m ' THE DESERT WORLD. " For I have learned To look on Nature, not as in the hour Of thoughtless youth; bnt hearing oftentimes The still sad music of humanity." WORDSWORTH THE DESERT WORLD. FROM THE FRENCH OF ARTHUR MANGIN. anb (Enlarged THE TRANSLATOR OF "THE BIRD, BY NICHE LET. WITH 160 ILLUSTRATIONS BY W. FREEMAN, FOULQUIER, AND VAN DARGENT. LONDON: T. NELSON AND SONS, PATERNOSTER ROW; EDINBURGH; AND NEW YORK. 1869. |HE area of our present work would be very limited if we understood the word Desert in its more rigorous significa- tion ; for we should then have only to consider those desolate wildernesses which an inclement sky and a sterile soil seem to exclude for ever from man's dominion. But, by a license which usage authorizes, we are able to attribute to this term a much more extended sense : and to call Deserts not only the sandy seas of Africa and Asia, the icy wastes of the Poles, and the inaccessible crests of the great mountain-chains ; but all the regions where man has not planted his regular com- munities or permanent abodes ; where earth has never been appro- priated, tilled, and subjected to cultivation ; where Nature has maintained her inviolability against the encroachments of human industry. Thus understood, the picture we are about to trace assumes not only vast proportions, but an infinite variety of aspects. Here and there, it is true, our eyes will rest on the gloomy spectacle of rugged solitudes, where the soil churlishly refuses almost every kind of product, where the boldest traveller cannot penetrate without a shudder, and where the very beast of prey is rather a vi t PREFACE. visitor than an inhabitant : lugubrious regions, on whose threshold one might write the legend written, according to Dante, on the gates of hell " Lasciato ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate." (All hope abandon, ye who enter here.) But, on the whole, these true Deserts offer ample material for the admiration of the artist, the meditations of the thinker, the researches of the natui-alist and the physician. Theirs is that kind of beauty which borders on the sublime, and which impresses us so powerfully in the Ocean. And, like the Ocean, they awake in the soul the feeling of infinity. They render it forgetful of the tumultuous regions which are perturbed by petty passions, and vexed by the contentions of ephemeral interests, and transport it to the boundless space and the eternal spheres, or allow it to draw back within itself and muse upon its future destiny. Finally, what grave problems does the Desert place before the man of science ! And first, why do life and fertility prevail else- where, here, sterility and death ? Why does an irrevocable curse seem to weigh upon certain parts of the world, while others rejoice in Nature's fairest gifts ? It is by examining the constitution of the soil and the character of the climate that we discover the key to this enigma, and recognize in this apparent anomaly a necessary effect of the harmonious laws of the universe. Then the Desert has a geology and a meteorology of its own ; is the theatre of special phenomena, which we do not observe in more favoured regions. Life itself is not completely absent from it ; specimens of the organic- kingdoms are rare, no doubt, but for this very reason are the more interesting. And if, from the Desert properly so called, we pass to those countries where the genial air and the abundant waters favour the action of the productive forces, the interest increases with the PREFACE. vii increasing development of life. The picture changes every moment, and every moment grows more animated. The scenes of the savage world unfold before our eyes like a moving panorama ; unexpected incidents and dramatic episodes multiply one upon another. Every region appears before us with its primitive aspect, its grand and picturesque landscapes, its characteristic fauna and flora frequently, also, with its tribes of white, or tawny, or black, or copper-coloured men, whose singular manners, brutal instincts, fierce passions, and wretched condition offer, in all its mournful reajity, the spectacle of that "state of nature" celebrated by a great writer as the ideal of virtue and happiness. To conclude : the task which I here pursue is the same which I recently commenced by the publication of my " Mysteries of the Ocean ;"* to invite and prepare the general reader and the young for the study of the physical and natural sciences, by bringing before them the most interesting results of the discoveries and the observa- tions with which these sciences have been enriched. Only, this new essay is entirely descriptive, and has no didactic pretensions. I have contented myself with sketching the physiognomy of the great regions not yet conquered by civilization, with indi- cating the more remarkable features they present, the peoples by whom they are inhabited, and the important plants and animals they nourish. THE AUTHOR. [The TRANSLATOR has only to add, that he has made copious additions to the original work, with the view of rendering its scope * The " Mysteries of the Ocean," rendered into English by the Translator of " The Bird " and of the present volume, is published, as a companion work, by Messrs. T. Nelson and Sons. viii PREFACE. more comprehensive and complete, and of adapting it specially to the requirements of the English reader. He has also corrected and confirmed M. Mangin's statements by reference to the best and most recent authorities, without, he would hope, any injury to the original scheme, or any detriment to the value of M. Mangin's agreeable and highly interesting chapters.] A. Cnntnxts. BOOK I. THE DESERTS OF EUROPE AND ASIA: THE LANDES, THE DUNES, AND THE STEPPES. CHAFFER PACB I. THE DESERT IX FRANCE: THE LANDES OF BRITTANY, ... ... 13 II. THE LANDES OF GASCONY, ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 III. THE DUNES, OB SAND-HILLS, ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 IV. WILD SCENES OF ENGLAND: DARTMOOR AND THE FEN COUNTRY, ... ... 89 v. THE STEPPES: THE DESERT IN RUSSIA, SIBERIA, AND TARTARY, ... ... 46 VI. ANIMAL LIFE IN*TIIE STEPPES: THE WILD HORSE AND THE CAMEL, ... .51 VII. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE STEPPES : WILD RUMINATING ANIMALS, RODENTS, CAR- NIVORA, BIRDS, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 VIII. INHABITANTS OF THE STEPPES : TARTARS. COSSACKS, KALMUCKS. KIRGHIZ. MONGOLS, ... ... ... ... 78 BOOK II. THE DESERTS OF SAND : THE DESERTS OF EUROPE AND AFRICA. I. THE RAINLESS DESERT THE BED OF A SEA THE DEAD SEA. ... ... 95 II. ARABIA DESERTA AND ARABIA PETR^A, ... ... ... "... 106 III. THE NUBIAN DESERT THE GREAT SAHARA DESERTS OF AFRICA, ... ... 118 IV. PHENOMENA OF THE DESERT, ... ... ... ... ... ... 134 V. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE DESERT THE OAKKS. ... ... ... 148 VI. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE DESERT, ... ... ... ... ... 102 VII. THE MEN OF THE DESERT. 171 ^ CONTENTS. BOOK III. PRAIRIES, SAVANNAHS, PAMPAS, AND LLANOS. CHAITKI, HA '"' I. WILD PLAINS OF THE OLD WORLD : THE AFRICAN INTERIOR, II. DESERTS OF THE NEW WORLD : PRAIRIES, PAMPAS, LLANOS. III. THE AUSTRALIAN INTERIOR, ... ... 231 IV. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE AFRICAN PLAINS, ... ... 240 V. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES, PAMPAS, AND LLANOS OF THE NEW WORLD. 258 VI. FLORA OF THE AUSTRALIAN PLAINS, ... ... 273 VII. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE OLD WORLD : HERBIVOROUS ANIMALS, 281 VIII. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE OLD WORLD CONTINUED : THE CARNIVORA, ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 300 IX. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE OLD WORLD CONTINUED: BIRDS AND REPTILES, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 317 X. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE NEW WORLD: HERBIVORA, INSECT I- VORA. AND CARNIVORA, ... ... ... ... ... ... 328 XI. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE NEW WORLD CONTINUED : BIRDS AND REPTILES,... ... ... ... ... ... ^ ... ... 353 XII. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE AUSTRALIAN PRAIRIES, ... ... ... 366 BOOK IV. THE FORESTS. I. THE VIRGIN FORESTS, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 379 II. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE FORESTS OF THE OLD WORLD, ... ... ... 397 III. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE FORESTS OF THE GREAT ISLANDS. ... ... 412 IV. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE FORESTS OF THE NEW WORLD, ... ... ... 428 V. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE TROPICAL FORESTS : THE ELEPHANT THE RHINOCEROS. 447 VI. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE VIRGIN FORESTS : THE GREAT APES. ... ... 403 VII. THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC APES : ORANGS GIBBONS CHIMPANZEES GORILLAS, 472 VIII. ANIMAL LIFE IN TH FORESTS : THE CEBIDjK, OR MONKEYS OF AMERICA THE LEMURS THE SLOTHS THE SQUIRRELS. ... ... ... ... 487 IX. MAN IN THE SAVANNAHS AND THE FORESTS : ANTHROPOPHAGY. . f>02 CONTEXTS. S f X. MAX IN THE SAVANNAHS AND THE FORESTS: THE SAVAGE RACES THK NEGROES. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 514 XI. MAN IN THE SAVANNAHS AND THE FORESTS'. THE MALAYS POLYNESIANS THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS, 520 BOOK V. THE POLAR DESERTS THE MOUNTAINS. I. THE POLAH DESERTS. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 543 II. ANIMAL LIFE AND VEGETABLE LIKE IN THE POLAK DESERTS, ... ... 555 III. THK INHABITANTS OF THE ARCTIC WILDERNESSES: THE LAPLANDERS. SAMOIEDES. OSTIAKS, KAMTSCHATDALES, ESKIMOS (OR ESQUIMAUX). ... 5C9 IV. THE MOUNTAINS. ... ... ... ... ... . . ... 579 V. VEGETABLE LIFE AND ANIMAL LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS. ... 5Q THE DESERT WORLD. BOOK I. DESERTS OF EUROPE AND ASIA: THE LANDES. THE DUNES, AND THE STEPPES. CHAPTER I. THE DESERT IX" FRANCE : THE LANDES OF BRITTANY. [0 those whose imaginations have been kindled by glowing pictures of the African Sahara and the Arabian wilderness, it will be, perhaps, a matter of surprise to learn that even fertile and civilized Europe includes within her boundaries regions which are scarcely less cheerless or desolate, though, happily, of far inferior extent. Thus, it would be possible for a Frenchman whom the engage- ments of business, the pressure of limited means, or the ties of home, prevented from undertaking any distant voyages, to obtain a vivid conception of the great Deserts of the World without crossing the confines of his own country. In France, so richly cultivated, so laborious, and so blessed by genial Nature, there are, nevertheless, a few districts where her sons may wholly forget may almost disbelieve in the existence of her 14 SOME UXTKODDEX SOLITUDES. cities stirring with the " hum of men," her vineyards and her garden*, her grassy pastures, her prolific meadows, her well-ordered highways, and those " iron roads " which are the incessant channels of such restless energy, movement, and vigorous life. Bare and desolate enough, and as yet unconquered by advancing civilization, are the mountains of France : among its gigantic ranges of the Jura, the Yosges, and the Cevennes,* the traveller may still ascend precipitous rocks, may hearken to the deafening roar of foamy torrents, may contemplate with astonished gaze the masses of stone upheaved in some convulsion of the ancient world, may listen to the hoarse cry of the eagle, as " Close to the sun iu lonely lands, Kinged with the azure world he stands." In the Alps, profaned as they now-a-days are by noisy tourists ; in the Pyrenees, whither Alpine clubs have not yet extended their encroach- ments, he who ascSnds some 8000 or 9000 feet may still wander among ice and snow which the sun's rays never loosen, and gather in his mind's eye a picture of the colossal peaks of Asia and the Xev* World, of the virgin summits of the Himalaya and the Cordilleras. There you may follow with entranced vision the swooping wing of the lammergeyer ; or trace the nimble feet of the shy chamois ; or, like Manfred, muse and wonder, while The sunbow's rays still arch The torrent with the many hues of heaven, And roll the sheeted silver's waving column O'er the crag's headlong perpendicular." Mayhap, if favoured by Fortune, you may even find yourself face to face, in the abrupt bend of some obscure ravine, with a bear, which, calm and unsuspicious, looks on as you pass by, as if he were ignorant of men, and had never heard the ringing echoes of the hunter's rifle. * The Jura chain is an outlier of the great Alpine system, and situated on the border of Switzerland ; the Vosges separate the valley of the Rhine from that of the Moselle (greatest elevation, 4G9 feet) ; and the Cevennes that of the Loire from the basin of the Rhone (greatest elevation, 5794 feet). HH UNCULTIVATED FRANCE. 17 It is less easy in France, at least to discover the old shadowy, leafy, almost impervious forest. The most celebrated that of Fon- tainebleau despite its enormous trees, its rudely broken surface, its stags and roebucks reserved for imperial sport, despite its few adders and problematical vipers, is now little better than a rendezvous for amateur artists and listless idlers. Its well-kept avenues resound with rapid wheels, and you can scarcely stir a step without finding the associations of the place interrupted by the stalls of vendors of cakes or the apparatus of itinerant gamblers. This profanation is surely to be regretted, for the Forest exhibits many landscapes of surpassing interest, as the rocks of Franchart, the glens of Apremont, and, above all, that Sahara in miniature, the sands of Arbonne. Nor would one willingly forget the historical memories which immortalize the famous palace where Francis I. received his after-time conqueror, Charles V.; where the wayward and half-insane Christina of Sweden listened with cruel delight to the groans of the murdered Monaldeschi; where Madame Du Barry lavished her shameless graces ; where Pope Pius VII. lingered through two years of gilded captivity ; and where Napoleon bade farewell to his dreams of universal empire.* Among the uncultivated regions of France we may mention the marshes of the Bresse, of Forez, of the Sologne, of Upper Brittany, and of Picardy. The greater portion of these marshes, owing to the peat which forms their bed, is vigorously and not unsuccessfully worked. They are traversed by trenches dug at right angles, and on whose border are placed the turf-cutter's little hut, and the furnace in which the peat is baked. Their lagoons, and the canals which connect them, swarm with flat-bottomed boats. Man, in a word, has taken posses- sion of them ; braving the unhealthy vapours which enfeeble his frame and shorten his life, he builds his squalid abode on the rising ground left uncovered by the waters. The largest of these peat-bogs are those of Montoir and the Grand Briere, near Savenay, in the department of the Loire Infe'rieure. They occupy a considerable area * The forest covers an area of about sixty-four square miles. The chateau, originally founded by Robert the Pious in 975-990, was rebuilt in the twelfth century by Louis VII. 9 18 THE LANDSCAPES OF BKITTANY. of a vast desolate plain, where a few lean sheep crop an insufficient food from the scanty herbage, and whose sole product is turf. " This country," says Jules Janin,* " has no other harvest, no other wealth than its peat ; neither fruit, nor flowers, nor corn, nor pastures, nor repose, nor well-being ; the earth is wild, the sky one of iron. It is a region of stagnant waters, pestiferous exhalations, decrepit men, famished animals." The swampy levels of Montoir form the natural vestibule to the Armorican Peninsula, which of all the French provinces has the longest ajid the most vigorously withstood the advance of civilization, its ideas, and its modern institutions, and has the most rigidly preserved its primitive character. There are many nooks and corners in Brit- tany scarcely changed in outward aspect or inner life since the remote days when it was a valued appanage of the English crown. They seem to have been plunged in a sleep of centuries, from which the shrill whistle of the steam-engine is only just awakening them. The country is undulating and broken ; in the central districts it assumes quite a mountainous character. It is true that its heights are only of moderate elevation, the loftiest not exceeding 2000 feet ; but they are barren, rude, and sombre in appearance. The coast is picturesque enough to delight the most zealous artist, bordered with high and abrupt cliffs, and lined, as it were, with a beach where the waters of the Channel ever break in floods of spray and foam, and where masses of rock lie scattered of immense size and the most fantastic forms. Geologically speaking, Brittany may be regarded as a prolongation of our English mountains, to which, like all the north-west coast of France, they were anciently united. In some remote era a vast convulsion opened in the solid land a chasm through which the oceans poured their meeting waters, and separated our beloved island from the European continent ; the sole condition under which, per- haps, it was possible for the English people to have accomplished their destiny. Anchored amid the protecting seas, we are able to regard from afar, like a watchman from a tower, the convulsions that * Jules Janin, " La Bretagne" (ed. Paris, 1845), c. xvii. MEMORIALS OF ANTIQUITY. 19 sweep across the face of Europe. Like the watchman, we cannot refuse to be moved by the spectacle, by the stir and the tumult ; but it is only considerations of duty that can induce us to descend from our security, and mingle in the fray. Brittany belongs to what geologists call the primitive and inter- mediary formations. It is divided into three belts or longitudinal trenches : those of the north and south consist of primitive rocks, granite and porphyry ; the central appertains to a more recent forma- tion, to the group of intermediary or secondary rocks, cojnposed in the main of schists and mica-schists, quartz, and gneiss. Schist pre- vails over a considerable area, and is prolonged to the very extremity of the peninsula. These hard, compact, impervious rocks, are entirely bare in many places ; elsewhere, and over a great extent, they are covered but by a thin layer of clayey and sandy earth, where the sudden slopes of the soil do not allow the rains to settle. Here are the plains, often of considerable dimensions, which, bristling with rocks, and broken up by ravines, water-courses, and marshes, constitute the Landes of Brittany. True deserts these, relieved at distant points by an isolated hut, or by a wandering herd of swine, lean cows, and meagre-looking horses, which obtain a scanty subsistence from the heathery soil, sown here and there with tufts of furze, broom, and fern. Under a sky of almost continual sombreness, like that which impends over the pottery districts of England, these landes present a sufficiently sinister and uninviting aspect. The traveller, as he crosses their sepulchral wastes, will hardly marvel that they were anciently a chosen seat of Druidical worship. Like Dartmoor, they would seem to have offered a peculiarly fitting arena for the rites and ceremonies of a creed which we know to have been mysterious in character and sanguinary in spirit. They are covered with its gray memorials : the masses of granite of different shapes known as Maen hirs, or " long stones," and peulvcns, which appear to have been employed as sepulchral monuments; dolmens, or "table-stones;" and cromlechs (crom, bowed or bending, and lech, a stone), which anti- 20 HAUNTS OF SUPERSTITION. quaries are now agreed to regard as the remains of the ancient cemeteries or burial places. At Camae, near Quiberon Bay, may be seen a truly remarkable example of the Parallelitha, or avenues of upright stones, forming five parallel rows, which extend for miles over the dreary moorland. What were their uses it is impossible to determine, for there seems little ground to believe, as some writers would have us believe, that they were " serpent temples," where the old Ophite worship was celebrated. We can only gaze at them in wonder : imile upon mile of gray lichen-stained stones, some twenty feet high, laboriously fashioned and raised in their present places by the hand of man some twenty centuries agone.* On these very dolmens, where the priests of the Tentates were wont to immolate their human victims to their unknown god, the mediaeval sorcerers and sorceresses celebrated the Black Mass, or Mass of Satan, in terrible burlesque of the Roman Catholic sacrament, con- cocted their abominable philtres, and performed their dreary incanta- tions. Alas for human nature ! In every age it is a prey to the wildest credulity. Even in the present day more than one super- stition hovers around the monuments of the Celtic epoch. The Bretons believe them haunted by demons called poulpiquets, who love to make sport of the passing stranger, but will sometimes give both counsel and encouragement to those who know how to address them in the prescribed formulas ; who, like the Ladye in the " Lay of the Last Minstrel," at their bidding can bow " The viewless forms of air." For, in the Breton mind, the superstitions of Druidism have not been wholly uprooted by the teachings of Christianity, still less by those of science and reason. Many a dark and dismal legend flourishes in the lonely recesses of the landes.-f- Brittany, like England, has its Cornouaille, or Cornwall, and it * Deane, " Archseologia," vol. xxv. t See Mr. Jephson's " Walking Tour in Brittany," and Tom Taylor's recent book of " Translations of Breton Songs and Ballads." THE BEETON CHARACTER. 23 is here, particularly in North Cornwall, that we see it under its most desolate aspect, with its chains of black treeless hills covered with heath and furze ; with its deserts of broom and fern, its ruins scat- tered along the winding roads, its attenuated herds wandering at their will across the moors, and its savage, ignorant, and scanty population. The Bretons of Cornwall, according to a French writer, are elevated but a little above the true savage life. Those who dwell upon the coast live on the products of their fishing, except when the fortunate occurrence of a wreck provides them with temporary abundance. At bottom, they possess the qualities and defects of characters strongly tempered, but absolutely uncultivated. They are as hard and bare as their own granite rocks. Persevering, courageous, resolute, they make excellent sailors, the best which France can find ; the sea is for them a second country. Progress, which they do not understand, inspires them with a sort of terror, a gloomy mistrust. When the railway surveyors first intruded upon their solitudes, these rigid conservatives assailed them with volleys of stones, and when the railroads were laid down flung beams across the lines to overthrow the hissing, whirring trains which threatened to disturb their pre- scriptive barbarism. They asked but to be let alone to be suffered to live as their forefathers lived to be spared the ingenuities, suc- cesses, vices, and virtues of the New World. But modern civilization, like Thor's hammer, or Siegfried's magic sword Balmung, will break down the last barriers raised by ignorance and superstition. It will shed its light upon the wilds and wastes of Brittany, and compel their inhabitants in the course of years to acknowledge its value and accept its benefits. 24 DESERTS OF SOUTHERN FRANCE. CHAPTER II THE LANDES OF GASCON Y.. THE Breton " Cornwall " has been called by a popular French writer, "the Arabia Petrea of Brittany." But we might, perhaps, with greater justice apply to this sombre region, peopled as it is with fantastic visions, the name of "Land of Fear," which the Arabs bestow on the Great Desert. Less vivid, it may be, but graver and more profound is the impression produced by the Landes and Dunes of Gascony. These deserts of the south, which Michelet terms " the vestibule and threshold of the Ocean," appeal less powerfully to the imagination. They are haunted by no historical memories, no traditions or marvellous legends in which man has rudely embodied his dim conceptions of the mysteries of nature ; they are crowded with no monuments of antiquity to revive the shadows of the heroes and priests of ancient Gaul ; and when these are wanting, what shall supply their place ? But ample scope exists for the assiduous labours of the naturalist, who here may see at work those unresting forces which have inspired every revolution of the globe's surface ; who may contemplate here the phenomena that occur with the same regularity as in the days when man had not been fashioned after his Maker's image " Him framing like himself, all shining bright ; A little living sun, son of the living light." * These despoiled plains, these inhospitable wilds, alternately dry and marshy; these sullen pools, these mountains of shifting sand, speak forcibly to his mind of their past history, which is not one of the least curious episodes of the history of the physical world. The department which borrows its name from the Landes of Gascony is divided by the Adour into two wholly dissimilar parts. * P. Fletcher, " The Purple Island," canto i. 45. 2 a SHEPHERDS ON STILTS. 27 To the south of the river lies a rich, undulating, vine-bearing country, rich in pasturage and harvest, sown with pleasant villages and smiling country houses, and watered by full streams and little rivers. To the north, the appearance of the country changes abruptly. When the traveller has crossed the alluvial zone of the Adour he sees before him a thin, dry, sandy level of a comparatively recent marine forma- tion. Its only products are rye, millet, and maize ; its only vegeta- tion, forests of pines and scattered coppices of oaks ; beyond these, and they do not extend far, all cultivation ceases, and the soil is stripped of verdure ; you enter upon the Landes seemingly vast as a sea occupied by permanent or periodical swamps ; and where, over a space of several square leagues, in an horizon apparently boundless, you perceive nothing but heaths, sheepfolds or steadings for the flocks of sheep that traverse these deserts, and shepherds keeping mute watch over their animals, living wholly among them, and having no intercourse with the rest of humanity, except when once a week they seek their masters' houses to procure their supply of provisions. It is these shepherds only (Landescots and Aouillys), and not, as is generally supposed, all the peasants of the Landes, who are perched upon stilts, so as to survey from afar their wandering flocks, and to traverse more safely the marshes which frequently lie across their path. Wild and uncouth are the figures which these stilt-walkers present, as they move rapidly over the country, often at the rate of six or seven miles an hour ; occasionally indulging in an interval of rest, by the aid of a third wooden support at the back (curved at the top, so as to fit the hollow of the body), while they pursue their favourite pastime of knitting. The dress of the Landescot is singu- larly rude. His coat or paletot is a fleece ; cuisses and greaves of the same material protect his legs and thighs ; his feet are thrust into sabots and coarse woollen socks, which cover only the heels and instep. Over his shoulder hangs the gourd which contains his week's store of provisions : some mouldy rye-bread, a few sardines, some onions and cloves of garlic, and a flask of thin sour wine. From sunrise to sun- 28 A DREARY PLAIN. set he lives upon the stilts, never touching the ground. Sometimes he drives his flock home at eventide ; sometimes he bivouacs sub jove frigido, under the cold heaven of night. Unbuckling his stilts, and producing his flint and steel, he soon kindles a cheery fire of fir- branches, and gathering his sheepskins round him, composes himself to sleep ; his only annoyances being the musquitoes, and his fears of the evil tricks of wizard or witch, who may perad venture catch a glimpse of him in the moonlight, as they ride past on their besom to some unholy gathering or demon-dance. An English traveller has sketched in vivid colours the landscape of the Landes. Over all its gloom and barrenness, he remarks, over all its " blasted heaths," its monotonous pine-woods, its sudden morasses, its glaring sand-heaps, prevails a strong sense of loneliness, a grandeur and intensity of desolation, which invests the scene with a sad, solemn poetry peculiar to itself. Emerging from the black- shadows of the forest, the pilgrim treads a plain, " flat as a billiard- table," apparently boundless as the ocean, clad in one unvaried, unbi'oken garb of dusky heath. Sometimes stripes and ridges, or great ragged patches of sand, glisten in the fervid sunshine ; some- times belts of scraggy young fir trees appear rising from the horizon on the right, and sinking into it again on the left. Occasionally a brighter shade of green, with jungles of willows and water weeds, giant rushes, and " clustered marish mosses," will tell of the " black- ened waters " beneath " Hard by a poplar shook alway. All silver-green with gnarled bark ; For leagues no other tree doth mark The level waste, the rounding gray." * The dwellings which stud this dreary, yet not wholly unpoetic landscape, are generally mere isolated huts, separated oftentimes by many miles. Round them spreads a miserable field or two, planted with such crops as might be expected on a poor soil and from deficient cultivation. The cottages are mouldering heaps of sod and * Tennyson, Poems: "Mariana." THE GREAT AND LITTLE LANDES. 29 unhewn and unmortared stones, clustered round with ragged sheds composed of masses of tangled bushes, pine-stakes and broad-leaved reeds, beneath which the meagrest looking cattle conceivable find a precarious shelter.* The Landes are divided into the Little Landes, near Mont-de- Marsan ; and the Great Landes, stretching to the north and west of the department of which that town is the capital, and uniting unin- terruptedly with those that occupy the vast country situated south of the Gironde. The total superficial area of these plains is estimated at upwards of 2,400,000 acres, of which two-thirds belong to the de- partment of the Landes, and the remainder to that of the Gironde. Yet the reader must not believe this 'country to be a desert in the popular acceptation of the word ; it has its forests of pines, where the extraction and prepai-ation of resinous matter are carried on with con- siderable activity. It has its small towns, its pretty villages, its factories, and even its handsome villas. Finally, modern industry has cut the Landes in two by the Bordeaux railway, which traverses them from north to south, and bifurcates at Morans to throw off a line to Bayonne, and another to Tarbes. In shape, the Great Landes may be compared to an immense rec- tangular triangle, having for its base the coast, which, from the mouth of the Gironde to Bayonne, or for a length of more than sixty leagues, is almost rectilineal. But they are separated from the sea by a long parallel chain of lakes and water-courses a waste of shallow pools a labyrinth of gulfs and morasses, and then by the continuous chain of the Dunes, of which we shall speak in the following chapter. That which is commonly called the Great Lande is bounded on the north by the tiang, or lake, of Cazau. It is *a sandy, treeless plain, and upon which, for a traject of several leagues from east to west, not one habitation worthy of the name is perceptible until the traveller arrives at Mimizan, near the southern point of the lake of Aureilhan. This lake on the south-west pours its waters into the sea. To the north it communicates, through the canal of St. Eulalie, * Angus Reach, " Claret and Olives.'' 80 GENERAL FEATURES OF THE LANDES. with the lake of Biscarosse, which is itself connected with that of Cazau. East of this chain of lakes lies the Lande ; west of it stretches the range of Dunes, or sandhills. The lake or pool of Cazau is a small sea of fresh water, perfectly clear, profoundly deep, and fourteen to fifteen thousand acres in extent. It has its whirlwinds arid its tempests, so that in certain seasons it is perilous to embark on its surface. And were its banks clothed with rich woods, or raised aloft in irregular or precipitous cliffs, it would surely attract as great a throng of tourists as the mountain-tarns an4 lochs of Scotland or Cumberland, or the Arcadian waters of Northern Italy. The lake of Biscarosse, in form a triangle, with one side formed by the Dunes, covers about twelve thousand acres. It derives its name from a village situated at its northern angle, on the bank of the canal which connects it with the lake of Cazau. The lake of Aureilhan is the smallest of the three ; the St. Eulalie canal, which links it to the preceding, traverses a series of peat-bogs bounded eastward by gloomy pine-forests, and westward by the interminable Dunes, which, by arresting the flow of the rain- waters, have really created these so-called lakes and extensive swamps. Enormous quantities of rain fall every year in the Landes, which district the Romans would certainly have dedicated to Jupiter Pluvius, and find beneath the thin superficial stratum or crust of sand and earth, a sub-soil of tufa and allios in other words, of com- pact chalk and sand agglutinated by a ferruginous sediment. Fre- quently this tufa possesses all the hardness of stone, and its impervi- ousness is its fundamental property. Hence it follows, that a portion of the heavy annual rainfall remains in the receptacles provided by the hollows and depressions of the soil, and in due time accumulates into marshes and lagoons, until gradually evaporated by the heat of spring. When of old the scared peasants beheld the irresistible advance of these strange ministers of destruction, they had no other resource than to fell their woods, abandon their dwellings, and surrender their " little all " to the pitiless sand and devouring sea. What could avail against such a scourge ? Efforts were made to repel it. It is MAN'S WAR AGAINST NATURE. 31 said that Charlemagne, during a brief residence in the Landes, on his return from his expedition against the Saracens, employed his veterans, and expended large sums of money in preserving the cities of the coast from imminent ruin ; but whether the means employed were insufficient, or whether the imperial resources failed, and other urgent needs diverted the population and their leaders from this struggle against nature, the works were wholly abandoned. Of late years they have been resumed, and with greater success, by a skilful agriculturist, M. Desbiey, of Bordeaux, and an able engineer, M. Bremontier, who have called in nature herself to assist man in his war against nature. Their system consists of sowing in the driest sand the seeds of the sea-pine, mixed with those of the broom (genista scoparici), and the psamma arenaria. The spaces thus sown are then closely covered with branches to protect them from the action of the winds. These seeds germinate spontaneously. The brooms, which spring up rapidly, restrain the sand, while shelter- ing the young pines, and thenceforth the Dune ceases to move, because the wind can no longer unsettle its substance, and the grains are held together by the roots of the young plants. The work is always begun on the inland side, in order to protect the farmer and the peasant, and to withdraw the infant forest from the unwholesome influence of the ocean-winds. And, in order that the sown spaces shall not themselves be buried under the sands blown up from the shore, a palisade of wicker-work is raised at a suitable distance, which, reinforced by young plants of sandwort (psamma arenaria), check the moving sands for a sufficiently long time to favour the development of the seeds. Finally, the work is completed by the construction of a substantial wall, or rather an artificial cliff, which effectually prevents the further progress of the flood, or directs it seaward, to be arrested on its course by the barrier of the sand-hills. Unable to force a passage through these natural ramparts, they have excavated certain basins, more or less extensive, more or less deep, which have formed into inland seas, communicating with the Atlantic by one narrow issue. 32 EMBANKMENT OF THE DUNES. It is a noteworthy fact that, owing to the encroachment of the Dunes, these lakes have been constantly forced back upon the inland country. Fortunately, this menacing invasion of the sands has been checked by the great engineering works executed a few years ago ; which, on the one hand, have fixed, and, as it were, solidified the Dunes, and, on the other, have provided for the regular outflow of the waters. The Landes have thus been opened to the persevering labours of the cultivator. The culture of the pine, and the manufacture of resinous substances, have largely extended, and the time, perhaps, is not far distant when these deserts will almost completely disappear ; when these desolate and unproductive plains will pleasantly bloom, transformed into shadowy woods or verdurous meadows.* To so fortunate a result nothing will more powerfully contribute than the embankment of the Dunes. These have been, in reality, the true scourge of this country ; these were the moving desert, the con- stantly ascending sea, which had already engulfed forests, villages, even towns, under its billows of sand, and driven before it the ter- rified inhabitants of the coast. CHAPTER III. THE DUNES, OR SAND-HILLS. THE Dunes form the extreme line of the Brittany coast for nearly two hundred miles, from the Adour to the Garonne. They are hills of white sand, as fine and soft as if it had been sifted through an hour-glass. Their outline, therefore, changes every hour. When the wind blows from the land, millions of tons of sand are hourly driven into the sea, to be washed up again on the beach and blown inland by the first Biscay gale. A water hurricane from the west will fill * The fir plantations, which are so numerous in the Landes, were first formed in 1789, under the direction of the minister, M. Necker (father of Madame de Stael). In 1862, the department had a population of 300,859. Acreage, 2,434.752. THE DUNES, OR SAND-HILLS. 35 up with sand square miles of shallow lake, driving the displaced waters into the interior, dispersing them in shining pools among the " murmurous pines," flooding and frequently destroying the scattered hamlets of the people, and inundating their fields of- rye and millet.* Their origin is due to the prevalence of the sea-winds on those points of the coast which are not protected by rock and cliff, and whose slopes of sand descend very gradually to the margin of the waves. Their formation is easily explained. The sand of which they are composed is a silicious material, reduced to minute grains, generally rounded, by trituration. These grains, nevertheless, are often too big and too heavy for the wind to take them up and scatter them afar, like the dust of the highways or the ashes of volcanoes. But at low tide the sand, dried by the sun's rays and the action of the wind, offers to the latter a sufficient holdfast to be dragged up the slopes which descend seaward, and deposited at a certain distance. This process being constantly repeated, the heaps are daily increasing in dimensions. It will easily be understood that this accumulation along the shore cannot have taken place where the force and direction of the sands experience periodical or capricious changes ; for then the sands cast upon the beach by the winds of the north and west would be driven back into the sea by the winds of the south and east. This is noticeable in many places where the nature of the coast is favourable for the production of such a phenomenon. But on other shores as on the Atlantic littoral of France the winds which blow most frequently and most violently are from the west and south-west. And it is there we encounter the Dunes. Those of Gascony are by far the most remarkable. Northward, they extend as far as the Point de Grave, which shuts in the mouth of the Gironde ; south- ward, to the bank of the Adour, and even further, to the cliffs of Be'arn. Here the basin of Arcachon constitutes one vast hollow ; and some openings exist, moreover, in the department of Landes, between that basin and the Adour, for the overflow of the waters which descend from the interior. To the north and south of the * Angus B. Reach, " Claret and Olives. 36 FORMATION OF THE DUNES. Teste de Buch the chain of sand-hills measures from 4400 to 6600 feet in width. At other points it is still wider ; but it narrows towards its extremities, and both at the Point de Grave and near Bayonne does not exceed 450 yards. Owing to their extreme shiftiness of soil, the Dunes can attain no considerable elevation. The sand deposited by the wind on the sum- mit of the hill is always in a state of precarious equilibrium. It has a constant tendency to be precipitated down the other side ; and the higher the summit the greater is this tendency, so that there comes at last a moment when no further accumulation in height is possible. The Dune may then extend its basis, may even increase twofold in dimensions, but it no longer rises. Let us note, moreover, that owing to its density the sand cannot be carried even by the most violent winds into the higher regions of the atmosphere ; and that the Dunes, when they have reached a cer- tain elevation, oppose to them an insuperable obstacle. This circum- stance would consequently have a salutary effect, and the accumulation of sand would be determined by a law of its own, if the Dunes, once formed, had time to cohere. But this is not the case. Incessantly does the wind undo or modify its work ; and the loftiest hills being the most exposed to its violence, are quickly reduced to the common level. In general, the greatest elevation of the Dunes corresponds to their greatest breadth. Thus the culminating point of those of Gas- cony is found in the belt situated between the lakes of Cazau and Biscarosse, where the chain is from 7500 to 9000 yards across. Their average height is 180 feet to 200 feet above the sea-level ; but some of the hills in the forest of Biscarosse attain an altitude of 320 feet. In the neighbourhood of the mouths of the Gironde and the Adour, where the chain is considerably nan-owed, the height of the Dunes is only thirty to forty-five feet. The reader must not suppose that the Dunes consist of a single series of sand-hills ranged along the shore. He will, however, have conjectured, from our statements respecting their width, that they really compose a chain of several more or less regular ridges. The ENCROACHMENTS OF THE DUNES. 37 hills are separated from one another by valleys, locally named laites or lettes. These valleys, where the pluvial waters flow and accumu- late, exhibit a striking contrast, in their freshly- blooming verdure, to the naked, barren Dunes. The general aspect of the landscape may, therefore, be compared to that of the ocean. There is the same broken surface, the same extent of undulation, the billows of sand being upheaved by the wind like the billows of the sea, and sharing in their mobility. You must see, says a writer, in order to form an idea of those colossal masses of fine sand, which the wind incessantly skims, and which travel in this way towards the inland country : yon must see their contours so softened that they look like mountains of plaster of Paris polished by the workman's hand, and their surface so mobile that a little insect leaves upon it a conspicuous track ; their slopes, at every degree of inclination ; their everlasting steri- litynot a blade of grass, not an atom of vegetation ; their solitude, less imposing than that of the mountains, but still of a truly savage character. You must see, from the summit of one of these ridges, the ocean on your right hand, and on your left the extensive lakes which border the littoral ; and, in the midst of this tumultuous sea of tawny sand, green grassy valleys, rich and fertile pastures, smiling oases of verdure, where herds of horses graze, and cows half-wild, guarded by shepherds scarcely less wild than they.* The marked characteristic of the Dunes, as we have already said, is their mobility, which renders them a constant menace for the neighbouring populations. To the wind which creates them they owe their frequent changes and their inland movement. While the sea eats into the coast, assisted by the breezes which gradually sweep clear the ground before it, the Dunes extend, and drive before them the shallow lakes : these in their turn encroach upon the Landes, and until now man has been constrained to recoil, step by step, before his threefold enemy. It is in this phenomenon, rather than in the ungrateful soil of the Landes, that we must seek the cause of the curse which has seemed so long to rest upon this country-side. You * SI. Perris, in " Memoires de I'Academie de Lyon." 38 TERRIBLE DEVASTATIONS OF THE DUNES. must go back some twenty centuries to trace the origin of the Dunes of Gascony. Fourteen or fifteen hundred years ago the coast north of the Adour .was inhabited, and comparatively nourishing. Mimi- zan was then a town and a sea-port, from which were exported the resinous products of the neighbouring forests. The Normans disem- barked there on- several occasions. Under it's walls, in 506, was fought a great battle between the allied Goths and Ostrogoths on the one side, and the Bdarnais, commanded by a bishop of Lescar, on the other. Both town and port to-day are buried under the sands. " Full fathom five" lie church and convent, and the busy street, the noisy mart, and the once peaceful home. The present village has nearly perished : the Dune was not three yards from the church when its progress was recently arrested. Other cities, laid down in old charts of the country, but of which not a trace remains, have in this manner disappeared, and entire forests have been ingulfed, now under the sands of the Dunes, now under the sands and waves of the sea. Some parts of the chain have been rendered to a great extent immovable by the vegetation which has gradually covered them, and these have opposed a formidable obstacle to the encroachments of the sands. Yet here and there the barrier has been defied. For example, in the forest of Biscarosse the movable Dunes, actually sweeping over the ancient hills, have not only filled up the valleys, but ingulfed a great number of pines, and raised themselves several yards above the crest of the oldest trees, planted on the summit of the highest hills. In whose favour, in this struggle of science against the elements, will the victory eventually be decided ? The question is one which the future alone can resolve.* * " Dunes," from dun, a hill. These sand-mounds also extend along the coast of the Netherlands, where they serve to protect the low country from tidal inundation. " In some places," says a traveller, " they look like a series of irregular hills ; and when seen from the top of the steeples, they are so huge as to shut out the view of the sea. The traveller, in visiting them from the fertile plains, all at once ascends into a region of desert b'arrenness. He walks on and on for miles in a wilderness such as might be expected to be seen in Africa, and at last emerges on the sea-shore, where the mode of creation of this singular kind of territory is at once conspicuous.' TT. Chambers, " Tour in Holland." CROSSING THE CHANNEL. 39 CHAPTER IV. WILD SCENES OF ENGLAND : DARTMOOR AND THE FEN COUNTRY. CROSSING the Channel, and surveying the limited expanse of our own " beloved England," we become aware of certain districts which belong to the Desert World. Through the ceaseless energy of our race, and the introduction of mechanical inventions which economize time and labour and treble the reproductive power of capital, almost all England has been transformed into a rich and radiant garden, where the waste places are " few and far between," where the solitude of desolation is scarcely known ; yet, as already observed, there are districts which retain much of their ancient wildness of character. Such a region is Dartmoor, the extensive and romantic table-land of granite which occupies the south-western part of the county of Devon. In its recesses still linger the eagle, the bustard, and the crane ; its solitudes are broken by the hoarse cries of the sparrow- hawk, the hobby, and the goshawk ; and the Cyclopean memorials of Druidism which cover its surface cromlechs and kistvaens, tolmens and stone-avenues invest it with a peculiar air of mysterious awe. It extends in length about twenty-two miles (from north to south), and in breadth twenty miles (from east to west). Its total area exceeds 130,000 acres. It rises above the surrounding country like "the long, rolling waves of a tempestuous ocean, fixed into solidity by some instantaneous and powerful impulse." A natural rampart is cast around it. Deep ravines, watered by murmuring streams, diversify its aspect, and lofty hills of granite, locally called tors, of which the principal, Yes Tor, has an elevation of 2050 feet above the sea. Its soil is composed of peat, in some places twenty-five feet 40 THE FOREST OF DARTMOOR. deep ; underneath which lies a solid mass of granite, occasionally relieved by trap (a volcanic rock), and traversed by veins of tin, copper, and manganese.* Nearly in the centre of this dismal wilderness lies an immense morass, whose surface is in many places incapable of supporting the lightest animal, and whose inexhaustible reservoirs supply the foun- tains of many a river and stream the Dart, the Teign, the Taw, the Tavy all clear as crystal in the summer months, but after heavy rains running redly through the " stony vales." The roaring of these torrents, when angry and swollen, is sublime to a degree incon- ceivable by those who have never heard the wild impressive music of untamed Nature. The tors are remarkable for their quaint fantastic outlines, which, like the clouds, suggest all manner of strange similitudes to dragons, and griffins, and hoary ruins, and even to human forms of gigantic size, apparently confronting the traveller as the lords and natural denizens of the rugged waste. The principal summits are Yes Tor, Cawsand Beacon, Fur Tor, Lynx Tor, Rough Tor, Holne Ridge, Brent Tor, Rippen Tor, Hound Tor, Sheep's Tor, Crockern Tor, and Great Mis Tor. Not only must their variety of form delight the artist, but his eye rests well pleased on their manifold changes of colour ; purple, and green, and gray, and blue now softened by a delicate vaporous shadow, now glowing with intense fulness in the sun's unclouded light. Dartmoor is traditionally reputed to have been anciently clothed with forest. The sole relic now existing is the lonely Wistman's Wood, which occupies a sombre valley, bounded on the one side by Crockern Tor, on the other by Little and Great Bairdown ; the slopes being strewn with gray blocks of granite in "admired disorder," as if the Titans had been at their cumbrous play. Starting from this chaos of rocks, appears a wood or grove of dwarf weird-looking oaks, interspersed with the mountain-ash, and everywhere festooned about and garlanded with ferns and parasitical plants. None of these trees * Rev. S. Rowe, "Perambulation of the Ancient Forest of Dartmoor" (ed. by Dr. E. Moore; London, 1856). WISTMAN'S WOOD. 41 exceed twelve feet in height, but at the top they spread far and wide, and " branch and twist in so fantastic and tortuous a manner as to remind one of those strange things called mandrakes." Their branches are literally covered with ivy and creeping plants, and their trunks so thickly embedded in a coating of moss that at first sight, says Mrs. Bray, " you would imagine them to be of enormous thick- ness in proportion to their height. Their whole appearance conveys to you the idea of hoary age in the vegetable world of creation ; and on visiting Wistmaii's Wood it is impossible to do other than think of those ' groves in stony places' so often mentioned in Scripture as being dedicated to Baal and Astaroth." * That heathen rites were celebrated here in the pre-historic era seems very probable, the best etymologists agreeing that the name is a corruption of Wise-man, or Wish-man ; that is, of the old Norse god Woden, who is still supposed to drive his spectral hounds across the silent wastes of Dartmoor. Celtic or Cymric memorials, as we have previously hinted, are very abundant and very various. There are cromlechs, where the Britons buried their dead ; stone pillars, with which they commemorated their priests and heroes ; avenues of upright stones leading up to the circles, where, perhaps, their priests celebrated their religious rites ; kistvaens, or stone-chests, containing the body unburned ; tolmens, or holed stones, whose meaning cannot be determined, but which may probably have had some astronomical uses ; bridges, huts, and walled villages, all bear- ing traces of the handiwork of our "rude forefathers." There is no spot in England so thronged as this with the shadows of a remote, a mysterious, and an irrecoverable past. From Dartmoor our wanderings take us to the eastern coast, and the district of THE FENS, now so rapidly yielding to the labour of the agriculturist as to exhibit but. rare glimpses of their ancient "savagery." It extends inland, around an arm of the North Sea called the Wash, into the six counties of Cambridge, Huntingdon, * Mrs. Bray, " The Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy " 42 THE DISTKICT OF THE FENS. Lincoln, Norfolk, Northampton, and Suffolk, with an area of upwards of 420,000 acres. Inland it is bounded by an amphitheatral barrier of high lands, and touches the towns of Bolingbroke, Brandon, Earith, Milton, and Peterborough. Into this great basin flow the waters of the greater part of the drainage of nine counties, which gather into the rivers Cam, Glen, Lark, Nene, Great and Little Ouse, Stoke, and Welland, these being linked together by a network of natural and artificial canals. Anciently, the Fens were pleasant to the eye of the lover of the picturesque ; for they contained shining meres and golden reed- beds, haunted by countless water-fowl, and strange, gaudy insects. " Dark-green alders," says Kingsley, * " and pale-green reeds stretched for miles round the broad lagoon, where the coot clanked and the bittern boomed, and the sedge-bird, not content with its own sweet song, mocked the notes of all the birds around ; while high overhead hung hawk beyond hawk, buzzard beyond buzzard, kite beyond kite, as far as eye could see." What strange transformations must this wild region have undergone ! There was a time, in all probability, when a great part of the German Ocean was dry land, through which, into a vast estuary between North Britain and Norway, flowed together all the rivers of North-eastern Europe Elbe, Weser, Rhine, Scheldt, Seine, Thames, and all the rivers of east England, as far north as the Humber. Meanwhile, the valleys of the Cam, the Ouse, the Nene, the Welland, the Glen, and the Witham, were slowly "sawing themselves out" by the quiet action of rain and rivers. Then came an age when the lowland was swept away by the biting, corroding sea-wash still so powerfully destructive on the east coast of England, as far as Flamborough Head. " Wave and tide by sea, rain and river by land ; these are God's mighty mills in which he makes the old world new. And as Longfellow says of moral things, so may we of physical, " ' Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small ; Though he sit and wait with patience, with exactness grinds he all.'" * Rev. 0. Kingsley, in Good Words, vol. for 1867, pp. 302-310. ITS ANCIENT ASPECT. 43 These ever-active causes have converted the dry land into the fens. The mud brought down by the rivers cannot get away to sea ; and, with the debris of the coast, is constantly swept southward by tide and current, and deposited within the great curving basin of the Wash, between Lincolnshire and Norfolk. There it is kept by the strong barrier of shifting sands coming inwards from the sea ; a barrier which also confines the very water of the fens, and spreads it inland into a labyrinth of streams, shallow meres, and bogs. The rainfall, over the whole vast area of dull level, has found no adequate channels of escape for centuries ; and hence we may understand how peat the certain product of standing water has slowly overwhelmed the rich alluvium, and swallowed up gradually the stately forests of fir and oak, ash and poplar, hazel and yew, which once spread far and wide over the blooming country. " Many a green isle needs must be In the deep wide sea of misery," sings Shelley ; and this dreary outcome of mudbank and bog and mere had its wooded isles, very fair and lovely to behold, redeeming the desolation of the landscape. Such were Ramsey, Lindsey, Whittlesea, whose names remind us of their whilome characteristics (ea, ey, an island). In these green places the old monks loved to build their quiet abbeys, rearing their herds in rich pastures, feeding fat fish in their tranquil streams, and dreaming in the shadow of green alder and stately ash. But these Eden-isles were few, and the surrounding marsh was black and dismal enough to scare the boldest spirit, and pestilential enough to sap and undermine the strongest frame. The Romans had attempted to drain and embank it, and their vallum may still be tracked along the surface of the marsh-lands, marked to this day by the names of Walsoken, Walton, and Walpoole. In the Middle Ages, however, it returned to its primeval desolateness a waste and wilderness, haunted by the foul legends of an unwholesome super- stition. In the immediate neighbourhood of the great monasteries of 44 GREAT SCHEMES OF DRAINAGE. Oowland and Ely, and of the thriving towns, the good work of drainage went on slowly ; but elsewhere the land was given up to the bittern and the heron. No comprehensive scheme was adopted, however, until Russei, Earl of Bedford, cut the great Bedford River, twenty-one miles long, and rescued from the desert the rich tract known by his name the Bedford Level. ' Erst A dreary pathless waste, the coughing flock Was wont with hairy fleeces to deform ; And, smiling with its lure of summer flowers, The heavy ox, vain struggling, to ingulf; Till one, of that high-honoured patriot name, Eussel, arose, who drained the rushy fen, Confined the waves, bade groves and gardens bloom, And through his new creation led the Ouse And gentle Camus, silver-winding streams."* The work was continued by William Earl of Bedford, who added, in 1649, to his father's old " Bedford River " that noble parallel river the Hundred Foot, -both rising high above the land to allow for flood water. It was carried on at a later period under the direction of Government surveyors. Then came Rennie, the great engineer, whose operations effectually shut out the desert, and handed over to the agriculturist nearly the whole level of the Fens, some seventy miles in length. Works are now in progress for rescuing a further portion of the basin of the Wash, to be formed into a new county, and named after the Queen. So that now, in tracts once covered by the sea, or knee-deep in reedy, slushy, pestilential slime, the grass grows luxuriantly, the crops wave in golden abundance, or the breeze takes up and carries afar " The livelong bleat Of the thick-fleeced sheep from wattled folds." But the dominion of labour has not yet been established over the whole Fen-district. There are still dreary nooks, and gloomy corners, and unproductive wastes ; wild scenes there are, which few English- * Dyer, " Poetical Works," The Fleece, Look ii. CONTRASTS OF SCENERY. 45 men have any conception of as contained within the boundaries of their own "inviolate isle." Romantic scenery, remarks Mr. Walter White, must not be looked for on the Lincolnshire coast. In all the journey from the Wash till you s*ee the land of Yorkshire, beyond the Humber, not an inch of cliff will your eyes discover. Monotonous is the prospect of " A level waste, a rounding gray " of sand-hills, which vary but slightly in height, and bristle with marum. "But tame though it be," continues our authority,* "the scene derives interest from its peculiarity. Strange perspective effects appear in those irregular hills : yonder they run out and form a low dark, purple headland, against which the pale green and yellow of a nearer tongue look bright by contrast. Here for a few furlongs the range rises gray, cold, and monotonous; there it has a warmth of colour relieved by deep shadows, that change their tint during the hours that accompany the sun while he begins and ends his day. Sitting on the summit of those dry hills, you will remark the con- trasted landscape : on the one side, the level pasture land, league after league of grassy green, sprinkled with villages, farms, churches, and schools, where work and worship will find exercise through ages yet to come ; on the other, league after league of tawny sand, sloping gently outwards to meet the great sea that ever foams or ripples thereupon. On the one hand, a living scene bounded by the distant wolds ; on the other, a desert, sea and shore alike solitary, bounded only by the overarching sky. More thoughts come crowd- ing into the mind in presence of such a scene than are easy to express." * Walter White, " Eastern England," ii. 13, 14. 40 , FROM WEST TO EAST. CHAPTER Y. THE STEPPES : THE DESERT IX RUSSIA, SIBERIA, AND TARTARY. HITHERTO we have only been speaking of miniature deserts, of the more limited of the world's wildernesses, where some degree of victory seems to reward man's arduous struggle with nature. Those which we have hitherto described are open to the " breath of civilization." The pilgrim who visits them incurs no danger ; he has nothing to dread from beasts of prey ; the men he meets with obey the same general laws as himself ; he is carried into their furthest recesses by the all-embracing railroad. He sees on every hand the efforts of science to confine the desert within ever narrower boundaries ; to reclaim the moor, and the fen, and the sandy waste ; to reap from the once barren soil an abundant harvest. But if he pass from England or France to Germany, and thence across the provinces of unhappy Poland, he will find himself daily advancing into a country of more and more savage aspect. He will observe that vegetation loses its happy variety ; that the cultivated fields become scarcer ; the morass and forest more frequent, and of greater extent ; the popula- tion poorer, more squalid, and less numerous. Wide and dreary intervals separate the different towns ; here and there, surrounded by gloomy woods, are scattered the melancholy-looking villages. Travelling becomes difficult, for the roads are ill-kept ; he has left behind him the modern magician, the engineer ; wild wolves haunt his path ; and he has good cause to fear the robber's knife. Civili- zation here has left barbarism for centuries to itself ; we are approaching the great Deserts, the Steppes of Northern Asia. The Steppes commence near the thirty-fifth degree of longitude, east of the Dnieper, as soon as we quit the fertile plains of the Ukraine to enter the country of the Don Cossacks. They are the characteristic feature of the immense zone which starts from the THE PLATEAU OF GOBI. 47 north-eastern shore of the Sea of Azov, stretches to the foot of Caucasus, between the Black and Caspian Seas, and is thence prolonged beyond the Ural range, to the north and south of the metaliferous Altai ; but mainly between the latter and the Thian-Shian mountains, to the seas of Okhotsk and Jesso. The word Steppe, supposed to be of Tartar origin, primarily sig- nifies an uncultivated plain, a prairie. The Steppes, in short, are ordinarily plains of very considerable extent interrupted at intervals by chains of hills or mountains ; but, on the whole, of a level, monotonous character, and with a consider- able part below the level of the ocean. Their area may be roughly computed at 4,200,000 square miles. Occasionally, in traversing them, we meet with lakes or brackish ponds, with forests of pines, even with patches of cultivated ground. Sometimes they form lofty and extensive plateaux, as in. the case of the plateau of Gobi, also called, but most inappropriately, Scha-mo, or the Sandy Desert, and Scha-ho, or the Sandy River. The Gobi begins upon the confines of Chinese Tartary, and thence extends over thousands of leagues in a vast expanse of sterile wilder- ness towards the coast of the Pacific. It chiefly consists of bare rock, shingle, and loose sand, alternating with firm sand, sparsely clothed with vegetation. But a large portion of the country, though not less leafless and monotonous, assumes in the spring season the appear- ance of an undulating ocean of grass, supplying pasturage to the flocks and herds of the Mongolian nomades, who wander at will over its vast prairie grounds, and encamp wherever they find a stream of water or sheltering crag. The general elevation above the sea is probably not less than 3500 feet. The Gobi was crossed by Mr. Grant, in 1863, and, soon afterwards, by Mr. Bishop, a correspondent of the Times. Though their general aspect is chill and dreary, the Steppes are not without their romantic landscapes, and their vegetation is more varied as well as more abundant than is generally believed. You may find among them wide meads with a soil of sufficient fertility to 48 THE ASIATIC PLAINS. f produce corn in great quantities, although too thin to permit the development of plants which have need of a certain depth. " The most agreeable portion of these plains," says Humboldt, " is adorned with small shrubs of the family Rosacece, tulips, and the cypriped/ium. Just as the Torrid Zone is distinguished by the tendency of all its plants to become trees, so some of the Asiatic Steppes in the Tem- perate Zones have the peculiar characteristic that all their flowering herbaceous plants attain to a remarkable height, such as the Saussurea and other synantheraceae, the leguminous shrubs, and, above all, an infinite variety of astragals. If the traveller attempts to go forward, in the small Tartar chariots, across these pathless, trackless prairies, he must keep standing, to ascertain his direction, and he will see the plants, interlaced as in a dense forest, bend before his wheels. Some of these Steppes are grassy plains ; others are covered with saline plants, fleshy, articulated, and always green. Often, too, one sees afar the glitter of saline efflorescence, like lichens, spreading unevenly over the glassy soil, like newly-fallen snow."* Comparing the Asiatic Steppes with the Pampas of South America, Humboldt does not hesitate to declare that the former are far the richer. " In that part of the Steppes, inhabited by the Kirghiz and the Kalmucks, which I have traversed," he says, "that is to say, from the Don, the Caspian Sea, and the Oural (Ja'ik), to the Obi and the Upper Irtysh, near Lake Dsaisang, over a space of forty degrees of longitude, one can never discover, even at the most distant limit, a phenomenon frequent in the Llanos, the Pampas, and the Prairies of America ; that horizon vague and boundless as the sea, which seems to support the vault of heaven. Seldom in Asia was the spectacle offered me of even a single side of the horizon. The Steppes are traversed by numerous chains of hills, or covered with forests of conifers. The vegetation of Asia, even in the richest pasturage, is nowhere confined to the families of the Cyperacece. A great variety prevails there of herbaceous or frutescent plants. In the spring season, small rosacese and amygdalacese, with rosy or * Humboldt, " Ansichteu der Natur," vol. i., App. CHANGES OF THE STEPFES. 49 snow-white blossoms Spiraea, crataegus, primus spinosa, amygdalus nana present a graceful appearance. I have elsewhere spoken," he adds, " of the vigorous growth of Synanthers, such as Suassurea amara and salsa, the artemisias and blue centaureas, w r hich grow profusely in these deserts, and the leguminosse, which are there represented by different species of astragal, cytisus, and caragana. The fritillaria ruthenica, meleagroides, cypripedium, and tulip, delight the eye with the brilliance of their colours. " * This almost exclusively herbaceous, but abundant and various, vegetation of which Humboldt speaks, is conspicuous in the spring, in the least favoured Steppes, after the rainy season. But it is there of a brief life. In the month of June the heat grows intense, and the dryness excessive. Then every herb perishes, cut down by the sun's keen-smiting rays, like the Greeks before Troy by the arrows of Apollo. " Bent was his bow, the Grecian hearts to wound ; Fierce as lie moved, his silver shafts resound." f The dust is whirled off the ground by the wind, and swept about in revolving tornados. The Steppes situated in a comparatively low latitude thus alternately assume the most discordant aspects. In winter the heavy rains inundate them, and transform them into impracticable marshes ; spring clothes them with a thick carpet of grasses and other herbaceous plants, so that they reveal to the eye leagues upon leagues of delightful sward cropped by numerous flocks. In summer they undergo a third metamorphosis, and are converted into parched and sun-scathed deserts like those of Nubia or Arabia. These periodical transformations are especially remarkable in the Steppes of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and the Caspian Sea ; where winter conies attended with abundant snows and terrific tempests. No obstacle can arrest the fury of the gale, which accumulates the driven snow in fearful avalanches, and like the * Humboldt, " Ansichten der Xatur," vol. i. (Xotes). t Homer, " Iliad," book i. 4 50 . VIOLENT HURRICANES IN THE STEPPES. demon in the old German legend, drives before it the wild horses in an access of violence. Half frozen by the cold, and exhausted with hunger, they fly in a complete panic. Oftentimes their giddy head- long course carries them forward upon the crust of ice which gathers over the waters close to the shore ; it cracks, it breaks, and hundreds perish ! The melting snow and heavy rains at the end of winter drown the plains under vast sheets of water, which, however, quickly evaporate in the first rays of the sun. Rain, in summer, is extremely rare, and as there are neither brooks nor springs to refresh the thin layer of earth in which the herbs and shrubs take root, all these plants enjoy only a butterfly existence ; they bloom, they fade, they die, with startling rapidity. The hurricanes are neither less numerous nor less furious in the hot than in the cold season ; dust, however, takes the place of snow, when, as is sometimes the case, no tremendous deluge of rain follows in the track of the mighty wind. To sum up : the spring and summer of the Steppes are compressed (so to speak) into two months ; all the rest of the year seems given over to desolation. Two months in the year of bloom, and sunshine, arid colour, and beauty, are all that Nature grants the wandering Mongolian. Such being the general configuration of the Steppes, one may easily imagine how stern and gloomy is the aspect of these immense plains, with no other interruptions of the soil than their tumuli, no other boundary than the sea. He who has not been habituated from youth to their monotony finds himself wholly unable to struggle against its depressing influence. Their dismal solitudes are in truth an immeasurable prison, where he wanders to and fro without hope of escape. In vain does he interrogate the north and south, the east and the west ; in vain does he turn from one side to the other ; it is always the same uniformity, the same immovability, the same solitude.* * Madame Hommaire dc Hell : " Voyage aux Steppes dc la Mer Caspicnnc," tome l or - ANIMAL LIFE IN THE STEPPES. CHAPTER VI. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE STEPPES : THE WILD HORSE THE CAMEL. REFERENCE has been made to the numerous troops of wild horse which haunt the Steppes on this side of the Oural. Similar troops of these animals wander over the whole extent of the Steppes of Central Asia, which the most accredited modern naturalists repute to be the original cradle of their race. These horses are called tarpans, a word undoubtedly derived from the Tartar. Shall we look upon them as the representatives of the primitive breed, whence have sprung all the varieties known at the present day ; or shall we see in them, as well as in the wandering horses of the prairies and pampas of the New World, the descendants 62 THE TARPAN, OR WILD HORSE. of individuals which had escaped from the thraldom of mail ? This latter hypothesis seems to be the most probable. But there is good ground for believing that, living a wild life, these animals are gradually returning to the primitive type. They have lost the harmonious graces of form, the beauty, and the vigour which we admire in the high-bred steed, perfected by the assiduous care of man. There seems as great a difference between the Arabian horse and the wild horse of the Steppes as between the accomplished European gentleman and a Malagasy savage. They are of small stature ; their limbs are lank; their coat is coarse, woolly, rude, and rough. With the tarpans of the northern Steppes it is thick, flaky, and frizzled. Their mouth and nostrils are garnished with long hair, not unlike a goat. Then- colour is generally brown, of the shade called Isabelle, after a certain Queen of France who, in fulfilment of a vow, wore her linen unchanged for a considerable period. A few are black or white. They have a large head, with the forehead projecting above the eyes ; a straight chamfer ; and long ears, customarily laid back close to the head. The troops of the tarpans are subdivided into groups of twenty to thirty individuals, each group usually living apart, and only uniting in a compact phalanx when a common danger threatens, or a necessity arises of migrating from one region to another. The gaunt grim wolves, which hunger drives from their neighbouring forests ; and man, who hunts them hotly, either to reduce them into subjection, or kill them for their flesh, are almost the only enemies they have any reason to dread. The warlike nomade tribes of the Black and Caspian coasts, and of Central Asia, have no other breeding-grounds than the steppe which they inhabit. Thither come Cossack, and Mongol, and Kirghis, and Kalmuck, to choose their chargers. They catch them by means of a lasso, which they throw with surprising dexterity, and in a few days train them into a suitable docility. When in want of their hide or flesh, the nomades hunt them with gun, arrow, or spear; for hippophagy, which a few zealous amateurs are now endeavouring to popularize in France and England, has been practised from time immemorial by the inhabitants of the Steppes. THE KIRGHIZ AND HIS HORSE. 55 These barbarians, however, respect the life of their domestic animals, or sacrifice them only in cases of pressing need. They treat them also with a gentleness unknown to our European grooms and horse-dealers. With them, as with the Ai-abs, the horse is a friend rather than a slave ; he is, in truth, one of the family ; and it is with great difficulty that his master consents to part with him. Our travellers describe the Tartar, Mongol, and Kirghiz horsemen as realizing the celebrated fable of the Centaurs, as becoming, so to speak, one with their horses. The exigencies of their wandering life require that they should be constantly on horseback ; it is almost their home, their abode, their dwelling-place ; there they are mounted day and night ; there they sleep, prepare their food, and take their repasts. True that their cooking is of the rudest and simplest, and their taste not so fastidious as that of an European epicure ! If, for example, they would make ready a piece of meat, they insert it between the saddle and the horse's skin, and in this impromptu oven leave it for a few hours, while it undergoes the processes of heat, pressure, and frequent friction, serving in some degree to cook it ; then a pinch of salt for seasoning; and lo! a dainty titbit which our cavalier devours with the best appetite in the world. But it is to the inhabitants of the Steppes of the Black and Caspian Seas that the horse renders the most estimable services. To make use of a phrase of Buffon's, "He shares with them the fatigue of war and the glory of battle;" he provides them with the best and swiftest means of transit ; he nourishes them with his flesh, and the mare quenches their thirst with her milk. In their dairies mares take the place of our European milch-cows, and are regularly milked once or twice a-day. The milk, warm, is employed as a medicine. It is thicker and more saccharine than that of ruminating animals, and this, undoubtedly, is the reason that the Cossacks, Tartars, and Kal- mucks have succeeded, by fermentation, in distilling alcohol from it, and procuring vinegar by acetifying it. The} 7 prepare with it an intoxi- cating liquor (koumis), to which they are very partial, and with which the wealthiest among them consider it an honour to be largely provided. 5f> THE ASS, WILD AXD TAME. By the side of the horse, we naturally place his humble congener and compatriot, the Ass. Nor need we be ashamed to devote a few lines to this useful animal, though civilization has appointed to it a very different lot from that of the horse. While man has devoted his utmost efforts to ennoble, as it were, and aggrandize the latter, to perfect his capabilities, develop his qualities, embellish and vary his form, for the former he has had nothing but contempt and harsh treatment. He has made the horse the companion of his campaigns, the minister to his sumptuous pleasures, the instrument of his grandest labours. He has dismissed the poor ass to the fields to carry the heaviest burdens, to share in the toil and privation of the peasant. In these different conditions, who will wonder that while the horse has become a strong, graceful, and proud-spirited animal, the ass, on the other hand, remains bowed and bent, with a rough coarse hide, lanky limbs, a heavy head, always drooping, as if under the weight of continual lassitude and unconquerable melancholy, and long ungraceful ears, which give his physiognomy an air of ridicule. Everything in him bears the impress of degradation. How has he merited so obscure a destiny ? Alas, he is the victim of an iniquitous caprice of man. For see him in his natural condition ; contrast with the well-worn servant of civilization the Onagra,* the free wild ass of the Steppes, with the Tarpan, and the parallel will be wholly to the advantage of the former. The onagra is at least of the same size ; his ears are short ; he carries aloft a well-proportioned head ; his skin, of a handsome gray or yellowish-brown, is sleek and shining ; his limbs are long, delicate, and nervous. He lives in very numerous troops, and migrates from north to south, and south to north, according to the season. The Tartars employ him as a beast of transport and the saddle rather than as a beast of burden. They eat his flesh, preferring it to that of the wild horse. Even the domestic ass of the East differs notably * The Onagra is identical with the Koulan (Equus hemionus) of Ihe Persian. It is described in the Book of Job, ch. xxxix. 5-8. THE ONAGHA. OH AVILD ASS. 67 from the slow, dogged, ill-used animal of European notoriety. Under a more favourable climate, and in the free life of the desert, he has preserved his tall stature, his vigour, and the haughtiness of his bearing. The wealthiest and most distinguished personages do not disdain to mount him or harness him to their carriage. He has a keen eye, a quick scent, a sure foot, a mild and resolute aspect. He accomplishes with ease from six to eight miles an hour ; and, lastly a fact worthy of notice his life, which with us seldom exceeds OXAGKA, OR WILD Ass. fifteen years, in Asia is frequently prolonged to thirty or thirty-five. He is less subject to sickness than the horse, and he almost equals the camel in sobriety, docility, arid endurance of hunger and fatigue. Whether the Tartars and Kalmucks, who use mares' milk as a medicine, attribute, as we do, certain therapeutical virtues to the milk of the ass, we are unable to say; but it is certain that this 'milk forms a portion of their daily food. On account of the strong proportion of saccharine serum which it contains, it is well adapted 4 58 TROOPS OF WILD HORSES. for the preparation of the fermented drink already spoken of, known to the Tartars under the name of Koumis or Kaniuis. Mr. Atkinson speaks of the large leathern Jcoumis sack or bottle, as an important piece of Mongolian furniture. One which he saw was five feet eight inches long, and four feet five inches wide, with a leathern tube at the corner about four inches in diameter, through which the milk Ls poured into the bag, and the Jcoumis drawn out. A wooden instru- ment is introduced into this bag, its handle passing through the tube, not unlike a churning staff; with this the koumis is frequently agitated. The Kirghiz begin making it in April, and its due agita- tion and fermentation occupy about fourteen days.* The horse, and a few nocks of sheep and herds of horned cattle, amply suffice for the wants of the warlike tribes in the south of Asiatic Russia. These tribes have almost entirely abandoned the use of the camel. But as we advance eastward, we find these gigantic and mis-shapen ruminants in great numbers, the faithful companions and indispensable auxiliaries of the noinades of the East. They wander freely about the Steppes, in troops of several hundreds, browz- ing indifferently on the grass of the wide pastures or the foliage of the bushes. They are without fierceness, and the traveller who intrudes upon their immense domains seems only to inspire in them a benevolent curiosity. " It is impossible to describe," says Madame Hommaire de Hell, " the astonishment they exhibited as we passed them. As soon as they caught sight of us, they ran with all speed towards us, and then stood motionless, with heads turned towards our cavalcade, until we had got to such a distance as to be no longer distinguishable." " Gold and silk," says Buffon, " are not the time wealth of Asia. The camel is the treasure of the East." It is a fact that this animal is wonderfully adapted to supply the wants of the desert races. It may be said to supply them with every object of primary necessity ; food, clothing, and even habitation, fire, and the means of transport * T. W. Atkinson, " Oriental and Western Siberia," pp. 286, 287. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CAMEL. f,g The flesh of the young camel, though inferior to beef or mutton, is savoury and easy of digestion ; the she-camel yields an abundance of milk as substantial and agreeable to the taste as that of the cow. The camel's skin is, it is true, a coarse wool, but long, tenacious, and readily wrought. The Mongols make it into tissues and cord. Out of the tissues they weave their clothing, coverings, and tents ; with the cord, which is of various thicknesses, they fabricate the harness of their horses and other objects of equipment. Camel-leather is not inferior in suppleness and solidity to that which we make use of in Europe. The dung of these animals, dried in the sun, serves as fuel not only for cooking food, but even for working metals. Finally, as a beast of burden, the camel surpasses every other in strength, swiftness, endurance of fatigue, and, above all, in that proverbial sobriety which enables him to accomplish a journey of several successive days without taking either food or drink. From nature he has received a special organization, which well justifies his Arab name of " the ship of the desert." It consists essentially in the structure of his feet, in that of his stomach, and in the species of hunch or hump which he carries on his back. "\Ve know, in the first place, that the camel's foot does not resemble that of other ruminants ; it is bifurcated, but the two toes, very strong and much elongated, are furnished not with a hoof, but with a short nail, adhering only to the final phalange ; they are, more- over, palmated ; that is to say, reunited near the extremity by a car- neous membrane, which is supplied underneath with a veritable thick and horny sole. The foot can thus plant itself on a wide surface, and seems expressly adapted to the shifting sandy soil which the camel usually traverses. As for the stomach, beside the four compartments into which the stomach of all ruminants is divided, we notice, on the sides of the paunch, a mass of cubic cells, or partitions, always containing a quantity of tolerably pure water, very drinkable, and kept as a kind of reserve supply ; so that more than one traveller, when crossing the desert, and perceiving neither fountain, well, nor stream in which to 60 USES OF THE CAMEL'S HUMP. quench his devouring thirst, has preserved his life at the expense of that of his camel, by killing the poor animal, and opening his reser- voir to drink its contents. The hump, of which the Arabian camel, or dromedary, has but one, while the Bactrian, or camel properly so called, has two, is, in truth, " a storehouse of solid nutriment, on which he can draw for supplies long after every digestible part has been extracted from the contents of the stomach : this storehouse consists of one or two large collections of fat BACTRIAN CAMEL. stored up in ligamentous cells supported by the spines of the dorsal vertebrae. When the camel is in a region of fertility, the hump becomes plump and expanded ; but after a protracted journey in the" wilderness it becomes shrivelled and reduced to its ligamentous con- stituent, in consequence of the absorption of the fat."* To be deprived of drink for from eight to ten days is no hardship to the camel. Accredited authorities testify that without any serious * Brande, " Dictionary of Art and Science," art. Camel. THE CAMEL OF THE STEPPES. 61 inconvenience he can go without drink for twenty-three and even twenty-five days. In the way of solid food, a ball of cake weighing from a pound to a pound and a quarter, will suffice him for a whole day. Often when he has set out on his journey fasting, he contents himself with browsing on the way a few green or dry bushes, and in the evening sups on a handful of dried beans. But this singular abstemiousness is not his sole good quality ; his vigour, his docility, his swiftness render him equally valuable. The ordinary burden of a small camel is from 600 to 800 Ibs. ; a large camel will cany 1000 Ibs. or upwards, from thirty to thirty-five miles a-day ; but the maharis, or those which are used for speed alone, will travel daily from twenty to thirty leagues. The camel of the Steppes, in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, is, as I have already hinted, the Bactrian or camel strictly so called. This animal differs from his African congener in several very important physical characteristics, and perhaps also in some moral peculiarities. His two humps are smaller than the one hump of the dromedary. He is a little larger than the latter ; his average stature is from six feet and a half to seven feet. His hair, of a deep chestnut brown, almost woolly on the humps, the head, and the upper part of the neck, is short and smooth on the body, and hangs in long fringes below the neck and around the fore-legs. He endures without inconvenience the most opposite temperatures, great heat and extreme cold, so that his habitat naturally ranges over an immense extent of country. He is found throughout the zone of the Steppes, even to the confines of Siberia, on the borders of Lake Baikal ; he was formerly still more common in Hindostan, but has now almost disappeared, owing to the great con- sumption entailed by the military expeditions of our East Indian Government. The camel is an excellent traveller, but his gait is rough and awk- ward, and almost insupportable by those who have not been long habituated to it. In this relation we may borrow an anecdote from Madame Hommaire de Hell :* Her dragoman, a Frenchman, named * Madame de Hell, " Voyage aux Steppes de la Mer Caspienne," tome !'' 62 THE CAMEL'S MORAL QUALITIES. Antoine, curious to essay this new species of equestrian practice, begged a Kalmuck in the escort to lend him his camel. The request being readily granted, he perched himself on the extremity of the saddle, in " measureless contentment " with his lofty post, and by no means mindful of the malicious smiles exchanged between the Cossacks and the camel-drivers. Scarcely had the beast advanced four paces, how- ever, before his face turned pale, and he clung to the saddle, with a most pitiful countenance, and imploring help in the most agonizing tones. " One need be a Kalmuck," says Madame de Hell, " to be capable of enduring the trot of a camel. His jerky gait shakes the body so severely, that a long journey is a positive punishment, even for the Cossacks. The unfortunate Antonio, left some distance behind by the escort, made a vain effort to overtake us ; he was compelled, willy-nilly, to retain his steed as far as the Caspian Sea, where he arrived about two hours after ourselves. I have never seen a man more demoralized. His groans, when he was lifted off the camel, were so lamentable, that we really hardly knew what to think of his condition." As for the camel's moral qualities, the same lively writer furnishes a very different estimate to what we gather from the majority of travellers. She represents him as idle, pettish, and very vindictive. " All that we had read," says she, " of the rapidity of these ships of the desert ; their insensibility to fatigue, to hunger, to thirst ; their tractability to the will of man exceeding the obedience of the leaf to the wind, was completely contradicted by the conduct of these quad- rupeds, little careful to maintain their reputation for agility. Despite of a stout cord passed through one of the nostrils, and which caused them a sharp pain every time they became refractory, they would not march more than two successive hours without flinging themselves on the ground. We had to battle with them incessantly to rouse them from their torpor, and prevent them from biting one another. When- ever a camel-driver pulled a little roughly his animal's guiding-string, we heard a succession of cries, all the more frightful from their resem- blance to the human voice. In a word, these camels behaved so ill A CAMEL'S KEVENGE. 63 during their short journey, that we entirely lost the good opinion our great naturalist (Buffon) had given us of their species, in descriptions more poetical than true." Notwithstanding Antoine's discouraging experience of camel- riding, Madame de Hell, a few days afterwards, essayed the same experiment, with the result that, like her poor dragoman, she made a vow never to repeat it. Somewhat later, she had an opportunity of witnessing a very curious illustration and one very amusing to the lookers-on of the natural vindictiveness of these rough steeds. We give the adventure in her own words : " Everybody knows that the camel possesses the faculty of rumi- nating the food already stored in one of his stomachs, and that he willingly enough grants himself this pleasure when he has nothing to eat ; but it is not generally known, perhaps, that he possesses suffi- cient malice to make, when an opportunity arises, this prerogative a 'means of vengeance. " I had noticed in the morning that one of our camel-drivers appeared on bad terms with his beast. He vainly tried to master him by punishment, pulling with all his might the cord which passed through the animal's nostril ; the latter was obstinate, and threw him- self every moment on the ground, a proof of rebellion. The Kalmuck, irritated by the struggle, profited by a halt to dismount, and inflict severe chastisement on the recalcitrant ; but the camel, disdainfully raising his long neck, followed with so malicious an eye all his tyrant's movements, that without doubt he was revolving some project of revenge in his head. And so it happened that he quietly waited until the Kalmuck stood opposite to him ; then, opening his great mouth, he ejected full in the camel-driver's face a double volley of masticated herbs, mixed with slaver and all sorts of filthiness. It would be impossible to describe the air of satisfied vengeance with which the camel raised his neck, and moved his head from one side to another, as if in quest of applause. What astonished me most in this affair was his master's moderation after undergoing such an out- rage. He wiped himself coolly, remounted his saddle, and caressed 64 MAMMALIA OF THE STEPPES. the neck of the ill-bred animal, as if he had received the most natter- ing compliment. A good understanding being thus strangely re- established, they went on their way peaceably, without giving another thought to what had taken place." CHAPTER VII. THE ANIMAL LIFE OF THE STEPPES : WILD RUMINATING ANIMALS RODENTS CARNIVORA BIRDS. BESIDES those species of which we have just spoken, and which man has subjugated to his service, the Steppes nourish a host of other animals which seem for ever destined to a savage life. Some are spread through the entire zone of the Steppes, and include represen- tatives of the genera or species belonging to the temperate latitudes of Europe. But most of them are circumscribed in more or less limited habitats, out of which they would not meet with the condi- tions of climate or provision that are essential to their existence. The mammalia which are found in the plains of Eastern Europe and Central Asia .belong principally to the orders of Ruminants,* Rodents, and Carnaria. Cuvier divides the ruminants into two great sections : one com- prising the ruminants without horns (genera, camel, lama, and chev- rotairi); and the other, those ^^)^th horns. The latter he again divides into ruminants with decaying or wooden horns (these are the cervidce of the new nomenclature), ruminants with membraneous horns (as the giraffes), and ruminants with hollow horns (oxen, goats, antelopes, sheep). The section of Ruminants without horns is represented in the Steppes by the camel. Of the three groups of horned ruminants, one * Class I., Mammalia: Order III., Carnaria; Order V., Rodentia ; Order IX., Kurninantia. ABOUT THE ELAND. 65 only is wanting in this region of the Old Continent namely, that of the ruminants with membranous horns ; but we meet there with varieties of all the species included among the cervidse, except the reindeer, which is confined to the glacial countries of both continents. The common European stag is found on this side of the Oural, in the Steppes bordering on the forests, where he prefers to seek an asylum. THE ELAND (Antilope oreas}. The aliu, or roebuck of Tartary, inhabits the valleys and plains which stretch to the north of the Himalaya and along the chain of the Thian-Chan. Deer wander in troops, or in isolated couples, in all the temperate and fertile portions of the zone of the Steppes, and the eland is spread over all Asia between the 45th and 41st degree of latitude. The latter is the largest of all the cervidse. It ordinarily attains, and sometimes exceeds, the stature of the horse. His antlers, 66 THE SAIGA ANTELOPE. spread out perpendicularly to the axis of his head, take at first a nearly horizontal direction, then spring upwards in an abrupt curve. At their extremity they terminate in a broad palm, set with sharp snags around its outer edge. Their weight, for adults, averages from fifty-five to sixty-five pounds. The eland has a short robust neck, which is necessary to enable him to support the burden of his branching honours ; but which, joined to the projection of his shoulders, and the disproportionate length of his fore-legs, gives him a very ungraceful aspect. Nor can he browse the herbage without making a great digression or falling on his knees. The male, more- over, under the throat has a sort of goitre, or swelling, garnished with a rude pointed beard. The female wears a beard, but has no goitre. The neck is surmounted with a short, stiff, blackish mane. The rest of the hair is of a pronounced gray. The eland inhabits the marshy plains and banks of rivers ; he dreads the heat, and to escape it will often remain during the long summer days plunged up to his neck in the cool waters. He lives with his comrades in tolerably numerous herds. The first birth of the female is only one ; afterwards she produces two a,t a time. Fre- quently the eland attains a prodigious stature. An individual killed in the Altai measured four feet and a half in height to the shoulder, and four feet and a third in length. His flesh is said to be light and nourishing ; his hide excellent for making shoulder-belts ; and his antlers are converted to the same uses as the horns of the stag. Among the hollow-horned ruminants I may mention the Saiga, a kind of antelope which inhabits the Asiatic Steppes, and is met with even in Poland. In figure he takes the poetical elegance of the gazelle ; his horns are of a clear yellow colour, and of a transparency which rivals that of tortoise-shell. His forehead is covered with transversal folds ; he has no muzzle, properly speaking, but a kind of snout like that of a hog. It is said that he drinks through his nostrils. The saigas travel in herds of about two thousand each, of whom a certain number keep always some distance in advance, in NOTES UPON THE RODENTS. 67 the rear, and on the flanks of the main host, so as to watch over their security. Another kind of gazelle, the Dseren, is peculiar to the Mongolian Deserts, and named by the inhabitants the yelloiu stag. His stature is little inferior to that of the deer. The female is without horns. The Moufflon* the original of our domestic sheep, sometimes strays into the plains of Central Asia, but prefers the solitude of the mountains. His general size is that of a small fallow deer, but though clothed with hair instead of wool, he bears a closer resemblance to the ram than to any other animal. In summer his hair is close, but in winter it becomes rough, wavy, and slightly curled. On the upper part of the body it is brown, but the under part and insides of the limbs are whitish. The hair is considerably longer under the throat, and about the neck and shoulders, than elsewhere. We may refer, in this connection, to the Egagra, or wild goat, which Cuvier considers to have been the original stock of the numer- ous races of goats spread over various regions of the globe. The Steppes nourish two species of Rodents : the Varying Hare (Lepus variabilis), so called because he changes from tawny gray in summer to white in winter ; and a gray squirrel, which is probably only a variety of our common European squirrel. He is not a climber and a "haunter of the woods," like his congener. He abounds in the Mongolian Steppes, where he lives in holes excavated under the earth, like the rats and rabbits. He is, however, much more ingenious than the other troglodyte-rodents ; he shelters the entrance to his abode under a domed roof, skilfully constructed of dry herbs woven together, and covered with clay. These works closely resemble the mounds upheaved by moles. The Carnaria of the Felidce, or feline family, are wanting, or * Also called the Musmon (Ovis Mitsmon), 68 THE WOLF OF TARTARY. nearly so, in the immense zone which we are considering. Except a species of lynx, the Chilason or Chulon, whose existence has been recognized in the north of Tartary; and a few tigers which adventure into Mongolia, we may say that the Asiatic Steppes, and, therefore, also those of Europe, are exempt from these inconvenient guests. The most dangerous, and almost the only enemy which man and the herbivora have reason to dread, is the Wolf. This animal, now very rare in Western Europe, where his race will soon disappear, is still found in great numbers in the wild Lithuanian forests, in Russia, and all Northern and Central Asia. To him, as to other animals of the Canidce, cold appears more favourable than heat, and it is in countries where the average temperature seldom rises high he attains his greatest dimensions. In Lithuania wolves are often met with which measure three feet and a half in length, without the tail. Those of Northern Asia are also of a great size and nerve, of terrible strength and audacity ; they have been seen to pounce on a sheep, and carry it oif at full speed. They intrude in quest of victims into the towns, the villages, and the encampments : combat to the last with their enemies; and when vanquished die without a groan. Generally they lurk in the woods and forests ; but hunger, according to the proverb, drives them forth from their lairs. Then they assemble in vast hordes ; they pursue, they assail, they defend, with ingenious tactic, skilfully availing themselves of the disposition and accidents of the ground. Their manoeuvres vary according to the nature of the game or the enemy. In general, if a man preserve an upright bearing and a bold countenance, they will not attack him ; they follow him stealthily, however, prepared to pounce upon him if. unhappily, he should stumble or falter. But the wolves of Tartary, far from sharing in this deference towards the lord of creation, dis- play a singular bitterness against him. " It is remarked," says the Jesuit missionary Hue, " that the Mongolian wolves attack man more willingly than any animals; one sees them sometimes galloping through innumerable flocks of sheep, without inflicting any injury, in order to dash upon the shepherd. In the neighbourhood of the Great Wall they WAR TO THE KNIFE. 60 frequently descend upon the Tartar-Chinese villages, enter the farms, turn aside with contempt from the domestic animals which they encounter, and penetrate even into the interior of the houses to select their victims, seizing them invariably by the throat and strangling them. Not a village in Tartary but has every year to deplore some calamity of this kind. One might say that the wolves of this CAPTURE or A WOL KIRGHIZ HORSEMAX. country sought specially to avenge themselves on men for the blood- thirsty war the Tartars wage against them." And it is true that in their pursuit of these animals the inhabitants of the Steppes display not only an ardour which would be legitimate, but a fierce and uncontrollable cruelty. " They pursue them everyAvhere a entrance" remarks M. Hue ; " they regard them as their chief enemy, on account of the terrible 70 CAPTURED IN THE LASSO. losses they inflict upon their flocks. The news that a wolf has made his appearance in the neighbourhood is for everybody a signal to 'mount and ride away.' And as each cavalier has always two or three saddled horses in waiting near his tent, the plain is speedily covered, as if by enchantment, with a cloud of eager horsemen. Their weapon is a long rod.* Thus, in whatever direction the wolf may seek to escape, he encounters a band of determined adversaries, whose cry, as they precipitate themselves upon their traditional foe, is ' No quarter ! ' There are no mountain-sides so rugged or so difficult, that the nimble horses of the Tartars cannot pursue him thither. The cavalier who finally overtakes the beast, flings a lasso round his neck as he passes at full gallop, and drags him in his rapid track to the nearest tent. There they firmly bind up his muzzle, that they may proceed to torture him with impunity, closing up the tragic scene by flaying him alive, and then setting him free. In the summer the miserable animal will live in this condition for several days ; but in winter, exposed without his furry coat to the rigour of the season, he dies almost immediately, frozen to death." -f- It is generally considered that the wolf is an animal as cowardly as he is fierce, because he flies before man when man does not retreat before him, and because he kills unoffending animals. But we forget that man acts in a precisely similar manner. Numerous experiments, and especially those of Cuvier, have clearly proved that the wolf is fully capable of being domesticated, is very sensible of kindly treatment, and will as readily grow familiar with, and attached to, his master, as the best of dogs. We must, therefore, refer his ferocity to the instinct of self-preservation and of a vengeance too frequently excited ; just as at the Cape of Good Hope, the unfortunate Bosjesmen, formerly treated like beasts by the Dutch colonists, though naturally of a peaceable disposition, became active * This rod, or whip, is furnished with a long cord terminating in a slip-knot, something like a lasso. With this instrument the Tartars seize and carry away the horses and wild asses, and, as we see in the Engraving, capture wolves alive, and satisfy their hatred against these unfortunate beasts, less ferocious, assuredly, than the Tartars themselves. t Hue, " Souvenirs d'un Voyage dans la Tartarie, la Thibet, et la Chine," tome !" THE KORSAK AND THE KAROGUN. 71 and cruel aggressors, and daring assailants, against the enemies who had exhausted their patience. Two other wild beasts of the dog genus, the Korsak and the Karogun, are eagerly hunted by the Tartars, especially by the Kirghiz. But the chase, in this instance, is carried on for industrial purposes. The fur of these animals is very valuable, and the Kirghiz hunters carry thousands every year to the great market of Orenburg. The korsak is a species of fox. In colour he closely resembles the jackal ; but he has a long tail, with a black tuft at the tip, and on each side of the head a brown stripe extends from the eye to the muzzle. He ranges over all the Steppes of Tartary, and lives in burrows like the foxes. The natives pretend that he never drinks. He is a very handsome animal, and when, towards the close of the sixteenth cen- tury, several individuals were brought to Europe, he became quite the fashion. All the great ladies of the court were desirous of possessing one, which they tended in their chambers, and when promenading in the parks, often led about like a spaniel. The mania was of brief duration, but it clearly showed how easily the animal could be tamed and reared. Buffon has confounded the karogun with the isatis or polar fox, and other animals with the korsak. He is equally distinct from the one as from the other, and the Kirghiz never make a mistake, though they hunt for both in the same districts. His skin is of an ashen gray on the back, and a pale yellow under the belly. His fur is not less precious than that of the korsak. The wild Ornithology of the Steppes comprises some migra- tory palmipedes, a few gallinacese, and some predatory birds of the falcon family. Gulls, wild ducks, herons, curlews, and especially pelicans, people the shores of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and the Caspian, with the banks of the rivers that flow into them, and the neighbouring pools. The Cossack and Kalmlik chiefs, who now ardently cherish the love of falconry that was so marked a trait 72 HERONS AND BITTERNS. in the character of the mediaeval nobles, hunt these birds with much enthusiasm, save, indeed, the pelican, whose flesh is not edible. The herons form, in the order Grallatores and the tribe Culti- rostres (knife-like beak), a family (Ardeidce) composed of numerous species, several of which inhabit or frequent the marshes, lakes, and streams of the region of the Steppes. " O'er yonder lake the while, What bird about that wooded isle, With pendant feet and pinions slow, Is seen his ponderous length to row ? Tis the tall heron's awkward flight, His crest of black, and neck of white, Far sunk his gray-blue wings between, And giant legs of murky green."* The most remarkable species is the great white heron (Ardea alba), or yellow-billed white egret, clothed in plumage of snowy white, with a long yellow bill, long lank limbs, and black feet ; length about forty inches. On the nape and the croup his feathers are long- and flexible, wavy, and with tapering ends ; they are eagerly sought after for purposes of adornment. We may also mention the great bittern, the " bird of desolation" (Botauris stellaris) which the French expressively name eau-m&re, or " water-mother," and which derives its zoological appellation from the Latin words bos and taureau, in allusion to the booming, bellowing sound of his hoarse voice. His plumage is of a pale yellow, marked with brown and nest-coloured zig-zag patches and shades. From the fulness of the feathers about his neck, he presents a very quaint, and even ridiculous appearance ; but he is a bird of courage, and even of ferocity, striking with keen bill at the eyes of his antagonist. When attacked by dogs or other carni- vora, he will throw himself upon the ground, and right with both claws and bill unto the very last. The curleiu is allied to the ibis, differing from it only in secondary particulars, and notably in the form of his bill, which is thinner, and rounded in its whole length. His tail resembles the hen's ; the * Bishop Maiit, " British Months." FACTS ABOUT CURLEWS. 73 plumage of the head, neck, and fore part of the back, is light reddish- gray, streaked with dark-brown ; the hind part of the back is white, with dark narrow longitudinal markings ; the tail, breast, and abdo- men are white, the former crossed with black bars, and the latter with dark marks and spots of a similar shape to those on the back. 1. Great Bittern. 2. White Heron or Egret. The female lays four excessively large pyriform eggs, about three inches long. The cry of the curlew is loud, wild, and plaintive. These birds assemble in numerous flocks, and live on the sea-coast and the marsh-border, feeding on worms and molluscs. At breeding- time they separate into pairs, and haunt the wild hills and dreary moorlands, Itemote from human sight, hi lonely pairs their venial flight 5 a 74 FABLES ABOUT PELICANS. They speed o'er heathy mountain rude, On some waste marsh's solitude, To the tall grass or bristling reed Their wild unnestled young to breed." The species of Pelican which inhabits the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas is the Common (Pelicanus Onocrotalus). We must not pass unnoticed this well-known wader, which has for ages been invested with an atmosphere of song and fable, and which is specially remarkable for the bright yellow membranous pouch attached to the lower mandible of his long robust bill. This pouch, says Broderip, will hold a considerable number of fish, and thus enables the bird to dispose of the superfluous quantity which may be taken during fishing excursions, either for his own consumption or for the nourishment of his young. " In feeding the nestlings and the male is said to sup- ply the wants of the female, when sitting, in the same manner the under mandible is pressed against the neck and breast, to assist the bird in disgorging the contents of the capacious pouch ; and during this action the red nail of the upper mandible would appear to come in contact with the breast, thus laying the foundation, in all proba- bility, for the fable that the pelican nourishes her young with her blood, and for the attitude in which the imagination of painters has placed the bird in books of emblems, with the blood spirting from the wounds made by the terminating nail of the upper mandible into the gaping mouths of her offspring. " It is usually in the evening or the morning that these birds gather about the lonely shores to fish in company, like a party of sociable Izaak Waltons, and proceeding, as Nordmann remarks, upon a systematic plan, which is apparently the result of a kind of con- certed agreement. They select a suitable station a shallow bay with a smooth bottom. There they arrange themselves in a half- circle, the bill turned towards the ground, and keeping at a distance of from ten to twelve feet. With their wings they beat the water hurriedly, and sometimes plunge in up to their middle, gradually wading towards the beach, and driving the fish before them into a very narrow channel. Now the feast commences, and other birds ASIATIC ORNITHOLOGY. 7?, never fail to profit by the ingenious labours of the pelican. Nord- mann counted, on one occasion, forty-nine pelicans fishing together in this fashion on the shores of the Black Sea. " Besides these forty-nine," he adds, " there were assembled on the heaps of algae, confervae, and shells cast ashore -by the sea, hun- dreds of sea-mews, sea-swallows, sea-daws, preparing to snatch the fish out of the water, and to divide amongst themselves the remains of the banquet. Finally, several grebes swimming in the area circum- scribed by the semicircle of fishers, while this space was still suffi- ciently broad, played their part at the welcome feast, frequently plunging after the scared and terrified fish." The bustard and the grouse, or heather-cock, are common enough in the prairies of Central Asia. Crows and numerous birds of prey also flock thither in search of their dead or living prey. Travellers speak of a black eagle of Mongolia which the Mongols and Kalkas train to hunt the moufflon, the yellow goat, and the saiga. We can- not find the bird described under this name by any naturalist, nor can we determine whether he is an eagle properly so called, or whether he is not rather the cosmopolitan black kite (milvus ater), which rises so fiercely on his plumed wings, " And hunts the air for plunder." We may mention, as also proper to Central Asia, the Aquila bifasciata of Dr. Gray, and several species of buzzards, hawks, and falcons. These Raptorcs live very peacefully in the desert solitudes, where none disturb them ; and so little do they fear man, that they venture into the Mongol encampments and carry off the provisions destined for the travellers' refreshment. An incident of this nature is recorded by the Abbe' Hue, who, with his companions, was at the time preparing to sup on a quarter of a kid skilfully " dished up " by their Tartar neophyte, Samdadchiemba. " We had just seated ourselves," says M. Hue, " in a triangle on the grassy sward, having in our midst the lid of the pot which served instead of a dish, when suddenly a noise like thunder broke over our 76 A THIEVISH EAGLE. heads. A great eagle fell like an arrow on our supper, and rose again with the same rapidity, carrying off in his claws some slices of kid. When we had recovered from our surprise, we had nothing better to do than laugh at the adventure. However, Samdadchiemba could not laugh, not he ; he was exceedingly wroth, not on account of the stolen THE EAGLE OF THE STEPPES, AND THE ANTELOPE SAIGA. kid, but because the eagle, in flying off, had insolently buffeted him with the tip of his wing " The eagle," adds our author, " is found almost everywhere in the deserts of Tartary. You see him sometimes hovering and wheel- ing round and round in the air ; sometimes, perched upon a hillock in the middle of the plain, he remains there for a long time as motionless SERPENTS IN THE STEPPES. 77 as a sentinel. Often we encounter him on the ground, apparently larger than an ordinary sheep ; when we draw near, he is com- pelled, before he can rise into the air, to make a long detour, agitating his heavy wings ; after which, succeeding in lifting himself a little above the ground, he soars aloft at pleasure." The Erpetological fauna of the Steppes is little known, and is probably very scanty. Unfortunately, this region has not been explored by scientific naturalists, and the unprofessional travellers who have visited it do not appear to have met with any reptiles which seemed to them worthy of detailed notice. Atkinson, how- ever, speaks of the stony ridges of the plain as " swarming with serpents." " I observed," he says,* " four varieties : A black one, three feet eight inches long, and about one inch and an eighth in diameter. Another was of slaty-gray colour, from two to three feet long, and smaller in diameter than the black snake. This breed was numerous, and often difficult to see, they so nearly resembled the colour of some of the rocks. We also found some of an ashy-green and black, with deep crimson specks on the sides ; as they moved along in the sun the colours were most brilliant." Another, which Mr. Atkinson's companions killed, was of a dark-brown, with greenish and red marks on the sides, and evidently very venomous. He measured five feet two inches and a half without his head, and four inches and a quarter round his body. * Atkinson, " Oriental and Western Siberia," pp. 463-465. A GLIMPSE OF HUMAN LIFE. CHAPTER VIII. THE INHABITANTS OF THE STEPPES : TARTARS, COSSACKS, KALMUKS, KIRGHIZ, MONGOLS. THE Steppes of Tartary and Mongolia, interrupted, says Humboldt,* by chains of mountains of various aspects, separate the ruder peoples of Northern Asia from the primitive races, which have been for ages civilized, of Hindostan and Thibet. Their existence has influenced the destinies of mankind in various important ways. They have rolled back the populations towards the south, and more than the Himalaya, more than the snow-crowned peaks of Serinagur and Goorkha, have raised an obstacle to the alliances of peoples, while opposing, in the north of Asia, insuperable barriers to the refinement of manners and the genius of the arts. But it is not only as barriers that History should regard the plains of Central Asia ; they have several times let loose on earth a torrent of calamity and devastation. The pastoral races of the Steppes Mongols, Getse, Alans, and Huns have convulsed the world. If, in the course of ages, intellectual culture has directed its course from east to west, like the vivifying light of the sun, Bar- barism at a later period has followed in the same track, when threatening to plunge all Europe into darkness. A people of tawny shepherds, Tou-Kin (that is to say, Turkish) in origin, the Hioung- Nou, inhabited, under tents of skin, the elevated Steppe of the Gobi. Long formidable to the Chinese power, a horde of the Hioung-Nou was driven back towards the south into Central Asia. The impulse which they gave spread uninterruptedly even into the native country of the Fins, on the borders of the Oural, and thence the Huns, the Avars, the Chasurs, and various mixtures of Asiatic races, poured forth in furious violence. The Hunnish hosts first appeared on the * Humboldt, " Ansichten der Natur," vol. i. ETHNOGRAPHICAL DETAILS. 70 banks of the Volga, then in Pamionia, and finally on the banks of the Marne, and 011 those of the Po, ravaging the beautiful fields where, from the days of Antenor, the genius of man had accumulated its glorious monuments. Thus from the Mongolian deserts blew a pestiferous wind, which choked even in the Cisalpine plains the deli- cate blossom of art, the object of such tender and continual cares. Our English traveller, Atkinson, has called the Steppes " the cradle of invasions;" and this not only because from their solitudes issued the hordes which devastated Europe in the first centuries of the Middle Ages, but because Kussia and Austria have found therein those truculent soldiers of repulsive aspect who, in their hands, have become, even in our own day, the scourge of the free and civilized nations they would fain have subjugated. In the present day the Steppes of Eastern Europe and of Asia are still the asylum of savagery, if not of barbarism. The tribes scat- tered over them are more or less closely allied to that fraction of the human family which ethnographists designate under the name of the " Turanian." Those of the East belong exclusively to the Mongolian branch, and those of the West partly to the Mongolian and partly to the Turkish, more or less modified by their mixture with the Slave branch of the great Caucasian family. To all these peoples we commonly apply the term Tartaro, or Tartars, which originally " was a name of the Mongolic races, but through their political ascendancy in Asia after Chingis-Khan (A.D. 1227), it became usual to call all the tribes which were under Mongolian sway by the name of Tartar." * It now really belongs to the small tribe of Turkic origin which, after occupying Turkistan, has spread even into the Crimea. We must distinguish from it, however, the Cossacks, or Kosaks, who inhabit the Ukraine, the banks of the Don and the Dnieper, and who are more closely related to the Slave family than the Mongolian race. We shall pass in rapid review the principal hordes which inhabit the Steppes, from the western border to the eastern extremity of these deserts. * Prof. Max Miiller, ' Lectures on the Science of Language," 2nd Series, p. 309. 80 THE TARTAR-XOGAIS. The first tribe which we encounter on the shores of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea is that of the Tartar-Nogais, who formerly lived north-east of the Caspian. " Pressed by the Kalmuks, or Mougolic tribe, the Nogais advanced westward as far as Astrachan. Peter I. transferred them thence to the north of the Caucasian moun- tains, where they still graze their flocks on the shores of the Kuban and the Kuma." Of late years, however, they have begun to settle themselves in permanent habitations, owing to the exertions of a French emigre, Count Maison, who was appointed their governor in 1808. They now occupy (according to Madame Hominaire de Hell) all the territory comprised between the Sea of Azov and the river of Malochnia-Vodi. They number about 32,000 souls, spread over seventy villages. Their huts are small, with a roof constructed of beams of timber, covered with reeds, which are afterwards loaded with clay and ashes. They occupy themselves wholly in rearing horses and cattle. The horses of the Kalm ilk-Kirghiz breed are of moderate stature, but nimble and robust. All the year round they roam across the plains, and in winter seek their provender beneath the snow. The horned cattle are small and puny, the cows yield but a poor supply of milk, and are of scarcely any value. The aged Nogais shave the hair entirely off; the young people preserve a single tuft on the top of the head. This custom compels them to wear constantly a bonnet of wool or lamb's skin. A short caftan over a shirt of cotton or woollen, bound round the waist by a leather belt ; loose, wide trousers ; in winter a pelisse of sheep's skin and a kind of hood enveloping the head and shoulders, compose the dress of the males. As for the women, they wear above the chemise a caftan of cloth, girded about the form by a large belt ornamented with great metal buckles ; they likewise figure in Turkish trousers and slippers, with a long white veil fastened round the head, and allowed to fall upon the shoulders ; small silver rings adorn the fingers and the nose ; heavy ear-drops hang from their ears, the two being frequently linked together by a chain passing under the chin. DESCRIPTION OF THE COSSACKS. 81 The young girls dress their hair in a multiplicity of curls, and instead of the veil wear a small red fez, garnished with pieces of metal and all kinds of trinkets. The Nogais are Mohammedans, of the sect called Sunnites (or believers in the " Sunna," the sayings and aphorisms traditionally attributed to the Prophet). Their name is derived from that of their first chief, the grandson of Chingis-Khan, who, about 1260, declared himself independent of the Kapchakian empire, and estab- lished himself with his warriors on the borders of the Black Sea. The Kosaks (or Cossacks) are, as we have said, Slaves rather than Tartars. They have blue eyes, red hair, thick lips, a flat nose. Nimble, robust, indefatigable, skilful horsemen, they furnish the Russian army with a formidable host of irregulars. Some have fixed their homes in the towns, but the majority inhabit the villages or stanitzas scattered over the Steppes. Very few are agriculturists. Either they devote themselves to breeding horses and cattle, or live on the small pension allowed them for their military services. Nearly all the young and hardy of the males have no other trade but that of arms. The Cossack chieftains, their Hetmans, or Attamans, derive their authority directly from the Czar. Their religion is that of the Russian Greek Church ; and they are, we believe, the only Chris- tians in the entire zone of the Steppes. Bold and resolute robbers in time of war, the Cossacks " at home" are peaceable, kindly-natured, and more honest than the Russian Mongiks. The erroneous ideas which still prevail respecting their character are mainly due to French prejudices, excited by the disastrous events of 1814 and 1815, when the jingle of their arms resounded in the streets of Paris. But they are not really so black as they have been painted. The traveller passes through the country which they inhabit with the utmost security, and is received in their stanitzas with a hospitable welcome. These stanitzas, if we may credit Madame Hommaire de Hell, present a far more agreeable appearance than the Russian villages. G 82 WATCH-POSTS OF THE COSSACKS. They consist of small wooden houses, gaily painted. There is but one story, which is surrounded by a miniature gallery, and seems expressly constructed to please the eye. The interior is exceedingly neat and pretty, indicating an intelligence and an idea of comfort which the Russians never exhibit. You will find it enriched with towels, dishes of delft ware, forks, and all the most necessary utensils. Usually two huts are built in one block ; the first, which we have just described, is occupied for a summer residence ; it contains, gene- rally, one room hung with paper of a lively design, and adorned with images, flowers, and trophies of arms, which is reserved for state occasions and the entertainment of strangers. The second hut, built of dried clay, resembles the Russian kates, consisting of a single chamber, where all the household huddle together during the winter to shelter themselves from the cold. The traveller seldom sees in these stanitzas any but women and children. With the exception of a few gray veterans, who have purchased by forty years of service the right of dying under the home-roof, the entire male population is under arms. Thus all the work falls upon the shoulders of the women, who must repair the houses, cleanse and diy the furs, take care of the children, and watch the cattle. The Cossack soldiers, regulars and irregulars, are the guardians of the Steppes. To them is intrusted the security of the traveller, who is much exposed to the attacks of nomadic Turkomen, whose only occupation is robbery. The surveillance of these immense plains is not so difficult, however, nor does it necessitate so large a force as you might suppose. Small watch-posts, or platforms, of extreme simplicity of design, are raised at intervals on the higher grounds ; they consist of four long stout poles planted in the earth, and supporting a timber floor, which is sometimes sheltered by a roof of timber. These are the observatories, the prospect-towers of the Cossacks, who can thus obtain a survey over an immense sweep of country, and exchange signals with one another. The horse- men always remain stationed under the platform, ready to leap THE NOMADIC KALMUKS. 83 into the saddle and to gallop wherever their presence may be required. In the Steppes of the Caspian Sea the Cossacks give place to the Kalmiiks, or Olots, a people of the Mongolic race, who originally inhabited Turkistan, but abandoned that country, in 1778, for the banks of the Volga. Their life is wholly nomadic. They encamp under tents called kibitkas, formed of a trellis-work of wood covered with thick felt. In stature they do not often exceed the middle height ; they are thin and ugly, with a swarthy skin, a large flat countenance, little eyes, broad nose, thick lips, and frizzled beard. They are inoffensive, hospitable like all Eastern people, but idle and cunning. Their costume differs but little from that of the Tartars- 84 A STKANGE SPECTACLE. Nogais. They profess the Lamaii religion, and obey the chiefs whom they themselves elect, and who bear the title of khans. The Russian Government levies among the Kalmuk tribes encamped on its terri- tory a body of irregular troops, whom it employs in the defence of its eastern and southern frontiers. According to Madame de Hell, the Kalmiiks are as friendly as the Cossacks in their reception of a stranger. " The last encamp- ment," she says, " where we passed the night, appeared to us one of the most considerable which we had hitherto met with. The country, almost transformed, was no longer saddened by the great sandy plains of the Caspian Sea and the Manitch Herds of horses, camels, and oxen furrowed the surface of the Steppe, announcing the wealth of the hordes to which they belonged. No hostile manifesta- tion on the part of the latter occurred to disturb our security. Happy in receiving us in the very midst of their tents, these good Kalmiiks never attempted to rob us even of the most trifling article. Their desires and their wants are so limited ! To tame a wild horse, to roam from one Steppe to another on their camels, to smoke, and to drink koumis, to shut out the cold airs of winter with smoke and ashes, and to observe devoutly the superstitious practices of a religion which they cannot understand such is their whole life." At intervals, the traveller who crosses the Steppes of the Caspian encounters with astonishment, in the most dreary localities, far from every Cossack village and Kalmuk kibitka, a group of men, women, and children with bronzed complexions, with features strongly defined, covered with squalid and grotesque rags, dragging their naked feet over the damp and burning soil, and leading small vehicles loaded with implements and utensils of every kind. He easily recognizes in these beings of sinister mien, audacious mendicants, skilful thieves, musicians, blacksmiths, conjurers what shall I say ? the debris, in a word, of that once great, and perhaps powerful race, now so degraded and corrupt, whose problematical history is the despair of the scholar. The scorn and mistrust of every nation impatient of all discipline, all education without law, without religion, without country these THEIR ADVENT IN EUROPE. 85 men speak a language which none can understand. Of their real name they are themselves ignorant, and they accept with indifference that which is imposed upon them in different countries : in the East, Romany ; in Moldavia, Tsiganes; in Italy, Zingari ; in Spain, Gilanos ; in France, Bohemians ; in England, Gipsies* The Ger- mans call them Zigeuner ; the Dutch, expressively but intolerantly, Heathens ; the Persians, Sisech ; the Hindus, Kavachee ; the Danes and Swedes, Tatars ; and the Arabs, Harame. Their origin has been a theme of speculation for centuries, and all that seems certain, after a vast amount of research and discussion, is, that the cradle of the race was India. To what Indian people they should be affiliated is still doubtful ; whether to the Zuts or Djalts of the north ; the Tshingani, who dwelt near the mouth of the Indus ; or the Tshandalas, chronicled by name in the laws of Menou. We know that their first immigration into Europe occurred about the close of the tenth century, for we find them referred to in a para- phrase of the book of Genesis, written by an Austrian monk, about 1122. They are there spoken of as " Ishmaelites and braziers, who go peddling through the wide world, having neither house nor home, cheating the people with their tricks, and secretly deceiving man- kind." In the fourteenth century a considerable body settled in Walla- chia, Hungary, and the island of Cyprus. Next, they invaded Ger- many, broke into Switzerland, and appeared in Bologna and other Italian cities. Like a besieging army they set down before Paris in 1427, but were not suffered to enter its precincts. A few years later they crossed into England, and gradually they overspread the whole of Europe. Their own account of themselves represented that they came from " Little Egypt ; " that about four thousand of their num- ber had been compulsorily baptized by the king, and condemned to seven years' wanderings, while the remainder had been slain. At first, their wealth, their pomp, and their supposed penitence secured * The Spanish gipsies call themselves CaUs (black). Many interesting details of this curious people are embodied in George Borrow's ' Zincali ; or, An Account of the Gipsies in Spain." 86 MYSTERIOUS CHARACTER OF THE GIPSIES. them a favourable reception ; but when their wealth was dissipated, their pomp decayed, and their penitence discovered to be a sham, a storm of obloquy broke over their heads. Every European govern- ment levelled the most arbitrary decrees against them, which con- tinued in force down to the middle of the eighteenth century. Various attempts have since been made to civilize and incorporate them with the general body of the population, but these have obtained a very limited success. They still remain a race apart, with their own language (Romany Tschib), their own traditions, their own cus- toms, their distinct personal characteristics. They still remain a race cursed with the curse of perpetual restlessness ; a mysterious impulse constrains them to wander ; they live secluded from all other peoples ; an atmosphere of secrecy enshrouds their inner life, their language, and their creed. They are gifted with a remarkable love of and capacity for music, and a strange wild charm invests their own gipsy-melodies. Their character is a grotesque combination of the most opposite qualities ; for they are brave and yet cowardly ; revenge- ful, yet loyal; treacherous, yet capable of the most passionate attach- ment ; indolent, yet energetic ; chaste, yet fond of licentious songs and dances. In a word, they are a problem to the ethnologist, the moralist, and the historical student ; and fence themselves about with so impenetrable a reserve, that we may well doubt whether the full truth respecting them will ever be ascertained.* The Tsiganes or Romany are very numerous in Southern Russia. They pass from town to town, from village to village, sometimes begging or stealing, sometimes exercising their peculiar trades and industries, and providing for their wants more honestly. They never establish themselves permanently in any place. They halt wherever the evening shades may chance to overtake them, stretch a few fragments of woollen stuff across the poles of their vehicles to serve for tents, kindle a fire with herbs, twigs, and dry branches, partly to cook their food, and partly to scare away the wild beasts, and fling themselves * All that is really known about them will be found in Professor Pott's " Zigeuner- Bprache " (Halle, 1845). THE KIRGHIZ HORDES. 87 down pell-mell to sleep on mats or the naked earth. When morning dawns, they resume their life-long march giving no thought to the future, no dream to the past without object, hope, or purpose. The Steppes of the interior of Asia, from the Aral river to the Ala-Tau mountains, are occupied by the great nation of the Kirghiz, NIGHT ENCAMPMENT OF GIPSIES IN THE STEPPE. who have, from time immemorial, been divided into the Great, Middle, and Little Hordes. To the former belongs the territory north of the Ala-Tau, with portions of China and Tartary. They are sub- ject to the sovereigns of the countries in which they dwell. The Middle Horde inhabits the district between the Ishim, Irtish, Lake Balkhush, and Khokari. The Little (and far most numerous) Horde 88 INTERIOR OF A YOURT. wanders over the grassy plains bounded by the Yamba and the Ural, Turkistan (now a Russian province), and the country of the Middle Horde (or Siberian Kirghizes). Altogether, the Kirghizes number upwards of one and a quarter million of souls. They are of Turco-Tartaric origin, and Southern Siberia is their mother country.* Though owing a nominal allegiance to the Russian Czar and the Chinese Emperor, they are virtually independent, and obey only their sultans or chiefs. They are frequently at war. Many live wholly by brigandage ; suddenly descending, under cover of night, upon the richest aouls, or villages, slaying all who resist, and carrying off horses, cattle, and all objects of value, and men, women and children, whom they sell as slaves. These nocturnal razzias are designated, in the Kirghiz language, barantas. The yourt, or tent of these nomades, resembles the kibitka of the Kalmiiks. We borrow a description of one belonging to a Kirghiz chief from Mr. Atkinson's entertaining pages. " It was formed," he says,* " of willow trellis-work, put together with untanned strips of skin, made into compartments which fold up. It was a circle of thirty-four feet in diameter, five feet high to the springing of the dome, and twelve feet in the centre. This dome is formed of bent rods of willow, one and a quarter inch diameter, put into the mortice-hole of a ring about four feet across, which secures the top of the dome, admits light, and lets out the smoke. The lower ends of the willow-rods are tied with leathern thongs to the top of the trellis-work at the sides, which renders it quite strong and secure. The whole is then covered with large sheets of voilock, made of wool and camel's hair, fitting close, making it water-tight and warm. A small aperture in the trellis-work forms a door- way, over which a piece of voilock hangs down and closes it ; but in the daytime this is rolled up and secured on the top of the yourt. * Max Miiller, " On the Origin of Language," 2nd series, p. 317. t T. W. Atkinson, " Oriental and Western Siberia," pp. 284-286. A HOUSEHOLD PICTURE. 89 " The furniture and fittings of these dwellings are exceedingly simple ; the fire being made on the ground in the centre of the yourt, directly opposite to the door voilocks are spread : on these stand sundry boxes, which contain the different articles of clothing, pieces of Chinese silk, tea, dried fruits, ambas of silver (small squares, about two and a half inches long, one inch and a half wide, and about three- tenths of an inch thick). Some of the Kirghiz possess large quanti- ties of these ambas, which are carefully hoarded up. Above these boxes are bales of Bokharian and Persian carpets, some of great beauty and value. In another part of the yourt is the large koumis sack, completely covered up with voilock to keep it warm and aid the fermentation. In another part of the yourt is the large leathern koumis sack, completely covered up with voilock to keep it warm and aid the fermentation. " And near this bag stands a large leathern bottle, sometimes holding four gallons, often much ornamented; so are the small bottles made to carry on the saddle. In another place stands the large iron caldron, and the trivet on which it is placed when used for cooking in the yourt. There are usually half-a-dozen Chinese wooden bowls, often beautifully painted and japanned. These are used to drink the koumis from ; some of them hold three pints, others more. On entering a Kirghiz yourt in summer, one of the Chinese bowls full of koumis is presented to each guest. It is considered impolite to return the vessel before emptying it, and a good Kirghiz is never guilty of this impropriety. " The saddles are placed on the bales of carpets. Kich horse- trappings being highly prized by the wealthy Kirghiz, many of their saddles are beautiful and costly. If of Kirghiz workmanship, they are decorated with silver inlaid on iron, in chaste ornamental designs, and have velvet cushions ; the bridles and other trappings covered with small iron plates inlaid in the same manner. " Leathern thongs and ropes made of camel's hair are hung up on the trellis-work, common saddles, saddle-cloths, and leathern tchimbar. This part of a Kirghiz costume is frequently made of black 6 a 90 THE KIRGHIZ COSTUME. velvet, splendidly embroidered with silk, more especially the back elevation." Such is the dwelling of a Kirghiz chief in the Steppe. The national garment of the Kirghiz is the khalat, a kind of pelisse, very long and very full, with large sleeves, in silk or cash- mere, and of the most dazzling colours ; but the poorer warriors sub- KlROHIZ AOUL OR VlLI.AE. stitute for this state dress a horse-skin jacket. Breeches fastened below the hips by a girdle of wool or cashmere, high-heeled madder- coloured boots, and a fox-skin cap, rising into a cone on the top, and lined inside with crimson cloth, complete his costume. His weapons are the spear, the gun, the axe, and the cutlass. The women wear a long and copious robe, and a veil of numerous folds, surmounted by a COOKERY IN THE STEPPES. 91 lofty calico head-dress, a part of which falls over the shoulders and covers up the neck. The Kirghiz are fierce, cunning, and often cruel, but the life of a guest is esteemed sacred. They have not so much respect, however, for his property, and do not always resist the temptation of plunder- ing him of any article which suits their fancy. Equestrian exercises and falconry are their favourite amusements. They love the chase, indeed, with a true sportsman's passion ; they love it for itself rather than for the game it secures, for they have no greater dainty than a dish of mutton. Their mode of preparing this viand is ex- quisitely simple. They content themselves with skinning the animal, cutting it into quarters, and plunging it into a, pot, where they keep it boiling in a great quantity of water for a couple of hours. Gener- ally, to .prevent the loss of any portion, they cook with the meat the animal's intestines, without even taking the trouble of cleaning them. The guests arrange themselves in a circle on carpets of felt ; the men in the foremost rank, the women and children behind them. The smoking quarters of mutton are removed from the pot ; each man draws his knife, slashes off a slice, eats a portion, and passes the re- mainder to his wife and children, who speedily finish it. The dogs come in for the bones. Afterwards, bowls of the liquor in which the meat has been boiled are handed round, and not a Kirghiz but swallows, the greasy broth with delight. This broth, koumis, and tea are his customary drink ; the tea is not made in the European fashion, but becomes a veritable soup, prepared with milk, flour, butter, and salt. In every well-to-do aoul the women keep constantly upon the fire a vessel full of this beverage, which they offer to visitors, just as the Turks serve up coffee, the Spaniards, chocolate, and the French, To the north of the Great Horde, in the government of Irkutsk (Siberia), we meet with the Agro-Mongolian people of the Buriats, numbering about 35,000 families. They are given to Chamanism, an idolatrous worship widely spread through Eastern Siberia. Their 92 THE MONGOL RACE. supreme divinity inhabits the sun, and reigns over a host of lesser gods. Finally, between Lake Baikal and the Altai' Mountains to the north, the Ala-Tau mountains west, the Great Wall of China south, and the sea east, stretches the immense territory commonly known as Mongolia, and inhabited in part by the tribes which represent the Mongol type in all its primitive purity. This great desert, where grassy lands alternate with dry and sandy or saline plains, was formerly the seat of a flourishing empire, established by Chingis- Khan in 1227, which gave birth to the three Mongol kingdoms of Krim, Kasan, and Astrachan. Mongolic empires, at a later period, arose in China, Turkistan, Siberia, Southern Russia, and Persia. The Mongolian dynasty lost its hold on China in 13 GO, and a -century later was driven out of Russia. In Central Asia it was rehabilitated in 1369, by the illustrious Timur ; but a hundred years afterwards the empire was again crushed by its own weight. Baber, a descendant of Timur, conquered India, and erected there a Mongolian throne, which endured until the soldiers of Great Britain defeated Tippoo Saib and captured Delhi. Most Mongolic tribes are now under the rule of the nations whom they once had conquered, the Tungusic sovereigns of China, the Russian Czars, and the Turkish Sultans.* The ruins of Mongolian grandeur are still visible in those solitary cities, which the traveller in the desert discovers half overwhelmed in sand. "We met," says the Abbe' Hue, "with an imposing and majestic memorial of antiquity. It was a great city, desolate and abandoned. The crenellated ramparts, the watch-towers, the four great gates, situated at the four cardinal points, were all in perfect preservation ; but all was buried three-fourths deep in the ground, and covered with a thick sward. We entered its vast precinct with a profound emotion of awe and melancholy. We saw neither debris nor ruins, but only the outline of a beautiful and spacious city, * Max Miiller. " Origin of Language," pp. 311, 312. CREED OF THE MONGOLS. 93 wrapped in grass and weeds as in a funeral shroud." Similar relics of the past are scattered over the deserts of Mongolia, but every- thing connected with their origin is enveloped in shadow. The Mongolian family includes several branches, each subdivided into tribes, obeying chiefs of unequal rank. The most numerous people are the Kalkas, who occupy all the northern districts. The Mongols of the south, dwelling near the Great Wall, have been affected in their habits and manners by the neighbourhood of the Chinese ; they have become industrious, and engage eagerly in com- mercial affairs. But the Kalkas, and the other tribes of the Great Gobi, are still nomadic, reckless, and indolent. Their religion is Budd- hism ; they profess for its head, the living Buddha or Great Lama (Dalai-lama, or Ocean-priest i.e., wide as the ocean), a reverence and a blind obedience, which they also pay to the inferior lamas. "Under an external aspect of savagery," says Hue, "the Mongol hides a character full of mildness and kindly feeling; he passes suddenly from the wildest and most extravagant gaiety to a sadness which has nothing forbidding. Timid to excess in his ordinary life, when impelled by fanaticism or revenge, he displays an irresistible impetuosity of courage. He is simple and credulous as a child, and passionately loves stories and legends of the marvellous." The Mongols are ugly in feature, of the middle height, agile and robust ; their sight is wonderfully keen, their hearing of an extraor- dinary acuteness.