UC-NRLF B E flDfl E7M J i 1 f i s 1 i k i a Oli ■W^MM^W^WhkWW^M, JJ.L Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/faiththatneverdiOOcurtrich Every Time Tbz^t Tbey Sbeill Instruct tbeir CbiWreo io tbc Cbristizin Doctrine Ao lodulgepce of 0|^ Hundred Dsiys. m <) (T JB y ST. AGNES. St. Agnes, the virgin martyr, overcame the cruelty of the tyrant and the tenderness of her age. She died under the persecution of Diocletian, in the early years of the fourth cen- tury, when only in her thirteenth year, rather than violate the consecration of her virginity to her heavenly spouse. She is usually represented with a lamb, the emblem of inuoceuce, and in her hand the palm of martyrdom. ST. BUUNARD. St. Bernard, of Clairvaux, the prodigy and great ornament of the eleventh century, was born in 1091, near Dijon, France, of a noble family. From his very birth, his mother conse- crated him to the service of God. He became the oracle of the Church and the reformer of discipline^ and his pious and learned writings still instruct the devout and edify all. sr. Ti;iti:s.v. Of the holy women whose names are enshrined in the Calendar of Saints, there are few, if any, more remarkable than St. Teresa. She was born in Castile, Spain, 1515. Her won- derful success in her enterprises undertaken for the divine honor she attributed to the divine light and aid she received by the spirit of holy pi-ayer. Her Life, written by herself, is held in high esteem. ST. ALOYSIVS, OR I.OUIS OF GONZAGA. St. Aloysius was born in Brescia, Italy, in 1568. Having resigned his title and patrimony in favor of his brother, he entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus, and died in his twenty-fourth year. His favorite devotion was contemplation of the sufferings of our Lord, with crucifix in hand. The cord of self-chastisement and the rosary were his companions in. life, and the crown at his feet his reward after death. THE Faith That Never Dies OR THE PRIEST OF GOD IN THE CATHOLIC HOME How to Live an Meal Gbristlan Life as a True Follower of Gbrist COMPRISING INSXRUCTIONS AND DKVOTIONS IN The Holy Catholic Faith With Glorious Lessons from the Light of the Cross FROM THE PENS OF MONSEIGNEUR DE S^GUR, THOMAS A KEMPIS REV. JOSEPH DEHARBE, SJ., AND "A MONK OF THE ORDER OF SAINT BENEDICT" —PREFACED WITH AN ADDRESS BY— Arehbishop Feehan on the Catholic Education of Youth THE WHOLE WRITTEN IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF The Catholic Child at Mother's Knee The Catholic Youth in the Steps of Jesus and The Catholic Parent in Defense of the Faith Published with the Approval of Many Dignitaries of the Church, CATHOLIC BOOK AND PICTURE COMPANY NEW YORK AND CHICAGO D LOAN STACK Co ?atl)er$ and iKotfters. HE heart of a child is as wax, capable of receiving any impression, good or bad ; it is as plain white linen, upon which all colors may be stamped. It is to parents that God has intrusted the care of impressing on these young, pure hearts all true and virtuous feelings — those first impres- sions which are never completely effaced. If they are careful to inculcate in their children the sentiment of duty, the love and fear of God, a horror of sin, and the necessity of religion, they lay the foundation of the future happiness of these little ones whom the providence of God has confided to their care. 9 9*9 How often the sorrow and trouble by which fathers and mothers are over- whelmed toward the close of their lives is trouble which they have entirely brought upon themselves ! They reap what they have sown by their neglect, their want of faith, and by the few good examples with which they surrounded the early youth of their son, or of their daughter. But, on the other hand, how happy and peaceful are the closing years of life to the father and mother who have spent their days in one lifelong endeavor to make their children true and earnest Christians I They, too, shall reap what they have sown ; fruits of peace and joy and love, of which death itself shall not be able to deprive them, and which shall follow them even unto the bosom of their God. — From Monseigneur De SSgur. Copyrighted, 1900, by J. C. Cubtin. Notice.