GLOB THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES flff. * *"*> Solstitial l"a ( A 'I 1 IS C II 1 3 SI ~ . //.,. ^ >^ -> ON THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. s* ( s ;'/YJ c^rf, /- N aCs, ) . Voniott. ///,; '.', /(/, 1826 ftB CATKCIIISM USE OF THE GLOBES. gjntiotwrtion. Question. What is the USE OF THK i LOBES? Answer. It is that practical department of tinly, in which we arc taught the methods ot' pplying instruments, called the TERRES ^RIAL and CELESTIAL GLOBES, to the cquisition of Geography and Astronomy. 3y the former of those Instruments, we are nabled more clearly to comprehend the figure ind motions of the Earth, together with the ituation of places on its surface: by the 4 CATECHISM, &C. latter, to observe the relative position of the fixed Stars, with the boundaries of the Con- stellations into which they have been di- vided; and to mark the varying position of the Planets. The USE of the GLOBES, there- fore, is to be considered subsidiary to Geo- graphy and Astronomy, and not to be ranked as a distinct Science. Q. For what purposes is the Terrestrial Globe employed ? A. It is employed, FIRST, to determine the actual And relative situation of all places on the Earth's surface. SECONDLY, to explain the Phenomena which take place on the Earth resulting from its double motion, on its axis, and round the sun. ON THE USE OF THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. -*4M- PART THE FIRST. The Terrettrial Globe uted to determine the actual *nd relative tituation of all placet on the Earth't turface. CHAP. I. Its use in determining the ACTUAL situation of all places on the Earth's surface. SECTION 1. Introductory Question*. Q. What is the Terrestrial Globe? A. The Terrestrial Globe is designed by* its figure and mechanical construction to represent the Earth and its motions : the map, with which the globe is covered, exhibits faithfully the continents and islands, seas, lakes, and rivers, with which the earth is diversified B2 6 CATECHISM OF THE by nature, together with the cities, towns, and villages which Art has, in the course of so many ages, scattered over its surface. Q. How can the smooth paper map, witli which the globe is covered, represent the earth's surface, on which there is so many high mountains? A. These mountains, lofty as they appear, are so extremely inconsiderable when com- pared .with the vast extent of our earth, that they no more affect its smoothness than grains of sand would that of the globe. Q. Give a description of the figure and con- struction of the Terrestrial Globe. A . The Terrestrial Globe is a Sphere, cover- ed with a map, which represents the surface of the Earth, and is marked with the Parallels of Latitude fy Meridians of Longitude, the Equa- tor and Ecliptic. It turns round on its axis, by means of two pins, (representing the Poles,) in a brass ring, called the Brass Meridian; which is divided into degrees and minutes, TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 7 and moves up and down in two notches of a flat rim of wood, called the Horizon; this divides the globe into two equal parts, called the upper and lower hemispheres; one notch is in the Xorth, the other in the South point of the horizon, the upper surface of which (about two or three inches wide,) exhibits, in several concentric circles, the months and days of the year, Signs of the Zodiac, Points of the Com- pass, and Divisions of a Circle. The Globe is furnished with a Quadrant of Altitude, Ho- rary Circle, and sometimes a Compass. Q. You have said that the Terrestrial Globe is constructed as a representation of the Earth ; but are these various appendages to the Globes, which yon have described, paral- lels, meridian?, equator, ecliptic, poles, &c., really to be found on the Earth? A. By no means; they are only imaginary. Geographers, for the better determining the distances and situations of places, have imagined these Circles, Lines, and Spaces, to exist on the Earth's surface, and have B 3 H CATECHISM OF THE therefore drawn them on the Globe, and distinguished them by these various names. Q. What is a Sphere? A. A Solid, formed by the rotation of a Circle* about its diameter, which becomes the Axis of the Sphere. Q. What is a Great Circle? A. A Planef passing through the Centre of a Sphere, dividing it into two equal parts. Q. What is a Less Circle? A. A. Planef passing through any other part of a Sphere than its Centre, dividing it into two unequal parts. Q. What are the divisions of a Circle ? A. Every Circle is supposed to be divided into 300 equal parts, called Degrees; each of which is subdivided into 60, called Minutes. Degrees are thus marked Minutes thus ' '; Q. What are the Poles? A. The two extremities of the Earth's Axis. * A shilling, for example, suspended on two pins, at its opposite edges, and blown round, forms a Sphere in revolving. t Used here rather to express the circumference, than the plane space included within it. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. } One of these, for distinction's sake, is denomi- nated the North Pole, and the other the South. Q. What are Parallels of Latitude ? A. Lesser Circles, parallel to the Equator. All places, directly East and West of each other, are said to be in the same Parallel of Latitude.* Q. What are Meridians of Longitude? A. Semicircles, drawn from one Pole to the other. The Bras* Meridian may represent the Meridian of any place. Q. What is the Equator,^ or Equinoctial Line? A. A great Circle, equally distant from either Pole, dividing the Northern from the Southern hemispheres. Q. What is the Quadrant of Altitude? A. A narrow strip of thin brass, equal in lonirth to 90, or one-fourth of the Equator, Every Place !; its parallel of latitude; but lli'c parallels usn- ally drawn on globes and map* art- the two Jropirs, the two Polar Circles, and others intermediately at every ten degrees. t The Equator it called I'.v the Mariners, the Line; and when they ?ail over it, they are said to crots the ; an event cele- brated by them with many ridiculous and disgusting ceremonies. 10 CATECHISM OF THE and divided into degrees and minutes. It is used in measuring the distances of places, the altitudes of the Stars, &c. Q. What are the Horary, or Hour Circles? A. Small Circles of Brass, with the ,hours of the day marked on them. In fonic Globes, they are placed on the brats Meridian, and furnished with an Index, which turns round with (he Pole; in some, they elide on the brass Meridian; in others, they are under the brass Meridian, on the snr- face of the Globe. Q. What is the Horizon?* A. The Horizon, with reference to the Globe, is a flat Rim or Circle of Wood, which enables us to vary at pleasure the inclination of the Globe, elevating or depressing either Pole, by means of the brass Meridian, which slides up and down, in two opposite notches, cut in the Horizon's inner edge. In working problems, this Circle represents what is termed the Rational Horizon, the line which divides the upper from the lower hemisphere, distin- guishing day from night : which determines The terra horizon is frequently used to describe that circle which bounds our sight on all sides, where the earth aud ky TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. II also the rising and setting of Sun, Moon, and Stars. It is a great Circle, 90 degrees distant from the Zenith. Q. What are the Zenith and Nadir? A. The Poles of the Horizon; or those two points which are equally distant from every point of it. The Zenith is that point in the Heaven; which is directly over our heads; the \adir it its opposite, that point which ii tinder our feet. Q. What are the Points of the Compass, which you have said are marked on the Ho- rizon ? A. The Compass, or, more properly, Ma- riner's Compass, is a box containing a mag- netic needle; apiece of steel, (usually shaped like an arrow,) which, having been rubbed on a magnet,* possesses the property of always appear to meet : this is called the Smsible or Ajyartut Ij'ori- :i',and its i Me in v.irn > with the spectator's elevation above the eirth. Supposing the Enrth to be level, an e>e five t'ett above its surface will tee only tvto miles .in i a quarter round, and at M-vrntj fret, live miles and three quarters. * The Magnet, or ]x>adsione, i- a kind of stone usually mot with in iron mine*. It was discovered five or MX hundred \e.v a?o, and was found to possess the extraordinary properties of .ittra<-ting iron, and of pointing to the Poles of the forth; which properties it communicates to iron, placed near to, or rnbbed upon it. 12 CATECHISM OF THE , pointing to theNorth. This needle is suspended horizontally on an upright point, so as to re- volve freely: under it, and serving as an index to its movements, is a paper which covers the bottom of the box : on this paper is engraved a circle, and within it a star of 32 points, di- viding the circle into four great divisions, called the Cardinal Points, and each of those into eight other Divisions, called Rhumbs. Q. For what purpose are these points mark- ed on the Horizon ? A. To enable the student to determine the bearing of any place relatively to' any other ; that is, whether it is North, South, &c., of that place. Globes are often furnished with a Compass besides; by the help of which the Globes may be placed due North and South, or, in other words, so that the North Pole of the Globe may point to the North.* * In doing this, attention must be paid to an extraordinary anomaly in the polar tendency of the Magnet, which was firM remarked by Sebastian Cabot, and is called the variation of the Compass or its declination/rom the Pole. At London, the needle varies to about two points West of the North. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. KJ SjtCTION 2. Explanatory Questions and Problemt, Q. What do you mean by the Actual Situa- tion of any place? A. The situation it occupies on the Earth'* surface, called its Latitude and Longitude. Q. What is the Latitude of a place? A. Its distance from the Equator, measured on a line drawn through it from the Equator to the Pole, which line is its Meridian. The Latitude is called North, if the place is situated North of the Equator; South, if the reverse. Q. What is the Longitude of a place ? A. The distance (measured on the Equator) from its Meridian to ihejirst Meridian : if the place be East of the first Meridian, the Lon- gitude is East; if the reverse, West. Q. What is the first Meridian? A. That from which the degrees of Longi- tude, East or West, are numbered. The 14 CATECHISM OF THE Meridian of any place may be reckoned as the first, and the Longitude of a place would of course be different, as reckoned from different Meridians. Ferro and the Isle of Palms, (two of the Canaries,) and the Peak of Teneriffe, have been adopted by different Geo- graphers ; but it is most usual in England to reckon from Greenwich, and in other countries from tlieir Metropolis. Q. How do you find the Latitude and Lon- gitude of any place on the Globe ? A. Bring the given place to the Brass Meridian, the degree of the Meridian over the place shows its Latitude; that degree of the Equator which is cut by the Meridian gives the Longitude. Remember that all places North of the Equator, have North Latitude those to the South of it, South Latitude. Places are said to be in West Longitude, which are situated West of the first Meridian those which are situated eastward of it, are in East Longitude. Q. How do you find on the globe a place whose Latitude and Longitude are given? A. Bring the given Longitude to the Brass Meridian ; then, under the given Latitude on the Brass Meridian is the place sought. Q. How do you find the difference of Lati- tude or Longitude between two places? TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 16 A. If the Latitudes or Longitudes are of the same name,* subtract the less from the greater: if of different names,f add them together, and should their sura exceed 180, subtract it from 360 for the true difference. Q. How do you find, on the globe, what places have the same Latitude as a given place ? A. Bring the given place to the Meridian and all the places which in a revolution of the globe pass under that point, have the same Latitude. Q. How do you find what places are of the same Longitude as a given place ? A. Bring the place as before to the Meri- dianand mark all those places then under it, for the answer. Q. How is the globe elevated for the Lati- tude of any place ? A. If the given place has North Latitude, Bolh West or East Longitude both North or South Latitude- One West, the other Fast Longitude ; one North, the other buuth Latitude. 