&> vi B.CLARKE CD ,THE TREE DOCTOR A BOOK ON TREE CULTURE Illustrated Profusely -with Photographs. BY OHN DAVEY, \\ 1904 THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY NKW YORK AKRON, OHIO CHICAGO COPYRIGHT, 1901, BY JOHN DAVEY INTRODUCTION. THE Americans are a people who love the beautiful, and yet, strange to say, they have destroyed the trees, which are among the grandest objects of all nature. This, however, has not been intentionally done. The pioneers made war on trees, slaughtered them, burnt them up and got rid of them the easiest and quickest way they could devise. To a certain extent, this was excusable, as the land was needed for other purposes. Thousands now regret that they did not preserve some of the giants of the native forests. The majestic elm in this photograph is one of them. What would you give to have it in vour vard? Our people now deeply deplore the mistakes that have been made, and are spending millions of dollars annually, in the hope of establishing sufficient shade and fruit trees for the requirements of man and beast. In spite of all their noble efforts they are meet- ing defeat on every hand. The whole trouble is traceable to two oversights. It was my intention, five years ago, to point out these facts and the accompanying evils in a lec- ture, by the aid of the stereopticon ; but I saw that a thousand persons in that work could not reach the masses in ten years. Then I thought I would write for some papers, but readily discovered that but comparatively few people could be reached, and such read- ing is not easily preserved. Finally, I determined to put the camera to work. Two "authorities" might disagree on a certain point, and the public say, "They can't both be right ; may be both are wrong. ' ' When , however, the camera gives you a picture, that is something from which you cannot get away. I had first intended to use fifty photographs, then made it one hundred. Again, finding there was a call for knowledge on the landscape and floral arts, I have used 175 photographs, and could use more to advantage, but cannot for the money. I desire to keep the book at $1.00, so that it will be within the reach of all. This is an age in which we do things by lightning. People want facts, but they must have them in a condensed form. I cover, in THE TREE DOCTOR, practically, all that has ever been written on tree culture. We herein present to the public the best photo- engravings, the best paper, with a strong cover, put up by the best of workmen and, above all, knowledge that it has taken the author more than thirty-five years to acquire. You pay a dollar for a tree, shrub or plant, then lose it. You try again and lose it, because you know not how to proceed. I have known people to order over twenty dol- lars' worth at once, and have it nearly all die. THE TREE DOCTOR will prevent all this waste of money and inspire its readers with the ambition to add new beauties around their homes. All scientific terms are avoided. The language used is chosen so that it will convey a knowledge of the facts to the ablest scholars of the land, or to the mer- chant, farmer, mechanic, laborer, man or woman, boy or girl. The time has come when tree planting and tree culture must be studied in con- nection with the physiology of plant life. If this is not done, a calamity will befall the inhabitants of these fruitful regions to an extent that no human mind can conceive. There are no people on this earth who are blessed with such a scope of territory, range of climate, variety of soil and general adaptation to fruit-growing as those of North America. But we are confronted with the appalling fact that, unless something is done to arrest the diseases and check the ravages of the untold billions of insect pests which prey upon our apple trees, inside of ten years it will be next thing to impossible to grow even defective apples! For the last twenty years there has been a gradual decrease in the quality of this most desirable and staple fruit. Similar difficulties are being en- countered in the attempts to grow the peach, pear, plum, and other fruits; and shade trees are going to pieces. The whole country is getting alarmed over the disasters that await us from the destruction of our fruit crops, and many of our ablest writers have done nobly in their efforts to stay this on-coming tide of evil. Though much good has been done, for some reason no one has "laid the ax at the root" of the trouble. Some- thing has been said about every evil from which the tree suffers except two, and to these two all the other evils are traceable. The author of THE TREE DOCTOR has had the care of trees and plants for more than thirty-five years and is an ardent lover of nature. The ghastly wounds of his friends, the trees, and their various suffering (if you will allow the expression) cry aloud and pierce his inmost soul and bid him arise and plead their cause The author is not so conceited to suppose he "knows it all." Whatever knowledge he possesses he has learned from others, or gained it from observation. If nature has endowed him with the faculty of observing and the ability to trace effects back to their causes, and thus enable him to find the two real causes of the present sickness and premature death of trees, then, as a member of society, he owes that knowledge to the world at large, and par- ticularly to the United States of America, his adopted and beloved "home" to which, with pleasure, he reverently dedicates this work. THE AUTHOR. DEPARTMENT I. Tree Surgery. Photo i presents to you three Fallawalder apples. The middle one, 4 inches in diameter, is from a perfect tree, or as near perfect as we could find. Its fruit was all similar to the specimen herein shown. The other two are the same variety. The one at the left presents the " nose," the one to the right the "stem" end. Probably six bushels of this defective fruit could have been picked up under the tree, at the same time there Photo 3. was not one sound apple on it. Why? L/ook at the slaughtered trunk and branches below, in photo 2. This tree is rotten clear through its whole body, and the microscope reveals the decay in the twigs, and in the "water-sprouts" it is visible to the naked eye. The failure to obtain sound apples, the one most desirable and staple of fruits, is pro- ducing grave apprehensions throughout the United States. Apples, even from some of the western states, where there are but comparatively few insects, are becoming defective, and the tendency is to blame it all to the rapid invasion of insect pests. Scarcely anyone seems to think that it is we unwise creatures who have created the conditions for this alarming increase of our enemies, the innumerable billions of insects. In the front of your house is a tree whose branches intercept your view. This you will not tolerate. You get the ax and saw and call the hired man: ''Ho! James; come here. I want you to trim that tree." James goes to work at it, following your directions, or using his best judgment. Sir, or madam, you have spent your money freely to procure your fruit and shade trees, and now, after kind nature has lent her assistance to give you favorable results, you unintentionally commit one of the gravest of blunders. If your child's arm or leg has to be amputated, whom do you call to perform the operation? Do you send for the butcher, because he can do a quick and cheap job? No! The time it takes and what it costs are scarcely thought of. There is a life at stake, and the most skilful surgeon you can procure is the one you will endeavor to get. Did you ever stop to think, for a moment, that the tree has life just as really as you have? You know 6 this to be a fact, but the ques- tion I present is, have you thought over it? The human being and the tree both have to feed to live; both have cir- culation, one a red fluid which we call " blood "; the other a transparent fluid which we call "sap." Both have their seasons of activity and rest. The human being has the period of infancy, childhood, maturity and old age. The trees would have these stages, but we kill them (or many of them) be- fore they are "of age." It matters not if we do this un- wittingly; natural "law ex- cuses no one's ignorance" any more than civil law does. Imagine that in some city there is a concern estab- lished, called "The Mutilat- ing, Chopping and Destroy- ing Bureau," and the only recommendation they pre- sent is "speed." William Brown, a mail-carrier, comes in to have a foot off. He places his limb on the block; one vigorous " whack " and the job is done. "Take your mail-pouch, William; hustle off and make your deliveries. You will bleed some, and find it a little inconvenient to get used to the stub, but all will be O. K. if j'ou won't meddle with the wound!" Here comes John Adams, a penman ; his right hand both- ers him a little. " Lay that arm down here, John." "Ca- whack!" The job is done ! "Move on! You need pay no attention to the streaming veins and arteries; put on a handful of mud now and then, and if the flies 'blow' in the wound, don't disturb the maggots!" Such proceedings would not be any more outrageous against life than what we have been doing with trees. Talking with a practical and well-read man awhile ago, he said that no one should be allowed to prune a tree, unless he held a certificate showing that he was qualified. That would be preferable to the present destruction. But the better way is to educate all people. This is the purpose of THE TREE DOCTOR. The first thing to be considered before you sever a limb is, " Where shall I cut ?" In photo 4 you will see three specimens. Study the one to the left. You will notice a "stub" left on the branch about as you will commonly see them after the tree has been "trimmed" by the average person, who has not made a study of this very important sub- ject. This stub rots back to a certain point called the " shoulder." The middle specimen, in that photo, shows you a case a year after the cut was made. The bark is decayed and peeled off, and to the right is an example of the invaria- ble outcome. It takes six or seven years for this stub to rot and drop out. Nature strug- gles in every way to heal over the wound, but cannot do it while the obstacle is in the way. The reason why this stub dies is because there are no latent buds remaining to be excited and started into growth, thereby preserving a circulation, as shown in photo 6. In photo 5 the same specimens are turned so that you can see how the wood is affected. Looking back at the middle specimen of photo 4, you will see that the stub has dried, because it has been exposed to rain, frost, snow, etc. The result is, decay has set in and has run into the trunk of the tree, as you can see by looking at the same piece turned over in photo 5. In this (photo 5), if you examine the right-hand specimen, you will see that by the time the stub decays and drops out, the rot has gone down into the trunk and up into the branches. This answers to blood poisoning in the human body. This dead tissue, as before stated, is carried to the farthermost twigs, causing "specks," " dry rot," etc., in the fruit. If you turn back to photo 3, you will see what destructive work has been perpetrated on an otherwise fine specimen of Summer Rambo apple tree. Directly in front of you is a wound where a stub was left till it rotted out. The birds have dug clear into the heart of the tree. To the right is an old sore, larger still. A year ago, in order to plow in a little closer, the farmer took his ax and slashed off the huge limb at the left, leaving, as you can see, a stub over a foot long. In order to have removed this limb a sharp saw, with plenty of " set," should have been used, and the cut should have been made close to the larger, upright branch, where the line is placed. (For cutting large branches, see elsewhere.) You will hear all kinds of "hobbies" as to how a tree should be "pruned"; but, the fact is, when a branch has to come off entire, there is but one correct place to make the cut. Turn again to photo 4. In the left-hand specimen the saw has been run in and a piece of paper is placed there. About 2 inches to the right of the paper is a prominence, which is what we call the " shoulder." At this place nature always makes a vigorous effort to heal. This is a very strong point that connects the limb with the trunk of the tree. It answers to the "socket" of the arm. If you look at the middle subject, in that photo, you will see what an effort nature made in one year to heal at this shoulder, but could not, because the dry stub was in the way. Look still farther to the right-hand one, and see what a desperate attempt was made to close in after the decaying piece that stood in the way and conveyed the air, water and frost down the wood fibre, where it wrought such destructive work! If you turn to photo 17, you will see these "shoulders" very plain in that maple. The maple shows this prominence much more distinctly than some other species. It is also very plain in photo 16, by the side of which the high- school girl is standing. Look at the hole that is rotted into this fine cut of timber! See the decaying stub, also, above. If you will examine the trees that go down in wind- storms, you will find nearly all are defective. (Those destroyed by cyclones are some- times exceptions.) I have told you where to cut, and it may be well to add a few words how to perform the act. There is a strong tendency for some of the wood and bark to split down. Sometimes, if care is not taken, the bark will split down several feet. To avoid this, it Photo 7. Photo 9. is customary to cut up under. A much better way is to cut the whole branch off, out, say, two feet from the trunk. This relieves the heavy weight. Then you can start the saw at the "shoulder" and can easily manage the remaining stub. Sometimes the branch is so attached that you cannot get behind it with a saw. In such cases, those who can swing an ax well can make a good, clean cut with that implement, strik- ing up from under. Those who are unaccustomed to the ax should use a large chisel, as shown in photo n. Never leave the wound hacked and lacerated. Cutting upward with the grain is essential. DRESSING THE WOUNDS. I have never seen the matter of dressing the wounds presented with one-tenth of the strength that it should be. The wounds not only " ought to be painted," but positively they must be, or the premature death of your tree will follow. Look at photo 7. This is a "crotched" apple tree. You behold two old sores. The cut was made in the right place in both cases, but it was not painted. See what excellent efforts nature has made in both to cover up the wound ! Hut the action of frost, air and rain have done their deadly work. In photo 8 this same tree is presented, with the worst of the old sores traced down uncovered. What a nauseating sight ! And yet this is not half as bad as two-thirds of the apple orchards of Ohio. From such trees you expect sound fruit, do 9 Photo 8. you? As before remarked, you have not purposely wrought such destructive work; it is a deplorable oversight. But nature is meeting out a just retribution. She is sending you to market with the " specked," wormy and half rotten fruit, which is everywhere offered for sale. This last season I have kept close watch of the Cleveland markets. At Chandler & Rudd's, O'Brien's and other places, where they pay the highest prices for the best of everything, I have not found one sound bushel of apples. In- deed, it is a rare thing to find one sound apple in a whole bushel. This dire calam- ity is to be traced largely to the wounded trees. Such "blood poisoning," if you will allow the expression, affects the fruit directly. Also the wounds and decayed wood become the lurking place for count- less billions of insects. This whole matter should be taken hold of with vigor, not only by the pomological, horticultural and agricultural societies, but by the masses in general. Let us return to the study of our pho- tographs. In photo 9 you have an example where the snow and ice broke down a large branch. The wound was not attended to for some three years. The old, dead wood has