Bxtmamm SYMPHC i { > y GEORCr EGEKi UBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE ^qJL^h^jja^ SYMPHONIES By the Same Author Keynotes. Crown 8vo, 3s 6d . net. Discords. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. net Fantasias. In preparation. Also An English version of Ola Hansson's Young Ofeg's Ditties . Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. net. \ t. . . -JJOffkyCHei/ELlW (J)UNNE^ 'M If SYMPHONIES BY CgEORGE EGERTON , -pseuxC^ % JOHN LANE: THE BODLEY HEAD LONDON AND NEW YORK 1897 o.^. Copyright, 1897, By John Lane. All rights reserved. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson