y. 1 50 b. Kingsley. Health and Education. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Lessing. Education. Translated by Robert- sou 12° Lond. 2s Gd J.Mann. Lectures on Education. 2 vols. 8° Bost. 6 00 ]\Iax\vell-Lyte. History of Eton College. Lond. INIorlev. Struggle for National Education. 8° Lond. 3s Northrop. Education Abroad. 8° N. Y. 1 50 a. Page. Theory & Pract. of Teaching. 12° N. Y. 1 50 b. Randall. Com. School System of N. Y. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Richter. Levana. 12° Bost. 2 00 Rosenkranz. Pedagogics as a System. Tr. by Brackett. 8° St. Louis ea. 25 a. Schermerhorn. Library of Education. 6 vols. papei-, viz. : Locke. On Education. 18° N. Y. ea. 25 Locke. On Study and Reading. Milton. On Education. Mann. On Physiology in Schools. Scottish Univer. Addresses. By Mill, &c. Bible in Public Schools. School Que.stion. (Romanist view.) Sedgwick, JNIiss. INIorals and Mannei's. Shirreff, Emily. The Kindergarten, etc. a. Spencer, H. Education. Staunton. Great Schools of England. Stetson. Technical Education and American Schools. Sypher. Art of Teaching. Taylor, S. H. Usefulness of Classical Study. Thomas. Svmmetrical Education : Mind and Body. ■ P. Todd. Student's Manual. a. Youmans. Cult. Demand, by Modern Life. Education of Women. a. Brackett. Education of American Girls. a. Clarke. Sex in Education. Davies. Higher Education of Women, Duffey. No Sex in Education. Howe. Sex and Education. Egypt; The Nile; Pyramids. See also Abyssinia j East; Medi- terranean. Adams. Land of the Nile. 18° Lond. 1 50 b. Bartlett. Nile Boat. lUus. 8° Lond. 4 00 86 12° K Y. 16° N. Y. 12° Lond. 12° N. Y. 12°L.&N. Y. 1 25 75 1 25 3 75 16° Bost. 12° Andov. 1 25 1 50 2 00 8° Lond. 12° Northamp 12° N. Y. 2s M 1 75 2 00 12° N. Y. 16° Bost. ,8° Lond. 12° 12° Bost. 1 75 1 25 Zs M 1 00 1 25 Egypt, etc. Belzoni. Travels in Efjj'pt and Nubia. Al)ri(lir«'«l. * 1^" I'O"'!. 'W Birrh. K/vpt to B.C. aiM). (Anc. Hist, from MomimtMit-.) IL"^ N. Y. 1 IM» Bruce. Travfla to discover tlw Source of tl»e Nile. 18° Loii.i. a* (W b. Buusi-ii. KijA-pt's place in I'nivorsal History. .'» vols. H° I.oiid. 171.« a. Curtis. Nile Notes. 12° N. Y. \ Ta) Dall. Ecrvpf.s place in lli.story. 1J° Loud. ITM) Day. (;r.''at ryramid. F° Kdinb. 28* I-aI '11. Nil • without a Dracfonian. 1J° LoikI. 7* dil Farr. Hist, of Kjryj.t, A.^syria. &c. 4 vols. 12"^ Loud, tlordon, Ladv Duff. ' Lettor-s from Kirypt. 1<>° Lond. .s< «W La.st L<-tler.s, etc. " IJ^ Loinl. !»« irarni'in. F.irvpt and the Holy Land. .s° Thihu 1 7.'» lloj.piti. Onth.'Nih.. Blu.s. Ol.l. b° Bo.st. IM u<» a. Kfi'irii-k. Anci-'ut Kio'pt. 2 vols. .S° Lond. :j(i.« b. Lan-. .Modern Kirvp'tians. 2 vols. S° Lond. .'> 00 Lauoye. Ki^ypt :i.'(K»0 Years Ago. 12° N. Y. I 50 Laiwrle. Sailmi,' on th.; Nile. 12° Bost. l.'><» Lane. MiHlcrn Eirvi>tians. lllus. 2 vols 12° Loud. 12. Udand. K.oi'tian" .sketch Biok. ^ 12° N. Y. 1 Ta Lenoir. Tlie Favoum ; or. Artists in Egji^t. lllus. " ' ><' Loud. 7" G(l Le|>sius. E^ypt, Ethiopia, etc. 12^ Bohn. 2 'm Lind.say. Lonl. Letters from Ej^ypt. 12^ Bohu. 2 JO I^ott. lian-m Lili! in Ejrvpt. ' >>° I^)nintl. •I2x Palmer. E,::vptian Chronicles. 2 vols. *>° Loud. 7 50 Brime. Bo;it Lite in E-Ai^t. 12° N, Y. 2 tH> Uobinson, T. Wanderings in Scripture LniuLs. lSGD-70. I'ost. 8° Ix)nil. 5j Kussell, .M. Ilistorv of E.::>pt. 1S° N. Y. 75 a. .MiariM'. History of E;rv pt to the Conquest by llie Arai.s. 2 v-ls! 8° I^uid. 18* Egvplian Hieiuuh phics. 8° Ixjud. lOa 0*/ b. .Smyth, (.'. I'iozzi. Life and ^Vork at (Ireat ryramid. 3 vols. 8° Edin. 5son. .1. 1*. Iv,''. pt. I'a>t and Bri'sent. Warner. .Mumiui.-, and MomLmus. (Subsc.) 8° Ilarlf. Werner. Nile sk-tch-s. 2nd >eri. s. 28 00 Whalely. Anions the Huts in EgypL P. 8° I^nd. txt b. Wilkins«>n. .Vncieut Eijyptians. 5 voN. 8° I^ond. ab'tOO 00 .Vncieut E^iyptiaus." New edition. 2 v.l2° Ix>nd. 5 00 a. Ancient Egvptians of Time of Pharaoh. 2 vols. 12^ N. Y. 3 50 Zincke. Egypt of Pharaohs and the Khedive. B* Loml. 10* B7 Electricity. — Emblems, Electricity. See also Magnetism. Angell. Magnetism and Electricity. Baile. "Wonders of Electricity. h. Bakewell. Manual of Electricity. Researches in Electricity. Electricity. Illustrated. Thunder and Lightning. Electricity and Magnetism. (Adv, h. Faraday. h. Ferguson Fonvielle a. Guthrie. Ser.) Harris. Electricity, Magnetism, and Galvan ism. Frictional Electricity. Treatise. Ed. by Tomlinson. Jenkin. Electricity and Magnetism. Maxwell. Electricity and Magnetism. 111. 2v Miller. Electricity and ^lagnetism. b. Xoad. Text Book of Electricity. Introduction to Electricity. Student's Text Book of Electricity. Tyndall. Electrical Phenomena. (Lectures ) Electro-Metallurgy. Dircks. History of Electro-Metallurgy. h. Xapier. Electro-^Ietalliirgy. a. Watt. Electro-^Ietallurgy. (AVeale's Ser.) Elocution. See also Oratory. Bacon. Manual of Gesture. Bautain. Extempore Speaking. h. Day. Elocution. Frobisher. The Force of Action. Kellogg. Ars. Oratoria Kinsey. Xormal Debater. Mcllvaine. Elocution. jMonroe. Physical and Vocal Training. JNIurdoch & Russell. Vocal Culture. Randall. Elocution. a. Reeves. Students' Own Speaker. Student's Speaker. Rush. Philosophy of the Human Voice. Russell. Pulpit Elocution. Sargent. The Standard Speaker. a. Seiler. Voice in Speaking. 1G° X. Y. 12° Lond. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 16° Lond. 12° X, Y» 12° 12° Lond. 8° Lond. 8° Lond. 12° X. Y. . 8° 8° X. Y. 8° Lond. 10° Lond. 8° Lond. 12° Loud. 12° Lond. 12° Lond. 12° Lond. 12° X. Y. 12° X. Y. 12° Cine. 12° X. Y. 12° X. Y. 12° Phila. 12° Bost. 12° X. Y. 12° X. Y. 12° X. Y. 8° Phila. 12° Andov. 12° Bost. 12° Phila. Eloquence. See Oratorij. Emblems. Bunyan. Emblems. 16° Lond. Cats & Fairlie. ]\Ioral Emblems. 8° Lond. Gattv. Bookof Emblems, with Interpretations. 16° Lond. '88 75 1 50 2 50 45s 1 75 1 50 1 50 75 7 00 Us 1 50 12 00 2 50 245 1 50 12s 6^/ Is Qd 4s 7s 6t? 2s 1 75 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 75 1 00 1 25 1 50 75 90 3 75 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 31s 6fZ 4s Qd Emblems. — Enginerrlng. (Jroon. Shak«'sjH\ire niul KmbliMn Writeni. S^ I^m«l, Slf (W f. QuarK'.s. Kmbl.ins. UP lx>nil. lis M IH' N. \, 7^ Saiiu'. All illustraU'd «'(lition. ^^ I^>ni|. 2I« '. Whitin-y. C'hoicf of Kiublfins. 4'' Loiul. \'2 M Emigration; Colonization. Hn)inw«'ll. Iiuiiiijrr;ition into l'. S. 1810-55. 8* N. V I 50 Uury. Exoilus oi Wt-sloru Nations. 2 vols. 8* I^nd. 32j Dutterin. Irish Kiuigratiou and Tonuro of Laiul. S' Id, 0,/ Goildanl. Where to Emijjrato and Why. s \. Y. :i 00 Sanitary U«»ix>rt on Kniii;rant Shins. I'J l^.nd. 1< Union Colony of Colorado, with Map. iL'^ N. Y. 75 Encyclopedias. See also under nmri'S of Subjects, as Affrieullurr , Ainrilotes , Bih'e : Cfiemistri/ ; Mechanics, etc. b. AppU'ton. American Encyclot>edia. 10 v. M. Annual C'ycloj>edia. Ovols. pnblisliod. U. Heetou. Dictionary of Universal Infonnation. Imp. Brando & Cox. Cyclopedia of Literature, .Sci- ence an»l Art. 3 vols, 8° Ix)nd. 'I. Chanilwrs. Cyclopedia. Xeweli Cvclopeilia. 22 vols. R. 6. Iconoifrapliic Enoyelopedia. Illus. G v. 8° & Imi)erial Journal of Literature, Arts and Sci- ences. 2 vols. i° Lend. 35 CO r. Maund«-r. Treasury of Knowledge; Ilistors", Bible. liot.inv.' etc. 8 vols. ' IS* I^nd. 82 00 National CycloixMUa. 13 vols. 8° Ix)nd. ft) 00 Scheni. Conversations I^^-xicon. In German. (110 parts : each 2.x:.) 11 vols. So N. Y. ea. 3 25 r. Z.ll. Popular EncycIoi>edia. 2 vols. 4° IMiib. 82 00 Engineering. See nl.in .}fechanics. !'. Bvriu' & Spon. Dictionar>' of Engineering. 3 vols. ■ L. >^' T...fi.l. a. Mahan. Civil Engineerincr. "^ ^'- V. 4 00 .Moiit (cni.q Tunm-l; Con.strurtion, elr. 12^ Ijond. 5' .M..l.swnrth. Usi'ful Forniul.x" for Civil Engi- neen. PbiU. 3 00 Moseley. Mechanical Principles of Civil En:rJ- n»'*'rine. By .Mahan. Overman. .Mfclianics for Engineers. Hntikin*^. Manual of Civil Encii""«ritig. a. Trautwin*'. Civil Engin«'«T*s INx-k'-t Ikiok. 1 Wiesbach. Mechanics of Engineering. s^ N. Y. 80 00 8- N. Y. 45 00 8° N. Y. 7 no ^- I^.nd. QOf Co* II. St. 20 00 > Klin. 45 00 I'hila. 31 25 ri.::.i. 15 00 V j:.i.u. prr r. UO S- Loml, . 240« 4- N. Y. 50 00 Y. ft no ii*. 1 50 1& 5 00 1000 England. England. See aho Anglo-Saxons ; Comtitulion of Enr/land ; Ireland ; London; Scot'tund. Also, all Biographies of Englishmen. 1. General Histories. Annals of England. 8° L. & K Y. 6 00 c. Cassell. PictorallTistorv of England. 8 vols. Imp. 8° Lond. 21 00 Creasy. History of Enq-land. .5 vols. 8° Lond. 52s Gd Half ilouvs of English History. 2 vols. 8° Lond. G 00 a. Hume. History of England to 3 vols. 12° X. Y. 7 50 orb. Same. 6 vols. 12° i?G 00; 6 vols. 8° Bost. 15 00 Smollett & :\Iiller. 4 vols. 8° Phila. 16 00 Same. 8 vols. 8° Lond. 63s Smnllett & Hughes, to Victoria. 21 vols. 12° Lond. 35 00 Knight. Pictorial History of England. 8 v. R. 8° Lond. 72s h. ^ Popular History of England. 8 vols. 8° P>ost. 25 00 Lingard. Historv of England. (Romanist. 13v. 12°Lcnd. 2is Oilier. History of England. 9 vols. 8° Lond. 45 00 2. Abridged Gexeual Histories. Clinton. Compendium of English History. 8° Lond. 7s 6c? a. Dickens. Child's History of England. 2 vols. 10° X. Y. 2 00 The same, 1 vol. Cheap ed. 12° Phil. $1. 12° Bost. 1 50 Ewald. Ref. Book of English History. 12° Lond. 1 25 a. Freeman. Early Hist, of Eng., for Children. 10° X. Y. 1 50 Goldsmith. History of England, by Pinuock. 12° Phil. 1 75 Goodrich. Pict. Hist, of England. 12° Phil. 1 75 a. Green. Short History of the English People. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Hamilton. Outlines of History of England. 12° Lond. 6s b. Hume. Smith's " Student's '' ed. 12° X. Y. 2 00 b. Keightley. History of England. 5 vols. 12° X. Y. 3 75 Knox. Young Folk's History of England. 1 25 a. Lossing. History of England, with maps. 12° X. Y. 2 50 Lingard. History of England, abridged. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Macaulay, John. INIemory Helps in British History. 12° Lond, 6^ INIarkham. History of England. 12° X. Y. - 1 50 a. Schmitz. Hi.story of England. 16° N. Y. 1 00 Smith, Wm. Smaller History of England. 12° X. Y. 100 Stnbbs. Documents 111 U'^tr. of Eng. History. 8° Oxford. Yonge. Parallel Hist, of England and France. 12° Lond. 7s Qd 3. Special Periods and Subjects. See also Anglo-Saxons Constitution of England. Arnold. Oxford and Cambridge. 4° Lond. 10s Bickersteth. England's Daybreak ; Reforma- tion. ' " 12° Lond. 2s Qd Bisset. History of the Commonwealth. 2 vols. S° Loud. 30^- 90 England, etc. BroUie. Constitutional Hist, from Charlea I. .'{ vols. 8® Lond. 12 (K) Hrown<«. Chaucor's E. 2 vol.i. 8" Lon»l. 'J|« Kuruft. History of his own Time. R. 6° Iamu\. lOtiiit IJurrows. WLrtliios of .Ml Souls. 8® L. & N'. Y. o 00 Hurton. CroMUVfiliau Diury. I vols. 8° I^ml. C'aMij'lfll. Materials for reijfn of Henry Vll. K. .s° Lon.l. lOj Cattormoh'. Civil AVrir of ("has. T., etc. 2 vols. 8° Ix)n«l, 21* /). Clari'inliHi. History of tiie Ut'lu-llioii. 7 vols. 18° Ixintl. 'J'u Court ami .Society. Klizalx'tli to .\iiii<». 2 vols. 8° Lontl. Wn Daniel. Mcrrif Knglaml in OMi-n Tiiuf. Illus. 8^ Loud. lis (hi I)onn<>. Corresixjiulonco of George HI. and Ixird Xorth. 2 vols. b° Lond. 32-« Douldt'dav. Financial Historj' of Eni::^. from KJSS. * "^ 8° Loml. r_'.« Ks«]uin>s. Ui'li.,'ious Life 8° Lond. D.i Kxili'S at .St. (Jrrmains. P. 8° Lond. 7it M a. Frogman. Norman Conquest, o vols. H^ N. V. 2<» Life of (;.n. .Monk. 12° Lond. 1 7.') Halliwtdl. Letters of the Kings of England. 8° Lond. I2.« HaUted. Ueign of Kieh. HI. 2 vols. b° Lond. ;iO««. Martin. History llritish Colonie.s. vols. 8° Ix>n«l. 8I< b. Martineau. History of I-L puring Uie Peace. I vols. 8<» Bost. 10 00 ?.!.«•<•<• V. Hi-torv Engl.ind. 17l.'»-l>*01. Ivols. 8® Lond. i6* A. .M..l.s"Nvorth. Hi-.torvof E., 18.10 to 187L 3 v.. Is. 80 L. & X. Y. 7 50 Kauoton. Frngnu'DUi Ilegalia, 1G53. (.Vrbcr Keprint.) 4° Uud. U M 01 England, etc. Oliphant. Eeigii of George III. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 21s Palgrave. Histoly of Normandy and England. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 84s b. Paston Letters. Abridged ed. Sq. 12° Loiul. 5s New Edition, by Gairdner. 3 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 7s Pearson. History of England; Early and :\liddle Ages. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 30s 6. Ranke. History of England, principally 10th Century. 6 vols. 8° Lond. 63s Record Commission Publications. ("Rolls Chronicles.") R. 8° Lond. ea. 10s 6d Calendars of State Papers. R. 8° Lond. ea. 15s Roberts. Houses of York and Lancaster. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 26s Sandford. Estimates of the E. Kings. P. 8° Lond. 12s 6d Schmucker. History of the Four Georges. 12° N. Y. 1 75 Smith, Philip. History of English Institutions.l2° Phil. 1 50 b. Stanhope. History of England, 1701-1713. 8° Lond. 8 00 History, 1713 to 1783. 7 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 5s b. Stubbs. Constitutional History of E. Oxf. & N. Y.per vol. 4 50 Towle. History of Henry V. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Thierry. History of the Norman Conq't. 2 v. 12° Bohn. 3 50 (?. Thackeray. The" Four Georges. 12° N. Y. 100 Tln-upp. Institutions of 5th to 11th Centuries. 8° Lond. 12s Taughan. Revolutions of E. Hist. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 45s "NValpole. Reign of George II. and lU. 5 vols. 8° Lond. 78s Wriglit. Celt. Roman and Saxon. P. 8° Lond. 12s Yonge, Miss. Cameos from English Hist., Rollo to Edward 11. fcap. 8° 50 Cameos from English History. Vol. II. The Wars in France. fcap. 8° 1 50 Yonge, C. D. History of the Biitish Navy, 2 vols. 8° 42s 4. Travels ix ; Residexce. Blanc. Letters on E. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 16s Burritt. Black Country. 12° Lond. 6s From Land's End to Johnny Groat's. 12° Lond. 6s Coxe. Impressions of England. 12° Phil. 1 25 a. Emerson. English Traits. 12° Bost. 2 00 Esquiros. English at Home. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 28s 6d Felton. Letters from Europe. 12° Bost. 1 50 a. Hawthorne. Our Old Home. 12° Bost. 2 00 o. English Note Books. 2 vols. 12° Bost. 4 00 ?>. Hawtliorne. :\rrs. England and Italy. 12° N. Y. 2 00 i».Hoppih. Old England. 12° N. Y. 175 Howitt. Rural Life in England. 8° Lond. 12.s- Visits to Remarkable Places. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 12s Qd b. Holmes cS: Haunts of Brit. Poets, 2 vols. 8° N. Y. 3 50 L'Estrauge, A. G. Thames to the Tamar. 8° Loud. 15s 92 England. — BngliBh Language. /<. MilliT, Ilu^'h. First iiuprossions of Ki)f;lniiil. 12" iktst. I 75 Murriiy. llnml Hooks of Knplaiul. vols, I.ontl. IT* Ott Xailul. Lontloii Social Li t<\ i-tc. IJ N.Y. 1 50 Oliustcil. Walks atul 'I'alks of Aiuorican rarm.r. VJ" N. V. 1 25 S° Kdin. 1 25 Clark. Outlines ol Knj,'lish Lanijuairf. 12" X. V. 1 25 Craik. Knglisli Language and Literature. 2 v. n^ N. Y. 5 00 Do Vere. Studies in Kngli.sh. 12 N. V. 2 50 Earle. riiilolugy of Engli.sli. ^ 12'^ l^nd. Oj Five Ilundii'tl .\listakes Corrected. New ed. 80 Fowler. English Language : Elements, etc. 8° N. V. 2 50 (Jould. (iood En-lisli. 12^ N. V. 1 :»0 (trier. Studifs in the Engli.sh of Runyan. 12*^ I'liil. 1 25 Hall, Kit/.Mlward. Mod.*rn English. P. 6" Ix)nd. lO* U«/ Halli\vfll-l'hi!lii)|.s. Historical Sketch of Provincial Dial-'cts of England. 8° Lond. 2« Hare. Fragments of two Essays in English Philolo-v. ' fto I^md. 3.«C./ H<^tten. Slang Dictionary. 8° Lond. 0« »W/ tlolinsoii. Meaning of Words. 12'^ 1 25 a. Latham. Hand-Ik>ok of English Language. 8° Ix)nd. Is G«/ Mackay. Lost Ueautiea, etc., of English Lan- guage. 12° N. Y. 1 75 ^Ln'tzner. Engli.sh (Jrammar; Method, His- tory, etc. 'IVans. by (Jn-e*'. ;J vols. S° liost. 15 00 March'. Philolotjical Study of Enudish. 12° N. Y. 75 h. Marsh. L'-ctup-s on English Lancnagc. 8° N. Y. 3 INI b. Origin and Historv* of Eni;. I«inguage. 8^ N. Y. •'! tM) ]Sfere«litli. Ev«-rv-I)av fcrroi-s of .SjMTch. 75 Moon. Th.- I).-an'8 I-Inglish. 12° Lond. 1 25 Bad English. 12° Lon.l. .'l« (W Morris. Historical Outlines of English Acci- d.-nce. 8» L. k N. Y. 1 75 M..rii-i i*oriniPns of Early English. 8° I^. \ N.Y. •\ .'>0 Sh' I'h'ril. History of the Emjiish Language.l2° N. Y. 1 7.5 n.Sw niton Rambles Among Words. 12° N. Y. 1 00 6. Took*-. Diversions of Parley. Notes by Tnvlor. S" I/>nd. 10« *W a. Trench. D'-ficicnces in Eiitrlish Dictionaries. 8o N. Y. 1 <*0 a. English I'uat and Present. 12*» N. Y. 1 50 03 English Language. — Epitaphs. ks.r2° Phila. 2 00 S° Bost. 2 00 10° N. y. 1 50 n- 18° Bost. 50 R. 8° Lond. 15 00 2 00 R. 8° Lond. 21 00 12° N. Y. 1 00 4° Edin. 63s a. Trench. Study of Words. 12° N. Y. 1 25 White. Words and their Uses. 12° N. Y. 2 00 English Literature. See Literature. Engraving; Etching. See also Fine Arts (^Illustrated Books'). Baker. American Engravers and their Works. 12° Origin and Antiquity of Engraving. Duplessis. Wonders of Engraving. Emerson. Practical Instruction in Wood En graving. h. Ilamerton. Etchers and Etching. a. Etcher's Hand-Book. 6. Jackson. Treatise on '\^'ood Engraving. Buskin. Ariadne Floreutina. Engraving. Sharpe. On Etching. Entertaining Collections. See Collections. Entomology. Coan. Curious Facts in History of Insects. 12° Phila. Duncan. Transformations of Insects. 4° Lond. 7 50 Figuier. Insect World. 12° N. Y. 3 50 Half-Hours in the Tiny AVorld. 12° Lond. 3s Gd a. Harris. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 8° N. Y. 4 00 a. Jaeger. Xorth American Insects. 12° N". Y. 1 25 Kirby & Spence. Introd. to Entomology. 8° Lond. 5s Lardner. Bee and White Ant. 12° Lond. 2s Lewis. Priority in Entomol. Nomenclature. 8° Lond. Is a. Lubbock. Origin and Metamorphoses of In- sects. 12° N. Y. 1 00 h. Michelet. The Insect. 8° N. Y. 6 00 Moggridge. Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders. 8° Lond. 10s M a. Packard. Guide to Study of Insects. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Insects of the Garden. 12° Bost. 25 Our Common Insects. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Westwood. Modern Classification of Insects. 2 vols. 18° Lond. 18s Wood. Insects at Home. Illus. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Insects Abroad. 8° Lond. Epigrams. Carey. Commonplace Book of Epigrams. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Dodd. E]>igrammatists. 12° Bohn 2 Ad IMarshal. Epigrams. Trans. 12° Bohn 3 75 Epitaphs. Loaring. Epitaphs : Quaint, Curious and Elegant. 16° L. & N. Y. 1 75 Palliser. IMottoes for Monuments : Designs by Flaxraan. P. 8° Lond. 7s 6^ 94 Epitaphs. — Essays, Lectures, etc. Tegg. Epitapli.s inul Kpigiams. Stj. lO'^ L. & N. Y. JO Essays. See also Criticism. 1. I'tH.I.KCTIOXS. ((. liritisli EssayisLs, viz.: Tiitlcr, 4 v.; Spectator, 8 v.; (iuanliaii, -i v.; MIit. 1 v.; Kaiiilder, :Jv.; ( )l».>;«Twr, ;J v.; .Vflvciiturcr. A v.; Wt>rltl, ;J v.; Looker On, ;J v. ; Mirror. 'J v.; Connoisseur, 2 V. ; Lounger, 2 v. 3.'5 v. 10° Host. ea. 1 25 •,• Kithcr work nwy bo Imil SftiariUily. (I. S»>lect Britisli Es.sayists. Kii. IIul)l)erton. U vols. 2 vols, ready; viz. .Spfetator; Sir Ui»i;er «le Coverley. N. V. tarnlvly. 2. Essays, Lectures, etc., of single writers. S>e aUo under differ- fn( su'jijcU, J'T JJ.ssdi/n on tlitin. .J. .\ddisoii. Works, including part of " Specta- U.r." vol.s. 12° riiila. 1)00 Alford. Essay.H and Addresses. s^' I.^»nd. 7.< (id Ali.son. E.ssays and U-views. 1 vol. 8° X. Y. 2 .« •!«/ n. Uaeon. Ks.sa-. s ; (Jolden Treasury Serii-s. Id"' Loud. 1 25 orb. S.nui". .Vunotat.'.l (l.y Heard). S° Host. .'J 50 Same, .studi-nt's ed. 2 50 A Ilarnionvof Kssays. 1.')07-1G38. (ArU-r Reprints.) P. 1° Lond. 12.< 0'/ Bavne. Kssavs. 12'^ Host. 1 25 c. Bei-cher. n. W. Star Pajv^rs. 2 s-ries. IJ-^ N. V. :\ (M) Star Pajiers. New ed. 12° \. Y. 1 75 Bicreiow. Modi-rn Inquiries. 12^ Host. 2 50 •. Boyil. .\. K. II. '• Country Parson " Books, viz. : .Vutuinii Ilolid.ays. M' X. V. 1 25 Coun.s.-l & C.injf'ort. 10° N. V. 1 25 Kv.ry dav Philosopher. lO* N. V. 1 25 I^'isure Hours in Town. ]>'> N V 1 25 Ke«realion.s. 2 vols. 1<; NY. 2 50 a. Brown. J. (.M. I). ) Spare Hours. 2 series. K!-' B..Ht. 100 a. Brf>wne. Sir T. Ueligio Medici, etc. 3 vols. 1»'.° BosL 7 M Brinilev. Kv».»v». 12'= I^>nd. 2j M ! Bmkle. I-Issays. 12o N. Y. 1 00 95 Essays, Lectures, etc. 8° Loud. 52s Gd 12° Bost. 2 25 12° Bost. 1 50 12° Lond. ea. 7s Gd 12° X. Y. 9 00 16° Lond. 7 20 8° X. Y. 2 50 16° Lond. 90 12° Bost. 1 00 12° Edin. ea. 2s Gd 16° Lond. 1 25 12° Phila. 1 50 S° Lond. 5s 12° Lond. 7s Gd 8° Edin. 5s 12° Lond. 1-s 12° X. Y. 5 00 16° Bost. 1 25 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 8° Lond. 1.5s 12° X. Y. 33 00 Buckle Miscell. and Posthumous "Works, by H. Taylor. 3 vols. Burritt. Ten Minute Talks. Calvert. Essays and Brevities. Cambridge Essays. 4 vols. a. Carlyle. Essays. 4 vols. Same. 8 vols. Same. 1 vol. a. Sartor Resartus. 12° X. Y. c. Channing. Essays. Chambers. Familiar and Humorous Essays. 2 vols. c. Chesterfield. Essays, Maxims, etc. b. Cobbe. Hours of Work and Play. Essays on Ethical aud Soc. Subjects. Re-echoes. Cochrane. English Essayists ; a Selection. R. Coleridge. The Friend. 3 vols. b. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols Cowley. Essays. Davy. Consolations in Travel. Salmonia. b. De Morgan. Budget of Paradoxes. a. De Quincey. Works. 22 vols. »** Any work separate. Dilke. Papers of a Critic. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 24s h. D'Israeli, I. See Literature, Jdstory of. Dobell. Thoughts on Art, Philosophy and Religion. 12° Lond. 7s Gd c. Dodge, Miss (Gail Hamilton). Works, viz. : Country Living. Gala Days. Xew Atmosphere. Skirmishes and Sketches. Stumbling Blocks. Twelve Miles from a Lemon. Earle. Micro-cosmographie. (Arber Reprints.)16° Lond. Edinburgh Essays. a. Emerson. Works in Prose. 2 vols. Separate Woi-ks, viz. Representative Men. Conduct of Life. Society and Solitude. Letters and Social Aims. Essays from London Times. Fanshawe, Catherine :\L Literary Remains. b. Fawcr^tt & Garrett. Essays and Lectures. b. Forster. Essays, Hist, and Biog. b. Foster. Decision of Character. Popular Ignorance, etc. 96 16° Bost. 2 00 16° Bost. 2 00 16° Bost. 2 00 16° Bost. 2 00 16° Bost. 2 00 12° X. Y. 1 50 )16° Lond. Is 12° Lond. 7s Gd 12° Bost. 5 00 12° Bost. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 16° X. Y. 50 18° Lond. 1 50 8° Lond. 10s Gd 8° Lond. 12s 12° X. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 25 Essayii. Lectures, etc. c. Franklin. K.-ways mu\ I.rtters. 2 vols. 18*» X. Y. 1 50 a. Kift'nian. Ilistorit-al Kssays. 8* Ixjud. 10* ^^^^ c. Frisw.'ll. Tlu' Gentl'* Life. 1J° l.omi. ;i 00 OtliiT Essays. 7 vols. IJ^ IajuiI. ea. li 00 a. Froude. Short Studios on Great Subjects. 2 series. N. Y. ta. 1 50 (lilfs. Lectures ami Es.says. 2 vols. 12"^ Host. 3 00 h. (Jodwin. Out of tlio I'ajst. Crit. and Misc. E.xsays. 12° N. Y. 2 00 o. (Joldsniith. Misc.lianeous Works. 12= Pliiln. « 00 (ire-,".;. Creed of Christendom. 2 vols. P. sM.. & X. Y. !.'..< Eniijinas of Life. 12- N. Y. 2 IH) Literary and .Social .Tudtrments. 12^ N. Y. 2 00 (Iresli-y. iVifsts and Philosophers. 12° Lon«l. ;i.< 0. Iladl.'v. Essays, Philological and Critical. 8° N. Y. I »X) h. Hall. II "V. .Fohn. Papers for Home Reading. S* N. Y. 1 75 l>. Questions of tlx- D.ny. 12° N. Y. 1 75 a. L'am-rton. The Int'll'-ctual Life. 12° Host. 2 (W l>. The Mirror of Truth. 12° Host. 2 00 a. Hare, (iu.-ssi's at Truth. 12° Ho.st. 2 00 Hamilton, (iail. Ste Dodqe.. Haweis. Thou-hts for the Tinjp.s. 12° N. Y. 1 50 a. Hawthorne. .Vnnricarj Xot.» Hooks. 2 vols. 12° Host. 1 00 Hay ward. Hiographical ami Critical Essays. •I vols. 8° Lonil. ea. ll.« h. Hazlitt. Essays and other Works. G vols. 12° Phila. 00 Tho .sanii*. 5 vols. 12- Puiin 50 o. K-.und Tahlo. lti° l...iul. 1 25 .sk>'td. Essays and .\ddri*.s.ses. 8° Lond. 18ji Hil>l»Td. Hranjhh's and Hay Leaves. P. H° Lond. 5.» Hi.,".rinson. C)ldi».irt Davs. 12° Host. 1 50 h. Out of iK-.r Pai>.'rs. 12- Host. 1 50 a. HoIm*'s. " .\ut:irliistoin«. " IJ° N, Y. 1 L'.'* I'aijet. I'aratloxt'S ami I'uzzli'S. 8° Kiliii. l*Jj IVrrv. Dulce Doinuin ; Ess.nys on IIoiiu* L"ifi\ V. 8° Lon.l. 7« i\l PalimT. Trni> Success in Lifi-. 12* N. Y. 1 !?.'» rascal. Thoujihts, Letters, etc. Trans. \>s' \Vislit. ■ IJ' X. Y. 2 2.') a. Trescott. Miscellanies. IJ'' Pliila. 2 .'>0 I'lina'. I do a-I'i.shing. Cr. b° N. \. 2 .'><> Uniler the Trees. Cr. 8^' N. V. 2 .'»0 a. Uicliter. Fruit, Flower and Thorn Pieces. 2 vols. 12° Host. 1 \ •?1.7.".. 12*^ .\. V. 2 2.') Sarpant. Essays tiy a Itirniiughani Manufac- turer. 1 vols. .Seejey. Iv<>cture.s and Es.says. b. Senior, Hist. & I'hilos. Essays. 2 vols. b. Shaftesliurv. Characteristics. 3 vols. Xew Ed. (I.y Match). 1 vol. b. Shairp. Ciilture and lieligion. b. .Studie.s in I'j"cts. 22 vols. .'^ajue. '.\ vols. n. Sniih's. Character. a. .Snuth. SydiH'V. Ess.iys, etc., from Edinburtjh ll'vi-w. 1 vol. 8= X. Y. 62.00. 1 vols. ■^ mthey. Common IM.ico IJook. -1 vols. .Same. 2 %*ols. a. The Doctor, a part. 8° Lond. 12.< C[>«»ncer, 11. Evsays. — U»'ceiit l)i.scMs-innH on .Science, rhilo.4., and .Mortis. X"w rev. ed. StardiojH'. Hist, and Critical. .StepleMi. 1 I Hio^. ICsHjiys. Stephen, 1 .iii'ur 1. E.-navs, etc. 1vol. ii9 8° Lond ra. 7.1 (hi 12° Host. 1 o 1 .">0 8° Bost. 2 .')0 12° Lond. 5.V l(j° Loud en. li.t Oil IIJ^ riiila 1 .-.0 1 .-.0 12° lx)nd •1 00 8° Lond .no« 8- Lond Uii< 8^ X. Y :; 00 12^ X. Y. 1 25 Lond 12i 8^ X. Y. l') U<) s X. Y 2 (Hi 12^ X. Y. 2 54) 12^ •_' I )( 1 12'^ bnd. :u >iit.> Karth. IJ^ Bust. I .'jO KiiKX. Til.' Kacvs i.f M.Mi. b^ I^iiul. 1 «M> Latham. Native Uaofs i>f Uus.^iaii Kinpiro. b'^ IajihI. ;i 0»J b. Natural History of Varirtios of Man. S** I^ii.l. '2ls iKscriptiv.' Kti'mnlorry. '_» vols. 8" I^mpI. IVJs Kthiiol<»i;ical KssjivsV 8° I.onlaiHl. .\iiani ami the .\damit<\ 8° Lond. G.« M.issy. Analytical Kthnolojjy. V2° Loml. 5* Moon*. (I. I). The first Man ami his Piact! in C'ri'.ation. S" Loml. 8* G«/ Nott vt (;ii.l«lon. Indicrenous Races. R. s-' I'hila. 5 00 Tv|Hs of .Mankiml. R. s- Piiihu 5 00 I'a--. 'Man: Wlu-ro, Wh.Mico, Whither? IJ- IMin. 3j 0./ I'iik.rinir. Th« R,ici\<« of Man. 1_'^ I5..hn 2 .'lO S.uno, ("olori'd Plates. PJ"' Rohn 3 T.j Lin. 12° N. Y. 1 00 Smith, C. H. Natural History uf Human .Sjx'cie.s. 12° Ix>nd. T.* Gil Thomi'.s4in. Moral I'nityof the Human Race. 12° N. Y. Wood. I'ncivilized Iticcs. 8° l^tU'l. I. Natural history of Man. 2 vols. R. b° Lond. 11 00 Etiquette : Social Life and Customs. .Art of ("onvorsation. a. li.i/ar liook of l).'Cf)nnn. Calvert. The (ientletnan. b. Che.sterfield. Letters to hi.s Son, etc. Same. 2 vols. KtiiiU'-tte for (Jeiitlemon, 7."). ; for Ladi Ky>i>i i'.:ht. Manual of Ktiquette. a. Hal'it> ik ol ! Hervev. I' II Kurtesy. Rh- iiverxation. fi. LielHT. lir \ ...ii.ict«-r of tho Gentleman Etruria. Crawford. Karl of. Etruscan In>crii>tiniis. 8«> Lond. 12-« I>enni.4. Cities nnd Cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vols, 120 i^,„|. 42, (Jmy. History of Etruria. 2 vol*. 12° I»nd. 2I« Tour to the S-puli-hr.-s of Etruria. 12° I.,«»nd. 21« a. Tavlor. Etruscan Researches. Cr. 8° N. Y. 4 00 lol 12° N. Y. 1 -A-) 1 1 IM) 1 :a> 1 75 1 50 2 50 1 25 1 50 a. Taylor. TJavanl. Views Afoot. b. (in't'Of anil Uus,si»i. b. NortlnTU Kurmn'. a. IJy-Uay.sot Kiiroj)0. Traftoii. All AiuiTieaii (lirl Abroad. Wallaco. Art ami Scfiu-ry in Kiirope. AVarc. Kuro|M'an I'apital.s. :;vof Rflitjidn. b. C'halnu'r.s. Kvuli-ncf.s uf t'hri.stianity 2 voLs C'ou|H'r. IJriili^i- of Ili.story. Eviiknces, etc. Dotlj^e. Evidence.s ui Clui.-tianity. CJreenIeaf. lestiniony of tlie Evangelists and Rules of Evidence. H. S° X. Y. 5 (M) Grejjory. Eviilences of Christianity. 12° Bohn 1 75 Keith. ' Evidences of Christianity. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Lardner. Credibility of tiie CJosu'el Hist. 2 v. 12° Lnn.l. T-t Lord. Evidences of Xatural and Revealed Relij^iun. 8° Phil.i. 3 50 o. Pali'V. Eviilences of Christianity. 18° X. Y. 75 ^" Sam.-. Ed. by Litt.ui. 8° E. & X. Y. 1 50 b. VotU-r. Evi.K-nces'of Chri.stianity. 8° I'hila. 2 5<> b. Rawlin.son. Historic 'I'rutli of the Sacred RecoriLs. 12" Bo.st. 1 75 Watson. Apology for the Bible. 18° N. Y. 00 Evolution. Sue UiiAofjij ; Cosmoloijy ; J'dnrinimi. ''P-i'^' Exercises. St:i: A ihletic Spurts ; (.tymnaslics ; Stcimming,etc. Express Business. Tucker. ^Vaif.s from Way-Bills. 10° Bost.^ 1 00 Stiin.son. History of Expre.s-s Business. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Extracts. Sfe Quolutiona ; Selections. Extravagances and Superstitions. See Appnritinns : Demonrlogy ; I'l^r/i'-iu'il M'liott : SiijiTuit/urdli.im ; Sujitrstiliotis. Fables. do., clieap ip. Fables. Illn-.frat.w»>y. F.»bl>-fl. Original and Selected. (Jav. Fabl<'.s. (Iln.itrated. Krilof an0 8=' X Y. lo:j 3 00 Fables. — Fiction b. Fables. Illustrated by Dore. Northcote. Artists' Book of Fables. Page. Out and All About Fables. Pilpay. Fables. Illustrated. Facetiee. See Humorous Works. Fairy Tales. See also Juveniles. a. Andersen. Fairy Story Books. 4 vols. a. Wonder Stories. Aulnoy, Mme. D'. Fairy Tales. Tr. byPlanche Burton. Vikram and the Vampire. Child's Own Book. Sq, Croker. Fairy Legends of South Ireland. Killarney Legends. Frere. Old Deccan Days (Hindoo Fairy L.) h. Grimm, Bros. German Popular Stories. Household Stories. Hamilton. Fairy Tales. a. Hawthorne. The "Wonder Book. h. Keightley. Fairy INIythology. Kingsley. Greek Fairy Tales. a. The Water Babies . h. Laboulaye . Fairy Tales of all Nations. Mitford. Tales of Old Japan. Tales of the Genii. 4° Lond. 15 00 12° Lond. O's 12° L. & N. Y. 2 00 12° K. Y. 1 50 16° K Y. ea. 1 25 12° N. Y. 2 25 .12° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 50 .16° N. Y. 2 00 12° Lond. 5s 8° Lond. 65 12° Phila. 1 50 12° N. Y. 3 00 12° N. Y. 2 75 12° Bohn 1 75 16° Bost. 1 50 12° Lond. 2 25 12° Lond. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 75 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 50 12° N. Y. 2 00 Family. See Marriage. Farming. See Agriculture. Female Education. See Education of Women. Fencing. See Athletic Exercises. Fiction. See also Fables ; Fairy Tales; Juveniles; Legends. History of Fictiox. o. Dunlop. History of Fiction. 8° Lond. Forsyth. Novels and Novelists of 18th Cent. 12° N. Y. Jeaffreson. Novels and Novelists. 2 vols. 12° Lond. b. Masson. British Novelists. 12° Bost. 3 50 1 50 21s 1 25 104 Fiction. Fiction. {Alphabtticallt/ under authors' ttames.) [Tliis classification of Fiction is naturally niatlo on a somewhat (lifTiTt'iit basis from that of tho rt'mainihr of thi» list. Any chut-sifica- tinii is nt'ct'jvsarily arbitrary and inoomjih'to, ami wf 8ul>mit thifl as iinTfly sujjfjoslive, ami without any claims to finality or infallihility. No stamlanl can Ik? adoptod which, however true for the larjjer i>ortioii of the works classified, will not l>e oj)on to criticism for its arrantre- nn'iit of many l>ooks, concerning which opinions are diviih-d, or \\hos4< jK>siti(tn in the .scale is naturally duuhtful. We have endeavored in our distriliution t«» follow the opinions of the best critics, and the judjjment of the better class of readers. The number of works of fiction is so enormous, and is incrcasinij so rapidly from year to year, that it would Ih) imi>ossiblo to compile any catalnijne without omis- sions and deficiencies. Wo trust, however, that in our list, thew' may not be found numerDUS or imjiortant, .so far as lKX>ks of real .standard value are concerned. In our classification we have divided works of fietion into three rla.sses. The first cla.ss contains tlio.se which, from their acknowletljfed literary merit, or from their value in repn-.sentintj s»>mt' imiK>rtant historical jx-riod. social movement, or phase of thought, have come to be regnrdetl as belonging to standard literature. The second contains the l>ooks that come under the designation of gooks. The names of authors of works of the first cla.«s, are nutrked a ; those of the second cla.ss, h : and tho.se of the third, c. As in many cas***, however, the works of one author are of varying m'Tit and valu''. and would naturally ri>me undt-r different classes, we have um d a further d«-si>;natinn for the l¥X)ks tlp-mselves. Those of the first or Ix-st cla>i» under any author'.^ name arc marked with two stars ; those of the second with one, am! tho.se of the third have been in.st-rted without star. Wh'-M it \* considered that the Knglish press alone tunM out some three hundred novels every y<*ar, and that on our side, ineludin'i; the " yellow-covered," we manufacture nearly as many more, it iHobriotui Uiat even the long list which we give here is merely a sid)>rtion from Fiction. the vast mass of fiction now afloat, and indicates only those books which have been most generally recognized as (more or less) worth reading. But even this list comprises a great deal more than any library, private or public, except those of the very largest class, is likely to want. Those who select the books indicated by ** in this list will be reasonably secure of having the best w^orks of fiction now in tlie market.] 6. About. The Fellah. * King of the JNIountains. JNIan with Broken Ear. * Tolla. Nose of a Notary ; Germaine. Absjornsen, P. Chr. Tales from the Norse. Tr. by Dasent. P. b. Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce. 2 vols. * Home Influence. Home Scenes and Heart Studies. * IMother's Recom2)ense. Vale of Cedars. * Woman's Friendship. Women of Israel. 2 vols. Aide, II. Penruddocke. r. Aimard G. Gold Seekers, Indian Chief & 6 others. Ainslie. See Maitland. '■. Ainswortli, W. 11. Novels. 16 vols. 8° Lond. $12 ; Singly. Alcestis. a. Alcott, Louisa M. Eight Cousins. * Hospital Sketches. * Little Men. **Little Women. 2 vols. * ]Moods. * IMorning Glories. * Old Fashioned Girl. * Shawl Straps. * Proverb Stories. **Work. lUust. Aldrich, T. B. **^Iarjorie Daw and other People. b. Alexander, ^Nfrs. * Her Dearest Foe. Ralph Wilton's Weird. Which Shall it Be ? 106 12° Lond. 9s 16° Lond. Is 16° N. Y. 1 25 12° Edin. 2s 12° N. Y. ea. 1 25 8° N. Y. 3 00 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 00 12° N. Y. 1 00 12° N. Y. 1 00 12° N. Y. 1 00 12° N. y! 1 00 12° N. Y. 2 00 8° Bost. 1 25 12° Phila. ea. 75 16° ea. 50 16° N. Y. 1 25 16° Bost. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 3 00 12° Bost. 1 50 16° N. Y. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 00 16° Bost. 75 12° 1 75 16° Bost. 1 50 16° N. Y. 1 25 16° N. Y. 1 25 16° N. Y. 1 25 notion. All.ston. \V. Moimlili. 12« Ik>st. 1 5(1 b. , Aiiu's, Mary C. • Kip-ne ; a Story of New Englaud. 8° X. V. 1 25 a . Aiior, Th) cents. 12° N. V 1 75 • Onlv a Fiddler (witli (). T., 8° i>ai>er ,50c. ).12° N. V. 1 75 • (). t. 1-."^ N. V. 1 75 • Two Harnnos. 12^ N. V. 1 75 AppU'ton's Library of Choice Novels. 2 3 vols. l>aiH'r. at. 00 Appl»'tt>u's Library of Romance, 17 vols. a" N. Y. ea. 1 50 •• Arabian Nii,'lits Entortaininonts, Lane's Translation. "2 vols. 12^ N. Y. a 50 Same. 3 vols. 8« Loud. 8 00 Arthnr. T. S. Forty-two works. Phil. a. .Vii.'rhacli. n.-rtliold. ••Hhu-k Forest Stories. 12» N. Y. 1 :yO • KdelweisH. N. Y. 1 2.-), , 10° Host. 1 00 • (Jerman Tales. N. Y. 1 2.J. 1<;° Most. 1 0«) Jos"j>h in the Snow. Illustrated. k;^^ N. V. 1 25 Little HareftHjt. Illustrated. i<;^ N. V. 1 25 ••On the Ileiijlits. lt)° Host. 2 00 .Same. I'J^ N. Y. «-» 00 ; 2 vols. it;° 2 50 • I*rot<'SS«ir*s Wife. 12° Lond. 2.< 0*/ • Villa on tin- Uliine. 2 vols. 12° N. Y. 2 M • Villa K.len (same as above). 1«5° Host. 2 00 Wal.ltned. 12° N. V. 2 00 a. .\ust«'n, .lane. Novels. 5 vols. 10° N. Y. 4 (H) ••Knima. 12° Host. 1 75 ••.Mansti.ld Park. 12° Itost. I 75 ••Pride and Pn-judice. 12° Host. 1 75 ••S.I1S.- and .S«'n.^ibility. 1 vols. 12° HosU 1 75 b. .Vu-.t.n. Mrs. J. (i. Cipher. 8° N. V. 1 50 .Mol,. 1. . r. 11. W. • Norwood. 12«N.Y. 1 50 107 Fiction. } K Y and Bost. 6. Benedict, J. L. Miss Van Kortlandt. My Daughter Elinor. (Four others.) Bird, R. M. Nick of the Woods. Calavar. a. BJornsen, B. **Arue. Fisher Maiden. * Happy Boy. * Love and Life in Norway. b. Black, W. * In Silk Attire, Paper, 8° 50c. ; * Kilmeny, 1 Paper, 8° 50c. ; * Love or Marriage, Paper, 8° 50; * Mincing Lane. Paper, 8° 50c. ; * Daughter of Heth, Paper, 8° 50c.; Marriage of Moira Fergus, 8° 50c.; Maid of Killeena, etc., 50c.; Three Fea- thers, 81.00; **A Princess of Thule,8° 75c. ; **Strange Adventure of a Phaeton, 75c. b. Blackinore. * Clara Vaughan. 12° Phila, Cradock Nowell. Paper. 8° N. Y. * Alice Lorraine. Paper ** Lorna Doon. Paper. * The Maid of Sker. Paper. b. Blake. * Lady of Lyndon. Ruth Maxwell. b. Blanche, Aug. * The Bandit ; from the Swedish. **Blindpits ; a Story of Scottish Life. Blue Ribbon, The. a. Boccaccio. **The Decameron. b. Bolte. * Madame De Stael. b. BoiTow, Geo. * Lavengro. * Romany Rye. Bound to John Company. Boj'esen. Norseman's Pilgrimage. Braddon, Miss. Aurora Floyd, and about 30 more. Pape?' Robert Ainsleigh. 2 vols. a. Bradley (Cuthbert Bede). Adventures of Verdant Green. 108 8° N. Y. 1 50 8" N. Y. 1 50 ea. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 00 16° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 00 16° N. Y. 1 25 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 8° Bost. 8° N. Y. 12° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 12° Bohu 12° N. Y. Paper. 8° 8° 12° N. Y. N.Y. N. Y. 75 75 75 75 75 25 25 50 75 50 75 50 75 75 75 1 50 8°N.Y. ea..50or 12° Phila. 3 12° N. Y. 1 50 Fiction. a. Breinor, Kn'ilrikri. • Fatli.'is and Dauffliters. 12° 81.7.'); • Four SisU'is, 12= 1.7."); ••Hoiiu', l'2° 1.75; ••Tho N.'i,i,'lilK>rs, 12° 1.7.'). The pnc.-.liiii:, J vols. 12° Holm 7 (»0. V. • rrt'suli'iit's Dauj^litt-r, 8° 2."k'. ; Kvi-ry Day Lif»', 8° 2.')c. ; • Parsoiiaijo of MoVa, H^ 2'^.: Miilniiiht .Sim, 8° 25c.; • II. Family, 8° .'>(ic. ; Nina, 8° 50c. Browstor, Aiiiu' M. II. CoinjM'iisatitiii. 12' I'hila. St. Martin's .Suinmor. a. Bront<5, Charlotte. ••Jano Eyre, 12° !?1.'>0 l..'j(»; ••Shirlov. 12' _ _. , 12° l..')0. ' ) b. Bront<5, Aium 'IVnant of WiUlfull Hall. 12" h. Bront<5. Kmily. Agues (irey and Wutheriiijj Height.s. 12- BrontVi.Helv. but Too Well. Red a.s a Rose is She. Brown, Charles Brockden. Arthur M'-rwyn; Kot ; Ormon ; • Too (iooil for lliin, I'aprr, S** 75c. ; Woman ui^aiiisl Woman, Paper, 6° 75c.; Vcruiiiijii'', Paper, «^ 75c. ; • l'n?y of tlio (io.ls, .s-- ]■ 3(>c. ; IVii.son of Asps, 8'' ;JOc. ; IK-r lAnd ttiul .MasU-r ; (tcraltl Kstcourt ; IVtronel; T.-iu|>«t; OiHMi S.'.-,aiM'', S"^ •^l.L'5 ; .V Lucky l>isa[nt, Paper, St). lU"^ y5c. ; Star aiul a JKnirt, Paper, 8"* 5Uc. h. Clark.', C. • .Ma.l.'mnis.'ll.> Mori. 1-'° Host. 1 • Ou til.' K.lije of the Storm. \'1° N. V. I a. Clarke, Mary Cowtlcu. •• 'llie (iirlliooii of Shakesjwivro's Ileroiues. , 2 series. 12" N. Y. en. 2 • The Inm Cousin. 12° Loud. 80c & 1 Trust and UemitUtnce. 10° Host. I Icnifus. J. The iiivals,Heruard Lile, and others, t vols. 12° Phil Cockton, Henry. Valentine Vox. (.Vnd six others.) Lon. 8()c. 8 Coleriiiije, .Sara. rhant.ismioii. b. Collins. Mortimer. • Maniuis ami Merchant. Vivian Homance. a. Collins. Wilkie. (8° in pajx^r, 12^^ Cloth; Hoston, X. Y., or I'iiila.) viz. : • After l^ark, 8° 1 OU. 12° S1..')0; Alicia 1 Warlock, 8° pai>er, I'k. 12° l..'k) ; • Antonina, 8° 5(»c. 12° 1.5'> ; • Arma- dale, 8° l.(Xt. 12° 1.50; • H.xsil, 1(J° 60c. 12° 1.50; Dead Alive, 10° 1.00; •♦Dead S-cret, 12° 1.50 ; • Hide and Seek, 8° l.OO. 12° 1.50; • Law and the Laily 8° 50c.; Mad .Monkton. S^ 50c.; • >Ian and Wife, 8° 1.(M). 12° !.;»: Mi.Hcellanies, 12° 1.50 ; Miss or Mrs., etc. 8= '*)c. ; • .Moonstone, 8° 1 .(JO. 12^ l..'M) ; • New .Ma>;daleu, 8°50c. 12° 1.50; ••No Name, N-^ l.iM). 12° 1..50; • r.H)r Mi.NS Kimh, 8^ l.iH). 12° 1.5rs. 12° N. Y. 1 50 • lVu.< au.l I. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Das.Mt. (i.W. • (;isli. tip- Outlaw. 8° L. & P. 3 5o • Popular Tales from the Noree. 12° L. Jc V. 1 50 b. Davis. L. C. • Th." .Stranded Ship. 10° N. Y. 75 6. Davis. Mrs. K. H. • Dallas (Jall.raith. 8° Phil. 2 00 John .\iulros. P-"" N. Y. 1 50 Kittv's Choice— A Storv of Berrytown. 6"= Phil. 40 ••Marlrar.-t llowth. " 12° Host. 1 25 • Wailing for the Verdict. 8° N. Y. 2 00 h. IVau.'. Marjory. 1 ~ '< a. I)e Ko.'. ••Kohin.s4)n Crusoe (10° 91-50). 12° X. Y. 2 .'xj Ch-ip.-.l. 12° Phil. 1 OU b. D.- K r^r, .1. \V. .S-a.Iilf. 12° Ho.st. • .Mi^s Kaven.'l's Conversion. 12° X. Y. 1 50 • Kat«' H<-aumont : .Southern Society. 12*^ Host. 1 25 Th.- \V.lh.r.-l .Vffair. 8° X. Y. 1 75 De la Piamr. Julia (Ouida). Nov.ls. IJ voU., uniform. 12^ Phil. 21 50 Or 9"parat«'ly. viz. : H>; Cecil Ca.stloniaine's (iag'-; Chanclos; Folli'-Farin<': (Iranville d<- Vii;ni>; Malia; Handolph (ii>rdon; .Strathmort'; Tricotrin; Und»'r 'I'wo Flags; I'ui-k; Pa-Hoarel; Hchoe; ca. 12" Phila. 1.50. A Leaf in the Storm, P. S^ Phil. 60 Sigiia. 12^ Phil. 2 00 In a Wint'T City. r. De I/«^>n, T. C. Askaros KaAsis, the Copt. 12° Phil. 1 oO 113 Fiction. 8° 6. De Liefde, J. B. Galama, or The Beggars. De Mille. American Baron. Among the Brigands. Comedy of Terrors. Cord and Creese. CTvptograni. * Lady of the Ice. Living Link. Treasure of the Seas. h. De Witt, Wme. * French Country Family. * Motherless. a. Dickens. **Complete Works, Globe edition, 15 vols, Household ed., 55 vols. Riverside ed., 29 vols. Chas. Dickens ed., 15 vols. Diamond ed., 15 vols. Plum Pudding ed., 6 vols. Separate Works, in cloth. Separate Works, in paper, viz : Barnaby Rudge ; " Sketches ; Chuzzlewit ; Dombey ; Oliver Twist & Great Expectations ; Copper- field ; Two Cities and Hard Times ; Bleak-House; Little Dorrit ; Christmas Stories ; American Xotes and Italy ; Mutual Friend ; Pickwick ; Uncommer- cial and Humphrey's Clock ; Xickleby ; Edwin Drood. Dickinson, Anna E. What Answer ? b. Dingelstedt. **The Amazon. 12° a. D'Lsraeli. Dominie's Son. 12° Xovels Complete, 6 vols. 12° **Coningsby ; * Cont. Fleming ; Henrietta Temple; * Sybil ; **Tancred; * Vene- tia ; * Vivian Grey ; * Alroy ; Young Duke; ea. 8° 50c.; *Lothair, 8° 2.00; Douglas, Amanda. * With Fate against him, (Six others.) a. Droz, G. ** Around a Spring. The Same, paper. **Babolain. Drury, Aim H. Eastbury. 114 1 25 1 5C 8° Bost. 1 50 1 25 8° X. Y. 75 8° X. Y. 2 00 8° X. Y. 125 8° X. Y. 1 50 1 50 12° X, Y. 1 50 12° X. Y. 1 50 12° XL Y. 22 00 12° X. Y. 51 00 12° X. Y. 58 00 12° Phila. 15 00 16° Phila. 22 00 12° X". Y. 10 .50 ea. 1 50 12° ea. aht. 30 Bost. 1 50 X. Y. 1 00 Lond. 1 25 15 00 X. Y. J 12° X. Y. 16": 16° 12° X. Y. 150 1 25 X. Y. 75 XL Y. 1 25 1 50 Fiction. Deep Wnters. Misroprt\8L>ntation. b. Dumas, Ali'x. (.'oiiiit iif .Moiito Cristo, 2 vols. Thrf>' .Muski'tt'ors. 20 Years Aft.T. Marijart't 0: b. JMwanls, Mrs. .Vnnie. ••Arrliie L«.vell (U)nd. 12° 81.) 8° $1.75; Mi.ss Forrester; 8° 1.75; Ksteljp, 1.50 I.^ah, 1.75c; • Ordeal for Wives, 1.5(»; • Onphl Wp to Visit Her, 8° 2.00 ; • Stephen Lawrence. S° 2.00 ; ••Susan Fiehlintr. .s^ 2.(M) ; ••.\ Vagabond Hero- ine. 12*^ 1.25. /'. Kdwards, Mi.'js M. ile I?etham. • I )si)>r .Schoolmaster, The Cireuit Uiih-r. The MvHterj- of Metropolisville. liiloart. >lrs. 8° IV>st. 1 • > , 8° .\. V. 1 OtI 12« I I. 1 .50 12° Loud. 1 (N) 12° Loud. 1 IM) 12° Lond. 1 0(1 Ixind. w 50 a.) 12° I'hila. ea. 1 75 12° I'hila. 1 75 12° Ho.st. 1 2.') 12° IJost. 1 25 12° N. Y. 15 00 12° L. \ n. 15 00 N. Y. )■ N. Y, (ri.s F I ' '* hood. Cunkt- Fmni I Kliot, (nil. KlIiM. Mrs. Heart.1 and Homes. See Lfms, Mr$. 10° 1 00 8° N. Y. 50 S* ri.ila. 12° N. Y. 1 .'^^1 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° 1 --) 8« N. Y. 50 8*> N. V. GO 8" N. Y. rn) 12° N Y. 1 :■" 115 Fiction. paper, paper. 12° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 8° Phila. 1 50 50 75 16° N. Y. 12° K Y. 12° N. Y. 12° N. Y. 12° N. Y. N. Y. 12° Lond. 12° N. Y. 8° Bost. 12° 12° N. Y. 16° Lond. Is 6d 5s 1 25 SsGd 1 25 1 50 1 50 Home, or Iron Rule. Look to the End. * Episodes in an Obscure Life. a. Erckmann-Chatrian. **Blockade ; **Conscript ; * Madame The'- ') rhse ; ** Waterloo ; * Plebiscite ; Invasion >• 16° N. Y. ea. 90 of France. ) Friend Fritz. Bi'others Rantzau. **A INIiller's Story of the War. **Story of the Peasant. Erskine, Mrs. T. Wyncote. Evans, Augusta J. (See Wilson, 3Irs.) Fair Harvard ; a story of College Life. Faithfull, Emily. A Reed Shaken with the Wind. i. Farjeon, B. L. An Island Pearl, 35c. ; At the Sign of the - Silver Flagon, 40c. ; * Blade o' Grass, 35c. ; * Bread and Cheese and Kisses, 35c. ; Christmas Stories, ^2.00 ; Golden Grain. (Sequel to Blade o' Grass.) 35c. ; )■ N. Y. **Grif, 30c. ; Jessie Trim, 50c. ; Joshua Marvel, 40c. ; King of No Land, 2.5e. ; London's Heart, 1.00 ; Love's Victory, 25c. Fay, Theo. S. * Norman Leslie. a. Fenelon. * Telemachus. Ferrier, Miss. Marriage. paper. Inheritance. h. Feuillet, A. * Romance of a Poor Young Man. * Tlie Story of Sibylle. a. Fielding. **Amelia. * Tom Jones. * Joseph Andrews. _ Five Hundred Majority; or, The Days of Tarn- 8° N. Y. many. a. Fouque. Wild Love. loo Lond. **Aslauga's Knight 12° Lond. * Minstrel Love. 12° Lond. * Magic Ring. joo Lq^^j] * Sir Elidore. 12° Lond. * Thiodolf. I'^o 2f Y 116 1 75 2 00 50 60 1 50 1 25 1 50 2 75 80 1 25 5s 6c; 4s 4s 7s 1 50 Fiction. •♦UiHliiio & Sintram. Francilloii, R E. ZfKln's Fortune. Fraser-'lytliT, C. C. Mistress Judith. a. Frt'vtatj. ••ivi.it & Creilit, 81.50. 1.