•■T^i««!ISIKS«fl8»!«l«V^^«S;-:i ■/ /a **^i \ V / / / .0. I): y / / .' / / / / ^■i .1 ^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA The John J. and Hanna M. McManus Morris N. and Chesley V. Young Collection i ROBERT HOUDIN, THE aHE^T ^VIZA^RD, CELEBRATED FRENCH CONJURER, AUTHOR, AND AMBASSADOR TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCn, WITH A COPIOUS INDEX, BY Dr. R. SHELTON MACKENZIE. PHILADELPHIA: CHAELES DESILVER & SONS; CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER ; J. B. LIPPIXCOTT & CO. BOSTON: NICHOLS & HALL. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in tlie year 1859, by G. G. EVANS, Tn the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District ol Pennsylvania. Add to T:1^ GIFT EDITOR'S PREFACE. A MAN may not only *'take his own life," by writing his autobiography, without committing felo de se, but may carry himself into future time by producing a book which the world will not willingly let die. This is what M. Robert- Houdin, the greatest artist in what is called Conjuring, has lately done in the remarkable book Confidences d'un Pres- tidigiteur, a faithful translation df which is here presented to the American reading public. The work has had the greatest success in Europe, from its lively style as well as the various information it contains, historical and philo- sophical, on the practice and principles of sleight-of-hand, and the other details, mental as well as mechanical, which unite to make perfect the exhibition of White Magic, the antipodes of what our forefathers knew, persecuted, and punished as the Black Art. Houdin has been considered of such importance and in- terest in France, that in Didot's Nouvelle Biographie G-ene- raUy now in course of publication at Paris, a whole page is given to him. From this memoir, and from his own account 854 4 EDITOR'S PREFACE. in the pages whicli follow, we learn that he was born at Blois, on the 6th December, 1805, — that his father, a watchmaker in that city, gave him a good education at the College of Orleans, — that his inclination for escamotage (or juggling) was so decided as to make him averse to pursue his father's trade, — that lie early exhibited great taste for mechanical inventions, which he so successfully cultivated that, at the Paris Exhibition of 1844, he was awarded a medal for the ingenious construction of several automata, — that, having studied the displays of the great masters on the art of juggling, he opened a theatre of his own, in the Palais Royal in Paris, to which his celebrated soirSes fan- tastiques attracted crowds, — that, in 1848, when the Re- volution had ruined all theatrical speculations in Paris, he visited London, where his performances at St. James's Theatre were universally attractive and lucrative, — that he made a tour through Great Britain with equal success, returning to Paris when France had settled down quietly under the rule of a President, — that he subsequently visited many other parts of Europe, every where received with dis- tinction and applause, — that at the Great Parisian Exhibi- tion of 1855, he was awarded the gold medal for his scien- tific application of electricity to clocks, — that, shortly after, he closed ten years of active public life by relinquish-- mg his theatre to Mr. Hamilton, his brother-in-law, retir- ing with a well-earned competency to Blois, — and that, in 1857, at the special request of the French Government, which desired to lessen the influence of the Marabouts, whose conjuring tricks, accepted as actual magic by the EDITOR'S PREFACE. 5 Arabs, gave them too much influence, he went to Algeria, as a sort of Ambassador, to play ofi" his tricks against theirs, and, by greater marvels than they could shew, de- stroy the prestige which they had acquired. He so com- pletely succeeded that the Arabs lost all faith in the mira- cles of the Marabouts, and thus was destroyed an influence very dangerous to the French Government. In his retirement, to which he has returned, Houdin wrote his Confidences^ and is now devoting himself to scien- tific researches connected with electricity. Before the appearance of his own work, M. Hatin had published, in 1857, Rohert-Houdin, sa vie, ses oeuvres, son theatre. The French and English critics have generally and warmly eulogized M. Houdin's Confidences, and I am per- suaded that, on this side of the Atlantic, it will be con- sidered an instructive as well as an amusing volume. One error which M. Houdin makes must not be passed over. His account of M. de Kempelen's celebrated automa- ton chess-player (afterwards Maelzel's) is entirely wrong. This remarkable piece of mechanism was constructed in 1769, and not in 1796 ; it was the Empress Maria-Theresa of Austria who played with it, and not Catherine II. of Russia; it was in 1783 that it first visited Paris, where it played at the Caf^ de la Rdgence ; it was not taken to London until 1784 ; and again in 1819 ; it was brought to America in 1825, by M. Maelzel, and visited our prin- cipal cities, its chief resting-place being Philadelphia ; M. Maelzel's death was in 1838, on the voyage from Cuba to the United States, and not, as M. Houdin says, on his return 6 EDITOR'S TEEFACE. to France ; and the automaton, so far from being taken back to France, was sold by auction here, finally purchased by the late Dr. J. K. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, reconstructed by him, and finally deposited in the Chinese Museum, (formerly Peale's,) where it was consumed in the great fire which destroyed the National Theatre, (now the site of the Continental Hotel, corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets,) and extending to the Chinese Museum, burnt it down on July 5th, 1854. An interesting account of the Automaton Choss-Player, written by Professor George Allen, of this city, will be found in " The Book of the First American Chess Congress," recently published in New York. M. Iloudin is engaged now in writing a volume explain- ing the manner in which sleight-of-hand and other conjur- ing tricks and deceptions are performed. I have added an Index to this volume, which I trust will bo accepted as useful. R. ShELTON MACKENZIE. ' P/iiLAOKLPiiiA, Sept. 26, 1859. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. PAQfl My Birth and Parentage — My Home — The Lessons of Colonel Bernard — Paternal Ambition — My first Mechanical Attempts — Had I but a Rat! — A Prisoner's Industry — The Abb6 Lari- vi^re — My Word of Honor — Farewell to my darling Tools. . 17 CHAPTER II. A Country Idler — Dr. Carlosbach, Conjurer and Professor of Mys- tification — The Sand-bag and the Stirrup Trick — I turn Law- yer's Clerk, and the Minutes appear to me very long — A small Automaton — A respectful Protest — I mount a Step in the Office — A Machine of Porter's Power — The Acrobatic Canaries — Mon- sieur Roger's Remonstrances — My Father decides that I shall follow my bent ...... 26 CHAPTER III. My Cousin Robert — The most important Event in my Life — How a Man becomes a Sorcerer — My first Sleigh t-of-Hand Feat — An utter Failure — Practising the Eye and the Hand — Curious Ex- periment in Prestidigitation — Monsieur Noriet — An Action more ingenious than delicate — I am Poisoned — Influence of Delirium. 42 ij CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAGE I return to Life — A strange Doctor — Torrini and Antonio : a Con- jurer and a Fanatic for Music — A Murderer's Confession — A perambulating House — The Fair at Angers — A portable Theatre — I witness for the first Time a Conjuring Performance — The blind Man's Game at Piquet — A Dangerous Rival — Signer Castelli eats a Man alive. . . . . .55 CHAPTEE V. Antonio's Confessions — How to gain Public Applause — The Count de , Mountebank — I repair an Automaton — A Mechanician's Shop on Wheels — Nomadic Life — Happy Existence — Torrini's Lessons — His Opinions about Sleight-of-Hand — A Fashionable Greek, Victim of his own Swindling — The Conjurer Comus — A Duel at Piquet — Torrini proclaimed Conqueror — Revelations — New Catastrophe — Poor Torrini! ... 73 CHAPTER VI. Torrini relates his Life — Treachery of Chevalier Pinetti — A Con- jurer through Malice — A Race between two Magicians — Death of Pinetti— Exhibits before Pius VIL — The Cardinal's Chro- nometer — Twelve Hundred Francs spent on a Trick — Antonio and Antonia — The most bitter of Mystifications — Constanti- nople. . ^. . . . . . 90 CHAPTER VII. Continuation of Torrini's History — The Grand Turk orders a Performance — A marvellous Trick — A Page cut in two — Pity- ing Protest of the Harem — Agreeable Surprise — Return to France — Toi'rini's Son Killed — Madness — Decay — My first Performance — An annoying Accident — I return Home. . 121 CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER VIII. PAGB The Prodigal Son — Mademoiselle Houdin — I go to Paris — My Marriage — Comte — Studies of the Public — 'A skillful Manager — Kose-colored Tickets — A Musky Style — The King of Hearts — Ventriloquism — The Mystifiers Mystified — Father Roujol — Jules de Rov^re — Origin of the yifoxd prestidigitateur. . 136 CHAPTER IX. Celebrated Automata — A Brazen Fly — The Artificial Man — Al- bertus Magnus and St. Thomas d' Aquinas — Vaucanson — His JDuck — His Flute-Player — Curious Details — The Automaton Chess-Player — Interesting Episode — Catherine 11. and M. de Kempelen — I repair the Componium — Unexpected Success. 155 CHAPTER X. An Inventor's Calculations — One Hundred Thousand Francs a Year by an Inkstand: Deception — My new Automata — The First Magician in France: Decadence — I meet Antonio — Bosco — The Trick with the Cups — An Execution — Resurrection of the Criminals — Mistake in a Head — The Canary rewarded. . 176 CHAPTER XI. A Reverse of Fortune — Cookery and Clockwork — ^The Artist's Home — Invention of an Automaton — Voluntary Exile — A mo- dest Villa — The Inconveniences of a Speciality — Two August Visitors — The Throat of a mechanical Nightingale — The Tiou and the Rrrrrrrrouit — Seven Thousand Francs earned by mak- ing Filings. ....... 192 10 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. PAGE The Inventive Genius of a Sugar-baker — Philippe the Magician — His Comic Adventures — Description of his Performance — Expo- sition of 1844 — The King and Royal Family visit my Automata. 221 CHAPTER XIII. My proposed Reforms — I build a Theatre in the Palais Royal — Formalities — General Rehearsal — Singular Effect of my Per- formance — The Largest and Smallest Theatre in Paris — Tribu- lation — My first Performance — Panic — Discouragement — A Fallible Prophet — Recovery — Success. , , . 234 CHAPTER XIY. New Studies — A Comic Journal — Invention of Second Sight — Curious Experiments — An enthusiastic Spectator — Danger of being a Sorcerer — A Philter or your Life — Way to get rid of Bores — An Electric Touch — I perform at the Vaudeville — Strug- gles with the Incredulous — Interesting Details. , . 253 CHAPTER XY. Seductions of a Theatrical Agent — How to gain One Hundred Thousand Francs — I start for Brussels — A lucky Two-Sou Piece — Miseries of professional Travelling — The Park Thea- tre — Tyranny of a Porter — Full House — Small Receipts — Deceptions — Return to Paris. .... 273 CHAPTER XVI. Reopening of my Fantastic Soirees — Minor Miseries of Good Luck — Inconvenience of a small Theatre — My Room taken by Storm — A gratuitous Performance — A conscientious Audience — Pleasant Stoi'y about a Black Silk Cap — I perform at the Cha- teau of St. Cloud — Cagliostro's Casket — Holidays. . 294 CONTENTS. 11 CHAPTER XVII. PAOB New Experiments — Aerial Suspension, &c. — 'A Performance at the Od^on— A Friend in Need — 1848 — The Theatre deserted — I leave Paris for London — Manager Mitchell — Publicity in Eng- land — The Great Wizard — A Butter-mould used as a Puff — Singular Bills — A Prize for the best Pun. . . 312 CHAPTER XVIII. The St. James's Theatre — Invasion of England by French Per- formers — A Fete patronised by the Queen — The Diplomatist and the Sleight-of-Hand Man — Three Thousand Pounds taken at one Haul — I perform at Manchester — The Spectators in the Pillory — What capital Cura9oa! — A Torrent of Wine — A Catastrophe — Performance at Buckingham Palace — A Wizard's Repast. ....... 330 CHAPTER XIX. An Optimist Manager — Three Spectators in a Room — A Magical Collation — The Colchester Public and the Nuts — I return to France — I give up my Theatre — A Farewell Tour — I retire to St. Gervais — An Academician's Predictions. . . 359 CHAPTER XX. Travels in Algeria — Convocation of the Chieftains — Performances before the Arabs — A Kabyle rendered powerless — Invulner- ability — A Moor disappears — Panic and Flight of the Au- dience — Reconciliation — The Sect of Aissaoua — Their pretend- ed Miracles. ...... 371 12 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXI. PAQE. Excursion in the Interior of Africa — The Abode of a Bash- - Aga — A comical Repast — A Soiree of Arab Dignitaries — A Marabout mystified— Tent-life in Algeria — I return to France — A terrible Storm — Conclusion. . . . . 398 CHAPTER XXII. A Course of Miracles. . . 422 Indsz. ••••••« t37 THE AUTHOR'S OVERTURE. Saint Gervais, near Blois, September, 1858. Eight o'clock has just struck : my wife and children are by my side. I have spent one of those pleasant days which tranquillity, work, and study can alone secure. — With no regret for the past, with no fear for the future, 1 am — I am not afraid to say it — as happy as man can be. And yet, at each vibration of this mysterious hour, my pulse starts, my temples throb, and I can scarce breathe, so much do I feel the want of air and motion. I can reply to no questions, so thoroughly am I lost in a strange and delirious reverie. Shall I confess to you, reader. And why not ? for this electrical effect is not of a nature to be easily understood by you. The reason for my emotion being extreme at this moment is, that, during my professional career, eight o'clock was the moment when I must appear before the public. Then, 14 THE AUTHOR'S OVERTURE. with my eye eagerly fixed on tlie hole in the curtain, I surveyed with intense pleasure the crowd that flocked in to see me. Then, as now, my heart beat, for I was proud and happy of such success. At times, too, a doubt, a feeling of uneasiness, would be mingled with my pleasure. "Heavens !" I would say to myself, in terror, "am I so sure of myself as to deserve such anxiety to see me ?" But, soon reassured by the past, I waited with greater calmness the signal for the curtain to draw up. I then walked on the stage : I was near the foot-lights, before my judges — but no, I err — before my kind spectators, whose applause I was in hopes to gain. Do you now understand, reader, all the reminiscences this hour evokes in me, and the solemn feeling that con- tinually occurs to me when the clock strikes ? These emotions and souvenirs are not at all painful to me : on the contrary, I summon them up with pleasure. At times I even mentally transport myself to my stage, in order to prolong them. There, as before, I ring the bell, the curtain rises, I see my audience again, and, under the charm of this sweet illusion, I delight in telling them the most interesting episodes of my professional life. I tell them how a man learns his real vocation, how the struggle with difficulties of every nature begins, how, in fact THE AUTHOR'S OVERTURE. 15 But why should I not convert this fiction into a reality ? Could I not, each evening when the clock strikes eight, continue my performances under another form ? My public shall be the reader, and my stage a book. This idea pleases me : I accept it with joy, and imme- diately give way to the sweet illusion. Already I fancy myself in the presence of spectators whose kindness encourages me. I imagine they are waiting for me — they are listening eagerly. "Without further hesitation I begin. ROBERT-HOUDIN, MEMOIRS OP EOBE^T-HOUDIN CH 4.PTER I. My Birth and Parentage — Mj Home — The Lessons of Colonel Bernard — Paternal Ambition — My t»^t Mechanical Attempts — Had I but a Rat! — A Prisoner's Industr;r — The Abb^ Larivi^re — My Word of Honor — Farewell to my darliuug Tools. In conformity with the traditional custom which expects every man who writes his memoirs — or not to use too strong language, his confesirtons — to display his patent of gentility, I commence by stating to my readers, with a certain degree of pride, that I was born at Blois, the birthplace of Louis XII., surnamed the "Father of his People," and of Denis Papin, the illustrious inventor of the steam-engine. So much for my native town. As for my family, it would only appear natural, regard being had to the art to which I devoted my life, that I should display in my family tree the name of Robert le Blahle, or of some mediaeval sorcerer; but, being the very slave of truth, I B 18 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. will content myself with stating tliat my fatter was a watchmaker. Though he did not rise to the elevation of the Berthouds and the Breguets, my father was reputed to be very skil- ful in his profession. In fact, I am only displaying our hereditary modesty when I say that my father's talents were confined to a single art ; for, in truth, nature had adapted him for various branches of mechanics, and the activity of his mind led him to try them all with equal ardor. An excellent engraver, a jeweller of the greatest taste, he at the same time could carve the arm or leg for some fractured statuette, restore the enamel on any time- worn porcelain, or even repair musical snufi'-boxes, which were very fashionable in those days. The skill he evinced in these varied arts at length procured him a most nume- rous body of customers ; but, unfortunately, he was wont to make any repairs not strictly connected with his own business for the mere pleasure. . In this house, which I may almost term artistic, and in the midst of tools and implements in which I was destined to take so lively an interest, I was born and educated. I possess an excellent memory, still, though my reminis- cences date back so far, I cannot remember the day of my birth. I have learned since, however, that it was the 6th of December, 1805. I am inclined to believe that I came into the world with a file or a hammer in my hand, for, from my earliest youth, those implements were my toys and delight : I learned how to use them as other children learn to walk and talk. I need not say that my excellent mother had frequently to wipe away the young mechanic's tears, when the hammer, badly directed, struck my fingers. As for my father, he laughed at these slight siccidents, and said, jokingly, that it was a capital way of MY LOVE OF TOOLS. 19 driving my profession into me, and that, as I was a won- derful lad, I could not but become an extraordinary work- man. I do not pretend that I ever realized the paternal predictions, but it is certain that I have ever felt an irre- sistible inclination for mechanism. How often, in my infantile dreams, did a benevolent fairy open before me the door of a mysterious El Dorado, where tools of every description were piled up. The delight which these dreams produced on me, were the same as any other child feels when his fancy summons up before him a fantastic country where the houses are made of chocolate, the stones of sugar candy, and the men of gingerbread. It is difficult to understand this fever for tools ; the mechanic, the artist adores them, and would ruin himself to obtain them. Tools, in fact, are to him what a MS. is to the archaeologist, a coin to the antiquary, or a pack of cardg to a gambler : in a word they are the implements by which a ruling passion is fed. By the time I was eight years of age I had furnished proofs of nly ability, partly through the .kindness of an excellent neighbor, and partly through a dangerous illness, when my forced idleness gave me leisure to exercise my natural dexterity. This neighbor, M. Bernard, was a colonel on half-pay. Having been a prisoner for many years, he had learned how to make an infinity of toys, which he taught me as an amusement, and I profited so well by his lessons, that in a very short time I could equal my master. I fancy I can still see and hear this old sol- dier, when, passing his hand over his heavy grey mous- tache, he exclaimed with energetic satisfaction, "Why, the young scamp can do anything he likes." This com- pliment flattered my childish vanity, and I redoubled my efforts to deserve it. 20 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. With my illness my pleasures ended ; I was sent to school, and from that time I had few opportunities for indulging in my favorite tasks. Still, on my holidays, I used to return to my father's workshop with delight, and, yet, I must have been a great torment to that excellent parent. Owing to my want of skill, I now and then broke some tool, and although I might try to conceal it, the blame was generally laid on me, and, as a punishment, I was forbidden to enter the workshop. But it was of no use attempting to keep me from my hobby ; fhe prohibition had to be continually renewed. Hence it was thought advisable to attack the evil at the root, and I must be sent away from home. Although my father liked his trade, experience had taught him that a watchmaker rarely makes a fortune in a country town ; in his paternal ambition he, therefore, dreamed a more brilliant destiny for me, and he formed the determination of giving me a liberal education, for which I shall always feel grateful to him. He sent me to college at Orleans. I was then eleven years of age. Let who will sing the praises of school life ; for my own part I can safely state, that, though I was not averse from study, the happiest day I spent in our monastic seminary was that on which I left it for good. However, once entered, I accepted my lot with resignation, and became in a short time a perfect schoolboy. In my play hours my time was well employed, for I spent the greater portion of it in making pieces of mechanism. Thus I made snares, gins, and mouse-traps, their excellent arrange- ment, and perhaps the dainty bait as well, producing me a great number of prisoners. I had built for them a charming open cage, in which I had fixed up a miniature gymnastic machinery. My pris- I GO TO SCHOOL. 21 oners, wliile taking their ease, set in motion a variety of macliines, which caused a most agreeable surprise. One of my inventions more especially attracted the admiration of my comrades ; it was a method of raising water by means of a pump made almost entirely of quills. A mouse, harnessed like a horse, was intended to set this Lilliputian machine in motion by the muscular strength of its legs ; but^ unfortunately, my docile animal, though perfectly willing, could not overcome the resistance of the cog-wheels, and I was forced, to my great regret, to lend it a hand. "Ah! if I only had a rat !" I said to myself, in my disappointment, "how famously it would work !" A rat ! But how to get one? That appeared to me an insur- mountable difficulty, but, after all, it was not so. One day, having been caught in the act of breaking bounds by a monitor, I was awarded twelve hours' imprisonment. This punishment, which I suffered for the first time, pro- duced a violent effect on me : but in the midst of the sor- rowful reflections inspired by the solitude, an idea dissipa- ted my melancholy thoughts by offering a famous sugges- tion. I knew that at nightfall the rats used to come from an adjacent church into the cell where I was confined, to regale on the bread-crumbs left by prisoners. It was a capital opportunity to obtain one of the animals I required ; and as I would not let it slip, I straight-way set about inventing a rat-trap. My only materials were a pitcher holding water, and, consequently, my ideas were confined exclusively to this. I, therefore, made the following arrangement. I began by emptying my pitcher ; then, after putting in a piece of bread, I laid it down so that the orifice was 22 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. on a Isvel with tlie ground. My object was to attract the victim by this dainty into the trap. A brick which I dug up would serve to close the opening, but as it was impos- sible for me in the darkness to notice the exact moment for cutting off the prisoner's retreat, I laid near the bread a piece of paper which would rustle as the rat passed over it. As soon as night set in, I crouched close to my pitcher, and, holding the brick in my hand, I awaited with feverish anxiety the arrival of my guests. The pleasure I antici- pated from the capture must have been excessive to over- come my timidity when I heard the first leaps of my savage visitors. I confess that the antics they performed round my legs occasioned me great nervousness, for I knew not how far the voracity of these intrepid rodents might extend ; still, I kept my ground, not making the slightest movement, through fear of compromising the success of my scheme, and was prepared to offer the assailants a vigorous resistance in case of an attack. More than an hour passed in vain expectation, and I was beginning to despair of the success of my trap, when I fancied I heard the slight sound I hoped for as a signal. I laid the brick on the mouth of the pitcher directly, and raised it up ; the shrill cries inside convinced me of my success, and I began a psean of triumph, both to celebrate my victory and to frighten away my prisoner's comrades. The porter, when he came to release me, helped me to master my rat by fastening a piece of twine to one of his hind legs, and burdened with my precious booty, I pro- ceeded to the dormitory, where masters and pupils had been asleep for a long time. I was glad enough to sleep too, but a dijQ&culty presented itself — how should I bestow my prisoner ? A NOVEL RAT-TRAP. 28 At length a bright idea occurred to me, fully worthy of a schoolboy : it was to thrust the rat headforemost into one of my shoes. After fastening the twine to the leg of my bed, I pushed the shoe into one of my stockings, and placed the whole in the leg of my trousers. This being accomplished, I believed I could go to bed without the slightest cause for apprehension. The next morning, at five exactly, the inspector took a turn through the dor- mitory to arouse the sleepers. "Dress yourself directly," he said, in that amiable voice peculiar to gentlemen who have risen too soon. I proceeded to obey but I was fated to dire disgrace : the rat I had packed away so carefully, not finding its quarters airy enough, had thought proper to gnaw through my shoe, my stocking, and my trouser, and was taking the air through this improvised window. Fortunately, it had not cut through the retaining string, so the rest was a trifle. But the inspector did not regard matters in the same light as I did. The capture of a rat and the injury to my clothes were considered further aggravations of my previous offence, and he sent in a lengthy report to the head-master. I was obliged to appear before the latter dressed in the clothes that bore the proof of my offence, and, by an unlucky coincidence, shoe, stocking and trou- ser were all injured on the same leg. The Abb^ Lariviere (our head-master) managed the college with truly paternal care ; ever just, and prone by nature to forgiveness, he was adored by his pupils, and to be out of favor with him was regarded as the severest punishment. "Well, Robert," he said to me, looking kindly over the spectacles which bridged the end of his nose, "I under- stand you have been guilty of grave faults. Come, tell me the whole trutli. 24 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. I possessed at that time a quality which, I trust, I have not lost since, and that is extreme frankness. I gave the Ahb^ a full account of my misdeeds, and my sincerity gained me pardon. The head-master, after a vain attempt to repress it, burst into a loud fit of laughter, on hearing the catastrophe of my adventures. Still, he ended his gentle lecture in the following words : " I will not scold you any more, Robert. I believe in your repentance : twelve hours' confinement are sufficient punishment, and I grant you your release. I will do more : though you are very young, I will treat you as a man — of honor, though — you understand me? You will pledge me your word not only that you will not com- mit your old faults again, but, as your passion for me- chanics makes you often neglect your lessons, you must promise to give up your tools, and devote yourself hence- forth to study." " Oh yes, sir, I give you my word," I exclaimed, moved to tears by such unexpected indulgence; "and I can assure you, you will never repent having put faith in my promise." I made up my mind to keep my pledge, although I was fully aware of all the difficulties, which were so many stumbling-blocks in that path of virtue I wished to follow. Much trouble, I had too, at first, in withstanding the jests and sarcasms of the idler of my comrades, who, in order to hide their own bad conduct, strove to make all weak characters their accomplices. Still, I broke with them all. Sharpest pang of all, though, was the sacrifice I made in burning my vessels — that is, in putting aside my cages and their contents ; I even forgot my tools, and thus, free from all external distraction, I devoted myself entirely to my Greek and Latin studies. I LEAVE COLLEGE. 25 The praise 1 received from the Abb(3 Larlviere, Tvho prided himself in having noticed in me the stuff for an excellent scholar, rewarded me for this sublime effort, and I may say I became, thenceforth, one of the most studious and attentive lads in the college. At times, I certainly regretted my tools and my darling machinery, but recollecting my promise to the head-master, I held firm against all temptation. All I allowed myself was to set down by stealth on paper a few ideas that occurred to me, though I did not know whether I should ever have a chance to put them in practice. At length the moment arrived for my leaving college ; my studies were completed — I was eighteen years of asje. 2(5 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT- HOUDIN. CHAPTER II. A Country Idler — Dr. Carlosbacli, Conjurer and Professor of Mystifica- tion — The Sand-bag and the Stirrup Trick — I turn Lawyer's Clerk, and the Minutes appear to me very long — A small Automaton — A re- spectful Protest — I mount a Step in the Office — A Machine of Por- ter's Power — The Acrobatic Canaries — Monsievir Roger's Remon- strances — My Father decides that I shall follow my bent. In the story I liave just narrated, only simple events were noticeable — hardly worthy, perhaps, of a man who has often passed for a sorcerer — but grant me a few pages' patience, reader, as an introduction to my artistic life, and what you s^ek in my book will be displayed be- fore your eager gaze. You will know how a magician is produced, and you will learn that the tree whence my magic staff was cut was only that of persevering labor, often bedewed by the sweat of my brow : soon, too, when you come to witness my labors and my anxious hours of expectation, you will be able to appreciate the cost of a reputation in my mysterious art. On leaving college, I at first enjoyed all the liberty I had been deprived of for so many years. The power of going right or left, of speaking or remaining silent, as I listed, of getting up sooner or later, according to my fancy, was an earthly paradise for a collegian. I enjoy- ed this ineligible pleasure to the fullest extent : thus, in the morning — although habit made me wake at five — DR. CARLOSBACH. 27 when the clock announced that once so dreaded liour, I burst mto a loud laugh, and offered ferocious challenges to any number of invisible superintendents ; then, satisfied by tliis slight retrospective vengeance, I went to sleep again till breakfast. After that meal I went out to indulge in a pleasant lounge about the streets ; and I preferred walk- ing in the public promenades, for thus I had better chances of finding something to attract my attention. In a word, not an event happened which I did not know, and I was the real amateur "penny-a-liner" of my native town. Many of these incidents afforded very slight interest ; one day, however, I witnessed a scene which produced a lasting effect upon me. One after-dinner, while walking along the side of the Loire, engaged with the thoughts suggested by the falling autumn leaves, I was aroused from my reverie by the sound of a trumpet, evidently blown by a practised performer. It may be easily supposed that I was not the last to obey this startling summons, and a few other idlers also formed a circle round the performer. He was a tall fellow with a quick eye, a sunburnt face, long and crispy hair, and he stemmed his fist in his side, while he held his head impudently high. His costume, though rather "loud," was still cleanly, and announced a man who probably had "some hay in his boots," to use a favorite phrase of gentlemen in the same profession. He wore a maroon-colored frock-coat, trimmed with larcre silver frogs, wdiile round his neck was a black silk cravat, the two ends being passed through a jcAvelled ring, which a millionaire would not have disdained — had it not un- fortunately been paste. He wore no waistcoat, but his shirt was remarkably white, and on it glistened a heavy mosaic chain, with a collection of appendages, whose metallic sound loudly announced his every movement 28 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDIN. I had ample time to make these observations, for as the audience collected but slowly, the stranger continued his trumpet overture for a quarter of an hour ; at length, when an average crowd had assembled, the trumpet made waj for the human voice. The artist laid the instrument on the ground, and walked round majestically to form a ring ; then, stopping, he passed his hand through his hair, and began his address. Being little used to this charlatanism in the streets, I regarded the man with confiding admira- tion and determined not to lose a word of his address. " Gentlemen," he commenced, in a firm and sonorous voice, "pray hear me. I am not what I seem to be; I may say more, I am what I do not seem to be. Yes, gen- tlemen, yes — confess it — you take me for one of those scurvy beggars who want to draw a few halfpence from your generosity. Well, you may undeceive yourselves. Though you see me on this spot to-day, I tell you that I have only come here for the relief of sufi*ering humanity in general, then for your welfare in particular, as well as for your amusement." Here the orator, whose accent plainly showed that he came from the banks of the Garonne, passed his hand once more through his hair, raised his head, sucked his lips, and, assuming an air of majestic dignity, continued : "I will tell you presently who I am, and you will be able to estimate me at my true value ; in the mean while allow me to ofi*er you a slight specimen of my skill." The artist, having then formed the circle afresh, placed before him a small table, on which he arranged three tin goblets, so w^ell polished that they might have been taken for silver ; after which he fastened round his waist a red cotton velvet bag, into which he thrust his hands for some minutes — doubtlessly to prepare the tricks he intended to display — and the performance commenced. A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR. 29 During a long series of tricks, the nutmegs, at first in- visible, a^opeared at the finger ends of the conjuror; then, thej passed through the cups, under the table, into a spectator's pockets, and finally emerged, to the general delight, from the nose of a young looker-on. The latter took the matter quite seriously, and half killed himself with sneezing, to see whether a few more spice balls might not be left in his brain. The address with which these tricks were done, and the apparent simplicity of the oper- ator in the execution of these ingenious artifices, produced the most perfect illtision — at least, as far as I was con- cerned. It was the first time I had ever witnessed such a sight : I was stupefied, astounded ! The man who could perform such marvels at his will seemed to me a superhuman being ; hence I saw him put aside his cups with considerable re- gret. The audience seemed equally charmed ; the artist perceived it, and took advantage of it, by making a sign that he had a few more words to say. Then, resting his hand on the table, he proceeded : " Ladies and gentlemen ! I was very pleased to notice the kind attention you devoted to my tricks, and I thank you for it" (here the conjuror bowed to the ground); " and, as I am anxious to prove that you have not to deal with an ungrateful person, I will attempt to repay in full the satisfaction you have made me feel. Deign to listen to me for a moment. " I promised to tell you what I am ; I will now satisfy you." (Sudden change of countenance, and evidence of great self-esteem.) "You behold in me the celebrated Dr. Carlosbach : the composition of my name reveals to you my Anglo-Francisco-Germanic origin. To praise myself would be like painting the lily ; I will, therefore, 30 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. content myself with saying tliat I possess an enormous talent, and that my astounding reputation can only be equalled by my modesty. Elected, by acclamation, mem- ber of the most illustrious learned societies through the whole world, I incline before their judgment, which pro- claims the superiority of my skill in the grand art of curing the human race." This address, as strange as it was emphatic, was de- livered with imperturbable assurance ; still I fancied I noticed a twitching of the lips, that revealed the grand doctor's ill-restrained desire to laugh! For all that, I lis- tened attentively to his discourse. '^But, gentlemen," he added, "I have said sufficient of m.yself; it is time to speak of my works. Learn then, that I am the inventor of the Vermifuge Balsam, whose sovereign efficaciousness is indisputable. Yes, gentlemen, the worm, that enemy of the human race — the worm, the destroyer of everything existing — the worm, that obsti- nate preyer on the living and the dead, is at length con- quered by my science ; a drop, an atom of this precious liquor is sufficient to expel this fearful parasite for ever. " And, gentlemen, such is the virtue of my marvellous balsam, that it not only delivers man from this frightful calamity during life, but his body has nothing to fear after death. Taking my balsam is a mode of embalming one's body prior to death ; man is thus rendered immortal. Ah ! gentlemen, were you but acquainted with all the virtues of my sublime discovery, you Avould rush upon me and tear it from me ; but, as that would be illegal, I check myself in time." The orator, in fact, stopped, and dried his brow with one liand, while with the other he motioned to the crowd that he had not yet ended his discourse. A great number BOUGHT AND SOLD. 31 of the audience were already striving to approach the learned doctor ; Carlosbach, however, did not appear to notice it, and, reassuming his dramatic posture, he con- tinued as follows : " But, you will ask me, what can be the price of sucli ' a treasure ? can we be rich enough to purchase it ? The moment has now arrived, gentlemen, to make you under- stand the full extent of my disinterestedness. This bal- sam, in the discovery of which I have worn away my days — this balsam, which sovereigns have purchased at the price of their crown — this balsam, in short, which is beyond all price — well, I make you a present of it !" At these unexpected words, the crowd, panting with emotion, lifted up its eager arms, and implored the gene- rosity of the doctor. But, what shameful deception ! Carlosbach — the celebrated Dr. Carlosbach — this bene- factor of humanity, suddenly altered his tone, and burst into an Homeric shout of laughter. The arms fell down spontaneously; the audience looked vacantly into each other's faces. At length one laughed. The contagion spread, and soon everybody was following the conjurer's example. He was the first to stop, and demanded silence : " Gentlemen !" he then said, in a perfectly respectful tone, " do not be angry with me for the little trick I have played you; I wished thus to put you on your guard against those charlatans who daily deceive you, just as I have done myself. I am no doctor, but simply a conjurer, professor of mystification, and author of a book, in which you will find, in addition to the discourse I have just de- livered, the description of a great number of conjuring tricks. Would you like to learn the art of amusing your- self in society ? For sixpence you may satisfy your curiosity." 32 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. The conjurer produced from a box an enormous packet of books ; then, going round the crowd, he soon disposed of his wares, thanks to the interest his talent had excited. The exhibition was over, and I returned home with my head full of a world of unknown sensations. It will be readily supposed that I purchased one of these precious volumes. I hastened to examine it ; but the false doctor continued his system of mystification in it, and despite all my good will, I could not understand one of the tricks he pretended to explain. However, I had the fa- mous speech I have just quoted, as some sort of consolation. I made up my mind to lay the book aside and think no more of it ; but the marvels it announced returned to my mind every moment. ''0 Carlosbach!" I said in my modest ambition, '' if I possessed your talent, how happy I should feel !" and, filled with this idea, I decided on taking lessons of the learned professor. Unfortunately, this determination was arrived at too late. When I pro- ceeded to his lodgings, I learned that the conjuror had resorted to his own tricks, and had left his inn the previous evening, forgetting to pay the princely score he had run up. The innkeeper gave me the account of this last mystification on the part of the professor. Carlosbach had arrived at his house with two trunks of unequal size and very heavy ; on the larger of them was painted " Conjuring Apparatus," on the other, " Cloth- ing." The conjuror, who stated that he had received various invitations to perform at the adjacent chateaux, had set ofi" the evening before to fulfil one of these engage- ments. He had only taken with him one of his trunks, that containing the apparatus ; and it was supposed he had left the other in his room as a security for the bill he had run up. The next day the host, surprised at finding his THE STIRRUP TRICK. 33 lodger still absent, thought it advisable to place his traps in some safe place. He, therefore, went into his bedroom ; but the two trunks had disappeared, and in their place was an enormous bag filled with sand, on which was written : THE MYSTIFYING BAG. THE STIRRUP TRICK. I continued for some time longer to enjoy the contem- plative life I had been pursuing ; but at last satiety assailed me, and I was quite surprised one day at finding myself wearied of this life of idleness. My father, like a man who could read the human heart, had awaited this moment to talk seriously with me; he, therefore, took me aside one morning, and said, without further preface, in a kindly voice : " My good boy, you have now quitted college with a sound education, and I have allowed you to enjoy fully the liberty for which you seemed to aspire. But you must see this is not sufficient for a livelihood ; you must now enter on the world resolutely, and apply your parts to the profession you wish to embrace. That profession it is now time to choose ; you have doubtlessly some inclination, some bias, and you must let me know it ; speak, then, and you will find me inclined to second your views." Although my father had frequently expressed his fears lest I should follow his trade, I thought, after these re- marks, he had changed his mind, and I joyfully said : " Of course I have an inclination, and you cannot be ignorant of it, for it is of very old standing. You know I never wished to be other than — " My father guessed my thoughts, and would not allow me to finish. C 34 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDIN. " I see," he objected, " that you did not understand me, and I -must explain my meaning more clearly. My desire is for you to choose a profession more lucrative than my own. Consider, it would be unreasonable to bury the ten years' schooling for which I made such heavy sacrifices in my shop ; remember, too, that, after thirty-five years' hard work, I have been hardly able to save sufficient provision for my old age. Then, pray, change your resolution, and give up your mania for mak- ing a ' parcel of filings.' " My father, in this, merely followed the idea of many parents, who can only see the disagreeable side of their own trade. To this prejudice, I must allow, he added the praiseworthy ambition of the head of a family desirous that his son should rise a step higher on the social ladder than himself. As I was utterly ignorant of all other professions or trades save that of a mechanician, I was unable to appre- ciate them, or consequently select one ; hence I remained dumb. In vain did my father try to draw an answer from me by explaining the advantages I should derive from being a surgeon or chemist, a barrister or a solicitor. I could only repeat that I placed implicit confidence in his wisdom and experience. This self-denial and passive obe- dience appeared to touch him ; I noticed it, and wishing to make a final attack on his determination, I said to him : ^' Before making up my mind to any decided choice of profession, allow me to oifer one observation. Are you sure that it is your trade which is impossible of extension, or is it owing to the smallness of the town in which you have carried it on ? Let me follow my own bent, I be- seech you, and when I have become a good workman by your instruction, I will go to Paris and make a fortune there; I feel quite convinced I can do so." CHOOSING A TROFESSION 35 Fearing lest he might give way, my father tried to cut the conversation short by evading a reply to my objection. "As you leave it to me," he said, " I advise you to be- come a solicitor ; with your natural parts, aided by appli- cation and good conduct, I am certain you will make your way famously." Two days later I was installed in one of the best offices at Blois, and, owing to my caligraphy, I was employed as a copying clerk, and in engrossing from morning till night, though rarely understanding what I was writing. My readers can readily guess that this mechanical work could not long satisfy the turn of my mind ; pens, ink, and paper were most unsuitable articles to carry out the in- ventive ideas which continually occurred to me. Fortu- nately, at that period, steel pens were unknown ; hence I had a resource in making my pens, to which I devoted the best part of my time. This simple fact will suffice to give an idea of the deep spleen which weighed upon me like a coating of lead, and I should have certainly fallen ill, had I not found more attractive employment. Among the mechanical curiosities entrusted to my father for repair, I had noticed a snuff-box, on the top of which a small piece of mechanism attracted my entire attention. The top of the box represented a landscape. On pressing a spring, a hare made its appearance, and went towards a tuft of grass, which it began to crop ; soon after a sports- man emerged from a thicket accompanied by a pointer. The miniature Nimrod stopped at the sight of the game, shouldered his gun and fired ; a noise indicative of the explosion of a fire-arm was heard, and the hare, apparently wounded, disappeared in the thicket, pursued by the dog. This pretty piece of mechanism excited my desires in an eminent degree, but I could not hope to possess it, as 36 MEIMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDIN the owner, in addition to the value he attached to it, had no reason to dispose of it, and, besides, my pecuniary means were insufficient. As I could not make the article my own, I determined, at least, to keep it in remem- brance, and drew a careful plan of it without my father's knowledge. This only more inflamed my desires, and I began to ask myself whether I could not make an exact copy of it. Seeing no extreme difficulty in this, I rose at daybreak each morning, and, going down to my father's workshop, I worked till the hour when he used to begin work. Then I rearranged the tools exactly as I had found them, locked up my work carefully, and proceeded to my office. The joy I experienced in finding my mechanism act was only equalled by the pleasure I felt in presenting it to my father, as an indirect and respectful protest against the determination he had formed as to my choice of a trade. I had some difficulty in persuading him that I had not been assisted by any one in my work, but when at last 1 removed his doubts, he could not refrain from compliment- ing me. " It is a pity," he said, thoughtfully, '' that you cannot profit by your turn for mechanism ; but," he added, sud- denly, as if seeking to dispel an idea that troubled him, "you had better take no pride in your skill, for it may in- jure your prospects." For more than a year I performed the duties of amateur — that is, unpaid clerk — and I was then offered a situa- tion by a country solicitor as second clerk, with a small salary. I accepted this unexpected promotion very readily; but, once installed in my new duties, I found that my em- ployer had deceived me as to their range. The situation I occupied was that of office-boy, having to run on errands, A NOVEL ALARUM. 37 for the fii'st and only clerk could more tlian attend to tlio business. I certainly earned some money : it was the first T had gained by my own labor, and this consideration gilded the pill, which was rather bitter to my pride. Be- sides, M. Roger (such was my new master's name) was certainly the best fellow in the world. His manner, full of kindness and sympathy, had attracted me the first time I saw him, and I may add that his behavior towards me was most agreeable during the time I remained in his office. This gentleman, the personification of probity, possessed the confidence of the Due d'Avaray, Avhose estate he man- aged, and being full of zeal for his noble client's business, he devoted more attention to it than to his office. At Avaray legal business was very scarce, and we had hardly enough to fill up our time. For my own part, I had many leisure hours, which my kind master enabled mo to employ by placing his library at my service. I had the good for- tune to find in it Linnoeus's Treaty on Botany, and I learned the rudiments of that science. The study of botany required time, and I could only devote to it the hours prior to the office opening. Unfor- tunately, I had become a tremendous sleeper — I hardly know how — and I could not manage to get up before eight o'clock. I resolved to conquer this obstinate somno- lency, and I invented a waking apparatus, which, from its originality, deserves honorable mention here. The room I occupied formed a portion of the Chateau d'Avaray, and was situated over an archway, closed by a heavy gate. Having noticed that the porter opened this gate, which led into the gardens, every morning, the idea occuired to me of profiting by this circumstance to insti- tute an energetic alarum. This is how I managed it. 38 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDIN. When I went to bed, I fastened to one of my legs the end of a cord, which, passing through my half-opened window, was attached to the upper part of the iron gate. When the porter pushed the gate open, he dragged me, when least expecting it, to the middle of my bedroom. Thus violently roused from sleep, I tried to hold on by the bed- clothes ; but the more I resisted, the more did the pitiless porter push on his side, and I at length woke up to hear him always abusing the hinges, which he determined to oil before the day w^as out. Then, I unloosed my leg, and, with my Linnaeus in my hand, I went to interrogate Na- ture on her admirable secrets, the study of which caused me to spend many pleasant hours. As much to please my father as to scrupulously fulfil my duties in my new office, I had promised to pay no more attention to mechanical inventions — for I feared their irresistible attraction — and I had religiously kept my word. There was, then, every reason to believe that I should pass through all my grades creditably, and some day, in my turn, become Maitre Hobert, solicitor, in some country town. But Providence, in her decrees, had traced out a very different route for me, and my stern resolutions were routed by a temptation too powerful for my courage. In our office there was, strangely enough, a magnificent aviary filled with canaries, whose song and plumage were intended to dispel the impatience of a client forced by some accident to wait. This cage being considered a por- tion of the office furniture, I was bound, as errand-l)oy, to keep it in a proper •state of cleanliness, and provide the food of the denizens. This was the branch of my duties I perform od with the greatest zeal: in fact, I bestov.^ed so muS'i care on the comfort and amusement of the birds, tiiat they soon absorbed nearly all my time. A WONDERFUL AVIARY. 30 I began by setting up in this cage a number of mechan- ical tricks I had invented at college under similar circum- stances. I gradually added fresh ones, and ended by making the cage a work of art and curiosity, affording considerable attraction to our visitors. At one spot was a perch, near which the sugar and the seed-glass displayed their attractions ; but no sooner had the innocent canary placed its foot on the fatal perch, than a circular cage en- compassed it, and it was kept a prisoner until another bird, perching on an adjoining piece of wood, set loose a spring, which delivered the captive. At another place were baths and pumps ; further on was a small trough, so arranged, that the nearer the bird seemed to draw to it the further off it really w^as. Lastly, each denizen of the cage was obliged to earn its food by drawing forward with its beak small pasteboard carts. The pleasure 1 felt in carrying out these small schemes soon made me forget I was in a lawyer's office for any other purpose than to be at the beck and call of canaries. The chief clerk drew my attention to it, and added some just remonstrances ; but I had always a protest ready, and continued making daily improvements in the aviary. At length, matters reached such a point, that the supreme authority, that is to say my master in person, felt it his duty to interfere. "Robert," he said to me, assuming an earnest tone, which he rarely employed towards his clerks, " when you came into my office you were aware it was to devote your- self exclusively to business, and not to satisfy your own thirst for pleasure ; warnings have been given you to re- turn your duty, and you have paid no attention to them ; I am, therefore, obliged to tell you that you must either decide on giving up your mechanical fancies, or I must ecnd you home to your father." 40 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. And the worthy Monsieur Roger stopped, as if to draw breath after the reproaches he had given me, I am sure much against his will. After a moment's silence, he re- assumed his paternal tone, and said to me : ''And now, mj friend, will you let me give you a piece of advice ? I have studied you, and feel convinced you will never be more than a very ordinary clerk, and, con- sequently, a still more ordinary notary, while you might become an excellent mechanician. It would be, then, wiser for you to give up a profession in which you have such slight prospect of success, and follow that for which you evince such remarkable aptitude." The kindly tone M. Roger assumed induced me to open ray heart to him. I told him of my father's determination to keep me from his own trade, and described to him all the vexation I had felt from it. "Your father fancied he was acting for the best," he replied to me, "by putting you in a profession more lu- crative than his own; he thought he should only have a simple boyish fancy to overcome, but I am persuaded it is an irresistible vocation, against which you should no longer struggle. I will see your parents to-morrow, and I have no doubt I shall induce them to change their opinion about your future prospects in life." Since I quitted my father's house he had sold his busi- ness, and had retired to a small property he had near Blois. My master went to see him as he had promised me ; a long conversation ensued, and after numerous ob- jections on both sides, the lawyer's eloquence vanquished my father's scruples, and he at length yielded. "Well," he said, "as he absolutely desires it, let him follow my trade. And, as I cannot instruct him myself, my nephew, who is a pupil of mine, will act towards my son as I did towards him." UHIGIITER PROSPECTS. 4J This news overwhelmed me with joj: it seemed as if I were entering on a new life, and the fortnight I had 3^et to spend at Avaray seemed to me terribly long. At length I set out for Blois, and the day after my arrival found me seated before a vice, file in hand, and receiving my first lessons in watchmakino; from my relative. ll MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER III. My Cousin Robert — The most important Event in my Life — How a Man becomes a Sorcerer — My firsf Sleiglit-of-Hand Feat — An utter Failure — Practising the Eye and the Hand — Curious Experiment in Prestidigitation — Monsieur Noriet — An Action more ingenious than delicate — I am Poisoned — Influence of Delirium. Befoee speaking of my labors in the watchmaker's shop, I must introduce my readers to my new master. And, in the first place, to set myself right, I will say that my cousin Robert, as I used to call him, has been since my first connexion with him, one of my best and dearest friends. It would be difiicult, in fact, to imagine a more happy character, a heart more affectionate and devoted. With a rare intelligence, my cousin combined other equally valuable qualities. He possessed a graceful ad- dress, which, without flattery, I may say is peculiar to our family, and he was justly considered the first watchmaker in Blois, a town which has long excelled in the horologic art. My cousin began by teaching me how to " make filings," as my father called it, but I required no apprenticeship to learn the use of tools, and hence the outset was not so painful as it is usually to novices. From the beginning of my apprenticeship I was enabled to undertake small jobs, which gained me my master's praise. Yet I would not have it supposed I was a model pupil, for I had still MY NOSE ON THE GRINDSTONE. 43 rife in me that spirit of investigation which drew down upon me several reprimands from mj cousin, and I could not endure to confine mj imagination to the ideas of an- other person. I was continually inventing or improving. My whole life through, this passion — or, if you will, mania — has held sway over me. I never could fix my thoughts on any task w^ithout trying to introduce some improvement, or strike out a novel idea. But this tem- perament — eventually so favorable — was at this period very prejudicial to my progress. Before following my own inspirations and yielding to my fancies, I ought to have learned the secrets of my art, and, in fact, dispelled all ideas w^hich were only adapted to make me diverge from the true principles of clockmaking. Such was the sense of the paternal observations made now and then by my cousin, and I was obliged to recog- nize their justice. Then I would go to work again with redoubled zeal, though groaning inwardly at the bonds that fettered my genius. In order to aid my progress and afford me relaxation, my master recommended me to study some treatises on mechanics in general, and on clockmak- ing in particular. As this suited my taste exactly, I gladly assented, and I was devoting myself passionately to this attractive study, when a circumstance, apparently most simple, suddenly decided my future life, by reveal- in f^* to me a vocation whose mysterious resources must open a vast field for my inventive and fanciful ideas. One evening I went into a bookseller's shop to buy Ber- thoud's "Treatise on Clockmaking," which I knew^ he had. The tradesman being engaged at the moment on matters more important, took down two volumes from the shelves and handed them to me without ceremony. On returning home, I sat down to peruse my treatise conscientiously, ^4 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. but judge of my surprise when I read on the back of one the volumes ''Scientific Amusements." Astonished at finding such a title on a professional work, I opened it impatiently, and, on running through the table of con- tents, my surprise Avas doubled on reading these strange phrases : The ivay of 'performing tricks with the cards — How to guess a person s thoughts — To cut off a pigeon s head, to restore it to life, ^c, ^c. The bookseller had made a mistake. In his haste, he had given me two volumes of the Encyclopaedia instead of Berthoud. Fascinated, however, by the announcement of such marvels, I devoured the mysterious pages, and the further my reading advanced, the more I saw laid bare be- fore me the secrets of an art for which I was unconsciously predestined. I fear I shall be accused of exaggeration, or at least not be understood by many of my readers, when I say that this discovery caused me the greatest joy I had ever experienced. At this moment a secret presentiment warned me that success, perhaps glory, would one day ac- crue to me in the apparent realization of the marvellous and impossible, and fortunately these presentiments did not err. The resemblance between two books, and the hurry of a bookseller, were the common-place causes of the most im- portant event in my life. It may be urged that difierent circumstances might have suggested this profession to me at a later date. It is pro- bable ; but then I should have had no time for it. Would any workman, artisan, or tradesman give up a certainty, however slight it may bo, to yield to a passion which would be surely regarded as a mania ? Hence my irresis- THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF MY LIFE. 45 tible penchant for the mysterious could only be followed at this precise period of my life. How often since have I blessed this providential error, without which I should have probably vegetated as a (Country watchmaker! My life would have been spent in Identic monotony ; I should have been spared many suffer- ings, emotions, and shocks ; but, on the other hand, what lively sensations, what profound delight would have been sacrificed ! I was eagerly devouring every line of the magic book which described the astounding tricks ; my head was a-glow, and I at times gave way to thoughts which plunged me in ei3Stasy. Still the hours slipped away, and while my mind was indulging in fanciful dreams, I did not notice that my candle had burned down in the socket. IIow can I describe my disappointment when it suddenly went out ? It was the last candle I possessed ; hence I was forced to quit the sublime realms of magic all for want of a halfpenny taper. At this instant I would have given my whole fortune, were it only for a street lamp. I was not exactly in the dark : a dim ray entered my window from a neighboring lamp : but, though I made every effort to read by it, I could not decipher a single word, was obliged to retire to bed willy-nilly. In vain I tried to sleep : the febrile excitement pro- duced by the book prevented either sleep or rest. I went continually over the passages which had most struck me, and the interest they inspired only the more excited me. Finding it impossible to remain in bed, I repeatedly re- turned to the window, and while casting envious glances on the lamp, I had made up my mind to go down into the street and read by its light, when another idea occurred to me. In my impatience to realize it I did not wait to dress, but, 46 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN confining my attire to what was strictly necessary, if 1 may so call a pair of slippers and my drawers, I took my hat in one hand, a pair of pincers in the other, and went down into the street. Once there, I proceeded straight to the lamp ; for 1 must confess, that in my anxiety to profit at once by the sleight-of-hand tricks I had been studying, I intended to conjure away the oil-lamp provided by the authorities for the safety of the town. The part the hat and pincers were to play in the operation were simple enough : the latter would wrench open the little box containing the end of the cord by which the lamp was raised, and the former would act as a dark lantern, and hide the rays of light which might betray my theft.* All prospered famously ; and I was about to retire in triumph, when a miserable incident threatened to rob me of the profits of my trick. At the moment of my success a baker's man overthrew my plans by emerging from the door of his shop. I concealed myself in a doorway, and, while striving to hide the light, I waited perfectly motion- less till the unlucky baker retired. But judge of my grief and terror when I saw him lean against the dooi and calmly smoke his pipe ! My position was growing intolerable ; the cold and the fear of detection made my teeth chatter, and to increase my despair, I soon felt the lining of my hat catch fire. There was no time for hesitation : I crushed my failure of a lantern in my hands, and thus put out the fire ; but it was a dreadful sacrifice. My poor hat, the one I wore on Sundays, was smoked, stained with oil, and shapeless. And while I was enduring all these torments, my tyrant * [t will be I'cmcmbered that in those days French towns were lighted by a lamp suspended in the centre of the higlnvay from a cord attached t^ two poles. — £Ed. MY FIRST TRICK. 47 continued to smoke with an air of calmness and comfort which drove me nearly mad. It was quite plain I could not stay here till day-light ; but how to escape from this critical situation ? To ask the bdker to keep my secret would be running a risk; while, to return home straight would betray me, for I must pass in front of him, and he woukV be sure to recognise me. The only chance left was to go down a side street and make a detour to reach the house. This I decided on, even at the risk of any one meeting me in my bathing at- tire. Without delay I took hat and lamp under my arm, for I was forced to remove the proofs of my crime, and I started off like an arrow. In my trouble, I fancied the baker was after me. I even thought I heard his foot- fall behind me, and in my anxiety to escape I doubled my speed ; first I turned to the right, then to the left, and went through such a number of streets, that it took me a quarter of an hour to regain my room, in a state of per- fect collapse, yet glad to have escaped so cheaply. It is a painful confession for a man destined eventually to fill a certain part in the annals of conjuring to make, that my trial-piece turned out so lamentably. In fact, to use a theatrical phrase, it was an utter fiasco. Still, I Avas not at all discouraged ; the next day I re- gained all my equanimity on finding my precious treatise on " White Magic" before me, and I began studying the interesting secrets it contained with grea.t ardor. Within a Aveek I knew them all by heart. From theory I resolved to proceed to practice ; but, just as was the case with Carlosbach's book, I suddenly met with an obstacle. The author, I will srant, was more con- scientious than the Bordelais mystifier : he gave a very plain explanation of his tricks ; still, he com.mittcd tlie error of supposing his readers possessed of the necessary 48 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-nOUDIN. skill to perform them. Now, I was entirely deficient in this skill, and though niost desirous of acquiring it, I found nothing in the book to indicate the means. I was in the position of a man who attempts to copy a picture without possessing the slightest notion of drawing and painting. In the absence of a professor to instruct me, I was com- pelled to create the principles of the science I wished to study. In the first place, I recognised the fundamental principle of sleight-of-hand, that the organs performing the principal part are the sight and touch. I saw that, iu order to attain any degree of perfection, the professor must develop these organs to their fullest extent — for, in his exhibitions, he must be able to see everything that takes place around him at half a glance, and execute his deceptions with unfailing dexterity. I had been often struck by the ease with which pianists can read and perform at sight the most difficult pieces. I saw that, by practice, it would be possible to create a cer- tainty of perception and facility of touch, rendering it easy for the artist to attend to several things simultane- ously, while his hands were busy employed with some complicated task. This faculty I wished to acquire and apply to sleight-of-hand ; still, as music could not , afford me the necessary elements, I had recourse to the juggler's art, in which I hoped to meet with an analogous result. It is well known that the trick with the balls wonder- fully improves the touch, but does it not improve the vision at the same time ? In fact, when a juggler throws into 1 the air four balls crossing each other in various directions, he requires an extraordinary power of sight to follow the direction his hands have given to each of the balls. At this period a corn-cutter resided at Blois, who possessed the louble taleni of jnggling and extracting corns with a SLEIGHT-OF-IIAND PRACTICE. 4^ skill worthy of tlie lightness of his hands. Still, with both these qualities, he was not rich, and being aware of that fact, *I hoped to obtain lessons from him at a price suited to my modest finances. In fact, for ten francs ho agreed to initiate me in the juggling art. I practised with so much zeal, and progressed so rapidly, that in less than a month I had nothing more to learn ; at least, I knew as much as my master, with . the exception of corn-cutting, the monopoly in which I left him. I was able to juggle with four balls at once. But this did not satisfy my ambition ; so I placed a book before me, and, while the balls were in the air, I accustomed myself to read without any hesitation. This will probably seem to my readers very extraordi- nary; but I shall surprise them still more, when I say that I have just amused myself by repeating this curious experiment. Though thirty years have elapsed since the time of which I am writing, and though I scarcely once touched the balls during that period, I can still manage to read with ease while keeping three balls up. The practice of this trick gave my fingers a remarkable degree of delicacy and certainty, while my eye was at the same time acquiring a promptitude of perception that was quite marvellous. Presently I shall have to speak of the service this rendered me in my experiment of second sight. After having thus made my hands suppip and docile, 1 went on straight to sleight-of-hand, and I more especially ievoted myself to the manipulation of cards and palmistry This operation requires a great deal of practice ; for, while the hand is held apparently open, balls, corks, lumps if sugar, coins, &c., must be held unseen, the fingers re- ^naining perfectly free and limber. (Jwing to the little time at my disposal, the difficulties 50 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. connected with these new experhnents would have been insurmountable, had I not found a mode of practising without neglecting my business. It w^as the fashion in those days to wear coats with large pockets on the hips, called a la 2^'>^oprietaire^ so whenever my hands were not otherwise engaged they slipped naturally into my pockets, and set to work with cards, coins, or one of the objects I have mentioned. It will be easily understood how much time I gained by this. Thus, for instance, when out on errands my hands could be at work on both sides ; at din- ner, I often ate my soup with one hand while I was learn- ing to sauter la coajje with the otiier — in short, the slight- est moment of relaxation was devoted to my favorite pursuit. As no one suspected that my paletot w^as in some degree a study, this manner of keeping my hands in ray pockets began to bo regarded as a bad habit I had acquired ; but after a few jests on the subject I was left in peace. Though my passion for sleight-of-hand was sd intense, I had, however, sufficient command over myself not to dis- please my master, wdio never noticed that my thoughts were away from my work, and constantly praised me for my regularity and application. At length my apprenticeship was over, and my coabin, one fine day, stated I w^as a journeyman and able to earn w^ages. I heard this with double pleasure, for I found in it not only greater liberty, but also a chance of improving my finances. Nor was I "long ere I profited by my ad- vancement ; a situation was oifered me by a watchmaker at Tours, and I proceeded to that town at once. My new master was that M. Noriet, who afterwaidd gained some distinction as a sculptor. His imagination, already full of his future works, disdained the ordinary »^ CLIPPING TliE UOIN OF THE REALM. 51 labor of watcii ix-pairing, and lie gladly left to his -worlN- iiien what he called, ironically, the "shoe-black" part of the trade. It was for this purpose I joined him, and I received, in addition to board and lodging, 35 fr. a month. Little enough, I grant; but it was an enormous sum \l mj eyes, for, since leaving the lawyer's, at Avaray, nir income had been reduced to a minimum. When I say I earned 35 fr., it is merely to mention a round sum ; in reality I never received it net. Madame Noriet, in her quality of an excellent manager, was per- fectly conversant with all matters relative to discount and exchanges ; and thus, she had found a way of lessening my wages in a manner as ingenious as it was improper. She used to pay me in crowns of six francs, and as at that time six-franc pieces were only worth 5 fr. 80 c, the lady gained 24 sous every month, which I carried to my "profit and loss" account. Although my time was fully occupied here, I managed to continue my pocket practice ; and I daily noticed with joy the progress I Avas making. I had learned how to make any object I held in my hand disappear with the greatest ease ; and as for the practice of card tricks, they were only child's play to me, and I could produce some delightful illusions. I confess to feeling a degree of pride in my humble power of amusing my friends, and I neglected no occasion of displaying it. On Sunday, for instance, after the in- variable game of loto, which was played in this patriarchal family, I gave a small performance of sleight-of-hand, which^^enlivened the melancholy victims of this most mo- notonous of all games. I was honored with the name of un "agreeable droll," and this compliment delighted me. My regular habits, my perseverance, and perhaps a cer- 52 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. tain degree of gaiety I possessed at the time, liad gained me the friendship and sympathy of both my master and mistress. At hist I became an indispensable member of the family, and shared in all their amusements. Among these were frequent excursions in the country. On one of these, on the 25th of July, 1828, (I shall never forget that memorable date, as it was all but registered on my tomb- stone,) we went to a fair at an adjacent village. Before leaving Tours, we had promised to be home to dinner at five ; but, finding ourselves much amused, we did not keep military time, nor find our way home till eight. After enduring the scolding of the cook, whose dinner had got cold, we sat down and ate like people whose ap- petite has been whetted by a long walk in the open air, and eight or ten hours' fasting. Whatever Jeannette might say, everything she sent up was found excellent, except a certain ragout, which every- body declared detestable, and hardly touched. I, however, devoured my share of the dish, without troubling myself the least in the world about its quality. In spite of the jests aroused by my avidity, I asked for a second relay, and would certainly have eaten the whole dish, had not my mistress, with due regard for my health, prevented it. This precaution saved my life. In fact, dinner was hardly over and the game of loto begun, when I felt most uncomfortable. I went to my room, where atrocious pains seized upon me, and a doctor was sent for. After a care- ful investigation, the doctor discovered that a powerful layer of verdigris had formed in the stewpan in which the ragout had been cooked and said I was poisoned. The consequences of this poisoning were most terrible to me : for some time my life was despaired of, but even- tually the sufibrings seemed to be modified by the gentle I AM rOISONED. 53 L /e bestowed on me, and I was granted some slight relief. Strangely enough, it was not till this second phase of my illness, when the doctor declared me out of danger, that 1 was haunted by a certainty of speedy death, to which was joined an immoderate desire to end my days in the bosom of my famil}^ This idea — a species of monomania — in- cessantly assailed me, and I soon had no other thought than that of escaping to Blois. As I could not hope to obtain the doctor's permission to set out, when his most urgent advice was to take care of myself, I determined to take leave. At six o'clock one morning, taking advantage of a mo- ment when I was left to myself, I hastily dressed, went down stairs, and found a stage-coach just starting for Blois. I entered the rotonde, in which I happened to be the only passenger, and the coach, lightly laden as it was, soon set off at full gallop. The journey was a horrible martyrdom to me. I was devoured by a burning fever, and my head seemed to be burst asunder by every jolt of the vehicle. In my frenzy I tried to escape my agony, and yet it was continually increasing. Unable to endure longer, I opened the door of the compartment, and leaped, at an imminent risk of my life, on to the high road, where I fell in a state of in- sensibility. I cannot say what happened to me after my fainting fit ; f can only remember long days of vague and painful ex- istence, that appeared of eternal duration: I was in a raging fever ; my dreams were frightful, and I suffered from the most dreadful hallucinations. One of them was incessantly recurring — it seemed as if my head opened like a snuff-box ; a doctor, with turned-up cuffs, and armed with an enormous pair of iron pincers, drew from my brain 54 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. roasted chesnuts, Avliich immediately burst like bombs, and scattered myriads of scintillations before my eyes. This phantasmagoria gradually faded away, and the ill- ness at length succumbed ; but my reason was so shaken that it did not avail me. I was reduced to a mechanical existence. If I noticed anything, it seemed veiled in a thick mist, and I could not perform any process of reason- ing. It is true that all I did notice only served to increase the confusion of my ideas. I felt as if being shaken in a carriage, and, yet, I was in a capital bed, and the room was exquisitely clean. How could I help fancying I was still dreaming ? At length, a spark of intelligence was aroused in me, and the first startling impression was produced by the sight of a man standing at my bedside. His features were quite strange to me. Stooping over, he affectionately urged me to swallow a draught. I obeyed ; and he then begged me to keep silent, and remain as calm as I possibly could. Unfortunately, my present state of weakness rendered it but too easy to follow this prescription. Still, I tried to guess who this man could be, and consulted my memory. It was quite useless : I could remember nothing since the moment when, yielding to frenzy, I had thrown myself out of the diligence. I RETURN TO LIFE. 55 CHAPTER IV. I return to Life — A strange Doctor — Torrini and Antonio: a Conjurer and a Fanatic for Music — A Murderer's Confession — A perambulat- ing House — The Fair at Angers — A portable Theatre — I witness for the first Time a Conjuring Performance — The blind Man's Game at Piquet — A Dangerous Rival — Signer Castelli eats a Man alive. I AM hj no means a fatalist ; and yet I cannot refrain from remarking here that many events in human life seem to encourage the views of fatalists. Suppose, dear reader, that, on leaving Blois to proceed to Tours, destiny had opened before me one of the fairest pages of my life, I should certainly have been delighted at such a glorious future, but in my heart I should have been inclined to doubt its realization. In fact, I set out as a simple workman, with the intention of making a tour of France. This journey would have occupied much time, as I intended to remain a year or two in every city I visited, and France is large ! Then, when I considered myself skilful enough, I would return home and set up as a watch- maker. But fate decided otherwise, and I must be drawn back to my real " groove " when I tried to escape from it. The means employed were a poisoning, which turned me mad, and hurled me lifeless on the high road. But I was going to recal my reminiscences after mj fortunate catastrophe, and I will take up the story from the point where I left off. What had happened since my fainting fit? where was I? 56 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. why did this man treat me so kindly? I longed for a so- lution of these problems, and I should certainly have cross-questioned my host, had it not been for the earnest advice he had just given me. As thought, however, was not forbidden, I tried to form a satisfactory conclusion from surrounding objects. * The room I was in might be three yards long by two broad. The walls were made of polished oak ; on either side Avas a small window with muslin curtains ; while four walnut chairs, shelves serving as tables, and my excellent bed, composed the furniture of this moving room, which bore a close resemblance to the cabin of a steamboat. There must also be two other compartments, for, to my left, I saw my doctor frequently disappear behind two red damask curtains, where I heard him moving about, wdiile to my right I heard, through a thin partition, a voice encourao-insj the horses. This circumstance made me con- elude I was in a carriage, and that the latter voice be- longed to the driver. I already knew that hero's name, as I had often heard the person I presumed to be his master use it. It was Antonio : and he w^as, at any rate, a splendid musician, for he was continually singing pieces from Italian operas, which he broke off to swear harmlessly at his steeds. As for the master, he was a man of about fifty, above the average height, and his face, though sad and serious, dis- played a degree of kindness which prepossessed me. Ilis long black hair fell on his shoulders in natural curls, and he was dressed in a blouse and trousers of unbleached cloth, with a yellow silk pocket-handkerchief as cravat. But nothing in all this served to tell me what he was, and my suprise was increased by finding him constantly at my side, and nursing me like the fondest of "mothers. A CONJURER AND A FRIEND. 57 A day had clasped since his recommendation to keep silent ; I had gained a little strength, and fancied myself strong enough to talk ; I was, therefore, going to begin, •wlien my host, guessing my intention, prevented me. ^'I can imagine," he said, "your impatience to know where you are and whom with ; nor, will I conceal from you that I am equally curious to learn the circumstances that led to our meeting. Still, in regard for your health, the responsibility of which I have assumed, I must ask you to be patient for one night more ; to-morrow, I believe, we shall be able to talk as long as you like, without any risk." As I had no serious objection to raise, and as I had been wont for some time to obey all my strange doctor ordered, I yielded. The certainty of soon holding the key to the enigma secured me a peaceful sleep, whose good effects I noticed on waking. Thus, when the doctor came to feel my pulse, he was surprised at the progress I had made in a few hours, and, without awaiting my ques- tions, he said, as if replying to the mute inquiry my eyes made : "Yes, I will satisfy your just curiosity; I owe you an explanation, and you shall not wait any longer. My name is Torrini, and I am a conjurer by profession. You are in my house — that is, in the carriage I usually em- ploy as my domicile. You will be surprised, I dare say, to learn that the bedroom you now occupy can be length- ened into a theatre, and in that room behind the red cur- tains is the stage on which my apparatus is arranged." At the word " conjurer " I could not repress a start of satisfaction, which my sorcerer probably did not notice, ignorant as he was that he had before him one of the most fervent adepts of his profession. "iVs for yourself,," he went on, "I need not ask you 58 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. any questions : your name, trade, as well as tlie cause of your illness, are known to me, for I consulted your livret. and some letters I found on you, in my desire to benefit you. I must now tell you, though, all that has happened since you lost consciousness. After giving some repre- sentations at Orleans, I was proceeding to Angers, where the fair will shortly begin, when, at some distance from Amboise, I found you lying insensible, with your face to the ground. Fortunately for you, I was then taking my morning walk by the horses' side, and this circumstance saved you from being run over. By Antonio's help I car- ried you to my bed, and my knowledge of m^edicine re- stored you to life. But, my poor fellow ! the fever caus- ed J ou to make the most terrible outbreaks ; you threat- ened me continually, and I had the greatest difficulty in mastering you. At Tours I would have gladly stopped to call in a doctor, for your situation was critical, and I had not practiced for many years: — but my hours were counted: I must arrive in time at Angers, where I wish to choose a good spot for my exhibition, and I had a strange fancy I should save your life, which has proved true." Not knowing how to thank this excellent Torrini, I offered him my hand, which he pressed firmly: but — must I confess it — I was checked in the effusion of my gratitude by a thought which I deeply regretted later. "To what motive," I asked myself, '' can I attribute this sudden affection ?" This feeling, however sincere it might be, must have some cause, and in my ingratitude I sought whether my benefactor did not conceal some inter- ested design ^'^hind his apparent generosity. Torrini, as if he had guessed my thoughts, continued, in a kindly tone : "You expect a fuller explanation? Well, however painful it may be to me, I will give it. It is this — A PIIILANTHilOPIC ASSASSIN. 