L K OF MORTALIli: Bxe. (>. F. Hardy, r^ A. Ex Librts C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The Theory of the Construction of Tables of Mortality AND OF Similar Statistical Tables in use by the Actuary. A COURSE OF LECTURES BY GEORGE FRANCIS HARDY, FELLOW OF THE INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES. DELIVERED AT THE Institute of Actuaries, Staple Inn Hall, Durina the Session, 1904-5. ;^1ublisl^cb for tbc |iTStitiiic of ^tluaiir.'i bn CHARLIES AND ICDWIN LAYTON, 56, FARKIN(;i)OX STKKIT, LONDON, K.C. I 909. PREFATOPvY NOTE. .Lo each set of Lectures delivered before the Institute of Actuaries, when published in book form, there has generally been prefixed a short preface, or introduction, written by the President of the Institute then in office. This course, admirable in itself, cannot well be followed on the present occasion, having regard to the fact that Mr. Hardy has, in the interval between the delivery of the Lectures and their publication, himself been elected to the Presidential chair. It has therefore devolved upon us, as Honorary Secretaries of the Institute, to insert this foreword in explanation of a seeming omission, and to express therein the confidence of the Council that the Lectures will be found to be of the greatest interest and value to the profession, which already owes so deep a debt of gratitude to their author. J. E. F. W.P. P. u hni PREFACE. JLHE object of the following Lectures was to deal with the theoretical considerations that should govern the selection and treatment of such statistics as form the basis of the various tables of mortality, sickness, secession, marriage, superannuation, etc., which are of use to the Actuary. It should be noted that in nearly all cases where mortality tables are specially referred to what is said may be extended to other types of statistics, though, to avoid repetition, that is not always pointed out. Some apology is required for the long delay in the publica- tion of the Lectures. It was intended subsequently to their delivery, to expand them into something like a complete treatment of the subject (from the theoretical point of view), and to add a sufficient series of examples to illustrate the various points of theory. Unfortunately I have not found time to carry out this intention, but as regards that part of the subject dealing Avith the use of the Pearsonian Types of Frequency Curves in Statistics this has been rendered un- necessary by the appearance of Mr. Elderton's admirable book upon "Frequency Curves and Correlation *', published by the Institute of Actuaries in 1906. A few additions have, however, been made to the Lectures as originally delivered, and where these appeared to interfere with the continuity of the text they have been relegated to notes placed at the end of the Lectures. I have very specially to thank Mr. (1. J. Lidstonk, F.I. A., for several valualjle suggestions, in particular for the con- tribution of Notes, and for assistance in preparing the lectures for the Printers; and also \)y. Jamks Buchanan, M.A., F.I. A., F.F.A., for having kindly i-cvised the proofs and checked the algebra and numerical work. G. F. n. The Theory of the Construction of Tables of Mortality AND OF Similar Statistical Tables in use by the Actuar}^ BY G. F. HARDY, F.I.A. FIEST LECTUEE. YV HEN the Council asked me to deliver a series of lectures upon some subject connected with Part III of the Institute Examination I selected the construction of mortality and similar statistical tables, mainly because it seemed to me to He at the basis of our work. Actuarial science, in the modern sense of the term, had its origin in the collection of statistics (however rough and inaccurate these may have been), and their use for the purpose of calculating life contingencies; and although the Actuary has now to take account of a wider rano-e of subjects than formerly, the collection and analysis of past experience and the employment of the results of such analysis to forecast the future is still his most important function. The title of the lectures is somewhat wider and more ambitious than the contents may be found to warrant. To justify it fully would involve dealing with many questions of detail relating to the collection and tabulation of data, such, for example, as the various methods for computino- the numbers exposed to risk in a mortality experience, &c., which have been many times discussed in the volumes of the Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and many of which are exhaustively dealt with by Mr. Ackland in the recently published " Account of Princij)les and Methods." It is evident that to deal Avith the subject in such detail, would outrun the limits of the six lectures which I have undertaken to deliver. I propose, therefore, to confine myself mainly to B a consideration of the general principles involved in the collection of statistical data, and in the construction frcnn such data of tables, of which the Mortality Table is the best known and the most important, embodying the results in tlie form required by the Actuary, and, at the same time, to give such examples of the application of these principles as may be necessary to illustrate the subject. In this opening lecture in particular, I shall ask your indulgence if occasionally my remarks appear to be of an elementary character, as I think it desirable that we should be perfectly clear as to first principles before going on to more detailed consideration of the subject. Statistical tables, in one form or another, are familiar to all of us. At the basis of all such tables, and, indeed, of the whole science of statistics, lies one of the most fundamental facts in nature, namely, that all phenomena of which we have any knowledge fall into certain classes, groups or series, and cluster round certain tj^DCs. But for this fact we should be unable to classify our knowledge, indeed, should never have acquired any to classify. Speaking broadly, then, every object and every event that comes Avithin our observation is one of a group or class of similar but not identical objects or events, which, as a class, is marked off by certain special features from every other class, although the dividing line may not always be sharply drawn. These groups or classes are not arbitrary, but are inherent in the nature of things, although it is true that the particular groups which we employ in classifying our knowledge are chosen with a view to our own convenience and to the limitations of our minds. From a consideration of a class of objects as a whole, Ave get a conception of an average, or type,* to which each individual in the class more or less conforms, but from Avhich, notwithstanding, every individual also diverges. Such divergencies or variations of individuals from the average type may be discontinuous, themselves running into types, or they may be continuous. Among the individuals forming together the type mankind, are divergencies such as those due to sex, race, nationality, birthplace, occupation, civil condition, &c., discontinuous variations producing sub- groups, the boundaries of which overlap and interlace, each * The type of the class should preferably he cousidered as represented by the " mode " or case of most frequent occurrence rather than by the " average " or " mean ", but this point is not here of importance. o O of these smaller groups again being capable of endless subdivision. These divergencies can be dealt with statistically only by counting the members of the various sub-groups. On the other hand, there are divergencies, which Ave may term continuous, such as those due to differences of age, height, weight, income, &c., &c., differing from the former class in that they do not involve the separation of the main group into sub-groups, but relate to qualities, possessed by each member of the group in varying degree, capable of measurement and numerical statement, and involving the idea in each instance of an average. Thus we can speak of the average age, height, or income of a group of persons, not of their average occupation or nationality, although w^e may speak of the average constitution of the group in respect of these latter qualities. A statistical table deals Avith some natural group of objects or events and is a numerical statement of the manner in which the members of the particular group differ inter se in respect of some special character or characters. If dealing with discontinuous variations, as for example a table showing the occupations of a group of persons, it will exhibit, implicitly or explicitly, the ratio of the magnitude of each sub-group to the whole, at a given moment or moments or on an average of a given period ; or it may take the form of a statement of the extent to which variations in one respect are affected by variations in another, as, for example, a table showing the proportion of the sexes in different nationalities. If dealing with continuous variations, it will either represent a series of measurements of some quality common to members of the group, showing its average value for the group, and the manner in which individual values are grouped round such average, or it may represent, numerically, the manner in Avhich deviations from the average in respect of some one quality A are corre- lated with the deviations in respect of some other quality B. It is mainly with the class of statistical table dealing with continuous variations that the Actuary has to deal ; variations in the ages of lives under ol)servation, their ages, or the periods elapsed since entry, at death, withdrawal, marriage, superannuation, &c. In such tables the grouping of individual measures round the average will, in general, but not always, be found to follow, approximately, certain well-defined laws. Taking first the tables dealing with a single variable, the following may be considered as an example. It is a statement of the heights of 2,192 school children, and is abridged from that given in a paper by Prof. Karl Pearson. Table I. Showing lieiglits of 2,192 School Children, aged 12 years. Computed- -Observed Heights in Centimetres No. of Children Observed Computed Nos. by Curve + - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 139-140 1 • ■ ■ ... 1 135-138 6 3 ... 3 131-134 31 25 ... 6 127-130 107 119 12 ... 123-126 321 338 17 119-122 585 577 ... 8 115-118 618 596 . > • 22 111-114 359 365 6 ... 107-110 126 135 9 ... 103-106 35 30 ... 5 99-102 3 4 1 ... Total 2,192 2,192 45 45 Note. — In the formula (col. 3) x represents the deviation in centimetres 2192 from the average; c = 7*76 and k has such a value — -p^ as to make the area c v,r of the graduated curve equal to the ungraduated ; that is, to make the totals of columns (2) and (3) equal. If we consider the progression of the numbers in column (2), we shall see that they form a roughly symmetrical series, being largest in the neighbourhood of the average height and diminishing gradually on either side. It will be seen that the average height is about ^^'^\^, the number exceeding this height being approximately equal to the number falling short of it. In order to bring out the approximate law of the series, I have inserted in column (3) the computed numbers on the assumption that the frequency of a deviation of -Vx centimetres from the average is represented by the function A:e~^'''^% where c has the value 7*76 2192 and K the value — j-= • The expression /ce~'=°/'^% represents CVTT what is usually termed the curve of " facility of error ", or the " normal '' curve of frequency. It will be seen that while the figures in column (2), are as we should expect them to be with such limited data, somewhat irregular, they conform on the whole fairly closely to the normal curve. The " normal curve " was first used to represent the dis- tribution as to magnitude of errors of observation in ph3-sical measurements. It must not be regarded as representing a law of Nature, but rather an exti*emely convenient and often very close approximation to observation ; experience proving that in many cases errors of observation and the deviations of individuals from the mean of a class do follow very closely the laAv referred to. The formula is therefore empirical and not to be established by a priori reasoning ; at the same time we may, perhaps, see a logical basis in the following consideration. We may suppose that, in any individual measurement, the deviation from the mean of the class (as the difference in the height of any individual among the 2,192 in Table I from the average height of the whole group) is the result of an infinity of minute causes as to whose nature we are in ignorance, any one of which may produce a minute positive or negative deviation from the average. These minute superimposed deviations being indefinitely small and indefinitely numerous, we may without loss of generality assume them of equal magnitude. It is then clear that the masrnitude and sisfn of the total resultinsT deviation in any given case Avill depend upon the extent to which the number of these minute positive deviations exceed the negative, or vice versa. If the number of possible causes of deviation is 2n, and if the extent of each indefinitely small deviation is k (n being indefinitely large, but hVn finite), then the probability or "frequency" of a total deviation lying between X and x + k will depend on our having ('i+.^r) positive values of k and f'^— ^w, j negative values. The probability of this occurring will be represented by the appropriate term in the expansion of the binomial {\-\-\Y" or X \ X ''^'■ll>-2k It may easily be shown that this expression, n being indefinitely great, takes the form 1 -(i)' ■y , i.e. (Constant) x e ~ Ji ir.i 6 i.e., of the curve of the " facility of error." I do not propose to discuss at any length the properties of this particular curve,J but you will notice that the curve being symmetrical with respect to positive and negative values of x, it assumes that positive and negative deviations of a given magnitude are equally frequent^ the average magnitude of such devia- tions being small or large as c is small or large. The maximum ordinate cori-esponds to the value of a; = 0, which is the average value of x ; it therefore passes through the centre of gravity of the area enclosed by the curve and the axis of X, and also divides that area into two equal parts. It assumes that indefinitely large deviations are possible, hence it cannot be rigidly exact, because when dealing with physical measurements of any kind, indefinitely large errors are not possible. This is not a practical objection to the use of the formula, however, as the probability thereunder of deviations of many times the average value is extremely small. The following table, showing the number of entrants in various aged groups in the 0^^ Experience, exhibits a quite different distribution of the deviations from the average : Table II. Numher of entrants in quinary age groups QP^^ data. Computec I — Actual Central Age of Group Actual Entrants in Group* Computed No. by f orniulat X + — (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 20 431 436 5 25 1,273 1,305 32 30 1,526 1,473 ... 53 35 1,269 1,265 4 40 914 930 16 45 591 604 13 * . . 50 354 349 5 55 182 178 4 60 83 79 ■ • • 4 65 26 29 3 70 7 8 1 75 1 1 ... Totals 6,657 6,657 70 70 * Omitting huiiclreds. t Fonimla representing number of entrants at given age x = K(.r-18'59)i'*'''^ (88-48 -j-)''*'"^; where log k= -9-2360. X The student may consult Woolhouse's paper on " The Philosophy of Statistics" {J. I. A., vol. xvii, p. 37), or an exhaustive analysis of the properties of the curve hy Mr. Sheppard {Phil. Trans., vol. 192, p. lOl') ; See also " Bowlcy's Elements of Statistics ", Part II, Sec. II. Here the numbers also exhibit a ■well-marked law governing- the deviations from the mean, but this laAv is no longer the same as that shown by the "normal" curve of frequency. The maximum ordinate does not coincide either with the averasre ag'e or with the central ao-e of the series; while the number of cases exceeding the average age no longer equals the number falling short of it. Tn other words, the curve is non-symmetrical or skew. It follows very approximately, hoAvever, a certain law, as will be seen by comparing the numbers in column (2) with those in column (3), which represent the computed numbers according to the formula stated. Having regard to the fact that the numbers in column (2) represent lOO's and not units, the differences between the actual and computed numbers are somewhat outside the probable errors of observation. There are, that is to say, "systematic" differences between the two curves. These systematic differences are generally to be expected in dealing with age statistics. It will be seen that they are not incompatible with a close agreement in the general features of the two curves, but they serve as a warning that, in statistics of this nature, formulae representing the distribution of deviations from the mean must be regarded as approximations only. If we consider the curves exhibited in Tables I and II we see that the general chai-acter of such curves is determined by a few salient features : 1. The position of the maximum ordinate; that is, the value of the variable having maximum frequency. This value is. termed the mode. 2. The average or mean value of the variable, being the arithmetical mean of all iiidividual values. In a symmetrical curve this coincides with the " mode." 3. The average deviation from the mean, corresponding to the closeness with which the individual measures are grouped round their mean value. There is a certain convenience, for analytical reasons, in adopting as our standard in this respect either the mean of the sfpuires of the individual deviations, or the square root of this (juantity. The latter is termed the standard deviation. We may represent the average of the squares of the deviations, or the 8 i{ ■ J mean square" deviation by the symbol /jL.2, when the standard deviation becomes \/a2' 4. The equality or otherwise of the positive and negative deviations from the mean ; that is, the symmetry or shewness of the curve. The sum of the first powers of the deviations is, of course, always zero. If the curve is symmetrical, the sum of any odd power of the deviations must be zero, but not otherwise. As we have employed the square root of the average square of the deviations as a measure of the diffuseness or spread of the curve, termed the " standard deviation ", so we may take the ratio of the cube root of the average cube deviation to the " standard deviation " as the standard of " skewness." If we represent the average cube deviation by the symbol fia, the skewnessoi the curve may then be measured by ^ — . The skewness is sometimes taken as the difference between the " mean " and the " mode ", divided by the standard deviation. The sums of the successive powers of the deviations of the variable from the mean, the area of curve being taken as unity, are termed the moments of the curve. These observed laws of the variation of measurements from their mean are very general, and are usually, though not invariably, associated with what is termed " homogeneous " data. The distinction between "homogeneous " and "hetero- geneous" data is of considerable importance, although not very easy to define. We may perhaps define a homogeneous group as one in which the continuous variations are from a single type only, and are unaffected by any discontinuous variations in the group if these exist. These conditions will hardly ever prevail, but a group may be considered for practical pui'poses as homogeneous if the variations in the particular quality dealt with are not materially affected by any discontinous variations existing in the group. If, however, the group can be split up into two or three distinct series differing markedly in certain qualities, and these differences are found, or ma}' reasonably be supposed, to affect the character under examination, then the series is " heterogeneous." Take, for example, the class representing assured lives of 9 a given age, but of varying duration of assurance, and assume we are investigating the rate of mortality of the class. If it is found on examination that the duration of assurance materially affects the rate of mortality, then the data treated as a whole is heterogeneous. If it is found, however, that the duration of assurance after reaching a certain point has no such iniluence, or an influence that is insignificant, then the data from this point and ' in this respect may be treated as homogeneous. The same considerations apply to distinctions in class of assurance, amount of policy, occupation, &c. The laws which appear to govern deviation from the average in homogeneous data are, in general, so uniform in action that a departure therefrom will frequently indicate that data which might be supposed to be homogeneous are not so. An interesting illustration of this may be seen in the case of the Male Annuitants in the New Offices' Annuity Experience. Consider the following table showing the number of entrants for various groups of ages : — Table III. Male Annuitants 0«™ Data. Number of entrants at various ages, 18G3-1893. Ages at Entry X (1) 33-37 38-42 43-47 48-52 Entrants Computed Numbers /j:-65\2 Observed — Computed + — 73 119 207 421 (3) 5 21 89 266 (4) (5) 68 93 118 155 53-57 58-02 63-67 68-72 73-77 78-82 83-87 88-92 93-98 599 957 1,147 982 660 252 72 15 1 587 95 1 1,H2 1,007 655 313 109 29 6 12 3 5 25 5 61 37 14 6 These particuhir agt' giniips are selected as tlioro appears to be a slig-lit excess in the nunihcr nf entrants at decennial 10 and quinquennial ages, and by placing these in the middle of the groups we get rid of the disturbance, which would otherwise affect the numbers. An examination of the numbers in column (2), between ages 53 and 78, shows that they form a nearly symmetrical curve, as is seen by a comparison with a "normal" curve of frequency given in column (3).* The numbers above age 78, however, are in defect, and those below 53 are considerably in excess of the figures suggested by the normal curve. As regards the falling-off of the numbers at the older ages, it may be conjectured that it is in part due to the fact that many published tables of the cost of annuities cease at age 75 or 80. The observed excess in the number of entrants at ages below 50 evidently represents the entrance at these ages of a class of lives differing from those forming the bulk of the data. It may perhaps be conjectured that a number of these cases are counter lives in contingent reversions, or similar securities, upon whose lives annuities have been purchased to secure the payment of annual premiums. Be that as it may, Ave find that while the deficiency of entrants at the older ages does not appear to affect the mortality rates,, the entrants at the younger ages on the contrary show abnormally heavy mortality, the ungraduated values of the expectation of life for entrants under age 55 being relatively Ioav. Hence we may calculate that the male annuitant experience is hetero- geneous, and in using the results as a basis of calculation for the future, the abnormal part of the experience representing the entrants at the younger ages was propei'ly rejected. In addition to tables of the kind Ave have been considering, a statistical table may be a numerical statement of the manner in Avhich variation in one particular from the average of the group is accompanied by variation in some other particular. We may, for instance, have a table representing a number of individuals, arranged according to height, the numbers at each height being further arranged according to weight. We should then have a table of double entry, each roAV or column of Avhich Avould represent a statistical table of the form already considered. By means of this table we should be able to " correlate ", as it is termed, variations in respect to •■■■ The constants of this curve were only roughly determined, but the agreement with the observed numbers between ages 53 and 78 is sufficiently close to illustrate the point under discussion. 11 Aveight witli variations in respect to height. Such a table would represent a mass of figures, the bearing of which could not easily be grasped without some further analysis. If, however, we add to the table a column showing the average weight for persons of a given height, we then have a ready means of seeing how this average weight is affected by a change in height. Having inserted the average, Ave have not exhausted the information which the original figures give us. We need also to know to what extent on the average the weight varies when the height remains constant ; that is, we need to insert against each average Aveight AA'hat Ave have termed the " standard deviation." A familiar example of such a table is one shoAving the asres of husbands and wives at marriage. Such a table would take the following form — Table IV. Showing Ages of Husbands and Wives at date of Marriage. Husbands' AVivEs' Ages Ages under Mean Ages 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 of 20 AV'ives under 20 13 5 17-8 20-30 215 500 16 1 22-3 30-40 14 107 39 4 . . . 27-0 40-50 1 14 23 12 2 350 50-60 2 6 9 4 42-1 60-70 1 3 4 » 520 70-80 ... 1 1 1 55-0 Mean Ages of 251 27-2 37-6 49-0 58-6 68-3 — Husbands ■ If there were no correlation between the ages of the husbands and Avives at marriage, the figures shoAving the average ages for the various colmmis Avould (except for accidental fluctuations) be identical, and the same Avould hold for the average ages of the successive roAVS. If a line were drawn through the table cutting those points in the rows corresponding to the average ages, and another lino similarly cutting those points in the columnn representing average ages, it AVould bo found that these points could roughly bo represented l)y straight lines, Avliich 12 in the present example would be nearly coincident, since the spread of the figures, as measured by their standard deviation, is very similar in both rows and columns. It is not always the case, however, that the nature of the correlation can be represented by a straight line. In the following example we have a somewhat different class of table showing the proportions for different age groups of wives and widows in an Indian pension fund. Table IVa. Showing proportion of Wives and Widows in a Pension Fund. Ages Number of Wives Number of Widows Total Widows. per-cent of Total under 20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 19 1,430 3,366 3,329 1,653 476 63 6 "so 355 1,018 1,312 933 330 46 19 1,480 3,721 4,347 2,965 1,409 393 52 00 3-4 9-5 23-4 44-2 66-2 84-0 88-5 Here it will be seen, from the run of the figures in the last column, that they cannot be well represented by a straight line, being somewhat in the form of the curve of J e ~ ''^' dx, a or of the curve , witli values of and 1 respectivelv at the limits. Such a table of correlation has an analogy with the table of the " Exposed to Risk " and " Died ", which ordinarily forms the basis of our Mortality Tables. This table is virtually in the following form — column (4) representing the number of annual survivors being usually omitted as being implicitly contained in columns (2) and (3) — Table of Exposed to Risk and Died. Age Exposed to Risk Died Survived (]) (2) (3) (4) 13 We have here the ages of the persons observed; the numbers under observation, or " Exposed to Eisk ", Avhich, for the sake of simplicitj^, Ave will suppose to remain under observation for the entire year of age; the number of those Avho die during the year, and of those surviving. If we represent the rate of mortality by q^; then in all cases in column (3) gt^ = l, and in all cases in column (4) qj^ = 0, and we have a table which is analogous to the table of the weights of indi\aduals of respective heights, only that instead of having various values of qjc, we have in the nature of things only two possible values and 1, the average value for each group representing the observed "rate of mortality." This table differs from that correlating weights and heights, or ages of husbands or waves at marriage, agreeing with that correlating age and civil condition, in the fact that a certain quality or characteristic, in this case death during a given year of age, is not present in varying proportions, but is either present or entirely absent. We are thus introduced to the conception of probability, the proportion of any group surviving or dying representing the " probability " of survival or death for any individual of the group taken at random. The idea of probability is also present in the supposed table of weights, although not so obviously. That table would inform us, for example, of the probability of a person of given height exceeding or falling short of a certain fixed standard weight, and Ave should then have a table identical in form Avith the table of Exposed to Risk and Died. This conception of probability is important to the Actuary, because his object in collecting statistics is the distinctly practical one of measuring the probability of the happening of certain contingencies. It is necessary to realise clearly what is meant by the statement that the probability of a particular event has this or that value. Laplace pointed out that Avhcn Ave speak of the probability of the happening of a given event, Ave do so only on account of our ignorance of the antecedents of the event, or our inability to completely analyze them. If avc entirely kncAv the antecedents, and if our poAvers of analysis Avere equal to the task, avo could predict the event. In many cases Ave are able to do tins approximately, but Avhere the effective causes at Avork are numerous and obscure, and the result in individual 14 (apparently similar) cases is very variable, as in all questions affecting life contingencies, we are unable to forecast the event in a given case, and must fall back upon the average result deduced from the examination of a large number of similar cases. In other words, we treat the particular case in question as one of an indefinitely large class of similar cases, a sample of which we have already had under examination. From the results of such examination we infer the composition of the class as a whole, and hence the " probability " or average event in an individual case. If, in the sample observed, a given character is present in a certain proportion of cases, as for instance, where out of a number of persons of given age under observation, a certain proportion have died within the year of age, then we estimate" the probability of the event happening in a particular instance, by the ratio which the number of cases in which the event has occurred bears to the entire number of cases observed.