Ctig of lUrmingbam. Free Libraries REPEEENCE DEPARTMENT. AN INDEX TO THE SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL LIBRARY, FIRST I>ART. ENGLISH EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS, SEPARATE PLAYS AND POEMS. BIRMINGHAM : PERCIVAL JONES LIMITED. TOWN HALL PUNTING OFFICES, S7-89, EDMUND .STREET. 1900. CONTENTS. English Editions of Shakespeare's Works in chronological order ... 1 Selections of the Works of Shakespeare, in alphabetical order ... ... 14 English Editions of the Separate Plays 16 Plays ascribed to Shakespeare... 47 English Editions of the Poems ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 Citv of il§ 36triniiuibam. FREE LIBRARIES, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. •♦-«•>-< AN INDEX TO TEIR Sbahespeare /Hbemorial iLtbrai^, BY A. CAPEL SHAW, Chief Librarian. BIRMINGHAM PEBCIVAL JONES LIMITED, TOWN HALL PRINTING OFFICES, 87-80 EDMUND STREET. 1908. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE. Part 1 (pp. 1 — 52 and Wrappers) published in 1900. Part 2 (pp. 53 — 166 and Wrappers) published in 1901. Part 3 (pp. 167—266, i.— viii., and Wrappers) published in 1903. Collation pp. i. — viii , 1 — 266 (pp. 166 and 266 blank). LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA . . \ P R YC F A C K FTIHE proposal for a Shakespeare Memorial Library was made by *~^ Mr. Samuel Timmins in 1858, and first publicly advocated by Mr. George Dawson in 1861. The following extract from the letter sent by Mr. Dawson to Aris's Gazette when proposing the scheme, will serve to show the nature and scope of the Library which the founders desired to establish : — "1 want to see founded in Birmingham a Shakespeare " Library which should contain (as far as practicable) every "edition and every translation of Shakespeare; all the "commentators, good, bad, and indifferent ; in short, every " book connected with the life or works of our great poet. "1 would add portraits of Shakespeare, and all the pictures, " etc., illustrative of his works." The project was further considered by the local Shakespeare Club in June, 1863; and on July 10th, 1863, a meeting was held at the Philosophical Institution, Cannon Street, the Rev. Charles Evans in the chair, at which a Committee was formed Mr. John Henry Chamberlain, Mr. George Jabet, and Mr. Sam Timmins were appointed Honorary Secretaries, and Mr. .John . I affray Honorary Treasurer to the fund, and many donations were secured. On April 23rd, 186-1, the Tercentenary of Shakespeare's birth. a public breakfast was given by the Mayor, W. Holliday, Esq., at the Royal Hotel, and on this occasion a large collection of editions of Shakespeare's works and of literature relating to them was accepted by the Mayor, and subsequently by the Corporation on behalf of the town, together with about £450 in money to be spent by the Memorial Committee in the purchase of books. The conditions on which the presentation was made were:— (1) That a special room, to be called the Shakespeare Memorial library, and to be exclusively used for that purpose, should be appropriated to the Collection. (2) That the Library should be placed under the same regulations as the Free Reference Library. (3) That the Library he maintained and augmented by the Free Libraries Committee, and all works of the same class purchased by them, or by the Shakespeare Memorial Committee, be placed and arranged in the Shakespeare Memorial library. In accordance with these conditions, the Town Council provided a suitable room set apart for the Shakespeare Library in the Central Reference and Lending Libraries, and, after various unavoidable delays, the Shakespeare Library was completed, and opened to the public by Thomas A very j Esq., Mayor, on the 23rd of April, 1868. In the evening a Banquet was given by his Worship in celebration of an event reflecting so much honour on the town, and in recog- nition of the generous labours of the Shakespeare Memorial Library Committee, consisting of his Worship the Mayor, M. D. Hill, Esq., Q.C., Rev. S. Bache, Rev. G. D. Boyle ; Mr. J. Thackray Bunce, Mr. J. H. Chamberlain, Mr. George Dawson, Mr. Sebastian Evans, Bev. Charles Evans, Dr. Bell Fletcher, Mr. James Freeman, Mr. William Harris, Dr. Heslop, Rev. T. N. Hutchinson, Dr. Ingleby, Mr. John Jaffray, Mr. George Jabet, Mr. G. J. Johnson, Mr. J. A. Langford, Mr. Thomas Lloyd, Mr. Thomas Martineau, Mr. William Martin, Mr. C. E. Mai hews, Mr. Arthur Ryland, Mr. George Shaw, Mr. W. L. Sargant, Mr. J. H. Stack, Mr. Samuel Timmins, Mr. Edmund Tonks, and Rev. Charles Vince. At the date of opening, the Memorial Library consisted of 1,239 Volumes. It was increased every year by purchases and gifts until the collection reached a total of 7,(JO0 Volumes, when it was almost entirely destroyed in the disastrous tire of January 11th, 1879, only about 500 Volumes being saved. V. With characteristic energy the Committee of the Shakespeare Memorial Library at once set to work to repair the disaster. A Special Meeting of the Subscribers was held a few days after the fire— viz., on January 24th, 187!), and the honorary secretaries were instructed to prepare a statement of the facts and an appeal for assistance in restoring the library. So successful was this appeal, that at the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers, held on April 23rd, 1879, under the chairmanship of the Mayor, Jesse Collings, Esq., the Committee were able to report that 550 Volumes had been acquired, in addition to those saved from the tire, making a total of 1,078 Volumes, which would form the nucleus of the new Library. They reported also that the Free Libraries Committee, in their plans for the new buildings, had pro- vided a much larger and better room than had previously been avail- able, and that there was reason to believe that at no distant date the Shakespeare Library would not only be restored to its former importance, but that it would form, in many respects, a more fitting memorial to Shakespeare than the Library which had been destroyed. This expectation has been fully realised. In June. L882, when the restored Central Libraries were opened, the Shakespeare Library already contained about 4,000 volumes, and among these was included a copy of the first folio (1623) in excellent condition, a luxury which the former Library had never been able to afford. The Library also possessed copies of the second folio (1632), third folio, first issue (1663), third folio, second issue (1664), and fourth folio (1685), and a set of the reprints of the early quartos (48 volumes) facsimiled by Mr. E. W. Ashbee. The new home of the Shakespeare Library, on which special cart' in decoration was lavished, is a fine room, Elizabethan in design, having enclosed book cases throughout, and enriched wherever possible with earned panelling. VI. Year by year the Memorial Library Committee had the satis- faction of reporting numerous and valuable additions to the Library, until at the present date it is far larger and more complete than the former Library, the loss of which seemed at first almost irreparable. The library now contains 1.1,489 volumes, of which 2,196 have been presented. Among the principal donors, are the following : — Shakespeare Memorial Library Committee, Our Shakespeare Club (Birmingham;, Samuel Timmins, Esq., J.l\ J. Staunton, Esq., of Longbridge, Mrs. Mary Cowden-Clarke, and the late Mr. John D. Mullins, Chief Librarian of the Birmingham Free Libraries when the Shakespeare Memorial library was founded, who bequeathed the sum of 100 guineas, free of legacy duty, to be invested, and the income derived from such investment to be applied annually, on or about the 23rd of April in each year, in the purchase of a book or books for the Shakespeare Memorial Library. In the compilation of the Index to the Shakespeare Memorial Library, which is now finished, the Chief Librarian has been greatly assisted by Mr. Walter Powell, the Deputy Librarian, to whose care and labour it owes much of its completeness. A. C. S. Reference Library, Birmingham, July, 1003. CONTENTS. Title Page i. Bibliographical Note ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ii. Preface ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... jii. Contents... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vii. English Editions of Shakespeare's Works ... ... ... ... ... 1 English Editions of Shakespeare's Works. "Selections" ... ... 14 English Editions of the Separate Plays ... ... ... ... ... 1(1 English Editions of Plays ascribed to Shakespeare ... ... ... ... 47 English Editions of the Poems ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 English Shakespeariana ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 German Editions of the Works of Shakespeare ... ... ... ... L67 German Editions of Shakespeare's Works. "Selections" ... ... 169 German Editions of the Separate Plays ... ... ... ... ... 170 German Editions of Plays ascribed to Shakespeare .. ... ... 182 German Editions of the Poems ... ... ... ... ... ... L82 German Shakespeariana ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 184 French Editions of the Works of Shakespeare ... ... ... ... 224 French Editions of Shakespeare's Works. " Smaller Collections and Selections" 224 French Editions of the Separate Plays ... ... ... ... 225 French Editions of the Plays ascribed to Shakespeare ... ... ... 231 French Editions of the Poems and Sonnets ... ... ... . ... 233 French Shakespeariana ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 231 Miscellaneous editions of Shakespeare's Works and Shakespeariana: — Bohemian 240 Croatian 24] Danish 241 Dutch 243 VIII. .Miscellaneous editions, etc. Finnish ... Flemish ... Frisian ... Greek Hebrew ... Hungarian Icelandic... Indian Italian ... Latin Norwegian Polish Portuguese Eoumanian Russian ... Euthenian Serbian ... Spanish ... Swedish ... Welsh ■ontiiiitcd . 246 247 247 247 249 249 250 251 252 256 256 257 258 258 259 261 262 262 263 265 BIRMINGHAM FREE LIBRARIES. AN INDEX TO THE Shakespeare Memorial Library. Founded April 23rd, 1864, THE TEBCENTENABY OF SHAKESPEABE'S BIBTH. Opened, April 23rd, 1868. Destroyed by Fire, January, 1879. Re-opened, June, 1882. ENGLISH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE Number. FIRST FOLIO, 1623. ,_ares Comedies, Histories, lisrued according to the True Originall Copies i agg a"i! ana m. mount Size. Date. 35470 Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. rub- m ^. ■ • ii r% ;__ Printed by Isaac I h^o FIRST FOLIO, 1623. REPRINTS AND FACSIMILES. 62386 Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies ^^SS 1 "' f ol 1807 [Reprint by E. and J. Wright] [with Pericles] Printed for Lional Booth, ... 4tO 18o4 Re-printed for Lionel Booth, ... ... 4tO 1854 , Re-printed for Lionel Booth. ... ... IOi lo04: lOQI 2 Fac-simUe by Photo-Lithography, (H. Staunton.) fol 1866 -, M , In reduced facsimile; introduction by J. O. William Shakespear's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, Seven Plays, Never before Printed in Folio. The Fourth TPrU+Jz-vT-i Printed for H. Herrimrinan, HiUlllUn ... ... . . ... ... ... E. Brewster and RBentley. 1685 Number. 70514 71648 32319 62369 85054 26601 90071 42721 89595 84024 84505 4211 16194 26608 16210 16219 87708 52818 89603 62360 62829 75352 2671 110991 86690 2696 LATER EDITIONS. The Works of Mr. William Shakespear Revi * yx $% c Z™tkT th Ut *' [Vol. 7 only. Large paper, with] L Frontispiece J Revis'd and Corrected, wit 1 Life, by X. Rowe. Esq. The Works of Shakespear °%^_$l_%$__^_%£ The Works of Mr. William Shakespear PubUsh ^ r b |eweiL opeand ••• Note.— Vols. 1 and 10 have a general Title-page, "The Works of Mr. William Shakespear." London: Knapton, etc.— Vols. 2 to 9. The Title-page reads "The Works of Shakespear." London : Tonson. The Works of Shakespeare with Notes by Mr. Theobald, A. Bettesworth, etc. The Dramatick Works of William Shakespear printed by b. walker The Works Of Shakespeare [mis-dated 1635.] J. Tonson, etc. ... with Notes by Mr. Theobald. The Second Edition. H. Lintott, etc. Oxford Revised and Corrected [by Sir T. Hanmer]. Adorned with Sculptures. Revised and Corrected [by Sir T. Hanmer] J. and P. Knapton, etc. • • • with Notes by Mr. Pope and Mr. Warburton J. and P, Knapton, etc. from the Oxford Edition of 1744 [Hanmer's] John Osborn. • • • from the Oxford Edition of 1744. [Hanmer's] J. and P. Knapton, etc. The Works of Shakespear The Works of Shakespeare ^ thNotesb J.l„ T p b Kntpton h ete hirdEdlti011 TMlP Wnvlr« nf S-sholroaT-ioov with Author's Life, Glossary, Indexes, etc. -Hit) VVUIHb Ul OUdKebpeai [___& by H . B1 _ ir] Edinburgh W. Sands, etc. with Author's Life, Glossary, Indexes, etc. Sold by A. Hanson, etc. The Works of Shakespeare The Works of Shakespear with Notes by Mr. Theobald. C. Hitch, etc. from the Oxford Edition of 1744 [Hanmer's] C. Hitch, etc. with Author's Life, Glossary, and Indexes. [edited by Blair] Edinburgh Kincaird, etc. The Works of Shakespeare with Notes by Mr. Theobi The Plays of William Shakespeare ™*__?_7____]__ m with Notes by S. Johnson Dublin A- Leatbley, ete. The Works of Shakespear Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare CoUat ( 5 d ^ C B. b ? _|^ evens Collated and Corrected by Mr. Pope Glasgow : Printed by R. and A. Foulis No. of Vols. Size. Date. 7 8vo 1709-10 1 8vo 1710 9 duo 1714 7 4to 1723-25 10 duo 1728 7 8vo 1733 7 duo 1734-35 8 duo 1735 8 duo 1740 6 4to 1743-44 6 8vo 1745 8 8vo 1747 9 duo 1747 9 duo 1748 9 duo 1750-51 8 duo 1752 8 duo 1753 8 duo ?1753 8 duo 1757 9 duo 1760 8 duo 1761 8 duo 1762 8 8vo 1765 10 duo 1766 8 duo 1766 4 8vo 1766 English Editions of Shakespeare's Works. Number. 62661 90207 16052 62352 581] 32621 91729 94614 5975 16082 16128 45485 16021 16074 27713 90217 84290 16259 19056 16135 65842 16304 62677 16260 16263 62390 16013 16102 2681 52835 16248 84039 53776 84348 16094 84370 16239 16110 16177 26201 90980 84687 62377 60576 16145 26224 No. of Vols. The Works Of Shilkespeare With Notes by Mr. Theobald. (H.W Hall, cm ... 8 with Corrections, etc, from Various Commentators (Edinburgh : Printed by Martin a- Wothers] a) 10 Size. Date. duo 1767 duo 1767 Mr "William Shakespeare, his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Introduction, etc, [by Capell] |J. and li. TonBonj The Plays of William Shakespeare The Works of Shakespear The Works of Shakespeare The Works of Shakespear The Plays of Shakespeare The Works of Shakespeare with Notes by Sam. Johnson ill. W oodfall, etc.) From Mr. Pope's Edition (Birmingham : Printed and Bold by R. Marti with Author's life, Glossary, Indexes, etc E linburgh. Printed by Rtiddtman and Co. with Author's life, Glossary, Indexes, etc. (Edinburgh: Printed by A. Donaldson) with Illustrations (Birmingham: Printed by X. Boden) [vol. 3 only] adorned with Sculptures. The Second edition [Edited by Sir T. Hanmer] (Oxford) with Author's Life, Glossary, Indexes, etc. [Edited bj n. Blair] (Edinburgh, Printed by A. Donaldson) From the Text of I>r. s. Johnson. Introduction of Mr. Capell. (T. Ewiug, Dublin) with Notes hy Mr. Theobald. (B. Crowder, etc) The Plays of William Shakespeare ^SKSS"" 5 The Works of Shakespeare with Notes by Mr. Theobald, Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays YS&8SS&S1 (C. Bathurst, etc.) (C. Bathurst, etc) with Notes by the Authors of "The " [F. Gentleman] 10 duo? 1760-68 8 8vo 1768 9 duo 1768 8 duo 1769 8 duo 1769 duo ?1770 4to 1770-1 duo 1771 duo 1771 duo 1772 8vo 1773 duo 1773 duo 1774 8vo 1774 1 6 8 7 12 10 NOTE.— Title Pages of the Plays dated 1773 The Plays of William Shakspeare SjftES K££T$ff ffiEfl Stockdale's Edition of Shakspeare ^S^^^SauiS? 1 The Plays of William Shakspeare ^W&$T%MvSr22&--- The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere [ JW S3Sgj£bS lth ] [Title Pages of the Plays dated from 1784-89] The Plays of William Shakspeare ^JftE&XJg: WS : The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare gS^&^^tSSwri The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere p^gSS'] [Title Pages of the volumes dated 1788 ; those of indivi Shakspeare's Dramatic Works IndexbyA |^^ 12 8vo 1778-80 1 8vo 1784 10 8vo 1785 11 duo 1786 7 duo 1786-90 6 8vo ?1786-91 20 duo 1788 [Title Pages of the volumes dated 1788 ; those of individual Plays. 1786, 1781',, etc.] with a striking likeness of O Qv-n e. J. Stockdale ° ovu Index by Ayscough : with a striking Likeness Q ft-yn of Shakspeare : Dublin, W.Jones. " w * u The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare ^dV^ Baidw^f 10 in 11 8vo ... 8 8vo The Plays of William Shakspeare r^S^eMSSS etc] ••• The Dramatick Works of William Shaksepear ^SuSS^kS^ The Plays of William Shakspeare ^^^TS^^SSa The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare ^ n by f. "$£*, The Works of William Shakespeare ^ffifeatt^ with Author's Life, Glossary. Indexes, ete [from Blair's Edition, 1763] Glasgow Printed for Bellamy and Bobarts [Plates bear dates 1787—8- -9, etc.] 8 15 16 8 The Plays of William Shakspeare The Plays of William Shakespeare The Plays of William Shakspeare The Works of William Shakspeare The Dramatic Writings of Will. Shakespeare ^ffift^Ed&Si printed for T. Longman, ete. from Steevens's last Edition with Notes by [Nichols] (T. Longman, etc) To Which is added a Glossary. (G. G. & 3. Robinson, ete.) The Plays of William Shakspeare ["differs from the preceding in some details i steevens's last Edition. Printed by II. Baldwin and Son - [ d duo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo duo duo duo 1790 1791 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1795 1796 1797 1797 1797 1798 1798 ]798 Notes by Johnson and Steevens OQ B vn 1 700 1 Q(V) .-issueoftondon Edition of 1793] (Basil) -" [Harding's Edition, with Plates] Printed by T. Bensley (Title Pages to separate Plays dated variously lTi'K-'J) [Plates wanting] 12 duo 1800 The Works of Shakespeare I Head of Shakespeare in Title] Bern Ick Printed by J. Taylor 12 9 [vol. 9 only] 1 The DraniaticlAVritingsofWill. Shakspere |St| , : ,J. , ';;!! i ;.^:i::; 1 , 'J 7s4 . etc.] 20 The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare $%%%£ ',/;, ';;;" : k . 8 duo 1800 duo 1800 duo 1800 duo 1801 duo 1801 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birming-ham. Number. 2351 15994 26617 16119 89617 77086 32863 25630 52652 10511 22361 84302 100533 16266 2701 16268 99659 147081 The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare Revised by G. Steevens. Printed by Bulmer and Co. for Boydell and Nicol . Plates, from Designs by Fuseli, etc. . . . m1 -i-ji fTX7'li: GU n l»-nv><-invn with Notes by Johnson and Steevens. ThePlaySOf \\ lllnUlibhakspeare The fifth edition. Revised by Keed. from the text of Steevens, with Glossarial Notes (J. Johnson, etc.) No. of Vols. .Size. Date. 9 fol 1802 2 fol 1803 21 8vo 1803 9 duo 1803 10 8vo 1803 10 8vo : L 803-5 -Duplicate of preceding on extra fine paper. Wants Vols. 9 and 10 Printed by T. Bensley : for Wynne and Scholey Sharpe's Edition Printed by C. Whittingham .10 8vo 1803-5 9 24rno 1803-4 . 9 duo 1804 from the Text of Steevens. Notes ; Life, &c, by A. Chalmers, with Engravings (Fuseli) The Plays of William Shakspeare in Miniature The Plays of William Shakespeare Edinburgh : printed by t. Tumbuii. The Plays of William Shakspeare ^g^^iS^^ST "' 20 du0 1804-13 9 8vo 1805 10 8vo 1805 17 duo 1805-9 2 8vo 1806 duo 8vo with Notes by Johnson and Steevens Revised by I. Reed. Esq. (Philadelphia) The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare published hyw.Muier The Plays of William Shakspeare »***<** K&!$ ,ley Wood ... The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare jBag *%ysSS&Ep a * a * i [Two Title Pages, but only one pagination, from p. 1 to 1079, with Portrait as in 1784 Edition] The Family Shakespeare [expurgated by T. Bowaier.] Printed by R.Crutlwell, Bath The Dramatick Works of William Shakespeare J ° tas °"' s Prefece . * ft 14 2 1806 1807 [Vol. 9contai 84492 4042 52826 62386 16001 111008 91725 16031 4281 65741 84430 88619 100532 142801 4471 140225 111001 89666 112759 86710 98247 85191 86698 16270 84439 16227 2715 69385 The Plays of Shakspeare The Plays of William Shakspeare Boston [U.S.] A Philosophical Analysis of some of Shakespeare's Characters," by W. Richardson, 180«] from the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed (Longman, etc.) from the Text of Johnson and Steevens with Plates. (J. Stockdale) Printed by T. Davison for Wynne and Son and Scholey • • • Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Printed by I. laggard and Ed. Blount, 1623 [Reprint by E. and J. Wright] The Plays of William Shakespeare from the 00 ™$^%Z % ^ a , c Reed ' Esq - The Works of William Shakspeare Rev ^^^L^T on ••• The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare J^gf^STStaSSS Trip Plnv« r»f Williom Sill Venpnvp from the Text of Steevens. Notes; Life, &c, J.11B -riciybOi William Dliaivbpeaie i, y A. Chalmers, with Engravings (Fuseli) from the Text of Steevens, with Glossarial Notes. Printed for J. Nichols, etc. 4 9 12 6 duo duo 8vo 4to 8vo fol 1807 1807 1807 1807 1807 1807 from the Text of Johnson, Steevens (J. Forsyth) The Plays of Shakspeare The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare p r r w nte The Plays of William Shakspeare itli Engravings from Thurston's Drawings] from the Trxt of Isaac Reed, Esq. Boston [U.S.], C. Williams with Notes by Johnson and Steevens Revised by I. Reed. The sixth edition, The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare Whitti cSck Edition Preface by Dr. Johnson (Whittingham and Arliss) The Works of William Shakspeare S'CSS Tile PlaVS Of ShakSDeare from tne Text ot Jonns ° n > Steevens, and Reed (Edinburgh The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare printed by d.s. Maurice The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare R £7 w e Y0 rk SldShS* The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare Whittingham 's Edition. Chiswick Note.— An impostor, has the title page of Wbittingham's Edition, but is printed by Maurice for J. Bumpus. The PUlVS Of Sllfl,kPfirP from the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed. - wjd yji kjucwvoijecut: Printed for Hurst, etc, by Ballantyne The PlaVS Of Shake Sneai*P from the Texts of Johnson, Steevens, andReed j "fvuiu Edinburgh: J.Robertson . . Carefully revised from the best Editions Printed for W. Allason, etc. Hamlet, and AS YOU Tjikp Tfc a specimen of a New Edition of Shakespeare , io j-uu jjirvo J.L [by Thomas Caldecott] (Murray) ■ a specimen of a New Edition of Shakespeare by Thomas Caldecott, Esq. (Murray) 12 8vo 1809 9 duo 1810-12 4 8vo 1811 9 8vo 1811 10 duo 1811 8 duo 1811 9 duo 1811 12 8vo 1812-15 1 8vo 1813 6 duo 1813 21 8vo 1813 7 duo 1814 7 duo 1815 16 duo 1816 9 duo 1817 8 duo ?1817 10 8vo 1817-18 7 duo 1818 9 duo 1818 2 8vo 1819 9 duo 1819 9 duo 1819 1 8vo 1819 1 8vo 1820 Number. 100622 52667 45610 43685 56141 110294 87119 16272 74322 59868 86678 16273 84254 16274 52902 113298 16040 84421 85628 12975 77052 16277 16276 147091 32270 24346 97192 98638 49619 111965 84410 2661 84616 89615 16278 52798 84216 85938 84201 25479 123344 85491 89616 16279 85247 English Editions of Shakespeare's Works. The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare ^rinSMta* 1 TheDramaticWorksof William Shakespeare fr^^S&yS* The Family Shakespeare * ThomM tm tS&. .'■'.•'" S The Dramatic Works of Wm. Shakspeare The DramaticWorks of William Shakespeare ' The Dramatic Works of William Shakspere (BrotJrt'ichuman from the Text of Johnson and Steevena (Bumpus) etc. from the edition of I. Beed, ,,. i.i. Walker, etc) [Vol. XL, 1820J The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare *j£*u£ZJffi&2? (J. Walker, etc I to which are added hla — " Miscellaneous Poems. (Rherwln and Co.) The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare ^ B ^w ad c?o^Kr WMttfttor ThePlays and Poems of William Shakspeare ""fcS&IJtfSSw^ J (Rlvington, etc.) The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare f "'S, lk ;! i £. etcf' Plays and Scenes, with Notes by Rev. J. K. Pitman Printed by J. F. Rove from the text of Johnson, Stevens, and Heed, with Notes, etc., by Kowe No. of Vols. Size. Date. 3 duo 1820-1 8vo 1820 duo 1820 24mo ?1820 duo 1821 8vo 1821 1821 1821 12 10 8 9 12 The School- Shakspeare The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare with Glossary Stiswiik Printed by C.Whlttingham 6 1 3 21 12 1 1 1 1 The Complete Dramatic Works and Miscellaneous Poems of William Shakspeare Notes &Ufe. byN. Rowe. Printed for J. H. Bohte ... The DramaticWorks of William Shakespeare ^^ffiS&SS?- The Dramatic Works of Wm. Shakspeare S^^bSS^E? The Plays of William Shakspeare ^fr&ZffiEg&F'™--- from the text of Steevens and Malone. Notes; Life, etc;., by A. Chalmers • ■ ■ from the corrected copy of Steevens, with Notes, (Rlvington, etc.) The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ffigZft&lEffiS.) edited by C. H. Wheeler (Caxton Pressl Revised by I. Reed, Esq. ew York : Collins & Haunt from the corrected copy left by Steevens. (Otridge and Rackam) Note.— This copy contains German Plates. The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare by Thomas Bowdler, Esq. The Fourth Edition (Longman, Hurst, etc) The Family Shakspeare The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare (w. Pickering, etc.)... The PlayS Of Shakespeare [Pickering's Miniature Edition) TViq Pl„„r, ~f dhnVonoovfl text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed ; with Embellishments ine -ClayS Ol bnaKSpeaie by Thurston. (W. Sharpe, etc.) text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed ; with Embellishments by Thurston. (J. Bumpus, etc.) The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare duo 8vo duo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 1821 1821 1822 1822 1822 1823 1823 The Plays of William Shakspeare The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare [with appendix] Leipsic, e. Fleischer The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare Br ^ffi i n5S^ on Printed for J, Walker, etc from the text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed, (New-York : s. King] Life bv Rev. W. Harness (Saunders and OUey, etc) 1 12 9 1 8 10 1 1 10 10 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 2 8vo 1824-26 12 duo 1825 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1824 1824 1824 1821 2 8vo 1825 r T 1 V,aW/-.r.Va nf Qhotonaova with Memoir, etc., by W. Harvey, Esq. land Jansen Portrait) ine W OIKS 01 baakspeaie F ,„ proprietors "i the •• London Stage" The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare (Pickering) The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare "§E*"*S3 *£ffESl Notes, etc, by N. Rowe, Esq. with Notes by s. W. Singer " ~ Chlswlck: C. Whittingham The Plays of William Shakspeare tm ^SS^^S^SS£SS^ ... from the text of Steevens and Malone. (C. and J. Rlvington ; etc.) from the t.-xt of Steevens and Malone. (Hurst, Robinson, and Co.) London Stereotype Edition. (J. I-'. Dovi edited by C. ii. Wheeler. London Stereotype Edition. Printed for k. Thurston, etc with Life by C. Bymmi " (J. Carpenter and Son, etc.) _ from the text of Johnson, Stevens, and Heed, with Notes, etc., by N. Kowe, Esq, 10 11 9 1 1 1 1 1 10 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8vo 1825 duo 1825 8vo 1825 duo 1825 8vo 1825 8vo 1825 8vo ?1825 duo 1826 8vo 1826 duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 1826 1826 1826 1826 1827 1827 1827 1827 Number. 89619 16280 90791 80801 33896 16281 26232 84215 139421 75473 82950 140232 84579 89612 26212 84345 50496 87809 89630 85106 141880 89645 110556 84764 81133 84315 45637 97267 32262 89794 26244 16282 89644 57044 88904 89793 97165 89641 43495 114715 59329 90206 84599 70801 50497 90375 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 'VV^n T?„w,il„ Ql,ol;unQo™ by Thomas Bowdler, Esq. The Fifth edition ine ramil\ hnaKspeaie (Longmanrifees, e tc.j The PhlYSOf William Shakspeare »^ «^ ** tfMj^ «d Itatai. ___ The Dramatic Works of Win. Shakspeare ^h^'l^Z^I The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare Priu ted by c° andlfwhittingham ••• The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare Mccan^'rtDavis. NOT) Vol, II. 'Int. -U 1824. Edited by C. H. Wheeler. ICaxton Press) Shakspeare's Dramatic Works Frankfort o.m. s. schmerber ... The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare Edite (r jaxton V"^ Edited by C. H. Wheeler. (Fisher, Son & Co.) with Life by C. Symmons, (Chlswick : C. Whittingham) ManselPs Pocket Shakspeare inos. ito43] Shakspeare's Dramatic Works [and Poems] wi # ___ fS*f. b J ?°) V - The Comedies, Histories and Tragedies of Shakespeare (w. Pickering TheDramatic Works and Poems ofWilliam Shakspeare t w!h££? and Life by C. Symmons, (New York) The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare '^JS^^'MSS? The Family Shakspeare by Thomas ^S ( Re ™e£!f '' Edition ' The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ^li'^ik^lwhfttingilln., from the text of Johnson. Stevens, and Reed, with Notes, etc., by N. Kowe. Esq. Edited by C. H. Wheeler (Fisher, Son & Co.) from the text of Steevens. Hartford, Con. : Andrus & Judd from the text of Steevens. Hartfi ird.Ct. : Silas Andrus ■ (Moon, Boys & Graves) The PlayS Of William ShakspearefromtextofSteevensandMalone. (T.Tegg.etc.) Hnmlot, nnrl A o Von T.iL-o Tf a specimen of an Edition of Shakespeare, by Thomas amies, ana AS IOU J-llKe It caidecott, Esq. Printed for the Editor by W. Nicol The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare edited [printed and puhiished] by ># The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare Ed |mshe?.son"&co e .) ler The Plays of William Shakspeare from the Yt x T 0f aidj V Te g |) ld Malone ' ••• The Poems and Plays of William Shakspeare ilu 7s r cftt°and\tt t e I r) etc ' Shakspeare's Complete Works withJohD "7 S eo P ufi'TwH!Ser) y; Life: eta --- The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare Leipsic: e. Fleischer The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakspeare ... with Notes, etc., by S. W. Singer, and Life by C. Symmons. New York : G. Dearborn The Plays of William Shakspeare fronithet fT.Ve f g| t and e son° dMalone ' ••• The School- Shakspeare edited by Rev. J. K. Pitman, second edition The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare Magnet Edition (w. m. ciark) ... The Plays of William Shakspeare from the te ( x T l : Te|g e and n son° d Malone ' ••• The Dramatic Works of W. Shakspeare Paris: Baudry ... The Complete Dramatic Works and Miscellaneous Poems ofWilliam Shakspeare (simpkin, Marshall, & co.) ... The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare p #Sitongham (chiswfck)" with Life and Notes. Boston [U.S.]: Milliard, Gray, and Company The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare ,rom ^^n^phia^TVirdi!' 6 " 6 " 8 The Plays of William Shakspeare b Z^ e l t HBniZT * - The Works of Shakspeare ^S^S^^^SZ^S^io^ - The Plays of William Shakspeare fr Totes!ufe t .rtc! e briTh d ai^r , s ne ' ••• The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare '"'^Alto BeiVand ST siC8] The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakspeare ... with Notes by S. W. Singer, and Life by C. Symmons, New Y'ork : Harper & Brothers No. Of Vols. Size. Date. 8 8vo 1827 1 duo 1827 9 duo 1828 8 duo 1828 2 8vo 1828 1 8vo 1828 10 duo ?1828 1 8vo 1829 1 8vo 1830 1 8vo 1830 1 duo 1830 6 duo ?1830 8 8vo 1830 i 1 duo 1831 2 8vo 1831 1 duo 1831 1 8vo 1831 1 duo 1831 1 8vo 1832 1 8vo 1832 2 8vo ?1832 2 8vo 1832 1 fol 1832 1 duo 1832 1 8vo 1832 15 duo 1832-34 1 8vo 1833 1 duo 1833 8 8vo 1833 1 8vo 1833 1 8vo 1833 2 8vo 1834 1 duo 1834 1 8vo 1834 5 duo 1834-36 1 duo 1835 1 8vo 1835 1 8vo ?1835 1 duo 1836 7 8vo 1836 1 duo 1836 1 duo 1836 1 8vo 1836 8 8vo 1837 7 48o 1837 2 8vo 1837 English Editions of Shakespeare's Works. Number. 16284 84588 40744 6049 33129 16285 16286 84587 33644 27154 98065 98265 113297 113315 102401 52799 85201 85379 90031 89798 16287 33148 56201 64799 113080 84330 98064 84312 85303 12218 117233 45253 31659 16288 43700 90992 7356 80784 52597 27145 139848 33125 33134 91724 90551 No. of Vols. Size. The Dramatic Works of WUnamShakspeajre^S^on^nTjShnt^ 8 ' (Charles Mason) Remarks on his Life, etc., by T. Campbell iK. Moxon) with a Ufa, and Glossary and Illustrations [C. 'inn--- from tli I it i, .ns ofSteevens, Malone and Johnson (C. Dalyi Illustrated British Classics. Second Edition Published for the Proprietor Shakspeare's Dramatic Works The Plays of William Shakspeare From tlir text ofSteevens and Mai (T. TeggandSon, efc .) from tlir text of Steevi ns ami Mai Printed tor Longman and Co., etc. The Complete Works of William Shakspeare J iC; i ;;,; , >; i l:;, v ^i^;;; , :: r :r (Scott, Webster, and Ge'arj The Complete Works of Shakespeare with Life, bychaimera TheComplete Works of William Shakspeare A . c &rs e paris?Baudry The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakspeare ... with Notes by s. W. Singer, and Life by ('. SymmonB, New York : Harper A Brothel The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare RKdlyTsffisi. [New York) ' Newly arranged and edited [Fisher, Son & Co.) by Thomas Bowdler, Esq. The seventh edition (Longman, Orme, etc.) 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 48mo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo Date. 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 6 8vo 1839 i.i. W. Southgate.) The Family Shakspeare The Plays Of William Shakspeare Revised by S. Maunder The Complete Works of Shakespeare , n J^* f &g , SEK^ The Complete Works of William Shakspeare wlth w, e H^s Bev ' (Scott, Webster, and Geary) The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere 6 % t ^EdiMo n „f t 8 8vo [1839] -42 8vo 8vo 8vo duo ?1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 Krevised by S. Maunder. (J. W. Southgate and Son) with Memoir by Rev. \V. Harness. (Scott, Webster, and Geary The Plays of William Shakspeare The Complete Works of William Shakspeare (S( The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare i.eipsic: e. Fleischer The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare (Glasgow: D.A.Borrenstein) The Plays of Shakspeare Volume. Note. __ The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare Edinburgh The Family Shakspeare ,,y T - ^^ Brown* 5 !* 1 ) " Ji,i "" ••• The Complete Works of William Shakspeare 1 ub^ffiofiuG>S? Trip Work's nf fillfi.k'snPVP with Memoir, etc.. by Barry Cornwall, j-ue vvuiK-b Ui OUttK-bpeie Olustratedfrom designs by K. Meadows (R.Tyas) Knight's Cabinet Edition of the Works of William Shakspere [C. Knight & To. i The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare Leipzig: B.Tanchmi* The Complete Works of W Shakspere 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1 8vo 1842 12 8vo 1842-44 9 8vo 1842-53 1 1 1 3 11 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 1843 1843 1843 1840 1843 Paris : Batidrv The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare "yT.c^SSeU(E.Mox"n) The Works of Khilk^nPVP withMemoir etc., by Barry Cornwall, Illustrated J-iic YYUiASUi OUctlvb[JBie from designs by K. Mea.lous (W, S. Orr and Co.) The Plays Of William Shakspeare from thetext of Steevensand Malone (T.Tegg) The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare rr. Nelson, Edinburgh) The Complete Works of William Shakspearc^^^r.jlj'cMdley 7 duo 1843-44 9 8vo 1843-44 1 8vo 1844 8 8vo 1844 l duo 1845 8vo 8vo 1845 1845 8 Number. 97290 90800 89643 84617 90505 83528 89694 86719 89692 83597 83438 126540 96512 99207 111017 84313 52118 85859 89691 113079 83191 90202 33123 31704 110332 84618 89618 89796 16062 16289 32256 94536 94607 90032 87787 89693 87796 86575 54098 45265 45884 89613 52584 16290 52800 87795 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. The Works of William Shakspere ^JMSffiZSSF 1 - The Plays of William Shakspeare ^t^&T&X™™-- from the editions of Steevens, Malone, and ■ Johnson (G. Nodes) The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare it. Nelson, Edinburgh)... with Life, by C. Symmons 1 — — (Hartford, [U.S.]: Andrus) The Standard Edition of the Pictorial Shakspere $£&•"%) rVUrs WTnv\a nf QhoVonoro with Memoir, etc., by Barry Cornwall. Illustrated ine VV OlkS OI OliakSpeie from designs by K. Meadows. (W. S. Ore 4 Co.) •■■ The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare v < !a The Dramatic Works of Willliam Shakspeare it. Nelson and Bona] The Works of William Shakspere ^i^f &SAI^SSiS The Complete Works of Shakespeare with M T,' I '.' i [,";:,;i,„' >,l: ''""'" . • . The Complete Works of William Shakespeare MumgSnerj • • • The Complete Works of Shakespeare ^^^fig* *, Shakspere 's Werke '' Dellus (Elbe rf eld.] fotea in German] [English Text, with The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare fr.NetaonandSons)... The Family Shakspeare ''- v Tbomae ftSgSjfjfcSS e™ nth u,liti0 " The Complete Works of Shakespeare withuemoirbyA.chaimers(H.G.Bohn) The Plays of William Shakspeare f, '" m the *ffi ^SgEESff* Ma '°"" The Stratford Shakspere edited hyChaxles Knight (T. Hodgson) ... The DramaticWorks of William Shakspeare it. Nelson and sons) ... with Introductory Essay and Notes (Griffin and Company) with Notes, etc., by N.Rowe.F.sq. (G. Koutledge and Co.) The DramaticWorks of William Shakespeare L itebyLio%»enafd'&) The Plays of William Shakspeare to ^SSii^£!^aSlSSS' ; The Works of William Shakspere ^f^ i^; 4 T£r The Works of William Shakespeare totre ^KnT) A,Dyce ' ••• The Plays of William Shakespeare ii&S^iSgffig&w The Works of William Shakspere TX^I^^U^WuZ Companion Shakspere edited hyCharleB Knight (G. Koutledge & Co.) The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare S/(SS tEZEti Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems... edited by J. P. Collier. The Second Edition. (Whitlaker and Co.) The Complete Works of Shakespeare S££^&S&MS3 Memoir by Barry Cornwall : Illus- trated from Designs by K. Meadows. (London Printing and Publishing Co.) T'l-io T*1q\'o r%f QPiol/ooiiooi-Q edited by Howard Staunton. Illustrations by J. Gilbert ixie -ridys oi onaKespeaie (g. Bouaedgeandcaj The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare it. Nelson and sonsi . . . with remarks on his Life, etc. , by T. Campbell. (Koutledge, etc.) The Works of William Shakespeare "Sgg,^}!^^ 1 ""'... edited by R. G. White. Boston, [U.S.] Little, Brown, and Company The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare i£&E!tiuJaUJ& The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare tra V e ^Yori^ , iKtSd a AuJn* ed ' The Complete Works of William Shakspeare HaUfi £ ! w ^y ersnd ... The Works of William Shakespeare te %^^^^ti:;^'f : SViaVoanoaro'o 'Wrvrlre edited by Mary Cowden Clarke. OnaKespeaie S VYOrKS SewYorkrD. Appleton and Company The Stratford Shakspere edited by Charles Knight, (R. Griffin and Company)... The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare ^Tb^M" (Griffin, Bonn, and Co.) for Family Beading, by T. Bowdler Esq. (R. Griffin & Company) The Complete Works of William Shakspeare Mii JZ^ M ti. >•„ ,11 The Stratford Shakspere edited by Charles Knight. (Griffin, Bohn and Company 1... Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare ^SSS^toS^Smt W. Chambers No. of Vols, size Date. 1 8vo 1853 6 duo 1853-55 16 fol 1853-65 1 8vo 1854 1 8vo 1854 1 8vo 1854 1 duo 1854 1 8vo 1854 3 4to ?1854-56 7 8vo 1854-64 1 8vo 1855 1 8vo 1855 1 duo 1855 1 duo 1855 10 duo 1855-6 1 8vo 1856 1 8vo 1846 1 8vo 1856 10 duo 1856 8 8vo 1856 12 duo 1856 6 8vo 1857 1 8vo ?1857 1 8vo 1857 3 duo 1857-60 1 8vo 1858 6 8vo 1858 2 8vo 1858 3 8vo ?1858 3 8vo 1858-60 3 8vo 1858-61 1 8vo 1859 1 8vo 1859 8 8vo 1859 12 8vo 1859-65 5 duo 1860 1 8vo 1860 1 8vo 1860 8 duo ?1860 1 8vo 1860 6 duo 1860 1 duo ?1860 1 duo 1861 1 8vo 1861 6 duo 1861 10 duo 1861-63 10 Nnmber. 126753 86576 105588 83480 37739 2679 90812 113300 L6297 140258 33120 1G295 83493 63755 62651 35745 6056 16294 16296 82946 90819 86819 137467 86842 126534 57047 45875 140206 33112 16298 89611 86804 16299 12912 52854 90203 87773 84965 97161 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. withNotes.etc.byW.HazHtt. (Routledge, etc.) wiiii ii Memoir by A. Chalmers. ill. a. Bohn) Halifax : The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare mi t-ii C vt7;n;,™ QUolononvQ from the text of Steevens aond Malone. 1 hi! 1 lavS OI William bnaKSpeaie (Longman and Co., etc] The Complete Works of Shakespeare The Complete Works of William Shakspeare Milne r H a^d a soWert>y The Works of Shakespeare M ^!^SnSSS^STf im - The Dramatic Works [of] WilliamShakspeare"^^^;;:^^''' The Family Shakspeare byT.Bowdler, Esq. Newedition. (Longman, Green. etc.) The Complete Works of William Shakspeare Ha,i, ^ s ;,S' a11 ' 1 The Works of Shakespeare 1 ^£8S^}^?£™E*' The Works of William Shakespeare,,,;;;!::;;^^^,;;,,,!;:;^^;;!^,';^, The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare S^^S:,, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Ki V'Tc l ^T u ' h Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare ^nK-t^togfs 8 - ^ _ Introduction by H. G. Bell. " (W. Collins, Glasgow, etc.) from the Text of Steevens and Malone. (VV. Tegg) The Plays of William Shakspeare The Plays Of William Shakespeare edited by T.Keightley. (BellandDaldy) The Complete Works of Shakspere S&S'SSL' 1 :! Portraits of eminent Actors — with a Memoir. (J. Dicks) , . . The Complete Works of Shakespeare [ " ( '^™^?c^Z^y:X' u '' Dicks' Complete Edition of Shakspere's Works (J. Dicks, oneshtaingj Mr. William Shakespeares, Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies 1623 Re-Printed for L. Booth NOTE.— This copy contains " Pericles." The Reference Shakspere compiled by J. B. Marsh. (Simpkin, Marshall & Co.) The Works of William Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. Date. 4 duo 1862 1 8vo 1862 1 duo 1862 1 8vo 1862 3 8vo 1862-4 1 8vo 1863 1 8vo 1863 1 8vo 1863 11 duo 1863-64 9 8vo 1863-66 5 duo 1864 2 duo ?1864 1 8vo ?1864 1 8vo 1864 1 duo 1864 6 duo 1864 3 8vo ?1864 1 duo 1864 1 duo ?1864 1 8vo 1864 1 fol 1864 1 4to 1864 1 4to 1864 Globe edition, edited by \V. G. Clark and VV. A.Wright. (Macmillan and Co. ) edited by C. and M. C. Clarke (Bickers and Son) [Library Edition] edited by Howard Staunton. (Routledge, etc.) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Leipzig iBaumg&rtner The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare wi i,yH t G d Beu on ' Glasgow: Porteous Brothers The Family Shakspeare edited by T. Bowdler, Esq. (Longmans, Green and Co.) The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare e ^ e u y tod^f$) ey ' Cassell's Illustrated Shakespeare The Works of William Shakespeare The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere edited by I iharies Knight. The Second Edition, [with Biography, Third Edition] Re... Dicks' Complete Edition of Shakspere's Works u. Dicks, oneshmin The Complete Works of William Shakspeare ua J53fi£i M9t The Complete Works of William Shakespeare "ififSaSSS* The Plays of Shakespeare, edited by C. and M. C. Clarke edited by K. G. White. Boston [U.S.A.] : Little, Brown and Company 1 1 4 1 4 1 6 6 1 3 12 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 ?1865 1865 1865 1865 8 8vo ?1865-66 Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo Fac-simile of the First Folio of 1623 by Photo-Lithography, under the -uperintendence of H. Staunton. (Day & Son) Shakespeare The DramaticWorks of William Shakspeare with r e marf£ c on hi * «fe. etc., rp, - xr , (Routledge and Sons) Ine WOI'KS Of Shakesneare edited by Howard Staunton. Illustrations bv rp, r ^ J.Gilbert. (G. Routledge and Sons) lhe Handy- Volume Shaksoeare f B nwu>ury, Evans and co.) T«l TXT I ,„,,, . " [vol. 6 dated 1868] I lie Works Of William ShakeSDeai'P t,xt revised by A. Dyce. Second edition. r (Chapman and Hall) Globe Edition. Edited by VV. G. Clark and \V. A. Wright. {Macmillan and Co.) duo 8vo 8vo 8vo fol 8vo ?1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 3 8vo 1866 13 duo 1866-67 9 8vo 1866-67 1 duo 1867 English Editions of Shakespeare's Works. Number. 45864 82935 1231 86585 16302 16301 126551 110320 106713 102756 82941 43698 83495 28172 32254 31373 132978 14118 126764 97544 117464 16403 94527 51768 52117 32250 4451 4460 11793 4098 120372 15124 B9298 139793 60034 65053 46080 9875] 15639 L5627 16998 Blackfrlars Bdltl edited bj rii.nl. Knight IRouttedge and The Works of William Shakspere The Stratford Shakspere edited by Charles Knight. (C. Grlffln and Company! The Handy-Volume Shakspeare (Bradbury, Evans and Co.) ... The Plays of William Shakespeare 7 in The Works of William Shakespeare edited by T. Keightley. (Bell and Daldj - The Works of William Shakspere ^Med^Ion^ "Chandoa Classics i'. w II in and Company) • • • • • • Kilted by C. and U. C, Clarke, A Bon, i-i'M edited by Howard Staunton, (Routledge and s.msi The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare it. Nelson and Bona] The Works of Shakespeare ^n&^tfM HiSSST The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare wm ^:;;; 1 :.,;;!;.: i :;'I,^,,:!;', /,iM ' The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare """ "$?•«& •$%&*** Globe K.liii.Hi. Bdlted i .> w ,G Clark and No. of \ oI& Site. 1 duo 6 duo 13 duo 1 :i duo 1 duo 1 duo 4 8vo 8 8vo The Works of William Shakespeare W. A. Wright (Macmillan mi. I cm edited by Howard Staunton. IRouttedge and Sons] ,-,iit,-it b) C. and M. C. Clarke, »itii Qlustratlons from the " Boydell Gallei (Bickers and Sonl The Library Shakspeare mu8trated by8tJ - G ( ^^ e lSte) 8ha,,k,a,,dR - Dudlejr ' The Reference Shakespeare compiled by j. b. Marsh, (e. e. Barrett.] The DramaticWorks of William Shakespeare ^V', 1 ^ 1 ;"!!!^: 1 ^,!',';;, |rll..|.iilis.l,iwiipHilliric-;it.-(lSli:ik.- speare] (Chatto S Wlndus) Notes by S. W. Singer, Life by W. W. Lloyd. (Bell and Sons] printed in Phonography. (Birmingham i J, Th as) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare The Reference Shakespeare compiled by j.b. Marsh, is. b. Barrett) The T-Tnwnvfl RVin.lranaa.ra Shakspean i Dramatic Works, with Notes, etc, by Lilt XlUWcUU Dll.iKspt aie u „ |, {aanu rr. Nelson and Bon The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare nwfufebyvrOw. _ Lloyd. Third Edition. (Bel) and - Tip f-T'inmpf, Rhalranara ■' ling to the First Folio (spoiling i lornlsedl. K.III. .1 J-Iie n.Uimtl r>n,lKS]K re M LpTfi^ Edinburgh: Ed! isumandCo, ft Vol.1 The Complete Works of Shakespeare Eo^! ra fwaXffik'and , coj' The Leopold 8hakspere '""""" ^orDeUu^w^ta^urtionoj F.j.Fimrtvaii The Works Of Shakespeare edited from the best Text « Kent 40 8vo duo duo duo duo 6 8vo 2 8vo 11 Date. 1867 L867 1868 L868 L868 1868 1869 1869 1870 1871 ?1871 '.'1871 1873 1873 1ST 4 The Plays of William Shakespeare *^£££&? (CaSeu. etaf**" 1 The Works of William Shakespeare textw ^^„^ y £d&il? ledl, ' The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare " i " 1 ^^pt^ 8 *" 1 (Routledge and s.,nsi The Works of William Shakespeare edited %^J L a&) Ctata ••• Seduced Facsimile from the First Polio Edition .if 1628. (Chatto and Windus) edited by C. and M.C. Clarke, with Illus- trations from tii.- Boydell Gallery (Bickers ,\ Son) The Work's rif Rhakanara Imperial Edition, edited by Charles Knight with Illus- J-lie WOlKSOl OnariSpere trations from Pictures by C. W. Cope, etc! (Virtu Contains a Biography by C. Knight RVialf«m>r»i'k; WorL-o lii-raus.'. ■^.■l.rn nipl iikl.ni von Dellus. Vierte anflage. (Elburfoldl uuuauywti >> bitve [English Text, with Notes in German] Tli*! Wni'lfc nf Sili -i L-ueiiDn ro edited by Howard Staunton. Illustrations bj J. Gilbert J.ne \\ OIKS OI Dmih.espeaie (Routtedge and Sons] The Works of William Shakespeare mtw ^^^dwindus) lediaon The Leopold Shakspere ' "" " x ' Uus ' [cK^!) " 011 by K * K,m,lvi,n A NewVariorum Edition of Shakespeare pj^\ffl5 4 to Note, VoL 1, E and Juliet 2. Macbeth 3, 4, Hamlet B, King Lear S.Othello 7. Merchant of Venice g, Is You Like It », The Tempest 10, A Mldsomer's Night's Dreame 11, The Winter's Tale 12, Much Ado About Nothing, The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare ^2$eMeiS«tNniK! edited by J. P. Collier. Privately printed [one ol 58 Copl The Works of William Shakespeare ^^n^^^fX™ the Boydell Gal'lerv. (Bli-kern and Son] from the text of Clark and w right New v.. ik: T. V. CroweU ■ Arundel Poets (New Vi.iki 3 4to ?1873-5 1 8vo 1874 6 duo 1875 1 8vo 1875 10 duo 1875 1 duo 1875 3 4to ?1875 9 8vo 1875-76 1 8vo 1876 1 8vo 1876 1 8vo 1876 4 8vo is 7 6 2 4to V1876 3 4to ?1876 2 8vo 1876 3 8vo V1877 9 8vo 1877 1 8vo ?1877 8vo 1878, etc. 8 4to 1878 i 1 8vo 1878 1 8vo ?1879 1 duo ?1879 1 8vo 1879 1 duo 1879 10 duo 1879-81 8vo 1879, etc. 1 duo ?1880 1 8vo ?1880 12 2-lino L880 la Number. 114901 31871 43891 110331 45638 42564 52635 51737 125706 102685 52636 52605 74547 135310 51680 114953 59771 81251 70333 100642 75983 90783 103836 81328 86613 141890 97554 87109 103843 103855 102389 103823 116441 96591 102464 103856 103819 102688 103935 135276 96680 120284 94672 96844 Harvard Edition, with ■.. by Hudson, Boston U'.S.J dlted by W. Wagner and L. Proescholdt, Hambuig. K. Gradener edited by Steeyens and Malonc iXiuuiiu & Bitin) *•• 20 duo 1880-1 12 duo 1880-91 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. The Works of William Shakespeare ^^%^^^r b ^ on 10 8vo 1880-81 Complete Works of William Shakespeare-!^.' The Works of William Shakspere The Plays of William Shakespeare The Works Of William ShakspearSTne "Albion" Edition. (F.WameandCo.) The Waiksaf William Shrtespeare"^^ Hoi k. Bdltlon de luxe, Ho. 618. The Plays of William Shakspeare , " it ' d %^ T^n)^ one • • • The Works of William Shakspere *^%&2?XH*?!2£§£r Lewis's ShakespeajeiT^raiafa^KfSetf 3 The Royal Shakspere *» fche 1Vxt ofDeUus - ( Ss^ e u" t efe) ctlon by " J ' Funiiva11 . . . Shakspere's Works [Parchment Library] (Kegan, Paul, Trench, A Co.) The Works of William Shakspere 't^^S^t^&^SSST Dramatic Works of Shakespeare ^^SS'"v!" Complete Works of William Shakespeare revis N e ^ y s' J» xt (Ward, Lock and Co.) The Works of William Shakspere '""•^■gggJ^SS^ The Works of William Shakespeare editedby ( & c Te™ M *son) larke " ••• M 1 ' William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and PoemS [The Riverside Shakespeare], edited by B. 6. White. IS. Low, etc.) 1 1 15 1 1 1 3 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 4to 1881 ?1881 1881 1882 ?1882 ?1882 1882-3 12 duo 1882-83 3 duo 1883 8 8vo 1 8vo 1883 ?1883 duo 8vo 1883 1883 Boston, [U.S.]: Houghton, Mifflin and C > ith Preface, etc., by C. Sachs. and German. Leipzig : Schaefer Friendly Edition, edited by W. J. Rolfe [New York : Harper & Brothers] The Works of William Shakespeare Shakespeare's Works M r - William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories & Tragedies 1 3 8vo 1883 6 8vo 1883-84 37 duo 1884- [86] 20 duo 1884 duo 1884-5 11)23. Reprinted for W. Liu lli iw. Simpkln, Marshall & Co. NOTE.— Only four parts issued The text of the first edition (Chat-to & Windus) The Works of William Shakespeare M ^^t ^ £& K Ltca text revised by A. Dyce, fifth edition. (Swan, Sonnenschein, etc.) Dramatic Works of Shakespeare The Works of Willia Shakspere S Works [The Avon Edition] (Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.) ... The Illustrated Pocket Shakespeare eJgggfigZ&an Complete Works of Shakespeare 'pMe^huT: d^mck!^' The Works of William Shakespeare Shakespeare's Works The Reader's Shakespeare (Walter Smith) ... Shakspere's Works New York : D. Appleton and Company Th pWfll'lrQ (~>f Willi Q m SVintocnaQva Reduced Facsimile from the first FolioEdition i ne > v ui Kh ui vv iiium onanespeai e „, 1623 _ New York . Fimk & Wag ,,aiis The Works of Shakespeare Edited from the best texts (Casseii and co.) The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare ad %° %$£*£ g* V^;f"' (Ward, Lock and Co.) The Works of William Shakspeare [Ward aml Lock ^ pS ete Shaks i' e;m ' 8vo 7 duo 2 duo 8 48mo 4 8vo 8vo ) Pages] (Ward, Lock and Co.) The Works Of William Shakespeare [Victoria Edition] fMacmillan and Go.) 10 9 12 1 12 1 1 1 3 1885 1885 1886 ?1886 1886 1886 8vo 1886-7 duo 1887 8vo duo 8vo duo duo duo 1887 ?1887 ?1887 ?1887 ?1887 1887 [The " Ideal " Edition] Edited by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright New York : J. B. Alden. 13 duo 1887- Complete Works of Shakespeare ^SaS&S^S^ The Works of William Shakspeare ^^ffiSUSoST ••• The Works of William Shakespeare b^^^ES^c* The Works of William Shakspere ^S^SSSSt* edited by Charles Knight [Routledge's shilling Shakspere] V facsimile of the Text of the First Folio of WJ3 Illustrated by Sir J. N. Patou. (W. Mackenzie) The National Shakespeare The Works Of William ShakeSDeare Tl»« He ^y^ing Shakespeare! edited a Miicin.c,-3jJCcW. e , )V H In . lug an J F A Marshall, with _, illustrations by G. Browne. (Blackie & Son) Ihe Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies of Mr. William Shakespeare "" Banksl *J Shakespeare, edited by A. Morgan, New York 4 12 12 1 1 3 8vo 1888 duo 1888 duo 1888 duo 1888 duo ?1888 fol 1888-9 rhe Bankside Shakespeare, edited by L Morgan, ,.„ The Shakespeare Society of New York 8 8vo 1888-90 8vo 1888, etc. Number. 103824 102468 149104 106396 106392 140174 113078 132529 108589 127833 120753 126613 128416 131676 135408 136215 147773 139898 138174 138L71 138181 138151 138172 138173 139480 U1820 144701 146259 145255 149517 146818 English Editions of Shakespeare's Works. Complete Works of Shakespeare I^W S&J Shakespeare's Dramatic Works N ""- •/;.'/;- i , The Plays of Shakespeare •• h "" ll ,/ i The Works of William Shakspeare "" ,' on edition, edited by C\ Kni- lltoutledgei Sims| ThePictorialEditionoftheWorksofShakspere' The Works of William Shaksp The Works of Shakspere Tl " ■*"-' The Complete Works of William Shakespeare ' Clarendon Pre i txford The Works of William Shakspere ' lvon M "; '■ Twuc "' ... The Works of William Shakespeare ^.3?$^ 8 ft£SHffi I S The Plays of William Shakespeare Tk$gh3ej °\$X, amio The Works of William Shakespeare ' LT&SSK The Temple Shakespeare 'renicea otc., uj [.Gollanc*. (J. M. Dent and The Plays of William Shakespeare Tl " M ;Z^';. "■ ... Bell's lieader's Shakespeare byD. c. Beii (Hodderandstougnton) Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, Tragedies & Somiets [The Savoy Edition] (Eyre and Spotrtlsw le) ... The Works of William Shakespeare ^X^^ir' 1 The Leopold Shakspere Kl " 1 " ""■ " x ' '"' ■^JSa^S'S? 1 ™ by '' '' F '"" iva " 13 \ ole Si so, Date, 8 8vo L889 2 duo 1889 13 duo L890 8 8vo ?1890 1 duo L890 (i duo 1891 l duo ?1891 1 8vo L891 9 8vo ism 93 4 4 to L893 12 duo L893-98 40 duo 1894-96 8 duo ?1895 3 duo 1895 7 The Works of William Shakspeare ^'warneMdCaf 011 The " Universal (F. Warne and I o Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems [The Stratford-on-A von Shakespeare] (G. Newnes) Shakspei'e's Works [Avon Shakspere] (Kegan Paul. Trench, etc. I The Works Of William Shakspere AvonEdition. (Kegan Paul, Trench, etc.) The Works of William Shakspeare The Complete Works of William Shakspeare " The Pocket Falstaff" Edition of Shakespeare's Complete Works [Bltas. Sands & Co.) . . Shakspeare Handy- Volume Edition. (Brad -yAgnew&Co.) ... The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare " 1 ;, l ;.'',',:;^, l ); The Works of Shakespeare •^^i^So^E^S^™*^ ... I. •• Albion Edition (F. Warne and Co.) ••• Cardiff: Tudor Printing Works 8vo 1896 4to 1896 8vo[1896 8vo[1896 8vo 1896 8vo 1896 idlted by E. Dowden (Uethueu and Co.] The Chiswick Shakespeare oiustrated by Byam si»w. (G. Beii, 12 duo 1896 L2 duo 1896 1 8vo 1897 1 duo ?1897 1 fol 1897 40 duo 1 898 39 duo ?1898 10 duo 1899 10 duo 1899 8vo 1899, etc. duo 1899, etc. 14 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. ENGLISH EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. a SELECTIONS." This section includes only those Editions printed in Great Britain and the United States of America; Editions printed in Germany, France, etc., although in the English Language, will he found with the Foreign section to which they belong. Number. 57161 131676 83455 135277 135278 52083 135256 2715 69385 81133 151097 4208 79919 114480 50531 57033 82853 57015 33142 83435 24163 57030 102687 122934 2838 117464 16273 57044 16289 83460 16409 60208 145879 45500 Abridged and Revised for Girls Second Edition Baughan (Kosa) Shakespeare's Plays Bell (D. C.) Bell's Reader's Shakespeare Bowen (H. C.) The Shakspere Beading Book ^^XschSoK?' 8 Brandram (S.) Selections from Shakespeare suitable for recitation... Brandram (S.) Selected Pieces in Prose and Verse j .^ 'V^o-T, 1 V 7 V- Vt -, j Brandram (S.) Shakespeare 8elected plays ^gggg gSjft™ 8 '"' the Young . . . Caine (R. H.) Love Songs rfE ^Z*-S** [Caldecott (T.)] Hamlet and As You Like It B * a %$£*™Z* sam Caldecott (T.) Hamlet and As You Like It ^""ll^^Z^"" Caldecott (T.) Hamlet and As You Like It Bped T£S£S£^ f Comedies of "William Shakespeare with drawings by e. a. Abbey (New York) Cundell (H.) The Boudoir Shakespeare for reading aioud Dalgleish (W. S.) The Shakespeare Reader ^^"l^^t""^ ■ ■ ■ Dalgleish (W. S.) Great Speeches from Shakespeare's Plays with notes, and life of Shakespeare Ferguson (S.) Shakespearean Breviates (Dublin) Gilman (A.) Shakespeare's Morals (New York) ... Halliwell (J. O.) The Comedies of William Shakespeare ... Hows (J. W. S.) The Shakspearian Reader "^fejf- Kean (C.) Selections from the Plays of Shakespeare Kemble's (C.) Shakspere Readings edited by e. j. Lane Mathias (D.) The Prince's Shakespere expurgated for Families and _ Maxwell (Caroline) The Juvenile Edition of Shakspeare ... Miles (A. H.) The Shakespeare Reciter Millard (J. Oakley (B.) Selections from Shakspeare Phonography, Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare ... printed in Phonography. Vol.1. (Birmingham) [All published] Pitman (J. R.) The School Shakspeare "^"s"^*™^ ,v " 1 " Pitman (J. R.) Student's and School Shakspeare Third Edition .. Raymond (R. R.) Shakespeare for the Young Polk (New York).. Readings from the Plays of Shakspeare Routledge's Readings Select Comedies from Shakspeare (Boston tu.s.] ) Select Plays from Shakspeare for Edited by asiater] Notes No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1871 3 duo 1895-97 1 duo 1881 duo 1893 duo 1893 duo 1882 duo 1892 1 8vo 1819 1 8vo 1820 1 8vo 1832 4 8vo 1900 3 duo 1876-7 3 duo 1871 1 duo 1891 Shakespeare for Recitation 'V^^tfXt^tf edited by the Author of " Aids to Developement " selected and arranged by E. Kentledge. [Shakespeare {>]>. 12-60] 1 duo 1 duo 1 4to 1 duo 2 duo 3 duo 1 duo 1 duo 1 4to duo duo 1 duo 1882 1880 1854 1859 1860 1870 1867 1828 ?1886 1894 1828 1875 1 8vo 1822 1 8vo 1834 8vo ?1851 8vo ?1881 duo 1848 duo 91876 1 duo 1825 1 duo 1836 Number. 139247 145679 2786 57045 2696 103958 52081 145251 66798 English Editions of Shakespeare's Works. Select Plays of William Shakapeare with Notes, etc. [edited by -Howell] Selections from Shakspeare Chambers's Miscellany, Vol. 5, Tract SO Shakspeare for Schools by a Clergyman of the Church of England [C. Lenny] ... Smart (B. H.) Shakespearian Headings Steevens (G.) Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare... Ward (G. S.) Wit, Wisdom, and Beanties of Shakespeare... (BoBton :ui. I N.w York) Wordsworth (C.) Shakspeare's Historical Plays ^Sjetc!"* i Edinburgh and London! 15 ly] [Apparently a re-Issue of the preceding, with new title pagi Wykes (C. H.) The Shakespeare Eeader Biackiessci iSeries ... I^»-.r»Ur.V, Q^l^v/->firM-\c • see otoo in Shakesoeariana at Anthology, Iphorisms, Bartletl LingllSn OeieCLlOllS . Beover, Dodd, Extracts, Gems, Mottoes, Philosophy, el No. c Vols , Size. Date 1 duo ?1848 1 duo 1872 1 duo 1847 I duo 1842 4 8vo 1766 1 duo 1 887 3 duo 1883 3 duo 1893 1 duo L880 16 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. ENGLISH EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. This section includes only those Editions printed in Great Britain and the United States of America ; Editions printed in Germany, France, etc., although in the English Language, will he found with tin Foreign tertian to which the// Mow/. Number. 3347 All's 16392 All's 113347 All's 1783 All's 77862 All's 113427 All's 2717 All's 57429 All's 81213 All's 14610 All's 54872 All's 102487 All's 151253 All's ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. This Comedy was first printed in the folio collection of 1623 Well, that Ends Well printed by R. Walker Well, that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well Well that Ends Well As it is A. till ut tin- Theatres Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden with alterations by J. P. Kemble, Theatre Royal, Unity Lane Harding's Edition ... ... adapted to tin- Stage by J. P. Kemble, Theatre Royal in Covent Garden adapted to the Stage by J. P. Kemble, as performed at the Theatres Royal [Cumberland's British Theatre] (J. Cumberland) ... ... [French's Acting Edition of Plays. Vol. 113J with Notes by .T. Hunte! edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York l edited by C. E. Flower The Mini .rial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. Antony and Cleopatra "was first printed in the folio collection of 1623 3346 Antony and Cleopatra u.Tonson) 113429 Antony and Cleopatra 29698 Antony and Cleopatra 142352 Antony aud Cleopatra 1786 Antony and Cleopatra 3452 Antony and Cleopatra 80434 Antony and Cleopatra 57459 Antony and Cleopatra 1784 Antony and Cleopatra 54873 Antony and Cleopatra 69808 Antony and Cleopatra 107395 Antony and Cleopatra 112163 Antony and Cleopatra 109514 Antony and Cleopatra 151254 Antony & Cleopatra ' fitteil for the Sta-e bv aluiiluinu' only [by K. Ca],oll ami n Garrick] (Drury Lane) with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald ... ... with alterations ami additions from Dryden (Covent Garden) [Cumberland's British Theatre] ... ... arranged for representation by C. Calvert, Prince's Theatre. Manchester (Edinburgh) I Lacy's acting edition of Plays, Vol. 7">] arranged and adapted by A. Halliday, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane • • • with Notes, etc., by 3. Hunter ... ... edited, with Notes, by \v. .f. Rolfe (New York) 1 licks' Standard Plays, Number 26 with Introduction and Notes, bv H. N. Hudson (Boston [U.S.] ) with Introduction and Notes, by K. Deighton edited by C, E. Flower The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] lited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. Date. ivnight. ... 1 duo 1735 ... 1 8vo 1778 ... 1 8vo 1793 ... 1 duo 1799 ... 1 8vo 1811 ... 1 duo 1815 ... 1 duo ?1828 ... 1 duo ?1831 ... 1 duo ?1850 ... 1 duo 1873 ... 1 duo 1881 ... 1 duo ?1889 ford T duo 1900 ." — Knight. ... 1 duo 1734 ... 1 duo 1758 ... 1 duo ?1808 ... 1 8vo 1813 ... 1 duo ?1848 ... 1 duo ?1867 ... 1 duo ?1867 ... 1 duo 1873 .. 1 duo 1878 ... 1 duo 1881 ... 1 duo ?1883 ... 1 duo 1888 ... 1 duo 1891 ... 1 duo ?1891 ... 1 duo 1900 ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA: ALTERATIONS. TRAVESTIES, PLAYS ON SAME SUBJECT, ETC. 1785 Burnand (F. C.) Antony and Cleopatra : new and original Burlesque, duo, 1S66. 113664 Cibber (Mr. [C.]) Caesar in .'Egypt, 8vo, 1725. 16350 Dryden (J.) All for Love ; or the World Well host. 4to, 167S. 68919 Dryden (Mr.) All for Love ; or the World Well Lost, 4to, 1690. 2556 4to, 1709. 113428 Dryden (J.) All for Love ; or the World Well Lost, duo, 17CS. 16391 Dryden (Mr.) All for Love ; or the World Well Lost, Svo, 1778. 113775 duo, ?1784. Number. English Editions of the Separate Plays. No. of Vols. Size. 17 Date. Antony and Cleopatra : Alterations, etc. — continued. 29700 Dryclen (J.) All for Love, with Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald, duo, 1808. 113813 Dryilen (J.) All for Love ; or the V\ oriel Well Lost, duo, 1818 68685 Drvden (.J.) All for Love ; or the World Well Lost [Dick's British Drama, Vol VII., pp. 19S- duo, 1871. Landor (W. S.) Antony and Octavins [Works, vol. 7, pp. 366-401], 8vo, 1876. Sedley (Sir C.) Antony and Cleopatra, 4to 1077. 4to, 1696. 112], 7S876 2635 3348 1788 Selby (C.) Antony and Cleopatra ; A Burletta, duo, ?1842. 75983 1787 50661 1790 1789 113550 110401 29697 1962 1963 43697 2715 69385 113594 57432 81133 113582 1961 19C0 1964 1965 1967 1968 1966 69789 1970 1969 91518 45513 83503 24307 44009 53580 54874 142039 123836 105988 102412 136051 As You Like It As You Like It, As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You L:ke It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As Ycu Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Smock Alley iLmblinl as performed at Hie Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, (with] iho Notes of Mr. Theobald As it is ai t dat ill" Theatres-Suva! In Itrury lane and Cuv nt Garden [W. Oxlade) As it is acted at the Theatres-Roj al in Drury Lane and Covenl Garden |J. " eim an) With the Variations in the Manager's Rook al the Theatre Royal in Coveiit Garden Taken from the Manager's Book at the Theatre Royal In Drury Lane with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald ... ... ... revised by J. P. Kemble : as it is performed at the Theatres Royal with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald (Calcutta) ... ... with the stage business as performed at the Theatres Royal ly W. dxberry a specimen of a new edition of Shakespeare [by T. Caldecott] a specimen of a new edition of Shakespeare, by T. Caldecott Dolby's British Theatre ... ... ... (J. Cumberland) ... ... ... ... a specimen of an edition of Shakespeare, by T. Caldecott No. LXVI., French's Standard Drama (New York) [Lacy's Acting Edition, No. 375] ... ... ... (Glasgow) ... ... ... ... for the use of Rugby School (Rugby) ... ... (Lacy's Acting Edition, No. 375] ... ... ... Cumberland's British 'I heatre ... ... ... edited by C. E. Moberly ["I he Rugby Edition] with Notes, etc., by J. Hunter ... ... ... (The Crystal Palace Company, Sydenham) with Notes, etc., by S. Neil. Collins' School and College Classics edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) edited by VV. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) [Cover dated 1877] edited 1 iv W. A. Wright, Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) [Cover dated 1880] with introduction, and Notes, by H. N. Hudson (Boston [U.S.]) As performed under Miss Lltton's Management [with remarks by Tom Tin lor] as played at the Imperial Theatre, Westminster edited by ('. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford on Avon] " • • edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) with Notes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare . . , edited by C. E. Moberly [The Rugby Edition] with Illustra'lons by E. Bayard. Introduction by E. Dowden [)h« International shakspere] with Notes, otc. (W. & K. Chambers) with introduction and notes bs K Deighton ... duo 8vo 8vo duo duo ?1750 duo 1775 duo 1777 8vo 1777 duo 1786 duo ?1800 duo ?1808 duo 1815 duo ?1815 1819 1819 1820 1823 duo ?1831 8vo 1832 duo ?1848 duo ?1849 duo ?1860 duo 1868 duo ?1868 duo ?1870 duo 1872 duo ?1872 8vo 1874 1876 1876 1879 1879 1880 8vo ?1880 8vo ?1880 duo ?1882 duo 1883 duo [1864] duo ?1884 fol 1887 duo 1888 duo 1893 duo duo duo duo duo 13 Number. 124096 129967 129969 132383 149559 151255 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It As You Like It edited with introduction and notes by T. Page Moftatt's Plays of -hakespeare ' edited bv J. C. Smith. The Warwick Shakespeare with introduction, notes, etc., by L. \V. Lyde Blackie's Junior School Shakespeare ' edited by S. E. Winbolt. Arnold's School Shakespeare , edited, with notes, etc., by A. W. Verity. Pitt Press Shakespeare for Schools (Cambridge) edited with introductions and notes by C. II. Herford The Evt-rsley Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. Pate. 1 duo ?1893 1 duo 1894 1 duo ?i894 1 duo ?1895 1 duo 1899 1 duo 1900 ETC. AS YOU LIKE IT: ALTERATIONS, 113342 Johnson [C] Love in a Forest, duo, 1723. 1334 The Modern Receipt : or, A Cure for Love. Altered from Shakespeare [by J. C] duo, 1739. COMEDY OF ERRORS. The first edition is in the folio Shxkesr eare. 16?3 ; the play, however, is mentioned in Meres' List, 60665 113549 16394 142353 29695 113324 57426 69759 80431 14611 54877 54032 53581 151256 (J. Tonson) now Acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden , As it is Acted at the 1 heatres Royal in Drury Lane and Covent Uarden ' with alterations from Shakspeare. Adapted by T. Hull (Covent Garden) with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald ... adapted by T. Hull, revised by J. P. Kemble. The '1 heatres Royal printed in 1598; and is alluded to in Decker's "News from Hell," printed iu 1605. Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors Comedy of Errors 2310 2720 58024 113325 (J. Cumberland) ... ... ... as arranged for the Royal Princess's Theatre; under the management of Mr. Vining [Lacy 's Acting Edition of Plays, Vol. 72]. .. with Notes, by J. Hunter ... ... ... edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) produced at th- Alexandra Thc-atre, Liverpool, June 13th. 1881 .Arranged by E. Saker (Liverpool) edited by C. E. Flower. 'I he Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-OM-Avon] edited witli Introductions and notes I y C. H. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare ■ COMEDY OF ERRORS: ALTERATIONS, ETC. Plautus, Mensecmi, 1595 (six Old Plays on which Shakespeare founded his Errors, etc. [edited by J. Nichols], vol. I) duo, 1779. The Comedy of Errors : with alterations, additions, and with songs, etc., from plays, poems, and sonnets of Shakspeare (Covent Garden) duo, 1819. Woods (Mr.) The Twins; or Which is Which? altered from Comedy of Errors (Supplement to Bell's British Theatre, vol. 4) duo, 1784. Woods (Mr.) The Twins ; or Which is Which? altered from Comedy of Errors (Edinburgh) duo, 1792. 1 duo 1734 1 duo 1770 1 8vo 1779 1 8vo 1793 1 duo ?1808 1 duo 1815 1 duo ?1831 1 8vo 1864 1 duo ?1866 1 duo 1873 1 duo 1881 1 duo 1881] 1 duo ?1882 1 duo 1900 9 . . . Comedy of 1971 1972 1976 1978 1979 1980 29699 1981 113540 2719 113680 57424 1984 80453 COR IO LAN US. 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus was fiist printed in the folio collection of 1623 Coi'iolanuS (J. Tonson) CoriolanUS printed by R. Walker COl'lOlanUS As it is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury Lane and Covent-Garden Col'iolanUS altered from Shakespeare, under the insepection (sic) of J. Wrighten Coi'iolanUS Adapted to the Stage, with additions from Thomson, by J. P. Kemble CoriolailUS with Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald COI'J olanUS with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald Coi'iolanUS adapted to the Stage, with additions from Thomson, by J. P. Kemble ' — Knight. flnrinlqrmo witu ,ue Stage business, as perfoimed at the Iheaties Royal vjJiiuuttus byW. Oxbeiry Cnrinlnn ne London: Publih d and sold by Veroor and Hood vjuiiukiuus Newcastle-upon-Tyne: piiiikd by and for J. Mitchell Coi'iolanUS (J. Cumberland) Coi'iolanUS edited by F. A. Leo. With Quarto-Facsimile from the Folio of 1623 Coi'iolanUS fLacy's acting edition of Plays, Vol. 95] .. . ... 1 duo 1734 ... 1 duo 1735 ... 1 8vo 1780 ... 1 8vo 1789 ... 1 8vo 1806 ... 1 duo ?1806 ... 1 duo ?1808 ... 1 8vo 1812 1 duo 1814 ... 1 duo 1820 ... 1 duo ?1825 ... 1 duo ?1831 ... 1 4to 1864 ... 1 duo ?1870 Number. 11990 1782 107221 45544 83510 54875 142092 102402 107212 109125 123793 125627 129900 122792 122.(20 139696 140809 151257 English Editions of the Separate Plays. Coi'iolanUS with Notes, etc. ; by J. Cnlvillo. Collins' School and College ClasslCB Coi'iolanUS with Notes, etc., by J. Hunter edited by R. Whitelaw [The Rugby Edition] edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon I'ress Series (Oxford) with introduction and not s by II. N. Hudson (Boston [U.S.A.]) edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolt'e (NewY'.rk) with Notes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakospeare with Notes, etc. [W. & R. Chambers) edited by H. C. Bccching [I ho " Falcon " Edition] ... Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [.str.itford-on-Avon] ••• edited, with Notes, etc., by B. Dawson. The University Shakespeare witli Introduction and Notes, by w. Dent. Blackle's Junior School Shakespeare ••• ••• edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon I'ress Series (Oxford) ... with Introduction and Notes, by K. Deighton ... ... edited with introduction and Notes, by T. Page Momut's I'lays of Shakespeare ••• ••• edited by R. F. Cholmeley. Arnold's School Shakespearo edited by E. K. Chambers. The Warwick Shakespoare edited with introductions and notes by C. II. Herford The Eveisley Shakespeare ••• 19 No. of Vols. Size. Date. duo 1878 duo ?1878 duo ?1880 duo 1881 duo 1881 duo 1882 duo [1886] duo 1887 duo 1890 duo 91890 duo 1891 duo 1893 duo 1893 duo 1894 duo 1894 duo ?1897 duo 1898 duo 1900 CORIOLANUS: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 26640 Dennis (Mr. [J.;) The Invader of His Country ; or The Fatal Resentment, duo, 1720. 1975 [Sheridan (V .)] Coriolanus : Taken from Shakespear and Thomson, 8vo, 1 755. 82141 (Dublin) duo, 1757. 16385 Sheridan (Mr. T.) Coriolanus : Altered from Shakspeare, duo, ?1780. 1977 duo, 17S9. 3446 Tate (N.) The Ingratitude of a Common-Wealth ; or the Fall of Caius Martius Coriolanus, 4to, 1682. 1973 Thomson (J.) Coriolanus. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden, duo, 1749. 1974 (Dublin) duo, 1754. CYMBELINE. "The Tragedie of CymbeHne was first printed in the folio collection of 1623." — C. Knight. ^Afilfl pTTTYil-iclinQ 1 fiOQ Reprinted from the First Folio, with collations, etc., by W. J. Craig. OIOIU Oymoeiine, lOZO NewShakspereSocety. Series II. No. 11. 4to, 1883 113422 CymbeHne with alterations by C. Marsh 2773 CymbeHne with Alterations [by D. Garrick] 26638 CymbelinS with Alterations by D.Garrick ... ... 16396 Cy 111 beline As it is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden 113419 CymbeHne altered fiom Shakspeare by D.Garrick ... 16386 CymbeHne Taken from the Manager's Book at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane 113121 CymbeHne written by Shakespear. with alterations 113695 Cym beline revised by J. P. Kemble, as it is acted [at] the Theatre Royal, Drnry-Lane 29698 CyUl beline with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald 113420 Cym beline revised by J. P. Kemble : as it is performed at the Theatres Royal 97225 C Vm beline witb tbe Stage business, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, 57436 CymbeHne (J. Cumberland) 80423 Cyillbeline [Lacy's acting edition of Plays. Vol.64] ... 113643 CymbeHne arranged for representation at the Queen's Theatre .. 14591 CymbeHne with Note3 by J. Hunter 54876 Cym be line edited, with notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) 83504 CymbeHne with introduction and notes by II. N. Hudson (Boston [U.S.A.]) 84011 CymbeHne the text, &•■., revised and annotated by C. M. Ingleby 106522 Cyillbeline edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon 106391 Cvmbeline sdlted with notes by C. M. Ingleby. Revised (for the Use of Schools) 1 duo 1759 1 duo 1762 1 duo 1770 1 8vo 1777 1 duo 1784 1 duo 1788 1 duo 1800 1 8vo ?1801 1 duo ?1808 1 duo 1815 1 8vo 1821 1 duo ?1831 1 duo ?1864 1 duo 1872 1 duo 1878 1 duo 18S1 1 duo 1881 1 4 to 1886 1 duo ?1S89 1 duo 1889 20 Number. 136052 134442 145334 137090 151258 No. of 27024 15956 16453 63708 69429 6064 27025 15957 15384 27026 27027 2699 57415 75983 63804 63878 2722 63707 113416 57468 57387 107930 57392 72508 57893 57411 57445 57148 5C666 107982 57395 43989 107923 110340 57376 107922 57379 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Cymbeline with introduction and notes by K. Deighton C.,w,U^Kri« with Introduction and notes by W. F. Bangust. \ruDeiine Blackies Junior School Shakespeare CymbelinB as arranged by H. Irving and presented at the Lyceum Theatre Cymbelme edited by A. J. Wyatt. The Warwick Shakespeare ra Plrot Hnavtr. 1 R03 Facsimile by W. Griggs. With Forewords by XlamieiJ, ine XllrSl ^uailO, lOUO F. J. Furnivail [Shaksperc-Quarto Facsimiles No. 1] Svu [1880] Hamlet, 1603 reprinted by W. Nicol, 8vo, 1825 [wants last leaf] Hamlet, 1603 reprinted by W. Nicol. 8vo. 1825 [with last leaf supplied] Homlo+ 1 fifi3 nnrl 1 RC\A. Reprints. And a Preface by S. Timmins. amieti, lOUO ana lOUi p.£ e Devonshire " llai>il«ts"] 8vo. lffio ••• Hnmlor 1 ROd. Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee, 4to, 1867 [One of fifty copies, of which clLUicl, lUUi nineteen have been destmyed] ••• H nm l„f -i CfM [" Devonshire " Facsimile : one of fmty copies made under the clLLUeb, 1UU1 superintendence of J. P. Oilier, duo, 185!l] Hamlet, the Second Quarto, 1604 Facsl,,lile \ w K G J ri ^;., li ^i hForewords [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles No. 2] 8vo [1880] TTnrv-.W 1 fifl^ Facsimiled by E. W. Ashb ... [as produced by E. Booth. Booth's Acting Plays, No. 1] (New York) ... edited by F. H. Stratmann (London and Kicfeld) [Lacy's Acting Edition) ... mmm with Notes and Glossary by \V. S. Dalgleish. Shakespeare for Schools edited by W. G. Clark and \V. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) as abi idged and arranged for Acting at the Crystal Palace, by Tom Taylor A Study of Hamlet [f..r Stage representation] by E. B. H. with Notes, etc.. by S. Neil. Collins' School and College ('lassie, with Notes, etc., by J. Hunter ... [French's Acting Edition (late Lacy's), No. 834] as arranged for the Stage by II. Irving, and presented at the Lyceum 1 heatre as presented by Edwin Booth. The Prompt Book, edited by W. Wintei (New York) edited wiih Notes by W. J. Rolfe (New York) with Introduction and Notes by H. N. Hudson (Boston [U.S.A. J) edited by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright, Second Edition Clarendon Press Series (iixford) edited with Notes, etc., by J. M. D. Helklejohn (W. & R. Chambers) edited by C. E. Moberly [The Rugby Edition] arranged for Reading In Schools, with notes by J. Andrew (Montreal! edited by Karl Klzo (printed at Halle] 21 No. « Vols 1 if . Size. duo Date. 1800 1 duo ?1800 1 duo 1801 1 duo ?1802 1 8vo 1805 1 duo ?1808 1 8vo 1811 1 duo ?1816 1 duo 1818 1 8vo 1819 1 8vo 1820 1 duo 1822 1 duo 1823 1 duo ?1825 ] duo ?1831 1 8vo 1832 1 1 duo duo [1836] 1846 1 duo ?1846 1 duo ?1849 1 4to ?1850 1 duo ?1859 1 duo 1859 1 duo 1859 1 8vo ?1859 1 duo 1860 1 8vo ?1864 1 duo ?1864 1 duo 1865 1 8vo ?1866 1 8vo 1869 1 duo VI 869 1 duo 1871 1 duo 1872 1 duo 1873 1 8vo 1875 1 duo 1877 1 duo ?1878 1 duo ?1878 1 8vo 1878 1 duo 1878 1 duo 1879 1 duo 1879 1 duo 1880 1 duo 1880 1 duo ?1880 1 duo 1881 1 8vo 1882 22 Number. 53582 54878 57383 73554 77032 87232 150380 93999 107929 ] 00510 102404 142036 150379 ] 24097 115152 135611 115486 129968 134443 136053 136071 139120 140296 145706 151259 The 60574 57446 57377 57397 57477 57897 70215 57444 57863 150381 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. Hamlet edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] Hamlet edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) Hamlet Dick's Standard I lays No. 11 Hi 4 as arranged for the stage by Wilson Barrett. Represented at the Princess's amieti Theatre, Oct.lt>. 1884 Hamlet A study with the text of the folio of 1623 by George Mncdonald Hamlet edited With Notes by H. E. Sprague (Chicago) Hamlet The People's Penny Shakespeare, No. 36 TT«r.-.l/->f Mutilations emended. New renderings. Preface and Notes, etc. HamiBL Supplementary Notes, etc, by M. Mull Hamlet Cassell's National Library Hamlet wit* introduction, notes, etc., by D. Maclachlan Hamlet with Notes, etc.. edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. (\V. and R. Chambers/ Hamlet with Notes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare Hamlet Knights Pictorial Shakspere. People's Edition Hamlet edited with notes, etc., by T. Page and J. Paige. Moffatt's Plays of Shakespeare. . . TT„™1^4- edited by C. E. Flower [marked by Mr. V.eerbohm Tree for playing at the Hamlet Haymarket] Hamlet a Study for Classes in English Literature, by C. L. Maxcy (P,oston, U.S.A.) Hamlet [In Pitman's Phonography]. National Phonographic Library. Hamlet edited by E. K. Chambers. The Warwick Shakespeare ... Hamlet edited by L. W. Lyde. Blackie's Junior School Shakespeare Hamlet with intioduction and notes by K. Delghton Hamlet edited by W. H. Griffin. Arnold's School Shakespeare ... Hamlet edited by W. G. ClarkandW. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) TT« v^l^t- as arranged for the Stage by Forbes Robertson, and presented at the Lyceum Xiamieb Theatre, Sept. 11th, 1897 Hamlet illustrated by H. Copping Hamlet edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. The Eversley Shakespeare. . , following: "Hamlets" are not "Separate Plays," but portions only of Editions of the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Hamlet From the Second Folio Edition of Shakespeare's Works Hamlet From Vol. 9 of the Edition of 1748 London ... Hamlet From Vol. 7 of Bells Edition, 1786-17*8 Hamlet From Vol. 7 of Whittingham's Edition," 1818 Hamlet No. 10 of Itansell's Pocket Shakspeare ... ... ... Hamlet From Vol.1 of Tragedies ofC. Knight's Pictorial Edition [1839-42] ... Hamlet Willoughby's Cheap and Popular Edition, No. 18 ... ... Hamlet From Vol. 9 of Kditioii with Notes by S. W. Singer, 1875 ... Hamlet From Virtue's Imperial Shakspere. Tragedies Hamlet The Leopold Shakspere. Part 6 . . . HAMLET: ALTERATIONS, TRAVESTIES, ETC. 70208 Beckington (C.) Hamlet the Dane ; a burlesque burletta (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) 8vo, 1847. 113417 Chettle (H.) Hoffman ; or a Revenge for a Father. Acted 1602, printed 1631. Now first edited by H. B. L[eonard] duo, 1852. 145505 Colonib (Col. [G. H.]) Hamlet improved, duo, ?1880. 126293 Gilbert (W. S.) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Original Plays, third series, pp. 75-89), duo, 1895. 70193 Griffin (G. W. H ) Hamlet the Dainty, an Ethiopian Burlesque (New York) duo, ?1840. 145507 duo, ?1877. 113709 Hamlet ; or not such a fool as he looks (Cambridge) 8vo, 1882. 57393 Hamlet Travestie, a Burlesque (Oxford) duo, l£49. • 57460 Hamlet ! the Ravin' Prince of Denmark !! or the Baltic Swell !!! and the Diving Belle !!!! duo, 1866. 52802 [Poole (J.)) Hamlet Travestie : with (burlesque] annotations, duo, 1810 63851 Poole (J.) Hamlet Travestie : with burlesque annotations, second edition, duo, 1811. 83149 third edition, duo, 1811. 57125 fourth edition, duo, 1812. 107928 fifth edition, duo, 1814. 107927 sixth edition, duo, 1817. 1 8vo 71882 1 duo 1883 1 duo ?1883 1 8vo 91£84 1 8vo 1885 1 duo ?1885 1 8vo ?1885 2 8vo 1885-8 1 duo 1886 1 duo 1888 1 duo 1889 1 duo [1890] 1 8vo ?1890 1 duo 91891 1 duo 91892 1 duo 1892 1 duo 1892 1 duo 1894 1 duo 1895 1 duo 1896 1 duo 91896 1 duo 1896 1 4to 1897 1 4to 91897 1 duo 1900 y of Editions 1 fol 1632 1 duo 1748 1 duo 1788 1 duo 1816 1 duo 91830 1 8vo 91842 1 8vo 91857 1 duo 1875 1 fol 91876 1 8vo [1882] Number. English Editions of the Separate Plays. Hamlet : Alterations, etc. — continued. No. of Vols. Size. 23 Date. C7386 [Poole (J.)] Hamlet Travestie : with [burlesque] annotations (New York) duo, 1820. 80370 Poole (.1.) Hamlet Travestie : with [burlesque] annotations \Lacrfa Plays, Vol. 10], duo, ?1860 145506 [French's Acting Edition] duo, ?1880. 573S2 [Rice (G. K.)] Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. An old play in a new garb (Boston) [U'S. A.] duo, 1862. 57378 Hush (J.) Hamlet, a dramatic prelude (Philadelphia) duo, 1834. 145339 [Soule (C. C.)] Hamlet Revamped ; a Travesty without a pun (St. Louis) Svo, 1879. 70191 Teetgen (A.) The Bubble Ghost and his Son, duo, 1869. 70194 Thin Slice of Ham Let ! by the Cooker-up of 'The Duck's Motto," duo, ?1850. HENRY IV., PART I. "The first edition of Henry IV., Part I., appeared in 1598, under the following title: 'The History of Henrie the Fourth ; with the Battell at Shrewsburie, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henrie Hotspur of the North, with the Humourous Conceits of Sir John Fabtalfe, Printed by P.S. for Andrew Wise.' Five other editions were printed before the folio of 1623." — Knight. 27070 42704 27028 27029 27030 2703 L 2697 107165 26639 110402 50668 113554 29696 107932 113353 97226 113596 113829 57437 113583 80396 113645 14593 52612 53583 54879 105987 107208 107389 120766 139769 151260 w Asbbee, 4to, 1866 [One of fifty copie niuete n have lieen destroyed] Henry the Fourth, First Part, 1598 I ' acsi '» iled b y Heni T theFourth,partI.:TheF,rstQuarto,1598'^ Hemy the Fourth, First Part, 1599 *•'■»»»»«' * E - ^^tf*,™ \'X. if fifty copl a, or which yed] Henry the Fourth, Fiist Part, 1604 Fa '' simil ^ 1,yK -^,^:;:i^":;::!^,::y,^,!:!; y ''' , ' i '"' ,f "' ,i, ' h Hpnrv r Via "FVinvth "Fircir, Port 1 fi'*ft Facsimiled by K. w. Ashl ttn, 1867 [One of fifty copies, of emy Hie XlOUlbll, rilbl Jrail, lO^O which nineteen have been destroyed] Henry the Fourth, First Part, 1613 wuMMV ^^SS^^SS^^ rntU ^' ilMA Henry the Fourth, 1613 : [Twenty ofthe Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens) Vol. 2, 8vo., 1766] Heni'y IV. with tlio Humours of Sir Jolm Falstaff. Revived, witb Alterations [by T. Betterton Henry IV. with the Humours of Sir John Falstaff ... Hemy IV., First Part with Alterations, as perform'* at the Theatres [wants Title Page] marked with the Variations in the Manager's Book at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane Henry IV., First Part Henry IV., First Part with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald ... Henry IV., First Part as performed at the Theatres Royal (Edinburgh) Henry the Fourth (First Part) Henry IV., Part I. Dolby's British Theatre . . . [Cumberland's British Theatre] revised by J. P. Kemble ; As it is performed at the Theatres Koyal with the Stage business as performed at the Theatres Royal, by w. Oxberry (J. Cumberland) French's Standard Drama. No. LXXV. (New York : S. French) [Lac) 's acting edition of Plays, Vol. 37] [Lacy's Acting Edition, No. 547] with notes, etc., by J. Hunter edited, with notes, by W. J Rolfo (New York I Hemy IV., Part I. Henry IV., Part I. Hemy IV., Part I. Hemy IV., Part I. Henry IV., Part I. Henry IV., Part I. Hemy IV., Part I. Hemy the Fourth, Part I. Henry the Fourth, First Part Henry the Fourth, Part I. edited, with Notes, by W. J. Kolfe (New York) ... T-Joni-ij. J\T "Poi.fo T r.nA TT Illustrations by E. Grtltzner. Introduction XXtiLliy XV., JTctlbb X. aUU Xi. i,j K. Dowdeu [International Slmkspere] Hemy the Fourth, First Part edited by 0. Elton [The "Falcon" Edition] ... Henry IV., Part First with introduction and Notes by H.N. Hudson (Boston, U.S.A.) Hemy the Fourth, First part with introduction and notes, by K. Delghton . . . Henry IV., First part edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) Hemy the Fourth, First Part ^^^ ttta « ¥ c ^sn^°e^ c - aH ^ ort HENRY IV., PART I.: ALTERATION. edited by C. E. Flower; The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-ou-Avou] 4to duo duo duo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo ?1700 1710 1763 1763 1785 ?1808 ?1812 1815 1822 ?1823 ?1825 ?1831 ?1848 ?1858 ?1864 ?1878 duo 1880 duo ?1882 duo 1883 fol 1887 duo 1889 duo 1889 duo 1893 duo 18^7 duo 1900 109096 sir John Falstaff in selected scenes from Henry the Fourth, Parts I and 2, Readings in Costume by Mark Lemon, duo, 1868. 24 Number. " The first edit ion by the game act. No sub 2697 Henry 27069 Henry 27032 Henry 50172 Hemy 50669 Henry 2725 Henry 29696 Henry 1135S8 Henry 77878 Henry 57138 Henry 3421 Henry 113646 Henry 80423 Henry 2724 Henry 14603 Henry 54880 Henry 105987 Henry 107209 Henry 106523 Henry 107390 Henry 120767 Henry 151261 Henry No. of Vols. Size. Date. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. HENRY IV., PART II. of Henry IV., Fait II., appeared in 1600. Another edition was issued the same year, publishers, for the purpi se of supplying the omission of the first scene of the third ■equent edition appeared till the folio of 1623." — Knight. [First Edition] [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens) Vol. 2] Svo, 1760 Facsimiled from the First Edition by E. W. Aslibee, 4to, 1SC6 [One of fifty copies, of wliich nineteen have been destroyed] ±U~ Tr~,,,,+U C^^^i-,/1 Povf 1 fiflfl Facsimiled from the Second, Edition by E. W. Ashbee. 4to, 1866 llie rOUltn, oecontl Xcllu, 1UUU [Que of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed] the Fourth, Second Part, 1600 the Fourth, Second Part, 1600 [Second Edition] Facsimile by W. Grh;_ H. A. Evans [Shakspeie-Quarto Facsimiles altered from Shakespeare, as it was acted at Reading School (heading) the Fourth, Part II., 1600 IV., Second Part u.Tonson) the Fourth, Second Part IV., Second Part with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald the Fourth (Second part) ievis " d \L£bKVh% xx - of a IV. (Second part) IV., Part II. (J. Cumberland) IV., Part II. IV., Part II. IV., Part II. + U« "Pz-vn.-tb C! Q «,-.T>/-i -navt arranged by C. Calvert, wul oroduced at the ine XKJUllIl, OKCOIIU jJcUu p r i Uce ' s Theatre, Manchester (Manchester) IV., Part II. with notes, etc., by J. Hunter the Fourth, Part II. edited, with Notes, by W. J. Bolfe (New York). . . TXT "PoT-fo T m-irl TT Illustrations by E. GrUtzncr. Introduction by E. J. V ., JTtlllb J.. rt J-fle rllSl tyUailO, 10UU [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles. No. 27] 8vo, 1886 Heni'V V 1600 and 16^3 Parallel Texts, edited by B. Nicholson. Introduction by P. A. Daniel (New Shakspere Society. Series II., No. 9) 4to, 1877 Heni'V the fift 1602 Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee, 4to, 1807 [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been »/ ' destroyed] Henry the fift I2S leaves, Sig. a to g] Printed for T. F. ... ... ... 1 4tO 1608 Heniy the Flft, 1608 ['twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens.) Vol. 3 8vo, 1706] Heni'V the fift 1608 Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee. 4to, 1870 [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been TTpnw V Trip Thirrl Onnvr.n 1 fiflft Facsimile by C. Praetorius, with Introduction by A. Symons .llcih^ v., iuc J.JJ11U v^udiiuu, J.UUO [Shakspere-Quai to Facsimiles, No. 28] 8vo, 1886 Hp.nw t.llP fifth 1 fi93 Reprinted from the First Folio [Edited by B. Nicholson] (New Shakspere Society. j-LCiixj uljc limn, xv&o Series II., No. 6.) 4to, 1875 Hfinvv thft fift, 1fi93 newly Revised and Corrected, with Notes, etc., by W. 6. Stone (New Shakspere Society. V cue uiu, iuju Series II.. No. 10.) 4to. 1880 English Editions of the Separate Plays. Number. 110404 43990 72511 77879 29696 72498 43694 70184 57442 80398 25489 36243 57366 14604 5319 57473 107216 83450 45604 142037 54881 97850 102410 102416 106524 107391 107213 129995 134439 135454 134441 151262 Henry V. Henry V. Henry V. Henry V. Henry V. Henry V. Heniy V. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal In Drnry Lane and Coven) Garden As it is Acted :it the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and I y\ • -m Garden Printed exa< Uy conformable to the Representation on its revival r( Drury Lane revised by J. P. Kemble : as it is acted at the Theatre Royal In Covenl Garden with remarks by Mrs. Incbbald ... ... .,. from the text of Johnson & Steevens. With Remarks ... with the Stage business, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, bj '■■ Henry V. [Cumberland's British Theatre] Hemy V. (J. Cumberland) Henry the Fifth [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays. Vol.89.] H Q)1 ,^. fVio "Pift-li arranged for representation at the Prii bs's Theatre, BU1 ) me .en Hi with Notes, by C, Kean. Third edition TTqiivt iIiq TTiffl\ arranged by C. Calvert, and produced a1 the Prince's Theatre, XlfcJUl} me .cum Manchester, September, 1872. [Manchester] TTo-n-i-t- "\ T Preceded by a prologue taken from Henry IV. Arranged for representation at the Xlfcmiy V. Queen's Theatre, by J. Coleman Henry V. withnotes, etc., by J. Hunter Henry the Fifth withNotes, etc., by S.Neil. Collins" School and CoUege Classics ... H DI1 ,,,r fU fl "Pi-ffVi As produced by Mr. 6. Rlgnold at Drury Lane Theatre, tJUl^ me XI11L11 November 1st, 1879 Henry the Fifth edited by C. E.Moberly [Tne Rugby Edition] Henry the Fifth with notes and an introduction by K. Deighton Heniy the Fifth edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) Heniy V. withNotes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare ... ... Heniy the Fifth edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) Heniy the Fifth edited, with notes, by B. Dawson. The University Shakespeare ... Hemy V. with notes, etc. (W. & R. Chambers) Henry v. with introduction and notes by K. Deighton ... ... ... Heniy V. edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] . , . Heniy the Fifth with introduction and notes by H. K.Hudson (Boston, U.S.A.I ... Heniy the Fifth edited by A. p. Xnnes [The "Falcon "Edition] Henry V . with introduction and notes, by W. Barry. Blackie's School Classics ... Heniy V. edited with introduction and notes, byT. Page. Moffatt's Plays of Shakespeare Heniy V. edited by S. E. Winbolt. Arnold's School Shakespeare Heniy the Fifth edited by G. CM. Smith. Warwick Shakespeare Hemy the Fifth 25 No. of Vols. Size. Hate duo 1769 edited with Introductions and notes by C. n. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare Svo 1780 8vo 1789 Svo 1806 duo ?1808 duo ?1822 duo 1823 duo ?1825 duo ?1831 duo ?1859 Svo ?1859 duo ?1872 duo ?1876 duo ?1878 duo 1878 Svo 1880 duo 1880 duo 1880 duo 1882 duo [1882] duo 1883 duo 1888 duo 1888 duo 1888 duo ?1889 duo 1889 duo 1890 duo ?1893 duo ?1896 duo ?1896 duo 1896 duo 1900 "The 14612 54882 106525 151263 HENRY V.: ALTERATIONS OR OTHER VERSIONS. 110397 Hill (A.) King Henry the Fifth. 8vo, 1723. 110403 The second edition, duo, 1746. 113356 The third edition, duo, 1765. 2811 The Famous Victories of Henvv the Fifth [1C17] (Six Old Plays on which Shakspeare founded his K. Henry V., etc. [edited by J. Nichols] Vol. 2), duo, 1779. 57345 The Famous Victories of Henry The fifth, 1617 [Facsimile, edited by .1. O. Ilalliwell] duo. 71857. 9430S The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth, 1598. Facsimile by C. Praetorius, with an introduc- tion by P. A. Daniel [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No 39] Svo, 18S7. 140908 The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth, edited with an introduction by A F. Hopkinson (Old English Plays) duo, 1896. HENRY VI., PART I. First Part of Henry the Sixth was originally printed under that title, in the folio collection of 1623."— Knight. Heniy VI., Pai'tl, withNotes, by J. Hunter Heniy the Sixth, Part I. edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) TTonvu VT TTivef nnrf edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition J_Lemy vi., -Cllbl, pd,i.u [Stratford-on-Avon] TTpnrtr rl-io Riv+Vi TTii-ot "Po vf edited with introductions and notes by C.H. Herford xiemy me oixuii, xiiibU .rail, The Eversley Shakespeare HENRY 17, PART 1. . IMITATION. 1.07133 Crown (Mr. [J.]) Henry the Sixth, First Part, with the Murder of Humphrey Duke of (.loucester, 4to, 1681. 1 duo 1873 1 duo 1882 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1900 26 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. HENRY VI., PART II. No. of Vols. Size Date 1 4to [1619] 1 duo .1873 1 duo 1882 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1900 " The Second Part of Henry the Sixt, with the Death of the Good Duke Humphrey, was first printed in its complete form in the folio of 1623." — Staunton. [It is a recast of The First Part of the Contention, published 1594.] 104757 The Contention, First Part, The First Quarto, 1594 *%£l%8&$$§$£i£? [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 37] 8vo, 188! 1959 The Whole Contention Printed at London for T. P. [First Part only] 14613 Henry VI., Part II. with Notes, by J. Hunter 54883 Henry the Sixth, Part II. edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) ... 106526 Henry VI., Second Part edited by c - E - %&t^S3SEf Theatre K ' mi " n 151264 Henry the Sixth, Second Part ^™*%°%^'gg%^* ,UaM HENRY VI., PART II.: IMITATIONS. 107164 Crown (Mr. [J.]) Henry the Sixth, Second Part, or the Misery of Civil War, 4to, 1681. 86S10 Philips (Mr. [A.]) Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. A Tragedy, duo, 1723. HENRY VI., PART III. "This tragedy was fisrt printed in its present form in the folio of 1623." — Staunton. [It is a recast of the True Tragedy published 1595.] 110018 The True Tragedy, The first Quarto, 1595 F ™\^£^^^™^$ ^^ ykT 14614 54884 106527 151265 Henry VI., Part III. with Notes by J. Hunter Henry the Sixth, Part III. edited, with Notes, by W. J. Eolfe (New York).. !]•„„,.„ T7T T'V.iv.^l nn,4 edited by C. K. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition neiliy Vl., 11111 U pdlu [Stratford-on-Avon] ted with introductions and notes by C. Herford. The Eversley Shakespeare Henry the Sixth, Third Part edited with tat ™auctions and notes by c. 1 duo 1873 1 duo 1882 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1900 HENRY VI., PART III: ALTERATION. 142351 [Valpy (R.)] The Roses ; or King Henry the Sixth. Represented at Reading School (Reading), 8vo, ?1795 HENRY VI., PARTS and III. " Henry VI., Parts II. and III., are recasts of two older plays — ' The First Part of the Contention,' 1594, and ' The True Tragedie of Richard Duke of Yorke,' 1595." — Dowden. [The Two Parts were issued together in 1619 as 'The Whole Contention.'] 65975 The Whole Contention Wn ^^5SlSSS f g|fJ. to,] 1 4to 1619 83558 The Whole Contention (1619), Parts I. and II. , The Third Quarto Facsimile by C. Praetorius, with Forewords by F. J. Furnivall [Sbakspere Quarto Facsimiles, No. 23 and 24] 2 vols., Svo, 1880 2698 The Whole Contention [1619] [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (S. Steevens) Vol. 3], Svo, 1700 140907 The Contention and True Tragedy [1619] Edited ' wlth an ^^yirlt^T^"^ " 01d HENRY VI, PARTS II. and III: ALTERATIONS. 113663 Gibber (T.) An Historical Tragedy of the Civil Wars. Alter'd from Shakespear in the Year 1720, duo, ?1723. 113357 Cibber (T.) King Henry VI. A Tragedy. Altered from Shakespear in the Year 1720. Second duo, 1724. HENRY VI., PARTS I., II. and III: ALTERATIONS. 2726 Richard, Duke of York (As altered from Shakspeare's Three Parts of Henry VI.) duo, 1817. 3422 King Henry VI. As adapted by E. Kean, duo, ?1830. 2731 113699 110405 HENRY VIII. " The famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth was first published in the folio collection of Shakspere's Works in 1623." — Knight. Henry VIII. Notes, etc. [by J. Grove] Adorned with several Copper-plates ... 1 8vO Henry VIII. u.Tonson) ... ... ... ... ... l chio 1758 1732 Heni'V thf Eighth Witn tne Coronation of Anne Bullen. With Alterations. J ^ j-ij.gu.uii As It is Pc-rl'ornied at Drury-Lane 1 duo 1762 Number. 16393 57455 3417 29697 113539 113547 113597 57440 7384 3416 80382 113649 11992 36063 57461 14605 54885 107392 102415 106528 109095 126550 111646 129996 132381 149351 151266 Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry English Editions of the Separate Plays. As ii i- Acted at tii' Theatres Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden 27 No. of revised by .'. l'. Kemble ; Asil is acted .it the Theatre Royal in Coven! Garden VIII VIII. (Manchester) the Eighth VIII. with remarks hy Mrs. Inchbald the Ei tr hth revisedbyJ. P. Kemble; Ull Is performed at the Theatres Royal •vtttt with the Stage business, as it la pel formed at the Theatres Royal, VJ.JL1. byW. Oxberry VIII. Dolby's British Theatre ... VIII. [J. Cumberland) the Eighth arranged for representation at the Princess's Theatre, by C. Kean the Eighth [Lacy's Acting Edition] ... the Eighth [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, Vol. 22] the Eighth [Lacy's Acting Edit! No. 820] VIII. with notes, etc, by W. Lawson. Collins School and College Classics ... the Eighth the Eighth the Eighth the Eighth the Eighth Uranged for Representation bj C. Calvert, and ttrsl producedal the Theatre Royal, Manchester Arranged for Representation bj C Calvert, and produced at i in- Pi in. . of Wales's i in aire. Birmingham with notes, etc, by J. Hunter ... ... — edited, « ith Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) with introduction and Notes by H. X. Hudson (Boston, U.S.A.). , . VIII. with Notes, etc. (W. & R. Chambers) fL. "CtirrUfl-, edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition tne JlilgnTin • [Stratford-on-Avon] the Eighth edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) VTTT niustifttions by sir J. D. Linton. Introduction by E. Dowden ' - LJ -- L ■ [The International Snakspere] the Eighth as arranged by H. Irving, and presented al the Lyceum Theatre tVio "Pirrlif-Vi with introduction and notes by G. H. Ely but; -LJiguuii Blackie's Junior School Shakespeare the Eighth with introduction and notes by K. Deighton the Eighth edited by D. X. Smith. The Warwick Shakespeare ... fl-io TPirrVi+V, edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. [illti XUlgULLl The Eversley Shakespeare V.i Is. Si/.c. Date. 1 8vo 1778 1 duo 1801 1 8vo 1804 1 duo ?1808 1 duo 1815 1 duo 1823 1 duo 1824 1 duo ?1831 1 8vo ?1855 1 duo ?1855 1 duo ?1855 1 duo ?1865 1 duo 1875 1 duo 1877 1 duo 1878 1 duo ?1878 1 duo 1883 1 duo 1889 1 duo 1889 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1891 1 fol 1892 1 8vo 1892 1 duo 1893 1 duo 1895 1 duo 1899 1 duo 1900 26655 113424 26656 19312 107931 2727 16397 113544 29698 113815 97228 70185 57422 113835 113590 80399 57465 91517 JULIUS C4ESAR. The Tragedy of Julius Csesar was first printed iu the folio collection of 1623. JulillS CsBSar Printed by H. H. Jun, forH. Herringman and E. BenUey ... Julius CcfiSar Printed for H. Herringman, and R. Bentley Julius Caesar (j.Tonson) JuliuS CaSSai' (J. and R. Tonson) Julius CsBSai' collated with the old and modern editions [by C. Jennens]. ... JulillS CsBSai' AsltlsActedat the Theatres-Eoyal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden ... JulillS Caesar (Manchester) Julius Caesar with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald Tnlina Proem- adapted to the Stage by J. P Kemble ; and now published as U Is tJUllUH V-dibctl performed at the Theatres Eoyal JlllillS C'PS'll' w '" 1 ""' ^ ,llL -''' business, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, JulillS Caesar [Cumberland's British Theatre] JulillS Caesar (J. Cumberland) JulillS Caesar The Penny Acting Shakspeare, No. 7 JulillS Caesar French's Standard Drama, No. LXXXL (New York) JulillS Caesar [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, VoL 40] JlllillS CaeSar The School Edition of Shakespcaro (W. and R. Chambers) ... Julius Caesar *" Performed by E Booth ^Booth^Seri Ictmg Plays. No. 2] -Knight. 1 4to ?1680 1 4to ?1684 1 4to 1691 1 duo 1729 1 duo 1741 1 8vo 1774 1 8vo 1780 1 duo 1800 1 duo ?1808 1 duo ?1814 1 8vo 1822 1 duo ?1825 1 duo 1831 1 duo ?1845 1 duo ?1849 1 duo ?1854 1 duo 1871 1 8vo ?1871 28 Number. 11993 14594 45546 54886 83506 91520 138146 86260 102484 102413 107393 106529 107378 107375 108426 135330 129971 129993 139121 133262 137936 151267 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Julius Caesar Caesar Caesar CiEsar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar Caesar with Notes, etc. ; by S. Neil. Collins' School and College Classics with Notes, etc. ; by J. Hunter ... ... ... edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) . . . edited, with Notes, by W. .r. Rolfe (New York) with notes, etc., by T. Parry. Longmans' Modern Series edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series [Oxford) ... with Nntis, etc. Tli'- i (xford ami Cambridge Shakespeare . . . edited by H. <'. Beeching [The "Falcon" Edition] Moffatt's Edition, with Introduction and Notes; Third Edition— revised. with Notes, etc., edited by J. M. D. Meiklejolm (W. & R. Chambers) with introduction and Notes by H. N. Hudson (Boston, U.S.A.) edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition. [Stratford-on-Avon] with introduction and notes by K. Deighton. ... ... Tlie text, with Notes, also fresh renderings, punctuation amended, etc by M. Mull edited with notes, etc., by B. Hawsc.ii. The University Shakespeare edited by T. D. Barnett [Bell's English Classics] with introduction and notes, &<■., by \V. Dent Blaekie's Junior School Shakespeare ••" ••• edited by A. D. Iniies. The Warwick Shakespeare witli introduction, notes, etc, bj A. W. Verity 1'itt Press Shakespeare for Schools (Cambridge)* •• ••• edited, with introduction and notes, by T. Page Moffatt's Plays of Shakespeare • • • edited by E. M. Butler. Arnold's School Shakespeare . , . edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. The Eversley Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. 1 duo Date. ?1877 . 1 duo ?1878 . 1 duo 1881 . 1 duo 1883 . 1 duo 1883 . 1 duo 1883 . 1 . 1 duo duo [1885] 1886 . 1 duo ?1888 . 1 duo 1889 . 1 duo 1889 .] 1 duo ?1889 . 1 duo 1890 . 1 8vo 1890 . 1 duo 1890 . 1 duo 1893 . 1 duo 1893 . 1 duo 1893 . 1 duo 1895 . 1 duo ?1896 1 duo ?1896 . 1 duo 1900 JULIUS CAESAR: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 113426 Alexander (W.) [Earl of Stirling] The Tragedy of Ivlivs Ca;sar, duo, 1607. 113702 Julius C*sar : Written originally by Shakespear, and since alter'd by Sir W. Davenant and J. Dryden, duo, 1719. KING JOHN. "The Troublesome Raigue of John, King of England, was re-written by Shakespeare, about 1595, as his King John." — Furnivall. [Note. — For editions of "The Troublesome Raigne," see infra 'King John, Alterations, etc.'] "The King John of Shakspere was first printed in the folio collection of his plays, in 1623." — Knight. 113552 King John [Dramatis Personas, 1754] (H. Woodfall, etc) 979ft T-Tincr TnVm as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane. Regulated from the -il^u j.yiii etuiiil Prompt-Book, by Mr. Hopkins 113553 Kin a Jollll Marke< J witl1 'he Variations of the Manager's Book, at the Theatre Royal 77ftfi9 TTiti a TnVm revised by J. P. Kemble : and now first published as it is acted at the " OD0 l\ingdOim Theatre Royal in Covent Garden 29695 King John with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald 113537 King John revlsed h * J - p - Ki,|,lbli ;i ^l^^^ as il is P erformei1 at Q7997 Kinrr TnVin w 'tb ">e Stage business, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, ^i^izii x*.m & ouuu byW. Oxberry 1 1 ,Sfi7ft PCincr TnVin London: Published and sold by Vernor and Hood. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: J.J.UUIU Uiu UUIlli Printed by and for J. Mitchell. 57420 King John (J. Cumberland) ri7471 Kincr Tnhn Select Plays from Shakspeare: adapted for the use of Schools, etc., U|la Xi.iU Q .JUX1U [by E. Slater] 16322 King John arranged for representation at the Princess's Theatre. With notes, by C. Kei 80397 King John [Lacy's acting edition of Plays, Vol. 38] ... 69788 King John as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 11994 King John with notes, etc, by F. G. Fleay. Collins' School and College Classics 14595 King John wlthnotes, etc, by J. Hunter 54887 King John edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) 107218 King John edited by C. E. Moberly [The Rugby Edition] 69809 King John Dicks' Standard Plays. Number 65 .. 1 duo 1769 .. 1 duo 1773 .. 1 duo ?1785 .. 1 8vo 1804 .. 1 duo ?1808 .. 1 duo 1814 .. 1 duo 1819 .. 1 duo ?1825 .. 1 duo ?1831 .. 1 duo [1836] y> 1 duo ?1858 .. 1 duo ?1865 .. 1 8vo 1865 .. 1 duo 1878 .. 1 duo 1879 .. 1 duo 1882 .. 1 duo 1883 .. 1 duo ?1883 English Editions of the Separate Plays. Number. 81097 King John edltedbyW. A. Wright Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) 142035 King John with Notes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare 97500 King John edited by B. Dawson, The University Shakespeare ... 102406 King John with notes, etc. (W. ft E. Chambers] ... 107386 King John with Introduction and Notes by H. N.Hudson (Boston, U.S.A.) ... 106530 King John edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Av< 109092 King John edited by O. Eton [The "Falcon" Edition] 124098 King John with introduction and notes, by T. Page. Moflatt's Plays of Shakespeari . 1 OQQ70 Tfinrr Tr>Vin with introduction and notes by F. E. Webb XAVVIU x\iug tl uuu Blackle's Junior Scl IShakespeare 137087 King John edited with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. iNewYork) 136054 King John with introduction and notes by K. Delgfaton 139697 King John edltedbyF. P. Barnard. Arnold's School Shakespeare 1 M Qfift TTinrr Tr-iVin edited with Introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. XUX-SUO aingdOnn Th( . EvcrsU . y Shakespeare 29 No. of Vols. Si/.e. 1 duo Date. 1886 1 1 duo duo [1887] 1887 1 duo 1889 1 duo 1889 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1890 1 duo ?1892 1 duo 1894 1 duo 1895 1 duo 1896 1 duo ?1897 1 duo 1900 KING JOHN: ALTERATIONS, OTHER VERSIONS, ETC. 3289 A'Beckett (G. A.) King John, a Burlesque, duo, 1837. 63836 Bale (J.) Kynge Johan, edited by J. Payne Collier (Camden Society) 4to, 1838. 26641 Cibber (C.) Papal Tyranny in the reign of King John, duo, 1745. 99604 Ihe Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England. The firsrt quarto, 1591, Parts I. and II Facsimile by C. Praetorius. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall. [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, Nos. 40 and 41.] 2 vols., 8vo, 1SS8. 11994 The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England [Parts I. and II.] 1591 (edited by F. G. Fleay : Collins' School and College Classics) duo, 1878. 140906 The Troublesome Reign of King John. Edited with an introduction by A. F. Hopkinson (Old English Plays) duo, 1896. 2697 The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England, First and Second part, 1611. [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens) vol. 2] Svo, 1766. 26642 The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England, First and Second part, 1611. [Miscellaneous Pieces of Antient English Poesie] duo, 1764. -Nil The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England, First and Second part, 1611. [Six Old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded his King John, etc. [edited by J. Nichols] Vol. 2J duo, 1779. 86808 [Valpy (R.)] King John, altered from Shakespeare, as it was acted at Reading School (Reading) 8vo, 1800. 3419 [Valpy (R.)] King John, altered from Shakespeare, as it was acted at Reading School. Second edition (Reading) Svo, 1803. 27037 27036 81288 81289 2697 77850 65976 113408 85960 2670 33153 16398 16387 113834 57452 29698 113542 72499 King King King King King King King King King King King Kiug King King King King King King KING LEAR. "The first edition of Kiug Lear was published in 1608." — Knight. T.pn,. 1 fiflR Facsimiled by E W. Ashbee (with place of sale in the imprint) 4t.,, L8G8 [in r fifty copl XJCcU. , J.UUO whii:h ninete.-ii li.-iv.- 1 : been destroyed] [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen hav< destroyed] Lear, 1608 "*"»"""<** '■>- ,: *■ **"*><*. «* Tipnt' • Trip TVirat. Onivrn 1 fiOR Facsimile by C. Praetorius, with Introduction by P. A. Daniel. UtJctl . llie -CUSl; ^JUctllO, J.OUO [Shakspere-Quart»Fa«amIlesNo.33] 8vo, 1885 Lfiar ■ TllP Sppnnd Omirtn 1 fiOS Facsimile bj C. Praetorius, with notice by P. A. Daniel. -LiBdi . J. lie QecuilU ^JUdlUO, XUUO [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles No. 34] 8vo, 1885 Leal' [SeCOlld Quarto] 1608 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G, Steevens) Vol. 2] Svo, 1766 Leal', 1623 The Text from the folio of 1623. Printed for L. Booth. Ito, 1864 Lear Printed by Jane Bell printed by J. Darby for M. P. (Edinburgh) ... ... ... ... collated with tl Id and modern editions [by C. Jennens] Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear as performed at thr Theatre Royal, Drury Lane : Regulated from the Prompt-Book by Mr. Hopkins ••• As it is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden altered by D. Garrick. Taken from the Manager's Book at the Theatn Royal In Drury Lane [from Vol. 17 of Bell's Edition, 1788] (Manchester) ... ... ... ... ... with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald ... ... ... ... as performed at the Theatres Royal. Drury Lane and Covent-Garden (Edinburgh) ••• from the text of Johnson & Steevens. With remarks ... ... 