now been dug out and a heavy coat of paint applied. The tree is badly damaged, but if this wound be dressed every year, it will last, probably, a long time. Photo 10 presents another old sore that had been doctored. This is a genuine Rock Maple. The tree is in excellent condition in all other respects. A branch was cut off and allowed to split the bark down. The wound was not dressed. It was exposed for some six or seven years. Finally the owner called on us to attend to it. We found that the rot had penetrated nearly to the heart of the tree. By the use of a mallet and chisel all the decaying bark and wood was removed. The process was much the same as a surgeon would adopt in scraping a diseased bone. Everything was cut away until healthy wood was reached. Then the cavity was filled in with putty, using a mallet and a short piece of wood, driving the putty in solid. Then it was painted. It was not seen for two years. It was then discovered that the lower part of the cavity had not been cut quite slanting enough, and the water had lodged there, causing decay to start in again. But if you will observe the upper portion around the putty, you will see what a most excellent healing operation has been going on. In photo 23 you have another example of what evil can be done by allowing the bark to split down and the neglect of dress- ing the wound. The huge cavity where the lady's hand is presents to you one of those cases. The whole block of wood which you see is the "head" of an apple tree. It is the junction of the stem and large branches. The point facing you, where it has been sawed off, was the upper part of the trunk. By this you can see how the rot ran down. In the photo below (24) you have the same block turned around. Bv this you will observe how the action of decay traveled /> into the main arms. As before stated, if you trace this decay with the microscope you will find that the tree is affected, root and branch, to the farthest extremities. And yet, from this you would expect sound apples, would you? This tree, like all such, became a victim of a wind storm. If you turn back again to photo 4, to the left-hand specimen, you will see where the piece of paper is laid in. It would be a mistake in pruning to cut at that point, be- cause you would not only be cutting nearly lengthwise with the wood fibre (grain of the wood), but you would inflict an unnecessarily large wound. If you cut at the "shoulder" the sap comes up from all directions, from under, from the top and sides. If the wound be dressed thoroughly with thick paint a healthly granulation will immediately set in, provided it be the right time of the year. A fine specimen of healing is presented in photo 18. This is hard maple ; it was cut at the "shoulder" and well painted. You can observe the saw marks through the paint. The new bark, somewhat resembling a horse- shoe, is the work of only forty-two days. This is what nature will do when you lend a 1-2 little assistance. Years ago careful orchardists used to apply grafting-wax and other preparations to wounds, but later ex- perience has proven that nothing is better than good, thick paint (no matter what color). It should be applied to all wounds more than half an inch in diameter. All large wounds should be painted twice a year. Photo 1 7. "// prune when the apple trees are in bloom." The sap has then become sufficiently thick- ened that the tree will not " bleed." Moreover, you can then see^all dead or defective 13 branches. You can prune with safety from this time till the leaves fall, and the work can be executed with pleasure. Don't depend on "hobos," adventurers and imposters who have "nerve" enough to pose as "tree trim- mers." There is a story of an Irishman who claimed to under- stand the art of "trim- ming" trees. He was sent, one morning, to trim the orchard. At noon his boss inquired how he was progress- ing. "An' fath, sur, Oi've got them all cut down, an' Oi'll trim them up this after- noon," was his report. It would be about as well for the average tree-butcher to follow Pat's example as to cut off one-half and start the other dying. Study the life of your plants and trees and learn to do your own tree surgery, or direct it per- sonally. The wind sometimes will split a branch clear to the ground. Photo 25 is an example . The wood, however, was painted and is being preserved in a solid condition. Photo 26 is another specimen, but the wound has not been dressed. It is a sickening sight of dead wood fibre and haunts for innumerable hosts of insects. It is a Rambo tree, but the fruit has scarcely a trace of that delicious variety; it has a flat, soggy, dead-wood taste. Photo 27 is also an apple tree, and some years ago was struck by a plow, drag or something of the kind. The fruit is about as worthless as the preceding Rambo. Peo- ple are sometimes very thoughtless when working around trees, but the penalty must be paid for all violation of nature's laws. In planting orchards, farmers would do well to use the simple tree guard shown in photo 100. It will pay you well to keep your trees clean. Photo 28 shows a boy " currying the tree." He is using an old currycomb, and the little folks are around him learning how to do it. A tree will thrive by being cleaned just as much as a horse will; besides, you destroy the shelter of your enemies, the insects. An acquaintance of mine told me that some years ago he climbed into an old apple tree to remove some branches. He had on an old pair of buckskin gloves. He commenced to rub off the old bark, and he fussed and ivorked and rubbed till he had cleaned the whole tree. This destroyed the abode of insects and admitted light, air and moisture to the hide-bound tree. The result was, as he said, "a new lease of life to the tree, and an abundance of fine fruit." Keep your trees clean. NOW FOR A CHANGE! You have been vexed and irritated bv seeing how our friends, the trees, can be muti- lated and destroyed by the ruthless hand of unqualified persons. Now we turn to a few of nature's majestic beauties. If you glance at photo 29 you will learn how nature plants a tree. She drops a seed on the ground, then blows a few leaves or some other substance on it, enough to keep it moist while the seed germinates. The radicle penetrates the soil and throws out some tiny little white rootlets, which, in this case, have become the powerful bracing roots before you, which now hold this gigantic elm to its mooring. It is some 14 feet across from one root to the other, as you see it, on the surface of the soil. As the delicate little infant plant pushed forth from its embry- otic state a mouse might have clipped it off and scarcely felt anything between its teeth ; the foot of a clumsy toad might have snapped it off, or "a dew-drop on this baby plant have warped this giant elm forever. ' ' This venerable old friend was born, prob- ably, about the period when the Indians pur- sued Captain Samuel Brady, compelling the heroic Brad}- to make a leap of 22 feet, clear- ing the Cuyahoga River at the Narrows, about a mile east of this health}- veteran of the native forest, which stands here now a rebuke to ignorant ' 'tree-butchers. ' ' What a study there is in this tree for young people. When the radicle (tap- root) had gone down a little and commenced its work, then the plumule shot up, bear- ing with it the coty- ledons, or seed leaves. Photo 21. The process of tree-building has gone on year after year till now you see a mammoth beauty about a hundred and fifty feet high. You are presented with a view of this plant across one of the celery fields adjoining (photo 30). The tree is the tallest one to the right. A violent cyclone tore a branch from it some few years ago, as it did also from its neighbor. (Many of our readers probably never saw celery growing on a large scale. This is the White Plume vari- ety, taken under a strong sunlight. This is a part of Pleasant Valley Celery Farm, at Kent, Ohio. If you get hungry for good celery, better write them.) It appears that trees are like persons some born to reach the top round in the ladder of fame, while the masses pass into oblivion as if they never had existed. Photo 31 is a good example of the ' 'sugar maple' ' of Northeastern Ohio. It has been "trimmed," but not by an ignorant man. The "tree-butcher" would have killed it years ago. The "trimming," you will notice, has been performed in a very system- atic manner - The "professors" r who ^ ia( ^ ^ ie J^ * n cnar & e were ' *^ 5':' KB rJPm Efttfl horses and cattle ; they nibbled off the branches as high as they could reach. The upper parts of the tree have adjusted themselves to the light and air. The top leans a little in a northeasterly direction. You will see hundreds of trees that lean in this way. It is due to the steady breezes that blow from the west and southwest. Photo 87 is an example of this. This tree is a young elm. It is situated where the wind, after coming over a hill, becomes com- pressed and keeps a steady pres- sure on it, and the tender branches grow where they are kept by the force of the wind. The remedy is to cut off the branches where the lines are, leaving a heavier portion of the head on the side toward the wind. Dress the wounds as directed under that head. Cut off all branches under the horizontal line and all to the left of the vertical one. Photo 32 exhibits a lovely maple about seventy feet high. The picture was taken at quite a distance and during a strong wind, which shook the camera and slightly blurred the picture. You will observe how nicely this, also, is "trimmed." Prince and Dick and Charley and Bossy have done this at their leisure, while they stamped and switched off the flies. You will notice in this case, also, how mother (nature) has taken care of the upper stories. The one great lesson that mother thus teaches us is, form the top the right height and then keep hands off. It is the desire of the author of this work that you study, above any other part, the lessons on planting, and forming the tops of trees. See elsewhere. 16 Photo 34 shows you a basswood tree. The horses and cattle "trimmed "this, also. It has now been en- closed in a new part of a cemetery. The basswood makes a fine shade tree. It has strong lateral branches, and it is one of thebest honey- producing plants we have. Plant more of them. Photo 33 pre- sents to your view a genuine sugar maple, the same as in 31. This grew up in the forest and was al- lowed to stand in the " clearing." The land around it has been cultivated for more than twenty years. The trunk is some 3 feet through at the base, and the owner is careful not to have it marred. This tree shows you that you can form the top at any height you please. You can have the branches drag on the ground, or form the head 33 feet from the ground, as this is. Photo 35 gives you two mammoth oaks, remnants of the forest. The picture does not do them justice. They are so large the camera would not take them in when near by. The right-hand one is some 6 feet through at the base. The principal thing we want you to observe in this is their powerful arms. Whether the "tree-butcher" has been kept away from these oaks with the broom stick or shotgun, I know not, but they are fine object lessons, as are the others preceding. They all teach what your trees "might have been" under right conditions, and we know, kind readers, that you have invested your monev for the purpose of acquiring such majestic beauties; and though you have failed, if you will follow the teachings of THE TREE DOCTOR in planting and trimming trees, you or your descendants shall attain unto this desirable end. Photo 36 shows you a young rock, or sugar maple. Though these are slower grow- ing than the soft maple, yet it pays to wait for their strong makeup and beauty of foliage. WHAT THE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES DO. Photo 37 gives you a view of a handsome row of young rock maples. They were the pride of the owner of the farm. They were planted in the fence row. Looking down the road you will see that the street bends a little to the right. The trees were continued down that line. The owner of the property fell sick. During his absence the telephone company came along, keeping to the left. When they came to the bend in the road they crossed over and planted their poles by the young trees, and cut perpendicular, taking off one-half of the trees. Photo 38 will give you some idea of their slaughter, though the picture is not very plain. Photo 40 shows you how they slaughtered one of the most symmetrical maples that could be found anywhere. Photo 39 reveals their fiendish work on two grand oaks. Whether such fellows should be put into the " pen," hanged, shot or drowned, or all of it, is difficult to say, but farmers are a consummate lot of fools to allow such destruction of trees and consequent de- preciation of property. Telephone and telegraph com- panies are in business for the money that is in it, and let them buy the right of way through the open field, which is the proper place to go. FORKED OR CROTCHED TREES are the most difficult class of trees to prune, and- "doctored" they must be or the winds, snow and sleet will destroy them. Photo 41 had a very graceful top and was highly prized by the owner. He saw the danger and placed the chain around it. The tree grew and the chain cut into the bark. With the pressure from the growth and the friction from the swaying of the tree by the wind, it became completely girdled; death was the result. Photo 42 is an- other example. This tree could have been saved if a bolt had been put through at the point indicated by the line. Both this and the foregoing tree are maples. There is one vari- ety of hard maple that has a strong tendency to be c notched. The largest tree in photo 40 is one of that variety. Contrast this one with the strong-armed rock maple in photo 36. Soft maples, also, are very apt to be forked. Elms, too, have a great tendency to this weak Photo 25. Photo 26. form of branching; photo 43 is an exam- ple. This is a very large tree and was in perfect pealth, but it went to pieces in a wind-storm. It is now completely ruined. It should have had two bolts of inch iron or steel. The upper bolt would have held the two branches indi- cated, and the lower one in like manner. Apple trees, also, have a great ten- dency to crotchiness. They should be watched and bolted. Photo 45 is an exam- ple of unexpected trouble. There was no particular sign of weakness in this case. But it had been gradually weakened and the water had found its way in, fol- lowed by a slight rot down as far as the cross line. Just the weight of the crop or apples broke it down. I speak of the bolt, as that is the best method of preventing the trouble. Chains and bands are objectionable on account of their "chafing" tendencies. In photo 44 you have a case of a large maple split clear to the ground. It gaped with every wind-storm. Two % bolts were used at a point where the bits of paper are tacked on. It is nine years since this was bolted. Putty and old dregs of paint were worked into the crevices above to keep out the water, and a wonderful process of healing has been going on down the wounded sides of the trunk. But this tree has recently taught a valuable lesson. A violent wind-storm tore off one-half of the top, just where the bolt was put through, revealing to what an alarming extent decay had penetrated and weak- ened the wood before the tree was drawn together with bolts. We commonly practice bolting in the way shown on the horse-chestnut in photo 46. The bolt might have been put as high as indicated by the right hand. The higher the bolt the less the strain from above. Always fill in around the bolt with putty or thick paint to exclude the air and moisture. To show you how common it is for trees to be crotchy, we call your attention to photo 47. These are fairly healthy elms, but no less than five of them that you can see are so badly forked that they will be torn to pieces by the wind. The only way to prolong the life of that row of trees would be to bolt them or lop off the tops as in photo 90. In some situations it is well to do both. In photo 90 the trees