* Their wants are restricted to the indispensable necessities of life ; of luxury they have no conception ; their few pleasures are easily enjoyed ; their instincts lead them rather in the * Dr. Latham thus describes their physical characteristics : " The face is broad and flat, because the cheek-bones stand out laterally, and the nasal bones are depressed. The cheek-bones stand out laterally ; are not merely projecting, for this they might be without giving much breadth to the face, inasmuch as they might stand forward. The distance between the eyes is great, the eyes themselves being oblique, and their carunculse concealed. The eyebrows form a low and imperfect arch, black and scanty. The iris is dark, the cornea yellow. The complexion is scanty, the stature low. The ears are large, standing out from the head ; the lips thick and fleshy rather than thin ; the teeth somewhat oblique in their insertion, the forehead low and flat, and the hair lank and thin." Descriptive Ethnology. 94 DESTINY OF THE MONGOLS. path of good than of evil, and their defects, to use an expression of M. Hue's, are those of ill-trained children. They need, perhaps, but a well-directed impulse to develop their intellect, and guide them onward to a far higher civilization. In the great human family, it is true that as yet they do but fill the children's place, and it is impos- sible to say whether their national genius is capable of any great or lasting work. BOOK II. THE DESERTS OF SAXD:THE DESERTS OF EUROPE AND AFRICA. CHAPTER I. THE RAINLESS DESERT THE BED OF A SEA THE DEAD SEA. Sandy Deserts may with equal, nay, with greater accuracy, be entitled Salt Deserts, Rainless Deserts, Seas of Sand ; for they present at one and the same time all these characters, and the three last, though less generally known than the first, are the most essential. The soil is generally covered with a thick stratum of sand ; but in several places it also exhibits great walls of rock, and in others masses of rolled or shattered pebbles. The subsoil is nearly always of a gypseous or calcareous nature, rarely clayey ; wherever it is porous and permeable, it is impregnated with salt, which rises to the surface, or is held in solution in the subterranean basins of water, the thermal springs, the ponds, and the lakes. The saline efflorescences of the deserts of Persia and Oriental Asia not only suffice for the wants of the inhabitants, but supply the great Asiatic caravans with their principal article of exportation. The atmosphere of the Deserts is not less dry than their sands and rocks. The sky wears a perennial azure, more or less veiled in haze, or rather spotted with a few clouds. Johnstone represents them, in his admirable " Physical Atlas," by two white unequal 96 ORIGIN OF THE DESERTS. bands, characterised as " Rainless Districts." Of these the larger occupies all the northern region of Africa, and the greater portion of Arabia, Syria, Persia, and Beloochistan, embracing an area of 80 of longitude over 17 of latitude. The other extends over the table- lands of Thibet and the Gobi. It is in form an irregular ellipsis, obliquely inclined from south-west to north-east. Its length is about 1100 leagues ; its width, 450. From the former it is only separated by a narrow belt. In the region marked by these two species rain is an extraordinary phenomenon ; several years will pass without the clouds shedding a single drop of water. This permanent, and nearly absolute, aridity, establishes a very marked difference between the Deserts properly so called, and the Landes, Steppes, and Prairies, con- demned as these are during the hot season to a deadly dryness, but in winter inundated with rain or covered with snow ; and in spring converted into immense marshes, where an exuberant vegetation makes its appearance, frequently capable of resisting the* action of the summer sun and the withering winds. In the Rainless Districts vegetation is a nullity ; it becomes reduced to a very small number of saline plants and dwarf bushes, nourished by the brackish waters which, the soil conceals. Finally, the desert region may not only be compared to a sea in its aspect and immensity, but it is a true sea, or at least the bed of an ancient sea, which formerly communicated, and, perhaps, was confounded with the Mediterranean, and whose drying up, though still incomplete, took place at a recent geological epoch. We may reasonably conclude that, owing to a series of gradual upheavals, this sea was at first broken up into vast lagoons; that most of these successively disap- peared, but not without leaving some certain evidences of the primitive submersion of the continent. " If we might hazard a conjecture," says a recent writer,* "it would be that the same convulsions and upheavals which at the close of the tertiary epoch indented the southern coasts of Europe, at the same time drained the ocean which hitherto had rolled over the plains of the Sahara, and * Rev. H. B. Tristram, " The Great Sahara," p. 360. THE GREAT GOBI. 97 submerged the low-lying lands, which probably united the Canaries and Madeira to the mainland." To a similar cause must be attributed the existence of the subterranean waters, springs-, ponds, and salt lakes, of which I have already spoken, and of the inland seas the Caspian, the Sea of Aral, and the Dead Sea ; while the Black Sea and its offshoots, the Sea of Azov and the Sea of Marmora, must have had the same origin. I shall discuss this subject further when describing the Great Sahara. In Eastern and Central Asia, the Sandy or Salt Deserts alternate with the Steppes, and with lands susceptible of a certain amount of cultivation. The vast region which geographers designate the Great Gobi, or the Shamo, is intersected by many grassy Steppes and even by fertile fields, where the sedentary Mongols, and especially the Artons, yearly sow and gather hemp, millet, and buckwheat. The sombre picture of " a barren plain of shifting sand blown into high ridges where the summer sun is scorching, no rain falls, and when thick fog occurs it is only the precursor of fierce winds,"* is true only of special districts, such as the Han-hai, or "Dry Sea/' or the Desert of Sarkha. There, for instance, we meet with no other vegetable than the salsolje, or salt-worts, which flourish around the small saline pools. Of these pools, when seen from a distance, Mr. Atkinson notices a remarkable characteristic : the salt crystals which accrete upon their banks frequently reflect the orange or crimson hues of flowers, and resemble glowing rubies set in a rich mounting. As we advance in a south-easterly direction, we find the features of the desert region more prominently marked. Immense plains of sand, with a bare and brackish surface, called IJejaban, traverse the whole of Persia, from the Caspian Sea to the Indus. They comprise the Deserts of Kerusan, Seistan, Beloo- chistan, and Mekran, rich in salts with a basis of soda. "The coasts of the Persian Gulf," as Mrs. Somerville remarks, " are burning hot sandy solitudes, so completely barren, that the country from Bassora to the Indus, a distance of 1200 miles, is nearly a sterile waste. Three-tenths of Persia is a desert, and the table- * Mrs. Somerville, ' Physical Geography," vol. i., p. 105. 7 08 THE PERSIAN DESERT. land is nearly a wide scene of desolation. A great salt-desert occupies 27,000 square miles between Irak and Khorasan, of which the soil is a stiff clay, covered with efflorescence of common salt and nitre, often an inch thick, varied only by a few saline plants and patches of verdure in the hollows. This dreary waste joins the large sandy and equally dreary desert of Kerman. Khelat, the capital of Beloochistan, is 7000 feet above the level of the sea ; round it there is cultivation, but the greater part of that country is a lifeless plain, over which the brick-red sand is drifted by the north wind into ridges like the waves of the sea, often twelve feet high, without a vestige of vegetation. The blast of the desert, whose hot and pesti- lential breath is fatal to man and animals, renders these dismal sands impassable at certain seasons." The Desert of Mekran is separated from that of Moultan by the Indus. That which lies to the east of Kom, in the centre of Persia, is more than sixty leagues in extent. Of Persia, M. Forgues observes that the actual reality differs strangely from those glowing eastern landscapes which poets and romancists love to paint. Even in those provinces where the winter rains encourage the growth of vegetation, the scene would hardly remind the traveller of " That delightful province of the Sun, The first of Persian lands he shines upon, Where all the loveliest children of his beam. Flowerets and fruits, blush over every stream."* " To bare, dry mountain-ridges," says M. Forgues, " succeed plains, sometimes incrusted with hard clay, sometimes clothed with thick sand. At the outset of spring, in the months of April and May, the country is coloured with some softer tints, the grass breaks here and there through the granite and the gravel ; but in the first summer heats everything grows dry, and the soil resumes its monoto- nously brown or gray livery. Water fails for cultivation, which in the best districts is confined to a few scattered oases. In these vast spaces, when the eye surveys them from some mountain-crest, there * Moore, " Lalla Rookh " Veiled Prophet of Khorassan. THE DEAD SEA. 09 occurs nothing to arrest the gaze ; and when once the spring has past, the cultured fields become blended with those which the plough has suffered to lie fallow, the clay-built villages with the earth of which their walls are constructed. In these confused landscapes even a considerable town scarcely traces its blurred outline among the accumulated ruins in whose centre it persists in living, and whose extent attests its decadence. It is a marvel if, on arriving at the limit of these monotonous plains, the traveller distinguishes them from the deserts to whose threshold they have generally conducted him. He only recognizes the latter by the dazzling gleam of their saline efflorescence, which stretches far out of sight, and where at intervals abruptly projects some mass of ebon-black rock, transformed by the solar refraction, and assuming in quick succession the most fantastic aspects." I have spoken of the inland seas and salt lakes which testify to the primitive submersion of the whole region of the Great Deserts. Let us pursue our route towards the west, and we shall encounter the most remarkable of these vestiges of a remote past. First, I shall speak of the Dead Sea, the Lake Asphaltes, which Dean Stanley justly designates " one of the most remarkable spots in the world," and which, as the reader knows, is situated in the south of Palestine, at a short distance from Jerusalem. It is true that " a great mass of legend and exaggeration, partly the effect, partly the cause, of the old belief that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were buried under the Dead Sea, has been gradually removed in recent years. The glittering surface of the lake, with the thin mist of its own evaporations floating over its surface, will now no more be taken for a gloomy sea, sending forth sulphurous exhalations. The birds which pass over it without injury have long ago destroyed the belief that no living creature could survive the baneful atmosphere which hung upon its waters." But still, for the scientific no less than for the historical student, it possesses an absorb- ing interest. It is the most depressed sheet of water in the world, 100 STRANGE WILD CHARACTER OF THE SEA. lying fully thirteen hundred feet below the level of the Mediterranean : as the Lake Sir-i-Kol, where the Oxus rises " In his high mountain-cradle in Paracre," is the most elevated.* " Its basin," to quote Dean Stanley's graphic description, " is a steaming caldron a bowl which, from the pecu- liar temperature and deep cavity in which it is situated, can never be filled to overflowing. The river Jordan, itself exposed to the same withering influences, is not copious enough to furnish a supply equal to the demand made by the rapid evaporation. Its excessive salt- ness is even more remarkable than its deep depression. This pecu- liarity is, it is believed, mainly occasioned by the huge barrier of fossil-salt at its south-west corner, and heightened by the rapid evaporation of the fresh water poured into it. Other like phenomena, though in a less striking form, exist elsewhere. But, without enter- ing into its wider relations, this aspect is important, as that which most forcibly impressed the sacred writers. To them it was ' the salt sea,' and nothing more. They exhibit hardly a trace of the exaggerations of later times. And so it is in fact. It is not gloom, but desolation, which is the prevailing characteristic of the Sea of Death. Follow the course of the Jordan to its end. How different from the first burst of its waters in Mount Hermon, amongst the groves of Dan and Paneas ! How different from the ' riotous prodi- gality of life' which has marked its downward course, almost to the very termination of its existence ! Gradually, within the last mile from the Dead Sea, its verdure dies away, and the river melts into its grave in a tame and sluggish stream ; still, however, of suffi- cient force to carry its brown waters far into the bright green sea. Along the desert shore the white crust of salt indicates the cause of sterility. Thus the few living creatures which the Jordan washes down into the waters of the sea are destroyed. Hence arises the unnatural buoyancy and the intolerable nausea to taste and touch, * Lake Sir-i-Kol is 15,600 feet above the sea-level ; that is, nearly as high as Mout Blanc. It is fourteen miles long and one mile broad. VALLEY OF THE JORDAN. 101 which raise to the highest pitch the contrast between its clear, bitter waves, and the soft, fresh, turbid stream of its parent river. Strewn along its desolate margin lie the most striking memorials of this last conflict of life arid death : trunks and branches of trees, torn down from the thickets of the river-jungle by the violence of the Jordan, thrust out into the sea, and thrown up again by its waves, dead and barren as itself. The dead beach shelves gradually into the calm waters. A deep haze that which to earlier ages gave the appeai- ance of the 'smoke going up for ever and ever' veils its southern extremity, and almost gives it the dim horizon of a real sea. In the nearer view rises the low island close to its northern end, and the Jong promontory projecting from the eastern side, which divides it into its two unequal parts. This is all that I saw, and all that most pilgrims and travellers have seen, of the Dead Sea." * The sinister aspect of the valley of the Jordan, especially at the embouchure of the river, impresses itself on the mind of every spec- tator. There the traveller finds the path narrowed between two abrupt gigantic walls. On the right rises the Arabian chain, black and perpendicular ; on the left, the Judaean range, less elevated, more irregular, and resembling a dismantled ruin. " The valley comprised between these two chains," says the Pere Laorty-Hadji, " exhibits a soil closely resembling the bed of a sea which has long been dry. You can discern but a few stunted trees. Ruined towns and castles appear in the distance. At the moment of flinging itself into the Dead Sea, the Jordan itself, traversing a muddy soil, changes its physiognomy and colour. It seems to drag reluctantly, towards the motionless lake, a burden of slow and tawny waters. The shores of the Dead Sea are low on the east and west ; to the north arid south high mountains enclose it." " These mountains, separated by a formidable cleft, exhibit their beds of red sandstone, overlain by a thick stratum of compact chalk, interrupted by silicious fragments. One is surprised not to see a volcanic crater, when all about, in this convulsed site, the action of fire is visible the violent, bitter struggle * Dean Stanley, li Syria and Palestine," pp. 290-294. 102 A SEA OF TERROR. of the two Neptunian and Plutonian principles, which, during the geological eras, contended for the empire of the world. One might say that here the two antagonistic forces exhausted themselves, that they have equally lost their potency ; so much so, that at the close of the combat all has sunk into the silence and immobility of death. And who knows if the volcanic crater, whose absence at first astonishes the observer, is not the Dead Sea itself? Is it unreason- able to admit that after the upheaval of the mountains which inclose it, and which a terrible explosion of subterranean fire will have sepa- rated, the neighbouring waters were precipitated into and swallowed up in the yawning gulf which they still fill to-day ? . . . This hypo- thesis is so much the more probable, because in this fire-scathed region the lake affords manifest indications of an igneous travail even now accomplishing itself sullenly in the bowels of the globe. We know that its name of Lake Asphaltites is due to the semi-fluid bituminous matter which constantly rises to its surface and accumu- lates on its shores. With the vapours exhaled by this bitumen under the influence of heat, mingle sulphurous and amrnoniacal exhalations, which render the atmosphere of the Dead Sea dangerous to breathe."* Before 1835 no one had ventured upon its waters. An Irish traveller, named Cottingham, was their first navigator ; but after a five days' voyage he returned to Jerusalem, and died of exhaustion. Two years later Messrs. Moore and Beke made a new attempt. For several days they withstood the pestilential exhalations of the lake, and succeeded in proving the deep depression of its basin ; but at length, both of them being taken ill, they were compelled to cut short their explorations. In 1847 the enterprise was undertaken by a Frenchman Lieutenant Molyneux who sounded it in many places, but was speedily carried off by fever. The following year Lieutenant Lynch, of the American navy, embarked on the lake in iron boats, with competent crews. He navigated its waters for three weeks ; but all who composed the expedition were more or less Beverely attacked,- and one of them, Lieutenant Deane, succumbed. * Laorty-Hadji, " La Syrie, la Palestine, et la Juclee." ANALYSIS OF ITS WATERS. 105 Though, as we have said, geographical research has dissipated most of the wild stories formerly accepted in reference to the pecu- liarly fatal concomitants of the Dead Sea, it well deserves its expres- sive name. It is a dead sea : it has neither the ocean's living movement nor deep-sounding roar ; the surf and the spray never sparkle on its rocks ; that " multitudinous laughter " which Homer ascribes to the sea is wholly wanting ; the wind never wakes a smile on its passive and sombre countenance. By its shores one might realize Shelley's mournful wish, and feel " In the warm air His cheek grow cold, and hear the sea Breathe o'er his dying brain its last monotony." * It is lifeless, untenanted; the fish found there, and brought down by the Jordan, are dead. Unlike the Caspian, it is never stirred by the whirr of wings by the flight of gulls, or pelicans, or sea-mews. The migratory birds sweep across it without even a pause, without seeking the prey which they could not find. Its waters are denser than those of other seas : their constituents are different, and mingled indifferent proportions. Laorty-Hadji is mistaken in his idea that they repose on a bed of rock salt. Rock salt is the chloride of sodium in a nearly pure con- dition. But the Dead Sea holds in solution a comparatively small portion of this salt, mixed with large proportions of other salts. Its water was analyzed for the first time in 1778 by Lavoiser, Macquer, and Sage. Experiments have also been made by Arcet, Klaproth, Gmelin, Gay-Lussac, and, more recently, by Boussingault. According to the latter, it contains : Chloride of magnesium, 10.7288 Chloride of sodium, 6.4964 Chloride of calcium, 3.5592 Chloride of potassium 1.6110 Bromide of magnesium, 0.3306 Sulphate of lime, 0.0424 Sal-ammoniac, 0013 Water,... ... 77.2303 100.0000 Shelley, '' Poetical Works" Stanzas Written in Dejection, &c. 7 a 106 ARABIA DESERT A It will be seen that it possesses neither chloride of manganese nor chloride of aluminium, no nitrates, and no iodines : that it is, there- fore, not sea water, properly so called, but a mineral water sui generis. The enormous proportion of saline matter accounts for its excep- tional density, and justifies the assertion of travellers that a man floats upon its surface like a log of wood ; though we can hardly credit the statement of Pococke that it is impossible to sink to the bottom. Its gravity undoubtedly endows it with extraordinary buoyancy, and to dive to any considerable depth is a matter of diffi- culty ; but in the Dead Sea, as in other seas, man must employ his strength and skill to keep his body afloat. CHAPTER II. ARABIA DESERTA AND ARABIA PETR^A. THE traveller who starts from the southern extremity of the Dead Sea encounters a succession of deserts. To the east extend wide plains, covered with ruins, where upwards of thirty cities are to be traced in their decay, like Palmyra, by the trunks of shattered columns and the wrecks of desecrated temples. This is the once nourishing countiy of the Nabatheans, now haunted by some tribes of Idumean Arabs. One might not inappropriately call it the vestibule of Arabia Deserta ; a name applicable to all the central and southern districts that is to say, to nearly three-fourths of the Arabian peninsula. There the sea of sand reveals itself in all its nakedness, in all its horrors ; with its implacable sky and fiery at- mosphere, its sandy billows, its masses of salt, and, in certain places, with its hidden quicksands capable of devouring entire armies. The Desert of Akhaf, situated towards the extremity of the peninsula, conceals, it is said, several of these abysses, where the hapless THE HAUNTED ABYSSES. 100 traveller, if lie set his foot upon them, would be instantly swallowed up. Thus even the Arabs regard it with an unconquerable dread. It owes its name to a Saffite king who would fain have traversed it with his troops, and who saw them perish therein even to the last man. The tradition does not inform us how he himself escaped this immense disaster. A European traveller, Baron de "VVrede, undertook nevertheless, some twenty-five years ago, to penetrate into this soul-appalling desert, and attempted to measure the extent and depth of one of these abysses. Starting in the morning from Saba, under the guid- ance of a few Bedouins, he reached, after six hours' marching, the threshold of the desert of Akhaf. "A sandy plain, extending as far as the eye could reach," he says, " and upon which arose innumerable hills in the semblance of waves, such was the scene presented to my gaze. Not the least trace of vegetation was perceptible ; not a bird interrupted with its song the tomb-like silence which prevailed around the graves of the Sabean army. I remarked three tracts distinguished by a dazzling whiteness. 'Yonder are the abysses,' said the Bedouins; 'they are inhabited by the spirits who have covered with this deceitful sand the treasures intrusted to their charge. He who dares approach them will assuredly be dragged down under the sand ! Do not venture there ! ' " Naturally, I paid no attention to this counsel ; on the contrary, I demanded to be guided towards them, according to agreement. Two hours were consumed by our camels in reaching the bottom of the plateau, where we arrived at sunset, taking up our quarters for the night on the lee side of two enormous rocks. On the following day I insisted that the Bedouins should guide me over these tracts. My trouble was in vain ; fear rendered them unable to utter a word. Furnished with a plumb-lead weighing about a pound and a quarter, to which was attached a rope nearly 350 yards in length, I accomplished this dangerous enterprise. I occupied thirty-six minutes in reaching the first abyss ; it was thirty-six feet long by twenty-six feet broad, 110 EXPLORED BY SCIENCE. and formed an inclined plain towards the centre, about six feet deep, which I attributed to the action of the wind. I approached at first with the utmost precaution, in order to examine the sand, and found it to be almost impalpable. I cast my plumb-lead as far as I could ; it disappeared immediately ; however, the rapidity with which the rope shortened gradually diminished ; in five minutes, it had wholly disappeared." Baron de Wrede has made no attempt to account for this strange phenomenon, which is not, I may add, peculiar to Arabia. The late Doctor Cloquet, who for many years acted as chief physician to the Shah of Persia, relates that he had seen similar gulfs in the great Salt Desert, which he considered to occupy the place of lakes suddenly vanished. This hypothesis is certainly admissible, and perhaps very probable ; but while in some degree explaining the existence of these abysses of sand, it raises fresh questions which are by no means easily answered ; for instance, why have these lakes disappeared, and why have they been replaced by this impalpable and incoherent dust in which heavy bodies sink as in a void ? Consider, moreover, the remarks made by Doctor Cloquet in a letter addressed in 1851 to the Academy of Medicine at Paris : " At fifteen parasangs from Teheran,* commences the Salt Desert, which, from east to west, extends to the very frontiers of India. This immense basin, eastward, has no other limits than the horizon ; to the west, to the north, to the south, it is bounded by hills of sand which completely represent the Dunes of France, The soil, of a fawn- coloured yellow, is composed of clay and sand, exactly resembling the mud which occupies the bottom of a dried-up basin. It is said that at many points a man on horseback will disappear without his body being ever again disco vered.-j- I have seen one of these places, near Sivas ; the soil is everywhere impregnated with salt mingled * A parasang varies in length ; in some parts of Persia it measures thirty, in others fifty furlongs. t Such quicksands are found at some parts of the British coast, and the reader will remember that in one of them occurs the catastrophe of Scott's romance, ' The Bride of Lammermoor." SOME NATURAL PHENOMENA. Ill with nitre, which crystallizes on the surface. For the rest, if you Jig two or three inches deep, you find water, though very brackish in quality. The general opinion is that the desert was once occupied by a sea, which suddenly disappeared on the night that Mohammed was born. And it seems to me that there is no reason to doubt this sudden disappearance, since even in our own days, and only a few years ago, the salt lake of Ourmiah (Urumiyeh), in the province of Azerbaidjan, vanished completely for twenty-four hours ; it is true that the waters emerged again from their subterranean basin. I think it almost absolutely demonstrated, from inspection of these localities, that at a remote epoch this sea communicated with the Caspian, and formed one united basin of water. I am not sure but that in the south it also communicated with the Indian Sea, for I have not travelled in that direction. The apparition of the Elburz chain has cloven the two basins, and the sea, receiving only incon- siderable streams, insensibly receded, until the day when it was wholly dried up, leaving only two lakes : one, the lake of Sivas, which disappeared in the seventh century ; the other, the lake of Seistan, which is still extant, and receives several of the important rivers of Afghanistan. At all events, the great sea itself had dis- appeared some generations prior to the epoch of Alexander. "The great humidity of the soil," adds Doctor Cloquet, "struck me vividly. Does not this humidity appear to indicate the presence of vast subterranean sheets of water, which sweat, so to speak (transsuderaienf), through the porosities of the earth ? " The desert table-land of Nadjed, which fills all the central part of Asia, is bounded on the west and south by the more fertile and fortunate countries of the Hedjaz and the Hadramant, which skirt the Indian Ocean. To the north-east lies the desert of the Tih, whose deep sand-drifts lie between Palestine and the Isthmus of Suez, and which the Mediterranean washes on the north, on the south-west the Gulf of Suez, and on the south-east the Gulf of Akaba. This is the small triangular peninsula which was known to ancient geo- graphers as Arabia the Stony. A group of ever-famous mountains, 112 THE SACRED MOUNTAINS. hallowed by the sublimest associations, Sinai, Horeb, Jebel Musa, Jebel Bestin (St. Episteme), raise their granitic summits on the southern point of this peninsula. " They are ' the Alps ' of Arabia ; but the Alps planted in the desert, and therefore stripped of all the clothing which goes to make up our notions of Swiss or English mountains ; stripped of the variegated drapery of oak, and birch, and pine and fir, of moss, and grass, and fern ; which to landscapes of European hills are almost as essential as the rocks and peaks them- selves." Sinai', or St. Catherine, the loftiest peak in the range, reaches an elevation of 8160 feet. It is so closely connected with Mount Horeb, to the north, that the two mountains really seem but one. Ravines, and narrow valleys planted with palm-trees, thorny acacias, tamarisks, and some other shrubs, wind between the abrupt trunks of this grand chain. In one of these valleys stands the Monastery of the Transfiguration, and on Mount Horeb rises the Church of St. Catherine, a shrine held in great esteem by devout Greeks. The pilgrims ascend on their knees a large staircase labori- ously constructed by the monks. I have no space to recapitulate the sublime historic memories which invest these solemn heights with an interest of their own. The presence of the Almighty has clothed their summits with a glory that might not be borne; the thundei'S of the Most High have echoed through their deep dark valleys. At their base the people of Israel watched and waited while Moses received from Heaven the code which thenceforth determined their religious and civil polity. Down the side of yonder mighty peak came their Prophet and Leader, his face bright with a radiance such as was never before on the face of mortal man. They were the scene of a singularly unique history ; by which, as Dean Stanley remarks, " the fate of the three sur- rounding nations Egypt, Arabia, Palestine and through them the fate of the whole world, has been determined." The locality, consecrated by such glorious associations, is also rich in geological interest. It exhibits indubitable traces of- the great volcanic convulsions which have so profoundly shaken the FACTS AND FANCIES. 113 shores of the Dead Sea, and which still growl sullenly under the accumulated rocks. In the time of Procopius, the legend runs that men fled from Sinai' on account of the gruesome noises which haunted it ; and modern travellers, notably Stutzen and Gray, declare that they have heard at intervals a sound comparable to the dull heavy MOUNT SINAI. throbbing of a Cyclops' pulse. It might be said that one of the vast arteries which provide for the circulation of the ever boiling and seething flood of lava of our globe passes in this direction at an insignificant depth below the surface. The springs of thermal waters which well out at the mountain-base, the masses of bitumen and lava scattered over the soil, the gigantic rocks which bristle over the 8 114 A LAKE OF SALT. desert of El-Tih, and whose hue, to adopt the expression of a modern traveller, is that of calcined and fire-scathed matter, are sufficient evidence that this country has been the theatre of dreadful volcanic phenomena. Messrs. Bida and Hachette describe a place named Wddy-Nassoub, situated a short distance from Sarabit-el-Kadim, on the road from Sinai' to Suez. It is gained after traversing Ramleh ("the sandy"), a sandy ravine which serves as a retreat for horrible black serpents, both big and little, and for enormous lizards, and which is followed by a narrow valley. " Wady-Nassoub," according to these travellers, " is one of the most magnificent spectacles we have ever seen. It is a circus of twenty to twenty-five leagues in extent, surrounded by huge rocks arranged in successive terraces, and of incomparable beauty of form and colour. Its arena is an immense sheet of black basalt, furrowed here and there . by torrents of yellow sand. A dazzling sun kindles up this landscape, which is one of incredible splendour." As you approach the Isthmus of Suez which will soon be an- nihilated, so to speak, by M. de Lesseps' great ship-canal the desert resumes the character which we have seen it bear in Persia and Central Arabia. The rocks, much rarer and less lofty, gradually give place to mountains of sand. Salt lakes and fields of salt re-appear. Near the shores of the Mediterranean lies a pool of salt, still known by that name of Lake Baudouin (Baldwin), which the Crusaders imposed upon it. There the salt forms a firm and tenacious crust, on which the camel safely plants its foot. Sometimes the iron hoof of a horse breaks through, but beneath this first frail stratum it meets with another of astonishing hardness. " You might think yourself," says a traveller, " on the Mer de Glace of Mont Blanc. Our camel-drivers collected some large pieces from the surface. Nothing can be more brilliant or more transparent than these crystals. It is by tasting them only that you can distinguish them from rock crystal. As we advance, the impression grows overpowering. A plain of dazzling whiteness surrounds us, and is THE PETKIF1ED FOREST. 117 prolonged far beyond our ken. Dimly on the left may be perceived, like an indigo-coloured ribbon, the line of the distant sea. The sky itself appears jet black. The reverberation of sound is unendurable." Still further, between Suez and Cairo, the same traveller speaks admiringly of a natural amphitheatre, enclosed between two moun- tain-spurs, and strewn with debris of rock, and especially with petrified wood. It might be compared to a forest-clearing which the woodmen had just quitted. The splinters are quite fresh, the cloven fragments still expose the notches made by the axe. Great trees, divided into beams, resemble long serpents which have been slain by blows from a hatchet. The division is so clear that each gash reveals the concentric tissues perfectly preserved by this mineral embalming, this natural silification. Similar petrifactions may be seen in abundance on the plateaux of the Makattam, and the amphitheatre now described is not far from the hill, visited by every tourist, which has received the name of the Petrified Forest. Thus it appears that the Land Deserts, despite the proverbial monotony of their aspect, do not fail to offer to the artist as well as the savant, the philosopher no less than the historian, objects worthy of patient study. Everywhere the handiwork of God and the evidences of Almighty design awaken the admiration of the thoughtful. Whether the picture be sombre or beautiful, grand or appalling, we see that it was conceived and filled up by superhuman power. But we are now in Egypt, on the threshold of the world's vast deserts. Egypt, kept alive by the fertilizing and genial Nile, is but an island in the great ocean of sand which encircles it, and which, far more truly than the Red Sea or the Mediterranean, isolates it from the rest of the globe. 118 THE RIVER AND THE DESERT. CHAPTER III. THE NUBIAN DESERT THE GREAT SAHARA DESERTS OF AFRICA. As soon as we pass beyond the narrow borders of the Nile valley we encounter the Desert. Egypt is, in fact, the Nile ; the Nile makes, recreates, preserves, fecundates Egypt, which, without this grand and ever-famous river, would immediately cease to be. " Everything in Egypt," says Miss Martineau,* with equal truth and eloquence, " life itself, and all that it includes, depends on the state of the unintermitting conflict between the Nile and the Desert. The world has seen many straggles ; but no other so pertinacious, so perdurable, and so sublime as the conflict of these two great powers. The Nile, ever young, because perpetually renewing its youth, appears to the inexperienced eye to have no chance, with its stripling force, against the great old Goliath, the Desert, whose might has never relaxed from the earliest days till now ; but the giant has not con- quered it. Now and then he has prevailed for a season, and the tremblers whose destiny hung on the event have cried out that all was over ; but he has once more been driven back, and Nilus has risen up again to do what we see him doing in the sculptures bind up his water-plants about the throne of Egypt." The traveller, ascending the famous river which has so long been mixed up with an apparently insoluble geographical problem, sees the Desert everywhere present ; its yellow boundary-line is vividly traced against the rich emerald-green of the fertile valley, and, as he advances, that line seems to draw nearer and nearer, until the cultivated soil appears reduced to a narrow strip on the river-bank. It has encroached upon many once prosperous and busy sites, and buried deeply the memorials of the old Egyptian civilization. * Mias Martineau, " Eastern Life : Past and Present.'' A FAIRY LANDSCAPE. 119 " Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away." Everywhere outside the valley of the Nile, I repeat, lies the Desert. West of the Arabian chain of heights stretch the vast sandy plains frequented by the Arab tribes of the Beni-Wassel and the Arabdd Beyond the eastern chain spread the Libyan Deserts, which, in the remote distance, merge into the Great Sahara, and those of the Theba'id, where the early Christian anchorites found a dismal asylum. Lower, to the south of Egypt, extend the Deserts of Lower Nubia. Let us ascend the Nile as far as Korosko, on the right bank of the river, and cross the huge chain of rocky hills which separates the cultivated zone from the Desert to which the village just spoken of gives name. These hills, all of equal elevation, assume the form of truncated cones. They are layers of granite superimposed horizontally, and with a depth of colour which makes them resemble at the first glance masses of basalt. They are absolutely bare, and separated from each other by abrupt sinuous gorges, whose bottom is covered deep in sand of golden liglits, brought from the desert on the wings of the south-west. Long streams of the same brilliant sand descend the slopes opposed to the direction of the wind with graceful undula- tions, which subside imperceptibly in the blown sand that carpets the floor of these mysterious valleys. The crests of the hills can only be distinguished by their different colours ; some are lightly shaded with gray, others with blue or green, and others again with rose or crimson. The reflets of the setting sun on these uniform and many-coloured summits have a marvellous splendour, lighting up the scene until it assumes a fairy aspect, " And all puts on a gentle hue. Hanging in the shadowy air, Like a picture rich and rare." At certain times it would rather remind the spectator of another of Coleridge's conceptions : 120 THE MOLOCH OF THE DESERT. " A savage place ! as holy and enchanted As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted By woman wailing for her demon-lover ! " * Yet the spectacle is generally one of a rare and peculiar loveli- ness. " If nature," says M. Tr&naux,f " had invested with this kind of beauty our verdurous fields of the West, they would have been veritable Edens ; but to produce, blend, and harmonize these inimi- table hues, it requires, under the last beams of the sun, the emana- tions from the heated sands and those which the day has called into existence from the burning surfaces of the denuded rocks. It is by the side of her greatest horrors nature places her grandest beauties." The horror of the Desert does not lie only in its aridity, in its vacuity this vacuity is not absolute ; in default of life, Death peoples its solitudes. The glens or gorges frequented by the caravans are lined with stones, symmetrically disposed at certain intervals. These stones mark the places where rest the remains of the hapless pilgrims who have attempted to cross the wilderness, and perished in the attempt. Round and about each rugged tomb lie the skeletons of animals which none have troubled themselves to bury in the sand. Frequently you may see, on the sandy wastes of Africa, or the desolate plains of Asia and the New World, these carcasses laid out in two interminable rows ; indicating the gloomy track which should be followed by the traveller, and never failing to remind him of the tribute Death levies upon mankind in these accursed regions. Thus does the Desert show itself more relentless than even the hungry ocean, which at least devours its victims whole, and affronts the eye with no traces of its murders. But the Moloch of the Desert has no shame ; it cynically exposes the hideous remains of those whom it has killed ; it strews the earth with their bones ; it has its museums of skeletons, or rather of preserved animals. M. Tremaux observed this curious phenomenon in the ravines of Korosko, but it probably occurs elsewhere under similar conditions. * Coleridge, " Poetical Works "Kubla Khan. f Treinaux, " Egypte et Ethiopie," l re partie, c. viL DESERT OF KOROSKO. 121 On closely examining the carcasses which he met at every step, he was astonished to find them covered with their skin, and presenting still their natural forms, as if the animals had been stuffed or em- balmed. He readily distinguished horses, oxen, asses, camels. He observed with no less surprise that these corpses exhaled no odour. They had been dried by the heat before decomposition could com- mence its frightful work. The skin had hardened ; the muscles and internal organs had been reduced into dust and gradually blown away by the wind through the yawning apertures at the two extremities of the body. There remained nothing more, literally, but skin and bone. "This skin had such a consistency," says our author, "such a degree of solidity, that all my efforts to split it were without result. The heaviest stones which I could raise rebounded upon their car- casses with a loud noise, but did not pierce them. If a man dies while a caravan is on its march, he is buried in the sand. I have had no opportunity of examining whether the desert-heat produces the same effect upon his body as upon the corpses of the animals just mentioned ; but it ought not to be so, since the human skin has not the same consistency." On issuing from these gorges, we enter upon the Desert proper by a sandy plain which the Djellahs have named the " River without Water," and which, very low at first, slowly rises into a plateau of very slight elevation, intersected by some veins of a sandstone similar to that of the conical mountains. Then the plain declines anew, and we emerge upon the Sea of Sand, where the pulverized sandstone alternates with fields of rotted or broken pebbles, and mounds of porphyry and granite. At the foot of one of these mounds, the Tallat-el-Guinde, flourish a few wretched vegetables, among others some gum-trees and doum-palms. The latter trees are also found in solitary mournfulness scattered about the plain. Otherwise the Desert of Korosko is wholly deprived of vegetable life, of " The glory in the grass, and the splendour in the flower." As for water, it must needs be content with that of a few brackish 122 DESERT OF BAHIOUDA. wells, grouped, about twelve in number, at a spot called El-Mourath. It is there only that the caravans can fill their ill-tanned leather- bottles, in which the already nauseating liquid grows hot, and quickly becomes putrid. Its stench and its taste are then so disgustful that the very camels reject it several times before they can constrain themselves to drink of it. The Desert of Bahiouda, situated in about the same latitude as that of Korosko, but on the other bank of the Nile, is of a less abso- lute aridity and nakedness. Water is more abundant and less brackish ; vegetation is less scanty ; and one meets on every side THE RAINLESS BELTS. 123 with giraffes, gazelles, wild cattle, and even, it is said, with lions and elephants. Great numbers of reptiles, lizards, serpents, and tortoises inhabit the sand and the crevices of the rocks. South of the above-named Deserts, towards 17 N. lat., is placed the limit of the Eainless District. Under the 18th parallel the rains do not last above one or two months in the year, and in some years are absolutely wanting ; but when they do fall, it is generally in impetuous torrents. As we advance towards the Equator they become more regular, and last for longer periods. According to Humboldt, the average yearly rainfall in 19 N. lat. measures 80 inches ; under the equator, 9 6 inches. In these tropical climes the year is divided into two seasons one of excessive drought, and one of excessive rain. During the former, the sky is ever cloudless ; during the latter, completely overcast. There are, in fact, two rainless belts or districts, one on each side of the Equator. In the old world, the northern belt commences on the west side of Africa; includes the Sahara between 16 and 28 of latitude ; and narrowing as it extends easterly, comprises on the banks of the Nile from 19 to 27. It also embraces the low coast; and portions of the interior of Arabia ; passes through Beloochistan to the base of the Himalayas, and terminates with the rainless table- land of Thibet. The southern district occurs north of the Gareep or Orange River in South Africa, and includes wide tracts in Australia, and a narrow belt in South America. Where the earth is blessed with copious showers, vegetation will abound ; grass, and herb, flower, bush, and tree ; ' Fields of grain Will bend their tops To the numberless beating drops." To meet with the true Desert we must, therefore, direct our steps in a north-westerly course, and penetrate into The Sahara. M. Charles Martins, in his elaborate monograph on this re- 124 THE SAHABAN STEPPE. markable region, divides it into three distinct sub-regions : the Desert of the Table-lands, the Desert of Erosion, and the Sandy Desert* In Algeria, and in Barbary generally, the Mediterranean littoral does not come into immediate contact with the Sahara ; but is separated from it by the Atlas chain. But the Atlas does not rise abruptly from the plain : on either side it ascends by a succession of rocky steps or terraces, which form the sub-region of the elevated Table-lands. Vast denuded surfaces, sprinkled with ckotts, or salt lakes, deprived of all arborescent vegetation, traversed in summer by immense herds which feed on the plants even to their very roots, bare mountains starting abruptly from these horizontal surfaces ; such is the general aspect of the landscape. The richly-varied culture of the Mediterranean littoral has disappeared, and barley is the only cereal which the husbandman relies upon for his harvest. At many points, however, the " purple vine " and " golden olive " succeed admirably, and are destined one day to clothe the nakedness of these plateaux which the free-pasturing herds and the careless Arab have stripped of their blooming verdure. Descending these rocky terraces of gray old Atlas, we enter the desert region in its first phase : the Desert of the Table-lands, or Saharan Steppe. Here, horizontal strata of mud and gypsum, or sulphate of lime, are deposited upon the shores, as it were, of the great Sandy Sea. The gyp- sum reposing on the mud is composed of plates in such close juxtaposi- tion as to resemble an artificial pavement. "It covers the surface of vast plateaux which have not been encroached upon by the waters; whether those waters were marine currents at the epoch when the Sahara was a vast sea, or diluvian torrents which descended from the mountains after their elevation, little matters ; the gypsum, produced by the violent evaporation of the Saharan sea, has withstood their operation, and composes the plateaux of which we are speaking. Their surface is so smooth, that vehicles might roll for leagues upon this natural * M. Charles Martins, " Du Spitzberg an Sahara" (Paris, 1866), pp. 555, et sej. LANDSCAPE IN THE ATLAS (REGION OF TABLE-LANDS). A PICTURE IN THE DESERT. 127 pavement, which echoes like a vault under the horses' hoofs. A plateau of this kind, the small Desert of Mourad, extends from Biskra to the banks of the great salt lake called Chott Mebrir by the Arabs. The gypseous surface is not everywhere exposed : most frequently it is covered by a layer of small rounded pebbles, nearly all quartzose, exhibiting the greatest variety of tints, from the purest white to the most vivid red ; they are mixed with black calcareous stones split on the surface. Whence came these pebbles, which have evidently been ' rolled ' by the waters ? We know not. They are the mysterious witnesses of those grand diluvian torrents which have left the traces of their passage over the surface of the whole earth, though the geologist cannot always discover the mountains or rocks that fur- nished the materials of this diluvium."* From the Desert of the Table-lands we must needs make another descent. The town of Batna is situated at the extremity of the lowest of the Atlantean terraces, whose elevation is still some 3300 feet above the level of the sea. To the north-west rise the lofty spires of the colossal chain, with their diadems of cedars sharply defined in black upon the azure of the sky. Loftiest of all soars the Jebel-Tougour, or " Peak of Cedars," reminding the spectator of the Pyrenean crests. Towards the south-east stretch the rounded shoulders of the mountains of the Aures, clad with dense dark forest of oak and pine. In a fold of the mountains lurk the ancient Lambessa and the mouldering ruins of a Roman camp. Four miles to the south of Batna is a large depressed hill, whose base mingles with the table-land, above which it rises only three hundred and thirty feet. This ridge marks the water- shed ; all the streams on the north flowing towards the Mediterranean, and, on the south, gradually disappearing in the arid bed of the ancient Saharan sea. On the frontier line, like a Cyclopean landmark, is planted the Peak of Cedars, while from its loins a torrent issues, and through a deep ravine whirls and leaps and flows towards the desert. Springs, abundant and warm, bubble up through the chalky marls, and take the same direction. Beyond the French mili- * Martins " Du Spilzberg an Sahara.'' p. 556. 128 THE DESERT OF EROSION. tary post, called Les Tamarins, the road descends the ravine-cloven mountain-slopes, and passes over the torrent which bifurcates at the foot of the majestic Metlili. On the left is seen a steep wall of rock, the Jebel-Gaouss, cleft midway by a chasm, or breach, which the Arabs expressively designate " The Mouth of the Desert," and which, gradually enlarging, opens upon the first oasis of the Sahara, El Kantara (" the bridge," from a Roman arch which spans the torrent), the most northerly limit of the palm-tree. " A magnificent, semi- alpine, semi-tropical scene. Below, a tumultuous foaming stream, its banks on either side clad with palms bending their feathery foliage towards the river, and sheltering fig, apricot, peach, almond, and pomegranate trees."* Above, a range of snowy heights, wreathed in ever ascending and descending clouds. We now enter the Desert of Erosion, a mass of mountainous high- lands ; of ridges, peaks, and cols, intersected and, as it were, gashed by ravines where roll the winter torrents and the rivers which the heats of summer dry up, and which, hollowing and gnawing into the stony soil, spread themselves over the valleys and awake a transitory vegetation. The erosive action of the waters is, then, the special charac- teristic of this part of the desert, which the Arabs call Kifar, or " the abandoned country." Most of .the streams which water it have their sources in Mounts Aures and Zibans, which form its northern boun- dary. They have excavated wide intermingling furrows, whose inter- vening spaces are occupied by gypseous plateaux. The formations of less resisting power, the marls, clays, and sands, have been washed away. The waters, whether proceeding from rain, or the melting of the snows on the loftiest peaks, are very pure at first, and roll in deep beds with vertical sides ; when they reach the plains, their channels grow wider and shallower. In the wet season, the floods burst the banks, and overflowing, carry down immense quantities of rolled pebbles, which are distributed over an extensive area ; in ordinary weather they are reduced to thin threads of silver, which, on arriving * Tristram, " The Great Sahara," p. 354. A SINGULAR EFFECT. 131 in the desert, vanish completely. You must excavate the soil to obtain a supply of water, and when found, it is brackish. Frequently the beds unite, forming basins of greater or less extent and depth, which fill themselves at the close of the winter floods, and a few of which preserve, even in the winter season, a certain quantity of water. Elsewhere, the soil is only humid, thanks to the abundance of salt, which retains the moisture. In such places numerous slimy marshes occur, where the traveller may not adventure without peril. But in general the surface is dry, cracked, cloven, and completely parched. The Desert of Erosion is not completely inhabited. At inter- vals you meet with a few squalid villages, and a multitude of camel' s-skin tents are scattered like black spots over the yellow or grayish plains, on the borders of the chotts or scanty water- courses. Herds of goats and flocks of sheep wander in the valleys, browsing on the rare short grass. Columns of smoke arise from the Arab bivouacs, and the women of the Sahara group themselves around the wells and springs to fill the water-bags with which they load their asses. When, from the summit of the rocks which fence round and bristle over the Desert of Erosion, we perceive for the first time the Desert of Sand, the impression is very similar to that which we derive from the sight of ocean. M. Martins had already become sensible of this peculiar effect when, from the Col de Sfa, he had gazed down upon the Desert of the Plateaux. " A grand circular arch," he says, " extended before us, bounding a violet surface, smooth as the sea, and blending at the horizon with the azure of heaven ; it was the Sahara. The arc eastward rested against the chain of the Aures ; westward, against that of the Zibans, some of whose offshoots, in the neighbourhood of Biskra, arose like reefs upon that sea which seemed to have been frozen suddenly into immobility. The actual sea ever trembles and shivers on the surface ; a light wavering, imperceptible to the eye, propels towards the shore the expiring wave, fringed with a border of foam. Here, nothing like this may be seen ; it is a 132 THE DESERT AND THE OCEAN. motionless, a congealed sea, or, rather, it is the smooth bed of a sea whose waters have disappeared. Science teaches us that such is the fact ; and now as ever the expression of the reality is more picturesque, more eloquent than all the comparisons created by the imagina- tion."* An eminent French artist, M. Fromentin, whose skill with the pen equals his talent with the brush, has also painted this " congealed sea" in grand and poetic language. "The first impression," he says, "pro- duced by this glowing lifeless picture, composed of the sun, space, and solitude, is keen, and cannot be compared to any other. Little by little, however, the eye grows accustomed to the grandeur of the lines, to the emptiness of space, to the denudation of the earth ; and if any- thing can still astonish, it is that one becomes sensible to effects which change so little, and is so powerfully affected by spectacles in reality of the simplest character, "-f- I must also enumerate among the " artists in words " who have painted the wonders of the Sahara, General Daumas, not one of the least distinguished of the Franco- Algerine warriors. He describes it in the following language : " It is a naked and barren immensity, this sea of sand, whose eternal waves, agitated to-day by the choub, will to-morrow be heaped up immovable, and which are slowly fur- rowed by those fleets called caravans." General Daumas, it is evident, confines himself to the scientific realism, which M. Martins prefers to the glowing and inexact imagery of the poets, and conveys in a few words an accurate yet very pic- turesque idea of that arid sea, where the wind stirs up rolling waves of sand instead of foaming billows, and which the Arabs call Falat. I shall place before the reader, however, the description given by M. Martins himself, for it represents both the ensemble and the details of the picture. " If the Desert of the Plateaux," he says,* " be the image of a sea suddenly fixed during a level calm, the Desert of Sand represents to * Martins. " Du Spitzberg au Sahara," in loc. t Fromentin. " Une Etc dans le Sahara." SAND-HILLS OF THE SAHARA. 133 us a sea which may have been solidified during a violent tempest. The Dunes, or sand-hills, like waves, rise one behind another even to the limits of the horizon, separated by narrow valleys which represent the depressions of the great billows of the ocean, all whose various aspects they simulate. Sometimes they narrow themselves into keen- edged crests, or shoot upwards in pyramids, or swell into cylindrical domes. Seen from a distance, these Dunes also remind us at times of the appearances of the nv (or granulated snow) in the amphitheatres and on the ridges which lie contiguous to the loftiest Alpine summits. Their colours still further enhance the illusion. Moulded by the winds, the burning sands of the desert assume the same forms as the ntfvfa of the glaciers." Whoever has seen the Dunes on the coast of Norfolk, or more particularly in Gascony, may gain a very accurate conception of the Desert. The only notable differences are in the extent, which here seems infinite, like that of ocean ; the purity of the heaven, which is seldom sullied by a cloud ; and the colour, which is of a soft, intense blue. The nature of the soil is the same ; it is a very fine, shifting, silicious sand, white sometimes, like that of Fontainebleau, and sometimes reddened by the presence of oxide of iron. In the Sahara this sand gathers in veritable Dunes, hillocks which the wind upheaves, displaces, and transforms from one day to another. Only the lettes, or valleys, which in our Dunes receive the pluvial waters and preserve a sufficient amount of fertility, are here just moistened by rare saline infiltrations, and almost always remain in a condition of absolute sterility. Nevertheless, in some localities, the presence of gypsum gives the sand a certain fixity, which permits a small number of plants to germinate and develop themselves. This gypsum is never found but in the valleys, and never in tabular masses, as on the pla- teaux, but only in crystals of various forms, penetrated by silica. " You pick up a pebble," says M. Martins, " and find it to be a crystal." The villages are surrounded by crenellated ramparts built of crystals ; the houses which compose these villages are constructed of the same materials ; and very weird and splendid is the scene pre- 134 THE ATMOSPHERE AND THE SOIL. sented by these edifices with their sun-illuminated walls. Notwith- standing their small dimensions and mean architecture, when thus lit up in glorious radiance, they seem to realize the wonders told in fairy tales of the enchanted palaces of the genii ! CHAPTER IV. PHENOMENA OF THE DESERT. THE desert has its own meteorology ; it is the theatre of peculiar phenomena, which one observes in no other part of the globe. Its climate, at least in the sandy region, is remarkably uniform ; it varies only, according to latitude, in a greater or less elevated thermometrical mean. Hippocrates, the ancient philosopher, rightly called "the Father of Medicine," states the three elements of climate to be, the atmosphere, the soil, and the waters. Throughout the desert these are identically similar, and consequently originate identically similar phenomena. The atmosphere, in fact, is everywhere of an almost unchanging purity. It is only in the neighbourhood of mountains that clouds accumulate, to spend themselves at periodical seasons in more or less abundant rains. In the plains it never rains, and during the day no veil is interposed between the earth and the sun's burning glare, nor during the night do any refreshing dews weaken the force of the terrestrial radiation. There result constant alternations of devouring heat while the sun is above the horizon, and of rapid and frequently intense cooling when he has disappeared. The soil is everywhere as smooth as " the liquid main." This uniformity contributes, in addition to its silicious, argillaceous, or calcareous character, to render more abrupt the changes of tempera- ture which occur from morning to evening and from evening to morn- ing. In truth, the earth reflects the sun's heat in proportion as it ATMOSPHERIC FEATURES OF THE DESERT. 135 receives it ; it absorbs but insignificant quantities, which it loses in a few minutes when the calorific source begins to fail. On the other hand, in these immense plains where no inequality of surface can oppose the atmospheric movements, the wind acquires an increasing force and swiftness, vires acquirit eundo, and soon assumes all the characteristics of a tempest. Hence arise those terrible typhoons, those appalling hurricanes, of whose destructive effects history records so many instances, and of which I shall presently be called upon to speak. As for water, we have seen that its entire absence is a characteristic feature of the Sandy Desert. To sum up, an overpowering degree of heat during the day, a freshness, often even an excessive cold, during the night (in the Sahara the thermometer frequently rises above 120 F. at noon, and not infrequently sinks below 32 about two or three o'clock A.M.) ; an ever transparent and azure sky, " Darkly, deeply, beautifully blue ; " the absence of rains and dews, of gales and thunder ; but a frequent recurrence of terrible hurricanes : such is the meteorological constitu- tion of the arid zone, which embraces all the northern districts of Africa, except the Mediterranean region that is, from the snowy heights of Atlas to the fertile pastures of Soudan and which extends in Asia from the west to the north-east, for all but one narrow belt, as far as the 1 1 9th meridian of longitude. Foremost among the phenomena peculiar to this zone we must place those famous tempests which, in default of humid clouds, tra- verse with startling swiftness the changing surface of the Desert, driving before them whirlwinds of burning sand, and striking the traveller's heart with a sense of unconquerable awe. The wind of the Desert is called by the Arabs the choum. or khamsin ; but is more generally known in European books as the Simoun, Simoom, or Samoun. It is the Samiel of the Turks ; and, under a somewhat milder form, the Scirocco of the Mediterranean. Wherever, or how- 136 A TERRIBLE PHENOMENON. ever it blows, it is a pernicious and hateful wind ; the blast, in all probability, which destroyed the hosts of Sennacherib at the bidding of the Divine Word, " The angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed. And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still." Torrents of burning sand sweep before it, a thick veil of darkness envelopes the firmament, and the sun assumes a blood-red hue. " That crimson haze By which the prostrate caravan is awed In the red desert when the wind's abroad."* When the Simoom rises, says M. Martins, f the air is filled with dust of such extreme fineness that it makes its way through objects hermetically sealed, penetrates into the eyes, the ears, and the organs of respiration. A burning heat, like that which breathes from the mouth of a furnace, possesses the air, and paralyzes the strength of men and animals. Seated on the sand, with their backs turned to windward, the Arabs, wrapped in their burnous, wait with fatalistic resignation the end of the torment ; their camels crouching, exhausted, panting, stretch their long necks upon the scorching soil. Seen through this powdery haze, the sun's disc, shorn of its beams, shows pale and ghastly as that of the moon. Fortunately, the phenomenon never prevails over any very con- siderable area, and beyond its limits the atmosphere remains serene and calm ; so that travellers who have watched it approaching in the form of a reddish cloud, without being able to calculate on its direc- tion, have often escaped with no worse result than a panic, and have only witnessed its terrible effects at a distance. It must not, however, be confounded with the sand-storms which * Moore's " Poetical Works " Veiled Prophet of Khorassan. f Martins, " Du Spitzberg au Sahara," p. 662. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST THE STORM. 137 the pilgrim encounters in the Arabian Desert, and which seem confined to that region. Dean Stanley, on his route from Suez to Sinai, met with one which prevailed the whole day. " Imagine," he says, " the caravan toiling against this, the Bedouins each with his shawl thrown completely over his head, half of the riders sitting backwards, the camels, meantime thus virtually left without guid- ance, though from time to time throwing their long necks sideways to avoid the blast, yet moving straight onwards with a painful sense of duty truly edifying to behold. Through the tempest, this roaring and driving tempest, which sometimes made me think that this must be the real meaning of ' a howling wilderness,' we rode on the whole day."* A French cavalier, M. Tremaux, while crossing the Desert of Korosko, had the good fortune to witness the course of a Simoom, while himself in a position of safety. It was the 8th of February 1848. The horizon in the south- west wore a hue of the evillest augury. Gusts of wind, which seemed to have issued from some red-hot brazier, beat in the face of the travellers. The camel-drivers, accustomed to interpret these sinister signs, and assured that a tempest was at hand, felt them- selves called upon to give M. Tremaux a few counsels, which were by no means reassuring. " As soon as the storm darkens the air," said one of them, " by surrounding us with a cloud of sand, we must throw ourselves prone on the ground, wrap our heads in our finest stuffs, to protect our respiration from this sand, which burns the throat. It will be use- less to trouble ourselves about the camels ; they will lie down of their own accord, bend their head against their burden, and never stir so long as the tempest lasts. If the sand accumulates by our side, we must move in such a manner as to prevent it from covering us, making it roll under itself, but without exposing our heads. Remember these things carefully ; and the will of God be done !" * Dean Stanley, " Sinai and Palestine," pp. 68, 69. 138 ACTUAL EFFECTS OF THE SIMOOM. "That is not all/' added another; "when the water-bags are partly shrunken, as are ours at this moment, and the Khamsin blows for some time, it finishes by completely drying them up." Thus warned, M. Tre'maux was compelled to face, with all the resignation he was capable of, the melancholy alternative of perishing suffocated by the sand, or, a little later, of succumbing to the tortures of thirst. He continued to journey, or rather to drag himself towards the centre of the choking atmosphere, and to watch the scourge which rapidly drew near. This lasted a couple of hours, after which the travellers had the satisfaction of seeing the Simoom glide by on their right, and depart with the same rapidity. A column of the French army, commanded by the Dukes of Aumale and of Montpensier, had met with a less happy chance on the 7th of March 1844, in the Souf, or Algerine Sahara ; it was attacked by a Simoom, which prolonged its furious assaults during fourteen hours. On the day following, M. Fournel, a mining engineer who accompanied the expedition, ascertained that the meteor had swept but a narrow zone parallel to the Aures range, and that at the mountain base the tranquillity of the atmosphere had been undisturbed. The Simoom, or Khamsin, is, however, more troublesome and painful than really dangerous. M. Martins speaks of the annihilated army of Cambyses, the Persian king, which perished in the Libyan Desert (B.C. 524),* and of whole caravans engulfed in the sepul- chral sands. "The numerous skeletons of camels," he adds, "which we met with on our way prove that these catastrophes are still of frequent occurrence." It is more probable, however, that they died from dearth of water and want of food. As for the Persian host, it was probably swallowed up in one of those quicksands, those hidden treacherous gulfs, which are found in the deserts of Libya, as well as in those of Persia and Arabia. The evil effects of the Simoom have, in fact, been exaggerated by the Arabs, whose highly-coloured narratives have been too easily adopted by credulous travellers. It * Philip Smith, " History of the World," i. 286. WHIRLWINDS OF SAND. 141 heats the blood, it dries the skin, it renders respiration troublesome ; but it does not kill. It is not always a single wind which blows in the Deserts ; but sometimes two or three currents, from opposite directions, cross and clash and drive against one another with increasing fury. Then WHIRLWINDS or SAND (SAND-SPOUTS). is produced the singular phenomenon of the sand-spout, often witnessed on a magnificent scale in the sandy plains of Eastern Asia and Southern America. The sand is not now driven in voluminous masses in a rectilineal direction ; but raised aloft in the form of long tortuous columns, which whirl to and fro like gigantic specti'es in the mazes of a wild demon-dance. At the same time, the azure of the sky grows 142 THE MONGOLIAN SAND-SPOUTS. pale and troubled, the sun's light obscured, the boundaries of the horizon seem to meet together ; the burning dust held in suspension in the air renders it irrespirable, and if one of these whirlwinds encounters any object which offers a resistance, it carries it upward and hurls it a considerable distance. Fortunately the phenomenon is one of brief duration. The atmospheric equilibrium is speedily restored ; the heavens recover their serenity ; the atmosphere grows clear, and the sand columns, falling in upon themselves, form a number of little hills or cones, apparently constructed with great care, like those mimic edifices of sand or snow built up by children in their pastimes. It is said that these furious whirlwinds have occasionally engulfed whole caravans in their tremendous vortex, " Man mounts on man, on camels camels rush, Hosts march on hosts, and nations nations crush ; Wheeling in air the winged islands fall, And one great sandy ocean covers all." Whether this be true or not, there can be no doubt that the spectacle is one of great magnificence, and calculated to inspire the traveller with emotions of awe and dread. Mr. Atkinson describes it as seen by him, on one occasion, when traversing the Mongolian Desert : "As we passed," he says,* "in the middle of a space sown with innumerable hillocks of sands, we saw about thirty of them suddenly raise themselves around us, lengthen into long elliptical columns, and glide with many a whirl and sweep over the surface of the Desert with the hissings and contortions of gigantic serpents which had awakened at our approach. These spouts, for the phenomenon was no other, varied in diameter ; the smallest measured between twenty and thirty feet ; a few attained to a hundred ; and one, which absorbed in its vortex all that it approached, rose to nearly two hundred. One might have said, on seeing them bending, rising again and crossing one another in space amidst an atmosphere of dust, that they were antediluvian monsters emerging from their geological bed. * T. W. Atkinson, " Travels on the Eusso-Chinese Frontiers." AN ATMOSPHERIC DELUSION. 143 and returning into the feverish activity of existence. But soon, the atmospheric forces which had raised them beginning to fail, we saw these sand-spouts fall away one after another, and form on the surface of the Desert a number of moving hillocks similar to those from which we had just emerged." The poet, invoking the judgment of Heaven on the traitor, would fain doom him to the misery of cherishing hopes that shall never be realized. " May he," cries the minstrel " May he, at last, with lips of flame, On the parched desert thirsting die, While lakes that shone in mockery nigh Are fading oft, untouched, untasted."* The image here is borrowed from that most singular phenomenon of the Desert, the Mirage ; an atmospheric illusion due to the refrac- tion of the sun's rays upon the sand, and the intense expansion of the lower strata of the air, in other words, it arises from the total reflection of the rays of light from the lower surface of a stratum of air. " This occurs when, from any cause, such a stratum of air pos- sesses a higher refractive power than the one immediately below it. Such a condition of the atmosphere causes remote objects to be seen as if reflected in a mirror, or to appear as if suspended in the air. When the effect is confined to apparent elevation, the English sailors call it looming ; when inverted images are formed, the Italians give it the name of Fata Morgana.. The Arabs call it Serab, or Suhrab, the ' Water of the Desert ; ' and the Hindus, Tchittram, or ' the Picture.' " The effects of the illusion are extraordinary, but undoubtedly they are heightened by the imagination of observers, generally over- excited by fatigue, by privations, or sometimes by fever. These causes contribute to vary the nature of the phenomenon as seen by different eyes. Thus some gaze enraptured on verdurous islands bright as Armida's enchanted garden, with feathery palms and bloom- * Moore, " Lalla Eookh "The Fire-Worshippers. 