V PHILO-JUDjEUS OF ALEXANDRIA PHILO-JUD^US OF ALEXANDRIA BY NORMAN BENTWICH Sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge PHILADELPHIA THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA 1910 COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA TO MY MOTHER 2092983 PEEFACE It is a melancholy reflection upon the history of the Jews that they have failed to pay due honor to their two greatest philosophers. Spinoza was rejected by his contemporaries from the congregation of Israel ; Philo- Judaeus was neglected by the generations that followed him. Maimonides, our third philosopher, was in dan- ger of meeting the same fate, and his philosophical work was for long viewed with suspicion by a large part of the community. Philosophers, by the very ex- cellence of their thought, have in all races towered above the comprehension of the people, and aroused the suspicion of the religious teachers. Elsewhere, however, though rejected by the Church, they have left their influence upon the nation, and taken a command- ing place in its history, because they have founded secular schools of thought, which perpetuated their work. In Judaism, where religion and nationality are inextricably combined, that could not be. The history of Judaism since the extinction of political independence is the history of a national religious culture; what was national in its thought alone found favor; and unless a philosopher's work bore this national religious stamp it dropped out of Jew- ish history. Philo certainly had an intensely strong Jewish feeling, but his work had also another aspect, which 8 PREFACE was seized upon and made use of by those who wished to denationalize Judaism and convert it into a philo- sophical monotheism. The favor which the Church Fathers showed to his writings induced and was bal- anced by the neglect of the rabbis. It was left till recently to non-Jews to study the works of Philo, to present his philosophy, and esti- mate its value. So far from taking a Jewish stand- point in their work, they emphasized the parts of his teaching that are least Jewish ; for they were writing as Christian theologians or as historians of Greek philosophy. They searched him primarily for traces of Christian, neo-Platonic, or Stoic doctrines, and commiserated with him, or criticised him as a weak- kneed eclectic, a half-blind groper for the true light. Even during the last hundred years, which have marked a revival of the historical consciousness of the Jews, as of all peoples, it has still been left in the main to non-Jewish scholars to write of Philo in re- lation to his time and his environment. The purpose of this little book is frankly to give a presentation of Philo from the Jewish standpoint. I hold that Philo is essentially and splendidly a Jew, and that his thought is through and through Jewish. The sur- name given him in the second century, "Judasus," not only distinguishes him from an obscure Christian bishop, but it expresses the predominant characteris- tic of his teaching. It may be objected that I have pointed the moral and adorned the tale in accordance with preconceived opinions, which as Mr. Claude PEEFACE 9 Montefiore says in his essay on Philo it is easy to do with so strange and curious a writer. I confess that my worthy appeals to me most strongly as an expo- nent of Judaism, and it may be that in this regard I have not always looked on him as the calm, dispas- sionate student should; for I experience towards him that warmth of feeling which his name, $tt