LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF ru..A...^oinU<c.. Class ftt/v^ ) List of Books and Magazine Articles on try Hudson and the Hudson River, Robert Fulton and Early Steam Navigation in tne Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 List of Books and Magazine Articles on Henry Hudson and tLe Hudson River, Robert Fulton and Early Steam Navigation in tne Brooklyn Public Library lU-MI Publiahed by THE. BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 List of Books and Magazine Articles on Henry Hudson and tne Hudson River, Robert Fulton and Early Steam Navigation Reference is not made in this list to current magazine articles, nor to all general United States and New York histories. HENRY HUDSON; HIS LIFE, WRITINGS AND DISCOVERIES. Hudson, Henry, and others. Voyages. (In New York Historical society. Collections, ser. I, v. I. N. Y. 1811.) Ref. Asher, G. M. ed. Henry Hudson the navigator. Lond. 1860. Ref. Henry Hudson the navigator. Living Age, v. 94 : 397- Sam-e. Macmillan s Mag. v. 14:459. Bacon, E. M. Henry Hudson, his times and his voyages. N. Y. 1907. Bell, Mrs. N. R. E. (M.) Henry Hudson. (In her Columbus and other heroes of American discovery. N. Y. CI885-93-) Bruce, D. H. ed. Hudson and the Half-Moon. (In his Empire state in three centuries, v. i. N. Y. 1902.) Burpee, L. J. Henry Hudson. (In his Search for the western sea. Lond. 1908.) Cavallaro, Luigi. Enrico Hudson. (In his Pionieri ed eroi della storia americana. N. Y. CI9O7.) Ref. Cleveland, H. R. Life of Henry Hudson. (In Lives of eminent individuals celebrated in American his tory, v. 2. N. Y. 1855.) Life of Henry Hudson. (In Sparks, Jared, cd. .Library of American biography, v. 10. N. Y. 1856.) DeCosta, B. F. Who discovered the Hudson? Galaxy, v. 8 : 129. Fiske, John. Verrazano and Hudson. (In his Dutch and Quaker colonies in America, v. I. Bost. 1899.) Foote, A. E. and Skinner, A. W. Henry Hudson s ex plorations. (In Explorers and founders of Amer ica. N. Y. CIQ07.) Griffis, W. E. Orange, White and Blue in the Hudson river. (In his Romance of discovery. Bost. ci897.) Guthrie, J. W. Tercentennial of Henry Hudson. Mun- sey s Mag. v. 30 : 675. Hall, E. H. Hudson and Fulton; a brief history of Henry Hudson and Robert Fulton, with suggestions de signed to aid the holding of general commemora tive exercises and children s festivals during the Hudson-Fulton celebration in 1909. N. Y. cioxxj. Hemstreet, Charles. Adventures of Henry Hudson. (In his Story of Manhattan. N. Y. 1901.) Hendrick Hudson memorial bridge. Scientific American, v. 94:366. Large picture of bridge, p. 361. Henry Hudson. (In Appletons cyclopaedia of American biography, v. 3. N. Y. 1900.) Ref. Henry Hudson. (In National cyclopaedia of American biography, v. 9. N. Y. 1893.) Ref. Henry Hudson. Living Age, v. 69:70. Henry Hudson. Nation, v. 2:740. Henry or Hendrick Hudson? Scientific American, v. 95: 191. Higginson, T. W. Henry Hudson and the New Nether lands. (In his Book of American explorers. Bost. 1877.) Same. (In his Young folks book of American explorers. N. Y. 1902.) Janvier, T..A. Dutch founding of New York. N. Y. 1903. : Same. Harper s Mag. v. 106:354, 57i 739- Henry Hudson. Cosmopolitan, v. 35 : 603; v. 36 : 90. Johnson, W. H. Henry Hudson s voyages towards the northeast; Hudson s explorations of the Hudson river; Hudson explores Hudson Bay. (In his World s discoverers. Bost. 1908.) 3 186525 Juet, Robert. Discovery of the Hudson river. (In Hart, A. B. ed. American history told by contempo raries, v. i. N. Y. 1897.) Discovery of the Hudson river from "The third voyage of Master Henry Hudson toward Nova Zembla." (In Old South leaflets, no. 94. Bost 1898.) Third voyage of Master Henry Hudson. (In Winship, G. P. ed. Sailors narratives of voyages along the New England coast. Bost. 1905.) Lamb, Mrs. M. J. R. (N.) Henry Hudson. (In her His tory of the City of New York, v. I. N. Y. 01877.) Laughton, J. K. Henry Hudson. (In Stephen, Sir Leslie and Lee, S. L. ed. Dictionary of national biog