144 NATURE'S PHANTASMAGORIA. ing flowers, and delicious sparkling lakes ; others see, in that dim far- off which is never reached, the laughing waves of ocean, with ships resting calmly at anchor, or " Veering up and down, they know not why," and camels browsing quietly upon its shores ; others, again, see before them the rolling river, its banks studded with groves and palaces ; and all this, while there is not a solitary real object on the horizon whose presence might serve in some degree as a foundation for their visions. It is the very phantasmagoria of nature ; her wildest, most wayward, and most fantastic sport. The reflection of the sky, modi- fied by the inequalities of the soil and the vibratory movements of the air, can alone account for the singular deception. Imagination shows its victim, in the reflected image of the cloudless sky, a sheet of water, which is variously taken for a sea, a lake, or a river ; it invests the slightest objects on the earth's surface with forms, colours, and dimensions, which are easily metamorphosed into houses, ships, men, animals ; and it seems certain that those which in Nubia our fancy converts into camels would, in the Soudan, be transformed into elephants, and at Venice into gondolas. Imagination makes us its dupes, and gives to airy nothings " A local habitation and a name." It becomes absolutely necessary, therefore, to distinguish these wholly personal illusions born of a heated brain, from those which are really due to a definite physical cause. The latter necessarily suppose the existence of actual objects, below or very little above the horizon. Under such conditions, the most frequent illusion is that which shows the sky or rocks reflected in the expanse of rarified air superincumbent on the earth's surface, and which through this cause alone resembles water. It is then that the ignorant or inexperienced traveller, overwhelmed with fatigue and devoured by thirst, hastens his eager steps to reach more quickly that limpid water, where he hopes to refresh and reinvigorate himself, but which flies before his CERTAIN FORMS OF MIRAGE. 115 advance, and speedily vanishes altogether. Sometimes it is an inverted representation of terrestrial objects which appears in the air ; or rather, these same objects, several times reflected, appear to multi- ply themselves. M. Tre'maux relates that he saw the latter form of mirage in Nubia. He observed a row of doum-palms, which were A MlKAGE IN THE DESERT. about two thousand yards distant, repeated in several similar rows, each with a like number of trees, so as to produce the effect of a quincunx ; among these trees floated several seeming sheets of water. We must remember, moreover, that the immensity, uniformity, and vacuity of the Desert, singularly contribute to render optical illusions frequent. The very serenity of the air assists in destroying 10 146 DIAGNOSIS OF THE RAGLE. the perspective to which we are accustomed in temperate climates, which are always more or less misty. Objects appear much nearer than they are in reality, because they are more distinctly visible, and also because nothing intervenes between them and the observer. Their dimensions, too, become arbitrary, for want of standards of comparison by which to measure them. So the trees and the moun- tains where the weary traveller hopes to obtain a temporary repose and a passing shelter from the Pythian' s fiery arrows, seem constantly to recede before him, like the rainbow when pursued by the ignorant peasant ; and, until experience has taught him to rectify the apparent testimony of his senses, he is doomed, like Tantalus, to be the victim of continual deceptions, " Ev'n in the circling floods refreshment craves. And pines with thirst amidst a sea of waves ; When to the water he his lip applies, Back from his lip the treacherous water flies."* Nor is this all ; hunger, thirst, weariness, and especially the action of the solar heat upon the brain, determine a peculiar patho- logical condition, a species of mental intoxication or delirium which powerfully predisposes the victim to hallucinations, and deprives the mind of that self-control which would enable it to chase away the phantoms that haunt it. To this affection, whose symptoms are frequently but erroneously confounded with those of the mirage, the Arabs have given a specific name. They call it Ragle. A distin- guished French traveller has described it with exhaustive fulness, -f- and he attributes it to fatigue, excessive heat, and want of sleep. It shows itself most commonly at night, and in dreams, attacks of nightmare, and a somnambulism of which the sufferer is perfectly conscious, without being able to throw it off. By day strange hallu- cinations affect the sight, the hearing, and even, though less power- fully, the senses of taste and smell. The aberration extends, as far as the sight is concerned, to the objects which we are in the habit of * Homer, " Odyssey," book xi., Pope's Translation. t M. lo Comte d'Escayrac de Lauture, " Le D&ert et le Soudan " (Paris, 1853). THE MIND BETKAYED BY THE BODY. 147 seeing ; a small stone, for instance, expands into a rock ; the rut of a carriage-wheel enlarges into the furrow of a freshly ploughed field ; a tuft of grass or a bush will assume the grand proportions of a forest ; and, what is remarkable, these objects seem always close at hand. Another frequent error is the elevation of horizontal surfaces ; the horizon becomes a wall or a mountain. " It has happened to myself," says M. d'Escayrac, " to meet with walls constantly reap- pearing before me. My extended arm has plunged into the masonry, but my body never encountered any obstacle ; the rampart opened to give me a free passage." Hearing is, in its turn, affected. Then, any sound whatsoever, such as a footfall, the blow of a stone, the whisper of the wind, is changed into melodious sounds, keen cries of distress, the murmur of woods, the harmony of familiar songs. One day, says M. d'Escayrac, I heard the click-clack of a village mill. Endeavouring to collect my senses, and to obtain an explana- tion of the sound, I perceived that it arose from the clink of my sword-belt against the pommel of my saddle, to which I had buckled my sabre. Jomard, the savant, who experienced the effects of the ragle during his travels in Egypt, confirms in every respect the foregoing description. On his way from Rosetta to Alexandria, he kept along the border of the sea, and found his feet painfully staggering in the thick fine sand. Such a journey is necessarily one of extreme fatigue. After the first night, this fatigue grew overwhelming ; the traveller lost all accurate perception of objects, or of the form of places. The surface of the lake Medeah appeared not so much a sheet of water as a monotonous plain. Constantly pressing forward, he maintained a hard fight against the overpowering sense of slumber. Half-asleep, half-awake, his brain was dazzled with the most fantastic phantoms, and the hallucination was so great that he plunged into the lake before him, without perceiving it, though the water was very deep. But the freshness caused by the evaporation of the water warned him of his error, and the vision suddenly passed away. 148 THE FLORA OF THE DESERT. Such being the phenomena of the Desert, one can understand the dreary picture which Dante paints in his " Inferno," of " The plain Which from its bed rejecteth every plant ; '' whose soil is " Of an arid and thick sand ; " and where " With a gradual fall Are raining down dilated flakes of fire. As of the snow on Alp, without a wind."* CHAPTER V. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE DESERT : THE OASES. THE Flora of a region where nature provides no genial fertilizing rains, and whose soil is simply a shifting sand, moistened only in certain places by a brackish water, must necessarily be one of extreme poverty. It is reduced very nearly, as we have seen, to a few plants of the genus Salsola (salt-wort), flourishing on the borders of the salt pools and lakes. Nevertheless, at a few points, where a certain degree of fixity obtains in the sand, we meet with the thornless bushes or shrubs, the EpJiedra alata and the retama Durioei ; some pistachios (pistada lentiscus and p. terebinthus) ; the "drin" (aristida pungens}, a tall grass, with linear leaves, some seven feet high, to which the camel is very partial; and the "e'zel," a member of the family of Polygonaceae, which botanists class with the allied buckwheat and knot-grasses, and which attains the stature of three to four feet. The latter plant throws out roots, which are generally uncovered, to a distance of twenty to twenty-five feet ; its woody stem spreads in its * Dante, " L' Inferno," c. xiv., Longfellow's Translation. THE ROSE OF JERICHO. 149 upper portion into gnarled branches, terminated each by a cluster of green, cylindrical and leafless twigs, which fall during winter. Else- where rise the tall trunks of the doum-palms, either isolated or assembled in scanty clumps, under which the traveller obtains with difficulty a modicum of shade, but which are otherwise of no value to him. In districts where the surface is more broken up, notably in Palestine, on the banks of the Jordan and the Dead Sea ; in the Sinaitic Peninsula of Arabia ; in the Nubian deserts of Naga, Aredah, and Bahiouda ; finally, even in the Sahara, in the " Desert of Erosion," and the table-land region, vegetable life becomes more abundant and more varied, though still but of mediocre interest. However, a curious arbustus, the Limioniastrum Guyonianum, shows itself very frequently in these damp localities, where it attains some- times the dimensions of a tree. Its attenuated leaves are covered with saline efflorescence, and its particles of rosy flowers relieve the monotony of the wilderness. In the permanent salt marshes, or chotts, some of the plants are analagous to those formed in the bogs of Languedoc. Among the plants of the Desert I must not forget the rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica),* an annual which contracts itself into a ball, and, blown about by the breeze, seems a dead and withered mass of twigs. But plunge it into water, and it expands, regains the bloom of life, affording a remarkable example of what is called " revivification." The fable respecting it is, that the first time it ever bloomed was on the eve of the Nativity, and that its flower remained open until Easter. Several other vegetable species grow on the table-lands of the Algerine Sahara, which are found elsewhere under similar conditions of soil and climate. They are thorny shrubs and underwood, almost wholly belonging to the family of Salsolacese, or littoral plants, which only thrive on ground impregnated with salt ; there are also sub-fru- tescent plants, partly dried up by the sun. In some places the * Order, Cruciferx. 150 " BORN TO BLUSH UNSEEN." nakedness of the earth is concealed by the bloom of geraniums and heliotropes. Further, you may notice in the region of the table-lands, the Melantha punctuata, a member of the Colchicum tribe, which bears a bouquet of very white flowers grown upon the sand, and sur- rounded by a crown of ensheathed leaves. Not unworthy of rejoic- 1. Jujube Tree VEGETABLE LIFE nr THE DESERT. 2. Lentiscus. ing the eyes of the most fastidious connoisseurs, it lives and dies unknown in the solitudes of the Sahara. In the hollows, where the earth preserves some degree of humi- dity, a fine soft sward prevails, of the most delicious emerald green ; two herbs, the Alfa (stipa tenticissima) and the White Wormwood A PANTHER'S SKIN. 151 (artemisia alba),* often cover extended areas; the jujube trees clothe themselves in profuse foliage ; the coloquinta stretches over the ground its branches loaded with spherical fruit ; and the tamarisk, developed into a tree, waves in the wind its tufts of snowy and ros'e- hued flowers. It is in these meadows that the Arab rears his tent and pastures his flocks under a winter sky. The industrious and sedentary tribes seek in the oases a more benignant nature, "The yellow down Bordered with palm, and many a winding vale And meadow ;" and a soil which will repay their toil with liberal harvests. And it is there only, in truth, that vegetation presents a development, a con- tinuity, and sometimes even a variety, which recalls the fortunate countries of the Mediterranean region. The old geographer, Ptolemseus, compared the Sahara to a pan- ther's skin, sprinkled with black spots on a tawny ground. These spots which, by an effect of contrast, are set off in black on the yellowish tint of the desert, are the far-famed oases, which have furnished our poets and romancists with so many an appropriate image. Ptolemy's comparison is the more accurate because these islands of verdure scattered over the sandy ocean, " Like precious stones set in a silver sea," have, in general, a circular form. We must except, however, the grandest and most beautiful of all, Egypt. That immemorial land of mystery and power is enchased in the Desert region like any other oasis, and only differs in its greater extent and more elongated figure. It stretches along the Nile like a ribbon " And Egypt joys beneath the spreading wave." Its length, from Cairo to Assouan, is 450 miles. Its breadth does not exceed nine to twelve miles, except at Cairo, where it * Sub-order, Tubuliflorx. 152 THE VALLEY OF THE NILE. measures about eighty miles along the sea-coast, which forms the base of a triangular district known as the Delta (A) of the Nile. The two other angles are marked by the cities of Pelusium and Alexandria. This long strip of fertility is narrowly shut in between deserts of almost incredible sterility. A peculiarity worthy of attention, because it is the unique cause of the fertility of Egypt, is, that the valley of the Nile, instead of sloping down on either side to the river-bank, assumes a gently con- vex form. It is owing to this slight convexity that, at the epoch of the inundation beginning in June and ending in October the Nile waters overflow to the right and to the left, rest upon the soil, and there deposit their precious mud. How different the aspects of the country at different seasons of the year ! First, the bright sparkling sheets of far-spreading and fertilising water ; then the emerald green of the growing crops ; lastly, the ripe warm yellow hues of the full harvest. Well might Amrou, the Arab conqueror of Egypt, remark to the Caliph Omar, that, " according to the vicissitudes of the seasons, the face of the country is adorned with a silver wave, a verdant emerald, and the deep gold of an abundant harvest." The soil of Egypt is, then, simply an alluvium mixed with the sand which the winds bring from the Desert. Its aspect is that of a rich, well-cultivated land, but bears the impress of a wearisome mono- tony. You see there neither the dark dense forest, the rolling prairie, nor the undulating woodland ; from the shore of the Mediterranean to the tropics you meet everywhere with the same cultivation ; the same mud-built villages, with their dirty and winding streets ; and ever the same clumps of palms, which would end by becoming tedious if it were not that their elegance of form invests them with an eternal beauty if a glorious radiance did not gild with "refined gold" everything it touches if, finally, an after-glow of wondrous loveli- ness, of which the eye and soul can never weary, which whenever seen suggests some new and subtle emotions, did not terminate every day by a crepuscular pomp of indescribable magnificence. The Palm-tree is, in Egypt, as in all the oases, the principal VEGETABLE LIFE IN EGYPT. 153 element of the arborescent vegetation. But you also meet there with the banana, the gum-tree, the orange, the jujube, the mulberry, the sycamore, and other tall trees, which were planted by command of Mehemet Ali, and have perfectly succeeded. The green banks of the river are diversified by coppices of acacias and tamarisks. In the 1. Doum-Palm. VEGETABLE LIFE is THE DESERT. 2. Date-Palm. 3. Alfa (Stipa tenacissi* Fayoum district bloom impervious hedges of cactus, and plantations of roses for the production of rosewater. Cereals yield four crops a-year ; flax, hemp, indigo, cotton, the sugar-cane, prosper admirably ; and under a climate where ice, snow, and hail are unknown, not a month but has its burden of flowers and fruits. Abundant crops of vegetables are raised, even as in those days when the Israelites 154 THE OASES OF THE SAHARA. in the wilderness bewailed "the cucumbers and the- melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlics " of Egypt. M. Charles Martins classes the Oases of the Sahara under three heads, corresponding to his three sub-regions.* The oasis of the Table Lands is watered by a stream or a copious spring. That of the valleys of Erosion, by natural or artificial Artesian wells. That of the Sandy Desert wants water. In the latter the palm-trees are planted in conical cavities hollowed by the hand of man, that their roots may strike down to the subterranean reservoir which is to nourish them. Every oasis is composed, in the main, of date-palms, which seem to form a continuous forest ; but in reality they are planted in rows, and in gardens separated from one another by walls of earth, which are pierced with an aperture to admit of the entrance of the irrigating rill into the enclosed square. The soil employed in the construction of the walls is removed from the paths, which are consequently below the surface, and can be employed for a double purpose ; they facili- tate circulation in the oases, and the waters, after having refreshed the gardens and revived the soil, discharge themselves into these hollow ways, whence they flow towards the chotts, or stagnate in swamps, which the lethargic Moslem never thinks of draining. From such hotbeds of infection issues the monster Fever every year, and slays its hundreds. In case of need, every oasis becomes a fortress. Each " square of flowery ground " is a redoubt ; the assailant's bullet lodges in the earth wall, or if it pierces through, forms a new loophole in which the Arab plants his gun to aim at his enemy. The villages themselves are encircled with walls, flanked by towers, which remind the spec- tator of the picturesque fortifications of mediaeval times. The Date-Palm (Phoenix dactyUfera) is the tree of the Desert ; there only will its fruits ripen ; without it, the Desert would be * Martins, " Du Spitzberg au Sahara," pp. 565, et seq. HABITAT AND CONDITIONS OF THE DATE. 155 uninhabitable and uninhabited. Arab poesy represents it as a living being, created by God on the sixth day, at the same time as man. To express under what conditions it prospers, the imagination of the Saharan exaggerates the true, to render it the more palpable. " This king of the oasis," he says, "must plunge his feet in the water and raise his head in the fire of heaven." Science, to a certain extent, confirms this seeming hyperbole ; for it needs 5100 of heat accumu- lated during eight months for the date to ripen its fruit perfectly. If the sum of heat be less, the fruits set, but they do not grow to their full dimensions, remain bitter to the taste, and fail in the sugar and farina, which form their nutritive properties. These conditions are realized in the climate of the Sahara. The mean temperature of the year averages from sixty-eight to seventy- six degrees, according to the locality. The heat commences in April, and does not cease until October. The thermometer seldom sinks in the cold season more than two degrees below zero, and the date can endure six degrees below zero. Rain, as already stated, is rare in the Sahara ; it falls in winter, and stimulates into a newly awakened life the vegetation which has been drained of vigour by a summer sun. Sometimes they descend in torrents, but these torrents, like our summer showers, are of briefest duration. At Tongourt and Ouraegla whole years pass by without a drop of rain. Does not the reader understand, then, the gratefulness of the Arabs towards a tree which can derive its nourishment from the burning sand, the scarcely less burning airs of heaven, and the brackish waters beneath the soil which are fatal to all other kinds of vegetation which retains its verdure fresh in the glare of a pitiless sun which resists successfully the winds that bow to the ground its flexible stem which provides him with beams and coverings for his tent, cordage for the harness of his horses and camels, fruit to satisfy his hunger and wine to quench his thirst which is, moreover, "a thing of beauty," and gladsome to the eye ? " Those groups of lovely date-trees bending Languidly their leaf-crowned heads, 166 THE DATE-PALM DESCRIBED. Like youthful maids, when sleep descending, Warns them to their silken beds."* What the vine is to the Italian, the oak to the Englishman, the cocoa-nut tree to the Polynesian, is the date-palm to the Arab. And more far more. This single tree has peopled the Desert. A civili- zation, rudimentary compared with that of the West, sufficiently advanced if you contrast it with that of the Malay or the South Sea Islander, finds in it its standing-point, its centre, its support. And without it the tribes of the Sahara would cease to be.-f The wealth of an oasis is computed by the number of its palm trees. All of them, however, are not fruitful ; for the date is dicecious. It has its males and its females. The males have flowers furnished with stamens only, and form a closed-up, folded, grape-like ball, previous to the ripening of the pollen in an envelope called the spathe. The females, on the contrary, bear clusters of fruit also wrapped up in a spathe, but incapable of development until fecun- dated by the pollen or dust of the stamens. To multiply the date- trees, the Arabs do not sow the kernels of the fruits, though they germinate with extreme facility, for it is impossible to tell beforehand of what sex the tree will be ; they prefer, therefore, to detach a slip from the trunk of a female tree, and this becomes fruitful at the expiry of eight years. The male trees blossom, says Mr. Tristram, J in the month of March, and about the same time the case containing the female buds begins to open. To impregnate these, a bunch of male flowers is carefully inserted and fastened in the calyx. Towards the beginning of July, when the fruit begins to swell, the bunches are tied to the neighbouring branches. The dates are ripe in October, at which time any premature rain is fatal to the crop, though the roots require a daily watering. Not less injurious are east winds in March and April. The tree when it * Moore, " Lalla Eookli " The Fire-Worshippers. t Martins, " Du Spitzberg au Sahara," p. 567. t Tristram, " The Great Sahara," pp. 95-98. A USEFUL TEEE. 157 begins to bear is about seven feet high. Each year the lowest ring of leaves falls off, so that the age of a palm may be roughly computed from the notches on its stem. Its fruit begins to decline after a century, and the tree is then cut down for building purposes ; but it will live for at least a couple of hundred years. Some trees produce as many as twenty bunches, but the average in a favourable season is from eight to ten bunches, each weighing from twelve to twenty pounds. Before the dates ripen, each proprietor is bound to set apart one tree in his garden, whose fruit is consecrated for the service of the mosque and the use of the poor. From the juice of the date the Arab obtains a sweet fermented liquor, called "laguni," of which he is inordinately fond. He makes an incision in the top of the tree, taking care to strike home to the centre. A funnel is attached, by which the sap flows into a vessel at the rate of about three quarts every morning for ten to sixteen days. The incision requires to be opened afresh daily. The cabbage, or soft pith and young unfolded leaves at the sum- mit of the stem, in taste approaching the chestnut, is also eaten, but only when the tree has fallen or been felled, as the loss of its crown invariably destroys it. There are fifteen varieties of dates, of which the dghetnour is considered the best for keeping, and three other kinds are pre- ferred fresh. The crest of the full-grown trees rises about fifty feet above the ground. The air circulates freely under the leafy canopy formed by their interlacing branches, but the sun's rays do not penetrate. Shade, air, and water these three elements permit the most varied cultivation in the palm-garderis, despite the scorching heats of summer. The fruit trees which flourish are the fig, the pomegranate, the apricot ; less frequently, the vine and the olive ; still more rarely, the peach, the pear, and the orange. Vegetables are commonly cultivated during winter ; such as turnips, cabbages, onions, carrots, beans, and pimento (Capsicum annuum), an indispensable condiment for those Arab sauces (merga) destined to stimulate the digestive 158 THE MOUTH OF THE DESERT. energies of a people who abstain from alcoholic liquors. You may also remark pumpkins, gourds, and water-melons ; small squares of lucerne, which yield as many as eight crops yearly ; the henna (Lawsonia inermis), which tints with yellow the nails of the Arab women ; and tobacco (Nicotiana rustica), cultivated most largely in the Souf. In winter you may refresh your eyes in the clearings of the oasis with verdurous fields, green with barleys and early wheats springing vigorously from the earth. The cultivation of cotton, though considerably stimulated by the failure of the usual supply from the Southern States of America, is still in its infancy. There can be little doubt, however, that with improved methods of irri- gation it will be considerably and successfully developed. The oases of the table-land region, fertilized, as we have already seen, by the streams of fresh water which flow down from the moun- tains and spread abroad in natural or artificial channels, are much the most fertile, and also the most healthy. They possess, moreover, the inestimable advantage of being but a short distance from the Mediterranean region, in a country less arid and less desolate than the remainder of the Desert.- I may name, among these oases, those of El-Kantara, Biskra, and El-Outa'ia, which form a sort of chaplet, and are watered by the same river. The oasis of El-Kantara is the first we encounter on quitting the Mediterranean region to penetrate into the Sahara through the gloomy and precipitous ravine, entitled " The Mouth of the Desert." It is situated 1800 feet above the sea-level. Its length is 5000 yards. Fournel, the first geologist who examined it (in 1864), chris- tened it the Hyeres of the Sahara. Its temperature is cool and equable, and does but just suffice to enable the dates to ripen. It possesses upwards of 76,000 palm-trees, sheltering under their leafy shadow legions of apricots, pomegranates, and fig-trees. In the centre of this pleasant and fruitful shade houses of brick, with flat roofs and narrow loop-holed windows, surround a square tower. The ancient watch-towers have fallen into decay. Before France took AN OASIS IN THE DESERT. 159 under its " protection " the peaceful Berbers who cultivate the oasis, these towers were useful as posts of observation whence to descry the approach of the wandering Arabs, who resort in summer to the pastures of the mountains, and in winter to those of the Sahara. As a type of the oasis of the Desert of Erosion, let us take that of Ouargla, the last which submitted to the French in South Algeria. A STREET IN- OUARGLA. It is situated in a profound hollow. In form it is elliptical, with its major axis measuring about five thousand yards, and its minor about three thousand. The palms are planted at the rate of ten to eleven hundred a hectare (two acres) ; they attain to extraordinary 160 THE Q'SOUR OF OUARGLA. dimensions, and their dense foliage over-arches a small world of fruit trees. Outside the gardens grow some wild date-palms, which yield a smaller crop, but whose fruit is much more savoury. Two avenues, or clearings, bisecting the forest from north to south, lead to the q'sour, or village, of Ouargla. This q'sour, like every other, is built of sun-dried earth, and surrounded by a circular rampart in very bad condition, six to thirteen feet in height, and four and a-half feet thick at the base. It is flanked with loop-holed towers, and encircled externally by a muddy moat, crossed by six causeways leading to as many gates. Before some of these gates are planted the small entrenched camps, wherein the Arab shepherds of the neighbourhood take refuge with their flocks what time the oasis is menaced by an enemy. The q'sour of Ouargla is divided into three quarters, inhabited by three tribes, who do not live always on the most friendly terms. In appearance it resembles the Saharan q'sours, which have all a strong family likeness ; there are the mosque, and the governor's residence, and the open market-place, and the narrow squalid streets, often obstructed by heaps of unclean and unsavoury rubbish; and the low dull houses, pierced with holes instead of windows, which have seldom any shutters ; so that the traveller, when he, penetrates into these dismal quarters, is startled by the contrast which they present to the picture of enchanted palaces full of shade, perfume, and fresh- ness, drawn by his eager imagination. Our poets and romancists have much to answer for. Their ideal East is very different from that actual East, in all its heat, and -noisomeness, and glare, which the voyager finds around him, and which seems to have lost much of its beauty along with its grandeur and its power. Pleasant to the fancy is the palm-grove, pleasant the garden with its golden and purple fruitage, but the warm (and often mineral) waters which irrigate, or rather inundate the soil, exhale the most deleterious emanations, so that the unfortunate inhabitants are constantly decimated by fever, blinded by ophthalmic disease, and devoured by insects ! ARTESIAN WELLS. 161 We have already seen that the Desert of Erosion is watered by means of artesian wells, natural or artificial. The latter have been known to the peoples of the Sahara from the remotest antiquity ; but the implements and the methods employed to bore or preserve them were, as the reader will suppose, very rude and unsatisfactory. The sides of the well are only supported by a framework of palm- wood, which decays very quickly ; the well gets choked ; divers descend with baskets to clear away the sand ; but after awhile the evil exceeds their power of remedying it. " Then, for want of water," says M. Martins, "the palms grow sick and perish; the villages are emptied of their population ; the oasis contracts its boundaries, and gradually disappears. The Desert resumes possession of the demesne which the labour of man had temporarily won for it." Fortunately, in the track of the French army have trodden the French engineers, with all the wonderful apparatus that Science places at their disposal, and in numerous places they have excavated true artesian wells, similar to those which supply some of our great towns. And thus many oases which were on the point of perishing have been saved, others have been created, and the conquest of the Desert by modern industry is henceforth no more than a question of time. The oases of the Sandy Desert, as I have said, are not watered. They only possess such wells as suffice, more or less, for the needs of the poor cultivators. As for the palms, and other nutritive vege- tables, they are planted at the bottom of conical excavations some eighteen, twenty-five, or thirty feet in depth ; so that at a short distance you only see their crests rising above the sandy soil like large tufts of herbage. The slopes around these hollow gardens are stayed indifferently well by a matting of palm leaves. The well itself is placed in the centre, and its depth does not exceed five-and- twenty feet. Nothing can be more precarious than these oases, which a gust of wind may bury under an avalanche of sand. Yet the men are cleaner in their person, neater in attire, and livelier in spirit - 11 162 THE SHIP OF THE DESERT. the women are less wretched and less oppressed and the houses better built and better provided than in the great q'sours of the upper regions. In the Souf, the sandy region of the Eastern Sahara, the industrious inhabitants of these oases remain at peace in the midst of the tumults and insurrections of their turbulent neighbours, and appear fully sensible of the advantages they undoubtedly derive from the firm and impartial rule of the French Government. CHAPTER VI. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE DESERT. THE artist who wishes to represent the broad expanse of Ocean's " liquid plain," does not fail to animate it with the white canvas of the labouring ships. If he paints the Desert, his picture would be divided by a horizontal line into two parts the blue heaven, the yellow sand; the latter, an undulating sea, with a few clumps of palms in the background, and in the foreground, to enliven the too monotonous scene, a group or so of camels. The camel is, in fact, the indispensable accessory of every view of the Desert, as the ship of every marine painting ; which justifies once more the Arab designa- tion of " ship of the Desert" or " terrestrial ship" (gouareb el beurr). In Book the First I have spoken of the Camel properly so-called, or camel with two humps, which is peculiar to Central and Eastern Asia. The camel of Arabia and Africa is the dromedary. The latter is employed conjointly with the two-humped camel in the westernmost countries of Asia: in Egypt, and in Nubia, he is much more widely spread than his congener, which is nearly unknown in the rest of Africa. The dromedary has but one hump. His hair is soft, woolly, moderately long about the body, longer and much thicker on the hump, the head, the neck, and the shoulders. Its colour varies from a reddish-brown to a clear yellow. Zoologists recognize three THE MAHARI, OR WAR-CAMEL. 103 varieties of this species: The Brown dromedary, also called, but improperly, the Caucasian dromedary he is brown, like the Bactrian camel, and his short squat limbs indicate strength rather than agility; the White dromedary, of a very transparent colour, and of slender figure; and the Egyptian dromedary, larger than either of the pre- ceding, and with body and limbs uniformly clothed in short gray hair. But the Arabs distinguish only two races : the Djemel, or camel of 2. The DjemeL burden, which is no other, probably, than the Caucasian dromedary; and the Mahari, or camel for the saddle and war, whose name seems to apply equally to the two other varieties. The mahari is to the djemel what our chargers are to our cart- horses, or, as the Arabs say, what the djend (noble) is to the kheddim (the servant). He has a very sure foot, a free, sustained, and rapid 1G4 UTILITY OF THE DJEMEL. trot; he. is sober, enduring, and courageous; a true courser, and the nomade's inseparable friend and companion. His training is a matter of the highest importance, and skilfully adapted to develop all his best qualities and highest faculties. The Arabs of the Tell assert that the maharis accomplish in one day ten times the march of a caravan, or a hundred leagues ; but the best in blood and breeding do not generally exceed a daily journey of from thirty-five to forty leagues. The young mahari has his place in the Arab's tent. The children play with him ; he is a recognized member of the family ; custom and gratitude attach him to his masters, whom he divines to be his friends. If the djemel be not as noble as the mahari, he is not less useful. Without him, all relations would be suspended between the peoples of the Sahara; the Soudan, wide, populous, and fertile as it is, would be a terra incognita; he is the sole means of intercommunication possible in the arid wastes of the Desert. Alike living and dead, he is the fortune of his master. Living, he carries the tents and the provisions ; he makes war, he carries on commerce; that he might be patient, God (say the Arabs) created him without gall; he fears neither hunger nor thirst, fatigue nor heat; his hair is woven into the burnous and the tent-stuff; the milk of the female nourishes rich and poor, and fattens the horses ; it is " a spring which does not dry up.''* Dead, all his flesh is excellent eating; his hump (deroua} forms the daintiest dish at the banquet; in the bottles made of his skin, the water is neither consumed by wind nor sun; the shoes fashioned from it may tread unhurt upon the viper, and will save the traveller's feet from burning wounds (haffa}; denuded of its hair, afterwards soaked in water, and simply applied to a wooden saddle, without nails or pegs, it adheres to it, like the bark to the tree, and communi- cates to the whole a solidity which will defy war, the chase, and the foray. * General Daumas, " Le Grand Desert," pp. 160-1C2. A PICTURE OF THE DESERT. 165 The superiority of the mahari consists in this, that to all his own peculiar qualities he adds those of the djeniel. His inferiority arises from the difficulty of his training, which consumes for more than a year all his master's time without compensation, and from the fact that animals of his race are few in number. If we turn to the poet or the artist for a picture of the Desert, we find it peopled with animals of a very unsatisfactory character: the lion, the leopard, the panther, in quest of prey, seeking whom they may devour, or troops of hysenas and jackals, tearing with keen teeth the corpses of men and animals. " With these, lean clogs in herds obscene repair, And every kind that snuffs the tainted air." (Lucan.) Others diversify the scene with the graceful form of the gazelle, with 166 POETIC FANCIES. the ungainly body, immensely long neck, and spotted hide of the giraffe; or with the ostrich, the camel of the bird-world, spreading his plumes to the wind, and ftying with swift feet from the hunter or the wild beast that pursues him. But, in truth, these are bold fancies, artistic or poetic licenses, rather than exact representations of what one really sees in the Desert; and most of the animals with which we people, at our pleasure, the immense solitudes of Africa and Asia actually belong to neighbouring regions of a less arid character. And, JACKALS DISPNTEKIXG DEAD BODIES. in the first place, the lion of the Desert is a myth, or nearly so. " When you speak," says Carrette, "to the inhabitants of the Desert of these ferocious beasts which Europeans give them as companions, they reply with imperturbable coolness, ' You have, then, in your own country, lions which drink air and browse on leaves? But, among us, lions must have running water and live flesh. Therefore they only appear in those parts of the Sahara where are wooded hills and an abundance of water. We dread nothing but the viper (lefa) and the HABITAT OF THE CAKNIVORA. 167 innumerable swarms of mosquitoes ; the latter being found wherever any humidity prevails.' "* What Carre tte relates of the lion is also true of the other carni- vora, of the panther and the leopard, as well as of the hyaena and the jackal. It is surely easy to understand that these animals greatly 1. GypaStos, or Bearded Vulture. 2. Sociable Vulture. Cathartes Percnopterus. prefer to sojourn in fertile and well-watered countries, where they enjoy freshness, shelter, copious supplies of water, and abundant prey, than in hot glaring plains of sand, which offer them no asylum, and where they run the risk of perishing of hunger and thirst. It is, then, only on exceptional occasions that the lions and other large * Carrette, " Exploration de 1'Algerie," tome ii. 168 THE HY^NA AND THE JACKAL. of Africa issue from their caverns or their lairs, and wander into the Desert (properly so called) in pursuit of prey. The hyaena and the jackal venture there more willingly. We know that these carnivora only attack living animals at the last extremity; their food is the dead and even putrid flesh; it is a nutriment which costs them less trouble to obtain, and probably, also, most pleases their taste. Thus, it is by no means an uncommon occurrence to see them in the towns and q' sours, devouring the carrion, or in the cemeteries disinter- ring the corpses; they follow also in the Desert the caravans and detachments of troops on the march, and at night prowl around their encampments, in the hope of some windfall, which they seldom expect in vain, but which the dogs, the vultures (Cathartes percnopterus and vultur fulvus), the gypaetos, and the crows rarely fail to dispute with them. The region of the table-lands, or Saharan Steppes, the valleys of Erosion, and certain parts of the Gobi Persia, Syria, and Arabia which are not absolutely deprived of rain, or which are refreshed by mountain-streams, nourish several species of mammifers : gazelles, hedgehogs, porcupines, hares, offering both to man and the carnivora an abundant variety of game. Of all these animals, the most interest- ing are the gazelles, several species of which inhabit the desert region. I shall refer in the first place to the gazelle properly so called, or Antilope dorcas, so remarkable for the grace of his movements, his slender limbs, and the expressive gentleness of his eyes. This beauti- ful species is common in Central Sahara, Nubia, and Asia. He lives in numerous troops, is of small stature, with a yellowish or yellow- brown skin on the back, and a white belly, a brown or blackish belt marking the sides. The horns, larger and stronger in the male than in the female, have a double curve, are lyrated, and without projec- tions. The Ariel Gazelle is about twenty inches high at the shoulder. The Gazella Scemmeringii belongs to Abyssinia and Sennaar. The gazelle nanguer is found as far as Morocco, Nubia, and in the Cor- dofou ; some varieties occur at the Senegal. Finally, the oryx- leucoryx inhabits Tropical Africa, and rarely makes his appearance in VARIOUS SPECIES OF GAZELLES. 169 the Deserts; he differs from the gazelle in his arched horns, but his skin is nearly the same. Although the gazelles are generally con- sidered extremely timid animals, which, moreover, their weakness would fully justify, they display on emergency a surprising courage. When they cannot escape from danger through agility, they bravely confront the enemy which attacks them. Menaced by a panther 1. Gazelle. 3. Gazelle (of Scemmering,. 2. Antelope (Oryx-leucoryx}. 4. Nanguer. or a leopard, they form themselves into a circle, which, bristling everywhere with keen-pointed horns, compels the antagonist to retreat. In the deserts of Africa and Arabia the traveller frequently meets with small rodents, which excavate their burrows in the sandy soil, and only issue from them at night in quest of food. These are the 11 a 170 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERBOA. jerboas and jerbilles. The jerboas are easily recognized by the length of their hind-legs and the disposition of their toes three to each* hind-foot, the middle larger than the rest ; five to each fore-foot ; and all furnished with sharp, strong, crooked claws ; their structure resembling that of the raptores among birds. These animals leap with great celerity, and to an extraordinary distance. The tail, which is a fifth longer than the body, and terminated by a tuft of black hair, forms at one and the same time a sort of balance, a GAZELLES OP ARABIA OPPOSING A TAXTIIER. rudder, and a lever. It enables the jerboa to preserve his equilibrium, and to direct himself when he has taken his spring ; or, in a state of repose, furnishes him with a substantial support. The jerboas constitute, in the family of dipodidce, a tribe com- posed of several species, which are found in eastern and central Europe, Asia, and Africa. The jerbilles, owing to the similarity of name, are often con- founded with the jerboas ; but the only things they have in common THE HORNED VIPER. 171 are a certain conformity of habits, and a nearly equal aptitude for leaping. Otherwise, their organization rather resembles that of the rat, along with which it is classed by zoologists. Their hind-legs are much shorter than those of the jerboa, and their tail is garnished with but a few short, stiff hairs. Like the jerboas, they inhabit the sandy wildernesses of Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe. These small animals, exclusively frugivorous and graminivorous, ^*nrm*jg! JERBOAS ATTACKED BY A HORSED VIPER. seem able, in the solitary places where they make their retreats, to multiply themselves ad infinitum ; but, while a great number perish through famine, they are also decimated by a host of enemies in the reptiles of the Desert, and especially by the terrible horned viper, or cerastes, and a great saurian, intermediate between the lizard and crocodile the " varan of the Desert." The horned viper (vipera cerastes) is thus named on account of the two horns or protuberances on its forehead, which give it a 172 VARANS OR MONITORS. physiognomy more hideous, perhaps, than that of any of its con- geners. It attains the length of two to three feet. Its head is depressed, very obtuse, swollen behind the eyes, and, so to speak, truncated in front. Its body, cased in shells of a tawny-like yellow, marked with brown spots, blends curiously with the sand, half-buried in which it lurks to surprise its prey or escape from its enemies. The cerastes frequents the deserts of Lybia, Arabia, the Sahara, and the valley of the Nile. Its bite is exceedingly dangerous. The varans, or monitors, called also tupinambis by the ancient naturalists, form a genus represented in tropical climes by several species of great size. English writers commonly designate them monitors, the French sauvegardes, because they frequent the haunts of crocodiles and alligators, and give warning of their approach by a whistling sound. Two species belong to Africa : one, aquatic, the varan of the Nile (varanus draccena) ; the other, sand-burrowing, the varan of the Desert (varanus sunius, or arenarius), called by THE MANNA OF THE DESERT. 173 the Arabs onaran-el-ard. Their usual size is from three feet to three feet four inches. The varan of the Nile wears an armour of alternately green and black scales. Its congener exhibits a mixture of brown and yellow, more suitable to its sandy lairs. It is rare in the Sahara, but common enough in the deserts of Egypt, Syria, and Nubia. Poor as may be the Fauna of the Desert, there is yet cause enough for astonishment that the species which compose it, especially the herbivora, should be able to find subsistence in these seas of sand, where they can find but a few saline plants scattered at rare intervals, and where fresh water is almost wholly wanting. It is, however, well known now-a-days that the wilderness provides its denizens with an aliment, which is sometimes very abundant, suitable for man, the camel, and the beasts, and is considered identical by many authorities with the manna of the Bible.* This substance is a cryptogamous vegetable, variously christened lichen esculentus (Acharius), lecanora esculenta (Pallas), luttarut (by the Arabs), and vasseh-el-ard, or " earth-dung" (by the Algerines). It sometimes forms on the sand, in the morning, a layer one or two inches in thickness, and appears to have dropped from heaven, or to have sprung spontaneously from the soil, during the night. It is probable that its spores, transported by the wind, are developed by the humi- dity which is condensed through the nocturnal coldness. A shower of this lichen was observed, in April 1846, in the Russian government of Wilna. It covered the soil for three or four inches in depth, and the inhabitants lived upon it for several days. Its form is that of a small, anfractuous, rounded grain, about the size of a pea, externally of a gray colour, but white and farinaceous within. Its taste is weak, amygdalaceous, with a faint, mushroom- like aroma. Boiled in water, it swells, becomes gelatinous, and may be served up in various ways. In the Sahara, as well as in Arabia, * This substance, according to other authorities, was more probably the saccharine exudation, Mount Sinai manna, which forms on the branches of the tamarix mannifera, and thence falls to the ground. 174 THE MEN OF THE DESERT. it adheres to any foreign body. Cattle feed upon it eagerly. It certainly facilitates digestion, and contains all the assimilating prin- ciples which form the constituents of the wholesomest vegetable food. Such as it is, the lichen esculentus is an inestimable boon to the wandering tribes of the Desert, who would perish of hunger in years of famine but for its heaven-sent nutriment. CHAPTER VII. THE MEN OF THE DESERT. WHEN I use the terms " Men of the Desert," " Populations of the Desert," evidently I must not be understood to employ them in their absolute sense. Man, no more than that other so-called " lord of animals" the lion, makes a voluntary sojourn in countries where game, verdure, and fresh water are wanting. The peoples whom we entitle " Inhabitants of the Desert" are then, in reality, those who dwell upon its borders or in its oases, but whom the necessity of traversing and frequently abiding in it has familiarized with its gloom and its peril, as a similar necessity has familiarized the mariner with the ocean. We have seen, however, that some pastoral tribes pitch their tents and pasture their flocks in those districts where vegetation is favoured and cherished by a supply of rain or subter- ranean waters, and which should more accurately be designated as Steppes than Deserts. Some authorities have, indeed, affixed the name of " the Saharan Steppe" to the region of high table-lands which lies at the base of the Atlas range. Other groups, who are partly shepherds and partly hunters, inhabit, in the Southern and Western Sahara, those plateaux where ostriches, gazelles, and hares abound. The more peaceful and indus- trious tribes occupy the oases. As for those who encamp or habi- tually wander in the Sandy Desert where all cultivation is impossible, FOUNTAIN-HEADS OF HUMANITY. 175 where the herds can obtain but an insufficient pasture, where game very seldom shows itself the reader will suppose that they can only subsist by plundering or ransoming the caravans. These are the rovers, the pirates of the Sea of Sand. There are " land-rats," Shakspeare tells us, as well as " water-rats." Others, again, there are who seem convinced that " honesty is the best policy," who give themselves up exclusively to commercial transactions, and act as agents and intermediaries between nations separated from one another by leagues of rock and sand, for the exchange of their respec- tive products. It might be said of these that they discharged a useful and honourable function, if the purchase and sale of slaves were not the most ordinary, and unfortunately the most lucrative, of their operations. In our previous examination of the peoples of the Steppes, we discovered that all were more or less directly sprung from the same sources ; the yellow or Mongolian race, which blends in the north with the Hyperborean race, and in the west with the Japhetic or Indo-Germanic. We have now to note a not less remarkable fact that the whole Desert zone is likewise occupied by one family, the Semitic, modified in certain parts of Africa by commixture with the Xegro race. Soon we shall see the latter peopling of itself the plains of Central and Southern Africa ; the Malayo-Polynesian and Papuan, but slightly distinguished from the preceding, in possession of the islands of the Indian Ocean, those of Oceania, and the Australian continent ; the Hyperborean race, scattered through the Arctic soli- tudes ; and, finally, the "Red Man," gradually dying away among the prairies and forests of the two Americas : so that, to each of the great divisions of the Savage or Desert World corresponds one of the great fractions of the human species. The Shemites so named because the Bible attributes their origin to Shem, the eldest son of Noah are now-a-days represented only by the Jews and the Arabs, though they formerly included also the Assyrians, the Chaldseans or Babylonians, the Syrians, Phoenicians, and Ethiopians. Of their modern representatives, the Jews alone 176 THE SHEMITIC SOCIETY. have displayed any real aptitude for civilization. The Arabs, whose name is derived from the word Ardba, which signifies " desert," seem almost exclusively adapted for a nomadic life ; and it is to them can most correctly be applied the characteristics which Renan too broadly attributes to the entire Shemitic race. " As far as concerns the civil and political life," says that distin- guished orientalist, " the Shemites are distinguished by the same character of simplicity. They have never understood civilization in the sense which we apply to the word. We do not find among them any great organized empires, or commerce, or public spirit nothing which recalls the absolute monarchy of Egypt and Persia. The true Shemitic society is that of the tent and the tribe : it owns no politi- cal or judiciary institution ; its principle is, man free, without any controlling authority, and without any other security than that of the family tie. The questions of aristocracy, democracy, feudality, which sum up all the history of the Aryan peoples, have no meaning for the Shemites. Aristocracy, not having among them a military origin, is accepted without protest and without repugnance. The Shemitic nobility is purely patriarchal : it owes nothing to conquest ; it has its origin in blood." As far as their physique is concerned, the Arabs are in general tall, thin, nimble, not very strong. Their face is pale and long, their forehead low, their nose aquiline, their mouth large, their chin receding. The complexion is brown, as becomes those who live for months under a glaring sun ; the eyes are keen and glowing ; the port is free and even haughty. They have black hair and beard. Of their history, prior to the day when Mohammed's genius knit them into a great proselytizing military people, little certain is known. A Shemitic tribe, descended from Joktan, grandson of Shem, settled in Arabia at a remote period of antiquity, and Joktan' s great- grandson, Himzar or Homin, founded a dynasty which ruled in Yemen for upwards of two thousand years. Even the Romans could not utterly subdue them, but gradually the different tribes fell apart from one another, and for centuries waged against each other INHABITANTS OF THE DESEET. 177 the most desperate wars, until Mohammed supplied them with a rallying-point in the creed of Islam. Thenceforth their mission was to propagate the new faith by fire and sword, and bursting from their rocky highlands like a torrent, they poured along the shores of the Mediterranean to Gibraltar on the north, and Tangier on the south. In Northern Africa they gradually mingled with the Berbers, the Nuiriidians, and the Getulians, and from the fusion sprang the Kabyles, the Tibbous, and the Touaregs, while the Shemites themselves lost a portion of their original character. All the tribes of the desert are Moslems. The precepts of the Koran, and certain traditional usages, are almost the only laws which they recognize. The Koran authorizes polygamy, and the Arab women, therefore, are less the wives than the slaves of their husbands, who enforce upon them the strictest seclusion, and impose upon them the most arduous labours. The tyranny which weighs upon the women is, however, in inverse proportion to the degree of welfare and civilization of the various tribes. Among the poor and almost barbarous peoples of the desert, these unfortunate creatures are reduced to a condition of degradation and brutishness which inspires in the European almost as much disgust as pity. The instinct of rapine which most writers f have signalized as one of the leading features of the Arab character, appears to have been greatly exaggerated, or, at least, too much generalized. This vice is a special result of their position, and, we must own, of the very antiquated views they hold upon the " rights of man," which, indeed, they sum up in much the same manner as Wordsworth's Rob Hoy: * " The creatures see of flood and field, And those that travel on the wind ! With them no strife can last ; they live In peace, and peace of mind. " For why? because the good old rule Sufficeth them, the simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can." * Wordsworth, " Poetical Works "Rob Roy's Grave, vol. iii., p. 21. 12 178 CHARACTER OF THE ARAB. We must also take into account the spirit of hostility which their religion fosters against the infidel against, that is, all who do not accept the laws of the Prophet. " The sword," says Mohammed, " is the key of heaven and of hell ; a drop of blood shed in the cause of God, a night spent in arms, is of more avail than two months of fasting or prayer : whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven : at the day of judgment his wounds shall be resplendent as vermilion and odoriferous as musk ; and the loss of his limbs shall be supplied by the wings of angels and cherubim." Such a declaration could not but fire the enthusiasm of the Arab, and whet their swords against the enemies of Islam. The leading features of his character have been discriminated by Gibbon with his usual sagacity, and described with his wonted stateliness of language. " In private life," he says,* " every man, at least every family, is the judge and avenger of his own cause. The nice sensibility of honour, which weighs the insult rather than the injury, sheds its deadly venom on the quarrels of the Arabs ; the honour of their women, and their beards, is most easily wounded ; an indecent action, a con- temptuous word, can be expiated only by the blood of the offender ; and such is their patient inveteracy, that they expect whole months and years the opportunity of revenge. A fine or compensation for murder is familiar to the barbarians of every age ; but with the Arabs the kinsmen of the dead are at liberty to accept the atonement, or to exercise with their own hands the law of retaliation. Their refined malice refuses even the head, of the murderer, substitutes an innocent for the guilty person, and transfers the penalty to the best and most considerable of the race by whom they have been injured. If he falls by their hands, they are exposed in their turn to the danger of reprisals, the interest and principal of the bloody debt are accumulated ; the individuals of either family lead a life of malice and suspicion, and fifty years may sometimes elapse before the account of vengeance be finally settled. This sanguinary spirit, ignorant of * Gibbon, " Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," v., p. 451. CHILDREN OF THE SWORD. 179 pity or forgiveness, has been moderated, however, by the maxims of honour, which require in every private encounter some decent equality of age and strength, of numbers and weapons " According to the remark of Pliny, the Arabian tribes are equally addicted to theft and merchandize ; the caravans that traverse the desert are ransomed or pillaged ; and their neighbours, since the remote times of Job and Sesostris, have been the victims of their rapacious spirit. If a Bedouin discovers from afar a solitary traveller, he rides furiously against him, crying, with a loud voice, ' Undress thyself, thy aunt (my wife) is without a garment.' A ready submis- sion entitles him to mercy; resistance will provoke the aggressor, and his own blood must expiate the blood which he presumes to shed in legitimate defence. A single robber, or a few associates, are branded with their genuine name ; but the exploits of a numerous band assume the character of lawful and honourable war. The temper of a people thus armed against mankind, was doubly inflamed by the domestic license of rapine, murder, and revenge." The name of " Bedouins " (from bedaoui, " man of the Desert ") has been bestowed on the nomades of Arabia, Egypt, and the Northern Sahara. The majority of them are shepherds ; a few add to this industry the much less honourable occupation of plundering trade- caravans ; some prefer to devote themselves wholly to this pursuit. All the Bedouins are children of the sword. They exult in strife and the clash of arms. It is their acm of happiness to mount the war-steed and ride against the foe. The theme of the Arab and his horse, of the attachment which subsists between them, of the services which the latter renders to his master, of his physical and moral qualities, his courage, his swiftness, his fidelity, has been worn so threadbare that I need not here insist upon it. I must state, however, that as there are two varieties of Arab camels, so are there of Arab horses : the noble and the common, the beast of blood and the beast of burden. The former seem to be growing scarcer every year. He is named koleil. The nobility of a horse depends entirely upon that of his mother, so that an 180 THE BEDOUINS AND THEIR HABITS. authentic certificate of birth is always delivered to the purchaser of a " high-bred steed." This certificate is enclosed in a small bag, which also contains a mysterious writing, and suspended to the animal's neck will be an omen of good fortune, it is hoped, to him and his owner. The arms of the Bedouins are the curved sword, the yataghan, and the long musket. Pistols are sometimes added, and the lance. They BEDOUIN SHEPHERDS AND BEDOUIN NOMADES. fight hand to hand, and without any strategical method. They never venture upon night attacks. They seek to surprise the enemy by rapid marches and unexpected diversions, by ensnaring him in ambuscades, and harassing him when he is the strongest in numbers. The most trifling fortification, however, arrests them a wall of brick, a simple ditch, a hedge of the fig-tree, will suffice to protect a village from their depredations. TIBBOOS AXD TOTJAREGS. 181 The nomades of the Southern Sahara have not, like the Bedouins, preserved in its purity the Shemitic type, but they have fostered and developed the spirit of adventure and rapine which characterizes the Arab of the desert, and hey have added something of the ferocity of the still barbarous tribes of Ham, with whom they have intermarried. These nomades form two principal groups the Tibboos on the east, and Touaregs (Touarick, Touereug, or Tawarik) on the west. The former, according to Humboldt, are called "birds," on account of their agility ; they are still imperfectly known to Europeans, despite of the labours of Richardson, Clapperton, and Earth. The second are divided into the Touaregs of Aghadez and the Touaregs of Tagazi. It was not until 1862 that the French army, crossing the Sahara from north to south, entered into direct relations with these fierce 182 THE MARAUDERS OF THE SAHARA. children of the desert. In the same year their ambassadors attracted the curiosity of ever- curious Paris. They are the despots, the tyrants of the southern Sahara. The charge of their lean flocks is their leavst occupation. They are, it is true, skilful and enthusiastic hunters ; but their veritable industry is the exploration of the desert : an exploration which changes in form according to circumstances. For ATTACK UPON A Q'SOUR. a proper remuneration they undertake the guidance and protection of the caravans ; but whoever has not purchased their safeguard they treat as an enemy, and if not adequately ransomed sell into slavery. The Berbers of the oasis not unjustly regard these marauders with alarm. For they pitilessly exact from the peaceful cultivator a share of his harvest, which is always the lion's share ; the right of the THE GREAT EGYPTIAN OASIS. 183 strongest being the only right they recognize, and each man for himself the only principle they respect. A troop of Touaregs, for instance, descends upon an oasis, and summons its inhabitants to deliver up immediately a certain number of bags of dates. In case of refusal they withdraw, but the people of the oasis may prepare to defend themselves with arms, for the dreaded blow will very shortly be delivered. The Touaregs, leaving their maharis and their baggage at a convenient distance, penetrate at night into the palm-gardens, scale the walls, and, unless very energetically repelled, seize upon the tribute they had demanded. Nothing is there to be remarked in the Arabs of the q'sours but their misery and degradation. A French officer, M. Tremblet, has described with exactness and force their physiognomy, manners, character, ideas, and history.* One rises from the perusal of his book with a painful impression. In the narrow and pestilential streets of the q'sours, where vermin are as numerous as men and women, in those mud palaces where the sultans are enthroned in rags, the same passions, the same ambitions, the same all-potent appetites, the same struggles, intrigues, and crimes prevail, as occupy so large a place in the history of the great states of Europe and Asia. Among the inhabitants of the Desert I would include the posses- sors of the great Egyptian oasis, that ancient cradle of civilization that strange and mysterious land which, after throbbing with so full and brilliant a life in the days of the Pharaohs and the Ptolemies, slumbered for centuries under the leaden domination of the Moslem. Let us note only that the Egyptian people have undergone no special modification ; the features of the fellahs of to-day are exactly thoso which we trace in the pictures that cover the walls of palace and tomb, the monuments that carry us back in imagination to the erection of the Pyramids or the glories of hundred-gated Thebes. It is the o]d Egypto-Berber race, wherein we recognize the mixture of the black and Shemitic blood, or perhaps the still incomplete result of the * Tremblet, " Les Francais dans le Desert " (Paris, 1863). 184 EGYPTIANS AND SHEMITES. influences which have transformed into negroes the whites who emigrated, some thousands of years ago, from Western Asia into Africa. The Egyptians establish, very clearly, the transition between the Shemites and the population of Nubia and Ethiopia. With the latter the skin is black or of a deep bronze ; but the form, the features, the hair, approach much more nearly the Caucasian than the Negro type. The Nubian women especially exhibit a grace and dignity of move- ment which reveal the nobleness of their origin. " It is in these far lands," says Tre'maux, "we meet with the modern Rebecca, attired with the antique Biblical simplicity, and carrying the water vessel on THE WOMEN OF NUBIA. 185 her head. Their air, at once easy and reserved, their black modest eyes, recall those images of the holy history which every one has seen ; only, instead of a cotton stuff gaily coloured, imagine a piece very dirty and often in tatters, and you will have the portrait of the Nubian woman ; this garment is otherwise so naturally draped and so proudly worn, that it yields in nothing to the ancient models." 12 a BOOK III. PRAIRIES, SAVANNAHS, PAMPAS, AND LLANOS. CHAPTER I. THE WILD PLAINS OF THE OLD WORLD : THE AFRICAN INTERIOR. jjHEX we have crossed the 18th parallel (or nearly so) of north latitude in Africa and the 30th in Asia the southern boundary of the Rainless District countries of extreme fertility and exuberant product succeed to the dreary soli- tudes we have hitherto traversed. At intervals, indeed, the traveller encounters some vast blighted and accursed area, where, for a part of each year, a deadly aridity prevails ; but ever there comes a happy moment, even in these desolate wastes, when genial Nature resumes her rights, abundant rains nourish vegetable and animal life, and the glowing scene con- strains us to exclaim with thankful heart, " The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof." The Asiatic plains in the south, are, however, preserved from such abrupt alternations; numerous water-courses, leaping downward from the snowy fountains of the Himalayan chain, refresh and fertilize these countries, which are almost everywhere subject to the dominion of man. Analagous causes, in the grand rich islands of the warm Indian seas, produce similar effects ; there, also, the very deserts are humid regions, and tall grasses, bushes, shrubs, reeds, and climbing THE SOUTH-AFRICAN PLATEAU. 187 plants grow in a rank and luxuriant chaos which we designate by the name of jungles, in whose dense obscurity the tiger makes his lair, and the serpent conceals his deadly venom ! In the immense triangle denned by that portion of the African continent which extends from the Mountains of the Moon to the Cape of Good Hope, nature has maintained almost intact her savage independence ;- but she displays there her most varied forms, from the snow- crested ice-bound mountain to the lowest and most mono- tonous plain, from the impenetrable forest to the nakedest and barrenest steppe. To enable the reader to comprehend these widely different aspects, and to describe the peculiar characteristics of each region of this immense continent, it will be necessary for us to recapitulate its most important geographical features. A vast plateau, of comparatively slight elevation, occupies all Southern Africa, extending eastward as far as the fifth or sixth degree north of the equator. To the north-west, it is bounded by the mountains of Senegambia ; to the north-east, by those of Abyssinia. On the east and west, the mountains descend to the very shore in secondary chains ; to the south the table-land is brought down to the sea in a series of terraces which separate the mountain-ranges. At its southern extremity, the African continent is from 550 to 600 miles broad. It is occupied by the British colony of the Cape, which is bounded on the north by the Orange River. The most striking features of the physical geography of this part of Africa, and which determine in the main its climate and natural productions, are three chains of mountains disposed parallel to one another and to the southern coast. These are separated by terraces or upland plains, each range forming the boundary of the lower and the abutment of the higher terrace. The communication is maintained by transverse valleys, which are often of a highly romantic character. The loftiest and most inland chain is christened in different parts of its course the Roggeveld Bergen, the Nieuveld Bergen, and the Sneeu Bergen, or 188 THE CAPE COLONY. "Snowy Mountains." Of these the loftiest summit is the Compass Berg, 10,000 feet in altitude. The second chain, the Black Moun- tains, though not so lofty are more massive, and, in truth, composed of two or three chains in close juxtaposition. The third, or last chain, in proceeding from south to north, varies from eighteen to fifty-four miles, enlarging towards the west. The plain or terrace between the Black and the Snowy Mountains is much loftier than the two other steps by which we descend to the southern extremity of the continent. The lowest terrace, bordering on the sea, is well-watered and fertile. The second, or central terrace, consists of fertile districts, equally well watered, but inter- sected by vast dry deserts, called (from a Hottentot word) Karroos. The third terrace, commonly designated the Great Karroo, at the base of the Roggeveld and Nieuveld chain, is 300 miles in length, 80 miles in breadth, and 2000 feet above the sea-level. Its soil, says a writer in the Quarterly Review, presents throughout its whole extent, for the greater portion of the year, not a trace of vegetation. These gloomy solitudes assume a character of picturesque grandeur through their very wildness of desolation. The scene might convey to a fanciful mind the dreary image of a ruined world, where the witches and demons of Goethe's Walpurgis-Night might fitly celebrate their revels.- " And through the cliffs with ruin strewn, The wild winds whizz, and howl, and moan.''* During the . long dry summer months, the smallest birds would not find wherewithal to sustain their existence in these sombre deserts, whose solemn silence not even the murmur of an insect interrupts. Yet these regions, deprived of springs and running waters, are not always sterile deserts, are not always desolate plains. In the dry season, the soil, a yellow ferruginous clay, acquires the hardness of brick, just as if it had been exposed to the fire of a furnace ; but the roots and bulbs, protected by a ligneous covering, resist the devouring heat. The first rains revive them ; they put forth their * Goethe's " Faust," translated by Theodore Martin, p. 202. XATAL AND KAFFRARIA. 