^ To determine the probability of a given event is therefore to assign the case to the natural group or series to which it properly belongs and to pass under examination a sample of the group sufficiently large to enable us to determine approximately the average character of the whole as regards the particular quality in question. We are here speaking of simple events ; the probability of a complex event, such as the survival of one life by another, is, of course, not determined directly by past observations. The latter yield the simple probabilities of surviving each year of age, by suitably combining which we arrive at the value of the probability desired. The degree of certainty with which we can deduce the properties of an entire class from the part known to us, depends first on our assurance that the class is homogeneous, or at least that the portion observed is representative, such as would result from a selection of cases made at random, and secondly, on the number of cases that have been under " The formula deduced by Laplace by wliicli the true probability of an event which has been observed to happen m times out of w + « trials is taken as —^ j; is obviously not aj^plicable to such a function as the rate of mortality, m + n + ii nor to any analogous function. It is sufficient to consider that in tabulating the values of the probability of dying in each year of age, we are using an arbitrary unit of time which might just as well be a month or day, in which cases we should, by use of the above formula, produce quite different mortality tables from the same data. 15 observation. If we examine the figures in tables similar to Tables I and II, we see that, in proportion as the number of cases under observation is small, the figures I'epresentino* the results of the experience are irregular, while, on the other hand, Avhere the number of facts observed is verv laro-e, the irregularities become relatively less. AVe arrive at the same conclusion from theory. If an indefinitely large group N" contains Np objects of class A and N(l— j)) objects not of class A, and if from the group n objects are selected at random, then on the average ii'p of these will be of class A. If we represent the observed number in any given case as nip + z, the average algebraical value of z will be zero, Avhile its average numerical value, irrespective of sign, will be very nearly Y^'/;ip(l— _p).* This latter quantity clearly increases as nio increases, but at the same time its ratio to np diminishes. Thus in a table of exposed to risk and died the actual irregularities in the number of deaths increase with the magnitude of the experience, but the irregularities in the rate of mortality diminish. Hence from theory as from exi^erience we derive the conviction that if instead of the limited number of facts which Ave have been able to examine, we could have examined an indefinitely large number of similar facts, the results would have been relatively free from irregularity, and capable of being expressed by a continuous curve ; without, of course, being sure that any such curve could be expressed algebraically. The idea underlying the graduation of the figures of a statistical table, Avhatever be the process employed, is that a continuous curve may be found representing the general trend of the observations freed from irregularities due to paucity of material. This curve, we have reason to believe, Avill correspond more closely than the ungraduated curve to the results obtainable from a much larger body of facts. This is the rationale of the process of graduation and its justification. Such a process cannot deal Avith systematic errors affecting the table as a Avhole and cannot compensate for inadequate data. It adds Aveight to the results, hoAvever, at each individual point of the table, and assists in bringing into relief the true character of tlie curA'c by freeing it, in a large measure, from accidental irregularities. • The average value of 2" will be n}q, the average value of z^ will bo "P?''p-3),and the aA-erage A-alue of 2' will be Jip(/[(,3n — 6;/>j + 1]. See Note A,p. 110. 16 There may be other objects aimed at in a graduation besides that of removing the irregularities from the rough figures, with the view of bringing out more clearly the law underlying them. The Actuary constructs tables not merely to show what has happened in the past, but to enable him to forecast the future, and as he requires these tables as a basis for financial operations, considerations are introduced which do hot arise in the treatment of purely statistical tables. Whatever class of events the Actuary may have to deal with, will be subject to change with the lapse of time. That portion of the class he has been able to observe lies necessarily in the past ; the conclusions he has derived from their study he proposes to extend to the future. He must therefore consider how far the observed characters of the class are changing or permanent, and must endeavour to distinguish between changes representing permanent tendencies and those due merely to temporary fluctuations. In the selection of data suitable for his purpose the Actuary will aim on the one hand at a sufficiently broad basis both in space and time to eliminate the eifects of local and temporary fluctuations, and on the other hand he will aim at obtaining as far as possible a homogeneous group of data. These two aims are more or less in conflict, and he will lean to the one side or the other, according to the object he has in view. Where, for example, that object is to produce a table that may be adopted as a general standard by various institutions, often difl^ering considerably as to their individual experience, he must aim at a correspondingly broad foundation. In these circumstances it will not generally be possible to obtain a really homogeneous experience. If it is a question of the mortality of assured lives, for instance, this will be found to be affected by endless individual variations, age, sex, duration of assurance, occupation, civil condition, class of assurance, character of the insuring office, &c., &c., and from such material approximately homogeneous data could only be obtained by cutting up the experience into comparatively small groups and thus sacrificing all generality. This can be avoided in practice by first excluding all extreme variations. The sexes will be separately treated, lives so impaired as to prospects of longevity by personal health, family history, occupation, or residence in unhealthy districts as to be " rated up" will be excluded, as also classes of assurance that may r 17 be supposed subject to rates of mortality differing from the average. AVhen the data has thus been trimmed of the extreme variations, a body of experience will generally remain not greatly shrunken from its original dimensions and in which the discontinuous variations are sufficiently numerous and individually unimportant to render the data for practical purposes homogeneous. The rates of mortality, or of withdrawal, can then be treated as functions of the two remaining variables of importance, the age and the time elapsed from date of entry ; or as functions of the age only from the point at which the factor of duration may be found to be unimportant. On the other hand, the Actuary's object may be precision rather than generality ; he may have to deal with a group, subject to special conditions and presenting special characteristics, as is usual in the case of pension funds and friendly societies. Here, if the data are at all adequate, better results will be obtained therefrom than by having recourse to any general experience. Where it is insufficient by itself as a basis for statistical tables it may serve as an indication as to what standard table is the most suitable to employ and as to how far and in what direction it may be desirable to introduce any modifications therein. In an experience of this character the data may sometimes be very heterogeneous, but there is usually the safeguard that its composition is approximately constant. A question of some importance may here be considered, namely, the relative claims of lives, policies, or amounts assured to form the basis of the mortality table. In the 17 Offices' data, the number of policies, in the H^ and 0*^ data, the number of lives passing under observation constitute the basis of the experience, while in the American Offices' Experience (1880) the sum assured was the unit. In the instances of the H^^ and 0^' Tables, wherever a life would have been doubly observed the duplicate assurance was eliminated. In justification of the use of the sums assured as the basis of the experience, in lieu of the number of lives, it may be said that in this way wo represent the financial effect of the mortality, as it makes no difference to the insuring company whether one claim arises for £10,000 or one hundred claims for £100 each. There are, however, serious objections to employing the sums assured as a basis for a 18 mortality table, based upon a general experience. Either the mortality among the lives carrying large sums assured is similar to the average or it is not. If it is similar, the general character of the table will not be affected by the additional weight given to these lives in the experience, but the irregularities in the deduced rates of mortality will be considerably increased. The result, indeed, will be virtually the same as if we had used a part only of the available data, selected at random, instead of the whole. If, on the other hand, the mortality among the lives insured for large sums is materially different from the average, then the experience is not homogeneous. As a matter of fact, these lives of themselves do not form a homogeneous group. In certain societies they appear to give better rates of mortality than the average ; in others, where they are mainly represented by non-profit policies effected for commercial reasons, they are no doubt subject to higher rates of mortality than the average. As in a general experience, combining the individual experience of many offices, these lives will represent an exceptional or abnormal element, which may or may not persist in the future, and will certainly not persist equally in all societies, it is not desirable in deducing a general mortality table to specially " weight up " this part of the data. The same considerations apply, but with somewhat less force, to the plan of making policies rather than lives the basis of an experience. Without dogmatizing upon the point, it appears to me that the proper course is, where two or more policies are effected at the same time or at the same age at entry, to treat them as a single risk, but where the subsequent policies are effected at later ages, involving fresh medical selection, to treat them as separate risks. This means the elimination of duplicates in each of the " select '' tables for individual ages at entry, but no further elimination in the resulting aggregate tables, a course which has the advantage of making the aggregate table the true aggregate of the tables for separate ages at entry. Judging by the results of the 0'^ experience, this course is necessary if we are to produce an aggregate table, representing " ultimate " rates of mortality after the lapse of a stated period from entry, which will join on smoothly to the " select " rates. 19 A detail of less importance, but of considerable interest, is the question of the proper treatment of withdrawals in a, mortality experience. These are usually treated as withdrawing upon the termination of the days of grace in case of lapse by non-payment of premium, and for the purpose of obtaining the true measure of the moi-tality ■experienced this course is the correct one. It should be borne in mind, however, that to arrive at the finaucial effect of the mortality the numbers of the exposed to risk should correspond to the number of annual premiums paid, and from this point of view the life Avithdrawing should not be treated at risk during the days of grace. The differences in the resulting mortality rates according to the two methods is, of .course, very slight. SECOND LECTURE. JlLaVING dealt in the last lecture with the rationale of graduation in general, I now propose to refer more particularly to the principles underlying certain special methods of graduation. We may divide the various methods which are in use into three classes : 1. Graphic methods. 2. Methods based upon Intei-polation or Finite Difference formulae, such as Mr. Woolhouse's. 3. Methods which depend upon the use of Frequency Curves, in which Ave may include all methods based upon the assumption that the series to be graduated can be represented as some function of the variable. Certain general considerations apply to all these methods. We may have to deal either with a single series of numbers, such as the number, at successive ages, of lives effecting assurances, of persons enumerated at a census, or attacks from a given disease, &c. ; or, as more often happens in actuarial statistics, the fact of importance may be the ratio between the corresponding members of two series of numbers as in a table of " Exposed to Risk" and "Died^^ forming the basis of the Mortality Table, where the fact sought is the rate of mortality at each age given by the ratio of the Died to the Exposed to Risk, the actual numbers of these being of importance mainly as affording a measure of the trustworthiness of the deduced ratio. Where only a single series of numbers is involved, the problem is comparatively simple, and an accurate solution is not generally of great importance to the actuary. In the more usual case where the ratio of the corresponding members of two series of numbers is in question, the problem is more complicated. We have a choice of procedure : we may either graduate independently the two series of numbers 21 (in the case supposed the numbers of the " Exposed to Risk" at each age and the numbers of the "Died"), or, disregarding the irregularities in the two series, we may proceed to deal at once with the ratios only. If each series can be satisfactorily graduated, the resulting curves being smooth and fitting the ungraduated sei-ies sufficiently closely — that is to say, within the limits of the errors of observation — we may then assume that the ratios of the corresponding terms (in the case supposed the rates of mortality) will also be within the limits of error. It may also be said that by working with the rough facts themselves, rather than the ratios between the two, we keep in view the weight of the observations at each point of the curve, and are able to see at once how far our graduated numbers vary from the original, and how far that variation is justified by the number of facts at each particular point. There are, however, some important objections to this course. In the first place, the ratio between the corresponding terms in the two series of numbers represents generally a relatively stable quantity, whereas the actual numbers in either series, depending as they do upon the extent of the experience under review at particular ages, are liable to fluctuations of a more or less arbiti-ary character. Further, supposing the graphic method of graduation or the method of finite differences is employed — > in either case the argument is applicable, although specially so in the former — it will be found that each curve will contain certain outstanding irregularities, as it is not possible entirely to remove all irregularities by those methods. Hence in the adjusted ratios two sets of irregularities will be super- imposed and a less satisfactory series of values obtained than if the ratios themselves had been dealt with. A stronger objection, when dealing with a mortality experience, to graduating separately the numbers in the two .series of " Exposed to Kisk" and "Died" rather than their ratio, is that we thereby discard our previous knowledge of the nature of tlie curve expressing that ratio — our general knowledge, that is, of the nature of the curve qjc or /i^ — knowledge wh idi is of considerable assistance in graduating the commencement and end of the tablf uIk re; the data are few. Wliere a graduation of both series of iiiiiiil)ers is made, it is preferable, indeed necessary if tin- best results are to be obtained, lift (T fii'st gradual Iiil;; tlic scries cni-r('S])nnding to 22 the " Exposed to Risk"^ to re-compute the numbers of deaths, lapses or marriages, as the case may be, on the basis of the graduated numbers of the Exposures, and to operate upon these adjusted numbers. We are in this way less Hkely to obscure the law of the series representing the required ratios. Notwithstanding any theoretical objections, there may be occasions on which it is more convenient, or even necessary, to deal with the two series separately ; where, for example, as in the Registrar-General's returns of the population and deaths for certain occupations, we have not the facts for individual ages, but only in certain large groups. The ratio of deaths to exposures for each age group are obviously not satisfactory approximations to the rate of mortality for the central age of the group. In these circumstances it appears to be best to adopt a plan similar in principle, though not in detail, to that employed by Milne in graduating the Carlisle Table, and to draw curves respectively through the parallelograms representing the exposures and the deaths, and from these deduce the numbers for individual ao-es. The graphic method, however, is not very suitable for this purpose, and the use of interpolation formulee does not always give good results. It is generally better to make use of suitable frequency curves. It will be seen later that, where the number of groups is rather small, the use of the normal frequency curve, with certain modifications, enables us to re-distribute the numbers representing the groups of " Exposed " and " Died ", and so obtain graduated numbers for each age, and hence from the ratios of these a graduated rate of moi-tality. {8ee the Sixth Lecture, p. 91.) We shall now assume that we are dealing, not with the two independent series, but with the ratio between the two ; as, for example, Avith q^, or some analogous function. We may consider we have three independent estimates of the value of g^ : — 1st — That derived from the observed ratio of the died to the exposed at age x. 2nd — That derived from the data at neighbouring ag'es. 3rd — That derived from previous experience of more or less similar data. 23 The first and second should be suitably combined in the process of graduation. The last is, in the nature of things, a very vague estimate, and bears a relation to that derived directly from the observations, if these are numerous, similar to that of a rough measurement by inferior instrumental means to one made by an instrument of precision. In such case no weig-ht attaches to it. There are circumstances, however, in which the a 'priori estimate of the values of qx become important, viz., when the observations at our disposal are extremely few. As the exteut of our observations diminish, the numbers of exposures and deaths becoming smaller, the weight to be attached to the deduced values of the rate of mortality become less, and a point is eventually arrived at when we obtain more trustworthy results by considering to Avhat particular class of examined data the experience most nearly conforms in character, and falling back upon the results of such related experience. If we have to deal with a large experience, a somewhat similar difficulty arises at the commencement and end of the table. Generally speaking, we then derive more trustworthy values for the rates at these ages from a consideration of the general trend of the curve and our previous approximate knowledge of its character, than by falling back upon any related experience. Coming to the principles underlying each of these three methods of graduation, we consider first the graphic method, whether in the form employed by Milne or in the preferable form employed by Dr. Sprague. This method makes no- furtlier assumption than that the series with Avhich we are dealing would, if the observations were sufficiently extensive, form a continuous and regular curve, and that the irregularities actually occurring in the ungraduated values are due to tlie smallness of the data. To Dr. Sprague {J. I. A., vol. xxvi, p. 77) we owe the most systematic and satisfactory exposition of the graphic method. An essential feature in his procedure is the preliminary division of llic «I:ita (which we may suppose arranged by years of age) into groups, so selected as to aii'ord a steady progression in the average rates of mortality for 24 successive groups, due regard being had to the range of these groups. For examples of the method, the student must be referred to Dr. Sprague's original papers. This process of dividing the data into selected groups appears at first sight to be arbitrary, but it may be justified on the grounds : — (1) That in a series of observations such as we are discussing, where at each age the results are affected by irregularities or errors of observation, a successful graduation will reduce the sum of these errors and also the sum of the " accumulated " errors to zero, or nearly so. Hence if we compute at each age the accumulated errors (reckoning from either end of the series) these must, in order that their sum may be approximately zero, change sign, thus passing through zero, fairly frequently. The data will, therefore, be made up of consecutive groups, larger or smaller, in each of which there is an approximate balance of errors, and it may be assumed that, with a sufficient amount of experience and the exercise of some trouble, these groups can be found by inspection and trial. (2) In further justification of this procedure, it is to be noted that the rates of mortality deduced from the average rates in the selected groups are used as a first approximation only, the final rates being arrived at by repeated comparison of the graduated deaths with the actual numbers until a sufficiently smooth curve and a sufficiently close agreement has been obtained. At the same time I am not convinced that the use of these specially selected groups has any real advantage over the use of groups of constant range, as quinquennial or decennial, provided the operator recognizes that he cannot look for an absolute balance of errors in these latter, but must regard them as equally subject to errors of observation with the numbers at individual asfes. Assuming it to be practicable to draw a sufficiently smooth curve, free from sudden changes of curvature, and yet representing the observations sufficiently closely with a due regard to their weight in different parts of the table, there would appear to be nothing to object to in the principle of the graphic method of graduation. In practice, however, there are certain difficulties. The first, particularly in the case of a mortality table, is the question of scale. Anyone who has attempted to make graphic graduations will, I think, have met with this practical difficulty. Whether we graduate sepai'ately the " Exposed to Risk " and " Died ", or whether 25 we graduate a function such as q^., the difficulty equally arises. The values of q^ niay range in practice from about •005 to, say, about '5, and at the older ages increase so rapidly that the eye does not readily grasp the nature of the curve. In order that it may do so, and that the curve may be drawn and read off with sufficient accui-acy, a certain proportion must be maintained between the horizontal and the perpendicular scale, so that the curve shall not cut the ordinates at too acute an angle. It is also necessary to represent the values of q^ in two or three sections, as the scale suitable to the older ages will not permit of the values at the younger ages being represented with sufficient accuracy. Instead of operating on the rates of mortality, we may with advantage employ the logarithms of the rates, or the loo-arithms of the central death rates.* We thus obtain a curve which is much more easily dealt Avith. From the fact that the rates of mortality change slowly at the younger ages, and at the older ages generally approximate to a geometrical progression, the logarithms of the rates are nearly in the form of an arithmetical progression, and are represented by a line having very little curvature. At the oldest ages, indeed, it may very conveniently be taken as a .straight line. Perhaps the main difficulty in graphic graduation is that it is by no means easy, even with mechanical aids, to draw a sufficiently smooth curve. The curve as drawn may appear to be smooth, but on reading it off and examining the series of values obtained, we find irregularities which, in order to produce a satisfactory graduation, must be removed by a further adjustment. If we are dealing with a relatively small experience — in which cases these practical difficulties are correspondingly increased — they may be overcome to a large extent by using as a base line a well-graduated standard table representing an experience of similar character. Jiy computing the " expected " deaths according to the standard table, and dealing with the ratio of the actual to the "expected" deaths in successive age groups, we avoid the difficulties due to inequality of scale and to the rai)id increase in the value of the ordinates at the extreme ages. The curve ^ See, however, Note B, \). I 1 1, an to precautions in dealing with lugs of rates of moiialitv and similar fnnctions. 26 of ratios, apart from accidental fluctuations, will often be found to approximate to a straight line, tlie departures from which can be, of course, represented on a relatively large scale. In particular, the difficulty arising from the paucity of observations at either end of the table will be avoided by making each extremity of the curve of ratios terminate in a straight line, the locus of which will depend upon the general trend of the curve in the neighbourhood. The resulting values at the extremes of the table obtained in this way will be more trustworthy than those obtained without the aid of the standard base line."'