1 4to 1655 1 duo 1723 1 duo 1768 1 8vo 1770 1 duo 1774 1 8vo 1779 1 duo ?1780 1 duo 1785 1 duo 1800 1 duo ?1808 1 duo ?1812 1 duo ?1822 30 Number. 113679 57423 113587 3412 25490 11995 26042 107222 14596 57399 91519 45605 142033 53584 54888 69810 70434 102405 112164 124099 139119 139417 141350 146158 151269 King King King King- King King King King King King King Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. T . . .. London: Published and sold by Vemor * Hood. Newcastle-upon-Tyne -LiCiU Printed by and for J. Mitchell Leal' (J- Cumberland) Leal' French's Standard Drama, No. LXXI. (New York) ... ... ... Lear [Lacy's Acting Edition] ... ... ... ... — Leal' arranged for representation al the l rincess's Theatre, with notes by C. Keun Leal' with notes, etc., by W. B. Kemshead. Collins' School and College Classics . . . Leal" Italian version by C.Eusconi. [Repertory of E. Rossi] ... ... Leal' edited by < '. E. Moberly [The Rugby Edition] Lear with notes, etc, by J. Hunter Leal" with introduction and notes, by H. X. Hudson [Boston [U.S.A.]) Leal' edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series. (Oxford), King- King King King King King King King King King- King King King Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear Lear withNotes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare edited by C. E. Flow,-]. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon]. edited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe. (New York.) Dicks' Standard Plays, Number 6 ... ... as performed by Signor s.ilviui at Covent Garden Theatre [Italian and English] (Manchester) ••■ with Notes, etc., edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn [W. & R. Chambers) with introduction and notes by K. Deighton ... ... edited with introduction and notes, by T. rage and S. Paige. Mott'att's Plays of Shakespeare ••• edited by D. C. Tovey. Arnold's School Shakespeare ... edited, with notes, etc., by A. W. Verity. Pitt Press Shakespeare for Schools (Cambridge) edited by P. Sheavyn. [Black's School Shakespeare] ... with introduction and notes, by H. A. Evans. Blackie's Junior School Shakespeare edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare No. o Vols. f Size. Date. 1 duo ?1825 1 duo ?1831 1 duo ?1848 1 duo ?1857 1 duo ?1858 1 duo 1875 1 8vo 1876 1 duo 1876 1 duo ?1878 1 duo 1879 1 duo 1880 1 duo 1881 1 duo [1881] 1 duo ?1882 1 duo 1883 1 duo ?1883 1 8vo 1884 1 duo 1888 1 duo 1891 1 duo ?1892 1 duo ?1896 1 duo 1897 1 duo 1898 1 duo 1898 1 duo 1900 KING LEAR: ALTERATIONS, PLAYS ON THE SAME SUBJECT, ETC. 19068 113801 113685 2811 2699 69806 107137 107136 110328 113407 57400 45104 44007 57412 128404 107983 113406 113640 44010 41889 113548 [Column (G.)J The History of King Lear, 8vo, 1768. [dolman (G.)] King Lear. Written by Shakespeare. With alterations, 8vo, ?1770. Elliston (R. W.) Shakespeare's King Lear. Printed chiefly from N. Tate's edition, with restorations from the original text, duo, 1820. King Leir, and his Three Daughters, 1605. [Six old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded his King Lear, etc. [edited by J. Nichols] Vol. 2.] duo, 1779. King Leir, and his three Daughters, 1605. [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens) Vol. 4.] 8vo, 1766. Moncrieff (W. T.) The Lear of Private Life ! A Domestic Melo-Drama, duo, ?1840. Tate (N.) The History of King Lear. Reviv'd with Alterations, 4to, 16S1. 4to, 1689. 4to, 1699. Tate (N.) The History of King Lear. Revived with Alterations, 4to, 1712. Tate (N.) The History of King Lear. Reviv'd with Alterations, duo, 1729. Tate (N.) The History of King Lear. Revived with Alterations, duo, 1749. duo, 1757. duo, 1759. [Differs from 57412] duo, 1759. (Cork) duo, 1761. duo, 1767. Tate (N.) The History of King Lear. By W. Shakespear. Revived with Alterations, by N. Tate, duo, 1775. Tate (N.) Shakspeare's King Lear, as altered by N. Tate. Newly revised by J. P. Kemble, 8vo, ?1810. Tate (N.) Shakespeare's King Lear (from Nahum Tate's alterations) Revised by J. P. Kemble, duo, 1815. Tate (N.) King Lear, altered from Shakspeare by N. Tate (Oxberry's Edition) duo, 1820. Number. 27038 29303 2696 72500 14615 54889 106531 105665 151270 English Editions of the Separate Plays. 31 N... Of Vols. Sise. Date LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. This play was one of the fifteen published in Shakspere's life-time. The first edition appeared iu 1598." — 'Knight. Love's Labor's Lost, 1598 Fac81 ' ' 1 b * K ff - *«* ,i [869 I One ol ftfl | copies, of which nineteen vr n destroyedl Loves Labors Lost: The first Quarto, 1598 "•"SSffl '■ LoueS Labours Lost, 1631 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens) Love's Labour's Lost from the text of J< Bon*8teei Forewords by V. J. Furnlvall ilnilles, N... B] Bvo. 1880 VoLl] 8vo Love's Labour's Lost Love's Labour's Lost Love's Labour's Lost Love's Labour's Lost Love's Labour's Lost With remarks « iili Notes bj J. Hunter ... ... edited, with Notes, bj W". J. Rolfe (New Ifork) edited by C. E. Flower, The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] [French's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 129] ... edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare 1 duo ?1822 1 duo 1873 1 duo 1882 1 duo ?1889 1 duo ?1890 1 duo 1900 LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST.- ALTERATIONS, ETC. 69882 [Browne (—)] Love's Labour Lost— Regained. A continuation of Shakspeare's play by Cil>. J use, 8vo, 1841. 19069 The .Students. Altered from Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost, Svo, 1762. 16317 57406 69534 82855 45055 107920 2845 113555 2732 57405 43992 113556 113579 63831 107925 2733 57453 113409 57142 16318 57258 29698 110524 146286 57417 2734 57478 16324 83461 80369 MACBETH. The Tragedie of Macbeth ' was first published in the folio collection of 1623. Macbeth: A Tragedy Acted at nukes-Theatre [No Author named] u /-.ko-t-l-i with all tii" alterations, amendments, additions, and new songs iVLdiCUoull [by Sir W. Davenant] (Theatre Royal) UonKotli with all ''"' alterations, amendments, additions, and n.-u songs ill.a**Uoull [by Sir W. Oavenant] (Queen's-Theatre) Macbeth As it is now Acted by His Majesty's Servants (J. Tonson) Macbeth To which are added all the original songs [ J. and P. Knapton) Macbeth with alterations, [by J. Lee] as performed at the Theatre in Edinburgh (Edinburgh) Macbeth To which are added all the original songs (J. and B. Tonson, etc.) ... TVfar>l-io+li T " which arc added all tli -iginal songs. As performed at the Theatres Royal in lYJ.diL.uouu Drury Lane and Covent Garden Macbeth collated with the old and modern editions [by C. Jennens] Macbeth To which are added all the original songs ... Macbeth AsU Is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drurj Lane and Covenl Garden \ro+li from the text of S. Johnson and G. Steevens. Revised bj l. Reed. lVJ.ciL.uouu With anecdotes and annotations NOTR.— Bound up in The Cabinet, Vols, l and 2, 8vo, 1807-8. Macbeth with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald Macbeth with the Stage business as it Is performed at the Theatres Royal bj W. Oxberrj Macbeth Dolby's British Theatre Macbeth (J. Cumberland) Macbeth Select Plays from Shakspeare: adapted for the vm rby E. Slater] Macbeth aTraJedi. P itdc Famill Edisun, wld note by A. J. Ella Macbeth arranged for representation at the Princess's Theatre, with notes bj C. Kean . . . Macbeth Shakespeare Restored [edited by H. El win] [NorwlchJ Macbeth [La^s Acting Bittion of Plays, vol. 9] -Knight. 1 4to 1673 1 4to 1687 1 4to 1710 1 duo 1729 1 duo 1750 1 duo 1753 1 duo 1765 1 duo 1770 1 8vo 1773 1 duo 1776 1 8vo 1780 1 duo 1785 1 duo 1788 1 8vo ?1794 1 duo 1794 1 8vo 1799 1 duo 1800 1 duo ?1800 1 4to 1807 1 8vo J 807 1 8vo 1807 1 duo ?1808 1 duo 1821 1 duo 1823 1 duo ?1831 1 duo [1836] 1 duo 1849 1 duo ?1853 1 4to 1853 1 duo 1853 32 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Number. f i74fifi Ml f*hpfh »d»Pted lor Educational purposes, with Introduction and notes l>y W. S. Dalgleish 69787 Macbeth fas performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane] (T. H. Lacy) 72509 Macbeth [Lacy's Acting Edition, No. IS?] 28014 Macbeth [Dramatic Works of William D'Avenant, Vol. 5] (Edinburgh) 57470 Macbeth editedbyW. G. ClarkandW. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) ... 11996 Macbeth with notes; etc. by S. Neil. Collins' School and College Classics ... OCA,n Mnnkn+l, translated and adapted for the Italian Stage by G. Carcano ■SOU*! AiaCUeiill [Repertory of E. Bossi. In Italian and English] 14606 Macbeth with notes, etc, by J. Hunter ... 107215 Macbeth edited by C. E. Moberly [The Rugby Edition] 45602 Macbeth edited by W. G. ClarkandW. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) ... 142032 Macbeth with notes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare ... 53586 Macbeth edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] ... 69811 Macbeth Dicks' Standard Plays, No. 20 ... 54890 Macbeth edited, with notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) 102411 Macbeth with notes, etc, edited by .1. M. D. Meiklejohn (W. & R. Chambers) 102485 Macbeth Moffatt's edition, with introduction and notes. Fourth edition, in five months . . . 107394 Macbeth with introduction and notes by H. N.Hudson (Boston, U.S.A., 1 ftl 0'-!£ T\Tn/»Kn+Vi Lines pronounced corrupt restored, and mutilations amended, etc., LUIZOO lUdCUmil Preface and notes by M, Mull 135280 Macbeth for the use of Students. Gills English Classics 129899 Macbeth edited by E. K. Chambers. The Warwick Shakespeare .. . 129933 Macbeth edited by R. F. Cholmeley. Arnold's School Shakespeare 134444 Macbeth edited by H. C. Notcutt. Blackie's Junior School Shakespeare 1 36055 Mac beth with introduction and notes by K. Deighton ... 151271 Macbeth edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. The Eversley Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 duo 1862 1 8vo 91865 1 duo ?1865 1 8vo 1874 1 duo 1874 1 duo 1876 1 4to 1876 1 duo 91878 1 duo 91880 1 duo 1882 1 duo [1882] 1 duo 91882 1 duo 91883 1 duo 1883 1 duo 1888 1 duo 91888 1 duo 1889 1 8vo 1889 1 duo 1889 1 duo 1893 1 duo 91895 1 duo 1895 1 duo 1896 1 duo 1900 MACBETH: ALTERATIONS, TRAVESTIES, ETC. 148076 [Duff et (T.) ] The Empress of Morocco, a Farce [with Epilogue after the mode of Macbeth] duo, 1674. 70149 Heigel (C. M.) Macbeth : an Heroic Opera. Music by A. H. Chelard, duo, 1832. 70179 Macbeth Modernised. A most Illegitimate Drama, duo, 1838. 113411 Macbeth Travestie, with Burlesque annotations. [Accepted Addresses pp. 65-164] duo, 1813. 69796 Talford(F.) Macbeth, somewhat removed from the text of Shakespeare. Fourth edition, duo, ?1 854. 80363 [Lacy's Acting Plays, Vol. 8] duo, ?1854. 3427 [Talford (F.)] Macbeth Travestie, a Burlesque, as performed at Henlev, 1847. Third edition (Oxford) duo, 1850. 113412 Tate (N.) Macbeth. Written by Mr. Shakespear, with Alterations by Mr. Tate (Edinburgh) duo, 1731. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. " This comedy was first printed in the folio collection of 1623. -Knight. 3428 Measure for Measure 16399 Measure for Measure 113323 Measure for Measure 113543 Measure for Measure 29697 Measure for Measure 113534 Measure for Measure 72501 Measure for Measure 113592 Measure for Measure 57434 Measure for Measure 14616 Measure for Measure 54891 Measure for Measure 106532 Measure for Measure 105665 Measure for Measure 151272 Measure for Measure As it is Acted at the Theatres of London and Dublin As it is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden Kemble (Theatre Royal, Drury Lane) as altered by J (Manchester) ... ... ... with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald ... ... revised by J. P. Kemble ; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal from the text of Johnson & Steevens, with remarks Dolby's British Theatre |J. Cumberland) ... ... ... with notes by J. Hunter ... ... edited, with notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] [French's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 129] edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herfor; The Eversley Shakespeare (Dublin) 1 duo 1761 id 1 8vo 1779 me) ... 1 8vo 91796 ... 1 duo 1800 ... 1 duo 91808 ... 1 duo 1815 ... 1 duo 91822 ... 1 duo 91823 ... 1 duo 91831 ... 1 duo 1873 ... 1 duo 1882 on I duo 91889 ... 1 duo 91890 * ... 1 duo 1900 Number. English Editions of the Separate Plays. MEASURE FOR MEASURE: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 33 No. of Vols. size. Date. 13-4207 D'avenant (Sr. W.) The Law against Lovers [in Work8]fol, lGT.s. 28014 D'avenant (W.) The Lav. against Lovers [Dramatic Works, Vol. 5] duo, 1874. M7i:i4 Measure for Measure, or Beaut} the Best Advocate As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns- Inn Fields, Alter'd, with Additions [by C. Qildon]4to, 1700. 2810 Whetstones (G.) Promos and Cassandra [1578] (Six Old Plays on which Shakspeare founded his .... Measure for Measure, etc. [edited by J. Nichols]. Vol I), duo, 1779. 37040 29304 27039 88915 2696 33150 11 3697 2736 107140 16400 107921 113341 113577 57454 51886 29696 113536 72502 57433 57100 3414 7385 57035 110330 69879 19070 91537 2739 2737 145336 11997 14597 57462 45603 53587 69812 54892 90078 102417 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. " The Merchant of Venice . . . was first printed in 1600." — Knight. Merchant of Venice [The First Quarto] 1600 ^eIw!' VZZ. *%££$ $22* %4 I which utui tei n have been di I Imlle hj W. Griggs, will] Ton ■■ rutvall Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles, So. 7| 8vo. [1880] 1 1,] j, b. rm i |i»i I fifty In. ii nineteen have u destroyed) [mile bjC.Praetorius, with forewords bj F.J.Kurnivall [Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles, Mo. IB] 8vo. 1887 Merchant of Venice, The First Quarto, 1600 Merchant of Venice [The Second Quarto] 1(500 *%$™X S.KSS I'linl id for, in m1 Sold bj .- tii. ■ Bo< .ksellei l'rilil. id tor J. and i; i 1180! it, eb (Kdlu burgh) As it is Acted nt tin- Tln-.iiri s-Kmal in limn Law and Covent Garden (W. Oxlade) As ii is Acted at the Theatres-KoyaJ in Drury-Lane and Covent Gardi -n [J. Wenmau) Marked with the Variations in the Manage) - Book at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane er's Book at the Theatre Royal, Co venl Gardi n performed at the fheatres Royal Notes, etc., of various Coiiuneiitators, and Re by the Editor [A. Eccles] (Dublin.) with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald revised bj J. P. Kemble; and now published; performed al the Theatres Royal tin- text of Johnson .v Ste Merchantof Venice, TheSecondQuarto, 1600 Merchant of Venice, 1600 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespe Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant Of Venice taken from the Mai Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice [Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice w ith 1 1 1 ii.i i k- | Dramatic Entertainments at Wiudsoi Castle, 1848-tf, pp. I 58] IT. H. Laey] ... arranged for representation at the 1'riiicess's Theatre, with notes by C. Kean. Second edition (Sampson Low, Son, and Co.) ... ... (New Vork : D. Applet™ and Co.! | Duplicate of Ho. 57035 except the titls page] .niii.ii-\ int.-il ami adapt' '1 for social reading by the Swanswick Shaki speare Circle, and e lited by J. Earle us produced bv E. Booth, w itl tes, etc., bj ll. I.. Hinton [New York) us prcHluced by E. Booth, with Remarks bj II. L. Hinton [Booth's Icting Plays, So. 3] iNcw York) edited with notes by W. J. Kolfe INew York) ... arranged tor representation al the Prince's Theatre, Maiichestui bj i . Calvert (Manchester) i:. arranged bj . and prodw "I al the Cryslal Palai e undi i th direction of Mr. I'. NVj milium with notes, etc., by D. Morris. Collins' Scl 1 and Colleg. Classics witl tes, etc., by J. Huntei witli explanatory notes, paraphrase, criticism, etc., bj J. D. Morel] edlti .1 bj W.G, Clark and W. A. H right. Clarendon Press s I '■. foi -I edited by C. E. Flower, The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-ou-Avon] Dii ks" Standard Plays, No. 13 edited, with notes, by W. J. Kolfe iNru--ii.il, ... I ml 1 type tor the Blind M I iBrlgbt edited bj II. C. I- • • htng [The "Falcon" Edlllon] (G. Steevens) Vol. I.] 8v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I70« duo ?1750 duo duo duo 8vo duo duo duo duo 8vo 1764 1768 1777 1777 1783 1787 1 788 1800 1805 duo ?1808 duo 1814 duo ?1822 duo vis:; I 4to ?1850 duo ?1855 8vo ?1858 8vo 1860 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo duo 1860 1862 L867 ?J868 1871 1871 L874 1877 duo ?1878 duo ?1880 duo 1881 duo ?1882 duo ?1883 duo 1 883 4to [1887 duo 1887 34 Number. 102409 107381 102483 102409 142038 135610 115487 135331 129997 135609 136056 137937 140000 140362 141378 146448 151273 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Merchant of Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice with notes, etc. edited la. I. M. I>. Meikli John [VV. & R. Chambers) with introduction and notes by H. \. Hudson (Boston, [U.S.A.]) Moffatt's Handl ks for Students with notes, etc., edited bj J. M. D. Meiklejohn (W. .v li. Chambers) »iih Notes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare annotated foi School use l>v S. Tlmrher. The Riverside Lite] Series (Boston [U.S.A.] etc.) (In Pitman's Shorthand] National Phonographic Library edited by T. D. Burnett [Bell's English Classics] with introduction and notes [bj <;. H. Ely] Blackie's Junior School Shakespi are Eclectic English Classics (New York, etc.) with introduction and notes by K. Deighton edited by C. H. Gibson. Arnold's School Shakespeare edited by H. L. Withers. The Warwick Shakespi are edited with notes, etc., by A. W. Vet ity. Pitt Press Shakes for Schools (Cambridge) edited, with introduction and notes, by T. Page Moffatt's Plays of Shakespeare edited t>y J. Strong [Black'sScl 1 Shakespeare! edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo Date 1888 1888 ?1888 1888 [1891] ?1892 1892 1893 ?1893 ?1893 1895 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1900 MERCHANT OF VENICE: ALTERATIONS, TRAVESTIES, ETC 11u3lI!) [Granville (G., Lord Lansdowne)] The Jew of Venice, -tto, 1701. 113339 Granville (Hon. M. [G.]) The Jew of Venice. (Printed for T. Johnson, Bookseller at the Hague) duo, 1711. 151610 Granville (G., Lord Lansdowne) The Jew of Venice [Works, Vol. 2, pp. 129-221], 4to, 1732. 107962 Merchant of Venice. Altered from Shakespeare [by R. Valpy], As acted at Reading School, (Reading) Svo, 1802. 113340 Merchant of Venice Travestie. A Burlesque, by the author of " Macbeth Travestie " (Oxford) duo, 1849. 75923 "Shylock," A Burlesque, as performed by (irirnn and Christy's Minstrels. Arranged by G. VV. II. Griffin (New York) duo, ?1860. 80371 Talfourd (F.) Shylock, or t tie Merchant of Venice preserved [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, Vol. 11 J duo, ?1860. '2738 Talfourd (F.) Shylock or, The Merchant of Venice preserved. Third edition [Lacy's Acting Edition, 159] duo, ?1860. THE MERRY WIVES OF WENDSOR. 27041 34679 113322 2696 27042 2696 2696 113696 113692 110400 29697 43696 113591 69885 80421 14617 54893 Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry " The first Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wiues of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of Wives of li. i, 1866. |< f fifty copies, oi « bii h lia\ r ) n destroyed. I Facsimile b.\ VV. liii^s, wilh introduction bj P. A. Daniel [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 6] 8vo[1880] First Quarto (1602) [with] an introduction by W. Winter (Ne'H Fork) 8vo., 1886 le Pag ilj | [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens) Vol. 1. 1 8vo., 1766 similed by E. W. Ashi.ee. 4to, 1866. [One of iifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed.] »imile [Twentv of the (G Steevens) llit.li, etc Plays of Shakespean Plays of Shakespeare Vol. I.] 8vo, 1766 edition of this play wa.s published in 1602." — Knight Windsor, 1602 «"*"•«* "> * Windsor, The First Quarto, II Windsor, 1602 Windsor, 1602 Windsor, 1619 Windsor, 1619 Windsor, 1630 Windsor Printed for C Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor ii;. Steevens.) Vol. l As it is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Laue and Covent-Garden Taken from the Manager's Bookat the Theatre-Royal, i ..; .'in Garden with n marks by Mrs. Inelibald ... with ihr Stage business, etc., as H is performed .at the Theatres Royal, by VV. Oxberry Dolby's British Theatre ... ... ... Spencei 3 Boston Theatre, No. XXI. With editorial remarks, original easts, costumes, scene and property plots, etc. (Boston [U.S.A.]) [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, Vol. 62.] w ith Not.-:, by J. Hunter . .in. d, with notes, by VV. J. Rolfe (Now York) 8vo, 1766 1756 1778 1787 ?1808 1820 duo ?1824 duo 1855 duo ?1870 duo 1872 duo 1882 duo 8vo duo duo duo English Editions of the Separate Plays. 35 Number. 69813 81610 113322 106533 132750 151271 Merry Wives of Windsor Merry Wives of Windsor Merry Wives of Windsor Merry Wives of Windsor Merry Wives of Windsor Merry Wives of Windsor lurk--' Staudnrd Plnj s, N In rO ■■ ill. note*, I'n mi the Collections ol J l'. Stanford, by II. B. Wh Reprint ol n eatro. litem Hon ami Emendation edited by C.l riieutrc K. Ivon] il bj J. Fii noim edited witl No. of Vols. Size. D ■ 1 duo ?1883 1 dim L886 1 8vo L886 1 duo L 8vo 1 duo 1900 MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR ALTERATIONS, ETC. 113321 Dermis (Mr . [J.] ) The Comical Gallant : or the Amours of Sir John Falstaffe, ito, i 113320 Maggionl (S. M.) Falstaff, A Comic Opera, The Music by M. w. Balfe, duo, i 113707 Songs, Duetts, &c, introduced in Shakspeare's revived plaj of the Merrj Wiv< - of Windsor, Selected entirely (with one exception) from Shi I , 1824. 27013 15383 27011 15382 2696 98299 16101 72503 2715 57430 43695 45335 113580 70148 75921 2744 113581 113641 27113 69884 29034 11998 11607 42283 45601 107217 103964 97854 112034 102403 106426 106534 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. "A Midsummer-Night's Dream was first printed in 1600 " Knight Midsummer Night's Dream [The First Quarto] 1600 ' , nineteen have I .. - ■ -i i .1- il Midsummer Night's Dream, The First, Quarto, 1600 "i,, 1 :^ | , Fac-simil Midsummer Night's Dream [The Second Quarto] 1600 ! n liave been destroyed] Midsummer Night's Dream,The Second Quarto, 1600 %T^ ], ^;;;tis^X'. ! Midsommer Nights Dreame [The second quarto] 1600 8vo 1778 Midsommer Nights Dreame, 1623 Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer- Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer-Night's Dream Midsummer Night's I 'ream Midsummer N ighl 's J >rei m Midsummer-Nighi 's I • Midsummer Night's Drei m Midsummer Night's Dream mile Reprint ol the texl ofthe First Foli by II. John ion ■< «■ Y<>ik As it is Icted al tfi i rhi itn Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden f n mi the text ol lohnson & Steevens. With remarks [Cumberland - British Theatre, No. 137] i.i. i' bei ... ... ... as revived al the rheatn I Covent Garden, Nov. 16tb. :m with illustrations as designed and ] tolled hj W. B. Kirk for a Dessert Service (Dublin) French's Vmei ii an Drama. The Acting Edition, No. l (New Iforl as read by Mrs. F ry Kern Me [at Exeter Hall] The Music by Mendelssohn (T. H. Lacy) . . . I for represents! The Standard l> C. Kean lieatre [No. cexxiif., (New Vork) the Princi [As produi'ril it tlir II m 'ii r ni i: I. Gollancz . liy K. Deighto TheWnrwii-k \> i 1 1 1 introduction and not) • .lii. ri i.v E. K. Chambers. Shakcspean edited by L. W. Lyde. [Black's School Shakespeare] edited with introduction and notes by T. Page" Mofl'att's Plays of Shakespeare edited with introductions and notes byC. II. Herford 111.- Eversley Slmkespi are duo duo duo duo 8vo duo 1 duo 1 duo 1 duo 1 duo Date. 1889 1894 1894 ?1894 1895 1895 1S97 1897 1897 J 900 MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 11:1335 The Fairies. An opera. Taken from A Midsummer Night's Dream [by D. Gurrick.] The Songs from .Shakespear, Milton, etc Svo, 1755. 2(1044 duo, 175G. 1136t51 A Fairy Tale. Taken from Shakespeare. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Dun y- Lane, duo, 1703. 113364 The Fairy Prince: a masque. As it is performed at the Theatre-Roval in Covent-Garden, 8vo, 1771. 2740 The Fairy-Queen : an opera. Represented at the Queen's-Tlieatre by their Majesties' Servants, 4to, 1692. C1376 [ Hardwicke (Countess of) ] The Court of Oberon, or the Three Wishes. A Drama, 4to, 1831. 113334 [Leveridge (R.) ] The Comick Masque of Pyramus and Thisbe, duo, 1710. 2617 Merry conceited Humors of Bottom The Weaver, 1661 (Ashbee's Reprints, XIII.), 4to, 1871. 2741 Midsummer Night's Dream. Written by Shakespeare: with alterations and additions, and several new songs, duo, 1763. 2742 Midsummer Nights Dream, Written by Shakespeare ; with alterations, additions, and new songs [by F. Reynolds] 8vo, 1816. 69792 Songs, Chorusses, &c, in a fairy ballad opera, entitled Robin Goodfellow, 8vo, ?184S. 2743 Tieck (L.) The Midsummer Night, or Shakespeare and the Fairies, duo, 1854. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. 5301 Much 27045 Much 8G839 Much 2696 Much 50664 Much 33151 Much 43993 Much 113773 Much 29696 Much 113541 Much 113535 Much 113326 Much 113593 Much 91515 Much 57431 Much 16323 Much 38105 Much 113644 Much 69790 Much 14598 Much 46321 Much 110343 Much l'lioi" lithographed t'rnni tlit- cuigiiial in tin.- library of the Earl of BUesmere. R. Preston, Photo. (Day & Son) 4to, 1864 Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee, 4to, 1805 [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed] Facsimile by C, Practorius, with introduction by P. A. Daniel [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 14] 8vo, 188(1 [Twenty of tin- Plays of Shakespeare " Much Ado About Nothing was first printed in 1600." — Knight, Ado about Nothing, 1600 Ado about Nothing, 1600 A doe about Nothing, 1600 adoe about Nothing, 1600 Ado about Nothing (j.Tonsonj Ado about Nothing (J. and R. Tonson) Ado about Nothing As i! LsAeted at '"X'S^S "' DnU7Laue : " ul Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald Ado about Nothing- Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing taken from tin- Mining. -is Bc.uk at the Theatre K> Drury-Lane Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing- Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing Ado about Nothing as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden (Edinburgh] revised by J. P. Kemble; and now published as it is performed at the Theatres Royal with the Stage business, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, l>y IV. ( Ixberry Dolby's British Theatre with remarks (Edinburgh) ... . . iJ. Cumberland) ... ... arranged for representation at the Princess's Theatre [with notes by C. Kean) French's Standard Drama No. I.V. (New York) [French's Acting Edition (late Lacy'sj No. Jl-JJ as arranged for performance at the Crystal Palace with notes by J. Hunter ... ... Produced at the Alexandra Theatre, Liverpool. Arranged for representation by K. Saker (Liver] li as arranged by H. Irving and presented at the Lyceum Theatre G. Steevens.) ... 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vol. 1.] 8vo, 1768 duo 1734 duo 1 766 8vo 1778 duo ?1784 duo ?1808 duo ?1812 duo ?1815 duo 1823 duo 1823 duo 1829 duo ?1831 8vo ?1858 duo ?1860 duo ?1873 8vo 1874 duo ?1877 duo ?1878 8vo 1 882 English Editions of the Separate Plays. 37 Number. 53585 Much Ado about Nothing 54895 Much Ado about Nothing 69814 Much Ado about Nothing 113327 Much Ado about Nothing 102-m Much Ado aboul Nothing 107380 Much Ado about Nothing 107211 Much Ado about Nothing 125993 Much Ado about Nothing 151276 Much Ado about Nothing milted l.\ C. B. Klnwor. The Memorial i lieatn ton] on Avon] edited, with notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New rork) Dteks' Stondnrd Plays, Numbei 17 now first published In fiiUj recovered trlenl form, will, essay hy H. w Lloyd (prim wlili Introdiii'lfon mil I notes hj K. belghton wiili Introduction .iii.i notua In ll S*. HuiIhoii UoHton [U.K.A.] i-dll ij I. \V. Verity (Tin I n| i I-, n i u Clarendon Press Series [Oxford) edited, with Introdnetions and notes, hj C.H I The Bvereley Shakespeare N... o Vols. 1 f 8i e duo H:i|. L882 1 duo L883 1 duo 1 8vo 1 88 1 1 duo 1 888 L duo L888 1 duo 1 duo 1 duo L900 27046 82381 2699 79729 2747 26657 2746 142354 82854 107934 113666 106925 113689 113690 128405 113691 16320 113694 16388 113701 2748 43399 29699 14726 107935 113599 113831 57419 113705 3303 113586 80387 72510 107963 113642 2749 OTHELLO. Shakespeare's Tragedy of Othello appears to have been 6rat printed in L622. Othello, 1622 Faesimiled hy E. W. Ashl Ito, 18fi4 [One of flfty eopl nineteen have I n destroyed] Othfdlo Till" First, Ollttl'tO 1B22 Pncsimlli orlus: wil Iroduetlon In II \ WllltUlU, lUf lllhl I^UclUiU, J.U-,-1 [Shakspere-tmarto Facsimiles. No. 31] Bvn Othello, 1622 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespean (G Steevens Vol.4] 8vo, 17(10 Orhflln Thp Kprnrwl Dnnrto 1 ft3ft Facsimile hy C. Praetorius: with Introduction by n \ WUieilU, Xlie oecoutl ^lUaiO, lOOO [Shakspcre-Quarto Faesindh 1 4to 168] 1 4to Of Violin as >' ,lu,n '"'''" acted : " the Globe, and at the Black Fi wuiieiiu .,, ld ,„,„.,, tlll . n,,,,,,,. 1; „,,| OtViolln as il lla " 1 } n acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers wmeiiu and now at the Theater Royal Othello (J. Tonson) Othello As it is Actedal the Theatres. Printed in the year M.DCC.XXXV. ... Othello As it is acted at the Theatres. Printed in the year MDCCXXXVI. Othello Printed for D. Williams, in St. Paul's church-yard Othello As i, is now acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden Othello As it is now Acted By His Majesty's Servants ... Othello Asil isnow letedat the Theatres Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden Othello collated with the old and modern editions [by C. Jennens] Othello As it is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden Othello taken from the Manager's Book al the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden (R. Butte Othello taken from the Manager's Book at the Theatre-Royal, Covent Garden [Sal Othello printed exactly agreeable to the Representation, by ll. Garland Othello As it is Acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden Othello with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald Othello revised bj J. P. Kemblc; and now published us ii Is performed at the Theatre Othello with Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald (London : and Bold nt \\n Is] Othello Dolby's British Theatre Othello [Cumberland's British Theatre, No. 8] Othello (J. Cumberland] Othello with accurate stage directions. Acting edition. Hinds' English Stage [No I] Othello u- compressed and arranged tor public leading, with notes, by B. C. Jones Othello No. xxill. French's Standard Drama (New York: Othello [Lauy's Acting Edttl f Plays, Vol. 27] Othello [Lacy's Acting Bdltlon. No. 405] Othello Charles Fechter's Acting edition Othello Loft's illustrated British Drama, etc., No. Othello Second edition. Charles Fechter's Acting edition 4to 4to duo duo duo duo L695 L705 1724 1734 L735 L736 duo ?1750 duo 1 755 duo duo 8vo 8vo duo 1756 1771 1773 1777 VI 7m i 8vo ?1780 8vo ?1780 8vo 1780 duo ?1808 duo lsil duo L822 duo L823 duo ?1830 duo ?183J svo L838 duo duo L846 ?1846 duo 71854 duo ?1860 duo 1861 duo ?1861 duo 1861 33 Number. 57365 57367 14599 148465 83508 53588 69815 54897 126549 135946 136058 151277 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. /~w 1,^11^ as performed by Salvini and his Italian Company during the American tour (JtnelJO (NewYork) [In Italian aud English] Othello as performed by Salvini and his Italian Company [In Italian and English] Othello with Notes, etc.. hy J. Hunter ^+l-.r>l Ir-. -i- performed bj Salvini and the American Company [New York) WlllbllO [In Italian and English] Othello with introduction, and notes, by H. N.Hudson (BoBton [U.S. A.] ) Othello edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] Othello Dicks' Standaid Plays, Number 1 Othello edited, with notes, hy W. J. Eolfe (NewYork) Othello Illustrations by F. Dicksee. Introduction by E. Dowden [International Shakspere] Othello Illustrated by L. Marchetti. Reproduced by G. Whitehead & Co. Othello with introduction and notes, by K. Deighton Othello edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. TheEversley Shakespeare . . . No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1873 1 8vo 1876 1 duo ?1877 1 8vo 1880 1 duo 1881 1 duo ?1882 i duo ?1883 1 duo 1883 1 fol 1890 1 fol ?1892 1 duo 1893 1 duo 1900 OTHEL W : TEA VESTIES. 70183 Dar's de Money (Burlesque on " Othello ") [The Darkey Drama, part first, edited by H. L. Williams, Jr., pp. 21-27] duo, ?1870. 57S91 Dowling (M. G.) Othello Travestie. A Burlesque Burletta (Buncombe's edition), duo, ?1S34. 80307 Dowling (M. G.) Othello Travestie : an Operatic Burlesque Burletta [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, Vol. 38] duo, ?1856. 70180 " Othello ;" a Burlesque, as performed by Griffin & Christy's Minstrels at their Opera House, New York. (New York) duo, ?1870. (59791 Othello, a tragic opera. Translated and adapted from the Italian by G. Soane, 8vo [1844]. 574S0 Othello-Travestie : with Burlesque notes, etc. Second edition (London, printed : and Dublin, re-printed by J. Kempston) duo, 1813. OTHELLO : OPERA TEXTS. 11380fi Otello. Othello, a tragic opera. Music by Rossini. Represented at the King's Theatre, Haymarket. [In Italian and English] duo, ?1S30. 57475 Otello. Othello, a tragic opera. Music by Rossini. Represented at the King's Theatre, Haymarket. [In Italian and English] duo, 1S36. 70150 Otello. Othello, a tragic opera. Music by Rossini. Represented at Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket. [In Italian and English] duo, 1838. 113807 Otello. Othello, a serious opera. Music by Rossini. Performed at Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket. [In Italian and English] duo, 1839. 113805 Otello. Othello : a serious opera. Music hy G. Rossini. Performed at Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket. [In Italian and English] duo, 'ilbii. 70151 Otello ; a lyric tragedy. Music by Rossini, libretto translated by J. W. Tibbert (Royal Italian Opera) [In Italian and English] duo, '.'1850. 113808 Otello; a lyric tragedy. Music by Rossini; libretto translated by J. W. Tibbert (Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden). [In Italian and English] duo, 1855. 113804 Otello. Music by Rossini. With the Music of the principal airs. [In Italian and English] 4to, ?1SG4. 70152 Otello, a tragic opera. Music by Rossini. [In Italian and English] duo, ?1870. 27047 85306 27048 86840 27049 113425 113833 113682 54898 109126 151278 Pericles, Pericles, Pericles, Pericles, Pericles, Pericles, Pericles Pericles Pericles Pericles Pericles PERICLES. "The first edition of Pericles appeared in 1609." — Knight. 1609 Facsimiled by E. \v. Ashbee, 4to, isi;-_> [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed,] Thp Tfiver, Orrnvtn 1 fiOQ Facsimile by C. Praetorius, with introduction by P. Z. Bound J.11B -LllbO V^LldilbU, -UU3 [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 21.] 8vo, 1886 1 fiOQ Facsimiled from the second edition by E. \v. Ashbee, 4to, 1871. [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen XUKJ v havel n destroyed.] TItp Spfnrui Oivtvti-1 1 ROQ Facsimile by C. l'raetorius, with introduction by P. Z. Bound -Llie DeOUllU VUdlTO, lOUy [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 22.] 8vo, 1886 1611 Facsimiled by E. W. Ishbee. tto, 1868. [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed. 1 664 The Text from the third Folio Edition, published in 1664. Printed for L. Booth. 4to, 1865 As intended to be performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden 1 J-. -| <7Qn [No. CXXVI. The continuation of Bell's British Theatre] ••• •• ■*- ClUO 1/JO [No. 31, Mansell's Pocket Shiikspeare] ... ... ... ... 1 duo ?1830 edited, with notes by W. 3. Eolfe i New York. ... ... ... 1 duo 1883 edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] ... 1 duO ?1890 edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. The Eversley Shakespeare 1 dllO 1900 English Editions of the Separate Plays. Number. No. of Vols. Size. hate 27050 110017 98139 27051 57286 27053 27023 98140 27052 2697 91307 72504 57443 25491 80436 11999 14600 77799 54899 45606 142040 102407 103988 •107387 106535 106393 109093 135272 129994 129998 130283 136059 137938 145762 151279 Hi ,V SI.-. VI ii w ill. remarks t. - I.;. C. Keau RICHARD THE SECOND. The Richard II. of Shakspere was first printed in 1597. "Riplvtrd til" Xproni] 1 'V)7 '• I by E. W. Ashbee. 4U), - rtilClldlCl MIL noCOllU, 10JI , ,„ .fhlcb nluitwn have been desti Richard the Second, The First Quarto, L597 *■"■"""";; ;;;,;■ ' |Sliakn|>oit' ijuarto I'.i. - — i ■ . . < So I Richard, the Second, The First Quarto, L597 ^mlVt™! ! 'VT^'i!':;: [Shakspere ynnrto Fiu-slmiles, So. l8]8vo, 1888 Piflmiv] t.hp Nppnrifl 1 V)S Facsimiled by E. V Ishbee. 4to. 18«». XUCUaiU Ulfc, oeCOna, 10»0 [0 f ftfty cop i e8i of W bluta nineteen have been destroyed] Richard the SeCOlld, 1608 [Facsimile. Edited by J. 0. HalllwcU. .in... if.; | Richard the Second, 1608 '■' lled bJ '"' w - u a^bSd.^yed."" 5 ' ""'" *"'""' : "" Richard the SeCOnd, 1608 [TitlePageoi I rom 27053. Finn ledbyl B Valibee.] 11... is; 1 Richard the Second, the Third Quarto, L608 ' " ' [SbaksiH 1. Quarto Facsimiles, No. l!l]8vo, Richard the Second, 1615 Facsimlled ">' "■ "• AJ """ l l ::;.:,; ii ;;,;,:; l '"■- '" whkh """"■•" Richard the Second, 1615 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespoare |G. Steevens). Vol.2.] 8vo Richard the Second, Qo. 5, 1634 *•« " \ ,;, £5£& w ^ffi 1 duo ?1822 1 duo ?183] 1 8vo ?1857 1 duo ?1866 1 duo 1875 1 duo Vis? 7 1 duo 1878 duo L882 duo L882 duo? [1882 duo J 888 duo ?1889 duo 1889 duo ?1889 duo . duo 1891 duo ?1893 duo 1893 duo 1894 duo L895 duo L896 duo ?1897 duo 1899 duo L900 from ili.' text of Jol ..]. Cumberland) arranged for the Princess's Theatre, wit! [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays. Vol. 77J with notes; etc., by L>. Morris. Collins' School and College Classics with notes, etc., by J. Hunter ... ... as presented by Edwin Booth. The Prompl Book, edited by W. w int. (New v.. ik edited, with notes, bj VV. J. Rolfe (New York) ... i ;. Clark and W. A. v\ right. Clarendon Press Seri llii- Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare .... edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn (W. ,v R. Chaml Richard II. Richard II. Richard II. Richard 11. Richard II. Richard II. Richard II. Richard the Second Richard II. editedby W. G. ClarkandW. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series [0 ford Richard II. with not Richard II. with not. Richard II. Moffatt's Edition, with introduction and notes. Second edition Richard the Second with introduction and notes by H. N. Hudson (Boston, I .SA Richard II. edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre edition [Stratford-on-Avdn] Richard II. with illustrations, notes, questions, &c. Sixth edition. She Granville Series Richard the SeCOnd edited by E. K. Chambers [The " Falcon " Series] "Rir-havrl TT I A IiimM '•• " ■ A *'""" Richard the Third, 1612 Richard the Third, 1612 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens) Vol. 3.] Svo. 17(Sfi Richard the Third, The Sixth Quarto, 1622 ^"^l^^^k^^^Za^ No. 4:'.J svo. 18811 4to 1634 duo 1800 duo 1821 duo 1870 duo ?1871 duo 1874 duo ?1877 duo ?1877 duo 1878 duo 1880 duo 1883 duo 1886 Richard the Third printed by Iolin Norton Richai'd III. (Manchester) RlnViavA TTT restored ami re-arranged rrom thetext of Shakspeare : as performed al the lCliaitl 111. Theatre Royal, Covent Garden T?ir>l-iov/l tVio T'hiivT Arranged for Representation from the Text, by C. Calvert, and first -Lu^u.uu Hit: J-JiJiu produced at the Prince's Theatre, Manchester (Manchester) Richai'd III. TheSel 1 Edition of Shakespeare (W. and K. Chambers Richai'd III. with notes, etc. by W. Lawson. Collins' Scl I and College Classics Richard III. with notes, etc., by J. Hunter "Rirdiovrl TTT arranged for the Stage exclusively from the Author's text by -LVi^udjiu. J.J.J.. Henry Irving, and produced at the Lyceum Theatre ••■ Richai'd I ' ls l"''* 1 ' 1 "'' 1 ' ''>' Edwin Booth. The Prompt-Book, edited by \\ . H inter edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) sdited, with Notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) with introduction, notes, examination papers, etc. (selected), by B. KH1" (New York i Richard the Third Richard the Third Richard III. Richard III. with notes, etc. (W. & K. Chambers! ... ... ... 1 Richard the Third with introduction and notes by C. H. Tawney ... ... 1 ■Rir>Vinvd TTT edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition l -LUCnaiU 111. [Stmtford-on-Avon] ••• ••• l Richai'd the Third with introduction and notes by H. N. Hudson (Boston, U.S.A.J ... 1 Richai'd the Third edited by W. H. P. Smith [The "Falcon" edition] ... ... 1 Richard the Third edited with notes by W. J. Kolfe (New York) ... ... 1 Richard III. edited by G. Macdonald. The Warwick Shakespeare ... ... 1 Richai'd the Third edited by F. P. Barnard. Arnolds School Shakespeare ... 1 idited with introductions and notes by ('. H. Herford 1 The Eversley Shakespeare ••■ - 1 - Richard the Third duo 1888 duo ?1889 duo 1889 duo 1889 duo 1891 duo 1896 duo ?1897 duo 1900 RICHARD III. : Colley Gibber's Version. Part nf the first act is taken from the last act of Henry VI., part 3. Many passages aJso are taken from other plays of Shakespeare, and Gibber has introduced much original matter."— Boston Public Library Catalogue Barton Collection). 26643 113665 113361 113698 78169 57413 16326 113637 113693 113638 110399 Richard III. reviv'd with alteratio Richard III. Richard III. Richard III. Richard III. Richard III. Richard III. Richard III. "RirViorrl T as '' is acted at tin- Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane una Covent-Garden -LULiutiiAi -LJ-i. [W. Oxlade) ' Richai'd the Thil'd taken from the Manager's Book, at the Theatre-Koyal, Covent-Garden alter'd by Mr. Cibber alter'd from Shakespear by C. Cibber ;is it is acted at the Theatre-Koyal in Drury-Lane alter'd from Shakespear, by Colley Ciliber as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane altered from Shakespear by Colley Cibber as it is acted at tin as ii is acted at tin 1 duo 1734 1 duo 1736 1 duo 1737 1 duo 1751 1 duo 1756 1 duo 1757 1 duo 1769 1 duo 1775 1 8vo 1778 1 duo 1778 1 duo 1787 English Editions of the Separate Plays. 41 Number. 110341 29695 113359 110398 73960 113358 113546 113830 57418 113704 57403 113584 80373 69794 113647 III. altered from Shnkspeare : by Colley Clbber, Marked with the variations in tin' Manager's Book al the fbeatre Royal, Drur] I Richard Richard III. with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald Richard Richard Richard Richard fViQ TUiii-rl bs performed at the rheatres-Royal. Regulated from the Ulie J.IJ11U. Prompt i the Third adapted by Colley Clbber : revl byJ.P. Kemble the Third revised by J. P. Kemble the Third adapted by Colley Cibber (Oxberry's edition] Richard the Third [No.5. Cumberland's British Theatre) .. . Richard the Third (J. Cumberland) Richard the Thil'd Actlngeditlon, with stage directions. Hinds' English Stage [No. V.] Ri/iViriT^ fVic TVii-*./^ as compressed and arranged for Public reading by B. C 2 lOIliblU MIC J. lint l Prom Colley Cil r's Acting edition Richard 111. adapted by Colley Cibber. No. XI. French's Standard Drama (NewYork) Richard the Third adapted by Colley Cibber [Lacy's Acting edition of Plays, Vol. 13] Richard the Third adapted by Colley Cibber fr. H. Lacy] .. Richard the Third adapted by ColleyCibber [French's Actiugedltion (late Ucy's) 193] No. o( Vuls. 1 duo Date. 1793 1 duo ?1808 1 duo ?1812 1 duo ?1814 1 duo ?1818 1 duo 1818 1 duo 1819 1 duo ?1825 1 duo ?1831 1 8vo 1839 1 duo 1846 1 duo ?1846 1 duo ?1854 1 duo ?1857 1 duo 91868 MIC HARD HI.: TRAVESTIES, ETC. 113362 Burnand (F. C.) The Rise and Fall of Richard III. ; a Richardsonian burlesque, dun, V1868. 113360 King Richard III. : or the Battle of Bosworth Field (Hodgson's Juvenile Drama) duo, ?1820. 70181 King Richard III. Travestie, a burlesque, operatic, mock terrific tragedy, duo, 1823. 113363 Richard III. Travestie ; with [burlesque] annotations, by Contrast Jumble, duo, 1823. 43693 Richard the Third (Lloyd's Juvenile Drama) duo, 1831. 80399 Selby (C.) Kinge Richard ye Third, or ye Battel of Bosworth Field [Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 40] duo, ?1858. 69797 Selby (C.) Kinge Richard ye Third, or ye Battel of Bosworth Field (T. H. Lacy) duo, ?1873. 27060 4065 83555 2699 4064 27061 4066 85305 4067 88916 27062 2699 27059 27023 75983 113688 113639 113667 57457 80378 26040 14608 5318 -Knight. , of which nineteen hare Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee. -ltn, 1866 [One of fifty copie been destroyed] Edited by P. A. Daniel (New Shakspere Society, Series II. No. '2) 4to, 1874 ROMEO AND JULIET. "Romeo and Juliet was first printed in the year 1597. Romeo and Juliet, 1597 Romeo and Juliet, 1597 Rel11int of (Qo - " ™ Romeo and Juliet, The first Quarto, 1597 VM ^^^£y^£X^ n $o*i^™ RomeO and luliet, 1597 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens), Vol. 4] 8vo,1766 Romeo and Juliet, 1597-1599 ^^ B ^£&S?£K?£ W&m^^ RomeO and Juliet, 1599 ^csimiledbyE.W.Ash! It., £ »»«l plcs.ofwhicb nineteeahav, Romeo and Juliet, 1599 R "" li " t of «* * im - KMM by ^ttf" Shatopere s "" i "' v ' s ' Mi " s " -r> -i t v i ml J r\ „ t-~ 1 KOfl Facsimile by C. Praetorius, with Introduction by H. A. RomeO and Juliet, 1 he Second QuartO, 15yy E ;. :uls [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 26] Bvo,1888 Romeo and Juliet, 1599 Re ™^Z^Z& T&TxttZ*™ " ; "' i " , Romeo and Juliet, The Undated Quarto [1607] Facsimile by c.Pra^o^.withi.ntroducton [Shakspere-Quarto Facsimiles, No. 86] 8vo, 1887 Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee. 4to, 1869 [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed] Romeo and Juliet, 1609 Romeo and Juliet, 1609 Romeo and Juliet [1607 J Romeo and Juliet [1607] [Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (G. Steevens). Vol. I] 8vo, 1766 Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee. *to, 1868 [One of fifty copies, of which nineteen have been destroyed] [Title page only : differs from 27069. Facsimiled by E. W. Ashbee. Ito, 1871.] Reprinted from the first folio, 1628. William Ludlow. (Edinburgh] as it Is now •!' ted .iti) Romeo & Juliet, 1623 Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet <»« te] acteda1 ^nt'ST 1, iM , "" ryU "" : ""' RoilieO and Juliet as it was performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane RomeO it Juliet (Manchester) RomeO and Juliet [Lacy's Acting edition of Plays. Vol.18.] Romeo and Juliet «*** *" "'" ^S^ZfS&JS"**"- RomeO and Juliet with notes, etc., by J. Hunter RomeO and Juliet with notes, etc., by S. Neil. Collins' School and College i duo, 1884 ... 1 duo 1768 ... 1 duo 1775 ... 1 duo 1775 ... 1 duo 1800 ... 1 duo ?1855 lossl— 1 8vo 1876 ... 1 duo 1877 sics 1 duo 1879 42 Number. 107214 83505 53589 45609 57474 54901 148466 73553 103965 135947 120768 151281 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Eomeo Borneo Eomeo Borneo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet edited by C. E. Moberly. [The Rugby Edition] with introduction and notes by H. X. Hudson (Roston [U.S.A.]) , edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] as arranged liy H. Irving, and presented at the Lyceum Theatre. Seemul edition edited, with notes, liy \V. J. Rolfe (New York) ... adapted for the Italian Stage, and performed by E. Rossi [In Italian and English] as performed by Miss Mary Anderson and Company at the Lyceum Theatre with illustrations by Andriolli (Boston [U.S.A.]) with illustrations by L. Marchetti, L. Rossi, and O. Cortazzo with introduction and notes by K. Deighton . . . edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford The Eversley Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size 1 duo Date. 1880 1 duo 1881 1 duo ?1882 1 8vo 1882 1 8vo 1883 1 duo 1883 1 8vo ?1883 1 8vo 1884 1 4to 1887 1 fol ?1891 1 duo 1893 1 duo 1900 ROMEO AND JULIET: Garrick's Version. " All allusion to Romeo's former love, Rosaline, is omitted, and a scene between Romeo and Juliet in the tomb is added." — Boston Public Library Catalogue (Barton Collection). 69793 142350 2750 113405 113686 16327 57749 72624 43994 113683 113687 113578 113684 107933 29695 73959 97236 113598 39803 57416 146285 113585 EomeO and Juliet with alterations, and an additional scene [by D. Garrick] EomeO and Juliet Printed exactly agreeable to the representation by H. Garland .. EomeO and Juliet with alterations, and an additional scene: by D. Garrick Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo Eomeo and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet and Juliet with alterations, and an additional scene by D. Garrick. Illustrated with notes and copper-plates (Birmingham) with alt' rations, and an additional scene by I). Garrick. Illustrated with notes (Birmingham) [Imperfect] altered from Shakspeare by D. Garrick. Marked with the variations in the Managers Books at the Theatres-Royal altered from Shakspeare, liy D. Garrick. Marked with the variations in the Manager's Book at Drury-Lane altered from Shakespeare by David Garrick. As it is acted at the Theatres Royal (Dublin) adapted to the Stage by D. Garrick ; revised by J. P. Kemble . . , with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald ... ... ... as performed at the Theatres-Royal. Printed from the prompt books (Edinburgh) • ■ ■ adapted to the Stage by L). Garrick; revised by J. P. Kemble Dolby's British Theatre ... ... .„., as now performed at the Theatres Royal. [Paris: Printed by J. Smith] (J. Cumberland i ... ... ... ... EomeO and Juliet French's Standard Drama, No. XUI. (New York) duo 8vo duo duo duo duo 1 8vo 1 8vo as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden 1 8VO duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo 1750 ?1750 1756 1766 1769 ?1769 1770 1770 1778 ?1780 1784 1787 1793 ?1800 ?1808 1812 1814 1823 1827 ?1831 ?1832 ?1847 ROMEO AND JULIET: ALTERATIONS, TRAVESTIES, ETC. 57370 2751 2752 69798 113708 113403 107143 107144 26668 69883 26669 2528 Gibber (T.) Romeo and Juliet, Revis'd and a Iter' d from Shakespear, Svo, ?1748. Dowling (M. M. G.) Romeo and Juliet : an Operatical Burlesque Burletta, duo. ?1837. [Gurney (R.)] Romeo and Juliet Travesty, duo, 1812. Halliday (A.) Romeo and Juliet Travestie ; or the Cup of Cold Poison, duo, ?1859. Lloyd (H. A.) Ruinmio and Judy ; a serio-comic-parodi-tragedi-farcical burlesque (Edinburgh) 8vo, 1841. Otway (T ) History and Fall of Caius Marius. As it is acted at the Duke's Theatre, 4to, 1680. Otway (T.) History and Fall of Caius Marius. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal, 4to, 1692. 4to, 1703. Rojas y Zorrilla (F.) Los Bandos de Verona. Montescos y Capeletes. Englished by F. W. Cosens, 4to, 1874. s J [Soule (C. C.)] A New Travesty on Romeo and Juliet, as presented before the University Club of St. Louis (St. Louis) Svo, 1877. Vega Carpio (Lope Felix de) Castelvines y Monteses. Translated by F. W. Cosens, 4to, 1869. Vega (Lopez De) Romeo and Juliet. Written originally in Spanish, and built upon the same Story on which [Shakespeare] founded his Tragedy, duo, 1770. Number. English Editions of the Separate Plays. ROMEO AND JULIET 43 Vols, size. Date OPERA TEXTS 70153 Giulietta e Romeo. Romeo and Juliet. A serioua opera, Music bj '■ market) [Italian and English] duo, 1S32. 113309 I Capuleti ed i Montecchi: a tragic opera. Poetry by r. Romani. Music by V Bellini (Haymarket) [Italian and English] duo, ?1838. 113810 Romeo e Giulietta. I Capuletti e i Montecchi : a serioua opera. Words by V. BomanL Music by Bellini [Italian and English] duo, fl860. 70147 Borneo e Giulietta, Romeo and Juliet : composed bj Zingarelli : with the Music of the principal airs [Italian and English] ito, I860. 113811 Romeo e Giulietta ; an opera. Music by Gounod. English libretto bj II. B. Farnie (Royal Italian Opera) [Italian and English] duo, -I860. 60558 Taming of a Shrew, 1594 88914 Tamingof aShrew.TheFirstQuarto, 1594 THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. " ' The Taming of a Shrew ' was revised by another writer and Shakespeare into ' The Taming of the Shrew.' " — Furnivall. "The Taming of the Shrew was first printed in the folio collection of Shakespeare's Playsin 1623." — Knight. Dramatic Eac-slmiles : superintended toy E. W. Uhbee. Iti I :opt i, of which this i • No. 56] FacBlmlleiyC. Praetoi ■ ■• P. J. Furnlvall [Sbakspi n \ Hi s, No. IS] 8vo 2697 Taming Of the ShreW, 1631 [Twenty of the Plays of Shakeapeare (G Steevens) VoL 2.] Bto,1700 2756 Taming of the Shrew ^%^S^^Zh^SSil ' ' 14618 Taming Of the Shrew with notes by J. Hunter 57463 Taming of the Shrew 54902 Taming of the Shrew 107086 Taming of the Shrew 109091 Taming of the Shrew 151282 Taming of the Shrew arranged for drawing-rooi :tlng or school theatricals byM.B.H. edited, with notes, by W. J. Rolfe (New York) edited by C. K. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on Ivon] editedbj H.H.Crawley [The ' Falcon Series] edited with introductions and notes by C. II. Herford. The Everslej Shakespeare 1 8vo 1821] 1 duo L872 1 duo 1881 1 duo 1883 1 duo ?1890 1 duo 1891 1 duo 1900 ' The Induction fe 113346 Catharine and Petruchio 43991 Catherine and Petruchio 113774 Catherine and Petruchio 29733 Catherine and Petruchio 57428 Taming of the Shrew ; "' 57853 Katharine and Petruchio 80421 Katharine and Petruchio of tin' Shrew TAMING OF THE SHREW: Garrick's Version. is omitted, as well as the scenes which do not relate to Katharine and Petruchio. T w additions and alterations."-Boston Public Library Catalogue (Barton Collection). 1 1 ''Will- M.ll ed from Shakespeare by D. Garrlck :'il fr.iiii Shakespear's Tamiii: [by D. Garrick] [Title page wanting] altered from Shakspeare by D. Garrick. Takenf the Miinii-.-i's Hi ink at the Theatre Royal, Coveut-Garden Katharine and Petruchio. Altered by D. Garrick and revised by J. P. Kemble Taken by D. Garrick from the Taming oi a Shrew Illustrated by R. Cruikshank niter.. 1 by D. Garrick from the Taming of a Shrew [Lacy's Acting Edition of Flays, Vol. 62] here are also a duo 1756 8vo [1780] duo ?1780 duo ?1809 duo ?1831 duo 1838 duo 1866 TAMING OF THE SHREW: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 113345 Bullock (Mr. C.)The Cobler of Preston. The fourth edition, [a farce founded on the "Induction" to the " Taming of the Shrew"] duo, 1723. 113343 Johnson (Mr. [C.]) The Cobler of Preston [a farce founded on the "Induction" to the "Taming of the Shrew " ] duo, 1716. 107135 Lacey (J.) Sauny the Scott : or, the Taming of the Sinew, Ito, 1698. 103205 [Lacey (J.)] Sauny the Scot: or, the Taming of the Shrew. Written originally by Mr.Shakespear, alter'd and improv'd by Mr. Lacey, duo, 1714. 2810 Taming of a Shrew, K107 (Six old Plays on which Shakspeare founded his Taming the Shrew, etc. [edited by J. Nichols] vol. 1) duo, 1779. 113344 Worsdale (J.) A Cure for a Scold. A Ballad Farce (Founded upon Shakespear's taming of a Shrew) duo, V1735. THE TEMPEST. "This comedy stands the first in the folio collection of 1623, in which edition it was originally printed." — Knight. 75983 The Tempest, 1623 [Reprinted from the first folio for William Ludlow, duo, 1886] 43400 The Tempest As It ta acted at the Theatres-Royal In Drury-Lane lovoi 16389 The Tempest Taken from the Managei rheatre Royal, Drur; I 57456 Tempest (Manchester) 1 8vo 1778 1 duo ?1780 1 duo 1801 44 Number. 50529 57479 25492 125648 83457 83509 41942 12029 107219 14609 45608 54903 142031 107384 102414 106537 109287 115838 124100 135332 129973 136060 133135 134518 137089 151283 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Tempest with The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest Tempest edit< The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest Tempest with The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest The Tempest embellishments by R. Smirke, R.A. [Note.— The pictures ore wanting] Fonetlc Faniili Edisun, wid nots, by A. J. Elis ... ... Illustrated by B. Foster, G. Dure, F. Skill, A. Slader, anil G. Janet illustrated by B. Foster, G. Dore, F. Skill, A. Slader, and G. Janet (New Yi irk I ••" ■d with notes by J. M. Jephson ,.. ... ... ... An offering to the Shakspere Tercentenary Festival fin Phonetic spelling. Phonetic Journal, J804, pp. 193-208] with notes, etc., edited by D. Morris. Collins' School and College Classics edited by J. S. Phillpotts [The Rugby Edition] with notes by J. Hunter ... ... ... ... edited by W. A. Wright. Clarendon Press Series (Oxford) edited, with notes, by \V. J. Rolfe (New Yorkl . . ... with notes. The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare ... ... with introduction and notes by H. N. Hudson (Boston [U.S.A.] notes, etc., edited by J. M. D. Meiklejohn (W. & R. Chambers) edited by C. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edition [Stratford-on-Avon] • • • edited by A. C. Liddell [The ' Falcon ' Series] ... with introduction, notes, etc, by D. Bain. The Annotated Shakespeare for Colleges and Schools edited with introduction and notes by T. Page Moftatt's Plays of Shakespeare ■ • ■ • • • edited by T. D. Bamett [Bell's English Classics] with introduction and notes by Elizabeth Lee Blackie's Junior School Shakespeare ■ • " • • ■ with introduction and notes by K. Deighton ... ... ... edited by W. E. Urwick. Arnold's School Shakespeare edited with notes, etc., by A. W. Verity. Pitt Press Shakespeare for Schools (Cambridge) • • • edited by F. S. Boas. The Warwick Shakespeare edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. The Eversley Shakespeare • • • • • • No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1821 1 duo 1849 1 8vo ?1857 1 8vo ?1860 1 8vo ?1860 1 duo 1864 1 8vo 1864 1 duo 1875 1 duo ?1876 1 duo 1877 1 duo 1881 1 duo 1883 1 duo [1884] ] duo 1888 1 duo 1889 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1891 1 duo 1892 1 duo ?1892 1 duo 1893 1 duo 1894 1 duo 1895 1 duo ?1896 1 duo 1896 1 duo 1897 1 duo 1900 THE TEMPEST: ALTERATIONS, TRAVESTIES, ETC. 113318 Fawcett (Mr. [J.]) Prospectus : with the songs, choruses, &c, &c, of The Enchanted Island : founded on Shakspeare's Tempest, 8vo, ?1804. 2461 La Tempesta : an opera. The Music by Hal(5vy ; the Poem by Scribe. Founded on " The Tempest " of Shakspere [in Italian and English] 8vo, 1850 2462 _ 4to, 1850 113316 The Masque in the Tempest, Set to Music by H. Purcel ; etc., 8vo, 1764. 151017 Renan (E.) Caliban. A philosophical drama continuing 'The Tempest" (Publications of the Shakespeare Society of New York, No. 9) (New York) 8vo, 1896. 113660 Shipwreck, The, altered from Shakespeare and Dry den, as performed at the Patagonian Theatre, Exeter-'Change, 8vo, 1780. 16321 The Tempest, or the Enchanted Island : [altered from Shakespeare by J. Dryden and Sir W. Davenant] 4to, 1676 54337 4t o, 1695 113317 The Tempest ; or the Enchanted Island. First written by Mr. W. Shakespear, & since altered by Sr. W. Davenant, and Mr. .1. Dryden, duo, 1710. 109076 The Tempest. An opera. Taken from Shakespear. The songs from Shakespear, Dryden, &c. Music by Mr. Smith. 8vo, 1756. 29699 The Tempest ; or the Enchanted Island. Adapted to the Stage, with additions from Dryden and Davenant, by J . P. Kemble, with remarks by Mrs. Inchbald, duo, ?1808. 3426 The Tempest [Cumberland's British Theatre] duo, ?1830. 57441 The Tempest (J. Cumberland) duo, ?1831. 28014 The Tempest [altered from Shakespeare by J. Dryden and Sir W. Davenant (Dramatic Works of W. Davenant, Vol. 5, pp. 395-526)] Svo, 1874. 57401 [Waldron (F. G.)] The Virgin Queen : attempted as a sequel to Shakspeare's Tempest, 8vo, 1797. TIMON OF ATHENS. ' ' The Life of Tymon of Athens ' was fiist published in the folio collection of 1623."— Knight. 4o995 XimOD. OI Athens AsitisActedattheTheatres-RoyalinDrury-LaneandCoveut-Garden 1 8VO 1780 72505 TimOn Of Athens from the text of Johnson & Steevens. With remarks ... 1 duO ?1822 57425 Timon of Athens (J. Cumberland) 1 duo ?1831 English Editions of the Separate Plays. 45 Number. 14619 54904 106538 151284 Timon of Athens Timon of Athens Timon of Athens Timon of Athens with ii"t''s by J. Hunter edited, with notes, by w J Rolf (New York) edited byC. E. Flower. The Memorial Theatre Edltlo [Stratford on Ivon] edited with introductions and notes by C. H. Herford. i in- i i peare No. i Vo\ 1 if si/.,-. duo Date 1873 1 duo 1882 1 duo ?1889 1 duo L900 27063 Titus 79730 Titus 27064 Titus 2698 Titus 113681 Titus 107864 Titus 149620 Titus 151285 Titus TIMON OF ATHENS: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 113415 [Cumberland (R,)] Timon of Athens, altered from Shakespear, duo, 1771. 10713S Shadwell (T.) History of Timon of Athens, the Man-Hater, Lto, 1678. Il34i:i lto, 1703. 113414 Timon of Athens. Altered from Shakespear and Shadwell [by J. Dance] The second edition, 8vo, 1768. TITUS ANDRONICUS. "This Play was first printed in 1594." Langbaine, \ nJ«Av,J«,,n 1 ftflfl Facsimiled by E, W. Ashbee. ii". 1886. I" f fifty copies, of which Dlnetei n have AnilloniCUb, J.UUU been destroyed] Anrlvoniono Tho Trivet Onivtn 1 ROO Pncslmile by C. Praetorius, with Introduction by A. Byi ■ /iiiuionicus, JLiie Jrii stjv^UcIilo, iuuw [g ,. , , ,, , ;illi A -nA ,.^i-,^,,r. 1 Ai 1 Facsimiled by K. \v. Aslibee. it". 1867. [On Rfty copies, of which nineteen have A11U10111CUS, JLOJtl been destroyed ' AndronicilS, 1611 [Twenty ortlie Plays ol Shakespeare (6. Steevensl Vol. 8.] Bvo, 1766 AndronidlS [No. 38 of Mansell's Pocket Shakespeare] ... ... 1 duo ?1830 Andronicus ^ tedbyC - EF1 °^; tf oXn^von] alT1U!atreEdltion ••• 1 duo ?1 890 AndronicilS edited, with notes, by W.J. Rolfe (New York) ... ... 1 dllO 1892 inr)i arranged for representation al the Prlno ■ Theatre, Manrl n. vviiioei b j-die Jver( ,>,.„„.,, A Winter's Tale with notes by J. Hunter Winter's Tale The Winters Tale The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale The Winter's Tale edited, with notes, by W. J. Boll a- performed bj Mist Harj Inderson and Compan) al the ■ a< arranged by Mi-< Mary Inder « Ith llli i i i: ii - a .i Anderson with Introduction, and notes by II. N. Hudson I with Introduction ami notes by k. Delghton edited by C. E. Plowei Thi H mi rial rh [Stmtford-on-Avon] iih notes, by W. J. Rolfe edited with introduction and notn by < H ■ Tin Eti Vols. 1 8vo ?1856 1 duo ?1860 1 duo ?1869 1 duo L872 1 1 duo duo L876 L883 1 1 duo ; 1 888 1 duo L888 1 duo 1 duo ?1889 1 duo , 1 duo L900 WINTER'S TALI-:: ALTERATIONS, BURLESQUES, ETC. 70182 Brougfa (W.) Perdita, or the Royal Milkmaid, being the legend upon which Shakespeare is supposed to have founded his Winter's Tale. A burlesque, duo, .1856. 113662 6arrick(D.) Florizel and Perdita, A Dramatic Pastoral alter'd from Shakespear, duo, 113551 Oarrick (D.) The Winter's Tale, or Florizel and Perdita, A Dramatic Pastoral altered from Sbakspeare, duo, 1785. 57368 Marsh (C.) The Winter's Tale. Alter'd from Shakespear, duo, L756. 130202 [Morgan (M.)] The Sheep-Shearing ; or, Florizel and Perdita. Taken from Shakespear. The songs by Mr. Arne, duo, 1762. 113350 [Morgan (M.)] The Sheep-Shearing ; or, Florizel and Perdita. Taken from Shakespeare. The songs set by Mr. Arne, duo, 1771. PLAYS ASCRIBED TO SHAKESPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 1 8vo 1848 1 8vo L887 83459 A Supplement to the Plays of William Shakspeare The Seven Dramas which bore i n ascribed to bis pen, edited by W. G. Simma (New York) The Two Noble Kinsmen. The London Prodigal. Thomas Lord Cromwell. Su John Oldcastle. The Puritan, or the Widow of Watling Street The Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy ol Locrine. 102388 The Doubtful Plays of William Shakspeare twtf ••• Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Locrine. Sh John Oldcastle. The Life and Death ol Thomas Lord Cromwell. London Prodigal. The Puritan; or, the Widow of Watling Street. A Yorkshire Tragedy. Titus Andronicus. 140904 The Doubtful Plays of Shakespeare '^^tfffiftgSX** 2 duo [1890-95] The Tragedy of Arden, ol Feversham. A Yorkshire Tragedy. King Edward ill. The Merry Devil of KUmonton. Lord Cromwell. Locrine. The! don Prodigal. The Puritan. The Two Noble Kinsmen. The First Pari of Sir John Oldcastle. Pair Em. PLAYS ASCRIBED TO SHAKESPEARE. ARDEN OF FEVERSHAM. " In 1592 was first published "The lamentable and true Tragedie of M. Arderj of Feveraham in Ki — Knight. 90580 Arden of Feversham, 1592 ""<""■ A " '""•" 138144 Arden of Feversham ^^^ ttBp {Tm?Temp1l'Drai. g »« ••• l duo L897 144756 Arden of Feversham MM -«%£^Xl;^&%* ki °* m - ••• 1 cluo L898 THE ARRAIGNMENT OF PARIS. "In 1584 was printed! without the author's name. The Axaygnemenl of Paris " — Dyoe. 40259 The Arraignment; of Paris rrnewortaoi • w-wo] ... 1 8vo I860 48 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Number. Vols. Size. Date. THE BIRTH OF MERLIN. " The first known edition of this play was published in 1662." — Knight. THE DOUBLE FALSEHOOD. "Malone attributes this play to Massinger, Farmer to Shirley, and Reed to Theobald." — Bonn's Lowndes. 2767 Double Falshood written orisi,iaUy t>The S s&yMr. ™XiY evisea and ad,1I ' te<1 1 du0 1-728 KING EDWARD THE THIRD. " ' The Raigne of King Edward the Third ' . . . was first published in 1596."— Knight. 46301 Edward t h e third a play ' thought *" '"' "f tg^^Z! j [ prolusions - edlted b * 1 duo 1 760 3345 Edward the Third attributed 1* K C^^Uta^^uA now proved to be his I ^ Q 1Q 74 FAIR EM. " Fair Em . . . was published in 1631." — Knight. THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER. 3418 The Fifth of November; or tbe Gun P 0W \%^ s SS^ to be writtun by • • . 1 8vo 1830 GEORGE-A-GREENE. " The earliest edition known is that of 1599." — Knight. 40259 George-a-Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield [Wor ^ ^: 2 ? 1 I ] eene ' ... 1 8vo 1861 LOCRINE. " The tragedy of ' Locrine ' was originally printed in quarto, . . . 1595." — Knight. 6^)974 TjOfHnP Newly set forth, overseene and corrected by W.S. [Note.— Title page and first leaf 4tO 1595 3365 Locrine by Mr. William Shakespear (J. Tonson) ... ... ... ... 1 duO 1734 THE LONDON PRODIGAL. " This comedy was first published in 1605." — Knight. 42728 London Prodigal [Works of Shakespeare (Tonson) 1735. Vol.8] ... ... 1 dtlO 1734 LORD CROMWELL. " The first edition of this play was published in 1602, under the title of ' The Chronicle History of Thomas Lord Cromwell.' " — Knight. 42728 Thomas, Lord Cromwell [Works of Shakespeare (Tonson) 1735, Vol. 8] ... 1 duO 1734 THE MERRY DEVIL OF EDMONTON. " ' The Merry Devill of Edmonton ' . . . was originally published in 1608." — Knight. 3155 The Merry Devil of Edmonton [ColleMo ^ f^J^^^ ■■■ 1 duo 1825 19291 The Merry Devil of Edmonton »" SffiSK* f^TX™™ 7 1 8vo 1875 MUCEDORUS. " The first edition of this ' comedy ' is that of 1598." — Knight. 19288 MuCedOTUS [Old English Plays, (K. Dodslcy) revised by W. C. Hazlitt, vol. 7, pp. 199-260] 1 8vO 1874 Plays ascribed to Shakespeare. I I Number .,„, ,,.,,,. THE SECOND MAIDEN'S TRAGEDY. 19291 The Second Maiden's Tragedy ; <" !i ' 1 8vo L875 140909 The Second Maiden's Tragedy • l "' l »"; ,, ■ ■ ... 1 ,| ll(( [892 SIR JOHN OLDCASTLE. The first edition of this Play mentioned in Bonn's Lowndes is dated 1600. 50007 Sir John Oldcastle i>yMi n • . , ... ... i ,| M ,, |7;jj THE PURITAN. " The fir.st edition of this comedy was published in 1607." — Kniglit. 42728 The Puritan [Works of Shakespeare (Toi vol. 8] ... ... ... [ ( | U() L735 THE TWO NOBLE KINSMEN. ''This play was first printed in 1634." — Knight. 87388 Two Noble Kinsmen written by I^^Xm&pe^}^' 1 4to 1034 4-070 Twn Nnhlp KinsniPll 1 fi.34 Reprint of the Quarto. Edited by H. Littledale ■±U(U XWU IMOUtti XVmbllien, lOOi |Xew shakspere Society. Series II.. No. 7.J H... is;,; 52953 Two Noble Kinsmen 8tato,,e ^S^2fSSSi ffi W w ' Skfiat ••• 1 duo L875 4071 Two Noble Kinsmen b - v WillUl " Sha Q ^to%nk?bYailtt b i^e^ ted ''""" ""' 2 8vo 1870-85 (New Shakspere Society, Series II., Nos. Band 15) 54890 Two Noble Kinsmen ^Al^^lV^^lffi™ ... 1 duo 1883 138145 Two Noble Kinsmen «"** wlth * '"^^CkXSESEi by ""^ 1 duo 1S97 VORTIGERN. 20054 Vortigei'll Represented at the Theatre Royal, Druiy I^ne. Apill 2,1798 ... ... 1 8\'0 1799 OQfiQ "X^m.firrQTn with preface. By W. H. Ireland. Represented at the Theatre Royal, Druiy Lane, 1 Q T r,~, 1 QQO AOOO VOltlgein ■ as a newly-discovered drama of Shakspeare ' 1 0\ O XOOA 147015 fi ar^!;!"ii s ' - 1 8vo 1832 A WARNING FOR FAIR WOMEN. 140941 A Warning for Fan Women emted -X™F n ^oSSn andnoto8 ' ••• 1 duo L893 A YORKSHIRE TRAGEDY. First printed in 1608. — Knight. 42728 Yorkshire Tragedy [works of Shakespeare 'Tonsonj :::;-.. vol. 8] ... ... 1 duo 1735 50 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS. Number. 74184 2700 16330 2765 63769 21022 26196 57123 16329 2763 57012 3865 98058 2766 6057 2761 85708 110334 16331 43699 107961 57398 31640 90813 9910 57110 16333 16332 83456 102421 149621 117717 141894 151963 COLLECTED EDITIONS OF THE POEMS. PoeiXIS, 1640 [Reprinted by A. R. Smith] duo, 1885 A Collection Of PoemS printed for Bernard Lintott Poems on Several Occasions sold by a. Mm-den, etc. Poems (J. Ben & Co.) PoemS reprinted for T. Evans ... Poetical Works (™<^.™-> r*** *> e « 5 f* aces * R - Anderson ... Poetical Works with Lit 'theAuthor. Cooke's Edition. With engravings PoemS with Mr. Capell's History ofth igin of Shakspeare's Fables PoemS with three engravings. Printed and published by J. F. Dove Poems No. of Y..K : with illustrative remarks [and] .1 Sketch of the Author's Life (0. Chappie) T ^,r^ ~D^n>-.-.c. with illustrative remarks [and] a Sketch of the Author's Life IjOVe irOemS Withen^raviir.-s (.1. Cwndeel With engravings PoemS [English Poets (Johnson and Chalmers) Vol. "I Miscellaneous Poems to which is prefixed tn PoemS (W. Pickering, etc.) PoemS Printed hy J. F. Dove. [No title page] PoemS (W.Pickering) Miscellaneous Poems witnaMemoir Poems Poems Poems Poems Poems Poems Poems Life of the Author (Ball, Arnold & Co.) a new edition (L. A. Lewis) ... ... ... ... (E. Moxon) Note.— Smith's Standard Library iW. Smith) 1844.— See wrapt" r (fa". Daly) with notes, etc. : illustrated from designs by v, . G. Standfast. Edited by J. 8. Moore (C. Little) ... edited by R. Bell with a memoir hy A. Dyce (Boston [U.S.A.]) ... .. ... Poetical WOl'ks with memoir, notes, etc., by G. Gilnlian (Edinburgh) ... PoemS (Bell and Daldy) [The Aldine edition of the British Poets] .. . PoemS edited with a memoir by R. Bell [Bell's English Poets] PoemS edited by R. Bell PoemS with a memoir by A. Dyce (Boston [U.S.A.]) Poems and Sonnets (Beii and.sons) Poems P rintedaffce W.J.Rolfe(NewYork) the original copies "t Venus ami Adonis, 1593. The Rape of Lucrece, 1594. Sonnets, 1609. The Lover's Complaint. [Ctdoplwii] edited by F. S. Ellis, and printed by me. William Morris, ar the Kelmscott Press PoemS edited with an introduction and notes by G. Wyndham ... ... ... Sonnets, etc. edited with introductions and notes by ('. H. Herf ird. 'Ph.- Kvi'rsii-y Shakespeare 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! -L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 duo ?1709 duo ?1760 duo 1774 duo ?1775 8vo 1793 duo [1797] 8vo ?1798 duo ?1800 duo 1804 duo 1808 8vo 1810 duo 1821 duo 1825 8vo ?1830 duo 1832 duo 1840 duo 1840 8vo 1840 duo 1841 8vo 1846 duo 1851 duo 1855 duo 1856 8vo 1856 duo 1857 duo ?1860 duo 1861 duo 1864 duo 18t9 duo 1893 duo 1893 8vo 1 898 duo 1900 SELECTIONS OF THE POEMS. 83498 Poets of the Elizabethan Age *SS' ^^'l^- •■• 1 135256 Love Songs of English Poets, 1500-1800 w %^Kp.V69] ne 1 duo ?1875 duo 1892 Number. English Editions of the Poems. SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS. 5 J Vols. Sise. ■• LUCRECE. " Id 1594, a year after the Venus and Adonis, Lucrece whs published, and waa dedicated to Lord Southampton." — Knight. 27066 Lllcrece, 1594 Facsimiled by E. V 7(440 TillPTPfiP Thp First OuiirtO 15 ( )4 Pnwlmlle by C. Praet 18. With 1 rnlvaU ,liiJ -UUClBCfc!, -Lilt! iilbU V v 'UilllU, xoj-± 151962 Venus and Adonis and Eape of Lucrece ... ... 1 duo L900 Kilted willi introductlo .n.. I notes oj C. H, Hi I THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM. "The Passionate Pilgrime was originally published in 1599." Knight. 60570 Passionate Pilgrime, 1599 edited by C. Edmunds [Tlio Isham Reprints] du 69665 Passionate Pngrim, The First Quarto, 1599 F $5$£$^ I 2!g&H^&\ 138399 Passionate Pilgrim, etc. ted by t. s. MM,„,..a,„M, 1 ,„utedbyc.Eicketta ... 1 duo J896 VENUS AND ADONIS. "It. [Venus and Adonis] was entered on the Stationers' Registers ... in 1593, and the firsl edition was printed in the same year." Staunton. 27067 Venus and Adonis, 1593 Fac8i ■■"•v K - w - A » ] > "•"'"- 74847 Venus and Adonis, The First Quarto, 1593 " ; 27068 Venus and Adonis, 1594 F »« iin ' u « J ^ E « » « : JggyJ^ c °P |e8 - '" " hi " h 60570 VenUS and Adonis, 1599 edited by C. Edmonds [The Isham Reprinte] duo, 1870 151962 Venus and Adonis and Eape of Lucrece ... ... ... 1 duo 1900 edited with introductions and notes bj I . II. Herford ['he Everslcy Slial "The 63706 79728 57369 2699 57137 91157 2467 114900 19072 57068 57136 31643 83499 86837 55405 113431 52644 74880 103681 107142 SONNETS. earliest known edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets is the quarto published in 1609." — Staunton. Sonnets [1609] Facsimile by Photo-zincography, IVonitl IginaJ In the Ubrarj or Bridgewater House. - QnnnDlo Tlio fiver OiMi'tn 1 fiOQ Facsimile by C. Praetorius, with Introduction by T. Tyler. [Shi OUlllieUb, Xilfc! lllbl v^JUdillu, iuuj Quarto-Facsimiles. No.30] Bvo[1885] Sonnets, 1609 Reprinted in the orthography and punctuation oftl riginal edition (J. Russell Smith) 8 Sonnets, 1609 Neverbefore mprinted [Twenty of the Plays of Shakesp ns)VoL4] 8vo. 1760 Sonnets TheS ets of Shakspeare and Milton (E Moxon Sonnets anewedition (Ball, Arnold, and Co.) Qrinnafc rearranged and di\ Idcd into tow parts, » itli an Introduction and notes OUIlIltJLb [ 0J K Cartwright] SoilgS and Sonnets illustrated by J. Gilbert C^OnilPts Remarks on the Sonni ts of Shakespeare I bj K. A. Hitchcock] : with I SoilgS and Sonnets [edited by F. T. Palgrave. GemBdltl Sonnets with commentaries by T. D. Budd (Philadelphia! SoilgS and Sonnets Illustrated by J.Gilbert ... Song8 and Sonnets edited by F.T. Palgrave [Golden Treii irySeries] Sonnets [A Treasury of English Sonnets, edited by D M Main, pp. 20-51 (Manchester)] Sonnets edited by E. Dowdei Sonus and Sonnets Illustrated by 81r J. Gilbert '■ RnnovM SntinDto " " • ar'd with ornamental borders designed hy E J. Ellis DUgtU (1 DUIlIltibb andotchedbj I J Bills 1 duo L830 1 duo IS 10 1 duo J 859 1 fol ISO 2 1 duo L863 1 duo 1865 1 duo 1865 1 duo 1 duo ?1875 1 duo 1 879 1 4 to 1 SSI | 1 8vo L881 1 duo L882 1 duo 1 4 to ?1888 1 Ito ?1888 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Poems and Sonnets iBeii and sons) Sonnets edited with notes and introduction by T. Tyler Sonnets with decorations by E. G. Treglown (Birmingham Guild of Handicraft) Sonnets Sonnets Sonnets Sonnets 52 Number. 102121 104418 131866 138684 149575 147260 149570 151963 Sonnets, etc edited by E. Dowdcj reconsidered i in part rearranged, with notes, etc. and a reprint of the orij 1608 edition by s. Butler illustrated by H. Ospovat edited With notes ami introduction by T. Tyler : with appendix. The Herbert-Fitton Theory of Shakespeare's Sonnets edited « ith introductions ami notes by C. H. Herford. The Kversh-y Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. 1 duo Date. 1889 1 8vo 1890 1 8vo 1895 1 duo 1896 1 8vo 1899 1 duo 1899 1 8vo 1899 1 duo 1900 57959 147807 57143 114900 19072 57136 90778 7374 83499 86837 103681 138399 145922 SONGS. rC , I The Poetrv of Various Glees, Sonus, &c, as performed at the Harmonists [QOllgSJ [Includes Shakespeare's Songs] SongS Illustrated by the Etching Club Son»S & Ballads illuminated by T. \V. Gwilt Mapleson, Esq. (New York) SoilgS and Sonnets illustrated by J. Gilbert SongS and Sonnets [edited by F. T. Palgrave. Gem edition] Sono'S illuminated by H. C. Hoskyns-Abrahall SonSfS selected from his Poems and Plays ... Song'S and Sonnets Illustrated by J. Gilbert SongS and Sonnets edited by F. T. Palgrave [Golden Treasury Series] SongS and Sonnets illustrated by Sir J. Gilbert The Passionate Pilgrim & The Songs in Shakespeare PlayS edited by T. S. Moore, and decorated by C. Rieketta ... ... Son^S from the Plays of Shakespeare. Illustrated by P. Woodroffe 1 8vo 1813 1 fol 1843 1 4to ?1849 1 fol 1862 1 duo 1863 1 duo 1865 1 4to ?1869 1 duo 1872 1 duo ?1875 1 duo ]879 1 4to ?1888 1 8vo 1896 1 duo 1898 English Shakespeariana. 53 ENGLISH SHAKESPEARIANA. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, Number. 57189 151097 6058 54406 16335 57233 150280 90778 70567 135312 147357 69776 150665 69775 69340 51471 96822 77877 7376 76411 112299 70162 9499 70169 ETC., ON OR AND HIS ILLUSTRATIVE WORKS. OF SHAKESPEARE A (A. A.) seeAdee A (T.J.) The Shakespearian Discovery .etc.^^^tr™ Abbey (E. A.) Drawings Abbott (E. A.) A Shakespearian Grammar No. Arrowsmith(W. R.) Shakespeare's Editors and Commentators Arrowsmith (W. R.) The Editor of " Notes and Queries" and Mr. Singer Artists who have illustrated Shakespeare's Works: Beeniustrattons As You Like It : — 131092 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on As You Like It, duo, 1805. Caldecott (T.) : see English Editions, 1819, 1820, and 183-2. l iTo-Ji Herford (C. II.) Shakspere's Masters land] As You Like It, 8vo, ?1S90. 15650 Kellogg (A. < >.) Shakspeare's Delineations of Insanity, etc. [Jaques, pp. s7-lo-2| duo, 1800. 70264 Kellogg (A. o.) Shakspeare's Psychological Delineations [Jaques] Svo, '.'1S03. 80140 Lee (S. L.) "As You Like It" and Stratford-on-Avon [in Gentleman's Magazine, ?oL 269, pp 301-363] 8vo, 1885. 149117 Lodge (T.) Rosalind (Cassell's National Library) duo, 1893. 113799 Planche (J. R.) Costume of As You Like It, dun, L825. 00331 Prouerbes of Syr Oracle Mar-Text, Edited by Ingleby, duo, ?1882. 70.V.V Sand (G.) Letter upon her adaptation of " As you like it," Svo, 1856. 113767 Sheldon (C.) Notes to As You Like It (Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations i duo, i v 77 103989 Woodforde (F. C.) An etymological Index to As You Like It, duo, [1884 I. 1479S3 Wurtzburg (C. A.) The Plot of " As You Like It," Svo, 1891. As You Like It : see also Seveii Ages of Man Ashbee (E. W.) Facsimiles of Quarto Editions of Separate Works of Shakespeare [Prefiloe ' ''"" , "" I , i ; Ashbee (E. W.) : Shakespearian Facsimiles 8£3Si^.Vmii55i Aston Cantlow : sa - Aston Hall, Shakspere Commemoration at, Ode by Langford AstOl' (W. W.) Brabantio's Love [./hmiPaUMallMagarine]... Astrology : eeeCoke Astronomy : « Atkinson (H. G.) and Cattell (C.) Authorship of Shakespeare Aubrey (J.)Letters by EminentPersons-r-'irM;::,^:^:!^:;'^:;; and 687-97] Aubrey (J.) : seeatooMalone Australia, Adelaide University Shakspeare Society: eeesodeties Authorship of Works attributed to Shakespeare : Autographs of Shakespeare : — 104323 Autograph which may be Shakespeare's (in liulletins of Boston Public Library, vol. VIII., pp. 515-527) Svo, 1889. 57801 Autographic Mirror, The [Autographs of Shakespeare, pp. 41-47] fol, ?1S55. 57s7s British Museum, Quide to Autograph Letters, etc. [Shakespeare, pp. 16 As 16] duo, i860. 1650 Burr (W. H.) Proof that Shakspere could not write, duo, 1886. 128276 duo, 1886. 134034 Furnivall (P. J.) On Shakspere's Signatures, 8vo, 1865. 16599 Macray (W. I).) Annals of the Bodleian Library (Shakespeare Autograph, p. 301] Svo, 1868. 2938 Madden (Sir P.) Autograph of Shakspere, 4to, 1837. 3366 8vo, 1838. 2940 Shakespeare's Will, and facsimiles of the three autographs. With observations by Ealliwell, ■ito, 1851. 3309 Shakespeare's Will with fac-similes of three original autographs annexed, Svo, I-::-. 1 4to 1871 1 fol 1863 1 duo 1859 1 8vo 1896 1 duo ?1881 2 8vo 1813 56 Number. 72723 113768 128034 57190 97014 150924 78072 57983 2564 103967 19709 142295 [from To-day] Hall of Sciein-c Thursday Lritures Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Autographs of Shakespeare — continued. 147411 TSix autographs of Shakespeare, engraved] by I. Harris, 1S41, 4to, 1S43. 150925 .Smith (Toulmin) Shakespeare Autographs, 4to, 1864-5. 145318 Wise (G.) Autograph of Shakespeare, 4to, 1869. Aveling (E.) Hamlet at the Princess's Aveling (E. B.) Macbeth Avon, The :— 2904 [Huckell (J.)] Avon, a Poem, 4to, 175S. 42690 Huckell (J.) Avon, a Poem, Svo, ?1811. 15644 Ireland (S.) Picturesque Views on the Avon, 8vo, 1795. 126640 Quiller-Couch (A. T.) The Warwickshire Avon, duo, 1892. 63771 Thome (J.) Rambles by Rivers. The Avon, duo, 1845. Ayers (E. T.) Bowls, Bowling Greens, Bowl Playing [Shakespearean References, pp. 10G-10H] Ayscough (S.) An Index to Shakspeare ^^SSof^ B (G. S.) Prologue and Epilogue in English Literature Shakespeare to Dryden B (J. D.) Hollingbury Copse and its Shaksperiana BookXre] B (W.) Sketch of the Life and Works of Shakspeare ... Baar (H.) Moral Ideals of Shakspeare ^SS^cKl Bacon, Famous History of Fryer Bacon Bacon (Delia) A Biographical Sketch ... Bacon (Delia) Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded Bacon (F) Promus of Formularies & Elegancies Reprint of Harleiau MS., copied and a illated by Bkkley Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy : — No. of Vols. Size. 8vo duo 1884 1882 1 duo 1894 1 8vo 1827 1 duo 1884 1 8vo 1885 1 fol ?1860 1 8vo 1864 1 4to 1637 1 8vo 1888 1 8vo 1857 1 8vo 1898 69776 A[dee] (A. A.) Bacon's Promus [from 150665 - 96822 90815 42685 19709 142295 "The Republic"] fol, 1883. — fol, 18S3. Ajax, Shakespeare or Bacon : complete chain of evidence of Shakespeare's authorship. Svo, ?1S88. Antiquary, The Sonnets of Shakspere. When, to whom, and by whom written, duo [1883]. Atkinson (H. G.) and Cattell (C. C.) The Authorship of Shakespeare : a controversy, duo, ?1881. Bacon (Delia) The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded, Svo, 1857. Bacon (F.) Promus of Formularies «fc Elegancies, reprint of Harleian MS., copied and collated by Bickley, Svo, 1898. 94615 Bacon or Shakspere ? A synopsis of some of the arguments advanced by the Baconians, 4to, ?1S87. 97237 Bacon Out-Shakespeared ! The story of a Horrifying Discovery ! ! Shakespeare a loose fish ! ! ! by A. Pimpleton Spoffkins, duo, 1887. 1036S2 Bacon Society, Journal of the, vols. 1 and 2 [all published], 2 vols., 8vo 1886-91. 1179S9 Baconiana, Vol. 1, Nos. 1 & 2 [all published] (Chicago) 8vo, 1892. 124136 Baconiana, from Vol. 1. New series, 8vo, 1893. etc. 139264 Bormann (E.) The Shakespeare-Secret, translated from the German by Brett, Svo, 1895. 101250 Browne (H. J.) Is it Shakespeare's Confession? The cryptogram in his epitaph, duo, 1887. 128276 Burr (W. H.) Bacon and Shakspere. Proof that William Shakspere could not write, 24mo, 1S86. 82650 Burr (W. H.) Bacon and Shakspere. Proof that William Shakspere could not write. The Sonnets by Bacon. Bacon identified, duo, 1886. 138150 Castle (E. J.) Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene : A study, 8vo, 1897. 97811 Cattell (C. C.) Did Bacon write Shakespeare ? A reply to Ignatius Donnelly, duo, 18SS. 70142 Cattell (C C.) Shakespeare. Was he a myth ? or, What did he write? duo, ?1880. Cattell (C. C) see also Atkinson. 109116 Churcher (W. H.) The Mystery of " Shakspeare" revealed, Sir Francis Bacon the real author, duo, 1886. 147803 Cox (S. A.) Shakespeare converted into Bacon, An Extravaganza, duo, ?1899. 94616 Davidson (T.) Was it Bacon or Shakespeare ? [from The New York World] fol, 1887. 109120 Dawson (E. A.) Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, Svo, 1885. 97614 Dethroning Shakspere. Letters to the " Daily Telegraph," edited by Theobald, duo, 1838. 101262 Dethroning Shakespeare. Who wrote his Plays. Cipher by Francis Bacon, etc. [Cuttings from the " Daily Telegraph," etc.] duo, 1887-8. 96577 Donnelly (I.) The Great Cryptogram : Francis Bacon's Cipher in the so-called Shakespeare Plays, 2 vols., Svo, 188S. 97596 [Donnelly (I.)] : His secret is revealed. Mr. Donnelly gives up the origin of his cipher numbers, etc. [from " The World "] fol, 1888. 151853 Donnelly (I.) The Cipher, in the Plays, and on the Tomhstone, duo, 1900. 145309 Doyle (J. T.) Donnelly and the Shakespeare Cipher. [Copied with a letter-copying press from a type written copy] Svo, 1888. 142460 Dryerre (II.) Who wrote the Shakespeare Plays ? Shakespeare or Bacon ? [from The People's Friend], 4to, 1898. 140832 [Duggan (J.)] Fair, Kind, and True. I. N. U. and W. H. by Junius, jr., duo, 1896. English Shakespeariana. 57 Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy — continued. 1137")" F (O.) " who wrote ShakspeareT 8vo, 1879. L48246 Farquhar (A. B.) Did Shakespeare write Shakespeare [from the American Journal of Pol Bvo, 1893. Blake (J.) Forty years of Bacon Shakespeare Polly [from thr Atlantic Month]) Fiske (J.) Forty yours of Bacon-Shakespeare Folly [in A Centurj of Science, etc . pp. 860 104] duo, 1899. Foard (.1. T.) The Bacon 3hal espeare Craze, Bvo, I [Gould (Q.)] On the Printing of the Firsl Folio Shakespeare [from The Leisure Hour], Ito Henderson (W.) Who Wrote Shakespeare " Aye, tb< re's the rub," duo, Higgins (('. II.) Who wrote the Plays ascribed to Shaksper< Holmes (N.) The Authorship of Shaki ond Edition, duo, It — Third Edition, duo 'j vols.. .In. i, L886. Hosmer(H. L.) Bacon and Shakespeare in the Sonnets, duo, I Engleby (C. M.) Authorship of the Works attributed to Shakespeare, 8vo, L870, [ngleby (C. M.) Shakespeare, The Man and The Book, 2 vols., 3vo., 1877-81. Is i here any Resemblance between Shakespeare & Bacon 1 duo James (G.) Francis Bacon the Author of Shakespeare, duo [James (G.)] Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, Pamphlets from No. L, duo, 1894, etc. King (T. D.) Bacon versus Shakspere, a pl< a for I lie I »< Pendant, duo, ; [Large papei . 3vo, 1875. Laird (J.) Shakespearian Controversy, 8vo, 1884. Marriott (E.) Bacon or Shakespeare ? An historical enquiry, Bvo, U Martin ([Sir] T.) Shakespeare or Bacon? [from Blackw I's Magazine] 8vo, 1888. Martin (Sir T.) Shakespeare or Bacon? 8vo, 1888. .Maude (F. C.) Bacon or Shakspere? (Enquiries as to tin- Authorship of the Plays of Shake-speare), Bvo, 1 39 i. Moore (II. L.)The Baconian Hypothesis [from The Gazette, Laurence, Kansas] Ito, 188 Morgan (A.) The Shakespearean Myth, duo, issi. Newspaper Cuttings relating to the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. Was Bacon Mr. Gladstone? etc., duo, L881-5. Nicholson (A.) No Cipher in Shakespeare: a refutation of Donnelly's "Greal Cryptogram," Bvo, 1888. O'Connor (W. P.) Hamlet's Note. lino];, duo, 1886. 0"Connor (\v. D.) Mr. Donnelly's Reviewers, duo, Owen (O. W.) A celebrated case Bacon or Shakespeare. Bequest to reopen. Brief for Plaintiff, 8vo, 189 .:. Owen (O. W.) Sir Francis Bacon's Cipher Story discovered and deciphered, Bvo, 1894, etc. [Pott (Mrs. H.)]Did Francis Bacon write " Shakespeare " ? 2 parts, duo [18J (Second edition) from Part I., duo [1893], etc. Fott (Mrs. H.) Francis Bacon and his Secret Society, duo, 1891. Pott (Mrs. H.)The Promus by Francis Bacon, illustrated and elucidated from Shakespeare 3vo, 1883. I'yle(J. G.)The Little Cryptogram. A literal application to Hamlet of the Cipher System of .Mr. Ignatius Donnelly, duo, lsss. Reed (K.) Bacon vs. Shakspere. Brief for Plaintiff, 8vo, 1897. Rolfe (W. J.) A Witness for William Shakespeare [from North American Ete> i< « I mm, 1 -01. s (L. H.)The True Cryptogram of Francis Bacon, duo (1887). Shakespeare-Bacon. An Essay, duo, lsno. Shakef>peare-Bacon Controversy, The [from Scribner's Monthly] 8vo, 1875. Shakspere's Secret and Bacon's " Promus." An Article in " Allgemeine Zeitung." Translated and [re]-printed, duo, ?iss3. Smith 'J1 124MSI 1U47'.| 60565 97808 137500 14S-J44 100740 151852 148249 G0504 2801 91534 42094 19089 100047 125138 148082 148029 148031 54266 64262 54263 58 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size 64323 24162 57223 133889 57101 135201 6889 36049 101079 101261 145341 145504 7376 57482 67652 3420 134902 134903 134904 134906 134907 134905 134908 102430 134909 102431 132332 134910 132333 134911 129976 57087 57297 70188 Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy — continued. 54267 Thomson (W.) William Shakespeare In Romance and Reality, 8vo, 1881. 148243 Thome (W. H.) Shakespeare versus Bacon [from The Globe] 8vo, 1890. 136973 Thorpe (W. <; ) The Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon, 8vo, 1897. 7112 [Townsend (G. H.) | William Shakespeare not an Impostor, by an English Critic, duo, 1857. 101)1 1-1 White (F. M.) The Doubting D or a Cranky Cryptogram, duo, 1888. 114040 White (T. \V.) Our English Homer ; or, Shakespeare Historically considered, duo, 1892. 99811 Wigston (W. F. C.) Bacon Shakespeare and the Rosicrucians, 8vo, 1888. 115038 Wigston (\V. F. C.) Francis Bacon, Poet, Prophet, Philosopher, versus Phantom Captain Shakespeare, the Rosicrucian Mask, 8vo, 1891. 135362 Wigston (YV. F. C.) The Columbus of Literature, or, Bacon's New World of Sciences, 8vo, ?1892. 136478 Wigston (W. F. C.) Discoveries in the Bacon Problem, 8vo, ?1893. 109101 Wigston (\V. F. C.) Hermes Stella, or Notes and Jottings upon the Bacon Cipher, 8vo, 1S90. 9017 Wilkes (G.) Shakespeare, from an American Point of View; . . . the Baconian Theory considered, Svo, 1S77. 42279 Windle (Mrs. C. F. A.) Discovery of Lord Verulam's undoubted authorship of the "Shakspere" Works, [an " under-reading" of Cymbeline] 8vo, 1881. 44473 Wyman(W. H.) Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare Literature, duo, 1882. 69524 Wvman (W. H.) Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, with notes and extracts, "8vo, 188*. 1 duo 1846 1 8vo ?1856 1 8vo 1858 1 Svo 1879 Baclham (C.) Criticism applied to Shakspere Badham (C.) The Text of Shakspeare ant!u ^%^ m - um - ... Bagehot (W.) Shakespeare— the Individual [ '"" ^fZ%p°m^ m ' Bagehot (W.) Shakespeare— the Man (1853) [inLi * RT ^^m vo1- '" Note.— This is the same article as Shakespeare— the Individual (No. 57,223) Bailey (S.) On the received Text ofShak Sffimp™v D em t e nr riting8 ••• Bailey (Sir W. H.) Shakespeare and Montaigne (Manchester)... [Baker (D. E.)] Companion to the Play House ^Sl i SSSifW] Baker (D. E.), Beed (I.), and Jones (S.) Biographia Dramatica Bato(E.EOHaMweU-Phim P psnhraiy^ second edition ... ... Ball (W.) Etchings round about Stratford-on-Avon... B [altimore] and O [hio] Shakspearian Salma-gundi Bandell [M.] : seeSocleties (New Shakspere Society, Series III., No. 1) [Banks (G. Linnaeus)] All about Shakespeare [Barker (J.)] The Drama Becorded ; M 'S«i.Sr ••• Barnard (Sir J. and Lady) Indenture ^^ffiJaS&g^^B Barnett (M.) The Tempest as a Lyrical Drama Barnett (T. D.) Notes on As You Like It Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Coriolanus Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Hamlet Barnett (T. D.) Notes on King Henry V. Barnett (T. D.) Notes on King John ... Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Julius Caesar third edition Barnett (T. D.) Notes on King Lear ... Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Macbeth Barnett (T. D.) Notes on The Merchant of Venice second edition Barnett (T. D.) Notes on A Midsummer Night's Dream ... Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Much Ado About Nothing Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Bichard II. second edition Barnett (T. D.) Notes on King Bichard III Barnett (T. D.) Notes on The Tempest second edition, revised Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Twelfth Night Bamstorft' (D.) Key to Shakespeare's Sonnets [Printed in Bremen] Barret (J. V.) Shakspere fresh chiselled on Stone Bartlett (G. B.) Mrs. Jarley's Waxworks The s 'r^Tpp*"£32 aral,er 2 8vo 1862-66 8vo ?1895 duo 1764 Svo 1812 8vo 1889 Svo 1889 duo ?1890 duo ?1887 second edition duo duo fol 8vo duo 1 duo s nd edition fourth edition duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo 1 duo duo duo duo 8vo duo duo [1864] 1814 1882 1850 1895 1892 1893 1895 1890 1891 1891 1889 1892 1887 1895 1893 1895 1890 1895 1862 ?1858 ?1840 Number. 43873 125705 33135 107961 82450 57091 97323 150282 113566 88186 127978 40507 70156 76405 72479 57051 72478 16342 142855 16341 1245 57490 72697 2880 2881 2557 2509 52717 107889 147812 57022 113483 121688 57248 19085 7113 57157 63880 57023 106010 2584 English Shakespeariana. [Bartlett (J.)] Choice Thoughts from Bhakspere Bartlett (J.) Complete Concordance to Shakespeare [Bartlett (J.)] Shakspere Gems Bartlett (J.) The Shakespeare Phrase Book Barton Collection : • Boston [Bates (W.) Collection of M.S. Notes, NcwspiiprrCi i [Inserted in Shakespi ■ m BlUig.] [Bathurst (C.)] Differences in Shakespeare's Versification... rTD j.1 i. t(~\ \-\ f\„ Cli. J- . ,>,,., ,-,, [andlOnthi i [Bathurst (G.)J Un bliakespeaie l !„i.,,i l! [Baudissin (Wolf, Count)] A Translator of Shakespeare ... {from HacmUlan's U Bayne (R.) Shakespeare [<»ood tuubs.pp. 137-154] ... Br„, m „„i (rc\ Q \ QlinVocnn a-ra [from the Encyclopedia Brltai [aynesj (i. d.j onakespeaie wntnBdul Baynes (T. S.) Shakespeare Studies Baynes (T. S.) What Shakespeare learnt at School Beale (M.) Lecture on Richard the Third the Times and the nay Beamont (W.) On Three Dramas of Shakspere warringi Richard II., Henry IV., Part l, Henry IV., Part II. Beaumont (F.) : swMason Beauties of the English Drama Beauties of the English Stage Beauties Of Shakspeare [with] the principal Scenes. Blxtheditlon — — [with] the principal Scenes. Seventh edition , — — [with] the principal Scenes. Stereotypi [with] the principal Scenes. Stereotypei [without the principal S» ury) [Clarke, Beeton, and Co.) ... ... Beauties of Shakespeare : seeaisovoaa, Harding. Beck (S. W.) Shakespeare's Gloves [Becket (A.)] Concordance to Shakespeare Becket (A.) Shakspeare's Himself Again : Bedford (A.) Serious Reflections on the Stage a.b n iBristo Bee, The, or a Companion to the Shakespeare Gallery Beeton (S. O.) Shakspeare Memorial ti [Contains quo! 11 Snakespean I Celebrated Passages, etc. [Contains quotations from Shakespeari l [in The Vn[ Iqu li Ian M vol. VI., pp. i»i i" s l [with US. identifications o( the en — — ' Heme's <>;ik carvings on cover] Beever (Susanna) Remarkable Passages in Shakespeare ... Behmen and Shakspeare : • ■ Roffe B- 1 /o \ 01 i» ~>~ f~^-..,3„-~ Plants and Flowers 1 :dln his Works eisly (S.) Shakspere s Garden Bell(J.) Biblical and Shakespearian Characters compared mum [Bell (R.)J William Shakespear ^ Bell (W.) Shakespeare's Tuck and his Folkslore 3 ; .. ■„, 7,:;: '"... Bellamy (G. S.) Essays from Shakspere rBdmuurghi Bellamy (G. S.) New Shakspearian Dictionarj of Quotations Bellamy (G. S.) Shaksperian Sermons so Bellew (J. C. M.) Shakespere's Home ai ipon-Avon Bernhardt (Sarah) : Best (K. T.) Shakespei'iaiia 600 Passages from Shakes] (Hastings) Betson (A.) Origin of Masquerades, Plays, Poetry, &o. Betty (W. II. W., the Young Roscius) : ■■""' 59 fola. Sire, l>:itr. 1 duo L866 1 4 to L894 1 duo ?1869 1 8vo 188] 1 8vo L864 1 duo L857 1 duo L864 l Bvo L885 1 duo vi— 7 1 Ho L886 1 duo L894 1 8vo L81 j 8vo Is 11 1 8vo L879 •1 duo 1777 2 duo 1737 1 duo ?1790 1 duo ? I .-in 1 1 duo 1810 1 duo L811 duo L830 duo ?1860 Svo 1 88 1 8vo L787 Svo L815 duo 1705 Svo fol ?1864 fol ?1864 fol ?1864 duo 1 870 1 Svo L864 L duo 1894 1 duo L837 3duol852-?64 1 duo is? 'J 1 Svo 1876 1 svo ?1877 1 duo 1863 1 duo VI v.hi 1 Svo V. 60 Number. 57270 147656 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of 2928 2817 150684 57041 124841 - Matters Illustrative of tlie Writings of Shakespeare [Edited by Halliwell] [from The Western] Vols. Size. Date. 1 duo 1864 1 8vo 1875 Beware the Cat, 1570 famine Bibb (Grace C.) The Theatre in Blackfriars Bible :— 121688 Bell (J.) Biblical and Shakespearian Characters compared, duo, 1894. Brown (J., of Selkirk) : see Selkirk (pseud.). 57 195 Bullock (C.) Shakspeare's Debt to the Bible, duo, ?1884. 105065 Colton (G. Q.) Shakspeare and the Bible, duo, ?1888. 7303 ' Eaton (T. R.) Shakespeare and the Bible, duo, 1858. 135107 E[llis] (C.) Shakspeare and the Bible, duo, 1896. 139213 Ellis (C.) Shakspeare and the Bible, duo, 1897. 3457 Ferguson (A.) Shakspere [and] the Bible, duo, 1867. 57033 Gilman (A.) Shakespeare's Morals : with Scriptural references, duo, 1880. 57348 Halliwell (J. O.) Attempt to discover which version of the Bible was used by Shakespeare, duo, 1867. 132318 Malcolm (W. H.) Shakspere and Holy Writ, duo, 1881. 57305 Pownall (A.) Shakspere weighed in an even balance, 8vo, 1864. S3511 [Selkirk (J. B.)] Bible Truths with Shakspearean Parallels, duo, 1&62. 4085 Selkirk (J. B.) Bible Truths with Shaksperian Parallels, duo, 1872. 578S4 duo, ?1878. 132321 Swinburne (C. A.) Sacred & Shakespearian Affinities, 8vo, 1890. 7389 [Watson (Sir F. B.)] Sentences from Shakespeare compared with Holy Writ, 8vo, 1843. 33136 8vo, 71S50. 57117 Wordsworth (C.) Shakspeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible, duo, 1864. 35946 j duo, 1880. Bibliography : — 31369 [Birmingham] Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, by Mullins, 8vo, 1872-6. Boston Public Library, Barton Collection, Catalogue, by Hubbard, 4to, 1878-S0. Bohn (H. G.) Bibliographical Account of the Works of Shakespeare, 8vo, ?1863. Bonn (H. G.) Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare, 8vo, ?1863. — Svo, ?1863. [Brassington (W. S.)] Collective Editions published before 1800, 8vo, 1898. British Museum, Catalogue, fol, 1897. Demmon (I. N.) Shakespeare Course (University of Michigan), duo, 1882. Fitzgerald (P.) Shakespeare Folios and Quartos [in Book Fancier, pp. 253-306], duo, 1886. Hall (H. T.) Shaksperean Statistics, duo, 1865. Hall (H. T.) Shakspere's Plays, 8vo, 1873. (second edition), Svo, 1880. Knortz (K.) An American Shakespeare-Bibliography, duo, ?1S76. Lowe(R. W.) English Theatrical Literature [Shakespeare, pp. 293-8], 8vo, 1888. Lowndes (W. T ) Shakespeare and his Commentators, duo, 1S31. ■ ■ Svo, 71832. Morgan (A.) Digest Shakespeareanee (N.Y. Shakespeare Society, Nos. 4 and 7), 2 vols., duo, 1886-7. [New York], Lenox Library, Catalogue, No. V., 8vo, 1880. Norris (J. P.) Works on the Portraits of Shakespeare, Svo, 1S7!». Thimm (F.) Shakspeariana, 1564 to [1871], Svo, 1S65-72. Thimm (F.) Shakspeare in the British Museum, 4to, ?1887. [Wilson (J.)] Shaksperiana, duo, 1827. — ■ (large paper), 8vo, 1827. 4326 7370 54025 149727 143810 139454 83496 87057 15163 15190 19316 24305 93413 147677 57304 S5515 126224 108017 63710 92908 2884 3391 57167 145427 44473 69524 Winsor (J.) Bibliography of Quartos and Folios of Shakespeare, fol., 1876. Winsor (J.) Shakespeare's Poems. A bibliography, 8vo, 1879. Wyman (W. H.) Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare Literature, duo, 1882. Wyman (W. H.) Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, 8vo, 1884. Bibliography : see also Catalogues, Editions, Halliwell Bickerstaff (Mr. [I.] ) Judith A Sacml Dra ^ e : $£&%$%:. ° A r rn h e e JuWlee ' ,7 ' ; " Bicknell (J. L.) Analysis of the Play of Hamlet [ fig£S2£] 1 - • • Biographies of Shakespeare, Some Becent, by Foard (Manchester) Biography of Shakespeare : *ee Lives Birch (W. J.) Philosophy and Beligion of Shakspere Birds and Beasts, Shakespeare's Birmingham : — [in Quarterly Revii-w, vol. 178, pp. M0-3(;2] 1 4to 1769 1 8vo 1820 1 8vo 1900 1 duo 1848 1 8vo 1894 149813 Bazaar and Shakespearean Show, in aid of Westminster Road Church, Birchnelds, Programme, duo, 1884. 68068 Birmingham Dramatic Club, Shakespeare Meeting, Toast List, 1880, 18S2, 4to, ?1S80, etc. 113751 Birmingham Dramatic Club, Address by the President (C. Green), 8vo, 1885. 100318 Halliwell-Phillipps Collection, Offer to Birmingham, Newspaper Cuttings, etc., fol, 1S89. Number. 2867 51725 95429 113800 57245 147804 57144 2593 34054 54474 2824 2885 2939 133609 7370 54025 149727 139264 English Shakespeariana. 61 So. at . s ize. Date. Birmingham — continued. 69S00 Langford (J. A.) The Sbakspere Memorial Library at Birmingham, Svo, 1871. 60S08 Newspaper Cuttings, 6 vols., fol, 1871 81. 14801S " Our Shakespeare Club," Annual Dinner [/rom Birmingham Liberal Bevies |, fol, 1880. Our Shakespeare Club, Birmingham, Chronicle of, 1882 1898, it", 1808. " Our Shakespeare Club," Soiree, Nock's Royal Hotel, 1864, duo, " Our Shakespeare Club," Tercentenary Dinner. Circulars, etc., Ito, Shakespeare Anniversary, Hen and Chickens Hotel, 1886, duo, Shakespeare Anniversary, Royal Hotel. 1-7::, 1880, ItO, .1-7.;, etc. Shakespeare Anniversary, Plough and Hat row Hotel, L882, 1888, 4to, ?1S82, etc Shakespeare Mem. .rial Library, Autographs of Contributors t.> [MS. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Opening of , etc. [Newspaper Cuttings], Ito, 1808-71. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Materials for a History of; A collection of Circulai paper Cuttings, etc., Ito, 1861, etc. Timmins (S.) Hooks on Shakespeare (Reference Library Lectures, No. 4), Bvo, ?1S85. 12444S 3300 147400 53632 40140 68070 97332 5D4'. 13 67201 77412 S2049 llurge paper) 8vo, ?1S85 Birthday Books :- 103678 Birthday Chimes from Shakespeare (Edinburgh), duo, 71888. 135311 Hanscomb (E. W.) Sbakspere Birthday Book, duo, ?1892. 570.34 Johnston (G.) Cupid's Birthday Book, duo, 1875. 60217 Shakspeare Daily Gem Book, duo, ?1880. Birthplace of Shakespeare : w*stratford-on-Avon Bisset (J.) Dramatic Excellencies of the Young Eoscius ... 1 8vo ?1804 [W. II. W. Betty] (Birmingham) Bisset (J.) The Jubilean Dramatic Pageant [Stratford] ... 1 duo ?1827 Black (W.) Judith Shakespeare, a Eomance 1 duo 1885 Blackfriars Estate : — 57862 [Shakespeare's Property in Blackfriars, Indenture respecting, 1612-13, edited by Halliwell- Phillipps, 4to, 1362] 67653 Shakespeare's Blackfriar's Estate, Deed of Bargain and Sale, facsimile [Preface by Halliwell- Phillipps] fol, 1SS4 Blackfriars Theatre see Bibb, Drama Black Mountains, Adventures on the ; a Tale S^BSffiSRS Blades (W.) Shakspere and Typography Shak ^^?K n f ,ofthe Blatchford (A. N.) Studies in Eeligion from Shakespeare ... Blount (Sir T. P.) De Ee Poetica : Boaden (J.) Letter to G. Steevens Boaden (J.) Memoirs of J. P. Kemble, Esq.' Boaden (J.) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons Boaden (J.) On the Sonnets of Shakespeare Boaden (J.) Portraits of Shakspeare 1 duo 1729 nr. R. mil k< upon Poetry, etc. [Shakespeare, pp. 20i [.ml the Papers of Shakspeare ; published by Mr. S. Ireland tin B with Anecdotes of Authoi - and Actors 1 8vo 1872 1 duo 1899 1 4to 1694 1 8vo L796 2 8vo 1825 2 8vo 1827 1 8vo 1837 1 8vo 1824 1 4to 1824 Boaden (J.) : s«eota>wyatt Boaistnail (Pierre) : sec Societies (New Shakspere Society, Series III., Ho. 1J Boas (F. S.) Shakspere and his Predecessors Boece (Hector) : seeeeddes Bohn (H. G.) Bibliographical Account of the Works of Shakespeare ... Bohn (H. G.) Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare iMisceUtaniee of the Phllobiblon Society, VoL 8] Books used by Shakespeare : su coiiier, Haditt Bookselling in the time of Shakespeare : Bormann (E.) The Shakespeare Secret Boston, U.S.A.:— 1 duo 1896 8vo .svo ?1863 1863 translated from tl i by 1 i 1 8vo 1863 1 8vo 1895 4326 Boston Public Library, Barton Collection, Catalogue, 4to, 1878-80. 44899 Furness (II. H.) Report on the Shakespearian Collection [in Boston Public Library, Report, pp. 7-10] Svo, 1882. 109124 Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Shakespeare, by the New-England Historic I logical Society. Svo, 1804. 62 Number. 57309 2563 2561 146915 61028 15994 60566 21490 147688 32282 3294 70266 2825 3296 141136 143810 74384 150312 150313 145424 57957 97814 70164 128403 2908 3389 99114 94111 149118 57997 70190 4295 34063 3410 44847 93027 97224 101250 13180 57333 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. miiier Night's Dream, aliuut A.D. 1640 1 by IlalliweU nstructed out of Shakespeare's Edited by Halliwell chiefly from the writings of B. Simpson [Review from Edinburgh Keview] [Boswell (J.)] Memoir of the late Edmond Malone, Esq Bottom the Weaver composed out of ** M £ Bouncing Knight ™ ^ g^boul a.i Bowden (H. S.) Beligion of Shakespeare Bowdler (T.) The Family Shakespeare, 1818 Bowls : see Ayers [Boydell Gallery] Boydell Gallery [Boydell Gallery] Boyle (B.) On " Massinger and the Two Noble Kinsmen Bracebridge (C. H.) Shakespeare no Deer Stealer No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1814 1 duo 1860 1 duo 1860 1 duo 1899 1 8vo 1821 Engravings illustrating Shakespeare by the Artists of Great Britain Engravings illustrating Shakespeare by the Artists of Great Britain Reproduced in Woodbury type The Shakespeare Gallery ; a reproduction [by S. Ayling] in commemoration of the Tercentenary ••• Brackett (Anna C.) A Thought on Shakespeare s S/ph« Bradshaw (C. B.) Shakspere and Company a comedy [Brae (A. E.)] Collier, Coleridge and Shakespeare ABeview... Brae (A. E.) Prospero's Clothes-Line, etc. ^jggggSSS 8 " ta ••• Brandes (G.) William Shakespeare a critical study [Brassington (W. S .)] Collective Editions £|^^ Brereton (A.) Some Famous Hamlets fromBurbagetoFecnter Brereton (A.) Frances Abington [from The Theatre] Brereton (A.) Theatrical Richmond [from The Theatre] ... Brett's (E. J.) Stories from Shakespeare's Plays No.2Hamiet Brewer (J. N.) House in which Shakspeare was born Bridgett (T. E.J Shakespeare's Nuns Bridgewater House : see comer, Hauiweu Brien (G.) The CEdipus in Exile of Sophocles Brink (B. ten) Five Lectures on Shakespeare transiated^FrankUn British Museum : — 139454 Catalogue of Printed Books. William Shakespeare. 4to, 1897. 9290S Thimm (F.) Shakspeare in the British Museum, 4to, ?1887. Britton (J.) Life and Writings of William Shakspeare Britton (J.) Merits and Characteristics of Shakspere [Britton (J.)] The Monumental Bust of Shakspeare Brody (G. M.) Hamlet : An Essay (Edinburgh) Brooch, Shakespeare's : — [in Histrionic Topography, pp. 1-4] I from Merry England] compared with King Lear [in Proliisiones Literarias, pp. 19-30] at Stratford- upon-Avon fol fol 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 2 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 4to 8vo 1803 1874 1864 1882 1862 1867 1845 1860 1873 1898 1898 1884 1886 1885 ?1881 1818 1 8vo 1886 1 8vo 1841 1 duo 1895 113758 Rabone (J.) Shakespeare's Brooch, etc., 8vo, 1S84. 53692 Shakespearean Relics. History of Shakespeare's Brooch (Stratford-upon- Brooke (A.) Bomeus and Juliet cESSMafflSS^ BrOOke (A.) : see also Societies (New Shakspere Society, Series III., No. 1) Brough (B. B.) How the last Act of Hamlet was written ... [in A Cracker Bon-Bon, pp. GG-SO] Brougham (J.) Shakspeai'e's Dream An Historic Pageant (New York)... Brown (C. A.) Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems So ^* s - Brown (H.) The Sonnets of Shakespeare Solved Brown's (O. P.) Shakespearian Annual Almanac i8ntoi882... Browne (G.) William Shakespeare [in Shorthand] [from The Phonograph] Browne (G. H.) Notes on Shakspere's Versification (Boston) Browne (H. J.) Is it Shakespeare's Confession? (Washington)... Browning (E.) Caliban upon Setebos [in £S£8^$£!T&. m Brownsmith (J.) The Dramatic Time-Piece 1 8vo 1814 1 8vo 1849 1 8vo 1816 1 8vo 1870 Avon) 8vo [1883]. 1 duo 1895 1 duo 1861 1 duo [1858] 1 duo 1838 1 8vo 1870 duo?1871,etc. 1 duo 1880 duo 1884 duo 1886 duo 1887 duo 1878 duo 1767 Number. 57105 57414 7378 31977 57013 9018 57495 21453 57009 113753 150919 57029 L15997 I 17977 123276 82650 45244 115151 87421 70144 147344 60100 147853 2913 53598 82431 147855 57 100 126647 57042 English Shakespeariana. Bryant (W. C.) Shakspeare B [lickuill] (J. C.)Haink't IPsychol I SI n Journal of Mental Buoknill (.1. 0.) The Mad Polk of Shakespeare Bucknill (J. 0.) The Medical Knowledge of Shakespeare ... Bucknill (J. C.) The Psychology of Shakespeare Bulloch (J.) Studies on the Text of Shakespeare Bullock (C.) Shakspeare'a Debl t<> the B Bunbury(H.) Twenty Drawings , 1( ;'; 63 botli bcfon .I... i i.i I the Curtain I Learning ton) No. o 1 duo 1 873 1 8vo 1 dun L867 1 1 Bvo 1 duo L878 1 duo 1 3 duo L840 1 4to 1ST 'J 1 duo 1 duo 1 1 8vo L893 1 duo 1 duo 76407 ■2'J7!i .')4CH7 Bunn (A.) The Sti Burgess (J. T.) The Las! Battle ol the Ro Burgess (J. T.) Shakspeare'a Warwickshin Burgess (J. T.) The Swan of Avon ! f " H "-"■ '' [inHtatorli Warwickshire, Second edition, pp. B0 103] (Birmingham i Burr (C. H.) "Hamlet" once more la°»» Poet Lore] (Pnuadeipi (W. H.) Bacon and Shakspere " Burr (W. H.) Bacon and Shakspere i S i is writ* n by ffrani I Earl of Essex and hig Bride, 1590. Bacon Identified i ' ' < Bust of Shakespeare : — 99114 [Britton (J.)] Monumental Busi of Shakspeare, at Stratford-upon-Avon, Bvo, 1816. Craig (E. T.) Portraits, Bust, and Monument of Shakspere, duo, fl Harness (W.) Shakespeare's Bust at Stratford-upon-Avon [Shakespeare Society's I Vol. 2, Art. II. I Bvo, 1845. Shakespeare's Busi at Stratford-upon-Avon [Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol 1, Art. w n ! Svo, L844. [Stratford Bust of Shakspere. A Platinotype] (New Shakspere society. Series VI., No. lu), fol, 1882. Butler (J. D.) The [Words used only once] in Shakspere ... Butler (.W. J.) The Inspiration of Shakespeare ( stratford™°Avon) [C (J.)] Life and Work of William Shakespeare C (W. F.) A Brief Memorial of Shakspeare ist»tibrd-upon-Avonj C (W. G.) Shakspeare in his Works [yromcnambers'sJournarj Caine (T. Hall) Two Aspects of Shakspeare's Art ... [in Contemporary Review, Vol 18, i i Caine ([T. H.] Hall) The Novelist in Shakespeare^ W w Caine (T. H. Hall) Kichard III. and Macbeth ADramatii study... Caine (T. H. Hall) The Supernatural Element in Poetry (Uven n Caine (T. H. Hall) The Supernatural in Shakspen Caird (E.) Some Characteristics of Shakespeare l/ "'"" 1: ', , .v!,'.;;' ] , '" r '" y Calcraft (J. W.) Defence of the Stage (Dublin) Caldecott (T.) Specimens of a New Edition of Shakespeare : p " Calderon : weDeBcn Calendars : — 43490 Events in the History of New Vork City, with illustrations from Shakspere, 1880 and 1881, duo, ?1880, etc. 57079 Malins (J.) Shakespearean Temperance Ealendar, due 137519 ■ duo, J1897. 57111 Shakspeare Calendar, edited by W. C. Richards (NeVi Fork) duo, 1860. 96444 [Shakespeare Calendar fur 1888] Copyright L887, by P. A. Stokes, - Caliban : Calmour (A. C.) Fact and Fiction about Shakespeare |8tl ... Calvert (G. H.) Shakespeare *» Cambridge : — 15162 Memorial of the Tercentenarj of Shakspere In Cambridge (Cambridge) due, 10574S Cambridge Shakespeare Memorial Librarj i ' eoftheCambi Library] 8vo, 1874-89, 1 8vo ?1870 1 8vo 1892 1 duo 188G 1 duo ?18G5 1 8vo 18G4 1 Svo 1883 1 8vo L894 1 8vo L877 1 Svo 1880 1 Bvo 1 8vo L896 1 Svo duo ?1894 L879 64 Number. 2835 72476 71218 19306 2920 107405 57123 46301 69866 2534 147814 148385 57254 69865 10793 145340 69780 102486 139252 2848 4325 4324 2827 138150 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. 4tO 8vo duo duo Cambridge : see also Capell Collection Campbell (J., Lord) Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements ... Campbell (T.) Life of Mrs. Siddons Canning (A. S. G.) Shakespeare's Historical Plays... Canon, Shakespearian: seeingieby [Capell (E.)] Notes and Various Headings to Shakespeare Pa fi r r V t he [Capell (E.)] Notes and Various Eeadings to Shakespeare... Vols. 1, 2. Glossary, Notes, and various Readings. Vol. 3. The School of Shakespeare. C [apell] (E.) Notitia Dramatica or Tm ^l£tZ?^l&l° l - 3 of Capell [E.] Origin of Shakspeare's Fables lprefixe S^ e ^ mB * [Capell (E.)] Prolusions ; or select Pieces of antient Poetry Capell (E.) Defence Of, by Halliwell occasioned by a criticism in The Times Capell Collection in Trinity College, Cambridge : — 3392 Catalogue of Mr. Capell's Shakesperiana, 8vo, 1779. 69099 Cranwell (E.) List of the Plays of Shakespeare printed before 1623, etc., Svo, 1847. 