16 CATECHISM OF THE elevate the North pole as many degrees as are equal to it, above the North point of the Hori- zon if the Latitude is South, the South Pole must be elevated above the South point of the Horizon : then, in either case, the place being brought to the meridian, is thereby placed in the Zenith, and the globe elevated for its Latitude as required. Questions for Exercise in the First Chapter. 1. In what Latitude and Longitude did Nelson die? 2. At what Latitude and Longitude did Columbus effect his first landing in the new world ? 3. Required the Latitude and Longitude of the spot which gave birth to Napoleon Buona- parte, of the city in which he was crowned, of the scene of his final overthrow, and of his grave ? 4. In what Latitude and Longitude was Poinpey defeated by Julius Ciesar ? TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 17 5. Required tin: Latitude and Longitude of the Meadow on which Magna Charta was signed ? 6. Required the Latitude and Longitude of the spot on which Francis I. of France was made prisoner by the Emperor Charles V.? 7. In what Latitude and Longitude did Sir John Jervis obtain that victory, over the Span- ish Fleet, which gave him his title? 8. In what Latitude and Longitude did James Cook, the great circumnavigator, fall by the hand of a savage? 9. William Penn, the celebrated Quaker, received from the British Government a grant of land in North America; there he founded the City of Philadelphia, between the two rivers, Skuylkill and Delaware : what is its Latitude and Longitude? 10. Chimborazo in America, Mount Blanc in Europe, the Peak of Teneriffe in Africa, and Himalaya in Asia, are the highest C2 18 CATECHISM OF THE mountains in the four quarters of the World: determine their Latitudes and Longitudes. 11. Tell the Latitude and Longitude of Etna and Vesuvius, the celebrated Volcanoes. 12. Botany Bay was discovered in 1770, and first settled in 1787 : name its Longitude and Latitude. 13. The Latitude and Longitude of the field on which Edward the Black Prince, in 1346, won the motto, Ich Dien (I serve,) which has since been worn by all the Princes of Wales ? 14. One of the most extensive fisheries in the world, that of Newfoundland, was com- menced in 1,517: in what Latitude and Lon- gitude ? 15. Mexico was discovered in 1518 Peru in 1526 tell their Latitudes and Longitudes. 16. The Friendly Isles were named by their discoverer, Captain Cook, in 1773; the Society Isles in 1767 : what are their Latitudes and Longitudes? TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 19 17. In Surinam is found the Torpedo ; its rivers abound with Alligators, its forests with Monkeys: determine the Latitude and Longi- tude of its chief town, Paramaribo. 18. Colour M'Crain, the oldest man on record for upwards of 3000 years, lived and died in the Island of Jura, where he kept 180 Christmases in his own house : in what Latitude and Longitude did he die? 19. Louisa Truxo, aged 175, was alive in 1780, at Tucuman in South America : in what Latitude and Longitude? 20. London, the British Metropolis, Ispahan, the capital of Persia, Jeddo, that of Japan, and Nankin, the third city in China, contain each about one million of inhabitants; Canton, the second city in China, contains a million and a half; and Pekin, its capital, two millions : add to these particulars respecting the most populous places in the World, their respective Latitudes and Longitudes. 21. Name the extreme northern and south- C3 20 CATECHISM OF THE ern points hitherto discovered, of each of the four quarters of the globe, with the Latitudes and Longitudes of each of those points. 22. The Isthmus of Suez separates the waters of the Mediterranean from those of the Red Sea; and thus, by a few miles of barren sand, our merchants are compelled to make a very long voyage in order to arrive at our Indian dominions, by way of the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Comorin, which point they might otherwise have reached in nearly half the distance. Inform me the Latitudes and Longitudes of the places I have named ; viz. Suez, the two opposite extremities of the Mediterranean and Red Seas, Cape Como- rin, and the Cape of Good Hope. 23. Gold is found in the neighbourhood of Rio Janeiro, in the Brazils ; in Mozam- bic, Monomotapa, and Sofala, in Africa; in the Island of Niphon, and the rivers of Thibet in Asia; both gold and Silver, at Potosi, La Plata, and Guananal, in America; in Schlavonian JBossina, and at TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 21 Konigsberg in Europe; what are the res- pective Latitudes and Longitudes of these places ? 24. Required the Latitudes and Longitudes of the Diamond Mines of Golconda ; the Quicksilver Mines of Almaden in Spain, and Idria in Carniola; the Iron Mines of Tabern, and Danmora, in Sweden ; the Copper Mines of Swedish Dalecarlia, Parys in Anglesea, and Ecton in Derbyshire; the Tin Mines of St. Agnes and Dartmoor, in Cornwall and Devon- shire ; and the Lead Mines of Upper Louisi- ana (North America,) Arkingdale in York- shire, and Wanlock-head, in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. 2o. Tell the Latitude and Longitude of the natural Bridges, at Icononza, over the Rio de la Summit Paz in the Andes, and in the County of Rockbridge, Virginia. 26. The Hospice of Great St. Bernard is the highest inhabited ground in the old World, and the City Quito in the New : Required the Latitude and Longitude of each. 22 CATECHISM OF THE 27. The following are some of the princi- pal Libraries in ancient and modern times I wish to know the Latitude and Longitude of each. That of -Ptolemy Philadelphus, at Alexandria, contained 700,000 volumes ; of Eumenes, at Pergamus, 200,000; of Con- stantine-at Constantinople, 300,000, which were all burnt ! the Vatican at Rome, found- ed in 1450 ; that of Cosmo de Medicis, at Florence; of Bessarion at Venice; the Impe- rial at Vienna ; Royal at Paris : the Bodleian at Oxford ; the Ambrosian at Milan ; the Library at Wolfenbuttle ; and his Majesty's Library, in London. 28. Single Battles have frequently decided the fate of Empires. That of Zama, in Africa, between Hannibal and Scipio, terminated the power of Carthage ; that of Pharsalia, the commonwealth of Rome ; the Battle of Pydna reduced the Kingdom of Macedon to a Roman Province ; the celebrated battle of Marathon terminated the Invasion of Greece, under Darius; that of Plataea, the subsequent Persian TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. '23 Invasion, under Xerxes; at the battle of Arbela, Alexander the Great destroyed the Empire of Darius the Mede ; the battle of Hastings terminated the Saxon Heptarchy ; of Bosworth Field, the wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster ; of Naseby, the struggle between Charles I. and the Par- liament; and that of WATERLOO closed the extraordinary career of Napoleon Buonaparte. Required the Latitudes and Longitudes of all these places. 29. The Amazon, the largest river in South America, derives its source from the Eastern slope of the Andes, near La Paz, on the lake of Titicaca ; flows 3375 miles, and enters the Atlantic near the Equator : in its estuary is the Isle of Caviana, on its banks stand Cu- rupa, Paru, Pauxis, Yarapa, St. Miguel of Conibas, Reves, Challana, and Atparaca. The Mississippi, the largest river in North America, rises near Upper Red Cedar Lake, 150 miles West of Lake Superior. Its branch, the Missouri, rises among the rocky mountains ; 24 CATECHISM OF THE joins the Mississippi at St. Genevieve, in the Illinois, and passes New Orleans, after a course of H365 miles. The great African river Nile is supposed to have its source in the Mountains of the Moon. It flows 2600 miles, and, after passing Grand Cairo, divides into several branches. Alexandria, Aboukir, Ro- setta and Damietta, are the most remarkable places at its entrance to the Mediterranean; the two last guarding its two principal mouths. The Yang-tse Kiang, or Great River, the largest in Asia, rises in Thibet, at Hourka, on the borders of the desert of Gobi; it flows 2990 miles ; passes Tougtchuen, Mahou, Tchongking, Kingtcheou, Hanyang, and Nanking; its mouth is in the bay of Nankin. The largest river in Europe is the Volga, which rises in the Valday mountains, at Ostachkos, becomes navigable at Tver, and, after flowing 2035 miles, and passing Larostavl, Kostroma, Novgorod, Sinbirsk, and Saratov, it enters the Caspian at Astracan. Give the Latitudes and Longitudes, of all the places mentioned. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. '1.') Q. \Vhat places have -the following Lati- tudes and Longitudes ? 30. 30 3' N. Lat. 31 '21' E. Lonp. :n. 4(f 47' N. Lat. 71 10' \V. Long. 3-2. 19' 26' X. Lat. 100 0' VV. Long. 33. 34 :>!)' S. Lat. 18 23' E. Long. 34. 15' 55' S. Lat. 5 49' \V. Long. 35. 48 W N. Lat. 2 20 / E. Long. Q. M'bat is the difference between the Lati- tude and Longitude of 36. Archangel and Bergen. 37. Cape Comorin and Cape Horn. 38. Manilla and Canton. 39. Suppose a balloon to leave London and proceed in a course due East, till it should again reach London over what principal places would it have passed ? 40. What places have nearly the same Lati- tude as St. Helena? 41. \Vhat places have nearly the same Longitude as Dublin 42. St. Petersburg 43. Ispahan. / , 26 CATECHISM OF THE CHAPTER II. The use of the Terrestrial Globe in determining the RELATIVE Situation of Places on the Earth. SECTION 1. Introductory Questions. Q. What do you mean by the relative situ- ation of any point on the earth's surface. A. Its situation compared with any other point. Thus, when we speak of the Antoeci, PeYioeci, or Antipodes of any place, we mean to express certain relations which they bear to that place, in situation. Q. What are the Antceci? A. The term Antceci signifies those who dwell opposite each other: places on the same Meridian of Longitude, and in equal but opposite Latitudes, the one North, the other South of the Equator. Q. What are the Periceci ? A. Those who live on the same circle: Places on the same Parallel of Latitude, but in opposite paints of Longitude. Q. What u.iy the Antipodes ? TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 27 A. Antipodes, like the two preceding terms Antceci and Perioeci, is derived from the Greek, and signifies those who have their feet opposite to each othei- ; Places at the greatest possible distance from each other, on opposite Meridians of Longitude, and of equal, but opposite Latitudes. Q. What do you mean by the Angle of Position between two places ? A. The Angle formed between the Meri- dian of one of those places, and a Great Circle passing through both of them. SECTION s. Problems. Q. How do you find the Antoeci of any place on the Globe ? A. Bring the given place to the Bra-- Meridian : and having found its Latitude, count as many degrees from the Equator, towards the opposite Pole, on the same Meridian; the point thus arrived at, will ht the Antoeci required. , D 28 CATECHISM OF THE Q. How do you find the Periceci of arvy place on the Globe? A. Bring the given place to the Brass Meridian, and set the Index to the upper 12; turn the Globe till the Index points to the under 1*2 then the place which is under the Brass Meridian, at the same Latitude as the given place, will be the Periceci required. Q. How do you find the Antipodes of any- place, by the Globe? A. Find the Antoeci to the given place: the Perio3ci to the Antoeci, so found, will be the Antipodes required. Q. How do you find the distance and the Angle of Position, between two places? A. Elevate the Globe for one of the places, and if the other be then above the Horizon, (or, in other words, if the distance between the two places be less than 90) screw the quad- rant of Altitude over the place which you have brought to the Meridian ; move the quadrant over the other place, and observe what degree is cut by it. Subtract that nuui- TKURESTKIAL GLOBE. 2i - 1 horn 90 for the distance required and 'In- quadrant will .sh*w on the Horizon tli.- AnnU: of Position. If, however, when the Globe lias been elevated for one place, the other is not above the Horizon, (the distance between the places being more than 90 ; elevate the Globe for the Antipodes of one of the places, and having fixed the quad- rant as before, bring its edge over the other place, and add the degree cut by it to 90 C for the distance required : the point on the Horizon opposite to that cut by the quadant will give the Angle of Position required. The distance in degrees is reduced to English miles, by being multiplied by 69. The distance between places of nearly simi- lar Latitudes may be determined by finding the difference of their Longitudes, which may be reduced to English or to Geographical miles a rule,* according to their Latitudes or by reference to the table at the end, giving the Kulf. Multiply the length of a degree of Longitude at thf ' .