^ In finite difference or interpolation methods of graduation (of which we may take Woolhouse's as the best known type) the underlying assumption is virtually the same as in the graphic method, viz., that the curve is of such a nature that the ordinary methods of interpolation can be applied. Put more precisely, Woolhouse's method assumes that for a range of 15 consecutive ages the values of Z.,. can be represented with sufficient accuracy by a curve of the third order, i.e., lj.+fz=lj.+ at-\-ht'^ + ct^ ^\\\e\\ t is not numerically > 7. As this assumes the fourth and higher differences of Ij, to be zero, we may write + 7(Z.._3 + U3)+21(Z.,_2 + 7x+2) + 24(Z,_, + Z^+,)+25Z,} where I'x may be taken as the graduated value of that function, the quantities on the right-hand side of the equation being the ungraduated values. This fornnila, which is that used by Woolhouse in the graduation of the H^^ Table, is of course only one of numerou.s possible formulas deducible from the above expression for Ix+t- Others may be found resulting in a smoother graduated series, but all the formulas since proposed as improvements on his are based upon the same general principle. An indefinite number of such formulse can be found, even when the range is fixed. t In particular may be * See Lidstone, J.I.A., xxx, p. 212. Tliese remarks are equally applicable to graduation l)y a finite difference formula {see J I. A., vol. xli, p. 89). -]- See Todlmnter, J.I.A., xxxii, 378 ; G. F. Hardy, J. I. A., xxxii, 371. 27 mentioned Mr. J. A. Higliara's, Dr. Karup's, and that used by Mr. J. Spencer in the graduation of the " Manchester Unity " mortality experience. See the following table showing the value of ^I'x in terms of the ungraduated w's : — Table V. Showing the values of^t, where u'o=1t\utXt, hij various well- knoion Graduation Formidce. Distance from Central Term Spencer 2 1 -term Karup Higham Woolhouse t Formula •172 •200 •200 ■200 ± 1 •163 •182 •192 •192 ± 2 •135 •139 •144 •168 ± 3 •095 •085 •080 •056 ± 4 •052 ■034 •024 ■024 ± 5 •017 ■000 ■000 •000 ± 6 -005 -■013 -■OK) -•016 ± 7 -■015 -■014, -■016 -•024 ± 8 -•015 -■010 -•008 •000 ± 9 -•009 -■003 ■000 ±10 -•003 ■000 ±11 •000 It is clear that no such formula will entirely remove the irregularities in the series, and in AVoolhouse's graduation of the H'^^ Table the outstanding irregularities were removed by an empirical process similar to that employed for the graduation of the 17 Offices' Table, and described in his paper {J.I. A., vol. xii, p. 140-1). The object aimed at in a formula such as these, should be so to select the coefficients of the terms on the riglit hand that, while giving an expression for the value of the central fmiction correct as far as the order of differences employed, the formula will produce the maximum smoothness in the flow of the graduated values. This may l)e done by simple experiment, or we may adopt some empirical measure or standard of smoothness and thereby compute the most advantageous coefficients. We may, for example, adopt as our standard of smoothness the extent to which the second dilferences of our graduated function are affected by the errors of observation in the original table. Applying this standard to Woolhouse's fornnil:!, we have 28 for the graduated second central difference of l^. (using central differences for the sake of symmetry) — + 10ia,.+3+ fca,-+4+ 'a-+5 + 'U.-+6 + 4/^+7 — o/j.^g. If Ave assume that on the average each of the ungraduated values of l^ on the right-hand side of this equation is subject to a mean error of + e, and if we assume that these errors may be combined according to the normal law, then the mean error of the entire expression for A^Z'j._i will be found by multiplying e by the square root of the sum of the squares of the coefficients, giving (^/32_|.42 4.12_|.12_^2=^+ &C.) g^ v/5l0 g^.JO 125 T25~ ^ ^" In the same way it may be shoAvn that in Karup's formula the mean error in A^«x-i is about "OGSe, Avhere e is the mean error of a single value of Uj. . It must not be supposed from these results that the mean errors in the graduated values of Ij; or ^tj. are proportionately reduced. The mean errors in the graduated functions when Woolhouse's formula is employed are reduced to about '42 of the mean errors in the ungraduated functions, or are about equivalent to the mean errors of the ungraduated values corresponding to an experience 5 4 times larger. The graduated table based on the smaller data would, however, be smoother than the ungraduated table based upon the larger data. (See J.I.A., xxxii, pp. 376-7.) Taking a generalized formula, such as u 'a;=««.f + ^(«.f-l + ".r + l) + c(Ku,-_2 + 'i'u- + 2)+&C. . . T^iUx-t + njc + t) where u' x represents the graduated value of xij,, and assuming that each of the ungraduated values Uj;, &c., are affected by the same mean error + e, it is of course possible to determine the values of a, h, c, &c., so that the mean error in, say, ^^u' x-\ shall be a minimum. Noting that a=l— 26 — 2c — &c., and that h-\--ic + 9rf-i-&c. = 0, in order that the foi'mnla may be correct to 3rd differences, an expression 29 may be found for A-it'^-i in terms of %._#_,, Ux-t, &c., with coefficients involving c, d, . . . k. If the coefficients of each term are now equated to zero, there will be (2^ + 3) equations of condition with (^ — 1) unknowns, which may be solved by the usual method of least squares. This is somewhat theoretical, however, as the values we should obtain for the coefficients would be generally fractional, and the resulting graduation foi*mula would not lend itself to any continuous method of computation, as is the case with Woolhouse's and other similar formulae. A.n alternative would be to fix upon a convenient set of summations, and then to determine the function summed (called by Mr, Lidstone the " operand") so that (1) first and second differences may vanish — see J.I. A., xxxii, 371, &c. ; (2) The range of the formula may be what we require ; and (3) that subject to (1) and (2) the coefficients shall be such as to make the mean error in A- or A^ a minimum. This might give a fairly convenient working formula, as when once the operand was formed the ordinary convenient method of summation would apply. If we consider the effect of such a formula of graduation upon the outstanding or unbalanced errors of observation in a small group of ages, we shall see that they are not very materially diminished. If, for example, we express the sum of five consecutive graduated values in terms of the ungraduated values, we shall have, in the case of Woolhouse's formula, + 115/^+101Z^+, + 80^,.+2) + terms involving other values of /. Here it is obvious that any systematic or unbalanced error in the original group will not be greatly reduced (probably to about three-fourths of its amount) in the graduated table. While, therefore, finite difference formuho of graduation yield, generally, a smooth curve as regards the pi'ogression of the graduated values from age to age, they have a tendency to reproduce any waviness in the original, due* to the unbalanced errors affecting small groujis of four or five consecutive ages. 30 A question arises in connection Avitli this method as to what particular function should be selected for graduation. In the case of Woolhouse's original formula the function operated upon was l^ . Practically speaking, except for the latter portion of the table, this approximates in result to a graduation of the rates of mortality. This may be seen from the following relations. Any adjustment of the Ix column by a finite difference formula has, of course, the same effect as a similar graduation of the cZ.,. column. Since dj.:=lj.qj., and since for the range of ages included in the formula (fifteen in Woolhouse's formula, of which, however, only the five central ages are heavily weighted] the values of l^ are not in general widely different, the graduation of the Ij. or dj; column should give results not materially different from those obtained by graduating q^.. At the older ages, however, there may be significant differences in the results, and I must express my preference for the rate of moi-tality as the more suitable function to graduate if the observations are duly weighted or if proper precautions are taken to avoid anomalous results at either end of the table where data are scanty. An objection to the principle of the finite diff'erence methods of graduation is that the weight of the observations is not allowed for at various ages. This objection is not very serious, howevei', as at the commencement and end of the table, where it would be chiefly felt, the method is usually not strictly applied. It may be noted that if the l^ function be graduated, then its rapid decrease in value at the oldest ages in the table gives automatically a diminishing weight to the observations with increasing- age, but at the same time yields somewhat irregular graduated values. The objection may, of course, be got rid of by first applying a smooth series of weights to the function to be graduated, prior to graduation, .and eliminating these factors afterwards. A difficulty arises in the use of finite difference formulae from the smallness of the data at the extremes of the table and from the fact that the first 7 or 8 values of the graduated function cannot be obtained from the formula. In the case of a mortality table there is not so much difficulty in dealing with extreme old age, because there, as Woolhouse points out, if we are dealing with the function Ij. it may be taken =0 beyond the limiting age of the table, or if 81 we are graduating tlie rate of mortality^ ^j. may be put down as equal to unity. As regards the earlier ages, Woolhouse's method is to obtain from the formula the graduated values of Ij; so far as this can be done, that is, to within 7 years of the initial age, and to compute the values for the first seven ages of the table from the values of /q, /;, I3 and Zg {If, representing the value of Z^ for the initial age) on the assumption of a constant third difference. This method may in certain cases lead to anomalous results, even negative rates of mortality. Mr. Ackland has given an alternative method of considerable ingenuity (/.J.^.,vol.xxiii,p. 357). The diflBculty may be avoided by assuming values for the initial ages, as, for example, a constant average value of q^. or d^, or other arbitrary values deducible from the general character of the experience. A more satisfactory method would be to determine q^ for the first 10 or 15 ages, by the method of moments or least squares, on the assumption that it could he represented by a first or second difference function. All these methods, however, are expedients more or less empirical, though they may in practice lead to sufficiently satisfactory results. The Finite Difference methods of graduation all assume that the functions to be graduated may be repre- sented for successive small tracts of ages b}" a parabolic curve of the form — u_f = a + bx + cx^+ &c. We are not bound to assume this particular form of function. We can employ the jorinciple of the Interpolation method, representing our function by some other form, as, for example, mj; = a + hc^ corresponding to Makeham's formula. The principle of the methods of graduation we have been discussing, of whicli Woolhouse's is a typo, must not be confounded with that used by Davies in graduating the Equitable experience, nor with that used by Mr. Berridge in graduating the Peerage mortality. These latter are more nearly allied to graduation l)y frequency curves than to Woolhouse's method. In Davies' Equitable graduation, curves of the third order are actually fitted to successive sections of tlic I,r fohuiin, tlie values of Z^ from 10 to 40 being virtually found by a third difference interpolation from tlio 32 values lio, ho, I30, ho, those from 1^^ to Z70 similarly from the values of Uo, ho, ho, ho, ^^^^ so on. Mr. Berridge's graduation of the Peerage mortality followed a similar principle, except that he represented the entire series of values of log Ix from 15 to 75 by means of a single curve of the sixth order, based upon the values of that function for decennial intervals of age. As to the relative merits of graphic and finite difference methods of graduation, the former has an undoubted advantage when the number of facts at our disposal are few. In these cases formulae of the type of Woolhouse's cannot be expected to produce very satisfactory results, as in the comparatively small section of the curve embraced by the formula the true character of the curve will frequently be obscured by the errors of observation. These formulas are at their best when applied to a table based upon fairly extensive data, and presenting a curve without any rapid change of character. The advantages possessed by the graphic method in dealing with a small experience, owing to its flexibility and its power of bringing under contribution large sections of the curve at once, are, however, still more noticeable when frequency curves can be suitably employed. We have already spoken of the success or sufficiency of a graduation, but we have not said anything as to Avhat is the proper test of a successful graduation. Before dealing with the general principle of graduation by means of frequency curves, it will be useful to consider this question. There are obviously two conditions that should be fulfilled by a graduation. In the first place, a smooth and continuous progression in the graduated values. This is required because we have good reason for believing that if the true values were ascertainable, they would exhibit this property. In the second place we require an adherence to the original data, sufficiently close to be fairly within what we may conveniently term the errors of observation. The standard of smoothness is not easy to define. If a formula is adopted representing the ultimate values of ^x, 9x, or fi-c as a function of the age, this in itself secures a smooth series. In other cases the sufficiency or otherwise of the graduation in this respect must be left to individual judgment. The advantages of a really smooth curve are 33 mainly found where it is necessary to resort to interpolation or to the use of summation formulse ; and, further, in the practical consideration that with a really smooth curve nearly all tables calculated therefrom can be sufficiently checked by differencing. As regards the second requirement, that of adherence to the general features of the ungraduated experience, it is easier to set up a criterion. We have already seen that if the true value of the probability of an event happening at a single trial is p, the event will, on the average, happen np times in n trials, and if there are series of Hi, 112, na, &c., trials in which the probabilities of the respective events are Pi, T'l, "P-i, &c., then on the average the total number of occurrences in such a series of trials will be iiipx + ')i2p2 + ''^3i?3 + , &c. That is to say, if the observed occurrences are 6^, Oo, d-s, &c., then the average value of each term (^Q^—mpi), [6.2— n^p^, &c., and consequently of the sum of such terms, Avill be zero.* It is also obvious that the average value of the sum of the series (^1— 711^1) + 2 (^2— '^2^2) + ^{Bz—nzp'^+, &c., and generally of the series whose rth term is \r ---- {dr — nrPr) \t\t will be zero. In the case of a mortality experience these quantities {Oi—nipx), &c., represent the deviations of the observed deaths at each age from the " Expected Deaths ", as computed by the true rates of mortality, supposing these to be known. It follows, therefore, that we should expect the total of such deviations on the average to be zero, and in the same way the average value of the successive sums of the accumulated deviations should be zero. Generally, if we put S?i = ?lo + ?ll + ??2 + «3 + , &C. Sin = t^n = ni + 2n2 + 3?i3 + , &c. %lSn = i^n = 72^ + 37Z3 + 6n4 + , &c. ; we shall have on the average t'{dr-n,.pr) = 0. • This is not tlio moMi prohahlp. valiu! of tlicso terms, altliongli in general it will bo very close thereto. The Actuarj', however, requirca to consider the averarfe result, not the most probable. .34 We should not expect (assuming the true values of p^ to be known) that these sums of the deviations of the actual from the expected numbers would actually be equal to zero in any given case, but we should expect in a long series of cases that the positive values would approximately balance the negative. We do not expect to obtain exactly 1,000 heads in a series of 2,000 tossings of a coin, but we should expect to find that the average number of heads over a great number of such series of tossings would be very close to that figure. This reasoning leads us to the conclusion that, given a successful graduation, we should not only have obtained a smooth series, but that the sum of the deviations between the computed events (deaths or otherwise) and the observed numbers, would be nearly zero, and that the successive sums of the accumulated deviations would be small. It is not neicessary in practice that this test should be pushed too far. We may be satisfied if the sum of the deviations and the sum of the accumulated deviations are practically zero ; if the total deviations in successive sections of the table {e.g., in quinquennial or decennial groups) appear to be, on the whole, within the limits of the errors of observation ; and if the total of the accumulated deviations changes sign fairly frequently. On the other hand we should expect that the total deviations irrespective of sign should not be materially less than their theoretical amount. Otherwise we should conclude that the series was under- adjusted and that accidental fluctuations in the curve had been incorporated as inherent characteristics. These tests of a graduation are Avell known to Actuaries, and, indeed, have been very generally employed by them. So far as they go, they correspond to the method of moments which Prof. Karl Pearson has elaborated and employed with such success in the fitting of frequency curves to statistical data. It is clear, however, that they can only be employed systematically in conjunction with those or other curves capable of analytical expression. Using methods of gradua- tion, based upon Finite Difference formulas, such as Woolhouse's, we cannot secure that the successive sums of the deviations shall vanish, though in general we may expect them to be small. Using the graphic method, we can, by a gradual process of hand-polishing the curve, reduce the 35 accumulated deviations and their sum to as small a value as we please,^ but the process is a tedious one. A second test that has occasionally been applied when the graduation has been effected by means of a fox-mula, is that of making the sums of the squares of the deviations a minimum, the deviations being either in respect of the graduated and observed deaths at each age or those of the graduated and ungraduated values of some function such as 4 or log. 4, This method, known as the method of "Least Squares", is used very generally in connection with measurements in astronomy and other physical sciences and has given rise to a quite extensive literature. It is based upon the assumption that if in a given series of observations the relative frequency of an error x at each observation is represented by the function ke~'^'''^' , then the probability of a conjunction of any * It may, perhaps, be worth poiutiiig out that if we have obtained a smooth cui-ve with a general conformity to the original facts, but not making the 2 (deviations) or 5- (deviations) vanish, this may be done by the following plan. Assume, for the sake of illustration, that the function graduated is the central death rate mx . Representing by ntx the graduated values of that function by El the "Exposed to Risk" in the middle of the year of age and by ^* the .observed deaths, let 2(«»^E^-ex) = A 'S.%mxEx-ex) = B then, if m'x = a + (1 + h)mx be the modified rates required, «.2(Ex) + i2(E^W;c)=-A a.X-CEx) + br-(Exnh)=-'B ■whence a and b are detennined. If the table on the whole follows Makeham's law the use of this form of correction enables us to neglect all orders of diiferences in the preliminaiy adjustment of nix or ^^. Fornmlfe may thus be employed (as for example, a simple double summation in groups of 10 values, or, still better, successive summations in lO's, ij's and 2's) giving a nuich smoother curve than when account has to be taken of second differences, the resulting systematic error of this first graduation being corrected as above. In the alternative, if m'j: = mx + a + bx, a2(E^) + 62x(E,)=-A b-S.-(E^) + br-Jc{Ex)=-li. This method may bo employed in conjunction willi .Mr. Lidslonu's plan oi using JO, standard lahle as a baa3 liiio for jjurposes of graduation. D 2 36 set of errors Xi, a'2, X3, &c., will be proportional to the value of tlie product = e~\ c" / which clearly has a maximum value when the index of e is numerically a minimum, i.e., when the sum of the squares of the errors {xl + xl + xl + &c.) is the least possible. This expression assumes that the average error, and therefore the probability of a unit error, in each observation is the same, an assumption Avhich may often be fairly made in respect to independent measurements of a physical quantity. If the observations are not of the same weight, so that the pi'obability of the errors of Xi, x-i, Xi, &c., in the respective measures are then the most probable solution will evidently be that which makes the sum of these exponents the least possible.* The assumptions upon which this method is based are not strictly in accord with the conditions of a mortality experience or similar statistical observation. If the method is applied to the deviations between the observed and graduated deaths, the objection may be raised that the observations at different ages are not of equal weight, and that the probability of a unit error varies at each successive age, while in each case the probability of a given error can only be approximately expressed by the normal function A;e~*"*'', positive and negative errors not being equally probable. It is, of course, possible suitably to weight the observations, so that a unit error is made equally probable. For example, if at any given age there are n "exposures", and if the true probability of death is q, then the " standard deviation " or ^average square deviation =nq{l — q), and the probability of a difference of x between the expected and observed deaths is approximately Ke~'''^'^'^^^~'^^ ; the error in the formula when X is positive nearly compensating the error when x is negative. Hence, if the " Exposed to Risk " and " Died " at each age are multiplied by the factor [nq{l — q)^~^^, where q * See Note C, p. 117. 37 is to he taken at its true or graduated value,'^ then the observations may be considered to be properly weighted for the application of the method of least squares. We shall see in the following lectures that there is an intimate relation between the criteria of least squares and moments. This will be better discussed after considering the question of frequency curves and the process of fitting them to a set of statistical observations. * The imgraduated values of q cannot be used, as this would result in undue ■weight being given at all ages where the observed mortality was in excess of the average, and insufficient weight where it was in defect. Consequently, the mortality table resulting from this process would on the whole overestimate the mortality throughout. Li other words, the use of the unadjusted values of q introduces a systematic or "biassed" error into the calculations. If this is avoided, however, a verj- rough approximation to the graduated cun-e of q wiU give weights sufficiently near the truth for practical purposes, as a slight change in the relative weights of a given series of obsei-vations produces but little result upon the final solution. THIRD LECTURE. JL PROPOSE in tlie present lecture to consider generally the use of frequency curves in relation to actuarial statistics. We have seen that the graphic method of dealing with these statistics, as also methods based upon finite difference formulae, assume only that the true law of the series, if known, would be found to be represented by a continuous curve amenable to the ordinary processes of interpolation. It is often possible, however, to see that the ungraduated series can be well represented by a curve of a certain distinct character, and when this is found to be the case more satisfactory results are obtained, particularly where the data are few, by fitting to the original series a curve corresponding to its observed general character, so determining the constants in the equation of the curve as to secure the closest agreement with the ungraduated curve. If for example we turn to the series in column (2) of Table I, it will be at once seen that the general character of the series accords very closely to the " normal " frequency curve, or to some curve having the same general features. When we find that, by giving suitable values to the constants, a frequency curve can be made to fit the observations within the limits of the errors of observation we may be satisfied that the graduated curve thus j^roduced is probably a better representation of the original than any that Avould result from a graphic or finite diiference method of graduation. Any curve which exhibits the law of variation in a particular function, svich as a table of l^, d^ or /x^.., may be considered for our purpose as a frequency curve. The expression is usually, however, confined to that class of curves which experience seems to show to be specially applicable to the observed distributions of deviations from mean values in statistical tables. We have already seen examples of such 39 tables where the frequency of the deviations of measures from their mean value follows certain comparatively simple laws. Professor Karl Pearson has examined a considerable variety of statistical data (mainl}^ but not entirely, biological) and finds that in practically all the cases examined the distribution of the various measurements may be represented fairly closely by one or other of the class of curves derived from the differential equation l,dy^_Jx-^ H) y dx a — hx — cx^ • • \ J where x represents the magnitude of a given deviation from the mean of a series of measures and y the frequency of such deviation. As this group of curves is of considerable importance, though less so perhaps in relation to actuarial than in relation to some other classes of statistics, it is convenient to consider them first. It is not necessary here to discuss these curves analytically ; the student may be referred to the original papers of Professor Karl Pearson"^, or to all admirably condensed resume by Mr. Robert Henderson in the Journal of the Actuarial Society of America, reprinted J.I.A., xli, 429-442; and to Mr. W. Palin Elderton's treatise on " Frequency Curves and Correlation " in which Professor Pearson's methods are fully described. 'J"'he table at the end of these lectures, which gives a sufficiently complete summary of such of the algebraical properties of these curves as are mo.st useful in practice, is, with some unimportant modifications, based upon that given by Mr. Henderson in his paper. It will be sufficient for our present purpose- to give a brief general description of these curves and of their use in connection with actuarial data. We have already seen that the general character of curves, such as those of Taljles I and II, is approximately detennined by the average value of the squares and cubes of t}\& deviations of the variable from its mean value; the former- giving a measure of the compactness or diffuseness of the curve that is of the average extent of the deviations from the mean irrespective of their direction ; the latter a measure of their departure from symmetry, or of the " skewness ", of the curve. It will be useful at this point somewhat to extend * PhU. Tram<, vol. ISd, p. 343 ; :yoU197, p. 413, &c. area= vdx. 40 this general statement, and, before proceeding to a description of particular curves, to explain more in detail what is meant by the " moments " of a curve. If we suppose y =f(x) to represent the equation to a given curve, x varying between the limits h and k, the total area of the curve will be represented by the expression : .= ydi Jk We may suppose, for instance, to give definiteness to our ideas, that the function y represents the numbers under observation between age x and x + dx, the number of "years of life" observed between these ages being ydx, and the area of the curve, the sum of all these quantities, being the total years of life observed at all ages. If we now multiply each value of ydx by the corresponding age x and divide the total of these products by the total number of the " exposed ", we shall have the average age of the Avhole. Put into symbols : rh rk xydx-^ ydx = a:Yera,ge value of a;. . . . (2) Jk J/i = lst moment of the curve round the ordinate for which x = 0. = mj, say. Similarly, rh rh I x^''y.dx-^\ y.dx = average value of a;'* = 7ith moment round ordinate for which a; = 0. = m„. The moments of the curve may be taken round any ordinate we please. If, for example, the average value of X as found by equation (2), is Xi, then the ordinate corresponding to this value of x passes through the centre of gravity of the curve, and is termed the "centroid vertical." In general it is most convenient to take the value of the moments of the curve round this centroid vertical, for Avhich obviously the first moment vanishes. The expression for the nth. moment round this ordinate then becomes : rh rh {x—xi^ydx^^ ydx = fjLn . . • • • (3) 41 the average value of the nth. power of the deviations (^x — Xi) between the values of x and the mean value. When the moments of a curve are spoken of without qualification, it will be understood that they are the moments round the " centroid vertical." These moments are, of course, those already referred to in Lecture I., p. 7, as representing the sums of the powers of the deviations of x from its mean value. The following formulae, which maybe readily demonstrated,^ connect the values of the moments round the " centroid vertical" with the moments round the ordinate for which x = 0. Using the same notation as above, we have IM3 = ma— Smima -f 2 (mj)^ yLt4 = m4 — 4mim3+6(mi)2m2— 3(mi)^ . (4) where the law of the coefficients is sufficiently obvious. For the particular family of curves arising from the differential equation (1) formulaj may readily be found for the moments involving the various constants of the curves, and inversely, the values of the constants can be expressed in terms of the moments. The formulae for the higher moments being sometimes complicated, it is more convenient to tabulate certain functions of the moments, e.(j. : /3i _W /^4 if^r ^'- i^r' 7= ye, + 4 /32 + 3 from whicli the constants of the curves may be obtained more readily, wliicli are also useful in discriminating between the curves apj)licable to a given set of observations. See Eldertoii, ]>. 17-1'J ; Hciidc rsdii, J.I.A., xli, ■K$l-2. 42 The various curves arising from the differential equatixjn (1) may, for our present purpose, be conveniently classified as under : — Class I. Symmetrical curves. Range limited. „ II. „ „ „ unlimited. „ III. Skew curves. Range limited in both directions ; „ IV. Skew curves. Range limited in one direction ; „ V. Skew curves. Range unlimited in either direction ; the various types of curve being as follow. It will be seen that some of these Classes are repesented only by a single type of curve : Class I. Symmetrical curves of limited range. — In this class we have only the single curve. 2\m Type I. ^ y = «(l-y The values of x range from +a to —a, for either of which values of the variable y becomes zero. The average value of x is obviously zero, the corresponding* ordinate y is a maximum, and clearly bisects the area enclosed between the curve and the axis of x. In other words, the "mean", "mode", and "median " of the curve all coincide, as in all symmetrical curves. The second moment of the curve _ _ a^ 2m + 3 and the "standard deviation" a y2m + 3 The fourth moment oa Im + b The value of w will usually be positive when y equals zero at both limits. If m>0 — 1. - This curve has a close relationship with the symmetrical point binomial curve, whose terms are proportional to the 43 terms in the expansion of (4 + ^)", the general term of which may be written ^ y= ■. ^ n \n [It will, of course, be understood that the ac's in these formulse, and in others, are not identical, but simply stand for some constant in each case, the numerical value of which is determined by the area of the curve.] The binomial curve, however, can be conveniently used only to represent the definite points corresponding to integral values of - +x, whereas Type 1 represents a continuous curve (Note D, p. 122), The data with which an actuary has to deal are generally in the latter form, for example, the numbers living, the number of deaths, withdrawals, &c., between the ages x and x+l, and although usually the number of terms in the series is so considerable that the curve may be treated as a series of points, on the other hand, a binomial having so many terms will not generally be found a suitable curve to employ. In most instances where a series can be fairly represented by the symmetrical binomial, it can also be fairly represented by Type 1, with possibly some slight difference in range, as will be seen later. There are other symmetrical curves of limited range, which are in the nature of frequency curves, but which do not belong to the family of curves derived from equation (1) : such, e.g., as the curve whicli, however, we need not discuss here. C/a.V6' //. Symmefrical curves of unlimited range. — In this class are two curves lielonging to the family with which we are dealing. Tyj>e 2. 7y = /ce-'^=/'^= (5) This is the curve of "facility of error", or the " normal " frequency curve. The average value of x is clearlj' zero, corresponding to the "mode" or the maximum value of y, and to the median. (,•2 The second moment =^=— , and the standard deviation = —7 . v/2 44 ■ Type 1 evidently transposes into this curve when the vahie of a, and hence the range of the curve, is made a^ indefinitely great. If we put - = c^, making both a^ and m indefinitely great, but their ratio finite, we have , ^2v TO Limit (l-y =e-^l^' (6) Even when the range of the curve is not great, that is when TO and a^ are not large numbers, there is a fairly close agreement between curves of Types 1 and 2 and the symmetrical binomial. This may be seen by a numerical example, the folloAving table showing 1 . The values oi y= ' ' for integral values of X, these values being proportionate to the terms in /I 1\^ the expansion of the binomial ( 9 + o ) • 2. The values of y = ^Q^(l-^^^\ 8. The values of y = l,026e-^=/-., the constants in the two latter curves being chosen to give as good general agreement as practicable with the binomial curve. Table VI. Shoioing Similarity of Types 1 and 2 to the Symmetrical Point Binomial. Values of Binomial curve Type 1 Type 2 Variable 36000 y-993(l-|-J (3) X V= 1 ^ |3+a-|3-a; .V = 1026e--^".-'-i (1) (••;) (4) -4 2 6 -3 50 47 56 -2 300 303 282 -1 750 752 743 1,000 993 1,026 1 750 752 743 2 300 303 282 3 50 47 56 4 2 3,201 6 Totals ... 3,200 3,200 45 Had tlie range of the curves been gi-eater, the binomial being taken to a higher power, and the values o£ the constants a^ and m in col. (3) and of c- in col. (4) been larger, the agreement of the three curves Avould have been correspondingly closer. As it is, the two first curves are very nearly identical, while the " normal " curve, although theoretically of unlimited range, is fairly close to the binomial, the terms corresponding to values of x numerically greater than 4, amounting to less than 1 in the aggregate. It will be noticed that the values of y in the limited curves necessarily diminish more rapidly as the limiting values of x are approached, while the normal curve is less flat in the centre. 1 + ^J 0) This curve, Avhich is also symmetrical and unlimited in range, diverges from the normal curve in a direction opposite to Type 1, the values of y diminishing, when x is large, more slowly than in the normal curve. The curve transposes into the latter (Type 2) when a^ and m are indefinitely large, ^ =c^ being, however, finite. We then have Lt. «(l + U =/ce-^=/<==. The average value of x in the curve y = K(a- + x^) -'^ is zero, corresponding again to the "mode"; the second moment = ii., = t: ^ and the " standard deviation " ^' 2m — 'S a 3a'^ -, ., . = — ^=:z= . The fourth moment =Ui= ^ u-2 and, it is y2m-3 2m-o^ clear, becomes infinite unless «i > o • Indeed, the higher moments of the curve must become infinite whatever be the value of m. The classes of symmetrical curves are of somewhat limited application to actuarial statistics, although there are certain cases in which they represent the observations fairly well. Class III. Skew curves. Range limited in both directions. — There is only a single curve of this class in the family of curves we are considering, namely : Tyi.e4. !/ = ^^^ ^he " standard deviation " the square root of this quantity. When mi = m2 = 7n, this Type evidently transposes into Type 1, and thence into Type 2 when w is infinite. This curve is related to the skew point binomial arising from the expansion of {p + qY', where p and q have approximately the same values as in equation (9), and where the index of the binomial is not too small, there is a fair numerical agreement, as may be seen in the following table, where the figures given in col. (2) are proportional to fl 2Y the terms in the binomial expansion of ( ^ + -:,) : — Table VII. Showing Numerical Similarity of the Curve of Type 4 with the Skew Sinomial. Value of Variable X Binomial curve ,_ 5760 ,, Type 4 ^ = K(4.-75 -.r)5-5i(6-25 + a:)"-5« ^ 3+a:|3-.r -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 (a) 1 12 60 160 2i0 192 64 (3) 1 13 61 159 240 194 60 1 Totals ... 729 729 -17 It will be seen that for so small a value of n as 6 the binomial curve can be closely represented by means of selected points in the continuous curve of Type 4. When the value of n is large, a much closer agreement is obtainable. The skew binomial is of importance to the actuary as representing the law of the deviations between the actual number of events observed in a given series of trials and the " expected " number when comjDuted by the true value of the probabilities. There are very many statistical distributions capable of being well represented by the binomial curve if the latter is treated as a continuous curve. This procedure is not, however, convenient in practice, as it rarely happens that the given ordinates coincide Avith the integral values of x in the general term , — - — (-), and, \x n—x\qj ' moreover, the analysis, when the curve is treated as continuous, is not very simple. {See Note D, p. 122.) The form of curve corresponding to Type 4 varies very considerably with certain changes in the values of the constants iiii and vu. In its more usual form, Avhen both rtii and iiu are >1, as in Table VII, the curve bears a general resemblance to the age distribution of the " entrants " in a mortality, or similar experience {see Table II), also to the numbers of the exposed to risk; to the number of marriages, or to the rate of marriage at various ages ; to the average number of children under age, or to the cost of their pensions at the death of the father, a function of use in pension fund valuations; to the number of retirements in such funds where superannuation occurs on invalidity and not at a specified age ; to the incidence of attacks, or of mortality, from certain diseases, &c. Owing to the number of constants involved (as the increment of x may represent any period of time, there are virtually five), the curve is very adaptable. It will be readily seen that if the values of both m^ and ?% in equation (8) are high the curve makes very close contact with the axis of x at cither limit; if Wi or ?7i2 lies between and 1, the curve meets the axis of x at an angle ; whereas, if either or both of them are negative, the expression Ixjcomes infinite at one or both limits. The area of the curve and the moments do not, however, become infinite if both ?;i, and in2 are greater than —1. 48 Class IV. Skew curves. Range limited in one direction. — There are two curves of this class. Tyiie 5. ;?/ = /<;a;"»e-*/» (10) which is a limiting form of curve No. 4, the values of x ranging from and oo . The "mode" is at x = 'ma; the mean value of x is (m + l)a; the second moment (m + l)a^; and the third moment 2(m+l)a^; these being sufficient to determine the constants. In the usual form of the curve, that is when m>l, this curve represents fairly well some of the statistical distributions represented by curve No. 4. Owing to the feature that as x becomes large the successive terms have a tendency to run into a geometrical progression, it is not so well suited to such distributions as that of the " exposed to risk ", where the effect of the rapid rise in the rate of mortality at the older ages makes itself felt in an increasingly rapid diminution in the values of y. This is somewhat unfortunate, as the curve is a simple one, determined by the values of its first three moments, and except for the reason stated, well suited for use in connection with Makeham's formula for the force of mortality. As in Type 4, the character of this curve may be entirely chansred bv an alteration in the values of the constant m. If this constant vanishes the curve becomes a dimmishmg geometrical progression ; while for negative values of m the curve becomes infinite at the lower limiting value of x. The value of m must in any case > — 1. The actuary has to deal with several distributions roughly similar to a diminishing geometrical progression as, for example, the curve of infant mortality, the rate of withdrawal in successive policy years, or the difference between the select and ultimate mortality rates in a select mortality table. Other expressions giving a similar form of curve may be employed to represent these distributions as, for example, y — K (a + 6-"'^), with a minimum value of /ca when x is very large; or y = K{x + a)~^, where if a is small we have a curve again similar to that of infant mortality, x representing the age. Types. , = «(?-l)""(|+l)""' (11) where the limiting values of x are a and oo , with an a"v 49 ,^erao:e value of x= pr-^j the '' mode " occurring ^ ??i2 — mj — 2 ° at a;=: — ^a. The expressions for the moments are much 7712 — 771 1 simplified by writing the equation to the curve in the form given in the Table on pp. 140-1. Type 7. 7/ = A;a;-'»e-"/^ (12) Where x varies between and oo , having an average value of , with the "mode" at x= — . The second moment m — 2' m 0.2 /i2= ; r^, — :^ and the "standard deviation" consequently = {m-2) y/m-'6 Here m must be > 3, or the second moment becomes oo , and the fourth moment becomes infinite unless m is greater than 5. Neither this nor the preceding curve are of any wide application in actuarial statistics, owing to the fact that the values of y for large values of x diminish with increasing slowness ; a feature not often met with in practice except in such a function as the " rate of withdrawal." The same remark holds good of the single curve constituting Class V. Class V. Shew curves. Range unlimited in either direction. 2\ -m w This is the only skew curve of this family having unlimited range. The average value of x— cy, y. a; the " mode " is at ,t — a. 2m The expressions for the moments and their i'lmctions are simplified Ijy writing (+ Ij for m in equation (13), as in the Table on pp. 140-1. For the reason stated above, the curve is not specially useful to Actuaries. E 50 Assuming tliat a given statistical series can be represented by one or other of the curves above described, the appropriate curve can be found by means of certain criteria based upon an examination of the " moments " of the curve ; that is to say, the sums of the powers of the deviations from the mean value. These criteria are furnished by the table on pp. 140-1, above referred to. As the calculation of the criterion is somewhat lengthy, it may be noted that if the logarithms of y are tabulated for equal intervals of the variable x, and the values of A- log y taken out, these give us information as to the nature of the curve. The value of AMogy will be constant and negative for the " normal " curve Type 2 ; negative and symmetrical with a minimum numerical value in the centre of the range, for Type 1, or for any binomial curve; uniformly negative, non-symmetrical, and with a numerical minimum in the case of Type 4 (where this curve vanishes at the limits) ; and uniformly negative and continuously decreasing towards the upper limit of x in the case of Type 5, where this curve vanishes at the limits. In the case, therefore, of those curves most useful to the Actuary the function A^ logy, computed for the ungraduated curve, enables us to select generally the formula most suited to the series. For this purpose if the data are grouped it will generally be better to compute the approximate values f)f the central ordinates of each group by an interpolation formula, such as that given on p. 57. Other types of curves will sometimes be found useful besides those arising from the differential equation on p. 39 ; but they do not generally lend themselves so readily to the method of moments. If, for example, we write / m n \ = /c-e~Va+^ t'+=^'' (14) we obtain, when m and n are numerically unequal, a skew curve vanishing when x=—a or —b. We may deal with this curve in practice by determining the values of equidistant ordinates as shown on pp. 57-8. Thus logw = /c — -T— — =u; .... (lo ° ^ a + x b + x y 51 As log y becomes — x at tlie limits^ we multiply both sides by {a + x){h + x), thence w \_ah + (a + l)x + x"-'] = K \_ah + (a + 'b)x + x-'] — m{h + x) —n (a + x) = A + Bx+Cx'~ {sRj) (16) where the unknowns are a, b, A, B and C. If we difference three times the right hand side vanishes and we have a series of expressions involving {ab) and [a + h) equated to zero and by suitably grouping these, or by using the method of moments a and h, and thence the remaining constants, may be evaluated. A similar process may be employed with advantage with a curve such as the usual form of exposed to risk or died, when the data are in large age groups. We inay then take w in equation (15) to represent the common log of the ratio of the numbers above age x to the numbers below age x in the series. That is, if the total number in the series =N, the number above age a; =Y, we may Avrite \N-YJ a + x b + x o In many cases the constant K' may be omitted if the number of groups is small; in this case C in equation (16) becomes zero. On the other hand it may sometimes be found necessary to add a term to the right hand of equation (16) involving x^. I'. w FOURTH LECTURE. W E shall now consider very shortly the problem of fitting frequency curves to statistical data. To do this at length would be impossible in the time at our disposal^ and the student who wishes to pursue the subject in detail may read the original papers, already referred to (p. 39), of Professor Karl Pearson, to whom the development of the subject is due, or Mr. Elderton's book. There are certain general principles however, which may be usefully considered. The method usually employed in fitting these curves is by making the moments of the graduated equal to those of the ungraduated curve, which is equivalent to making the quantities S (deviations), t"^ (deviations), &c., as far as S"* or X^ equal to zero. This method may not always be the most convenient or the best for the purpose of the Actuary, but it is so for most statistical purposes, and has come much into use accordingly. We have already seen that, in the case of the curves arising from the differential equation on p. 39, expressions for the moments may be obtained in terms of the constants which will enable us to determine the value of the constants, when the numerical value of the moments is known. For the purpose of fitting the appropriate curve to any given series of observations it is only necessary to determine the value of the moments as given by the observations, that is, the value of the sum of the squares, cubes, &c., of the deviations from the mean value of the variable. It will be useful to consider shortly the calculation of the numerical value of the moments in a given instance. Take first the simplest possible case where we have to do not with a continuous curve, but Avith a series of points representing isolated ordinates, where in consequence we replace Integra- 53 tions by summations. In the following- table, the first column contains the values of the independent variable x, the range of values being from to 6. The second column contains the values of its function y, which are proportionate to the successive terms in the expansion of the binomial f -f ^ j , the constant multiplier 729 being introduced merely to avoid fractions. The remaining columns, in which the average value of X and the values of the successive moments are worked out, explain themselves. It may be remarked that in this example the average value of x, and the deviations from the average, are all integral, and it is therefore convenient to calculate at once the moments round the average value (" centroid vertical"). In most cases, however, the average and the deviations will not be integral, and then it will be more convenient to calculate the moments round the origin or some selected middle value of the variable, afterwards transferring the moments to the mean by the formulae given on p. 41. Table YIII. Moments of the Point Binomial Curve. 729. - (-) (^) = .(2Y. X y xy {x-^)y {x-^fy (^-4)V (.r-4)V/ 1 - 4 16 - 64 256 1 12 12 - 36 108 -324 972 2 60 120 -120 240 -480 960 3 160 480 -160 160 -190 160 4 240 960 () 5 192 960 192 192 + 192 192 6 64 384 128 256 + 512 1,024 Totals Totals 729 1 2,916 4 072 -324 3,564 4 4 41, mean vnlne 3 9 •J + 729 . < ) 1 X =/J. = M.' = M.-. = /*♦ Obviously, when llio iiioiueiits arc calcuhited al)(»ut the moan the first moment is zero (because it represents the average 54 deviation from the average value). The even moments are always positive^ because each term is of the form yx^^^'', i.e., essentially positive ; and if the curve is symmetrical the odd moments vanish, because each term of the form y^x^^"^^ is cancelled by a term (equidistant from the mean) of the form y-x{ — a;)^"'*''. In general, where the curve is not symmetrical, the third, fifth, &c., moments will not be zero. In the above illustration, we have considered x to have integral values only. This may be said to approximate to the conditions of many statistical tables used by the Actuary where x represents the year of age under observation, and where it is indifferent whether the observations are supposed to be spread over the year in the form of a continuous curve, or whether we consider them all to have reference to the central point of the year. In these cases, however, x will generally have a large range of values, amounting possibly to 60 or 80, and the labour of computing the numerical value of the moments is then much lessened by grouping the facts in larger sections, though we cannot then safely assume the totals of each group to be concentrated at the middle ordinate. Take the set of observations in Table IX representing for decennial age groups numbers exposed to risk in the middle of each year of age, i.e., ^x=^x— q^x, in the recent mortality experience of lives assured by ascending premium policies,"^ excluding the first ten years from entry. Here we have no longer the values of equidistant ordinates of the curve, but the area of the curve enclosed between successive ordinates. To obtain the moments of the curve with any degree of accuracy, we cannot treat these areas as proportional to their central ordinate. It will be noticed that the particular curve we are dealing with becomes gradually zero at either extremity,t and we may assume, without serious error, that it makes "close contact" at either end with the axis of x, that is to say, is asymptotic thereto. In these cases, Mr. Sheppard has shoAvn J that very approximate values for the moments may be found * See Unadjusted Data, Minor Classes of Assurances, p. 191. + We omit the numbers at risk under age 25 (arising from entrants under age 15), amounting to only 25 in all. J An elementary demonstration is given in Elderton's Treatise, p. 28-29. 55 by treating the area of each successive section of the curve as concentrated in the middle ordinate of the section j in other wordsj treating the values of y as representing isolated ordinates exactly as Avas done in Table VIII ; and then applying to the values of the moments so found (denoted by the symbol m') the following adjustments leading to the corrected moments denoted by the symbol m : — , 1 W2=m2— j2 , I , , \ 7??3=i?i 3— -m =m 3 — 7 mi 4 4 ,1,^7 ,1 1 For moments round the centroid vertical these become^ remembering that /ii = 0, , 1 /*2 = /i2 — /^ = /ti3 12 A<-.=/i4— :;/^i 80* Table IX. Ascending Premium Assurances — Experience 1863-1893. Duration 10 years and upwards. Calculation of Moments of ^'' Exposed to Hisk^' Curve. ExpoHed to Ages Kisk X Xl/ X't/ x'^t/ x\i/ 25-35 2,874 -2 - 5,748 11,496 -22,992 45,984 35-45 22,020 -1 -22,020 22,020 -22,020 22,020 45-55 26,164 55-65 17,391 1 17,391 17,391 17,391 17,391 65-75 7.845 2 15,(;90 31,380 62,760 125,520 75-85 1,761 3 5,283 15,849 47,547 142,641 85-95 81 4 324 1,296 5,184 20,736 Totals 78,136 10,920 99,432 87,870 374,292 Uoducpd 1 •13976 1-2725 11246 4-7903 to unit area = ,r/, = ««', ^m'. = m\ 56 From these results we obtain by means of the corrections above stated — m, = -13976; m2= 1-1892; m3= 1-0897; w, = 4-1832. Whence, by the equations on p. 41. /i2= 1-1697; /^3=-5965; /X4=3-7122. If quinquennial age groups had been used, making due allowance for the unit of time still being taken as ten years, the corresponding values would have been TO, = -13848; /i2=l-1741; ya3 = -5869; yL64=3-7160. using these latter values, as the more accurate, we obtain for the values of the functions /5i , ^-2 and 7. A=/^V/^'2=-21283; /32=/.V/^\=2-6957; 7= |i±| =-7397 ; 2 As /X3 does not vanish, and 7 is > .3, we see from the table on pp. 140-1, that if the series can be represented by any of the curves there given, it must be by No. 4, excluding the skew binomial as unsuitable for reasons already given. It is also obvious from the run of the figures in Table IX, that the curve is limited in both directions. Equating the expressions in Table IX with the above numerical values, we have 7=1 •''^=•7397; whence 71 = 7-13 6 n + 2 ^- '^(^] + ^\(r-9r =-21283; whence (p — qY='b4<6opq (j) + g)'-=:4-5453jjg' =1 (since ^ + 2 = 1) (^-2^=V4^3="^^^^ giving ^ = -6732; g = -3268 fM2=^^-a^=V17U; whence a = 3-293 11+1 thus giving a range of 32-93 years on either side of the age for which the value of x in the formula = 0. This has nothing to do with the zero point (age 50) in Table IX. The mean age as is seen from that table is 50 + 1-385 = 51 '385. The value of m, the mean as computed by the above formula, is Wi = (tHi^i +2S^x =24x11070 + 2x6318 The last may be compared with the direct calculation of x*Uj: given in the last column of the scheme. The values of the moments through the centroid vertical may be obtained if required by the formulas : IJUi=m.2—{miY /i3 = Wis — 3 (wi)/i2 — (wi) 3 Ai4 = »l4 — 4(7?li)yti3 — 6(??li)^/i2— (?/ii)^ Where the number of terms in the series is few, there is no special advantage in this method ; but if the number of terms is considerable it effects a saving of time, more particularly if the calculation of the moments round the centroid vertical is not needed by the conditions of the problem, as in the case of the graduation of rates of mortality by Makeham^s or any similar frequency formula. The case of curves not making close contact with the axis of X at both ends requires to be considered separately, but tlio results obtained are not altogether satisfactory, see Elderton, pages 29-30. TIk; difficulty can, however, to a great extent be avoided in most cases arising in actuarial work by using very small groups, or even individual values for each year of 62 age, &c., in calculating the moments. The labour although increased is by no means prohibitive if the summation method, above described, be adopted. Professor Karl Pearson has shown'^ that the method of fitting a curve by computing its moments should lead to nearly the same results as the method of least squares. If we are fitting to a given sot of observations an ordinary parabolic curve, represented by the equation 7/ = a + 6a; + caj^ + &c., then the method of moments and the method of least squares are identical. t He infers from this fact that, even if y is represented by a more complex expression, the numerical results from the method will be nearly the same as with the method of least squares. It would appear at first sight that the effect of the method of moments is to give equal weight to each observation or group of observations, in spite of their having unequal average errors ; whereas the method of least squares shovild, strictly speaking, be applied only when the average error of each observation is nearly equal. J In a mortality table, where the number of persons under observation and the number of deaths are relatively large in the middle of the table and fall off to zero at the beginning and end, the probability of a given error in the value of g is very much ■smaller at the central ages ; while, on the other hand, the probability of a deviation of a unit in the number of deaths is ■correspondingly greater. The same applies to most tables of statistics, as they usually present a series starting from zero, rising to a maximum, and diminishing to zero again, the weight of the observations being in the middle of the curve, where, however, the probability of a given numerical deviation in the actual numbers is also greater. We have seen that in a series of numbers representing the distribution of a group into sub-groups the average error in any VfYVi (72. — 771 1 — ^ ~ , where n is the number in the group and m the (graduated) number in the sub- group. If, as is generally the case, n is large compared to m, * Biometrika, vol. i, p. 266-271. t This assumes that the unadjusted moments {m not m') are used, i.e., that the niunbers represent ordinates and not areas. If the moments are assumed to represent areas and the corresponding corrections are introduced, the method of moments no longer gives precisely the same results as the method of least •squares : see examples given by Todhunter, J. I. A., xli, 444. I See Note C, p. 117. 