112735 Sinker (R.) The Capell Collection [in Library of Trinity College, pp. 115-124] 8vo, 1891 Carey (G. S.) Shakespeare's Jubilee, a Masque Cargill (A.) The Likenesses of Shakespeare [from The sftand Magazine] Cargill (A.) Shakespeare as an Actor [from scribner-s Magazine] [Caricature]. Shys at Shakspeare I ^ T *aV'!^&^.-. [Carlisle (Earl of)] Present Condition of the Stage... Carlyle(T.)The Hero as Poet. Dante ; Shakespeare He | o L e e s rt ;^ s 2 S!, 70] Carolina, North, University of, Journal of the Shakspere Club 1886-87 Carpenter (J. E.) Shakespeare : an Ode SSSSSS&ESSSSH Carr (J. C.) Macbeth and Lady Macbeth an essay Carter (T.) Shakespeare, Puritan and Eecusant '"dim, 1 * ••• [Cartwright (E.)] The Eootsteps of Shakspere J^SgSStSS"' Cartwright (E.) New Eeadings in Shakspere Cartwright (E.) Papers on Shakspere [Cartwright (E.)] Shakspere and Jonson Dramatic, versus wit-combats Castle (E. J.) Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene st ^ dy 1 duo 1859 1 duo 1839 1 8vo 1884 1 4to [1774] 3 4to [1779-80] ?1780 ?1798 1760 1861 1 8vo 1769 1 Svo 1894 1 Svo 1891 1 8vo 1869 1 Svo 1800 1 duo ?1856 1 8vo ?1887 1 8vo 1864 1 8vo 1889 1 duo 1897 1 duo 1862 1 8vo 1866 1 8vo 1877 1 duo 1864 1 8vo 1897 CATALOGUES. Note.— The following Catalogues are either entirely or largely Shakespearian. The Reference Library also contains a large collection of Booksellers' Catalogues, Catalogues of Libraries, and Sale Catalogues, many of which contain important Shakespearian items For a list of these, see the Reference Library Catalogue, pp. 146-1G0. 1. — Booksellers' and Publishers' Catalogues [with prices] : — 2912 Ellis (F. S.) Shakespeare and Shakespeariana [Catalogue of Books, pp. 55-66]. Svo, ?1864. 113812 Feales (W.) Plays and other Dramatick Pieces, printed in English down to 1732, duo, 1732. 113762 Jarvis (J. W.) & Son. Books, Pamphlets, etc., wholly relating to Shakespeare, Svo, 1892. 57308 Kirkman (F.) Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques and Interludes, Svo, 1671. 2595 Mears (W. ) Plays printed in the English Language, duo, 1726. 147689 Menken (E.) Unique Collection of Shakespeariana, etc., 8vo, 1890. 69327 Merridew (J.) Collection of Shakspearian Literature, etc., 8vo, ?1828. 69344 Morell (T. H.) Books relating to Shakespeare and the Drama, etc. (New York) 8vo, 1872. 69320 Rodd (T.) Shakspeariana, Svo, ?1845. 69322 Smith (A. Russell) Shakespeariana, 1871, 1876, 1878, Svo, 1871, etc. 6062 Smith (J. Russell) Shakespeariana, 1864, 1870, 8vo, 1864, etc. 69321 Smith (J. Russell) Wanted to Purchase, the Books enumerated in this Catalogue [Shakespeare, pp. 1-12] 8vo, 71855. e 147702 Tregaskis (J. & M. L.) Shakespeare Relics, Svo, 1896. English Shakespeariana. Number comprising Shakespeare and Shakespeariana (Sothebj & Shakespeare, i he 6fi \ ol Bise, Date. 2. — Library Catalogues : — [America] Boston Public Library, Barton Collection, Ito, L878-80. 128224 [America, Nevi Fork] The Lenox Library, Ito, 3130!) [Birmingham] Shakespeare Memorial Library, Bvo [{ I British Museum, Catalogue of Printed Books. Shaki Bpeare, fol, io:>748 Cambridge Shakespeare Memorial Library, Bvo, 1874 89. 3392 Cambridge, Trinity College, Mi Capell'i 9hakesperiana, Svo, iTT'.i. 87066 Clifton Shakapere Society, Catalogue of the Library, Ito, I - 136622 Dundee, Victoria Galleries. Shakespeare Exhibition from the collection of A < i duo, 26660 Harrfson (W.) Shakspeariana : .... in the Library of, 8ro, 1 2463 Jadis (H.) Shakspeariana : . . . in the possession of [Catalogui ol Books etc pi Svo, 1826. 145310 Norris(J. 1'.) Works relating to Shakespeare in the Librarj 145811 Norris(J. P.) Shakespeare Librarj of[MS.] ito, 1874. [Stratford-on-Avon] Books, Manuscripts, etc., in the Shakespeare Librarj In Benle< m.i. 1868. 12 White (R. Grant) Library of [Shakespeare, pp. LS4 L75]8vo, 1870. 3. — Sale Catalogues — containing important Shakespeariana: — 69340 Adolphus(J. I..) Library of . Wilkinson) 8vo, 1863. 60818 Bangs, Merwin, & Co., New Fork, Private Library of Books relating I Drama, &c., 8vo., 1873 69333 Bright (B. H.) Library of [pp if 9-SS6 (Shakespean )onJy]8vo, L845. 60831 Britton (J.) Library of (Southgate, Qrimston, & Wells) [with Prices] Bvo 6031S Burton [W. E.) Theatrical and Miscellaneous Librarj of (Sabin & Co., Nevi Fori 17 Canterbury, The Church House, Catalogue of . . . Books, etc. (G. Slater) 8vo, 147856 Christie, Manson & Woods, Water-colour Drawings made for the . . . ' Illustrated Shake- speare' published by Messrs. ( 'a -sell and Co., Svo, 1880. 147850 C'luistii-. Manson & Woods. Shakespeare Relics formerly al his Birthplace, Bvo, i- 6. 8010S Crosby (J., the Shakespearian Student of Zanesville, Ohio) Librarj of (B I Nevi Fork) Svo, 1886. 69315 Daniel (G.) Library of (Sotheby, Wilkinson \- Hodge) [with prices] Svo, 1864. 69316 Dillon (J.) Library of (Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge) [with prices] 8vo, I Sill Eyton (.1. W. K.) Library of (Sotheby & Co.) (with prices] Svo, Gardner (J. D.) Library of (Sothebj & Wilkinson) 8vo, 1854. 2918 Garrick (l>.) Library of (Mr. Saunders) 8 vo, 1S2S. 70^43 Goaf or d i Earl of) Library of (Puttick and Simpson) (with prices] svo. is«4. 116478 BalliweU-Pbillipps (J. O.) Librarj of (Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge) [with prices] -\,.. I-'.'. 115479 HaUiwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Further portion of Librarj of (Sotheby, Wilkinson .v Bodge Bvo, 181 l. 139105 HaUiwell-Phillipps (.1 . Ilalliwell] svo, L858. 69342 Sotheby & Wilkinson, Books illustrative of the Engl c. J Halliwell •_".H4 Sothehy & Wilkinson, Reprints and Facsimiles, illustrative of shakspciian Literature, Bvo, 188L 3387 Sothehy, Wilkinson A Hodge, Shakesperiana [in Library of A. Turner, etc, pp. 29 69381 .Sothehy, Wilkinson A Hodge, Libraries of two Eminent Collect) rs, Jvo, L864 :.7-.".;) Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, Library of a well-known Collector, comprising the Shaksperian portion, svo, i-7o. 69345 Sothehy, Wilkinson *v Hodge, Collection of play Bills, Drama, etc. [with Prices] Bvo, l-vt 66 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size Date 97811 22836 70142 42685 57164 70207 3865 2903 150661 2879 2806 60551 -Sale Catalogues — continued. 58542 Thorpe (T.) Early Plays, Pageants, &c, 8vo, ?1825. 148210 148215 698 19 (59343 93991 C7039 Timmins (S.) Portion of the Library of (Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge) 8vo, 1899. 8vo, 1899. Turner (T.) Library of [pp. 52-80 (Shakespeariana) only] (Puttick and Simpson) Svo, ?1860. Whistler (Gen, G, W.) Portion of the Library of (Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge) 8vo, 1871 White (R, G.) Library of (Bangs & Co., New York) 8vo, 1885. Wright (Dr., oj Birmingham) Library of (Sotheby & Wilkinson) 8vo, 1853. Catalogues : see also Bibliography, HalliweH Cattell (C.C .) Did Bacon write Shakespeare ? AEeplr ( ffl n a K ,taelly 1 duo Cattell(C.C) Great Men's Views on Shakespeare (Birmingham) 1 duo Cattell (C.C.) Shakespeare Was he a Myth? or, What did he write? ... 1 duO Cattell (C.C.) and Atkinson (H.G.) Authorship of Shakespeare 1 duo Caulfield (J.) Vocal Music in Shakespear's Plays ... ... 2 8vo Causton (H. K. S.) Essays on Mr. Singer's " Wormwood," and a Eeading of Shakspere's Sonnet, CXI. 1888 1879 ?1880 ?1881 ?1862 Chalmers (Mr. [A.] ) Life of Shakspeare ^ g ty chat [Chalmers (G.)] An Apology ii-rs, Vol. "0 for The Believers in the Shakspeare-Papers being a reply to Mr. Malone's Answer [with Appendix] aidents from which The Title and a part of the Story were derived duo [1851] Svo 1810 8vo 1797 8vo 1797 2 8vo 1799-1800 1 8vo 1815 1 4to ?1860 Chalmers (G.) A Supplemental Apology Chalmers (G.) Shakspeare's Tempest Chalmers (G.) Works relating to : — 1988 Antenor's Letter to G. Chalmers. From No. IX. of Chalmeriana, Svo, 1800 1992 [Hardinge (G.)] Cbalmeriana : arranged by Owen Junior [and] Jasper Hargrave, 8vo, 1SO0. 150921 [Hardinge (G.)] The Editor, the Booksellers, and the Critic. From No. XII. of Chalmeriana, 8vo, 1800. Chandos Portrait: see Portraits Chapman (J. K.) Ed. Theatrical Entertainments, etc. at ^co'SSP* Characters : — 121688 Bell (J.) Biblical and Shakespearian Cbaracters compared, duo, 1894. Clarke (C. C.) Shakespeare-Characters, Svo, 1863. Clarke (M. C.) Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines, Svo, 1SS0. Clay (C. J.) Female Characters of the (freek Tragedians and Shakspeare, 8vo, 1844. Dowden (E.) Shakspeare's Portraiture of Women, Svo, 1885. Dowden (E.) Shakespeare Scenes and Characters, 4to, 1876. [Elliott (Mrs. M. L.)] Shakespeare's Garden of Girls, 8vo, 1SS5. Hazlitt (W.) Characters of Shakespear's Plays, 8vo, 1817. : Second edition, Svo, 1818. Hazlitt (W.) Cbaracters of Shakespeare's Plays, Fourth edition, duo, 1S48. Hazlitt (W.) Characters of Shakespear's Plays, duo, 1878. Heath (C.) Shakspeare Gallery, containing the Female Cbaracters, 8vo, ?1837. 4to, ?1837. Heine (H.) Shakespeare's Maidens and Women [in Works, Vol. 1, pp. 241-441] duo, 1891. Heine on Shakespeare. Notes on Shakespeare Heroines, duo, 1S95. Heroines of Shakspeare. Engravings, &c, with Essays on the Characters, 4to, ?1S83. Hoare (P.) Moral Characters of Shakespear's Drama [in Trans, of Royal Soc. of Lit., Vol. 2, pp. 290-303] 4to, 1834. Hudson (H. N.) Shakespeare : his Life, Art, and Characters, 2 vols, duo, 1882 Impressions of some Shakespearean Characters [from The Century] 8vo, 1891. Indexes to the Characters in Shakespeare's Plavs for the use of Shakespeare-Reading Clubs (York) duo, 1887. Jameson (Mrs.) Characteristics of Women. Second edition, 2 vols., duo, 1833. Third edition, 2 vols., duo, 1836. 15114 45346 1134S1 150307 446S9 85750 2900 33901 57163 11312 64515 86721 112860 131675 114S99 45924 66362 148220 88106 57081 43880 11320 139535 Jameson (Mrs.) Shakspeare's Heroines. Characteristics of Women, duo, 1879. Jameson (Anna) Shakspeare's Heroines. With portraits of Players, duo, 1S97. 57295 Jameson (Mrs.) Characteristics of Women [Review of, from Blackwood's Magazine] Svo, 1833 125835 Lewes (L.) Women of Shakespeare, Svo, 1894. 32298 Lewis (E. G.) Shakesperean Creations, duo, ?1866. 76475 Martin (Lady) Shakespeare's Female Characters, 8vo, 1885. 150272 Martin (Lady) Shakespeare's Female Characters [from Blackwood's Magazine] 8vo, 1885. 84767 [Mortimer (J. H.) Shakespeare's Characters : twelve illustrations, fol, 1775 ] 57239 Neele (H.) Shakspeare's Supernatural Characters, etc., duo, 1839. 2782 Richardson (Mr. [W.]) Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff, etc., duo, 1788. 2775 __ duo, 17S9. Number. 70557 3305 41694 26646 82702 2967 4081 113417 57152 98291 42692 109116 57204 99857 97324 57977 150281 150931 103951 15114 8122 105852 English Shakespeariana. Vol Characters — continue/. 16875 Richardson (Mr. ! w. i > Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters, duo, 1784. Second edition, duo, Fourth edition, da Richardson (W.) Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters, etc . Fifth edition, Bro Sixth edition, 8fo Richardson (W.) Shakespeare's Remarkabli I nd edition, dao, 1774. duo, !. 67 8797 8814] 16876 67129 11G440 147089 4337(1 ■ In.., 1808. 57093 67026 185431 137037 Symonda I \. G I Comic Characters oi Sbakspere [in Dramatic Reform Association Ji pp. 221-8] 8vo, i • [Whately (T.) Rem irks on the Characters of Shakespean w 1 1: l t . -l \ ( i | Remarks on the Characters of Shakspeare. Second edition, l Charlecote : — 57895 Charlecote, Warwickshire, 102506 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. <>.) Observations on the Charlecote Traditions, Bvo, I Chai'leCOte : «« also Lucy Chase (S. C.) Shakespeare A Tercentenary Tribute ... Chatelain (Le Chevalier de) Shakespearean Gems Chedworth (J., Lord) Notes upon obscure passages '" s '■; Chesney (J. P.) Shakespeare as a Physician (Chicago, etc.) Chester Plays In French and Mysteries upon Scriptural Subjects, edited by Wright Shakespeare Society [Vols. 17and3o| Chester's (E.) "Loves Martyr, '" ■ ,!,,s ' ,li,, ;, , H '. , l , , l . , l , ! , . : s i . , 1 '. a Revenge for a Father. Printed A.D. 1831. Bdlted bj M.I;. I New Sbakspere S i i. ■-' I A. IP. 1602. Chettle (H.) Hoffman ; Cketwood (W. E.) History of the Stage Chilcot (T.) Twelve English Songs Child-Life as seen by the Poets [from nine] Child-Life : seeoteoScudder Children's Shakespeare : »» »e»wt Christ in Shakspeare : «« buis Churcher(W.H.) The Mystery of "Shakspeare" reveal id matron Cibber (C.) An Apology for the Life of byhimroif. s ndediuon ... Cibber (C.) An Apology for the Life Of by himself. New edition by Lowi Cibbei* (C.) Letter to On his Transformation of Klni CJKKqi. /T 1 "t • sse aJso " Separate Ptoys " at Lntony and Cleopatra, p. 1UUC1 yvj.) . Richard ill., p. 40 Cibber (T.) Two Dissertations on the The;: Cibber (T.) : m* «J*° Separate Plays at Henry VI., p. 26. Romeo and Juliet, p. 42 Cipher : i ' "■ ' ontn Clapp (H. A.) Time in Shakespeare's Comedies t ^S5uVT nUo Clare (Professor) Bard of Avon Quadrilles 'X^'V.^'"" ■ ■ ■ Clark (E. G.) The Tale of the Sbakspere Epitaph Clarke (C. C.) Shakespeare- Char ibordinau ... Clarke (CandM.C.) The Shakespeare Key duo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 4to duo duo fol 8vo vim;i L868 L805 L843-7 lTl'.i ?1800 L872 duo 8vo 8vo duo L886 L740 17 1.'- k Ing John, p. -".'. with an Appendix 1 8vo ?1756 Ito duo 1 It.. L885 L879 1881 i [Man Note.— Tht ms. title \ r te Heading) thai ire from Tbe Shakespeare-Key when ii was prepared foi publical in 1879: Bui preserred bj hei In this) k because they coutaln lerod and collected matter not to be found In other Commentators H Poet 1 91167 [Clarke (M. C.)J Biographic Sketch of Charles Cowden Clarke 1 duo 68 Number. 60571 130203 59774 45346 34685 2770 147658 113481 106395 114478 135270 135271 70178 37665 57500 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Clarke (Mrs. C.) Complete Concordance to Shakspere 147623 29814 81877 150692 70220 113568 26681 26894 150494 57988 2781 New and revised edition No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo ?1845 1 8vo ?1860 1 8vo 1881 1 8vo 1 880 2 duo 1881-83 1 duo 1848 1 duo 1886 1 8vo 1844 1 8vo 1890 1 duo 1892 1 duo ?1892 1 duo ?1893 1 8vo 1836 1 8vo 1881-7 Clarke (M. C.) Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines '-■",';, V. *J y Clarke (M. C.) Honey from the Weed [With Appendix. ».«.] verso-waifs Clarke (M. C.) Shakespeare Proverbs Clarke (M. C.) Shakespeare's Self "rSEftE&SS^ Classical Antiquity, Shakespeare and : seestapfer Classical Dictionary, The Shakespeare : seeseioy Clay (C. J.) Female Characters ot *% G £^£TA s Sr e -.-' Clelia, God in Shakspeare Clelia, Great Pan Lives Shakspeare-s Sonnets^^with paraphrase Clelia, Life & Personality of Shakspeare The Long Desiderated Knowiedg< Clelia, The Shakspearean Eeconciliation a Lecture ... Cliff'e (L.) The Pilgrim of Avon [a Poem] (stratford-upon-Avon) ... Clifton Shakspere Society, Catalogue of the Library with supplement Clopton : — 5735S Clopton (Sir H., of New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon) Will of, 1496 [edited by HaUiwell] duo, 1865. 116451 Hodgson (Sir A.) Clopton and the Cloptons, 8vo, 1892. Close (F.) The Stage; its Tendencies on Morals and Religion ... ... 1 dllO 1850 Clubs :— Birmingham Shakespeare Clubs : see Birmingham, pp. 60-61. 145340 Carolina, North, University of, Shakspere Club, Journal of the, 1886-7, 8vo, ?1S87. 145317 Palstaff Club, First Soire'e Musicale [Programme] 8vo, 1882 108009 Montreal, Shakespeare Club, Calendar, Feb., 18S2, to Dec, 1884, duo, ?1885. 3409 Octagonal Shakespeare Club, Rules, List of Meetings, List of Members, Svo, 1877. 113764 "St. George's Athenaeum Club" Dinner [Programme, 8vo, 1864. 19090 Sheffield Shakespeare Club, Proceedings, from 1S19 to 1829, by a Member of the Club, duo, 1S29. Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespere Club — 145337 Desch (C. H.) Shakespearean Criticism in France, Svo, 1808. 150912 Desch (C. H.) Calderon, the National Dramatist of Spain, Svo, 1S99. 92927 Flower (C. E.) " Shakespeare on Horseback," duo, 1887. 132528 [Flower (C. E.)] " Shakespeare on Horseback" and "Shakespeare no Dog Fancier," 4to, ?1892. 127543 Hutchings (W.) Past Dramatic Performances in Stratford-upon-Avon,' Svo, 1895. Urban Club- 1V.17.su Carpenter (J. E.) Shakespeare ; an Ode, Recited at the Banquet of the Urban Club, Svo, 1864. 42371; Jeremiah (J.) A Shakespearean Souvenir, consisting of a Report of the Festival of the Urban Club, 8vo, 1877. 43239 Jeremiah (J.) Notes on Shakespeare, and Memorials of the Urban Club, Svo, 1870. 57118 [Large paper, revised] 8vo, 1877. 1 1 5280 Smith (G. B.) William Shakspere. Eulogv Spoken by G. B. Smith, Chairman of the 30th Celebration of the Urban Club, 8vo, 1888. 113705 Urban Club, Fourth Shakespearean Festival, 1803, Proceedings, 8vo, V1863. 70550 Urban Club, [Collection of Programmes, etc.] duo, 1876. Cobbett (W.) Fragment of an Essay on Taste [y '" M ;l |a a zinej 00ds Colin (A.) Shakespeare in Germany i,lthesixte ™V 1 1 turies s, ' v " , ' teenth ... Cole (J. W.) Life and Theatrical Times of Charles Kean . . . Coleridge (H.) Essays and Marginalia edited by his brother Vol. I. Shakspeare a Tory and a Gentleman, pp. 113-150. On thi- Character of Hamlet, pp. 151-171. A Critique on Ketzsch's Illustrations of Hamlet, pp. 172-177. Shakspeare and his Contemporaries, pp. 353-360. Vol. II. Notes on Shakspeare, pp. 129-198. Coleridge (S. T.) Lectures upon Shakespeare rwtL^SS^Yom Coleridge (S. T.) Lectures and Notes on Shakspere, etc. ... collected by Ashe [Bohn] Coleridge (S. T.) Seven Lectures ou ^ggK^ cm ™ t0 " Coleridge (S. T.) Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, etc. Not ^ L |^p e ^ ures Coleridge (S. T.) : seeofaoBrae Collier(J.)Prof aneness and Immorality of the EnglishStage,&c. Reviewof Collier (Mr. [J.]) Dissuasive from the Play-House 1 8vo 1818 1 4to 1865 2 duo 1859 2 duo 1851 1 duo 1884 1 duo 1890 1 8vo 1856 1 duo 1875 1 duo 1738 1 duo 1698 1 duo 1703 English Shakespeariana. 69 COLLIER (J. PAYNE). 1.— Works by:— 57800 Catalogue of Early English Literature : Librai iter EIoum, Ito, 1837. 2886 BngHuli Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare : and Annals of tin 31018 (new edition), ItoI - 57960 Farther Particulars regarding 8hakespeate and his Works Lettei to J. Hunter, duo 2915 Hamilton's (N.K 8.A.) " Inquiry." Reply to, Svo, L800. 14734s Letter to r. W. Cosens, Esq., dated 31st January, tlonal Bhakespeare Memorial [MS], Bto, i864. 57954 New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare. Letter toT. Amyot, duo, 1886. 67966 New Particulars regarding the Works of Shakespeare. Letter to A. Dyce, duo 68722 Notes ami Emendations to the texi of Shakespeare's Plaj s, Bvo, I (second edition), 8vo, I :;.:77 Reasons for a new edition of Shakespeare's Works, 8to, 1841. 8878 (second edition), 8vo, 1842. 106318 Trilogy. Conversations between throe friends on the emendations of Shakespeare's Text, 3 parts, svo [1874]. 2. — Works edited by : — i Coleridge (S. T.) Shakespeare and Milton : List of Ms. Emendations in Collier*! Folio, 1032. Preface by Collier, Bvo, 2898 Shakespeare's Library : Romances, Novels, etc., used by Shakespeare, n iili Introductory notices by Collier, 2 vols, Bvo, F1848. 3. — Works edited for the Shakespeare Society : — 2951 Shakespeare Society's Publications :— [Vol. 1] Alleyn (Edward, Founder of Dttlwich College) Memoirs of, Svo, 1841. [2] Qosson (S.) School of Abuse, 8vo, 1841, [3] Heywood (T.) An Apology for Actors, Svo, 1841. [5] Thynn (F.) Debate between Pride and Lowliness, Svo, 1841. [6] Patient Grissil : by Dekker, Chettle, and Haughton, 1003, Svo, 1841. [10] Fools and Jesters : with a reprint of Robert Arroin's Nest of Ninnies, 160E 1842. [12] Nash (T.) Pierce Penniless'S Supplication to the Devil, 169 !, Svo, 1S42. [14] Northbrooke (J.) Treatise against Hieing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes, aboul A.D. 1577, Svo, 1848. [18] Alleyn Papers, The, svo, 1843. [19] Forde (/I) Honour Triumphant ; and a Line of Life, 1006 and 1620, Svo, 1843. [23J Ghost of Richard the Third. A Poem, printed in 1014, and founded upon Shakespeare's Play, Svo, 1844. [24] Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. I., 8vo, 1844. Art. I.— Dogberry and ln-s Associates. Arrest of the Conspirators with Mary Q Art. vn. — "The passing measure Pavin." Illustrative of a Pa Art. XIV. — "Albion Knight"; a fragment of a Moral Play. [28] Henslowe (P.) Diary of, from 1591 to 1609, svo, 1 - [29] Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. II., Svo, 1845. Art. V.— John Wilson, the singer In Much Ado about Nothing, a musical comp Shakespeare's Plays. Art. fall. On Players and Dran itlc Performances In tbi Edward IV. Art. XIX.— On the Bupposed origin of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Art. X.W.— An unknown work, by Thomas Lodge; with extracts from liis ; Stage-plays. [32] Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare, Svo, 1840. [33] Eight Novels employed by Knglish Dramatic Poets of the reign of Elizabeth. Originally published by Darnaby Ricbe in 16S1, Svo, 1846. [30] Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. III., Svo, 1847. Art. vn.— Tin- Performance of early Dramas by Parish Clerks and Players In ' Art. X.- on the earliest Quarto editions of the Phn ><■■■ Art. \i\ d in the \\ ill "i ih as u hlttli [3S,4l] Extract from the Registers of the Stationers' Company, L66' 1687, 3?o, lj [39] lnigo Jones. Life by Cunningham. Remarks on his sketches for Masques and Dramas, by PlancnC and Five Court Uasqui 140] Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. IV., Svo, 1849. Art. [V.— Richard Field (the prlntei of Bbakespeari b Venus and Admit and Lut rei t), Nathaniel Held, Anthony Mundav.and Henry Chettle. Art. vin. Oi in siioivditi-li." :iinl connexion of the Burbadge family with it. Art. X i I . — un Norton and Backvllle, the authors of Gorboduc Art. XVIII.— Drydon, Kllllgrcw, and I which acted at Drury Lane Theatre. [42] Heywood ('!'.) The Fair Maid of the West, 8TO, 1850. [48] Heywood CT.) The Royal King and Loyal Subject. A Woman killed with Undneu. Two plays, 8vo, 1850. [45] Heywood (T.)Two plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elisabeth Bro, I 1 16] Monday (A.) John a Kent and John a Cumber ; and other tracts, Bvc [471 Heywood (TO The Golden and Silver Ages. Two plays, svo, 1861. 4.— Works relating to : — 57189 A (T. J.) The Shakespearian Discovery. The 'Old Corrector.' Mr. Collier's 'Reply' [in Eraser's Magazine, vol. 61, pp. 53-04, 170-1*7, and 782-788] Bto, 2825 [Brae (A. B.)] Collier, Coleridge and Shakespeare. A Review, 8vo, I860. 7O170 [Brae (A. B.)] Literary Cookery. A letter to " The Athenreum," 8vo, U 70 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 82428 57488 2531 2530 105065 102501 91525 57902 No. of Vols. Size. Date Collier (J. Payne) — Works relating to — continued 32468 22112 113484 61029 Dyce (A.) A Few Notes on Shakespeare ; with remarks on the emendations, 8vo, 1S53. Dyce (A.) Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1844. Dyce (A.) Strictures on Mr. Collier's new edition of Shakespeare, 1858, 8vo, 1S59. [Editions of Shakspeare, Recent. Review of Collier's edition of 1842-44. From The Edinburgh Review, 8vo, 1845.] 2816 [Fairholt (F. W.)] The Grimaldi Shakspere. Notes and Emendations [A Satire] 8vo, 1853. C9382 Frederickson (C. W.) Review of "An Enquiry ..." by Hamilton. Also the Reply of Mr. Collier, 8vo, 1860. 2818 Halliwell (J. O.) Curiosities of Modern Shaksperian Criticism, 8vo, 1853. 2863 Halliwell (J. O.) Observations on emendations of the Text of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1853. 57866 Halliwell (J. O.) Observations on the Shaksperian Forgeries at Bridgewater House, 4to, 1853. 2859 Halliwell (J. O.) Remarks on the emendation ... in Cymbeline discovered by Mr. Collier, 8vo, 1852. 2911 Hamilton (N. E. S. A.) An Enquiry into the Manuscript corrections in Mr. Collier's Annotated Shakspere, 1632, etc., 8vo, 1860. 69S72 Hardy (T. D.) Present State of the Shakesperian Controversy, 8vo, 1860. 3408 [Hunter (J.)] Reply to animadversions of Mr. Dyce in his work "A Few Notes ..." [No. 3246S] 8vo, 1853. 57065 Ingleby (C. M.) Complete View of the Shakspere Controversy, 8vo, 1861. 19077 Ingleby (C- M.) The Shakspeare Fabrications, duo, 1859. 70168 M'Chaff (A.) Letter to the Glasgow Argus : 8vo, 1842. 69874 [Rivington (C.)] Strictures on Hamilton's Enquiry, by Scrutator, 8vo, 1860. 6051 Singer (S. W.) The Text of Shakespeare Vindicated, etc., 8vo, 1853. 61031 [Text of Shakespeare : Review of Notes and Emendations, etc., from the North British Review, 8vo, 1854]. 71615 Wheatley (H. B.) Life of J. P. Collier ; with a list of his Works, duo, 1884. 57026 White (R. G.) Shakespeare's Scholar : . . . with an examination of Mr. Collier's folio of 1632, 8vo, 1854. Collins (J. C.) Lectures on Shakespeare [N ^ e a ^^ s] ... Collins (W. Wilkie) Mr. Wray's Cash-Box Colloquies : see[Lordau] [Colman (G.)] Man and "Wife ; or, the Shakespeare Jubilee: A Comedy ... (Second Edition) Colton (G. Q.) Shakspeare and the Bible (New York)... Columbus of Literature : see.wigston Combe (W. and J.) Conveyance of Land to Shakespeare, 1602 Facsimile of Indenture [Halliwell] (Brighton) Comedies : — 150281 Clapp (H. A.) Time in Shakespeare's Comedies [from The Atlantic Monthly] 8vo, 1885. 57098 Gleanings from the Comedies of Shakespeare, duo, ?1869. 138531 Latimer (E. W.) Familiar Talks on some of Shakspeare's Comedies, duo, ]897. 113491 Orger (J. G.) Critical Notes on Shakspere's Comedies, duo, ?1889. ComedieS : see also Selections, p. 14 Comic : — 69876 Comic Guide to the Royal Academy, by the Gemini [Shakespeare, pp 6, 7, 18, 19] 8vo. 57328 Comic Shakespeare, with designs by Gray, part 1, 8vo, ?1864. 57972 Shakspeare's Comic Tricentenary, duo, ?1864. Commemorations : see Jubilee, Morley, Tercentenary 1 8vo 1881 1 duo 1852 1 8vo 1770 1 8vo 1770 1 duo ?1889 1 fol 1884 1864. Commentaries and Commentators 33S0 26647 57056 26349 65074 147677 57304 51708 2814 2874 Arrowsmith (W. R.) Shakespeare's Editors and Commentators, 8vo, 1865. Craik (G. L.) English of Shakespeare : Commentary on Julius Ca>sar : see Craik. Courtenay (T. P.) Commentaries on the Historical Plays, 2 vols, duo, 1840. Gervinus (G. G.) Shakespeare Commentaries, 2 vols, 8vo, 1803. Kinnear (B. G.) Cruces Shakespearianse, duo, 1883. Lowndes (W. T.) Shakespeare and his Commentators, duo, 1831. 8vo, ?1832. Morgan (A.) Some Shakespearean Commentators, 8vo, 1882. Pye (H. J.) Comments on the Commentators on Shakespear, 8vo, 1S07. [Whiter (W.)] A Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare, Svo, 1794. Commentaries and Commentators : see also under the names of Commentators Compton (E.) Shakespearian Rhyming Address KortS-A™ 1 Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimzies edited by Hamweii ... 1 8vo 8vo 1881 1860 English Shakespeariana. 71 Number. No. of Vols, SIxo. 145514 732S 147653 103952 57141 2G0O 69314 124135 44481 129072 136543 147652 2909 3370 61032 112162 57330 60210 57962 100641 60551 26647 113802 Concordances : — 57190 Ayscough (S.) An Index to Shah pi Eire, Svo, 1S27. 126706 Bartlett (■'•) Complete Concordance to SI 2880 [Becket (A.)] Concordance to Shakespeare, Svo, 1787. 60571 Clarke (Mrs. C.) Complete Concordance to Shak 1845, 130203 (lieu edition •-,..)774 Sto, 1881. 60779 Furness (Mrs. II. II.) Concordance t<> siiakt'spean P< Venus and Adonis, 8»o, 1872 69826 Furness (Mrs. H. B.) Concordance to Shakespeare's P .".7141'. Halliwell (J. O.) Concordance to the Poems of Shakespeare, 3to, 185608 smith (G. A.) Concordance of the Work- ol Shakespeare, dno, iss9. Condell (H.) : weWalksr Conington (J.) ' King Lear' [and] ' Hamlet ' "'" ^TiriM.-^'' Conolly (J.) A Study of Hamlet Contemporaries, Shakespeare's : — 140290 Stopes (Mrs. C. C.) Shakespeare's Warwickshire Contemporaries, Svo, 1 397 5703S 'IVkk (w.) Shakspeare and his Contemporaries, duo, 1879. 12160 Tweddell ((>■) Shakspere : His Times and Contemporaries duo, 1S52. Controversies : «« Reu Cooke (J.) The Astrology of Shakspere [><»» Macmiiia Cooke (M. W.) The Human Mystery in Hamlet ihwy, Cooke (W.) Elements of Dramatic Criticism Cooke (W.) : MeatooKlchardlU. [Cooper (J. G.)] Letters concerning Taste s id edition Cooper (J. G.) The Tomb of Shakespear a. Poetical vision Cooper (S.) Nine Fancy Pictures °">™* ta l SS^SStwP aa ' timn ' ■■ Coote (C. H.) Shakspere's New Map in Twelfth Night Svo duo Svo duo 8vo L872 L863 L885 1888 1775 duo 4to duo Svo duo duo 8vo 1755 L756 1893 1878 1895 1897 L895 1 8vo ?1864 1 Svo ?1862 1 Svo 1856 1 8vo 1890 1 8vo 1874 1 4to 1834 1 Svo 1873 Corbin (J.) The Elizabethan Hamlet tSS&ki^m Corbould (E. M.) and Eossi (L.) Side-Lights on Shakspere Cordley (C.) Shakespeare's Piscine Lore lfivm ^^ maa ' B ■■■ Coriolanus : — 134903 Bamett (T. D.) Notes on Coriolanus. Second Edition, duo, 1S92. 129974 Wood (S.) Coriolanus. Questions and Notes, duo, V1S94. Corney (B.) The Assumed Birthday of Shakspere Corney (B.) The Sonnets of Shakspere £ dbya Corrector Of Shakspeare [Revlew/rom Edinburgh Bevlew] Corson (H.) Introduction to the Study of Shakespeare , Corson (H.) Jottings on the Text of Hamlet (ithaca otn TheTh Hundredth I Liouitnope v \v. J.; inze i oem Nl , . , Coventry : — 29.34 Ludus Coventrise. Mysteries formerly represented at Covenl -vo, 1841. 70569 Shakespeare Tercentenarj Poems bj the Successful Competitors for Prices, duo, T1864. 2855 113798 57483 57317 64350 150310 Sto, 1SS5. 1 duo 1655 1 fol ?1860 •J duo L840 1 duo l -til 72 Number. 3376 3374 147803 7329 107966 86552 14124 72169 69802 67675 76407 26546 57053 107919 83454 105023 129961 142356 147979 69099 83491 147680 60563 113755 69778 57250 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Cowden-Clarke : weciarke Cox (P.) A Lecture on Shakspere edbyHauiweu ... Dodd (W.) Beauties of Shakespear ... 1 8v.» L874 Second edition, with additions Third edition, with additions (Dublin) Dodd (W.) Beauties of Shakspeare (Cuiswicitj printed for J. r I lovi From thi l (J. Bum] . (Cbiswlck) ... I.I. Smith and Co.) |F. J. Ma -ii' with Ulustratlona (Scott, Webster « Geary)* A new edition (Halifax) « 1th portrait and lllust i (F. Warne and Co.) 8vo L880 duo L860 duo L752 duo L757 duo 177:; duo L780 duo 1818 duo ?1820 duo L821 duo L824 duo L825 duo 183] duo 1837 duo 1841 duo 1842 duo 1846 8vo ?1870 duo ?1882 duo 1832 8vo ls71 duo L900 8vo 1888 8vo ?1899 4 to L899 8vo 1878 duo 1865 8vo 1888 Double Falsehood 113800 Adventures on the Black Mountains; a tale, Upon which the Plan of a Play, call'd Double Falshood, was written by Shakespeare, duo, 1729. Doubtful Plays :— 151241 Hopkinson (A. F.) Essays on Shakespeare's Doubtful Plays, duo, 1900. Tirmhrfnl "Plo \-c • For editions of the Doubtful Plays, «< pages47to49. jvuuuuui x imtheFortnigttiyEwrtow] ... Dowden (E.) Introduction to Shakespeare ... Dowden (E.) Shakespeare. Scenes and Characters c8b £2i Dodd (W.) Beauties Of Shakspere (Goubaud* Son| [Knight's Penny Books] DolbylTOTheShakespearianDictionary,;,;;;; 1 -:^-:;;^.;:;!;;', Donne (W. B.) Dramatic Art Eepresentation t/rom Dark Blue]... Donnelly (I.) The Cipher In the Plays and on the Tombstone ... Donnelly (I.) The Great Cryptogram : ':,: ;': ... Doran (A.) Shakespeare and the Medical Society Doran (A.) Shakespeare and the Medical Society ^Zau,'m!ai] Doran (J.) Shakespeare in France Urom the Nineteenth century] Doran [J.] " Their Majesties' Servants " ADB-, *£J!38lS Annals of the English Stage Edited and revised by Lowe 2 8vo L807 1 8vo 1839 1 8vo ?1890 1 8vo 1885 1 duo L893 1 llo L876 1 Lto L876 76 Number. 57074 71596 57485 86783 150307 57162 84016 57232 79923 145309 19076 34154 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Dowden (E.) Shakspere : His Mind and Art second edition ... . .Seventh edition . . . Dowden (E.) Shakspere literature Primers Do wden (E .) Shakspeare'sPortraiture of Women contemparar^aeview] [DoWneS (J.)] EoSCiuS AnglicailUS, or an Historical Review of the Stage ... Downes (J.) Eoscius Anglicanus, "^a^wnt^--- [Downes (J.)] Eoscius Anglicanus, "tSSSa*-. Doyle (Sir F. H.) Shakspere [in Lectures on Poetry, Second Series, pp. 150-229] Doyle (J. T.) Donnelly and the Shakespeare Cipher tTyp L e ^f en Drake (N.) Memorials of Shakspeare S1 Drake (N.) Shakspeare and his Times DRAMA. ..1' liis Character and by various writers No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 duo 1876 1 duo 1883 1 duo 1877 1 duo 1879 1 8vo 1885 1 duo 1708 1 duo 1886 1 8vo 1789 1 duo 1877 1 8vo 1888 1 8vo 1828 2 4to 1817 Books relating to the Drama, including Acting and Actors, Stage, Theatres, etc. 57943 A'Beckett (G. A.) The Quizziology of the British Drama, duo, 1846. 57S99 Acting, Essay on, duo, 1744. 57108 Actor, The ; Treatise on the Art of Playing, duo, 1755. 78079 Actor, Defence of the Profession of an Actor, 8vo, 1800. 10937S Actors, Eminent, duo, 1890, etc. [1] Maeready, by Archer. [2] Betterton, by Lowe. [3] Macklin, by Parry. 64340 Actors, Frozen-Out Actors [from Cornhill Magazine] 8vo, 1862. 2608 Actors Remonstrance, or Complaint : 1643 [Ashbee's Reprints, IV.] 4to, 1869. 36821 Adolphus (J.) Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian, 2 vols., 8vo, ?1839. Age, The : see Tallis's Life in London. 2968 Alleyn Papers, The, Original Documents illustrative of Edward Alleyn, and the Early English Stage and Drama (Shakespeare Society) 8vo, 1843. 69782 American Enterprise [contain* illustrations of Edwin Booth, etc.] fol, ?1875. 60206 Anson (J. W.) Dramatic & Musical Almanack for 1S65, duo, ?1S64. 150283 Archaeology in the Theatre [from Macmillan's Magazine] 8vo, 1886. 101763 Archer (W.) About the Theatre, Essays and Studies, duo, 1S86. 101765 Archer (W.) English Dramatists of To-day, duo, 1882. 836S8 Archer (W.) The Stage of Greater Britain [ from National Review] 8vo, ?1885. 149509 Archer (W.) Study and Stage, a Year-Book of Criticism, duo, 1899. 96714 B (Madame de) Memoirs of Rachel, 2 vols., duo, 1858. 6889 [Baker (D. E.)] Companion to the Play-House, 2 vols., duo, 1764. 36049 Baker (D. E.) Reed (I.) and Jones i,S.) Biographia Dramatica, 3 vols., Svo, 1812. 10S171 Baker (H. B.) The London Stage, 1576 to 1888, 2 vols., duo, 1889. 115790 Bancroft (Mr. & Mrs.) On and Off the Stage, written by themselves, 2 vols., 8vo, 1888. 57482 [Barker (J.)] The Drama Recorded ; or Barker's List of Plays to 1814, duo, 1814. 122415 Bates (K. L.) The English Religious Drama, duo, 1893. 2557 Bedford (A.) Serious reflections on the Stage, diio, 1705. 66536 Bell (R.) The Rights of Dramatic Literature [from The Shilling Magazine] Svo, ?1865. 78072 Bellows (Dr.) Address upon the Claims of the Drama, Svo, ?1857. 49882 Belton (F.) Random Recollections of an Old Actor, 8vo, 1880. 14116 Bernard (J.) Retrospections of the Stage, 2 vols., duo, 1830. 2584 Betson (A.) Dissertations on the Origin and Antiquity of Masquerades, Plays, Poetry, &c, 8vo, ?1799. 147656 Bibb (G. C.) The Theatre in Blackfriars [from The Western] Svo, 1875. 2928 Bickerstatf (Mr. [I.]) Judith, a sacred drama, 8vo, ?1769. 2867 Bisset (J.) Dramatic Excellencies of the Young Roscius, Svo, ?1804. 51725 Bisset (J.) The Jubilean Dramatic Pageant, duo, ?1827. 91408 Blackburn (H.) Art in the Mountains. The Oberammergau Passion Play, Svo, 1880. 34054 Boaden (J.) Memoirs of the Life of J. P. Kemble, including a History of the Stage, 2 vols., Svo, 1825. 54474 Boaden (J.) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, 2 vols., 8vo, 1827. 70483 Bowen (C.) Practical Hints on Stage Costume, duo ?1870. 74384 Brereton (A.) Some Famous Hamlets from Burbage to Fechter, duo, 1884. 57957 Brewer (J. N.) Histrionic Topography : Birth-places, Residences, and Funeral Monuments of Distinguished Actors, Svo, 1818. 57333 Brownsmith (J.) Dramatic Time-Piece. Time every Act takes in the Performing, duo, 1767. 55811 [Buckham (P. W.)] Theatre of the Greeks, 8vo, 1830. 35938 Bunn (A., of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham) Letter to the Rev. J. A. James, 8vo, 1824. 66998 — Eighth Edition, 8vo, 1824. 35008 [Bunn (A.)] The Reprover Admonished. A Sermon, by a Churchman, duo, 1824. English Shakespeariana. 77 Drama —continued. 57009 Bonn (A.) The Stage : both before and behind the curtain, 8 vols., duo, I 62474 liiinn (A.) Letter to, being a review of his Epistle to Rev. J \ Jami i, 8vo, 1824. 60300 Butler's (H.) Theatrical Director} and Dramatic Almanack, I860, duo, It 57160 Calcraft (J. W.) Defence ol the Stage, Bvo, 1889. 72476 Campbell (T.) Life of Mrs. Siddons, duo, L880. 107405 C[apell] (E.) Notitia Dramatica; or Tables of Ancienl Plays, kto [Carlisle (Earl of)] Thoughts upon the present condition of theSta 2848 [Cartwright i El.) The Footsteps of Shakspere ; a ramble with the early Dramatists, do 60551 Chapman (J. K.) Ed. Theatrical Entertainments a< the I oglish Court, it", I 57152 Chetwood (W. R.) General History of the Stage, duo, 1740. 57204 Cibber(C) Apology for the Life of, by Himself, duo, 1740. 99857 2 vols, 8vo, 1880. 57977 Cibber's it.! Two Dissertations on the Theatres, etc., Ivo, 26035 Cincinnati, Public Library, Catalogue of the Dramas and Dramatic Poi ma In, ito, I 113481 Clay (C. .1.1 Female Characters of the Greek Tragedians and Shakspeare, Bvo, 1844 57500 Close ( I'M The Stage ; its tendencies on Morals and Religion, duo, 73571 duo, I860. 61377 duo, 1-77. 29814 Colin (A.) Shakespeare in Germany : English Actors in Germany and the Netherlands, it" 81877 Coh' (J. W.) Life and Theatrical Times of Charles Kean, 2 vols., duo, 1859. 122292 Coleman (.1.) Players and Playwrights I have Known, 2 vols., 8vo, 1838. 2839 Collier (J. P.I History of English Dramatic Poetry, etc., 8 vols., duo. 1881. 21013 ■ 3 vols. 8VO, L879. 2951 Collier (J. P.) Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, Founder of Dulwich College (Shakespeare 8vo, 1841. 2781 Collier's (Mr. [Jeremy]) Dissuasive from the Play-house, duo, 1708. 150494 Collier (Jeremy) Short View of the Profaneness ami Immorality of the English stage, be., duo, 1738. Collier (Jeremy) : see also Defence, Immorality. 148135 Collins (Mabel) Story of Helena Modjeska (Madame Chlapowska), duo, 1885. 2576 Comic Genius : An Essay on the Pre-eminence of, duo, 1786. 59556 Cook (D.) Book of the Play, 2 vols., duo, 1876. 49897 Cook (D.) Hours with the Players, 2 vols., duo, 1881. 57141 Cooke (\V.) Elements of Dramatic Criticism, duo, 1775. 84994 Cooke (W.) Memoirs of Samuel Eoote, Esq., 3 vols., duo, 1805. 57962 Coryton (J.) Stageright : Law relating to Dramatic Authors, etc.. Bvo, 1 J78. 12478 Cumberland (It.) Memoirs, written by Himself, 4to, 1806. 117930 Daly (A.) Woffington. A tribute to the Actress and the Woman, 4to, 1893 58917 Darley (J. R.) The Grecian Drama, Svo, 1840. 26649 Davies (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies, 3 vols., duo, 1785. 72490 Davies (T.) Life of David Garrick, 2 vols., Svo, 1780. 98679 Day (W. C.) Behind the Footlights, duo, 1885. 72489 Decastro (J., Comedian), Memoirs of, edited by Humphreys, duo, 1S24. 57988 Defence of Dramatics: Poetry, being a Review of Mr. Collier's View of the stage, duo, 1698. 78078 Delphi (A.) French Drama, 8vo, 1814. 61378 Deinnan (J.) The Drama Vindicated, duo, 1835. 2558 Dennis (Mr. [J.]) The Impartial ( 'ritiek, duo, 1693. 93998 [Derrick (S.) ] General View of the Sta.ce, by Mr. Wilkes, duo, L759. 57001 Dibdin (Mr. [CD Complete History of the English Stage, 5 vols., 8vo, M800. 109774 Dibdin (J. C.) Annals of the Edinburgh Stage, with Account of Dramatic Writing in Scotland, 8vo, 1888. 849S8 Dibdin (T.) Reminiscences of, -1 vols., Svo., 1887. 40266 Dickens (C.) Ed. Life of C. J. Mathews, chiefly autobiographical, 2 vols., 8vo, 1879. 102057 Diprose't [J.] Hook of the Stage and the Players, duo. ?1870. 85467 Dissection of a Bir— g— m Manager, 8vo, 1796. 11663 Donaldson (J. W.)Theatre of the Greeks, duo. 1879, 19106 Donaldson (W.) Recollections of an Actor, duo, 1865. 64349 Donne (W. B.) Dramatic Art Representation [from Dark Blu< 57027 Donne (W. B.) Essays on the Drama, duo, 1863. 49836 Doran [J.] In and about Drury bane, and other Papers. •■ \,,K. gvo, 1881. 79910 Doran [J.| "Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage. Second edition duo 101751 3vol- 57102 [Downes(.I.)] Roscius Anglicanus, Review of the Stage, duo, 1708. 57232 Bvo, 1789. 84016 Downes (J.) Roscius Anglicanus, Rei iew of the - ■'. duo, 1886. 42693 Drama of the Day | Review of the Life of E. Pitzball, from Bentley's Quarterlj Review Bv< 7H15S Drama. National, Desultory Thoughts on the, by an old PI tygoer, Bvo, I860. 61047 Drama, Notes on the [from Dublin Cniversit; 56687 [Drama, Theatricals, Dramatic Biography, etc., Cuttings from Phe Sunday Times] 4to, 1887-8. 133463 Dramatic Censor, The : for 1811. Edited by Williams, 8vo 71811. 40429 Dramatic Literature, Select Committee on [Parliamentai > Report] fol, li 78 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Drama — continual . \ZM\ Dramatic Reform Association, Monthly Circular, etc., 4to, 1878-84. 16348 Dramatic Souvenir, being Literary and Graphical Illustrations of Shakespeare, duo, 1833. L13879 Dramatic Talcs from Shakspeare (J. Duncombe) duo, ?1830, etc. Dramaticus, The Stage as it is, duo, 1847. Dryden (J.) Of Dramatick Poesie, an Essay, duo, 1668. 86091 Edwards (S.) History of the Opera, 2 vols., duo, 1862. 1955S English Drama and Stage, 1543-1604 (Boxburghe Library) 4to, 1869. 100557 Era, The [Theatrical Newspaper] [Imperfect] fol, 1867, etc. 61012 Era Almanack, The, Dramatic & Musical, 8vo, 1868, etc. 107911 Farrar (F. W.) The Passion Play at Oberammergau, 1890, duo, 1890. 59618 Figaro-Programme, 4to, 1874. 59616 [afterwards] Saturday Programme, 2 vols., 8vo, 1875. 150311 Fitzgerald (P.) First Appearances. David Garrick {from The Theatre] 8vo, 1886. 126597 Fitzgerald (P.) Henry Irving. A Record of Twenty Years at the Lyceum, 8vo, 1893. 85790 Fitzgerald (P.) The Kembles. An Account of the Kemble Family, 2 vols., 8vo, ?1875. 49S99 Fitzgerald (P.) New History of the English Stage, 2 vols., Svo, 1S82. 150315 Fitzgerald (P ) Play-bills, Old and New [from The Theatre] 8vo, 1885. 57058 Fitzgerald (P.) Principles of Comedy and Dramatic effect, 8vo, 1870. 72166 Fitzgerald (P.) Romance of the English Stage, 2 vols., Svo, 1874. 136551 Fleay (F. G.) Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama, 1559—1642, 2 vols., 8vo, 1891. 10724S Fleay (F. G.) Chronicle History of the London Stage, 1559- 1642, 8vo, 1890. 7G404 Fleay (F. G.) Who wrote our Old Plays? [from Macmillan's Magazine] Svo, ?1874. 2537 iFlitcroft (H.)] Theatrical Entertainments consistent with Society, etc., duo, 1768. 1 15343 Foard (J. T.) Dramatic Dissensions of Jonson, Marston, to Dekker, 8vo, ?1897. 57339 Foard (J. T.) On the Moral Dignity of the Shakspearian Drama, Svo, ?1858. 57887 Freckelton (T. W.) The Church and the Drama. A Sermon, duo, 1865. 53591 [Frere (B.) ] Adventures of a Dramatist, on a journey to the London Managers, 2 vols., duo, 1813. 7994 Gait (J.) Autobiography [ 1779—1833] 2 vols., Svo, 1S33. 83324 Gait (J.) Lives of the Players, duo, 1SSG. 49919 Garcia (G.) The Actors' Art, Svo, 1882. 101912 Garcia (G.) The Actor's Art. Second edition, duo, 1888. 35546 Garrick (D.) Private Correspondence, 2 vols., 4to, 1831-2. 78081 Gasquet (J. R.) The Madmen of the Greek Theatre, Svo, 1874. 2941 [Geneste (J.)] Some Account of the English Stage, 1660 to 1830, 10 vols., Svo, 1S32. 80494 [Gentleman (F.) ] The Dramatic Censor ; or Critical Companion, 2 vols., Svo, 1770. 57072 Gilliland (T.) Dramatic Mirror : History of the Stage, etc., 2 vols., duo, 1808. 67414 Goldsmid (E.) Dramatic Works performed in France, 1200—1800. Part 1. 1200—1529. [in Aungervyle Society Reprints, Second Series, pp. 137-158] Svo, 1883. 78718 Gould (G.) The Greek Plays in their relations to the Dramatic Unities, 8vo, 1S83. 57344 Green (E.) Observations on the Drama, 8vo, ?1830. 72512 Green (J.) Odds and Ends about Covent Garden. &c, Svo, ?1320. 148247 Greenstreet (J.) A hitherto Unknown Writer of Elizabethan Comedies [ from The Genealogist] Svo, 1891. 151140 Greg (W. \V.) List of English Pla vs. w ritten before 1643, and printed before 1700 (Bibliographical Society) Svo, 1900. 98671 Grey (H.) Plots of Old English Plays, with Index of Characters, duo, 18S8. 2790 Guthrie (W.) Essay upon English Tragedy, etc., duo, ?1747. 57034 Hackett (J. H.) Notes and Comments upon certain Plays and Actors of Shakespeare, duo, 1863. 14214S Haigh (A. E.) The Attic Theatre, Svo, 1889. 142147 Haigh (A. E.) The Tragic Drama of the Greeks, Svo, 1896. Halliwell (J. O.) : see Halliwell. 57499 Halpin (N. J.) Dramatic Unities of Shakespeare, duo, 1849. 60593 Hardy (R. B.) Lectures on the Drama : First Series— Shakspeare, duo, 1834. 150317 Harris (A.) The National Theatre [from Fortnightly Review] 8vo, 1885. 72483 [Haslewood (J.)] Secret History of the Green Rooms, 2 vols., duo, 1790. 71950 Hatton (J.) Henry Irving's Impressions of America, duo, 1884. 30463 Haweis (H. R.) Shakspeare and the Stage ; A Sermon, duo, 1878. 73939 Hawkins (F.) Annals of the French Stage, 2 vols., 8vo, 1884. 105974 Hawkins (F.) The French Stage in the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols., Svo, 1S88. 81875 Hawkins (F. W.) Life of Edmund Kean, 2 vols, 8vo, 1869. 85046 Hazlitt (W.) Criticisms and Dramatic Essays of the English Stage, duo, 1854. 113567 Hazlitt (W. C.) Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays, Svo, 1892. 82396 Headlam (S. D.) Theatres & Music Halls : A Lecture, duo, ?1877. 57151 Hedelin [F.] The Whole Art of the Stage, Svo, 1684. 77755 Hervey (C.) Theatres of Paris, illustrated with Portraits of Actresses, Svo, 1847. 78172 Hill (A.) The Art of Acting ; second edition, duo, ?1801. 2634 Historia Histrionica. An Historical Account of the English-Stage, 1699 [Ashbee's Reprints, XXX.] 4to, 1872. 43882 Hogarth (G.) Memoirs of the Musical Drama, 2 vols., 8vo, 1838. 82790 Holbrook (Ann C.) The Dramatist ; or Memoirs of the Stage, duo, 1<09. 57236 Holcroft (T.) The Theatrical Recorder, Vol. 1, Svo, 1805. English Shakespeariana. 7'.' Drama — continual . 60079 II. .He (W.) Ancient MyRteries Described, 81 118780 Boussaye (A.) Behind the Scenes of the Com li i Hudson (W. B.)The Church and tb< - Butchings (W.) Past Dramatic Performai .1 upon Avon, Bvo 78077 bnmorality of the English Pulpit [Reply to Jeremy Collier on the Ml N ■: [ngleb; (C. M.) Was Thomas Lodge an Actoi Ito, i 61867 fnglis(R.] Dramatic Writers of Scotland, duo, 148880 Irving (H.) Acting: an Ar I /rom Fortnightly Review 150816 Irving (B.) The krtof Lotin liah Dlustrated W 6481 1 [rving (H.) The Stage. Address ai the Perrj Ban institute, near Bii 7894 Jackson (J.) Bistorj of the Scottish lKi.'.iit [Jacob (G.)] The Poetical Register: or, the I the English Dramatics: Poets, quo, 1719. 1395:. Jam. "M (Anna) Shakspeare'a Beroines, with portraits of famous players in character, duo 12991 : Jones ill. A.) Renascence of the English I ham;., duo 590".:; Kelly (Michael) Reminiscences, 2 vols., duo, i 6888 Kemble's (Mr. [C.]) Retirement from the Stage, Authentic Narrative of, Bvo, '- 80212 Kendal (Mrs.) The Drama, duo, 71834. 2591 Kendal] (J.) Remarks on Attending Stage rMi.-rtaiimi.-nt-, duo, I . 26 Kingalej (C.) Plays and Puritans, etc . dm . 57308 Kirkman (F.) Catalogue of Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques Interludes, Bvo, ?1671. 6831 Kirkman (J. T.) Memoirs of the Life of char].- Macklin, etc., 2 vols., duo 140957 Knight (J.) David Garrick, • 135255 Knight (J.) Theatrical Notes, 8vo, 67299 Lacy (J.) Letteifs] to the Dramatists of the I aj [from London Mag i 50523 Lacy(T. B.) Costumes, Historical, National, & Dramatic, 2 vols., fol, 181 86401 Lacy (T. II.) The Theatre Defended, duo, 1840. 109103 Lamb (C.) Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. Second i dition, duo, 1813. 'J vols., duo 11350 — (Bohn)duo, 1854. 113460 Langbaine (G.) Account of the English Dramatick Poets, duo, 1691. 67287 Langbaine (G.) Momus Triumpbans : Plagiaries of the Engli 78094 Law (W.) Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment, duo, I 129693 Lawrence (\V. J.) Life of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke, Tragedian, 8vo, i - 69083 Leicester, Notices illustrative of the Drama [at], extracted from Manuscripts of the Borough of Leicester, lntr.nlu.-ti.in by Kelly, duo, 1865. 40178 Lewes (G. II.) On Actors and the Art of Acting. Set ..ml edition, duo, 80470 Lloyds (F.) Scene Painting and Painting in Distemper, 93413 Lowe(R. W.) Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature, 139200 Lowell (J. R.) The Old English Dramatists, duo, 1892. 78083 Lumley (B.) The Karl of Dudley, Mr. Lumley, and Her Majesty's Theatri 84997 Lumley (B.) Reminiscences of the Opera, Svo, 1864. 150321 Lytton [Earl of] Miss Anderson's Juliet [/rOMi i he Nineteenth Century] Bvo, 1884. 16365 Macauley (Miss) Tales of the Drama, dim, 1822. 107969 duo, 1848. 724SG Mackenzie (II.) Life ami Writings of John Borne, 8vo, 6029 Macklin (('., Comedian) Memoirs, Svo, 1804. 57900 Macklin's (Mr. [C.]) Reply to Mr. Garrick's Answer, etc, duo, 1743. 70155 M'Nicoll (D.) Operation of the Stage on the Morals of Societ; 81S79 Macrea.ly's [\v. c.] Reminiscences, edited by Pollock, duo, 1876. 147655 Malone [E.] Account of Our Ancient Theatres, Bvo, U790. 57231 Malone (E.) Rise and Progress of the English Stage, Bvo, 1790. 26197 Svo, 1S0O. 57121 Mansel (R.) Free Thoughts upon Methodists, Actors, and the Influence ol the Stage, duo, 1814. 148379 Martin (T.) An Eye-Witness of John Kemble [ft om The Nineteenth Centurj 152836 Mask, The [Nos. 1 to 16] fol, 1879. 00530 Mathews (C.) Lettre aux Auteurs Bramatiques de la I 58998 Mathews (C.) Letter to the Dramatic Authors o) Prance, Bvo 72487 Mathews (Mrs.) Anecdotes of Actors, etc., Bvo, 85967 Matthews (.). is.) French Dramatists of the 19th Century, duo 60612 Mayhew (E.) Stage Effect : Principles which command Dramatic - 72506 [Merritt (J.)] Life of W. II. W. Betty, known bj the name of the N oung Roscius, duo, 147415 Moliere and Shakespeare : Review of the Stage, No I 2546 Moor (J.) On the End of Tragedj according to Aristotle, duo 6798 Moore (T.) Memoirs of Life ol Richard Brinslej Sheridan, 2 vol 8375S Morley (H.) Journal of a London Playgoi i 77o3i Moulton (B. G.) Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist, duo, i 102432 , (second edition) dm 62 Murdoch (J. E.) The Stage, oi Recollections ol Actors and Acting : Murphj (A.) Life of David Ganii k, Esq., 2 vols 80 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Drama — continued. 57288 Nayler (B. S.) English Performances in Amsterdam, duo, 1826. 148079 Neville (II.) The Stage ; its Past and Present in relation to Fine Art, 8vo, 1S75. 69783 New York Mirror. Dramatic Festival Number, fol, J1883. 55584 Nic-Nac, The, or Literary Cabinet, with History of the English Stage, 5 vols. [Imperfect] 8vo, 1823-8. 60102 Nipclose (Sir N.) The Theatres, a poetical dissection, 4to, 1772. 84990 O'Keeffe (J.) Recollections of the Life of, written by himself. 2 vols., 8vo, 1826. 147860 Ouida, Mr. Irving on the Art of Acting [from The Nineteenth Century] 8vo, 1895. 136309 Owen (J.) The Five Great Skeptical Dramas of History, 8vo, 1S96. 74692 Oxberry's [\\\] Dramatic Biography and Histrionic Anecdotes, duo, 1825. 109804 Paget (A. H.) The Elizabethan Play-Houses. Svo, 1891. 32208 Pascoe (C. E.) The Dramatic List : Principal Performances of Living Actors and Actresses, duo, 1S79. 113471 Peake (R. B.) Memoirs of the Colman Family, 2 vols., Svo, 1841. 6449 Pemberton (C. R.) Life and Literary Remains, edited by Fowler, Svo, 1843. 95685 Pemberton (T. E.) Charles Dickens and the Stage, duo, 1S88. 110670 Pemberton (T. E.) Memoir of E. A. Sothern, Svo, 1889. 117719 Pemberton (T. E.) Life and Writings of T. \V. Robertson, 8vo, 1893. 115936 Penley (B. S.) The Bath Stage, duo, 1892. 57978 [Penn (J.) ] Letters on the Drama, 8vo, 1796. 10979S Phelps (W. M.) and Forbes-Robertson (J.) Life and Life- Work of Samuel Phelps, 8vo, 1886. 2597 [Pickering (R.)] Reflections upon Theatrical Expression in Tragedy, duo, 1755. 64326 The Plagiary "Warned." A Vindication of the Drama, etc., 8vo, 1824. 64307 Planche' (J. R.) Extravaganza and Spectacle [from Temple Bar] Svo, ?1861. 81683 Planche (J. R.) Recollections and Reflections of, A Professional Autobiography, 2 vols., 8vo, 1872. 59610 Players, The. A Dramatic . . . Journal. Vols. 3, 4 [imperfect] fol, 1861. 60862 Playhouse Notes, Historical and Critical [Newspaper Cuttings] fol, ?1871-2. 2595 Plays, Catalogue of all the Plays ever printed in the English Language (W. Mears) duo, 172G. 57130 Plays and Masquerades (The Occasional Paper, Vol. IIL, Numb. IX.) duo, 1719. 64342 Plays, Players, and Critics [from Fraser's Magazine] 8vo, 1863. 65973 Prynne (W.) Histrio-Mastix, The Players Scovrge, 4to, 1633. 2562 Prynn (Mr. W.) his Defence of Stage-Plays, or a Retractation of Histrio-Mastix, 1649 [Reprint] duo, 1882. 58776 [Purnell (T.)] Dramatists of the Present Day, by "Q."; reprinted from "The Athenpeum," duo, 1871. 135463 Rae (W. F.) Sheridan. A Biography, 2 vols., 8vo, 1896. 63469 Rainoldes [J.] Th' overthrow of Stage-Playes, By the way of controversie betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes. duo, 1600. 52852 Rainoldes [J.] The Overthrow of Stage-Playes, By the way of controversie betwixt I). Gager and D. Rainoldes. Second edition, duo, 1629. 19112 Rede (L. T.) Guide to the Stage, duo, 1863. 82195 Rendle (W.) The Playhouses at Bankside in the Time of Shakespeare, 8vo, ?1886. 84992 Reynolds (F.) Life and Times of, written by himself, 2 vols., 8vo, 1826. 58160 Rhodes (W. B.) [Sale] Catalogue of the Dramatic Library of (Sotheby) Svo, 1825. 3309 Rimbault (E. F.) Who was "Jack Wilson," the singer of Shakespeare's Stage? Svo, 1846. 61008 Robson (VV.) The Old Play-Goer, duo, 1846. 1479S4 Ross (M.) A Deterioration of the Stage [from Poet Lore] 8vo, 1891. 2560 Rowe (J.) Tragi-Comoedia [Narrative of the Play acted at Witney, with its sad and Tragicall End] duo, 1653. 63726 Rye (W. B.) England as seen by Foreigners. Journals of the two Dukes of Wirtemberg, 1592 and 1610, 8vo, 1S65. 1985 Rymer [T,] A Short View of Tragedy ; with Reflections on Shakespear, duo, 1693. 64350 Sala (G. A.) On Stage Costume [from Belgravia] 8vo, ?1869. 148219 Salvini (T.) [Life of, from the Century] Svo, 1881. Saturday Programme : see Figaro-Programme. 2889 Schlegel (A. W.) Dramatic Art and Literature, 2 vols., Svo, 1815. 57198 (Bohn) duo, 1846. 8232 duo, 1879. 152908 Scott (C.) The Drama of Yesterday & To-day, 2 vols., Svo, 1899. 152974 Scott (C.) Some Notable Hamlets (Bernhardt, Irving, Barrett, Tree, and Robertson) duo, 1900. 126831 Scott (C.) and Howard (C.) Life and Reminiscences of E. L. Blanchard, 2 vols., 8vo, 1891. 107678 Scott (Sir \V.) Essay on the Drama [in Miscellaneous Works, Vol. 6] duo, 1870. 78144 Selecting Plays, Guide to ; or Managers' Companion, giving description of 1500 pieces, duo, ?1882. 73621 [Shakespeare, Collection of Illustrations] 3 vols., fol, V. I). 14702 Siddons (H.) Rhetorical Gesture and Action, adapted to the English Drama, 8vo, 1822. 57719 Simpson (D.) Discourse on Stage Entertainments, 8vo, 1788. 60199 Sketch, The. [Nos. 2 to 25] fol, 1879-80. 26789 Stage, The (Percy Anecdotes, Vol. 17) duo, 1823. 59615 Stage, The, Vol. 1 (Nos. 2 to 14) and Vol. 2 (No. 1), 2 vols., 8vo, 1874-5. 64343 Stage, The, and Popular Taste [from Sixpenny Magazine] Svo, ?1866. 7967 Stage, British, Biography of the, duo, 1824. 57290 Stage, Conduct of the Stage consider'd, duo, 1721. English Shakespeariana. B1 Drama — con tin ued, 78080 Stage or N«> Stage, Shorl Btrnggle for, originating In :i Sermon bj Bet. T. 1 1818. 6484 i Stage, Sainta of the I from Cornhill Magazine ■ 64841 Stage Adaptions of Sbakspeare fr n Cornhill Magaxim 84848 Stage, Slipa on and ofl the [from Cornhill U < 8607 Stage-Playera Complaint, 1641 [Aahbee'i Beprinta, III. Ito 8618 Stage- Playea, An Ordinance for the Suppression of, MM R 48878 Stirling (E.) Old Drnry Lane. Fiftj Years' Recollections of Author. \. • rola., duo, 1881. 8785 Styles (J I Essay on the Character of the Stage, duo, I 57147 - (second edition) duo, 1807. 134810 Sumbel (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Life of, bj hei wit, 3 rola . duo, 1811. 66515 Symonds ( J. A.) Shakapere'a Predecessors in the English Drama, 8vo, 1884. Tallis'a illustrated Life in London [afterwards The Age, 8 rola . fol, 1804, 53158 Talma on the actor's Art, with preface by Irving, Svo, 1987 [Taylor (R.) Cursory Remarks on Tragedy, etc., duo, itti. 115728 Theatre. The. A Weekly Review, S vols., fol, IE 59545 Theatre, The. A Monthly Review, 89 \ I 17. 57158 Theatre, Companion to the, second edition, duo, 1740. 64346 Theatres, I. Ion, in the Olden Timi Belgravi L866. 64845 Theatres, Notes on [from London Society] 8vo, 1871. 80507 Theatrical Biograph] : Memoirs of the Performers of the three Theatres Royal, 2 rola., duo, 1778. 57092 Theatrical Dictionary, A New, duo, 1792. 57800 Theatrical John Bull (Birmingham) Nos. [I to 19] duo, 1824. 04:i47 Theatrical Licenses | fn Fi iser's Magazine] Bvo, ?1867. 69863 Theatrical Portraits, [Sale]'Catalogue of (Robins) 8vo 162937 Theatrical Programme [Feb. 4th to Dec 2nd] 2 vols., 8vo & ito, 1875. 57153 Theatrical Remembrancer, 2 vols., duo, 1788-18 102132 Egerton's, duo, 1788. 357 Theatrical Review [Xos. 1 and 2] 8vo, 17-'.. 57127 Thespian Dictionary, or, Dramatic Biography of the present age, duo, I 54202 Thomson (W.) On Renascence Drama, 8vo, 1880. 57133 Tomlins(F. G.) Brief View of the English Urania, duo, 1840. 57994 Tomlins(F. G.) Nature and state of the English Drama, duo, 1841. 94451 Tragedy, Essay on, with a Critical Examen of Mahomet and Irene, svo, 17-m. 150314 Turner (H.) Random Recollections [from The Theatre] Bvo, 45034 Clrici (H.) Shakspeare'a Dramatic Art, Bvo, 1816. 11412 (Bohn) 2 vols., duo, 1876. 96950 Victor (Mr. [B.]) History of the Theatres of London and I uhlin from 17:;". 8 vols., duo, 1761 71. 113498 Voltaire ([F. M. A.] de) Critical Essays on Dramatic Poetry, duo, 1761. 69877 Vyse (B.) William Shakespeare behind the Scenes of the Globe I heatre, svo, 1864. 160279 W (E. N.) Shakespeare and the Stage [from Progress 61897 Waldron, Dibdln, Ssc., History of the English Stage, duo, i - 57199 Walford (E.) Hand-book of the Greek Drama, duo, 1856. 135405 Walker (('. C.) John Heminge and Henry Condell, Svo, 1896. 13S063 8vo, 1896. 59355 [Walker (J. C.)] Historical Memoir on Italian Tragedy, 4to, 1789. 24168 Walker'(J. C.) Revival of the Drama in Italy - 150322 Waller (W. E.) Helen Eaucit [from The Theatre] Svo, 1885. 85231 Ward (A. W.) History of English Dramatic Literature, 2 vols., Svo, 1876. 7s076 Weaver (J.) History of the Mimes and Pantomimes, Svo, 172-. 724S5 Wemyss(E. C. Theatrical Biography, duo, 1848. 60299 Wewitzer(R.) Dramatic Chronology of Actors, duo, fi818. 31578 Whincop (T.) Scanderhe.ii ; [with] A List of Dramatic Authors and Pieces to 1717. duo, 17)7. 150310 Wilde (O.) Shakespeare and Stage Costumes [from The Nineteenth Century] 8vo, 188 2512 Wilkinson (T.) Original Anecdotes respecting the Stage, Bvo, 70160 Wilks (T. c.) Letter to Bev. T. Binney in Defence of the Drama, 8vo, I • 32885 Wilson (II. H.) Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus i Works, Vols. XI Ml ! vols., SVo, 1-71. 1222s- Winter (W.) Life and Art of Edwin Booth, duo, 1893. 24300 I" Vonck | A Letter concerning -Mr. Henry [rving addressed to E. It. H.. duo, 1-77. 45332 Young (J. C.) Memoir of C. M. Voting, Tragedian, 2 vols., duo, 1871. Drolls :— 2563 Bottom the Weaver. A droll composed out of the Midsummer Night's Dream, \ D. 1646. Edited by RaUiweU, duo, iS6n. 2561 Bouncing Knight [with] the Gravemakers. Doth constructed out of Shakespeare - Plays about l.d. 1647. Edited by ElalliweU, duo, 57364 Jenkin of Wales ; an early Droii, performed about 1647. Edited bj ll illiwell, duo, isci. 57316 Shaksperian Drolls, 4.D. 1698. Edited by BalliweU, duo. i 107776 Simpleton the Smith, a Theatrical Droll, composed about \ D 1647 Edited bj Halliwell, duo, 1860, 82 Number. 69052 2958 57331 142460 2849 113493 57113 148076 140832 70163 136622 139670 32468 57088 22112 113484 63846 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 66737 113770 7363 24161 Drout (J.) Gaulfrido and Barnardo, 1570 [Rol " i " , l ,;^. , l 1 j;*'" 1 "" ti,in Drunimond(W.)BenJonsoii'sConversationswith ghXspe^fsSj; Dryden (J.) Of Dramatick Poesie, an Essay... Dry den (J.) All for Love : see Separate Plays (Antony and Cleopatra), p; 16 Dryden (J.) The Tempest: see Separate Hays (The Tempest), p. 44 Dryden (J.) TroilllS and CreSSlda : see Separate Plays (Troilus and Cresslda), p. Dry erre(H.) Who wrote theShakespearePlays?^^™;^^ T)n "Rnici CF\ \ TllP Wrpnth • Selections from Sappho, T] :ritus, etc. IJU. _OUlb \-CJ-) J-lie vvieddll, [with] Kemarks on Shakespere, &c. [Dudley (Sir H. B.)] Vortigern and Rowena... ... 4 No. of Vols. Size Date 1 8vo ?1844 1 8vo 1842 1 4to 1668 ('ritiral Observations on the Writings (if Original Geniuses, pp. 120-196] Duff (W.) Of Shakespeare [Duffet (T.)] The Empress of Morocco hvitll ,^,?!j'SSi rt " e ... [Duggan(J.)]Fair,Kind,andTrue Ba ^^ Dulwich, Account of the Charity of " God's Gift " ... Dulwich : see also Alleyn Dundee, Catalogue of the . . . Shakespeare Exhibition... from the Collection of A. C. Lamb, Esq. Dunning (E.J.) Genesis of Shakespeare's Art » gSSSffigXtf 1 Dyce (A.) A Few Notes on Shakespeare ^^^^^SfSnm" Dyce (A.) Memoir of Shakespeare Dyce (A.) "Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions of Shakespeare ... Dyce (A.) Strictures on Mr. Collier's New Edition of Shakespeare, 1858 ... Dyce Collection, Catalogue South Kensington Museum Dyce (A.) Pamphlets relating to : — 61033 Dyce's Shakespeare, 6 vols., 8vo, 185S [Review from Quarterly Review] 8vo, 1859. 3408 [Hunter (J.)] Few words in Reply to the animadversions of Mr. Dyce in his work ' on Shakespeare," 8vo, 1853. 113761 Mitford (J.) Notes on . . . [Dyce's] " Few Notes on Shakespeare," Svo, 1856. Dyce (A.) Works edited for the Shakespeare Society : — 2973 Sir Thomas More, a Play ; now first printed, Svo, 1844. 2961 Timon, a Play ; now first printed, Svo, 1842. Dyer (T. F. T.) Folk Lore of Shakespeare ... Eardley-Wilmot (Sir J. E.) Lecture on Othello Ins n t t,h ' 1 4to 1898 1 duo 1799 duo 91795-1807 1 duo 1770 1 duo 1674 1 duo 1896 1 8vo 1853 1 duo 91896 1 duo 1897 1 8vo 1853 1 duo 91832 1 8vo 1844 1 8vo 1859 3 8vo 1874-5 A Few Notes 8vo duo duo 91883 1879 91858 1 8vo 1857 stitute (Leamington) Eaton (T. R.) Shakespeare and the Bible Ecclesiastical Law : see Law Edinburgh Essays, 1856 by Members of the University [Contains Shakespeariana] Editions of Shakespeare : — 27023 Ashbee (E. W.) Facsimiles of the Early Quarto Editions of the Separate Works of Shakespeare [Preface, etc.] 4to, 1871. Collier (J. P.) Reasons for a new edition of Shakespeare's Works, 8vo, 1841. — Second edition, Svo, 1842. [Felton (S.)] Imperfect Hints towards a new edition of Shakespeare, 4to, 1787. Fitzgerald (P.) Shakespeare Folios and Quartos [in The Book Fancier, pp. 253-306] duo, 1886. [Gould (G.)] On the Printing of the First Folio Shakespeare [from Leisure Hour] 4to, ?1888. [Lenox (J.)] Shakespeare's Plays, in folio, 4to, ?I861. Manuscript Corrections from a copy of the Fourth Folio [of 1685] (Boston [U.S.A.]) 8vo, 1854. Mason (J. M.) Comments on the last edition of Shakespeare's Plays, 8vo, 1785. Mason (J. M.) Comments on the several editions of Shakespeare's Plays, 8vo, 1807. Reviews of Editions of Shakespeare— 61029 " Edinburgh Review " : Recent Editions of Shakspeare [various editions] Svo, 1845. 61036 " Edinburgh Review" : NewShakspearian Interpretations [First Folio, 1023, Staunton's Facsimile] 8vo, 1872. 3377 3378 57168 87057 97254 113480 113754 22107 518S7 19113 G103.J " Quarterly Review " : 8vo, 1872. Shakspeare [First folio,' 1023, Staunton's Facsimile] Svo, 1871. 57167 Winsor (J.) Bibliography of Quartos and Folios of Shakespeare, fol, 1S76. Editions : see also Bibliography, Hallhvell, Plays, etc. Number. 70569 152404 2871 77942 16351 2917 102132 3310 57981 4090 100627 56294 85750 57103 139213 135407 150261 90729 7381 97992 113752 57237 English Shakespeariana. N.i.ni v..]- Bite, Date Editions of Shakespeare : — [The following list gives the dates of publication of all edition or Simla > -..-INi language, not published In London. For further partli ulara "i tin America- Boston, 1807, 1810, 1813, 1836, 1848, IMS Hartford, Conn. 1832, 18)46 N.« ^,.1 k 1623 (reprint 1887), 1817, 1824, 1826, 1831, I Philadelphia 1806, 1828, 1836, I860, 1878, 1886 1888, I860, British Isles- Bath 1807. Berwick 1800. Birmingham ! 7i,s, i::< Cambridge 1863. Cardiff 1897. Dublin 1766, 1771. 17''1. 1704. Edinburgh 1753, 1761, 1767, 1760 1771, 1792, 1796,180 n 1766, 179S, 1841, 1858, 1864, 1865, 1886. Halifax I860, - Manchester 1850, 1861, 1882. Oxford 1748, 1770, 1786, 1891. France- Paris I ' 1843. Germany— l'.nsil L799. Brunswick 1801. Frankfort 0. U. 1828. Leipzig 1804, 1820,1824, 1833, is|<>. 1842, 1848, 1854, i- Hamburg 1880. Elberfeld 1854, 1876. Edward the Third : — 26009 Teetgen (A.) Shakespeare's " Edward the Third," absurdly called, and scandalous!} treated as, a "Doubtful Play," svo, 1>7;">. I in Poems In connection « Ith the Shakespi Festival at i loventry] Edwards (H. C.) Shakespeare Edwards (J.) A Biography of Shakespeare [NewYorki [Edwards (T.)] Canons of Criticism A Bn,1 gS3£*jf£ Edition List of Dramatic Performances, etc. duo 1864 duo ?1900 8vo 17 is 8vo 8 vo 8vo duo 8vo L750 L758 L765 1 788 L872 Egerton's Theatrical Eemembrancer Elder (W.) Shaksperean Bouquet T1 "' Fl0WeM : " l '; 1 Ii,"; K " f SbBkspere , Eliot (George) Shakespeare and :■ — 103209 Owen (F. M.) Shakespere and George Eliot [in Essays and Poems, pp. .".■ 18] duo, I ^ s 7. 147654 Shakespeare and George Eliot [from Blackwood's Magazine] 8vo, ISS3. Elizabeth Regina to Victoria Eegina, Greeting , \Yr,,!™, .',' 1 duo L847 Shall it .--I Ellacombe(H.N.)Plant-Lore&Garden-CraftofSbakespeare (Exeter) 1 8vo ? 1 878 s. i: 1 edition Part III . Shakspere, etc Ellacombe (H. N.) Shakespeare as an Angler [Elliott (Mrs. M. L.)] Shakspeare's Garden of Girls Ellis (A. J.) On Early English Pronunciation Ellis (C.) Shakspeare and the Bible rriie Christ in simkspeare] E [His] (C.) Shakspeare and the Bible SpSKir ••• Ellis (J.) The Tercentenary. A Festal Song [from Meietae poems] Ellits (Dr.) Othello and Desdernona (Philadelphia) ElsillOre : seeHamlel Elze (K.) Essays on Shakespeare translated i>y schmit* ... Elze (K.) William Shakespeare A Literary Biography, translated by 8c ti Elze (ja..) '• see also German Shakespearian^ Emnnnol l\ \ I'.wn.i ' » >'l.i>i :ii i'.n • ■( simkspearc's Tercentenary, at the manuel (J.) loem, tortley institution. Southampton Emblem Writers : ««Green Emendations : seetext Emerson (R. W.) Shakspeare ; or, the Poet ' 1 duo L884 1 duo 1883 1 8vo 1 885 1 8vo L87] 1 duo is: it 1 duo L896 1 duo L869 1 duo 1887 1 1 874 1 duo L888 ];. i ii pp. U 1 In. ?1864 1 duo L870 84 Number. 57218 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 3307 57267 99153 2930 57115 2884 19307 2852 57150 33139 63501 22110 113757 2816 2783 ellaneous Pices, selected from the best English Writers No. Of Vols. Size. 1 8vo Date. 1785 1 8vo 1864 1 8vo 1865 1 duo 1857 Enfield (W.) The Speaker Mi < England in Shakespeare's Time : — 69870 Goadby (E.) Shakespeare's Time : a Lecture at York Institute, 8vo, ?1878. 52S09 Goadby (E.) The England of Shakespeare, duo, ?1881. 12170 Hentzner's (P.) Travels in England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Svo, 1797. 139474 Madden (D. H.) Diary of Master William Silence. A study of Elizabethan Sport, 8vo, 138170 Onlish (T. F.) Shakespeare's London, duo, 1897. 82195 Rendle (W.) Playhouses at Bankside in the time of Shakespeare, Svo, ?1886. 63726 live (W. B.) England as seen by Foreigners in the days of Elizabeth, etc., 8vo, 1865. 28178 Thornbury (G. W.) Shakspere's England, 2 vols, duo, 1856. 12160 Tweddell (G.) Shakspere : his times and his contemporaries, duo, 1852. 57985 Waterhouse (N.) The England of Shakspeare, 8vo, ?1864. 82429 Williams (S. F.) Times and Associates of Shakespeare, Svo, ?1886. S6560 Winter (\V.) Shakespeare's England, duo, 1886. England in Shakespeare's Time : see also Societies (Hew Shakspere Society Series VL) England's Bards, 1864 ^ eePoemsw ^e 1 a1^ a plSS e/vn 1 fiflfl Songs and Poems from, which are connected with ngianCl S neilCOll, IDUU Shakespeare. Edited by Halliwell English and Scottish Sketches,by An American ^^SSSHn^Sn Epilogue : see B (G.S.) Epistle from Shakespear to his Countrymen [.vpoem] Epitaph : — 101250 Browne (H. J.) Is it Shakespeare's Confession? The cryptogram in his epitaph, duo, 1887. 103951 Clark (E. G.) The Tale of the Shakspere Epitaph by Francis Bacon, duo, ?18S8. 3360 Epitaph on Shakspears Tomb, supposd to be written by Himself [set to music] fol, 1801. 99875 Surtees (S.) William Shakespere, his Epitaph unearthed, etc., 8vo, 1888. Esquil'OS (A.) The English at Home Second Series [contains Shatospeariana] 1 duo 1862 Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen, at Exeter ... ... 1 8vo ?1796 Essays, Philosophical, Historical, and Literary ^jjtfgSF* 1 8vo 1789 Essays : — 127978 Baynes (T. S.) Shakespeare Studies, duo, 1894. Bellamy (G. S.) Essays from Shakspere, duo, 1879. Britton (J.) Essays on the Merits and Characteristics of Shakspere, Svo, 1849. Elze (K.) Essays on Shakespeare, 8vo, 1874. Hales (J. \V.) Notes and Essays on Shakespeare, duo, 1384. Very (J.) Essays and Poems, duo, 1839. Waller (J. J.) Prize Essays : chiefly Shaksperean Studies, duo, 1872. 1 4to 1777 7113 3389 73S1 76639 57243 135173 NOTE.— The above List contains only collections of miscellaneous essays on Shakespeare. Itdoes not include single essays, nor the titles of volumes of general essays of which one is Shakespearean. For collections of essays on the Characters, Plays, etc., see Characters, Plays. see Barnard, Blackfriars see WiiMilfurde Estates of Shakespeare : Etymological Indexes : TT.HrmrVlnrriot TVm A Comedv. Dedicated . . . to all the Commentators . J_iD_) ixiuru & isi, J-iie on Shakespear : and particularly to . . . G. S[teevensj Euphuism, Shakespeare's : seeKushton Evans (J.) Progress Of Human Life Shakspeare'sSeTenAgesofMan 1 8vo 1785 _ Second "Edition Evans (J.) Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man; or 'Aum P an°u?f of • 1 duo 1818 1 duo 1823 1 duo 1834 see Almanacs Everybody's Year-Book Examinations : — 76556 Thorn (W. T.) Two Shakespeare Examinations, duo, 1883. 103955 Thorn (W. T.) Shakespeare and Chaucer Examinations, duo, 18S8. Exegesis, New, of Shakespeare 1atn SS^^SS^a^W m 1 du0 1859 Exhibitions : see Dundee Extra ft<* • see ante Selections (pp. 14-151: see also Almanacs. Bartlett, Beauties, Beever, Eest, Birthday Books, xJAuiai/uo . Concordances, Dodd, Enfield, Ferguson, Gems, Quotations, etc. [F (O.)] The Shakspeare Plays iB£S»&d^!»». 1 8vo 1879 Fables, Shakespeare's: seecapeu [Fairholt(F. W.)] The Grimaldi Shakspere [coiner contioveisy-A skit] 1 8vo 1853 Fairholt (F. W.) The Home of Shakspere niustrated and described... 1 duo 1847 English Shakespearian^. Number. 102015 147974 52747 52723 64322 2577 84687 2886 148245 57336 7361 57335 64303 Voll (111!) L889 1 8vo L882 1 kto IM',1 1 duo Fairholt (F. W.) The Home of Shakespeare , " 1 Paivies and Fairy Talcs : — 70109 Allies (J.) On the [gnis Fatuus, or Will-o'-the-wisp, and the Fairi< 52728 Falconer (E.) The Fairies' Festival on Shakespeare's Birthday, dui 29014 [Hazlitt (\v. c.)' Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances illustrating Shake | 152298 Nutt (A.) Pair) Mythology of Shakespeare, duo, n Falbe [Count de] The Hamlet Saga, from Saxo-Grammaticu ralconer (E.) Anne Hathaway Baiiad Falconer (E.) The Fairies' Festival Falstaff : 2561 Bouncing Knight, The Droll of the, Edited i>\ HaJliwell, du< 1470SO Creighton (C.) Falstaff's Deathbed [from Black w I's Ma) Falstaff Club : tee Clubs, p. 68. 60202 Forbes- Robertson (.J.) " Falstaff's Own," by B. s. Marks [from \u, fol, 1871. iiooii; Gairdner(J.)On the Historical element in Shakespeare a Falstafl in Studii in English 1 1 ist . .r\ . pp. 56 77] 8vo, L881. 83446 Giles (H.) Falstaff. A type of epicurean life [in Lectures, Vol. i. pp. i in .In... 1861. r.73:;s [Hackett(J. II. )] Falstaff: a Shakespearean Tract, Bvo, 1840. :.7>;V2 Halliwell(J. 0.)On the Character of Sir Job n Falstaff, duo, L841. 2523 [Morgann (M.)] Dramatic Character of Sii John Falstaff, duo, 1777. 3312 Morgann (M.) Dramatic Character of sir John Falstaff, duo, 1822. 10H634 - N,.u edition, duo, 2522 [Morris (C.)J Character of Sir John Falstaff, etc. [in An Essay [on] Wit. etc. duo, 1741 78073 [Oldys (W.)] Life of Sir John Fastolff [reprinted from Biographia Britannica fol, 17:>: 1011117 Picton (J. A.) Falstaff and his Followers, 8vo, 1880. [Radford (C H.)| Falstaff [in Obiter Dicta, pp. l'i«>2:«| duo, 1896. Randolph (A. M. F.) Trial of Sir John Falstaff, duo, 1893. Richardson (L.) New Interpretation of Falstaff's Dying Words, duo, 1896. Richardson (Mr. [W.]) Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff, etc., duo, i>-. -— dim. L789. i:i7077 135315 136138 2782 2775 60204 105066 150303 2586 313S1 stack (R.) Examination of [Morgann's] Essay on the Dramatic Character of Falstaff, Itc Titmarsh (B.) Shakspere's Skull and Falstaff's Nose, duo. 1889. Turner (G.) The Falstaff Letters [from The Theatre! Bvo, 1885. [White (J.)] Original Letters, tec, of Sir John falstaff and his Friends, duo, 17!»t',. White (J.) Falstaff's Letters, 1796. Reprinted with Notices of the Author, duo. 1*77 Falstaff : see alto Separate Plays at Henry IV. (pp, 23-24), and Merry Wives of Windsor [pp Family of Shakespeare : — 55346 French (G. R.) Shakespeareana Genealogica, 8vo, 1869. Hallen (A. W. C.) Pedigree of the Family of Shakspere, 8vo, 1886. Hornby (M.) Brief History of the Immortal Bard and Family, duo, ?1818. — — — duo. ?1820. 10SO43 148495 57996 2510 57204 144^.16 Jordan (J.) Families of Shakespeare (alias Shakespere) and Hart [MS.] Svo, ?1790. Jordan (J.) Families of Shakespeare and Hart, duo, 1865. Stopes (Mrs. C. C.) Shakespeare's Family [in The Genealogical Magazine. Vol. 1 Bvo, L898. Farmer (E.) Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare [Tliinl edition] Farmer (E.) Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare MiaSpaareTvoi. i i Farmer (E.) : smo&o Maginn, Malone Farquha^A.B^DidShakespearewriteShakespearelf,;;;;',^;^,', 1 ,',!'^, in Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia and Bdgar [in i ibservatlons, pp. 97 182] - Hamlet, i and Ed clllO duo duo Svo Svo 8vo Bvo 1767 1789 1800 1 82 1 1893 L829 1838 1 S-2 1 Farren (G.) Mania, Melancholia, etc Farren (G.) Shakespeare's Character of Shylock Farren (G.) Varieties in Mania ' xhl ; Farren (W.) On the Madness of Hamlet and Ophelia FaUClt (Helen) : tee Martin (H. Fauclt, Lady) Faults of Shakespeare : «<•« Richardson Fechter (Charles Albert) : — 72470 Fechter as Hamlet, Critical Notices of, from the London Journals, duo, 1861. 61039 Fechterin Hamlet and Othello I from Blackwood's Magazine] Bvo, 1861. 87685 Field (Kate) Charles Albert Fechter (American Actor Series) duo, 3302 Ottley (H.) Fechter's Version of Othello, critically analysed, svo, : 52762 Tercentenary Celebration at Stratford-on-Avon [Correspondence re Fechter's Withdrawal from " Hamlet"] fol, L864 69875 Wiluiot, Mr. Fechter's Iago and Acting edition of Othello, Svo, l 86 Number. 89348 63865 57138 57168 69880 70263 57953 2919 3457 74921 98170 83458 87685 57353 69899 69857 2832 114612 33664 142294 148246 150382 150311 150315 57058 72166 87057 107248 136551 57094 82632 61044 57017 86782 76404 150284 22111 148214 92927 132528 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Feis (J.) Shakspere and Montaigne Feldborg (A. A.) Hamlet's Garden An endeavour to explain the Tendency of ' Hamlet' [in Denmark Delineated, pp. 13-30J (Edinburgh) Felton (H.) Dissertation on Beading the Classics Sh ,£*££ pplTie, 225 [Felton (S.)] Hints towards a New Edition of Shakespeare Female Characters : s«« characters Fennell (J. H.) The Shakespeare Cyclopaedia ,£S*££^mw . 1 to 1 [apparently all published] Fennell (J. ~H..)Ed. ,The Shakespeare Eepository Nl rTTa-n +/->■*! /"R M PnvimicliVnrrmpnt'E from a Manuscript Collection ascribed to Shake- L-TentOn(±\..)J LiUllOUSriagmeniS Slieare [ira A Tour m ques>t of Genealogy, etc.] TToTrrn onn f\ \ An 17,000-5; Influence on the Writings of Shakspere by Ms knowledge JreigUSOn [J\.) An -CiSbay oftheBible [Liverpool] Ferguson (J. C.) Bail way Beadings ; lc0 ZthI™iteZ&££L»*} Ferrara (A.) Shakespeare— Sacrificed ; or - The ° r f e ^° Avarice ... Festivals : see Clubs, Hull, Jubilee, Moncrieff, Tercentenary Field (B. B.) Medical Thoughts of Shakespeare (Easton,pa.) ... Field (Kate) Fechter's "Hamlet" [teCharles ,^„^t*rj) Pp - 8r '" 1171 --- Field (N., one of Shakespeare's Company of Actors) Bemon- StranCe Of [edited by Halliwell] ... Fielder (B. B.) Shakspeare ! Li " es ^^J^n^on 68 ™' 18B4, at - Findlay (A. G.) Bermuda ; or Somers Islands [Scene of ■■ The Tempest"] Fisher (F. G.) Clara Fisher's Shaksperean Cabinet catalogue Fisher (F. H.) William Shakspeare a poem Fisher (T.) Paintings in the Chapel of The Trinity sinu^i-,,,,,,,,- Fishley (E. E.) Shakespeare's Bule of Life (Boston, Mass.) Fiske (J.) Forty Years of Bacon- Shakespeare Folly [/r % T 1 n e tl ^ y la " tic [in A Century of Science, etc., pp. 350-404] Fitton (Mary) : »«eFytton Fitzgerald (P.) First Appearances. David Garrick theatre] 6 "- Fitzgerald (P.) Play-bills, Old and New [from The Theatre] Fitzgerald (P.) Principles of Comedy and Dramatic Effect... Fitzgerald (P.) Bomance of the English Stage Fitzgerald (P.) Shakespeare Folios and Quartos l *%%Z3Sft*' Fleay (F. G.) Chronicle History of the London Stage 1559-1042 Fleay (F. G.) English Drama, 1559-1642 a Biographical chronicle... Fleay (F. G.) Introduction to Shakespearian Study Fleay (F. G.) Life and Work of Shakespeare pla ^Vm ak;r d ••• Fleay (F. G.) On the extract from an old play in " Hamlet " Fleay (F. G.) Shakespeare Manual ... [ from Maciiiillau's Magazine] No. of Vols. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Fleay (F. G.) Who Wrote our Old Plays? ifrom Macmiuans Magazine Fletcher (A. E.) The Philosophy of Art [from Time] Fletcher (G.) Studies of Shakespeare... Fletcher (J.) : see ante Separate Plays (Two Noble Kinsmen), p. 40. Tnint, C\n cf.lp 1 3QQ 1 ftQQ Quincentenary of the Surrender of Richard the Second a-iiiiu vjdioiuc, iusa ± ■''■ 10 8vo 1832 1 duo L856 English Shakespeariana. [Genest (J.)] The English Stage from 1660 to 1830 math) Gerard (G.) To Shakspeai'e [in Grace and Remembrance. Poems, pp Germany : — 19085 Bell (\V.) Shakespeare's 1'iu'k, ami his Folkslore (Shakespeare in Germany, etc.) S vols., duo, L852 '.'i;4. 29814 Cohn (A.) Shakespeare in Germany, 4to, 1865. Latham (R. o.) Eamlet : see Eamlet. 31913 Ramsay (A.) Shakspere in Germany, 4to, 61043 Roscoe (E.) Recent German Criticism on Hamlet (Prof. Gervinus) Ifiwm Victoria Magazine] 8vo, 1873. 4219 Thorns (W. J.) Shakespeare in Germany (in Three Notelets on Shakespeare) duo Gervinus (G. G.) Shakespeare Commentaries translated by Bunnett new pdltl Introduction [only] 1 by Furulvall - 1 - GhostS : see Hamlet, Boffe, Supernatural Gibson (E. L.) Shaksperean Gems with a Ufo of William Shakspere (Halifax) 1 Gilchrist (O.) Ben Jonson's Enmity, &c., towards Shakspeare 1 Examination of Charges by Malone, etc. Gildon (C.) The Complete Art of Poetry 2 Giles (H.) Falstaff [in Lectures and Essays, Vol. l,pp. 1-44] (Boston [U.S.A.]) ... 1 Giles (H.) Human Life in Shakespeare (Boston ro.s. a.] j ... 1 Gilfillan (G.) Shakspere-a Lecture '"' ™ W SffiSl 1 * ■■■ 1 Gilfillan (G.) The Life and Poetry of Shakspeare m % ^^ 1 Gilkes (A. H.) Macbeth [in Scn001 Lectl |^ Sf^sf Sophoclea : ""' ••• 1 Gillespie (J. D.) Medical Notes $E*E»fi^%ffifl^ - 1 Gilliland (T.) The Dramatic Mirror History of the stage, etc ... 2 [Gillmor (C.)] Eeflections from Shakspeare's Cliff [Dover] etc. 1 Gilman (A.) Shakespeare's Morals : ,u ^S^S^ l SlSS^ a 1 [Giovanni Fiorentino (Ser)] The Novel fr "'" ^ l' 1 ;: '';,::, l , M """' ... 1 [Giraud (J. E.)] The Flowers of Shakspeare 1 — [Coloured plates] ... 1 Girls, Garden of, Shakspeare's bytteau %&M. 1 Kf As ""' y '... 1 8vo 8vo 8vo 1863 L877 1877 duo 8vo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo 8vo duo duo duo duo 8vo 91847 fol ?1847 8vo 1885 1865 L808 1718 1851 1868 1854 1856 1880 1875 1808 1851 1880 1755 Gll'lS '. see also Characters. Given (W.) The Othello Papers of The Shakespeare Society ofNewYork, No. 11 Gleanings from the Comedies of Shakespeare (Edinburgh) Glenny's Illustrated Garden Forget-Me-Not Heme's oak, p. ss ... Glossary : — 19306 [Capell (E.)] Glossary to Shakespeare [in Notes and Readings, Vol. 1, pp. 1-80] 4to, '. 1771 . _ . 4to. duo 1899 duo ?1869 duo I860 2920 require illustration in 32460 Nares(E.) A Glossary; Words, etc., which . and his Contemporaries, 2 vols., Svo, 1S72. 90730 Siddons (J. H.) The Shakespearian Referee, duo, lsso. GloSSaiW '. see also Dialect, Dictionary, Halliwoll Gloves, Shakespeare's: seeBeck Glynn (P. McM.) Some Thoughts on Shakespeare Adelaide I rniversh y Shakespeare Sot Goadby (E.) Shakespeare's Time ^^^tStZS^-^L'^ ••• Goadby (E.) The England of Sliakespeare ... God in Shakspeare : seecieiia Goddard (H. P.) The Lesson of " Cymbeline " &7 1 ... Godwin (W.) The Enquirer [Shakespeare, pp. 34 Goethe [J. W.] Conversations with Eckermann and translated byOxenford (Bohn) [Shakspean . pp, 60, 114, 163, 164, 178, 217, 249, 310] [Goethe (J. W.)] Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, etc. translated by Carlyle. [Bouk V, contains an analysis and theorj ol " Eli Shakespeare 1 8vo 1891 8vo ?1878 duo ?1881 8vo L891 8vo L823 duo 1875 2 duo 1860 90 Number. 142546 147848 6060 6059 70265 113759 87233 2952 43351 45246 74792 78718 145308 97254 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date Goethe and Shakespeare : — 25971 Masson (D.) Shakespeare and Goethe [in The Three Devils, pp. 61-121] duo, 1874 57854 Rudlofi (F. W.) Shakespeare, Schiller, and Goethe : an Essay, duo, 1848. 147969 Wilson (H. S.) Goethe on Hamlet [from London Society] 8vo, ?1875. Golf '. sce Knight Gollancz (I.) Hamlet in Iceland AraMes ZgKS&ggS?™ ,ive ■ • Goodlet (I.) New Word on Shakespeare's Sonnets l $$ES$% Goodson (H. F.) Shakespeare: HisReligious and Moral Sentiment* .. 83598 83512 145460 60501 63758 57328 79641 30507 33140 2931 26659 117340 91522 114611 76050 148247 151140 24302 econd lition to a Lady Classical Poetry in England (Cambridge! [Gordon (D.)] Ethics of the Shakspere Celebrations ^Sheffield Gordon (J. T.) Shakespeare & Ourselves (Edinburgh) Gosse (E.) From Shakespeare to Pope GOSSOII (S.) The School Of Abuse Shakespeare Society GostWlck (J.) Shakespeare [in English Poets. Twelve Essays, pp. 17-49] ... Gould (G.) Corrigenda and Explanations of the Text of shakspere ... new issue Gould (G.) The Greek Plays in their relations to the Dramatic Unities Gould (G.) Letters to Samuel Timmins on Shakespeare [MS.] Gould (G.) Printing of the First Folio Shakespeare [A T,mrf re Grammar and Language : Abbott (E. A.) Shakespearian Grammar : see Abbott, p. 53. Craik (G. L.) English of Shakespeare : see Craik, p. 72. 69611 Hales (J. W.) Shakespeare's Language [in The Antiquary, Vol. 9, p. 63] 4to, 1884. 135274 Kirwan (G. R.) English Grammar, [with] . . . Rules for scanning Shakespearian Blank Verse, duo, 1895. Thring (E.) Principles of Grammar [Shakespeare, pp. 99-149] duo, 1868. see also Dialect. Dictionary, Glossary. 1 8vo 1898 1 4to 1891 1 duo 1874 1 duo 1874 1 8vo 1864 1 8vo 1863 1 duo 1885 1 8vo 1841 1 8vo 1876 1 8vo 1881 1 8vo 1884 1 8vo 1883 1 duo 1884-89 1 8vo 1888 1510S4 Grammar Grave : 132013 147419 102510 71944 147861 Grave of Shakespeare, Rubbing of inscription, N.D. Grave of Anne, Wife of Shakespeare, Rubbing of inscription, N.D. [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] Shakespeare's Grave. Notes of Traditions, Svo, 1884. King (T. D.) Shall we open Shakespeare's Grave? No. A reply to J. P. Norris, 8vo, 1884 Norris (J. P.) Shall we open Shakespeare's Grave? Svo, 1884. Graves (H. M.) Essay on the Genius of Shakespeare ^ £SE&r Duncombe's Edition holden In Parnassus by Apollo. Kilo (Spenser Society, Issue No. 40) [Shakespeere is mentioned as a Jurour] A Warwickshire Han Implicated. By a Literary Thief [Suggestions of Shakespeare's Plagiarism] Graves (J.) Life of William Shakspeare [Gray (T.)] My Notes on Shakespeare, etc. ^Ivon^Kn^r r/~i VQ » 7 /rp \ I "RornovVa on the Desecration of the Churchyard in which sleeps L vaidj J V x vJ -LvtJLUctllvS) the Immortal Shakespeare (Stratford-on-Avon) Gray (W.) Ye Comic Shakespeare with designs by w. Gray, parti. Great Assises Great Book Kobbery Green (C. F.) Legend of Shakspeare's Crab Tree ... Green (C. F.) Shakspeare's Crab Tree, with its Legend, etc. Green (H.) Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers ... [Green (J.)] Architecture of Shakespeare ""SSSaSSSS^voMSJpEnfl" Greene (J.) [LineS by], 1746 Commemoration, Statford-on-Avon, April, 1880 n-VPPnp's f"R, 1 PJo-nnt with reference i" 1 1 1 * ■ probable date "f compo 74125 87893 154230 101957 102507 14S07S Shakespeare's Tempest, Memoranda on, sition (Brighton) 8vo, L880. 2863 Shakespeare, Text of, On Some of the Manuscript Emendal ions of the, and Ire they copyright? 8vo, 1858. 102497 Shakespeare's Tragedy of Macbeth, Cursory Memoranda on, with earl] notices of the moving wood stratagem (Brighton) 8vo, L880. 10249S Shakespeare's Traged> of Uoinen and Juliet, Discursive Notes on, jvo, i 102504 Shakespeare's Tragedy of Troilus and Cressida, Memoranda on, duo, 1880, 2818 Shakesperian Criticism, Modern, Curiosities of, Bvo, I - ")7t.wi Shakesperian Forgeries at Bridgewater House, Observations on the, Ito, L858. 102490 Stratford-on-Avon, Ancient Records of , A Brief History of the (Brighton) Svo, 1884. 145552 Stratford-on-Avon, Birth-Place of Shakespeare, A Letter to tin K\ei utive ( ommittee of the (Brighton) duo, 1880. 145553 Stratford-upon-Avon, Birth-Place of Shakespeare, A Second Letter to the Executive Com- mittee of the (Brighton) duo, 1880. 102505 [Stratford-on-Avon] Birth-Place Trust, Memoranda on the Present stat.- of the (Brighton) 8vo, 1883. 102508 Stratford on-Avon, Church of Holy Trinity at, The Proposed so-called Restoration of the (Brighton) duo, 18S8. 85692 Stratford-upon-Avon, Corporation of. Descriptive Calendar of Ancient Manuscript and Records in the possession of, fol, 18G3. 57284 A Nominal [ndexto, Bvo, 26662 Stratford-upon-Avon in the Times of the Shakespeares. Extracts from the Council Books, fol. 1864. 22279 Stratford-upon-Avon. New Place, Historical Account of the, the last residenceof Shakespeare, fol, 1864. 74124 Stratford Records and the Shakespeare Autotypes. A Brief Review of Singular Delusions that are current at Stratford-on-Avon. By the supposed Delinquent (Bi ighton) 8vo, 1884. . second edition (Brighton) 8vo, 1884-5. _ third edition (Brighton) Bvo, L884 5. . fourth edition, bvo, 1886. Stratford Records and the Shakespeare Autotypes. I ifth edition, bvo, L887. [Stratford-on-Avon] Report on the Interchange of Books, Relics, etc., between the New Place and the Birthplace Museum, etc. (Stratford-on-Avon) duo, 1881. 84281 Stratford-on-Avon, Roundabout Letters on, Nos. 1 to 10 [from The Rose, the Shamrock, and the Thistle] Svo, 1862-4. 101956 Stratford-on-Avon, The Shakespeare-Autotype Committee at : Transformation Scenes, and a Retrospect. (Brighton) Svo, 1883. XO2509 second edition (Brighton Bvo,1883. 101942 Theatres, Two old Theatres. Views of the Globe and the Bear Garden. (Brighton) fol, 1884. 55316 Words, Archaic and Provincial, Dictionary of, fourth edition, 2 vols, svo 32831 ninth edition, 2 vols, svo, 187S. Catalogues : — 57920 Bibliographical Rarities in the Library of J. O. Halliwell, Brief Notices of, It ■ I : 84266 [1. Contents of the Drawers in my Study and in two other Rooms. Research. 3. List of Regnal Years. 1558-1649] 8vo, ls70. 29853 Douce Collection in the Bodleian Library, Hand-List of Early English Literature in the, Svo, 1860. 2468 Malone Collection in the Bodleian Library, Hand-List of Early English Literature in the. Svo, 1S60. 101917 Shakespeare and the Old English Drama in the Library of J. »>. Halliwell-Phillipps, at Tregunter Road, London, and Hollingburj Copse. Brighton, Inventory of Manuscripts and Printed Books relating to (Brighton) Svo, 1883. 57112 Shakespeare, Brief Hand-List of Books, .Manuscripts, Ac. illustrative of the Life a- -! Writings of Shakespeare, Collected between 1842 and L859, duo. 57867 Shakespeare Collection, Mr. Halliwell's, A lyttle Boke ofReliques and Curiosities added oi late to, 4to, 1856. 84267 Shakespeare, Early Editions of, Svo, 1S57. [List of quarto flays. 14 items]. 57145 Shakespeare, Early quarto editions of the Plays of Shakespeare, A skeleton Hand-List ol the. 8vo, 1860. 107870 Shakespeare, Engravings and Drawings illustrative of the Life of Shakespeare, m the collection at Tregunter Road, Svo, 1868. 67678 Shakespeare, Hand-List of the Drawings and Engravings illustrative oi the Life of Shake at Hollingburv Copse (Brighton) 8vo, 1884. 32281 Shakespeare, List of Works illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare, etc., pruned for limited circulation ,a the expense of J. O. Halliwell, 1850-1866, duo 78138 Shakespeare Rarities, A List of, for the use of British Archseological Association on I heir visit to Hollingoury Copse, duo, 1885. 101955 Shakespeare Rarities, A List of (Brief Notices of . . . Shakespeare Ranties ... at Hollingbury Copse. Second edition) duo, 1885. 84-65 Shakespearean Rarities, and Manuscript Collections at Hollingburj Copse, Brighton, April, 1880. (Brighton) Svo, 1880. 100689 Shakespearean Rarities, Drawings, ami Engravings at Hollingbury Copse, a Calendar of , 110630 Shakespearean Rarities, Drawings & Engravings, formerly at Hollingbury Copse edition. Enlarged. Edited by Baker, 8vo, 1891. Index to Objects of 94 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. possession Halliwell — Catalogues — continued. 85761 Shakespeare Rarities at Hollingbury Copse, Brief List of portion of (Brighton) duo, 1886. 57166 Shakespeare, Some Account of the Antiquities, Coins, Manuscripts, Rare Books, and other Reliques, Illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, in the ; of J. O. Halliwell (Brixton Hill) 4to, 1852. 41577 Shakespeare-Study Books in the Immediate Library of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, at Tregunter Road, 8vo, 1876. 2854 Shakesperiana. Catalogue of the early editions of Shakespeare's Plays, Commentaries, etc., 8vo, 1841. 57868 Shakespeariana, A Garland of, recently added to the Library and Museum of J. O. Halliwell (Brixton Hill) 4to, 1854. 19097 Shakespeariana, Hand-List of upwards of a Thousand volumes of, duo, 1862. 19096 Strat ford-on- A von. Brief Hand-List of the Records belonging to the Borough of, with notes of Shakespearian Documents, duo, 1862. 4157S Warehouse Library of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, at Tregunter Road, London, 8vo, 1876. 3. — Works edited by : — 67652 Barnard (Sir ,1. and Lady) Indenture executed by, in 1652, Facsimile (Estates of Shakespeare) (Brighton) fol, 1853. 57270 Beware the Cat, 1570 . . . containing matters illustrative of . . . the Writings of Shakespeare, duo, 1S64. 2563 Bottom the Weaver, a Droll composed out of the Midsummer Night's Dream, about a.d. 1646, duo, 1860. 2561 Bouncing Knight, or the Robbers robbed ; [also] The Gravemakers, both constructed out of • Shakespeare's Plays, about a.d. 1647, duo, 1860. 59736 Cains (Dr.) Account of the Magical Manuscript of [with observations on the character of that name] [in Contributions to Early English Literature] 4to, 1849. 102501 Combe(W. and J., of Stratford-on-Avon) Conveyance of Land to Shakespeare. Facsimile of the Original Indenture, 1602 (Brighton) fol, 1884. 57358 Clopton (Sir H., of New Place, StratfoTd-upon-Avon, etc.) The Will of, 1496, duo, 1865. 57902 Conceits, Clinches, Flashes, and YVhimzies ; a Jest-Book, 1639, Svo, 1860. 57916 Coney catching, Defence of, 1592. Reply to Works by R. Greene, duo, 1859. 57903 Coxcombs, Conceited, Confused Characters of, 1661, Svo, 1860. 57360 Crouch (H.) The Welch Traveller ; [a Poem] 1071, duo, 1860. 57200 Daryus (Kyng) story of ; A pretie new Enterlude, 1565, Svo, 1860. 57357 Davenant (J., of t lie Crown Tavern, Oxford, [where] Shakespeare lodged), The Last Will and Testament of, duo, 1866. 57928 Debate and Stryfe betwene Somer and Wynter, a Poetical Dialogue, Sixteenth Century, duo, I860. 572S1 Decker's Dream [a Poem] 1620, 8vo, 1860. 70513 Deloney (T.) History of John Wiuchcomb, usually called Jack of Newbury, the famous Clothier, 1597, Svo, 1859. 57933 Deloney (T.) Three old Ballads on the Spanish Armada, 1588, duo, 1860. 57930 Doctors of Dull-Head College, a Droll [1072] duo, 1860. 57261 Dramas, Three Old English, Theatre Plats of, [with] Fac-similes, fol, 1860. 102015 Fairholt (F. W.) Home of Shakespeare, 1847, duo, 1889. 57929 Fair Widow of Watling Street and her three Daughters, Ancient Ballad of, 1600, duo, 1860. r>::i::d Field (Nathan, one of Shakespeare's Company of Actors), Remonstrance of, 1616, duo, 1865. 57915 Fitz, Bloudy Murders by Sir John Fites, alias Fitz, etc., 1605, duo, I860. 57279 Fortune's Tennis Ball ; [1072], Foundation Story of Shakespeare's Winter's Tale, 8vo, 1859. 69025 Greene (R.) Discovery of ( one> -Catchers' Cozenage ; etc., 1591, duo, 1859. 114611 Greene's [R.] Groats-worth of Wit, bought with a Million of Repentaunce, 1596, duo, 1870, Greene (R.) : set also Coneycatching, R (S.) 59745 Gybbys (J., of Exeter) Alchemical Testament of, temp. Elizabeth, 4to, 1854. 57347 [Herbert (G.)] Letter to sir D. Carleton, 1619, containing an Account of the Performance of Pericles at the English Court, duo, 1865. 60546 Hopper (C.) Account of Churchwardens' Presentments, etc., appertaining to Stratford-on-Avon, svo, 1867. 2910 [Hopper (C.)] Catalogue of Books, etc., illustrative of Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, in the Shakespeare Library anil Museum in Henley Street, Svo, 1868. 57280 Hornby (W.) Scourge of Drunkenness, A Poem, 1614, Svo, 1859. 57449 Hunter (J.) Extract from the Diarv of, containing an account of a visit to Stratford-on-Avon in 1824, duo, 1867. 57364 Jenkin of Wales, His Love-Course, and Perambulation ; 1647, duo, 1861. 80075 Jordan (J.) Original Collections on Shakespeare & Stratford-on-Avon, 1780, Svo, 1864. 57264 Jordan (J.) Memoirs of the Families of Shakespeare and Hart, to 1790, 8vo, 1S65. 5727S Lodge (T.) The Margarite of America [1596] Svo, 1S59. 57934 Ludlow, Players Acting at, Notices of [1554-1027] duo, 1867. 57285 Malone C E., Editor of Shakespeare) Correspondence with the Rev. J. Davenport, Svo, 1S64. 57275 Malone (E., Editor of Shakespeare) Letters to John Jordan, the Poet, Svo, 1S64. 57355 Manuel (J.) The Moorish Marriage (1332) bearing some similarity to the Taming of the Shrew, translated by Cosens, duo, 1867. 57937 Morgan (Rice op Meredith op) Humple Remonstrances of, etc. , 1652, duo, 1861. 32460 Nares (R.) A Glossary ; of Words, etc., . . . in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries, 2 vols., Svo, 1S72. 5720s Nicholson (S.) Acolastus, his After- Witte. A Poem, 1600, 8vo, 1866. English Shakespeariana. 95 Halliwell — Works edited by — continued. 57936 101954 57914 148077 57905 57935 57269 57031 75985 lli.-.vV, 31704 45881 7711 82853 27023 2927 57345 57286 57207 57146 67653 57862 10-2510 2940 101953 57346 26661 101909 107776 57273 26658 57274 7262 57907 7908 57276 7277 7354 2551 1994 57361 57350 57283 57352 7927 57938 2569 57351 57349 2S33 63856 57263 2860 Norwich, Affray at, in 1583, in which Queen Elizabeth's Players were involved, dui [Parker (M.)l Harry White, Ins humour so neare as may be set forth by M.P., duo, r (s.) Greene's Ghost-haunting Conycatchers, L626, duo, I860. Revels, Master of the, i.ncien< Documents res] ting the Office of, and other Papers relating in tlic Early English Theatre, 8vo, 1870. Revels, Office of the, Curious Paper of the time "f Elizabel h reaped iiuj, duo, L872. Riddles, Mcn-y. Booke of, I860, duo, L866. Sabie(F.)The Fisherman's Tale, 1595. Founded on the Story used by Shakespeare in The wini cvs Tale, 8vo, 1867. Sack Full of Newes ; an Old Jest-Book, 1673, duo, 1861. Shakespeare, Works of, in reduced facsimile from the tirst f<>ii lit ion of 16 S3, duo, i -7'". (New York) duo, 1887 Shakspere, Complete Works. .". vols., 8VO, '.'1850. [Though .ifr. ffalliwell's nam U on the Title Vage, :: vols., Svo, I-' Shakespeare (W.) Works, the Text formed from a new Collation of the Earlj Edition 16 vols., fol, 1853-65. Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, with introductions and notes, critical and explanatory, Bvo, 1864. Shakespeare, Quarto Editions of the Separate Works, Lithographic Facsimiles of, by E. W. Ashbee, 48 vols., 4to, 1862-71. [Shakespeare] Fac-Simile Copies from the Edition of Hamlet, dated 1605, etc., Bvo, I860. [Shakespeare (W.)] Famovs Victories of Henry the Fifth, 1617 [Photograph] duo, ?1857. Shake-speare (W.) King Richard the Second. 1608 [Photograph] duo. Shakespeare, Songs and Poems from Englands Helicon, 1600, connected with the Works of Shakespeare, duo, 1865. Shakespeare, Poems of, Lineal Concordance to the, adapted to the Variorum Edition of 1821, Svo, 1867. Shakespeare's Blackfriars Estate, Facsimile of the Deed of Bargain and Sale, 1618 (Brighton) fol, 1884. Shakespeare's Property in the Blackfriars, Indenture reaped ing, 1612 3, 4to Shakespeare's Grave. Traditions current in Stratford-on-Avon in the Seventeenth Century (Brighton) Svo, 1884. Shakespeare's Will, from the original in the Prerogative Court, and facsimiles of the three autographs of the Poet, 4to, 1851. Shakespeare. Will of, Probate Copv of the, from a Manuscript Copy of it made by Rev. Joseph Greene, 1747, duo, 1872. Shaksperian Drolls, from ... the Theatre of Ingenuity, about 1698, duo, 1859. Shakespearian Facsimiles; Documents, &c, illustrative of Shakespeare and . . . his Family, Facsimiled by Ashbee, fol, 1863. Shaw (Ann, Friend and Neighbour of Shakespeare) Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of , 1630, duo, 1880. Simpleton the Smith, a Droll, composed about a.d. 1647, duo, 1860. Stratford-upon-Avon, Abstract of Title to the House in Henley Street, in which Shakespeare was born, Svo, 1865. Stratford-upon-Avon, The Church of the Holy Trinity, Extracts from the Vestry Book. duo. 1865. Stratford-upon-Avon, Church of the Holy Trinity, Extracts respcel ing Shakespeare, bis Family and Connections, from the Parish Registers, duo. 1864. Stratford-on-Avon, Estates in Henley Street, Abstracts and Copies of Indentures respecting, duo, 1866. Stratford-upon-Avon, Extracts from the Accounts of the Chamberlains of,1585-1608, svo, 1866. ___ 1609-1619, 8vo, 1867. Stratford-upon-Avon, Extracts from Ancient Subsidy Rolls, duo. 1864. Stratford-upon-Avon, in the time of Shakespeare, The Court of Record. Extracts from the Registry, 8vo, 1S67. Stratford-on-Avon, Indentures respecting The Cage, a house inhabited by [homas Quiney, Son- in-Law to Shakespeare, i<;i7fi. — Art. VII. Extract from a Manuscript at Oxford, containing a memorandum of tin* complaints against Dethiek, the herald who made the giant of Anns to John Shakespeare.— Art. XIII. A few observations on the composition of the Midsummer Night's Dream.— Art. XVII. Dispute between the Earl of Worcester's players and the Corporation of Leicester in 1586: [36] [37] [40| from the records of that 2979 57499 2966 2911 63821 103680 — Works on, or relating to : — 150924 B [J. D.) Hollingbury Copse and its Shaksperiana [from Book-Lore], 4to, 1885. 101079 Baker (E. E.) A Few Notes on a selected Portion of the Halliwell-Phillipps Library, Svo, 1889. 101261 second edition, Svo, 1S89. 100318 [Birmingham, Offer of the Halliwell-Phillipps Collection to, Newspaper Cuttings, etc., fol., 1889] 108010 Furnivall (F. J.) The " Co." of Pigsbrook & Co., Svo, 1881. 101258 Hollingbury Copse, Sussex, Residence of the late Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps, Particulars, Views, and Conditions of Sale (Farebrother, Ellis, Clark & Co.) 4to, 1889-93. 150923 Prizes in Book-collecting [from Book-Lore] 4to, 18S5. 151229 Puttick and Simpson, [Sale] Catalogue of Fine Books, including . . . a series of Halliwell's Reprints, 8vo, 1881. 150280 Shakespearian Manuscripts at Abington Abbey ; Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps' Theory and Mr. Priehard's Refutations [from Northamptonshire Notes and Queries] Svo, 1889. 8426S Shakespeare, Monograph Edition of, Opinions of the Press on the Design of, Svo, ?1850. 13139S Smyth (A. H.) The Halliwell-Phillipps Collection [in Pennsylvania Library Club, Occasional Papers, No. 2, pp. 3-5] 4to, 1895. S42S2 [Sotheby and Wilkinson] Early English and Shakespearian Literature [Books issued bv Halliwell in 1859-60] duo, ?1861. 115478 Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, [Sale] Catalogue of the Library of the late J. O. Halliwell- Phillipps [with prices] Svo, 1889. 115479 Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, [Sale] Catalogue of a further portion of the Library of the late J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Svo, 1891. 145316 Winsor [J.] Halliwelliana : Bibliography of the Publications of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, 4to, 1881. 111028 Wright (G. R.) Brief Memoir of the late J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Svo, 1899. Halpin (N.J.) l^eBiid^B.xm-Ay^T-^SS^S^^^ 1 ^^ Halpin (N. J.) The Dramatic Unities of Shakespeare (Dublin) Halpin (N. J.) Oberon's Vision j » th <^— HSS&?*— ' TTn miH-ATi /"NT 17, Q A ^ A -n TnonivT7 into the genuineness of the manuscript correc- -cicimiibon (in .Hi. d.a.j J\u inquiry tionsiuMr-Collier . gAni „ lt . ltedShakS p eretl63 2 Hamilton (N.E.S. A.) : see also Collier TTnmiltnn ,T? W ^ Nntrco T.itpvivicp PP- 185-236. On the Tragic Genius of Shakspeare XlcUIlUIjOn (tt,. VV.J INUgdB J-Jlieiail ...;.;.._*; . The Classical Comedy compared with that of Shakespeare Hamilton (W.) Pai'OdieS [Parts 19, 20, 21and23, containing Shakespeare] Hamlet : 69775 A[dee] (A. A.) Hamlet's " Dram of Eale " [from The Republic] fol, 1883. 150295 Archer (W.) Ophelia and Portia [from The Theatre] Svo, 1885. 72723 Aveling (E.) Hamlet at the Princess's [from To-day] Svo, 1884. 134904 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Hamlet, Second edition, duo, 1S93. 2979 Baverstock (J. H.) A few words on the line in Hamlet, as regards "too, too" [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. II., pp. 152-5] 8vo, 1845. 2817 [Bicknell (J. L.)] Analysis of the Play of Hamlet [from Original Miscellanies] 8vo, 1820. 69782 Booth (E.) Portrait of, as Hamlet [from American Enterprise] fol, ?1875. 74384 Brereton (A.) Some Famous Hamlets, from Burbage to Fechter, duo, 1884. 145424 Brett's (E. J.) Stories from Shakespeare's Plays : No. 2 Hamlet, 4to, ?1SS1. 1 8vo 1845 1 duo 1849 1 8vo 1843 1 Svo 1860 1 Svo 1841 1 4to 1885 English Shakespeariana. 97 Hamlet — continued. 94111 Brody(G. M.) Hamlet : An Essay, 8vo, 1S70. 57997 Brough(R. B.) How the lasl Act of Hamlet was written i < ;..-. Bon Bon dd Bi duo, L861. 57114 B[ucknill] (J. C.) Hamlet, a Psychological Studj [from Journal of Mental Scienci 147:>77 Burr(C. H.) "Hamlet" once more [from Poet-Lore Bvo, I 70199 Channing(W. E.) Shakspeare's Hamlet [in National Literature, p. 30, etc.] Bvo, 1830. 160892 Coleridge (H.) On the Character of Hamlet [and] n Critique on Retzsch's Illustrations ..f Hamlet [in Essays and Marginalia, Vol. I., pp. 151 177] duo, 1861. 145514 Conington (J.) Lecture on ' Hamlet ' [in Miscellaneous Writings, Vol. I., pp. 106 180] Bvo 7328 Conolly(J.) A Study of Hamlet, duo, 1863. i03o:>2 Cooke (M. V7.)The Human Mystery in Bamlet, duo, 1888. 129072 Corbin (J.) The Elizabethan Hamlet: A Study . . . to show that the mad scenes bade comic aspect now ignored, duo, 1895. 57330 Corson (H.) Jottings on the Text of Hamlet, Bvo, 1874. 147979 Crane (W. \v.) The Allegory in " Bamlet " [from Poet-Lore] 8vo, 1891. 6977S Cruickshank (G.) A Discovery concerning Ghosts [Contains Criticism on the Ghost in 'Hamlet'] 8vo, 1S63. 42898 Davis (W. J.) Philosophical Explanation of Hamlet, 8vo, 1867. 147974 Falbe [Count de] The Hamlet Saga. From Saxo-Grammaticus | fr The Nineteenth Centun I 8vo, 1882. 57335 Farren (G.) Essays on the varieties in Mania, exhibited by Hamlet. Ophelia, etc, Bvo, 1833. 57336 Fan-en (G.) Progress of Melancholia, and Craziness . . . as displayed in Hamlet Ophelia, 8vo, 1829. 64303 Fan-en (W.) On the Madness of Hamlet land Ophelia] {from London Magazine] Bvo, 182*. 72470 Fechter a^ Hamlet, Critical Notices of, Extracted from the London Journals, duo. V1861. 61039 Fechter in Hamlet and Othello [from Blackwood's Magazine; svo, 1m;i. 89348 Feis (J.) Shakspere and Montaigne : an endeavour to explain the tendency of " Hamlet " from allusions in contemporary works, duo, 1884. 63865 Feldborg (A. A.) Hamlet's Garden : Environs of Elsinore [in Denmark Delineated, pp. 13-66] 8vo, 1824. 87685 Field (K.) Fechter's " Hamlet " [in Charles Albert Fechter, pp. 85-117] duo, 1882. 61044 Fleay (F. G.) Extract from an Old Play in " Hamlet " [from Macmillan's Magazine] 8vo, 1874. 104408 Foard (J. T.) The Genesis of Hamlet. Bvo, 1889. 152151 Ford (H.) Shakespeare's Hamlet : a new Theory, duo, 1900. 61040 Foreign Actors and the English Drama [from Cornhill Magazine] Svo, 1863. 14S017 Fouquier (H.) Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet. Illustrated Comments, 4to, ?1899. 90095 French Hamlet, The [from The Imperial Review] Svo, 1887. 57238 Glasgow University Album, edited by Students of the University (Notes on Hamlet, pp. 106-185] duo, ?1838. 10978 [Goethe (J W.)] Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, etc. [Book V. contains a criticism on Hamlet] ?. vols., duo, 1S60. 142546 Gollancz (I.) Hamlet in Iceland, Svo, 1898. 83598 Graves (H. M.) Genius of Shakespeare, with Remarks on . . . Hamlet . . . and Ophelia, duo, 1825. S3512 duo, 147971 Greek Hamlet, A [from Fraser's Magazine] 8vo, 18S0. 83501 Griffin (G. W.) Hamlet [in Studies in Literature, pp. 89-96] duo, 1870. 85512 Guernsey (R. S.) Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet (Papers of theN.V. Shakespeare Society, No. i> duo, 1S85. 57381 H (E. B.) A Study of Hamlet, Svo, 1875. 2974 Halliwell (J. O.) Correct method of punctuating "too, too," in 'Hamlet' [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. 1, pp. 39-4.S] svo, ls44. 2561 Halliwell (J. O.) The Droll of the Gravemakers, about 1647, duo, 1800. 2927 Halliwell (J. O.) Fac-Simile Copies from the Edition of Hamlet, dated [005, Bvo, 1860. 63774 Hallhvell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on the Tragedy of Hamlet. Bvo, 1879. 15153 -v. 1879. 61048 Hamlet [from Dublin University .Magazine] 8vo, 1876. 147649 Hamlet [A criticism of Henry living, from Blackwood's Magazine] Bvo, 1879. 61045 Hamlet at Home and Abroad [from Temple Bar] Bvo, 1875. 61046 Hamlet at the Lyceum [in Notes mi the Drama,/"/'..,, Dublin Dhiversitj Magazine] Bvo, If 61049 [from Kensington Magazine] 8vo, IS .",7:U2 Hamlet Controversy. Wa^ Hamlet Mad? or. the Lucubrations of Messrs. Smith, Brown, Jones, and Robinson (Melbourne) duo, 1867. 2S13 Hamlet, Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of, duo, 1752. 107S04 Hamlet, Tragedy of , Some Remarks on the, 1736 (Reprints of . . . Shakespeare Criticism, No. 1) duo, 1861. 90117 Hansen (G. I'.) Legend of Hamlet, as found in Saxo Grammaticus and other « tit ei-, die,. 1887. 57871 Herford (C. H.) The First Quarto Edition of Hamlet, 1603 (Harness Prize Essay) dno 147024 Herford (C. H.) Notes on Shakspere's Predecessors, with special refen nee to" Bamlet," 4to,N.D. 70201 Hernon (I.) " Was Hamlet Mad?" Observations on Shakspeare's Bamlet,8vo, 1864. 114686 H[iatt] (C. T. J.) Dramatic Impressions; The New Hamlet : a Dialogue \fr World i Svo, 1892. 14911S History of Hamlet [1008, reprint] (Cassell'S National Library) duo, 1896 57343 Horne(R. H.) Ed. Was Hamlet Mad'.' Critiques on the acting of Walter Montgomery, duo, 71871, 98 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Hainlet — continued. 83500 Hudson (H. N.) Hamlet [in English in Schools, pp. iii.-xviii.] duo, 1881. 113763 Hunter (J.) The Story of Hamlet, condensed and interwoven with the text, 8vo, ?1866. 108030 Hunter (J.) Studies in Select Plays of Shakspeare, Hamlet, duo, 1880. 60276 Illustrations of Shakspeare, No. 1, Hamlet, by the author of the Old Maid [Music] fol, ?1840. 63881 Irvine (H.) Notes on Shakspeare, No. 2. Hamlet and Ophelia [from Nineteenth Century] 8vo, 1877. 57310 Kellogg (A. O.) Shakspeare's Psychological Delineations. Ophelia, Svo, 71864. 63857 Kemble (Mr.) In the Character of Hamlet [from Theatrical Review] duo, ?1783. 57300 Kemble (Mr.) Performance of Hamlet by, Short Criticism on the, Svo, 1789. 61042 Kenney (C. L.) Mr. Irving in ' Hamlet ' [from Belgravia] 8vo, 1874. 1 L9545 Knights (M.) Shakespeare's ' Hamlet ' Interpreted : duo, ?1893. 14^,376 L^(C.) Essay on Hamlet [from The Wanderer] 8vo, 1869. 70203 Latham (R. G.) On the double personality of the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus— the Hamlet of Shakespear : its relation to the German Hamlet, Svo, 71S74. 7386 Latham (R. G.)Two Dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespear, svo, 1S72 99155 Lawreen (J. B.) Hamlet ye Dane. A ghost story [Music] fol, ?1877. 147973 Lcifchild (F.) Hamlet : a new Reading [from Contemporary Review] 8vo, 1883. 51350 Leighton (W.) The subjection of Hamlet : an Essay, 8vo, 1882. 2856 Loffit (R. E.) Some Remarks on the Play of Hamlet, Svo, 1869. 60020 MacDonald (G.) The Elder Hamlet [in Orts, pp. 170-181] duo, 1882. 77032 MacDonald (G.) Hamlet. A Study, with the text of the folio of 1623, 8vo, 1885. 26666 Macdonell (P.) An Essay on the Tragedy of Hamlet, 8vo, 1843. 57487 Mahony (J. W.) Hamlet's Mission, duo, 1875. 91352 Mangasarian (M. M.) Hamlet, the Drama of Human Destiny, Sermon, 8vo, 1887. 145342 March (F. A.) The Immaturity of Shakespeare as shown in Hamlet, 8vo, 1875. 57046 Marshall (F. A.) A Study of Hamlet, 8vo, 1875. 94110 Martin (Helena Faucit) On Ophelia, Svo, 1880. 57114 Maudsley (H.) Hamlet [in Psychological Essays, pp. 145-195] duo, 1873. 145321 Meadows (A.) Hamlet : An Essay, 8vo, 1871. 57069 Mercade, Hamlet : or Shakespeare's Philosophy of History, 8vo, 1875. 107458 Murdoch (.T. E.) A Short Study of " Hamlet" [from The Forum] Svo, 1890. 61050 New Hamlet, The, [Mr. Irving] and His Critics [from Macmillan's Magazine] 8vo, 1875. 150262 Newspaper Cuttings on Hamlet, Svo, ?1884. 147648 Nicholson (Dr. E.) Was Hamlet Mad ? Svo, 1882. 87:!51 O'Connor (W. D.) Hamlet's Note-Book, duo, 1886. 70202 O'Conor (W. A) Hamlet. A Paper read before the Manchester Literary Club, Svo, 1878. 135269 O'Conor (W. A.) Hamlet [in Essays in Literature and Ethics, pp. 108-136] duo, 1889. 61041 Osborne (C.) A Haunted Hamlet [from Temple Bar] Svo, 1867. 89162 " Osric" [from Monthly Notes (Birmingham)] 4to, 1884. 136309 Owen (J.) Shakespeare's Hamlet [in Great Skeptical Dramas of History, pp. 277-348] 8vo, 1896. 54796 Fedder (H. C.) A Study of Hamlet [from The Manhattan] 8vo, 1883. 2514 [Pilon (F.)] Essay on the Character of Hamlet, as performed by Mr. Henderson, 8vo, ?1777. 2515 Second edition, 8vo, ?1777. 2855 Planche (J. R.) Costume of Shakespeare's Tragedy of Hamlet, duo, 1825. 2585 Plumptre (J.) Observations on Hamlet : (with Appendix) 2 vols., 8vo, 1796. 97808 Pyle (J. G.) The Little Cryptogram : Application to Hamlet of the Cipher System of Mr. Donnelly, duo, 1888. 124820 Ramsay (A.) On the Character of Hamlet, 8vo, 1856. 57329 Rankin (.1. E.) Theology of Hamlet [from The Boston Review] Svo, 1866. 16408 Retzsch [F.A.M.] Gallery of Shakspeare, with explanations by Lake. Hamlet, duo, 1828. Richardson (W.) : see Richardson. 57314 Robertson (T.) Essay on the Character of Hamlet, 4to, 1788. 99115 R[ooney] (M. W.) Hamlet, first edition (1603) Last Leaf of the Lately Discovered Copy reprinted, 8vo, 1856. 3299 8vo, 1856. 61043 Roscoe (E.) Recent German Criticism on Hamlet (Gervinus) [from Victoria Magazine] Svo, 1873. 57298 Russell (E. R.) Irving as Hamlet, Svo, 1S75. 147647 Salvini's Hamlet, by a Parisian Critic [from The Gentleman's Magazine] Svo, 1875. 64433 Saxo Grammaticus, Historiae Danicae, 2 vols., fol, 1644-45. Note.— One of the sources of the ploy .if Hamlet. 123278 Saxo Grammaticus, Danish History, translated by Elton (Folk Lore Society, xxxiii.) 