-,u.itoi- by the natural cosine of the Latitude; the product i: the I'-ngtli of a di-grce of Longitude at that Latitude. n '1 30 CATECHISM OF THE length of a degree of Longitude at any Latitude. For example : the difference of Longitude be- tween North Cape in Europe, and East Cape in Siberia, is about 175 the Latitude being about 70, this difference will give 3500 Geo- graphical, or 3725 English, miles ; but the distance between these two places, found by the quadrant, according to the given rule, is 42, or 2940 miles. Questions for Exercise in the Second Chapter. 44. What are the Antoeci of Malta? 45. of Quebec ? 46. of Cape Horn ? 47. of Azof? Required the Antceci of the following Lon- gitudes and Latitudes, viz. 48. 114 E. Long. 22 S. Lat. 49. 9 W. 39 S. 50. Required the Perireci of Newcastle upon Tyne. 51. Quito in South America. 52. St. Petersburg. Required the Perioeci of the following Longitudes and Latitudes, viz. 53. 179 E. Long, 45 N. Lat. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 31 54. 84 E. Lons. 19 N. Lat. 55. 116 W. 40 N. 66. What are the Antipodes of London? 57._ f Otaheite ? 58. of Pekin ? What are the Antipodes to the following Longitudes and Latitudes? viz. 59. 73 W. Long. 6 N. Lat. 60. 98' E 23 S. 61. 177 E. - 56 S. 62. Required the distance and Angle of Position, between London and Copenhagen. 63. Between London and Stockholm. 64. Constantinople. 65. How long is Europe, from the Rock of Lisbon on the West, to the Oural Moun- tains on the East? 66. What is the breadth of Europe and Asia, from North Cape in Iceland, to East Cape in Tchoukchi ? 67. What is the breadth of Africa, from Cape Verd, in the West, to Cape Guardafui, in the East. 68. What is the breadth of North America, D3 32 CATECHISM OF THE from the Promontory of Alashka to Cape Charles, the extreme point of Labrador? 69. What is the breadth of South America, from Cape Blanco, in Peru, to Cape St. Roque in Brazil ? 70. What is the length of the West coast of America, from Cape Horn to Icy Cape ? 71. What is the distance between Cape Verd in Africa, and Cape Roque in America ? 72. What is the distance between Panama in America, and Manilla, one of the Philip- pine Islands ? 73. What is the distance between the island of Bombay and Nootka Sound ? 74. How far is London from Calcutta ? 75. The following is the track pursued by Captain Cook, in his first voyage round the world, required its length in English miles. From Portsmouth to Cape Verd Isles Cape Verd Isles to Cape Horn Cape Horn to Otaheite Otahcite to New Zealand, Cape South TKRRESTRIAL GLOBE. From New Zealand, Cape South, to Port Hicks, in New Holland Port Hicks, in New Holland, to En- deavour Straits Endeavour Straits to Batavia, in Java Batavia, to the Cape of Good Hope Cape Good Hope to Ascension Island Ascension Island to the Azores Azores to England. 76. The following is the track pursued by Capt. Cook, in his second voyage round the world, required its length in English miles. From Plymouth to Madeira Madeira to St. Jago St. Jago to off Cape Palmas Cape Palmas to Cape Good Hope Cape Good Hope to Dusky Bay, in New Zealand Dusky Bay to Queen Charlotte's Sound Queen Charlotte's Sound to Otaheite Otaheite to Middleburg Middleburgh to Queen Charlotte's Sound 34 CATECHISM OF THE From Queen Charlotte's Sound to S. Lat. 71 10' *W. Long. 106 54' Thence to Easter Island Easter Island to St. Christina (Mar- quesas) St. Christina to Huaheine Huaheine to Anamocka Anamocka to Aurora Island (New Hebrides) Aurora Island to Island of Pines Island of Pines to Cape Palliser (New Zealand; Cape Palliser to Terra Del Fuego Terra Del Fuego to Island of Georgia Island of Georgia to Sandwich Land Sandwich Land to Cape Good Hope Cape Good Hope to St. Helena St. Helena to Fernando Noronha Fernando Noronha to Fayal (Azores) Fayalto Portsmouth. 77. How many miles would be travelled in making the following tour of Europe ? * The highest Southern Latitude ever attained. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. : *~> From Lisbon to Madrid Madrid to Paris Paris to London London to Brussels Brussels to Amsterdam Amsterdam to Berlin Berlin to Copenhagen Copenhagen to Stockholm Stockholm to St. Petersburg St. Petersburg to Moscow Moscow to Vienna Vienna to Venice Venice to Turin Turin to Florence Florence to Rome Rome to Xaples Naples to Constantinople. 78. How many miles would the traveller add to his tour by proceeding in the following route, from Constantinople to Aleppo Aleppo to Damascus Damascus to Jerusalem 36 CATECHISM OF THh From Jerusalem to Mecca Mecca to Bassora Bassora to Babylon Babylon to Ispahan Ispahan to Cabul Cabul to Cashmere Cashmere to Delhi Delhi to Burhampoor Burhampoor to Hydrabad Hydrabad to Seringapatam Seringapatam to Madras Madras to Calcutta Calcutta to Siam Siam to Canton Canton to Nankin Nankin to Pekin Pekin to Lef'ou Lefou to Okhotsk Okhotsk to Tobolsk Tobolsk to Moscow. 79. In passing round the globe, on the Tro- pic of Cancer, beginning from the Isle of For- mosa, and proceeding westward, through what countries and towns would you pass, TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 37 across what principal rivers, over what lakes and seas ; tell the length of your tour, by reckoning in miles the successive distances between each town, river, lake, &c. which may be mentioned throughout the Tour: giving also the separate extent of every country, island, and sea ? 80. A Circumnavigator on the Equator, proceeding from the Meridian of Greenwich eastward, would first cross the Atlantic and land in the mouth of the Amazon, he would traverse Portuguese Guiana, cross the river Blanco, its eastern boundary, and proceed through New Granada, over the Negro, Yu- pura, Putu Mayo, and Azuelo, (branches of the Amazon,) and after crossing the Andes, at Quito, to the shores of the Great Pacific Ocean, he would embark at the Borrachos ; he would soon reach the Gallapagos Inlands, and thence passing somewhat South of Hopper's Isle, arrive at the Moluccas, of which he would first make Wayoogee Island, cross tho Isle of Grby, that of Gilolo, (at Pool,) and 38 CATECHISM, &C. that of Celebes, (landing at Tidon, and em- barking at Cape Temoel,) he would then cross the centre of Borneo and Sumatra, two of the largest Islands in the world ; landing at Costa Brava in the former, crossing the great river of Tenoa, and embarking again at Tamahoo landing at Cramper in Sumatra, and embarking at Passaman. He would, after leaving Sumatra, cross the Island of Min- loan, in the Indian Ocean, and find no other land till he reached the shores of Africa, half- way between Patte and Magadoxa, after crossing the unexplored part of the continent of Africa, he would again embark at Gamon, completing the circuit at the meridian of Green- wich. Required the several distances from place to place, and the total length of his course, in miles. Many of the latter questions may be used as qucationi lor Latitude and Longitude. END OF PART THE FIRST. ON THE USB OF THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. -.c^c*- PART THE SECOND. The Terrettrial Globe used to explain the Pheno- mena which take place on the Earth, resulting from itt double motion, on its Axis and rouna the Sun. CHAP. I. Introductory and explanatory questions. Q. What is the Ecliptic* A. A Great Circle, describing the Sun's apparent path in the Heavens. It cuts the Equator, obliquely, at an angle of 23 degrees. Speaking perhaps more strictly, the Ecliptic is that path or way among the fixed stars, which the Earth would appear to describe, to an eye placed in the Sun. See jig. 2. Q. What are the signs of the Zodiac? 40 CATECHISM OF THE A. Twelve equal parts of the Ecliptic, each containing 30, thus marked and named*: SPRING. 'Aries, the Ram T Taurus, the Bull (Gemini, the Twins II SUMMER. I Cancer, the Crab S Leo, the Lion $ -Virgo, the Virgin ffp ACTUJIN. /"Libra, the Balance ^ \ Scorpio, the Scorpion fl{ ! 1 Sagittarius, the Archer / B X. WINTM. j Capricornus, the Goat Vf * m Aquarius, the Waterman E vPisces, the Fishes K The Winter and Spring Signs are called Ascending, the Sum- mer and Autumn, Descending Signs. Q. What are the Tropics? A. Two less circles, parallel to the Equator, The order of the signs is thus described by Dr. Watts : The RAM, the BULL, the heavenly TWINS, And, next the CRAB, the LION shines, The vtnoiN, and the SCALES: The SCORPION, ARCHER, and SEA-GOAT, The MAN THAT HOLDS THE WATERPOT, And FISH with glittering tails. TKIIRESTUIAL GLOBE. 41 and 23 28' distant from it. That which is on the North sick of it, is called the Tropic of Cancer, that uhich is South, the Tropic of Capricorn. See Jig. \. Q. What are the Polar Circles'! A. Two less circles, parallel to the Equator, 23 ?8' from either pole the Northern called the Arctic the Southern, the Antarctic Circle. See fig. 1. Q. What are the Equinoctial Points? A. Those at which the Equator and Eclip- tic cross each other the first points of Aries and Libra. (See fig. 1, which exhibits, of course, only one of those points. Q. What are the Solstitial Points? A. Those at which the Ecliptic touches the Tropics the. first points of Cancer and Capricorn. See fig. I. Q. What are the Coluret? A. The Meridians which pass through the Solstitial and Equinoctial points called the Solstitial and Equinoctial Colurea. See fig. 1, 2 42 CATECHISM OF THE where the line from pole to pole exhibits half the Equinoctial Colure and where the Solsti- tial Colure is the line which circumscribes the globe. Q. What is the Suns declination? A. Its distance, North or South, from the Equator. Q. What is the Sun's Altitude ? A. Its elevation above the Horizon. Q. What is the Analemma ? A. A calendar of months and days so divided as to indicate the Sun's declination through the year. It is usually marked on some vacant part of the globe. Q. In what time does the Earth revolve on its Axis ? A. In 24 hours moving from West to East ; this is called the Earth's diurnal motion. Q. In what time does the Earth move round the Sun ? A. In about 365| days; this is called its annual motion. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 43 Q. Of what figure is the path which the Earth describes in moving round the Sun? A. Of nit elliptical figure; this path is called the Earth's orbit. Q. In what position is the Earth, while per- forming its annual motion ? Is its axis upright? A. No ; it is always inclined about 23 from a line perpendicular to the Earth's orbit. This is called (with reference to the Globes,) the obliquity of the Ecliptic to the Equator. Q. What are the effects produced on the Earth by its diurnal and annual motion ? A. From the former, results the succession of light and darkness, with intermediate twi- light from the combination of both, arises the vicissitude of seasons ; and these phenomena enable us to divide time. Q. How does the Earth's, diurnal motion cause the succession of light and darkness ? A. By that motion, the Earth successively brings every place on its surface into the Sun's light, and carries it away from it. E3 44 CATECHISM OF THE Q. What is the cause of twilight? A. The refraction of light. The Earth is surrounded by a thin fluid, called the atmos- phere, possessing the property of bending (or refracting) the rays of light which pass through it. Hence, the rays of the sun, falling on the upper part of the atmosphere, are bent down towards the surface of the Earth, and occa- sion, for a certain time before sun-rise, and after sun-set, that partial or imperfect light which we call twilight. Q. Why does the combined operation of the diurnal and annual motions occasion the vicissitude of seasons ? A. Because the obliquity of the Earth's axis produces inequality of day and night at different periods of the year. If the Earth's axis were upright the Sun's ray's would fall equally on both poles thereby always illumi- nating exactly one half of each hemisphere, so that every place on the earth would have equal light and dark in the 24 hours, twilight TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 45 xcepted. But in consequence of the obliquity ef the Earth's axis, this happens on two days of the year only ; at all other times, one of the poles is turned away from the Sun, and con- sequently more than half of one hemisphere is always in darkness : while an equal portion of the other is in light : hence, all places on the Earth (except those upon the Equator,) experience an unequal quantity of light and dark on every day of the year but two. Q. Why are not the inhabitants of the Equator liable to those inequalities of day and night which all others experience ? A. Because they are always placed in a right sphere, that is, have the poles of the world in the Horizon. In such a position all the declination circles are bisected by the Horizon; whatever, therefore, is the Sun's declination, the portion of its apparent rotation in which it is above the Horizon is equal to the portion below the Horizon. By rectifying the globe to the position of a right sphere, that is, by placing both poles in 46 CATECHISM OF THE the Horizon, it will instantly be perceived that in such a situation all the parallels of Latitude as well as the Equator are bisected by the Ho- rizon, consequently every place on the earth will be exactly as long above as below the Horizon, in each diurnal revolution ; in other words will have equal day and night. Let the globe be then placed in the position of an oblique sphere that is, with either pole ele- vated above the Horizon (to correspond, of course, with the given declination of the Sun,) and it will as clearly be seen that the Equator only, but none of the parallels of Latitude are bisected by the Horizon, consequently, no place situated on any other parallel than the Equator, can be as long abore as below the Horizon in each revolution in other words, can have equal day and night but on two days, when, the Sun being on the Equator, the Earth is, to all its inhabitants, in the posi- tion of a right sphere. Q. In what order do the Seasons succeed each other through the year? TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 47 A. In the Northern Hemisphere, they suc- ceed each other in the following order.