^'st Manuscript paper. Inpo. (First of a Sories). Ini;ral)an. (Si'cond of the Series.) • Fri«'nil.s and aciinaintanri's. b. Fulli'rtoM, Ladv (Jfoririana. I'onstancf sliorwoud, 2 vola. • KlI.Mi Middl.'ton. • Lariau, Kinilf. Cli.|u.' of CoM, 8°, ei.25; File No 113, 8°, \.-jr>; Mvst.'ry of Orcival, 8°, 1.25; Otlit-r IVopl'''« Monov. 8°, 1.25; Widow L«'rousj»», 8°, 1.25: Within an Inch of his Life, paper ea. 75c, 8°, 1.25. b. Gait, John. .Vnnals of the Parish. • I'ruvost. Th.« Kntail. Sir A. Wylie. Laurii" Tudd. c. Garihaldi. Th-' Kul'» of tht> Monk, paper. Garrt't, Kilward, etc. See Mayo. a. (Jaskcll. .Mrs. ••C'ranford, 8°, 1.25; •Cousin Philli.«»,pa/).'r, 8°, 25c. : • Moorlaiul Cottapo. 8". 75c. ; • Dark Nipht. />'i/>«t, 8°, .')0c, ; •• .\Lary Barton, paper, S°, 50c. • Lady Ludlow, 8°. 25c.; ••North and South. 8°, .50c. ; • Uii,'ht at Last, 8o. 1.50; ••Unth. 2 v., 8^. l^'ip.. !jl.2(); ••.Sylvia's I^.v.rs 8°, 7.'>c ; ••Wives and Daughters. Illust., H°, 2.00 b. nauti«>r, T. Uoinance of the Mummy. b. (I«'rsf.v»'<-k»'r, F. K- .itii'fil .Vrrow. Two Convicts. • Frank Wildnian. • flow a Hride was Won. NoveU, 4v. uniform. 8" Host. 1 -JS 8«> Bust. 1 25 10° N. V. 1 25 8° N. V. 75 10° N. Y 1 25 lt}° N. V 1 25 IG^ .\. V. 1 25 1(1° Lei p. ea. V. 60 HP L.-ip. ea. V. 00 Iti^ L.-ip. ea. r. GO 8° N. V. 8' X. Y 1 50 Bost. Lond. 2.«. Qd Tvond. 2*. 0./ Lond. 2.<. t;,/ Ix)nnd. 12° 18° 8o r.. ••IiijjIkiiii PajxTs. U[w ami Downs. An Evoryday Novel. Hale, E. E., Mrs. St<>\vt>, ami otluTs. • Six of Ono li\ Half a Du/i-n of tlie Other a. Ilalil.urton. T. (.'. ••TIk' Clockniakt^r. or Sam Slick. • OKI Jml^'i'. paiKT. b. Hall. .Mrs. S. C. TaU's of Woman's Trials. Miilsumnu'r's Evo, WliiU-boy. • Sk.'tfii.> of Irish Cliarart.-r.' • Stori»'s of Irish IVasaiitrv. rnoI>' Iloraci", t>.<. ; Marian. b. Ilaml. V. E. H. ••La.l'y Li'o's Widowhood. Haiiiii! mkI. U.ili.-rt Severne. b. Hardy. Lady. • Daisy Nioliol. b. Hardv, Thomas. • A'l'air of Hluo Eye.s, lG°;81.2r); ••Far from tJu- .Maddinu Crowd, 1(5°, 1. -*•">; • D.si..ral.' ll.Mm'die.s, 10°, 1.25; • Ilaml of ElhellxTta, 10°, 1.2r>. ••Under the (Jreenwood Tree. Ilarlatid. Marion. {See Terhune, Mrs.) b. II.irriii^'tMn, F. • Iii-iid.'; a Ciimnicle of Secession. V2- b. Harris. Miriam. Mrs. '• Uutledije " Novels, viz. • Untl.d'.,'.-. ll.'^ ai..'»<); •.St. lMiilii>'s. 12°, l.."H»; • Suth.-rlands, 12°, l..*»0; •Frank Warrintrt4)n. 12°, \.'^) ; • Uoundh'-arts. V 12°. 1 :><); Loui.-'.s Last Term, 12^ 1.50 ; • Vandermarck, 12°, 1.5U. Hart man. Last Davs of a King. b. Hart.-. F. lint. ••Luf'k of Uoarinff Camp. T.il'- "f th<' An;onauts, etc. • Mr-*. Ska>;.,'"s Husbands. c. H.it'.ii. d.w. • t ill ^t^pher Kenrick. Ha^ulfrne. Julian. Itre.ssant. 12° IJOHt. Host Host. Host. 10° Host. paper 1 :*^ 1 50 1 50 1 TM) 1 .50 ra. 1 50 1 .50 1 25 75 75 ea. 50 .S.« 2.< 0'/ 50 1 75 50 V V N. Y 12° rhila. 1 25 1 7. 1 25 12° Host. IQo H«wU 1 50 1 50 12° N. Y. I 50 12° N. Y 1 SO ll'J Fiction. Idolatry. a. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. **Blithedale Romance. * Dolliver Romance. * Fanshawe. **House of Seven Gables. **^Iarble Faun. **Mosses. ** Scarlet Letter. **Septimius Felton. **Twice Told Tales. 2 vols, in 1. Hay. Old Myddelton's Money. paper. Victor and Vanquished. Squire's Legacy. Hazlitt. Feudal Times ; a series of Tales. 6. Healy, ^larv. * Lakeville. lUust. Helps, A. Ivan de Biron. **Realmah. c. Hentz, Caroline Lee. Planter's Xorthern Bride. 12° Phila. 1 75 (Eleven others, each 1 75) c. Herbert, II. W. Roman Traitor. 12° Phila. 1 75 h. Heyse, P. **Arrabiata, etc. ; Dead Lake, etc. ; Barbarossa, 12° Bost. 2 00 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 16° Bost. 1 50 8° KY. 50 50 75 12° Lend. 3s M 8° 1 50 12° Bost. 2 25 16° Bost. 2 00 etc. 3 vols. Sq. 16° Leip. ea. 1 25 6. Higginson, T. W. Malbone. 12° Bost. 1 50 6. Hillern, W. * Only a Girl. 12° Phil. 2 00 A Twofold Life. 12° Phil. 1 75 By His Own Might. i2° Phil. 1 75 * Geier-Wally. 8° N. Y. 1 25 6. Hoefer, E. * The Old Countess. 12° Phil. 1 00 h. Hofland, :\Irs. * Czarina. paper 8° N. Y. 50 Daniel Denison. paper. 8° N. Y. 50 Unloved One, paper. 8° N. Y. 50 Hogg, James. * Brownie of Bodsbeck. paper. 8° X. Y. (Six otlier novels, Edinb. and Lond.) Holland. J. C. / Arthur Bonnicastle. 12° N. Y. 1 75 The Bay Path. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Sevenoaks. 12° N. Y. 120 Fiction. ro, S° ; Jack Ashore, ; Out-) • Hattliii the Reefer, 10^, [- Holm, Snxe. Stories. c. Hi)hii<'8. Maria. I. • Lena Uivcrs. Millliank, etc. 10 vols. b. Ilnhiu's, Oliver Wendell. •• Klsii' W'liner. • (iuarf the White Horse. ••Ton) Hrown at Oxford & Uugby, .3 vols. .San>«', 1 vol. a. Hugi>, Victor. Claude (!ueux. •♦Hunch hack of Notre Dame. pnptr, Man who Laughs. • Ninety-'rhr*-**. ••L<"« >iis«»ral»les. • Tnil-rs of the Sea. lllust ft. Inrhl.ald, Mm. • Siinph' Stof)'. ptiptr. a. Ingelow, Jean. IJ N. V. 1 50 l->^ N. V. at. 1 50 11.'° Host. •-• (K) 12° Host. •_' IH) \'2° N. Y X. V paper, paper. IK) lfi° N. Y. 18 75 1(J° N. Y. ea 80 l«j° N. Y. 25 12° N. Y. a (H) 12^ N. V. 1 -.0 1(1'= Host. 1 50 12° Host. 1 50 32° Host. 1 50 12° Ho.st. 2 00 . 8° N. Y. 26 N. V. 1 .-.0 N. V. 1 :a) 8° N. V. 25 Loud. l.,ond. in° I>ond. 1 25 12° Host. ■.\ 75 8° N. Y. 1 50 12 N. V. 1 .'.<» . b° N. Y. 75 8* N. Y. 1 .'lO 12° N. V 1 75 8° N. V. .' 50 8° N. V. 1 50 8° N. Y. .V) 121 Fiction. * As the Crow Flies. * Fated to be free. **Off the Skelligs. c. Ingrahara, J. H. * Prince of House of David. * Throne of David. * Pill tr of Fire. Irving, J. T. The Attorney; or, Quod Correspondence.l2° N". Y. a. Irving, Washington. **The Alhambra. 25 16° Bost. 1 75 16« Bost. 1 75 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 1 50 **Bracebridge Hall. **Knickerbocker. **Tales of a Traveller. * Wolfert's Roost. S 16° 1 25, or 1 1-2° 2 25, or 5 16° 1 25, or 1 12° 2 25, or j 16° 1 25, or I 12° 2 25, or 5 16° 1 25, or I 12° 2 2.5, or 5 16° 1 25, or ( 12° 2 25, or 1 7 6. James, G. P. R. 56 Novels, 12° & 8° N. Y. ea. 25c. to 1 50 Separately, viz. : Attila ; Agnes Sorel; Agincourt ; Ar- "I rah Neii; A Whim ; Arabella Stuart ; Uxls. 12° Lond. e«. 50 Beauchanip ; Convict ; Forest Days ; f or 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 Russell ; Margaret Graham. J Club Book, 12°, $1.50 ; De Lorme, 12° 1.50 ; Old School, 12°, 1.50 ; * Gypsey, 12° 1.50 ; * Henry of Guise, 12°, 1.50 ; * H Masterton, 12°, 1..50 ; Man at Arms, 12° 1.50; Chas. Tvrrell, 12°, 1..50 ; Jacquerie 12°, 1.50 ; Morley Ernstein, 12°, 1.50 One in a 'i'housand, 12°, 1.50 ; * Phil Augustus, 12°, 1.50 ; Coeur de Lion, 12°, ')■ IST. Y. 1.50 ; Ancient Regime, 12°, 1.50 ; Rob- ber, 12°, 1..50; * Richelieu, 12°, 1..50 * Huguenot, 12°, 1.50; King's Highway, 12°, i..50 ; String of Pearls; 12°, 1.50 Mary of Burgundv, 12°, 1..50 ; *Darnley 12°, 1.50; *''John Marstou Hall, 12° 1.50; Desultory Man, 12°, 1.50. These can be had also in 16° Leip., or, bds.l2° Loud. 50 a. James, II. Jr. * Passionate Pilgrim and other Tales. 12° Bost. 2 00 **Roderick Hudson. 12° Bost. 2 00 Teaffreson, J. C. Lottie Darling, 8°, 75c. ; * Olive Blake's'] Good Work, paper, 75c. ; Isabel, 12°, [ $1.50; Live it Down, 8°, $1.00 ; Not f Dead Yet. 8°, $1.75. J 122 N. Y. Fiction. X. Y. paper. 8° X. Y Jeiikin, Mrs. C. Jupit.T's Dauffhtors, 12°, ^l.'jn; •Ma.l" nmedi' Hoanpru, ItJ'^, 1.00; I'.sycho of To- ilav. l'>^, l.J.'); • Two FrtMicli .Marriapos, Iti^. 1.00; • Who Hreak.s I'ays, 1G°, 1.00; • Within an Ace, 10", 1.00.' b. Jern>M. IXmijhis. C'hroiiich'-s of Clovernook. c. Jewsbury, Mi.ss. Ctni.staiice Herbert. ZtH'. Half SisUrs. Adopted Child. a. •lohtisoii. Dr. • Ka.tselas. fe.Jiidl, S. • .Maiirarct. b. K.i\.in.i_li, Julia. Ai:-. l*°, «1.')0; Beatrico, 1-2°. l.oO ; • Daisy Hums, l'J°, 1.50;* Dura, 12°. l.r)0; • drao*' Lee. 12°. 1.50 ; Madeleine, 12°, 1.00 ; Xathalie. 12°, 1.00 ; Queen Mal>. 12°, l.«K); Kachel Gray, 12°. 1.50; • .Seven Year.s. 12°, 1.50 ; • Sybil, 12°, 1.50: Uessie, s°, 75c. a. K'liti. h . Jului P. ••II ; - >h>>i- Kobiiison. • i;..i. ..f tin- liowl. • Swallow Ham. Qu<.dlibet, b. Kimball. U. B. • St. L.-irer, 12°, SI. 75; Tc>-tinrr, h°, 75c. ; Strettnn, per, 8°, 50c. ; Tlie Lost Child, 4M. 50. ' paper. 8° N. Y. paper. 8° NY. IG^^ X. Y. 10° N. Y. 50 1 00 32° \. Y. :>'.} 10° Bost. 1 50 N. Y 12° N. Y. 2 25 12° N Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 (MJ 12° X. Y. 2 00 N. Y X. Y. Bost. Host. Bo.st. Host. X. Y. 50 50 BoM.X. Y. and rhil. 123 Fiction. paper . paper. 8°N. 12° N. 12° N. 12° N. Y. Y. Y. Y. 8°N, 8° N. Y. Y. paper. paper. CI. 16° 1 25 8° Phila. 12° Lond. 1 00 12° N. Y. 8° N. Y. jmper. paper, paper. N. Y. N. Y. N. Y. 12° N. Y. 25 25 25 25 50 50 35 50 75 50 50 25 6 75 h. Kip, Leonard. The Dead Marquise. 12° N. Y. 1 50 h. Laboulave, E. * Abdallah. 16° Lond, 1 25 Lajetclinikoff. Tlie Heretic. paper. 8° N. Y. 50 h. Lamartine, A. * Genevieve. * ]\ly Youth. Raphael. * Stone Mason of St. Point. c.Lawi-ence, Geo. A. Anteros. Brakespeare. Breaking a Butterfly. Guy Livingstone. Hagarene . Maurice Bering. Sans Merci. Sword & Gown. Lee, Holme. {See Parr, Harriet.^ a. Lee, Sophia & Harriet. **Canterbury Tales. 3 vols. h. Le Fanu, S. Checkmate, 8°, $1.25; All in the Dark,^ 8°, 50c. ; Guy Deverell, 8°, 50c. ; Lost Name, 8°, 50c ; * Tenants of Malory, paper, 8°, 50c. ; Left-Handed Elsa, paper, Sq. 16°, 35c. ; * Uncle Silas, paper. 8°, 75c. h. Leland, C. G. Gaudeamus. 1 Meister Karl's Sketch-Book. 2 Music Lessons of Confucius. 1 a. Le Sage. **Gil Bias. 12° Phila. 1 00 N. Y. 1 Best Edition. 3 vols. 16° Bost. 3 h. Lever, Chas. Arthur O'Leary, 12°, $1.00; ** Charles ^ O'Malley, 2 vols., 12°, 1.00 ;*Con Cregan, 12°, 1.00; Barrington, 12°, 1.00; * H. Lorrequer, 12°, 1.00 ; Daltons., 2 vols. $2; or 1 vol., 12°, 1.50 ; Dodd Family, 12", 1.25 ; * Jack Hinton, 12°, 1.00 ; Knight of Gwynne ; 12°, 2.00 ; Lord Kilgobbin, 1.50 ; * Maurice Tiernay, 12°, 1.00 ; * That Boy of Norcott's, paper, 8°, 25c. (And several others.) Works complete. Illus. 27 vols. 16° K Y Lewald, Fanny. 124 V Bost. and K Y. 50 50 50 50 75 >■ Lond. and N. Y. 35 00 riction- 3 V Hulda. a. Lewc.M, Mrs. CI. II. (Georgo Eliot.) ••.Vibm IW.le. ••Felix Holt. ••Mill .m tiie Floss. ••Uomohi. ••Siia."* M;in»«>r. ••Dani.'l D.ron.la, 8", 50c. ; 2 vols. ••Mi.Kll.'iniircli. 8° 81 50. ••So-ii«'.H of Clerical Life. Works, including al)Ove, 9 vols. Linton. Lizzie I^>rt*)n. Sowini: tlio Wind. AtoncnuMit of Li>am Dundos. I'Htricia K(>nil>:ill. Little Clasaics. (Selected Short Stories.) 10 voU. Lobeira. Ainadis de (Jaul. Tr. by Southey. b. I>ockliart. Fair to Sco. Lockliart, .1. (J. b. Mattli.'w Wald, etc K ,M:iald Dalton. a. L-iu'i' :: 'w. II. w. ••Ilyi-iiwu. ••Kavanaijh. b. Lover. .Saniufl. • Ilundv Andv. • Kory ■( )'M<>re. Ti- i^iire Trove. \\ .. '■■■ IIors»» of the Peppers, etc. .N..>- Is. I'nifonn. 4 vols. y Lowell. 11. T. S. • New Tricst of Conception Bay. 2 vols. Lylv. John. Kuphuea, etc. (Arber Reprints.) b. Lyn() 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 :a) JOO .\. Y. eel. :t (Ml jIs. 12^ N. Y. :i 50 12^ X. Y. 1 50 I'jo X. Y. i;i 50 8° N. Y. 75 8° X. Y. 50 8° I'hila. 1 50 12° I'hila. 1 75 ) 10 18° Host ca. 1 00 V. 12° lA)nd. 15j paper, paper, paper, paper. 12° 12° 12° 12° , 8° 8° 8° 8° 10° 12° 1_'^ 12° 12° Ix>n"l. LoikI. I^uid. Bost ]i08t. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y X. Y X. Y. Ho>t. Ixind. X. Y rhib. Phila. 12° X. 12° N'. Y. 1 00 8° 75o. Y. 3 50 X. Y. 2 00. 2 V. 12° Phila. 12° 12° Phila. Pliila. 125 \t U is 1 50 1 25 75 75 75 75 .') 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 33 00 57 50 1 50 1 75 3 00 3 00 Fiction. * Devereux. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 **Pompeii. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. .50 Leila, etc. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° K Y. 50 * Rieiizi. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° X. Y. 50 * The Barons. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Harold. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Eugene Aram. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Zanoui. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° K Y. 50 **Pelham. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 Disowned. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 Paul Clifeord. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 Maltravers. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Godolphin. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Alice. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Night and Mor iiing. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Lucretia. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 * Strange Story. 12° Phila. 50 paper. 8° N. Y. 50 Parisians. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Pausanias. Phila. S l&l 25 McCarthy, Justin. *My Enemy's Daughter, 8°, 50c. ; A Fairl Saxon, 12°, $1.50; * Lady Judith, 8°, 75c. ; Dear Lady Disdain, $1.75; * Linlev )- Rochford, $1.75 ; * Paul Massie, 1.50"^; | N. Y. * Waterdale Xeighbors, 8°, 50c. a. Macdonald, Geo. * Adela Cathcart. **Alec Forbes. ** Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. A Double Story. St. George and St. Michael. Malcolm. Thomas Wingfold, Curate. **David Elginbrod. Guild Court. * Phantastes. Portent. **Bannerman's Boyhood, **llobert Falconer. Seaboard Parish. **Wilf]-id Cumbermede. * The Vicar's Daughter. b. Mackenzie, H. **]\Ian of Feeling, etc. h. Mackintosh, IMiss M. J. Charms and Counter Charms. Lofty and Lowly. 2 vols. Two Lives. b. Macquoid. Pattv. 126 J 12° Bost. 1 75 12° Bost. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 75 1G° Bost. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 75 1 00 12° Bost. N. Y. 1 75 N. Y. 50 1 50 1 75 1 50 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N, Y. 2 50 12° N. Y. 1 25 50 FicUon. Ivdiiianoe of Iho Fulurf A Koiiiaucu. ]\ u stone. 8* I : r Kirton. lO* iio Soon. A MUiiy ••: a (iiii's 11. •an. 8" N. b. Maitlan.l. K. l\\ an.l \\y. • lli-h.-r Law ••rilu'iiiii and the SLrin< b. Malory, Sir T. • M.Irle .1" Arthur. '. Mannini;, Mi!» Anne. ••Mary I'owojl, 10'^. §1.75 ; • Clierrv & Violot, •] 1«\ l.UU: Sir Thus. Moor', "lO°, l.Oti ; [ • Fair tJosiH-lliT. 10°, 1.00 ; Jacijucs [ IJonneval, 1(3°, l.OO. J Manznni. Tlio lietrothed. v.r YondiT. paper. ' ilona. - A Wife. Marrval, Miss. See Church, Mrs. b. MarryaU Cai-t. 12° I'liil.-v. Work.s coinpleto. 12 vols. 12^ N. Y. Or rlii-apoil. 1 4 vols, separately. Viz: paper. • .Ia.nl. Faithful. 12^ I'hila. .laphot. 12^ rhila. • IVt.T Sim|.le. 12° I'hila. ••Mi.Miipinan Easy. 12° I'hila. r.i. lia ot many Talcs. 12° I'hila. >;; II . yyow, otc. 12° I'hila. C. Mar^ii. Mrs. .V.i'lai.i.' Ia/)fr, 8°, 50c.; Anfjolo, "j 12-" :fl.50; .Vuiirt'V, pnpT, 12°. lite.; Cistle Avon. 12°, f)0c. ; Emilia W'muI- ' N. Y ham, 12°. 75c.; Elh-n Marston, 60c.; Father Darcy, 12°. 75c. ; D others, paper, 12°, ea. 50c. Martriihe, J. lIuiTuennt ;«'. Theo. A f raj a. Mulholhiii.t, Mi.s.s. Till' Wickfd Woods of Toboreovil. Mull.T. Tlio Hurijoniaster's Family, c. Miihlbach, Loui.sa. Novels. 17 vob. Murray, Chas. A. Pruiri.' Bird. Murray. (Jn'iivillp. ••.M''iiil»t'r lor I'aria. • Youiiij Brown. Mv Little Cirl. ••.My Liltl" Lady, e. Newhy, Mrs. C. J. MarL:arct Hamilton. pa Kii^dit and Loft. Newman. Callista ; A Sketch of tho 3d Century. Nicholls, Mrs. (See Bronte, C/inrli,ltt:.) Northern Liiflits. Tales from the Swedish and Finnish. Norton, lion. .Mrs. I^"st and .Savt'd. Old Sir iKuiirla.s. Not Ka.siiv Jealous. b. Oliphant. Mrs. • Ai:n«'.s, 8°, 75c. ; • Athelinps. 8°, 75c. • Hmwnlnws. 8°, 7.')c.; • At his Hat'-s, 81.54J; ••Carlinirford (TaiM^r 81.2.'») 8°, 1.75; Curat*' in Charj;i', S^, 5«)e. ; • Days of Life. 12°, 1.50; • Ilous.-.m Mo,ir. 12°, 1.50; Innocent A tale of Mo«Iern Life. 8*, 75c.; For I.ioyo and Life, />rt/>rr, s°, 75c.; ••John, 8°, 50c. ; • Kati.' .St.-wart, 8°. 75c.; • Lilliesleaf. 8'. 1.50; Lxst of ]Mortimer«, 12°, ra., l..'»0; "'Laird of Norlaw. 1.5: • Lu.y Crofton. 12°. l.*>0; • Ma.Iouna Mar\-. S\ 50c.; May. 8°, 1.50; ••Marijarel "Nlait- r'2 12« N. Y. 12° Lond. 1 50 2. 12° Ix>nd. 12° Lond. 12° Lond. 2i 1* Gci 2< 12° Bost. 1 50 12° Phila. 1 50 8°Bost. 1 25 8° N. Y. I 50 8° N. Y. ea. 1 50 8° N. Y. 1 <,s> (iar.loii, Unawares. ea. Host. 1 60 a. rii.'lps. K. s. ••(;at-s Aj:ir. • n.-.l„'...l 1,1. • Sil.Mit I'aitiior. 12^ Host. \2° lk>st. W Host. 1 SO 1 .'»0 1 54) e. Pickeriiifj. Kllon. Sixtfon Novels, riot'imios, Louise Von. rrincosa Use. paper . 8° N. «c P. 10° Host. 1 25 Pop. K. .V. ••Tal.'s. 2 vols. Polko. Klis.v Lulu's .N'ovt'l. 10° N. Y. Host. .'1 r>o 50 b. Porter. Jaui'. • 'riia>lil-us of Warsaw. • S.-..tti>h Chi.-fs. " I'l-in's Firi'sitlo. 12° Phila. 12° N. Y. 12° Loud. 1 (H) I 00 80 b. I'r< iitiN>i. Mrs. K. Krt'il. .Maria ami Me. Aunt .lane's Hero. ••Stej.piiii; Il.-avenwarJ. 10° N. Y. 12° N. Y. 12° N. Y. 1 20 1 rA) 1 75 b. Prrston, Harriot W. A-Iais. W.rks. 2 vols. 12° N Y. 12° Hohn. 1 75 .•5 50 b. Kairl.M.-. Mrs. • .\i\st.Ti.'s of LMoIpho. K'>niance of the Forest. 12° Phi 1.1. 12° Phila. 1 25 1 25 b. KaNfi'ii. Kii->ian Folk Tales. 8° Lon.l. 12.«. a. R*>al.'. Cha-s. Novels. 11 vol.s. 10° Host ea. , 1 00 Or neparato, viz. : • llar.l rash: • Fou 1 Play (a\^n paper H'^ 2'tc.) — l'f^v^ M- Little; • (Jri : • White Lies ; tnth (iaunt (also po •) ; ••('lois ter ami Hearth (a CA)c.); ••N 'ever Too F..at« » ••i-., V\ . ttinirton. etc : • Put Yourself ; Terrihjf' 'reni|>tation ^al.so paper H'^ 50c.); A ^ ' ■ .. ete. (also paper, 8° 50c.); • \" Heir. Ready-M . -i itiUty. Keiil, ( hristian. A Dauj^htcrof Bohemia, i: >t I , S. {St« Victor, Mn.) K.M-.r, ••in the Year 'M. ] 8° Ik)st. 1 25 8° \. Y. 1 50 iO= N. Y. 1 00 131 Fiction. Seed time and Harvest. 8° Phila. 1 50 b. Richardson, Saml. . **Clarissa Harlowe. 16° X. Y. 1 25 * Pamela. **Sir Chas. Grandison. a. Richter, Jean Paul. Campaner Thai, etc. 12° Bost. 2 00 * Hesperus. 2 vols. 12° Bost. ea. 2 00 * Titan. 2 vols. 12° Bost, ea. 2 00 c. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. * Race for Wealth, 8°, 75c. ; * Far Above "1 Rubies ; Rich llusband ; Life's Assize, ( ^o^'r'n ^°' ^?'■ ' ^J'""'' ^^'^I'o' I'lT'"' h- Y. and Bost. 8°, 50c. ; Above Suspicion, 8°, §1.2o ; j George Geith, 8°, 1.25 ; Too Much | Alone, 8°, 1,25, J b. Ritchie. Romance of History. France. 12° N. Y. 2 50 6, Robertson, Margaret M. * Christie. **Janet's Love and Service. 12^ N. Y. 1 75 Robinson, F, W. * Anne Judge, paper, 8°, 75c.; Bridge of Glass 8°, 50c.; Carrj^'s Confession, 8°, 50c.: 75c. ; Christie's Faith, 12°, $1.75; For Her Sake, 8°, 75c. ; Girl's Romance, 8°, 50c. ; Her Face Was Her Fortune, 8°, 50c. ; Little Kate Kirby, 8°, 75c. ; Mat- tie, a Stray, 8°, 75c. ; No Man's Friend, J^X. Y. and Bost. 8°, 7.5c. ; Poor Humanity, 8°, 50c.; * Se- I cond Cousin Sarah, 8°, 75c. ; Slaves of the Ring, 8°, $1.25 , * Stern Necessity, 8°, 50c. ; Sweet Xineteen, 8°, 50c. ; True to Herself, 8°, 50c.; Woman's Ransom, 8°, | 11.25. J b. Roche, Anna M. Children of the Abbey. 12° Phila. 1 00 c. Roe, A. S. Long Look Ahead. 12° X. Y. 1 50 To Love and Be Loved. 12° X. Y. 1 50 I've Been Thinking. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Star and Cloud. 12° X. Y. 1 50 True to the Last. 12° N. Y. 1 50 How Could He Help It? 12° X. Y. 1 50 6. Roe. E. P. Barriers Burned Awav. 12* X. Y. 1 75 The 0]-.ening of a Chestnut Burr. 12° X. Y. 1 75 b. Rossetti, C. G. **Common Places, and Other Stories. 12° Bost. 1 50 b. Ruffini. 132 Flotioii. ••Doctor Antonio, l'2^.81.7r) ; • Lavinia. 12", 1.75; •ViniH-nzo, 12^, 1.7."); • t'arlino, paper, 8°, 35c. ; ••Lon-nzo Hononi ; • raragrceus ; • Quiet Nook, c. Rydberic. V. La-st .Xthpuian. n. St. I'ifrre. ••Paul and Virginia. (I. Saiutine, X. H. ••I'ici-iola. Ht'st edition. a. Sand, (n-o. (Ma«ianif Dudovant.) • Antoiiia. ••C'unsuelo. • C\>nntes3 Riidolstadt. ••Fadotte. • Indiana. • Jealousy, or Tcverino. ••Mauprat. • Miller. • M. Sslvestre. ••Snow Man. (15 more in paper.) Handsome Lawrence. M.irijui.s de Villemer. llollinir .Stone. b. Sartoris. Sirs. A. Kemble. ••\V«><-k in a Fn-ncli Country House. C. Sauml'-rs. J. Al>fl Drake's "Wife. paper Ii..und to tho Wheel. Hir.'ll. paper. Isra<'l Mort, Overman. Martin I'ole. b. Sftvaije, M. • I^achelor of the Albany. Falon Family. \'2° Lend. 91.00 papfr. • Woman of Hnsiness. paper, b. .Vlimid, II. • Thi' IlaWmieistor. Schurkin'4, L. Fir>' and Flamo. paper b. Schwartz, Mario S. • Itirth and Kducation. fi°. 81.50; • Cold and Name. H'^. 1..5<»; • The Kiijht One, 8°. 1.5(J; •(Juiltand Innoc.-nc... 8^ 81-75; Genla, 1*2®. 1..V) ; Little Karin. 1*2®, 1.5<); .Son of tho Oriran (Jrintler, 12®, 1.50; • Two Family Mothers. \.M. b. Scott, .Michael. CruiM of tho Miilge. .V Y. 12® Phila. 2 00 16® N. Y. 1 25 16® N. Y. 1 25 10® Bost. 1 50 12^ Fhila. 1 .'.O IMiila. I 50 H<.st. 1 50 ri.ila- 1 50 I'bila. 1 .50 Host. 1 .50 Bost. 1 .^.0 Bost. 1 50 Bost. 1 50 8® Bost. 1 25 8® Host. 1 25 8® Bost. 1 25 8® Bost. 8® N. Y. 75 8® N. Y. 75 8° N. Y. 60 10® Phila. 1 25 50 12° N. V. 1 50 . 8® N. V. 75 . 8° N. V. 75 10° N. V. 1 25 •. N. Y. 75 iniiu. 12° I>ond. 13.3 Fiction. 25 vols. 25 vols. 1vol. * Cleve Hall, 12°, ") 12°. 1.00 ; * Ex- I * Tom Cringle's Log. a. Scott, Sir Walter. **Xovels. Abbotsford edition Novels. 27 vols. 25 vols. Centenarian edition. Novels. 6 vols. Edinburgh edition. Separate novels. Dick's edition. b. Sedgwick, Cath. M. **Iiope Leslie. 2 vols * Linwoods. 2 vols. * Redwood. 1 vol. * Clarence. 1 vol. * New England Tale. b. Seemiiller, Mrs. A. M. C. * Emily Chester. * Opjjort unity. * Reginald Archer. b. Seweli, Miss E. M. Amy Herbert, 12°, Sl.OO ; 1.00 ; Earl's Daughter perience of Life, 12°, 1.00; Gertrude, 12°, 1.00 ; * Glimpse of the World, 12°, 1.00; *Hawkstone, 12°. 1.00: Ivors. 2 vols., 12°, 2.00 ; * Kate Ashton, 2 vo's., 12°, 2.00; *Laneton Parsonage, 12°, 3.00; * Margaret Percival, 2 a-oIs., 12°, 2.00 ; Ursula, 2 vols., 12°, 2.00 Walter Lori- mer, 1 vol., 12°, 1.00 ; * Home Life, 1 vol., 12°, 1.00. b. Shelley, Mrs. * Frankenstein. * Perkin Warbeck. b. Sheppard, Elizabeth. * Chas. Auchester. **Counterparts. * Rumour. Sheppard, F. H. Love Afloat. c. Simms, W. G. Works (paper 75c). 17 vols The best separately, viz . : Beauchamp, 12°, §1.75 ; Guy Rivers, 12°,^ 1.75; Martin Faber, 12°, 1.75; Melli- champe, 12°, 1.75; Partizan, 12°, 1.75; Yemassee, 12°, 1.75. c. Sinclair, Catherine. ISIodern Flirtations. 12 134 12° Lond. 45 12 V. demv 8° Phila. 18 00 12° Phila. 33 50 - 12° N. Y. 37 50 12° N. Y. 31 25 12° N. Y. 10 50 R. 8° Pbila. ea. 25 paper. 8° or 12° E. & N ea. 25 paper. 12° N. Y. ea. 15 12° N. Y. 3 00 N. Y. 3 00 N. Y. 1 50 N. Y. 1 50 N.Y. 1 50 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost, 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 N. Y. 12° Bost. 12° Lond. 1 00 80 Bost. $1 25 8° N. Y. 8° Bost. paper. 8° Bost. 75 1 25 75 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 30 00 N. Y. ° Phila. 1 75 12<» Lon.l. 2«. 1-J° Un.l. U. 1*J° I^ni.l. \2^ Luu.l. U. l'2° Uju.J. 3«. 12° N. V. 1 50 l«J° N. Y 1 •.•:. 8<> N V T.'i 8^ N. ^ ■It 8o riiila. M 12° IMiib. 1 ::. 12° Lon.l. 1 LT. L<>nil. 1 2-> Loud. 1 r,() FloUon. Boat lire. Jam- Hotivorio. Lonl aii.>■!. • Frank Fair!' ; Ji. • Harry Cover' I i: •. Lewis .Vniiidel. b. .*0 • Lr,'. lids of Hrittany. 10° N. Y. 1 25 r. .Sj.jn.il.T. I h- .Lw. 8° N. V. 75 I. .Spi.\h i.;''ii. F. ••1- 'i al Charactert. 12° X. Y. 2 <>J • 11 I .\nvil. 12° N. Y. 2 00 • I! 12° N. Y. 2 00 • I !>t. 12° N. Y. 2 00 \\ - lUfj. 12° N. Y. 1 25 b. .Sp.->tT<'rtl. .Mrs. Harriot Prescott. ••.\mb.r (iods. 12« Bost. 1 75 • Axarian. 12» Bo-st. 1 50 135 Fiction. a. Stael, Madame de. **Conuue. c. Stephens, Mrs. A. 22 Novels. c. Sterling, John. Onyx Ring. a. Sterne, Laurence. **Tristani Shandy. Sturm, T. Immen See. . paper. a. Stowe, Mrs. **Uncle Tom's Cabin. * Agnes of Sorrento. * May Flower. **Minister's Wooing. **01(1 Town Folk. * Nina Gordon. *" Pink and White Tyi-anny. * INIy Wife and I. * Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories. Stretton. The Doctor's Dilemma. paper. The Queen of the County. b. Sue, Eugene. * i\Iysteries of Paris. Wandering Jew. Martin, the Foundling. Arthur. Conunander of Malta. De Kohan. b. Tabor, Eliza. Hope Meredith, 50c. ; Eglantine 50c. ; * Jean- ie's Quiet Life, 50c. ; INIeta's Faith, 50c.; **St. Olave's, 75c. ; Blue Kibbou, 50c. **Tale3 from Blackwood. 12 vols, in 6. 18° Tales from the German. By Oxenford, etc. 8° a. Tautphoeus, Baroness. **At Odds, 12°, ^1.75 ; **Liitials, 12°, 1.75;) **Quits, 12°, 1.75; **Cyrilla, ;j«;w, S°, [- 75c. ^ a. Taylor, Bayard. **Hannair Thurston, 12°, $1.50 : * John God-"] frey, 12°, 1.50 ; ** Story of Kennet. 12°, ' 1.50; * Joseph and Friend, 12°, 1.50 ; * Beauty and the Beast, 12°, 1.50. 6. Terhune, Mrs. V. (" ]\Iarion Ilarland.") * Alone, 12°, $1.50; * Hidden Path. 12°, 1 1.50 ; jMoss Side ; 12°, 1.50 ; Nemesis I 12°, 1.50; iAIiriam, 12°, 1.50 ; At Last, f 12°, 1.50; Helen Gardener, 12°, 1.50; J 136 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° Phila. ea. 1 75 16° Bost. 12° N. Y. 1 50 16° N. Y. 40 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 CO 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Bost. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 75 1 00 8° N. Y. 75 12° Bost. 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 25 Phila. 2 00 75 50 50 Edin. Phila. N.Y. N. Y. 15 00 50 Fiction. Suunvl»aiik. 12", \.'tO; lltiHbnnd nnci" Ilomr. 12°, 1.5«); Rudy's Husband. 12^ l.-'Mi; rii.'init's Ti'inp'tatidii. 12^, 1.50 ; Kiui'tv Heart, rj^, l..')() ; True as SU-ol. l2-\ r:>o. a. Thackt-ray, Miss. ••Old K-iisiii^toii. Ulustnitttd. • lUii'-licard's Kevs. ••Villau.. on tlie Cliff. • Mi.-ts Aujj«d. • Misi'tdlaiu'oiis Works. SI 2."). • Tal«'S, I'tc. 2 vols. a. Tlia-k.T.iy. W. M. ••Nowls. Complete. G vols. N'ovols. 8 vols. Novels. Complfte in pat>er. St'parate, viz.: Denis Duval. Illustrated. ••Esmond ami F^ivel. Ksmond and l^>vel. Illustrated Ho^'^jarty Diamond. ••N<'\vo<>m<'s. \.'\vi-r>ini's. Illustrated. ••r.Mid-'iinis. IVnd.-nnis. III. (12° $1 .'><). 2 v, ••riiilip. Philip. Illustrated. ••Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair. Illustrated. ••Virijinians. Virginians. Illustrated. S.iin'-. .'l vols. • Mi-.'lianies, .Short Tales, etc. c. TIk'Hii-*, .Vnnie. (.'.ill'd to .Vccount, paper, 8", 50c. ; Only Herself, paper, {*°, r)Oc. : Denis Donne, paper, 8'^. .')Oo. ; Tl.iyed Out, paper, 8°, 50c.; Dower Houst*. paper, ty°, .">«-. : .Maud Mohan, 2oc.; Ue Cometh Nut, >he Snid, 8", 50c. On Cfuard. Paper.' 9^ Walt'T (Joring. Paper. 8 TI.Mrj-' l^•^'is. \: Tieck. The ElvM. Paper. 6 b. Townsend, Virginia F. N. Y. paper. 8* I 00 75 2.'i 8° N. Y. 75 Illustrated. 1 75 12" Host. •J (M) 12" \\o> . :a) 8" N. V. i; .V) 8" N. Y. I tto paper. 8" N. Y. :a) 12" N. Y. 1 25 1. paper. 8^ N. Y. 75 paper. 8° .\. Y. 25 12° N. Y. 1 25 paper. 8° N. Y. 75 12" N. V. 1 -'5 ° S2 00)pa. 8° N. Y. 75 12" .\. Y. 1 25 paper. 8" .V. Y. .'M) 12" N. Y. 1 25 paper. 8" N. Y. iV) 12" N. V. 1 25 paper. 8" .\. Y. 75 Cr. 8° N. Y. 7 W 5 vols. 12" N. Y. 25 N. Y. N. Y. 50 N. Y. 50 Host. 2 00 137 Fiction. N. r. * The Hollands. 12°, $1.50 ; Max Meredith 12°, 1.50 ; Janet Strong, 12°, 1.25 Mills of Tuxbury, 12°, 1.25. b. Trollope, Anthony. (Editions Xew York or Philadelphia.) **Barchester Towers, Paper, 75c.; * Belton "| Estate, Paper, 50c. : * Bertrams, 12°, $1.50; * Can You Fnrgive Her, 12°, $1.00, 8°, 2.00 ; * Castle, Richmond, 12°, 1.50; * Claverings, 8°, 100; **Doctor Thorne, 12°, L50; *Eustace Diamonds, 1.75; * Framley Parsonage, 12°, 1 75; * Golden Lion of Granpere, 1.25 ; Harry Heathcote of Gangoil, 8°, 25c. ; * He Knew He Was Pught, 12°, 1.50 ; * Kellys and 0"Kellys, 2°, 1.2.5; Ladv Anna, Paper, 8°, 50c. ; * Lost Chronicle of Barset, 8°, 2.00; * Lottie Schmidt. 2 vols., 12°, 2..50 ; Miss ISIackenzie, Paper, 50c. ; Orley Farm. 8°, 2.00; * Phineas Finn, 12°, 75c.; *Phineas Redux, 1.75; * Prime Minister, Paper, 1.00 ; * Racliel Ray, Paper, 50c. ; * Ralph the Heir, CI. 12°, 1.75 ; * Sir H. Hotspur, Paper, 50c. ; Small House at Allington, 12°, 2.50; *Strugglesof Brown, Jones & Robinson, Paper, 8"*, 50c. ; * Three Clerks, 12°, 1.40: * Vicar of Bullhampton, 72°, 1.75 ; ** Warden (and Barchester Towers), Pap r, 75c. ; * Way We Live now, $1.50; 8°, Paper, 2.00. Trollope, Frances E. Aline Furness. Paper. * Mabel's Progress. Paper. Sacristan's Household. Paper. Veronica. Paper. Trollope, Mrs. Frances. Petticoat Government. Paper. 8° X. Y. Trollope, T. A. * Beppo the Conscript, 12°, $1.75 ; Dream "] Numbers, 12°, 1.75; * Garstang Grange, I 12°, 1.75 ; Gemma, 12°; 1.75; Leonora, 12°, 1.75 ; Sealed Packet, 12°, 1.75 ; )- Marietta, 12°, 1.75 ; Lindisfarn, 8°, 2.00 ; A Siren, Paper, 8°, 50c. ; Diamond Cut Diamond, 12°, 1.25. h. Trowbridge, J. T. A Chance for Himself. **Coupon Bonds. Illustrated. 138 N. Y. and Phila., 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y. Phila. and N. Y. 50 50 75 50 50 Fiction. b. Turiii'iiit'fF. • Fatliors and Sons, 10°. 91.25; Liza, 1.25 ; "j Smoke, 10", 1.25; Sprincj FIimhIs, vtc , 1 10°, ea. 1.25; On tlio Kvr, 10°, 1.25; Diniitri Koiuline, 10°, 1.25. J a. TytliT, .'^arali. ••Citnyt-nn*' .rac ; l)i:unon Uunni-r.s, and Floating ("ity. 12° l)octt>r O.v. ami other stories. 18° Bost §1 liln.strat.'d. 12° Field of Ic.-. 80 Five Wt'fk.s in a Halloon. 12° From the Karth to tlif Moon. 12° Fur Country. 1 True. 12° Fiu'uro Eiijht 12° Who Wa-H He? 12° h. Walford. >j. V. ,,;,•„ b. Wa' I t Otranto. c. Wahx.-rth. .M. T. HntHpiir. 12'.«1.75; Lulu. 12°. 1 N Y X. Y. and riiila. 10° 12° N. V. X. Y. X. Y. N. Y. Loud. Host. X. Y. Ho.st. IM.ila. X. Y. I'hila. Host. I'hila. Most. Ho.st. Host. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X V. X. V. Phila. Hj.iir. 12'. 91.75; Li ClifT. 12°. 1.75: Wa Stnrm ) rwirk. 12°, 1.75; Dehi- V .\. V plaino, 12°, 1.75; Warburton, KlioU Dnrien. Reginald Hastings. IJeverlv, 12°, 1.75. pftpfr, paper. N. ^ X. \ 1 IH) 1 50 :t INI 1 50 a 00 ;i 00 .1 00 2 00 3 00 3 .50 3 .50 3 IK) 1 .50 3 00 1 25 1 50 50 1 50 1 25 1 25 V) 50 139 Fiction. ^yard. Chatsworth. De Vere . o. Ware, Wm. **Aurelian **Zeiiobia. * Julian. 2 vols. "Warfield, Catharine A. ]\Iiriani Monfort. Romance of Beauseincourt. (5 more.) b. Warner, Misses. *«Wide World. **Queechy. * Daisy. * Say and Seal. 2 vols. * Dollars and Cents. **Gold of Chickaree. * Hills of the Shatemuc. * Melbourne House. My Brother's Keeper. * Old Helmet. * ^A'hat She Could. * Opportunities. House in Town. **Wych Hazel. a. Warren, Samuel. **Diary of a Physician. 3 vols. * Ten Thousand a Year. Now and Then. Works. Fine edition. 5 vols. Webber, C. W. Old Hicks, the Guide. 8° Tales of Southern Border. 8° Phila. b. Werner, E. * Good Luck. Broken Chains. 'VYliat the World Made Them. a. Whitney, :\Irs. A. D. T. **Faith Gartney, 16°, §1.50; **Ga'yworthys, 12°, 1.75 ; **Hitherto. 12°, 2.00^ **Leslie Goldthvvaite, 12°, 1.50 ; **Other Girls, 12°, 2.00; * Real Folks, 12°, 1..50 ; * Pa- !^ Bost. tience Strong, 12°, 1.50; **We Girls, 12°, 1.50 ; Sig-hts and Insiqhts. 2 vols. 12°, 3.00 ; * Zerub Throopa2°, 1.75. b. Whittier, J. G. * Margaret Smith's Journal. 12° Bost. 6. Wilson, Prof. John. * Margaret Lindsay. 12° Lond 140 8° N. Y. 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 N. Y. 2 00 N. Y. 2 00 K Y. 2 00 12° Phila. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° Phila. 1 75 12° Phila. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° X. Y. 3 00 12° Phila. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° K Y. 1 75 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 2 25 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 2 00 18° N. Y. 2 25 12° Phila. 2 00 12° X. Y. 1 25 12° Lond. 12 00 2 00 8° Bost. 1 25 8° Bost. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 25 1 50 3s 6d Fiction. Wilson,./. Maikiiy. Talt'S nf tin* Ilonlcrs. \'2 vols. Wilson. .Mrs. ( .Vinrusta J. Kvnns.) • Htiilali. 1; ' ■ \2° N. V II. I -J", 91.7."); Inoz. I'jo, \.7't \ Mac.v) lia. l'2°, 1.7.'); .St. Klino. l'J°, 1».(X) ; [- .\. V. Vashti. ll»°, 2.(.>0; lufelici*, 12*', 2.00. ) Wis... Il.nrv .\. Captain Hratnl. 8® N. V. c. Wo«mI. Mis. IIimiiv. Novfls. 17 v.;is. 12° rhila. Novi'ls. (.\t./)u/»r. «°. nOe.; Dr. Wain- wri;;ht's Pati.'nt, 50c.; .\ Waitiiiij llace, 2°. 7.V.; The Yellow Flag. 8°, 1.2o. b. Y'onije, Miss C M. ••D.iisy Chain. 2 vols. • OviK'vor Terrace. 2 vols. • H.'-.-chcr..ft. • Clever Woman. 2 vols. • Il.'ir of K..tlclyffe. 2 vols. • Ilfartst-ase. 'J vols. • n.'jMS ami Fears. 2 vols. • K'liii. th. • LinwiKwI. La«lv Hester; or, I'rsula's Narrative 30 00 2 00 ea. ea. 1 7 X. Y. Post. & Loud. The Pillar in tlw House; or, Under Wode, 12° X. 12° X. 12° X. 12° X. 12° X. 12° X. 12° X. 12° X. 12° X. Cr. 8° N. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y. V. I'n.l.'r Koilc. 2 vols. • Youn:; St.'|tmoth.'r. 2 vols. Zr on (lolden Feet. Th»» Kn»<> of Disentis. • Stdf'ct Talfs. o. p. • Social Life Tales, o. p. • Veronica. Cr. H° L. & X. 12' X. Y. 8° Post. paper. 8° X. V 12° X. Y. 12° X. Y. 12° X. Y. 12° X. Y. paper. 8° X. Y Y. 00 00 :*) ou 00 00 00 50 2.^ IK) 25 50 50 141 Field Sports — Fine Arts. Field Sports. See also Angling ; Hunting. Barry. Siwrting Eambles and Holiday Papers. 12° Lond. 2s Qd a. Blaine, Encycloi^edia of Rural S[)orts. 8° Loud. 42s Cai-lton. Sporting Sketch Book. 12° Loud. lOs Gerstaecker. Wild Sports in the Far West. 12° Lond. os Greenwood. Wild Sports of the World. 8° Lond. 5s Herbert. American Game in its Seasons. 12° N. Y. 3 00 a. Field Sports. 2 vols. 8° N. Y. 6 00 Sporting Scenes and Characters. 2 vols. 8° Phila. 4 00 TroUope. British Field Sports. 12° Loud. Walsh. (Stonehenge.) British Rural Sports. 8° Loud. 21s Cyclopedia of Rural Sports. 8° Phila. 5 00 White. History of British Turf. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 6 00 Fiji Islands. Britten. Fiji in 1870. Letters. 12° Lond. 2s 6^/ Forbes. Two Years in Fiji. 8° Lond. 8.s ^d Smyth, ]\Ii-s. Ten Months in Fiji. 8° Oxford lOs Williams, Calvert. Fiji and the Fijians. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Finance. See also Banking; Money; Political Economy; 7jj rnffTn Fenn. Funds, Debts, and Revenues of All Nations. 8° Lond. 25s Green. How to Pay the Xational Debt. 1 50 Northcote. Financial Policy, 1842-61. 8° Lond. 10s Patterson. Science of Finance. 8° Lond. 14s Richardson. Public Debt of United States. 2 00 Fine Arts. See also ^Esthetics ; Architecture; Decorative Art; Draw- ing ; Gems, etc. ; Music ; Painting ; Sculpture. For Lives of Artists, see Biography (collective ; Artists) ; also their names under Biography (^Individual). For Art Periodicals, see list of Periodicals at end of Bihliography, 1. DiCTIOXARIES, ETC. a. Bryan. Dictionary of Painters. R. 8° Lond. 42s a. Supplement to Dictionary. R. 8° Lond. 4 75 a. Clement. Hand-Book of Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, and their Works. Cr. 8° N. Y. 3 25 Fairholt. Dictionary of Terms in Art. 8° Lond. 10s 6d b. Spooner. Dictionary of Fine Arts. 2 v. R. 8° N. Y. 10 00 2. History. See also Painting ; Sculpture. Clay. Virgin Mary and the Traditions of 142 Fmo Artj. rainU-rs. 12-^ b.iitl. Uj Cleijlmrn. Aiieioiit ami ModtTii Art. 2 v. 12'^ K«liii. lit «. C'loiufut. Lf^'.Miil.iiy Art. Illus. I'J'* N. V. 3 25 l>. Cro\vt> an Cuiiiiiiiii);s. lli^story of National Academy of l)t'-si!,'n. 8^ riiiia. 2 tM) D'.Vgiiicouit. History of Art by its Moim- nu'iits. f'^ Loud. lO.M a. l)"Anv>Ts. An Elt'inentary History of .Vrt. L. & X, Y. I 00 Diilroii. C'liristiaii looiio<,'rai>li\ . 12"^ Holm .'w K;i>llaki'. Litfrature of Fine Arts. 2 vols. 8° Loud. 2l« Kaikm-r. Ancient .\rt K. S^ Lon-l. 12* Heaton. Concise History of Paintin,'. Illus. 12^ L. & X. Y. 4 50 Ilemans. Art and Mediiuval Ciiri.^tianity. 2 vols. S* Lend. lai lIowitL Art Student in Mnnieh. 2 vols. \2° Loud. 1 1< b. Jame.son. I.^gends of the ^Lulonlla. Illus. Larj;* 8° Loud. 7 .M..nastic Orders. Illu.s. Lari,'.' S^ Lotid. 7 00 ()t our Lord. 2 vols. Illu.s. Larije S^ Loud. 1 1 nd. 1 1 0.) b. Flemish and Dutch Schools. 2 voLs. 8'=' Lond. f» 0.) J.-irves. Cilimp.se at the .\rt of .Japan. KP X. V. 2 .*»0 6. I.^»croix. Arts of tlie Middle .\ges. Illu.s. U. H^ Loud. 12 IM) Lul.ke. Historvof Art. Illustrated. 2 voLs. K. 8M.. \ X. Y. IS (M) History of Sculpture. Illus. 2 vols. U. 8° h.ii X. Y. IS (K) MuUer. Ancient .Vrt and its Remains. S' Lm I. 5 00 Owen. .Vrt Sch.Mds of .Mediaeval Christendom. 12° I.K)nd. 7* 'W Pat'-r. Studies in History of Kenaissanc-, P. 8^ X. Y. 2 50 Scott. Half-Hour Lectures on Ili.^torv and Practice. Illus. 12° X. Y. 3 00 Smith. .Major K. Persian Art. Illus. 12° I^uid. 5* «W staid' y. Uiit.-h an.l FLmi.sh Paint.-rs. 12° liohn 2 50 Taylor. History of Fine Arts in (ircat Hrit- ain. 2 vols. Lond. 7« 6woiis on Art. c. (Jiiidf ami C'oinpanion to above. K c. Frinciplfs ami l'ra«'tice of Art. Mniiuul of Fine Arts. Ed. by Huntington. Otis. Saen-d and Constructive Art. Scott Half Hour L«'eturfs on History and 00 12 00 •I riO 1 25 12° Lond. ea. 50 f° Lond. 15* N° Lond. 1 50 f° Loml. OA. 12* X. Y. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 25 IVactice. Illustrated. SimnioiiH. .^-iilptor's .Manual. Story. I'roiM)rtions of Iluinan Figure. 111. K. AVeir. Animal Fainting in NYator Colors. 5. (Jai.i.khiks, etc. 12° N. Y • M) I.^)nd. Lond. 6$ {rt Pubtiealions, Jlliulratetl with Autoti/pfis, Ihliotypes, Wnodburytypts, etc., nil i)ublislied m I.c.ii.Imii. 2 vuU. Contempomrv Fn-nch Paintors. Hogarth. A\'ork.«». !.'><• photograph.-i Ij»nd.H»'«T. (Jrcat ^Vorks. Mulr«'a«Iy's (J rent Work.<<. Kapluxd. Clri'nt Works. H'Miibrandt Et<-|iings. K>inbr.iiidt d.illiTV. K.-ynold.H, Sir .b.-liua. V- -'■ '• 'hiidren. Titian. Fortrait.t. 17 | 1 Turner. Laud.'*cai»e», v: -. i i- o 4° 42i 4° 105* 4° 42» 4° 42i 4° 42« 1° 42* 4^ 6.-1* 1° 42t 4^ 105« 4' 4'2m 145 Fine Arts. Yelasqusz. Works, 17 photographs. 4° AVilkie. Great Works. 4° Gems of the Dutch and Flemish Schools. 4° Gems of ]Modern Belgian Art. 4° Masterpieces of English Art. 4° Italian Art. 4° Flemish Art. 4° Mountains and Lakes of Switzerland. 4° Shakespeare Gallery, from Boydell. 4° Sheepshanks Gaileiy. 4° Wonders of Sc%ture. By Viardot. 4° Wonders of European Art. " 4° Wonders of Italian Art. " 4° AVorld-Noted Pictures. 15 photographs. 4° Other Series of Art Reproductions. Art Union of London. Engravings and Photo- graphs. Ai'undel Society. Chromolithographs, Engrav- ings and Pliotographs, reproductions of old frescos and paintings. Twenty years of the Arundel Society, by Maynard, 300 photos. Imp. 4° Etching Club. I. Goldsmith's Deserted Village. 80 designs, Imp. 8° Lond. f° Lond. 4° Lond. f° Lond. fo Lond. 4° II. Songs of Shakespeare. 17 designs. III. Etched Thoughts. 60 designs. Imp. IV. Gray's Elegy. 28 designs. V. L' Allegro. 31 designs. VI. Songs and Ballads. Shakespeare. 33 de- signs. 1852. Galleries. Berlin Gallery, morocco Dresden Gallery, raor. Dusseldorf Gallery (pho.), mor. Leuchtenberg Gallery (Munich), ^ moi Munich Gallery, mor. New York (Talleries (pho.), mor. Turner Gallery, 2 vols. Vernon Gallery, 4 vols. Vienna (ialleries, mor. AVilkie Galleiy, mor. 6. Illustrated Volumes. Art, Pictorial and Industrial Essays, with Au- totvpes. 4° N. Y. 146 105s 63s 25s 42s 42s 42s 42s 42s 42s 42s 12s 6d 12s Bd 12s Qd 21s 115s 6d 105s 21s 126s 42s 63s 4° Lond. 25 00 4° Lond. 25 00 f° X. Y. 30 00 4° Lond. 18 00 4° Lond. 25 00 f° N. Y. 40 00 f° Lond. 210s f° Lond. 168s 4° Loud. 25 00 f° 50s 8 00 Flue Arts. AiuUtspm. Fairv Tales. f Ix)iul. 10 0** Art ami S«>ii<,'. 111. with Visjnottos on Stot-l. 4° I.ou.1, 21j Art .Stiuli'-s from Natiir»>. Illiist. 4** Ltuul. 12« Aubiicne. Hist, of U-furmatioii. 4° N. Y. 10 00 IJailoy. F. stus. 8® N. Y. 5 00 Barbjiulil. Hymns in Proso. 4" N. Y. '2 OJ llaronial Ilalls, ftc, of Kng. r»v ll.ill, 3 vols. 117*. ' f° Ix)na. 30 00 Beauti.s of Wavorloy. 8° V\i'\l:\. '» (h) B«'r«ick. KaMos. 111. from orisj. blocks. 18* N. Y. '2 '»*) Beautiful Womt-n, with 10 photos, from Rov- nol.ls. oto. ' f° Ixintl. 20 00 Beautiful Tic. by En*;. Artists, enj. on steel, •i'' I^>nil. 2I« Berlin anil its Art Treasures, mor. -1° Loml. 2.') 00 Blnkt*. Win. Illustrations to The Book of Job (Iltlio.). 4^ Bost. 10 00 Book of Rubies. S* X. Y. 7 00 Booth. Charaotprs in Trap:, and Comedy. 111. S° BosL Boi.ssorce (Jalh-ry at Munich, photoi;. f° Lond. 50 00 Th«' .same '(original copy, f'* £105). 125 00 Bovdoll (Jallf'ry. Illustrations of Shakespeare, WiMMlburvtvpo. British I'ortra'it Taintfrs. I«»17-ls7i? trations. Text by Oilier. British .Schools of .\rt. 2 vols, in 1. Browning. Lady (leraldine. Bryant. Forest llynm. Srks in Sculpture. 3 vols. 120.*. R, 8*= Century of (jueens. Lit. ami Art. ChamlK'rlaine's Imitatioub- of Drawing, etc., £12 12*. f* I^Mul. 30 00 Chef«-nd. 51 00 £3 12.t. f« Lond. 7 50 1 1 By Mrs. Jameson. IVM. ' 4" Ixind. 12 75 Colon. ni-=! Trr ; ^ mr^inn"?. with plates. S* X. Y. G UO Collins. ! • r. Por- trr III. {oL.kS. Y. 45 00 Co J iu..r. f* I-oniL 10 50 Co y. mor. 4« N. Y. 40 00 Cotlrs "-at it.ln >i -ht. liruslrated. 8' X. Y. '• 00 ^ n: Fine Arts. Cowper. John Gilpin. Illustrated. 4° L. & N. Y. 2 50 Country Life. Poems by Burns, Goldsmith, eta 40 illustrations by Birket, Foster, etc. Sra. 4° K Y. 2 50 Creswick. Picturesque Scenery in Ireland. 16° Lond. 9s Cruikshank. Complete Catalogue of his works. Illust., 3 vols. 4° Lond. 2o2s 82 Illustrations from his Works. 4° Lond. 5 00 2 parts. f° Lond. ea. 85 Gr? My Sketch-Book. Obi. f° N. Y. 3 00 Cutts. Scenes and Cliaracters in Middle Ages. Illustrated. Lond. Dafforne. Pictures by Great Masters, with Descriptions. f° Lond. 21s Dell. Nature Pictures. 30 111. on wood. f ° Lond. 73s M Atala. Illustrated. R. 4° L. & N. Y. 10 00 Dickens. Christmas Carol. Illust. 8° Bost. 5 00 Dore'. Illust. Baron IMunchausen. 4° Lond 6 00 Illustrated Bible. 2 vols. f° Lond. 64 00 Contes Drolatiques de Balzac. 12° 12 00 Croquemitaine. 4° Lond. 8 50 Illus. Dante Inferno to Paradise. 2 vols, f ° Lond. 50 00 Don Quixote. 4° Lond. 15 00 Elaine, fac. sim. Orig. Di-awings. f° Lond. 10 00 Fairy Ptealm. 4° Lond. 9 00 La Fontaine's Fables. 4° Lond. 15 00 Milton's Paradise Lost. f° Lond. 40 00 Spain. Text by Davillier. L. 4° N. Y. 22 50 Scripture Gallerv. Essay by Oilier. 2 vols. 250 illustrations. f° N. Y. 55 00 Tennyson's Idyls. f° Lond. 75s Gallerv. 250 Drawings selected from his Works f° L.& N. Y. 60 00 Gallerv. Wandering Jew. f° L. & N. Y. 6 50 Dowden. Sliakespeare Scenes and Characters. Illus. with Text. 4° Lond. 42s 6^; Dresden Gallery. 50 permanent photographs. f° Lond. Durer, Albei-t. Life and Works. By Mrs. Ileaton. Illustrated. R. 8° Lond. 10 00 Passio Christi, reproduced in fac simile. Ed. by W. C. Prime. 4° N. Y. 15 00 English School of Painting in Water Colors. f° Lond. 40 00 Etchings and Engravings from Old Masters, 20 phites. f° Lond. 70s Etty. Pictures by Etty. Text. f° N. Y. 10 00 Fairholt. Homes, Haunts, and Works of Ru- bens, Illustrated. 4° Lond. 42s Homes, Works, and Shrines of English Artists. 8° Lond. 12s Favorite Authors. Portraits. 8° Bost. 2 50 148 Fine Art-s. Fo.xtivnl of Jv-intr. Illii>*t. Ivl. 1m- S nmim. il. ■< N. Y. 15 00 Fitul'ii's (Jall.'ry "f Mn.l. Art. " 'M Kii,;rs. (<> Loml. 2U Flaxni.m. t'liissical l'oiiiiHi.sitKiii.s c>»iiii>k'to, J imT. f« l^tul 35 00 ("oiniK)sition.s from Daiito. f° I^iml. in oo Folk Son fjs. Illustrati'il on \V.)o,l. l' N. Y. 15 00 lore.st Si'i-ufs. I)ra\vii by Howh. I ' \. Y. 7 0«J Fost'.T. ricturos of Kiijj. Lainlscap*'. 4° I^mil. 10 00 Illustrat.'tl IWta for (lilts. 12 vn\n. L. & N. Y. ea. 2 50 Gallery of English and Aim-rioan Kainoius forts. |{. 8° I'll i la. 15 00 Gallery of Fine aud Useful Art.s. l?v Kiiii^'ht. 2 vols. ■ fo Loiul. 35« Gallorv of Great ComiK)sers. Ileliotyjvi Por- tVait.s. 1" IJiist. 10 00 Gallcrj* of Lnnd-scapo Painters. American .Vvnery. 1^ X. Y. IS 00 Gems of .\rt. 30. in |X)rtfolio. Ivond. D 00 GeuiH of Kiiropean Art. (From Art Journal.) Half nior. '2 vols. 4° Ix>tnl. 50 00 Gems of F,ni,'lish I'oetry. Illti.s. by ^lillais, fiilbert, etc. Goethe (J.illery. (Photofjraplis.) Mor. — — Feniale C'harart«'rs. Hy Kaiilbaeh. Fanst ; with Siihouettfs bv Konewka. Golden Thou-,'ht.« from (lolden fountains. U. .S=> L. \ N.Y. IJ 00 GotkI Company, with Portraits. 8° Uost. 2 50 Gower. Ca.stle Ilowanl i'ortrajts. 300 French portraits under Francis I., Henry H., nini Franeis H. ' f Ix>nd. 120j Groatn. The Unknown Uiver. lllus. witli etcliings. Harte. .ski'tclies. TIUh. by Eytince. Ilenton. Conrise History of Painting. Illus, in i^^rni. Photo. P HerlHTt. poems. Illus. H. ' ■ I I- -fr M, nitter-Swr>el. IHns. II .\«urf ami Instruction. III. H. ni rjre.il Paiiit'Ts. 2l illtit. 149 4« I»nd. 4" Stutt. 21 00 f° Stutt. 3t; 00 4° Host, 4 W 4" X. Y. 3 00 4» X. Y. 2 00 f= Ix)nd. 35 (H) f» I^nd. (JO 00 f« Ix)n.I. 105* 40 L. & n. 6 00 4'»Bost. 10 00 -^ !.-nd. 15f : 1 \ X. e 00 '. \ '. t. 00 Y. 3 75 6 00 Fine Arts. Hood. Poems. Wanstead edition. Illus. R Hope. Costume of tlie Ancients. 2 vols. R Hoppin. Ups and Downs, by Land and Water Household Friends. Illus. In the Woods, Avith Bryant, etc. Illus Hows. Irvincr. Knickerbocker. Bins, by Darley. Rip Van Winkle Illus. Sketch Book. Artists' edition. Sleepy Hollow. Illus. Italian Painters and their Pictures. Italian School of Design. Japanese Manners and Customs. by R. R. R. R. R. 8° 8° f° S° 8° 8° 8° 8° 8° 4° 4° 8° N. Y. Loud. Bost. Bost. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. 5 00 13 50 10 00 2 50 4 00 9 00 1 50 10 00 1 25 The Stately Homes of Eng- X.Y.