59 " You tire surprised that a mountebank, a man belonging to a class not generally erring on the side of sensibility, should have evinced such compassion for your sufferings, but your surprise will cease, my boy, on learning that this compassion is produced by the sweet illusion of pa- ternal love." Here Torrini stopped an instant, tried to recover him- self, and then proceeded : " I had a son, a beloved son ; he was my hope, my life, my happiness ; but a dread fatality robbed me of him : ho died, and, terrible to say, he was assassinated, and his murderer stands before you!" At this unexpected confession I could not repress a start of horror ; the cold drops beaded on my face. "Yes, yes, his murderer!" Torrini went on, his voice growing gradually firmer, "and, yet, the law could not punish me ; it left me life. In vain I accused myself be • fore my judges ; they treated me as a maniac, and my crime was regarded as accidental homicide. But what do I care, after all, for their judgment ? Whether throun-h carelessness, or imprudence as they say, my poor Gio- vanni is not the less lost to me, and I shall reproach my- self with his death my life long." Torrini's voice was drowned by his sobs. He remained for some time with his hands before his eves ; then, mak- ing an effort, he continued, in a calmer tone ; "To spare you emotions that might prove dangerous in your present state, I will abridge the narrative of the misfortunGS to which this event was onl}^ a terrible prelude. What I have said will suffice to explain the natural cause of my sympathy towards you. Yv^hen I first saw you, I was struck by the likeness you bore in age and height to my unhappy boy, I even fancied I could trace a certain 30 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. rerieinblance in your face, and yielding to this illusion, I decided on keeping you near me, and nursing you as if you were my own child. You can now form an idea of the agony I endured during the week when I was com- pelled to despair of your restoration to life. But Provi- dence, taking pity on us both, has saved you. You are now quite convalescent, and in a few days, I trust, will be perfectly recovered. Such, my boy, is the secret of the affection I displayed towards you." Deeply moved by the father's misfortunes, and touched by the tender care he had bestowed on me, I could only express my gratitude in half-broken phrases, for I was almost stifled by emotion. Torrini, also feeling the neces- sity of shortening this painful interview, went out, prom- ising to return soon. No sooner was I alone than a thousand thoughts crossed my mind. This mysterious and tragical event, the thought of which seemed to overthrow Torrini's reason ; this crime of which he accused himself so persistently ; this verdict whose justice he disputed, perplexed me in the highest de- gree, and gave me a great desire to obtain more complete details about this domestic drama. Then, I asked myself how a man possessing so agreeable a countenance, who did not lack either judgment or talent, and who joined to a solid education a readiness of conversation and distin- guished manners, could have thus sunk to the lowest stage of his profession. While absorbed in these thoughts, the vehicle stopped ; we had arrived at Angers. Torrini left us, in order to obtain the mayor's leave to perform, and so soon as he had succ(^eded, he prepared to occupy the spot allotted to him. As I have already stated, the room I occupied was to bo transformed into a theatre ; heuce I was carried to WE ARRIVE AT ANGERS. 61 an adjacent inn, and placed in a capital arm chair close to an open window. The weather was glorious ; the sun's beneficent rays seemed to impart fresh life to me, and I began to lose that egotistic indifference which a lengthened illness usually produces. I could see Antonio and his master, w^ith their sleeves tucked up, working at the theatre. In a few hours our residence was completely transformed ; the moving house had become a charming room. The arrangement of this singular vehicle is so stamped on my memory, that I can still supply an exact description of it, and I will fill up the details I have already given of it. The bed on Avhich I had lain was drawn up through a trap in the ceiling where it occupied a very small space. If clothes or linen were required, an adjoining trap was opened, and by means of a ring, a chest of drawers was produced, as if by magic. A similar process revealed a small chimney, which, by a peculiar arrangement, expelled the smoke below the hearth. Lastly, the larder, cooking- range, and other accessories of the household, were ready to hand, and could be easily restored to their respective places. This strange furniture occupied all the space between the wheels, so that the room, though amply fur- nished, was not crowded. But I was most surprised to see the vehicle, which was scarcely six yards long, suddenly grow twice that length. This was most ingeniously contrived : the body was double and could be pulled out like a telescope. This prolonga- tion, supported by trestles, was quite as secure as the rest of the edifice. The partition, dividing the rooms ofi", liad been removed, so that they now formed but a single apart- ment. The public entered on this side, and a staircase led to the door, before which an elegant marquee formed 02 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. a vestibule, where the tickets were issued. Lastly, a scaiiolding was erected over the front, which represented a stuccoed house. The sight of this machine excited my imagination, and I built castles in the air which I was never to inhabit. I, too, would have a similar vehicle, though rather smaller, as my exhibition would be different. Here I must make room for a parenthesis, to supply an explanation I think necessary. I have spoken so much of sleight-of-hand, that it might be supposed I had quite given up all thoughts about mechanism. On the contrary I still passionately loved that science ; but I had modified its application, since the love of the marvellous had in- flamed my imagination. I proposed to call to my aid automata, which I would eventually build ; then, I would traverse the whole of Europe, perhaps the world, gaining an ample amount of honor, pleasure and profit. While engaged with these pleasant dreams I regained my health and strength, and hoped that Torrini would soon allow me to be present at one of his performances. In fact, he soon offered me an agreeable surprise, for, one evening, he led me to his theatre, and installed me on the first row of seats, grandly denominated "the stalls." Judging by my own enthusiasm, I expected the theatre would be thronged so soon as the doors opened, but to my great surprise and regret, the room was not more than half full. The hour fixed for commencins; at lcn2;th arrived ; the bell rang thrice, the curtains were drav/n back, and an exquisite little stage was visible. The most striking thing was the entire absence of all that apparatus by which ni'iny performers compensate for their lack of skill, while by a gvaccjful innovation, a few candles artistically ar- THE DANCING MASTER. 63 ranged, were substituted for that dazzling glare wliicli, at the period of which I write, was the indispensable o^-na- ment of all performances of "amusing science." Torrini appeared, walked towards the public with great ease of manner, made a deep bow, then demanded tlie indulgence of the spectators, and ended bj paying a com- pliment to the ladies. This slight address, though uttered in a cold and melancholy tone, received a few encouraging bravos from the audience. The performance commenced in the most perfect si- lence ; everybody seemed inclined to devote all attention to it. I could hardly breathe, in my desire not to lose a single word or gesture. I will not describe the several tricks I saw ; they all possessed extraordinary interest for me ; but Torrini ap- peared to excel in card tricks. He possessed two most precious qualities in the exercise of this art : these were extreme skill and an incredible boldness of execution. To these he added a most aristocratic way of touching the cards ; his w^hite and carefully-tended hands seemed hardly to rest on them, and his tricks were so artistically per- formed, that the audience involuntarily bestowed a sym- pathising confidence upon him. Sure of the effect he would produce, he performed the most difficult "passes," with a coolness no one could expect him to j^ossess ; and this produced the most successful results. To close the performances, Torrini requested the audience to choose some one to play a game of piquet with him, and a gen- tleman immediately stepped on the stage. "Pardon me, sir," said Torrini, "but it is indispen- sable, for the success of the experiment, that I should know your name and profession." " Nothing easier, sir. My name is Joseph Lenoir, at 64 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Your service ; and my profession is that of a dancing- master." Any other than Torrini would have made some jest on the name and profession of this rival of Yestris ; but he did nothing of the sort. He had only asked this question to gain time, for he never indulged in any mystificatiou ; so he merely added : "I thank you, sir, for your kindness ; and now we know who we are, we can place confidence in each other. You have come to play a game of piquet with me ; but do you understand the game thoroughly?" " I flatter myself I do, sir." "Ah ! ah!" Torrini said with a laugh. "Pray do not flatter yourself till we have played our game. Still, not to lower your self-esteem, I will allow you to be an excel- lent player ; but that will not prevent you losing the game, although the chances are all in your favor. Listen to me carefully ; the trick I am going to perform, and which is called the 'blind man's game of piquet,' requires that I should be blinded, so have the goodness to bandage my eyes carefully." M. Lenoir, who, I may mention, wore spectacles, was very distrustful, hence he took extraordinary precautions to accomplish his task. First, he covered the patient's eyes with tow, over which he fastened three thick band- ages ; and, as if this fourfold covering were not enough to blind his opponent, he fastened an enormous shawl round his head. I know not how Torrini kept from suffocation beneath these heavy bandages ; for my part, the perspi- ration ran down my face at seeing him so muflied up. Not knowing all the resources this skilful performer had at command, I was rather fearful as to the result of the ex- periment, and my alarm reached its climax when I heard him address his opponent as follows; A GAME OF PIQUET. 65 "Monsieur Lonoir, have thp kindness to sit down oppo- site me at this table. I have still a small service to ask you before we begin our game. You have quite deprived me of my sight, but that is not enough. You have now to bind my hands, so that I may be quite incapable." M. Lenoir raised his spectacles and looked at Torrini, as if stupefied; but the latter, quietly placing his arms on the table, and crossing his thumbs, said, "Now, sir, fasten them securely." The dancing-master took the piece of whipcord and per- formed his task as conscientiously as he had done the first part. "Am I now blinded, and deprived of the use of my hands?" Torrini asked his vis-^-vis. "I am certain of it," Joseph Lenoir replied." "Well, then, to begin our game. But tell me first in what suit you would like to be repiqued?" "In clubs." • "Very good; now deal the cards by twos or threes, as fou please. When they are dealt out, I will leave you to select the hand you think will enable you best to prevent a repique." All the time these explanations and preparations lasted, the audience remained motionless and silent, not knowing whether a mystification or a real trick were intended. Now, on seeing the dancing-master shuflSie the cards, there could be no further doubt ; hence all rose to command a view of the stage, and a great number of spectators even surrounded the table. I had also drawn near, and, to my great delight, secured a front place. Profound silence in the room. "The cards are shufiled, please to cut !" the dancing- muster said, in an ironical tone, as if secure of victory. £ 6G MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. "Willingly," Torrini replied. And thougli hampered in his movements, he soon satisfied his opponent. The cards having been dealt, M. Lenoir decided on keeping those before him. "Very good!" said Torrini. "You wished, I think, to be repiqued in clubs ?" "Yes, sir." " Now follow my play. I throw out the sevens of spades, hearts, and diamonds, and my two eights ; the cards I take in give me a quint in clubs, fourteen in queens, and fourteen in kings, with which I repique you. Pray count and verify, sir." Torrini spoke the tvuth. Hearty shouts of applause greeted his success, while jokes were cut at the expense of the poor dancing-master, who hurried from the stage in a state of pitiable confusion. The performance over, I expressed to Torrini the plea- sure his tricks caused me, and paid him some sincere compliments on the skill he had evinced during the whole evening, and especially in his last trick. " These compliments are the more flattering," he re- plied, with a smile, " as I know now they are paid me, if not by a fellow-artist, at least by an amateur, who, I am certain, already possesses some degree of skill in the pro- fession." I know not which of us, Torrini or myself, was the more charmed by the compliments we exchanged ; at any rate, I felt most sensibly the favorable opinion he had formed of my talents. .One thing, however, perplexed me : I had never said a word to Torrini about my sleight- of-hand fancies : how could he have found them out ? He read my thoughts, and added : I AM FOUND OUT. 67 " You are surprised at my detecting your secret ? and you would like to know how I did so. I am happy to tell you. My room is small ; hence it is easy for me, when on the stage, to look at every face, and judge the various impressions I produce on the spectators. I observed you particularly, and while watching the direction of your eyes, I could judge what was passing in your mind. Thus when I indulged in some amusing paradox, to draw public attention away from the side where the trick was to be performed, you alone escaped the snare, and kept your eyes fixed on the right spot. As for my piquet trick, though I could not observe you while I was per- forming it, I have reasons to be assured that you did not know it." " You have guessed perfectly righf, my dear magician, and I cannot deny that in my leisure hours I have amused myself with some of these tricks, for which I always felt great inclination." " Inclination ! Allow me to say that is not the proper word in your case, my dear lad ; yours is a true passion. I base my opinion on the following observations. This evening, from the moment of the curtain rising, your searching eye, your agitated face and half-parted lips, denoted the state of excitement you were in. You looked like a gourmet just sitting down to a well-covered. board, or a miser gloating over his treasure. Do you think that with these signs I need be a sorcerer to discover the sway conjuring exercises over your mind?" I was about to reply, when Torrini drew out his watch, and said to me, " Come, young gentleman, it is growing late ; it is high time for a convalescent to seek his rest. We will continue our conversation at a better time." With these words my doctor led me to ni}^ room, and U5 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. after counting my pulse, which appeared to satisfy him, retired. In spite of the pleasure I felt in talking, I was not ill-pleased to find myself alone, for I had a thousand souvenirs to evoke. I wished to summon up again the experiments that had struck me most, but it was all in vain. One thought mastered all the rest, and produced a strange sinking in my. heart. I tried, without success, to explain the motives why the public neglected Torrini's interesting performances. This motive Antonio explained to me afterwards, and it is too curious to be passed by in silence. Besides, I have here an opportunity to introduce my readers to a very remarkable specimen of the great family of mountebanks. I have said that we reached Angers at fair time ; and * among the numerous providers of amusement who solicited the presence and money of the Angevins, was another conjurer, known as Castelli. He was no more an Italian than w^as Torrini. I shall presently give Torrini's real name, and the reasons that caused him to change it for the one we know, him by ; as for the other conjurer, he was a Norman by birth, and only assumed the name of Castelli in conformity with the custom of most conjurers of the day, who thought an Italian name more attractive. Castelli was far from possessing Torrini's marvellous address, and his performances offered no special interest as far as sleight-of-hand was concerned; but he thought with Figaro that "skill was better than learning," and he proved it by his repeated successes. In truth, this man was the incarnation of charlatanism, and he spared nothing to pique public curiosity. Each day some new prodigy was announced on his enormous posters. It was in reality only a deception, very often a mystification for the audi- SIGNOR CASTELLI. 69 ence ; but his treasury was always filled to repletion — hence, the trick was good. If the public felt wroth at being duped, Castelli knew the art of escaping from the dilemma and drawing the laughers on his side ; he boldly made some jest in bad Italian, at which the pit could not help laughing, and was thus disarmed. Besides, it must be remembered that, at this period, conjuring was not so respectable as it is now ; people went to an exhibition of that sort to laugh at the conjurer's victims, even if themselves exposed to his attacks. My readers ought to have seen the mystifier loar excellence, the celebrated physico-ventriloquist of the age, Comte, to form an idea of the cool way in which the public was then treated. This performer, though so graceful and gallant towards ladies, was merciless to men. According to his notions, the cavaliers (as they were then .called) were predestined to supply amusement for the fair sex But I must not poach on the biography of the " natural philosopher to the king," which will hereafter find a place in my volume. The same day on which I had witnessed Torrini's per- formance, Castelli's bills contained an astounding state- ment, well adapted, I grant, to tempt public curiosity. The professor pledged himself to eat a man alive, and if he did not succeed to the satisfaction of his audience, he would hand over all the receipts to the mayor for distribution among the poor. This seductive appeal had drawn the whole town ; crowds collected round the show, and persons who arrived too late were glad to pay double entrance money. But the new trick played by the conjurer was quite worthy of all that had preceded it. Castelli, after performing several tricks of second-rate interest, at length arrived at the one which caused even the calmest spectator to throb with impatience. 70 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. "Gentlemen," he then said, addressing the audience, ".we will now proceed to the last trick. I pro^^^'sod to eat a man alive for my supper, and I will keep nij word. Will the courageous spectator who wishes to servt as a repast to me (Castelli pronounced this word with the ex- pression of a perfect cannibal) take the trouble to mount on the stage ?" Two victims immediately presented themselves. By accident they offered a perfect contrast, and Castelli, who understood the art of producing an effect, skilfully profited by it. He placed them side by side, with their faces turned to the audience, then after surveying one of them, a tall, bilious-looking fellow, from head to foot, he said to him, with affected politeness, "I do not wish to insult you, sir, but I am sorry to tell you that, as regards my food, I am quite of M. le Curassant^ for whatever care may be taken to deprive a person of sight in this way, the projection of the nose always leaves a vacuum sufficient to see clearly. " When the other player had finished, Comus again took up the cards as if to shuffle them ; but you can easily understand that he only arranged them so that the cards he had marked must fall to him in the deal. The saute de coiq:)e, as you are aware, neutralises the eifjct of cutting; hence Comus was certain of success. In fact, matters ended so on this occasion, and hearty applause greeted my rival's victory. ^' I have reason to believe that a great number of these bravos emanated from his friends and accomplices, for A DUEL WITH CARDS. 85 when I came forward in my turn to perform mj trick, a murmur of dissatisfaction greeted my appearance on the stage. The ill-will of the spectators was so manifest that it would have intimidated me, had I not then been quite steeled against all applause or dissatisfaction on the part of the public. " The audience were far from suspecting the surprise I liad prepared for them, for instead of asking any one to come from the house as my playman, I requested Comus himself to play with me. At this request I saw the people begin to look at each other ; but what were the exclama- tions when, after asking my rival to bandage my eyes and tie my hands, I not only declined to touch the cards, but left him at liberty, after stating in what suit he would be repiqued, to deal the cards by twos or threes, and choose the hand he preferred ! " I had a pack ready prepared in my box, and I was sure of my instrument — need I say that I gained the game ? " Owing to my secret arrangements, my mode of acting was so simple, that it was impossible to find out how I did' it, while Comus's preliminary manipulations led to the supposition that his dexterity gained the game. I was declared victor unanimously. Shouts greeted this deci- sion ; and even Comus's own friends, deserting my rival, came to offer me. a pretty gold pin, surmounted by a cup, the symbol of my profession. This pin, as one of tlie audience told me, had been ordered by poor Comus, who felt certain of winning it back. " I may (Torrini added) fairly boast of this victory \ for, though Zilbermarm left me the box, he had not taught me the game of piquet, which I invented myself. "Was not this trick, I ask y )u, far superior to Comus's, which, 86 MEMOIRS OF HOBERT-IIOUDIN. « it is true, deceived tlie multitude, but tlie poorest sleiglit- \ oF-liand performer could easily detect?" Torrini was extremely proud of his inventive skill ; but this, I believe, was his sole defect, and he made up for it by his readiness to praise other persons. His story ended, I complimented him most sincerely, not only on his invention, but on the victory he had gained over Comus. Travelling in this way, and sto23ping at times to per- form in towns where we might hope to clear a profit, v/e passed through Limoges, and found ourselves on the road leading from that town to Clermont. Torrini proposed to give some performances in the chief town of the Puy-cle- Dome, after which he intended returning straight to Italy, whose gentle climate and quaint ovations he regretted. I had made up my mind to part from him there. We had been travelling together about two months ; this was about the time I had fixed for the repair of the automaton, and my work was almost concluded. On the other hand, I had a right to ask my dismissal, with no fear of being considered ungrateful. Torrini's health had become as good as we might ever expect, and 1 had given up to him all the time I could reasonably spare. Still I did not like to speak about our separation, for the professor, delighted with my progress and skill, could not conceive I could have any other wish but to travel with him, and eventually become his successor. This position would certainly have suited me in many respects, for, as I have said, my vocation was irrevocably fixed. But, whetlier new instincts were kindled in me, or that I \\\e intimacy I lived in with Torrini had opened my eyes J to the unpleasantness of such a mode of life, I aimed at^ somctliiiif' hiorher tlian bein"i; his successor. z A SAD ACCIDENT. S7 I Lad therefore made up my mind to leave liiui ; but painful circumstances deferred the moment of separation. We had just arrived at Aubusson, a town celebrated for its numerous carpet factories. Torrini and his servant were on the box of the carriage : I was at work. V(e were going down a hill, and Antonio was pulling at the rope which dragged our wheels, when, suddenly, I heard something break, and the carriage started off at full speed. The slightest obstacles produced a tremendous ghock, and every moment I expected the carriage to go over. Trembling, and hardly able to breathe, I clung to my bench as a plank of safety, and with my eyes closed, awaited the death that appeared inevitable. For a mo- ment we were on the point of escaping the catastrophe. Our powerful horses, skillfully guided by Antonio, had kept up bravely during this rapid descent, and we had passed the first houses in Aubusson, when, as misfortune willed it, an enormous hay-cart emerged from a side street, and barred our passage. The driver did not see the danger till it was too late to avoid it. The accident was inevitable, the collision frio-htful. I was momentarily stunned by the pain, but as soon as I recovered I stepped out of the carriage to look after my comrades. I found Antonio covered with harmless contu- sions, supporting Torrini, whose arm was dislocated, and leg broken. Our two horses lay dead in the road ; as for the carriage, only the body remained intact : all the rest was knocked to atoms. A doctor, hurriedly sent for, reached an adjoining inn to which we had been directed, almost as soon as ourselves. And here I could not refrain from .admiring Torrini's magnanimity, when he insisted on our being looked to ^8 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. first ; and, in spite of our entreaties, we could not alter his determination. Antonio and myself were soon all riffht again, but this was not the case with Torrini : he was obliged to undergo all the operations and different phases of a broken leg. . Although he treated the accident so coolly, it might produce terrible consequences for him : the repair of the carriage, the physician, our forced stay at an inn, would cost him very dear. Could he continue his performances — replace bis borses ? This idea caused Antonio and m.yself cruel anxiety : Torrini alone did not despair of tbe future. ^'No matter," he said, with entire confidence in him- self; "once I have recovered, all will go on well. Why ought a courageous and healthy man to fear aught ? Help yourself, and Heaven will help you ! our good La Fontaine wrote. Well, we will all, then, help ourselves, and no doubt we shall escape from this dilemma." In order to give my company to this excellent man, and distract his thoughts, I put up my bench by his bedside, and, while working, continued the conversations which had been so unfortunately interrupted. The day at length arrived when I gave the last touch to the automaton, and made it perform before Torrini, who appeared delighted with it. Had our patient been less unfortunate, I should have now quitted him ; but could I leave the man who had saved my life in this way ? Besides, another thought had occurred to me. Although Torrini told us nothing of his pecuniary position, Antonio and I fancied he was greatly embarrassed. Was it not my duty to try and relieve him, were it in my power ? I imparted to Antonio a scheme he approved, though beg* ging me to defer it a little longer, till we found whether our suppositions were correct. TORRINI'S HISTORY. 89 Stlli the days were very long by my patient's side, for my meclianical job was finished, and sleiglit-of-hand was a subject of conversation long exhausted. One day, when Torrini and I were seeking some topic to talk about, I remembered his promise to tell me his life history, and reminded him of it. At this request Torrini sighed. ''Ah!" he said, "if I could suppress many sad incidents in my story, I should delight to read you a few pleasant pages from an artist's life. However, it may be," he added, "I have contracted a debt with you which I must pay. " Do not expect me to give you a journal of my life ; that would be tedious both to you and to myself. I will only quote some interesting episodes, and describe to you some tricks you possibly have not heard of. This will be the most amusing portion of my story," Torrini added, with a smile, " for whatever may be your present resolu- tions about folloAving my art, I need not be a Nostradamus to predict that you will devote yourself to it some day, and gain immense success. What you are about to hear, my friend, will show you that it is not every man who can Bay, with the popular proverb, ' Spring I will not drink thy water!'" 90 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER VI. Torrini relates his Life — Treachery of Chevalier Pinetti — A Cor jure? through Malice — A Race between two Magicians — Death of Pinetti — Exhibits before Pius VII. — The Cardinal's Chronometer — Twelve Hundred Francs spent on a Trick — Antonio and Antonia — The most bitter of Mystifications — Constantinople. My name is Edmond de Grisy, and that of Torrini be- longs to Antonio, mj brother-in-law. That worthy young man, whom you w^rongfully took for my servant, has been good enough to follow me in my evil fortune, and help me in my performances. You must have seen, though, by the way I treat him, that while leaving to him the toil better suited for his age than mine, I regard him as my equal, and consider him my best friend - — at least I should have called him so before knowing you — but now, one of my best friends. My father, the Count de Grisy, resided on his property in Languedoc, the sole resource left him of a once large fortune, which circumstances had sadly diminished. De- voted to Louis XVL, and one of his most faithful ser- vants, on the day of danger he oifered his body as a ram- part for his sovereign, and was- killed at the storming of the Tuill cries on the 18th of August. I was at that time in Paris, and, profiting by the dis- orders in the capital, I was enabled to pass the barriers, and reach our small family domain. There I dug up a hundred louis my father had concealed for any unforeseen A NOBLE CONJURER. ^ 91 accident; to this money I added some jewels left by my mother, and with these modest resources proceeded to Florence. The value of my entire property was 5000 francs. On the interest of this sum I could not live ; hence I was obliged to seek some profession to support me. I soon formed my decision : taking advantage of the excellent education I had received, I devoted myself to the study of medicine. Four years later I took my degree as doc- tor; I was then twenty- seven. I established myself at Florence, where I hoped to form a connexion. Unfortunately for me, in this town, with its gentle climate and reinvigorating sun, the number of physicians was greater than that of the patients, and my new profession was a perfect sinecure. I have told you how Zilbermann's death compelled me to quit the capital of Tuscany, and I established myself at Naples. More fortunate than at Florence, immediately on my arrival I was called in to a patient whose illness had defied the skill of the first Italian physicians. He was a young man, of very high family; his recovery gained me great renown, and I soon took my place among the best Neapolitan physicians. This success, and the fashion I. gained by it, opened to me the doors of all the salons, and my name, aided by the manners of a gentle- man brought up at the court of Louis XVI., rendered me indispensable at all soirees and festivals. What a happy and calm existence I might still be en- joying had not destiny, jealous of my happiness, destroy- ed my future prospects of felicity by hurling me into the vivid and ardent emotions of an artistic life ! The carnival of 1796 had just commenced. At that time one man was the popular idol of the Italians ; no- 4 MEMOIRS OF ROBEUT-HOUDIN. thing was spoken of but the marvels achieved by Che- valier Pinetti. This celebrated conjurer came to Naples, and the whole city attended his interesting performances. As I was madly attached to this sort of spectacle, I spent every evening at the theatre, trying to guess the chevalier's tricks, and unfortunately for myself, I discovered the key to many of them. But I did not stop here; I also wished to perform them before a few friends : success stimulated me, and made me desirous of increasing my repertoire. At length I could perform all Pinetti's tricks. The chevalier was eclipsed; nothing was spoken of but my skill and address ; and every one besought a performance from me. But I did not ac- cede to all these requests, for I was chary in displaying my talent, hoping thus to increase its value. My privileged spectators were only the more enthu- siastic, and asserted that I equalled Pinetti, if I did not surpass him. The public is so happy, my dear lad (Torrini said, with a look of melancholy regret), when it can oppose some rising talent to any artist in renown. It seems as if this sovereign dispenser of fashion and favor takes a malicious pleasure in reminding the man it adores that every reputa- tion is fragile, and that the idol of to-day may be shat- tered to-morrow. My vanity forebade my thinking of this. I believed in the sincerity of the praise bestowed on me ; and I, the earnest student, the clever doctor, was proud of my futile success. Pinetti, far from seeming jealous of my triumph, evinc- ed a desire to form my acquaintance, and even came to call upon me. He might have been about forty-six years of age at this time, but his elegant toilet made him ap- A FALSE FRIEND. 93 pear much younger. There was something distinguished in his face, though the features were common-place and irregular, and his manners were excellent. Still, by an inexplicable want of judgment, he used, when perform- ing, to wear a brilliant general's uniform, on which nu merous decorations glistened. This peculiarity, which bordered too much on the char- latan, ouo-ht to have enlig;htened me as to the man's moral value; but my passion for conjuring rendered me blind. We met like old friends, and our intimacy was almost in- stantaneous. Pinetti was most affable, talked about his secrets unreservedly, and even offered to take me to the theatre and show me his stage arrangements. I accepted the offer with the greatest readiness, and we entered his richly ornamented carriage. From that moment the chevalier treated me with the utmost familiarity. In any other this would have wound- ed my pride, or at least aroused my suspicion, and I should have been on my guard. On the contrary, I was en- enchanted with Pinetti, for, by his unbounded luxury, he had gained such consideration, that the noblest young gentlemen in the city were proud of his friendship. Why, then, should I be more haughty than they? In a few days we had become almost inseparable friends, only part- ing at the time of our mutual performances. One evening, after one of my private exhibitions, I proceeded to sup as usual with Pinetti, my head still a-glow with the compliments I had received. I found him alone. On seeing me enter, the chevalier ran up to me, embraced me affectionately, and asked how my performance had gone off. I did not hide my success from him. " Ah ! my friend," he said, '^ that does not surprise me ; >you are incomparable : indeed, I should not be paying you I 94 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. a forced compliment if I said you might challenge the most skillful among us." And during the whole supper, despite my efforts to stop him, he would only speak of my skill and address. Though I tried to decline his compliments, the chevalier seemed so sincere, that I ended by accepting them. In fact, I was so convinced of their truth, that I began to pay myself some compliments ; for how could I believe it was all a trick to make a fool of me ? When Pinetti saw I had ar- rived at this stage, and that the champagne had turned my head, he said: "Do you know, my dear count, that you could offer the Nen politans a surprise to-morrow, worth its weight in gold for the poor?" "How?" I asked. " Suppose, my dear friend, you take my place in a per- formance I am going to give on behalf of the poor. We will put your name in the bills instead of mine, and it will be regarded as a noble and honorable understanding be- tween two artists. One representation the less will not in- jure my reputation, while it will cover you with glory ; I shall thus have the double satisfaction of helping the un- fortunate, and displaying my best friend's talent to ad- vantao-e." This proposal so startled me, that I rose from the table,V as if fearing to hear more. But Pinetti was gifted with such persuasive eloquence, and he seemed to promise him- self so much pleasure from my future triumph, that at length I ended by yielding all he asked. " That is right," Pinetti said to me ; " dismiss such wani; ] of confidence in yourself, which could be hardly pardoned in a schoolboy. Now, matters settled so far, we have no time to lose. Let us draw up the bill : choose among my A RASH PROMISE. 95 tricks those you prefer, and, as for the preparations trust to me : I will take care all is in order." The greater number of Pinetti's tricks were performed hj the help of accomplices, who brought to the theatre various objects of which the conjurer had doubles. This singularly facilitated the pretended marvels, and I had no duubt of success. We soon drew up the bill, at the top of which I wrote mv name with great emotion; then came a list of the tricks I proposed to do. Just as we finished this, tbe usual guests entered the room, offering excuses more or less specious to explain their delay. Still their tardy ap- pearance aroused no suspicion in my mind ; for Pinetti's was open all hours of the night, and his door w\as only closed from daj'^break till two P. M., the time he devoted to sleep and dress. As soon as the new arrivers heard of my resolution, they noisily congratulated mo, and promised to support me by their hearty applause. Not that I wanted it, they added, for my performance would create an extraordinary enthusiasm. Pinetti gave one of his servants the bill, telling him to order the printer to have it posted all over the city before daybreak. An impulse made me stretch out my hand to take back the paper, but Pinetti checked me with a laugh. " Come, my dear friend," he said, " do not try to fly an assured triumph, and to-morrow at this hour we shall all be toasting your success." All the visitors joined in chorus, and they drank in an- ticipation of my approaching triumph. A few glasses of champagne dispelled my hesitation and scruples. I returned home very late, and went to bed without thinking; of what had occurred. At two the next afternoon 96 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. I was still asleep, Avhen I was aroused by Pinetti s voice "Get up, Edinoiicl ! " he shouted through the door, "Up, mftii ! we have no time to lose: the great day has arrived. Open the door : I have a thousand things to say to you." I hastened to open. " xih ! my dear count," he said, " allow me to congratu- late you on 3^our good fortune. Your name is in every mouth : the whole theatre is taken ; the last tickets are being positively fought for ; the king and tjie royal family will do you the honor of being present ; we have just been informed of the fact." At these w^ords the whole affair flashed across my mind : a cold perspiration stood on my forehead : the terror that assails every novice rendered me dizzy. In my confusion I sat down on the foot of my bed. " Do not reckon on me, chevalier," I said, with firm- ness. " Whatever may happen, I will not perform." "What I you will not perform?" my perfidious friend said, affecting the most perfect tranquility ; " but my good fellow, you cannot be thinking of what you are saying. There is no possibility of drawing back : the bills are put up, and it is your duty to keep the engagement you have made. Besides, you should remember this performance is ; for the poor, who have already begun to bless you, and you cannot abandon them, while a refusal would be an in- sult to the king. Come, come," he added, "summon up your courage, my dear friend. Meet me at the theatre at four : we will have a rehearsal, which I consider useless, but it may restore your pluck. Till then, good-by !" So soon as I was left to myself, I remained for nearly an hour absorbed in thought, trying in vain to elude the performance. An insurmountable barrier ever prevented FIRST PUBLIC TERFORMANCE. 07 escape: the king, the poor, the entire city — all, in short, rendered it an imperious duty to keep my rash promise. At length I began to think there was no serious difficulty about the performance, for a great number of the tricks, :is I have already said, being performed by the help of friends, these took the chief labor on themselves. En- couraged by this idea, I gradually regained my courage, and at four o'clock joined Pinetti at the theatre with a degree of assurance that surprised even him. As the performance did not begin till eight, I had ample time to make i%y preparations, and I employed it so w-ell, that, when the moment arrived to appear on the stage, my foolish^fears were completely dissipated, and I presented myself before the public with sufficient coolness for n novice. The theatre was crowded. The king and his family, seated in a stage box, appeared to regard me with sympa- thizing glances; for his majesty was probably aware of my being a French ^migrd. I boldly commenced my performance with a trick which must eminently excite the imagination of the spectators. I had to borrow a ring, place it in a pistol, and fire through a window opening from the stage into the sea that bathed the theatre-walls. This done, I would open a box, pre- viously examined, closed, and sealed by the audience, and in it would be found an enormous fish bearing the ring in its mouth. Full of confidence in the success of the trick, I pro- ceeded towards the pit to borrow a ring. Of twenty offered me I selected one belonging to an accomplice of Pinetti's, and begged him to place it with his own Ipinds flin the barrel of the pistol I handed to him. Pinetti had told me that his friend would use for this purpose a copper D8 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. ring, wliich would be sacrificed, and that I should return him a gold one in its place. The spectator obeyed me. I then opened the window and fired the pistol. Like the soldier on the battle-field, the smell of powder excited me ; I felt full of fun and gaiety, and ventured on a few jests, which pleased the au- dience. Taking advantage of the general hilarity, I seized my magic wand and traced my cabalistic circles round the box. At length I broke the seals and triumph- antly produced the fish, which I carried to the owner of the ring, that he might take it out of the fish's mouth. If the accomplice play his part well, he must evince the greatest stupefaction, and, indeed, the gentleman, on re- ceiving the ring, began looking around him, and his face grew very long. Proud of my success, I went back on the stage and bov/ed in reply to the applause I received. Ah, my dear Robert ! this triumph lasted but a short time, and became to me the prelude of a terrible mystifi- cation. I was proceeding to another trick, when I saw my spec- tator gesticulating to his neighbors, and then turning to me as if wishing to address me. I fancied he was going on with the farce to dispel any suspicion of collusion ; still I thought he went too far. What was my surprise, then, when the man rose and said : "Excuse me, sir, but it seems as if your trick is not over, since you have given me a copper ring set with paste instead of my diamond solitaire." As ?. mistake seemed to me impossible, I turned on my heel and commenced my preparations for the next trick. " Sir," my obstinate spectator again took the word, " will you have the goodness to reply to my question ? If the end of your trick be a jest, I acknowledge it as such, A UiTTEil DECEPTION. 90 and jou can return mo my ring presently. If it bo not so, I cannot accept the horrible substitute jou have handeJ me. Every one was silent : none knew the meaning of this protest, though many fancied it was on ordinary mystifi- cation, which would end in still greater glory for the per- former. The claimant, the public, and myself found our- selves in the same state of uncertainty ; it was an enigma which I alone could solve — and I did not know the word. Hoping, however, to escape from a position as critical as it was ridiculous, I walked up to my pitiless creditor, and, on looking at the ring I had given him, I was startled at finding it was really coarsely gilt copper. " Could the gpectator to whom I applied have been no accomplice ?" I thought. "Could Pinetti desire to betray me ?" This supposition appeared to me so hateful that I rejected it, preferring to attribute the fatal mistake to chance. But what should I do or say ? My head was all on fire. In my despair, I was about to ofier the public some ex- planation of this untoward accident, when an inspiration temporarily relieved me from my embarrassment. " Do you still believe, sir," I said to the plaintiff, after assuming an extreme degree of calmness, " that your ring has been changed into copper while passing through my hands?" '' Yes, sir ; and, besides, the one you have returned me doe& not in the slightest degree resemble mine in shape/' "Very good, sir," I continued, boldly; "that is the real marvel of the trick ; that ring will insensibly assume its old form on your finger, and by to-morrow morning you will see it is the one you lent me. That is what we term in the language j f the cabala the ' imperceptible transformation.' " 100 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. This reply gained me time. I intended to see the claimant v/hen the performance was over, pay him the price of the ring, whatever it might be, and beg him to keep my secret. After this happy escape I took up a pack of cards and continued my performance, and as the accomplices had nothing to do in this trick, I felt sure of success. Approaching the royal box, I begged his majesty to do me the honor of drawing a card. He did so very affably ; but to my horror, the king had no sooner looked at the card he had draw'n, than he threw it angrily on the stage, with marks of most profound dissatisfaction. The blow dealt me this time was too direct for me to attempt parrying it or turning it aside. But I was anx- ious to know the meaning of such a humiliating affront, so I picked up the card. Imagine, my dear boy, the full extent of my despair when I read a coarse insult to his majesty, written in a hand I could not mistake. I at- tempted to stammer some excuse, but by a gesture the king disdainfully commanded silence. Oh, I cannot describe to you all that then passed in my mind, for a dizziness attacked my brain, and I felt as if I were going mad. I had, at length, obtained a proof of Pinetti's perfidy. He had determined on covering me with disgrace and ridi- cule, and I had fallen into the infamous snare he had so treacherously laid for me. This idea restored my wild energy: I was seized by a ferocious desire for revenge, and I rushed to the side scene, where my enemy should be stationed. I meant to seize him by the collar, drag hira oil the stage like a malefactor, and force him to demand pardon. But the juggler was no longer there. I ran in every direction like a maniac, but wherever I might turn, cries, AN INSULT TO ROYALTY. 101 hisses, ai.i shouts pursued me, and distracted my brain. At length, boAved down by the weight of such intense emotions, I fainted. For a week I remained in a raging fever, incessantly yelling for revenge on J^inetti. And I did not know all then. I learned afterwards that this unworthy man, this false friend, had emerged from his hiding-place on my fainting. He had gone on the stage at the request of some of his accomplices, and continued the performance, to the great satisfaction of the entire audience. Thus, then, all this friendship — all these protestations of devotion — were only a farce — a A^ery juggling trick. Pinetti had never felt the slightest affection for me ; his flattery was only meant to draw me into the trap he had laid for my vanity, and he wished to destroy by a public humiliation a rival who annoyed him. He was perfectly successful in this respect, for from that day my most intimate friends, fearing probably, that the ridicule I endured might be reflected on them, suddenly turned their backs on me. This desertion affected me deeply, but I had too much pride to beg the renewal of such passing friendship, and I resolved on quitting Naples immediately. Besides, I was planning a scheme of vengeance, for which solitude was necessary. Pinetti, like the coward he w^as, had fled after the atro- cious insult he had offered me. To have challenged him would be doing him too much honor, so I vowed to fight him with his own weapons, and humiliate the shameful traitor in my turn. This was the plan I drew up : I determined to devote myself ardently to sleight-of- hand, and study thoroughly an art of which I as yet knew 102 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. only the first principles. Then, when quite confident in myself — when I had added many new tricks to Pinetti's repertoire — I would pursue my enemy, enter every town before him, and continually crush him by my superioritj'. Full of this idea, I sold everything I possessed, and took refuge in the country, where, completely retired from the world, I prepared my plans for vengeance. I cannot describe to you, my friend, what patience I devoted and how I toiled during the six months my voluntary retreat lasted; but I was more than compensated for it, as my success was complete. I gained a degree of skill to which I had never dared to pretend : Pinetti was no longer my master, and I became his rival. E'ot satisfied with these results, I intended also to eclipse him by the richness of my stage. I, therefore, or- dered apparatus of unknown brilliancy in those days, spending in this every farthing I possessed. With what delight did I regard these glittering instruments, each of which seemed to me a weapon capable of inflicting mortal wounds on my adversary's vanity. How proudly my heart beat at the thought of the contest I would commence with him ! Henceforth, it would be a duel of skill between Pinetti and myself, but a mortal duel ; one of us must remain on the ground, and I had reason to hope that I should be the victor in the strufz-gle. Before commencing my tour I made some inquiries about my rival, and learned that, after traversing Southern Italy, he had just left Lucca, en route for Bologna. I learned, too, that, on leaving that city, he intended to visit Modena, Parma and Piaccnza. Without loss of time I set out for Modena, in order to precede him there, and thus prevent him performing. A SCHEME OF REVENGE. 103 Enormous bills announced the representations of " The Count de Grisy, the French Artist," and mj pro- gramme was most attractive, for it contained all Pinetti's tricks. The papers had puffed the latter so extravagantly for some time past, that I felt sure my performance Avould be gladly witnessed. In fact, my room was taken by storm, as eagerly as on my disastrous performance at Naples ; but this time the result was very different. The improvements I had intro- duced in my rival's tricks, and the great skill I displayed in performing them, gained me a unanimous verdict. From this time my success was insured, and the follow- ing performances raised my name above that of all the most fashionable magicians of the day. According to the plan I had laid down, I left Modena when I heard of Pinetti's approach, and went to Parma. My rival, full of faith in his merits, and not believing in my success, •took the theatre I had just left. But he began to be bitterly undeceived ; the whole city was satiated with the style of amusement he announced ; no one responded to his appeal, and, for the first time, the success to which he was accustomed slipped from his grasp. Chevalier Pinetti, who had so long held undivided sway, was not the man to yield to a person he called a novice. He had guessed my plans, and, far from awaiting the at- tack, he acted on the offensive, and came to Parma, where he opened a room exactly opposite mine. But this town was lost to him like the last : he had the misery of seeing my theatre continually filled, while his was quite deserted. I must tell you, too, my friend, that all ' the money I netted only covei-ed my luxurious outlay. What did I care for gold and silver ? I only dreamed of revenge, and to satisfy that feeling I squandered my money. I wished, 104 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. above all, to pale tliat star wliicli liad formerly eclipsed me. I displayed regal pomp in my performances ; the theatre and its approaches were literally covered with tapestry and flowers, while the house and the stage, glis- tening with light, presented to the dazzled eyes of the audience numerous escutcheons, bearing compliments to the ladies, who were thus quite gained over to the side of the gallant Count de Grisy. In this way I crushed Pinetti, although he did all in his power to offer me a vigorous resistance. But what could his tinsel and old-fashioned ornaments avail against what I may fairly term my elegance and distinguished manners ? Piacenza, Cremona, Mantua, Yicenza, Padua, and V^e- nice, were witnesses of our desperate struggle, and, des- pite his rage and despair, the arrogant Pinetti was obliged to endure my superiority, if he did not recognize it. Abandoned by even his most zealous admirers, he deter- mined to quit the field, and proceeded towards Russia. Some slight success partly consoled his late defeats, but, as if Fortune were determined on making him repay the favors she had so long lavished on him, a tedious and painful illness exhausted his strength as well as his slight savings. Reduced to a state of abject misery, he died at I the village of Bartitclioff, in Volhynia, at the house of a nobleman, who sheltered him from compassion. Pinetti once gone, my revenge was satiated, and, being master of the battle-field, I might have abandoned a pro- fession ill fitted for my birth. But iny medical connexion was broken up, and, on tlie other hand, I yielded to a motive which you will appreciate some day; when a man has once tasted the intoxication produced by the applause of the public, it is very difficult to renounce it; with my will or against, I must continue my profession as conjurer. NECROMANCY IN ROME. 105 I therefore determined on profiting bj the reputation I had gained, and proceeded to Rome, as a brilliant termi- nation to my Italian representations. Pinetti had never dared to enter that city, less through distrust of himself than through fear of the Inquisition, of which he could only speak with terror. The chevalier was extremely prudent whenever he was personally concerned : he feared being treated like a sorcerer, and ending his days in an auto da fe. More than once he had bid me take warning by the anhappy Cagliostro, who Avas condemned to death, and only owed to the clemency of the Pope the commuta- tion of the penalty into perpetual imprisonment. Confiding in the intelligence of Pius VII., and, besides, having no pretensions to the necromancy Pinetti affected, nor to the charlatanism of Cagliostro, I proceeded to the capital of the Christian world, where my performances created a great sensation. His Holiness himself, on hear- ing of me, did me the signal honor of requesting a per- formance, at which I was adv^ised all the dignitaries of the Church would form my audience. You can fancy, my lad, with what eagerness I acquiesced in his wish, and what care I devoted to my preparations. After selecting all my best tricks, I ransacked my brains to invent one worthy of my illustrious spectators. But I had no need to search long, for chance, that most ingeni. ous of inventors, came to my aid. On the day prior to the performance I was in the shop of one of the first w^atchmakers of Kome, when a servant came in to ask if his eminence the Cardinal de 's watch was repaired. " It will not be ready till this CA^ening," the watchmakei replied ; " and I will do myself the honor of carrying it tfl your master myself." 106 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. When the servant had retired, the tradesman said U me : " This is a handsome and capital watch. The cardinal to whom it belongs values it at more than 10,000 fr. ; for, as he ordered it hiinself of the celebrated Br^guet, he fancies it must be unique of its kind. Strangely enough, though, only two days ago, a young scamp- belonging to this city offered me a precisely similar watch, made by the same artist for 1000 fr." While the watchmaker was talking to me, I had already formed a plan. " Do you think," I said to him, "that this person is still inclined to dispose of his watch?" "Certainly," the watchmaker replied. "This young prodigal, who has spent all his fortune, is now reduced to sell his family jewels : hence the 1000 fr. will be welcome." " Is he to be found ?" "Nothing easier: in a gambling-house he never quits." " Well, then, sir, I am anxious to purchase the watch, but it must be to-day. Have the kindness, then, to buy it for me. After that, you will engrave on it his emi- nence's arms, so that the two watches may be perfectly similar, and on your discretion the profit you make by the transaction will depend." The watchmaker knew me, and probably suspected the use I intended to make of the watch; but he was assured] of my discretion, as the honor of my success would depend on it. Hence he said : "I only require a quarter of an hour to go to the gambling-house, and I am confident your ofi'er will be' accepted." The quarter of an hour had not elapsed ere my negotia-) tor returnei with the chronometer in his hand. THE CARDINAL'S WATCH. 107 ''Here it is!" he said, -with an air of triumph. ''My ^an received me like an envoy from Providence, and gave me the watch without even counting the money. To-night all Avill be ready." In fact, that same evening the watchmaker brought me the two chronometers, and handed me one. On compar- ing them, it was impossible to detect the slightest differ- ence. It cost me dear, but I was now certain of perform- ing a trick which must produce a decided effect. The next day I proceeded to the Pontiff's palace, and at six o'clock, upon a signal given by the Holy Father, I stepped on the stage. I had never appeared before such an imposing assembly. Pius YII., seated in a large arm- chair on a dais, occupied the foreground : near him were seated the cardinals, and behind them vrere the different prelates and dignitaries of the Church. The Pope's face breathed benevolence, and it was for- tunate for me, for the sight of this smiling and gentle face dissipated an unpleasant idea which had been, strangely troubling me for some moments. " Suppose this performance," I said to myself, " were merely a feigned examination to make me confess my connexion with the infernal powers ? May not my words be taken down, and perhaps Cagliostro's perpetual im- prisonment be reserved as the punishment for my innocent experiments?" My reason soon dismissed such an absurdity — it was not probable the Pope would lend himself to such an un- worthy snare. Although my fears were completely re- moved by this sim.pl e reasoning, my opening address dis« played my feelings in some degree, for it seemed more like a justification than the prelude to a performance. " Holy Father !" I said, bowing respectfully, " I am 108 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. about to show you some experiments to which the name of ' White Magic ' has been most unjustly given. This title was invented by charlatans to impress the multitude, but it only signifies a collection of clever deceptions in- tended to amuse the imagination by ingenious artifices." Satisfied by the favorable impression my address pro- duced, I gaily commenced my performanae. I could not describe to you, my dear lad, all the pleasure I felt on this evening ; and the spectators seemed to take such lively interest in all they saw, that I felt myself in unusual spirits. The Pope himself was delighted. ''But, Monsieur le Comte," he continually said, with charming simplicity, "how can you do that? I shall be quite ill with merely trying to guess your secrets." After the "blind man's game of piquet," w^hich literally astounded the audience, I performed the trick of the " burm writing," to which I owe an autograph I set great store by. This is how the trick is done: A person writes a sentence or two : he is then requested to burn the paper, which must be afterwards found intact in a sealed envelope. I begged his Holiness to write a sentence : he consented, and wrote as follows : "I have much pleasure in stating that M. le Comte de Grisy is an amiable sorcerer." The paper was burned, and nothing could depict the Pope's astonishment on finding it in the centre of a large number of sealed envelopes. I received his permission to keep this autograph. To end my performance, and set the crown on my ex- ploits, I now proceeded to the trick I had invented for the occasion. Here I had several difficulties to contend with ; the greatest was certainly to induce Cardinal de to lend A BROKEN WATCH. 109 me liis watcli, and that without asking him directly for it. and, to succeed, I must have recourse to a ruse. At my request several watches were offered me, but I returned them with the excuse, more or less true, that, as they had no peculiarity of shape, it would be difficult to prove the identity of the one I chose. "If any gentleman among you," I added, "has a watch of rather large size (this was the peculiarity of the card- inal's), and would kindly lend it to me, I should prefer it as better suited for the experiment. I need not say I Avill take the greatest care of it ; I only wish to prove its su- periority, if it really possess it, or, on the other hand, to marvellously improve it.' All eyes were naturally turned on the cardinal, v.dio, it was known, set great value on the exaggerated size of his chronometer. He asserted, with some show of reason perhaps, that the works acted more freely in a large case. However, he hesitated to lend me his beloved watch, till Pius VII. said to him : " Cardinal, I fancy your watch will suit exactly; oblige me by handing it to M. de Grisy." His eminence assented, though not without numberless precautions; and when I had the chronometer in my hands, I drew the attention of the Pope and the cardinals to it, while pretending to admire the works and handsome chasino;. "Is your watch a repeater?" I then said to the car- dmal. "No, sir, it is a chronometer, and watches of that de- gree of accuracy are not usually encumbered with unneces- sary machinery." "Indeed! a chronometer; then it must be English'" I Baid, with apparent simplicity. 110 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. "What, sir?" the cardinal replied, as if stung by my remark, " do jou think chronometers are only made in England? On the contrary, the best specimens have always been made in France. What English maker can be compared with Pierre Leroy, Ferdinand Berthoud, or Breguet above all, who made that chronometer for me ?" The Pope began to smile at the cardinal's energy. "Well, then, we will select this chronometer," I said, putting a stop to the conversation I had purposely started. " I have, then, gentlemen, to prove to you its solidity and excellent qualities. Now for the first trial." And 1 let the watch fall to the ground. A cry of terror rose on all sides, while the cardinal, pale and trembling, bounded from his seat, saying, with ill-suppressed wrath, "You are playing a very sorry jest, sir." "But, monseigneur," I said, with the greatest calmness, "you have no occasion to be frightened; I merely wish to prove to these gentlemen the perfection of your watch. 1 beg you not to be alarmed ; it will escape scathless from all the trials I subject it to." With these words I stamped on the case, which broke, flattened, and soon presented but a shapeless mass. At first, I really fancied the cardinal w^as going into a fit ; he could scarcely restrain his passion ; but the Pope then turned to him : "Come, cardinal, have you no confidence in our sor- cerer ? For my part, I laugh like a child at it, being conv vinced there has been some clever substitution." "Will your Holiness permit me to remark," I said, re- spectfully, " that there has been no substitution? I ap- peal to his eminence, who will recognise his own watch." And I offered the cardinal the shapeless relics *of his watch. He examined them anxiously, and findhig his arms engraved inside the case, said, with a deep sigh, THE WATCH MELTED DOWN. 11] "Yes, that is certainly my watch. But," he added, dryly, "I know not how you will escape, sir: at any rate, you should have played this unjustifiable trick on some object that might be replaced, for my chronometer is unique!" "Well, your excellency, I am enchanted at that cir- cumstance, for it must enhance the credit of my experi- periment. Now, with your permission I will proceed." " Good gracious me, sir, you did not consult me before destroying the watch. Do what you please, it is no con- cern of mine." The identity of the cardinal's watch thus proved, I wished to pass into the Pope's pocket the one I Had bought the previous evening. But I could not dream of this so long as his Holiness remained seated. Hence, I sought some pretext to make him rise, and soon found one. A brass mortar, with an - enormous pestle, was now brought in. I placed it on the table, threw in the frag- ments of the chronometer, and began pounding furiously. Suddenly, a slight detonation was heard, and a vivid light came from the vessel, which cast a ruddy hue over the spectators, and produced a magical appearance. All this while, bending over the mortar, I pretended to see something that filled me with the liveliest astonishment. Through respect for the Pope, no one ventured to rise, but the Pontiif, yielding to his curiosity, approached the table, followed by a portion of the audience. They might look and look : nothino; was to be seen but flame. "I know not whether I must attribute it to the dazed state of my brain," said his Holiness, passing his hand over his eyes, "but I can distinguish nothing." I, too, had much the same idea, but, far, from confess- ing it, I bcggel the Pope to come round the table and 112 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDIN. chose a more favorable spot. During this time I slipped my reserve watch into the Pope's pocket. The experi- ment was certain, and the cardinal's watch had, by this time, been reduced to a small ingot, which I held up to the spectators. "Now," I said, "I will restore this ingot to its original shape, and the transformation shall be performed during its passage to the pocket of a person who cannot be suspected of complicity." "Aha I" the Pope said, in a jocular tone, "that is be- coming a little too strong. But what would you do, my good sorcerer, if I asked you to choose my pocket?" "Your Holiness need only order for me to obey." "Well, Monsieur le Comte, let be so." "Your Holiness shall be immediately satisfied." I then took the ingot in my fingers, showed it to the company, and it disappeared on my uttering the word "Pass." The Pope, with manifestations of utter incredulity, thrust his hand into his pocket. I soon saw him blush with con- fusion, and draw out the watch, which he handed to the cardinal as if afraid of burning his fingers. At first it was supposed to be a mystification, as no one could believe in such an immediate repair ; but when my audience were assured that I had fulfilled my promise, I received the applause so successful a trick deserved. The next day the Pope sent me a rich diamond snuif-box, ■vsliile thanking me for all the pleasure I had occasioned him. This performance created a great sensation at Rome, and every one flocked to see my marvels. Perhaps they hoped to witness the famous trick of the " Broken Watch," which I had performed at the Vatican. But though I was then very extravagant, I was not so mad as to spend ANTONIO. 113 1200 francs a niglit in the performance of a trick wliicli could never again be done under such favorable ausjDices. An operatic company was attached to the theatre while I performed, but their performances were suspended during my stay in Rome. The manager employed this leisure time to rehearse a fresh piece to be performed on my departure, and this gave me a daily opportunity to mix with the actors. I had formed a peculiar friendship with one of the youngest of them, a charming lad of eighteen, with a tenor voice, whose elegant and regular features formed a singular contrast to his employment. His feminine face, with his small waist and timid de- meanor, quite injured the effect when he played the part of a lover ; he looked like a boarding-school miss in man's clothes. Yet, I discovered afterwards that this effeminate person contained a bold and manly heart, for Antonio (such was the tenor's name) had been engaged in several affairs of honor, in which he had done his manly devoir. At this part of Torrini's story I interrupted him, for the name of Antonio struck me. * "What!" I said, "can it be that ?" Certainly ; the same person ! Your astonishment is justifiable, but it will cease when I tell you that more than twenty years have elapsed snice the time I speak of. At that period, Antonio did not wgar a heavy black beard, and his face had not yet been embrowned by the open air and the fatigues of our laborious and nomadic life." Antonio's mother was also engaged at the theatre ; she performed in the ballets, and her name was Lauretta Tor- rini. Though close upon forty, she had retained all her pristine charms. She must have been very beautiful in her time, but the greatest scandal-mongers could not re* H 114 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. proach her with the least levity. She was the widow of a government clerk, and had brought up her family by her own labor. Antonio was not her only child ; she had borne a daugh- ter with him. These twins, as frequently happens, had such a striking resemblance, that only their dres* distin- guished them ; and they had been christened Antonio and Antonia. The lad received a musical education at the theatre, but Antonia was always sedulously kept from the stage. After a careful education, her mother had placed her in a milliner's shop, till she could set up for herself. I have dwelled so long on this family because, as you can guess, it soon became my own. My friendship for Antonio was not quite disinterested, for I owed to it an introduction to his sister. Antonia was lovely and virtu- ous : I asked her hand, and was accepted. Our marriage was to take place as soon as my engagement had termi- nated, and it was arranged that Lauretta and Antonio should share our fortunes. I have already said that Antonio appeared effeminate ; but although large black eyes, fringed with long eyelashes, and exquisitely pencilled eyebrows, a Grecian nose, and fresh and ruddy lips, were almost wasted on Antonio, still these advantages admirably suited my betrothed. Such a treasure could not long remain concealed : Antonia was noticed, and all the rich young nobles fluttered round her. But she loved me, and had no difficulty in resisting the numerous and brilliant offers made her. While waiting the wished-for day, Antonia and I formed plans for our future happiness. She would enjoj- a travel- ling life, and as she longed for a sea-voyage, I promised to take her to Constantinople. I wished to perform before j Selim III., who was considered an enlightened prince, and BROTHER AND SISTER. 115 hospitably treated the artists he assembled at his court. All, then, seemed to smile on my plans, when one morn- ing, while dreaming of these pleasant prospects, Antonio suddenly entered my room. "My dear Edmond," he said, "I defy you to guess where I have been, and what has happened to me si^ce last evening. I must tell you, then, as prelude to my Btory, that, dragged, in spite of myself, into a drama, which threatened to become very sanguinary, I turned it into a farce, the details of which are worth hearing. You shall judge. " I was at the theatre yesterday, when a carpenter, a worthy man in many respects, but who spends three parts of his time in public-houses, came up and begged to tell me a secret. " Monsieur Antonio," he said, "if you wish to prevent a great evil, you have no time to lose. I have just been drinking with some of my comrades, and a man, whose acquaintance we had formed over the bottle, told us we could gain a large sum easily. The proposal was so agree- able that we accepted it unanimously, on condition of knowing what was wanted of us. We were told, and this is what we promised to do : " This evening, when your sister leaves her shop, we are to surround her, as if quarrelling, and drown her cries by our shouts. The Marquis d'A 's people will manage the rest. Now do you understand?" I only understood too well, and, scarcely thanking tiio carpenter, I rushed off at full speed. Fortunately my brains did not fail me. I was in front of a gunsmith's : I went in, bought a pair of pistols, and then hastened home. "Mother," I said, as I went in, "I have made a bet j_j_Q MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. that I should be taken for Antonia by putting on her clothes. Dress me, then, quickly, and tell my sister I beg her to leave the shop half an hour later than usual." My mother did as I asked, and when I was dressed I so perfectly resembled Antonia that she kissed me, and burst into a hearty laugh at my pleasant idea. Nine o'clock had just struck : it was the hour appointed for the abduction. I hastened away, doing my best to imitate my sister's walk and manner. My heart beat vio- lently when I saw this band of robbers and servants ap- proach me, and I instinctively put my hands on my fire- arms ; but I soon resumed the timid demeanor of a young girl and walked onwards. The affair was executed just as I had been told ; I was carried off with all proper respect, in spite of my feigned resistance, and placed in a carriage with the blinds down. The horses started off at a gallop. There was a man by my side whom I recognized in the gloom; it was certainly the Marquis d'A . I had to endure his warm excuses, and then his passionate assur- ances, which sent the. blood to my cheeks, and I was several times on the point of betraying myself, but my vengeance was so exquisite and near that I suppressed my anger. My purpose was, so soon as I found myself alone with him, to challenge him to mortal combat. Half an hour had scarce elapsed when we reached the end of our journey. The Marquis begged me to descend, and politely offered me his hand to lead me into a small isolated villa. We entered a brilliantly lighted room where some young gentlemen and ladies were awaiting us. My abductor, radiant with victory, introduced me to his friends and their companions, and received their felicita- tions. ) THE MARQUIS DECEIVED. 117 I lowered my eyes for fear my passion might be noticed, for I knew that this humiliating triumph had been reserved for my sister, who would certainly have died of shame. Five minutes later a servant opened the folding-doors, and announced that supper was served. "To table, friends," the marquis exclaimed — ''to table, and let each take the place he likes best !'* And he offered me his arm. We seated ourselves round a sumptuous repast, the mar- quis waiting on me, for he had dismissed all the attend- ants. For some time I refused to touch anything ; but, you know, my dear Edmond, nature has claims which can- not be neglected. I was fearfully hungry, and my appe- tite was sharpened by the scent of the dainty dishes. In spite of my anger, I was forced to give up my plans of abstention, and yielded to temptation. I could not eat without drinking, and there was no water on the table. The other ladies had no objection to wine, so I followed their example. Still I was very mo- derate, and, to play my part properly, I affected great reserve and extreme timidity. The marquis was delighted to see me behaving thus. lie addressed some compliments to me, but noticing they were disagreeable, he did not press me, feeling assured that he could take his revenge at a more suitable season. We had reached the dessert ; the whole of the company were in a charming humor. May I confess to you, my dear Edmond, that the sight of these merry comrades and coquettish dames produced the same effect on my senses as the dishes had done on my appetite, and insensibly dis- pelled my gloomy ideas ? I had no strength left to con- tinue the dramatic character I had undertaken, and I Bought a more satisfactory conclusion. I soon made up my mind. 118 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Three toasts had been drunk in succession : ^' Wine !" ''Plaj!" "Love!" The ladies had joined in emptying their glasses, while I remained calm and silent. The marquis begged me in vain to join in the general gaiety. Suddenly I rose, glass in hand, and assuming the free- and-easy manner of a soldier — ^' Per Bacco !" I shouted, in a baritone voice, giving the marquis a hearty slap on the shoulder. " Drink, .my friends, to the lovely eyes of these ladies !" Then I drained my glass at a draught, and trolled out a lively ditty. I cannot describe the marquis's feelings ; all I know is, he turned to stone under my hand. His friends re- garded me in stupor, taking me, doubtlessly, for a maniac, while the women laughed convulsively at my strange outbreak. "Well, gentlemen," I continued, "why are you sur- prised ? Do you not recognize Antonio Torrini, the tenor, all alive and Avell, and prepared to accept anybody's chal- lenge with the pistol or the glass, he doesn't care which." At the same time I laid my pistols on the table. At these words, the marquis at length awoke from the torpor into which the e vanishment of his sweet dreams had plunged him, and he raised his hand to strike me in the face. But his eyes no sooner met mine, than, yield- ing to the influence of an illusion which he abandoned with such pain, he fell back on his ch^ir. " No !" he said, " I cannot strike a woman." " Oh, as for that, M. le Marquis," I said, as I left the table, " I only ask ten minutes to appear before you in my proper attire." I then went into an adjoining room, where I doffed gown, petticoats and finery : I had kept all my own clothes under my feminine masquerade with TORRIN[ IS MARRIED. 110 the exception of my coat. That article of clothing not being indispensable to receive a blow, and as I was in fighting costume, I returned to the dining-room. During my absence the scene had changed. I seemed to have "missed my cue," as they say in the theatre, when an actor does not arrive in time to reply. All the guests regarded me with smiles, and one coming up, said : "Monsieur Antonio, my friend's seconds and yours, appointed ex officio during your absence, are agreed that you have taken ample satisfaction, and have no occasion to fight. Do you approve of our decision ?" I offered my hand to the marquis, who took it with very ill grace, for he evidently could not stomach the bitter trick I had played him. This denoument satisfied my vengeance, and I withdrew. But, before leaving, each of us pledged our honor to discretion, in which the ladies joined. After thanking Antonio for his devotion to me, and complimenting him on his quickness, I added : " These gentlemen acted very gallantly in confiding a secret to the ladies ; but I, who flatter myself I can read the human heart, say with Francois I., Souvent femme varie, Bien fol est qui s'y fie. For this reason the marriage shall take place the day after to-morrow, and in three days we will start for Con- stantinople." Antonio loved his sister as much as myself, and he was right, (Torrini added,) for she was the most perfect woman earth ever saw. She was an angel ! 120 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. The Count de Grisy was so excited by these reminis- cences, that he raised his arms to heaven, where he seemed to seek the woman he had so deeply loved. But he fell back on his pillow again, exhausted by the agony the dis- arrangement of his bandages produced. He was forced to break off his narrative till the next day. I I THE SULTAN'S PALACE. 121 CHAPTER VII. f Continuation of ToiTini's History — The Grand Turk orders a Per- formance — A marvellous Trick — A Page cut in tAvo — Pitying Pro- test of the Harem — Agreeable Sui-prise — Return to France — Tor- rini's Son Killed — Madness — Decay — My first Performance — An annoying Accident — I retui"u Home. The next day, Torrini continued his narration, without .'.waiting any request from me : On arriving at Constantinople, we enjoyed for some time a delicious rest, whose charm was heightened by all the intoxication of the honeymoon. At the end of the month, however, I thought our mutual happiness ought not to prevent me trying to realize the plan I had formed of performing in the presence of Selim III. ; but, before asking this favor, I thought of giving some performances in the town. However great my reputation might be in Italy, it was hardly probable that my name had crossed the Mediterranean : hence I had a new reputation to achieve. I had a -theatre erected, in which my success continued : crowds came to see me, and the highest personages were my constant visitors. I maybe permitted to boast of this success, my lad, for the Turks, naturally indolent and phlegmatic, when utterly astounded by the sight I offered them, reminded me, by their enthusiasm, of my excitable Italian spectators. 122 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOCDIN. The grand vizier himself came to one of my perform- ances. He spoke about it to his sovereign, and excited his curiosity to such a degree, that I received an invita- tion, or rather a command, to court. I proceeded, in all haste, to the palace, where the apartment was shown me in which the performance would take place. A body of workmen was placed at my orders, and I was allowed all latitude for my theatrical arrangements. Only one stipu- lation was made : the stage must be exactly in front of a gilded lattice, behind which, I was told, the Sultan's wives would be seated. Within two days, my theatre was erected and completely decorated. It represented a garden, filled with natural flowers, whose lively colors and fragrant scent delighted both sight and smell. At the rear, and in the midst of dense foliage, a fountain fell back, in thousands of drops, into a crystal basin, sparkling like diamonds in the bril- liant light, while, at the same time, the falling water deli- ciously cooled the air. Lastly, to my right and left, hedges of flowers served as side scenes and laboratory, while the buff'et, loaded Avith my brilliant apparatus, was erected in the centre of this Garden of Armida. When all was ready, the Sultan and his numerous suite took the places assigned to them, according to their court precedence. The Sultan reclined on a sofa, with the grand vizier by his side, while an interpreter, keeping respect- fully in the rear, translated my remarks to him. When the curtain rose, a shower of rose-leaves fell on the stage, and formed an odoriferous and deliciously soft carpet, then appeared, dressed in a rich Louis XV. costume. I will spare you the account of my tricks, with the ex- ception of one, which, like the "broken watch," was the inspiration of the moment. I must add, that my specta- ' THE PAGE SAWN ASUNDER. 