* WINTER begins on the 21st of Dec. tht shortest day, when the Sun enters Capricorn ; this is the Winter Solstice. From this period, the Sun moves through the ascending signs and the days increase in length. Day and niyht become equal on the 21st of March, when the Sun enters Aries: this is the beginning of SPRING, and is called the Vernal Equinox. The days after this become longer than the niyhts, till the 21st of June, when the Sun enters Cancer, and SUMMER begins ; this is the Summer Solstice, and longest day. From this time the days decrease in length, through the descending signs, till day and night are again equal at the Autumnal Equinox, '23rd of September, when the Sun enters Libra, and AUTUMN begins. The days are, after this, shorter than the nights, till the shortest day, returning, completes the revolution. See figure a : observe, the Earth is in the tigu oppotlte (o that which the San it laid to oter. 48 CATECHISM OF THK Q. How is time divided ? A. It is divided into years and days, by the Sun's annual and diurnal motion. The year is divided into twelve months ; agreeing in number with the signs, and in duration nearly corresponding with the period of the Moon's revolution round the Earth. Days are divided into 24 hours, in each of which the Sun moves through 15 or the 24th part of 360, the com- plete revolution. It is called noon at any pl.ace, when its Meridian is opposite the Sun. Places 15 eastward of a given place, will have noon one hour sooner, and those 15 westward, one hour later than that place. Q. What are the Zones ? A. Five parts or portions so called, into which the Earth is divided by the Tropics and Polar Circles, and whose Inhabitants are dis- tinguished by the different directions in which their shadows are thrown. They are the two Frigid Zones, lying within the Polar Circles, whose inhabitants are called Pcriscii, signify- TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 40 ing " wiih shadows round about," because, \\licn the day is more than 24 lioiir.s Ion 5, they are successively thrown on every side, by the Sun's motion round them. The two Temperate Zones, lying between the Tropics and Polar Circles, whose inhabitants are call- ed Heteroscii, signifying " with shadows dif- ferent ways/' those in the North Temperate /one, having their meridian shadows always on the North, those in the South Temperate Zone, always on the South side of them. Lastly, the Torrid Zone, lying between the Tropics, whose inhabitants are called Am- phiscii, which signifies " with shadows on both sides," because their meridian shadows fall sometimes northward, sometimes south- ward, as the Sun is south or north of them : and twice a year, when the Sun is vertical, they have no shadow, and are called Ascii, " without shadows." Q. What are Climates? A. A climate is a portion of the Earth's 50 CATECHISM OF THE i surface contained between two parallels of La- titude, and of such a breadth, that the longest day in that parallel nearest the Pole, exceeds the length of the longest day in the other parallel boundary, (next the Equator,) by some exact space of time ; those which differ by half an hour, are called hour climates ; those whose dif- ference is a month, are called month climates. Q. Into how many climates has the Earth been divided ? A. Into 30 in each hemisphere ; viz. 24 be- tween the Equator and the Polar Circles, the hour climates ;, and 6 within the Polar Circle, the month climates. They increase in width successively, as they are nearer the Equator. CHAPTER II. Problems. Q. Having the hour given at any place, how do you find what time it is at another place ? A. Bring to the Brass Meridian the place at which the hour is given, set the Index to TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. dl that hour ; turn the globe till the other place conies to the Meridian, and the index will give the hour required. Q. How do you know whether the hour thus found, is an afternoon or forenoon hour? A. Suppose the required place to be west of the given place, then the hour found will be earlier than the given hour ; thus, suppose Greenwich at noon, to be the given place and hour, then in the mouth of the Missisippi, which is 90 degrees west of Greenwich, it will be six o'clock in the morning ; in the mouth of the Ganges, which is 90 degrees cast Longi- tude, it will be six in the afternoon. Q. And what time will it be then at the Fox Islands the Periceci to Greenwich ' A. Midnight. Q. And again, suppose Greenwich on the 1st Jan. 1821, at noon, to be the place and time given, then will it be midnight of the same or of the preceding day, at the Fox Islands r 52 CATECHISM OF THE in other words, will it be Dec. 31st, 1820, or Jan. 1st, 1821 ? A. This depends on whether you sail to the Fox Islands by an easterly or westerly course. For example, a vessel which had sailed from Greenwich eastward, and reached its Peri- ceci when it was noon at Greenwich, would reckon it to be midnight on the same day, Jan. 1st. 1821 ; while a vessel arriving there at the same moment having come in an opposite direction, would reckon it to be midnight Dec. 31st, 1820. It will be observed that this ex- planation strictly accords with the answer to a preceding question. The Periceci to any place, if considered as being 180 west of the place will have 12 hours earlier time : but when considered 180 east of it, will have 12 hours later time ; and in like manner, a place 90 west of Greenwich, if spoken of as being 270 east of it (or if sailed to in an easterly di- rection,) instead of being 6 in the morning of the same day, or in other words hours earlier, will be 6 o'clock in the morning of the follow- TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 53 ing day, hi other words 18 hours later time. Q. Suppose one vessel to sail from Green- wich, Westward, and another, Eastward; each to set sail Jan. 1st, at noon ; and suppose them each to proceed in the same Latitude, and to sail round the world according to their own reckoning, in 24 days : how would their reckoning stand on their return to Greenwich? Here it will be seen that each vessel is sup- posed to arrive at Greenwich at 12 o'clock at noon : they will agree as to the hour, but what day of the month will they call it? A. On Jan. 2nd, the ship which sailed West would have the Sun on the Meridian when it was one o'clock P. M. at Greenwich. On Jan. 3rd, when it was two o'clock P.M. at Green- wich: and so, each succeeding day, noon on board this ship would be an hour later (as to the reckoning kept at Greenwich) than on the former day. On Jan. 13th this ship would reach the Perioeci to Greenwich, and would have the Sun on the Meridian, when at Green- F'2 54 CATECHISM OF THE wich it was midnight of Jan. 13-14; that is, it would be noon on that 12 hours later on board the vessel, than at Greenwich. On Jan. 14th, according to the reckoning on board this ship, the Sun would be on the Meridian 13 hours later than at Greenwich; that is, it would be the 14th at noon on board this vessel, when it was 1 o'clock in the morning of the 15th of Jan. at Greenwich: consequently, when the vessel arrived at Greenwich, the ship's reckon- ing would be, Jan 25th at noon, but the reckon- ing at Greenwich would be Jan. 26th at noon. On the contrary, the ship that sailed East, by meeting the Sun, would have it on the Me- ridian each day an hour earlier than on the former; so that on Jan. 2nd, the Sun would be on the Meridian when it was 11 A. M. at Greenwich on the 3rd, when it was 10 A. M, at Greenwich, and so on, consequently on the 13th day, according to the ship's reckoning, the Sun would be on the Meridian at the Fox Islands, when it was midnight between the 12th and 13th of Jan. according ta the reckon- TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. .>."> ing at Greenwich ; and therefore on the 14th of Jan. the Sun would be on the Meridian, accord- ing;, to the ship's account, when it was 1 1 P. M . of Jan. KMh, according to the reckoning at Greenwich. Hence on the 25th, when the ship arrived at Greenwich, it would, according to the reckoning kept there, be only Jan. 24th. From each vessel the Sun would be seen to rise, come to the Meridian, and set, 24 times; but oue of them is supposed to sail with the Sun and the other against the Sun, which would occasion one to gain a day, and the other to lose a day. Thus the ship which sailed East would have the Sun on the Meridian 24 times, while the Earth made only 23 revolu- tions; but the Earth must -make 25 revolutions in order that the ship which sailed West might have the Sun 24 times on the Meridian. Hence arises the apparent paradox, that the ship which sailed West and went round the world (according to the supposition,) in 24 days, finds that according to the reckoning at Greenwich, 25 days have elapsed since they r) 56 CATECHISM OF THE set sail ; and that the ship which sailed East at the same rate of sailing finds that at Greenwich their absence was only called 23 days ! The following incident may serve still more clearly to illustrate the subject. In the year 1789, a mutiny took place on board a British vessel, called the Bounty, sent to convey bread-fruit to the British Colo- nies in the West Indies: the Mutineers, after turning the commander, Lieut. Bligh, and 18 of the crew, adrift in the boat, proceeded to Otaheite, and from that Island eight of the Mutineers with their ringleader and some Ota- heitans set sail, and were not heard of after- wards for twenty years. An American vessel touched at Pitcairn's Island in 1808, and there discovered the survivors of the lost Mu- tineers. Again in Sept. 18.14, Sir Thomas Staines and Captain Pipon, of H. M. ships Briton and Tagus, fell in with this Island. The day on which the two captains landed was Saturday the 17th of Sept., but by John TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. .">7 Adam's* account, it was Sunday the 18th, ami they were keeping the Sabbath by making it a day of rest and prayer. This was occasioned by the Bounty having proceeded thither by the eastern route, and our frigates having gone by the western ; the Topaz found them right according to her own reckoning, she having approached the Island by the eastern routo. Every ship from Europe proceeding to Pit- cairn's Island, round the Cape of Good Hope, will find them a day later those who ap- proach them round Cape Horn, a day in advance, as was the case respectively with Captain Folger and the Captains SirT. Staines and Pipon. Q. Having the hour given at any place, how do you find where it is noon ? A. Bring the place to the Meridian, set the Index to the hour: turn till the Index points to 12, at noon: the places under the Meridian, are those required. The Chief of the Colony, and only surviving Englishman of thotc who quilted Ulaheite. 