8vo, 1894. 77287 SchaefFer (C. C.) Hamlet. An earthquake of Critic and Criticisms, fol, 18S4. 152974 Scott (C. ) Some Notable Hamlets (Bernhardt, Irving. Barrett, Tree, Forbes Robertson) duo, 1900. 57860 [Seymour (R.)] New Readings of Old Authors. Hainlet. duo, ?1842. 49917 Shakspeare (W.) Hamlet [From W. Shakspeare to J. Nowell] [from Imperial Review] Svo, 1882. 108016 Shaw (J . H. 1 Shakespere's Idea in Macbeth and Hamlet [from New Zealand Magazine] 8vo, 1877. 147975 Snider (D. J.) Hamlet [from The Journal of Speculative Philosophy] 8vo, 1873. 3388 [Soames (C.) ] Hamlet : an attempt to ascertain whether the Queen were an accessory in the murder of her first husband, Svo, 1S56. 60278 Songs in the Opera of Hamlet as Perform'd at ye Queens Theatre, fol, 71750. 147976 Stefansson (J.) Shakespeare at Elsinore [from The Contemporary Review] Svo, 1896. English Shakespeariana. Number. 145461 109801 24164 122242 59577 135311 90117 57019 83325 2933 60593 69872 77961 103954 150317 87111 70569 2759 135268 99 Vol- Hamlet — con t in ued. 57289 Strachey (B.) Shakspeare's Hamlel . 8vo, 1848. 76556 Thorn (W. 'I'.) Two Shakespeare Examinations : [Hamlel and Macbeth duo, ' 108955 Thorn (\v. T.) Shakespeare and Chaucer Examinations [Hamlet, etc. duo, 18 I4s;i77 Tourgenieff (L) Bamlel and Don Quixote [from The Fortnightlj Review] 8?o, 1894. 57960 Tyler(T.)The Philosophy of " Hamlet, '8vo, 1874. 87664 Vining(E. P.) The Mystery of Hamlet, 'in.., 1881. 101115 Vining(E. P.) Time in Hamlel (Papers of the SA Shakespeare Society, No. 5) duo, 146425 Vocal Music to Shakespeare's Plays, Hamlel (T. II. Lacy) Bvo, I 147970 \v (P.) A Query on Hamlel [with Reply by w r i raser's Magazine] 8v< 57290 Wade (T.) " What does ' Hamlet' mean?" 8vo, L840, 52810 Walters (F.) Hamlet and The rempesl : a Shaksperian Contrast ./. Modi rn Revii » -\... 1882. 1479S0 Walton (C.) A Brief for Ophelia [from Poet-Lore] 8vo, 1891. 113772 Watts (N.) Was Hamlet mad.' a legal and metaphysical study, .In... 1888. :.74m; Whately (E. W.) Character of Hamlet : a Lecture, duo, 71863. 01009 White (E. H.) Shakespeare, and his Hamlet [mi A thelstan, and other Poems, pp, -7 95] duo, 1-17. 147972 White (R. G.) The Two Hamlets [from Atlantic Monthlj i ivo, L881. 57871 Widgery (W. H.)The First Quarto Edition of Hamlet. L603 (Harness Prize Essay) duo, 1880. 122079 Wilson(H. S.) First Performance of Hamlet : A. Tudor Vision [171 Studies and Romances on 1-281 dun 1872. 147969 pp. '.»',» 106] in Hamlet. duo, 187: Wilson (H. S.) Goethe on Hamlet [from London Societ y I -\ ... 1875. Wood (S.): see Dinglewood Shakespeare Manuals, p. 75. 2916 Wood (W. D.) Hamlet ; from a Psychological point of view, 8vo, 1870. 5702S Woods (G. B.) How old was Hamlet? [and] The Time of " Hamlel "[in Essays, etc. duo, 1873. 57246 [Woolls (C.)] The Barrow Diggers : A dialogue in imitation of the Grave Diggers 8vo, 1839. 15721 Zinn (Serjeant) A Throw for a Throne, or, the Prince Unmasked, 8vo, ?1870. Hcimlet : see also English Editions of the Separate Plays, pp. 20 28 Hamley (E. B.) Shakespeare's Funeral CinT New series',^? iL] 00d "--- Hamley (Sir E. [B.]) Shakespeare's Funeral and other Papers Hanrner (Sir T.) : seeNicnois Haunett (J.) The Forest of Arden — mingham) ... ... Hansard (L.) [Shaksperian Commemoration, Stratford, 1827] | in Memoir Of Hansard, pp, 7*J-77 | Hanscomb (E. W.) The Shakspere Birthday Book... Hansen (G. P.) The Legend of Hamlet (Chicago) Harcourt (A. F. P.) The Shakespeare Argosy aa *~*2S$m , * m [Harding (S. and E.)] Historical Dramas of Shakspeare ... Illustrated t.y Portraits, etc. Hardinge (G.) Works by : — 1992 Chalmeriana : Papers . . . occasioned by reading . . . A Supplemental \pology . . . by G. Chalmers, . . . by Owen Junior, etc., Svo, 1S00. 150921 The Editor, the Bookseller and the Critic (No. XII. of Chalmeriana) Svo. 1800. 1993 Essence of Malone, or The " Beauties " of that fascinating writer . . . duo, 1800. 1991 — — — — second edition, enlarged, duo, 1800. 87622 Another Essence of Malone, or The " Beauties" of Shakspeare's Editor (in two parts) duo, 1801. 16353 Miscellaneous Works [contains Shakespeariana I 3 vols., 8vo, 1818. ens'a >' 1 duo ?18S0 1 duo 1889 1 duo L863 ] 4to 1894 1 4to 1829 1 duo ?1892 1 duo 1887 1 duo 1N71 2 4 to 1811 [by Collins I .m a pa ■:■-■■ in Mr. St.- I., bis Shakespeare. Hardinge (G.) A Letter to- Hardy (R. B.) Lectures on the Drama : First series, shaksi Hardy (T. D.) Present State of the Shakespearian Controversy Harley (G. D.) Monody on the Death of J. Henderson (Norwich! Harlow (L. K.) The Home of Shakespeare (Boston) ... Harness (W.) '. «« also L'Estrange, Societies (Shakespeare Society, V Harness Prize Essays : • • n.-.i..,-.! wto Harris (A.) The National Theatre i< nightly Review] Harris (J., Cornish Poet) Shakspere's Slirine, etc. ... rr. •„ /j \ An ndo On the Anniversary of the Birthday of Shnkspcn I Xiaiilb \o.) rvu OUb in connection with 1 'al at Coventry] Harrison [A.] The Infant Vision of Shakspeare, etc. Poems ... Harrison (F.) Shakespeare u» v irew caiendai ofa* n m- ->. i-i «a >--\ ... 1 4 to 1777 1 duo L834 1 8vo 1 4 to L787 1 8vo L888 1 Svo 1 886 1 duo L866 1 duo lstil 1 4to L794 1 duo L892 100 • Number. 26660 4075 2819 69516 57060 60531 70511 30463 74557 148384 81875 2900 33901 57163 16356 85405 11312 85046 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Harrison (W.) Library of Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Shakspeariana Harrison (W.) England in Shakspere's Youth JlSJIftg^fili&i Hart (E. A.) On the tragedy of King Lear [ ^£ondon s b c fflpp°^8] ity Hart (J. S.) The Shakespeare Death-mask [from seribner-s Monthly] Hart and Shakespeare, Families of : see Jordan Harting (J. E.) Ornithology of Shakespeare... Harvey (W.) [Prolegomena to the Works of Shakspeare] ... Haslewood (J.) Life and Publications of J. Eitson sl J,J.';, , " I !;'.i',! i > ; l , l . 1 | Hathaway (Anne) : — 147417 Cottage at Shottery, Where Shakespeare wooed and won Anne Hathaway [a Poe J 4to, ?1864. 147419 Epitaph on Anne Hathaway [Rubbing from tomb-stone] 8vo, N.D. 52747 Falconer (E.) Anne Hathaway : a traditionary ballad, 8vo, 1864. 2919 1 Fenton (R.)] A Tour in Quest of Genealogy, Svo, 1816. [containing Verses, etc., importing to have passed between Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway] 2979 Harness (W.) The Widow of Shakespeare [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. 2, p. 107] Svo, 1845. 147968 [Laffan (R. S. de)] Anne Hathaway's Cottage [from All the Year Round] 8vo, 1892. Mo. c Vols f . Size. Date. 1 8vo 1866 3 4to 1877-81 1 8vo 1851 1 8vo 1874 1 8vo 1871 1 8vo 1825 1 duo 1824 Haweis (H. E.) Shakspere and the Stage Hawkey (C.) The Shakespeare Tapestry woven in Verse Hawkins (F.) "Henry VIII. " on the Stage Hawkins (F. W.) Life of Edmund Kean Hazlitt (W.) Characters of Shakespear's Plays I from 'Die English Illustrated Magazine] Second edition duo 1878 duo 1881 8vo 1892 8vo 1869 8vo 1817 8vo 1818 duo 1848 8vo 1818 duo 1884 duo 1878 duo 1854 Hazlitt (W.) Characters of Shakspeare's Plays ednea'b/Kn ■ Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English Poets... TTo^litt i'W 'i T,or>fnyoo on the English Poets, and the English Comic Writers. XlcWSilbU ^ VV .) JJBCUUIBb Edited by W. C. Hazlitt TTi^litt i'W ^ T.ontnvoa on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, and Characters XlctZlllb ^ VV.J ueCUUteS of shakespear's Plays [Bohn] Hnzlit.f, i'W ^ Thp Enerliah Stoo-p Criticisms and Dramatic Essays J3.ctZlluu ^ VV .) -Lilt! -CJllgliSil OUagC S( Sedition, edited by his son Hazlitt (W. C.) Works edited by :— 29914 Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances illustrating Shakespeare, etc., duo, 1875. 90591 Hundred Merry Tales : the Earliest English Jest Book, 152C, 4to, 1887. 113567 Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays, Svo, 1892. 791 Shakespeare Jest-Books ; reprints of the Jest-books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare, 3 vols., duo, 1S64. Vol. 1.— A Hundred Mery Talysj Mery Tales and Quicke Answeres, 1567. Vol. 2.— Merie Tales of Skelton; Jests of Scogin, [1626]; Sackful] of Xewes, [1(173]; Tarlton's Jests ; Merrie Conceited Jests of George l'ccle I I'M Vol. Talc if the Mad M. i : All Mery Jests of the Wydow Edyth ; Pasijuils Jests with t Conceits of Old Hobson ; Certayne Conceyts and Jeasts; Flashes and Whimzies [1639.] Mother Bui Taylors Wit and Mirth; Conceits, Clinch 19079 Shakespeare's Library : Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories employed by Shake speare, second edition, 6 vols., duo, 1875. All's Well that Ends Well: Vol. 3.— Giletta of Narbona, from Painter's Palace of Pleasure, 1560. Antony and Cleopatra : Vol. 3.— The Life of Antony, from North's Plutarch. As You Like It : Euphues' Golden Legacie, by Thomas Lodge, 1592. Admirable and Memorable Histories, Vol. 2.— Kosalynd Comedy of Errors : Vol. 5.— Mencechmi, translated from Flautus, by W. W., 1595. Vol. 1.— The Story of the Two Brothers of Avignon [from Goulart'i 1607.] Coriolanus : Vol. 3.— The Life of Coriolanus, from North's Plutarch. Cymbeline : Vol. 2.— Abstract of Boccaccio's tale of Bernabo da Geuova. The Account of Kymbeline, from Holinshed. The Story of the Fishwife of Standon-the-Green, from Westward for Smelts, 1620. Samlet : Vol. 2.— The Historie of Hamblet, 1608. Henry IV. and Henry V. : Vol. 5.— The Famous Victories of Henry V., 1598. Vol. 1.— Agincourt, the English Bowman's Glory, a ballad. Henry VI., Second part : Vol. 5.— The First Part of the Contention between the Houses of York and Lancaster, 1594. Henry VI., Third part: Vol. 6.— The True Tragedy of Richard, Duke of York, 1595. English Shakespeariana. 1 01 Hazlitfc (W. C.) Work-, edited by — continued. Shakespeare's Library, etc. continued. II.-,,-;, VIII.: VoL 4.— Selected passages I i Holla rHenrj vim Extract ( i Julius Cottar: Vol. .1.— Life i>r .luliii-. I | it.ir.li. Life of Brutus, from North's Plutarch, Sing John : Vol. "..—The Troubli some Bel n ol John, Kin^ ,,r Bngland, 1591. King Liar: Vol. 2.— The History or Lear, from Holinshed. Hi.- History ot Lear, from the English Gesta i Vol. 6.— The History "i Lelr and his Three Daughters, 1606, a play. Vol. 2. Queen Cordela, an historical i m, bj John Hlgins, it the Mirror for M The story ofthe Paphalgonlan Unkind King, from Sydney's Arcadia, Hi.- Ballad of [.oar ami his Thr. Love'* Labour'* Lost : Vol. 1.— The Story of Charles, King of Navarre, from Uonstrelet Mi,!,, Hi : Vol. 2.— The History of Makl.eth, from Holinshed. Measure for Measure : Vol. .'..—History of Promos and Cassandra, 1578, by George Whetstone Vol. 8.— The same, in prose, from Whetstone's Heptamer 1682. similar storirs from Goulart's Idmlrabie and Memorable Histories, I « ;> it ; and from Glraldl Cinthlo. Merchant of Venict ; Vol. I.— The Adventures of Glannetto, from the Pecorone of Ser Giovanni Fiorentino. Of a Jew who would for his Debt haves Pound ofthe Flesh ofa Christian, from the Oi Alex. Silvayn, Englished by L.P., 1696. Tlio story ..f the Choice of three Caskets, from the English Gesta Romanorum. Tit.- .Vol Hi, rn Lord, a ballad. Gernutus, the Jew of Venice, a ballad. Merry Wires of Windsor: Vol. 3.— The story of Filenic Sisterna of Bologna, from Straparohv '1 ho Story ot Bueeiolo ami l'i.-tro I'aulo. from the I'. ■ ■ The Story of Lmiiis and Camillus. The story of Nerino of Portugal. The Tale ofthe Two Lovers of Pisa. The Fishwife's Tale of Brentford, Vol. i;.— The First Sketch of the Play, 1602, Midsummer Night's Dream : Vol. 1.— The Life of Theseus, from Norths Plutarch. Much Ado About Nothing: Vol. 0.— The story of Ariodanto and Genevra, from Harington's Ariosto. The Story of S. Timbreo di Cardona, from Bandello. Othello: Vol. 2.— The story ofa Moorish Captain, from the Secatommithi of Giraldl Clnthio. Pericles : Vol. 4. — Apollonius of Tyre, from Gower's Confessio Imantls. The Patterne ..f Painfull Adventures, a novel formed from Gower and other sources, by Lawrence Twine, i:,:r,. The Life of Pericles, from North's Plutarch. Hit-hard III. ■ Vol. '->.— I he Tin.- Tragedy of Richard III., 1694. Legge's Bichardus Tertius. Romeo and Julu I : Vol. L— Romans and Juliet, a poem, by Arthur Broke, 1662. Rhomeo and Julii tta, from Painter's Pah if Pie urate, 1666. Tamil/;/ of a Sh/ri to : Vol. 6. The old comedy of the Taming of a Shrew, Vol. 4.— Storj oi 1 1 1 . ■ induction, from Goulart's Admirable and Memorable llist..ii.s, 1607. The Waking .Mans fortune, a fragment of an old stoi The Shrewd and Curat \\ ife Lapped in Morel s skin, a po The Tempest: Vol. 4. — Search for the Island .. from Hariiigton a Ariosto. The Origin of the "Speech of Gonzalo," from a passage in Florio's Montaigne, 1608, Timon of Atht us : Vol. 6.— Timon, a play anterior to Shakespeare'a Vol. I. I'h. ! if of Timon, from Painter's Pal t Pleasure, 1566. mi ..f Tit i, from sir Richard Barckle] 'a Felicity ol Man, I Twelfth Night: Vol. l.— History of Apollonius and Silla, bj Barnaby Rich, 1581. /',/ . I . „■.■' ' | Vol. 1.— The story ofthe Shepherdess Felismena, from the Diana if Montenwyoi . ■ Vol. 4.— Abstract ol the Ti u Ide ol B acclo. icer'a Knight's Tale, The Winter's Tale: Vol. L— The Hlstorj ol Pandosto, by Bobi rt( 102 Number. 88075 97223 82396 83444 2820 64515 86721 57151 112860 131675 5027 91094 56374 2978 83445 57347 86593 57871 147624 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Head (F. H.) Shakespeare's Insomnia and the causes thereof (Chicago) and the Causes thereof (Boston and New York) Headlam (S. D.) Theatres & Music Halls : a Lecture Heard (F. F.) Shakespeare as a Lawyer (Boston, u.s.a.i [Heath (B.)] A Eevisal of Shakespear's Texts Heath (G.) The Shakspeare Gallery contai ™s $£*££** Female ... Hedelin [F.] The Whole Art of the Stage Heine (H.) Shakespeare's Maidens and Women ^pp^U™' 1 '' Heine On Shakespeare A Translation ofhisNoto^ Shakespeare Heroines, _ Heminge (J.) and Condell (H.) : seewaiker HenderSOn (J.) Letters and PoemS with Anecdotes of his Life by Ireland HenderSOn (J., Actor) : see also Harley, Pilon Henderson (W.) Who wrote Shakespeare? "Aye, there's tte rub "... Henry (Eva M.) Lady Macbeth jfctf&gfiSSrS&a Henry the Fourth : — ■ 76405 No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 duo 1886 1 duo 1887 1 duo ?1877 1 duo 1883 1 8vo 1765 1 8vo 91837 1 4to ?1837 1 8vo 1684 1 duo 1891 1 duo 1895 1 duo 1786 duo 4to 1887 ?1889 2561 113798 85831 42698 Henry IV., Part 1. Henry IV., Edited by Halliwell. Beamont (W.) On three dramas of Shakspere : Richard II. Part 2. 8vo, 1879. Bouncing Knight, The, Constructed out of Shakespeare's Play about 1647. duo, 1860. 83494 Crawford (O.) [Selection from] Henry IV.— part first [in English Comic Dramatists, pp. 1-10] duo, 1884. King Henry the Fourth, and his Times : see Romances. Planche (J. R.) Costume of Shakespeare's Henry the Fourth, duo, 1824. Solly-Flood (F.) Story of Prince Henry of Monmouth and Chief-Justice Gascoign, 8vo, 1886. Henry the Fourth : see also Faistaa Henry the Fifth :— 134906 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on King Henry V. Fourth edition, duo, 1895. Henry the Fifth, as produced under the direction of C. Calvert, at the Prince's Theatre, Man- chester. Opinions of the Press, 8vo, 1872. Hunter (J.) Studies in Select Plays of Shakspeare, Henry the Fifth, duo, ?1880. Lee (S.) Henry V., An Account and an Estimate, duo, 1900. duo, 1900. 108221 155293 155421 57875 2518 Luders (A.) Character of Henry the Fifth when Prince of Wales, duo, 1813. [Manuscript Notes on Henry V.] 8vo, 71779. "These Notes are I believe in the handwriting of Thomas Hall." Note by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. 105367 Morris (J. W.) Key-Notes of Shakespere's Plays, Henry V., duo, 1885. 132331 Wood (S.) Henry the Fifth, Questions and Notes, duo, ?1894. 103990 Woodforde (F. C.) An Etymological Index to Henry V., Second edition, duo, ?188S. Henry the Sixth : — 150277 Talbot (T.) English History versus Shakespeare and Manx History [from The Manx Sun] Svo, 1885. Henry the Sixth : see also Humphrey Henry the Eighth : — 113497 Furnivall (F. J.) Mr. Swinburne and Mr. Spedding— Shakspere's Henry VIII., duo, 1876. 148384 Hawkins (F.) " Henry VIII." on the Stage [from English Illustrated Magazine] 8vo, 1892. 148388 " Henry VIII." at the Lyceum Theatre [from Atalanta] Svo, 1892. 114644 Irving (H.) Souvenir of Henry the Eighth, presented at the Lyceum Theatre, duo, ?1892. 147681 Lowe (R. W.) and Archer (W.) ' Henry the Eighth ' on the Stage [from Longman's Magazine] 8vo, 1892. 2986 Performances at Court in the reign of Henry VIII. [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. III., pp. 87-93] 8vo, 1847. Henslowe (P.) Diary of, from 1591 to 1609 Heraldry : see Arms Heraud (J. A.) Shakspere, his Inner Life as intimated in his works edited by Collier. Shakespeare Society 1 8vo 1845 at the liaune, containing an account of the ifPeiicles [Edited by Halliwell] [Herbert (G.)] Letter t0 Sir %%%%£ Herford(C.H) Literary Eelations ofEngland andGermany b ^ e) Herford(G.H.)First Quarto Edition of Hamlet, 1603 ,Hai ^ ) ! i ^" Herford(C.H.)The Study of Shakspeie : some Hints 8vo duo duo duo Svo 1865 1865 1886 1880 ?1890 Number. 70201 78937 57967 891G0 113814 73569 73568 Vol- L08 57068 45924 116451 60502 57859 57236 61010 108006 57020 32690 86258 2603 2602 57062 57097 151241 2910 60546 60537 60572 148495 and adjoining r. (8trauord-upoi (Hudd i 1 1 Bvo 1879 1 1886 1 duo L885 1 8vo L884 1 8vo 1884 English Shakespeariana. Heme's Oak, Windsor : — L47812 Bee! »n (S. 0.) Shakspeare nfemoi i : » l with w I earrings on the oorei laid t.. be tram n dak fol, 1864. 60555 Qlenny's Garden 1 roe's Oak, pp. 66-61] duo, 1860. 73603 Perry (W.) A Treatise on the Identity "f Heme'* Oak, duo, 1867. Hernon(J.)TheQuery"WasHamletMad?"Answerecl 1 8vo 1864 Heroes and Heroines : » 1 i... ... H. mn /T) \ "R, ,,.,.,,. Ira on the hut edition ol Plays. 1778 [r^ov (C M A Pa+ali-nrno ' UbnM 7 [rioppei {*->.)] n. \j dialogue and Museum in Henley Street [Stral Hopper (C.) Churchwardens' Presentments, etc. „/ Hornby (M.) The Battle of Waterloo which give Mi th to my great Pred Hornby (M.) The Broken Vow : Hornby (M.) History of the Bard & Family J duo duo 8vo duo 8vo duo pp. 143-160] i Ivon) . h i in. n in ;ii. -. i i jsor, the iorl \\ liltcli in Hi. ti I li tli J 1 duo 1 duo 1 1 1 duo duo duo 1867 1875 1886 1749 L750 1877 1841 1900 L868 1867 1819 L820 VI 818 104 Number. 57996 57280 57343 96823 42455 1998 57872 57293 57219 41423 133592 4326 2904 42690 73568 83500 83448 66362 147843 86462 147845 57014 44477 57984 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 24301 150318 57116 61516 57969 90591 113763 108220 45640 3408 21410 19074 57449 63752 79974 2507 127543 Extemporal Verses, at the Birth Place] Hornby (M.) History of the Bard and Family W [ $S Hornby (W.) The Scourge of Drunkenness £fiSS&££%a ••• Home (B. H.) Was Hamlet Mad? Gli ^m^^ ot Hosmer (H. L.) Bacon and Shakespeare in the Sonnets 1 ,,^ l '," i , ( „ 1 Howard (F.) Spirit of the Plays of Shakspeare outline piates ... Howard (H.) A Visionary Interview at the Shrine of Shakespear Howell (T.) A Few Stray Thoughts upon Shakespeare HoWltt (W.) Stratfoi'd-On-Avon [from Visits to Remarkable Places] [in Visits to Remarkable Places, second edition [Vol. 1] pp. 81-146] [in Visits to Remarkable Places, third edition, Vol. 1, pp. 81-UiiJ : Journeys to the Humes of Good Men and Great (New York) Hubbard (E.) Shakespeare Hubbard (J. M.) Barton Collection, Boston Public Library Catalogue of the [Shakespeare portion] [Hlickell (J.)] Avon, a Poem (Birmingham: Printed by Baskerville) Hlickell (J.) Avon, a Poem (Stratford-upon-Avon) ... Huddersfield, Celebration of Shakespeare's Natal Day Ad £SS 1 » Hudson (H. N.) English in Schools (Boston [u.s. a.] j Hudson (H. N.) Lectures on Shakspeare (New York) ... Hudson (H. N.) Shakespeare: H,s Llfe ' ** tffi* Jr th P ' mi ""- Hudson (Eev. Mr.) Four Odes ^^^^^^7^ Hudson (W. H.) The Church and the Stage Hudson (W. H.) Early Mutilators of Shakespeare [ #3£3W HllgO (V.) William Shakespeare English translation by BalUot Hull Festival at in honour of the Birthday of Shakespeare, Report by Andrews (Hull) Human Life in Shakespeare : jecGUes Hume (A.) Shakspeare ^^^ 8ac ^ c tS tet ^ve^^ ofL ^^ toe .-- 1 8vo 1864 Humour : s« h (m.j, weiss. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester : — 1134S7 An Introduction To the New Tragedy, call'd Humfrey Duke of Gloucester, duo, ?1723. 26667 Memoirs of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (As they relate to Mr. Phillips's Tragedy) duo, 1723. 86810 Phillips (Mr. [A.]) Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. A Tragedy, duo, 1723. No. of Vols. Size. 1 duo Date. ?1820 1 8vo 1859 1 duo ?1871 1 duo 1887 5 8vo 1833 1 8vo 1756 1 duo 1867 1 8vo ?1840 1 8vo 1840 1 8vo 1856 1 duo 1895 1 4to 1878 1 4to 1758 1 duo ?1811 1 8vo 1884 1 duo 1881 2 duo 1848 2 duo 1882 1 8vo 1759 1 8vo 1886 1 4to 1892 1 8vo 1864 1 duo 1882 [with Appendix containing passages from Shakespeare] (Edinburgh) Humphreys (E. E.) Lyra Latina Humphreys (G.E.)VoiceandEmotion ^^;;:;:,;;;;,:;i!;:;^;;::;;!, 1 i^!;:;;>; Humphreys (H.N.) Sentiments and Similes of w ^SSSg3ff eM * • • • Hundred Merry Tales: or Shakspeare's Jest Book reproduced from the unique copy of bV.'ii, with introduction, notes, etc., by W. C. Hazlitt condensed and interwoven with the text (Leicester) Hundred Merry Tales : see also Jest Books and Merry Tales Hunter (James) The Story of Hamlet Hunter (John) Studies for Candidates ta ^^SSStSn&SS^' Hunter (Jos.) A Disquisition on Shakespeare's Tempest ... Hunter (Jos.) A Few Words in Eeply to Dyce [Comer controversy] Hunter (Jos.) New Illustrations ofth !iTb&Se s : a ^s™ gs of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakespeare ••• Hunter (Jos.) Unpublished Diary of ^S'iK^X' ' Hunter (E. E.) Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon Huntley (E. W.) [Shakespeare's Visit to Dursley] u^'u'l^'lUi Hurdis (J.) Cursory Bemarks ,,1 '''' 1, ' lrA ''^ l ;::;:';; ,,i,, ''' lays ' ,r Hutchings (W.) Past Dramatic Performances %K»n°ATonT Hymns, Shakespeare: *e«Bushton 8vo 8vo duo duo duo 4to 1850 1885 1851 1857 1831 1887 8vo ?1866 duo 1880-7 8vo 1839 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo 8vo 1853 1844 1845 1867 1864 1868 1792 1895 Number, 57991 46013 49711 99280 139376 Vols, size. 1 I if, 1864 1820 English Shakespeariana. Iago : «* oawiio Iceland : wool Ignotus, Nugee Paddingtonienses [com I ,] Uu Ihne | \Y. i Shakspere's ,, Merchant of Venice " 1 8vo Illuminations : 90778 Abrahall (H. C. H.) Songs of Shakespeare, Qlnminated, Ito 67116 Humphreys (H. N.) Sentiments and Similes of Shakespeare, duo, 1851. 1 16 mhI edition, duo, i 82298 Lewis (E. O.) Shakesperean Creations ; Illuminated bj Stanesby, duo, 51930 Stanesby (S.) Shakespeare's Household Words, illuminated, duo, Illustrations : — 67297 Barret (J. V.) Shakspere fresh chiselled on Stone, duo, ?1858. 2509 Bee, The ; or a Companion to the Shakespeare Gallery, Svo, L790. BoydeU Gallery : see Boydell, p. 62. 21458 [Bunbury (H.) Twenty Drawings illustrating the Plays of Shakespeare] fol, i. I ( Irane (W.) : s< •■ < Irane, p. 72. ■iic.yi Dow den (Iv) Shakespeare. Scenes and Characters [Shakespearian Gallery] ito, 1876. 63792 " a,,, i s7(1 . 57108 [Felton(S.)] Hints towards a New [Illustrated] Edition of Shakespeare, Ito, 1787. 98170 Ferrara (A.) Shakespeare— Sacrificed ; or- The Offering to Avarice |Plate] fol, 1789. 83325 [Harding (S. ami E.)] Historical Dramas of Shakspeare illustrated bj Portraits, 2 vols 4to 1811 Heath (C.) : see Heath. 424f»5 Howard (F.) spirit of the Plays of Shakspeare, outline Plates, 5 vols., svo, ims:;. 73621 [Illustrations of Shakespeare] 3 vols, fol, v.n. 16349 Literary and Graphical Illustrations of Shakspeare, etc., 8vo, 1881. 98468 Meadows (K.) Etchings to the Illustrated Shakspere, 4to, ?1846. 84767 [Mortimer (J. H.) Shakespeare's Characters : twelve illustrations] fol, 177.".. 131606 Nesbit (E.) The Children's Shakespeare. Illustrated by Brundage, etc., 8vo, ?1895. 145332 Paget (H. M. & \V.) Shakespeare Pictures, duo, ?1890. 136933 Paton (J. N.) Compositions from Shakspeare's Tempest, Ito, 1845. 61037 Pictorial Illustrations of Shakespeare (Review of four works. /•'.- m Quarterly Review] 8 vo 1876 Planche (J. R.) : see Planche. 135607 Price (S. F.) Shakespeare's Twilights, with illustrations by Chaloner and Barnes, duo, '■', 16408 Retzsch [F. A. M.l Gallery of Shakspeare. Hamlet, duo, 1828. 2769 Rulh [L. S.] Gallery of Shakspeare. Midsummer-Night's Dream, duo, 1829. 98969 Sargent (G. F.) Shakespeare Illustrated, in Landscape & Architectural Designs, Svo, 1842. 57104 [Sargent (G. F.)] The Book of Shakespeare Gems : Landscape Illustrations, 8vo, 1S71. 90780 [Selous (H. C.)] Outlines to Shakspeare's Tempest, fol, 71886. Seymour (R.) New Readings of old authors : see Seymour. 57254 Shys at Shakspeare. Designed by J. P. and T.C.P., Etched by T.C.P., 8vo, is69. 97842 Sidney (H.) Scenes from Shakespeare for the Young, 4to, 1885. 69325 Singleton (H.) Catalogue of Pictures, illustrating Shakespeare, painted by, Svo, 69326 . Bvo, 1848 163S2 Thurston [J.] Illustrations of Shakspeare, Svo, ls26. 2485 Wilson (T.) Analysis of the Illustrated Shakspeare, fol, 1820. Note.— For illustrated editions of Shakespeare's Works, Bee pages 1 to 52. Imogen, On the Character of 1*1 The iv> aMentor, vol i.pp. m ■_•:■ 1 ... Indexes : — 29806 Arnold (C.) An Index to Shakespearian Thought, 8vo, 1880. 57190 Ayscough (S.) An Index to Shakspeare. Sec, .ml edition, Svo, 1827. 26653 Halliwell (J. O.) Hand-book index to the Works of Shakespeare, 3vo, 1861 105022 Index Volume to the Works of Shakespeare, ideal Edition, duo, 1888. 91499 O'Connor (E. M.) An Index to the Works of Shakspere, duo, 1887. 2895 Twiss (F.) Verbal Index to the Plays of Shakspeare, 2 vols., Svo, ■ ■ l Con p rformed nl Siena, 163] [Original story ol twelfth Night] A Lecture ... ... 1 duo 1793 Ingannati, Gl'. The Deceived Ingersoil (R. G.) Shakespeare : Ingei'SOll (R. G.) : seeateoHall Ingleby (C. M.) Works by :— duo L862 duo ?1897 3403 ictions ..f the Royal Societj of Authorship of the Works attributed to Shakespeare [fr Literature] Svo, 1868. 95409 Authorship of the Works attributed to Shakespeare [»« Essays, pp 1 84]duo,l 57065 A Complete View of the Shakspere Conl roversy [CoUier Controversj Svo, 1861. 129392 Notes on the History of the Shakespearian Canon, Svo, 129393 On Shakespeare's 'lraditiou.il Birthday, Bvo, H874. 129391 Portraiture of shakes]. care [from Shakespeare, the Man and the Bool 6054 Shakespeare : The Man and the Book (Part 2, Occasional Papers) i Birmingham Printed]! vols. 4to, 1877-81. 106 Number. 55694 55582 15644 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. Ingleby (C. M.) Works by — continued. 19077 The Shakspeare Fabrications fCollier Controversy] duo, 1859. Shakespeare Hermeneutics, or the Still Lion. An Essay towards the Restoration of Shakespeare's Text [Birmingham Printed] 8vo, 1876. Shakespeare's Hones. The proposal to disinter them considered in relation to their possible bearing on his portraiture, 8vo, 1883. Shakespeare's Centurie of Prayse ; [1592-1693] Materials for a History of opinion on Shakespeare | Birmingham Printed] 8vo, 1874. The Soule Arayed. A letter to H. Staunton, Esq., concerning Sonnet CXLYL, 8vo, 1872. The Still Lion. An Essay towards the Restoration of Shakespeare's Text, duo, 1874. The Text of Shakespeare [from The Englishman's Magazine] 8vo, 1865. Was Thomas Lodge an Actor? The Social Status of the Playwright in the time of Queen Elizabeth, 4to, 1868. Ingleby (C. M.) Works edited by :— 60331 The Prouerbes of Syr Oracle Mar-Text [Birmingham Printed] duo, 1882. 76050 Shakespeare and the Enclosure of Common Fields at Welcombe. Private Diary of Thomas Greene, Town Clerk of Stratford-upon-Avon, 1614-1617 (Birmingham) fol, 1885. 6053 6052 6061 96299 15722 3297 Ingleby (C M.) '. >«« <^ a0 Societies (New Shakspere Society, Series IV.) Ingram (J. K.) Shakespeare Insanity : see Madness Insects : set Natural History Insomnia : see Head Inspiration of Shakespeare: seeButier Ireland (S.) Shakespear Chair Ireland (S.) Picturesque Views on the Warwickshire Avon. Ireland Forgeries : — [in Afternoon Lectures on English Literature, pp. U3-132] [in Graphic Illustrations of Hnearth, etc., Vol. 2, p. 147] 1 duo 1863 8vo 8vo 1799 1795 19S8 2593 2903 150661 2879 150664 113493 2587 1992 150921 19077 3398 3397 150659 3396 2592 2842 7387 63712 150660 145463 2590 96037 3373 An tenor's Letter to George Chalmers, 8vo, 1800. Boaden (J.) A Letter to G. Steevens, containing a critical examination of the Papers of Shakspeare ; published by S. Ireland, 8vo, 1796. [Chalmers (G.)] An Apology for The Believers in the Shakspeare Papers, 8vo, 1797. [Review, from British Critic] 8vo, 1797. Chalmers (G.) A Supplemental Apology : being a reply to Mr. Malone's Answer [with Appendix] 2 vols., 8vo, 1799-1800. [Davey (S.)] The Great Shaksperian Forgeries [from The Archivist] 8vo, 1888. [Dudley (Sir H. B.)] Passages selected by distinguished Personages on the literary trial of Vortigern and Rowena, 4 vols., duo [1795-1S07]. Familiar Verses from the Ghost of Willy Shakspeare to Sammy Ireland [with] Prince Robert : an auncient ballad, 8vo, 1796. [Hardinge (G.)] Chalmeriana : by Owen Junior, and Jasper Hargrave, 8vo, 1800. [Hardinge (G.)] The Editor, the Booksellers, and the Critic (No. XII. of Chalmeriana) 8vo, 1800. Ingleby (C. M.) The Shakspeare Fabrications, with appendix on the Ireland Forgeries, duo, 1S59. Ireland (S.) Mr. Malone's Claim to the Character of Scholar or Critic, 8vo, 1797. Ireland (S.) Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare, 8vo, 1796. . . [Review, from British Critic] duo, 1796. Ireland's (Mr. [S.I) Vindication of his Conduct respecting the publication of the Supposed Shakspeare MSS. 8vo, 1796. Ireland (\V. H.) An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, &c, 8vo, 1796. Ireland (W. H.) Confessions, containing particulars of his fabrication of the Shakspeare Manuscripts, duo, 1805. [Reprint] duo, 71870. Mai one (E.) Au Enquiry into the Authenticity of Papers attributed to Shakspeare, 8vo, 1796. [Review, from British Critic] 8vo, 1796. 57856 148380 Montgomery (H. R.) The Shakspeare Forgery [in Literary Impostures, pp. 74-88] duo, ?1884. [Oulton (W. C.)] Vortigern under Consideration, etc., 8vo, 1796. Payn (J.) The Talk of the Town [a Novel] duo, 1885. Precious Relics ; or the Tragedy of Vortigern rehearsed, 8vo, 1796. Vortigern : see ante, Plays ascribed to Shakespeare, p. 49. 2589 [Waldron (F. G.)] Free Reflections on Miscellaneous Papers in the possession of Samuel Ireland, Svo, 1796. 55750 Watson (J. S.) Life of Richard Poison [pp. 135-153 deal with the Ireland forgeries] 8vo, 1861. 2588 [Webb (F.)] Shakspeare's Manuscripts in the possession of 11 r. Ireland examined by Philalethes, 8vo, 1796. 2586 [White (J.)J Original Letters, &c, of Sir John Falstaff and his Friends, duo, 1796. 31381 White (J.) Falstaff' s Letters, 1796. Reprinted with Notices of the Author, duo, 1877. 2594 [Wyatt (M.)l A Comparative Review of the Opinions of Mr. James Boaden in 1795 and 1796, by A friend to Consistency, Svo, ?17U6. Irvine (W.) An Easter Ramble [strattord-on-Avon, etc., pp. 38-51] (Hawick) 1 duo I860 Irving (H.) Acting : an Art [from The Fortnightly Keviewj ... ... 1 8vo 1895 Number. 63881 643 U 150316 N.. ..I Vols. Site. 8vo 69894 70568 153189 123900 57140 3382 69436 102254 113519 61038 21413 2463 124671 155578 124134 57295 57081 43880 11320 139535 2831 7373 148223 57364 147685 147686 19088 27706 42329 57118 42330 42376 2935 54063 1 878 i B66 English Shakespeariana. 107 Irvincr / TT 1 Slvi Ircnon rin n Nntea* - 1 ' ""' rhlrd Murderoi u> 'Ha llMllg (n.) rin.lKSpeaiian I\OlPS, ,.„„,,., .,„,, nphelts [from Nlnrteenl ntury] L Irving ill.) The St&g8 WdiewdellTerod»ttheP«iTjrB«rrIiiitltirte,ii««Blrinli«gli«ni 1 8V0 Irving (H.) The Art of Acting [AwnTheBn*ii*hniiwt»«te«iita«Mto»] ... 1 Bvo Irving (II.) Works relating to: — L47648 Bamlel I t'mn Blackwood's Magazine] 8vo, 1879. 61042 Kenney (O. I,.) Mr. living in ' Samlet ' {/!■■■„, Belgravia] Svo, 1874, 61050 The Ni'w Hamlet and his critics [from Macmillan'a Magazine Bvo 148821 Russell (E. EL) Irving'* 'King Lear 1 : am w tradition [firam Nineteenth Century] 8vo, 1898. 57288 Kuss.'ii (iv R.) Irving as Bamlet, Uvo, 1876. 114644 Souvenir of Henry the Eighth, at the Lyceum Theatre, illustrated bj Partridge, etc., duo, 1188 ! I4.">:s:;i Souvenir ol King Lear, at the Lyceum Theatre. Illustrated by Partridge, etc., duo, 71692. L00700 Souvenir of Macbeth, at the Lyceum Theatre. Illustrated bj Cattermole, etc . dun, Irving (\V.) Stratford-Oll-Avon [from The 8ketcb Book] Ivvim-r /W \ Rrvitfnvrl nnnn .\v n n lr " The Sketch Book." Edited D; n\ing (\v.) otiatioia-upon-a.\on .„„, i ; ,.,. si „.,,,.„ (stratford-upoi Italian influence on Shakespeare: »m waiters J (E. M.) Questions & Exercises " n ^ffin 8 ^" 8 """•• ■ Jackson (W.) Thirty Letters "» '"ffiSX^SSSm^ Jackson (Z.) Errors in Shakspeare's Plays retted and elucidated... Jackson (Z.) Shakspeare's Genius Justified ^S&on^f" Restorations of Passag is, etc English l.iVr and Characters of thi Dramatli k Poets a Medicine to less. A Cue from Shakspeare. i, om Bentlej 's Miscellany] [in A Catalogue of Books In the possession of H. .ladi pp. 39-48] [Jacob (G.)] The Poetical Kegister Jacox (F.) About great griefs Jacox (F.) Shakspeare Diversions Jadis (H.) Shaksperiana [James (G.)] The Bacon- Shakespeare Controversy (Birmingham) I.. II. A Plea for the Plaintiff. [James (G )] Bacon- Shakespeare Pamphlets (Birmingham) III. Notes on the Origin anil Construction of the Plays. IV. Short Studies on the Origin of the Plays. V. Francis Bacon in the Sonnets. VI. New Light on "Love's Labour Lost " and " Macbeth." James (G.) Francis Bacon The Author of Shakespeare (Birmingham) Jameson (Mrs.) Characteristics of Women lKeview IC^!;.^ k " ft Jameson (Mrs.) Characteristics of Women Becond edition third edition ... Jameson (Mrs.) Shakspeare's Heroines characteristics or women [Bonn] Jameson ( [Mrs.] Anna) Shakspeare's Heroines w1 SSSSSaSSSS?' Jarley's Waxworks: seeBarUett Jarvis (J.) The Shaksperean Gala "^Tis^™*™'^ "™* Jarvis (J. W.) The Glyptic, or "■^SKSSXvea. etc* " 88 ttom Jenkin (F.) Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth '•" ^^"""^ Jenkin of Wales an early Droll, performed al t ii".4T. Edited by Halllwell JenilingS (H.J.) FamOUS Leai'S Ifrom The Gentleman's Magazine] Jennings (H. J.) " King Lear " at the Lyceum [/r "'''^;;i:! l r"''* Jephson (J. M.) Shakespere : a » * M $&ES«tt?5£& ™ Jeremiah (J.) An Aid to Shakespearean Stud\ Jeremiah (J.) Notes on Shakespeare sad Memorials orthe urban oinb cony] Contemporary Allusions Jeremiah (J.) Shakespearean Memorabilia Jeremiah (J.) A Shakespearean Souvenir Jerningham (Mr. [E.]) The Shakspeare Gallery \ r , Jerrard (P.) Flowers from Stratford on Avon i< wo*eflj .svo -.'lsao duo '.'1821 8vo 1900 duo ?1894 Svo 1795 1818 1818 1819 1719 18G6 8vo Svo 8vo duo 8vo 2 8vo 1875-77 1 Svo 1826 2 duo 1894 duo, 1895, etc. duo Svo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo Svo duo Svo Bvo Svo 8vo Svo Svo 8vo 8vo 4to 8vo 1893 1833 1833 1836 1879 1897 ?1827 1875 1S78 1861 1892 [892 L864 1880 1876 1S77 1877 1877 1791 ?1852 108 Number. 37420 32284 69873 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 147801 3368 16357 2542 72781 57054 2837 61002 57311 31928 3357 2510 57264 80075 57894 45031 147346 No. of Vols. Size Date 1 8vo ?1854 1 4to 1868 1 8vo 1860 [Jerrard (P.)] Shakesperian Tableaux [Coiom-ed] Jervis (S.) A Dictionary of the Language of Shakspeare Jervis (S.) Text of Shakspeare's Plays proposed Emendations Jest Books :— 57902 Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimzies, a Jest-Book, 1639. Edited by Halliwell, 8vo, 1860. 57931 Sack Full of Newes ; an old Jest book, 1673. Edited by Halliwell, duo, 1861. 109094 Shakspeare's Jest Book (Tales, and quicke answeres) (Chiswick) duo, 1814. 114898 Shakspeare's Jest Book (A,C, rnery Talys) (Chiswick) duo, 1815. 43954 Shakespeare's Jest Book. A Hundred Mery Talys, edited with introduction and notes, by Oesterley, duo, 1866. 57124 Shakespear's Jests, or the Jubilee Jester, duo, ?1795. JeSt Books '. see also Hazlitt, Hundred Merry Tales, Merry Talus. Jews : — 126728 Hales (J. W.) Shakespeare and the Jews [in English Historical Review, Vol. 9, pp. 652-661] Svo, 1894. Salaman (C. K.) Shylock, from a Jewish Point of view [in Jews as they are, pp. 211-256] duo, 1882. 117 John (King) : s^Kingjoim Johnson (J.) Testimony of the Sonnets a9 ^^J^^lSf* [Johnson (S.)] Miscellaneous Observations on Macbeth, etc. Johnson (S.) Philological Tracts and Prefaces Johnson's (Mr. [S.]) Preface To bis Edition of Shakespear's Plays Johnson (Dr. [S.] ) A Word with, by Zetes ^ffiggS&ESSSS* 1 see also Kenrick Johnson (S. Johnston (G.) Cupid's Birthday Book Jones (G.) Life, Character, and Genius of Shakspeare Jones (H.) Clifton : A Poem One Thousand Love-Darts from Jubilee (nation fourth edition duo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo 4to 4to 4to 1899 1745 1824 1765 1846 1875 1836 ?1844 1773 1853 1616 [with] An Ode to Shakespear. In Honor of the Jubilee (Bristol) Trmoo (J "W '\ OViaovuafinna on the Division of Man's Life into Stages -JOneb WJ . VV .; WObeiVatlOllb prior to the "Seven Ages" of Shakspere I [onson] (B.) Euery Man in his Hvmovr ^££?3?!K£2SJ Jonson (Ben) Works relating to : — 2827 [Cartwright (R.)] Shakspere and Jonson. Dramatic, versus Wit-combats, duo, 1864. 138150 Castle (E. J.) Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene, 8vo, 1897. 2974 Cunningham (P.) Letter from Ben Jonson to the Earl of Newcastle [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. I., pp. 8-11], 8vo, 1844. 45343 Foard (J. T.) Dramatic Dissensions of Jonson, Marston & Dekker, 8vo, 1897. 2S72 Gilchrist (O ) Examination of the Charges of Ben Jonson's Enmity &c, towards Shakspeare, duo, 1808. Jordan (J.) Families of Shakespeare and Hart [msj [edited by Halliwell] Jordan (J.) Original Collections onSb ^ kes ^^A^^weiL VOn ' 11 Jordan (J.) Welcombe Hills, near Stratford upon Avon. A Poem see alsn Malone Jordan (J.) Jubilees, Festivals and Commemorations Jubilees and Commemorations : — (Stratford-upon- Avon) Shakespeare [from Chambers's Journal] 4to 1790 duo 1865 duo 1864 4to 1777 8vo 1827 1 8vo ?1864 2533 2928 2534 2531 2530 3448 JUBILEE, 1769. Airs, Catches, &c, performed at Stratford upon Avon, on occasion of the Jubilee: with the Dedication-Ode, as spoken by Mr. Garrick (Birmingham) duo, 1769. Bickerstaff (Mr. [I.]) Judith, a Sacred Drama : as performed in the Church of Stratford upon Avon, On occasion of the Jubilee, 1769. Music by Dr. Arne, 8vo, ?1769. Carey (G. S.) Shakespeare's Jubilee. A Masque, duo, 1769. [Colman (G.)] Man and Wife ; or, The Shakespeare Jubilee. A Comedy, 8vo, 1770. Second Edition, Svo, 1770. [Dibdin (C.)] Queen Mab or the Fairies Jubilee, a Cantata, Compos'd for the Jubilee at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1769, fol, ?1769. 52770 Garrick's Jubilee in 1769 [Advertisement of Stratford-on-Avon Chronicle to contain Particulars of] duo, 1864. 2535 Garrick's Vagary ; or, England run Mad. With Particulars of the Stratford Jubilee, 8vo, 1769. 57311 Jones (H.) An Ode to Shakespear, In Honor of the Jubilee. Second edition, 4to. 1773. Number. 106329 146243 70166 57016 15650 70264 57310 English Shakespeariana. Jubilees and Commemorations continued. s L09 Jubilee, The, in honour of Shakespi n \ musical enteiiainmenl il Waterford (Water ford) duo, 177::. 57966 Jubilee ai Stratford in 176», Account of the n [ilustrationa of Stratford upon Avon, p. 10] (Stratford-u) -Avon) 8vo, i v \'7. Shakespeare's Garland New Songs, Ballads, etc., performed al the Jubilleat Stratford upon Avon. The Mustek bj Dr. Arm-, etc., Svo, 1760. Chorussos, &c, in the new Entertainment of the Jubilee at the! beatre lt..\al in Drury Lane, Bvo, 1 77< ». Svo, 1778 - 8vo Stratford Jubilee, Account of, from The London Magazine •••• •i:<:\-> Stratford Jubilee, A Corned] ; [with] Scrub's Trip to the Jubilee, 3vo Phompson (E.)] Trinculo's Trip to the Jubilee, Ito, 1760. 2029 Thompson (Mr. 1 15.]) Trinculo's Trip to i lie Jubilee. Second edit Ion. Ito, !77. 60; Shakespeare Tercentenary, 1864, p. 61] (Coventry) A Plea for the Defendant (Montreal and Rouses Puint, X.Y.) [large paper] 1 duo 1864 1 duo 1875 1 8vo 1875 1 8vo 1884 King (T. D.) Shall we open Shakespeare's Grave? No. (Montreal) King John : — Barnett (T. D.) Notes on King John, duo, 1890. Cibber (C.) Letter to, on his Transformation of King John, duo, 1745. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on . . . King John, etc., 8vo, 1879. King John Souvenir, Produced at Her Majesty's Theatre by H. Beerbohm Tree, 1S99, 4to, ?1S99. Rose (E.) Shakespeare as an Adapter [from Macmillan's Magazine] Svo, 1S78. Satires of Lerna, No. II. " The Comedy of King John," duo, 1891. see ante Separate Plays, pp. 28-9. King Lear : — 134908 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on King Lear, duo, 1891. 701G4 Brien (G.) The CEdipus in Exile of Sophocles compared with King Lear [in Prolusiones Literari?e, pp. 19-30] Svo, 1841. Conington (J.) Lecture on ' King Lear' [in Miscellaneous Writings, Vol. 1, pp. 74-104] Svo, 1872. Essays on King Lear, by Pupils of the City of London School, Svo, 1851. I. A Parallel between King Lear and the CKdipus in Colono of Sophocles, by J. R. Seeley. II. On the Religious which pervade King Lear, by W. Young. III. On the tragedy of King Lear, by 134907 97324 15154 152490 147687 145502 King John : 145514 2819 57366 Farren (G.) Mania and Demonomania as displayed in Lear and Edgar, 8vo, 1829. 57335 Farren (G.) Varieties in Mania exhibited by the characters of Lear and Edgar, Svo, 1833. 2799 [Gentleman (F.)] King Lear [from The Dramatic Censor] Svo, ?1770. 148217 Hales (J. W,) King Lear [from The Fortnightly Review] Svo, 1875. 147685 Jennings (H. J.) Famous Lears [from The Gentleman's Magazine] Svo, 1892. 147680 Jennings (H. J.) " King Lear " at the Lyceum [from The Gentleman's Magazine] Svo, 1892. 2730 King Lear ; or the Undutiful Children. A Tale, duo, 1870. 57240 Original Story of King Lear [in The National Library, pp. 456-462], duo, ?1840. Richardson (W.) : see Richardson. 14S221 Russell (E. R.) living's ' King Lear ' [from The Nineteenth Century] Svo, 1893. 145331 Souvenir of King Lear, presented at the Lyceum by Henry Irving, 1892, duo, ?1892. 51471 Warton [T.] Observations on King Lear [in Adventurer, Nos. 113, 116, and 122] duo, 1823. Kingsley (Eose) When Shakspere was a Boy [from st. Nicholas] Kinnear (B. G.) Cruces Shakespearianae Difficult passages in Shakespeare Kiralfy (I.) Venice : the Bride of the Sea [oiympia, 1891-92] Kirkman (F.) Catalogue of Comedies, Tragedies, etc. Kirkman (J. T.) Life of Charles Macldin 1 4to 1886 1 duo 1883 1 8vo ?1891 1 8vo 1671 2 duo 1799 English Shakespeariana. Ill Number. 135274 12159 97320 97340 147690 113459 135255 150319 124133 119545 24305 69666 70165 148376 137801 147968 135202 124817 76981 109103 60578 69997 45642 16359 107918 32283 149562 138175 154711 140855 49494 11845 57851 117996 93013 2807 78871 113460 57287 147416 64325 ■i . . . .i Inn Blank Verse Vote. 1 duo 1895 1 8vo ?1840 1 1849 1 8vo 1851 1 8vo ?1851 1 8vo 1851 Kirwan (G. R.) English Grammar Knight (C.) Shakspere and his Writings Knight (C.) Studies of Shakspere [Knight (C.)] Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick <£; Knight (C.) William Shakspere, a Biography Knight (Charles) Works relating to : — 116660 Clowes (A. A.) Charles Knight : a Sketch, 8vo, 61029 Recent Editions of Shakspeare [Review of Knight's Editions/rom Edinburgh Review] Sv 57857 Stratford Shakspere, edited by Charles Knight. Specimen, duo. Knight (J.) Theatrical Notes [1874-79] ... Knight (J.) " Twelfth Night " at the Lyceum Knight(W.)and01iphant(T.T.)ShakespeareonGolf 1 ''"^:". Knights (M.) Shakespeare's ' Hamlet' Interpreted... Knortz (K.) An American Shakspeare-Bibliography > Knowles (J. S.) Macbeth Lw ^ Krueger (E.) Shakespearian Entertainment L (C.) Essay On Hamlet [/h>m The Wanderer] .. L (M.) & H (L.) An Old Sanctuary &^SS8tiX2i%r* } a on Dramatic Literature rer before published) mme and i.xt Book [Laffan (K. S. de G.)] Anne Hathaway's Cottage Urom £^ Ywa Laffan (K.S.deC.)InMemoriam, C.E.Flower rl ;^:n;-^,;:r;,!^;'!,,, Laffan (K.S.deC.) Shakespeare Sermon " n " ]y Tr ^-n^J:;i: l - n 4von ' Laird (J.) The Shakespearian Controversy (Dundee) ... Lake (J. W.) : seeRetzsch. Lamb (A. C.) Collection of Shakespeare, etc. seeDu Lamb (C.) Specimens of Dramatic Poets AtouUh | e ^S2dm a * e6peare ' — ■ — About the Time of Shakspeare Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakespear ?&£ Tw^edS" Lamb (Mr. and Miss) Tales from Shakspere (c. Knight and co.)... Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakspeare put's Miniature Classical Library] ... (W. Tegg and Co.) Lamb (C. and M.) Tales from Shakespeare Lamb (C. & M.) Tales from Shakspeare Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakspeare Lamb (C. & M.) Tales from Shakspeare Lamb (C. and M.) Tales from Shakspeare kSSSy&e^jffiffi^ Lamb (C.) Life, Letters and Writings ^^ b |h^^aia] ontato8 --- Lamb (C.) Works collected and edited by Talfourd [Contains Shakespeariana] ... Lambert (B.) W T it, Humour, and Pathos a Lecture [Shakespeare, pp. Lambert (G.) Cocked Hats at Evesham and stratford-on-Avou Lampe (J. F.) : weMusic T.amnnvf (Lancaste 8vo 8vo duo 4to ?1874 1872 1897 1900 80110 155293 155421 141400 149894 155570 102700 2870 25416 138147 139123 139122 138149 2971 Latham (E. G.) Two Dissertations Latimer (Elizabeth W.) Shakspeare's Comedies Law (J.) The Sea-Shore of Bohemia witl Law : — 2S35 Campbell (J., Lord) Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements considered, duo, 1859. Davis (C. K.)The Law in Shakespeare, duo, 1884. Devecmon (W. C.) In lie Shakespeare's "Legal Acquirements " (Shakespeare Society of New York, No. 12) duo, 1899. Foard (J. T.) On the Law Case : Shylock v. Antonio, Svo, 1899. Guernsey (R. S.) Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet (Papers of the N.Y. Shakespeare Society, No. 1) duo, 18S5. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) List of Law Terms, &c, during the Shakespearean Period, duo, 1SS3. Heard (F. F.) Shakespeare as a Lawyer, duo, 1883. Rushton (W. L.) Shakespeare a Lawyer, due I Rushton (\V. L.) Shakespeare's Legal Maxims, duo, 1859. Rushton (W. L.) Shakespeare's Testamentary Language, duo. 1869. Rushton (W. L.) Shakespeare illustrated by the Lex Scripta, duo, 1870. Shylock v. Antonio (From " Albany Law Journal ") duo, 1-7 i. T (H.) Was Shakespeare a Lawyer, 8vo, 1871. Learning of Shakespeare : - 40507 Baynes (T. S.) What Shakespeare learnt at School [Magazine Article] 8vo, 1879-80. Farmer (R.) : see Farmer, p. 85. 14069 Was Shakspere a Scholar? [in British Controversialist, 1868, pp. 442-448] duo, 1868. 16383 Whalley (P.) An Enquiry into the Learning of Shakespeare, duo, 1748. Lectures : — 12S403 Brink (B. ten) Five Lectures on Shakespeare [Bonn] duo, 1895. 10793 Carlyle (T.) The Hero as Poet, Shakespeare [in Lectures on Heroes, pp. 243-270J duo, ?1856. Coleridge (S. T.) : see Coleridge, p. 68. Collins (J. C.) Lectures on Shakespeare at the Athenwum [Newspaper Cuttings] Svo, 1881. Cox (F.) A Lecture on Shakspere, Svo, 1853. Dawson (G.) Shakespeare and other Lectures svo. 1888. Hudson (H. N.) Lectures on Shakspeare, 2 vols., duo, 1848. Ingram (J. K.) On Shakespeare [in Afternoon Lectures, pp. 93-131] duo, 1863. Lee (S. L.) " As You Like It " and Stratford-on-Avon [in GentL man's Magazine, Vol. 159, pp. 351-363] Lee (S.) Henry V. An Account and an Estimate 71450 151020 14S976 S5512 67679 83444 3375 3413 7371 7365 145503 57961 82428 3376 94244 S344S 55694 Lee (S.) A Life of William Shakespeare Illustrated Library Edition ... Lee (S.) Shakespeare's Life and Work AL j£$gES££a™ T „„ /O T \ C!+„„4-P~*..3 ,-n,-, A,,/,,, From Earliest Times to the Death of Shakespeare. Lee (S. L.) btrattorcl-on-Avon with illustrations i> y e. uuii [Lees (E.)] Stratford as connected with Shakspeare istratford-upon- Lees (E.) Stratford as connected withShakespeare (Stl |tfo!d,fpo" < Avon) Lees (J.) Questions on Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Lees (J.) Questions on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream Lees (J.) Questions on Shakespeare's The Tempest Lees (J.) Questions on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night Legg, (T.) Richardus Tertius antcri'il 1" Sh.-iU. ;.. ;il ' M.M (Slmkespe ire Soi iel ; 8vo duo duo duo Svo duo fol duo duo duo duo duo duo Svo 1885 1900 1900 189S 1899 1900 1885 1851 1854 ?1896 ?1894 ?1897 ?1896 L844 Number. 69083 147973 82151 L13489 51350 2777 2786 113480 4234 76867 57855 57203 2771 74383 40178 125835 32298 154708 57191 2483 147847 16349 English Shakespeariana. Leicester N "" Illustrating Sluikosp.-ar* . from the Leifchild (F.) Hamlet: A New Reading Leigh-Noel (M.) Ladj Macbeth Astudy Leighton (W.) Shakespeare's Dream ,,i,i,, Leighton (W.) The Subjection of Eamlel iPhiiiuieipi [Lennox (Mrs. C.)] Shakespear Illustrated [Lenny (C.)] Shakspeare lor Schools l,y: " 1 "^", l ; i " ;';.'., [Lenox (J.)] Shakespeare's Plays in Folio [Aci ,',,, ,',,', Lenox Library : so mm vork Leo (P. A.) Ed. Four Chapters of North's Plu tarcb Leo (F. A.) Shakespeare-Notes Leonard Gallery A <* *«*& "ory'of L'Estrange (A. G.) Literary Life of William II. ' ^;;, l ;; ] ",. | [Lethbridge (J. W.)] The Shakspere Almanack iwuandi Levy (M.) Shakespeare and Shorthand Lewes (G. H.) Shakspeare as Actor and Critic- i,,," 1 "-'- Lewes (L.) The Women of Shakespeare """"''"i','' /';,',"], I, 1 ;',,' 1 " 1 """... Lewis (E. G.) Shakesperean Creations illuminated by stauesby Leyland (J.) The Shakespeare Country Illustrated... 113 s Vol* 1 iew 1 2 1 . 1 8vo, 1795 duo fol 8vo Svo L849 ?1800 L89] L83j 21022 Anderson (R.) Life of Shakspeare [in Works of the British Poets, Vol. 78072 B (W.) Sketch of the Life and Work of Shakspeare, fol, ?1860. 7376 [Banks (G. L.)] All about Shakespeare, duo, ?1864. 113506 Bayne (R.) Shakespeare [in God's Englishmen, edited by Stubbs, pp. 127-164] duo, ?J • 8S186 B[aynes] (T. S.) Shakespeare [from The Encyclopaedia Britannica] 4to, 1886. Beeton's Shakespeare .Memorial [containing Life] : see Beeton, p 57248 [Bell (R.)] Shakespear [in Literary and Scientific .Men, Vol. 2.— The Cabinet Cyclopaedia] duo, L887 57230 Biographical Portrait Gallery [Shakspeare, p. 67] duo, 1837. 70085 Birch (T.) Heads of Illustrious Persons [Shakespeare, pp. 181, IS2J fol, 1813. 149727 Bohn (H. G.) Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare, Svo 54025 8vo, 141136 Brandes(G.) William Shakespeare. A Critical Study, 2 vols., 8vo, 1898. Britton (J.) : see Britton, p. 62. 4295 Brown (C. A.) Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems, dun, 44847 Browne (G.) William Shakespeare [in Shorthand] [from The Phonograph duo, 1880. 87421 [C (J).] Life and Work of William Shakespeare, die.. 70144 C (W. F.) A Brief Memorial of Shakspeare, dun. .-is05. 57042 Calvert (G. H.) Shakespeare, A Biographic /Esthetic study, duo. I 3865 Chalmers [A.] Life of Shakspeare [t?i English Poets, Vol. 5] Svo, 1810. Clelia : see Clelia, p. 68. Collier (J. 1'.) : see Collier, p. 69. 138062 Cond (T.) William Shakespeare : his Life and Genius. Appreciations, it". ?1897. 121435 Cooper (S.) Nine Fancj rid u res of events in Shakspere'* Life, duo 140856 Cuthbertsou (E. J.) William Shakespeare : His Life and Times, duo, 1897. 149632 DaE (Caroline il. I What we really know about Shakespi are, duo, DeQuincey (T.): see DeQuincey, p. 71. Dowden (E.): see Dowden, pp. Drake (N.): see Drake, p. 76. 570SS J)yce(A.) Memoir of Shakespeare, duo, 114 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. Lives of Shakespeare — continued. 152404 Edwards (J.) A Biography of Shakespeare, duo, ?1900. 97992 Elze (K.) William Shakespeare. A Literary Biography, translated by Schmitz, duo, 18S8. 57237 Emerson (R. \V.) Shakspeare ; or The Poet [in Representative Men, pp. 93-108] duo, 1870. 82632 Fleay (F. G.) Life and Work of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1SS6. Forsyth (E.) : sea Forsyth. 57059 Fullom (S. W.) History of William Shakespeare, Player and Poet, 8vo, 1862. 57066 Gibson (R. L.) Life of William Shakspere, duo, 1S65. 9910 Gilfillan (G.) Life and Poetry of Shakspeare [in Niehol's Poets, Vol. 10] 8vo, 1856. 43351 Gostwick (J.) Shakespeare [in English Poets, pp. 17-49] Svo, 1876. 145460 Graves (J.) The Life of William Shakspeare, duo, ?1830. 84577 Guizot (F.) Shakspeare and his Times, Svo, 1852. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) : see Halliwell. 135268 Harrison (F.) Shakespeare (William) [in A New Calendar of Great Men, pp. 423-428] duo, 1892. 60531 Harvey (\V.) Biographical Memoir of Shakspeare, Svo, 1825. 83445 Heraud (J. A.) Shakspere, his Inner Life as intimated in his works, Svo, 1S65. 7356S Hirst (S.) Old and New Lines in the Life of Shakespeare, Svo, 1884. 66362 Hudson (H. N.) Shakespeare : His Life, Art, and Characters, 2 vols., duo, 1882. 57014 Hugo (V.) William Shakespeare, English translation by Baillot, 8vo, 1864. Hunter (J.) : see Hunter. 113519 [Jacob (G.)] Mr. William Shakespear [in The Poetical Register, pp. 226-236] duo, 1719. 2552 [Jacob (G.)] Mr. William Shakespear [ from The Poetical Register] duo, 1723. 19088 Jephson (J. M.) Shakspere : His Birthplace. Home and Grave, Svo, 1864. Jones (G.) : see Jones. 6050 Kenny (T.) Life and Genius of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1864. 113459 Knight (C.) William Shakspere : a Biography, Svo, 1S51. 113460 Langbaine (G.) William Shakespear [in English Dramatick Poets, pp. 453-469] duo, 1691. 154640 Law (J.) The Sea-Shore of Bohemia, or The True Shakespeare Dramatically Portrayed, 4to, 1900. 144400 Lee (S.) A Life of William Shakespeare, duo, 1898. 149894 (Illustrated Library Edition) 8vo, 1899. 155570 Lee (S.)Shakespeare"s Life and Work, An Abridgment of A Life of William Shakespeare, duo, 1900. 3308 Life of Mr. William Shakespear, duo, 1743. 113477 Life of William Shakespear [in British Plutarch, Vol. 5] duo, 1702. 574S9 Life of William Shakspeare (Select Biography) duo, ?1821. 57965 Life of Shakspeare [in Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon] Svo, 1827. 151875 Life of William Shakespeare (The People's Penny Shakespeare, No. 40) 8vo, ?1885. 113475 Life and Times of William Shakspeare. Second edition (Sonnenschein & Co.) duo, 1888. 57018 Lloyd (W. W.) Essays on the Life and Plays of Shakespeare, duo, 1858. 155472 Mabie (H. W.) William Shakespeare. Poet, Dramatist, and Man, 8vo, 1900. 140910 MTlwraith (J. N.) A Book about Shakespeare, duo, 1898. 3400 Malone (E.) The Life of William Shakspeare, Svo, 1821. 137092 Marshall (Emma) Shakespeare and His Birthplace, duo, ?1890. Neil (S.) : see Neil. 70141 [P. (J.)] Shakspere : His Life and Writings, duo, 1855. 139095 Rolfe (W. J.) Shakspeare the Boy, duo, 1S97. 57995 Rowden (F. A.) Shakspeare [in A Biographical Sketch of Distinguished Writers, pp. 113-118] duo, 1820. Rowe (N.) : see Rowe. 7980 Russell (W.) Shakspere [in Extraordinary Men, pp. 27-40] duo, 1853. 67292 Shakespeare : the Man and the Dramatist [from The Atlantic Monthly] 8vo, 1867. 16208 Skottowe (A.) The Life of Shakspeare, 2 vols., Svo, 1824. Smith (C. R.) : see Smith. 136973 Thorpe (W, G.) The Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon, Svo, 1897. 8000 Tillotson (J.) William Shakspeare [in Lives of Eminent Men, pp. 91-104] duo, ?1S55. Walter (J.) : see Walter. 103956 Waters (R.) William Shakespeare portrayed by Himself, duo, ?18S8. 129074 Wendell (B.) William Shakspere, duo, 1894. Wheler (R. B.) : see Wheler. White" (R. G.) : see White. 113476 Winstanley (W.) William Shakespear [in Lives of the English Poets, pp. 130-33, duo, 1687. Note.— Kor Dictionaries of Biography, containing Shakespeare, see " Biographies, General " in the Reference Library catalogue, jip. 174-5. Lives of Shakespeare see also Foard. 77980 [Lloyd (E.)] Shakespeare : An Epistle to Mr. Garrick [Poem] 52608 Lloyd (W. W.) Critical Essays on the Plays of Shakespeare 57018 Lloyd (W. W.) Essays on the Life and Plays of Shakespeare Locke (M.) see Music. 147862 Lodge (H. C.) Shakespeare's Americanisms [from Harper's Monthly] 2998 Lodge (T.) ADefence of Poetry, Music,and Stage-Plays Sl1 ^: ■,',';"' 1 4to 1760 1 duo 1875 1 duo 1858 1 8vo 1895 1 8vo 1853 English Shakespeariana. L18 Number. 57278 149117 2722 2856 156393 57234 43501 148383 93413 94061 57077 57083 147677 57304 57209 57875 57934 113760 57193 113490 82430 57226 150321 155472 16365 107969 edited by Halliwell. i 'iuweU'8 National Llbi i Lodge (T.)The Margarite of America Lodge (T.) Rosalind ,...,„■) Lodge (T.) : *e* also Ingleby Lofft (C.) Aphorisms from Shakespeare Lofft (E. E.) Remarks on the Play of Hamlei (Bury st Edmund'* Logeman (H.) ' This too too solid Flesh ' "'",;; ! London, Shakespeare's: weEngnmd. [Lordan (C. L.)] A few words upon Shakspeare ; '^V •■ Lovell (J.) Shakespeare's Birthday Love's Labour's Lost : — - iclal Note No. of Vols. 1 8vo 1 duo L893 1 duo is 12 1 ?1869 1 8vo L90] 1 duo L844 1 duo i-1! 1 Bvo L879 G1003 Cupid's Revenge [A Ballad of the King and the Beggar (Love's Labour's Lost, Act l sc. -j>i duo, ?i. 565. duo, 60575 57928 Debate and Stryfe betwene Somer and Wynter ; edited bj Balli well, duo, 1800. 57352 Halliwell (J. ().) Tofte's Alba, 1598, containing the earliest extrinsic notice of Love's Labour's Lost, duo, 1865. 1515-1 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. <>.) Memoranda on Love's Labour's Lost, etc , 8vo, 1555S1 James ((!.) New Light on " Love's Labour Lost " ( Bacon-Shakespeare Pamphlet s, VI.), duo, 1000. Lowe (R.W.) Bihliographical Account of Theatrical Literature 1 8vo L888 Lowe (R.W.) : see aZso Archer. Lowe (T.) Shakespeare under the Stars H,s ^tTAsKo^ lthe "- Lowell (J. E.) Shakespeare Once More [»n Among My Bocks, pp. 145-217] [in 1 North American Review, pp. ::::- 132] Lowndes (W.T.) Shakespeare and his Commentatoi'S ... [from Bibliographers' Manu Lucy (Mary E.) Biography of the Lucy Family ofchariecote... Lucy Family : — 105099 Collier (J. P.) The Lucies of Charlcot, &c. [from Arch.neologia ] Ito, 147854 Douglas (Sir (I.) A Shakespearean Misunderstanding [Magazine Article] 8v Lucy Family : set also Charleeote. Luders (A.) Character of Henry the fifth wnenPrinceorwaies ... Ludlow Notices of Players acting at Ludlow, selected by Halliwell Lushington (V.) Shakespeare AnAdtosst ° t 1ffl^on.Av^n tyofLon " ,m " " Manuel (J.) The Moorish Marriage, 1332 Bea of Tesnr^ ty rjJaw [Manuscript Notes on Shakespeare's Plays] Manuscripts, Shakespearean : see abington Abbey, Haiuweii Mapleson (T. W.G.) TheSongs & Ballads of Shakespeare 1 /^ 1 ^ March (F. A.) The Immaturity of Shakespeare assnowninHamiei Marlowe (Christopher) : — 152548 Foard (J. T.) Joint Authorship of Marlowe and Shakespeare [in Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. 288, pp. 134-154] Svo, 1900. 140830 Theobald (W.) On the Authorship of the Plays Attributed to Marlowe, Bvo, 1S95. 87723 Verity (A. W.) Influence of Marlowe on Shakspere'a Earlier style, duo, 1886. J by Halliwell _ J Q V q 1846 1 8vo 1901 1 8vo 1887 1 8vo 1887 1 duo 1814 1 duo 1867 1 4to ?1830 1 8vo ?1849 1 8vo 1875 Marriage of Wit and Wisdom Marriage Picture, Shakespere : (Slink, ipeai Malam 118 Number. 144135 57132 137092 57046 60331 150272 94110 76475 148379 147614 97266 22107 51887 2883 19073 57106 101173 2990 25971 57332 60530 58998 72487 145284 57114 42689 60512 31366 145321 98468 2595 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Marriott (E.) Bacon or Shakespeare? An Historical Enquiry Marsh (J. B.) Familiar Sayings from Shakspere Marshall (Emma) Shakespeare and His Birthplace ^SSESsS Marshall (F. A.) A Study of Hamlet Marston (J.) : seeFoard Mar-Text, Syr Oracle, PrOUei'beS of Edited by Ingleby (Birmingham) Martin (Helena Faucit) Beatrice slKlk |7,'," Martin (Helena Faucit) On Ophelia (For Martin (Lady) Shakespeare's Female Characters ... Martin (Helena Faucit, Lady) : see also wzuev Martin (Sir T.) An eye-witness of John Kemble'^Sffi '"" Martin (Sir T.) Shakespeare or Bacon? [from Blackwood's Magaz i No. of Vols. Size. 1 1 1 1 :iri''s Female ('liara'f'Ts, i Blackwood's Magazine] itrictly Private Circulatioi on the last edition of Shakespeare s Plays ... on the several editions of Shakespeare's Plays (Dublin) on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, with Observations on Shakespeare ■ ■ ■ Shakespeare Society's Papers Vol. I. pp. L33- 139] Martinus Scriblerus : «eei Mask : see Portraits Mason (J. M.) Comments Mason (J. M.) Comments Mason (J. M.) Comments MaSSey (G.) Shakspeai'e's Sonnets never before interpreted Massey (G.) The Secret Drama of Shakspeare's Sonnets Unfolded with the Characters identified. Second edition [of 19073] Massey (G.) The Secret Drama of Shakspeare's Sonnets ... Massinger's " Believe as you List Massinger (P.) : seeBoyie Masson (D [Mathews (C.) Extract of a Letter from re s n^lKW$] M * MatheWS (C.) Lettre aux Auteurs Dramatiques de la France MatheWS (C.) Letter "' ""• »™™*™ Authors ofR*^ Translate,! from himself^ _ Mathews (Mrs.) Anecdotes of Actors .. . Maude (F. C.) Bacon or Shakspere? |K '" 1 ' Malldsley (H.) Hamlet m Psychological Essays, pp. U5-195j May (G.) Guide to the Birth-Town of Shakspere May hew (E.) Stage Effect: or - The ***** s , Mayou (Bessie) Natural History of Shakespeare (Mam Meadows (A.) Hamlet : an Essay (Edinburgh) ... Meadows (K.) Etchings to the Illustrated Shakspere Mears (W.) A Compleat Catalogue of Plays second Edit Measure for Measure : — 102503 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on Measure for Measure, duo, 1880. 14S378 Pater (W. H.) A Fragment on Measure for Measure [from The Fortnightly Review] 8vo, 1874, 148224 Snider (D. J.) " Measure for Measure " [from Journal of Speculative Philosophy] 8vo, 1875. Medicine : — 31977 Bucknill (J. C.) The Medical Knowledge of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1860. 82702 Chesney (J. P.) Shakespeare as a Physician, 8vo, 1884. 147555 Doran (A.) Shakespeare and the Medical Society [from British Medical Journal] 4to, 1S99. 148752 Svo, ?1899. 83458 Field (B. R.) Medical Thoughts of Shakespeare, Svo, 18S4. 145279 Gillespie (J. D.) Medical Notes about Shakespere and his Times, Svo, 1875. 94742 Griffiths (L. M.) Shakspere and The Medical Sciences, Svo, 1SS7. 137643 Moyes (J.) Medicine & Kindred Arts in the Plays of Shakespeare, duo, 1896. 76406 Stearns (C. \V.) Shakespeare's Medical Knowledge, duo, 1865. 32145 West F.) Shakespeare, from a Surgeon's Point of View, Svo, ?L8S1. Shakespeare and Goethe t/ " T1,t ^ i ^^:,^f" ,1,,;r . ies as to the Authorship of the PJays of Shake-speare) (EveshamJ and Dramatic 8vo duo duo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo Date. 1898 ?1864 ?1890 1875 1882 1885 ?1880 1885 1880 1888 1888 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo Svo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo Svo Svo 8vo duo duo duo duo Svo 4to duo 1785 1807 1798 1866 1872 1888 1849 1874 1829 1852 1852 1844 1895 1873 1847 1840 ?1877 1871 91845 1726 English Shakespeariana. Number. 49633 98169 57069 145569 72506 2501 52756 2517 \ ols, s 1 8vo L19 L799 fol Bvo ,'ist; i is;.", young Bos i Iver] i Meister (H.) Of Shakspeare Melbourne Shakespeare Sooietj : Memorial, Shakespeare: see stratford-on-Ai Memorial, Shakespeare : Memorial, Shakespearean, Reference Key to Mercade, Hamlet ; or. Shakespeare's mi rn Merchant of Venice : — 150295 Archer (W.) Ophelia and Portia [from The Theatre] 8vo, i 60279 Arne (T. A.) The Songs, suns by Mr. Lowe, in The Merchant of Venice, fol, 1741. 134909 Barnett (T. T>.) Notes on The Merchant of Venice. Second edition, dno 3294 Brackett(Anna C.) A Thought on Shakespeare [from Journal ofSpeculative Philosoph] - 2.">419 Conway (M. D.) The Pound of Flesh | from The Nineteenth Centurj - 8vo, isso. 113755 Cross (L.) Lorenzo of the " Merchant oi Venice," a Pbantasie, Svo, 7361 Farren (G.) An Essay on Shakespeare's character of Shylock, 8vo, 14897C Foard (J. T.) On the Law Case : Shylock v. Antonio, Svo, 1899. 2549 [Giovanni Fiorentino (Ser)| The Novel from which The Merchant of Venice is taken, duo. 17".;.. 114547 Kiralfy(L) Venice: the Bride of the Sea [Olympia, 1891 92]8vo, 1891. 105367 Morris (J. W.) The Merchant of Venice [in Key-Notes of Shakespere's Plays, pp. 65-96] dm 61004 Northern Lord, The [A Ballad] duo, ?1600. 2S040 [Pearson (H. S.)] The Merchant of Venice [in The Birmingham Examiner, pp. 27 82] 4tO, 1 376. 146554 Ito. 1876. 135273 Persian Tales, with introduction, notes, etc., by Clouston. [pp. 36-48 — The Kasi of Emessa— an ancient version <>t the " pound of flesh" or "bond Btory."] 57483 Planche (J. R.) Costume of the Merchant of Venice, duo, 1825. 129932 Radford (G. H.) Shylock and others, duo, 1S94. 1179S8 Salaman(C. K.) Shylock, from a Jewish Point of view [in Jews as they are, pp. 211 266] duo, 18S2 6718S Siluayn (A.) The Orator : Englished by L.P., duo, 1590. Declamation 95. Of a Jew, who would for his debt baue ;i pound of the flesh of a Christian. 146364 Wood (S.) The Merchant of Venice. Questions and Notes (with Supplement] duo. 71899. Meredith (G.) The Spirit of Shakespeare [«'« Poems, vol. i. p. issn [Merritt (J.)] Memoirs of W. H. W. Betty tlH Merry Tales, Shakspeare's MeiTy Tales : see also Hundred Merry Tales, Jest Books Merry Wives of Windsor : — 142356 Crane (W.) Merry Wives of Windsor, in eight pen designs, fol, 1894. 51953 Dixon (W. H.) The Merry Wives [in Royal Windsor, Vol. 3, pp. 324-331] Svo, 1880. 59736 Halliwell (J. O.) Account of the Magical Manuscript of Dr. Cains [in Contributions to Early English Literaturel 4to, 1849. 100632 Halliwell (J. O.) The only known manuscript of Shakespeare's Plays, comprising variations in the Merry Wives of Windsor, Svo, 1843. 156070 James (G.) New Light on Dr. Cains and t lie Merry Wives of Windsor (Bacon-Shakespeare Pamphlets, VII.) duo, 1901. 57864 Nicolai's (O.) Opera, The Merry Wives of Windsor | Music] fol 71860. Michell (N.) The Shakspeare Festival; »r the Birth ofthejorwsPoet. x 8v0 ,, S(; , Middleton (T.) The Witch AIra ^""' li6[A & ethf* a reMmWance to 1 8vo °1778 Midsummer Night's-Dream : — 102431 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on A Midsummer Night's Dream, duo, 1887. 2563 Bottom the Weaver, a droll composed out of the Midsummer .Night's Dream, about 1646. Edited by Halliwell, duo, 1860. 57865 The Fairies, an Opera. Words from Shakespear, &c. Set to Music by Mr. Smith, 4to, 71768, 2976 Halliwell (J. O.) Fairy Mythology of A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakeapere Society) 8vo, 1846. 57271 Halliwell (J. O.) An Introduction to Midsummer Night's Dream, Svo, 1841. 15155 Halliwell-Phillipps(J.O.) Memoranda on^the Midsummer Night's Dream, is::iau,i 1856, Svo, L879. 2966 Halpin (N. J.) oberon's Vision in the Midsummer Night's Dream, illustrated bj a comparison with Lylie's Endymion (Shakespeare Society ) 8vo, 1st::. 139123 Lees (J.) Questions on a Midsummer Night's Bream, duo. 71894. 114278 Moyse (C. E.) Dramatic Art of Shakespeare, with especial reference to "A Midsummer Night's Dream," 8vo, 1879. 2769 Rulh (si'c) [L. s.]) Midsummer-Night's Dream, sixetchings. Gallery of Shakspeare [Series III duo, 1829. 152491 Souvenir of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" produced at Her Majesty's Theatre by H. Beerbohm Tree, 4to, ?1900. 57349 West (Eliza M.) Shaksperian Parallelisms, chiefly illustrative "f The Tempos! and a Midsummer Night's Dream [Halliwell] duo, 1865. 102489 Woodforde (F. C.) Notes and Glossary to " A Midsummer Night's Dream," duo, i- Midsummer Night's Dream : >«<•'-" veMw, 1 duo 1898 1 duo 1804 1 duo 1845 120 Number. 15251 57999 70173 113761 113771 33147 63773 64116 44008 98886 147415 69803 69804 57939 3393 57228 16366 2846 16368 16369 91536 97163 2876 150300 113338 145463 148497 2546 91524 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Military : seeSeecombe MiltOIl Of ShakSpere which was the greatest Poet ? [in The British Controversialist, Vol. 4] 1 lV/niJ-svn l~X \ An Epitaph "ii the admirable Dramatic Poet, William Shakspeare [Contained in must Million [0 .) editions of Milton's Poetical Works; see Reference Library Catalogue, pp. S32-83B] MlltOIl I see also Coleridge Mind : see Dowden, Morgan Mi-vowx Tl-io V/-.1 TT pp. 47^2 Criticism on Richard III. U'lOl, ±ne, VOL ll. 7,,,. -Wd^o Crim-ism on Hamlet ••• Mitcheson (W.) Essay on Eeading [Newcastie-upon-Tyne] . Mitford (J.) Cursory Notes Size. duo second edition third edition alphabetically arranged History of the Times: or the Original Portraits of that Author Beaumont and Klet.-ln-i' a- eilitnl i.y Dvce : and mi liii " Few Noteson Shakespeare" Moberly (Mary G.) Hints for Shakespeare Study fridge? ModernCharactersforl778,byShakespear»^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Modern Characters from Shakespear Modern Characters Sh:lk,s i" ; " Moliei'e & Shakespeare An International Review of the Stage, No. 1, Oct. 29, 1858 Moncrieff (W. T.) Shakspeare's Festival ; A Drama (t. Richardson) . (.1. Cum i. crland) Moncrieff(W.T.)Stratford-upon-Avon E -- MonCl'ieff(W.T.)Stratford Upon Avon Excursion to (Leamington) ... Monro (T.) Essays dumber XVII. Materia*** the Critics still untouched In _ [Montagu (Mrs.)] Writings and Genius of Shakespear (Dublin) second ' edition* third Montagu (Mrs.) Writings and Genius of Shakespear,^!;,. edition • sixth edition' Montagu (Mrs.) Writings and Genius of Shakspeare Montaigne : — 135201 Bailey (Sir W. H.) Shakespeare and Montaigne, Svo, ?1S95. 89348 Feis (J.) Shakspere and Montaigne, duo, 1SS4. 139545 Robertson (J. M.) Montaigne and Shakspere, Svo, 1897. Monte, Shakespearian Swordsmanship [/ """ m ^;^^r '""'• ■ • Montemayor (G. de) Diana ^ ?t£ SSSJSS'Sr^vSSSf Montgomeiy (H. E.) The Shakspeare Forgery [i " Lite ^!? 7 ^g 3 0Stures - Montgomery (W.H.) Desdemona Waltz on Italian Airs [Music] ... Montreal Shakespeare Club: seecmbs. Monument to Shakespeare : see craft, Garrick Moor (J.) On the end Of Tragedy according to Aristotle (Glasgow) Moore (H. L.) The Baconian Hypothesis Morals : — duo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo 8vo 1 8vo 1 8vo 1 Svo 1 Svo 1 Svo Date. 1853 1794 1858 1856 1881 1778 1778 1778 1778 1778 1858 ?1830 ?1830 1818 1824 1790 1769 1769 1770 1772 1777 1785 1810 1 Svo 1886 1 duo 1738 1 duo 1884 1 4to ?1860 1 duo 1763 1 4to 1886-7 57983 Baar (H.) Moral Ideals. of Shakspeare, Svo, 1864. 57339 Foard (J. T.) On the Moral Dignity of the Shaksperian Drama, 8vo, 1858. 57033 Oilman (A.) Shakespeare's Morals, duo, 1SS0. Goodson (H. F.) : see Goodson. 2S73 Griffith (Mrs.) The Morality of Shakespeare's Drama illustrated, Svo, ?1775. 25417 G i infield (T.) Moral Influence of Shakspeare's Plays, Svo, 1850. 45924 Hoare (P.) Moral Character of Shakespear's Dramas [in Trans, of the Roval Soc. of Lit., Vol. 2, pp. 290-303] 4to, 1S34. 2805 INaylor (B. S.)] Time and Truth reconciling the Moral and Religious World to Shakespeare, duo, 1854. 76412 Plumptre (C J.) Religion and Morality of Shakespeare's Works, duo, 1873. 57289 Strachey (E.) Hamlet : an attempt to find the Key to a great moral problem, 8vo, 1848. Watson (F. B.) : see Watson. 57301 [Morehead (E.)] Explanations Md ?"ffiSfttM»ftr"- l duo 1814 Number. 85515 147844 99589 147852 50124 63768 51708 85513 151018 57070 15423 57235 57937 2523 3312 100634 120795 147390 154712 129724 121119 2522 105367 84767 51325 7395 77031 102432 137643 114278 31369 2997 107458 83502 89587 English Shakespeariana. Morgan (A.) Digest Shakespeareanae '•"" ■'":!."", ^i^'^KZ Morgan (A.) History of the Shakespeare Text ' ;,,,":,'/, gjj . . Morgan (A.) Shakespeare In Fact and In Criticism fNew-YorkJ ... Morgan (A.) Shakespearean Chronology [/r $wYorkT° rM1 ■•• Morgan (A.) The Shakespearean Myth (Cincinnati) Morgan (A.) Some Shakespearean Commentators ''•""!' M nrcran i"A "l Yprms ;md Adonisi A Study In Warwickshire Dialect. Paiiernnfthe lUUlgtlU {J*..) VeUUBHiUUnUOULB N> , ; ,. !ety.No.2. (NewYorkl Morgan (A.) A Study in Warwickshire Dialect ' ^"k.'m'.ImI'I'.m, ' Publications ol the Shakespeare Societj of New York, No. 10, |Ne« York) Morgan (A. A.) The Mind of Shakspeare Morgan (A. A.) Mind and Genius of Shakspeare (Brighton) ... Morgan (H. H.) Topical Shakespeariana Bt. Louis Morgan (Rice op Meredith op) Remonstrances of 1652, 'n 1 ;!;;;'!;, [Morgann (M.)] Dramatic Character of Sir John FalstafE .. Morgann (M.) Dramatic Character of Sir John FalstafE Morley (G.) Rambles in Shakespeare's Land Morley (G.) Shakespeare Commemorations again ' ;;.,;;]' Morley (G.) Shakespeare's Greeuwood The customs of the countrj ... Morley (G.) Shakespeare Worship in Warwickshire [in Leafy Warwickshire, pp. 61-67] IDerby) Morley (H.) Shakespeare and his Time English writers, vols. 10, n ... [Morris (C.)] Analysis of the Character of Sir John Falstaff Morris (H. S.) : ** lu„,i, Morris (J. W.) Key-N6tes of Shakespere's Plays (Bathi 'I'lie Tempest. Henry V. Merchant of Venice. [Mortimer(J.H.) Shakespeare'sCharacters : twelve illustrations Moses (E.) and Son, The Tercentenary; mTb ^S^S^S^ val Mottoes & Aphorisms from Shakspeare Moulton (R. G.) Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist (Oxfordj ... So Moyes (J.) Medicine & Kindred Arts in Shakespeare Moyse (C. E.) Dramatic Art of Shakespeare (Montreal) Moyse (C. E.) : tetalso Titmarsh (pseud:) Much Ado about Nothing : — 132332 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Much Ado about Nothing, duo, 1895. 15152 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on Much Ado about Nothing, etc.. mh, 1879. 150272 Martin (Helena Faucit) Beatrice [from Blackwood's Magazine] Svo, 1S85. TVTnUinc! /T D\ Pntalnrrno (>f ""• Shakespeare Memorial Library [Birmini MUllinS (J. U.) catalogue [English portiun only] (Birmingham) Munday (A.) John a Kent and John a Cumber shakespeares So ■ VolB, a 121 Size. 1 1 • duo] i 8vo 1884 i duo ] SSS i 8vo L896 i L881 i duo L881 i 8vo i duo i dim L900 i duo 1 Slid i Svo ls7> i Svo L879 i duo L861 i S V() 1777 i duo 1 822 i duo i duo ?1893 i Svo ;MS! id i duo 1900 i 8vo L89-5 2 duo 1893-95 1 duo 1744 1 duo L885 1 fol 1775 1 duo L864 1 duo ?1869 1 duo 1885 1 duo 1888 1 duo 1896 1 8vo 1879 1 8vo ] [S72(i 1 8vo L851 1 Svo 1891 1 SVO L880 2 Svo 1801 Murdoch (J. E.) A Short Study of " Hamlet " ^MefphST 3 -- Murdoch (J. E.) The Stage Recollections of Actors and Acting (Philadelphia Murphy (A.) Life of David Garrick, Esq Music, Books relating to : — 150308 Dow (J. G.) Shakespeare's Fugues [from Fortnightly Review! 8vo, 131287 Naylor (E. W.) Shakespeare and Music, duo, 1890. 125051 Novello, Ewer & Co.'s Catalogue of Shakespeare Music, 4to, 1893. 57312 Roffe (A.) Handbook of Shakespeare Music. 8vo, I 378. 57225 Roffe (A.) A Musical Triad from Shakespeare, 8vo, 1872. 68150 Society, New Shakspere, Second Annual Musical Entertainment, Program of .Madrigals, Glees, and Songs, Svo, 18S4. . 7040S _ Eeviaed edition, Svo, 1884 68149 Songs & Passages in Shakspere which have been set to Music (New Shakspere So< Series VIII., 3) 8vo, 1884. . , ,. . 70407 _____ Sensed edition, Svo, 18S4. 152 Number. 32460 2962 114853 57240 57197 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. Music, Books relating to — continued. 150992 White (H.K.) Songs, Snatches, & Passages in Shakespeare which have been set toMusic.duo, 1900. 145159 Willetts (Ada) Shakspeare's Thoughts on Music, duo, 1889. Music : — 60568 Arne (Dr. [T. A.]) An Ode Upon dedicating a Building to Shakespeare, Svo, ?1769. 60280 Arne (T. A.) The Songs in As You Like It and Twelfth Night, fol, ?1741. 60279 Arne (T. A.) Songs, sung by Mr. Lowe, in The Merchant of Venice, fol, ?1741. 57164 Caulfield (J.) Vocal Music in Shakespear's Plays, 2 vols., Svo, ?1860. 98291 Chilcot (T.) Twelve English Songs, with their Symphonies, The Words by Shakespeare, etc., 4to, ?1800. 150931 Clare (Professor) The Bard of Avon Quadrilles, 4to, ?1864. 60507 Dibdin (C.) The Overture, Songs, Airs, and Choruses in the Jubilee, or Shakespear's Garland 8vo, ?1 769. 3448 [Dibdin (C.)| Queen Mab or the Fairies Jubilee, a Cantata, fol, ?1769. 03819 Dibdin (Mr. [C.]) Shakespear's Garland, or the Warwickshire Jubilee, fol, 1769. 3300 Doubt thou that the Stars are Fire. From Hamlet, fol, ?1800. 3360 Epitaph on Shakspear's Tomb, Composed at Coughton Court, Warwickshire, fol, 1801. 99156 Grazia (E. N.) " Take, Oh ! take those Lips away, fol, ?1870. 3360 How sweet the Moonlight Sleeps, arranged by S. Webbe, fol, 1801. 60276 Illustrations of Shakspeare : No. I., Hamlet, by the Author of the Old Maid, ?4to, 1840. 57896 Lampe (I. F.) Pyramus and Thisbe : A Mock-Opera. The Words from Shakespeare, 4to, ?1770. 99155 Lawreen (J. B.) Hamlet Ye Dane. A Ghost Story, fol, ?1S77. 2483 Linley (W.) Shakspeare's Dramatic Songs. The Music partly selected from Purcell, Fielding, etc., 2 vols., fol, ?1S15. 60549 Locke (M.) The Introductory Symphony, Airs, etc., in the Tragedy of Macbeth, First Performed about 1674. Revised by Addison, fol, ?1S40. 60532 Locke (M.) The Original Songs, Airs, & Choruses in the Tragedy of Macbeth. Revised by Dr. Boyce, 4to, ?1770. 14S497 Montgomery (W. H.) Desdemona Waltz, on Italian Airs, 4to, ?1860. 57864 Nicolai's (O.) Opera, The Merry Wives of Windsor, arranged for the Pianoforte, 4to, ?1860. 60533 Purcell (H.) A New Edition of the Music in The Tempest. Revised by Dr. Busby, 4to, ?1800. 145461 Rushton (W. L.) The Shakespeare Hymn Tune Book. First Part, duo, 1891. 57202 Shakspeare Vocal Album, fol, ?1864. 57865 Smith (Mr. [J. C.]) The Fairies. An Opera. The Words from Shakespear, &c, 4to, ?1756. 60534 Smith (Mr. [J. C.]) The Tempest. An Opera. The Words from Shakespear, &c, 4to, ?1756. 60278 Songs in the Opera of Hamlet as they are Perform'd at ye Queen's Theatre, fol, ?1750. 57316 [Tempest, Music to Songs in the (Manuscript) fol, ?1676] 145425 Vocal Music to Shakespeare's Plays. Hamlet (T. H. Lacy) 8vo, ?1880. 60550 Warwickshire Lad, as Perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane in the Entertainment of the Jubilee, fol, ?1769. Mutilators of Shakespeare : see Hudson MvSterieS '. *«« Chester, Coventry, Digby Myth, The Shakespearean : see Morgan Mythology : — 2976 Halliwell (J.O.) Fairy Mythology of A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare Society)8vo,lS45. 152298 Nutt (A.) Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare, duo, 1900. 97059 Selby (H. M.) The Shakespeare Classical Dictionary, or Mythological Allusions, duo, ?1SSS. Mytholosy '. see also Fairies, Puck, Midsummer Night's Dream Name of Shakspeare : — 84204 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] Which Shall it be ? New Lamps or Old ) 8vo, 1879. 63862 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] New Lamps or Old? The E and the A in the name of Our National Dramatist, 8vo, 1880. 21016 Second edition, 8vo, 1880. 134588 Shaxpere or Shakespeare, Stopes (C. C.) Earliest Official Record of Shakespeare's Name, 8vo, ?1896. N„,, no f~D \ A ninoairv • Words, phrases, etc., which . . . require illustration in dies \^') A VTlObbctiy , Shakespeare. New edition by Halliwell and Wright Nash (T.) Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil sll | de 1 ty are NaSmith (D.) Shakspeare [in Makers of Modem Thought, Vol. 1, pp. 188-219]... National Library, The g h E a ^rr ent * Instruction Nationalities of Shakespeare Natural History : — ana, pp. 159-160, and 4.50-4G2] [in The Old College, pp. 118-130] (Glasgow) 2 8vo 1872 1 8vo 1842 1 duo 1892 1 duo ?1840 1 8vo 1869 147652 Cordley (C.) Shakespeare's Piscine Lore [from The Gentleman's Magazine] 8vo, 1S95. 45935 Dircks (H.) On Shakespeare's Dramas as affording evidence of the Poet's Nature-Study, Svo, 1874. 56294 Ellacombe (H. N.) Shakespeare as an Angler, duo, 1883. 69880 Fennell (J. H.) The Shakespeare Cyclopedia. Part I.— Zoology. Man, 8vo, 1862. 70263 4to, 1862. English Shakespeariana. Number. 2805 134287 57239 57964 57876 14061 131696 148079 139267 60298 127879 19113 60862 90464 60808 147392 150278 150306 51933 57963 3362 98680 138061 147648 57268 57864 60102 118776 78130 94169 70187 No. of VolH. Si.-,'. Natural History — continued. 57000 Harting(J. E.)The Ornithology of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1871. 31360 Mayou (Bessie) Natural Bistory of Shakespeare, duo, 60298 Newell (U. H.) Zoology of the English Poets, duo, 1845. 2800 Patterson (It.) Natural History of the Insects mentioned in Shakspeare's Plays, duo, 1838. 7362 duo. 1841. 02136 Phipson (Emma) Animal-Lore of Shakspeare's Time, duo, I 1483S2 Robinson (P.) Shakespeare's Natural History [from The Contemporary Review i Svo, 1894. 138163 Seager (H. W.) Natural History in Shakespeare's Time, gvo, 1896. 124S41 Shakespeare's Birds and Beasts [in The Quarterly Review, VoL 178, pp. 840 Natural History: see also Flowers [Nay lor (B. S.)] Time and Truth reconciling the Moral and Eeligious World to Shakespeare Naylor (E. W.) Shakespeare and Music Neele (H.) Shakspeare's Supernatural Characters ... Neil (S.) A Biography of Shakespeare rwarwici Neil (S.) Shakespere a. critical Biography ... N [eil] (S.) Shakspere Controversies ll "'%!\^ ] \l';;;:^;] 'Z:!f*- ... Nesbit (B.) The Children's Shakespeare u %™ted d by y vKb^ etc ' Neville (H.) The Stage : its past and present in relation to Fine Irl Newdigate-Newdegate (Lady) Gossip from a Muniment Room Lives of Anne and Mary Fytton, 1574 to 1618 Newell (R. H.) Zoology of the English Poets Notxt Hvloo no Proceedings of the Shakespearean Entertainment a1 the ew \^iiBttiib Grand Opera House, New Orleans, La. New Place : see Stratford-upon- Avon New Shakspearian Interpretations [from Edinburgh i New Shakspere Society : seesocieties [Newspaper Cuttings] Playhouse Notes, Historical and Critical [Newspaper Cuttings] Shakespearanaand Warwickshire Note [Newspaper Cuttings] [Miscellaneous] L23 1 duo l B5 1 1 duo L896 1 (111!) L839 1 8vo L869 1 duo lsci 1 duo lsr.i 1 Svo ?1895 1 Svo L875 1 Svo L897 1 duo L845 1 4to 1894 iriew] 1 8vo 1872 1 fol M871 1 fol?l886-7 6 fol ?1871-si 1 4 to V.D. 1 duo V.D. 1 8vo V.D. Note.— Newspaper Cuttings on special subjects are entered at their subjects. New York : — 43496 Events in the History of New York City, with Illustrations from shakspeare [Calendars] 2 vols., duo, ?1880-1. 126224 Lenox Library, Catalogue of (No. V. Works of Shakespeare), etc., 8vo, 1880. 69783 New York Mirror. Dramatic Festival Number. Cincinnati edition, fed, H883 New York Shakespeare Society : nee Societies. 57048 Shakespeare. Ward's Statue in the Central Dark, New Vork, 4to, 1873. Nichols (J.) Literary History of the Eighteenth Century vol. 2 pp. 189-647. Shakesperian Correspondence of Mr. Lewis Theobald, Dr. Thirlby.and Mr.Warburton. Nichols (J.) Notes on Shakespeare rrwoParts] [Nichols (P.)] Castrated Letter of Sir T. Hanmer "\^'^t Nicholson (A.) No Cypher in Shakespeare Nicholson (A.) Shakespeare Sermon s^u'm»P>\?"''^.' Nicholson (B.) Was Hamlet Mad? [New Shakspere Society] Nicholson (S.) Acolastus, his After-witte, 1600 edited i. y Hauiweu Nicolai's (O.) Opera, The Merry Wives of Windsor [Music]... Nipclose (Sir N.) The Theatres APoeticaiDissecti Nisbet (J. F.) The Insanity of Genius [Shakespeare, PP 140 ioaj ... Nobody and Somebody [?1600] [Preface contain Shakespeare Eeferei N^nlno QV.nVDnm.ion.n Winchestei College Shakspere Society. Papersbj Members, octes bnaKspenanae edited by Hawkin rwincii Norris (J. P.) Death Mask of Shakespeare (Philadelphia) 1880 and 1 --1 1 8vo is 17 1 Svo L862 1 4to L763 1 8vo L888 1 duo 1897 1 8vo L882 1 Bvo L866 1 4 to ?1860 1 4to 177ii 1 duo L893 1 8vo L877 1 Svo 1887 1 8vo 1884 124 Number. 76379 108017 147861 145310 145311 2964 61004 2984 57936 69799 125051 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. (Philadelphia) 152298 42691 139565 57989 91499 87251 108388 70202 135269 70172 57877 2809 126303 138170 113491 112216 61041 Norris (J. P.) The Portraits of Shakespeare Norris (J. P.) The Portraits of Shakespeare Norris (J. P.) Shall we open Shakespeare's Grave? Norris (J. P.) Library of Norris (J. P.) Shakespeare Library of Northbrooke (J.) A Treatise against Dicing, etc., 1577 Northern Lord, The Norton (T.) and Sackville (T.) GorboduC Shakespeare Society Norwich, Affray at, in 1583 edited by Hauiweii ... Norwich, Shakspeare in Fifth edition (Norwich) Novel in the time of Shakespeare : seejusserana Novelist in Shakespeare : see came Novello, Ewer & Co.'s Catalogue of Shakespeare Music Novels : — ■ A Bibliography (Philadelphia) [from The Manhattan] Hand List of works relating to Shakespeare [MS.] (Philadelphia) ■•• Catalogue of the, [MS.] (Philadelphia) •"• [ikespeare Society | A ballad, containing a supposed reference to The Merchant of Venice] (Coventry) "•■ •*" No. < Vols, >f Size. Date. 1 4to 1885 1 8vo 1879 1 8vo 1884 1 8vo 1874 1 4to 1874 1 8vo 1843 1 8vo ?1600 1 8vo 1847 1 duo 1864 1 8vo 1873 1 4to 1893 95429 Black (W.) Judith Shakespeare. A Romance, duo, 18S5. 78239 Curling (H.) Shakspere ; the Poet, the Lover, the Actor, the Man, 3 vols., duo, 1848. 57109 Curling [H.] The Forest Youth ; or Shakspere as he Lived, duo, 1853. NOTE.— The same work as 78239, with a different title. Payn (J.) The Talk of the Town, duo, 1885. Eiche (B.) Eight Novels employed by English Dramatic Poets (1581) Svo, 1816. Tytler (Sarah) The American Cousins, duo, ?1897. [Williams (R. F.)] The Secret Passion, 3 vols., duo, 1844. [Williams (R. F.)] Shakspeare and his friends, 3 vols., duo, 1838. [Williams (R. F.)] The Youth of Shakspeare, 3 vols., duo, 1846. 96037 2983 139903 70031 7702S 70001 Novels : Nuns : see also Plays, Romances seeBridgett Nutt (A.) The Fairy Mythology of Sbakespeare O'CaiTOll (J. J.) AddreSS a°«S° w « Wood College Historical Debating Society _ Oclandus (C.) Anglorvm Proelia [ ^ toP f u ^e^e- s ™ Bookin ••• Oclandus (C.) Elizabetha [Latin Poem] ... O'Connor (E. M.) Index to the Works of Shakspere (New York] O'Connor (W. D.) Hamlet's Note Book (Boston and New York) ... O'Connor (W. D.) Mr. Donnelly's Eeviewers (Chicago, eto ... O'Conor (W. A.) Hamlet A Paper read be %g£_2_£_y* ,ter Literary Club [in Essays in Literature and Ethics, pp. 108-136] (Manchester) Octagonal Shakespeare Club: see ciuhs Oesterley (H.) Shakespeare's Jest Book: «ejestB 00 ks O' Gorman (E.) An Oration on Shakspere (Dublin) Old, The, and the New The King's Head, Fenclmrch Street [Shakespeare, pp. 36-40] Oldham (T.) Lines on Shakspeare Pn Poetry, pp. 142-1441... Ophelia : see Hamlet Ordish (T. F.) Early London Theatres in the news (Camden Library)... Ordish (T. E.) Shakespeare's London Uu ^S^^SSS et Ol'ger (J. G.) Critical Notes on Shakspere's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies Ornithology of Shakespeare: see Natural History Orson (S. W.) Shakespeare Emendations [Type-written] Osborne (C.) A Haunted Hamlet [from Temple Bar] Othello :— 150297 Astor (W. W.) Brabantio's Love [from The Pall Mall Magazine] Svo, 1S96. 70205 [Cole (J.)] Performance of Othello by F. W. K. Aldridge, the African Roscius, duo, 1831. 113770 Eardley-Wilmot (Sir J. E.) A Lecture on Othello, duo, 1879. 90729 Ellits (Dr.) Othello and Desdemona, duo, 1887. 151019 Given (W.) A further Study of The Othello (Papers of the Shakespeare Society of New York, No. 11) duo, 1899. 1 duo 1900 1 8vo 1874 1 duo 1580 1 duo 1582 1 duo 1887 1 duo 1886 1 duo 1889 1 Svo 1878 1 duo 1889 1 Svo 1857 1 duo ?1877 1 duo 1840 1 duo 1894 1 duo 1897 2 duo 1890 1 4 to ?1891 1 8vo 1867 English Shakespeariana. Number. 3302 147860 2590 103209 136309 150663 144785 70141 57254 40383 4082 145332 101954 33652 5851 98444 2503 57256 118012 148378 7377 136933 2800 7362 96037 57205 99280 2932 16406 28040 146554 v. ,.f Vols. Size. L25 Date. Othello — continued. 15154 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. 0.) Memoranda on Othello, etc., 8vo, I 57S71 Iago Displayed [Shakespearian in name only] duo, I 2548 McLoughlin (C.) Zanga's Triumph : or, Barlequin and Othello at War, duo, 170'. 11S497 Montgomery (W. II.) Desdemona Waltz, Ito, ?1860. 2503 Parr (W.) The Story of the Moor of Venice, 8vo, L795. 57488 Planch^ (J. B.) Costume of Othello, duo, I 100035 Price (T.B.) Construction and Types of Shakespeare's Verse as seen in Othello (Panon of N Y Shakespeare Society, No. s) duo, isS8. 138131 Roosevelt (Blanche) Verdi : Milan and "Othello," duo 19098 Taylor (.1. E.) The Moor of Venice. Cinthio's Tale and Shakspere's Tragedy duo i- 135500 Turnbull (W. R.) Othello. A. critical study, 8vo, 1892. Othello : see also Fechter 8vo 8vo 8vo Ottley (H.) Fechter's Version of Othello critically analysed Ouida, Mr. Irving Oil the Art of Acting [/rom The Nineteenth Century] [Oulton (W. C.)] Vortigem under Consideration; etc. Outlines to Shakespeare : seeTempesi Owen (F. M.) Shakespere and George Eliot [] Peacock (T. L.) Gl' Ingannati rhe Deceive u \ : 1 53^ om ^ y „Xtfo™ Pearce (W.) The Haunts of Shakespeare : a Poem Pearls Of Shakspeare A Collection of Brilliant Passages found in hi [Pearson (H. S.)] Merchant of Venice l *^$Sa1m£El& 1 8vo 1 8vo 1 duo 1 8vo 1 8vo 1 4to 1 duo 1 duo 1 duo 1 duo 1 duo 1 4to 1 duo 1 4 to 1 4to 1876 1872 1886 1795 1836 1890 ls7! 1871 L845 1838 is II 1885 is; J L862 1778 ?1875 1876 1876 126 Number. 153930 21)79 54796 57307 6449 150662 115936 57978 69801 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 89134 73608 135273 57302 103285 113488 86810 145462 147657 62136 [from The i lentral Literary Magazine (Birmingham) Pearson (H. S.) Secret of Shakespeare Pearson (J. L.) Unknown Pageant, by T. Micldleton [in Shakespeare Soi iety's Papers, Vol. II., pp. 92-102] Pedder (H. C) A Study Of Hamlet [/w the Manhattan] (New York)... Pedigree : see Family Peeps into Shakspere, by Jacques [Nos. i. to x, from Hood's Magazine] Pemberton (C. E.) Life and Literary Eemains of ... Pemberton (T. E.) An Original Portrait of Shakspere [ {h°eatre] e Penley (B. S.) The Bath Stage: History of Dramatic Representations in Bath [Penn (J.)] Letters on the Drama ... People's Shakspeare Memorial Fund Pericles : — 76514 No. of Vols. Size. »vo 8vo Date. 1900 1845 1 8vo 1883 Add resses in aid of , 8vo 1847-8 8vo 1843 8vo 1896 duo 1892 8vo 1796 8vo ?1864 11798!) 124136 102511 57953 129456 140528 01437 with Notes by Clonston [pp. 3G 18 Tin- Knzi of Emessn. supposed to lime been used bj Shakespeare for his Merchant of Venice] (Gla jowj 1 8vo 1886 1 duo 1867 1 duo 1892 1 8vo 1823 1 8vo 1888 1 8vo 1864 Apollonius of Tyre, upon which is founded Pericles. Anjrlo-Saxon version, with a translation by Thorpe, duo, 1834. ."■7347 ( Herbert (6.)] Letter containing account of the performance of Pericles, at the English Court, 1619 [Halliwell] .1110,1865. 151216 Smyth (A. H.) Shakespeare's Pericles and Apollonius of Tyre, 8vo, 1898. Periodicals : — 103682 Bacon Society, Journal of the, Vols. 1 and 2 [all published] 2 vols., 8vo, 1886-91. Baconiana, Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2 [all published] (Chicago) S\o, 1S92. Baconiana, from vol. 1, New Series, 8vo, ?1893, etc. Poet-Lore, from vol. 1, 8vo, 1889, etc. Shakespeare Repository, edited by Fennell, Nos. 1 to 4, fol, 1853. Shakespearean, The, Vols. 1 and 2, 4to, 1895-6. ■ Vol. 3, 8vo, 1896-7. Shakespeariana, from Vol. 1, 8vo and 4to, 1S83, etc. Perkins Folio : seecoiiier Perring (Sir P.) Hard Knots in Shakespeare Perry (W.) Heme's Oak ... ... Persian Tales Petre (J.) Trifles [Verses on Shakespeare, pp. 71, 77, 78, 89, etc.] Peyster (J. W. de) Was THE Shakespeare a Myth ? (New York) Phelps(Mr.)and theStratford-upon- Avon Committee [TeioinviKuy] 1 hiladelphia Shakespeare Society: see societies Philips (Mr. [A.]) Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester Philips (A.) : see also Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester Phillips (B.) Eoyal Aquarium and Shaksperiau Diary i87G ... Phillips (P. D.) Shakespearian Notes of Travel Philosophy : 1»709 Bacon (Delia) Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded, 8vo, 185 57041 Birch (W. J.) Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere, duo, 1848. 57071 Philosophy of William Shakespeare. Third edition, duo, IsCo. Price (T.) : see Price. 57159 Rankin (M. H.) Philosophy of Shakspere, duo, 1841. Richardson (\V.) : see Richardson. 57886 Simpson (R.) Philosophy of Shakespeare's Sonnets, duo, 1868. 57900 Tyler (T.) The Philosophy of " Hamlet,- 8vo, 1*74. Phipson (Emma) Animal-Lore of Shakspeare's Time Phonetic Spelling, Works in : — r»747s Shakespeare (William) Macbeth, duo, 1849. 57479 Shakespeare (William) The Tempest, duo, 1849. 41942 Shakespeare (William) The Tempest [in The Phonetic Journal, 18C4, pp. 193-208] 8vo, 1864 Phonography, Works in : — 44847 Browne (G.) William Shakespeare [from The Phonograph] duo, 18S0. 117464 Shakespeare (William) Dramatic Works of, Vol. 1, duo, 1875. 115486 Shakespeare (William) Hamlet, duo, 1892. 1154S7 Shakespeare (William) Merchant of Venice, duo, 1892. Phrase Book : see Bartiett 1 duo 1723 Melbourne Shakespeare Society duo ?1876 8vo 1890 1 duo 1883 27 Number. 31911 109117 2514 2515 57882 113799 2S55 113798 57483 57317 61307 No. of Vols Size. 1 8vo L88] 1 8vo 1880 English Shakespeariana. Phrenology, Shakspere and his i - mTiu pi» - Picton (J. A ) Palstaffand his Followers n.iverpooij ... Pictorial Illustrations : sei mustrations Pictures : — 95841 New Shakspere Gallery, Pall Mull. Prospectus, 3vo 2f>74 Shakspeare Gallery, Pall-Mall, Catalogue of the Pictures in the, duo, i lV.ii Shakspeare Gallery, Pall-Mall, Catalogue of the Pictures, &c, in the duo 71459 ,!„,., ,7;, i. 26645 duo, 11 71460 duo, 1794. 2502 . _ ,|„, 57128 duo, U 99] is Shakespeare Gallery, Pall-Mail, Catalogue of Small Pictures painted for the, duo. 1795. 3405 Stratford-on-Avon, Catalogue of Pictures & Drawings exhibited a( the Town Ball (Tercentenary ) duo, 1864. 80462 Stratford-on-Avon, Shakespeare Memorial, Catalogue of i exhibited in t hr. ilii... 1881. 135200 Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare Memorial at, Illustrated Catalogue of thi Pictures Ac in from 1896, duo, 1896, etc. Pictures: mustrations, Paget, Sii [Pilon (F ) ] An Essay on Hamlet Pinks (W. J.) Memorials of Shakspeare [«»» country Trips, pp. sa irj ... Plagiarism : seeGreat Book Robb iry, Langbaine Planche (J. R.) Costume of As You Like It n Planche (J. R.) Costume of Hamlet The Hgures by g. scharf Planche (J. R.) Costume of Henry the Fourth T1 ■; Planche (J. R.) Costume of Othello and Merchant of Venice Planche (J. R.) Costume of Richard the Third D ^ m &°- F - ... Planche (J. R.) Extravaganza and Spectacle [from Temple Bar]... Plant-Lore: see Flowers Plays, Players, and Play-houses : so Drama Plays of Shakespeare : — 2210s Annotations illustrative of the Plays of Shakespeare, by Johnson, steevens, Malone, etc., 2 vi .Is., 8vo, 1S19. 07-12," [Bat hurst (('.)) On the particular Plays of Shakespeare [in Lectures at a Mechanics' Institute, pp. 221-212 anil 319-351] duo, 1854. Becket (A.) Shakspeare's Himself Again : Language of the Poet asserted, 2 v.. Is.. 8vo, 1815. Brett's (E. J.) Stories from Shakespeare's Plays, No. 2. Hamlet, 4to, ?1881. [Capell (E.)] Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare. Part the first, 4tO, 71774. 3 vols., 4to, ?1779-80. 1 8vo .'17 77 1 8vo °1777 1 duo ?1853 1 duo L825 1 duo L825 1 duo L824 1 duo 1825 1 fol 1830 1 8vo 18G1 2881 14. r i42t 1'! II 6 2920 26646 20700 20040 22111 151345 2s7M 424.".-, 27,07 123900 .'.7140 :;:;s^ C9436 102254 21413 57010 2543 52C03 57018 91516 940GG Ched worth (J., Lord) Obscure passages in Shakespeare's Plays, 8vo, 1805. Daniel (P. A.) Doubtful Passages in Shakespeare's Plays, duo, 1870. Davies (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies: Critical observations on Plays "f Shakspeare, :: vols.. duo, 1785. Fletcher (. Howard (F.) Spirit of the Plays of Shakspeare. < online Plates, 5 vols., Bvi Hurdis (J.) Arrangement of the Plays of Shakespear, 8vo, 1702. J (E. M.) Questions and Exercises on Shakespeare's Plays, dun. Jackson (\V.) Thirty Letters on various Subjects [Shakspeare pp. 153 165] 8vo, 1795. Jackson ('/..) Errors in Shakspeare's Plays corrected and elucidated. s\o, Is]^. Jacks, ,11 ['/..) shakspeare's Genius Justified. Restorations <i7. 150261 Ellis (J.) The Tercentenary. A Festal Song [from Meletae Poems duo 113752 Emanuel (J.) Poem, in celebration of Shakspeare's Tercentenarj , 8vo, ?1864. 2930 Epistle from Shakespear to bis Countrymen, 4to, 1777. 52747 Falconer (E.) Anne Hathaway, 4to, 1864. 2587 Familiar Verses from the Ghost of Willy Shakspeare t" Sammy Ireland, 8vo, 1796. 69899 Fielder (R. R.) Shakspeare ! Lines for the Tercentenary Festival, 1864, 8vo, 1871. 114612 Fisher (F. II.) William Shakspeare, dno, ?1891. 57492 Gerard (G.) To Shakspeare [in Grace and Remembrance, pp. 3 15] duo, 2972 Ghost of Richard the Third, 1614, with introduction by Collier (Shakespeare Societj >8vo, L844. 69862 [Gillmor (C.)] Reflections from Shakspeare's Cliff [Dover] etc., duo, 1861. 91522 Greene (J.) [Lines by] 1746 [Broadside] fol, 1880. 87111 Harris (.1., Cornish Poet) Shakspere's Shrine, etc., duo, L866. 2759 Harrison [A.] The Infant Vision of Shakspeare; etc., 4to, L794. 74557 Hawkey (C.) The Shakespeare Tapestry woven in Verse, duo, 1881. 147843 Hudson (Rev. Mr.) Four Odes intended for Choruses To a Tragedy, altered from Shakes On the Death of Julius Csesar, 8vo, 175;». Ignotus, Nugse Paddingtonienses [Contains a parody on Hamlet] duo, 1864. [Ingleby(C. M.)] Shakespeare's Centime of Prayse [1592 1693] 8vo, 1-74. Jerningham (Mr. [E.])The Shakspeare Gallery, 4to, 1791. Jones (H.) An Ode to Shakespear, 4to, 1773. Jordan (J.) Welcombe Hills, near Stratford upon Avon, 4to, 1777. 8vo, 1827. 67991 6052 2935 57311 57S94 45031 70523 147416 2851 113489 779S0 145569 52756 King (E.) Poems of Liberty [Chailecote, p. 60. Shakespeare Tercentenary, p. 61 1 duo, 1S64. Langford (J. A.) An Ode to the Memory of Shakspere, duo, ?1859. Langford (J. A.) The Shakspere Tercentenary Year, duo, 1864. Leighton (W.) Shakespeare's Dream, and other Poems, 8vo, 1881. [Lloyd (R.)] Shakespeare : an Epistle to Mr. Garrick, 4to, 1760. Meredith (G.) The Spirit of Shakespeare [in Poems, Vol. 1 p. 189] duo, 1898. Michell (N.) The Shakspeare Festival ; an ode, 8vo, 1864. Milton (J.): see Milton. Oldham (T.) Lines on Shakspeare [in Poetry, pp. 142-4] duo, 1840. Pearce (W.) The Haunts of Shakespeare, 4to, 1778. Petre (J.) Trifles [Verses on Shakespeare, pp. 71, 77, 78, s9, etc.] 8vo, I Prince (J. C.) Stanzas suggested at the Grave of Shakespeare [in Poetical Works, Vol. L, pp. 204-206] duo, 18S0. Remy (G.) Shakespeare [in Pepper & Mustard, p. 34] duo, 1868. Shakespere's Curse and other Poems, duo, 1861. Valentine (Mrs.) Shaksperian Tales in Verse, Illustrated, 4to, 71860. [Valpy (R.)] Poems, Odes, Prologues and Epilogues, spoken at Reading School [contains Shakespeariana] Svo, 1804. Visions of the Western Railways [contains Shakespeariana] 4to, 1838. Walk under the Shakspeare ; and other Poems, duo, 1S3G. White (E, H.) Shakspeare, and his Hamlet [in Athelstan, and other Poems, pp. 87 95]duo, 1847. Whiter (W.) Verses recited on Shakspeare's Birthday, etc., duo, '.'1818. Poet of tlie Age A Satirical Poem [Shakespeare is referred to in the Introduction] "D^,-,*- T r\T^ A Monthly Magazine devoted to Shake- speare, Browning, etc., from \ I. l JTOeu-ljOie (PMladel The English Parnassus : 2809 2932 57302 96210 69S07 57491 109797 57242 2925 60207 61009 76502 Poole (J. :i Helpe to English Poesie 1 duo L862 Bvo L88! 1, etc. 1 duo L657 1 duo 1677 1 duo L732 Pope's (Mr. [A.]) Taste of Shakespeare [fnAMisceiianyofmste] . Pope (A.): see also Theobald Poi'SOn (R.) : tee Watson Porto (L. da) Original Story of Romeo and Juliet (Cambridge). Portraits of Shakespeare : — 2885 Boaden(J.) An Inquiry into the Authenticity of various Pictures and Prints as Portraits of Shakspeare, Svo, 1824. 2939 - ! ! ""• '--'' 147814 Cargill (A.) The Likenesses of Shakespeare [from l he SI rand Magazine 1 duo 18G8 130 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Hate. 77921 124819 114479 60565 76413 57305 147530 2524 57078 135607 74321 57085 29356 100635 150280 96210 33144 Portraits of Shakespeare — continued. 3379 Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare. Fine-Art Gossip, Svo, ?1849. 57488 Collins (W. W.) Mr. Wray's Cash-Box ; or The Mask and the Mystery, duo, 1852. Craig (E. T.): see Craig. 60833 [Droeshout (Drooz-howt) Portrait of Shakspere, A Copy of the (New Shakspere Society, Series VI., No. 13)] fol, 1882. 2821 Forster (II. R.) A few remarks on the Chandos Portrait of Shakspeare, 8vo, 1849. 30197 Friswell (J. H.) Life Portraits of William Shakspeare, 8vo, 1864. 78705 Furness (W. P..) Composite Photography applied to the Portraits of Shakespeare, Svo, 1S85. 69516 Hart (J. S.) The Shakespeare Death-mask [from Scribner's Monthly] Svo, 1874. 73569 Hirst (S.) Life of Adam Elsheimer [Painter of Shakespeare's Portrait] Svo, ?1884. 129391 I Ingleby(C. M.) ] Portraiture (if Shakespeare [from Shakespeare, the Man and the Book] Svo, ?1876. 71102 [Malins'CollectionofWarwickshirePortraits, including various Portraits of Shakespeare] fol, V.D. 108017 Norris (J. P.) Bibliography of Works on the Portraits of Shakespeare, 4to, 1879. 70187 Norris (J. P.) The Heath Mask of Shakespeare, 4to, 1884. 70:'7: > Norris (J. P.) The Portraits of Shakespeare, 4to, 1885. 120391 Only Likeness of Shakespeare : The Bust in the Church of Stratford-on-Avon [in The Leisure Hour, 1893, pp. 623-5] 4to, 1893. Original Miniature Portrait of Shakspeare [in Catalogue of an Exhibition of Portraits] 4to, 1800. Page (W.) A Study of Shakespeare's Portraits, duo, 1876. Pemberton (T. E.) An original Portrait of Shakspere [from The Theatre] Svo, 1S96. Rabone(.L) Lecture on some Portraits of Shakespeare, Svo, 1884. Richardson (W.) Proposals for the publication of two Plates [Felton Portrait] Svo, V1794. Seharf (G.) On the principal Portraits of Shakspeare, duo, 1S04. [Timmins' Collection of Shakespeare Portraits] fol, V.D. Tregaskis (J. & M. L.) Catalogue [Item Gl:~>. Important Shakespeare Portrait] Svo, 1900. Wall (A. H.) Shakespeare's Face. A Monologue, Svo, 1890. Wivell (A.) An Inquiry into the Shakspeare Portraits [with supplement] 2 vols., Svo, 1827. 2 vols., Svo, 1827. 1989 m;:-;: 150662 ' 13758 20(14 2780 73546 152979 108586 2905 51948 3404 33124 6SS96 Wivell (A.) An Inquirj into the Shakspere Portraits, Svo, 1S40. Svo, 1850. [Wright (0.)] The Stratford Portrait of Shakespeare, and the Athenamm, Svo, ?1861 Portraits of Shakespeare: seeaiso Bust [Pott (Mrs. H.)] Did Francis Bacon write " Shakespeare " ? Pott (Mrs. H.) Francis Bacon and his Secret Society Pott (Mrs. H.) The Promus of Bacon m ^ mt ^X^^ tv '' u ' Potts (H. J.) Notes on Shakspeare's Plays (Birmingham) Pownall (A.) Shakspere weighed in an even Balance ... Praise of Shakespeare : seeingieby Prayer Book, Shakespeare's own [Cuttings] [Prescot (K.)] Shakespear [Cambridge] ... Preston (Mary) Studies in Shakspeare (Philadelphia) Price (S. F.) Shakespeare's Twilights (Boston [d.s.a.)j ... Price (T.) Wisdom and Genius of Shakespeare (Philadelphia) 2 duo 1884-5 duo 1893, etc. 2562 second edition Price (T. E.) Shakespeare's Verse %££^A^$™*<& Prichard (H. S.) Shakespearian Manuscripts at Abington Abbey "Prinr.o fj T' \ Qfonr^oo aiigitcstwl ;ii the mmv <>( Sli;iki-s|ir;m: J- 1111LB (d . KJ.) aUctil/Sctb li„ l'u,.-iiral \Y<> iks, Vol. 1, pp. 204-6] Printing, Shakespeare and : seeBiades Printing of Shakespeare's Works: seeGouia Prior (Sir J.) Life of Edrnond Malone Editor of shakspeare Pronunciation : seemis PrOSOdy : see Dam Pl'OSperO : see Tempest Prototypes : see Frey Proverbs, Shakespeare: seeciarke Prynn (Mr. W.) his Defence of Stage-Plays, 1619 [Reprint] duo 8vo duo 8vo 4to 4to duo duo duo duo duo duo Svo duo 1891 1883 1879 1864 ?1870 ?1774 1869 1892 1838 1839 1853 1888 1889 1880 1 8vo 1860 1 duo 1822 English Shakespeariana. Number. 65973 98408 2814 97808 151854 151874 12G610 113754 150927 579 U 113758 137077 154700 129932 1 duo No ol Prynne (W.) Histrio-Mastix Psychology :— Bucknill (J. C): see Bucknill. 70264 Kellogg (A. O.) Shakspeare's Psychological Delii raques. 8vo 57310 Kellogg (A. O.) Shakspeare's Psychological Delineations. Ophelia. Svo, ?1864, 57114 Maudsley (H.) Hamlei [in Psychological Es ays, pp, I 3406 Sexton (ii.) The Psychologj of M icbeth, duo, ?1869. 2916 Wood(W. D.) Hamlet : from a Psychological poinl of view, Svo, Psychology : see also Madness Puck :— 19085 Bell (W.) Shakespeare's Puck, and his Folkslore, 3 vols., duo, L852 !64. 151421 sent (E.) Discoverie of Witchcraft, I >•>• Nicholson, 8vo, L886. 2974 Shakespeare's Puck.bya Book-Lover[fn Shakespeare Society's Papi " PnflcjPv'Q (V, \ "Rnnlfp " Shakespearean Extracts from. Collected b; 3ai i uubey b y±j.) OJUOAt; Stratford-iipon-Ai i . .. i KM L633 1, pp. 69-70 ivo, i-n. 1 8vo ?1888 E ligion Purcell (H.) : *« Music Puritan, Shakespeare as a : Puritanism, Shakespeare and : Pye (H. J.) Comments on the Commentators on Shakespear Pyle (J. G.) The Little Cryptogram is as exhibited in his Works, duo, 16406 Pearls of Shakspeare : illustrated by Meadows, duo, ?186 I. 57071 Philosophy of William Shakespeare, duo. 1863. 154232 Boutledge (E.) Quotations from Shakespeare, duo, I 57883 Shakspeare Hand-Book, duo, 1860. 19089 Stearns ((.'. W.) The Shakspeare Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge, duo, 1869. 57090 Treasury of Thought from Shakespeare, duo, I 57076 Walbran (C. J.) Dictionary of Shakspere Quotations, duo, L849. 142786 We'd) (.1. S.) The Shakespeare Reference Book, duo. Quotations : pp. i ; [5 Bi .i.i ii Birtl da I D UolUx 9. Quyney's (Mr. E.) Letter to Shakespeare, 1598 [Broadside] E (M. W.): «"Eooney. E (S.) Greene's Ghost-haunting Cony catchers, 1626^^ 1 Lto ?1896 duo L860 L884 Eabone (J.) A Lecture onsomePorti peare and Shakespeare's Bi :h Eace '. see Exegesis. Eacine : — 57257 Racine and Shakspeare, by Stendahl in Magazine of Foreign Literature, pp. 197-2 13 3vo, 1823 148381 Verlaine (P.) Shakespeare and Racine[/r m Fortnightly Eeview] 8vo, [Eadford (G. H.)] Falstaff in ».pp ••• ••• 1 [in i olli i ted E isaj ■ ■ Irrell, [ ... 1 -.1 Essays by Aug i tim i Ii n U, "ol. l.'i'p. 108 m\ Eadford (G. H.) Shylock and Others Eight duo duo L899 L894 132 Number. 105316 31913 121820 135315 2566 57329 57159 107277 83460 117366 69888 70556 19112 137500 7382 19078 60557 36049 No. of 69807 82195 57953 16408 57498 52570 118786 Vols. Size. Date. 1 duo 1888 1 8vo ?1866 1 8vo 1856 1 duo 1893 1 duo 1635 1 8vo 1866 1 duo 1841 1 duo 1890 1 8vo ?1881 1 duo 1864 1 4to ?1850 1 duo ?1845 1 duo ?1863 1 8vo 1897 1 duo ?1870 1 duo 1863 1 duo ?1853 3 8vo 1812 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birming-ham. Ealeigh Wrote Shakespeare or the Grate Crab-Tree-Cram (Glasgow) Eamsay (Alex.) Shakspere in Germany Ramsay (Arthur) On the Character of Hamlet (Liverpool) Randolph (A. M. F.) Trial of Sir John Falstaff (New York) ... [Randolph (T.)] Aristippvs, or, the Ioviall Philosopher ... Rankin (J. E.) Theology Of Hamlet [from The Boston Review] (Boston) Rankin (M. II.) The Philosophy of Shakspere Ransome (C.) Short Studies of Shakespeare's Plots Raymond (R. R.) Shakespeare for the Young Folk (New York) Reader (W.) The Warwickshire Ode — William Shakspeare Readings, Shakespearian Shakespearian Number of the Town and Country Reciter Readings, Shakespearian : £ X Han* 0118 ' pp ' 14r " m Reardoil (J. P.) : see Societies (Shakespeare Society's Publications, Vols. 2fl, 36, 40) Reciter, The Complete Shakesperian Reciter (Birmingham) Rede (L. T.) The Guide to the Stage (New York) Redfoi'd (J.) : seeSocieties (Shakespeare Society's Publications, Vols. 29 and 31) Reed (E.) BaCOn VS. Shakspere Brief for Plaintiff. Seventh Edition (Boston) Reed (H.) English History and Tragic Poetry "SEg^ 1 *... Reed (H.) Lectures on the British Poets [shakspeare, pp. 97-121] ... T?P(jfl ('FT ^ TiPftllTPS on English Literature, and on English History as illustrated by Reed (I.) Baker (D.E.) and Jones (S.) Biographia Dramatica Relics : — 147850 Christie, Manson & Woods [Sale] Catalogue of . . . Shakespeare Relics, 8vo, 1896. 55582 Ireland (S.) Shakespear Chair [in Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, etc., vol. 2, p. 147] 8vo, 1799. Relics '. see also Brooch, Gloves. Religion : — 57041 Birch (W. J.) Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere, duo, 1848. 147804 Blatchford (A. N.) Studies in Religion from Shakespeare, duo, 1899. 146945 Bowden (H. S.) The Religion of Shakespeare, duo, 1899. 97814 Bridgett (T. E.) Shakespeare's Nuns [from Merry England] 8vo, 1886. 151247 Byington (E. H.) Shakespeare and the Puritans [in the Puritan as a Colonist and Reformer, pp. 307-354] Svo, 1899. 139252 Carter (T.) Shakespeare, Puritan and Recusant, duo, 1897. 147858 Catholic, Was Shakespeare a Catholic? [from American Catholic Quarterly Review] Svo, ?1896. 3407 Christian, Shakspeare : Was he a Christian? by a Cosmopolite, duo, ?1862. 106395 Clelia, God in Shakspeare, Svo, 1890. Goodson (H. F.) : sec Goodson, p. 90. 147857 Hales (J. W.) Shakespeare and Puritanism [from The Contemporary Review] Svo, 1895. 103968 Hall (J . G.) Shakespeare versus Ingersoll, duo, 1888. 76412 Plumptre (C. J.) Religion and Morality of Shakespeare's Works, duo, 1873. 57224 Roffe (A.) The Real Religion of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1872. 57883 Shakspeare Hand-Book, duo, 1860. 86663 What was the Religion of Shakespeare ? [from The Rambler] Svo, 1858. 2819 Young ( W.) On the Religious Belief and Feeling which pervades King Lear [in Three Essays on King Lear, pp. 53-94] Svo, 1851. Reiny (G.) Shakespeare [a poem] ^L^TstomSSf Rendle (W.) Playhouses at Bankside in the Time of Shakespeare Repository, The Shakespeare eaite ? a £p7 r - en t,£ In published] 1 to4 Retzsch [F. A. M.] Gallery of Shakspeare with expiations by Revels : — 148077 Ancient Documents respecting the Office of Master of the Revels [edited by Halliwell]8vo, 1870. 57905 Curious Paper respecting the Office of the Revels [edited by Halliwell] duo, 1872. 2957 Revels at Court, in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., with introduction by Cunningham (Shakespeare Society) Svo, 1S42. Rhetoric Made familiar, etc. Illustrated with Orations from Shakespeare ... 1 dllO 1748 4to ?1873 duo 1893 1 duo 1868 1 8vo ?1886 1 fol 1853 1 duo 1828 Ribbans (F. B.) Instructive Copies selected on o shatap J e°are ? s puys riticlsm3 1 Ribton-Turner (C. J.) Shakespeare's Land (Leamington) ... 1 133 Number. 57111 136138 Date. English Shakespeariana. No. of Vols. Size. Richard the Second : — 63837 Alliterative Poem on the Deposition of Richard II., edited bj Wright, 8vo, 1S38. Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Richard II. Second edition, duo, 1893. Beamont (\V.) On three Dramas of Sliakspere ; Richard II., etc., Bvo, 1879. Flint Castle. Progrannme of the Performance by Benson's Company of Scenes from Richard 1 1 Aug. 21st, 1899, duo, ?1899. 148751 Deposition of Richard the Second, Translation of a French Metrical History of the, by Webb, 8vo, 1899. Guilmette (G. C.) A Shaksperian Epic : Richard II., 8vo, 1880. Life and Reign of King Richard the Second, by a Person of Quality, duo, 1C81. [Richard II. at the Princess's Theatre. Newspaper Cuttings] duo, ?1857. Wood (S.) Richard II. Questions and Notes [with Supplement] - vols., duo, 1899. 2983 109099 57935 60577 3309 2505 51888 2578 100509 134910 76405 148214 87192 2SD3 44792 146159 Richard the Third 132333 70156 113753 2913 2972 63711 57317 3447 103969 70206 82196 2971 57050 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Richard III., duo, 1895. Beale (M.) A Lecture on the Times and the Play of Richard the Third, 8vo, 1814. Burgess (J. T.) The Last Battle of the Roses, 8vo, 1872. Caine (T. H. II.) Richard III. and Macbeth, duo, 1877. Ghost of Richard the Third. A poem, 1614, founded upon Shakespeare's Play, with an intro- duction by Collier (Shakespeare Society) 8vo, 1844. Kemble (J. P.) Macbeth, and Richard the Third : an Kssay, duo, 1817. Planche (J. R.) Costume of Richard the Third, 4to, 1830. Remarks on the Character of Richard the Third ; as played by Cooke and Kemble. Second edition, 8vo, ?1807. Richard the Third and the Primrose Criticism (Chicago) duo, 1887. Richardson (W.) : see Richardson. Stuart (T.) Shakspere's Richard III., in comparison with Cibber's Alteration, duo, 71840. [Taylor (J.) List of Plays and Tracts on Richard III. and the Battle of Bosworth] 8vo, 71886. True Tragedy of Richard the Third ; [and] Richardus Tertius, by T. Legge, with an introduc- tion by B. Field (Shakespeare Society) 8vo, 1844. Turner (S.) Richard the Third. A poem, duo, 1845. ... 