63 this expression may be taken as equal to "8 v^w, the average error in the ratio ~~ being approximately '8 Thus, if the number at risk at a given age equals n and the true probabilities of death and survivorship, are q and p, then •8 '/njiq'^ (which as p is nearly unity for the greater number of ages may be roughly taken as •SvWmber of deaths), is an approximate expression for the average deviation from the expected number of deaths. The method of moments, if employed to represent a given series by a parabolic curve, assumes an equal probability of unit error in each term of the series. If, thex-efore, the series is of such a character that the extreme values are relatively small, these parts of the data will have somewhat less than their due weight in the fitting process. If, hoAvever, the formula to be fitted does not represent a parabolic curve, but a curve analogous to the normal curve he~^' >'^', say a curve of the form e«+6a;+ei'+&c. then it will be found that, on the assumption that the moan error in any value y is equal to v/?/i (wjiero i/, represents the graduated value of y) the metliod of moments gives the same result as the method of least squares when the observations are duly weighted (see Note F, p. 129). We come now to the class of curves representing not the actual numbers in statistical tables, but the ratios of the corresponding numbers in the double series, such as those of tables of " Exposed to Risk " and " Died ", curves, that is, representing such functions as rates of mortality, of marriage, of lapse, of superannuation, &c. The most interesting and important of these is the curve due to Makeham's development of Gompertz's hypothesis, in which the force of mortality at a given age x is represented by the expression /ii,^ = A + 13c^ leading to the equation log,o/x=K + A'.« + B'c^. This curve lias a double value as, apart from its use in graduating a mortality table, it lias the valuable property • See Note A, p. 110; .J.I.A., xxvii, 214. 64 that the values of annuities on n joint lives of various ages can be found from a table of single entry showing the values of annuities on n lives of equal age. Owing to its importance it will be useful to give some attention to the problem of fitting this curve to a mortality experience. We will first consider the case of an aggregate or non-select table, that is, a table in which the rate of mortality is a function of the age alone. Various methods have been employed to obtain the values of the constants A, B, c, corresponding to a given experience. That used by Makeham, and subsequently in a modified form by Woolhouse, is based on selected values of log Ix taken from a table already graduated by a finite difference formula. Four values of log Ix may be taken, covering practically the whole of adult life, say the values at ages 20, 40, 60, and 80, or 25, 45, 65, 85. Either set are sufficient to determine the four constants, K, A', B' and c, as above. In Woolhouse's graduation of the H^ Table, both of these sets of ages were employed, the most advantageous values of the constants being found by comparing the deviations between the graduated and ungraduated values of Ix at quinquennial ages according to the two preliminary graduations. If a single set of four values of Ix is taken as the basis of the graduation, the effect is the same as employing the sums of the forces of mortality (/ix+0 between the selected ages, giving equal weight to the values at each age. The method employed by Mr. King in the Institute of Actuaries' Text-Book, Part II., substitutes for graduated values of log Ix at isolated ages, the sum of certain groups of the ungraduated values of log Ix . The effect of this method would appear to be to give a diminishing weight to the values of ^x for the ages at the commencement and end of the table, which is so far in accordance with theory, and to eliminate the effect of errors in isolated values of Ix- In Biometrika (vol. i.,p. 298-303) Prof. Pearson has dealt with the same problem, basing the values of the constant upon the successive summations of log Ix . It is, perhaps, preferable to deal directly "with the actual exposures and deaths in a manner similar to that first described by Makeham (/.7.^., vol. xvi, p. 344). This can be readily done, and the same method of summations or moments applied as in the case of any other frequency curve. 65 Tabulate E^+i, that is, the number exposed to risk in the middle of the year of age x, and ^^ representing the deaths occurring between ages x and x+l. Assuming, as we may with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes,* that the force of mortality at age x+^, or the function colog ePx, is equal to mx the " central death rate " = ^^^ , we have If we knew the value of c, we could then tabulate the values of Ea.+4, Ejj+ic^^"*"^, 0x respectively, and summing these values continuously to the end of the table, and again taking the total of these sums, we should obtain equations in this form : — (22E,+4)A+ {ttEx^iC-^^)B = {-$t0x) a simple simultaneous equation for determining A and B. As a matter of fact, the value of logioC does not usually differ very much from "04, and in general it will be found that a small change in the value of log c does not involve a serious change in the general character of the table. In an important series of observations, however, we cannot assume the value of c. Either we must determine c by a method such as that used by Mr. Woolhouse or Mr. King, Avhich will give a sufficient approximate value, or we may adopt two or more alternative values of c, which appear likely to contain between them the true value. Having obtained the values of constants A and B for each given value of c, set out the expected or graduated deaths, and compare them with the actual numbers in suitable age groups. If the third summation of the differences of the graduated and ungraduated deaths is computed, it will be possible by •Assniniiif,' tlio usual table of Kj- and 6^. to represent accurately the facts and to be undisturbed at the older ages (where alone the point is of any importance) by entrances or by exits other than by death, then =yj; a acurately; and colog ePi= z-, . —, very nearly, where Wj; is the a " central death rate " :n — Ta" • '^^^ error caused by omitting the small term a in the denominator and taking colog «pj;= ^ - is only apjircciable at the "X ~\"x older ages, amounting to 1 per-cent in the rate of mortality where 2x = '3 or about age 90. 66 interpolation to obtain a value of log c, making these nearly equal to zero. Putting the matter into the language of moments, we shall then have made the first, second and third moments of the graduated and ungraduated curves equal, and in that way we shall have selected what may be considered the best values of the constants A, B and c* It may be objected that the use of this particular method is open to the same implication of giving equal weight to all the observations, as in the case of the values of Ix. We can avoid that objection by duly weighting the observations at each age by multiplying the " exposed " and " died " at each age by the approximately graduated values of {dx)~^- But although this would give suitable weights to the observations, if the curve of mortality were a parabolic curve, or if it were known to follow accurately Makeham's Law, it is not quite clear that it would do so in practice. It may be assumed that (when the constants are formed by reproducing the moments of the deaths) in not weighting the observations, Ave give less weight to those at the commencement and at the end of the table than they are theoretically entitled to. But this is not a serious practical objection, Makeham's law is only approximately correct, and as we reach younger adult ages it begins to diverge from the facts of observation ; on the other hand, as we reach the older ages the actual importance of the observations is less than the weight to which they are theoretically entitled, as estimated by the number of deaths, owing to the fact that the actual mortality at those ages does not materially affect financial questions such as rates of premium and reserves. Beyond this consideration there is also a degree of doubt attaching to the rates of mortality at extreme ages in any table.t Indeed, we may go further, and say that in all considerable tables of statistics the numbers at the extremes of the table are proportionately more affected by sporadic or accidental errors of observation than those in the body of the table. If we suppose that in a very small percentage of cases the ages of the " Exposed to Eisk " and " Died " are affected by errors of calculation, clerical errors in tran- scribing the data, &c. — these cases being removed from their true position and scattered at random over the table — the * See Note G, p. 131. + See my notes on this suLject in " PrincijDles and Methods ", p. 1-48. >67 efPect upon the data over the great bulk of tlie table will be insignificant owing to the large numbers under observation and to a balance of errors, but the effect upon the experience at the extremes of the table, where the actual numbers under observation are very small, may well be appreciable. Reverting to the problem of obtaining the value of c in Makeham's formula directly from the observations, we may endeavour to represent the curve of the " Exposed to Risk " by some frequency curve which can be suitably combined with the formula for jXx to represent the deaths— such, for example, as the normal curve y = ke-'=''''\ or the curve No. 5, y = 'kx''ey'', or by the terms of a binomial expansion {see Calderon, J.I.A., vol. xxxv, p. 157). Unfortunately none of these curves give a very satisfactory representation of the average form of the "Exposed to Risk" curve. In the case of the binomial, in order to get a tolerable fit, it will be generally found that the value of n in the expression — — (representing the general term of the binomial) must be taken small ; that is to say, the data must be arranged in somewhat large groups of not less than about 10 ages to a group. In either case it Avill be necessary, after obtaining a frequency curve fitting the numbers of the "Exposed to Risk," to re-compute the deaths on the basis of these graduated numbers. Thus, Avhile it is possible to determine the values of c directly from the observations, the process is laborious. In my opinion, it is preferable to use certain trial values of c which we know to lie near the truth, and, by a comparison of the resulting graduated deaths with the original facts, to select a value which appears to give the best general agreement, which may not always be that making the third summation of the deviations zero."^ There is a further point to be considered with respect to the nature of the differences between the original numbers, whether of deaths or of other observations, and the numbers obtained by a graduation following a formula such as that of Makeham. These divergences between the ungraduated and graduated numbers will in part arise from the smallness of the numbers under observation, and may in part arise from the fact that tlie formula does not accurately represent «• ,S'tfe Note G, p. 133. V 2 68 the true curve of mortality. For the majority of mortality tables, for male lives at the adult ages, Makeham's formula is so near the truth that we may in practice neglect the systematic errors and assume that the formula represents the true curve of mortality, determining our constants as though the whole of the deviations in the graduated and ungraduated curves are accidental and due to the smallness of the data, but for some tables, notably those representing the mortality of females, this will not be the case. Other expressions may be given representing approximately the curve of ixx, as, for instance, lx^ = ma^-\-nh'' (1) whence logioZx=K+Ma^ + N6^ (2) an expression which enables us to represent some mortality tables, such as those arising from tropical experience, that are not very readily represented by Makeham's formula. The values of these constants can be readily obtained either from 5 selected values of log la- or from the sums of the values of selected groups of the same function. The above formula for l^ preserves in a modified form the principle of uniform seniority. Not, however, in a very practicable shape as in order to compute values of joint-lives (any number) we require tables of h joint-lives of equal age for various values of h. It is of course evident from general considerations that the force of mortality on any number of joint-lives must consist of two terms, each of which is a member of a geometrical progression, and that if we can find an a^e w where the relative values of these two terms is the same as in the joint-life status, the actual values will be the same when multiplied by some suitable constant ^^ The required joint-life annuity will then be represented by the annuity on fc joint-lives all of-age w. Take as an example an annuity on the joint-lives of [x) and (i/). Find h and w so that log (rt-^' -f- ay) — Iog(&-^ + &^) a^ + aJ/ = ka'^ whence w= , it, log a — logo and k={a^ + ay)--^a'"=[h'' + hy)^l'« Then it is obvious that if we replace 'X and y by x -f- 1 and t/ 4- ^ 'k will remain unaltered and w will become 10 + 1, so that the 69 principle of uniform seniority is maintained. Thus, an annuity on x and y will be equal to an annuity on h lives all aged 10 ; or, since h will not generally be integral, it will be more convenient to say that a^y = a to where a' is calculated at forces of mortality always h times the normal force, age for age. Thus, we shall require tables, for various standard values of k, and we shall usually require a double interpolation, since neither ic nor k will usually be integral. The principle of employing the sum of two (or more) geometrical series to represent the logarithm of a function such as the number living may also be used Avith advantage, as will be seen later on, for census tables. (See the Sixth Lecture.) As an example of this formula, we may apply it to the column of log ?^ in the O^ Table. Taking the values of log Zj; for ages 20, 37, 54, 71 and 88, we have the following data : log Zao = 4- 98432 = K + Ma^o + N?>2o log ?37 =4-94279 = K + Ma37 + m^7 log l,^ = 4-85300 = K + Ma^^ + N&^* log Z., = 4-58086 = K + Ma"' + N6'i log ^88= 3-47509 = K + Ma^s + N//^ whence differencing, and writing Ma^(a'--1) = -M'; X?y-=«(?/--l) = -N' ; a''=a; h'^ = l3; we have M' + X' = log/2o-logZ37= •04153 = A M'a + X'/3 = log/,7-log/54= -08979 = 6 MV + N';82=log/M-logZ;i= -27214=0 MV + N'/S3 = logZ;,-log788=l-l()577 = D whence, noting that BD-C^ ^ AD-BC , ,3 70 we easily obtain : a=5-lU82 ; a= 1-1007 y3= 1-5243 ; h= 1-0251 M'= -0073886; M= --00026403 N'= -0341414; N= --039657 The following comparison of the values of Z.^ and decrements for quinquennial ages will indicate the approxi- mation of the formula to the 0*^ Table. Table XI. Values of Ix c^nd of {l.v — lx+i) according to the O*^ Table, as compai'ed toith re-graduation hy formula (2). Age I X Quinquennial Deceements Errors I By Formula Original Value By Formula Original Value 1 + — 20 96,453 96,453 2,129 2,066 63 25 94,324 94,387 2,467 2,445 22 • •• 30 91,857 91,942 2,896 2,947 • • • 51 35 88,961 88,995 3,443 3,528 ■ ■ • 85 40 85,518 85,467 4,158 4,205 . . > 47 45 81,360 81,262 5,108 5,077 31 • .. 50 76,252 76,185 6,350 6,266 84 ... 55 69,902 69,919 7,927 7,846 81 60 61,975 62,073 9,775 9,766 9 65 52,200 52,307 11,606 11,692 86 70 40,594 40,615 12,753 12,863 110 75 27,841 27,752 12,192 12,222 30 80 15,649 15,530 9,244 9,171 73 85 6,405 6,359 4,827 4,763 64 90 1,578 1,596 1,406 1,410 "4 95 172 186 167 179 12 100 5 7 5 7 ... 2 FIFTH LECTURE. Although m the preceding Lecture the application of Makeham's formula has been considered at some length, its importance is such that we may now touch on some further points, and particularly on the application of the formula to the graduation of select tables. The suitability of Makeham's formula to the graduation of mortality tables must be judged as we should judge the applicability of any other frequency curve to a given series of observations. That is to say, we must consider whether the observed differences between the graduated and ungraduated values (the computed and actual deaths) fall within what may be properly considered to be the limits of error. For practical purposes, owing to the great convenience attaching to tlie use of the formula, it is worth while to stretch a point in its favour. Instead, therefore, of merely considering the closeness of the agreement between the actual and computed deaths, we may consider how nearly the ungraduated and graduated monetary functions, such as the values of premiums or annuities, are in agreement. If this agreement is sufficient for our purpose, we are justified in adopting the graduation as given by the fornuila, notwithstanding the fact that at certain groups of ages the divergences between the graduated and ungraduated deaths may be greater than would be expected from the theory of probabilities. In this connection it is to be noted that our observations relate to past time, and that the quantities we are measuring are all liable to change with time. Hence in a graduation intended to form the basis of tables of annuities or premiums it is sufficient if the general character of the experience is retained without insisting too strongly upon a strict adherence to minor features. This is illustrated by the following table from " Principles and Methods" (p. 162), in 72 which we may anticipate for the moment the question of the application of Makeham's formula to select tables : Q[^] Whole-Life Participating — Males. 3 per-cent Premiums for £100 Assured. Age P[.l G-U Sprague's HtM] Select HtMl-Ot^H -(3) + Ungraduated Graduated + — (1) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 (2) 1-379 1-535 1-779 2-086 2-453 2-952 3-571 4-338 5-413 6-872 (3) 1-365 1-551 1-785 2-081 2-457 2-940 3-564 4-377 5-446 6-854 (4) -016 -006 -004 -039 -033 (5) -014 -005 -012 -007 -6i'8 1-563 1-703 1-925 2-218 2-602 3106 3-755 4-635 5-827 7-433 (7) -198 •152 •140 •137 -145 •166 •191 •258 •381 -579 Average 3-238 3-222 -004 ... 3-477 •235 Here columns (4) and (5) show how far the graduated select annual premium P^^^ for each age at entry, differs from the ungraduated value for the same age, while column (7) shows how far the annual premiums deduced by Dr. Sprague from the H'^^ data [Journal of the Institute of Actiiaries, vol. xxii, p. 391) differ from the premiums deduced from the 0^^^ Experience. The average difference between the graduated and ungraduated premiums (irrespective of sign) amounts to '015 per £100 assured, a quite insignificant amount; whereas the difference between the premiums representing the earlier experience and those of the 0'^^ Table, representing the experience of 30 years later, are all positive and average "235 per £100 assured. Only a part of the differences shown in columns (4) and (5) are due to any systematic difference between the mortality as shown in the 0^**^ data and that assumed by the formula. Assuming, however, that the entire differences were due to this cause, it will be seen that the changes introduced into the values of the monetary functions by using Makeham's formula are a very small percentage of the actual change that has occurred in the value of these functions during the course of 30 years. 73 Although, therefore, the differences between the graduated and ungraduated deaths do at certain points somewhat exceed the limits of the errors of observation, we are justified in using the graduated table as a standard for the future. Each case must, of course, be decided upon its own merits, and while the H^ Experience and the 0^ Experience have, with other tables, proved to be amenable to Makeham's formula, the latter cannot be treated as a " law of mortality ", to which all tables may be expected to conform. As already stated, its suitability must be tested, as that of any other frequency curve, but with rather more latitude owing to its practical advantages. In particular the formula is not generally suitable for tables representing the mortality of Eemale Lives. In the last lecture we considered various methods of determining the constants of Makeham's formula for /i..^, best representing a given mortality experience, in particular that depending upon the agreement between the totals of the graduated and ungraduated deaths and of their successive summations. We have so far, however, considered the force of mortality as a function of the age only, so that our results are applicable only to "mixed" tables of mortality, not to "select" tables in which the mortality is treated as a function both of the age of the life and of the duration of tlie assurance. The formula owes its value, beyond the incidental advantage that it gives us a very simple and effective method of graduation, to the relation it establishes between the value of an annuity upon joint lives of any age and that of an annuity upon the same number of joint lives of equal age. From the formula for the force of mortality according to Makeham's hypothesis /x^ = A + Bc^ it follows that the force of mortality for any number of joint lives, aged, for example, at entry a;, y, z, is given by the formula where c'^'= „ (c^ 4- r'' + c-) 74 where t represents the period elapsed since the date of entry. As a value of w satisfying this equation can always be found, and is independent of t, it follows that It is seen that the relation subsisting between the value of w and the values of x, y, z, involves the constant c only, and not the constants A and B ; hence, any variation introduced into the values of the constants A and B, having reference to the time elapsed since selection and depending only on t, will not affect the relation between the age w and the ages x, y, and z. We can, therefore, write the force of mortality at age x + t for a life select at age x as follows : /^w+e = A+/(0 + [B + ^(0]c-+^ . . . (1) and still retain the relation when c'" = - (c^ + c^' + c=) . o Equation (1) may obviously be written in the form /t[,Ht=A, + B,c*+^ (2) or alternatively, if, as is often more convenient, we work with the values of colog^^.i-^ in the form cologioi/[,r]+^ = a^ + Ac-'^+^ (3) where A, and B^, or at and ^t, may be any functions of t, but are not functions of x. We can thus represent the rate of mortality as a function both of the age and of the time elapsed since selection and so approximate fairly to the rates of mortality shown in an " analyzed " or " select " mortality experience, while retaining most of the advantages arising from the use of Makeham's formula. The two functions of t have probably a tendency to become constant as t increases but do not necessarily become so within any special period from the date of entry ; they may continue to change slowly throughout the whole duration of the table, and in theory, no o in in o o N O o in o in CM O O o o o O o O O O 1 o p r O 1 o i O r o o o o o. Oi 00 2 < O < TD Q) jj TO 3 X) CO c_ cr> c * ■3 (0 (..> u ^ m ^ C j_> CD a_> _ «0 10 o CM o 6 o (VI b o (^ If) 10 C\J CVJ C\J o 10 o d o CM O o o o o o o" o o o eg o" o o o' o o o o o" o o o o o o IT) o O' o o o o o o g. O) 00 TJ Q) CO D TJ CO 1_ CT> C 3 (O ■D el CO (0 CO O ■o 0) c o CO ±J o c C/J 0) 3 ^ (0 C/) > K ., so far as this difference was due to change in at, containing a term similar to that due to /3j v/ith the addition of a further term representing a geometrical series rapidly diminishing as t increased. The final form of the equation for the 0^'^'^ Experience was as under — Having determined the form of this equation, the simplest method for determining the constants is to express in terms of them the difference between the computed deaths by the ultimate table of mortality, and the actual deaths for each age or each group of ages and each year of assurance. We have in that way a series of equations for determining the values of these constants m, m', c , n, and hence of A, and B, for each value of t, similar in principle to the equations used for determining the values of the original constants A and B. The only point that arises is as to Avhat particular way we are to group the observations to determine those values. The value of m in the above formula having been ascertained witli a view to representing as nearly as practicable the effect of selection upon the constant B, there remain in all, four unknown quantities in the fonnula to bo determined, and the actual equations used to 78 determine them were formed by taking the first and second summations by ages of the whole of these expressions, representing the difference between the " select " and " ultimate '' rates, first for year of assurance alone, and then for the whole of the ten years. The selection of these particular groups is, of course, not a, question of principle, but of convenience. Each case must be treated with reference to the nature of the curve of selection, as brought out by the statistics, and such a process adopted as appears to be calculated to bring out the best results in the particular case in question. It may happen in certain tables that it is inconvenient to trace out the effect of selection for so many years, and in particular this is the case in a table representing the mortality of annuitants. In such a table the effect of selection (which is here the self-selection of the annuitant) persists for a very long time. In a table of insured lives, owing to the cessation of new entrants in middle life, practically at about age 55, the mortality at the older ages is but slightly affected by selection. In the case of annuitants, where there is a constant inflow of fresh lives up to 75 or 80 years of age, the mortality is affected by this cause throughout the Avhole extent of the table. To completely represent the effect of selection in such an experience will require an elaborate series of tables, showing for each entry age the value of annuities for each year elapsed since entry for many years duration. The tables given in "' Principles and Methods", pp. 124, 125, show that as regards the 0"'" and 0"-^ Experience, and doubtless the same feature would be found to be general, the values of the expectation of life ten years after entry are appreciably greater than the values for the same ages derived from the "ultimate" rate of mortality (e[j.]+io>e,i.+io). Consequently, if the graduated rates of mortality for the first five or ten years froin entry are employed in conjunction with i*ates representing the aggregate mortality after five or ten years, as the case may be, the ultimate values of the annuities, and also the values of the date of entry will on the whole be under- estimated. In any table used for the grant of annuities it is, however, most important that annuities at the date of entry shall not be undervalued, and of only less importance that the values in succeeding years shall be such as may be safely employed in estimating reserves. Any method. 