raphy, v. 28. N. Y. 1891.) Ref. Laut, A. C. Discovery of the great North sea and the opening of two territories. (In her Conquest of the great Northwest, v. I. N. Y. 1908.) McMurray, C. A. Henry Hudson. (In his Pioneers on land and sea. N. Y. 1904.) Markham, Sir C R. Hudson and Baffin. (In his Sea fathers. N. Y. 1884.) Morris, Charles. Henry Hudson and the discovery of the Hudson river. (In his Heroes of discovery in America. Phil. 1906.) O Callaghan, E. B. [Henry Hudson.] (In his History of New Netherland, v. i. N. Y. 1848.) Parker, Mrs. H. F. Henry Hudson. (In her Morning stars of the new world. N. Y. 1854.) Parton, James. Henry Hudson. (In his People s book of biography. Hartford, 1868.) Read, jr., J. M. Historical inquiry concerning Henry Hud son. Albany, 1866. Shaw, E. R. Henry Hudson. (In his Discoverers and explorers. N. Y. 01900.) Spofford, A. R., Weitenkampf, Frank and Lamberton, J. P. ed. Henry Hudson. (In their Library of his toric characters and famous events, v. i. Phil. 1894-95.) Ref - Williams, Sherman. New Netherland. (In his Stories from early New York history. N. Y. 1906.) HUDSON RIVER; HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. Bacon, E. M. Hudson river from ocean to source. N. Y. 1902. Beede, V. V. Into a silent sea. Chautauquan, v. 31 : 333. Brooks, C. T. Winter sunrise on the Hudson; a poem. Old and new, v. 7:700. Bruce, Wallace. The Hudson; three centuries of history, romance and invention. N. Y. 01907. The Hudson; [a poem.] Bost. ci88i. Legends and poetry of the Hudson. N. Y. 1868. Buckman, D. L. Old steamboat days on the Hudson river. N. Y. 01907. Burroughs, John. Our river. Scribner s Monthly, v. 20: 481. Carman, Bliss. Ballad of Father Hudson. Outlook, v. 72: 805. Commemoration O f the discovery of the Hudson river. Out look, v. 81 : 959. Cook, Clarence. The Lordly Hudson. Century, n. s. v. 33 : 483- Cooper, S. F. Hudson river and its early names. Maga zine of American history, v. 4: 401. Coxe, Cleveland. Naoman, a legend of the Hudson. Har per s Mag. v. 52 : 883. Cullum, G. W. Struggle for the Hudson. (In Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history of America, v. 6. Bost. ci886.) Ref. Curtis, G. W. The Hudson river and the Rhine. (In his Lotus-eating. N. Y. 01852.) DeKay, Charles. Choral ode to the North river. Century, n. s. v. 6 : 377. Farnham, C. H. Running the rapids of the upper Hudson. Scribner s Monthly, v. 21 : 857. Fenn, A. M. The Hudson river. Art Journal, v. 38: 198. A Great opportunity. Outlook, v. 81 : 959. Hall, E. H. Our heritage of the picturesque. Municipal Affairs, v. 5 349- Harrington, J. W. Summer homes of the Hudson river. Munsey s Mas:. \. 21:721. Henry Hudson s quest. (In Stevenson, B. E. ed. Poems of American history. Bost. 1908.) Mine, C. G. West bank of the Hudson river, Albany to Tappan. Newark, 01907. Hudson river boats. Leisure Hour, v. 13:727. Hudson river by pen and pencil. N. Y. 01875. Hunt, Freeman. Letters about the Hudson river and its vicinity. N. Y. 1837. James, Henry. New York and the Hudson; a spring im pression. Fortnightly Rev. v. 84:978. Same. North American Rev. v. 181 : 819. Johnson, Clifton. Canal-boat voyage on the Hudson. Out look, v. 60: 309. Lossing, B. J. and others. Along the Hudson. (In Ms Achievements of four centuries, v. i. N. Y. 01890.) Lossing, B. J. The Hudson from the wilderness to the sea. Lond. 1868. Romance of the Hudson. Harpers Mag. v. 52: 633, 822; v. 53^2. Martineau, Harriet. The Hudson. (In her Retrospect of western travel, v. I. Lond. 1838.) Mighels, P. V. Unknown palisades. Harper s Mag. v. 117:244. Miller, James, pub. New guide to the Hudson river. N. Y. 1869. The Palisades and the Hudson river from New York to Albany. Leisure Hour, v. 14 : 360. Partridge, E. L. National park on the Hudson. Outlook, v. 87 : 521. Pidgeon, Daniel. Hudson river by day-boat. (In his Old world questions. N. Y. 1885.) Preserving the Hudson palisades. Review of Reviews (N. Y.) v. 24:49. Pyle, Howard. Through inland waters. Harper s Mag. v. 92 : 828 ; v. 93 : 63. Rand, McNally & co. Illustrated guide to the Hudson river and Catskill mountains, by Ernest Ingersoll. N. Y. 1897- Richards, T. A. The Hudson. Knickerbocker, v. 54:225, 353; v. 55: i, 129. 