1 (Hew York) Falstaffs Dying Words [New York] Richards (W. C.) The Shakspeare Calendar Richardson (L.) Shakespeare Studies Richardson (W.) Works by : — 57129 A Philosophical Analysis of some of Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters duo, 1774. duo 1850 duo ?1896 Second edition, duo, 1775. 147089 A Philosophical Analysis of some of Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters : [with] An Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare (Boston) duo, 1808. 2782 Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Character of Falstaff, and on his Imitation of Female Characters [with] Observations on the Study of Shakespeare, duo, 1788. 2775 2797 16375 2798 97293 33141 16376 duo, 17S Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters of Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, and Imogen. Fourth edition, duo, 1785. Note.— This is the same work as "A Philosophical Analysis," with a new title. Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters of Richard the Third, King Lpar, and Timon of Athens [with] An Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare, duo, 1784. Second edition, duo, 1785. Essays on some of Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters [with] an Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. Fifth edition, Svo, 1797. Note.— The three works, "A Philosophical Analysis,'' " Essays od Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters," and " Essays on Falstaff" are here combined. Svo, 1798. Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters : sentation of National Characters in Fluellen. with an illustration of Shakespeare's Repre- Sixth edition, 8vo, 1812. employed by English Dramatic Poets, originally published in 15S1 (Shakespeare Society) Riche (B.) Eight Novels Richmond : «« Brcreton. Riddle (J. E.) Illustrations of Aristotle Z^^^Z'X--- Riddles, The Booke of Merry Riddles, 1660 [edited by Haiuweirj ... Riley (A.) Analysis Of Poetry [contains Shakespearian Quotations] Rimbault (E. F.) Who was "Jack Wilson," theSinger s t|S t ke8pearea [Ritson (J.)] Cursory Criticisms ona6 ^ tlon B S mo 5 K k i pub,,abed,,, [Ritson (J.)] Remarks, on the last edition of Shakspeare ... [RitSOn (J.)] The Quip Modest; Supplement to^mar^onthe last edition Ritson (J.) : see also Haslewood. Roberts (Nicholas ap) : «* Hsuiweii fi.-works by) Roberts (W.) Bookselling in the time of Shakespeare [in The Earlier History of English Bookselling, pp, U 77] 1 8vo 1846 1 duo 1832 1 duo 1866 1 duo 1827 1 8vo 1846 1 duo 1792 1 Svo 1783 1 Svo 1788 1 duo 1889 134 Number. 60202 139545 57314 57221 2986 147659 148382 61008 3379 57303 57312 57225 57224 15584 26668 139095 1-18244 No. of 3299 99115 138131 t'ols. Size. Date. 1 fol 1871 1 8vo 1897 1 4to ?1788 1 8vo 1864 1 8vo 1847 1 8vo ?1895 1 8vo 1894 1 duo 1846 1 8vo 1849 1 8vo 1851 1 8vo 1878 1 8vo 1872 1 8vo 1872 1 8vo 1880 1 4to 1874 1 duo 1897 1 8vo 1891 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Bobert c on (J.F.)"Falstafl"s Own" [apicture] by Marks [/«»»» ahg Bobertson (J. M.) Montaigne and Shakspere Bobertson (T.) Essay on the Character of Hamlet ... Bobins (G.): see Stratford-on-Avon [Bobinson (J.)] Christmas at Old Court [The s, p £^$ rgeiy ' ... Bobinson (J.H.) Had Shakespeare read Cavendish's Wolsey ? [in The Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. S, pp. 175-177] Bobinson (P.) Shakespeare's Flower- Language l/ ''"'" 1 T 1 ':.' kc > {' ] " lthly Bobinson (P.) Shakespeare's Natural History New Light nn "Titus Andronicus" [from Contemporary Review] Bobson (W.) The Old Play-Goer [Contains Notices of Shakesiieare's Plays] Bodd (H.) The Chandos Portrait of Shakspere [Correspondence] .. Boft'e (A.) Ghost-Belief of Shakespeare Boffe (A.) Handbook of Shakespeare Music... Boffe (A.) A Musical Triad from Shakespeare Boffe (A.) Beal Beligion Of Shakespeare also an Essay on Prospern ... "RnanPC -inrl Vn era hrtrwl ss of Shakspere's youth, edited hyViles* Furnivall IVOgueS ana VagdUOllUS (New shakspere Society, Series VI., No. 7) Bojas (F. de) Los Bandos de Verona Ensiished t»y cosens Bolfe (W.J.) Shakespeare the Boy ^^^^Z^^l^^" Bolfe (W. J.) A Witness for William Shakespeare 1 """ Zt^""^" Bomances : — 79646 Shakspeare's Romances [King Henry the Fourth] Collected and .arranged by Shakspeare II., 2 vols. [All published] duo, 1825. 21165 King Henry the Fourth, and his times : being the first of a series of Romances from Shakspeare, 2 vols. [All published] duo, 1827. The same work as 79616 with a new title page. Borneo and Juliet : — 2990 Account of an early Italian Poem on the Story of Romeo and Juliet [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. 4, pp. 6-16. J 8vo, 1849. 150296 Archer (W.) The Myths of Romeo and Juliet [ from The National Review] 8vo, 1884. 2974 Barton (A.) Ballad illustrative of Romeo and Juliet [hi Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. 1., pp. 12-14] 8vo, 1844. 149118 Brooke (A.) The Tragical History of Romeus and Julet, duo. 1895. 69052 Drout (J.) Gaulfrido and Bamardo !e vayne, 1570 [Reprint, with introduction by Collier] 8vo, ?1844. 83598 Graves (II. M.) Genius of Shakespeare, with Remark* on the Characters of Romeo and Juliet, duo, 1825. 83512 duo, 1826. 150298 Hale(B. E.) Both their Houses [from Harper's Monthly] 8vo, 1891. 147684 Hales (J. \V.) Runawayes Eyes [from Longman's Magazine] 8vo, 1892. 15154 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on Romeo and Juliet, 8vo, 1879. 102498 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Discursive Notes on Romeo and Juliet, 8vo, 1880. 2979 Halpin (N. J ) The Bridal Run-away : an Essay on Juliet's Soliloquy [in Shakespeare Society Papers, Vol. 2, pp. 14-32] Svo, 1845. 150318 Humphreys (G. E.) Voice and Emotion : with reference to the "Juliet " of Miss Mary Anderson [from National Review] 8vo, 1885. 150321 Lytton [Karl of] Miss Anderson's Juliet [from The Nineteenth Century] Svo, 1884. 4073 New Shakspere Society, Series III., No. 1, Romeus and Iuliet. Arthur Brooke. Rhomeo and Iulietta. William Painter. Edited by Daniel, 8vo, 1875. (Romeus and Iuliet, written in Italian by Bandell, and nowe in English* by Ar. I5r. : " Rhomeo and Julietta," translated by William Painter from the French paraphrase by Pierre Boaistuau, of Bandello's version of " Romeo e Giulietta.' ) 82349 Original Story of Rhomeo and Juliet [ front The Magazine] Svo, 1750. 147683 Original Story of Romeo and Juliet [and] Juliet's Tomb at Verona [ from The Mirror] 8vo, 1823. 7391 Porto (L.da) The Original Story of Romeo and Juliet, duo, 1868. 113803 Shakespeare's Day. A Plea for a Monument, with a Lyric from Romeo and Juliet, duo, 1864. 147682 Snider (D. J.) Romeo and Juliet [from The Western] Svo, 1875. 82348 Walbran (C. J.) Thoughts on Romeo and Juliet, duo, ?1852 148222 " Young Abram Cupid " [from The Penn Monthly] (Philadelphia) 8vo, 1873. B [ooney] (M. W.) Hamlet(1603) ^nKuf SMr Jiscovery(Dumin) Boose velt (Blanche) Verdi : Milan and " Othello "... BoSalind : see Lodge. 1 8vo 1856 1 8vo 1856 1 duo 1887 English Shakespeariana. Number. No. of VuU. Size. 135 Data. 61043 147687 57328 57155 147984 45639 136543 57868 154232 76410 57995 2560 57210 57810 63803 16377 144122 57854 83452 131028 137659 3375 7365 4220 7368 3413 7371 145461 57298 148221 60548 7980 63726 1985 57469 2986 106740 57269 57931 64344 64350 117988 Eoscius : — 2867 Bisset (J.) Dramatic Excellencies of the Young Roscina [W. II. w. Bettj | gvo H804 70205 [Cole (J.)] Critique on the Performance of Othello, by F.W. K. Aldrldge, the African Boadus, Downes (J.) Roscius Anglicanus : see Downes, p. 76. 72506 [MerrittfJ.)] Memoirs of theLife of W II. w. Betty, known by the name of Young Rowritu. Second edition, duo, 1S04. Young Albert, the Roscius, in Characters from Shakspeare. Third edition, duo, 1811. (Profe* [from Victoria Eoscoe (E.) German Criticism on Hamlet lfTOn Rose (E.) Shakespeare as an Adapter [King John] [A«j «»^iitan'« [Ross (C. H.)] Ye Comic Shakespeare with designs by Gray. Part i ... Ross (G.) Shakspere Tl "' 5li " ,n,; "'"' , "' i u>n\-'». "*■» Rowe (Mr. [N.] ) Life, etc., of Shakespear ^^^l^t^T {in Jones's Coventry, Warwick, anil Birmingham Magazine, pp. 117-121] itation of Shakespi-ar's Style . . . Tenth edition Seventh edition (Oxford) [Contains a curious etymology of the name Shakespeare, on pp. 323-4] Rowe (N.) Tragedy of Jane Shore inm in imitation ofShnkspeare's si vie The Works of X. Rowe. Vol. •->, pp. 131-186] Rowe (N.) Jane Shore, A Tragedy ( Rudloff (F. W.) Shakespeare, Schiller, and Goethe (Brighton Ruggles (H. J.) The Method of Shakespeare as an Artist (New York) Buggies _(H. J.) The Plays of Shakespeare ^'Kt^' Bural Life of Shakespeare : see smith, waiter. Rushton(W.L.) Shakespeare an Archer Rushton(W. L.) Shakespeare a Lawyer Rushton (W. L.) Shakespeare illustrated by the Lex Scripta |2J? Rush ton (W. L.) Shakespeare illustrated by old Authors two pans Rushton (W. L.) Shakespeare's Euphuism Rushton (W.L.) Shakespeare's Legal Maxims Rushton (W.L.) Shakespeare's Testamentary Language Rushton (W.L.) Shakespeare Hymn Tune Book Russell (E. R.) Irving as Hamlet RuSSell (E. R.) Irving's ' King Lear' [from The Nineteenth Century] ... Russell (E. R.) The True Macbeth (Liverpool) RuSSell (W.) Shakspere [*» Extraordinary Hen, pp. 27-*)] Rye (W. B.) England as seen by Foreigners taH"*^""** Bymer (Mr. [T.] ) Short View of Tragedy ^EpSa?™ 1 ••• First |»art ( Liverj i 1 -(C) Falstaff; a Comedy tomBd -(L.) NotesonOldPlays^^,^,;;;', 1 ::;';;,'; ' unl Shakespeare apers, Vol. ill., pp. 84-86) s S- S (L. H.) The True Cryptogram of Francis Bacon [Philadelphia] Sabie (F.) The Fisherman's Tale, 1595 1 "'"""'"' 1 ""«" Sack Full of Newes •»«»«•»" k Saints of the Stage [from Comhill Magazine] Sala (G. A.) On Stage Costume L/K»»Beigravia] Salaman (C. K.) Shylock [fc ^.^^#«g triginally printed in the Sixteenth Centui Edited by UalMwell 1 i l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l i l l 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo 4 to duo 8vo duo duo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo duo 1873 L878 ?1864 ?1867 L89] V1880 1897 1G70 1867 ?1870 L820 1053 J 7 -J 5 1764 ?1714 1768 1792 1848 1870 1895 1897 1858 1870 duo 1867-8 duo 1871 duo duo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo duo duo 8vo duo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo duo 1859 1869 1891 1875 1893 1875 1853 1865 1693 1 829 1S47 ?1887 L867 186] 1867 I si;: i 1882 136 Number. 121630 70558 2986 98969 57104 82811 148621 112756 64433 123278 57037 2774 97842 77287 2780 132899 15272 87550 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. of Words and Phrases used in S. E. Worcestershire (Shakespeare and our Dialect, pp. 83-88) No. of Vols. Size. 1 8vo [from The Institute Magazine] (Birmingham) ••• [One of the sources of the play of Hamlet] duo 8vo 8vo duo fol 8vo 8vo 151421 152908 152974 60233 2974 2979 107678 57970 56374 52717 150299 105799 1995 138163 119933 2819 fol 1644-45 8vo 1894 Salisbury (J.) Glossary Salvini (Tornmaso) : — 147647 Signor Salvini's Hamlet, by a Parisian Critic [from The Gentleman's Magazine] 8vo, 1875. 148219 Tornmaso Salvini [from The Century] 8vo, 1881. Sand (George) Letter to M. Eegnier u ^ her ^?^ u t0 I S e e ^ nchstage Banays(W0Shitespeareffliu1rat^^ Sargent (G. F.) Shakespeare Illustrated m Landscape ^Architectural [Sargent (G.E.)] Book of Shakespeare Gems SaS!S| Savage (E.) Aston Cantlow Eegisters [Broadside] Savage (B.) : *«« " l s» Pudsey Sawyer( [Sir] J.) Arms granted to John Shakspeare,1596 gSSSSSf Saxelby (P.) Shakespeare's Sonnets Saxo Graminaticus, Historiae Danicae Saxo Grammaticus, Danish History ta,-ta *&M£ li xxxnT Society Amleth or Hamlet, pp. XLVII., XCV., 100-130; 398-413 SaXO GrammatiCUS; see "i«o Hamlet (at Falbe, Hansen, Latham) Sayings of Shakespeare on the Softer Sex by an ow soiater Scadding [H.] Shakspeare, the Seer — the Interpreter (Toronto) . . . Scenes and Characters : »« Dowden Scenes from Shakespeare for the Young Scenes from Shakespeare : see Beauties, Gems Schaeffer (C. C.) Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Scharf (G.) On the Principal Portraits of Shakspeare Schai'f (G.) : see also Planche Scherer(E.)EssaysonEnglishLiterature' 1 '''-^ Schiller and Shakespeare : see uudiofr Schlegel (A. W.) : see Drama Schmidt (A.) Shakespeare-Lexicon (Berlin and London) ... Date. 1893 1856 1847 1842 1871 1886 1899 1890 duo duo 1877 1864 Illustrated by Sidney Edited by Alias 1 4to 1885 Essay (with Diagram) (Philadelphia) fol duo 1884 1864 1 duo 1891 second edition (Berlin and London) 8vo 8vo 1874 1886 School, etc. : — 40507 Baynes (T. S.) What Shakespeare learnt at School [Magazine Articles] 8vo, 1879-80. 83500 Hudson (H. N.) How to use Shakespeare in School [in English in Schools] duo, 1S81. 14069 Was Shakspere a Scholar ? [i?i The British Controversialist, 1868 [Vol. I.] pp. 442-8] duo, 1868. Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. II., pp. 62-4] [in Miscellaneous Works, Vol. G, pp. 217-395] (Edinburgh) Three Lectures ... ... Scot (E Scott (C.) The Drama of Yesterday & To-day Scott (O.) Some Notable Hamlets (BCTntor % r , ^eSg^,berts^) Tree, and Scott (J. W.) Shakspere Tercentenary Draught Board Scott (T.J.) Early rarity of works of E. Greene ^apt* v^iT; £»S] Scott (T. J.) Poems attributed to T. Nash Scott (Sir W.) Essay on the Drama Scott and Shakspeare, A Parallel of [Scrap Book, Vol. 1 [Scrap Book, Vol. 2 Scrap Books : see also Newspaper Cuttings Scudder(H. E.) Childhood in English Literature, etc. [/ Xnudyf c Scudder(H. E.) Future of Shakespeare [< " Men "*$*£% pp - 21& " 236] . . . Scvdery [G. de] Amaryllis to Tityrus [Hhta»» tow*™* to « _ Seager (H. W.) Natural History in Shakespeare's Time ... Seccombe (Major) Military Misreadings of Shakspeare Seeley (J. E.) A parallel between King Lear and the Oedipus A Collection of Newspaper Cuttings. Play Bills, etc., relating to Shakespeare] A Collection of Newspaper Cuttings, Play Bills, etc., relating to the Tercentenary] 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo fol 1886 1899 1900 1864 1844 1845 1870 1835 V.D. 1 fol 1864, etc. 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo 1885 1887 1681 1896 ?1883 in Colono of Sophocles [in Three Essays on King Lear by Pupils of the City of London School, pp. 1-52] 1 8vo 1851 137 Number. 97059 8351 L 4085 57884 50534 90780 3406 16206 No. i Vols 1 of Siee. duo Date. ?1888 1 duo L862 1 duo L872 1 duo ?1878 1 8vo 1 825 '■ 1 tul English Shakespeariana. Selby (H. M.) Shakespeare Classical Dictionary "JftSS [Selkirk (J. B.)] Bible Truths with Shakspearean Parallels... Selkirk (J. B.) Bible Truths with Shaksperian Parallel [Selous(H.C)] Outlines to Shakspeare TheTempesi [Selous(H.C)] Outlines to Shakspeare'sTempest' 1 '";.!,',"! ;,';, Sentiments and Similes of Shakespeare set Humphreyi Sermons : — 63SS0 Bellamy (G. S.) Shaksperian Sermons, Nos. 1 to 10 . Magazine Articles Svo, -l -77. Dale (R. W.) (ienius the (iift of God : A Sermon on the Tercentenary, Svo, 1864. Freekelton (T. W.) The Church and the Drama, dun, 1866 Laffan (R. S. de C.) In Memoriam, C. B. Flower, Svo, ?1892. Laffan (R. S. de C.) Shakespeare Sermon at Holy Trinity, Stratford-on-Avon, dun, ?1894, Maginnis (D.) Of Great Men : with special reference to Garibaldi and Shakespeare, Svo, 1864. Mangasarian (M. M.) Hamlet, the Drama of Human Destiny, svo, 1887. Mangasarian (M. M.) Lord and Lady Macbeth [Drama of Conscience] Bvo, 1887. Nicholson (A.) Shakespeare Sermon in the Church of the Holy Trinity. Stratford upon-Avon duo, 1897. 155572 Shakespeare Sermons, preached in the Collegiate Church of Stratford-on-Avon, edited by Arbuthnot, duo, 1900. I. Browne (G. F.) The Use of Works of Fiction. V. Stubbs (C. W.) A Thanksgiving foi Shakespeare II. Laffan (K. S. de C.) Shakespeare, the Prophet. VI. Arbuthnol [G.| A Poet's Inspiration. III. Ainger(A.l A l'o.i s K.-ponsii.ility. VII. Farrar K. W.) Shakesprare, the Man and n IV. Nicholson (A.) Tin- Man and the Poet. VIII. Arbuthnot (G.) Poel an. I Historian. Stubbs (C. W.) A Thanksgiving for Shakespeare, duo, 1899. T (W. G.) Shakespeare Sermons [in The Birmingham Examiner, pp. 387-391 : pp. 535-540], 4to, 1877. 4to, 1-77 15424 57887 135202 124817 145282 91352 91353 13S061 147261 28040 146554 49740 156283 69897 19297 Timmins (J. F.) The Poet-Priest, Shakesperian Sermons, duo ?18S0. -Fourth edition, duo, ?1S90. Trench (R. C.) Every good gift from above, 8vo, 1864. Wordsworth (C.) Man's excellency a cause of praise, etc., duo, 1864. Seven Ages of Man : — 57150 Evans (J.) Progress of Human Life : Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man, duo, 1818. 33139 Second edition, duo, la23. 63501 Evans (J.) Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man ; or, the Progress of Human Life, duo, 1831. 31928 Jones (J. W.) Division of Man's Life into Stages, prior to the "Seven Ages" of Shakspere, 4to, 1853. 145307 The Seven Ages of Man. Describ'd by Shakespear. And adorn'd with Curious Cutts, duo, 1771. 7350 Seven Ages of Shakspeare Illustrated, 4to, 1850. NOTE.— This volume forms the Text to No. 01007. 76431 Seven Ages of Man. The Artist's Edition (Philadelphia) 4to, 1885. 57102 Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man. Illustrated by Mulready, Constable, Wilkie, etc., Svo, 184P. 61007 Shakspeare's Seven Ages. Etched by E. Goodall, after Designs by D. Maclise, Svo, 1850. 69887 Shakspere's Seven Ages of Life. Illustrated by J. Gilbert, etc. Engraved by T. Gilks. Second edition, 4to, ?18S5. 57990 Smirke (R.) The Seuen Ages of Man, Described by Shakespeare, duo, 1864. Sexton (G.) The Psychology of Macbeth (Glasgow) 1 duo 1869 Seymour (E. H.) Eemarks upon the Plays of Shakspeare ... 2 8vo 1805 [Seymour (B.)] New Beadings of Old Authors shakspeare ... 25 duo ? 13S992 Antony and Cleopatra. 138996 * 138998 13S986 138999 138991 139006 138997 138995 138987 139001 138990 138993 138985 139005 138989 57860 138988 138984 139003 139000 139002 139004 138994 As You Like It. Coriolanus. Cymbeline. Hamlet. King Henry 4th, part 2. King Henry 5th. King Henry VIII. Julius Csesar. King John. King Lear. Love's Labour Lost. Macbeth. Merchant of Venice. Midsummer-Night's Dream. Othello. Pericles. K. Richd. 2nd. Richard the Third. Romeo and Juliet. Taming of the Shrew. The Tempest. Titus Andronicus. Troilus and Cressida. Shakespeare Deeds : — 63190 Indenture of tine between Adrian Shackspere, plaintiff, and Thomas Greene and Anne his wife, deforciants, of 4 acres of Meadow anil 26 acres of Pasture in Fillongley, (that Old Fillongley, Easter term 7, Chas. I. [1631]. 63189 Indenture of fine between Thomas Brearley and Thomas Shackspere, plaintiffs, Martin Brearlev and Sarah his wife, and Ballard Townesend and Mary his mfe, deforciants, one Cottage, one Water-Mill, 9 acres of Pasture, &c, at Fillongley and Arley. Bast) I I ■ Chas II. [1674]. 135283 Names of Suitors of the Manor Court of Shrewley (containing that of Thomas Shaikspeare de Balsall)24 0ct.,1683. 138 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. rk-' entered under other subject headings, such as Lectures, Lives, Plays, Shakespeare (William) : — NOTE.— The following list does not include wc Poems, etc. 101763 Archer (VV.) Shakespeare and the Public [in About the Theatre, pp. 239-256] duo, 1886. 57223 Bagehot (W.) Shakespeare— the Individual [in Estimates of some Englishmen, etc., pp 222-273] 8vo, 1858. 133S89 Bagehot (W.) Shakespeare— the Man (1853) [in Literary Studies, Vol. 1, pp. 126-172] 8vo, 1879. NOTE.— This is tliu same article as Shakespeare— the Individual |.">7223). 57297 Barret (J. V.) Shakspere fresh chiselled on Stone, duo, ?1858. 70188 Bartlett (G. B.) Mrs. Jarley's Waxworks (The Shakesperian Chamber. Part 2, pp. 28-32), 2 vols, duo, ?1840. 127978 Baynes (T. S.) Shakespeare Studies, duo, 1894. 40507 Baynes (T. S.) What Shakespeare learnt at School [Magazine Articles] 8vo, 1879-80. 2881 Becket (A.) Shakspeare's Himself Again : Language of the Poet Asserted, 2 vols., Svo, 1815. 57144 Blount (Sir T. P.) De Re Poetica, or Remarks upon Poetry (Shakespear, pp. 202-206) duo, 1694. 133609 Boas (F. S.) Shakspere and his Predecessors, duo, 1896. 155555 Bristol (F. M.) Shakespeare and America, Svo, 1898. 3389 Britton (J.) Merits and Characteristics of Shakspere, 8vo, 1849. 150929 Builder, Was Shakspeare a Builder ? [from The Builder] 4to, 1879. 57020 Burgess (J. T.) The Swan of Avon [in Historic Warwickshire, pp. 303-317] duo, ?1873. [in Historic Warwickshire, pp. 86-103] 4to, ?1892-3. 115997 147344 60100 C (W. G.) Shakspeare in his Works [from Chambers's Journal] Svo, 1864. Caine (T. Hall) Two Aspects of Shakspeare's Art [in Contemporary Review, "Vol. 43, pp. 883-900] Svo, 1883. 147855 Caird (E.) Some Characteristics of Shakespeare [from Contemporary Rfview] Svo, 1896. 126647 Calmour (A. C ) Fact and Fiction about Shakespeaie, 8vo, ?1894. 148385 Cargill (A.) Shakespeare as an Actor [from Scribner's Magazine] Svo, 1891. 14785S Catholic, Was Shakespeare a Catholic ? [from American Catholic Quarterly Review] Svo, 1S£6. 22S36 Cattell (C. C.) Great Men's Views on Shakespeare, with an essay by Ingleby, duo, 1879. 70142 Cattell (C. C.) Shakespeare, Was he a Myth ? or, What did he Write ? duo, ?1SS0. 3407 Christian, Shakspeare : Was he a Christian ? by a Cosmopolite, duo, ?1S62. 147658 Clarke (M. C.) Shakespeare's Self as revealed in his Writings [from Shakespeariana] duo, 1886. 2909 Corney (B.) The Assumed Birthday of Shakspere, 8vo, ?1864. 112162 Corson (H.) An Introduction to the Study of Shakespeare, duo, 1890. Craig (E.) : see Craig, p. 72. Dennis (Mr. [J.]) Genius and Writings of Shakespear : see Dennis, p. 74. Dowden (E ) : see Dowden, pp. 75-6. 139670 Dunning (E. J.) Genesis of Shakespeare's Art, A Study of his Sonnets and Poems, duo, 1897. 56294 Ellacombe (H. N.) Shakespeare as an Angler, duo, 1883. 98170 Ferrara (A) Shakespeare— Sacrificed ; or The Offering to Avarice [A Plate] fol, 1789. 142294 Fishley (E. E ) Shakespeare's Rule of Life, duo, 1892. Foard (J. T.) : see Foard, p. 87. 113759 Gordon (J. T.) Shakespeare & Ourselves, Svo, 1863. 145308 Gould (G.) Letters to Samuel Timmins on Shakespeare [MS.] duo, 1SS4-89. Grave : see Grave, p. 90. Graves (H. M.) : see Graves, p. 90. 104095 Griffiths (L. M.) Evenings with Shakspere. A Handbook to the Study of his Works, Svo, 1889. 63821 Hamilton (R. W.) On the Tragic Genius of Shakspeare [in Nugse Literaria?, pp. 185-236] 8vo, 1841. 57019 Harcourt (A. F. P.) The Shakespeare Argosy. Shakespeare's Wisdom and Wit, duo, 1874. 57872 Howell (T.) Stray Thoughts upon Shakespeare, duo, 1867. 57116 Humphreys (H. N.) Sentiments and Similes of William Shakespeare [Illuminated] duo, 1851. 64516 Second edition, duo, 1857. 139376 Ingersoll (R. G.) Shakespeare : A Lecture, duo, V1S97. 129393 Ingleby (C. M.) On Shakespeare's Traditional Birthday, Svo, ?1S74. 6054 Ingleby (C. M.) Shakespeare, The Man and the Book: (Part 2, Occasional Papers) 2 vols., Svo, 1877-81. 59244 Ingleby (C. M.) Shakespeare's Bones. The proposal to disinter them, Svo, 1883. 6052 [Ingleby (C. M.)] Shakespeare's Centime of Prayse : [1592-1693] Materials for a History of Opinion on Shakespeare and his Works, Svo, 1874. Jackson (Z.) : see Jackson, p. 107. j> Jeremiah (J.) : see Jeremiah, p. 107. . Jones (G. ) : see Jones, p. 108. 3357 I[onson] (B.) Euery Man in his Hvmovr [Has Shakespeare's Name as one of the Players] 4to, 1616. 141698 Kent (C. W.) Shakespeare Note-Book for Advanced Courses in Colleges, etc., 4to, 1898. S3542 Kingsley (Rose) When Shakspere was a Boy [from St. Nicholas] 4to, 18S6. 70165 Krueger's (E.) Shakespearian Entertainment, Programme and Text Book, Svo, ?1863. 76867 Leo (F. A.) Shakespeare-Notes, 8vo, 1885. 57855 Leonard Gallery : Account of the great Picture, Shakespeare, or the Glory of Great Britain ; painted by Leonard, duo, ?1875. 147847 Lippmann (E. O. von) Shakespeare's Ignorance? [Winter's Tale] [from The New Review] Svo, 1891. 57234 [Lordan (C. L,)] A few words upon Shakspeare [in Colloquies, pp. 137-188], duo, 1844. 43501 . . — — — — — ■ — . . — — -duo, 1844. English Shakespeariana. 139 No. Ol Number. Vols, Size. |i t. . Shakespeare (William) — continued 1483S3 Lovell (J.) Shakespeare's Birthday [from Social Notes] -vn, 1879. Lowell (J, R.) : See Lowell, p. 115. li."T(iO Lushington (V.) Shakespeare, an Address to the Positivist Society of London al Stratford-on- Avon, 8vo, 1885. 82430 Lyttelton (Lord) A Few Thoughts about Shakspeare, duo, 57226 [t« Ephemera, pp. 286 SSI] duo, 45016 McDowall (W.) The Mind in the Face [Shakespeare, pp. 35-37] duo 135553 Maiden (H. K.) Shakespeare as an Historian [tn Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, N.s. Vol. X., )ip. 23-40] Svo, L896. 49633 Meister(H.) Of Shakespeare [in Letters written during a Residence in England, pi>. 91-101.] Svo, 1799. Montagu (.Mrs. - ) Writings and Genius of Shakespear : see Montagu, p. 120. Morgan (A.) Shakespeare in Fact and in Criticism, duo, 1888. Morgan (A. A.) The Mind and Genius of Shakspeare, 8vo, 1878. Moulton (R. (!.) Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist, duo, 1885. . Second edition, duo, 1888. 98886 90464 129456 140528 61437 80473 69858 101909 108016 19090 995S9 15423 77031 102432 114278 114853 118776 70172 585 1 103285 57305 2524 Moyse (C. B.) Dramatic Art of Shakespeare, 8vo, 1S79. Nasmith (D.) Shakspeare [in Makers of Modern Thought, Vol. L, pp. 188 219] duo, 1892. Nisbet (J. F.) The Insanity of Genius (Shakespeare, pp. 140-102] duo, 1893. O'Gorman (It.) An Oration on Shakspere, Svo, 1857. Parkinson (J. C.) The Bard of Avon Lodge [Shakespeare a Freemason, etc.] svo, 1S72. Peyster (J. W. de) Was THE Shakespeare, after all, a Myth? svo, L888. Pownall (A.) Shakspere weighed in an even balance, Svo, 1804. [Prescot (K.)] Shakespear, 4to, ?1774. Price (T.) The Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare : .sec Price, p. 130. 147687 Rose (E.) Shakespeare as an Adapter [from Maemillan's Magazine] Svo, 1878. 136543 Rossi (L ) and Corbould (E. M.) Side-Lights on Shakspere, duo 1897. 83452 Ruggles (H I.) Method of Shakespeare as an Artist, duo, 1870. Rushton (W. L.) : see Rushton. 2774 Scadding [H.] Shakspeare, the Seer— the Interpreter, duo, 1S64. 138683 Shakespeare : A Revelation, by ? duo, 1897. 147654 Shakespeare and fieorge Eliot [from Blackwood's Magazine] Svo, 1883. 92005 Shakespeare and Honest King George versus Parson Irving and the Puritans, 8vo, 1824. 151852 Shakespeare- Bacon. An Essay, duo, 1SG9. 3280 Shakspere-Lore. Virtue's Fine Art Almanac for 1874, duo, ?1874. 57292 Shakespeare, the Man and the Dramatist [from The Atlantic Monthly] 8vo, 1S67. 57491 Shakespere's Curse and other poems, duo, 1861. 57062 Shakespeare's Home visited and described by Washington Irving and F. W, Fairholt. duo, 1877. 83687 Spink (W.) Shakespeare as a Dramatic Model [from The National Review) Svo, 1885. 26902 Stapfer (P.) Shakespeare and Class'cal Antiquity, duo, 1880. 57257 Stendahl(M.) Racine and Shakspeare [A Review in Magazine of Foreign Literature, pp. 197 208] Svo, 1823. 134588 Stopes (C. C.) The Earliest Official Record of Shakespeare's Name, Svo, ?1S96. 2926 Testimonies to the Genius and Merits of Shakespeare, 4to, ?1 790. 54267 Thomson (W.) William Shakespeare in Romance and Reality, Svo, 1881. 7112 [Townsend (G. II.)] William Shakespeare not an imposter, duo, 1857. 150276 [Wallace (A.) ] William Shakspeare [from Irvine Express] Svo, '.'1885. Shakespeare II. : see Romances Shakespeare's History of the Times Shakespearana and Warwickshire Notes [ -*° « "TgSSff "* Shakespearean, The VoU Vols. 3 and 4 (London) Shakespeariana published Mid edited in iipon-Avon] Vol. 1 (Philadelphia) and Vols. 7 to 10 (New Yi.rki Vols: 2 to 5 (Philadelphia) and Vol. 6 (New York) 1 duo 1778 1 fol 1886, etc. 2 4to 1895-96 2 8vo 1896-98 5 4to 1884-93 5 8vo 1885-89 Shakespeariana : — 106010 Best (K. T.) Shakesperiana (500 Passages from Shakespere) duo, V1890. 85515 Morgan (A.) Digest Shakespearean* (Papers of the NY. Shakespeare Society, No* 4 and ,) 2 vols., duo, 1886-7. 57235 Morgan (H. H.) Topical Shakespeariana, Svo, 1879. 145509 Shakespeariana (Reprinted from the Stratford-on-Avon Herald) duo. 1883. Shapleigh : see Wlnsor Sharpe (W.) A Conserrated Poem to Shaw (Ann) Inventory of Goods of, 1630 1Kl iu',",i"i.V >< Shaw (J. H.) Shakespere's Idea in Macbeth and Hamlet .. V. ' * I from New Zealand Magaslne] Sheffield Shakespeare Club, Proceedings mm isnefflewi momte the Tricentenary of Shakspean duo ?1864 duo ! Svo 1877 duo 1829 140 Number. 113767 97256 2581 147679 113499 69016 145503 90730 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 135501 67188 124132 107776 57886 76409 Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations (Manchester) 2994 6051 69325 69326 7383 112735 2973 2810 57040 86781 16208 57990 2:558 24303 translated from the French om The Gentleman's Magazine] [Shaksperean Show in aid of the Chelsea Hospital for Women] (Manchester) Sheldon (C.) Notes to As You Like It Sherlock (F.) Shakspeare on Temperance Sherlock (M.) A Fragment on Shakspeare Shindler (E.) The Stolen Key [to the Sonnets] [fr Shirley (W.) Edward the Black Prince ; ffl l ^ T o?Iftt1ar th6 . Shorthand : see Levy, Phonography Shottd'y '. see under Hathaway (Anne) Show Book, Shaksperean Shylock V. Antonio (From "Albany Law Journal") Shylock : see also Merchant of Venice Shys at Shakspeare : «« v — u. and t. o Siddons (J. H.) The Shakespearian Keferee Siddons (Mrs.) :— 54474 Boaden (J.) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, 2 vols., Svo, 1827. 72476 Campbell (T.) Life of Mrs. Siddons, duo, 1839. 14S223 Jenkin (F.) Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth [ from Nineteenth Century] Svo, 1878. S9546 Kennard (Mrs. A.) Mrs. Siddons. (Eminent Women Series [Vol. 15]) duo, 1887. Sidney (H.) '■ ste Scenes from Shakespeare Signatures, Shakespeare's: see Autographs Silsby (Mary R.) Tributes to Shakespeare Siluayn (A.) The Orator En |£ Sim (Adelaide C. G.) Phoebe's Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. Date 1 duo 1877 1 duo ?1883 1 8vo 1786 1 8vo 1892 1 duo 1760 1 duo ?1884 1 duo 1874 [Glossary] (Washington) 1 duo 1886 (New York) ... (Declamation 95. Of a Jew. who would ! a pound of the flesh of a Christian) arranged for Children A Theatrical Droll, composed about A.D. 1047 Edited by Halliwell Simpleton the Smith Simpson (E.) Philosophy of Shakespeare's Sonnets Simpson (E.) The School of Shakespeare duo 1892 duo 1596 duo 1894 duo 1860 1 duo 1868 1 duo 1872 No. 1. A larum for London or The Siege of Antwerp. The Spoyle of Antwerpe by George Gascoyne. 33137 Simpson (E.) The School of Shakspere 2 duo 1878 Vol. 1. Prefatory notice. Appendix: The stories of the plays of 'Captain Stucley' and ' Nobody and Somebody.' Biography of sir Thomas Stucley. The Famous History of the Life and Death of Captain Thomas stukeley. Nobody and Somebody. Vol. 2. Histrio-Mastix. The Prodigal Son. Jacke Drums Entertainement. A Warning for Faire Women. Faire Em. An Account of Robert Greene, and his attacks on Shakspere and the Players. Index and Glossary. Simrock (K.) Eemarks .,.. Smith (J. C.) : m Musi.' Smith (Teena Rochfort-) A Memoir 1861 L883 Smith (Toulmin) Shakespeare Autographs bK^JFj^IJEi ••• Smith (W. II.) Bacon and Shakespeare ' ,„•"'""' William Shake peari H n nil thi Phu N... of Vols. Siw>. 1 8vo L870 1 8vo 1-71 1 8vo 1874 1 duo L889 I ISNS 1 8vo 1901 Smith (W. H.) Was Lord Bacon the Author of Shakespi Plays? Smyth (A.H.) Shakespeare's Pericles ^Slfi!?fig&E£?- .ffi; . Hi- Journitl of Speculative Pli SI, I... in , ctl Snider (D. J.) Hamlet '•' Snider (D. .1.) " Measure for Measure" Ln ';Z^>l'" Snider (D. J.) Romeo and Juliet icmi Snider (D. J.) System of Shakespeare's Dramas - : i Snider (D. J.) " Winter's Tale ' [Soames (C.) 1 [amlet All attempt i, i nl Spi i ulativi I'lill (SI I.II1I1 it :i i ii whether the Queen were iin ssory in tin Murder I duo L899 1 8vo L883 1 8vo L8i 1 dun 1857 1 duo L884 1 8vo 1856 1 8vo 1898 1 8vo L873 1 8vo 1875 1 8vo I B75 2 duo 1877 1 8vo L875 1 8vo 1856 4061 SOCIETIES. Adelaide University Shakespeare Society: 146279 Glynn (P McM.) Some Thoughts on Shakespeare. A Lecture. vo, 1891. 146280 Proceedings [from 13th Session, 1806 7] 8vo, I-:', eti 146282 Resume of Work [9th anil 10th Sessions, 1892 ami I (93] it... ?1893 I. 153625 University Shakespeare Journal, Vol. 1, Xns. ;;, i. :. and 8, 8vo, 1886. Clifton Shakspere Society: — 37665 Catalogue of the Library [with Supplement] mo. 1881 7. Manchester Shakspere Society: — 1 13809 Annual Reports [from 1st (1896 7)1 Svo, 1897, etc. 153029 Bailey (Sir \V. H.) Shakespeare as a Patriot. Inaugural Address, jvo I Hi 143997 Foard (J. T.) Shakspere's Mission & Office as the Dramatics Histrionic Poel of the English People. An Address. 8vo, 1898. Melbourne Shakspeare Society : — Anniversary Meeting, Sixth, Programme, Svo, 1890. Phillips (P. D.) Shakespearian Notes of Travel. Two Papei • New Shakspere Society, Publications 147627 147657 8vo, 1*71. i tc. Series I. [TRANSACTIONS.] [Xns. 1, 2] Transactions, 1874. I., n. mi Metrical T< sts as applied to Dramatic Poetry, by I'. G. Pleay. III. fin the Authorship nf the Taming of the Shrew, by F. G. Pleay. Ap| e IV. On the Authorship of Timon of Vthens, by F. G. Fleay. IVb. On the Play of Pericles, b) F. G. Fleay. V. (iii the Porter in Macbeth, by J. W. Hali a VI. mi Plays of Shakspere, of which portions wi re written al diffi reni pi VII. On two plays of Shakspere's, the versions of which as we have tin hands, bj P. G. Fli aj Part I, Macbeth I lulius ( VIII. Mr. Halliwell's Hint on the date of Coriolanus. IV. Political use of the Stage in Shakspere I Simpson. X. Politics of Shakspere - Historical Plays, bj K. Sim] XI. On the " Weak foldings' ol Shakspere, bj J. K. Ingram. \ II Which lire Uaiulel s ' Dozen ol Sixfr i Appendix :— I. if-, bj : ■ ■ . result* "i .ill. i iii" n- by ..(In i Shan i>l Shakspi n Shares of Slink qicri on the tie of H.'i ma. mil Fletrln I in II. my \ III . Iq ,1. Sped hi, I | |. i, iii i iii the l wo Xobli i. Ii ., \ i Mr Roderick lefoi >'>rl nf lln- . ..11,111111. 142 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Societies — contin ued. New Bhakspere Society, Publications — continued. [Nos. 3, 4] Transactions, 1875-6. I On the corrected edition of Richard III., by J. Spedding : On the Quarto and the Folio of Richard HI., by E. II. Pickcrsgill. II. on the Quarto and Folio of King Lear, by N. Delins. HI. On " Evening Mass in Romeo and Juliet, by R. Simpson. IV. iii, some i - 1 ; i > s attributed I" Shakspere, by K. Simpson. v. hi. Hi, ■ l; l-8tor.\ in the Merchant of Venice and a version ■ >r i i in Cursor Mundi, by Miss Toulniin Smith. VI. Note upon tin- " Elf-Locks" in Ro and Juliet, bj ■'. W. Logg. VII. Gruach , l.:nly Macbeth), by the Countess of Charlemont. VIII. (in tin' Character of Banquo, by A. Foggo. [X., XII. (in Shakspere's Use of Narration in his Dramas, by X. Delins. X. mi the Authorship of the second and third Parts oi Henry VI., by Miss Jane Lcc. XI. Hi'' Political Element in Massingcr, by s, l: Gardiner. Appendixes : — I. Shakspere's Dramatic Ait. II. Dr. s. Forman's Book of Plays or Notes in mil. III. mi ill.. Confusion ofTime in Hi'' Merry Wives, by R. G. White. IV. On the Speeches "I Brutus and Antony, from Appian's Chronicle "l 1578. V. Account of the German Shakspere Society"s Jahrbuch, 1876, by F. I'. Matthew. VI. Collation of Marlowe's Edward II.. 1594, with Dyce's text of 1830, by R. Genec. VII. List of Shakspcreana since Jan. 1, 1874, bj F. Tbimm. Scraps. [Nos. 5, G, 7] Transactions, 1877-9. I. Division int,, Acts of Hamlet, by I l; II. (in Hie Division of the Acts in Lear, Much Ail", and Twelfth Night, by J. Spedding. III. (in the Witch-Scenes in Macbeth, by T. A. Spalding. IV. Halpin's Time-Analysis of the Merchant of Venice, by I'. A. Daniel. V. mi Hie First Quarto of Ron and Juliet, by T. A. Spalding. VI. Shakspere's" New Map "[in Twelfth Night] bj C H. Coote. VII. Scraps. VIII.-X. Tii Analysis of the Plots of Shakspere's Plays, by I'. A. Daniel. XI. Introductorj Scene of the second part "f Henry IV.. by Prof. Hagcna XII. Natural History Similes in Henry VI., by Miss E. Phipson. XIII. Animal Nature versus Human Nature in King Lear, by J. Kirkman. XIV. on " Von Hey Lines that /re* the Clouds," in Julius Caisar, by [J.] I: ;-l in .XV. (iii Hamlet's "Some Dozen or Sixteen Lines," by C. M. Inglcby. XVI. (in Hie Dispute between George Mailer an ' Tin, mas Arthur, by <■. II. Overond. .XVII. i in I'n. k's "Swifter than the Moon's Sphere" and Shakspere's Astr my, by I. J. 1 nail. XVIII. (in Chester's Love - Martyr, by F. .1. Fumivali. XIX. The "Speech-ending Test applied to twenty of Shakspere's Plays, by F. S. Pulling. XX. Scraps. XXI. Shakspere Literature, 1871! to is::i. by 1-'. Thimm. Appendix: — I. 'II nly :: leaves left of Wager's Cruell Debtter, I50ii. II. Shakspere's 4; yards ol cloth on March 15, 1003-4. III. Prof. Wilson's Solution ofthc mystery of Double-time in Shakspere. IV. Contents of the German Shakspere Society's Year Book, Vol. XI. XIV., by I D. Matthew.— Second Report. August, 1873. [Nos.8, '.). 10] Transactions, 1880 6. I. Sudden emotion, by E. Uosi II. Hamlet's cursed Hebenon, by 1'.. Nicholson. III. Tb" inconsistency of the ti in Shakspere's Plays, by E. Itose. IV. Shakspere ami Sea-Glasses, by I:. Nicholson. V. Kemp and He- Play of Hai t— York* and Tarlton -by B. Nicholson. VI. The Seasons of Shakspere's Plays, by II. X. Ellaeoinbe. VII. The relation ol tie' quarto t" Hi" *>•]■•• version •■( Henry \'., by I'.. Nicb.d VIII. The number of witches in Macbeth, by It. Nicholson. Note on King John, by 1'.. Nicholson. IX. The first and second quartos and the firs1 folio of Hamlet, uj G. Tangei X. (in l"in passages in Henry V.,by B. Nicliolson. X I. Mr. Spcdding's proi>osed arrangement of acts in King Lear, by P. Bayne. XII. Notes on "All's well that ends well," by J. G. A. Dow. XIII. Shakspere and Euphuism, by F. Laudinaun. XIV. Shakspere - \- \ on Like It. an, I Lodge's Rosalynde, compared by W. G. Stone. XV. Hamlet's Juice of Cursed II, bona, by W. A. Harrison. XVI. in, u ilkin- 's share in the play called Shakspere's Pericles, by R. Boyle. XVII. Was Hamlet mad ! by B. Nicholson. XVIII. (in "Massinger an. I the Two Noble Kinsmen,' by R. Boyle. XIX. "0 Poor Ophelia !" by MM (J. Latham. XX. Shakspere in Poland, Russia, ami other Sclavonic Countries, by Dr. Ziolecki. XXI. Henry \ 111. An investigation into Hi,- origin ami authorship of the clay, by It. Boyle. XXII. Documents relating to the Players at the Red Bull. Clerkenwell, ami the Cockpit in limn Lane, in the time of Jauu - l.. by -i. Greenstreet. XXIII. Richard 111., by s. A. Brooke. XXIV. lb.' Prose in Shakspere's Plays, by II. Sliarpc. Tables showing win tier each person speaks in pros,- ,, r in metre in each scene in Much Ail" About Nothing, ami in Hamlet. XXV. "n Character-development in Shakspere a- illustrated by Macbeth ami Henry v. by R. G. Moulton. XXVI. la 'am, t. Fletcher, and Massinger, bj It. Boyle. XXVII. Hamlet's Vge, by Sir E. Sullivan. Scraps. English Shakespeariana. L43 Societies — contin ued. New Shakspere Society, Publications- continued. Appendices : I. Xumbei of lines In Shakspere's Works. II. Inventory, \.l> 1074, ofthes IsofSh J, B goods, 1674. Pedigree of Shakspere's granddaughter and lier husband'* i-lilldren in. Queen Elizabeth's Proclamation as to Licenses for Interludi IV. VII. Program of the Society's ftrst, second, tlilrd, and fourth Mil Icul im.it. I Words of the songs, catches, ballads, .-t.-.. Bung on Maj Abstract ol Proci edings, Oct. 14, 1881 to 11 [Nos. 11, 12, 13] Transactions, 1887-92. I. The Topical Side of the Elizabethan Drama, by S, I II. Shakspere's Tempest as an Illustration ol the i'i y of Central Ideas, lij i: i: Moultou ill. On Volumnia, by Miss G. Latham, IV. Some of Sliakspere's Waiting-Women, by Mi<« G. Lnthnm. V. Some C; % of Character-interpretation, by R G Mi VI. Elizabethan England and the Jews, by S. I., l VII. On Shakspere's Vcccntuatlon of Propel Nouns, by B. Daws VIII. Suggestions on Greene's Romances and Shakspere, bj C. H. Herford. I \. Shakspere Idolatry, by T. Tyler. K. On a Contemporary Drawing of the Swan Tl iti H XI. The Stage-Version of Romeo and Juliet, by W. Poel. XII. On "The Humour of Love's Labour's Lost, and Is You Like It," by R. (1 Moultuii XIII. The \\ hitefrlars Theatre In the tlm Shakspere, hj J Greenstreet. XIV. Rosalind, Celia, and Helen, by MissG. Latham. XV. Julia, sih ia, Hero and Viola, by Miss G. Latham. XVI. Shakspere's referem es to Natural Phei lena, by Miss i: Phlpsnn. XVII. I'hei haracter of Hamlet, by Prof. Dorchester. XVIII. s,,n„. of Shakspere's Metaphors, and bis use of them in the Comedies, hj Miss <:. Litli XIX. Othello as a tyi l" Plot, by R. G. Moulton. Scrap Appendix : I. Progi-aui of the Society's Fifth Musical Entertainment Abstract ol Proceedings IM, T2. 18*01, In Jai and Feb. I". 1888, to Jan. 10, 1890. Series II. [PL A Vs.] No. l Romeo and Juliet. Parallel Texts of the First Two Quartos, (Q 1) 1597, Q ! 1509 Edited bj P. A. Daniel, 1874. •2 Borneo and Juliet. Reprint of (Qf 1) 1597. Edited bj P. A. Daniel, i>74. 3 Uoineo and Juliet. Reprint of Q° 2. 1599. Edited by P. A. Daniel, 1874. ■i Romeo and Juliet. Revised edition of the Second, or 1599, Quarto. Edited by P. A. Daniel, 1875. 5 The Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth. Reprint of Firsl Quarto, 1600. [Kilitcil bj B. Nicholson] 1S75. 6 The Life of Henry the Fifth. Reprinted from the First Folio, 1623. I Edited bj B. Nicholson 1875. 7 The Two Noble Kinsmen. Reprint of the [First] Quarto, 1634. Edited by H. Littledale, - S, 15 The Two Noble Kinsmen, by Shakspere and Fletcher. Edited from the Quarto of 1634, bj II Littledale, Parts I. and II., Is7<: 35. !) Kins Henry V. Parallel Texts of the First Quarto (lCOn) and Fkst Folio (1023) »-- 1 it i.-«i~. Edited by B. Nicholson, with an introduction by P. A. Daniel, 1*77. in The Life of Henry the Fift. The edition of 1623, Revisedand Corrected, with Notes, etc., b) \V. <;. Stone, 1880. 11 The Tragedie of Cymbeline. Reprinted from the first folio, 1623, «itli collations of the second, third, ami fourth folios, by \V. -I. Craig, 1883. Soi^ III. ORIGINALS AND ANALOGUES. No. l Romeusand Iuliet, [by] Arthur Brooke. Rhomeo and lulietto, [by] William Painter, Edited by P. A. Daniel, 1875. [Romeus and Iuliet, written first in Italian hj Bandell. and nowe in Englishe by Ailthur] Br[ooke] :" Rhomeo and Julietta " translated by William Painter, from the French paraphrase, by Pierre Boaistuau, on Bandello's version ol " Romeo e ( rinlietta."] Series IV. [SHAKSPERE ALLUSION-BOOKS.] No. i Shakspere Allusion-Books, Pari J. [1592-8]. Edited bj C. M. [ngleby, 1874. ■2. J Allusions to Shakspere, A..D. 1592-1693, 'Shakespeare's Centurie of Prayse I wcond ••'! . 1879) [by C. M. Ingleby], and 'Some 300 Fresh Allusions to Shakspere, 1594 to 1694 [18S6) Edited by P. J. Furnivall] 1^79 & 1886. Series V [CONTEMPORARY DRAMA]. None Published. Series VI. [SHAKSPERE'S ENGLAND.] No. l. ;., s Harrison's Description of England in Shakspere's Youth, Edited by F. J. Furnivall. i- ■i Tell-Trothes New-Yeares Gift, and The Passionate Morrice, i o.; John Lane's Tom rell Ti-oths Message and his Pens Complaint, 1600 Thomas Powell's roinol All nudes, 1631 Glass of Godly Loue(by John Rogers?) 1569. Edited bj F. .1. Furnivall. ;; William Stafford's Compendious or briefe Examination of certayne ordimm Complaints ..( divers of our Countrymen, 1581. ("A briefe conceipt of English Pollicy fWttli introduction by P. D. Matthew. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, i!>70. H4 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Number. Vols. Size. Date. Societies — con 1 1 n tied. New Shakspere Society, Publications — continued. I. 6, 12 Philip Stubbes's Anatomy of the Abuses in England in Sliakspere's Youth, a.d. 1583, Edited by F. -J. Furnivall. 1S77-S2. 7 The Rogues and Vagabonds of sliakspere's Youth, described by .Tn. Awdeley in his Fraternitye of Vacabondes, 1501-73, Thus. Harman in liis Caueat for Common Cursetors, 1507-73, and in the Groundworke of Conny- catching, 1592. Edited by E. Yiles & F. J. Furnivall, 1880. !i Old London Bridge as Shakspere saw it, about 1000 a.d. [A Cromo-foto-lithograf by W. GriggsJ l(i [A Platinotype of the Stratford Bust of Shakspere]. 11 [A Cromo-foto-lithograf of Shakspere'sMonument in StratfordChurch.printed by W.Griggs &Son] 13 | A Copy, by Dawson's Fotograving jirocess of the Droesliout (Drooz-howt) Portrait of Shakspere] 14 Robert Laneham's Letter ; Whearin the entertainment at Killingworth Castl, in Warwik Sheer, 157."', is signified. Re-edited by F. J. Furnivall, 1890. Series VII [ENGLISH MYSTERIES, MIRACLE-PLAYS, ETC.] 1, The Digby .Mysteries. Edited by F. 3. Furnivall, 1SS2. Scries VIII. MISCELLANIES. No. 1 A better on Sliakspere's Authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen ; and on the characteristics of Shakspere's style, and the Secret of his Supremacy, by VV. Spalding, [Edited] by J. 11. Burton, 1876. 2 Robert Chester's "Lows Martyr, or Rosalins Complaint" (1601) with its Supplement. "Diverse Poeticall Essaies" on the Turtle and Phoenix, by Shakspere, Ben Jonson, Chapman, John Marston, etc. Edited by A. 15. Grosart. 1878. 3 A List of all the Songs & Passages in Shakspere which have been set to Music. Compiled by J. Greenhill. W. A. Harrison, and F. .1. Furnivall. The words in old spelling from the Quartos and first Folio, edited by F. J. Furnivall and \V. G. stone. 18S4. 3 - (Revised edition) 1884. 4 Critical and Historical Program of the Madrigals, Glees, and Songs to he given at the Second Annual Musical Entertainment at University College, London, 9th May, 1884. 4 Critical and Historical Program of the .Madrigals, (ilees, and Songs given at the Second Annual Musical Entertainment at University College. London, 9th May, 1884. Revised edition. 1884. New Shakspere Society, Works relating to : — 102502 Halliwell-Phillipps(J. O.) A Letterto the Members of the New shakspere Society, with a Copy of a Correspondence I with Robert Browning, etc.] fol, 1881. U5420 - [without title page] fol, 1881. 42279 YVimlle (Mrs. C. F. A.) Address to the New Shakspere Society. Discovery of Lord Verulam's undoubted authorship of the "Shakspere" Work-, 8vo, L881. Mool;> New York, Shakespeare Society of, Papers and Publications duo, 1885, etc. No. 1 Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet : The Burial of Ophelia, by R. S. Guernsey. 2 Venus and Adonis. A Study in Warwickshire Dialect, by A. Morgan. 3 William Shakespeare ami alleged Spanish Prototypes, by A. R. Frey. t. 7 Digest Shakespeareanse, by A. .Morgan. ■ i lime in the Play of Hamlet, by E. P. Vining. o The Once Used Words iii Shakespeare, by J. D. Butler. 8 The Construction and Types of Shakespeare's Verse as seen in The Othello, by T. R. Price. 9 Caliban. A Philosophical Drama Continuing "The Tempest" of William Shakespeare Translated from the French of K. Kenan, by Eleanor G. Vickery. 10 A Study in the Warwickshire Dialect [Venus and Adonis] by A. Morgan, Fourth edition. 11 A Further Study of The Othello. Have we misunderstood Shakespeare's Moor.' by W. Given. i-' //;. re Shakespeare's "Legal Acquirements." Notes by an Unbeliever Therein, by W. c. Devecmon. Phdadelphia Shakespeare Society : — 138639 Memorial, 1872-1897. 4to, 1897. 138C40 Twenty-fifth Anniversary and Twenty-fourth Annual Dinner, Menu, 4to, 1897. 2951 Shakespeare Society, Publications 48 8vo 1841-5:3 Vol. [1] Memoirs of Edward Alleyn. founder of Dulwich College : including new particulars respect- ing Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, Dekker, So., by J. P. Collier. 12] The School of Abuse, by S. Gosson I1579J. [3] An Apology for Actors, by T. Heywood, 1012. [4] Ludus Coventrise. Mysteries represented at Coventry on the Feast of Corpus Christi, ediled by J. O. llalliwell. [5] The Debate between Pride and Lowliness: by F. Thynn, with introduction and notes bj J. P. Collier. [01 Patient (,'rissil : A Comedy, by T. Dekker, II. Chettle, and W. Haughton, 1603. [7J Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James 1 , with introduction and notes by P. Cunningham. [8] Ben Jonson's Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthornden, M.DC.XIX. 19] The First Sketch of Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor, edited by J. O. llalliwell. [101 Fools and Jesters : with a Reprint of Robert Armin's Nest of Ninnies, lCUs, Lll] Timon, a Play. Now first printed, edited by A. Dyce. English Shakespeariana. 1 1:, Societies continued, Shakspeare Society, Publications continued. [12] Pierce Penuiless's Supplication to the Devil, by T. Nash, 159:2, with in luction ind notes bj J. P. Collier, 113] The first and second parts of King Edward IV.. Histories by T Heyw I ifiOfl nitli introduction and notes by B. Field. |N| A Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes, bj J. Northbrooke, 1577. [15J The First Sketches of the second and third pans of Henrv the >i\ih edited bi i Halliwell. [16] Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer-Night's Dream, illustrated bj n comparison with i y,y„.\ Endymion, by N. J. Halpin. [17,35] The Cheater Plays : .Mysteries represented by the Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide edited by T. Wright. [18] The Alleyn Papers. Original Papers illustrative of the Life and Tim f Edwanl Ulevn and of the early English Stage and Drama, with introduction l>\ J. P. Collier. [19] Honour Triumphant ; and a Line of Life: bj John Porde, 1606 and 1620, [20] Tarlton's Jests, and News Oul of Purgatory: with notes and Life of Tarlton b\ i Halliwell. [21] The True Tragedy of Richard the Third [with] the Latin pla\ of Richardus Tertius h\ i Legge, With introduction and notes by B. Field. [22] Sir Thomas More, a Play, edited bj A. Dyce. |2;J] The Ghost of Richard the Third, A poem. 1014. Pounded upon Shakespeare's Pla> with introduction and notes by .1. I'. Collier. 1-4] The Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. l. \>< l Dogberry and his Associates, Arrest of the Conspirators with Mary Queen of Scots, liy J p. i It. Remarks on the Similarity of a Passage in Marlowe's Edward II . and am in the First for ,,i ri Contention. By J. 0. Halliwell. III. Letter from Ben Jouson to the Earl of Newcastle ami othei matters relatiii" tu the I'.., i liv I'. Cunningham. IV. Ballad illustrative of Romeo and Juliet, Entitled " A pleasant new ballad of Twu i ,,,, , A. Barton. V. Additions to " The llleyn Papers." Prom tl iginals in the ]xisscssiou of J. F llerberl \ l. On the Profits of Old Actors. By Dramaticus. VII. " The passing measure Pavin." Illustrative of a Passage in Twelfth Xhjhl liy J p folllei VIII. Originof the Curtain Theatre, and mistakes regarding it. B\ T. E. T lin^. IX. Mistake by Campbell in his Life of Shakespeare, relative to Tin Tempt t. By I.. L. D X i>bsorvations on Hm reot method of punctuating •■ too too. in Hamlet. By ,i. o. ii.,n,„.-]| XI. Ballad of "The Green Willow" in John Hey« I, with the same burden as the i ..i ■ ri Willow" in Othello. By a Ballad i get XII. Court Revels in the Reign of Henry VII. By V.T.Goodwin. Mil. Imitations of Shakespeare by Shelley, in his"Tragedy of The Ceitci. Bj J. r, i; XIV. " Albion Knight ;" a fragment of a Moral Play. From the Original in the libran of his n- n, . link.- of Devonshire. By J. I'. Collier. -XV. Shakespeare's Puck. Lines by Thomas Nash, illustrative "i .■ passage in Uidsnmmt Dream.. By a Book-lover. XVI. Skeltonical Song by John Heywood, tin Dramatist. Bj Pliilo-Heyw I XVII. i in Shakespeare's Bust at Stratford-upon-Avon ; and proposal foi restoring it to its primitive state XVIII. On a poem attributed to Thomas Nash. By G. I.. XIX. " I'm to he married o S lay," a Ballad illustrative of a passage in /'/,. Taming »/ la l'. s. a. XX. Early Rarity of the Works of Robert Greene, la T. J. Scott. XXI. Who was " Will, my Lord of Leycester's Jesting Player! la J. Bruci XXII. Corrections of Shakespeare's Text, suggested bj Judge Blacks) ■ a. From his Oritrliml Ms By T. E. Tomlins. XXIII. Inigo Jones, and his office under the Crown : with extracts from the tccnuuts of the Payn of the Crown Works, presei ved in the ludit Office la P I u XXIV. On the word " Ducdiune," in As you Like it. Bj J. 0. Halliwell. XXV. On the Signature of John Shakespeare. William Shakespeare's Papers. By R. i [25] The Old Taming of a shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his comedy, 1594, etlited by T. Amyot. [20 1 Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of a Midsummer Night's Dream, edited b) J.O. Halliwell. [271 Shakespeare's Henry the Fourth, from a contemporary manuscript, edited bj .1. (). Hulliwell. [28] Diary of Philip Uenslowe, from 1591 to 1609, edited by .1. P. Collier. [29] The Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. 2. An. I. Originof the Iuduction to Shakespeare's Taming of the SI By H G Norton. II. Shakespeare's Bust ;it Stratford upon-Avon. Bj the Rev. W. Hi •->. III. Did General Harrison kill "Dick Robinson" the Player! la p. ( unningham IV. The Bridal Run-awaj an Essay on Juliet's Sullloquj By the Rei S ,1. Halpin. \'. John Wilson, the singer in Mmi, ado iboui Nothing i m omposur in Shakespeare's Plays By j. P. Collier. VI. On a mistake by the Messrs. Chambei in theii Cyclopedia of Literature, n l'ntliias. By J. II. Baverstock. VII. Conjectures on some of the corrupt bscure pussages of Shakespeare. By B. Field. VIII. Poems attributed to Thomas Nash, contained in Dowland's S Itiou. la I .i Scotl IX. The Device to entertain Queen Elizabeth at Harefleld, the hou Sh I'l is Egerion P. Cunningham. X. 'flu Mai it< i.i, of Wit and Science, au Interlude l>j John Itcilfonl By n Ballad iuoi XL TheStory of Page of Plymouth, a rragedj t>j Ben Jonson and Thomas Dekli i XII. A Note mi tie- recently dlscoven I Manugi rip) •■< II"-' ■< <>■■ 0. Hulliwell. XIII. On Players and Dramatic Performances in the reign ol Edwanl i\ By J P. Collier, XIV. Reprint of an unknown Pageant, bj Thomas Middleton, the dramatist, with an luiroduei J. L. Pearson. XV. Thomas Middleton's " Game of Chi in ,ou Edward Middleton. By T. Hornby. XVI, The Widow of William Shakespeare. By the Rev, W. Han 146 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Societies — continual. Shakspeare Society, Publications — continued. XVII. nil ,l passage in Shakespeare's Julius Ccesar. By T, Nimmo. With remarks by T. J. Pettigrew. will. On the recusancy of John Shakespeare, and on the Enclosure of Welcombe Fields. By Dramaticus. XIX. On the supposed origin of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Bj J. P.Collier. XX. Plays at Court, Anno 1613 (from the accounts of Lord Harrington, Treasurer oi the Chamber to James l.i. By P. Cunningham. XXI, The Hai'leris Dream, by !;. Greene; an unknown poetical tract: with an introduction by J. P. Reardon. XXII. « ill of Cowley, the Poet i extracted from the Registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. By !'. Cunningham. XXIII. Early Notic Shakespeare's Henry the Eighth. By J. 0. Halliwell. XXIV. A few words on the line In Hamlet, Act I., Sc. 2, as regards "too, too." By .(. H. Baverstoek. XXV. aii unknown work, by I'liomas Lodge; with extracts from his Defence of Stage-Plays. By J. P. Collier. [30] The Fair Maid of the Exchange; by T. Hey wood': and Fortune by Land and Sea; by T. Heywood and \V. Rowley. Edited by B. Field. [31 1 The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom, an ancient Interlude, [with] Dlustrations of Shakespeare and the Early English Drama, edited by J. O. Halliwell. [32] Memoirs of the Principal Actms in the Plays of Shakespeare, by J. P. Collier. [33] Eight Novels employed by English Dramatic Poets of the reign of Elizabeth. Originally published by Barnaby Riche, 1581 (Riche his Farewell to Militarie Profession). [34] Ralph Roister Doister, hs' N. fjdall, and the Tragedie of Gorboduc, by T. Norton and T. Sackville. Edited by W. I). Cooper. [36] The Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. 3. Art. I. A new Document regarding the authority of the Master of the Revels over Play-makers, Plays, and Players in 1581. By T. E. Tomlins. II. Illustration of Fortune by Land and Sea, ix play by Heywood and Rowley, reprinted by the Shakespeare Society. By Oxoniensis and .i Member. III. Heming's Players ai Bristol in the reign of Henry VIII. By W. Tyson. IV. An unknown Tract by Philip Stubbes, the enemy of Theatrical Performances in L583. By .1. P. Reardon. \'. Shakespeare Illustrated by the Dialect of Cornwall. By W. Sandys. VI. Some Notes on Passages in Shakes] re. By J. 0. Halliwell. VII. The Performance of early Dramas by Parish ( Niks and Players in Churches. By .1. P. Collier. VIII. Remarks on some Discrepancies in the Character of Jack Cade, Henry VI., Part II. By Miss C. M. Zornlin. IX. Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis illustrated by his contemporary, II ias Heywood. Bj II. Anderson. X. On the earliest Quarto Editions of the Plays of Shakespeare. By J. P. Collier. XI. Notes on Old Plays, by Bale, Marst nnd Shakespeare. By L. S. XII. Accounts of Performances and Revels at Court in the reign of Henry \ 111. By n Membei from the first. XIII. Salmacis and Hermapliroditus, not by Francis Beaumont : the edition of 1602. By Dramaticus. XIV. The New Pact regarding Shakespeare and his H ife, contained in the Will of Thomas Wuittington. By .1. P. Collier. XV. Conjectures on some of the Corrupt or Obscure Passages of Shakespeare. By the late B. Field. XVI. Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis, and Lodge's Scilla's Metamorphosis. By J, P. Reardon, XVII. An Unknown Edition ofthe Interlude of Every Man, printed by Pynson. By Dramaticus. XVIII. on the Conduct of Hamlet towards Ophelia. Bj Miss G. II. Zornlin. XIX. The Original Patent foi the Nursery of Actors and letresses in the reign of Charles II. By T. E. Tomlins. XX. On the word "Scairels," in Shakespeare's Tempest. By J. Allies. XXI. A Poem, containing Nor ire, of Ben Jonson, Shakespeare, Massinger, &c. By J. 0. Halliwell. XXII. Had Shakespeare read Cavendish's Life of Wolsey ' By J. 11. Robinson. XXIII. New Facts in the Life of Thomas N'ash, the Prose Satirist and Poet, contemporarj with Shakespeare. By P. i hinningham. |37] Tlie Moral Play of Wit and .Science, and Early Poetical Miscellanies, edited by J. O. Halliwell. [3s, 41] Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company of Works entered for publication between 1557 and 1587, with Notes, etc., by .7. P. Collier. [39] Inigo .limes, by P. Cunningham. Remarks on his Sketches for Masques and Dramas, by J. R. Planche, and Five Court Masques, edited by .1. P. Collier. [40 1 The Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. 4. Art. I. The Will of Thomas Pbaer, the poet and translatm from Virgil. Bj P.Cunningham. II. Account of in early Italian Poem on the Story of Uomeo and Juliet. By .i Member from the First. III. Some account of the popular tracts which composed the Library of Captain Cox, a humourist who took ;i part in the Hoek Tuesday plav perforin.-,! before iju.-en Eli/a belli at Kenilworth. in IV.".. By .1. 0. Halliwell. IV. Richard Field (the printer of Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis and Lucrece), Nathaniel Field, Anthony .Monday, and Henry Chettle By .1. P. Collier. V. Three New Privy Seals, for Players in the tin f Shakespeare. By T. E. Tomlins. VI. Two additional Notes on the play of Henry H., Part !i Bj G. M. Z 1 in. VII. Extract fioni a Manuscript at Oxford, containing a Memorandum of the complaints againsl Dethick, the herald who made the grant of arms to John Shakespeare. l:y .1. 0. Halliwell. VIII. Original History of " The Theatre," in Shoreditch, and connexi f the Bnrbadge family with it By J. P. Collier. IX. Two specimens of the Poetrj of Philip Stubbes, author of The Anatomy of Abuses, 158S, and the enemy of theatrical performances, unknown to bibliographers. By J. P. Reardon. X. The Whitefriars Theatre, the Salisbury Court Theatre. i the Duke's Theatre in Dorset Gardens, By P. Cunningham. XI. The Players who acted in The Shoemakers' Holiday, mm. a Comeib by Thomas Dekkerand Robert Wilson. By Dramaticus. XII. On Norton and Sackville, the authors of Gurboduc, the earliest blank verse Tragedy in our language. By J. P. Collier. XIII. A few observations on the composition of the Midsummer Night's Dream. By .1. 0. Halliwell. XIV. On Massinger's Believe me as ijuu List, a newly discovered manuscript Tragedy, printed by the Perry Society. By a Member of both Societies. English Shakespeariana. l 17 Number. ^ ols v , i I >:• t •- Societies — continued. Shakspeare Society, Publications continued. XV. Beaumont and Fletcher's H mmii Prl i tin ilaj when il wan . ■ . t . ■• i m.i ill, ■ Epilogue spoken. By II. G. Norton. XV] Sir c.nr.,' Bui: and tl nice of the Revels. By P, Cunningham, \\ ll Dispute lictween the Karl nl vVori.v records ol that City. By J 0. Ilalliwcll. Will. Dryden, Killigrew, and the first eompan] whieh aeted nl n XIX. Willof Samuel Daniel, the poet. Shakespeare's rival and miifcinporar] B) P I [42] The Dramatic Works of Thomas Heyw 1. with a Life, etc., by J. I'. Collier, Vol. l. [43] The Royal King, and Loyal Subject. A Woman Killed «itli Kindness, Two Plays b) T. Heywood, with introduction, etc , by J. P. Collier, I ui The Remarks of M. Karl Simrock on the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays, witli notes, • .!. O. Balliwell. [45] Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth, bj T. Heywood, with introduction, etc., by J. P. Collier. [40] John a Kent and John a Cumber : A cam inly Uy Am In my Munday With ol her i facts by the same author, [ntroduction, etc., by J, I*. Collier. [47] The Golden and Silver Ages. Two plays, i>v T. Heywood. With an introduction, etc., bj J. P. Collier. [4S| A Defence of Poetry. Music, and Stage-Plays, by T. Lodge. To which are added by the same author, An AJarum against Usurers; and Forbonius and Prisceria. Shakespeare Society, Works relating to : — 60563 [Croker (T.C.)] Remarks on an Article inserted in i he Papers of the Shakespeare Suciel | ?1849. Sunday Shakspere Society in connection with the National Sunday League 3303 [Prospectus, etc. | duo, 1874. Winchester College Shakspere Society : !»4169 Noctes Shaksperianre. Papers by late ami present Members, edited bj Hawkins, Svo, 1887. Societies : see«*sociubs Soldier, Was Shakspeare a Soldier? «. n,,.,,,- 85831 Solly-Flood (F.) Prince Henry of Monmouth ■"" i ;: , i :;.:,; 1 :;;'"" ... 1 Svo L886 69805 Somerset (C. A.) Shakspeare's Early Days v Historical piaj ... 1 duo P1840 Q(4t.-;! i. Drama [m Lac: Letiu I ],,.. 91ft65 oU-101 Kdition of Plays, Vol. V3J '■ uuu . i< uu Somerset (C. A.) Shakspeare's Early Days: see also Mathews SongS Of Shakespeare : see Abrahall, Music Sonnets of Shakespeare : — 77877 Albert, [/.> Whom, written, duo, I .".7087 Barnstorff (D.) A Key to Shakespeare's Sonnets, duo, 1862. 2824 Boaden (J.) On the Sonnets of Shakespeare, 3vo, 1837. 4295 Drown (C. A.) Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems, being liis Sonnets clearly developed, duo, 1838. 34063 Brown (H.) The Sonnets of Shakespeare Solved, svo, 1870. 70207 Causton (H. K. S.) An Essay on Mr. Singer's " Wormwood ", and a Reading of Sbakspere's Sonnet, CXI., duo, '.'1851. L14478 Clelia, Great Pan Lives : Shakspeare's Sonnets, 20 126, duo, 1892. 156943 Collins (J. c.) Shakespeare's Sonnets [in Ephemera Critica, pp. 219 235] Svo, 1901. ;>o70 Corney (B.) The Sonnets of Shakspere, 8vo, L862. L05024 Davis (H.) Shakspere's Sonnets, duo, 1888. 79978 Dennis (J.) The English Sonnet [in Studies in English Literature, etc., pp ■'' 144 duo, 188: L39670 Dunning (E. J.) Genesis of Shakespeare's Art. A study of his Sonnets and Poems, duo, 1897 135407 E[llis](C.) Shakspeare and the Bible. Fifty Sonnets with their Scriptural Harmonies, duo, 1896. 139213 Ellis (C.) shakspeare and the Bible. Sonnets with their Scriptural Harmonies, duo 154788 Godwin (P.) A New study of the Sonnets of Shakespeare, duo, ll 1 17S4S Goodlet (I.) New Word on Shakespeare's Sonnets [from Poet-Lore] 8vo, 1891. 57068 [Hitchcock (E. A. )1 Remarks on the Sonnets of Shakespeare, duo, 1865 96823 Hosmer (H. L.) Bacon and Shakespeare in the Sonnets, duo, [887 0001 Ingleby (C. M.) The Soule Arayed. A Letter to H. Staunton, Esq., Concerning Sonnel < MAI Svo, 187-. L55580 James(G.) Francis Bacon in the Sonnets (Bacon-Shakespeare Pamphlets, \ I duo, IHOi 147801 Johnson (J.) Testimony of the Sonnet- as to the Authorship of the Shake peurean Plays and Poems, duo, 1891). Massey (G.) : see Massey, p. i IS. 112756 Saxelby (F.) Shakes] e's Sonnets: A literal-} problem solved \from The Institute Ma* svo, 1890. 61034 Shakspeare and his Sonnets [A Review /row The Quarter!) lleviev )i707n Shindler(R. The Stolen Key [from The Gentleman's Magazini 1 IN Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 29676 2869 IOSI) L48387 L14480 83687 97237 60201 1077 51930 57971 26902 2988 22823 76406 L9089 2504 I 17976 57-57 69533 No. of Vols. Size. Hate. Sonnets of Shakespeare- continual. Simpson (R.) Philosophy of Shakespeare's Sonnets, duo, 1868. Sonnet, The | A Review from 'I'lie Quarterly Review] Svo, 1873. Theobald (W.) On the Authorship of the Sonnets attributed to Shakespeare, 8v< Tyler (T.) Shakespeare's Sonnets. With Notes and Introduction, svo, is'.io. J Svo, 1899. 57886 H7i;:s 148031 104448 I 19570 142193 nr-jr.s Tj ler (T.) The Herbert-Fitton Theory of Shakespeare's Sonnets, Svo, 1898. Walters (C.) The Mystery ot' Shakespeare's Sonnets : An attempted elucidation, Authorship of Thi (Kdiuburgh) 'i> Shakspere's Authorship of The Two Noble Kinsm [New Shakspere Society, Scries VIII., No. v with Nnt,-< .■!.'. Edited hy Unlglcish [/»•<»« The Nati 1 duo J 880 1 8vo 1833 1 8vo 1876 1 8vo 1892 1 duo 1891 1 8vo 1885 1 duo 1887 SonnetS Of Shakespeare : \ Collie (and 41 h and Knowledgi duo '.T862 duo 1875 duo 1880 Svo 1848-9 Svo, li 51888 I Kitsoit (.l.,| Remarks on the hist edition of Shakspeare, 2578 I Kit-on (J.)] The Quip .Modest ; Supplement to Remarks 1 78S. I from The fol ?1864 duo 1865 duo 1869 Svo ?1794 if the Tapers of his Shakespeare, the last edition of Shakspeare, Svo Stefansson (J.) Shakespeare at Elsinore Stendhal (M.) Racine and Shakspeare [A ""Ifc^^ Stephens ((..) Macbeth, Earl Siward and Dundee ... 8vo 1896 Svo 1823 Ito 1876 English Shakespeariana. 1 19 Number. VoU. Si b, Rate 70157 Stephens (G.) The Patriot, V Tragedj ... I 8vo L849 Stephens (G.) : " 57031 Stokes (II. P.) Chronological Order of Shakespeare's Plays I duo l s 7^ 100047 Stopes([Mrs.C.]C.)TheBacon-ShakspereQuestionAnswered I duo L889 L34588 Stopes ( [Mrs.] C. C.) The Earliest Official Record of Shake- speare's Name ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 8vo ?1895 139772 Stopes (Mrs. C. C.) The Scottish and English Macbeth ... I 8vo ?1897 147985 Stopes ( [Mrs.] C. C.) Shakespea memoration Week... 1 8vo L891 144896 Stopes (Mrs. C.C.) Shakespeare's Familj 156635 Stopes (Mrs. C. 0.) Shakespeare's Familj wit » 8omo A ^ 140299 Stopes (Mrs. C. G.) Shakespeare's Warwickshire Contempo- raries IStratford-u] Lvon) 147846 Stopes ( [Mrs.] C. C.) Spring Pilgrimage to Town [from Poet-Lore] (Philadelphia] 57266 Story Of Kytlg DaryilS, 1505 IpretieiiewEntcrlnde. Edltedt Hn 57289 Strachey (E.) Hamlet •'"^""- , Stratford-upon-x\von : — 145341 Ball(W.) Etchings round about Stratford-on-Avon, duo, L890. Beeton (S. 0.) Shakespeare Memorial : see Beeton, p. 59. 57023 BeIlew(J. C M.) Shakespere's Home at New Place, duo, i- Birthplace, etc.. Publications :— 145319 Shakspean 3 Birth-place Committee, Reports, 18UC . 9212] Shakespe 's Birth-place and Museum [Reports of Annual Meetings, 186(1 711] fol, ?l«ifl 92125 Shakespeare's Birthplace, Museum, and New Placi H I liinual Mct-tin Lto L898 L901 1 8vo L897 1 8vo L892 1 8vo 1st ;u 1 8vo is is 150547 150548 110212 Museum, and Si « Reports, 1877-8 to 1889 90] fol, 81878-90. 109913 Shakespean - Birthplace, &i ., Trust, Annual Re] orts, rroin 1890 1, fol 50005 Shakespeare's Birth-Place Trust, Sub-C mittee upon " Sew Plni e" [Ri inmciidationR] fol, 1870. Shakespeare's Birthplace. &c, Trusl [Draft] A Bill To vesl in Trustees certain lanils and l>:<>|."ilv ill St rii 1 1', i I'd -ii| ii hi -A vol i. including the ].r.>i rin known i- -)m ■■{'■■" • I '■ 1 1 > !i | .l.i . .- ; and to provide for the maintenance in connect! b rewlth ol • Library and Museum; and fur other purposes [With US. correction. I fol, 1891 draft] fol, 1891 Shakespeare's Birthplace, &c, Trust Act, 1891. An Acl I ati tin I'rusl es and Guardians • if siinki'.spi-iiiv's I'.ii thjila. .-. and to iresl In Lhem i ertain lands and otbei propertj in Stratford upon-Avon, including the propertj known as Shakespeare's Birthpli ; and to proi di maintenance in connection therewith ofa Librarj and Musi ther pur| 147391 [Birthplace, A Collection of Newspaper Cuttings, etc., relating to, it •. V.D.] i 18495 Birth Place of Shakspeare, Extemporary Verses written ai the. by Peopleof Genius, duo,?lS18. 57996 Birth Place of Shakspeare, Extemporal Verses written at the, by Personsof Genius, duo, i- 1474::; [Birthplace] Hoax of the Shakspeare Birth-House, and Relic Trade al Stratford-on-Avon. B) a Warwickshire .Man [from Bentley's Miscellany] Svo, 1848. 91523 Birthplace, Shakespeare's, Plan of, and adjoining properties, fol, ?1880. 147438 [Birthplace] The Shakespeare Night, in aid of the fund for the purchase, etc., of Shakespean - House. Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden, 8vo, L847. 150930 [Birthplace] Trusteeship of shakespea re's House [Broadside] 4to, ?189 Birth Place: see also Brewer, Coyne, Halliwell, Hill, Rollins. 57957 Brewer (J. N.) The House in which Shakspeare was born [tn Histrionic Topography, pp, l i Svo, IMS. Church of the Holy Trinity : G989J \ few words to his Parishioners on the i tabiishmi fthoweeklj offertory Pi the VI C'ollis] (Stiatford-upon-Av 8vo, 1808. 60203 Church ofthe Holy Trinity [/) Le Keux's Colli Ho, 1824. 57334 - 1198(51 Companion to the Book monl'i > n Gnidc to the Unties of the choir of the Paris [Stratford] duo, 1843. 118857 Guide) I illegiate Church if the Hoi; I'riuity (1 i ix, Stratford-on-Avon) duo, TJ893. Church: see also Gray, II (L.), Halliwell, Registers, Robinson, Vestry. 105099 Collier (.1. P.) The Shakespeares in and near Stratford-upon-Avon, and the property of William Shakespeare in Henley Street, 4to, ?1852. 7329 Coxe(A. C.) Impressions of England [Chap. KXII. relates to Stratford, etc.] duo 107966 Coyne (.1. S.)This House to be Sold (The propertj of the late \V. Shakspeare). Extravaganza, duo, ?1847. 107258 Davis (L. C.) Story of the Memorial Fountain to Shakspeare, Gift of Geo. W. Chiltla oi Philadelphia! duo, 1890. 7S899 Deakin (A.) sketches in Shakespeare Villages, fol, ?1885. 113486 [Dick (J.)] Here and There in England : includinga Pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon, duo, 1871, •27s:: Fairholt(F. W.) The Home of Shakspere, Illustrated tw scribed, duo, L847. 10201.-, Fairholt (F. W.) The Home of SI illustrated and D< cribed Preface] by Halliwell- Phillipps, duo, 1889. L50 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. [Broadside] lingln Stratford-upon-Avon — continued. 33G<;i Fisher (T.) >*;« int iiit;s in Frescoeon Die walls of the Chapel of the Trinity, Described by Nichols, fol, 18: French (G. R.) On the Maces of the Corporation of Stratford-on-Avon, duo, ?1368. 69870 Goadby (E.) Shakespeare's Time : with " A Pilgrimage to Stratford-on-Avon," 8vo, ?IST8. : i ciainmar sd 1 of King Edward VI., Tercentenary Volume (Stratford-upon-Avon) duo, ?1853. [Graj (T.)] Mj Notes on Shakespeare, and the Land he loved, lived, and died in, duo, 1867. 63758 [Gray (T.)] Remarks on the Desecration of the Churchyard, in which sleeps the immortal Shakespeare, 8vo, i ~r.s. 91522 Greene (J.) [Lines by], I74<;. Commemoration, Stratford-on-Avon, April, 1S80. fol, i Greene (T.) : see Welcombe. 2834 [Grinfield (C. V.)| A Pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon, duo, 1S50. Guides I Anonymous] : 3367 Brief Guide for Strangers who are visiting Stratford-on-Avon, Svo, ?1868. i is.s.-,s Fox's I'rmn Guide to Stratford-on-Avon. New edition (Stratford-on-Avon) duo, rls' 70145 Guide to Pit s of Interest round Birmingham [Stratford-u] -Av pp. 26-9 duo, H880. 102016 Guide to Stratford-on-Avon ; it- Church and Vicinity (Abel Heyw duo, ?1889. 57992 Handbook tor Visitors to Stratford-upon-Avon (E. Adams [Stratford-upon-Avon]l dim. is;-. 1 . 13 i i [neoi porated Law Soc ety, Provincial Meeting of the, (Birmingham) Excursion to Stratford-mi Avon (Birminghaml dun. ?189i>. 57024 Shakespeare and his Birth-place (Kelsons Hand-books for Tourists) duo, 1859. 57951 Stratford-on-Avon and its Neighbourhood (Nelsons' Pictorial Guide-Books) duo. >]8G5. 51767 Vicinitj of Leamington ; \ guide to Warwick, Coventry, Stratford, etc. [Leamington) duo, ?1840. l 15465 Visitor's Guide to Stratford-on-Avon, duo,?1885. 57032 Ward A Lock's Illustrated Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon, duo. ?1870. Guides: see also May, Ward. 137801 II (L.) & L (M.) An Old Sanctuary [Stratford-on-Avon Church] Svo, ?1S97. 7ol7<; Hales(J.W.) At Stratford-on-Avon : An historical association [from Fraser's Magazine] 8vo, 1n7-<. 147966 Hales (J. VV.) From Stratford to London [from Cornhill Magazine] Svo, l,s77. 84283 [Halliwell (J. O.)] A brief Guide to the Gardens of Shakespeare, duo, 1863. 1024% [Halliwell-Phillipps(J.O.)] Brief History of the Ancient Records of Stratford-on-Avon, 8vo, 1884. 1H2507 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. 0)J Brief Report on the Interchange of Books, etc., between the New Place and the Birthplace Museum, duo, 1881. 19096 [Halliwell (J. O.)] Brief Hand List of the Records belonging to the Borough of Stratford-on-Avon, duo, 1862. 85692 Halliwell (J. O.) Descriptive Calendar of the Ancient Manuscripts and Records in the possession of the Corporation of Stratford-upon-Avon, fol, 1S63. 57284 A Nominal Index to, Svo, 1S05. 102499 Halliwell-Phillipps (Mr.), The Executive Committee of Shakespeare's Birthplace and, A Correspondence, 8vo, 1887. 102500 second edition, Svo, 1887. 101737 Halliwell (.1. O.) A first appeal to the Public for the Preservation of the ( hardens of Shakespeare, duo, 1861. 22279 Halliwell (J. O.) Historical Account of New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, fol, 1864. 145552 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] A Letter (and a Second Letter) to the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Birth-Place of Shakespeare, 2 vols., duo, 1880. 32281 Halliwell (J. O.) List of Works [on] The History of Stratford-on-Avon, etc., printed at the expense of, 1S50-1866, duo, 1867. 102505 1 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] Memoranda on the Present State of the Birth-Place Trust, etc., Svo, lss:j. 2937 Halliwell (J. O.) A New Boke About Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon, 4to, 1850. 63864 4to, 1850. 11(046 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. <).)] New Evidences iii confirmation of the Traditional Recognition of Shakespeare's Birth-Room, A.D. 1769 — A.D. 1777, duo, 1888. 102508 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] The Proposed so-called Restoration of the Church of the Holy Trinity, duo, 1888. 84281 Halliwell' (J. O.) Roundabout Letters on Stratford-on-Avon, Nos. 1 to 10 [from The Rose, The Shamrock, and The Thistle] Svo, 1862-64. 101956 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. <>.)| The Shakespeare-Autotype Committee at Stratford-on-Avon. Transformation Scenes, and a Retrospect, Svo, 1883. ' 102509 ___ — . . second edition, 8vo, 1883. 20002 Halliwell (J. O.) Stratford-upon-Avon in the Times of the Shakespeares, fol, 1864. 74124 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] The Stratford Records and the Shakespeare Autotypes, Svo, 1SS4. 74125 second edition, 8vo, 1884-5. 87893 - third edition, Svo, 1884-5. 154230 - , fourth edition, 8vo, 18S6. 101957 fifth edition, Svo, 1S87. 5735G Halliwell (J. O.) Was Nicholas ap Roberts that Butcher's son of Stratford-on-Avon who is recorded by Aubrey as an acquaintance of Shakespeare ? duo, 1864. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. <>.) Works e.lited by :- .".T'-'T.". Abstract of Title to the House in Henley Street, in which Shakespeare was born, Svo. 1865. 57262 Abstracts and Copies of Indentures respecting Estates in Henley Street, duo. 1866. 102501 c be (W. and J., of Stratford-on-Avon) Conveyance of Land to Shakespeare. Facsimile of the Original Indenture, 1602, fol, 1884. 57271'. Extracts from Ancient Bui sidy Rolls, Stratford-upon-Avon, duo, 1864. ."'.in: Extracts from the Accounts of the Chamberlains of the Borough of Stratford-npon-A von. 1585 to 1619, ■ vols, Svo, 1866 7. English Shakespeariana. LSI Stratford-upon-Avon - continued. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. 0.) Works edited bj continued. Extracts from the \ • Extracta of entries respecting Shakespeare, et , from Oi P Holy Trinitj , duo, 1864. Huiitei (J.) Exti . St i .1 1 l.i 1 1 "ii \- oil iii : 824, (I Jordan (J I Original Collect iona on Sliaki Levy ? le in Julj . 16117, for the Relief ol the Poorai Stratford Muster It. ill of able men nl Strati Selected extracta from the Vncieiit B the 8vo, isi;:. e ire's Grave, rraditioi Centura 26658 5727 1 57440 8007 • 2551 1094 102510 26661 101909 67354 57263 2833 638 i6 Shakespearian Facsimiles ; Documents, Flans, etc., Facsin Sliaw (Ann, Neighbour ol Shakespeare at Stratford-upon- Won) Invi 1880. Two indenture i inhabited b) Tliointi I speare, 1616- 1633, duo 1865. Whaler (R. B.I Colle oi I ij the L'.irth-phu i i l>l collec- linii^ of, 1862, 'I"". 1865, w helev .11. B.) Ifaiid-lisl ol tin I ,|.i 5957; Hansard (L.) [Shakespeare Commemoration, Strat Ford, 1827] [in Memoir of Hansard, pp. 72 771 4to, 1829. 103954 Harlow (L. K.) The I tome of Shakespeai'e, after Watei Color Sketches, ivo, 1888. 113SU Hill (J.) Shakespere's Birthplace and adjoining Properties, duo, Li 2010 [Hopper (C.)| A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, etc., in the Shakespeare Library ami Museum, Henley Street , 8vo, I 368 00546 Hopper (C.) Descriptive Account of a Series of Churchwardens' Presentment -, etc., appertaining to Stratford-on-Avon, duo, 1867. 199S Howard (H.) A Visionary Interview at the Shrine of Shakespear, 3vo, L756. 57293 Howitt(W.) Visit to Stratiord-on-Avon [from \ isits to Remarkable Places] 8vo, ?1840. .-,7219 [m Visits to Remarkable Places, second edition [Vol. 1] pp. 81-146] 8vo, 1840. 41423 [in Visits to Remarkable Places, third edition, Vol. 1., pp. si 146] 8vo, 1856. 133592 Hubbard (E.) Little Journeys to the Homes of Good Men and Great : Shakespeare, duo, 1895. 63752 Hunter (R. E.) Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, duo, 1864. 127543 Hutchings (W.) Past Dramatic Performances in Stratford-upon-Avon, 3vo, l 1 -'.'.".. 57965 Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon (Stratford-upon-Avon : J. Ward) 8vo, 1827. 22390 Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon as connected with Shakspeare (Stratford-upon-Avon : F. & E. Ward) duo. .'1840. 60201 Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon and the Life of Shakspeare (Stratford-upon-Avon: F. & E. Ward) fol, 1851. [Illustrations of Stratford-on-Avon, Collection of] fol, ?1884. Irvine (W.) An Easter Ramble [Stratford-on-Avon, etc., pp. 38 51] duo, I 69894 Irving (W.) Stratford-on-Avon [from The Sketch Book] 8vo, ?1820. 70568 — duo, ?1821. 153189 Irving (W.) Stratford-upon-Avon. From "The Sketch Book." Bditedbj Savageand Brassington, 8vo, 1900. Jarvis (J. W.) The Glyptic, or Musee Phusee Glyptic ; Jottings from Stratford-on-Avon, etc., duo, 1875. Jephson (J. M.) Shakespere : Mis Birthplace, Home, and Grave, 8vo, L864. Jerrard(P.) Flowers from Stratford on Avon [Coloured] 8vo, '. i - Knight's Excursion Companion, No. XVI., Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick, 8vo, ?1851. 117996 Lambert (G.) Cocked Hats [Club] at Evesham and Stratford-on-Avon, 8vo, 1889. 64325 Langford(J. A.) A Pilgrimage to England's Mecca [in Pleasant Spots and famous Places, pp. 262-279) duo. ?1862. 80140 Lee (s. L.) "As Von Like H " and Stratford-on-Avon [in Gentleman's Magazine, Vol, 250, pp. 351 363] Bvo, 1885. 102700 Lee (S. L.) Stratford-on-Avon. From the Earliest 'limes to the Death of Shakespeare. Illustrations by Hull, fol, 18S5. 2870 [Lees (E.)| Stratford as connected with Shakspeare, duo, L851, 25416 Lees (E.) Stratford as connected with shake-oca re. Second edit ion, duo, 137092 Marshall (Emma) Shakespeare and His Birthplace, duo, ?1890. 42689 May (G.) Guide to the Birth-Town of Shakspere, duo, ?18 17. 73419 May (G.) Illustrated Guide to Stratford-on-Avon, duo, ?1847. 3393 Moncrieff (W. T.) Excursion to Stratford-upon-Avon : duo, New Place : see Bellew, Halliwell. 15092S [Newspaper Cuttings relating to Stratford-upon-Avon! is... .1 73636 57856 7373 19088 54063 147690 With 150285 - Nichols (J. G.) : see Fisher. Pemberton (T. E.): see Shakespeare Memorial, Phillips (P. D.) Shakespearian Notes of Travel (Pari II., Stratford-on \v> Photographs, TwelvePennanentPhotographsof Stratford on Uon (Birmingham: duo. ?1880, Pinks (W.J.) Memorials of Shakspeare [in ' ountrj L'nps, pp. 59 Bljduc A. Pumphrej ) 152 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. i ird-upon-Avon — con t in aed. JO Registers of Stratford-on-Avon. Baptisms, 1558 1C52, transcribed by Savage (Parish Register Society) 8vo, 189V. 57315 Rider (W.) Views in Stratford-upon-Avon and its Vicinity, 4to, 1828. RobinsXMr. [G.]) Shakspeare's House at Stratford-on-Avon [Sale Catalogue] 4to, 1847. 1 17-T_'l 4to, 1M7. 1 17422 A_ Poster relating to, fol, 1S47. i Robinson (H. P.) Church of the Holy Trinity. Stratford-on-Avon [in Warwickshire Illustrated, pp. 4:; 50] tto, '1865. Shakespere and Stratford-upon-Avon [from Illustrated London News] fol, 1847. I (7i»s' Shakespeare Commemoration Week : Stratford Letters, by Stopes and Boyden [from Poet-Lore] 8vo, L891. ! Shakespeare's Home; visited and described by Washington Irving and F. W. Fairholt. With etchings by J. F. and W. \V. Sabin, duo, 1877. 60554 Shakespeare Memorial (Cassell, Petter& Galpin)duo, 1877. Shakespeare Memorial, History of t he, Second edition, duo, ?1882. 69860 Shakespeare Memorial Buildings. Festival connected with the inauguration of the Theatre portion (Stratford-upon-Avon) 4to, 71879. Shakespeare Memorial, Catalogue of Pictures, Drawings, &c, exhibited in the. duo, 1881. 135200 Shakespeare Memorial, Illustrated Catalogue of the Pictures, &c, in [from 1896] duo. 1896, etc. 90139 Shakespeare Memorial Library [Prospectus relative to Extension of] 4to, 1887. 100589 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Reports [from 1st] (Stratford-on-Avon) Svo, 1888, etc. 91525 Shakespeare Memorial. Original Shakespearian Rhyming Address by Edward Compton. Spoken by him on his Benefit, svo, 1SS1. L13482 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Opening of the, Preliminary Programme (Stratford-on-Avon) duo, 1879. 157520 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Concerning the Shakespeare Annual Festival, 1901, by Pemberton, Svo, 1901. 106 Shakespeare-Quiney House, Stratford-on-Avon, Description of the (Stratford-on-Avon) duo, 1S9C. 2858 Smith (C. R.) Remarks on Shakespeare. His Birth-place, etc. Suggested by a Visit to Stratford- upon-Avon in 1868, svo, 1868-9. 24303 - second edition, Svo, 1877. 147846 Stopes ([Mrs.] C. C.) A Spring Pilgrimage to Shakespeare's Town [from Poet-LoreJ Svo, Y1S92. 42502 Stowe (Mrs. H. B.) Stratford-on-Avon [in Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, pp. 145-1G4I duo, 1S54. 7U174 Stratford-upon-Avon, Borough of, Receipts and Payments, 1864-5 (Stratford-upon-Avon svo, 1866. 1986 Stral ford-upon-Avon, A Brief Account of, with Description and Survey of the Collegiate Church, the Mausoleum of Shakspeare (Stratford) duo, ?1800. .' -- 1 Stratford-on-Avon Corporation Records. The Guild Accounts, 4to, ?1885. 57966 Stratford-upon-Avon, the Home of Shakspeare, pictorially illustrated, svo, 1S04. 98408 Stratford-upon-Avon Note Books (Stratford-on-Avon) Svo, 1SSS. No. 1. Shakespearean Extracts frnm "Edward I'ml-v's li.iki-, I'.inf. ','. Elizabeth and K. James I W'bii li include some from an Unknown Plav bv William siiakcspi-arc. Also a lew unpublished Records of the Shake3peares of SnitterHeld and Wroxall. Collected by Richard Savage. 12699 Stratford-on-Avon, Short Account of (Pumphrey Bros.. Binn.) duo, ?1878. 147967 Timmins (S.) Shakespeare at Home [ fro)ii .Mid-England] Svo, 1879. 127542 Timmins (S.) Shakespeare at Home [from Bygone Warwickshire] Svo, ?1893. 139903 Tytler (Sarah) The American Cousins. A Story of Shakespeare's Country, duo, ?1897. 1 16817 Vestry Minute-Book of the Parish of Stratford-on-Avon, from 1617 to 1G99 A.D., Svo, ?ls99. 131396 Waite (W. H.) Shakspeare's Stratford. A Pictorial Pilgrimage, Svo, ?1895. 31668 Walter (J.) Shakespeare's Home and Rural Life. With Illustrations of Localities around Stratford-upon-Avon, fol, 1Si4. 131)211 Ward (H. S. and C. W.) The Shakespearean Guide to Stratford-on-Avon. duo, ?1897. 135267 Ward (II. S. and C. W.) Shakespeare's Town and Times, svo, ?1S96. 2898 Ward (J., Vicar of Stratford-upon-Avon, 1648-1679) Diary of, Arranged by Severn, Svo, L839. 7605U Welcombe, Shakespeare and the enclosure of Common Fields at, being a Fragment of the Private Diary of Thomas Greene, Town Clerk of Stratford-upon-Avon, 1614-1617. Edited by Ingleby, fol, 1SS5. 2850 Wheler (R. B.) A Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon, duo, 1S14. 2836 - duo, ?1825. 3423 New edition, duo, ?1827. 3402 Wheler (R. B.) An Historical Account of the Birth-place of Shakespeare, 1824. With Prefatory Remarks by Halliwell, svo, 1863. 2860 - — Svo, 1863. 57327 Wheler (R. B.) Historical and Descriptive Account of the Birth-place of Shakspeare; with illustrations by Green, 8vo, 1824. — [large paper copy] 4to, 1824. Wheler (R. B.) History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon : duo, ?1806. 2si ~ duo, ?IS06. Wheler (R. B.): see also Halliwell. C4302 White (R. G.) A Visit to Stratford-on-Avon [from Galaxy] Svo, 1S77. 55463 [in England Withoutand Within, pp. 509-530] duo, 1881. 115174 Williams (J. L.) Home and Haunts of Shakespeare, fol, 1S92. 86560 Winter (W.) Shakespeare's England, [pp. 77-S9, First View of Stratford-on-Avon. pp. 118-176, Ihe Home of Shakespeare] duo, 1886. 67057 Winter (W.) Stratford-on-Avon [in The Trip to England, pp. 62-73] duo, 1879. 7372 Wise(.I.R.)Shakspere: his Birthplace and its neighbourhood. Illustrated by Linton, duo, 18S1, English Shakespeariana. Number. 70206 4078 L47261 155572 99875 150305 83835 57049 100835 132321 43370 66515 57961 28040 146554 150277 Wan i red ii Stratford-on-Avou : lvo "- BlI8t - cl °J ,t0 »' Stuart (T.) Shakspere's Kicharo' 111. cffiSM! Stubbes's (P.) Anatomy of Abuses, L583 s Stubbs (G. W.) A Thanksgiving for Shakespeare Sei moil in the Cliur h nl tin Holj I'rliiltj Strntfurd i Ivi [in Sliaki VolH vim Date 'IS |(l 8vo L8 duo L899 1 duo L900 Study of Shakespeare :— 112162 57094 22111 1 15.77 I 17624 2770C 97320 97340 113771 7051 2 .".7K49 Corson (H.) Introduction to the Stud} of Shakespeare, Svo, 1890. Flea) 1 1'. (•.! [ntroduction to Shakespearian Study, duo, 1877. Fletcher (G.) Studies of Shakespeare, Svo, 1847. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Catalogue of the Shakespeare-Stud) Books in Mie Immediate Library of, -\ o, 1876. Herford(C. H.) The Study of Shakspere : -nine Hints, Svo, ?1890 Jeremiah (J.) An Aid ti> Shakespearean Stud; Knight (C.) Studies of Shakspere, 8vo, 1849. Svo, L851. Moberly (Mary G.) Hint - for Shakespeare Study, duo, 1881. New Study of Shakespeare, A, Svo, ?1884 Swinburne(A. C.)A Study of Shakespeare, duo, 1880. Thorn (W. T. ) Class-room study of Shakespeare : see Thorn. 79565 White (R. <;.) Studies in Shakespeare, . 1885. Sunday Shakspere Society: see societies, p, 147. Supernatural : — 53598 Came (T. H. Hall) The Supernatural Element in Poetry, Svo, 1880. 82431 Caine(T. H. Hall) The Supernatural in Shakspere [from Colbum's New 8vo, ?1880. 1483S6 Fraser (J.) The Supernatural in Shakespeare [from Mind in Nature] 8vo, 1 57239 Neele (H.) Shakspeare's Supernatural Character, duo, 1839. Surtees (S.) William Shakespere Hto ^^S3^to^n!^ AuU,oror Swinburne (A. C.) John Webster \.<- eeuth century] Swinburne (A. C.) [Sonnets of Shakespeare i»j»- 10 13] Swinburne (A. C.) A Study of Shakespeare ... Swinburne(A.C) William Shakespeare [a sonnet,, '" " ,.'■ Swinburne (A. C.) Works relating to : — 108010 Furnivall (F. J.) The "Co." of Pigsbrook & Co. [two issues] Svo, 1881. 113497 Furnivall (F. J.) Mr. Swinburne and Mr. Spedding Shakspere's Henry V 121821 Furnivall (F. J.) Mr. Swinburne's " Flat Burglar; " on Shakspere, Svo, 181 Swinburne (C. A.) Sacred k Shakespearian Affinities Swordsmanship : see Monte Sydney (Sir P.) : seewesi Symonds(A.G.)Comic Characters of Shakspere£"S Symonds(J. A.) Shakspere's Predecessors in the English Drama T (H.) Was Shakespeare a Lawyer? T (W. G.) Shakespeare Sermons „,'/;. ,' .Mm uhlv Mi 1 Svo L888 1 8vo lssii 1 duo 1886 1 duo L880 - 1 duo L884 III., 1 luo, 1-,' >. 1 Svo is: mi 1 8vo L882 1 Svo 1 88 1 1 8vo 1-71 1 lto ?1877 1 4to ?1S77 Shakspeare and Manx History 1 duo L885 Tableaux: seeJerrard Talbot (T.) English History Tales and Stories : — 145424 Brett's (E. J.) Stories from Shakespeare's Plays. No. 2. Hamlet lto 113879 Dramatic Tales from Shakspeare (J. Duncombe) duo, ?1830, etc Lamb (C. & M.) Tales from Shakespeare : see Lamb, |>. ill. Macauley (Miss) Tales of The Drama : gee Macauley, )>. 115. 67030 Maxwell (Caroline) The .Juvenile Edition of Shakspeare, duo, 1828. 131696 Nesbit (E.) The Children's Shakespeare. Illustrated b) Brundage, etc. 8vo, 1895. 151854 Quiller-Couch (A. T.) Historical Tale- from Shakespeare, duo, 1899 147710 Townesend (M. S.) Stories from Shakspeare, 8vo 109797 Valentine (Mrs.) Shakespearian 'lair- in Verse, Illustrated, lto, 'I860. 136378 Wright (Henrietta C.) Children's Stories in English Literature from Shak. speare to ' • ""> • " [Shakespeare, pp. 1-CS] duo, L892 Edited bj Vredenburg, 154 Number. 2970 57361 57898 1987 82196 19698 26009 57038 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Taming of a Shrew : — No. of Vols. Size. Date. •'974 Ballad, illustrative of a passage in "The Taming of the Shrew" [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. 1, pp. 80 2] 8vo, 1844. Manuel (J.) The Moorish Marriage, bearing some similarity to Shakespeare's Taming of the shrew, L332, translated by Cosens I Edited by Halliwell] duo, 1867 !97g Norton ill. G.) Origin of the Induction to Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. II., pp. 1-8] 8vo, 1845. 58519 Sothehy (Mr.) [Sale] Catalogue of Old Plays, among them The Taming of a Shrew (unique), 1594; 8vo, 1826. 2975 The old Taming of a Shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his Comedy, 1594, Edited by Amyot (Shakespeare Society) 8vo, 1844. 1 8vo 1844 1 duo 1866 1 duo 1838 1 duo 1774 Tarlton's Jests ; '"" Newaou1 " TSKg&JMSJ '""" " y ""^ Tarlton (E.) Death-bed of **«■ iS^K ,h "' I588, Tayler (C.) Art of composing Greek Iambics [S qSS«sT ••• [Taylor (E.)] Cursory Kemarks on Tragedy, on Shakespear, etc. 1 8vo 1885 1 duo 1855 1 8vo 1875 1 duo 1879 Taylor (J.) Bi Chai'd III. and the Battle of Buswoitli. ListofPlaj .,!,.] I. mi "i, Taylor (J. E.) The Moor of Venice CintlnVs Tale and Shakspere's Tragedy Teetgen (A.) Shakespeare's " King Edward the Third" ... Tegg (W.) Shakspeare and his Contemporaries Temperance : — 57079 Malins (J.) The Shakespearean Temperance Kalendar, duo, ?1880. 137519 - : duo, ?1897. 97250 Sherlock (F.) Shakspeare on Temperance, duo, ?1883. Tempest, The :— 2986 Allies (J.) On the word "Scamels" in Shakespeare's "Tempest" [in Shakespeare Society's Tapers, Vol. III., pp. 170 1| 8vo, 1847. 3420 Barnett (M.) The Tempest, as a Lyrical Drama, Svo, 1850. 134911 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on The Tempest. Second edition, duo, 1890. 3296 Brae (A. E.) Prospero's Clothes-Line, Svo, ?1873. 13180 Browning (R.) Caliban upon Setebos ; [Suggested by The Tempest] [in Poetical Works, Vol. 6, pp. 136-147] dun, 1878. 2806 Chalmers (G.) Another account of the incidents, from which The Title and a Part of the Story of Shakspeare's Tempest were derived, Svo, Is 15. 1051)23 Cranch (C. P.) Ariel and Caliban, with other poems, duo, 1887. 69857 Findlay (A. G.) Description of the Bermuda, or Somers Islands [Scene of "The Tempest"] Svo, 1856. 83501 Griffin (G. W.) The Tempest [in Studies in Literature, pp. 17 51] duo, 1870. 1 18078 Ealliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on Shakespeare's Tempest, Svo, 1880. 57322 Halliwell (J. O.) Selected Notes upon Shakespeare's Tempest, duo, 1S68. 2599 History of Prospero, (Duke of Milan). Translated from the French Original (Gloucester) duo, '.'1750. 2603 [Holt (J.)] An attempte to rescue Shakespere [Text of the Tempest] duo, 174!). 2002 [Holt (J.)] Remarks on the Tempest : or an attempt to rescue Shakespear, Svo, 1750. 45010 Hunter (J.) A Disquisition on the scene, dal e, etc., etc., of Shakespeare's Tempest, Svo, 1S39. 11845 Lamb (C.) On a passage in "The Tempest" [in Works, pp. 507-9] Svo, 1S70. 139122 Lees (J.) Questions on Shakespeare's The Tempest, duo, ?1897, 19071 Macdonnell (P.) An Essay on The Tempest, Svo, 1840. 87620 Malone (E.) Account of the incidents from which the Title and part of the Story of Shakspeare's Tempest were derived [with appendix] 2 vols., Svo, 1808-9. 105307 Morris (J. W.) Key-Notes of Shakespere's Plays. The Tempest, duo, 18S5. 57316 [Music to the Songs in the Tempest (Manuscript) fol, ?1676]. 2569 Newes from Virginia, (1610). Describing the adventures supposed to be referred to in Shakespeare's Tempest. Edited by Halliwell, duo, 1865. 70143 Notes on The Tempest. For the use of Rugby School (Rugby) duo, 1S70. 60204 Observations on the first Act of Shakespear's Tempest [from Royal Irish Academy Transactions] 4to, 71788. 136933 Paton (J. N ) Compositions from Shakspeare's Tempest, 4to, 1S45. 60533 Purcell (H.) A New Edition of the Music in the Tempest. Revised by Dr. Busby. 4to. ?1800. 151017 Renan (K.) Caliban. A Philosophical Drama Continuing "The Tempest" (Publications of the Shakespeare Society of New York, No. 9) svo, 1896. 50534 [Selous (H. C.)| Outlines to Shakspeare. The Tempest. Twelve plates, svo, 1825. 90780 [Selous (H. C.)] Outlines to Shakspeare's Tempest. Text in English, German, French and Italian, fol, ?1S30. 00534 Smith (Mr. [J. C.]) The Tempest. An opera. The Words from Shakespear, &c, 4to, ?1756. 141504 The Tempest, A Shakespearian Tract (Boston) duo, 1S98. 52810 VValters(F.) Hamlet and The Tempest: a Shaksperian Contrast [from Modern Review] 8vo. 1882, 51471 Warton [J.] Observations on the Tempest [in The British Essayists, Vol. XXL, pp. 9-14, 30-301 duo, 1823. 57349 West (Eliza M.) Shaksperian Parallelisms, chiefly illustrative of The Tempest, etc., collected from Sydney's Arcadia, duo, 1865. English Shakespeariana. 1 55 Tempest, The — continual. ::;7."j Wilson (l). ) Caliban: the missing link. 9vo, 1873. 146366 Wo. nl (S.) The Tempest : Questions and Notes [with Supplement I duo, ?1890. 103991 Woodforde(F. ('.) An Etymological Index to the Tempest, duo, ?1885 Temple (Launcelot) : «« irmstrong Tercentenary, The, 1864: Books, Pamphlets, Scraps, etc., relating to :— 7376 All About Shakespeare. In commemoration of the Ter-centenary, duo, ?1864, 76411 Allen (. I. A.) The Lambda-nu, Tercentenarj Poem, duo, 1864. 52753 Badge, Shakspearean Tercentenarj Badge, Coventry manufacture, L864. Beeton ts. 0. ) Shakespeare Memorial : s< e Beeton, p. 59. 3300 Birmingham, " Our Shakespeare Club " Soiree, Nock'sRoyal Hotel [Programme 'In.., i-.,i .".-274.! Bust, National Shakespeare Memorial Bust, by F. M. Miller [Circular by Howell Jamen a Co.] L8I i. .".2742 Bust, National Shakespeare Memorial Bust, F. M. Miller, Sculpt, [Photograph duo, L8C4, 70144 C — (\v. F.) A Brief Memorial of Shakspeare, with an account of the Tercentei at Stratford-upon-Avon, duo, ?1864. 15162 Cambridge, A Memorial of the Tercentenary of Shakspere in. duo 14061 Can Members ..f Christian Churches consistently take pari in tin- Shakspere Tercentenarj the British Controversialist, 1864, [Vol. 1| pp. 14-24: 94 10-j : 172-1M - : An Ode written for the Tercentenarj and recited .t tl.. .f the Shakespeare Movement 262-27D], 'In... 1864. 69780 Carpenter (J. E.) Shakespeare Urban Club, 8vo. I 22020 Chambers's Journal, Shakspeare Tercentenary Number, April 23rd, 1864, s\... L864. .v.'7r>4 8vo, 1864. 330."i Chase (S. C.) Shakespeare. A Tercentenary Tribute [A poem] duo, L864. ir.o!»:si clan- ( I'rnf.'ss.n > Tin- Hard of Avon Quadrilles, in commemoration Tercentenary, 4to, ?1864. t47Lits [Collier (J. P.) Letter to F. W. Cosens re National Shakespeare .Memorial (M.S.)] duo, L864. 113802 Courthope (VV. J.) The Three Hundredth Anniversary of Shakespeare's Birth. A Prize Poem, duo. 1864. 7n.'it;'j Coventry. Shakespeare Commemorative Festival at, Poems by the successful competitors for prizes, 8VO, 1864. :::;74 Cox (J.) The Tercentenary : A Retrospect, duo, 1865, l ."> 4 - 1 Dale (It. \V.) Genius the Gift of God: A Sermon. Preached in the Independent Chapel, Stratford-on-Avon, 8vo, 1864. 150261 Ellis (J.) The Tercentenary : A Festal Song [from Meletae. Poems] duo, 1869. 113752 Emanuel (J.) Poem, written in celebration of Shakspeare's Tercentenary, at the Hartlej Institution, Southampton, 8vo, ?lsG4. ::3o7 England's Bards, 1864 ; or, the three poems which were awarded one hundred guineas offered as prizes in the advertisement " Ho ! for a Shakespeare ! " 8vo, 1864. r.272:{ Falconer (E.) The Fairies' Festival ..n Shakespeare's Birthday : an occasional mask, duo, ?1864. 69899 Fielder (R. B.) Shakspeare ! lanes written for the Tercentenary Festival at Stratford-on-Avon, 8vo, 1871. 114612 Fisher(S. H.) William Shakspeare. A Poem, duo, ?1891, 70265 [Gordon (D.)[ The Ethics of the Shakspere Celebrations, 8vo, L864. :")27.";s H (It. E.) Stratford-upon-Avon and the Approaching Shakspere I ercentenary, Ito, ?1864. s7iu Harris (.1.) An Ode on the anniversary of the Birthday of Shakspere, 1864. Prize poem [in Shakspere's Shrine, etc., pp. 127-135] duo, 1866. ">798-l Hume (A.) Shakspeare: An Oration at the Soiree in celebration of the Tercentenary [from Trans, of the Historic Soc. of Lane, anil Cheshire] 3vo, 1864. 52720 Illustrated London News, May 14, 1S64 [contains an illustration of the Fancy Ball, fol, 70523 King (E.) The Shakespeare Tercentenary [in I'.. ems of Liberty, pp. 61 4] duo, 1864. 1 17386 [Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society] Shakspeare Tercentenary Celebration, 8vo, ?1864. 2851 Langford (J. A.) The Shakspere Tercentenarj Year. Poems in Memo: inn. duo, L864, 52755 Leisure Hour, The, April 1864, 4t.., 1864. 52757 London Herald. '1 he Shakspere Number of the, April 23rd, 1864, 4t... L864. 1452>2 Maginnis (D) Of meatmen: with special reference to Garibaldi and Shakespeare : Sermon in the Presbyterian Chapel, Stourbridge, 8vo, L864. 52749 Meadows (K.) and Measom (W.) A Votive Table) to Shakspe.ir, fol. 52758 Medal Ribbon, 'the Shakespearean. Coventry Manufacture. ?1864. 98169 Memorial, Shakespearean, Reference Key to, fol, .'ism. 52756 Michell (N.) The Shakspeare Festival ; or, the Birth of the World's Poet. An Ode, duo, 1864. i47:::io Morley (G.) Shakespeare Commemorations again [from Poet Lore] 3vo, 1890. 51325 Moses (E. and Son) The Tercentenary: or the Three Hundredth Birthday of Willi. mi Shakespeare, 8vo, 1864. 70171 National Shakspeare Committee and the late Mr. Thackeray, 8V0, ?1864. 109124 New-England Historic-Genealogical Society, Tercentenary Celebration, by the, Bvo, 1864. 148389 [Newspaper Cuttings] 8vo, 1864. 147::.".s Notes and Queries, April 23; 1864, Mo, 1864. 147357 People's Shakspeare Memorial Fund, Addresses at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, in aid of the, December 5th t.. loth, 1864, svo, ?1864. 113488 Phelps (Mr. |S.]> and the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee. s\,,. 1864. ciis 1 )^ Poems for the Prize Competition offered i>\ The Belfast VVeeklj Novthern Whig (Belfast) 8vo, 1864. L56 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 57350 292G Xn. Of Vols. Size -continued. Date Tercentenary, The, 1864 : Books, etc., relating to 52721 Publishers' Circular, The, Apl. L5, 1864, 8vo, L864. Punch's Tercentenary Number, April 28, 4to, 1864. Reader (W.) The Warwickshire Ode, William Shakespeare, duo L864. Reynolds's Miscellany, April 30th, L864, [.Containing William Shakspere : the Youth, the Lover, 82021 1 17366 152760 L13764 .".•-'7 1 7 L47347 76503 57972 113803 69858 52750 i nd Entertainment, April 23, L864 •ammes, Tickets <>!' Admission. 186 ..nd the Poet. A romance by St. John, etc.] 4to, 1864. st. George's Athenaeum Club" [London] Dinner I Programme] svo, 1864. ool':;;; Scott (J. W.) Shakspere Tercentenary Draught Board, 4to ?1864- 146340 [Scrap Book, fol, 1864, etc.] [Scrap Book, fol, 1864, etc.] These columns contain Newspaper Cutting, I in ulars, Posters, Pro relating to or issued in connection with the Tercentenary. Shakspeare. A Celebration Ode I from Chambers's Journal] 8vo, L364. Shakspeare, An Ode for his Three-hundredth Birthday. Second edition, Shakspeare's Comic Tricentenary, or Quaint Memories of ye Bard, duo, ?1864. Shakespeare's Day. A Plea for a Monument, with a Lyric from Romeo and Juliet, duo, 1864. Sharpe (W.) A Conserrated Poem. Written to commemorate the Tricentenary of William Shakspeare, duo '.'isot. Stratford-upon-Avon Chronicle, Tercentenary Supplement, Apl, 23, 1864, fol, 1864. Stratford-upon-Avon Tercentenary Festival, Pamphlets, etc. 52722 Great Western Railway, Ordinary & Special Trains [to] Stratford-on-Avon, 8vo, 1864. Pictures & Drawings exhibited at the Town Hall, duo, 1864. Programme, Official, of the Tercentenary Festival (Cassell) duo, 1864. Programmi . Preliminary, of the Tercentenary Festival (Stratford-on-Avon) 8vo, ?1864. Puttick and Simpson (Messrs.) [Sale] Catalogue of Fittings and Effects supplied for the recent pel formances, 8vo, 1864. i Report of the Sub-l lommittee on the available sites for a Memorial of Shakspeare] fol, fl864. Shakespeare Festival, The I from Chambers's Journal] 8vo, 1864. Tallis's Illustrated Life in London, April 23, L864, fol. 1864. Trench (R. C.) Every Good Gift from Above. A Sermon in the Parish Church of Stratford- upon-Avon. Second edition, 8vo, 1864. Tupper (M. F.) Shakspeare. An Ode for his Three-hundredth Birthday. Fourth edition, duo, 1864. Warlow (J.) Ode in commemoration of the shakspere Tercentenary, 8vo, 1864. Wordsworth (C.) Man's Excellency a cause of praise and thankfulness to Gfod. Stratford-upon-Avon, duo, 1864. Working Men's Shakespeare Committee, Address of the, 8vo, L864. Yarrow (J.) Shakspeare : A Tercentenary Poem, 8vo, L864. 3405 52725 52724 5274] 147345 52718 69897 L47372 3292 19297 147;;.. i 113766 A Sermon at Tei'eilS and PrOglie, Tale Of, referred to Uy Shakespeare. Edited by HaUiwell ,. . 1 clllO 1 86G Testimonies to the Genius and Merits of Shakespeare ... 1 4to ?1790 Text of Shakespeare : — 2416-2 Badham .) : see Collier, pp. 69-70. 61032 Corrector of Shakspeare [Review from Edinburgh Review] 8vo, 1856. 152695 Dam (B. A. P. Van) land] Stoffel (C.) William Shakespeare. Prosody and Text, 8vo, ?190fl. 29790 Daniel (P. A.) Notes and Emendations of Doubtful Passages in Shakespeare's Plays, duo, 1870. 147982 Fumess (II. H.)The Text of Shakespeare [from Poet-Lore] 8vo, 1891. 4.".246 Could (0.) Corrigenda and Explanations of the Text of Shakspere, 8vo, 1881. "4792 new issue, 8vo, 1ss4. 2891 Grey (Z.) Notes on Shakespeare, with emendations of the Text and Metre, 2 vols, 8vo, 177.4. 2863 Halliwell (J. O.) On some of the manuscript emendations of the Text of Shakespeare, and are they copyright ? Svo, 1S53. 2820 [Heath (B.)] A Revisal of Shakespear's Texts, Svo, 1765. 57967 Herr (J. G.) Scattered Notes on the Text of Shakespeare. 8vo, 1-79. 2603 | Holt (J.)[ An Attempte to Rescue Shakespere [Text of the Tempest] duo, 1749. 2602 | Holt (J.)] Remarks on the Tempest, or an Attempt to Rescue Shakespear, 8vo, 1750. 1 17845 Hudson (W. H.) Early Mutilators of Shakespeare [from Poet-Lore] svo. 1892. 96299 Inglel.y (C. M.) The .Still Lion. Essay towards the Restoration of Shakespeare's Text, duo. 1874. 6053 Inglehy (C. M.) Shakespeare Hermeneutics, or The Still Lion. An Essay towards the Restoration of Shakespeare's Text, svo. 1875. 15722 [nglebj (C. M.) The Text of Shakespeare [from The Englishman's Magazine] Svo, 1S65. fins:;; Jervis (S.) Proposed emendations of the Text of shakspeare's Plays, svo. 1860. 57301 [Morehead (R.)] Explanations and emendations of the Text of Shakespeare, by Mart inns Scriblerus, duo, 1814. 1 17S44 Morgan (A.) History of the Shakespeare Text | from The American Monthly] svo, 1SS4. 112216 Orson (S. W.) Shakespeare Emendations [Type written] 4to, KL891. 113754 [Quincy (J. P.)] Manuscript corrections from a copy of the Fourth Folio, 8vo, L854. English Shakespeariana. Number. 2923 57211 125138 148032 118030 148029 148031 92908 63710 64328 151838 159176 76556 103955 60209 2929 4219 2788 54265 54266 54264 54262 54263 54267 28178 63771 148243 129732 136973 2544 2545 151084 16382 2955 2743 8000 Text of Shakespeare — continued. No. of Vols 157 6051 Singer (S. W.)TheTexl of Shakespeare vindicated, Bvo, 2923 Theobald (Mr. [L.]) Shakespeare restored, (to, L726. 57211 Theobald (L.) Shakespeare Restored. Second edition, 4to, 1740. 99161 Walker (W. s.) ,\ critical examination of the Text of Shakespeare, 8 vols., duo, 1860. 5208S Wellesley (II.) stray Notes on the Text of Shakespeare, Svo, 57026 White (R. G.) Shakespeare's Scholar : Studies of his Text, el Theatres : see Drama, pp. 76 si Theobald (Mr. [L.]) Shakespeare restored: cSmiXWiir.popS™™ i Mi. Pope's raosl alSoi lot] -I Lit) Theobald (L.) Shakespeare Eestored $£*£**&& Theobald ( R.M .)Bacon the Poet 1 '" ^SSMS; v Theobald (Pi.M.) : seealso Dethroning Shakspere, p. ;i Theobald(W.) Bacon versus Shakespere (Budieign saiterton) Theobald(W.) On the Authorship of the Plays •$$$$& saiterton) - • ■ Theobald(W.)"On the Authorship of the Plays^g^ftgjg Theobald(W.)OntheAuthorship of the Sonnets "fiSZwtuSSi^ Theology : seeRankin (J. E.) Thimm (F.) Shakspeare in the British Museum Thimm (F.) Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864 Si ml edition, containing the Literature fr 1864 to 1871 Thiselton (A. E.) Textual Notes on Anthony and Cleopatra Thiselton (A. E.) Textual Notes on Measure, for Measure... Thorn (W. T.) Two Shakespeare Examinations With Remarks on tin- Class-room Study of Shakespeare (Boston [U.S.A.]) Thorn (W. T.) Shakespeare and Chaucer Examinations With Remarks mi the Class-room Study of Shakespeare (Boston [U.S.A.] I [Thompson (E.)] Trinculo's Trip to the Jubilee Thompson (Mr. [E.] ) Trinculo's Trip to the Jubilee ediuon •■• Thorns (W. J.) Three Notelets on Shakespeare I. Shakespeare in Germany. II. The Folk-Line of Shakespeare, ill. Was Shakespeare ever a Soldier I Thorns (W. J.) Was Shakspeare ever a Soldier? [Thomson (W.)] Bacon and Shakespeare onVivisection (Meibournej T [homson] (W.) Bacon, Not Shakespeare %flgS£££i 8 tf3&£% Thomson (W.) A Minute among the Amenities (Melbourne) ... Thomson (W.) On Eenascence Drama orHi $K u ^ e e) visible ••• Thomson (W.) Political Allegories i ' ltl ' , ' ,; '' n: "''' l :^;.V,'•:, , , , ;,'; ,n '''■ l, Thomson (W.) William Shakespeare Thornbury (G. W.) Shakspere's England ; Thorne (J.) Eambles by Eivers The Avon Thorne (W. EL.) Shakespeare versus Bacon Thorpe (W. G.) Did Bacon write Shakespeare's Epitaph'?. [in Middle Temple Table Talk, pp. H 7-1 Thorpe (W. G.) The Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon Thought, Shakespearean : — 29806 Arnold (C.) An Index to Shakespearian Thought , svo, 1880. 43873 [Bartlett (J.)] Choice Thoughts from Shakspere, duo, I860. 67090 Treasury of Thought from Shakespeare, duo, ls60. Three Conjurors, The A political interlude Stolen rrom Shakespeare s id • — mi ■ _ /T;i v t> • -l „ „f n .„„,. IM'. 99 149. Mood Sentences of Hamlet, Hiring (E.) Principles oi Grammar ^Macbeth, King Lear, etc.] (Oxfowii iii Romance and Reality (Melbourne) Social Micron- in tl nf Elizabeth ( from Tlie Globe] (Philadelphia) Thurston [J.) Illustrations of Shakspeare Thynn (F.) Debate between Pride and Lowliness Sl ';t7;'. v '' v - Tieck (L.) The Midsummer Night wl ^SSSSSn^£S l Sv b Tillotson (J.) William Shakspeare tinuves of Eminent Men.' P p 1 4to 1 In. 1 8vo I 8vo l 8vo 1 Svo 1 8vo Svo 8vo 8vo 8vo 1 Svo 1 duo 1 duo 1 4to 1 4to 1 8vo duo 8vo 8vo Svo 8vo Svo 8vo duo 1 duo Svo 8vo L726 1740 1899 1895 lS'Jl 1896 ?1887 1865 1872 L899 1901 1883 1888 1769 1770 1865 ?1859 1881 1881 L883 1880 1882 1881 1856 L845 1890 1894 1 8vo L897 tto 4to duo Svo 8vo duo duo ?1763 ?1763 lstis L826 is 11 1854 158 Number. 49740 156283 77412 82649 147967 127542 57283 105066 148218 57927 148377 147710 7112 2862 57090 69897 147978 74382 111029 57095 147372 135500 150303 82193 44880 57050 12160 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Time and Truth reconciling the Moral and Eeligious World to Shakespeare : see Nnyior, p. us. TilimiinS (J. F.) The Poet-PrieSt Shakespearian Sermons ... . fourth edition . . . TimminS (S.) Books On Shakespeare Birmingham Reference Library Lectures No. of Vols. Size. Tirnmins (S.) Shakespeare at Home [large paper] [/ran MM England] If nun Bygone Warwickshire, edited by Andrews] duo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo Date. ?1880 ?1890 ?1885 ?1885 1879 1893 1859 1889 J 8vo 1892 1 duo 1860 1 8vo 1894 1 8vo 1899 1 duo 1857 1 8vo 1838 Tirnon of Athens : — Richardson (VV.) see Richardson, p. 13ii 2961 Timon, a Play. Now first printed. Edited by Dyce (Shakespeare Society), Svo, 1842. Tinker Of Turvey 0r Canterbury Tales:, An earlyconertion of English Novels. _ ± Q YQ Titmarsh (B.) Shakspere's Skull and Falstatfs Nose ti£S«£. 1 du <> Titmarsll (B.) : seeafcoMoyse Titus Andronicus : — 15152 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on Titus Andronicus, etc., Svo, 1879. 14S3S2 Robinson (P.) Shakespeare's Natural History. New light on "Titus Andronicus" [from Contemporary Review] Svo, 1894. Tofte's Alba : see Halliwell, p. 95 Tolman (A. H.) Studies in Macbeth t/rom xue Atlantic Monthly] ... Tom Thumb the Little, Metrical History of edited by Haiuweu ... TomkinS (C. F.) : see PlanchS Tour in quest of Genealogy, etc. : see Fenton Tourgenieff (I.) Hamlet and Don Quixote t/rom The Fortnightly Review] Townesend (M. S.) Stories from Shakspeare... [Townseud (G. H.)] William Shakespeare not an Impostor Traditionary Anecdotes of Shakespeare coiiecteain Warwickshire m Tragedies : — ■ 27298 Vaughan (H, H.) New readings & new renderings of Shakespeare's Tragedies, o vols., Svo, 1S78-86. Treasury of Thought from Shakespeare ... ... ... 1 duo 1866 Trench (E. C.) Every Good Gift from Above a sermon (Tercentenary) 1 Svo 1864 Tributes to Shakespeare : seesusby Trinculo's Trip to the Jubilee : sec Thompson Troilus and Cressida : — 107866 [Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)] The Fool and the Ice : Adventure at Evesham supposed to be alluded to in Troilus and Cressida, Svo, 1883. 102504 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Memoranda on Troilus and Cressida, duo, 18S0. Trumbull (J.) The Whitman- Shakespeare Question ysSEaSSS&ffl Tucker (S.) Assignment of Arn i s to Shakespere and Arden 1596-1599 Tuckerman (H. T.) Castles and Shakspere [, ' n A J ',p. 1 n ( !'i^ ln '' 1 '' ... Tupper (M. F.) Shakspere : Au 0,le for h ^ u X"; ath Dilt, "" y ' • • • Tumbull (W. E.) Othello A Critical Study (Edinburgh and London) Turner (G.) The FalstalT Letters [from The Theatre] Tllvnoi 1 (T ^ An nrlrlvoco delivered before the Birmingham Shakespeare Reading Club, J-lUIiei {0.) All auareSS at the Annual Dinner (Birmingham) Turner (J.) Fragmentary Thoughts about Shakespeare (B i™,j, ng " Turner (Sharon) Eichard the Third APoem Tweddell (G.) Shakspere : his times and contemporaries ... Twelfth Night :— 129976 Barnett (T. D.) Notes on Twelfth Night, duo, 1895. 44481 Coote (C. H.) Shakspere's New Map in Twelfth Night, 8vo, 1878. 