&L. 10 00 Lond. 16 00 Lond. 9 00 Lnd.&PhiL7 50 Lond. 12 50 Bost. 4 00 Bost. Bost. X. Y. X^. Y. Loud. 4 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 7 50 15 00 Jewitt and Hall. land. " ^ 4° Joseph and his Brethren. Illuminated. R. 8° Kneeland. Wonders of Yosemite Valley. 4° Konewka. Silhouette Illustrations. Falstaff, etc. 4° Landseer. 24 Heliotvpes from, with Text. 4° 20 Pictures. Text by Dafforne. f° Legend of St. Gwendoline. Illustrated bv Ehninger. " 4° X. Y. Leslie. Pictures. 9 illustrations. Text by Dafforne. f° Pictures from his Works. 4° & Maclise. British School of Painting. Specimens of Work, by Dafforne. Lienard. Decoration, etc., of 19th Century. Helios. ' ^ i° Bost. Life of Man Symbolized. Illus. mor. R. 8° X^. Y. Light of the World and Other Poems, etc. Illus. 4° Lond. Lorimer. Among the Trees. 4° X. Y. Lossing. The Hudson River. Plus. R. 8° X. Y. Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome. Illus. 18° X. Y. Maclise Gallery of Illus. Lit. Portraits. 4° Lond. Picture from his Works, on steel. 4° X'. Y. Mantz. Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Peinture Italienne. Illustrated. fo Paris Martin. Civil Costumes in England. 4° Lond. Michel Angelo. 60 Outlines from Works of. f° Lond. Michelet. The Mountain. Illus. R. 8° Lond. Mighty Works of Jesus Chi-ist. Illustrated. With Photos from Great Artists. 8° L. & X. Y. 6 00 Millais. The Parables of our Lord. Illus. i° L. 8c X. Y. 10 00 Ministering Children and Sequel. Illus. 8° X". Y. 4 00 [Modes et Costumes Ilistoriques. Colored pits. 4° Paris 18 50 Moses' Antique Vases, etc. 4° Lond. 63s Mulready. Pictures. 9 ill. Text by Dafforne. f ° X'. Y. 7 50 150 4° Lond. 31s 6^^ 27 00 20 00 5 00 1 75 10 00 3 50 21s 7 50 30 00 16 00 7 50 6 00 Tine Arts. Musro Fi:iii(;ais. r>0 Finest OKI Mastors, Woolati's. Nfw edition. 3 vols. f® Ix)nc|. ea. 31* M Nntioii.ll (lall'Tvof .Vinericaii Lan(lscn])e. Atlas folio. lit', nior. N. V. lo oo New Test. Iliiis. with cngrnvinjjs on wood, fn>iu old .Mast«>rs. Kditf'd 1)V Chiirton, ot<*. 115 illus. '2 v. N.w York ('.•ntral Park. Illus. ()ttl>'V. Flon-iitine .»s«'l»ool. llf. nior. Italian SrluM>l of I)i'sii,'n. riili,'rave. (Jt'ins of Kn-.rli'^'i -Vrt in IDth Cent. r.ir.il»lf,s of our Lord. Illus. on !St«'el. r«-iil>'y. Sk>"tk (Kniijht'.s). Illus. I'icturf.s and Painters. (Jems of Modern Art (fn>n» .Vrt Journal), with Te.\t by T. .V. Uiehards. Pieturi' (Jallerv of all Nations. Illus. I'ietun's from Enijlish Lit<'rature. Illus. I'lM't itnd Painter. Knt;lish Poet-s. Illus. U. Poet's (iallery. 30 ideals from Enelish Poetrv. l\. Portfolio of Cabinet Pictures, after Turner, Constabh', etc. l nt I'rbino and his Father, with illus. Kepublicnn Court in Days of Washington. 111. K. U»'tzsch. Outlines to ."Shakespeare. Schiller's Lay of the Il.-ll. Outlines to Hiirjjer's Italla. hiilt-r. S>ng of the Ili'll. Illus. by Ketz^cb. (lall'TV. ."Wl illustrations. Scott. Ilrif'-l- <• 'H">1 of Sculpturo. Illus. n.-n rn (iermau Art. Curl)on !'>• ^ , - Mnrillo and the Spanish School of Paint- inc- IHus Our Hriti-di Latid«rai¥» Paint'-rs. V»Mi«tiau P.iint'TS. Iti lll.U4tr9t>ui»* Text by Scott. 4«» I^ncL rto 00 S" lA»nd. 12 0<) >>^ N. Y. ]() 00 f^ Loud. 2K 0n f° Loud. ■\2a H° L. & N. Y. 13 00 t° Host. Ut 00 f^ Iaui.I. 31* 0a.d. f) U» f<» l^ni.l. r> du 40 b.u.L 20 00 S^* I^.nd. 30 0» 1° l^.nd. I SI*) 7 ¥> f« I^.n.l. 10 0*) 4° .Stutt. 7 5o 1. & N. Y.2«r WO 4» I^.nd. 20* 4° I/>ud. 2U f° I^nd, 21* 4» Lcmd. SI* f^ X. Y. laoo 151 Pine Arts — ^Pish. 4° Lond. 42 00 f° Lond, f ° L. & B. 275 00 12 00 8° Bost 4° N. Y. 8° Lond. 5 00 7 50 6 00 8° Is^. Y. 8° L. & N ea. 5 00 Y. 3 75 Sculpture Gallery. (From Art Journal.) Selected Pictures from Galleries of Great Brit- ain. Engraved on Steel. Proofs. 2 v. Sermon on the Mount. Illus. Sheakspeare. Midsummer's Night Dream, 111. by Konewka. R. Same. Illus. by Fredericks. Merchant of Venice. 111. on wood. R. Sheepshanks, Turner, Vernon, Wilkie. See Galleries. Songs of Life ; Songs of Home ; Songs of the Heart. Illus. Spirit of Praise; Hymns Old and New. Illus. Stanfield Pictures. 13 plates. Text by Daf- forne. f° N. Y. 10 00 Stephens. Flemish and French Pictures, with notes. Sm. 4° Phila. 12 50 Stratford Gallery; Shakespeare Sisterhood. R. 8° N. Y. 15 00 Strutt. Dresses and Habits of the English. 4° Lond. 19 00 Sun Pictures. 20 Ileliotyiie Illustrations of Ancient and Modern Art. 4° Lond. 21s Sunnvside Book. Bv Popular Authors and "Artists. ■' R. 8° N. Y. 4 50 Swiss Pictures; Spanish Pictures. Illus. R. 8° L. & N. ea. 3 75 Toschi's Engravings from Correggio, etc. 24 Helios'. f ° Bost. 10 00 Turner. Harbors of England. f° Lond. 3 75 Liber Fluviorum. Rivers of France. R. 8° Lond. 16 00 Liber Studiorum. Autotvped. 4° Lond. 50 00 Southern Coast of England. 4° Lond. 18 00 Turner Gallery. 60 Engravings. Edited bv Wornum. " f° L.&N.Y. 110 00 Walton, E. Coast of Norway. 12 colored plates. f° L. & B. 30 00 Walton & Cotton's Angler. Illus. 2 vols. R. 8° Lond. 20 00 Waring. Masterpieces of Industrial Art. Richly Illuminated, etc. f° Lond. 100 00 Watts. Divine and Moral Songs. Illus. 4° L. & X. 2 00 Waverley Gallery. ^ R. 8° N. Y. 10 00 Werner. Nile Sketches. 6 colored plates. f° L. & B. 28 00 Wightwick. Palace of Architecture. HI. R. 8° Lond. 5 00 Willmott's Poets of 19th Century. Illus. 4° N. Y. 3 75 AVinter Poems. Longfellow, Whittiei-, etc. Illus. 4° Bost. 5 00 Woltman. Holbein and his Times. 60 illus. 4° Lond. 21s Wood, L. V. West Point Scrap-Book. Illus. 8° N. Y. 5 00 World's Pictures (The). 15 Photographs. 4° Lond. 21s World-Noted Women. Steel Portraits. R. 8° N. Y. 15 00 Pish; Fish Culture. See also Angling ; Aquarium. Bertram. Harvest of the Sea ; British Fishes. 8° Lond. 9 00 152 Florence — France. 80 Ix»n.l. IL'" I^mmI. 12«> I^.n.J. 10« fiil.tl. (N. 8<» I^.n.l. 4 SO 2 (Ml iiniti Y.) 1 25 10 .'HJ 8^ N. V. 8^ 1.0I1.1. :. 00 12" Un.l. 8° I'liiliu « 00 1 50 b. FiiruitT. Th>> Ocoan. Tran.s. niul illiis. Francis. V'xsh Culture. Fry. .XrtifuMal Fish Hreedinjj. (tieen. Tnuit C'ulturo. l>. Ilartwijj. Soa and its Livinjj Woiulors. llerlKTt (•' Frank Forrester "). Fish and Fish- ing. Illu.<;. IIold.s\vorth. Deep .sea fishing C^'"'! l>oats). Ue. Aqnariuni notes ; the Octopus or Devil fish, o. Norri.s. Fisli Cnlture. Slack. Trout Culture. Florence. See Italy. Florida. (1. Hill. Winter in Florida. Uriiiton. Notes on Fl')rida. b. Fairl.aiik. Hist, of Florida to IS 12. Spaniards in Florida. (luide to Florida. a. Irviuij. ('onque,st of Florida by Do Soto, Lanier. Florida ; scenery, climate, history Stowe. Falnietto Leaves. Illus. Yelverton. St. Augustine, eta Flow^ers. See Botany ; Gardening; Language o/ Flowers. Food . See Cookery and Fowl ; Domestic Economy ; Ilealth. Foot Dowif. Foot and itjj Covering. 12" Und. 2s Gd l)re.sa and Care of the Feet. 12" Ix)nd. 2j G< Caliott. Hist, of France. 18" I»nd. a. Ch.imlx'rs. France and ita Kevolutions. 12° Kdin. b. ('r.«\vi'. Hist, of France. 5 voU. 12° Ixjnd. !>.i\ ; ^ II. . .'I!' I rioii.^of Society in France and i; ...m 1 _• ,..!s. V. 8" Ixind. />. (,.»lwiii. llitt. ot France. Vol.1. 8" X. Y. (luiz.-t. Hi-t. of France. Tr. by Black. 12" I»niL LacumlH>. I'etite Ilistoirc du I'euple Fran- ^ain. 12" Iliiln. W o2 153 12" X. V. 1 2.') 12° IMiila. 1 (K) 12° I'hii;». 2 50 12° X. Y. 1 50 50 12° X. Y. 2 25 y. \'J^ IMiila. I 75 Sm. 1° 2 (K) 12° X. Y. 75 2* 0./ lis (h/ \ii$ 21* a 00 2i« France. Markham. Hist, of France. Menzies. Hist, of France. a. IMichelet. Hist, of France. Trans. 2 vols. Montaleuibert. Hist, of France, 2 vols. Stephen. Lects. on Hist, of France. 2 vols. a. Student's Hist, of France. h. "Wliite. Hist, of France. Yonge. Hist, of France. 4 vols. 2. Early History. Aumale. Princes de Conde, by Borthwick. 2 v. Bray. Joan of Arc and Charles YII. P. b. Commines. Memoirs of F. & Burgundy. 2 v. Cousin. Seci-et History, Richelieu and Maza- rin. h. Froissart. Chronicles. 2 vols. R. Kitchin. Hist, of France to 14.53. P. h. Martin. Hist, of France (Louis XIV. to Revol. only), by Booth. 4 vols. Monstrelet. Chronicles (continuing Froissart). 2 vols. • R. Ranke, L. Civil Wars 16th and 17th Cent. Tr. by Garbey. 2 vols. Reminiscences of a Canoness under Louis XIV. and XV. 2 vols. P. n. Taine The Ancient Regime. Thierry. Third Estate. ]\Ierovingian Era. a. Tocqueville. The Old Regime and the Revo- lution. a. Society in France before 1789. a. Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV. 3. The Revolution of 1789. Abbott. French Revolution. Alison. Europe during French Rev. 4 vols. Blanc. Hist, of the French Revolution. a. Carlvle. Hist. French Revolution. 2 vols. ^ The same, 3 V. 8° Lond. ai0..50 ; 3 vols. Davenport. Hist, of the Bastile. h. Lamartine. Hist, of Girondists. 3 vols. a. Michelet. French Revolution. a. Mignet. French Revolution. Morris. French Revolution and 1st Empire (Epochs of History). Smyth. Lectures on French Revolution. 6. Sybel. The French Revolution. 4 vols. h. Thiers. Hist, of French Revolution, 5 vols u u u 4 vols. Cheap ed. 2 vols. 154 12° K Y. 1 75 16° X. Y. 1 00 8° X. Y. 4 00 Lond. 245 8° Lond 24s 12° X. Y. 2 00 8° X\ Y. 2 00 8° Lond. 305 8° Lond. 30s 8° Lond. 7s M 12° Bohn 3 50 12° X. Y. 1 25 8° Lond. 12 00 8° Lond. 10s M 8° Bost. ea. 4 00 S° L. & X Y. 12 00 12° Lond. 24s 8° Lond. 21s 1-2° X. Y. 2 50 12° Lond. 2 25 12° Lond. 4s M 12° X. Y. 1 50 8° Lond. 14s 12° 1 50 8° X. Y. 5 00 8° X. Y. 8 00 Lond. 12° X. Y. 3 50 10° Lond. 2 70 12° Lond. 6s 12" X. Y. 4 50 12° Lond. 1 75 12° Lond. 1 75 16° X. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 7s 8° Lond. 48s 8° Lond. 10 00 8° X. Y. 8 00 8° X. Y. 5 00 Franoe. 4. CoNsriATE AND FiKST E.Mi'iKK. See oIao XitBoieon^ unUer liioj ruphy ; Waterloo. \ / Alison. See Kur>'pe. Joiuiiii. Military Lifo of Xa|Hi|ooii, l vols. .-> \. i ij.i ni St'j^ur. TIk' KxiK'.lition to Uussiii. 2 vols. lf>-^ \. \' . 1 .'o Thi»'rs. CoiiMulato uiiJ Kmpirc, hf. calf. •Jo vols, ill 10. 8° Loinl. 3o (K) 'I'lu' saiiu", 5 vols. 8° I'hila. 11 25 Wils4)n. The Invasion of Russia. 8° Ix)nil. \m 5. Ukck.nt Hisioky ; 1815-1S70. b. lilaiio. History of Ten Years, 2 vols. S° l^mi\. 2'!.< Fraiicf uuili-r Louis riiiliptx;. Ilistorioal Ki-velations. 12'^ Loml. 1M.« ij,/ b. (luizot. .Memoirs of my own Time. 8® Loml. ;J UO Last Days of Louis rhillip[>o. 8" Loml. IS.* Di-uKXTaey in France. 12° I»n«l. 3j« fl*/ n. Lamarline. Tin' Restoration. 4 vols. 12° N. Y. 00. Rohn 7 «)0 (J. K-volulion of 1818. 12° Holm 1 75 Mi.li.let. France before Europe. 12° Host. 1 ix) Mit. li.-ll. The Rattle Summer. 1S48. 12^ \. Y. 1 .'m) R'lian. Constitutirinal Monarchy in France. lfJ° Rist. 75 a. Ti iP.t. Paris in ISjI. 12° .\. V. 2 5<) 6. Wah ok 187<>-71. Adams. Franco-Prussian War. \'i parts. 4° Lond. ea, \$ Army of the North-CIerman Confederation. Tr. hy NewilitTiite. 8° Ix)nd. m Bojju>la\vski. Tactical Ueduc. from War of 1S70-71. Tr. l.y (Irahani. 8° Lond. Is B<»rl>sL;i''.it and Dwyer. Franco-German War to .S.dan. 8° Ivond. 21* Rovland. Six months under the Red Cross. Sm. 8° Cine. 1 .'x) Corvin. In France with the Germans. 2 vols. P. 8° Und. 21j Franco-Prussian War. Ki.i;ht Months on Duty. I»nd. 'm Favre. (iovenint'-nt of the National Defence. 8° I>»»nd. 10.« •)p.iui in 1871. P. 8" T^nd. 10» &/ Laiid..ii. Franco- Prussian War. 12° N. Y. 2 00 OllitT. War l)etween France and Gernianv. 2 v..Ih. 'L. 8° .\. Y. 10 00 Onnathwait''. I>>iMr>n8 of tlie French Revo- lution. 1789-1872. 8° I^nd. lOi OJ Pictures frouj Paris, etc. Rv an -Vmericon Ladv. 8«» \jo\A. 7» (Ul Rn.st«.w." War for the Rhine Frontier. 8*> Lond. 8 00 155 Free Masons — Free Trade. 8° Lond. 16s 12° Hartf. 1 2.5 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 50 12° Lond. 4 00 8° Loud. 7s Qd EusselL Diary durins; the last Great "War. P. 8° Lond. Is M Schell. Campaign 1870-71. 8° Lond. 9s Campaign under Von Steinmetz. By Capt. Hollost. 8° Lond. 10s 6d a. "War Correspondence of Daily News. 8° Lond. 6s a. "Wartensleben. Camp, of 1870-71. Tr. by Von Wright. ■ 8° Lond. 6s 7. Commune of 1S7L Bo\Yles. Defence of Paris. Brockett. Paris under the Commune. a. Fetridge. Hist, of the Commune. Labouchere. Diary in Paris, 1871. b. Leighton. Paris and the Commune. Vesinier. History of the Commune. 8. Travels, Geography, etc. American Family in Paris. 16° N. Y. 1 50 American (The) in Paris, summer and winter. 2 vols. Blackburn. Normandy Picturesque. h. Bulwer. France, Literary, Social, and Politi- cal. 2 vols. Buft'um. Sights and Sensations in France. Craik. Fair France. h. Field. Home Sketches in France. h. French Home Life. a. Hamerton. Round my house. Head. Faggot of French Sticks. a. Jarves. Parisian Sights and French Princi- ples. 2 vols. Macquoid. Through Normandy. a. Murray. Hand-Book for France. Musgrave. Nooks and Corners of Old France. 2 vols. By-"Ways in Picardy. Robinson. Parks and Gardens of Paris. Saintine. Myths of the Rhine. 111. R. Strahan. New Hyperion (Versailles to Mar- ley, etc.). Illustrated. Tomes. The Champagne Country. Tuckerman. Papers about Paris. Valcourt. Cannes and its Climate. P. "Whitehm-st. Court and Social Life in France. 2 vols. 8° Loud. 25s Free Masons. See Secret Societies. Free Trade. See also Political Economy ; Protection. a. Bastiat. Sophisms of Protection. (Popular Manuals Series.) ' 12° N. Y. 1 00 156 8° Lond. 18s 16° Bost. 1 50 N. Y. 3 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° Lond. 15s 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 16° Bost. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 N. Y. 3 00 8° L. & N. Y. 3 00 12° Lond. 4 00 Lond. 24s 12° Lond. 8° L. & B. 7 50 8° N. Y. 10 00 8° Phila. 3 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 18° N. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 2s M French Language Futuio State. b. Butts. rrot.Hjtioii ami Froo Tra«lo. 12° X. Y. 1 25 (.\)l.il<-ii. I'oliticul Writiiii^s. 2 vols. 8° l\<>ii.|. 21* C'uIkK'U t'lub. K.Hsay». 2»1 siTifs. 8° Luiiii Pri>t<'ct? 8** N. Y. 2 50 MrC'uUooh. Iinliistrial lIiHtorv of Froo Trade. 8* Loiul. a. Wliat is Froe Tradf? Ik Kiiiilu Walter. 12*> N. Y. 1 (W French Language. See al»o IJicliunariff. iJi.lmar. French t\)ur8e of Stmly. 4 voU. 12 N . \. .. tM) ColKit. French Course. 5 vols. ' 12° X. Y. ii (M) l)e Fiv;us. French Course. U vols. 12° N. Y. .'I Ti*! I).- Vere. French Course. 3 vols. 12° N. Y. :\ 2r» Fu.s 00 1(5° Kocli. 1 00 12° N. V. 1 r.0 N. Y. 1 :*) 12° N. Y. 1 00 X. Y. 50 12° X. Y. 3 00 12° X. Y. 1 .*iO N. Y. ;5 00 12° X. Y. 1 25 Galvanism — Games and Amusements. 12° X. T. 1 75 8° Lond. 3s ad 1-2° Bost. 1 50 12^' Bost. 1 50 12° Phila. 4 25 12° N. Y. 75 12° X. Y. 1 75 12° Bost. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 8° Phila. 16° Loud. Is 6d 12° Loud. Is M Concord of Ages. 12° X. Y. 1 25 h. Cobbe. Hopes of the Human Race, Here and Hereafter. Constable. Duration of Future Punishment. Figuier. To-iuorrow of Death. George. Annihilation not of the Bible. Harbaugh. Heaven. 3 vols. Hudson. Human Destiny. Debt and Grace. Kimball. Heaven. a. Phelps. The Gates Ajar. Wood. Gates Wide Open. Galvanism. See also Electricity ; Magnetism. Hare. Galvanism and Electro-Magnetism. Harris. Rudimentary Galvanism. Animal Galvanism. Gambling. Green. Arts and Mysteries of Gambling. Gambling Exposed. 12° Phila. 1 75 Steinmetz. The Gaming Table. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 30s Games and Amusements. See also Angling ; Athletic Sports; Cards {Playing), Conundrums Draughts ; Field Sports ; Gymnastics; Hunting; Whist, etc. American Hoyle. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Art of Amusing. 12° X. Y. 1 50 a. Boys' Own Book. 16° X. Y. 1 00 h. Bovs' Treasurv of Sports and Pastimes. 8° Lond. 1 75 Cheney. Social Games with Cards. 24° Bost. 1 00 Cremer. Hankv Panky ; Conjiu-ing Tricks. 250 illus. " 12° Lond. 1 75 a. Dodge. A few Friends, and How they Amused Themselves. 12° Phila. 1 25 Evening Amusements. Konewka's Designs. 12° Bost. 1 50 Gilbert. Endless Mirth and Amusement. Illus. 12° X. Y. 1 50 a. Girls' Own Book. 16° X. Y. 1 .50 i. Girl's Own Treasury. 8° Lond. 2 50 h. Home Book of Pleasure and Instruction. 8° Lond. 4 00 Hone, W. Every Day Book. 4 vols. 8° Lond. 22.50 How to Amuse an Evening Party. 18° Phila. 1 25 Hoyle's Games. 18° Lond. 18° Phila. 1 00 Magician's Own Book. 12° Phila. 1 50 Mayne, Leger D. What Shall We Do To- Xight? 12° X. Y. 2 00 I. Mental Photographs. 4° X. Y. 1 50 Ombre, Modern. 18° 75 Phelan. BiUiards. 12° X. Y. 1 50 158 Qardenlug. Platiclu*. (iiK'ss Mt«. Ilhis. S*>oiabl(« ; or lunl Ainiisiits. Si'cnt Out: lOOU Tritks with C'ar.l.s. Strutt. StH>rts nnd I'liiitiinos of Kiiglund. FA, by llouf. Tiiul'.s. I'loasniit Half-Hours for Family Circle. Gardening. See aUo Aijriculture ; BoUinij ; Frui d' niuy. Ain«'ricau Hoso Culturist. Barnard. Siiiijili! Flower (lanliMi. Heeclwr. Fruit.s, FIo\vi*r.s, and Family (iardon. Hrt'fk. New Hook of Flowers. a. I{rid'.;man. Younij (Jard<'n<>r',s As.si.stant. Krill. Farm (ianlciiini,' and Sot-d (Jnnvinij. Uui.st. Ann'riran Flower (Jardt-n Diroctory. Family Kitoln-n (iarili-nt-r. Davio.s. Mu'iilu'rd'.s (larden. P. Fi'.ssoniK'U. Anifrican KiU-hon (Jardener. Field, (irccn Housi-s, and Ciruen House Plants. Flowers and (Jardens. nelm.Hlcy. Hardy Trees, Shrubs and Ibrba- ct'ous Plant."*. a. Hondt-rson. Ciardoninij for Profit. Practical Floriculture. Hibbt'rd. Amatt-ur's Kcse Hook. Fern (tanln. Every Latly Her Own Flower (iar- di'uer. I'd/tiT oOc. a. Lindley. Horticulture. Kd. bv Downing. b. Louilon. KncyelojM'dia of (Jardeninj;. Mrs. (ianlenini; for Lak of the Ilosc. Par.Hons. On the Hos«\ a. Quinn. .Monev in the (tarden. I'opular ^lowers iu>d How to Cultivate 'I'heni. Illus. Iliind. Pulb.H, Hardy and Tender. b. FlowiTH for Parlor antl (lanien. In-I)- ular Flowers.") Orchitis. ."v-venly-five Popular Flowers. Window n. (tleaninu'^ from Freneh (tardcn.s. Koo. Pl.ny nnd Profit in .My (iarden. 2° X. Y. 2'= Ph la. 2° X. Y. 8° Iami.I. 2<» Loud. 1 5(1 1 50 1 W it (]t. I '*t 'JO X. Y. 1 00 2^ \xii»l 3 no 2° X. Y. I .'-> ]5'J Gas — Genealogy. Warner. Gardening by Myself. a. Watson. American Home Garden. White. Gardening for the South. Williams. Window Gardening. Gas, Illuminating. Bowditch. Analysis of Coal Gas. Clegg. Treatise on Coal Gas. Gas Consumers' Guide. Hughes. Treatise on Gas Works. Moore. Gas Consumers' Guide. Newbigging. Gas Managers' Hand-Book. Perkins. Gas and Ventilation. Sugg. Gas Manipulation. Gazetteers. See also Geography . Blackie's Imperial Gazetteer. 4 vols. Imp. h. Gazetteer of the AVorld. 7 vols. Harper's Statistical Gazetteer. a. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer. h. McCulloch's Geographical Dictionary. 2 vols. • 4 vols. Mauuder's Treasury Gazetteer. ***There are Gazetteers of several of the States of tlie Union. 16° N. Y. 1 25 12° K Y. 2 00 12° K Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° Lond. 125 Qd 4° Lond. 31s Gd 12° Bost. 1 50 16° Lond. 1 50 12° X. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 3 75 12° N. Y. 2 25 8° Lond. 7 00 . 8° Glasg. 956- 8° Lond. 200s 8° N. Y. 5 75 8° Phila. 10 00 8° Lond. 14 00 8° N. Y. 10 00 16° Lond. 4 00 Gems and Precious Stones. a. Billing. Science of Gems, Jewels, etc. 111. 4° Lond. 15 75 120 N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 2 75 8° K Y. 5 00 12° Bost. 2 00 8° Lond. 4 00 12° Bohn 2 40 12° Lond. 12° Bohn 2 40 Gems. Dieulafait. Diamonds and Precious Stones Emanuel. Diamonds and Precious Stones. Feuchtwanger. Treatise on Gems. Hamlin. The Touimaline. Jeffries on Diamonds. King. Natural History of Gems. Natural History of Precious Stones. Hand Book of Engraved Gems. Westropp. Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems. Genealogy. Durrie. Index to American Genealogies. h. Savage. Genealogical History of Settlers of New England. 4 vols. o. p. a. Whitmore. Hand-Book of American Gene- alogy. *jit*ramily Genealogies are numerous, but coi^ies for ^ale are not. 160 8° Lond. 6s 8° Alb. 3 00 8° Bost. 2 00 4° Alb. 3 00 Oeograpby —Geology and Paleontology. Oeography. See also A ■ i- t'T.i : .\f(iiKi ; Phi/.iicnl ' • / *. Anthon. Anoit'tit (ifOt;rai.liy. ■- N. V. U (M) iJcftoii. Dictionary of (;i-i»i;raphy. -^ \". V. 3 5«) Bfvan. Anoirnt (t«'<)ijra|>liy. (liy Smith.) l-"" Lou. I. 7« M Stuilt'nt's Moili-rn (i<'ogra[)liy. TJ^ I^»nd. 7$ (J./ Encvclo|MMlia of hy. IJy Aliinav anil ' others. 3 vols. ' K. 8* Pliila. 6 00 Fav. (irfatOutlint'of (Jeograpliy and Athus. 2 V. N. Y. 2 75 Hunn.>w.-ll. Lan.ls of Scott. IJ" Kdin. 10* (W Jolniston. Dictionary of (i.'oijraj>IiY. b" I^jml. 3<)j» Malto Urun and Hall.'i. {icoijiai>iiy". S* Lond. 15i Milncr. (talitTV of Geograpliy ; rictiufs and Do.siijns. "*J vols. U. s^ Lond. 10 50 b. Ritt«>r. Comparative Gcojjraphy. 1"J° IMiila. 1 50 (icographical Studios. IJ^ Host. 1 50 Schmitz. Ancient G»*ograi>hy. l'_"^ N. Y. 1 75 Student's Manual of Ancient and Modern (ieojjrai'hy. 12" Ix)nd. en. 3 75 "Woodbridfp! and Willard. Universal (leog- raphy and .\tlaa. 2 vols. N. V. 2 7.> Geology and Paleontology. See also Physical Geography ; Pre- hitt'-iir Mtiit ; Scitnce ami Religion; Volcanoes. *c*Niit including the numerous United States and Slate ( )t1icinl Uoport*. Afra-''-"*'^- Gfoloijical Sketches. 1(J<* BosL 2 75 Au.'ited. The Karth's History; First Lessons in (icology. (ireat Stone H(X)k. Buckland. (ieoIog>- and Mincralogv ; Text, lMate.H. Catlin. Siil)sidelosf\-. (Kh>m. Sci. Ser.) Dawson. .•\caiiiai\ ''.••! :v. Hlus. I>riv-ii. Last (i h of (i V (feolojfV. fc. llaii\M^'. .-»iii'i rraiK-an World. 11 12" rhila. 1 25 12° riiila. 1 50 12° Hohn 2 50 5 IMI «" I^nd. 7« «W 12° I-ond. '1* 12° I>uid. 12° X. Y. 2 50 n;° X. Y. 1 5«) 8° Phila. 5 0«) 8° I'hila. 2 00 18° X. Y. 6 00 1(1° X. Y. 75 8° 7 00 8° I^md. 10* 8° X. Y. 4 m s Lon.l, 12 00 12^ J/.nd. 5« 12 I. \ X. Y. 1 50 12 \ Y. 1 50 6^ l^.nd. 10 50 161 Georgia — Germany. Higgius. The Earth ; its Physical Condition, etc. 12° Loud. 3s 6d Hitchcock. Elementary Geology. 12° N. Y. 1 60 Kinahan. Handy-Book of Rock Xames. 12° Lond. 4s Kingsley. Town Geology. 1 50 Kobell. The Mineral Kingdom. 12° Bohn 2 00 Lardner. Geology. 12° Lond. 2s Qd Loomis. Elements of Geology. 12° Bost. 1 25 a. Lyell. Elements of Geology. 8° X. Y. 3 50 a. Principles of Geology. 2 vols. R. 8° K Y. 8 00 Mantell. The Medals of Creation. 2 vols. 12° Bohn 6 00 Thoughts on a Pebble. Sq. 10° Lond. 5s Wonders of Geology. 2 vols. 12° Bohn 6 00 Miller. Cruise of the Betsey. 12° Bost. 1 75 a. Murchison. Siluria. 8° Lond. 18s Nicholson. Text Book of Geology. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Owen. Palaeontology. 8° Lond. 10s 6d b. Page. Geology for General Readers. 12° N. Y. 3 00 Earth's Crust; a Handy Outline of Geol- ogy. _ 12° N. Y. 75 Economic Geology. 12° N. Y. 3 75 Hand Book of Geological Terms. 16° Edin. Is Qd Introductory Text Book of Geology. 8° Edid. 7s Qd Text Book of Geology. 8° Edin. 7s Qd Past and Present of the Globe. 12° Edin. 7s 6d b. St. John. Elements of Geology. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Taylor, J. E. Geological Stories. 12° L. & N. Y. 1 75 Young. Geology. (Adv. Sci. Ser.) 12° N. Y. 1 50 Georgia. Carpenter. History of Georgia. IB'' Phila. 63 Germany. See also names of separate States. 1, History. a. Bryce. Holy Roman Empire. 12° Loud. 3 00 Campaign of 1866 in Germany. Trans, by Von Wright and Hozier. 8° Lond. 21s a. Gardiner. Thirty Years' War. (Epochs of History.)^ 16° N. Y. 1 00 George. Etchings of the INIosel, with Letter- pi'ess. f° Lond. 42s Hausser. Reformation. 1517 to 1648. Ed. by Oncken. 2 vols. P. 8° N". Y. 18s a. Hozier. Seven Weeks' War. 2 vols. 8° Phila. 4 50 Cheap edition. Cr. 8° X. Y. 2 50 b. Kohlrausch. History of Germany. 8° X. Y. 2 50 a. Lewis. History of Germany. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Markham. History of Germany. 12° Lond. 4s b. Menzel. History of Germany. 3 vols. 12° Bohn 5 25 162 German Lang:uage— Gold. t° N. Y. 10 (M^ 1-J^ Holm. 1 7:» H5= N. Y. 1 (KJ 12° N. Y. 2 00 120 Lontl. 2« ft/ 1»P I.OII.1. •in 8" 1^111.1. 7< <;./ 12« N. Y. I :.-. 12° N. Y. •J IN) U« X. Y. 7'» 8° Lnnd. ia« «w .S° b>iui. 7a ft/ S° Host. 2 M 1J<' X. Y. 2 25 8" I-oikI. 7« ft/ 12* X. Y. 3 00 Saiiitiiio. Tlio Mytlis of tho Uhim'. /». ScJiill.-r. History 'of Thirty Yi-ars' War. Sclimitz. L. History of (ifriiiaiiy. a. Taylor. Hayanl. A History of (Jfrinany. Trench. (Justavus Ai!olj>hus, and Social As- jx'ct of ;{0 yt'ars' war. Tnriior. Analysis of History of Germany. 2. Tkavki.s. ktc. a. Haiir. Kflipious Life in Gormany. 1*. I?rai'<'. Homo Life in (Jermany. Urowno. Ameriean Family in Germany. Ile.'id. lUil>l>les from tin* Hrunm-n. Howitt. Stutient Life in (Jermany. ■ Knral and Domfstie Life in (Jermany. Huijo. Tour on tln' Uliiiie. etc. Cr. Hnr>t. Life and Literature in the Fatherland. 12*^ X. Y. .spi'iieer. (Jfrmany from Baltic to .Vdriatic. b. Sta'-l, Mint', cle. Germany. 2 vols. Varnhaijt'n von Ensc. .Sketi'hes of German Life. Tr. hy (Jordon. 12^ Loud. *'>$ German Itanguage. See abo Dictionaries ; and List of German liools, tml "/' liifiti.iijrap/ii/. Adler. (Jerman Header. ''. Comfort's f Jerman Course. 3 vols. OlIendortT's MfthfMl of Teaching German. Otto's (rerman (Jrammar. a. rpMi. German IVimer, 81 : First Steps. /'.Whitney. Gi-r. 1*' an» ; Dtmonolof/i/ : Spirituali.tvi : Superstition. Glaciers, .^ee Alps. Glass-Making. .^.iu/.iy. .Manels of (J1.1.SS- .Making. 12° X. Y. l''> Glass Painting. / BamanL Art of Decorating GIa.>cture8 oo Gold. 12*' I»nd. ICd 12« X. 1 fHl 12° X. • i INI 12° X. 1 25 12° X. 1 7."> 8° X. 1 2.'> 12° N. 1 75 Government — Greece. Phillips. INIinins: in Gold and Silver. 8° Lond. 12s Qd Scoifern. Chemistry of Gold. 16° Lond. Is Government. See also Constitution ; International Law ; Laio ; Mu- nicipal Government ; Political Science. a. Alden. Science of Government. Citizen's Manual. Bristed. Interference Theory of Gov't. Buckalew. Representation of majorities. Dutclier. Minority representation. h. Freeman. History of Federal Government. Gillett. Democracy in the U. S. Guizot. Hist, of Constitutional Government. Helps. Thoughts on Government. Hill. Liberty and Law under Fed. Gov't. Holmes. Parties and their Principles. Humboldt, W. Sphere and Duties of Gov't. b. Lieber On Civil Liberty and Self Gov't. Louis Napoleon. Napoleonic Ideas. McClellan. Republicanism in America. a. INIill. On Liberty. h. Representative Government. h. Mulford. Tlie Nation. ^lunroe. The People, the Sovereigns, etc. Quincy. Protection of Majorities, etc. Stern. Representative Government. a. Tocqueville. Democracy in America. 2 vols. Wedgewood. Gov't and Laws of U. S. Yeaman. Study of Government. Young. First Lessons in Civil Government. Grammar, English. See also Composition ; Language ; and names of separate languages. b. Brown, Gould. Grammar of Grammars. 8° N. Y. 6 25 o. Green. New Analysis of English Language. 16° Phila. 1 25 »*» Also many otlicr Elementary Grammars, used as text books. Grape. See Wine. Grasses. See Agriculture. Great Britain . See England ; Ireland; Scotland; Wales. Greece. See also Athens ; Classical Dictionaries ; History, Ancient ; Homer. 1. Ancient. Arnold. History of Greece, Maps. 12° Lond. 6s b. Becker. Charicles ; Manners, etc., of Greece. 8° Lond. 3 00 Boeckh. Public Economy of Athens. 8° Lond. 18s Bonner. Child's History of Greece. 2 vols. 18° N. l". 2 50 164 12° N. 1^ 1 50 12° N. Y. 50 12° N. Y, 1 00 3 00 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y^ p. V. 6 no 12° 1 50 12° Bohn 1 75 8° Bost. 2 25 12° Phila. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° Lond. 5s 8° Phila. 3 50 8° Loud. 4s 3 00 16° Bost. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° N. Y. 3 00 12° Phila. 1 75 12° Bost. 1 00 12° Phila. 1 75 8° Cambr. 5 00 8° N. Y". 5 00 8° Bost. 5 00 12° N. Y. 1 25 Oreek Language and Literature — Ouido Book*. Cox. Gfiiprnl history of Greecp. IS^ N. Y. 2 M (I. Ciirtius. History ot (Iroece. 5 volry of (ui'i-oi'. .'> vols. .S'^ Kdiii, (ids (iliulHtoix*. Aiu-it'iit (Jn-t'Cf in I'roviilentinl Orilor of the World. 8° I/m-l. 2j» 0./ (I. (Irot«. HiJitory of (Iroooe. 12 voK 1J<5 N. Y. 18 00 " " 10 vols. s° Loii.l. 40 00 HiMTfii. rolitics of .Vncii'iit (jreeof. S'^ I^uiil. >S 75 Kfiijlitlfv. History of (Jroece (rleint'iit). IJ-" l^md. Gs Hd :. MaliaO'v. Social Life in tJrocco. Homer to M.'nau.l.r. Cr. S^ X. V. 1 50 Mitf.-nl. History of Greece. 10 vols. I'J^ Holm lOa St. .John. Maimers and Customs of Ancient (Jr.'ece. .^ vols. 8° Lond. 21.< a. Sclimit/, L. History of Greece. 1endt*nce. 2 v. 18° I.,onnd. (iiU a. Murray. Hand Hook for (in-ci-c. 12^ Lond. 15« Uan>;abe. Greece. Progress and Present con- dition. I' \. Y. 75 (I. I'ucki-rman. Tlie Greeks of To-I).iy. 12-' .\. Y. 1 50 b. WonUworth. Tour in Greece. 111. U. b° Ixind. lo 50 Greek Lang\iago and Literature. .SVf umUr Dictionaries ; Language; I.ilrriOurr. Orccn House*. See Gardening. Greenland. See Arctic Regions. Guatemala. Ste America, Central. Guide Books. See Travels ; and names of Countries, etc. uiifJiiiSiiiis. :2I« X. X. 7S ■uniaaics. 3f5^ TlHTrrfl. Ta <^S ...ii.. -PILimfl- 3 7Z5 iiIbtc. TJhmf! Tlttwlr rr (Q^m^ HsruL. mmfflimL. n2F3K.lC. 11775 '^' ■■ - ■ ' 'st&HriiisaiiE^. -f^ILnnfi. 3Sb . .^ . -. .....^ Z-smuuc- 2iF:3:.^. 1 3D 5. '"iir;ii. n- ' —I'Vi-i miipdiL. Ji^-~ m,7, ^fM f 725 ---. ■ .^-iuvL IIL--' 2 725 3wl.. SirC?::. lEff TffaTfB-: Ife 3Kfeal£anHm. ani 2iiiunTmBnTR 22F ILimE. •& Timrr vrrting: ire J^Uwrnrgihi ^'mminahh.. BtaarL.. IIuv 7«v?n Jtc HSFiSv.lE. 2 (Jili W'tduu. Aanunniu. 'Iaa3Sirn. niFJI.X "^ Siw*i» ifear -Si . Dfrnnztgn . SfruttL sii£n)^^raz> fttt ofer, JkaiShmttr :: Eirnmam:: (DmUan^ oanci H'SixL ILnunvilu:: Mner-niii;:: F^riuiia^:: If^mm^;: 3i^i. JbiBtxep. WiiiHsiirJlHailfi. anllliHB^^. HS^lLamfl. 5Jt + '?iL'ifc. iEF3:,:i:. stM) ...tftj;airIlIPiffl5!aK^.riiF3tfisa. 1125; Heat Clark. - ClimaU'. 8® I»n)i).l. c. &/ C.v, :i, Rronchitis. Emphysema, .N 8° Ijnu ■ ',. Eyr.-. Tli. >; , 1-2= I'h, 7.'> F.'th.Tjjill. M s= \. -i x| , S.i -d. V2^ N. V. J UU tlanld T. ; Sins. 1J= N. Y. 1 50 (;.«m1 II.i 1 I, Laws of Correct i.iviii^. a" liost, 2 50 Il.i!l. (..iu'i«' .1.1.1 C.l.ls. 12° X. Y. 150 n.-.iitli .lu.l I>i.H,:u»,'. 12^ N. Y. 1 ht\ 11 altli l.v Good Living. 12° N. Y. 1 5o « )u >l-']>. 12° N. Y. 1 50 llarv- V. i 'i I'ulencp in Relation to Disease. 6° Ix>nond. 1* Lee. Climat.' and Pulmonary Disease. 12° I»od. 4« M Lewim. Our Digestion. 2 00 Our (;irls. 1>° X. Y. 1 5<» TilV: * ■ " ' • <■ .,s. 12° IJ-.st. 1 50 \\. Strong. 12^ Ifc.t. 1 50 \\- ■ - .. 12° X. Y. 1 75 '! s of Europe. 12^ Ixnd, 6« M y. W= I>.n.l. 7* W Them. fx>iid. 3« rman. .Min. .springs of Xurlh .Xnn-rica. 12 1 2 00 Murmv. Th ■ Alirm^a.^k^— fur Invalid.^. 12 1. I.tO N iig. 12° X. "i "• ( ' of School of >A..i:.uui. 12° riiila. 1 50 Park.-*. .M.inual nf Pnwtical Hvgiene. 8° Ixiid. lfl» r ' :.jthea. ■ 12° IxMid. 2# M i 12° lk*t. 1 50 • V. 12° 75 ! Heine. - '^) . .... - 1 ... ..I ii- ..,i„ b'-' I/i.ud. .'*« Win!»low. Influence of Light on Health. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Heat. AbUjtt. On Heat 12= X. V. 1 50 Box. Treatise on Heat 12* Jjou'l i 25 167 Heathenism — History. 1 25 1 50 5 00 Y.2 50 16s o no Cazin. Wonders of Heat. (Lib. of Wonders.) 16° K Y. Maxwell. Theory of Heat. 12° Lond. Metcalfe. Caloric : Its Mechanical, &c., Agen- cies. 8° Phila. a. Stewart. Elementary Treatise on Heat. _ 16° L. & ]Sr. b. Tyndall. Contributions to Molecular Physics. 8° Lond. a. Heat as :\Iode of Motion. 12° [N". Y. Heathenism. See also Buddhism ; Literature, Sanskrit, etc. ; Missions ; Mi/i/i(>lo(^i/ J- Vedas. Dolliiifjer. Heathenism and Judaism. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 21s Fergusson. Tree and Serpent AVorship. 4° Lond. 105s Gould. Heathenism and Mosaism. 8° Lond. 15s Hebrew. See under Dictionaries. Heraldry. a. Boutell. English Heraldry. Cr. 8° Lond. 3s 6d Heraldry, Ancient and Modern. Ed. by Aveling. " 16° Lond. 7s Qd Heraldry ; Hist, and Popular. R. 8° Lond. 7 50 Burke. Peerage and Baronetage. R. 8° Lond. 38s Lande.l Gentry. 2 vols. R. 8° Lond. 63s 6^ P^ncyclopedia of Heraldry. 8° Lond. 21s Extinct Peerages. R, 8° Lond. 42s a. Clark. .ALanual of Heraldry (coi'd S7.50). 12° Bohn 2 25 Cussans. Hand Book of Heraldry. 12° Lond. 3 75 Hebrett. Peerage, Baronetage, and Knight- age. 2 vols. Lond. 9s Gd Dodd. Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage. 12° Lond. 10s Qd Elvin. Anecdotes of Heraldry. 12° Lond. 10s 6^/ b. Fairbairn. Crests of Families of Great Brit- ain. 2 vols. R. 8° Lond. 15 00 Lodge. Peerage and Baronetage. R. 8° Lond. 31s G(/ Manual of Heraldry. 12° Lond. 3s- Miilington. Heraldry; its History, Poetry, t'tc- - 16° Lond. 7s 6d Planche. Pursuivant of Arms. P. 8° Lond. 7s Qd Whitmore. Elements of Heraldry. R. 8° Camb. 6 00 Heredity. See Mind and Body. Heresy. See Theology. Hindostan. See India. History. For Histories of Separate Countries, Subjects, etc., see their itfimes. See also Antiquities: Atlases; Battles; Chronology: Cu-ihzation ; Diplomacy; Government; Heraldry; Mythology; I rehislonc. 1G8 matory- 1. PnitosoriiY o» lIi>T«>uY. HissolU Ussays on Historiv-al Triitlt. ^^ I^ikI. 14* lU>liui;l»ri»ko. L«'tt»Ts on Mmly of lliston-. TJ* Lond. S» Hansen. iUxi in Hist«>n-. >-"' l,..ii.I. ]:• rhiK>>oj.|iy i.f Iniv"! Hist. 2 vols. >^^ I.finl. n. Fr»*«'nian. llistorical K^says. N. Y. 1st sor. 1 7.\ 'Jml sor. '_' M a. I'nitv of History (K.-.ii- lAX'ture). Cr. S'^ N. Y. 1 Ui Hoi 1"' ■'■ ■ • '■ • -V. l:: r ' 2 A«» K; ..: ;j vols. l^ : 4< G./ M.4U.I . ! !V>l>t>an Thouijht iK.'.i S>= l.o\u\. M!!! •. 1 ^ ..f History. 4 vols. 1 •_»'"- Uolin 7 iM> a. ■" I'hilo.sttphv of Hist«>rv. VJ^ Ilohn 1 75 (I - ' i.lwin. oil Study of llistory. IJ^ \. Y. 150 r. \V. r. N.it. Hi.st,of Sx-i.ty. 2 vols. lJ'-M>ind. 'JI* \ y. Ruins: Uovolutionsof Kiupiros. ItW X. Y. 1 '25 '2. l'xivnt«iAi. History. (\>l!i. r. (ir it K vents of History. 12^ I^nd. '2s M l>.ivis. Hi^t.rioal and (I'-noalopical Tahiti. R. h° J-ond. M P, w. l)ii:»>t of Anc. and M.vl. History. S-" X. Y. 'J .*>0 a. Kj«>olisof Hi>torv-. Kd. h\ Morris. Vi^l.s. 1-7. 1«'.- L. vVX. rn. 1 UO o. rr>tn>an. (Jfiiifral Skftoli of History. 1»>- X. Y. 1 00 a, Hi^tor}- primers. FM. by (Jn'tMi. 1>" K. \\.Y.r >. ' p, 5,'^ Lond. (U 11, r..- ( V. '2 00 Kali.l.. I' ■ rssSv.) 8° I.ond. 52* o.TM:.r. 1 tW. l^-^ X. Y. 4 50 V'niv.r>a: 1 ... .;.,. . .\; .. .... 60 r. 8'=' b'l"! >Viilanl. Universal History in l*ers[»ective. ^^ X. ^ - -■') S. AxciKXT History. a. Ancient H mi tin* Monuments (Egj7»t, A^- .). :i vols. ' 12° X. Y. ea. 1 00 Bak.r. Ar a I i,iii7ati..n. 12° b»nd. 3 00 6. ("a -ar. Tr!.!.^ Iv 1 r .ll.i... Ti'' riul.i. 100 C'«>rv. .\ii«i'iit l-'r ' rhfpnJcian, &c.. Authors). lU 8® I^nd. i. H'^r.n. History.: V V.t;,,.; C v. S^ I^>nd. f>. H.r...|,.tii». Tr.uis.Kyi; ). 4 v. h' X. Y. Tr.i^ - 1 A IM ■ ; _ :_ 12'=> X. Y. .ifY-. 12" Bohn L« X Stu.l.Tit^ Manual t.t All- fill lli.-t.Ts. 2 \ 1- !,r»r'1 .^f ••• ; ♦ ''♦Tf.« "nr;! ! 109 7* M 3»U 10 00 1 00 1 75 5 50 S 00 bt 5 00 Holland and Belgium. b. Plutarch's Lives of Ancient Greeks & Romans. Trans, by Clough. 5 vols. 8° Bost. 15 00 a. bv Lanshorne. 4 vols. ^5 ; 1 vol. 8° N. Y. 2 00 Putz & Arnold. Manual of Ancient Geography and History. 12° X. Y. 1 50 b. Rawlinson. Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient World. .3 vols. 8° Lond. 15 00 a. .Alanual of Ancient History. 12° K Y. 2 50 Sixth Great ^lonarchy. 8° Lond. 16s Records of the Past (Esrvptian and Assyrian Texts). Trans, e'^vols. Cr. 8° Lond. ea. 3s M a. Rollin. Ancient History. 2 vols. R. 8° X. Y. 4 50 The same. 4 vols. 8° Phila. 8 00 ft. Smith. Ph. Ancient History of the World. 3 v. 8° X. Y. 10 50 a. Students' Ancient History. 12° X. Y. 2 00 a. New Testament and Old Testament His- tory. 12° X. Y. ea. 2 00 Turner. Sacred History of the World. 3 vols.lS° X. Y. 2 25 Thucvdides. Trans, by Smith. 2 vols. 18° X. Y. 1.50 a. " (iilerallv) bv Dale. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Wheeler. Life and Travels of Herodotus. 2v.l2° X. Y. 3 50 Xcnophon. Trans, by Spelman. 2 vols. 18° X. Y. 1 50 a. (literally) by Watson. 12° X. Y. 1 50 by Sir A. Grant. 12° 1 50 4. Medi.kval History. See Chivalry; Crusades; Middle Ages. 5. Modern History. See also Europe. b. Alison. EuropeduringFrench Revolution and to 1830. 8 vols. '' X. Y. 16 00 a. .'\rnold. Lectures on Modern History. 12° X. Y. 1 50 a. Dawe, C. S. Landmarks of Modern History. 10° X. Y. 100 «. Epochs of Modern Historv. Ed. by Morris. " 16° X. Y. ea. 100 b. Gage. Modern Historical Atlas. 12° X. Y. 3 50 George. Genealogical Tables Illustrative of INIodern History. Sm. 4° Oxford 12s Gorvinns. Intro, to History 19th Century. 8° Lond. Is b. :Merivale. Conversion of Northern Nations. 8° X. Y. 1 50 b. Sclilegol. Lectures on Modern Historv. 12° Bohn 1 75 b. Schlosser. History of IStli Century. '8 vols. 8° Lond. 16 00 a. Smith. C.oldwin. Lectures on ^Modern Histor^^ 12° X. Y. 1 75 Smvtli. Wm. Lectures on Modern History. 2V. Bohn 3 50 i. .^ybi'l. Europe during French Revolution. 4v. S°Lond. 48s Yonge. 3 Centuries of Modern History. 8° Lond. Holland and Belgium. Davies. History of Holland. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 36s Esquiros. Tlie Dutch at Home. loo Lond. 18s Grattan. History of the Xetherlands. 12° Lond." 3s 6'/ a. i^Iotley. Rise of Dutch Republic. 3 vols. 8° X Y 10 50 170 Holy Laud — Horology. a. Th.> rnito.l NVtli.'ilaii.l.s. i vols. 8» N. Y. II 00 Murrnv's Ilaml Hook for Ilolland and llj'Ig^ium.l'J" Loml. Un b. S«-liillfT. Tin- U.'vnlt of tho N.th.rlaiHls; I'jo Boliii 1 75 Stt-[ili)-ns. FU'iiiish Uolics, Architi-ttunil, Log- oiularv ami I'ictorial. 4® I»utorv of Tali'.stino. 1 2° Host. 1 7.'» Lvn.h. Kxploration of D.-ad S.'a. .S^ I'hila. :i (X) ^ia.l.-o«l. Kastward ; Travil.s in Holy Land. 8° L. iS: X. V. ."> (K) Maixri'ijor. Tin- lJol> Roy on tlio .lordan. 8° N. V. J .V) Nfwnian. Dan to H«M-r.slu'l>a. 12° N. V. 1 75 Our Work in ral.-stin.'. Ulus. Cr. 8° 1 .')<) PaluHT. Th.' D.'s.Tt of th.' K.\odu.s. 8° X. Y. :5 (Kl Porti'r. Th.' Oiantlitii'sof Hashan.otc. 2v. 12° Loud. en. I.V) a. rrini.'. Trnt Lif- in Svria and Holv Land. 12° X. Y. 2 (Kl S|M'no.r. Th.' Ka.it : Kirvpt and Holy Land. 12-^ X. Y. 2 nti //. Stanli'V. Sinai and l*aIr.4tino. ' S° X. Y. 2 •"»<» a. Thompson. Th.' Lan.l and th.' Rt)ok. 2 vols. 12° N. Y. ". 0(1 Tristram. Lan.l of Isra.'l. .s° L. \ X. Y. s (M» o. ^Varl•urton. The Crescent and the Cro.ss. 12° I'hila. 2 (K) Homer. Arnold. On Translatintc Ilom.'r. Glad.stotie. lIoiiuT and the Ilonu'ric Age. Vol.1. Il.>m.'ric Synchroni.sm. JuvcntuH Mun.li. >r<'\%muii. K. \V. Ilom.-ric Translation. IloniiT. Tr. I>y Chapiiian. Same. '» vol.s. Tr. l>y C'ow|H.T. 2 vols. .Same. Tr. by Pope. '.\ vol.s. Tr. l»y Pop»'. 2 vols. Litenilly tran.slat.-d. 2 vols. Hiaii. Tr. I>y Hryant. 2 vols. Small ed. 2 vols. <)dys.s«'y. Hy the same. 2 vol.s. Honduras. See America, Central. Horology. See Clocks, etc, 171 10° Ix)n.l. ;{.« (Ml 3 8° Oxf. :y.\s 12° Ix)nd. a» 8° Host. 2 TjO 12° Lond. :{« Cr .s° X. Y. 2 5<» 12° I^nd. 12 5(» 12° Holm. :{ .->o 12° N. Y. •J (M> 10° N. Y. 2 25 12° Holm. 5 tM» 12° X. Y. :i (XI U. 8° Iio.st 10 00 KJo Ik.sU 5 00 IJ > H...f . „ .'. 00 Horse — Humorous Works. 8° Chic. 20 00 Horse ; Horsemanship. Bruce. Americau Stud Book. 2 vols. Delisser. Horseman's Guide (Warranty Laws etc). Fleniin.cf. Horseshoes and Horseshoeing. I'ractical Horseshoeing. a. Herbeit. Hints to Horsekeepers. Horse and Horsemanship. 2 vols. Her.scliberger. The Horseman. Jennings. Horse Training made Easy. Mayliew. Horse Management. Illust. Illust. Horse Doctor. McCluner. The Gentleman's Stable Guide. 16° N. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 21s 12° K Y. 75 12° N. Y. 1 75 8° N. Y. 15 00 12° N. Y. 2 50 12° N.Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 3 00 8° N. Y. 3 50 12° 1 25 8° Lond. 12s 6f/ 8° Bost. 4 00 12° Lond. 2s 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° N. Y. 10 00 S° Phila. 2 00 8° Lond. 12s 12° Phila. 2 50 8° Phila. 1 50 ^lxr(^ Miles. The Horse's Foot. R. Murray. The Perfect Horse. Rarey. Art of Taming Horses. Stewart. Stable Book. Wallace. American Stud Book. Illust. R. b. AValsh (" Stonehenge "). The Horse. Wliyte. Hist, of the Brit. Turf. 2 vols. Woodruff. Trotting Horse of America. a. Youatt. Horse, by Spooner. Horticulture. See Gardening. House-building. See Architecture. Household. See Cookery; Decorative Art; Domestic Economy; Furniture. Huguenots. Blackburn. Coligny and the Huguenots. 2 vols. Hanna. Wars of the Hngnenots. 6. Marsh, Mrs. Hist, of the Huguenots. 2 vols. IVIartyn. History of the Huguenots. Maury. IMemoirs of Huguenot (Fontaine) Family. a. Smiles. Hugiienots in England and Ireland. ^,— ; — The Hiiguenots in France. Qr. Humorous "Works. See also Caricature ; Poetry A'Bi'ckett. Comic History of England. Comic History of Rome. Amer. Tour of Brown, Jones and Robinson. Bailey. Life in Danbury. Browne. (Artenuis Ward). Humorous Books. 4 vols. Burnand. Happy Thoughts. More Happy Thoughts. 172 12° Phila. 2 75 16° N. Y. 1 25 12° Phila. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 75 8° N. Y. 1 50 8° N. Y. 2 00 (^Humorous^ . 8° Phila. 6 00 8° Phila. 3 75 4° N. Y. 5 00 12° Bost. 1 50 12° X. Y. 6 00 16° Bost. 1 00 16° Bost. 1 00 Humorous Works. My Il.ahh. Itjo j^„„j j qq Happy 'riiitiiu'lit Hull. l«5o b>ii.|. 2 (KJ Now JN.iii.lfor.l ami M.-rtm. lU" iMud. 1 75 . lUirttm. C'yiliij>i'(li:i (if Wit ami Hiiinor, 11- lustrat.-.l. •_> V..I.S. K. 8<» N. Y. 8 tK) Clark. (A.l.l.-i) Out uf th.' Hiirly-burlv. 12<' I'liihi. 2 50 Chirk. Mirtlifulii.'.ss. ' ' l'2° Host. Cleiiifiirt. (.Mark Twain.) Iiiiiocciits Abroad. S* H.irlf. ;J M) Koiiu'hiiii: It. S'» Hartf. :j 541 Advciilurt'.s of Tom Sawytr. .S° Harlt. :J 7ti) Comic lllack.stom'. Illu.strat.-il. 12^ Tliila. 1 .'♦O Comic Kiii;lish (irammar. lilustratod. 12^ I.,oml. l.< Latin (Jraniniar. lUu.stratoil. VJ'^ Lon lau!,'li. 12° N. Y. 1 50 CozzfiKS. riu» S|iarro\vj;ras9 Papers. 12° .\. Y. 1 75 Cruikshaiik. Comic Almanac, l.s;{,")-l.l. 2 v. 12° Loml. 7 (M) Omnil.iis. Illnstrat.-il. 8° Lon-l. HU 0'ap Ed., Paper. 50 S.'r.s. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Kra.sn>us. Praise of Foil}*. Illustratod. Por- trait and Life. li)° Loml. 3 (H) Father Tom and the Pope. 18° Pliila. 75 Fun for the Million. Paper. Scj. 12° N. Y. 50 Greenwood. Leijends of Savage Life. Illus- traU'«l. by Kmcst Griset. 4° L. & X. Y.2 00 Grim)K>8h, Haron. (Jovernor of Barataria. 8° I^ond. lOa 0// Halil>urton. .Sam Slick's Sayings. 2 vols. 12° .V. Y. ;l 00 Harte. Cond.-n.sed Xovels. ' 12° Host. 1 50 Holley. My .)i.inions and net,s.'V Bobbett's. 12° X. Y. 2 .50 Hood. Pros,. Works. IllustraU^, 1 vol. 12° X. V. :\ (K) Prose Works. Illustratcl. :J vols. 12° X. V. 7 50 Up the Rhine ; Whims and Oddities, etc. a vols. 12° N. Y. I 50 Comic Works. 5 vols. 12° Phihi. 7 50 Choice Works. 8° I^>nd. 7* (Ul Hoppin. Crossim; the Atlantic. 8° Bost 5 mon. .I»>«t Bk. (GoMeii Treasury Series.) 8° I^md. 1 25 I>H-ke. Works of Petroleum Y. Xaaby. 12° B<.^t. 3 00 Mixtur.' for I^>w Spirits. ' 1'5" .X. Y. 50 Munchaus.-n'a Travels. Illustratod, by Cruik- shaiik. 12^ L \ NY. 1 75 173 Hungary — Hunting and Shooting. New Gospel of Peace. Newell. "Orpheus C. Kerr" Papers, 3 vok Prentice Prenticeana. Puniaua. Rabelais. Works. 2 vols. with Dore Illustrations. Salmagundi. By Irving, etc., 16° 1 25. Shaw." Sayings of Josh Billings. 2 vols, Shillaber. ]\Irs. Partington's Sayings. Partingtonian Patchwork. Siuitli, Seba. Jack Downing's Letters. Swift. Gulliver's Travels. Same. Illu.strated. Imp, Timbs. Anec, Lives of Wits and Humorists. 2 vols. P, Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Whitclier, Widow Spriggins, etc. Wit and Wisdom of Don Quixote. Ye Book of Sense. Hungary. a. Hungary and its Relations, Klapka. War of Independ. in Hung'y. 2 vols. 12° Loud Paget. Hungary and Transylvania. 2 vols Pardoe, City of the Magj-ars. 3 vols. Pragay. Hungarian Struggle. b. Schlesinger. Hungary. 2 vols. Wenkstern. Hist, of War iu '48 and '-49, Hunting and Shooting, Bogardus. Browning. Bumstead, men, Cuminincf. Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting. 44 Years of Hunter's Life. On the Wing ; Book for Sports- Wild Men and Wild Beasts, o. Dead Shot; or. Sportsman's Guide. Dougall. Shooting and Appliances. Gillmore. Hunter's Adventures. Gloan. The Breech Loader. lUus, Prairie and Forest. Herbert. Hints for Young Sportsmen. Hooper, Dog and Gun. Lewis. American Sportsman. Long. American AVild Fowl Shooting. a. Meunier, Great Hunts of the World. Newliouse. Trapper's Guide. Reminiscences of the Lewis (Hebrides). P Starr. Forest and Stream Handbook for Ri flemen. Thrasher. Hunter and Trapper. 174 12° N. Y. 2 00 . 12° N, Y. 4 50 12° Pliila, 1 50 12° Loud. 6s 12° Bohn, 3 50 12° Lond. 7s G'l 12° N. Y. 2 50 12'= N. Y, 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 Bost. 1 75 12° X. Y, 12° Phila, 1 50 8° X. Y'. 3 50 8° Lond, 12s 12° X. Y^ 12° X", Y. 1 00 12° X. Y^ 1 50 12° Bohn 2 25 12° Lond. 10s Qd 12° Phila. 2 00 12° Lond. 10s M 12° X. Y, 1 00 12° Lond, 21s 12° Lond, 6s 12° X. Y^ 2 00 12° Phila. 1 50 12° Bost, 2 25 12° X, Y", 1 50 12° X. Y^ 1 75 8° Lond, 10s 6^/ 12° Lond, 15s 12° X, Y. 2 00 8° Lond, 12s 12° X, Y. 1 75 8° Phila, 2 75 12° X. Y, 2 00 12° X, Y^ 1 50 8° X, Y. 1 25 8° Lond. 5s 18° X, Y, 50 X. Y, 1 00 Hydraulics— Hymnology. IJ- L. N X. Y. 1 73 1-"' I.UII.I. IUj t\it liF N. Y. 1 .VJ IJ i I. 2 00 12^ N. V. 2 (M) 8^ I^.n.l. 4 no 8^ X. Y. (Nj 18° Loiul. 