are so exposed that the top of one was torn clear off, and others probably would have been destroyed had not the tops been shortened. In this operation great care should be taken to paint the wounds, as it is difficult to get to them again. It is a very tedious piece of work to per- form. Light ladders had to be fastened with strong ropes to the main branches to get 19 Photo 28. Photo 29. up to the work, and the tops were let down with a light pulley, so as not to demolish the fence. Photo 48 illustrates a case of temporary salvation. Just over the girl's head a piece of paper is laid into a crevice. The large branch toward the house, and constitut- ing about one-fourth of the tree, was rent in a heavy gale the whole length of the trunk and laid on the ground. A strong double-block rope and tackle were procured, and with a team of horses the limb was drawn back into its place. . In order to hold it there a strong chain was placed around the main branches and guards of double thickness of galvanized iron were put between the limbs and chain. The tree is practically ruined, though it may last thirty or forty years, if the guards are changed and new chains supplied. Thus far I have been showing you how to prevent the crotch from splitting. The better way, however, is to prevent the formation of the fork. This you can do in young trees. In photo 50 you have a case which was one of the worst kind. There was a very bad fork at the upper cross line and another at the lower one. The remedy was to cut everything clean off, making a bean-pole of the stem. It shocked the owner, but he has long since recovered and is delighted with the strong lateral branches which the wind might possibly break off, but it cannot split them off. Photo 49 is the same tree in foliage. It would be an improvement if all branches were cut off below the bottom line. ONE GREAT EVIL. Now, put away everything else out of your thoughts and consider this one fact alone till it be indelibly fixed in your mind, namely: The roots of every tree are proportional in extent to the branches. We commence this series of lessons with photo 52. This is a 21 Photo 33. small elm. Go from this to photos 53 and 54. This is a maple, started on its fifth year's growth. The middle part of the stem is cut out so that both root and branch can be shown on one page. The size of this plant you can see as compared with the bo3 T 's hand. The stem is not much larger than his thumb. Look closely at both pictures. If the leaves were off, the root would appear as large, if not larger, than the top. Now turn to that majestic maple, photo 3:. Imagine some gigantic hand lifting this tree out of the ground and plunging it into some lake and washing off all the soil and then holding it up to view; and suppose the leaves were all off, what would you see? You would see this, viz. : The rools, when aver- aged up, cover as mttch surface as the branches. If the tree could be lifted during its working season, you would see, probably, from five to ten times as many of those deli- cate little fibrous, feeding rootlets as you have twigs. And where are these feeders situated ? At the extreme end of the other Photo 34 ' little roots. Now, what do we learn from this fact. Simply this, namely: If these feeders are not taken up when you lift the plant, such a plant will suffer in proportion to the roots you have destroyed. Large trees can be moved and it is often done. Trees with trunks 4 feet in diameter have been taken up and replanted with success, but it takes powerful machinery to do it. The average per- son desiring a tree would want to pay not more than a few dollars. Suppose you wanted to move the maple in photo 49. The base of that tree is about 8 inches in diameter. The diameter of the top is from 12 to 15 feet. Then you must go at least 6 feet from the tree to get your feeding roots. This can be done, but a clump of earth 12 feet in diameter and from 2 to 3 feet deep is not easily ban- died, and not one out of a thousand would attempt such a task. The usual way is to "grub" them out, somethinglike the tree lying on the ground in photo 51, and though they take great pains with the planting, they very often have the trouble of pullingthem out in a condition like that which the gentle- man is holding up for inspection. If the feeding-roots are not preserved there is but one thing to do, and that is cut 0$~the top in the same proportion that you have destroyed the rootlets. Then you have injured the breathing and circulat- ing power of the plant to the extent of the removal of its foliage. This is followed by a cessation of heart growth. Photo 55 exhibits this fact. This is a section of a tree about 12 inches in diameter. Death set in at the center, at the dark spot where the finger is pointing. This tree, like tens of thou- sands of others, had not foliage nor rootlets enough to supply even the trunk with moisture. The result was, the sun dried the bark up and it peeled off. This usually happens on the south side, or a little west of that, where the sun strikes it the hottest part of the day. Some very wise gentlemen will tell you, "the person who planted that tree should have marked it before he took it up. This (wounded part) is the side that formerly faced the north, and it should have been planted that way, ' ' etc. All there was of it is, the plant had been ren- dered unable to sup- ply moisture and the bark was destroyed. The action of hard freezing after a very warm spell sometimes has a similar effect. In the latter case the bark is ruptured, torn loose; in the former dried up\ in both cases it is killed. Now look at photo 58. The person Photo 38. examining this maple is Mr. John Paxton, the young, wide-awake and energetic editor of the Kent Courier. This gentleman is much in- terested in good trees and fine floral displays. See from his right hand clear down to the ground how the bark has been destroyed. Though na- ture is making most vigorous efforts to heal this over, yet the tree is utterly worthless and should be pulled out, for if it does remain and heal over it will be hollow, and will be blown down and pos- sibly do damage. Take out all such trees and replace with small, healthy ones. I have asserted that when the roots are thus destroyed it results in a dead center. This usually affects the branches in a similar manner as do the wounds from the "tree- butcher." The rot is carried away up into the branches. See this ex- hibited in photos 56 and 57. One can generally pick out such trees by the dead twigs interspersed in the top. Sometimes a tree may be planted in a very favorable situa- tion and will do so well that there is no particular trace of the injury in the twigs. Photo 59 is a case of this kind, but in photo 60 you have what you can discover on close in- spection. Such a tree, I say, is not safe, for it is liable to succumb to the force of a violent storm. In photo 6 1 you have an ex- ample. The smaller tree to the left was quite large when planted. I think the gentleman paid $3 for it. As usual a dead center set in ; the bark dried up toward the hot sun and peeled off (between the two crosses). The bark will dry up on any side of the tree that is exposed to the hottest sun. It may be east, west or south, but generally south. The tree is now doing fairly well and may make a large one, but it is hollow and will be a constant menace to the occupants of that house, for,,being hollow, it may go crashing into the house with any severe storm. Photo 40. YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION is called again to photo 61. To the right you see a large tree. We have been talk- ing of the one to the left, which was planted in 1885. We have said this tree was large and cost in proportion to its size. The other, to the right, was a little switch which the man had pulled up and thrown into his wagon. He gave it to the property-owner, who, out of curiosity, stuck it in where you see it. It started to grow, and it grew! and grew! 7 and grew! ! ! and is growing so fast that it seems they must move the house back or cut away a part of the tree. Here, then, is the all-important point. Why did this plant thrive so well? For the simple reason that its feeding roots were not destroyed, and there was no large trunk there to become exhausted. If you go to the woods for a shade tree, by all means select something that you can pull up with your hands, instead of one that would fill a one-horse wagon. With the small tree in ten years you will be five years ahead of the large one, and (the small one ) , being perfect- ly health}-, will gain yearly over the large one in the same proportion as it has started. Almost every- one ordering nur- sery stock has a mania for getting big trees, and are angry if large ones are not delivered to them. This is a serious mistake. It is better for you to pay one dollar for a tree two years Photo 44> old than to have a six-year-old as a gift. There is a great advantage in procuring trees from a good nursery, as nursery stock is transplanted from the seed-beds and, therefore, have more feeders. But, by all means, take a small plant; in shade trees not more than an inch in diameter at the base, and in fruit trees not more than half that size. I repeat, it is better for you to pay more for a small plant. THE SECOND GREAT EVIL. Following the one great mistake of planting too large a tree, resulting in dead center, as we have shown, comes the al- most universal blunder of forming the head too low. Nurserymen are, in part, to blame for this misleading step. It is taken for granted that the average nursery firm know their business. Photo 62 pre- sents to you a cherry tree as the head was formed when it came from the nursery, and you have but to stop and think for a moment to recall the fact that most all trees come in a similar form. While growing in the nursery the leader was cut off where the short cross-line indicates. Last spring (1901) two of my ac- quaintances ordered at the same time, from the same firm, and the trees came together. There was no noticeable differ- ence; cherries, apples, pears and all had Photo 48. their heads formed about the same height. One of the gentlemen was a very indus- trious man. He set his own trees and did it carefully, but the tops were too heavy for what roots remained. All of the trees but two died. Photo 62 is one of the dead ones taken on August igth. The other neighbor, not having confidence in him- self, prevailed on us to set his trees. All the lateral (or side) branches were taken off, preserving nothing but the leader. The%- all grew finely. Photo 63 is one of the batch, an apple. The head had been formed in the nursery; it consisted of the leader, which is preserved, and four laterals. The four latter, at the lower cross-line, were taken off and all the force of the root was thrown into the remaining leader, result- ing in a new growth of over 2 feet, starting from the terminal bud, which was situated where the long cross-line is drawn. At that point there are several healthy young shoots ready to start into activity with the opening spring. These will be all rubbed off and the head will be formed just where you see the bunch of leaves at the top. No cutting will be done for one year; then the leader will be cut out at the point which is now the top. We will thus start with the head of the tree formed about 7 feet from the ground. 27 Adding to this the elongating growth of the stem, you will have an apple tree with the head 8 feet or more in height. I repeat that the prin- cipal blame for this misguidance is attributable to the nurserymen. They never should form the head of the cherry, apple or pear. Neither do I see any reason why they should that of the peach or plum. They have no possible means of knowing who will purchase the stock, or in what situation the tree will be placed, or what height the head will be needed. It is true that in some localities in the west, and, indeed, in various situations throughout the land, where strong winds prevail, people will occasionally form the heads of a whole orchard of trees low, so that the fruit will not be violently shaken from the trees. But, admitting this fact, the man who plants thus should be able to get straight, young trees, and then clip the tops wherever he chooses. It is self-evident that the nurseries never have purposely made this blunder. It is an oversight, and it has taken time to develop the error. The way to get small trees is, let the people demand them. Of course, there will be small, lateral branches; these you can remove after planting. If you desire to use your trees for wind-breaks, or to hide some unsightly objects, or for shade in the chicken yard, etc., etc., all there is of it is one slash with the pruning knife and nature will obey your mandates. In discussing this question, there is one thing above all others that I desire to impress upon you, viz. : When you plant a shade tree form the top the desired height and then keep hands off! Leave nature alone, with the exception of cutting out interfer- ing branches, or clipping the ends of drooping ones; or, possibly, when the tree is young, shortening the leader to make the head more bushy. By interfering branches we mean those that cross each other. An example is given in photo 64. By the constant friction with the wind they cut through the bark and grind one into the other. Decay is the result, and it runs up into the smaller branches as shown in the photo. Remove all such. There is also a constant ten- dency for the lower limbs to droop by the weight of the foli- age, rain, snow, etc. With some kinds of oaks, elms and maples, if you were to form the top 15 feet high, in time the tips of the lower branches would touch the ground. In planting shade trees, unless you desire to shut off the view of some undesirable objects, form the top from 12 to 15 feet high. This is very easily done if you plant a small tree. Photo 65 shows you that the lady can take charge of such fascinating work. That tree was set two years ago, and the top clipped off. Now the lady bends it down and clips the tops of the half dozen vigorous young shoots that have started. This makes the head more bushy. The tree is no larger than a common broom handle, and the stem is about 14 feet long. Photo 66 presents to you an early Richmond cherry tree. It is very healthy and has a nicely-formed top. The head is strong and formed about 7 feet from the ground. Photo 67 is a maple with the lower branches about 8 feet from the ground. Photo 53. It would be well to form apple orchards nearly or quite that height. W. I. Chamberlin, editor of The Ohio Farmer, is a wise man. He has a large orchard, the heads of whose trees are formed in this way. Photo 68 gives you a partial view of said orchard with Mr. Chamberlin under a bending limb of apples, which hardly reaches his head. He plows and cultivates right under the trees. This photo was taken about the middle of August. In a drive of some twenty miles that day, all other orchards were about alike. They looked dried, famished and root-bound, with here and there a few gnarly apples. But Mr. Chamberlin 's had been plowed and sowed to Hungarian grass, which he said he would cut and put under the trees to prevent the bruising of the fruit Photo 5^ Photo 56. and to mulch the roots and feed the trees. Wise man ! I hear h e made some $2,000 from his crop. He told me he had "sprayed" twice, and it is certain that I never saw a firmer, healthier growth of wood than the whole orchard pre- sented right in the month of August, a strong argument in favor of. cultivat- ing. Some say that they would prefer fruit trees to the maple, elm, etc., for shade. Well, if that is your choice you could have your wishes gratified. Photo 69 shows you what "might have been" in the way of a shade tree. This is one of the well-known Baldwin apple trees. Look at its powerfvil arms. It is over 60 feet in diameter of branches. Suppose the head had been started up at the second tier of limbs, instead of down low, and suppose that no " tree- butcher ' ' had as- sailed it, as you see they have, what a magnifi- cent sight it wouldbe,and how pleasant thirty or forty bushels of nice Baldwins would look in the cellar! Photo 70 shows you a nice young maple with the head formed about 1 2 feet from the ground Photo 71 gives us the wise and unwise methods of plant- ing for shade. In this picture you will notice two houses to the left, upon which the flitting shadows Photo 61. Photo 60. of the overhanging trees are playing. These trees are hickories and oaks. They are the second growth of the native forest. You notice they are free from branches to the height of the eaves of the houses. In the heat of summer it is always cool under them, and, the light and air not being ob- structed, there is a strong, heavy sod on the lawns. To the right is a new house and no trees in front, except the one that the gentleman has his hand on. This plant came from the nursery, and the head was formed less than 6 feet from the ground. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are dis- cussing what is best to do with such a tree. It is a healthy plant, but there is no leader. The proper thing to do is, take it up and set it somewhere else and put another here, and form the top at least as high as the eaves of the porch. Does the stress that I put on forming the head so high seem too strong? Well, how many are there who desire to have their front or side view shut off ? You may find one in ten thousand with that queer notion, but most people like to " see out," and if you have a good house others like to " see in." Photo 67. A FEW EXAMPLES will now be presented which will exemplify the folly of forming the head of the tree too low. Photo 73 shows you what is commonly called a " buckeye." This is not the buckeye proper (that is a native of America), but the English horse-chestnut. This tree stands directly in front of a very nice house on the most prominent street of the town. Who wants the view intercepted in this way? What shall be done with it? Put the "tree-butcher" at it? No ! For what he does not cut off he will kill ! It was a wrong place to plant it, but if the owner insisted on it, the formation of the top should have been where the line is run across. The tree then would have been majestic. Now, probably, it will be taken out. Painful to think of it, for it is one of the healthiest trees that ever grew. We call your attention again to the larger tree in photo 61. There is an excellent, up-to-date house back of it. In the first place, this tree is too close to the house, but if it had to go there the head should have been formed not lower than the cross line. Photo 72 also teaches a strong lesson. This is a very prominent street. You see a row of very healthy young maples; the tops are very symmetrical. These trees were planted in 1884. There are three of the handsomest houses in the village hidden behind them. This Photo 69. obstruction of view won't be long tolerated; the "tree-butcher" will probably be put to work. Then could those trees but speak! How deplorable to have such beauties cut to pieces! Had those heads been formed where the line indicates, the view, both from within and without, would have been all that could be desired. In photo 74 you have glimpses of some very healthy maples in front, of the beautiful M. K. Church in the city of Kent, Ohio. Photo 75 shows you the same after being pruned. There is a row of these clear up the hill, but the tops were so low that they interfered with umbrellas and prevented seeing more than half way up or down the hill. Now the view is fine, as you will see by photo 76. Photo 77 presents a most charming sight. It is a row of maples planted some fifty years ago. They are east of the city of Kent. Un- fortunately, as in most all cases, they were not started high enough. The branches drag on buggy tops and other vehicles. Unless great caution be taken the "tree-butcher" will put in some of his destructive work on them. What grandeur there is in perfect trees, and how much they enhance the value of real estate. Take by way of contrast with the foregoing picture, the one numbered 78. Here you have little trees, big trees, live trees, dead tree, etc., disproving the assertion that "variety is the spice of life;" at any rate, it is not in this case. Photo 70. For the last few years there has been a great rage on the Caro- lina poplar. They are immense growers, especially where they can get to moisture. You can see what a rapid growth they make by look- ing at photo 79. They were quite small trees when planted, and what you see is the work of only three years. These, also, came with the leaders cut out and heads started not more than 4 feet high. (You see they already shut off all view. ) By glancing at photo So, you can learn how these were pruned. A ladder was stood up straight beside the tree and held firmly while the operator took out the tops. Then the side branches were taken away and the wounds carefully painted. Photo Si presents to you a fine row of these rapid-growing trees, but they are close by a drain, to which they are destructive. Photo 82 shows you how they will get between the joints of tiles and grow and flatten out there, and photo 83. exhibits the fine roots as pulled out after two years' growth. They will not only obstruct drainage, but completely fill the Photo 74. tile. None of the poplars are long-lived. The "Lombards" are pretty, but soon get ragged or dead tops, as shown in photo 84. Photo 7S - You frequently run across one-sided trees, which, to the average person, would be a puzzle as to how to prune them. Photo 85 shows you one of them, and 86 teaches how it has been doctored. Notice all the lower branches are taken off and all but the small one in the upper part. The head is now formed above the eaves of the house. This tree is treated substantially like that in photo 87 should be. One grew out of shape by the force of the wind; the other by having a larger tree close by. In photo 87 all comes off to the left of the vertical line, and all under the cross line. This leads us to consider the matter of too close planting. Photo 88 gives you an excellent example. This is a row of fine rock maples. The heads were started at a fairly good height, but they were set less than 20 feet apart. Planted close, their branches interlocked, and if a hurricane comes that way it is apt to plow its way clear through them, which is what happened with these. A mild cyclone came along and tore the top of the seventh tree clear off and threw it upon the house, and took the greater part of the one on both sides, as shown in photo 89. In thejmth of the same storm were single trees that bent, and twisted, and swayed every way and were not hurt in the least. How grand is a tree that stands out bold and symmetrical and clear from all others ! Why do people persist in planting so many trees? Why not have less of them and per- fect ones ? TO SUM UP ALL, you have this, namely: First, plant small trees; and second, plant far enough apart ; third, form the tops high. There is a pruning imple- ment that is not generally known, or its value is not appre- ciated. It is shown in photo 93. It is Water's Improved Pruner. Of all the implements used in preserving the form of shade trees, nothing is so serviceable as this simple, but effective little tool. It should be placed on the mar- ket by the hundreds of thousands. As I have said, the tendency of our best shade trees is for their lower branches to droop and obstruct view or interfere with passage. When you have once formed the head the desired height, then, with this pruner, you clip off the ends that would otherwise droop and be in the way. This implement has a double leverage, one at the upper end, as you see in photo 93, which shows the blade and a strong steel wire running down a light but strong staff. This handle, or staff , is made 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet long. Photo 91 presents the leverage at the lower end of the staff. With this pruner you can easily cut a branch i inch in diameter. Photo 92 gives you a view of a gentleman putting one of these tools to a good use. This is Mr. Minich, editor of the Kent Bulletin. He is a great lover of nature and almost a worshipper of fine trees. I have taken pains to speak of the editors because, on account of their publishing things at times, which in the opinion of all is not prudent, they have a great amount of abuse heaped upon them, and scarcely any credit given for the almost infinite good they do. The press is the power of the age. The man who drives the quill is shaping the destiny of the nation ! It is largely within the power of the press to remedy this dire calamity that has befallen our fruit and shade trees. Write for the papers, present your views, argue your case, and don't forget to pay your subscription. There is another pruner that should be brought into general use. It is shown in photo 94. This is the kind that is used in England. It is, in reality, a large chisel with a hook welded on it. The hook, also, has a sharp edge. In England hundreds of years have taught the lessons of forming the heads of the apple tree up out of the ivay. The trees are pruned, commonly, once in two years. That being the case, this pruner is about all the tool that is needed. These pruners are made of various sizes and each one has a staff (commonly of ash), and it may be anywhere from 10 to 16 feet in length. With the pruner goes a heavy mallet. You place the chisel up under at the shoulder; a few sharp taps on the lower end of the staff and the branch is off. With the hook you pull it down. A Photo 78. quick shove with the hands will usually take off a branch an inch thick. Water-sprouts are removed by this with great speed. You cau strike upward with the chisel or dowmvard with the hook. If the factories do not put these on the market, get your smith to forge one. In apple trees that are properly cared for there is scarcely anything to be removed but small branches that cross or interfere. Always pre- serve the "fruit spurs." Some of the finest fruit grows under the foliage. Look at photo 95. It is certain that it was not Baalam's ass that performed that trimming, but it would be interesting to get the meas- urement of the ears of the "tree-butcher" who cut off all the fruit spurs, resulting in that growth of water-sprouts. Fruit or shade trees may have their heads entirely changed when they are young if there be a good, strong leader. Photo 96 is an example of how it can be done. This tree had the top formed too low, and would have shut off all view in a certain direction from a door and a window. Three-fourths of the branches have been removed. The trunk can now be straightened. This can be done by running a sharp knife down through the bark in the inside of the crooked portions. This releases the tension and in time will draw the stem upright. One of the crookedest (young) trees that I ever saw is now perfectly straight. Cherry trees have a very tough bark, and it is well to run the knife clear down from the head to the base, two or three places, every year. When they are in bloom is a good time. It will be helpful to the pear also. But little pruning is needed on the plum, cherry, peach and pear, more than keeping out the interfering branches and directing the growth of the top. By "direct- ing the growth" I mean it is within your power to form the head of a tree almost any way you desire. I will suppose you are standing looking at young trees, and at your left there is a gap or open space in the top. You desire to fill that out. You select a good branch close to this opening, and then Photo 82. fool time away trying to grow apples in those level, clay counties, unless you select some elevated place or specially prepare the orchard on the level portions. The preparations would consist in plowing, sub-soiling, manur- ing well, and then " back- furrow," setting the trees on the highest part. Where the "dead- furrows" come, put in underdrains, us- ing 3 or 4 inch tile. (The socket tile is the best.) Of course, to drain Photo 83. choose a bud on the side toward that open- ing. You cut, say, about an eighth of an inch above that bud with a slanting, draw cut. You will be surprised to see how such an opening will fill in. NOW FOR PLANTING. Before you can prune or train a tree you must have one, and before planting we should know something about the soil. The grape vine, raspberries, black- berries and some strawberries do well in light, porous soil. The apple grows well on light soil, but is apt to throw its fruit in hot weather for the want of moisture. The apple will do well on rich, gravely land with a firm sub-soil, but the best fruit often comes from trees planted in a good clay loam, but it must be well drained. The peach, plum and cherry will generally thrive where the apple will. The pear, however, must have day. This is demonstrated by the object lessons that you get up in Wood and Fulton Counties, Ohio, and away down the western part of the state. In Mercer, Darke, Miami, Preble, Montgomery and other counties where the land is level, with dense clay sub- soils, the pear does well, but apples are stunted and sickly and some places look like a lot of old stub brooms. Photo 97 shows one of the best grown on this low, wet, heavy clay soil. Any place, however, in those counties, if you come to a knoll or little hill, you will find the apple trees having the vigorous, healthy appearance as seen in photo 98. It is use- less to waste money and Photo 84. well, you must have a good outlet. I am convinced that a great mis- take has been made in planting too many trees. If the average farmer would plant ten trees instead of one hundred, taking care to set the small tree, guard it well, form the top in the proper place, prune judiciously, etc., he would get ten times more cash than he does from the plant-anywhere, neglect-and- starve, saw-hew-wound-and- slaughter style that now prevails. It is not my intention to give particular instructions on the man- agement of the dwarf, ornamental fruit trees; how to form the "pyra- midals," "cordons," "espaliers," etc., as there is not one in a thou- sand would adopt those forms; but the preparation for these and mode of planting is the same as for the "standards." If you are going to plant an orchard, take time to pre- pare the soil. You should take at least two years in manuring, plowing and sub-soiling. On this preparation the health of your trees will largely depend. The plowing and sub-soiling should not be less than 18 inches deep. Considerable lime and ashes should be worked in. Supposing you are ready to plant and your stock has arrived, now proceed. Measure off, place a stake where each plant is going to be set. Ex- amine the roots of your plants. If there are any broken roots prune as shown in photo 99. Make a draw-cut from under. Roots are just as susceptible of injury as the branches. If you cut the roots from under the wound will heal. If you make a downward cut from above, or a side cut, the water soaks down on it and causes decay. It matters not whether it be your little Photo 86. toe or little finger that is injured, the whole body suffers in proportion to the wound. Plants suffer in like man- ner. Now dig out the hole, say, 4 feet in diameter (I am supposing you have small trees) and 18 inches deep. Scatter in about 2 inches of fine surface soil. Proceed by setting the plant. Have someone to hold it upright. Spread out the roots in all direc- tions. Fill in the hole up to within 2 inches of top with good soil. Now pour in one or two pails of water; pass on and set another tree, etc. When the water has soaked away fill up around the tree and step on it lightly to make the earth firm. By using water freely you embed every little fibre and close all air chambers. You should use the tile (as shown in photo 100) as a tree guard. (This is an apple tree and the top should be formed up where the hand is pointing.) If you use a stake, set it outside the tile. Put a piece of old carpet or cloth between the stake and tree to prevent chafing; and don't fail to keep some bit of cloth around the tree at the upper end of the tile. If you use a 4-inch tile it will entirely prevent mice and rabbits from girdling the tree. When your tree is