6 Saving the Hudson. Outlook, v. 83:95. Shanly, C. D. Along the Hudson river at New York. Atlantic Monthly, v. 22: i. Singleton, Esther. The Hudson. (In her Great rivers of the world. N. Y. 1908.) Skinner, C. M. Gates of the Hudson. Century, n. s. v. 50 : 665. Smith, Richard. Tour of four great rivers: the Hudson, Mohawk, Susquehanna and Delaware in 1769. N. Y. 1906. Stanton, S. W. Steamboats of the River Hudson. Engi neering Mag. v. 8 : 849. Taintor, C W. Hudson river route, New York to Albany, Saratoga Springs, Lake George, Lake Champlain, Adirondack mountains and Montreal. N. Y. n. d. Taylor, Bayard. The Hudson and the Catskills. (In his At home and abroad, v. 2. N. Y. 1862.) Vail, R. P. H. Along the Hudson in stage-coach days. Outlook, v. 80:489. Van Vorst, Marie. The Hudson river. Harper s Mag. v. 110:543- Verplanck, W. E. and Collyer, M. W. Sloops of the Hudson. N. Y. 1908. Willis, N. P. American scenery; or, Land, lake and river. 2 v. Lond. 1840. Highlands of the Hudson. (In his Hurry-graphs. Auburn, 1853.) ROBERT FULTON; HIS LIFE AND WRITINGS. Fulton, Robert. Robert Fulton s experiments in submarine gunnery, from his unpublished mss. Scribner s Monthly, v. 22 : 563. Treatise on the improvement of canal naviga tion. Lond. 1796. Ref. Barber, J. W. and Howe, Henry. Robert Fulton. (In their Historical collections of the State of New York. N. Y. 1841.) Bayer, Henry. France s tribute to Fulton s memory. North American Rev. v. 184:302. Golden, C. D. Life of Robert Fulton. N. Y. 1817. Ref. Dickin^n, H. N. Fulton in England. Cassier s Mag. v. 33:602, Duyckinck, K A. Robert Fulton. (In his National por trait gallery of eminent Americans, v. i. N. Y. ci8S2.) Ref. Eggleston, G. G Robert Fulton. (In his American im mortals. N. Y. ciooi.) Fulton in love. Atlantic Monthly, v. 68:285. Glascock, W. H. Some American boys of genius. (In his Stories of Columbia. N. Y. 1896.) Goddard, Dwight Robert Fulton. (In his Eminent engi neers, N. Y. 1906.) Goodrich, S. G. (Peter Parley, pseud.) Fulton. (In his Lives of benefactors. Phil. 1846.) Gordy, W. F. Robert Fulton. (In his American leaders and heroes. N. Y. 1901.) Hale, Rev. E. K Livingston and Fulton. (In his Memo ries of a hundred years. N. Y. 1904.) Same. Outlook, v. 69 : 552. Robert Fulton. (In his Lights of two centuries. N. Y. ci887.) Robert Fulton. (In his Stories of invention. Bost. 1901.) Hall, E. H. Hudson and Fulton; a brief history of Henry Hudson and Robert Fulton, with suggestions de signed to aid the holding of general commemora tive exercises and children s festivals during the Hudson-Fulton celebration. 1909. N. Y. CI9O9. 8 Hauch, J. C. Robert Fulton; an historical novel. N. Y. 1868. Holland, R. S. Robert Fulton, the boy of the Conestoga. St. Nicholas, v. 35 : 729. Holloway, J. F. "Fulton night" with the engineers. En gineering Mag. v. 2 1304. Howe, Henry. Robert Fulton. (In his Memoirs of the mo st eminent American mechanics. N. Y. 1852.) Hubert, jr., P. G. Robert Fulton. (In his Inventors. N. Y. 1896.) Knox, T. W. Life of Robert Fulton and a history of steam navigation. N. Y. 1886. Life of Robert Fulton. Analectic Mag. v. 10: 177. Longacre, J. B. and Herring, James. Robert Fulton. (In their National portrait gallery, v. 3. Phil. 1859.) Ref. McCabe, jr., J. D. Robert Fulton. (In his Great fortunes. N. Y. 1871.) MacCracken, H. M. Robert Fulton. (In his Hall of fame. N. Y. 1901.) Michaux, Andre. Historical anecdote of Robert Fulton. Journal of the Franklin Institute, v. 48 : 37. Miller, p. R Story of Robert Fulton. N. Y. cigoS. Morris, Charles. Robert Fulton. (In his Heroes of prog ress in America. Phil. 1906.) Parton, James. Robert Fulton. (In his People s book of biography. Hartford, 1868.) Perry, R M. Robert Fulton. (In her Four American in ventors. N. Y. cioxn.) Renwick, James. Life of Robert Fulton. (In Lives of eminent individuals celebrated in American history, v. i. N. Y. 1855.) Life of Robert Fulton. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of American biography, v. 10. N. Y. 1856.) Robert Fulton. Analectic Mag. v. 5 : 304. Robert Fulton. (In Appletons cyclopaedia of American biog raphy, v. 2. N. Y. 1900.) Ref. Robert Fulton. (In Famous boys and famous men. N. Y. n. d.) Robert Fulton. (In Good and great men. N. Y. 1877.) Robert Fulton. (In National cyclopaedia of American biog raphy, v. 3. N. Y. 1893.) Ref. Robert Fulton memorial. Scientific American, v. 85 : 407. Seymour, C. C. B. Robert Fulton. (In his Self-made men. N. Y. 1858.) Spofford, A. R., Weitenkampf, Frank and Lamberton, J. P. ed. Robert Fulton. (In their Library of historic characters and famous events, v. 2. Phil. 1894-95.) Ref. Suplee, H. H. Fulton in France. Cassier s Mag. v. 32: 405. Sutcliffe, A. C. Early life of Robert Fulton. Century, n. s. v. 54 : 780. Robert Fulton in France. Century, n. s. v. 54 : 93i. Thurston, R. H. Robert Fulton, his life and its results. N. Y. ciSgi. Robert Fulton. (In his History of the growth of the steam engine. N. Y. 1878.) Todd, C. B. [Fulton and Barlow.] (In his Life and letters of Joel Barlow. N. Y. 1886.) Towle, G. M. Robert Fulton and the steamboat. (In his Heroes and martyrs of invention. N. Y. 1890.) Tuckerman, H. T. Robert Fulton the mechanician. (In his Essays, biographical and critical. Bost. 1857.) Wynne, James. Fulton. (In his Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of America. N. Y. 1850.) 10 EARLY STEAM NAVIGATION. Abbot, W. J. American merchant ships and sailors. N. Y. 1 902. Bruce, D. H. ed. The Hudson first navigated by steam. (In his Empire state in three centuries, v. 2. N. Y. 1902.) Bullock, C. S. Who built the first steamboat? Gassier s Mag. v. 33. Byrn, E. W. Steam navigation. (In his Progress of inven tion in the nineteenth century. N. Y. 1900.) Doubleday, Russell. Fastest steamboat. (In his Stories cf inventors. N. Y. 1904.) Eggleston, Edward. The First steamboat. (In Ms Stories of great Americans. N. Y. ci8g5.) Fulton the father of commercial steamboat navigation. Scientific American, v. 97 : 146. Fulton s submarine. Scientific American supp. v. 55 : 22785, Guerber, H. M. A. First steamboat. (In her Story of the great republic. N. Y. 1901.) Invention of steam navigation. Notes and Queries, ser. 2, v. 7 : 357- Lamb, Mrs. M. J. R. (N.) [Robert Fulton and steam navi gation.] (In her History of the City of New York, v. 3. N. Y. 01877.) Livingston, R. R. Invention of the steamboat. (In Old South leaflets, v. 5, no. 108. Bost. n. d.) Macfarlane, Robert. History of propellers and steam navi gation. N. Y. 1851. Morrison, J. H. History of American steam navigation. N. Y. 1003. Robert Fulton and the sidewheel steamboat. Scientific American supp. v. 64:282. Mowry, W. A. and Mowry, A. M. Travel: steamboats. (In their American inventions and inventors. N. Y. CI90O.) Nicoll, H. J. The Steam engine and its application to locomotion : Watt, Stephenson, Fulton, Bell. (In his Great movements. N. Y. 1882.) Preble, G. H. Chronological history of the origin and development of steam navigation. Phil. 1883. IT Purdy, T. C. Robert Fulton and his steamboats. Engi neering Mag, v. 9 : 868. Robert Fulton and the centenary of steam navigation, from an English point of view. Scientific American sup p. v. 64: 173. Robert Fulton s first voyage. Merchants Mag. v. 15:468. Todd, C. B. Fulton and his steamboats. (In his Story of the City of New York. N. Y. 1898.) Woodcroft, Bennet. Sketch of the origin and progress of steam navigation. Lond. 1848. Wright, H. C. History of the first steamboat. (In her Children s stories in American history. N. Y. i897.) RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO*- 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW Allfi 1 Q 4QO3 nvu 1 <* IbOO RECEIVED BY AUG 1 7 < CIRCULATION OEH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 BERKELEY LIBRARIES 186525