191 stems and branches ; a myriad flowers reveal their sparkling colours ; and the country which, a day or two before, had shown to the eye a bare and dreary surface, shines out in a panoply of splendour, as if a magician's spell had suddenly transformed it into a terrestrial para- dise ! But as the days lengthen, and the sun's power increases, the bloom and the beauty vanish, and the curse of fire once more descends upon the gloomy scene. In several districts north of the Cape Colony whole years pass by without the sight or sound of running water rejoicing the wistful wanderer. Dr. Livingstone, while residing among the Bakouans, in the Bechuana country, saw the natives excavating the bed of the Kolobeng to extract a few drops of water. A centigrade thermometer, sunk two and a half inches in the earth, at noon, marked 56. Insects placed on the surface of the ground died in a few seconds. The grass was so dry that it crumbled into powder when plucked. The coast of Natal is rich in trees and herbage. The Zambesi, and other rivers which descend from the central plateau, refresh the plains of Mozambique and Zanzibar. But from the 4th parallel of north latitude to Cape Guardafui extends an almost continuous desert. The southern extremity of the Lupata chain also presents a vast naked country, where the presence of gold has encouraged the Portuguese to found some establishments. The neighbouring zone of Kaffraria consists of great far-spreading, gently-undulating plains, characterized by extreme aridity. The western districts are much ]ess broken than the central, and exhibit no undulations except in the vicinity of the ocean. There an immense level territory exists under the name of the Kalihari Desert, whose southern boundary is marked by the Gariep or Orange River, which drains rather than waters it. To the north this awful wilder- ness stretches as far as the Lake Ngami, thus covering the area com- prised between the 29th and 30th parallels of south latitude. The pastoral country of Namaqua and Damaras bounds it on the west. Eastward it extends to the 24th meridian of west longitude. Moisture is not wholly wanting in this vast region. The Kali- 192 DESERT OF THE KALIHARI. hari has been called a desert, says Livingstone,* because it contains no running water, and very little in wells. Far from being destitute of vegetation, it is covered with grass and creeping plants, and there are large patches of bushes, and even trees. It is remarkably flat ; and prodigious herds of antelopes roam over its trackless plains. The soil is composed in general of a fine soft sand, lightly coloured that is, of a nearly pure silica. In the ancient beds of dried-up rivers lie immense patches of alluvial soil, which, hardened by the sun, form great reservoirs, retaining the rain-water for several months of the year. The quantity of grass flourishing in this region is remark- able. It grows generally in thick tufts, occasionally intermingled with spaces where the earth is naked or closely overgrown with creeping plants. These, deeply rooted in the soil, suffer but little from the effects of the excessive heat. Most of them have tubercular roots, and are so organized as to furnish both food and liquid during the long droughts an epoch when one vainly seeks elsewhere anything which can appease one's hunger or one's thirst. The rich vegetation of the Kalihari is due to its geological consti- tution. It consists of a great valley, or rather of a vast basin, whoso bottom is formed of a diluvial earth, and which is encircled by a belt of rocks, cloven at several places. It follows that where the rain is abundant, the slope of the hills directs it towards the centre of the basin, and this rain filters and deposits itself beneath the surface of the soil. And it appears to be a proof of this statement, that on dig- ging in the sand cisterns are formed, or " sucking-places," which are filled with water supplied by subterraneous conduits. This so-called Desert is not without its utility. Not only does it nourish innumerable multitudes of animals of every kind, but it has become the asylum of fugitive tribes. Here at first the Bakalabaris found a refuge ; and then, in their turn, other peoples of the Bechuana, whose territories had been invaded by the Kaffirs. The Kalihari has its mirage and its sirocco. During the excessive drought which precedes the rainy season, a burning wind traverses * Dr. Livingstone, " Missionary Researches in Sonth Africa." SOUTH-WEST COAST OF AFRICA. 193 this desert from north to south, and during its three or four days' dui'ation it withers and dries up everything in its path. It is so loaded with electricity that a bundle of ostrich feathers, which remained exposed to it for a few seconds, was itself charged as if it had been in contact with a powerful electrical machine, and produced a lively disturbance, accompanied by cracking noises, when taken in the hand. As often as this wind prevails, the electricity of the atmosphere is so abundant that every movement of the natives causes sparks to be given off their harasses, or cloaks made of the skin of beasts. The contrast is striking between the well-watered east coast of South Africa and the arid western coast. After the scarped moun- tains of the Cape, which ascend northward to the ocean, come the less lofty chains the hills of sand which separate the interior sandy desert from the equally sandy district of the littoral. With the exception of the Wa-lvish Bay, the coast for eight hundred miles from the great Orange River to Cape Negro has not a stream of water. At Cape Negro commences a series of terraces, separated from one another by long bands of sunken ground. This ensemble describes a curve towards the interior, and leaves on the coast a level plain of about 110 miles in breadth. In Benguela the plains are healthy and cultivated. More to the north, one encounters nothing but monotonous savannahs and forests with gigantic trees. The soil, at a great number of points, is satu- rated with water, and, so to speak, enveloped in a shroud of pestilen- tial vapour, which the breeze never scatters. The low plains of Biafra and Benin, and especially the Delta of the Niger, are unwholesome, rank, and foul-smelling marshes. In their mangrove swamps lurks fever, and a legion of deadly diseases. " Macies et nova febrium Terris incubuit cohors." (Horace.) Until the early years of the present century very little was known of the interior of Southern Africa. At this epoch some 13 194 DESCRIPTION OF LAKE NGAMI. native merchants traversed the country from one sea to another from St. Paul de Loanda to the coast of Mozambique and Zanzibar. This exploit was repeated and outstripped by Dr. Livingstone, who, from 1850 to 1856, accomplished a marvellous journey of six thousand miles, through regions never before trodden by the white man's foot. Setting out from Kolobeng, the most advanced of the English missionary stations, he arrived, after having crossed some three hun- dred miles of a region without water, at the beautiful river Zouga, which issues from the western extremity of Lake Ngami. " A region of drought, where no river glides, Nor rippling brook with osiered sides, Nor sedgy pool, nor bubbling fount, Nor tree, nor cloud, nor misty mount Appears, to refresh the aching eye ; But barren earth, and the burning sky, And the blank horizon round and round." ? Lake Ngami is from 45 to 60 miles long, and from 56 to 110 in circumference. Its direction is N.N.E. to S.S.W. Its southern por- tion curves westward, and it receives from the north-west the Teoughe. The water, very fresh when the lake is full, grows brackish during the dry season. At the latter period it is very shallow, and at eighteen or twenty miles from the shore canoes can be mano3uvred with the help of a pole. The banks are everywhere low. At the west a considerable space, utterly bare of trees, proves that the lake was formerly larger. During the months which precede the arrival of the northern waters, cattle, to quench their thirst, make their way with difficulty through the belt of reeds dried up by the sun. The natives, says Livingstone, who reside on the shores of the lake, tell us that trees and antelopes are carried down by the waters during the annual inundation. The same traveller informs us that the vast regions lying to the north of the lake at such great distances regions copiously watered, and deluged every year by the heavy tropical rains pour * Thomas Pringle, " South African Sketches." A FRUITFUL COUNTRY. 105 towards the south the excess of the waters which saturate their soil ; cand a certain quantity of these waters, encountering the lake on their way, flow into it. It is in March and April that the inunda- tion begins. The waters, on descending, find the rivers dried up, and the lake itself exceedingly shallow. The rivers in this part of Africa flow in channels capable of containing a far greater volume of water than they generally hold. When looking at them, you might believe yourself in some desolated Oriental garden where all the irri- gating canols still exist, but where the dams permit only a mere thread of water to take its course. " The water," adds Livingstone,* " is less absorbed by the earth than lost between banks too wide apart, where the air and the sun evaporate them. I am persuaded that there is not in the whole of this country a river which loses itself amid the sands." The country situated to the north is exceedingly level for some hundreds of miles, and abundantly provided with lakes and rivers, which the slightest undulations of the soil divert into innumerable windings. The plain is alternately covered with sombre thickets, lofty forests, and dense herbage. On the banks of some rivers this herbage assumes gigantic proportions, and by its tenacity opposes an effectual barrier to animals. In many places the wide green pastures are enlivened by large herds of cattle, which the natives breed. The land of the Barotses possess immense prairies of this description, the home of numerous herds of elephants. But this richness of the soil is counterbalanced by the insalubrity of the climate. These vast, periodically flooded surfaces become, when the waters recede, the nurseries of deadly fevers, and other formidable maladies, whose destructive influence extends to a great distance. The magnificent river Zambesi, known in its upper course by the local appellation of Leambye both words having the same significa- tion in the native tongue, " the River" fertilizes and brightens these productive regions. Flowing at first from north to south, it makes a sharp bend westward, to march with stately step from south to north, * Livingstone, " Missionary Travels and Researches." 19G COURSE OF THE ZAMBESI. and from west to east, until, with a south-eastern inclination, it moves onward to the Indian Ocean. It was at a point nearly midway between the two oceans the Indian and the Atlantic that the intrepid Livingstone first descried the Zambesi, regarding its fertile banks and noble stream with much the same emotions of delight and surprise as thrilled to the heart of Balboa, when " With eagle eyes He stared at the Pacific and all his men Looked at each other with a wild surmise Silent, upon a peak in Darien."* He arrived there near the close of the dry season, and yet a grand volume of water still sparkled in the river's bed, which varied from 950 to 1900 feet in breadth. At the epoch of the great floods, the Zambesi rises perpendicularly more than eighteen feet, and at certain points extends more than forty miles from its bank. From the borders of the Chobe to those of the Zambesi spreads a low, level country, whose uniform expanse is only broken by the gigantic hillocks of the termites. At intervals the traveller lights upon spots where the waters have formerly settled, then on great morasses and deep rivers, winding their slow way through an almost impervious jungle. There is a certain fatal beauty about the whole region, like that of a Circe or a Lucrezia Borgia; but its atmosphere breathes disease and death. A general depression and flatness of surface seems to be the physical characteristic of this part of Central Africa. Thus, on the route adopted by Livingstone, in a N.N.E. direction, from the chain of Bamunguatos to the Zambesi, all is level. Mount N'goua, an isolated mass in 18 27' 20" south latitude, and 24 13' 63" east longitude, is a wholly exceptional accident. The Kandehy Valley, which deploys on the northern slope of this narrow colossus, is one of the most picturesque scenes that greeted the eyes of Livingstone during his adventurous pilgrimage. Fruit trees, loaded with emerald foliage, * Kcat's " Poetical Works," sonnet ix. AN ARCADIAN REGION. 197 adorn its sides; a crystal brook ripples in the centre. Under the shade of an enormous baobab the graceful antelopes browse undis- turbed, until alarmed by the footfall of the approaching traveller. Gnus and zebras contemplate the strange intruder with an air of surprise. A few continue to crop the grass indifferent; others pause in the banquet, uncertain whether to stay or take to flight. The huge hulk of a white rhinoceros drags labouring up the shady valley. Buffaloes, and condors, and giraffes stray far into its pleasant depths as peaceful and almost as trustful as those of their race which, in days remote, wandered among the beauties of Eden, in " That delicious grove, That garden, planted with the trees of God." Further to the north, even to the river Sanshureh, the country increases in richness and beauty, the water-courses multiply, and the herbage aspires to such a height that vehicles and animals are lost amongst it. An exceeding gentleness, an almost Arcadian calm, characterizes the landscape on the banks of the Leeba, a great affluent of the Leambye. This river drags its slow and ever-winding waters through a delightful meadow-land, which is probably flooded eveiy year, for there is no wood except where the ground rises four or five feet above the general level of the plain. The soil of these tree-crowned plateaux, or knolls, is sandy, while that of the prairies consists of an alluvial earth, gray and black, and mixed with numerous river- shells. Ascending the Leeba, we enter on a plain more than eighteen miles in breadth, where the water rises to the traveller's ankles. This water, says Livingstone, does not proceed from the overflow of the river; but the level of the ground is so horizontal that the rain- water cannot pass away, and abides there for months. Still more humid are the adjacent plains of Lobala. This vast submerged area forms a watershed between the rivers of the north and those of the south. Up to this point all the rivers wend their way southward; 198 THE " SMOKE-RESOUNDING " FALLS. but from this point they adopt a northerly course, to empty their tribute into the Kasaii or Loke. The interior table-land, especially towards the mid-course of the Zambesi, is intersected by lofty mountain-chains. It is in this region, and at the southernmost point of the river's great Delta, which is 270 miles in length, that the famous Falls occur, named by the natives " Mosioatounya," or "Smoke-resounding," re-christened by Livingstone, the Victoria. Their vast columns of vapour are visible at a distance of five or six miles, and might suggest to an American traveller the rolling clouds that ascend from a burning prairie. The banks and islands of the river are here enriched with sylvan vegeta- tion of every variety of form and colour: the mighty baobab, each of whose enormous arms would form the trunk of a large tree; the grace- ful palm, with its crest of plume-like foliage; the silvery mohonams, whose leaves sparkle in the sunshine like Achilles' shield; and the nutsouri, abounding in clusters of pleasant scarlet fruit. The Falls are bounded on three sides by densely-wooded ridges 300 or 400 feet in height, and may be likened to a flood of water a thousand yards broad, suddenly hurled over a basaltic precipice 100 feet in depth, and then as suddenly compressed into a narrow gully not more than fifteen or twenty yards across. "If one imagines," says Dr. Livingstone,* "the Thames filled with low tree-covered hills immediately below the Tunnel, extending as far as Gravesend, the bed of black basaltic rock instead of London mud, and a fissure made therein from one end of the Tunnel to the other, down through the keystones of the arch, and prolonged from the left end of the Tunnel through thirty miles of hills; then fancy the Thames leaping bodily into the gulf, and forced there to change its direction and flow from the right to the left bank, and then rush boiling and roaring through the hills, he may have some idea of what takes place at this the most wonderful sight I have witnessed in Africa." In descending into the narrow abyss already spoken of, the * Livingstone, " Missionary Travels and Researches." LAKE TANGANYIKA. '201 cataract breaks into five separate streams, which send up, to an ele- vation of 200 or 300 feet, as many columns of luminous vapour pillars of shivering spray, and foam, and diamond sparkle, which in the sunlight are gloriously wreathed with the rare hues of Iris. " How profound The gulf! and how the giant element From rock to rock leaps with delirious bound, Crushing the cliffs, which, downward worn and rent With his fierce footsteps, yield in chasms a vent To the broad column which rolls on." (Byron.) In descending the Zambesi, we encounter the great river Kafue, which flows from the north. Beyond the point of confluence the country becomes opener, freer, and healthier, and we arrive at the Portuguese town of Te'te. About 200 miles to the north-west of Tete' lies the great lake of freshwater, Niyanyizi-Nyassa, or "Lake of Stars," which stretches far away to the north-west across Unyamuezi, or " The Land of the Moon." It is rather shallow, sprinkled with numerous fairy islands, and seems to be the remains of an ancient lake of much greater extent. To the south-west a belt of fertile country separates it from another lake called Shirwa, whence issues a beautiful river, tributary to the Zambesi, impeded in its course by numerous rapids, but tra- versing a level and unwholesome country. At the same time (1856-58) that Livingstone accomplished these great discoveries, Equatorial Africa was penetrated from the coast of Zambesi by Captains Burton and Speke. These undaunted and in- defatigable travellers, after having ascended the river Pangany for a hundred and thirty miles, through a rich and cultivated but pesti- ferous plain, arrived in February 1858 at Lake Tanganyika, of which the natives had spoken to Livingstone, describing the country lying to the westward of that mass of water as bare of wood, and solely covered with marshy plains. Lake Tanganyika lies 200 miles S.W. of the Victoria N'yanza, between lat. 3 and 7 45' S., at an elevation of 1844 feet above the 13 a 202 THE VICTORIA N'YANZA. sea. The 30th meridian of east longitude strikes it in the centre. Its length is 320 miles; but its breadth seldom exceeds 15 or 20, and never 60 miles, so that it has been compared to a beach inclining its head towards the north. To the north-east its shores are bold and elevated; the water is fresh and deep. The country around it is rich in pasture, where a thriving population breed numerous flocks and herds. About two hundred miles to the north-east of this lake, and 3740 feet above the sea-level, lies the vast basin of the Victoria N'yanza, discovered by Captain Speke in 1859, and more fully explored by Speke and Grant in 1862. Its northern shore runs nearly parallel to the Equator, at a distance of about twenty miles from it; its southern is in lat. 2 46' S., and long. 33 E. It would seem at some remote period to have occupied a much larger area than it does at present, though even now it is supposed to measure 220 miles in length and fully as much in breadth. Speke describes it as very shallow. Fleets of canoes cover its surface ; but the natives on the one shore never venture across to the other, and no intercommunica- tion has ever existed between them. The surrounding landscapes are of a pastoral character, genial and fertile, with quiet breadths of rich meadow land, dotted by hundreds of white hornless cattle, and scarcely distinguishable from our midland English scenery, were they not interspersed with groves of the banana, the coffee-tree, and the date-palm. At its north-eastern extremity, and probably connected with it, lies a long narrow basin which the natives call Lake Baringo. On the west it receives the tributary waters of the Kitangule', and from the north throws off the various streams which unite in one channel to form the famous Nile. North-west from the N'yanza lies the little Luta N'zige, or Albert Lake, discovered by Sir Samuel Baker in 1864 ; a long, narrow, and shallow basin, surrounded by mountains 7000 feet high, about 230 miles in length, and 2488 feet above the sea-level, which apparently serves as the great reservoir of the Nile.* * Baker. " Basin of the Nile and Equatorial Africa," ii. 101-103. HEAD WATERS OF THE NILE. 203 The discoveries of Livingstone, Burton, Speke, Grant, and Baker, seem to confirm the theory put forward by Sir Roderick Murchison, that the central portion of South Africa is a large and elevated basin, abounding in immense plains, in fertile lands, besprinkled with numerous lakes fed by a thousand currents descending from the lofty mountains that surrounded it. The rains, says Morin, cause these lakes to overflow, and their waters, prevailing over every obstacle, break through the barrier of the high lands, and descend into the lower levels in a series of cataracts, to make their way eventually towards the ocean. Livingstone has proved the truth of this felici- tous induction as far as the Zambesi is concerned. The Nile also issues from the lofty table-lands through deep and rocky ravines. The great reservoir of the mysterious Egyptian river, the N'yanza Spekii, may be accepted as the final confirmation of Sir Roderick's theory, and the conspicuous feature of the African people. The southern extremity of this lake stretches as far as the watershed between North and South Africa. Starting from the same view- point, Speke concludes that another great lake will be found under the Equator, to the west of the Tanganyika and the N'yanza Victoria. This will be the reservoir of the Congo. To establish this fact will be to solve the last problem of the hydrographic system of Africa.* The western region of the African equatorial zone has been but superficially explored, and in this direction numerous hypotheses remain to be verified. Lake Tchad, situated in Central Nigritia, between Bornou on the west and the south-west, and the Kanem to the north and east, was discovered in 1823 by Major Denham, and explored by Dr. Earth in 1852. The latter traveller grows eloquent in his description of the delicious perspective which he had supposed it would offer to the gaze. He met with numerous slaves on their way to cut grass for the horses. But instead of a lake, an immense treeless plain stretched as far as the eye could reach. The herbage became fresher and greener, thicker and taller; a marshy bottom, describing a curve which projected here and receded there, embar- * Morin, " Sources du Nil," in Annuaire Scientifique for 1864. 204 ABOUT LAKE TCHAD. rassed his progress more and more ; and after a useless and pro- longed struggle to escape from the quagmire, seeking in vain on the horizon some mirror-like surface, he retraced his steps, dabbling in the slimy water, and consoling himself with the reflection that at least he had seen some traces of the " liquid element." But the scene was strangely different when, in the winter of 185455, more than one-half of the Ngornou was destroyed by the inundation ; and to the south of that town lay a deep sea, swallowing up the whole plain even to the village of Koukiya ! The lower stratum of the soil, composed of limestone, appeared to have given way in the preceding year, and had lowered the shore of the lake several yards ; hence the inundation. But apart from this evidently exceptional geological catastrophe, the character of the Tchad is clearly that of an immense lagoon whose borders change every month, and of which it is consequently impossible to lay down any strictly accurate map.* Lake Tchad lies between lat. 12 30' and 14 30' N., long. 13 and 15 30' S. Its length varies from two hundred to three hundred miles, according to the amount of rainfall and similar circumstances ; at its broadest it measures one hundred and seventy miles ; and it has an elevation of eight hundred feet above the sea-level. The actual margin of its waters is lined by a deep fence of papyrus and tall reeds, from ten to fourteen feet high. Its islands are densely peopled. Fish and water-fowl abound, and not less do crocodiles and hippopotami. The lake has no outlet, but receives several rivers, of which the Waube and the Shari are the most notable. The country watered by the Niger is also broken up by vast plains which, fertile and glowing in the rainy season, are scorched and withered by the summer heats. The famous port of Kabara, not far from Timbuktu, is several miles from the river, and only accessible for five months in the year at the epoch of the great rains. Beyond this belt of vegetation, this girdle of fertility, Nature wears a sombre aspect the stony look of a corpse ; for the immense Desert of the Sahara begins. The transition from the one region to * Dr. Earth, " Travels and Discoveries in Central Africa " (London, 1857-68). THE CHARM OF CONTRAST. 205 the other, from the land of plenty to the land of want and famine, from the land of bright lakes, and copious streams, and green pastures, to the land of rocky heights and barren sandy wastes, is as startling as the change which sometimes occurs in human life the change of a moment, from bustling and exuberant happiness to profound sorrow. It is such contrasts, however, that enable us fully to appreciate the beauty and wealth of Nature. " The scorching winds' from arid deserts borne," teach us to prize the balmy breath of the " sweet south " that wanders " o'er a bank of violets." Fresh from the dreary Sahara plain, burnt and scathed by a Tropic sun, we can feel all the loveli- ness of the woodland and the leafy vale, of each " Melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless." Tims, in the material world as in the moral and intellectual, the law of compensation prevails, and the wayfarer in the Desert of Life may cheer himself with the recollection that in due time the silence will be succeeded by music, the desolation by beauty, and the wilderness by " Verdurous glooms, and winding mossy ways." CHAPTER II DESERTS OF THE NEW WORLD : PRAIRIES, PAMPAS, LLANOS. THEY who study the philosophy of history, of which men talk so much, and know so little ; they who seek in the general laws of nature and the physical economy of the globe an explanation of its ethnological phenomena, may find, it seems to me, a curious subject for investigation in the singular destiny of the New World. They will have to ascertain by what concurrence of circumstances the two 206 WESTWARD COURSE OF CIVILIZATION. Americas, separated from us by an immensity of waters, and revealed to the world of the East but some four centuries ago, shall have traversed in so brief a period the successive phases of conquest, colonization, and emancipation ; why European emigration was directed thitherward at the very beginning, and thitherward continues still to flow from every quarter ; finally, by what tacit and unani- mous agreement this New World has become the adopted country of all the proscribed and disinherited of the Old ; while almost the entire area of the African continent, which is so much more readily accessible, is scarcely less favoured in its climatic conditions, and upon which the white race has rested, from the remotest antiquity, its political institutions, its arts, and its industry, has remained unin- fluenced by the advancing tide of civilization. I limit myself to indicating this problem, which, however, it is not within my present province to examine, but which naturally suggests itself when we think of the swift development undergone by the European societies planted on the American continent when we remember how rapidly they are narrowing the area of the desert and the wilderness. At the epoch of the discovery of the New World it was one vast desolation, with the exception of Mexico and Peru ; and these were but the seats of a civilization which seemed to have passed without transition from infancy to old age, from vigour to decrepi- tude, and which crumbled into dust under the pitiless blows of the Spanish conquerors. Neither Cortez nor Pizarro would have over- thrown a great empire with a handful of foot-soldiers and men-at- arms, a squadron or two of horse, and a few unwieldy guns, had not the Colossus already nodded to its fall, had not the Column been hollow at the base. But soon the European nations shared among themselves this immense country and the neighbouring islands. The Slave race, whose destiny it seemed to be to reign among the polar ice and snow, long contented itself with the inclement and inhospitable region of the extreme north-west, which it has but recently surrendered to the United States Government. The Anglo-Saxon race, in the northern continent, has seized the lion's PROGRESS IN THE NEW WORLD. 209 share. It now holds between the two oceans, from the fifty-fifth to the thirtieth parallels of north latitude, a fertile and life-breathing territory, well fitted to be the cradle of great empires ; the flourish- ing Confederation of Canada, the colony of British Columbia, and the mighty republic of the United States. Virgin forests have fallen before the restless axe of the hardy pioneer ; hundreds of populous cities have risen as if by enchantment in districts haunted within the memory of men by the bear and the wild buffalo ; a network of railways spreads from the Atlantic almost to the base of the Rocky Mountains ; crops of waving corn bloom over wide prairies that a few years ago yielded only the tall grass and waving reed; the aboriginal tribes of the Red Indians have melted away before the impetuous tide of an ever-advancing civilization ; and the exhaustless energies of our race have already raised in less than a century two mighty empires on the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence, destined to a marvellous, a changeful, and doubtlessly a glorious history. And both these empires have sprung from the loins of England, are governed in the main by the same laws, hold the same religion, are animated by the same aspiring and unwearied genius, and " Speak the tongue That Shakspeare spoke ; the faith and morals hold Which Milton held ; " in everything, as we believe, " Are sprung Of Earth's first blood, have titles manifold." * Southward from the thirtieth parallel stretches the domain of the Latin races, already mingled with and being absorbed by the Anglo- Saxon, in Canada, California, and the Southern States of the Union. Vast as this region is, for it comprehends all Central America and all the Southern Continent, it is infinitely less prosperous, less powerful, less peopled, than what we may call Saxon America. Mexico is a by- word and a reproach for savage anarchy and murderous license. Neither Chili, nor Peru, nor even Brazil approaches Canada in solid power and the auspicious promise of future greatness. The Latin race * Wordsworth, " Poetical Works ;" sonnet xvi., vol. iii., p. 61. 14 210 THE GREAT RIVER BASINS. seems dwarfed and cowed by the neighbourhood of the energetic Anglo-Saxon, is swiftly retiring before it in North America, and in the course of centuries will probably be subjugated by it, even in the southern division of the great Continent. A considerable portion of South America, however, is uncultivated, unpeopled, and but imperfectly explored. There the Desert re-appears with " The pale, cold aspect of a wearied friend," * under its most sharply defined forms and most impressive conditions. The supremacy of the whites over the indigenous tribes is almost nominal ; and if the latter are gradually dying out, the catastrophe, in this instance, is due rather to their own lack of vigour, energy, and capacity, than to the pressure of civilization. However rapid may be the growth of population in North America, however great the rapidity -shall we say the avidity ? of the American squatters in their conquest and appropriation of the soil, the Desert still occupies, principally in "the far West" and the North that is to say, in the angle comprised between the line of the great lakes and the Rocky Mountains an area almost equal to the whole of Continental Europe. There we find, as Mr. Johnstone points out, the largest plains in the world. One such, for example, is that immense basin which extends from the mouths of the Mackenzie, in the icy Arctic Sea, even to the remote Delta of the Mississippi, and from the huge chain of the Rocky Mountains, with their piny recesses "and snowy peaks, to the less rugged and more pastoral range of the Alleghanies; a total area of 4,400,000,000 square yards (3,245,000 square miles). A table-land of gentle elevation, nowhere above 1500 feet, and rarely more than 700 feet high, separates this territory into two secondary basins. The north-east, which pours its waters into the Arctic Ocean, Hudson's Bay, and through the Canadian lakes and River St. Law- rence, into the Atlantic ; and, * Taylor, " Isaac Comnenus," Poetical Works, ii. 216. PRAIRIES OF NORTH AMERICA. 211 The south basin, of the Missouri-Mississippi, whose mighty waters flow into the Gulf of Mexico. It is in the latter that the traveller encounters the great grassy plains of the Prairies or Savannahs which are so remarkable a feature of North America, and which chiefly lie along the western bank of the Mississippi. " There are no prairies," says Sir J. Eichardson, " to the north of Peace River, and the level lands which border the Rocky Mountains do not extend beyond the Great Salt Lake." Under so wide a range of latitude the plain necessarily embraces a great variety of soil, climate, and productions ; but being almost in a state of nature, it is characterized in its central and southern parts by interminable grassy savannahs and enormous forests, and in the far north by deserts not less dreary than those of Siberia.* Southward, a bare sandy waste, 400 or 500 miles wide, skirts the base of the Rocky Mountains to the forty-first parallel of north latitude. The dry plains of Texas and the upper region of the Arkansas have all the features of Asiatic table-lands ; further to the north, the lifeless, treeless steppes on the high grounds of the far West are burnt up in summer, and frozen in winter by biting blasts from the Rocky Mountains. Towards the Mississippi the soil improves, but its delta is a labyrinth of streams, and lakes, and dense brushwood, and the rank marshes at its mouth cover an area of 35,000 square miles. " There are also," says Mrs. Somerville, " large tracts 01 forest and saline ground, especially the Grand Saline between the rivers Arkansas and Neseikelongo, which is often covered two or three inches deep with salt, like a fall of snow. All the cultivation on the right bank of the river is along the Gulf of Mexico and in the adjacent provinces, and is entirely tropical, consisting of sugar-cane, cotton, and indigo. The prairies, so characteristic of Xorth America, then begin." And what are these prairies ? Leagues upon leagues of rolling meadow-land, sometimes as level as an English pasture, always as boundless, apparently, as the sea; richly * Mrs. Soiucrvillc, " Physical Geography," i. 259, et seg. 212 THE " MAUVAISES-TERRES " OF NEBRASKA. covered with long rank grass of tender green, and lighted up by flowers of the liliaceous kind which scent the air with fragrance. Here and there, in the north, occur clumps of oak and black walnut: in the south, groups of tulip, and cotton, and magnolia trees. Occa- sionally the monotonous scene is relieved by a lazy brook, whose banks bloom with a brilliant mass of azaleas, kalmias, rhododendrons, and andromedas ; the low howl of the cayeute, or prairie dog, breaks the silence ; and life is given to the landscape by the frequent appear- ance of herds of bison, deer, and wild horses. At times, in the remote districts, the prairie wolves will be seen in some leafy covert awaiting the approach of a victim ; or flights of birds darken the air, and tempt the traveller with the promise of an abundant provision. On the right bank of the Missouri, and on the borders of the White River, in the territory of Nebraska, lies a dreary desert valley, some 30 feet deep, which the French expressively designate les Mauvaises- Terres. It may be doubted whether the whole world offers a stranger or a more impressive landscape. Here geology recognizes the vestiges of an astonishing diluviaD labour, and it is impossible to venture a step without striking one's foot against the fossil relics of vanished animals. It is a kind of world apart, says an American writer ; a large valley which seems to have been excavated, in the first place, by an immense vertical out-throw, and then modelled by the prolonged and incessant action of denu dating agents. With a mean breadth of 28, and a total length of 90 miles, it develops itself in a westerly direction, at the foot of the sombre mountain-chain known as the Black Hills. On issuing from the immense, uniform, and monotonous prairie, the traveller finds himself suddenly transported, after a descent of 100 to 200 feet, into a depression of the soil where rise a myriad of abrupt rocks, irregular or prismatic, or like columns dressed with enormous pyramids, and from 110 to 220 feet in height. These natural towers are so multiplied over the surface of this extraordinary region, that the roads wind through them in narrow passages, and the labyrinth may be likened to the irregular streets and narrow alleys of some mediaeval European city. Seen from afar, VIEW OF THE " MAUVAISES-TERRES," NEBRASKA, U.S. A CITY OF THE DEAD. 215 the interminable succession of rocks resembles the massive monuments of antiquity; nor are turrets wanting, nor flying buttresses, nor grace- ful arches, nor vaulted portals, groups of columns, fa9ades, and taper spires. If at one place the eye lights upon the ruins of a feudal for- tress, at another it surveys the graceful ensemble of a Saracenic mosque. Or you might almost say, in the distance, that it is a fan- tastic " city of the dead " which looms before you ; or the gigantic palace of a race of unseen beings, fashioned by the power of spell and enchantment. And if the illusion vanishes when, descending from the heights, you penetrate into the mazes of this Dcedalian marvel, the reality is not less calculated to inspire you with astonish- ment, and the imagination remains confused before this wild, this grand, yet ominous freak of Nature ominous, for the place seems like a colossal Golgotha, and the rocks may be the monuments conse- crated by invisible hands to the things and creatures, the life and majesty, of a forgotten Past ! A spectacle unexpected by the European traveller comes at intervals to heighten and confirm the illusion. Here and there are reared con- structions of manifest human work, but of a truly primitive character. They consist of four poles, supporting a rude platform of wicker. Mount any adjacent hillock, and you will see corpses and human skeletons outstretched upon the platform. These constructions are, in truth, the burial-places of the Sioux Indians, who wander still in the neighbouring districts. The whole coast of the Mexican Gulf, from the Pearl River east- ward, through Alabama and a great part of Florida, is occupied by the so-called "pine barrens," which extend far into the interior. These "vast monotonous tracts of sand, covered with forests of gigantic pine trees," are not less a characteristic feature of North America than the " rolling prairies." They are not limited to this part of the United States, but occur to a great extent in Virginia, North Carolina, and elsewhere. Tennessee and Kentucky, though the plough has passed over extensive areas, still possess large forests, and the Ohio flows for hundreds of miles among patriarchal trees, with a 216 THE ROLLING PRAIRIES. rich undergrowth of azaleas, rhododendrons, and other beautiful shrubs, bound together in chains of flowers by creeping plants. When America was discovered, one mass of unbroken forest spread over the mainland, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Canadian Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic Ocean it crossed the Alle- ghany Mountains, and spread in gloom and grandeur over the valley of the Mississippi an ocean of vegetation swelling and sinking for upwards of one million of square miles. " Then all the broad and boundless mainland lav, Cooled by the interminable wood, that frowned O'er mound and vale, where never summer ray Glanced, till the strong tornado broke his way Through the gray giants of the sylvan wild ; Yet many a sheltered glade, with blossoms gay, Beneath the showery sky and sunshine mild, Within the shaggy arms of that dark forest smiled." * Prairies which, in their general aspect, resemble those of the Missouri and the Mississippi, are found to the east and west of the American Desert, in Arrisona, in Texas, in California, and various pro- vinces of Mexico. Vegetation, however, nevertheless differs according to the conditions of each region, and the alternatives of deluging rains and extreme dryness become more and more conspicuous as we ap- proach the Equator. Nevertheless and this, perhaps, is the feature most distinctive of the Prairies, or Savannahs, from the Pampas and Llanos the dryness is never sufficiently severe in the former to destroy vegetation, as is the case in the latter. But the herbs and grasses often grow so dry in summer that the most trivial accident such as a lighted match flung carelessly away, or the ashes dropped from a hunter's pipe will kindle the most awful conflagrations, and the flames will spread devouringly over leagues of open ground, con- suming trees and shrubs, and burning to death the cattle or wild animals which haply fall within their range. With the crackling, hissing, seething noises of the fire mingle the groans of the perishing beasts, while huge clouds of smoke roll before the wind, like the * W. C. Bryant, " Poetical Works." 14 a THE LAND OF FEAli. 219 billows of a wind-swept ocean, and live tongues of flame ever and anon light up the terrible scene with lurid splendour. These " Prairie-fires " are sometimes kindled in revenge by the Indians, and occasionally the settlers resort to this dangerous but summary method of clearing the encumbered ground. However caused, the spectacle is one of infinite grandeur, which might have furnished Dante with a fresh image of horror for his " Inferno." From the fortieth to the thirty-fifth parallels of north latitude the Desert appears in North America under a form more like the " seas of sand " of Africa and Arabia ; the vast areas of the Llanos and the Pampas. These two words are nearly synonymous. They are used to designate wide level plains, inundated and fertile in the rainy season, but in the hot season stripped by the sun's rays of every apparent trace of vegetation. Between the Californian Alps and the Rio-Colorado withers a grand, sandy, and utterly barren plain, which touches the northern borders of La Sonora. Somewhat further to the east extends the Llano-Estacado, which eventually merges into the American Desert. But the most considerable Pampas and Llanos belong to South America. Of these, the most arid and the most desolate which most vividly recall the rainless deserts of the Old World are the Pampa of Atacama, between the Andes and the Pacific, with Taracapa on the north, and Copiapo on the south ; that of Sechura, which forms a great portion of the littoral of the Peruvian department of Truxillo ; and that of Pernambuco, which forms the major part of the plateau north-east of Brazil. These Deserts, no less than those of Africa and Arabia, merit the name of the "Land of Fear." Their surface is as smooth as that of the calm sea, and bounded only by the circular line of the horizon ; the eye frequently ranges over a space of twenty-five square miles without meeting a clump of trees on which to rest ; nor is the monotony relieved by the slightest undulation of the soil. Everywhere is nothingness, silence, desolation, death. More than one wayfarer has never escaped from their mazy solitudes. Fatigue, hunger, thirst, decimate the caravans which under- 220 LIFE OF THE LLANEKO. take to traverse them, and the track is marked by whitened skeletons, whose flesh has been devoured by vultures, and which unknown hands have piled up and arranged with a ghastly symmetry of order. However, since the discovery of America, certain portions of the Llanos have become habitable. Towns have risen at intervals on the banks of the rivers which water them. These centres of popula- tion are connected with each other by huts of reeds, covered with ox-hides, and separated by about a day's march. Here reside the Llaneros, to whose charge are intrusted the innumerable herds of cattle, horses, and mules, which subsist on the pasturage of the Steppes. The inhabitants of the Llanos possess characteristics as marked as those of their plains. The hatos wherein they assemble are situated at long distances apart ; but the true home of the llanero, a bold and skilful horseman, is his saddle. Firmly seated on his rapid steed, he gallops at will across the trackless plain, and combining the two extremes of solitude and activity, confines his half-savage exist- ence to the custody or the ownership of his herds of horses and cattle. Thus, born in the Llanos like his father, a descendant of the first Spanish settlers, he has no idea of any other country than his southern pastures, of any other career than his dreamy pastoral life. Clothed in a picturesque costume, half Spanish, half Indian ; his machete (or cutlass) thrust through a belt of leather, his poncho (a chequered mantle) over his shoulder, and the redoubtable lasso suspended in a coil to his saddle-bow ; armed with the clumsy lance, which serves to drive his herd before him, and, at need, to vindicate its owner's courage in some partisan affray ; the llanero, never think- ing of the past, never dreaming of the future, on the alert in every danger, and accustomed to the severest privations, enjoys with intoxi- cation the rude happiness of his wild freedom. The Llanos of Venezuela occupy a superficial area, estimated, ac- cording to Humboldt, at 153,000 square miles, between the deltas of the Orinoco and the river Coqueta. They are as flat as the surface of the sea, and covered with long rank grass. You might travel over the dreary level for 1100 miles from the delta of the Orinoco to the CHARACTER OF THE STEPPES. 223 foot of the Andes of Pasto, and frequently not encounter an eminence a foot high in 270 square miles. Their length is twice that of their breadth ; and as the wind blows constantly from the east, the climate is the more ardent the further west. " These Steppes, for the most part," says Mrs. Somerville,* " are destitute of trees or bushes, yet in some places they are dotted with the mauritia and other palms." Flat as they are, two kinds of inequalities will sometimes occur : one consists of banks or shoals of grit or compact limestone, five or six feet high, perfectly level for several leagues, and imperceptible except on their edges; the other inequality can only be detected by the barometer or levelling instruments ; it is called a Mesa, and is a gentle knoll swelling very gradually to an elevation of a few fathoms. Yet slight as is this altitude; a Mesa forms the watershed from south- west to north-east, between the affluents of the Orinoco and the streams flowing to the northern coast of Terra Firma. In the wet season, from April to the end of October, the tropical rains pour down in torrents, and hundreds of square miles of the Llanos are inundated by the overflow of the rivers. In the hollows the water is sometimes twelve feet deep, and such numbers of horses and other animals perish, that the ground smells strongly of musk, an odour peculiar to many quadrupeds. " From the flatness of the country, too, the waters of some affluents of the Orinoco are driven backwards by the floods of that river, especially when aided by the wind, and form temporary lakes. When the waters subside, these Steppes, manured by the sediment, are mantled with verdure, and produce ananas, while occasional groups of fan palm-trees and mimosas skirt the rivers. When the dry weather returns, the grass is burnt to powder ; the air is filled with dust raised by currents occasioned by difference of tem- perature, even when there is no wind. If by any accident a spark of fire falls on the scorched plains, a conflagration spreads from river to river, destroying every animal, and leaves the clayey soil sterile for years, till vicissitudes of weather crumble the brick-like surface into earth." When this takes place, the rending of the indurated soil is sudden * Mrs. Somerville, " Physical Geography," i. 79. 224 DROUGHT AND DESOLATION. and violent, as if from the shock of an earthquake. If at such a time two opposing currents of air, whose conflict produces a rotatory motion, come in contact with the surface of the earth, the Llanos assume a strange and singular aspect. Like cone-shaped clouds, whose ex- tremities seem to touch, the ground, the sand rises through the rarefied air in the electrically-charged centre of the whirling current ; like the sand-spouts of the Saharan Desert, or the waterspouts which formerly were the awe and dread of the mariner. Then does the lowering sky cast a "dim uncertain light," like a November fog in London, on the desolate plain. The horizon draws suddenly nearer; the Steppe seems to contract, and a nameless terror seizes the heart of the wanderer. The hot dusty air increases in suffocating heat ; and the east wind, blowing over the long-heated soil, yields no re- freshment, but rather oppresses with its burning glow. The pools, hitherto protected from evaporation by the yellow fading branches of the fan palm, begin to disappear. As in the north the animals grow torpid with the mortal cold, so under the influence of the parching drought the boa and the crocodile fall asleep, buried deeply in the dry mud. Everywhere the drought prevails, and yet everywhere the refracted rays of light delude the traveller with the image of gleaming lakes and rushing rivers. The distant palm bush hovers above the ground like a spectre, apparently raised by the influence of the con- tact of unequally heated, and, therefore, unequally dense strata of air. Half hidden by the rolling clouds of dust, restless with the pangs of thirst and hunger, the horses and cattle roam around, the cattle dis- mally lowing, and the horses stretching out their long necks and snuffing the wind, in the hope some moister current may betray the neighbourhood of a not wholly failing pool. More sagacious and astute, the wary mule seeks a different mode of alleviating his thirst. Under its prickly envelope the melon-cactus conceals a watery .pith. The mule first strikes the prickles aside with his fore-feet, and then cautiously approaches his lips to the plant and drinks the cool juice. But the experiment is not always without danger, and many animals are lamed by the spines of the cactus. A FAERY TRANSFORMATION. 225 When the overpowering heat of the day is followed by the cooler temperature of the night, which is always of the same length in these latitudes, even then the cattle can obtain no repose. Enormous bats suck their blood like the fabled vampires during their sleep, or attach themselves to their backs, causing festering wounds in which mos- quitoes, horse-flies, and a host of stinging insects, niche themselves. Thus the animals lead a weary life during the hot season. But at length, after the long drought and the parching glow, comes the welcome rain ! Then takes place a transformation such as the fancy of the poet never surpassed or equalled. The deep blue of the hitherto unclouded sky grows lighter ; the dark space in the constellation of the Southern Cross is hardly distinguishable at night ; the soft phos- phorescent lustre of the so-called Magellanic clouds " fades, fades, and falls away;" even the stars in Aquila and Ophiucus in the zenith beam with a tremulous and less planetary radiance. And lo, yonder in the south, a single cloud, like the peak of some remote mountain, soars perpendicularly from the horizon. Gradually the gathering vapours fold over the sky. Hark ! The thunder is pealing in the distance, and louder and nearer come its awful reverberation. It heralds the life-restoring rain ! Scarcely has the genial moisture refreshened earth, before a blessed fragrance breathes from the pre- viously barren Steppe, and its nakedness is clothed upon with the bloom and beauty of a thousand grasses. The herbaceous mimosas, with renewed sensibility to the influence of light, open their drooping leaves to greet the rising sun ; and the rosy-fingered morn is saluted with a glad chorus of birds, and by the opening blossoms of the water- plants. Now the horse bounds over the plain in keen ecstasy of spirit, and the cattle grazes plentifully on the fresh green herbage. Yet the new life is not without its peril. Anguis latet in herbd. Among the tall thick grass lurks the spotted jaguar, the tiger of the New World, and measures carefully the distance that separates him from his unsuspecting victim. Sometimes (so say the natives) the moistened clay on the margin of the swamps will blister and swell slowly into a kind of mound. 15 226 VIOLENT INUNDATIONS. until, with a violent noise, like the outbreak of a small mud volcano, the accumulated earth is cast high into the air. The spectator who comprehends the purport of this strange scene immediately retreats, for he knows that the birth of the portentous travail will be a gigantic water-snake or huge crocodile roused from its torpidity. The rivers which bound the plain to the south the Arauca, the Apure, and the Pajara gradually swell, and now Nature compels the same animals, which in the first half of the year panted with thirst on the dry and dusty soil, to adopt an amphibious life. A portion of the Steppe now assumes the aspect of a vast inland sea.* The brood mares retire with their foals to the more elevated banks, which rise like islands above the watery expanse. Every day the dry space grows smaller. It is a miniature reproduction of the Noachian Deluge. The animals, crowded together, swim about for hours in quest of other pasture, and feed sparingly on the tops of the flowering grasses that spring above the seething surface of the turbid waters. Many foals are drowned, and many are surprised by the crocodiles, killed by a blow from their powerful tails, and devoured. It is no uncommon thing to see the marks of these monsters' cruel teeth on the legs of horses and cattle which have narrowly escaped from their blood-thirsty jaws. Such a sight reminds the thoughtful observer of that capability of adaptation to the most varied circumstances with which the all-powerful Creator has endowed certain animals and plants, f The Pampas of Perriambuco and Buenos Ayres have three times the superficial area of the Llanos of Venezuela. So great is their extent, that while forests of palms border them on the north, they are covered with snow in the south, during a great part of the year, like the northern Steppes of Tartary. According to the climatic divisions generally adopted, these regions belong to the Temperate Zone ; but in truth they comprehend a great variety of climates. Their- char- * These inundations are nowhere more extensive than in the network of rivers formed by the Apure, the Araclmna, the Pajara, the Arauca, and the Cabuliare. Large vessels eail across the country over the Steppe for forty or fifty miles. f Humboldt, " Ansichten der Natur," i.. Steppes and Deserts. THE SOLITARY PAMPAS. 227 acter is not less grand or original than that of the Llanos which precede them. " The Pampas," says an American writer, " surpass in majesty all the marvels of the new continent, and yet they astonish the traveller by the air of abandonment and sadness which is impressed upon them, especially in the low country watered by the Plata. Traces of life are there infrequent ; still rarer are the objects which attract attention. Here, at the bottom of a crevasse, a cactus conceals its head bristling with spines ; there, a solitary tree rises majestically toward heaven. Sometimes, upon the plain, the eye discovers the monstrous skeleton of an animal which nourished in those remote times when the Alps still slept in the depths of ocean, and dreamed not of blending^ their snow-burdened peaks with the clouds. The Pampas serve as the burial-place for races of gigantic men, now extinct, who seem to issue from their silent graves in testimony to the former being of vanished generations, and to bear witness to the Creator of all things. Above your head, and far away in the azure of heaven, you perceive a black point ; it is a condor describing slowly its sinister circles. In the 'distance passes and disappears the ungainly figure of an ostrich. The inexpressible charm of these solitudes is their absolute freedom. And while traversing them the wayfarer comprehends the love with which they inspire the Indian, whose hope it is to meet beyond this world with yet vaster horizons for the indulgence of his wandering tastes." At the southern extremity of South America spreads a sterile plain, sown with pebbles and blocks of porphyry : it is Patagonia. As we retrace our steps towards the north, the soil rises before us in terrace after terrace, till it reaches the base of the Cordilleras. In the northern districts the pebbly soil gives place to verdant meadows, where the Patagonians breed numerous herds of horses and cattle. Water is wanting in this country. The rains are rare, and the dry seasons very prolonged. The summer heat is overwhelming; in winter violent winds sweep the Savannahs, which are covered with nocturnal frosts. Under such climatic influences the soil produces 228 A RAINLESS REGION. only a dry coarse grass. In the interior a few beeches and cacti are met with, and then broad swamps, fringed with reeds and rushes. In the spring a mantle of clover spreads over the earth, but only to be withered up by the first heats of summer. Along the banks of the Rio Negro the Pampas of Buenos Ayres stretch from the coast of the Atlantic to the foot of the Andes. On a considerable portion of this vast area marshes of salt water encroach a phenomenon all the more curious because the salt lies only on the surface, and all the wells artificially excavated yield fresh water. During the rains the low grounds are flooded ; but as soon as the sun has dried up the plain, it is clothed in rich pasturage, while the elevated table-lands are dry and withered. There, too, the dryness is often attended with disastrous results. From 1827 to 1830, as Mr. Darwin records, not a drop of water fell ; all traces of vegetation disappeared ; the rivers ran dry, and the herds perished in incalculable numbers ; in the single province of Buenos Ayres, the loss was estimated at more than a million head of cattle. To the north of -the Rio Salado, at the portals of the Andes, the country assumes a look of implacable desolation ; no winds ever agitate the lower strata of the atmosphere. The water-courses which descend from the mountains lose themselves in the sand ; salt marshes, whence the very birds hold aloof, alone alternate with a soil every- where intersected by crevices. The district of the Pampas which stretches northward to the spurs of the Andes consists of a sandy soil, free from salt, but wholly unproductive. These solitudes, however, are ploughed by running streams, none of which communicate with the sea. They descend from the Andes, traverse the Pampas from east to west, and empty themselves into the saline lakes. Somewhat further to the north, and nearer the Equator, lies an almost unknown region of salt a region of indescribable gloom, where neither tree, nor bush, nor blade of emerald grass, delights the eye. Eighteen months frequently elapse in this land of desolation, worthy of being one of the circles in Dante's " Inferno," without the cheering sound of a shower of rain, and when at length it arrives, it splits the rocks of THE " DESPOBLADO " OF THE ANDES. 229 salt and melts them into wide pools of brackish mud. As soon as the sun has absorbed the excessive humidity of the soil, myriads of salt crystals glitter on the surface, and convert the Desert into one immense mirror. To the north-west of La Plata extends a desert of very different character the Despoblado, or uninhabited land, a plateau of the Andes, rising some 4200 feet above the level of the sea. This desert is cloven into two portions by a deep valley, bordered with sharp rocks, which affords the only practicable route from Bolivia to Buenos Ayres. Winter, in this sombre world within a world, is a time of horror, when the spirit of Desolation goes to and fro in wrath unchained. Yet even here humanity drags about the fetters of existence. The traveller occasionally alights upon the wretched huts where the unfortunate descendants of the ancient Peruvians linger through life. Their wealth consists in a few llamas. Their occupation, in hunting the alpaca, the guanaco, and the chinchilla ; in filtering the river sands for scanty grains of gold ; in collecting salt, and disposing of it to the inhabitants of the nearest towns. " The aspect of the Puna, or Despoblado," says Von Tschudi,* " is singularly monotonous and dreary. The expansive levels are scantily covered with grasses of a yellowish-brown hue, and are never enlivened by fresh-looking verdure. Here and there, at distant intervals, may be seen a few stunted Quenera trees, -f- or large patches of ground covered with the Ratanbia shrub.:}: Both are used by the Indians as fuel, and for roofing their huts. The cold climate and sterile soil are formidable impediments to agriculture. Only one plant is cultivated in these regions with any degree of success. It is the maca, a tuberous root grown like the potato, and, like it, used as an article of food. In many of the Puna districts it constitutes the principal sustenance of the inhabitants. It has an agreeable and somewhat sweetish flavour, and when boiled in milk it tastes like the chest- nut." * Dr. I. Von Tschudi, " Travels in Peru " (London, 1847), pp. 305, 306. t Polylepis racemosa. I Krameria triandria. 230 DESCRIPTION OF THE PAMPERO. The most imposing spectacle presented by the Deserts of South America is that of their frequent hurricanes. As the Simoom to the Sahara, so is the Pampero to the Pampas. Its approach is fore- told by signs which the native's experienced eye readily recognizes. All at once the air seems stricken motionless, and over the solitude broods a solemn silence. A cloud white and light as snow a cloud " no bigger than a man's hand " rises in the south-west. It advances, and as it advances enlarges its proportions. Other clouds appear, and all gather into one imposing mass. The dust rises and whirls round in thick columns suspended between heaven and earth. Lower and lower descend the congregated vapours, until they envelop the earth in a funeral shroud, whose folds the hurricane incessantly agitates, and which the forked lightnings seem to rend in fragments. Suffocating gusts of a fiery wind traverse space. And now the sudden tempest stoops down from the summit of the Andes, and sweeps the Savannah with resistless fury. Enormous masses of sand, upgathered by the rafale, obscure the clearness of day; at noon the earth is covered with a darkness that may be felt. The thunder mingles its roar with the strident voices of the storm. All that lives, all that breathes, is at the mercy of the unchained elements, which are as pitiless in their wrath as a roused people. Thousands of animals perish in the Savannahs ; and prostrate, with his face to the earth, man tremblingly awaits the expiring breath of the grand convulsion ! The horses and cattle of Europe are replaced in the Pampas of South America by the herds of guanacos and llamas which covered them at the epocfi of the Spanish conquest. Their owners, descendants of the Spaniards intermingled with the native races, possess many of the characteristics of the Arab. Like the llanero of Venezuela, the guacho of the Pampas realizes the idea of the ancient centaur ; and from the throne of his saddle, to which hangs the inseparable lasso, he surveys the plains where he is lord -and king with the fiery glance of a free and independent spirit. He owes scant allegiance to any established authority, and under the blue sky of heaven enjoys the blessings of uncontrolled freedom. A CONTINENTAL EQUILIBRIUM. 231 And what to him the fever and turmoil of civilization, when, mounted on his noble steed, he can roam at will, with none to say him nay, over leagues and leagues of grassy prairies ! CHAPTER IIL THE AUSTRALIAN INTERIOR. GEOGRAPHERS have given the name of the "fifth division of the globe" to that immense archipelago, or rather, that mass of archi- pelagoes which remote geological convulsions have elevated in the Pacific Ocean, between the three continents, Asia, Africa, and Ame- rica, and whose existence was first revealed to the Western World by the maritime explorations of the Portuguese and the Dutch, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. From the epoch when these enterprises commenced, the spherical figure of the earth was established beyond dispute ; and after the discovery of America, it became only reasonable to suppose that, in virtue of a law without which our planet could not have maintained its equilibrium in space, there must exist a continent intended to balance those of the Northern Hemi- sphere. But for many years all the researches of intrepid navigator? only led them to the shores of small islands and islets, not a few of which were barren, uninhabited, and swept by the winds of ocean; while others, girdled with palms, enriched with vegetation, and blessed by bland and genial airs, seemed to realize the poetical idea of the Fortunate Islands, " Summer isles of Eden lying in dark purple spheres of sea." At length, however, by directing their investigations towards the less submerged region of the Indian Ocean, and by sailing beyond the great eastern islands which seem to have been formerly connected with the Indian Peninsula, the Portuguese mariners were the first to descry a long line of coast which they did not doubt was that of an 232 TERRA AUSTRALIS INCOGNITA. Austral Continent, whose satellites, so to speak, were the previously discovered islands. This supposed continent is still represented in the old maps published at the close of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth centuries, by a mass of ill-defined contours, with this indication : Terra Australis incognita. The succeeding voyages of Carpenter, Nuyts, Tasman, and the illustrious Cook, proved that this Austral or Southern Land was in effect a continent, or, at least, an island of extraordinary dimensions, whose coasts alone and these but a small extent inland were inhabited by miserable tribes, with black skin, and hideous features, placed at the extreme limit which separates man from the brute. The Dutch navigators, who had first determined the principal outlines of this continent, named it New Holland, but after it passed into the hands of England, it received, as it still preserves, the appellation of Australia. Take away from this Australian Continent its fertile districts in the south-east, where have sprung up and developed with amazing rapidity the flourishing colonies of New South "Wales, Victoria, and Queensland, and what remains? A country entirely wild, and, one might almost venture to say, an immense Desert. The gloomy aspect and the barrenness of its northern shores, with few exceptions, had repulsed the early Portuguese and Dutch navigators, who little sus- pected what splendid treasures were hidden among its auriferous sands and rocks. They saw but insufficient rivers and scanty vegetation, and went no further. None of the rivers of New Holland are navigable to any great distance from their mouths. The want of water is severely felt in the interior, where a treeless desert of sand, swamps, and jungle is intersected by streams called "creeks," which are dry for the greater portion of the year; yet a belief long prevailed that a large sea or fresh-water lake occupied the centre a belief founded partly on the nature of the soil, and partly on the circumstance that all the rivers that flow into the sea on the northern coast, between the Gulf of Van Diemen and Carpentaria, converge towards their sources, as if they served for drains to some large body of water. AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE. EXPLORATION IX AUSTRALIA. 235 The eastern side of the country is traversed by a great range of thinly timbered down, clothed with grasses and herbage, and rising to an elevation of 3500 feet. These are known as the Blue Moun- tains, and stretch from north to south over nearly thirty degrees of latitude, from Cape York to Cape Wilson. All their western slopes descend gradually towards the interior, until they are lost in the vast desert plain of the interior. The streams which flow in this direction either pour their waters into the great rivers, such as the Darling and the Murray, which has an internal navigation of 1800 miles, or lose themselves in the marshes and lakes, which the great summer heats periodically diy up. Another chain of mountains stretches from south to north along the western coast of Australia, from Point d'Entrecasteaux to Murchi- son River. A third chain, in the northern region, runs from east to west, between Camden Harbour and the Gulf of Carpentaria. The interior of the country is, as I have already indicated, in all proba- bility an immense plain, thinly sown with trees of the two families of Acacise and Eucalypti, and tenanted by the wombat and the kangai-oo. Over this vast portion of Australia, which still remains a blank upon the map, numerous expeditions of discovery have been attempted since the earliest days of European colonization. Hardy pioneers those men who are the real, but obscure, and speedily forgotten founders of empires have sacrificed their lives in the endeavour to lay down a track across the great' island-continent from north to south. Anglo-Saxon enterprise no sooner found itself securely planted on the sea-coast, than it felt that behind it lay a continent to acquire, and the indomitable instinct of the race bade it continue its mission of colonization. During the last quarter of a century, the colonial governments have liberally encouraged these explorations, and the annals of Australian discovery have been illuminated by the names of Eyre (1840), Sturt (1845), Leichardt (1846-48), Kennedy (1848), and M'Douall Stuart (185862), second to none among our English discoverers in patience, resolution, and heroic daring. 238 EXPEDITION OF BURKE AND WILLS The problem remained: to cross the central wilderness of Aus- tralia, and prove the possibility of a passage from the southern shores to the northern, from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria. This problem was finally solved, at no light cost, by the intrepid Burke and energetic Wills. On the 20th of April 1860, there set out from Melbourne, under the auspices of the Government of Victoria, a small troop of gallant explorers, under the immediate direction of Robert O'Hara Burke, a man well-fitted for his post: born in the county of Gal way in 1821, after having served as captain in a Hungarian regiment, he had discharged for several years the duties of inspector of a body of the colonial police. The second in command was a brave young Englishman, William John Wills, twenty-six years of age, an assistant in the Observatory at Melbourne. The expedition consisted of eighteen persons, and was provided with horses, camels which had been expressly imported from Arabia, waggons, all kinds of scientific instruments, and the necessary amount of stores and provisions for a protracted journey. Cooper's Creek, which marked about a third of the whole dis- tance, was fixed upon as place of rendezvous and as the final start- ing-point. Thither, to save time, Burke and Wills, with six men, six camels, five horses, and some months' provisions, proceeded in advance of the main body ; and arriving there on the 13th of Decem- ber, Burke established a depot, left it in charge of Brahe', a petty officer, and three assistants, and with Wills, a couple of men (King and Gray), the camels, and one horse, plunged on the 16th into the trackless Australian wilds.* Keeping nearly due north, and near or upon the meridian of 140 E., they traversed, day after day, well- watered plains, with numerous clumps of wood, and tolerable indications of a good grazing country. On the 12th of February 1861, the four travellers had conquered every obstacle, and struck the marshes on the Albert * Journal of W. J. Wills, in locis. ACROSS THE AUSTRALIAN CONTINENT. 