filling up the tile, a few taps with the hammer and your guard is out of the way. This guard not only prevents the mice and other vermin from destroying young trees, but prevents the terrible havoc from plows, drags, whiffletrees, etc., by thoughtless teamsters. These instructions apply to the planting of all trees, but it is supposed you have selected some favor- able situation for your orchard. LOW LANDS are not favorable places for fruit trees. On average hillsides, the higher the bet- ter. Peaches should not be planted on land sloping to the east or south. In 1885 the weather became warm in the latter part of February. By the nth of March peaches were in full bloom. By the 22nd of March the mercury stood 8 below zero. The blossoms were not only killed, but the bark of the trees ripped open. This happened in the upper part of Central Ohio. While there may be some modifi- cations in the various parts of so large a country as the United States, yet it is well to plant with a view of holding the buds back in the spring. In the regions of the great lakes the low temperature of the water will affect the temperature for miles inland, and planting on low lands has been a partial success. Take this as a general guide, viz. : Set cherries on land sloping to the east or south; plums and peaches on the hillside sloping to the west or north, or on a hill- top. To make sure of success with the pear, plant it on land slanting toward the north. Ap- ples are comparatively safe in any of the foregoing situations, but cannot be relied upon, as before stated, in low, cold or wet lands. On sandy or gravely soil it will pay you well to help your trees to get a . start. To accomplish this, dig a hole 6 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep. Procure a lot of sod and pitch it into the hole and tramp it down, about half filling it (there is no better plant food than rotted sods), then plant the tree as before directed. Of course, in rich, deep soils, this is not necessary. Those owning property on low lands can hold their trees back in spring if they will keep everything scraped away till the earth has frozen 6 inches or more. Then cover up with ashes, sawdust, coarse manure or anything that will hold the frost. Photo 87. must have particular attention. I have just said that it should be planted on a northern slope. Indiggingahole for the pear go 6 feet deep, and fill up about 4 feet with sods and clay loam from the roadside or pasture lot; finish planting as with other trees. "Six feet deep!" you exclaim. Well, that is what I said, and just what I mean, when you plant on sandj or gravel. The pear is like the rose, it must have clay. Also, it must have depth of soil. When your young pear tree arrives, look at its roots: vou will observe Photo 90. that they run doiun, and that is where you must put their food. "I'll never dig over 2 feet deep," said one, and he didn't; but seven years after- wards he had the trouble of digging them all out. Nature is kind, but she can be just as stubborn as you can. She is never known to shirk, but she will not do your part. If you dig deep in clay soil you must provide an outlet for the superabundance of water in a wet time, for some clay will hold water like a pitcher. This dead water will destroy the feeding rootlets. This is one reason why sub-soiling is recommended for orchards; it not only provides moisture for the plant in dry weather, but it carries off all surplus water. This leads us into the consideration of blight. Photo 93. BLIGHT. Blight is not in itself a disease, as people are in the habit of supposing. Many eminent authori- ties have erred concerning this. They have taken the microscope and discovered countless numbers of spores, fungoids and infinitesimal insects feed- ing on the dead foliage of the plant, and they seem to have hastily drawn the conclusion that these creatures have killed the plant. The microscope does not mislead us; there are the spores and insects on the dead leaf. Aye! Aye! But what killed the leaf? Was it the creatures that you behold ? or was it something else ? It was not these creatures; they had not the power to kill a healthy plant. Health defies all disease ! Medi- cal science, I think, now claims that there is no such thing as a new disease ; that the germs of disease are all the while in existence. But if conditions become favorable any malady may make its appearance. Everything feeds on death. Maggots feed on putrid carcases; toadstools and other fungoid substances exist on rotten vegetation; we derive our nourishment from dead animals, dead vegetables and dead grain and fruit. Plants and trees are nourished by composts from other vege- tation, etc., and the creatures seen on the blighted (dead) leaf of a plant have the same legitimate right to sustain their lives as we have. Again I ask, WHAT KILLED THE LEAF? The answer is one of the simplest, namely: Too much or not enough water. On page 15 we call your attention to the birth of the mammoth elm. What was true of that little seed is true of all seeds that develop into a plant or tree. Soak a grain of wheat or corn, then cut it open and study it; or, better still, soak an acorn. When the shell begins to crack, open it up. There are two lobes called the cotyledons (seed leaves). In them is stored up food enough to nourish this little, unborn baby oak. At the bottom of these lobes is attached a lump, some- what hard ; this is called the "radicle. ' ' In the center of this is a little point called the "plum- ule." Moisture and heat act upon this seed and it becomes excited into life. The radicle goes doiun and throws out very minute, hair-like rootlets. At the same time the plumule moves upward and carries the seed-leaves out to the air. The Photo 94. plumule in the seed is really the 41 Photo 95. terminal bud. As this elongates it becomes the stem or trunk of the tree. From this simple, but wonderful zero point the work of plant and tree building commences Just in proportion to the activity of the roots, so is the growth of the top; it could not be otherwise. The little, wee, microscopic rootlets are away down out of sight, multi- plying and faithfully gathering moisture and sending it up to the other extremities. As the plumule shoots up it forms buds at the sides; these in time become branches. Out of these limbs come other branches; from these, smaller ones. At the ends of all are what we call the twigs, on which is borne the leaves. If you want to understand blight you must always keep this fact in mind, namely: The little microscopic rootlets and the leaves always ivork reciprocally. Let me use an illustration. We hear the hum and clatter of thousands of machines; we see the "iron horses" darting hither and thither ; the electric cars, like a lot of bumble- bees, flying here and there ; gigantic steamers plowing the lakes and oceans, etc. Whence comes all the motive power ? From the sun. He has stored up heat in the bowels of the earth in the form of coal. But the direct agents who move the machines on the surface are the miners. Suppose you withhold water from the miners ; theyfawis/i and die. Sup- pose you fill the mines with water and drown the miners, the result is the same, it is death in either case. That means stagnation or even death to commerce. It is just so with your trees and plants. These delicate, but faithful little fibres gather up the moisture and the leaves show a corresponding activity. The leaves are real, com- mercial workers. The leaf receives the sap as it is brought up by capillary attraction. Oh, wonderful laboratory of nature is the leaf! It takes the crude sap, spreads it out to the sun's rays, which decomposes the carbonic acid, and the leaf throws off the oxygen for the good of man and beast. Cam- bium is formed and is returned down, layer upon layer, thus constructing countless mil- lions of trees whose timber is used in com- merce, and whose fruits sustain animal and human life. Trees thus keep up activity in the commercial world, and thereby prevent war. The leaves of the trees are, to a large extent, the factories in which o.rygen is manufactured, without which the human and animal creation could not exist. Literally it is true that ''the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations." Wonderful is the leaf, and much has been written concern- ing it; but how comparatively little has been said about that faithful little miner or rootlet, that is away down there in the dirt and mud, spending all its energies to support the modest or gor- geous leaf that we so much adore, and over which we mourn when we say it is blighted. THE ORIGIN OF BLIGHT is in the destruction of the smallest rootlets. They are very susceptible to injury. They will drown or die of thirst. Celery, and potatoes, etc., will blight in prolonged wet spells. They will blight, also, from drought. In one case the rootlets drown, in the other they work as long as they can find moisture, then die of exhaustion dry up. What follows? The leaves droop and die. Then those dead leaves become the feed- ing ground for the fungoids, insects, etc., which we say is blight. Photo 101 exhibits to you a case of potato blight. The one to the left was blighted, that to the right was not. These are the same variety of potato, same quality of seed, and planted the same day, June 15, 1901, and cultivated all alike. Crop all did well till the middle of August. The main part of the field was of rather a stiff clay, and below an average quality of fertility. The faithful plants pumped out all the moisture, then, of course, the leaves wilted. The drought continued day after day, and one by one the leaves fell off. What else could take place? At one end of the patch there had been some vegetable pits the fall before. The pits were some 2 feet deep. They were filled in the spring and worked over like the remainder of the field. The potatoes did not blight Photo 98. Photo 99. over these pits. Why? Be- cause the roots went doum and found moisture among the bits of leaves and straw that had been plowed under. They stood there in perfect health for six weeks after the main crop had been dried up. See the difference in the crop of tubers ! The sample that you see at the right were dug after a sharp frost, about the 8th of October. Good drainage, a plenty of fertilizer, deep plow- ing and frequent cultivating is the remedy for potato blight, so-called. What is called blight in trees comes from the same source, i. e. , the destruc- tion of the feeding rootlets. PEACH YELLOWS seems to puzzle some of our ablest writers. The peach is tenacious to life, and does not throw its leaf like the potato, but the leaves, not having sufficient moisture, partially dry, turn yellow and drop prematurely. Of course, you find fungoids and microscopic insects on the leaves, because you have prepared the conditions for them. I know of a large peach orchard planted twelve years ago. It was situated on a high altitude, and in every way favorable to that fruit. But the pro- prietor seems to have thought that if he purchased the trees and stuck them into the ground the Almighty would attend to the rest. That is not His way of doing business. God never helps any but those who "help themselves." If you want peaches, potatoes, or anything else, you must " co-operate." This would-be peach grower allowed his orchard to grow up to grass, briers, etc. This absorbed all the moisture; none could get to the roots of the trees, and, sure enough, the whole orchard became struck with blight (peach yellows). Some who are thus afflicted (?) become almost blasphemous and charge the blame to Providence. Dr. H. M. Ladd, of Cleveland, Ohio, has a large poultry farm at Kent, Ohio (Crescent Farm). They raise the highest breeds of fowls. Mr. E. T. Blood is the man- ager. They have selected the finest kinds of fruit trees for the pens. In 1895 they planted apples, peaches and plums. In the following year a larger number of the same species, and also pears were added. They have experimented. All trees had the ground prepared and the trees were carefully set. Hen manure has been applied freely to some, and soil kept worked, thus furnishing both a stimulent and moisture. Photo 102 is one of the peach trees. It is so healthy that the bark shines. As you will see, the picture was taken before the leaves had developed, just when the blossoms had expanded. Phot Photo 103 is a cherry tree planted in the fall of 1896. These examples show what good planting and constant attendance will do. Photo 104 shows you late Crawford peaches in the lady's right hand, grown under right conditions, and in her left is the same kind grown under an unfavorable state of things. Photo 105 presents to you a stem of the Cham- pion peach rightly cared for. I would suggest this: Take time, pre- pare for the trees rightly, even though you do not plant so many. If you do not prepare the soil aright and plant as you ought, your trees will be only a mockery to you. THE PEAR BLIGHT has been the greatest mystery. On account of the peculiar constitutional makeup to the tree, it has been hard to comprehend the Photo 104. cause of the dead branches. It is well known that in stepping around on the branches and loosening the bark, when gathering the fruit in hot weather, will kill the leaves on such a branch. Also, a heavy freeze in late spring, or excessively hot weather in the summer months, have both the same effect. On the night of the i6th and ijth of May, 1895, there was a very heavy freeze a regular hoar frost. \Vater in a washtub froze 2 inches thick. Marrowfat peas 4 feet high were cut so that they lopped over. Two days before this I had pruned six pear trees ; they were in full leaf and bloom a beautiful sight ! Two days after the frost five-sixths of the leaves were almost black. What had taken place ? Just this, viz. : The freeze had ruptured the little cells that were con- veying the sap, just as a tumbler full of water would be rent by the same force. This took place not only in the leaves, but in the twigs and smaller branches. Circulation stopped. There were no /eaves now to throw off the surplus moisture. The pumps had stopped, the miners (rootlets) drowned ! Commerce above (the work of the leaves) had suspended. No cambium was returned to construct the roots. Death by the tens of thousands occurred to those wonderful subterranean workers. Those trees stood there in a state of stagna- tion for a whole year before they could adjust them- selves to this terrible shock. They were on a gentle slope toward the south. Had the same trees been on a northern slope the leaves might not have been expanded and the whole tree would have been in a more sluggish state, and would not have suffered so much, and probably scarcely any. SUMMER BLIGHT is caused from the opposite extreme excessive heat. A pear tree would never blight in the heat of summer if it had all the moisture it could use. The stunted geranium in photo 159 has suffered from exactly the same cause that kills your pear branches lack Photo 105. of moisture. You have a garden ; it is a sandy loam ; you keep it clean and manure heavily; everything flourishes, fruit trees and all. I will suppose your pear trees are seven years old or more. You are delighted as you look at their symmetrical tops and vigorous foliage. Did you ever think how much moisture is thrown off by the foli- age of one of these trees from sunrise to sunset ? And have you made provisions to sup- ply the water ? Probably you have not. Some day the mercurv will run up to nearly a hundred in the shade. Then could the thousands of little working fibres but speak ! How they would cry out, "Water ! Water !" They are not supplied; alas, they perish ! There are always some branches more favorably situated than others; the sap flows more easily into these, while others get little or none. The latter dry up and wither; the leaves turn almost black, and we exclaim, " It is blighted !" As has already been remarked, stepping on a branch in hot weather will sometimes produce this same effect. In this case you rupture the bark and stop the circulation, which, of course, is followed by death to the foliage. It is commonly supposed