79 therefore, of treating an annuity experience Avhicli tends to underestimate the values of annuities is clearly unsuitable. Full weight must accordingly be given to the effect of selection, but to avoid the heavy Avork involved in a complete analysis, the expedient may be adopted of computing a hypothetical table of mortality Avhich will correspond to the values of the annuities, let us say, five years from the date of entry. If this can be done successfully and the rates of mortality for the first five years joined on smoothly with the rates in such hypothetical table, we shall then have a correct measure of the value of annuities at entry and for the five years following, while thereafter the values will be slightly, but not seriously, overestimated, an error which Avill be on the right side. We may take as our basis either the values of the " expectation of life " or of the annuities at a suitable rate of interest. We will assume the former to be adopted. As these values (e[r]+5) will depend upon separate groups of data, \\z., the entrants at individual ages, it will not be practicable to construct an ungraduated table of jp^ from the formula g Px=T—r^ the irregularities in the individual values of e^ leading to anomalous results. A better plan will be to graduate the table of expectations. For this purpose, we may assume any frequency curve which will represent these expectations satisfactorily, for example, a curve such as \ogxQex=^a + hx + cx^ + da'?-itfx^. We may employ values of Bx deduced from the experience of individual ages at entry, or we may combine the entrants in quinary groups of ages, taking due account of the true average age of each group of entrants. The only point of importance where difficulty arises is the weighting of the different equations. These are not of equal weight because the expectations of life, as deduced from the unadjusted experience, are based upon a smaller or larger experience, as they fall at the extremes or in the middle of the table, and some method must be devised for giving due Aveight to this fact. This may be done by simply Avoighting the equations Avith the actual number of entrants at that particular age, and much may be said for this method although it slightly underestimates the Aveights at the extreme ages. If Ave are dealing, for example, Avith the 80 values of annuities, and approximately the same result will be arrived at when working with the expectations of life, the plan of weighting the unadjusted values in proportion to the number of lives entering at each age, would make the total cost of all the annuities by the graduated table the same as by the ungraduated, an agreement that would have some practical value. In the alternative, we may consider that each value of the expectation of life (or of the annuity, as the case may be) should be weighted in proportion to the reciprocal of its average error. Thus if e[.i]+5 = A + z, where A is the observed value and z the average error, we shall have e . A -M+5 _ ^^ j^ |g difficult to determine satisfactorily the z z — '' average error in the value of the unadjusted expectation of life,* the problem being complicated by the incompleteness of the observations due to the " existing." A fairly satisfactory method of estimating the average error would be as follows. Taking the series consisting of the values of e.x for all values of x, each of those values depending on a given age at entry only, we may assume that the observed second differences of these quantities e^-x — ^e^ + ex+i, which, in a well graduated table, would be very small, are due to the errors of observation in the values 6^-1, e^, and e^+x. In any particular group of entry ages, we may say that the average of the central second differences (taken irrespective of sign) will be, on the average, proportional to the average error in e^ for that particular group. t Computing the average values of the central second differences (without sign), for various sections of the table, and drawing a smooth curve through them, we should obtain values from which suitable relative weights for the individual observations could be deduced. This Avould be a very fair method of determining practically the weight to be attached to the values of e^. in different parts of the table. Or we may proceed, as was actually done in the case of the annuity experience graduation, by assuming the error in the value of e^ to be a function, first, of the total number of deaths in the experience representing the particular entry age, and secondly, of the age x. This method may appear somewhat arbitrary, but as only the relative weights * See, however, the Sixth Lecture, pp. 100-104. fThe average value of Cj; - 1 — 2e^ + e^+i ^'iH '-^e '^^^ times the average error in ex. 81 are in question, it is sufficient for the purpose. It must be understood that the relative weights adopted do not very greatly affect the results. The values of Makeham's constants as deduced, for example, from the values of log l^ for ages 25, 45, 65, 85, thus giving equal weight to the observed value of mortality from ages 25 to 85, would not generally differ materially from the values resulting from a careful system of weighting, although, of course, the latter are to be preferred. Assuming the " exposed to risk " to remain unchanged, the average error in the observed number of deaths is approximately + *8 Vnq^i — q) where n is the total of the " exposed to risk " and nq the total deaths. The average percentage error in the total deaths will, therefore, be proportionate to +^J ^ • If we suppose that this average error is distributed uniformly through all ages passed through by the particular group of entrants, we can then arrive at a rough estimate of the average error in the observed value of ^xi by computing the effect of a change of, say, 1 per-cent in the mortality rates throughout. The assumptions here are not strictly accurate, as errors in the value of e^, arise not only from the total number of deaths being greater or less than the expected amount, but from the manner in which the excess or defect of mortality is distributed through the table. The neglect of this second source of error will not, however, seriously affect the relative weights arrived at, and for practical purposes the relative average errors in the value of 6^, will bo dependent, first, on the average error in the total deaths observed in the experience from which it is deduced, and second, on the extent to which a given percentage error in the mortality distributed unifori^ily through the table will affect the value of ejc. The product of these two factors may be taken as representing sufficiently approximately the expected error in the value of e^, remembering always that this estimated error is not an absolute, but a relative measure at the various ages. When this is done, we have, by taking the reciprocals of those quantities, the weights which we shall give to the observed values of e^ in order to determine our constants. It is necessary to point out that this process, while suitable for expectations calculated from entrants at a particular age 82 or small groups of ages, will not apply to aggregate tables ; for in their case tlie percentage error in the total deaths above age x steadily increases as x increases, so that this method would produce weights steadily diminishing from the youngest age to the oldest, which would obviously be incorrect. Notwithstanding the important effect of selection on mortality, it is frequently ignored, as in the H"^^ and 0^^ Tables. It is important to consider, therefore, what is the net effect in a mortality table of neglecting altogether the factor of selection. Considerable additional labour attaches to the use of select tables for valuation purposes, and the question may be asked what kind of errors do we make if we neglect the fact that mortality is a function not only of the age, but also of the duration of assurance, and treat it simply as a function of the age as it is treated in the 0^^ and H^^ Tables. In a mortality table representing assured lives the effect will be seen if we compare a table like the H^ Table with a table like Dr. Sprague's Select Table, or if we compare a table such as the O^^ Table with a table like the 0^^^' Select Table : Comparison of Annual Premiums for the Assurance of 100 (S per-cent interest.) Age HM H[M] OM OtM] Sprague 20 1-427 1-563 1-306 1-365 25 ]-625 1-703 1-524 1-551 30 1-880 1-925 1-790 1-785 35 2-193 2-218 2-116 2-081 40 2-589 2-602 2-524 2-457 45 3-114 3-106 3046 2-940 50 3-801 3-755 3-730 3-564 55 4-725 4-635 4-641 4-377 60 5-987 5-827 5-872 5-444 65 7-705 7-433 7-557 6-853 If we compare, as is most convenient, either annuity or premium- values, we shall find that the effect of ignoring the element of selection and treating the mortality rates as a function of the age alone is that, at the younger entry ao-es, premiums are underestimated and annuity-values are S3 overestimated."^ The 0^^^' premiums should^ properly speaking, be compared with those derived from a table representing the true aggregate of the select tables, but no such table is avail- able. There is a point, which is in general somewhat greater than the average age at entry, at which the two curves representing the premium values for the mixed and select data cross each other, and for the older ages the premiums by mixed tables are greater than those by the select table. The extent of the differences in the premiums is sufficient to render it necessary, in adopting a basis for assurance premiums, to take into account the question of selection. The only plan by Avhich the use of select tables can safely be avoided, is either by adopting a special form of loading or by throwing out altogether from the data upon which the premiums are based those years of assurance which are seriously affected by selection, that is to say by employing a table of the H-*^ "'^ or O'"'^ type. We then obtain a table which at all ages overestimates the values of the premiums and underestimates the values of annuities. A table representing " ultimate " rates of mortality, that is, of the 11^ ■■^^ or 0^^'"^ type, is therefore a safe one to employ for the grant of assurances, although not for the grant of annuities. There is, indeed, very much to be said for the use of a table of that kind for assurance purposes, but, to discuss that question, we should have to go into the finance of life assurance valuations, which hardly comes within the scope of our subject. With a view of avoiding the necessity for select tables, a device was adopted by the American offices in their first experience denominated the "final series" method. Tlie object was to produce a table not entirely unaffected by selection, but in which its influence would be reduced to a minimum ; a table of mortality similar to that which might be supposed to prevail in an office of great age doing a uniform and steady new business. To produce that result the lives *This is shown, in the table above, to l)o tlie case both with the IP^ and U-^' Tables. Unfortunately, however, in neithei- case is the coini)ari80u very satisfactory. Dr. Sprague's H'^'i ])remiunis from the method of their calculation are ])robably somewhat hij^her tlian the true values, and in the case of the O*' Table we are comparing select premiums based in part upon the aggregate of the select tables, excluding lirst ten years from entry, with 0^^ premiums based upon an aggregate table from which there had been a further elimination of duplicate assurances. G 2 84 existing at the close of tlie observations were traced out through a hypothetical future in which they were assumed to be subject to rates of mortality and lapse identical with the rates actually observed in the past among lives of similar age and duration. The minor details of the pi-ocess we may pass over. The result from a financial point of view is that the premiums are still underestimated for the younger insuring ages^ although not to the same extent as in a table of the H^ type, and are overestimated at the older ages, the point at which the values cross the true curve being earlier than would have been the case had the "final series" adjustment not been used. There are some practical difficulties in adopting a method of this kind. One of these is that after some 15 or 20 years' duration the observed rates of mortality for individual ages and years of assurance depend on a very few facts. We then have to apply the very irregular rates resulting from those iew facts to much larger numbers, including the existing lives that have been brought back hypothetically under observation ; so that where these irregularities become inconveniently large, the application of the method must cease; or else these irregular rates must be subjected to some process of graduation before being used in the calculations. This difficulty could be met by using a species of QMdr.) Qj. QM(2o) rj^^^iQ fQj. j.-g],g Qf 15 Qj. 20 years' duration and upwards, instead of the rates of mortality deduced from individual years of assurance. There are, however, other objections to this method as an expedient for counteracting the effect of a too short average duration of assurance. As the rate of mortality amongst assured lives cannot strictly be treated as a function of age alone, but is also dependent upon the duration of assurance, so the rates of sickness in a Friendly Society, or of re-marriage in a Widow's Fund, are affected, respectively, by the duration of membership, or of widowhood. Sufficiently approximate results may, however, be generally arrived at in these cases by treating the rate of sickness, or of re-marriage, as a function of the age alone : in the former case because the effect of selection is not very great and is soon exhausted, in the latter case because the average constitution, as regards the duration of widowhood, of a group of lives passing under observation at a given age will be found to remain fairly 85 constant (unless the Pension Fund is of recent establishment) and the financial effect o£ a marriage when it occurs is a function of the age only. Where, hoAvever, we are dealing with rates of dis- continuance or lapse, it is important that these should be analyzed both as respects age and duration. Owing to the fact that the financial effect of a discontinuance is mainly dependent upon the duration of assurance, very erroneous conclusions may be deduced by treating the rates as functions of the age alone as has sometimes been done. If this course is adopted special precautions must be taken, such, for example, as deducing the rates from a body of lives representing the " existing " some 10 or 20 years back, and excluding from the " exposed to risk " all more recent entrants, as proposed by Mr. A. W. Watson {J.I.A., xxxv, 313-4). SIXTH LECTURE. I N the concluding Lecture we shall deal ^vith some miscellaneous points of general interest or arising out of the previous Lectures. We have already dealt with the nature of the modifications of Makeham's formula for the force of mortality, necessary to enable us to represent satisfactorily the mortality shown by select tables such as the 0^^^^. These modifications consisted in treating the quantities A and B or a and yS in the formulas /am+< = A + B.c-^-+^; cologioPM+« = a + /3.c-^+^ which are constants as regards the variable x, as functions of t the time elapsed since the date of selection. It is clear that a similar course may be pursued if any other formula than Makeham's is employed in the graduation of the " ultimate " table. Thus we may write where A^ and B,; will in general be such functions that, as t reaches a certain value, at which the select and ultimate mortality rates merge. A,; becomes zero and B^ unity. The form of these expressions employed for representing the effect of selection suggests that a similar form may be employed for representing rate of discontinuance, which in general may be taken to be a function of the duration of assurance and of the age at entry. The same remark applies to such a function as the rate of remarriage amongst widows, which is, similarly, a function of the duration of widowhood and of the age. 87 Altlioucrli we have dealt at considerable leno-tli with the use of Makeham's formula in connection -with mortality tables^ there are some further remarks to be made as to its employment in certain special cases, more particularly in connection with the age statistics at a Census. If we suppose a population which is (1) subject to uniform rates of mortality, corresponding* at the adult ages to Makeham's formula, (2) such that the numbers living- represent the survivors from a number of births increasing annually in a geometrical progression, and (3) is subject to a rate of emio-ration or immio-ration uniform at all ages, then if Z'^. represent the numbers in the population, at a given moment of time, passing through the exact age x, obviously the curve of V x will follow Makeham's formula, and if we write d , di "^ /' X we shall have a formula similar to the usual formula for the force of mortality, but with the constant A increased by r, the rate per annum at which the population is increasing; that is to say, the " natural " rate of increase less the rate of emigration. It is true that hardly any population will be found to conform very closely to the above assumptions, but nevertheless it will be frequently found that the population curve for the adult ages does conform to Makeham's formula for h-, although in most cases it will be necessary to adopt Makeham's second development of Gompertz, with the additional constant in the expression for /jijc. If the population is given, as is usual, for decennial age groups {e.g., 15-25, 25-35, 35-45, &c.), the values of the ordinate for the middle age of each group may be obtained with sufficient approximation by deducting from each term Uj. of the series repi^esenting the numbers in successive age groups one twenty-fourth of the central second difference V 24 y 88 From tlie values of I'x thus obtained, by writing log Z'a;=K + s.;r 4-gr.c^, or, log l'x = ^ + s.x + h.x^ + g.c^ as the case may be, the constants may be determined as for a mortality table. Take, for example, the male population of England and Wales, enumerated at the Census of 1901, as under : — Table XIL Jifale Population in Age-groups : England and Wales, 1901. Cpiitral Age Group Numbers* Ordinate "- 24 log (3) Alog(3) A- log (3) A3 log (3) Col. (4) Adjusted (1) (2) (3) C4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 15-25 94,693 25-35 76,425 76,373 4^8829 -•1093 •1415 4-88349 35-45 59,394 59,371 4-7736 -•0322 -•0138 - -0485 -•0987 4-77301 45-55 55-65 42,924 27,913 42,863 27,838 4-6321 4-4446 -•1875 - ^2820 -•4752 - ^0460 -0945 4-63269 4-44401 65-75 14,091 14,541 41626 -•1932 416319 75-85 5,080 4,868 3-6874 3-68681 85-aud 552 OVPV *To reduce the magnitude of these numbers, the figures used are those corresponding to a total population (M & F) of 1,000,000 as given in the Census Report. This, of course, does not affect their relative value nor the form of the curve. Here, evidently. Col. (6) cannot be well represented by a Geometrical Progression, but with Col. (7) this is possible without very serious changes in the values. This would give a formula corresponding to Makeham's second modification of Gompertz, viz., log Z'.^. = K + A.T + A' . a;2 + B . c^ for the values of the logs of the numbers living at age x, given in Col. (4). As these numbers are only approximate, and our object is merely to show the applicability of the formula as a base line, we may adopt a very simple method of determining the constants, similar to that used by Mr. Makeham in his paper on the Law of Mortality {J. I. A., xiii, p. 338 et seq.). If the terms in Col. (4) are alternately 89 diminished and increased by a quantity z, the quantities in Col. 7 Avill become -•0138 + 8;^ -•0485-82 -•0987 + 83 These terms can obviously be made to form a geometrical progression by suitably determining z, and their common ratio, found by dividing the sum of the second and third terms by the sum of the first and second, will be equal to 14.7-^ ^—^ = 2-363. Dividing the sum of the first two terms by 3-363 we get -0623 Q.Q/^o = —"01853 as the adjusted first term, giving 82=— 47'3 and 2=— 59. Hence the transformed series for Col. (4) is as shown in Col. (8), where the progression accurately follows Makeham's second development. It is on the whole more convenient to deal with the numbers living above age x rather than the numbers for the decennial age groups. If we treat the numbers in Table XII in this manner, representing the numbers living above age x by the expression log Qx = K + 7?m-^ 4- « &^ we shall have the results set out in the following table, where the values of the constants have been determined by ignoring the extreme values of log Q^ at ages 15 and 85, and equating the sums of the values of the above expression to the values of OogQ25 + logQ:«), (logQ35 + logQ,3), &c., by which means we obtain for the values of the constants log a = -006420 (ma^^) = -1-0582 log &= -035184 (n7/") =— -007933 K = 6-4222 The five figure logaritlims of Q^. were employed in the calculation, but, owing to the nature of the process, the fifth figure in the graduated column cannot then be relied upon ; the logs have therefore been throughout cut down to four figures in the table, which is quite sufficient for the purpose of illusti'ation. 90 Table XIII. Male Population living ahove the undermentioned ages. — England and Wales, 1901. {Based upon figures in preceding Tahle.') Proportional logQ'x logQ'«- -logQx Age Numbers logQ:c AlOg Q;, AlogQ'^ X Qx K + ma^ + nh^ + — 15 321,672 5-5074 - -1514 5-5059 -•1498 ... •0015 25 226,979 5-3560 - -1783 5-3561 --1785 •0001 ... 35 150,554 5-1777 - -2179 5-1776 -•2177 ... •0001 45 91,160 4-9598 - -2764 4-9599 -•2766 •0001 ... 55 48,236 4-6834 - -3754 4-6833 --3753 ... •0001 65 20,323 4-3080 - -5573 4-3080 -•5574 ... ... 75 5,632 3-7507 -1-0088 3-7506 -•9218 ... -0001 85 552 2-7419 2-8288 •0869 ... The practical identity of the curves at all ages except 15 and 85, -which values were not used in determining the constants, suggests that very accurate results might be obtained by making nse of a curve of the above form for interpolation of intermediate values of Qa?. It has been proposed to employ Makeham's formula to represent the curve of sickness rates at successive ages, and this has been done with a certain degree of success, but the practical advantages of the formula as applied to sickness rates are not very apparent, as it is usually necessary to know not merely the total sickness rate at each age but its division into sickness of various durations, as the number of weeks per annum during the first six months of illness, from the sixth to the twelfth month, after the twelfth month, &c. As Makeham shows {J.I. A. xvi, 414), the ratio Weeks sickness experienced in the year of age Exposed to risk in middle of year of age is not a function similar to /i.^ but to q^, since it has a definite limit, namely, 52, or 1 if the sickness is expressed in years in lieu of weeks. Hence if we represent the above ratio by the symbol cS^,, we should write log(52-s^)=A + B.c-^. 91 Where, by the constitution of a societj^ there is no formal superannuation, the sickness benefit continuing throughout life, it is almost invariably the practice of actuaries in using Sickness Tables for the purpose of computing contributions or valuing benefits to assume that the so-called " sickness " will become chronic after a certain age, 70, 75, or 80. In such cases, as the rates of sickness actually employed ^vill generally be much below the maximum of 52 weeks, we may use log (N—Sx) = A + Bc-^ . The value of N must be determined by trial. Mr. King has given an example in the graduation of the values in the Text-book mortality table at the youngest ages of a further application of Makeham's formula, the term Bc-^ in the expression for the force of Mortality representing, of course, equally well an increasing rate of mortality as in adult life or a diminishing rate as in infancy and childhood. In the common case of an asymmetrical series the terms of which become zero, or very nearly so, at each end, the following method of employing the "normal'^ frequency curve to represent the series will often be foimd convenient and effective, particularly if the data are presented in the form of a few groups. Let the successive ordinates of the curve be represented by the equation y=f(^x); we shall assume the total area of the curve to be unity and the area of curve between the limits cr= 00 and x = t will be {^ydx. Let us write Yt=\ ydx=-^A e-''dt so that Y„ = 1 = " / V TT e-'^dt where z is a function of t, the form of wliich is to be determined by the data. For most purposes it will be sufficient to treat z as a parabolic function of t, but it will be seen later that there are certain cases in which a different hypothesis as to the form of the function z is to be preferred. An example will make plain the method of proceeding. Take the 0^' data as summarized on p. viii of the volume of Unadjusted Data (Whole-life, Males). In the last two columns of the table tliere is given the ''proportionate distribution per-cent " of the exposed to risk and died. Taking tlie figures there given we obtain the following tables. 92 The values of z are found by entering a table of 1 x/ TT l-'\li for + and — arguments with the values in the second columns of Tables (XIV) and (XV) . We may employ a table such as that given by Woolhouse (J. I. A., vol. xvii, p. 50) or that given on pages 138, 139, at the end of these lectures. Note, however, that in each of these tables the function tabulated is -y- e~'-''dt, say I^, for + arguments only, so that the total area of the curve from -co to +go is 2 instead of 1. Hence, if Y^ is > ^ we must put _1 1 , 2 2 -s/ttJ t"- dt so that z takes the value corresponding to the tabular value lz = 2Yt—l. Similarly, if Y^ is <^ we put 2- negative and numerically equal to the argument, giving l2=l — 2Y^. Table XIV. 0^^ Data. Exposed to Rislc. Age t 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Proportion Exposed to Risk above age t 1 r^ - ^- e-t'-dt Values of 2 Az A-3 A^z A^z A^'z 1-00000 •99991 •99584 •90060 •65989 •39810 •18795 •05951 •00927 •U0039 00* 2^6500 1-8660 -9086 •2915 - ^1826 - ^6261 -11023 -1-6650 -2-3750 -•7840 - -9574 --6171 -•4741 -•4435 -•4762 - -5627 -•7100 •3403 •1430 •0306 -•0327 - -0865 -1473 -•1973 -1124 -•0633 - ^0538 -•0608 •0849 •0491 •0095 --0070 -•0358 -•0396 - -0165 * Theoretically the values of z corresponding to a total frequency of 1 and are respectively ±oo. As however s=±3 corresponds to Y = ^999989 or •000011, «= ±3-5 to Y = ^99999963 or ^00000037, and s= ±4 to Y = '999999992 or -000000008, it will he seen that any value of z over 3 will sufficiently represent the complete distribution or the zero value, and in practice it would be quite sufficient to insert at the ends of the table any convenient value of s over 3, and consistent with the general run of the intervening terms. 93 Table XV. 0^^ I>ata. Deaths. Age t 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Proportion of Deaths above age t 1 Z'' Values of z Mean Error of in last place of decimals As A-s A^*- A'z A'z 1-00000 1-00000 •99925 -97565 •88854 •74174 -53731 -28908 -08169 -00590 00 * 00 * 2-2450 1-3939 -8618 -4587 •0663 - -3932 - ^9856 - 1-7806 ±192 ± 48 ± 28 ± 24 ± 23 ± 24 ± 32 ± 82 -•8511 --5321 - -4031 --3924 - -4595 --5924 --7950 -3190 •1290 ■0107 -•0671 --1329 --2026 --1900 --1183 --0778 --0658 -•0697 •0717 •0405 •0120 - ^0039 -0312 -•0285 -0159 * See note at foot of Table XIV on precediiicr page. It is to te noted, that in lieu of the integral of the normal frequency function, the function e^/(l + e') may be used, leading to a method of procedure similar to that referred to on p. 51. The column containing the mean error or standard deviation of z in the table of deaths is computed as follows. If the total of the series (in this case the total deaths) is n, and the total above a given point (in this case the number of deaths above age €) is tn, then the mean error in m is equal \in. (?