58 Q. How do you find the Sun's place in the Ecliptic? A. Find the date of the month, in the Ca- lendar on the Horizon, against which, on the adjoining circle, will be found the sign and degree in which the Sun is on that day. Find the same sign and degree, in the Ecliptic ; and this is the Sun's place required. If tills be required with greater accuracy, consult White's Ejihemeiis for the year. Q. How do you find the Sun's declination ? A. Bring the Sun's place to the Meridian ; the degree over it will be the declination. Q. How do you rectify the Globe for the Sun's place, and day of the month ? A. Find the Sun's declination for the given day ; elevate the pole of the same name as the declination, as many degrees as are equal to it. Q. How do you find Hie Sun's rising and setting for any given day, at any given place ? A. Elevate the Globe for the latitude of the place, bring the Sun's place to the Meridian, and set the Index to 12. Turn the Globe till TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. ">!) the Sun's place comes to the Eastern edge of the Horizon, the Index will show the time of rising. Bring the Sun's place to the Western edge, and the Index will show the hour of sunset. Q. How do you find the Sun's Meridian altitude, at any given place, for any given day ? A. Elevate the Globe, bring the Sun's place to the Meridian, fix the quadrant of Altitude in the Zenith, and bring it over the Sun's place . then the degree on the quadrant, cut by the Sun's place, will be the Meridian altitude re- quired. Q. How do you find the Sun's altitude for any hour, on a given day, at a given place ? A. Elevate for the Latitude, bring the Sun's place to the Meridian, and set the Index at noon. Turn till the Index points to the given hour, and the quadrant of altitude will shew the altitude as in the last problem. Q. How is the Latitude of a place found, having the Sun's Meridian altitude, on any par- ticular day at that place, given ? 60 CATECHISM OF THE A. Bring the Sun's place to the Meridian, and move the Globe up or down, till the dis- tance between the Sun's place, and the North or South point of the Horizon (as the case may require) is equal to the given altitude; the Pole will then be elevated to the Latitude required. Q. The Latitude and day being given, how do you find when the Sun is due East or West?* A. Elevate for the Latitude ; bring the Sun's place to the Meridian, and set the Index to 12. Fix the quadrant in the Zenith ; and bring it, if the Latitude and declination be of the same name, to the East point of the Horizon. Turn the globe, till the Sun's place conies to the edge of the Quadrant; then the Index gives the time required. When the Latitude and declination are of different names, bring the Quadrant to the West point of the Horizon for the result. In both cases subtract the answer * Observe that this happens sometimes when the Sun is below the Horizon. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. Gl from 12, and the remainder will be the time of due West. Q. How do you find, by the Globe, on what two days in the year the Sun is vertical to a given place in the Torrid Zone ? A. Observe the two points of the Ecliptic, which, in one revolution of the Globe, pass under the given Latitude on the Brass Meri- dian. The days in the Calendar corresponding with those two points are the days required: or thus ; bring the Analemma to the Meridian, and under the given Latitude, the Analemma will give the day required. Q. How do you find to what place the Sun is vertical at a given day and hour? A. Find the places where it is noon at the given time. Of these, that place will have the Sun vertical, whose Latitude is the same as the Sun's declination. Q. How do you find when the Sun begins to appear above the Horizon and when to disap- pear at any place in the North Frigid Zone ? A. Rectify for the Latitude Then, that (J2 CATECHISM OF THE point of the Descending Signs, which, in turn- ing the Globe, will be cut by the South point of the Horizon, will give the day on which the LONGEST NIGHT begins. That point of the ascending signs so cut, will give the day of its termination. In the same way,, that point of the ascending signs cut by the North point of the Horizon, will give the beginning, and that in descending signs cut by the North point will give the end, of the LONGEST DAY. Q. Having the length of the longest Day at any place given, how do you find the Lat- itude of the place? . A. Bring the first point of Cancer to the meridian : set the Index to 12. Turn west- ward till the index points to the hour of Sun- set, i. e. half the length of the day ; raise, or depress the Pole till the Sun's place is in the western Horizon, the Globe will then be rec- tified for the Latitude required. By this Problem, the limits of the Hour Climates are found For example find where the longest day is twelve hour* and a half long then where it is thirteen hours long the parallels of these two places will form the limits of the first Hour Climate ; and so on in succession. TERRKSTRIAL GLOBE. 03 <-J. Having the greatest number of days from Sunrise to Sunset given, at any place where the Sun does not sot for some days, how 1)0 you find the Latitude? A. Count half as many degrees as the given number of days, from the first of Can- cer towards the Equator bring the point arrived at, to the Meridian subtract the num- ber (on the Meridian) under which il passes from 90 the result will be the Latitude required, nearly. Q. Having a place and hour given, how do you find where the Sun is rising, where it is setting, where it is noon, where it is twilight, and where midnight? A. Find the place to which the Sun. is ver- tical, and place it in the Zenith. To all places in the Western semicircle of the Horizon, the Sun is rising in the Eastern, setting; to those under the Meridian above the Horizon, it is noon, and below the Horizon midnight. To all places 18 degrees below the Horizon, it is twilight. G 64 CATECHISM OF THE Q. How do you find the duration of twilight at any place, on any given day ? A. Rectify for the Latitude, bring the place to the Meridian, and the Index to 12. Turn till the Sun's place is 18 below the Horizon, the Index will tell the commencement of twi- light, which subtracted from Sunrise will give the duration of twilight. Q. How can you find at what places an Eclipse of the Moon is visible at a given time ? A. Bring the Antipodes of the place to which the Sun is vertical, to the Zenith. The Eclipse will be visible at all places then above the Horizon. Questions for Exercise in the Preceding Chapter, 81. When it is 3 o'clock P.M. at London, what is it o'clock at Boston, in America ? 82. What is it o'clock at Pekin, when it is 9 in the morning at Lisbon? 83. At noon in London, what is it o'clock in the Society Isles ? TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 65 U4. Where is it noon when it is 5 P. M. at Paris? 85. Where is it noon when it is 1 A. M. at New Zealand? a. When half past 6 A. M. at Quebec, where is it 11 A. M. ? 87. What is the Sun's place for March 10th ? 88. - - for June 4th ? 89. for Sept. Uth ? 90. Required the Sun's declination for Ja- nuary 31st? 91. for March 10th? 92. - for September 22nd? 93. Required the time of Sunrise and Sun- set at Edinburgh on the 1st of June? 94. at London July 17th? 95. What is the Sun's Meridian altitude June 21st at Archangel? 96. same day, at Bombay ? 97. Required the Sun's altitude at Jerusa- lem, October 21st, at 10 o'clock A. M. ? 98. at St. Petersburg^ June 2 1st, at 6 o'clock P. M.? G'2 66 CATECHISM OF THE 99. Where is the Sun's meridian altitude 74" 24' North, on the 5th of August? 100. When is the Sun due East and West at London, at the Summer and Winter Solstices? 101. On what days is the Sun vertical at St. Helena? 102. To what places is the Sun vertical April 16th and August 28th? 103. March 20th and Sept. 23rd? 104. When does the Sun begin to appear above the Horizon, at North Cape in Lapland Lat. 72 North when does it disappear, and how long are its inhabitants without seeing it? 105. What is the length of the longest day at the North Pole ? 106. In what Latitude is June 21st 16 hours long? 107. In what Latitude does the Sun shine continually for 50 days* ? 108. On April 27th, 6 hours, 45 minutes, A. M. at Newcastle, required the places to which the Sun is rising and setting ; also where it is noon, and midnight ? TtKKESTRlAL GLOBE. 07 1UU. How long does twilight continue at London on the following days, viz. March 2nd, and December 26 ? 110. On August 22nd, 1812, there was an Eclipse of the Moon, when it was 3 P. M. at London ; where was it visible ? 68 . CATECHISM OF THE ANSWERS to the Questions contained in the Catechism of THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 1. 36 8'N. 6 C 3' W. Cape Trafalgar. . 2. 24 30 N. 75 30 W. Cat Island. 3. 42 N. 3 40 E. Ajaccio in Corsica. 48 50 N. 2 20 E. Paris. 50 36 N. 4 23 E. Waterloo. 15 55 S. 50 43 W. St. Helena. 4. 39 22 N. 22 40 E. Pharsalus. 5. 51 28 N. ' 20 W. Runnyinede. 6. 45 10 N. 911 E. Pavia. 7. 37 1 N. 92 W. Cape St. Vincent. 8. 19 20 N. 155 59 W. Karakakooa Bay, 9. 39 56 N. 75 13 W. [Owhyhee. 10. 1 41 S. 78 30 W. Chimborazo. 45 52 N. 6 54 E. Mont Blanc. 28 28 N. 17 W. Peak of Teneriffe. 34 30 N. 76 OE. The Himalaya at the [source of the Jumnu. 11. 37 37 N 15 E. Etna. 40 48 N. 14 24 E. Vesuvius. 12. 33 51 S. 151 11 E. 13. 50 16 . 1 58 E. Creqy. 14. Between 46 45' and 51 46' N. 52 31 and 59 40 W. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. CO 15. Mexico may be considered as extending from the 10th to the 3Sth degree of North Latitude. Its Longitude varies with the shores of the North Pacific its Western boundary, and of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mt-xico its Eastern boundary. Mex- ico the Capital is in 19" 25' N. 90 3 W. Peru extends from 3 3(X to 15 S. and from 60 3(X to 81 W. Lima its Capital is in 12 2' S. 77 u /i'w. 16. The Friendly Isles extend from 19 40" to 2T 37- Near Dongula, in Africa, [of New Zealand. \e;ir the Mouth of the River Sanzes, in Patagonia. 59. Batavia. 60. Havannali in Cuba. 61. Edinburgh. 62. 9 or 625 miles. N. E. by E. 63. 13 or 903 miles. N. E. E. (il. 2-2 or 1528 miles. E. S. E. E. (if.. 43 or 3336 miles. 66. 42 or 2940 miles. 67. 66 or 4587 miles. 6S. 59 or 4100 miles. 69. 45 or 3127 miles. 70. The distance between the two places in a direct line is 136 or 9452 miles. A vessel sailing in the shortest course from one place to the other, would sail about 10779 miles or 155; but a coasting voyage would extend to upwards of 12500 miles about 180 degrees. 71. 26 or 1807 miles. 72 CATECHISM OF THE 72. 149 or 10355 miles. 73. 109 or 7575 miles. 74. The direct distance 71 degrees or 4934 miles. The voyage by the Cape of Good Hope about 195 degrees or 13640 miles. Answers to 75 80 omitted. 81. 18 min. past 10 A. M. 82. 22 min. past 5 P. M. 83. 2 min. past 2 A. M. 84. Labrador, New England, and Peusylvania, in North America: Hispaniola; Terra Ferma, Peru, &c. in South America. 85. Iceland, Madeira, and Canary Isles, nearly; and Cape Verd. 86. Edinburgh, Gloucester, Bristol, Plymouth, Bilboa, Madrid, &c. 87- X 20 V 88. n 13 57' 89. it? 17" 90. 1714'S. 91. 3 54' S. 9203(XN. 93. Sunrise 27 min. after 3. A. M. Slmset 33 min. after 8. P. M. 94. 4 o'clock, A. M. 8 o'clock, P. M. 95. 4854'S.. 96. 85 29' N. 97. 38 98. 20 99. In 136'N. 100. Summer Solstice, East 7 h. 15 m. West TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 73 4 h. 45 m. Winter Solstice, Eatt 4 h. 45 in. ff'est 7 h. 15 m. 101. February 6th and November 6th. 102. Lake of Nicaragua, North part of South America, Coast of Guinea, Abyssinia, South part of the Peninsula of India, Magindanao, and other Philippine Isles, &c. 103. To all places on the Equator. 104. It appears 26th Jan. rises and sets daily till May 1 5th, continues above the Horizon from that time till July 29th ; then it rises and sets daily till Nov. 16, when it entirely disappears till Jan. 26; the length therefore of the longest night is equal to 71 days. 105. Six months. 106. 49 N. 107. 69 108. RISING Greenland, the Azores, Cape Verd Isles, Ascension Isle. SETTING Fox Is- lands, Queen Charlotte's Islands, East Coast of New Holland. NOON Middle of Siberia and of the Western Peninsula of India. MIDNIGHT Middle of North America, Mexico. 109. Mar. 2, 1 h. 50 m. Dec. 6, 2 h. 10 m. 110. Asia, New Holland, New Zealand, &c. Table to find the Length of a Degree of Longitude in any Latitude. CP < << tc c> o o O * t !- CD - to o i i* w - ? |. Printed by S. Wilkin, Upper llaymarket, Norwich. - , > TI1K (' K !..!: .STIAL GLOBE. /^/ i/ //// Jfri- CATECHISM USE OF THE GLOBES. ON THF. USE OF THE CELESTIAL GLOBE. rn.