that blight in a pear tree is contagious. It is not directly, but in an indirect sense it is, but not any more than in other trees. Dead branches or dead stubs on any tree contribute of their dead, watery substance to the living circulation, and is equivalent to blood poisoning in the human system, and, therefore, should be removed as soon as discovered. You can now understand why I contend that the pear must have a great depth of soil. I have asserted that the pear must have clay. This is not so much on account of the substances in the clay that enter into plant food, as it is that clay retains the moisture so much better than light soils. My opinion is that if the method of subterranean water- ing, which is suggested for use in the city of Cleveland, were used (see photo 115) there would be but little or no summer blight in the pear. Blight from late spring freezing is not entirely under our control. But very little is ever heard of pear blight in England. If that country is not "the home of the pear," it is a natural climate for it. Never having the late spring freezes nor the excessive summer heat, no destruction of leaf or rootlet is accomplished from those sources. The southern and middle portions of the United States will never be entirely free from pear blight, but it is possible to obviate nine-tenths or more of it by the judicious selection of location and the provision for water in the very hot, trying days, especially when the tree is laden with fruit. The Tyson pear seldom ever blights, because its roots correspond directly to the branches. The latter have a straight upward growth; the former plunge nearly straight down, and if any tree will find moisture the Tyson will. The Bartlett blights quite easily, but we can take you to a place where a large Bartlett stands and bears regularly every year and has never blighted. The whole trunk of the tree and the ground in which it stands is shaded after noon. The soil is thus kept cool and considerable mois- ture retained. Young pear trees do not blight from the heat of summer because, being small and newly planted, they find all the moisture needed. Suppose you apply the Golden Rule to the pear tree. Suppose you were the pear tree, and you had stood there year after year faithfully guarding your precious treasures (the buds) in the storms of winter. In spring you develop your leaf and flower bud, and go on through the heat of summer. Now comes a real hot day. You call on all your faithful helpers below to send up " more water !" They work till they are exhausted. You now withhold your support from the weaker branches and try to save the best. You succeed in saving some. Then the owner comes along and exclaims, " Look at that miserable tree ! I have a notion to take an ax and cut it down." Between your sobs I think I hear something as follows: " Sir, we have wrought to the best of our ability; thousands of my assistants have died of thirst. Had you supplied us with water this calamity would not have happened." Whatsoever you would that men should do for you, if you were a pear tree, do ye even so for the tree. Calamity of the City of Cleveland. "The Forest City." This is what the lovely city of Cleveland is called, and they have not a tree in it worthy the name ; at any rate, not within a mile of the Square. Clevelanders sorely regret this and have labored hard to procure the desired shade. De- feat has met them on every hand, and it seems that the causes of their failure have baffled their wisest heads. "Why can't we grow decent trees on the Public Square?" has been asked by thousands of Cleveland's best citizens. One says the failure is caused by gas leakage, another assigns it to electric currents, a third attributes it to smoke, another this, another that. Good citizens of Cleveland, there is just one cause of all your failures with shade trees. There are some other minor matters that work adversely to your trees in some parts of the city, which I will present!}- explain. The one cause of your trouble is not due to electric currents, nor smoke, nor any other atmospheric condition. Were that the case, it would affect your flowerbeds and other plants. You will recognize a portion of the southeast corner of your Public Square as shown in photo 107. In no part of the United States is there a healthier or handsomer lot of plants grown than around your soldiers' and sailors' monument. This is true, also, in your public parks, an effectual and an abiding testi- mony to the skill of Mr. M. H. Horvath, the superintendent. This gentleman is one of the best read and beat drilled fl o r a 1 and landscape professors that I have ever met in Europe or this country. "Well, what is the cause of the trouble," you ask. Look at the leafless Photo 108. el m tr ee in photo 106. This photo and No. 107 were taken on September 6, 1901, about two hours before the fiendish coward fired the deadly shot at our beloved President McKinley. These two photos preserve the mementoes of love and respect which, in the decorations, Clevelanders manifested toward the Grand Army of the Republic, which they were pre- paring to receive and to which the President was to attend. Now look at that elm in photo 106. What's the matter with it? Is it blighted ? Yes, it is, if that is the term you wish to use (see blight, pages 44-49). It is blighted so badly that all its foliage has dropped, even before the maples had put on their autumn tints. What has happened is this: Every delicate, succulent little fibre that gathered moisture has become exhausted and died of thirst. What shall I say? "Shame!" No, because you knew not what you were doing. Photo 108 shows you what they were doing on the Square on November gth. They were digging holes 6 feet deep and 5 feet in diame- ter. (The trees planted there are healthy, but not of good form. They will do well for a few years, but can- not make large ones. ) From these holes were taken the purest and bar- renest sand. Do you expect to grow a majestic elm or a gorgeous maple in such material? If you do you will wait till Doom's Dav and a million years after and then fail. This sand will not retain enough moisture for large trees, besides it has been affected by deep drains, con- duits, etc. The remedy is, pull out every tree you have there and excavate 4 feet deep, and run this barren rubbish down on the lake front and then fill in with a good clay loam. Dispense with sod and cover with 3 or 4 inches of gravel. Do this and then you can grow the Photo elm or maple with top from 50 to 75 feet in diameter. "What !" you exclaim, "would you recommend such a radical move, in- volving such an enormous expense T ' I would. You have spent enough to accomplish this ten times over and have nothing but objects of vexation. But I am sure you will not take such a rash step until you have some assurance that this would be a remedy. It is well to take cautious steps. Hence, I make you the following proposition, namely: If your park officials will do just as 7 tell them, I will plant eight small elms on that part of your Square shown in photo 109. These elms will in time completely cover that entire plat. I would form their heads not less than 15 feet high, so as not to obstruct any view. The heads of the trees that you have now are all too low. Look at those scrawny excuses for trees in front of the Forest City House. The tops should be up high, but the branches are so low that they (together with the scrubby underbrush called shrubs, a rendezvous for that wonderful songster, the English sparrow) cut off all view across the Square. I will plant and care for said elms for ten years, and neither trees nor my indi- vidual labor shall cost your city one cent. As your whole city is built on sand, your city officials ought to have "sand" enough to take up my proposition and have the test made. You can never get a fairly good shade tree on your streets that are paved unless you plant in another situation. Photo in is a portion of Euclid Place. There is a row of sickly, bark-peeled, scrubby maples planted down the street that you see. All pains have been taken to make a success with them. But, in the first place, the trees were too large w T hen planted, pro- ducing dead centers (see page 31), and second, they never can amount to any- thing there, because, in addition to hav- ing nothing but pure sand to root in, the street is paved and thereby shuts off all rainwater from penetrating. Though they have provisions for watering and have iron tree guards, yet there they will stand year after year, trying to thrive, but will be nothing but scabby, diseased objects, which finally will be torn off by the wind or otherwise perish. The place for shade trees on such pared streets is inside the fence, on the lawn, as shown in photo 113. Trees properly planted, say, 3 feet from the walk, inside, would in a few years cover the sidewalk and ultimately go to the middle of the street. You frequently see this where the soil is good. Photo 114 shows you a row of maples planted inside the fence, whose branches extend to the middle of a 6o-foot road. This is west of the beautiful little city of Ravenua, Ohio. To prove to you Photo 115. what I say, I call your attention again to photo in. The first tree is in front of Mr. F. H. Clark's. This gentleman is a member of the Eclipse Electrotype Engraving Com- pany, of Cleveland, who executed the engraving of this work. Mr. Clark almost adores a fine tree. He ordered the trees which you see in front, and, of course, put the best there; he had one left and stuck it in the back yard. Photo 1 10 is the one. Look at its robust habit, and mark the heavy foliage in contrast with ones in front that have lost nearly all their leaves. What is the cause of the difference ? Just this, namely: Those in front are root-bound, and have not been able to procure a sufficient supply of water. Mr. Gorgeous in the back yard has had no restraint on his roots; he has been rambling all around the dooryard and quietly (don't tell anyone!} has crept under the fence into the neighbor's garden and yard, and is on the right course to compare favorably some day with that handsome tree on page 21 You Clevelanders can secure fine trees if you will take the right steps. You should entirely abandon the attempts to grow in the narrow borders between the paved street and sidewalk, and set the tree about 3 feet in from the walk. For each tree excavate 3 feet deep and 6 feet in diameter. Fill in the bottom i foot high with sods of a claye}' nature to retain the moisture. Tramp down the sods well. Then use the device shown in photo 115 for subterranean watering. This consists of four "T" 3-inch tiles, one placed in the other, as you will see, from one of which other tiles run, through which the water is conveyed to the square. The ends of these tiles composing the square are closed with cement, also each joint is cemented at the bottom and half way up the sides. This forces the water all around and it comes out at the upper side at each joint. Set a small tree and cover with good soil as directed on page 41. As a tree grows, circles of these tiles can be placed in the ground 2 feet deep. The 54 first circle should be, say, 6 feet (radius) from the tree, the next 10, etc. By this subterranean method of water- ing you can grow very fine trees in the city of Cleveland, though they never will be as large as in localities where all the soil is adapted to hold moisture and furnish the necessary food for the plant. It is safe to say that you can in this way produce healthy elms, maples or even oaks that would form heads from 30 to 50 feet in diameter. Where the tree is exposed, use the German Tree Guard, as shown in photo 1 16. This was taken in front of Mr. Paul E. Wer- ner's, Akron, Ohio. Almost every child has heard of Paul E. Werner, to whose energy and tact Akron is indebted for the largest printing establishment in the world. If Mr. W'erner does not worship at nature' 1 s shrine he sings her praises. He has had great trouble in starting trees (paved streets again, you see), and he in- troduced this commendable tree guard from Germany, where, he says, he saw Photo 118. them in every city. The danger in planting trees in yards is, that thoughtless people run the lawn mower against them, which ruins the tree. A specimen of this is seen in photo 117. The remedy is a simple one, namely: Cut the sod away from the tree to the distance of a foot, as shown in photo 118. Keep this hoed to prevent weeds starting. It is beneficial every way, as the rain soaks in and helps the plant. You plant too thick in Cleveland and form the tops too low. Plant 30 feet apart. The row of trees down by the lake front are among your highest, but they cut off the view of the lake. (See photo 112. ) Very sensible tree guards made of wire have lately appeared to keep horses from gnawing trees. It is as- tounding how thoughtless people are in such matters. L,ook at photo 119. This is the result of horses gnawing the tree when hitched to it. If you have a tree in front be sure that you have also a hitching-post. Well, good people of Cleveland, the blame is not to be attributed to you for having failed to produce good trees, for you have tried hard and failed, when others have done nothing and succeeded. It is unfortunate that all the main part of your city is built on the most sterile soil and barren sand. As you go east a few miles (Gor- don Park for example) the soil changes and vegetation improves. Going west, also, the betterment takes place. At West Madison Avenue the surface is underlaid with 55 about 2 feet of clay sub-soil, and though there is the barrenest sand under the clay, yet the trees look fairly well. The State House grounds at Columbus have but little better trees than the Square at Cleveland. What the soil is in Columbus I have not had a chance to examine, but Ohio ( "The land of the beautiful" ) should have trees around the State House worthy of such .a productive and magnificent state. They can have them in Columbus if they will. Planting trees between the sidewalk and paved streets should be abandoned for two reasons. First, there would be no interfering with telephone, telegraph and electric wires. Second, in planting inside the sidewalk, and forming the tops high, the walks would be completely shaded. In order for the people of Cleveland to understand the trouble with their trees, they should study carefully what we have said on "blight." What was said there is here repeated, namely: There is no such thing as blight as a disease, and further, health defies disease. Of course, I do not mean that young trees will defy cattle, or healthy potatoes repel the attacks of bugs, but it is true, according to scientific investigation, that the potato bug always attacks the weak plant. The scientist informs us that if the parent bug were to deposit its eggs on a healthy leaf, when they hatched and they ate through the leaf the flow of sap would be so copious that it would literally drown them. Hence, by natural instinct the mother bug selects the dryer leaf that her young may not be subjected to danger. Carry this thought further. Last year you were alarmed at the inroads of the oyster-shell bark-louse, a tenacious and deadly foe, on your Carolina poplars. Why did they attack the poplars of Cleveland more than any other place? I think, upon investigation, you will find that the weak constitution of the trees invited the attack. Suppose your trees could have made the growth of those of Dr. W. W. Osgood's, Kent, Ohio (see photo 79), in three years, would not the free flow of sap have drowned the youngsters and thus defeated the assailants ? I did not see the diseased trees, but presume they must have been, like all your others, of feeble growth. In photo 165, you will see a handsome lot of young elms. Pains were taken to sow the seed and raise these plants for the city of Cleveland. Our representative is authorized to present one of these plants to each person purchasing THE TREE DOCTOR (as long as they last) , and instructions for cultivation goes with each tree. Remember, these were started the first year in the new century, and we call them "the century elm." (See photo, page 