(, — m) -r^ . . ^ 1 T 1 1 to A/ . J? rom this can be calculated the mean errors of the values in column (2) . The change in the value of z corresponding to a given change in the values of —1— e~^'dt in column (2) being known from the table of this function we obtain the values in column (4). These standard deviations are not inserted in the table of Exposed to Kisk^as the principle upon which the mean errors in the proportionate distribution of the deaths are computed is not strictly applicable to the table of Exposed to Risk^ Avhen the latter represent observations spread over a long and continuous period, although it would be applicable if the numbers dealt with represented the exposures in a single calendar year. If we examine the columns of the successive differences of z in the two tables, ignoring the infinite values of z 94 corresponding to a total distribution of unity we shall see that they exhibit a remarkable similarity in the nature of their progression, especially from the columns Ah onwards. It will also be apparent that a very small alteration of the orio-inal values of z in either table would be needed to make the fifth differences constant ; that is, we may assume without serious error that z = a + bt + c. -^ — - +&c. In order to obtain the closest agreement with the original facts due regard would have to be taken of the Aveights corresponding to the mean errors in the value of z as given in the table. But we shall obtain results quite good enough for all purposes by the following simple procedure. It will he observed from the values of the mean errors that the values of z for ages 40 to 70 have approximately the same weight, those for ages 30 and 80 have somewhat less weight and finally those for ages 20 and 90 much less. If we combine the values of z in sets, thus, Z20+3z3o + 24o; 2^30 + 3^40 + 250; &C., with their corresponding numerical values we shall obtain six equations to determine the six coefficients, a, h, c, . . ./. Into these equations the values Zao and z^ will enter once, the values 2:30 and Zgo four times, and the remaining values five times. We need not compute the numerical values for all these equations as it will be evident that if we write them down and difference them we shall arrive at the following : 5ft + 5& + c— 2-20 +3230 + ^40 = 7-2885 5Z; + 5c + cZ = A (200 + 3230 + 240) = - 2-8505 5c + 5cZ + e = A2(2oo + 8230 + ^40) = -7167 . 5cZ + 5e +/ = A3(z2o + 3.^30 + ^40) =- '6227 5*^ + 5/ =A^(,-,^ + 32-3o + ?:4o)= -2052 5/ =A?{z^ + ^z^ + z^ = - -1326J From these equations the values of /, e, d, &c., can be obtained with great facility. 95 Having obtained a formula for z in terms of t, we can now obtain any term in the series and can also obtain the value of y, the ordinate representing the number of deaths at age X {i.e., approximately between ages x—^ and x+h) since y= f, dz dt and — =A^/— ^rzf+ - A^iv— A^^/+ A^^.. dt ^ 2 ^^3 ^ 4 ^^5 ^ It will generally be sufficient to compute the values of y for decennial or at most quinquennial intervals and to interpolate the resulting values of qx or vi^ for the inter- mediate ages. The values of the quantities a, h, c, &c., satisfying the above equations, are a= 2-24374 h=- -849365 c= -316624 d= --186796 e= -067560 /=- -026520 It may be of interest to give the adjusted values of z and the distribution of deaths corresponding to these which are as under : Table XVI. 0^^ Data. Deaths. Adjusted values of z and adjusted distrihuiion of Deaths. 1 2 Last column more ( + ) or Age z less ( — ) than corresponding column in Table (XV). + 6136-15 1-00000 • »• 10 3-69061 1-00000 ... 20 2-24374, •99925 30 1-39438 •97569 •00004 ... 40 •86166 •8884.8 •0OOO6 50 •45872 •74174 •ooooo 60 •06640 •53740 •00009 ... 70 - -39352 •28893 ... •00015 80 - -98173 •08188 •00019 90 -1-78289 •00585 ... •0OO05 100 -2-U022U •OO0O2 ... ... 96 The principal objection to this adjustment^ paradoxical as it may sound, is that it too closely follows the original facts, the deviations being very much smaller than the probable errors of the observations. This is, of course, due to the fact that we have included too many constants in our formula. A constant fourth difference in the values of z, however, mav lead to anomalous results, and a constant third difference makes the errors of adjustment too great. The best plan in such a case would be to adjust the exposures by using a constant third difference, to recompute the deaths to correspond to the adjusted exposures in the 10 year groups and then employ a constant third difference for the graduation of the death curve. Or, as an alternative, an expression for z may be assumed of the form z = -k + m + n a-\-x b + x and the values of k, m, n, a, h, determined by weighting the equations in a manner similar to that shown above for the fifth difference curve. We have used the 0^' data to illustrate the above process, but generally speaking the latter will be found more useful where the data are only available in large groups, and, in particular, where the limits of the series are not well defined. In the following table we have a statement taken from Supplement to the Registrar-General's 45th Annual Report, p. cxviii, showing the number of Innkeepers, &c., living at or over certain given ages. Table XVII. Innkeepers, Publicans, 6fe. (1881). Ages t Living above age t Proportional numbers J GO Values of 15 232,890 10000 00 20 230,280 •9888 1-6147 25 222,213 •9542 1-1929 45 105,153 •4515 - •0862 65 14,451 •0620 -1-0877 It will be seen that more than 50 per-cent of the numbers living are in the age-group 25-45, and nearly 40 per-cent in 97 the group 45-65. In such a series the usual methods of interpolation would probably give unsatisfactory results. If we treat the values of z as having constant third differences, we obtain the following equations, taking five years of age as the unit — a =1-6147 a-^h =1-1929 a + 5/; + 10c + 10cZ= - -0862 a + 9& + 36c + 84cZ=- 1-0877 h, c, and d are the values, reckoning from age 20, of the differences of z. The values of a and h are e-iven immediateJv and solving the remaining equations for c and d we obtain — «= 1-6147 c = -04863 &=--4218 d=_-00782 which enable us to form at once the following series of xj^uinquennial age groups. Table XVIII. Innkeepers, Publicans, Sfc. (1881 Census). Age Interpolated Values of Corresponding Values of 1 2 Proportional Population between t Z * Age t and {t + 5) 15 2-0930 •9985 97 20 1-6147 •9888 346 25 1-1929 •9542 774 30 •8197 •8768 1221 35 •4874 •7547 1499 40 •1880 •6048 1533 45 - -0862 •4515 1376 50 - -3429 •3139 1119 55 - -5904 •2020 834 60 - -8360 -1186 566 65 -1-0876 -0620 342 70 -1-3534 •0278 176-7 75 -1-6407 •01017 73-5 80 -1-9577 -00281 22-5 85 - 2-3121 -fX)053 4-7 90 -2-7117 -00006 •6 j RcjjreEcnting the populiitinii living above age x otit of a total j)()imlati()ii of 1. H 98 It will be seen that tins distribution shows a small number of cases below age 15. This may be avoided if it is desired to commence the curve at and not before that age, by writing m 2 = t — 15 + ai-ht-\-ct- giving = h + 2ct — dt ' (i-15)2 m the term ^ — ,^ being introduced in order to give the high t — J. O values of z required near the origin, or, we may write as suggested above, in connection with the 0^ data. z , m n = k+ - . h a + a; h + x the value of a being taken iu this case as equal to —15. This form for the value of z will be found very convenient where the series is known to be limited in either direction and the number of groups is small. In certain cases either a or h may be known, and we have, then, only four constants, m, n, h, and h or a, to determine, for which four groups will suffice. Or it may be convenient to assume values for both a and h, in which case with four groups we may write t + a 1 + determining m, n, k and c from the data. In the case of any statistics intended to be used by the actuary, it is important to consider not only how far they are- suitable for the purpose for which they are to be employed, but also whether the data are sufficient to render the conclusions drawn from them safe. We have already referred to this question in general terms, but it is necessary to consider it rather more closely. In practice the actuary has to deal either, (1), with tables based upon a large number of observations; for example, tables such as the 0^^, the Government Annuitants, the Manchester Unity Tables of Sickness, &c., where the 99 accidental errors due to the limited numbers are practically insignificant, but where, on the other hand, there may be uncertainty as to the suitability of the experience for the case in hand ; or, (2), with data of more limited extent but known to be applicable, as in the valuation of a pension fund of a Friendly Society by tables based upon its own experience. In the latter case it is important to be able to form some judgment as to the extent of the probable errors involved in the use of the data and their effect upon the financial values deduced therefrom. This is a problem not susceptible of an exact solution. It is true that if the series of numbers representing the deaths, marriages, or retirements, as the case may be, can be represented by a frequency curve, the probable error of the constants may be obtained in the manner shown by Professor Karl Pearson in his paper on this subject. But these results will be little practical use to us, as the manner in which these probable errors, which are not independent, will affect the monetary values deduced from the graduated rates is too complicated. We can only deal with the problem in a very general manner. We . are not even sure that the ordinary theory of errors is applicable ta such functions as rates of mortality, sickness, or superan- nuation ; indeed, we may well suspect that it is not strictly applicable. If the probability of throwing head at a single toss of a coin is one-half, and if in 100 throws 54 heads appear to 46 tails, we do not suppose that the probability of the average number of 50 heads appearing in the next 100 throws is affected. But in the case of the probabilities of death it may well be that an abnormally high or low rate of mortality in a given year may affect the probable rate in succeeding years, and that there may be a tendency for the deviations from the average result to correct themselves, a low rate in a given year leaving a larger number, and a high rate a smaller number, of impaired lives surviving, and thus changing for the time being the constitution of the group under observation. The " standard deviation " in the value of a^ as deduced from a given experience has not, that I am aware of, been estimated. It will be instructive to attempt this, as an example, for the 0*'(^> table. It will be sufficient to use approximate methods, as the results will be quite accurate H 2 100 enough for our purpose. We shall assume that we may take C0\0geP = m= —^~ and that if the standard deviation in log y = cr, then the standard deviation in y = cry.* Taking the observations at a given age x, let us put exposed to risk =^2- graduated or " true " rate of mortality = q graduated deaths =nq =0 actual deaths =nq + z = d' observed value ox a =q =(]_+- y where, as we have seen, the average value of z is zero, the average value of z'^ = nq{l — q), &c. {see p. 110). Then the observed value of m = m' where ^^' — — ''^^ + ^ — _ — i [_ (terms in powers of z) nq + z , q = m+fiz), say = colog,p+/(z) It will be found that the average value of /(z) is not quite ^ero though very nearly so, being equal to w^^^ + ^A nearly, a quantity that may be neglected; and that the vi^ average value of [/(z)]^ is — very nearly, and m . /i V average value of [/(z)]^= y Hence, the standard deviation in the " central " death (or marriage or secession or any similar) rate is very nearly equal to the rate divided by the square root of the number of deaths (marriages or secessions, &c.). The errors in log^^? are of *If logcey liave the small error a, y will be changed to e'o8.j/+o-=^.eO- =_y(l + 0- + . . .), i.e., the corresponding error in y will be ay ncarlj-. 101 course the same, but of opposite sign to those in colog ep. Let the observed value of loge^.r be logep'x' We will write '^Ogep'x = '^OgePx + ^lx where u^ is the error of observation whose value in a particular case is fixed but unknown, the average value over a long* series of similar observations being zero, and the average 1 £ -> 1 • (colog ep^y (wj.)2 , . ^, value ot ^rJ. being ^— ^ — — or ' : where no is the nqx nq^. graduated number of deaths at age x. Taking an arbitrary radix for our mortality table, say l-c, the values of log l-^+f for ages above a- will be logeZ'j. = loge^x logel'x+l = '^Ogelx + l + «x 'i0gel'x+t = '^0geh- + f+{Ux+1lx+l + --- + Ux+f-i) similarly, we shall have logD'x = logDj: and for higher ages loge'D'x+t = 'i^Oge'Dx+f+ (iix+ »x+i+ • • . + n.v+^_i) whence, on the principle of approximation laid down above, JJ x + t -L'x + C/i Summing this for all values of t from 1 to infinity, we shall have Here the quantity in the bracket in the numerator is the error in the value of N'^ as deduced from the observations in relation to the value of D'^,. corresponding to the arbitrary radix assumed at that age. The average value of each term in the bracket is zero, and the square root of the sum of the average values of the sfjuares of these terms divided by Dj. 102 will give the standard deviation in the value of o! x as deduced from the data, which, omitting the suffix x, becomes 1 . 5j ^Ju^m^ + ti,2N,2 + u^'&i + , &c. If the mortality table be graduated the standard deviation of the graduated values of a! x will be somewhat less than that of the ungraduated values, but not materially less, except at the ends of the table, the principal eifect of the graduation being merely to produce a smooth progression in values. We might assume, for example, that the effect of graduation was about equivalent to substituting the average error of five successive values of N'^- for the error of the middle value. This would give (omitting a quite insignificant term) the expression for the error in the graduated value of a ^ in lieu of the expression given above. If we shorten the expression for the standard deviation of a X from 1 , -^^s/xi,m^^-u,m^^ui-^^^ , &c. to its approximate equivalent ; 1 , . fr \/hxii . Na^ + bu.^ . N;^ + Sitj./ . N.o^ + , &c. , and, further, take 25[colog,(p,)]2 Observed deaths between x and {x + 5) we shall considerably shorten the labour of calculation, and at the same time, by slightly underestimating the required value, make a rough allowance for the effect of graduation. We are now in a position to compute a table of standard deviations for %. for quinquennial intervals of age, the principal steps of the working being set out in the table following. The final columns showing the mean errors or standard deviations in the value of ax and the corresponding mean errors in P.^ found by dividing the former results by the quantity (l + flx)^-* * If rt,r liave ail error 0-^., then Pj- will have the error Vl + a^; / M + «a; + (r.T; / 1 + "x l + ax + tTx (Tr = (^a:-^(l + a;c)- nearly. 103 Table XIX. Computation of the standard deviations (Tx in the deduced values of ax and ctx -^ (l + '^'j;)^ «« the deduced values ofVx- Age 25[colog,ii)x+.2]- xlOO Deaths between Ages X and = 10-=(2)-(3) xlO-* 1 Sum of last column ( P + q) - P + np" 'q + -^- 'f' -q- Up + qY = \0xv"+\ do L d + . . . + npq^ ^ + q'' X n2f + 2 X -^^ -p" -q 2 and q. -~(p + q)" = dq + . . . +{n-l)npq'' - + ??'?" ^ lxnp''-'q + 2x'"^'"--^^p''-'"q^+ ... +wg"] 1st moment. 109 Similarly, if we differentiate the last series with respect to q, and multiply the result by q (to restore the power of q which is lost in the differentiation) we shall have = 2nd moment ; and so on, so that [fth moment] =q-r\it ~ l)th moment.] dq Thus, the first moment = qUp + qr dq = nqip + q)"-'^ Second moment = Q T [m(p + ^)" ~^]= nin - 1 )q-(p + '?)""- + nq(p + q)" ~ ^ dq Third moment = ql[n(n-l)q%p + qr-' + nq(p + q)"-'] dq ^n(n-l)(n-2)q%p + qr-' + 2n{n-l)q-ip + qr-' + n{n - \)q^{p + q)" ~ " + nqdi + g)" " ^ = n{n-\){n-2)q^{p + qY-''-VMn-l)q-{p + qY-- + mip + q)"~^ Fourth moment = q— [third moment] dq = n(n - l)(n - 2)(n - S)q'{p + q)"-' + 'Mn - l){n - 2)q^p + q)"-^ + Sn{n -\){n- 2)q\p + qT'^ + 6n(w - \)q\p + qf ' ~ + n{n- \)q-{p + q)'"'~- + nq{p + q)'"-~^ = n(n - l){n - 2){n - 3)q'(p + q)>'-' + 6/iU - l)(n - 2)q%p + qY-^ + 7n(n - l)q-(p + qy"- + nqip + g)"-^ Putting unity'" for all the powers of (p + q), these expressions are the same as previously found — see eiiuations A. * 'I'liis may not be tlone at any earlier stape because the differentiations are with respect to 7, takimi p constant, wluTt-as to substitute p-\-q = \ before f1Ili!^biIlg llie (liffcrentiationB would niakey> vary with q. 110 We have thus obtained the moments round the origin. Thence the moments round the mean may be found by the formulae on p. 41. Thus fX2 = m-i - {mi)'' = n{n- \)q- + nq - trq' = nq - nq' = 7iq{\ -q) =7ipq pi3 = m-i - 3/«i . [1-2 - mi = n{n - 1)(?« - 2)5'^ + 3n(« - l)q' + nq - 3irq~ + 3n'q^ - n^q^ = nq - Snq- + 2nq^ = nq{ 1 - 3g + 2q") = nq{l -q){l - 2q) = npq(p - q) Hi = riu - 4?«i . (x-i - 6m{'.fi2 - r«/ = nq[{n^ - 6n' +11%- 6^ + 6(n- - 3% + 2)q^ + 7{n-l)q + l - inqil -3q + 2(f) - Q>n^q-{\ - q) - wV] = nq[3{n - 2)q^ - 6(w - 2)g- + {3n - 7)g + l] which reduces to nq{\-q)[3{n-2){\-q)q+l] = npq\3{ii - 2)pq + l] It is evident that all the even moments must involve p and q symmetrically ; while the odd moments will invoh^e a symmetrical function of p and q, together with the factor {p - q), because they must vanish when p = {7 (i.e., when the curve is symmetrical) and must only change sign when p and q are ti'ansposed. It may be convenient to repeat here the Author's demonstration given, J. I. A., xxvii, 214, of the value of the average deviation from the mean irre'^pective of sign, that is, treating all the deviations as positive. If we suppose the event to happen 111 times in the n trials the deviation from the mean number np will be (»i - np)) which, since p + g is always equal to 1, may be put in the form [inq - {n — m)p\ Ill This will be positive or negative as m is > or < np ; and the probability of this particular deviation will be 71 . . . {in+ 1 ) „, „ - w \n-m The gi'eatest positive deviation will be nq (when the e^'ent happens at all the n trials) ; the greatest negative de^"iation - vp (when it fails at every trial). Hence, we have the following scheme, in which m is to be taken as the next integer ! (w + 1)2 — {n—m — l)p \n-m-l ^ ^ « . . . f HJ + 1 ) n — m — \ ^ '■ m . . . (w + 2) » — >n— 2 mq — (n — m)p n . . . (m+ 1) n — m ^ ^ n . . . ni Vii — m^^ > »...(»» + !) |» — Wl — 1 ^ ^ If ... ... ... q-{n-\)p w^2*^ - 1 npqn - n . (m — l)^2gn - 1 i 1 g» — 7ipq'>' If the final column of ])roducts is examined it will be seen that each positive term is cancelled by a similar negative term in the succeeding jiroduct. Hence, the total of the products, that is to say, the average deviation, is zero, showing that np is the true mean result, the positive and negative deviations from which 112 exactly balance each other. Of the terms above the horizontal line, representing the positive deviations, the sum is, of course, equal to the only uncancelled term, - ; ' ' ^"'+y p^'^+Y-'", \ n - 111 - 1 and similarly of the terms below the line representing the negative deviations the sum is ^ -— ^p™+^g" '"■. n — m—1 Hence, the average magnitude of the deviations, that is, the total of 3very possible deviation multiplied by its probability, regardless of sign, is o . n. .(m+1) 71-731-1 vi+l^n-m 2\n ■m n-m— I pm+Y-^ri _ _ (^) which, since the sum of all the probabilities is necessarily 1, will also be the average or mean deviation. This result is exact, not approximate, but where n and rii are large numbers it is necessary to simplify it by tlie^use of Stirling's formula, which gives for large numbers \n= v27r7i"+*e~" nearly. Put {a) into the equivalent form 2\n{n-m) „t+i^n-m . 'III 71 - m using Stirling's approximation to the factorials, we have = n''+hii-^"'^Hn - m)-^''-"'+^n - m)p"'+Y~" J2 TT Since m is the integer immediately below np, we may write m = np-h ; n- m = iiq + k (where k is a fraction) ; hence, we get V- »'"{»Ki - -); -lUJ-i+k _ \ nq/J I, k -"5 + 5 i-k -k np+l-kq)iq+k > TT \ npJ V Tiq/ 1 np but where np and nq are large numbers, I: being a proper fraction, the last factor is A^ery nearly equal to 1, and (1 j and 1 H — -) are very nearly equal to c^' and c~^" respectively ; hence, nq/ the above expression reduces to a/ "■ npq = -79788 Jnpq = ^ Jnpq very nearly. 113 Although this result has been obtained on the assumption that np and nq are large, it will be found to be very approximate even for small numbers. As an extreme case, suppose 120 lives at risk, the probability of death in each case being -02 ; the "expected" deaths would then be 2-4, and the extent by which the actual deaths would, on the average, exceed or fall short of this number would be given by the formula as - n/2-4x -98 = 1-227. 5 The true value of the average deviation given by formula (a) is 2 120J2M18(.oo)3(.98)ns = 1-243, almost identical with the approximate result above, 114 NOTE B. On the Use of Logarithms of the Unadjusted Terms OF A Series. Consider the number of cases out of a given series falling into a particular group ; or the number of deaths, or analogous events, at a given age or group of ages, accruing out of a given number at risk. Suppose the series to consist of n cases in all, and let the true probability of any case falling into the particular group be p, and let m = np. Let the observed number of cases in the group be m = m + z, where, as we have seen, ~ has an average value of zero, z^ has an average value of n z^ has an average value of np{\ -p){l- 2p) ^ ^Il(lLzlllk^M, &c. If we operate with the logs of the observed quantities m, we must avoid by arbitrary grouping cases in which m is zero, or m in very small when the logs become infinite or very great ; but when this is done we shall still find the logs of the ungraduated numbers less on the average than the values of the graduated (or true) numbers. This may be easily seen from a simple example. Let 11 = 4, and p = l,m which case m = np = 2. The observed values of m may be anything from to 4, and we shall have the following possible cases : Values of m' = m + l Relative frequency of these values log m' Products (2)x{3) (1) 1 2 3 4 (2) Ti? 4 IS 1 (3) ^-•097 •000 ; •301 •477 •602 (4) (say) -•030 •113 •119 •038 Total 1 •240 115 Here, to avoid the cases in which the observed value of m' is zero, we have combined the first two groups, taking four cases in which m' = 1, for one case in which m =0, thus giving an average value of m'=-, the logarithm of which is --097. Notwith- 5 standing this device our average value of log m' is only -240 as compared with the value of log m = -301 (where m = 2 is the true value or average value of vi). Assume that on the average log[Hi'(l +l')] = \ogm ==log[(m + ,~)(l+/.-)] = \ogm+ - - -^ + -^, &c., + /.• - ~+ Sco. m 2m-' dm 2 Whence k— — h &c. — — - + -^^, — £-^, &c. Insert the average values as given above for z, z^, &c., 1 Jc^ c n- m (n - m){n - 2m) , „ A— - + &c. = - — - ^ -^V^3 + &c., 2 2nm dn'm" or, omitting terms of the second order, , n-m , A;= ^ nearly, 2nrn which, again omitting terms of the second order, may be written n - in h = 2nm log [m'il + k)] = log m' + ^~~^ = log , 1-;/ where p is the observed value of the probability p. If this expression be substituted for log m in the example given aljove, we should have as the sum of the products of col. (2) X col. (3) the value -309, which is very much nearer the true value -301 than the uncorrected value in the above table. If we take larger numbers, as n= 100, m = np — 10, we shall find ])y a similar process the average value of logiofm'n -^ j is -99987 as compared with the true value of log /y« = 1-00000. Where the num1)ers n and m are very large, the correction, of course, Ijecomcs insignificant. 116 It may be shown in like manner that, if we are dealing with the reciprocals of the observed values, then, on the average, 111 7 = - nearly, m +1 -p in and again, on the average, III ^ — — = V m Eeverting to the question of the use of the logs of the ungraduated quantities, it will be found that if the above results are made use of in practice, the logarithms will be over-corrected. The reason for this is that we do not eventually arrive at the true values of log rii and log p, the graduated values being still aflected by an outstanding or unbalanced error. If our series consists of a large number of groups, these outstanding errors will be com- paratively sm.all, and the above correction will not be much in excess ; but if the number of groups is very small, our graduated quantities must necessarily follow rather closely the original values, and the use of the above formula would largely over-correct the series. Suppose, for example, Ave had a series of ten groups. We should require about five groups to obtain the general form of the curve, or to determine the constants of any frequency curve employed,, hence the errors of the gi'oups would only be reduced by the ratio of approximately — r- and the correction h as shown above should be reduced by half, and proportionately in other cases. ll: NOTE C, Ox THE Rationale of the Method of Least Squares. In statistical work it often happens that a number of constants, entering into the known mathematical form of a given function, have to be evaluated from a much greater number of observed values of the function. We may, for example, have three constants, such as X, y, z, in the expression Ix + )ny + nz = F, and fifty observed values of F (embodying different values of the coefficients /, m, n) from which to determine the constants. If the observed values of F were rigidly accurate, any three of them, or any three combinations, would suffice to determine the constants, and it would be immaterial what set of three was selected, since all would lead to the same results. But generally the observed values of F will be affected by errors of observation and hence will not be strictly consistent ; and taking the above example each of the ' — ^ — - — =1960 diflerent sets of three individual equations would in general produce different values of the constants : so that, apart from the prohiljitive amount of labour required in the solution of so many equations, we should have no means of deciding which was the best or most advantageous solution, or how to combine the solutions in order to ol)tain the best average results. The method of least squares sujjiilies the means of combining the original observa- tions in such a manner as to produce a number of eiiuations, equal to the number of. unknowns (in the above example, three), the solution of which by the usual process leads to the most probable values of the unknown constants. Suppose that the observed function F is a linear function of the variables x, y, r, of the form Ir + iiiy + n: . . . , and that the errors in the observed values of F follow the "normal law", so that the l)robability of an error k is projjortional toe~'^^^''^, where the standard deviation of F is —7-. We shall furllirr suppose that the equations V2 118 have been so Aveighted that the vahie of c is the same in each of the observations, or that the " precision " is uniform. Thus, for example, if in a given equation the proljability of an error of k in the observed value of F is proportionate to e~^'^'^^, with a standard deviation of -4-, then multiplying the equation by -, we shall have an equation with a standard deviation of — 7= as before, and n/2 the probability of an error k will be proportional to e~^"''^" as required. Let there be t equations as follows (where t is supposed greater than the number of unknowns, say s) : lix + miV + riiz + . . . -WiF = ki lox + vioy + noz + . . . -W2F = h. (A) Itx + mty + ntz+ . . . -tVtF = kt- where F represents the true value of the observed function and A'l, k-2, . . ■ the errors of observation. The chance of the errors being, by hypothesis, respectively proportional to e~'^'^^''\ g-^2^/c- _ _ _ ^j^g chance of the conjunction of these individual errors Avill be propor- tional to e"''''^''''"'*'''"-'''^^"'"- • -^j which will obviously have its greatest value when the quantity in brackets is a minimum. Now, the most probable values of the constants will be those that give the greatest probability of the observed event, i.e., the happening of the given combination of errors. Thus, the most probable values will be those making [jiY/c^ + k.j'^/cr + . . .] or ~kt^/c^ or 2A'(^ a minimum— hence the name " method of least squares." Now we have 2Ar = 2[(/,7: + mty + ritz + ... - w.F)^] and since ,r, y, z . . . are supposed to be independent, the minimum value must correspond to such values of .r, ?/, ~ . . . as will make the partial differential co-efficients of this expression, with respect to X, y, z . . . , all vanish.'"' Hence we must have, omitting a common factor 2, ,A (B) ^[tStX + mty + ntZ+ . . . -mvF)] = ':^[mt{ltx + mty + ntz+ ... - w^F)] = :^[nt(ltx + mty + ntz+ . . . -WtF)] = ^c, &c., &c. * These conditions, though necessary, are not in general .sufficient to ensure a minimum, but in this ease it is obvious that a minimum exists because high negative values and \\\gh positive values of x, y, e . . . alike give large values to the function. 