1 :h) 1^ I......1. lu tx» 12° J/in.l. «j.« IJ X. V. 1 :.o AViill.T. Six W.-,.ks ill 111.. Sa.1.11.'. 2». Walsli. Sliot-dtiii and Uitl<-. Wingate. Manual for UitK- rraclici'. Hydraulics. I5'>x. Prartical IIy>.• Ihnhh. Hymiiology: Hymna. IJ.lclur. Hvmns and tli.ir Writers. 12° Alb. 1 W Butt.'rworth! Story of th.' llynuus. 12° X. Y. 2 im) Christopln-rs. Hvnni Writt-rs and their Hymns. ' 12° X. V. 1 T.'i Coles. Hit's Ira;. l:J translations. 12^ X. V. 2 Tk) FalxT. Hvmns. Selected. 12 X. V. 1 75 HynuLS. Sq. liJ° X. Y. 2 tH» (ireeii\v«-ll. Sonps of Salvation. 12° Lond. •{nd. 0< Mortineuu. Hymns of Praise and Prayer. (Tunes.) 8« I^nd. 10« M Mor^'aii. Hvmns of the I^itin Church. H® F*<>nd. X.al.-. Hvirni* of th.- Ea.stern Church. CI. 10° L. & X. Y. 1 25 .M.diaval Hymns and Sequences. CI. 32° I.. & N. Y. 75 Pak'ruve. Hvmns. Sp 2»^ X. Y. 50 I'aluirr. Hoiind'H. Il \.. k X. Y. 75 SchafT. Christ in .*>«>n(;. 1-' N V •• •■ . Stowe. UelicioiiH poems. !'• M ■ Watts. Po.-ti I'-^t. : . Wesley. C. P.xins. lO** X. Y. I :« 17.^ Iceland — India. Willmott. Sacred Poets of 19th Century. 4° L. & P. 3 75 English Sacred Poetry. 4° L. & X. 1. 9 00 Iceland. Burton. Ultima Thule. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 325 Chambers. Iceland and Faroe Islands. 12° Lond. os a.Dufferin. Yacht Voyage to Iceland. 12° Lond. 95 b. Forbe.';. Iceland. l"-^° Lond. 14s Gould. Iceland. 8° Lond. 285 Headley. The Island of Fire. 12° Bost. 1 oO Kneeland. American in Iceland. 16° Bost. 2 50 b. Paijkull. .\ Summer in Iceland. Illus. 8° X. Y. 5 00 Pfeifter. Iceland. 12° X. Y. 1 00 Stephens. Off the Geysers. 16° 1 50 a. Tavlor, Bavard. Egypt and Iceland. 16° & 12° X. Y^ 1 50 AValler. Six Weeks In the Saddle. 12° L. & X. Y. 1 75 Ichthyology. See Fishes. niuminating. Art of Illumination. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Art of Illuminating. R. 8° Lond. 3 50 Same. Colored illus. 14 00 a. Donlevy. Art of Illuminating. 4° X. Y. 2 00 Humphreys. Art of Illumination and Missal Painting. 12° Lond. 21.? Illuminated Books of jMiddle Ages. f° Lond. 210s Illuminated Crest Book. 4° Lond. 1.5s Shaw. Art of Illuminating. 4° Lond. 42.-.- Hand Book of Illuminating. R. 8° Lond. 15 00 Ilium. Ornaments, 6th to 17th Century. 4° Lond. Illuminated Ornaments. 4° Lond. 1055 Tymms and Wyatt. Art of Illuminating. R. 8° Lond. 21s Ward. Practical Treatise on Illuminating. Sm. 4° Lond. 2 50 Wood. Alphabets and Designs for Illumina- tors. 12° Loud. Is Wyatt. "VMiat Illuminating Was and Sliould Be. 12= Lond. 5s Illustrated Books. See Fine Arts ; Illustrated Books. Immigration. See Emigration. Immortality. See Future State. Imprisonment. See Crimes, etc. Index Rerum; or Index of Subjects, by J. Todd. 4° Xorth. 3 00 India. See also Literature, Oriental; Vedas. Allen. India, Ancient and Modern. R. 8° Lond 145 176 Indians. Arnold. I/oni Dalhousio's Adininiiitniticm. 2 vols. 8* I/iM.l. 30« Rutler. Lun.l of tlio V.m1;i. B* X. Y. 4 00 Cauntt>r. Koiikukh' of Hist of Imlia. Ixiiiil. ftj Chuiulcr. H<'ni;al ami I'pimt Iiulia. 'J vols. S° IamhI. lo '>') Ki>kiiit'. llisUny of Imlia. 2 vols. S^ I>)iul. i) mj Forsyth. nii;lilaii(ls of ('.•ntralliniia. 2 v. 8" l\t)iiil. ISj (•rant. Im-itlriits in tlit? Si'|>oy War, '57-8. 1*. S"' I^>inl. 12* (iraiit. l)iiff. Iiiiliaii .louriu'V. 8° Loml. 10« M (Jrilliu. Kajas ..f III.' Pimjaiib. S" b.ii.l. 21» b. lliiiit.r. Aiuial.H of Rural Hfiigal. 8" N. Y. 4 00 Ori.s.^a. li Vols. I^»iul. 32j Iixlia ; rictorial and Dosorii'tivc. l'J° Uolm 2 50 Indian .Mps ami How \V»> ('ros.scd Them. Hy a J.ady. Map and illus. L. 8° Und. 12^ Kayt>. 'llif S4M>oy War. 8" I^)Md./).c. 20* Kerr, danios. Land of India. 12° I^jnd. bs Lawn-nci'. Kt'rnini.sci-nccsof liJYfan! in India.P.8'' L«jnd. 10.< O*/ Malfolni. History of llriti>li India. 2 vol.-». 8° Ixind. 3 25 MalU'son. R"<,say.s and Lcctun'-s oti India. Historical Subjects. 6° Ix>nd. 5* Marshinan. History of Hritish Innd. 22j Od Sani'". al>riiliji'd. 1 vol. l.niid. b. Martin. TIk' Indian Kinpire. 3 vol.s. Imp. 8"-' Ix^nd. 12 00 Mill. History British Iiidi.i. fc. Mill.-r. History of India. 9 vols. S= I,ond. 5I* .Mintnrn. N.-vv York to D.-ihi. 12° N. Y. 2 i»0 a. Murray, Wilson, i-tr. Hritisli Inilia. .'I vols. 18° N. Y. 2 2.') Nolan.' Hritish Kmpir.- in th.- Kast. 2 vols. LonJ. l•» IVarci". W. (.'. History of Imlia. 10° 1 Oi KousMdft. Inilia and lu-r Native Princos. Tran.slat.'d l.y Huokl.'. Illus. 1^" L. \ N. Y.2.') di' "of Snow (Himalayas), 8<» N. Y. 225 Famines in India ; Cau.ses and Preven- ti..n. 12° I.,ond. 5« Indians, North American. a. Unnrrnft, H. H. Indian U.iovs of Pacific loaat. 5 vol.^. 8° N. Y. ea. 5 .V> IWkwourth. Lift'. 12=" N. Y. 1 .'h' Browno. J. K. .\dvontur«>.s in Apacho Country. 12^ N. Y. Butt«Tfi»d Indigestion — Insects. Eastman. Dakotah. 8° X. Y. Jones C. C, Jr. Antiquities of Southern Indians. 8° X. Y. 6 00 ]\Iillf'r. Life Amouj::: the :\Iodocs. 8° Lond. 14s iVIorgan. League of the Iroquois. 8° Roch. 2 50 a. Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols. 8° Bost. 5 00 The Oregon Traih Xew revised edition. 8° Bost. 2 50 Rusling. Across America. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Kutten'ber. Indian Tribes of Hudson's Paver. 8° X. Y. 3 50 Schoolcraft. Algic Researches. 2 vols. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Archives. ^6 vols. 4° Phila. 90 00 Thirty Years with the Indians. 8° Phila. 3 00 a. Thatcher. Indian Biography. 2 vols. 18° X. Y. 1 50 Indigestion. See Health. Industrial Arts. See Mechanics. Infidelity, Books Against. See also Evidences of Christianity ; Radicalism ; Rationalism. Christlieb. Counteracting Modern Infidelity. 12° X. Y. 75 Faber. Difficulties of Infidelity. " 12° X. Y. 1 25 Morel. Authority and Conscience ; a Free Debate, etc. 8° Lond. 7s Qd Modern Skepticism ; Course of Lectures. 8° Lond. 7s 6fZ Morgan. Christianitj- and Modern Infidelity. 16° Lond. Ss Qd Somerset. Christian Theology and Modern Skepticism. 12° X. Y. 1 25 a. Trencii. Shipwrecks of Faith. 10° Lond. 2s Qd A'augiian. Foes of Faith. 16° X. Y. 1 00 Inquisition. Limborch. IIi.story of the Inquisition. Abdgd. 8° Lond. 13s a. Llorente. History of Spanish Inquisition. 8° Phila. 1 50 Mackenna. Inquisition of America. S° Lond. 7s Qd h. Rule. History of Inquisition. 2 vols. 8° L. & X. Y. 10 50 Insanity . Behind the Bars ; Retrospect of Insane Asy- lums. 16° Bost. 2 00 a. Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy. 3 vols. 12° N. Y. 6 75 1 vol. " 12° X. Y. 2 50 Conolly. Treatment of the Insane. 8° Lond. 10s Qd ^fayo. On Insanity. 12° Lond. 3s M a. Monro. Insanity: its Xature and Treatment. 12° Lond. 6.s- Pritchard. Insanity in Criminal Cases. 8° Lond. Ray. ISIental Hygiene. 12° Bost. 1 50 StoVer. Reflex Insanity in Women. 12° Bost. 1 50 ■\Vinslow. Anatomy of Suicide. 8° Lond. 10s Qd a. "Wynter. Borderland of Insanity, etc. 8° Loud. 6s Insects. See Entomology. 178 Inspiration of the Biblo -Inter-Oceanic Commuulcatiou Inspiration of the Bible. See alto Bible. a. I'lirlis. Human Kli-nifiit in Inspiration. 12'^ \. Y. »* '»> Gan!t.s«>n. I'lt-narv Inspiration. 12^ \. Y. 1 50 Ia?c Inspiration of .Scriptnri'.s. .S" N*. Y. 2 .'»*) LeitVhilil. KtMnurkublu KaoLsun Inspiration. 12° Loiiil. 3* 0iirnt'. Instinct and it.s Kflati'ins. 12 ' N. Y. 1 I't (Jarri'tt. .Marvt-ls of Instinct. IJ"* I^>nasoning I'owor of .\nimals. 6" N. Y. 3 0«J Inatrnction. St-e Education. Insurance. Martin. History of Llovtl's and Marine Insnr- anc«> in (Jroat HriUiin. 8® I.^nl. \\s Mntual Lift' Insnrance Co. Mortuary Expi-ri- .'nc.>. 1S»:1-1S74. 2 vols. ' 1° N. Y. Wilii»y. Lift" Insurance. 2 00 ^Vri•,'ilt. Politics, ••to., of Life In.surance. 12° Bost. 1 W ."^avingji Mank Lifo Insurance. f° Boat. Intemperance. Set: Tunperance. International Copyright. See Copyright. International Lawr. Sre also Diplomncy. Bernartl. Nfutrality of Tireat Britain during Am.'rican Civil War. 8° Ixtnd. lO.* Boynton. Tli.- Four Cr.'at Powers. 12° Cine. 3 00 Df Burgh. Maritiint' Int-rnational Law. 8° Ix>nd. 10* M h. Grotius. Rights of \Varan-l I*faot\ Bv \Vhe- wpjl. " 8° Lon.l. 12 GO Halifck. International Law and Laws of War. 12° Philn, Harcoiirt. I^tt<*rfl on Intn. Int«*rnationaI Law, by Lawrence. S° BosL h. .Same. YA. I«y Dana. 8° Bv 17'l 2 50 3 00 1 00 21* 50 2 50 80* 2» «W Inventions — Ireland. D' An vers. Nourse. Suez Canal. Paper. Otis. History of Panama Railroad. Stevens. Tehuantei^ec. Stiickle. Inter-Oceanic Canals. Inventions. See also Technology. a. Beckmann. History of Inventions, etc. 2 v. a. Bakewell. Inventions in 19th Century. Dircks. Philosopliy of Invention. Inventors and Inventions. History of Wonderful Inventions. Hodges. Priority of Invention. Koutledfi^e. Discoveries and Inventions 19th Century. h. Timbs. History of Wonderful Inventions. Iow;a. Parker. 8° Lond. 8° Wash. 12° K Y. 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 12° Bohn 12° N. Y. 12° Lond. 12° Lond. 12° N. Y. of Iowa as it is. 18° Lond. 12° N. Y. 12° Phila. 105 Qd 75 2 00 2 00 3 1 4s 1 50 50 105 6(^ 2 50 1 50 Ireland. Barrington. Tlie Irish Xation. 8° Butt. Irish People and Irish Land. 8° Cusack. Student's ^Manual History of Ire- land. . Fronde. The English in Ireland. 3 vols. Godkin. The Land War in Ireland. 8° History to 1875. 12° History of the War of Ireland, 1641-1653. 16° Jervis. Ireland Under British Rule. 8° Killen. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 2 vols. 8° . Lecky. Leaders of Opinion in Ireland. 8° ]Macau!ay. Ireland in 1872 : a Tour of Obser- vation, p, s° AfcCee. History of Ireland. 2 vols. 12° Gladden. Tiie United Irishmen. 2 vols. 12° (4 vols. Lond.) Moore. History of Ireland. 2 vols. O'Curry. Maimers and Customs of Ancient Irish. 3 vols. go Smiddy. Druids' Ancient Churches and Round Towers of Ireland. loo Smith, (Joldwin. Irish History and Irish Church. 12° Taylor, AV. C. History of Ireland. 2 vols. 18° Thackeray. The Irish Sketch Book. Y>° Thebaud. The Irish Race. Trench. Realities of Irish Life 180 Lond. Lond. Lond. L. & K Lond. Lond. L. & N. Lond. Lond. Lond. Lond. N. Y. Lond. 8° N. Y, Lond. Lond. Oxford. N. Y. Bost. X. Y. Bost. 8° 16° 12s 5s 6s Y. 7 50 65 25 Qd Y. 1 50 12s 1 75 7s M 3 00 12s 2 00 425 4s 5s 1 50 1 25 3 50 1 00 Irou and Steel — Italy. IJ° Un.l. 2 W »" L. \ U. 1 :-) 8« I^>n.l. 8 (H) 8<> N. Y. 3 (JO 8<> X. Y. 3 SO B" Wiwh. 2 00 1^ I..\N. Y i:. iH> ij' riiii.i. .5 IMJ s^ N. Y. 8« Pliil. 10 00 riiii. 50 1' \. V. 10 00 I...I1 1. 12* 8° Uiul. (\ m 8=> r.«>ii.i. 10 IHJ so N. Y. 10 00 Iron and Steel. liau>'riii;in. Tr-'atis.' on M''t»llio Iron. a. Kairliiiirii. Inui ; its Ilistorv and I'rKjKTties. Application of Iron tn Ituililini;. Frani'is. Strcnjitli of Cast Iron riilars. GrninT. Maiuifactnru of SU'ol. Trans, from thf Kn-nch. Ilowitt. K»-p. on IVodnction of Iron. b. Kolin. Iron ami St«'rti<'.s. L»'«i«'y. Tlit» Iron Manuf.ictiiriM's (Juidc. Osliorn*'. M»'talluruy of Iron and Sti-cl. r<'rfy. Mannf. of Kiis>iian Slioft Iron. Paper b. I*ninp''llv & Brooks. Iron Ore in Mi.sjwiuri and -Nlifliiijan. Illust. 2 vols. Styff.'. Iron and St.'.-I. 'I'n-d'^old. Strength of Ca.st Iron and other M.'tal.s. Trunin. Iron Manuf. of Gt. Britain. II. TuriuT. Manufacture of Iron. 2 vols. Israel. See Jetrs. Italy. S^e til.*o Pif.ilnnnt : llmne ; and wvji'* nf other /m < i-i <-ki'-j. H'-ckford. Italy with Sketches of Spain. 2 vol.s. lUitt. History of Itiilv. 2 vols. CnbSe. Italics: Politics in Italy. 1S(51. I)icken.s. Pictun'S from Italy. KUiott. Diary of an Idle Woman in Italy. Eustace. C'la.s.sical Tour in Italv, 3 vols. (•all<-nt;a. Italy Revisited. 2 vols. (io«'tlie. Sket<'he.s of Travels in Italy. Gould. Lett'Ts from Italy and .Sicily. h. Ifnr«>. Cities of Northern and Central Italy. ;i vols. Days near Rome. a. Ilawthonie. Mrs. Kn(;land and Italy. Hawthorne. .V. Passages from iL'ilian and Kri'iirh Note Hnd. 1(1. ciid. :}(!« 12° I>.nd. 2j *u 12= N. Y. 1 .M) s= N. Y. 12° Phil. a M 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° Bost 4 00 12° BosL 2 <«» s° «t IK» 12^ N. Y. 2 "HJ 1 .V» 12 N. Y. 1 50 12° Bohn ^ I ,, 1 1 75 12^ IxJud. Im 4W 181 Jamaica — Jerusalem. Mendelssohn. Letters from Italy. Trans. by Wallace. Murray. Hand Book of Xorthern Italy. Central Italy and Rome. Southern Italy and Naples. Napier. Florentine History. 6 vols. h. Norton. Travel and Study in Italy. Proctor. History of Italy. a. Sismondi. Italian Republics. a. Literat. of South of Europe. 2 vols. Sketches of Life in Italy. Spalding. History of Italy and Italian Islands. 3 vols. b. Story. (Graffiti d'ltalia. a. Taine. Florence and Venice; Rome and Naples. Trollope. T. History of Florence to 1531. ■i vols. Italian Revolution. Trinity of Italy. Pope, Bourbon and Victor. Jamaica. Bigelow. Jamaica in 1850. Finlason. History of the Jamaica case. Letters from Jamaica. Japan. Adams. History of J. 2 vols. Alcock. The Capital of the Tycoon. Fonblanque. Two Years in J. and N. China Hoffman. Japanese Grammar in Eng. Humbert. J. and the Japanese. b. Japanese Manners and Cust. Col'd plates. Jephson & Elmhurst. Life in Japan. Lanraan. Japanese in America. Perry. Exped. to Japan, 3 vols. Conden. & ed. by Dr. Hawks. Siebold. J and the Japanese. Taylor, Baj-ard. India, China and J. J. in our Day (a compilation). Java. ])' Almeida. Life in Java. 2 vols. Raffles. History of Java. 2 vols. Jerusalem. See also Holy Land. P>artlett. Walks about J. 111. Besant & Palmer. City of Ilcrod and Saladin Jerusalem, Ancient & Modern. AVilson & Warren. Recovery of J. 182 12° Lond. lOs Gd 12° Lond. 10s 12° Lond. 12s 12° Lond. 10s 12° Lond. 7 50 16° Bost. 1 25 8° Lond. Qs 12° N. Y. 75 12° Bohn 3 50 1 75 18° Edinb. 7s 6d 12°L.&N.Y. 3 75 8° N. Y. ea. 2 50 8° L. &N. Y. 10 00 12° Lond. 8s Qd 8° Lond. 14s 18° N. Y. 1 50 12° Lond. 7s Qd 12° Edin. 4:SGd 8° Lond. 42s. 8° Lond. 3 50 L. Lond. 2 00 Lond. 7 50 R. 4° N. Y. 12 00 f° Lond. 9 00 8° Lond. 1 85 12° N. Y. 1 50 4° U. S. R. 8° N. Y. 5 00 8° Lond. 6s 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° Lond. 21s 8° Lond. 2Ss R. 8° Lond. 6 80 1. 8° Lond. 7s (id 8° 1 25 8° N. Y. 3 50 Jests ^ — Jcvrn. Jests. — Sf' Ilumurotis Works. Jesuits. 8° Ix)n.l. 1< 12° bm.l. •J 2.'. 8° Host. 2 .'•«» 1J° N. Y. 1 75 8° Iy)n.|. h 8^ LoikL 21j IVmaii.s. Tho .T««9iiit«t: a Ili-^toricul Sketch. a. Nioroliiii. History of tlu« .Fi-suits. (I. I'arktiiati, F. Tho Josuits in N. Aint'rica. l'a.seal. Hlni.se. I'rovincial Li'tt«Ts. Smitli K. Sooit'ty of .Ii'sus, to ITT.'J. b. Stoiiiiuftz. Ili.story of tho Jesuits, 2 vol.s. Jesus. —See Christ. Jews. —See also Holy Land: Jerusalem. Jew^s. Ariiold. fJri'.it Prophecy of Israel's Restoration. :lil edit. Renamoz«'i;li. Jewisli ami Christian Etiiics. Cowit'S. Ilfhrew Hi.story. nfUt.srli. [^it«'rary Ucinains. K'\v. Snd. Jenninijs. Jewish Antiijnitii's. a. Jos»'phns* Works. Winston's trans. 4 vols. Same. 1 vol. Illustrat»'wi.H. Antiquities of Hebrew Ri'puMic. ."] v. 8° Ix)nd. a. Milinan. History of the Jews. .'l v«)Is. " " " bested. ;W. Misrellany of Helirew Liti-ratiire. PaluKT. History of the Jcwisli N'ation. Pirei.itfn. Sk«'tI''\vish histor\'. Uaph.ill. I'.-st !5il.l.- History of til" Jews. 2* v. R4ith.s<-liilil. History niul Literature of the Is- ra»'lit»»s. Rule. HiHtorv of Kaniitc Jews. a. SharjH*. Hebn-w Xati.in. nn«l its Literature. Smith, (f«Hi. The H'-br>'W IVniple, 2 voU. Smurk'T. Hisfurv of Mridi>ni tiew.s. Strach.-y. J.wish" History and I'olitirs. 8° L. & N. Y. 00 Twentv Years' Reminisceuccs of the Jews, by Si'xtv-one. Post 8° I^nd. 10« 183 H" T/ind. 1* 8^ X. Y. I fA) 12° N. Y. •J (H) 8° N. Y. 1 (JO S° bind. h 8° Lond. »j:i.« 8° Host. 5 (Xl 12° Lond. 1«0./ 18° X. Y. 1 Oii 1(5° I^nd. Is 8° 10« M 8° Phih. 8 IK» 8° X. Y. 2 50 8°L.&X. Y. 12 (H» 12° X. Y. 1 7.*! I 5() 8° Ix)nd. 2.'m M 180 N. Y. 2 25 8° N. Y. 5 2.-. 8° I/>nd. 7* Or/ 12° X. Y. 1 .V» 8° Ix»n.l. 12- 12^ X. Y. 4 on 12° lAind. at M 8° I^.nd. It M 8° I^.n.l. la 8° I^nd. 12i 12° PhiL-u I 75 Journalism — Lac e. Wilberforce. Heroes of Hebrew History. 8° L. & N. Y. 2 50 Wines. Hebrew Commonwealth. 8° Phila. 3 00 Journalism. See Newspapers. Jurisprudence. See Law. Juvenile Books. See List, in Appendix. Kaleidoscope. See Optics. Kentucky. Collins, L. Historical Sketches of Kentucky, 8° Maysville 6 00 Khiva. Abbott. Journey from Heraut to Khiva. 2 v. 8° Lond. 21s. a. INIacGahan. Campaigning on the Oxus. 8° X. Y. 3 50 Spaulding. Khiva and Turkistan. 8° Lond. 9s. Kindergarten. Adler. Kindergarten Occupations. 50c to 2 50 Marenholtz-Biilow. The child, its nature, etc., by Kriege. 12° N. Y. 1 00 Peabody. ISIiss. Kindergarten Guide. 12° N. Y. 1 25 Lectures on Xursery and Kindergarten. 12° Phila. 1 25 Knighthood. See Chivalry. Labor and "Wages. See also Co-operation ; Political Economy : Sociology. Bolles. Conflict between Labor and Capital. 12° Phila. a. Brassey. Work and Wages. 8° Lond. Brown. The Labor Question. Cassagnac. History of Working and Burgher Classes. 8° Phila. Clayden. Revolt of the Field. 16° Lond. a. Fawcett. Economical Position of British La- bor. ^ 16° Lond. Gladden. Working people and their Em- ployers. 10° Bost. LePlay. Organization of Labor, translated by Emerson. 12° Phila. ^Maurice. Learning and Working. Cr. 8° ]\la\]i('w. London Labor and London Poor. 3 vols. R. 8° Lond. Buskin. Time and Tide, etc. (On Labor.) 12° N. Y. h. Walker. Wages Question. 8° N. Y. Lace. Guide to Honiton Lace Making. Paper. Bost. 50 184 1 75 7s M 1 00 2 50 3s 6J 1 50 1 25 00 1 75 22s M 1 00 3 50 Landscape hardening — Law. Pullis.'r. History of I.aop. 8® Lond. iMi Tn-ailwiu. Aiiti<|ii)> Point and Ilonitoii Li««'<». *> ' ! "v ! IUj 0(i Landscape Oardening. CojM'laiid. Coimtrv Lifi', otc. h>* litwit. 0() iXiwiiiiiij. L:iiuls, (lanli'iiiiiiT. and Unral Orn. 8*' N. Y. «> .'iij Kfinp. LnndscajH' (iardfuini;. 12" X. V. •_• .'><» Sct>tt. Siil>url)aii IIoiui' and (ironnds. R. 8" N. V. ^ IK» Wridi'iiinaun. lU-autifvinjj Country Hotiu's. 4° N. V. 13 JK» L:ingiiage. Sen r>"-''"""-"- • Gnimmnr ; Si/nont/nu ; also nn-t- ' ■•*' hinguarifs. Hoaiufs. Couipar.iuvi' drainmar of Modem Aryan. 8° I^nd. Blet'k. Couuiarative Grammar of South Af- ri<-a. Vol 1. 8" I^nd. \C>s Oriijin of Lanpungo. S* N. V. .V) b. liopp. ('ornparativf (Jrammarof Sanscrit (and niiu' otlitTi Lanijuatjt's. 3 vols. 8"* I»nd. 1.') T'l I>e Vere. Anuricanisnis. 12® N. Y, 8 00 Dwiijht. Mod.-ru l'liil(.M)i>hy. 2 vols. 8° X. Y. 00 Kdkins. Ciiina's placo in .Modern I'hilology. 8° I^^nd. \f\* (J// b. Karrar. Chapt'-rs on Lanijuaije. P. S° I^)nd. 5.« Familifs of .*>|m'ccIi. Four Lectures. 12° l^uid. 'A* rtnd. lO r>0 Kraitsir. Lani^uage of Nature and Nature of Lanpua^'e. 12° N. V. 1 .'M) Marcel. The Study of Language : True Prin- ciples. 12° N. V. 1 25 a. Muller. I^ct. on Language. 2 ser. Cr. 8° X. Y. .'» 00 Stratification of Language. 8° lx>nv Morri.son. 12° \jow\. 'A* (Ul a. Tr-nch. Stu.ly of Words. 12» X. Y. 1 2.'i We.lgwooil. Origin of Language. 10** I^iid. 3« »!./ a. Whitn.'y. Language. Cr. 8° X. V. J .'>0 a. Life and (Irowth of I.4inguage. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Language of Flowers. Hale. Flora's Interpreter. 12^ HoHt. 1 5<> Ildri'we. I^antruajje of Flowers. 12° U\virv. Kdit«d l>y Adams. 12° Philn. 1 50 Tyas. I.angu.ige ».f Flowers. " 1° Ix>nd. 5 00 L.itin. S^e under Clattics ; iMnguage ; Leeturt* ; Home. Lawr. — See also Countitulinn ; f'opifrifjht ; Oovernment : Inlemaiionat Law : yfunieifHtt Onrrrnment ; PiHttical S< irnce, •«• Technical TrcaJinc*. RrpotU, etc , not iiicluc!o 10° N. Y. :.o 12° rhila. :»o 24° N. Y. 75 12° N. Y. :>o KfiUH'dy. L<«i;i'iuliirv Fie. of Irish Celts. 12® Ii«h<'ts. 12° X. Y. 2 00 L«'i;.ii«lsof Olil 'rt'staiii.'iit Cliiirartors, &c. 2 v. 12" l^.ii«l. 2 IK) Kink. Tali'-s ami Tradition.H of tlio Kskiiiio. 12° K«lin. lOn 0 Correspondeuce. EtiilUftto L.tt«r-Writfr. Frost's Oriijinal Lvtter-\Vrit4'r. Martiiu''.s Sfii.sihlt' LvtterWritor. X«'\v L«'ttt'r-\Vrit<'r. Purlor L.'tt.'r-Writ.'r. I'liivrrsjil Lnnd. ft. 2 00 British Classics. 29 vols. 12° Loud. to. 1 40 187 Libraries. Cheap Series. 74 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 67 Classical Library. 89 vols. 12=^ Lond. ea. 2 00 Collegiate Libra'ry. 2 vols. 18° Lond. ea. 2 00 Ecclesiastical Library. 10 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 2 00 Historical Library. 21 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 2 00 Illustrated Library. 83 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 2 00 French Memoirs. 6 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 1 40 Novelist's Library. 1 vol. 12° Lond. 2 00 Philological & Philosophical Library. 22v.l2°Lond. ea. 2 00 Reference Library. 1 vol. 12° Lond. 2 40 Scientific Library. 68 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 2 00 Standard Library. 167 vols. 12^ Lond. ea. 1 40 Extra Volumes. 7 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 1 40 Uniform with Standard Libraiy. 48 v. 12° Lond. ea. 1 40 a. Libraries, together. 661 vols. 1 00 to 1 60 I. Bric-a-Brac Series. 10 vols. Sq. 12° N. Y. ea. 1 50 Bridgewater Treatises. (Li Bohn's Scientific Library). 11 vols. 12° ea. 2 00 a. Brief Biographies of Contemporary Statesmen. 4 vols. 12° N. Y. ea. 1 50 b. British Essayists. (Older). 38 vols. 16° Bost. ea. 1 25 a. Modern. 8 vols. 8" N. Y. 16 00 a. Select, vols. 1 & 2. 16° N. Y. ea. 1 25 British Poets. Aldine Ed. 52 vols. 16° Lond. ea. 75 Ed. by Childs. 1.30 vols. 16° Bost. ea. 1 25 Chandos Library. 21 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 3s 6d Chandos Poets. 15 vols. 12° Lond. ea. 7s Qd Cottage Library. (Xovels and Light Liter- ature). 156 vols. Pliila. ea. 50 a. Epochs of Modern History. 17 vols. 16°X. Y. ea. 100 Globe Editions. (Standard Poetry, etc). 13 v. 12° L. &N. Y. fo. 1 50 Golden Treasury Series. 8 vols. 18° Camb. ea. 1 00 a. English Edition. 26 vols. 18° L. & K Y. ea. 1 25 a. Handy Book Series. (Domestic and General Knowledge.) 16 vols. 12° N. Y. 13 15 Harper's Classical Library. (Trans). 37 vols. 18° N. Y. ea. 75 New Classical Library. (Literal Trans- lations). 22 vols. 12° X. Y. ea. 1 .50 Family Library. 186 vols. 18° N. Y. ea. 75 School Library. 25 vols. 12° N. Y. ea. 1 50 New Miscellany. (History, Pop. Science, etc). 26 vols. 12° N. Y. 26 00 Select Library. (Including Family Lib- rary). 300 vols. 18° N. Y. 225 00 Select Novels. 460 vols. Paper. 8° N. Y.var.prices. a. Interuational Scientific Series. 18 vols. 12° N. Y. 1 50 to 2 00 History Primers. Ed. by Green. 18° N. Y. ea. "40 b. Leisure Hour Series. (Novels). 54 vols. 16^ NY ea 1 25 188 Light — Literature. b. l^ibraryof Entnrtaitunjj Knowlcdijp. -13 v, o.p. LUir;irv i>f F.itlii'rs, ••to., iH'fon* ilivisioti of Ka.st 18® I^>i..l. lli>j ami Wfst. (Atliuiiu.siii.>i, Cvril, i-to.) .'17 v. 8** L.St. X.Y.I 10 00 Library of Fort'ijjii Tot'trv. (llrri, Tfjjm-r, O.iMtlif. .-tc). (5 vols.' ' 10* N. Y. ea. 1 M Library of OM {Kiiu'lish) Autliom. (Marstoii, Pit'rs IMoiii^hiiiaii, etc). About 50 vol«. Lomi. Tariuiu Libraryof Trav.-laiiil A.lv.-iitinv. 111. Svokl-J^l-J^" N. Y. ea. I 5<» Library of WoiuU-i-s. '22 vols. 10° N. Y. ea, 1 '2't b. Littl.' Classios. 10 voLs. IS*" Ikwt ea, 1 UO Murray '.s Guide Ho.)ks. See Travel. Nature Series. (Popular Science). 7 vols. 12° N. Y. ea. 1 00 to 1 20 Os-.'. ..I's fiuide Iiular Manuals. (Xatural and i'olitical Scit-nce). 14 vols. X. Y. various Reason Why .S'ries. 18 vols. L. & P. various Records of the I'ast. 6 vols. 12° IaiikI. ea. 3.* tU Science Primers. 8 vols. 18° N. Y. ea. 50 Tuuclinit/. C'olb'ction of Hriti.sh Authors. b. AU.ut 1.200 vols. 10° Leip. ea. 00 Collection t»f German Authors. Trans. b. AiM)ut 20 vol.s. 10° Leip. ea. 00 •»• Tiieste two series are bDuml in pa|)er. Price of liin vols. 10° Host. ea. 1 00 Ve;t Pocket .Series. (Poems, Essays, etc). 15 v. 18° Host. ea. 50 Weale's .Series. ( Klements of Arts and Sciences.) Al>out 100 vola. 18° L. & X. Y.lU to 00 Light. Sff Optics. Light-Houses. Adams. Lieht-llouses and Liirht-.Shiixs. 10° X. Y. 150 Klliott. Kuro|«.».in Lighthoujio Systems. 8° \joad. 21* Literature ; history, etc. For Drama, Fiction, Poetrif, tee ihoM titlet; see aiio .{uthnrship; Copyright; Criticism; Dictionaries; Lan- gunqr ; Iteading. 1. IIlSTuKY OK LirKUATfKK OKNKIt A I.I.Y. Hand IJook of I'niv.rsal Lit. IJ Il'-t. 2 50 Am'-nitiefl of Lit»Tature. 2 v. 1-' N. Y. 8 50 .lid {^uarn-lA. 7 v. 8 50 I Lit.-rature. 2 v. 12° N. V. 7 0<» Lii- r.iry i iiaraoler of men of (Jenius. 12® N. Y. 2 25 189 12° Phila. 2 50 R. 8° N.y. 10 00 R. 8°N. Y. 2 50 8° Phila. 5 00 12° Pliila. 2 50 8° Phila. 5 00 8° Phila. 6 00 12° Phila, 1 75 j.re 12° Bost. 2 50 Literature. Schlegel. History of Literature. 12° Boha 1 75 Taylor. Transmission of Ancient Books. 12° Loud. 3s Qd Willmott. Pleasures, Objects, and Advantages of Literature. 12° Lond. Is 2. American Literature. a. Cleveland. Compendium of Amer. Liter b. Duyckinck. Cyclo. of Amer. Liter., 2 v Supplement to same. Griswold. Prose AYriters of America. Hart. American literature. Female Prose Writers of America. Raymond. Southland Writers, 2 v. Royse. Manual of American Literature. Underwood. Hand-book of Engl. Literature , 7 ■ , American Authors. .' ' ^ r \ <3. Celtic Literature. Arnold. Study of Celtic Literature. 8° Lond. 8s 6d 4. Classical Literature. Anthon. Greek Literature. 12° Bost. 2 50 Browne. Hist, of Greek Classical Literature, 2 vols. 8° Lond. 12s Hist, of Roman Literature. 8° Lond. 12s Cleveland. Compend. of Class. Literat. 12° N'. Y. 2 50 a. Donaldson. Lit. of Ancient Greece, 2 vols. 8° Lond. 6 00 Dunlop. Hist, of Roman Literature, 3 v. 8° Lond. 47s Gd Hamilton & Clark. Interlinear Transla. of Ct^sar, Ovid, Sallust, Cicero, etc., 6 v. 12° Phila. ea. 2 25 Louage. Hist, of Gr. and Rom. Classical Lit. 10° N. Y. 1 25 b. IMiiller. Literature of Ancient Greece, 3 v. 8° Loud. 12 00 5. English Literature. a. Allibone. Dictionary of Authors. 3 vols. R. 8° Phila. 22 50 Angus. Hand Book of English Literature. 16° Lond. 2 00 Specimens of English Literature. 16° Lond. 5s Qd Arnold. IManual of Eiiglish Literature. 12° Bost. 3 00 a. Bascom. Piiilosophy of English Literature. 12° N. Y. 1 75 Chambers. Cyclo. of English Litera., 2 v. 8° L. & P. 8 00 Manual of Eng. Lit. 12° Phil. 1 75 Readings in English Litera. 16° L. & P. 1 75 Cleveland. Compendium ot English Lit. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Eng. Lit. of 19th century. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Copp>>e. English Literature. 2 25 Craik. Outlines of Hist, of Eng. Language. 10° Lond. 2s 6d Davis. English History and literature to 1760.12° Lond. 2s Da\'. Introd. to Eng. Literature. 12° N. Y. 2 25 Devey. .Modern English poets. P. 8° Lond. lo's 6d Five Centuries of Eng. Language and Lit. 16° Lond. 1 25 190 V. Y. I.-.M.I. I'iiiia. It */ '2 50 X. V. 3i« n./ N. Y. 4 00 Iiiteratuxe. fl. niliiKiM. First St.'ps in Kiit;li.sh Lit'-ni. I'J' ILiiiiiuy. Coiir.s" of Kii;;lish Literature. 1'. ^ ILirt. "Manual of Kii;,'. Litt-ratiir>'. IJ^ Ila/.litt. llaiiil H(K>k to Litem, of Cireat Hrit- ain. 8° Hunt. Lit«Matun> of Knjjllsli Lanijuai;i». I'J^ Lain:,'. History of Kni^li-
  • ll. Itio^raphieal Hist4.)ry uf Ku^^HhIi Lit.-raturt'. V. 8° Lon.l. 4j QJ a. MorlfV. A First Ski-lch of Knglish Litera- turV. , . . ^'^ ^'''"'•- '"^^ -^"- "^ •* ^ TaMi'S of Knt;li.sh F.it«'raturf'. Sliaw. Manual of Knclish Literature. Skeat. SjK'cinifn of Kiii;. Lit. SpauMinu'. Hist. Kn!,'li>ii Literature. a. Taine. Hist, of Kni,'l. Literature, 2 vols. 8" oi ."^anie, contlensed liy Fi.sk. 1 v. Tuwn.seud. Every Day Uook of Mo«lern Lit- cratun^, Uiiok of Knglish Literature; Itriti.sli authors. Yonge. Three Centuries of Eng. Lit. EuKorr.w LnKKATiiiK. Cleveland. Litera. of the l!»th Centur>-. Foster. Hand Hook of .Mod. Europ. Liter. a. Hallani. Literature of Europe, 4 vols. .^^tudent.H* eil. a. Si>inondi. Lit. of .South of EuroiK", 2 v. 7. Fkknch Liteuatuhk. Beard. I'ort Koynl. Religion and Literatun? in France. 2 vols. P. b. Be.'»ant. French HuniorisLs, 12th to IDth Con. Studies in Ea-ly French I'oetry. I)«'nioi;»*ot. History of French Literature. Half-Hours with French .Vutliors. Half-Hours with U-st French .Vuthors. Masson. ('lns,H-U4M>k of French Literature. Merlci. Storie.H fri»in French Writers. a. Van I>aun. Hi.story of French Literature. 3 v. ViTJcour. Course of French Literature. 8. flKRMAN LlTEIlATfllE. Aust.-n. FraiTinents from fJeneral Lit^'mture. 12® Lontl. ICW Chanihers. Course of (;erinan Literature. 10* K«lin. 2< W a. (lOAtwick ami Harrison. Outlines of Cjurman LiUrature. 12" N. Y. 2 5^1 I'Jl f° I^no h« 3 50 12^ X. Y. 1 50 r 3 V 12° X. Y 7 50 12* N. V. 2 50 8^ L. !« X. 3 75 12° H<.st. 2 50 8° X. Y. 2 00 12-^ Phi la. 2 50 12° IJohn 2 50 12° X. Y. 7 (K) 12" U.nd. 2 50 12° Uohn 3 50 8» Ixind. 12< 8o IJosL 2 50 120 X. Y. 2 50 12° Phila. 1 50 so L A:X.Y.3 00 S ' L.M.d. \U ■S L.>nd. Sa M 12^ l»n>L 2« 8° X. Y. 7 50 8o Lond. 2. R. 8° Phila. 5 00 4v. 12° Oxf. 40s 12° Loud. 7s Qd 16° Edin. 3s 6d 2v. 12° Loud. 24s See also Vedas. leu- 12° L. ea 10s Qd 8° Lond. 36s 8° Loud. 21s 8° Lond. 126s ies. 12° N. Y. ea. 2 50 Logic. b. Hedge. Prose "Writers of Germany. Menzel. History of German Literature. Metcalfe. History of German Literature. 9. Italian Literature. Chambers. Italian Literature. Mariotti. Italy, its His. and Literature. 10. Sanskrit and Oriental Literature. Legge. Chinese Classics, (Confucius, Men- cius, the Shoo-King). 3 vols. b- MiUhn: Ancient Sanskrit Literature. AViiiiams. Indian Wisdom. "Wilson. "Works. 12 vols. a. "Whitney. Oriental and Linguistic Studies. 2 series. 11. Scandinavian Literature. Hewitt. Literature and Romance of Northern Europe. 2 vols. 12° Loud. 12s 12. Slavic Literature. Robinson. Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations, o.p. 12° N. Y. 13. Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Bouterwek. Spanish raid Portuguese Literat. 12° Lond. 1 75 a. Ticknor. Hist. Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 12° Bost. 10 00 14. "Welsh Literature. Stephens. Literature of the Kymry. 8° Lond. 15s Logic. Bain. Logic. Deductive and Inductive. Blakey. Ilistor. Sketch of L. Bowcn. Treatise on L. a. De^Iorgan. Formal L. Everett. Science of Thought. Hamilton. Lectures on L. Lectures, abridged by Day. Jevons. Principles of Science. 2 vols. McCosh. Logic. INIahan. Science of L. Mill. System of L. Tappan. Elements of L. b. reb(n-\veg. System of L. a. "Whately. Elements of L. Lessons in Reasoning. — — Historic Doubts on Napoleon. "Wilson. Elementary Treatise on L. 192 8° N. Y. 2 00 8° Lond. 12s 12° Bost. 2 00 8° Lond. Os Qd 12° 2 00 8° Bost. 3 50 12° Cine. 1 25 8° L.& N. Y.9 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 2 00 8° N. Y. 3 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° Lond. 16s 12° Bost. 1 75 .90 8° N. Y. 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 Loudon — Macarouic Poetry. 18» bm.l. 12® I'hilii- X. «c C. 8" 8«> 8° 3j 8° Lon.l. 8® Loud. 31 J 3fM <« London . IWcker. Soifiitifu- London (SociL-tios, etc). I'J'* X. Y. 1 Davis. Ortliod>)X London. 12° I»nd. ra. Oi Unorthodox London. 12" I»nd. «(i. 'W b. Di't'o,.. Hist, of Pla-uo in L. l)fxt«'r. TIk' (lovcniinfnt of London. h. Dirxon. llt-r ^hlj••sty'.s Towit. Dore & Jfiiold. A i'ilgrinjagf, Illust. Kirth. Municipal L. U. F»».s. .Mfniorifs of Wcstminstor IlaU. 2 v. (JnH'MwiMnl. SovtMj Ciirst'-s of L. .Journt'vs tlinmijlj L. T. Jesse. L.; its Celebrated Characters and Places. 3 \h)1s. Kniu'ht. L. Ilu.stratendon. 8° I^'Uilon and Wt-.st minster. 2 vols. 12° Loinlou, Uomance of. 2 vols. 8" Walks and Talks about Ix)adon. 16° Walford. Old and New London. 3 vols. 4 (JO 00 8° Un.l. S'- L. iit X.Y. 7 8^ L-)nd. 21« 8° lx)nd, 8° I»nd. 4° I>>nd. 12° I-».nd. 12° lA.nd. 12° X. Y. 12° Ix)ud- (W 33« in. :u lOi 1 7* I>ond. Iayarre. History of I^ouisiaiia. 3 vols. Macaronic Poetry. See Poetry, Humorous. u Cr. 8<» X. V. 12° X. Y. 12° Lond. 8° V. Y. N X. V. 1 25 1 50 1 ao lUf ad i I- 12 i- 193 Machinery — Mahomet. Machinery. See also Inventions; Mechanics; Railroad; Steam En- gines, etc. Abel. Rudimentary Construction of Mach. 16° Loud. 75 Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics, Machines and Engineering. 2 vols. R. Appleby. lUus. Hand Book of Machinery. Baker. Practical Mecli. & jMachine Tools. Browne. 51)7 Meclianical Movements. Burn. Self Aid Cyclopedia. Illust. Fairbairn. Mills and Mill Work, 2 vols. Fitzgerald. The Boston JMachinist. Johnson. Cj'clo. of Machinery, half mor. Joynson. Construction of Gearing. Rankine. Cyclo. of Machine and Hand Tools. 2 vols. Tomkins. Machine Construction, etc. (Elem. Sci. Ser.) 2 vols. Same (Adv. Sci. Ser.) 2 vols. Watson. Modern Practice of Am. Machs. Madagascar. Ellis. Hist, of Madagascar, 2 vols. Three Visits to Madagascar. a. Sibree. Madagascar and its People. Madeira. Dix. Winter in Madeira and Spain. White. Climate and Scenery of JViadeira. Magazines, Literary. See Appendix. Magic. See also Demonology ; Supernaturalism ; Superstition. Adams. Magic and Magicians. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 21s DeVere. Modern Magic. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Ennonioser. Hist, of Magic. Trans, by Howitt. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 10s Fnckell. Magic no Mystery. 8° Lond. 7s Qd Magician's Own Book, with Illust. 12° Phil. 1 50 Magnetism. See also Animal Magnetism ; Electricity. Airy. Treatise on Magnetism. 8° Lond. 9s Qd Angell. Magnetism and Electricity (Elem. Sci. , „ ,^ei'-) 16° N. Y. 75 b. Buckmaster. M. and Electricity. Ed. by Lees.l2° Lond. 25s a. Guthrie. Magnetism and Electricity (Adv. Sci. „ ?^i'-) .,. , ,, . 12° N. Y. 1 50 Harris. Exposition of Magnetism. 16° Lond. 1 75 Mahomet. See Mohammed. 194 . 8° N. Y. 21 00 8° Loud. 12s Qd 12° Lond. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 4 00 Lond. 32s 18° Bost. 75 4° Lond. 50 00 8° Edinb. 2 00 " 4° Lond. 55s 'l6°K Y. ea. 75 12° X. Y. ea. 1 50 12° Phil. 2 50 8° Lond. 25s 8° Lond. 16s 12° Lond. 2 75 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° Loud. 7s Qd Maine — Manufactures. 12' 11 .<. •-» INJ b'^ L-Jiul. 7i (J./ li'' Uud. ll)J ti./ 8° X. Y. OO 00 f^ X. Y. SOU 00 8° I'hil. 15 00 8^ X. Y. 5 00 12^ Loud. 7* «v/ 2 :m) 10° I^n.l. 7««W Maine. Tliort-uu. M:iiiH> Wixxis. Williumson. History of .Maine, 2 vols. Malta. »« also Mediterranean. TorttT. Hist, of tho Knights of Malta. Shaw. M. t;o yoars aijo; a concise Hist, of tho Knights. Mammalia. Anderson. Lion and Elopliant. 8® LoncL ITu Animals. Wil«l, fn'o and captive. 12" lA)nd. hi b. .\udnlxin. Quadrun^'ils of .\tnt.'rica. 3 vols. R. 8" X. Y. Sauii'. with plat'S, ."> vols. a. Haird. .Mammals of X. .\m>'r. 111. IL Fii:uirs. a. Hnxl' y. .\nat<>iny of Vertebrate Animals. •Tones. Mammalia. Morgan. .Vmerican Beaver. 12^ Pliil. 5 00 Mammoth Cave. Binkenl. Mammoth Cave. 8° Cine. Forwood. Manunotli Cave. 12'> Tliil. 2 00 Man. See Ethnology : Physiology ; Prehistoric ^lan. Manners and Customs. See also Etiquette; Afarriage; and under nanus of Count ri':s. Dyer. British Popnlar Customs. 12° Lond. lOi (W a. Guhl and Koner. Life of the Greeks and Uomans. 8<» X. Y. ») Wood. Weddinc: dav. et^-. 12° X. Y. 1 25 Xatnral hist..rv"<.f .Man, 2 vols. IL 8° biml. Wright. Hunies of other Days. Imp. 8*> X. Y. 7 60 Manufactures. nisi,,. p. Hint, of Am. .Manuf. 3 vols. S* Phil. 12 00 Bi.sihutT. Hist, of Woolen an«l Worsted .Mannf. 2 vols. 8» Lond. 26» a. IXhM. Dictionary of Manuf., Mining and .Mechanics. 12° Und. * N. 3 00 Geldard. IIany. Art of W. avrisr. Hi-»t. ami IVncticaL 8° X. Y. I ■'» lli.st. of Silk, Cotton, Linen, and Woolen Manuf. 8° X. Y. J '•' Hvde. Science of Cotton Spinning. 8° I/>nd. o - J ai'aaon. Uu Art Manuf. Illu»t. 12« X. Y. S 60 195 Maps — Maternity. 12< Lond. Bohn N. Y. Lond. N. Y. 12° Phil. 12° Lond. 12° N. Y. 12° N. Y. 12" Best. 12° Edinb. 12< 12= 12' N. Y. N. Y. N. Y. b. Tomlinson. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts. 3 vols. Imp- ure. Cotton Manuf. of Gt. Britain, 2 vols. Diet, of Arts, Manuf. and Mines, 3 vols. R. Philosophy of Manuf. Maps : Map Dra-wring. Guyot. Ten ^Map-Drawing Cards. Handbook of ^lap-Drawing. Hughes. Construction of Maps. Ripley. Map-Drawing. Marriage and Divorce. Bingham. Christian Marriage Ceremony. C'roly. For Better or Worse. a. iMcLeiman. Primitive Marriage. Pendleton. Parents' Guide; Human Development. "Wells. Wedlock; or, Relations of Sexes. a. Woolsey. Essay on Divorce. Martyrs. See Biography (Collective Religious). Maryland. Bozman. History of Maryland. R. 8° Bait. :Mc Sherry. History of Maryland. 8° Bait. Neill. Terra Marias ; Colonial History of Md. Masonry. See Sec?-et Societies. Massachusetts. See also Puritans. Carpenter. History of Massachusetts. Gladden. From the Hub to the Hudson. Headley. IMassachusetts in the Rebellion. Schouler. ]\Iassachusetts in the Rebellion. 2 vols. Thoreau. Cape Cod; The Merrimack. Winthrop. Early History of M. 2 vols, o, />. Young. Chronicle of the Pilgrim Fathers, o. p. Maternity. See also Health. a. Chavasse. Counsel to a Mother. Advice to a Mother. Advice to a Wife. Combe. Management of Infancy. a. Fonssagrives. Sick children. :Mother's Register of Health of Children. Gardner. Our Children. 196 12° Phil. 40 00 4 50 15 00 3 75 75 80 5s 1 25 1 75 1 50 6 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 5 00 1 25 2 00 16° Phil. 63 16° Bost. 75 8° Bost. 2 50 8° Bost. 10 00 12° Bost. ea. 1 50 12° Bost. 12° Bost. 16° Phil. 1 00 12° Phil. 2 00 12° Phil. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 75 12° N. Y. 2 00 Mathematics — Mechanics. 1 .V) •J • NJ 1 50 1 75 2 00 1 75 1 .'^» & 00 1 50 o. .Taoohi. Infant I)i>-t. (IIanok s rii-s). 12' N. Y. "5 StoHT. N'ursj'.H antl Xiirsin-,'. iiMil t'..iir otiHTS. I "J ^ Host. ea. \ 00 N'.T.li. Matornity (Ilonicropathic.) VJ° N. V. 2 25 Mathematics. Xol including KUvienlary Trxl-IifHtlt. Aii.;'ll. rraotical IMans and Solitl (Jeom«'try, (Kli'Mi. Sci. S«'ri«'s.) lO® N. Y. 75 Atkin.s. IVire MathoumticslAclv. Sci. Sories), Jvol.-J. Ijo lll«'(ls»^ N. V. HraillfV. rraotical IMans aiul Soliil (leomotrv, (A.Iv. Sci. Series.) ' 1-Jo X. Y. C'liauvenet. Mcthotl of I.ea.st Squares. 8' Eienjents of (Jeoini'try. 12* riaiie and .Spher. Triixonnmetry. New eti. 8* Cointe. IMiilosophy of .Matiiematic's. 12° N. Y. l)avies. .Mathi-iii:itical Dictionary. 8° IVist. IxJjricof .Mathematics. 8° N. Y. Heather. Math. Instruments. (\Veale'9 series.) :» vols. 12° I^n.l. Kentish. Treati.se on a Box of Mathematical Instruments. 12° Phil. 1 50 S»Ti;eant. Pure .Mathematics, (Elem. Sci. Ser.) ltj° 75 Yiiiu'.:. .Vdvaiitai^es of .Mathematical Study. 12° I^md. is (W Mauritius. Beaton. Five Years in Mauritiu.s. 12° I.,<>nd. 7* M Bovle. Far Away; Sketcln's in Mauritius. 12° Ix»nil. 9« Pike. Sub-Tn>pical lUmblcs. 8° N. Y. 3 50 Maxims, etc. See also Tahle Talk. AllM-rt. Prince. Golden Precents. 18° Ix)nd. 2« C/ a. Colton. Lacon ; or Many Things in Few Words. 120 N. Y. 2 'x) Same. 1«° Phil. 1 25 I^ Rochefoucaidt. Maxim.s. 10° \/m\*\. 1 25 Napoleon. .>raxims. 10° L. ii. N. Y. 1 25 Tetjjf. Laconics. 18° Ix>nd. \$ Mechanics. See also Enrfineering ; Inventions ; Maekinfru: Manm- Jtirturi-i : Perpetual Motion; Steam Engine; Tech. Amateur Mechanics* Worksliop. 8* I. ' '^ Art* and .Manuf. Technol. Pocket Diet. 3 v. I ■•mI. Axon. Mechanics Frien'ch;uiii-. f*^ L. S .N Bartlett. Analytical Mech.it. ;^ 8« N. Y. Synthetic "M ' R" V. Y. Burly. *Ch-fsd*(I : . lustrial Arta. 111."^ b-nd. Bvme. Practical >!• • n.u ns. 12" Phil • ■''• Davidson. Boy'.s Joiner and Model-Makcr. 4° I^ k S. Y. 2 60 1 '>7 Medals — ^Mesmerism. England's Workshoi^s. 12° Lond. 1 50 Five Ulack Arts (Printing, Gas, Glass, etc.) 12° X. Y. 2 25 Goodeve. Elements of Mechanism. 12° Lond. 1 75 Harrison. Mechanics' Tool Book. 12° X. Y. 2 50 Haswell. Engineer's and Mec. Pocket Book. 18° X. Y. 3 00 Jellett. Theory of Friction. 8° Lond. 8s Gd Knight. ^Mechanician and Constructor, for Engineers. 4° Lond. 20 00 Knight. American Mechanical Diet. 3 vols. 8° X. Y. 24 00 Lardner. ^lechanics. 12° Lond. 5s Morin. Practical Treatise on Mech. Trans. 8° 3 00 Kystrom. Pocket-Book of Mech. and Engin. 12° Phil. 2 50 - Iland-Book of Mech. and Engineer. 12° Phil. 3 50 Force of Falling Bodies. 25 Pickert & Metcalf . Art of Graining. 8° N. Y. 10 00 Eankin. Applied Mechanics. 8° Lond. 6 25 Revnolds. Applied Mech. (Adv. Sci. Series.) 12° X. Y. 1 50 Riddell. The Practical Carpenter and Joiner. f° Phil. 10 00 Kossiter. Applied Mechanics (Elem. Sci. Ser.)16° N. Y. 75 Theoretical Mech. (Elem. Sci. Ser.) 16° N. Y. 75 Shelley. Workshop A]-.pliances. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Shepard. Calico Printing. 2 00 Tait. Theoretical Mech. (Adv. Sci. Ser.) 12°N.Y. 1 50 Tompkins. Machine Construction and Draw- ing (Elem. Sci. Ser.) 16° N. Y. 75 Same. (Adv. Sci. Ser.) 12° N. Y. 1 50 Willis. Principles of IMechanism. 12° Lond. G 50 Wyatt. Industrial Arts of 19 Century. 2 vols, f ° Lond. 50 00 Young Mechanic. 12° N. Y. 1 75 Medals. See Numisinatics. Medicine. See Health, Maternity. Meditations. See Devotion. Mediterranean, Levant, Islands . See also Malta, Crete, Sfc. Adams. The Nile and Malta. 8° Lond. 16s Bennett. Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean. 12° N. Y. 3 50 Bidwell. Balearic Islands. Cr. 8° Lond. 10s M Cox. Search for Winter Sunbeams. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Cnrzon. IMonasteries in the Levant. 12° Lond. 1.5s Newton. In the Levant, 2 vols. R. 8° Lond. 7 00 Memoirs. See Biography. Mental Science. See Metaphysics ; Mind and Body; Phrenology. Mercantile. See Business. Mesmerism. See Animal Maniietism. 198 Metallurgy— MeUphysloa. Metallurgy. — See also Electro MeUillur«Ttie9, etc. 12° Loiiil. 1 75 liodeiiiaii. Treatise on A.ssayiiiij. 12° N. Y. 2 .VI (;re«'nwiM)i|. Mttalluriry (Adv. S<-i. Ser.) 12" 1 TiO (Mi.llier. Metallie Alloys. 'I'r. I.y iM'sipict. 12" Phil. Keil. I'ruotical I reati.se on M.-tallurpy. 3 vols. 8° I^nd. 30 00 Ku.-^tel. K, Metallurgy of Silver Ore.s". 8° N. Y. .'i 00 Concentration of Ores. 8" San Fr. t SO IwinjlM.rn. .Metallurirv of Copper, 12° L. & N. 1 00 Silver an. 1 I..-ad. 12° L. «c .V. 1 00 Makins. Manual of M. Illust. 1 vol. P. 8° liphy of Mind. 4 vols. 8° I^nd. Bo««thius. Coimolationsof Philosophy. 12° Bohn 2 00 Boole. I^ws of Thought. 8° Ix)nd. 6 00 Bowne. Philosophy of Herbert Sponccr. (Against it). 12° X. Y. 1 .•.'. Brown. Philosophy of Human Mind. 4 vols. 8° I^md. JH 00 Calilerwood. Philosophy of the Infinite. 8° l^iid. 7*. 6«/. Corker. Christianity and Gre«'k Philcxiophy. 8° X. Y. 2 75 Can-y. Tnily of Imw. 8° Pliila. 8 50 Chnlyhau.1. Sjw'culative Philosophy. Kant to Hegel. ' 12° An.lor. I 50 Cousin. Psvcholngv. 12° X. Y- 1 75 Counw'of Mo4l'. Philos., 2 vols. 8° X. Y. 4 00 199 Metaphysics. Cudworth. Intellectual System of the Uni verse, 3 vols. Fichte. Works. 2 vols. Science of Knowledge, Fiske. Cosmic Philosophy. 2 vols. Unseen World. Fleming. Vocabulary of Philosophy. Frothingham. Transcendentalism in New England. Grote. Aristotle. 2 vols. Plato and Compan's of Socrates. 3 vols. Hamilton. ]\Ietaphysics. Same, ed. by Bowen. Philos. of. By O. W. Wight. Outlines of. Murray & McCosh. Haven. Mental Philosphy. Hazard. Freedom of the Will. Henry. History of Philosophy. 2 vols. Hickok. Empirical Psychology. Rational Psychology. Hobbes. Works. 11 vols. Jevons. Principles of Science. Kant. Critical Philosophy for English Read- ers. By jNIahaffy. .3 vols. Lewes. Biographical History of Philosophy. Locke. Philosophical Works. 2 vols. On the Understanding. Maccall. The Newest Materialism. McCosh. Metaphysics. Defence of Fundamental Truth. Examination of Mill's Philosophy. Intuitions of the Mind. Philosopliical Papers. Laws of Discursive Thought. Scottish Philosophy. Mansel. ^letaphysics. Philosophy of the Conditioned. Martineau, J. JNIind in Nature and Intuition in Man, a Lecture. Mas.son. R-cent British Philosophy. Mill. Examination of Hamilton. 2 vols. Plato. Dialogues, tr. and ed . by Jowett. 4 v. Cr. -^ Index to 2d Edition. By Abbott. Translated by Cary, etc. 6 vols. Porter. The Hun'ian Intellect. Elem. of Intell. Phil, (abridged from above) Cr. Potter. Religious Philosophy. Reid. Intellectual Powers. 200 8° Lond. 24 s 12° Lond. 20s 12° Phil. 2 00 8° Bost. 6 00 12° Bost. 2 00 12° Lond. 4s Qd 8° N. Y. 2 50 8° Lond. 32s 8° Lond. 45s 8° N. Y. 3 50 8° Bost. 2 00 8° N. Y. 2 00 18° N.Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 60 Schen. 2 50 8° Lond. 110s 8° N. Y. 5 00 8° Lond. 30s 8° N. Y. 3 50 12° Bohn 3 50 8° N. Y. 2 00 12° Lond. 5s 8° Lond. 12s 8° N. Y. 3 00 12° Lond. 7s Gd 8° N. Y. 3 00 8° Lond. 3s Gd 8° Lond. 12s 8° N. Y. 4 00 12° N. Y. 1 75 8° N. Y. 2 50 8° Lond. Is 12° Lond. 1 25 8° N. Y. 5 00 8° N. Y. 8 00 N Y. 1 25 12° Bohn 15 00 8° N. Y. 5 00 8° N. Y. 3 00 8° Phila. 2 00 8° Lond. 5s Meteorology— Mexico. 'J>M CoHocte*! Works. By Hamilton. 8«> I>in.I. Kihot. rsyoholoiry. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Kitt.-r. History of Ancient I'hilosophy. 4 v, (Uf. 4J» Kii.xli. .\ii;il. ot Iluin.'in Int»'lltvt. ' 8^ I'liil.i. 7 .V) .Si.-h\v«'uliT. History of riiilo.sophv. Hv Stir- Hiiu. ' ' ■ 12^ N. Y. 2 .%») Sanio, translated Ity Seelyp. 12 X. Y. 1 '»«» Sliif'ltls. H<-lii;iuu.H St-i.-nco ami l*liilo9^ N. Y. To SjHMiccr. First I'rincipli-s. 12* N. Y. 2 50 rniv«-rs;il I'rmjrcss. 12" N'. Y. 2 ftO I'rinoiplfs of Psychology. 2 vols, 1J° N V. .', oO t>t«ji|i»'n. L«*slic. Knjjlisli Thought in the isth (■.'iitnry. 2 vols. N. Y. 8 00 Stewart, i'hilos.' oil. Itv Howen. 12" Host. 1 50 Stirlinij. Th.- S.