237 River, which flows into the Gulf of Carpentaria. Their goal was reached, and the problem of a connecting route between north and south successfully solved. The vast Australian solitudes hitherto traversed had presented every variety of aspect, from the stony plateaux and the watery sands where the rivers can keep no regular channel, and where wide spaces of dry bare ground separate great shallows of brackish water, to finely irrigated plains, clothed with herbs or bushes, and promising abundant resources for future colonists. Meteorological phenomena present in these regions the greatest uncertainties: either the dry season is so protracted as to ruin all vegetation, or the rains so thoroughly deluge the soil as by a contrary cause to ensure the same result. These climatic contradictions explain the variations observable in the narratives of the different travellers who have visited the interior. One point, however, is beyond all doubt; the hopeless sterility of Nuyts Land, that immense sandy tract which, over an extent as yet unknown, is regarded as impassable, and stretches along the southern coast between Spencer Gulf and King George Harbour. As before said, the primary cause of the barrenness of Central Aus- tralia is the lack of water running water and rain water. Yet the most sterile portions lie far nearer the coast than was formerly credited; and monotonous as may be the descriptions of explorers, so far as the landscapes of Central Australia are concerned, we may from to-day consider that, with the exception of certain points, no obstacles exist sufficiently powerful to arrest the expansion of European colonization, in a country especially where cattle-breed- ing is the principal industry, and the one which takes precedence of all others. The chief difficulty encountered by each exploring party has been the penury of natural products of the soil adapted for human food. The traveler is compelled to carry with him a sufficiency of provisions to last him from his departure until his return. It was this insufficiency of rations which wrought the fatal denouement of the glorious enterprise of Burke and Wills. .238 THE RETURN JOURNEY. After reaching the Gulf of Carpentaria, there remained nothing more for Burke and his three companions but to retrace their steps to their depot at Cooper's Creek. But their energies were exhausted, and from the beginning of April their provisions failed them. At the close often or twelve days' march, they were constrained to kill a horse. In the following week, Gray succumbed to the excessive fatigue. The three survivors dragged themselves on to the depot, where they arrived on the morning of the 21st of April. But the men whom they had left in charge had taken their departure that very morning, after waiting long beyond the time originally fixed for their return. " You may imagine our consternation," says Wills in his Journal, under the date of April 21st; " four months of harassing marches and privations of every kind had completely exhausted our strength. It was an extremely difficult task for either of us to accomplish a dis- tance of only a few yards. The effort necessary to ascend the smallest elevation of the ground, even without a burden, induces an inde- scribable sensation of pain and helplessness, and the general lassitude makes one unfit for anything." There was no resource now but to rejoin Brahe and his men, if possible. Before quitting the depot, the latter had left a small supply of provisions, which proved eminently serviceable. On the 23rd Burke, Wills, and King resumed their march, at the rate of four or five miles a-day, in the direction of Mount Despair, which was about sixty miles distant, and where were placed the most advanced posts, northward, of South Australia. A terrible fatality, however, seemed to pursue them; one of their camels, Landa, perished in a bog; the other, Rajah, they were soon forced to kill for food; then they them- selves were compelled by sheer exhaustion to return to the depot, which, meanwhile, had been revisited by Brahe without his discover- ing a trace of their brief sojourn. Thus abandoned to perish in the Desert, they existed upon the bounty of such natives as they met with, and who occasionally supplied them with a few fish and a little nardoo, an aquatic plant whose pounded seeds the aborigines make A DEPLORABLE CATASTROPHE. 239 into bread. Such a regimen was insufficient to restore their exhausted strength. Early in June their afflictions were aggravated by a deplorable catastrophe. The flames of their bivouac fire, driven by a strong wind, reduced to ashes their hut and all that they possessed. There was nothing for them now but to live with the friendly natives who BURKE, WILLS, AND KIKG is THE DESERTS or CEXTUAL AUSTRALIA. had succoured them. Unfortunately, they had disappeared. It was in vain they attempted to seek them out; Burke arid Wills never saw them again. On Saturday the 29th of June, the latter, utterly exhausted, in- sisted that his companions should leave him in the wilderness, while they continued their search after the natives. Unwillingly they con- 240 DEATH OF WILLS AND BURKE. sented, and taking a solemn farewell of their unfortunate comrade, they dragged themselves away with aching hearts. Four or five days afterwards, King returned with some birds he had contrived to kill, but found Wills asleep in the arms of death. King was now alone, for the intrepid Burke had also fallen a victim to the cruel spirit of the wilderness, resting on the barren ground, with his face upturned to the southern stars. The sole survivor was fortunate enough to fall in with the natives, who welcomed him cordially, and earned him with them from camp to camp. After two months and a half of this strange existence, he was discovered by a relief party sent out from Melbourne, under the command of Mr. Howitt (Sep- tember 15, 18G1), who also gathered the remains of the two gallant but ill-fated leaders, and reverently consigned them to a decent grave. They had not died in vain. From the shores of Port Philip to those of the Gulf of Carpentaria they had discovered and marked out a practicable route; and when the great Australian colonies shall have pushed forward into the interior, and have occupied the borders of the northern gulf, they will remember with gratitude the brave explorers who sacrificed their lives to effect the passage from one sea to the other. CHAPTER IV. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE AFRICAN PLAINS. THE facts actually ascertained in reference to the Flora of the plains of Central Africa, although as yet of a limited character, form as a whole too comprehensive a subject to be fully discussed in these pages. I must, therefore, confine myself to a rapid survey of the principal botanical features of the countries whose general features and physical aspect I have sketched in the preceding chapters. Senegambia and Upper Guinea, on the west coast of Africa, form a A LEGION OF CASSIAS. '241 low table-land, situated upwards of 3000 feet above the sea-level, and fuiTOwed by deep gorges, in whose rocky beds the rivers roll and foam, fed by the waters of numerous streams. Grassy savannahs and wide cultivated areas are here inhabited by a numerous population. Several travellers have explored these regions; but all have specially applied themselves to make known the colossal plants which flourish therein, and those, first and foremost, which have a particular interest, either from their Anak-like stature or the manifold uses of their pro- ducts. I shall have occasion to speak of the arborescent species which, in this part of the Old Continent, blend in immense and impenetrable forests. But owing to this very circumstance we possess few details respecting the plants which clothe the vast plains of Senegambia and Upper Guinea. We only know that there, as everywhere, the great family of the Graminese is largely represented. In general these species far exceed in height the plants which make the wealth and glory of our English meads ; and they chiefly belong to the tribe of Panicese. A legion of Cassias inhabit the low fresh hills of the Senegambian lands ; and some are held in high estimation for their fruit, as the Cassia, or Senna, which is considered one of the most active purgatives. The species generally recognized as best adapted for medicinal purposes are those with oboval and those with obtuse leaves Cassia obovata and Cassia obtusifolia. The former is a perennial herbaceous plant, from one to two feet high, with smooth egg-shaped leaves and racemes of yellow flowers; the latter differs only in the form of its leaves, which are short and broad, or obtuse. Many of the cereals are cultivated in Senegambia on a very large scale; but they differ wholly from those which engage the attention of the European agriculturist. Barley will not grow even on the most elevated plateaux, on account of the constant and excessive heat. It is true that it will germinate ; but it develops so rapidly that it passes through all the phases of its vegetation in the space of a few weeks, and yields but impoverished ears empty of grains; it is useless to the people of Senegambia except as forage. But, on the 16 242 CEREALS IX SENEGAL other hand, there are numerous Graminese adapted to hot regions, which the natives cultivate for their uses. Among others I may name the Tocussa and the Coracan (Eleasine Tocussa and E. Coro- cana), with their curved digitate spikes and productive seeds; the Pennicellaria spicata, or Guinea Corn, a very tall grass, somewhat resembling maize, whose long cylindrical culms or blades bear each a multitude of white round grains, which, ground into meal, form very savoury cakes, as you may read in Mungo Park's Travels; and the Durra, Doura, Indian Millet, or Sorgho Grass (Sorghum), a coarse, strong", broad-leaved grass, four to eight feet high, with a round grain a little larger than mustard seed; it is the principal corn-plant of Africa, and exceedingly nutritious, the natives employing it in the preparation of a favourite dish named Kouskoussou. The cereals most widely cultivated in Senegal include the Colonial Millet (Oplismenus colonus); the Abyssinian Meadow Grass (Poa Abyssinica), called " Teff " in Abyssinia, whose seeds are used for making bread, and whose blades yield an abundant herbage; Rice (Oryza sativa), and different varieties of maize. Leguminous plants appear wanting in Senegal. Their absence is probably due to the same causes as those which we have indicated as affecting the growth of barley. Cabbages and the different salads grow, in fact, with a rapidity which prevents them from maturing; they flower in two or three weeks after being sown. The inhabitants consequently resort to those alimentary species which belong to hot countries, and which can only be obtained in Europe at an enormous expense and by artificial means. Among the plants with edible roots are various kinds of Yams (such as the Dioscorea alata); Batatas (Convolvulus Batatas') ; and the Manioc or Manihot (Jatropha Manihot),* better known as Cassava, which, although in itself a deadly poison, is easily deprived by heat of its noxious properties, and when roasted or boiled becomes a nutritious and highly savoury food. It yields the valuable farinaceous material of Tapioca. Its leaves are cooling and healing; from its seeds an excellent oil is procured; and the juice which drops * Order, Euphorbiacex. If THE SCREW-PINE TRIBE. 245 from its root serves for empoisoning arrows. Good and evil are both strangely mixed in this important plant. The Corchorua olitorius* an annual cultivated in Egypt as a potherb, is largely grown in Senegal for the tenacious fibres of its root and the oily juices of its seeds. The Black Pepper (Piper nig- rnm) of India and the Sunda Isles we find perfectly acclimatized in this part of Africa, and it flourishes even in a wild state. Finally, the Coffee-tree (Coffea Arabicd), the Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao), Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria}, and the Cocos oleracea, are among the culti- vated plants of Senegambia. In northern Guinea and the Gaboon, recently made famous by Du Chaillu's discovery of the gorilla, Savannahs and cultivated dis- tricts are intermingled, though their flora is still imperfectly known. A great number of grasses adorn the fresh and humid prairies, and sedges and reeds abound, while, on the river-banks, in shady nooks, flourish some of the Screw-pine tribe, -f- notably the Pandanus Oan- delabmm, a highly curious plant, which attracts one's attention by its mode of vegetation, its graceful ribbon-like foliage, and its small fragrant flowers. Thatching and cordage are obtained from the fibrous leaves; the fruit resembles a richly-coloured pine-apple, but is insipid to the taste. The Savannahs of the neighbouring provinces, and especially those of the Gold Coast, are in general sparsely inhabited, nor are those on the banks of the Niger an exception ; man shrinks from a region which the deadly malaria seems to claim as its own. The flora is very poor, consisting chiefly of aquatic grasses, with blades of moderate height, arid leaves of comparatively little succulence. The herbaceous plants, suitable for food or industrial uses, which are most frequently met with in Guinea and the Gaboon, resemble those already described as belonging also to Senegambia. But there are many different Arums, such as the Caladium segmium and Colocasia mucronatum, properly known as Taro, Tara, or Tayo, and employed in making granulate sugar from the stem of the former, and in boiling or roasting for food * Order, Tiliacex. f Order. Pandanacex. 246 CERTAIN HERBACEOUS SPECIES. the rhizomre of the latter ; Tobacco ; the ox-heart Annona, a plant sometimes cultivated in Europe, where it never fructifies, though its aromatic fruits are its most valuable product, and are highly esteemed by the Africans, these " Custard Apples " resembling thick cream, and being eaten, like cream, with a spoon ; the Banana,* with its gigantic foliage precious " Musa Sapientum " valuable not only to "wise men," but foolish men, as a substitute for wheat or the breadfruit tree, and gratifying the savage with a succulent and nutritious food. Forty or fifty banana plants will flourish in a square space of one thousand feet, and an acre of ground will yield sufficient provision for fifty men. That area of land which, sown with wheat, would feed only one man, will nourish five-and-twenty if planted with bananas. I must not forget the Pistachios, ( which flourish spontaneously in the vast plains of Central Africa, and the highly valuable Sugar Cane (Saccharum offitinarum), which, like the Cotton Plant, has rendered inestimable services to man, and yet has been the origin of unutterable crime and misery, promoting by its cultivation the accursed slave-trade. The Vine (Vitis vinifera) is cultivated in a few districts. Among the herbaceous or sub-frutescent plants peculiar to this region, and which enjoy a certain reputation on account of the utility of their products, I may name the following : The Calebash Nutmeg (Monodora myristica), one of the Anno- nacese, remarkable for its withered fruits, which, when rasped like its seeds, furnish a condiment deservedly esteemed by the natives ; Guinea Pepper (Uvaria ^Ethiopica), whose properties are well known and appreciated in this part of Western Africa ; and finally, one of the Cucurbitacese, the Telfairia pedata, whose seeds enclose a very oleaginous substance. To the east, in Nigritia or the Soudan, the country is nearly level, although situated at an elevation of 1200 to 1300 feet above the sea. The vegetation here is very scanty ; yet the copious tropical rains favour the growth of plants suitable for the provender of cattle ; pastures are abundant, and formed by the principal Grasses (Panicum * Order, Aliisacfx. f Order, Anacardiacex. A BOTANICAL SURVEY. 247 Setaria, and the like), the Sedges, Rushes, &c. These meads are clothed with verdure for three or four months of the year, and much frequented by the shepherds who dwell in the vicinity of Lake Tchad. Still further eastward, if we continue our wanderings, we plunge into the warm regions of Darfour and Kordofan. Here the country is cast in bold outlines ; numerous lofty mountain-chains are inter- sected by narrow valleys and smooth expanses of meadow-land. All that portion of Kordofan which lies west of the White Nile is a Prairie some thirty-five miles long by twenty-eight broad, stretching towards the rising sun, and relieved by small patches of shrubs of the family Legumiitosm, especially the Mimosa, with its graceful shrinking foliage, which shudders at the lightest touch, and its spherical rose- hued or snow-white blossoms. These meadow-lands suffer from excessive aridity ; it is only with an arduous struggle that a few grasses resist the dryness which almost constantly prevails ; and frequently, as is the case in other parts of Western Africa, the inhabitants can only procure water for their needs by sinking wells of extraordinary depth. Less arid, the southern part of Kordofan is better clothed with vegetation ; the country is more broken, and increases in picturesqueness of aspect as we approach the neighbourhood of Mount Tegeler. Sennaar, which is traversed by the Blue Nile, is far from offering an equally luxuriant vegetation : along the river extends a vast belt of meadow, generally barren, or only blessed with a few herbaceous plants, a few Legu- minosee, with deeply-buried roots ; and its aspect, therefore, is one of great gloom. The landscape wants ' The glory in the grass, and the splendour in the flower " which appeal so potently to the sensibilities of the poet. Nor does the scenery improve as we ascend the Sennaar to the Lake of Zana, situated to the south-east, for though the rich black soil of the Kulla valley nourishes a profuse vegetation, it is the vegetation peculiar to the marsh and the swamp ; the wind rushes through thick sedges, and whispering reeds, and waving grasses. On the northern borders 248 THE PLAINS OF TIGRE, of the lake the pasturages are fresh and green, and a man might easily lurk unseen among their gigantic Graminese, the Panicas and the Setarias. Still keeping our faces eastward, like the Ghebirs of ancient Iran, we perceive that Abyssinia is divided into two parts by the River Tacazze, an affluent of the Nile ; the western being called Amliora, and the eastern Tigre'. Owing to its peculiar geographical configuration and the elevation of its mountains, Abyssinia rejoices in a wholly special Flora. In the Semen, west of the Tacazze, there is a mountain lifting its crest above the limit of perpetual snow, or to an altitude of 14,000 feet. Up to a height of 6500 feet its slopes are thickly carpeted with fresh and fragrant sward, and the air throbs with the music of a hundred streams which flow from the perennial fountains of ice and snow. In the Tigre the country is not fertile, nor is it well populated. Its geological features are interesting, for we meet everywhere with isolated masses of limestone, arranged generally in horizontal strata of various extent, and bearing indisputable traces of a vast volcanic labour. On the coast of the Red Sea, the oriental slopes only present at their base a few scattered thickets chiefly composed of thorny shrubs and the Leguminosse. We meet also with various kinds of Aloes and Euphorbiacese (Spurge- Worts), as the Euphorbia neriifolia, Euphorbia grcmdidens, and Euphorbia Abyssinica. It is said that King Juba II., of Mauritania, discovered the plant growing on Mount Atlas, wrote a short treatise on its virtues, and named it after his physician Euphorbos (about the end of the first century B.C.) The root, generally speaking, is aperient, and the milky juice useful in cases of rheumatism and cramp. The plains of Tigre present a beautiful appearance with the variety of flowers that bloom among the grass ; including a kind of scarlet aloe, which is to be met with almost everywhere in Tigre, and appears, like our gorse, to flower at all seasons, forming a graceful object in the foreground. The many varieties of mimosas, too, with their different-coloured blossoms pink, yellow, and white appear to be spread over the whole face of the countiy, whether rock or plain, SOME ABYSSINIAN GENEEA. 249 hill or valley. " When in blossom," says an English traveller,* " many of them emit a fragrance so powerful as to render the whole neighbourhood more odorous than a perfumer's shop. The jessamine is seen in profusion in many parts, but principally on the hills ; and there is also a beautiful parasitical creeper (an reschynanthus), which grows, like the mistletoe, from the bark of other trees. It has a bright dark-green fleshy leaf, with brilliant scarlet flowers." The same traveller describes a tree called the dima,-\- which, though not very solid as food, adds much to the flavour of the cuisine. It has a large greenish shell, some nine inches long ; inside of it lie a number of seeds, and attached to them by fibres a quantity of yellowish-white cakey powder, having a sweetish acid taste, and when mixed with water forming an agreeable beverage, somewhat resembling lemonade. The Abyssinians mix with it red pepper and salt, and eat it as a relish with their, bread. When the tree reaches a certain size, its trunk almost always becomes hollow ; and then it frequently contains a store of wild honey, which may easily be obtained by means of a small axe and fire. More to the south, in the Shoa, we meet with an almost analo- gous vegetation : the Socotrine Aloes (Aloe socotrina), which supplies our Pharmacopoeia with an active cathartic, is particularly abundant. The Celastrus edulis,+ a small branching shrub whose leaves possess very similar properties to those of the Tea-plant, and are employed for the same purpose by the Abyssinians, is widely cultivated. The Arabs distil from them a stimulating drink called Kat. Nor should I forget the Cousso, or Casso, named after its discoverer Bray era anthelmintica,\\ an infusion of whose bark or leaves forms one of the most powerful vermifuges in the world; and the Musa ensete, a magnificent banana, with gigantic leaves and nerves of a vivid red, which now flourishes in our European plantations. Among the cultivated plants may be included most of those which * Mansfield Parkyns, " Life in Abyssinia," i. 226, 227. f Aclansonia digitata, a species of Baobab (Order, Stercubaccx} . i Order, Celastracex. II Order, Rosacese, 16 a 250 ON THE COAST OF ADEN. I have noticed under the head of Senegambia ; while, owing to the considerable elevation of the mountains, we find many others which belong to cool and temperate climates such, for example, as rye and barley. The Sugar Cane, the Pomegranate, and numerous Auran- tiacese, as, for example, the Citron and the Orange, have been like- wise introduced into this part of Southern Africa. VEGETABLE LIFE IN SOUTH AFKICA. 1. Mesembryanthemum inflexum. 2. Hottentot's Fig (Met. edule). 3. Euphorbia neriifolia. 4. Euphorbia grand idens. 5. Stapelia hirsuta. From the coast of Aden, where almost complete sterility prevails prior to the rainy season from the coast of Aden to Cape Guardafui, situated at the easternmost point of Africa, the traveller encounters a constant succession of mountains or elevated table-lands, haunted by the shepherds of the Somali tribes, a people notorious for their brigandage. Respecting the coast of Ajan we know but little, FLORA OF WESTERN AFRICA. 231 except that its arid and sandy soil supports a scanty vegetation of stunted plants. The Zanguebar coast is not more familiar to the botanist, and is mainly covered with marshes. But the littoral of Western Africa is gifted with a flora as luxu- riant as it is varied. According to Dr. Welwitsch, who has explored this region, previously almost a terra incognita to Europeans, " the special feature in the neighbourhood of Benguela is the abundance of parasitical Lorunthacece, or mistletoe, on the thickets of the thorny Mimosa, to which are attached those Roccellse (or Archils), the Roc- cella tinctoria and R. fu-ciformis, that yield so brilliant a lilac dye. In the gardens of Benguela the vegetables of Europe are most successfully cultivated, as well as a great number of fruit trees belonging both to tropical and temperate climes : citron and orange, the olive, the cashew-nut, the anana, the fig, the vine, the pome- granate, the elais-palm, the banana, the anona, and the corrossol. The vine bears grapes twice every year, and the crop on each occasion is abundant and of fine flavour. The gardens in the vicinity of Mossa- medes, between the fifteenth and sixteenth parallels of south latitude, exhibit a curious medley of vegetables on every side, where you may see flourishing side by side the banana and the potato, manioc and wheat, sugar-cane and flax, barley, and every kind of Spanish potato." A few miles from Cape Negro the coast rises for from 300 to 350 feet above the sea-level, forming a continuous plateau, where the flora, though meagre when compared with that a little further to the north, offers nevertheless to the traveller some objects of the highest interest. It was here that Dr. Welwitsch met with the strange plant which, in commemoration of its intrepid discoverer, Sir William Hooker named Wehvitschia,* but which the natives call Tumboa. " In its youth its two original cotyledonary leaves appear to grow considerably, and extend horizontally in opposite directions, raised but little above the surface of the sand, whilst the intervening stock thickens and hardens, assuming an obconical shape, flat at the top, and rapidly tapering below into the descending root. As years go * Order, Gnetacex. 252 THE WELWITSCHIA PLANT. on, the original pair of leaves, having attained their full size, and a hard, tough, fibrous consistence, do not die away, but gradually split up into shreds ; the woody mass which bears them rises very little higher, but increases horizontally both above and below the insertion of the leaves, so as to clasp their base in a deep marginal slit or cavity ; and from the upper side, at the base of the leaf, several short flowering stalks are annually developed. These are erect, dichotomously branched jointed stems, rising from six inches to a foot in height, and bearing a pair of small opposite scales at each fork or joint, each branch being terminated by an oblong cone, under the scales of which are the flowers and seeds. The result is, that the country is studded with these misshapen table-like or anvil-like masses of wood, whose flat tops, pitted with the scars of old flowering stems, never rise above a foot from the ground, but vaiy, according to age, in a horizontal diameter of from a few inches to five or six feet those of about eighteen inches diameter being supposed to be already above a hundred years old." * These fantastic monstrous shapes were found by Dr. Welwitsch, with their deeply-embedded roots, on the dry plateau of the Benguela coast, in 15 40' south latitude. Herr Montein met with it in a perfectly similar situation on quartzose soil, in the neighbourhood of the Nicolas River, 14 20' south latitude; and Mr. Baines and Mr. Anderson, in Dawaraland, between. 2 2 and 23 south latitude, in the neighbourhood of Whalefish Bay, and in a district where never a drop of rain falls. We may therefore place the habitat of this remarkable plant between the 14th and 23rd parallels of south lati- tude. The crown, when divested of its leaves, bears a close resem- blance to a fungus. If we now approach the Cape of Good Hope the Cabo del Tormentoso, or " Cape of Storms," of the early navigators we shall observe a characteristic vegetation peculiar to a solid or stony soil, sometimes hilly, but generally dry. It is in the desolate and barren steppes situated within the confines of Caffraria that those splendid * Brande, " Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art," iii. 1018. 1019. THE HOTTENTOT'S FIG. 2-53 herbaceous bulbous plants display their beauties, which are now familiar to our English gardens under the names of Gladiolus, Oxalis, Ixia, and Tulbaya. To those magnificent ornaments of the floral world we must add some less known plants, remarkable iii other respects ; such as the Mollugo cei'viana, which, with a few Ficoidese, form the almost exclusi\ 7 e nourishment of the herbivorous animals VEGETABLE LIFE OF CAPE COLONY. i. 2. Aloe soccotrii 5. Aloe plicatilis. 3. Aloe ciliaris. 4. Aloe arboresceus. C. Gladiolus blandus. belonging to these countries. The Graminese are rare in the plains of Cape Colony, but, on the other hand, they contain a number of oleagi- nous plants included in divers families. Here, for instance, are those singular Compositor, whose stems so closely resemble waxen tapers ; several Ficoidese, of which some species as, notably, the Mesem- bryanthemum edule, or Hottentot's Fig, distributed over the interior of Southern Africa, and the Mesembryanthemum tuberosum are 254 THE CARRION PLANT. eagerly sought by the Hottentots, Caffres, and natives generally, who eat the fruits of the former and the roots of the latter ; the Stapelia hirsuta, or Carrion Plant, and several others of the same genus, whose carrion-smelling flowers are singularly handsome, though their odour is most offensive ; a great number of aloes, particularly the Aloe verrucosa, A. ciliaris, A. plicatilis, and A. arborescens, each distin- VEGETABLE LIFE OF CAPE COLONY. 1. Helichrysum fruticosum. 2. Erica Cavendishiana. 3. Protea longifolia. 4. Todea Africana. guished by a strange wayward boldness of form and figure ; arid, finally, those larger Euphorbias of which I have already spoken, and which yield a white milky juice that hardens on exposure to the air. It is mainly on the slopes or stony hills of the Cape that we meet with numerous and remarkable species of the Immortelles, with their white, yellow, or lilac, and satin-smooth flowers. The woody Immor- EKICAS AXD PELARGONIUMS. 255 telle (Helichrysum fruticosum} is one of those peculiar to the Cape districts. It is in analogous but more sandy localities that those graceful little shrubs, with varied corollas, flourish, which are so popular in England under the name of Ericas, and which frequently exhibit the highest beauty of form and colour. In the engraving is VEGETABLE LIFE OF CAPE COLONY. 1. Pelargonium hederaofolium (Ivy-leaved Geranium). 2. Oxalis rosacea (AVood-Sorrel). 3. Pelargonium glaucuai. 4. Pelargonium zonale (Zone-leaved Geranium). 5. Pelargonium tricuspidatum. figured the exquisite Erica Cavendishiana, a deservedly great favourite in our English conservatories. There, too, the traveller delightedly examines the almost interminable succession of Pelargoniums, or Geraniums, rich in clusters of delicate bloom, and in exquisitely green foliage. What a blank would their absence leave in our blossomy parterres ! Here arid there he notes dense coppices of the 256 SOUTH AFRICAN MARVELS. Arduinia spinosa, the Lyciurn Afrum, the Euclsea ondulata, whose berries are eaten by the Hottentots ; several species of Rhus,* among others the Rhus lucidum ; and, finally, a great number of the strange fantastic Proteacese, with their hard dry evergreen leaves and curiously beautiful flowers. At the foot of the mountains, in the countries bordering on Caffraria, different Cycadaceas are found, espe- cially the Zamia and Encephalartus, an elegant plant with a short spherical trunk, surmounted by a crown of long rigid palmated leaves. The natives prepare with their pith a species of cake which they eat instead of bread. Ferns are not numerous at the Cape ; the most remarkable, undoubtedly, is the Todea Africana. The hills and meadows of this part of South Africa do not always exhibit so marked an aridity; rivers and streams refresh the soil, and there, where the current is not too swift nor the depth too great, grows the beautiful Calla of Ethiopia, a species of Aroidea, whose snow-white fragrant flowers resemble a large horn in shape ; the Aponoyeton distachyum, another aquatic plant, with white flowers and floating leaves, is not less common in similar positions ; then on the banks, in fresh and shady nooks of greenery, thrives the Strelitzia regince, a gorgeous-flowered genus of Musacece, named after Charlotte of Meck- lenburg-Strelitz, queen of George III. The foliage of this magnifi- cent plant consists of long-stalked leaves sheathing at the base, arising from a contracted stem, the flower stalk encircled below by the sheath of the leaf-stalk ; while from its upper portion springs a large bract or spathe placed obliquely, within which lie the flowers, resplendent in orange and purple. In the Desert of Kahalari exists an abundant and varied vegeta- tion. According to Dr. Livingstone, it is an immense plain which nourishes a prodigious quantity of herbaceous plants, generally of very small elevation, and besprinkled at intervals with thickets of bushy shrubs. The herbs which are enabled to withstand the prolonged droughts of these arid localities are species with tuberous roots, creeping or spindle-like, and deeply buried in the ground. * Order, Anacardiacex, AX ABUNDANT FLORA. 2-'7 The Cltrullus vulgans and C. amarus are found in enormous quanti- ties. Dr. Livingstone speaks of another individual of the gourd tribe, probably a kind of Cucumis, whose fruits colour red when ripe, and which has sometimes a sweet and sometimes a bitter flavour. In these vast regions, where a desolating aridity prevails, the rivers and streams dry up for a great portion of the year, and the soil of their bed, generally black and loamy, is rapidly covered with a profuse vegetation, composed in great part of grasses and rush-plants. The bffnks of the rivers Mokolo and Zouga, and the shores of Lake Ngami, are covered with herbs and small thorny stunted bushes, including the Acacia detinens. In the south of Africa the soil is so dry that only plants of a fleshy consistency can endure the heat ; elsewhere, in more temperate climes, these latter plants are also very abundant, but the surrounding herbage destroys them. Among those which grow there in great numbers I may name the Ficoidese, and particularly the Mesembryanihemiim inflexum, which is very widely spread, and whose stems and leaves are eaten by herbivorous animals. This plant, says Dr. Livingstone, is so useful that it is cultivated by the Dutch Boers on an extensive scale. On his northward route towards Linianty, this illustrious traveller fell in with meadows of such rank fertility that its herbage frequently rose above his vehicles. The natives, designated Makalatos, show some agricultural taste and skill, and cultivate durra, maize, two kinds of beans, arachides, pumpkins, and the like. Everywhere, along the banks of the Gambye and the Liba, he met with exceptionally fertile land, where the grasses attained an unusual development. On the Liba bloomed wide verdurous plains, consisting of plants with dazzling corollas and graminese of tall stature. Owing to the burning heats which blight these districts, herbaceous plants are developed with extraordinary rapidity. In the rainy season the Liba meadows are covered, like our own, with an immense variety of mushrooms, some nutritious, others poisonous. The former are much relished by the natives. One of 17 258 VEGETATION ON THE ZAMBESI. the most common, and one of the finest flavour, is found, says Dr. Livingstone, on all the ant-hills ; it is completely white, very good even when eaten raw, and about eight inches in diameter. There is another of a brilliant red or superb blue, but it is poisonous. The banks of the Quilo, like those of the Quango, are endowed with a most luxurious vegetation ; the same is the case with the banks of the Zambesi. Everywhere spreads a gigantic and abundant herbage. In the environs of the small town of Cassanga, the natives cultivate manioc, potatoes, haricots, tomatoes, &c. There are found also bananas and guava plants, and probably all the legumes and fruit trees recognized by Dr. Welwitsch at Benguela, which lies nearly under the same latitude. From the table-land of Cassanga you may survey nearly the whole of the valley watered by the Quango. It is a gently undulating plain, covered with herbs, and sown with great woods. The coffee-tree was formerly cultivated in the province of Te'te', but has been abandoned ; cassias, however, flourish, and indigo. Among the cultivated plants of Tete Living- stone, moreover, mentions some species which are not yet botanically distinguished such as the Loatsa (Pennisetum typhoideuni), and several of the bean tribe, one of which grows underground like the arachides. CHAPTER V. VEGETABLE LIFE IX THE PRAIRIES, PAMPAS, AND LLANOS OF THE NEW WORLD. OF all the provinces, as yet uninhabited or only scantily peopled, which compose the northern regions of the New World, none offer so vast an extent of prairies as that which is situated in the vicinity of the Neosho and the Vert-de-Gris, between the Missouri frontier and the River Arkansas. Woods of small extent or, M. TRECUL'S DISCOVERIES. 259 more generally, limited patches of copse and thicket are met with at intervals in these plains. The Smilax rotundifolia, a species of sarsaparilla, with round leaves and sarmentous stems ; the Rhus toxicodendmrn, a shrub with a very poisonous juice ; and the Asimina triloba, a plant bearing nutritious fruit, are, with a few other subfrutescerit species, the denizens of these lonely localities. Annual or perennial plants abound in the prairies, and attain there a considerable development, especially in the more humid districts. The plains bordering on the Swan's Marsh, situated upon the upper course of the River Osage, nourish a great number of species, as elegant as they are varied. As in our own meadows, the Graminese, the Cyperacea3 (or Sedges), the Leguminosse, and the Composites the latter especially are very extensively diffused. But, in contrast to the majority of our species, their representatives are in general of remarkable dimensions, with flowers of extraordinary splendour, and most of them have been naturalized in our British gardens. The American prairies, again, like the meadow-lands of Europe, are alternated with dry, gravelly spaces, marshes, swampy angles, and wooded tracts. It is curious to trace a certain likeness between the genera which inhabit these localities in both continents. Thus, M. Trdcul, who explored, in 1848 and 1849, nearly the whole of the State of Missouri to the foot of the Rocky Mountains, Louisiana, Texas, and a part of Northern Mexico, discovered in the vicinity of the Swan's Marsh, Water-Plantains (Alisma), Sagittarias, and Nymphreas, in the inundated districts ; Characese their tubular branches incrusted with carbonate of lime bladder-plants, and the beautiful floating Naiadacese, in deeper pools and stagnant watei-s ; and the Lythracese (or Loose-Strife tribe) on the banks of the brook- lets. But the commonest aquatic plant in these morasses, and that which conceals, so to speak, all the other plants proper to such localities, is the NelumHum calophyllum, with its rose-coloured blossoms ; its seeds and rhizomes are eaten by the natives. The vast plains of Missouri are sufficiently fertile. Among the plants most abundant in somewhat damp places we must notice 260 FLORA OF THE PRAIRIES. several Composite^ ; the Liatris, with their violet flowers and long spiky bunches, the Calliopsis tinctoria of the dyers, the Gaura of Lindheimer, and the Tripsacum dactyloides. Asters, Erigerons, Gaillardies, Helianthi (sun-flowers), Solid agos, the Mudbeckia hirta, and the Coreopsis, are found almost as far south as Texas. By the side of these Composite flourish several Desmodiums and Cassias, some graceful Baptisias with blue flowers and light green foliage, the Melanthum Virginicum, the Euphorbia marginata, the Asdepias Cornuti now naturalised in the neighbourhood of Paris the Hibiscus paZusfris and //. moscheutos, gigantic Malvaceae, whose splendidly-beautiful flowers are often three or four inches in diameter. As plants widely spread in the stonier Prairies, we may note the Gauras, different varieties of (Enothera, and especially the Silpliiu'm laciniatum (vulgarly called the Magnetic Plant, or Compass of the Prairies). Its leaves are said to turn their faces uniformly east and west, so that their edges are consequently directed due north and south. The plant is also known as Pilot- weed, Polar-plant,' Rosin- weed, and Turpentine-weed ; the latter name derived from the copious resin exuded by its steins, which grow to a height of three to six feet, as well as by the leaves, which are deeply pinnatified. In the small woods which skirt the Prairies is found in abun- dance, twining round the bushes, the Apios tuberosa, a leguminous plant formerly recommended to European cultivation on account of the rounded tubercles which grow upon its subterranean stems. The Arabians collect them in the spring, and carefully dry them to eat for food. The Apios belongs to the family of Umbelliferse, and is conse- quently allied to celery, parsnip, and carrot. In Missouri, and as far as the confines of Mississippi, we also fall in with very productive sandy plains alternating with wooded uplands. This country recalls, on the whole, the aspect of that which we have just described, and the plants which thrive therein are almost the same. On the hills and woody slopes in the neighbourhood of the Iron Mountain, we likewise meet with sufficiently verdurous prairies. THE IRON MOUNTAINS. 261 M. Tre'cul collected there numerous Graminese, some species of Carex, Plantains, Euphorbias, Polygalas, and Vervains ; many genera, in fact, which in France, and similar soils elsewhere, have numerous representatives. It is in the grassy tracts of the wooded districts that the larger species of Phlox flourish, while the smaller varieties of the same genus vegetate upon the hills. The low humid meadows enchant us with their gorgeous scarlet Actccas* their yellow Bal- VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE AMERICAN PRAIRIES. 1. Liatris squarrosa. 3. Asclepias Cornuti. 2. Calliopsis tinctoria. 4. Tripsacum dactyloides. 5. Gaura Lindheirneri. sams, their Echinacea purpureas, and their superb Lilies ; those which are dry and rather stony are covered with the broad golden flowers of the gay (Enothera macrocarpa.-^ Among the shrubs which people the marshy tracts of this same region, I must point out the Sassafras, a kind of laurel with deci- duous leaves, yellow flowers, which precede the foliage, and small * Order, Ranunculacex ; Sub-order, Actaea. t Order, Onagracese, or Evening Primrose Tribe. 262 REMARKABLE SARRACENIAS. dark-blue fruit. It is found from Canada to Florida ; a mere bush in the north, but a tree fifty feet high in the south. The wood is soft, light, of a coarse fibre, with a pungent aromatic taste, and a strong agreeable odour. The wood is brought to market in the shape of chips, but for medicinal purposes the thick spongy bark of the root is prepared, and it is found extremely valuable as a powerful stimulant, sodorific, and diuretic. The mucilaginous leaves are employed in thickening soup. An infusion of the bark or wood makes a pleasant beverage, formerly known as Saloop ; and the wood also yields an oil which is used medicinally. But it is in the state of Texas, and especially near San Antonio de Bejar, that those immense desert spaces commence which occupy all the northern region of Mexico. The southern districts of Texas offer in their prevailing landscapes a mixture of beautiful prairies and shady woods. Among the plants peculiar to humid and turfy localities, I may particularize the Sarracenias, a group of remark- able exogens, whose leaves are hollowed out into tubes or pitchers, open at the upper end, and streaked with bands of different colours ; the Eriocaulons, a kind of rush, carrying their small flowers in spherical capitals on the summits of their tall branching stems ; and the Nelumbios (Nelumbium calopliylluwi), aquatic plants of unusual beauty, American congeners of the celebrated Lotus, the " insane root which takes the reason prisoner." The nuts are wholesome and edible, and the root-stocks are also occasionally eaten. These plants are likewise found, in analogous habitats, in Mississippi and Louisi- ana, accompanied by the light-green Magnolia, the Dog-berry tree of Florida, several Wax-berries, and the Sassafras laurel, now acclima- tized in Europe, and whose bark is employed as I have said, medicin- ally, while its wood and roots are made use of by turners and toy- manufacturers. Prairies abound in Texas, wide rolling sweeps of grassy sward, with an apparently interminable horizon, unbroken by rock, or wood, or river leagues upon leagues of rank thick grass where countless herds are depastured, and where the hunter still finds game worthy THE TEXAN PR A IE I ES. '263 of his deadly rifle. Among those which skirt the Bay of Matagorda, and extend in the vicinity of Victoria, Gonzales, and Seguin, M. Tre- cul discovered an ample variety of Composite ; of Graminese, more especially those belonging to the generse Poa, Spartinci, Dactyloc- tenium ; Cyperacese, Euphorbias, Cucumbers, and Gourds. From the VEGETABLE LIFE IN TEXAS. 1. Nelumbium calophyllum. 2. Sarracenia purpurea. 3. Eriocaulon flavidulum. 4. Lauras sassafras. Texan Prairies our European gardeners have of late years received a Graminea of the genus Panicum, the Black Mosquito Grass, which by its long creeping rhizomes may be employed with undoubted suc- cess to arrest the inland movement of the Dunes and shifting sandy shores. The yellow water-lily (Nupha/r lutea) spreads its fine leaves on the surface of the Texan streams, in beautiful companionship with 2G4 BRAZIL WOOD. the Nuphar advena and the Nymphcea odorata. In the same locali- ties vegetates a weak variety of our European Sagittaria, and the Pistia spattilata spreads itself upon the water, like our English Duckweed, both being members of the family Pistacece. As far as New Braunfels, the Prairies are occasionally relieved by clumps of fine old trees ; but below that point the traveller only encounters, and that at rare intervals, a few scarce coppices and scanty thickets. Growing more common at San Antonio de Bejar, they abound in the region of Castroville, and spread over nearly the entire country to the very borders of Mexico. These bushes or coppices mainly consist of the Prosapis glandu- losa, the Guaiacum angustifolium, the Xanthoxylum inerme and a few Acacias. The Guaiacum* is noticeable for its hard and heavy wood, gene- rally known as Lignum Vitce, sometimes as Gruaiacum ivood, and occasionally as Brazil ivood. It also yields a peculiar resinous pro- duct, which is medicinally employed, in powder, pill, and tincture, for the relief of chronic rheumatism and chronic skin diseases. It is of a greenish-brown colour, and though it has scarcely any taste, leaves a hot arid sensation in the mouth. The Xmitoxyton type, of the order Xanthoxylacese, derives its name from the yellowness of its timber. Its fruits have a pungent aromatic taste, like pepper. The popular name of "toothache tree" is applied to some of the American species, from the relief their bark and fruits are supposed to give in cases of that distressing affliction. In the neighbourhood of Castroville, Trecul found, profusely scattered among the thickets, a species of Ephedra, closely resembling the Ephedra altissima, whose feeble reed-like branches were literally covered with small red fruits, producing a novel and attractive effect. As a plant curious from its mode of vegetation, and which is spread in Texas as well as in Louisiana, I may mention the Tillandria usne- oides, so named after Professor Tillands, of Abo. This is a genus of Bromeliacece, growing on the boughs of trees, and notably on those of * Order, Zygophyllaceaz. THE TILLANDRIA USXEOIDES. 2G5 the evergeen oak. It hangs down like a tuft of long gray hair, in somewhat the same fashion as certain lichens (usnea) in European pine-forests, communicating to the trees a strange and positively weird aspect. The plant is collected, and the outer cellular portion being removed by soaking in water, the fibrous residuum is then em- VEUETA.BLE LIFE IN THE TEXAN PRAIRIES. 1. Yucca TrSciileana. 2. Silphium terebinthinaceum. 3. Mamillaria rodantha. 4. Echinocactus rotmslus. 5. Cerens Peruvianus. 6. Opuntia microdasys. ployed to stuff cushions, mattresses, and pillows ; whence it is some- times called " Vegetable horse-hair." In the thickets that dot the central Prairies commonly flourish the Lantana Camara, and the curious Unynandia speciosa, a species of chestnut tree on a very reduced scale. 17 a 266 MEMBERS OF THE CACTACEJ2. It was in Texas, and in the rocky, arid, and hilly plains, that the French botanist Trecul discovered several notable varieties of Yuccas, to one of which, a new, and certainly the most beautiful species, his name has very justly been affixed : the Yucca Trfauleana. It raises its tall panicle of gorgeous flowers from the centre of a crown of glossy, rigid, spear-like leaves, like a victorious trophy. In Eastern Texas we note the first appearance, in the drier and stonier portions of the Prairies, of a representation of the family Cactacece, the Opuntia frutescens, frequently growing side by side with the Silpkium terebinthinaceum. The Opuntia is more generally known as the " Indian Fig " or " Prickly Pear," from the large purple juicy fruits which it yields. The Silphium belongs to the family of Composites. But Western Texas is the true birth-place of these oleaginous plants, some of which, such as the Echinocactus robusta, the Mamillaria rodantha, and the Opuntia microdasys ("small -thorny Opuntia"), are cultivated in our apartments, where they require but veiy little attention. M. Trecul has discovered in this region a new and rare variety of Echinocactus (E. Treculeanus], some kinds of Cereus, and, especially, the Cereus Perwvianus, a beautiful plant with large showy flowers. Such are the principal plants which, in North America, charac- terize the vegetation of the Prairies and the Savannahs. This rapid and condensed description will show the reader that the species most extensively spread belong to the genera in which are grouped the more common inhabitants of our own Old World meadows and grassy plains. If we now transport ourselves, on the poet's winged Pegasus, that takes no account of distance or of natural obstacles, to the Equatorial zone of the New World into Guatemala, for example we shall find the undulating and verdurous prairies giving place to high table- lands furrowed by deep and romantic ravines. Their botanical interest, however, is trivial, and their vegetation of a meagre and stunted kind. But between Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras, lies an extensive valley, locally named Llanora, sown with numer- THE FLORA OF THE STEPPES. 267 ous beautiful varieties of plants. Among them the Graminece family predominates, arid, without attaining the proportions and the quality of the herbs which we shall meet with in the interior, form breadths of meadow very charming in their rare fresh greenness. From the summit of the Cordilleras, in the neighbourhood of Bogota, at an altitude of about 3200 feet, the eye surveys almost the entire extent of those vast level plains which stretch from the base of the mountain-chain to remote Brazil, Guiana, and Venezuela. The Steppes comprised between Bogota and the river Meta are formed, in general, of Graminese with crawling stems, and with nearly always very tall culms, especially in the cooler localities. Herbage is so abundant that the traveller who penetrates into these immense pastures experiences almost insurmountable difficulties. He himself and his horse are nearly hidden by the tall grasses, which frequently attain a stature of five to seven feet. And such is their vigour, that after having been burnt to the ground by one of the terrible confla- grations so frequent in these countries, they spring up again with wondrous swiftness ; if the plants had not flowered prior to the pas- sage of the destructive flames, they do so afterwards, and even when their leaves have been wholly destroyed. The lofty table-lands of Bogota and Tukerres, in New Grenada, present a succession of rich pasturages, perfumed by some species of Labiatse, and notably by the Micromeria Browniana, which thrives among the Graminese, their fodder is highly esteemed. The barren and sandy plains of Peru, fertilized by the numerous water-courses which furrow them, are covered with thick bloom and verdure in the rainy season. With the Gramineas and Juncacese the grasses and rushes common in these Steppes mingle different members of the Liliacese family, and especially several kinds of Lily. The higher region of the eastern face of the Peruvian Cordillera, situated between 10,000 and 13,000 feet of elevation, forms an immense undulating plateau watered by the upper course of the Maranon. Everywhere, over a considerable area, the plains are clothed with a meagre vegetation, or alternate with wide morasses, 268 THE MAUEITIA PALM. lakes, and brooks. Among the plants which people them is a species of the Graminese, Stipa itchu ; and there are also several Alpine varieties, Composite, Leguminosa?, and one of the Cyperaceae family, the Cyperus articulatus. The Llanos of Caraccas, and of the Rio Apure and the Meta, over which roam immense herds of cattle, are, in the strictest sense of the term, says Humboldt,* "grassy plains." Their prevalent vegetation, belonging to the two families of Cyperacese and Graminece, consists of various species of Paspalum, P. leptostachyum and P. linticulare ; of Kyllingia, ofPanicum, Anthephora, A**istida, Vilfa, and Anthistiria. Only here and there are found, interspersed among the Graminese, a few herbaceous dicotyledonous plants, consisting of two very low- growing species of Mimosa (Sensitive Plant) Mimosa intermedia and Mimosa dormiens which are great favourites with the wild horses and cattle. The natives give to this group of plants, which close their delicate feathery leaves on being touched, the expressive name of Dormideras " sleepy plants." Not a tree is visible for miles ; but where solitary individuals occur, they are, in moist places, the Mauritia Palm ; in arid districts, a Protacea namely, the Rhopula complicata ; also the highly useful Palma da Corija, or de Sombrero ; and our Corypha inermis, an umbrella palm, whose leaves are used to thatch the roofs of huts. The Mauritia palm, Palm Moriche, Mauritia flexuosa, Quiteve, or Ita palm for by any or all of these names it is known belongs to the family of Lepidocaryece. The trunk grows as high as 26 feet, but it probably requires from 120 to 150 years to reach this height. It extends high up on the declivity of the Duida Mountains, and forms in moist places beautiful groups of a shining emerald verdure, like that of our European alder groves. The trees preserve the humidity of the ground by their shade, and hence the Indians say that the Mauritia draws the water round its roots by a mysterious attraction. From its tops the Indians frequently suspend their ham- mocks to escape the attacks of the mosquitoes. * Humboldt, " Ansichten der Natur " Steppes and Deserts, note 17. A REMARKABLE AQUATIC PLANT. 269 Sir Walter Raleigh was the first who brought to England this fruit of the Mauritia palm, which he very justly likened, on account of its scales, to a fir cone. The plains of the Rio Negro and the Amazons are the home and habitat of the most remarkable of all aquatic plants, the Victoria 1. Anthephora elegans. 2. Panicum Cajennense. 3. Anthistiria ciliata. 4. Aristida capillacea. 5. Cyperus articulatus. regia,* truly deserving its royal rank on account of its curious con- formation and splendid beauty. It is said to have been first observed by Hauke, about 1801, and afterwards to have been noticed by Bonpland, D'Orbigny, and others; but the first person who accurately * Order, Nymphacfx. 270 THE VICTORIA EEGIA. described it was Poppig, in 1832, who saw it in the river Amazons. Sir Richard Schomburgk, who discovered it in the rivers of Guiana, was, I believe, the first to introduce it in England, where a splendid specimen may be seen at Kew, another at Chatsworth, and a third in the Botanic Garden of Glasgow. Its thick fleshy root-stocks send up a number of long cylindrical leaf-stalks, traversed by air canals, and armed with stout conical prickles. The blade of the leaf is circular, and floats on the surface of the water; when fully developed, it measures from six to twelve feet in diameter, and its margin being uniformly turned upwards to the depth of two or three inches, it assumes the appearance of a large shallow tray. The lower surface is traversed by a number of very prominent veins, radiating from the centre to the margin, and connected with one another by smaller transverse nerves ; so that the whole under-side, which is of a purplish colour, is divided into a network of irregular quadrangular compart- ments or open cells, admirably fitting the leaf for floating on the water: The flowers rise upon prickly stalks. They are more than a foot in diameter, with the white outer petals inclined downwards ; while the central rose-coloured ones, with the stamens, remain erect : the whole presenting the fanciful appearance of a central rose-coloured crown resting on a circular range of snowy and most gracefully curved petals. The fruit is a sort of globular capsule, about the size of a child's head, and formidably beset with prickles. The interior is fleshy, and divided into numerous cells, full of round farinaceous seeds, which are eaten roasted by the Spaniards. Hence, in some parts of South America, it is called Mais del Agua, or Water Maize. The pools and lagoons of this region nourish numerous other aquatic plants, among which it will suffice to particularize the Scyn- dapsus fragrans and the Raphia toedigera. Turning now to the vast area of the Brazilian empire, we find it divided into matos (or woods) and campos (or open plains). When the inhabitants would convert into cultivable land a district occupied by forest, they set fire to it during the dry season, and soon a vege- tation of frutescent but dwarf species succeeds the primitive vegeta- THE CAPIM GORDURA. 271 tion. By renewing this purifying process a second and a third time, the soil finally becomes covered with a species of fern closely resembling our large Pteris, Pteris caudata ; and if the spot be once more abandoned, it is speedily taken possession of by a viscous, grayish, and foetid species of Graminea?, well known locally by the 1 Victoria regia. AQUATIC PLANTS OF Gtr: 2. Raphia toedigera. 3. Scyndapsus fragrans. name of Capim gordura, to botanists by that of Tnstegis glutinosa. So boundless a voracity has this plant, that it wholly expels from certain regions another and less tenacious variety of the Graminese, the Sacchanim, or Sapa. The Capim gordura constitutes in itself almost the entire flora of the artificial campos. It is but an indif- ferent fodder, and cattle derive from it little vigour. In general, the natural campos bear a certain resemblance to our meadows ; grass, however, is less abundant ; they consist, especially 272 A BOUQUET OF BLOSSOMS. in the colder localities, of Graminese which do not, perhaps, exceed our British species in dimensions, but differ greatly in the size of their leaves, and often also in their spreading inflorescence. By their side, as is the case with us, grow other plants of a more graceful floral character. Among these are Myrtaceoe, Melastomacese, with their capsular fruits, and a species of Composite, called Veronia. VEGETABLE LIFE IN THE PAMPAS. Pampas Grass (Gynerium argenteum}. The wayfarer who traverses the sterile campos is astonished to discover, on the tortuous and stunted trees that grow there at rare intervals, some flowers of a singular loveliness. Yet who can refuse his admiration from the gorgeous Vochyaceaa ; the Malpighiacese, richly and handsomely flowered ; the Leguminosse, with their long hanging clusters of sparkling blossoms ; the trumpet-shaped flowers of the Bignonias, and the superb Oochnus ? Nor will he forget a THE PAMPAS GRASS. 273 rare Salvertia, fragrant as the lily of the valley, and with its blossoms disposed in thyrses which outvie in beauty those of the chestnut. In the genial smiling country which extends from Monte Video to the mouth of the Rio Nigro, the vegetation is almost wholly confined to Grammece. It is in this region that the feathery Pampas Grass (Gynerium argenteum) nourishes luxuriantly, covering leagues upon leagues with its silvery panicles and drooping leaves, which, when stirred by a gentle wind, ripple like the slow-moving, spray- gleaming waters of a sunny sea. It has become of late years a favourite ornament of our British gardens, and may justly be taken as a type of tender loveliness.* Beyond the Rio Negro the country puts on a wilder aspect, and it is with difficulty the most adven- turous botanist can penetrate into its recesses. Nearly all the southern districts of Patagonia form, as we have already seen, an immense and almost level plain, whose soil is gene- rally dry, arid, and impeded with large pebbles ; the northern districts, on the other hand, offer a less monotonous landscape, are broken up with rocks and ravines, interspersed among tolerably fertile pastures, whose flora has not yet been fully investigated. CHAPTER VI. THE FLORA OF THE AUSTRALIAN PLAINS. THE Deserts of the Australian interior have been laboriously tra- versed, not, as we have seen, without much suffering, and even sacrifice, by a handful of intrepid travellers, who have proposed to themselves simply the solution of certain geographical problems. It * The Pampas grass is very hardy. Its stems are from ten to fourteen feet high, its leaves six or eight feet long, and its panicles of flowers silvery white, and from eighteen inches to two feet in length. Another Brazilian species of the same genus, Gynerium sacchar -aides, yields a considerable quantity of sugar. 18 274 AFFINITIES OF AFRICAN AND AUSTRALIAN FLORAS. will therefore be understood that we owe to them only a few inci- dental notices of their botanical features. For an accurate examina- tion of these the pioneers of commerce have neither the means, the opportunities, nor the requisite scientific knowledge. As far as its flora is concerned, the Australian interior is wholly "virgin soil," a new botanical world, perhaps, awaiting the advent of a Columbus. Only the littoral districts have been satisfactorily explored ; and here, in the south, we meet with the names of Labillardiere, Robert Brown, Gaudichaud, D'Urville, Sieber, Lesson, Cunningham, and other emi- nent botanists. To these celebrated names we must also add those of Dr. Mueller, Director of the Botanical Gardens at Melbourne, Sir William Hooker, and Mr. Bentham. Their united labours have provided the public with a vast amount of curious and authentic information, and have established the fact that the botany of New Holland, like its zoology, has a physiognomy peculiarly its own, and that many, nay, most of its vegetable species, are not less charac- teristic than its strange and astonishing animal types. One is almost tempted to adopt in sober earnest what Sydney Smith said in humorous exaggeration, that, " in this remote part of the earth, Nature (having made horses, oxen, ducks, geese, oaks, elms, and all regular and useful productions for the rest of the world) seems determined to have a bit of play, and to amuse herself as she pleases." * Un- doubtedly she has indulged in the most wayward and eccentric forms. If there exist any relations between the vegetation of Australia and that of any other part of the globe, it is certainly with the districts of Southern Africa which lie near the Cape of Good Hope that Australia exhibits the greatest affinity. It would seem as if these two continents in some remote age had not been separated, as they now are, by " leagues of salt water," but that their vegetable species had been able to propagate themselves freely from the one to the other. According to Richard, the approximative number of species distin- guished by botanists amounts to about five thousand ; but so many * Sydney Smith, in Edinburgh Review, for 1819. INDIGENOUS PLANTS OF VICTORIA. 275 discoveries have been made of later years, that we may raise the estimate to seven thousand. While the Australian plants are distri- buted among numerous families, each of the latter comprises but a very limited number of individuals. The predominant plants belong, in the main, to these families or orders : Leguminosse, Cornpositse, Myrtacese, Graminese, Cyperacese, Filices, Proteacese, Epacridse, Orchi- dacese, in a proportion which varies, moreover, according to the various districts explored. The fertility of the soil, and the climatic conditions of the southern shores of the Australian continent, are highly favourable to the introduction of new species. Our English settlers have availed themselves to the utmost of this circumstance, and have cultivated on a large scale all the most useful fruit trees and vegetables of Europe, and others imported from tropical climes ; so that mingled in the same prolific gardens may be seen the fig-tree and the banana, the guava, the orange-tree, the olive, and the apple cabbages, potatoes, turnips, peas. Even the vine has been successfully natu- ralized, and its manufactured products are not inferior in excellence to the famous Rhenish wines. In indicating the most curious indigenous plants of New Holland, we shall more particularly confine ourselves to those of Victoria, one of the best known districts, and perhaps also one of the most exten- sive, most diversified, and most picturesque. The plains are, in general, sufficiently grassy and fertile, especially in those parts which border on the brooks and rivers. The plants most extensively distri- buted belong to the Graminese and Cyperacese ; we find, among the former, the Pennisetum fasciculare, a great number of Poacese, and the Arundo conspicua ; in foliage and general appearance the latter presents some striking analogies with the Pampas Grass; among the Poacese predominates the Cyperus vaginatus, a common object on the banks of the river Murray in those parts which are subject to frequent inundations. A strong tenacious netting is made from the fibres of its leaves. To these herbs we have to acid some flowering plants, such as the star-like Lobelias ; numerous species of 276 A CLUMP OF HAKE PLANTS. mint (as Meniha Australis, M. satureioides, M. grandiflora, and J\I. gracilis), from which an essential oil is extracted for use in the manufacture of perfumes ; the Sida pulchella and Lavatera plebeia, of which stout fibre or solid thread is made, the fibres of Australian flax (Linum marginale) being adapted to the same pin-pose. The VEGETABLE LIFE IN VICTORIA. 1. Rosea gracilis (Arundo conspicua). 2. Astelia Banksii 3. Hectia Pitcairnisefolia. 4. Xanthorrhcea arborea. Restias, a curious rush-like order of endogens, also inhabit these moist places : as do the Kingias, very common grasses ; the Astelia Banksii, a species of Liliacese, with grass-formed leaves and a strong tenacious stem ; and the Xerotes longifolia. The Nardoo (Narsllia macropus, or, as it is sometimes called, N. salvatrix], whose spores and spore-cases are pounded by the native Australians and made into THE CASSOWARY TREE. 277 bread or porridge, is a kind of cryptogamous plant, with leaves formed of four folioles, like those of a truffle. It abounds in the low grounds and inundated districts, especially on the banks of the Murray. Finally, the Stag-horn (Acrostichon grande), a gigantic mushroom, clings to the branches of the great trees. Small bushy clumps are scattered over the plains, and flourish with peculiar vigour along the water-courses. They consist of various shrubs. The traveller will not fail to notice a whole series of Legu- minosas Chlorozoma, Pultencea, Viminaria, Mirbelia, Podolobium (all are shrubs of exceeding elegance, and now form the rare orna- ments of our English gardens) ; of Epacridse Epacris stiphelia, E. leucophogon, and others, which have also been imported into our home-parterres ; a great number of Euribias, a genus of subfrutescent Compositse, of which a few are rendered interesting by their heath- like foliage ; the Pimelea axiflora, whose supple and tenacious bark is fashioned into bands and straps ; the Myrsine variabilis, with its woody stems and drupaceous fruit ; the Aralia crassifolia, a singular shrub, with long, narrow, and very rigid leaves ; the Callistemon salignum (vulgarly called "stonewood"), employed for xylographic purposes ; the Casuarina equisetifolia,* or " Swamp Oak" also called " Cassowary Tree" a lofty tree, with very durable wood, long, slender, drooping, emerald-green branches, and conical fruit, inclosing small winged nuts ; various species of Melaleuca, yielding the green aro- matic oil called cajaputi or cajeput oil, valuable as a stimulant or antispasmodic ; finally, some Cordylines, or Tis, plants of the natural order Liliacese, and nearly allied to the Dragon's Blood Tree, attaining a height of ten to fifteen feet, with a berry-like fruit, and lanceolate leaves of a reddish hue, which afford a nutriment for cattle, thatch for houses, and whose fibres are frequently made into cloth. The root, when baked, is much used as an article of food, and the fermented juice yields an intoxicating beverage. The dry, rocky, arid, and sandy districts, which may be com- pared to the Landes of Brittany, are clothed with a peculiar vegeta- * Order, Amentaccx. 278 A BOTANICAL CURIOSITY. tion. The strangest plant, which is also the most widely distributed, is undoubtedly the Xanthorrhcea arborea,* forming a conspicuous feature in the dreary landscape, and when stripped of its leaves resembling a black man holding a spear. The leaves afford good fodder for cattle, while the natives eat the soft white centre of the VEGETABLE LIFE ON THE AUSTRALIAN PLAINS. 1. Doryanthes excelsa. 2. Aralia crassifolia. 3. Dryandra repens. 1. Cordyline congesta. top of the stem. They yield two 'kinds of fragrant resin one of a yellow colour, balsamic and inodorous, called Botany Bay ; and the other red, called Black Boy Gum. The tree which the settlers have christened " Black Boy" and " Grass Gum" has a thick trunk, encrusted in a thick coating of the persistent basis of old leaves, * Order, Liliacex. THE TRAVELLER'S TREE. 279 glued together by the yellow or red resin with which the plant abounds, and usually burned and blackened outside by bush-fires. The leaves are long, wiry, and grass-like, and are borne in a dense tuft at the top of the stem, hanging gracefully all around it. Their long flower-stalks aspire from its centre, sometimes growing as high as fifteen or twenty feet, and carrying aloft a thick cylindrical flower spike. Among the lowlier plants are found a few Hectias, such as the Hectia Pitcairnicefolia, one of the Bromelias, very curious from its mode of vegetation ; and the Stipa crinita, a very common grass. The leaves of the latter have been manufactured into paper of tole- rable consistency. The sandy and colder tracts are the habitat of the annual or perennial Compositse, distinguished by their smooth and shining flowers. On the other hand, the dry rocky surfaces are besprinkled with inconsiderable woods, or rather thickets, formed in part of the Santalum acuminatum, whose nutritious fruit are called "peaches" by the colonists ; the Santalum persicarium, or sandal wood ; several Nitrarias,* with edible fruits ; a great number of Acacias, notably the Acacia verticillata, A. sophora, and A. doratoxylon, whose very hard wood is employed in the fabrication of javelins ; a considerable series of Proteacese, particularly the Banksia Australia, B. serrata, and B. integrifolia, so characteristic in aspect and foliage ; and a few Eucalypti,-]- or " Gum Trees," of small stature among others, the "Traveller's Tree," or Eucalyptus oleosa.^ Its roots extend hori- zontally, and retain a quantity of water sufficient to quench the way- farer's thirst in the hour of need. All the Eucalypti are curious trees, with entire and leathery leaves, affording an unusual amount of aromatic oil. Many of the species abound in resinous secretions ; some attain a great size, with trunks of from 8 to 16 feet in diameter, and 150 or 160 in length. The Eucalyptus resinifera "Red Gum" or "Iron Bark Tree" reaches to an elevation of * Order, Malpighiacex. f Order, JUyrtacex. \ The same name, ' Traveller's Tree," is applied to the Urania speciosa. 280 THE AUSTRALIAN DKYANDRA. 150 to 200 feet. When wounded, a red juice flows from it very freely, hardening into irregular, inodorous, and transparent masses in the air, and furnishing as much as sixty gallons from a single tree. Finally, I may refer to the Dryandra, whose foliage is very graceful, and its conformation very varied. Sometimes it is found as VEGETABLE LITE ON THE AUSTRALIAN PLAINS. 1. Acacia verticillata. 2. Casuarina equisetifolia, or " Black Boy Tree. " 3. Corypha Australia, or "Australian Palm." a bush, three to seven feet high ; and sometimes, as in the Dryandra repens, creeping along the ground. On the more temperate heights the traveller encounters some plants of a fantastic character : as, for instance, the Doryanihes excelsa, with its upright gigantic leaves, more than 6 feet long, and from 2 to 3| inches broad ; from their centre rises a strong stalk, THE OLD WORLD HERBIVOBA. 