123 tors had been already considerably startled when I per- formed it. Addressing Selim in the grave and solemn tone proper to a magician, I said : "Noble Sultan, I am about to proceed from simple tricks of skill to the sublime science of magic : but, in order that my incantations may succeed, I must address myself directly to your august highness. Will you be pleased to lend me this ornament which I require ?" And I pointed to a splendid necklace of pearls which adorned his neck. The Sultan handed it to me, and I placed it in the hands of Antonio, who was, helping me, in a page's costume. "It is well known," I continued, "that magicians pos- sess unlimited powers, for they hold in subjection familiar spirits, who blindly obey their masters"orders. Let these spirits, then, prepare to obey me, for I am about to sum- mon them." Here I majestically traced a circle round me with my wand, and pronounced, in a low voice, certain magic spells. Then I turned to my page, to take the collar from him, but it had disappeared. In vain I asked Antonio for it : his only reply was a hoarse and sarcastic laugh, as if he were possessed by one of the spirits I had summoned. " Mighty prince," I then said to the Sultan, " believe me when I say that, far from sharing in this audacious theft, I am forced to confess myself the victim of a plot I did not at all foresee.. But your highness may be reas- sured : we possess means of forcing our subordinates to return to their duty. These means are as powerful as they are terrible, and I will offer you an example." At my summons two slaves brought in a long and 124 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. narrow cliest, and a trestle for sawing wood. Antonio seemed to be terribly alarmed, but I coldly ordered the slaves to seize him, place him in the chest, the cover of which was immediately nailed down, and lay it across tlie trestle. Then, taking up a saw, I prepared to cut the chest asunder, when piercing cries were heard from behind the gilt lattice — the Sultan's wives were protesting against my barbarity. I stopped a moment to give them time to recover; but so soon as I set to work again, new protes- tations, in which I distinguished threats, compelled me to suspend my operations. Not knowing if I might be allowed to address the gilt lattice, I determined to reassure these sympathizing ladies indirectly. " Gentlemen," Lsaid to my numerous audience, " have no fears, I beg, for the culprit ; instead of feeling any pain, I assure you he will experience the most delightful sensations." It was evident that my statement was believed, for silence was restored, and I could continue my experiment. The chest was at length divided into two parts ; I raised them so that each represented a pedestal ; I then placed them side by side, and covered them with an enormous wicker cone, over which I threw a large black cloth, on which cabalistic signs were embroidered in sil-ver. This duly performed, I recommenced my little farce of magic circles and bombastic words ; when suddenly the deep silence was interrupted by two voices performing an ex- quisite duet beneath the black cloth. During this time Bengal lights were kindled all around as if by enchantment. At length the fires and the voices having gradually died away, a noise was heard, the cone and the cloth were upset, and All the spectators ANTONIO AND ANTONIA. 125 uttered a cry of surprise and admiration : for two pages, exactly alike, appeared on the pedestals, holding a silver salver, on which lay the collar of pearls. My two Anto- nios walked up to the Sultan, and respectfully offered him his rich ornament. The whole audience had risen as if to give more effect to .the applause bestowed on me; the Sultan himself thanked me in his own language, which I did not under- stand, but I fancied I read in his face an expression of deep satisfaction. The next day an officer of the palace came to compliment me on behalf of his master, and offered me the collar which had been so cleverly juggled away the previous evening. The trick of the two i^ctgcs^ as I called it, was one of the best I ever performed, and yet it was probably one of the most simple. Of course you understand, my dear boy, that Antonio disposed of the collar while I distracted public attention by my incantations. You also under- stand that, while he was being nailed up in the chest, he escaped through an opening corresponding with a trap in the stage ; hence I had only to cut through planks. Lastly, by the aid of the cone and the cloth, Antonio and his sister, dressed precisely alike, came up through the trap and took their places on the pedestals. The mise en scene, and the coolness of the performers, did the rest. This trick created great excitement in the city ; the story, passing from mouth to mouth, soon attained the proportions of a miracle, and contributed much to the success of my remaining performances. I might have realized a large fortune by making a torn- through the Turkish provinces*, but I was mortally tired of the peaceful life I was leading, and I felt the need of •changing my ground and seeking fresh excitement. Be- 126 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. sides, I hegan to feel a degree of nostalgia, and as my wife begged me to return to Italy, or some other Christian country, as she did not wish our first-born to come into the world among Pagans, we set out for France. It was my intention to proceed to Paris, but, on arriv- ing at Marseilles, I read in the papers the advertisements of a conjurer of the name of Olivier. His programme contained the whole of Pinetti's tricks, which was almost my own. \yhich of the tAVO was the plagiarist ? I have reason to believe it was Olivier. At any rate, having no desire to engage in- a new passage of arms, I evacuated the town. It is impossible for me, my friend, to describe to you my itinerary during sixteen years; suffice it to say, I traversed the whole of Europe, stopping, of preference, in the chief towns. For a long time my reputation remained at its zenith, but suddenly, like Pinetti, I was destined to experience the inconstancy of Fortune. One fine day I found my star beginning to pale ; the public did not flock so eagerly to my performances. I no longer heard the bravos that used to greet my appearance . on the stage, and the spectators appeared to me indifi'erent. HoAY was this ? What could be the cause of this capricious change ? My repertoire was still the same : it was my Italian one, of which I was so proud, and for which I had made such sacrifices ; I had introduced no change ; the tricks I submitted to the public were the same which had been so warmly accepted. I felt, too, that I had lost none of my vigor, skill, or spirit. Precisely because I had made no change, the public had begun to grow indifi'erent ; as an author has observed, very justly, " the artist who does not rise, descends ;" and this was peculiarly applicable to my position : while civiliza- A CHANGE OF PERFORMANCE. 127 tion had been progressing, I remained stationary — hence, I was going down. When this truth struck me, I made a complete reform in my programme. The card tricks no longer possessing the charm of novelty, as the meanest jugglers could do them, were nearly all suppressed, and I substituted other experiments. The public like, and run after, touching scenes ; I in- vented one, which, in this respect, would certainly satisfy them, and draw them back to me. But why did Heaven allow me to succeed ? why did my brain conceive this fatal idea ? (Torrini exclaimed, raising his hands to heaven, and his eyes filling with tears.) Had it not been so, I should still have my son, and should not have lost my Autonia ! It was some time before Torrini could continue his nar- rative, for these terrible reminiscences caused him mental torture. At length, after holding his hand over his eyes for some time, as if trying to concentrate himself in his grief, he continued : About two years ago I w^as at Strasburg ; I was per- forming at the theatre, and every one was anxious to see my touchiug scene, which I had named " The Son of William Tell." My son Giovanni played the part of Walter, the son of the Swiss hero, but, instead of placing the apple on his head, he held it between his teeth. On a given signal, a spectator armed with a pistol, fired at Gio- vanni, and the ball lodged in the heart of the fruit. Owijig to the success of this trick, my money-box was soon filled again. This restored my confidence in the future, and, far from profiting by the lessons of adversity, I re- assumed my luxurious habits, as I fancied I had again pinioned Fortune, and she could not slip from me. 128 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDTN. This illusion v/as fearfully dispelled. ^^The Son of William Tell," of which I had made a separate act, usually terminated the performance. We were about to execute it for the thirtieth time, and I had ordered the curtain to be dropped in order to have the stage arranged as the public square of Altorf, but all at once my son, who had just put on the traditional Helvetic costume, came to me, complaining of a sudden indisposi- tion, and begging me to hurry on the performance. I had just seized the bell-rope to warn the carpenters to raise the curtain, when my son fell down in a fainting fit. Without caring for the impatience of the public, we paid all attention to my poor Giovanni, and I bore him to a window. The fresh air soon restored him — still, there was a mortal pallor on his face, which would prevent his appearance in public. I was myself assailed by a strange presentiment, which urged me to stop the performance, and I resolved to announce it to the public. The curtain was drawn up, and, with features contracted by anxiety, I walked to the footlights, Giovanni even paler . than myself, and scarce able to stand, being at my side. I briefly explained the accident that had happened, ren- ! dering it impossible to perform the final experiment, and offered to return the entrance money to any who might feel dissatisfied. But at these words, which might excite y great confusion and grave abuses, my courageous son, J making a supreme effort, stated that he felt better, and able to perform his share in the trick, which, after all, was passive, and not at all fatiguing. The public received this intimation with lively applause, and I, the insensate and barbarous father, taking no heed of the warning that heaven had sent me, had the cruelty, the madness, to accept this generous act of devotion. Only A FATAL TRICK. 120 one word was needed to prevent ruin, dishonor, and death, jet that word died away on my lips ! Listening solely to the noisy applause of the audience, I allowed the perform- ance to commence. I have already stated the nature of the trick that at- tracted the whole town ; it consisted in substituting one ball for another. A chemist had taught me how to make a metallic composition bearing an extraordinary resemblance to leads I had made balls of it which, when placed by the side of the real ones, could not be detected. The only pre- caution neccessary was not to press them too hard, as they were of a very friable nature ; but for the same reason, when inserted in the pistol, they fell into an impalpable powder, and did not go further than the wad. Till now I had never dreamed of any danger in the performance of this trick, and, indeed, I had taken all possible precautions. The false bullets were contained in a small box, of which alone I had the key, and I only opened it at the moment of action. That evening I had been peculiarly careful ; then how can I explain the fright- ful error? I can only accuse fatality. So much is cer- tain — a leaden bullet had been mixed with the others in the box, and was inserted in the pistol. Conceive all the horror of such an action ! Imagine a father, with a smile on his lips, giving the signal which will deprive his son of life — it is frightful, is it not? The pistol was fired, and the spectator, with cruel adroitness, had aimed so truly that the bullet crashed through my son's forehead. He fell forward with his face to the ground, rolled over once or twice, and For a moment I remained motionless, still smiling at the audience, and incapable of believing in such a misfor- tune. In a second a thousand thoughts crossed my brain, I J 30 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Could it be an illusion, a surprise I had prepared, and which I had momentarily forgotten ? or was it the return af my son's attack? Paralysed by doubt and horror, my feet clung to the stage ; but the blood welling profusely from the wound violently recalled me to the terrible reality. At last I understood all, and, mad with agony, I cast myself on my son's lifeless corpse. I know not what took place afterwards, or what became of me. When I recovered the use of my senses, I foutid myself in prison, with two men before me, a physician and a magistrate. The latter, sympathising with me, was kind enough to perform his painful mission with all pos- sible regard for my feelings; but I could scarce under- stand the questions he addressed to me ; I knew not what to reply, and I contented myself with shedding tears. I was fully committed, and brought up at the next assizes. I assure you I took my place in the dock Avith indescribable delight, hoping I should only, leave it to re- ceive the just punishment of the crime I had committed. I was resigned to die ; I. even wished it, and I determined to do all in my power to get rid of a life which was odious to me. Hence, I offered no defence; but the court re- quested a barrister to undertake my cause, and he defend- ed me with great skill. I was found guilty of " Homicide through imprudence," and sentenced to six months' im- prisonment, which I passed in an infirmary. Here I saw Antonio again for the first time, Avho brought me terrible news: my dear Antonia, unable to endure such compli- cated misery, had died of a broken heart. Tliis new blow afi'ected me so much that I was nearly dead. I spent the greater period of my imprisonment in a state of weakness akin to death ; but at length my A PLAN IS FORMED. HH vigorous constitution overcame all these shocks, and I regained my health. I had quite recovered when the doors of mj prison were opened. Grief and remorse accompanied me wherever I went, aud cast me in a state of apathy from which nothing could arouse me. For three months I behaved like a madman, running about the country, and only eating just enough to keep me from perishing of hunger. I went forth at daybreak, and did not return till night. I could not pos- sibly have said what I did during these lengthened excur- sions, but I probably walked about with no other object than to change place. Such an existence could not last long ; poverty, and her mornful handmaids, soon preyed upon me. My wife's illness, my imprisonment, and our expenses during these three months of listlessness, had swallowed up, not only toy money, but also all my apparatus. Antonio explained our situation to me, and begged me to recommence my performances. I could not leave this good brother, this excellent friend, in such a critical position ; I therefore acceded to his en- treaties, on condition that I should change my name to Torrini, and never perform in any theatre. Antonio offered to arrange everything to my wish. By selling the valuable presents I had received on various occasions, and which he had managed to secrete from the officers, he paid my debts, and had the carriage built in which we suffered this painful accident. From Strasburg we proceeded to Basle. My first per- formances were stamped with the deepest sorrow, but I gradually substituted skill and care for my gaiety and good spirits, and the public accepted the change. After visiting tlie principal towns In Switzerland, we returned to 132 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDIN. France, ana it was thus I found you mj dear boy, on tlie i'oad between Tours and Blois. I saw by Torrlni's last sentences, and tlie manner in which he tried to shorten his narrative, that he not only required rest, but also to recover from the painful emotions these melancholy reminiscences had evoked. A few words, too, Torrini had dropped confirmed my notion that he was in a pecuniary dilemma ; hence, I left him under the pre- tence of letting him sleep, and begged Antonio to take a walk with me. I wanted to remind him it was time to carry out the plan we had formed, which consisted in giv- ing a few performances at Aubusson, without dropping a word of it to our dear master. Antonio was of my opin- ion ; but when it came to deciding which of us should perform, he positively asserted he knew no more of the conjuring art than he had been obliged to learn — he could slip a card, a handkerchief, or a coin into a person's pocket, if required, but nothing more. I learned later that Antonio, though not very skillful, knew more than he pretended. We decided that I should represent the sorcerer ; and I must have been animated with a great desire to help Torrini, and pay him in part the debt of gratitude I owed, ere I consented to mount a stage so suddenly. For, although I had shown my friends some of my tricks, the performance had always been gratuitous ; now I had to do with spectators who paid for their seats, and this caused me considerable apprehension. Still, my resolution once formed, I proceeded with An- tonio to the mayor's, in order to obtain permission to per- form. This magistrate was an excellent man ; aware of the accident that had happened to us, and that he had it • A SAD ACCIDENT. 13^ in his power to do a good deed, he offered us the gratui- tous use of a concert-room. More than this, to give us a chance of forming some acquaintances who might be of use to us, he bes:o;ed us to come to his house the next Sunday evening. We accepted this offer gratefully, and had reason to congratulate ourselves on it. The mayor's guests, pleased with certain tricks I showed them, faith- fully kept their promise of attending my first performance, and not one was missing. My heart panted audibly when the curtain rose, and I was obliged to whisper to myself that the spectators, aware of the object of my performance, would be inclined to look over much. Some cheering applause restored my confidence, and I got through my first tricks very de- cently. This success heightened my assurance, and at length I acquired a degree of coolness I did not think myself capable of. It is true, I was perfectly au fait in my tricks, through having seen Torrini perform them so often. The princi- pal ones Avere, the Trowel, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Bird Dead and Alive, and the Omelette in the Hat. T concluded with the Blind Man's Game of Piquet, which I had carefully studied ; I was fortunate enough to succeed, and was warmly applauded. An accident that happened during the performance sin- gularly lessened the joy I felt in my triumph. I had borrowed a hat to make an omelette in. Those who have seen this trick are aware that it is chiefly intended to produce a laugh, and that the object borrowed runs no I'isk. I had got through the first part excellently, jon- sisthio; in breakino; the efj-ois, beatino; them, throwino; in the salt and pepper, and pouring it all into the hat. After this, I had to feign the frying of the omelette; I placed 184 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. a candle on the ground, then, holding the hat sufficiently high above it to escape the flame, I began turning it gently round, while making some of the stereotyped jokes adapted to the trick. The public laughed so heartily and loudly that I could scarce hear myself speak, but I could not suspect the cause of their hilarity. Unfortunately, I detected it only too soon. A strong scent of burning made me turn my eyes on the candle : it had gone out. I then looked at the hat : the crown was quite burned and stained. I had kept on turning the hat round unsuspect- ingly, until I at length put it on the top of the candle and covered it with grease. Quite dazed by this sight, I stopped, not knowing how to escape. Fortunately for me, my alarm, though so truthful, Avas regarded as a well- played farce : it was sup- posed this was only a heightened effect, and this confi- dence in my skill was an additional torture, for my super- natural power could not repair a hat. My only chance was to gain time ; so I continued the trick, with a tolera- bly easy air, and produced to the public a splendidly cooked omelette, which I had enough courage left to season with a few jokes. Still, that quarter of an hour of which Rabelais speaks had arrived. I must restore the hat, and publicly confess myself a clumsy blockhead. I had resigned myself to this, and was going to do so, with all the dignity I could ^ muster, when I heard Antonio call me from the side. His voice restored my courage, for I felt assured he had pre- pared some way for escape. I went up to him, and found him standing with a hat in his hand. " Look here," he said, exchanging it for the one I held, " it's yours; but no matter, keep a good face: rub it as if you were removing the stains, and, on hnnding it to the owner, ask him, gently, to read what is at the bottom. '^* y K KIND ACCOMPLICE. 135 I did as he told me ; and the owner of the burnt hat, after receivmg mine, was going to betray me, when I pointed to the note fastened in the crown. It ran as follows : " An act of carelessness caused me to commit a fault, which I will repair. To-morrow 1 will do myself the honor of asking your hatter's address : in the meanwhile, ' be kind enough to act as my accomplice." My request was granted, for my secret was honestly kept, and my professional honor saved. The success of this performance induced me to give several others : the receipts were excellent, and we realized a very fair sum. Immense w^as our joy when we carried our treasure tri- umj^hantly to Torrini. That worthy man, after listening to all the details of our plot, was half inclined to scold us for our secrecy, but he could not find heart to do so. He thanked us most heartily, and we began to set matters straight again, as our master was now convalescent, and could attend to his own business. Torrini paid all his creditors in full, purchased two horses, and, having nothing further to do at Aubusson, he determined on starting. The moment of our separation had arrived, and my old friend had been arming himself for it during several days. The parting was painful to us all ; a father quitting his son, without hope of ever seeing him again, could not have displayed more violent grief than did Torrini when pressing me in his arms for t'le last time. I, too, felt in- consolable at the loss of tw( friends with whom I would so gladly have passed my life. 136 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER VIII. The Prodigal Son — Mademoiselle Houdin — I go to Paris — My Mar- riage — Comte — Studies of the Public — A skillful Manager — Rose- colored Tickets — A Musky Style — The King of Hearts — Ventrilo- quism — The Mystifiers Mystified — Father Roujol — Jules de Rovere — Origin of the word prestidigitateur. How my heart beat when I returned to my native town ! I felt as if I had been absent an age, and yet it was only six months. The tears stood in my eyes as I embraced father and mother : I was stifled with emotion. I have since made long journeys in foreign countries ; I have always returned to my family safely, but never, I can declare, have I been so profoundly affected as on this occasion. Perhaps it is the same with this impression as with so many others, habit at last renders it flat. I found my father very quiet on my account, for I had employed a trick to ease his mind. A watchmaker of my acquaintance had sent him my letters, as if from Angers, and he had also forwarded me the replies. Still, I must furnish some reason for my return, and I hesitated about describing my stay with Torrini. At length, however, urged by that desire, common to all travellers, of narrat- ing their travelling impressions, I gave an account of my adventures, even to their minutest details. My mother, frightened, and thinking I was still brain struck, did not await the end of my narrative to send foi I RETURN HOME. 137 a physician, who reassured her by stating, what my face indeed confirmed, that I was in a state of perfect health. It may be thought, perhaps, that I have dwelt too long on the events that followed my poisoning; but I was com- pelled to do so, for the experience I acquired from Torrini, his history, and our conversations, had a considerable in- fluence on my future life. Before that period my inclina- tion for coiijuring was very vague : from that time it gained a complete mastery over me. Still, I Avas bound to wrestle against this feeling with all my energy, for it Avas not presumable that my father, who had unwillingly yielded to my passion for Avatch- making, w^ould be so Aveak as to let me try a novel and most singular profession. I could, certainly, take advan- tage of my being of age, and my own master ; but, besides my unwillingness to grieve my father, I reflected, too, that as my fortune Avas very small, I ought not to risk it with- out his consent. These reasons induced me to defer, if not renounce, my plans. Besides, my success at Aubusson had not altered my decided opinion about conjuring, that a man who Avishes to be thought capable of performing incomprehensible things should have attained an age Avhich leaves it tQ be supposed, that his superiority is the result of lengthened study. The public may permit a man of forty to deceive them, but they will not bear it from a young man. After a few days devoted to killing the fatted calf, I entered the shop of a Blois watchmaker, who set me to work cleaning and brushing. As I have already said, this mechanical and wearisome task reduces the joiuneyman watchmaker to the level of an automaton. Each day was spent in the same monotonous round, here a spring to repair, there a pin to replace (for cylinder watches were 138 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. rare at that period,) a chain to refasten ; lastly, after a cursory examination of the works, a turn of the brush to mako all bright again. I am far from wishing to run down the trade of a repairing watchmaker, and I can always honor the skill employed in repairing a watch by doing as little as possible. Sometimes, it may be remarked, a watch comes back from the mender's in as bad a state as when it went. It is true, but with whom is the fault ? In my belief, with the public. In the country, more especially, it is impossi- ble to perform repairs conscientiously, for the public bar- gain about their watch or clock as they would do in buying vegetables. The consequence is, the watchmaker is forced to compound with his conscience, and the customer loses his money. One thing is certain : I did not like the trade, and I was growing atrociously idle. But if I were cold and in- dolent as regarded watch repairing, I felt a devouring need for activity in some other department. To satisfy this, I gave myself up entirely to an amusement which delighted me — I became an amateur actor. No one, I fancy, can blame me for this ; for, among those who read my confessions, I am sure there is hardly one who has not performed in some shape. From the boy who recites a speech at the school distribution of prizes, up to the old gentleman who often accepts the part of *•• heavy father " at one of those agreeable parties arranged on long winter evenings, not one but enjoys the sweet satisfaction of being applauded. I, too, had this weak- ness ; and, urged on by my travelling recollections, I wished to appear once more before the public, who had already treated me so kindly. Some young friends joined me in forming a light comedy " ARGUMENTS AGAINST MARRIAGE. 139 ompanj, and I had the pleasure of performing all Perlet's parts in the most fashionable pieces of the day. Our per- formance was gratis : hence, I need not say we had crowded audiences. Of course, too, we were all wonder- ful actors — at least, people told us so — and our gratified self-love found no cause for refusing their praise. Unfortunately for our brilliant success, rivalry and wounded feelings, as so frequently happens, produced discord among us, and at last only the hair-dresser and candle-snuffer were left of our goodly company. These two faithful followers, finding themselves thus abandoned, held a council, and, after mature deliberation, decided that they would accept each other's resignation, as they could not perform alone. In order to explain the heroic per- sistency of these two artistes, I may as well state they were the only persons paid for their services. My father regretted' to see me leave work for pleasure, and, in order to bring me back to healthy ideas, he formed a plan which must have the double advantage of improv- ing my conduct, and tying me down to his side : in short, he meant to establish me in business, and make me marry. I do not know — or, rather, I will not say — why I de- clined the latter proposal, under the pretext that I felt no inclination for marriage. As for my beginning business, I easily made my father understand that I was too young even to dream of it. But I had hardly intimated my re- fusal, when a very simple circumstance entirely changed my views, and made me forget all my oaths of fidelity to a certain party. The success my acting had met with procured me ad- mission to certain salons, where I often spent an agreeable evening ; for acting went on here, too, in the shape of charades. .-J:0 MEMOIRS OF TvOBERT-HOUDIN. One evening, we were requested, as usual, to enliven the visitors hj one of our proverbs. I do not remember the- word proposed; I onlj know I was chosen to fill the part of a bachelor gourmet. I sat down to table, and while indulging in a meal like those usually served up at a theatre, I improvised a warm defence of celibacy. This" apology was all the more easy to me, as I needed only to repeat the fine arguments I had employed to my father about his double proposition. Now, it happened that, among the persons listening to this description of the blessings of celibacy, was a young lady of seventeen, who inclined a serious ear to my arguments against marriage. It was the first time I had met her ; so I could not ascribe any other reason for her fixed attention than her desire to detect the word. A man is always delighted to find an attentive listener, more especially when it is a pretty young girl : hence, I thought it my bounden duty to make some polite remarks to her during the course of the evening. A conversation ensued, and became so interesting, that we had a great deal still to say to each other when the hour came for separation, and I believe the regret at parting was not felt by myself alone. This si-mple event was, however, the cause of my mar- riage with Mademoiselle Houdin, and this marriage took me to Paris. The reader will now understand why ray name is Robert-Houdin ; but I have also to add that this double name, which I at first assumed to distinguish me from my numerous homonymes, eventually became my patronymic, by a decision of the council of state. I may be pardoned for remarking that this favor, always so difficult to obtain, was granted me in consideration of the i popularity my long and laborious toil had gained me while hat name. I MARRY AND GO TO PARIS. 141 Mj father in-law, M. Houdin, a celebrated watchmaker, was a native of Blois, and had goA-e to Paris, as a better field for his talents. He was now engaged in the- whole- sale clock trade, while making, with his own hands, astro- nomical clocks, chronometers, and regulators. It was agreed that we should live together, and that I should help him in his business. M. Houdin was quite as fond as myself of everything appertaining to mechanism, and was thoroughly versed in the subject. Hence, we had long and interesting conver- sations on the topic, and at the end of one of these I con- fided to him my scheme of setting up a room for the dis- play of mechanical toys and sleight-of-hand tricks. M. Houdin understood me, adopted my plans, and urged me to carry on my studies in the path I had chosen. Proud of the approbation of a man Avith whose extreme prudence I was acquainted, I gave myself up seriously, during my leisure hours, to my favorite exercises, and began by con- triving some instruments for my future cabinet. My first care, on arriving at Paris, was to attend a per- formance of Comte's, who had long lorded it in his theatre at the Gallery Ohoiseul. This celebrated professor was now resting on his laurels, and only performed once a week. The other evenings were devoted to the perform- ances of his young actors, who were perfect prodigies. Many of my readers will remember his bills, with their singular announcement of the principal parts performed by M. Arthur, aged 5 ; Mademoiselle Adelina, aged 4J ; Mademoiselle Victorine, aged 7 ; little A^ictor, aged 6. These baby actors attracted the whole of Paris. Comte might have left the stage entirely, and contented himsely with being manager and dry-nurse to these child- ren of Thalia, for he possessed a very comfortable fortune ; 142 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. but he made it a point to appear at least once a week, from a double motive : his performances, owing to their rarity, always exercised a beneficial effect oh the receipts; and, on the other hand, by continuing to act he prevented other professors of conjuring setting up in opposition to him. Comte's tricks were all drawn from the same repertory I kncAV by heart ; hence they had no great interest for me , still I derived some profit from attending his perform- ances, for I was enabled to studj^ the audience. I listened attentively to all said around me, and often heard very judicious remarks. These being generally made by persons not apparently gifted with great penetra- tion, led me to the conclusion that the conjurer ought to distrust plain mother wit, and I worked out the problem to my own satisfaction : '' that it is easier to dupe a clever man than an ignorant one." This seems to be a paradox ; but I will explain it. The ordinary man only sees in conjuring tricks a chal- lenge offered to his intelligence, and hence representations of sleight-of-hand become to him a combat in which he de- termines on conquering. Ever on his guard against the honeyed word's by means of which the illusion is produced, he hears nothing, and shuts himself up in this inflexible reasoning : i " The conjurer," he says, " holds in his hand an object, \ which he pretends he makes disappear. Well, whatever'; he may say to distract my attention, my eyes shall not| leave his hand, and the trick cannot be done without myi finding out how he manages it." It follows that the conjurer, whose artifices are princi- pally directed to the mind, must double his address to de- lude this obstinate resistance. COMTE AND IIIS TRICKS. 143 The clever man, on the contrary, when he visits a con- juring performance, only goes to enjoy the illusions, and, far from oifering the performer the slightest obstacle, he is the first to aid him. The more he is deceived the more he is pleased, for that is what he paid for. He knows, too, that these amusing deceptions cannot injure his repu- tation as an intelligent man, and hence he yields to the professor's arguments, follows them through all their de- velopments, and allows himself to be easily put off the right scent. Is not my problem proved ? Comte was also an object of interesting study to me, both as manager and as artist. As manager, Comte could have challenged the most skillful to a comparison, and he was a famous hand at bringing grist to his mill. The little schemes a manager employs to attract the public and increase his receipts are tolerably well known ; but Comte, for .a long time, did not require to have recourse to them, as his room was always crowded. At length the day arrived when the benches allowed some elbow room ; then he invented his " family tickets," his "medals," his "re- served boxes for the prize-holders at schools and colleges," &c., &c. The family tickets gave admission to four persons at half price. Though all Paris was inundated with them, every one into whose hands one of these tickets came be- lieved himself specially favored by Comte, and none failed to respond to his appeal. What the manager lost in quality he amply regained in quantity. Bu'c Comte did not stop here ; he also wished that his rone-eolored tickets (the name he gave his family tickets) should bring him a small pecuniary profit, as compensation for reduced prices. He therefore oflered each person who 114 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. presented one of these tickets a copper medal, on which his name was engraved, and asked in exchange the sum of one penny. Suppose the ticket-holder declined, he was not admitted, and when matters came to that pass, people always paid. It may be said that a penny was a trifle ; but with this trifle Comte paid for his lights ; at least he said so, and he may be believed. During the holidays the pink tickets disappeared, and made room for those reserved for the school prize boys, which were far more productive than the others, for what parents could deny their sons the acceptance of M. Comte's invitation, when they could promise themselves the ex- treme pleasure of seeing their beloved boys in a box ex- clusively occupied by crowned heads? The parents, con- sequently, accompanied their chiklren, and for a gratis ticket the manager netted six or seven fold the valac of his graceful liberality. I could mention many otlier ways Comte augmented his receipts by, but I will only allude to one more. If you arrived a little late, and the length of the queue made you fear the places would be all taken, you had only to enter a small cafe adjoining the theatre, and opening into the Rue Ventadour. You paid a trifle more for your cup of coffee or your glass of liqueur, but you were quite sure that before the public were admitted the waiter would open a secret door, alloAving you to reach the paying-place in comfort and choose your seat. In fact, Comte's caf^ was a true box-ofiice, except that the spectator received something in return for the sum usually charged far re- serving seats. As artist, Comte possessed the double ta,lent of ventri- loquliiin and sleight-of-hand. His tricks were performed / PLEASING THE LADIES. 145 il^illfully and with a good share of dash, while his perform- ances generally pleased, for the ladies were treated most gallantly. My readers may judge for themselves from the following trick, which I believe was his own invention, aiul which always pleased me when I saw it. This experiment was called " The Birth of the Flowers," and it began vv'ith a short address in the shape of agreea- ble pleasantry. " Ladies," the professor said, ^' I propose on the present occasion to make twelve of you disappear from the pit, , twenty from the first circle, and seventy-two from the second." After the burst of laughter this pleasantry always pro- duced, Comte added : " Reassure yourselves, gentlemen ; in order not to deprive you of the most graceful ornament of this room, I will not perform this experiment till the end of the evening," This compliment, spoken very mo- destly, was always excellently received. Comte proceeded to perform the trick in this way : After sowing seeds in some earth contained in a small cup, he spread over this earth some burning liquid and covered it with a bell, which, as he said, was intended to concentrate the heat and stimulate vegetation. In fact, a few seconds later, a bouquet of varied flowers appeared in the cup. Comte distributed them among the ladies who 'M graced the boxes, and during this distribution contrived mto "plant" the following graceful remarks : "Madam, 1 ll keep a pansy [pensee] for you. — It will be my care, gen- «tlemen, that you find no cares {soueis) here. — Mademoi- [»lselle, here is a rose which you have forced to blush with jealousy." Before long the little bouquet was exhausted, but sud- jdjdenly the conjurer's hands were liberally filled with flowers K 146 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDTN. Then with an air of triumph, he exclaimed, displaying the flowers which had come as if by enchantment : " I promised to metamorphose all these ladies : could I choose a form more graceful and pleasing? In metam- orphosing you all into roses, I am only offering a copy for the original. Tell me, gentlemen, have I not succeeded?" These gallant words were always greeted by a salvo of applause. On another occasion, Comte, while offering a rose and a pansy to a lady, said : '' I find you here, madam, exactly depicted. The rose represents your freshness and beauty ; the pansy your wit and talent." He also said, in allusion to the ace of hearts, which he had " passed " on one of the most beautiful women in the room : "Will you be kind enough, madam, to lay your hand on your heart ? You have only one heart I presume ? Par- don my indiscreet question, but it was necessary ; for, though you have only one heart, you might possess them all. " Comte was equally gallant towards sovereigns. At the end of a performance he gave at the Tuilleries, before Louis XVIII., he invited his majesty to select a card from the pack. It may be that chance led the king to draw his majesty of hearts; it may be, though, that the conjurer's address produced this result. During this time, a servant placed on an isolated table a vase filled with flowers. Comte next took a pistol loaded with powder, in which he inserted the king of hearts as a wad; then, turning to his august spectator, ho begged him to fix his eye on the vase, as the card would appear just over it. The pistol was fired, and the bust of Louis XVIII. appeared among the flowers. The King, not knowing how to explain this unexpected THE KING OF HEARTS. 147 result, asked Comte the meaning of this strange appari- tion, adding, in a slightly sarcastic tone, "I fancy, sir, that your trick has not ended as you fctated." "I beg your majesty's pardon," Comte replied, assum- ing the manner of a courtier; "I have quite kept my promise. I pledged myself that the king of hearts should appear on that vase, and I appeal to all Frenchmen whether that bust does not represent the King of all hearts ?" It may be easily supposed that this trick was heartily applauded by the audience. In fact, the Royal Journal of the 20th December, 1814, thus describes the end of the performance : " The whole audience exclaimed, in reply to M. Comte, *We recognize him — it is he — the king of all hearts ! the beloved of the French — of the whole universe — Louis XVIII., the august grandson of Henri Quatre ?' " The King, much affected by these warm acclamations, complimented M. Comte on his skill. *' 'It would be a pity,' he said to him, 'to order such a talented sorcerer to be burnt alive. You have caused us too much pleasure for us to cause you pain. Live many years for yourself, in the first place, and then for us.' " But though Comte was so amiable to the ladies, he w^as pitiless to gentlemen. It would be a long story were I to describe all the spiteful allusions and mystifications to which his masculine spectators were exposed. For instance, there was his ace of heart's trick, which he ended by producing aces from every part of his victim's body, who knew not what saint to implore in order to stop this avalanche of cards. Then, again, there was the ball-headed gentlemen who had politely lent his hat, and received a volley of com- pliments of the following nature : 148 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. " This article must belong to you," said Comte, d/awing a wig from the hat. ^'Aha, sir! it appears you are a family man. Here are socks — then a bib — a chemise — a charming little frock," and as the public laughed heartily, "on my faith, a goody-two-shoes!" he added producing a pair of shoes. "Nothing is wanting for the dress — not even the stays and their laces. I suppose, sir, you thought you could stay my tongue when you placed that article in your hat." Ventriloquism added a great charm to Comte's perform- ances, as it gave rise to numerous little scenes that pro- duced a striking effect. This faculty too often suggested to him curious mystifications, the best of them (if such a thing can ever be good) being reserved for his travels, when they served as a puff of his performances, and helped to attract crowds. At Tours, for instance, he induced the people to break in four doors, in order to rescue an unhappy man supposed to be dying of hunger. At Nevers he renewed the mira- cle of Balaam's ass, by causing a donkey that was weary of its master's weight, to lift up its voice in complaint. One night, too, he caused a profound consternation in a diligence, for a dozen brigands were heard at the doors shouting, "Money, or your life!" The terrified passen- gers hastened to hand their purses and watches to Comte, who offered to treat with the robbers, and they retired apparently satisfied with their spoil. The passengers were glad to have escaped so cheaply, and the next morning, to their still greater satisfaction, the ventriloquist returned them the tribute they had paid to their fears, and explained to them the talent by which they had been duped. Another time, at Macon fair, he saw a country-woman \ n A PIG BEWITCHED. 149 driving a pig before her, wliich could hardly move, so laden was it with fat. "AYhat's the price of your pig, my good woman?" "A hundred francs, my good looking gentleman, at your service, if you wish to buy." " Of course I wish to buy; but it is a great deal too much : I can offer you ten crowns." " I want one hundred francs, no more and no less : take it or leave it." "Stay," Comte said, approaching the animal; "I am sure your pig is more reasonable than you. Tell, me on youi' conscience, my fine fellow, are you worth one hundred francs?" "You are a long way out," the pig replied, in a hoarse and hollow voice ; "I'm not worth one hundred pence. I am measled, and my mistress is trying to take you in." The crowd that had assembled round the woman and pig fell back in terror, fancying them both bewitched, w^hile Comte returned to his hotel, where the story was told him with sundry additions, and he learned that some courageous persons had gone up to the woman, begged her to be exor- cised, and thus drive the unclean spirit out of the pig. Still, Comte did not always escape so easily; and he almost paid dearly for a trick he played on some peasants at Fribourg, in Switzerland. These fanatics took him for a real sorcerer, and attacked with sticks ; and they were even going to throw him into a lime-kiln, had not Comte escaped by causing a terrible voice to issue from the kiln, which routed them. I will end my account of these amusing adventures with a little anecdote, in which Comte and myself were in turn mystifier and mystified. The celebrated ventriloquist paid me a visit at the 150 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Palais Rojal, and I accompanied him to the foot of the stairs on his departure. Comte walked down before me, still talking, so that the pockets of his coat were at my mercj. The opportunity was too good to neglect the chance of playing a trick on my talented confrere^ so I filched his handkerchief and a handsome gold snuff-box : and I took care to turn the pocket inside out, as a proof that my per- formance had been properly executed. I was laughing at the comic result my trick must have when I returned Comte his property ; but it was "diamond cut diamond:" for, while I was thus violating the laws of hospitality, Comte was scheming against me. I had scarce concealed the handkerchief and box, when I heard a strano;e voice on the first floor landing. "Monsieur Robert-Houdin, will you be kind enough to step up to the box-office: I wish to speak to you." My readers will guess that the ventriloquist had played me a trick ; indeed, on reaching the office, I only found the clerk, who could not understand what I was talking about. I perceived, too late that I was victimised, and I heard Comte celebrating his victory by shouts of laughter. For a moment, I confess I felt vexed at having been taken in, btit I soon regained my equanimity on thinking I might have the best of it yet. So I went down stairs very calmly. "What did that person want ?" Comte asked, with ill- repressed delight. " Can't you guess ?" " It was a penitent thief, who begged me to return you the articles he had filched from you. Here they are, my master !" "I prefer it to end so!" Comte said, returning his DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND. 151 pocket to its place. "We are now quits, and I hope we shall always be good friends." From all the preceding remarks it may be concluded that the fundamental principles of Comte's performances were mystifying gentlemen (sovereigns excepted), compli- menting ladies, and jesting with everybody. Comte was right in employing these means, as he generally gained his object ; for he delighted and raised a laugh. At this period French manners justified such behavior, and the professor, by flattering the taste and instincts of the public, was sure to please. There has been a great change since, and puns are no longer held in such esteem ; banished from good society, they have sought refuge in studios, when the pupils too often make an immoderate use of them, and though they may be permitted now and then among intimate friends, they are not proper in a performance of sleight-of-hand. The reason is very simple : not only do puns raise a belief that the artist fancies himself a wit, which may be injuri- ous to him, but, if he succeed in raising a laugh, it weakens the interest felt in his experiments. It is a recognized fact that, in those performances where imagination plays the chief part, " astonishment is a hun- dred-fold better than a silly laugh;" for, though the mind may remember what has delighted it, laughter leaves no trace on the memory. Symbolical or complimentary language is also com- pletely out of fashion, at least the age does not err in excess of gallantry, and "musky" compliments would be badly received in public. I have always thought, too, that ladies visit a performance like mine in order to re- fresh their minds, and not to be put in evidence them- selves. They possibly prefer to remain simple lookers-on rather than expose themselves to florid compliments. 152 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. As for mystification, a more powerful pen than mine must undertake its apology. In saying this, I have no wish to cast censure on Comte. I am writing at this moment in accordance with the spirit of my age ; Comte acted in accordance with his ; we both succeeded, though differing in our treatment, and this only proves that " all styles are good except that which is wearisome." These performances of Comte's, however, inflamed my imagination ; I only dreamed of theatres, conjuring, me- chanism, automata, &c. ; I was impatient to take my place among the adepts of magic, and make myself a name in the marvellous art. The time I required in forming a determination seemed to me so much stolen from my future success. My success ! I did not know what trials I should undergo ere I merited it. I had no suspicion of the toil, the care, and trouble which I should have to pay for it. Still, I resolved on continuing my studies of automata and instruments suited to produce magical illusions. Though I had seen many of them while with Torrini, I had many more to learn, for the stock of conjuring tricks in those days was enormous. Fortunately I found an opportunity of materially abridging my studies. I had noticed, while passing along the Rue Richelieu, a modest little shop, in front of which conjuring apparatus was exposed for sale. This was a piece of good luck, so I bought some of the things, and while paying repeated visits to the master of the shop, under pretext of asking information, I got into his good graces, and he grew to look on me as a friend. Father Roujol (such was his name) was perfectly ac- quainted with his trade, and he held the confidence of j FATHER ROUJOL. 153 every conjurer of note ; hence, he could give me much valuable information, so I became more polite than ever, and the worthy man soon initiated me into all his mys- teries. But my repeated visits to the shop had another object as well, for I wished to meet some of the masters of the art who could increase my knowledge. Unfortunately, my old friend's shop ,was not so visited as before. The revolution of 1830 had turned persons' ideas to more serious matters than "physical amuse- ments," and the greater number of conjurers had wan- dered into strange countries. Old Roujol's good times had, therefore, passed away, which rendered him very gloomy. "Things are not as they used to be," he would say, " and it might really be fancied the jugglers had juggled themselves away, for I don't see a single one. Will the time ever return," he added, "when the Due de M did not disdain to visit my humble shop, and remain here for hours talking to me and my numerous visitors. Ah, that was a time ! when all the first conjurers and ama- teurs formed a brilliant club here ; for each of these masters, desirous of proving his superiority over the others, showed his best tricks and his utmost skill." I felt the old gentleman's regret equally with himself, for I should have revelled in such society, as I would have walk- ed any time twenty leagues for the sake of talking with a professor. Still, I had the luck to form here the acquain- tance of Jules de Rovere, the first to employ a title now generally given to fashionable conjurers. Being of noble 'I birth, he desired a title in accordance with it; but, as he had rejected with disdain the vulgar name of escamoteur, and as, too, that of physicien was frequently used by his * Jrivals, he w^as compelled to create a title for himself. 154 MEMOIRS 01 ROBERT-HOUDIN. One claj the pompous title of ''Peestidigitateue," was visible on an enormous poster, which also conde- scended to supply the derivation of this breath-stopping word, presto digiti (activity of the fingers). Then came the details of the performance, intermingled with Latin quotations, which must attract the attention of the public by evidencing the learning of the conjurer — I beg pardon, prestidigitator. This word, as well as prestidigitation^ due to the same author, were soon seized upon by Jules de Rov^re's rivals, who liked a good mouthful too. The Academy itself fol- lowed this example by sanctioning the formation of the word, and thus handing it down to posterity. I am bound ; to add, though, that this word, originally so pompous, is no longer a distinction, for, as the most humble jugglers were at liberty to appreciate it, it follows that conjuring' and prestidigitation have become synonymous. The con- jurer who requires a title should seek it in his own merit, f and recognize the sound truth that ^' it is better for a man to honor his profession than to be honored by it." For my own part, I never made any distinction between the two names, and I shall employ them indiscriminately, until some new Jules de Rovere arrive to enrich the Dictionary of the French Academy. CELEBRATED AUTOMATA. 155 CHAPTER IX. Celebrated Automata — A Brazen Fly — The Artificial Man — Albertus Magnus and St, Thomas d'Aquinas — Vaucanson — His Duck — His Flute-Player — Curious Details — The Automaton Chess-Play er — In- teresting Episode — Catherine II. and M. de Kempelen — I repair the Componium — Unexpected Success. Owing to my persevering researches I had nothing left to learn in conjuring ; but, in order to carry out my scheme, I had to study the jorinciples of a science on which I o;reatly depended for the success of my future performances. I allude to the science, or rather art, of making automata. While occupied with this idea I made active investiga- tions ; I applied to the public libraries and their keepers, whom my tenacious importunity drove into despair. But all the information I collected only brought me descrip- tions of mechanical toys, far less ingenious than certain playtliings of the present day, or absurd statements of chefs-d'oeuvre published in the dark ages. My readers may judge from the following : I found, in a work bearing the title " Apologie pour les Grands Hommes Accuses de Magie," that "Jean de Mont- royal presented to the Emperor Charles V. an iron fly, which made a solemn circuit round its inventor's head, and then reposed from its fatigue on his arm." Such a fly is rather extraordinary, yet I have something better to tel] my readers — still about a fly. 156 MEMOIRS OF ROBEKT-HOUDIN. Gervals, Cliancellor to the Emperor Otlio III., in his book entitled " Otia Imperatoris," informs us that "the sage Virgilius, Bishop of Naples, made a brass fly, which he placed on one of the city gates, and that this mechani- cal fly, trained like a shepherd's dog, prevented any other fly entering Naples; so much so, that during eight years the meat exposed for sale in the market was never once tainted." How much should we regret that this marvellous auto- maton has not survived to our day ? How the butchers, and still more their customers, would thank the learned bishop ! Pass we to another marvel : Francis Picus relates that " Roger Bacon, aided by Thomas Bungey, his brother in religion, after having ren- dered their bodies equal and tempered by chemistry, em- ployed the Speculum Amuchesi to construct a brazen head which should tell them if there were any mode of enclosing the whole of England by a high wall. They forged at it for seven years without relaxation, but misfortune willed it that when the head spoke the two monks did not hear it, as they were engaged on something else." I have asked myself a hundred times how the two intre- pid blacksmiths knew the head had spoken, when they were not present to hear it. I never discovered any other solution than this : it was, doubtlessly, because their bodies were equalized and temjyered by eliemistry. But here is a far more astounding marvel. Tostat, in his " Commentaires sur I'Enode," states tlut "Albertus Magnus, Provincial of the Dominicans, at Co- logne, constructed a brass man, which he worked at con- tinually for thirty years. This'work was performed under various constellations and according to the laws of perspec- tive.'' VAUCANSON. 157 When the sun was in the si";n of the Zodiac the eyes of this automaton melted metals, on which the characters of the same sign were traced. This intelligent machine was equally gifted with motion and speech, and it revealed to Alhertus Magnus some of his most important secrets. Unfortunately, St. Thomas Aquinas, Albertus's pupil, taking this statue for the handiwork of the devil, smashed it with a big stick. As a finale to these fables, which are well fitted to figure among the marvels performed by Perrault's fairies, I will quote from page 252 of the ''Journal des Savants" for 1677 : " The artificial man of Reysolius, a statue so re- sembling the human form, that, with the exception of the operations of the soul, everything that takes place in the body may be witnessed." What a pity the mechanician stopped so soon ! for it would have cost him so little, while making so exquisite a resemblance to the fairest work of the Creator, to add to his automaton a soul moving by clockwork ! This quotation does much honor to the savants who ac- cepted the responsibility of such a statement, and is a fur- ther proof how history is written. It may be easily supposed these works furnished me no guide to the art I so much wished to study ; and although I continued my inquiries, I only attained the unsatisfac- tory result that nothing serious had been written on the subject of automata. " WhPvt !" I said to myself, " can it be possible that the marvellous science which raised Yaucanson's name so high -the science whose ingenious combinations ?an animate inert matter, and impart to it a species of existence — is the only one without its archives?" When about to give up the subject in despair, I stumbled 158 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. on a memoir of the inventor of the "Automaton Duck." This memoir, bearing date 1738, is addressed by the au- thor to the members of the Academy of Sciences. In it will he found a learned description of his flute-player, as well as a report of the Academy, which I here transcribe. Extract from the Registers of the Royal Academy of Sciences for Apil 30, 1738 : " The Academy, after hearing M. de Vaucanson's me- moir read, containing a description of a wooden statue, copied from Coysvoix's marble fawn, which plays twelve different airs on a German flute with a precision deserving of public attention, was of opinion that this machine was extremely ingenious ; that the inventor had employed novel and simple means both to give the fingers the neces- sary motion and to modify the wind entering the flute, by augmenting or diminishing its velocity, according to the various tones ; by varying the arrangement of the lips, and setting a valve in motion to perform the functions of the tongue ; lastly, by artificially imitating all that a man is obliged to do ; and that, in addition, M. de Vaucanson's memoir possessed all the clearness and perception such matter is capable of, proving the intelligence of the author, and his great knowledge of the different branches of me- chanism. In confirmation of which I have signed the pre- sent certificate. Fontenelle, "Perpetual Secretary, Royal Academy of Sciences. '♦Paris, May 3, 1738." j After this report comes a letter of Vaucanson's, ad- dressed to the Abb(i D. F., in which he informs him of his intention of presenting to the public on Easter Monday — THE AUTOMATON DUCK. 159 1. A player of the German flute. 2. A player of the tambourine. 3. An artificial cluck. /'In this duck," the celebrated automatist writes, "will be noticed the mechanism of the viscera, intended to per- form the functions of eating, drinking and digesting. The action of all the parts is exactly imitated. The bird puts out its head to take up the seed, swallows it, digests it, and evacuates it by the ordinary channels. "All thoughtful persons will understand the difficulty of making my automaton perform so many difierent move- ments, as when it stands on its legs and moves its head to the right and left. They will also see that this animal drinks, dabbles with its bill, quacks like the living duck, and, in short, is precisely similar in every respect." I was the more surprised at the contents of the memoir, as it was the first trustworthy information I had gained about automata. The description of the flute player gave me a high opinion of the inventor's talent ; but I much regretted finding so short an account of the mechanical combinations of the duck. For a time, I contented myself with admiring and be- lieving in the great master's work, but, in 1844, Yaucan- son's duck was exhibited in a room at the Palais Royal.* Of course I was one of the first to visit it, and was much struck by its skillful and learned formation. Some time after, one of the wings having been injured, the duck wa? sent to me to repair, and I was initiated into the famous mystery of digestion. To my great surprise, I found that * After Vaucanson's death, his works w&ie dispersed and lost, with tfl the exception of the duck, which, after remaining for a long time in a garret at Berlin, saw light again in 1840, and was purchased by a M. George Tiets, who spent four years in repairing it. 160 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. the illustrious master had not disdained to have recourse to a trick which a conjurer would have been proud * of. The digestion, so pompously announced in the memoir, was only a mystification — a real canard, in fact. De- cidedly, Vaucanson was not only my master in mechanism, but I must bow before his genius for juggling. The trick was as simple as it was interesting. A vase, containing seed steeped in water, was placed before the bird. The motion of the bill in dabbling crushed the food, and facilitated its introduction into a pipe placed beneath the lower bill. The water and seed thus swallowed fell into a box placed under the bird's stomach, which was emptied every three or four days. The other part of the operation was thus efi'ected : Bread-crumb, colored green, was expelled by a forcing pump, and carefully caught on a silver salver as the result of artificial digestion. This was handed round to be admired, while the ingenious trickster 'laughed in his sleeve at the credulity of the public. But, before leaving this subject, I must give a short biographical notice of this illustrious man. Jacques de Vaucanson was born at Grenoble on the 24th February, 1709, of a noble family, and his taste for mechanism was developed at an early age. In 1730, the flute-player at the Tuilleries suggested to him the idea of constructing on this model an automaton which should really play the flute, and he spent four years in perfecting it. The story runs that Vaucanson's valet was the only person acquainted with his secret, and at the first notes produced by the flute-player, the faithful servant fell at his master's feet, as if he were more than mortal, and they embraced with tears of joy. The duck and tambourine-player soon followed, and were chiefly intended to speculate on public curiosity. THE ENDLESS CHAIN. 161 Though noble by birth, Yaucanson exhibited his automata at the fair of Saint Germain and at Paris, where his re- ceipts were enormous. He is also said to have invented a loom on which a donkey worked cloth ; this he made in revenge upon the silk-weavers of Lyons, who had stoned him because he attempted to simplify the ordinary loom. We also owe to Vaucanson a chain that still bears his name, and a machine to make meshes of equal size. It is also said he invented for the performance of Mar- montel's Cleopatra, an asp which fastened itself with a hiss on the bosom of the actress who played the principal character. On the first performance of the tragedy, a jester, more struck by the hissing of the automaton than by the beauty of the tragedy, exclaimed, "I am of the asp's opinion !" This illustrious mechanician retained all his activity to the last moment of his life. While dangerously ill, he devoted himself to his machine for making his endless chain. "Do not lose a minute," he said to his workmen; "I fear I may not live long enough to explain my idea thor- oughly." Eight days later, on the 21st of November, 1782, he died, at the age of seventy-three; but, before leaving this world, he had the consolation of seeing his ir.achine at work. One piece of good luck never arrives without another ; thus, in 1844, 1 also- saw at the house of a mechanician of the name of Cronier, at Belleville, the famous chess-player, who defeated the whole chess world. I never saw it at work, but since then I have received some information about the automaton of a certain degree of interest, and I trust my readers will feel the same surprise as I did 'when I heard it. L 162 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. My story commences in Russia : the first division of Poland in 1792 had produced a certain fermentation, the effects of which were felt some years later. In 1796, a revolt broke out in a half-Kussian, half-Polish regiment stationed at Riga, at the head of the rebels being an officer of the name of Worousky, a man of great talent and energy. He was of short stature, but well built ; and he exercised such influence, that the troops sent to suppress the revolt were beaten back with considerable loss. How- ever, reinforcements came from St. Petersburg, and the insurgents were defeated in a pitched battle. A great number perished, and the rest took to flight across the marshes, where the soldiers pursued them, with orders to grant no quarter. In this rout Worousky had both thighs shattered by a cannon-ball, and fell on the battle-field; however, he escaped from the general massacre by throwing himself into a ditch behind a hedge. At nightfall, Worousky dragged himself along with great difficulty to the adjacent house of a physician of the name of Osloff, whose benevo- lence was well known, and the doctor, moved by his suf- ferings, attended upon, and promised to conceal him. His wound was serious, but the doctor felt confident of curing him, until gangrene set in, and his life could only be saved at the cost of half his body. The amputation was suc- cessful, and Worousky saved. During this time, M. de Kempelen, a celebrated Viennese mechanician, came to Russia to pay a visit to M. Osloff, with whom he had been long acquainted. He was travel- ling about to learn foreign languages, the study of which he afterwards displayed in his splendid work on the "Mechanism of Words," published at Vienna in 1791. M. de Kempelen stopped a short time in every country the THE CHESS-PLAYER. 163 language of which he desired to learn, and his aptitude was so great that he acquired it very speedily. This visit was the more agreeable to the doctor, as for some time he had been alarmed as to the consequences of the noble action he had performed ; he feared being com- promised if it were found out, and his embarrassment was extreme, for, living alone with an old housekeeper, he had no one to consult or help him. Hence, he told M. de Kempelen his secret, and begged his aid. Though at first startled by sharing such a secret — for he knew that a reward was offered for the insurgent chi^f, and that the act of humanity he was about to help in might send him to Siberia — still, M. de Kempelen, on seeing Worousky's mutilated body, felt moved with compassion, and began contriving some plan to secure his escape. Dr. Osloff was a passionate lover of chess, and had played numerous games with his patient during his tardy convalesence ; but Worousky was so strong at the game that the doctor was always defeated. Then Kempelen joined the doctor in trying to defeat the skillful player, but it was of no use ; Worousky was always the conqueror. His superiority gave M. de Kempelen the idea of the fa- mous Automaton Chess-player. In an instant his plan was formed, and he set to work immediately. The most remarkable circumstance is, that this wonderful chef- d'oeuvre, which astonished the whole world, was invented and finished within three months. M. de Kempelen was anxious his host should make the first essay of his automaton ; so, he invited him to play a game on the 10th of October, 1796. The automaton rep- resented a Turk of the natural size, wearing the national costume, and seated behind a box of the shape of a chest of drawers. In the middle of the top of the box was a ch }ss-board. lU- MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Prior to commencing the game, the artist opened seve- ral doors in the chest, and M. Osloff could see inside a large number of wheels, pulleys, cylinders, springs, &c., occupying the larger part. At the same time, he opened a long drawer, from which he produced the chessmen and a cushion, on which the Turk was to rest his arm. This examination ended, the robe of the automaton was raised, and the interior of the body could also be inspected. The doors being then closed, M. de Kempelen wound up one of the wheels with a key he inserted in a hole in the chest ; after which the Turk, with a gentle nod of saluta- tion, placed his hand on one of the pieces, raised it, de- posited it on another square, and laid his arm on the cushion before him. The inventor had stated that, as the automatv>n could not speak, it would signify check to the king by three nods, and to the queen by two. The doctor moved in his turn, and waited patiently till his adversary, whose. movements had all the dignity of the Sultan he represented, had moved. The game, though slow at first, soon grew animated, and the doctor found he had to deal with a tremendous opponent ; for, in spite of all his efforts to defeat the figure, his game was growing quite desperate. It is true, though, that for some minutes past, the doctor's attention had appeared to be distracted, and one idea seemed to occupy him. But while hesitating whether he should impart his thoughts to his friend, the figure gave three nods. The game was over. "By Jove!" the loser said, with a tinge of vexation, which the sight of the inventor's smiling face soon dis- pelled, " if I were not certain Worousky is at this mo- ment in bed, I should believe 1 had been playing with him. His head alone is capable of inventing such a checkmate. And besides," said the doctor, looking fixed- AN INGENIOUS SCHEME. 165 \j at M. de Kempelen, " can you tell me ^vhy your auto- maton plays with the left hand, just like Worousky ?"* The mechanician began laughing, and not wishing to prolong this mystification, the prelude to so many others, he confessed to his friend that he had really been playing with AYorousky. "But where the deuce have you put him, then?" the doctor said, looking round to try and discover his oppo- nent. The inventor laughed heartily. " Well ! do you not recognize me ?" the Turk exclaimed, holding out his left hand to the doctor in reconciliation, while Kempelen raised the robe, and displayed the poor cripple stowed away in the body of the automaton. M. Oslofi" could no longer keep his countenance, and he joined the others in their laughter. But he was the first to stop, for he wanted an explanation. " But how do you manage to render Worousky invisi- ble?" M. de Kempelen then explained how he concealed the living automaton before it entered the Turk's body. " See here !" he said, opening the chest, " these wheels, pulleys and cranks occupying a portion of the chest, are only a deception. The frames that support them are hung on hinges, and can be turned back to leave space for the player while you were examining the body of the automaton." " When this inspection was ended, and as soon as the robe was allowed to fall, Worousky entered the Turk's body we have just examined, and, while I was showing you the box and the machinery, he was taking his time to ■^ The automaton chess-player always used the left hand — a defect falsely attributed to the carelessness of the constructor. 166 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. pass his arms and hands into those of the figure. You can understand that, owing to the size of the neck, which is hidden bj the broad and enormous collar, he can easily pass his head into this mask, and see the chess-board, I must add, that when I pretend to wind up the machine, it is only to drown the sound of Worouskj's movements." "Very good, then," the doctor replied, to show he per- fectly understood the plan ; " while I was examining the chest, my confounded Worousky was in the Turk's body, and when the robe was lifted, he had passed into the chest. I frankly allow," M. Osloff added, "that I was done by this ingenious arrangement; but I console myself with the idea that cleverer persons than I will be deceived." The three friends were the more delighted by the result of this private rehearsal, as this instrument furnished an | excellent means of escape for the poor prisoner, and at j the same time assured him a livelihood. The same evening 'i the road by which the frontier should be reached was agreed on, as well as the precautions to be taken during the journey. It was also arranged that, in order to arouse no suspicions, performances should be given in all the towns they passed through, beginning with TouTa, Ka- louga, Smolensk, &c. A month later, Worousky, now entirely recovered, gave a first specimen of his marvellous skill to a numerous au- dience at Toula. I possess a copy of the original bill, which was given me by M. Hessler, nephew of Dr. Osloff, who also supplied me with all these details. Worousky won every game he played at Toula, and the papers were full of praises of the automaton. Assured of success by the brilliancy of their debut, M. de Kempelen and his companion proceeded towards the frontier. It was necessary that Worousky should be concealed li THE ESCAPE, 10" from sight somewhere even when travelling; hence he was literally packed up. The enormous chest in which the automaton was conveyed only travelled very slowly, appa- rently through fear of breaking the machinery, but in reality to protect the skillful chess-player who was shut up in it, while air-holes were made in the side of this singular post-chaise to enable Worousky'to breathe. The poor cripple endured all this inconvenience calmly, in the hope of soon being out of reach of the Muscovite police, and arriving safe and sound at the end of this painful journey. The fatigue, it must be granted, was considerably alleviated by the enormous receipts they netted by the exhibition. Our travellers had arrived at Vitebsk, on the road to the Prussian frontier, when one morning Kempelen rushed into the room where Worousky was concealed. "A frightful misfortune hangs over us," the mechani- cian said, in a terrible state of alarm, and showing a letter dated St. Petersburg. ^'Heaven knows how we shall escape it ! The Empress Catherine, having heard through the papers of the automaton's wonderful talent, desires to play a game with it, and requests me to bring it straight to the imperial palace. We must hit on some plan to evade this dangerous honor." To Kempclen's extreme surprise, Worousky heard this great news very calmly, and even seemed to be pleased at it. " Refuse such a visit ! — by no means : the wishes of the Ozarina are orders w^hich cannot be infrin<2:ed without peril; we must, therefore, obey her as quickly as possible. Your zeal will have the double effect of gaining her favor, and removing any suspicions that might arise about your automaton. Besides," the bold soldier added, with a 168 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. degree of pride, " I confess I should like to find myself face to face with the great Catherine, and show her that the head on which she set the price of a few roubles is, under certain circumstances, as good as her own." " Madman that you are !" M. de Kempelen exclaimed, startled by the excitement of the impetuous insurgent. " Kem ember, that we may be discovered, and you will lose your life, while I shall be sent to Siberia." " Impossible !" Worousky quietly replied ; "your inge- nious machine has already deceived so many skillful per- sons, that I am convinced we shall soon have one dupe more. Besides, what a glorious reminiscence, what an ! honor it will be to us, if we can say some day that the j Empress Catherine II., the haughty Czarina, whom her { courtiers proclaim the most intellectual person in her ' vast empire, was deceived by your genius, and conquered by me !" Kempelen, though not sharing Worousky's enthusiasm, was obliged to yield. Hence, they set off without further argument ; the journey was very long and fatiguing, but Kempelen did not quit his companion for a moment, and did all in his power to ameliorate his position. At length they reached their journey's end, but though they had travelled as fast as they could, Catherine, on receiving Kempelen, appeared rather angry. " My roads must be very bad, sir, if you require fifteen days to travel from Vitebsk to St. Petersburg." "Will your majesty," the crafty mechanician replied, " allow me to make a confession which will serve as my excuse?" " Do so," Catherine replied, " provided it be not a con- fession of the incapacity of your marvellous machine." " On the contrary, I would confess that, being aware CATHERINE II. 169 of your majesty's skill at chess, I desired to offer you a worthy opponent. Hence, before starting, I made some additions which were indispensable for so important a game." "Ah !" the empress said, with a smile, smoothed down by this flatttering explanation. " And you fancy these new arrangements will enable your automaton to beat 0" me : " I should be much surprised were it otherwise." "Well, we shall see, sir," the empress continued, nod- ding her head ironically. "But," she added, in the same tone, " when will you bring my terrible opponent before me?" " Whenever your majesty may please." "If that is the case, I am so impatient to measure my strength with the conqueror of the most skillful players in my country, that I will receive him this very evening in my library. Put up your machine there, and at eight o'clock I will join you. Be punctual !" Kempelen took leave of Catherine, and hastened to make his preparations for the evening. Worousky was de- lighted at the prospect of amusing the empress ; but al- though Kempelen was resolved to risk the adventure, he wished to take all possible precautions, s^ that he might have a way of escape in case of danger. Hence, he had the automaton carried to the palace in the same chest in which it travelled. When eight o'clock struck, the empress, accompanied by a numerous suite, entered the library and took her place at the chess-board. I have forgotten to say that Kempelen never allowed any one to pass behind the automaton, and would not con- sent to begin the game till all the spectators were in front of the board. 170 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. » The court took their places behind the empress, unani- mously predicting the defeat of the automaton. The chest and the Turk's body were then examined, and when all were perfectly convinced they contained nothing but the clockwork I have already mentioned, the game began. It proceeded for 'some time in perfect silence, but Catherine's frowning brow speedily revealed that the automaton was not very gallant towards her, and fully deserved the repu- tation it had gained. The skillful Mussulman captured a bishop and a knight, and the game was turning much to the disadvantage of the lady, when the Turk, suddenly forgetting his dignified gravity, gave a violent blow on his I cushion, and pushed back a piece his adversary had just moved. Catherine II. had attempted to cheat ; perhaps to try the skill of the automaton, or for some other reason. At any rate the haughty empress, unwilling to confess her weak- ness, replaced the piece on the same square, and regarded the automaton with an air of imperious authority. The result was most unexpected — the Turk upset all the pieces with a blow of his hand, and immediately the clock work, which had been heard during the whole game, stop- ped. It seemed as if the machinery had got out of repair. Pale and trembling, M. de Kempelen, recognizing in this Worousky's impetuous temper, awaited the issue of this conflict between the insurgent and his sovereign. "Ah, ah! my good automaton! your manners are rather rough," the empress said, good humoredly, not sorry to see a game she had small chance of winning end thus. "Oh! you are a famous player, I grant; but you were afraid of losing the game, and so prudently up- set the pieces. Well, I am now quite convinced of your skill and your violent character." A LUCKY ESCAPE. 171 M. de Kempelcn began to breathe again, and regaining courage, tried to remove the unfavorable impression which the little respect shown by the automaton must have pro- duced. Hence he said, humbly, "Will your majesty allow me to offer an explanation of what has just happened?" ''By no means, M. de Kempelen," Catherine said, heartily — "by no means; on the contrary, I find it most amusing, and your automaton pleases me so much that I wish to purchase it. I shall thus always have near me a player, somewhat quick perhaps, but yet able to hold his own. You can leave it here to-night, and come to-mor- row morning to arrange the price." There is strong reason to believe that Catherine wish ed to commit an indiscretion when she evinced a desire that the figure should remain at the palace till the next morning. Fortunately, the skillful mechanician managed to bafile her feminine curiosity by carrying Worousky off in the big chest. The automaton remained in the library, but the player was no longer there. The next day Catherine renewed her proposition to pur- chase the chess-player, but Kempelen made her under- stand that, as the figure could not perform without him, he could not possibly sell it. The empress allowed the justice of these arguments ; and, while complimenting the mechanician on his invention, made him a handsome pre- sent. Three months after the automaton was in England, un- der the management of Mr. Anthon, to whom Kempelen had sold it. I know not if Worousky was still attached to it, but I fancy so, owing to the immense success the chessplayer met with. Mr. Anthon visited the whole of Europe, always meeting with the same success ; but, at 172 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. his death, the celebrated automaton was purchased hy Maelzel, who embarked with it for New York. It was then, probably, Worousky took leave of his hospitable Turk, for the automaton was not nearly so successful in America. After exhibiting his mechanical trumpeter and chess-player for some time, Maelzel set out again for France, but died on the passage of an attack of indiges- tion. His heirs sold his apparatus, and thus Cronier ob- tained his precious relic. My fortunate star again furnished me with an excellent occasion for continuing my studies. A Prussian of the name of Koppen exhibited at Paris, about the year 1829, an instrument known as the Componium. It was a per- fect mechanical orchestra, playing operatic overtures with remarkable precision and effect, and it owed its name to the circumstance that, by means of truly marvellous ar- rangements, this instrument improvised charming varia- tions without ever repeating itself. It was asserted to be as difficult to hear the same variation twice, as to find two similar quaternes drawn in succession at a lottery. The Cojnponium was enormously successful, but at last public curiosity was exhausted, and it was withdrawn, after bringing in the owner one hundred thousand francs clear profit in a year. This amount, whether correct or not, was adroitly published, and some time after the in- strument was put up for sale. A speculator by the name of D , seduced by the hope of obtaining equally large •receipts in a foreign country, bought the instrument, and took it to England. Unfortunately for D , at the moment when this goose with the golden eggs arrived in London, George IV. died ; the court went into mourning, and no one visited the instrument. In order to avoid useless ex- pense, D thought it prudent to give up a scheme com- THE COMPONIUM. 