\i. I. Introductory Questions. Tlavinsr explained the various uses of the TERRESTIJIAL GLOBE, and illustrated the importance of that Instrtiinent in facilitating the Study of Geography we now enter upon the second part of our subject; in \\liicli \ve hope to point out methods of obtaining as valuable assistance from the CELKSTIAL GLOBE in prosecuting the Study of AS- TRONOMY. B 6 CATECHISM OF THE stellatjons on the surface of the Sphere, as the Siars appear to a spectator on the Earth. Q. What is a Sphere? A. A Solid, formed by the rotation of a Circle about its diameter, which becomes the <4.m of the Sphere. Q. What is a Great Circle ? A. A Plane passing through the Centr* of a Sphere, dividing it into two equal parts. Q. What is a Less Circle ? A . A Plane passing through any other part of a Sphere than its Centre, dividing it into unequal parts. Q. What are the divisions of a Circle ? A. Every Circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called Degrees, each of which is subdivided into 60, called Minutes. Degrees are thus marked minutes thus'. . What are the Celestial Poles ? CELESTIAL GLOBE. 7 A. The extremities of the Earth's Axis ex- tolled to the 11< -avens the t\vo points around M Inch the stars appear to revolve. Q. "What is the fa/uinoctial? A. The Equator, supposed to be continued to the I leavens. Q. VI hat are Parallel* <>J ' Dt-clitinU A. Less Circles drawn parallel to the Ixjuinoctidl. They are the parallels of tude, supposed to be continued to the heavens. Q. \\ hat are the Celestial Meridian* f A. Lines drawn from one Celestial pole to the other, directly across the Equinoctial ; and are also called circles of Declination ; they are the terrestrial meridians supposed to be contir nued to the Heavens. Q. What is the Declination of a star or any other heavenly body ? A. Its distance north or south of the. Eqyj B3 8 CATECHISM OF THE noctial, reckoned upon the meridian in other words, it is an Arc of the Meridian contained between the equinoctial and the heavenly body spoken of. Q. What is the right ascension of a Celes- tial object? A. That degree of the equinoctial which comes to the meridian at the same time with the Star or Sun, reckoning from the first point pf Aries, eastward: in a right Sphere, it is that degree of the equinoctial which comes to the Horizon with the Star or Sun. Q. What is oblique ascension ? A. It is the point or degree of the Equi- noctial which conies to the Horizon at the same tune with the Star or Sun, iu au oblique Sphere. Eight or oblique Ascension, as applied to the Sun or Stars, is expressed either in Degrees or Hours. It is that degree of the Equinoctial which comes with the Sun or Star to the lion/on either in a right or an oblique Sphere. The distinction is this ; in a right Sphere, that degree is the same the Declination Circle of the Sun or Star; in an oblique Sphere it cannot of course be the game. The former, therefore, is right the latter, oblique Ascension. CELESTIAL GLOBE. 9 ,Q. What is n*cf the Ecliptic. Q. What are Parallels of Cckatiui Lati- tude? A. Parallels of Celestial Latitude are Lias ( 'i,t/<'S parallel to the Ecliptic. Q. What is the Lonyitude of any celestial Body' A. The Longitude of a celestial Body, is 1(1 CATECHISM OF THE its distance, reckoned eastward on the Eclip- tic, from the first of Aries, and expressed in Signs, Degrees, and Minutes. 3* The Ecliptic, it will be remarked, determines relcftiaji Latitudes and Longitudes, while geogrHplitcai Latitudes and Longitudes are reckoned from the L'cnutor. Q. What are Circles of celestial Longitude? A. Circles of celestial Longitude are great circles perpendicular to the Ecliptic, and pass- ing through its poles. Q. Explain the terms rising and setting as applied to the heavenly bodies. A. A celestial body is said to rise when its centre appears on the eastern part of the hori- zon ; and to set when its centre disappears in the Western part of the Horizon. Q. What is meant by culminating ? A. A celestial Body culminates when it comes to the Meridian. Q. Explain the terms Zenith and Nadir. A. Zenith, the Point in the Heavens CELESTIAL GLOBE. 11 directly over our beads. Nadir, that Point directly over the heads of our Antipodes. Q. What are azimuth Circles, or vertical Circles ? A. Great Circles which, passing through the Zenith and Nadir, are perpendicular to the Horizon. Fix the Quadrant for example on the brass Meridian, in the Zenith, and bring it to the Horizon ; it will describe the Quad- rant or quarter of a vertical, or a/imuth circle. Q. What is the prime vertical ? A. That vertical Circle which passes throug|h the East and West points of the Horizon is called the Prime Vertical. Q. How is the term Azimuth applied? A. To express, with respect to any celestial body, the distance of its vertical Circle on the Horizon, East or West of the North or South points of the Horizon. It is an arc of the Horizon, contained between its North or South 12 CATECHISM OF THE points, and the vertical or azimuth Circle of the object in question. Q. Define Amplitude. A. The distance of any heavenly Body, when rising or setting, from the East and West points of the Horizon, is called the amplitude of that body, and is either North or South. Amplitude, like azimuth, is an arc on the IIo- "rizon the former beini: reckoned from the East O or West point ; the latter, from the North or South point of the Horizon. Q. Describe the Zodiac. A. It may be called a Belt of the heavens parallel to the Ecliptic, extending eight degrees on each side of its Centre. The Zodiac con- tains twelve Constellations, which aie called Signs of the Zodiac. Q. What is the Altitude of a celestial object? A. The are of a vertical circle contained CELESTIAL GLOBB. 13? between the Centre of the Object and the Horizon. Q. \\l\-A is the Zntith I)istan>, ' A. An arc of the vertical Circle, contained between the centre of the. Imdy and llie Zenith. The altitude and zenith distance together make a (juiuiuint of the vertical Circle. <) in the Southern, and ,1000 in ilio Zodiacal Constellations. Q. And how many of them may be see* with the naked eye ? A. About a thousand. Q. But are not a great many more visible C3 20 CATECHISM OF TH1 with the best telescopes, than have been marled in the Constellations ? A. The number of Stars visible through good telescopes may be said to be almost infi- nite. The Milky Way, which is a broad tract or path encircling the Heavens, is nothing but an assemblage of Stars too remote to be seen singly, but so closely disposed as to give a luminous appearance to that part of the Hea- vens. In the Milky Way Dr. Herschell has, in a quarter of an hour, seen 116,000 Stars pass through his telescope. Q. What are the most remarkable Stars in the Northern Constellations?' A. The Stars of the first magnitude are, Arcturus in Bootes, Capella in the waggoner, Vega in Lyra,Deneb Adige in Cygnus, Altair* in Aquila, and Dubhee* in Ursa Major. Be- sides these, there are Stars of less magnitude remarkable in other respects. For example, f By some Astronomers coiisidtred secoudary. CELESTIAL GLOBE. 21 Almccabah, the north Polar Star, of the se- cond magnitude ; the last in the tail of Ura Minor, and the variable Stars, Algol in Medusa's JJead, a Star in the neck of the Swan, Ac. ^. \\ are the remarkable stars in the SuuUu in Hemisphere? A. Sirius, the Dog Star, which is the bright- est in the Heavens, Foraalhaut, in Piscis Ausiralis, Achernar in Eridanus, Rigel and Betelgue/e in Orion, Canopus in Argo, Pij>!ure the star marked o in Cetus is a va- riable Shir. Q. What are the remarkable Stars in the Zodiacal Constellations ? A. Those of first magnitude are, Aldeba- ran in Taurus, Kegulus in Leo, Antares in Scorpio, Spica Virginis, Castor iu Go- 22 CATECHl mini,- and according Deneb in the Lion's Tail ; but others make only the first three primary stars. Q. What is the supposed distance of the nearest fixed Star ? A. So great, that our most accurate obser- vations have not been able to determine 'it. It is conjectured that a cannon ball, moving with a velocity of 1000 feet per second, would be nearly two millions of years in passing from the Earth to the nearest fixed Star. Q. Do the Stars appear, as their name im- plies, Jlxed? A. No : they seem to move from east to west, (because the Earth revolves from west to east,) and in circles parallel to the equinoc- tial ; so that when the Equinoctial is perpen- dicular to the Horizon, they rise and set per- pendicularly, as may be seen by elevating the Globe for a right sphere. Q. Do all the Stars partake of this appa- rent motion ? CELESTIAL GLOBE. 23 A. No : for in a right sphere the Polar Star always be oil the Horizon ; and the other tars will list- and set. SECTION n. Problems relating to t/ieJLred Start. Q. How are the right ascension and declina- tion of any Jjtar found ? A. By the following rule : bring the Star whose right ascension and declination are re- quired, to the brass meridian; the declination is marked by the degree of the Meridian under which it passes : the degree of the Equator which is cut by the Meridian gives the right ascension. Declination and right ascension being the same on the Celes- liiKilGbe us LalKii'tr and I.o:>ilu. a Lyra, a Star of the first magnitude in the Harp? Hi. a Capella, the Goat Star ? 17. Procyon, in Canis minor ? IB. Fomalhaut, in the southern fish ? 19. Spica Virginis, in the Constellation Virgo? 20. a the south scale, a Star of the second magnitude in the Constellation Libra? Required the right ascension and declination of the following Stars, viz. 21. /? Mirach, a Star of the second mag- 34 CATECHISM OF THE nitude in the Girdle of Andromeda ? 22. a Menkar, a Star of the second magnitude in the Whale's Jaw ? 23. (3 Algol, a Star of the second magnitude in Medusa's Head? , 24. a Algenib, a Star of the second magni- tude in the Constellation Perseus ? 25. i\ in Pleiades, the brightest Star of the seven ? 26. /3 Rigel, Orion's foot, a Star of the first magnitude ? 27. 7 Bellatrix in the left shoulder of Orion, a Star of the second magnitude ? 28. a Star of the second magnitude in the Girdle of Orion ? 29. a Castor, the first twin, a Star of the first magnitude? 30. a Arcturus, a Star of the first magni- tude in the Constellation Bootes ? 'KLESTIAL GLOBE. 3~) Required the right ascension of the follow- ing Stars : viz. 31. Regulus a Star of the first magnitude in the Lion's Heart? o2. Antares, also of the first magnitude in the Scorpion ? 33. Alioth of the second magnitude, in the Great Bear's tail ? 34. Ras Algethi of the second magnitude in the Head of Hercules ? 35. Rastaben, in the Dragon's Head, a Star of the second magnitude ? Required the Latitudes and Longitudes of the following Stars. 36. j3 Taurus. 37. Pollux. 38. Regulus. 39. Markab. 40. Vega. 41. Arided. 42. Schedar. 43. Enar Achamar. 44. Scor- pio. 45. Atair. 46. a Draco. 47. Capella. 48. Fomalhaut. 49. Procyon. 60. a Cen- Uur. 51. Arcturus. 52. Dubhe. 53. Algol. i>4. Aldtbaran Tauri. 55. Spica Virginia. 3(5 CATECHISM OF THE 56. Autares. 57. Rigel. 58. Canopus. 59. Castor. 60. Cor Scorpionis, . At what hours do the following stars come to the Meridian on Feb. 9th? i|61. Lyra. 62. Aldebaran. 63. Arcturus. 64. Capella. 65. Sirius. 66. Regulus. 67. Castor. 68. Fomalhaut. 69. Markab. 70. Atair. Required at what time the following stars come to the Meridian on the respective days : 71. Regulus, October 24. 72. Draco, a, September 20. 73. Bellatrix, January 7. 74. Cassiopeia, /3, Novembers. 75. Ras Algethi, August 22. 76. Menkar, May 5. At what hour does Alphard (Hydra's Heart) come to the Meridian on the following days ? 77. January 29. 78. May 15. 79. August 12. 80. September 23. 81. November 5. 82. December 21. CELESTIAL GLOBE. 37 At what hours do the following stars come to the meridian on the under-mentioned days? 83. Mirach, April 6. 84. Almach, June 21. 85. Algol, July 12. 86. Brightest of the seven stars, August 29. 87. Procyon, Oc- tober 14. 88. Great Bear, a, December 26. .HO. On what day does Algenib in Perseus corne to the Meridian at midnight? DO. On what day does Spica Virginis come to tin- Meridian at halt' past nine in the evening ? On what days do the following stars coma to the Meridian at midnight ? 91. Algol, in Caput Medusve. 92. Betel- guese, in Orion, a. 93. Acubens, in Cancer, a. 94. Alioth, in the Great Bear, j. On what days do the following stars come to the Meridian at nine o'clock in the evening ? 95. Ras Alhagus, in Serpentarius, a. 96. Rastaben, in the Dragon, 7. 97. Deneb, in I*o, /3. 98. Scheat, in Pegasus, (3. 38 CATECHISM OF THE Required the days on which the following; Stars come to the Meridian, at five o'clock in the morning : 99. Sirius, in the Great Dog, a. 100. Aries, a. 101. Taurus, j3. 102. The Great Bear, 5. 