281 15 or 18 feet high, terminated by a compact and voluminous cluster of great deep-red flowers. There, too, are found the magnificent arborescent ferns, Alsophila Australis and DicJcsonia Antarctica. The trunk of the former aspires to a stature of 25 to 90 feet ; that of the second, to 12 to 28 feet ; and in both the stems are termi- nated by a cluster of immense flowers, which give to these plants a quite distinctive character. Nor must we quit the Australian Flora and its marvels without alluding to the Corypha Australis, which begins to make its appear- ance at the mouth of the Snowy River. It is a gigantic palm, grow- ing solitarily, or in thin groups, in low, cool, and even moist places. Its trunk probably attains to 140 feet in height ; and the top of its stem is crowned by a gorgeous crest of fan-shaped leaves, which are employed in the manufacture of straw hats. CHAPTER VII. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE OLD WORLD I- HERBIVOROUS ANIMALS. To the prodigal Flora of the Tropics, which we shall soon see dis- playing in the virgin forests its exuberant fecundity, corresponds a Fauna no less rich, and marked by a singular variety. This Fauna offers, especially in the Old World, an impressive character of power, strength, superior force I had almost said, majesty. In truth, if we do calmly compare the mammals and the birds of tropical America with those which roam the wild plains of Africa, Hindostan, the Indo-Chinese peninsula, and the great islands of the Indian Ocean, we cannot but recognize the evident superiority of the latter. The anthropoid Ape, the enormous Pachyderms, Ele- phant, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, and, among animals of the 282 CONTRASTS AND ANALOGUES. same order, the Antelopes, many of which attain the dimensions of the Horse, belong exclusively to the Eastern Hemisphere. The genus Camel, represented in Asia by the Bactrian Camel, in Africa by the Dromedary, is but weakly typified in South America by the Lama, the Vicuna, and the Alpaca, not inelegant in form, but of a markedly inferior stature. And what equality is there between the lordly Tiger of the rank Indian jungles, and the sleek, stealthy Jaguar of the American wilderness ? Or who will venture to compare the so-called " Lion of America," the Puma or Cougouar, with the regal quadruped which makes the hot Libyan wastes re-echo with his terrible roar ? Among the Birds, the Phenicoptera, with its disproportionate legs and neck, distributed over all the ancient continent below 40 of latitude, and the Ostrich, properly so called, are much superior in dimensions to their analogues on the other side of the Atlantic, the American Flamingo and the Nandou. So do the Eagles and Vultures of Europe, Asia, arid Africa prevail in numbers and force over those of the New World. And the ancient continent can likewise claim as its own the gigantic Epiornis, the wonderful " Roc Bird" of the well-known Oriental legend, whose petrified eggs and some of whose fossil bones have been discovered in Madagascar. It is true, how- ever, that the greatest of living Raptores, the Condor, inhabits exclu- sively the Cordillera of the Andes : " Stands solitary, stands immovable Upon some highest cliff, and rolls his eye, Clear, constant, unobservant, unabashed, In the cold light, above the dews of morn." ( W. S. Landor.) But the balance is re-established by the Erpetological and Ento- mological Fauna of the New World, which can oppose its huge Boas, its Caimans and Pythons, to the Crocodiles and Gavials of Africa and Asia ; its Crotali and Trigonocephali to the Najas of India, the Echidnas of the Cape, and the Cerastes of Egypt and the Sahara ; while the Bull Frog of the United States and the Pipa of Guiana are only found on the banks of the vast lonesome swamps of the new A VAST FIELD OF STUDY. 283 continent. As far as the Desert World is concerned, in both hemi- spheres the legions are innumerable, and their energies commensurate to the greatness of the continual work of destruction and purification which they seem destined to accomplish in all tropical countries. It is unnecessary to carry any further the parallel between the two hemispheres. We shall more clearly detect their analogies and differences by pursuing the study, already opened up in the Steppes and Seas of Sand, of the principal species proper to the various forms of the Desert, the different regions and divisions of the Savage World. Yet I must confess that the difficulties of the study increase with the extent of the field we are called upon to explore. The Steppes and Wildernesses of Sand constitute, both in Africa and Asia, regions which are clearly defined, and the poverty both of their fauna and their flora fixes a definite limit to the researches of the naturalist. Such is not the case in the immense countries which now lie before us. Instead of sighing, like Alexander, for more worlds to conquer, the student of science is ever deploring the impossibility of exhausting even a single division of the grand work before him. "Art is long ; life is short." The most industrious among us can never rise to the full height of his glorious task ; must always remain like a child on the shore of the ocean of truth, and be content with the few shells his nerveless hand contrives to gather. In the wide regions we are about to traverse we feel at every step the colossal character of the enter- prise. Every instant their aspect changes ; Nature never repeats herself; their products vary with the latitude, the climate, and the soil. To pass in review all the trees and plants and flowers which flourish there, all the animals and peoples which dwell among them, would be nothing less than to embrace in a Vast encyclopaedia the de- scription and history of two organic kingdoms. But such is not the design of the present volume. I have not undertaken to give an exact picture of nature, which would task to the uttermost the powers of men of such diverse genius as Humboldt, Owen, Lyell, Darwin, Tyndall, Hooker, and Ruskin, but to sketch the bold outlines and more pro- 284 OBJECT OF THE AUTHOR. miuent features of the physiognomy of the Desert World, and not to reproduce its more minute details. My embarrassment, then, arises less from the multitude and infinite variety of the objects we have to examine, than from the difficulty of harmonizing the study with the divisions of this work. How, in fact, can I establish a positive distinction between the animals of the Prairies or the Savannahs and those of the Forests, between those of the latter and the animals proper to the Mountains ? For such a purpose it is needful that each of these forms of the Desert World should possess its peculiar fauna ; which is true only within very narrow limits. In reality, most animals inhabit or frequent, according to circumstances, sometimes one district, sometimes another, without its being possible to assign with any amount of precision their habitual, or simply their occasional, abode. I shall avail myself, therefore, of the liberty allowed to every writer who does not design a purely didactical work, by not unneces- sarily troubling myself whether the animals whose organization or characteristics attract our notice, particularly affect a low or elevated locality, the shady wood or open plain, the pestilential swamp or the river-watered valley, and by permitting myself, except in the case of some evident and constant partiality, to place them where the most eminent observers assure us they are really, if not exclusively, met with. On this account, the plains, more or less densely wooded and broken up, which occupy the greater portion of the African Continent, will readily furnish us with the opportunity of studying the majority of animals indigenous to that continent, and, in general, to the entire Tropical zone of the Old World. In fact, nearly all the genera of Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles, are there represented by their most cha- racteristic types. Clothed with a luxuriant vegetation ; watered by periodical rains and numerous streams ; intersected by thick masses of forests, groves, and thickets; relieved from monotonous uniformity by mountain and ravine, by marshes and lakes of vast extent, these fields ever exhibit that aspect of busy life under which we love to NIGHT IN THE DESEKT. 285 represent to ourselves the earth when she first emerged from the boiling seas of Chaos, when the forces which had seethed within her bowels for so many thousands of centuries had been tranquillized by the Divine will, and she was despatched on her mysterious course to be the theatre of man's glorious destiny. During the daytime silence and solitude prevail over the open plains. It is the hour when most animals seek, under the foliage of the trees, among the tall rank grasses, in the bosom of the waters or under the surface of the earth, a shelter against the swift burning arrows of the sun, and repose immovable in their different lairs. But when the great orb of day sinks towards the horizon, all Nature seems to awake. More imperious needs succeed to those of rest and slum- ber ; hunger and thirst stimulate the most sluggish into exertion. Then the reptile begins to stir in the mud where he lay embedded ; the herbivora return to their fresh pastures, and move towards the rivers and ponds in whose waters they may slake their thirst ; the carnaria take the same road; they know that in the open plain they will find victims for their murderous jaws. The Desert is astir with strange sounds and mysterious voices ; the air re-echoes the thousand discordant cries which ring from the mountains and the rocks ; black shadows pass, re-pass, and flit to and fro, in every direc- tion ; terror, rage, agony, voracity, all these instincts obtain expres- sion in the dreadful concert ; it is the orgie of the appetites, the grand " Witches' Sabbath" of Nature, whose furious animation slackens towards the middle of the night, until, at sunrise, the lively accents and joyous melodies of the birds, and the peaceful pastimes of the other animals of the day, succeed to the lamentations and sinister in- vocations of the prowlers of the darkness. In the foremost rank of the great animals to which the fauna of Asia and Africa owes its superiority, I have named the huge Pachyderms,* those mighty colossi which may be regarded as the ana- * Pachydermata, from Traxfo, thick, and S^p/ia. skin ; an order of quadrupeds distin- guished by the thickness of their hides. 286 THE RIVER HORSE. logues, in the terrestrial creation, of the Cetacean giants of the marine creation. The Pachyderms formed in Cuvier's system a sufficiently natural order, which modern systematists have dismembered, and, as I believe, a little arbitrarily. This order comprised, besides the elephants, the hippopotami, the rhinoceroses, and the tapirs, all the Porcidse family, and even the Solidungulates, such as the horse and ass. In the present work I shall adopt Cuvier's division. The elephant is the denizen of the forests where, in a succeeding chapter, we shall HIPPOPOTAMUS AND CROCODILE OF THE RIVER NILE. encounter both him and the rhinoceros. But the hippopotamus belongs incontestably to the fauna of the plain. His name (from the Greek) signifies " River Horse." And, indeed, he lives in the rivers, the pools, the deep marshes ; bis manners are essentially amphibious. He dives and swims with a surprising ease and agility, considering the enormous bulk of his body, and the shortness of his heavy, unwieldy legs. He is able to remain a long time under water. His colour is a brownish-black, and his proportions, ten to twelve feet in length, AN INVULNERABLE PACHYDERM. 287 and eight to ten in height. His head is immensely large ; the mouth cavernous in its prodigious width; the teeth immensely strong, the incisors and canines of the lower jaw being long, and curved for- wards ; these canines or tusks sometimes measure more than two feet in length, and weigh upwards of six pounds each. Those in the upper jaw are much smaller, and the front teeth are of a moderate size. The broad thick lips are beset with scattered tufts of short bristles ; the small quick eyes are placed very near the top of the head ; the small ears are slightly pointed, and lined with short thick hair. His food mainly consists of the coarse herbage that nourishes on the banks of lakes and rivers ; but Milne Edwards speaks of three or four of them standing knee-deep in the water, forming an irregular line, and pouncing upon the fish brought within their reach by the rapid currents. At night time they abandon their watery haunts to prowl among the sugar-cane plantations, the fields of millet and rice, which they devour with eagerness. Their march is so impetuous, that they break down every barrier ; nothing can resist them. The hippopotamus is spread over all eastern and southern Africa ; is found in Nubia, Ethiopia, Abyssinia; at the Cape, the Senegal and the Congo. Both the settlers and the natives of these countries hunt them with ardour for the sake of the ivory they yield, nor is their flesh despised by a keen appetite and vigorous stomach. Sometimes they excavate, in the animal's ordinary route, a tolerably deep pit, beset with sharp pointed poles, and concealed by a covering of leafy branches : sometimes, in the shade of the evening, they lie in ambus- cade among the bushes, and aim at his huge bulk the deadly bullet, as he comes up from the water, labouring and bellowing. It is neces- sary to aim well at his head ; for the rest of his body is almost as in- vulnerable as that of Achilles. Here is a lively picture from Sir Samuel Baker's valuable volumes, in which the hippopotamus is a foremost figure. "We were towing through high reeds," he says,* "the men invisible, and the rope mowing over the high tops of the grass, when * Sir S. Baker, " The Albert N'yanza," &c. ( i. 65-67. 288 HIPPOPOTAMUS SOUP. the noise disturbed a hippopotamus from his slumber, and he was immediately perceived close to the boat. He was about half-grown, and in an instant about twenty men jumped into the water in search of him, thinking him a mere baby ; but as he suddenly appeared, and was about three times as large as they had expected, they were not very eager to close. However the reis pluckily led the way, and seized him by the hind leg, when the crowd of men rushed in, and we had a grand tussle. Ropes were thrown from the vessel, and nooses were quickly slipped over his head ; but he had the best of the struggle, and was dragging the people into the open river; I was therefore obliged to end the sport by putting a ball through his head. He was scored all over by the tusks of some other hippopotamus that had been bullying him." After conquering your enemy, kill him and eat him : such is the maxim of savage life. It was carried out by Sir Samuel Baker and his men, much to the satisfaction of the conquerors. "A new dish!" exclaims our traveller; "there is no longer mock-turtlesoup; real turtle is moc/c hippopotamus. I tried boiling the fat, flesh, and skin together, the result being that the skin assumes the appearance of the green fat of the turtle, but is far superior. A piece of the head thus boiled, and then soused in vinegar, with chopped onions, cayenne pepper, and salt, throws brawn completely in the shade." The same traveller relates that the natives on the shores of the Albert N'yanza, previous to embarking on a voyage, cast a handful of beads into the lake, to propitiate the hippopotamus, that their canoe may not be upset. The genus Tapir is wanting in Africa ; but we find a species, Tapirus Indicus, in India and the Indian Archipelago, where it was first noticed by Diard and Duvaucel. These naturalists saw an individual of this species at Barrackpore, near Calcutta, whither he had been imported from the island of Sumatra. "I was much surprised," says Diard, "that so large an animal had not hitherto been discovered ; but I was much more so, on seeing in the Asiatic Society's Museum the head of a similar animal, a native of Malacca, THE BUSH HOG OF SOUTH AFRICA. 289 which had been sent to the Society, on the 29th of April 1806, by M. Faghuarie, governor of that province." This tapir is as common at Malacca as the rhinoceros and elephant. In size he closely approaches the common ass. He is black all over, except the ears, which are fringed with white, and on the back, which is of a pale gray. His habits are identical with those of the American tapirs, to be described hereafter. In the African plains, from Nubia and Senegal to the Cape, we RHINOCEBOS. African Phacoccerus (Chceripotamus AfHcanus). meet with a Pachyderm intermediate between the hippopotamus and the wild boar : this is the Phacocoerus, which was known to the ancients, and designated by credulous ^Elian the Sus tetrakeros, or " Boar with Four Horns." He has no horns, however, but only, beneath each ear, a horny protuberance, which greatly disfigures his head, and procures him the popular appellation of the "Warty Hog" the "Bush Vark," or "Bush Hog" of South Africa (Choeripotamus 19 290 THE HEMIOXUS, OR WILD ASS. Afncanus}. He has four projecting tusks, and long sharp tufted ears. His stature, his feet, his tail, the mane of stiff bristles which garnishes his neck, identify him with the wild boar ; but his body, almost naked on the flanks and hinder part, likens him to an hippopo- tamus. He is gregarious, of fierce and brutal habits, and lives chiefly in the bushes or tall herbage. The Solidungulse (or Solid-hoofed), which roam among the wide pasturages of the Tropical regions of the Ancient World, contrast, by [HE QUAGGA.. the elegance of their forms and the beauty of their clothing, with the unwieldy Pachyderms, of rugged and swarthy hide, placed by Cuvier under the same classification. The Wild Horse does not exist in these latitudes, though we may find there the most beautiful species of the genus: the Hemione, the Onagra, the Zebra, the Daw, and the Quagga. The Hemionus ("half-ass"), which we are endeavouring to acclimatize in Europe, and numerous specimens of which may be seen in the Zoological Gardens of London and Paris, is of a clear GENERA OF SOLIDUNGTJL^. 291 brown colour all over the body, except the belly and legs, which are white. His mane is short, and his tail garnished only with a tuft of hairs at the extremity. The species is Asiatic, and appears to have originated in India, whence it spread westward into Asia Minor, and northward into the Steppes which stretch to the base of the Himalayas. The modern names are Koulem, Kiang, and Dzig- gethai (or "Mountain Ass"). He roams in great troops across the dreary Asiatic deserts, and is fond of bitter and saline herbage, and brackish water. Now, as of old, he has " the range of the mountains for his pasture," and the "salt places" for his dwelling. His swift- ness and wariness render his chase an exciting pastime, and in Persia he is considered the noblest of game. The Hemippus ("half horse"), a species closely allied to the Hemionus, is a native of the fertile districts of Syria and Arabia. Another species, the Tarpan, roams the Steppes of Tartary, and is with great difficulty tamed to the use of man. He is of a reddish colour, but the mane and tail are black, and along the back runs a black stripe. The Onagra, Onager, or Wild Ass of Tartary, is represented in Abyssinia by a smaller variety, of very graceful form, whose hide exhibits already, upon the legs, some of those well-defined stripes which so magnificently adorn the "outer vestment" of the Quagga, the Daw, and, especially, the Zebra. All these Solidungulse are identical in habits and character : social among themselves, they are fierce and mistrustful towards other animals. When in peril, they seek safety at first by rapid flight ; but if driven to bay, they assume a courageous bearing, assail their enemies intrepidly, and frequently compel them to retreat. It is even asserted that the Quagga (Asinus Quagga) will mingle with herds of domestic animals, and defend them against the attacks of beasts of prey. According to Dr. Gray, this animal derives his name from his voice, which resembles the barking of a dog, or a sound like Couagg, or Quag. Pennant calls him the Quacha. He resembles the horse in his haughty bearing and rapid movements. His head, neck, mane, and shoulders are blackish-brown, banded with 202 THE ZEBRA OR IIIPPOTIGRES. white ; tlie stomach, hind parts, and legs are whitish ; the dorsal line is black; the ears have two irregular black bands and a white tip. In the Daiu, the blackish-brown tint extends over all the upper parts of the body, as well as the stripes, which are alternately black and light brown. The Quagga and the Daw belong to Southern Africa, and especially to Caffraria. The habitat of the Zebra appears to be more extended in range. He is found even as far north as Abyssinia. He was known to the Romans under the name of the Hippotigres, ZEBRAS (Equus Z and figured in the sanguinary sports of the Amphitheatre. As- suredly he is the handsomest species of the genus Equus (Horse). He is as tall as the Hemionus ; his legs are shapely, his mien and bearing full of spirit ; he has a well-proportioned head, and a coat of incomparable richness of design, with the skin lustrous, and large black stripes symmetrically arranged over the whole body, on a ground of pure white. Africa, as I have said above, is the native country of the large MEANS TO AN END. 293 Ruminants. Not less remarkable than the Camel in the fantastic originality of his form, which matches the exquisite richness of his skin, the gigantic Giraffe (Carnelopardalis Giraffa) is distributed over nearly the whole continent south of the Sahara. Sometimes he even ventures into the Desert ; but most frequently his long neck and tall legs are seen in the fertile plains of Negroland, the Soudan, the Senegal, and Nubia. " His head," says a popular zoologist, " resem- bles that of the camel in the absence of a naked muzzle, and in the shape and organization of the nostrils, which are oblique and narrow apertures, defended by the hair which grows from their margins, and surrounded by cutaneous muscular fibres, by which the animal can close them at will. This is a beautiful provision for the defence of the air passages, and the irritable membrane lining the olfactory cavities, against the fine particles of sand which the storms of the Desert raise in almost suffocating clouds. The large, dark, and lus- trous eyes of the giraffe, which beam with a peculiarly mild but fearless expression, are so placed as to take in a wider range of the horizon than is subject to the vision of any other quadruped. While browsing on his favourite acacia, the giraffe, by means of his laterally-projecting orbits, can direct his sight so as to anticipate a threatened attack in the rear from the stealthy lion, or any other foe of the Desert. To an open attack he sometimes makes a successful defence by striking out his powerful and well-armed feet ; and the king of beasts is said to be frequently repelled and disabled by the wounds which the giraffe has thus inflicted with his hoofs." The lion, however, seldom attacks him unless he can surprise him in a state of repose, when he will leap upon his victim's back and tear him to pieces. Le Vaillant has justly observed that if precedency among animals were determined by their height, the giraffe would hold the first rank. The most careless observer must be impressed by the enor- mous length of his fore-legs, and his long tapering neck, which enables him to browse upon the fresh foliage and green young shoots of the loftiest trees ; nor can he fail to admire his small and elevated head, his brilliant beaming eyes, and his mildness of aspect. Unusual 294 THE STATURE OF THE GIRAFFE. as are the animal's proportions, they are not inharmonious, and his appearance is eminently picturesque. When full grown, he measures seventeen feet from the top of the head to the fore-feet. This, how- ever, is a maximum. It should be added that his fore-legs are not so much longer than the hind, but the shoulders are extraordinarily high. The animal's colour is a light fawn, marked with numerous A LlON RENDING A GIRAFFE. darker spots. His horns consist of two porous bony substances, about three inches long, which form, as it were, a part of the skull. Several species of antelopes and wild oxen traverse in numerous herds the wide prairies of Africa and Asia. Among the African species, I may name the Bubalus, which lives principally in the north- west, and whose keen stout horns, disposed like the prongs of a pitchfork, render him exceedingly formidable ; the Gnu, or Con- THE WHITE-FOOTED ANTELOPES. 295 riochetse (Catollepus Gnu), which inhabits the wild karoos and hilly districts of South Africa, in migratory herds, and is distinguished by the weird ugliness of his head, with its curved horns, and its beauti- ful flowing mane, white at the base, and black at the tips ; the Oreas Lanna, improperly called the " Cape Eland" (Antilope Oreas}, a graceful animal, as large as the horse, and five feet high at the shoulder, with straight pointed horns, whose great strength is aug- mented by a spiral wreath ; and the Oryx (Oryx gazella), Egyptian Antelope, or Pasom, somewhat superior in size to a deer, with horns three feet long, black hoofs and horns, a white head, and neck and upper part of the body of a pale bluish-gray. Tropical Asia presents but a very small number of Antelopes, properly so called, of which the Nylghau or White-footed Antelope (Partux pictd) is the largest. Its face is long and narrow; its black, round, and pointed horns, though only about seven inches long, are slightly curved forwards; the broad ears are fringed with white hairs; along the top of the deep narrow neck runs a slight mane of black hair, which is continued to some distance down the back; a long hanging tuft of a similar colour adorns the breast. This animal is said to have abounded in the forests between Delhi and Lahore in the days of Aurungzebe, and formed one of the objects of the chase with that "king of kings" during his expedition to Cashmere. The Hin- doo name, " Nyl-ghau," signifies " blue ox," which is true of the male, but the female is a pale brown. He is a courageous animal, very difficult to tame; travellers affirm that when attacked he throws himself on his knees, and in this position moves forward, until, sud- denly leaping to his feet, he rushes impetuously upon his enemy, and smites him vigorously with his sharp horns. I must not omit to particularize, among the great Ruminants of the Tropical regions of the Old World, the Buffaloes, or Wild Oxen, which feed in immense troops in the fertile and well-watered prairies. The two African species or varieties which are best known are, the Buffalo of Caffraria, and the Short-horned Buffalo. The former is not confined to the Caffre country, as bis name would lead one to suppose; 290 BUFFALOES IN AFRICA. but ranges as far as Abyssinia. His horns, very wide, and close together at the base, form, above the eyes, a kind of helmet very useful to the animal in pushing aside the bushes that impede his progress. His hair is rough and black over the whole body. The short-horned buffalo has a smooth brown skin, muzzle nearly black, ears large, horns arched and of moderate dimensions. 1. Antelope Gnu. 2. Oreas Lanna (or Eland 3. Striped or Banded Gnu. These buffaloes, despite of their ferocious aspect and savage habits. are wholly inoffensive, and in all cases of danger are tempted at first to take to flight; but should they be pressed too closely, or wounded, their irascible and vindictive disposition speedily displays itself. When the negroes hunt the buffalo, says Paul Gervais, they are very careful to attack isolated individuals only, because, in the herds of these animals some will always be found disposed to avenge the death HABITATS OF THE HERBIVORA. 297 of their companions, and pursue the hunters to the uttermost. In their excesses of fury they strike the ground with their horns ; dash their bodies against the trees in which their enemies have taken refuge; sometimes they will spend their rage upon one another, or upon the bodies of those of their kind which have been brought low. Asia is the home of the Common Buffalo (Bos bubalus), and from thence he has migrated into several islands of the Indian Archipelago, Eastern Europe, and even into Italy. In France and Great Bri- tain he has long been domesticated. But there also exist in several Indian provinces some savage species of the Arnee Buffalo (Bos Ami of I)r. Shaw), easily recognized by his horns of prodigious size and length, which frequently measure six feet in length, and eighteen inches in circumference at the base. Travellers have asserted that nearly all the herbivora, and in particular the more feeble and timorous, evince a marked preference for open and level places; to such an extent, that the herds of ante- lopes, gazelles, and zebras may be seen abandoning their pastures when the herbage is unusually luxuriant. It is in the thickets, the matted and almost impenetrable jungles, and among the tall rank grasses, that the beast of prey glides stealthily and unseen upon his intended victim. Where the surface of the ground is smooth and bare, the herbivora can descry an approaching enemy, and take to flight or make ready for defence. It is not, however/ the carnaria that they have most cause to dread, but man; not less cruel he than the stealthy lion or the prowling tiger, and far more formidable since European commerce has furnished the savage with firearms. He quickly learns to make use of these ; but prior to their introduction into wilderness, prairie, and forest, he had devised against his prey various more or less successful means of destruction. In Central Africa, for instance, the Bakouain Negroes, to capture en masse buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, antelopes, and even rhinoceroses, which gather in crowds around the grateful waters, construct a colossal and all-devouring snare, which they call a Hopo. 298 THE AFRICAN HOPO. " This snare," says Dr. Livingstone,* " consists of two veiy stout and very high fences, approaching each other so as to assume the shape of a V; at the apex of the angle, instead of completely joining them, they are prolonged in a straight line, forming an alley about fifty paces in length, abutting on a ditch which may measure from four to five yards square, and be from six to eight feet deep. Trunks of trees are arranged cross-wise on the borders of this trench, chiefly on the side from which the animals will arrive, and upon the opposite one, by which they will endeavour to escape. These trees form an advanced border above the ditch, rendering flight impossible, and the * Livingstone, " Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa.' 1 A MASSACRE OF INNOCENTS. 299 whole is carefully covered over with reeds, which hide the snare, and make it resemble a trap placed among the herbage. As the two fences are often a mile in length, while the base of the triangle which they define is nearly of the same dimensions, a company who form around the hopo a circle of three to four miles in circumference, by gradually drawing it closer, are certain to collect a great quantity of game. The hunters direct by their cries the animals which they surround, and cause them to reach the summit of the hopo. Men concealed at this point then fling their javelins into the midst of the affrighted herd, which, dashing headlong through the solitary opening it can find, in- volves itself in the narrow alley leading to the ditch. The animals fall in pell-mell, until the snare is filled with a living mass, which enables the others to escape by passing over the bodies of the victims. The spectacle is horrifying; the hunters, intoxicated by the pursuit, and no longer controlling themselves, strike these graceful animals with a delirious joy, while the poor creatures, crushed to the bottom of the abyss beneath the weight of the dead and dying, raise from time to time the pile of carcasses, by struggling, in the midst of their agony, against the burden which suffocates them." Of the corral in which the Cingalese entraps the elephant, and of the ingenious snares laid by the Malay or the Indian for the murder- ous tiger, I shall speak hereafter. Between man and the carnivora it was natural that a deadly war should be incessantly waged; but humanity would seem to dictate towards the inoffensive herbivora a less sanguinary hostility. 800 A POET'S DESCRIPTION. CHAPTER VIII. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE OLD WORLD, CONTINUED : THE CARNIVORA. NEXT to man, the most dangerous enemies of the peaceful herbivora are the great Oarnivora of the Felidce genus, in whose first rank zoologists and poets were formerly wont to place the lion. The so-called " king of animals," however, has of late years lost much of his prestige. Observant travellers have watched him with a jealous and suspicious eye; intrepid hunters have dared to measure themselves against him, and to beard him in his retreats. Our popu- lar heroes suffer greatly by this close examination. Achilles to his Myrmidons, I suspect, was less godlike than he appeared to the war- riors of Troy, who saw him only in the rush and tumult of the battle. Certain it is that the researches of modern science have stripped the lion of most of the splendid attributes with which romance had in- vested him. Here is a glowing picture: " The lion, Who long has reign'd the terror of the woods, And dared the boldest huntsman to the combat, When caught at length within some hidden snare, With foaming jaws he bites the toils that hold him, And roars, and rolls his fiery eyes in vain, While the surrounding swains wound him at pleasure." (Nathaniel Rowe.) But the fact is, that with all his prodigious strength, his terrible teeth and claws, his imposing physiognomy and attitudes, he is an animal more prudent than courageous, and very unlike the highly-coloured portrait which Buffon painted. There have not been wanting well-ac- credited authorities to accuse him of cowardice; as our own countryman Livingstone, and the Frenchman Delegorgue. According to the latter, lie is but a nocturnal robber, whom a ray of light disconcerts, or the TRUTH ABOUT THE LION. 301 barking of dogs, and the shouts of men, women, and children, or a blow from a well-applied whip, will frequently put to flight. Even if provoked, or wounded by man, he will often refuse to fight to the last extremity; or if he accept the challenge, and succeed in harassing his antagonist, he contents himself by breaking a limb or two, by mark- ing his chest with his teeth and nails, after which he leaves him and goes his way. "I have known," says Delegorgue, "an intrepid hunter who, twice in seven years, had been treated in this fashion by a wounded lion; the first encounter cost him two broken limbs; the second, six fractures, without counting the deep scars left by his claws on several parts of the body. Another, named Vermaes, in his daring, was held for more than a minute by a lion, and got quit with four deep marks of his canine teeth; glorious scars, which he showed to me with an air of lively satisfaction." Livingstone records a similar adventure which befell himself with a lion at which he had aimed a couple of shots. The wounded animal turned upon his aggressor, harried him, severely injured an arm, and then directed his wrath against one of the doctor's companions, whom he seized by the shoulder. He intended, in all probability, to administer a similar cor- rection to this individual, when suddenly the two bullets he had received produced their effect, and he fell dead. These facts prove, at least, that if the lion is not brave he is not malicious, and that the reputation for generosity which he has borne from remote times was riot undeserved. It is only in his old age that the lion willingly enters upon a regimen of human flesh, from sheer want of power to obtain any other easily. When a lion is too old, says Livingstone, to provide himself with game by hunting, he frequently enters into the very villages and kills the goats ; if, then, a woman or a child go out at night, he makes them equally his prey; and as thenceforth he has no other means of subsistence, he continues to feed himself in this manner. Hence has arisen the saying, that if a lion once tastes human flesh he prefers it to all other kinds. The beasts which attack man are invariably aged lions. When one of them conquers the fear inspired by man so far as to approach a 802 THE LION'S ROAR. village and seize the goats, the inhabitants invariably say, " His teeth are worn out, and he will soon kill somebody ; " and feeling the necessity of defending themselves, they hunt him immediately. It is generally believed, on the authority of Buffon, that the lion lives in retirement with his mate, that he hunts in solitary dignity, and will suffer no other carnaria, not even one of his own race, to hunt in his own domain. This is an error. Lions, on the contrary, often assemble in a "hunting-party," four or five in number, when they fly at "high game," such as a buffalo or a giraffe. M. Vardon saw three lions throw themselves at once on a buffalo which he had just wounded with a musket-shot. " During the day-time, in winter," says Delegorgue, " you may frequently see troops of lions, which assemble together for the purpose of marking off and driving the game towards the ravines, or wooded glens difficult of access, where some of their companions are posted ; these are strict battues, con- ducted without any noise, the odours of the lions being sufficient to enforce the retreat of the herbivora which they pursue." The lion himself may, in his turn, be chased and tracked with dogs, like a wild boar, a wolf, or a stag ; but most frequently the hunters pursue and shoot him on foot, and this is but a pleasure-jaunt for a man of sang-froid, if a good shot, and well acquainted with the animal's habits. We know that the roar of the lion that is, of the hungry lion is considered the most terrible of cries, which inspires all the animals, and even man, with unconquerable dread. It appears, however, that man to say nothing of his dogs speedily grows accustomed to it, and that the lion, in his turn, cannot be frightened by the barking of the latter. A very curious fact, remarked by Livingstone, is the singular resemblance of the lion's roar to the cry of the ostrich. " I have carefully inquired," says the great African traveller, "the opinion of Europeans who have heard both. I have asked them if they could discover the least difference between the roar of the one and the cry of the other. They have all informed me that they could not perceive any, at whatever distance the animal might be placed. The voice of the lion, generally, is deeper than the ostrich's ; but up to the present DIFFERENT SPECIES OF " LEO." 803 time I have only been able to distinguish it with certainty because it is heard during the day, and the ostrich's during the night." Lions were formerly common enough in all Southern Asia, Persia, Asia Minor, and even Greece. They long ago disappeared from these countries, and are rarely met with now-a-days in Hindostan. The Indian lion is smaller than his African congener ; his mane is shorter and less abundant, and several naturalists signalize him as a distinct species, intermediary between the true African lion and the American puma. There are three varieties of Asiatic lions : the Bengal, the Persian or Arabian, and the maneless lion of Goojerat the latter confined to a very narrow district. The African " king of beasts " is spread over the entire continent from the Mediterranean to the Cape of Good Hope ; but the species includes three kinds : the Barbary lion, with a deep yellowish-brown fur and a full flowing mane ; the Senegal, whose fur is of a brighter yellow, and whose mane thinner : and the Cape, of which there are two varieties, one brown, the other yellowish ; the former being the fiercer and more powerful animal. A lion of the largest size measures about eight feet from the nose to the tail, and the tail itself about four feet. The male has usually a thick shaggy mane ; the head is large, with rounded ears, and the face covered with short close hair ; great strength and muscular force distinguish his conformation ; and the tail terminates in a tuft of hair, which is not fully developed until he is six or seven years old. In Africa the lion has for his fellows the Leopard and the Panther. Many writers at one time confounded these two Felidse, and even classified them with the Indian tiger. For the vulgar, every great cat with a spotted skin is a tiger. But scientific naturalists neither apply this name to the American jaguar nor to other spotted Felidse of the Old or New World ; and it is with difficulty they now agree to recognize in the Leopard and the Panther two ill-defined varieties of the same species. Assuredly they exhibit very marked differences. The Leopard is nearly as large as the lion ; his limbs are robust, his head is strong. From nose to tail he measures four feet, his tail is two feet and a half long, and his body so flexible that he 804 THE AFRICAN LEOPARD. accomplishes the most surprising leaps, and swims, and climbs trees, or crawls along the ground, serpent-like, with admirable ease. Com- pared with the jaguar and panther of naturalists, he is uniformly of a paler and more yellowish colour, and rather smaller, while the spots on his skin are rose-formed, or consist of several dots partially united into a circular figure in some instances, and in others into a quadran- gular, triangular, or other less determinate forms. The lower part of the neck and inner parts of the limbs are white ; the spots are con- tinued upon the tail, which is long, and black at the extremity. THE AFBICAN LEOPARD. The Panther is larger than the leopard, measuring about six feet and a half from nose to tail, which is itself about three feet long. On his sleek hide the spots are disposed in circles of four or five, with, usually, a central spot in each circle, in which, as well as in his deeper colour, he differs from the leopard. Both are handsome, stealthy, and ferocious animals ; supple, agile, and muscular. The leopard (Fells leopardus) is a native of Africa, principally ranging AN IDEAL REPUTATION. 805 along its western coast and on the confines of the Sahara. The panther (Felis pardus) is also an African denizen, though likewise found in Arabia, Persia, and Hindostan. During the day he lurks in the thickets and among the tall grasses, but when the shades of night descend he issues from his lair, and haunts the brooks and pools whither the herbivora resort to quench their thirst. There, upon some rock, he lies in ambuscade, commanding the track pursued by innocent victims, and darting with unerring precision upon the first which presents itself. Neither leopard nor panther often ventures to assail man. When attacked by him, they seek at first to make their escape, and only turn at bay when escape is impossible. In Java, and some other of the great Indian islands, there exists a black panther, which has gained, it is difficult to say Jioiv, the reputation of extraordinary ferocity and daring. Sometimes, in the world of man, great reputa- tions are built upon equally slight foundations. He owes his fame to the imagination of the natives, and differs from his congeners in no single respect but the blackish colour of his skin. A skilful naturalist, who was for some years a resident in Java, relates that, while botanizing in the fields and jungles early in the day, he frequently roused the black panthers in their lairs. At first he was somewhat startled by the apparition of an animal of such terrible renown, but seeing him turn tail very quickly on his approach, he soon grew re-assured, and troubled himself no more at these rencontres than if he had met a dog or a cat. We now come to the most formidable of all the Carnaria : the Tiger, properly so called, or Royal Tiger, whose portrait Buffon has been pleased to paint with his boldest brush and most glowing colours, without any other motive apparently than a love of antithesis, or the artist's desire to give force and effect to a striking picture. He had endowed the king of animals with all the regal qualities his imagination could suggest, and by way of contrast he ascribed to the tiger the lowest and cruellest instincts. He painted him as the Moloch 20 3C6 FACT VERSUS FICTION. of the brute creation ; the Domitian, Caligula, or Nero of the jungles. He was blood-thirsty, treacherous, cowardly, and hideous. His limbs were too short, his head was too large, he was ill-proportioned ; in a word, on the unfortunate beast he poured out all the vials of his satiric wrath. "With this pi&ce de fantaisie it would be curious to contrast the graver and more authentic description of the impartial Daubenton. He asserted that the tiger was very little known to Europeans, and that in France there existed but a single specimen, and that a very badly prepared one, in the " Cabinet du Hoi." But we are now better informed, and the tiger, perhaps, up to a certain point, is rehabilitated. Let us take him first in his physical aspect. All travellers agree in describing him as the handsomest of animals. He has not the grave countenance, the majestic attitudes of the lion ; but he has all the grace, all the suppleness, all the lively and undulatory movements of the domestic cat. He does not stand so high upon his legs as the lion, and he lacks that full flowing mane which invests the physiognomy of the latter with a human and truly noble air ; but all the parts of his head and body, despite of Buffon, are admirably proportioned. Not quite so tall as the lion, and less robust in appearance, he is endowed with a surprising vigour. He can carry off, while in full career, and making the most rapid leaps, the heaviest prey a kid, for instance, an antelope of full size, even a bull, it is said, and, necessarily, a man. Finally, his skin, symmetrically striped, like a zebra's, with wavy bands of brown and black, on a reddish ground, with the contour of the face, the chin and belly of the purest white, defies all comparison. The stripes of his head, legs, and tail are disposed with irreproachable symmetry in curves of the most graceful character. So much for his physical character ; let us pass to his moral. His appetites, and consequently his manners and instincts, differ but little from those of the other Felidse, and, in particular, of the lion. While he has a keen love of living flesh and warm blood, he does not scorn to return, under the pressure of hunger, to a dead prey already partially devoured. Like all the carnaria, a sagacious instinct THE TIGER'S SWIFTNESS. 307 prompts him to kill in provision for coming as well as for present hunger. This is the reason that Buffon has stigmatized him as " unnecessarily cruel." "The bound with which he throws himself upon his prey," says an English naturalist, "is as wonderful in its extent as it is terrible hi its effects." Pennant justly observes that the distance which it clears in this deadly leap is scarcely credible. Man is a mere puppet in his gripe ; and the Indian buffalo is not only borne down by the ferocious beast, but carried off by his enormous strength. If he fails in his spring, it has been said that he will take to flight. This may be true in certain instances ; but, in general, far from slinking away, he pur- sues the affrighted prey with a speedy activity which is seldom exerted in vain. Hence we are led to the observation of Pliny cele- brating his swiftness, for which the Roman zoologist has been censured, and apparently most unjustly ; nor is he the only author among the ancients who notices his speed. Appian speaks of the swift tiger as the offspring of the zephyr. Pliny, says Pennant, has been fre- quently taken to task by the moderns for calling the tiger " animal tremendse velocitatis ; " they allow it great agility in its bounds, but deny it swiftness in pursuit. Two travellers of authority, both eye- witnesses, confirm what Pliny says : the one, indeed, only mentions in general his vast fleetness ; the other saw a trial between one and a swift horse, whose rider escaped merely by getting in time amidst a circle of armed men. The chase of this animal was a favourite diversion with the great Cam-Hi, the Chinese monarch, in whose company our countryman, Mr. Bell, that faithful traveller, and the Pere Gerbillon, saw these proofs of the tiger's speed. The Latin " tigris " is from a Persian word signifying " swift as an arrow," which we find incorporated in the name of the river Tigris. The tiger's habits are essentially nocturnal, and almost aquatic. His favourite haunts are the banks of rivers and lakes, not only because he may there pounce upon the herbivora which come to drink, but because he can there satisfy himself with a banquet of fish. To this he is as partial as any European epicure, and in 308 MAX AND THE TIGEH. angling his skill and dexterity are not unworthy of an Izaak Walton. He is the "complete angler" of the carnivorous world! He swims admirably, and in pursuit of his prey never hesitates at the most tremendous "header," so that the Arnee Buffaloes, which traverse immense distances by yielding themselves to the swift river-currents, have more cause to dread his attacks than those of the crocodiles Buffon has calumniated the tiger by accusing him of cowardice, while, as we have seen, he has not less grossly flattered the lion by representing him as the perfect type of intrepidity. During the day the tiger, after having supped freely, sleeps in his den ; he avoids man, and when aroused by the hunters, his first movement is one of flight. But by night or day, if he be an hungered, no obstacle arrests, no peril daunts him ; and he pounces upon man as he would upon any other prey. He penetrates into isolated habitations ; breaks into the villages, and sometimes even into the towns ; seizes the domestic animals in their very stables ; men even within the shelter of their own houses ; and sometimes devours his spoil upon the spot ; sometimes, if he fears pursuit, drags it off to his secret lair. At Goa, in a butcher's stall, was slain a tiger which had fallen asleep there after gorging himself with food ; and in the vicinity of that once famous, but now degraded city, a cross marks the spot where a Portuguese officer, marching at the head of his men, was seized before their eyes by a tiger, and carried off before they could make the slightest effort to save him. Tigers are found in India, in the Indo-Chinese Peninsula, at Borneo, at Java, and at Sumatra. Civilization has hunted them out of the Celestial Empire, but they are met with in Tartary, even in extremely cold latitudes. The tigers of the North a beneficent Nature has furnished with much longer hair than their congeners of the Tropical zone, and they seem to form a distinct variety of the species. Wherever -the tiger exists, war d I'outrance is declared between man and him ! It is a vendetta which has been handed down from the remotest antiquity, and is as bitter now as in any past generation. Every year hundreds of persons fall victims to A TIGER HUNT. 309 his appetite and his prowess ; every year hundreds of his race are shot down by the relentless sportsman, or ensnared and killed by the peasants, whose cattle and whose lives he threatens. By the Malays and the half-savage Indians who dwell among the Indo-Chinese jungles, he is hunted in the same way that the African negroes hunt the lion and the leopard. When the presence of one of these scourges becomes known in a district, they place some dainty bait on the bank of the river where he drinks and plants himself every night, and they form an ambush among the thickets, taking care to mark the direction of the wind. It is not long before the tiger directs his steps towards the enticing booty, and the hunters' arrows or musket-balls stretch him dead, in most cases, before he can seize it. A vast amount of pompous preparation attaches to the tiger-hunt of India. It is a sumptuous expedition, commanded by some distin- guished chief an European officer, a native prince, or a stranger of rank in which each person has his allotted station and particular duties. Usually the hunters are mounted on elephants, so that the tiger cannot reach them on the back of the colossus, without being arrested by the trunk of the latter or his formidable tusks. Each sportsman provides himself with three or four rifles, besides revolvers and cutlasses. Formerly the Hindu rajahs made use in this chase of arrows and lances, but now they greatly prefer the European weapons. The expedition is never an impromptu affair. It is always organized against an enemy whose presence has been discovered in the district, and whose den is pretty well known. The march commences at sun- rise, that the beast may be surprised while enjoying his siesta, after the fatigues and the plunder of the night. Suddenly awaking, says Mr. Stocqueler,* he bounds out of the jungle, and is saluted by a discharge which often proves sufficient ; but sometimes the animal is safe and sound, or only wounded ; then he furiously springs upon the first elephant within his reach. If the hunter has not time to plant a ball in his chest or head, the position of the mahout, or * Stocqueler, " Handbook to India." 310 A TIGEK STORY. driver, is very critical ; for, placed on the elephant's neck, he has no other defence than the sharp iron-pointed stick which he uses to guide his colossal steed. Fortunately the hunters are arrayed in a compact mass, and a few well-directed shots terminate the struggle. The most favourable districts for tiger-hunting, continues Mr. Stocqueler, are those of Goruckpore, on the frontiers of Nepaul. Sir Roger Martin relates that in this quarter once reigned a tiger of such ferocity, and so greedy of human blood, that he was the terror of all the " country-side." Once he broke open, in full day-light, the cabin-door of a Taroo ; but the native dealt him such a lusty blow on the head with his hatchet that he took to flight, and ever after- wards preserved the mark of the wound, which caused him to be easily recognized, and dreaded all the more. Sir Roger resolved to free the country from this plague ; he took the field like a gallant soldier, but slew eight-and-forty tigers before he fell in with the Balafre' of ill renown, who defended himself gallantly, and proved no easy victim. Abbye-Singh, rajah of Omorah, one of the oldest hunters of the country, slew, it is said, to his own hand more than five hundred tigers ; a fact which illustrates their numerousness in the Terac, Nepaul, and Goruckpore. Despite the activity and address of the hunters, they would never succeed in purging the country ; but civilization and clearances of the ground are driving the wild beasts inch by inch towards the north, where the hardy amateurs of "sport" must now go in quest of them. Among the Felidse of the Old World peculiar to Tropical Asia, I must cite the Reinaoudahan, distinguished by his woolly and tufted tail, from whence he has received the name of the " Fox- tailed Tiger," and the Gutpard, or " Maned Leopard," "Hunting Leopard," and " Cheetah." I am inclined to believe that these two varieties really signify one animal ; the Gueparda jubata of naturalists. " Inter- mediate in size and shape between the leopard and the hound," says Burnett, " he is slenderer in his body, more elevated on his legs, and less flattened on the fore part of his head than the former, while he THE DIGITIGRADE CARX1VORA. 313 is deficient in the peculiarly graceful form, both of head and body, which characterizes the latter. His tail is entirely that of a rat ; and his limbs, although more elongated than in any other species of that group, seem to be better fitted for strong muscular exertion than for active and long-continued speed." His anatomical structure and general habits are those of the Felidse, but the fur is crisper. The general ground-colour is a bright yellowish-brown above, lighter on the sides, and nearly white beneath. On the back, sides, and limbs he is marked with numerous black spots, which on the tail are so closely set together that they appear like rings. The cheetah is easily tamed, and trained to the chase ; for which purpose, like our stag- hounds, he is bred and employed in Persia and India. The other families of digitigrade Carnivora, Dogs, Hyaenas, Viverras (Viverra, Civet), Mustelidse (Mustela, "Weasel), are largely represented in the prairies and jungles of the tropical regions of the Old World. Wild dogs, with straight ears, a pendant tail, scanty bristling hair, thin flanks, wander in numerous troops over the plains of Southern Africa, living, like the wolf or the hyaena, by hunting the small quadrupeds and devouring the remains of carcasses aban- doned by the greater Carnivora. The jackals, and even the hysenas, range far beyond the limits of the Desert. At the Cape exists a larger and more ferocious species of hysena than that of the Sahara, from which it differs externally, its skin being marked with spots instead of stripes. Moreover, the disproportion in the height of the fore and hind legs is more marked in this animal than in his North African congener. At the Cape, also, and in a great part of South Africa, we find another species, the Hycena villosa, or "Sea-Shore Wolf;" distin- guished from the preceding by having stripes on the legs, while the rest of the body is of a dark grayish-brown. Allied to the Hysenas is the Proteles, or " Aard-Wolf " (Proteles Lalandii), an animal nearly as large as a jackal, inhabiting the southern parts of the African Continent. He has the teeth and pointed head of the civits ; the 20 a 314 THE FENNEC, OR ZORDA. striped fur and stiff bristly hair of the hyaanas. The general colour is a yellowish-gray, radiated with transverse stripes of dusky black ; the tail is short and bushy. The fore-feet are provided with five toes ; the hinder ones with four ; all the claws being strong and large. He burrows like a fox, and prowls abroad at night in search of food, which consists chiefly of carrion and small vermin. But it is said that he particularly affects the enormous fatty tail of the SPOTTED UYJBNAS (Hyasna crocuta}. African sheep, devouring with avidity the semi-fluid mass, which requires no mastication. One of the most curious and most graceful of the South African carnaria is the Fennec, or Zorda (Megatolis), a genus of Canidae, resembling the European fox in form and stature, but his hair of a light brown colour ; his muzzle is of extreme fineness, and his eye lively and intelligent ; his enormous ears gift him with an extraordi- nary delicacy of hearing. Every animal has its particular taste, and THE PARIAH DOG OF INDIA. 315 that of the Fennec is for ostrich eggs, which, as he cannot open them with his teeth on account of their size, he breaks by dashing them against hard angular stones. He is not only met with at the Cape, but in Dongola, Nubia, arid the Sahara south of Tunis and Constantina. I cannot conclude this chapter without alluding to a few of the Carnivora with elongated snout and non-retractile claws, which inhabit the plains of Southern Asia and the great adjacent islands. ZlBETH, AND INDIAN GtSET. The first place I give to the Cuon Bansu, or Pariah Dog of India, which seems allied to both the Wild Dog, the Wolf, and the Jackal. His eyes are prominent, his skin is of a reddish-yellow, brightest about the head, spotted with black upon the tail. He is a gregarious animal, hunting in large troops, and waging war against hares, gazelles, antelopes. He will even venture to attack the buffaloes. Some varieties of this species range high up on the mouu tains. 316 THE VIVERRID.E. From the order of Carnivora I might also select, in the wild plains in the Old World, more than one curious species for our investigation, if my space permitted me to pass in review the two families of the Viverridse and the Mustelidse. To the former belong the famous Ichneumon, that assiduous reptile-destroyer which the ancient Egyptians included in their religious cultus ; the Genets (Viverra genetta) with their sleek, soft fur, natives of the western parts of Asia, India, and Java; the Civets (Viverra civetta), STRIPED PARODOXL-RE OF JAVA DEVOURING A CRESTED GOURA. which furnish the commerce of Europe and the East with a once popular scent, to which important medical virtues were attributed ; the Zibeth (Viverra zibetha}, a maneless civet, peculiar to Asia as the latter is to Africa, and met with in Sumatra, Borneo, Amboyna. the Celebes, and Hindostan ; and, finally, the Paradoxures (animals with a fantastic or paradoxical tail), so named by Cuvier because the individual studied by that great naturalist kept his tail con- stantly coiled up and inclined on the same side. All these Carni- THE MUSTELIDJE. 817 vora are of small stature ; their short paws are furnished with demi- retractile claws ; their body is excessively elongated, and of a worm-like shape ; their tail is long and flexible, the muzzle tapering, the fur soft, and of a tawny or reddish colour-, with spots or bands of black or brown. The Mustelidse are allied to the Viven-idse in their general conforma- tion. Their skin is equally soft, and capable of furnishing a beautiful fur ; but its colour is generally uniform. The head is more rounded, the muzzle more obtuse, the tail shorter, than in members of the pre- ceding family. Finally, a great number are plantigrades. These animals are more commonly distributed over the cold regions of the Northern hemisphere than in countries bordering on the Tropics. The genus Ratel (Ratellus meltivorus), however, is represented both in India and South Africa. The Cape species is celebrated for the havoc it makes among the nests of the wild bees, of whose honey it is singularly fond, and to whose discoveiy it is assisted by the voice and movements of a bird called the Honey-Guide. It has a rough tongue, short legs, with very long claws, a blunt, black nose, no external ears, a remarkably tough and loose skin, with thick hair. Its colours are ashen gray on the upper parts, and black on the inferior, and its length from the nose to the tip of the tail is forty inches, the tail measuring twelve. The Indian species, differing but little from the African, inhabits Bengal. CHAPTER IX. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE OLD WORLD : BIRDS AND REPTILES. THE savannahs and marshes of the ancient continent are frequented by birds of great stature : Cursores, Raptores, and Palmipeds. The colossus of the feathered world, the Ostrich, which has been aptly 318 CHASING THE OSTRICH. surnamed the Camel-Bird (Struthio camelus), inhabits the arid plains of the African interior, and frequently penetrates into the Sahara. The male is of a glossy black, with white on the wings and tail ; the female wears an uniformly dusky livery. It is the loose flexible plumes of the male which are so prized for a lady's toilette, and which figure in the crest of the prince of Wales. The female's feathers are of inferior value, and improperly designated in commerce, " vulture- feathers." The Ostrich lives with his fellows in flocks of some number. He feeds voraciously on grass, grain, young twigs, and will swallow pieces of wood, leather, metal, or any hard substance. In his apparent want of taste he is probably guided by instinct, for these objects are probably useful in promoting the work of digestion. Some travellers have represented him as a stupid animal ; but this is an error, for he displays both vigilance and shrewdness in avoiding the attacks of his enemies. The chase of this bird is exceedingly laborious, for though he does not fly he skims the ground, and his wings impel him forward with a velocity which distances the swiftest horse. But neither his speed nor his strength avails against the stratagems of man. The Arab horsemen surround the flock in a circle, which they gradually contract as they advance, until the poor birds are confined in a very narrow area, and dashing madly against one another, fall exhausted with fatigue. They are then slain by a few blows from a stick. The female lays from ten to twelve eggs in a hole in the sand ; she broods over them during the night, occasionally leaving them in the hottest part of the day. In procuring the eggs, which weigh about three pounds each, and are reputed a great delicacy, the natives are very careful not to touch any with their hands, as the parent birds would be sure to discover it on their return, and not only dis- continue laying any more in the same place, but trample to pieces all those which have not been removed. A long stick is accordingly made use of to push them from the nest. Another gigantic bird, whose wings are but partially developed, and THE HELMETED CASSOWARY. 819 whose legs are long and robust, the galeated or helmeted Cassowary (Casuarius), is a native of Java and the adjacent islands of the Indian Archipelago. His head is surmounted by a sort of osseous crest or horny helmet. In size he is much inferior to the ostrich, not ex- ceeding five feet when erect ; but he is robustly built, and of exceed- ing strength. His plumage is very poorly supplied with feathers, so as to resemble at a little distance, it is said, a coat of coarse or hang- OHTIUCHES fStruthio camelusj. ing hair. He is a swift runner, like the ostrich ; is equally voracious, and not more dainty in his food. At that season of the year when the coming winter in our Northern hemisphere already "casts its shadows before," legions of migratory birds swarm towards the tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Storks and cranes, and aquatic birds, descend upon those vast and genial southern prairies, where they obtain in abundance the precious food denied them in less favoured climes. A beautiful crane, of ashen plumage, with a shapely ebon-black 320 STOKKS AND FLAMINGOES. neck, and her head adorned with two white tufts of plumes, the " Lady of Numidia," selects for her dwelling-place the eastern and western shores of the African Continent. The Stork (Ciconia} is a cosmopolitan bird which alternately favours with his presence the North of Europe and the Torrid Zone, everywhere discharging with fidelity his useful sanitary mission by destroying myriads of noxious vermin. To kill them was considered by the ancients a foul crime, which could only be fitly punished by death, and the Egyptians included the Stork with the Ibis in their alle- gorical and mysterious worship. In his migrations he avoids the two extremes of heat and cold, never going farther north than Russia, nor, in winter, further south than the land of the Nile. The White Stork (Ciconia alba) is upwards of three feet six inches long. One species, popularly known as the Marabout, never quits Africa and the Indies. The name is also applied to the light silken feathers which embellish the wings of the species one of the ugliest, let me add, created by Nature, with his bald head and neck, his huge beak, and absurdly meditative postures. The chief of the birds of the shore and river-bank, the Flamingo (Phoenicopterus), may merit admiration on account of his dazzling scarlet plumage and handsome bearing. Owing to the great length of his legs and neck he stands nearly five feet high, and measures six feet from the point of the beak to the tip of the claws. The small round head is furnished with a bill nearly seven inches long, which is higher than it is wide, light and hollow, having a membrane at the base, and suddenly curving downwards from the middle. The legs and thighs are singularly delicate and slender. The Flamingoes are timid and suspicious birds; they keep together when feeding, drawn up in artificial array like the lines of a battalion of British infantry, with some of their number planted as sentinels to give notice of the approach of danger. Their voice has a peculiarly deep trumpet-like sound. At the note of alarm they all take to flight, swooping through the air in the form of a triangle. MAN'S FEATHERED ALLIES. 321 They are skilful fishers. They wade deep into the water, where their long necks enable them to seize their prey with ease. Their food consists of spawn, insects, and molluscous animals. Owing to their peculiar structure they are both waders and swimmers. Several of the African Grallatores wage a murderous war against reptiles in the marshes and the meads ; a war which claims the grati- tude of man, who could never defend himself against their prolific increase and pertinacious attacks. I have already referred to the KOSE FLAMINGOES I Pluxnicopterus antiquorum). Stork ; it is needful I should also mention the Ibis, once an object of worship on the banks of the Nile ; the Jacana, his long claws armed with sharpened nails that transfix his prey; the formidable-billed Baleniceps, which devours the young crocodiles ; and the famous Serpent-Bird of the Cape, belonging to the Grallatores by his legs, to the Raptores by the talons and crooked beak with which he is pro- vided, as well as by the structure of his internal organs. These birds are the allies and protectors of man, as Michelet has shown with characteristic eloquence in his rhapsodical prose poem, "L'Oiseau;" yet 21 322 THE CROCODILE OF AFRICA. even these, in their combined efforts, are insufficient against the prolific races of aquatic and terrestrial reptiles, some formidable by their size and strength, some by their subtlety and venom. The narratives of the adventurous men who have not feared to incur " The moving accidents of flood and field," in traversing the wild regions of the Ancient World, are full of striking accounts of encounters with these monsters, and of the miseries they inflict upon the countries cursed with their presence. " In Afric's sunny clime," flood, and river, and lake are haunted by the loathsome and dangerous Crocodile (Lacerta crocodilus), one of the most powerful species of the Saurian race. Though he preys chiefly on fish, his capacious jaws will devour any animal that comes within their reach ; and when one reflects that he often attains the length of twenty to thirty feet, that the upper part of his body is clothed with an almost impenetrable scaly armour, that his long, oar- like tail is of immense strength, one can readily comprehend the vast amount of destruction such a monster can effect. Happily his move- ments on land are impeded by the unwieldiness of his body, which prevents him from turning except with great difficulty, and enables his intended victims to effect their escape. In the water, however, he glides along with great rapidity. The female deposits her eggs, which are not much larger than those of a goose, in the sand or mud near the banks of the rivers or streams which she frequents. By a beneficent provision of Nature, the young are largely devoured by birds, ichneumons, and other animals, preventing their otherwise rapid increase. The colour of a full-grown crocodile is a blackish-brown above and yellowish-white beneath, the upper parts of the legs and sides being relieved by shades of deep yellow, and in some places tinged with green. The mouth is of vast width, and both jaws bristle with a terrible array of sharp-pointed teeth. The African species all belong to the same genus, of which the Crocodile of the Nile is the type. THE GAVIAL OF INDIA. 323 At the Gaboon, the negroes hunt their enemies either with muskets or a kind of harpoon. Their vulnerable points are the attach- ment of the anterior limbs,, and, of course, the eyes. It is here that their assailants endeavour to mark them. They are killed every day without their number appearing to be sensibly diminished, and, what is singular enough, without their seeming to grow mistrustful. During the heat of the noon, they retire among the reeds and rushes for repose, but never remain long in any one place. At evening and at morning they sally forth in quest of prey. They swim without making any noise, scarcely disturbing the water, which they cleave like dogs ; they will also remain motionless on its surface, glancing around them with cruel, dull, sinister eyes. The negro does not feel towards them so great an horror as Europeans experience, who are powerfully affected by their exceeding hideousness. They eat their flesh, with which their huge bony skeleton is scantily furnished, and, according to Du Chaillu, can never obtain enough of the much-prized delicacy.* The Indian Crocodile, the Gavial orGarial (Crocodilus Gangeticus), is of the same size as his African congener, but easily distinguished by the peculiar conformation of his mouth; the jaws being remarkably straight, long, and narrow. The sides of the head are straight and perpendicular, the upper surface quadrilateral ; and the mandible, instead of sloping gradually from the forehead, sinks suddenly to fol- low a straight and almost horizontal direction. The teeth are nearly double in number those of the Nilotic monster, but he is far less dangerous, and feeds only on fish. There are two species : the Gavial of the Ganges, found in all the great rivers of Southern Asia; and the Gavial of Schlegel, belonging exclusively to the island of Borneo. Serpents of every size, venomous and non-venomous, multiply in the jungles, marshes, and woods of all tropical countries. Africa and Asia are abundantly provided with them. In Senegal they are all, or mostly all, inoffensive, and the objects of devout worship on the part of the negroes of Dahomey ; but naturalists have not yet deter- mined their respective genera. It is certain, however, that they do * Du Chaillu, "Travels in Equatorial Africa." 