-crct of H.-g.-I. 2 v..!-*. S« F^)n.I. 2H* Taiuf. On Iiit.'lli.:.'iic.'. trans. I>y IIiv •. s= N. V. f) 00 Tavli>r. Natural History of KnthusiaMa. 12^ X. Y. 1 50 Tyl'.-r. rn.grrss of I'hil.'.sophy. l2M'liil:i. 17.') I'.-Ihmw.'i:. History of Philosophy. 2 vols. S^ X. Y. 7 50 I'j.harn. .M.rital Philosophy. 2 vols. 12' X. Y. 3 (X) Same. al>ri«lg.Ml. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Vt'im. I>>gic of Chance. 12" I»nil. 3 75 \Vatt.s. On th- Min.l. 18" X. Y. 60 Wavland. Int.-Uoctual Philosophy. 8" N. Y. I 75 W.lVh. Faith an.l.Mo.l.rn Thought 12" N. Y. IM Wliat'ly. Lessons on the Mind. 12" 90 Meteorology. See also .Cliinalology . Arago. Meteorological Essays. 8" Ix)nd. 9 00 Hla>ius. ."^torms. 12" Phila. 2 50 Hpickl.-sliy. Meteorology. 12" F.on.|. 5# Pill. an. Hand Pric Svst.-m. 12" Xorw'k. 1 50 K iniMarion. Th.' Atinosph.-re. 8" X. Y. 00 (. . -.ii. Meteorographica. 4" L. \ X. 3 00 ll.iitwig. AeriaMVorld. 8" N. Y. 6 00 Kuskin. Queen of the Air. 12" N. Y. 1 00 Methodism. See Church History. Metric System. Paniard. M'-tric System. Davi.*}*. U.'ix)rt on M«'tric Sy»t. (af»ain.'xict>. 8» N. Y. 12^ N. Y. HV^ Phila. ^ X. Y. 3 00 1 50 40 80 s X. Y. 5 00 8" Ix>nd. 201 3 00 Michigan — Middle Ages. Cortes. Letters and Despatches. By Folsom. 8° N. Y. Elten. "With the French in Mexico. 8° N. & P. 2 75 Hall. Maximilian I. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Haven. Our Next Door Xei.sfhbor. 12° N. Y. 3 50 Keratry. Maximilian — His Rise and Fall. 8° Lond. lO.s- ffd a. Prescott. History of Conquest of Mexico. 3 v. 8° Phila. 7 50 Ruxton. Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 12° Lond. Ss 6d Salm-Salm. Diary in Mexico. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 24s b. Taylor. Bavard. Eldorado : Mexico and Cali- fornia". 12° N. Y. 1 50 b. Tylor. Anahuac. Mexico and the Mexicans. 8° Loud. 12.s Wilson. New Hist, of Conq. of Mexico. 8° Phila. 3 00 "Wise. Los Gringos : Mex. and California. 12° X. Y. 1 25 Michigan. Lanman. History of Michigan. 16° X. Y. 75 Sheldon. History of Michigan. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Microscope. b. Beale. How to "U^ork with the Microscope. 8° Lond. 7 50 Brocklesby. Views of ^Microscopic World. 8° X. Y. 1 25 b. Carpenter. The Mi. and its Revelations. 8° Lond. 5 25 Clarke. Objects for the Microscope. 12° Lond. 1 75 a. Davies. Preparations, etc., of Mi. Objects. 12° X. Y. 1 25 a, Frey. The Microscope. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Gosse. Evenings with the Microscope. 12° Loud. 1 50 Griffith & Henfrey. Micrographical Diet. 8° Lond. 22 .50 Element. Text Book of Mi. 12° Lond. 3 75 Hogg. History, etc., of the Microscope. 8° Lond. 3 50 Laukester. Half Hours with the Microscope.l2° Bost. 1 25 Larduer. Microscope. 12° Lond. 2-5.'? Martin. Microscopic ^Mounting. 3 00 b. ^Microscopic Objects. 8° Lond. lis Phin. Practical Hints on the Microscope. 12° X. Y. 75 a, Quekett. Use of the Microscope. 8° Loud. 6 25 Schacht. Microscope and "Vegetable Physi- ology. " 8° Lond. 5s Slack. Marvels of Pond Life (Infusoria). 12° Lond. 2 50 Somerville. Microscopic Science. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 10 00 Tyson. Intro, to Practical Histology. 16° Phila. 75 Ward. The ^Microscope. 8° Lond. 1 75 Wood. Objects for the Microscope. 12° Lond. 1 25 Wood. Mrs. ^Microscopic Teachings. 4° Loud. 5 00 Middle Ages. b. Froissart. Chronicles. Illustrated. 2 vols. R. 8° X. Y. 12 00 Globe Edition. Cr. 8° N. Y. 1 75 Gould. IMyths of the :Mid. Ages. 2 vols. 12° L. & P. 2 50 b. Ilallam. Europe during Middle Ages. 3 vols.l2° X. Y. 5 25 o. Cheap ed. 1 vol. 12° Lond. 2 50 202 Military Art— Mind nnd Body State i»f S«KMfty in Miiid. IJi Moiisticlet. I'hrniiii-l.'s. Illiist. 2 vols. R. N^ .\. Y. 1» 00 Futz & .Vrnol.l. .Medi;eval History. iL'^ X. Y. a. U«>l>ertsuii. View of Kiiropf in .Middle Ages. S*' N. Y. S.liiiiit7.. The .Middle .\i,'.-s. 2 v.ds. 8° Lond. Wright. The lloines of the Middle Ages. ' lllus. 8» Lond. Same. 12° N. Y. Military Art, History, etc. See also Anns ; Battles. lUltUof l)..rkin:,'. 12° .\. V. t'lau.s<'\vit/.. On ^Var. 3 vols, complete in one. 40 I^ond. I)riiik\vat«r. Sii-pe of (liliraltar. 12° Lond. a. ILunley. Operations of War Explained and lilu.strat«HL 4° Lond. Ila/fii. Si'luHd and .Vrmv in Clerm. & France, a. .lomini. The Art of War. 12° I'hila. Lippitt. Tactieal I's*' of the Three Arms. 12° N. Y. Maehiavelli. Art of War. 8° Lond. XaiK)leon 1st. Military Maxims. Translated hy n'A.unilar. 1U° Dublin. Owen, rrinciples and Practice of Modern Artilhrv. 8° Ixmd. l.'u Robson. (neat .SL-^j.-s of IlisUiry. 12° L. & N. Y. 2 00 Scott. Military Dictionary. 8° N*. Y. «I 00 Tennent. Th.-" History of 'the Guns. 12° Loml. 7ttU Upton. Infantry laelics. S<]. 16« N. Y. 2 00 Tactics for Non-Military Hodies. (Proce.-*- sions, etc.) 12° .V. Y. 1 HO ViolIet-lt-Duc. Annal.4 of a Fortress. Trans. S° U<»st. .'> 00 b. Military Architecture. 8° Oil. 21* Milk. See umler Agriculture. Mind and Body. See also Metaphysics. n.iiii. Mind and lUidv. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Cari-'iil.T. Mental I'liysi-d-nrv. 12^ N. Y 3 00 I'nconscious Aetion of Arain ami Epid. D.IuHion.«i. Paper. 12"' 25 Cox. Mcehanism of Man. 2 vols. 8° I-nnd. #a. \(U fl«/ a. Gallon. Il-r.-ditarv (;enius. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Kngli.-^hmen of Science, etc. 12° N. Y. 1 00 203 1 50 2 00 TiOn. Foreiifn Missions; thi'ir ClaiiiiH, <'tc. \'2° BiwU I 50 lIisU)ry of Missions of A. R. C. K. M. H° iLwl. 1 M MaiU'ii. Christian Miss, in MiiMlo Agea.l'J'' Camb. liu (Ul Marshall. Ciiristian Missions. 2 vols. h° V. Y. fi (10 Missionary WnrM. Cr. n N ^ •_' 50 MulliT. On .Missions. ^ N. y. \ OO Murray. 40 Yoars in I'olyn.'sia an^ N. Y. Shea. Discov. of the Mississippi Valh'V. S*' N. Y. Early Voya'.^i'S on the Missi.ssippi. -P .\lliaiiy. Missouri. I'ark.r. .Missouri in 1SG7. b" I'liiLi. .1 50 Mohammed, Mohammedaniam. How.n. Mc.hanmv.lanisMi in India. Cr. 8° L. «t X. Y. 75 Hrown, J. 1*. lli.-torv of iKrvishes. 12" I'hila. 3 50 Uu-sh. Life of .Mahomet. \b° N. Y. 75 Green. Life of .Mahuin.'t. is^ Lon.l. a»»W a. Irvinij. Mohainnn'il & his Successors. 2 vols. 12° \. Y. 4 50 IVopl.-'s IMition. 2 vols. 1«I° N. Y. 2 50 Koran. Translated ».>• Sale. 8° I'hil.i. 2 75 Translat.d J-v Uodwell. S" I/ind. 12« Moulvi. Lif.-and 'reaehinirof Mahummed. P. 8° I^n.l. 0$ b. Muir. Life of M. and History of Islam, t v. 8<> Ix»iul. 42* Neale. Islainisni. 2 voU. ' H° IxMid. 21* a. Ockley. Historv of the .Saracens. 12" liohn 175 Smith, H. It. .Mohammed and Mohammedan- ism. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Taylor. Ilistor}' of Mohammedanism. 12'^ I.A>nd. i* Molluscs. >■<" Conchology. Monastics. Day. Mona.'«tic Instit'itioni. 8° Ix>nmbard Street 12* N. Y. 1 ' 205 Monograms — Moral Science. Bageliot. A Universal Money. 8° Lond, Bonnet. The Example of France. (German Indemnity, etc.). paper. Crump. Key to the London Money Market. a. Jevons. Money and Mechanism of Exchange. IMcCuUoch. Money and Banks. Mann. Paper Money the Root of Evil. Moran. Money. Price. Currency and Banking. Seyd. Metallic Currency of the U. S. Schuckers. The Question of Resumption. Spaulding. History of Legal Tender. h. Sumner. History of American Currency. a. \\'ells. Robinson Crusoe's Money. White. Paper M. Inflation in France, paper. Monograms. See Alphabets, etc. Moon. See Astronomy. Moral Science. Abercrombie. Philos. of Moral Feelings. Alden. Christian Ethics. Antoninus. Thoughts. Birks. First Principles of Moral Science. Blackie. Four Phases of Morals. Calderwood. Handbook of Moral Philosophy, P b. Coleridge. Aids to Reflection. The Friend, (3 vols. Lond.). Combe. Moral Philosophy. h. Cousin. The True, Beautiful and Good. Trans, by Wight. a. Day. Science of Ethics. Dodsley. Economy of Human Life. Duties of Life. Hints on Character, by emi- nent Divines. Dymond. Principles of Morality. Epictetus. ]\Iorals. Fichte. Science of Right. Grote. Fragments on Ethical Subjects. Ilaro. Guesses at Trutli. Haven. ]\Ioral Philosoi)hy. Hickok. !Moial Science. b. Hopkins. Moral Science. Law of Love. a. Lecky. Hist, of European ]\Iorals. 2 vols. McCosh. Outlines of Moral Philosophy. Maurice. Social IMorality. The Conscience. Cr 206 N. Y. 50 4° Lond. 12s Qd 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° Edin. 5s 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 1 50 1 00 12° Phil. 1 25 8° Buffalo. 1 50 12° N. Y. ■6 00 8° N. Y. 1 00 8° N. Y. 50 18° N. Y. 75 12° N. Y. 1 25 16° Bost. 1 50 12° L. & N. Y. 3 00 12° X. Y. 1 50 '. 8° Lond. 6s 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° X. Y. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 75 * 8° X. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 50 Phila. 60 12° Lond. 3s 6d 8° N. Y. 1 25 12° Bost. 2 50 12° Phila. 2 00 8° Lond. 12° Bost. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 60 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° Bost. 1 75 8° K Y. 6 00 8° 3 50 8° 1 75 Mormona and Utali — Musia Muuricc Moral and Motapliysical Philosophy 2 vols. Paloy. Moral riulosopliy. Pt'llioo. Duties of Y'ouiiij Men. Seiieea. Morals. Siilijwiek. Methods of Ethics. Smith, Sydney. Sketches of Moral Philoso phy. Thornton. O!d-fa.shioneil Ethics. 'ruj>|x'r. IVoverliial I'liilosophy, var. ed. Wayland. Mmal Sci.-nce. The Same, ahridi^'etl. Whewejl. Elen>entj$ of Morality. 2 vols. Wuttke. Christian Ethics. 2 vols. Mormons aud Utah. Hnrt'in. The Cityi>f the Saints. Dixon. Sjiiritual Wives. Ferris. ^lormons at Home. (iunnison. Tlie Mormons. St«'nhouse. Polyijamy in Utah. Tucker. Oriijin, Rise and Progress of Mor monism. Younjj. Wife Number 1!». Morocco. See alto Africa, Xorthem. ll;iy. Monicco and the Moors. Ili'dijkin. Journey to .Morocco. I^'an-d. Morocco ami th>' Moors. IVrri'T. Winter in .Morocco. Municipal Ooverument. dross. Townsiiip Ortjanization. llerrick. T*)\vn ami Parish Ollicers. Maine. Villa:,'e I'onunitte'-s, etc. Pomeroy. Intrud. t«i Municipal Law. Music. Sfe also Singing. Ik>wman & Dana. Household H.»k of Sonjfs. 4® N. Y. 2 00 (.'hap|>«II. Hi-torv of .Music. — vols. 8<' Iximl.^a. 1Q< popular Musjc of OMi-n Time. 2 vols. Choni'-t. .Music, Ilealtli and Life. Chorl'-y. Mfxh-rn (Jerman .Music. 2 voU. Edwards. History of the 0|H'ra. 2 voN. Eni^id. Music of the nioHt .Vnetfut N.itioim. Hart. The Violin, ils K.imous .NLikers, itc. Hawi'is, Mu-ie .iiid Mnr.ils. Helmholt/.. Ton- an I'hyxieal ILv"*!* for M. Ilogsirth. History of .Music, b" X. Y. 2 vol.*. 12 8<» Und. P2* Ikv 1 -) 76 P20 Loud. Ij b" N. Y. 4 00 8° IxMl.l. 7< 8° l^md. 10^0./ L. & \. 75c. to IN) 12" N. Y. 1 r:. i«;^ .\. V. T'l 12= N. V. 2 'HI 12-' N. Y. a oo 8« N. Y. 3 W 8° Philn. 2 00 P2» N. Y. 12° Phi la. 75 1 50 )r- 12« 1 25 8° HartL a 00 12^ F^.nd. 2i S" lA.nd. 21« 8« Uud. 18« P. 8« Loud. 3<0.nd. 21« ^ l.-.nd. 1<1«(W ^ V V. 1- 1 no 12 J.. ....I. IkmOJ 207 Mysticism — Names. Hopkins. History of the Organ. K. Hueifer. Wagner and ]\lusic of the Future. IIuHah. History of INIodern Music. Joyce. Ancient Irish Music. K. JMoore. Encyclop. of Music. paper. Moscheles. Kecent ^Nlusic and Musicians. Otte. Structure and Preserv. of the Violin. Ousoley. Counterpoint, Canon and Fugue. Treatise on Harmony. Rimbault. The Piano Forte. R. Ritter. H. of ]Music. Stainer & Barrett. Diet, of ]M. Terms. L. Wagner. Art Life and Theories. Rudiniental Lessons in M. Weber. Musical Composition. 2 vols. Wieck. Piano and Song. Zundel. Harmony and Composition. Mysticism. — See also Supernaturalism. Keble. Mj-sticism of the Fathers. Vaughan. Hours with the Mystics. 2 vols. 12° Lond. 12s 8° Lond. 2,UM 8° Lond. \2s 12° Lond. ^sQd 8° Lond. 45 kQsQd 8° Post. 1 2.5 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° Lond. 4.? 4° Oxf. 6 00 4° Oxf. 4 50 4° Lond. 365. 12° Lond. IsQd 8° Lond. 12° N. Y. 2 00 12° K Y. 1 00 8° Post. 12° Post. 1 25 8° N. Y. Mythology. See Classical Dictionaries, Legends. Adams. Roman Antiquities. Brinton. ]\Iyths of the New World. Pulfinch. The Age of Fable, etc. 3 vols. Cox. Hand Pook of Mythology. i. Mytliology of the Aryan Nations. 2 vols. Dwight. Ancient ]Mythology. Tales of Ancient Greece. Fiske. i\Iyths and IMyth-Makers. Gill. ]\Iytlis and Songs from South Pacific. 6. Gubernatis. Zoological Mythology. a. Keightley. Fairy Mythology. a. Ancient ]\Iythoiogy. Murray. Manual of :^iythology. Illust. Cr Serpent Symbol. Northern Mythology. .3 vols. Squier. h. Thorpe. White. Student's Manual of Mythology, Names. Brewer. b. Lower. 8° Phila. 8° N. Y. 8° Bost. 16° Lond. 8° Lond. 8° N. Y. 12° Bost. 12° Bost. 8° Lond. 8° N. Y. 12° Bohn. 8° X. Y. 8° N. Y. 8° N. Y. 8° Lond. 12° N. Y. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 8° N. Y. Dictionary of Family Names. 2 vols. 12° Lond. Edmund.s. Nanie,s and Places. Salverte. History of Names. 2 vols. Thomas. Hand ISook of P'ictitious Names. a. Wheeler. Diet, of Noted Names of Fiction Yonge. Hist, of Cliristian Names. 2 vols. 208 12° Lond. 8° Lond. ea 8° Lond. 12° Bost. 8° Lond. 2 50 2 50 3 GO 35 Qd 285 3 2 2 4 8 2 00 75 00 50 00 50 5 00 2 25 2 50 24s 1 25 3 50 12s 7s Qd 125 7s Qd 2 50 21s Naples — Natural History. Naples. See Italy. Napoleou. S>-e tiwltr Itioijmphy ; aL. Narcotio.s and Stiinulaiit.s. 8** Ixind. 14i a. Ht-anl. Stiiniilaiit.s ainl Naifotic-s. 12° X. Y. 75 ("alkiii.s. Opium ami tlu' Opimn Hal.it. IJ"^ Pliila. 175 C'«K>k«*. Scvfii Si.stt'is of Sl.'cp. 1-j^ IamuI. 7« QJ Faiiiiolt. Titbaooo. \ts History, ot<\ Illiw. 1J° L<»inl. ft» b. Fisko. Tohaoco and Alcolioi (in favor). 1 P N. Y. 1 00 (irisi'om. l's<« of Toltacco. paper. 32-' N. Y. 25 Jttiiif.s VI. Coimt'T IJlasto to Tobacco. ItJitl. (ArlM«r Rt'priiit.s). 1

    kinp, wht.'n Injurious, when H.'iu'ticial. 12*» Ix)nd. 1* Opium Ilat.it : sui,'£jostion.s a.s to Kemcdy. 12° \. Y. 1 75 o. I'artoii. Smokin-j aud Drinking. \iP Host. I 00 Natal. Mann. 1 ii- (...lony of Xatal. 12^ Loud. 21i Shoot«'r. Natal an«l Zulu Katii-s. 8° Ixmd. &f Natural History. See al.*o liiolot/f/ ; Darwinism ; Instinct ; Ocean ; 'I'lxiili liny ; and names of sii/mnlinale ilr/Hirtmenls, as liotang, Mummalia ; Ornithology ; Znnloijy ; ami names of animals, etc. Adams, W. II. Picturcsqui' Objects of Natu- ral History. S° Loud. 3 00 a. Apissi/. L. Mt'thods of Studv in Natural Hist..ry. ' 1C° Ikist, ' 1 75 Contributions to tln» Natural Hi.story of the I'nit.d .^tat.-s. Vols. 1 to 1. 1° It.wt, ea. 12 00 K. ('. & A. .Seaside .^tudioj in Natural History. S* hmL 3 00 Mrs. ( Actma). First I.,o»son.sin Nat. Hist 12° Ho«t. 1 .'>«» lUart. Aclv«'nture.s of a Younp Naturali.st. 12'' N. Y. 1 75 IJro«!erii>. 1.,4-ave.H from Not« H'K)k of a Nat- uralist. 12° I^nd. !<»• (W Buckland. Curimitie« of Nat. Hist. 4 scrioa. 12° I»ut|, ea. 3« (W Lo-^ Ii.M.k of ,\ Fishi-rnian aud Zoologist. 12^ I»n«l. &• a. Burn>u;:hs. Wak- Robin. Irt" N. Y. 1 60 C*a.s.Heir.s popular Natural History. 4 vo|«. 8^ \. Y. ' "^ "' Chadl»ounn>. Lectures on Natural History. 1- N' V. b. ('.«.i-r. I{ - ' M .. ' ! ' ^ ^ |)ana. On / >arches in iho Voyagi* of the l»-.apl-. 12^ N. Y. 2 00 b. De Vere. Stray Ix>aves of the Book of Nature. 12° N. Y. I fiO J09 Natural History. Duncan. Sacred Philos. of Seasons. 4 vols. 12° N. Y. 6 00 b. Fipuier. Earth and Sea. Ti-ans. by Adams. 8° L. & N. Y. 8 00 Goldsmith. Earth and Animated Xature. 2 vols. S° Phila. 5 00 Good. Tlie Book of Xature. 8° Hartf. 3 00 Gosse. Romance of Natural History. 12° Bost. 1 75 Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science. 8° Bost. 2 50 Hartwig. Harmonies of Xature. 8° Lond. 10 00 The Tropical World. 8° Lond. 2U The Polar World. 8° Lond. 2l5 Hooker. Child's Book of Xature. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Xatural History. 12° X\ Y. 1 50 Hewitt. Sketches of Xatural History. Illust. by Giacomelli. sm. 4° L. & X\ Y. 3 00 b. Jardine. Xaturalist's Library. Col'd plates. 42 Vols. 12° L. £10 10s Jesse. Gleanings in Xatural History. 12° Lond. 55 Kingsley. Glaucus : AVonders of Sea-shore. 16° Bost. 75 Lannoy. The Sublime in Xature. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Lewes. Sea-side Studies. 8° Lond. 6s Qd Martin. Xatural History. 2 vols. 12° X. Y. 4 00 Maunder. Treasury of Xatural History. 18° L. & X. 4 00 Mavnard. Xaturalist's Guide. 12° Bost. 2 00 Michelet. Xature. $7.50 and 12 50 a. Milner. The Galleiy of Xature. Illust. R. 8° Lond. 8 00 Museum of Xatural History, with Illus. on wood. 2 vols. f° Lond. 34s Xatural History of the State of X. Y. 21 vols. 4° Alb. 126 00 b. Pouchet. The Universe. Illust. R. 8° L. & X. 12 00 Reeve. Pop. Xat. Histories. Illust. 16 vols. 16° Lond. ea. 2 75 Romer ; Anecdotal and Descrij^tive Xatural History. P. 8° Lond. 5s Taylor. Half-Hours in Green Lanes. 12° Lond. 4s Xotes on Collecting and Preserving Xat. Hist. Objects. 12° Lond. 3s Qd Tenney. Manual of Xatural History. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Waterton. Wanderings of a Xaturalist. 12° Lond. 5s Wells. Xatural Philosophy. 12° X". Y. 1 60 White. Xat. Hist, of Selborne. 12° Lond. 2 25 Same. Xew Ed. Xotes by Buckland, ^ etc. 8° L. & X. Y. 31s Gd Wood. J. G., Homes without Hands. 8° X. Y. 4 50 Man and Beast, Here and Hereafter. 12° Lond. 6s Qd b. Xatural History. 3 vols. R. 8° L. & X. 21 00 a. Same. Abridged. 12° L. & X. 1 on Out of Doors. p. 8° 7s 6^/ Strange DweUings. 8° Lond. 7s Qd Trespassers. 3 qo 210 Natural Science- l'2° HoHt. M. 2 00 IJ^ rhila. 2 25 1-J° X. Y. ^ L..n.I. (KU l^ \. Y. 75 ^ l...i,.I. n 75 IJ N V. I 25 iJ N. V. •J IK) N I,..„.|. r.. s^ S.Wea . 1 75 H° N. Y. (I 50 s^ I^m.l. 12« Ph/ IJ \. Y. I .V) is^ N. Y. 1 (N) 12« Bo8t. I 50 S* Loiul. 2* 0*/ 1-J° I-. fi N. Y. 00 1-J° \. Y. 1 75 vSo Lon.l. 15. Natxiral Science, Oenerally. Inrluilinij Xatural /" a Annual of St-ifiititic Disoovory. Ktlitetl by Wi'lls un. Challis. .MathiMnatioal Prinfiplcs of riiysies. Di'schant'l. Natural I'liilo-sopliy. 1 Tart.s. b. C'oniplft*' in 1 Vol. Dircks. Niiturt* Study. KuliT. Natural I'liilosopliy. 2 Vols. a. Faraday. Tin* Various Forces of Matt-T. Flainniarion. St<>ri»'s of Intinitv. Fox. Ozone and Antozoiii'. Iljustrat»-d. a. Ganot. KleinenU of I'livsir.s, by Atkinson. Same. Edited by I'eek. fifovo. Corn-I.-itioii of IMiy.sieal Forces. a. (iuillemin. I'opular Introduction to Study of Forces of Nature. 'R, 8° I^nd. 31* Od Half- 1 lour U't-n-ations in Popular Science. Kdited l.v I). Rsu-.s. 8° liost. 2 50 Ilartwi.^. Il.irnioni.-s of Nature. Illust. b° I.. & N. Y. 7 50 Haydn. Dictionary of Science. 8° I.,ond. 18* Ileindioltz. Popular I.^x:tures on Scientific Subjects. 120 N. Y. 2 00 Henry. (Ijossary of Scientific Terms. 8" Lond. 8* (W o. Herschel. Familiar Lectures on ScieiUific Sul>- j.ets. 12® Ix)nd. ia» M Natural I'liilos^.phy. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Preliminary Di.sc. on Nat. Philosophy. 8^ I.ond. \Sg Manual of Scientific KiHiuiry. >» l,ond. 4 50 Huxley. ('riti<|ues and .Vildresses. IJ N ^. 1 50 a. Lay S-rmoim and Addresses. "^ N ^ 1 75 Cause of Ple-noiii'Mia in Ortjanic Nature. «- ixud. 2» (id a. Internatioii;d .S.i.-iitific S«'ries. l>v Tvndall. Huxley. SiMiH-er. Danvin. etc. "l8 vs. 12^ N V • ' '-' -JOO I^irdn-T. D. Mus. of .Vi. and .\rt. 6 vols. P. Cal.in-t Cv.lojM.di.i. 1:12 voN. V. - : -. : ' Cominoii 'riiini.'"«- 2 voIm. Hand llk of Nat. Pliilor.ophy. 1 vols. Natural Philosophy. I' Phynies. h. Library of Wondein. Vol. 1 to 22. 211 l»n. IWitl.T. .\iiiil(.o;y of U.'lii,'iou. 12® N. V. I 50 l>. l{ri«lj;>'\v!it«'r Tri-atis^-s on I'owcr ninl Wi.sfloni of (io.l in Cn-ation. S trcati.Hfs in 11 vol.-*. 12" Ik>hu 5a« a. Clianrnt'. Natural Thcojojry. 12"^ N. Y. 1 50 CluiInxTs. Atlaptation of Nature t«i Man. N= rjiila. 2 50 Natural Tli.'olo-jy. 2 vols. 12"^ N. Y. 2 60 ■ I. Chilli. lleiK'ilicite : I'owor, Wi.vloM), and lli*- nevoliMice of tlit» Creator. IJ^ .N. Y. 2 IMJ Jackson, riiilosttphy of Natural Tlif'ojo^jv. U N. Y. .'J 00 McMillan. IJilile Tt'acliini,' in Natiin-. " !_' .N. Y. 2 <10 ".. Taley. Natural Theology. hi" Host. 1 75 Naval Architecture. See Shii/buiiiliny ; Yachting. Navigation. See Lighthouses ; Seivnannhip ; .Shipbuilding ; i'acnttng. Navy. >■"'■ under England, France, United St,ilf<. etc. Needlewrork. See also Lace. Ilan.l-Htx.k of N.-eiUowork. 8-^ Ijornl. It dd Plain Ne.-.n.work. 18° IamkI is W Pullan. La.ly'.s Manual of Fancy ^Vork. s^ N. Y. 2 JK) SU*i»h.'n». Lailies' (;ui Faiicv NVork. 12^ N. Y. 2 00 Ladies' Cui.le to Crochet. " ObI.I2^N. Y. 125 Warren. Trea.sures in Needlework. 12^ I»nd. 7« 6*/ Nestorians. a. (Irani. Tlie Nestorians : Th':> I /Ost Tribes. 12"^ N. Y. 1 '»*» Laurie. Dr. (Irani and Nfstorian.s. 12^ Host 1 75 Perkins. K>-sid»'nce among Nestorians. 8° And. 4 (X) Netherlands. See Holland. New England. »S** also Puritans. Drake. Nooks. &c.. of N«'w England Coa)nson. Twi'lve Years in New Zealand. I'J^ I>)Uil. 1» iV/ Nicaragua. See America, Central. Nile, The. See Eij>jpt. Nineveh. See abo Assyria. n. Layard. N'int'voh ami its Uemains. 2 vol.s. S° I.,<)nd. 'i'lt a. The same abridginl. 12° N. Y. 1 75 •• •• 12° Ixnid. 7* 0vlon ; Second Vi.sit. 8° I.^>n 00 '• •'• " •' 8° N. Y. 4 (M) The same, abriilged. 12° I-<>nd. Is ChI Tiie same, abridged. 12*^ N. V. 1 1T> Normandy. lUaikliurn. \iirniantory of Normandy and of Eng- land. Vols. 1. to IV. 8° Lend. ea. 5 12° bmd. 'i M 12° I/)nd. '2s G,l S^ I^.nd. 3iU 12' B..hn 2 50 8° Ilalif. 12° I^Mid. ai 0./ 10° liost. I 00 12° Und. A« lfl° Loud. i$ S* Unci. 9$ 215 Numismatics — Opti C8. 16° Lond. 6s 1 00 4° Phila. 10 00 8° Loud. 21s 8° Lond. 18s S° rhila. 3 50 8° Phila. 6 00 8° Phila. 6 00 Numismatics. a. Ackennan. Ancient and Modern Coins. Crosby. Early Coins of America. Part L Dickerson. Xumismatic ]\Ianual. b. Iluinphreys. Coin Collector's Manual. King. Early Christian Numismatics. Snowden. Ancient and Modern Coins. Medals. Mint Manual of Coins. Nursing. See Health ; Maternity. Object Lessons. Calkins. Xew Prim. Object Lessons. Mayo. Lessons on Objects. Sheldon. Object Lessons. Ocean. See Natural History. Adams. Monsters of the Deep. h. Do Vere. AVonders of the Deep. Illus. Figuier. Ocean World. Gosse. The Ocean. Hartwig. The Sea and its Living Wonders. Jones. The Broad Ocean and its Inhabitants.l2° L. & N h. Jordan. The Ocean, its Tides and Currents. Kirby. The Sea, and its Living Wonders. a. ]\laury. Physical Geography of the Sea. Mangin. i\Iysteries of the Ocean. lUust. Michelet. The Ocean. lUust. The Ocean. Imp Moquin-Tandon ; World of the Sea. a. Reclus. The Ocean. Sonrel. The Bottom of the Sea. h. Thompson. The Depths of the Sea. Illust. Oceanica. See Pacific ; Polynesia. Odd Fellows. See Secret Societies. Ohio. Carpenter & Arthur. History of Ohio. 18° Phila. 63 Lossing. Pictorial Description of Ohio. 8° N. Y. Eeid. Ohio in the War. 2 vols. R. 8° Cine. 10 00 Opium. See A^arcotics. Optics. See also Acoustics; Spectroscope. a. Airy. Undulatory Theory of Optics. 12° Lond. 2 50 Armit. Light as '^Motive Power, —vols. 8° Lond. ea. 15s Brewster. Treatise on Optics. 12° Lond. 3s 6d 216 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° Lond. 3s M 12° K Y. 1 75 8° Lond. 1 75 12° X. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 3 50 12° Lond. 4s Gd 8° X. Y. 6 00 12° L. & X. Y. 2 50 8° Lond. 21s 4° L. & X. 3 00 8° X. Y. 4 00 8° L. & X. Y. 6 00 12° X. Y. 1 50 8° X. Y. 6 00 8° X. Y. 5 00 8° X. Y. 6 00 12° X. Y. 1 50 8° X. Y. 9 00 12» I^.n.l .'utb/ S° I^.iul iQi s= L,„ul. 5« HP X. Y. 1 fiO 1-Jo N. Y. 2 Oi) IL'- N. Y. :. 1 Oratory. Hro\v«t«^r KuK-iiloscope. ( loM.'t. Tlif'Sfarclu's ou I.ijjht. Marion. WoiuitTS uf Optica. (Libr. of Won- dors.) Xugent. Troatise on Optics. a. rvtulall. On Radiation. Oratory. Sfe also Elocution ; Prenchinfj. Anii'iii'an Oratory ; Ilonry, Amos. Tinkni'v, I'te. ■ ■ s= I'hila. 2 50 Anv's, Works (Spoochos, etc.) s' Host. '^ tN) liakfr. lliMdini; Clult and Handy SjKraker. I'P U xt. 1 .V) Uautain. Kxt'injiort' .'^^>l'akin:;. V2^ ,\. Y. 1 'JO liriglit. SiHH-cliea. By Rogers. H^" I^.inl. 2.'a ** ' " 10« l^.nd. a* (W Sppochps Last 20 Years. Sq. K!" I/>nd. 1j Hurkf. Works (.">ijH>.'c-li.-i. etc.). 12 vols. N^ Host. .'lo (M» Calhoun. Sjweclies and Works. G vols. h^ \. Y. l.'» 00 Cicero. Orations, etc., \ vols. 12'^ Itohn lo 00 Oratory & Orators. 1J=' ii^ilin 2 50 Cliatiiani, Hurke & Krskine's Speeches. 1 vol. s° I'liil.-i. 2 75 (lay. Siw'.ehes and Lite, by Colton. 2 vols, so \. Y. 150 Cyelopn^dia of Anit-rican Kloqnence. 2 vols. h^ N. Y. 7 ix. Speeches, etc. 2 vols. S' .\. Y. .'. (Ml hickin.son. SjH'«-ches. 2 vols. 8*> N. Y. 5 (K» Kr-kine. Si«'..(hes & Life. 2 vols. 8® Lon.l. S OO 1. .tt. NNorks. 4 vols. 8« Rost. I'J 00 (.IiUtone. .SiH-eches on Pari. Reform. in° L-.ikI. IoO (; irich. .^.'l-ct Itritish Klo.iuence. S^ \. Y. 4 00 11 ;- -hold Ikiok of Irish KUpi.-nce. Illust, «=» N. Y. 5 00 K;:k! md. Patriotic Kloquence. 12° .\. Y. 1 75 M I uilay. Si>.^ech.-s. 2 vols. 8« N. Y. \ 50 Majjoon. Livint; Orators in America. 12° N. Y. 1 50 (Jratorsof th- R.'volntion. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Marshall. First Rook of Oratory. 12° N. Y. 1 M Maiirv. Rritiriples of Kloeves. Stndent's Own Sjvaker. 12*= N 1 OO Sarjjfnt. .'^tandar<^ ,''r. S|K'echos and Works, now publi * 217 Ordnance — Pacific Ocean. Theremin. Eloquence a Virtue. Trans, by Shedd. 12° Andov. 1 00 Webster. Speeches. .6 vols. 8° Bost. 18 00 Wiuthrop. Speeches and Addresses. Ordnance. See Arms. 8° Bost. 3 50 Oregon. Bulfiuch. Oregon and Eldorado. Irving. Astoria. 12° Bost. 16° $1.25 12° N. y. 2 50 2 50 Origin of Species. See Darwinism. Ornament. See Decorative Art. Ornithology. See also Cage Birds ; Natural History, etc. Adams. Humming Birds. Illust. 16° Lond. 1 60 &. Andnbon. Birds of America. Illust. 8 vols. R. 8° N. Y. 165 00 Bailey. Our Own Birds. 12° Phila. 1 50 a. Baird, etc. Xortli American Birds. Plates. Land Birds. 3 vols. Sm. 4° Bost. 30 00 Same. Plates colored by hand. 60 00 Cassin. Birds of California, Texas, etc. R. 8° Phila. 13 00 Coues. Key to Xorth American Birds. Illus. Imp. 8° Bost. 7 00 Field Ornithology. R. 8° Bost. 2 50 Figuier. Birds and Reptiles, Illust. 8° Loud. 4 50 Fla<;g. Birds and Seasons of New England. 8° Bost. 5 00 Howitt. Birds and Flowers. Illust. Sm. 4° L. & N. Y. 3 00 Jones. Book of Birds. Illust. 4 vols. R. 8° L. & N. ea. 3 50 Xatural Ilistorv of Birds. 12° Lond. 7s 6d Maynard. Birds of JFlorida. Illust. 4° Phila. 100 Ruskiii. Love's Meinie. Lectures on Birds. 12° X. Y. 75 Michelet. The Bird. Illust. R. 8° L. & N. Y. 6 00 Samuels. Ornithologv and Oology of New Enn-laud. "" 4° Bost. 6 00 a. Birds of New England. 8° Bost. 4 00 Same. Larger edition. Colored. 4° Bost. 9 00 to 25 00 Stanley. History of Birds. 12° Lond. 5s Qd I. AVilson. American Orjiithology. 3 vols. R. 8° Phila 75 00 Pacific Ocean. See also Polynesia. .Jones. Adventures in So. Pacific Ocean. 12° 1 50 INIarkham. Cruise of the Rosario. (New Hebrides.) 8° Lond. 16s Moresby. New Guinea and Polynesia ; Dis- coveries and Surveys. 8° Lond. 15s South Sea Bubbles. $.3 & 1 50 a. Stoildard. South Sea Sketches. 1 vol. 16° Bost. 1 50 i. Wilkes. U. S. Exploring Expedition. 5 vols. R. 8° Phila. 25 00 " " abridg. 1 V. S° Phila. 3 50 218 Paganism— Paraguay. Paganism. See Ueathenisin ; I't'tlns. Paiijtiug, Technical TreatlBes. For History, etc., set I'me Arts. iSaniikiil. Luiul.scaiH? r.iintiu^ in water colors. U. H<>uson. Science of Color. b. Hunu't. Treatise's on Tainting. Eilucationof tin* Eve. Practical Hints on Color. Cave, Mailanio. Color. Chase. Liindsca|>c anJ Sketching in Water Colors. Chevrenl. Laws of Coiitnvst in Ci)li>r. C.'lor. (ColM. lUiist.. .?;5.0().) Ka.>«tlak.'. History of Oil Painting. Ki>-lil. (Irannnar of (ilecorative) Coloring. Uuilini'Mits of Color. Fo.ster. Corn|>lete Course in W. Colors. Parts 1 to 8. ^.1 2.") c. Ol.l. Fusi'ii. L«'etiir's on Painting. 3 vols, o.jmpir. (iiilick iSc Tinilis. Painting, Popularly Kx- plainoil. llain'Tton. Th»» Painter's Camp. Ilaml Hook on Oil Paint., for Young .\rtist-s. llaviion. Lecture-s on Painting. 2 vols. (I. Il"warad. Colors. Sullv. Hint-s on Portrait Painting. Siu. Taylor, W. H. .""i. Krr.sco an. Waagen. HandlKHtkof Painting. 2 vola. W'o'xr. Animal Painting in Water Colors. Palieontology. See fieotogy. Palestine. .SV«f Holy Land. Paper Making. Herring. Paj>«'ranil I'.ip'r .M.ikmg. Varietie.s ant! Valu<' i>f PajM-r. Hofinann. Pa{MT Manulacture. Paraguay. nurt«>n. Battle-FieM.sof Paraguay, Ma.tt<-rman. Seven Yearn in Paraguay. .'v>>i.i ^^'a«hl>urn. History of Paraguay. 'J vols. 4"=' I^m.l. s (K) 4° b.n.l. 1.". o 12^ N. Y. 2 00 8=' Ix)nd. 1.M 12^ Ix.n.l. H« 4^ Host. .'i DO 4° \. Y. 2 :)0 12^ b.n.l. 2 .V) r f° Ixjud. 42 00 4° I 00 12° Ix>nd. 8^ Oxf. 8 00 8= IW.st. 3 50 8° Ixind. 4=' Ixjud. Sf 8» Ixind. 4° b.nd. 4» I-:di». 5 00 lo «0 7d* OJ 80 Ix>n(l. 8« I»n.L 8» lJ.«t. 219 \9m 7 90 Paris — Pennsylvania. K Y. 75 12° K Y. 1 00 16° Chic. 75 16° Bost. 1 25 Paris. See France. Parliamentary Law. a. Cusliiiig. Law and Pract. of Legisl. Assem. Jefferson. Manual of Pari. Practice. Roberts. Rules of Order. a. Robinson. Warrington's Manual. Parodies. See Poetry ; Humorous Works. Parsees. Franijee, D. The Parsees. 12° Loud. IDs Haug, M. Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsees. _ Bombay & L. Zend Avesta. English by Bleeck. 3 vols in 1. 8° Hertford, Eng. 8 00 Patagonia. Guinnard. Three Years' Slavery in Patagonia. 8° Lond. 10s 6rf Musters. At Home with the Patagonians. P. 8* Lond. 75 6d Patent La-w. Curtis. The Law of Patents. 8° Law. Patent and Copyright Laws. 8° N. Y. Pauperism. See also Charities. Bi'own. Repression of Vagrancy and Indis- criminate Ahnsgiving. 8° Lond. 6d Fawcett. Pauperism; its Causes and Reme- dies. 12° L. & N. 2 25 Jenkins. Ginx's Baby. 12° N. Y. 50 Tuckerman. Elevation of the Poor. 12° Bost. 1 50 Peninsular War. Londonderrv. Story of the Peninsular War. by Gleig. 8° Lond. 3s 6d a. Napier. Hist, of the Peninsular War. 5 vols. N. Y. 12 50 Southey. History of the Renins. War. 6 vols. 8° Lond. 63s Penmanship. See also Autography. Astle. Origin and Progress of Writing. 4° Lond. 55s iSIihis. Penman's Repository : 70 Alphabets. Lond. 7s 6c? Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Armor. Governors of Penn. $3, ^-1 & 4 50 Bowen. Pictorial Sketch Book of Penna. 8° Phila. Cornell. History of Penna. 8° Phila. 3 50 Keystone State. The Origin of the Appella- tion. 8° Phila. 1 50 220 Perfumery — Phonography. Fhilnilelphia and its Knvirons, 8® Phila. SO Syplier. ScIukjI History of IVnnsylvania. l"Jo I'hila. I 50 Perfumery. CiHiU'v. Tri'ati.si' nn riifuiiu'ry. 12° V\ii\.%. 1 50 l)ii.s,sauco. rractical (luid-* 12" I'hila. 5 00 Picss<>. Tlio Art of IVrfuiiu'ry. TJ** 1 •_>*» Periodicals. Srf Xetrspoperf. For List of, see Appemiit. Perpetual Motion. Dink.s. lVij..tiium M^.l.il.'. 'J vols. 12° J^n.I. 20* W Persia. Kiustwick. Thrt'C Wars in Persia. 2 vols. H° I.nn.l. is« FraziT. Historv of I't-rsia. iS" \. Y. T.'i (Jrnt*-. r.T.sian \Vars. from Ili.story of Groocc. 12° N. V. 1 50 a. Ka\vlin.s 00 Vaux. Persia to tin" Aral) coiujucst. (Anc. Hist, from uionunu>nt.s.) 12° N. Y. 1 <••» Watson. History of Persia to 1858. S® Lon.l. PerBf>ective. See Drawing. Peru. Hill. Travels in Peru and Mexico. 2 vols. IIutoliiiiMX). Two Years in Peru. 2 vols. Markliain. Rites and Laws of the Incas. (llakl. i^M^.) Prescott. II istttry of Conquest of Peru. 2 v. Tschudi. Travels in Peru. 1 Vega. Coniin.-nt.irif.s. Translated by Mark- ham. (Hakl. Sue.) 8° I^ind. Petroleum; Oil W^ells. Conr& Johns. Petmlia. 12° N. V. 3 00 Wright. The Oil Regions of Penn.sylvania. 12=' Phil ;i. 150 Philately. See Stamp Collecting. Philology. See Lnnguaif. Philosophy, Mental. See Metaphynica. Philosophy, Natural. S^e Xntural PhUotopkjf. Phcenicia. Keurirk. Pluenicia, with Map« and Plat4>s. 8* I/ind. 1 00 2^ N Y. 1 .v> Photography — Physical Geography. Hand Book of Phonography. Phonographic Dictionary. a. Munson. Complete Plionographer. Pitman. Manual of Phonography. Paper, SOc. Reporter's Companion. Paper, 1 00. Photography. a. Ayres. IIow to Paint Photographs. Delamotte. Photographic Practice. Hunt. Photographic Manual. a. Lea. Manual of Photography. Prince. ^Manual of Photographic Manipu. Sutton & Dawson. Diet, of Photography. Fowler. The Silver Sunbeam. Phrenology. Bain. Estimate of Phrenology. Boardman. Defence of Phrenology. Browne. Phrenology ; its application, etc., to Education. Combe. Elements of Phrenology. Lectures on Phrenolog3^ Jackson. Ethnology and Phrenology as Aid to the Historians. Marshall. Phrenologist among the Todas. Morgan. Skull and Brain ; their Lidications of Character. Phrenology; Proved, lllust. and Applied. a. Spurzheim. Phrenology. Physical Education- See Athletic Sports ; Gymnastics; etc. Physical Geography. See also Atlases ; Ocean; Volcanoes ; etc. Ansted. Physical Geography. 16° L. & X. Y. 3 00 World We Live In. 16° N. Y 75 Geikie. Physical Geography. (Sci . primers, vol. 4.) ~ 18° N. Y. 50 Guyot. Earth and iMan . 12° Bost. 175 Ilerschel. Pliysical Geography. 12° Edin. 7s Qd Iliggins. The Earth. Popular Physical Ge- ography. 18° Lond, 5s a. ]\Iacturk. Physical Geography. (Elem. Sci. Ser.) 16° N. Y. 75 ]\rangin. The Desert World. 8° Lond. 12s 6^/ a. Marsh. !^Lan and Nature. 8° N. Y. 3 00 a. Marsh. Earth as Modified by Human Ac- tion. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Michelet. The ISIountain. 6 00 Pouchet. The Universe. R. 8° L & NT Y I'' 00 222 12° Phila. 2 00 12° X. Y. 4 00 12° X. Y. 2 00 12° X. Y. 1 00 12° X. Y. 1 25 12° Phila. 1 50 12° X. Y. 50 8° Lond. 6s 8° Phila. 3 00 12° Lond. 3 25 12° Lond. 3 00 12° X. Y. 2 50 8° Lond. 9s 12° 1 50 12° Loud. 12s 6J 12° Lond. 3s M 12° X. Y. 1 50 12° 4s 6d 8° Lond. 21s 12° Lond. 3s 12° X. Y. 1 50 8° X. Y. 2 00 Physics— Phyaiology and Anatomy. V2° \auu\. aj 0./ 1J° N. Y. 1 •-•:> s^^ NY. 3 fH) IJ^ N. Y. 5 00 b. Ki'dus. The Enrtli : riiysieal rhenoniona of Lif«^ of tin- (Ilubo. •} vols. S" I.. S. N. Y. 7 (H) t'hfap fdition. - \ Y. tt 00 a. .S>ni.rvill.', Mrs. rhysicnl Ceournphy. 1- l...ii. Youii;;. riiysical Goojjrapliy. (Adv. Sci. Sor.) 12^ N. Y. I ui) Physics. Sff \atural Science. PhyBiognomy. Lavat«'r. Rssays on IMiysiojjnomy. IIlus. a. riiysinuiioniy. (.'otin.si*(l edition. Ut-dfu'ld. C'cMiparativf I'liysiognomy. Wills. Xfw l'hy.sii>;,'iiouiy. Physiology and Anatomy. See also Biology ; Ilmlth : MimlanJ lioilif ; Longtctti/. Anpi'll. Animal I'liysioloijy. (Klt-m. Sci. Scr.i 1«> N. Y. 7'» U.'.'ili.r. Mi.s.H. riiysioloi^'v and Calcsthenics. IJ^ N. Y. 1 (n) liiinton iSk Naplifvs. IVr.sonal Boauty. ' ' *"• "ins;. 2 00 i. t'ari>t'nt«'r. Iluniaii I'liysioloijy. ila. 5 50 Comparative riivsiolo^v. ; ..ila. 5 00 (1. Cl.-land. Animal riiv.sioloijv.' I Adv. Sci. Ser.) VJ" S. Y. 1 50 ('..ml..-. The C<.nstituti(«n 'of Man. 1-'^ N. Y. 1 <>0 Dalton. Human I'hvsioltn^-. 8° X. Y. 5 25 IMiy.sioloiry and" llyijiene. 12° X. Y. 150 a. DrajMT. Anat., IMiys., and llvgiene. s^ X. Y. 3 75 IMiy.sioloj^y. ' s^ N. Y. 5 fW The .same, nbridijed. IJ \ V. 1 50 a. Ferrier. Fimctitms of the Hrain. ^ N- V. 3 50 Frey. Compendium of IIist<>l(i;;y. n' .\. \. ■'> 5*» Fo.ster. riiv.siolopy. (Science primers.) lii^ X. V 50 llnxlev X VoiiniHiis. Klementiirv I'liy-siology and llyiriene. " 12° X. Y. 1 75 Lankest«r.' I'ractical I'hysi«>lo(rv. 12" l.,ond. 2* W I.4i%v>on. Manual of Popular I'liysiology. Il- lustrated. ' ISO I 00 I.* I'ih'ur. \Vondi'rs of the Human IkhIv. (Lil.r. of \V<.nders.) ' 12° X\ Y. a. I^'wes. riivsiolov'y of Common Life. 2 vols. 12° N. Y. I^M.nus. I'!lement.s of Anatomy and I'hvsi- oloey. ■ 12^^ \. Y. ^. Marshall*. Outlines of Thysiolopy. 3 Tol.s. IH l..>n.l. Mivart. I/»\n.s in Klenientary .\nntomy. 1S° Loud. Morgan. I)eteriorati«>n of the Hace in (ircat Cities. Ifi* I^>»«i. Napheys. Physical Life of Woman. 12° riiil*. Nnturv'.s I>awH in Human IJfe. Kopt. Animal and VegvlaMc rhvsiology. 2 vols. ' 12* B<'hn Walk. r. Ik-auty in Woman. 8» Lon I 223 1 50 3 00 1 25 S2» a iio 1 60 5 00 w Piedmont — Poetry. Piedmont. Gallenga. History of Piedmont. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 24s Plays. See Drama . Plurality of Worlds. See Astronomy. Poetry. See aim Ballads ; Hymns; For Humorous Poetry, see below, page 91. 1. History and Criticism. Addison. On Paradise Lost. (Arber Re- prints.) paper. 16° Lond. Is Austin. Poetrv of the Period. V2° Lond. 7s M Everett. English Prosod\- and Versification. 12° N. Y. 75 Fauriel. Hist, of Provencal Poetry. Trans. by Adler. 8° ?^. Y. 3 00 Jami. Analvsis and Specimens of. 18° Lond. Is 6J a. Johnson. Lives of the British Poets. 2 vols. 12° Phila. 3 00 Lowth. Lectures on Hebrew Poetry. 8° Lond. 3s 6 J Putfcenham. The Arte of English Poesie. (Arber Reprints). paper. 16° Lond. 2s Reed. Lectures on British Poets. 2 vols. 12° Phila. 3 50 Rutherford. Troubadours ; Their Lives and their Lyrics. 8° Lond. 10s Qd Sydney. An Apologie for Poetrie. (Arber Reprints). paper. 16° Lond. 6d a. Stedman. Victorian Poets. Sq. 12° Best. 2 50 Svmonds. Studies of the Greek Poets. 8° Lond. 10s 6d Taylor. The Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry. 12° Phila. 1 50 Tuckerman. Tliouglits on the Poets. 12° N. Y. 1 50 "Walker. Rhyming^Dictionary. 12° Lond. 3 00 6. Warton. History of English Poetry. 12° L. & N. Y. 4 25 Webbe. Discoui'se of English Poetrie. (Ar- ber Reprints). paper. 10° Lond. Is 2, Collections. Adams. Lyrics of Love from Shakespeare to Tennyson. 12° Lond. 3s 6d Aiken. Scottish Songs. 1G° L. & N. Y. 1 25 Alger. Poetry of the Orient. 16° Bost. 1 50 a. Brackett & EUot. Poetry for Home and School. 16° N. Y. 1 25 b. British Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth. Edited by Prof. Child. 130 vols. * Akenside, 1 vol. Balhids, 8 vols. * Bi-attie, 1 vol. * l>utler, 1 vol. * liurns, 3 vols. Bvroii, 10 vols. 224 Jlarvell, 1 vol. * Milton, 3 vols. ]Montgomery, 5 vols. Moore, 6 vols. * Parnell, etc., 1 vol. * Pope, 3 vols. Poetry. Ciunplx-11. 1 vol. Chuttt'itDii, 1 vol, Cliurcliill, 1 vol. Colt»riili;t>, ;} vols. Colliiis. 1 vol. ('owjuT, ;{ vols. iKiiiin', 1 vol. l)rv'lfii, 5 vols. FalcoiitT, 1 vol. (lav. - vols, (iolilsinitli, 1 vol. (Jrav, 1 vol. IIiTln-rt, 1 vol. Ilorrick, '2 vols. IIo>l!». Soutlu'y, ID voU. S|x'nciT, .') voIa. Surri-y, 1 vol. Swift! -i v. lis. Tlioiii.Hoii, '2 vols. Vauj;iian, I voL WatL-4, 1 vol. Whit.'. 1 vol. Wonlsworlh, 7 voU. Wyatt, 1 vol. Young, 2 voU. 1S° Host. ea. 31.25. Can also be liatl separately. &. British i'oets ; AlJino ed'u (n-priiit), 5:) vols. 10'=* L. «c I*, ea. 75 [This m»t coDtJUns U»c anthoni in i>rcvlous set niarkol • and. in aililition, (."liaiicor, ill «> vdIh; lUako, 1 vol.; Canr ' ' ' by Hill. 1 vol.; ('li.itl.Tt.iii. •_' vols.; Coiniiry 1''" ' t«) .Moiitnmi'), 1 vol.; liiiU'ij,'li, 1 vol.; Ko>;it», 1 \. 81>care (Singer's), lOvol.s.J Beattie. Hlair & Falconer. Work.s. S"" N. V. 1 '- J IWton. H.M.k of Kniili.sli Po.trv. 2 vols. II, .S° 1.4.n.l. 10 00 iW.k of G.ins. i:.l. l.y S. V. Il.-iil. III. 2 v. 8^ L. & V. 7 .'.0 Brooks. Lays, etc., from Uhlaii'l. Kiirner, etc. 12« N. Y. 1 o Bowman & Dana. Hous.liold Book of Songs. 4° N. Y. 2 50 o, Hrvaiit. Lily Bums, (lold- smith, (Jray, etc. Illufltiated by Birket F..>«t.-r. . Dana. lIou.sehoM Book of P<>« Ch«'ap edition. Illattrati'il edition. Dennis. Kngli.sh Sonnets : a 1.->I7. !>:"v 1 ! ■ ■ -I. l..,.,; .\1 .. . l; ;.. . , -i. tvcrcst. I'oeLs of Connecticut Sm. trv. mnroeco. Selection, from H° X. Y. 4^ N V 12^' I»n 1 12« n<«hn N. Y. 50 -» 3 00 Poetry. Grostwick. German Poets : Memoirs and Translations. 8° X. Y. Griswold. 1'lie Female Poets of America. Revised by Stoddard. 8^ X. Y. 5 50 Griswold, R. W. Poets and Poetry of Amer. 8° Pliila. 5 00 Female Poets of ibnerica, 8" Pliila. 5 00 Howe. Songs of Yale. 12° Xew Hav. 1 00 Kendrick. Our Poetical Favorites. _ 12° X. Y. 2 00 a. Lockhart. Spanish Ballads and Chronicle of the Cid, by Southey. P. 8° Lond. 2s b. Longfellow. Poets and Poetry of Europe. R. 8° Phila. 6 00 Poems of Places, vols. 1-8. Sq.] G° Bost. ea. 1 00 Mackay. Book of English Songs. 12° Lond. 5s Illustrated Book of Scottish Song. 16° Lond. 3s 6d 1001 Gems of English Poetry. 8° Lond. 5 00 Home Affections Portrayed by Poets. Illust. 8° L. & X. Y. 9 00 Motherwell. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. Sm. 4° Paisley. Murray. Ballads and Songs of Scotland. 12°L. &X.Y. 2 25 Palgrave (Golden Treasiiry). Best Songs and Lyrics. 18° Camb. Palmer. Folk Songs. Illus. morocco. R. 8° X. Y. Poetry of Compliment and Court- ship. 16° Bost. ^1.50, 12° Parnassus. Edited by R. "W. Emerson. 8° Bost. a. Percy. Reliques of Old English Poetry. 8° Phila. The same. 3 vols. 16° Lond. Percy Society (Ballads, etc.). 94 Publications. 8° Lond. Poets of the 19th Century ; edited by Will- mott and Duyckinck? Illust. ' 4° X. Y. 5 00 Putnam. Singers and Sougs of The Liberal Faith. Quiet Hours. Ralston. Songs of the Russian People, edition. Read. Female Poets of America. Sea and Shore. Selections of Scottish Poetry and Song. Somers. Selections from Modern F Poets. Songs from the Old Dramatists. Songs of Xature. Universal Songater. Illustrated. 3 vols Vers de SociJte (Praed, Landor, etc.) Waite. Carmina CoUegensia. Whittier. Songs of Three Centuries. Wilson. Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Woodworth. Selections from British Poets 226 1 25 5 00 4 00 4 00 3 50 3 75 8° Bost. 2 50 16° Bost. 1 25 2d 8° Lond. 12s 8° Phila. 3 00 Sq. 18° Bost. 1 25 Lond. 'nch 3s Gd Lond. 10s 6d 12° Lond. 3 00 85 &9 00 8° Lond. 9 00 Sm. 4° X. Y. 6 00 L. 8° Bost. 12° Bost. 2 00 8° Lond. 12s 6^ ts. 12°X. Y. 1 50 Poetry. 3. Indiviiu'ai. I'okts. Al)l..-y. llallii.ls of (nv..! Deeds. Ak«-iisitle. P'l'tical Woik.s. Ak'-is. Toftieal Works. Alliii'4lKiin. I'oetical Works. AM rich. Cloth nfJiol.l. I'lH'tii-al Works. AlUton. ro.-tical Works. Ariost*). Trans. I>y U'>-*''. 2 vols. Arnolil, (i. Toitioal Works. Ariiolii, M. I'oetical Works. Toi'ins. U vols. Aytouii. Hotliwell ; a I*oem. Bailey. F'v*tiis; a Poem. The M^^slic. BariU's. Toeius. I't)eins in the Dorset Dialect, lieattie. The Minstrel, an«l other Poems. IU'rau;jer. Poems. Trans, hy Youm;. Hhaijavail-ijita. Trans. hyJ. C. Thoiii|>son. IJiekersleth. Rook of .Vijes. Ye.stenlav, To-Dav, anil Forevor. Hlake. Pm-ms. Illoornfielil. Poems. Ik>swell. .Sir .V. Po»'tical Works. Brownell. War Lyrics. Mrs. .Vurora Loi^h. ll-.l Initio etl. Poenjs. 2 vols. Poems (Dia.e.l. 24" 91.00). U. Po.tieal Works. 2 vols. .Vristophanes' .\i olo„'y. H.ilaiist ion's .Vdventure. D.amatis Persona*. Fitini- at tin- Fair, and other Poems. Lyri.s of I. if... Illust. Sm. .M'Mi :tnd Wi>men. Paeehiaiotlo. Ited Cotton Nijjht Cap Country. 1 vol. Ilin.,' and tlf li«M)k. 2 vols. ."Nird'-llo. .Stafford, etc. Works. 1 1 vols. Bryant. l.ittl.> Pi'oplo of the Snow. — '— Poetical Work.s. 3 voLi. •• Bed line eU. 10* $3.50. Bluo and ffold. '• Illn«t. ed. Po«'m.«i. Bulwer. U. L. (*• Owen Mcfwlith.") Sft LyHr,n Burn.s. p... ti.«l Work*. 3 rola. Dick's ••dition. Brownimj, .Mrs. Mrs. Brownin-r. 18^ I. ■ ur 1. ' w 1. 12° l: ■ 1 . ■ HI* B...I. 1 :m> P_'° \ Y •J (lO 12" i: 12^ i 12"^ l.-f. J tH» 12'' N. Y. ea. I 75 \'2° r • 1 25 PJ^ i 1 00 P2^ 1 1 .». hh 1 ■ PJ^ i; , IS^ llo^l. 1 IJO 12' X. Y. 1 50 S^ Lond. 12^ .V. Y. 2 .'• 12<> \. Y. 2 !► 10« Bost. 2 '.' HI" N V. I : . l-jo .'.. HJo IL.t. 1 .-Ml 12' \. Y. :( :io li!° \. Y. :> iHt P2° N. Y. 1 ■ l«o Bo.t. i .► 10° U..st 1 . Irt' H.^t. 1 1! lU- iiwk Poetry. Burns. Cliambers' edition. 4 vols. N. Y. 6 00 • Several editions in 1 vol. 8° N. Y. &P. Several editions. 12° N. Y.^& P. Several Illustrated editions. L. & N. Butler, William Allen. Poems ; Nothing to AVear, etc. 16° Bost. 2 00 Bvron. Poetical Works. 10 vols. 18° Bost. 10 00 - 1 vol. 8° N. Y. m ; Illustrated. 8° Phila. 2 00 1 vol. 12° L cSc P. ^2 ; Globe edition. 16° L. & P. 1 50 1 vol. 1G° Lond. 810 ; 16 vols. 16° Loud. 8O5 Pocket vol. ed. 16° Bost. 8 50 Dick's ed. _ 12° N. Y. 1 00 Calderon. Dramas. From the Spanish, by UlacCarthv. P. 8° Lond. 10s Calverley. Flv Leaves. 16° N. Y. 1 25 Calvert. The Maid of Orleans. 12° N. Y. 150 Camoens. Lusiad. Trans, bv Quillinan. (5 books). ' 12° Lond. 75 Campbell. Poems, with Life by Sargent. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Poems, 18° Bost. Igl.OO. 16° N. Y. 1 25 Poems, Illustrated. 8° Pliila. Carleton. Farm Balhids. Illust. Sq. 8° N. Y. 2 00 Farm Legends. Illust. Sq. 8° N. Y. 2 00 Gary, Alice. Ballads, Hymns, etc. 12° N. Y. 2 25 Cary, Alice & Piioebe. Last Poems. 8° 2 00 Phoebe. Poems of Faith, Hope and Love. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Catnlkis. Translated. 12° Bohn 2 50 Chatterton. Poems. 18° Bost. 2 00 Chaucer. Poet'l AVorks, ed. by Morris, 6 v. 16° L. & P. 4 50 1 vol. 8° Lond. $5.00 ; edited by Bell, 8 vols. 16° 6 00 Canterbury Tales. Globe edition. 16° N. Y, 1 25 Churcliill. Poetical Works. 3 vols. 18° Bost. 3 00 Clark. Tales from Cliaucer. 12° Lond. 4s Clark. INIary. Trust and Remittance : Love Stories in Metred Prose. 8° Bost. 1 25 Clough. Poems. 32° Bost. 1 .50 Coleridge. Poetical Works. 1 v. SI. 50 ; 3 v. 18° Bost. 3 00 Collins. Poetical AVorks. 18° Bost. 1 00 Collins, Gray & Goldsmith, by Sargent. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Colonna, Vittoria. Life and Poems. By Mrs. Roscoe. Cr. 8° 3 00 Cowley. Poetical AA'orks. 3 vols, 18° Lond. 3 75 Cowper. Poetical AVorks, (1 vol. f 1.50) 3 v. 18° Bost. 3 00 " " by Grimshaw. 8 v. 814.00 ; by Sonthey, 8 vols. 12° Lond. 25s Dick's edition. lOo j^t y, 50 Crabbe. Poetical AVorks. Cabinet edition. 16° Phila. 1 50 Dante. See Dante, in alphabet of topics. De Vere. Poems. 