99280 Ingannati, Gl'. The Deceived : A Comedy, performed at Siena, 1531 [Original Story of Twelfth 1 8vo 1891 1 4to 1884 1 4to 1884 1 duo 1854 1 duo 1864 1 8vo 1892 1 8vo 1885 1 8vo 1885 1 8vo 1882 1 duo 1815 1 duo 1852 Night] duo, 1862. 15' 1319 Knight (J.) The First Night of " Twelfth Night " at the Lyceum 138149 Lees (J.) Questions on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, duo V1S9G. from The Theatre] 8vo, 1S84. Number. 2895 142iy3 57960 2539 139903 2984 63845 45034 11412 2588 97291 2902 109797 27298 87723 148381 English Shakespeariana. L59 Voln Siw Dat< Twilights, Shakespeare's : 3 f.j Twiss (F.) Verbal Index to the Plays of Shakspeaj ... L805 Two Gentlemen of Verona : 129961 Crane (W.) Eight Illustrations to Two Gentlemen of Veromi f«l, 1804 15152 Halliwell-Phillipps (J\ O.) Memoranda on Two Gentlemen of Verona, i\ ■ 113338 Montemayor (G. de) Diana [regarded as one of the sources of the 1 " Gentlemen of \. duo, 1738. Two Nohle Kinsmen : U7688 Boyle (R.) On " Massinger and The Two Noble Kinsmen, 4080 Spalding (W.) A Letter on Shakspere's Authorship of The Two Noble Kinsmen. (Nen Shakspere Society, Series VIII., No. l)8vo, 1876. 57243 134286 37664 101115 71417 2569 2925 99154 2513 113498 G9877 Tyler (T.) Herhert-Fitton Theory of Shakespeare's Sonnets Tyler (T.) The Philosophy of " Hamlet " Tyler (T.) Shakespeare's Sonnets: wF -": i , 1 ..',:■ '•■•'•- Typography, Shakspere and: •>■ Blades [Tyrwhitt (T.)] observations and Conjectures Tytler (Sarah) The American Cousins \ Udall (N.) Ealph Roister Doister edltedbyi eare Society)... Udall (N.) Roister Doister edited by Arber. English Reprints ... ami liis relation to i Jdi i >n Ulrici (H.) Shakspeare's Dramatic Art translated hj Schmitz Upton (J.) Critical Observations on Shakespeare [Dublin) 8vo L874 8vo L766 duo 8vo L847 8vo duo duo duo duo 1869 1846 L876 17 If, 1747 1748 New Readings & New Renderings 4to ?1860 8vo 1878-86 duo 8vo L886 L894 Urban Club : «•<• ciubs, p. 68 Valentine (Mrs.) Shakspearian Tales in Verse Vaughan (H. H.) Shakespeare's Tragedies Venus and Adonis : — 2986 Anderson (H.) Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis, illustrated by T. Heywood [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. III., pp. 54-57] 8vo, 1847. 69779 Furness (Mrs. H. H.) Concordance to Shakespeare's Poems. Venus and Adonis, Bvo, 1872. Morgan (A.) : see Morgan, p. 121. Verity (A. W.) Influence of Marlowe HarnessS^yf^ Verlaine (P.) Shakespeare and Racine [/n>»i The Fortnightly a Versification :-— 57091 [Bathurst (CI] Differences in Shakespeare's Versification, duo, 1857. Browne (G. H.) : nee Browne, p. 62. 135-274 Kirwan (G. R.) English Grammar [with] Rules for scanning Shakespearian Blank Verse, duo, 1895. 100035 Price (T. R.) Construction and Types of Shakespeare's Verse, as seen ill the Othello (P ■< the N.Y. Shakespeare Society" No. 8) duo, 1888. 57039 Walker (W. S.) Shakespeare's Versification, duo, 1854. -vt /x \ m — J "D .^,~ fan. 39-82 Shakspeare, pp. 88-104 Hamlet] Very (J.) Essays and Poems U1 (Bostonpr.! Victory (L. H.) The Higher Teaching of Shakespeare Vining (E. P.) The Mystery of Hamlet iPhiiad. Vining (E. P.) Time in the Play of Hamlet XSW "Viola," The Flowers of Shakspeare [Coloured illustrations] XT- • • tvt „ t /icim describing adventures supposed to be referred tn Virginia, NeweS from, (lblU) in Shakespeare's Tempest: Edited by Halliwell Visions of the Western Railways [contains snakespearea Vfic'fof^-r, Th fl or, an Interview between the Ghost of Shakespear and Visitation, ine p-v-d G-rr-k, Esq. [A Vivisection: weThomson Voltaire [F. M. A. de] A Letter tott "«A5aS ■■" , " 1 ' 1 "' Voltaire ( [F. M. A.] de) Of Shakespeare '; SSSm Vortigern : » ■ iiviand at i-» \ ttt'iv rii 1 „„ behind the Scenes of the Globe Th< Vyse (13.) William fcjnakespeare Dedicated to immtttoe 1 duo L839 1 duo L896 1 duo 1 88 1 1 duo L886 1 8vo ?1883 1 duo L865 1 4to 1 tto 1 755 1 8vo 1777 1 duo L76J 1 8vo 160 Number. 150279 147970 57290 103966 131396 57986 57076 82348 2589 2934 57401 60207 138063 135405 99161 57039 108586 150276 57149 135173 150322 31668 104845 104668 147268 147651 52810 113565 147980 57201 85231 139211 135267 2898 57048 3292 126709 140358 2538 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. W. (E. N.) Shakespeare and the Stage ifrom Progress] W. (P.) A Query On Hamlet [with Reply DyW. P.] [from Fraser-s Magazine] Wade (T.) " What does ' Hamlet ' mean?" (Jersey) Wad8Worth(W.) Under theGreenwoodTreewithSh'akspere^k, Waite (W. H.) Shakspeare's Stratford A ^^J.JgSST' Wake (I.) Rex Platonicvs {0: ^^^^^^ 1 SS£^^i tS ■■■ Walbran (C. J.) Dictionary of Shakspere Quotations Walbran (C. J.) Thoughts on Eomeo and Juliet (Ripon) [Waldron (F. G.)] Free Eeflections *%2£*£Sffl£2SS&* ■■■ Waldron (F. G.) The Shakspearean Miscellany [Waldron (F. G.)] The Virgin Queen ^S^JffiE* Walk under the Shakspeare ; and other poems (Dover) Walker (G. C.) John Heminge and Henry Condell F $S£g£ ' [with illustrations] ikspeiian contrast [from Modern Review] from a late eminent prelate to one of his friends [Bishop Huril] (Kidderminster) No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo ?1885 1 8vo 1879 1 8vo 91840 1 8vo ?1888 1 8vo ?1895 1 duo 1636 1 duo 1849 1 duo 1852 1 8vo 1796 1 8vo 1802 1 duo 1797 1 duo 1836 1 8vo 1896 1 8vo 1896 3 duo 1860 1 duo 1854 1 4to 1890 1 duo ?1885 1 duo 1795 1 duo 1882 1 8vo 1885 1 fol 1874 1 4to 1890 1 fol 1890 1 duo 1899 1 8vo 1895 1 8vo 1882 1 duo 1889 1 8vo 1891 1 4to ?1808 Walker (W. S.) Examination of the Text of Shakespeare ... Walker (W. S.) Shakespeare's Versification it ^ 1 '" ;ll ^ 1 3 larities Wall (A. H.) Shakespeare's Face kVma ^^Sa^S^^ kmsmn Wallace (A.) William Shakspeare [/rom irvine Express] ... Wallace (J.) Shaksperian Sketches ... Waller (J. J.) Prize Essays chiefly Shaksperean Studies (Aberystwyth) ... Waller (W. F) Helen Faiicit \Jrom The Theatre] ... Walter (J.) Shakespeare's Home and Eural Life Walter (J.) Shakespeare's True Life illustrated by moi™ [large paper copy] Walters (C.) Mystery of Shakespeare's Sonnets *$*$£$£? ••• Walters (C. F.) Italian Influence on Shakespeare «£2Ji 2S£g2f Walters (P.) Hamlet and The Tempest A sl Walters (F.) Studies of some of Shakspere's Plays... Walton (C.) A Brief for Ophelia Lfrom poet-iore] (Philadelphia! [Warburton (W.)] Letters Warburton (W.) Works relating to : Edwards (T.) Canons of Criticism : Supplement to Warburton's Edition of Shakespear : see Edwards, p. 83. 26652 [Grey (Z.)] Advice to William Warburton, by a friend, duo 1746. 2601 [Grey (Z.)] Letter to that great Refiner of Pope and Shakespear, the Rev. Mr. William Warburton, 8vo, 1750. 2598 [Grey (Z.)] Remarks upon a late edition of Shakespear ftWarburton's] duo, ?1751. 2820 [Heath (B.)] A Revisal of Shakespear's Text [as published by Mr. Warburton] Svo, 1765. 51933 Nichols (J.) Literary History of the eighteenth century, vol. 2 (pp. 189-647, Shakespearian Correspondence of Theobald, Thirlby and Warburton) Svo, 1817. 3362 [Nichols (P.)J The Castrated Letter of Sir T. Hanmer, in Biographia Britannica, Wherein is discovered the rise of the Bishop of Gloucester's Quarrel with that Bart., 4to, 1763. 33100 Watson (J. S.) Life of William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester from 1760 to 1779, 8vo, 1863. Ward (A. W.) English Dramatic Literature to the death ..f Queen Anne 2 Svo 1875 Ward (H. S. and C. W.) Shakespearean Guide to Stratford - on-Avon Ward (H. S. and C. W.) Shakespeare's Town and Times ... Ward (J., Vicar of Stratford-upon-Avon) Diary of A „i';^!f£ V( , rn Ward's StatUe [Of Shakespeare] in the Central Park, New York (New York) WarlOW (J.) Ode in commemoration of the Shakspere Tercentenary (Liverpool) Warner (B. E.) English History in Shakespeare's Plays ggj Warner(C.D.)The People for whom Shakespeare Wrote l ^ v d0 Y n or l k) d [Warner (R.)] A Letter to Garrick concernl,,ga Sb i Sp^° t5ieP,a3,sof ,,. 1 duo ?1897 1 8vo ?1896 1 8vo 1839 1 8vo 1873 1 8vo 1864 1 duo 1894 1 duo 1897 1 8vo 1768 Number. 51471 2520 57985 103956 7389 33136 33100 55750 113772 2547 2588 142786 57061 52088 129074 32445 57349 82697 86832 16383 57486 2583 32280 57093 71615 57327 2936 3402 2860 2850 2836 3423 2847 32023 Wnrf.nn l~T 1 Oli9PVvn,timi<5 0,lTll( ' T, ' m '"' st ,al " 1 King Lear) Hri British Essays. Vol dlLUH [±.J WUbtUWijliOilb (TheAdTentui 17. US. 116 and mi] English Shakespeariana. No. "f Vol* Sire. (The AdTehturer, iTos. 93,'ff7. US. 116 a7id lV/)] ■*■ ll'lo Warwickshire : — 57f the Country, etc., duo, 1900. Morley (G.) Sketches of Leafy Warwickshire. Mo, 1895. Ribton -Turn er (C. J.) Shakespeare's Land, duo, L898. Shakespearana and Warwickshire Notes [from Stratford-on-Avon Herald] f.>l L886 7. Stopes (Mrs. <'. C.) Shakespeare's Warwickshire Contemporaries, ~\.>. L897. Warwick and Leamington, etc., Historical and descriptive account of (Warwick) duo, 1-1 \Vindle(B. C. A.) Shakespeare's Country : Illustrated bj New, duo, 1899. Warwickshire : Watei'forcl '""■""'" 161 L823 115997 150919 78S99 57351 154708 120795 154712 129724 1187S6 90464 140299 574S4 14755;; also Arden, Avon, si ral ford or Avon in honour <>i' simk.^i..'.'nv. V imisi.il entertainment. Is performed t the Theatre in Waterford. With aildltlona (Waterford) WaterhouselNOTheEnglandofShakspeare^;;^;! 1 ;; 1 ;^';:;;:;: Waters (R.) William Shakespeare portrayed i.y himseir iN.»v..ik. ... [Watson (F. B.)] Religious and Moral Sentences ^ThaWa"™ ' s of Shakespeare. flLllll th. Quota ti [Watson (F. B.)] Moral Sentences Watson (J. S.) Life of [Bishop] WilliamWarburton ";!"//: Watson (J. S.) Life of Bichard Porson [Contains For ^^ i ^ h f Irelaud ... Watts (N.) Was Hamlet Iliad? A legal and metaphysical study Webb (D.) Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry [Webb (F.)] Shakspeare's Manuscripts Webb (J. S.) Shakespeare Reference-Book Webster (J., the Dramatist) : seeswinbume Weiss (J.) Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare Twelve Rssays (Boston, [u.s.aj WelcOmbe : see Ingleby Wellesley (H.) Stray Notes on the Text of Shakespeare ... Wendell (B.) William Shakspere A Study in Elizabethan Literature West (J. F.) William Shakespeare fromaS, f?K g g a l >") 0fVIew ••• Wesl(ElizaM.)ShakspearianParalletisms West Indian Illustrations of Shakespeare (Georgetown, Demeraraj ... Weston (S.) Short Notes on Shakspeare, ^WSS^SS^SSSST Whalley (P.) The Learning of Shakespeare Whately (E. W.) The Character of Hamlet: Aiecture [Whately (T.)] Characters of Shakespeare Whately (T.) Characters of Shakspeare Whately (T.) Characters of Shakespere Wheatley (H. B.) Notes on the Life of J. P. Collier wi Wheler (R. B.) Birth-place of Shakspeare W| %£S£3£& [large paper] Wheler (R. B.) Birth-place of Shakespeare ^SSoSSISSSSSiiSa, Wheler (R. B.) Guide to Stratford-upon-Avon istratford-upon-Avoni (Coventry) . mi I edition ii ixfordj edited by B. Whately Third .-.lit New edition (Coventry) duo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo duo 177:; ?1865 ?1888 L843 ?1850 L863 L86] 1 sss 1762 1796 is: is 1 duo J^7(i 8vo duo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo duo duo Bvo duo duo duo 8vo 4to 8vo 8vo duo tluo 1865 L894 ?1881 1865 ?1880 1808 1748 1863 L785 1808 L839 1 ss l L824 is- 1 L863 L863 l B l 1 ?1825 duo ?1827 Wheler (R.B.) History and Antiquitiesof Stratford-upon-Avon 1 duo ?1806 ; 1 upon-AvonJ , 1 duo ?1800 162 Number. 83453 87230 61009 109122 150992 2586 31381 63759 147859 57063 57055 63882 57026 79565 147972 64302 55463 145306 114040 2874 76502 102488 150274 57871 57929 99811 135362 136478 115038 109101 150310 38643 9017 142194 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. .Size. Date Wheler (R. B.) Works relating to :— 2833 Brief hand-list of the Collections respecting Shakespeare ami Stratford-upon-Avon formed hy the late 11. 263 Collectanea B. Wheler [Preface hy Halliwell] duo, 1863. specting the Birth-place of Shakespeare, from the Manuscript Collections of the Late li. B. Wheler, 1862. With additions hy Halliwell, duo, 1865. Whipple (E. P.) Literature of the Age of Elizabeth (Boston [u.s.ab Whipple (E. P.) Shakspeare's Critics [in Essays and Reviews, Vol. 2, pp, 209-249] (Boston [U.S.A.]) ■ White (E. H ) Shakspeare and his Hamlet w " $££?». 8&« or a Cranky Cryptogram White (F. M.) The Doubting D- White (Hairy): see [Parker (M.)] White (H. K.) Songs, etc. in Shakespeare [White (J.)] Original Letters, &c, of Sir John Falstaff White (J.) Falstaff 's Letters wliii h hav« been set to Music (Gt Keneote) ii.ally pul llshed in 1796. With notices ol i he luth White(R,G. ) Anatomizing of William Shal espeare 1 '' White(R.G.)Memoirs of Shakespeare i/ Hie Atlantic Monthly] with Mil essay toward the expression of his genius (Boston [1 .S.A.]J White(R.C) On reading Shakespeare [AomGairxy] TX7L "j. /~D /"t \ot„i, „„,, „„„«'„ Q/>V«/%loTStuilii b of his Text, ete., with an examiiia- White(R.G) Shakespeare s fctcnolai tionnt Mr. < ..ni.-.^f..ii 1632 (New York] White(R.G.) Studies in Shakespeare White(R.G.)The TWO Hamletd [from The Atlantic Monthly] White(R.G.) Visit to Stratford -on -Avon [from Galaxy] [in England Without and Within, pp. 509-530] [White (Thomas) Notes on Shakspeare imso White (T. W.) Our English Homer; w **< kt S£fi£F A * a ' [Whiter (W.)] Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare... Whiter ("W.) [Verses in commemoration of Shakspeare's Birth-day, 1815-W] ... Whitman(Walt)DemocraticVistas^^ Whitman(Walt) : see aZso Trumbull Wllittsitt (W. II.) Lady Macbeth [from Louisville Courier-Journal] ... Widgery (W. H.) First Quarto Edition of Hamlet, 1603 pgfiS, Widow Of Watlillg Street Ancient Ballad, WOO. Edited l.y Halliwell Wigston (W.F.C.) Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians Wigston (W. F. C.) The Columbus of Literature SlSen^ch™ Wigston (W. F. C.) Discoveries in the Bacon Problem (Edinburgh) Wigston (W. F. C.) Francis Bacon versus Phantom Captain Shakespeare ... Wigston (W . F. C.) Hermes Stella ™ Notes ?.!;;!, ; n ";, f i 1 ^ l ." 1 ' on tlie . . . Wilde (O.) Shakespeare and Stage Costume [/rom c ™? u ^ eteenth Wilkes (G.) Shakespeare, from an American Point of View An Address delivered at the Aits Club, Manchestei [Manchester] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo 8vo 1881 1885 1847 1888 1900 1796 1877 1877 1884 1865 1866 8vo 1876-77 8vo 1854 duo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo duo duo duo duo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 1885 1881 1877 1881 1793] 1892 1794 ?1819 1888 1885 1880 1860 1888 ?1892 ?1893 1891 1890 1885 1877 1877 1898 150273 WilkinsonjT. R.) Shakespeare Will, Shakespeare's : — 82178 Facsimile of Shakespeare's Will, from the Original. Issued in Part I. of Cassell's Illustrated Shakespeare, 4to, ?1865. 150453 Fac-Simile of Shakespeare's Will, from the Original. Presented with Part I. of the Royal Shakspere, published by Cassell & Company, fol, ?1882. 90088 Photogiaphic reproduction of Shakspeare's Will. With letter-press by Friswell, 8vo, 1864. 101953 Probate Copy of the Will of Shakespeare, from a manuscript copy made by Rev. J. Greene in 1747, duo, 1872. 3369 Shakspeare's Will, copied from the Original, 8vo, 1838. 2940 Shakespeare's Will, copied from the Original. With Observations by Halliwell, 4to, 1851. Willan (J. N.) " Macbeth " tfrom The Bath cm-onMe] ... ... 1 duo 1885 Number. 145459 153028 115174 77028 70031 70001 82129 82482 59360 69875 7375 63785 150304 147969 122079 150309 150302 2804 3391 34601 34595 2485 3311 147553 42279 57100 135481 137037 57167 145316 145427 148248 920S2 113476 86560 67057 English Shakespeariana. Willetts (Ada) Shakspeare's Thoughts on Music iBaunmi Williams (G. and M.M.) Shakesp larian Recitals Williams (J. L.) Home and Haunts of Shakespeare u [Williams (R. F.)] Shakspeare and ins Friends [Anovei] [Williams (R. F.)] The Secret Passion rAnoverj [Williams (E. F.)] The Youth of Shakespeare [Anovei] Williams (S.F.) Times and Associates of Shakespeare Binnhigbnmi Willis's Current Notes ; 1851 to 1876 [Contain Shakespeariana] ... ■ — ■ 1851 [Contains Shakespeariana] ... Wilmot, Mr. Fechter's Iago, and Acting edition of Othello... Wilson (D.) Caliban ; the missing link L69 No. ol duo Wilson(H.S.) Discontents of a Dramatist yJKeXatrl] WilS01l(H.S.) Goethe OU Hamlet [from. London Society] Wilson(H.S.) Shakspeare in Black friars ig£!3&gS£RZ22S& ' Wilson(H.S.)Tasso [contains Shakespeariana] Uh %SSSll^' u ' Wilson(H.S-) Three Desperate Deaths in Shakespeare C xh,"atre] e Wilson (J.) Shaksperiana Calal °s" e of *" the ■^g^gS? 1 "* ta - pela,lDg "* . [large paper copy] Wilson (Prof. [J.] )A few words on Shakespeare |, " ) ^-,^;\!:!:7r' 1 Wilson(Prof. [J.] JNoctesAmbrosianae^f^^iV^S t Wilson (Jack) : see lUmbaulli Wilson (J. E.) : see Zinn fpstvd.) Wilson (T.) Analysis of the Illustrated Shakspeare of Wilson (W.) A House for Shakspere Windle (B. C. A) Shakespeare's Country illustrated by New ... Windle (Mrs. C. F. A.) Lord Verulam's Authorship of the " Shakspere " Works (San Francisco) ... tv;.-,/^™. r'nol-l™ Dramatic Entertainments at, 1848, romprlsliig Merchant of Venice, WinaSOl Vjastie Hamlet.etc. Edited by W«bster. Wingate(C.E.L.)Shakespeare'sHeroes on the Stage ^^fStT Wingate(C.E.L.)Shakesp3are'sHeroineson the Stage """,; !,;; ,,: ' (New fork) Wi'mc.™. /T \ A "RiUli'^rrvoi-vlTTT ofthe original quartos and folios of Shakespeare, with mSOl (J.J A iJlbllOgiapny particu ^|, r ,-ererence to copies in America (Boston) Winanv >T ^ TTnlli wpI li>i nn A Bibliography of the publications of J. 0. Halllwell- msoi (j .) naiiiweinana n.in,,,,,,. n.-irv;mi rnm-i-Kity. i',ii.ii..-n.|.i.icai ••• Contributions, No. 10 (Cambridge, Mass.) Winsor (J.) Shakespeare's Poems g£WJ^ ^ Tedi L889 Bvo '.'l 1 . it in fol L892 duo ; duo 1 s i i duo 1846 8vo ?1886 7 S V . , iographical , n.i 2 ,i ambridge, Mass.J 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo Hvo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo duo 1 852 L862 ls7:; L873 1886 1875 L873 L885 1885 1827 1827 1 857 duo 1855-6 fol L820 8vol848-?9 duo 1899 8vo 1881 8vo ?1850 duo ?1896 duo ?1896 fol 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 1876 1881 1879 1887 duo duo duo 1887 i (is; L886 ls7: i [Winsor (J.)] The Shakespeare Shapleigh Entanglement ... [from The Atlantic Monthly] Winsor (J.) Was Shakespeare Shapleigh? (Boston and New York)... Winstanley (W.) Lives of the English Poets [pp. iso-s. shakeBpear] W T inter (W.) Shakespeare's England (Edinburgh) Winter (W.) Stratford-On-AvOll [to Trip to England, pp. 62-73] (Boston) ... Winter's Tale :— 517279 Fortune's Tennis Ball [i(>72] : An early English metrical version of the foundation Story of Shakespeare's Winter's Tale. Edited bj Balliwell, 8vo, i- 9 147847 Lippmann (E. 0. von) Shakespeare's Ignorance %from The New Review | Bvo, 1891. 14S496 Perdita. Artists' notes from choice pictures [from London Society 1 Bvo, 1867. 57269 Sabie (F.) The Fisherman's Tale, 1595. Founded on the story used in The Winter's Tale, *-\". 1867. 46056 Scenes from The Winter's Tale (Illuminators Owen Jones ami Henry Warren. On stone by A. Warren) Svo, ?1865. 14S22.J Snider (I). J.) Shakspeare's "Winter's Tale" [from The Journal ol Speculative Pnilosi 8vo, 1875. Wisdom of Shakespeare : »«« Price, steams 164 Number. 145318 70175 7372 63812 126664 2866 2987 21425 51950 2905 51948 3404 33124 57037 2916 103989 103990 103684 103991 102489 57028 57216 19297 ' 57117 35946 69896 111028 136378 147983 2594 44473 69524 113766 133917 2819 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Wise (G.) The Autograph of William Shakespeare (Philadelphia) Wise (J.) The Beauties of Shakspere ALre XS e S;£|:!^r arean Wise (J. E.) Shakspere : his u {i&^^f$X^ 00± No. of Vols. Size. t from The Catholic Wiseman (Cardinal [N.]) William Shakespeare f/Vo 'N^J Wit : see Weiss Wit and Science, The Moral Play of (8 e h ^p b e y ar H eS^ Wivell (A.) Bust Of Shakspeare in the Church at Stratford-upon-A von 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo Wivell (A.) Shakspeare Portraits (with supplement [with additional portraits inserted] 1 8vo 1 8vo 1 8vo 2 8vo 2 8vo 1 8vo 1840 1 8vo 1850 Date. 1869 ?1857 1861 1861 1865 1865 1848 1827 1827 1827 1827 Wivell (A.) Shakspere Portraits Woffington (Peg) : eeeDobson Wolsey (Cardinal) : — 4'J691 O'Carroll (J. J.) Inaugural Address [to the] Clongowes Wood College Historical Debating Society, 8vo, 1874. 2986 Robinson (J. H.) Had Shakespeare read Cavendish's Life of Wolsey ? [in Shakespeare Society's Papers, vol. 3, pp. 175-177] 8vo, 1847. Wolsey (Cardinal): see also Henry the Eighth [Women] , Sayings of Shakespeare on the Softer Sex h l^^ Women, Shakespeare's: tee characters Wood (S.) : see Dinglewood Shakespeare Manuals Wood (W. D.) Hamlet ; from a psychological point of view .. Woodforde (F.C.) Etymological Index to As You Like It ££$$ Woodforde (F.C.) Etymological Index to Henry V. pgSg&Sijgl,, Woodforde (F.C.) Etymological Index to Julius Caesar Dayton) 1 duo 1877 [pp. 90-102, How old was Hamlet ? pp. 102-108, The Time of " Hamlet "] (Boston [U.S.A.]) A Dialogue. In Imitation of the Grave Diggers in Hamlet see Butler Woodforde (F.C.) Etymological Index to The Tempest Revised (Market Drayton) Woodforde (F.C.)Notes to"AMidsummer-Night's Dream' ',^; B) Woods (G. B.) Essays, etc [Woolls (0.)] The Barrow Diggers W T ords used only once in Shakspere : Wordsworth (C.)Man's Excellency a cause of praise.etc.^s^tr,!',! Wordsworth(C.)Shakspeare's knowledge and use of the Bible third edition Wordsworth (W.) and Shakespeare: see De Qumcey Wright (C.) The Stratford Portrait of Shakespeare, A KS,$? m ... Wright (G. E.) A Brief Memoir of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps Wright (H.C.) Children's Stories in English Literature SS3SS Writing of Shakespeare : see Autographs Wurtzburg (C.A.) The Plot of " As you Like It " [Wyatt (M.)] Opinions of Boaden in 1795 and 1796 Wyman (W. H.) Bacon-Shakspeare Literature Bibliography Wyman (W. H.) Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy B i!.' li "« , ' n i ,h , v YarrOW (J.) Shakspeare : A Tercentenary poem Yeatman (J. P.) The Gentle Shakspere Young (W.) Eeligious Belief and Feeling [in] King Lear [in Tliree Essays on King Lear, by Pupils of the City of Loud Young Albert, the Eoscius : sccRoscius. 8vo duo duo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo [from Poet-lore] (Philadelphia) relative to the uakspcare MSS. Bihlio (Cine A vindicatio [Birmingham Printed] 1 8vo 1 8vo 1 duo 1 8vo 1 8vo 1 8vo 1 8vo 1870 ?1884 ?1888 ?1886 ?1885 ?1887 1873 1839 1864 1864 1880 1861 1889 1892 1891 ?1796 1882 1884 1864 ?1896 1851 rd, pp. 53-91] English Shakespeariana. Number. 113790 Zangwill (I.) The English Shakespeare 72781 Zetes, A Word with Dr. Johnson i"''^- -,,■.,„•] , -.crrni r,- ,« . ,. . m 1'' ... I «Vu I Ml, ldtAL Zmn (Serjeant) A Throw for a Throne '""'''"• p r rtDI ,' 1 y v ngan Zoology : tee Natural History German Editions of Shakespeare's Works. L67 GERMAN EDITIONS OK THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Number. 32511 772 32521 12L74 31330 739 26201 26224 10511 381 721 43685 52690 21316 32551 42801 351 26257 36827 26232 31339 15118 63874 54800 26244 29312 25034 36828 26276 107916 25013 Shakespear Theatralische Werke A "^ ^SSJf v^Tm^""^ Note.— The first German translation. William Shakespear's Sehauspiele Willheltn Shakespears Sehauspiele Ausgabe | a prose translation] ii .1. J. Esi-henbiirg fZfui bj [Vols. 10 and 13 an n i J. J. Eschenburg. Keue verbesserte Luflagi [Edited byG. Kckert] (Strassburg and Mannheim) N.i. Of Vols. size. Date. 8 duo L76 11 duo 1775-77 22 duo 1778-83 Shakespear fur Deutsche bearbeitet i rose] Brete Abtheiiung lAitonaj Shakspeare's dramatische Werke "^gSS^SvffiKLS^ William Shakspeare's Sehauspiele "^TSSSlSb^afiEhf The Plays of William Shakspeare N 1 duo 1796 9duol797-1810 12 duo 1798-1805 ites by Johnson and Steevens [Reissue QQ Q vri |7y T. Bottger, etc.] (Lelpj W. Shakspeare's Sammtliche Werke Shakspeare's dramatische Werke William Shakspeare's siimmtliche dramatische Werke In neuen ITebersetzungen von A. Boti 43674 W. Shakspeare's Sammtliche Werke n nut Mohren a ibi rsetzt und herausgegeben von J. Kfirnei .Mil 40 Holzschnltti n I tbersetzt von B Ortlepp |SI [Mil Supplementband (fl W. Shakspeare's dramatische Werke William Shakspeare's sammtliche dramatische: Werke In neui nUebei William Shakspeare's sammtliche dramatische Werke Uebersetzt von A. Bottger, etc. (Leipzig) [Mil Supplementband ffl 1 8vo 1836 37duo?1836 37 1 8vo ?1838 1 8vo L838 9 duo 1838-40 1 8vo ?1889 13 duo 1839-40 168 Number. 751 16287 1204 L317 1161 52597 365 25026 26289 42731 1254 32603 43390 97166 80308 1181 60264 42351 137467 33189 26245 1151 42781 60246 1365 60213 44312 763 155835 731 445 11793 11901 11789 43391 73946 70333 103685 114549 155130 150459 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Ubersetzt von A. W. v. Schlegel und L. Tieck (Berlin) with notes selected by Shakspeare's dramatische Werke The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare Tkaiolie i William Shakspeare's siimmtliche drainatische Werke No. of Vols. Size. Date. 12 duo 1839-41 1 1 8vo duo 1840 1840 Note. Only Uebersetzt yon olume (Gedichte) was published. gshergi iron Schlegel und L. Tieck (Koni ■al title page is missing. Probeband; Macbeth Tiibingen) Uebersetzt von E. Ortlepp. Neue Auflage (Stuttgart) duo duo 1842 1842 ShaksperealsVermittlerzweierNationen vo % s ^^ 1 W. Shakspeare's drainatische Werke ^JX&^istSW ••• 16 ThePlays and Poems of WilliamShakespeare ^la^u^^l^ 7 duol843-44 Shakspeare's dramatische Werke 't'r^Z^^^Z' 1 ■■■ 12 duo 1843-44 William Shakspere's Schauspiele w "^™ p tS£5 UBd "■"•**.. 8duol843-46 Shakspeare's siimmtliche dramatische Werke ^:;:;;^X. 37 in 12 duo 1848 Neue Kabinets-Ausgabe (Berlin) Shakspeare's dramatische Werke ta S™« « hlege! ••• 12 duo 1850-51 Shakspeare's Werke ^^gSSST^S ^ESS ^gSSSSSSSS^SSffi, 1 duo 1853 Note.— No more published. ni i „„„'„ ,1 -„„ ,^. n +; o «U ^ TA7^-i.lrr. ubersetzt von A. \V. von Schlegel und Shakspeare s dramatiscne WeiKe L TiL .,, k . NeueAusgabe (Berlin) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Leipzig) William Shakspere's dramatische Werke ^t^J^& GV.r,lrc.v^QTQ'c WovL-o herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius [English Text, with bnaKSpeie S WeiKe Notes in German : v i S 2to7are"NeueAusgabe"] (Elberfeld Shakspeare'sdramatischeWerke' 1, '^ u Xo^^^ 12 duo 1856-57 1 duo 1857 12 duo 1863-65 1 8vo 1864 1 duo 1865 9 duo 1853-55 1 8vo 1854 8 duo 1854 7 8vo 1854-64 ittiMl. With notes 10 duo 1867-71 12 duo ?1867 1 duo 1868 1 8vo 1869 1 duo 1870 The College Shakspeare ^^d.™**.^::^^ herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius. Dritte, revidirte Auilage OllctrvbjJBie svvextve (Elberfeld) [English Text, with Notes in German] Shdrespewre'sdramatisoheWerto • Tschisi-hwitz. Erste illustrirte Ausgabe (Berlin) William Shakspere's Siimmtliche Dramatische Werke Uebersetzt von Schlegel, Beiul:i und Voss (Leipzig/ ftViQ tonovo'o \A7ovlro herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius. Vierte Auflage (Elherfeldi DIldKbpeit! b VY eiive [English Text with Notes in German] W. Shakespeare's dramatische Werke v %^ u ^^^^ [Title Pages of the Plays dated 1870 to 1878 (Berlin : Weimar)] Shakespeare's SiimmtlicheWerke E »^ 4 8vo ?1878 The Works of William Shakspere ^Sfffl^yg^^^ 1 "* 12 duo 1880-91 Shakespeare's dramatische Werke ^^^n^J^^^'Vn^i'vosli^sSen 6 ^ 12 duo ?1881-4 M. Koch (Stuttgart) William Shakespeare's siimtliche Werke ln A ™f* eingeleitet von K. Sacbs (Leipzig : Philadelphia) Shakespeare's Siimmtliche Werke K^^^Lo^r ^aIS 2 8vo 1872 8 duo 1874 3 duo ?1876 2 8vo 1876 7 duo 1878 isch-deutscher Parallel- 07 ,"] nn 1 QUA [ Q«l abe. Bevonvortet und O < UUOIOO* |_ 0°J (Stuttgart und Leipzig) W. Shakespeare's dramatische Werke ^T^^s^S^ 1 W. Oechelhauser (Stuggart, etc.) filiersetzt von A. W. v. Schlegel und L. Tieck [durebgeselien von M. IVncivs. Zweiter Abdruek] (Berlin) Shakespeare's dramatische Werke 4 8vo?1888-89 1 8vo ?1891 12 duo 1891 Shakespeares Dramatische Werke "ShZ^'SS:"- 10 duo ?1899 egeben (Liepzig und Wien) German Editions of Shakespeare's Works. 169 GERMAN EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. t { SELECTIONS. Number. 42900 155858 44402 12191 103202 359 26471 38590 784 12030 51395 32615 11945 1207 24778 12192 29315 42845 36829 377 1226 36899 32612 38589 3031 1146 3024 A. (E.) Perlen aus Shakspeare Bandow (K.) Readings from Shakespeare Zwelte Auflage Brennecke (Dr.) Auswahl aus Shakspeare's sammtlichen dichterischen Werken rardeutscheschuien Garstens (B.) Shakspere- Primer JuUu8 *EZ^$^%b!$& B Devrient (E. und O.) Deutscher Biilmen und Pamilien Shakespeare ... Dingelstedt(F.) Shakspeai'e'sHistorieil Deutsche Biihnen-Ausgabe (Berlin! Dingelstedfc (F.) Studieil Und Gopieu nach Shakspeare [Pestli, V\ len uud Leipzig) Hager (A.) Shakespeare's Werke Far Haus und scuuie Heinichen (C.) Shakspere 'sche Dramen Heft 1— Cymbeline. 2— Coriolanus. S — Wintermahrchen. i -Antonius und Cleopatra. 5- Macbeth. Huber (B. A.) Englisches Lesebuch ggj-^^jft; ¥SSm£in3ht] Jencken (F.) Shakespeare's Dramen in deutscher ueberti -Hamlet, ZweiteAuflage Lear.— VI. Macbeth. II.— Julius t'asar. III.— 11 _-u und Juliet. IV.— Otliello. V. — KOnlg Keller (T.) Shakespeare-Perlen Konolanus und Julius Casar (Mannheim) Note.— A duplicate of Vol. 11 of the edition published at Mannheim, 1778-83 (No. S2521), with a now title page. Meurer (K.) Shakespeare fur Schulen [Text in English, Notes in i I.— The Merchant oi Venice. II.— Julius Caesar. III.— Macbeth. Meurer (K.) Shakspere-Lesebuch < Mit W6r ffi c Sn /-vi-.of i-o fur dieDarstrlliiiiueiiiue'ii lit.-t vonF. Wehl. Lief. 2 der AlltOniUS Und lileopatia "RepertoirstnrkederdeutschenBuhrie" (Erfurt) AlltOlliuS Und Cleopatra Ubersetzt von K.Simrock. Meyers Volksbficher (Leipzig) ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA: PLAYS ON TIIE SAME SUBJECT, ETC. 41890 Ayrenhoff (C. von) Kleopatra und Antonius Aus das Wiener Theater gebracht, 17S3 [in Sammtliche Weike, ler Bd., pp. -273-376] (Wien und Leipzig) duo, 1789. 72679 [Ayrenhoff (C. von)] Kleopatra und Antonius [in Neuer Beytrag zum regelmassigen Theater der Deutschen, pp. 107-220] (Wien) Svo, 1796. 70525 [Ayrenhoff (C. von)] Kleopatra und Antonius. Ausgefiihrt im k. k. National-Hoftheater (Wien) 'duo, ?1801. 1770 [Ayrenhoff (C. von)] Kleopatra und Antonius. Neue verbesserte Auflage. Fiir die k. k. Hoftheater (Wien) duo, 1808. 72685 Kotzebue (A. v.) Cleopatra Eine Tragodie (Wien) duo, 1803. 99473 Marbach (O.) Antonius und Kleopatra [in Ein Weltuntergang (Leipzig) duo, 1861. AS YOU LIKE IT. 72661 So wie es euch gefallt ^^ aerV t^^%^\^X} undriv '' kl ... 1 8vo 1850 Q440ft Wip P« Plir>h crpfillt, NachA. W. vonSchlcgel'sUebersetzungffirdiedeutsche 1 ,] 1in 1 QC1 yiiuo Wie bb eUCIl geicllll Bahne e i nge richtet von J. Pabst (Dresden) ••■ 1 uuu JOD * 12108 Wie es euch gefallt Vebetaet ^ e ^ i lZa^?l!h' lA>ivzig> 1 duo ?1876 103692 Wie eS eUCh gefallt Ubersetzt von F. Dingelstedt. Meyers Volksbficher (Leipzig)... 1 dllO ?1888 J duo 1824 1 duo ?1876 1 duo 91881 COMEDY OF ERRORS. 1396 Die Irrungen F " r die Bm,ne auersetzt V01 > B j ! ££;? a i n ' ) [pseildM Le - c - F - vu " JiUi ° vs] . . . 12106 Die Komodie der Irrungen u-*'™*" von ^.sjmrock wv*u [Unmrsai- 42967 Die Komodie der Irrungen VvhB ^^S^^f l 'S^t mgnea COMEDY OF ERRORS: ALTERATION. 1209 Grossmann (G. F. W.) Die Irrungen. Ein Lustspiel nach clem Shakespear Nichts mehr und nichts weniger als eine Farce (Frankfurt) duo, 1777. CORIOLANUS. 1399 Coriolan frey nach Shakespeare von J. Falk (Amsterdam und Leipzig) 12094 Coriolan Uebersetzt von L. Petz (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, 69] 7fl'-l09 rini-inl'in no HVnnsu-'';,'el.en un.l .rliintert von J. Scheuffgen (MfinsterJ IVOV4 UOllOianilS [Meisterwerke unserer Diehter, 27] R9S07 (InriolaniiQ Nach der Ubersetzuns von L. Tieck bearleitet von K Nider fVVieii) o^ioui i^UilUlctllUb [tsraesers Schulausgaben classiscber Werke, III.] 76551 Coriolan ffirdenSchulgebrauchbearbeitetvonE. Fritsehe (Leipzig) [Text in English] ., 103693 Coriolan Ubersetzt von H. Viehoff. Meyers Volksbficher (Leipzig) 1 R9979 rinvinlnmic M " Vnmerkimgen zum Schulgebraueh heransjregeben ronO. Thi»rl4 UUllUiailUS English Authors, SI Lief. (Bielefeld und Leipzig) [Text in EnglUh] 1 duo 1812 1 duo ?1876 1 duo 1883 1 Svo 1884 1 Svo 1885 1 duo ?1887 1 duo 1890 Number. 1400 90888 1690 1700 1749 12046 12105 103694 German Editions of the Separate Plays. 171 i ■ CORIOLANUS: PLAYs ON Till: SAME SUBJECT, ETC. 1398 Collin, Coriolan. Ein Schauspiel. Fiirdiek. k; Bof theater (Wien) duo, [808, "ClO'i Coriolan. Ein Trauerspiel in fiinf Akten [in Nebentheater, Zweitei Rd., pp i i . i duo, 1786. 1215 Marbach (O.) Coriolanus. Tragodie (Leipzig) duo 1397 Schink (J. F.) Koriolan. Trauerspiel [from Schink Zum Bel lei Deutschl heaU CYMBELINE. Cynibelilie ubereetzt von G.W.Kessler (Berlin) ... ... ... ... ] ( 1,|,, [gQQ Cymbelilie Camptfa edition (Nurnberg and New York) [Text In English] ... ... 1 duo '.' ls:{'J Cyillbelill UebersetztvonA. Burck (Wlen) ... ... . ... 1 ( | llu |-.~,j KotJlg Cymbeline Fur die deutsche BShne bearbeitet von E.B mi .. 1 ,|i|,, L860 flvm Violin Met freier Benutznng del Schlegel-Tieck'schen i ebersetzuiig I'm die deutsche 1 ,1., iw~.i ^yuiutum |.„| bearbeitet von A \ 1 UUO I i_ CJvmbplin Nacl " "'' M " s ■'\" s - :|1 "' fftrdleBuhne ulieraetzt und bearbeitet von G. F. Vlncke i lj . IQ7Q Cymbelilie Uebersetzt von K. Slmroek (Leipzig) [Unlvei d-Blbllot1 Ic, 225] ... 1 clllu ?1876 Cymbelin iibersetzt von W- Jordan. Meyers Voll I ... ... 1 dllO ?1888 CYMBELINE: /'LAY* ON THE SAME SUBJECT, ETC. 73962 Cymbelline, Konig von Britannien. Eiu Trauerspiel [in prose bj ■' <;. Sulzer] Nacb < -i iti-m von Shakespear ersundenen Stuff (Danzig) duo, 177:'. 79041 Imogen (Cymbelin) Romantischea Schauspiel von Shakespeare, init freier Benutzung der Bertzberg'schen Uebersetzung fiir die deutsche Biihne bearbeitet von 11. Bultliaupl (Oldenburg) 8vo, ?18S5. 54947 Kongehl (M.) Der Unschuldig beschuldigten Fnnocentien (Jnschuld I Konigsberg) duo Note.— Several passages in this play are either borrowed ft Shakespeare's Cymbeliue, or are derived from the same sources. 1378 1375 1389 1390 1388 60230 1374 107988 107989 107990 12173 1387 107984 107987 12172 1383 60259 1382 52525 89358 57169 1380 1379 60265 1376 107986 60215 HAMLET. TTomlor 1 fiA'} Printed for X. L. (Nicholas Ling) and John Trundell. XlrtLUltil, J.UVJ Reprinted for E. Fleischer (Leipsic), duo, 1826. rTamlpf 1 ii03 London, gedruckt i»'i N. L. (Nicolaus Ling! und John Trundi ll. ' iibersetzt von A. Ruhe (Iuowraclaw I Bvo, 1844 Hanilet [in prose] nach dem Schakespear (Augsburg) ... ... Hamlet Zum Behuf des Hamburgischen Theaters (Hamburg) Hamlet ZumBehuf des Hamburgischen Theaters (Hamburg) Homlaf [in A new collection of poetical pieces, original and translated [by F. <■■ Barth] cLLUlBu pp. 213-364] (Erfurt) [Text in English] Hamlet nach Shakspear. Zum Behufdes Frankfurter Theaters (Frankfurl und Offenbai h) Hamlet Zum Behufdes Hamburgischen Theaters. Neue Auflage (Hamburg) .. Hamlet ZumBehuf des Hamburgschen Theaters Neue Auflage (Hamburg)... Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet with explanatory notes (Gottlngen) [Text in English] ... . . ... nach Shakespear, von Schroder. Neue rechtmassige Auflage iK.ilio nach Shakspeare. Drltte genau durchgesebm auflage [Berlin) ... ... ubersetzt von A. W. Schlegel (Berlin) ... with notes by S. \\\ Singer (Halle o. S.l [Text in English] Aus dem Englisbcheu des Shakspeare von J. J. Es< henbui i |Z irli b) fur das deutsche Theater bearbeitet von K. J pzlg) nach Shakespear. Fur die k. k. Hof theater [In prose] (Wlen) from the text of Mr. Steevens's last edition, with notes (Lelpslck) ... Nacb Gothes Andeutungen im Wilhelm Meister und A. fl Scblegels i b«rs< I die deutsche Buhne hi ai beltet von \ Elingen tur das deutsche Theater bearbeitet von K J. Scl ibe (Lerj A new edition [Text in English] (Brui Uebersetzt von J. B. Mannbart (Sulzbach) ... ... ••• Campe's edition (Nurnberg and New York) [Text in English] Nach Shakespear [in F. L, Scbreders dramatlsche « 1 duo 1777 1 duo 1777 1 duo 177s 1 duo 1778 1 duo 1779 1 duo 1779 1 duo L780 1 duo L782 1 duo L786 1 duo L789 1 duo L784 1 duo L789 1 duo L795 1 duo 1 81 M i 1 duo VI M HI 1 duo 1 duo L806 1 dun L811 1 duo L812 1 duo L815 I L819 I duo . L820 1 8vo L83G 1 duo ?1830 1 L83] 172 Number. 57182 33015 57208 1373 1370 1369 60218 3025 60247 1371 34565 69393 60264 1368 155144 60252 1367 57396 24348 33017 108027 1366 1364 60263 26301 1362 1363 12217 70398 60245 38425 34551 103710 99323 103981 109515 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Amleto Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet in Deutscher Uebertragung [by F. Jencken] IHamburg) ,,. ... ubersetzl ron B. T. L. Samson von HimmeLstiern (Dorpat) ... ... I.. Ipzig : B. Tauchnitz) Grammatisch und sachlich zum Schul-und Privatgebrauch erlautert von J. Hoffa (Braunschweig) •• ubersetzt von W. Hagen [No. tin des Buhnen-Repertoirs des Auslandes, luiaiisgegeben von Both.) [Berlin] ••• I'm Schuler hoherer Lehranstalten und Freunde des Dichters von C. L. W. Franeke (Leipzig) LText in English] ubersetzt von A. W. Schlegel (Berlin) ... ... ... . . , herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius (Elberfeld) [Text in English] .., ubersetzt von A. W. v. Schlegel (Berlin) ... ... ... ... Deutsch durch F. Kohler (Leipzig) [English and German] ... .., herausgegeben von K. Elze (Leipzig) [Text in English] ... edited and revised by K. Elze (Leipzig) [Text in English] ... .., (Leipsii-I [Text in English], [The College Shakspean. Vol. I. (all published) I with notes by 1 1. Fiebi Deutsch von E. Lobedanz (Leipzig) ... ... ... herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius. Zweite auflage (Elberfeld) [Text in English] Trauerspiel fur Kinder-Theater bearbeitet [Translated in prose and abridged] (Neu-Ruppin) Deutsch von H. von Plehwe (Hamburg) ... ... ... (Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz) [Text in English] Deutsch von L. Seeger (Hildburghausen) [Bibliothek ausliindischer Klassiker] erklart von J. Heussi (Parchim) [Text in English] ... ... Amerikanische Steriotyp-Ausgabe. (Philadelphia) ... ... edited by F. II. Stratmann (London and Krefeld) [Text in English] Englisoh und Deut Ni ii ubersetzt und erlautert, von x. Moltke (Leipzig) [Hefte I.-IV.— All published] erklart von J. Heussi. Zweite Autlage (Leipzig) [Text in English] ... ... In wort und sinngetreuer Prosa-Uebersetzung von C. Hackb (Stuttgart) ... uebersetzt von. F. Kohler (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, 31] ... ... Tragodie nach Shakspeare von O. Marbach (Leipzig) ... ... uebersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek. 31] ... Ripresentata dal Signore T. Salvini e dalla sua compagnia (Wien) [In German and Italian] • • • erklart von H. Fritsehe. Shakespeares Ausgewahlte Dramen. 5 Band (Berlin) [Text in English] Englisch una Deutsch, naeh der uetiersetzung von A. W. v. Schlegel, herausgegeben von M. Moltke. Edition Lenz (Leipzig) Ubersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel (Elberfeld) [? Museum. Sammlnng litterarischer Meisterwerke] Ubersetzt von A. W. v<.n Schlegel (Halle a. d. S.) [Bibliothek der Gesamt-Litteratur, No. 148] IHjersetzt von Schlegel und Tieek. Bulinenhenrbeitung von ('. F. Wittmann Buhuen-Shakespeare, 3 Band (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek. 2444] Meyers Volksbucher (Leipzig) ... ... . . _ ... ... Parallel t'-xts of the first and second quartos and the first folio, edited by W. Vietor. Shakespeare Reprints II. (Marburg) The following "Hamlets" are not "Separate Plays," but portions only of Editions of the Complete Works of Shakespeare. [from Vol. 8 of the edition in 22 vols, of 1778-83 (Mannheim)] 60272 60266 60268 60216 63874 60249 60251 60258 60246 1365 60214 Hamlet Hamlet [fromVol, 8 of the edition in 9 vols, of 1818-29 (Leipzig und Stuttgart)] Hamlet [Vol. 29 qf the edition in 52 vols, of 1824-34 (Gotha und Erfurt) ] Hamlet [fromVol. 6 of the edition in 9 vols, of 1825-33 (Berlin)] TTn.mlpf, t Vo1 - 3 of tlle edition (of which Vols. 1 to 8 only were published) of 1830-40 c (Francforto. M.)] [Text in English] Hamlet inVol. I of the edition in 8 vols, of 1838 (Stuttgart)] Hamlet [Vol 31 of the edition in 37 in 12 vols. (Berlin)] Hamlet [Delius' Shakspere II. Band 8. Stuck] Hamlet [Xo. 29 of the edition in 37 parts of 1868 (Leipzigl] [Text in English] Hamlet LNo. I of the edition of 1869 (Halle) ] [Text in English] ... Hamlet [Vol. 3 of the edition in 7 vols, of 1870 (Berlin)] No. of Vols i. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1834 1 duo 1837 1 duo 1843 1 duo 1845 1 8vo 1848 1 duo 1849 1 duo 1850 1 8vo 1854 1 duo 1856 1 duo 1856 1 8vo 1857 1 8vo 1857 1 duo 1857 1 duo 1857 1 8vo 1859 1 duo ?1860 1 duo 1862 1 duo 1862 1 duo 1865 1 8vo 1868 1 duo 1869 1 8vo 1869 1 8vo 1869-71 1 duo 1872 1 8vo 1874 1 duo ?1874 1 duo 1874 1 duo ?1876 1 8vo 1877 1 8vo 1880 1 duo ?1880 1 duo ?1881 1 duo ?1887 1 duo ?1888 1 duo ?1889 1 8vo 1891 ily of Edit ions 1 duo 1778 1 duo ?1827 1 duo 1829 1 duo 1831 1 duo 1833 1 duo 1838 1 duo 1848 1 8vo ?1855 1 duo 1868 1 8vo 1868 1 duo 1870 Number. 60213 German Editions of the Separate Plays. Hamlet [Vol. 25 of the edition In 38 vols, of 1867-70 (Leipzig)] SAMLET: OPERA TEXTS. 17:'. Vola. sin 1 duo L870 (50270 Hamlet. Grosse Oper. Nach Shakespeare von M, Carre 1 i .i Barbiei DeuUch von W Langbans. Musikvon A. Thomas (Berlin) duo, 1868. 107994 - ,1,!.. 44350 Hamlet. Crosse Oper (mil Ballet), Frei nach ill Ft A. Stadtfeld (Bonn) 8vo, L881. HAMLET. TRAVESTIES, ETC. 776">8 Advocat Hamlet. Pchauspiel in 4 Acten (Leipzig) 8vo, i — t • > 72^22 Alien und Gesange aus dem travestirten Hamlet (Hamburg) duo, 1803. 1386 (iieseke (K. 1..) Der bravesterte Hamlet. Eine Burleske in deutechen Knittelversen mil Arien mill Choren (Wien) duo, I7:»s. 148458 Hamlet, Prinz von Geisterschland. Eine spiritistische Tragikomodie 3vo 60257 Henry (L.) Hamlet, Grosses Ballet infiinf Acten [founded on Shakspere's playj (Prngrammj (Wien) duo, 7181C. 76560 Kobbe (T. vmi) Hamlets Geist. Lustspiel [in Weseraymphe, pp, 161 230] (Bremen) duo, [831 1381 Perinet (.1.) Hamlet. Eine Kanaka tin- in drey Aufziigen mil < lesang in Knittelieiineii (Wien) duo, 1807. 1385 Prinz Hamlet von Dannemark. Mariounettenspiel [Travestied from Shakespeare b) -I I Schink] (Berlin) duo, L799. 1384 Zweite Auflage (Berlin) duo 1319 31 693 90889 1307 12096 103707 103695 Nac-li Sli:iki's]ii'ar furs iliuitsclie Theater elngerlchtet von Schroder i\\ m n| HENRY THE FOURTH, PARTS Heinrich der Vierte Heinrich der Vierte King Heiiry IV. Campe's edition (Nurnbi and II. in.l [few-York) [Texl in English] TCinrr Honi-ir T\ T Hit kritisehen historischen, bes lers aber mit erkliiren'en (Joten IVlUg ntllll\, J. V . rurden Gebrauchiu hohern Lehranstalten von P. B. Feller [Leipzig) [Text in English] Uebersetzt von 1 W von s. hlegel [Leipzig) [Univeraal-Blbliothek, 81, 82] Ubersetzl von \. \V. von Schlegel. [Hallea. ,1 S. [Bibliothek der Gesaint-Litteratur. Nos. 14», ISO] Konig Heinrich der Vierte Konig Heinrich der Vierte Konig Heilll'ich IV. Ubersetzt von H. Viehoff. Meyers Volksbiicher. [Leipzl 1 duo L782 1 duo L804 2 duo ?1830 1 8vo L830 •J duo ?1876 1 duo ?1887 2 dm. ?1«87 12098 HENRY THE FIFTH. Konig Heinrich der Fiinfte iviiM-sctzt vmi A. W. von Schlegel [Leip; i [Universal-Bibliothek, 89] 1 duo ?1876 HENRY THE SIXTH, PARTS I, II, and 108003 Konig Heinrich der Sechste ^^S^S^^^SS^ 12089 Konig Heinrich der Sechste v,am ^J^Sa^t&^S*^ duo 1 87 1 duo ?1876 1306 90891 1372 12099 103697 HENRY THE EIGHTH. Konig Heinrich der Achte ilberaetzt von Wolf.Grafen von Bandissln (Hamburg) King Henry the Eighth Ci ,e ' 3 «"&£££$$* v " v " kl Koni 0, Heinrich VIII. In das Deutsche ubertragen von S. H. Splker (Berlin) ... Tf^in TTAinrioli rlov Ar.Viro L'ebersetzt von E. Susemihl. (Li rvOlllg ±leinilCll Ciei ACnie [Universal-Bibliothek,94] Koni ' Heinrich VIII. iibersetzt von H. Viehon". Meyei Vol! buchei I lp 1 8vo isi.s 1 dtu. ?1837 1 dm. L837 1 duo ?1876 1 dim ?1887 JULIUS C/ESAR. Oder Die Verachworun.rdesBrutus[in prose, translated by fl II von D Fur die Maunheiiner Buhne bearbeltet, etc. |Mani Grammatisub und sachlicb zum Schul-und Privatgehraui h erl von J. Hoffa (Jena) [Texl In English] ubersetzt von E. Vollbehr (Kiel) erkliirt von E. W. Sievers (Berlin) pSamrolung Engllsch. - - berauegegeben von L. Herrig, IX. | I l"exl In EngllBh) Giiiiniiiatis.il mill sai:hllch zum Schul-und Prlvntgebrauch, erlautert von J. Bucber [BerlinJ [Text in Knglisb] mil spriu'h und sachanmerkungen bi vmi E. Meyer (Hamburg) [Ti \t in English] with notes by 0. Kiebig (Leipzig) [Texl In En [Masterpi a of English Literatun \ ul. "I Uebersetzt von A. Kolb (Stutl Erkliirt von T. Jancke iKOln) [Text in EngllBh] 1283 Julius Ciisar 1275 Julius Caesar 1282 Julius Ciisar 1281 Julius Caesar 1274 Julius Caesar 1359 Julius Caesar 1280 Julius Caesar 1278 Julius Ciisar 1279 Julius Caesar 38171 Julius Caesar annote par C. Grasser (Leipzig) [Eoglish text duo 17 s "' duo L848 8vo L853 duo 1 855 duo L856 duo L857 8vo L859 duo L86] 8vo I si; i duo L870 174 Number. 1273 1276 1216 12216 32543 31371 31370 70301 82808 82132 83649 103987 105029 103719 103980 103726 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 12174 90892 26303 24349 12101 Uebersetzt von L. Petz (Leipzig) [Uuivefsal-BibHothek, 9] zfir Uebersetzuug ill's Deutsche bearbeitet furhOhere Schulenund Tochter- suliulen mil Anmerkiii)u<-ii versehen von H. Klose, Zweite Auflage (Mannheim) [Text in English] Uebersetzt vonF. i. Krais (Stuttgart) [Classische Tlieater-Bibllothek, 10S] Uebersetzt von A. W. voh Scblegel (Leipzig) [Universal- Bibiothek, 9] ... fur den Schulgebraueh erklart von L. Eiechelmann. Zweite Auflage (Leipzig) [Text in English] Ubersetzt von A. W. von Scblegel (Elberfeld)). [(Museum. Sammlung litterai ischer Meisterwerke. I I Idapted to the Stage from Schlegcl's translation] (Dresden) [Repertoir des Herzoglich Meiningen'schen Hof- Theaters, X Heft] Uebersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel. Herausgegeben und erlautert von J. Scheuffgen. [Munster) [Meisterwerke lingerer Dichter, 26] In der u.ers.-tzung von A. W. Schlegel herausgegeben von .1. Reach (Wien) 1 1 .i ;m-.-«*is Sehuliiiisguhen classisclier Werke, IV.] Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius Caesar Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius CaeSar Mit Anmerkungen von E. Fritsche (Hamburg) [Text in English] Julius Caesai' Ww* der Ubersetzung von A. \V. von Schlegel (Halle a/i Julius Caesar Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius Casar Julius Caesar 1358 25983 9293 1357 1355 1356 1354 1353 1352 1351 1350 90893 1349 45112 26302 1347 1346 Mil Anmerkungen zum Sehn'gel.rnurl, li.-rnusgcgel.«-ii von A. y. d Veide. English Authors 12 Lief. (Birlefeld und Leipzig) ['lext m English] Zwiilfte Auflage [Adapted to the Stage from Sehlegel's translation] (Leipzig) [Repertoire des Hcizoglich Meiningen'schen Hof-Theaters X Hett] In der Ubersetzung von A. W. Schlegel, herausgegeben voi J. Resell. Dritte Auflage (Wien) [Graesers Schulausgaben classischer Werke, IV ] ••■ [jbersetzt von H. Viehoff. Meyers Volksbilcher (Leipzig) ... Herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen veisehen von W. Bertram (Berlin) ° [Rauch's English Readings, Hett 38] [Text in English] JUL I US CESAR: PLAYS ON THE SAME SUBJECT, 38453 Julius Ciisar. Tragodie in fiinf Acten nach Shakspeare, von * Literatur, etc.] (Leipzig) 8vo, 1858. 32546 Marbach (O.) Julius Casar [in Ein Weltuntergang] (Leipzig) duo, 1861. Voltaire [F. M. A. de] Ziisar's Tod. Trauerspiel (Glogau) duo, 1805. No . of Vols. Size. Date. 1 duo 1872 1 duo 1875 1 duo 91876 1 duo ?1876 1 8vo 1879 1 duo ?1880 1 duo 1880 1 duo 1883 1 8vo 1884 1 duo 1885 1 duo ?1886 1 duo 1886 1 duo ?1887 1 8vo ?1888 1 duo ?1889 1 1 duo 1889 ETC [from Jahrbuch der KING JOHN. t i V- •«• ,T^^ T^nrflo-n^ Shakespear fur Deutsche bearbeitet. JohanU, KoUlg VOll JiinglanCl Erste Abtheilung (Altona) King John Campe's edition (Nurnberg and New-York) [Text in English] ... TT . r i herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius. Neue Ausgabe, Zweite Auflage J\mg JOlin (Elberfeld) [Text in English, notes iu German] ■xt- • T V,„,,». Deutsch von L. Seeger (Hildburghausen) [Bibliothek auslandiseher Konig J onann Kiassiker] Koni 0, Johaim Uebersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, 138] KING JOHN: ALTERATION. duo 1796 duo ?1835 8vo 1865 duo 1866 duo ?1876 1360 Schiitz (F. W. von) Arthur, Prinz von England, historisch kriegerisehes Trauerspiel nach Shakespear frey bearbeitet (Altona) duo, 1801. KING LEAR. Koni 0, Leal' Nach Shakespear [Translated in prose by F. L. Schroder] (Hamburg) ... Koni 0, Lear nach Shakespear von J. C. Bock [In prose] (Leipzig) K6nig Leal' NachShakespear [By F. L. Schroeder, in prose] (Wien) Kdnig Lear Nach Shakespear [By F. L. Schroeder, in prose] Neue Auflage (Hamburg) . . . K6ni CT Leal* nach Shakespear von J. C. Bock. Neue Auflage (Leipzig! The King Leal' with explanatory annotations by Kuchler (Zeiz) [Text in English]. . , Kdhig Leal" ubersetzt von J. H.Voss (Jena) K6ni a Lear von II. Voss. Mit Erlauterungen (Leipzig) K6nig Leal' Fur die Buhne ubersetzt von B. Paudin [pseud., i.e. C. K. von Jariges] (Zwickau) tt- • T ~«™ [translated by L. Petz] [in Tetralogie tragischer Meisterwerke . . . llOnig Lieai V on L. Petz, pp. 259-408] (Kaschau) XT- :„ T „„,. Neu ubersetzt und fur die deutsche Buhne frei bearbeitet IVOnig J-ieai V onJ. B. vonZahlhas (Bremen) Kin 0, Leal' Campe's edition (Nurnberg and New- York) [Text in English] ... TCnnicr T par Deutsch und mit einer Abhandlung fiber dieses Trauei spiel von E. Schick^ ^ TT- • T p „ FurdieDarsteUungeingerichtet.vonC. A. >V.-st. Kin dusk. k. Hol'luirgtheater, t/;, ,„ T „.,, herausgegeben und erklart von N. Delius (Elberfeld) [Text in English, iving -Lieai no tes in German] T/' „t . , with notes. Edited by R. H. Westley (Leipzig) [Text in English] XVlLlg .Uticll [Masterpieces of English Literature, No. 6] K6nig Lear Deutsch von Bodenstedt (Berlin) ... ... ... , ,. duo duo duo duo duo duo duo 8vo duo duo duo duo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 1778 1779 1780 1785 1794 1794 1806 1819 1824 1824 1824 ?1830 1833 1841 1854 1861 1865 German Editions of the Separate Plays. Number. 350 1345 1344 12080 1250 87116 103698 103709 139273 Konig Lear Koenig Lear Konig Lear Konig Lear Konig Lear King Lear Konig Lear Konig Lear King Lear Dnii- .i iron fl lordan [Bibllothek misliindl (HlldburghauseD) uebersetzt von E. Tlessen (StettiiiJ ... ... Fur die Darstellung bearbeltet von E. Possarl (Muncheii) ... Uebersetzt von H. Voss (Leipzig) [Unlversal-Bibliothek, 13] ... Einedeutsche Buhnen-Ausgabe, mil dramaturgiBchen, gcenlsebtu und Bcbauspielerischen Anmerkungen von U. K", hy (Lei Parallel t.xts of the first quarto and tbe first folio. Editi d bj H . \ Shakespeare Reprints I. (Mai i bersetzt von W. Jordan. Meyers Volksbuchei (Leipzig) N.i. 1. der Schlegel rieck'schen Qbersetzung [Halle a. d. S.I [Blbl ' ■. Lltteratur, No. 1 7."v J Mil Anmerkungen zum Scbulgebrauch berausgegebcu von A. \ . .1 \ . i,|. English Authors, 49 Lief. (Bielefeld und Leipzig) [Texl In English] KING LEAR; TRAVESTY. L76 Ullte duo L865 duo 1871 duo L875 duo ?1876 duo L879 duo I-'. duo 71881 dllO duo L895 1348 Inj; (M. R.) Der moderne Lear, oiler Schinul in der Plaite! [in Efumoristisch-gemUthlicher Berliner Volkskalender, I860, pp. 39-52] (Berlin) duo, 1 16361 1377 1361 103699 LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. Amor vincib omnia Ein8li,k v ,n SbaJs * > Der Liebe Mtih ist umsonst Veilorne LiebeS-Mlih Uebersetzt von H. Voss (Leipzig) [Unlversal-Blbliothek, Verlome Liebesmiill Ubersetzt von K. Simrock. Meyers Volksbucher (Leipzig) rn 1 in Anmerkungen fibers Tin ator, etc 1.57-160] (Leip I /;-n»i simk.'s]ic:ii's StliaiLspiele. N'eue Auflage Vierter Band (Strassburgl I duo 1771 duo ?1778 duo ?1876 duo ?1888 1331 89359 1330 1333 1329 1328 1327 1326 1323 1325 1324 1322 31642 1318 1317 165119 1316 1315 1314 1313 1983 44411 28490 1312 1311 1310 69427 12081 1308 Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth MACBETH. Fiirs biesige Theater adaptirt und hcrausgegeben von 1'. .1. Fischer (Pnig) with notes from Dr. Johnson's and Mr. Steevens's Commentaries (Goettin [Text in English] nach Schakespear von H. L. Wagner (Frankfurt am Mann] ... ... [in prose] nach Shakespear von G. A. Burger (Gottingen) ... ... Aus dem Englischen des Shakspeare von J. J. Eschenburg (Zurich) zur Vorstellung auf dem Hoftheater zu Weimar eingerlchtet von Schiller, Neueste Ausgabe (Frankfurt und Leipzig) zur Vorstellung auf dem HoftheaterzuWeimareingerichtetvonSchiller (Tubingen] zur Vorstellung auf dem Hoftheater zu Weimar eingei ichtet von F. Schiller (Mannheim) zur Vorstellung auf dem Hoftheater zu Weimar eingerichtet von Schiller. Drltte Auflage (Tubingen) with notes from the most eminent commentators (Berlin) [Text and notes in English] Uebersetzt von S. H. Spiker (Berlin) ... ... ... ... ubersetzt von K. Lachmann (Berlin) ... ... ... ... sprachlich und sachlich erlautertfur Schulervon C. L. W. Fraucke (Braunschweig) [Text in English] aus der Folioausgahe von 1623, ahgedruckt mit den Varianten der Folioausgaben vf M„~U ,U, Fur den Schfd-und Privatgebrauch herausgegeben von \- Ey. acbefcU (Hannover) [Text in English] Macbeth MetrischiibersetztvonG. Messmer. Zweite Auflage (Mfmclien) ... Ml i.u Zur Vorstellung anfdem Hoftheater zu Weimar eingerichtel von Schiller. ilCOeta (Leipzig) [Haus-Bibliothek, Band 8] A r „U, 4-U Zur Vorstellung aufdem Hoftheater zu Weimar eingeriehtei von F. Schiller. .MlU'betn (Leipzig) [Bucber-Sehatze, bd. 30] Mo ^kofk hl der Ubersetzung von 1.. Tieck, I aCDeCLl [Craesi-rs SelmkuHgabi MacllCfch oW. Jordan. Meyers Volksbucher (Lei] M^k^t-k fur den Sebulgebraucb erkliirt von E. Penner (Leipzig) (SohulbibHothek, aCOetll lirrillKL-".! -1..-1I Villi ii. I'.. A. I>i.-klll.-|llll. r.il. IX.) i-.lien vim V. Langhan* u n'li isiischer Werke. XV. J Macbeth KiH *%gffi 'ills. Size. Date. 1 duo 1879 1 duo 1879 1 duo ?1879 1 duo ?1882 1 8vo 1885 1 duo ?1887 1 8vo 1887 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1892 chen iibersetznng (Halle iij ■ samt-Litteratur No. 42] ATnnUfU M«t Anmerkungen zum Schulscebraui h herausgegeben von 0. Thiergen. iMaCDeill English Viiiliiirs 44 Lief. (Bielefeld und Leipzigl [Text in English] MA C BET II : A L TEA'. I TIONS, ETC. 42910 Eggers ( F.) Macbeth. Oper nach Shakespeare. Musik von \V. Taubert (Berlin) duo, ?1840. 5597 Macbeth. Kin Schauspiel nach Shakspeare [in Burger's sammtliche Werke, pp. 286-314] (Gottingen) 8vo, 1835. 1332 [Stephanie (G.)] Macbeth, ein Trauerspiel [in Stephanie des Jiingern sammtliche Schauspiele, Zweiter Band, pp. 275-360] (Wien) duo, 1774. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. Measure for Measure Campe's edition (Xurnberg and New-York) [Text in English] 1 dllO ?1835 1 8vo 1864 1 8vo 1871 MaSS fill" MaSS Uebersetzt von H. Diiriiig (Leipzigl [Universal-Bibliothek, 196] ... 1 dllO ?1876 ![,„,, (:;.. A r.ioac. Fur die deutsche Bflhne u ich ih-rTie.-k ■.■al.-g-1-.-heii Cebersetzung >\±aaSS Illl .uaaSs bearbeitet von R. Wielimd [Leipzig] Mnrt, -f;ii. Mocf NachDelius Usgabe fur die Buhne iibcrsetzt und bearbeitet MaSS IU1 lViaSS vonG. F. Vim-k.- iFi.-il.iir^ i. r.r.i MEASURE FOR MEASURE: ALTERATIONS. 54948 Bromel(W. H.) Gevechtigkeit undBache. Kin Schauspiel. Neue Auflage (Leipzig) duo, 1794. 1206 Bromel (W. H.) Gerechtigkeit und Rache. Schauspiel [in Beytrag zur Deutschen Biihne, pp. 130-244] (Leipzig) duo. 1794. 12180 Maass fur Maass. Nach Shakespear [in Sammlung von Schauspielen fur's Hamburgsche Theater, Herausgegeben von Schroder, Erster Theil] (Schwerin und Wismar) duo, 1790. 45111 1343 36898 1340 1342 1341 1339 51388 1338 1337 24351 1336 1335 12084 42915 33022 34552 73961 103986 105028 103727 103708 103979 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. Der Kaurfmaun von Venedig pa,s Piager TUeater e j^| chtet von FJ - F5s Kailfmann VOn Veiiedig vonJ. H. Voss. Mit Erliiuterungen (Leipzig) 1VT<->t/-.1-.o-i-.+ r\f "\7^i-,i/-.q Der Kaufmanu von Venedig. EinLehrbmli ili-niiglisclieii Sprm-ln IVXeiCUdUlj Ol V eilice vonJ. Eckensteln (Braunschweig) [Text in English] Der Kaufmanu von Venedig Kaufmann von Venedig Der Kaufmann von Venedig TVirvTVf r>v/-.k..-mf /~>f ATon i na erkliirt v.ni L.Herrig (Berlin) [?Saiiiinlun:;KiiglisehcrSf:hriftste XIieiVJ.eiClldLltiUl VeUlCb herausgegeben von L. Herrig, VII] [Textin English] ~R,-Ulr> Hfio QliTTl/^r.k 'aus dem schauspiel : Der Kaufmann von Vein di;; vmi Shakespean XVOlie Cies Dil)iOOK Gegeben von Ira Aldridge (Riga) TVipATprplviiirnf Vpnipp withnotes. Edited by B. H. Westley (Leipzig] [Masterpieci J-HCAieiCllcllluOI Venice 0) English Literature, No. 4] [Text in English] Der Kaufmann von Venedig ^Sche""^ Merchant of Venice «»* *» scmug Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice iij Fur die Darstellung eingerichtet vonC. A. West Fur das k. k. Hofburgtheati r (W ien) Englisch-deutsche Ausgabe. Die deutsche Uebertragung von A. Fischer (Pforzheim) Uebersetzt von F. w. Wiekeuhagen [fBerlin] (Both's Bubnen-Kepertoir Bd XIV. No. 106) • •■ A. Krais (Stuttgart) lassiscne rneater-Bibliothek, 3] luch bearbeitet von li. Muller iGoslai [Text in English) for tin' use of Schools, by A. Zimmermann. (Berlin) I fexl in English] Fur den Sehulgnbrauch, erkliirt von L. Riechulmann (Leipzig) [Text in English] •"" T)f*v Kaufmann \~r\n Vpnpflio- Uebersetzt von V. W. von Schlegel (Leipzig) .uei xvauimann \on veneuig [Univeisai-Bjbiiothek33i. Dpi- i(iiii f mann \mn Vpnpdicr [Abridged from the translation of A. W. von j^ei i\au.inann von veneuig s.-jm.--,-] i ,i>v.->.i i i:.-j..-i t..ir :ii- n.-i-z..Lrii.-ii- - • Meiningeu'schen Hof-Theaters, XI tl jfi | DPV Kanfmitin vnn Vpnprlicr F«rdieDarstellungeingericlitet[fr the translation CI X\clLUUlcinU VOn VeiieUlg ,,f A. W. von s.l.lig,]] v„n E. Possart (Munchen) tzt vim A. W. v.m Schlegel (Elberfeld) i Sammlung Htterarischer MeisterwerKe] . Amur kuugen, undWorterbuch.heraus- iii II. Isaac (Bi rliu) (Text in Knglish] AfprMn nf ofVoni/io Mit Ainnerkungen zum Sebulgebraucb herausgegeben von E. Penner lUeiCUantOl \ emce English Authors, 3 Lief. (Bielefeld und Leipzig) [Textin English] Dpi' TCaiifmnTin vo Herausgegeben und mit Anmcrkungen versehen von W. Bertram ^li^i. i^.....i;.....- n..i> '. 1 n'ext ill English] • ■1 (Halle ad. S.) ratur, No. 185] vera Volksbucher Der Kaufmann von Venedig .. N ' h ^'',;; The Merchant of Venice Mit !;:", , :; i, ,'.": : (Berlin) [Bauch's English Readings, Heft 37] Der Kaufmann von Venedig ub(>reetzt v "' Der Kaufmann von Venedig [Bibliothek der Ubersetzl von K. : duo 1777 8vo 1818 duo 1836 8vo 1841 8vo 1843 Svo ?1845 duo 1854 duo 1858 Svo 1861 duo 1868 duo 1868 duo 1873 Svo 1876 duo ?1876 duo 1879 duo 1880 duo ?18S0 duo ?1884 duo 1885 duo 1887 duo 1888 duo ?1888 duo ?1889 German Editions of the Separate Plays. 177 Number. vola i THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. 38426 Die lustigen Weiber zu Windsor ' ... | fluo L786 1304 Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor nyh i I duo 90896 Merry Wives of Windsor ' ... | duo' 1^087 Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor I duo ?187(! 1301 De lostgen Wiewer von Windsor ;;:: „' V.'X.'l . I duo I 1 1 1 1 103701 Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor '.., \ ] y.tZ*;£""\ ... I duo MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR: OPERA TEXTS, ETC. 1-206 Brotnel (W. II.) Gideon von Tromberg. Posse nach Sbakspenn in Beytrag mi DeuUclien Buhne, pp. 13-136] (Leipzig)' dtto, I7;m. 1305 Bcomel (\V H.) Gideon von Tromberg. Bine Posse nacli Sbakespear, duo, 1704. 108002 Die lustigen Weiber in Wicn. Ein Sittengemahlde. Nach Sbakespear'a lustigen Weibei von Windsor (Innsbruck und Leipzig) duo, 17:m. 171401 Die lustigen Weiber in Wicn. Bin Sittengemahlde. Nach Shakespear's lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Wien) duo, 1794. 1302 Herklots (C.) Arien und < fesange zu dem komiscben Singspiel : Falstaff, Die Musik von Salieri (Berlin) duo, 1799. 1303 Mosenthal (H. S.) Arien und Gesange aus: Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor. Komisch phantastische <>]>t r, nach Shakespeare's Lustspiel. Musik von O. Nicolai (Berlin) duo, 1849. 16319 Mosenthal (*. II.) Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor. Komisch-phantastische Oper. Nach Shakespeare's Lustspiele. .Musik von O. Nicolai (Wien) due A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. 90897 Midsummer-Night's Dream '' : """" w ' u 'J';"xh"''!';S ' IQ9fi T^in Sntnniprnflplitctnuii) Qbersetzt von F. W. Wfrkenhagen PBerlin] 1-j_iO IjIU OOmmeiUdCMlbUiaum (Both's Bubnen-Repertoir, Bd xiii. No. 100| 38166 Ein Sommernachtstraum Uebersetzt von C. Abel (Leipzig) 1298 Ein Sommernachtstraum aa $%fafi££^lU£*. 108001 Ein Sommernachts-Traum bi Srp"ioU n «AS»«, 1907 A Miflannimov N i rrl-i 1 ' a IWnm edited by C. Fr. d« Wickede, The School Edition UVI A lUKlbLimmei INlglll S Wieatll ,,,- Nll .,, ,..,„ :l ,. utenhargh) [Text In English] 12395 Ein Sommernachtstraum Vvhrr ^^;^:LlZ^'i . .'■ ' ' 91A94. TTin fiAmiiiDrnonlitt.fi.oiini i bersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel Blherfcld.l 4*0.44 PjIII bOmmeinacntStiaUlU [}f U semn. ^animlungiitterarisclielM! 103702 Ein Sommernachtstraum UbersetztvonK.Simrock. Meyers Volksbuchei 10°i711 F,in Smimprnaphtafranm Ubersetztvon I. W. von Schlegel (Halle a.d. S.) 1UO/11 XjIII OO.nmeilldCnubliaum [Bibliothek der Gesaiiit-Litteratur, No. 201] A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM: ALTERATIONS, ETC 24352 [GryphiusfA.)] HerrPeter Sipienz oder Pyramus undThisbe. Schimpfspiel, nach A. Greif [in Schriften von G. G. Bredow, pp. 119-201] duo, L823. 44417 Gryphins (A.) Peter Squenz. Schimpfspiel [Neudrucke deutscher Litteraturwerke, N (Halle a/S) duo, 1877. 1299 Meinhardt (H.) Der Sommernachtstraum. Komische Oper, nach dem Pranzosischen. Musik von A. Thomas (Berlin) duo, 1854. 60235 Tieck (L.) Die Sommernacht (Frankfurt am Main) duo, L853. 1300 Voss (J. H.) Pyramus undThisbe. Aus Shakspeare's Sommernachtstraum [in Fur mtissige Stunden, pp. 1-18] (Jena) duo, 1819. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. 90898 Much Ado about Nothing Cl ie ' sedit $ fflSSM ' 12100 Viel Larm UUl NiclltS Uebersetzt von \.. Fischer (Leipzig [1 nlversiil-Blbllothok. 98] 12047 Yiel Larm urn Nichts *"* Delius ffi 38175 Viel Larm UUl NichtS ?--„• ..iedeuUche Buhne e^ge^Met , 1 M! .) vonK., 42971 Viel Larmen urn Nichts IV, '— M " v - Kra ■, V t™*"™*** 103703 Viel Larm UUl NichtS iiliersetatv f.Sirarock. Meyers Volksbftcher (Lel| MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING: ALTERATION. 54947 Kongehl (M.) Der Unschuldig-bescliuldigten Innocentien Dnschuld : ( K5ni*Bberg) d NoiE-Several passagesin tbispl, hi borrowed ft Shakespeare"! Much I derived from the s»me sources, 1 duo ?1839 1 4to ?1845 1 duo is:,", 1 duo L868 1 8vo 1ST:; 1 duo 1875 1 duo ?1876 1 duo ? l E Bl 1 1 duo 1 duo ?1888 1 duo ?1835 1 duo ?1876 1 1876 1 8vo 1 duo ?1880 1 duo ?1887 178 i Number. 1296 Othello 1295 Othello 92084 Othello 1294 Othello 1293 Othello 90899 Othello 1292 Othello 1290 Othello 1289 Othello 1288 Othello 12082 Othello 82776 Otello 1219 Othello 103985 Othello 97341 Othello 103715 Othello Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. OTHELLO. Written by Mr. William Shakespcar (Gottingen) [Text in English] ... oaeh Snaukespear [in Englishes Tlieatervon C. H. Sehmid, ErsterTheil mi. ir.3-2-81 [pp. 99-207 of! I Aus dem Englischen von L. Schubari (Leipzig) iibersetzt von J. H. Voss (Jena) ... ... ... ... Campe's edition (Nurnberg and New- York) [Text in English] Fur die Darstellung eingerichtet von C. A. West (Wien) ... erklart von E. W. Sievers (Berlin) [Text in English] nach Shakspear von O. Marbach (Leipzig) erklart vonE. W. Sievers (Berlin) [Sammlung Englischer Schriftsteller, herausgegeben von L. Herrig, V.] [Text in English] Uebersetzt von. H. Voss (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, 21] Rapprescntata dal Signor T. Salvini e dalla sua Compagnia (Wien) | In Ger.i an and Italian] erklart Mm E. W. Sievers. Neue Ausgabe (Salzwedell ISaiiiiiilung Englis. her Schriftsteller. herausgegeben von L. Herrig, V.] [Text in English] iibersetzt von W. Jordan. Meyers Volksbucher (Leipzig) ijbersetzt von Schlege] and Tieck. Buhnenbearbeitung von C. F. Witttnann Bfihneii-Shakespeare. ■_' Band (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, '.'383] Ubersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel und L. Tieek (Halle a. £ S.) [Bibliothek 9] [Dldenb irgj erklartvon J. Heussi (Celle) [Samn liei Schrirtsteller herausgegeben von L. Herrig] [Text in Bnglishl (Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz) [Text in English] ... ... Uebersetzt von l". A. Kniis (Stuttgart i [Classische Theatei Bibliothek, 68] Uebersetzt von E. Ortlepp (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, .".] ... in das Deutsche Ubertragen von E. G. L. (Wien) ... ... Uebersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel. Mit Photographien und Holzschnitten nach !•' liloty (Berlin) ■•■ Uebersetzt von A. W. vo Schlegel (] I niversal Bibliothek, 5] Uebersetzt von F. A. Krais (Stuttgart) [Weltbibliotbek, Ni Ubersetzt \ .m \. W. von Schlegel [Elberfeld) [! Museum. Sammlung litterai Lscher Meisterwerke] Ubersetzt von .\. W. von Schlegel (Halle a. d. S I Bibliothek der i lesamt Litteratur, So Ubersetzt vonSchlegdundTieck. Biihnenbearbel tung von C.F. H Buhnen-Shakespeare, i Band (Leipzig) [I ntversal-Bibltotbek, 237?' Ubersetzt von M Jordan. Meyers Volkal ROMEO AND JULIET: ALTERATIONS, I'LAYs ON THE SAME 1 duo L792 1 1796 1 duo ?1820 1 duo L833 1 duo 1S,(I 1 8vo 1M1 [ 1 dllo L845 • 1 duo 1853 1 1 duo L853 1 dllo 1 355 1 L859 1 8vo L859 • 1 duo ?1860 1 duo 1st',! 1 duo 1 dllo ?1869 1 duo 1 87< I 1 fol L875 1 duo ?1876 1 duo : 1 duo l.ssl 1 duo L8 88 » 1 duo 1 duo ?1889 SUBJ1 1-271 1-25.-) 1259 1261 1268 52526 120J 1262 1272 12170 Gotter(F. W.) Romeo und Julie. Bin Schauspiel [in prose] mil Gesang (Leipzig) duo, I77u. Kokemuller (A..) Romeo und Julie. Lustspiel mit Gesang. Musik von M. C. I ' (Hannover) duo, 1858. Marbach (().) Romeo und Julia. Tragbdie nach Sh ikspeare (Leipi ig) duo Renrog [pseud, of C. A. Goerner] Julia und Romeo. Bin ganz rerkehrtes I cachings Trauerspiel (Altona) [Deutschea Theater, SS Bd.] duo, ?1S76. Romeo und Julia. Ein Trauerspiel, duo, ?1812. Romeo und Julie. Ein Quodlibet von Karakteren mit Gesang (Wien) duo, Soden, Romio und Juliette, ein dratnatisches Gedichl (Leipzig n Camburg) duo, is".: [Weisse(C. F )] Romeo und Julie. Zweyte Auflage (Leipzig) duo, 11 [Weisse(C. F.)] Romeo und Julie [in Beytrag zum deutachen Theater, Flinfter Theil, Zweyte Auflage. pp. 1-160] (Leipzig) duo, 1769. VVeisse (C.F.) Romeo und Julie [in Trauerspiele, Vierter Theil, pp. I I Weisse ((.'. F.) Rumen und Julie. Dritte rerbesserte Aufl I duo, 1776. Weisse (C, F.) Komeo und Julie. Vierte Auflage (Leipzig) duo 180 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. ROMEO AND JULIET: OPERA TEXTS, ETC. 1258 Forst (J.) Romeo und Julie. Komisch-tragische Oper. Musik vom Kapellmeister A. M. Storch (Wien) 8to, 1862. 36850 Roraani (F.) Romeo und Julia oder Die Familien Montecchi und Capuletti. Grosse Oper nacli Shakespeare's Tragodie. Musik von V. Bellini [Mode's Opern-Text-Bibliothek, No. 21] (Berlin) duo, ?1880. 42901 Romeo nnd Julia. Oper von Ch- Gounod. Scenarium von H. Starcke (Erfurt) 8vo, ?1882. 1178 105559 2493 800 12083 12043 42975 103701 103713 THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. Die Bezahrnte Widerbellerinn ° dat G T«y b^St vo^M^ akeapeM ■ • Diet Wir)ovoT-."motirro Mit P.C'iiiitzmig einiger Tlieile der Uliersetzung des Grafen IB VYlU.eibijailbbiy« Baudissin von Deinhardstein (Wien) Dpt WirWtjnpncsfcio'pn Zqlminno Uebersetzt von F. A. Krais (Stuttgart) LJUL VV UlfcUbJIJCUbblgeil /JdUlllUUg [I'lassisrl.e Th.sitei-Bibliothek, 85] Knnof i'tKoi- nlla T\'iii-icjfQ Ein bos Welb gut zu machen. Eine deutsche Bearheitung Ullbl UUei cllie IVUllbie v [BiDiioaek^Gesamt-utteratur, 1 duo 1783 1 duo 1839 1 duo ?1864 1 duo 1864 1 duo ?1876 1 8vo ?1879 1 duo ?1880 1 duo ?1887 1 duo ?18b8 THE TAMING OF THE S1JREW: OPERA TEXT. 60287 Widmann (J. V.) Der Widerspanstigen Zahmung. Komische Oper, in Musik gesetzt von II. Gotz (Mannheim) duo, 1875. THE TEMPEST, 1 1 79 Dor f-U.livm fur das Theater bearbeitet [in prose] von L. Tieck. Nebsteiner Abhandlung j.j.i.y u^l uuuiui fiber ShakspearsBehandluug des Wunderbaren (Berlin und Leipzig) 90901 Tempest Campe's edition (Nurnberg and New-York) [Text in English] 44412 Der bturm Lustspiel nach W. Shakespeare fur Kindertheater bearbeitet (Neu-Buppin) 12086 Der Sturm Uebersetzt von A. W. von Schlegel (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, 46] 12178 TVlP Tptnnpcsf. edited with notes by W. Wagner (Hamburg) [Shakspere's I'lavs in Ijil ° J-UO xempebt separate edition?, No. 1] [Text in EngUsh] 1 h.-1-..'tzt von A. W. 34555 Der Sturm 103982 Der Sturm 154221 Tpmnpcf, nacl1 llr1 ' I ' , " li " vim Hi-'::, mit den Yarianten der andeni Folios, heiausyeueben vi Ii,Ji xcLupcbU A. Wagner. Englische Textbibliothek. lUerlim Dn Schlegel (Elberfeld) [tMuseum, Sammlung litterariseher Meisterwerke] Ubersetzt von F. Dingelstedt. Meyers Volksbiicher (Leipzig) ... 1 duo 1796 1 duo ?1840 1 duo ?1860 1 duo ?1876 1 duo 1879 1 duo 1881 1 duo ?1889 1 duo 1900 THE TEMPEST: OPERA TEXTS, ETC. 11!>3 Arien und GesSnge aus dem Singspiele Die Geisteriusel (Berlin) duo, 1798. 1180 Der Sturm. Ein Singspiel Nach dem Shakespearschen Schauspiel : Der Sturm, bearbeitet von J. W. D. (Cassel)duo, 1798. 1 194 Der Sturm von Shakespeare. Musik von W. Taubert. Texte zu den Choren und Gesangen (Berlin) duo ? 1864. 54949 Hensler (K. F.) Der Sturm. Eine heroiseh-komische Oper nach Schakespear fur die Marinel- lische Schaubiihne bearbeitet (Wien) duo, 1798. 12720 Schink, Der Sturm. Ein Schauspiel nach Shakespear (Wien) duo, 1780. TIMON OF ATHENS. 87075 TimOn VOn Atlien furs Prager Theater eingerichtet von F. J. Fischer (Prag) ... 1 dllO 1778 1195 TiniOn VOn Athen Neu iibersetzt von G. Regis (Zwickau) .. . ... ... 1 dllO 1821 1196 Timon Vfm Atihpn (Nachder Tieck-Sehlegel'schenUebersetzung fiir die Deutsche Bfihne 1 Q,r^, 1 v'AO ^ uuu vuu auieu bearbeitet von F. Wehl.) Deutselu- Sehanbuhne. 10 Het't L °VO 1COA 24350 Timon VOn Athen DeutschvonL. Seeger(HildbiUKiiauseii![Wbli.ithekauslandi8cher 1 dllO 1865 12107 Timon VOn Athen Uebersetzt von E-OrUepp (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, 308] ... 1 dllO ?1876 TIMON OF ATHENS: PLAY ON THE SAME SUBJECT. 70381 Timon von Athen. Ein Festspiel mit Gesang (Halle a S) duo, 1883, lsl N D German Editions of the Separate Plays. Number. TITUS ANDRONICUS. 12112 TitUS Andl'OuicUS UeberscUtvonH. Vo ... 1 ,| ,,, ?1876 TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. 799 Troilus und Cressida iiucwctztvonB Pandinh 1 1 07 Dip G-ripoliPli vnr Trm'a ins Dimtsrhe iihcrtraf!.-ii mid fiir die i i LLJI 1JW \jlieciltju VUI -LlOJ't bearbeitet von A \ Bekk 95997 Dip Griechpn vor Trnia ' "' ''" '" '' """ Bfl,ine tKl Bearbui AOJJI fic vjiicoucu vui iiujil Homer, vnn A. Bekk, pp. 27-lfiul |I'u»t « 1198 Troilus und Cressida ^^,X&SSffitoffi 12110 Troilus und Cressida v '' Uv -'^::\tu^X:,: : ' duo L82J 8vo duo L865 !lpzlg| 1 .1..,. OIQa i iUt)JJj VVcObillL wuilt lK.]irrtoiiv,i.s llnz.i-iicliMeiningeu'gclienHof-Thcateri, XII Heft] x uuu • 1 ° OJ T WELFTU NIGHT . AL TERA TION. 1199 Viola. Lustspiel Nach Shakespeare's: Was [hr wollt Fiir die Bilhne bearbeitel von Deinliardstein (NVien) duo, 1841. THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. 90900 Two Gentlemen of Verona '•'" ' s ^^StXSSm^ * New - York| ... 1 duo VI 12093 Die beiden Edeln von Verona Ue *?KS&23 Bim^wf zig] ••• 1 duo ?1876 THE WINTER'S TALE. 42902 Eine Winternachtsniahr ueuersetzt von c. u.ei (Benin 1210 Ein Wintermarchen '""' 12102 Das Wintermahrchen ,v "" ,,';;;: ;;,;;:;,::' /I^IQQ Wmto^maViwliQn Uebersetzung von I. W. von Schlegel und i. Heck. Mil PhoUwraj en 4010O Winteimanicnen „.,,,, original ■_■■ mal iL.Bode (ItamkrurtnmMaiu) 103705 Wintermarchen UbersctztvonK. Simroek. Meyers Volksbiiuhei I 10Q7ia r\ QO Wmfm-movnliovi Nach der Schlegel-Tieeksehen Ubereetzung, lHalli ■ WO I Li -UaS VVmteimalCnen LBibliutlTek der Gesamt-LItteratur. J< 1MQQO.Q TVi'n W^nfni.wiowiliai-i Siebente luflage. I Ibridged from J. L. Tiei*'g tran lUoyyo Hun VVinteimaicnen 11; ,. ,„.,.,,,„,.,,, .,,,,., ,,,_ u , uMl . h , ,,,,,.,, ■„.| l ,.„n,.i ineatcre.xui.Heit] deutsehe Bilhne neu iibersetzl und bearbcitvt von I'. Dingelstedt. Musik von l-'i. v, Plotow I 1 duo 1 85 l 1 8vo L859 1 duo ' L876 1 fol L881 1 duo ?18b7 1 duo ?1889 1 duo ?1889 WINTER'S TALI-: OPERA TEXTS, ETC. 72684 Gross(K.) Perdita, oder Ein Winter-Mahrchen. Bomantische Oper, n tch Shakespearer'schen, " Wintermarcbens " von l\ Dingelstedt. in Miwik geaetei von <. de Barbieri (Linz) duo, L866. 1149 Hermione. Grosse Oper von M. Bruch. Texl nach Bhakespeare's Wintermarchen von E. Hopffer (Berlin) duo, ?I840. 1150 Hick (G.) Kin Wintermarchen. Kpische Dichtung nach Shaki eichnamlgen Schaus- piel (Koln) duo, 1809. 1200 Werthes(F. A. C.) Hermione. Bin Schauspiel mil Qesang (Stuttgart I duo, 1801. 182 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. GERMAN EDITIONS OF PLAYS ASCRIBED TO SHAKESPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 26319 Sliakspeare's Vorschule berausgegeben von L. Tieck (Leipzig) 1227 26284 3030 57170 72690 2 8vo 1823-9 Bd. I. Die wunderbare Sage vom Pater Baco, Schauspiel von R. Green; Arden von Feversham; Die Hexen in Lancashire von T. ll>'\ wood. •■ Die s'jhene Emma; Die 'J'yrann, von Massinger; Die Geburt des Merlin von W. Shakspeare una W. Rowley. Vier Schauspiele von Shakspeare Ueteaetzt yo \\^ Q) (Stuttgart und 1 duo 1836 Eduard der Dritte. Leben und Tod des Thomas Cromwell. Sir John Oldcastle. Der Londoner verlorne Sohn. Nachtnige zu Shakspeare's Werken ubersetztvonE.ortiepp (Stuttgart) 4 duo 1840 Bd. 1. Der Londoner verlorne Sohn ; Leben und Tod deg Thomas Cromwell; Die Geburt des Merlin ; Sir John Oldcastle j Kin TniniTRpirl in Yorkshire. 2 Perikli-s- Eduard derliritte ; lirr lustier TvuM von Edmonton ; I.okriin'. ;;. Arden vim l'Vvi-rslnim ; shakspeare's vermischte Gedichte ; Shakspeares Leben; Ucber Shakspeare's AVerke ; Nach- wort zuin drittrii Supplementhaiid. 4 Shakspeare's weililiehe I'liarakten- von Mrs. Jameson. Uebersetzt von E. Ortlepp. 2 duo 1854-74 Pseudo-Shakspere'sche Dramen h '' ra,,s ^'] T ^'mLS (™««*»). 1. Edward III.; Arden of Feversham ; Tin- Birth of Merlin. ?. Mucedorus ; Fair Em. Doubtful Plays of William Shakespeare (Leipzig^ b. Tauchnitzj ... 1 duo 1869 Kin" Edward III Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Locrine. A Yorkshire Tragedy. The London ProdigaL The Birth of Merlin. Pseudo-Shakespearian Plays editedbyK - w Kf n ld Engl S Q r olloWt ,Ha ""' 8vo 1883, etc 1. The Comedie of Faire Em. 2. The Merry Devil of Edmonton King- Edward III. 4. The Birth of Merlin. of Feversham. KING EDWARD THE THIRD. 1320 Eduard der Dritte Uebersetzt von M.Moltke (Leipzig) [Universal-Bibliothek, 685) ... 1 duO ?1875 1248 Eduard der Dritte Rach der U<*<*seteung von UngkW bearbeitet von A. Hagen X duQ ^ 1879 EDWARD III.: PLAYS ON THE SAME SUBJECT. 1208 [Weisse(C. F.)] Eduard der Dritte [in Beytrag zum deutschen Theater, pp. 5-11S] (Leipzig) duo, 1759. 791 [Weisse (C. F.)] Eduard der Dritte [in Beytrag zura deutschen Theater, Zweite Auflage, ler Theil, pp. 1-128] (Leipzig) duo, 1769. 787 Weisse (C. F.) Eduard der Dritte [in Trauerspiele, Erster Theil, pp. 1-112] (Leipzig) duo, 1776 12058 Mucedorus MUCEDORUS. Revised and edited with introduction and notes by K. Warlike and L. Proescholdt. (Halh-l [Text in English] 1 8vo 1878 GERMAN EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS. 16331 42964 3039 90902 1204 1219 1225 1203 COLLECTED EDITIONS OF THE POEMS. Shakspeare's sammtliche Gedichte ^'^l^^-l^T '""' Shakspeare's Gedichte Uebersetzt von R. S. Schneider (Gotha) Shakspeare-Almanacll Berausgegeben von G.Regis (Berlin) The Poetical Works of William Shak speare ^.Zt^tJ&V Kn|ush d Shakspeare's sammtliche Gedichte Im v ^S^w^S£bSSr tat Note.— This is really portion of an intended edition. No other volumes, however, were issued. Shakespeare's Gedichte Deutsch von W. Jordan (Berlin) ... ... 1 Shakespeare's Gedichte Deutsch von K. Simroek (Stuttgart) ... ... 1 Shakespeare's kleinere Dichtungen Deutsch von a. Neidhardt (Berrm) ... 1 duo 1827 duo 1834 duo 1836 duo ?1837 duo 1840 duo 1861 duo 1867 duo ?1870 SELECTIONS OF THE POEMS. 1205 Venus und Adonis ; Tarquin und Lukrezia ^&j^£ggftS 53 49878 Venus und Adonis; Tarquin und Lukrezia Sftfr&fc^oSSS 1 duo 1783 1 duo 1856 German Editions of the Poems. Nunibei VENUS AND ADONIS. 1220 VenUS unci xldonis IJelwraetrtvonF.Freillgratl] (Dusseldorfl 1218 Venus und Adonis DeutschnebstetnerBinieitui H»iie«/si Vol, I duo I duo L875 25056 1201 1202 3319S 97204 69426 1224 1217 1223 1222 34570 1221 38427 SONNETS. Shakespeare's Sonnette fibersetrtTonK-Lacnmann Benin Shakespeare's Sonette inDeutgcherNaclibildun tedl HierUni - [luge paper e Shakespeare's Sonette "• De b 1ffi8^J5lf&£2 Shakespeare's Sonette «££ Shakesnpavtt's Snnptfrp Uoberjetrt von F. t oiirtz Ancillon (F.) Zur Vermittlung der Extreme Andree (R.) Macbethplatze in Schottland ' Anmerkungen zu Shakspeare's dramatischenWerken !; ; !; , S 1 C'v'. l ,'i,'i Anthology : — 34571 Daul (A.) Eine Shakespeare-Authologie, 4 vols., duo, 1869. 44333 Kreyssig (F.) Shakspeare-Anthologie, duo, 18154. 26005 Lohse (L.) Anthologie aus Shakespeaie, Svo, 1870. Aphorisms : sex Grflner As You Like It : — 3078 Koenig (W.) Ueber den Titel 'As you like it' [in Archiv fur Litteraturgeschichte, Bd '1779 1862 28-31 L864 1825 Koenig (W.) Ueber den Titel 500-1], 8vo, 1872. il.hittl [Stuttgart] s of the Separate Mays in. I Cleopatra, p. Asch (M.) Shakspere's and Voltaire's Julius Caesar compared (Gardeli gen] Asher(D.)ZurCharakteristikderLadyMacbeth l ';^'^^;f';^ | ^'- Assmann(C.)Shakspeareund seine deutschenUebersetzer (Liegni Ast (F.) System der KunStlehre (Leipzig) [Shakespeare, pp. 293-21)5] ... Aubert (H.) Shakespeare, als Mediciner iRostoek: i,.n.i..m Augustin (S.) Shakspeare-Musik [from m.h Austria: swMeissnei AyreuhoiT(C.von)Kleop;itraund Antonius Baacke (F.) VorStlldien zur Eiufuhruiig in das Yerstandniss Shakespeare's [lierlinl Bacon-Sliakespeare Controversy : — 14312s Bormanu (E.) Der bistorische Beweis der Bacon-Sliakespeare-Theorie, Svo Bormann (E.) Der Shakespeare-Dichter. Wer war's? und Wie sah er aus ' Engel (B.) Hat Bacon die Dramen Shakespeare's geschrieben? svo. 18S3. Fischer (K.) Shakespeare und die Bacon-Mythen, duo, ?1S95. Hauptvogel (F.) Das grosse Geheimnis ! (Shakespeare oder Bacon ':) 8vo, 1S96. Heussler (H.) Francis Bacon und seine geschichtliche Stellung, Svo, Iss9. Leutzner (K.) Zur Shakespeare-Bacon-Theovie, Svo, 1890. Leo (F. A.) Die Baco-Gesellschaft, 8vo, ?1885. Morgan (A) Der Shakespeare-Mythus, 8vo, 1S85. Rapp (Prof.) William Shakespeare oder Francis Bacon ? 2 vols., Svo. 1887-fi Schaible (K. H.) Shakespeare der Autor seiner Dramen, duo, 1SS9. Schipper (J.) Zur Kritik der Shakespeare-Bacon-Frage, duo, 1889 Vitzthum von Eckstadt(K. F. Graf) Shakespeare and Shakspere, svo, iSsS. Wtilker [R.l Die Shakspere-Bacontheorie. 8vo, 1890. 1 Svo Sv, . 8vo duo Svo 4 to pp. 1881 1865 •1843 L805 1873 1864 172134 70350 131802 137518 103721 14S460 82427 142627 109118 101960 109123 103723 148401 1 Svo ?1879 1S97. svo. 1902. Number. 12208 12198 3028 69781 24919 31356 12019 72639 29320 2177o 78998 L08042 20997 3061 24851 60293 25989 97479 L0531 1388 •1 49 10 l'7271 25066 49980 26000 38460 25996 1011)70 78086 2687 German Shakespeariana. Bahnsen (J.) Charakterziige aus ShakeBpeare s Frauenwelt •I .\\ .. !l 111,. I I Balirs (H.) ])ie Anakoluthe bei Shakespeare cwtti Barnstorff (D.) Schliissel zu Shakspeare'e Sonnetten Barriere (F.) : swGamck Barth(C.L.) ZurhundertjahrigenAuffiihrungdesTrauerspielB Hamlet [Berum Barz (0.) Shakespeare's Brautnacht *»t»piei Baudissin ( W. Graf von) Ben.Tonson und seine Schule u ••• Baumgart (H.) Die Hamlet-Tragddie und ihre Kriuk .k .-> Bayer (J.) Aesthetische Untersuchungen pw Bayer (J.) Von Gottsched bis Schiller iPragj Beckendoitf (Elisabeth von) WortederLiebe^nSS^^ Behne (H. F. T.) Gomparaison entre ,, le Jules Cesar" de Voltaire et celui de Shakspeare (AGottinguei Behn-Eschenburg (Prof.) Die Wechsehvirkungen der englischen und der festlandischen Literatur vor dem Zeitalter Shakspeare's Bekk (A.) Shakespeare und Homer iPest. wicn und Leiprigi Bekk (A.) William Shakespeare erne wographische studio uunciien) ... Bell( W . )lstShakespeare inDeutscbland gewesen ? i/ " !gSggS} httl [Belleforest (F. de) Histoires Tragiques] ^SSSS^^^St Benedix (B.) Die Shakespearomanie 1S6 No. .,( Vol i'*k 1 L87ti 1 Bvo L878 1 duo I860 1 fol ?1877 1 8vo 2 L836 1 L877 1 3 duo L869 1 duo ?1880 I 8vo L872 (Lclpzif Zur Abwehr iStuttgarti [Ri i ie« of, by Gottsclmll] Bernays (M.) Shakespeare ein katholischer Dichter [Be [in Jahrnueli der Deutsohen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, I Jahr, pp. 220 2S Bernays(M.) Shakespeare alsKennerdesWahnsinns^y 1 Bernays(M.)Shakespeares Geburt Ki " """TJJgjfiEJ Mor s enWatt i ... Bernays(M.)Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Schlegelschen Shakespeare iLeipzigi ... Bernhard (L.) Shakespeare und unsere Schulen [Ksiugsberg] ... 1 Ito ?1860 1 duo 1865 1 duo lsc,i 1 Ito 1 853 1 8vo |SS| 1 8vo 1 873 1 4to is? l 1 8vo L865 1 8vo 1871 1 Ito IShi 1 8vo 1872 1 Ito ?1858 1 8v( i I860 1 duo ISO.' 1 duo 1 duo L858 1 Ito ?1889 Bernhardi (W.) Shakespeare's Kaufmann von Venedig i utonai BeSSei' (H. ) Zur Hamletfrage \^uch einer Erkliu-uii 9den| Betrachtungen iiber die religioseBedeutungShakespeare's ";;;:,'"' Beyersdorff (B.) Giordano Bruno und Shakespeare ioidenbmsi Bibliography : — 121943 Cohn (A.) Shakespeare-Bibliographie [from 1870-1 (want- 1-7:; m. 8vo, ?1871, etc. 38578 Gantter (L.) Die Shakespeare-Literatur sett 1864 [from Internationale Revue], Svo, 97448 Gottschall(R.) Zur Shakspeare-Literatur [from Blatter furliterarischeUnterhallung), ito, 1878. 4-2937 Shakspeare-Literatur [from Blatter fur literarische (Jnterhaltung], ito, 1841, 38422 Shakspeare-Literatur [in Blatter fur literariscbe Unterhaltung, 1842, Bd. L, pp. 282 49921 Shakspeare-Literatur in Deutschland, 1762-1851 (Cassel), duo, 1862. 82450 Sillig(P. H.) Die Sbakespeare-Literatur bis Mitte L834, Svo, 1864. 7388 1854 •24941 Unflad (L.) Hie Shakespeare-Literatur in Deutschland, Svo, 1880. Biedermann (F.) Das Theater von Heute und der historisohe Shakspere [from Die Deutsche Schaubflhne] [Leipzig] Biography of Shakespeare : «* Lives Birch(C.)DramatikoderDarstellungderBuhnenkunst " " Birthday Book : — 50209 Das Shakespeare Gteburtstag-Buch (Dresden), duo, I 1 Bvo L868 1 duo I 186 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. 29520 31973 50396 32184 25062 45116 33191 92050 49852 90770 97481 12031 33203 97471 24921 29323 21920 27283 38167 143128 172134 31632 72663 26461 26462 29526 84864 27233 87528 12189 70303 108012 33011 97439 24352 82135 25991 79761 26446 16371 24774 Birthplace of Shakespeare : «« stratfora-ou-Avon Bitter (C. H.) Ueber Gervinus' Handel und Shakespeare (Berlin) Bittsteller.Ein f QrstlicherBittstellerund seineAgenten [/ 7£,3 aJ Blankarts (M.) Musik zu „Was Ihr wolit," von Tausch ... [/mm Deutsche Sr.haubuhuc] (Leipzig) Blind (K.) Shaksperes Schicksalssch western v™ % e e ^ enwartl Bliimner (H.) Ueber die Idee des Schicksals tn^^^mAi^fim Boas (F.) Der Sturm und Das Wintermarchen istettin) Bodenstedt (F.) Gesammelte Schriften (Berlin) Bd. 8. Shakespeare's Sonette in Deutscher Nachbildung, 12 (pp. 145-190), Ueber Shakespeare und ilie altengiisehe Buhne. NoTB.— The other content* are not Shakespearian. Bodenstedt (F.) Marlowe und Green als Vorlaufer Shake- speare's [from Wisaenschaftliche Vortrage, etc.] ... Bodenstedt (F.) Shakespeare's Frauencharaktere M gg^* B Vierte Auflage (Berlin) Bodenstedt (F.) Shakespeares Sonette Bodenstedt (F 8vo 4to 8vo 4to duo duo 1869 1868 1864 1879 1814 1882 12 duo 1865-69 in deutseher Nachbildung [Review of, from Morgenblatt] [Stuttgart] Shakespeare's Zeitsenossen und ( Be r n^ erke ••• Bd. 1— John Webster." 2— John Ford. 3— John Lilly, Robert Greene und Christoph Marlowe. Dritte Auflage (Jena) Bodenstedt (F.) Vora Hofe Elisabeth's und Jakob's Bodenstedt (F.) William Shakespeare [Review on Bohtz (A. W.) Die Idee des Tragischen (Gsttfogen) Bohtz (A.W.) GeschichtederneuerndeutschenPoesie (Getttngen) Bohtz (A.W.) Ueber das Komische und die Komodie (Gstangenj B-~\^nlT\v \ Ctry TVrtil no on/1 Pvoooirld [*» Programm der stadtischen Bealschule Onmg(JJr.) Un llOllUSandUieSSiaa zu Broniberg, pp. 1-20] (Bromberg) Boening (L.) ,,Troilus and Cressida" [in Latin] (Bostocnii) ... Bormann(E.) Der historischeBeweis der Bacon- Shakespeare- Theorie (Leipzig) Bormann (E.) Der Shakespeare-Dichter ^\^^t^ Borne (L.) Gesammelte Schriften zweite Autiage (Hamburg) Bothe (F. H.) Kaufmann von Venedig und Heinrich IV. ... auf dem Mannheimer Theater [in Janus, pp. 201-205] (Zurich) TJ^i^nnn (Tiv \ Sfrofov- Die Composition von Shakespeare's R'.meo unci Julia tSOUmann {L)r.) DCiatei . r [j rom Del . Gedanke;, (Berlin) Boumann(Dr.) Ueber die Charaktere Malcolm's und Macduff's in Macbeth [from Der Gedanke) (Berlin) Boyle(B.)Shakespeare undDie beiden edlenVettern s [ t {X^^^^ Boyle(R.)Shakespeares Wintermarchen und Sturm ramus und Thisbe. Schimpfspiel nach Andreas Greif. pp. 381-3L'4 Shakespeare und seine Dramen. Brincker (F.) Poetik Shakespeare's ^^cietSX^) - Brinckman (J.) Die Tomter Shakespeares EineDichtuug (Rostock) Brockerhotf' ( ) Ueber Shakespeare's Sturm isheydtj Bronisch (P.) Das neutrale Possessivpronomen bei Shake- speare (Gryphiswaldiae) Brummer (B.) Shakspeare's Affe , ° der Lt """ "H^ggf E1 " Lu9tspiel . . . Brunier (L.) Schroder in den Bollen Shakespeare's pp !" j^^jg^ig, skizzr [Characters ire ipeare, Burbage, etc.] [from Der arme Mann im Tockenburg] (Leipzig) ■ duo 8vo 8vo 4to ?1858 1878 1887 1862 3 duo 1858-60 duo 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 1878 ?1872 1836 1»32 1844 1861 1870 1897 1902 1 8vo 1 8vo 8 duo 1829-40 1 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo duo duo 4to 8vo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo duo duo duo 1837 1863 1864 1881 1885 1867 1864 1863 1852 1878 1836 ?1860 1823 1881 1881 1880 1878 1841 1864 Number. 42892 97440 38455 24922 44416 62808 24918 26453 24936 27236 27237 26306 93028 70386 3026 3063 27256 84232 97206 121943 German Shakespeariana. Briining (G.) Formation of the Future Tense ktoJk4{J2J?S)°LubSS) Bruno (G.) und Shakespeare : «* Beyersdoru Buchholz(W.)Shakespeare, Keau und Haase [{^"nVlillh i eipzl i jcnwan i Biichler (H.) Shakspeare's Dramen in ihl " ' Buchwald (O.) Ueber die Figur des GeistesfS,^^^,^;^^ Biidinger (M.) Konig Eichard III. von England a •■ Bulthaupt (H.) Shakespeare Drainaturgie der Classlker, II. Band lOldcnliurKi Bulthaupt (H. A.) Drarnaturgische Skizzen .is>.,„„. pp. 21-80, Hamlet. p]i. 58-69, Richard ill. pp. 99-110, Shakespeare's „ Sommemachtstraum " und ,,Vlel Lariiicii uni Nlchts." Bulthaupt (H. A.) Streifzilge aufdramatiirglschem 11. ..I krittoi hi ... I pp. 1-32. Die WiUensbestimmung der dromatischen Charaktere i«-i Calderon, Shakespeare Schiller, pp. 120-134, Julius Caesar, pp. 135 147, Othello, pp. ll.s-i.v,. I>.t Wl.l.r-p.nisii .,.,, Zahinung. pp. 157-168, Das Wintermarcheii. Vols. 1 8vo It,! 8VO duo 8vo Svo (lilt) 187 J>aie. IS? I 1872 L856 is.;: i L858 L88 : L878 Calderon : *« Bulthaupt Cn.vn /.T ^ Dip TTistnrisphpn Rlpmpnt.p '" s,i: ' k1 "'" ~ ' > " 1 "" '""' Ui,i,t diiu^.i i/it; x-Lissuuiib^iitiLi uiemtjiiue „,,,,, from Engli ch? Slllillr Carove (F. W.) Hamlet itei .hi (Hellbronnl I 8vo L879 1 svo 1878 2] I [pp. 42-4, Hamlet, pp. 293-301, Grab doi . des Romeo] (Pforzheim! Svo 8vo i "i Neorama, Ersb i Tliell, pp. '21 Carus (C. G.) Mnemosyne Catalogues : see Bibliography, Shakespeariana Characters : — 12203 Bahnsen (.T.) Charakterziige ana Shakespeare's Frauenwelt [from Literaturblattl, Iti Bodenstedt (F.) Shakespeare's Frauenchaiakteie. Dritte Auflage, Bvo, 1378. 1838 1848 49852 90770 26453 34571 25994 34559 70327 31750 29539 16362 3058 32712 105184 36938 111975 Frauencharaktere. Vierte Auflage, Bvo, L887. Bulthaupt (H. A.) Die WiUensbestimmung der dramatischen Charaktere bei < !al Schiller [in Streifziige auf dramaturgiscnem und kritischem Gebiet, li lull. ^Il 1 k.- PP I speare 1879. Daul (A.) Leitsterne im Lieben und Lieben der Frauen, 1 vols., duo, L869. Devrient (O.) Shakespeare's Frauengestalten [in Zwei Shakespeare- Vortrage, pp.89 146] dun 1869. Freymann (J.) Schiller-, Shakespeare-, und Gothe'schen Frauencharaktere, dun. Gen^e (R.) Klassische Frauenbilder. Shakespeare, etc., dun, 1884. Heine (H.) Shakspeare's Madchen und Frauen (Wei lu\ Bd, III.), duo, l^7t.. Jameson (Mrs.) : see Jameson. Leo (F. A.) Shakespeare's Frauen-Ideale, duo, 186s. Hichardson (W.) liber die wichtigsten Charaktere Shakespeare, duo, I77. r >. Rotscher (H. T.) Shakespeare in seinen hochsten Charactergebilden, Svo, 1864. Shakespeare'sche Charaktere [from Morgenblatt, Nrs. 41, 43, 45, 46 (1857), t. 5, 6 (lsun) 4to, 1857-60. Stoifregen (W.) Tragische Naturen und Shakespeare-Charaktere, 8vo Thiiminel (J.) Vortrage iiber Shakespeare-Charaktere, 2 vols., duo, 1881 . Wetz (W.) Die Menschen in Shakespeares Dramen (Shakespeare, Bd. I.) bvo. 1890 ii Leben, s.im- Werke. und Beine Zeit (Leipzig) Chasles (P.) und Guizot (F.) Shakespeare Chettle's Hoffman : seeDeiuis Chronology of Shakespeare's Plays : s« raeisen Claus (L.) Die eint'ache Form des Conjunctiv beisnakespear. ... ClausfW.jUeberdieMenachmendesPlautuR,,,:':;;:,, 11 , 1 ■, (Stettin I Clement (K. J.) Shakespeares Sturni Historisch beieuchtet u*ii Cless (G.) Medicinische Blumenlese aus Shakespeare istuttgani Clodius (C. A. H.)Ueber Shakspeare'sPhilosophie , , Cohn (A.) Englische Komodianten in Koln nsw-iesei [Weimar]... Cohn (A.) Konig Lear, 1692, und Titus Andronicus, 1699[weimar] Cohn (A.) Shakespeare-Bibliogi'aphie [tromwo-i i873-4)](Beriinj Collier (J. Payne) Works relating to : — 26448 Delius (N.) Collier's Emendationen zum Shakspere gewiirdigt, duo, L85S 11947 Ergiinzungsband zu Shakespeare's dramatischen Werken. Enthaltend 1 duo L855 1 duo 1878 1 8vo L861 1 8vo hit; 1 tltlO L8l i 1 dilo L820 1 8vo ?1886 1 8vo 8vo ?1871, etc. die von .1. Payne Coilier°aufgefuiuleuen handachriftlichen Bermerkungen und Textanderungen bearbeitel und ubersetzt von J. Frese, 8vo, 1853. 3047 Leo (F. A.) Beitrage und Verbesserungen zu Shakespeare's Dramen, etc., duo, i 24776 Moramsen (T.) Der Perkins-Shakspeare, Svo, 1854, 188 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. size. Date. 295:34 92090 30Gb 87529 76554 34571 27274 70394 11948 12199 60234 26448 27272 L1957 150932 3049 97208 57181 69384 (14313 45117 155145 31813 Comedies : — 70306 Frenzel (K.) Drei Komodien Sbakspeare's [in Renaissance nnd Rococo, pp. 109-158], Svo, 1876. Concordance: eeeuo Constable (H.) : see Diirnhofer (Contemporaries, Shakespeare's : — 12031 Bodenstedt (F.) Shakespeare's Zeitgenossen und ihre Werke, 3 vols., duo, 1858-60. 16008 Devrient (<).) Shakespeare und seine Zeitgenossen [from Hie Grenzboten], svo, 1866. 1392 Grant (('.) Shakespeare und die Dichter seiner Zeit [from Preussische Jahrbiicher], svo, 1875, 600 Hermann (E.) Orei Shakespeare-Studien, 2 vols., duo, ls77~;>. 19869 Hermann (E.) Weitere Beitrage zu Shakespeares literarischen Kampfen, 2 vols., duo, lssl 7o;ii)-2 Meissner (.T.) Die Englischen Comoedianten zur Zeit Shakespeares in Oesterreich, 8vo, lsS4. 32180 Shakespeare's Vorganger und Zeitgenossen [from Europa], 4to, 1870. 70296 Wellmann(A) UbereinigeenglischeTrauerspieldichter nach Shakespeare [in Literarhistorisches Taschenbnch, 1845, pp. 109-156], svo, 1845. Coriolanus : — 26001 Leo (F. A.) Shakespeare's Coriolanus. Die Delius'scbe Ausgabe dieser Tragoedie kritiscll beleuchtet, duo, 1861. 49US5 Leo (F. A.) Die Tieckscbe Uebersetzung des Coriolan [from Archiv f.n. SprachenJ, Svo, i860. 29382 Wblffel (H.) Ueber Shakespeares Coriolan [tn Allium des Literarischen Vereins in Nnrnberg fur 1864, pp. 3-54], Svo, 1864. Corrodi (A.) Shakespeare Lebensweisheit mis seinen Werken (Wintertlmr) . . . 1 dllO 1863 Creizenach (W.) Die Tragodie „Der bestrafte Brndermord oder Prinz Hamlet" 1 8vo 1887 Cymbeline : — 76616 EIze (K.) Letter to C. M. Engleby, containing notes and conjectural emendations on 'Cymbe- line,' s\ ii, 1885. 44334 Hoffmeister (H.) Imogen [in Charakter-Bilder, pp. 17-42], duo, HS82. •24926 Karpeles (G.) Die geborene Imogen [in Im Foyer, pp. 231-252], duo, 1S7S. 111444 Oble (R.) Ueber die Romanischen Vorliiufer von Cymbeline, svo, I8:«i. Czermak (K.) Shakespeareiana nvteni Dahlem (W.) Germanische Mythe bei Shakespeare istrossimrg) Danzel (T.)Shakspeare und nocb iiiimerkeiiiEnde AufeitolfpT^-'^i (Leipzig) Daul (A.) Leitsterne im Leben und Lieben der Frauen Eine Shakespeare-Anthologie (Leipzig) Daumlehner (O.) Ueber Epen und Volkslieder bei Shakespeare Dawison's Hamlet: seeimik Dehlen (A.) Shakespear's Hamlet (Gotungem ... Delius (N.) Abhandlungen zu Shakspere ,kikii,i,ii ... Delius (N.) Ad audiendam Orationem de Falsariis Shak- spereanis (Bomme) Delius (N.) Chettle'sHoffmanundShakespeare'sHamleCiK..tii.i,i Delius (N.) Collier's Emendationenzum Shakspere gewiirdigt (Bonn) Delius (N.) Der Mythus von Shakspere '''• i ' , ' ,K H i iog,;!;? ll ^ , ''' l ir,!;',',' 1 T' s ' 1 "'' Delius (N.) Die Tieck'sche Shaksperekritik beleuchtet Delius (N.) Englische Theaterwesen ma gj££g$£$ l fe zu Shakspere'* Zell (Bremen Zeitlfrom Bremer men) Delius (N.) Fletcher's angebliche Betheiligung Hen^vnTIxe' Delius (N.) Shakspere Lexikon IIandt » c " i Kill-; .■ipzigl i Studium der Shaksperischen uhauspiele (Bonn) Delius (N.) Textkritische Studien r %; SSMK^aSS a&°" Delius (T.) Marlowe's Faustus und seine Quelle iBieiefewi ... DeSSaU : see Hosseus Deutschbein (C.) Shakespeare -Graminatik fur Deutsche icetheni Zweite luflaj (Ciithen) Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft in Weimar : see societies D [evrient] (O.) ,,Hiindelund Shakespeare von Gervinus", 1 Svo 18G4 1 Svo 1875 1 Svo 1855 4 duo 1 869 1 Svo ?1S60 1 Svo 1883 2 Svo 1878-88 1 4to L858 1 8vo ?1S74 1 Svo 1S53 1 Svo 1S51 1 duo 184b 1 fol 1853 1 Svo 1853 1 Svo ?1879 1 Svo 1852 1 Svo ?1877 1 duo 1881 1 Svo 1882 1 Svo 1897 1 Svo ?1871 Number. 26008 25994 929] 49853 29530 24934 27284 12729 51386 34567 33025 78999 26463 German Shakespeariana. Devrient (O.) Shakespeare und seine Zeitgenossen Devrient (O.) Zwei Shakespeare-Vortrage Km-inrm.. Dictionaries : — 57181 Delius (N.) Shakspere Lexikon, 8vo, i~.iv •_'724:i .Tost (J. M.) Worterbucb zu Shakspeare's Plays, duo, 1840. 12192 Meurei (K.) Worterbucb zu dem Shakspere-Lesebucb, duo, 1879 15272 Schmidt (A.) Shakespeare Lexicon, 2 vols . 8vo, I 87550 2 vols., 8vo, 1886 Diehl [J. A.] La Vie tie Shakspere d-»pi > i Dietrich (K.) Hamlet der Konstabel der Vorsehung u...,,..,,,. Disselhotf (J.) Shakespeare's historische Dram< a Disselhoti' (J.) Shakespeare's Tragodien "" n "' n Z;,L;Z' '''•" Dittrich (E.) Etude Bur Shakspeare ikhui-h ... [Dodd(W.)l MusterstuckeausShakspeare'sDramen^J^urtnmwS is 1 .) \., ,. I \h|s. 1 lioten] (L< l|i 1 ' 1866 ... 1 • lllo Doring (A.) Shakspeares Hamlet iHammj Doring (T.) : »« wexei Dorn (H.) Ini Globus, Historisches Lustspiel (Uci-iim Domes (L.) Uber Shakspeare's Casar iHamiovn Dowden (E.) Shakspere, sein Entwickelungsgang in seinei Werken (Heiibronm 1 llM 1 1883 1 8vo L861 1 8vo 1 llM L872 2 duo is:;.". 2 duo l B57 1 duo L865 1 duo L853 1 duo 1 865 1 8vo 1879 DRAMA. Books relating to the Drama, including Acting and Actors, Stage, Theatres, etc. 100617 Albrecht(A.) Das Englische Kindertbeater, duo, L883. 29319 Ast (I'.) System der Kunstlehre, duo, 1805. To.'jtiy Barriere (F.) Bibliotheque des Me'nioires, teutscb bearbeitel von Ida Prick (Vot mid aul rti n Bretern) 2 vols., dun, 1848-9. 72630 Bayer (J.) Aesthetische Untersuchungen, 8vo, 1868. 29320 Bayer (J.) Von Gottsched bis Schiller, 3 vols., duo, 1809. 78086 Biederinann (F.) Das Theater von Heute und der historische Shakespeare [frum Die Deutsche Schaubiihne] 8vo, 1868. 726S7 Birch (C.) Dramatik oder Darstellung der Biihnenkunst, dun. 1856. 76130 Blanchet (F.) Du Theatre de Schiller (Strasbourg) 8vo, 1855. 25062 Bliimner (H.) Ueber die Idee des Schicksals in den Tragbdien des Aiscbj los, duo, I M I. 33202 Bodenstedt (F.) Ueber Shakespeare und die altenglische Biihne [in Gesammelte Schriften 12 Band, pp. 145-190] duo, 1869. 24921 Bohtz (A. W.) Die Idee des Tragischen, due, L836. 24920 Bohtz (A. W.) Ueber das Komische und die Komodie, duo, 1*44. 12189 Brachvogel (A. E.) Theatralische Studien, duo, 1803. 38455 Biichler (H.) Shakspeare's Dramen in ihrem Verhaltnisse zur Griechischen Tragodie, Svo IbatS, H2S07 Bulthaupt (II.) Dramaturgie der Classiker, 2 vols., 8vo, 1882-3. 24918 Bulthaupt (H. A.) Dramaturgische Skizzeu, duo, 1878. 26453 Bulthaupt (H. A.) Streifziige auf dramaturgischem und kritischeui Gebiet, Svo 84232 Colin (A.) Englische Kowodianten in Kiiln (1592 1656) 3vo, fl886. 150932 Delius (N.) Englische Theaterwesen zu Shakspere's Zeit [from Breniei Sonntagsblatt fol, IS53 3049 Bvo, L853. 38586 Der Shakespeare- Verein zur Hebung der deutschen Biihne [from N irdische Review -*■• 1861 19091 Elze(K.) Notes on Elizabethan Dramatists, 2 vols., svo. is^o 4. 60514 Engel (.). J.) Ideen ZU einer Mimik, 2 vols., duo, lso4. 247H1 Engel's(J. J.) .Mimik. Neu berausgegeben und eingeleitet, 2 vols., duo 29326 Enk (M.) Melpomene, oder Uber Genee(R.) Die englischen Mirakelspiele und Moralitaten Svi 70327 Genoe(R.) Rlassiche Erauenbilder, duo, 1884. 29528 Geyer(P. .1.) studien iiber, Tragische ECunst, duo 60286 Goldschmidt (W.) Dramaturgische Notizen, duo, 1878. 190 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. size. Date. 60511 155146 9294 38585 42895 34568 3035 L2195 -continued. Grabbe [C. !>.] Das Theater zu Dusseldorf, duo, 1835. Grabbe [C. D.j Dramatische Dichtungen, 2 vols., duo, 1827. Grundlinien zu einer Theorie tier Schauspielkunst, duo, 1797. Gruppe (O. I-'.) Ariadne. Die tragische Kunst der Griechen, 8vo, 1834. Haring (G H.) Die Bliithezeit des englischen Drama's, 8vo, 1875. Herrig(H.) Hie Meininger ihre Gastspiele und deren Bedentung fiir das deutsche Theater. duo, 1880. [Herrig (L.)] Die Entwicklung des englischen Drama's, duo, ?1847. Hettuer (H.) Pas moderae Drama, duo, 1852. Holtei (K. von) Beitriige zur Geschichte dramatischer Kunst und Literatur, 3 vols., duo, 1827-8 Iffland (A. W.) Meine theatralische Laufbahn, duo, 1799. [mmermann (K.) Dramen und Dramaturgiscb.es, duo, 1843. John (Dr.) The Drama and Dramatists of England, 2 vols, 8vo, '.'1848-62. Klaar (A) Geschichte des modernen Dramas, duo, 1883. Klein (J. L.) Geschichte des Drama's, 13 vols, in 15, 8vo, 18G5-76. Kurnik (M.) Ein Menschenalter Theater-Erinnerungen (1845-1880), 8vo, 1882. Laube(H.) Das Burgtheater, duo, 1868. ILenz (J. M. R.)] Anmerkungen iibers Theater, etc., duo, 1774. Lenz (J M. R.) Ueber die Veranderung des Theaters im Shakespeare [in Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. 2, pp. 335-340], duo, 1828. Lewes (G. H.) Ueber Schauspieler und Schauspielkunst, duo, 1878. [Review of, from Europa], 4to, 1878- Mahlke (K.) Moderne Tragikomodien, 8vo, 1882. Mahly (J.) Wesen und Geschichte des Lustspiels, duo, 1862. Malone (E.) Rise and Progress of the English Stage, 8vo, 1800. Masing (W.) Die tragische Schuld, Svo, 1872. Meissner (J.) Die Englischen Comoedianten zur Zeit Shakespeares in Oesterreich, Svo, 1884. ProTsz (R.) Altenglisches Theater, 2 vols., duo, ?1SS2. Prolsz (R.) Geschichte des neueren Dramas, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1881-3. Prutz (R. E.) Geschichte des deutschen Theaters, Svo, 1847. Putlitz (G. zu) Theater-Erinnerungen, 2 vols., duo. 1875. Rapp (M.) Englische Theater : see Rapp. Bemy (M.) Kin Stuck Berliner Theatergeschichte [from Europa] 4to, ?1878. Rotscher (II. T.) Cyclus dramatischer Charaktere, 2 vols., duo, 1844-6. Rotscher (II. T.) Dramaturgische Abhandlungen, duo, 1864. Rotscher ( M. T.) Dramaturgische Probleme, 4to, 1865. Rotscher (H. T.) Kritiken und dramaturgische Abhandlungen, duo, 1859. Schick (E ) Ueber die Epopbe und Tragodie, Svo, 1S33. Stigell (Dr.) Shakspeare und die tragische Kunst der Griechen, Svo, 1863. Teuber (O.) Geschichte des Prager Theaters, 3 vols., Svo, 1883-8. Theater-Kalender auf das Jahr 1780 (Gotha). duo, ?1780. Tieck (L.) Dramaturgische Blatter ( Kritische Schriften, Bd. 3, 4) duo, L852. Wattendorff (L.) : see Wattendorff. Werner (O.) Die Elisabethanische Buhne nach Ben Jonson. I. Teil, Svo, 1864. Wessenberg (J. II. v.) Ueber den sittlichen Einfluss der Schaubiihne, duo, I825. Wexel (C) Theodor During als Mensch und Kunstler, duo, ?1S60. \\ 'is> (.1.) On the Rudiments of the Shakspearian Drama, duo, 182s. Wotzel (Dr.) Theaterschule, duo, 181S. Zimmermann (R.) Uber das Tragische und die Tragodie, duo. 1856. Zur Geschichte der ,, englischen Komodianten " 4to, ?1865. Drama 70397 27241 25133 29341 12075 7S057 25058 72664 44395 ^9349 32548 56005 70304 62812 36809 27244 16361 33382 56006 32181 5^533 72682 J6197 24931 70392 19876 12931 , I. i9 10932 60508 31645 29536 60507 31807 24938 108026 52567 70435 ..7 17! > 24S41 18591 S9357 31805 87535 72686 97444 Dresden : — 3271S Die Generalversammlung des Shakespearevereins I from Morgenblatt] 4U>, 1865 97212 Gericke (R.) Shakespeare-Auffuhrungen in Dresden, 1778-1817, 8vo, ?1S77. Dryden (J.) : - Rosbund Ducis (J. F.) : » own. ••■ Dulk (A.) Dawisons Hamlet [from, mm* Diirnhofer (M.) , , Venus und Adonis • ' Dusseldorf : see Grabbe Duval ( ) Shakspeare als Liebhaber Lnstspiei iwien] Dyce— Works of Shakespeare, 2 Ed. [R " iew ^.^^e"™ 6 ' Bd ' L Ebinger (Dr.) Ueber Shakespeare's Julius Casar (Thorn) E brard (A.)DasVerhattnisShakspear's zumChristenthum (Eriangen) Rchtermeyer (T. i, etc., Quellen des Shakspeare *£%!$£ JgSffiy Eckardt (L.) I Feber Shakspeare's Hamlet sublatt 8r. i'rij (Stuttgart und Munehen 1 im Verhaltnis zu Ovids Metaraorphosen und Constables Sdilifer^esang) (Halle a S.i 1 4to 1863 1 duo 1890 1 duo ?1818 1 8vo 1864 1 8vo 1873 1 duo 1870 3 duo 1831 1 8vo ?1854 Number. 60290 31358 893G2 9292 38452 4398 44338 29324 42919 33188 730 44480 12076 3059 76616 4396 19091 108018 51543 97207 26308 108012 25065 24936 151837 25060 97443 29788 70350 147604 60514 24791 29326 12196 3033 42925 33008 44424 Kin Si.'haux|>lel, bear ii b Sliakespuar (MrtiH-lii-ii) German Shakespeariana. Eckai'dt (L.) Vorlesungen iiber Hamlet 1 """"'" r ;;', l ,':,„ M ' Eckernaann (J. P.) BeytraeezurPoesie ml( lir " i " ,l " r '' r ' l,ii,v i Eekliartshausen(K.von)Liebrechtmi(lIIiir\v;ilil I [Eckhartshausen(K.von)] LiebrechtundHorwald Eckstiidt (K. F. Graf Vitzthurn von) : seevitzainmYon i Eggers (F.) VerbindendesGedicht zllT "" ,c " *•!*«•••« Ehrlich (J. E.) Der Humor Shakespeares iwiem Eichelkrallt (F.) A Study of Hamlet based on Wordera li Eic-hhom (J. G.) Litterargeschichte Eicken(H.von)UeberdenCharaktervonRicharil III. ,: Eidam (C.) Uber die Sage von Konig Lear (warzimrgi Elze (K.) Abhandlungen zu Shakespeare (Haiiej Elze (K.) Alexandrines in The Winter's Tale and K. Eichardll. (Halle) Elze (K.) Eine Auffiihrung im Globus-Theater (weiman Elze (K.) Festrede zur dreihundertjahrigen Geburtsfeier Shakespeare's (Dessau) Elze (K.) Letter to C.M.Ingleby OTn ^ i ^^^g e ^« ct ^« nendationf Elze (K.) Noten und Conjecturen zu Shakespeare (Bemourg) Elze (K.) Notes on Elizabethan Dramatists (Haiiej ... Elze (K.) Notes on K. Eichard II Elze (K.) Notes [on The Tempest, etc Elze (K Elze (K.) William Shakespeare s Vola duo duo duo 8vo 8vo in. 19] D L853 L824 L783 L789 ■ 1 88 I L878 L879 2 in 3 8vo L799-181 I Shakespeare's Character Belne "'*"""; k!;;',"'," [Review of, bj Brandl,/i Besprochen von Friosen [Review nf. by Koppel] [from Eiigli.sdieStiuliL-ii| Literal hi Man I Elze (T.) Venezianische Skizzen zu Shakespeare Emerson [R. W.] Shakespeare [from Morgenblatt, Nos. 12, l (Stuttgart iinti Munchen) (Miinchen) HI 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo is; 7 IsTT L88] L878 1864 1 885 8vo 91876-8 8vo 1880-4 8vo ?1888 8vo 8vo 8vo Ito 8vo 8vo 8vo ito 4 to duo L882 ?1875 L876 1878 L876 1878 1899 1856 1856 L857 Emerson (R. W.) iiber Goethe und Shakespeare TOffafiSSSKS Ende gut alles gut : see All's Well that Ends Well Engel(E.) Hat Bacon die Dramen Shakespeare's geschrieben? 1 8vo 1883 (Leipzig) Engel (E.) William Shakespeare En Handbucwein (Leipzig) ... 1 duo 1897 Engel (J. J.) Ideen zu einer Mimik (Reutungen) ... ... 2 duo L804 Engel (J. J.) Mimik Neu herausgegeben und eiogeleitet von T. Mundt (Berlin) ... 2 dllO 1845 England in Shakespeare's Time : — 11941 Friesen (H. Freih. von) Altengland und William Shakspere (Shakspere-Studien, Bd. I) duo, 1874. 73963 Hooker (O.) William Shakespeare und Altengland, duo, 71SS4. 25998 Lindner (A.) Der Schwan vom Avon. Culturbilder aus Alt-England, dun, 1881. 105419 Vatke (T.) Culturbilder aus Alt-England, 8vo, 1887. Ellk (M.) Melpomene oderUberdastragisclielnteresse (Wiei Erfurdt (H.) Kritische Bemerkungen Eschenburg (J. J.) Ueber W. Shakspeare (Zurich) ... Eschenburg (J. J.) Ueber den vorgeblichen Fund Shakspear- isclier Handschllften [Ireland Forgeries] (Leipzig) Essex (Robert) als Vorbild zum Hamlet LAwnVoiks-zeitung] (Benin) Etwas iiber Shakespeare : see Braegger Euripides und Shakespeare seevatke Falk (J.) Goethe ausnahempersSnlichenUmgMLgedargestelll (Leipzig) ... 1 dllO 1832 fiber zwei Stellen aus Drami n 1 8vo 1827 1 8vo VI st 10 1 duo L787 1 duo L797 1 fol L878 L92 Number, 1990 12071 797(57 27280 72640 82136 54940 25992 97445 131802 3056 L2] 7'.) 29327 29328 32547 60509 25985 70446 153022 70306 76561 11917 34559 63851 12012 90817 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Falstaff:— 25133 Analyse einer komischen und tragischen Rolle Falstaf nnd Hamlet, duo, I 57172 Konewka (P.) Falstaff und seine Gesellen. Text von Knrss, 8vo, ?1872. Farmer (E.) Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare (Basil) ... Feist (L.) Uber das Verhaltniss Hamlet's und Ophelia's [Bingenj Fernow (H.) The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London, by B. W(ilson). London, 1590 ™ n ™ in ^°?^& 1Sa * a » am Fei'Wei" (J.) On TroilllS and CreSSida APhilological Dissertation (Dnesseldorf) Fiedler (C.) Das Deutsche Theater ' L «' tsh 2 ^ti&.f 182_5, 193 " 7, Finkenbrink (Dr.) Essay on " A Midsummer Night's Dream" Part 1 (Mulheim) Fischer ( ) Eobert Greene eine litterarhistorische Abhandlung (Erfurt) Fischer(K.)Shakespeare'sCharakterentwicklungEichardsIIL (Heidelberg) No. of Vols. Size. Date. [Review] 1 8vo 1800 1 duo 1877 1 4to 1885 1 duo 1869 1 8vo 1875 1 8vo 1884 1 4to 1859 1 duo 1868 1 8vo ?1868 1 duo ?1895 2 duo 1863-64 1 duo 1865 1 duo 1 788 1 duo 1862 1 8vo 1860 Fischer (K.) Shakespeare und die Bacon-Mythen (Heidelberg) . Flathe (J. L. F.) Shakspeare in seiner Wirklichkeit (Leipzig) . Fletcher (J.) : seeDeiius Flii- (A.) Briefe iiber Shakespeare's Hamlet amisbmcki Flogel (C. F.) Geschichte des Groteskekomischen l>i ' ] ;!\l'^:' Flogel's Geschichte des Grotesk-Komischen K. > w?Ebding t (Us7p3 Fontane (T.) Aus England ^^''iS&^Sft^ 1 ^?^"* 8 ^ .'. Fools, Shakespeare's : — 79762 Ilayn (A.) Uber Shakespeare's Narren, 8vp, 1880. 72669 Lorm(H.) Die Shakespeare-Narrer [in Diogenes ini Tintenfass, pp. 130-140] duo, 1878. Ford (John) Works relating to :— 97446 John Ford, ein Zeitgenosse Shakespeares, 4to, V1860. 97205 Wolff (M.) John Ford ein Nachahmer Shakespeare's, Svo, 1SS0. France : — 29511 Gottschall (R.) Shakspeare-Studien in Frankreich [ from Blatter fiir literarische Unterhaltunal 4to, 1865. 24850 Hamlet auf der franzbsischen Biihne [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1848. 38578 Loen (A. Freili. v.) Die Shakespeare-Kenntniss im heutigen Frankreich [ from, Internationale Revue] Svo, 1866. 4387 Lotheissen (F.) Shakespeare in Frankreich [in Literatur in Frankreich, pp. 1S5-204] 8vo, 1872. :;6S48 Prolsz (R.) Shakespeare in Frankreich [ from Die Grenzboten] Svo, 1881. 44336 Ritter ((!.) Shakespeare in Paris [from Neue Monatsliefte fiir Dichtkunst, etc.l Svo, 1876. 97461 Shakespeare in Frankreich [Magazine Article] 8vo, ?1865. 24850 Shakespeare in Frankreich [in Morgenblatt, Nrs. 45 to 48] 4to, 1848. (Leipzig) ; • Merchant of \ enlce' Frankfurt a. M.) Francke (Dr.) Probe auseinemCommentarzuHamlet ir.emi.urg) Frank (G. Bitter v.) Konig Edward's Sohne Jmam Franklin(H. A.) Observations on Shakespeare aiKllli Franz (W.) Shakespeare -Grammatik (Hauea. s.j Fl'auen : see. Characters Frenzel (K.) Drei Komodien Shakspeare's u " ^'."^r^s'i' 'llvriini"'"' Frenzel (K.) William Shakspeare [i " Dlchter un f H ££ov») ni " pp ' 83 " 186] Frese (J.) Erganzungsband zu Shakespeare's dramatischen Wei'ken [Collier Controversy] (Berlin) Freymaun (J.) Schiller-, Shakespeare-, und Gothe'schen Frauencharaktere (Giessen) Fl'ick (Ida) : seeGarrick Friesen (H. Freih. von) Briefe iiber Shakspere's Hamlet (Leipzig) Fiiesen (H. Freih. von) Das Buch : Shakspere von Gervinus Ein Wort fiber dasselbe (Leipzig) Friesen (H. Freih. von) Ein Wort iiberShakespeare'sHistorien [KSther,] 4tO 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo duo Svo 8vo 1848 1835 1867 1900 1876 1866 1853 1869 1864 1869 1 8vo ?1873 Number. 25065 11939 11911 90818 3038 21923 31694 2i925 29329 4393 97815 42750 55000 38429 38578 60255 29332 172156 109100 24942 44415 42921 60510 70327 42749 25986 97459 56001 11958 70309 97213 27276 12059 97212 97211 60293 51389 German Shakespeariana. Friesen (H. Freih. von) Dr. Elze's William Shakspearei Ealle 1876) ll.eipy.igl Friesen (H. Freih. von) Ludwig Tieck (wiem ... Friesen (H. Freih. von) Shakspere-Studien iwien l. AlteDgland und William Shakspere -..:■. Will. Sliak pore's Drauien. Friesen (H. Freih. von) Wie soil man Shakespeare spielen v Der Kaufmans von Venedig (Kothen Fritzart (F.) War Shakspeare ein Christ? (Hew Fukla (K.) William Shakespeare Vols, 1 8vo 2 duo L93 L876 L871 3 duo L874-76 1 8vo L873 Bine ii und s'in Dtchten IMarbnrgl ,1 from Hon > (Braunscbw i Kaufmann ron \ - dem Lobei T Sdiausploli i . pp U'J 114] Funck (Z.) Inland als Shylocl Furstenau(M.)ZurGeschichtederMusikunddesTheaters G (C.)DerHandels-undKaut'niannstaii- duo duo duo duo L832 L875 ilin Shakespeaie schilderl lie Munatsliefte] (Berlin) 2 duo 186] 62 I 8vo . Gaedertz (K. T.) Zur Kennfcnis der altenglischen Biihue (Bremen) 1 Gallery, Shakspeare-Gallei'ie Illustrationen zu Shakespeare's Werkcn (Loip I Gallery, Shakespeare- Gallerie » ^ran*^ • • • 1 Gallei'V : seeoteoRetzsch Gans (E.) Der Hamlet das Ducis X^^£%B£fiS5& I Gantter(L.)DieShakespeare-LiteraturseitlS6L ', 1 Garrick (David) Work relating to : — 70308 Garrick's Memoiren [in Vor und anf den Brefcern. Schauspieler-Memoiren nach I'. Barriere'a JJibliotheque des M&noires, teutsch bearbeitet von [da Prick, Zweiter Theil, pp. (Dresden und Leipzig) duo, 1849. Garve (C.) Ueber die Eollen der Wahnwitzigen in Shakespears 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo L888 is 17 L865 Is.'il L866 Schauspielen, etc. fllil.T Vr-l'-i'llinh in I. 'uv,|. ii> ;|11- ill' 2 Theil, pp. 431-61U] (Breslau) Geblirtstag-Bucll : see Birthday Book Geigei' (J.) : seeSalvini Gelber (A.) An der Grenze zweier Zeiten ^JSMggg Gelber (A.) Shakespeare'sche Probleme PlaD ""' , f$£jj >"' Genee (B.) Der hundertjiihrige Hamlet [/rom NorduudSiidi (Berlin) Genee (E.) DieenglischenMirakelspiele undMoralitaten (Berlin) Genee (B.) Hamlet oder nicht Hamlet ? ' Genee (E.) In Sacheil HamletS [from Die Gegenwart] (Berlin) Genee (E.) Klassische Frauenbilder ^^S!!!^^^^ Genee (E.) Poetische Abende rshakespeai-e. pp. 19J-211] (Erfurt) Genee (E.) Shakespeare, SeinLeben und seine Werke (HUdburghausen) [Review of, from fiuropa Genee (E.) Shakespeare's Heimath [ from Monats : Heft. 1 Genee (E.) Geschichte der Shakespeare'sehen Drainen in Deutschland (Leipzig) ... Genius, Shakspeare's Genius iwien) ... Gericke (E.) Beitrage zur Statistik a SfflS?SSi ••• [Gericke (E.)] Eine Shakespeare-Frage -»<-• Gericke (E.) Borneo and Juliet nachsiu Gericke (B.) Shakespeare-Auffiihrungen " ... der Maiinhein Gericke (E.) Shakespeare-Auffiihrungen Sl Gericke (B.) Shakespeare's Hamlet-Quelien ,: Gericke (E.) ZueinerneuenBubnenbearbeitungdes Macbeth 1 duo 1796 1 duo 1802 1 8vo 1902 1 S V o L891 1 8vo 1^77 1 8vo L878 1 fol 1875 1 4 to 1875 1 duo 1 88 1 1 8vo L88J 1 8vo L872 1 4 to L872 L 8vo L880 1 8vo L870 2 duo L821 1 8vo ?1873 1 8vo L868 1 8vo ?1879 1 8vo VI -77 1 - ?1874 1 8vo L881 1 Bvo ?1870 194 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. 