17S inenced under such evil auspices, and determined on re- turning to Paris. The Componium was consequently taken to pieces, packed up and carried to France. 1) , hoped the instrument would enter duty free, but, on leaving France, he had omitted some formality indis- pensable before obtaining this favor. The Customs stopped it, and he was obliged to refer the case to the Minister of Trade. While awaiting his decision, the chests were de- posited in damp ware-rooms, and it was not till the end of the year, and after numberless formalities and difficul- ties, that the instrument returned to Paris. This will give an idea of the state of disorder, confusion and damage in which the Componium was left. Discouraged by the ill success of his trip to England, D resolved on selling his mechanical improviser, but, before doing so, he cast about for a mechanician who would undertake to put it in working order. I have for- gotten to state that, on the sale of the Componium, M. Koppen had handed over with it a very clever German workman, who was, as it were, the driver of this gigantic instrument. This person, finding he must sit with his hands before him during the interminable formalities of the French Customs, thought he could not do better than return home. The repair of the Componium was a tedious business — a work of perseverance and research — for, as its ar- rangement had always been kept secret, no one could supply the least information. D himself, having no notion of mechanism, could not be of the slightest use, so the workman must only depend on his own ideas. I heard the matter talked about, and, urged by a pro- bably too flattering opinion of myself, or rather dazzled by the glory of executing such a splendid job, I offered to u^adertake the immense repairs. 174 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. I was laughed at : tlie confession is humiliating, but perfectly truthful. I must say, too, that it was justifiable, for I was only known at that time as an humble workman, and it was feared that, far from making the instrument act properly, I should cause still greater injury, while tr j - ing to repair it. However, as D met with no better offer, and I offered to deposit a sum, to be forfeited in the event of my doing any injury, he eventually yielded to my wishes. It will be allowed that I was a very conscientious work- man ; but, in reality, I acted for my own benefit, as this undertaking, by supplying me with an interesting object of study, would prove a perfect lesson in mechanism for me. As soon as my offer was accepted, all the boxes in which the componium was packed were carried into a large room I used as workshop, and emptied, pell-mell, into sheets, spread for the purpose, on the ground. When alone, and I saw this heap of rusty iron, these myriads of parts, wliose meaning I did not understand, this orchestra of instruments of every size and shape, such as cornets, bugles, hautboys, flutes, clarionets, bassoons, organ pipes, big drum, triangle, cymbals, &c., all arranged in sizes, according to the chromatic scale, I was so fright- ened by the difiiculty of my task, that I was quite annihi- lated for several hours. To better understand my mad presumption, which only my passion for mechanics and my love of the marvellous can excuse, I must add that I never even saw the com- ponium performing ; hence, all was an unknown country for me. Add to this, that the greater portion of the works were covered with rust and verdigris. Seated in the midst of this musical chaos, with my head I AM SUCCESSFUL. 175 resting in my hands, I asked myself a hundred times thiiJ simple question, "Where shall I begin?" and then my imagination was quite paralysed. One morning, however, finding myself well disposed, and feeling the influence of the Hippocratic axiom, "Mens sana in corpore sano," I felt disgusted at my long sloth, and rushed headforemost at my immense task. If my readers were only mechanicians, how willingly would I describe to them all my trials, attempts, and studies ! With what pleasure I would explain the skillful and ingenious combinations that arose successively from this chaos ! But as I fancy I can see my readers turning over my pages to seek the end of a chapter that is growing too serious, I will check my inclination, and content my- self with stating that, for a whole year, I proceeded from the known to the unknown, in solving this inextricable problem, and one day I had the happiness of seeing my labors crowned with complete success. The componium — a new phoenix — had risen from its ashes. This unexpected success gained me the greatest praise, and D bade me name my own price; but I would not accept anything beyond my actual outlay, feeling amply repaid by such a glorious result. And yet, however high my reward might have been, it would not have repaid me what this task, which overtasked my strength, eventually cost me. 176 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN.. CHAPTER X. An [nventor's Calculations — One Hundred Thousand Francs a Year by an Inkstand: Deception — My new Automata — The First Magician in France: Decadence — I meet Antonio — Bosco — The Trick with the Cups — An Execution — Resurrection of the Criminals — Mistake in a Head — The Canary rewarded. My sleepless nights, my incessant toil, and, above all, the feverish agitations resulting from all the emotions of such an arduous undertaking, had undermined my health. A brain-fever attacked me, and though I recovered from it, it was only to pass five long years in listlessness and vacuity. My mind seemed quite gone : I felt no passion, no love, no interest, even in the arts I had so delighted in : conjuring and mechanism only existed for me in the shape of recollections. But this illness, which had mastered the faculty of Paris, could not resist the refreshing air of the country, where I retired for six months, and when I returned to Paris, I was a new man. With what joy I saw again my beloved tools ! With what ardor I reassumed my work ! for I had to regain not only the lost time, but also the enormous ex- penses incurred by my long illness. " My modest fortune was for the moment sensibly dimin- ished, but on this point I was case-hardened ; for would not my future performances fill up all these losses, and insure me a handsome fortune ? Thus I discounted ar uncertain future ; but, after all, do not all inventors lik(j to convert their schemes into ingots ? B^l" AN INVENTOR. 177 Perhaps, too, I unconsciously yielded to the influence of one of my friends, an extraordinary projector, whom mistakes and deceptions never hindered forming fresh schemes. Our manner of calculating the future had con- siderable affinity. But I must do him this justice : how- ever high my estimate might be, he was far superior to me in that respect. Here is an instance to judge by. One day this friend called upon me, and showing me an inkstand of his invention, which combined the double merit of being safe from upset, and of always keeping the ink at the same level, said, "At last, my lad, E have hit it; this invention will make a revolution in the writing world, and allow me to walk about like a gentleman, with a hundred thousand francs a year — at the very lowest, understand me. But you can judge for yourself, if you follow my calculations closely. You know, there are thirty-six millions of in- habitants in France?" I nodded an affirmative. " Starting on this basis, I do not think I err if I assume that at least one-half can write, eh ? or, say we take one- j third, or, to be still more sure, the round sum of ten mil- lions. Now, I hope I shall not be charged with exaggera- tion, if, out of these ten millions, I take one-tenth, or a million, as the number of those looking after what may be useful to them." And my friend stopped here and looked at me, as much as to say, "Am I not reasonable in my estimates?" " We have, then, in France one million men capable of appreciating the benefits of my inkstand. Well, of this number how many will you allow who, during the first year, hear of my inkstand, and consequently will purchase it?" M i 178 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. "Well," I replied, "I confess to a difficulty in giving you an exact answer." " Good Heavens ! who spoke about exactness? I only want an approximation, and that must be the lowest pos- sible, that there may be no mistake." "Well," I went on,- continuing my friend's decimal cal- culations, "take a tenth." " Now, mind, you said a tenth, or, in other words, one hundred thousand. But," the inventor continued, charmed at seeing me share his brilliant calculations, " do you know what the sale of these one hundred thousand inkstands will produce me in a year ?" " I can form no idea." " I will then tell you. I have reserved myself one franc on each inkstand sold. This gives a profit then " " Of one hundred thousand francs, of course." " You see, there is no difficulty in making the calcula- tion. You must bear in mind, too, that the other nine hundred thousand writers we left on one side will end by appreciating my inkstand : they will also buy it. Then what will the nine millions we omitted do ? And notice, too, that I am only speaking of France, which is a mere dot on the globe. When foreign countries know its merits, when the English and their colonies order it Oh, it would require a mathematician to reckon all this up !" My friend wiped his brow, which had grown quite damp y during the heat of his address, and he ended by repeat- ;: ing, " Remember, we established our estimate on the low- est basis." Unfortunately, that was the place where my friend's calculation broke down. His inkstand, being much too dear, was not purchased, and the inventor ended by add- ing this gold mine to his many other deceptions. I MY AUTOMATA. 179 I, too, I confess, based my calculations on the census, or, at least, on the approximative number of visitors to the capital, and even at the lowest figure I arrived at a most satisfactory result. But I do not regret having given way to these fancies, for though they occasioned me vari- ous disappointments, they served to keep up some energy in my mind, and enabled me to wrestle against the num- berless difficulties I encountered in making my automata. Besides, who has not, once in his life at least, indulged in the gilded calculations of my friend the inkstand inventor ? I have already repeatedly mentioned the automata I made, and it is high time to describe the nature of the articles intended to be used in my performances. The first was a small pastrycook issuing from his shop door at the word of command, and bringing, according to the spectator's request, patties and refreshments of every description. At the side of the shop assistant pastry- cooks might be seen rolling paste and putting it in the oven. Another specimen represented two clowns, Auriol and Debureau. The latter held out at arm's length a chair, on which his merry comrade performed acrobatic tricks, like his namesake at the circus in the Champs Elys^es. After these performances Auriol smoked a pipe, and ended by accompanying on the flageolet an air played by the orchestra. The next was a mysterious orange-tree, on which flowers and fruit burst into life at the request of the ladies. As I the finale, a handkerchief I borrowed was conveyed into an orange purposely left on the tree. This opened and displayed the handkerchief, which two butterflies took by the corners and unfolded before the spectators. Lastly, I made a dial of transparent glass, which 180 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. marked the hours at the will of the spectators, and struck the time on a crystal bell. At the time I was most deeply engaged in these labors, I made a very agreeable rencontre. While walking along the Boulevards, full of thought, according to my usual habit, I heard some one calling me. On turning round, an elegantly-dressed man pressed my hand. ^'Antonio!" I exclaimed, as I embraced him, "how glad I am to see you ! But why are you here — what are you doing — and Torrini?" Antonio interrupted me. " I will tell you all about it. Come to my apartments, where we shall be more at ease. I only live a few doors off." In fact, within two minutes we stopped in the Bue de Lancry, Defore a very handsome house. " Go up," Antonio said: "I live on the second floor." A servant opened the door. '' Is your mistress at home ?" Antonio asked. "No, sir; but I was to tell you she would be in soon." After leading me into a pretty drawing-room, Antonio made me sit down by his side on a sofa. "Now, my friend, let us talk, for we must have a great deal to tell each other." " Yes, let us talk ; for I confess that my curiosity is strongly excited. I fancy, at times, I am dreaming." " I will bring you back to real life," Antonio continued, " by telling you what has happened to me since we parted. Let us begin with j^oor Torrini." I made a movement of pained surprise. "What do you say, Antonio? Can our friend ?" ^- Yes, it is only too true. Death struck him at the moment we had every reason to hope a Impp'er fate. On leaving you, Torrini intended to return as quickly as pos« THE FIRST MAGICIAN OF FRANCE. 181 siblc to Italy. The Count de Grisy was anxious to rcas- sume his name and revisit the scenes of past successes, for he hoped there to become again the brilliant magician of voro. God decided otherwise. Just as we were about ■I \\ leaving Lyons, where we had been giving some successful performances, he was suddenly seized with typhus fever, ' which carried him off in a few days. " I was his residuary legatee, and after paying the last { honors to a man to whom I had pledged my life, I began realizing my small fortune. I sold the horses and travel- ling-carriage, and kept the apparatus, as I intended to use t it. I had no profession, so I thought I could not do :i better than to take up one, for which the road was clear l! before me, and I hoped that my name, to wliich my , . brother-in-law had given a certain celebrity in France, would assist me. It was very bold in me to try and fill the place of such a master, but I thought my impudence would answer as well as talent. " Hence I called myself Signer Torrini, and, after the I fashion of my rivals, I added the title of ' first magician of France.' Each of us is always the firsthand the most skillful in the country where he happens to be, unless he I think proper to call himself the first in the whole world. Conjuring is a profession in which, as you know, no one errs through excess of modesty, and the custom of produc- ing illusions facilitates this issue of bad money, which the public, it is true, appreciates and sets its true value on. "So it behaved to me, for, despite my pompous an- nouncements, I frankly confess it did not recognize the celebrity I claimed. On the contrary, my performances were so little attended, that my receipts were hardly suffi- cient for my existence. Still I went from town to town, giving my performances, and nourishing myself more often 182 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. on liope than on reality. But the moment arrived when this unsubstantial food no longer sufficed me, and I was forced to stop. I had exhausted my resources : I had nothing left but my instruments. My clothes were re- duced to the sheerest necessity, and threatened to desert me at any moment : thus hesitation was impossible. I decided on selling my instruments, and, provided with the small sum they produced me, I set out for Paris, the last refuge of those whose talent is neglected and position hopeless. " In spite of my ill success, I had lost none of my stock of philosophy, and, though not very happy, I was full of hope in the future. Yes, my friend — yes, I had a pre- sentiment at that time of the brilliant position fate re- served for me, and to which it led me, I may say, by the \ hand. " Once arrived at Paris, I hired a modest room, and determined to live as savingly as possible, in order to make my money hold out. You see that, in spite of my confi- dence in the future, I took some precautions, so as not to run the risk of dying of hunger ; but you will allow I acted wrong in not trusting entirely to my lucky star. ^ " I had hardly been in Paris a week, when I met an old comrade, a Florentine, who used to perform as second I basso in my old theatre. He, too, had been maltreated ^i| by Fortune, and having come to Paris, he found himself i reduced to accept a situation in the chorus of the Opera. When I liad revealed my position to him, he told me a tenor situation was vacant in the chorus, and advised me to try and get it : I accepted the offer with pleasure, though, of course, as merely transitional, for I felt a pang at my descent. Still, prudence suggested I had better guard i ai^alnst want. THE MUSIC-MASTER. 183 *'I have often noticod," Antonio continued, "that those events which inspire us with the greatest doubt, turn out the most favorable, and mine was a case in point. As I had a good deal of spare time, I thought I would employ it in giving singing lessons. I, therefore described myself as a singer at the Opera, while concealing the position I occu- pied there. Procuring my first pupil was as difficult as saving the first hundred pounds towards a fortune, and I had to wait a long time. At length I caught him ; then others ; and, gradually, I had enough pupils to enable me to leave the theatre. " I must tell you this determination had another reason. 1 loved one of my lady pupils, and she returned my afi"ec- tion. Under such circumstances, it was not prudent to remain a chorus-singer, which might have impeded my views. You naturally expect some romantic adven- ture ; but nothing could be more simple than the event which crowned our loves — it was marriage. "Madame Torrini, whom you will see presently, was the daughter of a retired laceman. Her father, a widower, with no other children, had no will but his daughter's, and he accepted my ofi'ers. He was the worthiest of men ; but, unfortunately we lost him two years ago. I retired from my professional duties on the fortune he left us, and I now live happily and calmly, in a position which realizes my most brilliant dreams of old. This is another proof," my philosophic friend said, in conclusion, "that, however precarious may be the position in which a man finds him- self, he ought never to despair of luct turning." My story was not so long as Antonio's, for with the exception of my marriage, there was no event worthy nar- rating. I told him, however of my long illness, and the work that had 1 rought it on, and I had scarce ended, when ]84 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Madame Torrini entered the room. Mj friend's wife re- ceived me most kindly, saying : "I have known you, sir, for a long time, as Antonio told me your history, which caused me to feel the greatest interest, and my husband and myself often regretted we could not hear of you. Now, however, M. Robert," she added, " that we have found you, consider yourself an old friend of the family and come to see us often." I profited by this kind invitation, and more than once went to seek consolation and encouragement from these worthy friends. Antonio still took an interest in conjuring, although it was a mere distraction by which he amused his friends. — Still, not a conjurer announced his performance but he went to see him. One morning he entered my workshop in great haste. "Look here," he said, offering me a paper, "as you run after all the celebrated conjurers, here is one that will astonish you. Read." I took the paper eagerly, and read the following puff: " The famous Bosco, who can conjure away a house as easily as a nutmeg, is about to give his performances at Paris, in which some miraculous tricks will be executed." "Well, what do you say to that?" Antonio asked me. " A man must possess very great talent to undertake the responsibility of such praise. After all, I think the journalist is amusing himself at the expense of his readers^ and that the famous Bosco only exists in his columns." "You are quite wrong, my dear Robert: this conjurer is not an imaginary being, for not only have I read this puff in several papers, but I even saw Bosco last night at a cafd, giving some specimens of his skill, and announcing his first performance for next Tuesday." THE GREAT BOSCO. 185 " If it be so," I said to mj friend, " I must ask jou to spend the evening with M. Bosco, and I will come and call for you." " Done," said Antonio, ^' mind and call for me on Tues- day at half-past seven, as the performance commences at eight." At the appointed time we proceeded to the Rue Chan- tereine, where the performance was announced. At the money-taker's we found ourselves face to face with a stout gentleman, dressed in a coat adorned with frogs and trimmed with fur, making him look like a Russian prince on his travels. Antonio nudged me with his elbow, and said, in a whisper, ^' That's he !" "Who's he?" "Why, Bosco." " All the worse," I said ; " I am sorry for him." " Explain yourself, for I do not understand the harm a Boyard's dress can do a man." " My friend, I do not blame M. Bosco so much for his dress as for occupying his present place. I think an ar- tiste cannot be too chary of his person off the stage ; there is so much difference between the man whom an entire au- dience listens to and applauds, and the director' who comes openly to watch his paltry interests, that the latter must injure the former." During this conversation, my friend and myself had en- tered the room and taken our seats. Accordino; to the idea I had formed of a magician's laboratory, I expected to find myself before a curtain whose large folds, when withdrawn, would display before my dazzled eyes a bril- liant stage ornamented with apparatus worthy of the celebrity announced ; but my illusions on this subject soon faded away. 186 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. A curtain had been considered superfluous, and tlie stage was open. Before me was a long three-storied side- board, entirely covered with black serge. This lugubrious buffet was adorned with a number of wax candles, among which glistened the apparatus. At the topmost point of this strange etargere was a death's-head, much surprised, I have no doubt, at finding itself at such a festival, and it quite produced the effect of a funeral service. In front of the stage, and near the spectators, was a ta- ble covered by a brown cloth, reaching to the ground, on which five brass cups were symmetrically arranged. Fi- nally, above this table hung a copper ball, which strangely excited my curiosity.* For the life of me I could not imagine what this was for, so I determined to wait till Bosco came to explain it. Antonio had entered into conversation with his neighbor, who spoke in the most enthusiastic manner of the perform- ance we were about to witness. The silvery sound of a small bell put an end to my reverie and to my friend's conversation, and Bosco appeared on the stage. The artiste had changed his costume : he had substituted for the Russian great-coat a little black velvet jacket, fas- tened round the waist by a leathern belt of the same color. His sleeves were excessively short, and displayed a hand- some arm. He wore loose black trousers, ornamented at the bottom with a ruche of lace, and a large white collar round his neck. This strange attire bore considerable re- semblance to the classical costume of the Scapins in our plays. * Since this period Bosco has changed his stage decoi'ations : hia cloths have altered their colors, his candles are shorter, but the deatli's- head, the ball, the costume, and the tricks, have ever remained th# same THE PIGEON TRICK. 187 After making a majestic bow to Ms audience, the cele- brated conjurer walked silently and with measured step3 up to the famous copper ball. After convincing himself it was solidly hung, he took up his wand, which he wiped with a white handkerchief, as if to remove any foreign in- fluence ; then, with imperturbable gravity, he struck the ball thrice with it, pronouncing, amid the most solemn silence, this imperious sentence : Spiriti miei infeiiiali, ohediie. I, like a simpleton, scarce breathed in my expectation of some miraculous result, but it was only an innocent pleasantry, a simple introduction to the performance with the cups. I was, I confess, rather disappointed, for, in my opinion, this performance was only suited for the pub- lic streets, and I did not expect any one would venture it on a Paris stage in 1838. I was justified in this view, as two persons, Miette and Lesprit, might be daily seen going through this performance in the streets. Still, I must say that Bosco displayed great skill, and was heartily ap- plauded by the public. "Well," Antonio's neighbor said, victoriously, "was I not right — is he not remarkably clever? But you'll see, that's nothing as yet." Either Antonio was in a bad temper, or the performance did not please him, for he could not "plant " the admira- tion he had been quite prepared to bestow. In fact, he became most impatient when Bosco commenced the "pigeon trick." Still, it must be allowed that the mise en scene and the execution were of a nature to irritate > nerves even less sensitive than my friend's. A servant placed on small tables on either side th^ stage two small blocks of black wood, on each of which a death's- head was painted. They were the blocks for the culprits ^o8 • MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Bosco tlien came forward, holding a knife in one hand and a black pigeon in the other. "Here is a pizoii" (I forgot to state that Bosco spoke with a strong Italian accent) " zat has behaved badly. I am going to cut off his head ; zall it be, ladies, wiz blood or wizout?" (This was one of his strong points.) Some people laughed, but the ladies hesitated to reply to this strange question. "Without blood," a spectator said. Bosco then placed the pigeon's head on the block and cut it off, being careful to press the neck, and prevent the effusion of blood. "You zee, ladies," the operator said, "zat ze pizon does not bleed, as you ordered." "With blood," suppose another spectator said. Then Bosco loosened the artery, and let the blood run on a plate, which he handed round for inspection. The head, after be4ng cut off, was placed upright on one of the blocks; and Bosco, taking advantage of a convulsive | movement, which caused the beak to open, made this bar- barous jest : " Come, mossiou, bow to zis amiable com- pany — now once more. Ah, ah, zat is right." The public listened, but no longer laughed. The same operation was performed on a white pigeon without the slightest variation, after which Bosco placed the bodies in two false-bottomed boxes, being careful to put the black head with the white pigeon, and the white head with the black one. Then he repeated his conjura- tions over the boxes, and when he opened them, a black pigeon came with a white head, and a white one with a i black head. Each of the culprits, according to Bosco, had been restored to life, and assumed its comrade's head. " Well, what do you think of that ?" Antonio's neighbor asked him, as he clapped vociferously. POOR PIAROT. 189 "To tell you the truth," my friend replied, " I must say the trick is not very wonderful. Besides, I should like it better were it performed with less cruelty." "Ah, you have delicate nerves, I see," the neighbor said ;■ " perhaps you experience similar sensations when you see a fowl killed and put on the spit?" "Allow me, sir, before answering you," my friend re- plied, sharply, to ask if I have come here to see a kitchen performance?" The discussion was growing warm, and was rather savage in its tone, when a third party terminated the dis- pute by the following jest : " Hang it, sir," he said to Antonio, " if you do not like cruelty, at any rate do not disgust other people with it." P Bosco now returned on the stage with a canary in his hand. "Zentlemen," he said, "this is Piarot: he is very polite, and z all zalute you. Come, Piarot, do your duty.' And he pinched the bird's claws with such force that the unfortunate tried to escape from this cruel clutch. Over- come by pain, it bent down over the juggler's hand, utter- ing cries of distress. " Zat is good ; I am zatisfied wiz you. Yo^j see, ladies, he not only zalutes you, but he says ' Good-night.' Con- tinue, Piarot, you zall be rewarded." The same torture made the bird bow twice more, and to reward it its master placed it in the hands of a lady, begging her to keep it. But during the passage the bird lad ended its life, and reached the lady's hand dead. Bosco had strangled it. " Oh, good Heavens, madam !" the conjui'er exclaimed, 'I believe you have killed my Piarot — you zall have Hpeezed him too moch. Piarot — Piarot!" he added, 190 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. V tossing the bird in the air, ^' Piarot, answer to me. Ah, madam, he is dezidedlj dead. What zall my wife say when she sees Bosco arrive wizout his Piarot : quite zurcly I zall be beaten by Madame Bosco." (I must observe, here, that all I describe is literally true.) This bird was interred in a large box, whence, after fresh conjurations, a living bird came out. This new victim was fated to suffer shorter agony. It was thrust alive into the barrel of a large pistol, and Bosco, holding a sword in his hand, begged a spectator to fire at the point of the weapon he held out to him. The pistol was fired, and a third victim was seen spitted on the point of the sword. Antonio rose. "Let us go," he said, "for I am turn- ing sick." I have seen Bosco several times since then, and each time I studied him carefully, not only to try and explain the cause of the great fashion he enjoyed, but also to be able to compare the various opinions expressed about thii celebrated man. Here are some deductions drawn frou my observations. Bosco's performances generally please a large number for the public suppose that, through some inexplicable ad , dress, the bird-murders are simply feigned, and, tranquil on this point, they indulge in all the pleasure caused b; the talent of the conjurer and the originality of his accent Bosco has a- quaint and full-sounding name, adapted t become popular, and no one knows better than he how t take advantage of it. Neglecting no opportunity fc notoriety, he performs at any hour of the day, whateve may be the quality and number of the spectators. In coach, at a table d'hote, in caf^s or shops, he never fai to give some specimen of his skill, by juggling a coin, ring, and so on. BOSCO'S POPULARITY. ]{l] Tlie witnesses of these little improvised performances consider themselves bound to return Bosco's politeness, bj attending his public performance. They have formed the ;icquaintance of the celebrated conjurer, and are obliged to sustain the reputation of their new friend. Hence, they urge all their acquaintances to go also, pufi" off the per- formance, and thus the room is always full. It must also be mentioned that numerous accomplices help Bosco's popularity materially. Each of them, it is known, is instructed to hand the magician a handkerchief, shawl, watch, &;c., which he has in double. This allows him to pass them w^ith an appearance of magic or skill, into a cabbage, a loaf, a box, or any other object. . These accomplices, while aiding in the conjurer's experiments, liave a great interest in securing their success : lor their self-love finds its profit in the success of the mystification. I Besides, they have no objection to accept some of the ap- il plause as their due : hence, the magician has as many ) admirers as accomplices, and the influence a dozen intelli- * gent prompters can exert in a room is well known. Such were the influences which, joined to Bosco's talent, gained him a great renown for many years. 192 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. CHAPTER XI. A Reverse of Fortune — Cookery and Clockwork — ^The Artist's Home — Invention of an Automaton — Voluntary Exile — A modest Villa — \ The Inconveniences of a Speciality — Two August Visitors — The Throat of a mechanical Nightingale — The Tiou and the Rrrrrrrrouitj — Seven Thousand Francs earned by making Filings.- « In the "mean while I worked indefatigahly at my au- tomata, hoping that when these were completed, I should be able to establish myself permanently. But, in spite of my activity, I advanced very slowly towards the realiza- tion of my long-deferred hopes. Only an inventor can know the value of a day's work on the gloomy road to success in combining automata. Numberless trials and deceptions of every nature foil at any moment the best-conceived plans, and seem to realize the pleasant story about reaching the end of a journey by making two steps forward and three backward. I performed this wearisome progress during six months, and, at the end of that time, though I had several speci- mens far advanced, it was still impossible for me to fix the period when they would be quite finished. In order not : to defer my appearance before the public, I therefore re- solved to begin with my conjuring tricks and such au- tomata as were ready. I had arranged with an architect, j who was to help me in finding a suitable site for a thea- tre, but I had scarce taken my first steps, when an un- foreseen catastrophe ruined both my father-in-law and myself. A REVERSE OF FORTUNE. 193 This reverse of fortune threw me into a state of abject despondency, for I saw, to my terror, the realization of my plans indefinitely postponed. I could no longer think of inventing machines, but must work, day by day, to support my large family. I had four children, all very young, and this was a heavy burden on a man who had never yet thought of his own interests. The vulgar truth, " Time dissipates the severest griefs," IS not the less true from being so often repeated ; and it was the case with me. I was at first as wretched as man could well be ; then my despair gradually died away, and made room for sorrow and resignation. At last, as it is act my nature to keep up a melancholy character long, I 3nded by accepting the situation. Then the future, jyhich had appeared so gloomy, assumed a different face, ind, by a gradual process of reasoning, I began to indulge n reflections whose consoling philosophy restored my jourage. "Why should I despair?" I said to myself. "At my ige, time itself is a fortune, and I have a considerable •eserve fund of that. Besides, who knows whether !*rovidence, by sending me this trial, has not wished to lelay an undertaking that was not yet quite assured of uccess?" In fact, what had I to offer the public that would over- ome the indifference a new performer always inspires ? — improved conjuring tricks ! Those, I thought, would ot prevent me failing, ^or I was unaware at that period bat, in order to please :he public, an idea must be, if not ,Ovel, at least completely transformed, so that it cannot e recognized. Only in that way can an artiste escape a L'Mark that always fills him w^ith dread — "I have seen i:U before." My automata and mechanical curiosities N 194 MEMOIRS OF KOBERT-HOUDIN. would not have betrayed the hopes I built upon them, but I had too few, and the specimens I had in hand still re- quired years of study and labor. These wise reflections restored my courage, and, re- signed to my new situation, I resolved to effect an utter reform in my budget. I had nothing more to look for than what I earned with my own hands, so I hired a modest lodging, at three hundred francs a year, in the Rue du Temple. It consisted of a room, a cabinet and a stove in a cupboard, to which my proprietor gave the name of kitchen. I converted the largest room into our common! sleeping apartment, the cabinet served as my workshop,; while the stove kitchen was used to prepare our modest meals. My wife, though in delicate health, undertook the house-j hold department. Fortunately, this was not very labori-l ous, as our meals were most modest ; and as our rooms] were limited in number, there was not much moving about) required. The proximity of our mutual laboratories hadl also this double advantage, that, whenever my house- keeper was absent,- I could watch the pot-au-feu or stir ajj ragout without leaving my levers, wheels and cogs. These vulgar occupations for an artiste will make many i a reader smile, but when a man cannot afford to keep a i servant, and the quality of the dinner, consisting of alj single dish, depends on the care devoted to it, it is better? to pocket one's dignity and attend to the culinary depart- ment, at any rate, without feeling false shame. However,* it appears that I performed my confidential mission ad- mirably, for my exactitude gained me abundant praise. Still, I must confess that I had very slight talent fai| cooking, and this boasted exactitude was produced by m, fea,r of incurring the reproaches of my head cook. THE ALAIIUM-LIGHT. 195 This humble existence was less painful to me than 1 had imagined. I had alwajs been moderate, and the privation of succulent dishes affected me very little. My wife, surrounded by her children, to whom she devoted her utmost care, seemed equally happy, while hoping for better times to come. I had resumed my first trade, that of repairing watches and clocks. Still, this was only to secure our hand-to- mouth existence, for all the while I was repairing I was meditating a piece of clockwork, the success of which re- stored some ease to our household. It was an alarum, which was thus arranged : You placed it by your side when you went to bed, and, at the hour desired, a peal aroused the sleeper, while, at the same time, a ready lighted candle came out from a small box. I was the prouder of this invention and its success, as it was the first of my ideas which produced me any profit. This "alarum-light," as I christened it, was so populal: that, in order to satisfy the great demand for it, I was obliged to add a workshop to my rooms and hire several workmen. Encouraged by such a favorable result, I turned my attention afresh to inventions, and gave a free scope to my imagination. I succeeded in making several more toys, among which was one which my readers will probably remember to have seen in the shop-windows. It was a glass dial, mounted on a column of the same mate- rial. This "mysterious clock" (as I called it), although entirely transparent, indicated the hour with the greatest exactness, and struck, w^ithout any apparent mechanism to make it move. I also constructed several automata, such as a conjurer playing with cups, a dancer on the tight-rope, singing bird 5', kc. 196 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. I It may strike the reader that, with so many strings tc my bow, and such amusing toys to make, my situation would be considerably improved, but it was not so. Each day, on the contrary, produced fresh trouble in my trade as well as in my household, and I even saw a financial crisis approaching which I found it impossible to prevent. The cause of this result was very simple. While en- gaged with the mechanical toys I have just mentioned, I still worked at my theatrical automata, for which my passion had been again aroused by my present labors. Like the gambler, who throws his last farthing on the board, I invested all my earnings in my theatrical prepa- rations, hoping these would soon repay me for my sacri- ; fices with a hundred per cent, profit. But it was fated that I should no sooner see the reali- zation of my projects close at hand, than an unforeseen event should remove it again from my grasp. I had a sum of two thousand francs to pay at the end of the month ; I had not a penny to meet it, and I had only three days left before the bill I had accepted became due. Never did an embarrassment arrive more inopportunely ! I had just formed the plan of an automaton in which I placed the greatest hopes. It was a " writing and draw- ing automaton," answering in writing or emblematic de- signs questions proposed by the spectators, and I intended ; to employ this figure betvfeen the performances in my future theatre. Once more was I obliged to check the flight of my ima- gination to absorb myself in the vulgar and difficult pro- blem of meeting a bill when you have no money. I might, it is true, have saved myself all trouble by applying to my friends, but prudence and delicacy rendered it my duty to A FINANCIAL CRISIS. 197 pay it from my own resources. Providence, doubtlessly, recognized tlie merit of my resolution, for she sent me a saving idea. I had sold several mechanical toys to M. G , a rich curiosity dealer, who had always treated me with marked kindness. I went to him, and gave him an exact descrip- tion of my new automaton, and necessity must have ren- dered me eloquent, for M. G was so satisfied that he bought my automaton on the spot, which I bound my- self to deliver to him within eighteen months. The price was arranged at five thousand francs, half of which M. G agreed to pay me in advance, reserving to himself the right, if I failed, in my promise, of recouping himself by purchasing several of my automatic toys. Imagine my joy when I returned home, holding in my hands the money to meet the bill ! * But the prospect of devoting myself for a long time to the manufacture of an article satisfying my mechanical taste, rendered me even happier. Still, the princely way in which M. G had con- cluded the bargain, produced some serious thoughts as to the promise I had made him. I now saw a thousand ob- stacles to prevent me keeping my word. I calculated that, even if I devoted every moment to my work, I should lose much time by causes I could not foresee or hinder. There were, first, friends, customers, and bores ; then a family dinner, an evening party, that could not be de- clined, a visit that must be paid, and so on. These claims on politeness, which I must respect, would inevitably cause me to break my word : in vain I racked my brain in de- vising some scheme to gain time, or at least not lose it ; still, I could only succeed at the expense of my good temper. I therefore formed a resolution which my relations and 198 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. friends declared to be madness, but from wliich they could not turn me, and that was to exile myself voluntarily until my task was completed. Paris not appearing to me a secure place against annoy- ance, I chose the suburbs as my retreat, and one fine day, despite the prayers and supplications of my whole family after entrusting my business to one of my workmen, whose talent and probity I was convinced of, I proceeded to Belleville, and installed myself in a little room in the Rue des Bois, which I hired for twelve months, at a hundred francs. The only furniture was a bed, a chest of drawers, a table, and a few chairs. This act of madness, as my friends called it, or tlys heroic determination, as I called it, saved me from immi- nent ruin, and was my first step on the ladder of success. From this moment an obstinate will was aroused in me which enabled me to confront many obstacles and difficul- ties. I am bound to confess that the first days of my retire- ment were painful, and I bitterly deplored the harsh ne- cessity that thus isolated me from all I loved. The society of my wife and children had grown a necessity to me ; a kiss from these dear beings restored my courage in hours of despondency, and now I was deprived of it. Surely I must have been supported by an enormous strength of will not to turn back at the prospect of this frightful vacuum. Many times I furtively wiped away a tear, but then I closed my eyes, and straightway my automaton and the various combinations that were to animate it appeared be- f 3re me like a consoling vision ; I passed in review all the wheels I had created ; I smiled upon them like so many 3hildren of my own ; and when I emerged from this resto- > t MODEST LIVING. 199 ra4;ive dream I set to work again, filled with a courageous resignation. It had been arranged that my wife and children should spend every Thursday evening with me, and I always dined at home on Sunday. These few hours devoted to my family were the only amusements I allowed myself. At my wife's request, the portress of the house had agreed to prepare my meals ; this excellent creature, an old cordon bleu, had left service to marry a mason of the name of Monsieur Auguste. This gentleman, judging by my modest existence in the house, thought me a poor devil who found some difficulty in keeping himself: hence, he assumed an air of generous protection, or kindly pity towards me. As he was a worthy man at the bottom, I pardoned his ways, and only laughed at them. My new cook had received special instruction to treat mo famously, but, not wishing to increase my household expenses, I, on my side, made stipulations which were kept with the greatest secresy. I arranged my meals after the following fashion : Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- days, and Thursdays I lived on an enormous dish, to which my chef gave the generic name o^fricot, but that made no difference to me. On Friday and Saturday, for the sake of my health, I lived low ; haricot beans, either white or red, satisfied my hunger, and with them a composite soup, often reminding me of the gastronomic tastes of an Auver- gnat, and I dined as well, perhaps better, than Brillat- Savarin himself. This mode of life offered me two advantages : I spent little, and indigestion never troubled the clearness of my ideas. I required this, however, for it must not be sup- posed that mechanical difficulties were the only ones I had to contend against in making my automaton. My readers 20( MEMOIPwS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. inaj judge, from tlie following incident, wliicli also proves the truth of the proverb, "Willing is doing." At the commencement of my labor I had ordered from a wood-carver the body, head, legs, and arms of my writer, and had applied to an artist, particularly recommended to me as most skillful, and I had tried to make him under- stand the importance I attached to my Automaton having an intelligent face. My Phidias had replied that I might trust to him. A month after, my sculptor made his appearance : he carefully removed the wrapper, and showed me arms and legs splendidly carved, and ended by handing me the head, with an air that seemed to signify, ""What do your think of that ?" After what I had already seen 1 was prepared to admire a masterpiece, but imagine my stupor on observing that the head belonged to a saint ! Quite astonished at this, Ij looked at my friend as if seeking an explanation, but he did not seem to understand me and continued to pointij out all the beauties of his work. I had no good reason to} refuse it, for, after its fashion, it was a very fine head, so' I accepted it, though it could be of no use to me. At anyj rate I wished to know the motive that induced my sculptor to select such a type, and, by dint of cross-examination, I^ learned that his special trade was carving saints, and he) could not emerge from his usual " groove." After this check I applied to another artist, being care-; ful to inquire of him previously whether he had been in the habit of carving heads of saints. In spite of my pre- cautions, I only got from this artist a head bearing a | strong fiimily likeness to those Nuremberg dolls made tQ act as lay figures in studios. I had not the courage to make a third trial ; yet, mj' il 1 i I TURN WOOD CUTTER. 201 writer required a head, and I regarded my cliefs-d'oemTe in turn. Neither could by possibility suit me. A head with not the slightest expression spoiled my automaton, while a holy Jerome on the body of a writer dressed in the Louis XV. style would be a terrible anachronism. "And yet the face I want is engraved here," I said, striking my forehead. "What a pity I cannot carve it — Buppose I were to try !" It has always been my character to set about a scheme as soon as I had formed it, whatever the difficulties might be. Hence I took a piece of modeling wax, made it into a ball, in which I formed three holes, representing mouth and eyes, then sticking on a patch for a nose, I stopped to admire my handiwork. Have you ever noticed a toy belonging to earliest youth, representing two blacksmiths at work on an anvil, which they are made to strike in turn by pulling two parallel rods? Well, those mechanical combinations, sold at one penny, I believe, are perfect marvels of art in comparison with my first essay in modeling. Dissatisfied, disgusted, and almost angry, I threw my clumsy attempt aside, and thought of some other plan to escape my difficulty. But I have already said I am obsti- nate and persevering in all I undertake, and the greater the difficulty seems, the more I feel myself pledged to sur- mount it. The night passed in dreams which showed me my task satisfactorily accomplished, and the next morning : I took heart, and went at it again. In fact, by passing a chisel over my ball — by taking away from one side and adding to the other — I succeeded in making eyes, mouth, ind nose, which, if not regular, had at least the appear ance of a human fomi. The following days were spent in fresh studies and im- i I 202 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. provements, and each time I noticed some progress in my work. Still, a moment arrived wlien I was terribly em- barrassed. The face was regular, but that was not enough. I must give it some sort of character ; but, as I had no model, the task seemed beyond my strength. The idea struck me of looking in the glass, and judging from my own face what features produce expression. Sit- ting down, then, as if writing, I studied my full face and profile, and tried to imitate what I saw. I was engaged at thi"S task a long while, incessantly touching and re- touching, until one fine day I found my work finished, and I stopped to look at it more attentively. Judge of my surprise on finding that I had unconsciously produced an exact likeness of myself. Far from being vexed at this unexpected result, I was pleased, for it was quite natural this child of my imagination should have my features. I was not sorry to place this family seal on a work to which I attached such importance. I had been now living for 'more than a year at Bellerj 7..11e, and I saw with extreme pleasure the end of my task and of my exile drawing near. After many doubts as to ' the success of my enterprise, the solemn moment arrived when I should make the first trial of my writer. I had spent the whole day in giving the last touches to the au- tomaton, which sat before me as if awaiting my orders, and prepared to answer the questions I asked it. I had only to press the spring in order to enjoy the long awaited i result. My heart beat violently, and though I was alone. I trembled with emotion at the mere thought of this im- posing trial. I had just laid the fij-st sheet of paper before my writer, and asked him this question : ; "Who is the avithor of your being?" i A HAPPY MOMENT. 203 I pressed the spring, and the clockwork began acting. I dared hardly breathe through fear of disturbing the ope- rations. The automaton bowed to me, and I could not refrain from smiling on it as mj own son. But when I saw the eyes fix an attentive glance on the paper — when the arm, a few seconds before numb and lifeless, begnn to move and trace my signature in a firm handwriting — the tears started to my eyes, and I fervently thanked Heaven for granting me such success. And it was not alone the satisfaction I experienced as inventor, but the certainty I had of being able to restore some degree of comfort to my family, that caused my deep feeling of gratitude. After making my Sosia repeat my signature a thousaml times, I gave it this next question : '' What o'clock is it?" The automaton, acting in obedience to a clock, wrote : "It is two in the morning." This was a very timely warning. I profited by it, and went straight to bed. Against my expectations, I enjoyed a sleep I had not known for a long time. There may be among those who read my book some who have also created some successful work. They will know that next to the happiness of enjoying one's own invention, j nothing is so flattering as to offer it to the notice of a third party. Moliere and J. J. Rousseau consulted their ser- vants, and, I must confess, it afforded me great pleasure the next morning to invite my portress and her husband to be present at the first performance of my writer. As it was Sunday, and M. Auguste had no work to do, I found him at breakfast. He held a modest sardine with his thumb on a piece of bread, while in the other hand he had a knife, the handle of which was fastened to his waist by a lanyard. My invitation was graciously accepted, y\ 204 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. and they came to my room to witness the aristocratic per- formance of a nobleman of the age of Louis XY. The mason's wife chose this question : " What is the emblem of fidelity?" The automaton replied by drawing a pretty little greyhound lying on a cushion. Madame Auguste, quite delighted, begged me to make her a present of the drawing, while her husband, having by this time finished his breakfast, begged to see the work, for, as he said, "I understand something about that sort of thing, for ] have always to grease the vane on the church steeple, and have even taken it down twice. Ah ! if I were to direct my attention to mechanics, I have no doubt I should be very successful." Although, of course, he understood nothing of what he saw, the worthy mason carefully examined the mechanical , arrangements ; then, as if yielding to an impulsive frank- ness, he said, in a kindly protecting tone, " If I was not afraid of vexing you, I would make an observation." " Pray do so. Monsieur Auguste, and be sure I shall treat it as it deserves." ^'Well, in your place, I would have made the mechan- ism much more simple ; for then those who do not under- stand that sort of thing, would be able to do so more easily." With some difficulty I maintained sufficient gravity to reply : " Your observation is very just. Monsieur Auguste ; I had not thought of that : but be assured I shall now profit by your suggestions, and speedily remove half the ma- chinery; there will be quite sufficient left." "Oh, certainly," the mason said, believing in the sin- cerity of my remarks, '' there will be quite enough left then." A SEVERE CRITIC. 205 At this moment the garden-bell rang, and M. Auguste, ever attentive to his duties, ran to answer it, ana as his . wife also took her departure, I was enabled to laugh at my i ease. It is curious that an automaton which was visited hj all Paris and gained me such reputation — which interested Louis Philippe and his family so greatly, that the designer, Bhould at the outset only receive the stupid criticism of a porter. Well, a man is no more a prophet in his own house than in his own country. I It was more extraordinary, though, that I had eventu- ally to make an alteration in the automaton for the follow- ing reasons : the public (I do not mean the educated por- tion) generally understand nothing of the mechanical effects by which an automaton is moved ; but they are pleased to see them, and often only value them by the multiplicity of their parts. I had taken every care to render the mechanism of my writer as perfect as possible, and had set great store on making the clockwork noiseless, In doing this I wished to imitate nature, whose compli- cated instruments act almost imperceptibly. Can it be credited that this very perfection, which I had worked so hard to attain, was unfavorable to my automa- ton ? On its first exhibition, I frequently heard persons who only saw the outside, say : " That writer is first rate ; but the mechanism is prob- :ibly very simple. It often requires such a trifle to pro- luce great results." The idea then struck me of rendering the clock-work a little less perfect, so that a whizzing sound should be iieard, something like cotton spinning. Then the worthy nublic formed a very different estimate of my work, and ^he admiration increased in ratio to the intensity of the £00 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. noise. Such exclamations as these where continually >\ heard : " How ingenious ! What complicated machinery ! What talent such combination must require !" In order to obtain this result, I had rendered my auto- maton less perfect ; and I was wrong. In this I followed the example of certain actors who overdo their parts in order to produce a greater effect. They raise a laugh, but they infringe the rules of art and are rarely ranked among first-rate artists. Eventually, I got over my sus- | ceptibility, and my machine was restored to its first con I dition. ^ ;» My writer thus finished, I could have ended my volun- if tary imprisonment if I pleased ; but I wished to finish \i another automaton, for which a residence in the country k would be requisite. Although this second automaton was ,>i very complicated, it did not so fully occupy my time as!' the first. It was a nightingale, which a rich merchant of |^ St. Petersburg had ordered, and I had agreed to produce j a perfect imitation of the song and actions of this delight- ( ful wood minstrel. This undertaking offered some serious difficulties; for though I had already made several birds, their singings was quite arbitrary, and I had only consulted my own taste in arranging it. The imitation of the nightingale's ; pipe was much more delicate, for I had to copy notes and II sounds which were almost inimitable. Fortunately, we were in the season when this skillful ' i songster utters his delicious accents ; hence, I could employ him as my teacher. I went constantly to the wood of Romainville, the skirt of which almost joined the street in wliich I lived, and, laying myself on a soft bed of moss in the densest foliage, I challenged my master to give me lessons. (The nightingale sings both by night and day in THE NIGHTINGALE'S SONG. 207 Continental Europe, and the slightest whistle, in tune or not, maizes him strike up directly.) I wanted to imprint on my memory the musical phrases with which the bird composes its melodies. The following are the most striking among them ; tiou-tiou-tiou^ ut-ut-ut- ut-ut, tcMt-cJiou, tcJiit-cJiou, tchit-tcJiit, ryTrrrrrrrrrouit^ ^c. I had to analyse these strange sounds, these numberless chirps, these impossible rrrrouits, and recompose them by a musical process. Now, here was the difiSculty. I onl^ knew so much of music as a natural taste had taugrht me, and my knowledge of harmony was hence a very feeble resource. I must add that in order to imitate this flexi- bility of throat, and produce these harmonious modulations, I had a small copper tube, about the size and length of a quill, in which a steel piston moving very freely, pro- duced the dijQferent sounds I required ; this tube represent- ed in some respects the nightingale's throat. This instrument would have to work mechanically ; clock work set in motion the bellows, opened or closed a valve which produced the twittering, the modulation, and the sliding notes, while it guided the piston according to the different degrees of speed and depth I wanted to reach. I had also to impart motion to the bird : it must move its beak in accordance with the sounds it produced, flap its wings, leap from branch to branch, &c. But this part of my task troubled me mu,ch less than the other, as it was purely mechanical. I will not attempt to describe to the reader all the trials and investigations I had to make ; suffice it to say that, after repeated experiments, I created a system, half musical, half mechanical, which only required to be im- proved by fresh studies. Provided with this instrument, I hurried off to the wcod of Romainville, where I seated 208 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. myself under an oak, near wMcli I liad often heard a nightingale sing, which I thought was the ''star* among the virtuosi. I wound up the clockwork, and it began playing in the midst of profound silence ; but the last notes had scarce died away ere a concert commenced from various parts of the wood, which I was almost inclined to regard as a general protest against my clumsy imitation. This collective lesson did not suit my purpose, for I wished to compare and study, and could positively distin- guish nothing. Fortunately for me, all the musicians ceased, as if by word of command, and one of them began a solo : it was doubtlessly the premier sujet, the Duprez of the company — possibly the nightingale I have just men- tioned. This tenor indulged me with a succession of dul- cet sounds and accents, which I followed with all the at- tention of an industrious pupil. Thus I passed a portion of the night ; my professor was indefatigable, and, for my part, I was not weary of listen- ing. At length we were obliged to part, for, in spite of the pleasure I felt, I began to grow chilly and sleepy. | However, my lesson had done me so much good, that the ' next morning I began making important corrections in my mechanism. After five or six more visits to the wood, I attained the required result — the nightingale's song was perfectly imitated. After eighteen months' stay at Belleville, I at length returned home to enjoy the company of my wife and children ; in my absence my business had prospered, and I, by the manufacture of my two automata, had gained the enormous sum of seven thousand francs. Seven thousand francs by making filings, as my father used to say. Unfortunately, that excellent man could not enjoy the beginning of my success — I had lost him a MY RETURN HOME. 209 sliort time before the reverse of my fortune. With his love for mechanical inventions, how proud he would have been of my successes ! Having thus regained a certain degree of comfort, I was now able to enjoy some amusement, and visit my friends, among them Antonio, who could not blame me for deserting him so long. In our long conversations my friend never ceased to encourage me to realize the projects he had suggested — I mean my theatrical schemes, of which he predicted the certain success. While not neglecting my work, I had recommenced my conjuring exercises, and began to make the acquaintance of several conjurers. I also wished to see those ingenious personages who, not having a theatre to display their talents in, visit the cafes. Such men as these are obliged to employ an extraordinary degree of skill, for they have to deal with people who are set upon detecting them. I met several interesting specimens from whom I learned something ; but a slight adventure soon told me I must be on my guard in the choice of my acquaintances. A conjurer, whom I had formerly met at Roujol's, and to whom I had rendered a service, introduced me one day to a person by the name of D . He was a young man of prepossessing appearance and very elegantly dressed, while his manners evidenced the thorough gentle- man. "My friend tells me, sir," he said, after the usual salu- tations, " that you are in search of a person possessing a certain degree of address. Although I have no wish to compliment myself, I may be able to show many things you do not know." "I accept your offer willingly," I replied, "but I must tell you before hand I am not a novice." u 210 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. This introduction took place in my study, and we sat down to a table on which refreshments were served. This was a trap by which I intended to make my visitor more communicative. I then took up a pack of cards, and showed him my dexterity in sauter la coupe and various other tricks. I was watching D to observe the impression I pro- duced on him, and after a few moments' careful following my hands, he gave his comrade a gentle wink, of which I did not understand the meaning. I stopped for a moment, and not wishing to ask a direct explanation, I opened a bottle of Bordeaux, and filled his glass several times. This scheme was successful, and the wine loosened his tongue, and he told me something that surprised me. " I have a remark to make, M. Robert-Houdin," he said, emptying his glass, and holding it out to be filled again : "I thought I had come here to deal with what we call a 'pigeon;' I perceive it is quite otherwise, and as I do not wish to expose the tricks by which I earn my live- lihood, I will content myself with the pleasure of having formed your acquaintance." The technical terms seemed to me a startling contrast to my visitor's elegant manners, still, as I did not wish to give in yet, I said, in a tone of disappointment, " I hope, sir, you will recall your decision, and not leave me till you have shown me how you handle the cards. You can do this without prejudice, I think ?" To my great satisfaction he at length consented. " Very w'fell," he said, taking up a pack of cards ; '' but you will see our modes of * working ' do not agree." It would be difficult for me to give a name to what he performed in my presence. It was not, properly speak- ing, sleight-of-hand; but they were tricks and processes A ''PIGEON" FANCIER. 211 applied to cards, and were so unexpected, that they must deceive everybody. This manipulation was only an exhi- bition, however, of certain principles I learned at a later date. Like singers who begin by being urged, and who, when they have once started, cannot leave off, D , animated both by the sincere praise I offered him and the great number of glasses of Bordeaux he had swallowed, said to me Avith that frankness common to drinkers, " And now, sir, I will give you another hint. I am not a professor of sleight-of-hand, but only perform a few tricks I show to amateurs. These lessons, you can understand, would not suffice for my livelihood, and I will tell you, then," he added, emptying his glass again, and holding it out to be filled, as if he wished me to pay for his confidence, " I visit in the evening houses where I have managed to gain an introduction, and profit by some of the principles I have just shown you." "I suppose you give a performance?" D smiled slightly, and repeated the wink he had once before given his comrade. ^'Performances!" he replied. "Never! or ratheif, I give them after my own fashion ; I will explain that to you presently, but I will first amuse you by telling you how I manage to get a handsome prize for the lessons I give my amateurs ; after that I will return to my per- formances. " You can suppose, for reasons easy to understand that I only give lessons to young men whose pockets I presume are well lined. On beginning my explanations I tell my pupil that I leave my price to him, and during the lesson I perform an interlude which must heighten his generosity. f\ " Drawing near my pigeon — pray pardon the word — " _^2 MEMOIPtS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. "I have already done so." " Ah, very good ; I beg your pardon. I say, taking one of his buttons in my hand, ' Here is a mould piercing the cloth, and you might lose it.' " At the same time I throw a Louis on the table ; then I examine his buttons, one after the other, and pretend to draw a gold piece from each. As I only perform this trick as a harmless pleasantry, I pick up my gold with the greatest indifference. I even push my indifference so far as to leave one or two by mistake on the table, but only for a short time, of course. " I continue my lesson, and, as I expected, my pupil pays but slight attention to it, being fully engaged with the reflections I have so skillfully suggested. Can he offer five francs to a man who appears to have his pocket full of gold ? Of course not ; the least he can do is to add one more piece to those I had displayed, and that always happens. " Like a modern Bias, then, I carry all my fortune about me ; I am sometimes tolerably rich, and then my pockets \ are well lined. Often enough, too, I am reduced to a dozen of these 'yellow boys,' but them I never touch, as they are the instruments by which I procure others. Many times I have gone without my dinner, though having this email fortune in my pocket, because I laid it down as a rule not to break into it." '' The performances you give in society," I said to my narrator, in order to bring him back to that point, " are of course more lucrative ?" " They are so, but prudence prevents me giving them BO often as I should like." "I do not understand you." i " I will explain my meaning. When I am in society I A MODERN GREEK. 213 am a young man of good family, and, like all young men, play. The only diflference is, I have my own way of play- ing, which is not that of all the world, but it seems it is not bad, because it often renders chances favorable. You shall judge." Here my narrator stopped to refresh himself, then, as if doing the most legal or harmless thing in the world, he showed me several tricks, or rather acts of swindlins:, which he executed with so much grace, skill, and simpli- city, that it would be impossible to detect him. In order to understand the effect these culpable confes- sions produced upon me, my readers ought to know what it is to love a science of which you seek to solve the mys- teries. Far from feeling repugnance or even disgust at this man with whom justice would have one day an account to settle, I admired, I was stunned ! The finesse and per- fection of his tricks made me forget their blameworthy application. At length my Greek left me, and so soon as he was gone the remembrance of his confessions sent the blood to my cheeks. I was as ashamed of myself as if I had been his accomplice. I even reproached myself severely for the admiration I could not restrain, and the compliments it extorted from me. In some measure to compound with my conscience, I ordered my door to be closed against this man; but it was an unnecessary precaution — I never heard of him again. Strangely enough, in consequence of my meeting with D , and the revelations he had made me, I was enabled, at a later period, to render a service to society by unmask- ing a piece of swindling which the most skillful experts could not detect. In 1849, M. B , a magistrate belonging to the police 214 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. office of the Seine, begged me to examine and verify one hundred and fifty packs of cards, seized in the possession of a man whose antecedents were far from being as un- blemished as his cards. The latter, indeed, were perfectly white, and this peculiarity had hitherto foiled the most minute investigation. It was impossible for the most practised eye to detect the least alteration or the slightest mark, and they all seemed very respectable packs of cards. I consented to examine the cards, as I hoped to detect a manoeuvre which must be clever as it was so carefully concealed. I could only do so after my performance was over, and so each night, before going to bed, I sat dowD with a bright lamp, and remained at my task till sleep oi want of success routed me from my post. * Thus I spent nearly a fortnight, examining, both with my eyes and a strong magnifying-glass, the form and im- perceptible varieties in the cards composing the one hun- dred and fifty packs. I could detect nothing, and, wearj of the job, I began to agree in the opinion of the previous experts. " I am sure there is nothing the matter with thes( cards," I said one night, angrily, as I threw them acros! the table. Suddenly I fancied I noticed a pale spot on the glis tening back of these cards, and near one of the corners 1 stepped forward, and it disappeared, but, strangeh enough, it reappeared as I fell back. "What a magnificent dodge!" I exclaimed, in my en thusiasm. "I have it: that is a distinguishing mark." And following a certain principle which D had ex plained to me, I assured myself that all the cards pos Bessed a mark, which, according to its position, indicate' the value and color. A CLEVER TRICK. 215 For the last quarter of an hour I have been burning with a desire to explain to my readers a most interesting process, but I am restrained by the fear that this ingenious swindling may facilitate false play. Still, it is an indubi- i table truth, "that to avoid a danger, it must be known." i Hence, if every player were initiated into the stratagems of the card-swindlers, the latter would find it impossible to employ them. I am, therefore, inclined to make the communication I have stated, that a single mark placed in a certain part of a card is sufficient to make it known. To explain this, I must employ a diagram : 216 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Diagram 1. • • hO • • • • • o formed of dots or any other figures regularl y arranged, IS is usually the case with fancy backed cards : I 218 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Diagram 2. the first dot, starting from the left-hand top of the cardJ as in the previous diagram, will represent hearts ; thej second, downwards, diamonds ; the third, clubs ; and thej fourth, spades. If, now, another small dot is placed bj the side of one of these chequers, it will indicate the value of the card. This dot must be placed in one of the| divisions marked in © a king; the third, al fig. 3. The topmost \ queen ; the fourth, a point indicates an ace ; / knave ; and so on. Of the next, to the right, • course, a single dot, as in fig. 2, when it is placed by the third point or color, in- dicates the eight of clubs. There are many other arrangements, but they are more'^ HINTS FOR SHARPERS. 219 difficult to explain than to understand. Thus I have had chequered cards given me to inspect which had had no mark at all on them, but the pattern was more or less altered by the way in which the cards were shaped, and this simple peculiarity indicated them all. There are also the cards on the edge of which the Greek, ■when playing, makes a mark with his thumb-nail, which he can detect as they pass through his hands. If he is playing ecart^, the kings are thus marked, and when these pass through his fingers, he can, by a familiar trick, leave them on the pack and deal the next card. This substitu- tion can be done so cleverly that it is impossible to detect it. I have also met persons of such practised sight that, after playing two or three games with a pack, they could recognize every card. Keturning to the prepared cards, it may be asked how it is possible to change the cards, for in all society where play goes on the cards are only taken out of the paper just before beginning. Well ! this is simple enough. The Greek finds out at what shop these houses buy their cards : at first he will make some small purchases, so that he maybe regarded as a regular customer : then, on one fine day, he says that a friend has commissioned him to buy a dozen packets of packs. The next day these are brought back under the pretext that they are not of the color required, and as the packets are still sealed, the tradesman, full of confidence, changes them for others. But the Greek has spent the night in undoing the bands and sealing them up again by a process known to conju- rers ; the cards have been all marked and properly ar- ranged, and as the tradesman has them now in his shop, the trick is accomplished. Before long, they will reach the house where they are wanted. 220 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. All these STvindlins: arts are very shockincr but there is anotlier even more so in the shape of " imperceptible tele- " graphy." Without the slightest appearance of collusion, a Greek can tell his partner every card his opponent holds in his hand by a system similar to that of my " second sight. j> I could describe many other tricks, but I will stop here. I believe I have said enough about card-sharpers and their swindling to induce a person never to sit down but with persons whose honor is unimpeachable. THE FIRST MAGICIAN. 221 CHAPTER XII. The Inventive Genius of a Sugar-baker — Philippe the Magician — His Comic Adventures — Description of his Performance — Exposition of • 1844 — The King and Royal Family visit my Automata. The long looked-for change in my fortunes had at length arrived ; my automata had gained me a certain degree of reputation, and I was making arrangements to commence my performances. Before describing these, I must devote a few pages, however, to some account of my immediate predecessor in the conjuring art, whose success in Paris at this period was most brilliant : I mean Philippe, the renowned magician, sorcerer, sleight-of-hand per- former, and conjurer. Philippe Talon was born at Alais, near Nimes ; after havinfr carried on his sweet trade of confectioner for some time in Paris, his want of success compelled him to expa- triate himself. London, that paTjs de Cocagne, the per- spective El Dorado, was close at hand ; so our tradesman proceeded thither, and soon set up again in trade in the capital of the United Kingdom. The French confectioner had fair chance of success, for in addition to the English liking for sweet-stuff, French confectionary has ever en- joyed a reputation in that country, only comparable with that which real English blacking has so long held in France. Still,, despite these advantages, it seems that fresh difficulties arose; the f%gs of the Thames, or, aa 222 MEMOIES OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. some say, dangerous speculations, melted tlie fragile wares ; the comfitures suffered a decided discomfiture. Talon packed up a second time and went to Aberdeen, to ask shelter from the Scotch mountaineers, to whom he offered in exchange his seductive cates. Unfortunately, the Scotch of Aberdeen, differing greatly from the moun- taineers in La Dame Blanche, wear neither silk stockings nor patent leather shoes, and consume very few jujubes and tarts. Thus, the new shop would soon have under- gone the fate of the other two, had not Talon's inventive genius found an issue from this precarious position. The confectioner rightly thought that, in order to sell wares, they must be known ; and in order for them to be known, they must be made known. Relying on this judi- cious reasoning. Talon soon compelled the Aberdonians to eat his sugar-plums, and, better still, to pay for them. At this period, there was a company of actors at Aber- deen much in the same condition as Talon's "goodies;" they were neglected, and no one cared to try them. In vain had the manager prepared a pantomime full of tricks and blue-fire, the public remained deaf to his repeated^ appeals. One fine day, Talon called on the Scotch impresario:] "I have a proposal to make to you, sir," he said, without further preface, " which, if accepted, will fill your theatrej I am convinced." '' Pray explain yourself, sir," the manager said, nib- bling at the bait, but putting little faith in a promis( which he had good reasons for believing difficult of reali- zation. "It is simply," Talon continued, " to join to the attrac-?i| tion of your performance a lottery, for which I will pay all • the cost. This shall be the arrangement : each spectator^; A NOVEL LOTTERY. 223 on entering, must pay, in addition, the sum of sixpence, giving him a claim — " 1. To a paper of mixed sugar-plums. " 2. To a lottery-ticket, by which he may gain the first prize, of the value of five pounds." Talon also promised a new performance, the secret of ^vhich he confided to the manager under the seal of dis- cretion. These proposals being accepted, the bargain was soon 3ompleted, and the intelligent Talon had not deceived him- lelf. The public attracted by the bonbons, the pantomime, ind the promised surprise, filled the theatre. The lottery was drawn ; the prize made one person lappy, and the other twelve or fifteen hundred spectators, )rovided with their papers of sugar-plums, consoled their lisappointment by ex-changing their "goodies." Under luch favorable circumstances the pantomime was found iharming. Still, this piece was drawing to its close, and the pro- aised surprise had not yet come off*, when suddenly the lancers in the ballet arranged themselves in a circle, a harp cry was heard, and a magnificent Punch bounded n to the stage. It was Talon disguised by two cotton umps and the traditional costume. Our new artist performed Punch's eccentric dance with sure talent, and was heartily applauded. To thank the adience for their kind reception, the dancer tried to make bow, but managed it so clumsily that he fell over on his de and could not rise again. The performers hastened ) pick the wounded man up ; he spoke in a faint voice, id complained of a broken rib. He earnestly asked for box of Morrison's pills, and a servant hastened to bring m pills of an enormous size. 224 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. The public, who till then had pitied poor Punch's pain and remained silent sympathisers, now began to scent i jest. First they smiled, and then they laughed when th( patient, taking one of the pills, pretended to swallow it Half a dozen having followed the same road. Punch foum himself perfectly recovered, so, making a polite bow, hi^ retired amidst shouts of laughter. Philippe had given his first performance — the confec tioner had exchanged the barley-sugar trick for the ma gician's wand. | This burlesque scene met with extraordinary succesgi and the receipts swelled day by day, until the confectione had disposed of all his wares. Then he set off to give j specimen of his new talent in other towns. j I do not know whence the new magician acquired k" art, but it is probable (historical gaps are always filled ui with probabilities) that Talon \v^d learned conjuring, as h had Punch's dance, to amuse his friends. One thing certain, the performance he offered the worthy Abe donians was not first rate, and it was not till he left th; town that he made the great improvement to which \]i owed his future reputation. Henceforth, laying aside his comfitures and Punch' garb and squeak, Philippe (the name the conjurer assume' traversed England, giving at first very modest perforr; . ances. Then, his repeitory becoming -'gradually increase? by a certain number of tricks he picked up from conjure of the day, he attacked the large towns, and proceeded Glasgow, where he built a wooden theatre in which to gi' his performances, f$ While the magic temple was building, Philippe notici among the bricklayer's lads a young fellow who seemed have remarkable intelligence, and he eventually engagt li A ''FILLER" OF THE STATE. 225 him to appear on the stage as assistant magician. Macal- ister (as his assistant was called) had a natural genius for tricks and models ; he required no apprenticeship in this mysterious art, and indeed soon invented some tricks which attracted his master's attention. From this moment, either by Macalister's help or for some other reason, success attended Philippe everywhere, and he began acting in theatres. After a lengthened tour through England he crossed over to Dublin, where he ac- :iuired two new tricks, which were the foundation of his future reputation. Three Chinese, who bad come to France to perform >ome very startling tricks, attempted some performances it Paris, which, owing to their ill success, caused a c|uarre] imong the Celestials. In France as well as in China, 'horses fight when there is no hay in the manger," and, hough our jugglers did not have recourse to such extremi- ies, they separated. One of them proceeded to Dublin, \^here he taught Philippe the "gold-fish" trick, as well as he " rings." On learning the first of these tricks, Philippe vas in great trouble about performing it, for he wanted a obe. He could not assume a Chinese costume, as his face ad none of the distinguishing features of a mandarin, nor ould he dream of a dressing-gown, for however rich it might ave been, the public would not have endured such a slight. lence Philippe extricated himself from the difficulty by ssuming the attire of a magician. It was a daring inno- ation, for, till that period, no conjurer had ventured to ike on himself the responsibility of such a costume. Once possessed of these two tricks, Philippe formed the reject of returning to his ungrateful country ; he, there- >re, came to Paris in the summer of 1841, and performed t the Salle Montesquieu. The gold-fish and ring tricks, P 226 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. a brilliant costume, a magnificent pointed cap, and a com- fortably arranged room, soon attracted large audiences, among whom was the manager of a Vienna theatre Delighted with the performance, the latter on the spot offered the conjurer an engagement at half profits, whicl Philippe willingly accepted. As the Salle Montesquiei was used for public balls during the winter, this engage ment also allowed him time to have a theatre constructec in readiness for his return to Paris. The opening of the room Bonne-Nouvelle created a sen sation in Paris when Philippe came back from his Austriai' tour, and crowds went to see the gold-fish trick, which th( performances in the Salle Montesquieu had made known My reader will have the kindness to accompany me t the Palais des Prestiges (as the new temple of magic wa christened), and we will attend one of the magician's pei formances. On reaching the end of the first-floor passage in th Bonne-Nouvelle Bazaar, you passed through a doorway and were quite surprised to find yourself in a room exce lently adapted for this style of performance. There wer stalls, pit, gallery, and boxes ; the decorations were moj elegant, and, above all, there was plenty of room to stretc your legs. An orchestra composed of six musicians of doubtfi talent executed a symphony to the accompaniment of tl melophone^ a species of accordeon recently invented by man of the name of Leclerc, who undertook the music arrangements of the palace. The curtain rises. To the great surprise of the spectators the stage is piirfect darkness. A jsrentleman di*essed in black emerges from a side do I A MAGIC ILLUMINATION. 