103. Serpent, a. 104. Andromeda, a. On what days do the following stars come to the Meridian, at ten o'clock in the evening ? 105. Orion, s. 106. Acubens, in Cancer, a. 107. Alderamin, in Cepheus, a ? On what days does Arcturus come to the meridian, at the following hours ? 108. Noon. 109. 3 p. m. 110. 9 p. m. 111. Midnight. 112. 3 a. m. 113. 6 a. m. 114. Required the altitude and azimuth of Cor Leonis, at London, on May llth at 11 o'clock p. m. 115. Required the altitude and azimuth of Capella, at Rome, on December 2nd, at 5 in the morning. CELESTIAL GLOBE. 39 What are the altitude and azimuth of the following Stars, at Newcastle, October Olh, ;it the following hours ? 116. Arided, Midnight? 117. Capella, 8 p. m. 118. Castor, 10 p. m. 119. Algenib (a, Perseus), 8 p. m. 120. Menkar, 11 p. m. 121. Atair, 9 p. m. 122. Vega, 9 p. m. 123. Arcturus, 7 p. m. K i|uireccii'iin^ r ilcU(1iiig Sign,. 48 CATECHISM OF THE Questions for Exercise in Chapter III. 166. Required the Sun's right ascension and declination for the last day in each of the calendar Months. ,167. What are the Sun's oblique ascension, ascensional difference, eastern amplitude, and time of rising, at the following times and places: York, February 5th; Berlin, Ja- nuary 29th ; Juan Fernandes, March 1st ; Quito, June 21st; Samarcand, December 21st; Pegu, May 15th; Alexandria, August 10th; Bender, July llth; Cape Horn, De- cember 25th ; Pelew Islands, November 5th ? 168. Required the Sun's oblique descension, descensional difference, western amplitude, and time of setting, for the same places and times. 169. What are the Sun's altitude and azi- muth at the following places and times ? Copenhagen, March 5th, 10 a. m. Marquesas, July 7th, 3 p. m. Pekin, August 12th, 7 a. m. Batavia, January 1st, 11 a. m. CELESTIAL GLOBE. 49 ( 'ape of Good Hope, December 21st, 6 p. m. Guadaloupe, June 4tii, 8 a. m. 170. April 15th, in the afternoon, the Sun's altitude at Madrid was 50; required the hour and the azimuth. 171. At London, on May the 1st, the Sun's azimuth was S. 44} E. ; required the hour and the Sun's altitude ? 172. At Canton, on March 10th, the Sun's a/imuth was S. 74 E ; what were the hour and altitude ? 173. At Jerusalem, on February 22nd, the Sun's azimuth was S. 55 E. ; required the hour and altitude. 174. At Rome, on March 10th, the Sun's azimuth was S. E. 6 24' E. ; required the hour and altitude. 17-3. In the latitude of 5l, the Sun's alti- tude was observed to be 46, on June 21st, what were the Sun's azimuth and the hour when the observation was made ? 170. At Oonalashka, on June 21st, in the 50 CATECHISM OF THE evening, the Sun's altitude was 10 ; required the hour and the azimuih. 177. At London, what are the Sun's altitude, and the hour, when it is due East or West on the longest day ? 178. At London, on June 21st, how far from the North does the Sun rise and set? 179. At Paris, on November 5th, in the evening, the Sun's altitude was 20 ; required the hour and azimuth ? 180. In the morning of June 21st, the Sun's altitude at London was 46 20 / ; what was the hour ? 181. The Sun being in the ascending signs, its altitude, at Newcastle, was observed to be 22, when its azimuth was N. 87 W.; required the day of the month and the hour of the day. 182. At Stockholm, in the summer season, the Sun's altitude was 12, when its azimuth was N. 63 E. ; required the day of the month and hour of the day ? 183. At Edinburgh, on June 21st, how far from the north does the Sun rise ? CELESTIAL GLOBE. 51 184. How many degrees are there between that point of the horizon in which the Sun rises at Newcastle on June 21st, and that point in which it rises on December 21st? 185. In what part of the horizon does the Sun rise at Quito, on June 21st and December 21st ? CHAPTER IV. The Planets and their Satellites. SECTION 1. Introductory and Explanatory Questions. Q. What are the Planets? A. Celestial bodies revolving round the Sun. The^ are continually changing their place among the fixed Stars ; with relation to which therefore they are, as their name implies, wan- dering stars : Before Herschel's time, there were but six Planets known, viz. Mercury ,Ve- nus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn: he discovered a seventh, which has been called Uranus, and by some astronomers Ilerschel, F 52 CATECHISM OF THE after its discoverer*; but since 1801, four other Planets have been discovered Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. Q. Do these Planets all revolve round the Sun, as their common Centre ? A. They all revolve round the Sun, at dif- ferent distances, and at various rates of velo- city. Two are nearer to the Sun than the Earth, and are called inferior Planets ; these are Mercury and Venus. The rest are at a greater distance, and are called for that reason superior Planets ; they succeed in the following order of proximity to the Sun : next to the Earth is Mars; then Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Jupiter, Saturn, and Herschel; the distance of Mercury from the Sun is 37 millions of miles ; that of the Earth 95 millions of miles ; that of Herschel 1800 millions of miles. Q. How do you know that the Planets Mercury and Venus are nearer to the Sun than our own Planet ? * Called also Georginm Sidus, in honour of the sovereign in whose reign it was discovered. CELESTIAL GLOBB. H A. Because they are the only Planets which are never seen in opposition to the Sun ; that is, they are never seen in the East, when the Sun is in the West; nor in the West, whf.n the Sun is in the East; nor are they ever seen on the Meridian at Midnight. Besides which, they occasionally are seen to pass across the Sun's Disc like dark spots which is never the case with the other Planets. Q. How much do the Planets differ from each other in magnitude ? Q. The diameter of two of the eleven have not been ascertained ; of the remaining nine, three are larger, five smaller, than the earth. Jupiter is the largest, his diameter being 90,000 miles; that of the earth, 7,970; that of Pallas, the smaller Planet, 80 miles. Q. Are all the Planets supposed to be opaque ? A. It is obvious that they are so ; because the inferior Planets, as before observed, appear like dark spots when seen passing the Sun's Disc; Mars sometimes appears partially F2 54 CATECHISM OF THE dark ; Jupiter and Saturn cast shadows, and eclipse their Satellites. Q. What are the Satellites? A. They are the lesser Planets; called also Secondary Planets, which revolve round some of the larger or primary Planets, and so attend them in their revolution round the Sun. Q. Which of the primary Planets are thus attended ? A. The Earth is accompanied and enlight- ened by one Satellite, the Moon ; Jupiter has four, Saturn seven, and Herschel or Uranus six, Moons or Satellites. Q. Of what use may we suppose Satellites to be? A. To us the Satellites of other Planets are very useful in assisting various of our astro- nomical observations. Of their use to the Planets they respectively attend, we may judge from the great use we derive from our own attendant, the Moon. Q. Of what use, then, is our Satellite to us ? CELESTIAL GLOBE. 5o A. Her light frequently supplies the absence of the Sun ; her motion affords a measure of time; her influence affects our tides. Q. What is the Harvest Moon? A. "The Moon rises about three quarters of an hour later on that day than on the day preceding ; but in places of considerable lati- tude, as that in which we live, there is a re- markable difference about the time of harvest, when, at the season of full Moon, it rises, for several nights together, only about 17 minutes later on one day that on the day preceding. By thus succeeding the Sun before the twilight is ended, the Moon prolongs the light, to the great benefit of those who are engaged in gathering the fruits of the Earth ; and hence the full Moon, at this season, is called tin: Harvest Moon. The full Moon nearest the vernal equinox rises with the greatest differ- ence of time, viz. an hour and a quarter later every day than on the former." Q. The Moon moves round the Earth F3 56 CATECHISM Of THE but is the orbit in which she moves on the same plane with the Ecliptic ? A. No: the plane of her orbit makes an angle of about 5, with the Ecliptic. Q. What are the Moon's Nodes? A. The Moon's Nodes are the points at which her orbit crosses the Ecliptic. Q. Are those points fixed ? A. No : they are constantly changing. It appears from observation that the line of the Nodes constantly changes its place by a retro- grade motion, i. e. from East to West, at the rate of about 19 in a year ; so that they would, in about 19 years, regain the same point. This retrograde motion of the Moon's Nodes has been shewn by Newton to arise from the influence of the Sun. SECTION 2. Problems. Q. As the Planets move round the Sun, and appear, of course, to be continually changing their situations among the fixed CKLEST1AL GLOBE. 57 St;tis, how do you mark their places on the 4> If^tial globe ? A. It is first necessary to ascertain the Latitude and Longitude of the Planet, on the day given ; which are found by calculation, but may be seen on reference to the tables given tor that purpose in White's Epheraeris. Know- ing the Latitude and Longitude, you have only to fix a patch, marked with the character of the Planet, on that spot of the globe which has the given Latitude and Longitude, and by a series of such marks, the path of the planet through the heavens ia easily and clearly traced on the globe. Q. How may the rising and setting, azi- muth, altitude, &c. be found for any given day, at any given place ? A. The situation of the Planet being mark- ed on the globe, for the given day, the right ascension and declination, rising, culminating, and setting, amplitude, azimuth, and altitude, will be found in the same way as for the fixed Stars. 58 CATECHISM OF THE Q. How do you find when Jupiter and Venus are morning and when they are even- ing Stars ? A. Find their situation as before. If it be to the East of the Sun's place, they will be evening Stars if to the West, they will be morning Stars. Q. How do you mark on the Globe the Moon's Orbit for any given time ? A. Find the Moon's ascending Node in White's Ephemeris; the descending Node will of course be 180 distant from that. At the distance of 90 from those Nodes, reckoning each way, count 5| to the north of the Ecliptic on one side, and 5| to the South on the other side. Fasten a silk line round the Globe to cut the Ecliptic at the Nodes, and to pass over those two points, made at the distance of 65 on each side of the Ecliptic ; this will represent the Moon's Orbit for the given day. Q. How to find the Moon's Diurnal motion in the Ecliptic for any given day ? CELESTIAL GLOBE. 69 A. By ascertaining (from the Ephemeria) the difference between the longitudes of the Moon on the given or preceding day. Q. How do you mark on the Globe the Moon's place in the heavens for any given day and hour? A. Its Longitude for the given hour must first be found by the Rule of Three, from the quantity of its daily motion, its latitude from White's Ephemeris ; put a small patch (with the Moon's astronomical character marked on it) on the place of its habitation and longi- tude, and this patch will represent the Moon. Q. How is the time of the Moon's rising, southing, and setting, found for any latitude and given day of the year? A. In the same way as that of the Stars the Moon's place having first been ascertained and marked by a patch on the Globe as above. Q. What is the meaning of Epact, and how is it found ? A. Epact is the difference between solar and lunar years and months. It is found by 60 CATECHISM OF THE this rule : divide the year by 19, multiply the remainder by 11, and divide the product by 30 ; the remainder will be the Epact. Q. How is the Moon's age found ? A. Add the Epact of the year, the Epact of the month, and the day of the month ; the sum (if less than 30) is the Moon's age : if above 30, divide by 30, and the remainder will be the Moon's age. Q. How do you determine the Moon's Southing ? A. Multiply the Moon's age by four, divide the product by five ; the quotient is hours ; and the remainder, multiplied by twelve, gives minutes. If the hours be more than twelve, take twelve away, and the remainder is the time of the Moon's Southing after last mid- night, nearly. Q. How to find the time of the Year, when the Moon (or the Sun) will be eclipsed ? A. Compare the Sun's Longitude, at the time of full Moon, with the place of the Moon's CELESTIAL GLOBE. 