29336 4394 36842 38080 63823 97449 100628 31814 11968 41897 29528 97447 41894 42921 31787 31789 60286 24825 44423 108021 70396 97479 29511 97448 70397 27241 70.349 Germany : — 24851 Bell (W.) 1st William Shakespeare in Deutschland gewesen? [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1853. 11958 Genee (R.) Geschichte der Shakespeare'schen Dramen in Deutschland, 8vo, 1S70. 29351 Koberstein (A.) Shakspeare's allmatalicb.es Bekanntwerden in Deutschland, etc. [in Vermisclite Aufsiitze zur Litteraturgeschichte und Aesthetik, pp. 163-22i]8vo, 1858. S055 Lemcke (L. G.) Shakspeare in seinem Verhaltnisse zu Deutschland, duo, 1864. 24912 Meissner (J.) Shakespeare in Deutschland [from Magazin f iir die Literatur des Auslandes] 4to, 1875. 12197 Oechelhfeuser (\V.) Die Wurdigung Shakespeare's in England und Deutschland, 8vo, 1869. 87532 Perls (A.) Shakespeare in Deutschland [in Streifziige, pp. 69-72] duo, 1877. 97460 Shakespeare in Deutschland [from Europa] 4to, 1S65. 44330 Stahr (A.) Shakspeare in Deutschland [in Literarhistorisches Taschenbuch, 1843, pp. 1-88] Svo, ?1843. 24944 Unflad (L.)Die Shakespeare-Literatur in Deutschland, 8vo, 1880. Gerstenberg [H. W. von] Etwas Liber Shakspeare an * * 1 duo 1815 [in Vermisclite Schriften, Bd. 3, pp. 251-351] (Altona) Gerstmayr (E.) Studien zu Shakespeare's ,, Julius Casar" ium) 2 8vo 1876-77 Gerth (A.) Der Hamlet von Shakspeare (Leipzig) ... ... 1 duo 1861 Gerth (A.) Shakspeare's ,,danischer Prinz Hamlet" ... 1 8vo 1864 [from Arehiv f. n. SprailnuiJ i Braunschweig) Gervinus (G. G.) Handel und Shakespeare [Review] Zur Asthetik <1< r Tonkunat (Leipzig) Gervinus (G. G.) Shakespeare zweiteAuna [Bdn. 1, 2] (Liepzig) [Review of, frum Die Grenzboten] (Leipzig) Vierte verbesserte Auflage (Leipzig) 1 8vo 1868 1 4to ?1868 4 duo 1849-50 1 Svo 1849 2 Svo 1872 Gervinus (G. G.) Works relating to : — 29520 Bitter (C. H.) Ueber Gervinus' Handel und Shakespeare, Svo, 1869. 31813 D[evrient] (O.) ,, Handel unci Shakespeare, von Gervinus," 8vo, ?1871. 12042 Friesen (H. Freih. von) Das Buch : Shakspere von Gervinus. Ein Wort iiber dasselbe, 8vo, 18(39. i'1-lirlien Verfassung, Shakspeare iiber (las I /;-".<» Bi'iljiiisi'lii.' MuiiatsehriftJ [from Beilage zur Allifeuieinen Zeitung] (Stiittgart) Gessner (T.) Hamlet (Quakenbrack) Geyer(P. J.) Studien iiber Tragische Kunst »■ DieArbrt ^^ ) e Ka,1,:,,sis Gildemeistei' (O.) Desdemona [from Bremer Sonntngsblatt] (Bremen) ... Gleichheits- System "' der bure Glossary : see Narea Goedeke (K.) Shakespeare's Sonette Goethe [J.W.von] Shakspeare und keinEnde.etc.j^o^'^^uuian:,';!': Goethe [J.W.von] Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre ^ttlar 3 * ;■','■' i ■ • • [Book V. contains an analysis anil theory of " Hamlet"] Goethe : see also Emerson, Falk, Keichlin-Meldegg, Suhlegel, Turck Goldschmidt (W.) Dramaturgische Notizen oThdioSa^'etfetej • • ■ Goltz (B.) Shakespeare's Genius [und die Trag&iie Hamlet] (Berlin) ... Gorres (J.) Die teutschen Volksbiicher (Heidelberg) Gosche (E.) Shakespeare's Ideal der Gattin und Mutter (weimar Gottesheim (E., Baron von) William Shakespeare Drama (Pragj Gottschall(E.) [EeviewofJ DieShakespearomanie.vonBenedix Gottschall(E. ) Shakspeare- Studien inFrankreich [/r Gottschall (E.) Zur Shakspeare Literatur [J Grabbe [C. D.] Das Theater zu Diisseldorf (uasseidorf) Grabbe [C. D.] UeberdifcShakspearo-Manie [Dra ^^ 2 Graetz (H.) Shylock in der Sage, ira Drama, und in der Geschichte (Krotoschin) 1 Grammar : — Blatter fur literal ng] he Blatter fur literal tJnterhaltung] 4to duo 4to duo fol Svo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo duo 4to 4to 4to duo duo 8vo 1877 1860 1861 1794 1875 1851 1851 1878 ?1870 1807 1885 1883 ?1874 1865 1873 1835 1827 1880 26446 Bronisch (P.) Das neutrale Possessivpronomen bei Shakespeare, duo, 1S7S. 93028 Claus (L.) Die einfache Form des Conjunctiv bei Shakespeare, Svo, 1878. 4.5117 Deufcschbein (C.) Shakespeare-Gramniatik fur Deutsche, 8vo, 1S82. 15514b Zweite Auflage, 8vo, 1897 153022 Franz (\V.) Shakespeare-Grammatik, Svo, 1900. 29531 Helms (G.) The English Adjective in Language of Shakspere, svo. 1808. German Shakespeariana. Number. Vols L95 4392 90809 24941 27281 29339 97472 29340 29521 31367 36830 25133 73964 44410 29311 26306 29518 31774 56002 57187 4386 26004 29313 24935 51390 12201 12057 Grammar — continued. 26454 Krickau(C) Dot Accusativ mil dem [nflnitiv in dei mdera im Zeitalter der Elisabeth, 8i o, 1877. 27277 Lohmann (0.) Die Auslassung dea Relativproi lensim Englischen mil besondei I) sicntigung der Sprache Shakespeare's, 8vo, 1879. 928!) Pfeffer(F.) Die Anredepronomina bei Shakespeare, Bvo, 1877. 26447 Rohde (D.) Has Hiilfszeitwoit to do bei Shakespeare, duo, 70323 Spekker(S.) tfberdie Kongruenz des Subjekts nod des Pre likats in der Sprache Sli ■ Svo, 1881. 30S17 Stem (G.) tfber des persbnliche Geschlecht unpersonlicher Substantiva bei Shakespean Grant(G) Shakespeare und (lieDichterseimuXrit , : , Griiser (K.) Eeniarks on Taming of the Shrew (Marion™ Gravdenkmal : see Monument Grave (A. le) Den Manen Shakespeare's zurKeier.etc. [Tercentenary] Greece : see Wagner Greene (E.) Works relating to : — 92050 Boclenstedt (F.) Marlowe uml Green als Vorlaufer Shakespeare's, [frim Wissenschaftlirhe Vortrage, etc.] duo, V1858. 54950 Fischer ( ) Robert Greene, eine litterarhistorische Abhandlung, 4to, 1859. Greverus^.P.E^UeberShakespeare'sRorneoundJuliea'i.i.i.iiuiui 1 Grirnm (H.) Fiinfzelm Essays Neue Foigo (Berlin] .. ... ... 1 pp. 18.'--j-_'4 Shakespeare's Stuim in der Bearbeltung von Dryden und Davenant. pp. 260 292 Hamlet's ( hi 1 Svo L875 1 4to L869 1 Bvo is<; I durcb Dryden und i lai ■■■ I from Morgenblatt] .is Sei hzehnten Jabrhunderts (Leipzig and Heidi Ibi des Siebzebnten Jabrhunderts i Lei] Shakespeare und seine Bthik I 8vo 8vo rakter tto duo 8vo duo din) duo duo duo 8vo duo 4to duo duo duo 8vo Grimm (H.) Shakespeares Sturm Grohmann (J. C. A.) Aesthetik als Wissenscbaft Grim (K.) 1st Hamlet toll? [/roni Orion] (Hand Griin (K.) Kulturgeschichte Griin (K.) Kulturgeschichte Gruudlinien zu einer Theorie der Schauspielkuust - Griiner (F.) Aphorismen und Scenen aus Shakespeare's werken Gl'iiner (F.) Lebens- Und Denkbucll ausShakspearsWerken[Carl6ruhc]... Gl'Uppe (O. F.) Ariadne MetogischcKunstderGriechen (Beilin) Guizot (F.) und Chasles (P.) Shakespeare ^Zl^'y^'^X^--- Gumlich (Dr.) Ueber Shakespeare (Berim) Giinther (M.) A Defence of ' Eomeo and Juliet (Ha»s saxonum) Gutzkow (K.) Eine Shakspearefeier an der Ilm (Leipzig) Gutzkow (K.) HamletinWittenberg [ '' ,Allg, - m '- i ^ t i ;i;',^ l , 1 ; , ;.' i :':'' 1 ' l ' !,: 1,s| TT fT?f \ ftlTTrl/~,f.L- uml das neunte und zehnte Gebot I Im-in Mittheihmgen fur die XJ.. \pi.) Oll^lUOii evangelisuhe Kirche in Russland] I Haan (M. P. de) : see Timon (Dr.) pseud. Haase (F.) : see Perels Haeusser (F. E.) Shakspear's Julius Caesar '"'" :llXZZ:il'\ ' M " Hagen (F. H. von der) Die Nibelungen (Breaiau) Hagen (H. von) Ueber ,,Ende gut Alles gut" (Hau« ».s.i Hageua (C.) Berichtigungen Hagena (C.) Die Shakspeare-Studien'" 1 " 1 ' Hager (A.) Die Grosse Shakspeare's (Freiburg imBr. Hamlet : — 602S1 Almanac Getiealoguiue pour 1779 [contains Illustrations, tie., lo Ilamletj duo, H779. •25133 Analyse einer komisehen und tragischen Bolle Falstaf und Samlet, duo, 1797. 12049 Baumgart (H.) Die Hamlet-Tragodie und ihre Kritik, Bvo, 1877. 097*1 Barth (C. L.) Zur hundertjahrigen Auffiihrung dea Trauerspiels Bamlet, fol, 38160 Besser (H.) Zur Hamletfrage, Versuch einer Erklarung des SI iicks, duo, I 31633 Borne (L.) Hamlet [in Gesammelte Schriften, Zweiter Theil, pp. 172 L98] duo, 1829. 27233 Brachvogel (A. E.) Hamlet. Roman. 3 vols., duo, 1 24922 Buchwald (O.) Ueber die Figur des Geistea in ,, Macbeth" und „Haml< Bausteine, pp. 37 58] duo, L§ 19. 24918 Bulthaupt(H. A.) Hamlet [in Dramatui-gische Skizzen, pp L833 1 8*! 5 L856 1830 L863 L872 1880 L797 L809 1830 is:; I 1 855 1864 ?1876 L864 L835 ls7 J el-Tieck'schen i 'ebersetzung dea takspeare [toldenburg] dem oldenburgl cheu Gymiias c. (Oldenburgl 1 fol 1 duo 1 8vo 1 Svo 1 duo 1 duo L879 IS ID L879 '.'1 7: mi VlsiT L873 n Kleim 196 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Hamlet — continued. 2723G Carove (F. W.) Hamlel [in Neorama, Erster Theil, pp. 21-32] 8vo, 1838. 272;;7 Cams (C. G.) Hamlet [in Mnemosyne, pp. 42-4] 8vo, 184S. 27256 Clodius(C. A. H.) Ueber Shakspeare's Philosophic, besondersim Hamlet [in Urania, pp. 275-322] duo, I 92090 Creizenach (W.) Die Tragodie ,, Der bestrafte Brudermord oder Prinz Hamlet " 8vo, 1887. 7o !94 Dehlen (A.) Shakespear's Hamlet, Svo, 1883. 60234 Delius (N.) Cliettle's Hoffman und Shakespeare's Hamlet, 8vo, '.'1874. 49853 Dietrich (K.) Hamlet der Konstabel der Vorsehung, Svo, 1833. 34567 1 >oring ( A .) Shakespeares Hamlet, duo, 1S65. 6D511 Dulk (A.) Dawisons Hamlet [from Morgenblatt, Nr. ?6] 4to, 1863. 12195 Eckardt (L.) Ueber Shakspeare's Hamlet, Svo, ?1854. 60290 Eckardt (L ) Vorlesungen fiber Shakspeare's Hamlet (Dramaturgische Stiulien, I.) Svo, 1853. 4433s Eichelkraut (F.) A study of Hamlet, based on Werder's lectures, 4to, 1879. 33008 Esses (Robert) als Vorbild zum Hamlet [from Volks-Zeitung] fol, 1878. 12071 Feist (L.) tiber Das Verhaltniss Hamlet's und Ophelia's, duo, 1877. 12179 Flir (A.) Briefe iiber Shakespeare's Hamlet, duo, 1865. 60509 Francke (Dr.) Probe aus einem Commentar zu Shakspeare's Hamlet, Ito, 1848. 63854 Friesen (H. Freih. von) Briefe uber Shakspere's Hamlet, duo, 1864. 38429 Gans (E.) Der Hamlet des Ducis und der des Shakespeare [in Vermischte Schriften, Bd, 2, pp. 269-298] duo, 1S34. 60255 Garve (C.) Uber den Charakter Hamlets [in Versuehe iiber verschiedene Gegenstande aus der .Moral, etc., 2 Theil, pp. 431-510] duo, 1796. 29332 duo, 1802. 109100 Gelber (A.) Shakespeare'sche Probleme. Plan und Einheit im Hamlet, Svo, 1891. 24942 Genee (R.)Der hundertjahrige Hamlet [from Nord und Siid] svo, 1877. 60510 Genee (R) In Sachen Hamlets [from Die Gegenwart] 4to, 1875. 42H21 Genee (R.) Hamlet oder nicht Hamlet ? [from Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung] fol, 1875. 36842 Gerth (A.) Der Hamlet von Shakspeare, duo, 1861. 38580 Gerth (A.) Shakspeare's ,, danischer Prinz Hamlet " [from Archiv f. n. Sprachen] Svo, 1864. 41897 Gessner(T.) Von welchen Gesichtspunkten ist auszugehen, um einem Einblick in das Wesen des Prinzen Hamlet zu gewinnen? 4to, 1877. 3l7s7 Goethe [J. W. von] Erste Ausgabe des Hamlet [in Werke, Bd. 13, pp. 600-2] Svo, 1851. 31789 Goethe [J. \V. von] Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Werke, Bd. 15) [Book V. contains an analysis and theory of Hamlet] svo, 1851. 24825 Goltz (B.) Shakespeare's Genius und die Tragodie Hamlet, duo,?1870. 29339 Grimm (H.) Hamlet's Charakter [in Fiinfzehn Essays, pp. 266-292] Svo, 1S75. 2H521 Grim (K.) Ist Hamlet toll? [ from Orion] Svo, 1863. 56003 Grundwahrheiten in Shakespeare's ,, Hamlet " [from Erganzungsblatter] 4to, ls79. 571S7 Gutzkow (K.) Hamlet in Wittenberg [in Allgemeine Theater-Revue, pp. 97-118] duo, 1835. 107977 Hamlet als Prinz und Konig [in Heldenthateu Zauber- und Liebesgeschichten der Vorzeit, 1 Band, pp. 47-64] duo, 1837. 24850 Hamlet auf der franzosischen Biihne [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1848. 97210 Hamlet seit hundert Jahren in Berlin, 8vo, ?1878. 42968 Hardy (E.) Hamlet. Ein tragisches Charakterbild [from Frankfurter zeitgemasse Broschiiren] 8vo, 1881. 60295 Hauff (G.) Ueber Shakspeare's Hamlet [from Deutsches Museum] Svo, 1865. 4389 Hebler (K.) Die Hamletfrage [from Im neuen Reich] 8vo, 1875. 108023 Heintze (A.) Versuch einer Parallele zwischen dem sophocleischeu [Orestes und dem shakspear- ischen Hamlet, Svo, 1857. 60292 Herder (J. G.) Hamlet [in Adrastea, Bd. 2, pp. 312-317] 8vo, 1801. 60506 Hettner (H.) Ueber Hamlet. Erne Skizze [from Unterhaltungen am hauslichen Herd] Svo, 1853. 36896 Hirschfeld (Dr.) Ophelia. Eine Monographic, duo, 1881. 60282 Hoffmann ( ) Studien zu Shakspeare's Hamlet [from Archiv f. n. Sprachen] Svo, ?1848. 70435 Hollandische Biihne und Hollandischer Hamlet [in Theater-Kalender, pp. 16-23] duo, 1780. 60297 Hiiser (Dr.) Noch ein Wort iiber Hamlets Monolog : Sein oder nicht sein ! [from Archiv f. n. Sprachen] Svo, 1S4S. 31695 Janicke ( ) Eine franzosiscbe Abhandlung iiber Hamlet, 8vo, 1853. 49871 Janicke ( ) Observations sur Hamlet, 8vo, 1858. 44397 Julius (K.) An den Herausgeber. Ueber Hamlet, [in Holtei's Monatliche Beitrage, Bd. 3, pp. 126-154] duo, 1828. 69424 Jung (A.) Hamlet, eine Schicksalstragodie [from Archiv f. n. Sprachen) svo, 1860. 3173 Karpf (C.) Die Idee Shakespeare's und deren Verwirklichung. Analyse des Dramas Hamlet, Svo, 1869. 70391 Klein (H.) Hamlet — ein Weib [from Deutsches Heini] 4to, 18S3. 14337 [Klix (G. A.)] Andeutungen zum Verstandniss von Shakespeare's Hamlet, 8vo, 1865. 97345 Knortz (K.) Hamlet und Faust, Svo, 1S8S. 24937 Kornfeld (H.) Hamlet. Zur Auffassung der Psychosen nach Shakespeare, Svo, 1878. 60296 Kostlin (K.) Shakespeare-Studien. VI. Hamlet [from Deutsches Museum] Svo, 1S07. 24910 Kostlin [K.] Shakespeare und Hamlet [from Morgenblatt] 4to, ls64. 9287 Krummacher (M.) Geschichtliche und literar-historische Beziehungen in Hamlet, Svo, 1877. 106718 Leo (F. A.) The Autograph of Rosenkranz and Guldenstern, 4to, ?1SS9. 108022 Lichterfeld (F.) Das Schauspiel im Hamlet ; — Hamlet und die Schauspieler, 8vo, ?1S70. German Shakespeariana. Zweite luflage, duo, W7. Hamlet — continued. 60230 Liebau (G.) Shakespeare-Qalerie. Hamlet. 73905 Ludwig(C ) Det neue Hamlet, 8vo, 82137 M. Uberdie Auffiihrung des I < icb A. W, Schlegels Ubersetzui 52533 Mahlke (K.) Hamlet [in Moderne Tragikomodien, pp. : 1882. 32182 Marbach (H.) Werders Hamlet- Yorlesungen i n Dii Gegenwarl 19929 Mauerhof(E.) Ueber Hamlet, Bvo, 1882. 2723S Meissner (A.) Die Unschuld der Ophelia [in Cbaraktermasken, Bd. 1., pp 149 i 3S581 Monnich (W. B.) Ophelia [in Album des literarischen Vereins, pp. 75 91 69391 Midler (J.) Die politischen Anspielungen in Shakespeare's Hamli I 26451 Neumann (II.) Ueber Leav und Ophelia, 8vo, 18(J6. 33014 Noire" (L.) Hamlet. Zwei Vortrage, duo, 69768 Oswald (E.) Hamlet und kein Ende [from i> Magazinfiii die Liteiutur den In- und lualandea 4to, 1881. 38643 P (M.) Hamlet, eine pastorale Studie [mi Evangelische Kivchi n Zeitung, Bd. 74. dp 17 I 4to, 1864. 152914 Paulsen (F.) Schopenhauer. Hamlet. Mephistophcles, duo, LI 33005 Perels (M.) Hamlet in Stettin : Haase als ' Hamlel / n Die Deutsche Schaobuhni 3260 Pries (J. F.) Ueber Shakespeare's Hamlet, duo, 27266 Prolsz (R.) Hamlet, duo, 1878. 70:is9 Reichlin-Meldegg (C. A. Freih. v.) Faust und Hamlet, Bvo Remy (Max) Kin stuck Berliner Theatergeschichte [fr >m Km..].:, i ito, I Rohrbach (C.) Shakespeare's Hamlet, duo, 1859. Saupe (J.) Shakespeare's Hamlet fiir obere Gymnasial-Classen, -v.,, Schindhelm ( ) Abhandlung iiber Hamlel . 8vo, '1866. [Schink (J. F.)] I*eber Brockmanns Hamlet, duo, 1778. Schipper (L.) Shakspeare's Hamlet, duo, 1862. Schirmer(A.) Kin weiblicher Hamlel. NTovelle, duo, L8( Schmalfeld [F.] Einige Bemerknngen zur Klektra des Sophokles mil einem Seitenblick au( Shakespeare's Hamlet, duo, 1868. .Schmidt (F. L.) : Hamlets Charakter : see Schmidt. Schmidt (R.) Hamlet. Kin Continental- fiir Laien, chin. 1878. Semler (C.) Shakespeare's Hamlet, dun, 1879. Shakespeare's Hamlet-Quellen : Saxo Grammaticus, Belleforesl und I he Hystorie of Hamblet Mit Vorwortvon R. Gericke. Herausgegeben von M. Moltke, 8vo, 1881. Sievers (F. \V.) Hamlet, duo, 1851. Sievers [E. W.] Zur Grundlegung einer neuen Auffassung des Shakspeareschen Drama's Hamlet, 8vo, ?1851. Silberschlag (C.) Shakespeares Hamlet [from Morgenblatt] 4to, i860. Silberschlag (K.) Ueber die Anspielungen auf gleichzeitige historische Ereignisse in .. Hamlet" [from Deutsches Museum] 8 vo, I860. .Statue, Die Hamlet-Statue von A. Weizenberg [from Illustrirte Zeitung] fol, 1878. Stedefeld(G. F.) Hamlet, ein Tendenzdrama Sheakspeare's, duo, 1871. Stenger (E.) Der Hamlet-Charakter, 8vo, 1883. Storft'rich (D. B.) Psychologische Aufschliisse iiber Hamlet, dun, 1859. Struve (H. von) Hamlet. Eine Charakterstudie, 8vo, 1876. Studie iiber Hamlet [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1S63. 69777 Teichmann (E.) On Shakespeare's Hamlet. 4to, 1880. 60284 Tieck, Kritische Beleuchtung der Ansichl L, Tieck'i Hamlet, Act III. Sc. 1, 8vo, 1847. 24943 Thiersch (C) Medicinische Glossen zum Hamlet [from Nord und Sttd] Bvo, 1878. OOjo.'i Trahndorff (Prof.) CTeber den Orestes der alten Tragodie und den Hamlet des Shakespeare, 8vo, 1833. 31770 Tschischwitz (B.) Shakspere's Hamlet, 4to, 1867. 3069 Tschischwitz (B.) Hamlet [Shakspere-Forschungen, I.) duo, 105318 Tiivck (H.) Das psychologische Problem in der Hamlet-Tragbdie, Bvo. 1890. 97346 Tiirck (H.) Das Wesen des Genies (Faust und Hamlet) 8vo, 1888. 99332 Turck(H.) Hamlet ein Genie; 8vo, 1888. 27256 Urania fiir 1820 [pp. i.-xx., Eupfer zn Hamlel 1 duo, 1820. 92103 Vatke (T.) Teller eine Stelle im Hamlet, Ac I ". Sc. 2, Bvo, ?1870. 7032o Vining (E. P.) Das Geheimniss des Hamlel. Aus dem Englischen von A. Knoflach, duo. 1883. 156571 Vischer (F. T.) Hamlet (Shakespeare- Vortrage, Bd. l.)Svo, 31811 Vischer (F. T.) Shakspeare's Hamlet [in Kritische Gauge, pp 33005 Vogeler (G.) Hamlets Charaktei [from Die Deutsche Schaubiihne 3vo 72680 Wendt (A.) Ueber Wolff's Hamlel [in Reise- und Lebens-Skizzen, von Heinse, Theil 1, pp. 87 124] duo, 1837. 26002 Werder(K.) Yorlesungen iib v Shakespeare's Hamlet, duo, 1875. 29376 Wolffel (H) Ueber Shakespeare's Hamlet [in Album des Literarischen Vereins in Niirnbergfiir 1853, pp. 62 128] 8vo, I 25061 Zaubitz(H. M.) Shakespeares Hamlet [from Morgenblatt] Ito, 1869. 33019 Ziegler(F. W.) Hamlets Charakter, duo. i 11946 Zinzow(A.) Die Hamletsage, 8vo, 1-77 60508 3053 31768 42893 69430 3301 31691 60504 25059 12193 60293 29314 147605 32714 69383 24914 12074 52534 26465 12060 32716 iiber den Monolog in Shakespeare's Handel und Shakespeare : 198 Number. 79763 36897 42968 12075 26452 51378 12194 87096 60295 137518 38169 79762 97451 38585 3062 12072 4389 3136S 89360 31750 84865 108023 42921 29531 24939 12051 12053 26003 29525 69413 3050 32717 16372 29519 12188 60292 49854 600 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Hano (E.) Some Hints about Shakespeare's Othello tseinettstadt] Hardenberg : seeNovaus Harder (A.) Die Philosophie William Shakespeare's (Magdeburg) H„,.;U, /T? \ TT„w 1 1 Q + EintragisehesCharakterMldU/rom Frankfurter zeitgeniiisse aiCly (Hi.) Hamlet Broschuren] (Frankfurt a. M.) Haring (G. H.) Die Bliithezeit des englischen Drama's (Hamburg) Hartmann (E. von) Borneo und Julia (Leipzig) Hartmann (E. von) Studien und Aufsatze (Benin) Hassbach (W.) Jago in Shakspere's Othello und die Erkiarer ... tt i_i /A \ CI,™ l.^^^sn-..^ m-i/^ [irtUnterhaltungun am hanslichen Hathaway (Anna) bhakspeare una Herd, PP . 533-4] (Leipzig) ••• Hauff (G.) Ueber Shakspeare's Hamlet Hauptvogel (F.) Das grosse Geheimnis ! Hausig (F.) Christ und Jude [Snyiock] (Benin) .. Hayn (A.) tlber Shakespeare's Narren (Konitz) Haynel (E.) William Shakespeare No. of Vols. Size. 1 8vo [from Deutsches Museum] (Leipzig) (Shakespeare Oder Bacon! iLeipzis, fte.t I from Magazin fur die Literacur des Auslandes] Hazlitt(W.C.)Shakespeare's Jest-Books ; &1K ffi%fl£ggF* Hebler (C.) Aufsatze iiber Shakespeare (Bern) Zweite Ausgabe (Bern) . Neues Schweizerisuhi Museum] (Bern) (Bern) duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 4to 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo duo 8vo 8vo fol 8vo 8vo Date. 1880 1869 1881 1875 1874 1876 ?1860 1864 1865 1896 1878 1880 91870 1864 1865 1874 1875 1863 1854 1876 1886 ?1857 1875 1868 1861 Hebler (C.) Die Haillletfrage [fromlm neuen Reieli] (Leipzig) Hebler (C.) Ueber die Charaktere in Othello [fr Hebler (R. A. C.) Shakspeare's Kauffmann von Venedig Heine (H.) Shakspeare's Miidchen und Frauen Heinemann (H.) Shylock und Nathan (Frankfurt a. m.j Heintze (A.) Versucheiner Parallele ^ZSSS^SSB&°^Sn Helhvald (F. v.) Shakespeare in Holland ^Ttun^tSt^eTc!)" 6 " Helms (G.) The English Adjective in the Language of Shakspere (Bremen) Henneberger (A.) Die Shakespeareauffiihrungen in Weimar [from Die Gtrenzboten] (Leipzig) Henry the Fourth : — 72668 Bothe (F. H.) Heinrieh IV. auf ilem Mannheimer Theater [in Janus, pp. 201-5] Svo, 1337. 3048 Struve(E. A.) Stutlien zu Shakspeare's Heiurich IV., 4to, 1851. Henry the Fifth :— 26456 Schmeding (G. A.) Essay on Shakspere's Henry V., Svo, 1874. Henry the Eighth : — 97208 Delius (N.) Fletcher's angebliche Betheiligung an Shakespeare's King Henry VIII., 8vo, ?1879. Hense (C. C.) Beseelende Personification ^J^S^m^S^ 2 8vo ?1874- 77 Dichter und Shaksperes([Parchim] und Schwerin) Hense (C. C.) Das Antike in Shakspere's Drama: Der Sturm 1 4to 1879 (Seliwerin) Hense (C. C.) DasSchweigenundVerschweigeninDichtungen 1 Svo 1872 Hense (C. C.) Geschichte des Sommernachtstraums Hense (C. C.) Shakespeare Uutersu ^f e ° £} d studlen Honco (C r, \ SViiker-iPnTP [in Vortrage uher ausgewahlte dramatische ense [Kj. Kj.) DilctKbpecUe Dichtungen, pp. 1-5S] (Halberstadt) Hense (C. C j Shakespeares Naturanschauung ■^JggSg 1 "* 1 Hense (C. C.) Shakspeare's Sommernachtstraum (Haiie) Horliat /Dr\ RVnVcnpvp Bme hiogniphische Skizze [from Altpreussische eiUSL {±JL.) OUclKbpeie Monatsschrift] (KSnigsberg in l'r.) [Herder (J. G. von)] Shakespear m *'£!%!^ i $£SS$^ ... Herder (J. G.) Shakespear [in Adrastea, m. n., PP . 312-333] (Leipzig) Hei'ing (C.) Zum Festeinlauten Schiller-Shak^eare-HumDoldtpPhilB^elphia] Hermann (E.) Drei Shakespeare-Studien (Eriangen) ... 1. Sommernachtstraum. 2. Shakespeare tier Kampfer (Abth. 1. Shakespeare wider John Lylv. Abth. 2. Shakespeare wider Ben Jouson (Tempest und Volpone); Shakespeare und Spenser (Willy und Aetion) ) 8vo ?1850 8vo 1884 duo 4to 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 1856 1865 1851 1864 1773 1801 8vo ?1859 2 duo 1877-79 Number. 3315 97474 74024 89363 49869 78057 25058 72664 60506 46012 103721 50396 50396 3043 27285 27267 41895 36896 27269 73963 38159 60282 44334 79679 29532 44395 33018 33012 29312 38593 31359 25990 27273 26310 87096 3051 24929 31644 German Shakespeariana. Hermann (E.) Em Wort zur weiteren Begriindung und Berichtigung meiner Auffassung dea Sommernachstn No. "i Vote, size. Hermann (E.) Erganzungen und Berichtigungent Hermann (E.) Shakespeares Dichtungen, ' Hermann (E.) Weitere Beitriige zuShakespeares literarischen Kampfen (Erlangen) ]:.l. i. Ulgameine Uebersiclrl 2 D lemischi tl ler Lustlgen Welber von W Herri c fH ^ Dip Mpiniucrpr 'hre Gaatspiele und deren Bedeutung Kir dag deutsuhc o y 1 -*-/ 1,1C lucmuigci Theater (Dresden) [Herrig (L.)] Die Entwicklung des englischen Drama's HpthlPT (H 1 ShnVpqnpnvp und die historteche Tragodle [in Das Modernae xieumei v xi.j DJUUvespeaie Drama, pp. 18-10] (Brauna Hettner (H.) Ueber Hamlet Eini Heussi (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Shakspeare-Kritik "gggSgJJ" ... HeUSSlei' (H.) Francis BaCOll und seine geschichtllche StelhiE Heydrich (M.) Bericht Shakes ^haubfitaS el a!eS """ N ' h " Hick (G.) Shakespeare und Southampton Sch ^SSSaJlSSS "fuW 5116 Hiecke (B. H.) Shakspeare's Macbeth (Mersebwg) TTilo-pr<5 (J Ti \ rSlinl,-Qnpvp] Sind nicht in Shakspere noch mancbe Verse wieder- ±j.ii t,is oj . u.) [Oiuuvsptutij herzusteUen. welche aile Ausgaben des Dichters ala Prosa gi Hilgers [T. J.] Der dramatische Vers Shakspeare's ia« Hirschfeld (Dr.) K6nig Lear Eine Monographie (Danzig-Leip Hil'SChfeld (Dr.) Ophelia Eine Monographie (Danzig und Leipzig Historical Plays of Shakespeare : — •29.")30 Dissellioff (J.) Shakespeare's historische Drainen, Svo, ?1861. 90817 Friesen (H. Freih. von.) Ein Wort iiber Shakespeare's Historien, Svo. 1873, 92104 Jacoby (T.) Ein unbefangenes Wort iiber die englischen Geschichtsdramen '.'I SIM. 25999 Notizen zur historischen Uebersicht der Shakespeareschen Konigsdramen, Hoburg (Dr.) Einige Bilder und Personificationen aus Shakspere (Husumj Hocker (O.) William Shakespeare und Altengland (Benin) ... Hoffinger (J. VOn) Licht- Und Tonwellen Shakespeare, pp.136-173 (Wlen) Hoffmann ( ) Studien zu Shakspeare's Hamlet ''''^^'il.'.'V' "' Hoffmeister (H.) Imogen [tn Charakter-BiMer, pp. 17-42] [Berlin) Hofmann-Wellenhof(P.von)Sbakspere's,, Pericles "„m"h,^ Hohnen (A.) Shakspere's Passionate Pilgrim (Dusseidom Holland, Shakespeare in : «>• Heiiwaid Holtei (K. von) Beitrage ° ,ir Ge S^^ r t) Kunst ••• [Holtei (K. von)] Shakspere in der Heimath schauspiei Holtei (K. von) Sbakspear in der Heimath sens singem Homer : Horn (F.) Die Poesie und Beredsamkeit der Deutscheu (Berunj ... Horn (F.) Geschichte und Kritik der •^^SSlSSru [ n ? 8C,,landi! ... Horn (F.) Shakspeare's Schauspiele ' Horst (A.) Konig Macbeth " :il " , HoSSeilS (W.) Epilog zur Shakespeare-Feiei Hugo (V.) William Shakespeare Deutsch von a. Diezmann (Leip w "f. In ' nterhaltungen am hiiuslli In n 1 8vo I l,,, 1 duo 19! I L874 ?1874 1 88 1 L886 L88J 1 881 ' .'IM7 1 B52 L853 ?1820 lsci L846 1 8vo ?1852 2 8vo?186s-ii'j 1 duo 1882 1 duo lssi 2 duo 1 dllo 1 duo duo 8vo Svo Svo 8vo 1 8vo 1 8vo I!. -ill. pp, IS4 8] Hiilsmaim (S.) Shakspeare : SehiGeistundseim Werke Humbert (C.) Englands Urtheil iiber Moliere, etc. (Bieietoidj Humbert (C.) Moliere, Shakspeare unddi Mr* (Leipzig) Shakespeare's, Svo, duo, l>7-. 1 8vo 1872 1 duo ?1884 1 duo 1870 1 Svo ?isis 1 duo ?1882 1 Svo i 1 Svo L867 3 duo 1827-28 l s V(l ?1840 I duo L840 I svo L822 1 duo L819 5duolS23-31 I duo '1880 I Bvo 1864 I S V o L864 1 8vo L864 I duo 1 8vo I 1 Svo L869 200 Number. 9288 56004 60297 29349 27279 46013 32548 26309 42938 147813 27286 29527 70320 4390 92104 27254 25025 26288 100633 31695 49871 42928 108025 56005 36929 27243 33007 44397 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Humour : — 4398 Ehrlich (J. R.) Der Humor Shakespeares, 8vo, 1878. Himdt (E.) TJber ShakspeareS Sturm und Sommernaehtstraum (Dramburg) Hiirte (N.) Historie von Borneo und Julie (Reutimgen) Hiiser (Dr.) Uber Hamlets Monolog : B ^ T ffi#&J8 M " ■■• Inland (A. W.) Meine theatralische Laufbahn rwien) Ihering (R. von) Der Kampf urn's Eecht sechste Aunage (wienj ... Ihne (W.) Shakspere's „ Merchant of Venice "Notes ana Emendations Illustrations : see Gallery, Ruhl Immermann (K.) Dramen und Dramaturgisches iD«sseidorf) Tv^m/.i.mnnv! /1\ \ flvo KKq Dramaturglsche Erlnnerungen [in Tasohenbuch drama- -Lllimei llldllll {l-\.f Vjld/UUt) t j scller originalieu. heraus. von Franck, pp. i-cxii.J (Leipzig Immermann's, Aus einem Briefer™ BiatterfuruterariBcheunternaitung] Ireland Forgeries : — 42925 Eschenburg (J. J.) Ueber den vorgeblichen Fund Shakespearischer Handschriften, duo, 1797 8486S Vorbrodt ( ) Ireland's Forgeries, 8vo, ?1885. Isaac (H.) On the pronunciation of Shakspere (Barmenae) No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1878 1 duo 1871 1 8vo ?1848 1 duo 1799 1 duo 1880 1 8vo ?1820 1 duo 1843 „1 duo 1838 1 4to 1842 (Barmen) [with different title page] 4to 4to 8vo duo 8vo 1874 1875 ?1880 1827 1874 1 8vo 91864 Isaac (H.) Zu den Sonetten Shakspere's Jacob (K. G.) Walter ScOtt [ShakespWe, pp. 106-119] (KOhn am Rhein) ... Jacoby (H.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig Urom ° L t& b " te " 1 ••• Jacoby (T.) Uber die englischen Geschichtsdramen Shake- speare's Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-GeselJschaft: s<* societies Jameson (Mrs.) Frauenbilder *™™i^V%t£l?aZ%) D,,utsc " ••• Jameson(Mrs.)Shakspeare'sFrauengestalten ue ^^ Supplemeutband | Bielefeld) __ Shakspeare's Werke, iibersetzt von Ortlepp. Supplemeutband (Bielefeld) Jameson (Mrs.) Shakspeare's Female Characters Se ,Xiefeid) 0n Jiinicke( )Eine franzosische Abhandlungiiber Hamlet (Grauaenz) Janicke( ) Observations sur Hamlet (Potsdam) Jeniscll (D.) VorleSUllgeil fiber aieMeisterwerke der griechischenPoesie (Berlin) Jest-Books : seeHazlitt John (A.) Notizen zu Shakespeares ,, Julius Casar" (Amstaat) John (Dr.) Drama and Dramatists of England (Noranausenj ... Jonson (Ben) Works relating to : — Baudissin (W. Graf von) Ben Jonson und seine Schule, 2 vols., Svo, 1836. Hermann (E.) Shakespeare wider Ben Jonson (Tempest und Volpone) [T>vei Shakespeare- 1 duo 1834 1 duo 1840 1 duo 1840 1 duo 1843 1 8vo 1853 1 8vo 1858 2 duo 1803 1 Svo 1873 2 Svo 1848-62 31356 11953 Studien,' II. Abth. II.] duo, 1S7 72663 Scharf (L.) Shakespeare and Ben Jonson 8vo, 1881. 32647 - 108028 :!4841 in Chips from Bnglisgh (sic) Literature, pp. 55-87] [mj Literary Impressions, pp. 55-87] Svo, 1881. Vatke (T.) Ben Jonson in seinen Anfangen, duo, ?1880. Werner (O.) Die Elisabethanische Biihne nach Ben Jonson. 1 Teil. Svo, ?1S64 Jordan (W.) Arthur Arden Schauspiel (Frankfurt a. M.) Jost (J. M.) Worterbuch zu Shakspeare's plays (Benin Jubilee, Shakspeare-Jubilaen Julius (K.) An den Herausgeber Julius CaBsar : — 79043 Asch (M.) Shakspere's and Voltaire's Julius Caesar compared, Svo, ?1881. Behne (H. F. T.) Comparaison entre ,, le Jules Cesar" de Voltaire et celui de Shakspeare, Svo, 1872. Biichler (H.) Shakspeare's Dramen in ihrem Verhaltnisse zur Griechischen Tragodie in besonderer Hinsichtauf ,, Julius Ciisar", 8vo, 1856. Bulthaupt (H. A.) Julius Caesar [in Streifziige auf dramaturgischem und kritischem Gebiet, pp. 120-134] 8vo, 1879. Domes (L.) Uber Shakspeare's Ciisar, diu, 1S65. in England \jruiu Magazin fur die Literatui de Auslandes (Berlin) Ueber Hamlet [in Holtei's Monatliche Beitrage, Bd. ;:, pp. 126-164] (Berlin] • • duo 1872 duo 1840 4to 1864 duo 1828 3S455 26453 German Shakespeariana. Numlit 69124 96140 24930 24926 3173 29524 31816 45115 11945 32711 29529 70304 70384 70391 62812 201 Julius Usesar — continual. 42895 Ebinger (Dr.) (Jeber Shakespeare - Julius Casar, Bvo 4304 Gerstmayr (E.) Studien zu Shakespeare's Julii m Haeusser(F. E.) Shakspear's Julius Caesar. Objective Dramatii L08025 John (.V.) Notizen zu Shakespeares „Julius Casar", Svo, L£ 99891 Mori (II.) Die Casartragodien Voltaire's und Shakspere -, Bvo, i 82138 Peters (.1.) [Jeber die Voltaire'sche Uebersetzung des Juliu I 26460 Philipp (Dr.) On Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, duo, 24789 Prolsz (R.) Julius Casar, duo 38412 Schlegel(J. B.) Vergleichung Shakespeare und Andreas Gryphs bej Geh nb.-ii einerl setzung von Shakespears Juhus Casar, Berlin L741 [tnWerke, Bd. HI., pp. a7-0J duo 72000 Schmid(E.) Worterbuch zu Shakespeare's Julius Caesai 79748 Schneeberger (H.) Schillers Tell und Shakespeares Julius < 19872 Sch6ne(F.) Ueber Shaksperes Julius Casar, Svo 16314 Sievers(E. W.) Julius Casar (Shakspeare's Dramen, Hi duo, L851. 703SS Tetschke (Dr.) Einleitung zu Julius Caesar, Bvo 443k) Wiarda(Dr.) Bemerkungen zu Shakspeares Julius Caesar, Bvo, i>.70. 79765 Wilken(Dr.) Study of Shakspeare's Works, with Particular Regard to Julias Caesai jvo 29381 Wolffel(H.) Ueber Shakespeare's Julius Casar [in Album desLiti fur 1863, pp. 93-148] svo, 1S63. 92083 Zollmann(W.) Marcus Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Caesai JlUlg (A.) Hamlet, eine ScnieksalstragOdie [/rum Archivr.n, oscuwelg Kaim (F.) Shakespeares Macbeth > Kaiser (V.) Macbeth und Lady Macbeth ibd Karpeles (G.) Im Foyer Karpf (C.) Die Idee Shakespeare's KauflUann VOn Venedig : see Merchant of Venice Kaulbach's (W. v.) Shakspeare-x77. 60384 [Review of, bj Delius, 72669 Lorm (H.) Eonig Lear [in Diogenes im Tintenfass, pp. 105 111] duo, 187S 90771 [Liibker (F.)] Sophokles' Oedipus und Shakspeare's I. ear. 8vo 26451 Neumann (H.) Ueber Lear und Ophelia, Svo, I S7076 Richter (J. .1.) Oidipus und Lear. Kiue Studie zur Vergleichung Hi ikspeare's uiit Sophokles -' vols., Svo, 18S4 ;>. 31692 Rotseher (H. T.) Eonig Lear (Abhandlungen zur Philosopbie, etc.)8vo 1)0773 Schmidt(A.) Zur Textkritik des King Lear, 8vo, 1879. 38481 Schmidt (F.) Eonig Lear. Eine Erzahlung, dim. 32036 Schwartzkopff (A.) Gothe's Faust und Shakespeare's Eonig Lear, Bvo, 1637s Sievers(E, W.) Konig Lear, duo, 1851. 16315 Stark (C.) Eonig Lear. Eine psychiatrische Shakespeare-Studie, duo, 156573 Vischer(F. T.) Konig Lear (Shakespeare- Vortrage, lid. 3) - 2937s Wolffel (II.) Ueber Shakespeare's Konig Lear [mi Album des literarischen Vereins in Nttn fur 1S55, pp. 3-65] 8vo, 1S55. 87535 Wotzel (Dr.) Ideal des Tragikers (a) in der Rolle des Eonigs Lear I i sein< rdelin [in Theaterschule, pp. 136-144] duo. 1818. Kings, Shakespeare's : see Knauer Klaar (A.) Geschichte des modemen Dramas Klanke ( ) Ehrenrettung Shakespeare's iDuisburgi ... Klein (H.) Hamlet — ein Weib I L883 1 1.-,-:; 1 Klein (J. L.) Geschichte is Koch (M.) Shakespeare Supplement zu den Werken des Dichters (Stuttgai ... Kock (T.) Ueber Shakespeares Macbeth [ '''"''' ^^i h Z'n:r' h '' s vni dem Fon Jurisprudeliz. (Wurzburg) [Mit Nacbwort. Englisehe Stu (Heilbronn) Kohler (J.) Shakespeare Kokemiiller (A.) Twelve Months in England l81 ' ;,k ' ^•"'";,, I .' 1 i ; ill 1 " Kolbing (E.) [Review of] Eetsch's Outlines " Kouewka (P.) Falstaff und seine Gesellen Text von kuiz (strassburg Konig (G.) Der Vers in Shaksperes Dramen istrassburg) Koenig (H.) William Shakspeare EmKoman (Leipzig) Koenig (W.) ' As You Like It ' Konig (W.) Shakespeare aJsDieh1 Konigsdramen, Shakespeares Koppel(R.) [Keviewof] Shakspeare, vonK.Elze '" "" ^ggjj Koppel (R.) Textkritische Studien ueber den Xitel [in Archiv fur Lil gescbichte, Bd. 2, p. 500] (Leipzig) r. Weltweiser und Cbrist (Leipzigl n Morgenblatl ] (Stuttgarl und Muni lii u Studiei onn it'" r . Richard III." und .. Kirn; Lear " i In ■ sden) [Review of, by Dulius] [from Anglia] • • ■ Komfeld (H.) Hamlet Zur Au«assung der Psychosen nach Shakespeare (Berlin) Korting (G.) Gescbichte der Englischen Litteratur (Munsteri. \v.\ Kosting (K.) Shakespeare einWintern^hts^^DramatischesGedlcbt Kostlin (K.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig (Tubingen) ... Kostlin (K.) Shakespeare- Studien VI - Hamlet iy«m Deutsci.es Museum] Kostlin [K.] Shakespeare und Hamlet [from Morgenwatt] (Stuttgart) Krauss (F.) Shakespeare und seine Sonette ... Krauss (F.) Shakespeare's Selbstbekenntnisse iweimarj • ... Kreyssig (F. [A. Th.] ) Shakspeare-Anthologie (Leipzig) Kreyssig (F. A. Th.) Shakespeare-Cultus (Eibingi Kreyssig (F. [A. Th.] ) Shakespeare-Fragen (Leipzig) [Review] ... Kreyssig (F. [A. Th.] ) Voiiesungen iiber Shakspeare (Berimi Kreyssig (F. [A. Th.] ) Vorlesungen iiber Shakespeare Dv % e et mT Krickau (G.) Der AccusativmitdemInfinitiv inde, ' e ,S^ prache Kriebitzsch (K. T.) William Shakespeare seluie % n er ZVetcT Werke Krummacher (M.) Shakespeare's Hamlet fEibeiteid) ... Kuchenmeister(F.) Von Shakespeare demThierkenner[/™»i Die Gegenwart] KlieUZel (H.) William Shakespeare [Tercentenary] (Darmstadt) Kugler (F.) Shakspeare's Biihne und Kimstform, 1 ;",^; Kugler (F. H.) ,,Der Kaufmann von Venedig t/rom Die Gegenwart] Kiihn (C.) Ueber Ducis in seiner Beziehungzu Shakspere Kiihne (F. G.) Deutsche Manner und Frauen (Leipzig! Kiihne (F. G.) shakspeare alsMel,s '' 1,luiai '- vl ' ik ' r l [ I i ',: i ',J,'-:.V' ktL ''''' 2 Tlleil pp " 1_80] Kummer (C. F.) Die Jungfrau von Orleans in ^lts U cWii!r) ak ^r Kurnik (M.) Ein Menschenalter Theater-Errinerimgen "gjjjffi 1 No. of Vols. Size. Dale. 1 8vo 1865 1 8vo 1863 1 8vo 1879 8vo ?1885 fol 1864 8vo 1888 duo 1882 8vo 1858 sum Jain 17.::. 1 duo ?1884 1 8vo 1864 1 8vo 1883-84 1 duo 1869 1 8vo 187S 1 8vo ?1872 1 8vo 1888 2 duo 1864 1 8vo 1872 1 8vo 1873 1 4to 1864 J 1 8vo 1878 1 8vo 1877 1 8vo VI 877 1 8vo 1878 1 8vo 1887 1 duo 1864 1 8vo ?1882 1 8vo 1867 1 4to 1864 1 8vo ?1878 1 8vo 1882 duo 1864 8vo 1864 duo 1871 8vo 1871 8vo 1862 36 2 duo 1877 1 8vo 1877 1 duo 1887 1 8vo 1877 1 4to ?1879 1 duo 1864 1 Svo 1854 1 4to 187S Svo L875 duo 1853 duo 1838 1 1 1 1 8vo 1874 1 Svo 1882 Number. 38578 94407 26464 143100 42866 4441:] 99894 32550 41401 107980 29533 5255 7 44425 44341 27244 89361 103916 33013 3055 148460 16361 38381 106718 3047 26001 82427 49985 148482 82426 29539 26450 56008 32181 LQ8022 12077 12078 60236 26459 German Shakespeariana. Kurz (H.) Die Deutschen "V 1 " 1 ■■', ' "-'" , '" 1 '"»»»»i«'t" -"■" \ / -uimvugu [/torn Intenialloiiali Ke\ Kui'Z ill.) Nachlese I. Die Wilderei i 2 ZumSoi ii Kurz (H.) Zu Shakspeare's Leben und Schaffen KtlTZ (H.) : sa also Konewka Laehr (H.) Dip Darstellung kraokhafter I leisteszustande lu Sliaki 8|x an - Drami n - Lamb's (C.) Erzahlungen '^•|'^-i-.m.-. .„•!,-! ■,!,„■, ■i...,,,^,-.. \ / O bliakespearc s von kunzel (Darmstadt ■ ■ Lamb (K.) Shakspeare-Erzahlungen ' '"' , _:,;/,;. '„,""' :,ik Lamb's (C.) Shakespeare-Erzahlungen ' , K ., HK "' k Lamb (C.) Five Tales from Shakespeare " "" GotiV u " Lamb (C. and Miss) Six Tales from Shakspeare"'^ j|j Lamb (C. and M.) Tales from Shakspeare i ■■< Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakespeare Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakspeare Lamb (C.) Shakspeare-Panorama Lange (G.) Versuch Laube (H.) Das Burgtbeater (Leipzig) Lauter Liio-en Vol*. Size 1 i wiili Vocabularj bj I lintlior iltcrll lieraiisgegcbeii von D. Bi lulan [wltli] WmiiiiI.ii.Ii (Herllnl ii) Biographic Sliakespe ti Belnbofer (Jeverl die poetisclie Binliell del lliade zu Gestin u Kin Sendsehreilien an Goethe (Darmstadtl ■ •'■ 8vo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo [Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor, pp. Ill II] (Maimneiii ... Lautner (E. A.) Otbello's Erfolg s,-i,„,,, lk ,,,,,,„ ,,, \ u ,,u ,i..-i,,/,. Law : — 70453 Koliler (J.) Shakespeare vor dem Forum der Jurisprudent, [Mil Nachwori] Svo, 1883 12969 Osenbriiggen (E.) Shakspeare als Jurist [from Deutsches Museum] 8vo, L861. Learning of Shakespeare : seeFamer Lebriin (C.) Shakespeare Em spiel in versen (Main*) Leipzig: seeGerlcke Lemcke (L. G.) Shakspeare in seinem Verbalti Lentzner (K.) Zur Shakespeare-Bacon-Theorie iHaiie) [Lenz (J. M. E.)] Anmerkungen iibers Theater (Leipzig Lenz (J. M. R.) Gesammelte Schriften (Berlin) Leo (F. A.) Autograph of Eosenkranz and Giildenstern Leo (F. A.) BeitnigeundVerbesserungen,,.^^:^;:!;';-;;,:;;"';;;;!;,, Leo (F A) CoriolailUS Die Delius'scbe Ausgabe dieser Tragiedle kritisch beleiu-htel Leo (F. A.) Die Baco-Gesellschaft (Weiman ... Leo (F. A.) Die Tiecksche Uebersetzung des Coriolan I from Arebiv f. n. Sprachen (Brain Leo (F. A.) Eine Concordanz der Shakespeare-Noten LeO (F. A.) Readings still to be elucidated in tU. text of Shakespeare Leo (F. A.) Shakespeare's Fraueu Ideale iHaiio Lepsius (J.) Shakespeare [*"« scbauspiei mid Brume, pp. i-isj Lessing (G. E.) Works relating to : — 97454 Die Urtheile iiber Shakespeare in Lessings Dramaturgic, tto, ?1SC9. 24843 Rovenhagen (L.) Lessings Verhaltniss zu Shakspeare, Svo, 1867. ::sr.79 Sendel (K.) Lessing-Aristoteles' Verhaltniss zu Shakspere [from Archie gescbichte] 8vo, i»7l. I ptops t(± TT ^ RhnTranpnrp als Schauspielcr und Kritiker. [in Uebur Seliaiispielei L,e\\es y Vj. XI.) OUdKSptai ( und Schauspielkunst, pp. 99-121] ll^ipzlg) als Si bauspieler und Kritiker [Review of, from Buropa] Lexikon : sei Dietionaries, p. 189 Lichterfeld(F.) Das Scbauspiei im Hamlel : »ai«ici m-i •■■■■- ■-■ ..>i-.|.i.-i.-i Liebau (G ) Die Sbakespeare-Galerie « Liebau (G.) Erzahlungen aus der Shakespeare- Welt Liebau (G.) Shakespeare-Galerie Hamiet. zwcite a Liebau (G.) "William Shakespeare's Leben und Dichten Gem L866 >1880 L868 L898 L 84 2 L843 1 B8 1 1875 L863 ' 1 881 I 1 883 1843 L826. L868 L876 1 1 887 1 duo 1818 1 duo L864 1 Svo L890 1 duo 1771 3 duo L828 1 4to ?1889 1 duo L853 1 duo ISM 1 Svo ?1885 1 8vo L860 1 S V o ?1878 1 Svo ?1885 1 duo L868 1 S\ o L8S0 it im l.n 1 duo 1878 1 tto L878 1 8vo .'Is 7(> 1 diii i L878 1 duo L876 1 dllO L877 1 8 V0 204 Number. 29787 97477 82140 25998 36895 70390 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of 36796 38578 27277 26005 72669 4387 70445 4289 1 90771 44426 12056 73965 60560 62828 Kin Schauspiel, bearbeitet nach Shakespear: see Eckhartsbauseu, p. 191 niiri„t/i von F. Bodenstedt [in Llterarischc Iiiii-ksirhtslcisi^ki-iti-ii, pp. •J7'J-3U2] (Leipzig) Ms. .Size. Date. 1 duo 1871 1 4to ?1878 1 8vo 1872 1 duo 1881 1 duo ?1864 1 4to 1881 Liebrecht und Horwald Lindau (P.) Othello Lindau (P.) Shakespeares „ Wintermarchen " r/romDieGegenwart] Lindner (A.) Das Shakespeare-Jahrbuch "' TSgjgg,*" 1 * 63 - Lindner (A.) Der Schwan vom Avon [Berlin). .. Lindner (A.) William Shakspeare. Ein Schauspiel... Lingg (H.) Shakespeare und Elisabeth [from Die Gegenwart] (Berlin) Literature : see Bibliography, p. 185 Lives of Shakespeare : — 3031 Bekk (A.) William Shakespeare. Eine biographische Studie, duo, 1864. 26306 Chasles (P.) und Guizot (F.) William Shakespere, sein Leben, seine Werke, und seine Zeit, duo, 1855. 27272 Delius (N.) Per Mythus von Shakspere, 8vo, 1851. 9291 Diehl [J. A.] Vue d'ensemble sur la vie de Shakespeare d'apres ses oeuvres, 4to, ?1870. El/.e (K.) William Shakespeare : see Elze, p. 191. Frenzel (K.) William Shakspeare [in Dichter und Frauen, III., pp. 83-186] duo, 1866. Fuldah (K.) William Shakespeare, sein Leben, etc., duo, 1875. [Review of, from Monatshefte] 8vo, 1870. 76561 24923 31 694 25986 97459 29519 74024 21 13 10 S7096 77663 89356 26464 72659 •26459 103204 24910 97441 11944 25995 76553 72689 24924 Genee (R.) Shakespeare. Sein Leben und seine Werke, duo, 1872. [Review of, yVn/ii Europa Chronik] 4to, 1872. Eine biographische Skizze [from Altpreussische Monatsschrift] 8vo, lergebrachten Shakespeare-Biographie. Herbst (Dr.) Shakspere. 1S04. Hermann (E.) Erganzungen und Berichtigiingen 2 vols., 8vo, L884. Hugo (V.) William Shakespeare. Deutsch von Diezmann, 8vo, 1864. - [Review of, in Unterhaltungen am hauslichen Herd, pp. 434-6] Svo, 1S64 Koch (M.) Shakespeare, duo, ?18S4. Kriebitzsch (K. T.) William Shakespeare, sein Leben und seine Werke, duo, 1887. Kurz (H.) Zu Shakspeare's Leben und Schaffen, duo, lsos. Leben des Wilhelm Shakespear [in Her Brittische Plutarch, Bd. 3, pp. 1-2S] duo, 1765. Liebau (G.) William Shakespeare's Leben und Dichten, 8vo, 1S73. Meurer (K.) Shakespeares Leben und Werke, Svo, ?1882. Meyer (J.) Das Leben Shakspeare's, duo, 1824. Neue Data zu Shakespeare's Leben, 4to, 1881. Rio (A. F.) Shakespeare, duo, 1864. Saupe (J.) Shakespeare's Lebens- und Entwicklungsgang, duo, 1867. Schmid (C. H.) Shakspear [in Biographie der Dichter, 2 Theil, pp. 1-147] Svo, 1770. Shakespeare [in Gallerie interessauter Personen, Bd. 2, pp. 326-333] (Berlin) duo, 1799. Shaw (T. B.) Shakespeare's Leben und Werke, duo, ?1874. 25987 Sievers (E. W.) William Shakespeare. Sein Leben und Dichten. Bd. 1, duo, 1866. [Locher (F.)j Othello, der Justizmohr von Venedig (Bern) Loen(A.Freih.v.)DieShakespeare-Kenntnissi;;;!^ 1 Lohniann (O.) Die Auslassung des Kelativpronomens im Englisclieil rait uosonderer Beruecksichtigung der Sprache Shakespeare's (Halle a S) Lohse (L.) Anthologie aus Shakespeare fflrmeiiies.biiier(Piaueni.A'.) London : — 29511 Rodenberg (J.) Kin Tag in Shakespeare's London [from Die Garfcenlaube] 4to, 1864. 27255 Rodenberg (J.) Shakspeare's London [in Stndienreisen in England, pp. 67-112] duo, ls72. 97471 Shakespeare's Stellung in London [Review of Bodenstedt's William Shakespeare] Svo, ?ls72 1 Svo 1867 1 8vo 1866 1 Svo 1879 1 Svo 1876 I pp. 1 or.-l ] 1 K.'mii; bar; pp. l"n 1 In I>i. Sliakespere-Xarreii.] (Leipzig) Lorm (H.) Diogenes iin Tintenfass Lotheissen (F.) Shakespeare in Prankreich l '''\; t i :'Vi-^ l i 1 VAvi, k Mi' id '' Lua(A.L.)UeberShakespeare's,, Kaufmann von Venedig" iDauzigj Lua(A.L.)William Shakespeare Eine Kestrede (Danzig) [Lubker(P.)J Sophokles'OedipusundShakspeare'sLear iParcwmj LuCl'eCe : see Wiirznei Luden (H.) Grundziige asthetischer Vorlesungen (Gouingenj ... Liiders (P.) Beitriige zur Erklarung von Othello (Hamburg) ... Ludwig (C.) Der neue Hamlet (Zurieiu... Ludwig (O.) Shakespeare-Studien Ludwig (O.) Shakespeare-Studien Aus ilcin Saclilasse des Dichtera (Leipzig) Herausgegeben von M. Heydriub (Nat-Mass- sehriften O. Ludwig's, Bd. 2) (Leipzig) duo 1878 Svo 1872 duo 1866 duo 1864 Svo 1861 Svo duo 8vo duo duo 1808 1863 1885 1872 1874 German Shakespeariana. Number. 87073 38584 38457 52533 72682 26197 32182 26460 89355 32652 24931 ,l.-r I i Shakgpere'ai hen Dmmen [Httllel I 8vo L868 1 8vo 1874 Lummert (A.) Die Orthographic Lustigen Weiber von Windsor : m Merry wive orwind Liitzelberger (K.) ,,Viel Larmen run Nichts." [fa Album U.-.s Llterariscben Verelna in Nftrnberg, pp i ft] Htirnberg Lyly (John) : see Hermann, p. 198 Lyi'icS : see Preisz, Steuerwald Maass(M.)UnseredeutschenDichterheroen S ,,X"' ,'.','. Macbeth : — 38586 Andree(R.) Macbethplatze in Schottland [in Nordische Revue, 2 Bd. pp. 188 in Bvo, 1804 38587 Asher(D.) ZurCharakteristik der Lady Macbeth [in Nordische Revue, 3 Bd., pp. 60283 Bedeutung der Shakespeare'schen Schicksalstragbdie, im Besonderen entwickell an Mai bath etc. [from Anzeige-Blatt] 8vo, L828. 32184 Blind (K.) Shaksperes Schicksalsschwestern [frmn Die Gegenwart) it.. 26462 Boumann ( ) Ueber die Charaktere Malcolm's und Macduff's in Shakespeare's Macbeth [from DerGedanke] 8vo, 1864. 24922 Buchwald (O.)Ueber die Figur dea Geistesin ,, Macbeth" und ,, Hamlet " in Kleine Bauatelne pp. 37-58] duo, 1S69. 51389 Oericke (R.) Zueiner neuen Buhnenbearbeitung dea Macbetli, Bvo, ?1870. 3013 Hiecke(R. H.) Shakspeare's Macbeth, 8vo, 1846. 25990 Horst~(A.)Konig .Macbeth. Eine scbottische Sage aus dem elften Jahrhundert, duo, ?1880. 96440 Kaim (F.) Shakespeares Macbeth. Bine Studie, 8vo, 1888. 24930 Kaiser (V.) Macbeth und Lady Macbeth, 8vo, 1875. 31S12 Kock(T.) Ueber Shakespeares Macbeth [from Neues Schweizerisches Museum] 8vo, 1864. 97455 Macbeth, Der gescbichtliche Macbeth [Newspaper Cutting] 8vo, 29354 Miicbler (K.) Parodieen (pp. 154-9 Macbetli) duo, L820. 703-22 Miiller-Samswegen (K.) Taubert's Oper ,, Macbeth" vom Standpuncte ties Musik-Dram . 1S5S. 79766 Munch (W.) Shakespeares Macbetli im Qnterricht der Prima. 8vo, 1884, 3C34 Porschke (K. L.) Ueber Shakspeare's Macbeth, duo, 1801. 124(144 Prblsz (R.) Macbeth, duo, 1889. 42920 Bitter (J. G.) Beitrage zur Erklarung ties Macbeth, 4io. 1 870. 26468 Schmidt (F.) Macbeth. Eine Erzahlung, duo, ?1880. 25993 Schmidt (L.) Macbeth. Eine poetische Sbakespearestudie, duo, 1873. 32036 Schwartzkopff (A.) Gothe's Faust, un. 1 Shakespeare's Macbeth, Svo, L8CS 12200 Timme(0.) Commentar iiber Macbeth, 8vo, 1873. 26007 Turkus (J. T.) ..Shakespeare's Macbeth", Svo, 1877. 156572 Vischer(F. T.) Macbeth (Shakespeare- Vortrage, Bd. 2) Bvo, 1900. 32183 Weigert(A.) Shakespeares ,, Macbeth" bei Gervinus und Kreissig, tt<>. 1^77 79040 Werder (K.) Vorlesungen/iiber Shakespeare's Macbeth, dun. 1885. 96441 Zerbst (M.) Die Drainatische Technik des Macbeth Svo, 1888 60297 Ziel (A. F.) Erklarung einer Stelle in Macbeth [from Archiv f. n, Sprachen] 8vo, 1848. Madness : — 438S 60255 29332 143100 Bemays (M.) Shakespeare als Kenuer des Wahnsinns [from Im neuen Reich], Svo, 1871. Garve (E.) Ueber die Rollen der Wahnwitzigen in Shakespears Schauspielen , in \ ersuche iibei verschiedene Gegenstande aus der Moral, etc., pp. 431-510] duo, 1796. duo, 1802. Laehr (H.) Die Darstellung krankhaf ter Geisteszustande in Shakespeares Dramen, Bi Mahlke (K.) Hanilet [tnModerneTragikomedien, pp. 103-112] Berlin Mahly (J.) Wesen und Geschichte des Lustspiels > Malone (E.) Eise and Progress of the English Stage ibmw Mannheini : see Gericke, p. 193 Marbach (H.) Werders Hamlet- Vorlesungen [/rom ^Sp"*"* 1 Marbach (O.) Shakspeare-Prometheus 1 Marcell-Jellinek (E.) Othello studie (wienj Marggraff (H.) William Shakspeare aisLei Marlowe (Christopher) Works relating to :— 92050 Bodenstedt (F.) Marlowe und Green als Vorlaufer Sbakespean Vortrage, etc.] duo, ?1858. 64313 Delius (T.) Marlowe's Faustus und seine Quelle, duo, 1881. 103957 Moinmsen (T.) Uber Shakespeare und Marlowe, 3vo 100620 Schipper (J.) De Versv Marlovii, svo, 71867. Masing (W.) Die tragische Schuld merlin Mask '. ue Portraits Svo duo Svo L882 L862 1 81 M I L875 L874 L886 L864 W ii-c liat'tlii'lie I 3vo 1872 1 ho 1 8vo 1 Svo 1 duo 206 Number. 49929 27238 31767 70392 97843 24912 34566 in fur die Li toislandes] m MagazinfurdicLiteratur les Auslandes] (Berlin) 1 duo 1862 1 fol 1881 1 8vo 1884 1 8vo 91874 1 4to 1875 1 8vo 1872 70446 90818 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. r No. of Vols. Sire. Date. MaSSlDgei' (P.) : awPhelan Mauerhof (E.) Ueber Hamlet Wp^s) 1 8vo 1882 Medicine : — 3298 Aubert (H.) Shakespear als Mediciner, 8vo, 1873. 3063 Cless (G.) Medicinische Blumenlese aus Shakespeare, duo, 1865. 974G4 Shakespeare als Mediciner [from Europa, Nr. 25] 4to, 1865. 24913 Thiersch (C.) Medicinische Glossen zum Hamlet [from Nord und Sud] 8vo, 1878. Meiningen, Germany : — 3300."! Fine Shakespeare-Auffuhrung in Meiningen [from Die Deutsche Schaubuhne] (Leipzig) 8vo,l868. Meissner (A.) Die Unschuld der Ophelia Ci % c ^ a ^^r&!i d - ll Meissner(A.)Shakspeare'sSeitenstiickztim„Wintermarchen" [.from Neue Freie Presse] (Wien) Meissner (J.) Die Englischen Coinoedianten ^S^ 1 " Meissner (J.) Shakespeare-Guriosa ' """" Mag!Uln n* «•"*»»'*■ Meissner (J.) Shakespeare in Deutschland" Meissner (J.) Untersuchungen iiber Shakespeare's „ Sturm" (Dessau) Merchant of Venice : — 38455 Alter Ego. Eine Studie zu Shakespeare *s Kauffmann, Svo, 1862. 26000 Bernhardi (\V.) Shakespeare's Kauffiiiann von Venedig, duo, 1859. 72668 Bothe(F. H.) Kauffmann von Venedig auf dem Mannheimer Theater [in Janus, pp. 201-205] Svo, 1837. 97440 Buchholz (\Y.) „Kaufinann von Venedig". Aus dem Stadtt heater zu Leipzig [ from Die Gegen- wart) 4to, ?1872. Franklin (H. A.) Observations on Shakespeare und his ' Merchant of Venice,' Svo, 1S67. Friesen (H. Freih. von) Wie soil man Shakespeare spielen? IV. Der Kaufmann von Venedig, 8vo, ?1873. 24925 Funck (Z.) Iffland als Shylock im Kaufmann von Venedig [in Aus dem Leben zweier Schau- spieler. pp. 112-114) duo, 1838. 4393 G (C.) Der Handels- und Kaufmannstaud, wieihn Shakespeare schildert [from Deutsche Monatshefte] Svo, 1876. 70349 Graetz (H.) Shylock in der Sage, im Drama und in der Geschichte, Svo. 1880. 4386 H. (Fr.) Shylock und das neunte und zehnte Gebot, Svo, 1871. 38469 Hausig(F.) Christ und .hide [Shylock] duo, 1S78. 89360 Hebler(R. A. C.) Shakespeare's Kaufmann von Venedig, duo, 1854. 84865 Heinemann (II.) shylock und Nathan, Svo, 1886. 27279 Ihering (R. von) Der Kampf urn's Kecht, duo, 1880. 46013 Ihne (W.) Notes and Emendations to ..Merchant of Venice", 8vo, ?1820. Jacoby (H.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig [from Die Grenzboten] Svo, 1874. Karpeles (G.) Das Drbild des Shylock [in Im Foyer, pp. 88-110] duo, 1878. Kostlin (K.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig. Svo. 18S2. Kugler (F. H.) „Der Kaufmann von Venedig" [from Die Gegenwart] 4to, 1875. Leipzig : Die Auffiihrung von „Kaufmann von Venedig", 4to, ?187l. 70445 Lua (A. L.) Ueber Shakespeare's ..Kaufmann von Venedig", duo, 1866. 25067 Meurer (K.) Der Sprachgebrauch in Shakspere's Merchant of Venice, 4to, ?1879. 97456 Meurer (K.) Zur Shylockfra.se [Newspaper Cutting] Svo, ?1S7<'. 38588 Nieritz (G.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig. Eine Erzahlung, duo, ?1881. 32655 Pietscher (A.) Jurist und Dichter. Studie iiber Ihering's ,, Kampf urn's Recht" und Shake- speares Kaufmann von Venedig. Svo, 1881. 52535 Plath (C. II. C.) Shakespeares Kaufmann von Venedig. 8vo, 1882. 32180 Porzia (in Shakespeare's ,, Kaufmann von Venedig") [from Europa] 4to, 1875. 31629 Prolsz (R.) Kaufmann von Venedig, duo, 1875. 50395 Rotscher (II. T.) Antonio [from Die Deutsche Schaubuhne] Svo, 1862. 3041 Rotscher (H. T.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig (Abhandlungen zur Philosophic, 4 Abth.) Svo, 1842. 36840 Ruhl (L. S.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig (Skizzen zu Shakspeare's Werken, Lief. 1.) 8vo, n838. 72665 Schmid (E.) Worterbueh zu Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Svo, 1884. 26468 Schmidt (F.) Der Kaufmann von Venedig. Eine Erzahlung, duo, ?1880. 50396 Schroder (W.) Hat Antonio nur (\en ,, Spleen", wie Gervinus sagt"? etc. [from Die Deutsche Schaubuhne] Svo, 1864. 38456 Schroder (W.) Neueres iiber Shakespeare. 1. Zum ,, Kaufmann von Venedig", 8vo, 1S50. 97476 Wedde(J.) ..Kaufmann von Venedig" [Review of Wedde's „DramatnrgischeSpahne"]8vo, ?1880. 89357 Wexel (C.) Doring als Shylock [m Theodor Doring. pp. 82 88] duo, ?1860. 26457 Wblffel (H.) Ueber Shakespeares Kaufmann von Venedigfin Allium des Literarischen Vereins in Niirnberg fur 1S62, pp. 1-58] Svo. 1862. Merry Wives of Windsor : — 89361 Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor [in Lauter Liigen, pp. 10-11] duo, 1876. 49870 Hermann (E.) Die polemischen Beziehungen der Lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Weitere Mittheilungen iiber Shakespeares literarischen Kampfen, Bd. '1) duo, 1831. 33578 Kurz (H.) Die Deutschen in den ,, lustigen Weibern von Windsor" [ from Internationale Revue] 8vo, 1866. 4390 24926 70447 32132 97452 Number. 25067 12192 103204 97456 32648 24797 24916 70393 12055 12041 90779 60293 33021 60294 24776 49855 103957 38581 26307 99891 142627 N Vol, 1 4 to ?1879 2 duo L879 1 Bvo ?1882 1 8vo 1 1 871 1 1 Bvo L863 •_> duo 1 duo German Shakespeariana. Meurer (K.) Der Sprachgebrauch in Merchant of Venioi Meurer (K.) Shakspere-Lesebuch Meurer (K.) Shakespeares Leben und Werke Meurer (K.) Zur Shylockfrage [Newspaper cuttinei Meyer (A.) Shakspeare's Verletzun< Meyer (F. L. \Y.) Friedricli Ludwig Schrodei Meyer [J.J Das Leben Shakespeare's Midsummer Niglit's Dream : — 24918 Bnlbbaupt (H. A.) Shakespeare's ,,Sommernachtstraum" [in Dramaturgische SI i en pp 90-110] duo, 1878. 32170 Der ,,Sommernachtstraum" auf cler deutschen Btihne [from Europa] )t". 1870 32136 Finkenbrink (Dr.) An Essay on "A Midsummer Night's Dream Pari I, Svo, 1884, 295*25 Hense (C. C.) Geschichte des Sommernachtstraums, s \... IS 16372 1 Tense (C. C.) Shakspeare's Sommernachl straum, Bvo, 1861, 3315 Hermann (E.) Kin Wort zur weiteren Begriindung und Berichtigung meiner Auffassung des Sommernachtstraums, 8vo, 1874. :i7474 [Review \t> 600 Hermann (E.) Sommernachtstraum (Drei Shakespeare-Studien, [)duo, 1877, 92S8 Hundt (It.) Uber Shakspeares Sommernachtstraum, 8vo, L878. 94407 Kurz(H.)Zum Sommernachtstraum [in Nachlese, pp. 24 63 26449 Midsummer-Night's-Dream. Eine Studie von (Wernigerode.) 8vo, 1S74. 9290 Proescholdt (L.) On the sources of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, ie oommernacht. Eine Jugenddichtung, duo, 1853. 97475 Was bedeutet der Sommernachtstraum ? [Newspaper Cutting] 8vo, :K<0. 70312 Wehl (F.) Zur Geschichte und Scenirung des Shakespeare'schen ,, Sommernachtstraum? Didaskalien, pp. L-16] duo, 1867. 38582 Wolffel(H.) Ueber Shakespeare's Sommernachtstraum [in Album des Literarischen Vereins in Niirnberg fiir 1852, ]»]>. 107-167] Svo, 1852. Minor (J.) und Saner (A.) Gotz und Shakespeare ^ISiSE p P " Mobius (P.) Die Deutsche Shakespearefeier (Leipzig) Mobius (P.) Shakespeare alsDichter der Naturwahrheh (Leipzig) Moeser (L.) Observations on Shakespeare's Eichard III. ihr. [ E. W.]) Ueber die Grundidee des Shakspeareschen Drama Otbell 10S024 Spandau (Dr.) Zur Kritik und Interpretation dea Shakespeareschen Othello ,"9747 Sturm (J.) Zaire und Othello. 8vo, 1^7'.'. I ot'57:j Vischer (F. T.) Othello (Shakespeare- Vortrage, Bd 3)8vo, 1901. 330UG Weisse (G.) Ober Shakespeare's Othello [from I He Deutsche Schaubuhue] 8vo, i-;i B9357 VVexel (C.) Doling als [ago [in Theodor Doling, pp. 93 L03 'Inc. 44339 Worthmann (F.) Ein Separatvotum zu Shakespeare's Othello [from Die G ro, 1878 Ovid : see DurnliOfer, p. 190 1> i "\ I \ Tl.,,.,1.,1 eine pastorale Studie [in Evungelisclic Kirchun-Z< J- \ m -) ilclUHLL, |.„| 74, pp. 473, cb Pabst (J.) Die Shakespeare-Feier i Panning (E.) Dialektisches Enghsch h : Paris : see Rittei Pasque (E.) Goethe's Theaterleitung in Weimar 11*11 Passionate Pilgrim : — 29532 Hohnen (A. Shakspere's Passionate Pilgrim, 8vo, 1867. Paulsen (F.) Schopenhauer, Hamlet, Mephistopheles i Penning (G. E.) Ducis als Nachahmer Shakespeares Perels (M.) Hamlet in Stettin Kricdri * H ThfcKK Wl Pericles : — 79679 Hofrnann-Wellenhof (P. von) Shakspere's „ Pericles" und Lillo's ,. Marina," 90772 Pudmenzky (Dr.) Shakespeares Perikles und der Apolloniusdeslleiiiiieh von Neustadt, 8vo 44404 Wilkins(G.) Pericles Prince of Tyre. A novel, L608. Founded upon Shakespeare's Play, 3vo Perkins Folio : s« comer, p. is?. Perlen aUS Shakspeare Aueinaudergereilitv i. A. ... Perls (A.) Shakespeare in Deutschland i>< <~>i ■< • i > Peters (J.) Ueber die Voltaire'sche Uebersetzung ties .) alius Caesar ... Petri (M.) Zur Einmbrung Shakespeare's h,di ' ' l l l ", l i ;i, 1 ., ..'; ' Ik ' 2 duo 1 duo L900 1 8vo L884 1 8vo L868 lnllag< Pferl'er (F.) Die Anredepronomina bei Shakespeare Phelan (J.) On Philip Massinger maiie) Philipp (Dr.) On Shakespeare's Julius Caesar >■- Philips (C.) Lokaliarbung in Shakespeares Dramen Philosophy : — II.) Ueber Shakspeare' s Philosophi heson Hamlet 1 duo L848 1 duo 1877 1 8vo ?187J 1 duo L duo 1 87 7 1 8vo 1 8vo i 878 1 duo L849 2 8vo?lfi fi I ra nia, pp. 27256 Clodius(C. A. duo, 1820. 36897 Harder (A.) Die Philosophic William Shakespeare's, duo, 186!) 3173 Karpf (C.) Die [dee Shakespeare's und deren Verwirklichung, svi 45115 Keller (T.) Die Fundamentalsatze der Sittenlehre in Shakt speare'scheii Spriichen 12183 Knauer (V.) William Shakespeare, der Philosoph der sittlicheu VVeltordnun Ihering's speare - I auspices of Shakespeare's Tel (Trli 1 8vo L88J 1 8vo 1 1 882 Pietscher (A.) Jurist und Dichter Pincherle (J.) 50 Sonnets ' Plath (C.H. C.) Shakespeares Kaufmann von Venedig i PlaUtUS : so Claus, p. is; Plays of Shakespeare :-- - 90814 Anmerkungen zu Shakspeare's dramatischen Werken. Erst Bulthaupt(H.) Shakespeare (Dramaturgic der Classiker, n Band.) Bvi Delius(N.) Abhandlungen zu Shakspere, 2 vols., ■-• Delius (N.) Die Tiech sche Shaksperekritik beleucbtet, duo, Delius (N.) Shakspere-Lexikon. Ein Handbuch zum Studiuin der Shal n Schauspieli 8vo, 1852. 62808 11948 1 1957 57181 210 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Vols. .size. Date. Plays of Shakespeare — continued. 730 Elze (K.) Abbandlungen zu Shakespeare, 8vo, L877. 43D6 El/.e (K.) Noten unil Coirjecturen zu Shakespeare, 2 vols., 8vo, v is76-s. 191 Elze (K.) Notes on Elizabethan Dramatists, 2 vols., 8vo, 1880-4. 151837 Elze (T.) Venezianische Skizzen zu Shakespeare, 8vo, 1899. 3056 Flathe (J. L, F.) Shakspeare in seiner Wirklichkeit, 2 vols., duo, 1863-4. i L942 Friesen (H. Freih. von) Shakspere's Dramen (Shakspere-Studien, Biln. 2, 3.) duo, 1S75-6. L1958 Genee (R.) Geschichte der Shakespeare'schen Dramen in Deutschland, 8vo, 1870. Gervinus(G. G.) Shakespeare : tee Gervinus, p. 194. 60286 Goldschmidt < V.) Dramaturgische Notizen [pp. 65-117, Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth,etc] duo, 1878. 3062 Hebler(C) Aufsatze iiber Shakespeare, duo, 1865. 12072 Zweite Ausgabe, duo, 1874. 3050 Hense (C. C.) Shakspeare [in Vortrage iiber ansgewahlte dramatische Dichtungen, pp. 1-58] duo, L856. 3s459 Hoffinger (J. von) Licht- uud Tonwellen [Shakespeare, pp. 136-173] duo, 1S70. 31359 Horn (F. Shakspeare's Schauspiele, 5 vols., duo, 1823-31. 3051 Hiilsmann (E.) Shakspeare. Sein Geist and seine Werke, duo, 1856. 10;;722 Konig ((i.) Der Vers in Shaksperes Dramen, Svo, 1888. L2034 Kreyssig (F.) Vorlesungen iiber Shakspeare, 3 vols., dun, 1862. 11951 Kreyssig (F.) Vorlesungen iiber Shakespeare, 2 vols., duo, 1S77. ' Kriebitzsch (K. T.) William Shakespeare, sein l.eben und seine Werke, duo, 1S87. 113100 Laehr(H.) Die Darstellung krankhafter Geisteszustande in Shakespeares Dramen, Svo, 1898. :;047 Leo (F. A.) Beitrage und Verbesserungen zu Shakespeare's Dramen, duo. 1853. 12077 Liebau (ie Shakespeare-Gal erie, duo, ls7s. 82133 Oei lielhauser (\V.) Einfuhrungen in Shakespeares Buhaen- Dramen, 2 vols., Svo, 1885. 60288 Petri (M.) Zur Einfiihrung Shakespeare's in die christliche Familie, dun, 186s. 7-20 Zweite Auflage, duo. 1S77. 97378 Phillips (C.) Lokalfarbung in Shakespeares Dramen, 2 vols., 8vo, ?1887 90 2178S Prolsz (R.) Erlauterungen zu den auslandischen Klassikern, 9 vols., duo. ls74-89. 3035 Quellen des Shakspeare in Novellen,etc. Ilevausgegeben von Echtermeyer,etc.,3 vols., dun, 1831. 43395 Retzsch (M.) Gallerie zu Shakspeare's Dramatischen Werken, 8 vols., Svo, V1840. 24777 Schmidt (A.) Anmerkungen zu Shakspeare's Dramen, dim. 1842. 138279 Schwab (H.) has Schauspiel im Schauspiel zur zeit Shaksperes, svo, 1896. 94405 Schwartzkopff (A.) Shakespeare's Dramen auf ewigem Grunde, duo, 1888. 24910 Shakespeares Kbnigsdramen [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1S64. 07470 Shakespeare's Schauspiele [Magazine Article] J to, ?187l. 20314 Sievevs (E. \V.) Shakspeare's Dramen, fur weitere Kreise bearbeitet, 4 vols., duo, 1851-2. 25987 Sievers (E. W.) William Shakspeare. Sein Leben und Dichten. Bd. 1, duo, 1S66. 12026 Simrock (K.) Die Cjuellen des Shakspeare, 2 vols., duo. ls7o. 103203 Timon (Dr.) Shakespeare's Drama, Svo, 1889. 29513 Deber Shakespeare [from Archiv fur Geschichte, etc.] 4to, 1826. Ulrici (H.) Shakspeare's dramatische Kunst : see Ilrici, ]>. 221. 42934 Warnekros (H. E.) Der Geist Shakespeare, 2 vols., duo, 1786. 33004 Weisse (G.) Ueber die idyllischen Dramen Shakespeare's [ from Die Deutsche Schaubuhne] 8vo, 1867. Plays on Shakespeare: — 24010 Barz (O.) Shakespeare's Brautnacht. Festspiel, sm, ?1864. 24910 Bernays (M.) Shakespeares Geburt. Ein Festspiel [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1864. S7528 BrachvogeJ (A. E.) In der Meermaid. Dramatische Skizze, Svo, 1S64. 33011 Braun v. Braunthal [J.C.] Shakspeare. Drama. Nacb Tieck'sNovelle .. Dichterleben " Svo, 1836. 16371 Drummer (!'..) Shakspeare's Arte, Oder l.eben und Lieben. Ein Lustspiel, duo, 1841. 33025 Dorn (H.) Im Globus. Historisches Lustspiel, duo, 1853. 70396 Gottesheim (R. , Baron von) William Shakespeare. Drama, dim, 1SS3. 50396 Hick ((1. Shakespeare und Southampton. Historisches Schauspiel [from Die Deutsche Schaubuhne] Svo, 1864. 3301* [Holtei (K. von)] Shakspere in der Heimath. Schauspiel, svo, '.'1840. 33012 Hnltei (K. von) Shakspear in der Heimath. Schauspiel, duo, '.'1840. 29529 Kiessling (F. F.) William Shakespeare's .lugeiid. Schauspiel, Svo, V1864. 16374 Kosting (K.) Shakespeare, ein Winternachtstraum. Dramatisches Gedicht, duo. 1864. 103916 Lautner (E. A.) Othello's Erfolg. Schwank in einem Aufzug, dim. ?1887 33013 Lebriin (C.) Shakespeare. Ein Spielin Versen, duo, 1818. 36895 Lindner (A.) William shakspeare. Ein Schauspiel, duo, ?1864. 70390 Lingg (H.) Shakespeare und Elisabeth [from Die Gegenwart] 4to, 1881. 26460 Marbach (O.) Shakspeare-Prometheus, svo, 1874. 33026 [Reich. (A.)] Der Schwan vom Avon ! Schauspiel, duo, ?1864. 9204 Shakspeare als Liebhaber. Lustspiel. Nach Duval frey bearbeitet, duo, ?1818. 3051 Shakespeare in Deutschland am Tage seiner Jubelfeier. Ein dramatischer Scherz, duo, 1S64, 33016 Shakespeares Bestimmung. Schauspiel in einem Aufzuge : in freien Versen, duo, '.'1819. -3027 Stein (L.) Des DichLer's Weihe, dim. 1S64. 70382 |Vngt(N.)l Shakespear's Beruf und Triumpf, dim, 1792. German Shakespeariana. Number. 3034 3260 9290 49876 24788 42931 38454 24927 36848 76559 97467 97468 90772 44420 49932 3035 70533 72660 29357 24799 44335 109118 27245 3039 33026 N 21] Poems of Shakespeare : — 89303 Hermann (E.) Urheberschaft und Urquell von Shakespeares Dichtungi n, du< 38454 Prolsz (R.) Lyrisches in Shakespeare - DieGren boten 3vo, 1881. 33190 Schuze [C. G.] Gedichte von Shakespeare in PUr lelten I i Poems on Shakespeare : — 25991 Brinckman (J.) Die Tochter Shakespeares. Bine Dichtung duu 56002 Gutzkow (K.) Bine Shakspearefeier an det Ihn, duo, 70336 Oehlenschlager ( ) William Shakspeare. (Romanze)duo Porschke (K. L.) Ueber Shakspeare's Macbeth ... | duo L801 Portraits : — 172134 Bonnann (E.) Der Shakespeare-Dichter. Mit 40 Portrat-Tafeln 32710 Shakespeare's Maske [from Morgenblatl | (Stuttgart) 4to Predecessors of Shakespeare : — 32177 Shakespeare's Vorgiinger [from Europa] 4to, 1872. 321S0 Shakespeare's Vorganger und Zeitgenossen [from Europa (to, 1876 Pries (J. F.) Ueber Shakespeare's Eanilet h Proescholdt(D.) Sources of Midsummer Night's Dream Prolsz (R.) Altenglisches Theater [Leipzig Bd. I. Kyd, Spanische Tragodie— Marlowe, Eduard II.— Webster, Der Weissi rcufel. 2. Lord, Perkin Warbei k Massinger, Der ssherzog von Florei Prolsz (E.)Erlauterungenzu den auslandischenKlassikern u .",.. I. Romeo und Julia. '-'. Viel Liirmen urn Nichts. 3 I Julius Ciisar. 5. Kauf nu von Vcucdl" 6. Richard II. 7. 8. Hainlet. 9. Macbeth. 10. Coriolan. Priilsz (R.) Geschichte des neueren Dramas iLeii ;i in Prolsz (R.) Lyrisches in Shakespeare [from Die Grenzbot< u ProlSZ (R.) RomeO Und Julia l"ti Hartmann ! I Dresden) Prolsz (R.) Shakespeare in Frankreich [fromm i Pronunciation: we Isaac Prutz (R. E.) Geschichte des deutschen Theaters !••>' Psychology, Shakespeare ;ils Psycholog [Magaziw \ Puck, Shakespeare's Puck [Magazine Article] Pudmenzky (Dr.) Shakespeares Perikles und v e „' NeSuDehnol^^ Pudor (C. H.) Ueber Gothe's Iphigenia [MarienwerdeD... Plins : seeWurth Putlitz (G. zu) Theater-Erinuerungen [Benin Quellen des Shakspeare '" [fovellen ' w j£§SSm^^SST Kam v "" ' Quotations : — 42900 A. (E.) Perl en aus Shakspeare, duo, 1848. 12184 Ahne(W. A.) Shakspeare-Bluthen, duo, 1864 12899 Alberti (C. E. R.) Shakspeare-Album, duo, 1864. 2477-"' Beckendorff (Elisabeth von) Worte der Liebe \n- unseren Dichtem Goethe, Shal etc., duo, ?1880 29534 Corrodi (A.) Shakespeare. Lebensweisheit aus seinen Werken, duo, I I 44410 Grttner(F.) Lel>ens- und Denkbuch aus Shakspears Werken, duo, I- i0 38589 Sollinu; (G.) Ausgewahlte aus Shakspeare's Werken, duo, I 11950 Wolff (.J.) Goldene Worte aus Shakspeare's Werken, duo I - Quotations : see also Anthology R. (F.) Shakespeare's Stellung zuin Christenthum i Raich (J. M.) Shakespeare's StellungzurkatholiscbenReligion Ranke (L.J Englische Geschichte im. 1. (Beriiw Rapp (M.) Englische Theater v N " "" Ul " 1 duo L825 1 duo L878 2 duo ?1882 lOduuJsTl 99 1 8vo ! 1 8vo issl 1 duo L874 1 8vo L883 1 8vo 1847 1 I to 1 4to L86J 1 8vo L884 1 duo L832 2 duo 1870 3 duo 1 83 1 Alitli. 1. raunscl weigi Rapp (Prof.) William Shakespeare oder Francis Bacon? iuim Rau (H.) William Shakespeare Regis (G.) Shakespeare-Almanach [Reich (A.)] Der Schwan vom Avon ! schuuspiei mcrunt... 1 8vo 1 L884 1 yvo L859 1 1 8vo 2 8vo 1 duo L864 1 1 duo 212 Number, 97162 U896 70389 38587 60508 60273 13395 161112 164411 27215 16362 87076 29347 3046 70395 II!) I I 44336 42920 29514 27255 42959 26447 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. Reichel (E.) Shakespeare- Litteratur istutuwt) ... 1 8vo 1887 Reichensperger (A.) William Shakespeare (Minister) 1 8vo 1871 Reichlin-Meldegg (C. A. Freih. v.) Faust und Hamlet ... 1 8vo ?1866 Relics, Shakespearereliquien [»nNordischeEevue,Bd.3,pp. 332-7] (Leipzig) 1 8vo 1865 Religion : — 10531 Bemays (M.) Shakespeare eine katholischer Dichter [in Jahrbuch, etc. , Uahr, pp. 220-299] 8vo, L865. 25996 Betrachtungen iiber die religiose Bedeutung Shakespeare's, duo, 1858. 34568 Bbrard (A.) Das Verhaltnis Shakspear's zum Christenthum, duo, 1870. 303S Fritzart (F.) War Shakspeare ein Christ".' duo, 1832. 70533 R. (F.) Shakespeare's Stellung zum Christenthum, Svo, 1881. 72660 Raich (J. M.) Shakespeare's Stellung zur Katholischen Religion, svo, 1884. 3046 Rietmann (J. J ) Ueber Shakspeare's religiose Bedeutung, duo, 1853. 1207:; Stedefeld (G. F.) Die Christlich-germanische Weltanschauung in den Wei ken der Dichter- fursten Dante und Shakspeare, etc., Svo, 1871. Remy (M.) Ein Stiick Berliner Theatergeschichte [/rem Europa Retzsch (M.) Gallerie zu Shakspeare's Werken ucf. i. (Leipzig) Retzsch (M.) Gallerie zu Shakspeare's Werken (Leipzig) 1. Hamlet. '.'. Macbeth. 3. Romeo und Julia. 1. Konig Lear. 5. DerStuim fi. othelln 7. Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor. 8. Konig Heim-icb. IV. Retzsch (M.) Gallery to Shakspeare's Works in outlines (Leipsic Explanations of, by Boettiger, etc. (Leipsic) 1 8vo ?1878 1 fol 1828 8 Svo ?1840 1 8vo 1847 1 8vo 1847 1 duo 1864 Reymond (W.) Corneille, Shakspeare et Goethe (Berlin) Richard the Second : — 41480 Eke (K.) Alexandrines in K. Richard II., 8vo, ?18S1. 10801S Elze (K.) Notes on K. Richard II. , Svo, ?1888. •24790 Prolsz (R.) Richard II., duo, 1877. 26010 Ziepel (C.) The Reign of Richard II., 4to, 1874. Richard the Third : — 44416 Budinger (M.) Konig Richard III. von England, Svo, 1858. Bulthaupt (H. A.) Richard III. [tn Dramaturgische Skizzen, pp. 58-69] duo, 1878. Eicken (H. von) Ueber den Charakter von Richard III. [from Im neuen Reich] 8vo, 1877. Fischer (K.) Shakespeare's Charakterentwicklung Richards III., duo, 1868. — [Review] Svo, ?1S68. 24918 42919 25992 9744:. 3S4. r .l G93S4 90770 ?6555 97209 12178 44793 79700 Koppel (R.) Textkritische Studien iiber ,, Richard III.," Svo, 1877. [Review of, by Delius. ,i Anglia] Svo. '.'187 Moeser (L.) Observations on Shakespeare's Richard III., 4to, 1868. Miiller (Dr.) Observations sur les enfants d'Edouard de Delavigne et sur les rapports de cette tragedie au Richard III. de Shakspeare, svo, 1S44. Oechelhauser (W.) Essay iiber Konig Richard III., svo, 1868. Richard 111. [from Europa-Clrronik] 4to, 1873. Schone (J. F.) Ueber den Charakter Richard's 111. bei Shakespeare, duo, 1856. Wessel (C.) Richard III. in Shakespeare's plays, compared with Richard III. in history. svo. 1S7C. Richardson (W.) tlber die wichtigsten Charaktere Shake- spears (Leipzig) Richter (J. J.) Oidipus und Lear EineSi " die ^Ms$^f£nS Te ' [Richterj (J. P.) Vorschule der Aesthetik iwiew Rietmann (J. J.) Shakspeare's religiose und ethische Bedeut- ung (StGallen) ... Rietmann (.J. J.) Shakspeare und seine Bedeutung (Stcaium Rio (A. F.) Shakespeare Vus dem ^KKjfflS* V01 ' K ' Ze "' Bitter (G.) Shakespeare in Paris tet»^^iw Bitter (J. G.) Beitrage zur Erklarung des Macbeth .i,-.. ... Robert (('.) William Shakespeare : ■••<■ vraie Rodenberg (J.) Ein Tag in Shakespeare's London Die Ga ^"emaube Rodenberg (J.) Shakspeare's London ^ **£%» ™> se %%*$$ ' . Rodenberg (J.) William Shakespeare |; , ^eX^rTu^-ii. Rohde (D.) Das Hulfszeitwort To Do bei Shakespeare teotungem 1 duo 1775 2 8vo 1884-85 2 duo 1815 J duo 1853 1 duo 1864 1 duo 1864 1 8vo 1876 1 4to 1870 1 4to 1864 1 duo 1872 1 fol 1864 1 Svo 1872 Number. 3053 42940 108019 29358 27249 31692 50395 31645 29536 60507 31807 31630 3058 24843 00274 38430 36846 3064 31971 92046 78213 31768 25995 50211 60293 32180 3040 101966 German Shakespeariana. Rohrbach (('.) Shakespeare's Hamlet meriini Rolfs (W.) Shakspere oder Shakespeare? Romeo and Juliet : — N I (1 dllo It- L880 29316 Abeken 1 1'.. B.) (Jeber Shakspeare. Zugabe zu den Kupfern [in Urania, pp. i xWlil] duo, 1818 26461 r.oumann ( ) Strater : Die Composition von Shakes mi. I Jul Gedanke] 8vo, L86S. ■27237 Cmvus (C. G.) Grab der Julia und des Romeo [in Mnemosyne, pp. 193-301 3vo, 1848 12059 Gericke (R.) Romeo and Juliet nach Shakespeare's Mann 27281 Greverus(J. P. E.) Ueber Shakespeare's II. .hum. und Julie, Svo, 1833 81774 Gunther(M.) \ Defence of Romeo and Juliet 'against modern criticism, duo, 88462 Hartmann (E. von) Shakespeare's Borneo und Julia, Svo, 1874. Hiirte (N.) Historic vim Borneo und Julie, duo, L871. Prblsz (It.) Borneo und .lulia. duo, 1874. Prolsz (R.) Romeo und Julia. Ami Bartmann ! duo Borneo und Julia vor ( (orient [from Europa-Chronik] 4tn, 1874, Rotscher (II. T.) Borneo und Julia ( Vbhandlungen zur Philosophic, etc. 4 lutli !8vo, 1843 Buhl(L.S.) Borneo und Julie (Skizzen zu Shakspeare's dramatischen Werken, Liel i | -v.. ?1S39. 90811 Sievers(E. W.) Romeo und Julie (Shakspeare's Dramen, IV.)duo, 18 26006 Strater(T.) Hie [Composition von Shakespeare's Bon und Julia, 3v< 3291 Ullrich (T.) Ver,ona und Shakespeare, duo, 1850 92088 Vergleichung der beiden Trauerspiele, Borneo und Julie, von Shakespear, und Weiss* n Akademie der Grazien, Theil 2, pp. 257 288] i Halle) gvo, 1771. Vischer (F. T.) Romeo und Julia (Shakespeare-Vortrage, Bd. 2) Svo 1900, Waagenseil ( ) Ueber Goiters Borneo und Julie, dun, 177:'. Warin (R.) Romeo und .lulie, eine walire Geschichte, duo, L809. 70312 Wehl (P.) Winke zu einer mustergultigen Auff iihrung von ,, Romeo und Julia" fw Didaskalien, pp. 1-16] duo, 1867. 24788 24027 82179 3041 168526 156572 72683 99333 Rosbimd (M.) Dryden als Shakespeare-Bearbeiter > Rosenkranz (K.) Handbuch der Poesie maiiei RoSSmanil (W.) Voill Gestade der Cyklopen und Sirenen 1 R6tscher(H. T.)Abhandlungen zur Philosophic der Kunst A1, ( * \i'ih. 1. Konig Lear, etc. 1. Romeo und Julia Der Kattfmann von v"i nedig RnrqrdlPr iTT T) Anr.nnin [im Kaufmann von Venedig] oihCliei ^Xl. X.j AUIOUIO [/j-om Die Deutsche Sol ifihne] Dresden] Rotscher (H. T.) Cyclus dramatischer Charaktere 11 Rotscher (H. T.) Dramaturgiscbe Abhandlungeu Rotscher (H. T.) Dramaturgiscbe Probleme " >■ • ->!••. Rotscher (H. T.) KritikenunddramaturgischeAbhandluugen Rotscher (H. T.) Seydelmarm's Leben und Wirken (Beriim ... Rotscher (H. T.) Shakespeare In seinen hochsten Charactergcbild resdi-iil Rovenhagen (L.) Lessings Verhaltniss zu Shakspeare Rllhl (L. S.) EsqiUSSeS en TraitS des Dromes de Sliakspeare (Fmncfort s u Ruhl's [L. 8. ] Outlines to Shakspeare otneiio (Francfort o/m.i Ruhl (L. S.) Skizzen zu Shakspeare's Werken ic« Lief. 1. Der Kaufmann von Venedig. 2. DerStnrm ;'■. DerSomn I. Romcound Julie. 5. Was ihr woUt. Riimelin (G.) Shakespearestudien (stuttgartj ... . [Review of, from Europa] ... J Svo 1882 3 8vol£ 1 8vo L869 11 2 svo L837 1=2 1 8vo L862 2 duol844-6 1 duo I si. I I 8vo L865 I duo I s.v.i 1 8vo L845 I 8vo lsci I Svo I 111. I lt.> 1867 is-J7 L832 5 lin ?1838 in 8vo L866 4to 1st;.. Zweite Aufl I 8vo L874 1 ii bersetzl von J. Geigei U 1 ;i-iiiiss,-ii-rli.-iii ; Ocrlln) Salvini liber Shakespeare Salipe (J.) Sliakespeare's Hamlet rurobereGymnasial-Classen 1 Saupe (J.) Shakespeare's Lebens- und Entwicklungsgangi«en, Sauter (F.) Ein Leineweber als Shakespeare-Erklarer hi tastlietlsche Excursionen, pp. 13 Qov^v r,.on„„,,tiniio Sliakespeare's HamletrQuellei It Vorwort.ett voi 1 baXO VjriamiliatlCUS lWr:ms-r-.\„u vouM. Moltke Sch. (H.) In Shakespeare's Heimath Schacht (T.) Sofokles und Shakspeare, etc. iDarmitadti Scbaible (K. H.) Shakespeare der Autor seiner Dramen 0., ,1.11,1 1 885 8vo duo 1 ! I 1 duo 1-71 1 8vo I ssl I 8vo ?1878 I duo L842 1 8vo 214 Number. 72668 32647 52536 24938 87074 42893 69430 100620 109123 3301 31691 24933 53818 54151 38410 60504 26456 76553 72666 72667 72665 24777 70385 27287 15272 87550 90773 26468 38481 60241 49936 42933 25993 25059 79748 70315 74023 42939 49872 44793 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Scharf (L.) Shakespeare and Jonson [in Chips fVciiii Kmjlisgh (sic) Literature, pp. 55-87] (Aschersleben) [in Literary Impressions, pp. 55-87] (Aschersleben) x SdieiT (J.) Shakspeare [in Geschichte der Englischen Literatur, pp. 77-96] [Leipzig) 1 Schick (E.) Ueber die Epopoe unci Tragodie (Leipzig) ... 1 Schiller : see Bulthaupt Schiller (J.) Ueber Shakespeares Entwicklungsgang (Heiioronn) 1 Schindhelm ( ) Abhandlung fiber Hamlet (Cotmrg) ... 1 [Schink (J. F.)] Ueber Brockmanns Hamlet (Berlin) ... ... 1 Schipper (J.) De Versv Marlovii (Bonnaei ... ... ... 1 Schipper (J.) Zur Kritik der Shakspere-Bacon-Frage (wienj 1 Schipper (L.) Shakspeare's Hamlet (Munsterj ... ... 1 Schirmer (A.) Ein weiblicher Hamlet soveiie (Wien una Leipzig) ... 1 [ Schlegel (A. W. von)] Etwas iiber Shakespeare «M?SESlS x No. of Vols. Size. 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo Date. 1881 1881 1854 1833 1885 ?1866 1778 ?1867 1889 1862 1867 1796 12 duo 1846-7 19 8vo 1846 5 8vo 1763-73 1 duo 1868 [in Die Horen, ITnii. pp Schlegel (A. W. von) Sammtliche Werke [Leipzig Schlegel (A. W. von) Works relating to : — 2727] Bernays (M.) Zur Entstehungsgeschichte ties Schlegelschen Shakespeare, Svo, 1872. 9G-H2 Miihry ((J.) Gedankenlese arts Shakspeare's Werken, nach der v. Schlegel-Tieck'schen Ubersetzung, duo, ?1887. Schlegel (F. V.) Sammtliche Werke (Wien) [mit Supplemente (Bonn)] ... Schlegel (J. E.) Werke I™- UI-PP- 2 ™*.Vergleichung Shakespears undGryphs] Schmalfeld [F.] EinigeBemerkungen zurElektradesSophokles uiit .■inen Seitenblick auf Shakespeare's Hamlet (Eisleben) Schmeding (G. A.) Essay on Shakspere's Henry V. (Jem Schmid(C.H.)Wilhelm8hak8pear [inBi0 ^ apWed ^ptif) r,2Thefl ' ppW47] Schmid(E.) Worterbuch zu Julius Caesar (Danzig) Schmid(E.) Worterbuch zu A Midsummernight's dream (Danzig) Schmid(E.) Worterbuch zu Merchant of Venice iDanzig) Schmidt (A.) Anmerkungen zu Shakespeare's Dramen (Danzig) Schmidt (A.) Diealtesten AusgabendesSommernachtstraums (Konigsoerg) Schmidt (A.) Plan und Probe eines Worterbuch s zu Shake- speare (Konigsoerg in Pr.) ... Schmidt (A.) Shakespeare-Lexicon (Berlin; London) ■ Second edition ... 8vo Svo duo duo Svo duo 8vo 1874 1770 1884 1884 1884 1842 1881 Schmidt (A.) Zur Textkritik des King Lear (Konigsoerg) Schmidt (F.) DerKaufmannvonVenedig: Macbeth Zwei ( |'; z r ^ nge Schmidt (F.) Konig Lear Eine Erzahlung (Berjin) ... Schmidt (F. L.) Sammlung der besten Urtheile '" lber ^ m ditaburg) aktei [Schmidt (F. L.)] Sammlung der besten Urtheile fiber Hamlets Charakter [Die Schauspielerschule, Bd. 1J (QnedlinburgJ Schmidt (F. L.) : seevhae Schmidt (J.) Fragmente iiberShakespeare r; " ^^i^&jgg"" 1 Schmidt (L.) Macbeth eine] tische Shakespearestudie (Oschatz) Schmidt (R.) Hamlet Ein Commentar fin Laien (Leipzig) Schneeberger (H.) Schillers Tell unci Shakespeares Julius Casar (SchweinfurtJ Schneider (L.) Shakespeare [in Schauspieler-Novellen, Bd. I, pp. 1-42] (Berlin) Scholl (A.) Aufsatze zur Klassischen Uteratur^aJJ%JSS^[g5J, 1 eber Somiiii'i'ii;irhtsir;uiiii| H'.cvliTii Scholl (A.) Uber „ Sommernachtstraum " ' ^eSmgT 1 ™^ 116 -. • Scheme (F.) Ueber Shaksperes Julius Casar (Dresden) Schone (I. F.) Ueber den Charakter Richard's III. .Dresden,.,. 4to 1871 8vo 1874-5 8vo 1886 8vo 1879 duo ?1880 duo ?1880 duo duo Svo duo duo 8vo duo Svo 4to Svo 8vo 1808 1810 1873 1873 1878 1882 1839 1884 1844 1873 1856 German Shakespeariana. Number. 50396 38456 45113 114881 27270 33190 138279 32036 26467 94405 79000 106719 12193 38579 ■ a 1 5 School: - 25066 Bernhard (I,.) Shakespeare und misers Schulen, Bvo, i- - 49985 tti i i . • w of from ,\i-i -inv fur neueren Bpraebeu] 8vo, 1860 Schroder (F. L.) : -•■ Meyer Schroder (W.) Hat Antonio nur den „Sple< n ■■'■■' ,:. J 1 Bvo L864 I Bvo ?1850 •J duo L820 I duo L89] l 8vo ?1876 1 duo 1 78 1 1 Bvo L896 l Bvo L868 1 duo L864 1 duo i 1 8vo 1885 1 8vo 1890 1 duo 1879 1 8vo L87] Si luiiibilliiie] Schroder (W.) Neueres iiber Shakespeare l/ "" l v , K 1 ;^ l r 1 , i ;""" v ""... Schubarth [C. E.J Zur Beurtheilung Goethe's iHrmtaui Schultes (C.) ,, SoluS CUin Sola!" OrlginaWShakMnean Roman i Schumann (J.) See und Seefahrt in shakupore's Drnmen i,;,.,- Schiize (C. G.) Gedichte von Shakespeare "" ''"' A1 ;,';. , .;,!; l ,",""" r " 1, ' Schwab (H.) Das Schauspiel im Schauspiel " z 'u Schwartzkopff (A.) Faust, Macbeth, und Konig Lear iscn iwcki Schwartzkopff (A.) Shakespeare ! " 8elner B "•';,':; $££j ) c,wl Schwartzkopff (A.) Shakespeare's Dramen : ' U \^,Z'». { ^'"" ••• Sea '. see Schumann Seamer (M.) Shakspeare's Stories fiir Bohfllen 'VSSSfaBStaT Zw.ii. Auflagc Semler (C.) Shakespeare's Hamlet (Leipzig) ... Sendel (K.) Lessing-Aristoteles' Verhaltniss zu Shakspere... n Aivl.iv r.iv Mtterntiirgeschlchte] (1 eipzierl Seydelmann : -< Rotsenei Shakespeare (William) :-— 105560 Assuiann (<'.) Sbakspeare and seine deatschen Uebersetzer, 8vo, ?1848 12185 Baacke (F.) Vorstudien zur Einfiihrung in das Verstandniss Shakespeare's, 8vo, 1879 25989 Benedix (R.) Die Shakespearomanie. Zur Abwehr, Svo, 1873 97479 [Review of, by Gottschald] 4to, 71874 70303 [Braegger (E.) Etwas iiber Shakespear [from Der arme Mann im Tockenburg] duo, i^.vj 24352 Bredow (G. G.) Shakespeare und seine Dramen Un Schriften, pp. 381-3941 duo. 1883 87529 Dahlern (W.) Germanische Wythe bei .Shakespeare, 8vo, 1875 70554 Danzel (T. W.) Sbakspeare und noch iimner kein Ende [in Gesammelte Aufsatze, pp. 201 Svo, 1855 27z74 Danuilehner (O.) Ueber Epen und Volksiieder hei Shakspeare, 8vo, ?1860 11948 Delius (N.) Abhandlungen zu Shakspere, 2 vols., Svo, 1878-88 25994 Devrient (O.) Zwei Shakespeare-Vortriige, duo, 1869 27284 Dittricb (E.) Etude sur Shakspeare, 4to, 1872 26463 Dowden (E.) Shakspere, sein Entwickelungsgang in seinen Werken, svo. 1>7'.» 730 Elze (K.) Abhandlungen zu Shakespeare, Svo, 1877 97207 Elze (K.) Shakespeare's Character, seine Welt- und Lebensanscbanung, Bvo, '1-70 147604 Engel (E.) William Shakespeare, duo, 1897 3033 Eschenburg (J. J.) Ueber W. Shakspeare, duo, 17^7 3056 Flathe (J. L. F.) Shakspeare in seiner Wirklichkeit, 2 vols., duo, 1863-4 29338 Gerstenberg [H. W. von] Etwas iiber Shakespeare an [in Vermischte Schriften, 8 Bd., pp. 251-351] duo, 1816 Gervinus (G. G.) Shakespeare : see Gervinus, p. 194. 31787 Goethe [J. W.] Shakspeare und kein Ende [in Werko, Bd. L3, pp. 588 99] Bvo, 1851 24825 Goltz (B.) Shakespeare's Genius, duo, ?1870 27241 Grabbe [as moderne Drama, pp duo, 1852 27269 Hoburg (I)r.) Einige Bilder und Personificatioiien aus Shakspere, ^i", 1872 73963 Hiicker (O.) William Shakespeare und Altengland, duo, ?1884 3051 Hiilsmann (E.) Shakspeare. Sein Geistund seine Werke, duo 216 Number, 9294 3054 33016 38586 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. Shakespeare (William) —continued. 703S4 Klanke ( ) Ehrenrettung Shakespeare's, 8vo, 1883 12183 Knauer (V.) William Shakespeare, der Philosoph tier sittlichen Weltordnung, 8vo, 1879 44403 Knortz (K.) Shakespeare in Amerika, duo, 18S2 26468 Konig (W.) Shakespeare als Dichter, Weltweiser und Christ, 8vo, 1873 44427 Krauss (F.) Shakespeare's Selbstbekenntnisse, 8vo, 1882 33010 Kreyssig (F. A. Th ) Shakespeare-Cultus, 8vo, 1864 83024 Kreyssig (F. [A. Th.]) Shakespeare-Fiagen, duo, 1871 97470 [Review] 8vo, 1871 108029 Kuenzel (H.) William Shakespeare, duo, 1864 29352 Kugler [F.) Shakspeare's Biihne und Kunstform [in Argo, pp. 48-73] 8vo, 1854 38380 Kiihne (F. G.) Shakspeare als Mensch und Lyriker [in Charaktere, 2Theil, pp. 1-80] duo, 1838 94407 Kurz (H.) Die Wilderersage [in Nachlese, pp. 3-23] 8vo, ?1880 26450 Lepsius (J.) Shakespeare [in Sehauspiel und Biihne, pp. 1-15] Svo, 1880 56008 Lewes (G. H.) Shakspeare als Schauspieler und Kritiker [in Feber Schauspieler und Schaus- pielkunst, pp. 99-121] duo, 1878 42894 Lua (A. L.) William Shakespeare. Eine Festrede, duo, 1864 38457 Maass (M.) Fnsere deutschen Dichterheroen und die sogenannte Shakespearomanie, 8vo,1874 32652 Marggraff (H.) William Shakspeare als Lehrer der Menschheit, duo, 1864 97843 Meissner (J.) Shakespeare-Curiosa [from Magazin fiir die.Literatur des Auslandes] 8vo, ?1874 12044 Miibius (P.) Shakespeare als Dichter der Naturwahrheit, Svo, 1864 26307 [Montagu (E.)] Shakespeares Genie und Schriften, duo, 1771 38423 Midler (Max) Shakespeare [in Essays, Bd. 3, pp. 183-5] 8vo, 1872 97457 Nachklange gerinanischer Mythe bei Shakespeare, 8vo, V1865 12197 Oechelha?user (W.) Die Wiirdigung Shakespeare's in England und Deutschland, Svo, 1869 97162 Reichel (E.) Shakespeare-Literatur, Svo, 1887 41S96 Reichensperger (A.) William Shakespeare, 8vo, 1871 70395 Rietmann (J. J.) Shakspeare und seine Bedeutung, duo, 1864 42959 Rodenberg (J.) William Shakspeare [from Der Bazar] fol, 1864 52536 Seherr (J.) Shakspeare [in Geschichte der Englischen Literatur, pp. 77-06] Svo, 1854 87074 Schiller (J.) Feber Shakespeares Entwicklungsgang, Svo, 1885 42933 Schmidt (J.) Fragmente iiber Shakespeare [in Neue Bilder aus dem Geistigen Leben, pp. 1-75] 8vo, 1873 2C467 Schwartzkopff (A.) Shakespeare, in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Kirche unserer Tage, duo, 18C4 4391 Sh— k— sp— r ? [from Die Grenzboten] (Leipzig) Svo, 1876 97463 Shakespeare als Lustspieldichter [Newspaper Cutting] 4to, ?1859 97469 Shakespeare als Schauspieler [Newspaper Cutting] 4to, 1S66 97465 Shakespeare eine Mythe, Svo, ?1865 31972 Shakespeare's Druck und Kanipf [from Europa] 4to, 1867 31972 Shakespeare's Geltung fiir die Gegenwart [from Europa] 4to, 1867 70303 Shakspeare's Genius, 2 vols , duo, 182 L 97466 Shakespeare's Kampfe und Siege [from Europa] 4to, 1864 108026 Stigell (Dr.) Shakspeare und die tragische Kunst der Griechen, Svo, 1S63 31806 Szecsen (A. Graf) Shakespeare [in Acht Essays, pp. 37-74] duo, 1879 3313 Thiel (B.) Reasons for Shakespeare's remaining unpopular longer than a century even in England, Svo, ?1874 57177 Tieck (L.) Briefe iiber Shakspeare [in Kritische Schriften, Bd. 1, pp. 133-184] duo, 1848 27251 Tieck (L.) Das Buch iiber Shakespeare [in Nachgelassene Schriften, Bd. 2, pp. 94-158] duo, 1S55 29513 Feber Shakespeare [from Archiv fiir Geschichte, etc.] 4to, 1820 3044 Vehse (E.) Shakespeare als Protestant, Politiker, Psycholog, und Dichter, 2 vols., duo, 1851 31811 Vischer (F. T.) Shakspeare in seinem Verhaltniss zur deutschen Poesie, inbesondere zur Politischen [in Kritische Giinge, pp. 1-61] 8vo, 1S61 11955 Wagner (W.) Shakespeare und die neueste Kritik, duo, 1874 42934 Warnekros (H. E.) Der Geist Shakespear's, 2 vols., duo, 1786 Wattendorff (L.) : see Wattendorff, pp. 221-2 111975 Wetz (W.) Shakespeare vom Standpunkte der vergleichenden Litteraturgeschichte. Bd. 1, 8vo, 1890 16384 Wille (E.) William Shakespeare, nach Clemence Robert, duo, 1844 2490S Winterfeld (A. von) Shakespeare, duo, ?1864 70400 Winterfeld (A. v.) William Shakespeare [in Kunterbunt, Bd. 2, pp. 1-70] duo, 1883 29535 Wiseman (N., Cardinal) William Shakespeare, duo, 1865 Shakspeare als Liebhaber Lustspiel. Nach Duval freyliearbeitet Shakespeare in Deutschland ^tSSSSSS^^^&m^ Shakespeares Bestimmung a ^™ft e ^ffijg l £** aet>; Shakespearestudien : see study Shakespeare-VereinzurHebungderdeutscbenBulnie^ Shakespeariana : — 3066 Czennak (Shakespeareiana) [Catalogue] 8vo, 1864 124025 Oechelhaeuser (W.) Shakespeareana, 8vo, 1894 87096 Shakspeariana [in Fnterhaltungen am hiiuslichen Herd, Bd. 2, fit) 533-6 554- 1*04 - 1 ... 1 ... 1 duo ?1818 duo 1864 duo ?1819 rimi Nordisi liu 1 ■vue] (Leipzig) - 1 - 8vo 1864 (Leipzig) Svp, ■J 17 Number. 24924 12202 147605 27288 29314 25987 97469 69383 32714 82450 7388 42926 108020 29365 44331 44329 38589 108024 70323 German Shakespeariana. Shaw(T.ii.)Shakespeare'sLebenuiid\\ r ei I ,, Biebel (C.) Dichtungen zur Shakespeare Peie " BieVerS [E. W.l ITainlet irundlegung elnei , ,, \ <- J snaRspeari -■ hi n Drama i Hnnilel Sievers (Dr. [E. W.j) Othello (Goth.).. Sievers (E. \V.) Shakspeare's Dramen r "> »••"•" /"- '■•."•-.■.< I- Hamlet. tl. Julius Casar. in. k g Leai i\ Rom. Sievers (E. W.) William Shakspeare *""'\:t" ',"';!, i 1 ,', 1 :''' 1 '" i \ Review] Silberschlag (K.) ,, Hamlet" [from Deutsches Museum] (Leli Silberschlag (G.) Shakespeares Hamlet u mo.„.. att] istuttgwti Sillig (P. H.) Die Shakespeare-Literatur bis Mitte 1854 Simrock (K.) Die Quellen des Shakspeare zweite \„n,_. m Sir John Oldcastle : — 97450 Hanswurst und Marfcyrer [Newspaper catting] Ito, ?1870 Societies, Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft mweimar 147342 Einladung zur Theilnahme an der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Bvo 12076 Elze (K.) JEineAuffiihrnng im Glohus-Theater. Vortrag bei der it Jahresversammluna dei No. ■ Voli 1 if Shte. duo 1 ?1864 1 Bvo ? 1 86 1 1 Bvo 1 duo is.-.i a 1 duo 1 I to ?1866 1 I860 1 Ito I860 1 8vo 1 85 i 1 Bvo 1 86 1 2 duo L870 Vortrag zur Jahre; reraammlang dei Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, duo, 187s 10S021 Gosche (R.) Shakespeare's Ideal der Gattin und Mutter. Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, 8vo, 1886 10531 Jahrbueh der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. (Berlin, etc.) Svo, 1865 52565 - General-Register fur Hand i. xvi 8vo, nS82 etc., svc 1S72 H871. Review of, from Deutsche vVarb [1874. Review of, from Europa-Chronik] 1 Bvo L887 2 duo 1815 2 Svo 1826 1 duo L829 S2140 32180 - 4to, Y1875 69392 Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, svo, a866 3314 _ (Weimar) 8vo, 1876 150994 ,u., 1890 29539 Leo (F. A.) Shakespeare's Frauen-Ideale, duo, 1808 150995 Satzungen, etc , 4to. 1899, etc. Soffe (E.) 1st ,,Mucedorus" ein Schauspiel Shakspere's ? iBr Solgei* (K. W. F.) Erwill VierGesprar.heul>erdasScl)8neunddleKui»l [Berlin] Solger's [K. W. E.] Schriften und Briefwechsel (Leipzig) Solger's [K. W. F.] Vorlesungen iiber Aesthetik (Leipzig] Sommernachtstraum : see Midsummer Night's Dream Solling(G.)AusgewahlteStellenausShakspeai'e's\Verken ii..i|./it" 1 duo 1866 Sonnets of Shakespeare : — 3028 Barnstoiff (D.) Schliissel zu Shakspeare's Sonnetten, duo, 1860 97481 Bodenstedt (F.) shakespeares Sonette in deutscher Nachbildung [Review of, '""" Morgan blatt] 4to, 1862 42921 Goedeke (K.) Shakespeare's Sonette [/rum Beilage zur Allgenieineii ZeituDg] fol, 1876 29527 Isaac (H.) Zu den Sonetten Shakspere's, 8vo, ?1880 3173 Karpf (C.) Die Idee shakespeares und deren Verwirklichung. Souettenerklarung und analyse des Dramas Hamlet, Svo, 1869 12048 Krauss (F.) Shakespeare und seine Soiutte, Svo, 1878 44427 Krauss (F.) Shakespeare's Selbstbekenntnisse, 8vo, 1882 24932 Neidhardt (A.) Shakspeare-Sonette [from Archiv f. n.Sprachen] Bvo, 1866 Sophocles : — 108023 Heint/.e (A.) Versucfa einer Parallele zwischen dem sophocleischen Orestes und den shak- spearischen Hamlet, 8vo, ?1S57 90771 Lubker(F) Sophokles' Oedipus und Shakspeare's Lear, 8*-". 1861 S7076 Richter (J. .1.) Oidipus und Lear, 8vo, 1884 3040 Schacht (T.) Sofokles und Shakspeare, etc., duo, 1842 60504 Scbmalfeld [F.] Einige Bemerknngen zur Blektra des Sophokles mil einem Seitenblick auf Shakespeare's Hamlet, duo, 1868 74023 Schbll (A.) Shakespeare und Sophokles [in Anfaatze zur Klassischen Utemtnr, i>p. 104 116] Svo, 1884 SpandaU (Dr.) Othello (ZurKritlkundInter P repntoShakesp«u™d l «,Otballo| j Svo | S ,;„^ TV«U + ™.'o WoiVia Draniatisihes Bild aus Shakespeare's SteiU {Li.) JJeS DlCnter S Weine Jugendleben (Frankfurt a. M.) Stenger (E.) Der Hamlet-Charakter (B«iin) Stern (G.) Uber das personliche Geschleeht unpersonlicher Substantiva bei Shakespeare iDresdem Steuerwald (W.) Lyrisches im Sbakspere (Munchen) Stigell (Dr.) Shakspeare unddietragiseheKunstdurGriechen (Mainz) Stoffregen(WOUnterrollendemVerhangniss'^ Stolberg (C. undF.L. Grafenzu)Schauspiele mitChoeren (Leipzig) Stolberg(F. L. Graf zu) Die Insel (Leipzig) Storffrich(D.B.)PsychologischeAufschliisseiiLerHarnlet (B.ei.i.iii Stories, Shakespearian: seeTaies Striiter (T.) Die Komposition von Eonieo und Julia (Bonn) Stratford-upon-Avon :— 56001 Genee(R.) Shakespeare's Heimath [from Monats: HefteJ Svo, 1880 32180 Sch.— (H.) In Shakespeare's Heimath [from Europa] 4to, ?1878 Struve (E. A.) Studien'zu Shakspeare's Heinrich IV. (Kiel) ... StlTlVe (H. VOll) Hamlet Hne Charakterstudie (Weimar) Study of Shakespeare : — Rumelin (G.) Shakespearestudien : see Riiuielin, p 213 24852 Shakespearestudien eines Realisten [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1864-5 Sturm (J.) Zaire und Othello (Crefeid) StUl'm : see Ten s Silvern (W.) Uber Schillers Wallenstein (Benin) Szecsen (A. Graf) Shakespeare m Acht Essays; pp. 37-74] iwien) Tales and Stories : — 33203 Bodenstedt (F.) Vom Hofe Elisabeth's und Jakob's. Dritte Aurlage. 2 vols., duo, 1878 Lamb : see Lamb, p. 203 12078 Liebau (G.) Erziihlungei) aus der Shakespeare- Welt, duo, 1876 Schmidt (F.) : see Schmidt, p. 214 Seamer (M.) : see Seamer, p. 215 Taming of the Shrew : — 26453 Bultbaupt (IT A.) Der Widerspansfcigen Zahmung [in streifzuge auf dramaturgiscliem und kritibtlitiii Gebiet, pp. 148-156] Svo, 1879 90809 Graser (K.) ,, Unbiassed Remarks on Shakspeare's Taming of the Shrew", 4to, 1869 69414 Weilen (A. von) Der Widerspanstigen Zahmung, 8vo, 1844 Tausch (J.) Musik zu ,,Was Ihr wollt" : 1 4to 1 8vo 1851 1876 1 8vo 1879 1 duo 1 duo 1800 1879 Teichmann (E.) On Shakespeare's Hamlet Tempest, The :— 1 4to 1880 45116 Boas (F.) Der Sturm und das Wintermarchen, duo, 1882 S4S64 Boyle (R.) Shakespeares Sturm, etc., Svo, 1885 79761 Brockerhoff ( ) Ueber Shakespeare's Sturm, 8vo, 1880 24936 Caro(J.)Diehistorischen Eleraente in Shakespeare's ,, Sturm" | from EnglischeStudienJSvo, 187S 3026 Clement (K. J.) Shakespeares Sturm. Ilistorisch beleuchtet, Svo, 1846 3S452 Eggers (F.) Verbindendes Gedicht zu Taubert's Musik zu Shakspeare's Sturm, Svo, ?1880 51543 Elze (K.) Notes (on The Tempest, etc.] Svo, 1882 97472 Grimm (H.) Shakespeares Sturm (lurch Dryden und Davenant [from Morgenblatt] 4to, 1S56 29339 Grimm (H.) Shakespeare's Sturm in der Bearbeitung von Drvden und Davenant [in Fiinfzehn Essays, pp. 183-224] Svo, 1875 12053 Hense (C. C.) Das An tike in Shakespeare's Drama : Der Sturm, 4to, 1879 11953 Hermann (E.) Shakespeare wider Ben .(onson (Tempest und Volpone) |Drei Shakespeare- Studien, II., Abth. II.) duo, ls79 German Shakespeariana. Number. 70388 52567 90808 3313 24943 36938 27251 60235 57177 No . Vol! Tempest, The — contin ued, 9288 Hundt(R.) Uber Shakespeares Sturm, etc . 8vo, ISV8 S4566 Meiasner (J.) Untersuchungen iiber Shakespeare's ,,Stunn' jvo 168524 Ruhl(L. S.) Der Sturm (Skizzen m Shakspeare's W'erken, Liel 29377 Wblffel(H.) Ueber Shakespeare's Sturm [in Album rlea Literarischen i 1854, pp. 131 198] 8vo, 1854 Tercentenary : — 12184 Aline (\v. A.) Shakspeare- Bliithenals Pestgabe zur dreihuni Grosseii Brittischen Dichters, duo, 1864 Czermak (K ) Shakespeareiana, 8yo, ?18W !».!(. in N hi nberg fill trtjahrigen Gedachtnuufeiei d« 3066 147342 87096 38585 3059 24941 56002 29519 50396 27273 24913 33010 10S029 Deutscheo Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Binladung zur Theilnahme an der, etc. it.. 1864 Die Shakspeare-Feier im Krystallpalaat [in Dnterhaltungen am bauslichen Herd] 4to i- i Eine Sbakespearefeier vor 100 Jahren [from Nordische Revue Svo, 1864 EIze(K.) Festrede zur dreihuudertjahrigen Geburtsfi ier Shakespeare's, Svo, L864 Grave (Agnes le) Den Manen Shakespeare's zurFeier seines Geburto und8terbeta ,-»„i met, 8vo, 1864 h ' ■" ' "" Gurzkow (K.) Eine Shakspearefeier an der Dm, duo, 1864 Hevlist (Dr.) Shakspere. Bine biographische Skizze zur Feier seines 300 iahrieenGeburi [from AltpreussBche Monatsschrift] 8vo, 1864 Heydrich (M.) Bericht uber das Shakespearefesl in Weimar [from Die Deutsche Schaubuhnel Hosanis(W.) Epilog zur Shakespeare-Feier in Dessau, Bvo, ?1864 Kneschke (B.) Zum Shakspeare-Jubilaum [from [Uustrirtes Familien-Journal] fol 1864 : ~ (F. A. Th.) Shakespeare-Cultus. Festrede, bei der Shakespeare Peier in Blbina 361 Kreyssi 8vo, 186 42891 12055 12044 50396 69438 Kuenzel (H.) William Shakespeare. Zum Gedachtniss seines dreibundertjahrhren GehnH tages, duo, 1864 Lua (A. L.) William Shakespeare. Eine Festrede, dim, 1864 Mobius (P.) Die deutsche Sbakespearefeier, duo, 1864 Mobius(P.) Shakespeare als Dichter der Naturwahrheit. Pestrede, Bvo, 1864 Pabst(J.) Die Shakespeare-Feier. Nachspiel [from Die Deutsche Schaubiihne] Svo, Pincherle (J.) 50 Sonnets. Under the auspices of Shakespeare's Tercentenary Birth, Bvo 1864 97458 Programm des Shakespeare-Festes, Das [Newspaper cutting] svo, ist>4 70395 Bietmann (J. J.) Shakspeare und seine Bedeutung. Festrede eesprochen an der Shnkmom feier in St Gallen, duo, 1864 42959 Bodenburg (J.) William Shakspeare [from Der Bazar] fol, 1864 3058 Bijtscher (H. T.) Shakespeare in seinen hochsten Charactergebilden, Svo, 1864 31971 Shakespeare-Feste [ from. Europa] 4to, 1864 3054 Shakespeare in Deutschland am Tage seiner Jubelfeier. Bin dramatischer Scherz duo 97473 Shakespearewoehe, Die. [from Beilage zur Europa] 4to, 1864 12202 Siebel (C.) Dichtungen zur Shakespeare-Feier des Kunstlervereins Malkasten in Diisseldorf Jugendleben, duo, 1884 .. 1 8vo ?1855 .. 3 8vo 1883 - Svo, ?IS64 33027 Stein (L.) Des Dichter's Weihe. Dramatisches Bild aus Shakespeare': Tetschke (Dr.) Einleitung zu Julius Caesar (straisundj Teuber (O.) Geschichte des Prager Theaters Pragi Text :— 87530 Bemerkungen zur Texteskritik einiger Stellen in Shakespeare's Dramen [in Programm der Plouer Uelehrtenschule, pp. 1-27| (P16u)8vo, 1855 19091 Elze (K.) Notes on Elizabethan Dramatists, with conjectural emendations of the Text 2 vols Svo, 1880-4 51390 Hagena (C.) Berichtigungen der Schlegel-Tieck'sr-hen ITebersetzung des Shakspeare, Svo vir:«> 82426 Leo (F. A.) Readings still to be elucidated in the Text of Shakespeare, Svo, W885 S7073 Lummert(A.) Die Orthographic derersten Folioausgabe der Sbakspere'schen Dramen, Bv< 24936 Tiessen (E.) Beitrage zur Feststellung und Erklarung des Shakspearetextes [from Englische Studien] Svo, 1878 94406 Wurzner (A.) Die Orthographie der ersten Quartb-Ausgabe von Shakespeare's „ Venus and Adonis" und „Lucrece", Svo, 1887 Theisen (C.) Chronologies of Shakespeare's Plays ... Thiel(B.) Reasons forShakespeare'sremainingunpopular iug»burgi Thiersch (C.) Medicinische Glossen zum Hamlet ggj™ - 8Qd] Thiimmel (J.) Vortrage iiber Shakespeare-Charaktere m..m. Tieck (L.) Das Buch iiber Shakspeare Tieck (L.) Die Sornmernacht Tieck (L.) Kritische Schriften (Leipzig) " ' I- nacb der snakgpei iber Shakspeare; baa ml ugluu ■ i ■ • ■ I'boatn [in Nachgi I Bd. 2, pp. '.'I IBS] I Kim- .In. '.ii. I.I i. In mi 4 Mil .in. -in Vorwort* .i. n. Walter [Frankfurt am MainJ 1 8vo ?1880 1 8vo 1-71 1 Bvo L878 2 duo L881 7 1 dii i 1 855 1 duo 4 duo Is; 'he Shakespearian ronti'iits are- I. Die Kupferstl Shakspeare's Behandlung des Wunderbareu ; Briefe i ".. I. Dramaturgist he Blatter. 1G381 Tieck (L.) Prinz Zerbino 1 duo 1819 220 Number. 26319 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 21936 12200 103203 60505 158299 27278 27282 3069 31770 105318 97346 99332 26007 70324 27252 3291 31815 No. of Vols. Size. Date. 2 8vo 1823-9 11939 12057 Tieck (L.) Shakspeare's Vorschule (Leipzig) Tieck (Lutlwig) Works relating to : — 11957 Delius (N.) Die Tieck'sche Shaksperekritik beleuchtet, duo, 1846. Friesen (H. Freih. von) Ludwig Tieck, 2 vols , duo, 1871. Hager(A.) Die Grosse Shakspeare's. Vortrag in Ludwigslust gehalten und herausgegeben zur Erinnerung an den 100 jahrigen Geburtstag von L. Tieck, duo, 1873. 60284 Kritisch Beleuchtung der Ansicht L. Tieck's iiber den Monolog in Hamlet, Act III. Sc. 1, 8vo, 1847. m;„ ocot1 /-pi \ "Rcitv'iap zurFe8tstellungunaErklarungdesSh.ikspearetextes 1 Q vo 1 Q7Q iieSSen (EJ.j JDeiLrclge [/rum Englisclie Siiuli.m von KaiWng] (Heiibronn) ••■ - 1 ovu ■ LO ' ° Tim me (O.) Commentar tiber Macbeth (Jenaj 1 8vo 1873 Timon (Dr. [pseiid. of M. P. de Haan]) Shakespeare's Drama 1 8vo 1889 in seiner naturlichen Entwicklung dargestellt (Leyden) Timon of Athens : — 12196 Erfurdt (H.) Kritische Bemerkungen iiber zwei Stellen aus Dramen Shakspeare's, 8vo, ?1860. 27275 Mueller (A.) Ueber die Quellen, aus denen Shakespeare den Timon von Athen entnommen hat, 8vo, 1873. 29380 Wolffel (H.) Ueber Shakespeare's Timon [in Album des Literarischen Y'ereins in Nurnberg fiir 1861, pp. 47-84] 8vo, 1861. Titus Andronicus : — 97206 Colin (A.) Konig Lear 1692, und Titus Andronicus 1099, in Breslau aufgefiihrt, Svo, ?1888. Tragedies : — 82135 Brincker(F.) Poetik Shakespeare's in Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, und Antony and Cleopatra, duo, 1884. 24934 Disselhoff (J.) Shakespeare's Tragodien— ein Wegweiser zum Glauben, 8vo, ?1858. Trahndorff (Prof.) Ueber den Orestes und den Hamlet iBerun) 1 8vo 1833 Troilus and Cressida : — 27283 Boning (Dr.) On Troilus and Cressida [in English] [in Programm der stadtischen Realschule zu Bromberg, pp. 1-20], Svo, 1861. 38467 Boening (L.) ,, Troilus and Cressida" [in Latin] Svo, 1870. 272S0 Ferwer (J.) On Troilus and Cressida. A Philological Dissertation, duo, 1859. Trommsdorff (P.) [Eeview of] Birmingham Free Libraries. Index to Shakespeare Memorial Library, Part 1. (Leipzig) ... Tschischwitz (B.) De Ornantibus Epithetis in Shaksperi Operibus (Haiig) Tschischwitz (B.)Nachklange germanischerMythes^iVippan."'^"]],.) Tschischwitz (B.) Shakspere-Forschungen (Haiie) I. Shakspere's Hamlet. 2. NachklSnge germanischer Mythe in den Vferken Shakspere's. .".. Shakspere's Staat mid Konigthum, nacngewiesen an der Lancaster-Tetralogie. Tschischwitz (B.) Shakspere's Hamlet fHaiie) Tiirck (H.) Das psychologische Problem ' m { jfi^^J^ ie ■ Tilrck (H.) DaS Wesen des GenieS (FaustundHamlet)(Eeudnitz-LeJpzig) Tiirck (H.) Hamlet ein Genie (Eeudnitz— Leipzig) ... Turkus (J. T.) „ Shakespeare's Macbeth" p ben) ... Twelfth Night :~ 50396 Blankart's(M.) Musik zu „Was Ihr wollt" von J. Tausch [from Die Deutsche Schaubiihnel Svo, 1864. 12196 Erfurdt (H.) Kritische Bemerkungen iiber zwei Stellen aus Dramen Shakspeare's, 8vo, ?1860. 38468 Nielo (R.) Verbindender Text fiir Concert- An ffiihrungen von J. Tausch'Musik zu dem Shak- spear'schen Lustspiel ,,Was ihr wollt", duo, ?1864. 168527 Ruhl (L. S.) Was Ihr wollt. (Skizzen zu Shakspeare's dramatischen Werken, Lief. 5) Svo, ?1840. 89357 Wexel (C.) Dbring als Malvolio [in Theodor Doling, pp. 88-90] duo, ?1860. Two Gentlemen of Verona : see Tzscho PP e Two Noble Kinsmen : — 29526 Boyle (R.) Shakespeare und Die beiden edlen Vettem [from Englische Studien] Svo, 1881. [Tzschoppe (G. A. v.)] Ueber die Hiilfe Brandenburgischer -fcvittei* zur Beseitigung eines im Jahre 1H54 entstandenen Aufrulirs zu Verona (Berlin) . . . Uhde (H.) Friedrich Ludwig Schmidt (1772-1841) (Hamburg) Ullrich (T.) Verona und Shakespeare (Benin) Ullici [H.] Aesthetische Feldzilge Urom Die Grenzboten] (Leipzig) ... 1 8vo ?1901 1 duo ?1871 1 8vo 1865 3 duo 1868 1 4to 1867 1 8vo 1890 1 8vo 1888 1 8vo 1888 1 8vo 1877 1 8vo 1840 2 duo 1875 1 duo ?1850 1 8vo 1852 Number. 97164 12037 12039 24944 87096 27256 105419 108028 70321 92103 3044 24850 70326 31811 156571 103723 33005 70382 84868 3450 3449 70335 72683 29369 60243 11955 12050 79746 70325 99333 42934 99334 German Shakespeariana. Ulrici (H.) Shakspeare's dramatische Kunst (iune) Zwelb fLelpslgl luflaga [U i lis Protestant, Polltlker, Ptycholog und Dlchti i (Hamburg) MorgenMatt] Voli 1 8vo Data. 2 8vo 1847 3 Bvo r- 1 L880 1 1864 1 duo L820 1 Bvo L887 1 duo ?1880 1 Bvo ?1865 1 8vo ?1870 2 (lllo 1 B6 1 1 I to L848 Unflad (L.) Die Shakespeare-Literatur in Deutschland iMonehwi) Unterhaltungen am hausliehen Herd '''' ■'-' lCov ..,.,,,.,1 TTrania fur 1820 ll ' 1 ' ' xx K "i ,f,,r •"' Hamiei : np iioaophie Uiciuicd iui ioju besonders Im Hanile! von C. \ n I lodlua] I Vatke (T.) Culturbilder aus Alt-England (Beriim Vatke [T.J Eecht und Gesetz in Shakespeares England Yatke (T.) Shakespeare und Euripides kii... t-... ..h. i. ... Vatke (T.) Ueber eine Stelle im Hamlet (Act 2, So. 2) Yehse (E.) Shakespeare Venetianisches zu Shakespeare Venus and Adonis ; — 155146 Durnhofer (M.) ,, Venus und Adonis" im Verhaltnis zu Ovids Metamorpboaen and Constable* Schafergesang, duo, IsOO. 32710 Shakespeare's Venus und Adonis, iibers. von Freiligrath [from Morgenblatt] tto, I 94406 Wurzner (A) (>ie Ortbographie der ersten Quarto-Ausgabe von Shakespeare's ,, Venus and Adonis", Svo, 1887. Vei'Ona : seeTzschoppe, Ullrich Viel Liirmen Urn NichtS : see Much Ado about Nothing Vining (E. P.) Das Geheimniss des Hamlet vo £ A 8 i e ™n?cffip°i g) 1 duo I Vischer (F. T.) Kritische Giinge NeueFoige,Heft2. (Stuttgart) ... 1 8vo L861 Shakspeare in seinem Verhaltniss zur deufcschen Poesie, inbesondere znr Polilischen. Shakspeare'g Hamlet. Vischer (F. T.) Shakespeare-Vortriige (Stuttgart) ... ... Svo L899, etc. Bd. 1. Einleitung. Hamlet. - 2. Macbeth. Romeo und Julia. 3. Othello. KSnig Lear. Vitzthum von Eckstildt (K. F. Graf) Shakespeare und Shakspere (Stuttgart) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 8vo 1888 Vogeler (G.) Hamlets Character [from Die Deutsche schaubuime] (Leipzig) 1 8vo L868 [Vogt (N.)] Shakespear's Beruff und Triumpf (Mainz) ... 1 duo 1792 Voltaire (F. M. A. de) Works relating to:— 79764 Adolph (K.) Voltaire et le theatre de Shakespeare, 4tn, l B83. 79043 Asch (M.) Shakspere's and Voltaire's Julius Caesar compared, Svo, '.']»]. 78998 Behne (H. F. T.) Comparaison entre ,, le Jules Cesar - ' de Voltaire et celui de Shakspeare 1872. 99891 Morf (H.) Die Ciisartragodien Voltaire's unci Shakspere's, Svo, 1888. 82138 Peters(J.) Ueber die Voltaire'sche Uebersetzung des Julius Caesar, 8»o, ?1871. 79747 Sturm (J.) Voltaires I'rtheil Uber Shakespeare, svo, L879. Vorbrodt ( ) Ireland's Forgeries (Meissen) ... ... ... 1 Svo ".'1SS5 Vorg anger : see Predecessors Voss (H.) Briefe an Christian von Truchsess (Heidelberg Voss (H.) Mittheilungen iiber Gothe und Schiller (Heideib. Voss (J. H.) Bruchstiicke aus Shakspeare ... Waagenseil( ) UeberGottersBomeo und Julie " Wachler (L.) Geschichte der Litteratur (Frankfurt am Main) Wagner (W.) Shakespeare in Griechenland Wagner (W.) Shakespeare und die neueste Kritik pumbw Wahl(M.C.)DieenglischePar6miograpliievorShakespea ; Wahl(M.C.)Das paromiologische Sprachgut bei Shakespeare 3 1I.-IV. (Leipzig) Wallner (E.) Wachsfiguren-Cabinet, etc. ^V\!:.^t\ l - Warin (R.) BomeO Und Julie eine wahre Geschichte (Erfurt) Warnekros (H. E.) Der Geist Shakespear's (Greinmaw. «* Was Ihr Wollt : see Twelfth Night Wi.j. „ l ,.^f it \ Tii„„„4 Bur 1' Influence que Shflkespeai attendorn \U.) ItiSsai Burtatrage4iep>mantlqwfrMcal»e; li Pai i Theater-Journal] IGotllB) duo L834 duo 1834 duo ?1820 duo L779 svo L822-4 svo ?1877 duo 1 87 1 4 to L879 4to 1- 1 duo ?1875 1 duo L809 2 duo L786 1 8vo i 222 Number. 139452 52537 97476 70312 32183 69414 44422 38408 33004 33006 72681 pp. 41 70296 72680 26002 79040 24841 79760 38591 111975 89357 44340 29372 79765 44404 16384 32644 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of oi' which Shakrspoare exorcised on the antic Tragedy. 2nd Part. (C'oblenz) 345, Wattendorff (L.) Essay 0, j$ ni Weber (W. E.J Die Aesthetik [Shakespeare. Bd. i, ^«yw. 203-265, Wedde (J.) „Kauffmann von Venedig" ..nJESSJ^SSui !57.] Sommersn, chtstraum, pp. 17-98 Borneo und Julia] (Leipzig) bei Gervimia und Kreissig [from Die Gegenwart] (Berlin] i/M.) Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1889 2 duo 1835 1 8vo ?1880 1 duo 1867 1 4to 1877 1 8vo 1884 [from Die Deutsche Schaubvihne] (Leipzig) [from Die Deutsche SchauMhne (Leipzig) duo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo ]837 1830 1867 1871 1866 70399 24908 Wehl (F.) Didaskalien &* lli; Weigert (A.) Shakespeares ,, Macbeth" Weilen (A. von) Der Widerspiinstigen Zahmung (Frankfurt Weimar : — 24939 Henneberger (A.) Die Shakespeareauffiihrungen in Weimar [from Die Grenzboten] 8vo, 1804. .')039ii Heydrich (M.) lieriuht iiber das Shakespearefest in Weimar [from Die Deutsche Scbaubiihne 8vo, 1864. Weimar, Deutsche Shakespeare-Gessellschaft : ** societies Weisse (C. I J.) Kritik und Erlauterung des Goethe'schen FaUSt (Leipzig) Weisse (C. II.) System der Aesthetik [S,,!,k, ' s '"- i,, ^!:;;; zi , ! !; ■'" :,I -- K| Weisse (G.) Ueber die idyllischen Dram en Shakespeare's [from Dii " Weisse (G.) Uber Shakespeare's Othello Weitzel (C.) Der Kunststil und seine Hauptformen (Stuttgart)... 57. Gothe, Schiller, Shakspeaie. pp. 100-103. Die romano-germanische BiihnU England. Shakspeare. Wellenhof (P. VOll Hofmann) : seeHofmann-Wellenhof Wellmann (A.) Ubereinige englische Trauerspieldichternach Shakespeare h'» Literarhistoriscb.es Taschentmch, 1845, p]>. 109-156] (Hannover) . . . Wendt (A.) Ueber Wolff's Hamlet S^^ilpp"f^ip v ^) Werder (K ) Vorlesungen iiber Shakespeare's Hamlet (Berlin) Werder (K.) Vorlesungen iiber Shakespeare's Macbeth (Benin) Werner (O.) Die Elisabethanische Biihne nach ^HaiiTa/s") x TeU ' ••• Wessel (C.) Richard III. iM «»»*»***** l ^rT^^ Richard ni in Wessenberg (J. H. v.) Ueber den sittlichen Einfluss der Schaubiilme (Constanz) Wetz (W.) Shakespeare vom Standpunlrtede^vergleictendenLitteruturgeschichte. WpypI (C \ Thpnrlnr Dnvino- als Mensch und Ktinstler [pp. 82, etc. Doling als VVexei (Kj.) -LXieOUOl coring Shylock; Malvolio; Iago] (Berlin) Wiarda (Dr.)Bemerkungen zuShakspearesJuliusCaesar (Emdenj Widerspiinstigen Zahmung, Der: see Taming of the shrew Wieland (C. M.) Leben (Leipzig) Wilken (Dr.) Study of Shakspeare's Works SC^tt Wilkins (G.) Pericles Prince of Tyre ^y^^Xt^n foideX^f 8 Wille (E.) William Shakspeare, nach Clemence Robert (Leipzig) [Williams (R. F.) ] Shakspeare und seine Freunde ^ffigSfijEliE) Winter's Tale :— 45116 Boas (F.) Der Sturm und das Wintermiirchen, duo, 1382. 84864 Boyle (K.) Shakespeare's Wintermiirchen, etc., 8vo, 1885. 26453 Bulthaupt (H. A.) Das Wintermarchen [in Streifziige auf dramaturgischem und kritischem Gebiet, pp. 157-16SJ 8vo, 1879. 24936 Caro (J.) Die historischen Elemente in Shakspeares "Wintermahrchen" [from Englische Studien] 8vo, 1878. 44480 Elze (K.) Alexandrines in The Winter's Tale, 8vo, 1881. 97477 Lindau (P.) Shakespeares ,, Wintermarchen" [from Die Gegenwart] 4to, ?1878. 31767 Meissner (A.) Shakspeare's Seitenstiick zum ,, Wintermiirchen" [from Neue Freie Presse] fol, 1881. 32715 Shakespeares Wintermahrchen auf der Dresdner Biihne [ from Morgenblatt] (Stuttgart) 4to, 1861. 70399 Winterf eld (A. v.) Shakespeare's „ Wintermarchen" [in Kunterbunt, Bd. I., pp. 121-142] duo, 1883. 29379 Wiilffel (H.) Ueber Shakespeares Wintermiirchen [in Album des Literarischen Vereins in Niirn- berg, fiir 1860, pp. 123-179] 8vo, 18 JO. Winterfeld (A. von) Kunterbunt B di B pph-?o^wm^ 2 duo 1883 Winterfeld (A. von) Shakespeare (Benin) ... 1 duo ?1864 1 8vo ?1845 1 duo 1837 1 duo 1875 1 duo 1885 1 8vo ?1864 1 8vo 1876 1 duo 1825 1 8vo 1890 1 duo ?1860 1 8vo 1870 4 duo 1827-8 1 8vo 1883 1 8vo 1857 1 duo 1844 3 duo 1839 Number. 29535 31805 70387 11950 97205 44339 87535 13548 148461 148459 94406 25061 96441 33019 60297 26010 72686 11946 92083 70534 German Shakespeariana. Wiseman (N., Cardinal) William Shake peare Wiss(J.) On the Rudiments oh he Shakspeariau Drama Witte (Dr.) ,, Shakespeare mid Moliere" iwi Wolff (J.) Goldene Worte aus Shakspeare i WerkeD Wolff' (M.) John Ford ein Nachahmer Shakespi 1 1 Wolffel (H.) Contributions to Albumdes Literarischen Vereins in Niirnberg (Nflmberg) : — 2:i379 Ueber Shakespeares Wintermarchen In, i860, pp. L23 L79] Svo, I860. 293S0 Ueber Shakespeare's Timor [in L861, pp. 47 84] Bvo, 1861. 29381 Ueber Shakespeare's Julius Casar [mi L863, pp. '.>:: i i-i Bvo, 293S2 Ueber Shakespeare's Coriolan [in L864, pp. :; 34], 3vo, L864. 29376 Ueber Shakespeare's Bamlet [in L863, pp. 62 128] 8vo, L858. 29377 Ueber Shakespeare's Sturm [in 1854, pp. 131 198] 8vo, 1854 29378 Ueber Shakespeare's Konig Lear [in L855, pp. 3 65 26457 Ueber Shakespeare's Kaufmann von Venedig [in \^<^. pp. i . 38582 Ueber Shakespeare's Sommernachtstraum [in 1862, pp. L07 i « *> T j -■• Women, Shakespeare's : see characters Worthmann (F.) Em Separatvotmn ,_,.,';;;,. ",/ : . ... Wortspiel : see Wurth Wotzel (Dr.) Theatei'Schule [Shakespeare pp. 136-144] (Wien) ... Wiilcker (R. P.) Altenglisches Lesebuch (Hauea/s.i ... WiUker [R.] Die Shakspere-Bacontheorie (Leipdg) Wurth (L.) Das Wortspiel bei Sliakspere (wienuna Leipzig) Wiirzner (A.) Die Orthographie ieT e ^^&^ a $ Zaubitz (H. M.) Shakespeares Hamlet i/r Morgeuwatq ami in also apparently belong to the second edition, although the winds " Deuxieme edition " do not appear on the title pages. CEuvres completes de Shakespeare tn " ,uit " s par K iln ^^" et ,i """"" t No. of Vols. Size. Date. 20 8vo 1776-83 8vo 1821 8vo 1827 8vo 1835 8vo 1838 8vo 1842 duo 1842-3 8vo 1843-4 8vo 1847 duo 1854 4to ?1856 8vo 1859 8 8vo 1860-2 18 8vo 1863-73 13 13 1 2 1 7 9 2 6 2 1 traduites par E. Montegut NOTE.— Vol. 10 is wanting. Vols. 8 and II are of the second edition. traduction | in prose] de M. Guizot. Huitieme edition 3 4to 1867-70 9 duo 1867-78 8 duo 1868-73 CEuvres completes de Shakspeare %£%$*&£££%!;£&$& 3 8vo 1869 (Euvres completes de Shakespeare ty ''' [nit 7 [ tZZ l . [ l>^ni- H " u "16inl7duo?1875-80 CEuvres completes de Shakspeare tr T^Z^ y ^\}^ l :',?^,r r ... 6 duo 1876 3281 CEuvres completes de Shakspeare 7 ami x are of I lie seventh edition. traduction par M. F. Michel. Etprecedee de la vie de Shakspeare par T. Campbell NOTE.— Vol. 2 is of tl traduction nouvelle [in pros.] par B. Laroche. Sixieme edition • seventh edition. FRENCH EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. Smaller Collections and Selections. 92086 Bruguiere (A.) Chefs-d'oeuvre de Shakspeare 27136 Cayrou (A.) Chefs-d'oeuvre de Shakespeare traduction en vers ... Tome 1.— Macbeth— Hamlet. 2. Othello— Romeo et Juliette 60250 Chefs -d'ceuvre de Shakspeare [pp. 101 to 221; of Vol. 2 only, should be in 3 vols.] 27161 Tome 1— Richard III. Le Marehand de Venise. Romeo et Juliette. 2. Henri IV. Hamlet. Othello. 3. Le Roi Lear. Macbeth. Jules Cesar. 2 8vo 1826 2 8vo 1876 1 duo 1864 3 duo 1878 French Editions of Shakespeare's Works. No. of I L813 Number. 57119 Ducis (J. F.) GEuvres Tome 1.— Hamlet Romdo et Juliette. LeRolLear. 2. Macbeth. Othello [Theotherl are not Shakespearian.] 12205 Ducis (J. F.) CEuvres (Bruxeiies) ;j g vo [884 Tome 1.— Hamlet. 1: to et Juliette. Le Rot War. 2. Macbeth. OtheUo. 