227 and walks towards us. It is Philippe : I recognise liim by the Provencal twang of his accent. All the other spec- tators take him for the manager, and fear they are about to hear some painful intelligence, as this gentleman holds ; a pistol in his hand. I Their uncertainty is, however, soon dispelled, for Philippe I introduces himself. He states that he has been delayed in I his preparations, but, in order to save time, he will light I the innumerable candles on his stage by firing a pistol. .'Although a fire-arm is not required for the experiment, and is only intended to throw powder in the spectators' eyes, the candles are suddenly lighted at the sound of the detonation. The audience applaud vociferously, and deservedly so, for this trick is remarkably striking. However much it may be applauded, the time it requires for preparation, and the mortal terror it occasions the performer, are beyond recompense. In fact, like all experiments in which static electricity plays the chief part, this magic inflammation is not infalli- ble. When this misfortune occurs, the position of the operator is the more embarrassing, as the phenomenon has leen announced as the result of magic. Now, a magician nust be omnipotent, or, if he be not so, he must avoid it all risks any failure which may lower his prestige in lie eyes of the audience. The stage once lighted, Philippe commenced his per- ormance. The first part, composed of very average I'ieks, was relieved by the manoeuvres of some curious lutomata. For instance : The Cossack, which should have been called the GiHma- ''?*, so quaint were the contortions in which it indulged, -bis Cossack was also a very clever juggler, for it passed 228 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. into its pocket with considerable skill various articles of jewelrj its master had borrowed from the spectators. The magic ijeacoclz^ which uttered its unmelodious screech, expanded its gorgeous plumes, fed from its master's hand, &c. And lastly, a Harlequin^ like the one I repaired for Torrini. After the first part of the performance, the curtain fell! to enable preparations to be made for a scene called in the bills, "A Festival at a Palace in Nankin." This was ar attractive title for those who dealt in that description of cloth, but was only chosen to call to the spectator'^ memory the Chinese trick,, which would end the perform ance. When the curtain rose again the stage was entirelji transformed. The tablecloths had been replaced by broi cades glistening with gold and precious stones (at leasil they looked so at a distance) ; the candles, although sni numerous before, had been multiplied, and gave the stag the appearance of a fiery furnace, the veritable abode oi an ally of the Evil One. The magician made his appearance in a costume which in the public admiration, it must have exhausted the riche| of Golconda to buy, and the Festival of Nankin commence with the very clever trick derived from the Chinese. Philippe took up several rings about eight inches in dia; meter, and intertwined them into chains and knots witi the greatest possible ease. Then suddenly, when it seemel^ impossible for him to unravel his handiwork, he blew upoj them, and the rings fell separately at his feet. This tricj produced a charming illusion. The one that succeeded it, and which I never saw piM| formed by any one else, was quite equal to the precedin one in interest. FORTUNATUS'S HAT. 22$ ]\I;icalister, the Scotch bricklayer (who on the stage was ja negro of the name of Domingo), brought in on a table J two sugar-loves still covered with that horrible paper i which the honest grocer sells at the price of colonial (^rares. Philippe borrowed a dozen handkerchiefs (not from accomjDlices), and after placing them in a blunder- juss, he fired at one of the sugar-loaves chosen bj the ludionce. He then broke it a&under with an axe. and all :he handkerchiefs were found in it. Next came ^oiiunatus's hat. Philippe, after producing Trom this hat, which he had borrowed from a spectator, m innumerable number of objects, at last pulled out 3nough feathers to make a bed. The most amusing part )f this trick consisted in the conjurer making a lad kneel lown, who was completely buried in this avalanche of leathers. Another striking trick was the one called '' The Kitchen )f Para.faragarmus." At Philippe's request two school- )oys came on the stage, whom he dressed, one as scullion, -he other as professed cook. Thus metamorphosed, the ■,wo young cordons hleus underwent all sorts of pleasantries md mystifications. (This was a trick of Castelli's school.) The conjurer then proceeded to perform the trick ; for •his purpose he suspended from a tripod an enormous jopper caldron full of water, and ordered the two lads to )ut in it dead pigeons, an assortment of vegetables, and denty of seasoning. Then he lit some spirits of wine mdcr the caldron, and pronounced some magical incanta- ions. At his voice, the pigeons, returning to life, flew )ut of the caldron ; while the water, vegetables, and sea- oning had entirely disappeared. Philippe usually ended the evening's performance witb he famous Chinese trick, to which he had given the pomp- ons name of "Neptune's Basins, or the Gold-Fish." 230 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. The magician, clothed in his brilliant costume, mounted|;t on a sort of low table, which isolated him from the stage. After a few manoeuvres to prove he had nothing about him, he threw a shawl at his feet, and, on lifting it up, he displayed a glass basin filled with water, in which gold-fish swam about. This was thrice repeated, with the same re- sult ; but, in his desire to improve on his brethren of the Celestial Empire, the French conjurer had added a varia- tion to their trick, which gave an amusing termination to the performance. Throwing the shawl on the ground for the fourth time, several animals, such as rabbits, ducks, chickens, &c., emerged from it. This trick was performed, if not gracefully, at least in a way to excite the lively ad- miration of the spectators. Generally, Philippe was very amusing in his entertain-[ ment. His experiments were performed with a good dealj' of conscientiousness, skill, and dash, and I have no hesi- tation in saying that the conjurer of the Bonne-Nouvelle. Bazaar might then be considered one of the best of the' day. Philippe quitted Paris the following year, and has since performed entirely in foreign countries, or the pro- vinces. Philippe's success would not have failed to rekindle my desire to realize my theatrical schemes, had not, at this period, a misfortune hurled me into a state of profound wretchedness. I lost my w4fe. Left with three young children, I was obliged to under-i take their charge, although so unskilled in household cares. Thus, at the end of five years, robbed by somey deceived by others, I had almost lost all that my labor h id produced me, and was going to ruin. Forced by my intolerable position, I determined on re- constituting my home, and I married again. I shall have LOUIS PHILIPPE. 231 SO many occasions t)f speaking of my new wife, tliat I shall I refrain at present from praising her according to her deserts ; besides, I am not sorry to abridge these domestic details, which, though personally important to me, only possess a very slight interest in my story. The Exhibition of 1844 was about to open, so I asked and obtained leave to exhibit some specimens of my skill. The site granted me, opposite the door of honor, was un- doubtedly one of the best in the hall, and I erected a cir- cular stand, on which I placed a specimen of all the mechanical pieces I had as yet made. Among these my Writer took the' first place, which M. G had been kind enough to lend me for the occasion. I may say I enjoyed all the honor of the exhibition, for my productions were constantly surrounded by a crowd of spectators, who were all the more eager as the performance was gratis. Louis Philippe paid daily visits to the Palace of In- dustry, and as my automata had been pointed out as deserving his attention, he evinced a wish to see them, and gave me twenty hours' notice of his visit. I thus had time enough to make all my arrangements. • The king arrived, holding the Comte de Paris by the hand, and I stood on his left hand to explain my various articles. The Duchess ■of Orleans was by my side, and the other members of the royal family formed a circle around his majesty, while the crowd, kept back by the keepers of the palace and the police agents, left an open space round my exhibition. The king was in a charming humor, and seemed to take a pleasure in all I showed him. He frequently asked me questions, and missed no occasion to show his excellent judgment. At the end of the seance, the party stopped before my Writer. This automaton, it must be borne in mind, wrote or drcv- according to the question asked 232 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. The king made the following inquiry : " How many in- habitants does Paris contain?" The writer raised its left hand as if to indicate that it required a sheet of paper, on receiving which, it wrote very distinctly, " Paris con- tains 998,964 inhabitants." The paper passed from the king's hand into those of the royal family, and all adpaired.the beauty of the wri- ting ; but I saw that Louis Philippe had a critique to offer, his smile proved that plainly enough. Hence I was not surprised when, pointing to the paper which had come back to him, he said : ''Monsieur Robert-Houdin, you did not, perhaps, recol- lect that this number will not agree with the new census, which is almost completed ?" Contrary to my expectations, I felt quite at ease with my illustrious visitors. " Sire !" I replied, with sufficient assurance for a manj not much accustomed to the society of crowned heads, "I| hope at that period my automaton will be intelligent! enough to make any necessary corrections." The king appeared satisfied with this reply, and I tookj advantage of his good humor to mention that my Writer | was also a poet, and explained that, if he would deign to offer an unfinished quatrain, the automaton would fill up the rhyme in the fourth line. The king chose the fol- lowing : Lorsque dans le mallieur, accabl^ de souflFrance, Abandonn^ de tous, Fhomme va succomber, ^ Quel est I'ange divin qui vient le consolei' ? C'est U Esjjerance, the writer added to the fourth line. " That is really charming," the king said to me. '' But, AN OMEN. 283 , Monsieur Robert-Houdin," he added, in a confidential tone, "you must have given your writer instructions in the poetic art ?" "Yes, sire, as far as my weak powers permitted." " Then my compliment is merited more by the master than the pupil." I bowed to thank the king as much for his compliment as for the delicate manner in which it was conveyed. "Now then. Monsieur Robert-JIoudin," Louis Philippe continued, " I see by the notice attached to this automaton that it is a draughtsman, in addition to its merits as a writer and poet. If it be so, come," he said, addressing the Comte de Paris, " choose your own subject for a draw- ing." Thinking to cause the prince an agreeable surprise, I had recourse to palmistry to influence his decision, and he, consequently selected a crown. The automaton began drawing the outline of this regal ornament with great skill, and every one followed its movements with interest, when, to my great disappointment, the point of the draughtsman's pencil broke, and the crown could not be finished. I was going to recommence the experiment, when the king de- clined, with thanks. "As you have learned to draw," he said to the Comto de Paris, "you can finish this for yourself." This performance, besides being the prelude of the kindly interest the Orleans family afterwards displayed towards me, probably exerted some influence on the de- cision of the jury, which granted me a silver medal. 234 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER XIII. My proposed Reforms — I build a Theatre in the Palais Royal — For- malities — General Rehearsal — Singular EflFect of my Performance — The Largest and Smallest Theatre in Paris — Tribulation — My first Performance — Panic — Discouragement — A Fallible Prophet — Reco- very — Success. It may seem strange that I thus pass from mj mechani- cal labors to my studies in sleight-of-hand; but if my readers will bear in mind that these two sciences were to unite in producing my success, it will easily be understood that I felt an equal degree of affection for them, and that after mentioning one I must allude to the other. The Exhibition did not drive from my thoughts my theatrical projects. The instruments intended for my future performances were on the point of completion, for I had never stopped working at them. I was hence enabled to commence ope- rations as soon as an opportunity offered. In the mean time, I determined on the changes I intended to introduce into the usual routine of conjuring performances. Remembering Torrini's principles, I intended to have an elegant and simple stage, unencumbered by all the paraphernalia of the ordinary conjurer, which looks more like a toyshop than a serious performance. I would have none of those enormous metal shades usually placed over objects that are to disappear, and whose secret duties CONJURING REFORMS. 235 cannot escape the notice of the simplest spectator. Ap- p^-ratus of transparent or opaque glass, according to cir- cumstances, would suffice for all my operations. In the performance of my tricks I also intended to abolish those double-bottomed boxes of which some conjurers made such an abuse, as well as all instruments designed to make up for the performer's want of skill. Real sleight-of-hand must not be the tinman's work but the artist's, and people do not visit the latter to see instruments perform. Of course, after the abuse I have showered upon the use of accomplices, I quite did away with them. I have always regarded such trickery as unworthy a real artist, as it raises doubts as to his skill. Besides, having fre- quently acted as an accomplice, I remembered the unfa- vorable impression this employment had left upon me as to the talent of my partner. Jets of gas, covered by opaque globes, were to be sub- stituted on my stage for the thousands of candles, whose brilliancy is only intended to dazzle the spectators and thus injure the eifect of the experiments. Among the reforms I intended to introduce on the [stage, the most important was the abolition of those long tablecloths reaching to the grou.nd, beneath which an [assistant is always suspected, and, generally with, some show of reason. For these immense chests of deception I [substituted consoles of gilt wood after the style of Louis Ixv. Of course, I abstained from any eccentric costume, and jl never thought of making any change in the attire civil- [ized society has agreed to accept for evening dress, for 1 [was always of opinion that bizarre accoutrements, far from [giving the wearer any consideration, on the contrary cast [disfavor upon him. i ,(5 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. \ I had also traced out for my performances a line o conduct from which I never diverged ; that was to makJ no puns or play upon words, and never to permit myselil to be guilty of a mystification, even were I sure of gaining the greatest success. Finally, I wished to offer new experiments divested oi all charlatanism, and possessing no other resources thaa those offered by skillful manipulation, and the influence o: illusions. This was, it will be seen, a complete regeneration in thj art of conjuring; my only fear was whether the publi would accept these important reforms and such elegai]| simplicity. It is true, Antonio, the usual confidant of m;^ plans and thoughts, strongly encouraged me. " Bon't be alarmed about your success," he said ; "yof have precedents to prove the good taste of the public anjH their willingness to accept reforms based on reason. E,(|, member Talma appearing suddenly at the Theatre-FrangaiB); clothed in the simple antique toga, at a time when trag(j|: dies were performed in silk coats, powdered perukes, ai red heels." I accepted the reasoning, though I did not recognisjl the justice of the comparison. In fact. Talma could in? pose his taste on the public by the authority of his taleii and reputation, while I, who as yet held no 'brevet rank ii the army of conjurers, trembled to see my innovations ba<* ly received. We had now reached the month of December, 1844, anjl having nothing further to detain me, I decided on strikiDj the grand blow — that is to say, I went out one morniry determined on finding a site for my theatre. I passed tlJ whole day in attempting to find a spot combining adva^l tage of situation, chance of receipts, and many other benlf ^ MY PREPARATIONS. 237 fits. I stopped through preference at the best spots and before the handsomest houses, but found nothing that ex- actly suited me. Wearied with searching, I singularly lowered my pre- tentions and wants. Here I found an enormous price asked for a room that only in part suited me ; there, pro- prietors who would not, for any consideration, have per- formances in their houses ; in short, obstacles and impos- sibilities on all sides. Thus I ran about Paris for a fortnight, passing from he largest to the smallest houses in turn, and ended by convincing myself that fate was adverse to my plans. Vntonio relieved me from my difficulty, for that worthy Viend, who aided me in the search, came to tell me he lad found a room in the Palais Royal which could be 'asily converted into a theatre. I went straight to 164 in he Galerie de Valois, where I found, in fact, all the ^6n- litions I had sought elsewhere, combined. The proprietor of this house had been dreaming for a ong time in vain about a benevolent tenant, who, while )aying an exhorbitant price for his room, would come in )ivithout expecting any repairs to be done. I was, there- bre, most welcome, when I not cnly agreed to pay the •ent asked, but endured passively every sort of imposition, "jideed, I would have given much more, so afraid as I was est this desirable house should slip from me. When the bargain was concluded, I applied to an archi- ect, who soon brought me the plan of a charming room, ^hich I jumped at. A few days later he set to work, artitions were knocked down, the ground cleared, and the jfiBarpenters began erecting my theatre, which was to con- 3II ain from 180 to 200 persons. Though small, this room j^^as all I wanted for my style of performance ; for sup- 238 MEMOIRS OF ROBEET-HOUDIN. posing, according to my famous calculations, that it wa constantly full, it would be an excellent affair for me. Antonio, ever filled with zeal for my interests, paid cor stant visits to my workmen and stimulated their activity but one day my friend was struck by a sudden idea. "By the way," he said, "have you thought of askin permission from 'the Prefect of Police to construct you theatre?" "Not yet," I replied, quietly. "It cannot be refuse me, as this construction makes no change in the architer tural arrangements of the house. "That is possible," Antonio added, "but in your pla( I would take this step immediately, that no difficulty ma occur when it is too late." I followed his advice, and we went together to li X 's office, who then had the direction of theatrid affjiirs. After an hour waiting, we were introduced to tl head of the office, who, being at the moment engaged some interesting reading, did not seem even to notice o presence. In ten minutes, however, M. X laid doT. his book, opened and shut a few drawers, called his cler j gave orders, lifted his spectacles, and made us a sign th ^ he was ready to hear a sentence which I had already coi' t menced twice or thrice without being able to end it. Tl impertinent coolness made my blood boil; still I said, politely as my vexation would allow me, " I have come, sir, to ask your permission to open*' room for performances of magic and sleight-of-hand inti Palais Royal." ^ "Sir," the head of the office replied, very dryly, "i you have chosen the Palais Royal for your performance can tell you you will not obtain permission." ;^ "Why so, sir?" I said, in consternation. 7 I I I THE PREFECT OF POLICE. 239 a • Because a ministerial decree forbids any new eutablisli- aent being opened there." " But pray consider, sir, that, not being aware of this de- dsion, I have taken a room on a long lease, and my thea- re is at this moment being built. The refusal of this per- iiission will be my ruin. What can I do now?" *'That is not my business," the bureaucrat replied, dis- lainfully; "I am not a theatrical agent." With these words M. X , after the method employ- fid by solicitors and physicians to announce that a consult- ation is over, rose, led us to the door, and, himself open- [Qg it, showed us clearly what we had to do. Antonio .nd myself, equally in despair, remained for more than an liour at the door of the Prefecture, vainly taxing our [trains how to escape from this difficulty. With all our easoning, we alweys arrived at the mournful conclusion lat we could do no less than stop the building, and com- •ound with B to take the lease off my hands. It was fiy ruin, Antonio understood as well as I, and he could fffer me no consolation. *'But, stay," he said suddenly, striking his forehead, " I [.ave an idea. Tell me, during the late exhibition, did you 'ot sell a 'mysterious clock' to M. Benjamin Delessert, a I anker?" "Well, suppose I did, what has that to do with " "What! do you not ' understand me ? M. Delessert is [rother of the Prefect of Police. Go and see him ; he is lid to be good hearted, perhaps he will give you good Idvice, or even better than that. If he would speak to his Irother on your behalf, we should be saved, for M. Gabriel pelessert is omnipotent in theatrical matters." I adopted Antonio's advice with joy, and proceeded to lirry it into effect. M. B. Delessert received me kindly. 240 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. complimented me on the clock, with which he was quit^I satisfied, and made me inspect his magnificent picture 1 gallery, in which it was put up. Emboldened by this kin reception, I explained to him the embarrassment in whic I was placed. " Well, M. Robert-Houdin, he said to me, " consoJ yourself; we may possibly arrange this afiair. I am gc ing to give a large party next Wednesday evening, t which my brother has promised to come. Do me th pleasure to join us; you will give us a specimen of you talents, and when M. le Pr(^fet has learned to appreciat you, I will speak to him of your matter." On Wednesday, I proceeded to the house of my ne^ protector, who had the kindness to present me to some o his guests, while confidentially praising my sleight-of-han talents. My performance came off, and, judging by th, applause I received, I may say it justified their anticipat compliments. A week had scarce elapsed when I recei ?d a summons to the office of Prefect of Police. I werj there with all speed, and M. Gabriel Delessert informej me that he had been able to induce the minister to revo^ his decision. "Hence you can now go," he added, ''an| obtain your- permission in M. X -'s office, where it h been sent for some formalities." It was curious about my reception on this occasion, bii M. X displayed such extreme politeness towards m«| that it largely made up for the cavalier treatment he ha offi^red me on the first occasion. Far from leaving mj standiiifg, he would willingly have offered me two chaiij instead of one, and when I quitted his office, he ove; w^ielmed me with all the attention due to a man protecte by a superior power. I was too happy to bear M. X — i any malice ; hence we separated quite reconciled. I MY FIRST REHEARSAL. 241 • I will spare my readers the numberless tribulations yhicli accompanied my unending building; mistakes in jime and money are so usual in such matters, that I need lot allude to them here. At length, all this was over, and vith the liveliest pleasure I saw the last workman depart lot to return again. We had now reached the end of June, and I hoped to lommence at the beginning of July. For this purpose I lastened my preparations, for each day was an enormous OSS, as I was spending much and earning nothing. I had already given some partial rehearsals, and I now .ecided on holding one to precede the general rehearsal, ut, as I was not quite sure of the success of my experi- lents, I only invited half a dozen intimate friends, pledged give me their opinion with the greatest severity. This 'erformance was fixed for the 25th June, 1845, and on bat day I made my preparations with as much care as if were going to give my opening performance, for I had een suftering for nearly a month from a regular panic, 'hich I could attribute to no other cause than my nervous nd impressionable temperament. I could not get a wink of sleep, my appetite had left 16, and I thought of my performances with a species of read. I, who had hitherto treated so lightly the per- )rmances I gave to my friends — I, who had obtained such iccess at Aubusson, trembled like a child. The reason was, that hitherto I had performed before Dectators ever smiling or ready to smile, and the success F my experiments made no difference to me. Now, I as about to appear before a real audience, and I trembled t the thought of ^' the right they purchased at the oor," On the appointed evening, at eight precisely, my friends Q 242 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. i| having duly arrived, the curtain rose, and I appeared oi the stage. Half a dozen smiles greeted my appearance, which rekindled my courage and even gave me a species of coolness. The first of my experiments was performetij very decently, and yet my address was very badly rej / peated. I recited it like a schoolboy who tries to remembei'^f his lesson, but the good favor of my spectators once ac quired, I continued famously. jfl^ To explain what follows, I must mention that, during i the whole day, heavy clouds had hung over Paris; anciji the evening, far from bringing any relief, wafted into th(' ^^ room puffs of heated air, which seemed to issue from in stove. Well, I had scarcely reached the middle of the first part ; when two of my spectators had yielded to the soporific ajj influences of the weather and my "patter." I couh i excuse them, however, for my own eye-lids were beginnin[ i to droop. Not being accustomed to sleep standing, how. ever, I held my own. But it is well known that nothing is so contagious a| sleep, hence the epidemic made rapid progress. At thtlj end of a few moments the last of the survivors let his heac'jl fall on his chest and completed the sextett, whose snoring; continually crescendo, at length drowned my voice. M; situation was disagreeable, and though I tried to arous"! my audience by speaking in a louder key, I only succeeded in causing one or two eye-lids to open, which, after a fe"vij insane winks, closed again. At length the first part of the performance was ove| and the curtain fell, and with much pleasure I stretchecj myself in an arm-chair to enjoy a few minutes' rest ! Fivij minutes would be enough, and I was asleep before I coul(j repel the invader. My son, who helped me on +he stagel A SLEEPY AUDIENCE. 243 had not waited so long ; lie had laid himself on the ground and was sleeping like a top, while mj wife, a busy, coura- geous woman, though struggling against the common foe, watched near me, and, in her tender care, did not disturb a sleep I required so much. Besides, she had peeped through the hole in the curtain, and our spectators seemed BO happy, that she had not the heart to disturb them. But, insensibly, her strength betrayed her courage, and unable to resist the temptation of a nap, she fell asleep too. The pianist, who represented my orchestra, having seen the curtain fall, and hearing no movement on the stage, thought my performance was over, and determined on going. As the porter had orders to turn off the gas at «the main when he saw my pianist go out, and was most anxious to be exact at the beginning of his engagement, he hastened to obey my orders, and plunged the room into utter darkness. We had been enjoying this delightful sleep for about two hours, when I was aroused by a confused sound of voices and shouts. I rubbed my eyes and wondered where I was, but seeing nothing, I grew quite alarmed. " Can I possibly have gone blind?" I exclaimed; ^'I can see nothing 1" "Hang it, no more can we see anything !" said a voice, which I recognized as Antonio's. " For goodness' sake, give us a light!" "Yes, yes, a light!" my five other spectators repeated in chorus. We were soon on our feet ; the curtain was raised, and 'M then, having lighted some candles, we saw our five sleepers rubbing their eyes, and trying to find out w^here they were ; I 1)1 244 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. while Antonio was. growling away under the stalls, where he had fallen asleep. All was then explained; we had a hearty laugh at the adventure, and separated with the promise of meeting again. There were only four days to the 1st of July, and to 1; any one acquainted with the preparations for a first per- ^ formance, and, far more important still, for opening aij theatre, this lapse of time will appear very short, for there: i is always so much to be done at the last moment. Thus, I k' the 1st of July arrived, and I was not prepared, and the' opening did not take place till three days later. On this day, by a strange coincidence, the Hippodrome I and the " fantastic soirees " of Kobert-Houdin, the largest > and smallest stage in Paris, were opened to the public! The 3d of July, 1845, saw two bills placarded on the wallsj of Paris ; one enormous, belonging to the Hippodrome, I while the other, of far more modest proportions, announced my performances. Still, as in the fable of the reed and the oak, the large theatre, in spite of the skill of the managers, has undergone many changes of fortune ; while! the smaller one has continually enjoyed the public favor. I have sacredly kept a proof of my first bill, the form! and color of which has always remained the same since that date. I copy it word for word here, both to furnish] an idea of its simplicity, and to display the programme of the experiments I then ofiered to the public : MY FIRST BILL. 245 To-Day, Thursday, July 3, 1845. first representation OF THE FANTASTIC SOIKEES OP EOBERT-HOUDIN. AUTOMATA, SLEIGHT-OF-HAND, MAGIC. The Performance will be composed of entirely novel Experiments invented by M. Robert-Houdin. AMONG THEM BEING: THE CABALISTIC CLOCK. AURIOL AND DEBUREAU THE ORANGE-TREE. THE MYSTERIOUS BOUQUET. THE HANDKERCHIEF. PIERROT IN THE EGG. OBEDIENT CARDS. THE MIRACULOUS FISH. THE FASCINATINC OWL. THE PASTRYCOOK OF THF PALAIS ROYAL. TO COMMENCE AT EIGHT CLOCK. Box-office open at Half-past Seven. Price of places : Upper Boxes, 1 fr. 50 c. ; Stalls, 3 fr. ; Boxes, 4 fr. ; Dress Circle, 5 fr. The day of my first representation had at length ar- lived. To say how I spent it is impossible ; all I remem- jer is, that, at the end of a feverish and sleepless night, 24:6 MEMOIRS or ROBERT-HOUDIN. occasioned by the multiplicity of my tasks, I had to orj ganise and foresee everything, for I was at once managei machinist, author and actor. What a terrible responsij bility for a poor artist, whose life had hitherto been spei among his tools ! At seven in the evening, a thousand things had still tl be done, but I was in a state of febrile excitement whic* doubled my strength and energy, and I got through ther , all. Eight o'clock struck and echoed' through my heart lik the peal that summons the culprit to execution ; never i my life did I experience such emotion and torture. Ah:, if I could only draw back! Had it been possible to fl;Uf and abandon this position I had so long desired, with wha , happiness would I have returned to my peaceful avocaivj tions ! And yet, why did I feel this mad terror ? I kno^ r not, for three-fourths of the room were filled with person If on whose indulgence I could rely. I made a final attack on my pusillanimity. "Come!" I said to myself, "courage! I have m_ name, my future, my children's fortune at stake ; coi rage ! This thought restored me ; I passed my. hand severe' times over my agitated features, ordered the curtain to b raised, and without further reflection I walked boldly o i the stage. My friends, aware of my sufi'erings, received me wit some encouraging applause ; this kind reception restore i 1 my confidence, and, like a gentle dew, refreshed my min and senses. I began. To assert that I acquitted myself fairly would be proof of vanity, and yet it would be excusable, for I re ceived repeated signs of applause from my audience. Bu ■I I AM A COWARD, 247 how to distinguish between the applause of the friendly and the paying public ? I was glad to deceive myself, and my experiments gained by it. The first part was over, and the curtain fell. My wife came directly to embrace me, to encourage me, and thank me for my courageous efforts. I may now confess it: I believed that I had been alone severe to myself, and that it was possible all this applause was sterling coin. This belief did me an enormous good ; and why should I con- ceal it, tears of joy stood in my eyes, which I hastened to wipe away lest my feelings might prevent my preparations for the second part. The curtain rose again, and I approached my audience with a smile on my lips. I judged of this change in my face by those of my spectators, for they began all at once to share my good humor. How many times since have I tried this imitative faculty on the part of the public ? If you are anxious, ill-dis- posed, or vexed, or should your face bear the stamp of any annoying impression, youi- audience, straightAvay imi- tating the contraction of your features, begins to frown, grows serious, and ill-disposed to be favorable to you. If, however, you appear on the stage with a cheerful face, the inost sombre brows unwrinkle, and every one seems to say to the artist : " How d'ye do, old fellow, your face pleases me, I only want an opportunity to applaud you." Such seemed to be the case with my public at this moment. It was more easy for me to feel at my ease as I was be- ginning my favorite experiment, " the surprising pocket- handkerchief," a medley of clever deceptions. After borrowing a handkerchief, I produced from it a multitude of objects of every description, such as sugar-plums, feathers of every size up to a drum-major's, fans, comic 248 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. ; journals, and, as a finale^ an enormous basket of flowers, which I distributed to the ladies. This trick was perfectly successful, but, to tell the truth, I had it at my fingers' ends. The next performance was the ^' orange-tree," and I had every reason to calculate on this trick, for, in my pri- 1 vate rehearsals, it was the one I always did best. I began with a few juggling tricks as introduction, which were per- fectly successful, and I had every reason to believe I was getting through it capitally, when a sudden thought crossed my mind and paralyzed me. I was assailed by a panic which must have been felt to be understood, and I will try to explain it by an illustration. When you are learning to swim, the teacher begins by giving you this important piece of advice ; " Have confi- dence, and all will be well." If you follow his advice, you can easily keep yourself up on the water, and it seems perfectly natural ; thus you learn to swim. But it often happens that a sudden thought crosses your mind like lightning: "Suppose my strength failed me!" From that time you hurry your movements, you redouble your speed, the water no longer sustains you, you flounder about, and, if a helping hand were not by, you would be lost. Such was my situation on the stage ; the thought had suddenly struck me : " Suppose I were to fail !" And immediately I began to talk quick, hurried on in my anxiety to finish, felt confused, and, like the tired swim- mer, I floundered about without being able to emerge from the chaos of my ideas. Oh ! then I experienced a torture, an agony which I could not describe, but which might easily become mortal were it prolonged. AN UTTER FAILURE. 24S The real public were cold and silent, my friends were foolish enough to applaud, but the rest remained quiet. I scarcely dared to look round the room, and my experi- ment ended I know not how. I proceeded to the next, but my nervous system had [^reached such a degree of irritation that I no longer knew iwhat I said or did. I only felt that I was speaking with .extraordinary volubility, so that the four last tricks of my I performance were done in a few minutes. The curtain fell very opportunely ; my strength was [exhausted ; but a little longer and I should have had to crave the indulgence of my audience. In my life I never passed so frightful a night as the one Ifollowing my first performance. I had a fever, I am quite [certain, but that was as nothing in comparison with my [moral sufferings. I had no desire left or courage to ap- [pear on the stage. I wished to sell, give up, or give away, [if necessary, an establishment which taxed my strength [too severely. "No," I said to myself, "I am not born for this life of [emotion. I will quit the parching atmosphere of a thea- |:re. I will, even at the expense of a brilliant fortune, re- ■iUi*n to my gentle and calm employment." The next morning, incapable of rising, and, indeed, lirmly resolved to give up my representations, I had the >ill taken down that announced my performance for that vening. I had made up my mind as to all the conse- [uences of this resolution. Thus, the sacrifice accom- )lished, I found myself far more calm, and even yielded the imperious claims of a sleep I had for a long time ienied myself. I have now arrived at a moment when I shall quit for ver the mournful and wearisome details of the numerous 250 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. misfortunes that preceded my representations; but mij readers will notice with some surprise to what a futile cilj cumstance I owed my release from this state of discouli agement, which I fancied would last for ever. The repose I had taken during the |(ay and the follovi ing night had refreshed my blood and my ideas. I rjj garded my situation under a very different aspect, andll had already made up my mind not to give up my theatr when one of my friends — or, who called himself so — can to pay me a visit. After expressing his regret at the unhappy result of d first performance, at which he had been present, he said " I called in to see you because I noticed your room w; closed, and I had a wish to express my feelings to you the subject. I must say, then, to speak frankly " (I hal noticed that this phrase is always followed by some compliment, which is meant to pass under the guisej friendly frankness), " that you are perfectly right to a profession beyond your strength, and that you hs acted wisely by anticipating with good grace a decisionl which you would have been forced sooner or later. H( ever," he added, with a self-sufficient air, *'I foretold J I always thought you were committing an act of madnd and that your theatre would no sooner be opened than would be obliged to close it." These cruel compliments, addressed under the cloak] apocryphal frankness, wounded me deeply. I could" eas| detect that this offerer of advice, sacrificing to his vanj the slight affection he felt for me, had only come see me in order to parade his perspicacity and the just of his previsions, of which he had never mentioned a sf lable to me. Well, this infallible prophet, who foresf events so truly vras far from suspecting the change ^ i A GOOD-NATURED FRIEND. 251 [ was producing in me. The more he talked, the more he confirmed me in the resolution of continuing my pe^'form- ances. *' Who told you my room was closed ?" I said, in a tone that had nothing affectionate about it. " If I did not per- form yesterday, it was because, worn out by the fatigue I have undergone for some time, I wished to rest for at least one day. Your foreboding will, therefore, be disap- pointed, when I tell you that I shall perform this very evening. I hope, in my second representation, to take my revenge on the public ; and this time they will judge me less severely than you have done. I am quite con vinced of it." The conversation having taken this turn, could not be Bontinued much longer. My offerer of advice, dissatisfied sit my reception of him, quitted me, and I have never seen \am since. Yet, I bear him no malice ; on the contrary, f he reads my Memoirs, I beg to ofi"er him in this place ny thanks for the happy revolution he produced in me by mounding my vanity to the quick. Bills were immediately posted to announce my perforra- ince for that evening, and I ma le my preparations calm- y, while thinking over those parts of my performance in vhich it would be advisable to introduce a change. This second representation went on much better than I lad hoped, and my audience appeared satisfied. Unfor- unately, that audience was small, and my receipts, :onsequently, were the same. Still, I accepted it all >liilosophically, foii the success I had obtained gave me onfidence in the future. However, I soon had real causes for consolation. The elebrities of the press came to my representations, and escribed my performance in the most flattering terms. 252 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Some contributors to the comic papers also made veri! pleasant allusions to mj performances and myself. Amon others, the present editor of the* Charivari wrote an artici full of fun and dash about my performances, which he terl minated with some lines, expressive of his decided opinio] that I belonged to the family of Robert le Diable anij Robert Macaire. - Finally, the Illustration, desirous of evincing its symp thy, engaged Eugene Forey to draw a sketch of my theai tre. Such publicity soon attracted the attention of th first Parisian circles : people came to see my perfor ances : they appointed to meet at my room, and from thil moment commenced that reputation which has never le nie since. NEW STUDIES. 253 I CHAPTER XIV. Jew Studies — A Comic Journal — Invention of Second Sight — Curious Experiments — An enthusiastic Spectator — Danger of being a Sor- cerer — A Philter or your Life — Way to get rid of Bores — An Electric Touch — I perform at the Vaudeville — Struggles with the Incredu- lous — Interesting Details. FoNTENELLE sajs, somewhere or other, " There is no uccess, however merited, in which luck does not have a hare;" and, although I was of the same opinion as the llustrious Academician, I determined by sheer toil to di- ainish as much as in me lay the share luck could claim in ny success. In the first place, I redoubled my efforts to mprove the execution of my tricks, and when I believed I lad attained that result, I tried to correct a fault which, . felt, must injure my performance. This was speaking 00 rapidly ; and my " patter," recited in a schoolboy tone, bus lost much of its effect. I was drawn in this false lirection by my natural vivacity, and I had great trouble Q correcting it ; however, by resolutely attacking my ene- Qy, I managed to conquer it. This victory was doubly profitable to me : I performed nth much less fatigue, and had the pleasure of noticing, n the calmness of my audience, that I had realized the cenic truth, "" the more slowly a story is told, the shorter t seems." In fact, if you pronounce slowly, the public, udging from your calmness that you take an interest in rhat you are saying, yield to your influence and listen to k I 254 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. you with sustained attention. If, on the contrary, you words reveal a desire to finish quickly, your auditors gradu •• ally submit to the influence of this restlessness, and the^ are as anxious as yourself to hear the end of your story. 1 have said that people of the first rank came to m^; theatre, but I noticed, on the other hand, to my regret that my pit was scantily filled. As I was ambitious t{\^i. have my room thronged, I thought I could not effect thii , more easily than by making my theatre better known thai I had hitherto done. From time immemorial it has been the custom, at coni^' juring performances, to distribute small presents to thd '(^ audience, in order to "maintain their friendship." Toy; "j'i were generally selected, which spectators of all ages co tended for ; and this often made Comte say at the mome of distribution, " Here are toys for great children an small." These toys had a very ephemeral existence, ani as nothing indicated their origin, they could attract no a tention to the giver. While, then, I was as libera as my predecessors, I wished that my little presents should keep up for a longer period the remembrance of m; name and experiments. Instead of dolls and other similajM. objects, I distributed to my spectators, under the form o: presents produced by magic, illustrated comic journalsilS,.^ elegant fans, albums, and rebuses, all accompanied bj bouquets and excellent bonbons. Each article bore, not; J.j only the inscription " Recollections of Robert-Houdin'sij fantastic soirdes," but also details of my performances, ao cording to the nature of the article. These were generall presented in the shape of verses. The thing that causes rae the most trouble was my comic journal, the " CaglioS' tro," which I was forced to edit at the expense of iJ^jMb, night's rest. The audience were amused by my jests, andj ii\ SECOND SIGHT. 255 the perusal of the paper between the acts gave me a little time to make my preparations. The experiment, however, to which I owed my reputa- tion was one inspired by that fantastic god to whom Pas- cal attributes all the discoveries of this sublunary world : chance led me straight to the invention of second sight. My two children were playing one day in the drawing- room at a game they had invented for their own amuse- ment. The younger had bandaged his elder brother's eyes, and made him guess the objects he touched, and when the latter happened to guess right, they changed places. This simple game suggested to me the most com- plicated idea that ever crossed my mind. Pursued by the notion, I ran and shut myself up in my workroom, and was fortunately in that happy state when the mind follows easily the combinations traced by fancy. I rested my head in my hands, and, in my excitement, laid down the first principles of second sight. It would require a whole volume to describe the num- berless combinations of this experiment ; but this descrip- tion, far too serious for these memoirs, will find a place in a special work, which will also contain the explanation of my theatrical tricks. Still, I cannot resist the desire of cursorily explaining some of the preliminary experiments to which I had recourse before I could make the trick perfect. My readers will remember the experiment suggested to me formerly by the pianist's dexterity, and the strange faculty I succeeded in attaining : I could read while jug- gling with four balls. Thinki*Qg seriously of this, I fan- cied that this "perception by appreciation" might be sus- ceptible of equal development, if I applied its principles to the memory and the mind. 256 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. 1 i I i I resolved, therefore, on making some experiments witl , my son Emile, and, in order to make my young assistan understand the nature of the exercise we were going t<||] learn, I took a domino, the cinq-quatre for instance, an( ' laid it before him. Instead of letting him count th'li points of the two numbers, I requested the boy to tell m the total at once. "Nine," he said. *^' ; Then I added another domino, the quarter-tray. •'That makes sixteen," he said, without any hesitation;} I stopped the first lesson here ; the next day we sue seeded in counting at a single glance four dominoes, th; , day after six, and thus we at length were enabled to giv; instantaneously the product of a dozen dominoes. This result obtained, we applied ourseh^es to a far mor difficult task, over which we spent a month. My son an I passed rapidly before a toy-shop, or any other displayin a variety of wares, and cast an attentive glance upon r A few steps further on" we drew paper and pencil from o pockets, and tried which could describe the greater nu: ber of objects seen in passing. I must own that my soUf' reached a perfection far greater than mine, for he cou often write down forty objects, while I could scarce reacf thirty. Often feeling vexed at this defeat, I would returi to the shop and verify his statement, but he rarely ma a mistake. My male readers will certainly understand the poss bility of this, but they will recognize the difficulty. Ajl. for my lady readers, I am convinced beforehand they wi not be of the same opinion, for they daily perform fa more astounding feats. Thus, for instance, I can safel. assert that a lady seeing another pass at full speed in"*i carriage, will have had time to analyze her toilette froi DIFFICULTIES TO SURMOUNT. 257 her bonnet to her shoes, and be able to describe not onl}^ the fashion and quality of the stuffs, but also saj if the lAce be real, or only machine made. I have known ladies do tliis. This natural, or acquired, faculty among ladies, bin which my son and I had only gained by constant practice, was of great service in my performances, for while I was executing my tricks, I could see everything that passed around me, and thus prepare to foil any difficulties pre- sented me. This exercise had given me, so to speak, the power of following two ideas simultaneously, and nothing is more favorable in conjuring than to be able to think at the same time both of what you are saying and of what you are doing. I eventually acquired such a knack in this, that I frequently invented new tricks while going through my performances. One day, even, I made a bet I would solve a problem in mechanics while taking my part in conversation. We were talking of the pleasure of a country life, and I calculated during this time the quan- tity of wheels and pinions, as well as the necessary cogs, to produce certain revolutions required, without once fail- ing in my reply. This slight explanation will be sufficient to show what is the essential basis of second sight, and I will add that a secret and unnoticeable correspondence existed between aiy son and myself, by which I could announce to him the name, nature, and bulk of objects handed me by specta- tors. ^5 none understood my mode of action, they were tempted to believe in something extraordinary, and, in- deed, my son Emile, then aged twelve, possessed all the essential qualities to produce this opinion, for his pale, R ^i> 258 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. intellectual, and ever thoughtful face represented the tjpi of a boj gifted with some supernatural power. Two months were incessantly employed in erecting th( scaffolding of our tricks, and when we were quite confident of being able to contend against the difficulties of such a* undertaking, we announced the first representation o1! second sight. On the 12th of February, 1846, I print( in the centre of my bill the following singular announcel ment : ''In this performance 31. Rohert-Hoiidin s son, ivlio gifted with a marvellous second sight, after his eyes hav been covered with a thick bandage, will designate every ojj ject presented to him by the audience.'' I cannot say whether this announcement attracted anj? spectators, for my room was constantly crow^ded , still may affirm, what may seem very extraordinary, that tl experiment of second sight, which afterwards became fashionable, produced no effect on the first performanccj I am inclined to believe that the spectators fancied thei selves the dupes of accomplices, but I was much annoyejl by the result, as I had built on the surprise I should pre duce ; still, having no reason to doubt its ultimate succeSjB| I was tempted to make a second trial, which turned oi well. The next evening I noticed in my room several persoL™,, who had been present on the previous night, and I felHt they had come a second time to assure themselves of tl reality of the experiment. It seems they were convince( for my success was complete, and amply compensated fo] my former disappointment. I especially remember a mark of singular approval wit which one of my pit audience favored me. My son ha] named to him several objects he offered in succession ; bij A FAIR UNKNOWN. 259 iTiot feeling satisfied, my incredulous friend, rising, as if to give more importance to the diflScultj he was about to I present, handed me an instrument peculiar to cloth mer- chants, and employed to count the number of threads, (Acquiescing in his wish, I said to my boy, " What do I hold in my hand?" " It is an instrument to judge the fineness of cloth, and Icalled a thread counter." "By Jove!" my spectator said, energetically, "it is [marvellous. If I had paid ten francs to see it, I should not begrudge them." From this moment my room was much too small, and Iwas crowded every evening. Still, success is not entirely rose-colored, and I could leasily narrate many disagreeable scenes produced by the reputation I had of being a sorcerer ; but I will only men- [tion one, which forms a resume of all I pass over : A young lady of elegant manners paid me a visit one [day, and although her face was hidden by a thick veil, my [practised eyes perfectly distinguished her features. She [was very pretty. My incognita would not consent to sit down till she was Iftssured we were alone, and that I was the real Robert- Houdin. I also seated myself, and assuming the attitude pf a man prepared to listen, I bent slightly to my visitor, as if awaiting her pleasure to explain to me the object of tier mysterious visit. To my great surprise, the young liady, whose manner betrayed extreme emotion, maintained the most profound silence, and I began to find the vii^it lirery strange, and was on the point of forcing an explana- tion, at any hazard, when the fair unknown timidly ven- I'uured these words : " Good Heavens ! sir, I know not how you will inter- Ipret my visit." ^oO MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Here she stopped, and let lier eyes sink with a verj embarrassed air ; then, making a violent effort, she ca tinned : ^'What I have to ask of you, sir, is very difficult ti explain." "Speak, madam, I beg," 1 said, politely, "and I wi try to guess what you cannot explain to me." And I began asking myself what this reserve meant. " In the first place," the young lady said, in a lo^ voice, and looking round her, "I must tell you confider; , . tially that I loved, my love was returned, and I — I ai betrayed." At the last word the lady raised her head, overcam the timidity she felt, and said, in a firm and assure voice, "Yes, sir — yes, I am betrayed, and for that reason \4i have come to you." ' ' " Really, madam," I said, much surprised at this Strang; , confession, "I do not see how I can help you in such I: matter." " Oh, sir, I entreat you," said my fair visitor, claspin jji her hands — " I implore you not to abandon me !" I had great difficulty in keeping my countenance, an) yet I felt an extreme curiosity to know the history coi | cealed behiiad this mystery. " Calm yourself, madam," I remarked, in a tone o" jt.i tender sympathy ; "tell me what you would of me, and i. > it be in my power " " If it be in your power !" the young lady said, quickly! " why, nothing is more easy, sir." "Explain yourself, madam." "Well, sir, I wish to be avenged." _, " In what way ?" H I \ A SORCERER AGAINST HIS WILL. 261 '^ How, you know better than I, sir ; must I teach you ? You have in your power means to " "I, madam?" *' Yes, sir, you ! for you are a sorcerer, and cannot ileny it." At this word sorcerer, I was much inclined to laugh ; !)ut I was restrained by the incognita's evident emotion. Still, wishing to put an end to a scene which was growing idiculous, I said, in a politely ironical tone : " Unfortunately, madam, you give me. a title I never tossessed." " How, sir !" the young woman exclaimed, in a quick :one, "you will not allow you are " "A sorcerer, madam? Oh no, I will not." "You will not?" "No, a thousand times no, madam." At these words my visitor rose hastily, muttered a few ncoherent words, appeared suffering from terrible emotion, md then drawing near me with flaming eyes and passionate gestures, repeated : " Ah, you will not ! Very good ; I now know what I lave to do." Stupefied by such an outbreak, I looked at her fixedly, ind began to suspect the cause of her extraordinary 'onduct. " There are two modes of acting," she said, with terrible olubility, " towards people who devote themselves to aagic arts — g^ntreaty and menaces. You would not yield the first of these' means, hence, I must employ the econd. Stay," she added, " perhaps this will induce you speak." And, lifting up her cloak, she laid her hand on the hilt f a dagger passed through her girdle. At the same time 262 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. slie suddenly threw back her veil, and displayed feature in which all the signs of rage and madness could be traced No longer having a doubt as to the person I had to dea with, my first movement was to rise and stand on m;j guard; but this first feeling overcome, I repented th| thought of a struggle with the unhappy woman, and de termined on employing a method almost always successfu with those deprived of reason. I pretended to accede t her wishes. "If it be so, madam, I yield to your request. Tell m what you require." "I haA^e told you, sir; I wish for vengeance, and ther is only one method to " " , Here there was a fresh interruption, and the youn lady, calmed by my apparent submission, as well as en barrassed by the request she had to make of me, becam again timid and confused. It "Well, madam?" " Well, sir, I know not how to tell you — how to explai to you — but I fancy there are certain means — certai spells — which render it impossible — impossible for a maH to be — unfaithful." i^H "I now understand what you wish, madam. It is certain magic practice employed in the middle agej Nothing is easier, and I will satisfy you." Decided on playing the farce to the end, I took doi the largest book I could find in my library, turned ovefore my audience, and jumped into a vehicle that bore ne off at full speed. But this fatigue was as nothing compared to the emo- ion occasionally produced by an error in the time that fas to elaspe between my two performances. I remember hat, one night, having to wind up the performances at the /"audoville, the stage-manager miscalculated the time the (iece^- would take in performing, and found himself much Q advance. He sent off an express to warn me that the urtain had fallen, and I wtcS anxiously expectQd. Can ay readers comprehend my wretchedness ? My experi- 266 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT- HOUDIN. ments, of wliich I could omit none, would occupy anothe: quarter of an hour ; but instead of indulging in useles! recriminations, I resigned myself and continued my per formance, though I was a prey to frightful anxiety While speaking, I fancied I could hear that cadenced yel of the public to which the famous song, ''Des lampions des lamjjions,'' was set. Thus, either through preoccupa tion, or a desire to end sooner, I found when my perform' ance was over I had gained five minutes out of the quartei of an hour. Assuredly, it might be called the quarter of an hour's grace. To jump into a carriage and drive to the Place de la Bourse was the affair of an instant ; still, twenty minutes had clasped since the curtain fell, and that was an enormouf time. My son Emile and I proceeded up the actors' stairs at full speed, but on the first step, we had heard the cries, whistling, and stamping of the impatient audience. Whal a prospect ! 1 knew that frequently, either right or wrong, the public treated an artiste, no matter whom, very harshly, to remind him of punctuality. That sovereign always ap- pears to have on its lips the words of another monarch : "I was obliged to wait." However, we hurried up the steps leading to the stage. The stage-manager, who had been watching, on hearing our hurried steps, cried from the landing : " Is that you, M. Houdin ?" "Yes, sir — yes." "Raise the curtain!" the same voice shouted. " Wait, wait, it is imp " My breath would not allow me to finish my objection; I fell on a chair, unable to move. "Come, M. Houdin," the manager said, " c?o go on the stage, the curtain is up, and the public are so impatient." AN INDIGNANT AUDIENCE. 267 The door at the back of the stage was open, but I could not pass through it, fatigue and emotion nailed me to the 8pot. Still, an idea occuired to me, which saved me from the popular wrath. "Go on to the stage, my boy,"' I said to my son, "and prepare all that is wanting for the second-sight trick." The public allowed themselves to be disarmed by this youth, whose face inspired a sympathizing interest ; and my son, after gravely bowing to the audience, quietly made his slight preparations, that is to say, he carried an ottoman to the front of the stage, and placed on a neigh- boring table a slate, some chalk, a pack of cards, and a bandage. This slight delay enabled me to recover my breath and calm my nerves, and I advanced in my turn with an at- tempt to assume the stereotyped smile, in which I signally failed, as I was so agitated. The audience at first remain- sd silent, then their faces gradually unwrinkled, and soon, one or two claps having been ventured, they were carried away and peace was made. I was well rewarded, however, for this terrible ordeal, as my "second-sight" never gain- ed a more brilliant triumph. An incident greatly enlivened the termination of my performance. A spectator, who had evidently come on purpose to em- barrass us, had tried in vain for some minutes to bafile my son's clairvoyance, when turning to me, he said, laying marked stress on his words : "As your son is a soothsayer, of course he can guess the number of my stall ?" The importunate spectator doubtlessly hoped to force us into a confession of our impotence, for he covered his number ani the adjacent seats being occupied, it w^s ap- 268 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. i parentlj impossible to read the numbers. But I was on my guard against all surprises, and my reply was ready. Still, in order to profit as much as possible by the situation, I feigned to draw back. "You know, sir," I said, feigning an embarrassed air,; " that my son is neither sorcerer nor diviner ; he reads through my eyes, and hence I have given this experiment the name of second-sight. As I cannot see the number of your stall, and the seats close to you are occupied, my son cannot tell it you." "Ah! I was certain of it," my persecutor said, in triumph, and turning to his neighbors : "I told you I would pin him." "Oh, sir! you are not generous in your victory," 1 said, in my turn, in a tone of mockery. " Take care ; if you pique my son's vanity too sharply, he may solve your problem, though it is so difficult." " I defy him," said the spectator, leaning firmly against the back of his seat, to hide the number better — "yes, yes — I defy him !" "You believe it to be difficult, then ?" " I will grant more : it is impossible." " Well, then, sir, that is a stronger reason for us to try it. You will not be angry if we triumph in our turn?" Ij added, with a petulant smile. r " Come, sir ; we understand evasions of that sort. I repeat it — I challenge you both." The public found great amusement in this debate, and patiently awaited its issue. "Emile," I said to my son, "prove to this gentleman that nothing can escape your second sight." "It is number sixty-nine," the boy answered, imme- diately. A GREAT TRIUMPH. 269 Noisy and hearty applause rose from every part of the theatre, in which our opponent joined, for, confessing his defeat, he exclaimed, as he clapped his hands, " It is astounding — magnificent !" The way I succeeded in finding out the number of thb stall was this : I* knew beforehand that in all theatres where the stalls are divided down the centre by a passage, the uneven numbers are on the right, and the even on the left. As at the Vaudeville each row was composed of ten stalls, it followed that on the right hand the several rows must begin with one, twenty-one, forty-one, and so on, increasing by twenty each. Guided by this, I had no difficulty in discovering that my opponent was seated in number sixty-nine, representing the fifth stall in the fourth row. I had prolonged the conversation for the double purpose of giving more brilliancy to my experiment, and gaining time to make my researches. Thus I applied my process of two simultaneous thoughts, to which I have already alluded. As I am now explaining matters, I may as well tell my readers some of the artifices that added material brilliancy to the second sight. I have already said this experiment was the result of a material communication between my- self and my son, which no one could detect. Its combina- tions enabled us to describe any conceivable object ; but, though this was a splendid result, I saw that I should soon encounter unheard-of difficulties in executing it. The experiment of second sight always formed the ter- mination of my performance. Each evening I saw unbe- lievers arrive with all sorts of articles to triumph over a secret which they could not unravel. Before going to see Robert-IIoudin's son a council was held, in which an object that must embarrass the father was chosen. Among these i^70 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. were half-effaced antique medals, minerals, books printe( in characters of every description (living and dead laal guages), coats-of-arms, microscopic objects, &c. But what caused me the greatest difficulty was in findii out the contents of parcels, often tied with a string, or ev( sealed up. But I had managed to contend successfull against all these attempts to embarrass me. I openecl boxes, purses, pocket-books, &c., with great ease,- and unj noticed, while appearing to be engaged on something quit different. Were a sealed parcel offered me, I cut a smj slit in the paper with the nail of my left thumb, which always purposely kept very long and sharp, and thus dig covered what it contained. One essential condition wi excellent sight, and that I possessed to perfection, owed it originally to my old trade, and practice daily ii proved it. An equally indispensable necessity was know the name of every object offered me. It was n( enough to say, for instance, ''It is a coin;" but my s( must give its technical name, its value, the country i^ which it was current, and the year in which it was strucl Thus, for instance, if an English crown were handed me,; my son was expected to state that it was struck in the reign of George IV., and had an intrinsic value of six francs eighteen centimes. i Aided by an excellent memory, we had managed to. classify in our heads the name and value of all foreign money. We could also describe a coat~of-arms in heraldic terms. Thus, on the arms of the house of X being! handed me, my son would reply: ''Field gules, with two croziers argent in pale." This knowledge was very useful tc us in the salons of the Faubourg Saint Germain, where: we were frequently summoned. I had also learned the characters — though unable to A VALUABLE FRIEND. 271 translate a word — of an infinity of languages, such as Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, &c. We knew, too, the names of all surgical instruments, so that a surgical pocket-book, however complicated it might be, could not embarrass us. Lastly, I had a very sufficient knowledge of mineralogy, precious stones, antiquities, and curiosities ; but I had at my command every possible re- source for acquiring these studies, as one of my dearest and best friends, Ai^stide le Carpentier, a learned anti- quary, and uncle of the talented composer of the same name, had, and still has, a cabinet of antique curiosities, which makes the keepers of the imperial museums fierce with envy. My son and I spent many long days in learn- ing here names and dates, of which we afterwards made a learned display. Le Carpentier taught me many things, and, among others, he described various signs by which to recognise old coins when the die is worn off. Thus, a Trajan, a Tiberius, or a Marcus Aurelius became as fami- liar to me as a five-franc piece. Owing to my old trade, I could open a watch with ease, and do it with one hand, so as to be able to read the maker's name without the public suspecting it : then I shut up the watch again and the trick was ready ; my son managed the rest of the business. But that power of memory which my son possessed in an eminent degree certainly did us the greatest service. When we went to private houses, he needed only a very rapid inspection, in order to know all the objects in a room, as well as the various ornaments worn by the spec- tators, such as chatelaines, pins, eye-glasses, fans, brooches, rings, bouquets, &c. He thus could describe these- objects with the greatest ease, when I pointed them out to him by our secret communication. Here is an instance : 272 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. One evening, at a house in tlie Chauss^e d'Antin, and at the end of a performance which had been as successful as it was loudly applauded, I remembered that, while passing through the next room to the one w^e were now in, I had begged my son to cast a glance at a library and remember the titles of some of the books, as well as the order they were arranged in. No one had noticed this rapid exami- nation. "To end the second sight experiment, sir," I said to the master of the house, " I will prove to you that my son can read through a wall. Will you lend me a book ?" I was naturally conducted to the library in question, which I pretended now to see for the first time, and I laid my finger on a book. " Emile," I said to my son, " What is the name of this work?" ^^■ "It is Bufibn," he replied, quickly. "^^ "And the one by its side?" an incredulous spectatorii hastened to ask. " On the right or left ?" my son asked. " On the right," the speaker said, having a good reasol for choosing this book, for the lettering was very small. " The Travels of Anacharsis the Younger," the bol replied. "But," he added, "had you asked the name ol the book on the left, sir, I should have said Lamartine'j Poetry. A little to the right of this row , I see Crdbil Ion's works ; below, two volumes of Flcury's Memoirs ; and my son thus named a dozen books before he stoppcc The spectators had not said a word during this deecrij tion, as they felt so amazed ; but when the experimei had ended, all complimented us by clapping their hiin(j A THEATRICAL AGENT. 273 CHAPTER Xi, Seductions of a Theatrical Agent — How to gain One Hundred Thou- sand Francs — I start for Brussels — A lucky Two-Sou Piece — Mise- ries of professional Travelling — The Park Theatre — Tyranny of a Porter — Full House — Small Receipts — Deceptions — Return to Paris. Had it not been for my constant toil and the inconveni- ences attached to it, I should have been quite happy and satisfied with the daily profit my performances brought me in. But one fine day the demon of seduction presented himself before me in the obsequious form of a theatrical agent. "Monsieur Robert-Houdin," he said, with a smile on his lips, as if we were old friends, " I am commissioned by M. X , manager of the royal theatres of Brussels, to oflfer you an engagement for the summer season." My first answer was a refusal, which I based on excel- lent reasons. As I was very successful, it would not be prudent to break the vein, while I saw no occasion to go a long distance in search of advantages I could secure at home. This reasoning would have settled any one but a theatrical agent ; but nothing, it is well known, can shake ofi" the grip of these skillful crimps. *' Permit me. Monsieur Robert-Houdin, not to be quite of your opinion. I allow, of course, that with your talents you are always secure of good receipts, but you should bear in mind that the dog-days are approaching, and joui S 274 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. room is stifling in summer. This consideration might iifj duce the Parisian public to defer till autumn the pleasuil of witnessing your performances, while, by going to Brui sels, where the theatres are large and airy, you woul have no reason to fear such a result. Come," the plen potentiary continued, in a most candid tone, " I must te you, without wishing to flatter you the least in the work that everybody is talking about you in Belgium ; I ma add, even, that the manager has been urged to make yo ofi"ers by a great number of his subscribers." This flattering insinuation began to shake my decisioi and I ofi"ered in my defence reasons whose weakness onl attested to my indecision. My clever touter noticed this and thinking the moment arrived to strike his great blo^w said : " Do you know, sir, the probable proceeds of my offer ? ^' No, sir." " Well, make an estimate." *'It is impossible." " Then, approximate." " I must decline ; for I understand nothing of such ca culations." " Well, then, I understand them, and am rarely mist? ken," said the agent, stroking his chin, " and I tell you i is an affair to you" (here my seducer stopped, as if t make a most accurate calculation) — "an affair of on hundred thousand francs." " One hundred thousand francs !" I exclaimed, dazzle at such a prospect, ''you cannot mean it." " It is precisely because I mean it that I tell you, an< repeat it again: you will clear one hundred thousan< francs by your trip. Add to this, the advantage of havin, Been a splendid country, and being received with all th A SEDUCTIVE OFFER. 275 attention due to an artist of your merit. You will then return to your impatient spectators, whose curiosity, heightened by their long privation, will produce you re- ceipts far more brilliant than any you might have . x- pected by remaining in Paris." Being little conversant at that period with theatrical matters, and having no reason to doubt the honesty of my eloquent " humbugger," I easily believed his fine promises. The chink of one hundred thousand francs still ringing in my ears fascinated me ; and I gave way unconsciously to the same mode of reasoning the inkstand inventor had em- ployed. ''And, really," I said to myself, "supposing, for in- stance, that " And, leaping from supposition to sup. position, my calculations exceeded those of the agent. But, in order to be reasonable, I concluded, like my friend the inventor, in this way : '' Well, to prevent any misun- derstanding, suppose we say only fifty thousand francs — surely nobody can accuse me with exaggeration." Though dazzled by this brilliant calculation, I strove to conceal my desire of accepting the oifer. " It Is all very well," I said, in my turn, after the stylb of a perfect man of business, " but what are the con- ditions ?" " Oh, most simple !" the crafty fellow said ; " the same as are made with all distinguished artists. Monsieur X will pay all the expenses, but to cover those, he will deduct three hundred francs from the gross receipts, exclusive of the claim of the poor, and the rest will be uiirly divided betiveen him and yourself." " Still, I should like to know how much the sum to be livided will amount to ?" "How is it possible to say?" the agent exclaimed, with 276 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. an aspect of the greatest sincerity. ^' With such succes. as awaits jou, it will be enormous." In spite of my pressing, the agent always entrenches himself in his exclamations, and the impossibility of muk insf such an estimate. Tired of the stru^sjle, I at leno-tl formed my decision. " I will go to Brussels," I said, in a resolute tone. The theatrical agent immediately drew from his pocke a printed form, which he had brought in case of our com ing to terms, and we had only to add the stipulations to it "Tell me, sir," the manager's representative said, in ; conscientious tone, " will you have any objection to a for feit of six thousand francs ? As the engagement is reel rocal, you must find this but fair." I only saw in the agent's request a very natural desir to defend his employer's interests ; and I drew this codI elusion from it : if the agreement w^as advantageous fo, the manager, it must be equally so for me, as we were t share the receipts. I consented to the clause, and affixe' my signature. The agent could not repress his satisfac tion, but he cleverly ascribed it to the interest he felt in me " I congratulate you sincerely on the engagement yo have just made," he said, as he offered me his hand, "you will soon be able to tell me of the results you wi. draw from it. By the way," he added, in a friendly torn after a pause, " will you now permit me to give you piece of advice ?" " Certainly, sir — certainly.' " I would recommend you, then, to take a collection o, showy bills and posters with you to Belgium. They d not know how to get them up in Brussels, and they wi produce a prodigious effect. It would be also as well j have a handsome lithograph, representing your stage ; i ) THE AGENT TRIUMPHS. 277 jan be put up in the various picture-shops, and you will btain increased publicity." . These counsels, and the familiar, almost protecting, tone n which they were given, appeared to me strange ; and I jould not refrain from expressing my surprise to the man )f business. *' What need of all these precautions ? I fancied I un- ierstood you that " "Good gracious me! all professionals are alike," the Ifiwev of advice interrupted me ; " absorbed in their art, ;hey understand nothing of business. But tell me, Mon- jieur Robert-Houdin, would you feel annoyed at netting pne hundred and fifty thousand francs, instead of the one |iundred thousand I promised you?" " On my word, no," I said, with a smile ; " and I con- l!ess that, far from feeling vexed, I should be very pleased lit it." " Well, then, the more you make yourself known, the fnore you will add to the amount I stated." "But I thought that notoriety was generally the busi- [less of managers." " Certainly, ordinary publicity, but not extraordinary. [Zou must see that is unlikely, as it will be all for your idvantao-e." Though little conversant with business, as the agent had iust remarked, I saw that his arguments were not always n accordance with logic. However, I consented to tho bosters and the lithograph, in consideration of the pro- Imised results. "That is right," the agent said, his familiarity sensibly Increasing since the signature of the contract — that is [right: that is what I call managing things properly." And my man left me, after complimenting me once Imore on the arrangement I had made. 278 MEMOIRS OF ROBER T-HOUDIN. i ] When left to myself, I indulged at my ease in daj dreams about tlie magnificent result promised me, and thi J anticipated joy was probably all I tasted from the momeni^ i of signing this engagement to its termination. The firs unpleasantness it occasioned me was a slight discussio:f| with my cashier, that is to say, my wife, who, in consider i ation of her employment, had a deliberative voice in a] theatrical matters. I could not certainly have found aij^j employee of greater probity, or a more devoted clerk, bu' . I am bound to say that this clerk, probably through he intimate connexion with her employer, sometimes venturet to contradict him. Thus I feared when I described t> that functionary the brilliant perspective of my agree ment. 41 Although I finished my statement with this haTmoniou phrase, on every word of which I laid a heavy stress, ii order to give it more value, " and we shall return to Franci - with one — hundred — thousand — francs clear profit," m;; wife, or rather my cashier, coolly said to me : " Well, in your place, I should not have made such i bargain." "But why not?" I said, piqued by this unexpected o; position. " Why ? because nothing guarantees you the promisee profits, while you are perfectly certain as to your ex penses." Wishino; to cut short a discussion from which I did no1| see my way out with honor : " Women are all alike," I said, employing the phrase ofj the theatrical agent; "understanding nothing of busines they oppose one out of obstinacy. But," I added, tossii my head, "we shall soon see which of us is in the right. I confess that in this instance I allowed myself tQOj OUR DEPARTURE. 279 easily to be led astray by flattering illusions ; but I must adl, that it was for the last time; for, thenceforth, I was jt so skeptical as regarded calculations, that my modest ex- pectations always remained below the reality. The period for starting soon arrived, and we made our preparations with incredible activity, for I desired to lose as little time as possible between the closing of my per- formances at Paris and their commencement in Brussels. The Great Northern line not being open at that period, I was obliged to content myself with a post-chaise. Con- sequently, I hired from a builder of public conveyances, for two hundred francs a month, a diligence which had formerly been used in the environs of Paris; it was com- posed of a coupe and a vast rotonde, over which was an imp^riale for the luggage. On the 25th of May, the day fixed for our departure, my carriage was loaded with an immense number of chests, containing my apparatus, and after we had taken our places, the postillion's whip cracked, and we started. We took with us on this trip, besides my two boys who performed with me, a manager, a workman, also acting as servant, and my wife's mother, who came partly for pleasure, and partly to help her daughter in her theatrical details. Galloping through Paris, we soon left the Fau- boure: and the Barriere St. Denis behind us. The weather was splendid — a perfect spring evening; my wife and I, with the children, were comfortably established in the coup^, and as it was Madame Robert-Houdin's first jour- ney, she was so delighted with it, that I believe, if I had then oft'ered her the calculation of my presumed profits, she would probably have herself augmented it. For my own part, I was plunged in a delicious reverie. I recalled my journey with Torrini, and while giving a thought of 280 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. regret to that excellent friend, I compared his carriage wi my brilliant equipage, his modest claims on fortune witi the magnificent prospects promised me ; and I could no- help yielding to a feeling of noble pride when I reme bered I owed this position solely to my labor and to mj energy. Then, finding myself freed from the annoyan of any theatrical administration, and my inventive ide abandoned, I experienced an undefinable comfort, ani were it not for the fear of making a pun, I would add, ail this moment I was really transported. What would I have given to see myself thus bowling' along in my own carriage ! I fancied that the ver^U passers-by regarded us with a certain degree of satisfa tion ; and in this infantile illusion I smiled upon the: most benignantly. At some distance from the barrier we stopped. " Will you please to get out and have your carria weighed? Here is the ofl&ce." "Before proceeding to weigh," the receiver of the t said, approaching me, " I warn you that I shall summo you for carrying a heavier weight than the law allows." I could not appeal to my ignorance of this, for no o ought to be ignorant of the law ; I therefore submittd philosophically enough to the threatened summons, and soon recommenced our journey, laughing heartily at th" incident. The shades of night began to cover the country: when we reached the environs of Senlis. An old beggar seeing us approaching, held out his hat ; I understood this expressive gesture, and had the satisfaction of doing a; clever trick and a good action at the same time ; for I'' threw out a penny, which fell in his hat. I had hardly executed this adroit manoeuvre, when cries of " Stop ! stop !" reached my ear; and at the same time A NARROW ESCAPE. 