— This book is not for sale in book-stores, and can only be obtained through authorized agents at the published price. C32 3Kicir»i^l ^jw^wsitinusj Dei ef Apostolicae ^^ Sedis Gratia SOLIO PONTIFICIO A88I8TEN8 ^~y>^^^-yt.- Bishop of Natchez t It seems to present a variety of good reading in doctrinal and plooS matters, and the illustrations appear very good, unusually so. . . . Thanking you, and wishing you every success, Yours faithfully, gg T. HESI/IN. From the Right Rev« Bishop of Cleveland : The compilation is good. De S^gur's works I know well, having read them in the original years ago. Truly yours, ® IGN. F. HORSTMANN. From the Right "Rev* Bishop of Vheeling: I was pleased with it, and think and hope that it will accomplish good. May it have a large circulation. ■Yours faithfully in Christ, 88 p. J. DONAHUE. From the Right Rev* Bishop of Lotiisvillet For the young it will be an instructive supplementary, so to say, to their Catechism and First Communion exercises ; for adults it helps to bring back vividly before their minds what they have forgotten of sound Catholic doctrine, and thus serve to renew in their hearts principles, which should never be allowed to be long absent from the memory, — and in some sense disappear from Catholic life and practice. Blending, as the work does, so easily and so naturally instructions on the Sacraments, the Commandments, short Lives of the Saints, extracts from Thomas k Kempis and bits of Church History, it forms a Compendium of useful reading which, it could be wished, might, find a place in every Catholic household. ® W. G. McCLOSKBY. From the Right Rev« Bishop of Leavenwor th» Kansas t I must say that it is a beautiful book, serviceable to both priest and layman, which cannot be read without great spiritual benefit and great pleasure, and I most heartily recommend it to the priests and people of my diocese. Yours very respectfully, 88 ly. N. FINK. From the Right Rev« Bishop of Davenpof t» Iowa s I consider it an excellent work for popular use, and would like to see it in every Catholic family in the diocese. I remain very sincerely yours, 88 HENRY COSGROVE. From the Right Rev* Bishop of Wichita» Kansas t From a glance at the volume and considering the well known merits of the works of Abbe De S^gur, I am confident it will be a welcome visitor in many families. I fuUy recommend the book. Sincerely yours, gg JOHN J. HENNESSY. Ffom the Diocese of London^ Ontar io : It is full of most important matter, beautifully presented. I take very much pleasure in subscribing for it, as I believe this work should be in the library of every priest as well as found in every Catholic family of this country. Yours most respectfully, St. Peter's Palace, London, Ontario. REV. M. J. BRADY. From the Right Rev« Vicar Apostolic of North Carolina i ^ J^ ^ The volume forms a very useful little library in itself, and deserves to be recommended to all who desire to know something of Catholic doctrine and practice. Wishing you a very extended sale, I am, sincerely yours, )5( LEO HAID, O. S. B. From the Very Rev, President of Augostin- ian College of St» Thomas of Villannoa: . . . I believe it will be most acceptable to all concerned, and should have a large circulation. Yours ver)' gratefully, L. A. DELUREY, O. S. A. From the Right Rev* Bishop of San Antonio t The Right Rev. Bishop of San Antonio lays on me the pleasant duty of returning you his most sincere thanks for the work you were so kind to send him. His Lordship prays to Almighty God that He may bless and reward the generous endeavor you make to spread the wholesome Truth. Yours very sincerely, J. B. E. AUDET, Chancellor. From the Most Rev» Archbishop of Toronto : . . . Your late publication is a very important work, and calcu- lated to do a great deal of good. . . . With best wishes. Yours very truly, ® JOHN WALSH. From the Right Rev* Bishop of Sacramento ; It is a very useful and comprehensive work and must be very profit- able among the people. Yours sincerely, © THOMAS GRAU. From the Right Rev. Bishop of Duluth ; I can certainly recommend so excellent a work for family reading. I hope that the practical instructions contained in the book may become ■widely known to all our people. Yours sincerely, 88 JAMES McGOLRICK. PREFACE. «