61 Nodes; and if it be within 12, there will he an Eclipse of the Moon. Compare the same at the time of new Moon ; and if it be within 18, there will be an Eclipse of the Sun. Q. How do you explain, by the Globe, the phenomena of the Harvest Moon ? A. Elevate the globe for any Northern Latitude, suppose for Newcastle. In September, when the Sun is in the begin- ning of Libra, the Moon, at full, must be in or near the beginning of Aries ; and as the mean motion of the Moon is 13 in a day, put a patch on the first point of Aries ; and another 13" beyond it, on the Ecliptic : this last will point out the Moon's place the first night after full. Its place on the second, third, &c. night, may be found by putting more patches at the dis- tance of 13 from each other. Bring the first patch to the horizon, and observe the hour : turn the globe till the second patch comes to the Horizon, and the Index will shew that it rises only 17 minutes later than 02 CATECHISM OF THE the former. Thus 17 minutes is the difference of the Moon's rising on two successive nights. And the other patches will successively come to the Horizon in little more than that time after each other ; which shews that the differ- ence of the Moon's rising several nights suc- cessively is little more than 17 minutes for each night. The difference of the Moon's rising for a week will not be two hours. Q. What do you understand by the term Equation of Time ; and how can it be explain- ed by the globe ? A. Mean or equal time is measured by a clock that is supposed to go without varia- tion, and to measure exactly 24 hours from noon to noon. Apparent time is that time as measured by a good sun-dial. The Sun's motion being in the Ecliptic, and not in the Equator, and equal portions of the Ecliptic passing over the Meridian in unequal times, causes a difference between equal and apparent time : the adjustment of this differ- ence is called the Equation of Time. CELESTIAL GLOBE. C.'l To shew this upon the globe, make peucil marks all round the Equator and Ecliptic, at equal distances (suppose 15) from each other, beginning with Aries. Then on turning the globe, you will perceive that all the marks on the first quadrant of the Ecliptic, that is, from Aries to Cancer, come sooner to the brass Meridian than their cor- responding marks on the Equator. Time, as measured by the dial, is represented by marks on the Ecliptic ; that measured by a good clock by those on the Equator : hence, whilst the Sun is in the first quarter of the Ecliptic, the dial is faster than the clock. On turning the globe, it will be found that the marks on the second quarter of the ecliptic, that is, from Cancer to Libra, come to the Meridian later than those on the Equator ; and consequently the Sun is slower than the clock. In the same manner it will be seen, that in the third quarter, from Libra to Capri- corn, the Sun is faster ; and in the fourth G CATECHISM OF THE quarter, from Capricorn to Aries, slower than the clock. CHAPTER V. / Of Comets. Q. What are the Comets ? A. They are celestial Bodies, whose move- ments are so eccentric, and which have so rarely become visible, that comparatively little is known of them. They are however sup- posed to be, like the planets, opaque bodies, revolving round the Sun ; they differ from the planets in their orbits, which are elliptical and eccentric. Q. What is there remarkable in the appear- ance of Comets ? A. Comets of various and singular figures have at different times made their appearance. But they have usually, though not invariably, been attended by a train or tail ; whence their name. CELESTIAL GLOBE. 65 Q. Of what use may Comets be supposed to be? A. This is difficult to answer. In early times they were regarded with superstition : being considered as portentous and superna- tural prodigies, sent to give warning of some dire and impending calamity. Comets un- doubtedly form a part in the immense plan of creation : but of the part they occupy and the use for which they exist we are ignorant. Q. How many Comets are supposed to exist ? A. 450 have been said to attend our solar system. Q. Do they move like other planets in the order of the signs ? A. Some do : but nearly as many have a retrograde motion. Q. How can the situation of any of these bodies be marked on the Globe? A. It will be requisite first to ascertain the Comet's altitude and azimuth. Having these, G2 60 CATECHISM OF THE rectify the Globe for the place and time of observation : thus ; elevate for the latitude of the place, and fix the quadrant of altitude in the Zenith; bring the Sun's place for the given day to the meridian and set the Index to 12. The Globe being thus recti- fied, turn it about towards the East till the Hour Index points to the given time; then bring the quadrant of altitude to intersect the Horizon in the given Azimuth of the Comet. Then, under the given altitude, place a patch which will represent the Comet. Q. How do you find the Latitude, Longi- tude, Declination, and Right Ascension, and shew the time of rising, southing, and setting, and the Amplitude of a Comet, for a given day? A. The Latitude, Longitude, Declination, and Bight Ascension, the time of rising, &c.&c. of a Comet, are determined by the same rule as those of a Star occupying the place of the Cometary patch. CELESTIAL GLOBE. 07 Q. From two given places of the Comet, how can its apparent path among the Stars be assigned ? A. Having denoted the two places or patches, move the Globe up and down till both places coincide with the Horizon : a line drawn with a pen or pencil, or marked by a row of patches, agreeing with the line of the Horizon, from one given place to the other, will decline at the required path. The Frontispiece represents the Constellations marked upon an ancient Globe on a Statue of Atlas in the Farnese Palace at Rome. " It is perhaps the only Celestial Globe, with the figures upon it, in the true ancient manner, in the World." In this Globe, the two hears, and Southern fish, are supposed to have been obliterated by the damages it has sustained . it contains, including these three, all the 4H Ancient Constellations, of which an ex- planatory table is subjoined, except five : viz. Lupus, Ki|uulu>, Triangulum, Coma Berenices, Antinous. Besides which there are two Constellations on the Farnese Globe which do not seem to have been included in any more recent catalogues. G3 68 CATECHISM OF THE g H -3 .2 5 "+* ^ O E'S ., "S " * -5 3 I|2|I * a< C * a e o |-3 8 S 13 x , M 111 O " S 1? _o '~ A 2^9-1 i gj Ml 'JSifr' I J s* ffO'S'S * -%- 2 c " ?s*2*' .2 = ; * c a ;s aj o .2 * J5 2 tr ^ 222' w ^ >.^^ K C rc -3 , t- a O^s^^-OJj-OrtJ^ 1 - ^ I>0) 1ll|iqlf!.iil|if il lliwfelBIII&gglsJ fr 0. H O CELESTIAL GLOBK. - ft! ^ .j *5S - " ' f*! !--^! s a ; ; r T ; T -- = IS* j f o ^ I *J = = ^: | j r.sji it* 1:1 Ml P * ' * ^ ;==> * . JB I j If,- .= i = *'? Z ~ ^* ,^-^I_ ^ lc 1 - l ^-^ ; - SE i = * ffiPp pg.' c J-_^ r.- = ^ --'-'"' r , si .._t-r = _. w = c c 5 s , c * j= ii = ~ c-^;" 2 3. 3. 2 =.'=.= '= "^ i i a. 5.|^'5.^-'Z3^'2" ^- ~-. . ^o n -^-i_ w . - - CATECHISM OF THE ^ o u - a ^ 5 . 1 & 5 a x o S a. .S S 'C 6 & x 1< S, 3 o 2 0. 'r] o s O> ^ a ^- ? 5 ^ = -r ^ *^ o y *" s ^ a .| s o a C 'C a | f >r . M 'E - s s ' 'o o 3 i 2 5 >H O c > = 1 O = - <*- i 2 A 2 S "S -=S t" i S: H D -S H a I g ^ 2 HH ^^>. O <;H H rx^-- k S , * o ^ * -z _ IS s Q s J3 ~ i S 'i V " O 2 a j~ .= E o -A s B t S \i 3 "5 | H CL K ^ I A c ji "5 S..S S ^0 _3 , K 1 o '3 V .*,' J2 O S a i- s, 1 B V .^ V ?i ~ a 2 'S 13 ~ BJ II ^4 01 -s r^ _ J ^ 5 - V ^ J3 O 11 j; H "s S to C 2 M ? il V 1; . O -S S eir probable a" o. >, 1 II i! 1* The asteris :od or Orion, Ivimrod. The Hare, rod and of ogofNimrod is the Dog St of N oah has ; 5 ? irine referen mong the anc ile station as ion of Noah, he founder 01 o o e M le Flood a a 2.2 laldean. of Nimi laldean. laldean. of Nira ^"s c <2'5 >1 .?= 2 j, ~ H 5* ^H O ^ I si P WUJ (J 5 H H- C^i5 H^S ScfiS 1 ^v~ v^^. " j- ^vx o-2 o C |a . S g K >> I 5 Is * a s a *c s 's cd || 5 'S. ill S JO H * g O-J - < SOT 3 3>S CELESTIAL GLOBE. 71 ANSWERS to the Questlnns contained in the Catechism of THE CELESTIAL GLOUE. 4. 226 30 7. 86 10. 13) 1.J 13. 35 OS. 16. 45 47 N. 19. 10 7 S. Rt. Asc. : 11,1 2. CO" 0> 5.20930 8. 99 11. 22 30 N. 14. 57 27 N. 17. 5 11 N. 20. 15 128. tin. Rt. 3 6. 9. 12. 15. 18. Axe. 113 15' 44 13 28 25 N. 38 36 N. 30 10 S. D> clln. 21. 14 30' 34 33' N. 22. 42" 45' 3 18TC. 23. 43 45 4(1 10 N. 21. 47 30 49 8N. 25. 53 45 2:1 26. 76 8 26 S. 27. 78 30 | 9 N. 28. 81 30 1 20 S. 21>. 110 15 u is N. 30. 211 30 20 13 N. 31. 9 h. 57 m, 32 . 10 h. 17 m. 33, 12 h. 45 m. 34. 17 b. 5 ra. IS . 17 h. 52m. 36. 62_> / N. \ 47' n 37. 640 / N . 2028' S 38. o 28 N. 21 9 Q 39. U> 30 N 20 o x 40. 62 ON. 12 Vf 41 . fit) \ . -2 o x 42. 47 N. 4 43. 60 1) S 11 > 44. 1 -2 N. 023 1 45. 30 ON . 27 OYf 46. 66 ON. 4 47 . 23 ON . 18 30 n 48. 2030 S. 1 ) 49 . 16 S . -2-2 05 50. 4_' 30 S. 26 5 51. 31 <> N . -2-2 0:2: 52. 49*30 N. 11 8 53. 23 ON . -2-2 oo 54. 5 29 S. 659 n 65 . 2 2 S . 21 56, 60S. 6 * 57. 31 S . 13 on 58. 76 S. 11 30 s 59. 10 ON . 17 3 60. 430 S. 7 I 72 CATECHISM OF THE 9 h. 1m. 4 h. 37m. 9 h. 7 in. 9 h. 52 m. 1 h. 25 m. 8 h. 6m. 10 h. 5 m. 7 h. 5m. h. 34 m. 11 h. 54m. 6 h. 39 m. Noon. 7 h. 33 m. 6 h. 15 m. 61. 63. 65. 67. 69. 71. 73. 75. 77. 79. 81. 83. 85. 87. 89. 92. 95. 98. 101. 104. 107. 110. 113. Alt. 114. 26 50' 116. 52 118. 8 120. 27 122. 55 124. 15 126. 30 128. 10 130. 8 Alt. 131. 30 133. 43 a. m. a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. p. TO. p. m. a. TO. a. m. a. m. 62. 6 h. 64. 7 h. 66. h. 68. 4 h. 70. 10 h. 72. 2 h. 74. 76. 78. 80. 82. 84. 86. Nov. Dec. July Oct. Sept. July Sept 11 June 10 Jan. 20 13 19 28 21 28 6 a. m. a. m. 90. 93. 96. 99 102. 105. 108. 111. April 25 9h. Oh. 5h. 9h. 3h. 7h. 5h. 4h. 55 m. 33 m. 28m. 17 m 12 m. 14 m. 8 m. 5 m. 53 m. 19m. 24 m. 65 m. 8 m. 34 ni. p. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. TO. p. TO. p. m. p. TO. a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. May Jan. Ang. Oct. Jan. Jan. Oct. 91. Nov. 8 94. April 3 97. May 3 100. Aug. 4 103. Feb. 26 106. March 1 109. Sept. 9 112. March 6 Az. S. 76 30' W. N. 77 W. N.43 S. 52 S. 85 S. 60 S. 14 S. 48 N. 16 E. E. W. E. W. W. E. Alt. Az. 115. 42- N. 60 W. 117. 21 N. 38 E. 119. 36 N. 121. 38 S. 123. 20 N. 125. 49 S 127. 36 S. 46 W. 129. 16 N. 71 W. 52 E. 38 W. 82 W. 37 E. 10 h. p. m. 10 h. p. TO. 132. 134. Alt. 20 7 h. p. m. 22 8 h. p. m. CF.LESIIAL GLOBK. 73 135. 137. 139. 140. 141. 1 10. 147. 150. l.-.l 162. 153 Alt. 30 10 h. p. m. 28 4 h. a. m. Azimuth, fir. N. 52 W. 9 < S. 37 E. 4 \ S. 37 W. 7 S S. 76 W. 11 ( S 70 E. 2$ ft h. 15 m p. m. S 9 h. 15 m. p. m. I 1 h. 30 m. a. m. Rises at Culminates Sets Above the Horizon Oblique Ascension Oblique Descension Amplitude Rises Culminates Sets Above the Horizon Oblique Ascension Oblique Descension Amplitude Rises Culminates Sets Above the Horizon Oblique Ascension Oblique Descension Amplitude Rises Culminates Sets Alt. 136. 15 midnight 138. 37 5 h. a. m. Azimuth. hr. 142. S. 73 E. 9 143. N. 59 W. 11 144. S. 51 W. 4 47 Alt Nov.29 81 Alt Oct. 8 ... 61 148. 4 h. Om. a. m. 149. 1 h. 45 m. a. m. 2 h. 24 m. p. m. 6 h. 57 m. p. m. 11 h. 30 m. p. m. 9 h. 6m. 120 47' 77 17 '27 S. 30 m. a. m. 8 h. 45 m. a. m. 4 h. 45 m. p. m. 16 h. 15m. 351 54 64 S. 6 h. 35. m p. m. 2 h. 35 m. a. m. lib. a.m. 16 h. 25 m. 180 244 36 N. 11 h. 30m. p. m. 5 h. m. a. m. 10 h. 45 m. a. m. 74 CATECHISM, &C. Above the Horizon 11 h. 15 m. Oblique Ascension 80 Oblique Descension 71 Amplitude 10<> 154. Rises 7 h. 35 m. p. m, Culminates 1 h. 45 m. a. *;. Sets 8 h. Om. a. m. Above the Horizon 12 h. 25 m. Oblique Ascension 40 Oblique Descension 46 Amplitude 4 N. Answers 155 and 156 omitted. 157. Constellations: Ursa Major, part of Auriga. Perseus, part of Andromeda Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Cygmis, Lyra, Draco, part of Hercules, Ursa Minor, part of Bootes. Stars: Lyra, Arided, Alderamin, Almaack, Algol, Capella,Dubhe, Alioth,Benernasch. 158. Phoenix, Eridanus, Horologium, Cela Prax- itelis, Equuleus Pictorius, Dorado, Argo Navis, Piscis Yolans, Centaurus, Crux, Chameleon, Lupus, Norma, Indus, Triangulum Australe, Ara, Telesco- pium, Pavo, Grns. 150. Ursa Minor, part of Cepheus, part of Camel- opardalus. 160. Those which never set at Jamaica. 161. 69 47'N.L. 162. 45 O'S.L. 163. 5124'S.L. 164. 7333 N.L. 165. 73 33 S.L. Answers 166 to 169 omitted. 170. Hour 2 h. 15 m. Azimuth S. 52 W. 171. Hour 10 h. m. Altitude 47 172. Hour 8 h. m. a. m. Altitude 25 173. Hour 8 h. 45 m. a. m. Altitude 28 174. Hour 9 h. m. a. m. Altitude 30 Answers 175 to the End omitted. S. \\ ilkm, Printer, Norwich. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 000 001 282 **&%& 4 ' .- ***.*..*&&? *F*?*yjS: SftXtfifcKSSa Mttrtebttt ^s^s^ s^3^^ : ^SaH " * - - ^d** 1 ^ ^* - ^^^jE^ffSieSiS