3 vols. 16° Lond. 16s 228 Poetry. Do Voro. Tlio Infant Hridal, ami other Poeins, 12* I 5C 1)<)Ih11. r»n ins. 3_'® Tk>«t, 1 50 Donno. Poftical Works. !«=> ]^^^n^, \ 00 Druko. Til.' t iilprit Kay. Illnst. is= \. Y. 2 »V) Drayton. Coniplrt.' Work.s. K.|. IIo«^iH>r. 3 v. 1."^ I^^ml. 22< M Druniniond of llawthorniifn. PiK-nis. 1«5° I^mtl. 7# Orf Drvilfii. I'oitioal Works. 5 v«»U. ls° Host. T) 00 — — Works. 1 vol. 8° Ix>n«I. §.').00 ; 2 vols. s^^ .\. Y. 4 00 (;iol>f t'tlitioii. 1-J5 1 25 Klliott. Corn Law Kl»yme.s, etc. s' I>ini|. S« Enn-rson. IWnis. :il"^ IU»«»t. 1 60 Falconer, .^hipwrfok, and other rooms. 1>^ li«»<«L 1 00 Fiiii-aia. Translations from. IJ^ Lond. 3j Froiliijrath. I'ooms. Tran.s. ."S)!. 1'! 'r.itichnitx. 1 25 Fn-ncau. l*ot>ms of tho R«'volution. 1:.' ' N. Y. 1 7." (Jascoigiio. The Steele Glos, etc. (Arlu-r Ue|>rint.s). I.'iid. Cinv. I'ootical Works. 2 vols. !>- I', st. j uO (Jild.-r. TIj.' N.w Day. U NY. ISO (Jot'tho. Koynanl the Fox. Trans. .\. Y. 2 00 Faust. Trans, by Havanl Tavlor. 2 vols. 1G° lUwt. 6 00 San»p. " " K. S-" iWKt. 10 00 First part, trans. l>y Il.iy ward. 12^ lU>st. 1 50 ♦• trans, by HriM)k3. li'^ Ho.hL 1 50 Hermann and Dorothea. Trans, bv Frot! inu'ham. ' 1»P Host 100 I'o4n,sand Hallad.s. KJ' N. Y. 1 00 I'oems (Hohn). 12'^ F.on.l. 140 Goldsmith. Poetical Work.s. is n,.,t. 100 •' " Illus. 8« Lond. & s 1.. \ v. 2 75 With f;rav ami Collins. 12=* N. V. 2 00 With his I'n.se Works. Globe edition. 12° L. fi V. 1 60 Poetical Works. Ktchinjj Club edition. 3 60 Googp. Kuh)i:s. Kpvtaphe.s, and .Sonnotts. (Arber Keprints). 10^ F.ond. ]t Gower. Confes^sio Amantis. Ed. by Pauli. 3 v. >«^ l.<>iid. 42< Grav. Poetical Works. l-s^ IJost. 1 25 Same, lllnst. 2P L. \ N*. Y. 1 25 SnuM'. Illust. s^ Phil.-*. San.e. llhist. Sq. l»r N. Y. 1 25 With Collins and Goldsmith. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Kh'jrv. Various Illust. etlitions. (;n'en\vell." The Soul's I^-pend. 12<* I»nd. 2f llabintrton. Wm. Castara. ( .\rb. Hen.). I'J' \.;ii:it<> Pofins. Illust. viz : Aft.rmath. Ilaiiu'inL; i»f tin* Crane. ("hri.stus. :{ vols. riirrf Itotiks of Sontj. Masinu' of Taiulora, vtc. Low.ll. I'o.-tical Works. 'J v..I^. Ufil lim> oil. Hill.' & trol'l ♦'<>•.- V. I^iican. riiarsalia. Traius. Luort'tiiis. Trans. Lytton, Lonl. Kintj .Vrthur. Now Timou. Lost Tales of Mil.-tiw Lytton. Kobort Lonl. (Owi-n .Mereditii). Fables in Sons;. TotMns. 5 vs.v. Toeins. (;JJ" :«L50), 2 vols. Meredith. Sfg Lytton. Miller. .Jo.iquin. I'oeins. .S>n'.n< of the .Sun Land.s. .Mibnan, II. 11. Toetical Works. 3 vols. .Milnes. »f Houghton. Milton. (ISO ;gi. .-„»,, 3 vols. Fine ed'n, by Hryiltre.s, 6 voU. '• by Mitford. 2 vols. (I lobe edition. Dick's edition. •Mistral. Mireio. Trans, by Preston. Mont:,'uniery. J.xs. (Hr. Po«'t.^). 5 vols. MiK>re. I'l.-tiral Works. IJ vols. 1 vol. ,s \. Y. ?;J.eath of Jason. I^ive is Knough. Lov.'s of (iudrun. D-feiice of (Jueiievere, etc. Kpic of Hades. Motherwell. Po<'ins. Muloch. Po^'nis. vV2' «1..'>0). i'' Omar Khavvani. Uuluivil. Sin. l 32° no«t. 1 5^^ S^ Hoflt. I (HI 8° |»..,l. 111 Ml 12" H. .t. H .Vl 10* Boat I fiO 1 1 ' - ' .*. IK) Il..nt. 1 ■'1 •J IN) HP Host. 1 :>() li!^ IJost. 3 OU HP Host. 4 :-) ^•2° Host. 3 (K) 12° a.hn 2 2:i 12° liohn 2 25 •J2° I>ind. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 lrt« IV>st. 2 no 1S» H ,t. Id in) 32° 1! t .; iNi 12° N. V. J INJ 12° N. Y. 1 .V) l.S° Ho.st. 1 UO 10° Boat 4 00 16° Rost 1 .-iO 10° Host 1 50 18° UnO. 18i 18° R-ist. 3 00 «° I>.n.I. 34)f 8° Ix>nd. 2U 10° N. Y. 1 25 12° \. Y. 50 10^ Ho!«t. 1 SO IS^ I^ind. fl 25 is^ H„Ht. IW 12° Loi.d. rfi 22^ L. \ r ' IJ \ Y. . "< V. 40 i • 't 4 5«) 10- Ik*l. 1 50 1 'WJ I.nl 231 Poetry. Ossian. Poems, (18° 81.25.) 16° Bost. 1 50 Otway. Poems and Dramas. 3 vols. 12° Lond. 7 50 Ovid. Trauslated. 3 vols. 12° Bohn 6 75 Expurgated. Trans, by Brooks. 1 75 Palgrave. Lvrical Poems. 12° L. & N. 1 75 Parnell & Tickell. Poetical Works. 18° Bost. 100 Parsons. Poems. 12° Bost. 1 25 Patmore. The Angel in the House, etc. 16° Bost. 1 50 Perry. After the Ball. 12° Bost. 1 50 Petrarch. Trans, by Campbell. 12° Bohn 2 25 Piatt, J. J. Poems. In Sunshine and Fire- light. 16° Cine. 1 50 Piatt, S. M. B. Voyage to the Fortunate Isles. 12° Bost. 1 50 Piers the Plowman. Ed. by W. W. Skeat. 12° Lond. 4s Qd Pindar. Translated. 12° Bohn 2 00 Trans, bv Myers. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Poe. Poetical" Works, (Illust. $6.00). 12° X. Y. 2 25 Diamond edition. N. Y. 1 25 Pollok. Course of Time, (24° 7.5c). 16° X. Y. 1 25 Pope. Poetical Works. 3 vols. 18° Bost. 3 00 — £- (1 vol. 16° $1.25 ; Illus. $1.50), 4 vols. 16° Lond. 10s Dick's edition. 12° N. Y. 1 00 Praed. Poetical AVorks. 2 vols. 12° X. Y. 3 50 Prior. Poetical Works, (B. P.) 2 vols. 18° Bost. 2 00 Prentice. Poems. 12° Cine. 2 00 Procter. (" Barry Cornwall.") Poems. 12° Lond. 6s Adelaide. Poems, (32° $1.50). 16° Bost. 2 00 Ramsay. Poems. Edited by Mackay. 2 vols. 4° 32 00 Read. Poems. 2 vols. " 10° Phila. 5 25 Richardson. The Iliad of the East. (Ramay- ana). - 12° Lond. 7s 6d Rogers. Poetical Works. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Illustrated. 4° Pliila. 5 00 Rossetti, Chris. G. Poems. 16° Bost. 1 75 Rossetti, Dante G. Poems. 16° Bost. 1 50 Dante and his Circle : Lyrics, translated. 8° Lond. 10s Gd Saadi. Rose Garden of Persia. Trans. 16° Bost. 2 50 Saxe. Poems, 32° $1.50 ; 16° $2. 16° Bost. 2 50 Fables and Legends. 1 50 Leisure Day Rhymes. 12° Bost. 2 00 Schefer. The World Priest. 2 25 Schiller. Poems. Trans, by Bowring (Bohn). 12° 140 Poems and Plays. Trans. 2 vols. 12° Bohn 3 50 The same trans, bv various persons. 2 vols. ■ K. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Poems and liallads. Trans, by Lytton. 16° X. Y. 1 60 Scott, Sir W. Poetical Works. 9 vols. 18° Bost. 9 00 1 vol. 8° $3.00; 6 vols. 12° X. Y. 7 50 Red line ed. 16° $4.50 ; Globe ed. 16° X.Y. $1.2o' paper 60 Dick's edition. joo j^t y 50 232 Poetry. Slinkt'spcnro. P(v>rns ami S«iniifts. IS"* Shflloy. I'oi'tical Works, l vol.s. l'^' IWiuS, lOdiU'tl liy ItoHsotti. 1 .' Shonstoiif. I'ot'tiral Works. 1^ SiEj«>uriiev. Pocahontas and otli<>r PiH'ins. IJ Sk.'ltiMi. ' Tootioal Works ll\. P.). .1 vols. l•^ South., con>|>lot»5 in 1 vol. "^ ' Spen.ser. Pootical Works ( M. P.). 5 vols. 1 > S.'I.'ct, IS^Sl.oO ; coinplftu, I vol. 11. ■> Spraijut'. PiMMiis. 1_' Stotiiiiaii. Pix'iu.s. I'J"' Sto.l.ianl. Popins. l'J° $1; Xew Po..mis, 2 v. l.'^ Verses of Manv Davs. l'2° Sucklini,'. S.>l.'ct W'orksaiul Lif.^ U. «' Surrey. I'ooins (B. P.). 18® Surn'v, Wvatt, eU*. Som,'s and Sounets. (.\rl)er Reprints. ) lU" Swain. I'oeins. 1*5^ Swift, Poelieal Works (B. P.). 3 vols. IS^ Swinlmrne. Atalanta in Calydon, etc. 2vols. PJ*^ Ta.s.so. Translated by Wiffen. l'>^ Taylor. Bayard. Poems. •.V2° «1.50. I'P I Ion»t> Pastorals, etc. I'i^ The M:i.s.in.' of the (Jods. PJ^ Lars: .V Pa.storal of Xorway. \6^ Tavlor. B. F. OKI Time Pictures and Sheaves of Khvme. PJ" Taylor. 11. " Philip Van Arteveld-. IS* Tejfner. Frithiof's Sajja, edited by Bayard Taylor. " 10° I-^Iited, with notes, by Ilamcl. 8° Tennant. Anster Fair. 1*5° Tenny.son. Poetical Works. 2 vols. 10' ' •' "2 vols. i^^ '» " Fireside ed. lOv.PP " •' 12*91.7.'); 2 voIs.iJJ" Cheap e,l. 8° N. Y. 91.2.'> 2r " Various IIlustrat»'d ed's. " Th.' L.ast Tournament 12'=' B<»t. flareth and I>yn»'tte. Pcwtical Works, enl. ''d. " S<'parate Works. 'iVrry, Hose. Po..ms. 1'' Thark«'ray. Pcvms. 1'-' Theocritus. Trans, by Chapman. !•' Trans, bv ('alvi'rli-v. 1- Thoms4in. P.^tical Works (H. P.). 2 Tols, 1"* hick's edition. 1- Tirkell. l'o«Mns (with PamtH's). I"' Timrud. Poems. VA. by llayae. 1-' B.>»t B-wt I... , 1 l'..-t \. V B..,t. It. •St. \. Y. Uwt. I, \ X. B..st. Bost. Bo^t. N. V. I.,ond. BosL Ix>nd. BoHt. Bost. Bo.t. Bost. B>st. Bost. Bost. lk>st. Chic. lk.st. X. Y. I»nd. IMin. liost. B-mU Bost. |{.>st. liost. 1 00 1 00 1 73 1 00 1 2A :t 00 10 00 :i 00 T) 00 I (N) 1 Sft 2 SO 2 50 1 50 2N 1 00 2« W 1 50 3 00 4 00 1 25 2 00 2 00 1 25 1 50 I 75 1 50 1 50 2j M 4 00 6 00 10 00 3 00 1 50 1 25 1 25 7.V. k 1 2.'. en 9\ to 1 jo 1 25 1 35 i; .-t i;.,t l...nd. I..ii.s I'tR'lrv. Juvfiiiil. 'i'ruiis. by W'alfurd. Juv<>tiikl ami IVrsius. Satiros. Trans. Lour. A lt«H)k of Noiisftisc. Illiist. LdaiKl. Haws Hrfitinanii Hallails, <-U-. (iaiuloanuis: Iluiuoroua I'oems, from tho (icrnian. .S.j. Luwi'Il. KaMo for Critics. Hiijlow TajM-rs. 2 vols. Mor;jan. Mairaronic Poetry. Partoti. Iliinioroiis Toftry of tlio Enij. Lang IVrsius. Satiri'.s. Trans. l>y Coninirton. Kfvnanl tlic Fox. From tlif I»\v Gcnu.in. Smith, II. and .T. Ucj-'ctcd .Vddresses. Trumbull. McFingal, an Kj>io. Poisons. a. C'liristi.sson. Tn'atiso on Poi.sons. Ilorslfy. Toxioolopists' (Juide. K«'.'.si'. Manual of ToxicoloK-y. Tanner. Memoranda of I'oisoiis. \\'onnley. Micnxhemistry of Poisons. Poland. Corner. History of Poland and Ru.ssia. I>ay. Uu>sian (Jovi'rninent in Poland. Dunham. History of Poland. Kdwards. Poii.sh Insurrection of iSG.'i. 12 v. Fletcher. History of Poland. Polar Regions. See Arctic. Political Economy. See alto Co-operation ; Free Trade ; Labor; Pro- lection. a. Rnstiat. Rssaya on P. K. 1-' N- V. Caime.H. Character ami Logical .Methtnl of P. F.IJ N. ^ . b. K.'wavs on P. K. > N '^ . I^'aifing Principles in P. K. •''^ .N. Y. Chnmi'lain. Political Kconomy. ]'2° N. Y. CoblM-tt. Legacy t«) LaUjrors. 1-° Ixmd. l)o Quincev. lA'ir of P. K. 1'!= Ii«»"t. Dick. Outline of P. K. 1_»^ I^ind. Elder. Cjuestionii of tlio Dav, Kconomic and Social. ' «* lliiJ*- Fawcett. .Manual of P. K. Cr. H" N. Y. Fawcett, Mrs. P. K. for lieginncrs, with guest ioni. 1**° N' Y. Jevoiw. Theory of P. E. PJ* N- Y. 115° Ifcwt, 4 fiO ij^ n..Hi. 1 50 it..>t. 1 50 1 OU 12^ Ik.hn •J 25 1J° N. Y. 1 50 I'J" I'hila, •J 00 1<>= Bost. 1 50 VJ" liost. 75 l-.'^ Host. a 00 1J° X. Y. •J 75 . S'^ llisu 8 00 IL'^ \. Y. 3 00 .S^ liost. 2 50 1«5° N. Y. 1 25 10° N. Y. 1 3t) fi'' ly.nd. liu 1J° I^Ml.l. a* (W «° Phila. yj^ Phila. 75 8° N. V. 7 50 is^ I»nd. lis Od H° b>nd. 1<1° Ix)n.l. aj (M lt>° I>jnd. 18^ N. Y. 75 1 00 1 50 3 .V» 5 (M) 1 25 1$ od I 50 Is S 00 3 50 1 00 3 fiO Political Science. List. iSTational System of P. E. ^lalthus. Political Economy. McAdam. An Alpliabet in Finance. McCuUocli. Literature of P. E. Political Economy. Mason & Lalor. Primer of P. E. Mill. System of P. E. 2 vols. a. Principles of P. E. Political Economy. Cheap ed. 1 vol. Moran. On Money. b. Perry. Elements of P. E. a. Rogers. Social Economy. Ruskin. Munera Pulveris (on Polit. Econ.) Unto this Last. Say. Political Economy. Seaman. Progress of Nations, etc. 2 vols. Senior. Political Economy. Simmonds. Waste Products and Undeveloped Substances. ~ a. Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations. Same. Edited by Rogers. 2 v. Same. Edited by McCulloch. Cheap edition. Smith, E. P. Manual of P. E. Twiss. Progress of P. E. in Europe. Walker. Science of Wealth. Wayland. Elements of P. E. Same, abridged. Political Science. See also Communism; Co-operation; Sociology; Government. a. Bagehot. Physics and Politics. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Bentham. Works. 11 vols. 8° Edin. 28 00 Blakey. History of Political Literature. 2 v. 8° Lond. 8s Brougham. I'olitical Philosophy. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 5 00 a. Cairnes. Political Essays. 8° N. Y. 3 50 Fawcett. Speeches on Current Political Ques- tions. 8° L. & N". Y. 3 50 a. Freeman. A. Comparative Politics. Cr. 8° L. & N. Y. 3 00 Fustel de Coulanges. The Ancient City. 12° Bost. 2 50 Greg. Political Science. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 24:S Rocks Aliead. 12° Bost. 2 00 Heeren. Manual of Ancient History (Consti- _ tution, Commerce, Colonies). 8° Lond. 65 Leslie. Land Systems of England and L-e- land. 8° Lond. 24s Lieber. Political Ethics. 2 vols. 8° Phila. 6 00 IMcPherson. Political Manual. 8° Wash. ]\IcCluskey. Politician's Hand Book. h. Maine. Early History of Institutions. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Mulford. The Nation. 12° NY 2 50 236 8° Phil. 2 00 12° Lond. 3s 6fZ 12° N. Y. 1 00 8° Lond. 14s 12° Lond. 1 75 16° Chic. 75 8° N. Y. 6 00 8° L. & B. 2 50 12° N. Y. 2 25 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° N. Y. 2 50 12° N. Y. 75 12° N. Y. 1 00 12° N. Y. 1 00 S° Phil. 2 50 8° N. Y. 5 00 12° Lond. 4s '. 8° Lond. 9s 12° L.& N.Y . 2 50 8° Lond. 21s 8° Lond. 5 50 12° Lond. 3s M 12° N. Y. 1 25 8° Lond. 10s M 12° Piiila. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 75 50 Polynesia — Pomitiviam, a. SorAhoff. Politics for Young Aiiifricans. 12"^ N. Y. 1 50 r<>litii-al t'vcl<>|K'(lia. I vols. Ijj Holm 7 00 K.»i;.Ts. C'olxlfii and Mo.liTn Political Ojiiiii.in. 8" L. & X. Y. 4 00 Ku^kin. Crown of Willi Olive ; Work, Trallio nntl War. P2° X. Y. Skinner. Issue.n of American Politicsi. j j:, Stephen. Liberty. K«inality, KraU-rnity. Cr. 8** X. Y. 'J ix> Systems of Land Tenure, lly tlie C'oUleu Club. I^jnd. Polynesia. See aUo Pacific, ami namin of I$lanhn :l 00 A. (;.-ll &r,aiidy. Pompeiana" to 1819. 111. R. sM,...id. I.m Monier. Woiidfrs i>f Pmnjioii. 1S° X. Y. 1 .Vj PomiH'ii and Pompeiians. \2^ X. Y. 1 50 Poor. See Charities; Pauperism, Popes. See Church History ; Romanism. Population. S'-i- Pnliiical Kconomy. Porcelain and Pottery. Aud.sley-Bowes, Keramic .\rt of Japan. PU. 1-7. lloy. Heck with. Pottery, llirch. lli.st. of An.i'iit I'olt.-ry. Bohn. (Juide to Pottery. Porcelain, etc. k of .Marks, etc. Champion. Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Uristy IL Owen. I" • i.ioipiemart. 11 is tor>- of Ceramic Art. Imp. i>. Keramic (taller)', with <> Illustrations of Pot- ter>', etc.. photo'^raphed. 'J vobi. Marryatt. History of Medi.^-val Pott'-ry, etr. a. Treadwell. Manual of Porc'n and I'ottery. LU- Portugal. See Spain, Positivism. tonite. Catechism of Positive IWijfion. 12' I>ond. 6« '• 12^ I'l.o.i • •.<) i>° b.nl 1 S' b.nd. 1 _ 1 Pjo \jond. (if 8° L.nd. 42. 80 X. Y. is (Ml 8° lx)nd. 51 (10 8" I^)Md. 21 00 b» X. Y. 2 75 Postage Stamps — Preaching and Preachers. System of Positive Polity. 8° Lond., viz : vol. 1, General view, 21s ; vol. 2, Social, lis ; vol. 3, Social Dynamics. Philosophy of the Sciences. By Lewes. 12° Bohn 5s. View of Positivism. 12° Lond. 8s Qd McCosh. Christianitv and Positivism. 12° N. Y. 1 75 Mill. Corate and Positivism. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Taine. English Positivism. 12° Lond. 3s Postage Stamps. See Stamp Collecting. Potato . Compton. Cultivation of the Potato. N. Y. 25 McLaurin. Model Potato. 50 Malam. The Potato Disease. 12° Loud. Is Poultry. See also Agriculture. a. Bement. Poulterer's Companion. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Bm-nham. New Poultry Book, new ed. 2 00 Cooper. Game Fowls. K Y. 5 00 Doyle. Illust. Book of Poultry, col. plates. 8° Lond. 2 50 Piper. Profita. and Ornamental Poultry. 12° Lond. 1 75 Poultry Yard. 18° Lond. 50 Saunders. Domestic Poultry, 12° N. Y. 75 Stoddard. An Egg Farm. 12° N. Y. 75 b. Tegetmeier. Poultrv Book, colored. R. 8° Lond. 9 00 Wright. Practical Poultry Keeper. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Wright's Cassell's Illust. Book of Poultry. Cr. 4° L. & N.Y. 15 00 Prayer. See also Devotion. Beecher. Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit. 12° N. Y. 1 75 Fletcher. Guide to Family Devotion. 8° Lond. 10 00 Hopkins. Prayer and the Prayer Gauge. 16° N. Y. 75 Jay. ]\Iorning and Evening Exercises. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Karslake. Theory of Prayer. 12° Lond. Is Maurice. The Lord's Prayer. 16° N. Y. 75 Patton. Prayer and its Remarkable Answers. 12° Chic. Prayer-Gauge Debate. 12° Bost. 1 75 Prayers of the Ages. 12° Bost. 2 50 Prime. 15 years of Prayer, (Fulton St. Praver Meeting). " 12° K y. 1 50 Power of Prayer. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Tholuck. Hours of Christian Devotion. 12° Bost. 2 00 Thompson. Book of Family Worship. 4° Bost. Tyndall and Thomson. Belfast Li augural ; articles on Prayer, (Paper 50c). 12° N. Y. 1 00 Preaching and Preachers. See also Biography (Collective, Religious) ; Sermons. 238 Precioua Stone* — Prisons. Bo.'jht^r. Yalf Lfctun's on rnMching. 3voU. l'2° N'.Y (lOiiM. l\>st-Mi'»liiuv;il pri-aolnTM. Hall. Yal<> Lt'ctiin'.s <>ii IVoacliiiig, Htippiii. Cliristiaii .Ministry. Jat-ksoii. C'uriositii's of I'ulpit LitTatun- I'lilpit TlitMiK's aixl I'ri'a^'lii'r's Assistaiil. Kaiusay. Pulpit T.il.l.' Talk. Storrs. rr«'a° \ Y. 1 '• M .1 U N ^ 111' l....i.i r.'^ X. Y 12° X. Y. Ste also Antiquities; Arsryll. IVimajval Man. liaMwin. lVi»-lii.st<>ric Xations. a. Dawkin.s. Cave Iluiiting. b. Fnt5. Evans, .\iicient Stone Iniplcniotits of Great HriUiiti. FiijiiitT. I'riniitivt^ Man. Worlil bffon' the Deluge. Denison. Antiotiity of Man. (Jeikie. (Ireat Ice -Vge. Keller. Lake Dwelling.s of Switzerland. b. Lartet ami t'liri.sty. Ueliiiuiie .XijuilaniciB. VA. by .lune.s. 1.^'p. Lake Dwellings. b. Lubbock, rrehi.storic Timed, a. Origin of Civilization. a. Lvell. Antiijuitv of Man. M'o<^re. l»r.-(;ia'cial Man. Sf^ven-s. Flint Cliiivs. a. Tvlor. Karly Ili.story of Mankind. W ••.strojip. Tre-liistoric IMiiuie.s. b. WJLson. Pre-historic Man. 2 voU. icilization ; GtUogy: 12« I/)nd. 1 SO 12« X. Y. 1 7.'. tfo Ix>n.L 7 «)•» JJ" LoiicL 8 &U 80 X. Y. ."S rv) 8° X. Y. .1 .-» 12» X. Y. ;i .vj «" L. l-'^" L. U 12* X. Y. 2 .'jO 8o Lond. 31« (M 4® \jont\. Cli Printing. b. Humphrey. History of I'riiitiiig. liiii.st. Ma-. Dictionary of Printinj;. Tli"ina.ont<>r. U"f«»rm.'itory Pri-^on I>i«cipnn<» (Crofton meih.Ml). 1H« I>ond Hajncs. Picturva from Prison Life. 12* UosL 8* X. Y. '. m 12° X Y. '3 IMl 8<^ r " 8° 1' 8° L- n 1. i X 8» Ia»hI I2f 8<» L. & X. Y.0# 8«> N. Y. 13 00 I 1 .'. i"» IJ^ 1 I M 4 1 12° It-' •.» •«> si' !•• IW n 00 •It 94 1 50 239 Prohibitory Law — Puritans. 4° Bost. 8° N. Y. 2 50 12° Phila. 1 25 8° Phila. 10 00 1-2° Phila. 2 25 8° N. Y. 2 25 12° Bost. 1 50 8° Phila. 1 50 Mayhew. Criminal Prisons of London. _ 8° Lond. 10s Qd Wines and Dwisjht. Prisons and Reformatories in U. S. and Canada. 8° Alb. Woods. Woman in Prison. 16° N. Y. 1 25 Prohibitory Law. See Temperance. Prosody. See Poetry. Protection. See also Free Trade. Bigelow. The Tariff. Boweu. American Political Economy. Byles. Sophisms of Free Trade. b. Carey. Principles of Social Science. 3 vols. a. Same, abridged. Colton. Public Economy of U. S. a. Greeley. Science of Political Economy. Sullivan. Protection to Native Industry. Protoplasm. See Biology. Prosody. See Poetry. Proverbs. Burckhardt. Arabic Proverbs, etc. 8° Lond. Burton. Wit and Wisdom from West Africa. 8° Lond. 12s 6d Fielding. Proverbs of all Nations. 16° Lond. 1 25 a. Hand Book of English Proverbs. 12° Bohn 2 50 Henderson. Scottish Proverbs. 12° Lond. 3s Kelly. Proverbs of all Nations. 12° Andov. 1 25 Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. 12° Bohn 2 50 Proverbs of Solomon, in Eng., Fren. and Ital.l6° Lond. 3s 6d Tegg. Proverbs from Far and Near. 10° Lond. Is Trench. Proverbs and their Lessons. 12° N. Y. 1 00 Prussia. See alxo Germany. Ilacklander. Militarv Life in P. 1st series. P. 8° Lond. 9s History of Prussia. By ]\I. A. D. 16° Lond. 2s M a. llanke. House of Brandenburg, 3 vols. 8° Lond. 36s Vehse. Court of Prussia. 12° Lond. 6s M Wyatt. History of Prussia (military). — vols. 8° Loud. Psychology. See Metaphysics ; Mind and Body. Public Health. See Sanitary Science. Punctuation. a. Hill. General Rules for Punctuation. 16° Camb. 25 Turner. Handbook of Punctuation. 18° Phila. 75 Wilson. Punctuation. 12° Bost. 1 50 Puritans. See also New England. 240 Pusmles— Railroads. Ftlt. EccWiast. Hist, of X. Knuliuul. 2 voU. 6* Hull. Thf Piiritnns mul th<-ir i'lim-ipl.-j*. ij** N. Y. 3 CO Iluj'kiiis. I'liritans uikKt Kilwurti Vl. and Klizalxtli, :{ vdI.h. 8° IkmU 7 {>•> Martvii History of Kn^lisli I'liritan.t. 12° N Y. 1 '.'.'« 'rilirrim I'atlii is of Niw Kni;land. 8® N. V. I •.'.'» a. Neal. History of tli.' Puritans. '2 vob. S" N. Y. OliMT. riiritaii ('oiiiiuoiiN\<-alth. I'J-' Ilost. TtiUoch. Ktigli^jii ruritanisiii, ami it.s Ix^adiTfl.!'."^ i>iui<-lionarv of Latin Quotations. Kliot. \\ it anti Wisdom, a. (iroat Truth.s from (Jrcat Authors. Ileini*. SciMtillatioiKS. Kaina^o. Hi-autiful 'Dioughts from .\utlior8. lli-autifid Thouphts fn)m Grp«'k. Ijitin, Frrn.. (mt., Span., and Ital. ii>ith..r, h Ij I.n! IJ t^O R»'iIIv. Diet, of Latin and (:pL'iny Tliought-H of M r Si'cond .*v>ri«".H. *»' Ia'iii St.»arns. Th<- Shak«'<»|>oaro Troiisury. 12<» V V Tavlor, T. (loldfu 'I'ri'asurj- of Thoucht. l' -^ ''I Thine* Old and Ni'W. or Ston'hou.H*'of Simil« 7 00 Thomi>floii, S-ntoncf* from (iffrk l)rnmati'»l.'».l'j h-liui'. Timl>!«. Lnconicx, or Ik-at Words of H«'.<»t Authors, 3 vols. IS" Lo«m1- Railroads. Adamn. Chnnt«*r« of Kric. KailmniU nnd Stat«» Owncmhip. pop. ChaniU'rs. About Uailwa}'s. 8^ 1 :. no lulav. S 1 ' 12- IU.,1. .1 1)0 s^ Host. r. 'lO r. N^ 1 ! 12 1 , / 1 $q. IV 1 h 1 10" .N. \. 1 -.> Greek I20 I»ud. 7* 12" IVo^l. 200 H \UM. 9ft \J lA'lfl. li iU Rationalism — Reform. 3s Qd 1 50 Dodd. Railways, Steamers, and Telegraphs. 12° Lond. Fleming. Narrow Guage Kailw's in America. S° Pliila. HaskoU. Railway Construction, 4 vols. 8° Lond. Poor. Manual of Railroads in U. S. 8° N. Y. 5 00 Stephenson. Railway Construction. Ed. by Nugent (Weale's series). 12° Lond. 3s Williams. The Midland Railway (History of). Lond. 21s AVellington. Railway Earthwork. 12° & plates, f ° N. Y. Rationalism. Amberley. Analysis of Religious Belief. 2 v. 8° Lond. 30* a. Farrar. Critical History of Free Thought (orthodox). 12° N. Y. 2 00 Feuerbach. Essence of Christianity. Trans. by Mrs. Lewes. 8° N. Y. 3 00 Essence of Religion. paper, 50c. 12° N. Y. 75 Freedom and Fellowship in Religion. By Wasson, etc. 12° Bost. 2 00 Frothingham. Beliefs of the Unbelievers. 12° N. Y. 1 25 Religion of Humanity. 12° N. Y. 1 50 The Safest Creed. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Hurst. Plistory of Rationalism (orthodox). 8° N. Y. 3 50 a. Lecky. Rationalism in Europe, 2 vols. sm. 8° N. Y. 4 00 Maitiand. The Keys of the Creeds. 12° N. Y. 1 25 Mill. Three Essays on Religion. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Reade. Martyrdom of Man. 12° N. Y. 3 00 Stephen. Free Thinking and Plain Speaking. 12° Lond. 10s Qd Strauss. Old Faith and^Xew. 8° N. Y. 2 00 Reading. See also Bibliography and Literature. Moore. What to Read and How to Read. 16° N. Y. 75 a. Perkins. Best Reading. p. 1 00. 8° N. Y. 1 50 h. Porter. Books and Reading. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Potter. Handbook for Students and Readers. 18° N. Y. 75 Pycroft. Course of Reading. By Spencer. 12° N. Y. 1 25 Todd. The Student's Manual. 12° Northamp. 1 50 Rebellion. See under England; United States. Receipts. Benjamin. Wrinkles and Receipts (Mechan- ical and Domestic). Cooley. Book of Useful Knowledge (Rec'ts). Handbook of Perfumes, Cosmetics, etc. Youmans. Dictionary of Every-day Wants. Reference Books. See Dictionaries; Encyclopedias; and under names of Subjects. Reform. See Capital Punishment ; Crimes ; Sociology ; Temperance, Woman's Rights. 242 8° N. Y. 1 50 8° N. Y. 1 50 12° Phila. 1 50 8° N. Y. 1 50 Reformatiou, ProtesUuit— RevoluUou. Reformation, Protestant. See also under HomanUt Works. a. Auliijjno. Ki-foriiiation in 10th Century. Iliiis. -1° N. Y. lu • Sam.'. 1 vol. K. 8° riuhi. So.uO; 5 v. 12" N. Y. . K»'f. ill Time of Calvin, 7 vol.s, l'_»<^ N V ' 1 . lUiiiit. Kcl'orniiition of (liurcii of Kngland. h 1 .» h. Hurm-t. History of Uefonnation. 7 vols. 6 ' > Same (iibr.) 12 , Fisljer. The Heformntion. 8- n i Ilanlwioke. The (.hurrh Clarke. Ten (Ireat Keli-jnns. 12* X. Y. 8 00 Common Sense in Keliijion. 12° IW*"!. 3 00 Conwav. Earthward Pilgrimage. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Sacred .-\ntholo;rj.. 8° X. Y. 4 ««> K.•=' F.-i. i Johnson, S. Oriental I! ' Liddon. St)nie KlfnnMit ' Martineau, J. Religion and 31' J-rn .M.it Parker S ' N \ . iy" N. V. 1 -• 120 X. Y. •J w Rome. Konrii'k. rriiimcv of Apostolic Sof. Mu'liIiT. Symlxilisin. MiliKT. Kinl i>f U«'liv;iou5i Contn»v«Tsy. ^ u iIU 1 'j-J N«'\vmaii, ,1. H. l'u.sttioii of C'athulicji in En(^ Iiiiul 12« I^MuI. 7 1 Noethy Lonsj. Sallust. Translat'*il i>v Rose. Suetonius. Translateil hy Thompson. Tacitus. Literally translat^'d. 'J vols. Translated l.y Murphy. 1 vol. Translated hy Church and Brodribb. 2. Monr.uN Wimtkrs. a. Arnold. Hi.story of Rome. Later Roman Commonwealth. 2 vols. Bonner. Child's Ili-tory of Rome. 2 voU. De C^uincey. The Ca'sars. h. Dyer. IIist4)ry of Kin-^s of Rome. — — History of the City of Rt^me. h. (JibUm. Dedint? and Kali of Rom. Emp. 8 •• The .same. tJ vols. The same, complete in .1 vols. The ."sludenf.s edition, eond.-nsed. (;.. drich. Pictorial Hi-' ' " l.ii l-ll. Stndeiit'.s Hilt Lou.,'. I>eclin«' of Roman k : ■' ^ • Lord. TheOld Roman World. Mich . ... , .'"lie. !>. Mommseii. 1 1 4 %-oU. Niebuhr. His- I volit Lecturvs on History of Rome, 3 vols. •* ^ .44 12° Bohn 1 00 12° Bohn 2 2'. 12° Bohn • '-.'■> 12^ B.hn 4 .V» s^ .\. V. 12^ I»nd. 7* 6J 8° N. Y. 3 01) 8° r . 1 •:i. 16° " 16° i 8° I 1 • - 1 ^o I " IJ >. 1. ■ : 1 ■ 1 12^ N. Y. Rome — Russia. Pictorial History of Rome. 3 vols. Schmitz. Roman History. History of Rome. Sewell. Child's Histoiy of Rome. Sheppard. Fall of Rome and Rise of New Nationalities. b. Sismondi. Fall of the Roman Empire. 2 v Smith. Smaller History of Rome. a. Student's Gibbon. 3. Manners and Customs. Arnoy. Private Life of the Romans. a. Becker. Gallus; or Life among the Romans. 12° N. Y. Knitrht. Social Life of the Romans. 12° Glasg. 9 00 8° Lond. 7s M 16° N. Y. 75 16° N. Y. 75 8° Lond. Lond. 4 00 16° N. Y. 1 00 12° N. Y. 2 00 Rome ; City. Burn. Rome and Campagna. Butler. Inner Rome. 12° St. Paul in Rome. 12° Castelar. Old Rome and New Italy. 12° Davies. Pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its Mouth to its Source. 8' Eaton. Rome in the 19th Century. 2 vols. 12° b, Gell. Topogi-aphy of Rome, new ed. 2 vols. 8° a. Hare. AValks in Rome. 12° Days near Rome. 12° Hemans. INIonumental Rome. 8° Kip. Christmas Holidays in Rome. 12° The Catacombs of Rome. 18° IMurray. Hand Book to Rome. 12° Parker. Archaeology of Rome. 4 parts, text and plates (being vol. 1). 8° Rossi. Roma Sotteranea. Tr. by Northcote. 8° a. Story. RobadiRoma. 8° a. Taine. Rome and Naples. 8° Wey. Rome. (Cheap ed. .^15.00). 4° Withrow. Catacombs of Rome. 12° Rose. See Gardening. Row^ing. Brickwood. Boat Racing. 12° Lond. Morgan. University Oars; a Critical En- quiry into After-Health. 12° Lond. Woodgate. Oars and Sculls. 8° Lond. Runic. See Scandinavia. Rural Sports. See Field Sports. Russia. See also Crimea ; Siberia. 246 Phila. Phila. N. Y. Lond. Bohn Lond. Lond. Phila. Lond. N. Y. N. Y. Lond. Lond. ea. Lond. L. &P. N. Y. L. &N. N. Y. 3 00 25 00 1 75 1 75 1 75 18s 5 4 3 3 00 50 50 50 1 75 9s 10s 6^ 31s M 4 00 2 50 30 00 3 00 5s 10s 6d 1 75 Sacred HUtory — Sanitary Soieno«. 2 fiO 8<> IjonA. 1&« 18» Unci, 1U« 0./ I^ikI. 31i 8* N. Y. ;i no Tr. V. 80 Ix>n.l. 7* (k/ 8» X. Y. 3 00 \'2o N. Y. 2 00 l2o \. Y. 1 ou 8« lAnul 2S» 12° X. Y. I 00 1. so Oxf.l. 1J° Holin. 3 M X" I^inil. &• 1-J° riula. 1 75 •ft. so Ix.n.|. ll< i;i^ lk.5t. I 50 l-f^ 1^)11.1. lit L of 80 Lond. 21« 2 "l2° X. Y. :j 00 12" X. Y. I SO 80 Uii.I. 0( AblH)tL History of Ku.isia. Harry. Uiissian Lifo. Ivan at Home. 6. Hfll. History of Uussia. ."J vols. Hrfriuu-r. Iiit«'rior of Uiissia. 2 voK Uiisli. Ki'imlt'cr Doijs ami Snow Shoes. Distiiiiiiiislifd Tcrsons in Kii.».sian Society Ity Hunni-tt. Dixon. Fri'«' Uus.sia. (JantirT. A Winter in Uussia. (Jnrowski. Russia as it Is. Haxthatiscn. l!iissian Kin]>ir*>. 2 vols. JiTinann. I'iftnri's frojn St. I'ftorslmrjj. Jolmston)". Trip, i-tr. to Fair of Xov^jorml a. K<'lly. History of Kussia. 2 vols. Ki'hl. Knv'^ia an«l tin* Utissians. Mi'rlt-y. Ski'trlies of Russian Lifi*. Olipliant. Russian Slion-s of tln» Ulack Si>n Proctor. A Russian .lonrufv. Rnwiinson. Russia in tlic Kast. Schinitzler. Sccn't Histor)' of tii'* Court Russia, 2 vols. Stepht'us. fireoce, Russia. Poland, etc. vols. b. Taylor. Rayanl. (treece an«l Russia. a. VainU'ry. Russia and Central .Vsia. Sacred History. >'«•»• Hihlf : ChrUtianity ; Church lliilory ; .l/on> V Y. • fiO ChauniDnt. ^' '^ o« Uthani. Sanilarj- Kngin»fniig. ^ i^iid. 3ft» Sanscrit — Science and Religion. Sanscrit. See under Dictionaries ; Language; Literature : Vedas. Saracens. See Arabia ; Africa; Mohammed. Sardinia. IMurray. Hand-B'k for Sardinia, Genoa, etc. 12° Load. 95 Tyndale. Island of Sardinia. 3 vols. 8° Lond. 31s Qd Satire. See Pnetrij, Humorous; Humorous Works. Savings Banks. See Banks. Scandinavia. See also Denmark, Norway, Sweden. Browne. The Land of Thor. IIlus. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Cricliton and Wheatou. History of Scandina- via. 2 vols. 18° X. Y. 1 50 a. Mallet. Northern Antiquities. 12° Lond. 2 50 Mitchell. Runic Literature. 4° Lond. lOs Qd Nilsson. Primitive Scandinavia. 8° Lond. 18s Otte. Scandinavian History. 8° Lond. 6s Sinding. History of Scandinavia. 12° jSI. Y. 3 50 a. Taylor, Bayard. Northern Travel : Denmark, etc. 12° N. Y. 1 50 h. Wheaton. History of the Northmen. 8° Phila. Schles wi g-Holstein. Bunsf^n. Schleswig and Holstein. 8° 3s 6c? De Bille. Schleswig Question between Den- mark and Germany. 8° Lond. Is Dicey. The Schleswig-Holstein War. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 16s School Architecture. b. Eveleth. School House Architecture signs, etc). a. Johannot School, Houses. Schools. See Education. Science. See Natural History; Natural Science, and names of Sciences. Science and Religion. See also Natural Theology. Adams. Elemonts of Christ. Science. 12° Phila. 1 75 a. Argyll. Tlie Reign of Law. loo j^ & N. 2 00 Bahhage. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. 8° Lond. * 9s Qd a. Bascoin. Science, Philosophy and Religion. 12^ N. Y." 1 75 Black\v6ll. ^ Studies in General Science. 12° N. Y. 2 25 Brenusr. Theology in Science. 12° L. & N. 2 00 Cocker. T.lieistic Conception of the World. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Cooke. Religion and Chemistry. l-^o Lond 1 00 M8 )e- L. 4° N. Y. 6 00 8° N. Y. 3 50 Scotland. Dawson. IJiMo uiul Scieuco. 8* IxHul. I4 Nntur»« ami tlu' Hil'If. 12* I^nd. 7« fl./ h. nrajHT. Coiitlict i>t" U<-lit;i()u an«l Sc'u'nco. I'J^ N. Y. I 7i Kxiflsior. II.'Ips to I'ri)^'. ill K.'liv,'. (J vuIh. Ij l...n I ) |« Iliekok. Creator atul Creation. 2 75 Iluinaiiity Ininiortal. 1 ; 1 2 75 Hill, (ittiint'trv anil Faitli. Sij. !•»- N. \. 1 00 Hitchcoi'k. H«'ii:;ion ami (Jeolojjy. 12" IU>«t. 1 "5 L»> Conitf. U.'Iiijion anf S.Mtl.»fiil. .Mi::net. Hisfi.rv of M.»ry. (Jlm-en of Scot*. t )rkn>-\ iii.M S.i;j.i. Tr.iusi.ition. 2\J 12° N. Y. :::. ••• 18° F:*lin. \m 8° I>«id. \'2m 16° X. Y. 1 00 8» L. k X Y. S 50 8» f>>n.l. 8I« «J V2' I. \ V. Y 2 :-» 1'. V Y 1 ;*» Scriptures — Secret Societies. 16° Bost. 1 .50 8° X. Y. 2 00 S° Lond. 21s 12° Edin. 5s 12° Lond. 7s Bost. 7 50 Phila. 5 00 12° Ediu. 2s 6(/ 12° Lond. 2s Gd 8° Edin. 9s 8° Lond. 12s Qd 8° Lond. 8 00 8° N. Y. 2 50 a. Eanisaj\ Scottish Life and Character. a. Robertson. Histoiy of Scotland under ]\Iary. Rogers. Scotland, Social and Domestic. Century of Scottish Life. Scott, Sir AV. History of Scotland. 2 vols. Tales of a Grandfather. 6 vols. a. The same. 4 vols. Sinclair. Scotland and the Scotch. Shetland and Shetlanders. Stuart. Scotland under ]Mary. Tytler. History of Scotland. 4 vols, in 2. Weld. Highlands, Orcadia and Skye. Wilson. Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. 2 v. b. Wordsworth. Recollections of Tour. Scriptures. See Bible. Sculpture. See Fine Arts. Seamanship. Luce. Seamanship. For use of U. S. Naval Academy. Brady. Kedge Anchor. Dana. Seaman's Friend. Totten. U. S. Xaval Text-book. Bowditch. American Xavigator. Evers. Navigation. (Elem. Sci. Ser.) Same. (Elem. Sci. Ser.) Manning. Commodore's Signal Book, etc Rogers. Code of Signals. Sea Sickness. Alderson. Sea Sickness. Barker. Sea Sickness. Secession. See Rebellion, under United States. Secret Societies. Anderson. General History, Encyclopaedia, and Dictionary of Free Masonrv. Sm. 8° X. Y. 5 00 Donaldson. Odd Fellows' Text Book and Manual. 12° Phila. 2 Findell. History of Free Masonry. 8° Lond. 10s Fox. Free Masonry in England. 16° Lond. Fellows. INIysteries of Free Masonry. 16° Lond. 3s Greene. Broken Seal, or the Morgan Abduc- tion- 12° Bost. 1 50 Fort. Early History, etc., of Free Masonry ((inilds, Building Fraternities, etc). 8° L. & Phila. 3 50 Heckethorn. Secret Societies of all Ages, etc. 2 vols. loo L. ^X'.Y.IOSO James. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. 250 8° N. Y. 7 50 8° X. Y. 3 50 12° Bost. 1 50 12° X". Y. 3 00 8° X. Y. 5 00 16° X. Y. 75 12° X. Y. 1 50 8° X^ Y. 12° Lond. 2s 12° X. Y. 75 00 6d Selectious — Sermon* Jonniiijjs. The KositTucians. 12" I/»ii«l, luw «W Mackt'V. Mast>nic F^oxictm. !•_»<> I'liil*. 3 00 Kclxilii. FrtH'inxsoiirv in Kiim|H». S^' Ciuoin. Tnvlor. Monitor of f'rfi-nia-Minry. I 5o Tt>n>[)lar Manual. 1 oi) Selections. Ste aluo Qiiotation.t. Kliot. C.tHjrgi'. Wit ami Wisdom of. 1vol. Ifl" llost. 1 '.»j Font.iine. IJ«»st Tliouijlits of DicktMis, 5 JW CtanlniT, F. ami otlu>rs. SelectionH from Latin .Vutliors. 1 25 Half-liouis witli U.>st FnMich .\utliors. 12° N*. Y. 3 oO '!. Kniifht. llalf-liours with Lost authors. 1 vols. \J° I'liila. 9 00 2 vols. .s= I>.n.l. (H). 3 vola. »° Thila. 00 laconics, or, tlu* best WonU of the host Au- thors. 3 vols. M I. III. 7« tt«/ Lanilor. S«'leotions from. 15y llill;inl. >« Hi-.t. 2 50 Alackav. llonn' AfTeetion i>orlrayeil by Uie Pcl.-ts. Niw K.lition. S" Lond. 12« OJ Thousiind-and-one English (terns of Prose. P. H« IaW'I i$ 9d Milton. Tp'asures from Prow Writintr* of. \^° IJosl. 2 50 Montagu. .'N'lfotions from Taylor, Hooker. Harrow, .-tc. 12° X. Y 1 .'M) Newman, J. II. Characteristics ; arninged by Lilly. 120 N. Y. J M Parton. The Words of Washington, selected, pto. 10" I»«>Ht. 1 UO Saund.TS. Salad for the .•vilitarv, etc. 12^" N. Y. 4 00 tv'h-etions from .ler.-niy Taylor. " ' 10^ U*>^1. 1 25 a. Smith, Svdnev. Wit and Wisdom of. E. Noble Tlioughts in Noblo I*an- guage. «« T,/>nd. ia» (i.1 Manv Thought-Linv Minds. 2 wn lea. 12* W Town»,>n«r. Kv.-ryday iJ.M.k of .Moil. Lit. ^ I. 4 00 Trt*a.Hur)' of Literature and Art. "^ i.'ud. Sermons. See aUo Preach in r; and Preachers. Arnold. Sermons on Cliristian Life. 2 vols. I'i" N. Y. 4 00 Artoni. Sermons in .S«'veral Svnagogiies. 8* LoiuL 0« Beecher. I.,*'ctur>'s to Young ^len. I ♦W .S-rmons. ID vols. 8« X. Y. ro. 2 30 Sumni.T Parish. (.Sermons, etc., at Twin Mountain lIou.se.) 12« X. Y. I M Yalf I^Ttur»-s on Preaching. 1st Ser. 9\ 2.'. ; 2d an.l M f^-r. ea. 81 00. Pi" X. Y. Brooke. Christ in Modern Life. Pi*" X. Y. 3 00 Blair. .S.rmons. »* X. Y. 2 W Burns. Cyclopedia of Sermon.*. 8* X. Y. 2 oO ' * 2il Servia. Busbnell. Sermons for the Xew Life. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Sermons on Living Subjects. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Butler, Bp. Sermons. 12° Bohn. 2 50 Candlish. Sermons. 12° K Y. 2 00 Channins:. The Perfect Life; 12 Discourses. 12° Bost. 1 50 Colver. ^Nature and Life. 12° Best. 1 50 Guthrie. The Way to Life. Sermons. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Clirist and tli'e Inheritance of the Saints. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Parables in the Light of the Present Day.l2° X. Y. 1 50 Hall, Xewman. Sermons. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Hare. The Alton Sermons. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Hyacinthe, Father. The Family (Discourses), etc. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Latimer, Bp. The Ploughers. (Arber Re- prints.) 16° Lond. Is Qd Seven Sermons before Edward VI. (Arber Reprints.) 16° Lond. Is 6d Lever. Sermons. (Arber Reprints.) 16° Lond. Is Gd Manning. Lectures. 1 25 Sermons, vol. 1. 2 00 Maurice. The Ground and Object of Hope for Mankind. Cr. 8° N. Y. 1 25 Sermons Preached in Country Churches. P. 8° Lond. 10s Gd Melvill. Sermons. 2 vols. R. 8° X. Y. 5 00 Murray. Music Hall Sermons. 12° Bost. 1 50 Park Street Pulpic, 2d ser. 12° Bost. 2 25 Newman, J. H. Sermons at Oxford between 1826 and 1813. P. 8° Lond. 5s Pulpit Cyclopedia and Ministers' Companion. 8° X. Y. 2 50 Punshon. Lectures and Sermons. Cr. 8° X. Y. 2 50 Robertson. Sermons, 4 vols, in 1. 8° Bost. 2 00 Simons. Sunday Half Hours with Great Preachers. 8° Phila. 3 75 Sketches and Skeletons of 500 Sermons. 8° X. Y. 2 00 South. Sermons. 5 vols. 8° N. Y. 20 00 Spurgeon. Sermons, 9 series. ea. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Stanley. Sermons. 12° Lond. 2s Gd U'aylor, .Teremy. Sermons (select.) 12° Lond. 3s Gd Taylor, Win. M. The Lost Found. 1 50 Temple. Rugby Sermons. 3d ser. 12° Lond. 1 50 Trench. Sermons. 8° Lond. 10s Gd Vaughan. Christ, tlie Light of the World. 12° Lond. 3s Gd Wesley. Sermons, chiefly on the Spiritual Life. 12° X. Y. 1 00 Servia. Arbnthnot. Servia : Social, Political, etc. 8° Lond. 10s Gd IMijaterics. History of Modern Servia. 8° Lond. 10s Gd Servian Folk Lore. 8° L. & X. Y. 3 00 252 Sewerage — Shakespeaie ; CommenU, Coucord«ncos. etc (I. II. ink.'. IlisU>ry of Sen-ia. I'i'* Dohn 1 75 Sewerage. See alio Drainmje. IUirk»>. Sowage Utilization, \'2^ \jon%\. Sa W Uuiicht'll. Sewage and its Kct>noinical Di.v I»osal. 8<» I^^ntl. Ili'ym>Ms. S«»wer Gas, and How to Kwj> it Out of llousos. P. 80 Ix>nJ. S«'wa);t' Quf>iion, (oniprising a Sorica of K'I>ort.s. 1'. 8«> Loud. Sewing Machine. (ir.'ii. History of Sewing Machines. Shakespeare : Works. Avon fil. S V. Heir.s I'd. V. h. C'ainl»rid;.;e ed. (Clark and Wright) 9 v. b. Clarke's ed. 4v. a. Same. 1 V. Collier's ed. Gv. Collins' ed. V. .Same. *J V. 8« I»nd. 3 75 8« X. V. 2 J 00 8° N. Y. 9 UU .S-' \. Y. 80 (MJ .s - I.'tiul. Vi UO ^ I .< >iid. 8 (M >^ L'lid. 48 00 !-• N Y. 7 ao s« X. Y. 1> 00 1 ■ 1. 3 00 1. f :\ <■» - \. V- •J earo, for Reading Aloud. \jonA. pff pitrt \i 6. Furne.ss. Variorum ed., v. 1, Hom«'o and J.; V. 2, Macbeth; v. 3 und 4, Hamlet. h. Dyee's ed. (Large ty^x?.) v. a. Globe e«l. 1 v. a. Hniidv vol. ed. 13 V. n,./ !?t's «>t. 4 V. 11',. i. l.-Se.l. 11 V. Familv ed. 3 v. ScluK.i ed. 3 V. 1 - "-- .te jilaVS. K 1. «rv. 1 h. Kiiil;ih - I ntorial ed. 8v. IC " ■- Stratford ed. v. 12* I- & N. Y. 10 00 Rolfe : Julius Casar, Temi>ost, Merchant of Venice, Henry VIII. lUusL 18*. Ea. ftOc.; in 1 vol. X. Y. ^ ^ b. SUunton's ed. 3 v. L " ' ^ ^ Library cd. v. IJ I \ ^ Vali.v's ed. ' III. l.Jv. 1 o. Whit.'s ed. 12 V. ! Same. Fine eil. ^ li-jtL J'> '■' 8bakes{}«are: Comments, Concordances, etc. AM~.tt. S.Cramm.ir. 12« X. V. 2« Bible Tniths with S. TarallcU. 12' l^d. 2 00 io3 Sheep — Shipbuilding Campbell. S.'s Legal Acquirements. 12° X. Y. Clarke. Concordance to S. R. 8° Bost. Coleridge. Lectures on S. 8° Lond. Craik. P^ngiish of S. (Julius Csesar, with notes ) 12° Bost. Dowden. S. : A Critical Study. 8° Lond. Elze. Essays on S. Trans, by Schmitz. 8° N. Y. Fleay. S. Manual. 12° L. & X. Furness, Mrs. Concordance to Poems. 8° Fhila. Gervinus. Commentaries on S. 8° Lond. Giles. Human Life in S. 12° Bost. Guizot. S. and His Times. 12° N. Y. h. Halliwell. Life of S. 8° Lond. I. List of AVorks Illustrating S. 16° Lond. Hazlitt. Characters of S. 12° Lond. Hohnes. Authorship of S. (Baconian theory.) 12° N. Y. a. Hudson. Lectures on S. 2 v. 12° N. Y. a. S.'s Life, Art, etc. 2 v. 12° Bost. Jameson. Female characters of S. 8° N. Y. Jacob. S. Diversions. 8° L. & X. Jervis. Diet, of the Lang, of S. 4° Loud. Keightley. S. Expositor. 12° Lond. a. Knight. Studies of S. 8° L. cSc X. Latham. Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and S. 8° Lond. Maginn. Shakespeare Papers. 12° Lond. Nares. Glossary of S. Words and Phrases, by Halliwell. 2 v. 8 Lond. Ruggles. S.'s Method as an Artist. 12° X. Y. Schmidt. S. Lexicon. 2 v. L. 8° Lond. Stearns. S. Treasury of Wisdom, etc. 12° X. Y. a. White. S. Scholar. 8° X. Y. a. Life and Genius of S. 12° Bost. Wiusor. Bibliogr. of Original Quartos and Folios. 250 copies only. 4° Bost. Wordsworth. S.'s Knowledge of the Bible. 12° Lond. Sheep. Jennings. Sheep, Swine and Poultry. 12° X. Y. Morrell. American Shepherd. 12° X. Y. Randall. Sheep Husbandry. 12° X. Y. Fine Wool Husbandry. 12° X. Y. Youatt. On Sheep. 12° Phila. Shells. See Conchology. Shetland. See Scotland. Shipbuilding. See also Yachting. Forbes. Life-boats. Russell. Modern Xaval Arcliitecture. 3 v. atl. f ° Lond. Thearle. Sliipbuilding and Laying Off. 254 1 00 9 00 3s M 1 12..^ 4 Y. 1 4 iO 00 7. J 03 7.^^ Gd 2 00 1 50 Y. 4 00 12.9 "s Gd Y. 3 00 OS 1 00 2Ss 1 75 34s 2 00 2 50 2 50 25 00 6 00 1 75 1 75 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 Shipwreck!— Slavery. (Elein. Sci. St.) I'lat.vs 1 to Text. l»r \. Y. "J »i Siiine. (AJv. Sci. St-r.) 'J vols. 4to. l:j- N. V. | mj Shipw^recka. See also Ailventures. (iiXMlrich. Man iiixm tli.» S-.i. 8« I*hll». 2 25 L«*\vis. IILstory of til.- Lif.>-l.o!it. 8° X, Y. 173 IVnls i.f tlu> sJa. IS** X, Y. T.'t RtMldiiiij. Sliii>\vn'ck.5 ainl Di-sustors ut St»ft. 4 vols. 10* IxJuJ. Ill Shooting. S'f Hunting. Short Hand. See Phonotjraphy. Siam. Bowrinj:. People anijil. 32» Lconowen.s. Knglisli (loviTuess ut Court of Siani. Mouhot. Trav. iu Siani. 2 v. Siberia. Atkiimon. Oriental and West. Siberia. The .*>aine. b. Anioor River. Hush. R»'inil»H'r I)otrs an Sickness. See Uealth and hisease ; Draining; Longecily ; 'Ualtmilf ; Sanilary Science; Sewerage; Sleep. Siiigiug. (J.vrtner. The Art of Sinpinff. ■I" I'I>«1«- 3 <» S-iler. Tlie Voire in Sinking, from (Jeruian. \'2° I'hil*. 1 fiO Streeter. Voice Buil.ling. IJ" Thila. 1 SO Skating. An.ler!*..n. Art of Skatinfj. 12^ Ijoad. 2« W Vftn»ler>pll and Witham. System of Kijfure SkaliJu' 12" r> n.I. «* 12° Bo.t. S 00 8' Lon.l. S2« H" X. Y. S M) 12= rhila. 1 75 U. S^ |>,ml. 42i 8^ N. Y. 8 00 s'' IahuI. SIf 0./ 12^ X. Y. 2 UO 120 Ijaml 31« (W 8«> Us (id r. so Ijnml ll< Skepticism. See Injidelity ; Rationalism. Slavery. 255 Sleep — South America. Hope. In Quest of Coolies. Still. Underground Railroad. Wilson. Slave Power in the U. S. Sleep. See also Dreams. Cappie. Causation of Sleep- Hall. On Sleep. Macnish. Philosophy of Sleep. 12° Lond. 3 vols. S° Bost. ea. 12° Lond. 12° X. Y. 12° Glass:. Sociology. American Social Science Asso. ; Transactions, 8 parts, joa/;e?-. 8° Booth. St. Simon and St. Simonians. 8° Carey. Past, Present and Future. 8° Cose. Moral Reforms Suggested. 12° Chapin. Moral Aspects of City Life. 12° Dall. The College, Market and Court. 12° Elder. Questions of the Day. 8° h. Fawcett. Essays on Political and Social Sub. 8° Greeu\YOod. The Seven Curses of London. 12° Greg. Mistaken Aims, etc., of Artisan Class. 12° Hamilton. Present Status of Social Science. 12° a. Mill. Liberty ; and Subjection of Women. In 1 vol. 8° Mivart. Contemporary Evolution. 12° National Association, (English) for Promotion of Social Science. Transactions, 1857 to Bost. ea. Lond. Phila. Phila. X. Y. Bost. Phila. Lond. Bost. Lond. X. Y. X. Y. Lond. 6s 4 50 5 00 2s Qd 1 50 Is 1 50 7s Qd 2 50 1 1 2 3 3 1 10s 00 00 50 00 50 50 Gd 00 2 50 7s Qd Lond. ea. 15s 1876. 20 vols. 8' Nordhoff. Communistic Societies of U. S. 8° X. Y. 4 00 Xoyes. American Socialisms. 8° Phila. 3 00 a. Rogers. Social Economy. 12° X. Y. 75 h. Spencer. Social Statics. 12° X'. Y. 2 50 Descriptive Sociology (tabulated statis- tics), per part. f° X. Y. 4 00 Pi-inciples of Sociology, per part. X. Y. 60 Study of Sociology. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Stephen. Liberty, Eqixality and Fraternity. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Villetard de Pruuieres. Hist, of the Inter- national. Tr. 12° X\ Haven. 1 50 Solar System. See Astronomy. Solitude. Alger. Solitudes of Xature and of Man. Zimmerman. On Solitude. Songs. See Ballads, Poetry, Singing. Sound. See Acoustics. South America. See America, South. 256 16° Bost. 18° Phila. 1 50 75 South Caroliua— Spaiu and PortugiU. South Caroliua. Tik.'. Til.- rri..ilr:il- >t;U.-. 12" X. V. South Seas. See East Imiies, Pacijic, Polynesia, etc. Southern States. See United Stales ; and separate States. Spain and Portugal. See also Peninsular War. \ OU 1. I In- \. i»; u IJ N. Y. Y. •it. Y. l.o|ul. Ai>l>.)tt. Koni;uin« of Spauisli History. 12° N*. Y. Antlff.siMi. In .Spain. ' l-J' N. Y. Atlaclie at Ma.liul; Court of Inabt'Ila II. \J^ N. Y. liaxUy. Spain ; .\rt U. inainx, etc. 2 vols. l'J° X. Y. IJaxtrr. I'urtiii,'nl, .Spain ami Italy. 2 voI.h. •• ! ' IUai-kl>urn. Travfllini; in Spain. Hyini'. Ci>sa.s il<' K.spana. Illu.st. '2 voU. Calicott. Ilis. of .Spain and IVirtucal. 2 v. a. ContI*'. The .\rali.H in Spain. 3 vols. Davillit-r. Spain. I'ictun'.mpio, Ili.Mtorieal, Uoniantic. 2tkof Spain. 2 vols. (Jautirr. W.uidiTiii'^^s in .Spain. 1*. Hare. Wanderim^s in .Spain. b. Hay, .lolin. C'a-^tilian Dayn. llerli'Tt. Inipn-s-sitin.s of .Spain. Historical .sk.-teli.s of I'ortntjal. a. Irvini;. The C'oii<|ii>'>t of (>ninada .Same, elieajwr i-ditiun. a. .Vlhanil.ra. ^1.2."», §1.75. .Spanish I'aiM-r.t. 2 vols. a. I*at«>uohi'. Traveb in I'ortuijal. Mackenzie. A Year in .Spain. 3 vols. .Spain Ui-visit'-d. 2 voU. Mahon. \Var of .Sm-c-ession in S|>ain. Spain und»-r Charle.H II. Murray. Hand Hook of Portugal. a. Frescott. U'-i^n of Ferdinand and IsalK-Ilo. 3 vol.