28 i I saw the old man running panting after the carriage, and ;, shouting. The postillion at length stopped the horses, and I he was just in time — a few paces further on, and our heavy carriage would have been upset. The worthy beggar had perceived that one of our wheels was on the point of losing its tire, and as the old man in his haste had lost his \ coin, and was beginning to look for it, I spared him this ;> trouble by giving him a five-franc piece. How true it is that an act of kindness is never lost : to a simple penny we owed our escape from an accident, the [ consequences of which would have been incalculable. A t neighboring cartwright soon came up and told us it was f necessary to have the tw^o wheels of the carriage repaired ; [ and he gave us the following explanation of the accident ! that had occurred : I The diligence had been standing for a long time in a damp coach-house, and the felloes had sw^ollen. The heat produced by our rapid locomotion had dried them, and { they had caught fire under the tire. The operation lasted 1 four hours, and cost me forty francs ; this was, perhaps, ' twenty more than it was worth, but what could I do but f, , pay, as I should have lost precious time by appealing to i the law ? r , I was beginning to understand that travelling impres- i sions in a diliscence are not at all of a nature to enrich a traveller ; but the reflection came too late, and I could only continue my journey. I, therefore, did so, not very gaily, perhaps, but at any rate with a degree of careless resignation. I will pass over the details of a thousand petty miseries we had to undergo, like so many pin-pricks echeloned on our passage to prepare us for more bitter deceptions. We at length reached Qui^vrain, the frontier town of Belgmm, 282 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDTN. w^here we were to give up our horses and put our car riage on the railway running to Brussels; beforehand however, we had to endure the formalities of the custom house. I hoped, as the theatrical agent had informed me, t( . pass all my traps summarily, by declaring the nature of] my apparatus, and hence I went to the office and made my declaration. ^' There is only one way of passing your luggage, sir,';: a clerk said to me, very politely. (Belgian officials an| generally very gentle and civil — at least, I always found them so.) "Then," I replied, in the same tone, "will you havi the kindness, sir, to tell me the way, that I may profit b it as speedily as possible ?" " You must unpack your instruments, put an ad valorem duty on .them, which the comptroller will verify, and p 25 per cent, on the amount, after which you can start soon as you please." "But, sir, that is not possible," I said, greatly annoyed at this contretemps. " And why not ?" " Because my instruments are not merchandise." I then explained to my clerk that I was going to Brus- sels to give some performances, after which I intended to return to France with the same luggage. According to the information the official gave me, it seems I had neg- lected to fulfil a simple formality, through the want of which the office at Quidvrain would not let me go on with- out payment. To pass my instruments duty free, I ought to have applied to the Belgian Minister, who would wit lingly have granted me the permission. I could certainly do so still, but I could not receive an answer under a week, t THE DIRECTOR OF THE CUSTOMS. 283 and that was just three days after the period fixed for my commencing at Brussels. Hence I found myself between the horns of a dilemma. I must either, after paying a heavy duty, lose precious time in packing, valuing and unpacking my instruments, or forfeit six thousand francs to my manager while await- ing a ministerial reply. Although I made all sorts of sup- plications to the different custom officials, I could only obtain this answer, dictated bv their inflexible orders, " We can do nothing." I was in despair; in vain, conforming to the maxim, " It is better to address the king than his officials," I pursued the director himself with my entreaties ; he would not hear a word. He was a stout, good-looking man, of some fifty years of age, dressed in an enormous paletot, much resembling in cut the one I have described as my costume when learning my sleight-of-hand tricks at Tourg. "We were both standing at the door of the custom-house, near the high road, where my chests had been deposited. Wearied with listening to my eternal remonstrances, the director began talking to me about indifferent matters ; but I always led the conversation back to the same subject. "You are a prestidigitator, then ?" my stout Belgian said to me, laying a stress on this word, to prove to me that he knew the pompous title by which the juggler is distinguished. "Yes, sir, that is my profession." " Ah, ah ! very good ; I know several celebrities in that fert. I have even witnessed their performances with a great deal of pleasure." While my amateur was thus talking, an idea occurred to me, which I immediately put in execution, for I trusted „^4 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. t the result of it would powerfully aid in favoring my en- treaties. "What are your most striking tricks?" the stout man added, in the tone of a perfect connoisseur. " I really cannot describe them to you, it would be too difficult. There is one which can only be appreciated when seen; but I can easily give you a specimen." ^ *'I should much like it, if you would," the official said, not sorry thus to console himself for the trouble I had caused him. My son, at this moment, was playing some distance off on the high road, and kicking a pebble about. ''Emile!" I cried, hailing him, "can you tell us what this gentleman has in his pocket?" : " Certainly !" the boy replied, without leaving off his game; "he has a blue-striped handkerchief." " Oh, oh !" the stout gentleman said, with an air of astonishment. Then he recovered, and putting his hands in both pockets to conceal their contents, " That's all very good !" he added, with an air of doubt; " but chance may have aided that discovery." After a slight pause, during which he seemed conside- rably bothered, he continued ! " Can he tell me, though, what is under the handker- chief?" " The gentleman asks what is under the handkerchief?" I shouted to my soli. " There is, he replied, in the same loud voice, " a green morocco spectacle case, without the spectacles." "That's really curious — very curious !" said the man of the paletot. "But," he added, shrugging his shoul- ders, " I should much like him to mention the article under the spectacle case." And my incredulous friend shoved his hands in his A FRIEND IN NEED. 285 pockets. I drew a good omen from this last exclamation, and so, desirous to ensure my success, I took my precau- tions that my son should answer correctly, and I trans- mitted him the question just asked me. Emile, who had not left oflf his game for a moment, exclaimed, as if anxious to get rid of us, " It is a piece of sugar which the gentleman saved from his cup of coffee." "Ah! that is too fine!" the director exclaimed, in a tone of admiration; "the lad is a sorcerer." My second-sight performance was at an end ; still I saw with pleasure that it produced a lively impression on the director of the customs, who, after some moments' reflec- tion, himself returned to the subject we had left. " Come, sir," he remarked, ." I will infringe my regula- tions for your sake. We will not open your chests ; I will rely on your statement of their contents and value, and you will pay the duty according to the- tariff. When you have reached Brussels, and have obtained the ministerial authority to introduce your instruments duty free, I will return you the money you have paid." I thanked my new protector, and, a few hours later, per- sonnel and luggage had reached the station at Brussels. Before leaving Quievrain for ever, I will give my reader an idea of the conjuring trick which enabled me to produce those startling instances of second sight to which I owed my deliverance. I have already said that the director wore a paletot, with large pockets, so, profiting by the art by which I had so cleverly emptied Comte's pockets some time before, I found out what he had in them, and my son consequently learned it from me. As for the piece of sugar, it was easy enough to perceive by its regular shape that it had come 286 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. from a cafd — besides, I could have no doubt that a lump of sugar, taken from the pocket of a man of fifty, and, above all, a Belgian, must be saved from his after-dinner coffee. At the Brussels station, a postillion who had three horses out of work, ofi^ered to take our heavy carriage to the Tirlemont Hotel, and I consented, for I really knew not what hotel to go to. After driving through the city at full speed, we entered a winding street, in the midst of which our driver began smacking his whip lolidly to an- nounce our arrival, and with the skill of a practised driver, he turned into an archway that opened on to the hotel yard. We made a princely entree here, which reminded me of our departure from Paris, for the master of the hotel, his wife, and the servants, were all at their posts ready to receive us worthily. We had gone safely through, about half the narrow entry, when our vehicle suddenly stopped, as if riveted to the pavement : blows fell like hai] on the unhappy steeds, but these, though accompanied by vigorous oaths and stimulants of every description, could . not conquer the unknown obstacle. ^^Pv Being quite convinced that the road was clear on either* side, our postillion decided on trying a final efibrt ; so he' • got down rapidly from his seat, took the horses by the bit. and drew them forward sharply. The carriage appeared to yield to this powerful attraction, and began to move slowly. All at once a sound of breaking was heard, whi at the same moment cries of alarm issued from both coi partments of the carriage. The doors were hurriedly opened, women and childreDl emerged, and the last of our party was still on the step, when the impdriale gave way, and the numerous heavy s trunks crashed into the centre of the carriage. In the emotion produced by such danger, I looked round my THE PARK THEATRE. . 287 party, and thanks to Heaven, we were all safe and sound. My wife and children were carefully attended to, while I, thou^-h not entirely recovered from my terror, sought the cause of this unforeseen catastrophe. I soon dis- covered that our carriage, being too highly loaded, had (•auo-ht in the projecting sides of the archway, and that this gradual and powerful pressure had forced the moul- dering framework of our old vehicle to give way. . In comparison with the misfortune from which we had so miraculously escaped, the injury to the carriage was an accident of no importance — a loss which would be quickly forgotten in the success that awaited us. The carriage was sent to be repaired, and the accident was soon a thing of the past, as we sought to recover from the fatigue of our long and wearying journey. My first walk in Brussels led me straight to the mana- ger, who appeared delighted at my keeping my word, and gave me a most polite reception : tkence, I proceeded to the Park Theatre, where I was to give my performances. This building, lately destroyed by fire, was situated on one of the most agreeable sites in the city, for it formed the angle of a magnificent park, which is to Brussels what the Tuilleries are to Paris. During the summer no theatrical performance took place, and it was to fill up this gap that the engagement had been formed with me. This theatre was city property, and I learned the fact in the following way. The porter, whom the manager ought to have recommended to give me all necessary in- formation, stated to me that he was attached to the theatre, both as keeper and head machinist. He also told me, with pedantic gravity, that I could not drive in a nail, form an opening in the stage, or, in a word, make the J588 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. slightest change, until he, as responsible official, hac referred the point to the city architect. *' Such supervision is not possible," I said to this im- portant personage. " How do you manage, then, wher; the theatrical performances are on?" " Ah, that is different. As the architect places confi- dence in me, he allows me to do whatever I think proper, and I am responsible for everything." " If that is all, I can take the responsibility on myself, and the matter can be settled at once." " If you think so," the porter replied, in an ironical tone, "you can 'apply to the city authorities; the counci: will take it into consideration, and you will receive per- mission in a fortnight." I saw that the crafty gentleman wished to force himself upon me, but I soon destroyed his hopes by making hino understand I would allow no stranger to be initiated intc my mysterious arrangements. This conversation had taken place on the stage, by th( light of a candle which the conservator of the royal theatre held in his hand, but so soon as I had intimated my inten- tion of doing without him, he turned on his heel and re- tired to his den, leaving us in perfect darkness. "Wait a moment, sir," I cried to him; "we cannot groping about in this way ; so, open the windows." "Windows!" the machinist said, with a laugh ; " wh( ever heard of windows in a theatre ? What use would theyj be when the rehearsals always take place by candle-light ?"j " Excellently reasoned, m.y worthy man," I repliedjj checking my inclination to laugh ; " I always thought likl you that windows could be done without if you had lights, but when you have no lights " .^i " Why, then, you do as I do, you go money in hand CIIESTEK THEATRE. 28'J the gi'ocer's and buy candles; I see no difficulty in that." And, while making this reply, the porter and his candle were gradually eclipsed. I had no time to lose in arguing, and besides, this man, whom I would have gladly brought I to his senses under other circumstances, might play me S(me trick that might prevent me performing mme. My iastruwents would remain, so to speak, at his mercy during the night, and he would have all possible facility to do me some injury, which he could deny in safety. Hence, I sent my servant straight to the grocer's, that natural providence of any one who wants a light. All my readers have probably read descriptions of thent- rical interiors, and they are all much alike, although their cleanliness and arrangement vary according to the intelli- gence of the stage-manager. Nor is the same luxury of decorations and accessories visible in all theatres; somo are literally encumbered with them, while others ar;i almost entirely wanting in these qualities. I remember that, when giving a dozen performances at Chester, I found the theatrical decorations charmingl}^ original. Properly speaking, there was only one scene ; but, as it would have been impossible to produce the scenic effect with this, the machinist had very cleverly painted a forest on the back, and the scene moved on a pivot, which my friend turned by the aid of a winch, and thus could display a hall or a forest at will. With such feeble resources, the scenic illusion was often compromised, but, according to the machinist, the actors corrected any glaring anachronisms of place by ingenious new readings, and sometimes, too, by the expression of their faces. This machinist was like his scenery, for he filled many parts ; he was in turn porter, painter, wig-maker, pro- T 200 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. \ j)ertj man, tailor, and ticket-taker; but with so man^ strings to his bow, this worthy man found himself out of work during three -parts of the year, for during that period there were no performances at Chester. But to return to the porter, machinist, and keeper of the Park Theatre. This man could never forgive my re-i fusal of his services, and his impertinence and ill-will pur- sued me to the close, and occasioned me continual annoy- ance ; and although I complained to the manager, I could obtain no redress. The porter, being paid by government,: claimed the right, like his brethren the porters of Paris, of making his tenants feel his power and his independence. I have performed in many royal theatres, but I neveri had to deal with any but most polite machinists and man gers, who could flatter themselves they were masters i their own house. However, I managed to surmount difficulties of ever description, and the day of my first representation arrive On this very day was opened that fiery furnace which was called "the summer of 1846;" and the heat was as<* tounding. Still, the theatre was full, and the success of my experiments was as great as I could desire. Thfl second sight, especially, produced an enthusiasm whicli the generally cold inhabitants of Brussels expressed hf^ noisy bravos. I was proud and happy, for, in addition to the satisfac- tion success always produces, I foresaw the realization of th^ theatrical agent's brilliant promises. Thus, to take a slight revenge for my cashier's obstinacy, I never failed, each time I left the stage, to say to her in a tone of tri- umph : " Well ! do you believe in the one hundred thousand francs now? That's how I like business." FilEE ADMISSIONS. 291 And I returned on the stage with a smiling and ani- mated face. The performance over, the curtain fell on the illusions I had produced, as well as on those I had nursed as to my receipts. Thej were equally ephemeral in either case, for I had scarcely left the stage when I saw my manager coming towards me in the attitude once assumed by the steeds of Hippolytus, according to Theramene's recital. He, so joyous at the commencement of the performance, L'oeil morne maintenant et la tete baiss^e, Semblait se conformer a sa triste pensee. "Here, sir," he said, pointing to a small rouleau, "is your share." "What! my share ?" I exclaimed, in a tone of inde- scribable disappointment ; " and the rest ?" " The rest, sir, has gone in the expenses, and the poor- rate." "But the rest," I still insisted — "the rest, what has become of it?" "Well, sir," my manager replied, in a lamentable tone, " the cashier states that the greater part of the audience received free admissions." Irritated by such an explanation, I hurried to the office, and opened and closed the door violently. The employ^ turned towards me, and without being affected by my abruptness, he bowed to me politely (another instance of Belgian courtesy). "How is it," I said, without replying to his bow, "that so many free admissions were given without my sanction?" " They were given, sir, by the manager's orders," the man replied, with a calmness that made me believe he was used to such scenes, " and you must be aware," he added, 292 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. in a conciliatory tone, '' that there are numerous claims on the first night of a new performance at a royal theatre. Thus we have, for instance, the authorities, the city archi- tect, the manager of the gas company, the newspaper writers, the manager's relations and friends, the police inspector, who has a right to a box ; and all these gentle- men, as you may suppose, bring their families with them. We have, again " ^' Oh, sir," I replied, ironically, ^' for goodness' sake, stop, for if you go on at that rate I shall begin to fear you had not a seat left for the paying public. To-morrow, I presume, I shall have to hand you back the modest sum you have just sent me. However, I shall certainly insist on an explanation with the manager." The next day I proceeded to call on M. X , with the firm intention of evincing to him my dissatisfaction ; but he was so ready with his explanations that I could not be angry, and we ended by agreeing that, henceforth, all free admissions should have my signature, and that they should not be dispensed quite so liberally. This measure, perhaps, checked some new abuses, but was not enough to suppress them all, for though the thea- tre grew more and more crowded, my strong-box did not follow the same progression. Far from netting the fabulous sum which had so dazzled me, I only brought back from my trip to Brussels an illu- sion dispelled and experience, while, as my cashier had predicted, my expenses rather more than balanced my re- ceipts. I have great reason for believing that, during my stay at the Park Theatre, I was cheated out of my proper share. It was my first affair of the kind, and I was obliged to study at my own expense ; but, from that pe- THEATRICAL MANAGERS <»QS riod, I was on my guard, and evaded every attempt at fraud. I will add, too, that at a later date I had the satisfaction of dealing only with managers of well-known probity, to whom I gave my entire confidence without ever having any reason to regret it. V ^594 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER XVI. Reopening of my Fantastic Soirdes — Minor Miseries of Good Luck- Inconvenience of a small Theatre — My Room taken by Storm — i gratuitous Performance — A conscientious Audience — Pleasant Stor about a Black Silk Cap — I perform at the Chateau of St. Cloud- Cagliostro's Casket — Holidays. I The recommencement of the performances on my owi stage largely recompensed me for my bitter impressions d< voyage. My room was taken a week beforehand for m^ first performance, as well as for the following, and I ha( to send away four times as many persons as I could re ceive. This success had been foreseen by the theatrical agent and I owed it as much to my absence from the capital ai to the attraction my experiments held out. My repertory was still a novelty to the Parisian public, as I had startec for Brussels at the height of my success. This did no prevent me, however, from offering some new tricks, on< of which more especially produced a striking effect. After my son had mounted on a very small table, I cov ered him with an enormous stuffed cone, which concealei him from sight, and then, at the sound of a pistol, th< cone was thrown over, and at the same instant the la( appeared at my side. Afterwards, in large theatres, anc especially in London, this trick was improved upon, an( seemed more marvellous still. Instead of appearing b^ MINOR MISERIES. 295 my side, the boy was instantaneously transported to a box at a long distance from the stage, where every body could easily see him. It is a well-known fact that a man cannot enjoy perfect happiness in this world, and that the greatest prosperity has its disagreeable side ; this is what is called " the minor evils of good luck." One of my special annoyances was having a room much too small, which disabled me from satisfying all the demands made for places, and, though I racked my brain, I could hit on no expedient to remedy this inconvenience. As I have already said, my room was often taken be- forehand ; in that case the office was not opened, and a placard on the door announced it was useless for any non- holders of tickets to apply. But it daily happened that persons, annoyed at being unable to enjoy a promised treat, took no heed of the notice and went straight to the pay place. On being refused admission, they abused the money-taker, and still more the management. These complaints were generally absurd, and of the fol- lowing description : " Such an abuse is most improper," one of these disap- pointed persons said, with great simplicity; ''I will cer- tainly go to-morrow and complain to the prefect of police, and we shall see whether Monsieur Robert-Houdin has a right to have too small a theatre." When these recriminations went no further, I confess I laughed at them, but they did not always end in such a pacific manner. My employes were sometimes personally attacked, and on one occasion my theatre was taken by storm. The story is worth telling : One evening a dozen young men, after heating their brains by an excellent dinner, presented themselves at the 29\'5 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. door of my theatre ; the notice they read only appeared to them an excellent jest. Consequently, paying no atten-j tion to the observations made to them, they collected! round the door, and to employ the usual expression in such] cases, they began to form "the head of the tail." OtheyJ visitors, encouraged by their example, collected, and gradi ally a considerable crowd assembled in front of thl theatre. The manager, informed of what was happening, caml forward, and prepared to address the crowd from the heac of the stairs, after coughing to render his voice clearer^ But he had scarce commenced his address, when his voice was drowned by derisive laughter and shouts, which com- pelled his silence. In his despair, he came to tell me tl dilemma, and ask what he had better do. "Do not disturb yourself," I said; "all will end better^ than you expect. Stay," I added, looking at my watch ; "it is now half-past seven, and the ticket-holders will begin to arrive ; so, open the doors, and, as soon as the room is r full the public outside will be compelled to abandon the ground." .* I had sarcely uttered the words, when a servant came in all haste to tell me that the crowd had broken down ' the barrier, and rushed into the room. I hastened on to i the stage, and through the hole in the curtain, could as- sure myself of the truth of the statement : the room was full. I confess I was much embarrassed as to what I should do. To have the room cleared by the neighboring guard was a scandal I wished to avoid, and I could not calculate the consequences. Besides, if the police interfered, I should have to attend at the court, and thus lose precious time. Lastly, the Prefecture, which had hitherto imposed but a single sentry on me, would not fail to send a corpo- A SUDDEN INVASION. 297 ral's guard, at least, to the great increase of my daily ex- penses. I immediately formed a decision. *'Have the doors closed," I said to my manager, " and put up a notice that, owing to a sudden indisposition, the evening's performance is postponed till to-morrow. As this measure applies to the ticket-holders, be in readiness to return the money to those who will not excfiange their tickets. As for me," I continued, ''I have made up my mind. I will give a gratis performance, and my revenge will consist in compelling the public to be ashamed of the schoolboy trick they have played." This plan arranged, I prepared to do the honors of my house properly, and the curtain soon rose. When I appeared on the stage, I noticed that the greater number of the spectators evinced considerable embarrass- ment; still, I soon put them at their ease by the noncha- lant air I assumed, as if ignorant of what had occurred. I did even more. I performed with an unusual amount of dash ; and when the time arrived to offer my small pre- sents, I was so liberal with them that not a single specta- tor was overlooked. I need not say that I was heartily applauded. The public vied with me in ^'reciprocating" compliments, and thus hoped to compensate me for the annoyance they fan- cied they had caused me. An original and extremely comic scene was performed when my audience lingeringly departed. Nearly all the persons present had only seen in this assault on my room a means to obtain places, and each intended to pay for his seat after having occupied it. But, for my part, I determined on maintaining the origi- nal character of my gratuitous performance, even if my 298 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. pocket suffered. Thus, foreseeing this feeling of delicacy, I had ordered all my attendants to leave before the per- formance "svas over, and they had obeyed me so well, that manager, money-taker, and box-openers had disappeared, i I then posted myself where I could see everything without being noticed. The spectators looked for the office; searched all around to find some official; thrust their hand^ in their pockets, and collected in small groups, until, worn out, they went away. Still, the public would not allow themselves to be beaten,;! and for several days I had a regular procession of people! coming to pay their debt. Some persons added their., apologies, and I also received by post a note for 100 fr.,1" with the followins letter : « " Sir, — Having been di-agged into your room last night by a party of thoughtless young men, I tried in vain, after the performance, to pay for the seat I had occupied. " I do not wish, however, to quit France without paying the debt I have contracted. In consequence, estimating the price of my stall by the pleasure you caused me, I send you a hundred-franc note, which I beg you to accept in payment of the debt I involuntarily contracted. " Still, I should not consider myself out of your debt were I not also to offer you my compliments for your in- teresting performance, and beg you to accept, sir, the assurance of my consideration." As the loss entailed on me by the assault on my room was light, I had no cause to repent the decision I had formed. On the other hand, the adventui*e became known, and added still more to my credit, as it is notorious the public prefer going to theatres where they are certain of finding no room. DANTAN, THE SCULPTOR. 299 As a general rule, family parties came to see me, but it was not unusual for a number of persons to form a rendez- vous at my theatre. The following incident will offer an instance : The infrenious author of those eccentric caricatures, which delight everybody who is not himself attacked, Dan- tan the younger, came one day to my box-office. " Madam," he said to the lady in command, " how many stalls have you to let ?" *'I will consult my book," the lady replied. "Do you wish them for to-night ?" "No, madam, for this day week." " Oh, in that case, you can have as many as you like." " How, as many as I like ? Why, your room must be made of india-rubber." " No, sir, I merely mean to say that of fifty stalls I have at my disposal, you can take as many as you please." "Very good, madam, 1 now understand," Dantan con- tinued, laughingly ; " then, if I can have as many as I please, have the goodness to keep me sixty." The lady, much embarrassed to solve this problem, sent for me, and I easily arranged the affair by converting the first pit row into stalls. The reason why the sculptor required so many seats was as follows : Dantan, junior, has an enormous number of friends, and the orio;iiial idea had occurred to him of invitinf^ a certain number of them to Robert-Houdin's performance, and for that purpose he had engaged these sixty seats. I have mentioned this incident, because it both proves the renown my theatre enjoyed at that time, and reminds me of the commencement of one of the most agreeable ac- ([uaintances I ever made in my life. From this moment I 800 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. 1 became, and have always remained, one of the intimate ? friends of the celebrated sculptor. I Before knowing him personally, like the majority of his admirers, I was unacquainted with his serious works, but i when I was admitted to his studio, I could appreciate the full extent of his talent. Dantan has in this room, arranged on enormous shelves, \ the most perfect collection of busts of contemporary celeb- rities. I do not think a single illustrious person of the age is missing. Each is properly classijfied and arranged as in a museum ; monarchs and statesmen, less numerous than the others, are collected on one shelf; then come authors, musicians, singers, composers, physicians, war- riors, dramatic artists — in a word great men of every description and country. But the most interesting thing in the gallery is that every bust is accompanied by its caricature, so that, after admiring the original, you laugh heartily at noticing all the comic details of the other. On seeing these numberless heads, it is difficult to imao;ine that one man's life could suffice for such a toil. Dantan, however, has a remarkable talent in catching the characteristic features of a face, and often enough he needf only see a person once in order to produce an extraordi-* nary likeness. Witness the following fact, which I will ^ cite as much for its singularity as because it bears an affinity, in some degree, to sleight-of-hand : The son of Lieutenant-General Baron D came one day to Dantan, begging him to make a bust of his father. "I will not hide from you," he said to the artist, "that you will encounter an almost insurmountable difficulty in performing your task. Not only would the general never consent to sit to you, but you cannot even be introduced to him at home. As my father has been ill for many years, A DIFFICULT JOB. 301 he sees no other persons tlian his servants, and he keeps ahnost always alone. Hence, you will have to manage to catch a glimpse at him unawares, but I do not know how." *' Does your father never go out?" the sculptor asked. " Oh yes, sir ; every afternoon at four my father takes the 'bus and goes to read the papers at a room in the Place de la Madeleine, after which he comes back and shuts liimself up again." " I require no more," the artist said. "I will 4)egin making my observations to-day, and set to work to- morrow." In fact, at four o'clock precisely, Dantan posted himself before a house forming the corner, of the Boulevards and the Rue Louis-le- Grand, and soon saw the general come out and walk to an omnibus. The sculptor followed his model and entered the vehicle with him, but, unfortunately, the only two seats vacant were on the same side, and the artist could only make profile studies, being very careful not to attract attention. At last the 'bus stopped before the Madeleine church ; pursuer and pursued went in together to the same reading- room, where each took up his favorite paper, and was soon lost in the perusal. Dantan had taken a seat opposite the general, and, ■while apparently absorbed in a leader, took stealthy glances at his model. All was going on favorably, and the artist continued his studies quietly for some moments, until the general, already surprised that his fellow-passenger should come to the same reading-room, caught his eye fixed upon himself. Annoyed by this impertinent curiosity, for which he could assign no reason, he attempted to foil it by forming a rampart of his enormous paper. .302 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDlIf. The face of the old baron disappeared, but the top of his head was still visible, and flantan would have been able to continue his task satisfactorily, had it not been for a frightful silk cap he wore. Many a conjurer, even the most famous, would have been checked by such a difficulty ; but Dantan did not long rack his brains, which renders his trick only the more striking. He went up to the lady at the counter, spoke with her for a few moments, and then quietly returned to his post' of observation. ; It is necessary to state that the reading-room, heated by a large stove, was already quite warm enough ; but suddenly an insupportable degree of heat filled the room, and drops of perspiration stood on the foreheads of several persons. The general, who at this moment held the G-azette da Trihunaux in his hand, and was doubtlessly amusing him- self with some lugubrious drama, was one of the last tc notice the heightened temperature. Even he, though, at length found it necessary to remove his silk cap, and put it in his pocket, growling, " Confound it, how hot the room is !" The trick was done. The reader has already guessed that the clever sculptoi was the cause of this vapor-bath, which he induced the lady to produce by explaining to her his important mission. This result once obtained, Dantan hastily made his phrenological studies on the venerable head of the old w\irrior ; then, rising from the table, he cast a final ghmct over his features, photographed him, so to speak, in his n.imd, and ran off" to set to work. A short time after, the sculptor sent the general's I ST. CLOUD. 303 familj the most perfect bust possibly ever produced hy his chisel. Here I will close the parenthesis I comnienced with reference to the evils the smallness of my theatre entailed on me ; and I will now begin another about the pleasures my success procured me. At the beginning of November, I received a '' command " to St. Cloud, to give a performance before Louis Philippe and his family. I accepted the invitation with the great- est pleasure ; for as I had never yet performed before a crowned head, this was an important event for me. I had six days before me to make my preparations, and I took all possible pains, even arranging a trick for the occasion, from which I had reason to expect an excellent result. On the day fixed for my performance, a fourgon came at an early hour to fetch me and my apparatus, and we were conveyed to the chateau. A theatre had been put up in a large hall selected by the king for the represen- tation, and in order that I might not be disturbed in my preparations, a guard was placed at one of the doors leading into the corridor. I also noticed three other doors in this apartment ; one, composed of glass, opened on to the garden opposite a passage filled with splendid orange- trees ; the two others, to the right and left, communicated with the apartments of the king and the Duchess of Orleans. I was busy arranging my apparatus, when I heard one of the doors I have just mentioned open quietly, and di- rectly a voice made the following inquiry in the most afi"a- ble manner : " Monsieur Robert-Houdin, may I be permitted to come in?" 304 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. I turned mj head in the direction, and recognized the king, who, having asked this question merely as a form of introduction, had not waited for mj reply to walk towards me. I bowed respectfully. " Have you all you require for your preparations ?" the king asked me. "Yes, sire; the steward of the chateau supplied mo with skilled workmen, who speedily put up this little stage." My tables, consoles and tabourets, as well as the vari- ous instruments for my performance, symmetrically ar- ranged on the stage, already presented an elegant appear- ance. " This is all very pretty," the king said to me, drawing near the stage, and casting a stealthy glance on some of my apparatus ; "I see with j^leasure that the artist of 1846 will justify the good opinion produced by the me- chanician of 1844." " Sire," I replied, " on this day I will strive, as I did two years ago, to render myself worthy of the great favor your majesty deigns to bestow on me, by witnessing my performance." " Your son's second-sight is said to be very surprising," the king continued : " but I warn you. Monsieur Robert- Houdin, to be on your guard, for we intend to cause you considerable difficulties." " Sire," I replied, boldly, "I have every reason for be- lieving that my son will surmount them. "I should be vexed were it otherwise," the king said, with a tinge of incredulity, as he retired. " Monsieur Robert-Houdin," he added, as he closed the door after liim, "I shall feel obliged by your punctuality." A EOYAL AUDIENCE. 80 At four o'clock precisely, when the royal family and the numerous guests were assembled, the curtains that concealed me opened, and I appeared on the stage. Owing to my repeated performances, I had fortunately acquired an imperturbable assurance and a confidence in myself •which the success of my experiments fully justified. I began in the most profound silence, for the party evidently wished to see and judge before giving me any encouragement. But, insensibly, they became excited, and I heard several exclamations of surprise, which were soon followed by still more expressive demonstrations. All my tricks were very favorably received, and the one I had invented for the occasion gained me unbounded applause. I will give a description of it : I borrowed from my noble spectators several handker chiefs, which I made into a parcel, and laid on the table. Then, at my request, different persons wrote on the cards the names of places whither they desired their handkerchiefs to be invisibly transported. When this had been done, I begged the king to take three of the cards at hazard, and choose from them the place he might consider most suitable. " Let us see," Louis Philippe said, "what this one says : *I desire the handkerchiefs to be found beneath one of the candelabra on the mantelpiece.' That is too easy for a sorcerer ; so we will pass to the next card : ' The hand- kerchiefs are to be transported to the dome of the Inva- lides. ' That would suit me, but it is much too far, not for the handkerchiefs, but for us. Ah, ah !" the king added, looking at the last card, " I am afraid. Monsieur Robert- Houdin, I am about to embarrass yon. Do you know what this card proposes?" U I 306 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. '' Will your majesty deign to inform me ?" " It is desired that you should send the handkerchiefs into the chest of the last orange-tree on the right of the avenue." " Only that, sire ? Deign to order, and I will obey." " Very good, then ; I should like to see such a magic act: I, therefore, choose the orange-tree chest." The king gave some orders in a low voice, and I directly j^ saw several persons run to the orange-tree, in order to| watch it and prevent any fraud. I was delighted at this precaution, which must add to the eifect of my experiment, for the trick was already arranged, and the precaution hence too late. T had now to send the handkerchiefs on their travels, so I placed them beneath a bell of opaque glass, and, taking my wand, I ordered my invisible travellers to proceed to the spot the king had chosen. I raised the bell ; the little parcel was no longer there, and a white turtle-dove had taken its place. The king then walked quickly to the door, whence he looked in the direction of the orange-tree, to assure him- self that the guards were at their post ; when this was done, he began to smile and shrug his shoulders. "Ah! Monsieur Robert-Houdin," he said, somewhat ironically, " I much fear for the virtue of your magic staff." Then he added, as he returned to the end of the room, where several servants were standing, " Tell William to open immediately the last chest at the end of the avenue, and bring me carefully what he finds there — if he does find anything." William soon proceeded to the orange-tree, and though much astonished at the orders given him, he began to carry them out. CAGLIOSTRO'S CASKET. 307 He carefully removed one of the sides of the chest, thrust his hand in, and almost touched the roots of the tree before he found anything. All at once he uttered a cry of surprise, as he drew out a small iron coffer eaten by rust. This curious ^'find," after having been cleaned from the mould, was brought in and placed on a small ottoman by' the king's side. "Well, Monsieur Robert-Houdin," Louis Philippe said to me, with a movement of impatient curiosity, " here is a box; am I to conclude it contains the handkerchiefs?" " Yes, sire," I replied, with assurance, "and they have been there, too, for a long period." " How can that be ? the handkerchiefs were lent you scarce a quarter of an hour ago." " I cannot deny it, sire ; but what would my magic powers avail me if I could not perform incomprehensible tricks? Your majesty will doubtlessly be still more sur- prised, when I prove to your satisfaction that this coffer, as well as its contents, was deposited in the chest of the orange-tree sixty years ago." "I should like to believe your statement," the king re- plied, with a smile ; " but that is impossible, and I must, therefore, ask for proofs of your assertion." " If your majesty will be kind enough to open this cas- ket they will be supplied." " Certainly ; but I shall require a key for that." " It only depends on yourself, sire, to have one. Deii:;]? to remove it from the neck of this turtle-dove, which has just brought it you." Louis Philippe unfastened a ribbon that held a small rusty key, with which he hastened to unlock the coffer. The first thing that caught the king's eye was a parch- ment, on which he read the following statement : ^'•JK MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. This day, the 6th June, 1786, 1 * This iron box, containing six handkerchiefs, was PLACED among THE ROOTS OF AN ORANGE-TREE BY ME, Balsamo, Count of Cagliostro, to serve in perform- ing AN ACT OF MAGIC, WHICH WILL BE EXECUTED ON THE SAME DAY SIXTY YEARS HENCE BEFORE LOUIS PhILIPPE OF Orleans and his family. i " There is decidedly witchcraft about this," the king said, more and more amazed. " Nothing is wanting, for the seal and signature of the celebrated sorcerer are placed at the foot of this statement, which, Heaven pardon me, smells strongly of sulphur." fSM At this jest, the audience began to laugh. -IH "But," the king added, taking out of the box a care- fully sealed packet, " can the handkerchiefs by possibility be in this ?" " Indeed, sire, they are ; but, before opening the parcel,. I would request your majesty to notice that it also bears the impression of Cagliostro's seal." |i This seal once rendered so famous by bemg placed on the celebrated alchemist's bottles of elixir and liquid gold, I had obtained from Torrini, who had been an old friend of Cagliostro's. " It is certainly the same," my royal spectator answered, after comparing the two seals. Still, in his impatience to learn the contents of the parcel, the king quickly tore open the envelope, and soon displayed before the aston- ished spectators the six handkerchiefs which, a few mo- ments before, were still on mv table. w This trick gained me lively applause, but in my second sight, which was to terminate the performance, I had really to sustain a terrible struggle, as the king had '•'■-■ ' me. SECOND SIGHT. 309 Among the objects handed me, there was, I remember, 0, medal, which it was expected would embarrass me. Still, I had no sooner taken it in my hand than my son de- scribed it in the following terms : ^' It is," he said, confidently, ^' a Greek medal of bronze, on which is a word composed of six letters, which I will spell : lamha, epsilon, ojiu, nu, omicron, sigma, which makes Leinnos." My son knew the Greek alphabet : hence, he could read the word Lemnos, although he could not possibly have translated it. This was in itself a severe trial for so young a lad ; but it did not satisfy the royal family. I was handed a small Chinese coin with a hole through the centre, and its name and value were immediately indi- cated ; and, lastly, a difiiculty, from which I managed to escape successfully, was the brilliant finale of my per- formance. I had been surprised to see the Duchess of Orleans, who took a lively interest in the second sight, retire to her apartments ; but she soon returned, and handed me a Bmall case, the contents of which she wished my son to iescribe, but I must be careful not to open it. I had foreseen this prohibition ; so, while the princess was speaking to me, I opened the case with one hand, and, by a rapid glance, satisfied myself as to its contents. Still, I pretended for a moment to be startled by the proposal, in order to produce a greater efi'ect. "Your highness," I remarked, as I returned the case, "will allow me to appeal against such a proposal, for you must have remarked that, until now, I required to see the object before my son could na,me it." "Yet you have surmounted greater difficulties," the SIO MEMOIRS OF I10BERT-H0UDII5. amiable duchess retorted. " However, if it is not possible, let us say no more about it, for I should be grieved tc cause you any embarrassment." " What your highness wishes is, I repeat, impossible : and yet my son, feeling anxious to justify the confidence you place in his clairvoyance, will attempt to see througi the case, and describe its contents. " Can he do so even through my hands?" the duchess continued, trying to conceal the case. " Yes, madam, and even if your highness were in the next room, my son would be able to see it." The duchess, declining the new trial I proposed, satisfied herself by questioning my son with her own lips. ^gM The boy, who had long received his instructions, replied, without hesitation, '' There is in the case a diamond pin, the stone being surrounded by a garter of sky-blu€ enamel." " That is perfectly correct," the duchess said, as she showed the ornament to the king. ''Judge for yourself, sire;" then, turning to me, she added, with infinite grace, "Monsieur Robert-Houdin, will you accept this pin in re- membrance of your visit to St. Cloud?" I thanked her highness sincerely, as I assured her of my gratitude. The performance was over : the curtain fell, and, in mj turn, I was enabled to enjoy a curious scene at my ease; it was to look through a small hole at my audience, whc had assembled in groups, and were talking about the im- pression I had produced. Before leaving the chateau, the king and queen again Bent me the most flattering messages by the person charged ^0 hand me a souvenir of their munificence. This representation could not increase my reputation — OPEN-AIR STUDIES. 311 that was not possible — but it helped powerfully to main- tain it. Mj performance at St. Cloud, more especially, created a sensation among the aristocracy, who, until that K moment, had hesitated about visiting my small room. Their curiosity overcame other considerations, and they came in their turn to assure themselves of the reality of the marvels attributed to me. The summer heats were, however, beginning'to be felt: we had reached the commencement of July, and I had to think about closing my theatre. However, instead of running after fortune, as in the previous year, I occupied myself with changing and improving my performance. The task was heavy ; for I was filled with bold emulation, as I could not conceal from myself that my success im- posed certain duties on me, and that, in order to keep it up, I must be constantly deserving of it. The most painful part of my inquiries was, that my in- ventions must be completed by a certain day and hour, for the reopening of my theatre was fixed for the first of the next September, and, for many reasons, I determined on being punctual. For two months I worked with great ardor, granting myself no rest or pleasure. Sometimes, however, after dinner on Sunday, I allowed myself a recreation which may seem strange to many of my readers : I went to the I fairs round Paris, and studied the mountebanks. There I amused myself, I may say, as much as any of the specta- tors around me ; though the pleasure I felt was not of the same nature as that of my neighbors. I amused myself by seeing their amusement, and nothing more; for any one who has seen this style of spectacle must have noticed that the mountebank gives his public very little for their money. The best part of the sight is often seen outside. 312 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER XVII. New Experiments — Aerial Suspension, &c. — A Performance at the Od^on — A Friend in Need — 1848 — The Theatre deserted — I leave Paris for London — Manager Mitchell — Publicity in England — The Great Wizard — A Butter-mould used as a Puff — Singular Bills — A Prize for the best Pun. Instead of being able to recommence mj performances on the 1st of September, as I had hoped, my compulsory holidays, which might be called my "penal servitude," were prolonged another month, and it was not till the 1st of October that I was prepared to offer my new experi- ments to the public. My pecuniary interests were much affected by this de- lay, but I trusted, correctly enough, to the zeal of the public to visit me, as a compensation. My new repertory contained the Crystal Box, the Fan- tastic Portfolio, the Trepeze TuDibler, the Gfarde Frangaise, the Origin of Flowers, the Crystal Balls, the Inexhaustible Bottle, the Ethereal Suspension, &c. I had devoted especial care to the last experiment, on which I built great hopes. Surgery had supplied me with the first idea of it. It will be remembered that m 1847 the insensibility pro- duced by inhaling ether began to be applied in surgical operations; all the world talked about the marvellous ETHEREAL SUSPENSION. 813 effect of this angesthetic, and its extrbring good luck ; but your success depends on the virtue of your magic staii." Mitchell, feeling desirous to add all desirable attraction to my performances, had ordered a scene in the Louis XV. style, as well as a curtain, on which was painted, in letters of gold, the title adopted for my Paris theatre, " Soirees Fantastiques de Robert-Houdin ;" consequently, I could not begin my arrangements till all these prepara- tions had been completed. In the meanwhile, having nothing better to do, I walked about daily in the magnificent parks, and collected my strength, in preparation for the fatigues I was about to undergo in my performances. At this word "fatigues," my reader will be doubtlessly surprised, for he has every reason to suppose that my stay in London would be in some degree a period of rest, as, instead of playing seven times a week, as in Paris, I was only to give three performances in the same period. JUDICIOUS PUFFERY. 325 To explain this apparent contradiction, it will be enougli for me to state that the work and fatigue are less in the performance than its preparation. As at St. James's Theatre I had to perform alternately with the Comic Opera, I was obliged, lest I might impede these artists in their studies, to give them all necessary time for their re- hearsals, which, as is well known, occupy the greater por- tion of the day. Consequent!}^, I had promised to clear the stage so soon as my performance was over, and not occupy it again till the middle of the day on which I per- formed. Add to this, that in my labor of preparing and removing, the master's eye was not sufficient, but I had for various reasons to set to work myself, and it- may be easily understood that this caused me enormous fatigue. It caused me at the outset a species of comical regret to find that my performances would not owe their stccess entirely to my own merits. In England it is almost im- possible to gain the ear of the public unless every possible form of notoriety be resorted to, and the change from my peaceful retirement in Paris was very startling. Whenever I took my walks abroad, my name in gigantic letters stared me in the face, while enormous posters, on which my vari- ous tricks were represented, covered the walls of London, and, according to the English fashion, were promenaded about the streets, by the help of a vehicle like those we emplo}^ in Paris for removing furniture. But, however great this publicity might be, it was quite modest when compared to that opposed to us by a rival, who may be justly regarded as the most ingenious and skillful puffer in England. On my arrival in England, a conjurer of the name of Anderson, who assumed the title of Great Wizard of the Norths had been performing for a long period at the little Btrand Theatre. 326 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. This artist, fearing, doubtlessly, that public attention might be divided, tried to crush the publicity of my per- formances ; hence, he sent out on London streets a caval- cade thus organized : Four enormous carriages, covered with posters and pic- tures representing all sorts of witchcraft, opened the pro- cession. Then followed four-and-twenty merry men, eacli bearing a banner, on which was painted a letter a yard in height. At each cross-road the four carriages stopped side by side and presented a bill some twenty-five yards in length, while all the men, I should say letters, on receiving the word of command, drew themselves up in a line, like the vehicles. Seen in front, the letters formed this phrase : The Celebrated Anderson ! I ! while, on the other side of the banners could be read : The Great Wizard of the North. Unfortunately for the Wizard, his performances were attacked by a mortal disease ; too long a stay in London had ended by producing satiety. Besides, his repertory was out of date, and could not contend against the new tricks I was about to offer. What could he present to the public in opposition to the second sight, the suspen- sion, and the inexhaustible bottle ? Hence, he was obliged to close his theatre and start for the provinces, where he managed, as usual, to make excellent receipts, owing to his powerful means of notoriety. I have met many "puffers" in my life, but I may say I iiever saw one who attained the elevation Anderson reach- ed. The instance I have quoted will give some idea of THE WIZARD OF THE NORTH. 327 Lis inanner, but I will add a few others, to supply a per- fect, idea of the man. Wlienever his performances are going to be given in a large town, though they are announced with extreme pub- licit;y, Anderson contrives to bring his wonders to the notice? even of those who never read the newspapers or posters. For this purpose, he sends to all the buttermen in the town moulds on which his name, title, and the hour of his performtince are engraved, begging them to imprint his stamp on their butter-pats, in lieu of the cow ordinarily represented. As every family in England eats butter at breakfast, it follows that each receives, at no expense to the conjurer, an invitation to pay a visit to the illustrious Wizard of the North. Again, too, Anderson sends out into the streets, before daybreak, a dozen men, carrying those open frames, by means of w^hich, and with a brush and lamp-black, the walls of Paris have been so long covered with puffs. These people print the announcement of the Wizard's performance on the pavement, which is always kept remarkably clean in England. In spite of himself, every tradesman on open- ing his shop, and every inhabitant proceeding to business, cannot but read the name of Anderson, and the announce- ment of his performance. It is true that a few hours later these puifs are effaced by the footsteps of the passers-by, but thousands of persons have read them, and the Wizard requires no more. His posters are equally original, and I was shown one of a gigantic size put out on the occasion of his return to London after a lengthened absence in the provinces. It was a caricature imitation of the famous picture "Napo- Ivon's Return from ElLu." 328 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Id the foreground Anderson was seen affecting the atti- tude of the great man ; above his head fluttered an enorm- ous banner, bearing the words ^'The Wonder of the World ;" while, behind him, and somewhat lost in the shade, the Emperor of Russia and several other monarchs stood in a respectful posture. As m the original picture, the fanatic admirers of the Wizard embraced his knees, while an immense crowd received him triumphantly. In the distance could be seen the equestrian statue of the Iron Duke, who, hat in hand, bowed before him, the Great Wizard; and, lastly, the very dome of St. Paul's bent towards him most humbly. At the bottom was the inscription, "Return of the Napoleon of Necromancy." Regarded seriously, this picture would be found a puff in very bad taste ; but, as a caricature, it is excessively comic. Besides, it had the double result of making the London public laugh, and bringing a great number of shillings into the skillful puffer's pockets. When Anderson is about to leave a town where he has exhausted all his resources, and has nothing more to hope, he still contrives to make one more enormous haul. He orders from the first jeweller in the town a silver vase, worth twenty or twenty-five pounds ; he hires, for one evening only, the largest theatre or room in the town, and announces that in the Wizard's parting performance the spectators will compete to make the best pun. The silver vase is to be the prize of the victor. A jury is chosen among the chief people of the town tc decide with the public on the merits of each pun. It is agreed that they will applaud if they think a pun good ; they will say nothing to a passable one, but groau at a bad one. A NEW JOE MILLER. 829 The room is always crowded, for people come less to Bee the performance, which they know by heart, than to display their wit publicly. Each makes his jest, and re- ceives a greeting more or less favorable; and, lastly, che vase is decreed to the cleverest among them. Any other than Anderson would be satisfied wifh the enormous receipts his performance produces ; but the Great Wizard of the North has not finished yet. Before the audience leaves the house he states that a short-hand writer had been hired by him to take down all the puns, and that they will be published as a Miscellany. As each spectator who has made a joke likes to see it in print, he purchases a copy of the book for a shilling. An idea of the number of these copies may be formed from the number of puns they contain. I have one of these books in my possession, printed at Glasgow in 1850, in which there are 1091 of these facetine. The charlatan style of Anderson's bills is most amus- ing — at least 1 regard it as such; for it is not presumable that Anderson ever intended sincerely to praise himself in such an outrageous way. If I am mistaken, it Avould be more than vanity on his part, when I take into considera- tion his conjuring talent. Hence I believe him to be very modest at heart. 830 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER XVIII. The St. James's Theatre — Invasion of England by French Performers — A Fete patronised by the Queen — Tlie Diplomatist and the Sleight- of-Hand Man — Three Thousand Pounds taken at one Haul — I per- form at Manchester — The Spectators in the Pillory — What capital Cura90a! — A Torrent of Wine — A Catastrophe — Performance at Buckingham Palace — A Wizard's Repast. But it is time to return to St. James's : the machinists, painters, and decorators have finished their work, for* the 2nd of May has arrived, the day fixed for my stage being handed over to me. In fact, every one was admirably punctual : the new scenery Avas in its place at an early hour, and as, at Mitchell's request, the rehearsals were suspended for that day, the theatre was entirely at my service ; hence I could devote myself quietly to the preparations for my performance. However, all had been so well arranged be- forehand, that I was in perfect readiness when the audi- ence began entering the house. It may be supposed I had taken every possible precau- tion to insure success, for an experiment which must ex- cite astonishment if it succeed, in the event of failure is ruin to the operator. Hence I sincerely pity those sor- cerers whose supernatural power hangs on a thread. It is true that a skillful conjurer ought always to be able to escape any difiiculty that may occur to him ; still, this sort of repairs very rarely meets with success, for, AN EXPEDIENT. 331 after all, it is only a patching together, in which the cracks are only too visible. I had a mode of escape always at hand in any emer- gency, but I confess I was much vexed when compelled to have recourse to these secondary means, which, by pro- longing the experiment, render it far less striking. When a failure happens in tricks of skill an escape is impossible, for a conjurer ought no more to fail in these than a good musician play a false note. Whenever he makes a mistake in such a case, it results from his want of adroitness, which only time can correct ; but in our ex- periments accidents at times happen which the most care- ful man cannot foresee. In such an event, you can only trust to the expedients which presence of mind suggests. Thus, one day, I happened to break the glass of a watch lent me for a trick. My position was awkward, for it is a very clumsy termination to a trick to return an object lent you in any way injured. I quietly walked up to the gentleman who had lent me the watch, and offered it to him, while being very careful to keep the face downwards ; but, at the moment he was going to take it, I drew it back. *' This is your watch?" I said, confidently. "Yes, sir, it is." " Well, I merely wished to prove the fact ; will you, sir," I added, sinking my voice to a whisper, "lend it to me for another trick which I intend to perform presently ?" "Willingly," the obliging spectator replied. I then carried the watch on the stage, and, handing it secretly to my servant, I bade him go at full speed to a watchmaker's, and have a new glass put in. Half an houi' later, I returned the watch to its owner, saying : OU-li 2 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. " I have just noticed to my regret that the lateness of the hour will preclude me from performing the trick I' promised you ; but as I hope to have the pleasure of see- ing you again at my performances, please to remind me the first time you come, and I shall then be able to per- form the interesting trick." I was saved. ! ! ; In the meanwhile, the public were entering the theatre, but so quietly that, although my dressing-room was close to the stage, I heard scarcely any noise in the house. I was frightened at this, for such a quiet 'entry is in France a sure prognostic of bad receipts for the manager, and sinister foreboding of a failure to the performer. When I was able to proceed on the stage, I ran to the curtain-hole, and I saw with as much surprise as pleasure the house completely filled, and presenting, in addition, the most charming company I had ever yet performed be- fore. I must say, too, that the St. James's Theatre is a splen- did establishment, for it is in some degree the gathering-; place of the flower of the English aristocracy, who visit it! not merely to enjoy the performances, but also to improve their pronunciation of French. One fact will give an idea of the elegance and fashion of my spectators ; no lady is allowed to keep on her bon-, net, however elegant it may be ; she is obliged to leave it in the saloon. This is, indeed, a thorough English fashion,; for the ladies come to the theatre in evening costume, with their hair beautifully arranged, and low-necked dresses, while the gentlemen are attired in black, with white neck-handkerchiefs and gloves. \ At St. James's, the pit only exists traditionally ; it is } A KINDLY RECEPTION. S33 driven under the boxes, and its presence is scarcely no- ticed. All the body of the house is filled with stalls, or rather elegant arm-chairs, to Avhich ladies arc admitted. The price of the seats is in proportion to the comfort they offer ; each stall costs seven shillings, and you can enter the modest pit for three shillings ; but this is no deo.rer than at the Opera. While I was surveying this elegant assembly with de- light, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. It was Mitchell, who came to give me a delicate hint about some invita- tions he had thought it advisable to send out. "Well, Houdin," he said to me, "how do you like your examination? does the audience please you?" " It is delightful, my dear Mitchell ; I may add, it is the first time I ever performed in a theatre to such a bril- liant audience." " Brilliant is the very word, my friend, for you must know that, among your admirers" (pardon me this w^ord of praise, but I am quoting Mitchell), " is the whole of the English Press, which possesses a numerous staff. We shall also have as spectators some gentlemen whose opinion ex- ercises a very great influence in London drawing-rooms. And lastly, a great number of places are occupied by artistic celebrities, who will justly appreciate the Robert- Iloudin whom, to employ the champagne phrase, we have made 'sparkle' as he deserves." It may be imagined that, after this explanation, my performance seemed to me a solemnity, and that I em- ployed the utmost care and zeal in executing my tricks. I am justified in stating that I obtained a legitimate suc- cess. Shall I now speak of the kindness and eneouragement I received from the audience of St. James's Theatre ? I 334 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. will appeal to the celebrated artistes who have performe on this stage before me : Rachel, Roger, Samson, Regniei Duplessis, Dejazet, Bouffe, Levassor, &c. ; have they eve found in Europe spectators comparable to those of Si James's? Here there are no paid clappers ; they woul be superfluous, for the audience take upon themselves t encourage the performers. The gentlemen are not afraii of bursting their gloves, while the ladies make as muc noise with their tiny hands as their strength allows. But I must stop, for I should fear, were I to continue, drifting into the style of the Great Wizard. My performances went on at St. James's, and ampi consoled me for my losses in Paris. Although I only pei formed three times a week, their produce exceeded that o: my best days at home. My readers might imagine tha? such unequivocal success ought to have satisfied me, but as I have said before, I am naturally ambitious, and longed for one decisive triumph — I wished to havem; performance honored by the presence of the Queen. Ud der happier auspices I doubt not that the honor wouL have fallen to my share, but at the moment there was : peculiar difficulty, which I saw no mode of overcoming. . will describe it in as summary a manner as I can. After the revolution, the French theatres, as I havi already said, found their receipts reduced to worthies! free tickets ; hence they sought in neighboring countries' just as I had done myself, a public less engaged wit! politics, and consequently more apt to yield to the attrac, tion of amusement. England was the only country that had made no chang" in its habits of luxury and pleasure, and hence man; managers turned their longing eyes towards this E Dorado. A FRENCH INVASION. 335 The Palais Roval Theatre, which, bj the way, was not the worst oiF, was one of the first to draw a bill at sight upon the rich metropolis of England. Dormeuil, its skillful manager, divided his company imto two parts, one remaining at Paris, while the other came to the St. James's Theatre in the place of the Opdra Comique, which had ended its engagement with Mitchell. Levassor, Grassot, Ravel, M'lle Scrivaneck, &c., received a brilliant reception from our mutual audience. This success became known in Paris, and turned the head of M. II , manager of the Historic Theatre. After making arrangements with the proprietors of a London th-eatre (Covent Garden, I think), the impresario also came across with a portion of his company to perform his play of Monte CJiristo, which lasted two evenings. The arrival of these performers, all of great merit gene- rally, disturbed the peace of the English managers, who, fearing with some reason the entire loss of their audiences, resolved to oppose this dangerous invasion. "The French and Italian theatres in London," they said in their attacks, " can play on their boards whatever pieces they like ; they are privileged to do so, and we respect their right. But we will not permit all our thea- tres to be thus invaded, or Shakspeare be dethroned by foreign playwrights." The question of theatrical rivalry soon assumed the character of a national one. The papers took up the cause of tlie theatres, while the public adopted the opinion of the press writers, and formed an army to fight against the new comers. M. H attempted, however, to perform Alexandre Dumas's master-piece ; but it was impossible to hear a word, so great were the noise and confusion in the house 336 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-IIOUDIN. during the whole time the performance lasted. AlthoiigL the manager persevered in his enterprise, he was at lengtli, ; obliged to yield to this imposing protest, which threatened;; i to degenerate into a collision, and he decided on closingh the theatre. ,t Mitchell held out his hand to the unlucky manager, and offered him the hospitality of his theatre, that he might at least play his double piece once before he left London. For this purpose he granted him one night of the Palais Royal performances, and promised to arrange with me fo: the next night. I could refuse Mitchell nothing, and the drama wad represented in its entirety, after which the company re- turned to France. I granted this favor with the greatest pleasure, as ii obliged many amiable performers, and I will add that, were a similar occasion offered me to oblige M. II again, I would gladly accept it, if only to remind him about thanking me for the first service I did him. Fortunately for my hopes, an occasion was offered me for performing before her Majesty, of which I gladly availed myself, as it enabled me, at the same time to do some slight service in the cause of charity. The occasion I will herQ describe, as it affords a pleasing trait of Eng- lish manners and customs. A benevolent f^te, the object of which was to open baths for the poor, had been organized by the first ladies in the land, and it was to be held at a delicious villa at Fulham, belonging to Sir Arthur Webster, who had kindly placed it at the disposal of the lady patronesses. Tliis graceful swarm of sisters of charity was composed of ten duchesses, fifteen marchioness, and some thirty countesses, viscountesses and baronesses, at the head ol A FANCY FAIR. 337 wliom was the Queen, who intended to honor the fete by her presence. This was more than sufficient to dis2:)ose of the tickets, however high the price might be. Still, the ladies conscientious!}^ desired to add some attraction, which would occupy the afternoon agreeably. The first idea was to arrange a concert, and, of course, the chief singers in the metropolis must be invited to join, as the company was 60 select ; hence the committee turned their eyes to Her Majesty's Theatre. But there a difficulty arose : they must ask each artiste to display his talent gratuitously, and as this was begging a favor, the embassy placed the fair promoters in a deli- cate position which they hesitated to accept. Fortunately for them, these ladies had taken care to enlist the services of my manager, whose intelligent advice would be most useful in arranging the fete. Mitchell was requested to call on the artistes, and he soon drew up a most remarkable list : it contained Madame Grisi, Madame Castellan, Madame Alboni, Mario, Roger (then engaged at Her Majesty's Theatre), Tamburini, and Lablache. After the concert a divertissement was to take place which must excite the public curiosity. A large number of ladies, dressed in costumes selected from all parts of the world, had promised to form fancy quadrilles on the lawn, in which they would perform character dances, and for this purpose elegant and spacious tents were erected. But this spectacle could only last an hour, and there were still two to be filled up, in which the guests could only be offered the pleasure of walking about. It was evident this was not enough, especially when we remember the price of the tickets was two pounds. Hence the com- mittee naturally thought of my performance. W 338 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Mitchell had expected this, so he took on himself, owing to our friendly connexion, to obtain my consent. He did more, for wishing in his turn to offer his alms to the poor, he offered to build, at his own expense, a theatre in the ground, and transfer to it the scenery I had at the theatre. This w^as, in some respects, removing St. James's Theatre to Fulham. >i Mitchell told me of this lucky event, from which he ex- ;i pected the best results, and I may say at once that his J expectations were realized. As soon as it was known that >. the Queen would deign to be present at one of my per- formances, many members of the aristocracy, who had not |>j yet visited the St. James's Theatre, sent to order boxes. On the day fixed for the Fulham festival, I started after breakfast for Sir Arthur Webster's residence. My mana- ger, with the machinist of the theatre, had been at work there from an early hour, so that, when I arrived I found the theatre quite in readiness for me. Scenery, drops, and curtain, everything, in short, was there, excepting the foot-lights, for which the sun was an admirable substitute. The public were to be admitted at one, and though I was not to give my performance till nearly four o'clock, all my preparations were made by the time the doors opened. The lady patronesses were already at their posts to receive the Queen and the royal family, and were as- sisted by stewards selected from the highest members of the aristocracy ; among them being the Duke of Beaufort, the Marquis of Abercorn, the Marquis of Douglas, &c. While waiting my turn to act, I thought I might as well take part in the fete as a simple spectator ; hence I went first to the entrance gates. I had scarce reached them when I saw the Duke of Wellington get out of his carriage, the popular hero before GEEAT PERSONAGES. 339 whom gentle and simple bowed with respectful deference. A fcAV moments later appeared the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, accompanied bj his Highness Prince Fred- erick William of Hesse, and in a group immediately fDi- lowing these high personages, the Duchess of Kent, the Duchess Bernhard of Saxe Weimar, and the Princesses Anne and Amelia were pointed out to me. These illustrious visitors were received by the lady pa- tronesses with the honors due to their rank, w'hile the band of the Royal Horse Guards played national airs. Outside could be heard the noisy and animated crowd, pressing forward, at the risk of their lives, to see the car- riages with the powdered and gorgeous footmen whose heads -are taxed so highly by the government. The numerous subscribers flocked in : all wished to be punctual, for it was known the Queen would grace the fete by her presence, and an Englishman, great or small, would not at any price miss the pleasure of seeing once again the features of her most gracious Majesty. The place I had selected was most favorable for observ- ing the new arrivals and not missing a single person. Still, whatever attraction this brilliant panorama might offer me, I was equally anxious to see the interior of the fairy palace, and I was just turning away, after directing a parting glance to the entrance gates. I was glad I did so, for at this moment arrived, close after each other, Prince Louis Napoleon, our present Emperor ; Prince Ed- ward of Saxe Weimar; Prince Loewenstein, and severa] other great personages whose names have escaped my memory. The gardens, the conservatories, and apartments, were already crowded by all the rank and fashion of London, and it was a hard matter to move about at one's ease. At 340 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. eacli moment a formidable swarm of marchionesses and ladies stopped the way, and forced me to yield the road to them, in my fear of crushing the most dazzling dresses I had ever seen. This was difficult enough, for whatever way I might turn in my politeness, I ran the risk of finding my- self in the same dilemma, so numerous and compact was the assemblage at Fulham. At half-past two the Queen had not yet arrived, and there was a hesitation about waiting any longer, when frenzied hurrahs, rending the air for the length of a mile, announced her Majesty's speedy arrival. The church-bells immediately began ringing, the band struck up " God save the Queen," while the youngest and fairest ladies formed a double avenue along her Majesty's route. These preparations were scarce made ere the Queen left her carriage, and moving along an immense avenue, cov- ered with red cloth, and sheltered overhead by a gay awning, she walked towards the room where her arrival was only awaited to commence the concert. On reaching the room, the Queen took her place in the midst of a circle formed by the lady patronesses, and the concert began. I should have gladly listened to the dulcet sounds, but, unfortunately, the hall, in spite of its vast proportions, could not contain all the spectators, and the crush was so great that it was not only crowded, but the approaches were invaded to the point where the vibration of the voices finally died away. Hence, I was obliged to' content myself with hearing outside the repeated applause bestowed on the talented singers. Roger, especially, obtained a real triumph by his aria from Lucia di Lammcrmoor, and the exquisite i| AN AMATEUR CONJURER. 341 way in which he sings it is well known. The Queen herself commanded an encore. The concert was scarcely over when, in accordance with the programme, the Queen proceeded to see the qua- drilles, in which magnificently attired ladies were to take part. I should have gladly witnessed this graceful sight, but I thought it advisable to cast a final glance on my stage. Hence, I proceeded towards the theatre, where a private entrance had been prepared for me, and I was just going up the few steps leading to it, when some one seized my arm. " Ah ! Monsieur Robert-Houdin," a gentleman said to me, with a smile, as he prepared to follow me up the stairs, "that is capital — we will go in together." "Where, sir?" I asked, much surprised at this pro- posal. " Why, on your stage," the unknown said, with an air of authority ; " and I trust you will not refuse me that pleasure." " I am vexed to deny you, sir ; but that is impossible," I said politely, knowing that in these grounds I could only meet persons who must be treated with respect. "Why so?" the gentleman continued, most pressingly. " I find, on the contrary, nothing easier. If we cannot go in side by side, we can follow each other." "Pardon me, sir, if I refuse your request; but no stranger is allowed on my stage." "Very good," my assailant then said, pleasantly; "if that is the case, I will tell you my name, so that I may be no longer a 'stranger' to you. I am Baron Brunnow, the Russian ambassador, as great an admirer of your mys- teries as I am desirous to find them out." And he con- 342 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. tinned his ascent, while striving to force the barrier. "What, Monsieur Kobert-Houdin," he added, "do you still refuse me this ? I only ask one or two explanations, nothing more." " I must persist in my refusal. Monsieur le Baron, for several reasons, and, more especially, for this one " "What?" " Your perspicuity and talent are so universally recog- nized, that I would not deprive you of the pleasure of yourself detecting these secrets, which are hardly worthy your powerful intellect." "Ah! ah!" the Baron replied, with a laugh, "how diplomatic we are. Do you wish to follow in my track ?" " I am unworthy to do so. Monsieur le Baron." "Very good, very good. In the meanwhile, I am re- pulsed with loss, and forced to take my place among the spectators. I yield ; but tell me, Monsieur Bobert-Houdin, have you ever been in Bussia?" "No, sir, never." " Then give me your card." And the ambassador wrote his name below mine. " Here," he said, handing it me back, "if you ever feel an inclination to visit our country, that card will be very useful to you ; and, if I happen to be at St. Petersburg at the time, come and see me, and I will procure you the honor of performing before his Majesty the Empercr Nicholas." I thanked Baron Brunnow, and he left me. During this conversation, the quadrilles were being danced, and, before their termination, the crowd had oc- cupied all the seats for my performance, save those re- served for the royal family and the court. The Queen her- self soon arrived, and I immediately received orders to begin. A DAZZLING PICTURE. 343 Would that I had a more skillful pen with which to de- pict in its true colors the picture which revealed itself to mj dazzled gaze at this moment ! At any rate, I will at- tempt to describe it. Imagine a large lawn rising before me in an amphithe- atrical shape, and arranged like the pit of a theatre. It would have been impossible to say whether the ground was covered with grass or gravel, so thronged was it with la- dies, who were alone allowed to sit down. In the first row and nearest my theatre, the Queen, having her royal husband on her right, was surrounded by her young and graceful family. A little in the rear the ladies in waiting and the lady patronesses formed the royal escort. At a respectful distance behind, the wives and daughters of the subscribers took their places, while the gentlemen formed symmetrical groups round this vast space. The sight was truly magnificent ; all the ladies, dazzling with youth and beauty, covered with diamonds and flowers, and rivalling each other in good taste and brilliancy, re- sembled a vast enameled prairie, on which the richest flowers of spring were displayed, while the black coats of the gentlemen who enframed this smiling picture, far from dulling it, only heightened the efiect. On either side of the law^n, old oak-trees lent their re- freshing shade to this improvised theatre. I felt a noble pride at that moment, when I thought I held, as it were at my fingers' ends, the witching eyes of duchesses, at times so haughty, but now so gracious, and •which seemed at every moment to gain fresh brilliancy at the sight of the surprises I offered them. In this unique performance the time passed so rapidly, that I was quite astonished when I found myself perform- ing my last trick. 344 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Before leaving her seat, the Queen, although she had | several times evinced her satisfaction, sent me her compli- " ments through an aide-de-camp, who also expressed her Majesty's desire to have a performance at Buckingham Palace at a later date. I had made every arrangement to start for town imme- Ij diately my performance was over, lest I might be delayed by the carriages waiting at the park gates. An idea of the number of my audience can be formed, when I say it took me more than a quarter of an hour to pass through the carriages drawn up in double file along the road. The receipts of the festival will supply a better proof; they amounted to 2500Z.! The next day the royal arms appeared at the head of' my bills, and below, the following passage, as a speciesfj of baptismal certificate: ^' Rohert-Houdin^ who has had the honor of performing before her most gracious 3£ajestg the Queen, Prince Albert^ \\ the Royal Family , and the Nobility of the United King^ \\ dom,'" &c. ':" My fashion only become the greater at St. James's. We had now reached the middle of July, and no one but an Englishman can understand the possibility of ob- taining a theatrical success during the dog-day heats. I must say, then, that among our brethren beyond the Channel, where all our customs are inverted, the season for concerts is from May to the end of August. In September the aristocracy retire to their estates, where they remain the , the other six months of the year. I followed the example of my audience: I quitted Lon- don at the beginning of September, not like them to take rest, but, on the contrary, to commence a life even moru THE MANCHESTER THEATRE. 