3. ) A test of one thousand elms in your city will prove the truth of the assertions which I have made. You can grow good trees in Cleveland if you make the conditions right. It will take time to prepare for the planting. You should agitate for the calling of public meetings, and adopt every means that will lead to the production of shade trees which you so much need. The trees that you now have on your Public Square can amount to but little. The northeast, northwest and southwest corners should be completely covered with fine foli- age. You can get it if you will. If your officials wish to accept the eight elms proposed I will set them either next Arbor Day, or a year from that, and I will keep the plants growing, and they can take time to make ready. An universal movement should be made in our public schools concerning trees as the friends of man and beast. Would like to see Cleveland inaugurate such a laudable work. What has been said concerning the state of things in Cleveland will apply substan- tially to any others afflicted in the same manner. It is hoped that Clevelanders will apply the remedy so that we will not be suspected of burlesque when we speak of "The Forest City." Read "Inspection of Nurseries," in the back part of this work. DEPARTMENT II. Ornamental. No matter how grand an object may be, the eye tires of sameness. This is exempli- fied in the fact that rural people have a mania for " moving into town," and town's peo- ple long for the pure air and charming scenes of country life. Ornamental planting is not particularly desirable around town or city residences, for, as a rule, there is an over- balancing of the artificial in urban surroundings. This is one reason why, in the city, with so much stiffness and lack of a variety of real, living objects, people sigh for rural scenery, strive to procure fine shade trees and make "pets" of horses and other animals. The proper thing to do, is to so build and so apply the landscape art as to blend the Photo 120. natural and artificial. In cities, ornament planting should not be overdone. In rural dis- tricts it may be adopted liberally with splendid effect and an enhancement of real estate value. In England, Scotland and many other parts of the old world, the historic yew has been freely planted for ornamental purposes. But this is a slow-growing tree and lives to a great age. You probably have seen the photographs of many of these vener- able and majestic beauties. It is well to plant the yew, but the average American does not take to the idea of setting a tree that will mature five hundred years from now. The American is the man of the ";/0a'/" At any rate, he does not care to wait but a few- years to see the result of his labor. That being the case, we give you a few examples of quick-grozL'ing plants that can be used for ornamental work. 57 In photo 120 you see the burial lot of the Hon. Marvin Kent, in Standing Rock Ceme- tery, Kent, Ohio. The city of Kent is named in honor of this venerable gentleman. In the rear of the lot you observe a tall ever- green tree. This is a Norway spruce. On either side of the entrance is a shorn tree ; these, also, are Norway spruce and the same age as the tall one. Shearing or pruning has the tendency to dwarfs, tree or plant. (This is why skilled gardeners prune fruit trees, and train them to produce early bearing.) These trees stood about 15 feet high in 1881. They were cut back in August of that year. The shorn arbor-vitae hedge that you see stood 7 feet high and was cut back at the same time the trees were. Both trees and hedges are shorn in August of every year. Photos I2r, 122, 123 and 124 are all taken from the beautiful Standing Rock Cemetery. The arbor-vitae is capable of being trained into almost any form. In 121 you will notice a specimen that resem- bles a cross. That is what it was started for, but the train- ing has not been good. All that was necessary to secure this form was to drive a stake having cross arms. To each of these a good, strong branch was fastened and the top cut off. Another branch was carried up and the top clipped out. An annual trim- ming has brought it into the present form. It is well for boys and girls to practice forming designs with this variety of arbor-vitae. This is the American arbor-vitae. The arch formed in photo 122 is the same kind. So is the hedge and the one seen in the distance, as is also the hedge in photo 120. By setting four plants, and about the third year bending down the branches, you can form a dog or other animals. A good-sized one in your front yard might do quite a little "scaring" on moonlight nights. The two pyramidal trees in photo 1 23 are the Siberian arbor-vit 02. The plants of a globular form at the corners in photo 124 are Hovey's golden arbor-vitae. The tree in the midst of the lot with the two rings formed is the American blue spruce. The arbor-vitae must not be planted under the shade of other trees, for they will not grow. No other tree should be planted within 20 feet of them, unless it is one that is to be shorn. Photo 125 presents to you a case of failure under other trees. One of the commonest mistakes with the arbor- vitic is not keeping them Ion 1 enough. They have frail branches and a heavy snow will crush them, as shown in photo 126. The hedge should be allowed to grow unrestrained for about four years. Then cut the plants off, say, 18 inches from the ground. Be careful to form your lines rig/it to start with. Have an uniform plane. Don't cut the side straight up and down ; if you do the foliage will not do well. Round it over as you see the hedge is in photo 120. You cannot form hedges or ornamental trees from the pine, fir or larch. The pine throws out a season's growth, at the termination Photo 125. of which are a number of buds which become latetals (side branches). If you cut off the leaders of the pine you can stunt or dwarf the tree, but you cannot make it bushy. The spruce is different. Photo 127 shows you the top of a young Norway spruce. The leader has been severed and placed down at the right. If you look at it you count eight or ten little knobs distributed at its sides. These are latent buds. If you clip the top off all these latent buds become excited into activity, and on them, also, will be the latent buds. The more you shear, the more you excite these dornmant branches, Hence the Norway spruce is one of the very best plants for hedges. It is just as ornamental as the arbor-vitse and possesses the great advantage of strength. The hedge that you see in photo 129 is of this kind, and its strength is such that you can lay a common fence board on it and walk on it with pleasure. The hedge is about 24 years old. In photo 128, to the left, you see one of these same trees. Three tiers of branches were taken out and the bottom ones were trimmed into a globular form. Up from the middle of this the main .trunk is allowed to grow. There is quite a number of these in a row relieved by a variety of other designs arbor-vitae and others. The hedge in photo 130 is o k f Norway spruce. That has been started rightly, low down, so that it can be controlled. The plants in that hedge and the ones in 131 came in the same box in 1886. This shows what dwarfing can be done by clipping. If you were to cut down the plants in the hedge shown in photo 131, half way, the top would thicken, but it would never fill out well below. The only way to get it thick at the base is to start low, as shown in photo 130, when the plants are young. After the lower branches have been brought out, if you keep the hedge rounded over, you can gradually bring it higher and still maintain the density at the base of the sides. All evergreens are partial to high and dry lands. You can do nothing with them in low, soggy soils. If you desire hedges in the latter, use osage orange or honey locust. Before planting a hedge, if the soil is not good, excavate to the depth of Photo 129. 2 feet and replace with good soil, placing sods in the bottom if you can procure them. Use small plants, not more than a foot high. Keep cultivated. L,et no weeds grow. Mulch heavily with manure in the fall; remove mulch in the spring. It is not desirable to have a lot of evergreens around a dwelling house ; the wind, whistling through them, "sounds too much like a cemetery." It would be well, however, to plant in groves to en- courage as nesting places for birds. A LAMENTABLE BLUNDER has been made in destroying our "feath- ered friends." A French naturalist has set forth the fact that the human race could not exist over nine years if all our insectiverous birds were destroyed. Kind Mother Nature has varied her general plans here ; she has arranged so that we might not have to wait till our enemies (the bugs) die of old age, but has given us the birds to "catch 'em alive." But we, foolish children, have slaughtered our best friends, the birds. The swallow is said to capture some 3,000 flies in a day ; the chickadee is the destroyer of the eggs of the canker worm ; the mead- ow-lark feeds on bugs, as do also the blackbird, crow and a host of other kinds, rnoto uu. it. r j r 1 j Among the mends or mankind none is more faithful than the beautiful, half-domestic quail. In 1900 a great agitation arose in Ohio, which looked like a war between sportsmen and the farmers. The real facts were, the agriculturists were struggling to have the quail placed under perpetual protection, on account of their inestimable value as destroyers of innumerable hosts of bugs and other enemies of the fanner. City people, as well as agriculturists, must learn the grave fact that we cannot destroy our friends without paying the penalty. The shooting of birds for sport has had a baneful effect. We should teach our children the great mis- take of doing so. Marksmanship, however, should be taught in our public schools, to both boys and girls. It strengthens the arm muscles and gives a strong nerve, and confidence takes the place of timidity and fear. Woe the nation, then, that would assail Uncle Sam ! DEPARTMENT III. Landscaping and Floriculture. THE LANDSCAPE ART. The Americans, as a people, are more lavish in their house-building than any other people on the face of the earth. Not only native-born Americans, but perhaps a majority of those who "come from o'er the sea" have an innate desire for that sacred something that we call "home." Indeed, this is the prime, actuating motive that leads the average foreigner to leave his native land. He dreams of a plot of land that will be his ; of a house (possibly an humble one) that he can call his home. Aye ! "Home, sweet home." How little we stop to think of the measureless effort that has been put forth in this direc- tion, and how few of us think seriously on this one fact, namely: That home-building is one of the prime factors that enter into the vital energies of our commercial activity. Let a serious panic come and see what a paralysis seizes on commercial life. But I must write on economics. I desire to raise a question here, namely: Considered from an actual financial stand- point, have we not, in some degree, erred in the methods of expending money ? For example, you are driving along and you see a costly building, but perhaps it is out of proportion to the lot, or possibly the person who graded it was better qualified to dig ditches or drive cows to the pasture than to pose as a landscaper. Or the grading might be too stiff, as in photo 134, or the planting might be a huge blunder, beclouding the front and shutting off all views, as in photos 132 and 133. At any rate, your mental ability to blend and balance and measure and to judge of correct propor- tions tells you ' ' there is something wrong. ' ' You drive a little farther and your attention becomes riveted on a small property worth, perhaps, not more Photo 132. than $5,000. There is the lovely green front, like a carpet, with an occasional shade tree. Shrubs are at the side, filling out the nooks and corners. The front yard has either no flower beds, or a single one, a majestic beauty, as you see in photo 142; but that is not in the middle of the yard; that would be too "studied" 62 Photo 134. and stiff. The lawn is not &JJat, dead level, but slightly rolling, as in photo 135 (a model "open lawn center," the home of Ira Herriff, the popular undertaker of Portage County, Ohio.) Look at photo 136. If you were standing on the front porch that is how you would see the lawn to your left. You will notice the ornamental grasses and other shrubbery are forced back to the side. This is in accord with the excellent taste of S. T. Williams, the former owner. Photo 137 presents to you a glimpse of the neat little property of Dr. W. W. Reed, of Kent, Ohio. There was almost a dead level from the sidewalk to the bottom of the third tier of underpinning, or "ashler," as it is called (the point from which the grade starts). This was very objectionable. The remedy was to excavate about 8 inches inside the sidewalk, gliding dow^n from the walk to a point about 12 feet in from the walk and then gradually raising the grade up to the house. As the eye now catches the grade it runs up to the house, making it look elevated, though it is still on a level with the sidewalk. The real art of landscaping consists, very largely, in producing those illusions. The real landscape artist, like the poet, is born, not made. He has not an imitative, but a creative mind. No one can ever imitate nature, because she has no duplicates. I know a gentleman who has spent over thirty-five years in the art of landscaping and never executed two pieces of work alike. It cannot be done with success any more than one suit of clothes will exactly suit two persons. The similarity may be so near that there is no serious objections, yet variety is desirable, because, as we have said, the eye tires of sameness. Glance again to photo 134. This is a beautiful house, highly elevated and everything in favor of bringing out the most charming results. Look at the house; straight lines and angles. Now look at the terrace; straight, level line with angles at the ends, as if a level had been used, and the whole job finished with a jack-plane. The want of attrac- tiveness in this property grows entirely out of the want of variety. Look at the planting. There are two cut-leaved birch, two arbor-vitas, tuzzn forced into his system. Life, everywhere, is a great battle and the victories are won by first attacking the weak points. When once an entrance is gained, then the "strongholds" may be reduced. We know of such a thing as "body lice," but such disgusting creatures do not exist on healthy bodies, but are found on those that are impoverished and covered with effete 81 matter and other filth. The spores of fungi float in the air, and just as soon as the state of a leaf is in a favorable condition they take root and begin to multiply. The gentlemen at the head of our numerous experimental stations, together with other scientists, in twenty years have done more investigating and brought to light more facts concerning fungous diseases, scaled insects, bugs, etc. (and also given the remedies), than the other nations have done in the whole history of the world. This is characteristic of America. Whether it be in base ball, horse race, commercial activity or even war, Uncle Sam "gets there!" But, hold on, uncle, just one minute. It won't hurt you to take time enough to wipe the sweat from your brow, expand your chest and fill vour lungs with //oxygen! Permit me to tell you, uncle, that amid your hurry-scurry, money- making, microscopic-disease-hunting, remedy-finding labors, you have overlooked one important fact, namely, that while you have labored conscientiously and faithfully in examining leaves and branches, drawing and printing the shapes of formidable bugs and pests of every description, you, at the same time, have been preparing the conditions on which these dreaded diseases thrive, by neglecting the ROOTS oi the plant. The time has come when America, in order to defeat the innumerable billions of insect pests, must pause long enough to learn from British, French and German horticulturists and orchardists that the first and