^. S' 1*1. ilx o. Philip II. 3 vok ... a, Ivl. of UolM"rt'«on*.H C'harh'.s V. X. Y. I>in.l. 1 1- 12 12= X. Y 1(J° X. Y. 1 12* X. Y. 12° X. Y. >« N V U \ V IJ \. Y. > I., .lid. s I. ' I. 1 '»J 6 UO 2I« 6s 7 50 12* 5 '2i is ••» 1 uO 80* 2 ^^ ' .Str."«'l. (;.>thie .Vr.li Thii'hlin. .Spain aii^l Th'-riihury. I.il'-- in >!'.mi h. Tieknor. IIiHt..r\ : Wallis. (tlinip- Spain, h'T i W»»IU. Pirtur''->.(.e' Wyalt. Spain, an .V: 3 v«>U. r. .V IVncil. It :^!i !.:t nrurc. 3 v. 1-' .\. Y. I'." I^-.» '.'j and 1 : 10* 7 ao 1 Sft I 30 in lal Spanish Language — Statistics. 40 2 00 2° X. Y. 1 25 8° N. Y. 10 00 8° X. Y. 9 00 8° N. Y. 1 25 8° Bost. 1 50 Bost. 25 8° X. Y. 6 00 Spanish Language. See under Dictionaries ; Language; Literature. Spectroscope. Kirchoff. Researches on Solar Spectrum. Lockyer. Spectroscope and its Application. ] b. Contributions to Solar Physics. R. Roscoe. Spectrum Analysis. Rosenbei-g. The Use of the Spectroscope. Spectrum Analysis Explained. Spectrum Discoveries. a. Schellin. Spectrum Analysis. Speeches. See Elocution ; Oratory. Spiritualism. See also Demonology and Witchcraft ; Supernatural Superstition. h. Ashburner. Animal Magnetism and S. 12° Loud. 12s 6d Brittan. I\Ian and his Relations. 8° N. Y. 4 00 Cox. Spiritualism and Science. Lond. 2s Qd Crookes. Researches in Spiritualism. 8° Lond. 5s Davis. Death and After Life. 12° Bost. 75 Other works. 7 vols. 12° Bost. 8 00 Grimes. Mvsteries of Mind and Heart ex- l)lained. 12° Chic. 2 00 a. Hammond. S. and Xervous Derangement. 12° X. Y. 2 25 Hardinge. Modern American Spiritualism. 8° X. Y. 3 50 Kardec. Sp. Philosophy. Tr. by Blackwell. 16° Bost. 1 50 Medium's Book. Tr. by Blackwell. 12° Loud. 7s 6d Owen. Footfalls on Boundary of another World. 12° Phila. 2 00 The Debatable Land, etc. 12° X. Y. 2 00 Report on S., of the London Dialectic Society. 8° Lond. 15s Sargent. Planchette ; the Despair of Science. 12° Bost. 125 Wallace. Miracles and Modern Science. 12° Lond. 6s Zerffi. Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism. 12° Lond Is 6d Spontaneous Generation. See Biology. Sports. See Athletic Games; Rural Sports Stammering and Stuttering. By James Hunt. Stamp Collecting. Gray. Illusti-ated Catalogue of Stamps. Trifet. Price Catalogue of Postage Stamps. Statistics. Almanach de Gotha. Annual. 1 vol. 32° 3 00 American Almanac. 1S31 to 1861. Baird. Science Record. 1872. 12° N. Y. 2 00 British Almanac & Companion. 1828 to '70. Draper. Year Book of Xature and Popular Science. 1872. 12° X. Y. 2 00 258 12° Lond. 5s 12° Lond. 8° Bost. OS 32° 12° Bost. 12° N. Y. 12° Lond. ea. 3 2 4s Steam Engiue Sugar. MaccuUoch. Stat'l Acct. of IJrit. Kinpin*. •_* v. h" I^.iio 4'*m a. Miirtiii. Statt-sinan's Ymr n.H)k. (Anim.ili. ^ I \ \" Y .'. -• Natioiiiil Ilaixl Hook of Karfn and Kiicun-i. a. Sli.'iii. Statistics of th." Worl.l. (Anil.) ol. I. />. Tril'UiH" Almanacs, 1613-1870, Ui-priut, 2 v. Ij- N. \. lo mi Steam Engine. Many Technical Works not incliuUil. Arni>tri'nij. Construction ami Maniipi'nimt of Stoanj Uoilfi^. ! Bourno. ('at«'clii.sin of thf Stoani Knj;in»'. llnnti HtHik of St.aiii Knijim*. 1"> rhu.u 2 ••J 6. Tn-atisc on St.-ani Kni,'in«>. I" l»niL 21 (10 Clark, I). K. KU-uK'nlary 'Iroatiso (WcaK-'i* soriis). 12** I>jnJ. Zg (U Evers. Stfani and St«'am Engine. (Klcni. Sci. S«'r.) l'". N. Y. 75 a. Sanu'. (Adv. Sci. S«>r.) I J \. Y. I -• Locomotive. (Klein. .Sci. Scr.) 1'. N \ Kinp. Practical Notes on Steam Kngine. "^ Lardner. .Steam. \\i^ I-oud. 2* .Steam Engine. (\Veale*s Ser.) 1-'° l.-nd. !» '^/ Main \ IJrown. Marine .Steam Enirinf. ' Mart'-n. Kec. of .Steam lioil'-r E.x|>lo.Hioii- liankine. Manual of .Steam Engine. Kol'insun. On Explosion of Steam Hollers. Wallace, On Constructing Steam Engine.s. !'. i >•• Young. Economy of .Steam on Com. Kouds. l'2° I. _' M Stenography. See alto Phonography. Lind.sley. NoU' Taker; or Elements of Ta- chvgrapl.v. 12^ 4 25 Scovii. ' X'.rbalim UejKJrting. 10° N. Y. 1 2.'» Stereoscope. Brewster. On the Stereoscope. 12*' I^nd. 5f 6./ Sl.reoscopic Mag-azine. :) voIh. 1850-'02. b" Lond. «. 42» Stimulanta. See yarc'tiin : Ttm/teranee. Storms. See Meteorology. Strawberry. See Fruit. Submarine Warfare. nariie.i. Sultinarine Wnrfar*'. 8« N. Y. 6 00 Scheliha. Coast iX-fencc. H. »« Load. 16 00 Suez Canal. .*»V< Inter-octanu ( .-;/w/i.i»i»t«j/*.»»». Sugar. Grant. Beet Root Supu- and CuIttTaUon of Sumatra — Swedenborgianism. Beet. 12° Bost. 1 25 Reed. The Hist, of Sugar and Sugar Plants. 12° Lond. 2 75 Porter. History of the Sugar Cane. 8° Lond. 4 50 4° Lond. 315 Qd 4° Lond. 21s 50 25 50 00 00 50 Sumatra. ]Marsden. History of Sumatra. Sun. See Astronomy ; Spectroscope. Sun Dials. Gatty. Sun Dials. Supernaturalism. See also Apparitions; Demonolorpj; Marjic; Super stition ; Spiritualism. Burton. Vikram and the Vampire. 8° Lond. 2 a. Bushnell. Nature aud the Supernatural. 8° N". Y. 2 Credo ; a Supernatural Book. 12° Lond. 5s Dendy. Philosophy of Mystery. 12° X. Y. 1 Elliott. Mysteries ; or Glimpses of the Super- natural. 12° N. Y. 1 Howitt. History of the Supernatural. 2 v. 12° Phila. 3 Lee. Glimpses of tlie Supernatural. 2 vols. 8° L. & X. Y. 7 The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham. (Arber Reprints.) 16° Lond. Is Superstitions and Extravagances. See aha Apparitions; Majic ; Spiritualism; Supernaturalism ; Demonologij and Witchcraft. Dixon. Spiritual Wives. Gray. The Children's Crusade. h. Lea. Superstition and Force. Mackay. Popular Delusions, 2 vols. Madden. Pliautasraagoria, 2 vols. Surveying and Mensuration. Alsop. Surveying. (Key, $1.25). Gumraere. Surveying. Haswell. Mensuration. Sweden. See also Scandinavia. a. Anderson. Pictures of Travels in Sweden. Fryxell. History of Sweden. Trans, by Howitt, 2 vols. h. Laing. Tour in Sweden. Lloyd. Peasant Life in Sweden. Vertot. Rin-olutions in Sweden. Swedenborgianism. Barrett. Lectures on the Doctrines. Bayley. Brighton Lectures. Browning. AYords in Season. 260 12° Phila. 2 50 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° Phila. 2 75 12° Lond. 5s 8° Lond. 2Ss 8^ Phila. 2 25 8° Phila. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° X. Y. 1 75 8° Lond. 21s 8° Lond. 5s 8° Lond. IBs 8° Lond. 2s 6^ 12° X. Y. 1 25 12° X. Y. 30 12° Phila. 1 00 Swimmiuts — Switserlaud aud Tytol. CHssold. Crtvdsof Atliaiiujiuu, S:ibctliu.nrl. it Clowt's. ()iitliin.'.s i)f I)octrin>vH of. 1». 8* I^itniL 8« M FtTnalil. New Ai^f of the L'Imri-li. IkmU (Jili'S. Xiitur.' of Spirit. 12® X. V. 75 Ilolcomho. Our I'liillr-ii in II avon. H® I'liila. 1 75 Hy.lf. Our Ku-rnal Iioiu-'«. 12« X. Y. I (Xi Nol.Ie. Appoal. 8° IUhU 1 .V) Parsons. iK'us-IIoino. 8' IMiila. 2 .Vj Infinite uml Kinit''. IJ' liA»«t 1 (H) ()utlino.<» of K.'lii;ion, t-to. of S 1(5^ H-rnL I 2.* SwedLMib.>r;;. Cornplct-! Works. 19 vols. 8' I'liiLi. 32 5carvj»si' U-v.'al.'il. 2 vols. 8» N. Y. ene and Wi?».loiu. 8" X. Y. 1 00 Divine IVovi.lonce. »<> X. Y. I 25 Fonr L.-a.linu' Doctrines. 8* X. Y. I IJO Heaven an.III-ll. 8» X. Y. 125 .Mis<-.-ll;in.>..us Tlieolojjical Works. 8' X. Y. 1 fiO Trn- Cliristim R'-liijion. 8' X. Y. 2 50 l)>ctiin.'sof til' New Jerusal-m Church IJ^" llaJ. H» Grot*'. 7 L'tt'Ts on Politics of S. (Civil War of is 17) H** I/>nd. «• Historv of Swit/.i-rland T .r,l.,, n, 12» I^od. *« W a. J. .„...,." The K.'-ul.ir ^ I. 8»L.*X.r. I 7» Month at (i.a.iti'in; or. '. n the Tyrol. With ill P. '*° i^n>l «• Morell. Soi.Mififi' ()\ /-rland. 12' I>md. 10» M Muller. Hi • Murray. II. . i 12« Lood. »• a. Swis-H |'i.•fllr.•^. •ir.ivva witii I'un and IVncil. Illu^ir.it.d. t" Land. 4 OD 2Cl Synonyms — Taste. Vieusseux. History of Switzerland, (S. U. K. Ziiicke. Swiss Allmeiids. a. Zscliokke. History of Switzerland. 8° Loud. 75 6^ 12° Lond. 7s M 12° N. Y. 1 75 8° N. Y. 2 50 12° 1 25 12° X. Y. 1 50 10° 1 00 18° N. Y. 75 12° 1 88 12°N.Y. 2 00 8° L. & N. Y. 6 00 8° Lond. 6 50 8° Bost. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 25 8° Lond. 8 00 12° Lond. 90 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° Lond. 8,9 M 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° Lond. 21s Synonyms. h. Crabb. English Synonyms. Doederlein. Hand-Book Latin Synonyms. Graham. English Synonyms. A Iland-Book of Synonyms.. Cloth. Hand-Book of English Synonyms and Proverbs, etc. Ramshorn. Latin Synonyms. a. Rogat. Tliesanrus of English Words. b. Smith. Synonyms Discriminated. Smith. English Synonyms Explained. Soule. English Synonyms. Cr. Trench. Synonyms of New Testament. h. Wedgwood. Diet, of English Synonyms. AVhateley. English Synonyms. Syria. See also Holy Land. a. Curtis. The Howadji in Syria. Kelly. Syria and the Holy Land. Jessup. Home Life in Syria. Porter. Five Years in Damascus. 2 vols. h. Prime. Travels in Syria, Egypt, etc., 2 vols. 12° N. Y. 3 00 Table Talk. a. Coleridge. Table Talk. Doran. Table Traits. Goethe. Conversations with Eckermann and Soret. h. Hazlitt. Table Talk, 2 vols. Liither. Table Talk. INIatthews. Great Conversers. Rogers. Table Talk. Russell. Book of Table Talk. Seidell. Table Talk. Same. (Arber Reprints.) Paper. Tales and Novels. See Fiction. Tariff. See Free Trade; Political Economy ; Protection. Tartary. See also Asia ; China. a. Hue. Travels in Tartary and China. 2 vols. 12° N. Y. 3 00 Tartary and Thibet. 12° Lond. 2s Qd Shaw. Explor. Journey in High Tartary. S'^ Lond, 16s Tasmania. See A tistra lia. Taste. See Esthetics ; Criticism. 2G2 12° Lond. 6s. 8° N. Y. 1 75 12° Bohn 1 40 12° Lond. 10s 12° Bohn. 1 75 12° Chic. 1 50 12° N. Y. 1 00 12° L. &N.Y 1 75 12° Lond. 1 50 16° Lond. Is. Taxatiou -Texas. Taxatiou. See Finance; Free Trade; Political Economif ; PmltctUm. Taxidermy. Tnxiilfrnust's Manual. IJ"' N. Y. 1 25 llrowii. Swiiiiiiioii. Tax'ulunuv. 12^ Loii.l. l-J^ X. Y. 1»;^ L.ii.l. H I,..„.|, \ V. Il>..t. N. Y. N. y. ij 1-' 12' Teachers ; Teaching. See Eilucation. Tcchuology. See also Inventions ; Mechanic Arts. Hitjelow. Teclinoloijy. 2 vols. TJ' X. Y. Criiij;. T»?cliuol. Dictionary. 2 vols. 4^ >ke. Kltrtric T. FicM. History of Atlantic T. Larrnions on Inti'mpcranc*'. CariHMJt'T, I'sf and .Abuse of .Vlooliol. Day. Methoujania ; Alcoh. Poison. Hargreave.s. Our Wasted Ri^wiurccs. l..ees. Text Hook of Teinjx'rano*. Macnish. Anatomy of DrnnkiMiiu><>|>.-edia. \V...i- II. PruhibiUjry Li'i'i r I ,A.i. Tenueftsee. Carpenter. History of Tn,- of T-xa.4. Olmsted. Tour in Texas. Yoakum. History of Tcxa*. Zs (U 42f 150 :• 00 2 (Ml U 4./ i .to 1J» Phila, lt;= II. .,t. IJ \ Y IJ N Y. IJ N. Y. 00 I .'■. 1 :«> 12« PhiU. ss 1 ■ \ V o.p.\ o.p. i2- N. ^. 1 25 lit 1 80 269 Theatre — Trade and Commerce. Theatre. See Drama; Shakspeare. Theism. See Infidelity ; Rationalism. Theology. For related topics, see list at head of Christianity. Aids to Faith : Theoloo-ical Essays. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Augustine. Works, edited by Dods. 12 vols. 8° Loud. ea. 3 00 Bampton Lectures, 1S5S and 1864-7i. 12 vols. 12° and 8° Lond.froin |1.50 to 4 00 Blunt. Dictionary of Theology. Imp. 8° L. cSc N. Y. 10 00 Household Theology. 1G° X. Y. 1 25 Diet, of Sects, Heresies, etc. 8° N. Y. 10 00 Brewer. Origin of Athauasian Creed. Lond. Ss- Qd Chillingworth. Religion of Protestants a Safe Wav, etc. 12° Bohn 1 75 Dagg. Manual of Theology. 8° N. Y. 14 00 Dorner. History of Protestant T. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 10 00 Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. R. 8° Phila. 6 00 Hagenbach. History of Doctrines. 2 vols. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Hodge. Systematic Theology. 3 vols, 8° N. Y. 12 00 Hunt. Contemporary Essays in Theology. 8° Lond. 16s Lumby. History of the Creeds P 8° Lond. 7s 6J Xeander. History of Christian Dogmas. 2 v.l2° Bohn 3 50 Pearson. On the Creed. Ed. bv iJurton. 8° L. & N. 3 50 Same, with Analysis by Walford. 12° L. & X. 2 00 Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. 12° Bost. 1. 25 Pond. Pastoral Theology. 12° Andover 1 75 Sears. Regeneration, enl. ed. 12° Bost. 1 25 The Fourth Gospel 8° Bost. 2 50 Shedd. History of Christian Doctrine. 2 v. 8° X. Y. 5 00 Some Present Difficulties in Theology. 12° Loml. 3s 6^/ Theologia Germanica, ed. bv Prof. Stowe. 12° Andover. 1 50 Tyler. Theo. of Greek Poets. 12° Andover. 1 75 Upham. Absolute Religion. 12° X. Y. 1 50 Van Oosterzee. Christian Dogmatics. 2 vols. 8° X. Y. 6 00 Venema. Institutes of Theology. 8° Andover. 2 50 Viuet. Outlines of Theology. 8° L. & X. 3 00 Thibet. See also under Tartary. Markliam. Boyle's Mission and Manning's Journey. 8° Lond. 21s Thirty Years' War. See Germany. Tobacco. See Narcotics. Toilet. See Costume. Torpedoes. See Submarine Warfare. Toxicology. See Poisons. Trade and Commerce. See Business. 2G4 Tragedy— Travels aad VoyagM. l'J° I>.I..I. 7. «./ IS' I. ! v. • ; IJ^ I'l.i* I .^t Tragedy. See Drama; Shaitiptare. Trade Unions. .sVe Co-operation. Trauscondentalism. See Metaphysics. Trapping. Sc- Unutini/. Travels and Voyages. — (jKXKKali.y. (Fur Uiottu ill |tnrticulnr Cuuiilrioii, mw their luinM.) 1. Akt ok Tilvvki.. Sei- nlto Sea Sicktteu. Hulwoll. Cost of Liviiisj .\l»n)ad. a. (Jalton. Tho Art of Travfl. Ili'int'. rii-tiin'sof Trawl, hy liolaml. Howfll. InstriictionH for Forn-ino Travcll. (ArbtT K.'print.s.) Ia'IlI. 1« (W Leveson. (Tlie OM Slickarry). Wriiikl«'« ; Hints un Men, Kquipinent nun«l. flj Lord & liaino.s. Shifts and Kx[M>diont8 of C'anip Life. II. H" Umil. 30« Many, i'rairie Travel. Cr. lO® N. Y. I 00 2. Gi'iDK Hooks, ktc. Appleton's Iland-IJooks for Trovellers, viz: KurojK'an (iiiiil<--Hk, 5th ed. li voU. §']..'>U. — Siune in 1 vol. IIand-Ik>ok of Am. Travel, Kiuttvru Tour. " Northern States. 12' N Mi.l.lle Stat.'s. 1- \ •• .Southfrn .States. IJ \ Iland-U'M'k for KnrojH". l'i° N Baedi'ker's Kiiru(>ean C>uide-Ikx)k. ; I' Hand-lto^'k for Trav- HarjMT. Iland-Itook lor Kun>|>»". Murray's IIandItk.i for Kump<» and the Eait, each I-**' I»nilon. vix. : H«Tk«, Buck.H, etc.. 7*. 6 K. Y. 6 00 Travels and Voyages. Germany, Xorth, 10*% ; Germany, South, 10s. ; Greece, 15s. ; Italy, Northern, 12s. ; Italy, Central, 10s. ; Italy, Southern, 10s. ; Kent and Sussex, 10s. ; London, Modern, 3s. Gd. ; Loudon, Past, etc., 16s. ; Malta, Turkey, etc., 15s. ; Norway, Sweden, etc., 15s. ; Portugal, 9s. ; Rome, etc., 9s. ; Rus- sia, Iceland, etc., 12s. ; Spain, 2 vols., oOs. ; Surrey, Hants, etc., 7s. Qd. ; Syria and Pales- tine, 2 vols., 2is. ; Turkey, Asia, etc., 10s ; Wales, 2 vols., 12s. ; Wilts, Dorset, etc., 7s. Qd. Osgood's Haud-Books, pocket size, Boston, viz. : New England ; Middle States ; Maritime Pro- vinces, ea. 2 00 Sargent. Skeleton Routes. Satchel Guide for Tourist in Europe. 16° Lond. 2 00 Sweetser. Europe tor |2 a Day. Sq. 16° Bost, 25 3. COLLECTIOXS. Adventures of Hunters and Travellers. 12° Pliila. 1 75 All Round the World. Voyages, etc., in all parts of the Globe. Ed. by Aiusworth. Illus. by Dore, etc. 4° N. Y. 13 50 Aiusworth. Earth delineated with Pen and Pencil. Plates by Dore. 4° Lond. 21s Wanderings in every Clime. Illus. by Dore. 4° Lond. 21s Goodrich. Man upon the Sea ; History of Maritime Adventure. 8° Phila. 2 25 Remarkable Voyages. 3 00 Illustrated Travels ; Record of Discov. and Adventure. Ed. by Bates. 6 vols. R. 4° N. Y. ea. 7 50 Library of Travel. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 17 s 6f/ a. Taylor, Bayard. Cyclopedia of Mod. Trav. 8° Cincin. 5 00 American Library of Travel. 9 vols. 18° N. Y. ea. I 50 a. Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 11 vols. 12? N. Y. 16 50 4. Circumnavigations and General Journeys. Boyle. Camp Notes. Asia, Africa and Ame- rica. P. Browne. Etchings on a Whaling Cruise. Crusoe's Island, Cal. 2 vols. b. Coffin. Our New Way Round the World. Cook's Voyages round the World. 2 vols. R. Abridged. Illust. D'Alviella. Sahara and Lapland. Travels. P a. Dana. Two Years Before the Mast. 266 8° Lond. 10s Qd 8° N. Y. 2 00 12° N. Y. 1 75 8° Bost. 3 00 8° Lond. 24s 12° Lond. 2 00 8° Lond. 6s 12° Bost. 1 50 Trees— Tar key. b. Dilko. Groator RritAin. a. Diifffriii. L.tt.'M fniin Ili-^h I^tituclca. >. N. V. HiibiuT. ILnnM.' limn. I tli- \V.>rUl. Ij' V Y M.u-i,'Tt'ijor. lt)l) ll">v i>ii IJ.kltii-. a. l.(HM) Mil.'s in tl'if K.>1. It.y. Mmiiitain A-lvfiitunvn in vuriom L:uitL*. Pl.'itT.T. LM Jour, ruuii.l tlie Wurl.l. IViiH''. Arouml the WorlJ. a. I'linnK'Uv. Across AiU'-rica aiul Asia. U v.n'. ■ K.'.-I mill Sii.l.ll.., Sinilt'S. A lioy's Joiirn»>y n>timl th" World. Smith, Ciipt. John. Trni> TniVflH. ••tc. 2 volt. W.-hl>e. Tnivail.'.s. (.Vrln-r K.-;.iinLs). lnd. s V V • N \ J N Trees. Brown. The Forester. IJmwne. The Trees of Am^'rica. Klliott. Lawn antl ShaH)(l .Scenery of Xew EInglan >'■ (I. l"iiil-r. For.'st Tree Ciiiturist. 12" -N. llemsley. Handbook of Il.mly Trees, Shrubs, etc. ' a. II.'s. Book of P2 ver^niens. 1 Kirliy. Ch.apbTs on Trees. I' L'li im. Kiicy'-lKpn-lia of Tr<»<'s and .^ .M--iian. ll.indlxtok of Ornain'Mittl Ti b. Michaux & NnlUill. Xorth American .Syiv*, colored j>lat"s. ♦' v'!« R. Xnttall. Ihe .N'orth Americai. ■- Stewart. IMant»'r's tJuide. prown tree.H.) Strutt. .Sylva Britannica et Scotica. Imp. iVliciic .Sylvarum. lujp. Wanler. Iledijes and Everj;n.-cns. Trials. [See £air.] Tripoli. [See Africa, Xorth.} Troy. Schliemann. Troy and its Remains. Tunis. [See Africa, yorlh.] Turkey. ll-'iij.ituin. ' ■ • '!' '- •• I • i ■ I •■- - a. (.PMHy. 1 : K\an^ i... ..,-. - >fvt J UO .11»«t| 8» PhiU. 65 0< 8° l»hiU. 21 UO 8' I • :\t S^ 1 ii i° 1 9/0 N 1 8»L.A». r.iaao 12' .v. Y. 8« Load. 1 75 uu 'iC7 Turning — United States. during the Insurrection. 8*^ Lond. 18s Farley. Modern Turkey. 8° Lond. 14s Gauti*er. Constantinople. 1G° X. Y. 2 00 Harney. Turkish Harems and Circassian Homes. 8° Lond. 15s Jacob and others. Hist, of Ottoman Empire.l2° Lond. 7s 6d &. Macfarlane. Turkey and its Destiny. 12° Phila. 2 00 Mackenzie and Jrby. The Turks, Greeks and Slavons. _ 8° Lond. 24s Ranke. Ottoman and Spanish Empire in IGth and 17th Canturies. 8° Lond. 2s Smvth. A Year with the Turks. 8° Lond. 8s Tozer. Higlilands of Turkey. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 21s b. Urquhart. Turkey and its Resources. 8° Lond. 9s 6d Wise. Scampavias ; Gebeltarek to Stamboul.l2° Phila. 1 75 Turning. Campin. Hand Turning. 12° Phila. 3 00 Turner's Companion. 12° Phila. 1 50 a. The Lathe and its Uses. 8° Lond. 6 00 Watson. Manual of the Hand Lathe. 12'-^ Phila. 1 50 Tuscany. See Itahj. Typography. See Printing. Tyrol. See Switzerland. United States. See also America, North; Constitution of U. S. , Mexico ; New England; and Names of Slates. The Subdivisions below are : 1. General History. 2. Revolution. 3. War of 1812, etc. 4. Re- bellion. 5. Travels, etc. 1. General History. Abbott. Paragraph History of U. S. Sq. 18° Bost. 50 Aldrich. History of U. S. Marine Corps. 8° N. Y. 3 00 fc. Bancroft. History of the U. S. 9 vols. 8° Bost. 22 50 New Centenary edition. 6 vols. 12° Phil. ea. 2 25 Bartl.'tt & Woodward. History of U. S. illus- trated. 3 vols. 4° L. & X. Y. 17 50 Benton. Debates in the U. S. Senate. 16 vols. 8° N. Y. 80 00 b. 30 Years' View of Public Affairs. 2 vols. 8° K Y. 10 00 Bliss. Our Country and Gov't for 100 Years.l2° Newark 1 00 Bowen. Child's History of U. S. 3 vols. 18° N. Y. 3 75 b. Bryant, etc. Popular Hist, of the U. S. 4 vols. Imp. 8° X. Y. ea. 6 00 Cooper. History of the Xavy of U S. 8° X. Y. 3 75 Cooke. Constitutional History of U. S. 8° Phil. 2 50 Draper. American Civil Policy. 8° X. Y. 2 50 268 United BtatM. Fost4>r. Prt'historic Uaces of tlio U. S. Cr. 8® Chic. Gibl>s. Ailiuiiiistratiuns of WnAliingtoD niul Adniiis. *J vols. s^ \ V ;, no GiHMlrioh. History of tlie U. S. rJM'Uil. 174 Ilamiltoii. Ut'puhlic of the U.S.; Writings of llaiuiltoii. 7 vols, 8® Phil. 34 80 a. ni_'-iiisou. Yoiini; Folks' Hist, of tho IT. S. St. Tolit. and" Const. Hist, of U. S. Tran*. J-voKs. 8« Chic < ! Ilowitt. -\»nt'rican History. 2 voU. IJ' N. Y. .Ii'iiniiii;s. s-': Years of K'-p. (lov. I.' N. V. b. Lossiii'.,'. I'irtorial llistnry of l'. S. ]J S. V. Coniiiion School lli>tory, Ij^ N. Y. M.Pli.rson. Political II i.story of the U. S. 8MVa*h. .. .-» Ma.li-.ii. Paj»'rs. Lttters, etc. 4 vols. 8** Phil. 1« no -Ma.ii-oii. Writings. H« \imt. 3 00 National Hand-HtHik of Facts and Fijjiirrs. 12' X. Y. 1 60 Ollit-r Cass.ll's History of r. .S. — vols. L. s= I^»nd. m r>, Patton. History of tht-'Cnitod SUiU-.h. K. h^ N. \. QuaokenWs. liistory of th- Tniti'd SUtos, IJ^ \ Y SarptMit. Uraddock 1 - ■ Snninor. Pro[>li<>tic \ nnni; Amor. a. Swinton. Ili.storj' of lli!- I uit -d States. \J }\. V. 1 _•.. Tocqutville. Anu-rican Institutions. (Vol. 1 of iVniocracv in -\merica.) 12® Ik»l. 1 75 Tomes. Hattl.-s of .Vnn'rica by Sea and Land. Illnstrat.-d. :l vols. " 4° V. Y. 24 00 Van Huren. Political Parties in ilie l'. .S. s N*. Y. 3 !■• Wil!:ird. Historj- of K.'i>uhlic of Anierica. > N. V. ' •■ ^\ ■;:- II. American History . IJ .N". Y. \\ i.'.j. Seven l)ccad>'s of American History. ^'' Plnl.i 2. The AMr.nicAN Kkvolotiox. See alto /?iV>yra/>Ajr, /xi- . Abbott. Parain-aph History of the Revolu- tion. Sq. 180 Bort. V> K»-volutionary Tiim-s. (M.iiiiiers, ctc.)lfl* Ik>»t. IJott.i. Hi.Htork- of'.Vinrrican K.-v.-lution. **" Kll''tt. lKim««s"tic Hist. «.f Am. K.'volution. 12 N. Y. a. FrothinRhain. Pix'^of the UepuMic. *•' I*- •« Hattl. ' rllill. paper.] "" flarUen. A ' tin- Revolution. Cireene, Hi>t. \ i a ■i (ierman Klement I.,ee. War ' "' b, l.o«sinij. 1 M.-r-. 1: .Mil... I'l rr.-i.:.-. A- Kh...l-. 1. Ku.l.-i. M ti. r ■ in V 1 20 Jv. U. - v. Y. 11 •>» Acts of the Kerolatioo. l'.»- ihi.*. 1 ;:* 1 ■■ .l.mr- 2d9 United States. 8° N. Y. 7 00 8° N. Y. 1 50 8° N. Y. 4 00 8° Phila. 6 00 nals. 3 vols. 8° Alb'y. 9 00 Watson. Men and Times of the Revolution. 12° Phila. 1 50 Camp Fires of the Revolution. 12° N. Y. 2 00 3. War of 1812-14, and with Mexico, 1847. a.Lossin?. Field-Book of War of 1812. Illust. R. Mansfield. INIexican War. Ripley. History of War with Mexico. 2 vols. Sai'gent. Public Men and Events, 1817-1853. 2 vols. 4. Rebellion and R£constj^cti0Nv, . y / / . . ', r ■. L < :^ .■ t/fC'lJf •' , i (■ Appleton's History of the Rebellion. R. 8° N. Y. 4 00 Adams. Story of a Trooper ; Siege of Wash- ington. N. Y. ea, 6 00 Boutweil. Speeches, etc., on the Rebellion. 8° Bost. 2 50 Botts. The Great Rebelliou. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Boynton. American Navy during Rebellion. 2 vols. 8° N. Y. 6 00 Sherman's Historical Raid. 8° N. Y. 2 50 Buchanan. History of his Administration. 8° N. Y. 1 50 Calhoun. Political Writings. 9 vols. 8° N. Y. 15 00 Coffin. i\Iy Days and Nights on the Battle- Field. _ 12° Bost. 1 50 Doubledav. Remin. of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-61. 12° N. Y. 1 00 a. Draper. History of the American Civil War. 3 vols. 8° N. Y. 10 50 Foote. AVar of the Rebellion. 12° N. Y. 2 50 (s) Greelev. History of American Conflict. 2 v. 8° Hartf. 10 00 h. Harper's Pictorial History of Rebellion. 2 v. f ° N. Y. 12 00 (s) Headley. History of Rebellion. 8° Hartf. 5 00 Johnston. Narrative of Military Operations. 8° N. Y. 5 00 (s) Lossiug. Pictorial History of the Civil War of the United States. 3 vols. 8° Hartf. 15 00 Lunt. Origin of the Late War. 12° N. Y. 1 50 McPherson. Political History of U. S. during Reconstruction. 8° Wash. 5 00 May. Recollections of the Anti- Slavery Con- flict. 16° Bost. 1 50 Nichols. Story of the Great March. 12° N. Y. 2 00 Paris, Count de. History of the Civil War. Trans. 4 vols. 8° Phila. ea. 3 50 Pollard. Southern History of the War. 4 ^•ols. in 2. 8° N. Y. 10 00 (s) Tlie I^ost Cause. 8° N. Y. 5 00 (s) Lost Cause Regained. 12° N. Y. 1 50 (s) Life of Jeff. Davis, and Secret History. 8° Phila. 3 00 h. Rebellion Record, ed. by Moore. 12 vols. 8° N. Y. 60 00 270 United SUtM. Russfll. Diary in Auviicii. S' X. Y. 1 00 S«'miii«'S. St'rvi("»> Afloat. 8<* Bait i 00 (») SU'i>ln>ns. llistorv of the Wnr between the StnU's. -J vols. 8' n,i|||. 75 Stille. History of tho .*^.'»nit.'^rv CoiiiTni^'iiMii. '''I'IuUl 8 fiO Swintoii. Hist, of th<« .\riny ot' ih- rol.>iii.io. s N. Y. I 00 'I. Twolvo Decisive Hiittle-i. 8" X. ^ .'lO ) Tonie.s & Smith. The War witlj tho South. Illus. 3 vols. 8* N. V. I . 00 Uniteil St;it<-s ami Oreat Hritaiii. Thf -Vrgu- meiit at (Jrni'va, 8* N. Y. 3 SO Van Home. Ili.story of .Vrniy of Cuinbor- lantl. 2 vols. an11. Visit to Coal and Iron .Mines ia U. S. I>3nd. 2t Bliss, i:. S. for 100 Years; SUitistica, Polit, etc. 120 Cine 1 fi Bowles. Across the Continent. 12* .*»prinff. 1 Vi Bremer. Homes of the New World. 2 vols. 12=* N. Y. 3 ••• Browne. Kesoiirces of Pacif. Slope. 8' N. Y. 3 00 Butler. .Journal in .^ni-'rio.i. 12* I'hila. Chevalier. The I'liit -.1 Stiites. 8» Ikmt 6. Cotlin. The .S.:it of Knjpire. 12^ lUnt. 150 Dixon. New .\ineriea. 8* I'hila. 'J 00 Doilgo. The Black Hills. 12^ N. Y. I 50 Hall. LiveriKH)l to St. I^niis. 12' I- \ .V. 1 75 Ha2en. Our Barri-n Lands. (Westom in- terior). 80 Cinr V> Holloy. Xiatjara. a. Irving. Bonneville's Adven. in Far West. 12' X Johnson. Ver)- Far West Iiid.>«'-»L 9 00 King. K. The (ireat S.uth. lllus. L. 8* Uartf. « 00 Kneeland. Womlers of Ytw.-mite Valley. 4 00 Kohl. Travels in the I'liit.-d .SUtes. *<' Itt I^liouKiye. Faris in Aiierica. 1-' - ' I 80 lister. ' Atlantic to I'acilic. 1- ' 30 I>»wi» & Clarke. Trav. in Hocky .Mta- 2 r. 18<» >' 30 Lvell. TraveN in the I*, S. -^ Secon.l Visit t-xF. S. 2 voU. 12' X « Macaulay. Across ftie Ferry: America and its'P.'T.l.le. McCabe, The (Jreal Republic. McCrea. Americans at ilonie. 3 rob. 8«LooJ. ;«M • 00 12* I»n.l !«• i7i Universities — Venice. Marcy. Thirty Years' Army Life on the Border. 8° N. Y. 2 00 Meline. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback.l2° 1 50 Morford's Sliort-Trip Guide to America. 10° N. Y. 1 50 Murray, Hon. ]\Iiss. Letters from U. S. 12° N". Y. 1 00 Nordhoff. Cotton States in 1875. paper. 8° X. Y. 50 Olmsted. The Back Country. o.p. 12° K Y. 1 50 The Cotton Kingdom. 2 vols. o.p. 12° N". Y. 2 00 The Slave States. o.p. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Parkman. The California and Oregon Trail. 12° N. Y. 2 50 Peto. Resources and Prospects of America. 12° L. & N. 2 00 Picturesque America. 4° X. Y. 40 00 Poussin. The United States. 8° Phila. 2 50 llichardson. Wond. of the Yellowstone. 12° N. Y. 1 50 Ruxton. Life in the Far West. 12° N. Y. 2 00 E,ae. Westward by Rail ; the New Route to East. 12° L. & N. 2 50 Sala. Diary in America. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 20s Shaw. Twelve Years in America. 12° Lond. 5s Soraers. Southern States since the W^ar. 3 50 Spaulding. liand-Book of Statistics of U. S.12° N. Y, 1 00 Tileston. ILaud-Book of Administrations. 10° Bost. 1 50 Todd. The Sunset Land. 12° K Y. 1 50 Towle. Society in America. 2 vols. Lond. 21s Tuckerman. America and her Commentators. 12° N. Y. 2 50 United States Blue Book. (Annual). 12° Wash. 1 50 Walker. Statistical Atlas of U. S. f° N. Y. IS 00 Whitney. Metallic Wealth of U. S. 8° Phila. 2 50 Universities. See Colleges; Education. Useful Arts. See Inventions ; Machinery ; Manufactures ; Technology ; and names of Arts. Usury. See also Banks. Murray. History of Usury. 8° Phila. 2 00 Utah. See Mormons. Veda and Hindooism. Muir. Original Sanskrit Texts, etc. 5 vols. 8° Lond. 7.3s Religious and ]\loral Sentiments from Sanskrit Writers. 12° Lond. 2s Miiller. Rig-Yeda Sanhita (in English). . Vol. 1- 16° Lond. 12s Qd Venice. Adams. Qaeen of the Adriatic. 12° N Y '^ 00 272 ■ ■ Ventilation and T77anning — WaIm 120 N. Y. 12° N. Y. ll' N. Y. 1 oo I. ■ S 1. ! Sf 1. IJ" I'll i I*. s' L. tt S. Y l.»» X. Y s> N Y. 10^ l^.nO. Fliiifi:. Venice. 2 vols, a. Ilowflls. Venotian Lifo. Sin«'dl«»y. Sketches of Venetian Ilist. 2 v. Ventilation and Warming. Sfie also Coal. n. Aiiisliv. .Sinokiinj Fi'«'s. Iiiitl»r. Ventilation of lliiiMinir*- K(lw:iriLs. Oiir Douifstie Firi«-lMao<>'nv^'. New .'^ysti'in of Vi-ntilation. llx..!. Wirmi", ' l.v Hot Water, etc. I..'avitt. I It IVat. a. I U. 'i I 1 V'Mitilation. K'i t»i 'lathered Sk"tche3 of Vermont and N. 11. ( i.ir.-in'>ut 75 Ilenienway, G;uettoer of Vunuont. Vol*. 1 &2.8' Claro'l n.-y. I).f.nc:'i.f Vircinia, 12^ N. V ' ' IXxl^^e. Western Virifinia, it-* Farra'i, etc. 2 vols. V ' Foot**. .Sketelios of Vft. Hist, and Bio?r. J* ' Matnll. I li.storv of Virginia. 12 n • . --» Strother (I'orte Cr.iyon). Virginia lUu-itrated. »» N*. Y. 8 50 Volcanoes and Earthquakes. .*ife Xalurai ."?< DauU-nv. K .r" • ' • ' \' ■'•■•• -- Pouton,' Eirt! IS i# «>/ Zurchi'r 5c .Mai\, .. . - i Vol- canoea. 12* i*iu. . Voyages. See Travels. ■W^ages. See t^i'tor ; Poliiieal Economy. W.ildenses. Ste AlbigtnteM. W.iles. Borrow. Wil.l W.ile*. I* « I • &• "Warming — "WTiite Mountains. a. Williams. History of Wales. 8° Lond. 14s Woodward. History of Wales. 2 vols. L. 8° Lond. 25s Warming. See Ventilation, Wars. See each Country, also Peninsular War. Watches. See Clocks. Water Colors. See Painting. Waterloo. a. Chesney. Waterloo Lectures. 8° Lond. 10s Qd Gleig. Story of Waterloo. 12° Lond. 3s Qd 6. Hooper. Downfall of First ^N'apoleon. 8° Lond. 15s Jomini. Campaign of Waterloo. 12° X. Y. 1 25 Kennedy. Notes of the Battle of Waterloo. 8° Lond. 7s Qd h. Siborne. War in France and Belgium in 1815. 8° Loud. 32s Weather. See Meteorology. Weights and Measures. See also Metric System. Alexander. Universal Diet of W. and M. 8° Phila. 3 50 Clarke. Weights, Measures and Money of all Nations. 12° N. Y. 1 50 West Indies. See also Cuba, Jamaica, etc. Baird. West Indies and North America. 12° Phila. 75 Khigsley. At Last; Christmas in West ]ndies.l2° N. Y. 1 50 TroUope. The West Indies and Span. Main. 12° N. Y. 1 50 West Point. Boynton. History of 8<^ N. Y. 3 50 Guide to West Point. Maps and Illus. 18° N. Y. 1 00 WTialing. Davis. The Nimrod of the Sea. 12° N. Y. 2 00 WTieat. Klippart. The Wheat Plant. 12° Cine. 175 Todd. American Wheat Cultivator 12° N. Y. 2 00 WTiist. Baldwin. On Short Whist. 18° N. Y. 1 00 a. Cavendish. On Whist. 18° N. Y. 75 b. Pole. IModern Game of TV^iist. 16° Bost. 1 50 Roiitledge. Hand-book of Whist. 18° L. & N. Y. 20 Short Whist. By Major A. 12° Lond. 3s Qd WTiite Mountains. Eastman. White Mountain Guide. 12 Maps. 12° Concord. 100 King. The White Mountains. Illus. 8° Bost. 3 50 274 WioMk Wines. See The Gntpf. Kl:ii,'ij. Eiiro{H>aii Viii<\varJji. 12* a- FuUiT. (iraiH« Culturist. I'JJ I). Ilaras/thy. (iiap«> I'ult. and \Vino-.M;ikinj». S** l.ouKat. Aiu'-ric^m N'ln.' l)r<'.v*««r'» (Jui«l>'. I'J^ -Mi-atlt'. Aincricaii (jrajn> Culluro luul Wiiio- MakiiiL;. 8" MuKiiT. Cliemistry of Wiuo, tratwlaU-tl l»y tlones. ' I'J^ Kivltliiii;. IIisti>r}- and IX'scrip. Mod. Wines. I'J" Koi'iiK-liii. Wiiit'-MakL'r'.t .Manual. IJ- ( lu u. I iiudicluua and Duprc. Tn'ali.so on Wino. .'>•' 1,. & .V. Y N V X. V X. V. N. Y. X Y. I 1. ■Wisconsin. KiU-liie. Wisconsin and it* lliwiurc^s. 12* I1iil« Mnitli. History of Wi3con.sin. 2 vols. 8® MadiaoQ. Witchcraft. See Demonoh^gy ; Magic; Supertlition. W^it. Ste Humorous Works. Women. Sec a/.«> Il'niiriiphy {coUectict, Wonten) ; EJueatin'\ Women. Aui.'s. S>x in Industry. 10* Ikwt. 1 lUiss. Woman ; Iht :J() Years' Pncrimatjo. 12° lli».<»t. 2 Hrock'-tt. Woman ; ln-r Ki^ht-*. Wnuijfs, etc.l2^ If Woman's Work in Ur» Civil War. H'' 1 6. lUishtK'lI. Woman's .'^uf^^ll,'^> ; ai^ain^t Xalnn-.IJ" .N. 'k i lliitl.r. Woman's Works and Cullnr.'. s' I.. \ X. H C'h;irl.s. Mrs. Wom-n of tli- (iosjH-U. 12^ V V 1 (I. CoMh'. Tin* I'ursuit.s of Wiiiiji'd. H^ i &. Craik. Woman's 'riiou.;lit."4 aliout W.iin.u. IJ" I Dall. C..lKn«. M.irk-t and Court a. I>«)d;;«'. Woman's Wronijs. Woman's Worth and Worthl'-.-Lstuw-i. Dufr.-y. What W..rn«Mi .Shonl.l Ku«>\t. I 1 •' Ivfs; K-is.iys on Wom«Ml. I. .. \\ . lu and 'rii«'atrt'.s. I.U'lliw. \\ oinan'.t Work in the Cliurcii. \Iartyn. Woim-n of th«« Iiil>I«». (X. Mill. Th>' .Sul>jti-tion <»f Woman. Mi>d«-rn Woin»'i> ; What i>» mu\ of TIkmu. 3 \ I'ark''*. K'i-^:iV'» on Wi>m.-in'n ^V^>rk. b. !'• !ii.v. .'<«' Dinplovni'Mit.t for Wnmcn. 1'' " itt. W..tn.-n lH.f..r.< ••• • ' ■- '••p*. K. W..t„;,n, I '. an.l r..liti.'al D-i- >onthi;nt<-. What Men havo said about W< m<'n. ^pr:ii;up. Th» Kx-'f-II'-nt Women ia Prorcrb' 1 o.J l'.'<» X. Y 1 U\ \: I "Wood Engravings. 1 50 1 50 1 25 1 50 10 00 Wade. Woman, Past and Present. 12° Lond. Zs Qd Weaver. Aims and Aids for Girls and AVomen. 12° N. Y. Welsh. Women Helpers in the Church. Woods. Woman in Prison. 1G° J^. Y. Woolson. Woman in American Society. 16° Bost. Wright. Womankind in Western Europe. 8° Lond. Wood Engravings. See Engraving. Works, complete. See List at end of principal List. Work. See Labor. Yachting. Cooper rVanderdecken). Yacht Sailor. 8° Lond. 7s Qd Folkard! The Sailing Boat. 12° Lond. 12s M Yosemite. See California. Yucatan. See Central America. Zend. See Par sees. Zoology. See also Darioinism ; and names of Subordinate Topics; as Ornithology, etc. Achard. History of my Friends. Illus. a. Agassiz. Structure of Animal Life. a. & Gould. Principles of Zoology. Blackwall. Researches in Zoologw h. Carpenter. Zoology. 2 vols. Cassin. Mammalogy and Ornitliology of U. S. Exploring Expedition. 2 vols. Dulcken. Animal Life tlie World Over. Figuier. Reptiles and Birds. Girard. Herpetology of U. S. Exploring Ex- pedition. Hamley. Our Poor Relations, a. Harbison. Zoology (Elein. Sci. Ser.). Hibberd. Anecdotes of Animals. Hogg. Parlor Menagerie. Huxley. Classification of Animals. Jones. Animal Kingdom, a. Lankester. Zoologv, (Adv. Sci. Sei'.) Lardner. Animal Physics. Lewes. Studies in .\nimal Life. Milne-Edwards. jNIanual of Zoology. a. IMorse. First Book of Zoology. Nicliolson. Manual of Zoology. Adv. Text-Book of Zoology. a. Pettiorttw. Animal Locomotion. 276 12° N. Y. 1 50 8° N. Y. 1 50 12° Bost. 1 50 8° Lond. 7s 6^ 12° Bohn 6 00 f° Phila. 50 00 4° X. Y. 4 00 8° N. Y. 3 50 4° Phila. 30 00 16° Bost. 1 00 16° N. Y. 75 12° Lond. 7s M 12° Lond. 8° Lond. 6s 12° Lond. 7s 6d 12° N. Y. 1 50 12° Lond. IsQd 12° N. Y. 1 00 6° Lond. 5 00 12° N. Y. 1 25 12° N. Y. 2 50 12° N. Y. 1 75 12° N. Y. 1 75 Zoolocy. Siebold. Cuiup. Auatomy uf Animal Kiug- ilom. 8" Uo«t. .1 .•■<) S;umu'L*ou. Kiiitliworm iiinl Iluusefly. I'J^ Iah\] t Ttiiiify. KK-iiu-nt.s ui Z.H.K.^'V. l'."^ N. '\ •• a. Villi Itfiiedcii. Auiiual ranuitoii oiid McM' nuiU-s. 12* N. Y • b. WiiUaco. (jfoijraphical Distribution of Ani- mals. 2 vols. 80 Loiu\. Iji Wolf, hifo and Habits oi Wild .VnimaU. Illus. Text by Elliot. f- N. Y. I 00 277 .\rrM:\r)i\^ I. CC)L1.1:(:TI:I) WOKKS (MlSiKLL.VNKnrs.) STANDARD AinioUs (Uniform on*i of wurkK of Icndiiii; Aiithont wIid •}« lb one dt'iuirtiiiout. The lij>t n.'|MiLt more or I«mi t. Adams, John. CollecU^«l Works. 10 vols. Atiiiis»r»l. Complt'tw Works. 15 toU. I^Mitli.iin. .I»'r. Work-*. 11 vols. HrouuJMrii. Lorns* Works. M '• T.r.y iii 8° B- ' •*) IJ^ PloU. 'J tut 12' Bohu » 4^ X. Y. S3 75 H" I^MI.I. 12' IVmh. 10 '2i 8« IkMl. 14 OU 8» X. Y. 00 8o S. Y. 13 0() Iflo I'hilt ' 1 1. »» 1. Iflo IV- l*^ Ik-t 1?^ V Y. Y. JO «» Y. 4 :o i 7fl« 1.- It so 1- '* *•' 1 1 1 rt Appendix. Dickens' Works. Illust. Library edit. 29 vols. 12° Bost. 58 00 " Household ed., 1.5 vols. 12° Bost. 22 50 " Chas. Dickens' ed.. 15 vols. 12° Bost. 22.50 " The sama, bound in 8 vols. 12° Bost. 11 00 " Diamond edition. 14 vols. 18° Bost. 2100 " Plum Puddint? edition. 6 V. 12° X. Y. 10.50 « Handy vol. edit., 14 vols. 12° X. Y. 10 00 Disraeli, B. Works. 9 vols. Cr. 8° in box. X.Y.15 00 Dryden. Complete Works. 2 vols. 8° X. Y. 4 00 Edffeworth, Miss. Complete Works. 10 v. 12° X. Y. 15 00 " " " 10 V. 12° L. & B. 15 00 Fielding. Complete Works, fine ed. 10 v. 8° L. & B. 30 00 " " cheap ed. 1 v. R. 8° Bost. 2 50 Franklin, Benj. Writins^s. 10 vols. 8° Piiila. 25 00 Frere, J. H. Works and Life. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 24s Goethe. Poetical and Prosa Works. 7 vols. 12° Phila. 10 50 Goldsmith. Poetical and Prose Works. By Prior. 4 vols. 12° Phila. 6 00 The sam:. 4 vols. 8° Loud. 30s Works. Globe edition. 12° X. Y. 1 75 Works. Dick's edition. 12° Lond. 80 Hamilton, Alex. PoUtical Works. 7 vols. 8° Phila. 22.50 Hawthorne. Works. Popular edition. 21 v. 18° Bost. ea. 1 75 Library edition. 9 vols. Sq. 12° Bost. ea. 2 00 Hazlitt, W. Writings. 5 vols. 12° Phila. 7 50 Holland, J. G. Complete Works. 10 v. 17 00 Hood, Thos. Works, Complete. 9 vols. 12° X. Y. 15 75 People's edition. 2 vols. 12° X. Y. 6 00 Works, Selected. 5 vols. S° Phila. ea. 1 75 Irving. Works. Knickerbocker ed. 27 v. 12° X. cSt P. 67 50 " Suunvside edition. 28 v. 12° X. & P. 63 00 " Riverside edition. 26 v. 18° X. Y. 45 50 " People's edition. 26 v. 18° X. Y. 32 50 Lighter Works. 8 vols. 16° X. Y. 14 00 Jefferson. Works. 9 vols. 8° Phila. 27 00 Jerrold, Douglas. Works and Life. 5 vols. 8° L. & P. 12.50 Johnson, Dr.' Sam. Works. 10 vols. 8° Lond. 30 00 Jonson. Works. 1 vol. 8° X. Y. 3 50 Works, by Gifford and Cunningham. 2 vols. 8° Lond. 10.5.s- Kennedv, J. P. Works. 10 vols. 12° X. Y. 20 00 Lamb, Chas. Works. Best. ed. 5 vols. 8° X. Y. 9 00 Works. 1 vol. 8° Phila. 2 75 Complete Works, by Shepherd. 1 v. Cr. 8° Bost. 3 00 Life and Writings. Ed. by Fitzgerald. 6 vols. P. 8° Lond. ea. Is Landon. Works. 8° X. Y. 3 50 Landor, W. S. Wliole Works. 4 vols. 8° Phila. 16 00 Locke. John. Philosopliical Works. 2 vols. 12° Bohu 2 80 Longfellow. Works. 7 vols. 12° Bost. 17 50 Works. Blue and gold. 4 vols. 32° Bost. 5 00 280 b. 12» X. Y 7 voU. \2' Hi,. 1 »■ 1 \ K. piip l.'^ X. V. 4 :io Appendix MacMul.kV- ComplfUj Works. 10 voU. 12** Works. 4 vols. Siii. Miliiiaii, l>.-an. Tros.- Works. H voU. Milton. l*ro.s.' ami I'oftical Workt, MoiiUigiio. Works. KU. hy W'l^Ul, Moorf. Works. Clit'ap I'llitinii. (;1oIh« ciiitioii. Mori', llaiiiiali. Work.s. 7 vole. IVost« ami Pootical Works. KUit«iI by Klwiii. tJ voLs. Prpscott. Works. lU voU. Cr Works. 10 voLs. Schiller. Prose and Poetical Works, l voN I " '• J vols. U. "^ Sclilfijel. Works. vols. \J Scott, Sir W. Wliol- Works. 100 toIa. IJ- Sewar.l. W. H. Works. I v. s^ Sheriilan. Coinpl.-te Works, l-^l. l>v Stariiforth. 1 Smith. Sydney. Works & Life. \'ew etl. 'J \ : Works. 1 vol. - > 1 Smoll.-tt, Works. 1 vol. U. ^» l»-'-.t. St.'rne. Works (2 vols.. Phil.-u 9'h 1 v..! - ' • Works. 1 vol. Sunin>>r. Works. 11 vols. Swedt'iilx'ri,'. Work.s. 19 vols. Swift. NVorks. 2 vols. Works. 1 vol. Work.s. 19 vols, (scarce). Taine. Works. l.'J vol-*. Tavlor, Bavard. Works. 10 vols. holded. Thack.ray. Work.<». Illiist. 22 voU. \Vorks. X^w itl, 1 1 vols. Works. llvoU. Cal.iii.t .'d. 22 vols. K>iisin;,'t'>n old ed. 11 vols. Washintrton. Wrilinsr*- 12 voU, W. Kst-r. Dani.l. Works. roll. \\ ti.r. Pros*' and l\K-lic«l Work* 4 vols. W;.- 11, John. Work*. Wordsworth. Proso Works. K.) Muciiiilliurs .\f;n»jij!ini«. (Lit4• r..rtluli... .-.lit.-.l |,y ILuiKTUui. (ArtUtie, III.) I* L -.l 1.' •■) Puiii-li, (iiuiiitlily |>;irU.) 4«> I>.ti I. 7 tut St. .liiiiifs' .Mai,Mziiu«. (LiU'rary.) St. Tanl's .M.»i;a/.iiie •' Tinslfv's MaLjazin.' •• S« I^und. 6 UO LITKUAHY WKKKMKS- \ -<. Ilarjvr's Haz;»r. Illiist. (Lit. uixl Fivoi. « Y I «■» I Iar|>er'.s Weekly. Illustratoil. ") Liviiii; A);e. (Literary.) The Nation. (Literary. Critical. I'«>litic.n. l*ubli.sher's Weekly. KstiMHII. .\<- I'l.-iny. (Lit'Tary ami .Science.) 4<> I^.i,.| i\ ,mt \ finn. (Lit'-rary and Science.) I \ I iiiiii-r. (Lit»-rary.> FieUl. (.SjHirting.) Fun. (C'oniie.) (Iniphic. (.\rtistic.) Illustrntctl. Illn"nil<>n News. llliist ra t4*(l Times. Nature, (.St 's ami (jii>-ri«'3. (Liter, and A' I'.ill Mall «;a/..-tte. I'lri.-h. :C"iiii.-.l I'lli.'.l.- ( >! !•,! -I ^ ■• r.l.iy U.vi.-.v. "■ • itor. (I^it I S' N. Y. 4» I.' '..I 4* ! (<» fo 4' i= f» (Lit«'n»rv ami 1' I'll trat«Hl. ■ ;i.M , 1 1 \-,f i 1 f" 1 f 1 St. Ni.li.>l.is, (monthly.) S* N V The Nursery. ** 8* It-^t na IV. FOEEIGN BOOKS. The folloivinfj short lists of French, German, Italian and Spanish books are not offered as an adequate representation of foreign literature, but are meant to include onlij such a selection of the most important 01 most desirable standard works in Histori/, Belles-Lettres, Fiction, and Juvenile Literature, as will suppli/ unobjectionable and entertaining reading to students and beginners. AJost 0/ the works named can he found on sale at any time in this country ; any of them not so found, and any others desired, can he supplied loithin six or seven weeks after ordering. Details of editions and prices, and catalogues of foreign publications, are fur- nished on application, 1. FRENCH BOOKS. Juveniles. Bibliotheque Rose. Tales, etc. (1st series, for children of 4 to 8 years.) 10 vols. 18° N. Y. ea. 1 00 (2d series, for children of 8 to 14 years.) 76 vols. Carraud et Seq-ur. Contes. Conscience. L'Orpheline. Corson. Soirees Litteraires. Cottin. Elizabeth ; ou les Exiles de Siberie. Same ; with Vocabulary. De Witt. Contes, etc. 7 vols. Fenelon. Telemaque. Yariovis ed. Foa. Contes Biographiques, etc. 16 vols. Contes Biographiques: Vocabulary. Petit Robinson de Paris: Vocabulary. French Plays for Children. Vocabularies. 7 vols. _ Paper. Gerard. Cabinet des Fees. ]\Iaga.siu d' Education et de Recreation. (Monthly.) [Per annum.] 8° L. & X. Y. 2 80 Magasin de Petits Enfants. Illust. (Large type, for small children.) 2 vols. 4° N.Y. 90c and 45 Mfsre rOie. Illust. 8° N. Y. 50 Pressens.e. Contes. vols. 12° N. Y. 1 10 Vol. 5. 1 25 Souvestre. Contes, etc. 5 vols. (Au Coin du Feu; Philosophe sous les Toits: Theatre de la Jeunesse; Scenes et Recits des Alpes; Souvenirs d'un Vieillard.) en. 50c to 75 Tresor de Contes Elementaires. Vocabulary. X. Y. 75 Tresor d'llistoi-iettes. X. Y. 1 50 Fables. Fenelon. Fables. X Y 1 50 284 18° X. Y. ea. 1 00 12° X. Y. 1 00 12° X. Y. 50 16° X. Y. 60 12° X. Y. 60 12° X. Y. 1 00 12° X. Y. ea. 1 25 X. Y. 75 to 1 25 X. Y. ea. 2 20 12° X. Y. 1 00 12° X. Y. 90 12° X. Y. ea. 25 12° X. Y. 1 50 French: Poetry nuJ Dmma FInriiin. Lafoitt^iiiic FHl>hs. (Clu'ap <>.!. $1.25.) IlliuiL l.l.'S. Cliitix ilf Fiil>I» Iy«'drii. IVrrin F;il»l«'S. Kd. Li-lovre. F.il>li's Clu>i.si»'». (Ik>lmtir'«.) Fiil.lfs. F:il.|.'S. N. t. i:> l^ lUlL 7.» IJ^ S. Y. 74 Poetry and Dr.iina. 11 vein. III. (Kiivrcs Coim)l^t«».i. (Kiivrcs t'liois'u's. Ij Cluips.il. Moiloli's Cla.>wi(ju».H tie la LUl«?ra- tur«« Fraiii;;»is. (I'l.ii; Ipiiii^tMiio; .Viii|n>iii.w|Ui> ; Itrit- uiinicii.s; KsiIpt; C'iii l>y Ho.lnT. (La Joi.« fait PiMir; Hal;iill» IV>iiarviii) ; I'oinin) aux Yeiix; Joan H.iuilry; IN'tiU Oi- soaiix; Mllf. lie la SLM'.;li«Jn'; Itxiiati 'Tun .Ft'Uiu? I Ionium l*aiivr«« ; Doiijti ilo I Eaoh lOc, except tlio first one, 'iOc. I vols. Contan. Chnix do Poosies. Cornt'ill.'. (Knvrus Coinplttcs ('li>'fH 'ii -ii Comodios. (Vil Fcimn-s ijiii l*l"nr»'nt V- la Vit> lltitiiaiii ■; N Troi.H l*ri>V'TW«'s ; ^ I'erles. (L;u»ttlr Mi.ttral. Min'io. (I'l < K IV [•••<. VariuUA «d*^ 1*1 • ■ i'"-if". (; I N V ao 4U 2 vola. V V M..li..r-. MuHS-t. Pyl.>,|.t. UaciiK'. Paper. poenu.) 1 vul..$1.25. Rocli*'. I StudeiiU* < .*''*.^*"-. ^' Joyni-.->. ... ..- ..lilt*. Mi"*' Paprr ; to. fioo. la i Tot. Fiction. About. I-'- li -i "l.H Mi)nLa(?Ti<*ii. Ias F«IUli 1 M m BO W^ French: Fiction, History, &c. Clos Pommier ; Prisoa- 12° Martyrs, Achard et de Maistre. iei's du Caucase. Chateaubriand. Rene, Atala, Natchez; etc. 4 vols- Conscience. Le Lion de Flandre, La Maison Bleue, Le Marchand d' An vers. 12° Craven. Anne Sever in. — ■ — Fleurange. 2 vols. Recit d'line Soeur. 2 vols. Droz. Autour d'une Source. 12° Erckmanu-Chatrian. Histoire d'une Conscrit, and 21 others. 12° Feuillet. Roman d'un Jeune Homme Pauvre. Gautier. Roman de la Momie. Karr. Promenades Hors de mon Jardin. Laboulaye. Paris en America, Abdallah. Lamartine. Graziella ; Raphael. Lesage. Gil Bias. St. Pierre. Paul et Virginie. Same ; and Chauuuere Indienue. Saintine. Picciola. Various eds. Illustrated ed. Francois le Champi. La Petite Fadette. Mare au Diable. Coi'inne. N. Y. 90 K Y. ea. 1 25 ea. 50 ^. Y. 1 60 X. Y. 2 50 N. Y. 3 20 1 20 1 20 12° 12° 12° 12° 111. 8= N. Y. ea. N. Y. ea. X. Y. X. Y. L. & N. Y. X.Y.I 25 Sand. Stael. 12° 12° 12° 12° X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. N. Y. History, Religion, Balles Letfcres, Collections, etc. Bossuet. Discours sur I'Histoire Universelle. 12° Burguy & Herrig. La France Litteraire. Chateaubriand. La Genie du Christianisme. Etudes Historiques. 12° Demogeot. Histoire de la Litterature Frau- gaise. Textes Classiques de la Litterature Frangaise. 2 vols. Ducondray. Histoire Contemporaire. Uucondray et Feillet. Simples Recits de I'His- toire de France. Duruy. Histoire de France. 2 vols. Grangier. Histoire de la Litterature Frangaise. Hachette's French Classics. (Dramas, etc.) 22 vols. Paper, ea. 25c. 16° Phila. Hachette's ^lodern French Authors. (Drama, History, etc. ) Karr. Promenades. La Rochefoucauld. ]Maximes. 12° Magill. French Prose and Poetry. Massilion. Chefs d'tEuvre. Petit Ca-reme. 28G X. Y. X. Y. N. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. N. Y. X. Y. 25 20 40 40 50 25 50 00 50 40 35 25 35 50 1 20 2 25 1 20 1 60 2 40 1 80 90 3 50 1 25 50 50 1 50 2 00 1 25 1 25 Freuch: History, Religjou. Bollea Xt'ri«'s «li' S select li-ll'Ts ; \ I'haiiibrt?, flc.) 1 ^t. 1 00 MoiiU-s<)iiitii. E.sprit ilea Loin, Grandeur d«i llotnaiiiii. Ij tQ, I 25 Nisaril. Iliatoirc lie In Litteraturc Fran^aiao. i vols. X. Y. 6 10 Paacnl. IVns^Jes : I^>ttres Pruvinciai<>A. '2 r. X. Y. •« I «»5 Same. L. f ■ • b* N V : ;.•,> Poit<.'viii. C'li'-ix -• do la Littcrature Fra!icai>eiiii I M, >,..lo. 13* I^>u-i. j UU PykMlet. La Littoraturo Fraii^aisc Coiitompo* rain.'. I'jo K. Y. « •-• La Litt<-r:itiir>' l'r.kii(;ai»o Claasiquc. 