345 agitated than the one I was leaving. I went to tlie Man- chestei Theatre, where Knowles, the manager, had made an engagement with me for fifteen performances. The theatre in this city is immense; like the vast arence of ancient Kome, it can hold an entire people. To give an idea of its size, I need only saj that twelve hundred spectators scarcely filled the pit. When I took possession of the stage, I was startled at its huge proportions ; for I feared I should be lost upon it, and my voice be unheard. The reasons for the erection of this immense building were explained to me afterwards. Manchester, as an eminent manufacturing city, counts its workmen by thousands. Well, these hardy artisans are all fond of the stage, and in their hand-to-mouth ex- istence they often give up one or two nights a week to this style of amusement ; hence a large space was required to house them all. Judging by the size of the house, I saw that many of the tricks I performed at St. James's were unsuited for the Manchester Theatre ; hence, I was obliged to draw up a programme containing merely tricks that could be seen from a distance, and whose effect would strike the masses. So soon as my performances were announced, the "hands" flocked in in shoals, and the pit, their favorite place, was literally crammed; while the rest of the house Was nearly empty. This is, however, generally the case at a first performance in England ; for many people wait for the newspaper critiques, which are sure to apj^ear on the following day, el'e they make up their mind. The audience entered the house with a noise unexampled in any French theatre, except at those gratuitous per- formances given in Paris on grand occasions. Before the 346 MEMOIRS OF EOBERT-HOUDIN. curtain was raised, I was obliged to wait, and give my noisy public time to cool down, and order and silence be- 1 ing gradually established, I began my performance. Instead of the fashionable world, the elegant toilettes, and those spectators who seemed to spread an aristocratic perfume over the St. James's Theatre, I now found myself in the presence of simple workmen, modestly and uni- formly attired, rough in their manner, and eager fori amusement. But this change, far from displeasing me, stimulated my energies and dash, and I was soon at my ease with my new spectators, when I saw that they took a lively interest i in my experiments. Still, an accident at the outset nearly i| aroused the popular dissatisfaction. The Manchester artisans, far from coming to my pei^ formances to improve their French accent, were greatly surprised at hearing themselves addressed in any language but their own. Protests were put in on every side, and soon shouts were heard of ^' Speak English!" « As for my complying with the request, it was simply impossible ; for though I had been six months in London, as I was always among my own countrymen, or persons who talked French, I had no occasion to apply myself to the English language. Still, I tried to satisfy a claim that appeared to me legitimate, and make up for my defi- ciencies by boldness and good-will. I began by pronounc- ing the few English words I knew ; when my vocabulary was at fault, and I was about to run short, I invented ex- | pressions which, owing to their strange shape, greatlj amused my audience. Often, too, when in a diflficulty, ] boldly asked them to come to my aid, and it was my turn to feel a great inclination to laugh. '' How do you call it ?" I said, with a serio-comic air, as ENGLISH SPOKEN HERE! 347 I held up the article whose name I wished to know ; and straightway a hundred voices responded to my appeal. Nothing could be more pleasant than a lesson thus taken, when my teachers, contrary to the usual fashion, paid for the privilege of giving it. Through my condescension I succeeded in making peace with my audience, who warmly cemented it on several oc- casions by their hearty applause. The last trick especially created a tremendous excitement — I mean the mexhaustl- hie bottle, produced with scenery and decorations never be- fore witnessed on any stage. The picture presented by this trick is indescribable, and a skillful pencil could alone reproduce its numerous de- tails. Here, however, is a sketch as accurate as possible : I have already said that although the spectators were few and far between in some parts of the house, the pit was crowded, and it consequently contained more than twelve hundred persons. I own it was a really curious sight to see all these heads issuing invariably from dark-colored waistcoats, heightened by that ruddiness of face which can be only produced by the beef and porter of Great Britain. In order that I might communicate more fi-eely with my numerous spectators, the machinist had put up a plank running from the stage to the end of the pit, and as I also wished to address persons at the sides, two other "practicables," much shorter than the centre one, ran across to the boxes. The latter did not occupy room like the first, for they were just over a passage, while those who entered by it had to stoop down to reach their seats ; but what was that slight inconvenience to the pleasure they promised themselves in seeing the " French con- jurer?" 348 MEMOIRS OF KOBERT-HOUDIN. The public were still entering the pit after mj perform ance had commenced, and so many persons were allowed ! to come in that there was soon no room for the laggards. \ Several of .them had the courage to remain bent under |i the " practicables," and, looking out right and left in turn, ? they could follow my tricks. But one of these bold spec- j tators, doubtlessly fatigued by the inconvenient posture he | was obliged to keep, ingeniously passed his head through the narrow space between the " practicable" and the boxes. He managed it very cleverly, and his action was precisely that of a button going into its corresponding hole. This innovation was, it may be easily supposed, gaily and noisily welcomed by the audience, and the unfortunate man had to endure the fate reserved for all innovators— i he was laughed at and " chaffed" tremendously. But hel did not trouble himself about that, and his coolness dis- armed his opponents. Encouraged by his example, a neighbor tried the but- ton-hole manoeuvre, then a second and a third, and thus, by the middle of the performance, half a dozen heads without bodies were symmetrically arranged on either side the pit, looking for all the world like skittle-pins waiting to be knocked down. I had arrived at the bottle trick, which consists in pro- ducing from an empty bottle every liquor that may be asked for, no matter the number of drinkers. The reputation of this famous bottle was already estab- lished in Manchester, for the London papers had fully described the experiment. Hence, a general hurrah was ; heard when I appeared armed with my marvellous bottle : % for, in addition to the merit of the trick itself, the work- • men also counted on the pleasure of drinking a glass of brandy, or any other liquor. THE BOTTLE TRICK. 349 Flattered by this reception, I proceeded to the centre of the pit, followed by my servant, who carried an enor- mous tray of wine-glasses. But I had scarce arrived there when a thousand voices began exclaiming, " Brandy, whis- ky, gin, curagoa, shrub, rum," &c. It was impossible to satisfy all at once ; hence, I wished to proceed in rotation, and, after filling a glass, I offered it to the man who I thought had made the first claim; but the gentleman was utterly disappointed. Twenty hands were stretched out to dispute the precious liquor, and the glass Avas speedily upset. The spectators, suffering the punishment of Tantalus, shouted for the liquid, which was not fated to reach their lips. I filled a second glass — it shared the fate of the previous one, and was fought for so obstinately that the glass was broken. Further on, the same request was made ; I complied, and none could profit by it. Without troubling myself as to the result, I poured out the liquor profusely, and left my audience to fight for its possession. Soon all the glasses had disappeared, and in vain I asked for them back to continue my bounty ; not a trace of them was to be found. My experiment was, therefore, in danger of sudden termination, when a clever spectator h.hl out his hand in the shape of a cup. i .le process was as simple as it was ingenious ; it was t- ' Cj_g of Christopher Columbus. The astonishment his ii .^^hbors felt permitted the inventor to profit by his dis- co veiy, which is unfortunately a rarity. This improvised cup was unanimously accepted, but the imitators saw their piracy suff'^)r the same fate, minus the breakage, as the glasses. Quite tired, I was about to withdraw, v;hen a ncvr *m- i •350 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. ■'•I provement was introduced by a spectator, as thirsty as he ;1 was obstinate; throwing back his head and opening an | enormous mc ;:th, he made me signs to pour in curagoa. Finding the idea original, I immediately complied. *' What capital cura§oa," the man said, as he licked his lips. This seductive exclamation was scarce heard ere every mouth was open and heads thrown back ; it was enough to make me fly in terror. Still, not to leave so curious a scene incomplete, I took a watering tour, holding the mouth of the bottle as straight as I could. At times, the bottle being pushed by the neighbors, sent the liquor over a man's coat, but, save this slight inconvenience, all went on famously, and I fancied I had fulfilled the rude task of quenching the thirst of my audience. Still, I heard a fe"w more appeals ; and a glass of whisky was earnestly im- plored by one of the men who had thrust his head between the plank and the boxes, and seemed in a perfect state of collapse. My son, who helped me on the stage, and was one of the first to hear this request, understood all the longing the poor suppliant felt ; hence he ran on the stage for a glass, which I filled, and he carried to the man. But a difficulty suddenly arose ; the claimant and his comrades were shut up in their pillory, side by side, and could not raise their arms. My son, unthinkingly, ofiered the glass, arid seeing no one take it, was about to carry it back on the stage ; but a groan made him turn round, and, by the patient's air, he understood he was begging him to stoop down and place the glass to his lips. This delicate operation was performed with considerable skill on both sides, and, despite the laughter of the public, oach of the f)illoried men asked the same service in turn. i A HUMAN AVALANCHE. 851 This little scene appeared to have calmed the ardor of the public ; and I thought it possible to terminate my trick in the usual way. When my bottle appears ex- hausted, I end by filling an enormous glass with liquor, but a scene then began which I had been far from expect- ing. Many writers have described the saturnalia produced by the frightful distribution of food and wine at the Restora- tion. Well, these orgies were respectable meals compared with the assault attempted to reach the glass I held in my hand. A human avalanche suddenly rose before me, and from this living pyramid emerged two hundred hands to dispute their prey, while a hundred mouths were opened to swal- low it. I thouo;ht it hiojh time to beat a retreat, in the fear of being buried beneath this shapeless mass. It was impos- sible ; behind me a file of thirsty drinkers barred my passage. The danger was pressing, for the pyramid was bending forward to reach me, and might lose its balance at any moment ; the cries of the unhappy beings supporting its weight explained the dangerous position in w^iich I might soon find myself; hence, I rushed with my head down through the mass, and reached the stage in time to notice the curious sight of a falling mountain. I will not attempt to describe the cries, shouts, and ap- plauses that accompanied this fall, while the victims were loud in their abuse, and found no way of getting up, save by stepping on their companions in misfortune. The noise was atrocious. The curtain fell on this strange scene, but shouts and clapping were immediately heard : '' The conjurer !" Houdin must come out to be complimented. ^^52 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. I obeyed this order, and when I made my appearance, either because I had been too liberal with my bottle, or because, as I would sooner think, my spectators were satisfied with my performance, the shouts and applause broke out in such a formidable manner that I was quite stupefied, while feeling acutely the pleasure they produced me. For I must say that the noise of the hands struck together, though so trying in itself, has nothing to shock the ear of a performer ; on the contrary, the more deafen- ing it becomes, the more harmonious it appears to the recipient. The following performances were far from being so tumultuous as the first, and the reason is very simple. The merchants and traders, who form the aristocracy of Manchester, having heard of my performances, came with the families to witness them, and their presence contri- buted to keep the workmen in order. The house assumed a different aspect, and henceforth I could only praise the quietness of the pit. Fifteen consecutive performances had not exhausted the curiosity of the inhabitants, and I could certainly have given fifteen more, at least, when, to my great regret, I was obliged to make way for two celebrities — Jenny Lind and Roger — whom Knowles had engaged to follow my performance. Though I felt vexed at throwing such a chance away, on the other hand I was glad to escape as soon as possible from that heavy and smoky atmosphere, which makes the industrial capital of England resemble a city of chimney- sweeps. I could not accustom my lungs to inhale, instead of air, the flakes of soot constantly floating about. I fell into a state of melancholy almost akin to spleen, which- did not abandon me till I reached the gay city of Liver- pool, where I intended to remain several weeks. BUCKINGHAM PALACE. 353 I was at that time at the height of my fashion ; my per- formance began with applause and ended with famous re- ceipts. I need only add, that, after performing in turn at the theatres of Liverpool, Birmingham, Worcester, Chel- tenham, Bristol, and Exeter, I returned to London to give fifteen performances ere I started for France. A few days after my return to St. James's Theatre, the Queen, bearing in mind the desire she had expressed at Fulham, commanded a performance at Buckingham Palace. This invitation being most agreeable, I willingly ac- cepted it. At eight in the morning of the appointed day, I pro- ceeded to the royal residence, and the steward of the palace, to whom I was directed, led me to the place se- lected for my performance. It was a long and magnifi- cent picture gallery, and a theatre had been put up, on which the scenery represented a saloon in the Louis Quinze style, white and gold, much resembling the one I had at St.'James's Theatre. My guide then showed me an adjoining dining-room, belonging, he said, to the ladies of honor, and he begged me to state at what hour I should like to breakfast. I was too busy to think about eating, for I had my per- formance to prepare ; however, I ordered the meal for one o'clock at any risk, and set to work directly. Aided by my secretary (a species of factotum) and my two boys, who helped me as well as their strength per- mitted, I managed to overcome all the difiicultics produced by the provisional arrangement of the stage. But I had not finished all my preparations till two o'clock, and I was almost dying of inanition, for, less fortunate than my companions, I had eaten nothing the whole day. Hence it was with real joy I led the route to the dining-room. X S54 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. As the performance was not to take place till three, I had just an hour to recruit mj strength. I had scarce walked a dozen steps, when I heard some one calling me. It was a j^alace official who wanted to speak to me. " There will be a ball, sir, in this gallery," he said, in excellent French, '' after jour performance, and conse- quently preparations will have to be made which may take more time than has been allowed for them. Hence, the Queen requests you to begin your performance an hour sooner; she is quite ready, and will be here directly.' " I am very sorry I cannot obey her Majesty's com- mands," I replied; ^'my preparations are not yet ended, and I must add, that " ^' Monsieur Robert-Houdin," the officer replied, politely, but with all the coolness of a Briton, " such are her Ma- jesty's orders, and I can say no more." And without awaiting any explanation, he bowed to me and retired. " We shall still have time to take a hasty snack," I said to my secretary, "so off to the dining-room as quickly as you please.'* I had not finished the sentence, when the Queen, Prince Albert and the royal family entered the gallery, followed by a numerous suit. At this sight I had not the courage to go further ; I returned, and armed myself with resignation. Protected by the curtain that concealed me from the spectators, I hastily made my few remaining preparations, and fi\e minutes later I received the order to begin. When the curtain rose, I was dazzled at the sight that met my gaze. Her Majesty, the Prince Consort, the Queen Dowager, the Duke of Cambridge and the royal children occupii^d THE COURT JOURNAL. 355 the first rank. Behind them were a portion of the Or- leans family ; ^vhile in the rear sat the highest functiona- ries, among whom I recognized ambassadors dressed in their national costumes, and general officers covered with brilliant decorations. All the ladies were in ball toilette, and richly adorned with jewels. A wonderful change came over me when I began my performance : all my languor had been suddenly dispelled, and I felt in excellent spirits. Still this change can be easily explained. It is well known that a performer feels no suifering while on the stage ; a species of exaltation suspends all feelings foreign to his part, and hunger, thirst, cold, or heat, even illness itself, is forced to retreat in the presence of this excite- ment, though it takes its revenge afterwards. This slight digression was necessary to explain the spirits I felt in when I appeared before my noble audi- ence. Never, I believe, did I throw such dash and boldness into the performance of my experiments ; never, either, had I an audience which appreciated them so kindly. The Queen deigned to encourage me several times by flattering remarks, vrhile Prince Albert, ever so kind to professionals, heartily clapped his hands. I had prepared a trick, called the Bouquet a la Meine. This is what the Court Journal says of it when describing my performance : ^^ «±^ ^^ ^« «^ o« ^t^ •T* >r* >f« ^* ^^ >r» ^^ " The Queen evinced an extreme pleasure in these ex- periments ; but the one which seemed to strike her most was the Bouquet a la Beine, a very graceful surprise, and charmingly apropos. Iler Majesty having lent her glove to M. Robert-Houdin, the latter immediately produced MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. H from it a bouquet, -wliicli soon grew so large that it could be scarely held in both hands. Finally, this bouquet, after being placed in a vase, and bedewed with magic water, was transformed into a garland, in which the flowers formed the word Yictokia. " The Queen was equally astonished at the surprising lucidity of M. Robert-Houdin's son, in the experiment of the second-sight. The most complicated objects had been pre- pared in order to embarrass and foil the sagacity of the father and the marvellous faculty of the son. Both emerged victoriously from this intellectual combat, and defeated every scheme." After the performance, the same officer with whom I had already spoken came to offer me the thanks of the Queen and Prince Albert. The Duchess of Orleans had also been kind enough to add her compliments and those of her family. So soon as the curtain had fallen, and I was no longer supported by the presence of my audience, I felt ready to drop. I had taken a seat, and could hardly rise to go and enjoy the meal which I stood in such nee'd of. Still, I was about to do so, when I was roused from my exhaustion by the appearance of a large body of workmen,, who had come to take down the theatre in all speed and prepare the gallery for the ball. My readers can judge of my embarrassment and trouble^ when I found I must pack up all my machinery at once, lest it might be broken. I tried to protest and defer the execution of the task,, but it was all in vain: orders had been given, and they must be obeyed. Hence, I was obliged to summon up fresh energy to finish my packing, which took me an hour and a half. THE WIZARD'S REPAST. 357 Six o'clock struck when all was finished. I had taken no food for exactly four-and-twenty hours. Leaning on my manager who had taken the precaution of ordering up the dinner, I dragged myself as far as the dining-room. Twilight had commenced, and the room was not ytt lighted, and it was with some difficulty we could dis- tinguish a table. I fell rather than sat down upon a chaii I found near me, and while my son was ringing for lights, I commenced a second-sight performance of my own. I succeeded famously ; I laid my hand on a fork, and prick- ing at whatever might be before me, found something at- tached to the instrument. I prudently raised the object to my nose, and, satisfied with this inspection, I took a triumphant bite. It was delicious ; and I fancied I could recognize a salmi of partridge. I made a second exploring tour to assure myself of the truth, and, after a few mouthfuls, I convinced myself I was not mistaken. My manager and boys followed my example, and set to work manfully. It seems that the attendance must be slow in royal houses, for before the lights arrived we had plenty of time to grow used to the darkness. However, this meal, through its originality, became a delightful amusement, and I had seized a bottle to pour out some wine, when the door of the room suddenly opened, and two servants came in bearing candelabra. On seeing us thus seated at table and eating in the coolest way, they nearly fell backwards in surprise. I am per- suaded they took us at the moment for real sorcerers, for we had great difficulty in inducing them to remain in the room and wait on us. 858 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. We then took our ease. The table was well served,, the wines were excellent, and we could rest from the fatigues and emotions of the day. At the end of the din- ner the palace steward paid us a visit, and on hearing of my misfortunes, he expressed his deep regret. The Queen, he assured me, would be the more vexed, if she heard of it, because she had given the strictest orders that I should want for nothing in her palace. I replied, that I was amply repaid for a few moments of pain by the satisfaction I felt at having been called to perform before his gracious sovereign. And this was, in- deed, the truth. A TOUR IN THE PROVINCt). 359 CHAPTER XIX. An Optimist Manager — Three Spectators in a Room — A Magical Col- laticn — The Colchester Public and the Nuts — I return to France — I give up my Theatre — A Farewell Tour — I retire to St. Gervais — An Academician's Predictions. A SHORT time after this performance my engagement with Mitchell terminated. Instead of returning to France, as I should much have desired after so lengthened an absence, I thought it better to continue my excursions in the English provinces till the end of September, Avhen I hoped to reopen my theatre at Paris. Consequently, I drew up an itinerary, in which the first station would be Cambridge, celebrated for its university ; and set out. Possibly the reader may feel no inclination to follow me on this tour, but he may be assured I will not drag him after me, especially as my second passage through Eng- land presents hardly any details worth mentioning here. I will content myself with recounting a few incidents, and among them a small adventure that happened to me, as it may serve for a lesson for all professionals, that it is dan- gerous both to their self-esteem and interests to drain public curiosity too deep in the various places whither the hope of good receipts attracts them. 360 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. I intended to go straight from London to Cambridge, but, half way, I took a fancy to stop and give a few per- formances at Hertford, a town containing some ten thou- sand people. II My two first performances were most successful, but on the third, seeing that the number of spectators had greatly , . fallen ofi", I decided on giving no more. j| My manager argued against this resolution, and ofi"ered jl me reasons which certainly had some value. " I assure you, sir," he said, '' that nothing is spoken ' of in the town but your performance. Every one is asking if you are going to perform to-morrow, and two yc'ing gentlemen have already begged me to keep them places if you intend to remain for to-morrow." G^net, my manager, was certainly the best fellow in the ^ world ; but I ought to have distrusted his counsels, know- ing, as I did, his disposition to look at the bright side of everything. He was the incarnation of optimism, and the ' calculations he made about this performance went far be- yond those of the inkstand inventor. To hear him talk, we should have to double the price of places, and increase our staff to keep back the crowd that would rush to see me. While jesting Genet on his exaggerated ideas, I still allowed him to send out the bills for the performance he so much desired. The next evening, at half-past seven, I went, according to my usual custom, to order the box-office to be opened, and the public allowed admission. The performance would ccmmence at eight precisely. I found my manager quite alone — not a soul had ar- rived yet. Still, that did not prevent him greeting me with a radiant air — though that was his normal condition. " No one has yet come to the theatre," he said, rubbing : AN OPTIMIST. 361 bis hands, as if giving me first-rate intelligence ; " but that is a good sign." " The deuce it is ! Come, my dear G^net, I must have that proved." " It is easy enough to understand. You must have no- ticed, sir, that at our former performances we only had tbe country gentry." " Nothing proves it was so ; still, I will allow it. Now go on." " Well, it is very simple. The tradespeople have not come to see you yet, and I expect them to-night. They are always so busy, that they usually defer a pleasure till the last moment. Have patience, and you will soon see the rush we shall have to contend against." And he looked towards the entrance door like a man perfectly convinced that his predictions would be fulfilled. We had still half an hour — more than sufiicient to fill the room — so I waited. But this half-hour passed in vain expectation. Not a soul came to the box-office. ''It is now eight," I said, drawing out my watch, "and no spectators have arrived. What do you say to that, Gdnet?" "Oh, sn- ! your watch is too fast — I am sure of it for " My manager was about to support his allegation by some proof drawn from his brain, when the town-hall clock struck. G^net, finding his reasons exhausted, contented himself with silence, while casting a despairing glance to- wards the door. At length, I saw his face grow purple with delight. "Ah ! I said so," he exclaimed, pointing to two young men coming towards us. The public are beginning to arrive. They doubtlessly mistook the hour. Come, every man to his post !" 362 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Genet's joy did not last long, for he soon recognized in these visitors the two young gentlemen who had taken their places the previous day. "You have kept our seats?" they said to the optimist, as they hurried in. "Yes, gentlemen, yes; you can go in," G^net replied, making an imperceptible grimace. And he led them in complacently, while striving to explain the emptiness of the room by saying it was only momentary. He had hardly returned to the box-office, when a gentleman of a certain age hurried up the steps, and rushed towards the pay place with a haste my previous success probably jus- tified. " Is there any room left?" he asked, in a panting voice. My poor G^net did not know how to reply to this ques- tion, which seemed a jest ; he, therefore, merely muttered one of those common-place phrases usually employed to gain time. " Well, sir, to tell you the truth — I should say " "I know — I know: there are no places left. I ex- pected it. But be kind enough to let me go in, and I will find some corner to stand in." " But, sir, allow me to tell you ". " No matter." " But if, on the contrary " " All the better. There, give me a stall-ticket, and I will see if I can find room in the passage." Being at the end of his arguments, G^net supplied the ticket. You can imagine the surprise of the eager visitor when, on entering the house, he found that he formed in his own person exactly a third of the audience. For my own part, I soon made up my mind. After AJN AUDIENCE AT LAST. 363 compounding with my conscience, by granting the usual quarter of an hour's grace to the laggards, and seeing no one come, I informed my three spectators that, being only anxious to be agreeable to them, I would perform. This unexpected news produced a triple hurrah in the house in the shape of thanks. My orchestra consisted of eight amateurs of the town ; and these gentlemen, as a compliment to my French ofigin, always played as overture the '' Girondins" and the "Mar- seillaise," with the assistance of the big drum, and never failed to terminate the performance with " God save the Queen." The patriotic introduction over, I began my perform- ance. My afudience were collected on the first row of stalls, so that, in order to address my explanations to them, I should have had to keep my head constantly down, which would have eventually become troublesome. Hence I determined to look round the house, and address the benches just as if they were well covered. For their part, my audience made all possible row to prove their satisfaction. They stamped, applauded, shout- ed, so as almost to make me believe the house full. The whole performance was a mutual exchange of com- pliments, and the spectators saw the last of my tricks arrive with considerable regret. This, however, was not announced on my bills, for I reserved it as the best of my surprises. *' Gentlemen," I said to my audience, "as I require three persons to assist me in performing this trick, will any gentlemen present have the kindness to come on the stage ?" At this comic invitation the public 4'ose en masse, and obligingly placed themselves at my disposal. 364 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. After my three assistants had promised to stand at i^ie front of the stage and not look round, I gave each ar empty glass, announcing that it would be filled with excel- lent punch so soon as they expressed the wish, and I added that to facilitate the performance, they must repeat after me a few cabalistic words borrowed from the enchanter Merlin. this jest was only proposed in order to gain time, for while we were performing it with bursts of laughter, a change was being carried out behind my kind assistants. The table on which I did my tricks had been removed, and another brought forward on which an excellent supper was spread, and a bowl of punch crackled in the centre. Gdnet, clothed in black and a white cravat, and armed with a spoon, was stimulating a spectral flame, and when my assistants expressed a wish to see their glasses filled with punch, he said, in his most solemn voice, '' Turn round, and your wishes will be accomplished." My musicians had been spectators of this little scene, so I begged them to join us and try the virtues of my in- exhaustible bowl. This invitation was joyfully accepted, the table was surrounded, the glasses were filled and emp- tied, and we passed two agreeable hours in performing this experiment. Owing to the prodigality of my " inexhaustible bowl of punch," my guests were all affected by a tender expansion. They almost embraced on parting; however, they con- tented themselves with shaking hands and vowing an un- dying friendship. The instruction to be drawn from this anecdote is that, in ofiering a farewell to the public, you should not wait till there are none left to receive it. On leaving Hertford, I went to Cambridge, thence to CUSTOM AT COLCHESTER. 365 Bury St. Edmunds, Ipswicli and Colchester, always taking receipts proportionate to the importance of the towns. I have only three souvenirs of those five towns : the failure at Hertford, the enthusiastic reception from the Cambridge students, and the nuts at Colchester. But, it will be asked, what connexion can there be be- t »>'een nuts and a magical performance. A word will ex- plain the fact to the reader, and all the tribulations this fruit caused me. It is the custom at Colchester that when a body goes to the theatre he fills his pockets with nuts. These are cracked and eaten during the performance as a species of refreshment. Men and women both sufi'er from this crack- ing mania, so that a rolling fire is kept up through the house, often powerful enough to drown the voice. Nothing afi"ected my nerves so much as this incessant cracking ; my first performance suffered from it, and de- spite my efforts to master myself, I went through the whole performance in a state of irritation. I consented, however, to perform a second time, but the manager could not induce me to promise a third. Although he assured me that his actors had grown quite accustomed to this strange music, and that even a minor actor might often be seen on the stage calmly cracking a nut while awaiting the reply, I could not stand it any longer, and left the town. Most assuredly, the theatres in the smaller English towns are not equal to those in the cities. At Colchester my tour was to end, and I was about Btarting for France, when Knowles, the Manchester direc- tor, remembering my success at his theaire, proposed to me to take a trip with him through Ireland and Scotland. We had then reached the month of June, 1849, when 366 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Paris was more than ever agitated by political questions ; and theatres only existed in France as memorials of the past. I did not waste much time in forming a decision ; I started with my English manager. Our excursion lasted no less than four months, and I did not step on French soil again till the end of October. Need I describe the delight with which I presented my- self once more before a Parisian audience, whose kind patronage I had not forgotten ? Those professional men who, like myself, have been long absent from Paris, will understand it, for they know nothing is so sweet to the heart as the applause given by a man's fellow-citizens. Unfortunately, when I recommenced my performances, I noticed with sorrow the change which had taken place V) in my health : the performances which I formerly went 1^ through with no fatigue, now caused me a painful state of exhaustion. It was easy to find a reason for this disagreeable change ; fatigue, the incessant thought connected with my perform- ances, and still more the foggy atmosphere of England, had exhausted my strength. My life had been in some degree used up during my emigration. I should require }jf a lengthened rest to restore it, and I could not think of it at this period, the best part of the season. I could only take precautions for the future, in case I should find my- | self suddenly compelled by my health to stop ; so I de- f cided on educating a pupil to take my place in case of 1 need, and whose labor might assist me in the meanwhile. A young man of pleasing exterior, and Avhose talent I was acquainted with, seemed to offer the conditions I re- quired. My proposals suited him, and he immediately joined me. The future sleight-of-hand professor evinced great aptitude and zeal in learning my lessons. I em- i| A WELCOME REST. 367 ployed liim in a short time to prepare my experiments, then he aided me in the management of my theatre, and when the summer of 1850 arrived, instead of closing my rooms as usual, I continued to send out my bills; the only change was that Hamilton's name was substituted for minft. Considering his short period of study, my provisional substitute could not be yet very expert ; still, he pleased, and the public were satisfied. During this period I en- joyed in the country a repose that had been long desired. A man who has made a long journey never feels the fa- tigue so acutely as when he proposes to continue his jour- ney after a few moments of rest. This was what I expe- rienced when, my holiday being ended, I was obliged to leave the country to begin again the feverish existence of a theatre. I never felt such lassitude ; never had I a greater desire to enjoy perfect liberty, to renounce those fatigues of an appointed hour, which may be justly called the collar of misery. At this word, I see many of my readers start. '' "Why," they will say, " thus call a labor whose object is to as- tonish an audience, and the result to gain honor and profit?" I find myself comj)elled to prove the justice of the ex- pression. The reader will easily understand that the fatigue, pre- occupation and responsibility attached to a magical per- formance do not prevent the conjurer being subjected to the ordinary sufferings of humanity. Now, whatever may be the nature of his sufferings or his grief, he must, at an appointed hour each night, hide them in his bosom, and assume the mask of happiness and health. This is, in itself, a painful task, but, believe me, reader, uu /m-~ I 368 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. it is not all ; he must — and this is applicable to all pro- fessionals — under penalty of ruin, enliven, animate and excite the public, or, in other words, give them pleasure, for their money. Can this be always equally easy ? In truth, the posi- tion artists hold would be intolerable, did not they fi in the sympathy and applause of the public a gentle re .'om^ pense which makes them forget the minor miseries of life. ! I may say it with pride, to the last moment of my artist ^ life I only met with sympathy and kindness ; but the more I strove to render myself ever worthy of them, the more I felt my strength failing me, and the more, too, increased ,; my desire to live in retirement and freedom. At last, in January, 1852, judging Hamilton fit to sue ceed me, I decided on giving up my establishment to him, ^ and in order that my theatre, the fruit of my labors, might remain in the family, two contracts were signed ; and on the same day my pupil became my brother-in-law and my successor. Still, however desirous an actor may be of retiring into private life, he very rarely renounces at once and for ever the applause which has become an agreeable stimulant for him. Hence, no surprise will be felt on learning that, after a few months' rest, I proposed to give a few more i performances, as a final parting from the public. |i« As I had not yet visited Germany, I proceeded to the I banks of the Rhine. Desiring no unnecessary fatigue resolved to reserve to myself the choice of the places' where I would perform. I therefore stopped, in prefer- 1. ence, at those festal places called "Baths," and visited Id ( turn Baden, Wiesbaden, Homburg, Aix-la-Chapelle, and Spa. Nearly each of my performances was honored bj the presence of one or more of the princes regnant of th€ Germanic Confederation. MY VISIT TO PRUSSIA. 369 It was my intention to return to France after my per- formances at Spa, but, at the request of M. Engel, mana- ger of a theatre at Berlin, I retraced my steps, and started for the capital of Prussia. I had made a six weeks' engagement with M. Engel ; but my success, and the excellent terms on which I stood with my manager, induced me to prolong it for three Tuonths. I could not have taken a more brilliant leave of the public : for, probably, I never saw greater crowds run after my performances. Thus the reception I obtained from the Berliner will ever remain one of my pleasantest reminiscences. From Berlin I proceeded straight to the neighborhood of Blois, to the retreat I had selected. Whatever might be my satisfaction in enjoying the free- dom I had so long desired, it would soon have undergone the fate common to all our pleasures, and have grown flat by the mere effect of enjoyment, had I not reserved for these blessed hours of leisure studies in which I hoped to find a perennial source of amusement. After gaining a fortune by labors unjustly regarded as futile, I was about to devote myself to serious researches, as I had been for- merly advised by a member of the Institute. The circumstances to which I allude date back to the Exposition of 1844, when I submitted my automata and mechanical curiosities. The jury entrusted with the examination of mechanical instruments and designs had come to my productions, and I had repeated the little performance I had given a few days previously in the presence of Louis Philippe. After listening with interest to the details of the nu- merous difficulties I had to overcome in making my auto- mata, one of the members of the jury said to me : Y .a.| 370 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. "It is a great pity, Monsieur Robert-Houdin, that yoi | did not apply the talent you have evinced in fancy objectj I to serious labors." This criticism wounded me the more, because at tha period I considered nothing superior to my works, and ir my fairest dreams of the future I desired no greater glorj than that of the skillful inventor of the " automaton duck.' "Sir," I replied, in a tone that betrayed my pique, "] know no works more serious than those which give a man ar honest livelihood. Still, I am ready to change my views if you give me the same advice after you have heard me. '.^.At the period when I devoted myself to chronometers I hardly earned enough to live upon; at present, I hav( four workmen to help me in making my automata ; and aj the least skillful among them earns six francs a day, yoi can easily form an idea what I earn myself. "Now, sir, I ask you, if I ought to return to my olc '| trade?" My critic was silent, but another member of the jur^ coming up to me, said, in a low voice, "Go on. Monsieur Robert-Houdin — go on; I am con jj vinced that your ingenious works, after leading you t( success, will conduct you straight to useful discoveries." "Monsieur le Baron Siguier," I replied, in the sam< key, "I thank you for your encouraging prediction, an(, will do my best to prove its correctness."* I have followed the advice of the illustrious savant, ant find myself all the better for it. * This slight incident did not prevent the jury granting me a silve medal for my automata. Eleven years later, at the Universal Exhibi tion of 1855, I received a medal of the first class for new applications ol electricity to mechanism. « A TRIP TO ALGERIA. 371 CHAPTER XX. Travels in Algeria — Convocation of the Chieftains — Performances be- fore the Arabs — A Kabyle rendered powerless — Invulnerability — A Moor disappears — Panic and Flight of the Audience — Reconciliation — The Sect of Aissaoua — Their pretended Miracles. I HAVE, tlien, reached the object of all my hopes: I have bidden an eternal farewell to professional life, and from my retirement I wave my hand in parting salutation to my kind and obliging patrons. Henceforth I shall know no care or anxiety; free and tranquil, I am about to devote myself to my peaceful studies, and enjoy the pleasantest existence man ever had on earth. I was busily forming my plans of happiness, when, one day, I received a letter from Colonel de Neveu, head of the political office at Algiers. This distinguished func- tionary begged me to proceed to our colony, and give my performances before the principal chieftains of the Arab tribes. This invitation reached me in the full of my honey- moon, if I may employ the expression. Scarce recovered from the fatigues of my journey, I was imbibing deep draughts of happiness, and it would have been a heavy sacrifice to dispel the charm so soon. Hence, I expressed to Colonel de Neveu my regret at not being able to accept his invitation. The colonel noted down my excuses, and, the following year, reminded me of them. It was in 1855 ; but I had 372 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. presented at tlie Universal Exhibition several new appli- |i cations of electricity to mechanism, and having learned that the jury considered me worthy a reward, I would not quit Paris till I had received it. Such was, at least, the ! motive on which I based a new refusal, accompanied by f ' my regret. But the colonel kept these excuses still in mind, and in June, 1856, he presented them to me like a bill to be met. This time I had exhausted my excuses, and though it cost me much to quit my retreat and brave the caprices of the Mediterranean in the worst month of the year, I decided on going. It was settled that I should reach Algiers by the next 27th of September, the day on which the great fetes an- nually offered by the capital of Algeria to the Arabs would commence. ,^ I must say that I was much influenced in my determi- ^ nation by the knowledge that my mission to Algeria had . f a quasi -political character. I, a simple conjurer, was > proud of being able to render my country a service. - It is known that the majority of revolts which Lave to ( be suppressed in Algeria are excited by intriguers, who say they are inspired by the Prophet, and are regarrled by the Arabs as envoys of God on earth to deliver then^ from' the oppression of the Roumi (Christians). These false prophets and holy Marabouts, who are no more sorcerers than I am, and indeed even less r o, still contrive to influence the fanaticism of their co-religionists by tricks as primitive as are the spectators before whom they are performed. \ The government was, therefore, anxious to destr )y tiieir : pernicious influence, and reckoned on me to do so. They If hoped, with reason, by the aid of my experiments, to LIFE IN AFRICA. 373 prove to the Arabs that the tricks of their Marabouts were mere child's play, and owing to their simplicity could not be done by an envoy from Heaven, which also led us very naturally to show them that we are their superiors in everything, and, as for sorcerers, there are none like the French. Presently I will show the success obtained by these skillful tactics. Three months were to elapse between the day of my acceptance and that of my departure, which I employed in arranging a complete arsenal of my best tricks, and left St. Gervais on the 10th of September. I will give no account of my passage, further than to say no sooner was I at sea than I wished I had arrived, and, after thirty-six hours' navigation, I greeted the capi- tal of our colony with indescribable delight. I was expected : an officer came off in an elegant boat and took me to the Hotel d' Orient, wdiere a handsome suite of rooms was retained for me. The government had behaved nobly, for I was lodged like a .prince. From the window of my sitting-room I could survey the roads of Algiers, and the prospect was only bounded by the horizon. The sea is always lovely when seen from a window ; thus each morning I admired it, and pardoned its past slight insults. From my hotel I also gazed on the magnificent Govern- ment-square, planted with orange trees, such as cannot '^c seen in France. They were at this season laden with flowers and perfectly ripe fruit. Mme. Robert-Houdin and myself delighted in sitting b&neath their shade at nicrhtfall and eatlno; an ice before the doorway of an Algerian Tortoni, while inhaling tlio perfumed breeze borne to us from the sea. Next to thit» 374 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. pleasure, nothing interested us so much as observing t immense variety of persons moving around us. The five quarters of the world had sent their represen- tatives to Algeria : there were French, Spaniards, Maltese, Italians, Germans, Swiss, Prussians, Belgians, Portuguese, Poles, Russians, English and Americans, all forming a portion of the population of Algeria. Add to these the different Arabic types, such as Moors, Kabyles, Koulougly, Biskri, Mozabites, Negroes, Arab Jews, &c., and an idea may be formed of the sight unrolled before our eyes. When I arrived at Algiers, M. de Neveu told me that as a portion of Kabylia had revolted, the marshal-governor had started with an expeditionary corps to suppress it. In consequence of this, the fetes to which the Arab chiefs were to be invited were deferred for a month, and my performances put off for the same period. " I have now to ask you," the colonel added, " if you will sign this new engagement?" " Mon colonel !" I replied, in a jocular tone, " I con- sider myself in military employ. As I depend on the governor, I will be faithful to my post, whatever may happen." "Very good, M. Robert-Houdin," the colonel said with a laugh; "you behave like a true French soldier, and the colony will owe you thanks for it. At the same time, we will try to make your service in Algeria as light as possi- ble. We have given orders at your hotel that madame and yourself may have no cause to regret the comfort you left to come here." (I have forgotten to say that, in S:gning my engagement, I stipulated that Mrae. Houdin should accompany me.) " If, while awaiting your official performances, you might like to employ your leisure even- ings at tlie town theatre, the governor places it at your A WELCOME DELAY. 375 service thrice a week, the other days belonging to the operatic company." This proposition suited me admirably, and I saw three advantages in it : the first, to get my hand in, for I had left the stage for two years ; the second, to try the effect of my experiments on the town Arabs ; the third, to pocket a very welcome sum of money. I accepted ; but when I offered my thanks to M. de Neveu, he said, "It is our place to thank you, for, by giving perform- ances at Algiers during the Kabylian expedition, you render us a great service." *^ How, colonel ?" " By employing the minds of the Algerines, we prevent them speculating on the eventualities of the campaign, which might be very injurious to the government." " That being so, I will set to work at once." The colonel started the next day to join the marshal, having previously handed me over to the civil authorities ; that is to say, he had introduced me to M. de Guiroye, mayor of the town, who displayed extreme kindness in facilitating the arrangements for my performances. It might be reasonably supposed that, owing to the high patronage that supported me, I need only follow a path bestrewn with flowers, to use the language of the poets. But it was not so : I had to endure many annoyances, which might have vexed me greatly, had I not possessed a stock of philosophy beyond ordinary mortals. M. J) , privileged manager of the Bab-Azoun Thea- tre, had commenced the season with an operatic company, and, fearing lest the success of a stranger on his stage might injure his own prospects, he complained about it to the authorities. The mayor cculd offer him no other consolation than 876 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT- HOUDIN. saying the government ordered it. M. D protested, and even threatened to throw up the management, but the mayor adhered to his inflexible decision. The city of Algiers thus suddenly saw itself exposed to a total managerial eclipse, when, through a spirit of con- ciliation, I off"ered to perform only twice a week, and defer beginning till the operatic d^but was over. This concession slightly calmed the impresario, though it did not gain me his good graces. M. D ever main- tained a coldness towards me, which evidenced his dissatis- faction, but I held an independent position, and this cool- ness did not render me wretched. I also managed to escape from the annoyances aroused by certain subalterns of the stage, aiiu, being determined that my voyage to Algiers should be a real pleasure-trip, I laughed at these puny attacks. Besides, my attention was directed to a matter far more interesting to me. The journals had announced my performances, and this statement immediately aroused a paper warfare in the Al- gerian press, the strangeness of which contributed no little to give increased publicity to my representations. "Robert-Houdin," one paper said, ^' cannot be at Al- giers, for we see daily announced in the Paris papers, ' RohertSoudin every evening at eight o'clock.' " "And why," another journal asked, pleasantly, "should not Robert-Houdin perform in Algiers and yet remain all the while in Paris ? Do we not know that this sorcerer possesses the gift of ubiquity, and that he often gives per- formances at Paris, Rome, and Moscow on the same even- ing ?" The discussion went on thus, for several days, some de- nying my presence, others affirming it. The public of Algiers were willing to accept this fact as CURIOUS DISCUSSIONS. 377 dne of those pleasantries generally denominated canards^ but they also wished to be sure of not being victims of a .ilelusion if they came to the theatre. At length the matter was taken up seriously, and the ^'^ditors explained that Mr. Hamilton, on succeeding liiti brother-in-law, had kept up the old title ; so that Rohert- Houdin was a term equally applicable to the performer and to the style of performance. This curious discussion, the annoyances occasioned by M. D , and, as I hope I may believe, the attraction of my performance, brought me an enormous audience. All the tickets were bought beforehand, and the house was stiflingly hot, for the centigrade thermometer denoted 35 deg., and we were in the middle of September. Poor spectators, how I pitied them ! To judge from my own sensations, they must all have been mummified on the spot. I feared that the enthusiasm, as is the general rule, would be in an inverse ratio to the temperature ; but I had no cause to complain of my reception, and I drew from this success a happy omen for the future. In order not to deprive my " official representations," as M. de Neveu termed them, of the interest the reader will expect from them, I will give no details of those which preceded them, and were so many trial-balloons. I may say the Arabs who came were very few ; for these men, with their indolent and sensual temper, consider the hap- piness of lying on a mat and smoking far above a spec- tacle. Hence the governor, guided by the profound knowledge he had of their character, never invited them to a fete : he sent them a military summons. This occurred for my representations. As M. de Neveu had announced to me, the expedition- 3V8 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. ary corps returned to Algiers on the 20tli of October, and the f^tes, suspended by the campaign, were fixed for the 27th. Messengers were sent off to all parts of the colony, and on the appointed day the chiefs of the tribes, accom- panied by a numerous suite, found themselves in the pre« sence of the marshal-governor. These autumnal fetes, the most brilliant held in Algeria, and probably unrivalled in any country of the world, pre- sent a picturesque and really remarkable scene. I should like to be able to paint here the strange aspect the capital assumed on the arrival of the goums of the Tell and the South. The native camp, an inextricable pell-mell of huts for men and horses, offering a thousand contrasts, strange as they were fascinating ; the brilliant cortege of the governor-general, in the midst of which the Arab chiefs, Avith their stern faces, attracted the eye by the luxury of their costumes, the beauty of their horses, and the brilliancy of their gold-broidered trappings ; and the marvellous hippodrome, situated between the sea, the smiling hill of Mustapha, and the plain of Hussein-Dey, over which gloomy mountains cast a sombre shade. But I will say nothing about all this. Nor will I describe those military exercises called a Fantasia, in which twelve hundred Arabs, mounted on splendid steeds, and uttering wild cries as if on the battle-field, displayed the utmost vigor, skill, and intelligence men can possess. Nor will I speak of the admirable exhibition of Arab stallions, each exciting the most lively satisfaction as it passed ; for all this has been already described, and I am longing to reach my own performances, which, I may say, formed not the least interesting part of this fete. I will only allude to one circumstance, which struck me peculiarly. I saw a horseman, mounted on a magnificent Arab steed, THE ALGIERS THEATRE. 379 beat all the winners in a final heat. This horseman was twelve years of age, and could pass under his horse with- out stooping. The races lasted three days, and I was to give my per- formances at the end of the second and third. Before beginning, I will say a word about the Algiers theatre. It is a very neat house, in the style of the Varidt^s at Paris, and decorated with considerable taste. It is situ- ated at the extremity of the Rue Bab-Azoun, on thcj^lcice bearing that name, and the facade is peculiarly elegant. On first seeing this immense edifice, it would be assumed that the interior was enormous : but it is nothing of the sort. The architect has sacrificed everything to the claims of public order and ventilation, while the stairs, passages, and green-room occupy as much space as the house itself. Perhaps the architect took into consideration the limited number of theatre-going people in Algiers, and thought that a small house would ofi'er performers a better chance of success. On the 28th of October, the day appointed for my first performance before the Arabs, I reached my post at an early hour, and could enjoy the sight of their entrance into the theatre. Each goum, drawn up in companies, was introduced separately, and led in perfect order to the places chosen for it in advance. Then came the turn of the chiefs, vrlio seated themselves with all the gravity becoming their char- acter. Their introduction lasted some time, for these son.s of nature could not understand that they were boxed up thus, side by side, to enjoy a spectacle, and our comfortable seats, far from seeming so to them, bothered them strangely. I v>0 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. saw them fidgeting about for some time, and trying to tuck their legs under them, after the fashion of European tailors. Marshal Randon, with his family and suite, occupied the two stage-boxes to the right of the stage, while the prefect and other civilian authorities sat exactly facing him. As for Colonel de Neveu, he was everywhere, as the arranger of the festival. The caids, agas, bash-agas, and other titled Arabs, held the places of honor, for they occupied the orchestra-stalls and the dress-circle. In the midst of them were several privileged officers, and, lastly, the interpreters were mingled among the spec- tators, to translate my remarks to them. I was also told that several curious people, having been unable to procure tickets, had assumed the Arab burnous, and, binding the camel's-hair cord round their foreheads, had slipped in among their new co-religionists. This strange medley of spectators was indeed a most I curious sight. The dress-circle, more especially, presented i an appearance as grand as it was imposing. Some sixty Arab chiefs, clothed in their red mantles (the symbol of their submission to France), on which one or more deco- rations glistened, gravely awaited my performance wit majestic dignity. I have performed before many brilliant assemblies, but never before one which struck me so much as this. How- ever, the impression I felt on the rise of the curtainjAj far from paralyzing me, on the contrary inspired me with % a lively sympathy for the spectators, whose faces seemed ^ so well prepared to accept the marvels promised them. As soon as I walked on the stage, I felt quite at my ease, . and enjoyed, in anticipation, the sight I was agoing to amu3e myself with. A STRANGE AUDIENCE. 381 I felt, I confess, rather inclined to laugh at myself and my audience, for I stepped forth, wand in hand, with all the gravity of a real sorcerer. Still, I did not give way, for I w^as here not merely to amuse a curious and kind public, I must produce a startling effect upon coarse minds and prejudices, for I was enacting the part of a French Marabout. Compared with the simple tricks of their pretended sorcerers, my experiments must appear perfect miracles to the Arabs. I commenced my performance in the most profound, I might almost say religious, silence, and the attention of the spectators was so great that they seemed petrified. Their fingers alone moving nervously, played with the beads of their rosaries, while they were, doubtlessly, invoking the protection of the Most High. This apathetic condition did not suit me, for I had not come to Algeria to visit a waxwork exhibition. I wa,nted movement, animation, life in fact, around me. I changed my batteries, and, instead of generalizing my remarks, I addressed them more especially to some of the Arabs, whom I stimulated by my words, and still more by my actions. The astonishment then gave way to a more expressive feeling, which was soon evinced by noisy out- bursts. This was especially the case when I produced cannon- balls from a hat, for my spectators, laying aside their gravity, expressed their delighted admiration by the strangest and most energetic gestures. Then came — greeted by the same success — the bouquet of flowers, produced instantaneously from a hat; the cornucopia, supplying a multitude of objects, which I dis- tributed though unable to satisfy the repeated demands 382 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. made on all sides, and still more by those wlio had their hands full already ; the five-franc jneces, sent across the theatre into a crystal box suspended above the spectators. One trick I should much have liked to perform was the inexhaustible bottle, so appreciated by the Parisians and the Manchester ''hands;" but I could not employ it in this performance, for it is well known the followers of Mohammed drink no fermented liquor — at least not pub- licly. Hence, I substituted the following with consider- able advantage. I took a silver cup, like those called "punch bowls" in the Parisian cafds. I unscrewed the foot, and passing my wand through it showed that the vessel contained nothing ; then, having refitted the two parts, I went to the centre of the pit, when, at my command, the bowl was magically filled with sweetmeats, which were found excellent. The sweetmeats exhausted, I turned the bowl over, and proposed to fill it with excellent coffee ; so, gravebl passing my hand thrice over the bowl, a dense vapor im mediately issued from it, and announced the presence oil the precious liquid. The bowl was full of boiling coflfeel which I poured into cups, and ofiered to my astounde spectators. The first cups were only accepted, so to speak, unde protest ; for not an Arab would consent to moisten his lip with a beverage which he thought came straight from Sha; tan's kitchen ; but, insensibly seduced by the perfume their favorite liquor, and urged by the interpreters, so of the boldest decided on tasting the magic liquor, a all soon followed their example. The vessel, rapidly emptied, was repeatedly filled ag with equal rapidity ; and it satisfied all demands, like inexhaustible bottle, and was borne hack to the stage stij full. I THE MYSTERIOUS BOX. 383 But it was not enough to amuse my spectators ; I must also, in order to fulfil the object of my mission, startle and even terrify them by the display of a supernatural power. My arrangements had all been made for this purpose, and I had reserved for the end of my performances three tricks, which must complete my reputation as a sorcerer. Many of my readers will remember having seen at my performances a small but solidly-built box, which, being handed to the spectators, becomes heavy or light at my order; a child might raise it with ease, and yet the most powerful man could not move it from its place. I advanced with my box in my hand, to the centre of the '''■ practicable," communicating from the stage to the pit ; then, addressing the Arabs, I said to them ; "From what you have witnessed, you will attribute a supernatural power to me, and you are right. I Avill give you a new proof of my marvellous authority, by showing that I can deprive the most powerful man of his strength and restore it at my will. Any one who thinks himself strong enough to try the experiment may draw near mc." (I spoke slowly, in order to give the interpreter time to translate my words.") An Arab of middle height, but well built and muscular, like' many of the Arabs are, came to my side with suffici- ent assurance. "Are you very strong?" I said to him, measuring him from head to foot." "Oh yes !" he replied carelessly. *' Are you sure you will always remain so?" " Quite sure." "You are mistaken, for in an instant I will rob vou of your strength, and you shall become as a little child." !584 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Tli^ Aral) smiled disdainfully as a sign of his incre- dulity. '' Stay/' I continued; "lift up this box." The Arab stooped, lifted up the box, and said to me, coldly, "Is that all?" "Wait !" I replied. Then, with all possible gravity, I made an imposing i: gesture, and solemnly pronounced the words : i " Behold ! you are weaker than a woman ; now, try to i; lift the box." * The Hercules, quite cool as to' my conjuration, seized ; the box once again by the handle, and gave it a violent f tug, but this time the box resisted, and, spite of his most vigorous attacks, would not budge an inch. The Arab vainly expended on this unlucky box a f strength which would have raised an enormous weight, until, at length, exhausted, panting, and red with anger, he stopped, became thoughtful, and began to comprehend the influences of magic. He was on the point of withdrawing; but that would be allowing his weakness, and that he, hitherto respected for his vigor, had become as a little child. This thought rendered him almost mad. Deriving fresh strength from the encouragements his j friends offered him by word and deed, he turned a glancej round them, w^hich seemed to say : " You will see what son of the desert can do." He bent once again over the box : his nervous hand twined round the handle, and his legs, placed on eithe side like two bronze columns, served as a support for the final effort. j But, wonder of wonders ! this Hercules, a moment since J BO strong and proud, now bows his head ; his arms, riveted AN ELECTRIC SHOCK. 3Hf, to the box, undergo a violent muscular contraction ; his leo-s give way, and he falls on his knees with a yell of agony ! An electric shock, produced by an inductive apparatus, had been passed, on a signal from me, from the further end of the stage into the handle of the box. Hence the contortions of the poor Arab ! It would have been cruelty to prolong this scene. I gave a second signal, and the electric current was immediately intercepted. My athlete, disengaged from his terrible bondage, raised his hands over his head. "Allah! Allah!" he exclaimed, full of terror; then wrapping himself up quickly in the folds of his burnous, as if to hide his disgrace, he rushed through the ranks of the spectators and gained the front entrance. With the exception of my stage boxes and the privileged spectators who appeared to take great pleasure in this ex- periment, my audience had become grave and silent, and I heard the words " Shaitan !" "Djenoum!" passing in a murmur round the circle of credulous men, who, while gazing on me, seemed astonished that I possessed none of the physical qualities attributed to the angel of darkness. I allowed my public a few moments to recover from the emotion produced by my experiment and the flight of the herculean Arab. One of the means employed by the Marabouts to gain influence in the eyes of the Arabs is by causing a belief in their invulnerability. One of them, for instance, ordered a gun to be loaded and fired at him from a short distance, but in vain did the flint produce a shower of sparks; the Marabout pro- Qounced some cabalistic words, and the gun did not ex- plode. z 386 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. The mystery was simple enougli ; the gun did not go off because the Marabout had skillfully stopped up the rent. Colonel de Neveu explained to me the importance of discrediting such a miracle by opposing to it a sleight-of- hand trick far superior to it, and I had the very article. I informed the Arabs that I possessed a talisman ren- dering me invulnerable, and I defied the best marksman in Algeria to hit me. I had hardly uttered the words, when an Arab, who had | attracted my notice by the attention he had paid to my tricks, jumped over four rows of seats, and disdaining the use of the "practicable," crossed the orchestra, upsetting flutes, clarionets, and violins, escaladed the stage, while burning himself at the foot-lights, and then said, in excel- lent French, "I will kill you!" An immense burst of laughter greeted both the Arab's picturesque ascent and his murderous intentions, while an interpreter who stood near me told me I had to deal with a Marabout, "You wish to kill me !" I replied, imitating his accent and the inflection of his voice. " Well, I reply, that though you are a sorcerer, I am still a greater one, and you will not kill me." I held a cavalry pistol in my hand, which I presented to him. " Here, take this weapon, and assure yourself it has undergone no preparation." The Arab breathed several times down the barrel, then through the nipple, to assure himself there was a commu- nication between them, and after carefully examining the pistol, said : A TALISMAN. 387 *' The weapon is good, and I will kill you." " As you are determined, and for more certainty, put in a double charge of powder, and a wad on the top." "It is done." "Now, here is a leaden ball; mark it with your knife, so as to be able to recognize it, and put it in the pistol, with a second wad." "It is done." " Now that you are quite sure your pistol is loaded, and that it will explode, tell me, do you feel no remorse, no scruple about killing me thus, although I authorize you to do so ?" "No, for I wish to kill you," the Arab repeated, coldly. Without replying, I put an apple on the point of a knife, and, standing a few yards from the Marabout, ordered him to fire. "Aim straight at the heart," I said to him. My opponent aimed immediately, without the slightest hesitation. The pistol exploded, and the bullet lodged in the centre of the apple. I carried the talisman to the Marabout, who recognized the ball he had marked. I could not say that this trick produced greater stupe- faction than the one preceding it : at any rate, my spec- tators, palsied by surprise and terror, looked round in silence, seeming to think, " Where the deuce have we got to here !" A pleasant scene, however, soon unwrinkled many of their faces. The Marabout, though stupefied by his defeat, had not lost his wits ; so, profiting by the moment when he returned me the pistol, he seized the apple, thrust it into his waist-belt, and could not be induced to return it, 388 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. persuaded as he was that he possessed in it an incompara- ble talisman. For the last trick in my performance I required the as- sistance of an Arab. At the request of several interpreters, a young Moor, about twenty years of age, tall, well built, and richly dressed, consented to come on the stage. Bolder and more civilized, doubtlessly, than his comrades of the plains, he walked firmly up to me. I drew him towards the table that was in tne centre of the stage, and pointed out to him and to the other specta- tors that it was slightly built and perfectly isolated. After which, without further preface, I told him to mount upon it, and covered him with an enormous cloth cone, open at the top. Then, drawing the cone and its contents on to a plank, the ends of which were held by my servant and myself, we walked to the foot-lights with our heavy burden, and up- set it. The Moor had disappeared — the cone was per- fectly empty ! Immediately there began a spectacle which I shall never forget. The Arabs were so afi'ected by this last trick, that, im- pelled by an irresistible feeling of terror, they rose in all parts of the house, and yielded to the influence of a gene- ral panic. To tell the truth, the crowd of fugitives was densest at the door of the dress circle, and it could be seen, from the agility and confusion of these high dignitaries, that they were the first to wish to leave the house. Vainly did one of them, the Caid of the Beni-Salah, more courageous than his colleagues, try to restrain them by his words : " Stay ! stay ! we cannot thus lose one of our co-reli- i SAUVE QUI TEUT! 389 gionists. Surely we must know what has become of him. or what has been done to him. Stay ! stay !" But the co-religionists only ran iway the faster, aw^ soon the courageous caid, led away by their example, fol lowed them. They little knew what awaited them at the door of the theatre ; but they had scarce gone down the steps when they found themselves face to face with the " resuscitated Moor." The first movement of terror overcome, they surrounded the man, felt and cross-questioned him ; but, annoyed by these repeated questions, he had no better resource than to escape at full speed. The next evening the second performance took place and produced nearly the same efiect as the previous one. The blow was struck : henceforth the interpreters and all those who had dealings with the Arabs received orders to make them understand that my pretended miracles were only the result of skill, inspired and guided by an art called prestidigitation, in no way connected with sorcery. The Arabs doubtlessly yielded to these arguments, for henceforth I was on the most friendly terms with them. Each time a chief saw me, he never failed to come up and press my hand. And, even more, these men whom I had so terrified, when they became my friends, gave me a pre- cious testimony of their esteem — I may say, too, of their admiration, for that is their own expression. Three days had elapsed since my last performance, when I received a despatch from the governor, ordering me to be at the palace by twelve o'clock, military time. Of course I kept the appointment, and the last stroke of twelve was still striking by the clock of the neighborng 390 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. mosque wlien I sent in my name at the palace. A staff officer immediately came to me. ^' Come witli me, M. Robert-Houdin," he said, with a half mysterious air. "I am ordered to conduct you." I followed my conductor, and, as the door of a magnifi- cent room was open at the end of a gallery we crossed, I saw a strange sight. Some thirty of the most important Arab chiefs were arranged in a circle, of which I natu- rally formed the centre when I entered the room. " Salam aleikoum !" they said, in a grave and almost solemn voice, as they laid their hands on their hearts. I first returned thio salutation by bowing in the French fashion, and then by several hand-shakings, beginning with those chiefs whose acquaintance I had already formed. At the head was the Bash-Aga Bou-Allem, the African Rothschild, in whose tent I had drunk my coffee at the Arab camp during the races. Next came the Caid Assa, with a wooden leg, who had also offered me pipes and coffee in the same encampment. As this chief did not understand a word of French, my friend Boukandoura was enabled, during a visit we paid him, to tell me the history of the wooden leg in his presence. " Assa," my friend said, ''having had his leg shattered -' in an affair against the French, owed his escape to the speed of his horse. Once in a place of safety, he himself cut off his leg above the knee, and then, in his^wild energy, thrust the mutilated stump into a vessel full of boiling pitch, in order to stop the hemorrhage." Wishing to return the salutations I had received, I went round the group, offering my hand to each in turn. But my task was remarkably abridged, for the ranks thinned lH AN ADDRESS, 391 at my approach, as many of the company had not the cour- age to take the hand of a man they had seriously regarded as a sorcerer or the demon in person. This incident, however, did not disturb the ceremony in any way. After a laugh at the pusillanimity of the fugi- tives, each re-assumed that gravity which is the normal condition of the Arab countenance. Then the most aged chief in the assembly advanced towards me, and unrolled an enormous MS. It was an address, written in verse, a perfect masterpiece of native caligraphy, and adorned with graceful arabesques drawn by hand. The worthy Arab, who was at least seventy years of age, then read, in a loud voice, the piece of Mussulman poetry, which was perfectly unintelligible to me, as I knew only three words of Arabic. When the reading was ended, the orator drew from his belt the signet of his tribe, and solemnly placed it at the bottom of the page. The principal Arab chiefs and dig- nitaries followed his example, and when all the seals had been affixed, my old friend took the paper, and after as- suring himself the imprints were quite dry, he rolled it up and presented it to me, saying, in excellent French, and in a tone that revealed his sincerity : " To a merchant, gold is given ; to a warrior, arms are offered; to thee, Robert-Houdin, we present a testimony of our admiration, which thou canst hand down to thy children." And, translating a verse he had just read in Arabic, he added, " Pardon us for presenting thee with such a trifle, but is it fitting to offer mother-o'-pearl to the man who possesses the real jewel ?" I avow very frankly that never in my life did I experi- ence such sweet emotion — never had my success pene- 392 MEMOIRS OF ROBEET-HOUDIN. trated so fully to mj heart ; and, moved more than I can express, I turned to wipe away a tear of sympathy. These details, as well as the following, certainly wound my modesty a little, but I cannot make up my mind to pass them over in silence ; hence, I must beg the reader to accept them as a mere picture of manners. I declare, too, that the thought never entered my mind of having deserved such praise, and yet I cannot refrain 1 from feeling as much flattered as grateiul for this homage, and regarding it as the most precious souvenir of my pro- fessional career. This declaration made, I will furnish a translation of the address, in the words used by the caligrapher him- self : " Homage ofi'ered to Robert-Houdin, by the chiefs of the Arab tribes, after his performances given at Algiers on the 28th and 29th of October, 1856. " Glory to God, who teaches us what we know not, and enables us to ex- press the treasures of the mind by the flowers of eloquence and the signs of writing. " Generous-handed destiny has sent down from above, in the midst of lightning and thunder, like a powerful and fertilizing rain, the marvel of the moment and the age, him who cultivates the surprising arts and marvellous sci- ences — the /S^/cZ-Robert-Houdin. '' Our century has seen no one comparable with him. The splendor of his talent surpasses the most brilliant productions of past ages. Our age is the more illustrious because it has possessed him. FLOWERY COMPLIMENTS. 393 *'IIe has known how to stir our hearts and astonish our minds, by displaying to us the surprising facts of his marvellous science. Our eyes were never before fascinated by such prodigies. What he accomplishes cannot be de- scribed. We owe him our gratitude for all the things by which he has delighted our eyes and our minds ; hence, our friendship for him has sunk into our hearts like a per- fumed shower, and our bosoms preciously conceal it. "We shall in vain attempt to raise our praises to the height of his merit; we must lower our brows before him and pay him homage, so long as the benevolent showei fertilizes the soil, so long as the moon illuminates the night, so long as the clouds come to temper the heat of the sun. "Written by the slave of God, " Ali-Ben-el-Had ji MoussA. "Pardon us for presenting thee with," &c. &c. Then follow the seals and signatures of the chiefs of the tribes. After the ceremony was over, and the Arabs had left us, the marshal-governor, whom I had not seen since my performances, being desirous to give me an idea of the ef- fect they had produced on the minds of the natives, quoted the following incident: A Kabyle chief, who had come to Algiers to make his submission, was taken to my first performance. The next day, at an early hour, he went to the palace, and asked to speak with the governor. "I have," he said to the marshal, "to ask your permis- sion to return immediately to my tribe." "You must be aware," the marshal replied, "that the 394 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. forms are not yet filled up, and the papers will not be in order for three days ; you will, therefore, remain for that period." "Allah is great," the Arab said, " and if it pleaseth Him I shall go away before, you will not be able to stop me." " You will not go, I feel certain, if I forbid it. But tell me, why are you in such a hurry to leave?" "After what I saw yesterday I don't wish to stay in Algiers; a misfortune would happen to me." " Did you regard the miracles as real?" The Kabyle surveyed the marshal with an air of aston- ishment, and, without replying directly to the question addressed him, said : "Insi:ead of killing your soldiers in conquering the Kabyles, send your French Marabout to the most rebel tribes, and before a fortnight he will bring them all to you." The Kabyle did not leave, for the interpreters managed to remove his fears ; still he was one of those who kept furthest aloof from me during the ceremony I have de- scribed. Another Arab also said, on leaving one of my perform- ances : " Our Marabouts must now do very great miracles to astonish us." These statements from the governor's own lips were very agreeable to me, for up to that moment I had felt rather uneasy ; and although I was certain I had produced a startling impression by my performances, I was en- chanted at learning that the object of my mission had been carried out according to the wishes of government. In addition, before I started for France, the marshal was THE AiSSAOUA. 395 kind enough to assure me once again that my pevfo) mances in Algeria had produced the happiest effect in the minds of the natives. Although my performances were ended, I was in no hurry to return to France. I was curious, in my turn, to witness a conjuring performance of the Marabouts, or other native jugglers. I had also promised several Arab chiefs to visit them in their douars, and I wished to enjoy this double pleasure. There are few Frenchmen who, after a short stay in Algeria, have not heard of the Aissaoua and their mar- vels. The stories I had been told of the experiments per- formed by the followers of Sid-Aissa had inspired me with the liveliest desire to see them, and I Avas persuaded that all their miracles were only more or less ingenious tricks, which I should be able to detect. As M. le Colonel Neveu had promised me the oppor- tunity of seeing them, he kept his word. On a day chosen by the Mokaddem, the usual president of this sort of meeting, we went, accompanied by several staff officers and their wives, to an Arab house, and pro- ceeded through a low archway into the inner court, where the ceremony was to take place. Lights artistically fixed on the walls, and carpets spread on the pavement, awaited the arrival of the brothers, while a cushion was reserved for the Mokaddem. We all took our seats where we should not disturb the performance, and our ladies went up to a gallery on the first floor, and thus represented our dress-boxes. But I will let Colonel Neveu himself describe this scene, by copying verbatim from his interesting work ''The Re- ligious Orders among the Mussulmans of Algeria:" ''The Aissaoua entered, formed a circle in the court- 896 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. yard, and soon began tlieir cliants. These were at first slow and solemn chants, and lasted a long time ; then came the praises of Sidi-Muhammad-Ben-Aissa, founder of the order ; after which the Brethren and the Mokaddem, tak- ing up cymbals and tambourines, gradually increased the speed of the chanting. "After about two hours the songs had become wild cries, and the gestures of the Brethren had followed the same impulse. Suddenly some of them rose and formed a line, dancing, and pronouncing as gutturally as they could, and with all the vigor of their energetic lungs, the sacred name of Allah. This word, issuing from the mouths of the A'issaoua, seemed rather a savage growl than an invo- cation addressed to the Supreme Being. Soon the noise increased, the most extravagant gestures began, while tur- bans fell off and exposed their shorn heads, which look like those of vultures ; the long folds of their red sashes became unfastened, embarrassing their movements and in- creasing their disorder. "Then the Aissaoua moved about on their hands and knees, imitating the movements of wild animals. They seemed to be acting under the influence of some muscular force, and they forgot they were men. "When the excitement had reached its height, and the perspiration was running down their bodies, the Aissaoua began their juggling. They called the Mokaddem their father, and asked him for food ; he gave to some pieces of glass, which they champed between their teeth; he placed nails in the mouths of others, but, instead of swal- lowing them, they carefully hid their heads in the folds of the Mokaddem's burnous, in order not to let the audi- ence see them remove them. Some devoured thorns and thistles: others passed their tongues over a red-liot iron PRETENDED MIRACLES. 