324 SERPENT -WORSHIP. not all belong to the same species. In size, says the French traveller, Dr. Ee'pin, they vary from three to ten feet. Their head is large, flattened, and triangular ; the neck not quite so large as the remain- der of the body ; in these respects resembling the entire host of Ophidia. They vary in colour from a bright yellow to a yellowish- green, according perhaps to their age.' Most of them are marked upon the back, for their whole length, with two brown lines, while a few are irregularly spotted. The long and prehensile tail, and the facility with which some of them climb, would refer them probably to the genus Leptophis of Dumeril and Bibron. At Whydah, these divinities are lodged in a temple shaded by lofty and beautiful trees. This curious edifice is described as a kind of rotunda, from thirty to forty feet in diameter, and from twenty-two to twenty-five feet high. Its walls, constructed of sunburnt clay, are pierced, like those of the Dahomean houses, by two opposite gates, affording free ingress and egress to the deities of the place. The roof, formed of branches curiously interlaced and covered with a layer of dried grass, is con- stantly tapestried with a myriad serpents. Some climb or descend by writhing round the trunks of trees arranged for this purpose along the walls ; others, suspended by the tail, balance themselves indiffer- ently in the air ; others, again, lie coiled up in spiral folds on the ground or among the grasses of the temple roof. They never want for nourishment ; the devout supply them with constant renewals of food, and in such abundance, that the priests, who, moreover, exercise the double profession of sorcerers and doctors, are in no greater peril of starvation than their gods ! The spotted serpents of which Dr. Repin speaks may possibly be no other than Pythons, those gigantic Ophidians of the tropical regions of the Old World which are found in Africa, in India, in the Indian Archipelago, and even in Australia. It should be noted, how- ever, that their size generally exceeds that of the largest serpents which Dr. Repin saw at Whydah. Their length is from fifteen to twenty-five feet specimens have been met with measuring thirty and their maximum diameter ranges from ten to twelve inches. GIGANTIC OPHIDIA. 325 Their back is variegated with large spots, whose form, colour, and disposition differ according to their species. The tail is short, and not prehensile. Their favourite haunt is the low marshy ground, rank with moist herbage, where they prey upon birds and small animals, swallowing them whole swallowing them even alive after having seized them in the invincible folds of their long sinuous bodies, and always commencing with their hinder parts. So greedy a repast must necessarily be followed by a slow and difficult digestion, and cannot be renewed at any very brief interval. They eat in effect but once a month, or once in two months. During the lethargic and semi-somnolent condition which invariably follows their debauch, they fall easy victims to the attacks of their enemies. The principal African species of this genus are, the Python of Seba, of Central Africa, and the Royal Python of Senegambia. The species peculiar to Asiatic climes is the Python Molure, a native of the Indian Peninsula, and of the islands of Java and Sumatra. The Python of the Sunda Islands, called by the natives Ular-Saiva, attains the length of fully thirty feet. It has a large flat head, of a bluish-gray colour, a thick yellowish muzzle, and cylindrical neck. Its body is marked with deep-blue spots, with a yellow or tawny border ; its yellow tail with blue rings. Its ordi- nary habitat is the rivers ; it feeds on rats and birds, but also pur- sues, when ashore, the largest animals. We are indebted to Dr. Livingstone for much curious information respecting the serpents of South Africa, and especially in reference to the Striking Echidna, a singularly formidable viper, which the negroes designate Picakolou. He tells us that he killed one day a reptile of this species, which was of a deep brown colour, verging on black, and measured seven feet and a half in length.* These reptiles possess so abundant and deadly a venom, that when one of them is attacked by a band of dogs, the first dog bitten dies immediately ; the second, five minutes afterwards ; the third, at the end of an hour ; and the fourth, after a more or less lengthened agony. A great * Dr. Livingstone, " Missionary Travels and Researches." 32C THE NOGA-POUTSANE. number of beasts is annually destroyed by the Picakolous ; the fangs of an individual killed at Kolobeng distilled poison for several hours after its head had been severed from its body. It is probably this plentiful secretion which the natives call " the serpent's spittle," and which leads them to suppose that the Picakolou is endowed with a power of injecting it into its enemies' eyes when the wind is favourable. Python Molure. Echidna, or Picakolou. Fennec (Megalotis}. Other venomous species exist in this part of Africa, of which several are vipers, and among others the Puff- Adder ( Vipera inflata). The natives have named it Noga-Poutsane, or the Goats' Serpent, because it makes at night a bleating exactly resembling that animal. There were certainly no goats, says Livingstone, in the place where I happened to hear it. The natives suppose that by this bleating it THE COBEA DE CAPELLA. 327 hopes to deceive the traveller, and draw him within its reach. Some species emit, when they are frightened, a peculiar odour, strong enough to indicate their presence when they have found their way into the huts. There are also several varieties of Cobras (the Naja- Haje of Dr. Smith). When they are attacked, they raise their head a foot from the ground, extend their neck in a threatening manner, dart their tongue to and fro with extreme rapidity, while rage glares in their fixed and glassy eyes. Different serpents of the genus Dendrophis, as, for example, the Green Climber (Bucephalus viridis), scale the trees in search of birds and their eggs, to which they are curiously partial. The Bucephalus is armed with fangs ; nevertheless it is not venomous, and these fangs, which turn inwards, are only of use in preventing the retrogression of their prey, only one part of which is enclosed between its jaws. The Cobra or Naja (Vipera naja), the "Hooded Snake" and " Spectacle Snake " of the English, the " Cobra de Capella " of the Portuguese, must be classed among those serpents which are the most dangerous through their violence, and the subtle character of their venom. It is easily recognized by its faculty of dilating the back and sides of the neck, under the influence of fear or rage, to which it owes its popular appellation ; the elevated skin of the back of the neck presenting much the appearance of a hood (capellci). It is usually three or four feet in length ; of a pale reddish-brown colour above, and bluish or yellowish-white below ; with a characteristic mark on the back of the neck closely resembling the figure of an old-fashioned pair of spectacles. It is a sluggish creature, and easily killed, but its poison is of the most fatal quality, causing death within two hours. It frequents the purlieus of human residences in India, and occasion- ally penetrates into the very houses, attracted apparently by the domestic poultry, and by the humidity of the wells and drainage. In Ceylon, the natives, if journeying abroad by night, carry a small stick with a loose iron ring, whose strange metallic sound, as they strike it on the earth, frightens the cobra from their path. The poison is harmless if taken internally. It is secreted in a large gland 328 THE TAPIRS OF AMERICA. in the serpent's head, and flows, when the animal compresses its mouth on any object, through a cavity of the tooth into the wound.* The Indian species plays a conspicuous part in the displays of the Hindu jugglers, who exercise a strange power over them by the tones of their voice and the sounds of various musical instruments, compel- ling them to rise partially from the ground and go through a succes- sion of fantastic movements. Something of this power is also due to the fascination of the juggler's eye. Serpent-charming is of remote antiquity in Egypt and in most Oriental nations, where the profes- sion would seem to be hereditary. Several allusions to it occur in Holy Writf CHAPTER X. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE PRAIRIES OF THE NEW WORLD : HERBIVORE, INSECTIVORA, AND CARNIVORA. WE have seen that the order of Pachydermata, which furnished the Ancient "World with the most gigantic species of the terrestrial creation, is represented in the New World by comparatively insignificant types : the Tapir and the Peccary. The first, although far inferior in stature to the elephant, the rhinoceros and the hippopotamus, is, nevertheless, one of the largest American Herbivora ; the bison, llama, and stag alone exceeding it in size. Two species are distinguished, which both inhabit South America, the American Tapir and the Tapir Pinchaca. The former is about as large as a mule or an ass. His skin is black, covered with rough brown hair. He has a long bowed neck, legs and feet resembling those of the hog, and a nose prolonged into a kind of trumpet. He feeds on leaves and many kinds of fruit, and sometimes does much * F. Buckland, " Curiosities of Natural History." t As in Jer. viii. 7 ; 'and Psalm Iviii. 4, 5. AN INDIAN'S STRATAGEM. 329 injury in the mandioca fields of the Indians. His flesh is very good eating, and considered exceedingly wholesome. It is even reputed to be a remedy for the ague. A very shy and timid animal, he wanders about principally at night. " When the Indian discovers a feeding- place," says Mr. Wallace,* " he builds a stage between two trees, about eight feet above the ground, and there stations himself soon after dusk, armed with a gun, or with his bow and arrow. Though such a heavy animal, the tapir steps as lightly as a cat, and can only be heard approaching by the gentle rustling of the bushes ; the ^ AMERICAN TAPIR (Tapirus Americanusj. slightest sound or smell will alarm him, and the Indian lies stiJl as death for hours, till the animal approaches sufficiently near to be shot, or until, scenting his enemy, he makes off in another direction." When compelled to stand at bay, however, he defends himself with extraordinary vigour. D'Azara assures us that if the jaguar flings himself upon the tapir, the latter will drag him onward and onward * Wallace, " Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro." 21 a 3SO INTRODUCTION OF THE HORSE. through the densest bushes, until, torn cruelly by the thorns and brambles, he is constrained to let his would-be victim escape. The Tapir Pinchaca appears to be confined to the region of the Cordilleran table-lands. The name "Pinchaca," bestowed on the species by M. Roulin, is that of a fabulous animal mentioned in the traditions of New Grenada. It is distinguished from the former species by the absence of those lateral folds on the snout and occipital ridge to be remarked in the American Tapir, by its long thick hair which, however, does not form a mane on the neck and by a white mark at the extremity of the lower jaw. The Peccaries are the wild boars of Tropical America. They are smaller than those of the Old World ; have fewer teeth, and their tail is rudimentary. They live in numerous herds, and not only defend themselves energetically against aggressors, but when the latter have grown fatigued, assume the offensive, and pursue them with incredible fury. Hunting them, therefore, is for man, no less than for the jaguar, a dangerous adventure. When one of them has been seized by the latter, or slain by the former, the herd combine in pursuit of the murderer, and if he does not succeed in escaping them by a rapid retreat, or by opposing some insurmountable obstacle to their headlong career, he is infallibly torn to pieces. The genus Horse, or, to adopt the new nomenclature, the family of Equidce, are altogether wanting in the American Fauna ; that is, in the native indigenous Fauna of the New World. Previous to the era of Spanish Conquest, America did not possess a single species analagous to the horse, the onagra, the hemionus, the zebra, or the quagga ; and the reader of the animated pages of Prescott or Arthur Helps will remember with what terror the Peruvians as well as the Mexicans regarded the mounted cavaliers of Pizarro and Cortez. The horse, however, when introduced by Europeans, multiplied rapidly in the Savannahs, where he soon became wild, and breeding with the ass, produced the mule, which, in the Spanish-American States, as in the mother-country, is now the most useful auxiliary of man. The European ox is likewise acclimatized over the entire extent 6f the THE LLAMA, OR GUANACO. 333 new continent ; and immense herds of the latter species, together with troops of horses and mules, people the Llanos and Pampas of South America, where the first conquerors had only met with herds of stags (Cervus Mexicanus), llamas, and cobiais. The Llama, or Guanaco (Auckenia llama), and his congeners, the Vicuna and the Alpaca (Auckenia), are now only found among the recesses of the Andes, their native country, to which they have re- treated before the restless advance of man. In describing them I shall freely avail myself of Dr. Von Tschudi's interesting notices.* The Llama measures from the sole of the hoof to the top of the head, four feet six to eight inches; from the sole of the hoof to the shoulders, from two feet eleven inches to three feet. The female is usually smaller and less strong than the male, but her wool is finer and better. A great variety of colour prevails; the more general is brown, with shades of yellow or black ; frequently speckled, but very rarely quite white or black. The speckled brown llama is, in some districts, called the moromoro The burden carried by this useful animal, the camel of the New World, should not exceed from one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five pounds. If the load be too heavy, he lies down, and no force or persuasion will induce him to resume his journey until the excess be removed. In the silver mines his utility is very great, as he frequently carries the metal from the mines in places where the declivities are so steep that neither asses nor mules can keep their footing. His abstemiousness is remarkable, and he will not feed during the night. " A flock of llamas journeying over the table-lands," says Dr. Von Tschudi, "is a beautiful sight. They proceed at a slow and measured pace, gazing eagerly around on every side. When any strange object scares them, the flock separates, and disperses in various directions, and the arrieros have no little difficulty in re-assembling them. The Indians are very fond of these animals. They adorn them by tying bows of ribbons to their ears, and hanging bells round their necks; and before * Dr. Von Tschudi, " Travels in Peru " (London, 1847). 33-1 FLOCKS OF ALPACAS. loading, they always fondle and caress them affectionately. If, during a journey, one of the llamas is fatigued and lies down, the arriero kneels beside the animal, and addresses to it the most coaxing and endearing expressions. But notwithstanding all the care and atten- tion bestowed on them, many llamas perish on every journey to the coast, as they are not able to bear the warm climate." When resting they make a peculiar humming noise, which, if it proceed from a numerous flock and is heard at some distance, resembles a concert of JMian harps. The flesh of the llama is spongy, and not agreeable in flavour: Its wool is used in manufacturing coarse cloths. The Alpaca (Auchenia), or Paco, is smaller than the llama. It measures only three feet three inches from the lower part of the hoof to the top of the head, and to the shoulders two feet and a half. In form it resembles the sheep, but has a longer neck and a more grace- ful head. Its fleece is very long, in some parts four or five inches, and exquisitely soft. Its colour is usually either white or black, but in some few instances is speckled. Of its wool the Indians weave their blankets. It is also exported to Europe, and especially to Eng- land, in large quantities, though since the alpaca was naturalized in Australia, through the patriotic exertions of Mr. Ledger, England has begun to obtain a supply from her great and thriving colony.* The alpacas are kept in large flocks, which graze, throughout the year, on the green and level heights, and are driven to the huts only at shearing-time. Their shyness is very great, and at the approach of a stranger they take to rapid flight. Their obstinacy is remark- able. If one of these animals should be separated from the flock he will throw himself on the ground, and neither force nor persuasion will induce him to rise; he will frequently suffer the severest punish- ment rather than go the way his driver wishes. Few animals seem to stand in such urgent need of the companionship of their species, * It was introduced into England by the Earl of Derby in 1836. An alpaca factory, covering eleven acres, was erected at Saltaire, near Shipley, Yorkshire, by Mr. Titus Salt, in 1852, and is now the largest establishment of its kind in the world. THE GUANACO AND VICUNA. 335 and it is only when brought to the Indian huts very young that they can be separated from their flocks. The largest animal of this tribe is the Huanacu or Guanaco. He measures five feet from the bottom of the hoof to the top of the head, and three feet three inches to the shoulders. So nearly does he resemble the llama in form that, until very recently, zoologists supposed the latter to be an improved species of the huanacu, and that the huanacu was neither more nor less than a wild llama. But there are specific differences between them. The huanacu is of a uniform reddish- brown colour on the neck, back, and .thighs. The under part of the body, the middle line of the breast, and the inner side of the limbs are of a dingy white. The wool is shorter and coarser than that of the llama, and of nearly uniform length on all parts of the body. The huanacus assemble in small herds of five or seven, and if taken very young may be tamed, but can with difficulty be trained as beasts of burden. The Vicuna is a more beautiful animal than either of the pre- ceding. His size is a medium between that of the llama and alpaca. He measures four feet one inch to the top of the head, and two feet six inches to the top of the shoulders. He is distinguished by his longer and shapelier neck, by the superior fineness of his short curly wool. The crown of the head, the upper part of the neck, the back, and thighs are of a peculiar reddish-yellow hue, which the natives call color de vicuna. The lower part of the neck and the inner parts of the limbs are of a bright ochreous colour, and the breast and lower part of the body white. During the wet season the vicuna browses on the scanty vegeta- tion of the Cordilleran ridges. He never ventures up to the bare rocky summits, for his hoofs, being accustomed only to the yielding sward, are very soft and tender. He lives in herds, consisting of from six to fifteen females, and one male, who is the protector and leader of the herd, and who, while the females graze, stands a few paces apart, carefully \vatching over their safety. At the approach of dan- ger he gives a signal, consisting of a kind of whistling sound and a 336 HUNTING THE VICUNA. quick movement of the foot. Immediately the herd draws close together, each animal stretching out his head in the direction of the impending alarm. Then they take to flight; first moving leisurely and cautiously, but quickening their pace to the utmost degree of speed; whilst the male vicuna, who covers the retreat, occasionally halts to observe the motions of the enemy. The females reward his devotion by the warmest affection and fidelity, and will suffer them- selves to be killed or captured rather than desert him. The mode in which the Indians hunt the vicuna is sufficiently curious. In the Chacu, as it is termed, the whole company, seventy or eighty in number, proceed to the Attos the most secluded districts of the Peruvian mountains which are the animal's favourite haunts, with an abundant supply of rope and cord, and numerous stakes. Selecting a spacious open area, they drive the stakes into the ground in a circle, at intervals of from twelve to fifteen feet apart, and con- nect them together by ropes fastened at the height of two or two and a half feet from the ground. The circular space within this enclosure measures about half a league in circumference; an opening of about two hundred paces in width is left for entrance. On the ropes which are carried round the stakes, the Indian women hang pieces of coloured rag that flutter gaily in the wind. The chacu being thus made ready, the Indians, who are mounted on horseback, range over the country within a circuit of several miles, driving before them all the herds of vicunas they encounter, and forc- ing them into the chacu. When a sufficient number is collected, they close the entrance. The timid animals do not attempt to leap over the ropes, being affrighted by the fluttering rags, and when thus secured, the Indians easily kill them with their bolas. These bolas consist of three balls, composed either of lead or stone; two of them heavier than the third. They are fastened to long elastic strings, made of twisted sinews of the vicuna, and the opposite ends of the strings are all tied together. The Indian holds the lightest of the three balls in his hand, and swings the two others in a wide circle above his head; then, taking his aim at the distance of PROFITS OF THE CHURCH. 337 about fifteen or twenty paces, he lets go the hand-ball, whereupon all three whirl in a circle, and cling round the object aimed at. The aim is usually directed at the animal's hind legs, and the cords twist- ing round them, he is unable to move. Great skill and long practice are required to throw the bolas dexterously; a novice in the art in- curs the risk of dangerously hurting either himself or his horse, by not giving the balls the proper swing, or by letting go the hand-ball too soon. The vicunas, after being secured by the bolas, are killed; their skins belong to the Church, and their flesh, which is tenderer and better flavoured than that of the llama, is distributed in equal por- tions among the hunters. Under the dynasty of the Incas, the Peruvians rendered almost divine worship to the llama and his congeners, adorning the temples with large figures of these animals fashioned in gold and silver.* * Dr. Von Tschudi, " Travels in Peru." 22 338 THE BISON. OR BUFFALO. If the natives of the South American continent possess neither the Ox nor the Sheep, they have at least a precious resource in the Bison, and the Musk Ox, or Ovibos. Of the latter I shall speak when ray survey brings me to the colder regions of North America. The Bison is wholly confined to the great prairies of this conti- nent, which he traverses from north to south, and reciprocally, in his periodical migrations. According to some naturalists, he is a variety of the Aurochs, the fierce wild bull that formerly tenanted the forests of Gaul, Germany, and Sarmatia, and is still found in the densely- wooded districts of Moldavia, Wallachia, Lithuania, and Caucasia. Herds of Aurochs (Bos Bison], under the special protection of the Russian Emperor, and believed to number fully eight hundred ani- mals, still roam in the depths of the great Lithuanian forest of Bia- lowieza. The American genus commonly called Buffalo, but not to be confounded with the buffaloes of the Old World, occurs as far north as the Great Martin Lake, in latitude 63, and congregates in count- less thousands on the wide undulating prairies between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains. Their flesh is supposed to supply with provision some 300,000 Indians, who pursue them on horseback, and kill them with bow and arrow, spear or rifle. The chase is exciting, and has proved a great attraction to the more adventurous spirits of the New World. It is exciting because it is perilous, for the hunted animal will often turn upon his adversary, and in speed he can outstrip the swiftest horse. He finds a formidable enemy in the white wolf. Hunting in packs of one or two hundred, the latter fling themselves upon two or three solitary bisons, and, surrounding them, worry the huge brutes to death. Never have they courage enough, however, to attack a herd, though the latter, when they catch sight of wolves, manifest the greatest alarm, form into battle array, and are only pre- vented by excess of terror from taking to flight. This panic-stricken feeling the Indian often turns to his advantage. He clothes himself in the skin of a white wolf, and with bow and arrows in his hands, boldly faces a herd, crawling towards them on his hands and knees; the affrighted buffaloes press closely together to receive the supposed BUFFALO-GRASS. 389 wolf, who, on arriving at a convenient proximity, suddenly springs to his feet, and utters an unearthly yell. They fall into a frenzy of terror which enables him to select several victims. The Indians also capture great numbers by setting fire to the grass of the prairies ; the flames compel them to retire to the centre, where they are easily slain. Or they endeavour to throw them into a panic of alarm, in which case they seem possessed with a sudden madness, and, if driven towards a precipice, will dash themselves head- long over it, falling crushed and bleeding into the chasm beneath. The American bison is similar to the European, but his tail and limbs are shorter ; the horns are shorter and more blunt ; the tail has fewer vertebrse; and the mane is fuller and shaggier. His flesh is excellent eating, having a flavour like that of venison. The tallow forms an important article of trade, one bull sometimes yielding 150 pounds. The skins are much used by the Indians for blankets, and when tanned they employ them as coverings for their beds and wigwams. Spread upon frames of wicker-work, they make admirable canoes. The long hair or fleece, of which a male bison yields six to eight pounds, is spun and woven into cloth. The favourite nourishment of the bison, says Humboldt, is the Tripsacum dactyloides, called " Buffalo-Grass " in North Carolina, and a species of trefoil, resembling Trifolium repens, which Bui-ton has named Trifolium bisonicum. It is remarkable, he continues, that the Buffalo, or Bison of the North, has exercised an influence upon geographical discovery in the mountainous regions where no road is laid down. Assembled in herds of several thousands, and seeking a milder climate, they migrate at the approach of winter into the countries situated south of Arkansas. Their massive form and size render it difficult for them to cross the mountains ; and, conse- quently, wherever the traveller finds a track beaten out by numerous hoofs a " buffalo-path," in fact he may confidently adopt it as the most convenient route for himself and his steed. In this manner have been discovered the best passes in the Cumberland Mountains, the "Rocky Mountains, from the sources of the Yellow-Stone to the 340 CERVUS MEXICAN US. River La Plata ; and, finally, from the southern branch of the River Columbia to the Rio Colorado of California, The animals which we most frequently meet with in the Steppes of South America are the small spotted Stag (Cervus Mexicanus) ; the mailed Armadillos ; some species of Tatous, which glide like rats into the burrows of the hares ; troops of indolent Cobiais ; of Civets agreeably striped, but infecting the air with their emanations ; and the great maneless Lion, the Jaguar or American Tiger, whoso 2. Capybara. strength is sufficient to slay the young bulls and carry them off to the summits of the hills. The Cervuis Mexicanus wanders in numerous troops in the grassy Llanos of the Caraccas. He is only spotted while young; and varieties completely white have been discovered. On the slopes of the Andes he is never found at a greater elevation than 1600 to 1900 feet. At 3000 feet he is replaced by a much larger variety, slightly differing from the European stag. THE AMERICAN EODENTS. 341 The Rodents of the genera Capybara, Agouti, and Paca, are widely diffused over the plains of Tropical America. Of the three, the Capybara (Hydrochcerus capybarci) is the largest. He attains the size of a sheep, has a voluminous head, small round ears, eyes large and black, a thick divided nose flanked by formidable whiskers, a short neck, a thick body covered with short, coarse, russet hair, and short legs ; altogether, not a " thing of beauty." Like the peccary, he is tailless, and in a manner web-footed, being thus adapted for a semi-aquatic life. These great Rodents, says the illustrious author of " The Origin of Species," in one of his earlier works,* are generally called " Car- pinchos ; " they occasionally frequent the islands in the mouth of the Plata, where the water is quite salt, but are more abundant on the borders of fresh- water lakes and rivers. In the day-time they either lie among the aquatic plants, or openly feed on the turf plain. When viewed at a distance, from their manner of walking and colour, they resemble pigs ; but when seated on their haunches, and attentively watching any object with one eye, they re- assume the appearance of their congeners, the Caries. Both the front and side view of their head wears quite a ludicrous aspect, from the great depth of their jaw. The Capybara leads no joyous life apparently, for in the water he is perseveringly pursued by the crocodile, and in the plain by the jaguar. He runs so awkwardly as to be easily caught by hand, and the South Americans profess to relish his flesh. The Paca (Ccelogenys) differs from the Capybara in the complex structure of his molar teeth. He inhabits the woody regions of South America, where he is generally found in the vicinity of water, con- cealing himself in burrows so near the surface, that the pedestrian's foot often intrudes within them. His form is thick and clumsy, spotted with white on the sides, and intermediate in size and appear- ance between a hog and a hare.^f He is about a foot in height and * Dr. Darwin, " Journal of a Naturalist " (Voyage of the Beagle. 3rd vol.) t H. W. Bates, " The Naturalist on the River Amazons." 342 NEW WORLD RODENTS. two feet in length, with hind limbs much longer than the fore, but considerably bent. The claws are thick, strong, and conical ; the eyes large, prominent, and of a brownish hue ; the ears nearly naked, and whiskers rigid. The paca is heavy and corpulent, but swims and dives with remarkable agility. As he feeds only on fruits and tender plants, his flesh is exceedingly savoury, and a staple dish in many parts of America. His burrow is provided with three aper- tures, and his capture is managed by closing up two of these, and digging up the third. The Agouti (Dasyprocta Agouti) is another South American Rodent, about one-third the size of the Paca ; he swims, but does not dive. He has sometimes been named "the rabbit of the South American continent," but differs from it in many essential points, and really belongs to the Cavidce, or guinea-pig tribe. He possesses the voracious appetite of the hog, and devours indiscriminately every- thing that comes in his way. He conveys his food to his mouth with his fore-paws, like a squirrel, and: as he has long hind legs, runs, or rather leaps, with considerable swiftness. He is hunted very perse- veringly on account .of the devastation he causes among the sugar- canes. There is a larger species called the Mara, or Pampas Hare (Dasyprocta Patachonica), which will wander for miles away from its home. Among the most interesting Rodents of the New World must be classed the Vizcacha and the Chinchilla, whose furs are so highly valued. The Vizcacha, or Bizcacha (Galomys bizcacha), somewhat resembles a rabbit, but his teeth are larger, and he has a long tail. He lives, Jt is said, on roots, and never wanders far from his burrow. His flesh, when cooked, is very white and savoury. The Chinchilla (C. lanigera) inhabits the cold mountain- valleys, where his close, fine gray fur is an invaluable protection. He is a prettj r animal, much like the rabbit, but with a squirrel's tail ; of a mild and sociable disposition ; and living with his kind on the most amicable terms. Nor must the Beaver be forgotten, the most industrial animal of HOMES WITHOUT HANDS. -. - . 343 V. the Rodentia, which has wholly disappeared from Eur.ope, and is yearly growing scarcer in America. The Beaver (Castor fiber} is specially recognizable by his broad horizontally-flattened tail, which is of a nearly oval form, but slightly convex on its upper surface, and covered with scales. His hind feet are webbed, and together with the tail, which acts as a rudder, propel him through the water with ease and swiftness. His length,' exclusive of his tail, which measures one foot, is about three feet.; colour, a deep chestnut ; hair, very fine, glossy, and smooth. The incisor teeth are large, and so hard 1 , that the North American Indians used them in fabricating their horn-tipped spears and cutting bone, until iron tools were introduced from Europe. The sagacity with which he constructs his habitation has long been a theme of eulogy, and has furnished moralists with many an apt image and pregnant illustration. Water is the necessity of his life. It is indispensably necessary that the stream near which the animal lives should never run dry ; and to prevent so dire a mis- fortune, he is gifted with an instinct which teaches him to keep the water at or about the same mark, by building a dam across the channel. In order to comprehend the art with which this dam is con- structed, we must watch the beaver at his patient toil.* When the animal has fixed upon a tree which he believes suitable for his purpose, he sits upright, and with his chisel-like teeth cuts a bold groove completely round the trunk. He then widens the groove in exact proportion to its depth, so that when the tree is nearly cut through, it somewhat resembles the "contracted portion of an hour-glass." When this stage has been reached, he looks anxiously at the tree, and views it on every side, as if to measure the direction in which it should fall. Having settled this question, he goes to the opposite side, and with two or three powerful bites cuts away the wood, so that the overbalanced tree comes to the ground. * Rev. J. G. Wood, " Homes Without Hands." 344 THE BEAVER'S LODGE. The beaver next proceeds to cut it up into lengths of about a yard or so, employing a similar method of severing the wood. The next part of the task is to make these rounded and pointed logs into a dam. For this purpose the logs are laid horizontally, and covered with stones and earth until they can resist the force of the water. Vast numbers are thus laid ; and as fast as the water rises, fresh materials are added, being obtained mostly from the trunks and branches of trees which have been stripped of their bark by the beavers. In those places where the stream runs slowly the dam is carried straight across the river ; but where the current is strong, a convex shape is given to it, so as to resist the force of the rushing water. The dam is frequently of great size, measuring two or three hundred yards in length, and ten or twelve feet in thickness. In many localities the streams have been diverted by these erections into entirely different channels. It is in this manner that the beavers keep the water to the required level ; we must next see how they make use of it. They build their houses close to the water, and communicating with it by means of subterranean passages, one entrance of which passes into the house, or "lodge," as it is technically named, and the other into the water, so far below the surface that it cannot be closed by ice. It is, therefore, always possible for the beaver to gain access to the provision stores, and to return to its house, without being perceived from the land. " The lodges," says Mr. Wood, " are nearly circular in form, and much resemble the well-known snow-houses of the Esquimaux, being domed, and about half as high as they are wide the average height being three feet, and the diameter six or seven feet. These are the interior dominions, the exterior measurement being much greater, on account of the great thickness of the walls, which are continually strengthened with mud and branches, so that during the severe frosts they are nearly as hard as solid stone. Each lodge will accommodate several inhabitants, whose beds are arranged round the walls." There is no animal, however, whose sagacity can foil human INGENIOUS DEVICE OF THE TRAPPERS. 845 ingenuity. The trappers, who hunt the beaver for the sake of his fur, and the peculiar odoriferous secretion called castor, are more than a match for all his artifices. Not even in winter-time is he safe from their pursuit. Striking the ice smartly, they judge from the sound whether they are near an aperture ; and as soon as they are satisfied, cut away the ice and stop up the opening, so that the beavers, if alarmed, may not escape into the water. They then proceed to the shore, and by i-epeated soundings trace the course of the beavers' subterranean passage, which is sometimes eight or ten yards long, and by closely watching the different apertures invariably catch the inhabitants. While thus engaged, they must be careful not to spill any blood, as in case of such a mishap the rest of the beavers take alarm, retreat to the water, and cannot be captured. The trappers entertain a superstitious notion, which leads them to remove a knee- cap from each beaver and throw it into the fire. The beavers generally quit their huts in the summer-time, though one or two of the houses may be tenanted by a mother and her young family. Those old beavers which are free from domestic ties take to the water, and swim up and down the stream in bachelor-like liberty until the month of August, when they return to a settled life. There are, also, certain individuals called by the trappers " les paresseux," or " the idlers," which do not live in houses, and construct no dam, but dwell in subterranean tunnels like those of our common water-rat. They are always males ; gay young bachelors, with no incentives, we will suppose, to an industrious career. Neither in the beaver nor in the human world, however, does idleness prosper, for the capture of "les paresseux" is a comparatively easy task. South America is the home of those singular Edentate Mammals, with scaly shields, which the natives call Tatous, but which are better known to Europeans by the name of Armadillos (Priodonta gig as}. Cuvier has divided the whole genus into five groups, distinguished from one another by the number and form of their teeth and claws : " Cachecames," "Apars," "Encouberts," "Cabassous," and " Prio- 22 a 846 IN ARMOUR SHEATHED. dontes." Their general characteristics, however, are the same, and to describe one is virtually to describe all The body of the Armadillo has been invested by nature with a complete suit of armour : thus the head is protected by an oval or triangular plate, the shoulders by a large buckler, and the haunches by a similar buckler ; while between these solid portions intervenes a series of transverse bands, or zones of shell, which accommodate this coat of mail to the various postures of the body ; the tail also is covered by a series of calcareous rings, so that the animal exhibits a peculiar and somewhat ungainly appearance. Like the hedgehog, he can roll himself up into a ball, and present a solid impervious sub- stance to the attacks of any adversary. The interior surface of the body, not covered by the shell, is clothed with coarse scattered hairs, some of which also emerge between the joints of the coat of mail. This strange quadruped, like a mediaeval knight, " In armour sheathed from top to toe," has a rather pointed snout, long ears, short and thick limbs, and stout claws. Nature has thus fitted him by a peculiarly admirable organization for those habits of bun-owing, which he performs with such astonishing rapidity that it is almost impossible to capture him by digging. His hunters therefore smoke him out of his subter- raneous lair ; as soon as he reaches the surface he rolls himself up, and is easily taken prisoner. He is then roasted in his shell, and devoured with avidity, his flesh being as great a dainty to a South American Indian as turtle to a London alderman. By the side of the armadillos we may place another individual of the Edentata, not less strange in form : this is the Tamanoir, or Great Ant-Eater (Myrmecophaga jubata), which feeds exclusively on ants, digging open their hills with his powerful crooked claws, and drawing his long flexible tongue, covered with viscous saliva, lightly over the myriad insects that immediately sally forth to defend their homes. " The habits of the Myrmecophaga jubata are now pretty well THE AXT-EATERS. 347 known. It is not uncommon in the drier forests of the Amazons valley. The Brazilians call the species'the Tamandud bandeira, or the Banner Ant-Eater; the term banner," says Mr. Bates,* "being applied in allusion to the curious coloration of the animal, each side of the body having a broad oblique stripe, half gray and half black, which gives it some resemblance to a heraldic banner. It has an excessively long, slender muzzle, and a warm-like extensile tongue. Its jaws are destitute of teeth. The claws are much elongated, and 1. Armadillo Loricata. 2. Ant-Eater. its gait is very awkward. It lives on the ground, but all the other species of this singular genus are arboreal. I met with four species altogether. One was the Myrmecophaga tetradactyla, or Little Ant- Eater ; the two others, more curious and less known, were very small kinds, called Tamandud-i (Myrmecophaga tamandua'). Both are similar in size ten inches in length, exclusive of the tail and in the number of the claws, having two of unequal length to the anterior * H. W. Bates, " The Naturalist on the Amazons," pp. 112, 113. 348 THE LION Of AMERICA. feet, and four to the hind feet. One species is clothed with grayish- yellow silky hair ; this is of rare occurrence. The other has a fur of a dingy brown colour, without silky lustre. One was brought to me alive, having been caught by an Indian clinging motionless inside a hollow tree. I kept it in the house about twenty-four hours. It had a moderately long snout, curved downwards, and extremely small eyes. It remained nearly all the time without motion, except when irritated, in which case it reared itself on its hind-legs from the back of a chair to which it clung, and clawed out with its fore- paws like a cat. Its manner of clinging with its claws, and the sluggishness of its motions, gave it a great resemblance to a sloth. It uttered no sound, and remained all night on the spot where I had placed it in the morning. The next day I put it on a tree in the open air, and at night it escaped. These small Tamanduas are nocturnal in their habits, and feed on those species of termites which construct earthy nests, that look like ugly excrescences on the trunks and branches of trees. The different kinds of ant-eaters are thus adapted to various modes of life, terrestrial and arboreal." In Tropical America the most remarkable representatives of the Garni vora are two great species of Felidre: the Puma, or Cougouar (Fells concolor), also called the Lion of America ; and the Jaguar, or Ounce (Fells onca), sometimes distinguished as the American Tiger. The Puma measures about five feet from nose to tail ; the tail alone measuring two feet and a half. His colour is a brownish-red, with small patches of deeper tint, only shown up by certain lights ; the breast, belly, and inner flanks are of a reddish ash ; the lower jaw and throat entirely white ; the tail of a dusky ferruginous tinge, tipped with black. As he grows older, however, his general colour becomes a silvery fawn. He has no mane. His manners that is, his habits and disposition are rather those of the panther than the lion. He climbs trees with cat-like expertness, whether in chase of birds, or to secure a vantage-point from which he may pounce upon some unsuspecting victim. He never attacks the larger quadrupeds, confining himself to such "small deer" as young calves, colts, and THE AMERICAN TIGER. 349 sheep. Men, children, dogs these he suffers to pass by unmolested. His depredations are nocturnal. When domesticated, he may well be likened to the common cat, and he shows his pleasure at being caressed by the same kind of gentle purring. But he is a ferocious animal, and will kill fifty sheep or more in order to drink their blood. A much more formidable animal is the Jaguar. In size and strength he is but little inferior to the tiger. He has a large and rounded head ; his pliant body is marked on the back with long COUOOUARS, OK PUMAS. uninterrupted stripes, on the legs and thighs with full black spots ; his ground colour is a pale brownish -yellow; his legs are short, thick, and robust. He extends his ravages over all Central and South America, and over a considerable range of the northern continent. Like the tiger, he loves the shade of hot swampy jungles, the neigh- bourhood of the river and the lake. He generally preys on animals of domestic origin, which have grown wild in the prairies and the pampas, but he will also attack the bisons, and the other herbivora. 850 FIERCENESS OF THE JAGUAR. Fish, too, he does not disdain to eat ; and in default of other food, will even seize upon the caimans. It is rare that he attacks man ; but if attacked by him, he defends himself courageously, and his muscular strength renders him exceedingly formidable. Not even an Ajax could maintain a combat with him as Fitz-James fought with Roderick Dim, when " Foot, and point, and eye opposed, In dubious strife they darkly closed ; '' BlSON ATTACKED BY A JAGUAR. if man would win, he must arm himself with bow and arrow, keen spear, or unerring rifle. The hunter, thus provided, pursues him with restless animosity to obtain his fur, which is much esteemed in commerce, where it is improperly designated by the names of "Great Panther," and "American Tiger." According to Humboldt, the Pampas are colonized with dogs grown wild, which gather in great numbers in subterranean caverns, and oftentimes, when stimulated by hunger, fling themselves upon man, in whose defence they originally displayed their courage. THE PRAIRIE-DOGS. 351 In North America there exists a very curious species of Rodents, belonging to the sub-genus Spermophilus, or Spermatophilus that is, " grain-eaters." They are better known by the hunter's name, "Prairie Dogs." Mr. Murray remarks that it is difficult to say why they obtained such an absurd appellation, for they do not bear the slightest resemblance to the canine species, either in formation or PRAIRIE WOLVES (Arctomys Ludorieianus}. habits.* "In size," he says, "they vary extremely, but in general they are not larger than a squirrel, and not unlike one in appearance, except that they want his bushy tail ; the head is also somewhat rounder. They burrow under the light soil, and throw it up round the entrance to their dwelling like the English rabbit ; on this little * Hon. C. A. Murray, " Travels in North America." 352 A WINTER-SLEEP. mound they generally sit, chirping and chattering to one another, like two neighbour gossips in a village. Their number is incredible, and their cities (for they deserve no less a name) full of activity and bustle. I do not know what their occupations are ; but I have seen them constantly running from one hole to another, although they do not ever pay any distant visits. They seem on the approach of danger always to retire to their own homes ; but their great delight appar- ently consists in braving it, with the usual insolence of cowardice when secure from punishment ; for, as you approach, they wag their little tails, elevate their heads, and chatter at you like a monkey, louder and louder the nearer you come ; but no sooner is the hand raised to any missile, whether gun, arrow, stick, or stone, than they pop into the hole with a rapidity only equalled by that sudden dis- appearance of Punch, with which, when a child, I have been so much delighted in the streets and squares of London." Captain Murray observes that as there is generally neither rain nor dew on the plains which they inhabit, during the summer, while, on the other hand, these little creatures never wander far from their "towns," it seems reasonable to conclude they need no other liquid than they can extract from the grass they eat. It is certain that they pass the winter in a complete state of lethargy and torpor, for they accumulate no supply of provisions against that season ; while the herbage which thrives about their habitat dries up in autumn, and soon afterwards the frosts render it impossible for them to pro- cure their ordinary food. When the prairie dog feels the approach of his time of somnolence generally about the end of October he closes all the passages of his dormitory to protect him from the cold, and wholly resigns himself to the pleasures of repose. He remains thus immured and inert until awakened by the first warm airs of spring, when he throws wide his gates and reappears on the surface of the refreshened earth, in all his whilom e liveliness and gaiety. THE AMERICAN OSTRICH. 353 CHAPTER XI. ANIMAL LIFE IX THE PRAIRIES OF THE NEW WORLD: BIRDS AND REPTILES. WE have seen in a preceding chapter that the great terrestrial and aquatic birds ("Waders") of the wild plains of the Ancient World have few analogues in America, and that the small number of genera which are represented therein are represented by much smaller species. I have cited the Ostrich and the Phenicopterus. The American Ostrich, or Nandou (Rhea), is not above half the size of his African congener, from which he differs in having the feet three-toed, and each toe armed with a claw. Moreover, his head and neck are more fully clothed with plumage ; the wings are plumed, and more perfectly developed ; and he is tailless. The neck has sixteen vertebrae. Though endowed with more perfect wings than the Ostrich of Africa, he is nevertheless incapable of flight, representing another grade in Nature's slow ascent from the wingless bird to the bird possessed of full powers of flight. He inhabits the wide grassy plains of South America below the Equator, and as far south as latitude 42 . He is never seen across the Cordilleras, but roams in great numbers the banks of La Plata and its tributaries. He is generally seen in small troops. There are at least three species : the Rhea Americana, about five feet high ; the Rhea macrorhyncha, distinguished by its large bill ; and the Rhea Darwinii, the smallest, which inhabits Patagonia. The Flamingoes proper to the New World are : the Bed Flamingo, all whose plumage glows with a more or less vivid red; and the Fiery Flamingo, probably only a variety of the preceding. Both are natives of the dreary Patagonian desert, of Chili, and some other southern districts. The order of Waders, and that of Palmipeds, include, in the low 23 354 NEW WORLD SCAVENGERS. marshy levels of this continent, some characteristic species : notably, the Jacanas and the Kamichis ; the Agami or Trumpet-Bird, remark- able for its pastoral instinct, its domestic aptitudes, and the ringing sound of its voice ; the Savacou, which, in the structure of its enor- mous beak and its general habits, is allied to the African Balseniceps. Here, as in Africa, a species of rapacious Grallator nourishes, the Cariama, delivering " a war to the knife " against the reptile legions. Raptores more accurately defined such, for example, as the Falco cachinnans, or Laughing Vulture share in the destructive campaign against frogs, toads, lizards, and small serpents. And in the New, as in the Old World, Nature does not neglect the work of purification, intrusting it in the savannahs and the pampas to various kinds of Vulturidse, which devour the putrid carcasses that would otherwise pollute the atmosphere. The Caihartes-Urubu and the Aura are the most common species ; the Mexicans call them Zopilotes. They are found in all Central and Southern America, and frequently range to very high latitudes. They are of small size, very social, easy familiarized with man, and may be seen in great numbers, not alone in the deserts and plains, but in the great towns, where they effi- ciently play the part of great sanitary reformers. They are gifted with extraordinary delicacy of scent ; they detect the existence of camon at great distances, and flock from the four quarters of heaven to banquet upon it. The Sarcoramphus Papa, or "King of the Vultures," a species closely allied to the great Condor of the Andes, is likewise encountered very frequently in the plains of Tropical America, but only where the herbage has been set on fire ; which is a common enough occurrence, either through lightning, or by accident or design on the part of the Indians. Then he arrives on rapid pinion to prey upon the lizards, and frogs, and serpents which are destroyed by the scathing and consuming flames. His attire is more elegant than his mission in creation would seem to render necessary. The plumage on the upper part of the body is of a reddish hue, the neck and head of a delicate bluish-violet, the beak red, the crest orange, the eyebrows white, and the wings black. He is about the THE FALCOXID^: FAMILY. 855 size of the domestic Turkey. The tawny Caracara, a bird of the genus Polyborus, as large as the common Kite, and with a tail nine inches long ; and the Harpy Eagle (Thrasaetus), distinguished by its formi- dable beak and legs, its erect crest and flashing eyes both widely distributed in all the hot regions of the New World belong to the Falconidce family (in the latest classification), as well as the great white-headed Fishing Eagle, or Pygargue (Haliaetus Leucocephalus], which inhabits the northern continent. The latter has been elo- 1. Cathartes-Urubu. 2. King of the Vultures. quently described by the Paisley ornithologist, the celebrated Wilson : * "Elevated on the high dead branch of some gigantic tree that commands a wide view of the neighbouring shore and ocean, he seems calmly to contemplate the motions of the various feathered tribes that pursue their busy avocations below; all the winged multi- tudes that subsist by the bounty of this vast liquid magazine of Nature. High over all these hovers one whose action instantly * A. Wilson, " American Ornithology." 356 A STIRRING PICTURE. arrests his attention. By his wide curvature of wing and sudden suspension in the air, he knows him to be the Fish Hawk, settling over some devoted victim of the deep. His eye kindles at the sight, and, balancing himself with half-opened wings on the branch, he watches the result. Down, rapid as an arrow from heaven, descends the distant object of his attention, the roar of his wings reaching the ear as he disappears in the deep, making the surges foam around ! At this moment, the eager looks of the eagle are all ardour, and, levelling his neck for flight, he sees the fish hawk emerge struggling with his prey, and mounting in the air with screams of exultation. These are the signals for our hero, who, launching into the air, instantly gives chase, and soon gains on the hawk; each exerts his utmost to mount above the other, displaying in these rencounters the most elegant and sublime aerial evolutions. The unencumbered eagle rapidly advances, and is just on the point of reaching his opponent, when, with a sudden scream, probably of despair and honest execration, the latter drops the fish ; the eagle, poising him- self for a moment, as if to take a more certain aim, descends like a whirlwind, snatches it in his grasp ere it reaches the water, and bears his ill-gotten booty silently away to the woods." A similar picture, let me add, has been painted by the poet Spenser, though he refers, of course, to the British Eagle : " Like to an eagle, in his kingly pride, Soaring through his wide empire of the air To weather his broad sails, by chance has spied A goshawk, which hath seized for her share Upon some fowl that should her feast prepare. With dreadful force he flies at her again, That with his voice which none endure or dare Her from the quarry he away doth drive, And from her griping pounce the greedy prey doth rive."' The Reptilia are represented in America by a very great number of species, many being remarkable for their great size or the terrible venom with which they are provided. The crocodiles of the American continent form a distinct genus, sometimes designated Alligator, and ALLIGATORS, OR CAIMANS. 357 sometimes Caiman. The Alligators, or Caimans (Alligator Lucius'), are Saurians of huge bulk ; with a long flat head, thick neck and body, a cavernous mouth suggestive of infinite voracity, dull cruel eyes, and a long taper tail, which, strongly compressed on the sides, is surmounted with a double series of strong plates, that unite about the middle, and form a single row to the extremity. It is this tail that gives them most of their progressive power in the water, and though it obstructs their movements on land, it is useful even then as ALL a powerful weapon of defence. Transverse rows of square bony plates, rising in the centre into keel-shaped ridges, protect the body, and render the hideous animal exceedingly formidable as an antagonist. It frequently attains the length of eighteen, and is seldom less than fifteen feet. Its teeth are numerous, sharp, and strong ; its claws long and tenacious. It feeds generally on fish, turtle, fowl, or what- ever other prey may fall within its reach ; and woe to the unfortunate animal that comes to the river-bank in quest of water within the range of this ferocious saurian. 358 AN AFFECTING INCIDENT. The caiman never attacks man if his intended victim is on his guard, but he is cunning enough to know when this may be done with impunity. Mr. Bates records an affecting instance. The river Amazons at Caigara had sunk one season to a very low point, so that the port and bathing-place of the village now lay at the foot of a long sloping bank, and a large caiman made his appearance in the shallow and muddy water. "We were all obliged," says our traveller,* "to be very careful in taking our bath ; most of the people simply using a calabash, pouring the water over themselves while standing on the brink. A large trading canoe, belonging to a Barra merchant, arrived at this time, and the Indian crew, as usual, spent the first day or two after their coming into port in drunkenness and debaucheiy ashore. One of the men, during the greatest heat of the day, when almost every one was enjoying his afternoon's nap, took it into his head whilst in a tipsy state to go down and bathe. He was seen only by the Suiz de Paz (Justice of Peace), a feeble old man who was lying in his hammock, in the open verandah at the rear of his house on the top of the bank, and who shouted to the besotted Indian to beware of the alligator. Before he could repeat his warning the man stumbled, and a pair of gaping jaws, appearing suddenly above the surface, seized him round the waist and drew him under the water. A cry of agony was the last sign made by the wretched victim. The village was aroused ; the young men, with praiseworthy readiness, seized their harpoons and hurried down to the bank ; but of course it was too late, a winding track of blood on the surface of the water was all that could be seen. They embarked, however, in light boats, deter- mined on vengeance ; the monster was traced, and when, after a short lapse of time, he came up to breathe, one leg sticking out from his jaws, was dispatched with bitter curses." In the temperate regions of North America, where crocodiles still exist, these animals pass the entire winter in lethargic torpor. In the Pampas of tropical America, on the contrary, it is during the hot season that they remain inert in the mud of the dried-up marshes. * H. W. Bates, " The Naturalist on the Amazons." THE BOA-CONSTRICTOR. 359 " According to the statements of the natives," says Humboldt, " you may sometimes see, on the return of the rainy season, the humid clay slowly uplifted and loosened in great clods. A violent detonation soon makes itself heard, and the earth is flung up into the air to a great height, as in eruptions of small mud volcanoes. If you under- stand the cause of this phenomenon you will quickly take to flight, for from this retreat immediately emerges a monstrous water-serpent or a plated crocodile, which the first shower has awakened from his lethargy." The great water-serpent here spoken of is, in all proba- bility, the gigantic Boa-Constrictor, one of the most dangerous denizens of the marshy plains of equatorial America. Travellers of unimpeach- able authority assert that this frightful reptile often attains the length of thirty-six to forty-five feet. Day and night he lurks among the tall rank herbage ; in the morning and the evening he places himself in ambush on the border of some lake or water-course to surprise the quadrupeds which flock thither to quench their thirst. By means of his prehensile tail he suspends himself to a tree on the shore, and patiently awaits the coming prey. When an animal passes within his reach, he swiftly seizes it, enfolds it in his spiral coils, crushes it against the tree which serves for his point d'appui, compresses its bleeding mass into a convenient form, covers it with a glutinous saliva, and swallows it. In this fashion the boa will devour a stag or even an ox entire, nor does he fear to attack the puma and the jaguar. Whether he is dangerous to man may reasonably be doubted ; his immense size, at all events, renders it easy to avoid him. He preys upon fish in default of other provision, and to catch his victims often remains for a considerable time with his head and a portion of his body plunged under water. The true scourges of tropical America and the Antilles are the Rattlesnake and the lance-headed Viper. The Rattlesnake (Crotalus hon^idus) is one of the deadliest of venomous serpents, is frequently six feet in length, and as thick as a man's leg. But Providence has furnished it with an antidote against its own poison, or, at least, with an instrument which makes 360 BANE AND ANTIDOTE. it its own betrayer, and warns man involuntarily against its formidable presence. This is the rattle to which it owes its vulgar appellation. The rattle is situated at the end of the tail, and consists of several hard, dry, bony processes. Imagine a string of hollow, dry, semi-transparent bones, nearly of the same size and figure, and resembling to some extent the shape of the human os sacrum : CROTALUS, AND BOA-CONSTRICTOR. imagine these so placed that the tip of every uppermost bone runs within two of the bones below it ; imagine these constantly clattering against each other, as the reptile moves, with a hoarse, dull, echoing sound, and you will be able to form some idea of the permanent warning of its approach which the Crotalus carries about with it. The rattle is placed with the broad part perpendicular to the body, and not horizontal ; and the first joint is attached to the last vertebra of the tail by means of a thick muscle beneath it, no less than by the membranes which unite it to the skin. The bony rings increase in number with the reptile's age, and it gains an additional one, it is said, at each casting of the skin. THE LANCE-HEADED VIPER. 361 The Crotalus horridus is of a yellowish-brown colour, varied with patches of a deeper hue, and from the head to some distance down the neck run two or three longitudinal stripes of the same. Its habits are sluggish ; it moves slowly, and only bites when angered, or for the purpose of killing its prey. It is provided with two kinds of teeth viz., the smaller, which, planted in each jaw, serve to catch and retain the food ; and secondly, the fangs or poisonous teeth, which kill the prey, and are placed outside the upper jaw. It feeds principally upon the smaller mammals and upon birds, which it seems certain it possesses a peculiar power of fascinating the effect, it may be, of intense fear. " When the piercing eye of the rattle- snake is fixed on them," says Mr. Murray, " terror and amazement render them incapable of escaping ; and, while involuntarily keeping their eyes fixed on those of the reptile, birds have been seen to drop into its mouth, as if paralyzed, squirrels descend from their trees, and leverets run into the jaws of the expecting devourer." Hogs and peccaries, however, are unaffected by this panic, and feed greedily upon the reptile which causes it, whose venomous fangs cannot penetrate their formidable hide. Its poison, once imbibed, is very fatal, acting upon man and the larger mammals, such as the horse or ass, in a few hours. The lance-headed Viper r or Trigonocephalus (Bothrops lanceolatus), is most common in the West Indian Islands, where it is justly dreaded. It has been computed that, at Martinique, fifty persons out of a population of 125,000 souls die annually from the bite of these odious reptiles. Their fecundity is frightful. Every female bears sixty young, which on their very advent into the world are completely formed and able to wound. This viper, moreover, carries no warning rattle ; nothing indicates its presence ; and in the countries which it inhabits, the wayfarer, if prudent, will beat the herbs and bushes as he advances with a switch. Then the Trigonocephalus, if there be one in the way, will take flight and reveal itself, for it is too large to glide away unseen. Therefore, the negroes of Martinique, who, of necessity, are assiduous reptile hunters, state as an incontrovertible 23 a 302 A WATCHFUL SENTINEL. axiom, confirmed by immemorial experience, that " a serpent seen is a serpent dead." In truth, the serpent is only formidable to man when not perceived, and when one treads upon it accidentally. In the open field its defeat and death are inevitable, however little coolness or skill its assailant may possess. And to warn us of the presence of the Trigonocephalus, Nature has supplied us with numerous watchful sentinels in the small birds, whose not unreasonable hate TRIQONOCEPHALUS PURSUED BY BIRDS. against this serpent is a remarkable proof of their intelligence. If ever your destiny conduct you to the Antilles, says a naturalist, cold- blooded sportsman as you may be, do not slay the little bird which the grateful negroes, though he sings but little, have wished to name the nightingale ; for if you do so, they will regard you with suspicion and dislike. He is their protector, and he watches also over you. No sooner does he see, from his aerial station, the scales of the reptile THE SURINAM TOAD. 363 gliding into the herbage or glittering among the large leaves, than he can no longer control himself. He flies to and fro, he leaps from branch to branch, summoning with a lamentable cry all the feathered tribe from the neighbouring trees. From far and near the cry widens and is repeated ; from all directions flock nightingales, and thrushes, grosbeaks, and humming-birds, and hovering above the assassin, furiously denounce it, and indicate its lurking-place to man. Irritated by such a concert of maledictions, the serpent elevates its crest, but, lo ! they are far beyond its reach ! And the cries, the murmurs, the insults are redoubled ! It seeks to conceal itself, but these cries persistently accompany it. Wherever it drags its slimy shining bulk, they follow, they harass, and they denounce it. Either night comes on, or it succeeds in completely hiding itself from their watchful gaze, before they reluctantly leave it to its own devices. Great the consternation if their enemy escape them ! But what joy, what triumphal sounds, if man appears upon the scene and slays it ! I have previously alluded to the enormous toads found in South America, and to the gigantic frog which belongs to the northern continent. Among the former I may particularize as one of the largest known species, the Agua ; and, as remarkable for its mode of gestation, the Pipa. The Surinam Toad, or Pipa Surinamensis (the Bufo Pipa of Linne), is distinguished by its large triangular head, and horizontally flattened body, with a granulated back. It is now ascertained that the female deposits her spawn at the brink of some shallow or stagnant pool ; the male then collects the heap and cautiously places it on the back of the female, where, after impregnation, they are pressed into cellules produced by the tumefac- tion of the skin. In rather less than three months the eggs are hatched, and the young emerge in a complete state. The Bull-Frog (Rana pipilus), of North America, is from six to eight inches long and from three to four inches broad. When his limbs are fully extended he measures about eighteen inches in length. 864 THE BULL-FKOG. Its back is of a sombre green colour, varied with black ; the under- parts being of a whitish hue, tinged with green, and thickly spotted. The fore-feet have only four toes, and are unwebbecl ; the hind-feet are large, long, and widely webbed. Its voice may be compared to the distant lowing of a bull, and a chorus of them at night is sufficient to arouse the soundest sleeper. They prey upon ducklings, goslings, and small birds, drowning before devouring them. Spite of its size 1. Bufo Agua. 1'ipa Surinamensis. and ungainliness, it is very nimble, and can accomplish a leap of upwards of six feet in height. Incomplete as is this rapid survey of the Fauna of the New World Deserts, I cannot terminate it without referring to the strange and formidable fish which haunt the pools, lakes, and marshes of South America those Gymnoti, or Electrical Eels, sometimes five, six, and even eight feet long, which emit electrical discharges of suffi- cient violence to strike down a man, a horse, or an ox. It is by this singular property the gymnotus supports its existence ; its shocks THE ELECTRICAL EEL. 365 stupify the smaller fishes and other animals that come within its range, so that they fall an easy prey to its voracity. The electrical organs consist of four bundles of parallel membranaceous laminse arranged along the inner side of the tail, and constituting a remark- ably powerful battery. In hunting the gymnoti the Indians adopt a cruel expedient. They FISHING FOR OYMXOTI. drive a herd of horses and mules into the ponds which these eels in- habit, and harpoon them when they have spent their electrical force on the unhappy quadrupeds. The fish swim on the surface of the water like serpents, and skilfully glide beneath the animal's body, discharging the whole length of their electrical battery, and attacking simultaneously the digestive viscera, and, above all, the gastric plexus 366 THE AUSTRALIAN CONTINENT. of nerves. Fain would the horses escape their enemies' attacks, but the Indians drive them back into the water with stout canes of bamboo and long whips. After awhile the eels grow exhausted ; the animals show less alarm ; and the Indians begin to ply their harpoons with equal agility and success. There are several species of this re- markable fish, and most, if not all, are valued as wholesome food. The Gymnotus Electricus, however, is the only one which possesses any electrical powers. CHAPTER XII. ANIMAL LIFE IN THE AUSTRALIAN PRAIRIES. THE first naturalists who explored the littoral of the Australian con- tinent and its adjacent islands were struck with astonishment at the sight of the strange and almost monstrous animals they discovered there. Far more certainly than Columbus had they fallen in with a New World ; a new world of zoology and botany ; a world apart, peopled by beings wholly different from those they had elsewhere studied, and some of which exhibited a complexity and originality of organization and structure wholly antagonistic to the received theories of fundamental characteristics belonging to the various classes of the animal kingdom. The Australian Fauna, in this respect, can only be compared to that of Madagascar, which equally bears an impress peculiarly its own, and presents but a few features of kinship with the Indian Fauna. It is the latter also that the Australian Fauna most closely approaches, or, to speak more correctly, from which it least widely diverges. The great Herbivora Pachyderms, Ruminants, and Solidungulates are absolutely wanting in Australia, as well as the Carnivora properly so called Apes and Lemuridse. The class of Mammals is only repre- THE MARSUPIALS. 3C7 sented by a small number of Cheiroptera and Rodents ; by some Amphibia, Phocse, and Otidse (Seals and Bustards), which inhabit the bays carved out of its long line of coast ; by the Marsupials and a very limited order of Monotremata. The two latter groups are pre- eminently characteristic of the Australian Fauna ; the second belongs exclusively to it. Little, indeed, is wanting to make it identical with the sub-class of the Marsupials, represented only in South America by the genera Opossum didelphis, Hemiurus, and Chironectes, and elsewhere limited to New Holland, Tasmania, New Guinea, New Zealand, and some other less important islands of Oceania. The Marsupials (from the Greek ju.dp