1'2^ X. Y. Rorlu". l'ru.M;it>iirs |"r.nn,aiH. X. Y. Saiiit«^Ueuve. Caiiseries. Ire sdrie. 13 v. 1'2^ X. Y. Same. 'J.- S-ri.-. 1:J voU. \J° S. V Portrait^. i|\ Litttiraircs, P. den F.-inmos Lit .'•vol. 12'* N . •^> Portraits ( ins. 5 vols. \'J° X. V. Sovijjnc. Choix . X. V. Souvestre : I'li I'hilu'^ui'iio soiu lea ToiUi. I'aper. 'Mk-. 12" X. V. SUiaff. Litf !':;ui(;aiso. 3 voU. »° X. Y. Stael. I/.\ (Kiiv •• • X Y Taiiie. Hi '^. 12» Xote.^ i..,. .. '- ril- i.iue. 12^ I^'s Oriirinea de la France Conteinfo- rain-*. "> vnls. 8* riiiL's'I'lii"' de I'Art en Italic. Gr*co, U* P:iv- It.is. !).• LM.l.al dan-. I'Art. StoU. 1 l'l,ii..H„;.hi.- -!- !'\'r -J '■■■']- ! To.M.fTer. N ^ I "' . Voy.> V. » *» Villemaiii'. tuuro dc Liltcia'ur-- 1 r,iii<; uv (> V.«1.H. *) Vinet. C'lii faiice. - Jeune**-- ■ ' t, •■ • ^ m . -- • ■ ■ - - - Voltaire. Charles XIL Varioiw ••.!«. to I » 74 10 «KI Nl <*-• 1 •^) : uo •a. 1 40 9 00 German: Fiction and Juveniles. 11. GERMAN BOOKS. Fiction and Juveniles. Andersen. Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. 32° Same. Sanimtliclie ]\lahrchen. Arnini and Brentano. Des Kuaben Wuuder- liorn. 2 vols. Auerbach. 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Illust 150 " Men who have Risen," Li- brary, each 1 50 Men who have Risen Small Beginnings Steady Aim London Merchants "Ministering Children" Series, 4 vols 5 00 Meteyard. Doctor's little Daughter 2 00 Miller, Thos. Boy's Book of the Seasons .... 2 00 Morris. Dogs and their Doings 2 00 Mulock, D. M. The Fairy Book. 12°, K. Y . . . . 1 50 Adventures of a Brownie 90 Munchausen, Baron, 16° 1 25 Musset, Paul de. Mr. Wind and Madame Rain, square 4° 75 Oliphant. Agnes Hopetoun's Schools and Holidays 1 50 302 Opie. Mrs., Works. a. Our Young Folks (monthly) per vol $3 00 Paul Preston's Voyages, etc. ... 1 25 Penniman, Maj. The Tanner Boy. Life of Grant . Pepper. Boy's Play Book of Science 2 00 Boy's Play Book of Metals 2 25 Perilous Incidents, 12° 2 00 a. Phelps, Miss E S. Gipsey Breynton Series, 16° 4 vols 5 00 Trotty Book, 4° 1 50 PhiUpQuarll. a. Picture Gallery of all Nations, Illustrated. 4° 2 50 Pictures of Eng. Hist. 4° 2 50 Pleasure Book of the Year, 4° 2 50 Popular Fairy Tales, 16^ 1 25 a. Prentiss, E. Flower of the Family, 16°.... 1 25 The Little Susy Library, 3 vols., 16° 2 60 The Percys, 16° 1 25 Nidworth& Magic Wauds, 16° 1 25 6. Reid, Mayne. Tales of Adventure, 2 series, each 9 00 Tales for Boys First Series, 12 vols., each. .. 1 50 Second Series, 4 vols., each . 1 75 Ritchie. Romance of Hist. — France . . 2 50 Riverside Magazine, Illust., 3 vols., each 3 oo b. Robinson, L. B. The House with Spectacles, 16° 125 Rossetti. Sing Song (for Nur- sery) 2 00 Routledge. Every Boy's Annual 3 00 Runaway (The) 1 50 Springdale Stories, 6 vols 4 50 Saxe, J. G. Clever Stories of Many Nations 3 50 Scudder, H. E. Dream Children, etc., 3 vols.. 4 00 a- Sedgwick. Miss C. M. Buy (if 3iIount Rhigi, 18° 1 25 Live and Let Live, 18° 75 Poor RichMan and Rich Poor Man, 18° 75 Love Token 75 Bleans and Ends, Self-Train- ing 75 Stories for Youth. 75 Seven Little Sisters, 12° 1 25 Sherwood, Mrs. Whole Works, 16 vols 24 00 Choice Works, Lady ]\Ianor, etc., 11 vols 16 50 Smith, Mrs. C- American Home Book, Indoor Games 1 50 Standard Fairy Tales, Illust., 12° 1 50 b. Stephens, C. A. Camping Out Series, v. 1,"| Camping Out ; v. 2, Left on I , „ Labrador ; v. 3, Off to the f " Geysers, each J The Beit RMidinff. st'*>'»'^"-. .... .._.,.,.« .... 2 » Vr . • ! i;..un.laboul lUiublc* 3 »» Sllur I «• ,., 1 »» o. S«l«> K.imtlvK..Hi>»"» } ?J ^v«' iHl.-.r .N.-M." » " " 'r'"^ ^';':.w^-o«uui«..i2».. tM w .Vv 1 Lincoln) »» I-, i-.i>ln») » W " Tbu \>- ^ 1 CI- • ■; • 1 W 1 Hi .cu.h ^j >vi For.*! Mill*. I' . '■'.:';■■ '"" to uiMbciu w^ ' ,.,16> '» ^.' only iiirl» ..... . .•• . •A"'j,^ TT^i«ury of F»lry 8lort««, ^ .^ ^^. ^ 1 I •» 1 I nrt ' ■^ •:'< jfars. whfii tniv. •• Wi-si. \» and in w>nu« pla" . m\, and rv. houtto of cnifrtainnipnt, It wan a tnatlor of ■ eonu" t'xpvriiMirt' to iMdi*ct wlavlj nrhcro yon Wf alwayti l<»>k.-d for flon-cra. If thrra w< - no i>at(-h of fliiwfni in the jard, wc wrr-- - But. nn inaltor how rud«* thf cabin or : we saw that tli<> wlmlow li.-M a littK- :• aniui' vln«ii iwimtl ahout •trltiv.'* Nt w«T« confidi-nt tliat th' - ' lojf cabin. In a r.<-w . Iirin<, no on«» will of them \n prvttr and uncultivatol |H-«>|>i«'. >« log out of tho M-amii of a r patch of fl.»w«Tii came to »\gnltj klad pf, good br<*ad. Bat In other atate* of aodHj otbrr - Flower* about a rich maa'a booa* i&» 306 THE BEST READING. a good gardener, or tliat lie lias refined neighbors, and doea what he sees them do. But men are not accustomed to buy books, unless they want them. If, on visiting the dwelling of a man of slender means, we find that he contents himself with cheap carpets and very plain furniture, in order that he may purchase books, he rises at once in our esteem. Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. The plainest kow of books that cloth or paper ever covered is more significant of refinement than the MOST ELABORATELY CARVED StagerC OR SIDEBOARD. Give us a house furnished with books rather than furniture . Both, if you can, but books at any rate ! To spend several days in a friend's house, and hunger for something to read, while you are treading on costly carpets, and sitting upon luxurious chairs^ and sleeping upon down, is as if one were bribing your body for the sake of cheating your mind. Is it not pitiable to see a man growing rich, augmenting the comforts of home, and lavishing money on ostentatious uphol- stery, upon the table, upon everything but what the soul needs ? We know of many and many a rich man's house where it would not be safe to ask for the commonest English classics. A few garish annuals on the table, a few pictorial monstrosities, together with the stock religious books of his " persuasion," and that is all ! No poets, no essayists, no historians, no travels or biogra- phies, no select fictions, or curious legendary lore. But the wall- paper cost three dollars a roll, and the carpets four dollars a yard ! Books are the windows through which the soul looks out. A home without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them. It is a wrong to his family. He cheats them ! Children learn to read by being in the presence of books. The love of knowledge comes with reading and grows upon it. And the love of knowledge, in a young mind, is almost a warrant against the inferior excitement of passions and vices. Let us pity these poor rich men who live barrenly in great, bookless houses ! Let us congratulate the poor that, in our dav, books are so cheap that a man may every year add a hundred volumes to his library for the price of what his tobacco and his beer would cost him. Among the earliest ambitions to be exciteitD|; ■ library t;n>winff lftr>;.T even y^t. i« *t> of • younjj nmn'rt hi.xtory. It In a manii du-; tt A library ia not a luxury, but uon of ihn t)r«--M«rica o( Ufa^^ JTm* a/»(f K'lrs." 12ini>. Itontun, l"«<;j. II. \ AI.IE AM> I'l.EASlUK OK I'. I. Rx)k.<4 nrn tho fixnl nf youth, the il. ^ -r.* ment of pn)!«i)«>rity ; th« n-fujco aaJ cntu' i dfli^ht nt honiv, and no hindruico abp'^i in travelling, lo the country. — Cietro. Books are a guide in yntith nnr! an mVr*»!rmrnl (or a^p*. Thoy !o4te our rarra and our disappointments ajdvop. When we ari- « may repair to the dead, who have not. or design in their conTcmation. It is wo enjoy intercourse with superior mi communications are within the reach ui a,. " the great minds of former aj»r« owes to them is incalculable. They \\w- Thoy hare filled his mind with noble havo stood by him in all vicisultudrs ; i in sickness, companions In •olilude. 1 exposeil to no danger from tV. ments are Wf-akened or d. inconstant; tenip- ■ ble arc daily sui But no such cau«' the high.-!.t of ) disturbetl by no friends who am t> wealth and in poverty. there is no rivalry. I:. Dorer sullen. (Vrrantea la never pottiUr*!. oome« uns<'asonably I>anle never ti^J* ta» 1 30S THE BEST READrNQ. of political opinion can alienate Cicero. No lieresy can excite tlie horror of Bossuet." — Lord Macaulay: Beview of Montagu's Bacon, Books ? The only bodies are they, for noble spirits, that have no ailments or annoyances. Books talk to you, not through the ear, but another way. They shout their silent meaning at the Boul through the eye. They never importune, and are never reluctant. They are always full without eating. They are still, but never sleep. They grow old without infirmity. They are neither sick nor weary ; they outwatch the watcher, and greet the morning, and wait for the stars at evening. For every other guest we make a couch and spread a table. But strange are the manners of books and pictures, that bring rest to our perturba- tions, and are guests that perform all the offices of hospitality for the host. — II. W. BeecJier, "Eyes and Ears," page 397. [Note the coincidence of expression, as well as thougtit, in the above four extracts.] It is nearly an axiom, that people will not be better than the books they read. — Dr. A. Potter. It is as important that we should have good books as that we should keep good company, as the one will make the other. — " An Old Bookseller." We cannot linger in the beautiful creations of inventive genius, or pursue the splendid discoveries of modern science, without a new sense of the capacities and dignity of human nature, which naturally leads to a sterner self-respect, to manlier resolves, and higher aspirations. We cannot read the ways of God to man as revealed in the history of nations, of sublime virtues as exempli- fied in the lives of great and good men, without falling into that mood of thoughtful admiration, which, though it be but a tran- sient glow, is a purifying and elevating influence while it lasts. The study of history is especially valuable as an antidote to self- exaggeration. It teaches lessons of humility, patience, and sub- mission. When we read of realms smitten Avith the scourge of famine or pestilence, or strewn with the bloody ashes of war ; of grass growing in the streets of great cities ; of ships rotting at the wliarves ; of fathers burying their sons ; of strong men beg ging their bread ; of fields untilled, and silent workshops, and despairing countenances, — we hear a voice of rebuke to our own READnCOS OX RBADIXa. '\H^ ftnd flufTorlnij and tli.Hapixiintmitir nr ■ •% ;>%rt ■.' -b^ •nd that iu> contract wn.i «-vit ' « th nuui bj wtucli nita* ehouM sorurt» to him trmjxirn! ■ In l»» It rcnu'mlM'rtM, wo havo ihr !■ •»»• beat mind.t. Wo bIiouM any of u.t c.'f pofuiblo. Hut, wore wo admitttM l<» •' •■• «• illufltrlouM men, we ml>;ht find him ' '^ pressed with weariness, or darken«'him>*«. wi' r i. Ilrr* we have their h«':*t tliouirht.-* « mortal llowt-rs of jwH-try. w<-t w fruit of wisdom that luul ' ••• (jnthered. Here we find;: Hfl mind, when mortal cares were forfjotten. and ' wore nulKlued ; and the s.ml, slri|t|H'd of its v , >• slons, lay Iwiro to the finest elUuenccs of truth and lirauly \Vt» may Im? sure that ShakesjK'aro ncTwr om • ''- ■ ' '■ • "■ '•' ntt Bacon his Essays. Un-at writer* »ro In-! iCh their lx>)ks. IIow little, fi)r instance, do »•« Ntvir ■■; . ' 8hakes]H>arc ; but how much ilo we know of him I . For the knowlok<«. In" rvo more tlinn it Is fairly ••ntit!«-l to I am mr-W ow»r - \m no Inevitable conii«M ' '•*• one haml, and individual '* "The tree of kni)wlf' is n-n Um tr< genius and lean>in;» nre s'lni'-tini'" f • gross vices, and not unfrequentlr w •; and that a community at once ml:. . ■•» Bible monster. Hut it is noov< b<«lnK' easl ! no other r«*as«'<- ■• of most men dat"-.-" armor of the soul ; and ■ the vi-.-a I r>-rTi'-vt»w«r repr •nd • . moet. becauM ho bit the naked bouk. T* • J*y- ' »» 310 THE BEST READING. from home, friendless and forlorn in a great city, the hours of peril are those between sunset and bedtime ; for the moon and stars see more of evil in a single hour than the sun in his whole day's circuit. The poet's visions of evening are all compact of tender and soothing images. It brings the wanderer to his home, the child to his mother's arms, the ox to his stall, and the weary laborer to his rest. But to the gentle-hearted youth who is thrown upon the rocks of a pitiless city, and stands, " homeless amid a thousand homes," the approach of evening brings with it an ach- ing sense of loneliness and desolation, which comes down upon the spirit like darkness upon the earth. In this mood his best im- pulses become a snare to him ; and he is led astray because he is social, affectionate, syriipathetic, and warm-hearted. If there be a young man thus circumstanced within the sound of my voice, let me say to him, that books are the friends of the friendless, and that a library is the home of the homeless. A taste for read- ing will always carry you into the best possible company, and enable you to converse with men who will instruct you by their wisdom, and charm you by their wit ; who will soothe you when fretted, refresh you when weary, counsel you when perplexed, and sympathize with you at all times. — George 8. Hillard. If I were to pray for a taste which should stand me in stead under every variety of circumstances, and be a source of happi- iiess and cheerfulness to me through life, and a shield against its Ills, however things might go amiss, and the world frown upon me, it would be a taste for reading. . . . Give a man this taste, and the means of gratifying it, and you can hardly fail of making a happy man, unless, indeed, you put into his hands a most perverse selection of books. You place him in contact witli the best society in every period of history — with the wisest, the wittiest, the tenderest, the bravest, and the purest characters who have adorned humanity. You make him a denizen of all nations, a cotemporary of all ages. — Sir J. Herschel. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's docu- ments ; so shall you come easily by what others have labored hard for. Prefer knowledge to wealth ; for the one is transitory the other perpetual. — Socrates. He that will inquire out the best books in every science, and Inform himself of the most material authors of the several acis &KAI>I50t ON MUOIXn 31 1 of phiK)«*<)]>hy and n'li^'ion, w work to tctiuniiit liim!«-lf wiili tli.- -icir most weighty aud comprchrn.tivo aubjecta. — iA***. •««>€ Rending maketh a full mao. — Iltteim. Head, aud you will know. — Mr». Jim4*. TREASURES OF LinUAUIES. My days amon^ the* dead aro pajacd ; Around me I iMek relief in woe ; And while I undentand and feci How murh to thmi I owe. My rht-eku have ■•' »"d With t.'am of th. "- My thoughts are with the dead ; with I live in lonjtpa«t jearw; Their virtue* lore, thrlr faults ooadeOUl. Partake their hoix«si and fr«r». And fn>in thrir h-s.-ion"! »"«-K •n-l find Instrurtioa with a My hojM'ji are wr a My |>Ue« with ^. And I with tl..!i. igo Tlirough all fut-inty ; Yet Iravlng herr a nAtam, I trm^. That will not i««»ri»h In iha d«»l.— •''•'Mr I no iHioner come Into the Ubrmry. b«l I boll iW cludin>; Ltir»t. \ " Ifl ldl.-n.-5Vtt.- '^ lap of eternity. »ii» •o lofty a tpirit. an ; - «■ Hkip hmpp\D*)M.—lIetH^ms. 312 THE BEST KEADIKG A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing with full instruction, but pursues you never. It is not offended at your absent-mindedness, nor jealous if you turn to other pleasures, of leaf, or dress, or mineral, or even of books. It silently serves the soul without recompense, not even for the hire of love. And yet more n'oble, it seems to pass from itself, and to enter the memory and to hover in a silvery transformation there, until the outward book is but a body and its soul and spirit are flown to you, and possess your memory like a spirit. And while some books, like steps, are left behind us by the very help which they yield us, and serve only our childhood or early life, some others go with us, in mute fidelity, to the end of life, a recreation for fatigue, an instruction for our sober hours, and a solace for our sickness or sorrow. Ex- cept the great out-doors, nothing that has no life of its own gives so much life to you. — R. W. Beecher, "' Eyes and Ears," p. 292, 3. No such treasure as a library. — Whitlock. Books are yours, Within whose silent chambers treasure lies Preserved from age to age ; more precious far Than that accumulated store of gold And orient gems, which, for a day of need. The Sultan hides deep in ancestral tombs. These hoards of truth you can unlock at will. — Wordsworth. Dreams, books, are each a world ; and books, we know. Are a substantial world, both pure and good ; Round these, with tendrils strong as flesh and blood, Our pastime and our happiness will grow. — Wordsworth : Personal Talk, 56. 1. Books make up no small part of human happiness. — Frederic the Oreat, in youth. My latest passion will be for V\i(ir:\.\\\ve.— Frederic the Great, in old age. For books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain ft progeny of life in them as active as that soul whose progeny TlKADIXOa 0!« >t> ^ 11.1 thfv ftn« ; nay, they do p- auil estrnctlon <>f that li . Areoptigiti^it. A3 good almo5t kill a man u kill » gviod man kilU a rvajtonablo cmitorti, U '- df.sfroys a pnrxl Ixwk kills rranon i' as it were, iu tho eye. — Same. Wi Book^t art) uol iMliioiu u Of the thinga which i her» U ' the most monu>ntou«, wonderful, and worth/, ara '■ call books. — Carlylt. Every great book Is an action, and r~ ~ - — • - book. — Luthfr. Nothing can supply the placv of bookSk — <' A book's a book although there's nothing lot.-~£«rrf Nothing Is more drllghtfal than to lie nadet m tn^ ■nmmer, with a book, except to lie aiwler a liw», !• Ik* • with'<'i» n Ih-iU — '"■ ./ Fr HI. II' TuK srn-^TvNCK or Bi-' * ^M9 Ook^ ■EI.S. " vnoM nts - Handbook rou iUuowu *»o »TnNC»ra.* New Yokk, liMS. 1. Alwat!* hare aome naefal an«l •«* tmdj I* Ukm opln-o.1! 2, Be .oae to maajr booka ara »▼ 8. Po 4 TV. to tl r, plan of stodj. 314 THE BEST READING. 6. Read always the best and most recent book on the subject which you wish to investigate 7. Study subjects rather than books. 8. Seek opportunities to write and converse on subjects about which you read. 9. Refer what you read to the general head under which it belongs; if a fact, to the principle involved; if a principle, to the facts which follow. 10. Try to use your knowledge in practice. 11. Keep your knowledge at command, by reviewing it as much as you can. 12. Dare to be ignorant of many things. There is no business, no avocation whatever, which will not permit a man, who has an inclination, to give a little time, every day, to the studies of his youth. — Wyttenhach. Nothing, in truth, has such a tendency to weaken, not only the powers of invention, but the intellectual powers in general, as a habit of extensive and various reading without reflection. The activity and force of mind are gradually impaired in conse- quence of disuse ; and, not unfrequently, all our principles and opinions come to be lost in the infinite multiplicity and discor- dancy of our acquired ideas. — Dugald Stewart. Books have brought some men to knowledge, and some to madness. As fullness sometimes hurteth the stomach more than hunger, so fareth it with wits, and, as of meats, so, likewise, of books, the use ought to be limited according to the quality of him that useth them. — Petrarch : Twyne's tr., 1579,/. 63. Books cannot always please, however good ; Minds are not ever craving for their food. Crabbe : Tlie Borough, Letter xxiv. : Schools. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested ; that is, some books are to be read only in parts ; others to be read, but not curiously ; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. — Lord Baeon. RKADrxos on n&AOtsto 515 Historic make men wl«e; porU. wiitj . _... tilo; uutiinil philoAophj, doop; morwU, f^ve; k^jftc ablu to couteud. — Siiim. Head, not to cr. A. l'~U*r. Study nuhjiTti* rnthor •' authors on tho itaunt itit)' Information collrctinl from oiJier drawn by a writer, with tho rule* <>f All who would study with adranlac**, In any art wH*'--' ought to betake themnvlvefl to the reading; of wmie •qrr ^ tain Ixx^kfl oftentiraea orer; for to read ' ^ - cnnfuAion, rather than 1i>aminf;, like an ' where are not anrwhere at home. — £,iiM/r / Thof" who have read of ererythin^ %^- everytliinjf too; but it is not always -" mind only %ritl> matcrialfl of kn' ' makcM what wi» n-ad oun*. We ar«- it is nut cnoiii^lt to cram ouniclrca %« unless wi< chew them over again, tU- , and nourtHhmeot. — Lock*, Tlie thought* of oar deliberatioa are moat %ec%r% Tent Into our paper*. What a happlnrw it '- •' offence of nerroraancy, I may hrr*- rail up - worthiffl of loanunc, w!i them of all my ■(■"it'i" ' ■jnodit of r«»v< - of the earth. • queetion ^^ opon any law blnd • - ' Books that you mnjr carry to tba flro aod bold r' hand nri' tho moot u.icful. aft«r all. — Joktuom. We otifht to r«»e*r»l Itonkn im wm do 9 w*>*>im*mi* n^ *< aim at t!i not forbil . e acqulrpd oaljr by tbn** ' in uaint; them ; and hone©, wh :• . i . . othvni thl^i moMl i!<*iiiral>lu tA- §uch wiirks as can b« rvad wltu mi- —Dr. PMer. BlcAtilnc* Ix' yf\'.}\ '.\\r-m, ami «^»*rr«' rr*'*". NVlio £r»v.' «, Tlio Pml*. Of truth and |>ur (Sv- '. and tJi»ir kind, '■ PaptTt. 318 THE BEST READING. BOOK-BUTING. In starting a library, select from tlie accompanying list fifty, or a hundred, or more, volumes, and take your list to some re- sponsible bookseller, and lie will fill it for you at a fair discount from the retail prices ; he can, of course, and will, furnish the whole list cheaper than he could by a single volume at a time. Then, by all means, keep an open account with him, and in the course of your reading, when you come across some volume you want, or some fact that should be hunted up, make a note of it, and procure the volume. A book read at the time your interest is excited will possess not only double its interest, but the facts it contains will be much more firmly impressed upon the mind. An account at your bookseller's is one that you should take pride in maintaining, in making it as large as your means will allow, and in paying promptly and willingly when due. Never buy books published in numbers; it is the most ex- pensive form, because the same book can generally be had bound, when finished, for the same price as published at in numbers ; be- cause, also, numbers will get lost and have to be replaced, at the additional cost ; or they will get torn or soiled ; and often, when sent to the binder's, they are returned bound in an unsatisfactory manner. — " An Old Bookseller," m READING AJID DY KUED. II PEllKlNX Twenty thousaiul I'tliiionB of iKMikt ^ the press In- fore the year 1500. In i : ^ .rv (the Hihliothequo Iinpurialc of Parin) ihorv verr, it was ehiinu'" collection of pamphlets in the linti*ii -Mum . th* English Uebellion only, contninn 40,000 ti*. Prolmbly not less than 'J5,000 new b4M>kii ; rj year now. This does not include pcriuiUcai* ur itvv»> papi'rs. Now, nn able and cxporicnccd old nradrr of the hard* goinij sort, Lfiitjlet du Fi convinced him that n<»b. • folio volumes in a lifetime. Uoughly. thi« 2,700 quartos, 8,100 oetavo<«, and ri' " ' mos — so that your life is j;<»iu« in r books — two-thirds the prejti-nt annual rm la literature of l>ooks alone. To ki-cp up, a. -^ jI4 require the reading of atiout sixtycijfhl volum*-* s day, without allowing for reading up nurh »rn Jir» »• tb« clas-sics, etc. It is obvious enough, thereforp, thtt any > desires to read, or to buy will need to select with .. can muster, biUh within bimsvlf', or iroro tr^odv experts. Is reailing yoi; "" ftU ? There art 320 THE BEST READENG. bate to maintain ; thinking of your own to elaborate. Are not there more real and profitable mental activities ; and is not reading rather to be made a last resort, when these are not practicable ? Plausible arguments may be found in favor of those suggestions, but weighty ones against them. Careful and thorough thinking to the utmost of our ability should underlie and accompany the hearing of a speaker, conversation, debate and reading. Thinking — that is, the pursuit and attainment of truth on whatever subjects are before us — is indeed the object of them all. They are all useless without it, and entirely subordinate to it, except, of course, the case of mere amusement. Now, Reading is the best means of nourishing Thought. Oratory, on the other hand, is the worst, since it dej^ends on moving the feelings, which disturb the reason. And even if the hearer can keep his feelings untouched, yet he may not object nor question. He is to sit unresisting, and drink in Avhatever is put down his throat. This is well enough for young robins and babies, but it is a ludicrous way of dieting for a grown man — for an en- lightened mind. Debating and conversation are better discipline than oratory, since they allow a comparison of views. Conversation especially, and most of all that form of it so highly prized by open minds, where one can resort to some wise friend and ask questions, and discuss them, is extremely useful. It is greatly superior to de- bate in this, that it is not so liable to excitements of the external sort, such as anger, desire to win, or desire to bIiow off. But if only one of these kinds of mental exercise might be had, it sliould be books, books, books, a thou- sand times to one. Compared M'ith books, public speak- ing is a war-dance, conversation a beating bushes for wild fruit; well enough for savages and strays, but hav- i:r\niNt» ASP (tiiK«»:n <>r n» mi;> . n .' 1 intj Mil 1. 1 {•i;iii' iM I'owi r IM ■ iniiul. AikI atvoriiiii'^ly wi» : value«l iiKist wlu-ii tlu-ri' wito tt-w b«tuk» and tliut ns biitikx hnve inuUi|tlir..|.liii« I'h'^iiHT' botli news ami knowIvd<^i> to ihe pcopiv at 1 • that detcTiniiirs thc-ir <>|>iiu<>tiH and tlf vorsatioii is :i nu:i.;ro a|>|><'iitructi«>n ; :iiid ; b for nothin*; but amuKcmeni. What shall I read ? Shall I purMi.- a j. n- r.d <-., ir*- * Or shall I work at itome departn clusively ? What IxM.k ithall 1 Li^jm vmUi; w t a books shall I ijo mi with ? Aiuttrer : Uo you want to read a« at ion ? for ' -hmeiit, or for ' do you kii' ^ ? What h » The auHwer i.H only another i5Uppo>ed — they are the ui«u.i. gwere.l •iiherwi?**. Thcv arv like tt How lonij i.H a • There are a ijri a ofTuppcrand Titromb . be endured, and S others wh<> w :uiT I'l German ; wh<>, tike t^in* i ' for their li,'lii nmlinj;. 1 i^^ y THE BEST BEADING with the Spirit of the Age. I ought to say, who i-ead the Vedic hymns in the original Sanscrit for amusement, and decipher inscriptions in the arrow-headed character when they have five minutes' leisure, or as they ride in the street-cars. Among the gayly variegated mosaic stuff that con- stitutes a certain well-known pavement, I suppose there are as many Courses of Reading as good resolutions of any other kind. Perhaps as good a rule as any to begin reading with is : Don't pursue a course of reading. Or, rather, don't try to ; there's very little danger that you will. And yet it is very agreeable to sit down and plan out a full and rounded series of noble books, which shall train the mind into strength and swiftness and beauty. There is something extremely attractive, for instance, in the conception of a series of masterpieces, or Monumental Course of Reading, which shall acquaint the student with the great thoughts of the great men in historic order, and thus set before him a history of mankind in its noblest representations. Thus, for instance : [Filled out with a few titles in parentheses, as being either out of chronological order, or as connectives, etc. Translations are always meant, of non-English books. Epithets and estimates are taken for granted.] First seize a few pictures of the pre-historic civiliza- tions, executed in the modern manner ; by reading Raw- linson's Five Great Monarchies and Wilkinson's Ancient Egyptians. This background laid in, read Bryant's Homer, and, along with it, dictionary- wise, Gladstone's Juventus Mundi. Follow with Greek historians: Hero- dotus (Rawlinson's), Thucydides, Xenophon's Anabasis. Now add the leading Greek philosophies of mind and action ; the Ethics and Politics of Aristotle, Plato's Dia- logues (Jowett's), and Xenophon's Memorabilia. Supple* MUDIXOS A5t< luent with Grott's Plato ami the t. ..n tes. Adil iho jjrfate.Hl (Iriok dmiiiti^ .^I«cliylu(i, Sophorlen, Kuripidea ; A woinliTful of all; ami I)fii><»*th< • tarch's Livf«. Lastly, roun.l up i edge of the Ctrot>k nation and apiril hj rwuling QnM»^ maijnificfnt IIi^t^try of Cmt«ce. N«'xl romt'S Uome. Road of the hiMoriati^. I,i\v. *»^(- lust, C'lpsar, Tacitus; of poetii, Virjfil (« IIt)raci' ( Fraiir is' or Martin's or hot ' phy, and belU-s-lfttrf*, C'iocro'-t \» Greek ami Konian antiquity lojjfihor wiih Charicli's, and his Gallus; then reviw? and ««»li-., . . .i Rorae l»y ri'adins» Moramson, an Grote for tint-ct'. Hut yon will find it, though pooon, don't fjuiildle with ih- ., ._. Gibbon, by Milman and otherM, but havinir U' ' poison vou as much as lie can — h- have much iiitelleit of your own- at once the right side of the main qumiion «»t « History, by a thontu-ifh »tu«ly an.l • • ' of Home's Introduction to llu- stu ture8. I mean not the ob*«' M«)t ley's Dutch Uepuhlio ami I'n Cross the channel, ancl ci>ino inl- ' the feliz;il>ethan t>crios Ancient Law, an«l on Municipal or Villajje I-» East ani' >" IJacon, an.i Aikin'« < of Queen Klizal>eth is piclurcaquo aud cviupt^^^w**** for the iieneral rea > Muke a. barkwanl step for Fra villo's Ancifut Kt-i^iinr, to -*how \ olutit>ti broki' out ; ami Ihon T\\ wli:it it tlitl. Follow with Thicr.H i ri'.'nl Napier'* Penin<«ulnr NVar, a w<' vigorous nnrrativo of ? ■ wen* llu' real c'nteriiii» ^^ ^ fall; and avoid Scott*R Life and AbboU*t IJf< U'ou. For Cformau litt r r (Taylor's Faust, tin* r« - tlu-in); Schiller — I mean iHtth the Work* aod th- of both. Then take up the literary hnn*f~«» r»f Kn«!tn^ tn *hf first part of this century. 1 1 hurt's Scott ; Hyron, \Vord^« -i Shelley; and read after the writ of each. Head also [>amb*« Wr«iiii){is Mid tin'* Thomas de Quinccy. Then opens out the vaiit an>na of the prw** with its innnmerablr w ■ new departments «»t" inv- ._ conventional exeuso fornot ^ bla/..' ..ut iore?.t. \ age is notable moHt of all ° u ' ■ ' stdy n-la* ' *'■ j.i n. I bi win's t>ri^'in > ' Ilami'- • • ^1 bvrl Natl.. haj« r. . . 328 THB BEST READIXO. half-way down to it, with fair abilities and steady, care- ful attention, is by that time better able to choose both departments and authors for himself than I or any other guide. Then please to consider what a store of deep and broad and noble and beautiful thoughts, what a wide range of classes of literature, what a vast mass of facts, the knowledge of that series of books implies; and yet it is a pretty short " Course of Reading," as courses of reading go. But I will not say I recommend it. I will say that I would dearly love to begin at the beginning of it this very day, and go straight through to the end. Now I shall steal a little from Mr. Hale's " How to Do it." His suggestion about courses of reading is, to know, first, the Bible (I take that for granted, observe). Second, the history of your own country, pretty well ; of your own State, better ; of your own town best of all. Thiid (for Americans), "a clear knowledge of the general features of the history of England." Fourth, most of Shakespeare's plays. Beyond this, says Mr. Hale, to begin with, make up your mind what you want to read about: Mary Queen of Scots, fly-fishing, hiero- glypliics, the Tenure of Office Bill, anything. Having reached this point, Mr. Hale's doctrine becomes both a Course of Keading and a MetJiod of Reading. Take a blank book, he says, note down the chief significant words in the passage that you have read, on your cliosen subject (he takes it for granted that you have read some- thiiuj) ; and then rummage and search for more reading about tlie subject itself, or about the collateral subjects named by the entries in your blank-book. If any of these are debated subjects, read on both sides. Use Poole's Index to follow your subjects into the periodicals RKADnrn* from 1802 to 1R5'2, witero thai you ook that i* not a year oUL 2. Never rea«l any but fnnietl IwMik*, 3. Never read any books but what you like. Nt)W I have not one w- rule the words "unless you ch*e.** And last of all, Mr. Horace (irecley, in il"' V- * V V Le>' ■ how 111- r>i<>ni-ius ti. buy a farm, I do not know. Bat if tbrr< pays, ten ■' " - ' Chemistry. each. "Obtain tho bvm ie\ tion." Uead slowly and tl master the book at the Gn«t. t If puzzled, slop and w. ►tand it. V ^ • ''^' » - Asironoiu\ ><», rvad lli«' phy. I'tK'try .. Well— that c r*' If anything coald be more >> of night of the present m«lboad, an«l that yoa can with borrow it, borrow ; always, if llu-ri- in i that sort, belong to it. You irill find, a li'. how to make one tliat will ' that there is nolhiii'4 to be !. anothei-. 4. llavi have a<-*ju.i will turn up. Your difficulty will be to t v that you want to r« i ' ' " ?'-•'! mouok, a; II. C Caruy ; on tho former, read ! ^lill. On the woman suflV . - nell's " Woman SutTraiju" i jeciion of Wtiman" for, auU »o on. crly followt'il, gives great BouuilueAs .... . .. oue*.s habits of mind. A nuinbi-r of wry gooil and i bad in pocket edition.s, Mich a<« I • the Understanding, etc. If you one- of having such a !■ it you, t you will bo very keep it method of economizing time and ihoughL a larger book can be njtr - '»•>;•■• - i oo|> and carrying it about, . It i.H of tho linerial quarto, down to a » . h1..,u! - . -• '- •" (■..It. ■:."-. by subscription, they a three oth' ' - * 1. Hfir 2. ! . or (i 3. ll.i>.ii.'o Dic;i».«^> <-»: L>.iU^, c; r^'.-'*-" Progre«-..*' 334 THE BEST READING. Use these reference books as often as you can find an occasion to ; get into the habit of constantly using them. And use as many more reference books as you can afford. The physiology of reading includes a few hints about the USE OF THE EYES, times and seasons, and other ques- tions of a physical nature. There is no room for a trea- tise, hardly for a paragraph. Until you are twenty years old, do not use your eyes before breakfast. All the system is relaxed then, and any exertion is unnatural and injurious. Do not read in a dim light, nor by a flickering light, nor by a light that shines into the eyes. The best light comes from above and behind the left shoulder. For those who have to read much a green shade over the eyes is a great economy of sight. Gas-light is of a harsh quality, and very hot. Besides, it is better not to deal with an irresponsible monopoly when you can help it. A far better light to read and study by is the still, soft, white light of the " German Student's Lamp." This lamp can be had for either kerosene or the finer vege- table oils. Learn to read whole words by their collective diagram or physiognomy on the paper. This is an immense relief to the eyes. One who has to read a great deal can read a good many books, not the hardest though — if printed in double columns or in a narrow page, not only by whole words, but a whole line at a time ; so that tlie eye, instead of skipping backward and forward thirty or forty times a page, moves, deliberately, straight down it. This is an additional economy of the eyes. Look no harder at the words than is necessary. By straining with an intense stare, one can tire out one's eyes very soon over the clearest print; while careful practice of RRADIXOS AM' these rules will onablo any pair of lyi's, to rea bed with cold feoL Those arc sensible rules, in part. VariiUy «f piMt«r« gives j»re:it relief, but I should say a best for the must part, with stamlu., - variety. The second nd« is at{ain«kl draHt ••: The third is an i xctllrnt rule for those who do uol as well as those who ilo. Another notion which will be conv«Mii.ii» T. r i -rvit many jKH)ple, i», to have two or ihrw same time; one for hani " another kind of hard work, i amuseroent. Hut this will not do for would be ' ' * ' the amu^i chanjje n-ailily from subject to * mi.tjht bother them more thn- " not, therefore, be followed well in practice. As w I'll r.:i r.tu', " • -- .- can own them all. An 1 «••• 1 * 336 THE BEST READING. more than §11,000 for one volume, and he was ricli enough to be able to afford it. Bat he set out to make a complete collection of the editions of the writings of Martial. In spite of his wealth, and his steady pursuit, he was thirty years in doing it. So, you may imagine — or figui-e up, if you prefer arithmetic — how many hun- dred years it would take to collect all the works that have been published. Hardly anybody can expect to own more than a very few. That is all the more reason why they should be wisely chosen. Fifty volumes of good books is no bad library. A certain learned man of ancient times, owned but four books. The famous Leibnitz is said to have asserted that his library con- tained only these nine authoi's : Plato, Aristotle, Archime- des, Euclid, Plutarch, Sextus Empiricus, Pliny, Cicero, and Seneca. There is a ludicrous remark in one of Thackeray's novels, I believe, about some person whose library "consisted chiefly, of old boots." Robert Southey's " List of a Gentleman's Necessary Library" has four more items than Leibnitz's ; does not include a single one of Leibnitz's ; and tlie old boots would make almost as good a libraiy, for a good many "gentlemen," as either of them. This is Southey's list : Bible, Shakes- peare, Spenser's Faerie Queene, Sidney's Arcadia, Works of Sir Thos. Browne, Works of Rev. Cyril Jackson, Walton's Complete Angler, Clarendon's History, Milton, Chaucer, Jeremy Taylor, South's Sermon's, Fuller's Church History. Nearly all those are good books, no doubt ; but it is a fitter list for a superannuated clergy- man than for a man engaged in the work of the world. Private collections range all the way from the afore- said four volumes ; or, indeed, from one book up to a hundred thousand, or more. It is a strong scholar who can make full practical use of as many as twenty thou- sand volumes. For fifty thousand there must be a sepa- RR.lDI.Ha AXD COrKAC nite buiMiu-.', atj!' Armncnii f;»fiuli.-*, 1 is a pootl ileal more llian Aiiu-ri ■ ■ ■ Probably tluy are afl many an .^ such famiru'si. A piTHon with :i who can si)cud a liltio money in ... antl ailvanta^c from a thousan«l or ti i'li"»i 11 \ •■! ;!ih -. I'.r ;' i- they make you ridiuulous rather than n>»)>rcUblv. It is iiii which til- own, the second tho next be»t, and bo on. Aflrr few items it beeomes neee*Mry to ron«i.ik« i.f ent sorts are ■ -mI. IT will be VL-ry > • , eure Ux 1. Th.- Ilible. 2. Webster** 1 iinabri-l„'i'd, if |>osj»ibli«; if nut, the Ui){t*l > can artord). 3. ShakitkiH-an*. Thus fur it is reasonably iilain Milin:;, but n*- IrtMjbhs Infill. 4. C^ ijood as any ; it i» ihr Suj»|>o»e that you ha%' .i.ii ..r . otlurwi.-. ; whieh are the U'*l book* if Dirt- •'* • -'• • hit'- l>io'4raphie», ^' Men of tho 1 lie*, but very port Si^nrrr. to ) clearly nnderstoo.l, a- complete, careftilly-W' - . spelled njemorandums), Tlio' losophv i«« l'erwi'i;*s Hi- Hut T arn ^!i«linJ; back . Rea«lin<». I have «aid enoni;h to *how must l>e — h> single lot of . for ererybo^ly, bccan*«, long ' pleted, lli«> ■ * .' -> con«*i'l in clo^inir tdis chapter: Own all the b.»..ks yon r^n. Use all the b.>ok« ^ can get. 340 THE BEST READING. See the hints about buying books, quoted at the end of the " Extracts," from " An Old Bookseller." They are very shrewd. Book. Clubs.* In small towns, or large ones cither, where there are no public libraries, or where there are libraries which (as is often the case) cannot satisfy the demand for books, a very fair substitute can be found in the establishment of a Book Club. This is a set of about twenty persons (that is the most convenient number, and it is better to have two clubs of twenty than one of forty), who are oi-ganized for the purpose of obtaining good reading, somewhat as fol- lows : Somebody starts the club. This somebody must be willing to do a quantity of running about and enlistment work — a hateful job, but often necessary. Suppose it is a lady ; she had better begin — perhaps with the help of her minister, or any well-acquainted fiiend — by making a list of thirty or forty people who will, perhaps, join. Most likely, half will refuse. If every one she asks con- sents, she stops at twenty or twenty-two. What does she say to her constituents ? She says — but in her own gracefid and insinuating manner — in sub- stance, these things : We want a book club. We can get a great many new books with very little trouble and expense. We put in four dollars apiece to begin with. That will serve us for a year ; for the next year, we can pay another four dollars each, and add what our old books sell for, or we can keep down to that figure and deduct from our payments what they sell for. I will be secretary, unless you prefer somebody else. We will meet and con- sult what magazines to take, if any ; or each may send me a list and 1 will consolidate it ; and, in like manner, * Host of tlie diiecnion* under this head are shaped from a paper of the Bame name, iu a riiceiu uuinber of '• Old and New." we will «1' moiu-y lo k have a hook commiltef I will write to my 1 and they will come. I .^ will 8ci tliein going ninong you. Ii< nuriiher cuuiitx as a book) arc to > roiinn, ill such a inaniuT that ' distance jKWHible lo go. Tl»e « of rinir, «o that the la««t ran - • back to the !«eor»'tary. Tu apiece; it is eviileiit that the «luh ^* carl) b(H)k in a humire*! tlayR. It tl. - secretary (unless some member want* il for • nadini;) tiiitil the time co" book?*, in rea'line**** for the ■ the club may prefer. Twenty members at dollars to he-/m with, tarv^ to "eluh** for ten oft ing list* (of w hich shortly), CO\ fin.- 1 ■n .1 •• and reach > C'U" l...,i r -1 ,•.... : x9 in a t> an neat ■ m.T. azint-H ; \K regiment 342 THE BEST READING. board covers can of course be used for successive num- bers. Then you paste inside of the cover of each book, a copy of the book-list, of which you have had a supply printed — say two hundred and fifty. The Putnams or others will do it for you, and send you the printed lists all ready, by mail, prepaid, for for the 250 copies, if you can't get it done any nearer home. This list has the rules at the top, and below a column for the names of the members, one for dates of books received by each, and one for dates of passing the books to the next in order. It will be as follows, except that instead of five names, there will be room for twenty-two, besides a little margin at foot : HARDREADING BOOK-CLUB LIST. This book may be kept five days. Each member will enter date of receiving and passing. Two cents fine for each day's detention beyond the time allowed. Those wishing a second reading will enter their names at the foot of the list. Names. Received. Passed. Mary Arthur George Barnard Mrs. C. Chauncy Edw. Depew Dr. Jas. Farnsworth . Feb. 1,187 " 6, " 11, " 16, " 21, Feb. 6,187 " 11, " 16, " 21, " 26, 2d Reading : Mary Arthur ; E. Depew. This list, filled as above, means that Miss Arthur got the book from the Secretary on Feb. 1st, the Secretary entering that date. Miss Arthur read it and passed it to Mr. Barnard, entering Feb. 6 opposite her name. Mr. Barnard in turn enters date of receipt, and then of passing to Mrs. Chauncy, and so on ; so that when the book gets round to the Secretary, each member has writ- ten in a date, or dates. Miss Arthur is to have it for a RXJIDI50 AXD COCRUn OV RKADtJtO. Mcoiul readin;^, and K. Di)>cir after ber; iben il goM ic till' Sicntary tor nafu ki-i'|>iu^ uuiil ft ' At the viu\ of thf yi'ar, »tll ilu* b. :■■'■* by auolion to llie ineuibvr*, or to outniijcrii ; or.: ihitu an the club may liirvct ; cullccl tb« » for the new year, or more, if you can; abw il which you have kept a r ' tubMSf i|/iiuu*, anil begin ai;ain. An«i i. Newspapent and periodical* uiiually print lt«tt of d«v publications, but they are not to be r. " ! conjplele, as they often include only been advertised in each particular paper. There are, however, two or three I ' ' -- ■ odicals, which give full lintj* of new United States, and partial lists ofthoiw r besides advertisements, lK>ok nolicen, an i ~. -^ literary matter of considerable serving to librariaiu atnl book-readers. The oldest of theito, Childii* Publiabcr'n Circvlar, ia now united with I^ypoldt'a Literary Uullptin, and issued witfkly in New York, under t' lishirs Wrtkly. The Amt-rican 1 published monthly in New York. al«o give* ii«u » lications and literary item*. In -. ' ' •• •• •<> •*^-' (J. 1*. Tutnam's Sons now is-oi*' the '* Best Heading" in Kn.- containing i'laHsilied an»l pi of the quarter year, and containing al»o 1 sationti of the re i to give some inij . portanre, ant ^■H* / i INIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBRARY 5?axGi