119 (the sunmiation extending to all values of /) as the system of equations, s in number, for determining the most probable values of .r, y, z. Hence the rule : " First prepare the equation by multiplying each by its proper weight (the reciprocal of the probable error or standard dcA-iation), thus giving a set of equations with a uniform p.e. and s.d. Multiply each equation by the coefficient of x and add all the results together ; next multiply each by the coefficient of y and add all the results together, and so on : the resulting aggregate equations, solved in the usual manner, give the most probable values of the constants." It will be seen at once that if there is only one constant to be determined, the method based on the normal law of error gives the weighted aA'erage, i.e. the total of the weighted values divided by the total weights, as the most probable. Conversely, it may be shown that if the Aveighted average is the most probable value, then the facility of error must follow the normal law. Apart, however, from any hj-pothesis as to the law of error, it may be shown mathematically that the method of least squares gives results which become more and more nearly accurate as the number of observations increases. Considerations of a more general kind will also lead to the conclusion that the method must produce very good results. Without giA-ing any definite form to the law of error, it is obvious that large errors are less probable than small, and that the most advantageous system of values for the unknown constants Avill be that which produces, on the whole, the smallest numerical dcA-iations (irrespective of sign) between the adjusted and observed values of the function. Xow, if the law of error is supposed unknown, we cannot investigate mathematically the conditions required to produce a minimum deviation irrespective of sign ; and the simplest function of the errors which is independent of sign is the square of the errors, which will be the same for a positive or negative deviation. and at the same time attributes a rapidly increasing importance, or disadvantage, to the errors as they increase in magnitude. Hence we can see, in a very general way, that a method which gives a minimum value to the sum of the squares of the errors, is likely to lead to satisfactory results consistent with elementary notions as to the nature of the errors. Moreover, in actuarial work we usually have to do with numbers sufficiently large to make the normal law of error very near the truth. Reverting to the system of equations (B), it will easily be seen that if F is a parabolic function of the form x + ay ■ira'z + . . . the equations for determining .r, y, z, . . . ^c, are equivalent to reproducing ^Y , laY , ^^Y {^ti^, 'ZwY.a, &c., if the eciuations are weighted), i.e., the successive moments of the observations. 120 It has, so far, been supposed that the function F is a linear function of the constants x, y , z, . . . If this is not the case, suppose that the equally weighted equations, from which the values of a;, y, z, . . . are to be found, are of the form fi{x, y, z . . .)- WiF = Jci foio; y, z . . .) - WoF = h - . &c., &c., &c. ...(c) where /i, /o ■ . • are known functions of the variables x, y, z . . . By means of t of these equations, or of t combinations from amongst them, or otherwise, find approximate values of x, y, z . . . say x},y^,z^ . . . ; and suppose that x = x^ + 8x, y = y^ + 8y, z = z^ + 8z, &c., where it may be supposed that 8x, 8y, 8z . . . , representing small corrections to be found, are so small that their squares may be neglected. Then if dfx I fi=fiix\ y\ z' . . .) ; fl = f-J,{x\ y\ zK..) &0 ax ax + and so on, equation (C) will become &c. &c. . . - tViF = ki &c. J y (D) These equations are linear functions of the small corrections 8a;, 8y, 8z . . . which can accoixlingly be found by the rules already derived ; and hence are found the corrected values x = x^ + 8x, y = y^ + 8y, &c. The process can l)e repeated, if greater accuracy is desired, until the corrective terms become insignificant. In the important particular case of a graduation by Makeham's formula, the original equations are of the form U'_^.^i.(A + B/^-^) da- W ^■+:;E I -i -2. {w being the " weight "). Approximate values of the constants, say 121 A, B', c, being found, the resulting equations for determining 3A, SB, Be are as follow, /x'^ representing A' + B'r;'^ : (2^)8A + {^w. c "^ bsB + {^w^c '" L- + l^Bc (:Sw . B'x +lc" 2 )SA + (2w . B'x + - c'-'')8B + {22r.B'-(.r+l)%'--i|s, 1 ,a;— For an example, see J.I. A., xvii, 161-71. 122 NOTE D. On the Use of the Binomial Curve to Repkesent A Continuous Series. If the Binomial curve y = , — j- — pY'' ^ niade high contact with \x \n-x the axis of x at the points x= -I and x = n+l, where y becomes zero, it could be conveniently employed to represent a continuous curve in lieu of representing merely isolated ordinates ; as in that case the moments of the continuous curve would very closely agree with those of the isolated ordinates. The same would be true of any series of equidistant points on the curve supposing these to be fairly numerous. If, for example, we suppose the values of y tabvilated for every integral value of xh, then the tth. moment of the curve would be increased by multiplication by the factor h\ and from the observed numerical values of the first 4 moments h and the remaining constants could be obtained. As, however, the curve y cuts the axis of X at an angle at both limits, this method of proceeding will lead to approximate results only when n is fairly large. The area of y treated as a continuous curve may be approxi- mately determined from the well known approximate formula /•"+! ,1 11 rfdv\ fdy\ 1 j_^ y.dx= -.j-^ + yo^. . . + yn+ -^.A+, + i^LltJ-i -UAJ y-i and yn+\ being of course equal to zero and the series yo + yi + ■ • -Vn is the expansion of ip + qY^ where we assume p + q=\, and is 1 1 therefore also =1. As the factor jT vanishes for a; = - 1 ; and \Jj Jv — Jy vanishes for x^n + l, we have \dx/ n+i \x^ ■'^ dxn-x/n+i n+l 123 d 1 . , , , si^ce — |- as IS known = 1 when x-- -I. Hence the area of the curve y becomes ydx=l + ^.~^.(^ +£_) •'-I 1271+lV pq J Analogous expressions can be found for the approximate value of the moments fxydx, Jx-ydx fydx ' fydx ' '^''- but the relations which result do not lead to sufficiently convenient formulae for practical use. 124 NOTE E. On the relations between the Successive Moments and THE Successive Summations of a series. The relations given on p. 60 may be systematically demonstrated, and developed to any extent that may be required, by means of the ordinary interpolation formulae combined with a table of the power-differences usually known as the " Differences of Nothing " —see Text-Book, Part II, Ch. xxii. Art. 11 ; Sunderland's "Notes on Finite Differences ", pp. 24-5. We have, by the ordinary interpolation formula, . x.x-\ .1 % = Vo -t- a;A?;o + — - — A «;o+ • and hence % . ■z^a; = % -^'o + ^^Wa; • ^"^o + ~^ — % • ■^"^'o + • • • so that %ia^V:c) = (-»a;)^'o + (^xiQ . Avq + ^i ^'-^' n^j . A'c^ + . . . = {-Euoho + {^\) • At'o + (2'«.o) . A\-o + ... using the notation of p. 60. Put Vx = x"^ and we have 2a;"\ w^ = (2wo)0'" + (2-»i)A0'" + (:S^fo)A-. 0'" -f- . . . Putting «i equal successively to 1, 2, 3 ... , taking the differences from the table of the differences of nothing, and noting that the first term vanishes whatever the value of m, we can write down at once — ^X.Ux = '^'Ul ^ ^x^lx = ^'^h + ^^% )..A 2xhtx - 2-i/,i -I- 6^% + G^% Ixhix - 2-«i + ?>0^\i. + 1502^% + 2402'«4 + 1202^i/J These equations, divided by Sifo give the expressions for the moments set out on page 60. 125 Taking next the usual central difference formula, — On + — — : Cn ^ ^^ iL Vx = Vq + xao + — ^'o + , ,r(a:^-l)(a;2_4) "^ g '' — lQ + XaQ+ 19^ oi ,„ CqH r; "0 + {x-l){x-\)x{x+\){x+2) Co 2 i2 [3 _^ {{x + 2){x + 1K>; - 1)} + {{x + IM^ - l)(a: - 2)} dp ^ ^ 2 ■ 14 "^ Thus, If, 1*0 the law of the terms being manifest ; or, abbreviating the expression by the single symbol ^'ux+i, the series may be -written ^{uxvx) = {^Uo)vo + {^\)ao + {'^\h) h + i^'u.) A) + . . . Putting Vx = x"\ forming the central differences of r/;"* as shown in the scheme below, we write doAvn at once 2.XIIX = 2 Ml ^c'ux = 2l\i B 126 v = X2 v- = a;3 1 v=x* X Vj, A A- X Vx A A2 A=« jr Vx A A- A» A^ -2 4 -3 -3 -27 19 -3 81 -65 -1 1 -1 2 -2 - 8 7 -12 6 -2 16 50 -15 -36 (0) 1 2 -1 - 1 1 - 6 6 -I 1 14 - 1 24 -12 1 1 3 2 (1) 1 (6) 6 (0) 2 1 (0) 24 + 12 2 4 1 2 3 1 8 27 7 19 6 12 6 1 2 3 I 16 81 14 15 50 65 24 + 36 The simplification in the formulae is, of course, due to the fact that when m is even the odd central differences vanish, and when m is odd the even central differences vanish. It is sometimes required to find moments of the form For this purpose we may use the formula {see " Sunderland's Notes on Finite Differences," p. 32) — r(,r-l) xix-l){x-h) ■'Ox = i(vo + vi) + (x - I) At'o + '""2 "' 2 A^(^o + v-i)+ "ig"" — - A^'t- - 1 . x{x-l){x+}){x-2)l 2 A*(r-i + r-o) + , 1 / \ 1 / 1 \ A x(x —1)1.0/ \ _, 1 (a-+l).r(.^-l) + a;(^--l)(a;-2 ) . « , +- — • , L\ t' - 1 2 3 + {x+l)x(x-l)(x-2)l A\v-i + v-o) Avhence we find, in the same manner as before, that commencing with ViWi, we shall have 2vx.wx = ^wi.'-^' +2Vii.Aro + 2V- ^(A^t'o + A^^-i) + SV,iA=^^!- 1 + 3-^3 J (A\'-i + A%-o)+ . . . 127 Putting ., = ^-^4-.;) =^-^^^ the following Table shows the values of (2.r - 1)'" and its differences, whence Vx and its differences will be found by dividing by 2'". F 2x-l (2:r-l)' A (2x-l)= A A- (2x-l)^ A A"- A3 (2x-l)^ A A- A=« A^ I -5 — 5 2 25 -16 -125 98 625 -544 L -3 -3 9 8 - 27 -72 81 464 2 - 8 26 48 - 80 -384 ) -1 -1 1 8 - 1 -24 1 80 384 2 (1) (8) (0) 2 (0) 48 (1) (80) (384) L +1 + 1 2 1 8 8 + 1 + 24 26 48 1 80 80 384 384 I +3 + 3 2 9 16 8 + 27 + 72 98 81 544 464 5 +5 + 5 25 + 125 625 Dividing by the appropriate power of 2 and inserting the values of - (^0 + vi), A?\„ ^ {A'Vo + A^v- 1), &c., the last formula becomes ^ ^/2.r - 1\ 2.VxWx = 2( — ^ — I = (when m = l) -"Wij Wx , commencing with ( - ) zvi (C) = (when m = 2) 2'^Wo + - Smi 4 = (when m = 3) 62^tv.,i + - ^rwi^ 4 = (when m = 4)242%3 + b^hv. + "^ ^ic^ 16 Writing now ui = u-q, and so on, i.e., reckoning the ordinates from zero, so that the moments are of the form ^^(7) +"3( ' ) + . . . these become 4 4 N in^ = 2i'^'i(.,}. + 5^^Ui),+ — -MA 16 (T)) 128 This will be made clearer by a numerical example. Take the following series. Distance from origin X Ux multiplied by 2 = d Vx X d Ux ^ d- Vx X d^ ttx X <£■* -5 16-74 1 16-74 16-74 16-74 16-74 1-5 15-69 3 47-07 141-21 423-63 1270-89 2-5 14-70 5 73-50 367-50 1837-50 9187-50 3-5 12-99 7 90-93 636-51 4455-57 31188-99 60-12 228-24 1161-96 6733-44 41664-12 -^-2 = -f-4 = ^8 = -^16 = 114-12 290-49 841-68 2604-01 The alternative method by summation will be as follows : X Mx 2zij ^-Ux 2%,: 2^"x 25«x •5 1-5 2-5 3-5 16-74 15-69 14-70 12-99 60-12 43-38 27-69 12-99 144-18 (114-12) 84-06 40-68 12-99 137-73 53-67 12-99 204-39 (135-525) 66-66 12-99 79-65 12-99 114-12 22%i+72:«A = 2x 137-73+^ x 60-12 4 ' 4 = 275-46 + 15-03 = 290-49 62*M2+- -""1 = 6x135-525+ - x 114-12 4 4 = 813-15 + 28-53 = 841-68 242^M2i + 5SVi+ A-wi = 24x 79-65 + 5 X 137-73+ — x 60-12 16 ' 16 = 1911-60 + 688-65 + 3-76 = 2604-01 With a heavy series of terms, the saving of labour by the summation method will, as may easily be seen, be very considerable. A further saving of labour may be obtained by calculating the moments round some convenient central point, and thus breaking up the series into two parts in the manner indicated in Mr. Elderton's treatise, pp. 22-33 ; and any of the formula described in these notes may be applied in this manner. 129 NOTE F. On the Identity of the Method of Moments and Method OF Least Squares in the Case of an Exponential Function. Suppose y an exponential function of x so that 2/ = e«+^^+<^^^+'^^- = e^say. Then if y be taken to represent any group in a frequency distribu- tion where the number of groups is large the probable error in y will be approximately Jy. Assume the true values of y, i.e., the true values of a, i, c . . . , to be approximately known, and let the observed values of y be denoted by y. If, then, we weight each equation y -(r = Q by the factor — .-, writing 'Jy J-{y'-,^) = Q ....... (1) we shall have a series of equations of condition in which the probable error is in each case identical ; that is to say, they will be suitably weighted for the application of the method of least squares {see Note C, p. 117-8). Writing y' = {y + U.'^y-+Bh. ^ff + &c.) da do = 2/ (1 -I- 5a + x. 85 + x^. 8c, &c.) equation (l) becomes \[y{l + U + x.^h + &c.)-(f] = .... (2) sly and multiplying each C(iuation successively by the coefficients of -8«, oh, iK;c., i.e., by-^-, ^-'-x,-^^ x', &c., and taking the sum of each v2/ "Jy "Jy 130 set of products, according to the rules of the method of least squares, we get I[y{ l + 8a + u'.8b + ar . 8c, &c.) - r] = 2MI + 8a + o:.8b + x\8c, &c.) - o\e'] - &c., &c. as the system of equations for determining, according to the method of least squares, the small corrections to be applied to the approximate values a, h, c, . . . used in obtaining the approximate values of y. Now, obviously, if y is so taken that ^xiy-e'') =0 2ar{y - e') = 0, &c. i.e., if the values of the constants a, h, c are found by the method of moments, &c., the above equations are satisfied by 8a = 8h = 8c = 0; that is to say, the corrections are zero, or the values found for a, i, c ... by the method of moments are in conformity with the method of least squares on the assumption that the observations are properly weighted by multiplying by the factors — ,--, the weights \ly being assumed invariable. It may, however, be supposed that small variations in the constants, a, h, c, . . . would produce slight variations in the weights, in which case other solutions may exist which would also lead, by the method of least squares, to equations satisfied by 8a = 8J = 8c = ; but as it is well known that small differences in weights have practically no effect on the results, it is evident that any such alternative solution must be very close to that already formed. 131 XOTE G. On obtaining the value of Makeham's constant c direct from the exposures and deaths. As stated in the text an exact value of this constant is not very important, and this may be illustrated by reference to the data for ascending premium assurances given in Table X. An approximate value for r may readily be found by a process such as the following, which is in principle analogous to the aggregate method employed by Mr. King in the Text-Book, Part II. Take the values of ju, for the central age of each group in Table X. Reject the initial and final values, as depending upon only two and three deaths respectively. Take the six values for central ages 321 to 57 J, weighted respectively by the factors 1, 3, 5, 5, 3, 1 ; weight the six values for central ages 47 i to 7 2 J, and also for 62| to 87-> in the same manner. We shall then ha-\"e the following totals : .^jH, xl = -0119 M47}xl = -0137 /t62txl = -0340 ^37jx3 = -0345 yii5._,jx3 = -0534 /i67ix3 = -1647 ^42j X 5 = '0655 ;U57iX5 = -1160 ^„tx5 = -3660 /X47i X 5 = 0685 \t^i\y. 5 = '1700 Mm X 5 = '5720 ;u5.,jx3 = -0534 ;U67iX3 = -1647 jU82jx3 = -7540 /i57} X 1 = -0232 ^-.,jxl = -0732 /x87}xl = -3379 Si = -2570 82 = -5910 83 = 2-1286 If the mortality follows Makeham's law, we shall have 8, - S2 1-5376 Oo — fex •3340 = c since 15 years is the interval Ijctwccn the centres of our empirical groups. This gives log c = -0442 nearly. If we take the sum of k2 132 the unweighted values of /x in three groups for ages 32i to 47i, 52^ to 67i, and 721 to 87J, we should obtain in similar manner. 20 _ ^3 — ^5-2 c — •6136 •0797 giving log c = -0443. S.2 — fej We may conclude, therefore, that log c probably lies between •044 and -045. The values of /x for ages 27^ and 92|, which we have omitted in the foregoing, are respectively much below and much above the general curve. If these values had been included duly weighted, we should have obtained a slightly larger value of log c, nearer to -045. If we adopt -045 as an approximate value, we obtain for the values of the constants A and B, by the process described on p. 65, A = ^00950 B- •00003712 We will call this curve (a), the deviations from the adjusted values of 6 in Table X being shown in the Table below. We might Ascending Premium Assurance Experience. Deviations in Computed Deaths for Curves (a) and (f3). Middle Deviations Age Observed Deatlis Computed Deaths —Observed Deaths | of Group corrected as per Table (X) Curve (a) Curve (;8j ] log c = -045 logo = •046 + + 27^ •8 •9 ... 1-0 32i 29-2 3-5 f . • 2-8 ; 37i 102-0 1-8 •2 ; 42i 175-2 . • . 73 5-9 47i 191-7 12-8 130 i 52i 218-6 3-3 ■ . • 2-0 • • • i 57i 228-4 7-3 5-1 • • • 62i 255-4 ■ • • 2-7 • • * 5-2 : 67i 274-4 . . • 24-8 26-5 ! 72i 205-6 12-0 12-0 ... ; -.. 77i 151-5 121 13-6 > . • 1 82i 84-8 > • > 6-6 51 i 87i 22-3 -5 •2 • • • 92i 2-1 ... 1-1 ... 1-1 Sum of deviations 48-4 1 48-3 46-9 46-8 Second sum . . 38-9 37-5 39-3 39-9 Third sum . . 13-7 71-8 31-9 36-9 133 expect from our first rough approximation to log c that a smaller value than -045, say -Oii, would give better results. We find, however, that the third sum of the errors of the (a) curve is negative, and this indicates an increase in the value of log c. Since a higher value of c hollows out the curve at the middle ages, increasing the computed deaths at the extremes of the table, it is clear that the eftect must be to increase the third sum of the graduated deaths. The probalility is therefore, that curve (a) will not be much improved by changing the value of c. If we take the alternative value log c='04:6 we find the deviations from the adjusted values of B in Table X are given for curve (3 on the previous page- There is little to choose between the two graduations, notAdth- standing the smallness of the third sum of the deviations in curve ifS), for against this may be put the fact that the three largest errors in (a) are all increased in (/i). On the whole the curves may be taken as showing that an approximate value of log c is generally sufficient, and that nothing is gained by computing this constant to several places of decimals. It may at first sight appear inconsistent with the general theory to adopt values of the three constants which do not make the third sum vanish ; i.e., the third moment of the graduated and ungraduated figures identical. It must, however, be remembered that the method of least squares (and with it the method of moments) assumes that the form of the curve is known a primi, in which case the method gives the means of determining the most probable values of the constants involved. When, however, we are dealing with a mortality experience, wc have no a priori right to assume that Makcham's law is strictly applicable ; and, if it is not, the deA^ations instead of following the normal law as assumed in the theory of least squares. Mill include systematic dcAaations due to departure from the Makeham law. In these circumstances the method of least squares is not strictly applicable, and we are therefore justified in allowing other considerations to guide us in selection of the constants. We may here note that if the exposures are represented by a fiequency curve, the deaths being recomputed to correspond to the graduated exposures, then the value of logc may, in general, be calculated from the moments of the exposures and of the recomputed deaths. This can readily be done if the exposures are represented 134 by a binomial curve {see Calderon, J.I. A., xxxv, 157/, although precautions must be taken so to group data that the number of terms in the binomial is not great — not more, say, than five or six ; or by the normal frequency curve {see Elderton's Frequency Curves", pp. 98-100); or by the curve y = kx"'e-'<'', where, if Eq, Ej, &c., represent the successive moments for the exposures round the origin, and Oq, Oi, &c., the similar moments of the recomputed deaths, , „ , y-log^C \Ei Eq/ we shall have ' ^^^ = —t= ~ y (h _ Ml VEo E]/ whence, y being known, loggC is easily found. The above relation may be thus demonstrated. The force of mortality at age x is assumed to be of the form A + Bc^ = A + Be"'^"^" = A + Be''^, putting A = loggC. Thus the death curve will be of the form K.hx™e~'*'^ + '^.hx^"'e~^'^~^^^ , where the second term is of the same form as the first with 7 - A substituted for 7. But by the well- known properties of the Gamma integral {see Williamson's "Integral Calculus", Art. 120) we have • y-CO /-Xi Jo zJ whence it is easily seen that, writing E'o, E'l . . . for the moments of kx'"e-^y-^>\ Eo = Eo ^o = AEo + BE' 7-A (7 -A) E,=.Eox^-^^±i (^, = AE,+BEV"^J 7 E, = Eo X ^"' + -^^:^^+^^ e, = AE, + BE'o ^"^ + ^^^^^ + ^> 7 whence ^o^Eo = A + b|-0 =A + B' Eo 6^i-Ei = A + b|-0-^ =A + B'^^ A = B' ^ 7 — A Eo 7 - A 7 - A Ai = B' 7A ^2-^Eo==A + B|-0^^,=A + B'(-^ En (-/ - Ar \y - (7-A)^ Eo (7 - A)"-^ \7 - A so that A -^ Ai 7-A _ 7— ^Qge ' 135 If the exposures, as often happens, can only be represented by a curve of the form y = t<;*(l - ,c)^ (where x represents a propor- tionate part of the range of the curve so that .'■ ranges between and l) and if, as before, we represent the successive moments for exposures and deaths by jiiq, nii, &c., Mq, Mj, &c., where hiq and Mq are made = l, then writing (a+l)-(a + /i + 2)Mi = Eo (a + l)Mi - (a + fi + 2)Mo = Ri it will be found that, putting /• for the range of the curve in years of age, ^ Ro '^"^ (Mo - Ml) - A(;»o - wix) (Mo - Ml, (M3 - Mo) - /i(?»3 - llt.y) from which as the numerical value of all the quantities except loge c and h are known, these two may l)e easily found. This may be shown as follows : — Let the curve of exposed to risk be represented by the type y = l:r-{ 1 _ ,-y where the entire range of the cur\c is taken as unity, and assume k, a, and /3 to be determined in the usual manner. Let the curve of the recomputed deaths be of the form Akx''{l-x)^ + 'BhHl-.r)^>>y'=^Ay + Bz . . . (l) i.e., we assume that — , (log Ix) = A + Be^^ ax As regards the curve :', we shall have log Z = a log;/,- + /i log ( 1 - ./;) + yX dz fa (i dx \x \ -X or, multiplying 1)0th sides by x''^^{l -,/■), (.//+^-.//+'^)t = [«../- (a + iy).V + '+7(./+'-./+^)> . . (2) (IX 136 Integrating the left-hand side of this equation by parts, and noting that the factor {x^'^^ - a:*"*"^) is zero for the limits 1 and 0, Jo .'0 that is (t + '2)m't+i -{f + l)iii't = am't - (a + ft)m,+i + y{mt+\ - ''nt+'i) and {a + t+\)m't-{o. + (i + t + 2)int+i + y{iii^t+i-m't+o}^0 . . (3) there mt represents the /th moment of the curve z round the ordinate ,'■ = 0. If 7 = 0, the curve '; becomes identical with y, and Avriting mt for the t\\\ moment of y round the ordinate x = 0, we have {u. + t+\)iiit-{a. + ft + f + 2)mt+i = .... (4) Write, as before, the total of the exposed =Eo, and of the deaths = d^^, respectively, and represent the total of the exposed multiplied at each age by the factor c'^^ by E'q. Let E< and Ot be the tth. moments of the cur^-e of exposed to risk and of the recomputed deaths, the areas of the curves not being taken as =1, ]>ut having the values Eq and ^o above defined, that is to say, representing the total exposures and the total deaths. And let E'? be the it\\ moment of the curve of exposures multiplied at each age liy v"^'' . Then Ave have ^, = AE, + BE'^ ........ (5) where 9t and E,> are known, but the remaining quantities unknown. From (3) and (4) (a + ^+l)E,-(a + /i4-/ + 2)E,+i=0 (6) and (a + /+l)E;-(« + /:/ + / + 2)E',+i + 7(E'(+i-E',+2) = . (7) Write {a + t + l)et- {o. + li + i + i)et+i = If? , from (5) (a + / + l)(AE, + BEV)-(a + /3 + / + 2)(AE,+i + BE',+i) = K? and from (6) (a + / + 1)BE', - (a + /3 + ^ + 2)BE',+i = E, and from (7) ■ ' By(EV2-E'm) = Rf (8) 137 Since from (5) we have y[(^,+,- ^,+1) - A(E,+o-Em)] = R« • ... (9) writing ^ = and ^ = 1 respectively, we get y[(^,-^i)-A(E2-Ea)]-Ro whence Ei[(^o - ^1) - ACE^ - Ej)] = Ro[(^3 - ^2) - A(E3 - E.,)] and A= 3ii^-2_-Lli)-_^d^^_-^-2) (10) Ki(E2 — El) — RolEa — Eo) also, from (9) ^=^__^-^^^_^ The A'ahie of B cannot he determined directly from these equations as it enters symmetrically with the values of E'^. It is therefore necessary, having found the value of y, to compute the Aalue of E'o and thence deduce B from equation (5). Unless the mortality follows Makeham's law very closely better results will be obtained by calculating both E',, and E'x and obtaining values of A and B satisfying the equations AEo + BE'o-^,1 AEi + BE'i = 6^j 138 Tables of Values of y- JttJ .dx. z y A z y A s y A i •01 •01128 i 1128 •51 •52924 866 1-01 •84681 i 403 •02 •02256 1 1128 •52 •53790 856 1^02 •85084 394 •03 •03384 i 1127 •53 •54646 848 1-03 •85478 387 •04 •04511 i 1126 •54 •55494 838 1-04 •85865 379 •05 •05637 1 1 1125 •55 •56332 830 1^05 •86244 370 •06 •06762 . 1124 •56 •57162 820 1-06 •86614 1 363 •07 •07886 1 1122 •57 •57982 810 107 •86977 356 •08 •09008 1120 •58 •58792 802 1-08 •87333 347 •09 •10128 1118 •59 •59594 792 1-09 •87680 \ 341 •10 •11246 1116 •60 •60386 782 1-10 •88021 332 •11 •12362 1 1114 •61 ■61168 773 1-11 •88353 326 •12 •13476 1111 •62 •61941 764 1-12 •88679 318 •13 •14587 1108 •63 •62705 754 113 •88997 311 •14 •15695 1105 •64 •63459 744 114 •89308 304 •15 •16800 1101 •65 •64203 735 115 •89612 298 •16 •17901 1098 •66 ■64938 725 116 •89910 290 •17 •18999 1094 •67 •65663 715 1-17 •90200 284 •18 •20093 1091 •68 •66378 706 1^18 •90484 278 •19 •21184 1086 •69 ■67084 696 1^19 •90761 270 •20 •22270 1082 •70 ■67780 687 1^20 •91031 265 •21 •23352 1078 •71 ■68467 676 121 •91296 257 •22 •24430 1072 •72 •69143 667 1^22 •91553 252 •23 •25502 1068 •73 •69810 658 1-23 •91805 246 •24 •26570 1063 •74 •70468 648 124 •92051 239 •25 •27633 1057 •75 •71116 638 125 •92290 234 •26 •28690 1052 •76 •71754 629 126 •92524 227 •27 •29742 1046 ■77 •72382 619 127 •92751 222 •28 •30788 1040 •78 ■73001 609 128 •92973 217 •29 ■31828 1035 •79 •73610 600 1^29 •93190 211 •30 •32863 1028 ■80 •74210 590 130 •93401 ■ 205 •31 •33891 1022 •81 ■74800 581 1-31 •93606 201 •32 •34913 1015 •82 •75381 571 132 •93807 195 •33 •35928 1008 •83 •75952 562 133 1 •94002 189 •34 •36936 1002 •84 •76514 553 1^34 •94191 185 •35 •37938 995 •85 •77067 543 135 •94376 180 •36 •38933 988 •86 •77610 534 136 •94556 175 •37 •39921 980 •87 •78144 525 137 •94731 171 •38 •40901 973 •88 : -78669 515 138 •94902 165 •39 •41874 965 •89 1 -79184 507 139 •95067 162 •40 •42839 958 •90 •79691 497 140 •95229 156 •41 •43797 950 •91 1 •80188 489 1-41 , • 95385 153 •42 •44747 942 •92 •80677 ' 479 1-42 •95538 148 •43 •45689 934 •93 •81156 471 143 •95686 144 •44 •46623 925 •94 •81627 462 1^44 •95830 140 •45 •47548 918 •95 •82089 453 145 j ^95970 135 •46 •48466 909 ■96 •82542 445 1^46 ! 96105 132 •47 •49375 900 •97 •82987 436 1^47 •96237 128 •48 •50275 892 •98 ; ^83423 428 1^48 •96365 125 •49 •51167 883 •99 1 ^83851 419 1-49 •96490 121 •50 •52050 874 1-00 •84270 411 150 •96611 117 139 Table 2 f~ of Values of y= ^j-\ e~^.dx — continued. JttJ z ^ A 1 y A 3) I u-1 IV V Skew (p + 2 = l) + a {q-p)a M+1 ma^ 16{p-q)pq (M + i)(w + 2) Skew Limited one way m-1 - - kx e -t-oo ma 2ma^ VI VII VIII Skew Skew Limited oue way («>3) + a + 00 (p+q)a w — 1 «2 I6(p + q)pq («-l)(«-2) Limited one way a (M>3) + 05 a n 4a-' n'{n-l.) n\n — l){n- Skew Un- limited • (» > 3) — 00 + 00 pa n n"(n-l) i Notes :— /3i = /a/-^M/. ^82=^4-^ Ma"' Skewness = (Mean — mode) -h 0), and in Types III, VI, VII and VIII, n must be >3]. M4 3o^ (» + l)(?j + 3) |o^ = 3mo- 3a^ (»-lX»-3) ^pq{2 + n-Qpq) ^ ■- • .. 3 ^1=M3'-^M: (« + 1)(» + 'l){n + 3) 3»»(m + 2)a-* 4(» + l)(;>-g)^ 48^5'(2 + w + 6pj) ^4 (»-l)(7i-2)(«-3) Not required j1 {n-2Ypq 16(»-1) )8a + 3 2 w + 3 3 » + 2 2 > _ 3 V»-3J 2 3 2 »-3 3 n — '2i 2 ^3 2 » + 3 3[2 + (?t-6)^g](» + l) (» + 2)(m + 3)^2 ' 3 n + 2, \^pq ) 3 (negative) 2 3 CO 2 ?j-3 4(m- 1)(p + ?)'- ^ 3[2 + (» + 6)/?7](n-l) | 3 m-2 (» — :i)('*~'^)i'2 I <- 3 2 w — 3 3 » — 2 "3 2 2 M — 3 „2^^?)[(„ + 6)(»2 + ;/=)-8«'^] ^ 16(»-1) V- 3(w-l)[(» + 6)(>r + y-)-8»'^] 3 »-2 -pj— 7 n^(»-l)(»-2X»-3) " (»-2)- 'm-^^- {n-'l){n-Z){n- + v-) \ ^ 2 , > q I 1 Standard Deviation = '^ jj.> = o- . ^gi(/3, + 3) 2(5/3.: -«)3i- 9)' /3,()3.. + 3)2 4(2/32-3/3i-6j(4)8,-3/3i) PRINTED BY CHARLES AND EDWIN LAYTON, 56, FARRINGDON STREET, E.G. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. PJL^^ ' RECT) OCT tCiWIR 131976 Form L9-30m-ll,'58 (.826854)444 AA 000 567 037 t PLEA c -I z o __1 J J