all-important step to success in tree culture (in fact, in the cultivation of all crops) lies in the preparation of the soil and good drainage. But, alas! alas! the diseases are among us! Whence came they? Have they sprung up from our individual neglect, or were they introduced from the nurseries in a diseased condition? Perhaps from both sources. Our experimental stations have traced diseased plants to the nurseries from which they came and have experimented on diseased trees /// the nurseries. One thing we do know, i. e., that many nursery firms not only advo- cate deep plowing, sub-soiling, etc., but practice it. But other questions arise, such as, have they overworked their soil, failed to fertilize, etc., and, thereby, weakened their stock? Are their buds and scions always taken from perfectly healthy trees ? I have not had the opportunity to make personal examination, consequently cannot be charged with intimating aught against any particular Jinn. But this I say with positiveness, that every nursery in the United Slates should be kept under governmental inspection as watchfully as the products of packing houses or other articles are kept under the vigilance of the pure food commission. The fact that leaf blight (spotted leaves) have been detected in nurseries would indicate light, sandy or poor soil. (See "Blight"). No nursery should be permitted to send out stock unless it be under a guarantee of being true to name, and absolutely sound in health. Nursery firms that have healthy stock will say "Amen" to this proposition. If any be found that have stock vitiated by inoc- ulation from "yellows" or any other constitutional disease, or infested with the San Jose scale, mealy bug or any other contagious pest, thev should not grumble if they are ordered by the government to dig up such pest-breeders and consign them to the flames. Government is for the protection of the citizens and, if you want laws to thus protect your interests, see that they are enacted. The United States is waking up to the fact that fruit acts both as a. food and medi- cine, but fruits from unhealthy trees, while the}- are not poison, are far from being desir- able. What we need is a great abundance of fruit, from healthy trees, so that it will be so cheap that all, the poor as well as rich, can have all that is needed. This would, in part, destroy the appetite for strong drink. When your order of young trees comes from any nursery, before planting treat them with the following mixture, prescribed by the Ohio experiment station; we have found this to be one of the best to destroy bark-lice or any other lurking pests: Dissolve one quart of soft soap or one-fourth pound of hard soap in two quarts of boiling water. Make a mixture by taking seven parts of this solution and one part of crude carbolic acid. Apply with a scrub-brush, but be careful not to break off the buds on the leader. Talk With Boys and Girls. YOUNG FRIENDS : Did you ever stop to think that twenty-five years from now America will be just what you are? To put the matter in a declarative form, you who will then be alive will be America as the world ivill read it. What will you be? If you do not know let me tell you: You will be just what your thoughts have made you. What books do you read? Every word you hear and every word you read is the picture of a thought. Your mind is a camera, your eye is a lense, your brain is a sensitive plate which receives the image of the object for which the word stands; hence, just whatever shall be the nature of your reading matter and the company you keep, these will deter- mine the thoughts that are kept before your mind; and your outward, visible self will be only an expression of your real self, your thoughts. This is an age of fiction, and I know of nothing particularly wrong in a fictitious work when read for the purpose of relieving the mind from heavy, laborious tasks; but if you make fiction your food, you will become & fictitious excuse for a representative of manhood or womanhood. It has gotten so now that many young people (and some older ones) cannot read any facts unless they are woven in with a "love story." Take a look at photo 164. See how these two young people are absorbed in reading a love affair! Nothing bad about it, but, mark you, they are not practical; they are not observing the realities by which they are surrounded and that are overhanging them ! They don't seem to be conscious of the presence of that little rascal, the small brother, who is ready with his fishing-pole to start the hornets from the nest hanging nearly over them! How that vision of Utopian bliss will vanish and what a scattering there will be when that nest is disturbed! Don't hug your best girl and read love stories under a hor- net's-nest. In photo 165 you have & practical boy; it is Paul H. Dave}-, seven years old. He and his brother Ira have been taking care of one thousand young elm trees, started the first year of the new century. These trees are to be presented to the citizens of Cleveland (see pages 50 to 56, inclusive). How many of you young people have made a study of plant life? Have you ever thought that life, itself, is the greatest miracle known? Yet some avow that there is no such thing as a miracle. Who can explain the life force of a blade of grass? No one. The life of the human, the life of the animal and the life of the tree are all governed by similar laws. We live at an epoch when there is a veritable hobby, bordering on a craze, about reforming. There is a lack of real, sound thought in our social and religious systems. A boy goes astray and plunges into the depths of vice. When he gets so far that he detests himself and is loathsome to decent people, occasionally one will reform, make a hero of himself by telling what a demon he has been, and good people lionize him ; indeed, sometimes, almost make a demigod of him. We should encourage anyone to do better, but to make heroes of those who have been cursing the world with their vices is not salutary. The formation of character is what we should encourage, and in that every boy and girl should strive to be perfect. In photos 32 and 33 you have trees that have been rightly formed, while photo 87 shows you a specimen that is deformed and, in 96, is a tree that has been started on a process of reforming. It is better to reform than to go on to destruction; but how deplorable even to think of the result of bad influences that grow out of evil that has been committed! And think of a character tarnished with vice and wounded with crime! Young people, think of this : a wrong that is done never can be undone. What a distressing and deplorable sight are the wounds on the trees on the first dozen pages of this work! How infinitely more hideous will be the wounds on your moral character if you allow them to be placed there. How inexcusable the folly of wasting a life in vice when there is no end to the good that might charm our lives and fill us with joy unspeakable! Nothing fills one with greater delight nor is more elevating than the study of nature. He who studies a leaf or a flower is brought into communion with the Creator. It is hoped that all young people will catch the spirit of this work and help to pro- cure trees, plants and flowers that will be perfect in health and symmetrical in form, and fruits and flowers that shall cheer and bless our homes; but don't forget to form your own character. Next to the study of nature on this planet comes that of astronomy, which, perhaps, is the most thrilling and awe-inspiring of any science taught. Truly, "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth forth His handiwork; day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge." However people can drift into a habit of reading silly trash is a mystery I never could comprehend. Learn all we can concerning life on this globe and what we can from the firmament above, and we have only gathered a few pebbles from the beach of an infinite ocean of facts! Young people, in the name of America, the heaven-blessed land you so much love, I pray you read no literature and form no companionships that will lead to a wasted life and a deformed character. One evening, last October, we took a notion to photograph the moon. We give you the result in photo 167. It was a strange freak of the camera. The exposure was about ninety seconds. How to account for two full moons, a half moon and a double eclipse is too hard for the author of this work to explain. Photo 166 is the camera's record of the rising sun. Oh! that glorious, life-giving, immutable orb! Almost infinite is his power! You see the floating particle of mist, the tiny, dancing snow flakes; they fall, they melt, they unite with others. " Little rills make wider streamlets, streamlets swell the river's flow, onward, onward, as they go," and by the accumulation of the waters of many rivers, the majestic Mississippi and the mighty Amazon are formed. Did vou ever think of the millions of tons of water that are daily poured into the oceans from our great rivers? Probably you have ; but have you thought of how this inconceivable quantity of water was first lifted by the sun in the form of invisible particles of mois- ture, diffused through the atmosphere, condensed as dew or rain-drops, taken up by the roots of trees and plants of every kind and carried to the leaf, that marvelous laboratory of nature, where the vitalizing oxygen is manufactured, without which no animal or human being can live? If you have, you certainly must realize something of the import- ance of producing and maintaining a healthy leaf. One of the objects of this work has been to show that there cannot be a sound leaf without a healthy root. God bless the noble souls who introduced Arbor Day. May every child learn the mission of the tree and plant. To the rising generation we must look for better trees, perfect fruits and sweeter and more gorgeous flowers. In house-building do not make the mistake of constructing an air-tight house, and shutting out the vivifying, electric rays of "Old Sol," your best friend, and then "dope" yourself with "quack" medicine and ruin your stomach. Rise with the lark, study vocal music from the songster, see him bask in morning sun-rays and behold, when he sings, how every fibre of his being thrills with ecstatic joy! The study of nature is purifying to the soul, and he who becomes acquainted with creation sees the hand of the Creator; hence, the Nazarene uttered a grand, philo- sophical truth when Ha said, "Blessed are the pure in hear', for they shall see God." INDEX. Wounded Trees PAGES. 5-14 PAGES. Landscaping 6267 Nature's Trees 15-18 Floriculture 67-69 Crotched Trees . . .18-21 " ' The Rose 69-71 Planting Too Large a Tree Forming the Head Too Low. . . ....21-25 . . . .2633 ' ' Flower-Beds and Vines . 71-76 " The Pansy . 76-79 Pruning Trees . . . . 34-40 " Pot Plants ... . 79-8i Planting . . . .4043 Grape-Vines 81-83 Blight Cleveland's Calamity ....43-49 50-56 Government Inspection of Nur- series 84, 85 Ornamental Work . . . .57-61 Talk With Boys and Girls 86, 87 RAIN MACHINES. Very few people have a correct idea of furnishing the proper quantity of water for crops. By May ist we expect to have the photographs ready of the rain machines, which will supply the right amount of water wherever used. Every boy and girl should learn to operate them. With the photographs of these machines goes the instructions for their use. With these will be given the photograph of the home of good old John Brown, whose "soul goes marching on." Also, the photograph of the historic "Brady's Leap," and the place where the brave Indian fighter hid under the trunk of a fallen tree (in what has now become the celebrated "Brady's lake") while the red-skins stood on the trunk of the same tree and discussed as to his whereabouts. This will be prepared especially for young people and will be put up in neat booklet form. Price, 10 cents. In this booklet, also, will be published the best-known formulas to be used in spraying trees, washes to destroy bugs, scales or bark-lice, etc. Also, you will be instructed how to prevent potatoes from "running out." The book will be called "Davey's Rain- Maker." It will be sent by mail, postage paid. ADDRESS : JOHN DAVEY, KENT, OHIO. "THE TREE DOCTOR" Has been kept within the limits of ONE DOLLAR, so that those of moderate means may be able to procure it. All the practical points on tree-planting, tree-surgery, land- scaping and floriculture, by the aid of the camera, are given in less than one hundred pages, and "peach-yellows," "pear-blight" and all those maladies commonly called " blight " are traced to their source. You probably have a friend who would be benefited by this work. You might bless him by sending him a copy. Always purchase of the agent if he is around. If not, send one dollar to JOHN DAVEY, KENT, OHIO, and the " Tree Doctor" will be mailed to you, postage paid. THE AUTHOR. SERIOUS STATE OE THINGS The result of the publication of "The Tree Doctor" has been; its author has been called into various states to make an ex- amination of trees. This has developed the serious facts that not more than 10 per cent of our trees are sound! Their diseased condition comes either from neg- lect or brutal treatment. Trees are dying before they have at- tained to a third of their natural age. Out of this condition has grown up the industry of u TREE SURGERY." Intelligent young men have been drilled in this work. The way that trees revive and respond to kind treatment is a marvel to those who are not acquainted with the wonderful forces of tree life. Here is a case of genuine " Rock Maple." The huge wound came from neglect. The first photograph shows the young ' ' Tree Doctors ' ' as they are tracing the rot up in- to the powerful arms and down the trunk, clear into the roots. The second shows the tree filled with portland cement. It took over four tons to fill the cavity. The treatment adds, probably, from one to t\vo hundred years of the life of the tree. Those desiring such work done should address JOHN DAVEY, KENT, -> - OHIO. A GRE^T WORK IN WHICH ^LL SHOULD The Tree Doctor was first published with a view of correcting "Tree Troubles" in Cleveland, O. It has practically revolutionized tree culture in that city. It is the photographic work that makes it affectual. Since its appearance, the author of the work has been called in all directions to inspect trees, and now makes the alarming declaration that not more than ten per cent of trees are sound ! To help arouse the country to the serious- ness of the situation, he has invested in a stereoptican lantern, and, by the use of some 200 photographs, is enabled to let people " SEE" what is the trouble. Nothing in the lecture field has proved so educational. It should be presented as fast as possible all over this broad land. Those desiring the lecture, should communicate with John Davey, Kent, O., in order to arrange for dates, etc. The following letter is a sample of the many favorable testimonials given. SHARON, PA., FEB. igth, 1904. To Whom it may Concern : At the request of the Civic Committee of the Sharon Board of Trade Mr. John Davey, author of " The Tree Doctor" gave a stereoptican lecture in the Presbyterian Church, Sharon, Pa. on the evening of January 21, 1904, showing in an excellent manner on canvas the destructive way in which our trees are being butchered and also the means for remending the trouble and thereby preserving their life and beauty. Mi. Davey's lecture was repeated the following evening for the special instruction of the school children. We most heartily commend Mr. Davey in his laudable effort to awaken public sentiment for the better preservation of trees and shrubbery and believe that by a more general dissemination of the information given in his lecture and also contained in his book "The Tree Doctor" that pub- lic spirited citizens everywhere will be glad to see that their trees have better care in the future than they seem to have had in the past. W. L. WA.LLIS, President. W. B. HERRIOTT, Secretary. S D THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Illlllllllllillilill 205 02700 3225 AA 000990551 4 *. .