397 and took tnem in their hands without burning themselves. One man struck his left arm with his right hand : the flesh appeared to open, and the blood poured forth abundantly; then he passed his hand over his arm, the wound closed, and the* blood disappeared. Another leaped on to the edge of a sabre held by two men, and did not cut his feet, \» liile others produced from small leathern sacks scorpions and serpents, which they boldly pLaced in their mouths." I had concealed myself behind a pillar, whence I could survey everything without being noticed. I insisted on not being the dupe of these mysterious tricks : hence I paid the closest attention. Both through the remarks I made on the scene of ac- tion, and the ulterior researches I undertook, I am now in a position to give a satisfactory explanation of the miracles of the Aissaoua. But, not to interrupt my narrative, 1 will refer the reader who is anxious for these details to the end of this volume, and the special chapter I have chris- tened A Chapter of Miracles. I believe myself the more competent to supply these explanations, as some of the tricks belong to conjuring proper, and others are based on phenomena drawn f»-om the physical sciences. 398 MEMOlllS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN CHAPTER XXI. Excursion in the Interior of Africa — The Abode of a Bash-Aga — A comical Repast — A Soiree of Arab Dignitaries — A Marabout mys- tified — Tent-life in Algeria — I return to France — A terrible Storm — Conclusion. Once possessed of the secret of the juggling performed hj the Aissaona, I was able to start for the interior of Af- rica. I therefore set out, provided with letters from Colonel de Neveu, to several heads of the Arab depart- ment, his subordinates, and I took with me Mme. Robert- Houdin, who was quite delighted at the thought of making this excursion. We were going to visit the Arab beneath his tent or in his house; eat his "couscoussou," which we only knew by name; study for ourselves the domestic manners and cus- toms of Africa : this was certainly enough to inflame oui imagination. So much was this the case, that I hardly ever thought that the month in which we should re-embark for France would be the one in which the Mediterranean is so stormy. Among the Arabs who had invited me to visit them, Bou- Allem-Ben-Sherifa, Bash-Aga of the D'jendel, had pressed me so strongly that T determined on commencing my round of visits with him. Our journey from Algiers to Med^ah was most prosaic, Tor a diligence conveyed us there in two days. Apart from the interest inspired in us by the peculiar CAPTAIN RITTER. 399 vegetation of Algeria, as well as the famous peak of the Mouzaia, which we passed at a gallop, the incidents of the journey were the same as on any French high road. The hotels were kept by Frenchmen, and you dined at the table d'hote on the same fare, at the same price, and with the same attendance. This bagman's existence was not what we had anticipated on leaving Algiers. Hence, we were delighted to get out at Mdddah, as the diligence did not follow the same road as ourselves beyond this point. Captain Ritter, head of the Arab office at M^d^ah, to whom I went, had seen my performances at Algiers : hence, I had no occasion to hand him the letter of recommenda- tion addressed to him by M. de Neveu. He received me with great affiability, and Mme. Ritter joined her entrea- ties to her husband's that we should visit the town. I indeed regretted being obliged to leave such agreeable persons the next morning ; but I was obliged to hurry my tour over before the autumnal rains set in, which render the roads impracticable, and often, indeed, very dangerous. The captain acceded to my wishes ; he lent us two horses from his stable, and gave us as a guide to Bou-Al- lem's a caid who spoke French excellently. This Arab had been caught when quite a youth in a hut which Abd-ul-Khadr had been forced to abandon after one of his numerous defeats. The government sent the lad to the Louis-le Grrand College, where he got on excellently in his studies. But, constantly pursued by the remem- brance of his African sky, and the national " couscoussou" our bachelor of arts asked the favor of being sent back to Algeria. Owing to his education he was made caid of a small tribe, whose name I have forgotten, but which lay on the route we were going to take. My guide — whom I will call Muhammad, because I 400 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. have forgotten his name also (for Arab names are difficult to remember by those who have not lived some time in Al- geria) — Muhammad, then, was accompanied by four Arabs of his tribe : two of them were to carry our baggage, and the other tAvo wait upon us. All were mounted, and pro- ceeded before us. We started at eight in the morning, as our first stage was not to be long, for Muhammad assured me that, if it pleased God (a formula a true believer never omits in speaking of the future), we should arrive at his house in time for breakfast. In fact, about three hours after we had set out, our little caravan reached Muhammad's modest douar, and we dismounted in front of a villa, en- tirely composed of branches, of which the roof was hardly of man's height. This was the caid's reception-room. The door was opened, and our guide showed us the way by walking in first. Only one piece of furniture orna- mented the interior ; it was a small wooden stool, which my wife converted into a seat. Muhammad and I seated ourselves on a carpet, which an Arab had spread at our feet, and breakfast was soon served up. Muhammad, who, I fancy, wished to gain our pardon for a grave crime he was about to commit, treated us sumptuously, and almost in the French style. A rich soup, roast fowls, various ragouts, which I cannot describe, as my culinary studies have been very limited, and pastry, which F^lix himself would not have disowned, were placed before us in turn. More than that, my wife and I had been handed an iron knife, fork and spoon — an unheard of thing at an Arab's. The meal had been brought from an adjacent gofcrhi, where the caid's mother resided. This lady had lived in Algiers for a long time, where she had acquired the skill of which she had just offered us a specimen. A DESERTER. 401 As for Muliammad, he had resumed the fashions of his ancestors, with the Mussuhnan costume, and lived on dates and "couscoussou," save when he had any guests, which was extremely rare. Our breakfast over, the host advised to set out again, if we wished to reach Bou-Allem's before nightfall ; and we followed his advice. From M^d^ah to Muhammad's douar we had followed a tolerable road, but on leaving his house we entered on a barren and desert country, where we saw no other signs of a road than those left by ourselves. The sun poured its most torrid beams upon our heads, and we found no shade along our route to protect us from it. Frequently, too, our progress became very laborious, for we came to ravines, into which we had to descend at the risk of our horses' knees and our own necks. To restore our patience, our guide told us we should soon reach more even ground, and we continued our journey. About two hours after leaving our first halt, Muhammad quitted us at full gallop, saying he would soon return, and disappeared behind a mound. We never saw our caid again. I learned, afterwards, that in his jealousy of Bou-Al- lem's wealth, he preferred incurring a punishment sooner than pay a visit to his rival. This flight rendered my wife and myself very uncom- fortable, and we exchanged our ideas on the subject, with no fear of being understood by our guides. AYe were alarmed by the bad example given by Muhammad. Sup- pose the four Arabs were to imitate their chief, and also abandon us ! What would become of us in a country where, even if we were to meet anybody, we could not make him understand our wishes ? 2 A 402 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT- HOUDIN. But we escaped with tlie fear. Our worthy guides rfe mained faithful to us, and were even very polite and atten- tive during the journey. Besides, as Muhammad had told us, we soon reached a road leading us straight to the abode of Bou-Allem. Compared with the caid's house, the bash-aga's might be considered a princely residence, less, however, through the architectural beauty of the buildings than through their extent. As in all Arab houses, only walls could be seen from without ; all the windows looked on court-yards or gardens. Bou-Allem and his son, warned of our arrival, came to meet us, and paid us in Arabic compliments I did not un- derstand, but which I supposed to be the usual salamalecks, that is to say : "Be ye welcome, oh ye invited of Deity! " Such, however, was my confidence, that, whatever might have been said to me, I should have accepted it as a com- pliment. We dismounted, and sat down upon a stone bench, where coffee was soon served up to us. In Algeria people drink coffee and smoke the whole day long. It is true that this beverage is not made so strong as in France, and the cups are very small. Bou-Allem, after lighting a pipe, handed it to me : it was an honor he did me to let me smoke after him, and I could not decline it, though I might have preferred it to be just the "other way about." As I have already stated, I only knew three or four words of Arabic, and with such a poor vocabulary it wa? |} difiicult to talk with my hosts. Still, they evidenced great joy at my arrival, for every moment they renewed their protestations, while laying their hands on their hearts. I I UNSUBSTANTIAL FARE. 403 replied by similar signs, and hence had not to dra-zv- on my imagination to keep up the conversation. Later, however, urged by an appetite whose prompt satisfaction I did not calculate on, I ventured on a new pantomime. Laying my hand on the pit of my stomach, and assumino; a suiferino; air, I tried to make Bou-Allem comprehend that we required more substantial food than civil compliments. The intelligent Arab understood me, and gave orders for the meal to be hastened on. In the meanwhile, and to keep us quiet, he offered, by gestures, to show us his apartments. We ascended a small stone staircase, and, on arriving at the first floor, our guide opened a door, which offered this peculiarity, that, to pass through it, you were obliged to loAver your head and lift your foot simultaneously. In other words, this door Avas so low, that a man of ordinary height could not pass through it without stooping, and, as the floor Avas raised, you were obliged to step up on it. This chamber was the bash-aga's reception-room ; the walls were covered with red arabesques relieved with gold, and the ground strown with magnificent Turkey carpets. Four divans, covered with rich silk stuffs, completed the entire furniture, with a small mahogany table, on which were spread pipes, porcelain coffee cups, and other objects especially used by Mussulmen. Among them, Bou-Allem took up a flask filled with rose-water, and poured it on our hands. The perfume was delicate ; unfortunately, our host wished to do things grandly, and in order to show the esteem he held us in, employed the rest of the bottle in literally sprinkling us from head to foot. We visited two other large rooms, more simply deco- rated than the first, and in one of them was an enormou? divan. Bou-Allem made us comprehend that was where he slept. . . 4 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. These details would have been very interesting at any other momentj but we were dying of hunger, and, accord- ing to the proverb, " a starving belly has neither eyes nor cars." I was just going to recommence my famous panto* mime, when, in passing through a small room, in which the only furniture was a carpet, our cicerone opened his mouth, pointed Avith his finger that something was to be placed in it, and thus made us understand we were in the dining-room. I laid my hand on my heart to express all the pleasure I experienced. By Bou-Allem's invitation we sat down on the carpet, round a large waiter put down in place of a table. Once seated, two Arabs came in to wait on us. In France, servants wait with their heads uncovered ; in Algeria, they keep on their head-covering ; but, in re- turn, as a mark of respect, they leave their shoes at the door, and serve barefooted. Between our servants and those of the Arabs the only dilGference is from head to foot. We were the only guests seated with Bou-Allem, for the son had not the honor of dining with his father, who alwavs ate alone. A species of salad-bowl, filled with something like pump- kin soup, was brought in, and I am very fond of that dish. "What a fortunate thing," I said to my wife, "Bou- Allem has guessed my taste ; how I will do honor to his cook." My host, doubtlessly, understood the meaning of my remark, for, after offering us each a clumsy wooden spoon, he begged us to follow his example, and plunged his weapon in up to the wrist. We imitated him. 1 soon took out an enormous spoonful, which I hastily lifted to my mouth ; but I had scarce tasted it ere I ex- claimed with a horrible grimace : ARAB POLITENESS. 406 " Pouali ! what can that be ? My mouth is on fire." My wife withdrew the spoonful she had raised to her lips, but either her appetite or her cui'iosity induced her to taste it. She did so, but soon joined me in coughing. It was a regular pepper-pot. While apparently vexed at this contretemps, our host swallowed enormous spoonfuls of the soup, and each time he stretched out his arm with an air of beatitude, in- tended to convey to us, " And yet how good it is." The soup-tureen was taken away almost empty. " Bueno ! bueno !" Bou-Allem exclaimed, pointing to a dish just placed before us. Bueno is Spanish, and the worthy bash-aga, knowing two or three words of that language, was not vexed to display his learning to us. This famous dish was a species of ragout, bearing some affinity to haricot mutton. When I lived at Belleville, this was the masterpiece of Mme. Auguste, and I always gave it a very good reception. Hence, in remembrance of my good old cook, I was about to fall on the ragout ; but I looked around in vain for a fork, a knife, or even the wooden spoon handed us for the soup. Bou-Allem released me from the dilemma ; he showed me, by himself plunging his fingers into the dish, that a fork was a very useless instrument. As hunger tormented us, we overcame our repugnance, and my wife, to encourage me, delicately fished up a small piece of mutton. The sauce was very highly spiced, but still, by eating very little meat and a great deal of bread, we were enabled to render the poison innocuous. That I might be agreeable to my host, I unfortunately repeated the Spanish words he had taught me. This com- pliment, which he believed sincere, caused him extreme 406 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. pleasure, and he drew out from the dish a bone, with meat hanging to it, and after tearing off some pieces with his nails, offered them politely to my wife. I wondered how Madame Houdin would get rid of this singular present ; but she did so much more cleverly than I expected. Bou-Allem having turned his head to give an order, the piece of meat was restored to the dish with astounding craft, and we were much inclined to laugh when our host, unsuspectingly, took this very piece of mutton for his own gratification. We welcomed with great satisfaction a roast fowl served after the ragout ; I took on myself to carve it, or, in other wordsj to tear it asunder with my fingers, and I did so most delicately. We found it so much to our taste that not a particle was left. Then came other dishes, which we tasted with due care, among them being the famous " couscoussou," which I found detestable, and the meal terminated with sweet- meats. Our hands were in a deplorable condition, and an Arab brought us each a basin and soap to wash them. Bou-Allem, after performing the operation, and washin, his beard with the greatest care, took a handful of soap suds and rinsed his mouth. This was the only liquo; served at table. After dinner we proceeded to another room, and, on th road were joined by a young Arab whom Bou-Allem had 'jent for. This man had been for a long time servant at Algiers, and spoke French excellently; hence he would serve as our interpreter. We entered a small room very elegantly decorated, in which were two divans. '•This," our host said, 'Ms the room reserved for guests I 'i OUR VISITORS. 407 in distinction ; you can go to bed when jou like, but if you are not tired, I would ask your leave to present to you several chief men of my tribe, who^ having heard of j:u, wish to see you." "Let them come in," I said, after consulting Madame Iloudin, "we will receive them with pleasure." The interpreter went out, and soon brought in a dozen old men, among whom were a Marabout and several talebs, whom the bash-aga appeared to hold in great de- ference. They sat down in a circle on carpets and kept up a very lively conversation about my performances at Algiers. This learned society discussed the probability of the mar- vels related by. the chief of the tribe, who took great pleasure in depicting his impressions and those of his co- religionists at the sight of the miracles I had performed. Each lent an attentive ear to these stories, and regarded me with a species of veneration ; the Marabout alone dis- played a degree of scepticism, and asserted that the spec- tators had been duped by what he called a vision. Jealous of my reputation as a French sorcerer, I thought I must perform before the unbeliever a few tricks as a spe- cimen of my late performance. I had the pleasure of as- tounding my audience, but the Marabout continued to offer me a systematic opposition, by which his neighbors were visibly annoyed ; the poor fellow did not suspect, though, Avhat I had in store for him. My antagonist wore in his sash a watch, the chain of wliich hung outside. I believe I have already mentioned a certain talent I possess of filching a watch, a pin, a pocket-book, &c., with a skill by which several of my friends have been vic- timized. 408 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT- HOUDIN. T was fortunately born witli an honest and upriglit heart, or this peculiar talent might have led me too far. When I felt inclined for a joke of this nature, I turned it to profit in a conjuring trick, or waited till my friend took leave of me, and then recalled him : " Stay," I would say, handing him the stolen article, " let this serve as a lesson to put you on your guard against persons less honest than myself." But to return to our Marabout. I had stolen his watch as I passed near him and slipped into its place a five-franc piece. To prevent his detecting it, and while waiting till I could profit by my larceny, I improvised a trick. After juggling away Bou-Allem's rosary, I made it pass into one of the numerous slippers left at the door by the guests ; this shoe was next found to be full of coins, and to end this little scene comically, I made five-franc pieces come out of the noses of the spectators. They took such plea- sure in this trick that I fancied I should never terminate it. ^^ Dour OS ! douros T' they shouted, as they twitched their noses. I willingly acceded to their request, and the douros issued at command. The delight was so great that several Arabs rolled on the ground ; this coarsely expressed joy on the part of Mohammedans was worth frenzied applause to me. I pretended to keep aloof from the Marabout, who, as I expected, remained serious and impassive. When calm was restored, my rival began speaking hur- riedly to his neighbors, as if striving to dispel their illu- [ sion, and, not succeeding, he addressed me through the i| interpreter : "You will not deceive me in that way," he said, with a ?rafty look A MARABOUT PUZZLED. 409 "Why SO?" "Because I don't believe in your power." " Ah, indeed ! Well, then, if you do not believe in my power, I will compel you to believe in my skill." ."Neither in one nor the other." I was at this moment the whole length of the room from the Marabout. " Stay," I said to him ; " you see this five-franc piece." "Yes." " Close your hand firmly, for the piece will go into it in spite of yourself." "I am ready," the Arab said, in an incredulous voice, as he held out his tightly closed fist. I took the piece at the end of my fingers, so that the assembly might all see it, then, feigning to throw it at the Marabout, it disappeared at the word "Pass !" My man opened his hand, and, finding nothing in it, shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, " You see, I told you so." I was well aware the piece was not there, but it was important to draw the Marabout's attention momenta- rily from the sash, and for this purpose I employed the feint. "That does not surprise me," I replied, "for I threw the piece with such strength that it went right through your hand, and has fallen into your sash. Being afraid I might break your watch by the blow, I called it to me : here it is !" And I showed him the watch in mv h.iud. The Marabout quickly put his hand in his waist-belt, to assure himself of the truth, and was quite stupefied at finding the five-franc piece. The spectators were astounded. Some among thcD'j 410 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. began telling their beads witli a vivacity evidencing a certain agitation of mind; but the Marabout frowned without saying a word, and I saw he was spelling over some evil design. " I now believe in your supernatural power," he said, "you are a real sorcerer; hence, I hope you will not fear to repeat here a trick you performed in your theatre ;' and offering me two pistols he held concealed beneath his burnous, he added, " Come, choose one of these pistols ; we will load it, and I will fire at you. You have nothing to fear, as you can ward off all blows." I confess I was for a moment staggered; I sought a subterfuge and found none. All eyes were fixed upon me, and a reply was anxiously awaited. The Marabout was triumphant. Bou-Allem, being aware that my tricks were only the result of skill, was angry that his guest should be so pes- tered ; hence he began reproaching the Marabout. I stop- ped him, however, for an idea had occurred to me which would save me from my dilemma, at least temporarily ; then, addressing my adversary : "You are aware," I said, with assurance, "that I re- quire a talisman in order to be invulnerable, and, unfor- tunately, I have left mine at Algiers." The Marabout began laughing with an incredulous air. "Still," I continued, "I can, by remaining six hours at prayers, do without the talisman, and defy your weapon. To-morrow morning, at eight o'clock, I will allow you to fire at me in the presence of these Arabs, who were wit- nesses of your challenge." Bou-Allem, astonished at such a promise, asked me once again if this offer were serious, and if he should in- 7Lie the company for the appointed hour. On my affirma- MY PREPARATIONS. 411 tive, they agreed to meet before the stone bench I have ah'eady alluded to. I did not spend my night at prayers, as may be sup- posed, but I employed about two hours in ensuring my invulnerability ; then, satisfied with the result, I slept soundly, for I was terribly tired. By eight the next morning we had breakfasted, our horses were saddled, and our escort was awaiting the signal for our departure, which would take place after the famous experiment. None of the guests were absent, and, indeed, a great number of Arabs came in to swell the crowd. The pistols were handed me ; I called attention to the fact that the vents were clear, and the Marabout put in a fair charge of powder and drove the wad home. Among the bullets produced, I chose one which I openly put in the pistol, and which was then also covered with paper. The Arab watched all these movements, for his honor was at stake. We went through the same process with the second pis- tol and the solemn moment arrived. Solemn, indeed, it seemed to everybody — to the spec- tators who were uncertain of the issue, to Madame Houdin, who had in vain besought me to give up this trick, for she feared the result — and solemn also to me, for as my new trick did not depend on any of the arrangements made at Algiers, I feared an error, an act of treachery — I knew not what. Still I posted myself at fifteen paces from the sheik, without evincing the slightest emotion. The Marabout immediately seized one of the pistols, and, on my giving the signal, took a deliberate aim at me. The pistol went ofi*, and the ball appeared between my teetk 412 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. More angry than ever, my rival tried to seize the other pistol, but I succeeded in reaching it before him. "You could not injure me," I said to him, "but you shall n3w see that my aim is more dangerous than yours. Look at that wall." I pulled the trigger, and on the newly whitewashed wall appeared a large patch of blood, exactly at the spot where I had aimed. The Marabout went up to it, dipped his finger in the blood, and, raising it to his mouth, convinced himself of the reality. When he acquired this certainty, his arms fell, and his head was bowed on his chest, as if he were annihilated. It was evident that for the moment he doubted every- thing, even the Prophet. The spectators raised their eyes to heaven, muttered prayers, and regarded me with a species of terror. This scene was a triumphant termination to my per- formance. I therefore retired, leaving the audience under the impression that I produced. We took leave of Bou- Allem and his son, and set off at a gallop. The trick I have just described, though so curious, is ^jtasily prepared. I will give a description of it, while ex- plaining the trouble it took me. As soon as I was alone in my room, I took out of my pistol-case — without w^hich I never travel — a bullet mould. I took a card, bent up the four edges, and thus made a sort of trough, in which I placed a piece of wax taken from one of the candles. When it was melted, I mixed with it a little lamp-black I had obtained by putting the blade of a knife over the candle, and then ran this composition in the bullet-mould. Had T allowed the liquid to get quite cold, the ball CONJURING BULLETS. 413 would have been full and solid; but in about ten seconds I turned the mould over, and the portions of the wax not yet set ran out, leaving a hollow ball in the mould. This operation is the same as that used in making tapers, the thickness of the outside depending on the time the liquid has been left in the mould. I wanted a second ball, which I made rather more solid than the other ; and this I filled with blood, and covered the orifice w^ith a lump of wax. An Irishman had once taught me the way to draw blood from the thumb, without feeling any pain, and I employed it on this occcasion to fill my bullet. Bullets thus prepared bear an extraordinary resemblance to lead, and are easily mistaken for that metal when seen at a short distance off. With this explanation, the trick will be easily under- stood. After showing the leaden bullet to the spectators, I changed it for my hollow ball, and openly put the latter into the pistol. By pressing the wad tightly down, the wax broke into small pieces, and could not touch me at the distance I stood. At the moment the pistol was fired, I opened my mouth to display the lead bullet I held between* my teeth, while the other pistol contained the bullet filled with blood, which bursting against the wall, left its imprint, though the wax had flown to atoms. After a pleasant journey, we reached Milianah at four in the afternoon. The head of the Arab office. Captain Bour- seret, received us most kindly, and begged us to regard his house as our own during the whole time of our stay. M. Bourseret resided with his mother, and that excel- lent lady showed Madame Bobert-Houdin all those deli- cate attentions which only a friend of long standing could have claimed. 414 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. Our trip across the D'jendel had fatigued us, hence we passed the greater portion of the next day in resting our- selves. At night, the captain gave a grand dinner, to which the general commanding, the lieutenant-colonel, and some notabilities of the town were invited. After the repast, I thought I could not better repay my polite reception than by giving a small performance, in which I displayed all my skill. As I had told M. Bourseret, during the day, of my intention, he had invited a large evening party ; and 1 must suppose my experiments pleased, if I may judge by the greeting they received. Besides, my public were so favorably disposed towards me, that they often applauded on trust, as they could not all see very well. Milianah was the end of my journey. I could only remain three days, if I wished to return to Algiers in time for the steamer that would convey us to France. M. Bourseret arranged an excursion for the second day of my stay at his house to visit the Beni-Menasseh, a nomadic tribe at that time encamped a few leagues from Milianah. At six in the morning we took horse, accompanied by some of the captain's friends, and went down the moun- tain on which the town is built. We were escorted by a dozen Arabs attached to the office, all clothed in red mantles, and armed with guns. Orders had certainly been given beforehand, for, on reaching the plain, at the first goum we passed through, ten Arabs mounted their horses and formed our escort. A little further on another troop joined the first, and our band, acting like a rolling snow-ball, ended by attaining considerable proportions. It was composed of about two hundred Arabs. A FANTASIA. 415 After two hours' march, we quitted the high road, and entered a plain that extended an immense distance in front of us. Suddenly, the Arabs who accompanied us, probably in obedience to a signal from the chief, started off at a gallop, and proceeded five or six hundred yards ahead. There the troop divided, formed four deep, and the men of the first file rushed upon us, uttering frenzied cries as they held their guns to their shoulders and prepared to fire. Our little band happened to be in front at this moment. The Arabs rushed upon us with the velocity of a steam- engine, and in a few seconds we should have suffered a col- lision that must have crushed us all. A sound of firing was heard : all the horsemen had dis- charged their guns with admirable precision over our heads. Their horses plunged, turned on their hind legs, and started off at full speed to join the troop. The Arab might have been taken for a perfect Centaur, when we saw him, while riding at this frantic speed, load his gun, and perform with it all the tricks peculiar to the drum-major. The first file of horsemen had scarce retired when the second came forward, and went through a similar perform- ance, which was repeated at least twenty times. Our cap- tain had arranged for us the surprise of a fantasia. At the noise of the firing some of our horses had started, but, the first moment of surprise passed, they remained perfectly quiet. My wife's horse was an animal of ap- proved docility, hence it was far less affected than its rider ; still, every one did my wife the justice of stat hig that, after the first shock was over, she remained as calm as the boldest warrior among us. The fantasia terminated, the Arabs took their place in i^G MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. the escort again, and witliin an hour we reached the tents of the Beni-Menasseh. The Aga Ben-Amara was awaiting us. On our arrival he advanced towards us, and humbly kissed the captain's hand, while other men of his tribe, in order to do honor to our visit, discharged their guns almost under our horses' noses. But men and beasts were case-hardened, and there was not the slightest movement in our ranks. Ben-Amara conducted us into his tent, where each sat down at his ease on a large carpet. Our arrival caused a sensation in the tribe, for while we were smoking and drinking coiFee a large number of Arabs, impelled by curiosity, ranged themselves in a circle round us, and in their immobility resembled an avenue of bronze statues. We devoted about an hour to the pleasures of conversa- tion, waiting for the diffa (meal), which we were impatiently desiring. We even began to find the time very long, when we saw a procession approaching, with banners at its head. These banners puzzled me, and seemed very strange, for they were folded up. All at once the ranks of our peace- able spectators opened, and my surprise was great on find- ing what I took for banners were only sheep roasted whole and spitted on long poles. Two of these sheep-bearers marched in front. They were followed by some twenty men, ranged in line, each of whom bore one of the dishes intended to compose our diffa. These consisted of ragouts and roasts of every descrip- tion, the inevitable " couscoussou," and, lastly, a dozen dishes of dessert, the handiwork of Ben-Amara's wives. This perambdating dinner was a delicious sight, espe- cially for people whose appetites had been singularly STRANGE BANNERS. 417 sharpened by the fresh air and the emotions produced by the fantasia. The head cook marched in front, and, like M. Malbrcug's officer, carried nothing; but, so soon as he joined us, ho set to work actively. Seizing one of the sheep, he un- epitted it, and laid it before us on a lordly dish. To my companions, nearly all Algerian veterans, this gigantic roast was no novelty ; as for my wife and myself, the sight of such food would have been enough to pacify our hunger under other circumstances, but now we has- tened to join the circle round this gigantic dish, which was worthy of Gargantua. We were obliged, as at Bou-AUem's, to pull the animal piece-meal with our fingers ; each tore up a strip at will — I must confess, at starting, with some repugnance. Then, impelled by a ferocious appetite, we fell on the sheep like wolves, and I know not whether it was owing to the sauce we all had, but the guests unanimously declared they had never eaten anything so good as this roast mutton. When we had selected the most delicate pieces, our cook proposed to produce the other animal, but, on our refusal, he served up roast fowls, to which we did our manly devoir. Then, turning up our noses at the pepper-pot and " cous- coussou," which smelled strongly of rancid butter, we made up for the want of bread during the meal by nibbling excellent little cakes. There was something really princely about the aga's reception, so, to thank him, I proposed to give a small per- formance before my numerous spectators, who, in their passionate admiration, could not leave the ground. By their chief's orders they drew nearer and formed a circle round me. The captain was kind enough to act as my interpreter, and thanks to him, I was enabled to perform 2b 418 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. a dozen of mj best tricks. The effect produced was such that I could not possibly continue, for every one fled at my approach. Ben-Amara assured us they took me for Shaitan himself, but, had I worn the Mohammedan cos- tume, they would have cast themselves at my feet as an envoy from Heaven. On our return to Milianah, the captain, to crown this delicious day of pleasure, gave us the spectacle of a chase, in which the Arabs, galloping at full speed, caught hares and partridges without once firing. The following day we took leave of M. Bourseret and his excellent mother, and proceeded towards Algiers, but not by a cross-road, for we had had enough of them in \ traversing the D'jendel. This sort of party of pleasure, in reality a party of pain, may be agreeable for once, for it serves to revive in our inconstant minds the remem- brance of the comfort we have voluntarily given up. Hence we took the diligence to Algiers, and on this occa- sion fully appreciated all the advantage of this mode of transport. The Alexander steamer, which had brought us from France, was to start within two days, and this was all the time I had to take leave and thank all those who had shown me so much kindness. On quitting Algiers I had the satisfaction of being con- ducted on board the vessel by two officers of high rank, whose kindness I can never repay. M. Palin du Pare, i[^ Colonel of the Marine Staff, and Colonel de Neveu did not leave me until the wheels had begun to turn, and those gentlemen were the last whose hands I pressed on the African coast. Were I to describe all my travelling incidents, I should have a great deal to narrate before I reached my hermit-. A TERRIBLE STORM. A\0 age at St. Gervais ; but I will adhere to my expressed intention of only alluding to events connected with my professional life. A frightful storm at sea — a tornado at the summit of the Pyrenees — death staring us in the face twenty times — are events as terrible as they are interesting to relate. But these moving episodes, which' affect all alike, have been already described by far more skillful pens than mine, hence my description would offer no novelty ; I will content myself, therefore, with giving a summary of this terrible return to France. A tempest assailed us in the Gulf of Lyons, and our engines were disabled. Our vessel, after being tossed iibout for nine days by the winds, at length reached the coast of Spain, and we managed to make the port of Bar- celona, where the authorities would not allow us to land. as we had no passports for Spain. We coasted this inhos- pitable country during a frightful storm, and at length reached the little port of Rosas, where we intended to ride out the tempest. Here I landed, and crossed the Pyrenees in an open carriage, a hurricane, the result of the tempest at sea, threatening to hurl us into an abyss at every moment. At last we safely reached France, and Marseilles, where I was obliged to fulfil a promise made to the managers of the Grand Theatre on my former passage through the town. I was, indeed, famously recompensed for the f;itigues and dangers of my journey; for the Marseillais displayed toAvards me such unexampled kindness, that these last per- formances will ever remain on my mind as those in which I received the greatest applause. I could not take my leave of the public in a more solemn way, and I hastened my return to St. Gervais. 420 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CONCLUSION. I CAN, in ending this work, repeat wliat I said at the beginning of my penultimate chapter: "I have reached the object of my every hope." But this time, if it pleases God, as my guide Muhammad would say, no temptation will again come to modify my plans of happiness. I hope still for a long time (always if it pleases God) to en- joy that gentle and peaceful existence which I had scarce tasted when ambition and curiosity took me to Algiers. On returning home, I arranged round my study my per forming instruments, my faithful comrades, I may almost say, my dear friends; henceforth I intended to devote myself to my darling study, the application of electricity to mechanism. It must not be believed that, for that purpose, I disown the art to which I owe so much pleasure. The thought is far from me, I am more than ever proud of having culti- vated it, as to it alone I owe the happiness of devoting myself to my new studies. Besides, I diverge from it less than my readers might be inclined to suppose, for I have, during a long period, applied electricity to mechanism, and I must confess — if my readers have not already guessed it — that electricity played an important part in many of my experiments. In reality, my labors of to-day only differ from the old ones in the form ; but they are still experiments. THE CURTAIN DROPS- 421 A lingering love for my old clockmaking trade has made me choose chronometro-electrical works as the objects of my study. I have adopted as my motto, " to loopularizp- dectric clocks hy nmking them as, simple and exact as possi- ble.'' And as art always supposes an ideal which the artist seeks to realize, I already dream of the day when the electric wires, issuing from a single regulator, will radiate through the whole of France, and bear the precise time to the largest towns and the most modest villages. - In the meanwhile, devoted to the sacred cause oi pro- gress, I labor incessantly in the hope that my humble dis- coveries will be of some service in the solution of this important problem. My performance is ended (I must remind my reader.-: that I ofiered them my narrative under this title) ; but i live in hope to begin it again soon, for I have still so many mysteries, great and small, to unveil. Sleight-of-hand is an immense quarry on which public curiosity can work for a long time ; hence I do not take leave of my audience, or rather of my readers, for in the second form of perform ance I have adopted, my farewell will not be definitive, until I have exhausted all that may be said about Sleigut- OF-HAND AND ITS PROFESSORS. These two words will serve as the title of the supplemental part of my Memoirs.* * It is possible that M. Robert-Houdin intends to take this revenge, owing to the unfair way in which he was treated during his professioual career. In 1850, a man who had been seven years in his service, and in whom he placed entire confidence, allowed himself to be seduced by the brilliant offers an amateur made him, and sold the secret of some of his Master's tricks at a high price. Justice was appealed to and stopped this disgraceful traffic: the seller was awarded two years' im- prisonment, but the buyer could not be touched, and thus many ol M Houdin's tricks passed into strange hands. 422 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. CHAPTER XXII. A COURSE OF MIRACLES. It lias been said of the augurs, that thej could not look at each other without a laugh ; it would be the same with the Aissaoua, if Mussulman blood did not flow in their veins. At any rate, there is not one among them who is deceived as to the pretended miracles performed by his brethren, but all lend a hand to execute them successfully, like a company of mountebanks, at the head of whom is the Mokaddem. . Even supposing that their pretended miracles could not be explained, a simple reflection would destroy their pres- tige. The Aissaoua call themselves invulnerable — then, let them ask one of the audience to place the red-hot iron on their cheeks, or some other part of their persons ; they assert they are invulnerable — then, let them invite some Zouaves to pass their sabres through them. After such a spectacle, the most incredulous would bow before them. Were I incombustible and invulnerable, I should find a pleasure in ofi*ering undoubted proofs. I would put my- self on a spit before a scorching fire, and while roasting, would amuse myself with eating a salad of pounded glass, seasoned with oil of vitriol. Such a sight would attract the whole world, and I should become a prophet. But the Aissaoua have reason to be prudent in the per- MIRACLES. 42 formances of these tricks, as I will prove. The principal miracles are as follows : 1. Runnins: a daofo-er into the cheek. O Co 2. Eating the leaves of the prickij pear. 3. Laying the stomach on the edge of a sabre. 4. Playing with serpents. 5. Striking the arm, causing the blood to flow, and stopping it instantaneously. 6. Eating pounded glass. 7. Swallowing pebbles, bottle-heels, &c. 8. Walking on red-hot iron, or passing the tongue over a white-hot plate of iron. Let us begin with the most simple trick, that of thrust- ing a dagger into the cheek. The Arab who performed this trick turned his back on me ; hence I could get very near him and watch his move- ments. He placed against his cheek the point of a dagger, which was round and blunt as that of a paper-knife. The flesh, instead of being pierced, went in for about two inches between the molars, which were kept apart, exactly as a cake of india-rubber would do. This trick is best performed by thin and aged persons, because the flesh of their cheeks is peculiarly elastic. Now, the Aissaoua fulfilled these conditions in every re- spect. The Arab who ate the prickly pear leaves gave us no opportunity of inspecting them, and I am inclined to be- lieve that the leaves had been prepared so as to do him no injury, otherwise he would not have neglected this im- portant point, which would have doubled the merit of the miracle. But even had he shown them to us, this man went through so many unneccessary manoeuvres, that he «> 424 MEMOIRS OF IIOBERT-HOUDIN. could very easily have changed them for harml ss leaves. In that case, it would be a fifteenth-rate trick of conju- ring. In the folloAving experiment, two Arabs held a sabre, one by the hilt, the other by the point ; a third t^en came forward, and after raising his clothes so as to kave the abdomen quite bare, laid himself flat on the edge of the blade, while a fourth mounted on his back, and se^mied to press the whole weight of his body on him. This trick may be easily explained. Nothing proves to the audience that the sabre is really sharpened, or that the edge is more cutting than the back, although the Arab who holds it by the point is careful to wrap it up in a handkerchief ; in this imitating the jugglers who pretend they have cut their finger with one of the daggers they use in their tricks. Besides, in performing this trick, the invulnerable turned his back on the audience. He knew the advantage to be derived from this circumstance ; hence, at the moment when about to lay himself on the sabre, he very adroitly pulled back over his stomach that portion of his clothing he had raised. Lastly, when the fourth actor mouJ^ted on his back, he rested his hands on the shoulders of the Arabs who held the sabre. The latter apparently mviin- tained his balance,, but, in reality, they supported the whole weight of his body. Hence, the only requirement for this trick is to have the stomach more or less pres?^cd in, and I will explain presently that this can be efi'ected without any injury or danger. As for the Aissaoua, who place their hands in a bag filled with serpents, and play with those reptiles, I wU rely on Colonel de Neveu's judgment. This is what ) i says in his work already quoted : POWDEREB GLASS. 425 " We often pushed our incredulity and curiosity so far as to order the Aissaoua to come to our house with their menagerie. All the animals thej stated to us were vipers [Ufa), were only innocent lizards {hanech), and when we offered to put our hand in the bag holding their reptiles, :hey hastily retired, convinced that we were not duped by theii tricks." I will add that these serpents, even had they been of a dangerous character, could have had their teeth pulled out, so as to be harmless. In support of this assertion, I noticed that these reptiles left no wound where they bit. I did not see the trick performed of striking the arm and making the blood issue; but it seems to me that a small sponge filled w^th raddle and concealed in the stri- king hand, would be enough to accomplish the prodigy. On wiping the arm, the wound is necessarily cured. When I was a boy, I often made wine come out of 9 knife or of my finger, by pressing a small sponge full of the liquor which I concealed in my hand. I have often seen men champ wine-glasses between their teeth, and not hurt themselves ; but not one of them swal- lowed the fragments. Hence, it was difiicult for me to ex- plain this trick of the Aissaoua, till, by the assistance offered me by a physician, I found in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales for 1810, No. 1143, a paper written by Dr. Lesauvage on the harmlessness of powdered glass. This gentleman, after quoting various instances of peo- ple he had seen eat glass, thus describes various experi- ments he made on animals : " After placing a great number of dogs, cats and rats on a dietary of pounded glass, the fragments being two to three lines in length, not one of the animals was ill, and on opening some of them no injury could be detected all I 426 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. along the alimentary canal. Being convinced, too, of the harmlessness of swallowing glass, I determined to take some myself in the presence of my colleague, M. Cagel, of Professor Lallemand, and several other persons. I repeated this experiment several times, and experienced not the slightest feeling of pain." These authentic statements ought to have satisfied me ; still, I wished to witness this singular phenomenon with my own eyes. Hence, I gave one of my house cats an enor- mous ball of meat seasoned with pounded glass. The animal swallowed it with the greatest pleasure, and seemed even to regret the end of this succulent meal. My family thought the cat booked for death, and began deploring my barbarity, but the next day the animal was perfectly well, and sniffed the spot where oh the previous day it had en- joyed the meal. Since that period, whenever I want to indulge a friend with this sight, I regale my three cats, in turn, so as not to excite any jealousy among them. It took me some time, I confess, before I could decide on performing Dr. Lesauvage's experiment on myself, and, indeed, I saw no necessity for it. Still, one day, in the presence of a friend, I performed this bravado, if it be so ; I also swallowed my bolus, though I was careful to pound my glass much finer than what I gave to my cats. I know not whether it was the effect of imagination, but I fancied I enjoyed my dinner much more than usual : did I owe this to the pounded glass ? At any rate, it would be a atrange way of arousing the appetite. When the trick of swallowing bottle-heels and pebbles *vas to be done, the Aissaoua really put them in his mouth, but I believe, I may say certainly, that he removed them at the moment when he phiced his head in the folds of the THE SABRE SWAL LOWER 427 Mokaddem's burnous. However, had he swallowed them, there would have been nothmg wonderful about this, when we compare it with what was done some thirty years back in France by a mountebank called "the sabre swallower." " This man who performed in the streets, threw back his head so as to form a straight line with his throat, and really thrust down his gullet a sabre, of w^hich only the hilt remained outside the mouth. He also swallowed an egg without cracking it, or even nails and pebbles, which he caused to resound, by striking his stomach with his fist. These tricks were the result of a peculiar formation in the mountebank's throat, but, if he had lived among the A'issaoua, he would assuredly have been the leading man of the company. Or what would the Arabs' have said had they seen the conjurer who passed a sword right through his body, and when thus spitted, also thrust a knife into either nostril up to the handle ? I witnessed this feat, and others have probably done the same. This trick was, in reality, so terrifying, that the public would implore the man to leave oif ; but without troubling himself about their cries, he would reply, speaking fright- fully through his nose, "that it did hib no harb," and sing in this singular voice the ^' Fleuve du Tage," which he ac- companied on a guitar. I could not endure the sight of this trick, and would turn my head away in horror when the troubadour drew out the sword, and beo-ged us to notice that it was stained with blood. Still, on reflection, I was certain the man could not really pierce his stomach thus, and that there must bo some trick concealed. 428 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. My love of the marvellous made me desire to know it ; hence, I applied to the invulnerahle, and on condition of a certain sum, and promises not to use it, he sold me his secret. I may, in my turn, communicate it to the public without asking from them the same promise. The trick is, how- ever, rather ingenious. The performer was very thin — an indispensable quality for the success of the trick. He pressed in his stomach very tightly with a waist-belt, and produced the following result : the vertebral column being unable to bend, served as a support, and the intestines gave way and fell in about half the space they originally occupied. The mountebank then substituted for the suppressed part a card-board stomach which restored him to his original condition, and the whole being concealed beneath a flesh-colored tricot, appeared to form part of his body. On either side, above the hips, two ribbon rosettes hid the apertures by which the sword-point would go in and out, these openings being connected by a leathern scabbard which led the weapon securely from one end to the other, while, in order to pro- duce the blood, a sponge filled with a red lir^uid was placed in the middle of the sheath. The knives in the nostrils were a reality. The invulnerahle was very pug-nosed, which allowed him to draw the cartilage of the nose up prior to the introduction of the knives. . ,;j I possessed the necessary physical qualifications for the t sabre trick, but none for that of the knives. I did not attempt the first, much less the second. _By the way, I may remark that, when a lad, I used to perform two miracles, which might be useful to the Aissa- ; oua, if they were ever told of them. 1 will explain then: I: here. THE NAIL IN THE EYE. 429 The corn-curer Avho taught me to juggle, also showed me a very curious trick, consisting in thrusting a small nail into the right eye, which is then made to pass into the left eye, thence into the mouth, and end by returning into the right eye. It may be imagined how I burned with the jBre of necro- mancy, since I had the courage to practise this trick, which I found charming. A very disagreeable circum- stance, however, deprived me of my faith in the effect pro- duced by it. I sometimes spent the evening at a lady's house who had two daughters. I thought I could not select a better place for my first performance, and asked leave to do the trick. Of course this permission Avas granted, and a cir- cle was formed round me. "Ladies," I said, with a certain degree of em2)hasis, " I am invulnerable. To furnish you with a proof, I could « easily stab myself with a dagger, a knife, or any other sharp instrument ; but I fear lest the sight of blood might produce too agitating an effect on you. Hence, I will offer you another proof of my supernatural powers." And I performed my famous trick of "the nail in the eye." The effect of this scene was most unexpected, for the performance was scarce over ere one of the young ladies was taken ill and fainted. The evening's amusement wa'S disturbed, as may be supposed, and fearing some recrimi- nations, I bolted without saying a word, declaring that I would never be caught again at such tricks. This, however, is the explanation of the trick : A small lead or silver pin may be introduced, without the slightest feeling of pain, in the corner of the eye, near theluclirymalduct,between the lower eyelid and the pupil; and, strangely enough, this piece of metal once introduced. 430 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. you do not in the least notice its presence. To bring it out again, you need only press it with the finger. If desirous to perform the trick I have alluded to, you proceed in the following way : After secretly placing one of these small nails in the left eye, and another in the mouth, you commence as fol- lows : You openly thrust a nail into your right eye, then, pressing the skin with the end of the finger, you pretend to pass it through the nose into the left eye, whence you withdraw the one put in beforehand. This you return again to the eye, and the nail appears to pass into the mouth, whence you produce the one already hidden there, and thence into the right eye, whence you withdraw the one originally inserted. When this is done, you go on one side and remove the nail still remaining in the left eye. But, to return to the last trick of the Aiss&oua, which consists in walking over hot iron, and passing the tongue over incandescent plates of the same metal. The Aissaoua who walks over hot iron does nothing ex- traordinary, if we consider the conditions under which the trick is performed. He quickly glides his heel along the iron; but the lower-class Arabs, who all Avalk with naked feet, have the lower part of the foot as hard as a horse's hoof, hence, this horny part burns without occasioning the slightest pain. And, besides, may not chance have taught the Aissaoua certain precautions known to more than one European juggler, befoi'aDr. Sementrici proved their use and ex- plained them to the public ? Let us quote some performances of our own mounte- ., RED-IIOT IRON. 431 banks, and we shall find that the followers of the A'issa aa miracle-mongers are a long way behindhand in their pre- tended marvels. In February, 1677, an Englishman, of the name of Ricnardson, came to Paris, and gave some very curious performances, which proved, according to his statement, his incombustibility. He was seen to roast a piece of meat on his tongue, light a piece of charcoal in his mouth by means of a pair of bellows, seize a bar of red-hot iron in his hand, or hold it between his teeth. This Englishman's servant published his master's secret, which may be found in the Journal des Sciences.* In 1809, a Spaniard, of the name of Leonetto, gave performances at Paris. He also handled a bar of red-hot iron with impunity, passed it through his hair, or stepped upon it ; drank boiling oil, plunged his fingers into melted lead, put some on his tongue, and ended his performance by licking a piece of red-hot iron. This extraordinary man attracted the attention of Pro- fessor Sementrici, who began cxirefully watching him. The professor remarked that the tongue of the incom- bustible was covered with a grey layer, and this discovery led him to try some experiments on himself. He dis- covered that rubbing in a solution of alum, evaporated to a spongy state, rendered the skin insensible to the action of red-hot iron. He also rubbed himself with soap, and found that even the hair did not burn when in that state. Satisfied with these investigations, the physician rubbed his tongue with soap and a solution of alum, and the. red- hot iron produced no sensation on him. *1677, first edition, page 41, and second edition, 1680, pp. 24, 147. 252. 432 MEMOIRS OF KOBERT-HOUDIN. The tongue, when thus prepared, could also receive boiling oil, which grew cold, and could then be swallowed. M. Sementrici also detected that the melted lead Leo- netto employed was only Arcet's metal, fusible at the temperature of boiling water. (For further details consult the historic notice of M. Julia de Fontenelie, in Roret'a Manuel des Sorciers, page 181.) These explanations may appear sufficient to disprove the pretended incombustibility of the Aissaoua ; still, I will add a personal fact, whence the conclusion can be drawn that a man need not be inspired by Allah or Aissa to play with red-hot metals. Reading one day the Comus, a scientific review, I found a critique of a work called Study on Bodies in a Spheroidal Shajje, by M. Boutigny (d'Evreux). The editor of the review, the Abbe Moigno, quotes several of the most in- teresting passages, among them being the following : ^' We passed our fingers through jets of red-hot metal" (M. Boutigny is speaking). " We plunged our hands into moulds and crucibles filled with metal that had just run from a Wilkinson, and of which the radiation was insup- portable, even at a long distance. We carried on these experiments for more than two hours, and Madame Cou- let, who was present, allowed her daughter, a child of from eight to ten years, to put her hand in a crucible of red-hot metal, which caused not the slightest injury." Knowino; the character of the learned abbe, as well as that of the celebrated naturalist and author of the work, it was not possible to doubt: still, I must say, this fact appeared to me so impossible, that my mind refused to accept it, and I wished to see, that I might believe. I decided on calling on M. Boutigny, and expressed to him my wish to see so interesting an experiment, while NO DANGER, BUT SOME FEAR. 433 carefully avoiding any expression of doubt on the subject. This gentleman received me kindly, and proposed to repeat the experiment before me, -when I might have an opportunity to wash my hands in molten metal. The proposition was attractive, scientifically speaking ; but, on the other hand, I had some fears, which thxe reader will appreciate, I think, In the event of a mistake I should reduce my hands to charcoal, and I was bound to take the greater care of them as they had been such precious instruments to me. Hence I hesitated with my reply. ''Do you not place confidence in me?" M. Boutigny asked. "Oh, certainly, sir, I have plenty of confidence, but — " "But you are afraid — out with it!" the doctor inter- rupted me, with a laugh. "Well, to ease your mind, I will try the temperature of the liquid before you place your hands in it." "And what is about the temperature of molten metal?" " Close on one thousand six hundred degrees." "One thousand six hundred degrees?" I exclaimed. " Oh ! the experiment must be splendid : I consent." On the day appointed by M. Boutigny, we proceeded tc Mr. Davidson's foundry at LaVillette, after he had granted us permission to make the experiment. I was strangely afifc-cced on entering this vast establish- ment : the deafening noise produced by the immense blasts, tlie flames escaping from the furnaces, the sparkling jets transported by powerful machines and running into gigan tic moulds, the wiry, muscular workmen, blackened by emoke and dust, — all this medley of men and things pro- duced a strange and rather solemn effect upon me. 2C 434 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. The manager came up to us and pointed out t"he furnace to which we were to proceed for our experiment. While waiting for a jet of metal to run, we remained for a few moments in silence near the furnace ; then we commenced the following conversation, which was certainly not of a nature to encourage me : "I would only repeat this experiment, which I am not fond of, for your sake," M. Boutigny said; "I confess that, though I am morally sure of the result, I always feel an emotion which I cannot dispel." ''If that be the case," I replied, "suppose we go? I will believe your word." " No, no ; I am bound to show you this curious pheno- menon. But, by the way," the learned doctor added, *'let me see your hands." He took them in his. "Hang it," he went on, "they are very dry for our experiment." "You think so?" " Certainly." » " Then it is dangerous?" "It might be so." '^ " In that case, we will go," I said, turning to the door. " That would be a pity," my companion replied, holding me back; "stay, dip your hands in this bucket of water, dry them well, and they will be sufficiently damp." ' I must mention that to insure the success of this mar- vellous experiment no other condition is requisite than to have the hands slightly damp. I regret I can offer no explanations as to the principle of the phenomenon^ for this would require many a long chapter ; hence I will i efer my readers to M. Boutigny's work. It will be enough to state that tlie metal, when in a state of fusion, is kept at »f MOLTEN IRON. 43 n a distance from the skin by a repulsive force, which op- poses an insurmountable barrier. I had scarce finished wiping my hands when the fur- nace was opened, and a jet of molten metal, about the thick ness of my arm, burst forth. Sparks flew in every direc- tion, as if it were a firework performance. "Wait a few minutes," M. Boutigny said, "till the metal is cleansed, for it would be dangerous to try our ex- periment at this moment." Five minutes later the stream of liquid fire left off bub- bling and emitting scoriae ; it became, indeed, so limpid and brilliant, that it scorched our eyes at a few yards off. All at once my companion walked up to the furnace, and calmly began washing his hands in the metal as if it had been lukcAvarm water. I make no pretence to bravery ; I confess at this mo- ment my heart beat as if it would burst, and yet, when M. Boutigny ended his strange ablutions, I walked forward in my turn with a determination that proved a certain strength of will. I imitated my professor's movements, 1 literally dabbled in the burning liquid, and, in my joy, in- spired by this marvellous operation, I took a handful of the metal and threw it in the air, and it fell back in a fire-shower on the ground. The impression I felt in touching this molten iron can only be compared to what I should have experienced in handling liquid velvet, if I may express myself so. I now ask what are the red-hot bars of the Aissaoua, in comparison to the enormous temperature to which my hands had been exposed ? The old and new miracles of the incombustibles are, therefore, explained by the experiments of a skillful na- turalist, who, while making no pretence to trickery, only 436 MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. appreciates sucli phenomena in tlieir relation to the im- mutable laws by virtue of which they are accomplished. INDEX. Academician's pvedictions, 370. Accident at the Oddon, 315. Accomplice, a kind, 185. Acrobatic canaries, 39. Africa, life in, 373. Aissaoua, miracles of the sect of, 396. Alarum, a novel, 37. Alarum-light, the, 195. Albertus Magnus and his brazen man, 157. Alboni, Madame, 337. Algeria, journey to, 372; reception in, 373. Ali-Ben-el-IIadji Moussa, "the slave of God," 39g. Ambassador, Houdin as, 372. Amputation extraordinary, 390. Anderson, "Professor," his fla- grant pufiFery, 326. Angers, journey to, 58; arrival at, 61; Fair at, 61. Anthon, Mr., buys Automaton Chess-player, 171. Antonia, story of, 114; at Constan- tinople, 125; death of, 130. Antonio, the nurse, 56 ; his confes- sion, 73; in Paris, 180; his wife, 184. Arab address to Houdin, 391. Arab chiefs convoked, 378. Arcet's metal, 432. Artificial man, the, 157. Artist's home, the, 194. Asp, automaton, IGl. Athlete, an Arabian, 383. Aubusson, accident at, 87. Audience, studying an, 142; a sleepy, 243; an indignant, 267. Auguste, the caterer, 203. Auriol, Houdin's automaton clown, 179. Author's overture, 13. Automata: Brazen fly, 156; by Vaucanson, 169. Houdin's— the pastry cook, 179; Auriol and Dubereau, ibid; orange-tree, ib.; time-dial, ib. Automaton, Houdin's first, 30; Harlequin flute-player, 158; tam- bourine-player, 159; artificial duck, 159 ; discovery of its trick, 160; chess-player, 162; history of, 162. Autumnal fetes at Algiers. 378. Avalanche, the human, 351. Aviary, a wonderful, 39. B. Bab-Azoun Theatre in Algiers, 375, Bacon, Roger, makes a brazen head, 156. 438 INDEX Balls^ juggling with the, 49. Baths of Germany, 368. Belgium, Houdin's visit to, 201. Belleville, retreat to, 198. Benefactor, a public, 29. Berlin, three months in, 369. Bernard, Colonel; gives lessons to Houdin, 191. Berthoud on Clock-making, 43. Black-silk cap, story of, 301. Blois: — birth-place of Houdin, 17; Houdin retires to, 369. Bores, how to get rid of, 264. Bosco, the conjurer, 184. Botany, lessons in, 37. Bottle-trick at Manchester, 349. Bou-Allem's house, 402. Bought and sold, 31. Bouquet a la Heine, 355. Boutigny, with red hot metal, 432. Box, the mysterious, 383. Brazen automaton fly, 166. Brazen head, Bacon and Bungey's, 156. Breguet, the Cardinal's, 110, Broken-English, Houdin's, 346. Broken watch, the, 109. B-rother and sister, 116; before the Sultan, 125. Brunnow, the Baron, 341. Brussels Theatre, engagement at, 276; journey to, 279; troubles en route, 281 ; arrives at, 287 ; success, 290; but no money, 291 ; cheated on all sides, 292. Buckingham Palace, Houdin at, 353; short commons at, 357. Bungey, Thomas, makes a brazen head, 156. Bash-Aga, abode of a, 402. Bust-making, extraordinary, 301. C. Cagliostrc at Rome, 105. Cagliostro, the; Houdin's comic journal, 254. Cagliostro's casket, 309; his seal £08. Cambridge, Houdin at, 359. Canard, a real, 160. Canaries, the cage of, 38. Candle-lighting, 227. Caravan, a conjurer's, 56. Card-rook, a, 211. Cards, a duel with, 85. Cardinal's watch, 106; broken, 109; melted down. 111; restored whole, 112. Carlosbach, Dr., the conjurer, 27. Carpentier, Aristide le, the anti- quarian, 271. Carriage smashed, 286. Castellan, Madame, 337. Castelli, Signor, eats a man alive, 69. Catherine II. plays with the auto- maton chess-player, 169 ; at- tempts to cheat, 170; wants to buy the figure, 171. Celestial Empire, the, 236. Challenge to Houdin, 268. Charivari, the, 252. Charlatan bills, Anderson's, 329 Charles V., iron fly presented to, 155. Chaussee d'Antin, scene in, 272. Cheat, punishment of a, 83. Cheating cards, diagrams of, 216. Chess-player, history of the auto- maton (see Kempelen), 162-172. Chester Theatre, England, 289. Chinese and their conjuring triclis, 225. INDEX. 438 k Choosing a Profession, 2 i. Cleopatra's asp, 161. Clipping the coin, 51. Clock, the mysterious, 195. Clockmaking, treatise on, 43. Clowns, Houdin's automaton, 179. Coffee, the conjurer's, 382. Collation, a magical, 364. Colchester, audience and the nuts, 365. Componium, the, 172; repaired by Jloudin, 175. Comte, the magician, 141 ; his tricks, 143; his caf6, 144; per- forms at the Tuilleries, 146; his King of Hearts, 147; hat-trick, 148; his ventriloquism, 149; visits Houdin, 150. Comus, the conjurer, 83. Conjuring bullets, 413. Conscientious audience, 298. Constantinople, conjuring at, 121. Convocation of Arab chiefs, 378. Cookery and clockwork, 194. Cossack, the automaton, 227. Course of miracles, a, 422. Court Journal, 355. Cousin Robert, 421. Covent Garden Theatre, 335. Critic, a severe, 204. Cronier, the mechanician, 161. Crystal Balls, the, 312. Curagoa from the bottle, 350. Curious discussion, 377. Custom at Colchester, 365. D. Dantan, junior, the caricaturist, 299; makes a bust, 301. D'Avaray, Due, 37. Dazzling picture, a, 343. De Paris, the Count, 231. Deception, a rival's, 99. Delay at Algiers, 375. Delirium, influence of, 53. Dial, Houdin's magic, 179. Diagrams of cheating cards, 216 and 218. Diamond cut diamond, 150. Diplomatist and conjurer, 341. Director of the Belgian Customs, 283 ; tricks upon, 284. Doctor, a strange, 55. Domingo, the negro, 229. Doi'meuil, theatrical manager, 336. Dorval, Madame, benefit of, 314. Doubtful applause, 75. Dreams, phantasmagoria of, 54. Dubureau, Houdin's automaton clown, 179. Duhart, chief of the claquers, 318. Dumas' Monte Christo, 336. E. Electric shock, 385. Electric touch, an, 264, Electric clocks, future of, 421. Electricity applied to mechanism by Houdin, 370. Emile-Houdin, 256; performances by, 258. England invaded by French per- formers, 334. English theatrical costume, 332. Escamoteur, the, 153. Ethereal suspension, 312. Exhibition of 1844, 231; medal voted to Houdin, 233. Expedient, an, ool. Experiments, curious, 256. Eye and hand, practice of, 49. Sbi' INDEX. F. Failure, an utter, 247. Fair-Unknown, a, 258. Family tickets, 143. Fancy Fair, Sir A. Webster's, 337. Fantasia by Arabs, 378. Fantastic portfolio, 312. Fantastic Soirees, Houdin's, 244, Farewell tour, Houdin's, 368. Father Ptoujol, 152. Faubourg St. Germain, 270. Festival of Nankin, 228. Filings, how to make, 42. Financial crisis, a, 197. First bill, Houdin's, 245. First fruits of labor, 135. First game played by Automaton chess-player, 163; the Turk beats the Doctor, 164. First magician in France, 181. First performance at Paris by Hou- din, 246. First public performance, Toi'rini's, 97. Five-franc pieces, the magical, 408. Flowers, the birth of, 145. Flute-player, automaton, 159. Forey, Eugfene, his drawing of Hou- din's theatre, 252. Fortune, a reverse of, 192. Fortunatus's hat, 229. Four balls, juggling with, 49. Free admissions, 320. French towns, how lighted, 46. Fricot, a dish of, 199. Future experiments, Houdin's, 420. G. Galerie de Valois, 237. Garde Fran9aise, 312. G6net, an optimist manager, 360. German-flute-player, automaton, 159. Germany, Houdin's tour through, 368. Giovanni Torrini, 127. Glove, Victoria's, 355. Gold-fish trick, 225. Grand Turk, the, 122. Gratuitous performance, 297. Great personages, 339. Great Wizard of the North, his frightful puffery, 326. Greek, a modern, 213. Grindstone, a nose on the, 43. Grisi, the Count Edmond de, 90. Grisi, Madame, 337. Gun-trick, a tragic, 129. Gymnastic machinery, 211. Gymnas, performance of, 319. H. Hamilton, successor to Houdin, 367, becomes his brother-in-law, 368. Happy moment, a, 203. Harem, the Sultan's, 124, Harlequin automata, 77 ; Phi- lippe's, 228. Hat, the spoiled, 134. Hearts, the King of, 147. Her Majesty's Theatre, 323. Hertford, Houdin at, 360. Hints for sharpers, 219. Hippodrome of Paris, 344. Hired applause, 319, Historic Theatre of Paris, 336. Home, return to, 136, Homicide by imprudence, 130. Houdin, Mademoiselle, 140; the conjurer marries her, 141. Houdin, M., the mechanical artist, 141. ^. Hk\ INDEX. 441 Houdin-Robert, bii-th and parent- age, 17; a,d\ cntures, passim. Human avalanche, 351. Idler, a country, 26. Illustration, the, 252. Incantation, the, 263. Inexhaustible bottle, 312. Ingot, the magic, 112. Inkstand, to make a fortune by, 177. Inquisition at Rome, 104. interior of Africa, Houdin in the, 398. Inventor, calculations of an, 177. Invulnerability, 885 ; secret of, 428. Ireland, Houdin in, 366. Iron automaton fly, 155. Italian conjurer, 157. Italy, conjuring in, 90-119. J. Jenny Lind, 323. Judicious puffing, 325. Jules de Rovere, the conjurer, 153. K. Kabyle rendered powerless, 384. Kabylia, revolt in, 374. Kitchen of Parafaragarmus, 229. Kempelen, M. de, Viennese me- chanician, 162; visits Dr. Osloff" at Riga, 163; invents the auto- maton chess-player, 163; travels with it to Russia, 168; baffles the Czarina, 171 ; visits England, 171. Knowles, the manager, 345. Koppen exhibits the Componium, 172. Lablache, the singer, 337. Ladies, pleasing the, 14o. Lamp, the stolen, 46. Lariviere, the Abb^, head of Or leans College, 23. "lawyer's office, Houdin in, 35. Le Carpentier, Aristide, 271. Leclerc invents the M^lephone, 226. Lemnos, 3Li9. Lenoir, the dancing master, 64. Leonetto with red hot iron, 431. Lesprit, the conjurer, 187. Life, most important event of, 45. Linnaeus, study of, 38. Lottery, M. Philippe's, 223. Louis Napoleon at Fulham, 339. Louis Philippe at the Palace of In- dustry, 231; and the automaton writer, 238; at St. Cloud, 303. Louis XVIII. and Comte, 146. M. Macalister, the magician5^25 ; in Paris, 229. Macon, the fair of, 148. Maelzel owns the automaton chess- player, and takes it to America, 172. Magic ingot, 112. Malice, a conjurer through, 101. Manchester, a city of chimney- sweeps, 352. Manchester Theatre, Houdin at, 345. Manipulation, practice makes skill in, 49. Marabout, shot by one, 387. Marabout, mystification of one, 408 Marquis deceived, 117. Mario, the singer, 337. 442 INDEX. Marseilles, Torrini at, 126; Houdin at, 419. Mechanical snuff-box, 35. Mechanician's shop on wheels, 78. M61ephone, the, 226. Miette, the conjurer, 187. Minor miseries, 295. Miracles, a course of, 422. Mitchell, London manager, 322; Jenny Lind's box, 323. Modest living, 199. Molten metal, washing the hands in, 433. Monte Christo, at Covent Garden, 335; at St. James's Theatre, 336. Moor, disappearance of a, 388. Morrison's pills, 223. Mountebanks in Paris, 311. Mouse-power to raise water, 21. Muhammad, the Arab guide, break- fast with, 400; he deserts, 401. Murderer's confession, 59. Music-master, the, 182. Musky compliments, 151. Mystification, 151. Mystification extraordinary, 117. Mystifier mystified, 150. N. Nail in the eye, 429. Nankin, festival of the Court of, 228. Naples, the King of, 100. Napoleon of Necromancy, 328. Napoleon III. in England, 339. Necromancy in Rome, 105. Need, a friend in, 285. Neptune's basins, 229. Nevers, ventriloquism at, 148. Neveu, Colonel de, 371; his work on Algiers, 896. New Joe Miller, a, 329. New studies, Houdin's, 253. Nightingale, mechanical, its song, 207. Nomadic life, 78. Noriet, watchmaker and sculptor, 50. Novel lottery, a, 223. Number sixty-nine, 268. Nuremburg dolls, 200. Nuts at Colchester, 365. 0. Odeon, performance at the, 314. Olivier, the conjurer, 126. Omelette accident, 133. Omen, an, 231. Open-air studies, 311. Optimist manager, 360. Orange-tree, Houdin's mysterious, 179. Origin of flowers, 312. Orleans, Houdin at College of, 20. Orleans, Duchess of, 231 ; at St. Cloud, 309. Orleans family in London, 355. Osloff, Dr., saves Worousky's life, 162; plays first game with auto- maton chess-player, 163. P. Page, sawing asunder of one, 123. Palais Royal Theatre, 335. Panic, Houdin's, 249; of an Arab audience, 389. Papin, Denis, inventor of steam en- gine, 17. Parafaragarmus, kitchen of, 229. Paris, Robert-Houdin goes to, 141 ; return to, from Brussels, 292; INDEX. 443 from England, 3G6; retires from, 3G8. Park Theatre, Brussels, 287. I'ifcstry-cook, Houdiu's automaton, 179. Peacock, the magic, 228. T*erambulating house, 61. Perrault's fairies, 157. Philippe Talon, the conjurer, 221; visits London, ib^; at Aberdeen, 222; his lottery, 223; in Paris, 227. Philter, a lady wants a, 262. Piarot, Bosco's pigeon, 189, Pigeon-trick, Bosco's, 187 ; his work, 191. Piller of the State, a, 223. Pillory, spectators on the, 350. Pinetti, Chevalier, 92; treachery of 94. Pirlemont Hotel, Brussels, 286. | Pistol-trick in Africa, 412. Piquet, a blind man's game at, 64; the game of, 81 ; a duel at, 85. Pius VII. and the conjurer, 107. Pocket, sauter la coupe in the, 50. Poison in the dish, 52. Police, the Prefect of, 238. Poor Piarot, 189. Pope, conjuring before the, 107. Porter, tyranny of, 288. PvDrter's power, machine of, 38. Pot-au-feu, 194. Powdered glass, an appetiser, 425. Prepared playing cards, 214. Press, the English, 333. Pvestidigitateur, title fii'st assumed by .Tules de Rovti're, 154. Prodigal son, 136. Prophet, a fallible, 250. Protector, a powerful, SI 8. Punch's doings, 223. Punch bowl, the magic, 382. R. Race for time, 2G5. Ptagout, the poisoned, 52. Rat, the captured, 21. Rat-trap, a novel, 23. Randon, Marshal, 380. Recollections of the soirees, £54. Red-hot metal, feats with, 432. Reforms in conjuring, 235. Rehearsal, Houdin's first, 241. Repast, a wizard's, 357. Retirement from Paris, 368. Revenge, a conjurer's, 102. Revolution of 1848, 320. Reysolius, his artificial man, 157. Richardson's iucombastibility, 431, Rings' trick, 225, Ritter, Captain, 399. Rival, a dangerous, 66. Robert, the elder, father of Robert- Houdin, his skill, 17; deatn of, 208. Roger, M., an honest lawyer, 37. Roger, the singer, 387. Romainville, music studies in the wood of, 207. Rose-colored tickets, 143. Royal patronage, 344. Royalty, insult to, 101. Rrrrrrrrouit, the nightingale's, 207. S. Sabre-swallower, the French, 427. Saint's head, a, 200. Sand-bag and stirrup trick, 33. Saute de coupe, 84. Scheme of revenge, 103. School, Iloudin at, 21. Sciences, Royal Academy of, 158 444 INDEX. Scientific amusements, 44. Scotland, Houdin in, 366. Second-sight, invention of the, 255. Seductions of a theatrical agent, 273. Selim III., the Sultan, visits Tor- rini, 122. Sementrici's feats with hot metal, 431. Seven thousand francs made by filings, 208. Sharpers, hints for, 219. Skill, a duel of, 102. Skillful manager, a, 143. Sleight-of-hand, principle of, 48; first practice in, 49. Soirees Fantastiques de Robert- Houdin in London, 324. Sorcerer, how a man becomes one, 46. Spectators in the pillory, 348. St. Cloud, Houdin at Palace of, 303. St. James's Theatre, London, 322; Houdin at, 330 ; Dormeuil at, 335. St, Thomas Aquinas breaks the brazen man, 157. Stirrup-trick, 33. Storm at sea, 419. Strange audience, 381. Strange banners, 417. Strasburg, tragedy at, 129. Sugar-baker, the conjuring, 221. Sultan, wives of the, 122. T. Taken by storm, 295. Talisman, a, 387. Talon, Philippe, the magician, 221. Tambourine-player, an automaton, 159. Tambourine, the singer, 337. Tent-life in Algiers, 416. Theatre, Houdin's, in the Palais Royal, 237. Theatricals, 139. Theatrical agent, seductions of, 273. Theatrical bed, a, 324. Three people make an audience, 361. Time, a race for, 265. Tiou, the nightingale's, 207. Too small a theatre, 295. Tools, Houdin's early love of, 19. Toi'rini, the conjurer, 57 ; relates his history, 90 et seq. ; death of, 181. Tours, journey to, 53; ventriloquism at, 148. Toys, conjurer's distribution of, 254. Trepeze tumbler, the, 312 Trick, a fatal, 129. Trick, Houdin's first, 47. Tricks of the Aissaoua, 423. Tuilleries, Comte at the, 146. Turks, performances to the, 121. Twelve hundred francs spent on a trick, 113. Two sous-piece, a lucky, 281. U. Universal Exhibition of 1855, medal from, 370. V. Vatican, conjuring in the, 107. Vaucanson, Jacques de, automaton maker, 160; some account of, 161; asp of Cleopatra, 161. Vaudeville, Houdin at the, 165. Vermifuge balsam, 31. INDEX. 445 Ventriloquism by Comte, 148. V^erdigris, a ragout of, 52. Virgilius, his brazen fly, 156. Visitors in Africa, 407. Victoria, Queen, 340; patronizes Iloudin, 344. W. Watchmaking, first lessons in, 41. Watch, the Cardinal's, 106; broken, 1.09; melted down. 111; found whole, in the Pope's pocket, 112. Webster, Sir Arthur, his fete at Fulham, 336; Houdin performs at, 343. Welcome rest, a, 367. Whiskey, Houdin's glass of, 350. White magic before the Pope, 108. William Tell and his son, 127. Win, the way to, 217. Wine, a torrent of, 351. Wizard's repast, 357. Wood-carver, the, 200. Wood-cutting, 201. Worousky, the rebel, his life saved by Dr. Osloflf, 102; a great chess- player, 163; plays the automa- ton, 165; at Toula, 166; playa Catherine XL, 169; visits Eng- land, 171. Writing and di-awing automaton, 196; its completion, 204. Z. Zilbermann, the gambler, 81. )£ Students and otliers who desire to lessen their hours of study, can do so by using HAMILTON, LOCKE, and CLARK'S System of Classical Instruction. 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The editor has, therefore, thought *hat it would be ao unacceptable jei-vice t:> j>i(fii. a few Introductory Chapters, detailing such results firom their iuquirie? a3 be"t a'rc' J » /> ^Vf haracter and condition of the RoiaaD people, and ezplaia *9 »/>8t important po- Wqi si t'/. f'^tory " 37 PINNOCK'S mSTCKlC^L SERIES. •♦^♦- HISTORY OF GREECE. l^tNNOCK'S IMPROVED EDITION na. GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF GREECB Revised corrected, and greatly enlarged, BY THE ADDITION OP Several New Chapters, niamerouLS Useful Notew, AND QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION AT THE END OF EACH SECTION. BY W. C. TAYLOR, LL.D. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS BY ATIIKRTON AND OTHERS. One vd. 12mo., Z65pag?i, hcdf^oan binding. Price, $1.75. "1 ^J^\a-^'^- EXTR', CT FROM THE PREFACE. "Ihe alterations that ^ J.r\ been made in this new edition of the Grecian history tr« m aiuae^ous and extensive a^ almost to make it a new work. The original hiftory ( f I r. Gold' Klith v,outains many » jei-dotea of questionable authority, and very doubtful inrereet, deririd ftom Plctarch and C'irtius; while such important matters as the Dorian migration und fh« SOdition of Ceylcn sjre wholly omitted. The compiler of the abridgment, following th«t kus^ crack, hurried o':-er some of the most important periods with brief and scanty nutice, whil« iK assigned very disproportionate length to a few isolated incidents. The present editf r ha* •ndsmTonni to remedy both evils, by abridging whatever appeared too diffuse, expanding th>M (larts which were so brief as to be scarcely intelligible, and supplying the numerous omiasicni of the original work. The authorities to which he has principjilly bad recourse are the hi*- tories of Gillies and Slitford in the earlier part of the work, and Leland and Gast for th6 period subsequent to the Peloponnesian war. A brief sketch of modern Grecian history i( fubjoined, in order that the stnJent may have an opportunity of comparing the present pro* pecta with the former fame of Greece." "A brief sketch of the history of the minor states and of the islai-da is subjoined to tb« Appendix, and references are given to the share they bad in any of the transactions recorded )Q the body of the work " STANDARD WORKS ON liATUHAl SClEiCES, *MJB1JSHKJ) BY OHARI.KS DRSIL^VEH 1229 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JOHNSTON'S TUBNER'S CHEMISTRl/ A MANUAL OF CHEMISTRY, ON TUE BASIS OF DR. TURNER'S ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY; COKTAININO, IN A COMDENfeED FORM, kLL THE MUST IMPORTANT FACTS AND TRINCIPLES OF THE SCIENCE, ANl Di:^IGNED AS A TEXT BOOK IN COLLEGES AND OTHER SEMINARIES OF lEARNINS. A Ne-w- atiiti Improved. Etlilion. BY JOHN JOHNSTON, LL. D., PE0FE880R OF NATURAL SCIENCE IN WESI.EYAN UNIVERSITY. nXUSTaATBD BY THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN ENOKAVUI»>B In one volume, V2nw., 379 pages, half turkei/-morocco binding. 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