8 Kxamen de Komeo si Juliette. [The other Contents are aol S 71699 Jay [A.] et Colet (Louise) Chefs-d'oeuvre de Shaks] 1 8vo I Jules Cesar et La Tempflte 56258 Letourneur [P.] (Euvres choisies de Shakespeare ... 1 8vo L88J Jules Cesar, Hamlet et Macbeth. 38123 Meurice (P.) Theatre (Etudes et copies) ^g&i ... 1 duo L864 27164 Michel (F.) (Euvres choisies de Shakspeare... ... 2 duo 1- Tome 1— OtheUo. Hamlet. Macbeth. 2. LaRoiLear. Le Marchand de Venlse. Meiui Mesure. Henry IV. 3. I.i-s .1,. v. mis.s Frimnes de Windsor. Itomeo el Juliette Le Songe d'une unit du milieu do l'6te. Juli lolan. 149642 Pages choisies des Grands Ecrivains : Shakespeare ... 1 duo L899 Traducl lod nonvelle et introduction par K. Legouia 79034 Pezac (H. de) CEuvres choisies de Shakespeare BS SS£SJff ,r ... 3 duo L884-S Tome 1.— Romeo & Juliette. 2, Le Marchand de Venise. Palstaff. 3, Jules Cesar, Di bistoriques de Shakespeare. 72411 Prarond (E.) Etudes sur Shakespeare 1 duo L858 Les Francais en Angleterre (King John). LesJoyeuses Bourgeoises (Merr] Wive I 71693 Koger (E.) Beautes Morales de Shakspeare [French and English]... 1 duo L843 Hamlet. Macbeth. LeRolLear. Coriolan. Jules Cesar. Romi tJuliette. Othello, i RoiJean. Henri VI. (Ire et 2nde parties) Richard HI. HenrlVIH. 71691 Select Plays of Shakspeare ^gffiti&£ a 8°S2&gfig£' 1 » ••• 1 duo 1837 (Life and Death of Richard in., Romeoand Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth). 71650 William Shakspeare's Selected Plays withnotes, \, ... 6 duo L809 Vol 1. Tempest. Merchant of Venice. 2. Henry IV., Part I. and II. ::. Coriolanus. i: ami Juliet. 4. King Lear. Macbeth. 5. Hamlet. 6. Othello. 69395 William Shakspeare's Selected Plays withnot fMs (A A ] n) Vo1,4 ' ••• 1 duo 1809 FRENCH EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. Number. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. 38125 Paroles Comedie tirer de Shakspeare [par] P. Meurice— A. Vacquerie No. of Vdis. Size. Date. 1 duo 1844 AS YOU LIKE IT. 73966 Comme il VOUS plail'a Tireede Shakspeare et arranges par George Sand ... 1 duo 1856 27177 Ac V/->n T,iL-o Tt with French notes by A. Brown. Paris edition. Improved with notes 1 Ann Kiln Ull AS IOU UIKe 11 fr.,in .luliiismi, , !,•. Truchy's edition. l tluu ' "■ 27167 34583 27178 27188 27189 27190 CORIOLANUS. uvelle Edition. Precedee d'une Notice critique e( historique et accompagneo do ] rJun 1 l -\ 1 'i notes par O'Sullivan [Text in English] x uuu '' ' ampagnee de notes par M. Correard. Lectures anglaises. Cours superieur 1 .1,,,, 1 s 1 "i [Text in English] ••■ x uuu ' with French notes by Ad. Brown. Improved with notes from Johnson, etc. , 1 , ,, . 1 rt^f) Truchy'sEdi i ■•■ A UU(J XOlJ \J texte anglais, publie avec unc notice en anglais et en francais et des notes par <1nr> I ft/if) C.Fleming L uuu Coiiolari traduite en francais avec le texte an rd et des Notes par C. Fleming .. . 1 ClUO rVvlnlon [translated and annotated by C. Fleming]. Les auteurs anglais expl ae 1 dun 1 HfiO V^OllOldiU methode nouvelle par deux ( aoaises Coriolan Coriolan ;1 Coriolanus Coriolanus 39804 Hamlet 72398 Hamlet 72425 Uue Scene d'Hamlet 27168 Hamlet HAMLET. Conforme aux representations donnees a Paris with French notes, etc, by A. Brown, Improved with new notes, from John Truchj s Edit traduite en vers par J. Lalne 1 Nouvi'lli! edition, l'recedee d'une Notice critique et historique et notes par O'Sullivan IText iu English] duo L827 duo 8vo 1836 duo 1843 No. of Vols. Size. Date. 226 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Number. 72427 Hamlet en vers par A. Dumas e1 P. Meurice. Theatre contemporaln illustre . 42219 Hamlet traduite en vera francais par le Chevalier deChatelain (Londresj O^l^n TT.^-,laf wit)] French notes, etc., by A. Brown. New edition, improved with l AlllJ Jtlamiet Johnson, etc. Published by J. H. Trucby cnnon TT„ ™1^4- traduction italienne de C. Rusconi avec le francais en regard. QVAAV xlamieii Repertoire dr atique de M. E. Rossi. 27193 Hamlet en vers rar A. Dumas et P. Meurice 106824 Hamlet Traduit el adapte" a la scene francaise [par] E. Guillemont 60211 Hamlet E " vers [par A ' Dumas et K ^"^Ksf tre ° omplfit "" A "' x ' ' <70A P.A TTo>-,-,lof traduction italienne de C. Rusconi arec le francais en regard. / A'ko'i riamieu Repertoire dramatique de M. E. Rossi. 69380 Hamlet traduction de Letourneur [in prose]. Bibliotheque Nationale 27192 Hamlet traduction italienne deC. Rusconi, avec le francais en regard 2i615 Hamlet tradiriteen prose et en vers par T. Reinach. Texte revise en regard 41898 Hamlet traduction de Letourneur [in prose]. Bibliotheque Nationale 60253 Hamlet traduction de Letourneur [in prosej Bibliotheque Nationale 82775 Hamlet Drame en vers, d'apres Shakespeare par MM. I.. Cressonnois & C. Samson 87531 Hamlet traduit en vers francais par L. Menard 92048 Hamlet en vers [par] A. Dumas [et] P. Meurice. 133560 Hamlet traduction de Letourneur [in prose]. Bibliotheque Nationale 151785 Hamlet traduction par B. Morand et M. Schwob HA ML ET : I MIT A T/ONS, ETC. 72428 Ducis [J. F.] Hamlet, fcrage"die, imite'e de l'Anglois ; [in verse] duo, 1770 5799S ■ (Bruxelles) duo, 1771 60260 Ducis [J. F.] Hamlet, tragedie, imitee de 1' Anglais [in verse] duo, ?1S00 107991 Ducis (J. F.) Hamlet, tragedie, imitee de 1' Anglais. Nouvelle edition [in verse] duo, 1813 3290 - Svo, 1815 72123 duo, 1816 107992 duo, 1818 60261 , [in verse] Svo, 1826 72429 . Nouvelle edition [in verse] duo, 1830 56009 Dncis [J. F.] Hamlet. Tragedie en einq actes. Poesies de Ducis. Nouvelle edition, publi^e par F. Vernay, duo, ?18S1 72424 [Henry (L.)[ Hamlet, pantomime tragique en trois actes, melee de danses, Svo, 1816 HAMLET: OPERA TEXTS. 58000 Hamlet. Opera, par M. Carre' et J. Barbier. Musique de A. Thomas, duo, 1868 107993 Nouvelle edition, duo, 1874 ,1880 ... 1 4to ?1847 ... 1 duo 1864 notes from 1 duo 1865 ... 1 8vo 1866 ... 1 4to ?1867 ... 1 duo 1869 as. XI.. ^ duo 1874 ... 1 8vo 1876 ... 1 duo 1878 ... 1 8vo 1878 ... 1 duo 1880 ... 1 duo 1881 ... 1 duo 1883 ... 1 duo 1886 ... 1 duo 1886 ... 1 duo 1887 ... 1 duo 1894 ... 1 duo 1900 27191 60225 duo duo, 1882 2494 Hamlet, traduit de Shakspeare par P. de Garal [or rather, the libretto of an opera founded on Shakespeare's Hamlet] Svo, 1868 72418 Henri IV. HENRY THE FOURTH. Juatribme acte) [French and English] ... ... 1 duo 1845 HENRY THE EIGHTH. 50208 Hpni'i VTT [explique par M. Morel, traduit par M. la. MontegutJ Les Auteurs Anglais c y J.xx. expliques d'apres urn- methode nouvelle par deux traductions fran^aises 72392 Heni'V VIII. traduction de Letourneur [in prosej Bibliotheque Nationale ... 133561 1 duo 1883 1 duo 1883 1 duo 1891 JULIUS OESAR. 110195 Jules Cesar traduite en vera francaise par A. Barbier 27180 Julius CceSai" with French notes by Ad. Brown, improved with notes from Johnson, etc. 7249.fi .TnlpR ()f>o.s\.r traduite en vera francais avec le texte anglais, preeedee d'une etude et suivie 1 au >J uics ucdm de notes par C. Carlhant. 9,-lQJi .Tnlpur \ JlllpS flpSfll' Nouvelle edition, avec une notice, un argui Irancai ext in English] Jlllps CptJfl.r Nouvelle A n ave< notli-c biograp] JuleS Cesar texte anglais, revu et annote par M. 1'AbbeJu JllleS CpS'lV [expliquelitterulementparN. Legrand traduitpar£ Monti " Anglais cxpliquesd'apn ax traductions I JllleS Cesar traduction francaisi pari Mo inglais JllleS Cesar traduction de Letourneur [in prose], Bibllotheque National JllleS Cesai' (1600) texte critique avec latraducti in regard par A. Became Le Eoi Lear Le Eoi Lear Le Eoi Lear King Lear : Le Eoi Lear Le Eoi Lear Le Eoi Lear Le Eoi Lear KING LEAR. Conforme aux representation Itn Inglala] Nouvelle Edition. Pn 1 1 idi e A' i Notio critique et historlque, lee de Notes par O'Sullivan [Text In English] traduit par MM. Devicque et Crisafulli ... ■\v edition, « Ith notes. Rei u i i adapte i ar C. Wltcomb. [Text iu Englisu] (Baudry's European Library) traducti n vers par M. I'abbe 1 P. E. P. Herpin. (Etude sin le Roi U ar [par I''. V, Hugo]) i R traduite ers franeais par le Chevalier de Chatelain (Londresl traduite en italien par C. Hum i. ei en franeais par 3. de Filippl [Repertoire de M. E Ei traduction de Letourneur [in prose]. Bibllotheque Natl duo duo duo L870 duo L874 duo L876 duo duo duo L88] L881 L88] L88] dun L88] duo 8vo L899 duo (lll(J L843 duo 1 B57 Bvo L865 8vo L869 duo 1873 8vo L875 duo L876 duo L892 KING LEAR: IMITATIONS, ETC. 76389 Bernard (Mme. L.) Le Roi Lear \in Theatre do Marion net tea, pp. 163-268] duo, 2496 Ducis [J. F.] Le Roi Lear, tragedie, duo, 1783 106821 [differs from No. 2496] duo, 1788 1230 Duhomme (F.) et Sauvage (E.) Le Roi Lear (Invito de Shakspeare) 3vo, '.'1884 2497 Lacroix (J.) Le Roi Lear. Drame en vers indie de Shakspeare, duo, 72450 Le Roi Lu, Parodie du Roi Lir, ou Lear, en vers. Nouvelle Edition, 8vo, 1788 72402 Macbeth 32673 Macbeth 72415 Macbeth 27181 Macbeth .50708 Macbeth 72419 Macbeth 27200 Macbeth 27201 Macbeth 72420 Macbeth 72416 Macbeth 27197 Scene de 38119 Macbeth 3358 Macbeth 42222 Macbeth 27203 Macbeth MACBETH. Conforme aux representations donnees a Paris, [Tl ... ... traduction litteraleen vers, par J. Lara parle Biblioph printed by E. Briere. [French and Engli h] ... ... ... with French notes, etc., by Ad. Brown, Improved with notes from Johnson, etc. Truchy's i ■•" "•■ et Eomeo et Juliette ^u^TSSSSS? u with emendations, notes, etc, by C. Travers (Boulo en vers, par ft. Deschamps. Theatre contempoi ... ... en vers, par (•:. Deschamps [Bibllotheque dramatique. Theatre moderno] ... [pp. 477-656 of Vol. I "f ? The text is in English and French. The " Notice sur Macl 1 D. O'Sullivan] TTagedie en vers d'aprte Shakspeare, par L. Halevj ... Somnambulisrue dans Macbeth [French and Italian] Trag&lie en vers, d'apresjShakKpeare, pai L. Halevy. Deuxlemi edition traduite en vers italiens par i i raduction franca Ulan par P. Baymond-Signouret. Repertoire de Mme, 1 traduite en vers franeais par le Chevalier de Chatelain (Londi • tragedie en vers d'apres Shakspeare par I.. Halevy. Nouvelle edition, duo L828 duo 1840 duo ]s;i duo 8vo L844 8vo L844 lu. L848 duo IMS 8vo ?1860 duo L863 1 867 du<. L857 8vo L858 duo 228 Number. 60221 72407 27187 109105 72401 72453 72417 27196 27199 27176 27198 41899 56013 56268 56266 113410 56267 92081 133564 140297 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. M.if>KotVi adapted for Madame Rietori and her Italian Dramatic Company. ilGDeill ||| ( . Italian translation by G. Carcano [Italian and English] • • • Macbeth en vers par J. Lacroix TVToi^l-iotVi New edition, with notes Kevu et adapts 1 par C. Witcomb IVlclCIJbUIl [Text in English] [Baudry's European Library) Macbeth Edition classique precedee d'une notice litteraire par E. Sedley [Text in English] Macbeth en prose. Biblioth&rue Rationale. ... ... ... ... T\/To/-.l .of l-i t ia.li.tr ;i ed adattata per le scene Italian.' de 6. Carcano lUtlLUeuil [Italian and French] [Repertoire de M. E. Kossi.] T\/Tr. «U^+V. Edition class:. me avec ime preface et des notes par M. v. Talandier iUaCOetn [Text in English] Mo^kafVi tradottii .il a.lattata p.-r lr scene italiane de G. Carcano ctbUBUU [Repertoire de M. E. Rossi] [Italian and French] Macbeth traduction franeaisc par E. Montegut, avec le texte angl .is el des notes ATlpllptVi Text.' anglais. K.liti.m precedee < 1 ' 1 1 1 n - Notice critique et historique et li-LtlblJcLil .,,. njti^ni'r i]f imti'S par (I Sullivan •'." ATnr'ltptVi [explique litteralemenl par M. Angellier, traduit par K. Montegut] LesAuteurs l>±cli_ Ui. Ull anglais expliques d'apris une method.- nouvelle par deux traductions franchises Macbeth en prose. Bibliotheque Nationale Macbeth Edition classique, precedee dun.- notice litteraire par A. Elwall [Text in English] Macbeth Edition classique, par J. Darmesteter [Text in English] ... Macbeth texte anglais, revu et annote par M. TAbbe Julien ... ... ... Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth (1606) texte critique avec la traduction cu regard par A. Beljame MACBETH: PLAYS ON THE SAME SUBJECT, ETC. 72439 Cuvelier (M. [J. G. A.]) Macbeth, ou les Soreieres de la. Fuivt ; Pantomime, duo, 1817 72438 Ducis [J. F.] Macbeth. Tragedie en vers, duo, 1790 16316 Ducis (J. F.) Macbeth, trage'die. Nouvelle edition, duo, 1S16 56010 Ducis [J. F.] Macbeth. Tragedie. Poe'sies de Ducis. Nouvelle edition, publiee par F. Vernay, duo, ?1881 109108 Hapde (A.) Les Visions de Macbeth, ou les Soreieres d' Ecosse ; Melodrame, duo, 1817 2498 Le Sire (J.) et Borssat ( ) Lady Macbeth : Scene Dramatique, Svo, 1859 MACBETH: OPERA TEXT. 27202 Macbeth. Opdra imite de Shakspeare. Paroles de MM. Nuitter & Beaumont. Musique de G. Verdi, duo, 1865 texte anglais. Edition pie. 'tile.' d'une Notice critique et historique et arrumpaL'uee (le notes par Sullivan Edition classique, avec une preface el des notes par M. A. Talandier [Text in English] traduction francaise litterale par M. l'abbe Em. Daguze en prose. Bibliotheque Nationale ... ... ... No. of Vols. Size. 1 8vo Date. 1863 1 duo 1863 1 1 1 8vo duo duo 1865 ?1874 1875 1 duo 1875 1 d uo 1875 1 8vo 1876 1 duo 1876 1 duo 1878 1 duo 1879 1 duo 1880 1 duo ?1880 1 duo 1881 1 duo 1881 1 duo 1881 L duo 1881 1 duo 1885 1 duo 1893 1 8vo 1897 38120 Sceur Isabelle MEASURE FOR MEASURE. Drame en cinq actes, en vers tire de Shakspeare, par F. Deschamps (Rouen) 1 duo ?1873 72406 27170 3005 42223 24616 72394 133565 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. AT pre Vl qntnf Vpu i na as performed at the Theatres Royal in 1 irurv-Lane and Covent-Garden: itici^iiduuiji. venire With French notes. (London; and Paris, published by Truchy) Tip AT p iv» Vt ct 1 1 rl rip Venioo Nouvelle edition. Precedee d'une Notice critique et historique, Jibe ,. t accompagnee de notes par 0' Sullivan ['l ext in English] Le Marchand de Venise LeMarchandde Venise Sbvlock Lp, Mfl.VP.baud rip Vpnia-comique, par MM. Rosier el de Leaven. Maslqne de M \ Thomas, duo, ?1850 150066 — Nouvelle Edition, I 133566 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Beaucoup de Bruit pour rien ^^uoth^XaonSS MUCH ABO ABOUT NOTHING: ALTERATION. 1 duo L893 96-443 Legendre (L.) Beaucoup de bruit pour rien. Come'die en vers d'apres Shakespeare, Musique de M. I'». Godard, duo, L888 OTHELLO. 72103 Othello Conforme aux representations d ■ ■:... Paris [Theatre In lai I ... 971.Q9 Othpllo w '"' ''' 1 ' t ' 1 "'' 1 lln,, ' s . etc., by A. Brown. Improved with new notes from Johns etc "72422 Le More de Venise, Othello [traduite 1Bra! [S!K]' ' ' deVlgDJ 97171 OtVioll/-> Nouvelle edition. Precedes d'uneNotlce critique el historique et accompagnee di £I±I.l KJluvuu notes par O'Sullivan [Text in English] 72408 Othello Printed by E. Briere I French and English] ... 60219 Othello traduction italienne de G. Carcano [With a French translation in prose] 24616 Le More de Venise, Othello a,apr ttte k K e v C ign^1 leM ' •• 42224 Othello traduitc en vers francais par le Chevalier deChatelain (Londres) 72400 Othello [InproseJ BibUothequeNationale 1/ld 9S Otliall<-i traduction italienne G. Carcano avec le frain ai- n ic-ani. il1j ° WlliBiiU Repertoire dramatique de M. E. R 979flA Af ViqII/-, traduction italienne de G. Carcano [Repertoire de M. E. Rossi] A I AV± VJuneiiO [Italian and French] 41902 Othello en vers. [Translated with a preface by] J. Aicard 41900 Othello [inprose]. Bihliotheque Nationale 56260 Othello traducti en vers de L. De Gramonl ^(\91C\ OfViplln [explique par M. Legrand, txaduit par M. 4. Moutegut] LesAuteurs uuzi 1 \j wiuuiiu expliques d'apres unc methods nouvelle par deux traductions francaisea 133569 Othello [in prose] BibUothequeNationale 156167 Othello en vers par J. Aicard OTHELLO: PLAYS ON THE SAME SUBJECT, ETC 72440 Arlequin Cruello, parodie d'Ofchello [by J. 15. Radel and others] duo, tt792 72441 Cuvelier(M [J. G. A.]) Le More de Venise, ou Othello. Pantomime, dm 72445 Ducis [J. F.] Othello ou Le More de Venise, trage"die, 8vo, ?1793 72451 Ducis (J. P.) Othello ou Le More de Venise, trageMie [Magasin The*atral] Svo, L846 109107 Sewrin (C. A. B.) Le Maurico de Venise, parodie d'Othello, duo, ?179S OTHELLO: OPERA TEXTS, ETC 72442 Othello, ou Le More de Venise, trageMie lyrique [French and Italian] duo, 1821 72446 Otello, ou Le More de Venise. Opera, Paroles de Castil-Blaze, Musiquede Rossini, duo, 38118 Othello, ou Le More de Venise. Drame lyrique. Musique de Rossini [French and Kalian duo, 1844 27205 duo,Ti867 148520 Othello. Drame lyrique de A. Boito. Musique de G. Verdi, Version MM. C. du Locle et A. Boito, duo, ?1894 RICHARD THE THIRD. tRJrtlioivl TTT as performed at thi 1 I J in Drury-Lam 1 | ( j Ul , -KlCnai'Cl 111. French Notes, by J. Vf. L d »J Trucby) Richard III. As performed in Paris ... ... ... ... ••• 1 dUO Lo20 PJnV,oi.P TTT Conforme aux representations donnees a Paris. Anglals-francals. Jjjq [838 XilCnaiU 111. [xie French translation Isinj 1 duo L827 1 duo 1 8vo ?1839 1 duo 1 duo is 11 1 8vo 1 duo L870 1 duo ls71 1 duo L874 1 S\ L876 1 8vo 1S77 1 8vo L882 1 duo L882 1 duo L882 1 duo 1 duo L893 1 8vo ?1899 72397 60254 71659 230 Number. 27183 27172 42225 56262 49914 72396 133570 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Richard the Third Richard III. Richard III. Richard III. Eichard III. Eichard III. s ii.l Paris Edition. With French notes by J. \V. Lake, Esq. Truchy's Edition Nouvelle edition. Precedee d'une noti -it i.pn- et liist' >ii.ni.- c-t :n -.-Hi ii] i;i l- in-i ■ J..- notes par O'Sullivan [Text in English I traduite en vers francais par le Chevalier de Chatelain (Londres) Edition classique precedee d'une notice litteraire, paT A. Elwall [Texi in English] i dais publie avec un avant-propos el des notes en francais par A. Buuhner en pn Bibliotheque Rationale No. o Vols. f Size. Date. 1 duo 1834 1 duo 1843 1 duo 1872 1 duo ?1881 1 duo 1882 1 duo 1882 1 duo 1893 RICHARD THE THIRD: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 107960 Richard, Parodie de Richard III., Svo, 1TS1 72409 Sejour (V.) Richard III. Drame en cinq actes, en prose, duo, 1852 109102 — Nouvelle edition, duo, 1870 72404 Romeo et Juliette 27184 Romeo and Juliet , 27173 Romeo et Juliette 150708 Macbeth et Romeo 2500 Romeo et Juliette 72399 Romeo et Juliette 27208 Romeo et Juliette 41901 Romeo et Juliette 88308 Romeo et Juliette 133571 Romeo et Juliette ROMEO AND JULIET. i !onforme mix representations donnecs a Paris [Theatre Anglais] itli French notes, etc, by A. Brown. Improved with new notes from Johnson, etc. Truchy's Edition Nouvelle edition. Precedee d'une notice critique et historique et acronipagnee de notes par O'Sullivan [Text in English] of Tnl-iof fo traduites en vers francais [Oeuvres de E. eh JUIieite Descnamps, l | traduite en vers francais par E. U-sehamps. Edition pour le Theatre traduction de Letourneur [in prose]. Bibliotheque Rationale traduction frangaise conforme a la representation Repertoire de M. E. Rossi • • • traduction de Letourneur [in prose]. Bibliotheque Nationale traduction de Daffry de la Monnoye. Illustrations d'Andriolli . . . traduction de Letourneur [in prose]. Bibliotheque Nationale ... 1 duo 1827 1 duo 1837 1 duo 1843 1 Svo 1844 1 duo 1863 1 duo 1873 1 duo 1875 1 duo 1881 1 fol ?1886 1 duo 1895 ROMEO AND JULIET: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 72413 Demogeot (J.) Romeo et Juliette. Drame en vers. (Etude sur Shakspere) duo, 1852 72430 Ducis I J. F.] Romeo et Juliette, tragedie [in verse] duo, 1772 72431 Nouvelle edition, 1777 72449 [Ducis (J. F.)] Romeo et Juliette, tragedie [from Oeuvres de J. F. Ducis] 8vo, 1812 72381 Ivry (Marquis d) Les Amauts de Verone. drame lyrique, imite de Shakspeare, duo, 1878 71695 Mercier [L. S.] Les Toinbeaux de Verone. Drame. (Neuchatel) duo, 1782 72421 Soulie (F.) Romeo et Juliette, tragedie en vers. [Founded upon Shakespeare] Deuxieme edition, Svo, 1829 72443 Soulie (F.) Romeo et Juliette, tragedie en vers. [Founded upon Shakespeare] [from Theatre de F. Soulie] duo, 1840 72452 Soulie (F.) Romeo et Juliette, trage"die en vers. [Founded upon Shakespeare] Svo, ?1S45 ROMEO AND JULIET: OPERA TEXTS, ETC. 72432 Romeo et Juliette. Opera. Paroles du C. J. A. Segur. Musique du C. Steibelt. Seconde edition, duo, ?1795 72433 Romeo et Juliette, Drame en Musique. [Italian and French] duo, 1809 3S121 Juliette et Romeo, tragedie lyrique [Italian and French] duo, 1812 106820 Romeo et Juliette, tragedie lyrique [French and Italian] duo, 1S21 109104 Romeo et Juliette, Opera. Paroles de M. de Segur, Musique de M. Steibelt, Svo, 1821 109106 Romeo et Juliette, Symphonie dramatique, composee d'apres Shakespeare, par H. Berlioz. Paroles de M. E. Deschamps, duo, 1839 109111 Les Capulets et les Montaigus. Grand opera par G. Oppelt. Musique de V. Bellini, Svo, 1843 72412 Romeo et Marielle. Vaudeville par MM. Dumanoir, Siraudin et Moreau, duo, ?1850 27206 Romeo et Juliette. Opera. Musique de Bellini. Paroles franchises de C. Nuitter, duo, 1859 72414 Juliette et Romeo. Folie-Vaudeville par MM. L. de Montchamp et A. Delorrnel, duo, 1865 27207 Romeo et Juliette. Opera par J. Barbier et M. Carre. Musique de C. Gounod. Nouvelle edition, duo, 1874 27209 Romeo & Juliette. Drame lyrique d'apres Shakespeare. Paroles de E. Deschamps. Musique de H. Berlioz, duo, ?1875 27174 42226 56263 133572 La Tempete La Tempete La Tempete THE TEMPEST, Nouvelle edition. Precedee d'une notice critique et historique et acconipagnee de notes par '.Sullivan [Text in English] traduite en vers francais par le Chevalier de Chatelain (Londres) traduction de. Letourneur [in prose]. Bibliotheque Nationale 1 duo 1843 1 duo 1867 1 duo 1881 1 duo 1894 Number. French Editions of the Separate Plays. 23 1 THE TEMPEST: OPERA 1. 1< . TEX TS, 107957 Coraly [J.] La Tempete ou I'lle dea Genies. Ballet-FeV 27211 Renan (E.) Caliban, suite de La Tempete, Di mi,- philosophlque, Stc 27210 Scribe (M.) La Tempete, Grand opera, Musique de \i. Hale>y, traduction [talienne Giannone [Italian and French] duo, 186] 56012 Silvestre (A.) et Berton(B.) La Tempete. Poeme symphonique d'aprea 8bakespeare Mualque de A. Duvernoy, duo, issO do M TIMON OF ATHENS. 9717^ Tiinnn r\' \ r.ViiinOQ Nouvelle Edition. Precedes d'um et hlatorique el I I,, kcj AI1ID XlinOIl (l Aineneb ; „,,, n gnfe de notes par O'Sulllvan [TMt In Kngllsh] • Ullo IM.f 38122 TimOU d'AtheiieS tradiUtlltteralementenversparA. Fleury ... ... 1 Juo I860 10HR9Q Timnti rT AthAnp« Suivl de rintermexzo I Heine. I u,._ i^r", lUOO^i^ 11U10I1 UAlueues Traductions en vers par E. Pi slles ••■ ••• ' OVO LOOO 42227 TimOll d'AtheiieS traduitenversrrnncalsparleChevaUerdeChatolaln iLondrea 1 duO L874 92381 TilBOll d'AtheneS precede d'une dtude par le traducteur (C.deGuei ... ] dllO 1^*7 TIMOX OF ATHENS: IMITATIONS 60262 Mercier (L. S.) Timon d'Athenes. Imitation de Shakespeare, Bvo, vitsm 71696 Mercier (Le C.) Timon d'Athenes. Imitation de Shakespeare. Sec le edition, duo THE WINTER'S TALE. 42228 Le Conte d'Hiver traxluit en vers francuis par le Chevalier dcChat*lain(Uudres| 1 duo lsT.". FRENCH EDITIONS OF THE PLAYS ASCRIBED TO SHAKESPEARE. COLLECTED EDITION. 3276 (Euvres completes de W. Shakespeare f -\;"^;;,"yX^ n ' I. Titus Andronicus. I'm' Trairedie dans l'Yorkshire. Lus deux nobles parents. II Edouard III. Arden de Feversham. III. Locrine. Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Le Prodiguc dt Londres. La Puritaiue, ou la Veuve de Watling Street. 3 Bvo 1S66-7 ARDEN OF FEVERSHAM. 72374 Un nouveau drame de Shakspeare ^^f^^SSvS^&i 1 8vo ?1860 FRENCH EDITIONS OF THE POEMS AND SONNETS. 3008 Poemes et Sonnets de Shakespere tra,h "!; ZX r .V^:\^ :".^ , -", : , , . , ^' ,, ""■ 3007 Les Sonnets de Shakespeare *»*•»■ 0»i p ] a ?° F ur v a gS™ ,6r 152913 Les Sonnets de Shakspeare traduits en sonnets (rancais avec Introduction, notes el blbliographie, par P. Henry 1 duo L856 1 duo 1 857 1 8vo L900 FRENCH SHAKESPEARIANA. 24301 Aicai'd (J.) Moliere a Shakspeare Prologue en vers, with a literal translation 1 8vo 1879 Antiquity, Shakespeare and : seestapfer 76842 Arnaud (M. d') Les Amans Malheureux 2£^ [ S3£S L duo ] 766 As You Like It : «««Janin Aurevilly (J. Barbey d') : *« Barney d'AurevUly Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy : — 10S015 Buchner (A.) Shakspeare ou Bacon ? 8vo, 57975 Barante (Baron de) Sur l'Hamlet [""^tt '••• ! ,lu " L835 232 Number. 41903 44328 24621 3022 76946 71689 49927 33002 3009 38127 69517 76563 113520 27264 148463 145457 29789 9297 70329 42979 108015 72376 27156 62557 9296 25988 72372 42941 70314 21619 3023 56254 71660 16336 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Edition ou les Aniants Mulheureux Barbey d'Aurevilly (J.) Goethe et Diderot ... Barbier (A.) Etudes dramatiques Houveiie edition Bar bier (A.) Shakspeare [apoem] [from Revue des Revues] (Bruxelles) Baretti (J.) Discours sur Shakespeare et sur Voltaire '^PaSsT Baron (A.) Histoire de l'art dramatique (Bruxeiiesj Beauties of Shakespeare : seeDodd Bellamy (Miss [G. A.]) Memoires de rtI Tra' d uitde 1 ^;f 0S - ••• Bertrand (G.) Borneo et Juliette [from. Revue Modeme] Beyle (H.) Bacine et Shakspeare, par De Stendhal... Bibliography : see Moulin Biography of Shakespeare : ■ ■ Lives Blaze de Bury (H.) Hamlet etsesComnientateurs [from. Revue des deux Mondes] Blaze de Bury (H.) Le Roi Lear al'Odeon [from Revue des deux Mondes] Blaze de Bury (H.) Shakspeare et Voltaire ^tlv^sS&es] [Blaze de Bury (Mile.)] Bepertoire de Shakespeare p gJ™ e ... Blaze de Bury (Mile.) Bepertoire de Shakespeare r Blossac (Mme. C.) Borneo & Juliette Boismartin (A. Vieillard de) Boismont (A. Brierre de) : Brandes (G.) Othello [from cosmopoiis] Brierre de Boismont (A.) Shakespeare BrOWn (Jane) pseiul. : see Blaze de Bury (Mile.) Bruno (W.) Etudes Shakspeariennes ireserie Biichner (A.) Les Comedies de Shakspeare (Caen) ... Biichner (A.) Les derniers Critiques de Shakspeare tcaenj Biichner (A.) Hamlet le Danois Biichner (A.) Shakspeare ou Bacon ? Bury (Blaze de) : se« Blaze de Bury Gai'lvle (T ) Le Hel'OS-Popte Dante— Shakspeare. Traduction deW-L. Hughes J \ '/ c c [from Revue Francaise] Catalogues : see Moulin Chalmers (A.) Life Of Shakspeare [*» Historical and expiatory notes, etc., Chantreau [P. N.] Voyage dans l'Angleterre, etc. [r, gJifcg^* Characters : — 39596 see Vieillard de Boismartin see Brierre de Boismont Etmles medico-psychologiqnes sur les homines uelebres duo duo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo 8vo 8vo Date. 1880 1874 1836 1777 ?1850 ?1799 1867 1854 ?1868 ?1868 ?1873 1885 1888 ?1870 ?1896 1869 1856 1865 1876 1878 1885 1 8vo ?1865 8vo duo 1839 1792 1 duo 1879 Femmes de Shakespeare. Portraits . . . [avec] Vie de Shakespeare par M. de Pongerville. Etude sur le nieme auteur par M. Villemain, 2 vols., 4to, 1862 Sumner (Mary) Les Heroines de Shakespeare, etc. : see Sumner, p. 238 109112 Vernier (V.) De Famine des femmes dans Shakspeare [from Le quart d'heure] duo, 1859 Chasles (P.) L'Angleterre au seizieme siecle (ipoques shakspeariennes) _ Note.— This is a later edition of " Etudes sur W. Shakspeare." Chasles (P.) Etudes sur YV. Shakspeare Chasles (P.) Hamlet [from Revue Contemporaine] Chateaubriand ( [E. A.] de) Essai sur la Litterature anglaise Chateaubriand (E. A, de) Shakespeare [ ViS^ ff*8fitE Chateaubriand [P. A. de] Shakespeare [ %S p^^\f ■ ( Br!£«&5T Chatelain (Le Chevalier de) Le Monument ^SSSfnteSSSSSrt" Chatelain (Le Chevalier dei Notre Mnrmmpnt < Priii,ed for private Chaulin (N. P.) Biographie dramatique des artistes anglais venus a Paris Chaulin (N . P.) Precis des pieces dramatiques deW. Shakspeare Comedies : see Biichner Contemporaries of Shakespeare : ** Metres 1 duo ?1851 1 8vo ?1855 2 duo 1836 1 duo 1817 1 8vo 1836 1 duo 1867 1 duo ?1868 1 duo 1828 1 8vo 1829 Number. 38128 72375 101974 70535 72378 9295 70186 27158 27159 24347 French Shakespeariana. Comeille : set Reymond Courdaveaux (V.) Les derniers Critiques de Shakespeare ... Courdaveaux (V.) Les deux Hamlet di GritlClSlU : see Buchner, Courdaveaux Dariiiesteter (J.) Shakespeare... Delecluze (E. J.) Dante Alighieri tvoi. 2 ha Depret (L.) Les Jubiles de Shakespeare Depret (L.) Shakespeare l<« cue* ies AngiaiB, pi Despres [J. B. D.] Memoires sur Garrick otsurMacidin De Stendhal (pseud.) : «eBeyie(H.) Dodd (W.) Beauties Of Shakspeare (Baudry'a European Ubraryl A new edition for Drake (N.) Shakspeare and his Times (Baudry-s European u\ (lllo DRAMA. Books relating to the Drama, including Actors and Acting, Stage, Theatres, etc. 44328 Barbier (A.) Etudes dramatiques. Nouvelle edition, duo, 1874 76946 Baron (A.) Histoire de l'art dramatique, 3 vols., duo, ?1850 71689 Bellamy (Miss [G. A.]) Memoires de, 2 vols., duo, ?1799 76130 Blanchet (F.) Du Theatre de Schiller, 8vo, 1 B55 76811 Boillet (Le docteur) Le Theatre portugais, duo, 1 869 77781 Bonnassies (J.) Le Theatre et le peuple, duo, 1872 76965 Bouchard (A.) La Langue Theatrale, duo, I 77785 Celler(L.) Les origines de l'Opera, duo, 1868 7774ii Champfort [N. de] Precis de l'art The'atral-dramatique, 8vo, i 71660 Chaulin (N. P.) Biographie dramatique des artistes anglais venus a Paris, duo, 76934 Chouqtiet (G.) Histoire de la Musique dramatique en France, 8vo, 1-7:; 78191 Couailhac. (L.) Physiologie du Theatre a Paris el en province, duo, is|j 76953 Desarbres (N.) Deux siecles a l'Opera (1669 1868) duo, 1868 70186 Despres [J. B. D.] Memoires sur Garrick et sur Macklin, etc., 8vo, 1822 76939 Du Casse (A.) Histoire anecdotique de 1'ancien Theatre eu Prance, - vols., 8vo, 1864 38420 Dumas (A.) Souvenirs dramatiques, 2 vols., duo, 1881 76693 Fee(A.) Etudes sur 1'ancien Theatre Espagnol, duo. 1873 71656 [Fiquet du Bocage (P. J.)] Lettre sur le Theatre anglois, 2 vols., duo, 76937 Foucaud (E.) Histoire du Theatre en France. Tome 1, 8vo, 1845 Girardin (Saint-Marc) : see Girardin, p. 234 44326 Gozlan (L.) La Comedie et les Comediens, duo, 1859 1229 Jusserand (J. [J.]) Le Theatre en Angleterre [1066-1583] duo, 27213 Lacroix (A.) De 1' influence de Shakspeare sur le CI icaise, 8vo, 76951 [Lacroix (P.)] Le Medecin de l'Opera. Roman psychologique parle Bibliophile Jacob, duo, 1878 76694 Lafond (B.) Etude sur la vie et les ceuvres de Lope de Vega , du 77796 La Grange [Charles Varlet de] Registre de (165S-1G8.S). Archives de la Comi die-fran. lise, Ito, ?1876 77743 La Harpe [J. F. de] Commentaire sur le Theatre de Voltaire, Bvo, 1814 76326 Laugier (E.) De la Comedie franeaise depuis 1830, duo, 1S44 57253 L'Aulnaye (M. de) De la Saltation Theat rale, duo, 1790 76241 Lemazurier (P. D.) Galerie historique des acteurs du Theatre francais, depuix 1600, 2 rols . duo, 1810 77780 Le Rousseau (J.) Progres de la Litte"rature dramatique, due. 76826 Lucas (H.) Documents relatifs a l'histoire du ('id, duo, i860 102087 Magnin (C.) Causeries et Meditations, 2 vols., Bvo 27156 [Malone(E.)] History of the Stage [in Historical and explanatory Notes, etc., pp. liii 8vo, 1839 71697 Memoires sur les plus celebres personnages vivans de rAngleterre [includes Menu etc.] 2 vols., duo, 1803 72382 Montazio (E.) Ernest Rossi, duo, 1866 76341 Moulin (V.) Scribe et son Theatre, 8vo, 1 B62 77744 Muret (T.) L'histoire par le Theatre, 1789 1851, 3 vols., duo, I 70311 [Murphy (A.)] Vie de David Garrick, duo, ?1800 76944 Ortigue (J. d') Du Theatre italien et de son influence sur le gout musical I 76676 Patin [H. J. G.] Etudes sur les bragiques grecs, 4 vols., duo, 75232 Pougin (A.) Dictionnaire du Theatre, 4to, 1885 234 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 69394 27262 27212 69387 38420 106720 3020 149987 69386 75841 33009 148263 71656 38592 39596 72388 57174 38415 106814 150725 72379 108007 44326 72373 12204 57173 27263 No. of Vols. Size. Date. Drama — coniin ued. 33379 Eiccoboni (L. )' Histoire du Theatre italien, 8vo, ?1728 71688 Robinson (Mistriss [Mary]) Memoires de, par elle-meme, duo. L802 70943 Royer (A.) Histoire tie I'Opera, duo, 1875 76131 S. (A.) La Trilogie tie Faust, 8vo, 1879 46011 Sainte-Beuve [C. A.] Tableau de la Poesie francaise, duo, V1843 44845 Saint Euvreniont (Le Sieur de) Oeuvres Meslees. Sur les Tragedies, etc., duo, 1684 173738 Saint-Victor (P. de) Les deux Masques. Tragedie— comedie, 3 vols., Svo, 1884-98 16203 Schlegel (A. \V.) Cours de literature dramatique, 3 vols., duo, 1814 1253 Stapfer (P.) Shakespeare et l'antiquite, 2 vols., 8vo, 1879-80 76959 Theatres, Guide dans les, duo, 1855 99334 Wattendorff (L.) Essai sur l'influence que Shakespeare a exerce'e sur la tragedie roinantique francaise. Ire Partie, 8vo, 1888 Drames historiques de Shakspeare t/rom Revue Britanniojie] Dugue (F.) William Shakspeare Drameensixactes Dumas (A.) Etude sur Hamlet et sur W. Shakspeare Dumas (A.) Souvenirs dramatiques "s^SSuSoSSEST ' [Dupin (F. P. G.)] Lettre & Mylady Morgan aurBacineet Shakespeare Duport (P.) Essais litteraires sur Shakspeare Duval (G.) La vie veridique de William Shakespeare Duval (A.) Shakespeare Amoureux comedie en prose [in fEuvres, Tom. pp. 163-204] Duval (A.) Shakspeare Amoureux [/rom Sa^d n dSmatique] Eekhoud (G.) Au siecle de Shakespeare (Bruxeues) Femmes de Shakespeare : see characters [Fiquet du Bocage (P. J.)] Lettre sur le Theatre anglois . France : — 8vo 1829 duo 1857 4to ?1878 4to 1867 duo 1881 8vo 1818 8vo 1828 duo 1900 duo 1812 duo 1826 8vo 1859 duo 1893 2 duo 1752 38128 Courdaveaux (V.) Les derniers critiques de Shakespeare en Fiance [ front Revue Contemporaine] Svo, ?1364 14462S Jusserand (J. J.) Shakespeare en France sous 1'ancien regime, duo, 1898 27213 Lacroix (A.) De l'influence de Shakspeare sur le Theatre franeais, Svo, 1856 27215 Reymond (\V.) Corneille, Shakspeare et Goethe. Etude sur l'influence Anglo-Germanique en France, duo, 1864 [Shakespeare is referred to on p. 17;'.] Fremy (A.) Les Mceurs de notre temps Galerie des Femmes de Shakspeare ... Gallery, Shakespeare: seeRetzsci. Garrick (David) Works relating to : — 70186 Despres [(.I. B. D.)] Meinoires sur Garrick, svo, 1822 70311 [Murphy (A.)] Vie de David Garrick, duo, ?1800 Gastineau (B.) Esquisse : William Shakespeare [ "°'" jgSSK] a " ,nw Girardin (Saint-Marc) Cours de Litterature dramatique 1 duo 1861 2 4to 1862 1 Svo ?1864 3 duo 1845-55 5 duo 1872-4 Revue de Belgique (Bruxelles) propos d' B let, et a c6te d' Humlet (Metz] Goethe : - - Reymond Goey (E. de) L' individualite de Shakespeare |/V Gomont (H.) Encore sur Hamlet Gomont (H.) Le Cesar de Shakespeare Gordon (J. T.) Shakespeare et nous-memes rt ^ ii 1 $!* fiSSS™* Gozlan (L.) La Comedie et les Comediens ... Griin (C.) Le Eoi Lear de Shakespeare [fromi* Libre Recherche]... Guenifey (Baron de) Eomeo Montecchi et Juliette Cappelletti Guizot [F.] Shakspeare et son temps ... Nfouvelle edition 8vo 1885 8vo ?1864 8vo 1874 duo 1864 1 duo 1859 1 8vo ?1858 1 8vo 1836 1 duo 1852 1 duo 1876 French Shakespeariana. Number. 72380 3401 107970 153468 69518 42962 51397 38129 72383 106815 89050 92377 144628 1229 Hamlet 57975 3009 42979 72:>72 72375 69387 150725 42:177 109115 42865 7n;,:!7 Barante (Baron de) Surl'Hamlel [in Milan Bla/.e de Bury (H.) Hamlel el Bea Commentateure i frotn Revue dea Deux m Biichner(A.) Hamlet le Danoia, 3vo, 1878 Chasles (P.) Hamlet [from Revue Contemporaim Courdaveaux (V.) Les deux Handel de Shakespear. ,.■ Contemp Dumaa(A.) Gtudesur Hamlet, ito Gomonl (II.) Encore *nr Hamlet, a propos d'Hamlet, --i a cote" d Harali Mayow (M. \v.) Hamlet [from Revue des Coura litWraires Ito Merrier (A.) Hamlet . aonltal mental [from Comptea renduadeL Uhe*w e Loulalai Montegut i K.i Hamlet [in Typea Litte'raires, pp. 93 126] due, L{ Reinach (T.) Hamlet [/>..,„ La Nouvelle Revue] Bvo, 1879 GU256 Retzach [F. A. M.] Galerie de Shakspeare. Hamlet, duo, 60545 Retzscb [F. A. M.] Hamlet, wi deaaina d'apres M. Retzach, Ave.- un texte explicstU 4t<< ?1830 14841)4 Saint-Cere (J.) Lea Hamlets Grangers [from Revue d'Art dramatique] Svo, 60275 Stapfer (P.) Hamlet [from La Revue politique et litteraire] it... |{ 10S104 Striyenski (C.) Notes philologiques et litte'raires 8ur Hamlet, Bvo, 1886 44405 Tourguenerf (I.) Hamlet et Don Quichotte [from Bibliotheque Universelle Bvo, 1879 14S462 Vega, Hamlet et la critique allemande [from Revue d'Arl dramatique Bvo, 1891 165347 Voltaire [F. M. A. de] Plan de la trage*die d'Hamlet [in Oeuvres, tome 47, pp Hai'1'iot (J.) Napoleon Dranie politique ethistorique a limitation de Macbeth ... 1 8v"0 1834 Heroines, Shakespeare's: see characters Historical Plays of Shakespeare : — 69394 Drames historiques de Shakspeare [from Revue Britannique] ^v.., 18*) Homer: seeVeron [Hugo (V.)] William Shakespeare i: ' i' '.'. o) '- ">i Revue [ndependautc (Euvrea Completes de Victor Hugo hit. Pbilosophie II. Hunter (W. P.) Beflexions sur les oeuvres de Shakspeare . Illustrations : see Gallery, Retzsch Influence of Shakespeare : seeLacroix Janicke ( ) Observations SUr Hamlet: see German Sbakespeariana Janin (J.) Comme il vous plaira i/rom Revue Mensueiie] iBruxeiies .. Janill (J.) Critique Portraits etCaractereseontemporains (Leiprlg) ... Jeudy (R.) Types et Scenarios de Shakespeare : seeiamb Joubert (L.) Shakespeare Extrait de ia Nouveii Jourdain (E.) Les Garcons de Shakspeare Drame wntasttque en pros Jubilees : — 7237S De'pret (L.) Les Jubilee de Shakespeare, 8vo, 1S73 37307 Mezieves (A.) Le Juhile de Shakspeare [in Revue des deux Mondes, 8vo, 1S64 Julius Caesar : — 1 8vo 1864 1 Bvo ?1865 1 8vo 1 8vo 1839 1 duo 1866 1 dim ?1869 1 8vo ?1864 1 duo L854 loine 51, pp. . 69517 Blaze de Bury (H.) shakspeare et Voltaire. Jules Cesar an Theatre [from Revue del deux Mondes] svo, ?1873 72379 Gomont (H.) Le Cesar de Shakespeare, svo. 1874 150726 Villetard (K.) Jules Cesar et William Shakespean consider^ comme Poete dramatique Jullien (B.) Shakespeare Jusserahd (J. [J ]) Le Eoman au temps de Sbakspeare I from Boi "• ■> ■ di \ Mond. »1 I s Vl . L867 Svo duo duo .ill. i L887 1898 24844 Jusserand (J. J.) Le Roman au temps de Sbakespeare Jusserand (J. J.) Shakespeare en France Jusserand (J. [J.]) Le Theatre en Angletertv Kalidasa : see s, ,,„„.•, King Lear : — 38127 Blaze de Bury (H.) Le Hoi Lear a 1'Odeon [from Revue des deux Mond 72373 Grim ((_'.) Le Roi Lear de Shakespeare [from La Libre Recherche] BVO 72384 V. . . (Mine, de) Historiettes, etc, Seconde partie (pp. 182-190. LoRoiL&u duo Klingelhoffer(W.)Plauteiiuitepar Moliereet par Shakespeare 1 & 236 Number. 27213 60519 32985 16358 35402 27157 27160 107959 72390 76562 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 102087 109110 42977 71697 109115 71691 71687 37307 168270 1244 12208 72382 42865 42275 70311 41904 27156 125657 sur le Theatre francais (Bruxelles) Nuiivciin Keepsake Francais. pp. 1-19] see Piquet du Bocage No. of Vols. Size. Date. 1 8vo 1856 1 duo •?1859 16 8vo 1821-22 1 8vo 1865 1 8vo 1842 1 8vo 1847 1 duo 1837 1 duo ?1884 1 8vo 1869 1 duo ?1840 Lacroix (A.) De l'innuence de Shakspeare Ladimir (J.) RomeO et Juliette oules ImantsdeVer ;. Suivi d'Othello La Harpe (J. F.) LiVCee, ou Cours de Litterature, anclenneeti lejne Lamartine (A. de) Shakspeare et son oenvre Lamb (C.) Contes Shaksperiens *»**• par de A w B< s'Sere Le m I: " Lamb (G.) Contes dramatiques de W. Shakspere Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakspeare ntth edltlon Xlffl' B Eur ° pea " (Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakespeare) R - J ^2M*£S!E des Lavoix fils (H.) Les Traducteurs de Shakespeare enMusique Legouve (E.) Shakespeare i Lettre sur le Theatre anglois Lives : — 27156 Chalmers (A.) Life of Shakspeare [in Historical and explanatory Notes, etc., pp. i-xii] 8vo, 2 1347 Drake (N.) Shakespeare and his Times, Svo, 1838 149987 Duval (G.) La Vie ve"ridique de William .Shakespeare, duo, 1900 Hugo (V.) William Shakespeare : see Hugo, p. 235 38129 Joubert (L.) Shakespeare, Svo, ?1864 76562 Legouve' (E.) Shakespeare [in Nouveau Keepsake francais, pp. 1-19] duo, ?1840 1244 Mezieres (A.) Shakspeare, ses oeuvres et ses critiques, 8vo, 1860 39590 Pongerville (M. de) Vie de Shakespeare [in Les Femmes de Shakespeare, Tome 1, pp. 1-95] 4to, 1862 Rio (A. F.) Shakespeare : see Rio, p. 237 Not r Macbeth : - 72380 Harriot (J.) Napoleon. Drame a limitation de Macbeth, Svo, 1834 3384 Vieillard de Boismartin (A. I Macbeth a l'Odeon, duo, 1863 Magnin (C) Causeries et Meditations rvoi. 2 contains Shakespearian] Malot (H.) Shakspeare et ses traducteurs MaVOW (M. W.) Hamlet Ifrom Revue des Cours Litteraires] Memoires Mercier (A.) Hamlet Meurice (P.) Theatre see selections, p. 225 Mezieres (A.) Contemporains et Successeurs de Shakspeare For Dictionaries of Biography, containing Shakespeare, see " Biographies, General," in the Reference Library Catalogue, pp. 174-".. Beponse a 1' Article de m. H. Malot sur les plus celfehres personnages vivans de I' Ingleterre [Includes Me irs of various Ictors] jon rt.it mental I from Comptes-rendus de i; Athenee Louisiana is | iXuuvelle-Orleans) Deuxienie edition [in Revue des Deux Mondes, Tome 51, pp. 713-730] Mezieres (A.) Le Jubile de Shakspeare Mezieres (A.) Predecesseurs et Contemporains de Shake- speare Quatrieme edition ... Mezieres (A.) Shakspeare ses oeuvres et ses critiques .. . Moliere : — 24304 Aicard (J.) Moliere a Shakspeare, 8vo, 1879 24844 Klingelhoffer I W. \ Plaute unite par Moliere et par Shakespeare, 8vo, ?1875 92380 Stapfer (P.) Moliere et Shakespeare, duo, 1887 Montagu(Muie. de)ApologiedeShakespear'^ 1 !;;';y-' i^i;;^:";; 1 ^;' Montazio (E.) Ernest PiOSSi EssaihiographiquetraduitdentaUen Montegut (E.) Hamlet [i» Types Litteraires, pp. 93-126] Morgan (Lady) : seeDupin Moulin (J.) Collection Shakespearienne forrnee par [S ( AmsterfaS) e] [Murphy (A.)] Vie de David Garrick ... Music : see Lavoix Nisard (M. D.) Etudes sur les Poetes Latins Notes, Historical and explanatory Nottelle (L.) Etude fautaisiste sur Shakespeare Novel in the time of Shakespeare : seejusserand 2 8vo 1843 1 8vo 1862 1 4to 1868 2 duo 1803 1 Svo 1887 1 Svo 1864 1 duo 1864 1 8vo 1864 1 duo 1894 1 8vo 1860 de la decadence (Bruxelles) with various Readings illustrative Shakespeare from Johnson, etc. 1 duo 1877 1 duo 1866 1 duo 1882 1 duo ?1862 1 duo ?1800 3 duo 1834 1 Svo 1839 1 duo ?1864 French Shakespeariana. Number. 60522 22397 72385 16407 39596 71658 56011 124815 109109 70537 60256 60545 27215 46010 109113 N Novels : — 91750 Saint-Marcel (T.) Aphrodite. Roman imite tie Shad 24159 [Williams (R. F.)| Shakspeare and Ins Friends 27214 [Williams (R F.)] The Youth of Shakspi Onimus (Dr. [E.]) La Psychologie Othello :— L48463 Brandes (G.) Othello [from Cosmopolia 384-21 Dumas (A.) Othello [in Souvenirs dramatiques, 11.. pp 60519 Ladimir(.L) Romeo et Juliette, suivi d'Othello, dim. 12943 ronnelle" (A.) Othello [in Fragments sur l'Arl el la Philosophie, pp. 316-19 dm Pensees de Shake^peure extraite* de sea ouvrag Pensees de Shakspeare Ruiviesdequeiqu.es Pen-in [J. B.l Contes Moraux Plays of Shakespeare : — 70503 [Blaze de Bury (Mile.)] Repertoire de Shakespeare, par Jane Brown, du n;i52o Blaze de Bury (Mile.) Repertoire de Shakespeare. Deuxieme Edition, du Chasles (P.) Etudes sur W. Shakspeare: trceChasli 16330 Chaulin (N. P.) Precis des pieces dramatiques de W. Shakspeare, Svo, 3020 Duport(P.) Essais litteraires sur Shakspeare, ? vols., mu I 16358 Lamartine (A. de) shakspeare et son ceu\ i 70430 Saint-Victor (P. de) Shakespeare [in Les deux Masques, III., pp | 1253 Stapfer (P.) Shakespeare etl'antiquite', 2 vols., - Plays on Shakespeare : — 27262 27212 723S3 38124 Dugue' (F.i William Shakspeare. Drame en six aetes, duo, l-:,7 4ro, ?1878 Duval (A.) Shakespeare Amoureux : see Duval, p. 234 Jourdain (E. | Les Gai\-ons de shakspeare. Drame en pro Verdier (Le Marquis de) Shakspeare. Come'die, duo i Soldanelle. • Petite Collection Guillaume" L876 1 duo L80] 1 L822 1 ■■■•• i ■■< n ■•im-.-h. i: . Eetzs.-h [F. A. M.]Galeriede Shakspeare Eetzsch ([F. A.] M.) Hamlet xvi,u—m.,.u Eeymond (W.) Corneille, Shakspeare et Goethe Eichard III. : *«eAmaud Eio (A. F.) Shakespeare Eio (A. F.) Shakespeare Catholique NouveueMiuon 1 8vo 1 duo 1 1 duo 1 duo ■ 1 duo L875 NOTE.— This is a duplical ding, with a :. 71688 Eobinson (Mistriss [Mary]) Memoires de 1 duo L802 238 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. 148464 . 44345 91750 70436 16203 107958 107970 60275 92380 1253 108014 72377 42980 3006 24618 1 8vo 1886 1 duo 1684 1 duo ?1797 1 8vo 1884 3 duo 1814 Borneo and Juliet : — 49927 Bertrand (G.) Romeo et Juliette [from Revue Moderne] 8vo, 1867 27264 Blossac (Mme. C.) Romeo & Juliette, duo, ?1870 12204 Guenifey (Baron de) Histoire de Romeo Montecchi et de Juliette Cappelletti, Svo, 1836 60519 Ladimir (J.) Romeo et Juliette, ou les Amants de Verone, duo, V1859 Porto (L. da) Romeo et Juliette : see Porto, p. 237 Bossi (E.) : see Montazio Saint-Cere (J.) LeS HalllletS EtrangerS [from Revue d'art dramatique] Saint EuvremontCLeSieurdejOeuvresMeslees 1 '',^''^';:!:;^!;:!"' Saint-Marc Girardin: seeGirardin Saint -Marcel (T.) Aphrodite ° u La F1Ue 'f&Tptar <*£ man ^ * - Saint-Victor (P. de) Les deux Masques *j£E5^£WES-" Schlege) (A. W.) Cours de litterature dramatique fSne^and ••• Shakespeare (William) : — 3022 Baretti (J.) Discours sur Shakespeare et sur Voltaire, duo, 1777 145457 Brierre de Boismont (A.) Shakespeare, 8vo, 1S69 72376 Oarlyle (T.) Le Heros-Poete. Dante— Shakspeare. Traduction de W. L. Hughes [from Revue Francaise] Svo, ?1865 Chasles (P.) Etudes sur \V. Shakspeare : see Chasles, p. 232 3023 Chatelain (Le Chevalier de) Le Monument cl'un frangais a Shakespeare, duo, 1867 :>6254 Chatelain (Le Chevalier de) Notre Monument, duo, VlMli Chateaubriand (F. A. de) Shakespeare : see Chateaubriand, p. 232 101974 Darmesteter (J.) Shakespeare, Svo, 1889 9295 Depret (L.) Shakespeare [in Chez les Anglais, pp. 1-70] duo, 1879 69387 Dumas (A.) Etude sur Hamlet etsur W. Shakspeare, 4to, 1861 3S420 Dumas (A.) William Shakspeare [in Souvenirs dramatiques, I., pp. 39-52] duo, 1881 72388 Gastineau (B.) William Shakespeare [from Nouvelle Revue de Paris] Svo, ?1864 106814 Goey (R. de) L'individualite de Shakespeare [from Revue de Belgique] 8vo, 1885 108007 Gordon (J. T.) Shakespeare et nous-memes, duo, 1864 Guizot (F.) Shakspeare et son temps : see Guizot, p. 234 69518 Hunter (W. P.) Reflexions sur les ceuvres de Shakspeare, 8vo, 1839 106815 Jullien (B.) Shakespeare considere comme poete dramatique, Svo, ?1S67 12208 Montagu (Mme. de) Apologie de Shakespear, duo, 1777 125657 Nottelle (L.) Etude fantaisiste sur Shakespeare, duo, ?1864 70436 Saint-Victor (P. de) Shakespeare [in Les deux Masques, III., pp. 1-185] Svo, 1884 107958 Sherlock (M.) Fragment sur Shakespear, duo, 1780 1253 Stapfer (P ) Shakespeare et l'antiquite, 2 vols., Svo, 1879-80 3006 Taine (H.) Shakspeare, son genie et ses ceuvres [from Revue des deux Mondes] 8vo, 1856 42978 Treverret (M. de) Shakespeare poete comique [from Revue des emus litteraires] 4to, 1S70 38421 Villemain [A. F.] Essai litteraire sur Shakspeare [in Nouveaux Melanges, pp. 141-187] Svo, 1827 39596 Villemain [A. F.] Etude sur [Shakespeare] [in Les Femines de Shakespeare, Tome 1, pp. xv-xxiv] 8vo, 1862 60520 Voltaire [F. M. A. de] Lettre a l'Academie francaise [on Shakespeare] duo, ?1776 99334 WattendorfT (L.) Essai sur l'influence que Shakespeare a exereee sur la tragedie romantique francaise, Ire Partie, 8vo, 1888 72389 VVidal (A.) Aper^u sur Shakspeare, 8vo, 1865. Shakspeare and his Friends : see wmiams Sherlock (M.) Fragment sur Shakespear ^^grt^^KStM.) SoilbieS (A.) Shakespeare et HugO [from Revue Independante] Stapfer (P.) Hamlet [from La Kevue politique et litteraire] Stapfer (P.) Moliere et Shakespeare Nouveiie edition Stapfer (P.) Shakespeare et l'Antiquite Stendhal [pSeild.): seeBeyle|H.) Striyenski (C.) Notes sur Hamlet mavrej Sumner (Mary) Les Heroines t5S^S^ctK53S Sumner (Mary) Les Heroines ^^^^"gSSffin.) Taine (H.) Shakspeare son g^nie et ses osuvres [from Revue des deux Mondes] Tales from Shakespeare : see Lamb, Pemn Tastu (Madame A.) Shakspeare wnPoesies pp. 203-326 Tempest : «e Tonnelle Tercentenary : set Chatelain Jubilees 1 duo 1780 1 Svo ?1865 1 4to 1877 1 duo 1887 2 Svo 1879-80 1 8vo 1886 1 Svo ?1868 1 duo 1879 1 Svo ?1856 1 duo 1827 French Shakespeariana. Number. 42913 44405 42978 72384 148462 38124 109112 42944 3364 38424 39596 150726 165317 60520 44346 99334 72389 24159 27214 Theatres * Drama Tonnelle (A.) Fragments "'' IA '' ''' I:| l '|:;| , 'r, , ;'' I ', , M ,||;;. , , 1 *;|- 1 '' J l duo ls74 Tourgueneff (1.) Hamlet et Don Quichotte 1 ,r '"" l;iM YV; i 8vo L879 Translators of Shakespeare, : 72390 Lavoix fil* (H.) Les Traducteura tie Shakespeare en Musique, 8vo 109110 Shakspeare etsestraducteura MM. Guizotet Hugo. Reponsea I'articledeM II. Mai Treverret ^M. de) Shakespeare poete comique V I'MmP (\p\ TTi^t.nvipttix* pfc * 1'uaagB doa enfans. Seconde n Vega, Hamlet et la critique allemande u temed ixtdnui Verdier (Le Marquis de) Shakspeare c ■.:„■ ... Vernier (V.)Del'amitiedesfemmes dans Shakspeare l '7^,, , ,; r ,' l j''' ,, Veron (E.) Superiority des Arts modernes 8url HSra6reet8hSkipSiSJ 8 " Vieillard de Boisrnartin (A.) Macbeth a l'Odeon Villemain[A. F.]Essai litteraire surShakspeare [toNo ^J 1 * Kf] ang ~' Villemain[A. F.] Etude sur [Shakespeare] 1 ''" To'uST.'pp^rfilS Villetard (E.) Jules Cesar et William Shakespeare ... Voiart (E.) Galerie de Shakspeare: seeRetzscn Voltaire [F. M. A. de] Plan d'Hamlet [■■■ wmiama 1 8vo 1888 1 8vo 1865 1 8vo 1 8vo 1839 240 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. BOHEMIAN EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. [Note.— Uuless otherwise stated, the place of publication is Prague.] No. of V umber. Vols. Size. Date. 32681* Dramaticka Di'la Williama Shakespeara WkUden » & u sk« 1 o'' 4IOTStvi 9 duo 1856-72 i,L Celakovsky, 1 I Iia, J. J. K&lar, and J. B. Maly. Parts 7 an I 25 are of a later edition, and are (Lite I 1S8". Part 37 i^ missing 150182 Dramaticka Dila Williama Shakespeara pJeioKu. v. suae* ... duo?1899, etc. BOHEMIAN EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. Smaller Collections. 73967 Kytice z dramatickych spisu Williama Shakespeara T m',u- ■■ 1 duo 1873 148242 Vybrana Dramaticka Di'la Williama Shakespeara ... ... 1 duo ?1883 Kupei Benitsky, Othello, Julias Caesar, Vntonius a Kleopatra, K lanus BOHEMIAN EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. JULIUS CjESAR. 148190 Julius Caesar PreloJil F. Doucha. S uvudem od J. Mateho Druh6 vydini . . . ... 1 dllO 1891 MACBETH. 1331 Macbeth wr.hi M ig.Th.tt«.d.^ t ^ G i^i^be« w .F.j.FUche, i duo 1777 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. 27219 KupeC Benatsky FfehwilJ.J.Kolir. Druh6,prehl£dnute>ydani ... ... 1 dllO 1880 45111 Der Kauffmann von Venedig n^r^rr^t^^^ut^v.i.ruc^ 1 duQ 1777 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. 42913 Sen v Noci Svatojanske pfeiofci f. Doucha. Dmh^vydani ... ... 1 duo 1876 OTHELLO. 36900 Othello Pr'eioWodj.B.Maieho 1 duo 1843 RICHARD THE SECOND. 45109 Richard der ZWeyte furs Frager Theater eingerichtetvonF.J. Fischer [InGe.man] 1 duo 1778 ROMEO AND JULIET. 113404 Romeo a Julie pfeio&i Fr. d. 1 duo 1847 24800 Romeo a Julie PMo&iDr.j.cejka ... ... ... ... ... 1 duo 1861 TIMON OF ATHENS. ■S7075 TimOll VOn Atheil fiirsPrager Theater eingerichtet von F.J.Fischer [In German] .. . 1 duO 1778 Bohemian Danish. Number. BOHEMIAN SHAKESPEARIANA. s 1 duo 1 duo 12184 Ahne (W. A.) Shakspeare-Bluthen 72639 Bayer (J.) Aesthetische Untersuchungen i 1 ■ ■■ ™] 29320 Bayer (J.) Yon Gottsched bis Schillei 70396 Gottesheim (E., Baron von) William Shakespean 1 duo 72641 Klacela (M. F.) Shakespeare, Goethe, Schiller 1 8vo ?1847 72645 Maly (J.) Prekladani klassikfi se zvlastnfm zfetelem Da Shakspeara t _'- »' .-.■!■- « I > Nl , 32674 Maly (J.) Shakespear a Jeho Dila ... ... ... l duo 72646 Maly (J.) Zivotopis Williama Shakespeara 72612 Nebesk^ (V.) W. Shakespeare 2 8vo ?185] 52 52567 Teuber (O.) Geschichte des Prager Theaters >><•.....■>„]• ... 38vol86 CROATIAN EDITION OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. 56017 Dramaticka Djela Williama Shakespeare-a "';,:, 3 duo I CROATIAN EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. 173189 Hamlet PoA.W. Schlegetu preveo A. HaramhalW Zagreb ... ... ... 1 duo L887 70431 Julio Cezai' Po njemackome od 1 Peca, preveo §. D. Kol ... 1 (lllO I860 DANISH ^EDSTION OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. [Unless otherwise stated, the place of publication is Copenhagen. 38361 William Shakespeares Dramatiske Vserkei L8 duo 1 B1 DANISH EDITION OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Smaller Collections. 50207 W. Shakspeares Lystspil 1 duo L810 DANISH EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. 76557 Antonius og Cleopatra <-.,.„ . rB . Beyer AS YOU LIKE IT. 92036 Ldvet i Skoven e„ b, 242 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of VT . Vols. Size Date. Number. CYMBELINE. 49930 Cymbeline Be " beidetfordenda ^^ l duo 1871 HAMLET. 60244 Hamlet ove.-sat.fEngeUktinprose 1 duo 1777 69396 Hamlet [PP-MS. No Title page. Thelastpageissign.dP.Foersom 1 dUO ?1860 148191 Hamlet OversatafE.Lembcke. Tredje gjennemsete Udgave ... ... ... 1 d.UO 1837 148193 Hamlet oversat afj. v. 8 terber g 1 duo ?1887 HAMLET: PLAY ON THE SAME SUBJECT. 49931 Oehlerischla°rer [A. G.] Amleth. Tragjifdie, duo, 1817. JULIUS CAESAR. 99325 Julius Caesar Oversat afH. Lassen (Kristiania) 1 dUO 1882 KING LEAR. 44348 Kong Lear oversat af p. Foersom ... ... ... ... ... 1 duo 1859 MACBETH. 92044 Macbeth Tra * edie ■ ■ ■ Eftet Shak8p Tk„1 P S U ve r d p^ d om tM 0pV ' eUe paa ''"" ,,:mske 1 duo 1816 99330 Macbeth Ove>satogfortolketafN. Hauge (Christiania) 1 8vO 1855 103725 Macbeth Med Gloser og Anmarkniuaer af A. S. MacGregor og S. Kinney [Text in English] 1 duO 1885 99324 Macbeth Oversat af H.Lassen (Kristiania; ... ... ... ... ... 1 dllO 1883 MERCHANT OF VENICE. 99326 Kjjrfbmanden i Venedig oersatafH. Lassen (Kristiania) 1 duo 1882 MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR: OPERA TEXT. 148196 Falstaff. Lyrisk Komedie, efter Shakespeares "Merry Wives of Windsor" af A. Boi'to. Musikken af G. Verdi. Oversat fra Italiensk af E. B0gh. 8vo, 1895. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. 24816 En Skisersommernats Dr*m 0Tersat af A - ° ehlens t , S] r [I ° fiTe acts and in 1 duo 1816 12213 En Skjaersommarnatsdr^m \^« iA^^^^&S^'tESSFVt 1 duo 1879 H. P. Hoist 149344 En SkjSerSOmmematsdr^m oversat afE. Lembcke. Illustreret af H.N.Hansen 1 4to 1896 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. 29508 Stor Staahei, for Ingenting Lysts P u ... oversat af h. p. Hoist ... ... 1 duo 1880 OTHELLO: PARODY. 148195 Othello i Provindsen. Parodi-Farce i 1 Akt, duo, 1895. ROMEO AND JULIET. 148192 EomeO Og Julie OversatafE.Lembcke. Tredje gjennemsete Udgave ... ... 1 dUO 1887 THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. 103724 The Taming of the Shrew Med Gl08er °* a ™EE*?&E£b 6 A h] s - **° G w>°«~ 1 duo 1886 THE TEMPEST, 56016 StOrmen EtSyngespilaf Shakespeare. Omarbeidet til Kunzens efterladte Partitur af } n. »fv h.,,,.,,, 148194 Venus og Adonis oversai -,r\ \. ,•!*,„. Medeti I duo 1885 I duo LH94 DANISH SHAKESPEARIANA. 148197 149345 92039 60538 44325 92043 92038 60516 148198 149354 2829 Brandes (G.) Emigrantlitteraturen Brandes (G.) William Shakespeare Hamlet, Om Shakespeares Hamlet f Teh7e7chii Hauch (C.) Afhandlinger og aesthetiske Betragtninger [pp. 201-269 Romeo og Julie, Tragedie nf Shakspeare; pp. 271-29 ! Icoin Charakter gruppe i Shakspeares II iralei Hauch (C.) Shakspeares Skaersommernatsdr^m in Esthetiske Ifhandlingi - I Lembcke (E.) Til naermere Oplysning om Theateroversaettel- sen af Cymbeline Petersen (C.) Dramaturgisk Kritik l Poems from the Danish "'"' no{ea u > *■£ |«^JJJ; J{Z£v '"'" E " ,IUh b ' [pp. 64-5 Dedicator; Lines to a Danish Translation of Hamlet and Julias I pp. 149-170 Particulars concerning m extracts li om a Danish Translation of Hamlet and Julius Caesar, by Mr. Foersom.' PortO (L. da) Julie Og RomeO oversatafE. Drachma Saxo Grammaticus DanmarkB Stephens (G.) The Shakespear Story-Teller ... No. 1. The Tempest. 2. The Tun Gentlemen of Verona 3 The Me l , med lllustratione 1 duo L894 3 duo L89 1 duo 1 .hi.. 1 duo L861 1 8vo L872 1 du<. I 1 duo L815 1 duo L895 •J Ho 1898 6 duo IQi i. Twelfth Night 6. Much A.lcj about Nothing. DUTCH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. 54800 42844 27220 41908 149375 William Shakspeare's Ssemmtliche Dramatische Werke uud Gedichte Uebersetzt im Metrum Originals (Rotterdam] ... ... ... 1 Svo 1832 The Plays of William Shakespeare ui,J — |SS^!SSm r [Kersteatuk 1 only] - 1 Shakespeare's Dramatische Werken 'TfflgSS.SffiSSSS " svo duo 1862 1 B8I ' De Werken van William Shakespeare verta ^ ' < i 8v< > ?1894-l i [IUusti DUTCH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Smaller Co/Sections, 11771 William Shakespear' s Tooneelspelen nrrnm t> l i ■ '.i. a\~ 1 ~« ,.« In Nederfuitoche oUchtmaat overgebracht door 27221 Bloemlezing uit Snakspeaie Mr. l. Ph. c. van den Bergn > 43673 Othello, Macbeth, De Storm, Romeo en Julia 5 duo 177 1 Svo 1 duo 1858 244 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Number. Vols. Size. Date. DUTCH EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. 42896 AutOnilTS en Cleopatra Hit het Engelsch vertaald door W. Van Loon (Utrecht) ... 1 d.UO 1861 AS YOU LIKE IT. 31653 Orlando en Rosalinde uit het Engeusch vertaaid door a: s. Kok (Haariem) ... 1 duo 1860 CORIOLANUS. 1399 Coriolan ("rey nach Shakespeare, von J. Falk (Amsterdam und Leipzig) ... ... 1 dilO 1812 12054 Coi'iolanUS Motrische vertaling van G. Timme (Deventer) ... ... ... 1 8\ T 1876 OYMBELINE. 1252 Cymbeline Vertaald door L. A. J. Burgersdijk (Utrecht, etc.) ... ... ... 1 dllO 1878 HAMLET. >"i7Q ; i9 TTimlpr [Jit het Engelsch, in denvorm van het 1 J llr , 1 QQA OiJOA XlctLLliei/ oorspronkelijke, vertaald door P. P. Roorda van Eijsinga (Kampen) ••• ■*■ u.u.u .luou 60536 [Review of] 1 duo ?1836 32033 Hamlet Ten gebn,lke der «y mnasla - Met ophelderingn voor Z ien door S.Susan (Deventer) ]_ Q VQ 184 g 60267 Hamlet naarhetEngelschdoorA. S. Kok. Onder toezicht van J. van Vloten (Haarlem)... 1 dllO 1860 9025 Hamlet Uitgegeven en verklaard door A. C. Loffelt (Utrecht) [Text in English] ... 1 duO 1867 60227 Hamlet Vertaald en toegt'Iicht door A. S. Kok (Amsterdam) ... ... ... 1 dllO ?1880 41 91 5 H-imlft Vertaald en voor het liedendaagsch Tooneel bewerkt dooi L. A. Burgersdijk dllO 1882 HAMLET: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 60242 Hamlet. Gevolgt naar het Fransch, en naar het Engelsch, door M. G. tie Cambon. Geb. van tier Werken. Twee.le druk (Ins Gravenhage) duo, 1779 9299 Hamlet. Gevolgtl naar het Fransche van den Heere Ducis. Door A. J. Zubli (Amsteldani) duo, 1786 Ki4:;90 -Derde druk, duo, 1S04 HAMLET: OPERA TEXTS. 99328 Hamlet, Opera. Woorden van M. Carre & .1. Barbier. Muzijk van A. Thomas. (Amsterdam) 8vo, ?18S6 99329 Hamlet. Opera dour M. Cane & J. Barbier. Musiek van A. Thomas, duo, ?1886 JULIUS CAESAR. 44408 JuliuS Caesar Uit het Engelsch vertaald door C. W. Opzoomer (Amsterdam) ... 1 dllO ?1860 113423 Julius Caesar Uitgegeven door A. S. Kok (Haarlem) [Text in English] .. . ... 1 duo 1872 KING LEAR. 38597 Konillg Lear Uit het Engelsch vertaald door W. Van I n (Utrecht) ... ... 1 duO 1861 KING LEA R : A L TERA TIONS. 104309 Koning Lear. Gevolgt naar het Fransch, door mevrouwe M. G. de Cambon gebooren van tier Werken (In's Gravenhage) duo, 1786 42906 Tweede druk, duo, 1791 MACBETH. 3074 Macbeth in de '«*"»»* va » het oorspronke ^ mp v e ^ tailId en °pe elielderd door J - Mml ™ 1 duo 1835 60536 [Review of] 1 duo ?1835 9300 Macbeth Ten s e,)n,ike der Gyn fi%&£$ TTe11t1n n Sh] rzlen d00 '' s ' Susan ••• 1 8vo 1843 70332 Macbeth in de «»*">»* »*» •«* oiragronkelWke vertaald en opgehelderd door J. Moulin J_ fao 1845 31656 Macbeth [edited by "■ p - Lind0 ^ IA *;» e R fi& ^jtm = the text, introduction, x 8vo 18 53 104308 Macbeth UithetEngelsch door J. Moulin. Derde druk, onder toezigt van J. Van Vloten ^ dllO 1858 32545 Macbeth ^introduction., notes, *c.. by ^P.^Lmdo-^Second revised edition (Arnhen.) I duQ ]_867 51405 Macbeth Vertaald door L. A. J. Burgeradijk (s'Gravenhage) ... ... ... 1 duO 1882 MA ORE TH : A L TERA TION. 76569 Macbeth. Gevolgd naar het Fransch van M. Ducis, door P. Boddaert. (Amsterdam) duo, 1800 Numlier. 104297 42904 60536 70331 44347 104392 104296 Dutch Editions of the Separate Plays, etc. Vol* - THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. De Koopman van Venetie un net Ei. g , I j uo OTHELLO. Othello Uit het Engelsch I liehlenl door J. Moulin ... 1 8V0 i 1 duo L84H 1 duo L857 Othello Bibliotbeek van Beroemde Vrcemde SehrU vers (Amsterdam ... ) ,, Othello Vertaald en toegelicht dom \ S. Kok (Arosterdan ... | ,| u ,, OTHELLO: OPERA TEXT. 70433 Othello, Grand Op<5ra. Musique de M. Rossini. Libretto traduit de l'italien pai I B G. \aez (La Haye) duo. ?ls7n Othello l '' '"'' Kn "' 1 -' 11 vertaald en opeehelderd .1 J. Moulin I t (Deventer) Othello ' " '"'' K,, - rls ' h ''""' •'• Moulin. Derdedruk nndi i • IHoarleml 104391 89364 101306 3077 RICHARD THE THIRD. Konillg Richard III. Uit liet Bngelsch vertaald dooi A. s. Kok In -i.i. I .,„, ROMEO AND JULIET. Koineo ell Julia Naar het Engelsch . . . d J. van 1 rdami 1 duo 1 Wim L862 THE TEMPEST. De Storm I ' v '" v '' ■- ""' ="•--■ '• ^ ! 1 8vo I s :;'. TllP T^lllDPSt, Ten gebruikeder gymnasia: met nphelderingcn v. Susan 1 Q., l^'i ine lLUiptJbt Kampc-n) [Text in English] ••• ' OVO LB34 DUTCH EDITION OF THE SONNETS. 42963 Shakspere's Sonnetten vertaald door l. a .i .Burg ,..i,,k i . . . i,t. .-i. . 1 duo L879 DUTCH SHAKESPEARfANA. 38598 Almanack, Volks-Almanak, 1871 f1 ' 7; ' a 1 ;,',';;,!,./, 76842 Arnaud (M. d') Les Amans Malheureux Drame (Amsterdam: [Containing an imitation of a scene in Richard II1.1 36849 Arnold (T. J. I.) Shakespeare Bibliography '"' %*\ ;';; ,',!"" lH ... 42970 Beer (T. H. de) Plots or Fables of Shakespeare's Plays lAmhem) 42971 Bodenstedt (F.) William Shakespeare inu gen) 9386 Brink (J. Ten) Gerbrand A. Brederoo |s,,; ' k 72649 Burgersdijk(L.A.J.)DerWerkenvanShakespead-e^ v | c A ^eriJS{ 3,d8] 42898 Davis (W. J.) Philosophical Explanation of Hamlet i™* rdam 76570 Disselhoff (J.) Shakespeare's gesehiedkundige drama's een Spiegel voor voorst en volk [from Stcmmen voor waarheid en \ rede] I Irasti rdam 42903 Gravenweert (J. De 'S.) La Litterature Neerland a "-■ 72647 Haan (M. P. de) Bene Othello-studie ! V'm'in,; 1 ' '" 70297 Heijkoop (H. L.) Koning Lear »**" 70298 Historic van het Engelsche Tooneel [in Algemeene Oefenschoole van Kosten en Weetenschappi i VI Ifd Kill. 1 1, pp. 405-11] 42976 Hoop, Jr. (A. van der) Johanna Shore rreuempoi 87072 Huet (C. Busken) Shakespeare &£%fi23%?& 9383 Kampen (N. G. van) Redevoering over William Shakespear 42720 Kok (A. S.) English Poetry: duo ?1871 duo L765 duo 1879 duo L871 duo I s 7.{ L859 8vo L883 8vo L867 dm. 1875 is: iii 1883 8vo L782 duo duo I ss| ■ ?1814 246 Number. 72618 41327 70313 108011 9382 60539 3279 57976 57288 * 24160 24845 29510 42897 9384 42908 42847 24917 42917 24840 44345 42910 42909 42907 9385 103203 92040 60524 24793 42863 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Kok (A. S.) Shakespeare in wapenrusting^ I,uG t{S"^r 3774no] Kolff (G. J.) Shakespeare's Hamlet £^ ^ M ft*™Sffii£3 Lamb (C.) Yertellingen uit Shakspeare (Deventeri Loffelt (A. C.) Shakespeare's Hamlet en Bara's Heretelde vorst Moltzer (H. E.) Shakspere's invloed ^K2?^(£E5S£5 - Moulin (J.) Collection Shakespearienne formee par [S ^^f5 e] Moulin (J.) Omtrekken eener Algemeene Litteratuur over Shakspeare (Kampen) ... Nayler (B. S.) A Collection of English Literature (Amsterdam) Nayler (B. S.) English Performances in Amsterdam [Amsterdam] Nayler (B. S.) Select Scenes from the British Drama (utwchtj Nedei'laildsche Spectator 15 Numbers, containing Shakespearian;!] Nieritz (G.) Die Koopman van Venetie (Utrecht) ... Opzoomer (C. W.) Aanteekeningen op Macbeth (Amsterdam) ... Po-nviQiTio (\ \ QliolrQ-noTQ en de bedeiidaagsehe Xeili-rhni(l>ihe uitgaven en ctUUBVlb {£\-l kDUctft-bpeie vertalingen zijner Tooneelstukken (Utrecht) Pi'i.nmiic. a„ nPV of de Bedrooge Hartog van Pierlepon Boertige Tragedie liamUS en XniSDe, (t'Amsteldam) BaU (H.) William Shakspere Historische Roman (Arnhem) ... Bichard II., Notes illustrative of Bijnenberg (L.) Shakspeare Boobol (C. J.) Shakspeare Saint Euvremont (Le Sieur de) GHuvres Meslees (a Amsterdam) Strvys (J.) Styrvs En Ariame I>roef - eyn VA e msteire^m) denDruck " ••• Strvys (J.) Styrus En Ariame Droef - eynd ^ 8t ei?edIm)' denI)mck ••• Struys (J.) StyrUS En Ariame Treuerspel (f Amsterdam) Sybrandi (K.) Vondel en Shakspeare ais treurspeidicnters (Haariemj Timon (Dr.) Shakespeare's Drama to sein Ya™nf t aS^ amK ••• ValkVinff (1 N \ Miflipf.ri " [*n Verzameling van Stukien ter Vertaling in het vaiKnon [o. in.j ,,iviacoei;n Hoogduits.-h. pp. pao-Seio-ai iino S. BiKtAa Sis plays ^yoUf ZaiKO-rreLpuv YpuywOuu ' VH (eVA0>ji«us) Selections* 172516 Humphreys (E. E.) Key to Exercitationes [ambicae aburgh in' lud 24167 Shrewsbury School, Greek Verses of 57869 Translations nhich frt.Tii Sh ■ ! nglith . in the I nivei 1817 i" 1850 (C imbridgi GtttV ind • 1 8vo L849 duo (hi" L848 L860 248 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Number Vols. Size. Date. GREEK TRANSLATIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. r?A i A o i ts- \ Apncua . . . ueradjp'tcrOer I in prose] e« t>j; AyyAixiiq 1 Q-irn 1889 (OILS A.VTWVIOS KOI KAcOTTttTpa P F { M M.NAa W iA, (^'A9,Js) X V AS YOU LIKE IT. KQ«71 i, V nl , Til-,, It Greek Iambics from " As You Like If ' let IV., Scene 3] by H. Jackson 1 Q yo 1858 DyO/l Ah LOU Jjlkti Jit ,„ Cheltenham Ccllese. Pi ize Toems, pp. 27-33] iCheltenham x ov(J J - { -"-"^ Greek and English HAMLET. 90^01 'A \,,.„„ BacriAon-ais t>)S Aartas, TpaywSia . . . ivarixaK l*.eTa$pa<76eiai<;) '" ± ° V 38577 'AaXeTOe """P"*^"' .. . ^TaApacrfleicra ferp I. H. nep/WoyAou. HSrfcvnpor J (JuO 1874 uwl ' .ifiAaus exSo0cicra ujto iaiai'fov A. MapwA>) (ec hwi'CTTai'Tii'ovn'oAei) 1 1 9Q40 'A Xexnc 'Ep./ieTpos /ueTa<£pao-ts 'Ia(«o0ov ILoAuAa p.e TrpoAeyop.et'a (cat (cptriKas 8vO 1889 L-L-jC/^U x\[.IA.£TOs cnjfieiwcreis (ei» 'A07)rats ) 1 1 9Q3Q 'A X Meraippacrfleicra epviaerpos ex tov ayyAtxov vtto A7)p.7)Tptov BtxcAa. KkSoctis d.U.0 ?1888 LlZit/Oc/ AfAAtZOS ren en-iStcopflw/ttei'i) (ec 'ASneats) HENRY THE FOURTH, Part 2. 179809 rTTonvv TV p nl .f TT 1 [Act I., Scene 1, in Greek] by H. H. House. The Gaisford 1 J. lf) 1884 liSOKjA [Meni} IV. Jraiu ±±.J | 8 6I (Oxford) [Greek and English] ^ Lluu Loot 1 7980Q rTTaiii'v TV p.„,f TT "I [Act HI., Scene 2 Greek Comic Verse, by G. G. A. Murray. 1 ( ] ]ln 1886 1/ZOUO L- tlenI y 1V - X cUC 11. J Gaisford Prize, 1*86 Oxford [Greek and English] X UUU J-OOU 179804. T-Tonvv TV Port TT Act II., Scene 2, translated int.. Comic Iambic Verse, by G.S. 1 {\ n(y 1894 HAOV-k lieiliyiV. rait ll. Robertson Gaisford Prize, 1891 (Oxford [Greek and English L Lluu iwt HENRY THE FIFTH. 1Q^Q17 TJqtivv Af Act II., Scene 3, translated into Comic Iambics, by W. M.Geldart. Gaisford Prize— 1 rlnn 1 8Q0 160611 Hemy V. Greek Ve rse, 1890 [Oxford) Greek and English] X tlUU l° vyJ HENRY THE SIXTH, Part 2. 70167 HPTIVV VT PflVT, TT Act V., Scene 2 [in Greek by] G. B. Baker [i» Prolusiones 1 Q yQ 91863 IULUI Lieill^ VL. irail LL. recitatae Scholae Harroviensis, pp. 48-51] Harroriae x ovu , - louu Grpt-k and English JULIUS C/ESAR. 70451 'IovAtos Katcrap T ^^ a ■ ■ ■ fi ^1^8^7x^17^ 6 ^ ^° "" 1 8v0 1858 RICHARD THE THIRD. 17980*1 Pir»Viivr1 TTT Act I., Scene 2. Translation into Greek Iambic Verse] by E. W. M Grigg. 1 Ann 1902 1/^OUO ItlCnaiCt 111. Gaisford Prize [1902 (Oxford) Greek and English] l uuu UV-, ROMEO AND JULIET. 27261 Pwuoios Kai 'lovXia ^"^ .-.-.• CM^pacrcJe, [m prose] ****;£ Wtfeu i 8vQ 1873 ™ (cat exooWei' oaTrafai? b. Aa(mu/tooouj (ef ABrjeais) THE TEMPEST. 44344 'H TpiKVjXlO. Apap.a . . . MeTaippacris [ill prose] I. IIoAiAAa (Kcpxupa) ... 1 8vO 1850 TWELFTH NIGHT. 179801 TwplfrVi "NTicrVit let II., Scene 5, translated into Comic Iambics.by W. R. Hardie. Gaisford 1 nun 1889 1/ZOUl l^eittn i-Mgnt Prize-Greek Verse 1S82[ Oxford) Greek and English ^ aU0 100ii Greek Hungarian. Number. GREEK SHAKESPEARIAN A. 42912 BacnAaaSov (2. N.) TaXartia A,H.na. 'Eieotodi'TGt a. •iAu I dun 1880 9388 BaatAetaSou (2. N.) 'O BairiXcis A///) M«X«t«] (fr A«qi>"<) 1 duO l s 7<» 124814 Avp (A.) [A Poem on the Shakespeare Tercentenary] (Srpi|AiTi9 I fol ?1864 HEBREW TRANSLATIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. MACBETH. 148589 Macbeth nach SchiUer ' 6 deutscher Bearbe f D u r n ^^ ) £br8U ' ... 1 duo L888 OTHELLO. 27230 Othello Translated into Hebrew by J . E. S[alkinson Edited by P. Smolensk) Vienna ... 1 (hid 1 . s 7 1 ROMEO AND JULIET. 27231 RomeO & Juliet Translated into Hebrew by J. E. S[alkinsori Wien) ... ... 1 tlllO 1 S 7 V HUNGARIAN EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. 29467 Shakspere minden munkai ' i,k '" ! L9 di 187! 42947 Shakspere Vegyes Koltemenyei ".UK 1 duo 1880 HUNGARIAN EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Smaller Collections. 42952 Shakspeare Vilmos' Osszes Szinmiivei ' •"' duo L845 l.A'Szelv&z. 2. A* K6t Veronal Kemes. 3. A • Windsor! Vig N61 I ' 29384 Vorosmarty minden munkai Rend. etekkei Kiitrte cyniai i 1 duo L863 Julius Caesar. Lear Eerily. Romeo is Julia. 42930 Shakspere-Album jeWeuk & Aiakok shakspere v**) HUNGARIAN EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. CORIOLANUS. tC\f\AC n -1 Forditot! i PetSfi Sandoi Pi ' 1 i\lU< 42946 Coi'lOlailUS ° dl f "di«Ak irany.etc. N „; i„M,sh,,i 44324 Coriolanus ForditottaPetcfisa, OQQQQ - Misodil <■ i dUO LOOJ 250 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. „ . . Vols. Size. Date. Number. HAMLET. 42864 Hamlet ForditottaAranyjanos (Budapest) 1 duo 1882 JULIUS C/ESAR. 29385 JuliuS CfiBSar ForditottaVSrosmartyM. Jeles hok lskolai TAra, XII. (Budapest) ... 1 dllO 1880 KING LEAR. -tod -XT" ' . T „^,, [in Tetralogie tragiseher Meisterwerke der Alten und Nueren, ubersetzt von 1 duo 1824 1351 Konig Lear l L.Petz, pp. 259-408] (Kaschau) X UUU 10iS1 29387 Lear Kiraly Shakespearetol Forditotta vorosmarty m. (Pest) 1 duo 1856 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. 42945 A' Velencei Kalmar ( shaks > ut ^ ( A K n e ?S^ £t4Ac8Zsign,ond) ••• 1 du0 1853 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. 29389 A Szent-IViin eji Alom ForditottaAranyJ. Konewka P. 24. ajzaval (Budapest)... 1 4tO 1880 TWELFTH NIGHT. 42956 Viola ^* rt Mn»to 1 8b,^«*^M.F.Wi g «u (u.iti., _ ti i 8vo?1860 HUNGARIAN SHAKESPEARIANA. 148333 Bodenstedt (F.) Shakespeare elete es muvei *4 m l th ^u££lv -•• 1 duo 1879 42953 Brankovics (G.) Shakespeare Jellemkepei (Budapest)... ... 2 duo 1873-978 124442 Campbell (T.) Shakspere ' tat * rtI * ,d 8 ^ , Siv J ^Tc^f bakfc,ii - 1 duo 1891 42957 Cohn (A.) Shakespeare in Germany [keview ° f > •"', ?$*"" Siemle] .. . 1 8vo 1866 106813 Greguss (A.) Shakespeare in Ungarn lfrom v h *Z T r $ s %*%£? aus . . . 1 8vo 1879 27232 Greguss (A.) Shakspere EisoKotet. shakspeare Paiyajs (Budapest) ... 1 duo 1880 29383 Greguss (A.) Tanulmanyai Masndik kiadas (Budapest) ... ... 1 duo 1880 £tf\OOQ TT.iwil^+ Irta Shakespeare. Aneolbol forditotta Arany J. [in Tanulmanvok az eredeti es 1 rlnr> 1 R7fi OUZZtJ Xiaimei k&lfoldi Dramairodalom, PP . 1-35] (Budapest) ••■ A uuu ±u ' ^ 42958 Kertbeny (K.) Shakspere nalunk [«»» Athenaeum, 6i sz.] (Buda P est) ... 1 8vo 1874 29386 Lamb (K. es M.) Shakspeare-Mesek sisoicatet (Budapest) ... 1 duo 1880 42958 Meses elemekrol Shakspereben [in Athenaeum, 26 sz.] (Budapest) ... 1 8vo 1874 42958 Shakspere mint szint'sz tin Athenaeum, so sz.] (Budapest) ... ... 1 8vo 1874 42955 Szasz (K.) Shakspere kisebb koltemenyei % y LJh??$iinJ) • •• 1 8vo 1869 (Pest) 31631 Szecsen (A.) Shakspere [»» Tanuimanyok, PP . m-205] (Budapest ... ... 1 duo .1881 42954 Szekely (J.) Shakespeare C" Ma * yir ™£;*£&%%&™r*' ™'"' ■■• l duo ? 1853 ICELANDIC EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. HAMLET. 60224 Hamlet iislenzkvil»y^ingueptir Matthias Jochnmsson (Reykjavik)... ... ... 1 duO 1878 KING LEAR. 1246 Lear KonungUr Uslenzkri fyflngu eptlr Steingrfm Thorsteinsson (Reykjavik) ... 1 duO 1878 Icelandic— Indian. Number. MACBETH. 9387 Macbeth MatthiasJochonissonhefirlslenika* (titgel OTHELLO. 70432 Othello Matthias JochumsBonl.?furlslenika8 [Reyl ROMEO AND JULIET. 100625 E6me6 Og Jl'lll'a Matthias Jochumuon heflr lsleukad Reykjavik) \..K 1 duo L874 1 1 L887 INDIAN EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. Separate Plays. In English. AS YOU LIKE IT. 1963 As YOU Like It wperformedat the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden. l j„^ oiQir. j.i7ut> jn.0 iuu umc iu With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald, &c. (Calcutta! •■■ * °-UO • lolO A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. 151243 A Midsummer Night's Dream '^SSSXEHSSSm)* •■• 1 duo L891 INDIAN SHAKESPEARIANA. In English. 172582 Miller. (W.) Hamlet and the Waste of Life iiun ... 1 duo L902 171858 Miller (W.) King Lear and Indian Politics (Madras ... 1 duo 1900 171857 Miller (W.) Macbeth and the Euin of Souls (Madras) ... l duo I'.mi INDIAN TRANSLATIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S SEPARATE PLAYS, ETC. Bengali. MACBETH : A DA I'TA TION. 108064 [Macbeth. Riulni Pal Natak. Translated into Bengali by Barozal Rai (Calcutta)] duo, i»: ROMEO AND JULIET: ADAPTATION. 107955 [Yogendranarayana Dasa Ghosha. Ajayasimha Vilasavati n&taka] duo Sinhalese. CTMBELINE A DA I'TATION. 1510S2 The English Play entitled Cymbeline [Simballn-nam-natya-kathantraya, \ drama In < kcta, founded on Cymbeline (Colombo)] Svo, 1893 MERCHANT OF VENICE: ADAPTATIONS. 151081 Marcnent of Venis or Forciya [sic] [A drama founded on Shakapere'i ' Merchant ol and composed in " Hindustani " metre (Colombo)] duo 151083 Marchent of Venis or Forciya [st'c] [A drama founded on " I he Merchant of \ eni< in verses and songs, adapted for a Sinhalese NSdogama (Colombo) 252 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Number. Vols. Size. Date. Tamil. MEASURE FOR MEASURE: ALTERATION. 1510S0 Measure for Measure (A Tale from Shakespeare). In Tamil by Pandit S. M. Natesa Sastri (Madras) duo, 1393 TWELFTH NIGHT. 151079 Twelfth Night m Tamil by Pandit ;S. M. Natesa Sastri (Coimbatoce) 1 duo 1892 Urdu. 151078 Shakespeare's Plays i*"™* * to ™ u ^ £$&*& Ran1, No ' L Kine LeM 1 duo ? 1893 ITALIAN EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. 31349 Teatro complete di Shakspeare l^^^^^SS^^SSS^^i 7 duo 1858-59 29186 Opere di Shakspeare *««««•<«>« n» '«»] di ?kS^Si.) M,n " edizione ill,,strata 12 du o 1875-82 ITALIAN EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. S ma iter Coilections, 24601 Tragedie di Shakspeare t ™ dotte ^^SiiS^di^il a I ^ l,,, /5gSS) da BaWB! ••• 14 8vo 1819-22 72488 TeatrO di Shakspeare suelto e tradotto iu vcrsi da G. Careano (Naponj [Nine plays] 8253 TeatrO di Shakspeare scelto e tradotto in ver^da a Caicano. Vol. I. (NapoliJ _ 8010 Of.pl In P Tin Tpmnocfi Armiiuo e Dorotea di Goethe, traduzioni dl A. Maffei (Firenze) JUiU WieilU e ua i.empeSta [Described on the wrapper as " Shakspeare e Goethe"] 8251 I Ganolavnri fli Sha,k;, l 'V^yn',"K',^'i ! :hr l "' i ""- '"'" * HENRY THE FIFTH. HENRY V..- BALLET. "2527 Garzia (U.) La Gioventu d'Enrico V. Ballo di Mezzo Carattere, duo, 1810 24823 II Ee Enrico VIII. HENRY THE EIGHTH. Voltato in prosa italiana da < I. Ruecoul. . ittavu edizione col testo Inglese di riscontro (Firenze JULIUS OESAR. HQ174 Tl T-linlin flptsirp Tradotta [in prose] daU' Inglese In Lingua Toscana OVl(± 11 U1U110 UeSdie dal dottor D. Valentini. (Siena) 53612 Gilllio CeSai'e Tradotta in versi Italian! da M. ] ij (Milano) 72524 Gilllio CeSai'e Recata in versi Italiani da M. Leoni (Pisa) 38116 Giulio CeSai'e Recata in Italiano da I. Valletta (Firenze) ft94.il ftinlin C^oaoro Voltata in prosa Italiana da C. Rusi i. u^n-* VTiuiiu (JC&dilc Quinta edizione col testo Inglese di riscontro (Firenze 44419 II Ee Lear 8245 Ee Lear KING LEAR. Traduzione di G. Carcano (Milano) ... I Bvo L872 1 (hu. L880 Voltata in prosa Italiana da C. Rusconi. Sesta edizione, ...I t.-M.. Iiijili'-.. < 1 i li^-.mtr... i Firenze) ... 1 duo L756 ... 1 8vo 181] ... 1 duo 1815 ... 1 duo L829 ... 1 duo L868 ... 1 8vo L843 ... 1 duo 3068 70530 60226 33160 8248 MACBETH. MacbettO Recata In versl Italiani da M. 1 li (Pisa) Macbet Recata con alcune variazioni in versi Italiani da W. E, Frye (Mannl Macbet Recata in Italiano da G. Nicolini (Brescia) Macbeth Turandot di Gozzi. Imitate da F. Sehiller e tradotte dal cai ( Maffol TVT~ar.HotVi Voltata in prosa Italiana da C. Rusi oni lUdLUeill riscontro (Firenze) 1 8vo 1 8 1 5 1 duo ?1827 1 duo ?1830 1 duo I 1 duo 1867 MACBETH : BALLETS. 725H Clerico (F.) Macbet ossia I due Spettri al Convito. Ballo tragico Programme) du 72532 Henry (L.) Macbetto. Ballo Mimico (Milano) duo, 1830 27225 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. II Mercante di Venezia Verai '"' s "'" M '-;;.". 1 duo 1839 THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. 9298 Le Allegre Spose di Windsor ^'V^X;!.^. ■•• 1 duo L878 MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR: ALTERATIONS, ETC. 148253 Boito (A.) Falstaff. Commedia lirica. Musica di (.'. Verdi (Milam.) dn. 147603 Boito (A.) Falstaff. A lyrical comedj (English version bj W, Beatty Kingston) Mo G. Verdi [Italian ami English] (Milan, etc.) duo, Mvi 254 Number. 42905 154907 70529 3411 27224 72568 8256 3010 27226 148112 148115 44418 33159 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S Sogno di una notte di mezza estate DREAM. Recato in versi Italian! da M. Leoni (Torin no -]• „„<■;„ J' nn fn(n Voltato in prosa Italiana da C. Rusconi Sogno di una notte a estate .. Settinua :dizione col testo Inglese di riscontra (Firenze) duo duo Date. 1818 1880 .1 MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM: ALTERATIONS, ETC 45110 Piramo, e Tisbe. Intermezzo Tragico a tre voci (Dresda) duo, 1775 Otello Otello II Moi Otello Otello Otello Otello Otello Otello 89042 27227 25055 72530 1 8vo 1814 OTHELLO. Recata in rersi Italiani da M. Leoni. (Firenze) Recata in Italiano da I. Valletta (Firenze) „ J ; "\7~~ ^ „! r, [Translated from the French version of Alfred de Vigny into O Ctl Vene/ia Italian prose by 6. Barbieri] iMilano) [Vol. 3 of the " Teatro complete di Alfredo di Vigny "] ridotto per le scene Italiane da L. K. Tettoni [Ser. VI., Vol. VIII. of?] ... Voltata in prosa Italiana da C. Rusconi. Sesta edizione, col testo Inglese di riscontro (Firenze) ■•■ ••' 6 La Tempesta traduzionidiA. Maffei (Firenze) Ridotto perle scene Italiane da L. E. Tettoni (Milano) tradotta da ('. Pasqualigo con mi 'Introduzione e Document! storici a cura di 1'. G. Molmenti [Italian and English] (Firenze) traduzione di L. E. Tettoni (Firenze) OTHELLO : ALTERATIONS, ETC. Boito (A.) Otello. Dramma lirico. Musica di G. Verdi (Milano) 8vo, ?1887 Codeb6 (A.) Otello. Parodia tragica. [Palestra Dramniatica. Teatro Italiano, Fasc. 32] (Milano) duo, 1858 Otello. Dramma per Musica da rappresentarsi in Bologna nel Gran Teatro della Coinune il Carnovale del 1827 (Bologna) duo, ?1827 Viganb (S.) Otello. Ballo tragico (Milano) duo, ?1818 1 duo 1830 1 duo 1838 1 duo ?1850 1 duo 1867 1 duo 1869 1 duo 1874 1 duo 1887 1 duo 1896 Eiccardo III. II Re Riccardo III. RICHARD THE THIRD. Recata in versi Italiani da M. Leoni (Firenze) ... Voltata in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi. Ottava edizione col testo Inglese di riscontro (Firenze) 8vo duo 1815 1878 72523 44406 27222 148518 3072 3010 Romeo e Giulietta Romeo e Giulietta Romeo e Giulietta Romeo e Giulietta ROMEO AND JULIET. Recata in versi Italiani da M. Leoni (Firenze) Versione di O. Garbarini (Milano) [Museo Drammatico, Serie II.. Vol. XII.] Voltata in prosa Italiana da C. Rusconi. Sesta edizione. col testo Inglese di riscontro (Firenze) tradotta da C. Pasqualigo (Lonigo) ... ... ... 106818 106819 72570 ROMEO AND JULIET: OPERA TEXTS, ETC Opera Giulietta e Romeo del Sigr. Vaccaj, Scena e Duetto, Svo, ?1800 . Cavatina, 8vo, ?1800 duo 1814 duo 1840 duo 1868 duo 1892 Le Tombe di Verona, ossia Giulietta e Romeo. Ballo tragico di A. Cberubini (Milano) duo, ?1830 106826 I Capuleti ed i Montecchi. Tragedia Lirica. Parole di F. Romani. Musica di V. Bellini (Roma) duo, ?1833 I Capuleti ed i Montecchi. Tragedia Lirica (Musica di V I Capuleti e i Montecchi. Tragedia Lirica. Parole di Bellini (Venezia) duo, ?1S35 I Capuleti ed i Montecchi. Tragedia Lirica. Musica del Maestro V. Bellini (Torino) duo, 1853 Giulietta e Romeo. Tragedia lirica di F. Romani. Musica del Maestro V. Bellini (Napoli) duo, 1857 106827 72531 145458 106823 Bellini) (Milano) duo, 1834 F. Romani. Musica del Maestro THE TEMPEST. La Tempesta Recato in versi Italiani da M. Leoni (Pisa) Otello e La Tempesta traduzioni di A. Maffei (Firenz. 8247 La Tempesta Voltato in prosa Italiana da C. Rusconi. Ottava edizione, col testo Ingle di riscontro (Firenze) 1 8vo 1815 1 duo 1869 1 duo 1878 ITALIAN EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE S POEMS. 141139 Veiiere e Adone prima traduzione Italiana iFirenzei ... ... ... 1 duO 1898 Xunilier, 148113 72526 113430 3759 148517 3073 72513 33156 148116 134679 148117 82139 72525 60544 42961 151007 72515 12210 72495 155881 62595 60527 33158 27229 148114 148118 33157 8243 31654 60542 148119 148120 8242 72491 44414 108000 113336 70328 60541 99331 44349 60528 Italian Shakespeariana. ITALIAN SHAKESPEARIANA. Alfonso (N. R. d') Lo Spettro dell' Amleto Andreis (S.) Shakespeare, per Gervinus Apollonio de Tiro Nel quale si trattadidiuci 8 belli me I Arnaud (G.) Shakspeare saggioBi .. (Miiano) Azzolilli (G.) Shylock i della UbbradlG (Reggloi Baretti(G.)Discorsosopra Shakespeare Battaglia (G.) Mosaico rorsi di Crltlca Drammatica , Mil. PP. 1-105, SliaJcespeare. pp. 106 119, n ■ , t . , mutators
  • . imh .,. Farnbri (P.) Critiche Parallele L ' A n ^l,',;;, 1 ;; 1 ,'.';!': 1 %2aS£> """"•■• Foi'lani (F.) Hamlet rappresentatodaE. Rossi. Appunti Criticl Prieste) Forlani (F.) Sul Giulio Cesare di Shakespeare (Trieste) Forlani (F.) Sull' amoree sullapazziad' Amleto ! '" "",',';!, ;,',';". Forlani (F.) Un nuovo Interprete dell 'Amleto rn Forlani (F.) Variazioni Filosofico-Giuridiche sopra II Mer- Cante di Venezia e altri Dramml di Shakespean ITorino, etc.J Galleria Shaksperiana s "^" ui, ' iu,,riri ,;'"^;;[ : l;!;" 1 Garlanda (F.) Guglielmo Shakespeare u Poeta e ruomo (Roma) ... Giraldi Cinthio (G. B.) Hecatommithi """;;,',, [One of the sources of Shakespeare] flinliAtra o T?nmon Breve compendio degli amori ed infelice fine di Gl vjiuiicuudi t; ivuuieu tratto de varj scrittori della storla di Verona Graf (A.) iVmleto [inStudiiDrammatici, pp. 41-79] (Torino, etc.) Gualtieri (L.) Shakspeare Dram m a[Mori^io x Drammatico.Serlesettlma, _ Jarro [G. Piccini] La Questione Semitica Cai X» Keller (G.) Borneo e Giulietta nel Villaggio (Miianoj Landau (M.) Le Fonti della "Tempesta" ' " $™ v a* Stf***- • • Levi (A. R.) Guglielmo Shakspeare (veneziaj Levi (A. R ) Studi su Shakspeare (Trevisoj Levi (A. S.) To be or not to be ossiaEsser „.n,- Lupini (G. M.) Shakspeare e l'Amleto Manzi (A.) L'Ebreo e la Libbra di Carm Molmenti (P. G.) II Moro di Venezia Montagu (Mad.) Saggio sopra gliScrittie'lGeniodiShakespi ai Eamento di P, Antonluttl l h Montagu (Mad.) Saggio sugli Seritti e sul Genio di Shakes Montefredini (F.) Studi Critici [pp. n 20, imieto; PP 21 270tciio] Montemayor (Iorge de) La Diana "" r tto v «SS Moraudi (L.) Voltaire contro Shakespeare, Morando de Rizzoni (L.) La Pasta nell' Otello di«uo Muzzi (L.) Giulietta e Romeo came Ottolini (V.) II Teatro in Italia (Miiano.etc.i Porto (L. da) La Giulietta [<« Bime, e Pros*, ,- sm.li" Critlco-Pslcologico (Torino nel Men (R01 1 a - .-. 1 duo 1602 8vo L820 duo L845 8vo duo duo L896 duo L895 duo 1 — 1 8vo 1 B7 I 8vo L874 duo 1 87 1 duo L871 duo L876 8vo 1 B7 1 4to L86] duo VI m .11 8vo 1 57 ! dim duo duo Bvo duo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo duo 8vo 1817 1878 1 B58 L895 1891 L878 L872 1875 ls77 L895 L896 L873 8vo duo 1 -77 duo 8vo L882 duo L842 duo ?1870 dun 256 Number. 3065 76564 76565 34585 113348 148121 122849 72518 33155 31641 8249 27228 60525 60535 69425 12209 82432 148122 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Porto (L. da) Giulietta e Borneo Noveiia storica Edizione xv«. [Pisa] Ricci (M.) Saggio di Novelle di Shakespeare (Firenze) RoSSi (E.) Stlldii Drammatici e Lettere Autobiografiche (Firenze) Scolari (F.) Giulia Cappelletti e Romeo Montecchi (uvomoj or L:"l/M\ (~* l'Tnnnnnl [Supposed to be one of tlie sources of ' Twelfth Ni S[eCChlJ (JN.) (jrl lllganni (In Fiorenza] Se^re (C.) Saggi Critici di Letterature Straniere (Firenze) l°i 1-35 Goethe e 1" amleto," pp. 87-89 La Storla 'li Falstaff, pp. 203-226 Shakespeare nell' "Enrico VIII." Seven Ages of Man nw** <* D ™™e* from^pavementofsiena cathedral] x Strafforello (G.) Shakspeare e i suoi tempi *»*^ *«£*»**** 2 NOTE.— This is tlie same work as Trolopp's "Shakspeare alia Corte d'lnghilterra," with a diftt-reut title pag Tirinelli (G.) I Sonetti di Shakspeare [ from Nuova Antoiogia] (Roma, et Tommaseo (N.) Esercizi Letterarii [Sh akespeare %*. «?«. m. sm.] •• Trolopp (F.) Shakspeare alia Corte d'lnghilterra (Torino) .. Note —This is the same work as Strafforello's " Shakspeare e i suoi tempi," with a different title i> Vitaliani (C.) Shakspeare Innamorato w%ES2%ii£$S^m "&») Warin (R. de) Romeo e Giulietta Romanzo storico (Verona; Warin (R. di) Giulietta e RomeO Romanzo Storico (Milano, etc. : P.Pagnoni) Warin (R. di) RomeO e Giulietta Romanzo Storico (Milano : C. Barbini) ... Zendrini (B.) Shakespeare [in Prime poesie (I859-1871) pp. 97-109] (Padovaj ... Zerbi (R. de) Amleto studio psicoiogico (Tonno) Zumbini(B.)Sopra un luogo diShakespeare %$%£^&§K$^ 8vo duo duo 8vo duo duo fol duo 8vo 8vo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo duo Date. 1831 1874 1885 1831 1615 1894 1886 1870 1878 1869 ?1870 1876 1812 1876 1876 1871 1880 1894 LATIN TRANSLATIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. 100578 57184 1277 146836 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Iulius Caesar Iulius Csesar JULIUS C/ESAR. ! reddidit H. Denison (Oxford and London) Latii Latine reddidit H. Denison. Editio secunda (Oxonli et Londini) [Latin and English] ■•■ ad textum qualem N. Delius constituit, Anglicumin senario transtulit T. J. Hilgers (Dessaviae) Tragcedia in Latinum conversa a C. W. Goodchild [in Prseco Latinus, Vols. 1,5] (Philadelphia) |l. .nil. and English] 1 8vo 1856 1 8vo 1869 1 8vo 1872 2 4to 1897-99 LATIN SHAKESPEARIANA. 138239 Horton-Smith (L.) Ars Tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata (Cambridge ... ... ... ... ... 1 8vo 1896 106816 Lichtenberger (E.) De Carminibus Shakesperi (Paris) ... 1 8vo 1877 NORWEGIAN EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. JULIUS C/ESAR. 99325 Julius Caesar OversatafH. Lassen (Kristiania) " [Danish translation] 1 duo 1882 MACBETH. 99330 Macbeth OversatogfortolketafN. Hauge (Christiania) [Danish translation] 99324 Macbeth OversatafH. Lassen (Kristiania) [Danish translation] MERCHANT OF VENICE. 99327 Merchant of Venice MedMm ^chffsaaliTfrext!n u lfef 6 wieBener ... 99326 Kjobmanden i Venedig OversatafH, LasBen (Kristiania) [Danish translation],,. 1 8vo 1855 1 duo 1883 1 duo 1880 1 duo 1882 Polish Editions of Shakespeare's Works, etc. Number \ oil POLISH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. 70441 Dzieia Williama Shakspeare ' « 3 duo 1840-47 34580 Dzieia dramatyczne Szekspira ''"•■ k, "' |s ■ k ; i ; , ; , ; , i - m " 3 8vo 18< 50203 Dzieia Dramatyczne Williama Shakespeare (Szekspira) ... 3 8vo L8"i . .wgdanie illuatrowane ozdobione ila lirze ivory taroi ryaunku II. i. - Kozmi.-in.i. J l'.,~/k,,u-u,,-,, , i,. i lri.ha. / dodaniem iy. i J. !. Kra^/e" sk U'i^u ( W ;i ; -/ 1 1\ i ) * 149401 Dzieta Dramatyczne "Williama Shakespeare (Szekspira) ... L2 duo Przekhd .1. Ulricha / ubjasnieniaini J. I. Kraszewskiego \\ 149481 Dzieia Wiliama Szekspira W' , K> " tr prowicza z nbjatnieuiami hi H Biegi I-IX.— Dziefra X.— Biegeleisen (H.) Wiliam Szekspir. Proba charakterystyki. POLISH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Smaller Collections. 70317 Dramata Willjama Shakspear'a pmktad '.';;■,;; "■'V,','..,!.". "" "' 3 duo 185 1 45220 Dzieia dramatyczne Szekspira "*£g$ h '»S$* ] j£I I . . 3 8vo 188 Poznarf) POLISH EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. 33023 Antoniusz i Kleopatra Ttomaczenie k. ostnwskiego (Paryz - ) ... ... 1 duo 1872 HAMLET. 42914 Hamlet Tiomaczenie K. Ost ,kiego (WeL „ 1 8V0 L870 JULIUS C/ESAR. 9390 JuljUSZ Cezar tragedj PizeUad A. Pajgerta (Lwt.) 1 dU0 L859 KING JOHN. 7H^Q1 TT-wXI Ton PrzeMad J. Korzeniowskiego [in Arcydzieia dramatyczne. PrzeMady J K 1 i\\iri 1845 lUOOl. 1Y101 Jan skiegoi A.Walickiego.Tom.l! KING LEAR. 31655 Krol Lir u-, ...,,, . . . ?„**&* .-r,,^,,-.,,, .,, i p» MACBETH. 45988 Makbet ll ^" h ' PneM Bietofc j35LSfSr™ r ™ »-**'" ' Sn " l<) ~ THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. Q«^Q^ TTinni^n Wa«artH dramat w trzech aktach mprowym wii dllii i oooyo ivupiec weiiecki llt ,., i K w.kii rm jambj p II ,pp. 1 103] W I THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. 45989 Puste kobiety z Windsor'u i '"">' M in P m£» D ' 258 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. Number Vols - 8ize - Date - TIMON OF ATHENS. 50206 Tymon z Aten Pmuad [in prose] e. LubowsMego (Wimnj 1 8vo 1871 TWELFTH NIGHT. 70383 Potnocna godzina pr«kradJohnaofD,cai P [i.e.p.janko WS ki] (Wiino) 1 duo 1845 THE WINTER'S TALE. 45987 ZilllOWa pOwieSC Prze»oiyl[in prose] G[ustaw]] Krakow) ... ... 1 8vO 1871 POLISH SHAKESPEARIANA. 149490 Biegeleisen (H.) Wiliam Szekspir Pr6ba charakterystyw (Lwowj ... 1 duo 1897 PORTUGUESE EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. HAMLET. 110149 Hamlet Traduccao Portugueza, [by Louis, King of Portugal] [Llsboa] ... ... 1 8VO 1877 27258 Hamlet Traduccao [In prose] deBulhaoPato (Lisb ... ... ... 1 8vO 1879 27259 Hamlet Traduccao Portugueza [by Louis, King of Portugal] Segunda edicao. (Lisboa) ... 1 8vO 1880 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. 110020 O Mei'Cador de Veneza Traduccao Livre, [by Louis, King of Portugal] (Lisboa) ... 1 8vO 1879 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. 27257 Sonho d'uma Noite de S. Joao Q,-D fe^H^jiSff»Sr" 1 "" ••• 1 duo 1874 OTHELLO. 60529 Othello imitacao [from Shakespeare] porL. A. Bebello da Silva (Lisboa) ... ... 1 8vO 1856 RICHARD THE THIRD. 110019 Eicai'do III. [Translated in prose by Louis, King of Portugal] (Lisboa) ... ... 1 8vO 1880 ROUMANIAN EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. HAMLET. 9389 Hamlet tradusa de A. Stern (Bucuresci) ... ... ... ... 1 8vO 1877 JULIUS C/ESAR. 42911 Illliu Cesar XraduceremetricadupatextulorlgmaldeA. Stern [Bucharest] ... 1 duO 1879 MACBETH. 106825 Macbeth tradusft dinfrantodestedeSt.Bagescu (Bucurestl) ... ... ... 1 duO 1850 9391 Macbeth traduse d'in englis6sce de P. P. Carp. Publicatle a societatei : „ Junimea " |.Ia^^i^ 1 dllO 1864 148237 Macbeth [traduse d'in englisSscede P. P. Carp.] Editlune corectata. (Buuuresti) ... 1 dllO 1886 Roumanian —Russian. Number. THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. 108008 NegutatoruldinVenetia Tradn i. ., ■ OTHELLO. 148446 Othello rraduvere de P. P. Csrp taasl] ... ) RUSSIAN EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. 43675 12624 45978 149451 149853 ApaMaTHHecKia CoHHHeiria liIeKcnnpa '"■i"'>«>" i ct, .,„,..:,„ ,..,,,, Translated in prose] rio.iHoe co6paiiie ApaMaTHiecKHxt iipon.-mi'.v'iiiii UleKCUHpa kt, ucpKKo.vb PyccKiuh miciK'.ic.i [A. V. Druzliinin, P. I. Veinberg, \ M Satin, D. L, Mikhalovsky, A. I. Kroneberg, A.. L. Sokolovsky, \ P Urekoi A. N. Ostrovsky, L. 0. Korzhenevsky, Tli. B. Miller, and A I. Ruizhov. Translated in verse.] (AirrcpaTypa n roaipi. m. Ahi.hu ho IIIeKcmipa [bj , V. P. Botkin] B. lllrKciiiipi. : 6iorpa*iiHecKiu onepK^ [by P. N. PolevoiD (C.-lIcmeiifypeV) Note.— Vols. I and 2 are second edition. Ilo.iHoe Co6p.iHie Co'ciiHeHh'i Bin. iia.ua LHeKcnapa H.iAaHie Tperie. ..Aono.iHCHiioc mill. pi'i;tKuit'i"i H. H. rrpt'.i.i.i (( - //, .,,..-",> Ho-moe co6pa H ie coiiiHetiiH B. UleKcniipn !!.''i"' i:i '-"' D. A. KawintHi. H. H. L'TopoateHKO, itpnu kiaaiii 9 8vo L8I I ltol8l 3 12 It,, duo L880 1894 nicKcnnpa uanncaHi IIpocccopoMTi . . II. II. BeUHOepra, etc. {C.-Uewqiiyiieb) llleKcmipi. b^ nepcKo.vl; ii otii.iiciiciiiii. A. .1. Coko.iokckhi-o (C.-RemepS) ,„•-,) 8 8vO 1894-97 RUSSIAN EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. S mallei* Collections. 42845 Samson v. Himmelstiern (E. T. L.) W. Shakspeare's Eichard 2 8vo L848 der Zweite, Heinrich derVierte, unci Heinrich dei Piinfte [In German] (Biga) 42849 IIo.iHoe CoopaHie Co'HiHeniH Bii.Mhn.Ma III ci.cniipa {(■//■■ J duo L865 RUSSIAN EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. 44409 KopioaaHi. 148239 Kopio.iam CORIOLANUS. Tpare.ua. IIcpcKu.vi. A. B. t (py;i:iiiiiiii.i. Eiiponeiich'ie KJacciiKM in. pyccKOMi iiepcKo.il. imu. peAaKi^ieio II. iBcilHoepni BhinycKi. II. (C-lTemti < r -> rparciia . . . llepeKOA i. A. If. ,I.p\ .i.innni i I l.i i.m u- BTOpoe. (C.-T/emepS/peV) N, .. sii of 1 he .. I, B duo l s 7i duo 42869 raM.ieTi. 33015 Hamlet 60562 raMaen. 60239 raMAeTi, 42887 raM.ie-n, HAMLET. rparejia . . . Ilupnie.n. e i, aHMificharo M BfpoHieHKo] ( i ',- TTemep ■ ubersetzt von R. T. L. Samson von Himmelstiern [In ( lermaii [ (Dorpal ) Tpare.ua B. Hlohciiiipa. Ueptttoxb M RpoHe6epra, Ili.i.oiic KTopoe < M ncpeBo.vK C6 aHwificKaro M. 3aryjaeBa (C.-fl iiencimri. ri, ,ui r.iiiiCKaro II. A. Ho.icnaro pp I > . V> title page 1 duo 1828 1 duo L837 1 duo L861 186] Number. 42872 ra.M.ieT'b 42886 raM.ieTt 42870 ra.M.ieTT» 70452 raM.ieri. 148264 TaMJieTi. 148444 PaMjieTi. No. of Vols. Size. 260 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. KpimiieCKifl erHTi.il Eb.uiHCKaro ii TypreHeBii o raM.ierb. Buo.iioTCKa IIlKO.ibHi.ixh RjiaCCHKOB-B. llJAanie II. II. IIo.ieBoro (C.-IIemepSypeb) PyccKiii iiepeBO.n, ci> am\iii1cKaro M. A. Jary.iaeBa. H3AaHie BTopoe, BHOBb ncnpaB.ieHHoe (C.-Tlemep6ypeb) iK'pcud.ih Bh npo3'b ci, HiiMdiKaro no A. B. UI.ierc.no A. M. 4awi.iCB- CKaro [In prose] (BumeScKV) ki. H.0B9MT. nepCBOA'b' A. Jl. CoKO.lOBCKaro (C.-IZemepSype'i) IlcpcBCii. A. M. 4aHii.icBCKirt. MaAaHie BTOpoe, ncnpaB.ieHHoe (fieUCAb) ncpeBOAi. ct> aHrjiificKaro H. A. QcieBoro. HajaHie iihtoc (C.-IIemep&ypeV) HAMLET: ALTERATION. 514H7 TaM-ien,, ipareAia, A.ieKCaHApa CymapoKOBa [in PocciiiCKiH Geaipi, I., pp. 239—306] (C.-Ilemq.SypeV) 8vo, 1786. JULIUS C/ESAR. 89657 lO.llH H,e3apb ipareAia . . . llepeBOA.T> A. JL CoKO.lOBCKaro (C.-IIemepSypeb) 1 8V0 1885 8vo 8vo duo 8vo 8vo duo Date. 1876 1877 1878 1883 1894 ?1898 KING LEAR. ()0 ^o t<- i HcpcBc.ii ci aHiMiiicKaro [in verse] B. Hkiimob'1. 44343 KopO.lb JlHpi. {C.-lIcrne^ypeV) 42881 KopO.lb JlHpi. uepcBOA'b A. JpyiKiiHiiHa (C.-JIemepfype'b) 42891 KopO.lb JIlipL uepeBOAT. B. /laaapeBCKaro (C.-I[emepSypeb) 89658 KopO.lb .iHp'b iicpeBO.li. A. .1. CoKo.ioiiCKaro (C.-nemepSypeo) -tAOCtA-t v i ncpeBOAi A. B. IpyaiiiHiiHa . , . H^AaHie 'leTBeproe 148241 KopOJlb .iHp'b *(LlIemepSyp*b) No. 1.85 of the ,,/fciueenA EuGjiiomerta" 1 8vo 1833 1 8vo 1857 1 8vo 1865 1 8vo 1885 1 duo ?1895 42874 iMaK6e - rb 42879 MaK6eTT. 42890 AlandeTi. 42873 MaK6eTT> 42877 MaK6eTT. 51403 MaKoeTi. 89659 MaKoei-b MACBETH. H31 coh. Ulii.l.iepa, nepeBOAt A. PoT'ieBa (C.-XIemtpSyptV) ipareAia bt> naTii A'biicTBiaxi, bt> cnixaxT. . . IlepeBC.n. ci aitr.iiii- CKaro M. B. (C.-IZemepSypiTi) TpaAeAia [in prose] ...nepeBOAt ct, aHr.iiiicKaro M. JIiixoiniHa [I\hc>,sn] uepeB0AT> A. KpoHeOepra (Mocnea) liepeBo.vti ci> aHr.iiilcuaro 0. H. ycTpa^OBa (C.-IIemepSypeo) Pycctufi iicpeBOAT> ct> aHoiuCKaro 0. H. 5*CTpa.KjBa . . . H;uaHie BTOpoe . . . ncnpaB.ieHHoe (C.-JIemepSypeV) ncpeBO,u> A. jl. CoKO.lOBCKaro (C.-Heme}iSyi>e7>) 1 8vo 1830 1 8vo 1837 1 8vo 1850 1 8vo 1862 1 8vo 1862 1 8vo 1877 1 8vo 1884 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. mono ■> • •- v 4pa>ia'cT> nam AbiicTBiaxT,. IlepeBe.n, bt> amuiii- 42878 BeneniaHCKiH Kyneu/b cKaro B. Hkhmobt. {C.-mmipSypA) jnoon r> ■ - v PyccKiii uepeDOAT, ct, aHT-litlCKaro II. BeiiHoepra . . . 42889 BeHemaHCKin Kynen-b ^ame BTopoe, HcnpaBJieHHoe (C.-mmepfypA) 148238 llloHjiOK-b (BeHei^iaHCKiif Kyneivb) nepeBc-Ai ct. aHr.iiiii-h-aro {Meaty 148445 BeHeu,iaHCKiH Kyiien,!. nepeBoa-b n. H. BeiiH6epra (C.-Hemepfype'i) MERCHANT OF VENICE: ALTERATION. 1 8vo 1833 1 8vo 1877 1 duo ?1893 1 duo ?1898 51388 Rolle des Shylock aus dem Schauspiel : Der Kaufmann von Venedig von Shakespeare. Gegeben von Ira Aldridge [In German] (Riga) duo, 1858. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. IOQQO fi iiepeBOAT. A. TpuropbeBa. IlncBaiuaexca TiiTauin i Q, 7r . 01 QAfi, iAociZ tOH-b BT> .lbTHJOH) HOHL ' ' Q^g r() , T ) 1 OVO f LOW 89660 CoH'b Bb .lUTHK)IO H04b IiepCBOAT> A. jl. CoKO.lOBCKaro (C.-Hemepfypi'i) ... 1 8VO 1885 Russian— Ruthenian. Number. OTHELLO. 42876 Ore.i.io TpareaiH . . . IlepeROAT. H. H. BeiiH6epra k. -//.„,,•, ■;,, ,3) ... 1 42884 Ore.i.io. BeHeniaiicuifi Mam... "'" r,IM • ■ "'' "■ " ■' ■ K>.-i...H.t , R 42885 Othiii Tpareai« hi. nam il. icini>ivi.. PyccKitl nepeHo.ii.ci. nHi-.iiilcicxru , ^ , -~ IdS^QO Oti i in lli'pemi.VI. II 1IJ.I1M I.ikii i,- i,i. yc miidimi. COBpeMeHHOli .•u.-iii.i V MeCKOK , l*OOyU UT3.1J10 CKaro C'., ii|Ml.K,;KfHirMi. .,, , u (< // 1 dUO RICHARD THE SECOND. 44342 Kopo.ib Pii'iap,vb II. iifiiemi.ii. B. RocTouapoBa (< . //■ 1 duo 1865 RICHARD THE THIRD. 42883 Kopo lb Pn'iapA'i» T per ill [ncpcito.u. A, B. 4pya;iiHiiHa] 1 1 . n, | QyO 1862 148240 Kopo.ib Pii'iapAi. TpoTiii ,l, 'i :, ' ,i ""- A - B. 4py* >".,. n,.,.,,,,, „,„,..,.. j , .^ ROMEO AND JULIET. 42871 Po.Meo h /l,H{y.ibOTTa ncpcKOAi. \. TpHropbtKa ... 1 8vO 42868 Po.Meo ii /^JKjVibeTTa nepenoAi. H. PocKORineHKO (Mowed) ... 1 duo L861 42875 Pompo ii ^Ky-ibCTia nc P eB0 ^ nuj^ JJ H. Tpe , ] g^ , s( .., 4-9,9,9,9, Pnupn h Iwvii.ptt9 «pawa bt. n«TH atiicTBiaxi [and in prose] . . . Uepe- . q, k -- 44000 1 o\ieo h ^AMborra boat. ct. aerjimcKaro E. W. T— -oil (C. //,„„,;,,.- , ' Nx " ' '' TIMON OF ATHENS. 42880 Tu.nAene.ii ^™ ' '"J. Tl^Dr. .E^) "'"^ ' 1 Bvo L865 RU3SIAN SHAKESPEARIANA. 84864 45981 4386 148467 51406 148591 12628 45985 Boyle (E.) Shakespeare's Wintermarchen und Sturm (St. Petersburg) [In German] r, in riepciiciT. ci. u'biieiiKaro K. TitMO*eeBT>. Il.i.i.uiii- TepBHHvea. IIIcKci.iip-b KT( , { c.-ireme,,s ri TT tT?v \ mmVanoavA's fiVnrl™»k und das neunte und zehnte Gebpt il. (Hi.) bHaKspeare S bnyloCK [/j-omMittheilungenundNachrich- ten fur die Evangelische Kirche in Russland] (Riga) [In German rr OT „int Q<»tv,™1#v<¥ ,'v, [from The Nevsky Magazine (St. Petersburg) xlamleti, oanioilon in L - ftnEnglish] 5Ken^ (P.) LUeKcniipT., ero a; nam. ii eo*inneni;i (Mocmo) .. ,., , ... (-1, II|)C,Ulf-lnnit'MI„ lipilM'k'ialliHUII II KJIMi.lllcllnlMII. lioxi, (lM.) Illeiceiiiip'i. H. H. GropotteiiKa (iMbn.-.n) CxopoHieHKa (H.) HpeA«uecTBCHHHKH WeKciiiipa ( c. //',',„. Hpoc.iaBu.oBa (A.) .Ih'ihocth ra.M.icra (r.-//.".,,;,, i 8vo L885 8vo 1-7 1 8vo L863 8vo 1-77 duo L888 8vo 1872 Bvo L865 RUTHENIAN TRANSLATION OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Aznoo ... ' • rr. ' M6bok> yKpaiHCbKOio nonepcMBAftB II. A. Ky-ifm iToa.l. . j 45986 HIoKcnupoBi iBopii [Three plays, translated inverse.] (r« I 262 Number. Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Vols. Size. Date. SERBIAN TRANSLATION OF SEPARATE PLAY. MACBETH. 106825 Macbeth tradusa din franjode^te de St. Bagescu (Bucuresti) . . . 1 duo 1850 SPANISH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. nAnort r»U-,,„„ An QVmi-onoovo version rastellana [in versa] de J. Clark [Ten plays with an 24780 Ofc>raS de fonaKSpeaie introduction by J. Varela] (Madrid) No more published. oir7fi rtU^.^r, ^ Willi'.-, m Ql-ml-cnonio traducidas [in prose] flelmente del original ingles 3170 (Jbiasae William bnaKSpeaie por M . de velasco y Rojas (Madrid) A'o more published. 151101 Obras dramaticas de Guillermo Shakespeare nSpSi! .-., Fart of " Biblioteca Clasica." Version castrllana [in verse) de G. Macpherson, con mi estudio preliminar de B. Benot (Madrid) 5 duo ?1870-4 3 8vo 1872-77 8 duo 1885-97 SPANISH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Smaller Collections. 27144 Los Grandes Dramas de Shakespeare iJonX^uZXT^Z^ 2 4to ?1871 56751 Dramas de Guillermo Shakspeare ' tn %^$$&p£i*£l^ 1 duo 1881 70305 '^"^tgh^pla^r^ar^nar 4 " 2 2 du0 1883 ' 4 SPANISH EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. 24623 60222 35034 56014 133951 72517 35030 HAMLET. TTimlof Tradueida[in prose] e ilnstrada ion la vida del autor v notas criticas por fnarco xj.rtUJJ.eu Celenio, P. A. [i.e., L. Fernandez de Moratin] (Madrid) TTq mlol [Obras dramaticas y .irira^ deD. Leandro Fernandez de Moratin, T..n:e 1, pp. 267-! XXctLUlBU .Ma. hull Hamlet vertida al Espaiiol [in prose] por Moratin (D. Leandro) (Madrid) Hamlet Version al castellano de 6. Mac-Pherson. Segunda ediuion (Madrid) Hamlet Version al castellano de G. Mac-Pherson (Biblioteca Universal) (Madrid) HAMLET : ALTERA TION. .. 1 duo 1798 4 - J 1 duo 1844 .. 1 8vo 1866 .. 1 duo 1879 .. 1 duo 1882 35033 Coello (C.) El Principe Hamlet ; drama, .inspirado por el Hamlet de Shakespeare. Segunda edicion (Madrid) Svo, 1S7G MACBETH. Maf.hpth Jraducida al Italiano por G. Carcano y vertidaal Espaffol por D. .lose Nunez de 1 Q,,~ 1 QK7 iiiai/ucuu Prado. Bepertorio Dramatico de la SeSora Ristori [Italian and Spanish] (Madrid) 1 ov(J J-OvM Macbeth Version al castellano de G. Macpherson (Madrid) ... ... ... 1 dllO 1880 OTHELLO. 35032 Otelo Escritoconpresenciadelaobradew. Shakspeare, por F.L.deRetes (Madrid) ... 1 dllO 1868 56015 Otelo Version al castella le G. Macpherson [Madrid) ... ... ... 1 duo 1881 133950 Otelo Version 4 castellano de G. Mac-Pherson (Biblioteca Universal) (Madrid) ... 1 duO 1886 Spanish Swedish. Number. RICHARD THE THIRD. 56752 RlCardO III. Version alcnstellRii.ideG. Mnephei \i ROMEO AND JULIET. 35031 Romeo y Julieta an ^™" euv *™$$.%%ZZ^HtoiZ) - L Vl 49928 Romeo y Julieta ^ ucidn di 7ft"i e ftoiefiti] 56753 RomeO y Julieta Version al castellano de G. Maephers Madrid 133952 Romeo y Julieta ^wwtoiS!Kin"w£S Md' ■■• ROMEO AND JULIET. ALTERATION, ETC. 76558 Balaguer (V.) Los Esponsales tie In Muerta [in Nuevas Tragedias, pp i ;. 't; (Madrid) dun, 7-2599 Roxas (F. de) Comedia Faraosa. Los Vandos de Verona, MontescoB y Capelete* I founded on Romeo and Juliet I duo, 'iT.'iii SPANISH SHAKESPEARIAN A. N 1 duo 1 duo L875 1 L875 1 duo L880 1 duo 72516 Guell y Rente (J.) Estudio sobre los Cesares ,1 '* l :: 1 l 1 8vo L866 60517 TTamlfit, Exainen de la tragedia intltulada Hamlet traducida al Castellano por I. Celenlo | ,1,,,, I QAfl UKJOLI Xlcimieu eseribialo D. C. C. T. D. D. 1 D.K.D.B Madrid) ••• ' (lu " IMUU 1-48521 Lamb (C.) Cuentos de Shakespeare had.,,, i,,„ , i. ■ k i..n ,i, ,,,,!.,„, ... 2 duo 113336 Montemayor (Iorge de) La Diana ° r ,1,, V;:;::;;;iVV 1 'n."',;;: ,, ' 1, ' ,,K "'' ,,r 2 duo 106817 Tupac-Amaru, Shakespeare una no«hc de su vida (Buenos Aires] ... 1 duo l x 7^ 9286 Velasco y Rojas (M. de) Pensamientos ^sES&EZfvE&Mf' de ■•■ ' 8vo 34564 Zumel (E.) Guillermo Shakspeare Drama en cuatro acto . I 8vo L853 SWEDISH EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. 24818 Shakspeares Verk ' ''*«"» " <*•*>•««*■ **&, ,**«,[»« t » rv » i " M "l 1 duo L820 91212 Shakspeare's Dramatiska Arbeteu "'"--'<• t^-H;; < * ■" #* ■■- L2 duo 1847-61 25043 Shakspeare's Dramatiska Arbeten ofversattaafc.A. Hagherg [Lund L2 duo 1 N,; I 97342 Shakspeare's Dramatiska Arbeten £*£■ a. H«gb, 380-87 nfSii J Gilbert Lund SWEDISH EDITIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. 92041 Antonius och Cleopatra niYenAttningarj. H.rimr ... 1 duo I v ""' HAMLET. 60228 Hamlet Fri Ofversattning inprose fr»n Engelsknn (Stockholm) ... ... ... 1 dUO L819 92383 Hamlet Betankandeom Shakspeare jemteater en 6fversattningaf Hamlet Stockholm ... I s \ < ' L8i JULIUS C/ESAR. 29509 Julius Csesar Me ' -<> — ^"\ Mud ( I duo ? 1872 264 Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. No. of Number. V(|R si7 - e - 1)ate - MACBETH. 24819 Macbeth FrlU .sattafH.Sandstrom tStockhoIm) 1 dllO L838 56501 Macbeth •»««''->«•»"»« ' l "' E " s : -.'---^"-» "■ ' 1 '»"» 1 duo 1867 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. 38482 Kopmannen i Venedig ri5nl, - u ^;;;;;;^ l ^t;Z^ : ' ,, s;::iti™; ,1Hnl ' r ,d ~ 1 duo 1854 THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. 24820 De muntra fruarna i Windsor ,,.,,,^u,.m. ,. m n u..,,,,,,,,!- (st.,a.t,„„ ;J [.iL,»i;,n, (Stockholm ... ... ... ... 1 duo ?1876 27216 Shakspeares Sonetter ?i svenska stergifna af c. k. Nyi.iom (upsaia) . . . ... 1 duo ?1871 SWEDISH SHAKESPEARIANA. 76566 Gellerstedt (P. E.) Shakspeare och Skalderna (Lund) 76567 Ljunggren (G.) etc. Euripidis "Medea" och Shakespeares "Othello" j.u,ni, 24915 Malstrom (B. E.) Shakspeare lfr ^^.S'Slo "**"'' ,M,] QOflA 7 in Litteratarhistonska studier, pp. 1-110] <7^U*« (Upsaia) 27265 Odman (N. P.) Anmarkningar : m ' u \- :h ;^:^^J r ^^? komst 78997 Quennerstedt (A. W.) Caesars- Kavakteren ' Shakespearean™ ' — » 76568 Bomdahl (A.) Obsolete Words in Hamlet. (upsaia) 148266 Schiick (H.) Ur gamla papper Pop ^*'$£tfSffi* v ***" _ 1 duo ?1892 pp. 52-71 Shaksperes Skaldeindividualitet ; pp. 153-173 Den nya teorien on fBrfattarskapet till Shaksperes-dramer. 92379 Schiick (H.) William Shakspere hansLifochvsrksamhet (Stockholm) ... 1 8vo 1883 12214 Shakspeare och hans Dramatiska Arbeten (Stockholm)... ... 1 duo 1865 60543 Westin (J. P.) et Hogman (C.) De Poesi dramatica Guilielmi Shakespearii dissertatio (Upsaiiao ... ... ... ... 1 8vo 1H43 1 4to L848 1 duo 1847 1 8vo ?1851 1 8vo 1860 1 duo 1866 1 4to ?1880 1 8vo 1869 Welsh Editions of the Separate Plays. mbOT - \.N 3i» l»,U- WELSH TRANSLATIONS OF THE SEPARATE PLAYS. HAMLET. 6063 Hamlet c y fleithiad B » dd »s o1 >" I g KING LEAR. 77286 T^TPnin Tilvr Wedi ei Gymreigio o gopieeln II I , 91QQC " 40U DieillU liiyi English and We ... 1 itO ENGLISH EDITIONS WANTED. Date. Place of Publication. Pi i.l tSHER, ETC. Editor, bt< 1726 Dublin <■ Gnerson 8 1728 London .T. Toiison — 9 duo 1795-0 Philadelphia Biorep & Madan — duo 1802^1 Boston Munroe & Francis — _ - duo [1802-4 London Heath lV Robinson — It.. 1807-3-5 London Wynne A: Son — 10 1S0S ?London Wright for Yernor — 1 1S09 Philadelphia Conrad & Co. — _ 17 1S21 New York Collins & llannay — 10 1S23 Philadelphia Carey & Lea — _ 8 1824 London .T. Smith — '• BVO. 1S24 London Black, Young a: Young — — 1 [1834 London II. Xeele pp. 1-822, plates 1 1825 Edinburgh Constable — — 1 ?1835 — ■ Penny Shakespeare" 183S Philadelphia Ash oc Aniers — — 6 duo 1839 New York .1. Conner Life by Symmons — 1 1843 New York Harper ifc Bros. — — 2 1843 Hartford \V. A minis — — 1 Uno 1844 Boston, Mass, Little S Brown — — 7 -\... [1S45] London c. Knight & Co. — — 1846 London J. C. Moors — — 1 1S4S London Moxon Life by Campbell — 1 1S49 London Tegg & Co. — — 1 1849 Hartford, Conn. Andrus & Son — 1 duo 1850 Boston Phillips, Sampson &, Co. — — l 1851 London Bohn — — I [1851] London Willonghby & Co. — — [1851] London J. Tallis & Co. — Acting Edition [1851-3] London and New York J. Tallis & Co. — — 4 1S52 New York Leavitt & Allen — — ! [1852] London Viekers — "Penny Shakespeare" duo [1S52-4] London Willonghby & Co. — — 2 1853 London Orr & Co. — — 2 1853 New York Redfield — — 8 duo 1S53 Boston Little, Brown & Co. — — 8 1854 Boston Phillips, Sampson & Co. — — 8 1854 London Orr & Co. — — 3 1854-6 London Hodgson — — 20 ?1S55 Philadelphia J. B. Smith & Co. — — 8 due 1S56 New York Red Held — — 1 1856 New York Miller, H or ton, duo [1S64] New York Appleton & Co. — — 1 8VO [?1S64] New York O. S. Felt — — 1 8vo 1864-7 London Chapman & Hall Dyce, 2nd Ed. — B 3vo 1866 New York W. .1. Widdleton — — 8 1866 Philadelphia Lippincott — — 1 1S66 Boston Tick i) or & Fields — - 6 1866-62 Boston _ — 12 1867 London Routledge Knight, 2nd Ed. — 5 *\., 1868 London Dicks — — 1 1S68 London Bell & Daldy __ 10 1S6S — British Authors 10-46 7 dili [186S] London Griffin & Co. — — 1 1S69 London — — 1 Bvo [1871] London, Edinburgh Gall & Inglis Inglis — 1 1S71 Philadelphia Lippincott — New Variorum Edition 1872 New York Appleton — — 1S72 Philadelphia Porter &; Coates — — 1 1873 New York Nelson — — 1 .hi. 1874 London Maemillan — — I • In. 1875 London Routledge Knight — •j 1875 London Bickers Clarke — I [1875] London Warna — Chandos Poets 1 [?I875] London Routledge — — 3 H875-80] London London Printing & Publishing Co. — — 3 lsTO London J. G, Murdoch — — ■j lb70 London Nelson & Sons — — 1 into Philadelphia Porter & Coates — — 1 1876 New York Appleton & Co. — — a 1876 New York Appleton & Co. — — i 8\o [1876] London Ward, Lock & Tyler — — i 1877 New York World Publishing Co. — — 8 -\.. ls78 Philadelphia Gebbie & Barrie — — 15 duo 1879 Philadelphia Claxton. etc. — 1 [1879] London Routledge Staunton — 6 [1880] London Routledge " Excelsior series 1 Svo Cifj) of liinnmgbam. Free Libraries REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. AN INDEX SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL LIBRARY, SECOND F»ART. ENGLISH SHAKESPEARIANA. BIRMINGHAM : PERCIVAL JONES LIMITED. TOWN BALL PRINTING OFFICES J7-89 KDMUND -Mil I I 1901. CONTENTS. JSnglish Shakespeariana ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 ENGLISH EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS WANTED. Date. Place of Publication. Publisher, i a EOlTOl 1726 Dublin G Grierson London J. Tonson Philadelphia Bioren & Marian — Boston Munroe & Francis 11802-4 London Heath & Robinson ? London Wright for Vernor L809 Philadelphia Conrad A t !o. — 1821 New York Collins & Banna; 1824 London J. Smith [1824 London 11. V 1 B25 Edinburgh Constable 1838 Philadelphia Ash & Aniers New York J. Conner Life bj Symraons 1843 New York Harper & Bros. — ;s4;: Hartford W. Andrus 1844 Boston, Mn as. Little >t Brown — [1845] London ('. Knight & Co. 1846 London J. C. Moors 1849 London Tegg & Co. 1849 Hartford, Conn. Andrus & Son — 1850 Boston Phillips, Sampson >.v Co. — 1851 London Bohn — [1851] London Willoughby & Co. — [1851] London J. Tallis & Co. — 6851-3] London and New York J. Tallis & Co. 1 352 New York Leavitt & Allen — [1852] London Viekers K852-4J London Willougtiby & Co. — 1853 London OrrA Co. ' — 1853 New York Redfleld — 1853 Boston Little. Brown & Co. — 1854 London On & Co. — 1854-6 London Hodgson — Philadelphia J. B. Smith & Co. — 1-56 New York Redtield _ L856 New York Miller, Horton, & Milligan — U856] New York Martin, Johnson & Co. — 1857 Cincinatti Sewell — 1 857 London Bohn — 1857 New York Redtield K57-9] London London Printing & Publishing Co. Boston Little, Brown & Co. — 1 S6I i Boston Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co. — I860 New York Appleton & ( !o. — 1 862 New York Shelderi & Co. — Edinburgh Gall & Inglis — [1864] New York Appleton A Co. — K864] New York O. S. Felt — 1S66 New York W. .1. Widdleton — 1866 Philadelphia Lippincott — 1866 Boston Tick nor & Fields — '1866-62 Boston — :. 1867 London Routledge Knight, 2nd Ed. 1868 London Dicks 1868 London Bell * Daldv 1868 — [1868] London Griffin & Co. — 1869 London — [1871] London, Edinburgh Gall .^ Inglis [nglis 1871 Philadelphia Lippincott — 1872 New York Appleton — 1872 Philadelphia Porter & Coates — 1873 New York Nelson — ls74 London Macmillan — 1875 London Routledge Knight 1875 London Bickers Clarke |1875] London Warne — |1875] London Routledge — [1875-80] London London Printing & Publishing Co. — 1876 London J. G, Murdoch — 1876 London Nelson & Sons — 1876 Philadelphia Porter & Coates — 1876 New York Appleton A i lo — 1876 New Yotk Appleton A Co. — ~ [1876] London Ward, Lock & Tyler — 1877 New York World Publishing Co. — 1878 Philadelphia I iebbie A Barrie 1879 Philadelphia ( llaxton, etc. [1879] London Routledge Staunton B880] London Routledge pp 1 " Pennj sir I Acting Edition •• Penny Shaki British Autho New Variorum Edition C hand J - din. 1 1 1 1 2 12 •j l 1 1 1 duo 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 duo. 1 Cif|j of firming}) am. Free Libraries REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. AN INDEX TO THE SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL LIBRARY. THIRD J>ART. FOREIGN SECTION. BIRMINGHAM • PERCIVAL JONES LIMITED, TOWN HALL PRINTING OFFK EDMUND BT] 1903. CONTENTS. Miscellaneous editions of Shakespeare's Works and Shakespeariana : — Gerrnau ... 167 French ... 224 Bohemian 240 Croatian ... 241 Danish ... 241 Dutch 243 Finnish ... 246 Flemish ... 247 Frisian ... 247 Greek 247 Hebrew ... 2±9 Hungarian 249 Icelandic... 250 Indian 251 Italian 252 Latin 256 Norwegian 256 Polish 257 Portuguese 258 Eoumanian 258 Eussian ... 259 Euthenian 261 Serbian ... 262 Spanish ... 262 Swedish ... 263 Welsh 265 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara STACK COLLECTION THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. — >T w 3 1205 03057 024^ UC SOUTHERN RFnniuii AA 001 296 109 (